The Billboard 1914-10-10: Vol 26 Iss 41


Transcript of The Billboard 1914-10-10: Vol 26 Iss 41

2 X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.


D« you want a llfo-ia«ln( chair? Do you want a apaoc-tavlni

chair? Do you want a aanitary chair? Do you want a aalontifically

hullt. double itandard chair?

We otxrate Uin Largcnt Kielualro Thialir ('lialr Karlury In the world and 8?XL I)IK?>T TO you.


MANUFACTURING CO. -Canal Dover. Ohio. U. S. A.

VoLi Save ^4oney In both the purrhane price and In rrHaht, hy biutni our




We carry a larfe atorh. aiid can ahtp Iniawdlairly.

Several luU at Second- Hand C?iaira for aale at coprrially low pricea. Alao aeatlnc for out- uf-door uae. Addriaa l>epL B,

STEEL FURNITURE COMPANY Grand Rapids, Mich. New Vnrli Oflice: 150 FTfUi Aretiue.

THEATRE SUPPLIES Opeea and Foldlnc Chalra cF all klnda. We are Job- bera for all leading maken ITcture Machlnea, Iron BooOia that paaa Inapectlon, t'urtalna and all other Acomnories. ALWAYS SOMB GOOD BABOAINS ON liANIi. Largeet Kxclualve Supply Houae went lA I aaI MM i m > t


5M Cheatnut Street, ST. LOUIS. MO.

Opera Chairs Qualltjo TV(irfcmanAhip and piompt dellTerles are our Uinti watoh words.

Peter & Volz Co. Manufacturera.


WANTED TO BUY A Seeimd-haiid Tliree-Abreast Jumping-Uone Carou ael: glre full perilcularn. maker'* neme, etc. Ad dree* A. C. STAOKK. Weilsrille. N. Y.


Acenuiit of Banium A Bailey'* Show closing. Ex pnieiiml In all line*. Aildrena a* per route, J(>- BFIPH M. OOKBEIA, care The Billboard, Cincln natl, Ohio.

A.X LIBERXY A pood all-round Singing and Talking CVwnedlan. 1 do Irlflh. lluti-h, blaekfaee and eccentric apeclalttca, put on act*; change for two week*; anber and reliable inuiU have tleket. BEKT E. UL’lkSOX, Beat 441 Menomonle, WU.

AT LIBERTY^AS. SHKuPsHIRK ANI> WIFE, for (Treu* .side Sliow: Ihiiicli. magic. lecturea and make opiviiiigv: wife Rtrong mindriwding act. Can take charge, hai die and manage aide show. Addree* General Itellvery. St. Loul*. Ma

- AT LIBERTY - Sketeli Tiwm, double* and aliiglea; rhange for week coinid.T or »traJg)it In act*. I.*dy piano: man dai cvr: '>oth double band. Addrtiw SKET<"H TEAli Orelilental Hotel, Indianapoii*. Ind.

AT LIBERTY, OCT. 12th. Jim League, Singing and Hai.eliig Iriah rnmedlan Oiaiige for week. I'p In all act*. Can loin any wlnre. Aatwer quick. Addma Itonovan. Ill.; then t'hi'-ago. 111.


PIANIST—AGENT Ik years' exp.rienee. Ihm rea.l mu«le. I'list-e;*** faker. Agi-nt. a awl live vrlav Will get you the buslntw*. Need ticket. It all M. C. H.WllEN'. 564 King .\Te., linlianapn 11*. Ind.

Large Stock Prompt Deliveries

THEATRE SEATING See Our Illustrated Books

S-1, Upholstered Seating S-2, Veneer Seating Ask for your copy and send floor sketch for

Free Seating Plan

i (merican Seating Compariy ■‘H'or/rf's IxirgrHt .Wnnu.tiirfurrr* o.Ft>l<era Chair*"

14 C. Jackson, cor. Slat* St.. Chicago 15 E. 32d Street, New York





Industrial Exposition and

—Silk Style Show-


MCCHANICSBURG. P«fulatl«a. 5.0M. J J. MllJeKISKN. ManMiT.

Frtnkltn Hall: o«pAt*itjr 6iMA: ftOace. Klctit mlla* MHjth of HarrlAburc. (ttuxt town for fomt Umwa M KoAk )ump4 brtukrro litutiurf and l*hlladrlphlA.

MANTY GLO. PakuUtiMM. S.OM. TIIOA. HoOFXaN* klaiiMrr.

N. M. U*. of A. (ipsTt Hou4r. CStiod atlrictlofii of til kiiMlg wiiitrU. Write for opro tUnr.

rOWER CITY. Drawlitt P«»«latUR. S.Mi. W J. HKNRY, tHriirr and MAitafrf.

Htar Thratrf. (^parlt), iiood ata«r and •crtirrr. nre lartr dretalnf nkma, attain heAt and rlertrtr llfht. We mint food iMie-nifht ataruta and fft>rrtt.ire atiM'k companlra. SS mllra frnui Potia- rllle, pa.* and abort iumpn to other foml ahow towna


Col. Francis Ferari Shows —UNITED—

FURNISH ALL ATTRACTIONS .Auspices Lambs Cluii. Another L'tiea for you. Bi>i industrial para<le evt ry day. Can place a liinitetl number of liiirh-class shows and concessions for this and balance of season. This affair hilled all over the State and will he the biggest thing pulled off in New Jersey in years. Address

COL. FERAKl, Manager, Blnumsbur^, Pa., week October 3, or G. S. COLEMAN, General A|{ent. Manhattan Hotel, Paterson, N. J.

SPEARMINT GUM Sell* 5 [Mc-iLv ■ dim* It Fair*, rtc W* •ell It to I'WI ■t le per park. HtlKMtrr tll'M SHiU*. tTnrin k I

PLl .SH DKGP.S, CHEAP ' New Ind leruiid-hind, ill enter* Ind aluw. Rhot. d'jibindlng; muat aeU. Write or wire L.4lil> SMITH, M4 W«U 46th St.. .New York (Tty.

EUGENE MASSEY We hiT9 written often ind letter* return. 1*4 ui know wlirrw to write. LE.N-t>X BBtrS.. Kanaa* LTty. Ul*»ourl

2S« LETTERHEADS. tl-M Hllftone, T5c; M.uith’* l>iie*. 7x31. t? SO; S.OOS BllU. 4t*xis, 13.35. etc. KtrE, Art PrinUr, Weld- min. Mieli.


Piano Player, Novelty Man Both to work acta; Cook, otherwtae uaeful. Othm

write. I*Trferrnoe to thoae doubling. Tell all BraL

Yeir-round nr, nnvaa, vaudcrille ahow. li.LRRT

KEV>UIUH;e. EalkTlIle. Ala.

WANTED QUICK FOR REPERTOIRE—Tall Jure- nil* Man, t\imevUan with atrong aperialtie*; Singing and Itanrlng S.Hibtritr, not over 5 ft. 3 In., who ran handle Ingenue!: tTiaraeier and General BiudneM Men with apev-ialtln, ITano Player. Full partleulnw and k>we*t aalary tpay own) Brat letter, and bu ready to Join on wire. Addnwa C'ARl-rW-KlSG.STON tX>., Gilman. lU.


Macon, Missouri, October 12-17 DAY AND NIGHT—ALL FREE ON STREETS $2,500.00 spent for Free AttracUons. Adrertiaad for one hundred mile*. Big rrop*. FXmbody working.

ConoeBalona of *11 kind*. No rxelualve*. Addre** L, C. CHILTON, Mao**. M*.

WANTFD—Single and iKMjble Jledleine I*erfi>rm,Ta that play plaira; t\>median that plait banjo or gu- Ur. Join quick. D.tSIlINGTiiN' SHOW. Pig.w losr, la. Wanted—Good Klim. Have Him fnc aak.

WANTED - For J. E. Biine'a .No. 2 Med. Show, Sketch Team. Hlaokfaee. S. and U. t'ometllao. Lec¬ turer. Real Med. Show People. All on per cent. 1 pay traiiap«natk>n after lutnlng. You pay your own hotel. Show open, GcL 13. J. E. BU.NK. R. R. .No. 6. Xenia, tHIa

WANTED ITano ITayer that reada and fK .Novelty Act: tingle Mualeal Act. Othera w. H?rvRY 1 BKOWX. U B. 532. COrydon. lo*



ITie company oonalat* of Mra. Ully Belle Alken't Three-Abre«at Carou-tel, Veal's Eli Fecria Wheel, Rag- land'a Mlnirtrel and three other Show*, and ITvif. Sotsf* High IHve. GAS n-AlTv gorvil Seren-tn-llnr or Platform Show. Oook Houae and all Wheels open. Wire or write VEAL A RAGLAND, M***tars, Sturgia, Ky., week OeiotMr 5: Central CHy. Ky., •« mai* atrecta. w*«k Oet. 12; Ruaarilvllle. Ky., •« atrwcla. auapie** Butlnea* Me*, week Oct. 19; Fraakll*. T***., •« mai* atreata, autploe* Ma*e«le Ladg*. week Oct. 2f. ?>neat Callaaay (nd Ben Ragen, wire: good propoaltlon. Will send Ucketa to reliable PlaiiiaUon I'eopla Waller and Dan lleerlng. wire.

MOBERLY (MISSOURI) FAU FESTIVAL Auspices Commercial Y.lks’ Club, Oct. 19-24. Concession Men, this will he your biggest of the season. .\tl<lre8s J. M. JOHN.SON, Moberly, Mo.

Wanted, Concessions of All Kinds for WILMINGTON (OHIO) CORN SHOW, OCTOBER IS. 16, 17.

WANT Motordrome, Trip to Mars, aiao a few giHwl Siiowa on prmaiiagr. 4u.tHM) people raatantred. If you have got the good*, you will get the numey. Address

FRANK MURPHY, Seeratary, Wllialafton. Otila.

L.\I)Y GYMNAST MAMED* Young Lady Trapeae Gymnast, one that ea rings or tingle trapeae, for sUndard and reco, Aerial Act. State all in Brat Irtter. age, h -t- f, weight, aalary. and send photo. Addrev M. FLOREZ, can Billboard, Claelaaatl, 0.


A GOOD SINGING CLOWN For Indoor fTrru*. Muat be a real clown. At J. J. KVA.NR. Maaaillon. O.


HANTKI)-II. T. PF.GPLE mrinri. Baritone. Trombone and Tube. All to double stasF and orrhrstra. Woman for Togaiy and Ophelia, with aperialtles. (Tilld for Eva. Pull par- Urular* and lowest In Brat letter. W, J. iLKSH- KlEIJv. Honoean, III.

WANTED—?'or TV>pie* of 1914, (Tiaracter (Y>medl*.i or Juvenile Man, ipvrialUra, to put uvi small num- beri; iTkhu* t.lrU. Answer quick. Op<n Octotwr 19th: state lowest, pay own Join on wlr*. Kl'S- HIUJ. CILtNKK. Y 442. Saginaw. Mlih.

WANTED QUICK Hliifflnt and lUniSni rompilian, f<it ■pcvdiltlm miljr; KimhI Hktifdi Ti'hin. with BtrtNig mififlr*; gotHi (IcviiTlI ItunliiPHA AHfir all: miut ><9|n quick. Ad- Ilrew* lO\ <*AHKutJ.'!4 TK.\ NHallTH Oil.. IUmlc«- burg. (NH. 7: Tutitipltnn, 8; Klngwood. 9; all *ii Wewt Virginia.


G«< Uie Gn'ttrat Kuti-PnMlucing and Money Makliig AniUM««ni*iit iK-rice for aMKi 1915.

“THE GIGGLER” will get the motiiT for you. Intenried palle* write or oaU. THE WM H. (»?>TERI.E AMI'.SFUIIEXT ett . INC.. Xorih Itcarh. L. I.


HARDIN3 AMUSEMENT CO. TTirre more moner-grtUng Showa (no cooche) ai.d a few Gonceaaloiia (hat don't cnnfllcL Joints, knorkers, tiouble makiTS, save aUmpa; you won't last Goti.g South Iron't write, wire

SLIM (C. R.) HARDING, Manager, Larimar, Iowa. Oetaber S-IS.

Wanted-Sketch Team thie to play piano. Others write. I>B. V. RHARP- KTEI.N. Aahley. Mleh.

NEW HOOP-LA GAME-'THK SIIJv S-nx-KING tllKIJt" Hlg wviaatlin. for 1915 Get It now. Three Bathing IWautle*. with perfeetly forme,! llm'ra. rlad In allk storking*. Thnwr hnups ov.t the feet. Give allk *lt» king* or any prlge. Great game hr famlval I'onipanl,*. ImVwr F'llra, ete. flreular free J M. XAl'GH'nr.N tt*.. ILMel Mayer Bidy.. Iriria. III.

VEEOERSBURG (IND.) PRODUCT SHOW. Octabar 28, 29. M and a.i

f'.iV. I. rlcaii I’ay SI <ora and < - . . ;.s wante<1. Writ, at iitire C RKIII V.4V 1>K\ FNTl'.k. Srwetar,'.

.SLOl MYC.HIYKS t^sraiiw Bells. 115 t’«l..nei Gum V^d-r*.

Ball. $1)1; KIkv. S' : r ;hrr. il..*p Selling t.; \V Norri* St.. Pblla , Pi.

Wanted Minstrels ^ AT* ALL TIMES

W|;i make mnm for A-1 Colored PcrfoptncpA. Joo lie*, wire. Hifwr doubling H. A O, prrfprrH. WANT gYNid Kowi <'aii4tAmAn. Krank and Karah Hutchinson, aimwer quirk. K^mtc: TaacwHl. Va.. tKiober 510* Newport, Teem., 12-15: Camden, H. C., 19-22; permanent addma. lOK Niagara Rt., Niagara Falla. N. T.

BAND AT LIBERTY The Wst 12 piece band in llie business. This sejLson with Voiiiiff UulTalo Shows. Just closed with Wyorninff itill Show. Cood library of music and can play it. Addrns, W. H. BOWERS, Band Matter, Lancaster, Mo. ‘

FOR SALE—SMALL HORSE Bllrk mare. 4 year* nhl, 3ii Itichea, $100; Blark Slallliai, alHwl same age. $;5.ihi: 2K Inches lilgti. PLIUSANT VIEW STiM'K KAH.M. C.wlland. fhlo.

* 1

SIDE SHOW WAX FIGURES For Anatotny Shows. Mr,llral ,ie T)-n-ln-t)ne 8h va A tiMiisand dllTefWit aubjeria, dirt rheap Also «u- riositles. with paintings. I'rlre list free. THE NKL- SI>N SI I'PLY IlDl HE. 514 K 4th m.. ItiHith Boa- nall, t>hln.

FOR SALE (hie extra large giant Hlieauv Monkey, male. Sin igi; on* pair half grown l*iprr Wolvea, tame, $IN 00; small IUie>us. BIngtall*. Java kln'ikiy*. Hash with (ir)l<'n>. .NilllTH BHdTHKHS. Animal Dralrra, Paris, T< xaa

FOR SALE s<nier*ault. Bnxlna. HIgli IHvlng Trtek lows and Inw,-. W<Hklna Worhl. two klevry-Go ILMinila. klasir Tahlea. Will rxehange or liuv ITInia itr I'nniy Martilnr*. PKitK. H.4HHY F Grata. Pa

AT LIBERTY. Til* original Mapih I»e Varro- and Wife sketrh artts'a, 1361 .N. l><wrlN>ni Street, lie liiiUana.

Volume XXVI. CINCINNATI, OCTOBER 10. 1914 Number 41


General Exodus of Shows and Theaters From Progressive

to Columbia—Progressives State Attempt Will Be

Made at Reorganization

Nrw York. 0<t. 5.—Tlie dUruiition of the rr<it:reii«<lve Circuit b<* been made aliiioiit com¬ plete t>7 the actlrities of theater and cimipanj n.anagera In rllnitdnjt into the IVIumhia band- aaicoii Sunday and Mondv. There were creat actiTitlea in the CVdiinibla headquartera today, tieoeral .Manager Scribner tieink buay aigniuk LP aliowa anil deallnic with houae manaftera. On

the contrary tlie I'p'greaalTe headquartera, in the TImea Rulldink. were practically deaerted. It waa aaid at the rrogreaaive oOlce that erery effort poaalble wrill be made to re<irkanixe the I rorreaalTe arrangement, but they hare aereral n ore aliowa than they have hviuaea, and there l> a general feeling tliat the newa flrat publlaheil

In laat week'a KHIboard w-ould And ultimate conaummatinn In the utter dlaorkanizatioo of the ppigreaaive Circuit.

Thicago Oct. B.—The American Mualo Hall dark thia week, and there will be no more treaalve burleai)ne ahowa preaented at that •. Through an arrangement with the Shu-

the ProgreavlTe people have been alloweil t their lease lapae.

■v.w Orleena, Oct. .B.—Thla la the laat week of vMumhia Annex ahowa in New Orleana, the

vheel burli'oque being withdrawn after next

.■tati d.iy nlglit. Octotier 10. Laat Saturday nl"' : the Columbia Annex ahowa ended their ' aeaaon in Atlanta. Birmingham. Memphis

. oNashrllle. where they have been appearing li. the Jake W’ella bouses.

New York. Oct. 5.—Ten aliowa have signed agre-ments with the Columbia people to take up their b'lir today. These companies are sup¬ posed to have been selecteil as the beat or-


Jamaica. L. L, 0<-t. 4.—Through unknown cauaea a Are broke out In the atructure which

boused Jewell's Manikins at St. Mary's Circus and Fair here tislay. resulting In the-complete

destruction of the entire show—scenery. Agurew and paraphernalia. All elTorta fo subdue the Aame* were In rain, a mass of cinders teing all that was left of the proiluctlon. the value of which la placed at $10,000.


Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. A.—While en route from Holton. Kan., to Nevada. Mo., two of the middle cars of the C. A. Wortham Shows train were deratleil Sunday afternoon alS'Ut three o'c>ick. when the train waa awitcheil In tl<e yards In Kaat Bottoms, this city. Tlie switch la eame way or other split, thus causing the de Yali nent.

Aalsiard the train, consisting of thirty cars, were some f<Mir hundred pe<qde. one hundred and seven horses and seven Ilona and elephants. As far as could he learned only six of the show folk were Injureil. but n«t aertonaly. However, the others were badly shaken up

Tlmse Injured were Hay O, Sellers. IS, mo tordrome rider, of Jerico Springs. Mo., right leg fractured at ankle: John Horan, 31. «»f AprlngAeld, Mo., spritlned back and p«ais|ble

gauizMtiona In the Progressive Wheel, and bouse nian.igers whi have been playing Progressive attriictl.ins are bringing their theaters into the Columbia Whe<-1 to take care of the increased number of stiovva. There will be several of the Culiimhli Annex organlzatioAs thrown out of the whi^I, and the shows coming over from the Prcgresalves will All the new layout of attrac¬

tions <vben readjustment of routings are made. There waa too much doing at the Columbia headquarters ftr The Billboard man Ui get more than a bri^f converse witli General Manager Sam Scribner, and it was similarly impossible to get a complete list of the locations this week for the Progressive shows that have transferred to the Columbia. However, the list of com¬ panies that have signed agreements include Cahler'a High Life Girls, Williams’ Moorish .Maids, Taykir's Tango Girls, The Otiarming Widows. The .Mischief Makers. September Morning Glories. Tom Sullivan's Monte Carlo Girls ami two more companies. Manager Stair, of Toronto, and L. M. Crawford, of St. Louis, are In town tixlay for the presumed purpose of annexing their house-s in Toronto and St. Louis to the Columbia situation. Tlie Garden Theater, Buffalo, has been taken over by the Colombia m-ople. and the Cadillac, Detroit, also comes in nndcr the new deal, along with the Engle¬ wood, Chicago; the Sta', St. Paul, and Hay- market. Chicago. In Cleveland. Drew A Camp¬ bell have made a deal with the Progressive honae manage;a there to run burlesque In I.evey .V FItzgerold’s Fnipire and Drew A CamiibeU's Star, turning over the Grand to dramatic stock. This straightens out a bad situation for the Co- Innihla magnates. The Savoy. Hamilbin. Is another I'rogressive house turning to the Co-

I lumbla. haring signed agreements.

fracture of right ankle: Thos. Thrasher, 19, of I'rbana, 111., back and left ankle sprained, as well as cuts about the face; George A. Smith, 21, of Emporia. Kan., back Injured; Chas. Brady, 2»’>. painter, of Detroit, Mloh., bruises about face and both knees Injureil; Albert B. Cole. .T7. of Tulsa. Ok., multiple bruises and abrasions of face and right arm. The Injured were rushed to the General Hospital.


II. B. Whittaker, theatrtcal man. residing in Mt. Clemena, Mich., for the past twenty-Ave years, died at his home September 27. He was formerly manager of the Country Kid Company,

and later starred .Arthur Nelson In The Gorvern- or's Panlon. He was, for a while, manager of

the Folly Theater In Detroit.


Omaha, Oct. .1.—In two of the greatest Aights of his career. I.lnc.dn Beachey today thrillevl the largest crowd ever assi'mbled in Omaha

t.i partic'pvte In the annual Ak Sar-Ben Carni¬ val. Beachey was forced to take chances such as are seldom met with. He Ino;>ed the loop and ffew upside down right over the heart of the city, fully two miles from the nearest landing plai'e. Had his motor gone dead, the aviator would have been pr<<sente<l with an al¬

most insurmountable hazard In effecting a de- sis'iif. as bis loops were made so low that he could not (lossibly have volplaned to a safe sjsd. The .Ak Sar-Ben Aights marked Beachey's last appearance in the East for some time, as he goes directly from here to Denver. Beachey will make a hurried tour to the Coast before

coming back as the big feature of the Texas

State Fair at Dallas.


New Y’ork, Oct. 3.—Two established Broad¬ way tlieaters announce radical departures from

previous p<dicias, the New York having been leased by A1 H. Wotsis tor dollar dramatic at¬ tractions and the Broadway coming under new management for vaudeville and pictures.

Manager Wood announces a line of popular stars, with $1 the top price for the New Y'ork. starting October 19 with John Mason in Big

Jim Garrity. Tonight the Broadway o|>ens, after thorough

overhauling and repairing, with nine acts and two feature pictures. The shows will be booked

Independently through the Broadway Booking Office, a newly formed corporation, which oper¬ ates sin conjunction with the house manage¬

ment. Jules E. Aronson Is the bouse manager, and

Billy Kerngood will direct a ten-piece orches¬

tra. The opening hill, which gets umler way at 8 o'clock this evening. Includes the Bach¬ elor Dinner. Weber and Elliott, Five Violin Beauties, Paul LaCrolx. Dillon Schollard Opera Trio. Fern, Bigelow and Meehan, Capital City Four, Dugan and Raymond and Dancing Defe-



New Y'ork, Oct. 3.—The New York Centre of the Drama League of America has announce*! that the Arst conference of the season will be held at the Berkeley Institute, of Brooklyn, on

the afternoon of October 20. Dr. White Calla¬ han. of the Berkeley Institute, will preside, and the subject that will be discussed will be .Amateur Dramatics. The Rev. Prichard, of Mount Kinco. will t^eak on amateur pla.vs and play-acting In England; Miss Alice Lewlsohn will read a paper on the artistic note In ama¬ teur dramatic work, and Franklin H. Sargent, president of the American Academy of Dramatic .Art. will discuss the educational value of amateur dramatics.

While the conference Is Intended primarily for members of the Drama League, the public

will be admitted.


New Y'ork. Oct. 3.—Henry E. IMxey has been engaged to play Malvollo In the Llebler pro¬ duction of Twelfth Night, in which Phyllis Neilson-Terry will make her American dehut.


New York, Oct. 3.—The annual election and meeting of'ihe Lambs' Club will take place

on October 15. For the office of shepherd, William Courtleigh has been renominated on the regular ti jj. Ills running mates are: Corresponding Secretary, Charlee Emerson Cook;

Reconllng Secretary, Leo Ditrlchsteln; Treas¬ urer, Hartwig Nathaniel Baruch, and Librarian, Robert Mackay. For members of the council there have been placed In nomination DIgby Bell, Frank M. Case and John Miltern, with

John Emerson to All George V. Hobart's nnex-

pired term. .At this time only the regular ticket Is In

the Acid, but it is certain that there will be opposition. .At this meeting John Philip Sousa

and Henry C. Barnabee will be rvfommcmled for election to honorary membership.


Washington, Oct. 3.—Tlie Finance Committee of the Senate, having in charge the proposed war tax bill, has decided to be*-d the protests from thousands of theater managers from every section of the country, and the bill when re¬

ported out will embody as a component part, a graduated tax, as follows;

-A tax of $2.‘> annually on theaters up to 300 seating c.vpacit.v.

-A tax of l.'at annually on theaters seating 300 to 600.

A tax of $T5 annually on theaters seating raio to 1,000.

-A tax of $100 annually on theaters seating over 1,000.

The bill as pass*‘d by the Hrmse provided I that all theaters should pay an aunual tax of

$I0fl. regarilless of the size of the playhouse. The United .Managers' Protective .4ss,>clatlon

of New Y’ork and tlie .Motion Picture Exhibit¬ ors' League of .America, through President Marion A. Pearce, were particularly active in

their efforts against the bill in its original form.


New Y’ork, Oct. 2.—At a meeting held Thurs¬ day a number of the beads of leading motion picture concerns were elected to membership

in the Unlte<l .Managers' Protective Association and the fcdlowing placed msm the Board of Directors; J. Stuart Blackton, President Y’ita- graph Company; P, J. Kennedy, Preshlent Bio¬ graph Company and also President General Film Cfunpany; Adolph Zukor, President Fa¬ mous Players Company; P, A. Powers. Presi¬ dent Warner’s Feature Film Company; George Klelne, President Klelne ilotion iffeture Film Company; Harry R. Raver, President All-Star Feature Corporation; Samuel Long, President Kalem Company; E. H. Wilson, First Vice-presi¬ dent TYiomas E. Edisoa Company; William Selig of the Sclig Polyscope Company; Jesse L.

Lasky, President Lasky Feature Photoplay evompany; Sigmund Jaibin, Tresident LuHn Film Manufacturing Company, and Carl Laem- Film Manufacturing Co., and Carl Tjiemmla of the Universal Film Manufacturing Co.

The object of admitting Aim men to mem¬ bership was to present a united front of amuse¬ ment caterers in opposition to the proposed war tax bill in its present form.

.A committee representing the managers win appear before the Senate committee which now has the bill nmler consideration.


Hackensack. N. J., Oct. 1.—Mrs. Alice L. Seaton, actress, who was accused of murdering

her actor-kusband. Frederick R. Seaton, was yesterday acquitted in the Hackensack court, Mr. Seaton was found shot to death in his home in Elm avenue, Bogota, a suburb of Hacken¬ sack, on August 13. and bis wife was charged with the murder.


Fhirce comedy and vaudeville at popular pric»‘s has been discontinued at People's Thea¬ ter, Cincinnati, by the Heuck boys, and moving pictures will henceforth be the poilcy. Harry Hart, manager of the I,yceum Theater, recently

conceived the idea of dividing shows each week with People’s, and the Heucks consenteil to the arrangement. Hart will continue the policy at the Lyceum. Y’era DeVere and her stock players, with vaudeville entertainers, will bs

on the program.


Baltimore. Oct. 3.—John. T. Ford of Ford’s Opera House, well known in the theatrical Aeld, has bet-n elected a inemWr of tlie First BrancI City Council.

THIS ISSUE OF THE BILLBOARD IS 40,000 COPIES Increase over correspondinj; week of last year 1,500 copies.

LAW OF THE LAND. ilr«>n till* iu>i«<>D ha* lir<iuiclit fortb. lo tlicM

(tenonal rouclualona tlirn- It but uue qurttloD advaD(v4: Wbat la tlirrr In the |>lay or Ita acting that tlitll rcll theater tlckcta?

Tima will tell.—WAI.TIIIIX.


LAW OK TilK LAND -Melodrama, In four acta, by Ueorge Uradburat. from aoenario by an aiKHiymour autlH>r. Forty eighth Street Theater, September 30, 1014.


Arthur Brockland.George Graham

Chetw(»<d .Harry Llllford Robert Harding.Charlea l.«ne Mra. Hinling.Julia Dean GeofTn-j Moitui .Milton Sllla

Rennie .Master Macomber Dr. Whlttrldge.Jamea Seeley Hurlburt .Ethel Wright Kollce Captain Prltchanl.Walter Craven Policeman Burnt.Thomaa Gunn IVillceniaa Taylor.Harry Uldrldge InaiHH-tor Cwhrane.George Fawcett

New Yv>rk Oct. 1.—Tlila being a bad date for pnvgnotticatlng. there ahall be do giieaa made here at to Ih>w long George Broadbnrat'a

tXyXRBQFENCEB A conie«ly In tl>ree acta, by

II. F, Uubenateln. At the Comedy Thea¬ ter, New York.

The Tide of Legitimate Productions That Promise To Please Shows No Indications of an Early Ebb—Chicago Ex¬

periences No Changes in Its Dramatic Countenance THE CAST.

Rotallnd Collint . Freddie Flncbmar .. Mra. Colllna. Mr. CoUlna.

Benjamin IJptkl. Bernard lipakl. G lady a UpakI. Mr. UpakI.

Mra. UpakI.

Sew York, Oct. 2.—Conaeqnencea bronabt a new playwright Into conaequence last night at the Ctvmedy Theater. Indeetl, H. F. Kubenateln, the author, la willing admltte<l to the clTle. He la an EDgllabma;i of the Bernard Shaw acbool. that dlveata blmtelf of aome clever

phlloaopfay on the race qneatlon, ami handlea

an opposed Jewlah-Gentlle marriage bumoronaly, bnt totally iDotfenalTely. The production blda

fair to repeat Its Manchester and London (Eng¬ land) ancceas In Uncle Sam's bailiwick.

Without being formidable lo any respect, and surely without being in the least objectionable to either race, this new little play left no doubt at the end of the performance that It poaaeaaea very diverting qnalltlew. It la an example of brighter dlalogne writing than we nanally And, its purpose la good-naturedly satirical, and. thongh It la somewhat lean In sltnatlon* and does not much more than scratch the surfaae of

character, It la sprightly—loquaciously spright¬ ly—from end to end.

.... Mary Servosa

. .I.«onard Mudle Winifred Harrla

..Herbert Dmew ..Elliott Dexter .Horace Braham . .Fanla MarlnoS

.Gaston Mervale

...Saba Raleigh

Ixmg-llegs, presented last night at the Gaiety.

With the regularity of clock-work managers

have been showing New Yorkers one or two attractiona every week since the season opene<l which have scored so heavily that managerial

in a doxen local theaters

THE HAWK—A drama of modern French life. In three acts, by Francis De Croisset. Translated by Marie Zsne Taylor. At the Sliubert Theater September 28, 1914. worries are at an end

for the next eight to twelve months.

...Wm. Faversham

.Frank Lot»ee

.... Wright K ramer _Conway Tearle

_Herliert Delmore

...V. I,. Granville

.Richard DIx .... Harold Meltxer

William H. Burton ... Herbert Belmore .P. J. Maccord .. I ji wrence Cl I ffonl .Howard Jones .. .Gabrielle Dorziat ...Grace Henderson ...Pauline Whitson .Elise nidhara

Mercedes de Cordoba


CHIN CHIN OR A MODERN AlJlDDlN — A musical fantasy In three acta. Bnt>k by Anne Caldwell and R. . H. Burnside.

Lyrics by Anne Caldwell and James

O'lVa. Music by Ivan Caryll. Presented at the Forrest Theater, Philadelphia,

Wednesday evening. September 30. 1914.

great deal out of the ordinary, the story of

Aladdin ami bis wonderful lamp la loosely ad¬ hered to, and made charming by the ipialnt set-

vernacular affected by the his sup:sise<lly Oriental

I espei'ial enthusiasm which Fred Stone and Carlisle will appear In Selwyn A Co.'s pnsluctlon of The Money Maktra.

tings and m<s1ern wicked magician

slaves. Received were the nuniliers In his trained piano and Violet Zell app<-ared. In the former. Stone, as Ixnsce Paderewski,

followed an electric piano hendcally until at the conclusbin of Miss Zell’s dance he was com- I>elled to desert the anlmate<| keyboard and take the floor, wliereon be flnlshed with the petite Fan Tan. riding his oxfords with a calmness

that brvsjght down the house.

Several semi oi>eratlc ntiml>ers were ably voiced at Intervals by Belle Story. Helen Fal¬ coner and Is iiglss Stevenson. On the wls'le.

If one may judge by the Philadelphia opening. Charles Dillingham has secured a vehicle for the talents of Montgomery and Stone which win carry them over several s«-asons. providing the principals lending their assistance to the aiiccessful opening here are not |>erinltted to

scatter after the first few pros|>enuis wt-eks.

Ruth Cbattertvai repeated In Daddy Ixmg- I.ega the great (teraonal success she has regis¬

tered in the piece elsewhere. Ably seconding her throughout the play la Charlea Waldron, wlio gives an exceptionally flne iierformance. While "there are others” there la so much of rVialogue between Mlsa Chatterton and Mr. Waldrcm and really so much of monologue for Mlsa Chatterton that the observer la glad that things are just as they are and that these two talented players have the principal work In hand.

In the third act, however, Mrs. Jac<]nes Mar¬ tin dominates with her superlatively delightful portrayal of the hasy little New England Ixsly who flutters In and ont of ever.Tboily’s affairs.

Her |iortrayal was delightful. Indee<l, every- Ixsly in the cast was happily rlMwen to fill an evening at the theater with tight little twlnces uTion the emotions; tears and smiles fleeting tu-fore the ever-changing "grip" of the «weet little OMiiedy.—WALTHII.L.


DADDY IO\G-T.EGS--A comedy In three acts, by Jean Webster. At the Gaiety Theater, New Y’ork City.

THE CAfST Jervis Pendleton.Charles Waldron James McBride.Charles Trowbridge Cyras Wykoff.Harry D dd Abner Parsons.Pobert Waters

John Codman.Edward Howard C.rlggs .H Conway W'ngfle'd AValters.Daniel Pennell

Miss Pritchard.Mabel Bert Mrs Pendleton.Ethel Martin

Julia Pendleton.Gilds I.eary f5.illle McBride.Coca Witherspoon Mrs Semple.Mrs. .Tacqnes Martin

Mild .Edna M(Can'ey Carrie .G’advs Smith M'S. T liuiett.Marga'et Sayres Sadie K:!te.T Il'lan Ross

Gladlo'a .B<»>ts Wooster

I*'retta .Vl-g'nis Smith Mamh* .Maud Erwin Freddy Perkins.Masfc' Ttewey Smith

Judy .Ruth Chatterton

happiness; she Is always harrowed and dis¬ tressed by crass emotion. There la mnnler and abuse and carnal frankness as act runs Into n' t. ftniy one type is admirable a butler. wIki

Is different than those who never employed a butler npound the place have generally l>el|evei| butlers really are. In this pile Harry Llllford gives a wonderful iterfornisnee.

And In all of the play there Is not one line or I urpose of sincere and sympathetic Impulse, save In the part so aplendhlly played by .Mas ter Macomtier, aisither revelation In stage cbll-


EASTERN FAILURE FOR CHICAGO. Clilcsgo, Oat. 1.—.Innoiincement was made

he'e this week 'if plans for the ppidmUlon here In December of a musical revue lo ha called Chicago's Musical Revue of PHI. The piece will travesty plays that are familiar to local theatergoers. Tlie authors are Frederick Heren-

deen, Hugo Frey and Frieda Hall.

(■.hlcago, Oct. 1.—Conlella Bb ssom. which was withdrawn from the New York stage last week, is to be revlvcl for exploitation in this center with Burr .McIntosh. IxiiiNe Dresser and Jane tirey as its principal players.

New York. Sept. 29.—.(.Id one nmre to New York's list of permanent attractions In Daddy



Npw York, Oot. 3.—Wlnthrop Ames, directo*

of the Little Thester, has announced that h« will produce Alice Brown’s prize-winning play. Children of Earth, about Thanksgiving. It Is likely that Eflle Shannon and Herbert Keloey

will act the principal roles In the play.


Last week The Billboard cited the fact that the Canadian immigration authorities have mulcted the Rice A Dore Shows of the sum of $2,000, or they are trying to. This sum was

deposited as botig to insure Canada against any member of the carnival becoming a charge upon that country. The immigration authoritien claim that certain individuals who entered Can¬ ada with the R. A D. Caravan did not return

to the States with that organization. Amongst

that number were Martin F. Ross, Arthur Todd and J. A. Kellingford. Tliese, however, visited

the district's notary and swore by affidavit to their presence in the U. S.

The following, however, have not been heard from and should assist Rice A Dore in recover¬ ing the cash bond from the Canadian Immigra¬ tion Bureau. They should, therefore, visit the district notary and sign affidavit to thelv pres¬ ence in the U. S. at once and advise W. H. Rice, care of the Rice A Dore Show, of their

action: Mr. and Mrs. W. (1. Sullivan s id child. San Francisco; George Hull, Seattle; John Es¬ mond, Detroit; E. H. Smith. New York.

I'lease attend to this matter at once.

principles set forth in the comedy ought to be brought home to local advertisers.

The company will get tack in time for the

regular Tuesday night performance at the Cohan.


New York, Oct. 1.—The news has reached

New York that E. H. Sothern lies serlonaly 111 at hia country home In Litchfield, Conn. The

case has been diagnoseil as aggravated malaria,

and wWle Mr. Sothern's condition is serious tt

is not dangerous. Julia Marlowe is with Mr. Sothern.


New Y'ork, Oct. 3.—Frank Tlnney has been

engaged by Charles Dillingham for the fall

musical revue, Wat b Y’our Step, for which Irving Berlin is composing the music.


New York, Oct. 3.—The little Princess Thea¬ ter will reopen shortly and Holbrook Bllnn and

his associates will offer a long and varied bill. The Cat and the Cherub, which was played in New

York years ago. Is to be revived. All the char¬ acters are Chinese. Mr. Bllnn bad a part in

the original London production seventeen years ago. A playlet, which will, without a doubt,

create a sensation, is Little Face, a comedy by

Roland Oliver, laid In the prehistoric age. The characters are said to be chiefly conspicuous 'tV>r lack of clothing.

The Forest of Happy Dreams, by Edgar Wallace, is also included in the program, and it is likely that Phipps, a satire on English society by Stanley Houghton, will be produced.

Two other playlets being considered are Dawn, by Sir Arthur Conan IViyle, and War and the Women, by an unldentifled author.


New York, Oct. 2.—Charles Klein arrived here yesteniay. He has been serving with the

Reserve -\rmy Con>s, in I.ondon, but has been granted a 8i>eclal leave of absence to attend the oiienlng of his new play. The Money Makers, that Selwyn A Co. will produce at the Booth Theater October S.


New York, Oct. 2.—.\fter a two months’ va¬ cation George H. Murray has resumed his duties with the Morgan I.itho. Co., a* New York representative with offices in the Times Building. Mr. Miirra.v is again enjoying g<HHl health. Murray is one of the few men who

have graduate^l from the circus and theatrical field for csimmerclal activities who has been a

New Y’ork, Sept. 30.—The Third meeting of

the Catholic Actors’ Guild of America was held at the Hotel Astor Tuesday afternoon, Seft- tember 29. Emmet T. Corrigan, the president

of the organization, which alms to bring about a better understanding between the Catholis laity and members of the theatrical profession of the Roman faith, presided. The Rev. John Talbot Smith addressed the meeting, and in a

few well chosen words outlined the principles and ideals of the recently formed a-ssociatlon, which contains the names of William Courtlelgh,

Harry Conor, George M. Cohan, Jere Coban,

Donald Brian, William Kelly, Wilton Ijtckays, Frank Keenan, Eva Condon, Edna Archer Craw¬

ford. Norma Grayson and numerous other lead¬ ing lights of the pre.sent-day stage on its mem¬

bership rolls. The matter of requesting Csrdinal Farley to

designate a church conveniently situated In New

Y'ork City at which the pastor will celebrate

a midnight mass every Snnday was thoroughly discussed. It was finally agreed that a com¬ mittee. consisting of Emmet Corrigan, George

M. Cohan and Edna Archer Crawford, should

wait upon Cardinal Farley and submit the mat¬ ter, which was put in the form of a resolution, for His Eminence’s consideration. The subject

of a mission to be held yearly was brought be¬ fore the assemblage and the idea was ad<ipted

as an excellent and feasible method of Increae- ing 'the membership. Tlie late James E. Sullivan’s

recent death called for an eulogistic speech by the Rev. J. T. Smith, and the motion was

carried calling for an expression of condolence

to the family of the former second vice-presi¬

dent of the Guild. Arthur E. Colburne was

elected to the vacant office. .As a result of the Guild’s deliberations a

requiem mass will be arranged for yearly, for i-prfMvse of decease*! Catholic members of tbs

theatrical profession. The Catholic Actors’ Guild of America baa

an enrollment at present of 370 men and women engaged In theaterdom’s various branches, and

Is growing steadily. At a date, to be set later by a committee, which will be appointed by

President Corrigan, the Guild will tender a reception to Cardinal Farley. This will take place some time In November, and will un¬ doubtedly be an elaborate function, as extensive

preparations will be made for the event.


Rochester, N. T., Sept. .30.—John J. Farren, manager of the Victoria Theater, is in St. Mary’s Hospital in this city, suffering from an

affection of the spine. He was operated upon some time ago at his home, and ag.iin at the hospital. It is reported at the hospital that Mr. Farren is doing well and will recover.

During his enforced absence the Y’lctorla la in charge of William J. Melarkey, Jr., as¬

sistant manager.


New Y'ork, Oct. 3.—^The cast of the new e<l.v, .A Perfect lady, in which Rose Stahl to api>ear late this month, nniier the di of the Henry B,. Harris Estate, has lieen co pleteil. It includes Harry C. Broyne, Beatrice Noyes. William Norton. Cherric Watson, Ned Sparks, Marlon Stephenson. .A'lele .Ailams. Ray m.mii Von Sickle, Isabel G.Nsi«ln. Sliiney Blalre.

I Chick Burnham and Charles Stnr.'ls. T

premier will occur at Provi'ience, October 19.


OCTOBER 10, 1914.


By the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers in New York as the Entering Wedge

to Nation-Wide Demands for Revenues Under the Law

New York. Oct. 3.—The first of thla month Cincinnati against the Hotel Vanderbilt, New was an eventful day In the bualnesa of writing Y’ork, which was decided in favor of the plain- and publishing music, im that date the Ameri- tiff.

can Society of ComiKisera, Authors and Ppb Tlie publlshvr will receive one third of all llstiera made their first demands for revenues foyalties colIe<*ted, the author one-third and the from New York hotel and restaurant keeiiers composer a like p^irtion, after the society has who wish to play music wntrvdled. by copy- deducted nes’essary expenses of collection. A

right, through the membership of the organl- complete system of espionage will be estab-

•atlon. ^ lished Immediately, and vve may shortly look

^Several preliminary meetings between direct- for the slippery sleuth who will track down the ors of the Tsoclety and members of the hotel dainty ditties and bring their performers speed- and restaurant assoclatlona and schedules bad Uy to their senses In case they haven’t chipped been announced tiiat were, in the opinloo of in their little contribution to the long-suffering

the hotel and restaursnt men. excessive and song writers of the land. eo moch of a burden financially that threats _ were made to stop all ’’music with meals" and to banish orchestras from hotel dining rooms, JOS. P. BICKERTON, JR.

dance cafes and rotundas.

October 1 the aoclety presented a revised schedule; but the hotel and restaurant men. as

separate associations. Ignored It and declared that they would play only such music as might be pnblished by people who were outside the membership of the society. However, Individual restauranteurs and bonifaces decided, in some

cases, to accept the society's terms.

ChnrchlU’s Restaurant was the first to agree to play ‘‘society’’ music and pay the license; George Rector. Faust’s and the Hotels Knicker¬ bocker and Martinique followed, and the direct¬ ors of the society expect that one by one the

majority of New York restaurant and hotel keepers will agree to terma and take out society


A fact not generally known, bnt made ap¬ parent through a test case recently decided, is that the writers of a son. or musical com¬ position—providing they place same on a royal¬

ty basis with a publisher and not sell it ont- rlght—retain the exclusive performing rights themselves or Individually, as the rase may be. The pnbllaber, according to this interpretation

of the copyright law, has only publishing rights UBlesa otherwise explicitly stated In the con¬ tract.

The above may have some bearing on a ron- ditk'n that will certainly be determined later

on the fart that botela. and possibly theater orchestras and singers, will require licenses to play or sing songs hereafter.

A great deal of confusion followe<l the edict

Issued by Nathan Burkan, counsel of Ameri¬ can Society of Oompwers. Autliors and Pub¬ lishers. that the organisation Intended to fully enb>rce all the provisions of tlie law in regard

to the above places. Mr. Ilealy of the Restau¬

rant Men’s Association declared that he would either discharge the orchestras in his own

places and omit m\islc altogether or have them play nothing but the classics hef<ire he would siiltmit to the new ruling.

This will l>e easier said than done, however, as the public are the final arbiters of such disputes as a general thing, and their well- known preference for the latest popular ragtime sirs for dancing anil promenade music nw'st assurnlly will have to be taken Into considera¬ tion. Certainly the law Is a grand little thing for the hard-working w'ng writers, providing they receixe the t<eneflts in s monetary way this society proposes to cedlect for them.

The A. S. of C.. A. and P. contains on Its rolls most of the prominent lyricists, composers and -ptibllshers of America, with the addition dally of the few that are Just waking up to

the movement. It is affiliated with similar tsnlles In Austria. England ami Italy. France has a very strong society of the kind, and Immcllstely f<»llowlng the cessation of the pres¬ ent war an nnderstamitng with the French or¬ ganisation will he reached.

These alllancca, together with their exten¬ sive memliership. will give the American so¬ ciety a world wide Influence never before en¬ joyed and ample and adequate means with which to collect the royalties from hotel or¬ chestras that the American copyright law says plainly should be theirs.

From five to fifteen d<dlars a month, accord¬ ing to the size and lmi>ortance of the hotel

or restaurant. Is the rate that such p'aces will have to pay liereaffcr This applies to the

whide country. Infringement of the .law will entail a i»'sslb!e penalty of one hundred ilollars for the first offense, all the way to imprison¬ ment not exceeding one .rear for continued In¬ fractions. The socletr will not deal with or¬ chestra leaders, but direct with hotel owners.

The action of tlie organlratkin Is baseil on a decision made by Judge Lscomb In the I’nited States t'lrcult thnirt In New Y’ork ('Ity some time ago in the case of John Church Co. of

Mr. BlcAeftoo is managing director of The New Era Producing Co.. Inc., and producer of the operetta triumph. Adels.


Chicago, Oct. 1.—Mrs. Patrick Campbell la

returning to the I'nited States from Eun'pe. and. up<'n her arrival in this country, she will

act George Bernard Shaw’s new comeily, Pygma¬ lion. The Initial performance of the production will be given In New Y’ork City next week.

Mrs. Camplrell will be nnder the manage¬

ment of George C. Tyler, head of I.lebler A Co., whose negotiations with her were com-

pleteil by cable from this city last Monday.


Ooverimr John F. Robinst'n is at the present

time confined In the Havlln Hotel, Cincinnati, where he Is III. He plans to Journey, with his wife, to FV'rlda as s<s>n as the doctors pro¬

nounce him able to take the trip.


New Y'ork, 0>'t. 1.—On .Monday night, October

12, the entire company of It To Advertise, playing at the Cohan Theater, will leave for Baltimore, where a performance will be given at the Academy of Music the following morn

ing. The enterprise is the scheme of The Bsltl more Sun, a newspaper, whlrii will pay the en¬ tity* exiwnses of the trip, and invite as its

guests the merchants and manufacturers in and near Baltimore. The Sun believes that the

X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.

[».■».» «'/if I


DEATH Of Phil Nash

KiHth t'lrcuit. At llie evfiiiii,; li,>rf«*riu«ii>v sH'* k^^l l»v tie \\ . V. M. A. ft'r s t,»iir <'f tlie.r

the city l.» ether with many »*f the I time. •

limmliieiit men »if llie elty, «ere |>ie»eiil. -An atte iipt to diagiie*,- the t/

Tile theater has a moating eapaeity of tm»re terv tm*t with r«'hii(T at etery i|uart,*r, atnl aa than a.wai. James Wee,l ia the house man- e'erjon- i.tentitle,! with the matter refuae,! to Ueiieral Manager John J. Murihsk oauie rtlatnaa it it must remain aa ballllng aa ever,

on fivim New York to attend the opening. - Manager Weed reeelved approximately At*)

Passing of Well-Known Vaode- telegrama fnau |>erformera, uewapa|>er men and • || n I • a a theatrical magnates from all over the tsHintry. John W. t'vuialdine at>eat a few hours In Cln

VUIe DOOKing IVlanager Will_clnnaU laat Sunday on hia way to l-exlngtou.

Cause Keen Regret to En- assistant to hose oumble. k, Mr . to hi. .tock ™ _ Another Dotahle who |uild the Queen City a

Profession Ww York. Oct. B.—Jules Von Tllier started rlatt on Sunday was Mcladas Schenck. general _ In a new (Kisltlon UMlay. as assistant to Mose manager for Marcus Isiew. Mr. S<-henck was

New York Oct S_Phlllin F Nash who has prof»*KlonaI manager for Jeriwne II. here on a t«mr of lna|>ectloo and had a eoo- len eeacnii'v.. of oo'iTnitoH Rookine Fcnilck A Co. lately Jules has b«“,«n assoi-lated ference with Manager IVoyer, of the Kmpreas,



been executive manager of the United Booking u . fuw f . . . .>1 .1 < k _ I- with Kalmer & Fuck, ami previous to that OOlces for over ten years, died at hla home In .... . . ‘ . IT—... u_- k- _ V > o n ..j. f time had alwa.vs been conner-ted with one of Utnier Broadway, New York, Sunday, October 4. , . . . ...

, , _. . his brothers of the numerous von TlUers in the With the exception of a few years, when he , . .

music publishing business. was emjdoyed aa manager of Proctor s Albany

Theater, Mr. Nash bad been In the employ of HULLO TANOO rvns bun B. F. Keith, aurtlng aa manager of Keith’s HULLO, TANGO, ENDS BUN.

BlKui. Philadelphia, when be left The PhlUdel- The revue at the lamd.m lIlpissMune, Hullo,

phi. Evening Star to enter Mr. Keith’s employ. Tang.., which had many Anierl. aua In the cast.

with Kalmer & Pui'k, ami previous to that during the day, leaving for Kansas City In the time had alwa.vw been cuiine<'te.l with one of enning. hla brothers of the numerous Von TlUers In the -- - music publiahlng business. NEW DIKECTOBY BEADY.

HULLO, TANGO, ENDS BUN. e.lltion of the Internstl.mtl Vaudeville and .Motion Picture Th.-ater Ihreet-

The revue at the lamdon llip;sHlr.Hne, Hullo, ory, which I* now uu th.‘ press, the vaudeville ingo, which had many Anieri.-aut in the cast, sei-tloii of the auiuacmeut world will have an osed Oct.dier 3. It lia.l been pla.vlng aim-e a.-ciiratc dirv>t<>ry of their Interests lo<-ked at While he was In Albany for Mr. Proctor he met Oct.dier 3. It lia.l been plavlng aim-e a.c.iratc dirv. t-ry of their li

an.1 married the widow of an Albany pollcltlan, a iv.-ember. •A successor, entitled Busiuewa I from every angle.

Mr. I yan. The glrla now known to the stage ,, Usual, is anmiunced at the Hip|sMlr.Kue for In the c->utplIition of this b.sik the pro¬ as Mary and Flounce Nash were the dangbters igter In the m.iath. imiters have not oiuitt-'d one l.'la of .uMraiati.ui of Mrs. Ryan, and after their motber’a marriage Empire also will have a new revue thU which woiil.l prove of v»l le |.i the |wot>le In¬ to Mr. Nash they adopted the name of Nash month, gt,,] the cast will Inclu.Ie the American tere«t<-d in tins va»t held, for stage purposes. Alwaya employed at a cooicUenne, Kalhlecn ClllTord. A c.-uipn-lieiialve descrii.l.ou aplendid aalary, Mr. Nash leaves bU widow_Am. riesu. Eunns sn and An

ahumtantly pisivlded for. HANLON BROS. RETURN FROM EUROPE. 1» |"•»*ihle t.> ..btalii. the nuui The deceaae.1 was one of the most widely _ ,i,„„ rctuir,,! I.. pisslmv tin

known men in vandeville, and hia personal New Y’ork. Oct. l.—The Hanlon Protliers. of lagi- rm.iii rei| whether

comeillenne, Kalhlecn ClllTord.


New Y'ork. Oct. l.—The Hanlon Pr»tlier«. of

A c.'Uiprclieiiaive descript .on is given of every .American, Euroiwan and .Australian act that is is.ssihle t<> obtain, the nuuitw.r of t.erf» time rctiiir.-d to pishIii.v the act, amount of -tag.' rm-iii rei|, whether ois-tiiiig <w i-l.wing

friends are numbered by hundreds. Althongh Siiperha and Faiitssiiia fsine. have rcturiie.1 in oih*. s|iecial aoen.-ry .w pr.>|iertie« carrie.1. 5. years of age, he was p.issesse.1 of a young from Eun'iie, wlier.- tne.v were eoiiiin.'.le.I P s|ie.’al pa|.er. if any, t.'gellH-r with tlie name heart and was more active and Industrious than give up several years' booking on aceoiint of .'f the manager of. tlie act and his iw-rmanent many men much younger than himself. They will be m-eii in vamleville I’l I a.I.lit All tile seta are |iU.-e.l iiml.T their

There is real grief and regret beoanse of the I this country In Mr. Lilywhite’s Orcam. a typicailonu clawiAed beading as to what they do passing of Phil Nash, and he will be missed llaulon extravagsuzs, from bis post by hundreds who have met him --

In business and who will sincerely mourn his HERBERT departure.

MORE VAUDEVILLE FOR PITTSBURG. here from the Marcus !..»» Ciri-nit was made the theater, seating rapacity, tirli-es number I - by Herbert I.lo.vd ami his company, which ap "f simws nightly, with matinees, whether it is |

Pittsburg. Ps., Oct. 8.—With a capital stock «t the Colonial Theater last week, a si.lit ,ir full week. Sunday or M.imlsy -iieniug. j of $100,000 a company ia about to be perfected came dlroi't from Lombm and opened number of men in orchestra, hour of r»-hesrsals. here by C. H. Miles and Marcus Ixiew for the I ■ Mur-day engagement at the Odonial. »l*e of stage and name of stage manager, to-

aulon extravaganza. ’ For the lieueHt of the (lerforiner tlie name of -- - every stamlard theater now pla.vlng vaiHleville

HERBERT LLOYD JUMPS. ** B>'cn, the po|iulation of the town, with rail- ____ roads, uewspafiers ami hotels In ttie -aiiie. .A|s<i

Chicago, Oct. 3.—The first Jump recorded the name of the owner, manager and agent of

- ■ by Herbert Lloyd ami his company, which ap

Plttabnrg. Pa., Oct. 8.—With a capital stock l^^^cd «t the Colonial Theater last week.

size of stage and name of stage manager, to-


purpose of operating bigb-class vaudeville In booked by Frank Q. Ihiyle. wIki is sa'd to lie one getlier with the transfer company, the rut Theater, which, in the past season. lleris-rfs best friends. This week Lloyd is There is also a department devoted to the has been the opposition stock house to the Harrv lAL'nit *“<1 next week he will be featured outdoor amuaemeuta that employ vaudeville Davis Stock Company. Mr. Miles has been ** ^be Kedzie Theater, bookei’. by the Westen. talent, wbl(4i im-lndea parks, their location ami here for some days perfecting arrangements. Vaudeville Managers' Association. He has been management; carnivals, with their owners and

Mr. Miles declares that the Pitt Theater will____

be In the circuit and play the attractions booked tuzt t-i x/iwic- i a aa acsdc by tiie vaudeville syndicate formed last April Tnt FLYING LA MAffRa

with the combining of Interests represented by Marcus Ixiew. Sullivan A Consldine and C. H. I Miles. Over one hundred bouses are now In the n circuit. Tlie policy of the house will be three- 1 s-day and the prices will tie 10. 20 and 30. ' An orchestra of seven pieces will be nsed. This win give this city three vaudeville bouses In the downtown district, tlie Grand Opera House and the Harris, controlleil toy the Harry Davis Knterprisjs, and the Pitt.


Chicago. Sept. .30.—“Undcslred agents” ronst go. Chicago in the past two years has been

overrun by the middleman. Local bookers have announced their intentions of doing business with acts direct.

There Is now known to be a movement on

foot which will force the undeslred agent from the fold. When a Billboard reiKirter called npon Aslie Chotean, of the Interstate Circuit,

he was told that they would rather deal with performers direct then have to submit to the army of ”10 per centers” now doing business In Chicago. Mr. Chotean said: ”We would

rather deal with the performers direct than the middle man. It la up to the artists to co-operate with no first befure seeing an agent.”

It Is tiinnglit that this movement will event- nall.v succeed In wiping out entirely or reducing to a minimum the army of ten per centera which now Infests Chicago.

Independent agents who have established themselves wll! be In no way affected by the movement.


Harrisburg. Ps.. Oct. 1.—The latest Lasky act. The Society Bvids. opened here on Monday and scored big. The book Is hy William I,e- baron and the music by Robert Hood Bowers.


Tioulsvllle, Oct. 8.—B. P. Keith's Theater, which was formerly the National, opened yes¬ terday under the Keith management. The in¬ terior of the bouse has been rebuilt until it Is now- one of the most beautiful theaters on the

Tlie Fblxig La Mam present an serial srl that is truly marvehnis. At Hsnmn-nlriii's, rremlly, they mere one <4 the hlis •/ the bill.

pi'riiiaiieiit address<<s; clrviiM-s, with insnagers and winter nusrters; fairs, with iwatlon, name of secretary ami bsiida.

A s|H-clal ilepartmeiit Is given over to tha .booking agents, their location and phone num¬ bers; circuit brads, with the number of tbes- ters each control and approximate number of

acta used each week; excess baggage rates, telegraph and leleiihoue rates, piu rata tabled copywrlgbt laws si'plird to vsudevllla material, together with all otb«r emplojrrs of vaudevllla talent not given elsewdiere in the took.

The pr.iuH-trra have also Included the stand¬ ard moving picture theaters of the Unlti-d States, Iwcause s» many of them use vaudevllla orcaaiooally. In this depsrtniAit the name of the theater, the owner, capacity and egulpment is given each theater, being listed under Its >wn State and city.

The directory ts now on the press and tbs siiliai'riiitloo Hals are open.


New Y'ork. Oct 3.—Fanny Brice advertised la The New York Journal last Saluiday that she would appear at the Palsre during this week Is b e dally, "Including Y'om Kippur.” Tha Jewish ra.-e rose up In their wrath at what they considered was an affieut to their religion and so great was the pressure brought to bear upon the Palace management that MIsa Brlca's engageaieat was forthwith canceled, and It waa given <sit. last Monday, that she was lodls- p<«e<l. Mias Brice Immediately began campaign¬ ing and an effort la being made to have "ZIt,” who aoliclted and placed the advertisement In The Journal, make a statement tlist through a ty|s>ltrapbical error Miss Brii-e was made to say she would apjiear "Inrludlog Y'om Kippur” when the staleiueiit should (?l have read •'EXCWTIN'aJ Y'om Kippur.” To those who do not live In Harlem |t may be well to explain that "Y'om Klppnr” Is the most religiously kept fast day of the Jewiah faith, the* ceremonlea lieing In celebration of the Jewiah New Y'esr, a day of atonement.


New Y'ork. Oct. 1.—E. F. Albee. general man- I ager of the B. F. Keltii vaudeville circuit, baa I directeil that all children In Keith vandevllla

. I attend the Ppifessloiial Children's School at I JL’o W. Forty-sixth street, while playing In I New Y'ork. Mr. Albee haa alw ays c.> ojicrated I with the Gerry Society In .New Y'ork and with

similar orginisatlona elsewhere In safeguard¬ ing stage children, and the Keltii theaters bava a s|>eclal set of rules for prdectloa of minora wti.1 apiear up.m their stages.


Ellsatieth. N. J.. <k-t. 3.—Henry Rsppa lY'wavy), who ■ siKirt time sgo finished a year's engagement In the Muse Halls of Ixindoa. writes friends here that lie will sail for .Australia 4b-|.d>er Iti. Just liefore the outbreak >f the Enr<>|iean war ItapiHi signed a three. .veir contract f-.r tiaira of .Anatralla and .Africa. He was scheduled to have left England .August I.*! and at one time pr>-pare.| to give np all tlsiir.'hls of la-liig able |n fill hla contracta and return to his lemie In tills rity.


Chicago, Oct. 2.—J«ihn Rudtiletil. who haa served as secretary of the Actors' International rnh-n since Its Inception, and wlm was one of the prlncl|ial organisers of the union, will tender Ills resIgnitloD aa an ullU-er at the next meeting, Gctolier T.


The picture Uiat a.lonis our front cover this we«*k Is that of t laire R. cheater, one of vamlevllle's moat p"* iiilsliig features. Mias Koi-iieater It a Soiilherii girl. wb.i |H,ss(.saea a W'oiiilerful soprano baritone voice, and a per¬ sonality that Is bound to win for her fame and fortune. Last seas, n Mtas Rortieater was one of the feature tllractlona with Lew Fields' .All .Als.ard Company, and ac(|iilnltiu1 herself so s-lnilrahly that the vaudeville kings |•ersoade<t her to Join their rank and file. Mlaa Rochester haa gained the diattnrilon of being The Oimer’t favorite, playing llanimerateln'a Victoria for

five weeks within two months. This beantifiil .Miss la now apiM-arliig In alt the firat-claas lioiisea which are Iss ked by the lliilled Book¬ ing Gfflce, and her success |s aslonndtng all along the route.


flilcago. III., Kept. .'Ml.—The Alarinelll Agency

of New York City has Issiked Evelyn Nesbit for a tour of the Alllllalnl Ibsikliig Coro|Mitiy of thia rity.


OCTOBER 10, 1914. X ti e Billboard

Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire Hammcrstcin’s

(Krriewed Monday Matinea, Oct. 6.

Nr*» York. Oct. Oiii- of tlia loiiKcat aliowa

ttii- Vi. tortn 11 1" lifc.l i“ many monlliH waa on view Moulay aflerm.m. Tlie proKrain afror.le.1

a line eiilerlalunieiil, inany aen»allonal lilta In*

itiK a.Mre.1. No. 1 J.o- »lilr'.i"l on iikat« In a

neat manner lie almii il eliminate tlie announce

n.ent Ten minute^; o|>ene.l In four, cl.«e.| In

oiw. oye Iniw.-

N.i. J .trrenila, female lmjoT«<>nat.>r, at-

tein|ila t -• nimTi, If be woU "! coniine bla talent to "lint.iiL- Ibcii lie would at tain tlie de«.r«-«l re«ii'l« t’.,iirle«-ii mlniilea; otM-n In two. K|a-ctii| dn'ii. cloae in fotir; tl«ree

t».»a. No .T Tlie Manliatlan Trio, men. Harrey,

Annand ami Itaralo-e. are the ciaw<1e«t alneinc trio tl at *ia« atiio-are.! I.ereal>"uta in "eauona. Tlielr Tolcea are wonderfully barmonloua, and

ttieir ai>i»earan.*e la real manly. TTila act will aix*re nndoubtixlly wlierever It ajii«eara. Twelve

mlnutea in one; all laiwa.

No. 4 Mr. ami Mra. Mark Murphy preaented their one act fa.roe<ly, entitled riancy'a Cboat. The popular alara found the audience ready ami wllllnr to laiiKh at their plea«lnr‘I’laylet. Six¬

teen mlnutea; oi^n in three, ckiee In one", four boww and a apeech.

No. B—The <Jlrl From .Vtlantle City, Bunny Cray, did not do aa well aa expected, aa slie was over confident. She sanit aix annxa in the aume tempo. Her act waa receiveii mildly. Ten

minutes In one; two bows.

No. ® -flene ll.alxklna and Irene Ilammoml went thiaiu.'h a beautiful alnalna and dancina Interlmle. T heir scenery ia a..r*eoiia and would

do creillt to a priaiuctl.Ki. This laiy and alrl are class |■era.ulifle<l, aa their atep|4na is of

the flneet. acorlna a sensational hit. Fifteen mlnutea; ofien in one, close in four; four bows and a apeech.

No. 7—lloey and lee were welcomed with open arms. Tticr hare some new paroillea and

talk tint went o'er like wildfire Sixteen min- ofea in one; fixe bows and a aieech.

No. S— Bessie Wynn, aa lieautlfnl aa a anm-

mer breere, with a rejiertidre of aonir* that are bandleii In an artistic manned. Tlie audience could n»»t yet enonch of the clerer mlaa. She

scored one of the bli hlts'of the show. Sixteen minutes in one; six bows.

No. B--8am Chip and Mary Marble, In The I.and of Itykea. su|rported by John W. Dunne and Paul Mctlall, bad their listeners overjoyed

with their pretty lltle picture bo.ik i>lay. All concerned deaerre much creiiit for the hand- »>nie scenery and splendid actlnir. Bonas, in- tcraierrci! with real comely, are the backbone

of the playlet. Nineteen minutes, full staye; four curtains.


No. 10—Geirje L. Moreland, baseball atatia- ttclan, answered many quesli'ons as to baseball faUtory. A few Int'reatlny slides were shown and some laitiuiar taill idayera recelreil a bl» band. Twelve mlnutea In one; two bows.

No. 11 -Willie Ws-aton, aselsteil by Maurice Abrahams at the piano, delivered isi>ular sonys In a manier im».t convlnclny. He could have cortaileil his act to advantaye. However, he Was well rei-elved. Nineteen minutes in one; two bi>wa.

No. i; -Pat It.s.ney and Marion Bent went saillny alony In yreat style, pat has omitted the iniialcal iliimmlea and now .bwa the dance i*i

the ori'lieatra pit. wlilcli la a iireat Improvement. On next til clos'Tiy they were the hit of the show. Twenty mlnutea. open In two, close In one. two a|iec|a| curtains, five |s>wa and a siieech.

No. i."! ("aptsln S rclio'a peep Sea Divers la one of the naist entertalniny and Interestliiy Doteltlea that lias ever a|i|iearei| on a vauile- vllle staye. The t'a|italn la a Itiient talker and tsinvln'M pll tliat Ida own Invention, the sub niarine tel>‘|ilione. |a a iii.irveloua construction. Not one aiN'elilor left the auditorium while tlie at lUi view, and the time was .1 .%4t Kly'.teen mlnutea, <.i>en In one. yo to two, close In f-wir, tliri-e la>wa.

No. it K<\sb'Ue O'ltiedy picture, runniny ten

nduiiles c'ose I tlie show at fi o'ctin-k. llusincsa

• '•elicit JAPK.


N<w A.Ik, S.|t :ti> lee Il.irth, the kn.iuii aiitl wi'll liki-il m.isli-r id illale. axsin appi-arluy on ttie Or|.|i>-uiu flrcult aesstui. where he la nu-*'tlii|t with Ida siicicsa.

The III.'mdoylsl p|s><.d oiir iii«l leuisi-s

In the Kaat at the iHaliiidiu; of laal ae •ml ilieii was |H>oki.<l for the ilrtilieniii tour

|.riu>enl eiiKaci'mi-i.t will m* daibl keep away fr.un the While Aliev as w.-ll a< B Idle Hats, of w Id.ii oritaiiiastion lie ataiiiii'Ii ineiipH.r f.*r si'iiu' tliiu- to lonie.

t1d« iMiial

tieri- aaon

TficTopmosi F(un^.

Here Genius not Pirtfijour I^nk insures (ilfvipwc-tl .Monday Matlneo. f>ftolH*r •>.)

.\pw Y'ork. Oct. ..'i.—rapacity was attracted by an arrangement of tal*nt that looked better on the bills than it worked out on the stage. The show w:is unwieldly and long to an extreme, and before Manager KImer Uoger.u gets an ideal hill out of the sum total he must use all of his ingenuity in recasting the numbers. For the Hr-t time since last summer claiiues were in evideni-e to an aggravating degree. t)Ut thev had afisoliitely no effect u'lon the large body of patrons who came to enjoy the show and picked their own favorites.

No 1—The Hearst-Selig pictures ran ten minutes to about their average of utility.

Xo. 2—The Ciaiidsiiiitlis arc lillltd a.s €H'<*entHc c'lown.s. .\s a matter •if fa<'t. they arc •‘X|M*rt gymnasts, tiimhlcrs and acrobats. One woman.

»lr«*ss«xl. works an ohj< cl handler, and there are two dandy Fren<'h |mmmIIc*s, well trained, to tioost along the hig average. The eostiiming Is elegiinl and tlie a« t shininuTs willi c'laasy vene er. The Itlslc y finish, wliih* •iin* •if lh«* nn-n spins tin* two dogs in thc'lr haskt't. stirr«‘d tin* Ikiiisc' to storms of apidaiisc- as the wliirligig sjm'cI ar'iiiid and around. Till' act is distiiK'lly an addition to American xaiicic'x ille.

No. S—Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Harry presented their tabloid rural drama, in two sr'enes. all hung in first groove. Jimmie’s make-up and realistic typitieation of the c-mintry lioy gave the act naturalness, and Josie’s dandy appe:tr.ince an 1 tine clothes did the r. st. The tricky finish hro’.ight them deserved hows aplenty.

No. 4—YV. C. Fields and his eccentric juggling di-^plays kept the pace at its swiftl.v started gait, and for every one of his clever eccentriciues there were shouts of laughter, lie scored heavily and deserved all he received.

No. 5—The show halted when Joe Welch appeared, and never got started again until after intermis-i'vn. Truth about Welch, fine gentleman and artist though he is. he needs laughs in his monologue- and needs them tremendously. He worked twenty minutes with most unsatisfactory results.

No. fi—When Joan Sawyer appeared it looked for all the world like mid¬ summer. There was the Oleft C'lub Orchestra to make the hit of the act and Jeanette (lilder to lead the claiiue from her accustomed seat in the back row. Miss (lilder worked as hard as Miss S.iwyer did to enthuse the audieiio**, l>ut with jioor satisfaction attending their efforts. The aeroplane waltz was the lies* Miss Sawyer offered. She even denied herself the refined black and white gown that made her conspicuou-ly han.lsome last summer.


No. 7—lluth Uoye opened after intei mission, bouncing instanter into favor with some vigomusly applauding m« mbers of the audience, well scat¬ tered and effective of great noise making. a matter of fact. Miss lioye is to lie credited with investing in some pretty clothes, the gown looking the part with this clever girl within it. After four songs her friends tried to stiinipede the house, hut without avail. Heie is a clever girl, capable of making gimd anv where on merit.

No. N—Franklin .-Yrdell’s engagetuent with The Family ("uplxiard lirought himself and his sketch from tht' small time to the i’alaee, where there were thunderous appl.iuse and shouts of Imghter for his clever handling of The S'.tffrtigeite. The aet wa-i the c.'liiedv cle;in-up of the day.

No. ;>—.■Miee IJoyd returned to friends that seemed to fill the house. .YIthough th** entente cordial was working in great shape, Misi Lloyd’s selec¬ tion of songs was nowhere up to her previiHis self-established standard, and it w;t.s not until her sixth s »ng. It’s a Long. Long Way to Tipperary, that the Hudiettee rose to r*'eeive lier. She followed this with a new song from Irving Iterlln’s f;icile iien, wherein the devil tells his son to stay right where he is. lind that tliere is more h—1 timong the Kuroiiean warriors than there is down l>elo\v. .Mi.vks Lloyd made numerou.s exipiisite eli:in'ges. lo'k<d sweetly engag¬ ing as •‘ver, and wIpii she comes haek with n<'W songs she will strike lier regular Lloyd stride.

_>- v

^ No. 10—Truth to tell, it was five o’clock when the /|\ Rigoletto Brothers hit the stage. People had been pass- (is ing away on Alice Lloyd, and their house was largely yf/ /IN deserted, but they held what remained until the end /IN of their highly expert, gTeatly diversified and vastly \f/ (is artistic offering. Their illusions and legerdemain were Sjif /IN the most remarkable part of an exceptionally unusual \|/ /jS number. They were working away at 5:30, when The /jS Billboard man had to leave to telegraph this report.— \l/ AS WALTHILL. Sf/

$€€€€€ €€€€€€€€€

Colonial, New York (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Oct. 5.)

New York, Oct. 5.—.Mr. and .Mra. Carter l>e- Haveu and .Vdele K.tcliie were tlie iiaiiiea given to tlie electrician to diaiday uii the a.gii this

week, but they wire not aullicieiit to till tlie l.ouae oil the opening matinee. Way down on the bill ill t..e olisiiire |Hisition of chmiiig ia liiliette. tlie I.«idy from Pelf, ami well reward'll were the iiatrona wlw tarrieil until

tlie ex.t march, aa thi.4 dainty and talented young lady proved a big aiirpriae and held her I w n eapah'.y on a long bill that might otherwise grow tiresome.

No. I—ilearst-Selig pictures were shown, run¬ ning ai.\ minutes.

No. J —Vaiidiiioff ami I.oiile, iiinii ami women. r..e mail i-aihdiy iiaints thri-e pii tnres ami for a tiiiish executes a painting while the canvas re- vo’ves. Eleven miiintes, in three.

N<i. 3—Harry II. l.eater sings three songs Im- per-ain.iting bam Heriiard, Kayinoud Ilitcboock and Bert Williams and liuiKlies with a recitation of tlie closing speech of Nobody in Every woman.

I-ester is a clean worker, and his [Sirtion of the entertainment was well received. Thirteen min¬ utes, in one, two calls.

No. 4—The Hanlon Brothers and Company

pieseut>'d a pantomimic novelty, entitled Mr. Eilywhite's Dream. Tlie.'ie two well known pan- tomlmists pleased immensely in their dual •lances. Eigliteen minutes, two calls.

No. 5—-V'lelo Ritchie's performance this week is uni<|ue inasmuch as tlie old-time boilyguard of Sling boosters is not pre.seiit,- ami .Miss Ritchie now deiiends uiam her ability to put over sunga alone. Tlie niimle-rs slie is using sei m more In- ilividu&ily suited to her than those sung the last time sIm appeared at this house. Miss

Ritchie experienced considerable ditiiculty with tlie curtain ni'in this afternoon, and was almost cheated cut of an encore tliat tlie auditors in- sisleil tliey slauild have, and continued to ap¬

plaud until they got it. 'Pwenty minutes, in two, three calls.

No. 6—Cressy and Dayne closed the first half amid continued applause. The Man Who R» memliered, a one-act play by -Mr. Cressy, ia the vehicle used, and the many mirthful lines it contains were as pleasing today as they were .at the initial performance. Twenty-five minutes, in one, with special drop showing grocery store interior. Tliree calls.


No. 7— and Tierney started off the

second half with a rush, and kept it rushing until (lie conclusion of their fifteen minutes. No Jumbled up, meaningless o|>eiiiiig sung fur tiiese Imys. They opan with a real song. Fol¬ low the Crowd, and the audience didn't miss a word, and followed tliem in every move. Sov«n calls, one encore and tlie hit of the bill.

No. 8—Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven, pre¬ sented The Masher, in four scenes, written by Mr. De H.aven. This is tlie fiist time this sketch has la-en shown to a New York audi¬ ence. It is full of action, distinctly novel and should earn tliem success. Opens in one, with a little audience work by Carter, wherein he flirts with an actoss. tl>e<i to the stage door,

where lie I.aa arranged to meet her. Following this is a private dining room set. after which he takes the a'tress home and watclies her dis¬ robe belilmi a slisiiow drop, as the rain poiira down and lie realizes he has been stung. The four musical numbers have been worked In cleverly. Twenty-four minutes, three calls.

No. 0—Francis Dooley, assisted by Oirinne Sal-s. in That's Silly, aeciireil their full quota of laughs, and were reiiuired to give one encore following five calls. Twenty minutes, in one.

No. 10—I.ucy Gillette is more than a Juggler. Slip can dance and incorporates many acrobatic stunts in her offering. S'ne carries her own beautiful set and sla>ws from the first that she is deserving of a better spot than oloaiiig. Thirteen mlnutea, in four, thn’e calls.—BUDD.

American, New York (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Oct. 5.)

New Y'ork. Oi-t. .'•.—The .tiiierioan has a big bill f ir the first half of this week, as far as qiiaiit'.t.v is eoiK-erneil. ami the aiiilience on Mouil.vy aft-riMon sceuieil to fliink as much of the (lualitv as tiny iliil of the quantity. The hill pre-eiits a fair varlet.v of acts, with an es;,ei'lally largi- attraction (for the .\inerlran), the -Iiiugle •: ris Icing among the features, althiiugh from an ai'1'lau.s.i staiiil|siiiit it could hariily be s,i ti’rini'il.

No. 1.—P in J. Harriiigt m, ventrihiquist, ufiowiMl avera-.-e atiility anil handled the dummy with more thin e.vinuioii dexterif.T. He siicnreil g s'd laughs, but they were few and far h tween. Twelve luiuiitea. In one.

(Continued on page l.'i.v


PAGES 10, 11, 14 AND 59


8 X e Billboard OCTOBER 10. 1914.

CALLS NEXT WEEK See Who’s on the Bill With You

• ' ■ ■'







Now York City | Bnw.

AlJiAMllKA (ubo) I I>HlDty Marie . Frauklyn Arili^U & Oo. Jowoll » Manikins FarU-r Oirlt • ]American NewetK. Edwin Ue»»rge ! «... lluluiea A Buchanan *^‘“"**T?*, Hylreaier Schaefer | Malone A Malone

Swain's Kata & Cats

{ Bros. jl.awn Party I Last half: Three Marixmi Broa. : Bow man Bros. : Merle's L'ockateos Jewell's Manikins ; ljU'*rance & Bruce (American NewelKiy Ijiwreuce A Edwards ! (Juartetti'l ^ Song Featlval i Moston

<X>IjOMAI. (ut>o) Foater Ball A Co. Ilarieli A Conway Morton A Aualin

KEITH'S (ubo) lG<iil>ert Bellink

McVICKEU'S (loew) ^wheater l.aVier

ki Neil A Dixon

Maxine Br<*. A Bobby ^ Amelia Bingham l.yona A Yosco


Taylor A Taylor Vinton A Buater Idero Mae West Bonita Catit. Ixniia Sorcbo Any Night Co. Diamond A Brennan Kay Ikioley Trio Willard l.ewls I.eo

KOYAI. (ubo) Moran A Wiser Corelli A Gillette Fanny Brice I.onesouie Ijssjes Bronson A Baldwin Fridkowsky Tronpe Claude M. Hoode



First half: Bowman Bros. Jewell’s Manikins American Newsl>.>y

(Morris A Parka ' IV.w er of Melody Nip A Tuck Fontaine A Cnita

'Kitty Flynn Rosa FVuton Players Tom Water Willard's Temple of

I Bride Shop 'Chas. Mack A Co. Webb A Burns Ford A Hewitt Adelaide A Hughes

I Crouch A Welch , Moure A Y’ates


j BL’SHWICK (ubo)

I The Bagleys Music's. A K. Ylorton

Charleston, 8. 0.

VICTORIA (ubo) First Half:

Lew Hoffman Hendricks A DePaula

( Last Half: , Derkin's Animals ' B. A U Walton Jack Polk Those Kidlets


' empke;;s (loew) Arno A Stickney Sampson A Ih.uglas WatM Sisters Jas. Grady A Co. l.ea Casathrs (one to dll)

KEITH'S (ubo) Cbretienne A Lmlsette Ylarzella'a Birds

STAB HIl'PODROME Kyl'la I.oyal A Partner Great Howard I (loew) iCantor A ,S.>ug Hevue I First half: iMorton A Glass Harry Cooi>er Chaa. Terris A Oo. The Langdona The Y'oungera Herculano Slatere ; Hawthorne A Inglia Cummings A Glady Germar’s Motlelt Blanche Walsh A Co. j Gray A Wilson I OliPHEl M (ubo) I Cleveland

I 'creasT A D.vne KEITH'S (ubo) : Orpheus Comedy Four I ?,*'•?* Van Hoven i Dixon. Bowers A Dixon TlMth A MU'ership ILlbby Blondell The Brads Theo. Tenny J*. Brown A C Mrs. A Mr4. Hugh * Hlggms

Emmett Fixing the Furnact Revolving Collins Henrietta Crusman

The Langdona : Hawthorne A Inglia Blanche Wtlab A Co.

I OliPHElM (ubo) Cleveland

KEITH'S (ubo) Van Hoven

I Paul Conchas

WILlJtRD (loew) First half:

Rinkaid Kilties ■nieo. Tenny Dryer A Dryer Three Ameres

' I Houdinl jWeber A Capitols


I Ryan A Tierney 'Cliip A Ylarble

The Brads :Geo. N. Brown A Co. ; Three Lyres Fixing the Furnace 'Henrietta Crusman jHay Samuels

i YIIIAV (loew) ’ Purcells Bros. Joe Kelsey

Sang Festival Ylalone A Malone

(Juartette Jordan A Stanley

Beauty Is Skin Deep iix>ve In a Sanitarium iStepp, Goodrich A Rose Troupe

King (two to dill iTbe Lelsnda

Tom Nawn A Co. Last half:

Swain’s Rats A Cats 'Torn Nawn A Co. Last Half;

Rout>le Sims Ford's Review Claude A Marion

Cleveland E. E. Clive A Co. lielmore A Light Landry Bros.

CO1.0MAL (loew) First half;

Ryan Bros. Dunlap A Virden Libby IHondell Amedio Nortblane A Ward Ned (3ork Norton Lottie Williama Mangean Troupe

Last haU; Bessie's Cockatoos Edwards Bros.

{Mangean Troupe Fitzaerald A Aahton

(Dunlap A Veiden ! 'Three I»rettas j

I Atlanta, Oa. |

I FORSY'THE (ubo) | Madison A James

I Willie Broa. { .Frill A Lucy Bmch I Howard A McCane I I Mario A Dnffy

I Baltimore

MARY’LANB (ubo) C'owboy Minstrels The Gandamldts Milton A DeLong

Slaters Nat Wills

{The Kramers

I Frank Whitman I Hazel Cox

I Buffalo

SHEA'S (ubo) iDeMIchelle Bros, j Golden Troupe Grace DeMar

I Joe Cook I Nick’s Skating GCrla

! Butte, Hont. I EMPRESS (loew) ICanarla A Cleo {Bill Robinson jBubbe A Dale Svengall Haydn, Barton A

Colnmbua KEITH'S tubo)

Hopkins Slaters Arnant Bros.

iDeVine A Williama iConlin, Steele Trio Chaa. Yule A O). Neptnne’s Garden

Denver, CoL

I EYIPRBSS (loew) Three Brownies

i Estelle Ibuie Bntadway Love Armstrong A Ford

'They-Y’an-Da (Hoyt’s Minstrels

ORPHEl'M (orph)

BUck A White Haydn ( Natalie A Ferrari

RichmoiMl A Mann B.11 B..y Trio Gaach Slaters tune to dll)

TILMPLE (ubo) Rae E. Rail Peklu Mysteries Flanagan A Etlwarda Marcaiioni 1 rio Ml.c. Fr.«.|utta Cams A Randall L. A M. Hunting I «x) Carillo Rice, Sully A Scott

, S.>ug Revue Harry t'ooi>er 'The Y'oungera Cummings A Gladyinga

Gene A Kathryn King 'Dorothy Muetber Lyda McMillan A Co. j Billings, Mont

?oTan*A'‘R';r^% I BABOOOK_(,oew)

Calgary, Can.

PANTXgeS (m) Edgar Atchison Ely

Ryan A .Maebelle I Jordan A Stanley Kennedv A Burt ' Klnkaid Kilties

EMPRESS (loew) First Half:

Rouble Sima Ford's Review Claude A Marlon

Cleveland E. E. Clive A Co. Delmore A Light

Staley, Blrbeck A Co.

<}ulnn*A*VHtcheU (orpb) ■Three Kraytona “f.*,*: Maryon Y adle

RitPRviav ruiVTV * Wolfoa SHERMAN GRAND Bums A Fulton

A Co iJoaephlne Dnnfee

Des Moines, la.

(■Tuea. A W^nea.) Ttiree Kraytona Davis A Matthews , Hovt A Warden | SHERMAN GRj

Mcintoah A Maids ^ Bernard A Harrington « .rat Half; Fred Hlllehrand Gertrude Huffmki Nicholi. Nelson Tronpe _

TroTito Birmingham, Ala. Billy Swede Hall ORPHEl'M (ubo) Ward A Cullen

Connolly A Wenrlch Libby A Barton

Kramer A Morton First H^: 1,^ Zarrell Trio

Gertrude Hoffman A^ Frances uetzroaeart

Tpovato ! Detroit Billy Swede Hall MILES Moew) Wanl A Cullen {Pariae Libby A Barton iTrovolIo

lYVharry-Lew la Qulntettel Maw Haven, Conn. PaLciits-rg a Bears IHu,i (^>0) The Mozarts ' Priera Sextette (one to dll) ,, ^

Lincoln, Neb. 1 new Orleans

ORPHBl'.\I (orph) , oiu>|IKl M (ori>h) lEIeanore llatn'r A Ci>. {Wrong I'roiii the Start

New Orleans

OliPHElM (orph)

I Will Rogers j Duffy A U>rrnx Hcaa Slaters

(Trans .Ytlaiillc Trio {Marie A Billy Hart

I Loi Angeles I EMPUIXS (loew) EMPUIXS (I

oltPIlKl'M (onih) (Swan Johnny Johnston A Co. | ^lurte A .Cleen Minnie .Vilen Piatov A Glaser Hiit«-rt Dyer A Co. _ Ssntly A Norton Av'eilng'A I.ioyd *r«xt Kornau Neptune's Nymphs Jack A Forit ,

OKI’HEIM (orph) Edmonton. Can. The Beauties

PANTAGES (m» Isnied Maurice Samuels A Co. (Burkhart A White

/.ertlai'a Dogs Kirk A Fogarty .Viiiile Kent I lie ItaiMlsIla

I has. K. SeiuoD IDujiree A Dupree

j Norfolk. Va.

tXMOMAI, (Ubo) I First Half: I Porter A Sulllvau .Miller, Moore A i oner a suiiivau

i Ganliier''""*- .. Arthur iWoy Jn Co, |Mr. Ai .Mr». lIuKh

I Euimott LMt Half: j Revolving Collins Gertrude Hoffma Paul Coocliaa

I Last Half: Trovato (Llbouitl lull, Hweile lU It heebert's Maneburiana; Ward A Cullen

PANTAGES (m) I Musical Juveniles Win. Shilling A Co. Belle TrI.i

IsiHiir A North |Sllvera Oakley

I Frovidanoa

I KEITH'S (ubo)

{GleeHoii A Huullhau lllyuiack lEuiuielt IVvoy A Co. {Jack tiardluer iGordim A Kica I Minute Du|iree A Co. ! Weetuii A I eon ,Geo. Schindler Edward Marshall

I Regina, Can.

OKPlIF.M (onib)

Last Half: Gertrude Hoffman A

O Trovato Billy Sweile Hall

Oxford Trio Nadell A Kane Diinlay A Merrill Reed's Dogs

Erie, Pa.

OOIXINIAL (ubo) Y'vette Chief Tandacboe Canto A Noll

Boland A Holts Biuna A Bert Arnold Daly A Co. Kelsuer A Givrca Cole A Denaby


Wood's Animalt Night Hawke 'Quiulan A Richards Koxellt A U.iiella

{Palfrey, Bartuh A i Brown

Oakland. Cal.

ORPH El M (omh) Clias. Ahearn A Co. Frank North A Co. Stan Stanley Trio

IJbby A Barton

Biohmond, Ta.

LY’RIC (ubo)

First Half: ilJtionItl

I Fredericks »‘fmona ^ '. Manchurian.


Ft. Wajue, Ind. (Ptlinfj. Bartou A

EMPRiatS (loew) i Brown First Half. Loulavilla

Sle^'r^tJi * e Six Olivers Gonid

Grand Kapida, Mich. Ionise Galloway A Co. r«i i>VRix Telephone Tangle COLl-MBIA (Ubo) *

Juliette I Memphii J. A YV. Hennings nRisiii.'C' YVllls A Hassan ORPHEL. Wemer-.Vmoras Troupe Mercedes Three Castllliana loddie Cliff

EMPRF.SS (loew) Auatrallan^^

Last Half: Kimberly A El Cleve Chadwick Ti Jo.vce A YY'est lAncton, lo Push A .Slisplro York's Can! When It Strik.n Hume 1 Meliiotte Twins I Milwi

I Six Olivers 1 CRY8TAI

Memphii, Tann.

ORPHEIM (orph)

[.Vet Beautiful .Mack A YValker

' YY'eaton A Clare {Ida Divinoff

I PANTAGES (ra) 'pony Moore A Co. YY'lnach A P«iere Cooiran A Cox Gilbert GIrsrd iLove A YVtlbiir

Ogden, Utah

onpiIEl M (loew) Last Half:

Fan In the Baths Dick Deloris

{Burton, Hahn A

YY'anxer A Palmer I Neal A Earl YY'innlng YY'idows

Omaha. Neb.

! Romeo the Ores» {Hayward.Stafford A Co. (Jones A S.vlvester Hiller A Lyles

{John Higgins

Hamilton, Can. 'Bessie's Cockatoos

McMillan A Co

Wa Pr^»‘ * MalKmey ""''t Eilwardi Broa.

Harrisburg, Pa. MAJESTIC (orph:

ORPHEIM (ubo) Princess RadJah Bison City Four Green Beetle Mystic Bird Corradlnt's Animals

Anna Chandler Indianapolis Herman Tlniberg

KBITIl'S (nbo) I'ameron Sisters Ryan A Lee Chaa. Weber Chas. Thomson Wallenstein A Freeby Minneapolis Fre<l Soamin ORPHEl'M (orph)

Trixie Frlgania Raymond A Bain CoiTn A Cor.

Jacksonville, Fla. (Barry A YVolfus rxnRirpi'xf lYYoodman A IJvInxi ORPHEl M (nbo) ,.,,rre Pelletier A I Creighton I^ewla A RuMell • V w Bertie Ford Lnwell A Esther Drew n_ , Stewart A Donohue LMQLE (loew) Schooler A DIckinnon {Dixon A Dlxoa Miller, Devoy A Prince {YY'arner A Corbett

Gardiner Trio ITbumas A Hal] lYVarxl, Bell A Ward ;Jobn Geiger .

YY'imdchoppers; Omaha. Neh

Tru*'*’*' ORPIIKM l.xrphl

T^^n"cro‘„'.S!nX A Co. luViVc^ York's Canine Pupils vJ^Kay A Ardlni

I Milwaukee Gardiner Trio mvierxi 'Thurnas A Hal] CRYSTAL (loew) 1 Warxl. Bell A V

Bessie's Cockatoos (John Geiger . Three Lorettas Ih-I tale A Vernon OtUwa. Cai Uda McMillan A Co. DOMINION ((

* Natamey l^rtler A Arllne E.lwarda Bix*.

MAJESTIC (orph) . Rtnlford A YY'ln Princess RadJah I Burke A McDon Green Beetle |Olympic Trio Corradlnt's Animals Wkii.dainhi, Anna Chandler | . Hermaa Tlniberg KEITH'S (n I'ameron Slilera TJpenakt'a Do;a Chaa. Weber Sergt. Bagby

Ottawa. Can.


Adler A Arllne

J Irene Grange

Roeboatar (ra) TEMPI.B (ubo)

5"®' Ed Morton Edward Stevens A C«. Ihllva A Seals Krenika Bros. Howard A Symon

i«li Monets Five naew) Bertha Creighton A Co.

Josephine Davis

Baeraraento, Cal. BMPRWS (loew)

Cantwell llenjamin

" Mr. A Mrs. uavo „ Elwyn

Irwin A IIerz<ir Icb. Ben. Francla Mnrphy orph I Deane's Fancy Fantom. 'do. ORPHEIV (orph) 'o. (Mon. A Tnes.) DO flans Kronold ,

Hermlne Shone A Co. ] Six American Dancer. Ward Alexander A Scott

Rube DIckinMn Harry Tsnda

Jan. Ibe Grazers

Brady A M.Wy^''- A A in. Eilwardi Bix». Ybinly A Dot EMPRESS (loew)

MAJESTIC (orph) : Re.lA>rd A YY'liHdiester

winces. RadJah ! &e*l P'u,en.^'“ * <*reen Beetle |0!ymplc Trio 'SIgsbee'a D<«s

* .1^“'“*’* ! Philadelphia 'B ™. Morrew A Co. Anna Ch»dler | Kwmee inK. i Kraiy Kids il^rmau Tlniti^rf KTiTH 8 (a^) , _..v

Cameron Slilera TJpenakt's Do;a Marini* c\ria Chaa. Weber ' Hrnro''A Fo'i’

OK.,..™ fuo ,-1-

k:j. kst,-.,....! ..KuSySo.. S' sja.. VulloMlOD .Xrt.' cZ'

Pierre Pelletier A Co. * Mrs. Jimmy ‘•®- I.ewla A Russell

Kanaai City, Mo.

EMPRF.S.S (loew)

Eape A Paul Empire City Four Ralton A I.aToor The Criminal I.erner A Ward Jackson Family


Bertha Kalleh A Co. Canrwell A YY'alker Alleen Stanley

I^Tiaa. I.eonird Fletcher F.uir Roclera

Barry {Bolly'e D«lia 'Paris Green

Pittsburg Reid M«terv GRAND (ubo) jVsuneM

Chis. (>ra|M>wln A Cio. I ;.Vngelo Patrlcol. I

Wide Nichols Sisters Wanda

Montreal, Can.

ORPIfEI'M (nbo) Nellie V. Nicbols Flxhtng flying Henrya

(Jarvis A IlsrrIaon Walter C. Kelly I'onix.y A M.slela llorllck Family

Portland, Ore.

fDIPRTSlS (loew) Yfontroee A Sydell

iCalte Brno. McYlabon, Diamond A {YY'llann A YY'lK.n

Cleuience (Morris A Beasley Roach A McCnrdy {IhhUme Primrose Four Kitty Francis A Co.

' Bin Diego. Cal.

I PANTAGES mil {stanicv Scmliiarv Girls YY'ill.xrd lli'tchlnaon Co.

i.Yntrim A Y'ale {Four Soils Bro«. llamea RriM'kmann

! SPKETKF.I.'S (orph) Francis M.ditnn A ('«.

j Merrill A Otto YValdvmeer. Young A

I Jacxdx I Finn A Finn (Kramer A Pittlson iKtuns A Bert



AFFILIATED BOOKING CO. Have Superior Facilities for Supplying Both Managers and Artists With Opportunities To Make Good. If You Want Good Vaudeville at Correct Prices Buy From People Who Know.


4th Floor, Rector Bldg,



U. «J. NASH Chica{^o, Ill.

OCTOBER 10, 1914. X ii e Billboard 9

Bail Franciloo

KMI'ltICMS (loew) I ■u'>. l<antl>rrg J.,lly h WlJd Allru Miller * Co. Il.«e h Mood AlUe llinaon TUr*-** Mori Hro*.

iMtIMIKl'M (orph) Morria iTomti Kalmar * Brown «'lilpf C'auiiollcan Harry IM'oo 4'lau<l» UlUliigwatar Aabley * CiaiiflaM Kite Metaettla Joe * I.ew Cooper

I*ANTA<iK8 (ml Kthel Darla h Holla KI»K Tboruton Co. Miller, Darker A S«U Cheater KlDgtton Taylor A Arnold

Baa Joaa, CaL

VK'TOBY (orph) (FrI. A Bat.)

liana Krooold

Chai. Howard A Co, Aron CoiiitHly Four Alfred Bergen Vlolluaky Aleiander Broa.

j K1 Key HIstera

Stockton, Cal.


CKEEI.KV «gUAUB (loew)

The BriKhtuua Kay Snow Caller Trio y.'laya .Nelluu A DePaula

! SIICBKIIT (loew) illeuiuier A Dritcbard i.Wi'hrodea A Cbappelle Klaaa A Barnie

Icbaa. Delaud A Co. |.Marie Ituaaell KIcbard the Great

N.Y.Vaudeville Whispers

Between Klitbt A Nine (one to fill) Tabor A Green

(Weilnea. A Tbara.), Kantou’a Atbletea 'liana Kronold ilivmHne Shone A <^. ..Six Amoricau Dancera Alexander A Scott

iKuue Dlrklnaoa Marry Tauda

jTbo Grazera

^ Byracnae, M. T.

GRAND (ubo) : Brooka A Bowen ' Krauklyn A Green I Bert Fltaglbbon |C. A K. Caber Wlnaor McCey

! Aurora of Light

I Taooma, Waah.

I EMDKKS8 (loew)

LINCOLN sgUAKE I.Smith A Farmer (loew) IVaudevUle in M

Mermlne Shone A Co. IJuggHog Nelaon Six American Uancera !Bnrae A llarrla Alexander A Scott Kutie Dickinson Harry Tanda The Oraaers

SaTaanak, Oa

rtIJOC (nbo) First Halfl

Derkln'a Aidmala II. A U Walton Jack Polk Tboee KIdleta

Laat Halfl I.ew Hoffman

|Muatcal Aeolloe , Anderson A Gotnes I Stewart Slaters A


PANTAGES (in) Allaky's Hawalltna Link. Koblnaon A Co. Henry A Harrison

' Work A Play IVestoff Trio

Toledo, 0.

KEITH'S (nbo) Hartman A Varady

Brierre A King Criterion Trio Siilder A The Fly .Morris A Allen Walsh A Bentley | (one to all) I

NATIONAL (loew) I Huasell's Minstrels Stewart A Dakin Bertie Fowler luex McCauley A Co. Clarence Wilbur (two to Oil)

OKPIIEUM (loew) Williams A Moore B. Kelly Forest lliree Alrarettao Bessie LeCount CUyton-Drew Players Cook A Sterena (one to ail)

PKOCTOR’.S 23D ST. (pr)

I.nlgl Bros. McCarthy Sisters Scott A Marke Doranto Harry A Anguwta Turpin Nina Payne Zena Keefe A Co. Geo. Roeaner

Kicnara uie or-ai There surely waw some mix-up in the New

"wAUWlPK (l«.w) ‘»‘***‘ Brice iDarid Kalikoa ' open at ttie Palace because she wrote .Smith A Farmer jKior advertising copy. Her place was Oiled Vaudeville in Monkey- by the Courtney Sisters, who also played Ham-

Har Rone ^***** merstein’s. The Australian McLeans only put Kelsoe iT^Lelghton *“ performance, and that was Monday after- lone to Oil) noon. Their cancellation was due to their

Elixabeth X J back-stage temperament. Their awignment was (nri S>t®PP. Goodrlrii and King, who also

FlorenM RayOeld^ P‘*f^ Colonial, replacing Ruth Roye, who Man of Mystery did not show after the Tuesday afternoon per- Gordon A Gordon formance. Froaini, who played the Monday sfter- .\Hnua Phillips Co. noon show at the Colonial, retired from the

Harry Rose Kelsoe A Leighton (one to Oil)

' Elixabeth X J I i»nnrTnH’<j (nri S>t®PP. Goodririi and King, who also FlorenM RayOeld^ P‘*f^ Colonial, replacing Ruth Roye. who Man of Mystery did not show after the Tuesday afternoon per- Gordon A Gordon formance. Froaini, who played the Monday after- .Minua Phillip* Co. noon show at the Colonial, retired from the

HeTbert Germaine Trio *>111. hi* place being taken by Edward Marshal. a cartoonist. At the Alhambra last Tuesday

Fall River, Masa. night Nora Bayes did not put In an appearance,

_ (loew) Ifivlng for her reason Illness. Brice and King,

Edna Luby*A Co. ^*>0 plsf^d **>« Victoria, deputized for Mis* Elsie White Bayes. Lawrence Semon was billed to play the Ed. Zoeller Trio Palace and Hammerstein’s, but only appeared (one to OU)

Hoboken. X. J. LYRIC (loew) Louis Wesley is now doing a vaudeville act

I Anderson A Evans with Harry Kelly. They are presenting the I (four to Oil) same act as Kelly and Harrison did last sea-

i Ht. Temon, X. Y. son. Their •■Small Tow* Chatter" absurdity

I PROCTOR'S (pr) met with approval. Gilroy A Coiiell _

4 Co. Henry (Henry and Adelaide) sprained

W. S. Harvey A Co. **>* ligaments In bis knees two weeks ago at Morrisey A Hackett the Majestic Theater, Johnstown. Pa. The Geo. Roeaner ,ct was compelled to lay off, but will start

Xewark, X. J, work again in the very near future.

LYRIC (pr) - Tbe Iremenas The Duvon Sisters, who entertained the Ham- Brandon A Taylor meretein audience laat week, were re-engaged

G^“N^ger'^^“co. October 13. The girls will Lament A Milhaui strengthen their act by putting In a new Harold Kennedy budget of aongs. Ilecker A Lieb _ tlaberdaabery Mike Bernard, champion ragtime piano player

Xewburgh, X. Y. of the world, broke in a new single act at the

COHEN'S O. H. (loew) Olympic, at Fourteenth street, and registered Musical Kleisees one of the biggest bits the bouse has bad in Ex-Mayor I.ew Shank manv a day. Caesar Rivoli _

American Comedy Four Harry Cooper has discarded hi* "crei**” (one to Oil) . . . . . ^ w n >1 11 w ▼ make-up. not because of the extra duty thereon,

I ew oc e s, simply as a matter of characterization.

iHartie^'A *Pecim'^* Harry claims that by so doing It will have a {Tom Mahoney tendency to bring forth bis handsome features. (one to Oil) -

Philadelphia f^om of Joe Fields and Charles Warren J-^^has dissolved. Fields will take as his |>artDer

I * (loew) Joe Browning, formerly of Browning and Lewi*. I Oscar Lorraine -

Hendricks A DePanla ,Kri>d J. Ardath A Co.

Beraatosk, Pa.

POU (nbo) Tally A Mayo Krckl A Adeie AStalr T<ioey A Norman Hu(>e Vernon Chauncey Mtmroo A Co. Hugh Uoyd


KMPKI-XS (loew) ^ Ethel A I-ucy Baker lelgbton A Raitriaaon Grace DeWIntren Ityan. RlchOekl A (Jo. Harry Thomaon Cyelliig XcNutta

ORPHEPM (orph) J<>*. Jefferson A COk Bendlx Players Swor A Mack Bnrnham A Irwin Meehan's Dogs

< Iro Gascogne -Clco Trio

PANTAGES (m) lander Steven* A Co. Brno Kirhardaon A Co. York Trio Prince A Deerie T..gin A Geneva

Bkoaz City, la.

ORIMlEt'M (orph) Eirreet's Monkey

Julia ChirtU Billy McDermott McCormick A Irving Dainty Engllah Trio Mme. Doree A Co.

Toronto, Can.

SHEA'S (nbo) ;lbe Meyakoa Mack A Ortb

I Billy Bonneer Ihsdey A Ruzel

|B!aocbo King A Co.

Union Hill, X. J.

Hl'DriON (ubo) {Three Melvins iGlenu Hall

Walter Ward A Partner W. S. Harvey A Co. PR(XrrOR'S 5bTH ST. Morriaey A Hackett

(pr) Geo. Roeaner

Spragne A McNeece v.wark V J .^pragne « vic.^e^ Xewark, X. J. LeFevre A St. John Eilwin Leasing A Co. LY'RIC (pr) The Dougherty* T*** Iremenaa Dream of the Orient Brandon A Taylor Joe Cnrtia Tyson A Barbour Labelle ••*<>• Nnitel * Co.

PROCTOR'S 12oTH ST Kenney*”

UUea, X. Y. rearl big*.

.SHIBERT (obo) PolKtck A Co. SEA ENTH Sutton. McIntyre A _ •*'>*

Sutton Barnard A Anger X*** J^>hch Four Entertaluera* I.r*,*’*

(pr) A1 Debre Wallace A Hatfleld Mabel Care we Melescini Santrey A Sherwood

Slaters -Mldgley A Elton Titanic Disaster Pearl Rriis. A Burnt Sam Iveveen A Co.


• Is'k A Verdi r'e:iMmt Benton A O. ■ •ellaien A Nico I at Mon Kim Mil. \~.r|, .k Co. I.rnle A RrnI*

Spokane OKPHEI M (k>ew)

I) anche I^wlle Valrloda A Myers I'oljtn Bros. Earl A Curtis vlray A Graham Ki-hinl Days


Vancouver, B. C.

A Co OKPHEI M (hww) ieo. A Ijly Garden Bogart A .Nelson lll|^MMln>me Four Eugene Emmett A Co.

In- Stantons ■ph) , VA .>rm»»«l't .Animals

f ’ PANTAGES (m) '-•rcua Eleven Minstrel .Mtida

D. tel Fleteher A Co. • Ce- (ii.g, I iitgen*

rila-HNl A Snow • •■on A Adeline Sisten

Frank Stafford A Co. Wolga* A Girlie (three to Oil)

Albany. X. Y.

PROCTOR'S (pr) Archie A Gertie Fall* Gray of the Dawn

|I>ecker A Lieb Haberdashery

Xewburgh, X. Y.

Victoria. B. 0.

PANT.AO^k (ml

Ben Lewin A Co. NIck'v Skating Girls Warren A Conley I ainberti Burt Gorn Melbourne Marafcall A Field Grace Melbourne


ORPHEPM (l.vew) Conrad A Mareen* Jsp*m-n Prince Bame* A Robinson

Jim Morton Frey Twins A Frey (two to Oil)

I Plainfleld, X. J.


Teddv McNamara A Co. Klanlc ST. JAMES (loew) Saiindert A Von Kuntx 'M.iore A Elljott It'ied’ll .singer* Geo. .Arm*trong l*>ckharte A Igiddy Sam Mann Player*

Waakingtou C.oe tt. Sb'rke A

, KEITH'S (nbo) ^*'*^'* _l.ucy Gillette

Edith Swan A Girls Howell Slaters

I Port Cheater. X. Y.

PROCTOR'S (pr) Held A Cameron Hamilton Bros Mr. A Mrs. Nat

Caferty Kelly A Williams

Walter Terra A OlrU Valerie Bergere A Co. Vive Mowatts 1 aTourralne Plrmr a.ariltier A Revere Two Kemt

Bt. l«nls


Wtsid A W yde Joe Jackaon \llan Dinebart A Co. la* A B. llioroton

Wilmington, Del,


Geo. .trm*trong Mr. A Mrs. Nat Sam Mann Player* Caferty Goe -tt. Sb'rke A Kelly A Williams

Lafayette Nirdlnl

fonj””flll) SchanecUdy. X. Y.

Brooklyn _ .. . * Burkhardt

BIJOU (loew) Van A Ward Sisters Von Hampton A Jocelyn Orard A Gardner Three Kelton* Georgia Campers Browning A Dean When Women Rule Toronto, Can.


M guaranteed for FIVK yean, should fub- sttntlat* th* extreme oonfldanoa that tha builder baa In this TRUNK.

For further deacriptkm and Informathm SEND for our Oatalcgu* and Wazdzoiia BooklaL


CHICAQO. ILL. iti w. sath at.


one of the biggest bits the bouse has bad in many a day.

Harry Cooper has discarded hi* ‘‘crei>e” make-up. not because of the extra duty thereon, but simply as a matter of characterization. Harry claims that by so doing It will have a tendency to bring forth bis handsome features.

The team of Joe Fields and Charles Warren ba* dissolved. Fields will take as his partner

Joe Browning, formerly of Browning and Lewi*.

Late reports have It that Carl Henry is Im¬ proving rapidly, and everybody hopes for the test. He is affected with cousumption.

Victor Niblo was compelled to shorten his act St Hammerstein’a last week owing to a severe cold. He generally walks through the audience Lasere A Lasere cold. He generally walks through the audience

Brown A Moulton . . ,: . . , _ Henry Hargrave* A Co. "““I **'» wonderful binl, talk to the speo- Edith Swan A Girls tators. However, this will be omitted until

Damerel A Oo. Hamilton A Ba Fisher A Orean .CIthoff Statera Kiynhmd A Cavarlj Irxroba John A Mae Bnrka ^■arza Del.aruaa Drown A Rocbella

Bt. Paul

RMF‘REWI (toaw) Aim.roa A Mntvey Meredith A Snooaar I’lsano A Bingham BMellghta Cabaret TrI* Alvin A Kenny

OlnsHElTM (orph) ■ lanne Carrera A Oo.

Mivsea Cam|R>ell

j Wiaalpeg, Caa.

I ORPHEPM (orph) II he Redbeade

'artmell A Harria Vsahl (Jnlntette

ICorikett, Sbepi'ard A

|Kllda Morris , iugene Trio


«*» Aerial laVaiU rnea (two to Oil)

i COI.PMBIA (loew) I..eo Beer*

orpb) The Elopement Rockwell A Wood

•rla FYevoll (one to Oil)

1”* * FI.ATBPSH (l.iew) Donovan Btinth A Rudd

I.eater Trio Callahan A Daly

(m) Viola Dnval iDeWItt Young A Slater ! Or»<T Emmett A Co Davla A Waltser "tny'ler A Buckley lanrie Ordway lg>ttle Mayer A

LAST HALF BILLS October 8-10

Waltser Sandy Shaw Buckley Cecil. F.ldred A Carr

■dway (one to Oil) •Ter A FULTON (loew) Grecian Maldt Willard A Bond

Ergottl A T.lIIlputlana Jim Reynolds (three to Oil)

I I.IBERTY (loew) Von Cello

I Delsphone (three to Oil)

Georgia Campers

Toronto, Can.

TONGE ST. (loew) (Full Week)

Pariee Richmond A Mann Trovollo Jim Roeen A Co. Innes A Ryan Pekinese 'Troupe (two to Oil)

Troy, X. Y.

GRAND (pr) .Mr. A Mrs. Ctpi>elan Steven* A Steven* FMn Shop Murphy A lAchmar Henry Frey Sweeney A Rooney

Watarbury, Oonn.

LOEWS (blew) Doc Will Davis Eddie Heron A Co. Bert Melrose Helm Children Martini A Frabtni (one to Oil)

Xaw York (Jtty

AMERICAN (loew) M*e F'rsnrta Irsnk Use A Co.


Phllllpl Quartette Crawford A Unhlerlck

Brown. Hsrrt. A Brown When We Grow Up AnOumy A .Adeie Dave Ferguson leMsIre A Daw*on Arthur A Grsce Terry "'arren Broa Edith Itaymond A Co. GLOBE (loew) •three to Oil)

BoPLEVAnn (loew) iHowanl A Field Gti>*t Countess 1 Mliiatrel* 'Iro, )». .\|„rphy A Co {Pollv Prim tllnore n«h*r iPanlon ■Jiiisrf Itlaek A Co. Thu*, potter Dunne l-'wer A Darrell Thre* lli-nnett M»ter* three Kelort (two to Oil)



Chicago. Sept. 20.—A meeting of the Board of Dlrectorn of the American Theatrical Hospital Aasoelation at the O'rt Theater Saturday after-

tvion was held with much *«<crecy ■iirroundlng It.

his voice is In proper condition.

Genaro and Bailey broke In their new act at Dockstader’a, Wilmington, last week, and were a sensation at every performance. Mr. Dock- ftader arrived In New Y'ork Tiiewlay and spoke words of praise for the clever duo of singers and dancers.

The two headliner* that will appear at the Victoria the week of October 12 are: Willard, the man who grows, who Is booked for two weeks, and a one-act playlet, called Any Night.

This sketch was first produced as a curtain- raiser at the Princess Theater, and later at the ■Mth Street Theater. -A special cast of well- known performers bare been engaged for this presentation.

Watch Your Step is the name of Dillingham's new show. .Among raiidevniians that have been engaged for the producthm are Brice ami King.

Elizabeth Murray and Harry Elll*. The ahow opens in Ptiiladelpbia. November 12, sfter which It will come to the GIol>e Theater, New York, for an indefinite run. This title ha* been in nse for a vaudeville review In the English hall*.

No. 1 dressing room it Hammersteln’s last ■week wa» occopled by Conroy and I-eMalre,

Bert I.eslle and Charlie King. Charlie was ex¬ plaining to the boy* how difficult It was to aeciire time, adding to hi* comment that he and Miss Brice were only asking H.OfiO a week.

George Is'Malre said* "What do they want to give yon a thousand dollar- for Imitating Eddie Leonard when they can get Leonard for four hundred." There was not a worC spoken for fully half an hour thereafter.

■ Cross and Josephine were billed to open at

the Palace three weeks ago. tut custom tP'ublc* prevented their appearance. However, they are

rebooked at the s.ame house commencing October 12.

Rotslda Dolly and Martin Brown wlJl open


Ektabliabad IMg. 82«.8» Walaiit Strsat, PHILADELPHIA. PA. CATERING T» THE PROFESSION AND LOCATED IN THB CENTER OF THB THEATRICAL DIS¬ TRICT (Opposite Walnut and Casino Theatre*). MEYERS A SELTZER, Praprlators aad Maaatar*.

Casey banner. They are rehearsing a panto¬ mimic dancing novelty, which will be ready

for a showing very soon.

The Chadwick Trio, featuring Ida May Chad¬ wick, opened on the Orpheum Circuit, at St. Louis, last week, and did extremely well.

The Shee<ly office I* now playing eight act* at the Majestic, Newark. The house has * seating capacity of over two thousand, and is

b«>oked by Ben Plerniont.

Charles G. Borchert. who managed the Co¬ lonial Theater since Its opening this season, resigned his (loeltiun, his place being filled by

William Wood.


Dare-Devil Lee Boy la doing four a day on

the high wire In St. louls, from the roof od the lIliitHxIrome across the street to the roof of the Gem Theater. He Is very clever at It and Is pleasing an enormous crowd as an ad for

the Hippodrome.

Chuck Haas, who played the Grand Opera House here last week, still has the patrons of

the theater commenting upon his marvelous skill In knot tying and rope twisting. As a rope spinner his equal has not been seen in this city, and bis line of talk while doing same create* enough comedy to make It a suoces* on

any stage.

The city la being decorated for the annual fall festivities, which take place from October 0 to 11, inclusive. The aunual Veiled Prophet

Parade, which la always a feature of this week, will be pulled off on the night of October 6.

Massey and Bolton have forsaken the whit* tops for vaudeville. They appeared at the Grand Opera House, St. Lonis, week of Sep¬ tember 21, and were one of the comedy spots

as well as the bits of the program. Their work

la clever along musical line*.

The Park and Shenandoah Theaters have

caught the crowd of St. Louis to the point of capacity buslnees almost every night In the week. Two stock companies, one musical and the other dramatic, alternate in week stands between each of the theaters. Their success has

been remarkable to the point that seats are always In demand.

Ivonls Cello has absorbed the O. T. Crawford Booking Exchange of this city and placed same

under the management of the Oi'penbelmer Bros.

About January 1 St. Louis 1* to have another

ten and twenty-cent vaudeville house along the line of the Hlpiwdrome and Grand Oj'era House

(four performances a day), located at Tenth and Pine streets, namely the old I.* Salle Theater. Alterations are at present being mail

It la said that on a dectsloo of the entire their vsndcvllle engagement at the Palace,

board Adolph Marks, who 1* alleged to have 0(’tc)>or 11*. after which they will play all the hampered the movement a* much a* he poa- h>cal houses, alhly could, ha* been asked to tender hi* rosig- _■ nation within a certain period. William Schrode, formerly of the Follies, and

Progrea* Is reported. Rosalie Cebella*. are a new team under the



X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.

Alhambra, New York (K«Tiewed Monday Matinee, Oct. 6.)

New York, Oet. —IVitiniMy lloudini drew tlieiii til. or iierliHiia tlie n'putatkin for Urat-cUMi

cutertaliinu lit that tlie Harleiu home of Keitb'a Taiideville tian eoiiKluteiitly maintained waa tbe renKoii for the turuaway huaiueas prevailing at the Monday n.atiiiee. While tlie bIkiw tbia week larka a otrtain apirit and jfinger noticed in the two prevKiiia hllla it eoutaiua a aullieient amount

of variety to intereat. No. 1—Tbe Magleya, Irene and Guy, pre

M'lited a tpleridid routine of novelty daneea. The art ia neatly coatumed, and both perform- era show kno'wleilye of a complete niaatery of

their claiaen art. They were well received. Twelve minutea, full atage.

NI. 2—Pietro played rlvaaieal niimliera and noHlered popular a* leetioiia with equal celerity on tlie plaiKi acoirdion. Ilia lieat llkial pie<-e-> were tiKHM- that tiie ofi'lieatra aaaiated materially by their nccinipaiiinieiit. Thia ia a condition that Pietro alamld lad overha'k. Sixteen niiu utea. in one.

No. 3—Norton and Auatln proveil that they

call la- Jiisl aa fiiiiny with their eeeentrlc com¬ edy in dreaa aiilta aa well aa in clowniai make- opa. Both worked hard. alnirinK. danciiiK and talkinir. and auceeaa crowned their efforta.

Twenty miniiti a, full atake. No. 4—Kdna Ann neeila a new routine of talk

and Boiika. Her preaeiit act ia not at all ault aide for vaudeville. Bleaaed witli a pleaalnk pi-raoiiHlIty Miaa Aus la not uainit it to k<ai<l advantase. Twenty minutea. in one.

No. S -On the Sclaad Pla.ygrounda, a girl

act, with an excellent comedian and dancer in the peraon of El Brendel. H. Bart McPugh, aponaor for the turn, may conitralulate hlmaelf on liavinK a crackerjack dancliik ehorua of alx lively little ladlea, wlio keep thinka morinc at a rapid italt. Tlie act acoreil, cloainn the Aral part. Twenty-flve minutea, full atage.

INTHRMIS.<!ION. No. S--Joe Cook, who livea up to hia billing in

every rea|>ect aa a one-man vau<1evll1e ahow, made one of the big hita of the aftermaui. The apeilalty beam the marka of originality and the comic drofi curtain carrleii a big laughing bit all by Itaelf. Fifteen minutea in one.

No. 7—Harry Houdlnl la confining hlmaelf at

fireaent to two tricka. The firat, hia neeille and thread awallnwiiig atiinta, la womlerfully myati- fylng, and the aecond, an eacape from a water filliMl torture chamber, evidenced the fact that Iliaidlnl ia atlll entitleil to lie termed one of the greateat aliowmen In the game. He regia tered hia uaual knockout. Twenty minutea, full atage.

No. S--Jamea and Bonnie Thornton aang the old aonga and made them aound better than aonie of the lateat iM,|iular aucceaaea of preaent- day aong wrltera. Bonnie put over .\nnle Rooney and Jamea delivered hia diacoiirae on tadltlca, tndiey cam and current fada and folllea. Both hit the .Alhambra audience right In the prtiper apot. The act received a reeep- tkai of alx or aeven bowa, proving that New York audlencea are livleeil loyal to ttielr favorltea. Twenty minutea in one.

No. 1* —McIJlllen and Oaraon. preaentlng their roller akatlng and nimble dancing in a toyland interior, made a pretty picture. The coatumea

are exiienalve and the general effect la one of elaaa. PVillowlng the entire abow they held

them In and cloaed to reneroiia applauae. Six¬ teen minutea, full atage.—HEXX.


RiM-heater, N. Y.. Oct. 2.—Han I*lieney. ad¬ vance agent of Jack Slnger'a Bebman Show, committed aulclde here balay ny drinking car¬ bolic acid. He waa found in hia room in the Berkely Hotel at noon. Mr. Pheney had tranaacted hia buaineas here anil on Wednea- day complained of not feeling well. He bad been with tlie Bebman Show only a week. Ji.ln- ing tbe company in Itetndi. ilia home was in Chicago, and be waa 33 yeara old.

Majestic, Chica$2;o (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Oct. 6.)

tTjlcago, Oct. S.—“SiH-ed” fitltM tlie fii-'t aeven acta of the program, then the bill toidi a sudden turn and t1o|>i>e<l with a thud and ran alow and liatleaa until the nadioii picture alio-t tiaik control of the laianla. It waa ideal thea¬ ter weather, ami the patnma aei‘iiie<l to have taken advantage of it by lllliiig the Majeatic nearly to capacily at the Miualay matinee.

Eddie I eonard and Malnd UuKsell, prorrammevl to follow Emma Carua and Carl Uamlall, did not a|ii>ear. Illneaa was given aa the case, so a “single" filled the vacancy.

No. 1 -Baptiste ami F'cani-onl, in a aeries of dltticult acrotutic tricks, made a sterling o|>eiier. .tltlsiiigh they were bauipeieil by liaviiig t<i work in one, they aci-omplisheil tiielr feats with¬ out a mishap to the:iHw>lves, but the.v broke the

stage chain and a few bulbs in the attempt. Very well likevl. Eight minutes in one.

No. 2—Walter Deleon and “Muggins" Davies, with i»atter and songs of the highest

brand, sioreil decisively on tliese, ami even outdid thia when they olTerevI their motion Idctiire burles<|ue for a ckisiiig. which sent them off well satislleil with tbe results. Thirteen minutes in one and two.

No. .3--Homer IJnd ami Co., In a new vehicle, entitleil The SIngin r Teacher, seems to be Just a revival of The D]iera Singer, Mr. IJml's former successful vehicle. The new

can Ik- paid to tlie horse. TTiv-st- animals are

the heavy workers of the trou|K-. Their Indl- vldu.vl dancing brought tremendous ap|>Ianae.

Twelve minutes, full stage

No. 8—Yvette, a little live wire, wUh ats-ut 12,lllX) volts of electric Juice as her aswlslaiit. Just simply wadnl in ami tore her four string Instrument to pieces. Her reiK-rtolre ran fnim raggy strains to those of classical, and then back again to iHUHilar nieloilles. That little

ball of life continueil to roll arouml at a fast

t>ace and when slie rolleil off tlie audience

forceil her to bounce back twice. Twelve min¬ utes in one; special dra|>.

No. 7—(Bee act of the week.)

No. 8—Harry Jolaon, filling In for E-bUe I-eon- arii and Mabel Bussell, had an utdilll tsittle ;he

didn't make an attempt at mom»1ogue. but siiiipl.v sang Ihres- numts-rs, ai-i-ei-tisl three ls»ws ami departe-l. Harry was well likeil at tliat,

but his (sadtion on the bill was too late a one for him. Ten minutes In one.

No. P-Nuuien>us walkouts were mdli-eable before Brown and Rochelle made tlieir ap (learance, closing the program. Their acndiatlc

ami trani|Mdln work was exceptionally gosi and those that walkeil out misseil one of the treats of the afternoivn. There Is something

famiilar alsiut tliese Isiys. although this is tlie

initial apiH-aram-e for the act at the Majestic. Nine minuti-s. full stage.

< ecll I.ean and Cleo Mayfield were addeil to the program, to open Momlay night, reidacing Eildle l.eimard and Mabel Bussell.—II.VBBY.




E Emma Carus Assisted By Carl Randall, Majestic Theater E

~ Kiiiiiia t'apiis. tlianiss to lltth* Carl Kaiulall. Is tliLs wtok's E

Z as tilt- l>:-st lx t. >liss Cams anil Itaiiilall t-ai-li si-oriHl an inilit liliial lilt. ^

S Slit* wIlli In-r mjtK.v niimiH'rs. ••oiii|h>s«h1 tif Celt-hration Pay in Tt-nm-s-st***, Z

E ln(l(*|H-iiiI(-iU'(‘ Day in liiibiin Town and \Vii(‘n I'm YVitli tlio tiirls I'm = ^ I/oviiiK Tin III .\ll till- Tiim*. ami lit- witii tliat artistic daiii-iiiK; that liaa E Z si-iit liini to tlie top ranks witliin the sliort time of a year. It's a (treat E

Z eomhinalion. and tin- .Monday alteriKMin audienet- was so kind that, Z

E after forcing tlie artists to aet ept seven txiws. >llss Cams was etnii|H*lletI 3

E tD .saunter down in oiu and make a short spei-eh, in wlileli she Ix-stowed :: 2 tlie entire eridit on tlie slioiilders of Carl Itandall. Tlieir siM-iety dan> E = einc is well exei'iited. and noiNMiy ean kid Kmma any more aliout her ^ E a\oii«lii|»ois. Slie’s there witli tin soeiety step and ean si-t tliem all Z E a pace. Thirty*three ininuti^. in three. ~


skit retains the same vein as bis former play¬ let. but gives the Individual artists more chance at acting. Mr. I.iud, as the vocal teacher, still retains lids vigorous actin: and distiiiguislieii

liiiiiself throughout the running of bis offerlug. He is given many chances at comedy, an-l he accepteil each ami every o|i|s>rtunity yiumUy afternoon and secured au abundauce of laughter as tlie result. E. E. Lambert, A. Currie, Marie Sinclidr, Eliza Masi>n and iKwta Kelly assisted Mr. LIihI iu making the suci-ess he did for bis

initial at)|K-arance in his new skit in Chicago. Twenty minutes in three.

No. 4—Harry Breen was evidently well fllleil with siiulriel fissl, for he simply sang and cut

up in his nutty fashion until he iandeil himself on tile register as one of tbe afternoon's hits. T'weiHy-five minutes in one.

No. 5—M. and Mine, t'orradini's menagerie is as fine a collection of animals as has ap- (eareil at the Majestic in some years. Two zebras, one elephant, three dogs and a liorse make up tbe animal entertainers, and each ind every one of them displayeil their quickness It tricks, which clearly slsrweil the master band of tlieir trainers. The eieidiant stanils bead and shoulders in his division In the accimiplish- nient of tricks and is atsmt as fine a s|>ecimeD of a quadru|>eii that has been br-mgbt forth on tlie vaudeville stage. The same compliment

Chicago Palace (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Oct. i.)

Chlca;to. Oct. n.—The bill at the l-aisce f- r the current wi-ek is not up to ttie standard set by this bousi-. A few of the ai ts gained well

iiier.ted apprei iatioli, but for tl:e most part the audii-tii--.' was sluggish aud coulil isd lie aroused.

^-o. I—The show iipeueil with Daring 1‘riiii-e

and au-'ther monkey. In a bicycle and motor- (ycle ridiiig act in a miniature lu-tordrome. Tlie monks do ver.v well and gained applause. Five minutes, full stage.

No. 2—A1 B. White, assisted by l*hll Kane at tl>e piano, reiidereil a nuiiilier of popular aougs. The applause iu s|k>Is seemed to imlliile tlist it was .1 song puldishers' contest instead of s regular act. It was so prolonged that Wnlte responded to iiiiiueisiiis ts-ws ami gave an eii core.

-No. 3—Werner Ani-apw Company, fiair men. one of wiioiii iiiipi-rsonates a female, billeil as vaudeville's greatest novelty, offer an act that '.ncliides J'isgling of halls, sofa cuslilons, plates, a goNl routine of Indian club xwiiigiiig and closing with 4 trio, consisting of piano, violin and cello. Conieily is injected In tlie close liy his chagrin wlien lie finds it is ■ man. TTirough SOPH- miS'indeisttiiding the i|ri>p was lowered

POWDER—ROUGE aad CREAM Hare brni usni by tlie prorimliai for Ml yeoiw. Ileal thru Ibrjt are the htwl now.

Sesif for free oamplri.

METER, 107 W.l3tli St.,R T. By the way—are you usinql


while the cello player waa going on to Join

In tbe last niimlM-r after a vkilln aolo, aud tiie effei't of the uinaic was partly apuiled. The applause was generous, liiit tliry refused to re- -IHUid. Twenty iiiiiiiites, lii three.

-No. 4—FTalier and Grei-ii offer a two scene playlet, entitb-it Tlie I’artiiera, that Is some- wliat shKig Iht lines of the I'otasb stories. Tlie i>|H'iiiiig. Ill one, sliows tile •eiitraui-e to the .New York subway, but with a back dlop show- iiig the fair at Chicago, where the partaera

are having a violent argument, that goes over iiici-ly. The wxt si-eiie alsiws their ofllcet and samide risiiii. with a new argument in full hlast. The entrance of a young lady, whom

they thing ia the buyer tliey are ex|iectiug, offers the igi|Hirt unity for a typical selling si-eiie. .4 big hill of gisHls Is dis|SHieil of, and as stie Is leaving they fiinl that ahe ia a m-slel l'••killg r>r employiiieiit Instead of tbe buyer. It is a liiiiui-roiis sketch and makes Its (Mint very nicely. Twenty minutes, cUwIng In three.

No. ,*>—Keiiiii y. Ni-biMly and I'Istt have a

lilackfai-e act coutaliiiiig much old chatter. Tbe sing.iig Is giMNi, but tile tsiys need a new vehicle very b-sly. Twelve minutea, in one.

No. C—George Danierel, with a company of fifteen, iqM-us bis new- act. entitleil Ordered Home. 1 Ih> sieiie is laid in Manila, and the

story deals with the weakness of an officer In tlireateiiiug to renounce his home and country for the of a dancing girl. He Is saveil by bearing the baud play tbe national air. Quite a bit of g-ssl singing and dancing la

injected into the Twenty-five minutes, full stage.

No. 7—VaiiHoven the dippy mad magician,

lived np to his n-piitatlon and kept tbe audl- euee inten-steil iu his tnties for twenty min¬ utes. In one.

No. y—Henrietta Crosmsu was revleweil In this pa|>er .-Septeuilier 21 In New York, and we ibi n -t differ with the Eastern criticism.

No. 0—Sonia Baralah iDil Charles Grobs offer a series of mislern ind sensational daneea. They are very clever and their ability gained early peis»giiltion, although the audience started moving tH-f<»re the clos»- of Hie act. Those who stayed were well n-wanleil. Thia number could easily have held a tH-tter spot. Twelve min¬ utes. full stage.— \V.\LTER.

Gt. Nor, Hipp., Chicago (Reviewed Monday Morning, Oct. t.)

Chicago, Get. 5. -F'lgiirltig the first ahow at

till’ Great Northern Hlp|Mslrome Moialay morn¬ ing as a dreos la-hearssl, tlie management of tl e Ja-kson Boulevard iH-use has selected an ideal combination of vaudeville talent, marred a bit by mla ataging, which ciuseil conaiderable time to bi> lost while shifting si'enery in order

,to., »nanMiSMlate three full stage acts following <D the liAls of one another. A shift of tbe entire program, using thb acrobats to o|>en ami tlie roller ska term to close, would bring the hill to Hie point of being one of tlie tiest vaude¬ ville programs witnesaeil at thia bouae alnce

its initial opening. Frank Morrell, the head¬ line,*. was forceil to do “two in one,” having le-en sent out tietween the fourth ami fifth nits to offer a little talk while a scenery shift was b-lng ma-U-. Tlie liimse held capacity, even llie (sixes lieing filleil. A shift of the program







OCTOBER 10, 1914. X ti e Billboard 11

«III nil* Ip l»ef<r« t»i# »e<x>n<l


No. I 4'»rr<>ll. KfitliiK »i«l K«y. two ruril rli«r»rlen> «ik1 • »tr«lglil. wrrp foropd tu ojipii

tlip i.n.i!r»iii Tlilii »»• ■ »< ry ii|K.t ‘for llii-iii, ■» tl>plr »»lk li»f"ioiijr ■liiiclnc wi* on » I xi r»rly. U«-it»r.ll.-« of tlip hawlirap, t!n‘jr WiT,-. fort'fMl to ao,***!!! tUro** Inma. Tbrlr

atiiicloic cuptorPJ ttiP andlpnra aD>l their l«Ik brouistil luilfh* Kifteen nilinilr., full ■tacp.

No. S—Wentworth, Vrata and Twldy, two* »ud a d..jt, o(T.t«1 a routine of eioel-

|<nt atiinta. Wentworth and Ve.ta work their d'Hide r-Hitlne ainl w-eiire rirellent reaulti. Teddy proven hlinailf a well trained ranine an.1 aliarrd In the ai'PUua,- wi-iir.-d They haee

adopted atreet rleanera' omtmnea. which »dda a hit of coiiiwly to ttielr work. Ten mlniitea.

In one. No. .1—.tnlta ITIinroae’a rhararter w.>rk waa

hlyhly enjo.ved. She o|>ena with an Irlah char¬

acter “itralitht." •Inrlnic Mlanwy Kate, then olTera an lin|*eraonatlon of Ve.ata Tilly. Thla and her cloMnic nuint>er, an Italian character, are her two beat bita. Her noTelty of making

her changea In full riew of the audience added a deal of Intereat. She received the com- Mned aupp>'rt of her audience at the conrlualon of tier offering. Thirteen mlnut<-n. In three.

No. 4—Frank Morrell, that California boy.

came on In thla poaltlon and offered a routine of atoriea that at flrat didn’t aeem to- take; then Frank proceeded to ■’kid" hla audience, but they took It good naturedlr, and when he did pull a "pippin” he wa*. heavily applauded,'

■ ml when Frank aent that tenor voice of hla Int.i the n»'f be Ju«t alint<ly tucked that little

riot tag under hla arm and vainoiiaed. lie aang two nniutier* and left the audience clamoring more. To autialde the applauae Frank did an encore, alnglng IVar Old Oirl. They ap-

plaiidi-d him for fully a minute after he had evlteil. S4>venteen mlniiiea. In one.

No. 5—Ke.ingh and FTancla. In their comedy playlet. The Ward Heeler, did not aeem to feel j tl>e effect of the hit Jnat on ahead of them; in fact they aeeineil to diacover that there waa | m.>re applauae In the hoitae. and they received It. Mr Keough’a quick changea and hla aplen-

dld acting of the rharacterw brought him In¬ dividual honora. MNa Francla’ anpport waa anleiwlldly r»-iidered. Seventeen mlnutea. In

three. No. A \ «tage wait waa encountered here,

hut Frank Morndl cante to the reacue with a

little hatch of "home made" talk. Collier and rw> Walde. with a tieautlfnl heavy act of acen-

ery. held ilown thla p.willlon and offered a roller- akatlng iv'velty par evcellence. Both are clothed In beantlfiil white aatln coatum*e.

which waa a treat to the eye. Their rontine of | roller akatlng waa well handled and brought retnma on each individual hit accompllahed. Thla wonld have made a aplendld cheer for thla week’a pr.>gram. Nine mlnutea. full atage.

No. 7—.Another atage wait waa bad In onler to remove • -me of the acenerv to permit the Sona of the Ih-aert. a troife of aeven light¬ ning tiimblrra and pyram'd bnlldera. room. Had

thla act been In f5>enlng ap.«t the bill would have teen a faat one thronghont. Aa It waa. they offered faat work, with l«t« of life Injected

throngteait the al* mlnutea they were on view.

Full atage.-IIARRT.

McVicker’s, Chicago (Raviewad Monday Matinea, Oct. 5.)

Chlcag>i. <K t. 5 A well lialaiiced hill, full of merit, ginger, laugha ami comlcalitiea with

two headlliiera F.dward Ford ami four ladlee. and Itelnnre and IJght carrying off the homtra. la on view at MeVIcker'a thla wiek.

No. 1 I.andry Itrothera, two aerial artlata, have a very cla«aj art, Inlnaliicliig new

ami catchy apiHiratiia ami paraphernalia, which added very materially to the worth of their offeiliig. Mix nilliiitea, full atage.

No. 2 Kciuhle SInia ’la a cart'amlat of real

nierit. In fact, hla ilrawlng waa excellent, much hettt*r than hla alnglng and make up, whielw we lielleve, would be tvtter with aoine other character. T<-n mlnutea, in one.

No. 3—Claud and Marlon Cleveland, in com¬ edy aonga and dlxlogue. In wrlilch the lady did aome very clever ami comic talking. They were g<»Ml. fkuirteen mlnutea. In one, two calla.

No. 4—Clive and Company, In a acnaatlonal playlet, entitled A tjiaul Time. pre«cnt«‘il by three men and one lady artlat It waa plain to lie aeen that they were of Kngliah deacent,

which, liowever, did not detract fp>m their

luentorloiia playlet, hut Inatead addevi re- freahing flavor to the funny altuatlona. Four¬ teen mlnutea. In three.

No. ,% |telnH>re and I.lght. up ti> the preaeni •tare of the iierformance, eaallv carried off the iMuiora. Their clever and original luethovl of liitroiluclng their aoiiga and piano plavliig rt I nee atamped them aa artlata of the hlg time

character. They were called hack reimatcilly and the audience would not let them go until they made thrv'e howa. Sixteen mlmitv-a, In v-ne.

Ni fl Fetward Ford amt hla four lady alnglng and dancing artlata were lieadllnevl. and con alderel bv the manageim lit the grand feature "f the aplendld ahow. Mr. Ford la well known In Chicago ironi hla hirmer aaaoclatlon with the Four Forvla, and la conahlered one of the heat • ml ne>al original daneera on the vaudeville

atage. The four pretty little girls that aasiat Min are each one an artist in their s|>erlal

line of d.inclng, which included four different l■■ltionuliti<'S, clog dancing, Irish reel and Scotch li'.Hsle in highland ding and toe dancing. At times all five danced very prvttily together, and three acts of special scenery, in one. two and full stage were useil, which addevl very much to their delightful entertainment. Six- t< en minutes.

The second halt, or what Is known as the ■ Western shift or night show at .McVIcker's, In¬

cludes some rare artists, which we regret we I could not sec in time for thla telegraph re¬

view. However, we enumerate their different

I nets and mention tliem as we know them to ! he.

Swain's Rats and Cats, Justly billed, trained to the minute.

Fire Melody .Maids and a Man. mirth and


Fitzgerald and Ashton, two characters of ez- eeptional ability. .Mr. Ashton’s piano playing

j Is considered among the best, wiille the little lady sings character songs and tickles the hearts

and oars of the audience. Their act la billed A Nut, a Man, a Piano.

Bert Davis, in songs and imitations. A real artist.

Copeland and Payton, in a playlet, entitled iJist Call for Lunrii.

Sehreck and Percival. the Tumbling Clown and the Dainty Maid.

We are pleased to note that Manager Birrh, who has lieen absent from the theater for sev¬ eral days on account of illness, is hack on the Job again and his pleasant smile adds very materially to all those he comes In contact vvitli,

Vic lingo was witi) the writer at this re¬

view.--CH A Kf.EV.

. Columbia, St, Louis (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Oct. S.)

St. I.onis. Oct. ,1.—A fair-sired hcns«v greeted

a hil! of ninvli variety ami a well halanceil one, altliough it was imt able to stir np much v*u- tbusiasm. The amlieiice was slow to res|Mind.

Meicevles was tlie headliner, ami Vinie Daly ran a close second.

No. 1—.MacRae and Clegg, cyclists, man and woman. MacRae bandies the comedy, while Miss Clegg does some clever ami diflioiilt riding. It Is a pretty act ami both are very clever per¬ formers. the lady working very fast. Full stage, eight minutes, two calls.

No. 2—Jarrow, humorist and trickster, is very clever. He has a great line of original patter. In one. seventeen minutes, one call.

No. 3—Igincton, Lncler and Company, the company being Miss Jay Melville, who produced most of the comedy of the act. It Is a non¬ sensical sketch, well acted, that pleased Im¬ mensely. Full stage, ten minutes, one call.

I No, 4—Chadwick Trio ami Coinp.any, in the sketch, Wigglml Training Camp. The sketch,

j which Is well written, serves to bring out

much good comedy from Ida May Ctiadwick. The cast of five men ami two women, do well, ami the act pleased greatly. Full stage, special setting. Twenty three niimites, three calls.

N-'. fl—Vinie Daly. In operatic selections and elalsirate gowns, again demonstrated that she Is a popular favorite. She was in excellent

, voice and shared the top of bill with the i heaillinor. Twelve minutes. In one. four calls, j No. 6—Mercedes, assisted by Mile. Stanfone at piano. In thovight transmission of marvelona

! perfection, is the greatest act of Its kind ever I seen h’re. Full stage, twenty minutes, four I calls. I No. 7—Ijddle Cliff. English com-dian and I singer, w-vrks hard. He has a line of songs

that aw* pleasing and were well put over. Tlie 1 dancing ploasi'd beyond a question of doubt.

Eifteen minutes. In one. two calls. No. R—.Australian WotmI choppers |s a nov¬

elty a-'t that pleases. The woodchopping con¬ test at the finish going especially well. Full stage, special setting. Ten minutes, two calls.

Entire length of bill two hours.—WII.I..

Hippodrome, St. Louis (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Oct. 5.)

St. I/'ilis, iV-t. 5—.A packed h<'Use greeted the

best and most evenly balanced hill of the sea¬ son. Slmar's Arabs headline ami are the hit of the hill, ultliongh Miring and I’arqm-tte were a close second.

! No. 1—.Mahinihy and Musette, singing and dancing team, and woman, possess good voices. The lady Is a ver.v graceful dancer. Til-* opening nundier, a .iiedlcy of Irish songs,

I caught the au-iieiice. Tw'-ity ndmites. in one,

j two calls.

! (Contiiuied on page 14.)






12 THe O 1111> o a r d OCTOBER 10, 1914.


New York, Oct. 3.—In the •‘no-pay” battle of the publlahera, Shapiro, HernKtein A Co. are oomliifc oft winner, throuKh the enterpriae of IjouiB Bernatein and the able aaalHtanre Utre Opftenlielm and Bob Kuaaak are giving in the **b«oatlng'' line. They got the Jump on rom- petitora with “war songa” by bavlng The latnd of My Beat Oirl a quick bit, and laat week they Started a whirlwind campaign on their “war eomlc," Tlie War in Snlder’a Grocery Store. Before profeaaional copiea were off the preaa Adeie Ritchie, Willie Weatvm and Ruth Roye took up tlie Bong, and will keep it in their repertory during the Keith engagementa around and in New York. Beaaie Wynn baa included Tango in the Sky in her Hat of bits, and Dainty Marie liaa introduced the aame aong In her peiial Binging act. Bematein enterprise, aa

■sual, is succeeding.


New York, Oct. 3.—Eugene Platxniann, the arell known composer and arranger of bits that have nuraliered literally Into the hundreds. Is ■ow located at the headquarters of Shapiro, Bernatein A Co., In West Forty-seventh Street, as a regular member of their staff of arrangers. Besides having the largest following of any arranger for popular songs for all tiie big New York publlabera, be baa met with propor¬ tionate success composing melodies for song poema of amateur origin, and Is one of ,the very few men we know of from whom every¬ body dealing with him gets a “square deal.*’


New York. Oct. 3.—There Is no busier music man in New York than Ben Bornstein. general aMnager for Harry Von THaer. He has several able assiatants, too; and they are all making a “masB play” to nut the Von THaer "new ones” over, and they are doing it. During the past week Von THaer songs were heard at the Keith, Orpbetim, Alhambra, Buahwick and at IjneWa American, What a Wonderful Love That Would Be seeming to be the leader. The Halsey, I.llwrty, Shubert and Olympic, Bnwdilyn, were bouaes where They All Had a Finger In tlie IMe took the lead. With scores

of smaller theaters using the Von THaer num- bM-a. Bennie bad a big week to his credit, and

the music salf-a proved it.


New Y'ork. Oct. 3.—The Courtenay Sisters, this week doubling the I’alsce and Hammer- atein'a. introduced for J. H. Remick A Co., for the first public hearing, .Marion Sunshine's new¬ est comp<*ltlon. The Dress My Mother Wore. Ifs a lieautlful ballad in every aense of the sroril. and any act thar wants to keep step with the neweat songs will have a ct^-klng Buroher by addressing J. H. Remick A Co., No. 137 West Fort Street. Detroit. Mich. Inci¬ dentally, there is no use in the world for sIngerH to use old and worn-out songs when The Billboard la "on the Job.” And Ifa lltUe to do in sending for songs to mention The Bill¬

board as the source of Information.

THE BlLLBOARD^S SONG HINTS Reliable Guide to the Best Songs in the Catalogs

of the Big Publishers

SPFX^I.4L XOTICF^—If t'aii Iciciittf.v yriursflf a.o a pruf08.*ilonal by letterhead, card or pruifraiii (when unknown to the publiahem), profetnalonal eoples will be niaUed by the various publisliers—but to PKOFl’^SSIONALiS ONLY. Kindly mention The Billboard as your source of Information. The Billltoard tutn not undertake to supply requests for professional copies. Write to the publisliers DIKI'X''T.

NEW YORK CR4»SS YOI'R FINGURK (Charles K. Harris. 70t Seventh avenue. New York City).—Will

C'ubb and l.eo Kdwardex' very latest comedy sung. Right from the priuters All about a traveling Man's advice to bis wife. Adeie Ritchie introducea it at New York I'alace this week.

WONDER WHAT WIIJL WM.IJ.VM Ta.I, (Daly Music CV>.. 14.-) W. Fort.v-flftli street. New Y'ork City).—Rattling comedy B<Mig with music that carries the strains of William Tell overture. Clever lyrics; an exceptional song.

MIBSI.S.SH'1'1 C-ULCRET (J. H Remick A Co.. 1.37 Fort street. Detroit. Mich.).—From their large selection of tongs this is chosen as extra goo,! for acta requiring “speedy” opening or clos¬ ing Dumbent: fast music with clever Ivrlcs.

WE’VE REEN MARKHilf Jl'.'kT ONE YE.VIl (F. A. Mills. 721 Seventh avenue. New York City).—Comic result of Juat what the title signMea. Snappy music and there is a laugh in every aeotence. Fine fur man and woman doubles; clean and comical.

THE WAR AT SXIIkBR'S ORtK'ERY STORE (Shapiro.-Bernstein A Co.. 22rt W. Forty-seventh street. New York CItyl.—Ridiculously funny "play u|)on words" iiic«ns>ratiug the various articles Snider baa to sell. Bright, breety and a corker for anybcxly who ueeda laughs in their act.

WONIkERJ-ni. BoS' (John Franklyn Co.. .Vator Theater Building. New York City).—^We repeat this because Duffy and Sawtelle's “double" bit is worthy a place in any man and woman act in vaudeville. It's a corker.

JtESIDE THE BJ..\C'1vTiD)RS,TREE OX THE RIVI-IR LEA (Edgar Selden. 146rt Broadway, New York City).—Here la a fitting successor to the beautiful Where the River Shannon Flowa; it’s by the same author and ballad aingers can't mist it if they put the new one in their act.

WHAT A WOXHHailPn. liOVE TH.VT Won4) BE (Harry Von THaer. 127 W. Forty-third streel. New York CItyl.—Irrrealitlble "drag" music of the beat Harry Von ‘Illaer style; dandy lyrics. Excellent for singles and ibxibles. Verv late and going strong.

OVER THE .AlIil’INE MOUXTAIXS (Leo Feist. 23.3 W Fortieth street. New York City).— Fred Fisher’s new one; an .Vlpine "yodel” goes with It. The Billboard ia the only publication "tipping" thia good one. Send for It.

LOVE'S MitBvODY (J. W. Stem A Co.. 106 W. Thirty-eighth street. New York City).—If yon aend for thia they will probably include other songs fiom “The H<mae of Hitt;" but get thia aure. It’s done in "bealtatlon” walti time: beautiful music, nice lyrics.

THE DRESS MY MOTHER WORE (J, H. Remick A Cm.. 137 W. Fort street, Detroit. Mich.). —Beautiful ballad fresh from the printer. Was introduced for the first time In public by Courtenay Slaters at the New York Palace and at Hammerstein'a during tbit week. Ilere't a "tip" on a NETV song aiilted to any voice and a credit to any act that puta it in.

IN THE G-.VRDBN OF IBVME. SWEET HOME (Will Von THaer. Forty-fifth atreet. Exchange RIdg., New York City).—A ballad with a pretty descriptive story and the aort of heart Interest that apt^eals. wittiout being over sentimental. Has not been overdone anywhere.

THE C-kilX OF THE NORTH (M. Witmark A Sons. ISO W. Thirty-seventh atreet. New York City).—A story ai)ng on the order of Lonesome Pine. Excellent wonia and itrong melody. Great for quarteta.

This Week’s One Best Song Bet The Billboard’s selection from the several catalogs—

If It Wasn’t For You Sujx'rior number for women singles. Simply great for man and

womanjdoubles. Music just as good as the lyrics—both immense.

('UT THIS Oin' and M.\IL to Harrj’ Von Tilzer, No. 127 W.

Forty-thinl Stmet, New York City.


Ther- is no department of aliow business where the practice of generally stopping the payment of cash or the giving of presents to aingers has worked such noti(;eable good aa In the bnrlea<jue shows. To these houaee week after week, aeanon in and season out come prac¬

tically the aame people. Heretofore the pub¬ lisher who paid the most money or presented

the bnrles<|ue producer with the best scenery or costimies for his number would have the aame aong used week In and we«-k out, until patrona of the bnrlesi|ue shows on any given wheel be¬ came sick and tired of hearing it. Under the new order of things, each show seem* to have a different selection of songs for their numbers, and patrons find the vocal contributions to bnr-

|ii-!i>ine grestly diversified each week and pm- ' portlonately nHTe enjoyable. It wonid be a

aorry d»y for burleaque and vaudeville If the practice of paying alngera were again re-

BI-ERYTHINO REMINDS ME OF 'TOAT OIjD SWEETHEART OF MINE (F. B. Haviland. l.’iSb Broadway, New York City).—Sweetheart songa will always interest a large pisipnrtion of the |s>puIatioD. Here’a one with a dreamy melody on the order of a serenade that is original and delicately constructed. Immense for a sister team, who can dance to the chorus.

OHATTAXOOGA (Waterson. Berlin A Snyder, 15H6 Broadway. New York City)._A coony, raggy melody, and a set of lyrics that would etand as a poem without the music. It started off great in New York and has not been done much outside of cabarets, where they kill them in abort order. For comedians and single women, a knockout.

PUIAi FV)R THE .SH<>RE (Joe Morris Music Go.. 146 W. Forty-fifth street. New York City)._ Here's another of those comic songs that have not been dinned Into the ears of the public. It'a comparatively new and can be made a genuine big numi>er for a comedy quartet or a team of comedians.

WHY W.4STE YOl.’R T>OVE (Kalmsr A Puck. l.’H W. Forty-fifth street. New York City)_ .Single women who like to sing exclusive material will find a dandy "audience" number in this song. Double version can l>e bad for the asking.

DO THEY IA>VE IT ('Maurice .\hrahams. Forty-seventh street and Broadway. New York City). —A raggy ballad. Can be dellveretl as a coon aong or as a sentimental ditty. A beautiful swing¬ ing melody that can be slurred nicely in up to date coony fashion.

UNIVERS.^L PEACE (Jack Mahoney, 222 W. Forty-sixth street. New York City)._It'a about peace and then again It's about war. A distinct novelty with a martial cbonia and an In¬ telligently written set of lyrics.

WHAT IK) YOU 'WANT WITH ME (Manrlce RIchnnond Co., Forty-fifth Street Exchange Bldg.).—'A sister act. single woman or male team can use this song to great advantage bv adding a couple of simple props. It contains a genuine etorv that any act should be able to relate to their audience and make the bit of their life by so doing.

CHICAGO vertt-d to.


New 3'ork. Ort. .3.—With ah eye always keen for promising production ntimlwrs, Joseph W. Stern A Co. have secured the pnhlisblug rights to Miss Tot>asco. the musical piece In which Eva Tanguay will star. They have ready for delivery In a Coxy Comer. Miss Tobasco, Nice

Little Girl and You’ll Be Proud of Your B«y in Blue. This latter eong Is said to be a roost promising march number to suit the times.

IN THE PALACE OF DREAMS (Parke. Daniels A Friedman. Randolph Bldg., Chicago)._A ballad with feeling and expression throughout. First introduced by Relne Davies. Words are by Frank Tyle*- Danlela and the mnsle by Leo FYiedman. Thia combinitlon baa written many ballad hits, so you esn’t go wrong with this number.

DOWN AMONG THE .SHELTERING PALMS (La Salle Music Co.. Rsndolpli Bldg., Chicago). —A ballad which will undoubtedly he one of the hlg song hits when (Tiarlle King and Elisabeth Brice place this number In Charles Dillingham’s new mnsleal comeily. James Brockman wrote the words and Abe Olman receives credit for the mnalc. It Is one of the most heautlfully written ballads of the season, with enough rsggy action to he a hit.

SWEET EILEEN f)F KILI^ARNEY (I^a Salle Music Co.. Randolph Bldg., Chicago).—An Irl^ ballad with a sweetheart sentiment. A goo<I single number. Pederaon and Olman are credlte*! with words and music.

THE THINGS TH.VT CHI-NT (Miller A Jefferson. SI.-'.O S. State street. Chicago. Ill.).—A sentimental ballad that should meet with the approval of the users of a ballady repertoire Words by N. H. Jefferson, music by AI Hmlth.

SFNN'Y HONEY MOON I.AND (Albert L. Green .006 Calumet avenue. Chicago).—A good novelty ballad for mala aingers. Words and mnalc written by Albert Green.


New York, Oct. 3.—Novelty Is the order of the day in aong tbemca, and Will Cobb and I.eo Edwards have bit upon a "drummer” song as their latest Invention. Cross Your Flngera Till I Come Back la Ita title, and tba lyric# compriae the great amount of good advice tha traveling ralrsman givea bis wife upon the avo

of the ‘‘drummer” taking the road for a long trip. Cohb haa worked out tome clever lyrira and I..eo Edwards It shown at bit t>e"t In the score. Pnifesalonal (oplet are now at tha printers, ready for distribution 0<-tober 7.


New York, Oct. 3.—James Kendla, profes¬ sional minager for Manrice Richmond, baa been doirg yeoman service In promoting bit firm's new ballad. You Are the Rose of My Hea.-t. Charlotte Taylor of the Cecil 8i>ooner Theater's tabloid stock In this city has featured It with such success that she now demands aometblng Juat at good to tuoceed It. and thereby haa Kendla in a corner. Gertrude Gogert and Char¬ lotte Leslie are using the aame clever ballad with abundant auccesa, and aa tbe vogne of the aong inrreaaea other singers are becoming ''wise” to its usefulness as an applause-winner.


Tbe horrors of war. It la aaid, are likely te be Increaaed by tbe purpose of combatants Id Europe to shoot aongt into tbe enemy. Tbe great amount of sbooting that It going on ia creating a shortage of metal on tbe other side, and It ia said to have been determined that acme of tbe govemmenta will confiscate mnalc platca and mold the meta] into bulleta. Tbe music pnbllabing bnainess in Prance, Germany and England haa fallen off to an alarming ea- tent and cloaely verges npon demoral liatioix.

Money secured by telling tbetr old platea for bnlleta may help some.


While it'a about time for tbe last roae of summer to be found In tbe comer of the kitebeo garden, there will, aeemingly, never be an end to ‘‘rotes” in tbe music business. Added to

tbe previous heavy supply of ‘‘roae” ballada. this teason'a crop inclndea Rose of Italy (Sel¬ den).. When Y’ou Wore a Tulip and I Wore • Red, Re<l Rose (Feist); You Are the Rose of My Heart (Richmond), and If I Were a Bee and Yon Were a Red, Red Rose (Abrabamai. This last named song has been used by Elisa¬ beth Brice and Chat. King exclusively for the past month, but now Maurice Rlchawad bae released It for general profeaaional tervlce.


Tbe Broadway Jones Co., 4(10 Superior avenue West, Cleveland. U., has a number of song bits which are available for the professtonala. Y'ou Made Me Want It la a number that's lively and bits the spot. It. Jones, Jr., has put up a story that’s a winner, with nauaic. that the general profeaaioDBl can use to advantage.

Vote* fur Wimln U f«>od far ceraedy. It'a fast and clever, and should have a demand.

On tbe Island, called dilrky Cbl Cboo la a beautiful number whldi should go well with quartettes.

Tbe I'anama Pacific Drag Is a good opener or closer for an a<'t. It it fast and fnll of life.


By Hama.

Walter Dtnaldson, formerly of the Manrlrr Abrwhamt 0)mpany staff of pianists, baa Jolnetl

tba force of ivory-tlcklera engaged In playing over the new ones at the Broadway Music Co., better known perbtps among tbe singers at Will Von Tllaer'a.

Brice and King are meeting with unuaual anc- ceas with a new song, entitle<I If I Were a Bee and You Were a Rail. Red Rot<‘. Maurice Abrabaini can tell yon more about tbe compoaer and puhliaher If yon would care to know.

Jack Mahoney’s Universal Peace, a song poa- seaalng a moat timely theme, won a prise last week in a contest at the Hlxty-ntnth Regiment Armory, New York. Frank Howard was the hoy who phrase<| and voraltaed the numl>er suc¬ cessfully enough to daxale the Judges.

Harry Ellla, the sweet singer of hallada, who has been Identified for years with the beat min¬ strel organisation* In the crnintry (*1*0 the city) I* going bark to vaudeville. Jark Ma¬ honey's A Tboosand Time* a Day will be one of the higher class tongs be will place In bit

repertoire. Nora Rayea rondurted an eaclnslve little aong

content of her own iturtng her recent engage-

OCTOBER 10, 1914. T li e Billboard 13


“YOU’RE A NAUGHTY MOON” Full of irresistible dash and swing and one of those melodies that makes your audience whistle it with you.

"HOME TOWN JUBILEE” One of those *'Get Up and Get'em** numbers and just the thing you've been looking for to strengthen that weak spot in your act

“ON THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING DAY” Is a regular badlad. It is really sentimental without being mushy and will get your audience in any house in the world. Easy

to sing smd worth singing.

Here’s three real songs. Some acts can use all three of them, others can use two, and every act can use at least one to won* derful advantage. WE HAVE SOMF REAL WRITERS AND ARE WITH THE ARTISTS RATHER THAN AGAINST

THEM and wiU be pleased to SEND ABSOLUTELY FREE. POSTPAID, PROFESSIONAL COPIES and orchestrations of these three and a dozen others now in our catalog.

Write or call at our professional offices, where you will be given courteous and prompt consideration.

THE LE ROY MUSIC CO., Suite 506, Randolph Bldg., Chicago


Brut at tb« raUr«, N>w York. SloflDK >oni«

■ti aoDg* fn>iii a. mao, dKfrrrot piiMiabera* ratalogurs Mlaa ttajM InTltfd tLe oimpua.*, of rack to the thratrr oo Frida, rTmlng, and ar¬ ranged for the iiK^rat mrlod, makrra to ac- roiu|>an, brr on tbr piano iDdIriduall, In her rendition of tbrir own rom|Minltk>ns.

We Take Our Ilata Off to You, Mr. Wllaon.

waa adjudged tbe winner and tiie pick of Mias Bajea' selections as far as tbe Judgment of tbe Palace audience was conceroetl. Blanche Mer¬ rill. one of our best little comedy and character song builders, wrote It.

In a re<-ent Issue it was said In this column that Walter Donaidaon played Bashful Doll so sweetly and dashingly for Nora Bayes that tbe singer was entranced with tbe song, and Imme¬ diately plated It In her list of Palace selections. Well, we Just got tbe slips mixed, that's all, for It wasn't Walter at all, at all. Maurice Abrahams was tbe musician who captlTsted tbe singer by bis piano style and technique. So, yon see, Al Woblman, even we make a little em>r ©nee in a while.

Oene Buck and l>aTe Stamper, writers of

Just You and I and the Moon, which was a feature of ZIegfeld's current Follies, hare re¬ leased tbe eong for Tauderllle.

Kdgar Leslie says the music business isn't a bad game. He sold two songs last week for ♦Ihat aidece. How muebT

S<ime of the l)est songs that enjoy wx'rld wide popularity have been written while the autln'ra were incarrerateil In a dungeon deep. For in¬ stance, The Star Spangled Banner was written by Francis Key, while the writer was a prlwner of war. during the conflict of 1HI2. The fantous Maraetllalse, one of the most stirring pieces ever enated. waa also written by a man who wa« in Jail as a political prisoner. Now, hoya, alto¬ gether; la-fa get arrested and maytw we can each pitMluee a hit.

Al I’lantiHloal and Arthur Fields, who wrote the swiftly coming (ianie of Love, and the aln-ady here Aim Dalm, motikey song, ©imn In Tsiiderille at Iln<'kslader'a, Wilmington. Ih-I. tih. yes; I knew the, were In vaudeville before,

old chap, but tlie, weren't really "In." you kiKiw. Now the, are, as the, have a regular big lime route.

That motion picture song of fbarlle McCar- r-'ii . Is a eonieily rb't wherever it la placed—It woiiM Fiowii Pis>r I'aiiline I. really a little

•ketch, monologue and song all condensed Into Iw.t verses.

•is. Walker, who rejoices In the eiipbotilc

UH-naker of W. Kaynw>nd (at lea»t that's the -way he signs himself on the song bits that he • rllesi, srya that he is going to drop the W.


"Sweetheart of My Dreams" "In the Summertime” (Take a Trip to the Seashore)

"Oh You Girls" Send late program.

The Regent Music Pub. Co. Lake Charles. La.



WUl fit In any act, and are easy to catob.

THE ST. LAWRENCE MUSIC CO., Braakvllla. Oatarta. Marrktswa, N. Y.

LATEST MUSIC—DAY I KNOW YOU WILL 01>MK BAfK TO MJ-L" by Frieda Hal!, ind three other plecra, for 25c allver. if you Knd names and addnwaea of 10 musical friend FTeet tor 2c aiamp. t^aiaUigue Plays, Sketches, operas, with onier. PLANTERS MUSIC HOUSl I2M Soblllsr Blda., Cklease, III.

Maybe the W. stands fvir Wandering, and you kiMiw Ray isn't acting any more.


When John Heinxman was a clerk In Butle-'s grocer, store on E.ghth avenue. New Y'ork?

When Tommy Gray worked as delivery boy

for a cloak and suit house? When Jimmy Monaco was the orv'hcstra in

Roy Jones' em|H'rluni of pleasure In ChU-sgo? When Meyer CVben sung illustrated ^ngs in

vaudeville? When Charlie McCsrron was a clerk in a

Uiilteil Cigar Store in New York? When Max Winslow was a vaudeville partner

of Humes, Ri>ss or liewls? (Can't rememlu-r

which one.) When BUI, Jerome was a comic singer play¬

ing dates In variety houses and closing his act with Then You Wink the Other Eye, parodied as

He .N*ver Spilt the wood? Wfieii Fred Helf and Walter Jones were ush¬

ers In the GramI Opera House. Cincinnati? When E.ldle Fo, was a black-face comedian? If you dv' you've got a good mi-mory.


TWO GOOD songs:

“THAI’S THE ONE I CALL MY BEAD" (A corking good 4-4 character song—"3 In a bar flne.")

“I'VE A DEAR SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE" (Some descrlptire walu song.)

Oomposed by a wrlup with natural "TALENT" for producing things worth while. Again we wish to call your attention to the fact that we hare eereral more which are as good. If

not better "Songs” than the above. They are ready for the printer and will soon be out. WATCH THE BILLBOARD.

We don't say we bare got the best songs, but we do say THEY ARE GOOD, and we are willing to submit them on their merits. LET YOU BE THE JUDGE.

A COMPLETE PIANO COPY sent upon receipt of 15c per copy. A COMI*LETE COPY will be sent to all PROFESSIONALS for UP-TO-DATE programs.



■eaa^ fAUDEVILLE-l PROFESSIONAL SINGERS. .. Look I Horo it is, rod hot, right off tho presa.

Just what you hava boon looking for.

“The Rose That Blooms In June" Your request on a post cani will bring you a free copy—hurry, before they are all gone. Address

P. W. LICHTENBERGER. Publisher Box 126 ..... Now Harmony,‘Ind.

“LOVE WILL DREAM ' New waits song. Just out, "Tell Me, Dear Old Moon." and three others, all sent for 50c sllrer. Money re¬ funded If not eetlsfled. Orcheettatlons. 15c. "American Girl," full band. 25c.

.MAGBEE MUSIC PUB. CO.. Box 774. Colpinbus. Ohio.

"IT'S GOT THEM GOING ". KR.\US A MOR.NER. MNSIC and OrotMStim. Pu'jllshcrs. S3 S. "A" St., Hamilton. O. nils is a ^ Let TM print your prrfeMtona! exm- g«>»l. catchy comic song and -lance piece. Making a UI<3EY, 1033 hit wherere- used. It's got tnat fast, swinging tune. •"<*• and Is a one-step or tango. Send for your copy now If yau set It la,Thf„BIUbaard. Mil thaa m.

14 X ti e B 1111> o a r d OCTOBER 10, 1914.

Hippodrome, St. Lonis ((VHitiiiiK'd fro n page 11.)

No. 2—Aa'Ii* Trmfx.. uoo| ixdU-nt an,) Ina- KpInriorM. thrw mrn and w<»nian, liaTe a

good «<-t full of rl<‘vor work, fine of the men la e«r)<TiaIl.v e\i(«rt in juggling iKKtpa. Ten mltiiiter. in one, two eaila.

No. —.Amt Jio, wir.ard of aeeordlon. offered »M>!erti<.n. tiiat pieased. Ilia work went great.

T.'n ininnt**,. in <»ne. tiiree rall>*. No 4-Major Wrieiit and lila Iianrlng Hiiga,

one man and two women, in ainging, talking and danelng. Tiio wooden ahoe dancing by the feminine two thirda went well. A clever act, full of ginger. Twelve miniitea. In one, two

calla. .So. n Simar’a Arab,, ton fona of the deaert.

la 5 troiii>e of wonderful tiimh'era and acr<d)ata. Their work la the faateat aeon here. A beautiful deM*rt drrip helpa ont Immenaely. Tlie headline act and hit of the hill Full atage. ten min-

ut'W, four calla. No. «—Moore. Kane and Plilllpa. three malea.

In iriaB'i playing, coaaedjr and aong. Their com edy U a acream. The act opened very quietly, but llnlahed In a wii4g1wlnd manner. Twelve

niiMtaa. in woe. two calln. S#. 7—lAirIng and Paniuette. man and

woman, h*phclaaa ainging act. Both have ex-

cejitloBally tine foleea and tlieir appearance la evr«dfleiit. Tt la file elaaateat act aeon here tlila aeaann. Their wardmhe la elatorate. Here la an aft that aliould be on the Wg time. Fifteen minntea. In one. three cilia.

No g—Olga'a l.eopanla. group of five well

trained leoparda. A good act of Ita kind, which plcaaed. Full atage. eight irlniites. one call.

Wagner and Plgga were billed but did not

apuear. Fntlre ’ length of hill two houra


-, Keith’s, Cincinnati iBeviewed Monday Matinee, October 6.)

Manager John Royal had a big. bnlky hill, the majority of which entertained with mu»lc. and, therefore, found difficulty In arranging the pro¬

gram moat effeettvely.

No. 1—Chaa. Thompaon, juggler; ten niln- ntea in fnil, preaenting an appreciated me'ange

of juggling trieka that atart the ball a rolling. TiKimpBon'a heart la In hla work, for which rea-

aon he la bound to pleaae. i

No. 2—Alfred Wallenateln and flrace Free-

bey. Boy eelllat. aaalated by planlat. Fourteen mimitea in one Ibla act allowed conalderable

rawneaa and could not, at thia early date, well have ventnred much further toward the center

of the program. However, there appear to be no faulta that greater exi>erlenee will not be

ahle to correct.

No. 8—Ilopklna and Axtell, In tlielr traveaty,

entitled Traveling: man and girl, aixteen min¬ ntea. opening In one. cloalng In two. Thla act baa been reviewed many tlmea before, and ha« by no meana lo«t any of Ita Inherent vaUie. The pair pulled heavy apidanae and aatlafied thor-


No. 4—Tecilla Wright alnga both alone and to her own piano aeeompanlment. Kleven min¬

ntea In one. Mlaa Wright la a dlatlnet arflate and doea not need her hilling (Adopted Panghter of the V. R. Nai7) to help her win applause. She ikaga with abaolnte eaae and haa aelected a program of aonga that doea her credit. Miaa

Wri'ht deaervea full bonora with other head-


No. B William J. Polley and To., in The

1 a»n Party. Five men and four girla; thirty minntea In full. The aheriff cut up quite aa much aa ever, and with hla aupportera received quite aa much approbation aa when the aketeh laat appeared locally. Two rurtain calla; two

Individual bowa for Mr. Polley,

No 6-I>evlne and Wllllama. In The Travel¬ ing SaVaman and the Female Prummer. Man

and woman; thirteen minutea In one. Thia pair la g<Mvl iudlvidually and collectively. Ilia peraonaUty aueeeeda admirably In clinching every jotb lie pnta acroaa, while her affability and grace, despite her weight, well upheld her end of the contribution. Thia act exlteil to four

bona. No. 7—^The Caatllliana. A po«lng act,

producing eleven different maatendece of statu¬ ary. Man and woman; eleven minutea In fnll The excellent aetting and the faitlifnl hronxe and verdigrla greaae pain, together with natural art In thia line by the two performer, combine to preaent a unique aa well aa effective offering

No. S -Billy (Jould and Belle Aahlyn. Man k and lady; eighteen minutes In one. Billy la I quite the aanje aucceaa aa n«ual, wtille Belle haa not lost one bit of her captivating nuttlneaa. Their aonga are particularly timely, and with their volcea, dreaa and artistic non- eenae act them off beavinly appreciated.


llerllii it Snyder. S-ll—Shapiro, lh*rn>*l«*lii & Co. C-K-11—t'liarlea K. Harris. .l-il-K—ileroiiie 11. Ueiiilek it Co. M-.\—Muiirlee .\hraliaiiiH. K-S—Kdjtar Seldeii. \V-V—Will Vt»n TIImw. M-U—Mauiiee Hlch- iiionil. 1)—I>aJy .Musie Co. Il-V—Harry Von Tllzor. tl«W-S Ji»a<‘|>ti W. SU“rn it <’o. W—Witiiiurk it Sons. I'—Iasi I VLsI. T-.'l—Tlieothire .Morse. K>l*—Kalnier it l*u«-k. (laaik In The Itllllaiard's Souk Hints for the various addnssea.)


PiatiKind and Rreunan (Alhambra)

Weber and C'apltola (.Alhambra)

Nora Bayes (.Alhambra)

Harry Cooper < -Alhambra)

Kemick’a llannonltt (.American)

Bell Boy Trio (.American)

Coy He Trlckey (.American)

Howard and Fielda (..American)

Freeman and Diinbam (Winter Harden)

.Maxine Du Boiae (Seventh Ave.)

Bob Ruasak (Hamuiervtein’a)

Piivon Sinters < Ilaniiiierateln's)

1.. Wolfe (Jllt»-rt (llamnieratein’a)

Tile Riveras (Mst Street)

roiirteiiay Slaters (Hainmerateln'a; ■ Iso Palace)

Brice & King (llainuiemtein'a)

Ivthel Mfffhinongh (Royal*

Keystone Four (Star)

Brenner and Wataon (Royal)

.Agnes Tniesdell (Star)

Carlotta Leslie (I'nion Square)

Steip. (rissirlch and King (Palace*

Oils Kdwarils (Palace)

Ben Bernard (Halsey)

Frwlnl (r<ilonlal)

Ruth Roye (Colonial*


Harmony Boy.

California and You.

Po Tliey Love It.

La Rose and O'Brien (Colonial)

Jeanette Adler (Auieriean)

Dorothy and Madeline Cameron (Palace)

Pavles and Heller (Palace)

Kayinoiid and Bain (Palace)

Herman TImberg (Palace*

.Anna ('handler (Majestic)

Laddie Hlff (MajiwtlO

Taller and Claire (HIppodromel

Joseph Slieehan (Ilipiiodrome)

Cole. RiisHell and Pavla (Hippodrome)

They All Had a Finger in the Pie (ll-A'l; Back to Carolina AA'ltli Me (W B-S*; He Had 'Pi Het Cnder (M .Al; He'a a Rag Picker (W- B-S*: frtsiny .Mehsly (W B-S*.

Follow the Crowd (W R-SI; At the Rail, That'a Alt (J4I R); The Right Hlrl It Yon.

Y’ou’re Here and I’m Here (Fi; Hrcat Big Bashful Poll iM'AI; Our Ilat'a Off to Y<si, .Mr. Wilson (F); Sunbeam Sal (C-K H); So I Can Love You Some More.

Mother McCree (W); My Arveroe Rose (W-B-S).

Nighttime Pown In Burgundy (J-II-R).

I Knew Him When He Was All Right (HV); Real Moving Picture From Life (H-A’).

Miaaiulppi Cabaret (Jll-R); .Mr. .Man In the M<sm: You J'icked Out a Bad l>ay To Say Hooil -by.

On the Banks of the Hudson; All Aboard for Pixie IJ4I R).

Don't X'ou Wish A'ou Were Rack Home (C K-H*.

AA'hen Pld You AA’rite to Mother Ijist (C K III; I Wonder Who’s Next In Your Heart (C- K4I).

In the Sbaiiow of the Pyramida (S B).

When tlie .Angeliis Is Ringing (W-B-Si; .Moon- ligtit Bay iJ-H R).

We’ve Been .Marrle<l Just a Year (Mi); I Had a Hal, I Had a Pal (Mi); My .Alsace-IxiT' raiiie (Mil; Ru.v a Bale of Cotton (Mi); Waiting for the Roliert E. (Ml).

If It Wasn't for You (H-V); IKm't Ho .Away H V*.

California ami A'ou (K-P*; Celebration Pay in Tennessee (F); They Start the Vlctrola (M A*: If It Wasn’t for Y<m (H V): The l>res« My .Motlier AA'ore (J II-Ri; I’m Otiiiig To Make You I.<ive Me (J-H R); of Mv Best Hlrl (S4t).

If I Were a Bee and You We^e a Re<l. Red Rose (M-.A): Our Hat’s (Iff to You. Mr. Wilson tl'l; Ever Giving Give; Roley I’oley Eyes.

I'm tiolng To Make You I./ive Me (J H-Rl; If You Were a Bee ami 1 Were a Re<l. Rcl Rose (M-.A); My Wife Is Dancing Mad (W V); Our Hat’s Off to Y'ou. Mr. Wllaon (F).

What a Wonderful Give That Would Be (H Vl; Don’t (Jo -Away dl-A'*; Po You Take This Woman for Your Lawful Wife (H V).

Hreat Big Bashful IVilI (M .A); He’s a Rag Picker (W-B4S1; I Can’t Stop lyiving Y'ou Now (J-H-R): Slay a lAttle J’ra.ver for Me.

They -All Had a Finger in the Pie (H-V).

You -Are the Rose of My Heart (M R).

Salvation Nell (T .M): Carlssima; The Military SlKiw; The (Violin My Old Cr-anddaddy Made.

On the .Aniaaoii (S-Bi; Stop Ymir I’lekin’ on Mv Pickaninny (SB); Just Around the Corner From Broadway *S-B|; I'm (Jolng To Let the Whole World Know I Love You (S4l).

Real Moving Picture From l.lfe (H-V); Song That Stole My Heart (11 V*.

Croonv Melody (W-B-S); You’re Here and I’m Here (F>).

Mississiiqii Caliaret (J H Rl; Hlgli fo*t of I/iv- Ing (F): We’ll Have To Be More Than Friends.

the homir of Is-liig the lilt of (he hill must ba

acoonleil liliii. One encore, aeveu buwa. No. II llartiiiaii ami A’arady. Man and

woman; six uilniiles of aui'lrly dancing In full atage. Cliicliiuatl llkeil tlila act. A'ery few of the audience iiiade any atlemiit to leave tiielr seals, despite (be fad lliat taiigolala and liesl-

latlouisla liave fl<Msle<l ks-al vaudeville bllta. He la gracefull and us<>a liU bead more than the

average dancer, white she ia iNirtlruiarly grace¬ ful and vlvacloiia, and seeiiit to understand the ' art of euiiiiilciiieiilliig her parliier’i Ideas In- eldentally, this pair iHilds the rhaui|iluii long distaiK-e rmsird of tlie world -aixteen hours.

CIncliiiiall In motion |ilclun-a eoncludeil (lie Iierforiiiaiii'e. Over half of (lie reel defilcted the Itiglita of Art Smith, tlie aviator, whom (he Us'al autonioiille aamsdaliou haa tsKiked as a free altraction for (heir ex|NMitlon in Music Hall this week.

It will be Doteil that the bill was unusually long, the eleven acta coiuprlalng three solid hours.—Al J''.AIJ''A.

You Remind Me of .Some One I Want To Forget; N.ilKidv IVies It Like A’oii Po.

When A’oii Plav in the Hame of l»ve: You’re Here and I’m Here.

.After the Weilding (parody).

We Take Our Hats Off to Yon. Mr. Wilson; Dancing Mad; He AA’as Always Fooling .Aroiiiiil; Yon Can't Tell From A’onr Left Eye VTiat A’ou’re Right Is H<dng To Do; .Always Weleuiie at Our House; Poor Pa iiline.

Amitiier One of Father’s Pals.

Follow tlie Crowd; I Wish Yoq Belonged to Me; Please leave Mv Baby Hrand; MIeliigan.

One Pair of IriSli Eyes.

Bark t.i Carolina.

Empress, Cincinnati (Reviswed Monday Matinee, Oct. >.)

A healthy gathering attendeil this aftemoon'i performance, despite the fact that the weatlier was mu<1i tiki nice for managerial satiafaction. Tile bill, conslderiql collectively, ia not np to the atandard of the Empress offerings. Ed CIcvc and the Alelnutte Twins carried off the honors.

No. 1—Ttiougb Mllnl t.» appear second. Frank Joyce and Dorothy West opened with their "poiiular dance" numlier. A later inwKIob

Would have gotten them a better la’ceptloii, but at that their whirlwind Isrii was welcomed roundly. (ksxl apiiearaucr and lively dancers. Seven minutes, in three, thri-e hows.

No. 2—Ed (live, the musical Kiltie xylo- (>boui»t. stormed tlie fort and won a victory. His miiulierH were all w.-li a|ipre<'late<L Nine iiiiniites. In one, tiin-e Niws, eiii'ore and ■ promise to tell tile king.

No. 8—Biisli and Shsjdro do a Ininch of kms'kalMmt work slid palter, which did not ■■stshlish a reeonl. The Hebrew couieily went over reliietsntly. Ten minutes, |n one. one Iki w.

No. 4 —When It Strikes Home, i dramstle Iilaybf of the usual ty|>e. covering pathetic

as well as light sltiiitlons, was cspalily han¬

dled by Elmer Brown. Frank Ta.vkir ami Miss Anna Keader. The work of Mr. Brown meiiti comment. Nineteen minutes in full stage, three

curtains and lu-veril oiithiirats of applause. No. R_The Meinntte Twins entertain for

twelve minutes with ragtime that pbasi-d from tlie pit to (he remotest corner of the thestcr. Their clever turn nettisl them two eneorea an.1 fiMir tiows. Work In one.

No. 6—The Six Olivers, the brawny Isds. In- ter^>ers4- their act with b mb eomed.v that tiekles the funny hone. The Olivers tnnible

and turn in a lively and Interesting fsshion. Elghtix-n minutes |n full stage.

Motion picturei closed.—JED.


No. 9—Claude and Fannie T'sher. Man and

woman in full stage playlet, twenty three min¬

utes. (laude and Fannie score as expecteil. He

is an actor, she an actress, and even little

Sparertbs has an air of the superior in <1og artistry about him. Their present sketch (inr-

clever sketch wopirbl lie sure to please (he audi¬


No. 10 -E’mainl, planaccordlonlat; tlilrteen

minutes In <sie. Fiswiiil Is the same flnislied

musical artist as ever, and succeeds in crawling

don (lersonal criticism) does not aiipeal to tlie over Ida Instrument wlih the mosi tuneful writer aa favorably aa did their former, but ■ml meislloiis effect. Hilt edgnl Is a gissi word

In the liands of two such artists, a far leas to use in descrihiiig his offering. I’lidouhteilly

S. 7.. Poll lias transfcrreil Charles Fai|s|. aa

a'atant manager of isdl’s Brldge|iort Theater, to

the Hanford T'.ieater. Hartfori), Conn., replaelng lowis J. (Piikei Fossee, who will manage the Hyiierlon Theater for Mr. Poll |n New Haien. Fred P. Dean, formerly manager of the llsrtfoni

Theate-. la m>w manager of the Hrand at Holyoke. Maas.


Charles p. Rhea, who haa been piloting hla own tatikdd musieal eomfiany Ihronch the tk.uth, lias o|iene<l (he lliirida Tbe.atrical

Agency In West Palm Beach, ETa. He has ntte.1 up offices In the Arcade Building, from wtilrh Vase he ex|iecta to bo»dt akmg the Atlantic and Hnlf coasta.

I-eater and Rrlckley are doing nicely In (heir now act. The Traveler ami the Porter. The team la now nmslderliig an offer maile Itifwii recently to jidn a barlesi|ue com|iany, amt tt is quite likely they will accept same In the near future.

Dean Worley, who rellm|iilslied the msiiage- nieiit of (tie Gw Angeles Ehiipreas when Msr- ciis loes t<s>k Oier the house. Is now looking out for Marguerite. In vaudeville.

Harry Bl«ehi>ff. (Im msglclaii, has r1iwe<l a very siiecFssful season witli iA..||>cl Bros’ Hog amt pony Hliow and will play vamlevlllc during the wiiiler

\A ill J. AA’ard aiii| Ids (lie winsome misses, llicludliig Miss Japide Jiidd, will |m- seen tn tlie r. B. (). houses in t!ie near future.


Will the Actor fellows and the singers thniout the country phase atop writing me foe eopisa of my rum- )f yosj have alnady written to mr and have reeeired no answer, plrase do It tgain I will sr,> dial voo Ur* ftv about forty-eight lioursi In leas than a month’s time the demand his been so gri at that I liare grt vliat you want Tlds llllllMitnl paisT sure ts the friend if the' Aoitir fellows FvivylMsIy ihil reads It r<ai)plrte4.v exhausted the supply Tlie dadbum printer won’t print an) imwe until the middle of the we.k wanla crgilea. Maybe It is iH-eause my ealalog roniprisen (be IIEHT IN hIIEKT MI'KIC FdH Vol’

WORSHAM, The Publisher, HENDERSON, KY. Largest in the South.

OCTOBER 10, 1014. T li e Billboard 15

j Tin Pan Alley’s Basket I By Wolf* Oilb«rt.

If thire U <*IM* rtiararter In "tin pnn ■Iley”

Wtw. 1» «n •VK f.ntrViur”-A1 Br»«» 1« the man.

and |>.>'"lhly that acmunta for hla phenomenal aonK hit*. We were talking about the con- dltloim of the nioalc game, with Ita heary orrhe-tration IHlla, “liow nitirli will y<Ki pay a

week” qiieatlon. ‘‘ril sing your If you pay for the a'^enery of my act.” ate., and A1 |,e<-aB>r renilnlacent, and he aald: “Wolfe. I can

reiiiciiil^r the time when you could hare put. llabed a song In a boi car In Ibibokea . a per¬ former would have rowed acroaa In a row boat to get a lead sheet, and then would have paid for hla orcheatratlon and thanked you for the

privilege of using It.”

Met Marry Von TlUer at lunch the other day

and Marry told me of the rai.ld rtae of hla pro fesslonal manager. Hen Pornateln. Talk about appreciation. Marry maile Henny a present of twenty live |>er cent of the entire bualneaa. Oh.

7**. atel another iMng. Henny has a percentage of all of Marry’a theatrical enlerprlaea. anch aa

the Mg aiicceaa. T«»lay. Now you can nnder- atand why the o.ffee In Child’s d«m’t satisfy

Benny any more.

Irving HerMn'a new rag song—The Bag Picker

—dhe title. If anything, reverts back to Its antbor all right. Irving la one of our champion •’Bar Pickens,” •’Me find- mnslc In dat N>J —

dat notssly ever knew was there."

1 hate to begin my lirst offense In The Hill-

board’s columns by giving advice, but see If you don’t think I’m right. This la to the hoys who come utsler the heading of ••Isswters."

"ploggera." "act gettera.” etc.: Boys. It grieves me, as a member of the

mnslc biwlness. to have to say this—but Just aa there are gentlemen In this business. Just so are there the reverse. If you will be fair you will admit that when you go to a stage door (unless you are aoinainted) and .von tell the door tender you are from a music house, that settles It. Yon are like a terrible disease: In fact, time and time again I’ve heard the quo¬

tation—"Mnslc pest.” The performer time and time a’ain denies

himself to the publisher’s representative. Will ■ Kosslter some time ago sent out a

circular atsmt this evil. Of course, I will

admit Mr. Kosslter was a little careless with bis language and he offendol the boys, but a gentleman had no reason to get offended.

Boys- I've seen a Johnny-new-comer, music booster, go lifto a theater (after he got past the stage door manl, run up and <lown the stairs, knocking from door to doiw—yelling, laughing, kidding, slappln? performers on the back, fooling with some of the stage bands,

using obscene language, etc. The sooner some of our boys get to under¬

stand that this Is a business like any other business, the sismer they know that the theater Is not a p'ay ground, the sooner they know that Mr. Jack Xorwyvpth’s name Is "Jack” only to hla Immediate frtenda (for example). Just so soon will they be respecteil and admttte,! to every flrst-rlass theater.

I think that the gentlemen In the Hoard of Trade would do well to K»>k Into this evil and discharge any of their help guilty of such conduct.

There are plent.v of rentlemen out of work • In conrlushm, dear reader. I want to assure

you that It Is not my Intention to make this

column a serious affair. In the next contri¬ bution I shall try ami get some "laiiglis" fri»m tlo pan alley for you. Trusting that I have Dot biired you—accept my best wishes.

American, New York (rontinueil from page 7.)

No. 2 .In lllnstrate,! song. When You Play

In the titiiie of l>>vc. publlshnl by I.eo Kclst was Well sung and p-glstere,| a hit. with practically everyone Joining In on the clmrus. which was encon'd three times.

No. 3- Von llsnipton sinl Jocelyn, man and woman, offered a funny bench act. In one, that please,!. Their ci>medy t,s>k especially well

•I'd the flnal hit put them o'er to a strong flnUh, earning ttiem four Imiws. Scventi'cn mlnuti's.

No. I The Three PVirguea scored one of th* aftiTii siii'a 1,11, with their laughable acrobatic

offering They drew a laugh right from tin- oiMiilhg Kuniiy make up, funny actions and funny in.iw, logetlnr with a display of ablllt) In the «at ,,f acridiatic tnmiling, earned them plenty of applaiise. Nine minutes. In two. thr...

N" 3 llav Snow, monologist, drifted «'*i I'* Ihe tune of winter music anil sleigh bells and

... "P *o the audience wltlioul any delay. " UMii rlal t(s>|( <|ulte well ami Ills recitation

•t till' iiiilsh gave him a g«s>i| send off. Kleven mliiiil... In one.

No n T.iin 1 inton and Jungle OIrls. with D ue In tho presented a well staged « 'Wing which pleased. All work hanl, and,




Close Your Eyes, Put Your Finger on jAny One, «nd You will Pink n **MIT**
















while the si'iig numbers should he replaced with

more recent hits to put the act over stronger, the nninlwrs ns,M have bt^-n well costumed and presentml. The ixiiietty Is fair and was made the inoKt of hy ttie .Vnierican and euce. Six- Im-n niinnti-a, full stage, si>ecial set.

No. 7 -The Thn'e D.'Iee Slaters won the in- .|ant favor of the sudlem-e and pn'aented p,->pn- lar songs, g.ssl singing and many changes of »*>»stnnics. The girls offer a splendid singing

Irlo and km'w how to put over their program. They rei'elved ntneh applause an<l dt'serve'l all 'f it. Thirteen minutes, in one.

No. ^-When Women Ilnle, a humorous s),pteh was widl Ilke<l. Two women sml two men make tip the cast and put their parts over effeetlvel'. Plenty of laughs are offere,!. and the vidilcle Stsuilil have m> trouble with any smilenee. Fourteen mlnuti's, full stage.

No. I) Mnrrea and Allen, billed at the Como- diant With the Pli>eB. cleaned up. The boys allow class both in ability and appearance and

had no ililtloulty in proving one of the after-

ms'n’s best bets. Their parodies are made up on new !«>ngs, which la something not at all

eonimon these days, and the manner in which the.v deliver tliein brings forth big applause. Fourtri-n minutes. In one. thn-e tows after an encore.

No. 10—.\rthur ami Grace Terry, rope manip¬ ulators. .iffereil the usual routine of tricks, which were well done. The roi«'-dsneing was also well done. Finished to a good band. Thir¬ teen minnti's, full stage.—GRIP.


New York. Oct. 3.—Xevt Tuesday Lester Murrsy stsrts for San Francisco to meet Harry l.ander. who Is coming to America frtmi hla .Vnstrallan tonr. Mr. Murray Is the dregs car manager who gradnateil last season to the po¬ sition of manager of Lauder’s road tour for William Morris. His re engagement speaks for Itself as to how well be got along with the

canny Soot. The company whirb will aiirrouml I^atider has not lieen selected, but the opening of the tour is set for October 16 in Los Angeles. With this season William Morris begins a con¬ tract aa l-aiider’s manager which will cover hla future appearances in public as long as he remains an entertainer.


Chicago, Se,it. 36.—The Temple Theater. Ft. Wayne, has changed Ita three a da.v policy t<> two-a-day. It will lie hooketl hy Charles Crowd

of the hx-al V. B. O.





16 X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.


« . 7 m M ¥ T "X 7 /^¥ 7T^¥^ ‘™*- FROLIQUZS of 1915. Hjt «bUltT ai a dramatic performer la «lven WJ /% 1^ /\| III /\||Y I l\/ H rx (Reeiewed at the Prospect, Mew Tork.) a cUaai-e to assert Itself lo a scene taken from W jfxl-V X X X^/,/~\X^X.i X V-/ W L^XV. _ within the 141W, In which ahe reflsters one of

Sew York, Oct. 2.—The Froliques of 1916 the hlu of the ahow. Helen l*atsy Delaney Is a burlesque entertainment of considerable and Doris Cherry, together with F loreoce

w We . TV>f J T¥ • J1 J * ¥U * merit, but wtuild proflt greatly by the curbing o> Brooka. are the other lm|>ortant |>eople among

|||C|fJf*Y W |V| ^ tvSnifllV 3.nd in rSl an inclination i>n the part of several members the fair aex. Each Is given many o|>portunltlea w he me company to Inject unnecesaarlly blue to show their talent at varbnia times, and each

^ \A^g_ olt* material Into the otherwise Interesting pro- resiwods with a commendable result. Delaney WllUrlKo X^Clol VY CClV ceedlnga. A1 8. Weston, who pla.vs a Dutch- and Cherry acore In their representation of

man only fairly as regards characterisation, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle, and Florence

- but very well Indeed as to an understanding Brooka geta her best applause on her drunk

O 11* /~y _ Til- • A* C' D a ft**? comedy values. Is the worst of- Impersonation. Sam Drane does a good robe, 1 om oUlllVSin LrSlTnC InrOUfinL/inCinnStlll^n KOUIC fender m the matter o# smutty Interjections m <»o«s J»nies Gaylor. and Fransls Brandon

_ _ Thomas A. Breks. a crack, r presents an acceptable atralght. The hit of

fQ Louis Oct O tor 21 Lonfcrcncc VVltn bUck face comedian, with a pair of nlm- the chorus la a big girt whose weight all runs * * ^ ble feet, runs W’eston a ctose second In the In one directicsi—up. Her legs, a la gaspipes.

Y^llflov* 21 n H flllfr frk H ™ce for questionable honors In the nse of nre ■ cause of much laughter, and her awkward DUllCr, ana oave V-^Ul lO rnt^nub i laiiy objectionable stuff. Neither need resort to the appearance la btonght out effectively through

Dof^aSIc Fkf PparA* Pxrknncalc •'»«• ““O ‘“'y pulllng at her actions. Ihe other glrU present a par L/Clallo i/1 IIIC 1 cai.c I li/piiaais present. Present day burlesque U not in need tlcnlarly attractive aggregation, and all In

4-lac> Rf|w1g>Cnt10 WjZiV uncovering stunt either that Simone all the producers are to be congratulated on in inC aJUTICStJUC VV ai deHeryl Introduces as the piece de resistance what they have to offer and the. manner In

_ of a pantomimic offering, entltleil Mon .tml. In which they offer It.—GRID. which she Is supported by Emile Agoust and _

The past week has been a momentous one In Morning Glories la booked for the Oayety, Brook- several members of the troupe. The silent the burlesque Held, aod while the conditions lyn; Tom Sullivan's Monte Carlo Olrla, Sim playlet carriea a i>oorly {tainted interior of a HERE AMD THERE IM BURLESQUE,

point to an early adjustment, at the present Wllllatne’ two shows. The GlrU Prom Joy- psrislan cellar and U an .kpache affair. Mile. _ writing It la next to lmpoaaS>le to confirm the land and Moorish Maids, will next week play deBeryl has oodles of talent. She can act ^ *’

many rumors and re|»rts regarding the various Columbia houses, while Frank Calder's High intelligently, alnr {dquantl.v, pantomime ex- j,.(f Klalber the wll known theatrical tress-

WAR PRACTICALLY OVER History Was Made Rapidly and in Big

Chunks Last Wtek

to St. Louis Oct. 3 for a Conference With Butler, and Gave Out to Friends Many

Details of the Peace Proposals in the Burlesque War


By Olio Boris.

Jeff Klalber, the wMl known theatrical tress. honaea and abows. IJfe Glale and Cbarlea Taylor't Tango GlrU are presalvel.e and dance gracefully Added to j, another one of the matrimonial re-

Tom Sullivan was In Cincinnati last Sstur- reported assigned to the Columbia Annex Clr- these qnallficatloDs she p»»sesses an elaborate emits. Jeff was married September 2S In Mll- day, en route to St. louU, where It Is reported cult, be was to have a conference with James W. A

lit. wardrobe wblch ahe wears with the chic and waukee. He la acting at treasurer of the Club A number of ahowu have been dropped from elegance of manner that the French actreaa la Theater thU aeason.

e Colombia Annex Wheel: these loclnde Hugh heir to. but the M.m-.kml thing la all wrong. I.>>ooard and Al»ln are to close with the Bntler. While In Cincinnati Mr. SnUlvan gave the Colombia Annex Wheel: these loclnde Hugh heir to. but the M<m-.kml thing Is all wrong. I.«>ooard and Al»ln are to close with the out to friends many psrtlcnlara of the peace Sbott'a Folly Bnrleeqoeri, which waa tchedoled |n Ray Montg<»mery the show bat a atralght Ginger GlrU in Ctilcago Saturilay night. FrlUl profKHitU in the present imbroglio. to play the Victoria, Pittsburg, Ust week: T. min who Is strong on good looks, knows bow I.a.vton will Also close with the same show.

That the Colombia Amusement Company will W. Dinkin's second show, the Yankee Doodle lo dress classlly and bandies diibigue In nifty ii,)h Ferns, who contemplated a dash bsck be in absointe control of the situation there la GlrU, and Charles Daniels' Whirl of Mirth. The fashion. .\n excellently trained and nice- to vandevllle, has decided to remain In bur not a shadow of a donbt: It It certain that the latter show closed at the Standard, Cincinnati, appearing cboms of slender and youthful girlies lesque and will continue with The Charming Progresalvea have loat a number of their best Ssturday night. Shutt, upon being canceled at helps out wonderfully. A sktHng bit by Steve Widows.

houses and sbowa, although emphatic denials ' the Victoria, attempted to secure an injunction. Mulane. a ai>ec|alty by I a Vleta Sisters, and Here's one: A burlesque manager was talk- are reported from several holders of franchises | but the court held that he had no remedy at a cos-boy number le.1 by an nnprorrammed ing to another alH>w magnate the other day, oo the Progressive Circuit, who were among Uw. This means also that Shutt's Folly Thea- chap, who proved himself a first-rate hard and during the conversation said: "The old those named as switching to the older rin-ult. ter in Deindt will be drop{>ed from the Columbia shoe dancer, sere features that sere s-ell saying Is, give them a show and you're bound

The ProgresMvea are without a houae In Annex Ctrrult. Hired b.v the Povriiect audience .tnna Healv to get the money. Well. I’m banding them a Chicago: It la certain that they have lost All of Jake Wells' theaters, which have been dresses daintily, wears an attractive smile and great show, but where the h—1 am I to playV Sullivan's Majestic, Indianapolis; the Star, St. playing Columbia Annex allows in the Sontbern sings demurely. Gnssle White, a sprightly They tell me that Pier Six and Grant's Tomb Paul: Star, Toronto: Garden, Buffalo, and Troca- cltls, hare been closed; business has been very little girl, shows promise, tries hard at all times are likely atanda. Over what rlrcnlt? Search

dero, Plilladelphia. An air of mystery surrounds poor since the o(>enlng of the season, with the and delivers her songs capably. The costnmea me. but they are both in good localities. Sam I.evey's bouses, the Empire In Cleveland exception of certain spots; some of the ahiiws are all new and bright and with the right aort Johnny Jess Is making a decided hit playing and the Cadillac in Detroit; each reia>rt that playing the Southern territory have been re- of attention The Frollquea can be made a top- opposite to Billy Beef Watson this season. I.evey lias flopiied, being followed by strenuous ported as doing less than 11,000 grosg on the notcher, at least In Its present environment.— Billy Spencer, the original "Grogan." is look- denials from I.evey himself. I week.

Joe Oiipenhelmer's Fay Foster Company la I When the adjustment is made it la more than already playing a Colunibls house; ao Is Beatty's | probable that the main wheel of the Colnmbia Revue of lOl.l; Issy Welngartner'a September I '*’II1 consist of 36 and {losslbly 40 bonsea

HYDE A BEHMAN-COLUVBIA CO. SUIT. i It said, however, that such a song would be


(Reviewed at the Murray Hill, M. T.)

A good-tixed audience gave Henry P. Dixon's

Ing after the principal comedy part with Bill Beer a Orientals.

Mark Wooley. who made such a decided hit In vandevllle the |iast season. It battlny .400

with Joe Hurtig'a Taxi Girla over the extended wheel this season.

Helen Day. the little pony that waa o|<er-

•bo'-t If Watson were not known to have had ^ouhv o w.m "**‘•1 "P"" appendIHtIa at the St. I.ttke New Tork. Sept. 29.-The Colnmbia Amuse- better shows than this season'a In his day; if WurWiue emrs.rinm on Mondsv nleht 1" Taul. la convalescent and ex-

ment Co. are the defendants in a damage ac- It were not knomrn that be la one of the few "d" evervonlTwtl P®®'* •'f®* lays, counting and Injunction suit for $.5,000, remalnint; German comeillans, and If hia . wainA f^r * ak Flardo. the Iniitriimenta] man, who haa been trouffht ajr*in*t them by the Hyde ft Behman rcf4>rmation fr< m ahall we aay *‘carleRQne«V* nix/hn'- np4rBn(*.»t/k ^ 0*yHy Olrla, will clone with

Amusement Co., of Newark, N. J., in the cleanly wethoda ia abaolutely comjjlete. In ■ii.rMwira i/wvira ahow in Cblraco. Harry Erana will also

United State* District Court yesterday. The th, bjj oooipany of women, who bold attention m„,i- -nj bright material fmneh of which la '^♦'®® fro™ I**® ®a** plaintiff, lessee of four theaters, two in Brook much of the time, there is abundance above new! that has niaved the Mnrrav Hill thia Bhe’a the real soup. Who? Why, the Camp- lyu. on. in Pltt.burg and one In Chicago, de- ^^rythlng else; av«lrdnp.d« gives way to ‘ bell Kid. Mabel Howard. clarca that the roliimhla Company, made up of trimnens of figure, and Wataon pile* change t *k « ♦ i v ■ tg a. « ti T/eoni Mniray, who waa taken 111 the early a series of burlesque shows, on August 19. upon change of expensive and flashy wardotbe " dellghtfnlly ^1^,. season, la bark on the job again In the first place, the show Is dellghtfnlly

1913. subleased the four theaters and made an upon them. In observing Johnnie Jess one Is ****f®'^"t f''®® *P® average in more ways than doing nicely wIth'The Follies of the D»y. agreement to play its eompanles at each of the impressed with bU legitimate methods of por- “ noticeable with the rise of the Gerard's show.

four theaters on a percentage baria. traying an Irishman. Nobody with a drop of furtaln-there la ^ opening cl^rtw. The another of onr old burlesque fa¬

it la alleged In the complaint of the Hyde A Irlah in their s.vstem need feel ashamed of the starts right at the beginning, and j, back again In the enticing folds of

Behman Company that the agreement waa vlo- Jess Interpretation of the Celt. Given his own * . “T,. * her former love, after a dash In yandevllle. lated and that the Columbia Amusement Com- way, provided with sufficient material of the “°'“*®'"k‘®e ^>enlng number Immediately making a decided hit with The Winning

pany. last summer, acquired rival houses In proper kind, and allowed latitude to work out l®P'»*''lon Widows, Max Spiegel's show. Pittsburg and Chlesgo. in the vicinity of the bis own Ideas, Jess would be a revelation to material at hand, as well as a R,p„rts from Murray "Nigger" Belmont to

Hyde A Behman playhouaea, and produced Its andiencea In legitimate theaters. In the Watson •"^rt"'®"* ®^ pretly coaturoea and a ,be effect that the Transatlantics are doing the shows In them. By this breach of the agree- Show he goes along with nnblemisbed {>ortrayalt musical prt>gram. It is np to the east to bnslnewa and getting the long green, and as a

ment, the plaintiff alleges. Its profits from th* until the final scene, when. In working opposite ^*’® *^*1 they do It. First, there is ,)){* {|ne Murray la scoring a real hit. Plttsborg and Chicago theaters hare been to Watson, there seem to be some Inatrnctlons Marry 'an, <me of the best little comedians Hello, Dick Patton; how's every little thlngt

greatly impaired. given him to “coarsen np” bis work; and It’a ***** ***" ®^®f "cosnedlaned." He la one of | Haven't heard a word from the big king. - a credit to bis versatility to relate that he can I**®*® "mall-bul-oh my fellos-a. and puts over Wbst's tt-e matter; bow's the Indoor a|»nrtsT

EMPIRE CIRCUTT'B AMMUAL MEETIMO. Innperaonate the drunkenest drunken man that **'* **'**^ *” * manner that geti to the andlence When do they start the bread line? Will

_ anybody might Imagine. Prevlona to the **”' *'’® ®t®hestra to the ,ome one Inform the gang? "soase” scene Jess waa neat and clean In aU *’**’*' gallery. His trareaty with Florence Florence Relroont received a thonaand letters

The annual bualnca, meeting of the Empire J^y. L “t 1.0^. ^ "" ’*** * ^ot. and telegrams of ,v,ngratnl.tlons sfter her Circuit took place at the Hotel Havlln. ClDCin- *“• '“*.” ** ®<»m®<*f. *>* A®* lAogha on legitl- 7,,, ,b, ,h„w proceed marriage to the ever-ooonl.r comedl.n Ram natl. October !. Officers were elected and the ”*•** »®* t**®® ao regularly and . withont a s{»ech

would not let the ahow proceed marriage to the ever-popniar comedian, Sara

usnal routine business matters dlacussed. surely that hla personality la the pleasantest Claire Devine Uvea np to her name. Pretty

George W. Rife waa elected president and recollection of the Billy Watson evening.— graceful and versatile, she is a big factor lii treasurer: Harry Martell. vice president, and WAETHILL. the show. Claire does much and does It well (Tisrles K. Knapp, secretary.

James C. Fennesay and James W. Butler, two of the wheel horses of the old Empire Circuit,

tendered their resignations as directors. C9QH3dEi]K91CliCIK]^DB!3CH3K3idEliiDIDi^^^QI3^3dC1^3 Those present were George W. Rife, of Bal-

tlmore; H. C. Miner, of New Y'ork; Charles K. U T3 O TXT ■^^TT¥5T D Knapp, of Baltimore; Harry Martell. John El I I \ I I XI | |T | a l^s^Y 1 1| | I Moneghan and Horace McCoughlln. of Brooklyn; A* Awr|||

Herman Fehr, Milwaukee, and Hubert |3C3K3C!lK^K3K3K3E3lil^lDK!iK3ID^1^3E9^3^3CH3^3^3Eil^J and James C. Fennesay, of Cincinnati.


fRevlewed at the Columbia, Mew York.) How happy one conid be in singing the prilae

of Billy Watson—^for a “better fellow" or nicer chap never trod the bnrlewioe stage. Be



wm ■LItTBM coortffx ■LOBE TROTTEIia.

wiinont a siieecn. I.ewls of I^ewls and Dody. Sam also got a Claire Devine Uvea np to her name. Pretty, goodly share,

graceful and versatile, she is a big factor In Wllhnr Dohhs. the German comedian who waa the show. Claire does much and does It well, a Hnrtlg A Seamon standbv for a number of

seasons. Is reprirted hack In the Colninbla Wheel.

Wllhnr, so I am told, la one of the AI Reeves' show

IUl^UlDH^BUl^H3B3KH2BQID Ada lyiim, who was nnderstndy to Nellie A V n Florede with The Gavetv Girls last season Is

% I I I X"'' X ■! I H making a decided hit with The Broadway Girls Ad/D Ingenue role this season.

Seymour, Dempsey and Seymonr. the well- known vaudeville act, has returned to burlesque

^s* pwrwmwai *'’‘’ ** **®’"* featured with the Crackerlsrks. HARR w tMrELSH oOtCnblAN ^*® Barsvelll, the well known leader of Ml-

Itailt OurW OIrta. ner's Bronv Theater, Is still on the job leading all the E fist harmonr with the different shows.

Dll PDF *''‘* ****** **** "** ***** *** ** l’**f*"A Bines ■ 1 fc IwWb and making the gang like It.

Aad Urn OvB Big Agg. Who's who and wbat'a what In burleaqnsT

That's the question.

Itailt OarW Olrla.


OCTOBER 10, 1914. X ti e Blllboerd 17


By ••HARRY.”

M.-Vlrk«T'ii nii-ater wan iclv«*n a la«te of blu-

tliiie iijmhmI wb«*n MU* Klliol U<Hilii*in Ixa.koil tin- IW.wiiian HrotloT* llifrc last wfok aa tb«*

hraillliK- altra.tton. Tin- lx.)’' not "oty on.- of Ibr bU bHa of tbe WM-k’a oiiicaKomant, blit luolileiilally loft an linprowilon witb tba

ptUillc that »lll aaalat malorlally In bouatlnc

patronaito. Kllzalx-th Ilolnioa, a obarmlnif lltllo nilaa, baa

b«'on vory auci-oaafiil In bor olTorla to make aoo- rrxxoa of many of tbo la to piiblb-atlonx laaao.1

by tbo SbaplfoBornaloln (Vaiipany. 81*. Ibwiey

lab* bor a* ono of llio flnil* of tbo aoaaon. Ibailoy, Patrlok ami lloailloy will itjion at

<Hio of tbo outlylti* boosoa noit »ook, under

tbo diroi’fb.n of ••Kliiif” I.oo Kraua. (binbin and Norton will roaoh Cblraeo on

tb l.ilM-r 0. and «lll luinioillatoly .go Into ro¬ be.indn* tboir no»- art. Tbo now \ohlcIo will

carry ajioclal aconory and mill l>o on tbe comedy

order. I.a 11.1*0 and (I'RrIon oiwoml for tbo Marcua

I<a’W t'lrcult at the Coloiital Theater la«t M<m- day. and wore ono of tbo woek’a *ucco*«oa. Ttio

Ni.ta ba»o a Tory cla««y act ami tboir manner

In ronderln* a aim* ad.l* Ju»t 100 per cent to

tboir offorlnr Kltreeral.l and .\abton were awanbxl the hit

of llio I'.donlal bill laat nm-k. The amlloiico waa tbo r Jii'liro. Wo are forcoil to aay that the lltt> ady of the act l« a hard worker, and

C. 0. D. at that* prlci ». CINCINNATI ...tIO.SO ... 12.00 ... I3.S0 ... IS.OO ... 10.00 ... 10.50


30M* 3a8 ToalfliU, I (Id*, a* caiti 30M 4al2 Toalflilt, I aid*, ao caata. 30M 4x12 Toaltatt, caata aad aynroala. 30M 4x12 Taaiohta, printed b^h ildaa. lOM S'lXO'i Card Haraldi . 30M Ladlaa' Fraa ar Coupon TIekata. lOM 6x24 Haralda, bath aldta (or 7x21). lOM 12x18 Haralda, 4 pp. (or 8x24. both ilin).. 15.00 lOM 14x21 Herald*. 4 pp. (or I0'./|X28, both aidoa) 20.00

500 Half-Shaeta. from type, black on yellow.... 4.50 1000 Half-Shaata, black on yallew. 7.50 500 Half-Shaata, from typo, rod or blue on white 6.00

1000 Half-Sheeta, from type, rad ar blua on artiito 9.50 500 Half-Shaata. from type, taro eofor*. 8.00

1000 Half-Sheet*, from type, taro eater*. 12.50 500 11x14 Tack Caidi, 4 ply blank, on* color..$ 5.00

1000 11x14 Tack Card*. 4 ply blank, one color.. 8.00 500 11x14 Tack Card*. 4 ply blank, taro coiora 7.50

1000 11x14 Tack Card*. 4 ply blank, taro color* 10.00 500 14x22 Tack Card*. 4 ply Monk, on* color. .$ 7.50

1000 14x22 Tack Card*. 4 ply blank, on* color.. 12.50 500 14x22 Tack Card*. 4 ply blank, two color* 10.00

1000 14x22 Tack Card*, two color*. 15.00 1000 Ona-Shecti. **•., larpo portrait—color*.. 30.00 1000 Half-Sheet* . 20.00

Includlnp Half-To**, ScmI-Entraved.

Union Workmen. Union Label.


with her tlir<'Mrlx>nt the onllro art >lr. .Vah t->n'* moriloy of hiph cla««lc mnalc wax i rollof I’omriaro.l with the nxillno ueo>l by the u«nal nin <>f piano actn.

1 *»t Thurmlay nicht *a* Kil I.oo Wrotho nieht at the North American cabaret. Fcl I.oo Wrotho and b!* entire burb"u|uo company at- tondo<l.

V| t'urtU and I ranlor<« J,.ln hand* thin week and will offer a o.mody Ita'ian act. They will oj>on at one »«f the outlylm; tlioatorn next woT’k.

.kd.dph U.'ITman, father of Db-k llnffman, of the Woxtorn ''andoTlIlo Manaporn' .\x*rv|ntl»n, ditxl .toptombor 19. at hi* ro«ldon<'e In Chicaco.

Ho *a« burled Soi.tonibor SC at St. Jo»oph tVmolory. The de<-eaxo<l wan 04 yearn <>f ape and I* atirrlTod by a widow and elpht children.

The VIrpInlan Theater, Kom'xha. Win., for¬ merly the • Prince**, bax t>eon loaxerl b.v Max Nathan ami I* playitip TaudoTlIIe booked through the W. V. M. A. If lx a apllt ■week houxe, iininp alx actx a week. TWo <iponln; bill had

Tranxilold Sinter*. Five Jol’y Kid* and Ijopan ami Forrln. Buxinoxn |* ro|Mirte<1 *x excellent.

The New Wllaon Theater, at Beloit. WI*.. and the Myerx Oi>era llonxe. at JancxTlUo, Win., both o|>ened a few weokx apo with W. V M. .\.

bni>klncx and report that buxlnoxx han been TorT p.iod xince their InIMal oponlnpx.

The Mp time hax apaln xocured the norrlcen of Knmeo the Oreat. .Alfred Drowlxkey’x chlm- panree.

The Old Frlendx* Club, a recently orpanlaed hxly of (heatrical men, numlierlnp In the nelpb- N’rtHxf of (kVI, hax taken xpacloiix r’ over

the Marine Bar, wlilch they have e<inli>ped at a preat exi>enxe; SI.SOO alone hax boon paid

for a mdlectlon of old theatrical picture*, atated to be worth I’.’.I.DflO The plctnrex *re rare In¬

deed. and the Old Frlendx xIAxild he proud to

piPxexn a cx>lIe<-tlon of fhl* kiml. In the read- Inp pxun can be found a hlxlor.v of xh’>w btixl- nexx, datlnx back to early In the elphteenth century. Thin lx another Talnable addition. Memtierahlp lx Increnxinp weekly, and the ma¬ jority of local theatrical men are member! of Ihlx orpanlxntlon.

W. B I awrence. manaper of the Pantapea Theater, AVlnnlpep, 4'anada, traTele.! to Detndt, 5flch . via motor car route and panned thronph I'hlcapo laxt We<lne*day, honiewanl bound. He vlxlteil J i'. Matthenx, of the local Pantage* Otflce. while In thin city.

•M Tint, with rarman'x MInxfrel*. ’ would like t*» hear fnmi lailn’tlie Ue<’l»orn. She lx axkeil l« a'Idrexa him care of the t'lilcapo <»nice of The lUlllH.anl.

Frank (J IL’Vle did xoine Juni|dnp during the niphtx laxt wei’k. He vlxlted xeveral of the Majeiix IxM’W tauixex and alxo houxe* on the opiuixltlon ntrinp.

Bob ('ole, of the Bronilway Muxic Publlxhinp •o. and Tlll.r Mack, a noiiprofexelonal. were married laxt .Saturday by Jiidpe ('harlea N. (oHMlnoW.

M«lutyre and Hartv have been b<«.ke<1 for forty Week* thronph the efTortx of Fhlwnril* C. Il.iyinan. The forty week* were xeciired In Juxt Iwcnty four hoiirx. On laxt Monday morn¬ ing the net idnceil their alTalrx into llayman'a hand*. 'I'wenly fotir htuirx after that a rnutinp for forty w<x-kx wax aubinitted to them. oiH>nlnp at St J-uK-tdi, .Mo., on the Interatate 1 line. They accepteil

.5 tiew pTS.ndrt vaudeville theater will be

o|icned In St. Paul. Minn., (Vtidwr 1.1, and It* Ixx'kiiipx will to. xiippllfxl from Ihlx city by

5-PLY CARD. 6 -PLY CARD. 8.PLY CARD. 11x14 l-Col. 2-Cel. -Col. 2-C*l. l-Cd. 2-C*l.

500. $ 7.a4 $ 10.54 $ 9.50 $ 11.50 $ 9.00 $ 12.00 1,000 10 00 15.00 11.25 16.25 13 00 18.00 2.000. 19.00 27.00 21.00 29.00 25 00 33.00 3.000 29.00 39.00 3I.C0 42 00 37 00 48.00 5.000 44.00 60 00 50.C0 66.00 59 00 75.00

lO.OCO. 80.00 no 00 93.00 122 00 no.oo 143-00 15.003. 115.00 153.00 135.00 i; 160.00 20000 20.000. . 150.00 203.00 75.00 225.00 210.00 290.00

5-PLV lARD. 6 PLY CARO. 8-PLY CARD. 14x22 l-C*l. 2.COI. l-Cal. 2-Col. l-Col. 2.C«I.

500 $ 10.00 $ 14.00 $ 11.25 $ 15.25 $ 13.00 $ 17.00 1.000 15.00 21.00 17 50 23.50 21 00 27.00 2.000. 28.00 38.00 33 00 43.00 40X0 50.C0 3.000. 41.00 55 00 48.00 92.00 59.00 73.00 5.NK>. . 65.00 87.00 77.00 99.00 95.00 117.00

10.000. . 120.00 159.00 42.00 183.00 177.00 213.00 15.000. . 170.00 227.00 105.00 263.00 260.00 315.00 20.000 220.00 290.00 270.00 340 00 340.00 410.00

aeiuding Half-Tone aai S«ml-Enfraved. 28x4. 1 Shaof Banaen .$(0.00 far too 28x84 2-Slieet Banarr* . 20.00 per 100 28x126 3-Sheet Baaace* . 30.00 per 100

4-She(t Ranaer* . 40.00 per 100

Jumbo Type, Flashy Showing. Printed an Orange, Chorry, Blu*. Red. Green or Mandarin Paper I-Sh. Type; 1 Col. 2 Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 50.$2.00 $ 3.50 500. . $ 7.50 $10.00 100. 3.00 5.00 600. . 8.00 11.50 150. 4.00 6.00 750. . 9.00 12.00 200. 4.50 7.00 1000. . 12.00 15.00 250 . 5.50 7.50 2000. 27.50 300. 6.00 8.00 3000. . 27.50 35.00 400. 7.00 9.00 5000. .45.00 55.00 3-Sh. Typo: 1 Col. 2 Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 50.$ 5.00 $ 7.00 250. $20.00 75. 6.00 9.00 300. 25.00 100. 7.00 10.00 400. .20.00 27.50 125. 8.00 12.00 500. .25.00 30.00 150. 9.00 15.00 1000. 55.00 200. 12.00 17.50 8-Sh. Typo; 3 Col. Effect. 3 Color Fffeet. 10 . .$ 7.00 40 $ 13.00 15 . . 8.00 50 14.00 20 . . 9.00 75 15.00 25 . . 10.00 30 . . 11.00 lood 120.00 35 . . 12.00

12—16—20—2 1—28 iro rata. ANY DESIGN ENGRAVED—Flat $3.00 per Sheet

Extra—a* many aheet* a* you Ilk*. LARGE HALF-TONES from your photopraph. ex¬

tra, 5e per *4uare Inch. All Cut* to remain our prop¬ erty. Larpeet atock of 2-eoler Wood Type In the country. Only Exciualve Show Printer* In Cincinnati.

ENGRAVED THREE SHEETS. Inoludinp Extra Large Half-Tone*.

100 Three-Sheet*. Eng., I Col $12.00; 2 Col..$20 00 200 Three-Sheet*. Eng., I Cd.. 15.00; 2 Col.. 25.00 300 Three-Sheet*. Eng., I Cd.. 20.00; 2 Cd.. 30.00 500 Three-Shed*, Eng., I Cd.. 30.00 ; 2 Col.. 37.50

1000 Three-Sheet*. Eng.. I Col.. 60.00 ; 2 Cd.. 75.00 SPECIAL ENGRAVED POSTERS. Indudlng Extra Large Half-Tone*.


l(t 200

28x252 6-Sheet Banner*. 60.00 per 100

8-Shoet .$ 48.00 12-Sheet . 72.00 I6-Sh*et . 96.00 20-Sheet . 120.00 24-Shed . 144.00 28-Shed . 168.00

Order* per 200

$ 32.00 48.00 64 00 80.00 96.00


Id 200 Order* per 200

$ 60.00 $ 40.00 90.00

120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00

60.00 80.00

100.00 120.00 140.00

llc^rpe II. Webster, head of the George H.

Webster Circuit. Webster la reported to have the bixikings of the Eaiipress, Duluth, Minn.; Bijou, Aberdeen, S. D.; the Midway Hippodrome, Chicago, which wa.x formerly the Cottage Grove Knipi'csx, and a house in Swift Current, Canada.

.\il Welmler houses will ojieu during the Hrst we«-k in Oct’jber.

Jack Bbs'k is now connertetl with the mmslc piiblishing house of M. Wltniark A .Sons.

Sophie Tucker will be one of the stnongest headliners sent Into the Far West by the Marcus Ia>ew Circuit. Miss Tucker Is well

known on the Pacific Coast and should prove a wonderful investment for the "small time" circuit.

fay Tunis (Mrs. Sig. Bosley) Is getting to be

a regular little assistant to her hubby these days. Sig. Bvjoley is manager of the Shapiro- Herusteiu Music Publishing Company, and Mrs. Sig. is some assistant.

Zenola has closed her burle.sque engagement. l.<s>nard Hicks has bad a sign plaoevi on tbe

front of his Grant Hotel that can be read aeven bl<x.-ks away. The sign Is an immense thing, running from tbe first fioor of the hotel

to the roof. With the new alterations ma<le, the Grant has taken the load of all theatrical botela In the loop, and artists are force<l to

make reservation before Oomlng to the Windy City, In order to secure a room. The new Iobt>y makes things real comfortable and home¬ like.

Kice, Bell and Baldwin, members of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, open November 9. at the Great Northern Hippodrome, for their annual tour of vaudeville.

Data*. Heralds, Dodger*, Tonightero, Flyer*, Taek-Card*, Throw-Away*. DIe-Cut*. Letterhead*. WOOD AND PHOTO ENGRAVERS. DESIGNERS, STEREOTYPERS. PHOTOGRAPHERS.




Full of useful info, and dandy dope. Bound in full sealskin leather—very beauxarts

—two bits each. In plelieian but substantial Bristol board covers

—each, a short bit. F. B. P. P., which means “free by parcel post”

or “freight beneficently pre paid.”

The Billboard Publishing Co. 25-27 Opera Place, - - Cincinnati, Ohio.




Publlthed every WEDNESDAY AT 5 TAVISTOCK ST.. Strand. Landoa, W. C. 2,000 Adverlleameat* Aggcar Every Week la "The Era.”

Profe**l*nal Adverlleemenl*. CiS ger Pag*. C3 per Columa, 4* per Inch, Single Column.

“The Era” is sold at Brentano’s, 5th Ave. and 27th St. single CopI**, by mall. 7 Cent*. Sub*eriptloa Rate, with Pottage, $3.20 a Year.

Amerlcon ArtUU rlxltlnp Fkipland uae TUB luRA Officet aa their pennaumt Loodou Addrea*. lD(iiUrlrs and oonunuiilcotloiia may be ertit to


QUICK DELIVERIES For All Theatrical Merctianitise

Costumes Made To Order. Manufacturers of Wigs. Tjirgcst and most complete Mercha^^s^an^Costume Cata-

CHICAGO PhoM OntnU 0293.

loRue, lOc for mailing—TIGHTS

COSXUME WORKS 143 No. Deorhorn St.. CHICAGO, U. 8, A


PI.AYS (Third Scrlca), by John Galxworth.v. (Scribner’s. $1.3.j net.) A re issue, in one vol¬ ume. of three of Galsworthy's mo-t reeeiit and fim’st plays—The Fugitive. The I’lgeon and The Mob.

THE CHARM THAT IS BARRIE lx a siden- did (aud timely) tribute to file famous Eng¬ lish playwright, wlio ia now in Amerl<-a. by John 11. William*, In The Century 31agaziiie for October.

THE TIIIIATRE OF SCIENCE, by Roltert Orau. is a monumental work well done. Not many men could cover a subjoct of such scop* and magnitude aa fully and completely as has 51r. Grau and not be heavy aud rrosy in spots.

Here we have a volume of eighteen chapter* and 3M) pages, without a dull line in it.

The book has alrea<ly been reviewed in this column, but its readahleuess certainl.v calls for H(iecial mention. Broadway Publishing Co., New York City; $o.

ON -YCTING, by Bfander Matthews, diaries Scribuer's Sous, New Y’ork; bvo. IH) PP. The uauie of Itraiuler .Matthews ou the cover of a book dealing with any subject <t>nnected with the theater always arouses the keenest anticipa¬ tion of Its contents. "On Acting.” an unpre¬ tentious little V(duiDe of about teu thousand words, is the latest (contribution of this kind fr<!ii the pen of tbe professor of dramatic literature in Columbia ITniversit.v. The book makes up lu dignity and distinction of style and in deiith of insight for what it lacks In size. This is not saying, however, that tbe work la academic in the Invidious sense the term usually implies to the popular mind. Prof. Matthews is no dreaming theorist. On the contrary he Is an alert and exceedingly pro¬ found think.r with the divine gift of expressing himself simply and lucidly. It Is this clearly stated and sympathetic understaiidiiig of tbe underlying principles of the actor's art that will recommend tbe volume in question to mem¬ bers of the pr<)fesxlon. In It. reduced b> con¬ crete terras and crystallized Into <leflnition*. the actor will find many aeutimenta |>ertalnlng to the art and technique of bis calling which must heretofore have been so vague aial Vaporous that they vanished tlie moment he tried to pat bis finger on them.

Prof. Matthews has assembled a surprising number of facta in small compass. Most of them are facta which have bwn known In- dlviilnally as such for a long time. But It remained for them to be woked into a single pattern of logical demonstration—to be troiight together for comparison and contrast, and a test of tlieir relationships and compatibility. This involves a knowledge and diseiisaion of the merits of eotahlished inethotla as represented by the tisds ami syinlwds of HR* thespian craft. Having such knowledge, the author baa auc- ceetled admirably In hla purpose.

From the very* first chapter. In w-hlch Prof, Matthews declares that acting is not a repre¬ sentation of life, blit a rixus'sentation of life adjusted to tlie persiieotive of the theater, he displays and maintains a grasp upon the prin¬ ciples of acting as actors understand. tlKiugh tliey may be niiahie to express them. He brings a world of knowledge to bear on the subject. He conjures with names that are traditions of tlie theater, and »o familiarly tliat yon mnryel at the minuteni'os of hi* Inform.xtion regarding the liyes of those who bore them. His pages abound with siieclfie examples lutriMliieed to illustrate his general conclusions. His res.uirces seem incxhaiistihle. Instinctively you feel that the little hook Is but caviar to the banquet with which lie (vuiid supply .you If he chose.

Not the least part of th<> aiitlior's achievement is ills al le refutation of the oft-heard claim that the theater is g.iiiig to tile demnitli n b w-wows. The section given .iver to argument on this si’bjeet si'rves further to sliow (lie breadth of Ms information eoneerning the drama of all times and In all places The brilliance of the mental pr’ieesses b.v wliieh lie Justifti'S his op- tinilsiii is inspiring. If for n.>thing eUe the work would be worth while f'>r the flrialit.T ami disoateh with which he disposes of tlie ol.I and still prevalent stock esmipany trailit';"ii.

^ :

X h . w

■ 3

. r=

If 1 1

i '


18 Xtie Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.


The liilllKiard i'uhlisliiiiK ('ompany. \V. II. 1M>X.\M)S<)X. I'tnUCATlON OFFICE:

Billboird Rulldiug, Opera Flare, darlniiatl, Ohio,.L'. 8. A.

Long Dlatanre Telephoue, Canal 0085.

Prlrate Exriiange, ronnrrting all department*. Cable Adilroaa (Heglatered) ••Billyboy."

framed—otherwise It would not have been salutary or even usable.

The enacters were equal to the ta-sk which they set themselves.

They secured a measure so effective —a seine of so fine a mesh—that no

hite slaver can slip through, once he is netted.

The law is admirable.

But such a weapon should only be entrusted to very wise, fair. Just and discerning men.


NEW YORK. Third Floor, lloldvibcrg Building, Broadway,

F«rt}-*oo<.nd Stre«‘t and Srventh Avenue. Telephone, R470 Bryant.

CHICAGO. dilly Building, Monroe and Dearborn Street*.

Telephone, Central 8480.

ST. LOUIS. Nulaen Building, Bixtii and Olive Streets.

Long-distance 1'eleplione, Olive 1733.

SAN FRANCISCO. 605 Humboldt Bldg. Telephone, Kearney 4401.

SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES. Fhihidelphia, '.•14 Fine Street, Kansas City

1117 Commerce Bldg., Tel. M. 3057. Baltimore. 867 West .North .tteiiue. Cleveland, 230 Coliim bla Bldg. MiniiesiHilia, 1428 Vine Place. Pitta burg, 717 I.y'iuiu Theater Bldg. Loudon, Eng

land. 8 IliiiH-rt Court, Piccadilly Circua, W

Paris, Itaiice, 121 Hue Montmartre, Tel. 222-61

ISSCED WEEKLY and entered as second elasM mail matter at post-office, Cincinnati, O.

ADVERTISING RATES — Twenty-flve cents per line, agate ineasurement. Whole page, $175; hair page, $87.50; quarter page, $43.75

No advertisement measuring less than four lines accepted.

Last advertising form goes to press 12 M Monday.

SCBSCRIPTIOX, $4.00 a year; six months, $2.00; threa months, $1.00; payable in advance No extra charge to Canadian or foreign sub ecrlbera.

THE BILI.ROARD Is for sale on all trains and news-ataiida tbrouglwiut United States and Canada which are supplied by the American News Co. and Its branches. It is also on sale

at Rrentano^s, 37 Avenue de TOpera, Paris, France, and at Daw's Agency, 17 Green street

Leicester S<|uare, London, W. C. When not on sale please notify tbia office.

Remittances should be made by post-office or express money order, or registered letter ad dressed or made payable to The Billboard Pub llabing Company.

The edibir cannot nndertake to return nnso llrited manuB.'ript.s; correspondents should keep «<.py.

Vol. XXVI. Oct. 10. No. 41

The height of the ambitioiLs of thONe who control The Billboard ia to make It a uaeful ftaper.

Progressive they would also have It, and enterprising and independent and fair ami courageous in defend* ing anti furthering the interests of the peitple of the show world, but nver and abttve all else they desire it to be—Just useful.

It Is glorious to sha|>e and lead, but there are lots of glory-seekers. Ours let It be. to h<‘lp and serxe.


Show folk! .May they always be right, but right or wrong. Show- folk!

the Justice of courts and the wisdom of our laws are impugned. ,

The punishment should always flt the crime.

Recently two young people of Jer¬ sey City indulged In an e.scapade. To¬ gether they crossed the river to New York City and visited an assignation house.

The young man paid the young woman’s subway fare.

Husiness in general continues to improve throughout Ka«t, North ami

West. .-Minost daily some new line, stagnant heretofori', becomes active.

Every day, too, the banking situation is becoming better.

Shyster lawyers should not be al¬ lowed to invoke it.

It should be used against white .slavers only.

Indignant parents, .smarting rela¬ tives and the hotly Incensed friends of wronged girls should be firmly de-

Thls fact rendered him amenable to the proxisions of the Mann Act, for

he had thereby ‘‘furnished interstate tran.sportation to a woman for Im¬ moral purposes.”

Despite the fact that he was x’ery fond of the young woman and that

execrable, detestable, abominable and damnably abhorrent offense extant!

Bear In mind that prosecutors, too, are resorting to the Mann Act more and more all the time, because of the facility with which conviction can be secured and because of the certainty that it will fetch the headline* In the dally press and bring the spotlight to hear upon the attorney for the com- m onwealth.

Consider the foregoing carefully and then ask yourself seriously If there Is not great and urgent need of the Public Defender.

If Norfolk had had a Public De¬ fender Joe Kp.steln would not now be languishing in State’s prison at Rich¬ mond. If La Crosse had enjoyed this great beneficence Doc Allen would not he In the penitentiary at VVaupun, nor H. L. Lee under the shadow of the awful charge at Indianapolis, for all of these men are absolutely innocent of the slightest Intent to commercial¬ ize vice.

i 9 - Handsome Prizes - 9 IN A


The Billboard wants to “start something” In t4ie way of agitation for the Public Defender. Hence this contest. We offer the following prizes for the best articles, of one hundred and fifty words and over. In favor of the Public Defender, viz.:

$100.00 FOR 75.00 FOR 50.00 FOR 25.00 FOR 20.00 FOR 15.00 FOR 10.00 FOR 5.00 FXJR




There is one condition and one only. You must not only write your article, but you must get it published in some recognized news¬ paper or regular publication. The paper that prints it may be a country weekly or a trade paper. It does not matter how small its circulation may be, but it must have a circulation and be a recognized and established paper or periodical.


The contest is open to all. It will close Saturday, December 5, at midnight, and the names of the winners, together with their articles, will be published in our Christmas Issue.

Employees of The Billboard alone are barred from participating in the above contest.

To further stimulate contestants we have decided to offer an additional prize, viz.:

$100.00 fop the person securing the publication of the greatest number of articles.


Editorial Comment The Mann White Slax’e Act is a

moat exc<*Il<-nt law. It was designed to reach and punish human x’ermin who were commercializing sexual x'ice.

These cockroaches had so infested and overrun society’s domicile that their pre.scnce had become Intolerable.

They had intrenched themselves so securely, too, that ordinary measures

aimed against them proved futile.

So I'xtraordinary means had to be re-sorted to, and the Mann Act, a law so severe, drastic and implacable that it would strike terror to the heart of the most hardened and depraved of the wretche.s engaged in the noisome traffic, was framed.

But in order to be effective against quarry so elusive, sly and wary us these unspeakable insects it had to be cunningly devised and craftily

nied its aid when it is perfectly patent and plain that the idea of pecuniary gain or profit never, even remotely, entered the young man’s mind.

In the first fiery and impetuous anger of the young woman’s adherents the x'ery severity of the Mann Act ap¬ peals to them.

the idea of inducing her to enter upon a life of shame had never, NEVER entered his mind, when their errant adventure was discovered he was ar ralgned for x’iolating the white slave act, and despite the girl’s denials, the most .strenuous efforts of competent counsel supplied by his father, who

Hut flmaighout the South, except in not only is there no im¬

provement discernible, but things se<*m to be a little worse if anything.

The turning point in Dixie will hardly he n*:u'lu-d hpfore Deceinln'r 1st.

Among the readers of The Billboard we have some of the continent, chaste and virtuous people in the world. 1. e., acrobats and athletes.

Also we have a very large percent¬ age of folk who hold the social con- entions and proprieties in light

esteem, but the men of this class are by no means gro-ssly licentious or vicious nor the women in any sense prostitutes.

R is the absence of home Influences, and the impracticability of marriage that is mainly responsible for their disregard of the moral customs and usages that obtain in the beau monde.

They are Bohemians. Theirs is a world apart, but one ,

which nevertheless has very definite and fixed standards.

They loathe commercialized xdee and

the cadet and pimp and white slaver with a loathing that is far more In¬ tense, ardent, unremitting and bitter

than the pillars of the church or polite society can possibly know.

Whenever a pandering male pro¬ curer is beaten up and pounded to the consistency of Hamburger steak, as Is happening with commendable frequency of late, nine times out of ten It is one of our people that did the righteous deed.

And so we hold that it is all wrong —all dead wrong—to train a law upon them which was never meant to be used against them.

Boost for the Public Defender. Boost hard and tirelessly.

Readers’ Column

Its comprehensive Inclusiveness can be made to trap and its many meshe.s trusted to bind and hold the victim

securely, so lazy lawyers find in it an easy course of procedure.

Then, too, the charge once lodged

against the culprit is so heinous that it not only deprives him of all public sympathy, but frequently prejudices

the court against him.

Conviction almost invariably fol¬ lows, In which event an unduly long

and sexere sentence is given, and so¬ ciety, instead of being benefited. Is

grievously Injured, as it always is when

was wealthy, and his tender years— he was but nineteen—he escaped con- vicition by the narrowest margin imaginable.

Now, suppose that he had been an actor, showman, trouper or Bedouin —an older man, but a stranger In the town in which he had been appre¬ hended.

And too, that he had had but little money.

What chance would he have stood? Without character witnesses, or the

means to summon them, sans capable counsel and charged with the most

Mias Ella Sm.vUie it miueattsi to rommiinlrate wlUi tile odk-e of rbe White Kata Actors' Uoloo or the office of Messrs. I.ent A llumplirey, at- toroers. Mills Bulldlnf, San Francisco, Oal., on a matter of Imtwrtance concerning herself.

Any Information concerning the wherealMiuts of Mr*. Mary White, or Whitehead, last known to be in Neirt>ort. Ky.. will be appreciated by H. H. Bewley, Tniy, O.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Breeoe B. Bell, kliidlr coiiiiuuiileste with Mrs. Annie Bell, 3817 .Mayo stnet. Dallae, Tex.

The add,.‘Sees of Gertrude I>es K'>clies and Hoy l.apearl are wanted by (Tark B. Kltble, 3U S. Ijt Salle street, Chicago.

Herbert FNaInx—t'hauni-ey Olcott will be seen in Sbaiiieeii Dim tbt* season. A* tbe show I* not yet on tbe road we cannot furnish the route.

Ktelle Staniperd—Communicate with O. T. Lyons, lliialivllle, Ind.

Would like to hare the addrena of Jidin 1, ('Dinin. Jack .M. Hesser, care Grant Hotel, ClllcSKO.

Frank Brian—Please write to me at once. Very iuiisirtant. Lula Daridnou. 7(18 First at.. Tidislo. <•.

Inforiiiation conreming the whereabouts of I/mla Anneout, formerly of Anneotit and Cald¬ well. will Is- Kratefully recelred by Florence Sliadtnan, Ein|H>rlnm, Pa.

Aii.vone knowing the address of Win. H. Ib'slian, please write to Mrs. Adela Desban, H-'W K. Fonrili striLt. Waterloo, la.

Any information a* to the wherealsmta of Melvin J. Kerwin will te gratefully melreil by C. D. Griffin. Seininea, Ala.

Marvelous Wliitney, also Hour, of Hour and Wliitney—Write l.> Jno. U. Wade Star Theater, Trenton. Tenn.

Jack Ithlior—Your mother wants to hear fron» you.—I. B. H.

L. ( .—We have no route at the present time. 7'belr (leriiianent address Is Valparaiso, Ind.

Mrs. 1. II. Hill. .V.2H S Hour street, Ixm Angeles, Cal., la very aiixloiia to bear frim her s.>n. Kd Hill.

Mrs. Grsee K. Wllki-s (Grsee K. Connell.vl — Write to Ksst Clarion, <)., at one*-, tlrandfather sinking rspidly.

tiny IVsIson—Write to Patrlrk 18>yle. General Delivery, Chicago.

James It. Ryder Commiinicste Inimeiltately with .voar faMier. Very lm|M>rtant.

e B 19

Stock and Repertory

B. F. Keith’s Circuit of Theatres

E. F. ALBEE, General Manager

-FOR BOOKING, Address-

S. K. Hodgdon, Palace Theatre Bldg., New York City.

The Orpheum Circuit of Theatres

MARTIN BECK, General Manager

-FOR BOOKING, Address-

Frsoik Vincent, Palace Theatre Bldg., New York City.


HyUNITED STATES - - • • Showman’s League of America DEPOSITORY


FOREIGN EXCHANGE CftpiUl. 12 000.000


HOTEL CARLETOM Stati, Archer and Twentieth Straete, CHICAGO. ILL.

R. L. JAOOBT. Prenldent: JACK N. COOK. Muia<er. Flneet location In the citr; ten mlnuten from all loaf) theatrea AU large, airy and aunni rooma. Parlon for ladlea and gentlemen. Reataurant In oonneotlon. Uee at Alhambra HlpDodrocne for reheanals ahaolutel; free to guesta. $4 a week and upwards, Mngle or double. Oeer 400 rooma to aelect from. AUracUre monthly ratea to the profemton. Headquarten for raudeielUa. bur- league, drcuj and oamlral.

WE KNOW HOW^ ta ddlTer the beat neatrlc^ Gooda, Coatumea. Tlgbta. Trimmings, ate. Our lately rerlaed catalogue lent free to any addreas. Beferenoea—Our cuatomeia.

FRITZ SCHOULTZ & CO. 19 West Lake 9trMt. .... CHICAGO, ILL.

Largest Stock In the Country for Amateur and School Plays

AT LIBERTY . . . Jesse Darnell and Wife

1 lead B. A O.. transpose and imngn. Will play under a director. Clarinet and Violin; Clarinet, B. AO.; IM or 2d Violin In O., or’Oarlnet In B.; small pans on stage. M.v wife plav, A-1 Plana Jotnt only, Tlrkets If long jump. Address JESSE DARNELL, Lakevlew, Oregon.



WIIMDOW WORKERS!! Do you know that SIGNS OF THE TIMES is now cariyinfc an enlarged

department devot<*tl to your interests under the following heatl:


You will fiiul in this department a world of information in the way of arti¬ cles, notes, views, opinions and pt'rsonal items of interest.

Subscription Price—$2.00 a Yeir; Six Months for $1.00; Single Copies, 20c.

SIGNS OF THE TIMES, Publishetl Once a Month.

Paklication OKiet, CINCINNATI, OHIO

OBITUARY |l.4KKU-8ainu«l O. Baker, a prominent figure

In e«i.l<-ru thestrU-als for the past thirty jeart, di.'d III the .Metropolitan Hospital. New York. Se|ii>'iidwr 21. .Mr. Baker was fifty years of i,;. slid for the psst few years bad been If.iihhd with Bright a disease.

B.\l.lAUJt'H—William Uallbecb 4S yeara old, a slsgehsud at the U. F. Keith Ctieetnut Htreet t»|MTa House, PhlladelpUla, on September 18 fe.l fr.rtu the tiles and was Instantly killed.

OBI. UOHA—Dominick Del Boaa, age 74, and an opera singer uf soaue rejiute years ago, com- uiitusl suicide by Jumping from the se«-otHl story of hla home at 710 South MandwiU street, Phlla¬ delpUla, September 1&. He was Instantly killed. A recent lliueea, which resulted In the Iocs of hla tulce, la ascribed by friends as the cause of his act.

iii'/.A.MOUA—Juan De/amora diwl at the Norwegian Tatettia Hospital, Chicigo, 111., S<-pteuit>er Id. Mr. De/.amora was a member of the original Mexican /.amora Family, and has l>e.‘U before the public for more thau forty years. He leaves a wife and little daughter residing In Saginaw, Mich., where the remalue were siii|i|H‘d lor burial.

Fl’LBNSTEIN—Jocepb J. Euleuatein died In Pittsburg, l‘a., September 28. “Joe," as he was familiarly called, was gallery doorman at the Nixon Theater In that city.

UAUNKl.I.A—Uicliard (Dick) Oarnella, a memlier of the well-known vaudeville team, (iar- uelU Bros., die«l at Pittslmrg, Pa., September 22. Mr. Uaruella was fifty-one years of age, and leave* a wife and two daughters, one uf whom Is now touring’ the Uh-w Circuit with her husband, under the name of .Morris and Parks.

H.VMILTON—Mr. Hamilton, father of Hale Hamilton, died at the family borne In New York, rweutly. Hale la now with A Pair of Sixev playing the part of “Joliii.”

I'UUTKU—t has. .M. Porter died September 27. at Detroit, .Micb. Mr. INirtcr was ill but a short time.

JHCHEY—Ralfih Ulchey, eniployevl at the Olympic Theater, St. Ismla, Mo., died September 16. lieath was due to tubercuhwis.

STKINBHIUI—Jacob Steinberg, who bad been identified with the moving picture business around New York for a number of years, ended bis life September 2*2, by Inhaling gas. Stein¬ berg was lA years of age and made bia home at KV Lenox avenue.

Dl'NC.VN—t larem-e Duncan, age 32, of Evana- Tllle, Iwl., was kflled August 14, at St. Francls- Tille, 111. Duncan was giving exhibitions of bslhsm jumping, and while attempting to make a leap fell from the trapeze.


STIEHS WALLACE—Miles Okey Stiers, man¬ ager of a Wild West show now touring the Eastern States, and Catherine liouise Wallace, one of the eow girls with the show-, were mar- rie<l In Lynchhiirg, Va., on September 26, while the show exhlldted there.

van NOKDSTKO.M—Harry Van and Ellen Nordstrom, memliera of The Blue Ribbons Belles Company, were married on the stage of the Kvrlc Theater, .Memphis, Tenn., September 14. Following tlie cereuHiny Mr. Van left for Detroit to Join Singer'a Bebman Show for the balance of the iieaHon.

OILEWICZ SAl’HR—Walter Gllewlci. pianist ami professor at the College of Music in Cln- dunatl. w'as married Septemlier 26 to Miai Matilda Sauer, also of Cincinnati. Air. Gilewicx' halls freon Berlin, where be was one of the leaallug professors of the Stem Conservatory.

in RPHV-W.VTY^OX—Michael Mun'hy and MIsa Helen Walaon. both members of the Ben Welch Company, were married In Cincinnati Septem- tier 2!*, w-hile the show was bolding fwth at the Gayety Theater In that city.

LRYSKHWEBBR—William I.eyser, manager of the Julia Marlowe moving picture theater In Buffalo. N. Y., was married recently to Miss Frieds Weber, of Wllwsukt-e, Wls.

CASTBIJA'O NADBK—Joe Castellno, known as Mexican Joe, with Noxon's Hippodrome Kbowa, and NelUe Nader, of the same company, wera married oo September 17, Id Orange, Va.

DKN.N'I.NG-RELLIEII—Jack Denning, of the Dougherty Stock Co., was married on Septem¬ ber 19. In Arkansas City, Kan., to Miss Estelle Bellleu, of NewkVrk, Ok. Tbe bride will be¬ come a member of the above theatrical com¬ pany.

SAWYEU-KAritMAN—Allen A. Sawyer, a Donprofessional of Berkeley, Cal., and Mlsa IMIy Falruian, well known In carnival circles. Were unlletl In marriage Septcnil>er 3, at the home «if the gnstni's parenta in the above city. The corqile will make their borne In Berkeley, where .Mr. Sawyer Is connected wltli the Aa- a<M-lated Oil Co.

sn I J»BI,HL'IKI.D WILLIAMS -Allen Stubble- fiehl, known In vaudeville circles In the West, and wlseie <'Xi>erience In other lines of the amuseineiil biiviness has Iweii varle<l, was mar¬ ried on .\ Ki, in Oklahoma Clt.v, Ok., to Miss l/ola WllHams, a pianist. Mr. Slubhleflcld has entered the news|ia|>er field In Cushing. Ok.


Ihirii .III St'ptemlwr 2’2 to Mr ami Mrs. DonaM J SsHily Ilf Detroit, an eight |>'iiml daughter. Mr. Sswilv. In aiblltioii to an Interest in the Mlehigan Ihsikl'ig .Vgen.-.v. controls several the¬ aters in Mieiilgsn.

Mr. smi Mrs. Iiobli.v Katie snnontiee tlie ar¬ rival of .'III elglit isninil girl on Sepleinher 26. at Itroivnw.MNl, ’|V\. Mr. Kane Is tvell known In D'e elniis niid eariilval field, lisviiig served as Its'tiirer. niid matiHger. Tills is not the B 'tiby Ksne ..f e;iiiiill>nl fame.

To tile nisiit in tile iie«spB|ier and the tlie atrtesi world, who know Jaekson D. Haag, t'f I'illsliiirg. tlnn- Is s|i<-i-lal Interest in tlie word wlili-li tins just K.nie out Hist he has lolmsl the

Davis forees mid will le in elisrce of the pii’i lieilv for the new .'<e|n*iit|.\ Dark, where stork

isimi-aii.v nresliietions will lie staged. Iiegitiiiing

Oot.dier t2. Ill tils extensive newmiaiier ex- IH-ri-iiee Mr. Unrig lias tilled most responslhlo oflires. Iiieliidliig iiiniiagiiig idltor, news editor

and editorial writer. .Vs draiiiatle editor for The I'lltsliiirg Dost and Siin for years, until Ifil.l. he Iss-aiiie well kiHiwti. Ills eoiitrlhiitloiia t<i drsmatle literature Inelinle preslintloiis ap- liearliig ,>ti tlie road and In stm-k. among them


Items of Interest for tills depart¬ ment will Im‘ thankfully received and acknowledged.

Angell’g Cbmedlana, under the management of Ed C. Nutt, la now In their aeventleth week wltliout a layoff. They are now playing their aeaaon of fair dates to excellent busluesa. The company la practically the same aa it waa a year ago, and will tour tbe South for the winter aeaaon, playing the name territory aa last aeason, wliere they have a large clientele. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Hyde joined the company recently.

Tlie Vernon Hypnotic Comedy Company opened the seaaon at Bonner’a Ferry, Id., to excellent biisinesa aod have been playing to caiiaclty at each performance. The show will be greatly enlarged when opening their engagement at Denver, COL, October 26. .Mr. Vermin this season Is under the management of Paul O. Lockwood.

Tbe Malley-Denison Stock Company was ac¬ corded a moat eotbuaiastlc welcome uiam their return engagement at the Park Theater. Taun¬ ton, Mass., for the stock season of 1914-1916. Miss Blanche Shirley Is again leading woman of tbe company, and James Crane is leading man. Tbe company Includes tbe following: James Crane. Neil Barrett. Richard Clarte, Stanley De Wolf, Ralph 8. Hapjiel. Karl Knap. Blanche Shirley, Lida Powell, Laura Stone, Antoinette CtawTord and Sadie Radcliffe.

Tile King-Haver Stock Company, now toor- ing under canvas, continues to do gcaal business despite the war situation. On Septemlier 14 a birthday dinner was given tn honor of Lotta llaverstock, leading lady of tbe company, and it will long be rememliered by herself and all members of the company. Immediately after the performance all memtiers of the company asscmliled in tlie dining tent, where IV. Neal, the chef, had a very elaborate menu awaiting. After many appropriate toasts by the various members of tbe company beautiful presents were presenteil Mrs. Haverstoxk by each and every member from canvasmen to proprietors. Messrs. King and llaverstock, managers of the comiiany, purchased recently a fine new 70-foot sleeiier and dining car with five state rovims, office, kitchen and dining room. Three m<ire musicians were added to the band last week, ai# the entire company now numbers twenty- six people.

Tbe season of the Van Dyke-Eaton Block Company came to an abrupt close last week at Kankakee, HI. W. D. Morris, tbe business manager of the company, la alleged to have left town without paying salaries.

Jack Llthgow, well known In stock and re¬ cently with the Swift Dramatic Company, is framing up an act for vaudeville In which he and Mias Elena Fisber will appear In tbe near future.

TyOgan Green Is miw with the A1 O. Rogers Players, as principal cimiediau.

Suzanne Jackson, who was the leading woman at tbe Hudson Theater, Union Hill, has re¬ turned to New Yvirk after a visit to VDintreal, which Is her home. Miss Jackson bids adieu to stock this season to engage in dramatic pro¬ ductions

J. L. Barrett, manager and leading man with the Barrett Stock Company, now playing at tbe Orpheum Theater. Zane-svllle, O.. kas be* n forced to retire from active work on the stage owing to a norvoii* breakdown, it will probably be some time before be can resume his regular duties.

We micoduce displsys lirespectlTe of slxe. from pbotographa which you forward.

lOO PHOXOGRARH ROSX CA.RDS FOR SI.80. Othec priors In proportloo. Send us Iho to amer tbe cost of samples. CXnnplets price list aent upoo requesL



PRINCE NELSON wi„ .\t Liberty week of October l‘2th. M.\N.\GERS, BOOKING .\GENTS, SECRE¬ TARIES OLD HOME WEEKS, pet busy; wire quick.

PRINCE NELSON, 450 William St., Williamsport, Pa.

Item-s of Interest for this depart¬ ment will be thankfully received and acknowledged.

Ed Rosenbanm, advance manager for Adele, bas a unique manner of advertising not only the pro<luetion, but its moslcal score as well. Rosenbaum made arrangements with the Rez Talking Machine Co., of Philadelphia, for one of their best mahogany cased machines, and, placing It in tbe lobby, advertises a week In .idvance of the show’s coming the leading melody. Tbe idea is a success and demonstrated Its practicability and value In tbe box office of the Grand Theater, Cincinnati, which U one of the theaters where It was trlexl out. Rosen¬ baum has several other original ideas slong musical lines that will bear watching.

John R. Rogers now owns up to 7-4 winters and summers. This season he was representing Hap Ward and Lucy Daly, bat closed with them On Satunlay, October 3, In Cincinnati.

E<iwln F. Reilly, who has. for many years, been general press representative for all of Corse Payton’s enterprises, has been rewarded with tbe managerial reins of the Payton lyeo Avenue Theater, which is enjoying Its four¬ teenth season of stock.

Ralph Duval Robinson Is handling the press w*>rk for Payton’s Avenue Theater, Brook¬ lyn. this season.

Walter B. Flannery, an experienced newa- pajier e<lltor and reporter. Is keeping the Star and Gayety, two Columbia Amusement burlesque iK'iises. In the limelight by catchy notices in the Breaiklyn dallies.

•Agents and Managers’ Theatrical Organisa¬ tion. at 1431 Broadway. New York, now has a membership of 6.V); quite a few bouse managers in and around Greater New Y'ork are joining. .A letter addressed to Geo. .Abbott, the secretary, will bring application blanks.

Ed. Dolan closeil bis .sea.son ahead of The Blindness of Virtue, ami Brother Ed will soon put out a show of his own.

Teil Miller has recovere*! from his recent illness and will shortl.v attach bim.self to one of the big Broadway shows.

Grant Luce is now In advance of Wlswoll’s Tlie C.unmon Co., playing the Stair 4k Havlin Time.

MelxUle B. Raymond and George .Ala. Florida were doing some old circus stunts ahead of their attractions. -A Pair of Sixes and Dotash and IVrlmutter. and met In Corning. N. Y. During a friendly conversation It develope*! that they had been circus agents together on the Walter I.. Main Shows.

Harry I.eavitt Is still around the club, also Brother Sam. I.eo Is out as mansger with Polly of the Circus.

With P. A’s and A. A’s

20 Xfie Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.


UNIFORMS ftr BaaEt, SAmm. TMatr* uitf Parfc EiiiMayM*, B«4I Bays, Uih- •r«, ftc. Wa make Unlforma, ('oatumea. Show Wardrabta, lUn- atral Kaquialtca, Baiuittm. Itaci, PaliiUiifa-EVraTTHlNO. U* u« Dcure on your requlraamtii. Wa furnish A-1 pxi^ at tha lauFsat prtoat.

Wa arr laitMctlng Aymta for tha CVIrbrat«<! Ctouwnon Band Instrumnita. Wrtta for our naw catalog.

OE MOULIN BROS. & CO. lost tauth 4th M.,


38 Teare’ Repufation Back of Every Tent


Carnival Tents SoiMi for Catalog and Second-HaBd Lart


4 Sleepers 2 60FT. FLATS

Combination Cars Special Cars of all Kinds




Now IB the time we need the work and oan give quick action and close priceo.


Tki ColuBilius Tent & Awnint Co. _COLUMBUS, OHIO._


MERRY-GO-ROUND COVERS. And aaaiTthlns In eanraa. Send for eateiag


For Hagenbeck-Wallace

Cincinnati To Be Temporary

Scene of Winter Activities—

Permanent Quarters To

Be Secured Later

The iiiauaKenirnt of the llagonboi-k Wallai'e Cli\'U’> liaK aiiiK>uii<-e<l that that alM>M will u<>t roturii to iVni. Iml.. to uiutor. The full aig oin.aiK'f of ilita announoeiiient will bo appro ciatod «hoii it la renieinl.ored that for nioio than a tpiartor of a (•.•iiiiir.v l.n- Wal laoo Show iwhii'li ahHortxsl tin- H.ig.-iibix'k c reriit haa w inloroil in I’oni. That H-K>ai»-r cit.v baa Ihx-ii tlio regular apriin: o|M>iitng ataud of the nmd aeaaoii for the allow every year. The winter ipiarle a were a veritable i>ark and in it eeiitere,! the intereat of tUouaanda of people who made the opening date a holiday.

However, the preaent executive management wiah»‘a to be entirely free and Independent to own tlieir own ouartera and winter e<pilpiiieut and to niainge their bualneaa in winter time aa well aa on the mad.

No a<ainer hail the word leakeil out that there { Would lie a ehange of winter ijiiartera than

aeveral eltlea moveil to aeeiire ttieiii. Si. Louia. with lt» Ituainesa .Men'a League, came forwanl

I with lllMTat Indiieeinenta. Indlaiiapolia and Ita

upon the quality of Ita performinee, the con¬ dition of ita atoek. the aooommodatkma of the (leople with It. and every detail having to do with the cunfort of the piihl.c will be well con- alderol. The niaiiageinent of the ahow will re¬ main the same. .Mr. Cory being the general manager. The p.illey of the mauageiiieiit will reniidi llie same aa this Keaa..n. e».-r> effort fxdtig liem til (ontlniie the developing further their r<-|iiltaiion. K>|e,-iHl alteiitlon w dl he given |o the menagerie ami to the an.nial acta with the ahow. general ottieea for eorri'apondeiu-e and toialne-a wl'.l atill reiiiM.ii at I’ern. whe.-e .Mr. Cory rea d.‘a. Mr. Ilallani will Iw at Meat lladeu. where he will devote aiieli time aa Ilia (■riiate Intereata will all.iw. while Mr. Harvey will lx- la Ciiielnnati a great deal of the lime Ciui'iniiatl will lie the eonferenee place during the wimer fi r the management.

The show will not open In Pern next spring, blit d'Sibtlcaa that eit.v will lx* lu<iiide,l on the road Itinerar.x.


Pendleton. Ore . S«-pl. 2!».—The liHt IVndle- | Mil K.Miiid I'p la iio« a tiling of the p.aat. and tl:e maiiagera express themaelvea aa Ixdng we|| ; pleaa<-d with toe reeelpla Weather eolniltiona the oiieiliug day iTburadayi could uot have lieea Niter, but in spite of this, the attendauee was somewhat dlaap|xiintlng. running below the at¬ tendance of the Brat day of last year. Friday the weather was also very g axl. and atill there were many vacant -a-ata. However, the at¬ tendance was much better than Tliuraday. Sat¬ urday morning, for a wiiile. It lookixl as tlxMigb then- wouldn't be a ahow. aa It ralncl In pir- reiita lx*twe«‘n 7 and h o'eUx’k. but by lo o'rbick the aim waa al.inliig brightly aud tiiriie.l what wta exixx-led to be a miserable day Into an exi-ellent one. The thini day's attendance waa


TIlifi U the fint iHibll'thed pliirtograph of Ham La IVarT and Timitnit* Mullma. orfaniarrA. and tlie ten charter nu*iDt>erA of the l''iatt*niRl itrifcr of ri>4iilque«x. ^shleh vaA'* (vrganli«Nl at Uie Otiiaur Klim rompan> In Bajmine. N. J.. rerentU. Tunimir MullenH Ia ntajidlnc nliaklng handA with Harr>' I^a l*eari. In hla familiar Hanium & Hallo SIm>w maKe-u|i <tn the hmer row. fmm left to li^ht, are; Murray Hlumay. Johnnie Ma.von. tliarley Jotinaon. Hanwii. Ctenrge Kot> Jordaii. Nat Kerk. Jimmy Cort>ie9r, Georfe Willlama and Jimmie Hylai>d. AU of thewe well-known white to() mtetialnerw are now In the employ of the Centaur 0>. Many of the world’A greatnst rib-tirkI(TA. auidi aA Mart'ellne. IMppv IHerw. BllrerR (raktey and Ftdem Wlnh, have been InvUed to )oln the order, and. It la aald, hava Hlgnlflevl their willtiigneep. to **('ome In.” Tlie mei'tlng riMMiis f<»r the prenefit are lu the i>vitaur Htu<Uo at Bayonne.


TEXAS SNAKES Ifuanu. (TilncM Dragons, Parrota and Animals for Pit Shows. All polaoii snakes fixed safe to handle. Plioea reaaonable. Promiit ahipmenta of ^1 orders.

W. O'DELL LEARN A CO., 715 W. CsMRiares St., Ssa Antoaie, Tsx.

Brownsville Snake Farm Can supply you with snskea fixed to handle. Freab •uDply Always on hand. Cheap aa any other d«aJ«.

BROWNSVILLE SNAKE FARM. P. 0. Bex 275._ Brewaavllla, Taxaa.

SNAKES AND ANIMALS More for your mnm-y and BEnTFm OOOIVS than any other ilcalcr In C. S. tVinnliig on merit and here to slay. IXxIrfng Monkeys. $16 each.

R. P. LEE, 15 Bean Place, Buffale. N. Y.

$200 Buys Big Dodging Monkey And r>(l-ft. Tent and Halls. All new outfit. .Xddreaa ED. MORRUnr, 7103 So. illrtdgan, Chlrago, Ill.

-FOR SALE- Ten nice Baby Coona, $3 00 each. W. T. HODOEN A S'INS. Rnx 23‘1, (Xampbellsvllle. Ky.


125-127 Sa. Raelaa Aneane.


C<immerci»l CInh asked what waa required and agreed lx-f<ire hand to meet any conilltion act down for tile aea-nring of the aliow. Cincinnati, through it* Ctiamlier of C'ommeree. became niiieh liiteresttxl. The Commerelal Club of Perry, la., likewise made known ita willingness to offer lilxTal Inducemeiita for tlie securing of the quarters.

Fix’ a.'veral reasons t ie nianagemeiit coiiclniled Cim-innatl headquarters w- uid be the moat ad¬ vantageous for Hie show.

C. R. Hebtile. cimlrman of the Industrial Committee of the Ciiieiiinati Cliamber of Oun- meree. offered the us.- of the Carthage Fair Hroiimla fr<-e of charge. However, on account of ilissstlsfaction with its ilealiiig« with otiier shows that had wlnterixl tliere. tlie fair man¬ agement refuw'd to allow tlielr bamlaome gnxinda to lie useil. Tills information was telegraidie I to the slew by Mr. Helilde. but lie still helil out ho|x» tliat if one of the circus in inageiiient would a|iix-ar [lernonally Ix-fore tlie f Ir direct ors that he had reason to thpik the proposi¬ tion put forth by him eoiild tie put over. Mr. Harvey was sent back to this city. Two special nieetinga were held with tlie fair peopte and the r»*Ku't was tliai pai ers were exo'utcd wliere by tlie show secures the free use < f the I'srtliage Fair projx-rty f-T tlie winter.

Kd Rallarl. one of tlie owners, p'issesse- sev eral large fiarms near West Itaden. Ind. Al- la-aily large stables have Ix-en erected on his fsrms for the wintering of lie “t of the texsa-s with the siiow'. and tliiis the Ix-glimlng of tlie estalilishing of [x‘rtnanent winter quarters In Soiilliern Indiana Is made.

This winter when the sleiw g<x-s in all of the equipment will lx- taken direct lo Cincinnat-. •Vf'er tieing tinlosiloi tlie st<K-k will tx- taken to (ieorgla. a statb'n < n the R. A O. S. W. near Mr. Rallsrd's farms. .Xfter the te rses are nn- loa led the trains will ix- moved t > M ssiiington. Ind., where arrangements lisve bee i made with tile It A <1 ixsiple for tlie rebuilding of the cars. S>nie of the pre-ent cars will tx> s Id an I otlier new ears Installed.

While the managenienl will ix t make any an noun ement for putdlcatlon regarding the future of the show, tills much in a nut shell Is adrnitteil. Ustlier tlisn b, Increase In s'xe very materially eff.irts will lx- inailr to make the show tlie classiest on the road, stress being put

considerably Ix-tter than the first or secoud day.

Tlie eient ifix-iieil with a parade, ennalating ! of Hlsiiit (ksi horses and as many riders, a large iiuiiilx-r of wlxuii were Indians, ami was headed Till n'a.vlor. nresidetit ,rf tlie Round l'|i, and tMivernor West.

Only two ae<-ldeuts of any conseqiiem-e hap- peue,! to mar the s|xipf. One bappi-nml In the stage coaefi pace Friday, liradeu (ierkind re eeiving a badly mangleil right arm. and J. A. Paraoiis a s|irained ankle, while the other bap |x*iie<l Saturday in the bull ridting exiilbith na. Sterling .Sloan aiistainlng three liroken rllis. splinters of whleh wen- forceil Inbi his lungs. Little hope la held out for Ids rm-overy.

'Ilie exhibition was a great one. ail of tlie events fiiriiisliing (deiitv of tiirills aii-l a nuin ber of till in tx-ing closely contested. Every thing moved along wltlxuit a hit<-li. The man agement expi-cts to make the RoiiniM'p still greater next year.

The following were the winners in the vari¬ ous events;

Sarny Harrett—World's Chainid di .Ml Rmind Cowtxiy. w'inm-r of Tlie Police Oaxette g-dd ami silver belt. .Mulhall, ilk.. Is his ix-rmaiient home.

Red Parker -Valentine, .N<di., ehaiii|d< n buck lug hors* rider, 1st; Ix-e Caldwell Pendleton. Dre., 2-1; John Judd, Cheyenne, Wy., 3d.

Steer lto| ing Two Stix-ra Tom tlrlmea. Clieyeiine, Wy., I.t. 1:01; Ca«e Presisitt. Penile ton. tire., 2d. I::!3: Jack l-'reix, .\ewalla. ilk, .3d. l:rx'i.

Steer Riill Ikigglng -Sam ilarrcit, Mulhall. ilk.. ‘2ri2-ri; IN-Il Itlancelt. Phieiiix. .\rlx . 21. 27; tji-orge Francis. Havre. Mont.. 31. 2M 1-.'.

CowlM.ys' Relay Race E .\. Armstrong, Har rington. Wash., 1st. time, two nilb-s eaeb diy. three days. 1 .5; Rraden tierking. Ritter, ilre., 2i!. time, 12;rxl2ri; Knapp I.yueji. Kliiia, M-xit.. .'hi. time. 12;.''iX3ri.

Cowgirls' Relay Race Ruth Parton, T-qilx-n Ish. Wash.. 1st, time, two miles eaeh day. three days, 12 '27, 4 fi; Eaiiiiy Sjx-rry Steele, .M teliell. Mont.. 2d. time, 12:4S2.'i: Itertlii lllaiicett. Pb-x-nix, .Lrix., 3<l, time. I'J .'Xl.'l.’i.

illrls' Kiieking—Itertlia Itlancett. Plxx-nlx, -Lrlx.. 1st; Fanny Stx-rry Steele, MIteliell Moul., Ibi; .Minnie 'riioiiiimon. (ffieyeiiiie, Wy., .3<l.

UNIFORMS For Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part.,

Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys^

Base Ball, Foot Ball Basket Ball, etc., et(»>

ScBilw CATALOG. Be Sure and Mention Kind qf Uniform Waniofi

Weatern Uniform Co (Lakeside Building)

R14 a. clagk 84. CHICAO^

Do You WANT MILITARY 800DS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY ar NAVY BUITB, TENTS. 6UNB aa4 EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Frsa Oavaraaitat AsatiM. N«{ aianav wSat yaa waat la tkat Maa, I ass assaty It. Naw ar taasaS-baaS. B*a4 far astalassa

B. B. ABRAHAMB. 222 SMitk Straat. PhRa.. Ps.

SgeHeRjY itPBClAL DTS DROPS AND FINEST SHOW BAIf- NKRSAT UtWEST PRICES. ALL WORK OUAR- A.NTEED. TeU ua what you need and reeHve VOW- WIT sathnata of ooat and lUuatrsted eatalofus ENKEBOLL ART CO.. Oaiaha. Nsbratks.

GASOLINE LAMPS. SruMna and Suppllsa, and Rs- palrlnf. l*romiK attmtioti, right prtosa. MELDRL'll- RPNSEN CO.. 1U4 .North 12Ui Street. 8L Lotlla. Mlaanurt.

-FOR SALE- SUIT MACHIMS tiF AU. KINDS for aale ctieaa. Addrsaa RK'KINO kUXi. Ctl.. 1031 rreemao Avs. ClneinnaU. Ohio.

WANTED To hear from FVee Act Minagem, Oonoroaloneea, sIkxss. etc., having Urtober IS, 14. 15, 16 opevi. TRla fair In <ity of 5.000. In rich oil. lumber, farming and 'lock enuntty. FVwr dart, good altmdaiMW. Wire at write MRS P A. l.F..X5fINC., Sermary at the DvMoU Parlih F'air AeaoHaUon. ManuflelJ, Is.


Tiie lUatem Carolina Colored Fair Aworlttloii Cb. -Xiinual Fair. New Bern. X. C.. .Niwemhee 3, 3. 4. 5 and 6. 1914 H C. MIU.tHl. Seema.T.

THE GREAT TRI-COUNTV COLORED FAIR, to be held In Dougla*. (la., from November 4tli lo tith. Big .Towda attend f'ally. We dmtre to let our gmunda to xxne big Carnival or Amuwment Company, the ensa- l-aiiy lo let all mnrexxirxi ami xtaml and nofl dltnh luiiilegew. IVrile at m.rx* to PRji$' J It ELLIS, lt<a 637, Ixwgia*. tia. Wixild like to engage the ci>mpany that la to play at .XPianv, (la

CONCESSIONS AND ATTRACTIONS WANTED For Marlbxiii, Mi«xxir4. Tenth Annual Street Pale, tirtotx-r 15 and 16, 1914 tS M 4:RIM4:S. Crneew- don Manag<-r

CONCESSIONS AND AMUSEMENTS WANTED—At the t'oiored Pair. Noremtier II. 12, IS. 14. 1914. Pur further Information write REV. T. 1. LlNTO.N. D.D.. Prealdent Colored Pair Aaeodatkio at Hancock Oa.. P. O. Bo« 128. Sparta, Oa. _

MOVING SHOOTING GALLERY kXlR RAU: CHEAP Motor and all guna. all Iw firvt-elaM onler. WI>I.B$3l, T23 LAkerlew Art., Dw- Uo»t, MU-h. _

FOR SALE—A 6iix90 Tent. umxI about three moiitba. Baker and Lort.wood make, ooinplrte with polea, tiocS and tackle, not a patch on top, auliable for dra¬ matic ahow. The fliwi tl.5ti.iMi grta It. Thla I* a liargaln. Addima MtIRRIS MHJ.$3l. Manager Oreat •Xmertean Rhowa. Priiioetrxi, Ky.

FOR SALE ttarouael with iwgan. all enmpleta; two extra organa, marie to onler. tXxne lo are bar¬ gain. doing out of budiicM. BUTv, 160 Fmal St., Hmokbii. N. Y.

-WANJXED- To mit, leM or buy on e^ny temui, a OimblnattoQ Slni>ln( and Hagfafe Car. auitahlo for MlnativI SIkm*; thrrfi aLatiTiviiiui, celiara, S4 ft. baggage end, kltohan. «lM‘plng aniannKxiatlnn for JS people. WANTKI>*' FIxiH'i1e*)red lioM f^raaman, alto Ailvanre .Agent, with refertYtcea. Addrr«ia

A. ftASCHIO. Cara Raaehta'a Taxat Troubadaun.

416 t. Cominvea 8t.. Saa Aatonla, Taiaa.

WANTCD>-CAft (Nimblnatlnn Ale(t>«'r, KIU'Ihyi and Haggage; .Adranra Man to take Intereat in eifOkpany. <^n uae <’o>du»M«. \V. L. LaAUUIIldl.V, Ht. .Marya, <N)k>

WANTED, AGENT K(ir Tmiy Whlte'a Or>lnre<l MlnatreU and Mterlrg ture Khenv. under canvaa^ one-Car Show; muat be huatlfr and atrirtly aober. Wfrk ataiida. Will play .SkMJth <*arollria and Ueorgta. Mate knreat aalary. AdtirtVM TtlNY WHITK. 326 Howell Are., nifton. UlnrltmaU,

WANTED FXm VI’RIMMaAT MFSK Ot., A-I BkHrh or Not- elty Team, alao llano IMayer. Muat be gooil. neat dreMhT. on and off. No Ukoae. Mate what you i*an and will 4W>. Join at onee. Money aure. AUTHI’fl JKIICMK, Manag«*r Vun'lHat Mial. tk>., IVmtHTTlIle. Ohio.

WANTED Mtetrh Tiam doing douhira and flngltw; (‘liang3 for wtek: black iw If1«h In a4'tA: muat U)ih M(frk In acU. All klnda M'lllcliie Tiwpikie write. Uiiat Join quick ofi wire. Tida U not a intxl. ahirw.vanda* vllle. Addrtwa MIUeFTTH AAl l»leVIU>: NOVKLTT tNt., Troy tiiovr. 111.

WANTED <»A*1 fVlllal, f«ir theatre ortdreatra. Klx tdghu and otie matinee. <A»ll4ire t«9wn. K.xrellr«it ebanrw to attend enHege. ITnlveralty and l*latii> Tun* Ing Hrhool. Male lowfwt aalary M.ANA(2F4i. iniirlaJ opera llmiae. Valparalw*. Ind.

OCTOBER 10, 1914. xrie Billboard 21

I’ony Kxpr«-«ii —Kr«^ 8p«ln. ITnton, Ore., l«t, timr. a:M> MU; Jax'a Htauley, Angelett, 2il,

slie' C«»ch lUre CUreooe I’Unt, of Long 1<*1.

('owboy Tony Knee—Tliuredny: Briiden Ger- king l»t; frHUiit. 2il; l>«n Clark. 3<I. Krlday; Knapp I.yncb, lat; IJrailen 0*‘rklnK,

J. A. ISirwiiia. 3>1. SatunUy: Kiia|>p Lyni-li, I4t iJiarlfs I’owell, LM; Joe 3«1.

Cowgirl*’ .'♦landing Kace—diertlia lUanoetf. J»t an tlir**? daya; Wlluia Seale, 2d: Hilly CUf

^ Oiwlaiya’ Standing U<>mnn Hare—Tlnirndnr. (»tu> Kline. l*t; Hen C<>rt»etl. 2d; Homer Wll- w'U 3>l. y'Tlilay: Hen Corl>ett. let; Otto Kline, •Jd;' Homer Wilmm. 3d. Saturday: Hen Cor¬ bett, let; Otto Kline, 2d.

Marerick Kaoe—Tliuraday, Frank Smith. Fri¬ day: Art Acord. Saturday: Huffalo Vernon.

Cowglrla’ Hony Race —Thuraday: Mr*. J. A I’araoii*. l«t; l.tla Smith, 2d; I.ucllle Mulhall, 3d k'riday; l.lla Smith, 1*1; Nell .McCool. 2d; Mr* J. A. rareona, .3d. Saturday: Mr*. J. A. rana.n*. lat; Mal»el Helamg. 21; .Nell Mc< o<d, 31.

guick Change Race- Thuraday: Sam Garrett. • lat Kriilay: .'tarn Garvett. lirt; Roy Adam*.

•Jd. Saturday; Joe Forreat, l*t: Roy Adama,

''*''\Vlld Home Race—Tliuraday: C. S. Tipton, let: Skeeter Rll Rolddna, 2<l: Tom Grimea, 3<l. Friday A. M.: Jack Freti. lat; Harry Ribbliia, 2d; Sam Garrett. .3<l. Frlihiy. I’ M.: C. R. MItrhell, Ivt; Jim Roaoii, 2d; Rill Hogg, 3.

Tug of War—Thuraday: Frank R>ach, 1*1; liell Klaneett. 2d. Friday; C. K Runyan, lat; Jliu Roach. 2il. Saturday: Jim Roach. l*t.

Riding Sharkey, the Hull—Charle* Wellington Fiirloug. F. R G. S., noted author, traveler, explorer and lecturer, repreaeutlag Harper'* Weekly, rude Sharkey for 12 ■eeond*.


Circus Folk! Greeting!

Sells-Flolo Circus The Biggest Circus in the World


Colonel W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill Himself) And His Vast Vanguard of Indians, Cowboys and^Soldiers

r* J. T L > TRAINED BUT UNTAMED ilFCSlt 1 dm bon S Lions, Tigers, Bears and Zebras

A* an lllnatratloD of bow eircn* management* are troubleti aa to what to do for the laat week* of thi* aeaaon, the follnwlng wrtll explatn the alluatkio: .Memtdii* waa Oat OKitractcd by the Rlngilnga for Noventber 4. l^ter the contract! were changeil to Gototier lU. ln«t week the Hiogllng*' contract* for the 19th were alt canceled and contract* made for the Harnum Show to *how MemphI* October 29. .\rrange- menta were also made for the Harnum Show to cloae the aeavou at Clarkailaie, Miia., on October .30, but It aea-m* we muxt now add to all new-a regarding -cloalng atanda, a line familiar on railroad tUne table*. •’Schedule xutxject to change without notice.” Other *how* «re far¬ ing »lmlUrly.


W. J. Daplyn. who ha* bad the advertiaing privilege* with Uie Gollmar Hp».' Show* thU aeaaiin. *aile,l on the S. S Mauretania for hi* laime In England, hiw father'* poor health be Ing the ca>i»e of hi* early departure. Hefore leaving the »b'»w Mr. Haplyn received many wlabe* for a pleaKant voyage and a *i> re rovery for hi* father. i

Mr. Haplyii proml**-* Old Billyboy many In- ; tere«tlug Item* on hi* vlalt to the oM ivuntry. '


By Ed X. JacktoB.

Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 22.—Ig>iig haul to lot. Heavy rain at night kept what would have been one of IIh- big crowds of the week away, and at that they came in gooilly numtiers. Don Montgomery'* mother wraa a recent vleltor, as w-a* the mother of Frank Stout. C. Hutcbinnon, farber of our manager, Freii Bailey Hutchinson, wa* an lndtana|Mdl* vlaitor. Mr. H. was the Inventor of the wagon chalk Dow In u*c with all circuses.

Danville, 111., Sept. 23.—Weather fine, and IbiDville surely tnrn^ out to see the big Denver show. Many vialtors, among whom were Fred Bukey, ex-advance car manager of all the larger ones, and now a blllboapi magnate, own¬ ing a line plant here. C. A. Wortham and Ohas. Kilpatrick, of one leggetl bicycle fame, a* well aa I’lain Dave Morria. looketl n* over, and dur¬ ing the parade no lea* a personage than Joe Gannon Rteiiiieil forth and saluteil bis old friend, Gol. Co«ly. He accwjileil a seat In the CohmeT* <’arrlage, and In about a minute cameras clicked In every direction. The entire family bnnwred na with a vUlt to the night i>epforiiiance. thU being I'ncle Joe's first circus In many years. Billy Curtis sllpiied a new one over «>n us the other day, and for the first time In circus history ‘'gu.vlng out” was accomplished by motive power, two set* of roi*** being guyed out slmultaueously. the work re<|uliing but three nieo. Bill's cairv** loader and a Hag signal. They went clear around toe big top In about twrenty minute*. Some lalHir caver, tbta.

BhNwnlngton, III., Sept. 24.--The melancholy day* are here, and thl* w«* certainly one, but not fnvm a buslne** staml|>olnt, for two go<*l crowil* were rev-oisletl. I e,* Hendryx l» a resi¬ dent of Hl<M>nilngton, »o. of owirse, was a prime favorite. Visitor* here InrIudtsI Mr*. .Mex. I*>wanile. the .\erlal Smith*. Ed I«niar. Mr. Scsllenlay and .\1 Witt, formerly treasurer of RIhmI* HoyaT* Indoor Cl'cn*. TVx Mcl.e<»l re¬ turned from the Walla Walla Stampeile, bring¬ ing with him The I'ollce Garette medal tor fancy midng. a* well a* several other tnnihle*.

Jackieinville. Ill., Sept. 2.%.—Two-mlle,' halt’ here. Fair crowd* ,»nl.v. .kniong lho«e. who vlHltcl were Mr*. Cecil lowande and Dan Kelly’* fo'k* fowl I’eleruhnrg. Dan's rlngt>arn I* undergoing repair* for a winter'* campaign with his Indoor Circus.


IVtndt. Mich.. Sept. ,30.-IliirA Voigt'* In <b*ir I'lrcii* Is playing Eiree day ami w>'ck en gagenieiit* at the leading theater* In thi* city, following which It g»<** on the road to play vanderllle, also for Fraternal Grdct*. Bands, et<i.

3'he foster of the »li.>w 1* s* follows: Mill A Voigt, mnnager*: Mr*. Jm* Mill, trc.isurer; Messrs. .Srsitt and Conrlney, general agents: T«o Voigts. Juggler* and wire walkers; Hill atid Hill, coim-fir scrobals; Gerald 3’ritch*‘*' •svniedj dogs; Ted. the *|dral tower ilog; Harry Hill, principal clown, with fire oilier cut nps: Harry Vanlell. aerial aet. and a free altraetlon III front of theaters Is-fore rsch |H>rfomianee.

Tile slmw lias *l>eclal paiwr MIcliIgsii. In diatia and iHilo will Im‘ played


DLsvsIrs DsvsroFo REGAL HORSE FAIR and tvnoaa l\0yai S educated equine artists

AH, mind you, all consolidated and managed by Fred Bailey Hutchinson, seconded by Ed. C. Warner, General Agent; Wm, Curtis and Henry Gilbertson, and backed by F. G. Bonfils and H. H. Tammen.

WAINJXS THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY ACTS, SUPERSENSA- TIONAL THRILLERS AND NERVE - NAGGING NOVELTIES THAT MONEY CAN PAY FOR—be it single or choral act for the big show or exhibit, illusion or freak for the side shows, FOR THE SEASON OF 1915.

Cio wiiifi your flight from star to star. From world to luminous world as far As the universe flings its flaming wall; Take all the wonders of all these spheres And multiply them throughout endless years— Sells-Floto have better and more. That’s all.

That’s what we are promising America next year—a circus exhibition projected upon so large a scale that all like efforts of the past and present will sink into utter oblivion by comparison. And we are going to seek comparison—going after it eagerly and at

(ieneral Admission, in order that we may prove not only the above claims, but the fact that a quartor-of-a-dollar is all that any circus ought to charge—that even giving the public a plethora—a colossal and abounding plentitude of entertain¬ ment—an extravagant profit can be made at this price.

So YOU ALL, who want to troupe with Sells-Floto during the season of 19lo, write. Say what you can AND WILL do, writing everything fully in your first letter. Enclose photographs in costume, give your permanent address and state plainly the lowest salary you will accept. Do this by November 10th and shortly thereafter your letter will receive attention.

You all shouKl know that man and beast is well fed with this show and that our people receive courteous treatment. • Traveling accommodations cannot be better. The Sells-Floto Uircus is a human enterprise and a personal equation for comfort and happiness is made a feature.

So write all yon who want to join the Sells-Floto (’irons for the Season of 1915, which opens last of March. Address all letters to

H. H. TAMMEN, Gen. Mgr. Sells-Floto Shows Co., 237 Symes Building, Denver, Colorado.


Ttie Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.


rsiDE SHOW] na UNDER THE MARQUEE TENTS CIRCUS BANNERS By CIRCUS SOLLY._| I'irt-u* Solly witliri to extpnd hii brartlMt

We RENT TENTS. SEATS and OUTFITS for Fairs and Chautauquas. EH" TEDDY BEARS—DOLLS —PILLOW TOPS I wltb Ihp latpsl tipm-a: N. K. Jotinion. Duke K.

]4-p, II. K. KillliiK*. l<ai>|>y l.aiiitiO(, J. E.


M . .... . E»l M. Jaokiioii, J. II llui{li«*», I-Ifti-lior Stultb, 226 North Dosplainoa Straat, .... Chicago, Illinois Frauk a. laiixidy, joim v. cieaana (Si ciorer-

0«d for OUT Oatalotuc od Stuffrd Toya and Pillow Tova. ttn>). **• K- C.Kinor, K. I'rptl.vman. I*lxtr !>••


Tbp Y<MitiK JtufTalo Wild Wpst Sb<>w. bank- ijiPPB SIDE SHOW A wax Mild by onipr uf the court of Nortbern B Hi B . vC IttI Itl ■■

lUiiHiia, SciUMutH-r at tlie car B Ih I AH Vm alioiia ,if n.ilcliklui.. llluc A to.. Harvey. 111. f*ABNI\/AI Tlip WMitlicr wan ld<-al for the aalp, but pur- I

:: We rent tents, seats and outfits for Fairs and Chautauquas. alwiuTs. an w.Il aa abpcta. vilUms, blankets, TEDDY BEARS—DOLLS —PILLOW TOPS a raiiKP, a siuall amount <>i prluliug and num-

The property waa lliite<l and taKKP<l In M>me UNITED STATES TENT ft AWNING CO. I s:"Z„r. "urar'*,',,.”',.’.; 'i .o...oja luttan tbat If any buyer* .lesired to make a bid ^ . . -a. * Traaauraf. SMratai* for tlie entire outUt aa It afaal, same would l>e 226 North Dooplalno* StrOOt, .... ChlcogO, Illinois eonaldered. blda aubject to aiiproval t>y tbe Sand for our Oatalofur ou Stuffed Toya and PlUow Topa. court.

*1 he Attic iilartcd with tlic €*ntirp outfit bcln^ ■ M m h ■ •

ilslllil Ksop Dry-Buy Bakur's Raintitu AiiMuiK thoiie present were G. Faith Adama, IN CANQ ANPh RARPTIC

T. C. Beaver, Henry V. Gebn. of the Venlee *VieMriO ANU t3Ar{r{E.U9. Iranaiiortatton C«.; <i. W. Altken, A. T. Nun-

iTd?bku"^r; oVthe^ibi^^^^^^ Baker’s Tents Stand the Storms. Had tile xaie taken pla<-e in Hie winter or MWSRSS^i « S «IS%V RMSiSBSSW fcllV RMUVI lll«.

early atiriuK, the elrcus and eanilval men wlio - iiHually attend these aalea would have been


NeKotiatUma, wbloh under I betwe<>n U. B. IdthoKrapb ^^^B H I B ^^^B Jerry .Muttavln. relative to the tale of the BIk. B ■ m ^ B ■ Bautel e .SIkiww to the latter. iMve fallen through B B ^B^ H H BMB ■■B and the kIkiw* eloHed at Ia>ltehtleld, Ky Fri¬ day, and Khitiped to Iaiwrencehura. Ind.. where

2 IN PART OR AS A WHOLE hrweat ea*h price the llthorrapb company iiaiiieil SlH.tkkl. After conslderlnr for several day* Miicavln rejected tlir protKwltlon. AU the AnlmtU and Euulpment of the KING EDWARD TRAIXED WILD AXIMAL ARENA: Five Animal

flie'r.*K.'‘"lJ?h<«raph'n*up«ny‘‘ bartX"n over I>~l>arda. Jifuara, Hyena*. Pumaa, Hybrid* and Beara They all perform. For any other In- the HnutR'lle SIhfw from IjiMiifi n ThiimMn on/i fonutttioo, Bfiply Cb ottiei^: the fartN are "the irth! “mii^Sy _!_LOUIS A. LARIVEE. Ne. 60 Nitre Dame Street. Eart, Meatreal, Caaada, Vurchttfted the phow <FUtrlBbt from Slip w«nfoiTA the latter part of July, a^ Vt ?h"lman WANTED-h ILD H EST PEOPLE-H ANTED

tlie hImtw under a leaite until the cloa- CYm-boya and Olrli. Rubpa and Clown*. Show never doaet. Plajg raira imUl Xmas. Write or wire. C. E. lii^ stand. BARnCLD, Maaafar Metrofditaa Shows, Tuscuaibia. Ala., Fair, waek October Sth; Jaatar, Ala., Fair,


t'lrcua Solly withei to extend bii heartiest thankc to the following for the kindly atalatauce they have rendere.! elnce tbe beginning <ff hi* tlet>artmeiit. Solly al*u iDvltr* these and all other HhoHiiien to coiitrlluile |o the g.**! cau*e with the latexi new,; N. F. Jidinaon, Duke K la-e, 11. E. Killing*, llai>py l*in*ing, J. E. ItU'hardHon, J. T. Manely, Itay We»t. "Uolef* J»rk Moorp, 11. M. Kuni’p, Sydney B<»tt, Hub*

Ifoon flru Diiu DcIrorV Daintito h « ...... IVuCU UIV DUf DuAul u ndllllllu

0 0 know Tbp Klllbourd *lncp It atarteil, and will read It and ih> other |ia|>er. It l>at the real

IN CANS AND BARRELS •• •** time*. may you both wtvp! Uf-xni-ia.k.:9. Ki.eHr.x S w i* ii.t deal, but *1.-, ping. Thl*

for tbe wise .liowuieu." t'«d. M<H>re Is general

Baker’s Tents Stand the Storms. — Peter 8. McNally, former I're** agent with

many of tlie Idg <Hie« —l''V>rci>augli A Sella, Bar-

BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., - - KANSAS CITY, MO. enterprise* for year*. 1* n<«' a«*islant curator

^ of the Franklin Park A.>;ogictI Gatvleu. ILwton. B ai>iK>inte<l by Mayor Jame* M. I'urby

m W B and baa been on the j<di tinop July 17. The B B a<]uarlum at S<iuth Boaton la one of the several

H ^^k H|npm det.ariment* under bis suiwrvltlon. Pete, ,111 be recalled. w*« one of our recognlaed champion vwiiiinier*, and me*' will be able to

■ M mm m ^kN% BA B ttttf II AN ^ Impart bis art to the *et liout and |>oIar bean.

1^1 R^AARa I Amu AA ^NRlAAL^^ YN'bo'd deny that a World'* Fair help* """ " ■mmm ■ v ■■ mmw ■■ cause of white tot> manufacturen along giganilc-

' ' ' ally? One o>n<-e**lon abwe at the Idg Frieci

AU the AnlmeU and Euulpmeut of the KING EDWARD TRAIXED WILD ANIMAL ARENA: Five Animal e^D"viS-‘the"sante''Fe' lUll^.^ ^""ju. tl^ii oJ AcU, Uooa, Leopard*. Jiguart, Hyena*, Pumas, Hybrids and Bears. They all perform. For any other In- the Grand t'anyon.

Ed M. Jackson, J. H Hugh,-*. Fletcher Smith, Frank A. I axsidy, Jolin V. Gleason (SI Clover- tot>), B. E. L'«<tinor, «'. K. Pretlyman. Dixie l)e- vere, Harvey Hale, Guy Weadick, Buck Hatala and Jas|ipr Fulton.



LOUIS A. LARIVEE. Ne. 60 Netre Dame Street, East, Meabtal, Caaada.


lug aland. BARFIELD. Maas In the event that the show is not sold before ***•' October I2tli.

next season, arrangement* will !*■ made to put It out under a lea*,* «r rental proiHuiition. _ _

Percy W. Brown—Going ui>? YV«, Percy ha* been apisdnled leader of tbe Ilagenbeck-Wallacp t'oucert Band.

B. A. Mellan (M.u'k .kl'eni writ,** S.»ily the f<dlowing IkHoit, for which be la herewith thankcl: “.MIow- me to exteii.l you my lielated


By Charles Andreas.

ment to write me a personal letter, giving his from the start, Mr. Harvey with the advance and ,*^*'**’” view* regarding the adviHahility and practl- Mr. Cory with the show. *. dope will flow enough tUs cahillty of a bold-bark with absolutely safe and ^th advanced *te|) by step, keeping right 'V.lLT'o n"*'V ’*'*"*’* "’’■^'“** legitimate shows. abreast of each oPher, unUl today Mr Cory .n W-i w ‘“'i' *“ ‘•“P ,7““*'

TT . . .. . . la eeneral manager and Mr Ylarvev adv.To4 (Plymouth. \\1».> to tell me Isow the folk* are. Harry Wilson, of Jones Bros. A Wilson’s “ nj»n«ser and Mr. Harvey, advance by luis.ln - my

- Show, iias be,*n spendiug a few days In Chicago, “tanaser, l^e Chicago ofllce of The Kllllx.ard was slg- Dtaklng bis headquarters at the new Billboard

nally bonor«*<l. the writer l**liig an invited guest Harry nays that when anyone says that H of K. L. Doran, the mlllbumlre nianiifacturer husineea ha* lieen big it may be taken with a on a erulse with a Jolly crowd of pr,‘** repre’ degree of suspicion. He is perfecting ar- sentatlve* and dlHtlngiiiKhed Ctiicagnans on Mr rsngements for vaudeville with bis several Doran’* private yacht, ‘'Catharine.’’ 'The troupes of trained animals. Harry Is a rustler. yacht wa* ni<a>re<| at the d,M-k* of the Culumhia •“<* anyone can get by, he will.

thing* that*'"I*'' Parker, of the Parker Comedy Com- ant * Analne the'-oiM.^l." *'^*"'1 «>"tlng pleas- pan.T, walked Into The Billboard office a few _l - J- ISportl Her- day* ago. and. after standing and looking about

and if anyone can get by, be will. Wellington, Kan., Sept. 23.—In bright and

Harry Parker, of the Parker Comedy Com- wJi^.h'e'*flAt*ei:niT‘‘d".‘v nanv- walked into The Rillhoard nfflee • few 7 *■ 7*’***^ day we hive hid, and all

_ regard* on to the old bunch aronnd the Hagen- beck-Wallai-e Bbowa. from Joe Bpaunelmrg In

HAGEHBECK-WALLACE SHOWS- Ui' privilege car to Pat Burke and his docat - posher In front, Harvey John*JC a sl tbe ether

By Quiet Jack Moore locj* ttkek Id tbe dressing top, and to all other _ allow folks 1 may know. Though there Is a

WelUngton, Kan,. Sept. 23.-ln bright and J?* /l" ‘ ■"‘e a early and a short haul to the lot. Yesterday J'® _

What a powerful combination for big-time

captain, pilot, mate and a chef with hi* ,s- without The ftVllhoaVf,^^^^^^^ immediately for bis home In » . “ « min*vre. enow ini. i...

rr ID ittt iiK*oriimtt ttnd |M)tnt4*,1 It* no*^ M^ttWArd. u^it R<>uth ('hlctt^o. the party txxttn to mak*^ _ A mo w other Tlaitors were Brumage and Arkanuttii City, Kan., Sent. 24.—Ilarry Sally Herman bat doted with Wheeler Brot.*

clmirt. prepara- Colton. nuortly ttart training for hit winter*! Greater Bbom t. Owloa to the piMir flnaorUI iTr tteixRtM the Itke and up the The one rlna thow of Vic niiyo, Charlie fiphtt. He hat teveral hooked. Tlie flrtt one wndltlooa ezittinf In the SRKith. It hat been

tackle 'fi II had jriiiit, fithini; Marth. Stick Davenport, ete.. that hat l>een take* place in Colunihiit. O.. with T<KniDy decided to cU«e the show tii weekt earlier than

Ed Brumage and

of the Calumet River ami were waiting for one Sami. He tpeakt in the "'Vlrt^B**^ 1*111 'uoiffhr*an<>ther European Clrrut wat ttreiictheneil recently for of the hig bridges to draw. I met with a mis highest term* of Omar Sami and. Incidentally t„ r^pla^ H T^^^^e ’he fall and winter tour by th« ad.Ittl.m of Oke bsp. While walking slong the deck I stubbed rem*rke,l “W hst Omar doesn’t know about show jJii'iV *!'„ deJdt,* the fact that t ca^ YVoo,lcock. one of Walerlow,,', iN. Y.) popu- niy toe .ind partly fell, and my line Winchester hu*lnes* is not worth knowing. nival was lust here.*** huatlers. lU la the aame old Oke of old autoniatic shotgun fell from my hand* Into the The Msieppa closed with the World at Home, ' .. and atm as bandy with blll-stb-kera* tools as str»-ani. I never ex(>ect,*d to see the gun again. I Sioux City. The show was with the Wortham I „ 2-'>- A fH-mlle run. hut ever. This bring* the nunilier <ui the advance but to everyone'* surprlHc “Sport" dived from j outfit earlier in the season. , B"’‘'t>e** was g,^ ronsld. pp ,p jl,, others l,eiiig D. C. Hawn, Ilarry

I'itb the with tbe


After n-peating tids four times, everyone ad- i„i*ines* >ie wa* md proflolent in Mr Harris Wilson and Charles Kernalla. Mr. Kingling'* Iho No. S ear of lllngiln: Bros ’ Cirrus and vli^ him to give It up. Hut lie trl.d once more. 0. ^1^,.^, pjate Show- feme oftime* made the secretary. viKit,*d fslay and stajcl for the No. 1 car of the UH Itanch Wild Weet were and. to the sniSTcnieiit an<1 Ruriu-lKe of all. ■■ic ...o.vone nnU.’i.n. it.r. Co*. H'e iratinei-. They »re on tlieir way to the aide liy *ide at Charhdte. N. C. There wa*

ivoTHfl FAoT^rni < «*n whT>tK^' non. life of tin* Rlr<» A- Show, and ' Aftor »*<*v« rNl of u»* ha 1 tak«‘n shotK^^e dlt- , ^*‘5* <^l**<'*«*'^ '■•J»devllV art* ^ m.r«* Sho’

c«»v<*rfHl they woro mor4»lv qi**oov qlurfe* \hotit that comot to th^ Windy City to mako thp Nolllna tirkott f<»r l*»t Bnrko. 2 o'elocx we made fast M « little private dock, hea.hjuarter*. Hur reading rrH.m ... o„,,, Kan and a alonirvido a ni^o crov** whf’r** tl oro m-piV munr *^"'1 writing dotkt tro aim-ay^ at your diKp^^Kal. ^ ‘ • table* p.r picnic parties. We all losne l , help W" ’‘b'"}''! Inducem. nt Just iK.w to " ,T7 tow n"V.“Viy(’uitsh tng hand to carry fr*«n the .vacht a sumptuous “ff''*- vaudeville artist*, and professional* in {3 pfo dinner w hich the chef ha.i i.repirwl and oh kcreml. so call and see u». l>*t s get better C"'

Billy Milligan.,| miongst the old,-*! »i, *11 .nd 1 .i"l , I .n. . . J - . _ mi_ T ney are cert.iiiily tK-aiill,** -all gray*. I hear so,-lated with the famous <|..wii. Di,c Kiu-tie. In nhotoeraidier *^of »tie '♦ V ** ”^^ *' . There i* * great demand lust n w In Cldrago j|,pp,. ,.|]] nothing but grays with the sliow s,-MTa| large linl.N.r circUM-s. and next summer pnoiographer of the party, had takei snap- for cirrus riding act*, so call and »ee u*. Tl;ere sesa-.n will ondiahlv flnd him *iii..iii; tli.. t.l* wl.ii. t..,,* Shota, s shooting took place J There 1* no telling when we might put you next to . I•P•I•»PIJ nud him tP. tdg wliite bf*. w-,‘re pl,*ntv of ,'inpty bottb*« for targi't-v .After *onu*thlng that will la* of great lieneflt to you. Monday, Si-td. 2 . Mr. and Mr*. Bob Cot- this we st.irted on our return trip, wljoh w*» j fVime in and tak<“ advantage of our free bul- ff" * *<‘n. Ibdiby. srrlvisl from Englsnd this Killls.ard space in .Mtu*. Ilk., and vlriiiHy made after dark. r,**chlng the Colunil.s Club- | letin lauinl. Sound* gooil, doesn't It? morning. Only 1.1 yi-sr* idd. but slmo*t a* 1, wiling at a |>r<‘Uiliiiii. .Alius 1* haiiiig rar- liouse .It in-.r,.1 pm., to find another siSoptinus Collin* who h*« been out with the ’’I* “* •*!* pyent* were eertslnly nival* *iid rlreiiv,-* ri.e lewis A- IJch dinner awaiting ns. ’ ^ ^ glad to see him. as they haven't wen him for earnlvsi was then* week la-fore last; oi.

Did you reid my article on the P'M hack T/.f Moml,; "t^^lZt* i''^ "r./r" «'VV. Si-pt. ...’st '.’s J.iies Up.*. A Ullw,.'* Tra'lnisl P^s.sltlon in last week's nillloard? | should n-ss. He says the sliow will rbee In Appleton, q .1 "f ^lie AI C Al>li„*l Show was t.iere followed rbwly by like every working ni.m Inti-ristisl in lift- move \Hnn S< lisfli r. Isle of Hie AI Karnes Show, was (leiitry llpm 1'^ and I'oiiy sIk>w : Howe* _ * .'iiiiii. , visitor, iK-lng Bie gili-t of FP-d laulgett. Great lauidon Sli^ s -were l>>.ke,| f..r (P t*d*T

Chs*. Carlos I* again at. his training quarter* Walter Cornalla hurst his Insfep, luil la *hle 1; lioHiiiar IlTo*.' Circus will be there iiclolier ARE YOU SATISFIED WITR THE 0L[4sTVLE i • preparing for hi* vaudeville to work Ctia*. Haganian made a trip to Kan- 'Jd. and Sells Kioto Iinffolo Hill Clrcii* Inter

ROLL TICKET? I eng.igeiiients, after tdaying five week* of big sas City, bis Iioiiie town. Sunday. Klackle In the iiHUith. K.verv higli lioiinl fence and ROLL TICKET?






Williamson will liave charge of the .vst. I.oiila bam for mile* spuiiid lia* lieeii Hoiight liy the roliaeuin this winter. Nick Alhanese. ear man- various advance agent*, ager, and Harry Siillv. closed and P'furned to — their home* In folumhiis. O.. where Nick will ■■ _ fake up hi* fight promoting. al«o manage SiiIIv. ** ‘T, ' '1,^ »ant* to tell you

- Air* Cha* Corev returned from her frlii to ** *■" .. 'dhi-r tliaii your old aide p»rt B M. Harvey, who ha* piloted the llagenbeck- York ^ ^*“1"'^ Fulton, wim 'plioued from I-ewl* allace Bhow* aucecaafully for many yeara, ha* - • ’ • burg, Teiiii., t.i Manager MeKeage, asking fur

slgnc*d up with that organisation again for next I • wonuer what Ivon Alirauama will no f year. Mr. Harvey Joined the Wallace Bhowa winter?

[0K 1 the year that Mr. <ory enliated with the aggre- Good hy, tioy«, g'dng In and start an an i gation. Neither of tliem was ever exactly a ment with I'ete Comalla and Ed Ward. I private. Both assumed responsible poalttona Yours silently, JACK

I wonder what Bob Abrahams will do this I" and 13 flat.-a at the o|HTa bouse inter? for the ''Ka.v**oiix'' show. Ja-is-r wrltca that Good by, tKiy*, g'dng In and start an argu- your loost to the manager la gp-atly ap|ire ent with I'ete Comalla and Ed Ward. elated, and laiiieiit* that he iiilawisl you just

Yourt allently, JACK. about iweiilj four hour*.

• I

OCTOBER 10, 1914. X ti e Billboard 23



I,. M. UicUanlMiu aixl I'atrltk T. liarmuii. pr uiiiH-ut uifu In llir toIUt akatllijC Kaiiie, and Ki>.> oi-re fur tli<* n'vUal uf rullfr ■.katiiiK In Clilraico l•Bc■k lu tlif jr»T IWKl, will ..u<v uiort- trj III DMike fuller akatliig a popular aiiiu'<‘<»e»t In l'lil< aK<>. Mr. KIrliardaou will aa>'<n "l■*‘■■ tl‘*‘ t'ollaeuni Kink iH'lotier ?l for a run of *u ila^a or luorr. A new portable tliair la lieiiij: lU'lalleil by tbe Kenyon «’o. of Waiikeaba, Wia . wbifli will rive tbe rink a akatlug aur- faee of le'inare feel. There will be two kinda uf uiualr furuiabed. tbe fo.iaai nieebau|ra| .Tcan. uae.l at ibe Kt. lanila Wurld'a Fair, will l>e uoe.l for fit afteruoin aesaiuna, while a baiiil will furnlah inuaic for tbe eteulUK and Sunday aeaslona. The rink will be ei|iil|i|>ed with I .r,iai palra of llirhanliaui'a le at akatea. and tbre aeaalona ilally will lie held. K. K. Kaniea, veil known to the skatiiiK Kanie. |a tieliiK talked of aa uianaKer, while f. Vtiiaht. at preaeiit ni.inarer of the Luna Park Kink, f let eland. ().. will probably Iw the door nianaker.

Juat previoua to the aiinnunrement of the < IM-nlnx of the Odlaeuiu by Mr. Ulchardaou eauie the auianineenieut of .Mr. Harmon, that he would a,;aln tur i the beautiful Klverrlew -Kallruom, the former Kiverrlew rink. Into a akatlnn rink aitaiu. Mr. Ilarniou will open hla rink on the 'joih of Ortober. The aanie alie akatiiiK aurfai e a> w aa uaed in the larne bankeil rink, the Urat and >nly one <if Ita kind In the world, will be use.I by .Mr. Harmon. The ballriMim that haa la ell <11 o|ieratioii ainee the rtdler akating died down a'few aeaaona back, when cunterteil Into a rink, will make It one of the larreat and finest rinka In the country. It la Mr. ilarmon'a Inteiitlona to promote aome of the old-time ehniipicnHlilp ra<'ea thia winur. and he may pua- albly hold the next world'a profeaaional cham- ploiiahlp raoea. He la oiie uf the few managers wh'i haa lared to promote and put up a large slim of money for a high rlaaa profeaaional meet r< r »p*ej akatera. The traik will lie about eight l.xpa 1 I the mile when otlleially aurreyed, and all the world’a recorda made on a liankeil track are held by akatera who madg them on the Uir- ertiew track.

T'le opening again of two of the largeat rinka in the country will mean the revival of ndler skating for Chicago. .\t the preaent time there la only one rink In o|ieratlou, the only other rink. .Sana Sonri, having bei'n destroyed by tire a few weeka ago. '


The large Maillaon S<|uare (ianlen. New York Cil>, 'a now being conducteil aa a roller akating rink by W. A. I’amona .for many years ptaim- liient In tbe link game in thIa country and Eu- r'>|ie The rink 'a under the management of E. V. Tuttle, alao of European and American fume There are two ae«aluus a day, afternoon d to 5 and evening 7 to II. This gives all an <if|e'rtiinlty to skate In the largeat rink in the worW. with *11 new liber wheel akatea. Hanselmd will be contiinied In the Omcert iUll. with danclag every afternoon and evenmg. Tango, hesitation waits, one atop, mkxixe and all mtslern dances taught on roller skates for bn cents ler h<'ur. tine aitmlaabin, 25 cents, admit* yon to the skating rink and Ilanai-land. IMiicing. singing, exhibitions and two liauds ran all lie ha<| for 25 cents. Tbe managcvnrnt will put on Boroe apeeil races In a week or so, wrhiWi will bring bark all the old stars.


I'Ue Palm Garden at Hunt’s Point. Southern IkHi'evaril and One Hundre<1 and Sixty third strtet. Kronx, New York City, has been re- m-Hleled at a great ex|>ense by tbe F'inke Itros., atiil w vs opeiMul <K't«d>er 1 aa a poller rink. The rmk I* known as Hunt's Point Palace Kink K.-^inliful, and la rialmetl to be tbe must beau- tifiillv dcvirated rink In the East. Prof. Manna's tlrrhestra furnished tbe music. Kaces will be put on as an extra attrartl-m In a short tliti.- The management Is In charge of Myron A. Finke.


T’ e G trim R. Her Rink of Rochester. N. Y’., uiHler tbe management of Ja<<ib IHehl, Is en- h ving g<*d. business In spite of the waim wealhar An aihlitlon to the akating surface Is iin -er wav amt will be cximpleletl for the ho' The Carden will theu hare a akating lurface larger than anr rink In New York State oiil'.hb of New York City.

Miss Ade’alde tl’Vorak played her fifth en- gageiiieiit at tbe Wigwam Rluk. Elwood. Iml.. enilliig September 2#. for the ••Realmen." wbo are now the link. Mias Il'Vairak. after mas.tlng Witt gra-at aiicceaa at F.lwasi^ oiaeneal f< r X week's engagement at CarmI, Til..-Sep- lenitier 2S. Following this date, she will play a return engageiuent at tbe Auditorium Rluk, M iie'le, Ind.

Manager Walter E. Sulphen. of the Wayne Garileii Rink. Detraiit, Mich.. wiita>a that they are nearly nady tai open the new Wayne Rink, which is having a new pa>rtable f|as>r laid by the Keny.iii <\>. Skating seems ta> he taking on a na w lease a.f life III lietndt. The Pala<-e UInk has a>|H'ned fair the sa-ason and is doing flue business far such warm weather.

The Hasitia Kink, Schenectady. N. Y.. opene,! <lct"tie.' I for the season. Tills rink has met with s'leceiH tl.e past two sa'ssoiis. Attractions are plniisl.

F P Eeiieflel. better known aa “Easy Rolling'* Keiii'lle', exIiPiltion skati r anal flis'r manager. Is now ass<sdula-d with E C. Weller, manager of tile Plara Holler Kink. Saginaw. Midi., as nsslst lilt H-anager and In eb.xrge of tbe floor. Ppifeaslonal acta will I*** played.

Jn-k Baker, who waa connected with W. E. CeiiiHi. In Mi-advlile. Pa.. as‘fl<sir manager. Is na'W with K. .t. Nlckloy, proprietor of the Mounds Park Itlnk. Miiiicle. Ind.. In the same capacity, gnd re|s.rta the rluk la da>lng gassl business.

Tile l.iiiia Park Rink, Cleveland, ()., opauia'd Seplember 20 with a cpiwd of .'aai on the ibsir. ami besliiesa has lau-n very gisal aince the o|H'ii Ing night. Tb’.v o|M rate .Monday and Wednesday lilglita for colored p«s>ple. Euclid Beach Kink eloiM-,1 for the season Septciiit>cr '27. and tiie Olyuiplc Kink oiwiis tlctolH*r 2 for the winter •wason.

Wllllnm H. Cariieiiler played the Olympic The.iter, :Jbuiccsiur, .M.isa.. .Septcnilier 2S to ,10. ai'd la iKS'ked for the week of Oetdicr 5 at the liraml 0|>era House Philadelphia. Pa., on Pn'o- tor’a Time. He la adding scenery and new wardrolie and expects to play the whole of Pan

tagi-s Time following the Philadelphia engage¬ ment.

Joseph N. Zink ojieiieil the new Sixth Avenue It'dler Kink at Cliutoii, la., last week, ami la doing flue husim-Hs. Clinton has nut had a rink for three or tour years. Mr. Zink started the city amateur championship races Octolier 2, and will '■iiii them every Friday night for five weeks. He would like to hear fpim Artour Swanson, aaiistant thsir manager uf the Audi¬ torium Kink. iHilrth, Minn. A .kndors'n played the New Grand Theater, F^vanaville. lu-l., Septemlier 24 to 27, and o|e iKNl at the .Majestic Theater, Sprlngtleid, HI., (I tolH-.e 1 PT three ilays. They have solid lioukiiig until the flrst of the year.

The Great Hulm<|uUt. who baa been playing engagemeiita through >ut llliuoia. Kansas and Mia-oiiri. states that he will sisiii have the m<.mt daring stiijit in the business. He will bare an illiiiiiinated ladeatal to spin on, and will de- seeml down a 20 f<a>t, 2-lnch spiral gas pi|>e on skat.-«.

Tbe Mel'lellands are again playing tlie rinka in tbe West. After playing Gridley, Kantoul, Oakland and Freinout. HI., |>ortable rinks, in rotation, they o|>ened fur a four days' exhibition at Carrollton. 111., Septeml>er 2S. for -Manager E. Klee. After tbis date they will play several dates in Iowa.

The Franks. Charles and Lillian, are coming to America about tbe middle of October to play tbe Keith and Proctor circuits. They were I'.eard from in Italy, through a letter to I. M. Kiebardsou, of the Klchardaon Skate Co.

Roland Ctonl, world’s professional .vpeed champion, is reported as starting out with a partner In a fancy and novelty skating act octolier 1. Cloni is carrying his silver cup with him to verify the fact that he la the real champion. Some skaters hope that be will han¬ dle It so much that he wears hla name off the cup.

Juylaud Amusement Co., of Little Rock, Ark., will oiieu up a new roller rink about October 15. under tb> management of J. W. Llpplncott.

I The rink will be eijuipped with 500 pairs of Kicharilsuu skates.



Biloxi. Miss., Sept. ’29.—That Biloxi will have a $100,000 pleasure pier within the near future seems practically assured. Civic authorities and business men are reported favorably In¬ clined to the project and It Is thought that DO dliBcuIty will be encountered In raising the money nei'essary to put It through.

H. B. Mack, of Chattanooga, who is pro- nwitlng the pier, was In Biloxi last week con¬ ferring with a special committee oc tbe Mayor and .Alderman.


Myers' I.ake Park. Canton. O.. closed a very successful season September 13. Numerous re¬ pairs are n.>w In progress for next season. A new battling beach Is being plannevl, also a nnnitver of new amusements for the "Pike.” Stock at the Park Theater met with great aiic- cesa tbe past season and tbe same line of amusement at the theater will prevail next year.

•American Travel News, in the .August Issue, priutevi a full page laycsit showing a number of views of White City Park. Chicago.


George “Honey Boy" F:vans' Minstrels opened the season of the Grand Gi>era House. Cincin¬ nati, September 27. to goo»| business. The ros ter of the company Includes George '’Honey Boy’* F'rans. John I*. Kogers. E<1 V. Cupero. •Arthur Rigby. Janies .Meehan. Wlllianl II. Thompson. Paul Vaiillyke, Jim Doherty, Joe Wesley. Bert Reed. Nelson Adair, Raymond Call. Walter Brown. Harold McIntyre. Carl Fletcher. Will Cawley. Tommy Hyde. Charles I’fer. Fddle Glrton. Sam Iah>, Willie Newsome, F'.dlon Durand, L. Risley. L. Woolley. W. A. Biviwn. George Hoilges and a few others. Among the boys In the orchestra Aere are Charles Wianian, Mike Igithani. Charles Bosw-old. Slim Jlni Charles Smith, M. T. Woolley. Jimmie Jacobs. Mark Teach. BUI Williams. Joe Berco. witch. Bill Krkos. Jolin Milo. J. E. Vit. Jack Gissiman. Bud Kemble ami Seetly Wolfe. Kear- ner and Murphy, Vic Gasniore and George IiougUs enjoyed a “large" session Sunday night after the performance. Murphy and Douglas dropiieit In to the home of Billyboy and had a very pleasa it chat. They report everything go¬ ing great.

niarles H. .Aldridge, female Imjiersonator, elos.>.l his season at Norfolk. Va.. September •2«. wltti Reid’s tlreater Dixie Minstrels, and la now at his home In Cntoiitown, Pa.

Charles Edward Cleveland press agent, ad- vanee agent, minstrel man and all around show man. died of tubereulosls. September 17, In I hteago. Clev-elanil was fifty years of age, and was iMirn In Chlllleothe. O. He had a varliM earner In the show husinoss during the past thirty years. Cleveland was Identified with Happy l al Wagner’s Minstrels In 1SS4: ISSA-fl 7 with MeNlsh, Johnson A Slarin’s Minstrels; two years following he was of Haverly's Min¬ strels, and the Ilaverly-Cleveland Minstrels were under his management during 1SS9 and •no. rntll isjkl Clerel.snd served with min¬ strels. anil for fourtoon vcacs he was engaged In various eapaeltles with eln-iises and theaters In Boston. New York and Chicago In the adver¬ tising line. For the past six years he had Ix-en eonflned to his bed. The remains were Interred at the FAirest Home fenietery. Chicago, Septem¬ ber ’2t'. He Is survived by a wife.

The Norlae Canuen Minstrels are playing the tnww Time. The company Includes: Miss Norine Carmen. Sam Carmen. Jack Connolly, Ell Smith, Al Tint, and several more.

Veemont ami Heilman. Stlrk and I.ondon. .An-hie Milton (Juggling in Japanl and quar¬ tette, with Coburn's Greater Mlnstrv'Ia. pleased greatly at Akron during a recent engagement. Gsiio's single and Nick Glynn’s F'our MtMical Hussars are alao going well. Th«

various members of lAie company wbo auffered injuries in a wreck near CinciDnatl last week are reported again iu good shape.

TENT SHOW NOTES. I Mrs. I.«ota Chant, of the Fred Chant Dra¬ matic Co., was painfully injured at Cordell, IHt., September 13, by being thrown against a Steel bar in their private car. The accident waa

j tbe reanlt of tbe train, which was to pick them up. sliding on tbe wet rails and bomping. with

I considerable momentum against the car. Mrs. Chant reecived a three-inch wound in her skull, besides being injured about tbe shoulders and ankles. The injuries were not serious, however, and she has completely recovered. Incidentally, this dramatic company has been playing S-mtb- western Oklahoma territory, Including some of tbe country fairs, too, to very satisfactory business. '1 be roster of the company at present Is as follows: I.eota C’hant, F>ed Chant, Ned Barrington, Nina Cutler, Clinton Cutler, Koy Hughes, Gertrude F'rlend, Harvey Holland, Una Vaye Ilullaud, Baby Holland, Albert James, Homer Korn and F’r^ Kiley.


The Empire .Musical Comedy Company, under the management of Fred Siddon, has been out since February without losing a week. The show has been booked until November 23.

Billy "Single’* Clifford’s Believe Me Com¬ pany opened the season at Columbus, O., re¬ cently. Billy is Just as popular as ever and also Just as nimble. He does the comedy dur¬ ing the first .vet. putting over some new Jokes and two comic songs. Those Included In the company are .Mae Collins. Three Weston Sisters. Helen Clark. Doris Bates, Musical Walker and eight piece ladies’ orchestra. Ed Mitchell Is handling the front and Perry Hanoe is acting as treasurer of the show.

Gus Hill’s Mutt and Jeff In Mexico Co. (D) opened In Wilkinsbiirg, Pa., recently. Ben Bryan and Ixuls Merkel are playing the title roles. Others In tlie cast arc: Miss .McAdams, as Phyllis: May Shirk, as the adventuress; Harry J. Rehlll and Walter Coupe, as the Cap¬ tain and Lieutenant. The chorus deserves special mention for their splendid dancing.


The Okolona Opera House, Okolona, Mlaa., has been leased by T. B. Orr for the season. The theater has a seating capacity of 4(X> and Is the only one in the town, which Is of about 2,590 popnlatioD. Mr. Orr will play one-nlght- staiid shows and tbree-nlgbt repertoire com¬ panies.

The theater feeing erected in Canton, O., by E. G. Bockins Is rapidly nearing completion. No name has been selected for tbe house aa yet.


Minstrel Shows Absolutely tlie finest and most at¬ tractive line in the country. Write for catalogue and prices.

The Donaldson Litho. Co. lEWPORT. KEITUCIY

WANTED Skiting Rink Performers. State exactly what you can do and salary. W.ALBRIDGE P.ARK CATF.R- ING A AMrSFMirVT C»., 2701 Broadway, Toledo. Dblo.

INVESTING FOR PROFIT FREE won SIX MONTHS. It is worth SIO » ropj to ony oo« iDteodiag to invest sny nsooey. bowsver smsil. who ns« ia* Tested money nnpruAtnblT. or who can MTe $5.00 or mors psr month, hut wlio hasn't Isnrned ths art of inTsstiof for profit. It defn.instmtes the rwal esminf pA>wer of mousy, tbe knowl* sdfe finsDciers nnd bsokers hide from the mswes. It reesnls ths e*>ormoQs profits hsnksrs make snd shows hviw to make ths sams pr flu. It expUins liww stupendous fortunes nrs mnds nnd ll.ODO (rows to $22,000. To introducs my msc^nne, writs mewow. 1*11 send It six months nfasolutsly FNSb*

H. L IMIER, Puh. R 171. 26 W. JackXM MU., CHICMO. OL


F. MUELLER A, CO. 1702 N. WsKers Avs. Chleefo, III.

Manufacturera Shooting Galleries ind Amuaemeot De¬ vices. Send for our new catalogue.

IT’S A CINCH Get wise to our new Auto¬

matic Camera and yeu will find It a cinch to get money. This camera is almost mag¬ ical In Its operations. Point It—turn knob—pull plunger, and there Is your picture In ten seexstd-s. No fllnn, no negatives, and a child can op¬ erate It. So different from the old, clumsy box camera that there la no compaii- aon. $17.20 profit In one af- ten.non at a fair Is pretty good profit. You can make It, toa Sure money maker for Frisco and other expoeltlona. Write for catalogue and full partieulan.

BENSOR CAMERA CO., Deot. 21, 21.23-25 Dalaseey Street, New York City, U. 8. A.


ATTENTION Rink and Dance Hall Managers

On Dance Halls, Rinks, Pub- Be BuUdlnv, etc. Earning capacity. PS.OO to $50J)0 per day. Bend for our FRIX TRIAL OFFER. Rapid and Flexible Self-propelling Auto¬ matic Floor Surfadne Ma- cfalno.

M L SCHLUETER. 225 W. Illlsela St., CHICABB.

4SO F*alrs Steel and Fibre Wheel Skates

For sale st 9iic per pair. Wheels and cones new Isst year. MADI.SON GARDENS, Chicago, 111.

BUY A SELL NEW A USED ROLLER SKATES— (None Such) Roller Kink Floor Surfacer, which makea the floor clean and skates from sUpidiig. No Dust; 4 per pound. Anerieaa Rink Supply Ca., Saaduiky, 0.

FOR RENT—Sixteen acres of ground at main en- tranca at RlvenRle Park. Want alt kinds of amuse¬ ments. HENRY KAMPMAN. 1S08 West 30Ui SL. Indianapolis, Ind.

PADDLE WHEELS A world beater, 32 Inches In dlsmeter. with 60, 90 or 120 numben, bcsuUfuUy

painted. Complete, with Paddles, $10.00. Other Wheels from $8.00 to $225.09, Amusement Devices, Serial Paddles, Punch Boards. Paper NorelUes, Teddy Bears.

Dolls, Dogs, Pillow Tops, etc., si lowest prices. Catalogue Free. *

337 W. .Madison St. Chicago, ILL. SLACK MFC. CO.


Fibre Rollers Make for a clean floor, pure air and aatlaSad ciiatomera, which means money in tbe man- ager’a pocket. We can re-wheel any equip¬ ment of skatea and aupply repair parts for them. IM

CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. 1123 Washington Boulevard, CHICAGO, II.I«


FLOOR SURFACING MACHINE xrlU quickly take ott the wood from rough or warped floors and sandpaper a finish

superior to hand sandpapiv work or srUl rapidly reflnlsh your hall oc rlnl fl<n>r, taking off the ’ muck." otlvoak, the bla<'k, old wax, etc., making It white, smooth and rery attractive—which means larger crowds. Having ball bearings. nJler and suction fans spin true and oa.vy. taking up all the dust; yielding anus give flexible or rigid roller, as needed: si-lf-pro- pelling. with autignatlc control gauges roller cut for even work, and brakes

fo ward pull for large capadtj—you simply guide. Made In several slaea. for sruall rooms or Urgeet areas. But write to<lay for Bookie* telling all about the machine, also for the aaoiea at well-known users near you. ACCFUT OCR FRO! ’mi-AL OFFER,

Maaufacturad by WAYVELL CHAPPELL A CO.. 4845 Raventwoed Avenue, Deft. I, Chicago, llllaelt.

Patented t«eL IS IblA

X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.



Punch Boird NO BLANKS' |

300 10c CHANCES 4 2>lb. Boxes 9

18 1-lb. Boxes *

24 Vz-lb. Boxes |

22 doz. Foil Wrapped.Bars


THE TOURAINE CO., 251 Causeway Str^t,



I _ Alt tfaanki the maoagpiDeDt of the Mitchell All suninier long I amoked Uie tH-«t Corn 1‘alace for coi>l<>a of their publication. It IVrfecto* gauillly in gold bainlx ilr.'MKHl,

1 la with pleaeure that he aeea auch atalwart Now winter's nigh and I fear lest 1 I and repreeentatlTe namea in the amuaement Fur couiinun "luakln'a" I'll be preased.

i buMlnesii aa Ferullo'a Hand; Kollo, the loop the- . I heU) ekater; D. O'Bell, the high wire man; C.tKjrge Slater 1* In Searcy, ,\rk., laying in hla Ib-nnelt and Ix)we, acr<it)ata; Oeorge and Georgle, supply of j-ork olaiiia for the winter, the Hiding IlareniMirta, the Sli Moria-oo Arabs, - tile Greater City Four, l.uken'a IJona. the Com- It. I.. < arrotl la again sole ownc e<ly Ouartette and the Diving Models. S. Carnival C.uiipany, lie aaya he 1

Joe Welntierg and wife. Kittle, apent a busy week in Allentown, I'a., recently, Kitty baa

It. I.. < arrotl la again sole owner of the C. S. Carnival C.uiipany, He aaya he kuowa where the UHdiey la in the South,

TiiWiy Snyder wws a viaitor In 8t. lioula, 8ep- not been well for some time, but aa aoon aa ahe tenilwr but could not find 'rae Billboard

I regaina her health and will be able to travel ahe oflice. Tuldi.v abnuld familiarize hlmaelf with will Join Joe and remain on the road with him. the tdg citiee.

Clarence Bigga—All knew that you would not Where la .\rt ItadclltfT Everyone can find atay out of the alntw bualneaa very long. Wei- hia ahow, but no one can Und Jkrt. I'onie back, all ye old timers. -

- Moe KoMa, who at the present time ia a Ttie Birmingham Kid and wife, Mr. and Sfra. very alck man in I.lberty, N. Y., extenda hia



Henchell - SpillMU Co. AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS Ed Morris, have chieed their season with the ' bert reganla to W, T. Harrington, Henry J, AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS

Cora Beckwith outflt, and will ojien a ahow for I'olly, Kalph DeVak, Harry Klrkus, Uzt Fire- Bud l.ynn in H<sk Island, 111., during the rest aide*. l<diy toKstaleln, lz>uls F'ink, William , «, a* javiiea

I of the fair season. Winter time will find them Engelsoti, Col. l.agg and hia outflt. Fhldle Pow- SWMQiy St., lO. lORIWindl, R. T., U.S.A. back In Pittsburg with their daughter. ers, Harry Kalotkin. Harry Brown and Harry

F.ngiander. Moe wiKild appreciate a helpful let- arw>TiajraMartfwij/wja Jim and .Mrs. Eylward and Mrs. IxMilse ter from each of you.

(CBrleii. after a very satiefactory season with - the Bauciier F'rcnch .Amusement Co., closed with Irish I>'>re says If he could play two more // Kennewick. Wash., to make s»>veral Washing- tow ns like lAmiavtlle he'd buy a coui>le more < ■' <. . .9 toll and Idaho fairs inde|iendently. FYom the farms at Washington Courthouse, O. >i/ Norttiwcst they intend to take one big jump --- into dear old New Orleans for the winter. Red Murray has joined the Wortham caravaD into dear old New Orleans for the winter.

Earl McCormack wirltea from Butler, O., that lie is ver.v sorry to learn of the illness of M'le We won't borrv'w Cara from the railroads K<di«. and lost no time in sending him $2 mii. h longer. Our I'ncle Samuel will supply Us toward a little fund for the boy. He stands 1 w th all the cars we want in the near future, ready to eome across again as s^sln as tome of I Yesno? tile other tsijs are h<*ard from. 1 - armitaoc b Guinn

Joe Bhs-k, Tom Hayes and Armey all joined ! the Eagles during the Nat Narder Shows' en- 1 gagemeut in Ijiramie, Wy.

Jaek Itellly is in Chicago.

Jimmie Iteyle, whom many, partlculai^y old ones Orval P.iinnell la In a Nashville sanitarinm. at the midway game, will remcmlier aa a cara- Chester laomls Is taking hia jrlace in the Klee van musician of isde. is now director and bual- A l>ore oflice for tlie present, in-ss manager of a Bradoiitown (Fla.l concert - blind. Jim took special pains to recruit bis Prof, .kll Pasha. C. P., with hla l.una Park

I <ir<‘liestra with aa many old troupers aa poasl- Cone.v Island Palmists, is playing the Si>utbero 1 tile, among tliem O. K. Karr, clarinet; H. P. fairs Uiia aeas-iD.

Waterman, pianist and tnl>a; Killy W. Woou. I _ . violin and alto, and Peter .Mfrisoi. baritone | Harr.v Trimb'e wants to know if Tramp ] “Itegarils to all tlie bunch." writes Jimmie, , F'riedman will tie in Chicago this winter "and am very sorry to learn that Woody Van I - is no longer among the living." "Wie Prairie IJfe Wild West, which bs

John Mlller. will not n.ake the tb.„thern fair, as bull Isiss on the Wortham caravan. pur*.-, " quoUi Itao. W>

_ , - Av'Vi I Will add that Uie easiest, qnlck- Orval P.nnncil is In a Nashville sanitarium. j 1 est. surest sa> to ilo iids Is to lester lasanis is taking hia i>lace in the Klee I get a Kill FI.I WlIF.EI.. whtih l>ore oflice for tlie present. ITmcani Uie F'nrta Whiel i»u

- N. / pi rbus Maxlnias. Big Elt Prof. All Pasha. C. P , with hla l.una Park W^e.ds are Uie ra-lest to met. iiipy Island Palmists, is playing the Southern Nil ^ to opeTatc and Ui» irs til's sess..n j Aquh-kest to knis-k diwii; aside ira ui.a season. ^ rti D'»n this. Uir> phase Uie pub- ,, n- I i« n, di lie. and will make more mooes Harry Trimb e wants to know if Tramp ,, y p.,,, -iedman will tie in Chicago this winter. able'iidii.g'di vice In Utc sorld. S.s»i-s satlsflr.*

- Ksralors an now making money with lUg Kit Wlierls. IWie Prairie IJfe Wild West, which has li«en and there Is no earthly nasnn sh.v you sliould not do

I e0ooooo0©0|

- playlnjr a mi*%t AuccewHful In ' ana«U. | UktnAi^d* Merely ilr<.p a ftw nn«. « th«t 4'«rry iiK'alI oixTHtora—an ee<>noiuical tipi 3<*iDetl Hic^ 6l Ik>re at Ixmiunlle. They lyive more about Hlg VAX ''TierU. an.l

‘ Tlying Dutchmen" are said to be a very com- thirty petn’le, eighteen horses, two .ong he-a Ts'iii riZ'llt J? mon sight in Northern F'rance. Keep out of Texas steers, and an elght-jilece cowtvy hand. ’** * ri-rrls Wheel that mi«n-y can buy. tIuM ffwork^d t4*rritory. W. T. Miller and A. O. Kkert baudie the fr«>at. Cl | DDIO^^C POUPAKIV

. and Hnrk Varh«»uiEli han<IU*e the Mreii.i. Miller tLI DlilUUb wUHrirMl^I

EMIL R. HOFFMANN &USON Maawtasturara tl tba Wtfid'a Bw

Shooting Gallorios and TNrgats •SI7 ••nth Irvtaa Aysaat, _Oij^a, III,

jS IncandescMt Lamps nlk PARIS—ineiires-Ahows fjBlw BUY DIRECT FROM IRANUFAC-

fwilmV TURER8. inlB REDUCED PRICES—800 Bbunt. Clear

or ColorHl. 8c; 600 Houni^ dear or

tills overworked territory. I W'. T. Miller and A. O. Ekert handle the fmat. Cl ■ I and Buck Yarbough handltis tlie arena. Miller

The carnival game can't helii but grow ] and Ekert deserve credit for this slsiw, aa it is onward, lis.k at the se<-il that h.i« bis-n iilanted I ooo of the we have seen this season. ihKid g,, ,43 g on tile midway—F'rank I.. F'l.ack (seedl. W’. i luck, boys. Go to it! IJnn (seed), Tom Hayes (seed!, Crabtree (seed), I - _ , , Bill Rice (aeedl, "Buck" Wlieat (seinl), Tom Going back to the da.vs that have gone by, All | ( and Margaret <Julnc(y) (seedl. KlI I.emmen how many remember playing .itparta. Tenn., ^ • (seed), Ba.TUHind E. Elder (be rv eeil), and witb Seamon and Milllgant CU^ Crazy CurraD(t) (seed). - 3 Ii w

_ Nntliing makes a man who has Just lost bis Now that F'rank Allen has foldeil hla tent »how so weary as to have his foo: frteuils tell |

and put away the bull and cam for the winter him bow it might have been avoided, be will shortly tsdi up In Chicago, where he ex- - pects to embark In the m-< le business. Why bo.ik a dead town just liecanae yon can

- get a gooil location? Tisi much of this stuff A. C. Bradley visited the .<Rmith Greater is pulled every season.

Bulldtrs ef Bit Ell Whselt, ROODMOUSE, ILLINOIS


Shows while in Middletown. O. He writes All aa follows: "IJne up is great—the Art Mystery, Ned Stoughton gave us this one: motordrome. Colored Arietocracy, The I.lmit. earnlval man who piirehasss Niagara Fall* will 5-in l. Hie Athletic Show and the big feature, have a stationary meal ticket fer life," How Smith's 1 rained Wild Animal Arene (which la about the Crystal Tangle. Ned? one of the finest oxhlbltiona of its kind on the - road toilayl; merry-go-round, ferrla wheel, and Willie I,evlne joined the antlered herd down the I.a Croix as the free attraction, plus in Amarillo, Tex., recentlv, and henceforth will twenty two concessions. I must say that Smith be known aa "Bill.” Well. Bill what'* the certainly has an np-to-date caravan, and hia latest with the Dver Sliows? bo.vs, Ed and Christ, are always on fhe ’•_

- A1 Myers aa.vs that In I>eavenworth tliey make Harry Pbllllpa writes All from out Idaho way carnivals as ea*.v as they do autos in Dctndt.

m'^0 9 o o o o 0

AND BASEBALL NOVELTIES Write fiw price list. WM. WTliF'n.EIN. Mgr. it*

\ Sti'iiful Strvrt, riillailrlphiA. I’a., 1’. H. A

OalomL is. Guaranteed.^ SAFETY eYert that the Moscow Fair has proven KLECT&IO COMPANTa §42 North ^ for bia alx-foot store. Harry ji|»etit UTIIIam Hi'l J«»liii*4on |4< «orklnir on the KU'e Hlchl<ao Avenue. Chicago, lllinota. I the early part of the season on the (Vm T. A lFt»re Water s1h»w nn<i w as ico«n1 as the he^t

Kennedy earavan. 1 of them <>n th** «tprlnfrlNiur<l.

2ill3|€G ^ . ” Iloiiiea w,HiId like to know what A. B. Frank M Sii'ton (Great Sutton Showsl doesn't .Lckle.v is going to do with all the bears that know whether he sIhhiIiI Ik* superatitlous or not.

>» housing In his born at Pittsburg. The Listen to hla storv about number 1.1: "Slartod bruins range from six montbg to three years, out with the F. M. Sutton SIhwvs on April 11.

Aa I am cwenlocked. on account of tiouble In Hex- and are rapidly being taught to act. One of lt>12; marrleii Edna Galloway on June 1.1 In the 1?.' f %ak«o Cbeopw them is already broken Into ice skating. I^t'a beat town plaved that season; the coa'ch was' w X Ackley. number 11 and Hie license was »11. In 1911 W. A. SNAKJS KINO, BrownarlUe, Texas. (Member a L of A.)_

G. MINA nn t Flr«t Btraat, Ntw Ymt. Mfr. GRUnder Plano Organa, atngle acUon, and with Manclolln at- lacfanHsit, for Skating Bluka.^^^HHHB^B Merry-Oo-Rounda, Tent and M. P. Shows, e(e. New music to order. Specialty In aeoond- hand planoa, with new muaU;. at reduced prtcea.

■ the ehowa played 11 States. Business w-ss g.wst Hats off to Bob Roy. Every Bedouin has in twelve of them, hut In Texas. Hie Ilih. we

been singing bis praise’ for the way In which h«'1 one Arat tronble with city officers and alto "NATURE'S GREATEST lie m.snaged the amtwementa and their publicity received a severe blow-down. But allll we had WONDER." for the Tennessee State Fair just closed. Every- faith In number 11, and opened my show In . h,, .m.f. b.sly boosts Bob to be the amusement director 1914, only to have a terrlfllc wtndstonn blow *,,<1 the mail otd<v a in 1915. it down on April 11. Then we played 11 con- pm,prful low-prtrvd pr.mlum.

- secntlve weeks to very bad Imsineis. The ahow one jounial added 48.iiiKI Any manager who haa fought the game and numbered 11 cara and carried a hand of 11 subscrlhen within four mmithi

fallen will tell yon that Inch plays the leading memhera, elosing the lllh of Jiilv. Then after ^ using this aa a pn-mlum. role in this little game of ours.

There’s no guess to It that Con T. Kennedy’s hand is all American, and alwaya shall be. There’s a reaatn—A. U. Euslick ia director.

Harry Gillman—Give ua a report on that all illusion show. Must be some real auccesa.

closing oiy show my wife and I went home. MEXICAN RESURRECTION PLANT where our baby was born two hours and fifteen 1 ljuoka dead, in dormant form, but after hour In sa- mlnutes before the lllh of August trr burata Into beautiful, rich grmi, frni-llke p’aiil

No getting away fnun It, Frank; that's some I that li the grids uf every wusiaii who haa one. ran reason to be superstitious be dried snd revived Innumerable limes, and lasts

yeara. Very light welghl-chtap and eaay to atilp.

Mv Reekmtn and Royal Special FViuntaln Pena have ’ _ made auch a hit vrllh the boys that mani* of them _ii. i,_-„ aav they pnfer them to the Austrian penaTland wish ▼ccy good spots In Michigan and Wia. they had u»ed them aooner. Price, Intdding at- consln among the county fairs," writes Jack —— it,,, tractive box and filter, $12.00 per gmsa. torend 2Sc Eagle. Anyway Jack has an eagle eye for for iMSh samples. Get my catalogue. IRA B. B.4B- business, which arwunts for his top money ac Xl-TT. 61 Keekman SI.. New York (Tty. M cnmiilatinna lately with bia pillow tops and ball

w,,- —-s.. — __-„i_1 ... R»-ialla at 10c to 25c. We are the world’s largiwl Ton w nd r vrtiy so many carnival f Iks are <g (hla plant, and quote rock-bottoai prices'

n the water wagon? Try of the dope jj pregsld, ealy 40c: 100 aialled, grtgald. these eafe car managers are handing out and .siy $2.00; 1,000 f. s. 0. Here, ger Ihoutaad. 1(0 00: .vou win know. 5,000 f. •. s. here, ger thoutaad, to lS. raKF'.

- HAMI'IJ':: We'll aend you a plaiil free and also Bill T. Harrington, proprietor of the Great forward our wholeeaie ll«t, sliowtns Indian and Mrx-

Bonthem Shows, haa written All a letter of lean Nov.-llim—the kind nf uaceaiaieB premluma.

IPessure I.ainp«, Mcgaption«*s. Fog llonis and lots of stuff SK\I> IMK FKKK R.VRG.VIV IPnrKI.l-T. R. H ARMBRUSTER MFC. CO., Sgrlnsfield, llllnolt.

It yeu arc It In The Billboard, tell them ao.

cnmnlations lately with hia nlllow tona and >..11 T"’’''*'* >n behalf of Bedford (Ind.) Elks. No. aseiiU' afflclea, etc., that you've been looking for __ came ^ ‘ ^ ” «’-•« *"'1 b-lvlsea all brother shiwrmen to be We are the world’a largest dealers In Mexican and

CiJ/'a/T’T’IXI/T /'All r’rtlr'C __ H* P*T the chapter a visit whenever they Indian haiidhvaH. ^Hte ToUAY SHOOTING GALLEl^ES Chanes Mathews—Vour friend, Tom Hayes, hai-ien in or near the Indiana town. ^ Maafua*"!^. N. M.

jNo T DICKMAM CRMPaMV v would like bi know your wtiereabonts. Inci- 24S ^ Mats ’ I.. ail..i.. r.i dcnt.vily. Ail wai.*s to tell you that Tom. lu*- Veiled Prophet and rarnival combined listens _ BB BBib MBdBBBB*BB zs^po. laain bt , Lea Angelea. Cal. having a show on the Nat Nanier cara- good. Ttneie .Ronlh Broadway nierchanti in HDHDSCOrtS

I, I _ _ -1^ __ van. is leader of the bal'yhio F-tdece hand. St. Ixiuia are biKisters ail right. ilWilWBrWWB hW

ONCE IVIORE ' V'' ’'"7 m. e n . - n a. Fortune.. $1 per 1.000; _ , TT out ct Chicago aa The Mystic T!ie following Bedouins have been absent rnliire Photos, risible and Invlatbls.

Wonder. fi-om .41|'s r<d’eg’I .ln<e August O W Wilson. {2 per l.nOS. Palmlsu snd For- Iiuff Frsiik'e, J. Pearson, D. tune Tcllris' SuppIihi. Hi amp for P M snijnniicTtB •Jrr'’en^’c \ S .T'i.o . •" P”* "P Ms doll wheel at the Man- C Ranger. G.«., TashJInan. J<» Romano. C. L. Kample. J. LEUOUX, l«S Hsai-

AHMBRUSTLR MFC- CO., Sgrlnsfleld, llllnola. phe^ter rarnival on .Raturday, the opening night: Pierce. Arthur Ib.'bror.k. Parker and Garsteti, burs Aveaua. Broeblyn, N. V. ' Ks'k it down again <ui Sunday. .41 says he cuiM W II Miller, K. rantrell. J A I-amturt, Hale.

It yeu are It In The Billbovd, tell tbeai ao. ik«I see tisenty four doll wheela on one lot. 1 ravnidudl. ♦’tins. Murray. R.^mtI Bower, F’. A It you aaa H la Tba Billboard, tell thrm ao.

I>es la. We miiQtentWjnally forgot to creillt tlie l>lii>t'>Krai)li to U. W. t)wen. manager of a traveling [ilcture allow, wlilcli aufferej with the rest at the Iowa State Fair.

liatea, U. II. Wllllama, Will Browner, IVg) IieatiHiiiil, K. Uoberla, <'<il>iirn anil l.uke, 1*. M. Stanley, B. O. 4'aiiil>l>ell, K. 11. Bean, A. s ..elil», Jaliiea Brown, J. K. BuiUlak, Murjiky aiiil IMxoii, 1’iHjl and l^«>l, J. i'. Brain hear from you. W. W. Bowers' New York Hippotlrome Ele¬

phants and T. I’. J. I’owera’ Kilties Band of forty-eight pieeea (fount ’em) will he features at the Wichita (Kan.) Kxispsltion October 7 to 17. Hence, this means brother against brnther for honors, and Bill declares that if Louis’ Band does not play his cue music right and try to ‘‘crab” bis act. he will get an Irish baud to play the secrmil week. .After the Wichita en¬ gagement Bill and his ele|>hauts go to the Oallag (Tex.) State Fair, then work northward, playing theaters as usual.

J Brain We heard you eleainil up on the M Ixiula lota with lleidorn'a circular swing.

.Master of all trades is .Adolph Seaman. From sliowman to sea caiitain, and from skipiier to pilot. VI tror 1 dig Adol|h.


OFF THE PRESS A.ND ^ ready for you today

ILLUSTRATING and QUOTING PRICES on BEST TEDDY BEARS,PILLOWS AND PILLOW TOPS, INIPORTED GERMAN STEINS, THE EVANS KIDS (**The Big Base Ball DoU,” ''Bricktown Bill,” **Motber’s Angel Child,” ‘*Rastns Johnson”), ^^NOOKUMS,” «^1NG0,” the Teddy Doll, Jockey Dolls, SAILORS and SOLDIERS, and a doien other big money-getters for CONCESSIONERS AND WHEEUIVIEN. FREE- Write lor It tocla>^ — FREE

H. C. EVANS & CO. 7S W. Van Buren St., CHICAGO

J I'earaon —Y'ou aurely hit aome high marks al JackaouTllle, III., with yiHir high striker. Seuil in some iufurmatiun alaiut your night leap.

What would you Ihlnk of yuur city I'ounclltnan if be would have a law pa.aeil that during carnival week no one could aell any w>ft drinka on the streets exce|it tlioae wlio sold hla jiop (he owned the |>op factory)? TIda actually occurrril this past summer, and in the good .lid I’.-8. A., too.

Ike Monk riaited with .All a few brief momenta Wednesday, tteptember 30. and tiiok occaalon to state that be and J. Stanley Itolwrta will pilot the J. W. Hampton Shows the reat of the seaaon southward, opening in Kentucky under the new management on October 13. The train wrlll carry about tea cam with ten shows lined up on the midway, as well aa uunieroua con¬ cessions.

While down In Denison, Tex., all Bedouins want to be sure to make the acquaintance of Dick Gray. Dick, In addition to being a valu¬ able member ou the eilitorial staff of The Deo- tson Herald, always duds time to be atrue friend to all trouiiers.

.A.I Bedouins sbouhl get tlie buy a bale of- I1lll••^ bug: you may iieeil wardrolie and chdliea before spring. Cotton la tietter and more Ttlu- able DOW than Texas and Dklabouia script was In JP»/7 during the panic.

I'aul /allee-Ilow are you iiiMkIiig nut with >ur .Arlatnia play? Dr<i|i ua a line. Ibqie you e aucceaaful. Kegardt to mother.

Bert Boacb, Chester Weis and Dinuy returued to the Tom .Allen .Shows after a visit to St. I»uls, and reports that the war in Germany hag made Budweiser look pretty good to the folks Id Farleytowo. Harry Irelaod—When you aivld your rac*

course to Mlaa Helen Mllla, wiiere did you dl-aiqwar to and why so tuddeoly?

Jim Anderson wants to know who the .Ameri¬ can con-inl is in .Arkansas. Of all the dumb and silent Betiouloa W. F.

(Bill) Moore la It. How about the big floe diving girl abow you steered !4outh a couple of years ago? A<hi bad tlie cliaiMc of your life. Bill. We can’t ataud for .voii iielng a failure: you must have made gia.l, but, oh, where, oh. w here are you ?


-Mrs. Harry Ihire, who was coiiliued in the iKMidtal for a week, has entirely recovered and lias returned to the ahow.




Hutchiiiioo. Kan., Sept I5th, 1914. C W I’AKklOl:

Here is one for your weekly letter In 1?ie BllUijard wblcb la not bad:

OABKY-l’S-ALL RIX-XIPTS: Monday, gross .SllT.SS Tuesday, stum . 210.45 Wednesday, gross . 163.10 ’Thuraday', gmaa . 181.40 Friday, gram . 185.60 SaturdW'. gloss . 260.50

Iiieze Katijoy, with the Water .stiow, makes a 7'.’-foot dive. Some class, liieze

Ku<l IJno -Mend In your route, we Ihwe that the rnlyersal .Amusement Co la copping Its share of the good old Badger fairs.

Belinda Hart, it seems, has parta unknown. left’s hear from also Toddle.

vaiiishetl for you, C’utie; Mhippy—A'lwi were '’Keen” in selecting yotir

se.f such a gtaal partner. Both of yon are men of experience in the game, and since the old sH-eao wave days you have surely made some jimipa u|iw-arda.

Girla, do you recall the Van Itoak’s Carniyal In the spring of 1912. where eould he seen “th* only female boxers on the road bsJay”—Edna Todd anj Cutle ’Toppenish? Some pugilists, they.

Oaa mashlas aanwd SiS.SNO la SS ssaaka, ItOa OiM maahlaa aarwaS RI7,S4S la SR wraoks, IROI Oaa aMahlaa aaraaa RIR.Mg la >■ ataaks, IROC Oaa iwaablaa aafaad $10,017 la 17 araaka, I $01 Oaa iwaaklaa aaraad $!$,$$• la 17 araaka, I $06 Oaa maaklaa aamad $l$,$4$ la 1$ araaka, I $04 OtM maaklaa aaraag $l$,$$l la S$ araaka, l$IC Oaa amaklaa aaraag $10,1$$ la $• araaka, till

* Above bguree will b« yerilied to customera Cl tM. PARKER, L$$«$nworth, Ka*.

Keiiieniber, b->ys, keep off i.f religious argu nieuts cn the lot. Wvietiever ■ l■nlll■h of jou •Isrl arguing for or agsiii«t ehun li you can pul It down for a e«-rtaliity that evcr» one of you is wasting time. Then. ti-i. tlswe who •verhear your debate are never favorably Im


Toul.31,118.40 Thli was the buslnma at Sallna. Kansas, ai.d we

had a hurricane and rain uorm Monday right and rain nearly ail day Saturday. Not bad at ihaL

Youn vefT truly. H. V. JONES.

Elsie Boyd—Suppose you pluck a quill and write Jessie Snyder. She's inquiring for you, •Dd wishes you well.

All has it tliat Maude Helm will s<s>ii marry one of the Quest fellows nu 'I'oiu Allen’s Cara van. The name please, Maude, and lie sure the cake reaches around.

Bll .Aiken, who ktsiws tlie S-mth as few know It. anil who waiiteil i.» go South ver.v tiad y. |i>iked the imue calmiv In th* eve and -liisik his head decisively Wise Bill.

FAIRS - CARNIVALS - PICNICS Mrs. E. I.aVone lias forsaken tlie fortune telling game, and is imw in Cleveland, O., vla- Itlng her daughter.

Grace .Spicer and Huth Surls liave joined Bald¬ win’s Tango Iniiicers with the Great Argyle Shows, Di'W idayiiig .SMiutl.eru fairs.

riie doll wheel iHiiight by r.d. John Sweeney ind t'le candy wheel Isiuglit by Sam Brown will reiiialii with the < llflon Kel’ey Shows In charge •f lls Cotton and Ben Koberta.

Big moocy Ume la hera for "Handel" operator*. FTm now until the laat Mate or County Fair cloee* you can make tremeodoua dally groflta selling on* ndnute puel card photea, made with

IV.^ Q ^>1 ** B Ily Dauphin se.-ureil the full wli»-el prlri- Icge for the Jamaica Howidtal Circus and Fair, sinl had four different wheels going. Mrs. Kuth .Schreiner is playiug the Michigan

and Wisconsin county fairs, amf is highly pleu-ed with the returna from her hull game ami pillow top concessions. Little Claire Schreiner is evluc- iiig a keeu aptitude toward disjiosiiig of tlie paddles and helps considerably toward tlie iu- llux of the shekels.

They tell me tliat Tiuiimy J. Cannon got $1.7in» for his Idt out i»f tile i'tica ic’d Honie- x’oiiiliig queen cotitest What must the gross have Is-im?

Ibe cream of one minute cameras. Makes 5 styles at pictures dlreet on post carda or buttons wtthwit platM, fllni tr dark rooa. Every bulb snap and abutter click brings you Sc to 13c proflL No outdoor crlrbratlon is complete without the one minute photographer. Just a anuU capital buys a complete outfit, and your very Brat sales bring back your entire InveatmenL Do not delay, for time la money. Bend at once for complete partlculan FB££.

liisirge Hamilton was seen in the New York 'iilrsl D«i«>t. New York City, the other i-iiliig in eonuiauy with Francis Ferarl. What’a e answer?

Mrs. L. D. Daley, late of the Carroll-I-andla Shows, has been on tlie sick list recently. How¬ ever. slie is iMuiiditig into shaiie nicely ami will Iirobably be seen on the same midway with her husband in the very uear future.

THE CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO 631 Farratyp* Bulldlaf,

Cklcaye. III. I’lie i'iilldren’a Day Nursery ( arnival, at • •zone I’ark, Brvsiklyn. which was held during liie Week of Septemlier 14, was a complete success. Both ntncesslona and cvUNiilltee cleared a satlsfactury *010.

Dawiie June, the mermaid, is giving her per- foniiiiiices in a fur overoiat whenever cool breezes strike the World at Home caravan. 1,000 Sc Packages for $10.00

Miss Blum, tlie St. I^mis hooplalst. gets both the grtieii and yellow. You are a goovi bustler and you deserve all you get. Keep koppliig, .Miss Blum; buy a bale of eottoo. Winter ia near at band.

iiiir last Issue Billyboy puhiisheil a pleture e lilow down of the World at Home al

Earti package contains live indi¬ vidually wrapped stlck-s. Fai-toty working day and night. Kepeat orders coming In galore.

Saisyla box, ooatalnint twenty 5« gackagei by aiail, poatage prepaid, 50e.




21-23 Asa St., New York.

Write for our big ILst of real teetlmonlal letters frwm proprietors of large Holler Rlnka, line llarouseU. Merry-rro-Hounds, etc. Ask for our oataloffu^ of late Impro^rtl

.\ll of the late popular, snappy music ready for quick shipment. Send vour worn out Drgans to ua for expert repairs. Estlmata fumidied promptly. IMcca righL

Nortii Tonawanda Musical iDstrnaeit Works, NO. TONAWANDA. N. Y., U. S. A.

625 West Fulton Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.


Olio (>0 .T 9() Impnwotl Thoiitrioal Tout, ODii.sistiiij; of lU)-it. roviiul top with 30-ft. iiiiddle. Madf of S-oz. khaki tlrill. Has U>-ft.wall, khaki. Thoroujihly rojHtL Halo riiiR stylo. Hrici*, Sl.iO.CK).

Wiitp Us What You Want. SEND FOR OUR 1914 CATALOGUE

CIRCUS CANVASES Wh|ii U to wrll Mlml ranihal ^how iiiKnaArrm. Jim^ Is rlflit tli»*rt*. IIIr aciri><KAlTei)r«R • till |brrsiiiiRltt.v have mt'inl a )(•< to U. K I’atkrr oarsvan, ' <m whtoli iMitnt Joe nutiaceil YlAHte'A Tanao Girl SIjow.

Tills U Mac’s flr^t reason as a promoter. So w«U ha.^ he tloiie In atlvance of Tom W. Allen’% Sliowit, however, that he haA be««i re-engace>d uiolcr the I’arker banner for 1915. HU future W4»rk mIH iH^ar watching, for Mac ia a FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.




By We»t«nn*iL

A* QMiil. things in genersl are going along nicely with the Krause Greater. Boainess while being rery ordinary, is not aa bad ■" might be, taking into consideration the present condition of the South. I

There hare been reports of big business in the I cnrniT-il business from the Southern territory. ' However, same cannot be taken as authentic, as present cotton conditions are no that an or¬ dinary business can be considered big.

I have taken special notice of tlie cotton market and bare found it to be at a standstill eT<Tywhere; in fact, the Southern farmer can not get rid of his year crop at any amount that would even show shadow of a profit.

The preaent prices offered range from seven to eigl't and oue-half cents a pound, which is below the coat of production,

A gn-at many are forced to place their cot¬ ton in warehouses and place their warelKiun. re¬ ceipts in the hands of their creflltors in order to secure mortgages and future credit.

Those who are not in need of ready cash are holding their crops until the market gets lietter, conseijnentlT the class of people wlio are tiie most liberal spenders, with carnival attractions, i. e., tlie working class, have iS) money.

There are a great many “Buy-a-Uale" move¬ ments which have relieved conditions in a small way. Wh'-ther or not tliese plans are practical nn(i will help conditions in general remains to be seen.

Guntersvllle. Ala., a fair date, promises to be one of the best of the season. The fair grounds, buildings, racetrack and stables would be a credit to a State fair, "nie entire countryside la interested, a great many being atockbolders.

WE ARE GROWING FAST fWe have outgrosm our original loft of 6ta1<8 fart

and were obliged to add another almllsr loft tor our

display and stock ruoiii.v. We have also doubled our U 'WA force. We it crease our spate and help with tlie ^ ^

gm«lh of our business, and that la why we are al-

I’tsiple know a gne»l thing when th«» see it, and appreciate aguare and prompt tiraling, wtdrh la the : foundation of our buslnrvw, and we are proud of our

foundatlisi. If you are not yrt connected with our hsig chiln of satisfied customers, send us your trial |,| onler. We feel confidet.t tliat It means anoUicr link I i nV to our chain of aatUfaclInn, and we have a pretty ‘ffujyy

lotig riisln, too. but tt Ta getting longer rwery tlay. '— Seeing Is believing, at>—

HERE ARE THE PRICES OF A FEW OF OUR ITEMS No. 60—Air Hallooris, assorted oolora, per grtias. .62.60 No. 60—Gas Ralloans, l-onlor comblnaUan, per gr 66.68 No. 60—Air Kalloons, all yellow, per groas.2.20 .No. 1—Ulilstlliig llallntais or Hquawkrri, per gr! liss No. 60—Air Balloons. 2-cnlor combination, per gr. 2.65 No. 2 Whistling llallooiis or Squawkws, prr gr ? 20 No. 60—Gas Kalloons, best made, per grosa.... 3.25 long Sausage Balloan Squawfcrra. per gnist.. 2 M


Holton. Kan., this week, playing one of those old-time ‘ “pumpkin" fairs, on the street, one of those siiotH where rtiey come In early In the morning, play the shows and all start home about six o’clock, but we have the town people at night.

Urbana, 111., was a good stand. We left there Sunday morning and arrived in Holton Tuesday mornlug. The fair did not start until Wednesday, but some of the sbowa were open Tuesday night and did Si>me business. The streets are wide, and the sbowa are all located around the public square, thus condensing the crowds, giviug each Show an even chance.

Tile show has made some good “hope" lately, and will nuke a few more to get Into Texas In time to play the big dates that we have cm'racted.

Sam Sollnsky, of Beaumont. Tex., was on at IVtroit and contracted with the Wortham Shows, to play the Beaumont celetratlon, that imiiiediately f.dlows Houston. The dates were nrigtiisliy the same as Houston, but In order to get the Wortham Shows the dates were post- isuied. The s1h>w will play three Texas stands after Besuiiiont Ix-fore coming back to the Ti X.SB winter quarters.

.A. A. Ibiwers is in Houston, and will remain tliere and assist the local committee with their irrsiigements for the No-Tsn-Oh and Deep

Water Jubili'e. Du our way from Detroit to Urbana the train

stopiK-d at the city of Danville. III., where the sIkiw waa built laat winter, and the bunch waa given an opiKirtunlty to ahake hands with their many friends. Manager Wortham waa tendered an iinfiromptn reception at the dei>ot. and re- S[HiiidiMi vritb good graee to a ipeecb made by one of the prominent cltlrena.

Mrs. 11. A. Snell, a atater of Mr. Wortham, and Mrs. Graves, mother of Mra. Ivan Snapp, both of Danville, were visitora on the almw

■^or a few days.

WHilps same as above, with wide strlppe<l handlrs. In assorted colon, vrllh strong loops and oil finish. No. 1—SO Inches lovig, per groas .63.60 1 .Vo. X—Whistle Rid Whip, per gross II tfi No. 2—33 inches long, per gross . J.9$ .\o. XX—With WbUUe bid liSsh. Dte aron”' Via Na 4—36 inches long, per groas .4.25 s.w

(IK-posJt required oti til C. O. D. onlem.)


while IlaTy White and Sam Huston are han¬ dling the ducats. G. F’. LaDurah. the human atatiie end animated doll, is the feature attrac¬ tion. Biid’a wrestling bear, John Brown, got loose during the performance the other day, making a dash through the Midway, scattering the people right and left. However, no one waa hnrt. It waa captured without putting up a fight. e e

Mr. Johnson expects to have bis new Well Show In operation tonorrow. It is a very m-at and ittractlve frame up.

Al Campbell came back on the show for a few hours, and says he has enough towns to k<-^ us g<dng until about Kmas.

Tom West is kept busy putting Sahara and Friday through their new acta.

E. Y. Wren, late with the DeKreko Bros.’ Slipwa. arrived with a pbotonapb g’.llery.

Jean Dresleanx has the “x’” on novelties. We leave here Friday for Albuquerque, N.

M., to play another fair date.

quarters in the old Columbia Carriage Go. build¬ ings, Qiakiug Hamilton its first stand next spring.

Mr, Koberts, however, will take out a com¬ pany at the close of the fair, uuder the name of Roberta’ United Shows, for a tour of the South, ofieDlng at Xiexlngton. Ky., week of October I'J. He will use some of the Empire Show outfit, in addition to a number of con¬ cessions, which are joining here. The show will be of ten-car slae, and Mr. Roberta la looking forward to one big Southern season, de«i>lte the reiiorts of depression that come from the South..

Ibe people here are looking forward to one of the greatest falra in local history, especially from an amasemeot standpoint.

OCTOBER 10, 1914.

!’■ tks flaaklest. blttavt Jaeksy This aauatry svm saw.

And wksn tks aativvt tas ais. Tksy kll say "Hip, Hurrakr'

Jae Kasmafsr tkiaks I’ai prstty tasd, Aad tkat'i tks rrasae why

Hs lakst tuck paiat tp Maks mt “Tks Fair-Mka’t wtsest buy."


Our Jackets and Scotch Blghlanden are veiy popular, but »s also makt



We are the exelusiTe users of the De Luxe secret compoaltlon In our d(dl heads. All samples 61.25. eacept sam¬ ples nf ElectTie-&ed Teddy Bean, which are 61.50. ti% required with all orden. balance CL O. D.

TIP TOP TOY CO. Pbsas. CbalMP 6437.

220 W. lath St.. NEW TORI. CHICAGO OFFICE—621 Watt Fsltsp


SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE—Rapsrv Peek Carparatlsa, 7W Mltslaa Strsst.

Watch for our other new branches, Los Angeles. Cal., and Portland. Ora., now In course at eonstrucUoo.



The Mississippi l^iilroad Commission will meet at Jackson,

that State, Octolier 7th, to allow showmen to present arguments for the movement of iirivate cars on passenger trains.

The notice was received too late for last week’s issue.

All showmen who see this Wednesday will do well to tele¬

graph their plea. THE BILLBOARD made out as good a case as it could

upon short notice and mailed it October 3rd.


The rsfiopt that M’. H. RW reAently chwed a deal for twelve rara gives further lm|>etus to the rumor that Klee & Dore will next season put out a water cirrus to play one-uight stands.

Neither Mr. Rice nor Mr. Dore have com¬ mitted tliemaelves In regard to this proiawltion, but the fact tliat they have, during the jiast •H-soon, surrounded themselves wIPi a number of ex|ierieoced circus men, can also be taken as an indication that they are al leuT giving the idea more than ordinary conalderatiAi.

It ran be stated positively. lAever, that whatever is done in regard to a onMnigbt-ataud show, H will in DO way conflict »aii the Rice A Dore Carnlvtl. but will oi>erate*enllrely In- dep,-n<ient of this organliatloo. which, by the way. has been one of the most snecessful ont- flla in the carnival field this season.


Hickman, Ky.. Oct. 1.—Tlie Ilonins Greater Sbowa bad many misfortunes lier^ last week. On their wsy to this city two of tlieir negroes fell off of 1 hsrge and were drowned. Thurs¬ day night Ksnty Domingus. who put on the bigh dive as a free attraction, bad bis skull CTuslie<l wlien the net gave way, resulting in bis death Friday morning. The lialVooniat bad a narrow eaoaiie from death Friday when the parachute failed to open, owing to the ropes becoming entsngled, and he fell about 400 feet. Added to these, one of the tents caught fire.


C. J. Meyers, formerly contracting agent of the Great Soutliern HIkiws, is at oresent con¬ nected with the Star Theater, Clyeland. He will start promoting for the OreGt Soutliern, tbrougli the Houth, November 10. ^


Hamilton, O., 8et>t. 30.—J. Stanley Roberts has been aiiendlng the past fortnight here ahead of Hsmpton’a Great Empire Shows, which will famish til of the attractlous for the Butler Connty Fair next week.

The slMiw will close the season here im¬ mediately following the fair and go into winter

I’lain Dave Mtu’ris is again in harness, at our next week’s stand, Nevada, Mo., and is du¬ plicating his former success.

J. Allen Darnaby waa a visitor at Urbana. John Worthaiu’i hig pit show waa unlnten-

lioiially oiiiltteil from the notes last week. A show of the character that John has gotten together deserves esiiecial mention. Fred Wed- deltoii i/eno) is on the front, and that is proof in itself that the show it a success.

Another addition to the show It Kilpatrick’s new cork (or is It wax) leg. which arrived by psri-el |Kist last Saturday.

Tiger Bill’s Wild West Show thit Joined at Detroit is one of the biggest and flashiest shows of its kind in the carnival business. The parade they make with a host of Indians, t ossacks, .Mexicans, pa|H>oscs. horses, etc., is certslnly ■ wonder.

Essie Fay, with the Arabia Show. Is doing tile liest business of her career.

Showman McCaffery, with his “horse with the twenty-flve-fiHit tall.” is another new ad¬ dition to the show, tringiiig the number of attractions up to fifteen.

Nevada next week, with Tulsa, Ok., on the stTe«-tB, to follow.


By Eugene C. Cook.

Amarillo, Tex., Sept. 27.—Arrived here at Friday, from Trinidad, Ool. Although wo hal a 2M>-mlle haul, everything was up and opened at 2 p.m. the next day. The wheels wore eloacd nt » o’clock Saturday and at 9:4.% tliey were turned Into hoop-las. The Midway Is framed like a tiorsesboe, getting the people go¬ ing to and from the grand stand.

H. S. T.vler, formerly manager of the Barney Parker Sliows. arrived and has taken charge of tlie privilege car.

That Girl, a new show, arrived last week. Joe RInke and Billy Streeter are making the openings and taking turns playing the drums. Julian Arnold. Pauline. Mrs. Johnson, I./aKelIe Rexena and Little Bunny are the principal dancers.

Bill Ganer. foreman of the ferris wheel, had his thumb mashed during the setting up at Trinidad.

Hud Wlilte and his Palaee of Mystery ar¬ rived last week. Bud is making the openings.



Art LMthsr Pillows and Tafelt Caoora. Fait Gaodt,

Moeeaaiai aad Novoltlsa.

20 W. ITtlk SI.. NEW YORK.

Many paddle wheel mm have wiittm us that theae pillows have bem gelling Uiem lop money over pillows that coat almmt twice as much. Thtoe pHlowa ora 24x24 Inntica, in aaaorted color felt, and top and bot¬ tom laced with real Iraihrr. lYicy make a wondefful flash ac.d the natives couldn’t buy a plUow Ilka thla for Inia than two or three clollan. We are aoUlng them to BIlIbcwrd rraden ONLY at 650.M par 106. And. RE-MEMHER. THKT ARE HAND PAINTED. Single aamplca, f5o. Twrlva assorted saoplaa, 66.06. No post cards anawarad —we mean buainewa. Too don’t need oample <xi this mllow—order a half hundaed tot a starter—and thm wire for more.

At this price we oan not carry cm a lot of corre¬ spondence. so will not be able to answer post cards. Hei« la the picture and here is the price. It'a up to you.




OCTOBER 10, 1914.

This Tissue Paper Shaker Sells Itself

People buy it the moment they see it. It has proven itself

/ to be the best selling shaker in ’ Samp/e"*^ United States. Made of

paper 30 inches long, 1,000 sheets of tissue to each shaker, and the stick is 30 inches in length. Our prices are the low¬ est and we can guarantee prompt shipment

WRITE FOR SAMPLE Get your free sample and see for yourself just why

this Shaker is the best on the market. With this sample we will send you our circular on paper goods, giving prices. Write today and get your share of this business.

The National Flag Company CINCINNATI, O.

Manufacturers of Confetti, Shppers, C&nes, Flsiga of all kinds. Paper goods of every descrip¬ tion. Hot Air Bailoons, Parachutes and Airships.


By Mr*. Ed S. Qllpin.

Ij»»f wefk. at Sanfonl. N. C.. bualnea. waa rerj t^wd, but thla we«“it (HurliUKton. N. C.) I« pmTtng the beat In the State. The fair aa- aiH'latlnn rialma that nerey in the hlatory of the fair hare the.r had auch larfte crowda.

Next week we (day the Durham (N. C.l Fair, which will be <n>en«sl with an addreaa by flor. I/wke Drain. Thia fair la widely adrertiaed, and we ari> looklnK forward to It aa one of the biK onea that Deneral .kftent Solomon baa prom- iaed. The week followiii); will And ua in South Carolina at Rock Hill—another fair.

At the pnwent time our company conalata of Caddia Show, Frank Haley, manager; Whit¬ tle Sowera, ticketa; Jimmie Jonea. electrician; Little Hardy at the piano; Madam Nona Haley, in iKiaea de art; Mlaa Ruth Ollpin, who aintra to beat the hand. In apotlifrht aelectlona; Tat Kel¬ ly, in cbante of the canraa. Plantation, with

(Continued on page 38.)

CELIA'S CHOCOLATES W W M B WM w Paocy l-ponnd and H- pound boaes. Big Una of So and lOe packagaa. Oall ar write and get our pricaa. CK1A.A. SS Wooataa Wraat. New York Cltj.

OMtNS Bought, Sold. Ihiitianged and

Repaired. lOHN MUZZIO A SON.

ITS Park Raw, New Yart.

FOR SALE—SHOOTING GALLERY 1 (Mah R.-gt%trr, a fluna, 1 Miwtiig Oallrry and ex- traa; alen inileago llnatae. ED STEWART, MST Un- oeln Are., (Tilragn, 111.


Kaa proretl iHwt <lnwlng card for wtndowa In tha way nf a<trrrtlidiig your huatnraw Open for engaga- ■aenta Addrra SKK3JA>, care New York Offioa The nURmanl.


Going great .for wrlnUow dUplays and demonstrating purpoacn. Six samples riate<l FouiiUin Pens sent on receipt of 75c. l*rice ILst of 14k Gold Kountaio Pens sent on receipt of postage stamp. Yours for the EIGHT PRICKS on Fountain Pens.




Hava yau taaa aur Inaraaad "SEVEN-IN. ONE BOOK”}

Tlie executive staff consists of men who are I'lishera and proKressive 'workers, who know just when and where to liijei-t the “ginKer.”

I>o?atur, Ala., week, was a successful oiu': ill fact. Iiiisiiie.-s was a little better than ordinary, despite several rainy days.


Sam Mei'lianic wants bis name in The BiU- b<»ard.

Nic Lablanc is still passing out “Billyboy." Rennie Krause bmiKlit several bales of cotton. I’laiitatioii Si'.ew is doing nicely, thanks. See “Billy” and “Billy's Mother," Howdy

Motlier. Yes, Due. Tl eliua likes a fat man. Wanta bucket. John Meyers? .Now. W. \V. Sterling, who is boss of the

chew shop > "We have everything those ten banners de¬

pict.” crake.1 fnim tlie ravings of our es¬ teemed side-show talker.)

“Howdy, Irene, have you seen ‘Billy’?" Regards to Ue<.>rge Dorman and staff.



Made of REAL LmUkt.


IHai't compare oun with the cheaper books rsm on the market. KK.Mi;MRKR, we arc THK «>RI«il.NATt»R.S nf this !>ook, and aell more of them than all other dealers combined.

SEEING IS BELIEVING. Sample stsit on rm-ipt of 2.*'ic. Priee, ger

GrwM. S24.M.

BRACKMAN-WEILER COMPANY Wliatasala Jewelers and Preailuai


337 W. Madisaa Striel. Chieage, III.





\ IgVI tXH'NTY. WRITE TttDAY »'oR V-lw-H J rATAUK’.l'B A.ND ThUlMS. Cut two-

thirds actual alae.

rm 60LDEN RULE CUTLERT CO. V- H Dept. 10,

552 W. Liki St., Chicigo. III.


The Magici Photo Duplicator

A chnnlcal that hte no equal for copying plc- taiee. prints, denlgiia, lellera, etc. ladira will <lnj H iMeful for cigning rmhmldery drwlgna. In baiw, $1 on pve gponn: LV is-r doarii. Send 10c for sam¬ ple and Instrurtlniw. AifiShrr big si-ller for street- men la the NFNV StkUiKJlING (XtMIXH'ND, a adtleh that will stick an.Tvrherr. erm on etiamelid ware. We srii it In sticks at 13 75 ptr gross. Sam¬ ple. 10c.

The following explains itself: Holton, Kan., Sept. 30, 1014.

Billlsiard I’nb. Co.; Have Just read in tliis week's issue of The

Billboard the notice in regard to the claim of the Canadian immigration officers and the names listed as not leaving Canada. Wish to state tliat I left Canada one week after the Rice 4c Ih>re Sls'w did. or. to be exact, on the seventh of August. One other name in the list is E. A. Smith. Smith was working with me at tlie time, and left Canada the same day I did. Wliere lie is right now I don't know, but am IK.sitive lie is in tlie States. 1 am writing to Hire A Itore Show tonight, and hope this mat¬ ter gets straightened out. For any further in¬ formation address me en route with Wortham allows. I am. Yours sincerely,



Martin F. Ross is another Bedouin to voice his views re the Canada Rice & Dore experi¬ ence, as follows:

Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 1, 1914. Billboard Pub. Co.:

In your iasue of October 3 I noticed the article, “Boodle or Bond,” of which my name apiiears aa one of the party who remained to make several stands in Canada after flie Bice A Dore company closed their Canadian tour.

The entire party who entered Canada with the show and not returning caused the $2,000 bond to be held until they returned, which was to be at the close of the Edmonton Exhibition.

1 checkwl out at the Canadian immigration ofll<*e, at Eraersiin Junction, thua clearing my- aelf. I have also awore to an affidavit that I am back in the States (at NaAville. Tenn.). which is now in the possession of Bice A Dore.

Trusting you will spare these few lines in your valuable publication, and cause the balance of the parties concerned, who are regular readers of “Old Billytoy" to send in their affiiLavits as to their locality In the C. S. A. in Justice to Rice A Dore.

Yours verv truly. MARTIN F. BOSS.


.\tter four weeks in Pennsylvania, we are again back in Ohio. Rnslnese in Pennsylvania was fair, with the exception of Meyersdate, where we played the county fair to big busi¬ ness.

Mrs. Hampton recovered her flve-pasaenger auto, which was stolen June 30. last week. Cliff Limie is being held in Columbus on a charge of grand larceny.

D. D. Daley did some yery good work In Mt. Pleasant.

Niles. O., was a 811-in week, and not very good for any one. Mt. Pleasant. Pa., under the Flremeu. and I.ancaater. 0., under the ilooee, turned out very good.

All are Kicking forward to a big week at the fair in Hamilton. O., next week, after which the sliow cl.iaes. The outfit will be atored In Hamilton for the winter.

Mrs. E. Hampton, owner, will remain In Hamilton all winter. H. E. VanGorder. man¬ ager, will go to hla home in New York, 8. Mulcahy to hia homo in Connecticut, and the rest of the people will Join the Roberts United Shows.

Few changes were made In the personnel of the companv since the opening. May 2, In M'hoeling. W. Va.

A number of added attractions have been signed for the fair at Hamilton, and will Join Roberts on his trip South.

The Empire Shows will go out next season better than ever, opening early in Hamilton.




Wurlitzer Service is as good as Wurlitzer Instruments. Don’t pay storage on your Band Organ, or be bothered about moving it from place to place. Just ship it to the Wurlitzer Factory. Wurlitzer will unbox it; go over it carefully, then furnish an estimate to put it in first-class condition. If estimate is not satis- K^—tory we will re-box it and deliver

depot FREE OF CHARGE. Just s \\ urlitzer offers




Remember, NO OBLIGATION iR THE STORAGE OR ESTI- ^TE. Band Organs Repaired or

Remodeled of Any Make.



PINS S-fUDS 0RM8. w $2.75 RFNGS, :‘.U • - $6.50 EAR RlNGS,$6.00

A full line of Watches for Punel Boards, Hijfh Pitch Men, Spindle Work era, Raffles and Games of Chance-

Mo CATAioo nm.


28 X ti e Billboard OCTOBER TO, T9t4.


November 16 to 21, inch—6 Days and 6 Nights. iFOLLOWIlSJG SHREVERORX.)

WANTED -Attractions of all kinds—Motordrome, Riding Devices, Oriental, Pit and Animal Shows. Write or^wire^at once. Best fair in America for privilege and concession people. Terms reasonable.

W. W. WATERS, Secretary, Hot Springs, Ark.


K<>* f-rt O. Adkiuti »iid W. C'. (KluBcrs) Steven*, *t (ireiwiit |>l».viiiB • tew Kaim* and Oklaliuina fair* with an Orie.ital ab-iw, will take out a carnival company of their own aliortl.v, otienlnic at I'awnee, Ok. "niey expect to carry a I’laut. Show, Oriental Show, Musical Comedy and twelve coueeaaioDs.


Ellxal,etb. N. J., Sept. Eric Johannaon, former apeelal afceut of tbe Col. Francia Ferari Sbuwa Cnited, baa accepted tbe poaition aa bead of tbe aale* department In tbe New York oOlceH of tbe Wrifbt ManufarturiOK Co. Mr. Johannson baa been paaeing a few oaya at hia borne In tbla city, and will aaaume tiia duties abortly.


Tile World at Home enjoyed a holiday before o,ienin|{ tbe Ak Sar-Ben Celebration at Omaha, September 30. 'Hie layiiff waa welcome after a atreniHiiiR tiege of big State fairs, and pot everylaidy |u Hue fettle for tbe balance of tbe aeaaon witli tbe big Southern State fairs and tbe International Dry Farming Congress at Wiebita.

J, It. *‘I>ad" Weaver is still on tbe Job aa secretary of the .4k-8ar-Ben and baa worked bard to bring tbe crowds to Omaha during the ten (lays. September .30-October 10. The coun¬ try for a radin* of fifty miles baa been billed Bore thonuig'Iily than any cirena waa ever billed, and “Dad" call* tbe big doing* a “Carnival.” All tbe ahowK are spotted on tbe street* and vacant K>ta. wltli the main entrance at Seven- teevith and Howard. Tbe gmunda are most brilliantly lighted, and when this was writtea aliowmen. com-easlnnalre* and tbe committee were hlgtily optlmlatic over the oiitlook for goo<t hnslnese. Beachey flli-a October 5. 6 and 7. making all filgbts over tbe “Carnival Orounds.”

The International Dry Farming Congress and Wichita Exposition at W’lebita, Kan., will be tbe next spot with the Texas State Fair at Dallas to follow.

It's “I'aps" Vic Ealirk now. “Papa” went borne from Sioux Clt.v on receipt of news that Mr*. Kslick had given birth to a daughter.

C. M. C'as«*y. general presa agent and special promoter, leave* for Chicago from Omaha to take over management of a new vaudeville and picture iKiuse in the Windy City.


Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 2.1.—“Rucker Day” will stand out as the red-letter event for cer¬ tain memliera of tbe Ftdey tc Burk aggregation here at tbe California State Fair.

Of course tbe otUcial program man forgot to dealgnste tlie occasion as ala've noted, but the day was dedicated to the immortal Morria, of snake show' fame, just the aame, and It would take considerslde argument with perhaps a lively "ha.v rulie” thrown in to convince the “bunch” tliat there was anytliing else bapiienlug on the fair grounds thst dsy,

Kucker sure made a name for himself when be and bis Ix-tter half apix-ared at tlie office tent of tbe F. & B. organisation.

During one of the busiest hallyboos tlie at- tacbees of tlie slwiw bad tlielr attention diverted by tbe advent of a siieedy antonsdiile. which arrogantly piked its nose almost into the Ten- ln-<me. tlie haughty chauffeur hardly deigning to stop for such flimsy harriers as 20-ounce canvas.

Incoiignniusl.v omsplcccua in the ample ton¬ neau of the huge machine was a “regular pap guy.” in linen duster and a buxom dame with a huge market li.isket. wtiicli. fr<im ita appear¬ ance. promised great things for “troupers.” wisw main subsistence had lieen a "beefateak- miittonaiidliorkctiopshamhaconandegga will you have your coffee now ?" diet and the sh<iw man- agera immediately commenced to pay regular attention to the big car.

From It emerged “Snake Show” Pucker, who, with ilia go<Mi wife, had Journeyed in from Itsncii i;l. of the Natonias Irrigation Project to sp-nd a da.v with "regular bIhiw fellers.” and seciirc a long coveted snlflf of real sawdust.

Tiirkc.v. two wlade ones; chicken, browned to the proper crisp; home-made biscuits (the ^ys bad comnienceii t<i believe there was no such animsli. Jellies, salads to make your mouth water, preserves like mother used to make (and d<K-s still if the Isiya could only get Ii<iine once In a wlillei. and a collection of thick, white flnlil. which tlie “farmer” lalsded milk, but which conformed to mit.liing we have ever aeen in any of the cliop liouses or “iwpnlar-prlced cafes" (onr milk has an exquisite baby blue tint and is much prettier than the Rucker brand*.

Well, tliat “feed” was of short duration, not on account of the lack of appreciation on the part «if tlie participants, neither on account of aiiv lark of iinantity. hut tlie boys Just had to "Idle" into It full tilt, and for the first few minutes there w aa no chance for conversation on arcoiint of the avidity with which the “gaug” devourp,! tlie eilildes.

Rucker wss in Ida element. He haa been doing ids “back to the soil” stunt, making noth- ti'e tint m< ner and a healtliy constitution, and has not had a chance t« rub nose* with real showmen for some time, poor Morria. He will warn have s<i much UMiney tliat no one will dare to demand iiav for admission to a show but will hand out tlie "eomps” without question.

^^^Oh. yes. the balance of the fair; “Well. It a g’sid one, and the show did a record bu*!-

Only Nine Weeks MORE AND THEN



And oh! people, it is going to be a pippin—a pippin from Washington — alongside of winch all “the others” will be quinces.

We’ve got a whole lot of new stuph on the hall this year.

And it’s good stuph—very choice stuph.

REMEMBER THESE DATES It will come out on the 8th. The last form

will close Sunday at midnight, Deceml)er d. No preference in the matter of position can be e.\er- cised later than

DECEMBER 1st The circulation, GUARANTEED and WRIT- I


51,000 COPIES I Advertisers—please, PLEASE, PLEASE note

that word COPIES. Don’t he caught by that old, old ruse of the circulation liar, who asserts “our circulation is etc., etc.” It is how many COPIES that are printed that you want to know.

For purposes of comparison all claims not stated in COPIES are worthless—and, quite gen¬ erally, dishonest.



-WANTED- Biding Devices, ConcesskMi*. Flye-tn-One, snd *U aort* of Ls-gltlmate AttracUona. Mmy-Oo-Bound, Feirl* Whivl snd Ocesn Wave, write nr crane on si once. This celehratlcm will be held on the IMtygrfHjiid*. at 2Sth and Diamond Stivets, under tire auspirra of rblladripbia Business Men and liillanthropl'.ta Interested In the Hrane for the Aged, and will be advertlserl exu-nslvely. Music, Parade*. Piiae r'ontntta every day and iilghU I><»SIT1VELY THK niUST t'ra-raRATlO.N EVKK HKU> IN THlii PART OF I’lllLADFnJ'lilA. Addntw for apace and exclusive |«1vllrg<v>.

HARRY CRANE, 2111 West Y'ork Street. Philadelphia, Pa.

Medicine Showmen, Agents, Palmists and Hustlers

YtrIT aKK t.<rSIN(; SOME NICK UMY MONCT If you fall to work our Btgti tirade inj-XTRIO BU,T«. AITUAVCFS and BODY BATTT;KDat on the aide or tn your office. Alad a nice aide line for iterformem making one to alx-day stands, Sno to I.tdM

JM per cent profit. Send ISo for Kai^le Belt and Lreture on KecirtriUr. (Ki nK pciivr Uat wm rm tbe best line nut.

_W_THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. (laa. IB»I)._Buetlagtaa. Kaaiaa.


nr SB. The Igorrote Village pruvetl a winner v» lth tlie I>e..ple of the Liipital City aa rlld Kllaaiieth and UH'st of tie other attrar tious.

Kliaalietli waa afcurdet] the honor of a ride in tlie tu-ivate automobile of (lovemur Jubnsou. wlu. escorted tiie Intereating little lady tbrougb the State capital aim to the priuripal points of in terrat abr>ut the city.

We were h.iuored by many vlaitors durlug tlie fair. President A. C. Dickinson of the E'rewuo E'alr-, Secretary A. O. Robliumn of the Kings County E'alr aim .Manager Jim Gregory of the Riverside 4'alr, all stopping to pay tbetr re- *pr--t*. Tlie "tiiek" plays all three in tbe near future.

Savllla Brothers have been engaged to prewrnt a free act for tbe balance of tbe eeaaoii. They ilo a r-on>e<ly acrobat turn.

James Dunn, who was talking in front of Klixalwtli. left here.

Karuest Drake sold his Pllgiini’a Progress to Harry Weyler of tbe conresalima and left Bx Ban Jose to engage in business.

Ell Foley, who baa been In charge of the ad raiiie all aeaaon. Joined here and will stay wilt, the allow until we go into winter quarters.

ColoDel Ed Burk was a vialter to tbe Baroum Show at Stockton, and renewed many old ac- qiialiitancea while there.


Since our last imntiibatlon we playerl Jeller auu City. liarriman and UTX-kvinuod, Teiiu. Jef fere.ii City was a co.uplete blormier fi>r every.- hra'y. while liarriman and Borkwiwd weie very gram. We play Rome. ua.. we»-k of rtetoper 1-lU, and from tbere go to Carroilbrn, Ua.. for tile fair.

Vi. J. Beard and *i>mi. Carl and Clyde, left ns at Harriman September M. taking with them their merry-go-roourt and ferrla wheel. They were on this trick three year*, and all regretterl to aee them go.

I’aul Williams, wife and daughter. late of the Great European Show*. Jolneil with their Parker three-ahreast machine and aeveral coo cessions. Tbe ilaugliter is running tlie rat tack, and she sure knows how.

Jack Winslow Joiiierl wltb a iHirp-U. J. I- Woorlen is now In front of Peg’s Joint. Harry Rmall and wife Joined at Rorkwoorl.

Mrs. S'uall lia* tbe mitt camp, while Harry is i writing tile sheet ami glviug away bis war

maps. Slmrly Mangiin is making good on the Craty

House. T. P. Littlejivbn si-ema to be at liome In nla

pillow Joint. Mra. Marry lltcb Is assisting bini.

Mr. l»e«el. ail|ierinlendeut of the Mrvutbem K. R.. also owner of Iiewel'a IK>g and Pony Mbow snd hi.s wife and daughter, were tlie guests of Mr. I.ittlejohn aim valfe at liarriman.

Alfred Minting is still keeping tlie bnneh posteil I'U the war.

ItolM-rt Moore, tlie mail levy, ha* a new bicycle —so til" iiial! is being deliven-d more expedi tloiisly.


Jacksonville. III., Sept. ’JS. — Big business was done at the Hpringtield llll.) Stale Pair last

1 week. .\s usual. Dolly Uyoii's Tango Girls took top money. However, some of tlie other show*

j gave Dolly a elose run. The weather was Ideal, i 'Hie Water Simw did exeeptioiialty big bustnea-. I while the Motordrome was never Idle. Aiiatra j Han Jaek .4rin«tn>ng and Dare-I>evil Lee IHIy.

rliler*. had many wrile-iips in the dally papers. I 11. I.. Bush, who had lieen cunflneil to the ; bostdtal sinee last June. Buffering with Injurirs j received when we ahoweil Clinton, la., has re i turned, and we are all glad to again have him I w'ilb ns.

Jacksonville (III. week iVs‘sn't hsik very g<s>d, but we all e\|MM t a big oue at Hannibal, Mo., next week.


Texar tsMiii.i .ire the Great Clifton Kelley Bliows. playing a few fairs in Arkansas are proving better Ilian anticipated.

Georg? E. C«.ike. one of tlie drivers in Kwartr s aiitoitrome. departed f«r hi* lioroe tn New York Cltv last week. .4. B. Hwarta la handling the car lilmsidf, and siilhce to say. IM-rfectiy. Clem lleliiHinl la a recent addition to the dnune

J. C. Wodetsky hsa addisl a liam wheel to hla holdings. If J. C. would sprinkle some of that imisirteil water he uses in the Panama Cniisl Kiiow over Ills sliow ind coniS’iialonB prot*- ahly they would gri'W and eventually he would have a carnival of his own.

t'ol. J. D. Mw,s.ner is surely a lucky man. Tl.e Meal weather sisdl* (nice J<diit. and his big pillow and ihdl stores are the center of attraetloiis on eoticession ia>w.

IUiT>- Parrl.h, late of the tbi Ranch Show, was a recent ylaitor, and renewed old acquaint .ancea.

Jessi’ l.iicy, onr bB«s drnmmer ami mall man, was forced t,, leave the aliuw Isst Siiiidsy owing to Illness.

Banduisater FVIhiirger de|inrted for Kansas CIt)', Mo., amt D'e bsm| la isiw under the aide dlreetlrai of Fd Hhoiilt*.

John RnhI. of German Flea Circus fame, ha* ailded an attractive new hsnner. which diaplaya the excelhnt worknianshlp of the I’ M. Tent A Awning Co. Jolm ha* refused man) offers from other compsnies tills aiimmer to remain where he clalina be enloyed the biggest summer husine.s he over evi>erlence<l.

Hikeston. M*., fair was a banner wi-ek for this show.

OCTOBER 10, 1914.


BIG MONEYMAKING FAIR SEASON IS NOW AT ITS HEIGHT. If you want your share of the golden harvest sendyouror-

d» rs toUS. We appreciate and will take careof your business.

THE LARGEST LINES OF GOODS for fairworkers in the country. Prices the lowest.

Je<««lry, Watchea, Clocks. Silverware, Pocket Knives. Razors, Fountain Pens, llmbrellas, Pil*

low Tops, Pennants. Balloons. Teddy Dolls. I Teddy Bears, Paddle Wheels. Country I Stores. Punchboards. Novelties of All

Descriptions, Etc.

Everything that is needed and used by

Fair Workers, CarniTal Men, Auctioneers, Hoop-fa People, Street Vendors, Punchboard Men, Etc.

When you deal with us you need not divide your shipments and pay express charges on several packages.

.\n order to us means ONE SHIPMENT—NO DELAYS. If you do not have our Fall catalog, write at once for the

Shure Winner Catalog No. 59 Full of the latest features and newest goods. To avoid «lelay say what line of business you work.

KiviiiK TjiUiiiii anil Ikt fri«*nilH tli*- blKizest ji>J- ffi*l tile Snitli bun ,‘\er It will b«* lield ill FVbnniry.

Tin- Ibilnti" fiiiii'i",. F’air .VHwoiatlon at New lb>ailM. La,, lias In-i-n ori:aiil*c<l. I. U Mar- itaii wa> fl**<'ti-il |>r<‘^i<ll■llt, and E. Itny. bik;- r»*lary. Dat*-B of tlif fnir art* O'-IoImt ‘S.K 3i and .'tl. and all adiiiiHabHia mil b<f fn***. Tb« axaiiclalion lias $i"in from tin- Stale. li'Bi from the I'ariili of l‘oliite Coupee and ll.Vt from the KelMMil Itoanl. and a )£<mmI many <itber »ub?»crii>- tIofiH from tbe plaiiterH and merehautu tlip'iifh- uiit tbe pariMi, wbieb will be uned in AiiviDit preiiiiniiiH.

•After a lapae of twenty yeara the Nwlaway I'ounty Fair waa reneweil tbla year at MarxTUle, ■Mo. The attendance raugeil from 5,000 to 12,000 each day. The track, grounda and bulldlnga were in g<»«l aliai>e and the exliibita excellent. The free attraction Included C'apt. J. H. Wonleu, with three til lita a day for tive days (Septemlier 15); tbe .Aerial L'tt.s, and Blgley, high diver.

The New State Fair. Muakogee. Ok., aecoiid In iiii|Nirtanc? only to the Oklahniiia State Fair, will o|M.n Octolwr .'>. and c<'iitiiiue through alx days. The Hrundage Sliowa. Tharlu’a Hand, Itlake'a Cianeily Circiia and Flying Koaarda ami ItickettH coiu|M>He the principal attractiona ■Many exliildta and conceaaiona will go there fmiu the Oklahoma State Fair in uklaliunia t'lty.

nie date* for the .San Angelo (Tex.) Fair and Carnival have been set for November 3 to 7. Tbe premium Hat and program have been pnb llaheil and mailed out over the State. Ofllcerw of the aiiBoclatlon are William -Anaon. president; J. 1’. .Amlerwon. vlce prevldent; George Webti, treasurer: blgar S. Hamilton, aeiretary; Tlioinaa K. Owen, aaKlatant secretary.

The Wood Gounty Fair. Bowling Green, O., cl'»*e,l Its moat iucoesafui year September 10. Ideal weather prevailed all week. It la esti¬ mated that Friday’s ciaiwd numbered 35.000 and that the attendance for the week was about 75,000. The fair company Intends to Increase the site of tbe present grand staml, which holds over 4.000.

William J. Bryan has accepted the Invitation to come to Elizabeth, N. J.. dnrlng tbe 280tb. Anniversary Celebration. Secretary Bryan will apeak at tbe State Armory on tbe evening of Tnesday, October 27. More than 2.000 residents are working to make the big historic pageant, sebednied at tbe Armory for Wednesday night, a anccem.

A feature of the PuUakI County Fair. Uttle Rock, Ark., this year will be tbe Oakatta, i pageant representing historic events of the State, 5,000 school children taking tbe part of Indians, .Spanish explorers, trappers, pioneers, soldiers, etc. The fair will be held November 10, 11 and 12, with John C. Small acting as secretary.

The first dairy fair to be held In California la being arranged to oi>en October 14 and continue four days in Modesto. Tbe plan of the pro¬ moters it to call attention to California’s Im¬ portance as a dairy State. TAie event Is sup¬ ported by all the stock and dairy asaoclatlona of the State, also by the College of Agriculture.

The Kleberg County Fair at Kingsville. Tex., la n"t only for agrlcnltural and stock Industries, but for everything pertaining to these intereata. vlx.; Creamery and dairy products, agricultural Implements of all kinds, etc. The dates of the fair are November 18 and 19. and Dr. H. N. Graves ami WaUer H. Jeraig are the aecretaries.

The County Commissioners of Ward County. North Dakota are considering the proposition of taking over the conntv fair proiierty north of Minot, consisting of 60 acres. .An elTort Is being made to get the county to assume the first mortgsge of $4.!■<*•. it slready bolding the «iuivalent of a mortgage for $7,000.

The TrI.State Fair and F:iiioslti<vn at Memphis, Tenn.. oiiene<l Septemlwr 26 with the largest attendance on reconl for an tnwnlng day. there being more than 40.000 paid admissions. The fair was opened with a series of auto races under the auspices of the .A. .A. .A. The Barkoot Shows were providing the midway attractions.

Acconling to an aniiouiicenient made by .A. ! I’. Ssndb—. president of the Ohio M.ste .Agri¬

cultural the first Ohio Midwinter Fair will N‘ held at Colnmhiis. at the State Fair Grounds. Jsmisrv 1* ti 1.5. The fair will be

I confitwsl prineipally to exhibits of dairy pr.Hlncts, Ieen'.sis. poiillr.x, apples and aiitom'biles

The dlre<’tors of the East Florida Fair As- s<ielaiion, I’alatka, Fla., met last week, and they unanimously deoldeil to push matters, get the giMiinils In shape for an exhibition during the winter or early sprlnr. and invite Volusia and other East Coast counties to take part.

The I’utnam County Fair .Assm-latlon. Win¬ field. W. Va.. belli Its second fair early In Setiteniber and same was a success. The free

I si tractions w ere furnlsheil by Charles Morfoot and Drof. .A. D. King. The fair assiH-lathm will lot Id a ra. c t;sck tor next yc.xr s event.

A copy of the iirx'nilnm list of the .Arkansas Stale Fair and F.xisislthii. to lie held at Hot Springs. Novcmln'r 16 21, has been recelveil. It Is a ncnilv arranged tiooklet containing 170 pages, and full of valuable Information for ei- hlldtors.

The Fourth .American Road Csmgrcta will be held in .Atlanta. <la., front NovenilH-r 9 to 14. It is proiMised to make this the biggest road m<s‘llng ever held in the I nlteil .Stall's. F'red II.. Is secretary.

The San F>aiicls.s> Retailers’ Protective .As¬ sociation wi;i present ihetr seomd annual In- diisiHal Fair- art. Industries, mechanics -at the <'ol|s,.nm from ii. t.dH'r 17 to J.'* F Ulttlgsteln Is general dlrei-tor.

\n old faslih'insl ivmnty fair will be held at Months'llo. Ind . October 14 17. Inclusive. Prizes will he ofiered for all k'nds of farm and home products, as Well as for h.Tses. cattle. Is'gs and sheep.

.6amncl K Foster, president of the Pblladel- )ihla < ounly F'air .Ass,s.lallon. Philadelphia. Pa., siirrcri'il the loss of over $,3.1X10 rts'ently thrnngb fire, which deslroyeil his barn and Its omtents.

The Nsnsemoiid Coiinlv Agricultural and Eslii- cathmal Fair at SiitTuIk. Va.. will te held in the .Armory Mall on Novemlwr 4. 5 and 6.

The Northwestern Kansas Motorcycle Meet will b«' held at Norton, Kan., October 21 and 22.

Killed By An Explosion

President of Pain Fireworks Co. and Three Employees Lose

Live* When Plant Is Destroyed

(Tilcago. t>»t. 1.’ .A terrific explosion d«- troyed the entire plant of tbe Pain FTrewurkx Company In thla city last Wednesday, killing II. B. TheaiSe, president of the cumpsny; Ed- wsrd M. Cuduor, sslesmau; Mrs. Florence Hill. Ms.'relary jo Mr. Thearle. U. F. Wolf, an em¬ ployee, la reported missing, ahmg with another man named Johusun, who it said to have been the electrician the ■■oiiipany. .Among tiewe

e.l I > HI •• 1. II I a I.' -1. the ortl. e t»o. all.l ll\e Ollle' p<s>ple who lis|i;'ene<l to U ckis. t.. Hie I'sln fa.Kir.x wh.-n the secl-

Ttie csiise |s Isid to s|K,u(sueous imnibastloo, due to tbe formalism of gases within tbe con- errte sml Iron pitted vaults, cooialDing $6,000 worth of fireworks, said 4ir. Duflleld, general su|n-rluleiideut of tbe Pain Company.

rile explosion could be heard for blocks, and It rause.1 a atarapesle among the euriikiyeea of Desrtiy factories and ollti'es. Wlinkiws were . .. ., .-ii wit. - II a rs.l'ci. Ill s h<sk •inare.

•All iuvestlgalluQ is being carrleil on by tbe city In oixler to learn the dlrei't cause of tbe exploalon.

The Pain Fireworks t ompsny was tbe only exaupany In Cbl.-ago that carrM in stock fire- wiirko and ex|i|,is ie» M « •« ssl.t I" hare lieen bonded by the city for In onler to carry stoi-k on hand.




Also a full line of the best and LATEST PILLOW TOPS and TABLE COVERS in LEATHER and FELT. Our prices are the lowest.

Don’t fall to SM aU tnfarnaUan about osir NSW ITSUS. Thla «aat won’t $wW m la aB W theaa. Writs now for our etroular.

IVfEIXICAN ARN4ADIL.L.O CURIO CO. 164 N. FIFTH AVE. <E.M.alv. WaWar. Rsemaatath. fwt CHICAGO. ILL. THE JOSEPH ROTH HFfl. 00, Now Vark. N, Y, THE SAW-WOOD OOMN 00, Atlaata.

UklalHima City. Sept. 29.—The aecxind week of the Oklahoma State Fair It enjoying - perfect weather cuiMlItluns and the allendauce la large. Tbe alteielauce the first four -lays was allghtly over Su.tlUO despite laoleroent weather the first two days. Concesshms which did n-'t fare well two .or three days <if npenliig week were getting their share Momlay aiwl Tnemlay. The xouu^ h<ir«e show which vimiie.l Abuiday night, will continue throiiglHiiit the week.

Th( Briindage Slivws are en>iylng good pat- ronage. The free stti actions sre of s high order and are numerms. They Include Shsw’a 0»me<ly Animal Circus, iloiland ami UockrUl, equestrians; ISiwer's Klephants and the Hutch- iaon .Aenmaiils. Thaviu's Baud Is fiirntsbing the miisiral program.

Racing, which heretofore has l>een a big crowd getter In (suiuectlon with the fair, waa dealt a sexere blow by a new racing statute la-t year which pixdiiblls lietting.

Prai’th ally $I.taa).tMai worth of live atock la sn exhibit, the record for this fair.



3635-41 Garmantown Avanua PHILADELPHIA, PA.

54th Great North Carolina State Fair The first week In Novemlier has been iw'lectcl

aa ttie time f<ir the Nausemond County Fair. Suffolk. Va.. and a catahigue and J>remlum Hat has t,-eu IsKiKsl by the Fair .\as,M'latloD. I’rlaes will t>e offered on both live atock and farm ptxsluctt. Many aubalautlal oaih prizes will In. offered aa well as ■ large number of rlblsius. The projeet is haekexl by many of tbe niiMit Influential men. inerebants and farmers all over the county, and Suffolk will fisve a genuine, old fashlonetl cxxinty agricultural fair. .M. \V. Joyner is president, and 1’. S. Blandford. si-cretar, of the association.

'The Ihnwteni' t^ub, nrlglnUtors a year ago of the Gaaptrilla carnival Idi'a at Tampa, Fla . has taken In band again this )ear an import ant p<rt of the work neeesssr., to make this He.Is a .Iieeess. The organizatl m will isi-' o|ierste with Sesretary .4. I. .Vilen, who la In a, tlve eliarge of the carnival. Several tiniii. and dollars hsc already Is-en’ ral-el for the csrnlxnl. It is plsnneil to sto'iiil $4o.(sat on

Raleigh, N. C., Oct. 19-20-21-22-23.24. 1914. WANTS “Wild Wst” Show and other good, cleam Shows and Cooceaalona. Beat Fair for Shows and Oon- otaaloos In ths South AUantlo Sutea. No gambling or immoral abowa. Write

JOS. E. P06UE. Sssrstary.

Shows and Attractions of all Kinds Wanted FOR MIDWAY. NORTH CAROLINA NEGRO STATE FAIR, RALEIGH, N. C.

Thirty-sixth Annual Fair, Race Meet and Home Coming, UCTOBER 26Ui to Slat, 1914. ImmedlateLv foUowlnf State White Fair, making two weeks upon the eame grounde, day and nlgbL People here attend fairs, and spend the money.


CAROLINA FAIR, OCTOBER 1Stli-24th Open Day and Night. Write at once and secure location.




rbe grounda are lox-ated oti Neu.-,e River, about two miles from New Beni, and are e«.xlly and quickly reuched 9r rail, autoaBohile or boat. Tralna wlU be operated every hour fmen tbe I'nloo I*aaaenger Station to ths fixrunda and aulomobll<« and boats run oontlnuoualy. Average attendance 2ii,(K)0. Liberal terms end the bem at treatment to aU. Addraws CLVl E EBV, General Manater, New Bern, N. C.

RAYVILLE, EOIJ1SIA.NA. Thrre Big Ortot>«*f 22-54. Nfw one-half mile Raoe Track. \V.\NT Cl*'an I'amlval r(*mpan.T. NovelU^, .Mtm-iki-RiMMul. .\ddr«'9a E. P. NORMAN. Sceiietary.

THIRD ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR, HAHIRA, GEORGIA. W.\NT All kinda of clean Shewra. .AmuaemrnUi and OcMic^alotis. All Showa and OifireaKlona that wert- with us last want to civue bai*k. but we must have maia> mo.T. Will hare the people with the moneT- Tome and get iL October 2oih to 24th. Write W. W. WEBB. Pi^dtnt. Hahira, Georgia.


W.VVTEIV—All klnd« of Attractions. (Nmceenlons and Amueementa. 1(*0.00() CDLORM* COTTON IMi'KERS. •VIJ, WORKING, that will attend this Carnival; the many people of the State, and only one t\>lore<l Caml- val Grounds thla year. Managers write or wire PROF, M. H. PHILLIPS, Manater.

GIBSON CITY CARNIVAL l^>alle la Mx-tHarx id the North I'anillna

Fair, a i.wlthm wlih-h he ha. nili.1 for a T of year. Tlila year’, fair will Iw hold (4 OrtolHV 19

FIVE DAYS, OCTOBER ISth te ITth. Motordrome. Ferrle Wheel. Bhowi and Ciniitealiaie wanted. H. P, ARROWSMITH. City. IIHasit.

X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.

"■ B



B<>p»rt & Nel.on (Orpbeum) !»«*. JKiiipre»») T»«hii.. WmI..; (Kb Vanc..^. r. B. C.. 12 17. VV’v.

(■ll■l>■» & Baly (Klatliaab) Ilntoklyn 8-10.

EDOIE IRCMi , —a ^

RflRDEII A SHANNOII LEO CARRILLO BwIvWmIV W routa (Irphrum Olmilt. Kettb’a Urailt and

(jelea; (PaiitiiKeai San Olego 12-17.

Victoria) Cbarleaton, 8. C'.,

lala free of ebarac. llembcn ct tha nroTeasbin are Infltcd. ri'Uto, tan., 1. li.

Manaana and peffomim are leapecUuily requeatcd to cwitrlbuia tbelr daUa lo thi« dcftartmaot. Boutea wnat rracti The Hlllboard not later than VMday of each week to tnaure publication.

The Billboard forwarda ail mail for profeealonala free of charge. Membcia of the profeealon are Inrlted. vhlle on the road, to bare Uidr mall addreaaed in oare of Tba BtUooard, and it will *e forwarded prompUy. Bower of Melody (Enipreaa) Grand ICapide,

.Micb.. S 10.

Biven in theae columns will be ignored unless answers are prepaid.


BOWERS "Some Act."_Dir. M. 8. Petitbam.

IVxwers, Freil V., ti Co. (Orpheum) BlrniinKbam, Ala.

Eki routa (Irpbrum (Tmilt. Keltb’a Clrmilt and Kiislaiid.

Cauierou Sletera (.Maji-atici Milwaukee, t'eiiieroii, IieVltt A (Vi. iKmpreiia) St. Panl. t'antille'a iKiga (WlllanI) C-hlcago 8 10. t'aniidiell, MUeee (tiarrlck) Wilniliicton. I>el.,

12 17. Canarle A Cleo (Babcock) BUIliiga, Mont., 8 7;

iKuiprexe) Butte 12 17. Cantor & l.<*e iBiiebwU-ki Br<e«klyn 12 17. t'aiitwcll A Walker (Or|ibcuui) Kaueae City 12-

17. Capital ('ity Konr iOnibeuni) Hammond, Ind.,

S 10; (MaJeHtIcI l>iibn<|iie. la., 12-11; (.Ma¬ jestic) Cellar Uaplds 15-17.

Avolloa. Musical (Orplienni) Vancouver, B. C.) S 10; (MaJeKtlc) lliibuune. la., 1-11; (.Ma- PERFORMERS’ DATES (Emprees) Tacoma. Wash., 12-17. FREDERICK V. Jestk) Cellar Haplds lo 17.

Avon Comeily Four (Orpbenm) Omaha. Neb.; ■T* 17 G - (Ondieum) .St. Paul 12 17. D ^ VV tla K 9 C*"»-0» . ^ . b."-,

■r^i__ nn* Bairby, Sergt. (Kaltb’ei Philadelphia 12-17. "Some Act." Ulr. M. 8. PenUiam. CASEXTA And LE^TORA Telegrams inquiring tor routes ot B^kpr. Lucy A Ethel (Oipbeum) Spokane; (Em- s,„tune'i Oardeo of Living BUtMa. ven in these columns will be ignored preSHl Seattle 12 17. IVxwera, Freil V., A Co. (Orpbeum) BIrniingbam, Booked Solid on United Tima,

tiess answers are prepaid. Baker, Belle (Kelth’a) Philadelphia. _ Ball. Foeter. A Vu. (Oilonlal) .N. Y. C. 12 17. Brads, The (Colonial) hne. Pa.; (Keith's) t ap|«len. Mr. A Mr*. (Grand) Tmy, S. V.. 8 10.

CA/U _ _ J-A- _ AU- _L. —was—WWW—• Cleveland 12-17. Canlo A .Nidi (Colonial) Erie. Pa.. 12-17.


with Nitdune'a Gardeo of living Stittwa. Booked Solid on United Tima.

When no date is given, the week of Oct. 5-10 is understood.

Acme Foih- (PaiitsKes) Portland. Ore. Art Beautiful (Victory) San Joae, Cal., 9-10;

(Orpbeum) Oaliland 12-17.

ADOLPH a RAYMOND "The Oueat" and "The Walter."

BANKOFFandCIRLIE Paaalng Show, 1814: Winter Oarden.

Brady A Mahoney (American) Chicago 8-10.

Adair A Adair (Ori'heum) Beattie. phia Adair, Edith A Eddy (Colonial) Norfolk, Ts., Barry

8-10. — Adelaide A Hughes (Royal) N. Y. C.; (Keitb’a) ■■

Ihwton 12-17. Iwl Adler A Arline (Orpheum) Montreal, Can.; (Do¬

minion) Ottawa 12-17.

Ball, Rae E. (Temple) Hamilton, Can.; (Tern- Boston 12-17, pie) Detroit 12-17. ■—

Barnard A Anger (Shiitiert) I'tica. N. Y.. 12-17. I I I I I Barnes A Ilobinson (Ondienm) Boston 8-10. LILLI Barnes, Stuart (Shea's) Toronto, Can. nuaTAAineve Bsrr A Brunswig (Plata) Montgomery. Ala., bustaudbt b.

6-17. Harry, Mr. A Mrs. Jimmy (Keilh's) Phlladel- The

phla 12-17, _ Itroailwar Ciinii

Braiidon A ■ra.Tlor (Lyric) Xew^ark^^N^ Carlllo, I.eo (Domlnon) f Brice. Fanny (Roval) N. C. 12-17. „l,.l IVeenif l'>-17 Bride SlKip (Keith's) Providence; (Keiths) ,-,Vll«le Gertie^ A Co. (E

CarVlona, Two (Grand) IMi


■ ,, ... ,T, , , nun. Brle-re A King (J.incoln Siniarel N. Y. C. 8-10. tarry. Mr. A Mrs. Jimmy (Keilh a) Phlladel- uriglHoiis, The (Greeley Sipiare) X. Y. C. 8-10.

iJ’i^y A' wcdfn. (Oridieum) Minneapolis 12-17.

MaMSSMSweV BriK-kmann, James (Pantsges) San Diego, Cal.

MAURICE BARRETT With Potaah and Perlmntter.

(Nirfmell A Harris (Orpbenm) Duluth; (Or- llriK-kmann, Jsmes (Pantsges) San Diego. Cal. pheum) Wluul|>eg, Can.. 12-17. Bronson A Baldwin (Ro.val» N. Y. C. 12 17. fariis A Itaiidall (Templei Detroit 12-17. Brooks A Bowen (Grand) Pittsburg; (Grand) casllllans. Three (Columbia) Grand Rspldt.

Syracuse 12-17. , Mich.. 12-17.

Carewe, Mabel (Proctor’s 126th St.) N. Y. C. 8-10. •

Carlllo, I.eo (Domlnon) Ottawa, Csn.; (Tem- jile) Detroit 12-17.

Carlisle Gertie. A Co. I Empress) Kansas City. CarVlona, Two (Grand) IMttaburg. iarlton A Davla (Poll) Beranton, Pa. Carrera. I.lauue, A Co. (Orpbeum) Des Molnea;

(Onihetim) St. Paul 12-17.

umi-CATALIINO and DENNY-i.ek Dlfectton Hany Weber.

(Nirtmell A Harris (Orpbenm) Duluth; (Or- |>hcum) \Vluul|>eg, Can.. 12-17,

fariis A Itaiidsll (Templei Detroit 12-17.

ADELAIDE and J. J. HUGHES DlreoCloD M. B. BeoUiaoL

Barf«*e, A1 O. (Tulanel Oakdale. La.. Indef. Barton. Sam (Grand) Syracuse, (Temple) Ham¬

ilton, Can., 12-17. Bates, Bhlrley, A Co. (Bijou) Savanuab, Ga.,


Abeam. Chas., A Co. (Ori)heum) San Francisco; Bayes, Nora (Orpheum) Brooklyn.

FRED ud MINITA BRAD I Hit. C. A. Pouebot. Palace Bldg., New York.

Brooks', Harry, A Co. (Temple) Rochester. (Orpbeum) Oakland 12-17.

Aberii. Agnes. Co. (Fain I.aFayette, Ind. Aleo Four (Vaulevllle) Hawkinsville, Os. Alcoo Trio (Orphenui) Seattle 12 17.

St. Paul 12 17. Alexander A Scott (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal.;

(Orpheum) Sacramento 12-13; (Yoaemlte) Stockton 14-15; (Victory) San Jowp 16-17.

Alexander Kida (Domlniou) Ottawa, Can.

Beauties, The (Victory) San Joae, Cal., 9-10: I Brower, Walter (Empress) Kansas City (Orpbeum) Los Angeles 12-17. Brown A Rcs-belle (Columbia) St. Louis 12-17.


ALETHEIA Mww paying United TTme. Perwianeot addrwa. TH> ALKTRF.NIAN, Boaton. Mass.

Alisk.v's Ilawalians (Pantsges) Victoria, B. O-’, laiCCIf TUCATCD TITV tTATF (S'antKges) Tacoma. Wash., 12 17. WttR intAICIf VIII AIMIK

Allen. Minnie (Ori>beum) St. Paul; (Oipbenm) Duluth 12-17.

Alaace A liorralne (Parra’s) Bskerafleld, Cal., 7-10; (Boston) liong Beach, 12-14; (Audltort- ■m) San ^rnardino 15-18.

Altbofr Siatera . (Orpheum) Kansas City; (Oo- __ lumbla) 8t. I/mls 12-17.

Alvarettaa. Three (Orpheum) X. Y. C. 8-10.

A M E D I O -_____ Tha Aone of Plano AocordhialiL

BooltMl RoUd. DtrecUon Scballmann Brothers.

Alvin A Kenny (I'nimie) Minneapidis; (Em- prese) St. Paul 12-17.

Alvin, Peter H. (Majestic) Milwaukee. American Dancers, Six (Orpheum) Oakland, Beauty la Skin Deep (Orpbeum) Brooklyn: Brown. Harris A Brown (American) X. T. C.

Cal.; (Oriiheuini Sacramento 12-13; (Yoeem- (Prospect) Brooklyn 12-17. 8-10. Ite) SbH'kton, 14 l.'i: (Victory) San Joae 18-17. Beers. l.,eo (Columbia) Brooklyn 8-10. Brown A Moulton (Proctor’s) Plainfield. N. J.,

American (Vime<ly Four (Cohen's O. H.) New- bnrgh, X. Y.. 810.

Amnroa A Mulvey (I'nique) Minneapolis; (Em- preea) St. Paul 12-17.

HRCO BROS. Bupraas Athletes.

Andemon A Oolrea (Orpbeum) Vancouver, B. O.; (Emiireaa) Tacoma. Waah., 12-17.

Anderson A Evans (Lyric) Hoboken, X. J., 8-10.

EEE BARTH Orpheum Tour.

Dir. Oiaa. A. Pouebot, Ptiaos Theater Bldg.. N. T.

Begere, Valerie, A Co. (Keith's) Philadelphia; (Keith's) WaabingtoD 12-17.

Bell Family (.Majestic) Milwaukee. Belle Trio (Pantagea) Tac^Nna, Wash.; (Pan-

tagea) Portland. Ore., 12-17. Belling, Oobert (Colonial) N. Y. C.; (Keith's)

Boston 12-17. Bendtx Players (Orpbeum) Seattle 12-17.

Brown A Moulton (Proctor’s) Plainfield. N. J., 8-10.

Brown, Deimore A Brow-n (Bijou) Savannah, Ga., 8-10

Mich.. 12 17. Catalano A Denny (Keith's) Boaton. CaniHilUau, Chief (Orpheum) San Francisco 12-

17. CvH-ll. Eldred A Carr (Flattiuab) Br<a>klya 8-10. Chadwick TrUi (Colninbia) St. Loi'l*; (Or-

(>henm) Memphis 12-17. Chandler, .Lima (Majeatie) Milwaukee.

Anna Chandler In Just a Few Original Ideas. Dir. Jack OirtlB.

Cliaae A I.nTonr (Pantagea) Los Angeles; (Pan- tages) .San Iliego 12-17.

Cheeiiert’a Mamiinrians (Lyric) Richmond, Va.. 12 14: (Colonial) Norfolk i5 17.

Chip A Martile (Hammersteln's) X. Y. C.; (Proafiect) Brooklyn 12-17.

Chrletienne A Ixmiaet (Grand) Pittsburg; (Keith's) CluclDnati 12-17.

Cbrlsteus<.,) (Orplieuuil Ogden. Utah, 8-10; (Em press) Salt Ijike City 12-17.

C-bnng Hwa Comeily Four (Garrick) Wilmington. Del,_

Clark and Borfmaa Dir. Jfaae Laaky. Longaere Thesiar Bldg.. N. T. Clls.

Church City F.vur (Willard) Chicago 8 10. Clark A Verdi (Orpbeum) Det Moines; (Or-

pbeum) Sbinx City 12-17. Clark A UcCullough (Colooial) Erie, Pa. Cla)l<in-Drew Players (Orpbeum) .N. Y. C. 8-10. Cleveland. Claude A Marbwi (McVlcker'a) Chi-

eago; (Bnipreaa) Chlragu 12-14; (American) Chicago 15-17.

riinr. Laddie (Columbia) St. I>ouis; (Orpbeum) Memphis 12-17.


LEW BRICE "UrlglDal Two SUong

B. O. and tats Mm." Booked I and Orpbeum ClioulL

Sucona With Sebubert'a Wlntar Oardtn Hbow. New T(»t.

Clive, B. E., A Co. (.McVlcker'a) CTilrago; (Em- press) Chicago 12-14; (American) Chicago 15- 17.

Tacoma, Waah.; (Pan- Brown. Geo. X.. A Co. (Keith's) Cl.velan.1 12 ^ (On.henm) Ix>. Angele, 5 17.

lal) ”n Y C' (Keith's) Browning A Dean (Bljon) Brooklyn 8-10. V lai) I. G., tseitns) „ . . Lnev (Omhenm) Birmingham. Bays (Keith a) Coiambna.

. ..... ■>"£ .-IKIilt wr* v. .e», Anthony A Adelle (American) X. Y. C.. 8-10. SDtera. Jf- C. * JO. Brunawlrt. Capt., A Co. (Boston) Ixmf Beach, (Lyric) llicbmond 15-17. Antrim A Vale (Pantagea) San Diego, Oil. Bennett. Mr. A Mrs. (Bt^) Chicago 8-10. Cal.. 8-11. Conlln. Kay (Orpheum) Duluth. Aoy NiKht Co. (Hammernteln**) X. Y. C. 12*17. Buch Bro*. (Empr^iiR) Salt City. CooUo. iVio <Keltli*t) Oolnmbot 12-17. ▲rdatb. lYed. J.. & Oo. (Keith’fi Toledo 12-17. CAMH BnDTfl|l Aidell Kranklyn. A Co. (Alhambra) X. Y. C. DVIRIWH SHELTON CLARENCE NRlI Ymlan

mf._ The Silent Tramp. Dir. Max Hart. ^ ^ UOniin 3D0 31*0910 T TIO Al^rkATIJ Bennett A lUwley (McVlcker'a) Chicago. DrUAvO m DAlilAn ">*»»»« YaudevlUa" Ptr. Then Fiunatrtck.

rlftU Altn Ben^ton Fi^mont. A CO. (Orpbenm) Slou, aty. UMIMIEV »» ||IIHIUII ^ PhlUdelphU;

Berg'Broa.’ (Hippodrome) Greenock. Scotland. lilUUIlW « liUffUII p . I 12-17; (Hippodrome) Paisley, 19-24; (Hippo- ^*Bh a) Waahlngton. I rillm#9l¥l ) drome) Hamilton 26 31. — —‘"“rsd * ''‘r^n* O^H'r'um) B.siton 8-10.

_ . ^ Bergen. Alfred (Orphenm) Mlnneapolla; (Or- Buckley A Moore (Natlontl) Detroit. (Keiths) IsralavUle; (rOaud) ■sahed Bond D. B. a Dir. Thoa. J. ITUvatiick. oheum) 8t. Paul 12-17. B'lnth A Rudd (Flatbiiah) Brooklyn 8 10. HtlAurg 12-17.

BOTnartla. Original (Fall Festival) Hartford, Burke, jefim A Mae (Ornheimi) Sioux City, la.; Congan A Onx (Panragea) San Francisco; (J'an- Armatrong. Geo (St Jainea) Boaton 8 10 Cl-jy Ind., 7-10; (Fair) Athena, Ala., 16il7. (Columbia) 8t. Louis V*M. tagewi Oakland 12 17.

-rrsr- -■(^;p‘,i‘)"Ma-‘-'wTaL'’r2T7^^^ ^ c. o io.

Aaahl Quintette (Orpheum) Duluth; (Orpbeum) BEAUMONT and ARNOLD (IiomlDloD) OttawA^12^^ ^ M>ntr#Al, Cad. mr———

^ ‘ ‘ - JOHN F. CONRO' A^lev A Canfield (Orpbeum) San Francisco BeresfOrd, H., A Co. (Shea's) Toronto. Can. BILLY RRDlllfM « ‘MVINO HODBLB.

H7. Beaaee. Mme. (American) (Jhlcago; (Crystal) W mmnw wwll Orratcat Ac* of Its Kind In tha WoeVL Milwaukee 12-17. M’. V. it. A. Tour.

VUBPp A DTII DID 9 Between Trains (Empress) Kansas City. Oolllns, Revolving (Bljon) Savannah, Oa., 8- I nilAA MUD nun A Between Eight A Nine (Greeley 8<iuare) N. Y. Burkhart A White (Victory) gan Jose. Cal., (Colonial) Norfolk, Va., 12-14; (Ijric) Ri

Bennett, Mr. A Mrs. (St^) Chicago 8-10.

SAM BARTON Cal.. 8-11.

Bach Bros. (Empress) Salt lake City.

SHELTON The Silent Tramp- Dir. Max Bart.


Armstrong. Geo. (St. James) Boaton 8-10. Amant Bros. (Keith's) Tededo; (Keith's) C«-

lombna 12-17. Arno A Stickney (Mile*) Cleveland.

Bennett A Hawley (McVlcker'a) Chicago. ^

“urhS"”"' *mllll|iK 3 nlliiKII Berg Bros. (Hippodrome) Greenock. Scotland, ■ RwNWimmF *• ■RRw ■■

12-17; (Hippodrome) Paisley, 19-24; (Hippo¬ drome) Hamilton 26-31.

Bergen. Alfred (Orphenm) Minneapolis; (Or- Buckley A Moore (National) Detroit pheum) 8t. Paul 12-17. Bnnth A Rudd (Flatbnah) Hruoklyi Bnnth A Rudd (Flatbnah) Brooklyn 8-10.

C. 8-10. Plimgioo Oiaa. Btirbauw._ Beyer, Ben. A Brother (Maryland) Baltimore.

Blckei A Watson (Forsythe) Atlanta, Ga. VST* ■ " ***• *•“*' Bingham, Amelia (Colonial) N. Y. C. 12-17.

Beaaee. Mme. (American) (Jblcago; (Crystal) . ^wwwwwww Milwaukee 12-17. M’. V. it. A. Tour.

Between Trains (Empress) Kansas City. Between Eight A Nine (Greeley 8<iuare) N. Y. Burkhart A White (Victory) San Jose, Cal.,

9-10: (Orpbeum) Los Angeles 12-17. Burnham A Irwin (Orpheum) Seattle 12-17. Burns, Kilmer A Grady (Kelth'a) Indianapolis. Burns A Fulton (Oridieum) lies Molnea 12-17.

C/olHna, IjoHle (Boyal) N. Y. C.


Orcatmt Aet of lu Kind In tha World.

Oollina, Revolving (Bljon) Savannah, Ga., 8-10; (Colonial) Norfolk, Va., 12-14; (Ijric) Blch-

^enm) ^*7 12-17. Blnn» A Bert (Orphenm) Oakland, Cal. " Burns Lynn (Shea's) Buffalo; (Shea's) Toronto, Astair, Fred A Adele (Poll) Scranton, Pa., 12-17. Can 12-17 Aartema (Hammerateln't) X. Y. C. BICFhBI Anrora of light (Temple) Hamdlton, Can.; R • Iw I I T F W w tx BAHMY ALICl

(Grand) Syraense, X. Y., 12-17. MILO, OIRARD, HUOHC* tad ROOCOI DIIDBIO j pan v^aa Anatralian Woodchoppera (Columbia) St. Looit; DlKctian Jannls Jaooba BURNS Snd FULTON

(Orpbeum) Memphis 18-17. DlracUon i*«» Bart. Bison City Four (Orphenm) Ilarrisbnrg, Pa.,

Alffffhn Burton. Hahn A Cantwell (Empress) Ixia An- WwUlI 1pOIII9Gw ■ OUr 5!“’^' * C"- (BonlevaH) N. Y. C. 8-10. gelea; (Orpheum) Ogden. Utah. 15-17.

.. „ . * White (Babcock) Billings. Mont., IL7: Biiah A Shapiro (Empress) Cincinnati. Pirerttop Max Bart,_ (Empreaa) Butte 12 17. Cabaret Trio (Unique) Minneapolis; (Empreaa)

Blondell, LHiby (McVlcker'a) Cbleago. St. Paul 12-17. ’ •T; Chfferty, Mr. A Mrs. Nat (Proctor's) Port

(Colonial) Norfolk, Va.. 12-14; (Ijric) Rich¬ mond 16-17.

Cooper, Joe A I>ew (Orphenm) San Francisco 5 17.

Coaqier. Harry (Kelth'a) Cincinnati 12-17. Burns Lynn (Shea's) Buffalo; (Shea's) Toronto, I Corliett. Shephard A Donovan (Onibeom) Dn


BURNS and FULTON Dlreetlon Max Bart.

Burton. Hahn A Cantwell (Empress) Ixis An¬ geles; (Orpheum) Ogden, Utah. 15-17.

* White (Babcock) Billings, Mont., (L7: I Biiah A Shapiro (Empress) Clncl'nnatl. (Empreaa) Butte 12-17.

Blondell, LHiby (McVlcker'a) Chicago. Cabaret Trio (Unique) Mlnneapidli; (Empreaa)

St. Paul 12 17.

(Empress) Botte 12-17. Chester. N. Y., 8-10.

Inth; (OriRirum) Winnipeg, Can., 12-17.


HARRY COOPER In VaodavUla Aartated kg Chaa. Baadwp.

C^nn^WIletTeT^SIpSf^TrooCTyi^TBoya^ N. Y. O.. 12-17. .

CiMio A Diana (Kelth'a) PhUadaiptila.

r«rU-y. 0'rn»*ll. 0>. (r«nl«Kcii) r<>rlUn<l, Orf. I'oiiifilt, i (V>. (SliulH-rt) L’tloa, N. Y. rorrniliiii'ii Anliiialii (M«Je»tlci Mllw«uk«-e 1217.

.MliwitrfU (lUiyal) .N. Y. t.; (Maryland) Ualtlmore 12-17.

r»x. llaxfl (Keltb'a) Waablugton; (Proap^ct) n'riK’klyu 12-17.

Cram*. Mr. it -Mra. Duuglaa (Orpbpoui) New Or- letna.

Oawfor.l & llpxlerlrk (Delancey 8t.) N. Y. C. H in.

Creighton Slatera, Three (Koraythe) Atlanta, t^a.; (Orvbeuni) JackaunTiUe, t'la., 12-17.


IMrectlon Janwa Plunkett.

Fltzaimniona At Cameron (Empreas) Chicago 8 10.

I8>ranto (Proctor’a ZUl 8t.) N. Y. C. 8-10. I8.ree, Mine., A Co. (Kelth'a) Toledo 12-17.

Bert Fitzgibbon JAMES SIBYL

DIAMOND and BRENNAN “Nifty Noanaia.'’ Dir. M. S. Beathaai. to every vauderllle performer who earns bli

living by making people laugh. Dorr, Marie (Keith's) Boston; (Keith’s) Provi¬

dence 12-17. Ihite'a Boy Scout Rand (Llt>erty) Philadelphia. Doughertys, The (Proctor’s !>Sth St.) N. Y. C.

8-10. Dream of the Orient (Proctor’s 58th St.) N. Y’.

C. 8-10. Drew l»well A Esther (Orpheum) JacksonTlIle

12 17. Drew, Pat (Bijou) Anderson. S. C., Sept. 28-

Oct. 25. Duffy A I.oreni (Orpheum) Denver; (Orpheum)

IJncoln, Neb., 12-17. Duiifee, Josephine (Orpheum) Salt Lake City;

(Orpheum) Denver 12-17. Dunla.v A Merrill (Pantagea) Winnipeg, Can.;

(Pantages) Edmonton 12-17.

Fixing the Furnace (Orand) Syracuse; (Keith’s) Cleveland 12-17.

(".anaKan A Edwards (Shea’s) Toronto, Can.; (Temple) Iletrolt 12 17.


Ccr tmta Imdude 12 great monologues. 8 won¬ derful acts for two males and 7 acta for male and female, 16 latest psrodies, 3 tip-top min¬ strel first-parts, a side-splitting tabloid farce, besides bimdnsls of original gags, sidewalk bits, etc. M-YDISON'S BUDGET Xo. 15 costa ONE DOLL.YR per copy. Bade Issuea out of print, except Na 14: price, tl. or Budgets 14 and 15 together, $1.50. Note my new address.

Fletcher. Chag. Leonard (Crystal) Milwaukee; (Unique) Minneapolis 12-17.

Fletcher. Isabel, A Co. (Pantages) Seattle; (Pantages) Vancouver, B. C.. 12-17.

Ford, Bertie (Orpheum) Sioux City, la.; (Or¬ pheum) Minneapolis 12-17.

I retghton, B.. A Co. (Temple) Detroit; (Tem¬ ple) Uoclietiler 1'2-17.

Cre<de Ragtime Orchestra (Pantages) Cslgary, Can.

Cressy A Dayne (Colonial) N. Y. C.; (Orpheum) BriMAlyn 12-17.

(Vlmiiial. The (EmpresH) Denver; (Empress) Kansas City 12 17.

Criterion Trio (I.ln«dn S<iuare) N. Y'. C. 8 10. (Y»nin. Morris (Orpheum) San Francisco 12 17. Crossman. Henrietta (Keith’s) Cleveland 12-17. Crouch, Clayton (VandevtUe) Rochester 8-10.



m «Hi> 0 aouD ooLo

) the Barwiaftr a OianMNl

Ford’s Review (McVicker’s) Chicago; (Em¬ press) Chicago 12-14; (American) Chicago 15- 17.

Ford 4 Hewitt (Keith’s) Boston 12-17. Ford, Max A Mabel (Royal) N. Y. C.; (Grand)

Syrsctise 12-17.

Dunn, Bill A Johnnie (Oellte) Dothan, Ala., 8-10.

Dunne. Thos, Potter (Globe) N. Y. C. 8-10. Dupree. Minnie, A Co. (Prospect) Brooklyn;

(Keith’s) Providence 12-17. Dupree A Dupree (Oriibeum) Memphis; (Or

pbeum) New Orleans 12-17. Duprex, Fred (Colonial) Chicago 8-10. Durkin, Kathryn (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal. Duval. Viola (Flatlmsh) Brmiklyn 8-10. D.ver, Hubert. A Co. (Orpheum) Duluth 12 17 Karl A Curtis (Empress) Butte, Ylont.; (Or

pheum) Spokane, Wash., 12-17.

Crowell, Byrd Frost (Spreckel’s) San Diego, Cal.; (Orpheum) Salt J^ke City 12-17.

Cullen James (Orpheum) New Orleans. Cumnilnga A Gladyliiga (Grand) Pittsbnrg;

(Keith’s) Cincinnati 12-17. Curtis. Joe IProi'tor’s 5sth St.) N. Y’. C. 8-10. Curtis, Julia (Keith’s) Columbus; (Keith's)

Toledo 12 17. Corson Sisters (Bijou) Savannah, Ga., 8-10. Dainty English Trio (Keith’s) Colnmbns;

(Keith’s) Toledo 12-17. Dainty Marie (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Alhambra)

N. Y. C. 12-17. Daly, Vlnie (Columbia) St. Louis. Dalv. Arnold. A Co. (Orpheum) Ix>s Angeles

5-17. Damerel, (Jeo., A Co. (Columbia) St. Lonla 12-

17. Darrell A r4>trwsy (Colonial) N. Y. C. 12-17.

IS sCoas sssisst s dissiosd st» pries >«• A» •rtWAlijr mined •C4ym • re end bnlliee^y Ynn mat

CATASuSa^TTWAY* EDDIE FOY And tha Seven LltUs Tort.

MAGIC Illusion A nn ft Second .Sight Band Cuff /m 11 Ventriloqulal Mind Reading A » A Punch-Judy Setid 6c stamp for Souvenir POCKET TRICK, IL¬ LUSTRATED CATALOG Included FREE. MAGIC CO.. Sta. 2. 249 W. 38th St.. N«w Yark City.

Ford A Allison (Shea’s) Toronto, Can. Forest, B. Kelly (Orpheum) N. Y. C. 8-10. Voviier, Bertie (National) N. Y'. C. 8-10. Fox A Burkbardt (Proctor’s) Schenectady,

Y., 8-10. Foyer, Eildle (Seventh -Yve.) X. Y. C. 8-10.

Early A I..alght (Pantages) Portland, Ore. Edwards Bros. (.Ymerlcan) Chicago; (Oyatal)

Milwaukee 12-17. El Cleve (Empress) Cincinnati.

'El Bey Sisters (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Or¬ pheum) St. Paul 12-17.

Ellnore A Wllliama (Orpheum) New Orleans.

For NEW IDRXL THEATRE. CEDAR RAPIDS. lA., good, clean Vaudeville Acta mr three days a week. This U a lUc house with seating capacity of 500. WIU play you on a percentage ha-sls, 50-50. Good show town and a chance to make money If you can de¬ liver the gootU. Address FH.YN'K J. SCHMID, Man¬ ager.

Foy, Eddie, A Co. (Keith’s) Washington. Francis, Kitty, A Co. (Empress) Tacoma,

Wash.; (Empress) Portland. Ore., 12-17. Francis. Mae (.American) N. Y’. C. 8-10. Franklyn, Irene (Orpheum) Harrisburg, Pa. F>evoll (Columbia) Brooklyn 8-10.


ELINORE and WILLIAMS Booked solid D. B. O. Dir. Bam Weber.

Daris A WaBser (Pantages) YVIunIpeg, Can., 12 17.

Davis, Bert (McVlcker’a) (hl<;ago. Davis. Is>c Will (l^oew’ai \\ alerbury. Conn.,

8 to. Davis, Josrt'hlne (Tecntde) Detroit; (Temple)

Hochesler I'J 17. DeCoe. Harry tOriihenni) San Francisco 12-17. DeCiMta Duo (.Auditorium) San Bernardino, C«I.,

8-11: (Boston) I/ong Beach 12-14. DeCoupe. Pbtl A Zelds |15 Ohio St.. Station B)

Danville, HI., indef. DeaJroote. I>angtrT A DeOrmte (Grand) Eather-

Ttlle. la.. Indef.


^ MUSICAL ELECTRIC BELLS Musical Flewsr Pets—CMas—FuBaais

Hat Rack, etc. Catalogue and full InformaMoa will be sent on receipt of stamps. L. BRAD- .VEl.H, 1012 Napier Are.. Rtohmond Hill. N. T

Elopeanent. The (Columbia) Broi'klyn 8-10. Rlwood A Smiw (Pantace«» Seattle; (Pantages)

Vancouver. B. C.. 12-17. Elwyn. Mr. and .Mrs. I). (Empress) San Fran-

clsc«>: (Empress) Sacramento 12-17. Ely. Edgar .Atchison. A Co. (Pantages) Ed¬

monton. Can.; (Pantages) Calgary 12-17.

MR. F. B. CARMAN lid MR. J. FOX Orpheum ClrculL

I'rey, Henry (Grand) Troy. N. Y’., 8-10. Frey T^ins A Frey (Knickerbocker) Phila¬

delphia 8-10. FY’ldkowsky Troirpe (Royal) X. Y’. C- 12-17. IMgaiiza, Trixie (Orpheum) Omaha; (Orpheum)

.Minneaiiolis 12-17. Pros<iulta. Mile. (Temple) Detroit 12-17.


YOST & CO.MPANY (ihtabJtihed 1870).

229 W. 42d St.. N. Y. City (foraierly PhiradelpMay. C7 New. Elilarged, Illustrated Catalogs.

Emmett. Eugene A Co. (Empress) Seattle; (Orpheum) Vancouver. B. C.. 12-17.

Emmett, Mr. A Mrs. II. (Orpheum) Jackaon- vllle; (Colonial) Norfolk, Y’a., 12-14; (Lyric) Richmond 15-17.

Emmett. Grace. A Co. (Flatbush) Brooklyn 8-10.

Walter Mee4dn. JACK BILLY

FREEMAN and DUNHAM Dir. Frank Bohn.

DeGn-Shart, Frances (Orplieuni) I»es Molnei 12- 17.

Pellaren A Nice (Orpheum) Dea Moines; (Or¬ pheum) Sionx City 12 17.

Dellaven. Mr. A Mrs. C. (Coloniil) N. Y'. C.; (Orpheum) BrwAIyn 12-17.

DeI.aKi<se, Msrga (Oriihenm) IJncoln. Neb.; (Columbia) St. Louis 12-17.

teLlsIr A Vernon (American) Chicago 8-10: (Crystal) Milwaukee 12-17.

Deleirls. Dirk (Empress) le<s Angeles; (Or¬ pheum) Ogden. Utah. 15 17.

DeMar. Grace (fUiea'a) Buffalo 12 17.

HARRY A. ELLIS Aarmy auction bargains 8sddl«s IS.00 sg Arwy Rnslvses up Bridles .90 “I ** B-L Miles t . .98 ^

HaFs#M tleSft **) ** 8w«rd« # • • .M ** l••t9•Ar s at$ 1 Shat CarMaateM**

• • • I S.9h**!!la«Cailaraa

Cal. 4$ BaYolYer$7e4S. Ctct.leaach. 16 Goaaraoiast AoctioD BarRaiot illotiratad eaoribad ia 420 larna paffa wholeiale and cyclopedia catalofua. mailed 25 cent#

ind 90 cents Waat oi the MlAAiailppl BiTar.

Francia Bannarman. 501 Broadway, Naw Yorlc

F^jn Shop (Grand) Troy, S. Y'.. 8-10. Fun in the Baths (Empress) Loa Angeles; (Or¬

pheum) Ogden, Utah. 12-17. Gallagher 4 Carlin (Royal) N. Y. C. Galloway, Louise, 4 Co. (Keith’s) Indianapolis;

(Keith’s) LoulSTllle 12-17. Garden. G'>o. 4 Lily (Empress) Seattle; (Or¬

pheum) Vancouver, B. C., 12-17.

Ibat Brilliant Tenor.

Empire Come<1y Trio (Empress) Denver; (Em¬ press) Kansas City 12 17.

Enrico (Orpheum) JacksoDville. Entertainers, Four (ShubertI Utica, N. Y'., 12-

17 Ergottl 4 TJlllputlani (Fulton) Bnxiklyn 8-10. EDWIN GEORGE

Juggling De Lisla THE LATEST CRA2E. Almost a Juggle*. Dir. Ed. R KsUe*.

Gardiner Trio (Orpheum) Minneapolis. Gardner. Jack. (Keith’s) Providence 12-17. Gaacolgne. Cleo (Orpheum) Seattle 12-17. Gaudsmidts. The (Maryland) Baltimore 12-17. Geiger, John (Ort>heura) Kansas City; (Or¬

pheum) Omaha 12-17. Gerard A Gardner (Proctor’a) Schenectady, N.

Y., 8-10. George. Edwin (Prospect) Brooklyn; (Alhambra)

X. Y. C. 12-17.

DvOHchelle Bn-s. (Shea's) Buffalo 1217. DeVIne A Williams (Keith’s) Columhiia 12-17. DeVoy, Fabeu- A 0>. (Empress) Sacramento,

Cal.; (Empress) Ixis Angeles 12-17. DeWIntres. Grace (Orplteum) Spokane; (Em¬

press) Seattle 12 17.

Deane's Fancy Fantoms (Kmpresa) San Fran¬ cisco; (Empress) Kaerwmento 12-17.

Di'bree. A1 (Proctor’s 12.'.th St.) S. T. C. 8-10. De<-ker A Lleb (Ijrric) Newark, N. J.. 8-10. Deiro (Busbwlrk) Brooklyn; (llanimersteln’a)

N. T. C. 12-17. Deland. Cbaa., A Cto. (Shubert) Proi’klyn 8 10.

Ernie A Ernie (Orpheum) Dea Moines; (Or¬ pheum) Sioux City 12-17.

r>pe 4 Paul (Empress) Denver; (Empress) Kan¬ sas City 12 17.

Eugene Trk) (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Orphenm) Winnipeg. Can.. 12-17.

Evans. Billy 4 Clara (Gaiety) Chicago. Indef. Fiaas aa* mcrcts.


magicians .l,Q.QiS.U Everest'a Monkey Clrcua (Orpheum) Sloox City,

la.. 12-17. Fair Co-E.Ia (Pantages) Loa Angelea; (Pan¬

tages) San Diego 12-17. Falls. Archie 4 Gertie (Proctor’s) Albany, N.

Y.. 8-10.

Georgia Campers (Proctor’s) Schenectady, N. Y.. 8-10.

Germaine. Herbert. Trio (Proctor's) Eliiabeth, N. J.. 8-10.

Germar’s Models (Gaiety) Springfield, HI.. 8-10. Gillette. Lucy (Keith’s) Washington 12-17. Gillingwater. Claude (Orpheum) San Francisco

5-17. Gilrov A Coriell (Proctor’s) Mt. Vernon, N. T.,


World’s Oirtglnal Master Plano AooonUonlaL DlracUoo Max Hart.

PITFITC SBCT'Ri'n) or pee keti^ved. ptw iBICBIA rcfwrt as to patentability. lllu.vtrate<Y Guide Book and Uat of Inventions Wanted sent FREE. VICTOR J. EVANS. 3 Niath St.. Waihiaetsa. D. C.

Delaphone (IJhcrty) Brooklyn 8 10. Dvdmore A Light (McVicker’s) Chicago; (Em¬

press) Chicago 1214; (American) Chicago 15- 17.

Derkln’a Animala (Forsythe) Atlanta, Ga.; (Bijou) Savannah 12-14; (Victoria) Charleaton, H. C.. 16 17.

Deroy. Emmett, 4 (V». (Keith's) Providence 12

THE FARBER GIRLS Written to order. Write for ternu today. N. X Bl^<'KWHK>n\ Huntington. Maas. PAUL GORDON

‘The Wire Wonder." Orpheum ClrculL Opefilng Europe again, September.

Falls, Ijcwrence 4 Hurl (Keith’s) Prorldence. .Fhnton, Ed., 4 Co. (Palace) Detroit. Fanton’s .Ythletes (Greeley S<iuare) N. Y. C.

8 to. rarb.>r Girls (Alhambra) N. Y. C. 12 17. Farrell-Taylor Trio (Keith's) Providence.

200 Letterheads and En¬ velopes printed for $1.35. OLIVER I’RI.NTIXO OO..

Dickinson. Iluhe (Orplieuni) Sacramento, Cal., 12 13; (Yosenilte) Stockton 14 15; (Vlctmy) San Jose IS 17.

Diamond 4 Brennan (Marylanil) Baltimore; (llammerateiln’a) N. Y. C. 12-17.

Dlnehart. Allan, 4 Co. (Maryland) Baltimore; (Keith’s) YY'ashIngton 12-17.

Girard. Gilbert (Pantages) San Francisco; (Pantages) Oakland 12-17.

Gleasiin’s Dogs (Keith's) Ix>ulaviI1e 12-17. Gleeson 4 Houlihan (Keith’s) Providence 12-17. G.'elett. Storke 4 Lafayette (St. Jamea) Bos¬

ton 8-10. , Golden A West (Empress) St. Paul. Golden. Claude (Ori'heum) Seattle. Golden Troupe (Shea’s) Buffalo 12-17.

6038 Hoereler St.. Pittsburgh. Pa.

MlCirilHC Big Bargain Ust Just out. CMitalns MAgiUlRRa Tricks. Illusions. Handcuff Act. Black Art, Comedy Ylagtc Act. Spirit Cabinet, and too other bargains. IJ.sta for Stamp-

GEO. A. RICE. Dept 4. Aubura. N. Y. Tyrolean IVoubadoura

DERKirS D06 HD MONKEY PANTOMIME HnAed Solid on Orpheum fhrrulL

IHrertlon Tbiia J. Fltapatrtck.

Ferguson, Dave (Delancey St.) X. Y’. C. 8-10. Finn A Finn (Victory) San Joiie. Cal., 9-10;

(Spreckel’s) San Diego 12-17. Fisher 4 Green (Columbia) St. Isiuls 12-17. Fishers, Flying (National) Sioux City. Ia.. 8-10. Fisher. Ellnore (Boulevard) N. Y’. C. 8-10.

BEST PHOTOGRAPHS from any print or negatlveL Post Carils, $1.50 a hundred: Cabinets, 50r s doaen; ■'vT. gOo a dofcn: 6HxSH, 20 for a dollar. BRIGHT- LIN'G, Roselawn Ave., Toronto. Canaila. DIvtiioff, Ida (Grpheum) Oakland. C«l.. 12 17.

Dixon A Dixon (Crystal) Milwaukee; (Unique) MlnneaimlU 12 17.

Dixon, Bowers A Dixon (Empreas) Chicago 810. IWkatader, Ia*w (Keith’s) Ixmlavllle; (Keith’s)

Philadelphia 12-17. Dolly’s Dolls (Psntsges) Sslt I<ske Olty. 1km A Pstly jPsrrs’s) Bakersfleld. Csl., 7 10 Doidev. Hsy, TYlo (llsiiiiiiersteln’s) N. Y'. C.

12 17. Dooley A Rfigtd (Hliea’s) Buffski; (Shea’s) To-

ixmto. Can., 12-17. Dooley A Haiylea (CUonlal) N. T. C.

IXr. Jamea E. PIunketL

WANTED Dramatic People

Fisher and Green ■THE PARTNKRR"

G^ildberg, R. I.,. (Maryland) Baltimore. Goldsmith 4 Plnard (Majestic) Cellar

Iowa. (Continued on page 84.)

ntr.gerald 4 .Ashton (McY’lcker’s) Chicago. FltxglNsm. Bert (Keith’s( Columbus; (Grand)

Syracuse 12-17. Fltsglbbon. Marie (Ori<heum) Montreal, Can.;

CTempIe) Hamilton 12-17.

Real Halr.SUly Kid. Cbineae, Indian, T5o each. I Negro, 35c. 50c and $1; I.ady’a Wig. $1.50 up. I Import (Yiaract«ra.$1.50;$yda.Cnt)eHalr,50a (Mmlval Papw Caps, doa. tSo up. Caulog free. Kllppart, Mtr.. 48 Caaptr Sauart, New Yark.

In all Itnea that double hand or orchestra. Show‘t closed for four sessons. Please do not lalarep- resent No tlrtteCa HARRY HUGO, Miuager Tha Famous Hugo Players, 312 Wrifht Building, Slauz City, Iowa. NOTB—RcbraiaaJa Ootober 10.

Tlie eillboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.


F/qiHER'j *1 HAS



Haylnft on felt. Blie. 7x10 Inches, with brass bsncefs: man) subjects.


>5.75 see Great. Per Del., asserted, 60e.

Baapla, lOt.


J. W. Craot and L. W. Hill were seen work- one of your letters, waasanisilder with y«or mall loit the sheet In Ulss. They are on the road to mauT Ihx; sends his very l>est to IKx- T ryun, 1‘alin Beach. Kla. Reckon they'll take life easy Nanxets, Hen .Myers, Bob Myers, Charley this winter, hub? Somebody said they bad Waldron. Boo Anaelme and all the rest of the some B. It., too. I>«.vs. Me wants to hear from hit friends. Ad-

-- dress him, 3-4 Ground F'lotr, Kastern Market, fete Peterson Is scoutlnit around In Illinois; .Meltuurne, G. P. <).. Box ICT, Australia.

when last seen he was blowing through 8t. - l...uiH, .\lo. Good luck. Pete. IK,e Frank Anselme—Gee whlx. Boc, why all

~ this silence? Br«ip me one of those old prlie Celet.rltles ^n In ColumbM, O re^tly

JaniM B. Stowe, Frank Maher, BaMy __ Spfrtal Price In loU' Harry Higgins, and they all go aoine

thrii;y,"work«^“‘;hrWlV.“Wt“Vund\hrL^ ‘J'.*’'*’*’ *‘“'1 L. BERNSTEIN, Rttle light fruni his back yard) after looking ut> a bunch

M Aaa Strsat, * _____ t”*w’ kind of snakes and says that he aaw NSW Ysrk aty. lUrry Higgins wants to heir from friends. • ;«*>l«w down there working the pilch game

- Address him at 70 N. High street. Columt>os. O. setting money ss fast at ever he saw any ^ MB BM pMM M M MM B B One go. It re-xolnded him of the days of old p T* O 17 17 T nil 17 m Cllmpsed at the Roane Co. Pair at Kingston. !»<>e «rtT. Fer.lon and the old bunch. Good ^ I 1C IS 14 I Ilf I H in Tent).; Frank Berry, Geo. Atkin. J. H. Sterchl. >nek. W. A., and lets hear from you real LJ a gj gj g Ifg gj la Mn. a. B. Coyle, J. H. Nlcholaon, Hiram often.

Paluey, Harry Small, Patrick Crow, all report - To thoaa that an not familiar aa yet with our buslneaa punk. Boc Simms, the congenial Cleveland Doctor.

BXrf»nT (l■ack.or-neck) CULAAR BCTTON we _ - w1k>, with bis wife, Birdie, It known far and wish to say thia button hta no lerers. la made from There's a bnncb o' stragglers In the game, wide among riie bo.rt for them mulligans and one solid plecr, and formed to lit the neck, to that but what's worrying us ii, wbo in Mepbiato's superfine scofllng, was making a pitch in Xenia, you can not fed that you are wearing a oollar but- kingdom Is A Straggler? Get thee wise, little O., recently. Money was comng In great and ton back of the neck at alL Same comfort aa wear- one, thy cognjaien la not wateiproof. everything looked fine. Doc was working fast

Philllia, King and some more of Snake King, the merry old soiil, has

i) H i ^

a^l^CanYou Stand fiilfc Prosperity ? ij S^^Engesser writes; “I haTelnetre- ii turned from a mill town '()lenn’ n and Id 8 hours matle MS.M." With a

^DAYDARK " Earn big money at home. trwTelIng, at

fairs, on atraets, taking, finishing ana da- llTerlBg I photo posl-carae a minute—all

dona with the Bayaark. I>a gasartaaea Was, saeary. Be Independent—be proeperoue.^V Wrltepoetal to-day for Free Oatalea, aam- pie poet-card showing fine work machinedora and Pres trleloSer.




STREETMEN uslnest pnnk. Boc Simms, the congenial Cleveland Doctor.

- w1k>, with bis wife, Birdie, It known far and There's a bnncb o' stragglers In the game, wide among the boys for them mulligans and

you can not fed that you are wearing a oollar but¬ ton back of the neck at alL Same comfort aa wear¬ ing no button. No bulge, no hump: learea the tie eUdo easily. CnoU >3.00 per grnes; lalls for 10a or

everything looked fine. Doc was working fast and furious, when iu the height of hit exclte-

mdo easily. CnM >8.00 per k***.*. “** ** Harry Small wwnta to know bow long it took nient he overtnrned the money boxl (T%ls Nlcholaon to make fifty miles wHh bis spsce reserved for Doc's thoughts.) One of the

the same amount of shirt bsnd pockets aa outtona or- __—.,—— i-i.,- i. ,,i _ , dered. baring a buttonhola to Insert the button In. _ kl^ In t^ ^<h remarked to bla pal. I got and a complete tlluilrsUon cut. showing how to put . _.hii. .h.b much did you get? the collsr on. Instructions, etc., telling how to use . « cxc.einip.1. *ui.e sna«- - the buiiisi. wtibh Is so complete that any one will •"« hands with I a trick < t'’* : * know whom Hines and Herman (the inseiiarable pair) now ltis>w Immediately Isw to use the button, thus .v«u art. The genial Pat Inquired whom he working In Indianapolis recentlv and things making revy little demoiwtrailng necessary. Hmides. ii'leht Is*, whereupon the customer returned: ^^^e coming pretty n>orh Thev had the safety •e gusranter thU button to be prarttcal and com- "You are a newopaper advertising man!" The „ \J™ plde In even di-tall, and wo will give a guarantee astonished Pst parried the blow and querle.1: One of their Livhs«« with ever butt.* to thow that desire It. >51.40 ' How dju know?" "Why. I've learned the to ^ujr7canl?nfVl iui taken In on this button In k doorway In one day. grip •• waa the anawer. Hvety buyer la s Iwmstrv, and you can wort the tame _______ <oopa than the modern Safety Flrit beard t«Tltor> 09fr In a ntonth** time. AUo for win* llsrrY StnaU mtb «• n'uiover. In frrttlnK about the rouab t«rritnn <w<T acalii In a month a tuna. Aiao ror win- llarrY SmaU myi that aheet writlna la what «en»ui inp rouan Ihw. dnnor.straili«. can you think of a better article }* K«’y passed the dlnge a raaor from the stack thm. what this button Is? Full detail, and sample. .g'^'Vr^Tar c^Jny a^tow? l^Ive ,h^ unpacked and shook hands with the cut 1.V We have poeltlvely dUconUnued glvli;g free •nybow? l,eave the ,„„,er. aaeurlng him that be need never fear samples, because every Tom, IMrt ‘"J, Ham wM r to I e Doya^_ raror'a edge any more. Everything went sciulliig In for a free sample. WraOIlMAN MAMJ- .nm/ssest with mtish thst tk. right until al>ont an honr later, when the FA1T1 RING rt>.. Youngstown. Ohio 1.^ ™mor^^^_^U^mu^ nX^7 t^^ kmft

will, sfter the first of January, go to Apa¬ lachicola. Fla., and eat oysters.

cloud wrapped around bti belt, eyes fairly shooting fire, and incidentally exhibiting a cheek

__ which, through the dark pigment, showed a

Bid y.m ever hear this one?_r.n't read, 'if E*" Now that tbo aelf'filling |>en U getting ACtree, otn’t write and got dtnui poor meoMry, to gueM * *^*ffJ%,^***l

the High Pitchmen are using my chased 1 won't take It. " 1 <l<«ic acra^ this yere X-:*X 1 MllNiRT, wltb bkTxoa and fiUera. and they are ■ three klwartera of an JUHt like Dew all over again. Tbe Paper Boya Harry Knobb* and Doc Billy McCarthy have ", mah fare are lining my ch«a«»d tnedlum and JUMBO. Botto bet^n jumping around together here lately and *»*®*T' * '^ll • yon money are fitted with my new hall-pointed pen. Get vetting the kale. Tliey were In Bowling Green * . they a gonna be trot^le. Heman aldled my clrculart and price liat. recectly, at the fair, where they met Snider the wlndom- to aee If he couldn t make

▼UP PAiiAiYAlkl P*rtn«*r with their raaor paate. and I>«»r * and Roy caat enrioua glancea at Ifri I rv THE FOUNTAIN •«y» that Snlder didn't like the place so he V. IV I I III nPAI l/lAlrt blew before he got any of tbe dough. ?*** Vl^'^c**'** *** would KELLEY,

<1 and 21 Ann Street,


dough **'•* ■"<’ thought he would try to fix It If possible. When, lo, and behold,

would like to "ts* examination Roy discovered that the care The BUI- bk*! never bad a blade in It. Qntckly

Keens Them All The "REAL”

■ Fitt«l with rU I leather honing I ' Rrlcc strop. I ; I i Guaranteed to do the g? work A g s D t a, DwCTiatriiagB.

* Prsaalum am, this pars 100% profit WrlM for prlom. Smd

a $1.00 tor sampis. Monty back tf ymi 3 want It.

p CANTON RAZOR STROP CO. [ 720 Cook Stroii, Caitoi, Ohio


6E0R6EA'PATURELG0.,inc. 470 4ttk Awcikue. New York

Tho Lana at oad OMaal Osolsr asd imMrttr M BAB. WHIBTLINB AND AOVERTIBINB

BALLOONS Aioo noiTauram iw Biuanoai

wart week from sv faotort. BallooM at all kinds and riats that we guarantes at tuparlor quality to any offend on the marktl.

We also oautloa our ctatooMn and the trade to beware of Inferior *wi

■ false numben offered at cheap prloea. Piloa Hal en appUcatlon.

_ Charley Gamelser "Ylddle" would like to Jts* examination Roy discovered NEW TORE CITT, hear from friends. Address him care The BUI- “■"'*** never bad a blade in It

board. fitting a blade In it and exidalning 1

SPECIAL CONFIDENTIAL PRICES. Far DsaianNratsr, Wladew sad Street Wofhar, Hauw-

ta-Nousa Caavattars, Eta. Bur New 1814 Catalogue .Now Ready.

«rd. fitting a blade In It and exidalning the mst’er _ to friend customer, everything was again latla-

George E Colby and H. Becker Jumped Into ^«ctory and Herman did some more denanjatrat


1-TT- hmm imiiiiiii

Id Plata. Mo., recently and enjoyed a pleasant 1 little stay together, during which time many pipes were shot. Beeker has a nifty notion I I joint and a swell bally—Pet. his rattlesnake,

Harry Xlobolson reports living In Ivondon, Canada, and he doesn't care If they do fight.

George ss.vs that the world is treatlug him I he’s gonna stay there. The information la eom- O. K. Their regards to the bunch.

Well, we found him at last, smothered with diamonds and still with the Great Wunder A

ing. but all that we know la that the wbole- salera carry them, Harry.

and MiK>sis Smith kick In with the wing wood with a Raw Wood Comb talks to toe H*vles Carnival—Albert Graber Is getting fatter news that they are taking one grand last s

•r< —makro sales quick and certain.



that) ever. et the she, t. The aheet Is well represented In ' Ottawa, Can., and the following convention was

PfT 'EM IN NEXT WEEK held recently: Carlfm Gill. Tommy Walsh. And then they snort when the pl|>es don't go alTlti” .'loiTlson. Whltle Robinson. Son Kane,

In. “Baker can sing before I send in anv bcineily. Mulligan. Blek Edgar and a more." and they’re mad as "I, " B„t others, the big dope is this; the pipes must take their turn because we haven't the space for more •*. Becker recently ran Into Hentgen and than four columns. wife In Moberly. Mo., and Becker savs that nrn because we haven't the space for more •*. Becker recently ran Into Hentgen and han four columns. wife In Moberly. Mo., and Becker says that The pipes are for the boys—no exceptions and Hentgen Is looking fine and the MIssns is too.

Double salm. Half red, half yellow. Css

kquallt)—seamlcsi. dur- I able and attxacUve.

60 C M., S3.40 gf.

70 C.M., $3.90 gr.

with ad. T5c grrsu extra. With eacli pur¬ chase we give quality, price, servlco and pre¬ pay all ciiarges. Stvid 10c for our catalog if Balloniij, Fireworks. Flags, IVcoratlMis. Aerial .\d Stunts. .Vd- Tertisliig Speclaltliw.

BRAZEL NOVELTY MFC. CO.. 1700-4 Ella Strsat, Claeisaatl. Okie.

no selections. Hentgen says that liuriness has lieen good ali Everything of merit, properly signed and »<'sson. and that he Is going to rest up this

shove suspicion, gets the glad hand. We want winter at Rols. Mo. I>‘t's hear from yon. folks. to hear from everybody. If we don't answer -

J yottr letter It's because we can’t reach yon. c. E. Williams, the "IJghfnlng Cilrolator ” Thlt bif 10'lncfa, all nibbef. white rieel colored ^ «*]^V**^ X you df>n*t vrt a howdy flvaro, fiverare, fiveratum, at Hotel Huroo 669

blade and black colored handle Dagser U taldnc with na. Find out the wherefore, and If we North Clurk atr$*et. Cbtcavo wantu tn ’he*r s eras*, auh yourwelf to give scare. S7.M Grass; 70t haven't an excuse. 100 per cent pure, well from Big Foot Wallace. John’s O’Cimnor A

vnanitftortttiM runm t»_i_^ .. a. Dares. maniil >EPTEM8ER MORN WATER SQUIRT RINGS. I»n

>7.M Grass; SOe Daiaa. cause ENAMELED BEAR CHARMS.

The Beat Made. $6.50 Graai; 00a Davta. ■hipped same day of order. Deposit on C. O. D.


THE MANES CO. Har >55 Wsstailaattr St., Prswidaast, R. I, four -

mamifactnre one. I/>ng pipes and big poems are hard to use be¬

cause of the amount of space consumed. That’s the reason they're held.

The same line of dope holds good for the pic tures. Plplngly.


Bernhard, and all tbe rest of bli old friends


• rnvbfbto w\i#« Harry YAHinv and Al Fink writ^ that afti»r >55 WsttwIaMsr St., Prswidaaat, B. I, four years of tbe Eastern fairs and such they

are now in the erpoeltion city—'Frisco—and are STREETMEN'S waiting for the big doings. Al and Harry fv A niLltqy At I ml II II 1^ promise to have things fixed for the hoys who L.AKIN1V AL> drop along there. Wbat'a the news from the

Coast, fellows? Tell l.ew Rchelllng and tbe WfHiern Hradquarirra. By far the largat Drtlcfa. Te%\. of the boys out there to shoot some pipes.

E. BLOCH MERC. CO., ^ „ - w.s . . a * ^ a A. Bfowo tttd E. MithcwB, who recently J4I-S-5 Martat Strut, Saa Fraadtoa. Oal. tilavAd Nfuftkprtkn. Mich.—i« rtii« wp iicur

GOODS _ _ , - , C. A. Brown and E. Mathews, who recently

241-5-5 Martel Strut, Saa Fraacisw, C«l. pigyed Muskegon, Mich.—lYhsf is this we hear

7 IN 1 III I PITtffD Rll I RnniC clerk episode? Shoot ns the d-n-e.

/*lll*l ALL LlAIiIlK DILL DUUAO There are some who have never heard of the Has cumparlmenta for bllla, coin, stamps, cards, Identt- F. B. A. Boc Dodge run amuck of a rare ficatloii card, trsnspamit poi-kri for lodge card or IL specimen and pr<«nptly put him hep, wheretiy R. ilckrtA Big seller at fairs, etc. Msiiufsctund h, might gain much knowledge tborngh tbe In tan. alligator or bl^ leathm by SIMMONS (X cerlumns of The Billboard. J15 East 58th Street. New lock City. Sample mailed _

Bloomhart, our ©W friend, Bloomle, was seen In tRilo recentlv And that's all we have beard of him. Wbat'a the big alienee, Bloomle?

In ruby, ruby matt and gold, and green and gold Wonder If fastle and Ford rememtrer the Bit gliMsare. sriT.VBIJ'; for F'alnt. Carnivals and Bundle Show which left Chicigo en route to Sitvrimni. Good, up-to-date sollevs. Write for Cslalog. Pesrl. Ill., In 1»13? Among the notables were

ORIENT.AL GLASS CO. Scottle Csstle. Harry Ford. Earl V.nce, V. B _ _ w. Wilson and wife, and Tom Melrose. And after

the sliow made four stands It closed.

CICn PER MONTH AND EXPENSES anylMKlT know who the Illcookllloram 111 311 «■ Cost siltsloa-Introducing our Kid Is? Ask .S<v)ttie Castle.

Kisf Butter Separator. Produ-ea brat „ _ ,—;; ;- .... grade of butter from cream or milk, eweet er eeur, Boc Billy Gray (who Is now In Australia. ?ie- ia less thsa 5 sihiutM. Write for our fees ssrople cause he didn’t like the Demy) la alone, owing viid salary propositions. DE KING MANUFACTUR- to the fact that his partner. Boc Johnson, ING CO,. Dspt. 105, Cbleate. Illlsols. Joined the colors, being a phyalcian in the army,

»o tvic Billy Is doubly biisv these dsvs. And If yau SM H la TSs Billboard, tell them se lissen. D«c, I wrote to you. answering every

ORIENTAL GLASS CO. S. 8. pittsburih. Pa.

(irn PER MONTH AND EXPENSES ^1311 Sklary sr Oaiailtaiaa—Introducing our YPWW Butter Separator. Produ-ea brat grade of butter from cream or milk, eweet or leur, la leee tkaa 5 aihiutM. Write for our free sample and salary propositions. DE KING MANUFACTUR¬ ING CO^^DspLIM^CSloaiallllBOla_

If yea SM H la TSs Billbaard, tall theai m


duo* frwi mnf phoU»-

tint Wfttor r(»ktr«. dullw ckwa Aniali. ■_P P KMioMt ftollirw riM d*y|**d.

FKKR KRAMR with •▼vry ModallKm piah— ^wth* k««t and bw* WMt m*rnov4iiaklnv cHaimw fnn Kad. No ovpiiriMboo ooodi iL Fro* Hompi* Outfit wmI •■cIgmIt* t^rrittjfT. WHt* quirk.

Columbiax Portrait Cow DapC 106 CUcapw

Gn the fair grounds It was a rnnunon and wel¬ come sight to are the big ring and ths big l>ally tiy these well'known bops. Ilimid Wo<«li. lUrry Kti(g>lM and Mexican Joe. Harry claims to be the only pllchman In the world with a bald head and a mustachr. Hr Is now with Boc MiVarthy, and ilsrf»ld Is somewhere, and Joe Is hiding In slleor*. If yep ate N Is Ths Blllbeard. tall tbeai tp.



OCTOBER 10, 1914.

E. M. l.a uce juxt recently acnttled the ship of iliQtle biiKK anil la now around with an Inltated cheat and a of adrice for all bla old bactielor frieuda. Cougrata, E. M; our beat to jrour wife.


GOLD MINE at N. W. Alread and a hunch of the boTa did a little sheet work in Norton, Va., rei-ently and got by. Mhoot ua some plpea, N. \V.

Sheet boya —Steer <-lear of Hebron, N. D.

Juat -what you have been looking for; full size, 24x24 inches. Good grade felt. Bright colora. Double fringed eilges. Fifty a».orted comic designs. September Mom. Kewples, United .States, etc. Send for a trial order. We will send them subject to examination. If dealretl. or will refund money sent with or¬ ders If you are not sati.slleil.

SEND IN YOUR ORDER TOD.\Y. PRICE, f3S.OO per 100; $4.SO per tinple dona. Inunedlata

ahiptnent. Wo make all kinds of Pillows. Pennants, eta Write for com¬

plete price list.

Red Meyers, the Cincinnati boy. Is running a cigar store In Toledo. Ciooil luck. Red.

A wise man learns soiuethlug every time a foul blunders.

Sjieaklng of fisd blunders, reckon they bain't nothin' more like fool blundera than when a wimiaii get often a car backuanls. tut that

ain't got Dotldug on the pitchman who chewa tobaccer and abdtberi all over bit ahlrt front while making a pitch.


Doc Stewart and Sbaata Dick were working one Saturday night crowd In St. Joseph, Mo., and It actually happeued that they aold every bottle and atill the crowd bung on with more money to S()end. Poor ohl Stewart groaned and aald: “If we only bad a million bottlea of the stuff put up.” Then be apled another pitcb- tiian wbo had been working aoap further down the itreet and be railed him on the platform and aaked If be bad any stock. He said yet. Steward told Shaita to stall and hold the crowd and explained to Soapy that be had aold ont, and Invited fafm to take the crowd and make a tale. Soapv refused. Stewart Inalsted. Soapy still refua^. Later Soapy explained that If b* had made a pitch be would have aold out all bis wtu<'k and got stewed and .Monday be would isu have had s cent or any stock. As it was, he <-<iiild hit the hot water and would be In business Monday again.

Frank Dillingham fired a lecturer in New Or¬ leans after one wis-k. The lecturer Insisted on receiving a recommendation. Here la what be got: ''Tlie bearer. Dr. -. worked for me one week as lecturer and manager of my No. 3 Company. I am satUAed. (Signed) Frank A. Dillingham, (ht V. O.”

Eldrl Ige r*-ports that he has cut the gin fix ronte, and la now a nice boy. Shoot ua acme pipes. Fred, from the State o' .Montana. The sheet boya can tip you off to the dope you are after.

latky 'Ltvaa CamMaatlaa U OlaMay Caaa. Artist* Fail Drug Mara Six*. Fall tin

af B*x It laalMa. VAbUC OF CONTENTS:

Trlaala gtala Ramavtr t*M-.. .M-IOV II 11 Priaaati B«ratad Talaaai.II | fill Mf*m Tri»lt Extrwt fatfuaM.. .M .. atari DaatNri** Taatb taM.... M ' OlyaarlB* lad Buttaraillk i**«.. .11 ELEV aiB* Aa«l* Craaa •**». -OADTir Mad** Skaaip** Hair Taala. Mad** CatM* S*M. -IS FOI aaurtat Caaaaibar Crtaai.' .M LEM T My Lady Tar far Maapaalad.. 41 _

Total Valua.$3.35 each. Wbm you tbow your cusuxurr uita fwanwit oaa*

tbt anay of fine toilet foods will daaalt her era. and when at the and of your iplel you tut* iba low prle. of tl 00 for all this, the dollar 1* youra.

Tala OatM, at tbawa abava. eavar paddad wmi far- ate tiaik. tl.tS. aadram drtpald. Oily *a* Wlaaat .r aar 17 Variatla*.

Quantity print to agnta. Me aaeb. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO.. 642 Dim Bliek. m Nartk Da* Plalaat aimt. CHICAaO. ILL.

Papermen LOOK (3c) LOOK Papermen WHYf Tea, WHYf should YOU go on imylng 5c when we give you the same papers and miquestloned PROTECTION for Scf We give you three standard farm magastneB. YES. we have those PRESS CARDS that will admit you to all FAIRS. Agents In the South, take note. Wo hsve a priiposltlon for CANADIAN agmts. We have over mu) agents THERE. A REASON. Drop a postal anil learn what we do for 3a WE PROTECT YOU.


Reference: City National Bank.

Harry Becker is traveling through Missouri. What's that pipe about the war, Harry? Don't get It. Shoot it plain. Importers and Jobbers of


let'* have a line, Harry Chaiiman. Why this alienee?

Doc Anaelme—Shasta Dick Dickey would like to hear from you. He Is Dr. Steward’* old friend, and wants to know you, too. He can lie addressed in care of The Billboard.


SIzt, 12x30,

RUBBER DAGGER. • la. laag. daiaa.. td.CI 7-IN-l BILt BOOKS, grau. 124.00; dans .. 2.01 7.IM-I WHITE CEL. SCOPES, oraat. IS.0< fancy handle razors, dan*. 2.2: BLACK HANDLE RAZORS, dart*. 2.21 WILLIAMS OR COLGATE SOAP, dan* .3: LARGE OR SMALL HONES, dona.31 BARBER SHEARS, dans . l.tM FOLDING POCKET SHEARS, dan* ... SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PENS. 0*-. W-M. 12.01

Send tislay fur m) Catalogue. Il'a full of nvno

making Item*.

I'.or OM (iillle. Why the sympathy? Ask <":ton Gill. He was In Winds«T for five days. ist ask him. 107 N. Spring St.,

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA In Largt Asaart- manta.


Bend for Pricen Today.

.A«k Fingnld what happened to him at Sturgis, Moh. Kd Mathew* w<irk>M the town right after liiiii and dbl well. Kd CaaDdlo. Riley and sev¬ eral others are in on It. What's the laugh, felUiws?

Kd Matthew* would like to hear from all the Imi\>. Address him at oisj K. niird street, \Va- terl o. 1*. IS EVEnrBsor's loss-

NO ONE GAINS Iiiamond Pick Rose s.a.vs that he met with IBHir busine** in U. I. Blackie Wallace wa* seen in FrovbUnce working tie forms. Dick is working tuwanls Michigan, and says that be has traded his Buick for a Studetaker. Good luck Dick.



Hum, Tu Sits, Ckocolati Siti, Ciki Plat.M, NoTaltiaa, Cups & Saucars, Movins Pictura

Barry Sats, Souvaairs. A«id for IYm CmuIucuo, but ■itloM row



327 W. Madisoa Strut, CHICA60, ILL.

BJust to be contrary, get our “Pink Flyer," con¬ taining all the


$6.00 per 100. Sample, ISc. Come on, Kd Frink, shoot us some more pipes.


Hunter do the motordrome ride, and say* that It would do Bill U)>»e p<sal to see that boy eat the -pace.

Imaorter of Straatmsn'a 9 General Merohandice,

727-729.731 South Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

Slim Hunter—Two letter* have Iwen retiimj-d, old scoot. I,et’* h«*r from you. Our Own Invention

SAFETY OLD SCHOOL CELEBRITIES .Vnd the price is O. K. to start. Better than “Chicken Inspector.” All oiders shipped »ame day received.

PRICE, $1.50 GROSS, POSTPAID. SAMPLE 10e. Can furnish cuts and circulars. Dealers


FIRST We Have Plenty!

STREET AND FAIR MEN! SPECIAL! f have rmturvNt our prtrre tW) riMintAln Pmn I* \1utrh IVnt-tln, tncliitlint Hip*. IT

W> alM* have all nther anhMea In *u«tiieiia. lnotu<tliic III TTiiNS. R^9^a»RS. HIUI*

'KH aiitl RINASH f>ur ahlimintta are pnwnpc. a« I N«a atlvanre tn pficra uiiUaa abt«>ititW9 nere*-

on criialii arttci««. RritLl fur i'bUkifua and ■tain ran IVtoa Liat.

BERK BRO». Bmadway, New Vark City.

1230 5* Paekaga* af SPEARMINT GUM.$11.00 600 5e Paokatee (Ona-half Caaa) SPEARMINT GUM . 5.7$ 300 5c Package* (Oae-feuiili Cate) SPEARMINT GUM . 3.00

.KBSDiJ'na.Y NTrr. t. u. O. KuL-lintter. N. Y.; uo transportation chargi- paid Send ra.h with order, or

we will *hlp on receipt of depowlt ot $1.00 per case, balance C. O. D. QUAUTY OF GUM GU.AILL.NTKro.

I Sample Box of 20 I*a<-kage* ntallnl. ixxtage paid, on receipt of 25c in atajups.) POSITIVELY NO OTHER TERMS. TIME IS MONEY! ORDER!


YOU ALL KNOWiMOUNTFORD ^ When all otben rail, try 11^ T

Miaiiitfard'a Marblnea and Mr / Ulale* All of lb* wlae boya are using theca. Cam- era to tmallrr. but will do liHlar Flu In suit- iWa*. Kqiilpgad wllh Onral Imported leria, that olhei* ran not gley >nu. eten cheapo Dur iOsim Ml • re a.-anowlr.lgeil ba ( a \\ the iitnat rap'd and clear MM U Inunnlltla n. Write ■ I M •w wire. All « plcTuri • * 7 m.n are xmlng here now lad’a gH acquainted RELIABLE PHOTO SUPPLY HOUBE. T. Bafar, Pra*.. I$S Delaaaay ttraat. Naw Vwk ClftG_


0 Dice $5.00 per set. Cards .*1.00 per deck. L ■■■■ r I1fgh-cla<w work onl.v. Fair ground and maadcal goods. An old eatabllahed firm catering to the moat excluilve act of Uie sporting fra¬ ternity. Catalogue free. rrtiik U(^ijpi*fi. nilly OtATrt anti I>r fSt-orfe

V\f ’ •iM'i'AMatl) arr i*l4'turp$l In Ihp ainwe iv- l>n«1m*tkin, whlrh ta frtmi a Unt\p** tak<*vi In 11)92. Titr trio wrrr wril kt <<irn and of thr cU%( of maa- t«T« who aavp thrlr punIipa a wholp ahow ami a «>uvindr for thr piin- tif a dkmo. IUIIt and Krank arw amonc the lire vrirm tiviUy. and ^ura 4'an <h««v( %>me auatiit (4<1 pipe*.

^Otr OAROt. 90a U UM par l.tM. All klmla IMc bargain*. Samplew and prlow lUt. Alao Ra •••rv, PmnanU ami Navaltir* URiRW UNAR1> t*0. JU2 l)«fmitalna Avr. Stm Tutk 1*119. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT. MENTION THE BILLBOARD. WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.


e B OCTOBER 10, 1914.


(Continued from page 31.)

Gordon Broe. A Kangaroo (Portland) Portland. Me., NIO; (Miialc Hall) Lewiaton, 12-14; tBljou) Bangor 1517.

Gordon A KIcra (KeitU'a) Prorldence 12-17.

Hinea A K.ix (SiireekelV) San IMego, Cal.; (Or- Kelley A Catlln (Pantagea) Porlliiid. Ore. I.elanda. "Hie (Pro«i)eot) Brooklyn 1217. nlifunu Salt l.ake City 12 17 Kelly A Galvin (Shubert) Utica, N. Y.

Kelors. 27iree (Boule\ard) N, V. i. S 10. A| POPn I ATPI I Hill 1^ OID^IIC Kelsey. Jo«* (MlleK) iK'tndt. ■ ■■ " I b k,

• ® T \iein\^V9 Kelso A I.elgliton (Warwick) 8 10. "World'a Oreateat Animal Imgwgaooatar.** Pools, Doga, Monkara, Uulea KeltoiiN. 7'liree (Bijou) JisKiklyn 8 10. Nailaial AmphltiiMter, Hydiitg. Auatralla.

Addresa The Billboard. Neir York City. K« iiikkIj-. Harold (I.yrie) Newark N. J.. 810. KeiKi A Mayue (Keith'g) Providence. I.eo, Lewia (Hammerateld'a) N. Y. C., 12-17.

Hipisidronie Pour (KmpresH) Seattle; (Orplieuiu) Kent. .4iinie lOniheniu) Meliiplils; (Orpkeuui) Iahmi A .\ilel(iie Slatera tPantagea) Seattle;

HILL’S SOCIETY CIRCUS Ponlet, Doga, Monkara, Uulea

Addresa The Billboard. Nair York City. KeltoiiN. I'hree (Bijou) Jir'Kiklyn 8 10. K< iiiKKly. Harold (I.yric) New ark N. J.. 810. Kemi A Mayue (Keith'a) Providence.

Vancouver, B. C., 12 17. Gordon A tKirdon (Proctor'a) Kllaabetti. N. J., | H.algklna A Hammond (Hammersteln'a) N.

Y. (.

New Orleans 12 1'

Miss Robbie Gordone Playing United Tln>a Dir. Max Bart.

Gormley A Caffery (Orpheum) Denver. Goaaana, Boldiy (Mlck'a) Durango, la. Gould A Aalilyn (Keith't) Cincinnati; (KeiUi’a)

Ivuutaville 12-17. Grady. Jamew, A (v>. (Milea) Cleveland.

Iloey A l-ee (Hammeratedn’s) N. Y. C. •tim Hoflnian. (Jertnide (Oriiheuui) \Vlmiii)eg, Can.;

(Sliernian Grand) Calgary 1214; (Orpbeum) I Clubland. Begina Pl-n.

(Pantiigea) Vancriuver, B. C.. 1217. Uertier A Ward (K:upreaa) Denver; (Empreaa)

KinUberlV end PMohr I^ealle, mancbe (KmpreHa) Bntte, Mont.; (Or ^ — w pheum) Spokane, Waah.. 12 17.

A Story In Rhyme and Rang, l.eaaiiig, lUIwIu, A Co. (Pus tor’s) 58th St.) N. Y. C. 8 10.

Adelaide Herrmann Playing United Tima

Mobiles A Rilev (Kinpresa) 8t. Paul.


Grange. Irene (Colonial) Norfolk. Va.. 12-14; Holmea A Buchanan (Alhambra) N. Y. C. 12-1" (l.yrlc) KichnitMid 1.517.

Grant A Hoag (t)rpheuni) Salt I.ake City 12-17,

Bernard Granville Warred by A. H. Wooda

Grafiewin, Chaa., A Co. (Keith i) Cleveland; (Grand) Pltteburg 12-17,

Gray A Grnliam (Km|>ret*a) Butte, Mont.; (Or¬ pheum) K|sikane, Waah., 1217.

Gray of the Dawn (Knickerbocker) Philadelphia 8 10.

Gray. Bnnny (Hammeratein’i) N. T. C. Gray A I'etcrs (Partagea) Portland, Ore. Graaera. The (Orpbeum) Oakland, Cal.; (Or¬

pheum) Sacra iiiento 12-13; (Vowinite) Stock- ton 14 I.!; (Victory) San Joee 16-17.

Hopkina Siatera (Keith'a) Toledo; (Keith'a) kImh. A Iterule (Shiitwrti Bnaiklvn SID. Columbua 12-17. KleW«,.«, Mn.ical (Cohen'a G. H ) Newt

Horllck Kanilly (4>rand) Pittahnrg 12 17. V y.. 8 m Iloudlnl (Alhambra) N. Y. t'.; tOn>heum) Klutinga Animala (Keith'a) Plihadelphla.

Kenny, Joe (Ilammeratein'a) N. Y. C. Kiiidierly A Mohr (OrlUienni I Meniphia 12 17 Kingdom of Dreama d’antageai Portland, Ore. Kingatoiia A Ktiner (Tendde) Bocheater. Kirk A Fogarty (OniheiKu) Mempbie; (Or-

)d(euiii) New Orleana 12 17. Klt[[er, Hayiiea A Montgomery (Pantagea) I»a l.eater, Harry B. (Alhambra) N. Y. C.

.tngeles; (I'antageai S((n Db'go, 12 17. I,eater Trio (Flatlinnh) Brooklyn 8-10. Klaaa A Iterule (Sh(()iert I S ID. I,eTeen. Sam, A Co. (Proctor'a 12otb St.) N. KleK«e«, Musical (Cohen'a <i. H i Newtiurgh. Y. C. 8-10.

V. Y.. 8 10. I,eTering Co. (Keith's) Boston. Devy, Bert (Columbia) Grand Rap4de, Mich.;

(Keith'a) Toledo, O., 12-17. Brooklyn 12-17

HINES and FOX Sajlno In Soni«. Dlrv^oo Husb«.

A <'4»rti«tlji la., S lo: < Mai4>4rti(‘^ (><Ur KapitN, 12 14; Yloi I^ul»ii(|ii<* 1« 17

"HEL KiRK and FOGARTY Bonked tIoUd U. B O. Dir. Max Hayea. Howard, Chaa.. A Co. (Orpheum) Duluth; (Or

plieiim) St. Paul 12-17. How'ard A Slm<Di (lem|»)e) Detroit; (Temple) I Kornau. Fr**d (Orpb.-um) St. Paul; (Orpbeum)

Rochester 12-17. Duluth 12-17.


Original lion Jaw SeooatloD. Protacttd by tha PM- <ct law of tha D. R

T^^^oSml'oa’S^ (Or- ,$pn;;il.';i:V"s.;n'’'Db.7o I?*!".'"*'-

'irMN'T-'VvIctoVV) ”«*io^** * *^^*‘‘*‘* ^Jlobc) N. Y. C. Kramer A M.wton (Orpheum) Kansas City; (Or- i,ewl8‘ A Ruaaell (Orphetm) Sioux City, la.; m 14 1.7. (M.tory) San J<me 16 17. pheum) Dea Molnew 12-17. (Orpheum) MlnneapI.Ha. Minn. 12-17.

TMk NCN MR AMD MRS. __^ ^ Kramers. The (-Temple) R.Khealer; (Maryland) LItbv A Barton (Orpbe^im) Winnipeg, Can.; YMK MCM. MR. AND MRS. HOWaPCl ailC] PtelClS ^.Baltimore 12 17. (Sherman Grand) Calgary 12-14; (Orpheum)

■RAIIAI BiR Ansif with Their DINING CAR MIN.STRJXS. Kraytona. -Tbrj^ (Pantagea) Mmonton. Can.; Regina 16 17. HrIIIISI ISIm V ■***' •* lioew'a AmMiran. .-* * *'’1**^/^*'1-17. m RRmRRRRSLRmia ^IRRIm ■ Kraxv Kida. Nine (Orpheum) Ogden, I tab. 8-10; ■ _ _ _, _I_1_ (F.mtireaat Salt Ijilie Cltv 1217

With Their DINING CAR MIN.STRJXS. Jilt at liOew'a Amrtican.

(Howard A KcCane (Orpheum) Blrmingbam, Ala.; (Forsythe) Atlanta, Ga., 12-17.

Howell Siatera (Proctor'a) Plaindeld, N. J., 8-10.

Ilugga, F*Iylng (Evans' Show) Predonla, Kan.

CECIL LEAN Green Beetle (Majestic) Milwaukee 12-17. Gnilter A Kew (IMajeaUc) Ann Arbor, Mich., J Hiichea. Jim A .\lice (Ga-lety) Indianapolis 8-10.

A-1(1, I Hnntcr * Roa* (Temple) Cortland, N. Y.; ^[iMv Countess (B'lulevard) N. Y. C. 810. Halier, Eleanore, A Co. (Orpheum) Uneoln,

Neb.. 12 17. Haberdaaher.T (I.yrlc) Newark, N. J., 8-10. Hale, WllUe, A Brother (Poll) Scranton. Pa.

Billy “Swede” Hall with Itwole Onlborn and Bonoe WeaUtL

Hall. Billy Swede (Orpbeum) Winnli>eg, Can.; (Sherman Grand) Calgary 12-14; (Orpbeum) Regina 15 17.

Hall, Howard K. (MaJeKtlr) Diibii<]ue, la., Indef. Hall, (ilenii (Hudaoii) I'nton HIM, N. J., 12-17. Hamilton Bros. (Proctor'a) Port Cheater, N. Y.,

8 10.

(Palace) PhHadelptrla, Pa., 12-17.

GREAT HOWARD ShottUh Tantrlloqulat Dir. MoitIb and FML

Hunting, L A M. (Columbia) Grand Raplda, Mleh.; (Temple) Detroit 12 17.

Hunting A Francis (Orpbeum) Regina, Can., 8-10.

Hntchlnaon. Willard, Oo. (Pantagea) San Diego, Cal.


ADD HOYT’S MINSTRELS Booked Solid D. B. O. Time.


Kraytona. Three (Pantagea) Etlmonton, Can.; (Pantagea) Calgary 12 17.

Kraxv Kida. Nine (Orpheum) Ogden, Utah. 8-10; (Emi>re»a) Salt laike City 12 17

Kremka Bros. (Temple) Detroit; (Tetnple) Rochester 1'2-17.

Kmnold, Halls (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal.; (Or- idieuni) Sacramento 12 (Yoaeinite) Stock- Ulbooltl (Lyric) Riebtaond, Va.. 12-14; (Olo- ton 14 1.1: (Victory) San done 16 17. nial) Norfolk 15 17.

IJebter, Baron (Empma) Chicago 8-10.

KUBAMOFF "^"'.l^V) Milwaukee; (likn-

The World'a Oreattat Novelty VloUnlat. Now loorliM Link. Robinson A CV>. (Pantagew) Victoria, B. and 6rst appearance In America. _ C.; (Pantagewi Tacoma. Wash., 12-17.

Kummer, Claire (Keith'a) Providence. Kumry, Boesch A Robinson (Colonial) Chicago

8 10. Kyra (Star) Brooklyn; (Vaudeville) Binghamti'B

12-14: (Vaudeville) Erie 15 17. I.aFrance A Brui'e (Victoria) Charleston, S. C..

8-10; (Oniheum) Birmingham. .Ala., 12-17. TaMont. I.loyd (Columbia) Detroit. TaTov Bros. (Royal) N. Y'. C.; (Keith's) Phila-

delphia 12-17.

C.; (Pantagewi Tacoma. Wash., 12-17.

MISS LIETZEL -ranee A Bruce (Victoria) Charleat.m. S C..

Motit •?to?r7coirmbUr’ltT;oli''‘• ” LUn"^- R^a K;"^Bri.‘"".Vy%"N*:‘V. ^^I'TKel.h-a, Phila- A Ce. (Empreaa, Salt lakt

Handlton- Anne. A Co. (Gaiety) Springfleld, Ill., . „u,ehlaon. Ed R. Danville. Va.. 12 17.

Marie and Billy Hart Hymack (Keith'a) Boston; (Keith’a) Providence


LA 6RACI0SA Managnnent Clyde Rlnaldo. Booked Solid D. B. O

laVler (EmfpresH) Grand Raplda. Mich.. 8-10.

City. IJovd. Hugh (Poll) Scranton. Pa., 12-17. Ixickett A Waldron (Orpheum) Seattle.

THE LEFFELTRIO "An InlUatloa of the Nut Club,' n. B. O. Tima.

ImiHiCr, Conn A Coreene (Orpheum) Sionx Clt.v. I.aStelIa Trio (Elks') Prescott, Arlx., 10-12; I I»ektiarte A Ijiddy (Pantagea) Vam-oover. B. la.; (Orpheum) Mlnneapolla. Minn.. 12-17.

G "* IDANIAS ** S D'raetton Frank Bobaa.

(Coliaeum) Phoenix 13-19.

I.ady. The (Orpheum) Denver. I.a) Moil Klni (Oriiheumi Omaha; (Onibeum)

SloHX Cltv 12 17. Lanitierti (Proctor'a) Albany, N. Y., 8-10.

In "The Clreua Oirl" IRiwrtlon James E Plankett. I“n'«n. Billy, A Co. (Orpheum) Ogden. Utah. laMw-ll.- ('a .>th St.) N. Y. C. 8-10. R-10; (Empress) Salt Lake Clt.v 12-14. lady. The (Orpbeum) Denver.

Hamilton A Barnes (Garrick) WUmlngtoa. Del., a-w « m ^ *‘*SloHx'"citv*"’2

Ha'nlon! Tom (IKW Van Buren St.) Chicago; ^ IDAHIAS “* G Lanil^rtl (Proctor's) Albany. N. Y.. 8-10. (Ganlen) lx>ckport. N. Y.. 12-14; (Grand) Brantford. Out., Canaila, 15 17.

Hargraves. Henry, A Co. (Proctor'a) PlalnOeld, N. J.. 8 10.

Harraha. Great (Pantagea) Calgary, C«n. Harris A Maynon (Busbwlck) Brooklyn. Hart. Marie A Billy (Orpheum) Denver, Od.;

(Orpbeum) Ltncoln. Neb., 12-14.


C.: (Pantagea( Victoria 12-17. lioneaonie Lassies (Rppyal) N. Y. C-. 12-17. Ix>ralne, Orscar (Knickerbocker) Philadelphia

8-10. lorettaa. Three (American) Chicago 8-10;

(Crystal) Milwaukee 12 17.

LI BO N ATI Worhrs Orratest Ragtime XylapbaiiML

Bneked Solid. Dir. Weber A Brana.

PRINCE LAI MON KIM Innea A Ryan (Yonce St.) Toronto. Can. Hie Noted (Clneae Tenor, loleen Slaters (Shea's) Toronto, Can. Booked oollu u. B. O. Tima. Irmenas. The (Lyric) Newark. N. J., 8-10. Irwin A Herzog (EmpresH) San KrancKco; Lambert! (Maryland) Baltimore; (Keith's) Phil- I nrabmonda (Orpbeum) Omaha

(Empress) Sacramento 12 17. adelphia 12-17. Lctp In a Sanitarium (Miles) ——Ijimbert A Ball (Orphenm) Montreal. Can. Love A W ilbur (Pantagea) .San

ROGFR HUGH H. MARCELLE lainont A Miltiam (lyric) Newark. N. J.. 8-10. taxes) Oakland 12 17.

Lore In a Sanitarium (Miles) Detroit. Love A Wilbur (Pantagea) San Francisco; (Pao-

tagea) Oakland 12 17. Imhoff Conn and CopaanaM-""'’*"" fCoIumbla) St. lonla; Ia>y»l. SylvU, A Co. (Keith's) Provldenee;

(Orphenm) Memphis 12 17. (Buabwlek) Brwoklya 12-17. Surgeon Loudrr, U. S A. |<lry Bros. (MrVieker's) Chicago; (Empress)

Chicago 12-14; (American) Chicago 15-17. *‘THE LI TTLE JOH H I.andry Bros. (McVicker’s) Chicago; (Empress)

. . „ Chicago 12-14; (American) Chicago 1517. Hartley A Pecan (Liew's) New Rochelle, N. Y., Imned (Metory) San Jose. Cal., 9 10; (Or-

8 10. pheum) Los Angeles 12-17. iPIWIHtfW ■ f| ■■ IIB ^ Hartman A Varady (Keith'a) Cincinnati; Jack A Fnria (Uridieiim) St. Paul; (Orpbeum) f Lw IB

(Keith'a) Toleilo J2-17. Duluth 12 17. Sj^ant. ao/Vn.. Tirt Harvey. W. .s., A Cvi. 11'roi’tor'a) Mt. Vernon. Jackson Family (Empress) Denver; (Empress) "anaarionsi arrunaia. aaortas r<i.*tiaani. Ton.

tKeith'a) Toleilo J2-17. Duluth 12 17

N Y.. 8 10 Havtland A TImrnton (Busliwlck) Brooklyn. HawtiMH-ne A Inglla ll*rus|ieet) Brooklyn; (Bnab-

wick) Brooklyn 12-17.


Haydn, Burton A Havdu (Bab<-ock) BllUngs, Jartow (Columbia) St. Lonis.

Kansas City 12 17. Jackson, Joe (Keith's) Philadelphia; (Keith's)

Wasbingtim 12-17. Japanese Prince (Orphenm) Boston 8-10.

Stewart 6. Jackson Juveolls Lead. Laahy'a "Red Heads'*

"Oiigliial and only Dtamsod Jncglen." Pstantad in U 1 A. Wntgn Patents Pending.

Luhy. Ednn, A Oo. (Academy) Fall River, Mass., 8-10.

Luigi Bros. (Proctor'a 2Sd St.) N. Y. C. 8-10. Lane A O'Donnell (Keith's) ludiangpolls; 8-10.

(Keith's) l/oulsville 12-17. Luigi Bros. (Proctor'a 2Sd St.) N. Y. C. 8-10. lysnigan, J<.e (1’antsgesi Edmonton, Can.; (Pan- I.aitgeDs. Hugo (Pantagea) Seattle; (Pantagea)

tages) Calgary 12-17. Vancouver. B. C.'., 12-77. Langdona. The (Prospect) Brooklyn; (Bash- Idrdell, Roger* A Lydelt (Oryiheum) Seattle,

wick) Brooklyn 12-17. l.BSiTe A Lawre (PnK-tor'a) PlalnOeld, N. J..

8-10; (Grand) Troy 12-14; (Proctor's) Al¬ bany in 17.

Mont. 67: (Empress) Butte 12-17. Hayes. Ed. A Co. (Orphenm) Kansas City.

City; (Orplieuin) Denver 12 17. I Heath A Millerahlp (Grand) Syracuse; (Keith's)

Cleveland 12-17.

Helm I'hildn-n (I»ew's) Waterbary. Conn., 8-10. Held A Cameron (Proctor's) Port Chester. N.

Y.. 8 10. Henimer A Pritchard (Shiibert) Brooklyn 8 10.


Hedges Bros, and Jacobson APOLLO GRILL. ATLANTIC CITY.

ilendler, Herachel (Forsythe) Atlanta, Ga. Ileudricka A DePaula (Victoria) Charleston.

S. C.. I'J 14: (Bijou) Savannah. Ga.. 15-17. Hennings. J. A W. (Keitli's) Cleveland; (Co¬

lumbia) Grand Raplda 12-17. Heiirv A Harrison il'antageg) Victoria, B. C.;

(Pantagea) Tacoma. Wash.. 12-17. Henrys. Flying (Orpheum) Montreal, Can., 12-


Jarvis A Harrison (Keith's) Toledo; (Grand) I Agwaw&gNn I bbanIaw W. I City. Pittsburg 12-17. LBIICEOni LllCIOr ft IsOa Salt Lake Jefferson. Jos.. A Co. (Orpheum) Reattle 12-17. w, ■«,«. ..n,-.- ^ ~

Jerome, Ben. A Co. (WllUrd) Chdeago 8-10. Awlsted by UKRe AUm. Heopa af miBrity.

; (Keith's) Jeter Aggers (Oj-phe.^^^^^ laisky'. New Act (Rhnbert) Ctlea, N. T.

a,« JohliX Johnny A Co St. Paul; *'•";“** (Empn-s.) ^oramento. Cal.;

Hayward .Staffonl Co. (Orpheum) Salt Lake Jefferson. Jos.. A Co. (Orpheum) Seattle 12-17. iMai. "Ri«w. ^ ~ r'i.^. ... i.> ,v I Jerome, Ben. A Co. (WllUrd) Chdeago 8-10 I «>» “«!» « HUortty.

(Omhenm) Dnliith 12-17 (Empress) Ixjs Angeles 12 17. (Orpheum) ^ ^ „ lawn Party (Grand) PltUbnrg; (Orpheam)

Johnstons, Muaical (Empire) New Ooss. Eng., Blrmingbam 12-17. J® 24; Strat- Lawrenee A Edwards (Orphenm) Birmingham,


LORRAINE and BURKS PlrsriloB WIU Oolttna. Lnoden. Rhglaiid.

Lyona A T<W(v> (Orpbeom) Brooklyn; (Coloolal) N. Y, C. 12-17.

Lyres, Ttiree (Keith's) Phdladelphia; (Keith'a) Cleveland 12-17.

Lyriea (I’roetor's) Mt. Temon. N. Y., 8-10. McCarthy Sisters (Proctor's 23d »t.) N. Y. C.

8-10. *^Bl?mlnghani IIJ^F?***** PltUbnrg; (Orpheam) | yipTaiiley. Inei. A fJO. (National) N. T. C. 8-10.

AU.. 12 17. laypo A Beniamin (Empress) San Pranciseo;

(Empress) Sacramento 12 17.


Henrys. Flying (Orpheum) Montreal, Can., 12- Ilaplds 12-17. 17. Jnndta, (Dominion) Ottawa, Can

Heras A irreston (Pantagea) I,<>8 Angeles; (Pan- Kalfyaina (Orptienm) New Orleans.

ford Empire) Ix)ndoD 26-31. Johnston A Wells (Orpheum) klontreal. Can. Jones A Sylvester (Orpheum) Salt I.ake City;

(Orphenm) Denver 12-17.

HARRY JOLSOH Operatle Blaekfaos Oomedlao.

S. _i o.i> I.,, lAXwell A Rowland (Ashby's) Hanfoni.

Joy” I W^WEmX.) ancVnna^l^^ ’ j?' ''’iV”'"’ Wkersfleld 11-13; (C. (

(Columbia) Grand n,.'.,,, ,Orpheum) N. V. C. 8

MACK and WILLIAMS Original, Benaatlonal RUlmao* Daneaxa.

Ihe Lnnatle Tumblnw. ''lamping the Bunga” Dir. Jos. R. PlunketL

tages) San Diego 12-17.


Hercnlano Slaters (Empress) Chicago 8-10. Hermany's Cats A Dogs (National) Detroit. Heron. Eddie. A Co. CLoew’s) Waterbury, Oono.,

8-10. Hess Sisters (Orpbeum) Denver; (Orpheum)

I.ln«>!ii. Neb., 12 17.

Kallch^ Bertha. A Co. (Orpheum) Kansas nty. j^^Groha (Colum).ls) SC Imiils 12 17 12 17.

Kallkoa. David (Warwick) Brooklyn 8 10. Kalmar A Brown (Orpheum) San Francism 12-

17. Keefe, Eena, A Co, (Proctor's 23<1 St.) N. Y.

C.. 8 10.


KFNO and GRFFN Direction Joe Plneua CBav Agtoa.

Hickey nr.>s.. Thn-e (Spreckel'a) San Diego. Kelly A Wllllama (Proctor'a) Port Chester. I,eUht'>n A Rrd.lniion (Orpheum) Bimkane- (Em- fal.; (On;benm) Salt l.ake City 12-17. N, Y’.. 8-10. press) Seattle 12-17

Higgins. John (Orpbeum) Salt Lake City; (Or- Kellv. Walter C (Keith'a) Cleveland; (Grand) ' lelghlona. Three (ColombU) Grand RaphU pheum) Denyer 12-17. —- s« s-» ) ... . . _ . . _ ’- e . PittBbarg 12-17.

McCay, Wlnsor (Grand) Syracuse 12-17. McCInre A I>olly (Empress) INirtIund. Ore. MWonnell A Nlemeyer (Pantages) Calgary.

Can. lAXwell A Rowland (Ashby's) Hanfoni Cal MctVmnell A Simpson (Orphenm) New Orleans.

7 10: (Parra's) Bakersflel'd 11-13; (C. A C.) A frying (Keith's) Oolnmbus; Taft 14 17 (Keith's) Toledo 12-17.

I.e<oiint. Bessie (Orpheum) N. V. C. 8 10. McDermott A Wallace (Empress) Kansas City. ImFevre A St. John (Proepu-'s 58th St.) N. T.

.SW'""""" TED MAC LEAN AND COMPANY lo^Grohs (Coinmhis) St. Ixuils 12-17. __ „ _. ^ I.eII<s>n A Dupree (Orpheum) Birmingham,

McDermott, Billy (Temple) Hamilton, Can.; (Keith's) To1e<lo 12-17.

McDeyltt, Kelly A Luev (Keith'a) Philadelphia 12-17.

McGinn. Francis. A Co. (Orphenm) Ixm An¬ geles; (Spn-ckel's) San Diego 12-17.


Mlac Ree end Clegg DtreoUoo Paul Durand.

McGooda, Chaa., A Co. (Spreckel'a) Ran Dlega, Cal.; (OrpheoiB) BaH Laka Oty 12-IT.

I.eII<s>n A Dupree (Orpheum) Birmingham, Ala.

THE EA.ISIGDONS "A N'lrtit on 1h^ ILiulfTtrd,’*

Orpheum ’nifiitiT, Rronklyny week 11.

T^Matre 4c I>awm»n /Amprienn) N. Y. C. 8-10. f«aVal1a. Aerial Bro«>klyn 8-10.

A < ranaUm (Orand) Hyraraae. Tjee, Joe (RerHihllc) I>hi Anyelea 12>17.

I Mich.; '(Keith'a) Toledo, O.. 12-lT.


OCTOBER 10, 1914. X ti e Billboard 36

McKinley. Nell (KnipreHsl I'.irtlaii.l. Ore. Meljellan A- <’ar»<>n (Alhambra) N. Y. C'.; (Or- r.’ 17. MrMaheii. I>iBiii<'ii,l Ac Cleiiieliee (<>n>heiim) .M.xi-

treal. C’aii.. I'J 17. .M. \llllan. Lhla. .V «>>. (Aiiierleaii) Olileauo 8 10;

K'ryataU .Mil«aiikee 1-* 17. _

MAGLEYS "Specialty Danerra." Orlfliial Dance RrTua.

Ihn-ctlon M. S. lientham.

lli-Nainani, 'I'lel'l.v. A («'■ (Dautajreal Vanoouver, It. C.; (I’antaceHl Virt-Tia rJ-17.

McNntlH, t'.\cllii„' (Orpheum) .Sixikane; (Km- piraHl Seattle 12 17.

Mcllae A CleKk (Columliia) St. lioulw. Maltelle A Itallet (Maryland) Italtlinore;

(Kelth'e) Thlladelphla 12-17. Mack A Walker (OrpUeum) Oakland, Cal., 12-

17. _

Three Marconi Bros. Tb« Wlrelcw Orctieatra. Dir. Harry Weber.

Mack. riia*. A C'n. (Kelth’a) Itoatun 12-17. Vkdcleya. The (Alhambra) N. Y. C.; (Buah-

wlck) Hrouklyn 12-17. Madiaoii Ac Jamea lOrund) I‘ltt«hnr(f 12-17. Mahoney, Tom (Uiew’a) .New lb>chelle, X. Y..

s-io. Maklnr the Morlea (Poll) Scranton, Pa. Malone A Malone (Gaiety) Spriogtield, III., 8-10.

THE DANCING MARS In an Oirtrlnal Noeclty. Dir. D. B. O.

Mann, Sam. Pla.vera (St Jameal Po-it-m _ 8 In. Man of .Myatery (Proctor's) Klizalteth, X. J.,

s-io. Mangean Troupe (Kmprees) Chicago 8-10. Mare.Hn'ml Trio iTemplei Detroit 12-17. Mar-onl Bros.. Three (Koraythe) .Mlauta, Ga.;

(Orpheum) Binuingham. Ala., 12-17.

MAURICE Hi* BalaiMlng Boy on the Cbalia and Table.

Dir. Barry Fltagerald.

.Mario A IKiff.v (Orphetiml Jacksonville. Fla.; iKoraythe) .\tlanta. Gi.. 12 17.

Mario A Duffy (Oniheum) Jackaonvllle; (For¬ sythe) Atlanta, Ga., 12-17.

Marshall A Iheld (Proctor’e) Altany, S. Y., 8-10.

Marshall. Kelward (Kelth’«) Pruvldence 12-17. Martin, li B. (Orpheum) Dulnth.

HARRY mayo and TALLY harry One-Half of the Famoua Bnitdra (Tty QuartetM.

Rooked Solid PRO Idr. Harry Pitacerald.

Mhrtioi, Flying (Prospect) Brooklyn. Matinee Girl* (SpreckeP*) San Diego, Cal.; (Or¬

pheum) .Salt I.ake City 12 17. Martini A ITahlni (U>ew’al Waterbury. Conn.,

8 10. Marzella Blr<l» (Keith’s) fincinnatl 12 17. Matlne Bros. A BoMiy (Keith's) Washington;

OColoolal) N’. Y. C. 12-17.


McBride and Cavanaugh Fm'tired with A1 Too Tllaer's Hooey (Brta.

Mlllou A Deixmg Sister* (Orpheum) Ilarrisburg, I'a.; iMaryluiid) Baltimore 12 17.

•Minstrel Maids. Kleten iPantages) Seattle; ll’antu;:e*i VaD<‘ouver, It ('., 12 17.

Mitchell, Ix-slle (0. II. i Holton. .Mi(;h.; (Obler- landK) Kent City. Wi*., 1217.

Monetta Five tTemiiie) Detisdt; (Temple) Itochealer 12-17.

Monohiui-A Moiedian (X'aliunal) Detroit.

MERCEDES _ Dir. r. B. o.

.Moiiis.e. Chann ey, A Co. (Poli) Scranton, Pa., 12 17.

Moutamlxi A IVells (Ori>heiim) Jacksonville, (Orpheum I Birmingham. .111.. 12-17.

Montgomery, Marshall (Maryland) Baltimore; llIauimemteln'Kl N. Y'. C. 12-17.

•Montrose A Sydell (Kmpress) Tacoma. Wash.; (Kui|)ress) Portland, Orel. 12-17.


MILLER and VINCENT Ask Harry Fltagrrald

•Monty A iP't (Dominion) Ottawa. .Can., 12-17. -Moore A I-itlletleld (Orphenint Seattle. M<s)re. Pony. A C«. (i'ant.nges) San Francisco;

ll'aiitagesi Oakland 12-17. Mtiore A Klliott iSt. Jaincsi Boston 8-10. Moore A Y'atea (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Keith's)

Boston 12-17.

RAY MONDE? "la She a Han or la He a Womanf*’

A Senaatloa on the United lime.

Moran A Wiser (Maryland) Baltimore; (Royal) N. Y. C. 12 17.

Moreland (Hammersteln’*) X. Y. C. Morin Sisters (Orpheum) Jacksonville. Morris A Parks (Kmpiess) Grand Rapids, Mich..


MONETA FIVE Harmony at Home.

Personal Rcfi., Joe Baymond; Dir.- J. & PlnnketL

Morris. Klida (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Or¬ pheum) Winnipeg, Can., 12 17.

M irris A .\Ilen (l.lnisiln .8ipiarei N. Y". C. 8-10. Morrissey A Hackett (I'rcH-tor's) Mt. Vernon.

X. Y.. 8-10. Morrow, Wm., A Co. (Orpheum) Ogden, Utah.

8-10; (Empress) Salt lAke City 12-17.


BIO AX’D LITLE CASINO. Rooked Solid on Loew CTrcult. Dir.' Irving Cooper.

Mayer, Ix>tt)e, A Grecian Maids (Pantages) Winnipeg. Can., 12-17.

Majro k Wroou Hk>ux City, la., 8- 10; (Royal) I-aMarl 12 14.

Maisone A Mazisme (National) Detroit. Meehan’s 18>gs tOrpbcunil .-Seattle 12 17. Melbourne. Burt Corn (PnKtor’s) .\lbaay. N.

Y.. 8-10.

Nelson, Juggling (Orpheiiui) Vancouver, R. C.; (Empress) Tacoma. Wash.. 12 17.

Neptune's Garilens I Orpheum) Kansas City. Neptune’s Nymphs (Empress) Sacramento, Cal.;

(Empress) Ixis Angeles 12-17.


By Otto T. Johnson. Dir. Gene Hughes.

Nevins A Erwcxsl (Majestic) Milwaukee. Newell A Most (Bijou) Savannah, Ga., 8-10. Newisirt A Stirli (Bijou) Jackson. Mich., 8-10.

(Ilippo<lroinei Toronto, Can., 12-17. Nichols Sisters (Crystal) Milwaukee; (L'niciue)

Minneapolis 12-17. Nichols, Nellie V. (Temple) Rochester; (Or¬

pheum) Montreal, Can., 12-17.

NICK’S SIX SKATING GIRLS Booked Solid U. B. O. Dir. Pat Ouey.

Nick’s Skating Girls (Proctor's) Albany, N. Y., .8-10.

Nick's Skating Girls (Shea’s) Buffalo 12-17. Night Hawks (Pantages) Oakland, Cal.; (Pan-

taaesi Ix)8 .Yngeles 12-17. Nile. Grace Dunbar, A Co. (Keith’s) Lonis-

vllle. Nip A Tuck (Empress) Grand Rapids, Mich., 8-


AL. NUTTLE ITie Largest Single Muslekl Act In VaudevUle.

Norcross A Holds worth (Orpheum) Birmingham, Ala.

North. Frank, A Co. (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal., 12 17.

O'Brien. Havel A Co. (Orpheum) San FTan- cis<-<>.

O’Neil A Dixon (Empress) Grand Rapiils, Mich., 8-10.

Q’BRIER. NAVEL A m Oakley, Slivers (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.;

iPaiitsges) I’ortlaml. Ore., 12-17. Oddone I Empress) Tacoma, Wash.; (Empress)

Portland. Ore., 12-17. Odiva A Seal (Temple) Detroit; (Temple)

Roche.ster 12-17.

Four Onetti Sisters Ovmnast Spedailstg. Dir. Ed a KeUer.

Morse, Harry. A Co. (Proctor’s) Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 8 10.

Morton. Jim 1 Knlckertsocker) Philadelphia 8 10. Morton A Austin (Alhambra) N. Y. C.; (Co-

lonial) X. Y. C. 12-17.


Dir. Alf. T. Wilton.

Morton, Ed (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) Roches¬ ter 12 17.

Morton A (Colonial) X. C.; (Bnsh- wick) Brooklyn 12-17.

Morbm. Sam A Kstty (Bnshwlck) Brooklyn 12 17.

Ed. IVIorton Direction Jennl* Jacobs. Pst Casey OtBcei


MeCORMACK and IRVING "Beeawn Decks." Dr. Bd 8. Kallsr.

Kelbonrne, Grace (Proctor's) Albany, N. Y., 8-10.

Meleecini (Prtx-tor’w 12.Mh St.) X. Y. C. 8-10. Meliiotte Twins I Empress) Cincinnati. Melody MaJda and Ylan (McVlcker'a) Chicago. Melrose. Bert (Ixww's) Waterbury. Coon.. 8-10. Melvins, Three (Hudaon) Union Hill, N, J.,


HcDEVin, KELLEY ill IKEKE LUCEV Dtawedflo TTMia. nupatitA.

klelville A Higgins (Orpheum) Brooklyn 12-17. Mennetti A Sldelll (Emprese) Kansas City. Mercedes (Ovlnmbia) Bt. I»uls; (Orpheum)

Memphis 12-17.

Meredith A Hmxaer (Unique) Mtnneapolli; (Em- pres#) 8t. Paul 1217.

Merle's Cockatoo# (Orpheum) Birmingham, Ala., 12 17.


McMAHON, DIAMOND 4 CLEMENCE DtraeOan M. R. Beolliam.

Merrill A Otto (Orpheum) Ixoe Angeles; (Spreck- el’s) San Diego 12 17

Metsettia, .Five (Orpheum) San Francleco 5-17. Meyakon, Trk> (siiea't) Buffalo; (Shea's) To¬

ronto, ('«n., 12-17. Mtdgley A Elton (Proctor’a lilth St.) N. T. C.


BERT MELROSE rKATUimro thd "Uelrosm faix."

Miller, Mn<ire A Oardner (Empress) Sacramento, Cal.; (Emprese) I>o# Angelee 12-17.

Hiller A Uvie* (Orjihenm) Salt Lake City; (Or- phenm) Denver 12-17.


MELNOTTE TWINS (Mwim Ikea and Oranaa.

Motarts. The (Orpheum) IJncoln. Neb.; (Or¬ pheum) Ksn«a* tlty. -Mo.. 12 17.

Miiether. IK>rothy (Maryland) Baltimivre 12-17. Mulhall. Lucille. Co. (Pantages) Salt Lake City. Mullen A Coogan (Keith's) Providence. Muller A Stanley (Maryland) Baltimore.

OlilOeld A Drew (National) Detroit. Olivers. Six (Empress) Cincinnati. | Olympic Trio (Donnlnlon) Ottawa. Can.. 12-17. Ordway, Laurie (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.,

12-17. Ori*heus Come<ly Four (Colonial) Chicago 8-10. Otto. Elizal>etb (Dominion) Ottawa, Can.

OS-KO-MON Dlreetlan Narmao Jeffrie#.

Oxford Trio (Pantages) Winnii>eig. Can.; (J’an- tages) Edmonton 12-17.

Ozavs, The (Lyric) Beatrice, Neb.; (Majestic) Grand Island 12-17.

Palfrey. Barton A Brown iPantages) Oakland, Cal.: (Pantages) Ix>s Angeles, 12-17.

Pallenberg’s Bears (Orpheum) Omaha; (Or¬ pheum) Kansas CTty 12-17

HELER PAGE In "The Undentudy." Direction M. 8. Bentham.

Panlon (Gb>bel X. Y’, C. 8 10. Parlllo A Frablfo 'Keith's) Cleveland. Paris Green (P intages) Salt Ii»ike City. Parise (Yonge St.) Toronto. Can. Patricola. .Angelo (Temple) Rochester; (Grand)

Pitt-sburg 12-17. Patricola A Myers (Empress) Butte, Mont.;

(Orpheum) Spokane. Wash.. 12-17. Payne Nina (Proctor’s 2:ld St.) N. Y. C. 8-10.


Miller, DeVoy A Prince (Victoria) CJiarlestou.' B. r., 8 10 (Orpheum) Jackaourllle, FU., 1 12-17.



Murphy A Lachmar (Grand) Troy. N. Y'.. 8-10. Murphy A l>>ley (Empress) IN>rtlanJ. Ore. Murphy, Geo. P.. A Co, (Boulevard) X. Y'. C.

8 10. Murtihv. Sen. Francis (Empress) San Francisco;

(Empress) Saersmento 12-17.

THE MOWATTS Oar* of Th# BlUboaid. New Totk City.

Murphy, Mr. A Mra. M. (HammersteJn's) N. Y. C.

Musical Juvenile* (Pantsges) Tacoma. Wash.; (I'antages) Portland. Ore.. 12-17.

Mystic Bird (Orpbenm) Harrishurg, Pa., 12 17. Nadell A Kane (Pantagesl Wlnnliteg, Can.;

(Pantages) Edmonton 12-17. Nagel. Geo.. A Co. (Lyrlcl Newark. N. J.. 8-10.


IVf. XERRARI Pmaler ClaaMo and Modem Daneera Par Bzoellaio*L

Nana (Lyric) Richmond, Va., 8-10. Nwnlini (Proctor's) Port Chester. N. Y., 8-10. Natalie A Ferrari (Orpheum) Salt Lake City:

(Orpheum) Denver 12-17. Nawn, Tom, A Co. (Colonial) Chicago. Neal A Karl (Empress) Lo# Angeles; (Orphenm)

Ogden. Utah. 15-17.

JULIA NASH A. CO. Pnaentlng ‘'H«r Fliat O*##"

Booksd fload. a M. Blanokard. Um-

Neher A Kappel (Orpheum) Montgomery, Ala.; ddrrlc) Blxmlogham 12-17.

Nellen A DePaul* (Greeley 8<]uare) N. T. C. 8-10.

•loaMdy Sciolo Artlsta. The Cartoon Aet D# Loza.

Pearl Bros. A Burn* (Proctor’s 125th St.) N. Y. C.. 8-10.

Pekin Mysteries (.Shea's) Toronto, Can.; (Tem¬ ple) Detroit 12-17.

Pekinese Troupe (Yonge St.l Toronto, Can. Pelletier, Pierre, A Co. (Orpheum) .Minneapolis

12-17. Pepplno (Garrick) Wilmington. Del. Pereira Sextette (Poll) Scranton, Pa.; (Poll)

New Haven, Conn., 12-17.

PALLENBERG’S BEARS Bzhlbltor and Managte. Emil Pallenberg.

Orpheum Circuit.

Pernlkoff A Rose (Keith's) Indianapolis 12-17. Phillips, Minna, Co. (IToctor’s) Elizabeth. N.

J.. 8-10. Phillipi Quartette (Delancey St.) X. Y. C. 8-10. PiatOT A Glaser (Orp)iemn) Minneapolis; (Or¬

pheum) Diiinth 12-17. Plerlot A Schofield (Orpheum) Harrisburg, Pa. Pisano A Bingham (Unique) Minneapolis; (Em¬

press) St. Paul 13-17. Polk, Jack (BIJ*>u) Savannah. Ga., 12-14; (Vic¬

toria) CTjarleston. S. C'., 15-17.

PAMAHASIKA’S PETS Bduoated BlrAi. Doga. Monkey* and Oata.

Pcraaaoait Addrma. 23tT North 6tb SL, mia..

Pollock, Milton, A Co. (Keith’s) Toledo; (Shiibert) Utica 12 17.

Poliln Bros. (Empress) Butte, Mont.; (Or¬ pheum) Spoliane. Wash., 12-17.

J’osty, Chas. F. (Orpheum) Des Moines; (Or- l>henml St. I’aul 12-17.

Potts. Ernie. A Co. (Orpheum) Regina, Can., 8-10.

Prim. Polly (Globe) N. Y. C. 8-10. Primrose Four (Orpheum) .Montreal, Can.. 12-17. I’rUice A Deerle (Pantages) Spokane; (Pan¬

tages) S«‘attle 12-17. Princeton A Yale (Empress) Grand Rapids,

-Mieh., 8 10. Preut, Eva (Empress) San Francisco; (Umpress)

Sacramento 12-17. Pruitt, Rill (Temple) Rochester; (Temple)

Hamilton 12-17.


Milton Pollock & Co. In George Ada’s playlet, SPEAKING TO FATHER.

Puck, H. A E. (Poll) Scranton. Pa.; (Poli) New Haven, Conn., 12-17.

Punch. The (Seventh Ave.) X. Y. C. 8-10. Purcella Bros. (Miles) Detroit. Quinlan A Richards (Pantagesl Oakland, Cal.;

(Pantages) I»8 .Yngeles 12-17. Quinn A Mitchell (Pantages) Edmonton, Can.;

(Pantages) Calgary 12-17. Radjah, Princess (Majestic) Milwaukee. Rae. Frank, A Co. (American) X. Y'. C. 8-10.

THE RATHSKELLER TRIO Ralton A LaTour (Empress) Denver; (Empress)

Kansas City 13-17. Randalls, 'ITie (Orpheum) Memphis, Tenn.;

(Orpheum) New Orleans. La., 13-17. Ravenscroft. Chas. (Sbea'si Toronto, Can. Rawson, Claire. A Co. (Patita''e81 Calgary. Can. Ray, John A Emma (Columbia) Grand Ilapids,



RAYMOND and BAIN 'Locked Out." DtreetJon Morris A FelL

Raytield, Florence (Proctor’s) Elizabeth, N. J.. 8-10.

Raymond A Bain (Keith’s) Indianap<dls 12-17. Raymond A Caverly (Keith’s) luillanaimlis; (Co-

lumrbia) St. Ixmls 12-17. Raymond, Edith A Co. (American) N. Y'. C. 8-10. Raymoude (Forsythe) Atlanta. Ga.

REDFORD and WINCHESTER 13ie Last Word In Oomedy Juggling

Dir. Jennie Jacob.

Redheads. The (Orpheum) Sioux City, la.; (Or¬ pheum) Winniiieg. Can., 12-17.

R^ford A Winchester (Ori>heuni) Montreal, Can.; (Dominion) Ottawa 12-17.

Reed’s Dogs I Pantages) Winnii>eg, Can.; (Pan¬ tages) Edmonton 12-17.

CHRIS RICHARDS Kngllah Eaeeotrto OoaMdlan.

Reid Sisters (Pantages) Salt Lake City. Reianer A Gores (Orpheum) Los Angeles 5-17. ReyiM)lds. Jim iFiiltoni Brooklyn 8-10. Rice, Sally A Scott (Columbia) Grand Rapdda,

Mich.; (Temple) Detroit 12-17. Richard, The Great (Sbubert) Brooklyn 8-10.

DOROTHY RICHMONDand CO. Rlchanls, CTiris (Keith's) Boston; (KeiUi't)

Philadelphia 12-17. Richardson, Bruce. A Co. (I'antages) Spokane;

iJ’antages) Seattle 12-17. Richmond A Mann (Y’onge St ) Toronto, Can. Riggs A WitcUle (Orpheum) Regina, (^an., 8-10.

lOHN C. RICE and SAllY COHEN In "ICaiT and Joiin."

Ring, Blanche, A Co. (Shea's) Buffalo; (Shea’s) Toronto. C«n., 12-17.

Rlvoli, Caesar (Cohen's O. H.) Newburgh, N. Y.. 8-10.

Roach A -McCunly (Orpheum) Montreal, Can., 12 17.


ROBERTS and LESTER * (%at WhlstUng Pair. Otreadon Aann ITmIm

Robinson. Bill (Babcock) Billings, Mont., tf 7; (Empress) Butte 12-17.

Rochester, Claire (Keith’s) Boston 12-17. Rockwell A Wood (Columbia) Brooklyn 8-10. Uoeders. F'oiir (Grand) Pittsburg 12-17. Rogers, Will (Orpheum) Denver; (Orpheum)

Lincoln, Neb., 12-17.

M cuxine Q

Rochester Phanananal 8oDtaao-Bailt<n«L

Booked SoUd D. B. O.

Rogers, lYank (Academy) Fall River, Mass., 8-10.

Remain A Orr (Empress) Portland, Ore. Romeo the Great (Orpheum) Denver 12-17. Roode. Claude M. (Royal) N. Y. C. 12 17. I^ney A Bent (Hamerstein’s) N. Y, C.

Porter A Sullivan (Orpheom) Jacksonville; (Co¬ lonial) Norfolk, Va., l'J-14; (Lyric) Richmond 15-17.

ROONEY and BENT Booked SoUd O. B. O. and Oipbeoaa Taam.

Bosards, The (Fair) Muskogee, Ok.; (Fair) Corinth. Miss., 13-16.

Rosdell Singer* (Pantages) Vancouver, B. C.; (Pantages) Victoria 12-17.

Ro#e, Harry (Warwick) Brooklyn 8-10. Roee Troupe (Mile#) Detroit.

Rosen. Jim. A Oo. (Yonge St.l 'Toronto. C?an. Roye. Ruthe (Orpheum) Brooklyn 12'17. Roaella A Bosella (Pantages) Oakland, (jal.;

(Pantages) 12-17.

(Continued on page 38.)

36 X li e Billboard OCTOBER 1«. 1914

cl.assifie:d adve:rxise:ivie:imxs


will ka In—lad wlll—t atkarg* la tba CTaaMSad Oatu—a. 0|mb la Aatara. A—ra. ParfataMn. aanoa Aganta. Ptaaa Agaola. BtllpaaUaa. U. P. Oparatan. Btak Bkatara. auga Uanda. laivanlaaa, Maai—a. m aitf paaaoo anainaalad or tdanlUad arltfe thr ah— aaatoaaa. If aoswaiB ara aat aaUrfariafT Uia tral U—. aa taaUa aa manr InaarMiaia aa ara nacaaaarr la aaeaia arfegl raa aanL Wa da ool want roa la faal tbal ran aia la- podag an na br aalng aur aaluana —ra ibaa aaa O—. but oapa af adaarUa—m


NOTICE—L^ten diraoted to initiRla oaly are oot delivered throeg^ the poet office. If initiale are used, the letter ahould be addreeaed in care of pereon, firm or poet office box.

PAID ADS In the CLASSIFIED SECTION WH.L BE ACCEPTED FOR AS MANY INSERTIONS AS YOU WISH, BUT NO DISCOUNT FOR TIME . INSERTED UNDER ANY OF THE PAID follS^'ing*^ N'EAnTNCs. DISPLAY iDiismuch an we do not place char(^ for a«lB in the ('huKiified tolunin* ii|«>n our buoka we reb|>ectfuily aak that

OTHER THAN CAPS. NO* COTS. NO BORDERS. you remit the required amount aiUi copy.

NO LIMIT TO NUMBER OF WORDS FOR PAID ADS. We rceer^T the ripht to edit copy. ...St err eard. PARTNERS par Ward.





Ooodi) . la


FOR RENT ..SaswWsrdi HOTELS (('alrtlng lo Tbratrioal Pro-

fp.Uonl .9a •• ORCHESTRAS AND BANOS dirrm

IVvaa gr aura) M


At LIbarty AgvtrllMaaatt arttbaut ditplajr. aadtr tbit baadlap art pabliBkag traa at tbarpa.

OOMUiV ALHoHAT—At llbeng to Join acrobatic art; do all trick, lii tumbling and take bumpt; am no amateur; all mall anawared. J. C. C1.AY, can Bill¬ board, rtiirlnratl, O.

OtlMraiY AdUtRAT-Can work atralght; would Hkr to hrar from oanilrtl. ahow or rimia; now at wort AddrcRA JAMKS WILBON, Omrral DellTefT, XnoaTlIlf, Tcitn._

ORIKP A (IRIFT- -ryiiiicdy horlanntal bar gymnaaU; at liberty; aiuiwrr qiikA. BIJOU TUFIATBE, QulncT, minolit.__

GYMNAST—Tiipmountcr for hand-to-hand comrdy aerrhat and Icriti; Its Iba; 5 fU 4. 8. GOLDEN, UeSLIB PARK,«lng. Mich._

THE STIRhnVALTS- Pour proele: alldc for Ufa. gruuiaAtv rontorlton and arrnt>atlc pnaing act; fra- turini Haacitnr, Lamont and Zena; agea 9, 6, 4. R. P STIREWALT, (Tiliia Gitwa. N. <*._ “ UNDERSTANDER ,S ft. 2; w«4ght. 125; age. 29; atfnnr aa a bear: will Mn any recognlaed ad; quick. AddrrtK GnilUiE HADLFn’. General DellTery. Den- eer, t’ol.___

AGENTS WANTED. AdeartlMtitatt uritbaut ditplay, uadtr thla haadlas.

Sa — ward.

AGENTS Brand new adtclea; juat out; quick aell- «rt; ixniculan free; aamnlr, l!Sc, PALICFIO NOV- El.TY' (XI., De(>l. B., EmiMtrlt, Kan.

raUEITlONAL OlT-DklNO »X>R high-grade aalea- me i to re|>reaent uit; gotxla anld to all mercbuiU. C. A. 1443 (XUToll Are., (Ttitagu, lU. .

DON'T WASTE YOUB IDENINOSI—8*11 our at- tracUee braaa eaael potter framea to theateia; big da- maiid; eaay aalca; liberal oommlaalona. NEWMAN MANUFACTUBJNG CX>.. OuclnnaU. O._

STRFXTMEN—Red bot aeller; ooata a cent, tella for a dime; aaAgtle for stamp. HOCH-BBOWN MFG. <X>., Desk I, Columbua, (Milo.

AGENTS AND MANAGERS. At Libaetr AdvaiilMnaatt wltbaut ditplay, uadar tbit

httdiaf. ara publitktd frta of aharpa.

A-1 MANAGEK-ol'rat.AToB—And wUe. mortng picture plitiitt; beet lefi-rcnce*; go anywhere. Ad- dn«i C. J. HLA.Nt E, 343 Uenlral Are., Albany, New York._

A-1 REl’. OR tiNB NIGHT AGE.NT—Strotig on prtM and billing; ktJuo. LEWIS HUABi'- SThXN. 147 Wtet Stt.e St., Alartliall. Mich._

ADVANCE OB I'RICSS .\GE.NT—Sober, reliable,

eape.iciiced. handle any aliow; loin on wire; cloae

contractor; atat* salary. ADVANCE AGENT, 43

Frotit St , Adrian. Mich. _

ADV.ANCE .AtiK.VT Kcllable, cxixrleiiccil; bttdt, roote. wildcat; go-Mi prex. man: u.-.e the t-axte brutli; aalary your limit. .AGENT, WLtcoiislii House, Ab- enJieii, 8. I>.

ADVA.NCE AGENT Manage house or lo aJranoe

abo»; Hflccn years’ experience; can route or wild¬

cat; xalary your limit. C. E BAKER, 23 State St..

Hammond. Ind.

AGENT Sober, reliable: *o<«l pret»; route, wlld- cut; ut* brtwh; jun clowd Ixweery Shows: burl«tque. mltwtrel or repiTtolrc. R.AYMtIND DEI.M.AR, 191 (Tiewter St.. Buffalo. N. Y _—

AGENT OR SExXiND MAN Wlio can p.vtt bill*. wUdeat • one-ntghliT or n-prnolre ERED T C.AR I’FINTIEH. care Rlllboard. New York (Xty _

AGENT OR SWXiND MAN Rni«h* Y--., One night or r«-p : ealarT yonr limit. RII.LY SHERMAN, g?7 So. «th St.. MlnnwuioMt, Minn._

A REAlT’HrSTI.ER .Ahead or with -tin**: rotite. wildcat, book, cont-ad: ctn write prewx: ir» veers rrlth all kinds W R LEON ARD Gtwk« r-”^ V A'

POR W.AGtiN SHOW C.tllNG SOITH Advance ac-nt and billposter: ctosc contrx-tnr: don't us to- bsceo or booae. H.AKUY LF>IN, Gencrsl DUvery, Rldimnnd, Vs.__ __

MANAGER Pldttre. vsiidevllle or comblnitlon house: IhoroughlT raiuihle of making house psv; p.r- oentsge or silirv: .A-1 credcntlsls. N. K.ARMEI., MO AVest 14«ni St.. N.-w York City._

M.ANAGFTR l*ldnr.-s or esiidcTlIle: EtigU«h reputi- tlon; cap do ad; If yonr hotise does bad. glee me a trial AARIGHT. 17« Slm.-oe St.. Toronto. Canada.

MANAGini ADVERTISER -Or. In plain wortW. a theatrical box office p-vshicee: brains and cliverness exdisnged foe the almighty dollar. G. M. T.ALBOTT, Mlddleport. Ohlo^__ _

MANAGER for pldttre or eaudisrllle theatre: wide¬ awake and up-to-date youi.g man desires ixMltlnn; can furnish host n-fensices. .Address R . care Blll- board. (Xndnnatl. O __

■“maN.AG™, AGiSt My stridl.T flrst-class. unique publlrtty material will bring yttu fame and fortune: top money for any ad or sliow. C.AIT.AIN FomiE. M-Hl.wto. cal._

MOVING ncTURE niE-ATRE MANAGER-Also A-1 operator: married, sotn-r, reliable; kn-»w h-wv te; salary Tour limit. Address E. C. H.AR MA.N. Itl62 W. McCarty S< . IndlanapolD, Ind.

PRB8.S AND ADVraTmi.NG AGENT-Prefer theatrical company South; one iilghtcr. U. M SUAV- EK. 272 Juniper. Atlanta, Ga,_

VAUDEA’ILLE MANAGEB^Preia agent; will lo- oate anysrbere; aalarr oonslatent; alx am sons Kdth- Prodor (Xrrult; prrsotiiUy knnsrn to a world of arUsta BBY'ANT, care Billboard. ClneinnaU. O.

VAUDEVILLE THEATRE MANAGF31 — Preas agent: formerly with Krlth-Prodor forces; kioate any¬ where: aalary Lomlnal: my methods, with tewted ex¬ perience, qualify. BRYANT, care Billboard, Cln- dnnsU, Ohio._

WOUU) LIKE TO M.ANAGR picture show or saaall ▼ludeallle house In Pmnaylranla or adjoining Statea; had some experience: furtilth reference. 08CAB BlfMlLLER. Hanorer, Pa__

YOUNG MAN—22. wants position as assistant man¬ ager In pldtire house or theatre. PAUL DOBING. care Billboard. New York City._

AT LIBERTY APvtrtlseaaatt witbant PIspIky. aaPtr this PaaPIPi.

It par warp.

A-1 CLABIN’KTIST—Prefera theatna. but will ac¬ cept an.e kind of regular engagemetiL Addreaa UEB- BintT KRAATZ, BriJgrport, O.

A-1 LADY V10LINT8T AND LADY P1AN18T— Wish poaltlon in morle theater; rxperlrnaa. MISS HAZEL STEA'BSN'S, Bandolph. N. Y.

A-1 VIOLINIST—At liberty: A. F. of M.: flfteefi yrars’ ail-roi<nd experience; thoroughly reliable: alght reader and play hlgh-dasa music; hare library; A-1 references; best offer nf position as leader or rioltn- Ist. HISUIERT PHIPPS, 9b Slmpwon St.. Atlanta, Georgia_

AT LIBERTY—Y'oung roan; 25 yean old; 5 ft. ■ In. tall; wants work at some kind with amsll road show this winter, where he will hare chance to brrqk In and work up single for riuderille: can do straight and handle props; three yean’ eipertenee; will work to March 1, 1915: aalary small but must be sure: own fare under 500 miles Address JACK W. ELI JS’SEN, 1118 Morgan Are.. No., Mlnnrapolls, Minn.

AT LIBERTY—General Business Womar.; would like position with permanent stork, dramatic or mu¬ sical ooroe<ly: hare had npcrience In both lines: quick study. Address VERNA BIRCH. 30 Portlaid Atc.. Dayton, Uhlo.

AT LIBFJITY—A-1 Violinist, with all klnia of ex¬ perience. Write or wire BILL 1A>UREY, Altklo, Minnesota.

BEST BALLOONISTS furnished by liOUTBEBN BALLOONING <30., Cbemmi.e, N. C.

raPiaUENCED MAN AND WIFE, willing U> pn on stage with four or fire leopanls : baring first-clast talking act: we wlU train them; cage must be 20x25. Answer until October 3d. B. J. SAMIXMl.N, 432 Pearl St., Buffalo, N. Y.

EXPinuirNCED DPintATDR Don’t drink or snw>ke; any make of msrblnr: can •vsne it once; will go anywhere; sallsfacUon giisrini«-d; write or wire psrtlculaiw and salary. MiLTuN NANCE, Bo* liO. May flrJd. Ky .

PIANIST - Eight years’ real etpirleiire playing lo plriures and raudesllle tn best bouws: prefer location; thoroughly competesit and reliable. Ticket f Yea. State all In ftriL F. ARCHER, care Billboard. Chl- iwgo, IIL

PKTl RE PIANIST Ilay the pictures: sight read¬ er and Improvise; iirnfisslnntl mustiisn and a gen¬ tleman all nwpict-; desl.-e pernianetit engagement; ticket If too far: answer all communlestlons. Ad- driws PHtlTDl’LAYER. care Blllboutl, tiilcsgo, El.

SlTU.tTIitN W.4NTED -By pofiwslonal hypnotic subJeiX. to Irarel with hypnotic act: or any oilier kind nf place with theatrical compiny; experienced. MR. l.ERI.IE CLAPP, 2433 Nortli IMawsre St.. Indianap¬ olis. Ind. __

TESM desires rngsgiment with t musiral eome«tv nr In s burlesque company. Address MB. JAMFX J. BA.N'I-TT, 512 Madison Are.. .si.ubenrille. D.

VIOUNIST AT LIBFniTY, after (letober 1; prefer picturea in good tosm where can locate; etx yeers’ experience; good repertoire. Address ADOLPH BEN- NAUim. General Ilelirery. St. Louis. Mo.

WANTEII—Future time for The Musiral Saxons, a goo<l, stronx, clean act. using two pniple, ninnliig twenty to thirty minutes. Tills act Is a go inywiiere; state length of time and highest. Add i-w GEtl. EVFaLSTI.NE, View Point, Elm Grore. W Va

ATTRACTIONS WANTED. AdyertlaaaiMits withsut ditplay, under thla ksadini.

9e per word.

NEW ODD FEIJgtW TirMn.E — Wanted-One- night attractions: seating eapscILr, 3<xt. K. B- WOODEN, Mil ager, Hsiiovit. MIrh.

WANTKIV -Ri'pertolre stock companies and one-night shows; new theatre; two rallroails: good, lire town; setting captrlty. Sno. Addreaa MA.NAGER TRIG ’niEATRE, UalL Mb


At LDsrty Adysrtlseninatt. wItbeM display, padar this beadlat. *re paMMied Ires pf eharfa.

FAMILY DFA HFXTILA oFTHBm ~Vlolln, nrori and piano; pla> all up-to-date stuff: also itngii.g acta Address SHtH'P FAMiL\, Lock Bol Sb5, Oakmont, Pa____

MUSJClAN!4--8er our Soiig Hltita on page 12 The publlahcre whose addresses are gtyco ibnein will trod you prafeaeloial copies of any less eoiig named It you will write them on theatei ieiterbrad* and asen- Ooo THE BILLBOABJI_

SIX-PIBLTi: DRCHF3<TR.4—Lndim and grnu: A-l; experienced In all lines; Br.e repertoire music. Ad- dreea MUSICIANS, dbg N Dearborn. Chicago. llL

TRIO—Violin. Plano and aornrt; an A-1 raude- TlUa and cuncert trio. Address B. GRUBBS. Osusral Dellrrry, Dallaa Texas. _

WHO WANTS four-ptree ladles’ orchestra for plc- ture srork; rioUn, ooriiet. piano, drums: library; rn- sponilble peoplr; South preferred. BuBERTA N(^ General PellTciy, Tteei «m. N. J._

CHORUS GIRLS AND MEN. At Liberty Adeertlseiaeata witknat display, psdsr tbie

beadlav, ara puMlabad frea at abaioa.

t'UDKl s GIRLS - Two thorough^ rxpenrooed chorus gl-ls want work In stock or road iliow. Ad- drwa C-'-lFTCirRli SISTERS, d East ISth St.. CVn- dniiail. O. _

CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL. At LIbarty AdvartltaaiaBta wttbaut display, uadar thU

baadiat, ara puMlabad Iran at akarpa.

A 4U-FT. H. A S. RUORlNti”HORSE~MliRRT- GU-HDU.ND wishta to ounnect with canilraL Ad¬ dress KINYON * DELT. Plyraouih. Mich.

CHIEF BIO TREE A.VI> I^INOXS LAUGHING cntEEK would like to trsrrl wt’Ji reliable show that will go to i*anama ExpualUon. tkilUns. Ibie Co.. New York._ _

(T.DWN RIDING A.M> ANiMAL ACT—HTreTum^ ber of clown mis, smig and dance and Dutch turns; concert, circus or Taudesille. THE WHITNEYS. 544 ■N. (Tart St.. Chlcapo, 1H._

DOG AND 1X>NT TRAINER—Also handle ring stock and metiige horse. Address R MEYERS, Ring Master, care Selbel BrnB.’_»^s._ Watertown. WIs.

IHiO POWERS—ttpenings and announcementa; hlgh-claas lecturer; strong rolce. unlimited eorab- ulary; erecutlee and managerial ability. .\ddreaa Hawesrille, Ky.

GI.,ASR BIxyWER -First-class blowie or net worker, aalary or per ceeil: funish fires dlsplae, splnnlrs wheel, cewnplrie nutflt GRO. FirSTER, Omrral Da- Urery. t^ar Rapids. Towa._

‘ HF-AD WAITER AN’D WIFT, RellsMe and capa¬ ble, wants to sirn with ctmis or Wild West Ad- dreaa HFJtD WAITER HARVEY DINNING, Oalnea- rille, Texas

MARK I.FIETER ,4-1 slack wire artist: make rood snTwhere: had link eaine of this sd- 12 years’ expe- rience. fXire Box 219. West Terre Haute. Ind.

PRDF. GfiLliEN Ventrtloo'ilsf. msrtrlsn, swoei- wslker. Inside talker: all season with C N FstrlT’s 19-ln-l: strictly sober, fit E. Rerenth. Tnlss. Okla.

RQEAW MW ANT> INDIAN^ rniNrFrSR want eei- esremeeit with rsnilrsl lo take rhs're of snake pit: sslsrr or perentare: tickets StJt’AW MAN. 121* Vine SI . Plillsdelphls. Ps._ _ _

•niE DkDCTFRS Second sight, snakes: in reps : rnpe tvlnr and strait - Isekef: openings: banner: Budbs: sbllllr. wsrd-oiie. IJn Aoper, write 2** 2d Are.. New York tXlv

WANTED Employmml training horses and t»<nles. work ring; not broke, ask tiekri If rs-er 2* tire and ssH refereoees. FRANK R KF3.SD, Trslntr, Flrnre Flrr. Ark

WORK IXtNY AND IMW; AtTS ANI> Bt’tRING MI’I.F/--Cin Join at once: wrsitd like to hear from rraponslhlr manag. rs WAI.RERTI, 544 N. nark St.. Chlesgo. III.

YOl’NG MAN, drinr bsm fh*' Veip on esri. at lib¬ erty f(W parks or sliows JAMIR tiDFn,L, 3M Main Rt., Buffalo. .N. Y.

WANTED - To book emintry store wheel ami .ither eooeewslnns with stntll earnlrsl or m.rrv »o rotind pisvinr Sonth Addriws 214 W Aiadimy St . Oon- rord. N. C.

YDFNG HDY trainer AND ANIMAL WoRK- FR -Would like lo wrek ikw or horse set MISS STACK. 3111 North Broad Kl , I’htlsdiliiils. I’s

COLORED PERFORMERS. At LIbarty AdyartlwBiantt wtthaut display, uadar tbit

haadlap. art puMRhad frta af charts.

Y(»I’.VG MAN A'olorisl. rery light: blaekrsee nr stralchl slnrlng: enmollsn: anything on-wire Tlek rtf Yes (RCIL DWF.VR, Genrrtl DrIIrrry, Cm- tral PostoOliv, Phlladrlphla, Pa.

DRAMATIC. Adtraidittaiaata wMbaut diaplay. uadar Milt baadlap.

la Par irard.

HFAD FX»R IJST DF RtMIKING AGFLVTS. MAN- AGEK.S AND RFS’RFlRFDfTA'nVES Tba Beferenoa Guide miulns 4la namra and addrrasiw. II Iheat- rtcai lirrulta and 44u namra of theaters snd cities many with manapers’ ntmea. alao Ust of 221 amuse mmt artists Wblla we bata used special care In cumpUlug the UsU. changru In namra and a<l<lrrsBiw are cocutautD bring made, by rraaon of nxnoaaU. goiia out of buslnras or change in Brm. TlirTefure we do not guarantre all names and addrtwses to be absolutely corrret. 1*1100 only loc. OUI'KaU IRJ.NTING LX>., 25 Opera ITace. GlnclnnaU. O.

DRAMATIC ARTISTS. At Llbtf<y AdyartlmaiaBts wltbaut dltpluy, uudur tbia

baadlap. pra puMIthad trua at akarpa.

AT UBOITT for charactera or comedy: also piano and tpeoiaiUm: A-1 managrra only. HARRY Z. AUSTl.N, 1811 Sheridan SL, Andtrsou, Ind._

AT LIBERTY FOR CHAR.4(TEBS Fur road ■lock only, or one piece. ELDlSE AD.IMS. General DvUyco, CS.winnail. (h__

AT UBEBTY FXIB PEEMANinT STIITK—uT- ale Chamtiera; swell apprannee, awell wardrobe: Join at once. Address Rxeeniia. O._

C'H.ARACTERS, rough, htwrics; anything rast for. excepting Jurmlles and light comedy: ticket If loo far. H A. McK.MGHT. care (Ale Swrslr DrlecGre iV)., Shelley. Minn._

CRAB-ACTFXS, general bualncas: waplrabc; rx- prrtmor, etc.; 5 ft. 7 \ bclgtit. weight. 13U: one piece preferred, or aiucl.. ’IVkrt! Yet. Can dlrccL J. J. UUDY, 1K»2 E 57th. ( O._

F. A. STdLLE--Hrarirw. all-round actor. Bessie (Ximmlngs, gei.rral business Both reliable In eetry way. Address F. A. Wulle, 327 Sawyer St., New Bedford, Mam. _ _

FXlR INGFLM’F: CHAKACTFatS. GFLNFUIAL BUSI¬ NESS UR SUUBRITTrFlS-(iood appearance, quick ttutly; 4 yeura’ experience: motion picturea considered; age 18: veclalUes DIXIE DE VERE, 7b7 .N. See- enth, Philadelphia, Pa__

FRED t’. I.FrWIS 4'harartrr actor atid brarlra; age 40; 5 ft. 11; DM) Iby. Riglna Isnrls, cbaracters, some brarUs: aae 35. 5 ft. 3‘t; 168 lbs Care Bill¬ board, (inclnriatl, <> _

GENFaLAL BU81NF>8. SF>X»ND~ TKoMBD.NE- Ptu's- <if tlib> ad, dlvainsAiilnwni; sanlrnbe, s<4>er and rellalde; must Fsre tlrkii If fat. FLAKL V. WILSON, Box 3, Hlgf^Rlrcr, Alla.___

~HFUVIES. (TLARAlTFaUt. GFTVFaiAL BUSINESS —Repertoire or stock; quirk study, experienced; oaii dlreet. JOS J. ^INTFIR. Duqutiin. III._

L. O. DAWFai—Gmeral business, stnginf specially anil iksibltna tuba. pnfrr one-nlfht band show. F'annle Dswes, gixieral business and plaist. .\ddresa 1712 No. klaln St., Kmliie, Wto._

UIIm;FT 4 fl. 2: ran lake all romeilr parts from Jurenlle to leuils IKWIN FaiMFR. 2131 Dean SI . ^ruoklyn, N. Y._

BK'HAKD BilGriWDneTal buriiTess; sge~ 29; height .5 ft. 11; weight 1*»; stork, rep«Tlolre or one- pli-ce. Address General Delltery. (Mkltnd ILarh, K I

KriAOlJ’II GF>1R(*FI llcavles, charaeters and Jure- nlles; aae r4: helglit 5 ft. in; weight 154; wim and wardrobe; nerd tlrkrl. 151* Vine SI., litlladelplila. Pmnsy IvanU._

SINGFam .MI the very latest songs sn- llsieil In our Sisig Hints on iwge 12. If yisi sill write the vsrimis publishers, whins- sddresses are al«> glren In

• the same enlumii, mi a thcali r hiterln ad, and men- tlisi THE IIII.I.BOAHli, tiny will sinil you profes- simial rmiles friie of liisrgi*.

WIU. J. H.MJ, Juveniles, tnarlis and genersl business, helglit. 5 ft. in; weight. l.*io; sge, 14: el peril-nee and ri*Ilsble; wife sniall imria and witrks diMir. Tlrkits. Mllsii, o._

WOIiJy I IKE engsgiroent with rvp or stork com psny; ehsrsrlrrs sinl hesvles: axe 21, helglit. 5 fl 9. Tli-kiif Ves. FRANK HoGEIt.S. 119 W 9th St . (iiiiiiinstl, olilo.

YorN«rMAN 22: ity ft : 9o p<si-i|s: wishes en- tsgemml s1h ri lsble nmniaiiy: dramslc hr oimedy: take kid and other parts: aixi siqs-aiaiirr. IIORBIE ST^IillME. IlllltniMil,Chi^gn. Ill _

YOI'NG MAN Play Jiivi nlle. riiarsiier minedy, getii-rsl business parts: sls> gmsl stage msnarer, pimly rxpi rimee; road nr sirs-k. PM’I. C IlFA'DFR- MON. 132 H F:igbth St . l’bllsi|i l|Hits. Pw_

FILMS FOR SALE. PpysrHsamaals wltbaut disalar. uadar this baaflsp,

la par warp.

BEST EIIJdM Fob THE MONET ANTWHRRR— Prlees. IJ to up. Her tdrerilarfflriita under Nenwid- hand Omsls H. J. PAI.MFIK. ill West Depat Si., KnoxTlll*, Tenn.

FOR EXCHANGE. Apyartlmaianls wltbaut Plsalay. unPar Ibis baaPIsg.

It par warp.

A TOWN Iy»T, i-lnse In Han Fianriscn: ralur, 1150. nil n-asoisble offer refusnl; secmnl hand paddle wfns-ls and stnek nwwlnr plriure marhiiies. or any nil! IliLig Address F M HHOWNK, I*. O Box 12, IMxIrltnd. t'al.

OCTOBER 10, 1914. T li e Billboard 37

KXi IIANt^K Mrmiild IMinUni. for oUirr lllu«t<in « luailMl anormtuiL I’HoK. KI>W MIU.KH, Z7I>

U*ri<nd A'r., UwlarlMr, K>

riNK-^ UNK Mt'MMirin) nii'tAKit and cu- BIOSITD S Wtir* iill'Mra: rradj fur ■hlpmniC buj or .-X.tian^r Wbat liiTC Jtxf W. J. CXH>K. 121 W. Ilalii M., Klrbmuiil, Ind.

IMK KXi'llANliK- Ulron- 25 ri^lt; »m><l running ivtl.r »>iil wiKiiliig «<irlil, nr nrll for f^■•h or xhow r.,|. ■rtanip for rrpU. HTTA MiA>->:K, Waldni,


i.txiD KX(<HAN<1K I'KintWlTIoX, or might PM ■nmr ftir IVi to SVi K. W, (•mmtor giid lin¬ ger. clan I'owcr'g (A Machine. Lllt*K HuX 78,

ll^-i'iir. .Minn.

MOVING PI«Tt.'KR MACHINEH—For Ml*, for mit and esrhange: In flmt-daaa midllloB. CHI¬ CAGO MOVI.NG rUTriUl SUITLY OO.. I7 Ho. Wabaidi Ara., rhifgo. 111.

MNV WIIKKI,. Ihaallr l»o*.. Ji^wrlc A«- wirr/iH'i I. Priiiianla, Muair IhNilu. Al.llliKT KKS-

loat. oi. an. N Y

oLIttlK TYl ITtVRlTKK llarhangr; i».i and hag ■raiirrf, vm'ii*, magli'. aantnl nim. nunlng picture aadiliir. 30 Mo-liajilc Ht., Ilradford, I'a

FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. AOvartkaaiaata adtbaul Olaolair, oaOar thla baaglag,

3# par warg.

«n# BhS<T (irNKinTl IM BTiai.H. 13 <10. nUH)

RAU'll. 1120 Steobrai Itt.. fUi^, Y

laa PANAMA CA.NAI. SUI»»>t < .ilored: $10.00. WY NDHAM. 8 nacr. Xen Vorb Cllj.

EUM'rKlC PIA.NO*. not. CONTl.NEYTAL NOT- RLTT OO.. osah^ Neb. _

For RAlJi one Pinrrr'i Machlnr, two RhruataU, •lie Rewind, <1«M> Mldea, (uur leiiMw. HOX 52. Rrarrrton, llicb.

For RAUC' Uluratnt hone KIKIIY', TlS Grand Rlnr Are.. Detroit. Mich.

-trU'KIT-lie .ulne rubtxrtard ivmmt; mnnla ■Dial, china, leather, rubber, etc.: 50 per grow BTU KIT MANLKAtTfRlNG tx».. 22»0 l>ougla» St .

Victoria, B. C.

W 11. NKPPKB. manufacturer of Rectrlc Motlng Mrehanical World, for camirala. falrt, aide aiiu««., ■tiidim dlipUia and exhlbltlona: alBr of bni. 1 bj 7 ft b» 10 Inchra: 30 working flgurea; pn<e. 575.00. one- half caah. balance C O. I>.; call ur w.-lie for photo¬ graph Aldreaa tTUINtll AYUtol'I-ANU CO., 121 W tNilo St., lYilcagu. 111.

WHIS- Ma.le right, prlcea right; «end fur price lilt WIG SHtrP, i:il YVella St.. tYilcago, III


AgraHlaaaiaata withewt gitolair. aagar tbto haagiag. Sa gar warg.

For .SALK -A real plctura theatre, dou.g r^ udnrm. grttUig real money, and we can proee It s or Addteea THRATRK. care BlUboatd, Clncln-

lU. O.


Agrartimaicatt witkaot glaglay. aagar thla haagiag. la gar ararg'.

53 KOI K THIUYTRK TRI NKS; rxtra atrong; coat 55 raili. bargalna. 311 N. loth St.. Phlla., 1*1.

3uu RKU.S Wiwteni. dramatic, cumedlaa. hUtor- Ical. InduiUGal nimi. at 52 5u to 55 p.r reel. Alto the following fialure pnigramt: TYie Armlea of Ku- rope. 3 ri« I». 5120; I'licie Tutu't Cal>ln, 3 reeD, 5100; l*aiw>|iei 3 reelt. 575; Roradora. 3 reela, 510; Zlgunitr. .\h*k Carter. 7 reel*. 5175; Rre Bug. 3 reela. 515; M-letn »M«-h Arxleii. 2 rteU, 510; Thou Shalt Not .sual. 2 reelt, 510. Big lobby display fur tlL Gne IN-wrer'a 5 hlacMne. 510; one Pteter't 6A 51a- diliie. 5120 H DAVIS. Watertown. WU.

ALWAYS DN HAND—RllftltD u»ed mortng ple- ture mai-hlnea and chalra, at a bargain. WKSTLRN FILM llKoKUtS. SI So. Wabaah Ate., Chicago, lU.

BIG STGRK SHOW—Two Bna mechanical ahowa. magic, doll rack, net lecture tlldea. freakt. 2ltgl0 bla.-k ngi. W. J. CtsiK. 121 W. 5Uln. Klchrooiid,


BURIK.ST BARGAINS ON 5UHTU IN FILMS- (haiMW <g a lifetime to buy Inweat. 250 flue hlmt. ttiougli to run a 11.m aichange. 5.500.00 cath. f. a b Rnonllle, TWin. H. J. PALMKK. Ill Wrat l>epot SL, KnogTllla. Torn. .

BlNtJO WATCH FOB STAMPING YIYCIIINK. Himplei Name-llale Machine; Slut IScture Mtihine Vlewt. 35c. a*S eight guuil Prelt Film; 55ltlo Tent. GR> W KIPlJiY. Iloraee, N. Y.

IKtWI.R S 5IAGIC nUK OCTFIT, cienplrtr. with 7o*» iwiiiett. aw-,1 three wei-ht: ciot 122 uo; wll f-tr 5lu INI llliiilu make up gnd >',»wnetliw Includiil. Mrtte GRtlulK HANUt.N. JR. 132 K. l«th I1a..e. Chi, ag.,

tYiLTS IHtrill.K DISStlLVING ST»3U>>ITUX>N like new; <t»t 5125.00; tell for 51""O H. J

I'ALkllK, 111 Wfwt Ih-put St., KnoiGlla, Tenn.

ATTKNTION, TRAVKLINtl SHO'VYIknXI—SOO reeU film f<w tale at a bargain, and miwing pU-lure ma- diln*. WI.sTI:K.N FILM IIHtlKKILS. 37 So. Wa¬ baah Ate. Ihlcago. III.

DKAGAV MCSICAI. cow IIKIJ.S- 5'nr aalr cheap ' IliiX 1X1.” Kfflngliam. IlllniSt

I.VIi It-UIN TYPl.W KITKK Standard machine: fur •ale at a bargain; i-oat 575 iHi; will tell fur 5'.’5 ihi eaali. ur will alilp C. O. D. uli drt«»dt. 1. N SKY Rol It. .-a.e Til.- Illlllmartl. Cli.climatl. o. _

FF-ATI HK PK-n-RK OK DALTON BOYR A unwiey getter, 3 reela; guna. platola anti bannert; ftrtt liniHi takra hs. Addrtm 2M Benrla St., lieaumeMit. TVtat.

KIIIUK TIICNK Kxtra tUtiiig. light welglit; all •htk.N. altew. bargalna alwaya. Write ' YIYKIIS." 311 aei.l 3I!I \ i..ih. n,|!a,li'l|i|,la. Pa l'>ta:>llaht.l 1M>2. old reliable. No junk, nu Ilea.

FIIAIS RHI SAI.K Igrfe and •plendl,! atock line teeawi,! l and lllma; price* range from 52 00 up. Send f'W tial; etamlnaibwi allitweel. aiibjeci pa.tme«il expnwa elan.a MiHTII AMI-KICAN FIIAI CttKPOHA- TIoN. 1\<« III \\>,| iniait Street, Kiioxrllle. Tenn., r S^ A _

BUST FILMS FOB THK MoNkT ANYYVIlKBr >>1ciw. 12 00 up; all rknI II J PAIJdlUl. Ill Wewl Ibgaet W . Kniartlle. Tixiu

FIIAIS JNIB SALK AT SACBIFKT. PRIITaV 11 riw‘la. 55.00 per reel, aemee- hanel colored; flrxt-claaa paiMC anil bannerH; two nela. Battle uf Bed Men. plixity of papi-r, 550.00; Ural imaiD* takra liA C. ClIBoMSTKB, 2010 Iwatinworth, Omaha, Neb.

FOB B.\LK-11 Marionette Jlguret, with drapetg for ttagH, 5.35; lot i4 Magic and three gKal table*. 512; Vefitrllouulst Knee Rgure, 51.00. N. L. LAMB, Kiaiiie. Iowa.

FOB THKATkSl kXlUIPMKNTS—Such aa aeata. pliSure mai-hinra, etc., are LKAKS THKAT51R SUP¬ PLY CO., 5og Oiettnut Street. St. LouU, Mo.

Fob SALK Set of Hrctrlo Bella, four-octare Xylb- ptiooe, maile by Deagan; two-octate Tubaphone, Ban- lo: Inalrumetiu iu"w, ne«i-r uaed on the road; coat 5275; will tell fur 5100 caah; write quick, for thD la a bargain; will amd photo of aame upon rrqueat; reaatai fue telling hate uxher bualneaa. Adtlreaa THK YfCSKlAL Mo.N.NS. High Bridge, .N. J.

FOR B.M-E--TYireereel Feature, Midnight Ride of Paul Berere, nre reelt of Him: eight teta aofig •llilet; Bfty illdee Mrilean War; fifty tlldea I’ha- •loQ llay; twenD-fiee tlldea Dayton Flood; arlll aell at a bargain. BILL, TUB .SUOWMA.N. Spalding. Michigan.

For SALK—Second-hand Muring Picture Macfalnea, In good cundlllon; three PowrCt No. 5 Machlnea, fire Bdlaon KxhIblllun Model, one Edltrm Model B. two Standanli: will tell ebrap; one tiled PoweCa 6A. 5125.00; one Power't SA, tiled onD three weeks, mat 52gu. will tell for 5200.00. AMFJtlCAN SLIDE OOM- PA.NT, loss N. High Street, CMumbwa. O.

For SALK OB racHA.VGK R>K DIAMONIt— Lot of Buiglc. Including apparalu.!, boukt, m’gajinea, an-rrtx, puaalew and cllp^ngx. etc.; original^ coat otrr 5100; a good bunch uf ttulT wrtitefa took time to colltTt; tUo Thor 1 luutomclr, electric fan, »1- bralur. wataw heater and H. A B. rerolrer, ttorage battery, fiaxh Ilghta. pfNlirt nwilrtte wheel, 50 deckt rania .tddmi* • MAGICIA.N.” Bag 13. Station E, Oeweiland, Ohio.

FOR SALE—Shaoclng Gillerr, complela H. L. WRIGHT. Eladrh Uelghta, N. J.

FIM'R-RMX, PEATCRE—"Tolatag’a Besurractloo’*; fine condition; phulat and brand-new Uthoa; r-lll draw anywhere; 5130.00; thip tubjecl examination cn 510.00 JapaslL K. H.VMLIN, Crockett. Texaa.

M.K'RIN'K BARGAIN Standard. Ant-clus condl- tliai, complete T,lth uppir and lower maauxliiea, ttand, motor, etc.; Mg xntp lur 5x0; elegant fur picture bouxe or anywhere else; tent <i <>. 1). on drpoxlt to corer tharga-x. Write quirk. BOX 309, Canton, Ohhx

MAGKT.YNS. tend stamp for list; new and tecond- hand gix«M, lliaxlajiit, etcapaw; na juuk; ererythlng guaranteed. BOCCO, 117 We»t 2Sd Street, New York.

5IAGICIAN8. ATTENTION I—Blf 13-page bargain sheet of used magic gooala jtait out; want used magic apparatus, etc.; tend for our new proposition to buy and tell; encloae ec stamp. GILBERT NOVELTY CO.. Morgan Park, 111.

MILIATAGRAI’H RAND ORRAN FOR SALE—No. 1100, formrrD 795. second largest MUlalagrapb man¬ ufactured by the North Tonawanda, N. Y., Musical Irutrument Works; motor tod 53 rolls popular music, all In firat-claaa condition, ready to ship: a bargain. For partlculara write J. R. HAYES, Wayne Hotel Boiler Rink, Detroit. Mich.

OSB B. C. PHONOGR.YPH—51-lnch bra.w horn; plays two and four-minute records; cost 5125.00 ; 550.00 takes It. U. J. PALMER, 111 West Depot St.. Kjiox- TlUe, Tenn.

SACRIFICE 5150 Nickel Slot Eletgrle Harp and Music (no motor), 530.00 ; 550 Typewriter, 510.00. R. WALDBO.N, Box 156, Caruthenrllle. Mo. _

SWiOND ILY.ND Bi;RL5>Ql'K COSTLMf» Wiai- defful bargains: great for tabloids; send for big lUt. Address (XjSTL'ilB AGENT, Broadway Theater. De- tnilt, Mleb. ' _

SHOW ME.N—Big bargain; the Mystery Water Bar¬ rel. with tent. etc. DUd'S. 2219 Fifth Are.. litbi- burgh, l*a.

VERY HANDSOME BLACK JCT BVkrvING DRESS 36 bust; Take 510.00; coat 5X5.00. MILS. A. GINEN8. 2«<»W East 28th St.. .New York City.

O.NB CALCIUM .NEW LEADER GAS GENERATOR —New. nercr used; 515.00. H. 1. PALMER. 411 West Depot SL, Knoarlile, Tenn._

FURNISHED ROOMS. Agvartlaaaiaata wltkaut ditglay, gadar tkla kaadlag,

la gar word.

FOR iXlMl-NlRTABUf”ROOMS, go to M<7t~308 Grant St., littsburgh. Pi.; firs minutes' walk frotn principal theaters.

7 Bralnerd, Minn., Sepl. 27, L014. ,,

7 BlUboard Publldblng Co.. Cincinnati. O. ,, 7 Genilexiien--In glanHnx over your Issue of September 26, I noticed a letter in the 7 "Charity .Yd” Department, which la the second of Its kind that I hare seen in the part T few weeks Y'on have It headlined ••Wanta kYee .Yds Abuliabed” or eomethlng to that ' 7 effect. Now. as Ion* as someone baa started thla. I feel It my duty as oae Interested in o anything K<Nid for the profession to push the matter alon«. 7 Do you know, gentlemen, that you are not only hurting the real artigta by tbi* <> o Free .Yd utiiff. but yon are also deallag your own cash drawer a hard blow. There are <• o a certain element of managers, w-bo, by the way, are excellent fellows, when looking <> p for i».aniNt». o|erators. acts. etc., will duck right for those free ads. They never stop <« A to hiok over the whole |ia|>er to see If there sre iny paid ads which will bear investigs- < >

tlon. They are In a burry and want to find out quick who Is at liberty. This Is thought- <> ,, lessniMis on their part. They dvm't stop to think thst nine otit of every ten ails In this <> ,, free section are from people of mighty poor principle. When I say nine out of ten I < > ,, speak from experience. My manager wanted me to get an A-1 drnmmer once, and ,,

, referred me to the Charity .Yds. I wpiite to ten applicants and got one answer tliat was ,, from a man who showed by hia letter that he was acceptable to a showman. I wish , ^

’’ you could have read the other nine letters (you see they all answered). Enough said. " Y'ou know as well as 1 do that there are many managers who are inexperienced in

the business and who want goiMl people, but are not well enough acquainted with 'T theatrical i>eoi>Ie to read lietween the lines of applications they receive and tell who la IT reliable and who is not. They get stung and never stop to think—"Why Is a Mouse?” *’ <> If there were not a.) many free advertisements, maybe Blllybi'y would rei-elve a dollar "* o or two fn-ui time to time fivm these klnil^of managers, wlio, as I said before, are gisxl "• o fellows, but lne\i>erleiioeil. When a manager don't find an ‘‘.Yt Liberty,’’ he will no <> 11 doubt pay for and insert a "YY'anteil." <> o troing back to my "ten letter” experience. Those nine Impossible applicants would <>

have never given you iieople a dollar for an ad; Cheap was their first name. You <> could tell it by their letter. .Ynd again. If that Free Ad Department hadn’t been there <>

,, the tenth man would have probably paid for his ad. When he took advantage of the <> free ad he no doubt didn't think what he was doing. o

, l>on't you see. friends, that you not only do us an Injustice, but also hurt yourselves. ,, I have had Intercourse with Rill.iboy for ten years now, and when 1 l<wk him over nowa- ,, dsis I often think: "What a bU Improvement there Is In you, old fellow." Now, this ,,

’ ’ charity stuff has come along to give him another black eye. I have landed several good Jobs ii the course of my exi>erlenoe. from The Billboarxl. but now I don’t seem to see the tds that 1 cire to answer. I have seen a couple of "fair sounding" paragraphs In

' ’ the Help YY'anted Department of the free ads. but If I never bad an engagement I ’ ’ ‘T wouldn't answer ore of them. I • I think that I have covered the ground fully and trust that you will see this matter * ‘ * > in the same light that I do. YY'lshiiig The Billboard continued success. I am < * o K»-Sj>ei tfully yiHirs. PICK BERTRAM. <>

FOR lYALE—Second-handed Picture Machines of quality and guiranteed for one rear; Edison E^l- Mtloo Model, complete. 565.00; Power’s No. 5. com¬ plete equipment and legs. 570.00; Edison Tim* "B” Machlnr. with complete equipment and very slightly used, equal to new, 580.00; Standard No. 4 Machine, fine cnndllon, gnoil aa new, 570.00; Power’a No. 6A. complete and all perfect, for onD 1170.00. STELZER BROTHERS. 417 Broadway. Lincoln, IIL

Fi>B S.YI.B D-op farm scene. 22x32; used twice. KIBBY, 74S Grand Rivet Ave.. IKtrolt. Mich.

kYTB SYI.K .Y .tmjditr duublr tratxxc act. with a osoltlng. elii-trlcal. flis-al TiIcmIc. irnn-jaw finish; also IS .-umiiletc i-haiigivi "f iianlrutic for Isily and givit. Fur particulars address .AKBI.VLISTS, 447

lluuartl St., Ib-tndt. Mich.

5'i>B S.YLB One Wearer I’lano. one Motlograph Machlnr. i-omplele uiic ttencrsl Klectrlr SucMisi k'Yin. 1*0 SlhiT S,-ri'cnN, one Elerlrlc Fan and one Po*ti-r Boaiil .Ml In fine isHnllll.s' and at a ba-giln .Ad- dn-s H .Y SIIKI'HXBD. 74n S .Ymi-trong, Kidtomo, Indiana.

kYiB .S.M.E- Road Shim: Kdlsivi Picture Machine, Kdl.'ion Gas l*iilftl. complete; 2 sets of I’nvjertlon Isnsi-s, 4.000 feet if Ulms. Stand. Tlckel-S. IXtrtirs. Bewlndrr: all complete for Ilc-.Y.OO: cash with 'order. •Yddress \V. E MYk^t.s, Altimiia, Kan.

n»R THE.YTEJl IXH’II’M»r\TS-Sii.-h aa YMta. picture maihtnes. etc . see LM.YKS THK-YTKR SUP¬ PLY’ «\>., 5o9 CTii-sInut Street. SL Isiuls. Mo.

HABI’. Saxi-pl"*nis. Mandolin. Banjo. Mudeal Glasses, larxe tliilia- K12f.\ KH'K, Mllfonl fVt'ter. Ohio.

HIGH I’lTi II >40 ITAZkl, I'lARINirTS B flat and K fiat; 17 kis.s. 4 rings. 4 ndlers. extra E flat kis fine isinditloti. fltie tone; B flat. S'.’ri: E flat. $2"; isinqil. le with liwtlii-r hag-, extra barn-I joints; fine I’lis'oto. like new 6 fine Imie. i asy hloit- Inr >0 not.', like pl,-,N.To. ,\.S||| t'S.s S kelH, 5> GUS MEBM B. 5l\3 N f'ark SI . I'hleago. Ill,

LUimiG DKI’M. 4x15. usixl onlv short time, first rias* sliape: make me an otTiv. GFAi. KGNEB, llpe- stiwie, Minn.

IttWEB S MOVING PliTl BK MAITIINFdt. Optra nitirs and Ilami DK.IJ’'S. 2219 .Mh Ate. IHls. biirah. Pa.

SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Woemer; hlgh-claaa roomn: running water, aleam beat; service day and night; bath free: within one to three blocks from all thea¬ ters; prlcw reasonable. 231 E. Fayette St.

THE ARTHUR, 252-254 W. S8th SL, New York; 100 rooms; $2.50 to IS weekD; icrupiUoualy clean: bathf on every floor; steam heat, electric light, tele¬ phone; horlaontal ban and muaic room for guests.

THE ROSSLY'^N. at 404-8 Weat 2Sd St., New York (Just opened)—The profession (men only) will find tKwutlfully fumlahed moms at most moderate prices; all mmlem iraprorements: look them over when In New Y'ork.

HELP WANTED. Adyarllaamests without ditplhy. under tkla haadlat.

3o par ward.

E-FI..\T TUB.Y who can double: Trap Drum¬ mer: poKltlon of corporal In U. S- Cavalry Band. (•Hl«’ .MUSICIAN. FL Yfyer, Va.

GOOD VIOLINIST—For position of corporal In r. S. Caralry Band. CHICT MUSICIA.N, Fort Myer, VIrglnla.

MAN AND WIFE--l*roti'an artist; eiperTenced aa- slsianls; wl,«h position or cunununicatlon with Im- piTsonator; have new protean sketch. J. FLORENCE, Oci-an I’ark. Cal.

PI.YNIST W.YNTKI*—For vaudcTtlle orchestra: must be experli-iu-, <1: traiiipow: sight n-ail: sleailv engage- imxil. RAYMOND .A. COOK, Mu.slcal Director, BLjou Tlii-atre. kTliil, Mich.

SISTER TEAM W.ASTKlv-ilad be up to date and g,»«l wanirobe: to lead numlN-ni In tabloid; the show that works all time; .s,ml photo, will be re- liiniid L -A. TUCKER, General IK-Ilvery. Rich¬ mond, Va.

AA'ANTED Violinist that can had: must hare li¬ brary if slaiiilanl atul ixipiilar up-to ..ale mu.*le; for A F of M rei'cert orHifstra In M P. Iheativ: state lowiMt salary, age and l•xpeTienee: can place A-1 orrtiesira ixwiicll-il 0>U>.NI.AL AMUSkAllLNT CO.. Huntington, AV. Va.

YY’.ANTED NiwelD acts of all kinds for Indoor circus: stale all In flrst: also novelty privilege for sale, .Aililmw J. L Bosk. Waalilngton C. U., OhUx

YV.ANTEIk Gennoil business man, capable of play¬ ing some light liwiU, to doutikr d.-uni or horn In bgtnd. H. B. M.AB.silaLL, Sabula. Iowa.

YV.A.\TFR>—Good band acton, foe winter and aum-

mi-r sca.son: state If you do .xpeciaJtUa; all week stauds. 11 B. .M.ABSHAId., Sabula. Iowa.

WANTED—Y’liung lady with goo-1 appearance, who can work Bomar, rings or trapexe, for flrst-claas la¬ ities’ aerial act, to join at once. State In flrat letter weight, height, age. and. If poaalble, photo In tlghta, A.N’TO.N DU VRIES, oars Chaa. lUthd, 1493 Broad¬ way. New York City.

WANTED—Y'oung ladles for wlrs act, who havs good experience in wire walking, for flrat-claaa ladles’ wire act; state In first letter weight, height, age, al«> photo. Addrrsa PUILLIF EDDY, care P. Taualg, 104 East 11th St.. New York City.

W.AN'TEI>—Yimng man wire walker who can do top, one that can take part as girl; for flrst-class wire act; mii-t semi pliotn ami state height, weight and what yim ran ilb In hrst letter. .Aililrcss PHILIP R. ElrDY, i-are Paul Taiislg, lo4 El 14th St., Kew York #117.

W.A.NTED GUICK—Male piano player: also to work In ai-t.s; three niglits and week stands; vaudeville and pictures; no meilli'ine; state lowest, you get IL Ad¬ dress A. H. BENNkriT, T«me>. Wilkin Co., Minn.

W.A.NTED- Y'oung lady pianist, who can sing U- liutraieil smigs; gwsl i-hanct- for right one. TRAV. KLING PBTURE SHtSV. Cortland, N. Y.

YY’.ANTEIi Trap drummer: double stage; year’a en¬ gagement to right party. .Address H. B. MARSHALL, Sabula, la.

HOTELS. Advaetlaaaicnta wltkaut display, uadar thb hapdlafl.

3a par ward.

DCTROIT, MICH., FAIRFAX HOTEL, Bagley and ClKTortl. Professional rates, 55.00 and up; 57.00 and up with bath.

INFORMATION WANTED. Advsrtlasaitata withsut display, uadar this hsadlpg.

art publiaktd traa of febarpa.

ANY ONE KNOWING THB WHEREABOUTS of >Y. T. AAlIklns, la.Ht heard of with Happy Bill Show In Texas, write hIs wife, Btrs.A WILKI.NS. Oranga. TeXalL_

-'■'•'ONE K.NOWING tlie whereabouts of .YUlton AY. Betiedli-t, formerly if Halton Powell Players ixwiununicate with his brother, J. P BENeJ I>KT, care Elks’ Club. Portland. Ore,

LETTERHEAD PRINTING. Advartlsaaitata withsut display, uadar thb htadlap.

3a par word.

CURTISS. KalldA, Ohla

I-f^^UULADS AND 125 ENVEL- lapraa. white, pink, blue or green, printed, 51 pte-

Sd'^’n^'y''*"' Brooh-


Advtrtiaaateata wltkaut display, uadar thla htadlap 3a par word.

dramatic sketches—Excltisivs. prompt, rap- sonabls aervloe. ROBEKT LELAND. WeUcslcy not. Boston, Haas.

®®^c.n's unique songs, sketches PABODIES. S(j6 Gaiety Theatre, New York City.

U MISCELLANEOUS. wAdvarllaewenta without display, uadar

3c per werd. thb headlap.

“nxieurs. Price, Sda McE.AIX pub. Co.. North Kaltlmore,

MISCELLANEOUS. At Ll^y Advertbenenta. without diaplay. aadar

thb headint. ara publithed fret st eharpa.

A-1 PBdPKRTY .AlA.N A.NU ST .AGE CARPENTER —last season with G. D. Sweet’s Cowboy and Girl

(vfetence. GEO. H. THIEX- ^AR.^Box 3(i6, ^leldun. Ill.

flXPERIKNCED “ STkrNOGR.AI’Hra AND GEN* ^\L okUCE M.A.N—LiHig rxpeiirniw In the theat-

hiislnis.1; desires piultlon. .Aililress AA’. W VA RIGHT, 214 S. Belvlilere SL, Richmond. Va.

k 1B.S1-CL.AS-S ELk^TBICl.AN desires to travel with f'Amiva), nju.sical or TaudevlUe act' age. 22; reference. klLANK R. SHEA, 2714 Fair Are.. pATenport, la.

Ol’k-R.ATYlR Quick finish photo post rand oper¬ ator and finisher: plenty experience; 35: sober, hon¬ est; easily matiagoil: .single: go anywhere. H. EL BlCH-ABl>S. Biloxi._Ml>a_

AA .A.N’TklD—Position a.s chaufffi'ur for manager of some large show: can manage any kind of i-ar; atatr salary. Adilriss R. B YOU.N'G, care Billboard, Cln- cinnalt, Ohio.

AVA.NTUl—llosltlon as pnqjerty man; will work

vj'i'* ''*■ "rtlr or wire BE.N.V1E O BROAAN, .Anniston, Mo.

W-YNTk?D POSITIO.N- By man; age, 21; 5 ft. 8^ weight, 130 Iba; hare had thn-e years’ experience aa stage carpentiT. R. E. HKNDBIgks. Osage. la

ToU.\(l M.AX—.Ago 23: strictly temperate, wtshaa work with iiijr traroling j rxp«’rt«ir»il Mint- Ing. decorating. AVSl RklE-Sk;, 407 Atwoml St.. PltU- l>urgs r»._

MOTION PICTURE ARTISTS. At Liberty Advertlaementa. without display, uadar

thla haadinp. art publithed frte pf eharpa.

C.A.Mi;k.A i*R LABoR.aTdKY man .A l phot.^irr pher and laboratory expert: d«*lriw position with r*- .spon.stble concern: go anywhere; salary mclium ao- her and hustler._Blllts'anl. New Yivk (Tty.

GIRL .AND Y'OUNG M.AN—AA'ant po-ltlon In mov¬ ies; stage experience. BkXl, .AUSTIN, General Dellr- erv. nttshurg. Pa.

•TALENTn) Y'OUNG MAN—6 ft. 3 tall, dewlr-i position with moving picture corapsiiV' stage experl- ence. AY’llXARD HoHB.S. S.A2 l.lli .Avp.. Chicago.

Young Yf.AN—22; 4S ft.; On pounds; wlslie* evt- gagisnent with film company: take kid and ,xhfr parrs athlrtlc. daring: gool appearance. ROBBIE STYlRME Bllltroard, Chicago. 111._

MUSICIANS. ‘ AdvartiaeMants without diaplay, uadar thb hewdlnp

la par word.

A TOI.IN .AND PIANO—Y'oung ladles; expertenced .A. F. of Ms., with large Hbrarr music: permanent picture theatre, hotel cafe or daniv>: Central Btatea preferretl. Address MISS HIIJAEGARDB BL7RK- I,ANI). 360 Penn Are.. .Aurora, III.

(CoDtiDoed oD page 40.)

38 Xtie Billboara OCTOBER 10, 1914.



(('<>ntinue<| froin page 35.)

RiiaHcU'a MlnHtreU < National) N. Y. C. A 10. KiikhcII, Marie (Sliul>ert) Itrookl.rn 8-10.

RUTH ROVE nia Prtnotaa of IU<Ume. DlracUon Harrr Webar.

Rutan’s Song KIMh IJeffera) Sa::inaw, MiHi., 8 10; (Hijou) Flint. 11-U; (Rijoil) LaiiKlitf 15 17.


RYAN and LEE IMrectlon 0«ae Hushat.

Ryan tc Tlernejr (Colonial) N. C.; (Royal) N. Y. C. lli 17.

Ryan A Ia>e (Kelth'a) Columbus; (Keith's) In- dlanapolla 12-17.

(lack—RYAN and TIERNEY- Harr) Hit Popular Rons Writers and Comciasera.

Direction U. 8. Bentham.

Ryan, KlrliUeld & Co. (Orplieiim) Spokaue; (KmpreHHi Seattle 1217.

St. James. W. II., & Co. (Orpheiim) Vancouver. B. C.; (EnipreBii) Tacoma. Wash., 1217.

Salon Blniters (Colonial) Norfolk, Va., 8-10; (ilasnmerateln's) N. Y. C. 12-17.

Salt Bush Bill (Ueimbllc) Ijoa Angeles; (Bos¬

ton) long Beach 12-14. SampHon A Douglas (.Miles) Cleveland.

Maurice Samuels Pantagea Circuit, Return Eiigagemetit.

Samuels, Kay (KeHh’s) Tule<lu; (Keith’s) Cleveland 12-17.

Samuels, Maurice, & Co. (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.; (I’antages) Kdnionton 12-17.

Rantly A Norton (Drplieum) St. Paul; (Or- pheunit Duluth 12 17.

Santri’y A SlierwiMHl SDters (Proctor’s 125th

St.) N. Y. C. 8 10. Saona ((ilot>e) X. Y. C. 8 10. Saunders A Von Kuntr. (Pantagesl Vancouver.

B. C.; (Pantagesl Victoria 12-17. Scenes iVom CramI {>|iera (Keith's) Cleveland.

RAY SAMUELS V B. O. and Oiphrum Circuit

Schaeffer, Sylvester (Biiahs'lck) Brooklyn; (Al¬ hambra) N. Y. C. 12-17.

Sclmnl Playground (Alhambra) N. Y. C. School Daya (Kiiipressi Butte. Mout.; (Or-

phetim) i^Nikane, Wash., 12-17. Schooler A Dickinson (Victoria) Charleston. K.

O., 8-10; (tlrpheura) Jackaouville, Fla., 12-17, Schriner A Richards iK.mpressl Portland. Ore. Scbrislea A niapi)elle (Shnhertl Brooklyn 840. Scott A Marke (Proctor’s 2.3d St.) N. Y. C.

8 10. Seehacks, Tlie (Orplieiimt Kansas City.


SEBASTIAN and BENTLY Jardln Da Danie. New Toth.

Setts, Herman (Orphenm) llarrisbarg. Pa. Semon, Clias. P. (Orphenm) Mcmphia; (Or-

pheum) New Orleans 12-17. Shank, I.,ew (Cohen’s O. II.) Newburgh, X. Y.,

8 10. Shaw, Sandy (Flathnshi Brooklyn 8-10. Sherman A DeKorest (tirand O. H.) Philadel¬

phia; (Polli Brldgei««rt. Conn.. 12-17. Shilling. \Vm.. A Or«. (Pantages) Ta<-oma. Wash.;

(Pantages) Portland. Ore., 12-17.

EVA SH I RLEY Iba To'mfeat Prima Donna In Vaudeallla.

Booked RoUd on D. B. O. Tlraa

Shone, Ilermlne, A Co. (Orphenm) Oakland, Cal.; (Oridieum) Sacramento 12 13: (Yosem- Ite) Stockton 14-15; (Victory) San Jooe 1617.

Sideltghta (Pulque) Minneapolis; (Einpresa) St.

Paul 12-17.

Sigsbee’a IKiga (Orpheum) Ogden. Utah, 8-10; (Bmpress) Salt l.ake City 12-17.

Sllber A North (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.; (Pantages) Portland, Ore., 12-17.

Sims, Rouble (McVlcker'a) Chicago; (Empresu) Chicago 12-14; (American) Chicago 15 17.

Irene & Bobbie Smith IMr. Ed B. Keller.

SIsto, Wm. (Proctor’s) Ellaabeth, N. J.. 8-10. glayman All’s Arabs (Empress) St. Paul. SIcanons, Fredericks, A Co. (Orpheum) Oakland,

Cal., 12 17. Smith, Cook A Brandon (Orpheum) Birming¬

ham, Ala.

Smith, 1. A B. (Keith’s) Ixmlavllle. Smith A Farmer (Warwick) Brooklyn 8-10. Snow. Ray ((ireeley Si|uare) X. V. C- 8-10. Snowden. EIpbye (Orpheum) Regina, Can., 8-10. Snyder A Buckley (Pantggea) Winnipeg, Chn.,




Society Buds (Sbubert) Utica. N. Y. Soils (Bros., FVmr (Pantages) San Diego, Cal. Solti Duo (Majestic) Milwankee. Song Revue (Keith’s) Cincinnati 12-17. Song FeatlTal, The (Colonial) Chicago 8-10. Sorcho, Capt. Lonls (Hammerateln’a) N. Y. O.

B-17. Bosman. Fred (Keith’s) Indianapolis 12-lT. Spider and the Fly (Lincoln Square) N. Y. C.

R-10 Sploacl Bros. A Mack (Orpheum) Blimlngham.


AILEEN STANLEY Otphem CbnulL DtieoUaa Hairy Wabar.

Sprague A McNeece (Pioctor’s 68th St.) N. Y. C. S-10.

Sqnarlng Acooonta (Dominion) Ottawa, Can. Stafford Frank. A L«. (Seventh Are.) N. Y.

C. 8-10.

Staley, Blrbeck A Co. (Pautagea) Hdmontou, Clan.; (Pantages) Calgary 12-17.

Stanley Seminary Cirls (Pantages) San Diego, Cal.

Stanley, Stan, Trio (Orpheum) Sau Francisco; (Oridienm) Oakland 12-17.

$allie $temller& Bro. 100-Yard Dash. By Junie Motree. liO<-w Time.

Stanley. Aileen (Orpheum) l.incoln. Neb.; (Or¬ pheiim) Kansas City 12-17.

Stantons (Empress! Seattle; (Orpheum) Van¬ couver, H. C., 12-17.

Steiner Trio (Grand) Syracuse. Stemliler, Sallle, A Bmther (Empress) St. Paul. Stephens, Paul (Empress) Kansas City. Stepp. Goodrich A King (I’rospecti Brooklyn

12 17. Stevens, Rdw., A Co. (Temple) Detroit; (Tem¬

ple) Rochester 12-17. Stevens A Stevens (Grand) Troy, N, Y.. 8-10.

EDWIN STEVENS Aaalated bf Tina Marshall. Playing United Tims.

Stevens. Lander, A Co. (Pantages) Spokane; (Pantages) Seattle 12-17

Stewart Sisters A Eswits (Orpheum) Vancouver, B. C.; (Empress) Tacoma, Wash., 12-17.

Stewart A l!akln (National) N. Y. C. 8-10. Stewart A Hall (Eiiiiiriuuii Salt Ijike City. Stuart A Donahue (Forsythe) Atlanta, Ga.;

(Orpheum) Jacksonville. Fla., 12-17. Sutton, McIntyre A Sutton (Temple) Roches¬

ter; (Sliubept) Utica 12-17. Svengali (Babcock) Billings, Mont., 0-7; (Em¬

press) Bntte 12-17. Swain’s Rats A Cats (McVlcker'a) Chicago.

WILBUR C. SWEATMAN Ragtime darloetlsL Address 2S1 W. 14Sd SC. New

York City.

Swan. Edith, A Girls (Pr.H-tor's) Plainfleld, N.

J.. 8-10. Swan (Empress) Sacramento, Cal.; (Empress)

Ix>s Aiigelt^ 12 17.

Sweeney A- Risiney (Grand) Troy, N. Y., 8-10.

Swor A Mack (Orpheum) Seattle 12-17. Talsir A Green (Greeley Square! X. Y. C. 8-10. Tally A Mayo (Palace) Springfield, Maas.;

(1N»11) Scranton. Pa., 12-17. Tango Chief (Orpheum) New Orleans.


TAYLOR A. ARNOLD Paslaftt Ctrealt. Dlraetlaa JA8. B. MaKOWEH.

Tate’a Fishing (Temple) Hamilton, Can.; (Or-

pbeum) Montreal 12-17. TayP>r A Taylor (Hammerstein'a) N. Y. C.

12 17.

Telephone Tangle (Kelth’i) IndlanapoUa; (Kelth'a) liouisvllle 12-17.

TeislrlHia, Chief (Temple! Hamilton, Can.; (Co¬

lonial) Erie, Pa., 12-17.

AL XIIVX Yodelw. Carman’t Minstrels.

Tenny, Theo. (Gaiety) Springbeld, Ill., 8-10. Tej-rls, Cbae., A Co. (National) Detroit. Terry. .Arthur A Grace (Delancey St.l X. Y.

C. 8 10.

Thomas A Hall (Orpheum) Omaha 12-17. Tbompeon, Cbaa. (Keith’s) Cincinnati; (Keith’s)

Indianapolis 12-17. Thomson. Harry (Orpheum) Spokane; (Empress!

Seattle 12 17.

3 - Travilla Bros. - 3 DIRECTION ALF. T. WILTON.

TTioriiton. Jas. A B. (Keith’al Washington 12-17. Those Kidleta (BIJoii) Savannah. Ga., 12-14;

(VictoriaI (^arlcetoo, S. C.. 15-17,

Those Three Girls (Coloolal) Erie. Pa. Thri>’ the Skylight (Emiin-asi Portland, Ore. TImberg, Herman (Majestic) Milwausie.

Titanic Disaster (Proctor’i 125tb St.) N. Y. C.

8-10. Titanic (Pantagee) Vancouver. B. C.; (I’an-

tagea) Victoria 12-17.

SOPHIE TUCKER The Mary Garden of Bagtlma, and fYank WastphaL

Togan A Geneva (Pantages) Spokane; (Pan- tages( Seattle 12-17.

Toney A Norman (Orphenm) Harrisburg, Pa.; (Polil Scranton 12 17.

Tower A Darrell (Boulevanl) X. Y. C. 8-10. Trana-Atlantic Trio (Orpheum) Denver; (Or¬

pheum) IJnc<4D, Xeb.. 12-17. Trasker, Ann, A Co. (Orplieum) Minneapolis;

(Orplieum) Omaha 12-17.

THE TURNERS Orpheum ClrenlL Dlractloa Bernard Burka.

Travato (Orpheum) Winnipeg. C«n.; (Sherman

Grand) Calgary 1214; (Orpheum) Regina 15-

17. Trevltt’a Military Doga (Garrick) Wilmington,


Trovollo (Yonge St.) Toronto, Can. Tauda, Harry (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal.; (Or¬

pheum) Sacramento 12-13; (Yoaemite) Stock- ton 14-15; iVlctory) San Joee 16-17.

Turners, The (Coluiiibla) Grand Rapids, Mich.

wisxn HIVI s e: LF* Vr

Flaying United TUae. Dir. Gene Hugh*.

Tnrptn. Harry A Augusts (Proctor’s 23d St.)

N. V. C. 8-10. Types, Three (Orphenm) Seattle.

Tyson A Barbour (Lyric! Newark. N. J.. 8-10. Usher, Clande A Fannie (Grand) Plttsburf;

(Grand) Byrgeuee 12-17.

Usher Trio (G>.>eler Square) N. Y. O. S-10. Vndle, Mile. Mnryon (OrpbMm) Dee Molnee 12-

IT. Vatdarea. Two (Alhambra) El Paso, Tea., 6-12. Vnidoa, The (Emprcaa) Salt Lake City.

Vallecita’s Leopards (Empire Palace) Johan¬ nesburg, S. Africa, iiidef.

Chas.and Fannie Van Irirectlon Max Hart.

Valll. Muriel A .Arthur (Academy) llagorHtowu,

Md.. 8-10.

VANDINOFFand LOUIE Novalty Palntera. Using OU Ookaa.

IMr. Paul Durand.

Van Bergen, Martin (Orpheum! Uegina, Cau.,

8-10. Van lloven (Kelth’a) Cleveland 12 17. Van, BlUy B., A Co. (Temple) Uoebester.

Walter VanBrunt IMrecUon Max HaiL

Van A Schenck )R.iyal! X. Y. C.; (Keith’s! Washington 12-17.

Van A Ward Sisters (Proctor’a) Sehenectady.

N. Y.. 8-10. Vamliuoff A l>onle (Colonial) N. Y. C.; (Or¬

pheum) Brooklyn 12-17.

VAN and SCHENK The Pennant-Winning Battery of Songland. Dlz.

Ed a KeUer.

VanOeld (Pantages) Salt Lake City. Vaudeville in Munkeyland (AVarwIik) Bro<>klyD

8-10. Vinton A Buster (Ilamnierstelu'a) N. Y. C. 12-


Ed Vinton and Buster Booked Solid on U. B. O. Time. Dir. Morria A Feli

Vlolinaky (Orpheum) Dea Midnea. la., 1217. Vernon. Hope (Poll) Scranton. Pa., 1217. Veatoff Trio (Pantagea! Victoria, B. C.; (Pan-

tagea) Tacoma, Waah., J2-IT. Volunteers, The (Grand) Pittaburg.

Von Cello (Liberty) Brooklyn h lo.

VOLANT "The Flying Plana" Direction Gene Hughes

Von Hampton A Jocelyn (Rljou) Brooklyn 8-10. Von TlUer A Nord (Prospect) Brooklyn; (Or¬

pheum) Brooklyn 12-17. Waldemeer, Young A Jacobs (Grpheum) Ix>8

Angelee; (Spreckel'a) San Diego 1217. Wallace A HatUeld (Prv>ctor’» I’.’oth St.) X .Y.

C.. 8-10. W'Uenaleln A Freeby (Keith's) Cincinnati;

(Keith’s) lodlanapolU 12-17.

Ward, Bell and Ward Under the White Top. Featuring Adelaida M. Bell

Walah, Blanche, A Co. (Buabwick) Brooklyn 12-17.

Walah A Bentley (Lincoln S<|uare) N. Y. C. 8-10.

tWaltoD. B. A L. (BlJou) Savannah. Ga., 12-14; (Victoria) CbirleatoD, S. C.. 15-17.

Wanda (Crystal) Milwaukee; (Unique! Minue- apolis 12-17.

Wanse.- A Palmer (Empreas! Loa Angeles; (Or- pbeum) Ogden. Utah. 12-17.

ELIZABETH HESTER WARD "Dainty Chaneter Singer.’*

Ward A Cullen (Orph<'uml Winnipeg, Can.; (Slierman Grand) Calgary 12 14: (Orpheum) Regina 15-17.

Ward. Bell A Ward (Orpheum! Kanaaa City; (Orpheum) Omaha 12 17.

Ward, Walter A Partner (I’roctor’i ■23d St.! N. Y. C. 8-10.

Ward Slaters (MUea) Cleveland. Warner, O., A Co. (Alhambra) N. Y. C. Warner A Corbett lCr.!atal) Milwaukee;

(Unique) MlnueapoUa 12-17.

NAT M. WILLS The Happy Tramp.

Vaudeville. United Tlam.

Warner Bma. (American! X. Y. C. 8 10. Werden A Gearln (Empress) Chicago 8-10. Werner-Amnraa Tivaipe (Ckdumbla) Grand

Rapids. Mich.. 12 17. Warren A Conley (Proctor’s! Albany, N. Y.,

8 10. Webb A Burnt (Kelth’a) Providence; (Keith’s)

Boston 12-17. Weber. Cbaa. (Lyric) Richmond, Va., 8-10;

(Majestic) Milwaukee 12-17.

grace: WILSON "THATS Alii"

Dlreetlon Morria A Frll.

Weber A Capitola (Kelth’a) Waabtngtoo; (Or¬ pheum) Brooklyn 12-17.

West, Mae (Bnabwlck) Brooklyn; (Hammer- ateln’a) N. Y. C. 12 17.

Westmant, The (Forsythe) Atlanta, Ga.

Weston, Willie, A Co. (liammerateln’a) N. Y, C.

Weston A I.reon (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Keith’s) Providence 12-17.

Weston A Claire (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal., 12- 17.

WEBER and WILSON Damdng Stars, lata at Talaaka Buraa Oa

Wbarry-I,ewla Quintette (Orpheum) IJncoIn, Neb.; (On>heum! Kansas City, Mo., 12-1).

When It Strikes Home (Empress) Cincinnati. When W’omen Rule (Bijou! Brooklyn 8-10. When We Grow Up (Delsncey St.i N. Y. C. 8-10. White IloMars, Nine (Keith’s) Waablngton. White A Jaaon (Ondieum) Seattle.

BEN WELCH And Hla Own Show.

White. Elsie (Academy) Fall River, .Mass., 8-10. Whltlaw. Arthur (Pantages) Calgary, Can. Wbllman, Frank (Prospect) Brooklyn 12-17,

WIfie (Crystal) .Milwankee; (Unique) Mluue- H|S)lla 12-17.

Wilbur. Clarence (Xatloiial! X. Y. C. 8 10. Wiley A Ten Kyck (.SlnilH-rt) Utica. X. Y. Willard (llaiiiiiiiTslelii's! .\. Y. ('.. 12-17. Willani A Ihind (Fulton! Uro>kIyn 8 1!!. Williaius A Wolfiis (i!r|iheiiiii) Kansas City;

(Oriiheuin) IVs Mollies 12-17. WilllaniH A Darrell (Mllesi Ih-troit.

Willlania, llK>m|ia<>n Co. (Kelth'a) Columbus; (Keith's) IxiuUvIIle 12-17.

“““''-WESTOH & CURE-"""''' Bonked Solid on Orpheum ClltatlL

Willlama A .M<sire (Oridieiini) \ Y. C. 8-10. Willie Bpjs. (Kelth'a) Philadelphia; (Forsythe)

Atlanta, Ga., 1'2-lT. Wills A Ilassan (Kelth'a) Cleveland; (Columbia)

Grand Rapidi 12-17. Wills, Xat M. (Royal! X. Y. C.; (I’rosjiect!

Brooklyn 12-17. Wilson. I'rsiik (Orpheum) I/os Angeles; (Or-

phuum) Salt Lake City 12 17. Wilson Bros. (Emi>re»s| St. I’aiil.


WILJ..lA.IVfS and RA.IVKIN Addrtas BlUboard. Xew Tork.

Wilson A Wilson (Empress) Tsroma. Wash.; (F.nipreas! Portland. Ore., 1217.

Winkler, Jack. Trio (Varletle! Terre Haute, Ind.

Wiiiuing Widows (Knipress! Is>a Aogelea; (Or¬ pheum) Ogden. Utah. 12 17.

Winseh A lV>ore (i’antages! San Franclsi'o; (Pantages) Oakland 12 17.

Wolgaa A Girlie (Seventh .Lve.) X. Y. C. 8 lO. Wo(>dmaD A IJvingston (Oridieuin) Sioux City,

la.; (Orpheum) Mlnuea|M>llH. Minn.. 12-17.


WINSCH and POORE 'No Trnpaaalng” Direction Gena HuAea.

i Woods A Woods (Keifh’a) Toledo. W<s>d'a .\nimals (I’autages ( Oakland. Cal.;

(Pantages! Lis .tngeles 12 17.

W««><1 A Wyde (Keith's! Washingt'Mi 12-17. Work A Play (Pantagesi Victoria. B. C.; (Pan-

tagesi Tacoma. Wash.. 12 17. Wormwood's Animals (Empress! Seattle; (Or¬

pheum! Vancouver. B. C.. 12 17. Wright. Cecelia (Kelth'a) Cincinnati; (Keith's)

LoulsTllle 12-17.

HI BY Wl RTN And WIRTB FAMILT. Alhai^ra. Paris.

Wright A Albright (Colonlall PblladelphU 8- 10; (Palace) Philadelpbla 12-17.

Wrong lYoni the Start (Ortiheum) Memphis; (Orpheum) Xew Orleans 12 17

W'ynn. Bessie (Ilafumersteln’s) N. Y. C. Yeoman, Geo. (Xatlooal) Detroit. York Trio (Pantages! Spokane; (Pantages) Se¬

attle 12 17.

THE Y0UN6CRS Dlrcetlan ‘ntoa Fltapatrick.

York's Canine Pupils (Orpheum) Memphis 12 IT. Y’oscarya. Five (Star) Chicago 8-10. Young, DeWltt, A Slater (Pantages) Winnlpeff,

Can., 12-17.

Youngers. The (Keith's) Louisville; (Keith’s) Cincinnati 1217.

Ynle. cniarlea. A Co. (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Keith's) Colnnibns 12-17.

Yvette (Colonisl! Erie. Pa.. 12-17. Vvonne (Empress) Salt lAke City.

Zarrell. Leo. Trio (Orpheum! lies Moines 12-17.

LEO ZARRELL TRIO "Bmu Bnimmel Aonbau."

Booked RoUd U. B. O. Hom. IMr. Max Hayva

Zaxelle, II. M.. A Co. (Or|>beum! IVs .Motneo. Zelaya (fjreeley S<|uare| X. Y. C. 8 10. Zenola, CUcago. Indef. Zeraldaa (St. James) Boston 8-10. Zertho’a Dogs (Orpheum) Memphis; (Orpheum!

Xew Orleans 12-17.

N. M. ZMELL « CO. _ Vaoiro. OaL. far ths Bommm.

Zoeller Trio, Ed (Academy) Fall River, Maas., 8 10.

CIRCUS & WILD WEST Barnes. At. G.: Houma, La., 7; New Orleans

O-II; Uonaldsonvllle 12; PlaquemlDe 1.3; Bunkle <4; Natebibtebes 15; Shreveport 16; Marshall, Tex., 17.

Esebman. J. 11.; Bayard. W. Va.. 7: Davis 8;

Haniblebm 9; Mill Creek 10; Durbin 11-12; Caas 13.

Fowler A Clark’s Dog A Pony Hlmw: Union Star, Mo., 8; Clarkadale B; Stewartville lu.

Haag, Mighty: Cberaw, 8. C., 7; Camden 8; North 9- Denmark 10.

Happy Bill: Ben Wheeler. Tex.. 7; Mount Syl¬ van IS; Undale 14; Mlneola 15.

Ilagenbeck-Wallace: Great Bend, Kan., 7; Mc- I’benmn 8; Abilene 9; Clay Center 10; Man¬ hattan 12; Holton IS; Topeka 14; Ottawa 15; Eureka 16; CoffeyvHle 17.

Jones Bros. A Wilson: Minneapolla, Kan., 7; Concordia 8; Burr (>ak 9; Osle.riie 10; Stock- ton 12; Beloit 13; I.lDdntx.rc 14.

Kit Carson; Melton. W. Va., 7; Ixvgan 8. l-siTena; Parkaley, Va., 8. Miller Bros. A Arlington’s 101 Rsneb: Ooldaboro.

N. C., 7; Wilson 8; Raleigh 9; llemierson 10; Durham 12; So. Boston 13; Danville. Va., 14; Greensboro. X. C., 15; Wtnslon«alem 16; Is>xington 17.

Oklahoma Bill’s Wild West. MsJ. C. F. Rhodes. mgr.: Rlcimiond, Va., 5 1(1.

RIngItng Bros.: Greenville, H. C., 7: Anderson 8; Coinn.bla 9; Augusta, Ga.. 10; Atlanta 12; Macou 1.3; Colunibua 14; Montgomery, Ala., 15; Birmingham 16.

Sells-Flo*o Buffalo Bill (Himself); Gainesville, Tex., 7; Denlisin 8; Durant, Ok.. 9; Denton. Tex., 10.

Sparks: Clinton. N. C.. 7; HmIthSeld 8; Spring Hope 9; Hol>ersonvllle 10; Aboskle 12.

Toropkioa: Waterford, Va., 7; I^eesburg 8; Phil-

mont 9; Mlddleburg 10. Wheeler Br<».: Apex. N. C., T: Oxford 8; Roan¬

oke Rapids 9; Jackson 10; Kxmore, Va., 13; I Delmar, Del., 13.

OCTOBER 10, 1914. X ti e Billboard 39

CARNIVAL COMPANIES Allvii. Torn W., Sh>.vii. Tom W. Allen, mgr.:

lI' niillMil, .Mo., 5 10. (.ri'HliT Kcixmltion Sbowii. Otit L.

AlniiiK. mgr.; Wnyiiexvllle, N. C., B lO. AUiiiniiii nroe.' ItfB .Am-'rlcBii KIiowh. Ime AII-

noinii, nigr.: Tyler. Tex., 3 10; I'aleitlne 12-

17. r.rtiiiilBKe, s. W.. KliowH, S. W. Ilriinilage, mgr.:

Mii»kosee, Uk., ri-l'); (Ikuiulgee 12 17. ItiirkiM’t K. (■., Kliows, K. U. ItHrkoot, mgr.:

Jnckeon. Tein.. 510. Clift*'!! Kelley SIiowh. C. Kelley, mgr.:

MarUiiii.y. .Ark., .I-IO; .Moiitlcello i2 17. Cmnilell Ainii'i'ineiit Co.: llemleriton, T*'X.. 5-10. C.'fey ItroH.’ SIh'wb, K. 1). Orey. mgr.; ^Mel¬

ton. -N. !».. « 12; I.lteliTille 1« 10. ti.ivii* Ciiriiival Co., 1.. J. DbvIii,. mgr.: Illiopolii,

III.. 5 10. l/il. A., tlreater Shown, i:,! A. Erans,

mgr : Krefloiila. Kan., 510. Canioun I Itierty SIkiwm, (}e<i. K. Dorman, mgr.:

Kiirliain. N. ('.. .A 10; Kook Hill. S. C.. 12-17. K'TBrl. Col. Kraiiola. Shown rnlte*!. Col. Francli

I'erarl. mgr.: Klocmnbnrg, !*a., 610. Kerari. Jo*. <1.. tireHter Kx|Hi*itioii Shown, Jog.

<!. Kerari, mgr.: IlarrlHhurg, I’a.. 5-10; Wil-

iiiingt*'!!. IS'l.. 1217. !'• ey h Hnrk SIk>wh, E. M. Burk, mgr.: Ilan-

foni. Cal.. 0 10; Klrentlile 1.3-17. Cr*at rutternon Shown, Jaa. I'atteraon, mgr.:

salt Ijike City, Utah. 5-10 c.n-at International Show*, A. II. Brown, mgr.:

Hrowiiw***!. Tex.. 5-10; Kt. Worth 12-17. tio'ilell SiH'W*. C. M. (loodell, mgr.; Wellman,

la.. 5 10. fireat Argyle Show*, Muriiliy Jc GIbha, mgra.:

Wlnaton Salem, N. C.. « 10. Greater Sheealey Show*. J. M. Shelley, mgr.:

Athena, Ala., 5-10; Oneonta 12-17. Globe Aniuaement Co., I. S. Klak. mgr.; 8nl-

liran. luil., 5-10; Pari*. HI., 12 17. Hall Dor. Sbowa. Doc Hall, mgr.: Paragonld,

Ark., 6-10. „ Hamlin'* I'nlted Show* A CarnlTal. J. A. Ham-

Hn. mgr.: Danbury. Conn., 5-10; i’oughkeepale,

N. Y.. 12-17. Ilowar*! Greater Sliow* & Holme*’ Wild Weat:

Ft. I’ayne, Ala., 5-10. llarrl* Amuaement Co.. Preaton Harrla, mgr.:

Scranton 8. C.. 6 10. . Hampton’* Great Empire Show*. H. E. Van-

Gonler. mgr.: Hamilton. O., 5 10. Inteiwtate Amnaement Co., Otto tJlealer, mgr.;

Potilar Bluff, Mo., 5 10. Ifler Amnaement Co.. Lout* laler, mgr.: Moline,

Kan., 6-10. _

lasy—SCCONO TO NONE—1*14

THOMAS AND MARGARET QUINCY Srtiaatliaial Hlgli IMreea. Now Booking 1»15.

June*. Johnny J., Bxpoaltlon Show*. Johnny J. June*, mgr.; Owenab**ro. Ky., 5 10; Albert-

▼llle. Ala., 12-17. Jarenal’a Stadium Show*. J. M. Jurenal. mgr.:

Cordora. Ala., 5 10; Birmingham 12 17. Krauae Gr**ler Show*. Ben Kraune. rogr.: Mon-

terallo. Ala.. .5-10: Clanton 12 17. • lAchman A I.ewl* slmwa; Anadarko, Ok.. 5-10. Littlejohn’* fnited Show*. TIkm*. P. Littlejohn,

mgr.: R- me. Ga.. 5 10; Carr*)lllon 12 17. Iji»>!. J. Geo.. KxiawItS'n Co., J. G*'0. I>00*,

tngT.: CVnway. Ark.. 5 10; Camden 12 17. laigg. Col., Greater Show*: Shan'*vllle. Pa.,

10, lesgette Amnaement Co.. C. U- Leggette mgr.:

Winder. <ia .5 10. Majeetir Carnival Co.. Welder A Meeker, mgr*.:

tieorgetown. Ky., 5 10; Meholaavllle 12-17. Mary’* (tlympir stiuwa. J. A. Mary, mgr.:

Miami, itk.. 5-10; Chela*-* 12 17. M-tsi'-litan Slew*. C. E. Bartlehl. mgr.; Tua-

‘ umbia. .M*.. 5 10; Ja«per 12 17. Novon’a Hll>ta«lrotne Show*. Dave Ncxon, mgr.:

K'xboro. N. c.. rno. Narder* Giv-ater Show*. Nat Narder mgr.:

Si>rlngn*-M. Mo . 5 10; Jon«-*!*!to. Ark.. 12 17. Pa-time .Amn*»-inent Co.: Bremen. Ga.. 5 10. Parker. B It.. Show*. Ed Heiua, mgr.; I>**Ten-

worth, Kan.. 5 10. Ri*-e A Bore Water CarnlTal. Harry Done, mgr.:

Birmingham. Ala. 2ht>et. 10; .Montgomery

12 17,

Rutherford Greater Show*. Jno. J. Polark, mgr.:

Brown«TlIle. Pa. 5 10. R.dwrti’ Pnlte*! Show*. J Stanley Robert*.

nigr.: lexliirlon. Ky.. 12 17. R..ger*’ Greater Show*. J. Roger*, mgr.: Black*

iMirg. 8 C . 5 10. SvTidge. Waller, Amnaement Or.. Walter Sae

I'lge. mgr ; f5*o<*>rdl*. Mo., 5-10; J’leaaant

Hill 12 17. Smith Greater Show*. C. Smith, mgr.; Mlddle-

horo. Ky.. 6 10; KnoxTllle. Tenn.. 12-1 Southern Amn*ement fo.. T>on C. Steaenaon.

mgr.; Yoaknm, Tex.. 6-10

Waahbnm’a. l.eoo. Mighty Midway Slmwa. I eon

W. Waahhnrn. mgr.: Rlchnmnd, Va.. 5-10;

l*etenibnrg 12 17. Whitney Show*. A. P. Whitney, mgr.; Hallett,

<Ht . 6-10: SapuliHi 12 17. World at H.>roe Show*. CTia*. Hatch, mgr.:

Omaha. Neb.. OOOet. 10; Wichita. Kan

12 15. Wortham. C A.. Show*. C. A. Wortham, rogr.:

Neeada. Mo.. 5 10; Tnl»a. Ok.. 12 17. Ve Olde Engll-h (arnlval Co.. R. C. Bea*le.T,

mgr.; Bnrango fol., 5 10.


WANTED PIANO PLAYER Read and fake. Slate valarr Tti-keUf Te*. II W W11.1 >ER. Ge*»-ral DeilT.-rv. I>e« Molne*. la.

WANTED PICTURE OPERATOR Wlih hU own marhine and film*. State aaiarr. T1rk<-!*T \p«. II W WHJiini. General DellTery, P*-* M*4iie«. la.

WANTED 'musical ACT VoTeltr Art. Silent Art for M.>d. Stiow. Tekrtaf Tea II W Wn,l>EK. General DellTi-nr. I»e* Molnew. la

CAN FURNISH ITIgh-rla** Boxer* or Wnwtler* on *h(Wl notice <3IAUl.l-3» MAROTTA. Marott* Athletic Club, 1043

K. 7»th St., tlereland, (».

lElPER WANTED Oadle Retnm Booked aoBd. MANAGER AIOllAL A *r. care BUttioard, ClndunaU. O.



DONLEY PINS, STUDS and EARRINGS the only famous Bird and Pendant Brand, the old reliable goods of quality, with our Special Cut Stones. We mount on cards stampecl with our Trade Mark —a fac-simile here shown.

Note the I). & Co. on the pendant, also registered in U. S. Patent Oflice. jirinted lielow. If your jobber does not have them, write us. We will send you the address of jobbers in your vicinity who handle these goods. They are the best.

REGISTERED In U. 8. Ctffloc.

DONLEY & CO., Mfg. Jewelers, 144 Pine Street, Providence, R. 1.

BUY SHOW PRINTING RIGHT The following priaa are only a few of our regular price*. Union workraanahlp, proanpt ahlpmcnts.

fading paper, aun-proof Inka. TemiB: Oah with order.

500 Half Sheete, black on yellow .I 4.50 500 Pull 1000 Half Sheet*, black on yellow. 7.50 l‘>00 Full 500 Half-Shcee*. red or blue on white. 5.50 500 Full

1000 Half-Sheeta, red or blue on white. (.50 lOOo Full- 500 Half-SheM*. two coiors. 7.50 500 Half-

loOO Half-Sheet*, two ccAoca. 11.50 10<>0 Half 500 Full-Sheet*, black on yellow. 7.00 500 Half-

1000 Full-Shecta. black on yellow. 11.00 1000 Half

Beralda, Tonlghtcra, Dodger*, etc., at lowrat rate*. AD kinds

dal prtcca on aeaann orders of engrared Half-Sheet Carda.

Sheets, red or blue on white. Sheets, red or blue on white. Sheets, two colors. Sheets, taro colors. Sheet Tack t^rd^ 4 ply. one oolor. Sheet Tack Carda, 4 ply. one color. Sheet Tack Cards, 4 ply, two colors -Sheet Tack Cards, 4 pty, two oolora

of type and engraved Foeter PrlnUng.

t 7.S0 12.50 10.00 17.50 7.50

12.50 10.00 15.00



The WESTCOTT SHOWS .\fter a prosporous'season, close next week at Sandwich, Ill., to reopien in May, 1915,


This will be a two-car Show, consisting of four Show*. Merry-Go-Round. Band. Free .Act and one OonceiKloti of each kind. WAXTElv- -Good nantation Stiow, alio Girl Show that can work straight If neceweary. Want good Band, dght or ten piece*. Concession* uf all kiiida wanted. All mail addrea* HANK GRADY, Maa- ater; LEW LAVELLE, Gaaaral Afaat. Oakhlll, 0., week Octobet 5 to 10. Route fumlabed thoee Interesteil. BundAy-Sdtool teacher* and knockers, save stamp*.

FOR SALE AT YOUR OWN PRICE Wonderful 17,000 Wurlltaer Oreheetrs used by the Syracuse Arena Co. In Its Immense summer garden and moTtiig picture theatre, lu artltkial Ice skating rink, and numerous other attraction* that the famous hall was u»e*l for. Instrument takes the place of a 10 to 12-plece (wr-hestra, and ean be played either by hand rr by roll. Reason for aelUng—company aoUig to give up the use of the Arena for amusemeiit purpones. Can be beaid any Ume before the 15th of (V-tober; after that date instrument must be rennweil from the building. Any rvaaonable offer will be considered. SYRACUSE ARENA CO., Syvaeuw, N. Y.

Bronson’s Home Coming OCTOBER 14th TO ITtb, ON THE STREETS

WANT two good Shows, a few tYmcemlona. Free Acta. Addren* DAVE STOCK. Branaea. MIeb.

and Harvest Jubilee



Week Grand Circuit Race*. One of the biggest erenU In thL* country. 100,000 people In atUndanca. CAN PLACE Dolls. Bear* and Knife Rack, and any other nonconlllctliig Concesatons. tVui also use good Door Talkeia. ALL SHOWS. RIDING DEA'lcra ANT> TKKtZ ACTS BOOKED. Route; Lexington, Ky.. week Getobv 13; Oorbln. Ky., week 10; Knoxville, Tenn., week M. Addreaa

J. STANLEY ROBERTS. St. Charlas HatsI, Haailltaa. 0., aatll Oat. M, thaa a* ptr rotrta.

Majestic Amusement Co. WANT FOR ALL WINTER SOUTH

Three flist-claa* Rhow*. Want to hear frqm Jones and Francis Williams at one*. All kinds of Privtiegts. No oxclualvf*. 110.00 each. Want American Muaidans, t'omet. Trombone. Baritone and Drums. Join at Georgetown. Ky., we*k October 5-10; Nlchnlssrllle. Ky., 12-17. WEIDER A REID, Maaafart.

WM. HODGES WANTS Glass Blowers, Freaks and Good Entertainers

AU winter’# work tn dty store room*. This la the strongest store room show In America, featuring Charle* Blgne;'* Trained 8e* Lion* ttid Water Clrcua. Will pay Fromoter good for a couple of gorsl spet*. LlllUn Gfllla. write me. Bowen, Ill., we<-k Gdober 5; permanent addrea* 123 E. 8d SL. Blnunlngton. Ind.

WANTED — FOR NOMIA MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY riATlng houae*. all winter'* work. A-1 ITotlucer, who double* stage and ha* plenty of *i><>d wrlpt; Otwne- dlan*. Straight Men. Ch*r*<t.>r Men, *l*o leading lady, Soubrrttes. Chamiter Woman and experleucvd Choru* Glrla. Bonae fighter*, trouble makers, agitator*, save thdr stamp*. Arthur Unes, Danny Lund, Ar thur Ja»k.*i*i, write. State lowest salary In first Irtter, a* aalary L* absolutely sure, and kmg season. Send phoUw. whii-h will be n-tunieii. .Address a* per route, carv of Great I’attemon Shows. J. H. JOHNSON Maaafsr Nomla Musical Coaiady Cawaaay. Salt Lak* City, Utah. Ootobar 5tb to lOtb; Laraaila, Wya., Oa- tebar 12th ta 17th. aad Colorado Sarlata Col.


Oiniet. tTartnet and Tub*. Iswig ara.*on. State lowewt. (Mhera arrite. GLEN BRC.NK, Globe Amu**. tYx, SuIUvan, Ind.

AT LIBERTY. A-l (TaHnet. wishing to locate, theatre ar dance e chewtra AL ANDERJION. IT! N. 5th S4., Elkha Indiana


(Continued from page ’27.)

14 performers, J. Lacy Smith, manager; Little Charle* Jones, tickets. Waker Brother*, with their educated horse, Haleb. Circus Si<le-Show, lu charge of J. .Moore. Darling'* Trained .Ani¬ mal .Show, Fred Darling, owner; .Mr*. Fred Darling, trainer; Ed s. Gilpin, manager and

talker; Arthur Miller, ticket*. Happy Emma, fat girl, platform allow. L. J. Stello's Pit Show. Solomon and iMrman’a motordrome, with Mike Swantek and Fred Gerbera. rider*; W. B. Myler, talker. H. M. lloover'a ferrls wheel, with C.

H. Guthrie and Joe Chepley, helpers; Miss X. Y. Z. JohiiHon, tickets. Chae. Miller’s merry- go-round. with -Miller seling tickets. .Matt Gay furnishes the free attraction with hia high dive

twice dally. Frederick Gargaui’* Band fur¬ nishes the music. There are also twenty con¬ cessions.

!„ J. Stello joined this w»ek with bis privilege car aiKl two coiiceasioiis, which brings the num¬ ber of cars up to fourteen.


By “King Neptune.”

The Rice A Dore Water Ciarniral played to splendid business last week at the Tennessee State Fair at .Nashville, despite a generous rain ou the big day that so daiupeued the spirits of the visitors that the lot was cleared at uoon. Nashville Citizens’ Day was tlien changed to Friday, and proved a better day than Wednes day probably would have been.

The shows are at the Alabama State Fair at Birmingham for thj next two weeks, where, on account of the wonderful activity among the local Iron foundries, enormous buaiuess is ex¬ pected.

.Miller’s Prairie Life Wild West Sliow is a recent adiiition to tlie Rice A Dore line-up of slows, uiid h is been doing a splendid business. However, the Water Circus continues to top everything else, and each day’s buaiuess only goes to more conclusively prove the good judg¬ ment of .Messrs. Rice and Dore in 8|iendlng so niiicb time and money on this particular kind of show .

R. L. Davenjiort is iK>w being assisted in the management of the Water Circus by the well- known talker. Henry Peck. He has been a source of much assistance to Mr. Davenport at the big State fairs, and has prove<l a worthy assistant to the energetic little manager of the big abow.

Red McIntyre continues to run the Water Show a close aecomi in point of busiiiess done. His Pit Show is always the livest spot on the K. A D. Midw-sy.

Harry Trimble, formerly k>cal contracting agent with Rice A Dore, has completed all lor-al contracts alieail, and Is now in charge of the local advertising back with tlie company. The result Is that Rii’e A Dore banners decorate nearly every wall available in towns played.


By Hilton L. Morris.

J. B. Austin, general agent Gentry Brothers' Shows, was in Houston several tlays, and It is uiidersUsKl Gentry Brothers will play Hous¬ ton during October. The Houston (leople are very much interested In wintering tlie Wortham Shows and they will in all probaldlity make some indiiceiiient to Gentry Bi others with a view to getting them.

-Max Friedinaiin, representing I.inrxiln Beachey Conipany, of CJiicago, is in Houston negotiating with the No Tsu-Oh .Association for Lincoln Beachey to lly here November 14 and 15. the last two da.vs of the Deep Water Celebration. It is quite certain that contract will l>e chsied with Beachey, which will add anotlier strong attraction for the Deep Water Jiibnee.

C. A. Wortham, who will furnish all the at¬ tractions f<ir the Houston Deep Water Jubilee, advises tlie No-Tsu-Uh Committee tliat he has added a niinilsT of new sIhiws and will have 25 or ;«) strong attractions for this date. The last reimrts indicated that special feature ar raiigenieiits are being made by him to Ismk the Klee A Dore Water Cirous. in addition to hla shows at Houston. Oue of the new features for the Houston event will be street parade# by the AA'orlliam attraction*.

The Pantage* Circuit of vaudeville opened this week at the Prince Theater, Ilouaton. and it la expecte.1 that three night* of vaudeville will be shown there throughout the season.

Busines* at the Majestic Vaudeville Theater, Houston, ft better than ever before.


The team. Hayes and Hayes, the mystic won¬ ders, ha* split.

Jack Beroughs and J. Hatfield have the Sta¬

dium, ami with the hally-hou they put ou are bound to got the money.

Mrs. Hatfield joined at Beatrice, Neb., with her two little glrla.

The band, under the management of Tom Ilaye*. has new nniform*.

Shaffer’s merry-go-round bad the best week since joining the company, at Bt-atrice, last

week. The con?easions cleaned np. To make a long *tory short, Beatrice was a second Reno. Nev., which we played Fourth of July week.

T. H. McMahon ha* a new 70-foot round-top, with a 40-foot middle^iiece; capacity about 700.

Atchison, Kan., under the Misxe this week, 1# expected to be another gisid one.

Springfield. -Mo., next week, then for the Sunny South, not stopping this side uf Okla¬


PITTSBURGH CHIP RING CO. 70fi P*aa Av*.. PKtaburfh, PA.

H. SILVERMAN, Manager,


Hamifacturm of the famoiia "PlttaburMi Cblp Ring.”

No. 1000.

Na 14. SaaiOlM. 23*. Write for Prteaa per Dooap sod Orae Lota

COMPLETE SHOW. $10.00—Consisting of two Mcn- strous Purcuptnfw, ^Irl and Lecture: $5 with order, balanre C. O. D. UNWOOD FUNT, North Watat*' ford, Maine;

T ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.

CLASSIFIED ADS. (ConlinupJ from 37.)

ITAI.IAN HAV1) I.KA1>KR (<'oll«'»f Ktluratlmi) - (HTJK-AToR Ma«M<4iii.'W«U lli-rtur tm With or «1Uiout mtuli-laiui: waiiu ikMittoo with nxA ' INm-fr <. ^ItNitlotrapli, KaIiw*! aii.l Slmi'itx maiAtoiB: uliirtr fur w1iit<T. Addivw l<AM> IJ-IAULK. i »l>« lluht m^Tauir; MtliUa<ikMi aiiarHiiti-r.t • Wtunti St., I>rtrolt, Mirh. __ j TjJ W»jUiUi»i.i'i St . t:it.ii.>.»t,r. Max

I.AI)V CXHtNOTIST A 1; e»fi,Htticr.T~lt A ap ^VA\TKI»^r,«Ttl7m a» •Hx'ra'.w. . rt. luiid awd IM-araiioe. Adtlreas AI. M OolLNin'IST. 54 Wra> ivllabir. li.atr: <>hlu i>ri4<'rnil <a:ar> ><'ur UmK;

riA.M.sTs s«- imr Siai» llliiu on i>a<r 11 Tha ' |M.:dl»hrr« whiwt* a>1>lrt-w.m arr cnm Llirraln will at-iKl luu |>nif<«.iuiial osSiw an> u.-w waif iiannal if >iHi will arltr llii-iu <ai UiraUT MterliraUa and mrn. U.a. rilK KlUJKiAIUi

-iNilo SI.. Oilrafo. III._ I Ml.lJ'l ADUJ'l HiniAri.—laailTT for

lYetirh band or ladlaa' ort'hi'atra; iloubir In ii.'iati'al aia: rlolln chlrf Inatnunnit: doublr on all. >^pu^,Uol. TlKWtrT, AtlaiiUe ClUr. N. J. ___

___ __I MI'SIOIAXS—8<w our 8onf HlnU on pagr 11. Tlif A-1 CLARIN'CT riAlKR -Ojirii for mgagrmrait, publlahrra wlioap addnwaM arr f1»«ai thrrrln will oaid

aoUr. ratlablr and of wide t-xpeflmcr: unlou man; you profeaidai al coplm of any n,-« waif nannal If

MUSICIANS. At Llbarlv Advartlaaniaata wHIiful diaaiay, andar thh

haadiat. ara publiihad fraa al eharaa.

you will write them on theater letterheads and mfi .a*lel>-ailiai«. or r-.'table eanilral »* Uoo THE BIUJtOARl>._ IHJ-R. dl.% V.a«t Itatt St , liidlai.aia.lH

A-1 CUtRI.Nl'rrisT wanu situation In theatre or I ~l*(>SlTlt>N WAVTTa»-Py rouiif man with aloek SlTt'Arii»N WANTlUy as ball^K- daiiea orehualra: 1! yean' eaiHrlmce: A. F. of M.; enmpany; flrst-eiaaa clarlnetlal, alwi play piano. a«r fnarantnsl: alll (<> anywhere: nfei^e alto operator and state elertrielan K. Al CXiLK, 731 | lb: would like to taka amail pans. R. U. B . carr KKMI'Vnt I’MATTKRTttN. HiMliiirll. Ill

milboard, t^trinnaU. ~8^KE lyRt'lhiER - lAke to Join ramlral or cir PARTNER WANTEt

prKer theater or daner ureiiestra. Address V. 1<. SfTTtJX, 1II3« R kXana St., IhnStlo. fol._

A-1 <'L.ARI.\l'7riKT wanta situation In theatre or

Waahinftnn St., tilouotwtiT. Ala.-.s.__ A-1 tJURM-TT-^l. and O. or barltaiir; hare boUi

Inatrumenta: troupe or knate. C. CtXJK, rare Beilis I eua band, out all winter; fair reader. TIckHt Yes A KusmtII Co., Beljniil. Alisa I.I'X>N HULAlluB. S1U> East 13th M., Kanaaa City. A Rusnell Co.. Helannl. Allaa_ HiJLAlEB. S1U> East 13th BC. Kanaaa City,

A-1 C<>R-NCTIHT desires louatlou. At. F. or raude- - rule; union man; eaiwrtenoi'd all daaara of music; | BTBtJNO CORNr.-f PLATER—Band and ort^^ra. a:iber, reliable; sldit reader; married. R. I.. JA* (TmBO.N', 3115 WalUiall Ht., Greenwood, Allia

A-1 CURXETIST—Eaperleiioed all lima; absolutely i niiwr.-Mj mni.-stt oAtw iioo— sober; A. F. of Al.; wUl loeate or trarel; wrtte or troupe; A. F. of Ad.; old trooper. Address CHA8.

reliable, lisate: Ohio i>rif<rnsl sa^an jour Unit; JAis-rltiMed In aU brani-hes; eonduetor. sift 4 1 U.Aet aeU.e A. Ill AIAIFJ., A^at SL. arrajiser. uiihs.. no ts«a.-r. V. A. H AAS. 311 Frank- AYiiir.ay. t>. lln St ,_ITtsltleme, R. I__

Q A Q |e Q A 14m PAIQft l'l.4\IST Malt*, eaii lea*! at slftit. fake and tio «raaj mino. orelieidra »ork. iwifer Eastern Stales and mnrliit

At LIkarty Adrertlataiaata. wUhaut dladlay, aadar tkla ,4,-tures. M II. BoVLE. Tlie nifltsi. Hartfonl. foim kaadlaa. ara dublMiad fraa al ckai^. —l.T". v-n;... —3-r^.—--;-r--

____ n.4MST Exi<erlencrd In Uiealer and orchestra; l<4IJsHiMsT .4M> Hlilli 1>I\EH Sinfir or dou saiils lasdltun with reliable iwuple; .4. F. ot Al.

‘tie patat-liute lea|ts: b5-fiss net dive, jiarlui. fairs, .4*lilrtws Pianist, 364 IJowney St., Han AYaricisyto, Cal *o PIAM.ST wlsliea permanent position; the rery t>eat

IH>R, 61.4 A.ast Ihatl St , liullana^vlls. Ind.__ eais-rlrtnv In M P houaiw; hare plaved raUilerllle; SITl'Ario.V WAN’TFJy as hall^Kt. satlsfas-thm must hsate. FK.41 K U. AltS'.4LXJSTA3t, 116 liar-

f'larantnsl: sill f anywhere: rtferSvee If wanted, mar St,, Alatletla, O._ KKMPVnt 1*H.4TT1RT4»X, Buslinell, 111_ PIANIST AX1» WPRl.lTZAai -Sight reader; eur

DADT-aiCD 4a/AaiTerY phsurea; alnga; sober; age, fl; dealrea pliSure house PAKTNtR WANTED. .i, cabaret; Male salary. Ul’BAUtT AICCK, »J5 IW-

AdrartlaaaMBta wttbaat dl^toL aadar thh baadlaA ange Are., Boanoke, Va._ _ la ttr ward. PI.4MST -First olaaa; deslrra en«aceintnt In

_ ^ raudesille bouse; Sew A^ngland rfty preferretl; would A PARTNT3Hliher lady or gentleman, who can trarel with good raudeellle act; long eaperleiice. K

PARTNER WANTED. AdrartlaaaMBta wttbaat dhalay, aadar thh baadlaR

STRUNG fXARVCT PLATEK^Band and orvheatra. A FARTN>» Aaiher lady or gentleman, who can trarel with good raudeellle act; loitg raperl or can play parts; 14 yrara' raperlrnw. Addreaa Pl»y <»> string Inalrumrtits THAXt. 8*'HWAB. 130 LAMBAUtT. care BUlboard, ClndniiaU. O. FW> HARVEY. General^rery, Sloui Clty. jowa. Bereaford Are. Uetrolt. Mich._ ~TAL4AI-CUe pKSurea; work rffrcU; go any

STRONG STRING BASS ANTJ TT BA~*~lxs.ate or PVPATRiFvrvs'fy Afivwmn At tv wsnfs Mvw.ei. objertion to small town; card Sl.llKl outfit

wire. W. C. ORAl'UT. 813 .NewreU 81.. Kraouha, | AC. 1XM>8«JN. lopUn, Mo. Wlifoniln_

A-1 eoRNArriHT and BA.NTJAIASTER—Large rep- anSra of band and orchialra mualc; IS yean' operl- anoe; alan elertrielan and operator. JOHN F. ICATTH. <313 Waahtngton Are., St. Isyuli, Alo.

A-l CORNAmST-A. P. of AL (Rand leader): -experlenord In aU Itnea; troupe or locat& Cara of tViniaUst, General Drllrvay. Omaha. Nt4>._

A-t TR.4P DRHMAlAUtr-Thoroughly experleooed In

*_* TA1.4AI—CYie pleturra; work rffocta; go anywliere; no

AlXPAaUENOEIJ AHNSTRAX MAN wanU eaperl- •^U"lCAL%RAiloNTS enml th.roman aa partner; put up equal loowti ot “I 8*<^AL IRAJCONTS, EBlngham. money for mlnalrrl company. Addreaa LEHLIE, —-- liana Hotel. Umaha, N«4>. TWAINTY' YA;.4RS- VAPDArVILLB EXI'AIIIENC* - —Ilpe organ, pianist; dealrea engagement: six nights, LADY PART.VER WANTAUA -Muwloal act; must one or two mala.; union; aober; moderate salary. Ad-

TEAM -Plano, drums, rffecla. bella, marimba, llaaa Hotel, Umaha, Ne4>. TWAINTY' Y'A1.4RS' VAPDEVILLE AXI’AmiEN phone. chliLea, electric bella. elecirtc unaphonea. xy- - —Ilpe organ, pianist; dealrea engagement: six nlgt lophune, bamboo cfalmea, etc.; prefer pleturra; slate L.ADT PART.VER WANTAUv -Muwlcal act; must one or two mala.; union; aober; moderate salary. J salary, houra. first. "MUSICAL AHJiMUNTS," AY- play mandolin; aend pbolo; will return. AIU8JCAL tlreaa BALLARD, 743V Idlewtld St., Httaburg, Pa. fingham. lU._JOHNSTONE. Commercial Hotel. Chlcagtx VAUDEVILLE A.VD PICTURE PIANIST Expi fingham. 111._

TRAP DRUAIMER—Playa bella. reavla; there wlUi ragtime; wlahea U> locate In picture botiar; Southern or Weatem Slatea preTerred; Urkrt. AaJWAHD J. (JfBRlEN. General Dellrery. Oorbtn, Ky._

TRAP DRUAIACEB^A. F. of IL; "The Single-

)H.N8TO.NE. Commercial Hotel. Chlcagtx VAUDEVILLE A.VD PICTURE PIANIST Expert. - wanta poaltltm: must ha*a ticket. Addreaa PAUL LADY MUSKTIAN that can alng or play ooa or RAYNOL. General lAeJIerry, Waterloo, Iowa.

more Inatrumenta; muat ba reliahla; atrlctly bualna WANTED—Poaltlon aa pianist In motion ptrture

«U Unta. Addrem TRAP URUAtAlER. 1M7 AUiwaufcae ^TKAP DRUAIACEBe^. F. « M.; "'^o Single- Are St I*atil Minn •tick Kid ; drums, bella. xylophones, chimes and tiutsgo. m. -3 -V--3.— full line of elfecU. A. A. ANUA31SON. 31® Kaat ,

A-l TRAP DRUMMAIR -A'uU line traps, effects igadlaon St. Paris IlL . *^**®v- and bells; atwi-ral years' rxperimoe; prefer picture shnw* stale salary. RUBA7RT DIIEN. Kingman, Kan.

ICH.:—ZZi—gylophona and trapa: atrlctly tobee and reliable: so wlnlty. N. C. AHperlcnoed In theatre and „„Trtiere tn New England SUtew. HAiUALD .NEL- _

r,Z‘ tSltiiif Addrei A WG-N. » St.. Exeter. N. H._PARTNAm WAN! InW rarlUle' I*a TRAP DRUMMEBr—Bells and full line of effwU; half Interest Van's

A-l TKoMItuNIHT—Alxpericnord in theatre end •emcefl orehesiia. ^^nlnpe^lylt and reliable; A. F. at M.; first class picture liouae considered. Address A. L NICKArV. 367 IJncoln St.. Carlisle. Pa._

A-l TRrtillloNAJ IKwble rlolln; rxpeiimcc and I p ""n*”GRIATnTH”i^ O ^B^lBii 'Macon' Gk ability. Adiltesa L H.. 605 N. (3arfc SL, Chicagu, • — -^-- — -- Illinois . _

wrlll play with piano and dnima or with orchestra, splendid opportunity for deter amateur; only partlea P. D. GRIFFITH. P. O. Box 635. Macon. Ga._ meaning bualnrss. .Addrraa H.4RRY VANAR31AN. 324

“ouae? DO Tauderine; by yWig Imly with alx yrera' YOEBG. tu3 iMaana 8L. „p^,„ca in playing. Addrma PIANIST, Boa 215. _ Brockwaynile. Pa._

m uT' '*■ "“'I UVDT PARTNAm WANTED-In M. P. and raude- ROLLER SKATER ladlaon 8L. Parts llL- ^ chance for .. . .. . , TRAP DRUMMER—Dealrea position; playa bdig. amateur; salary or mUL J U HOFLEB CIhjco- ** LIbarty AdrtrllsaaiaBts. wttbmit diaelay. eadar - —■ -- - I y tbh baadlag, are puMItbcd free e( tbargt.

„.I ; r "first-class roller skate repair and general *>katr PARTNAm WAipA-^Ladj « gentlrnvan. to take room man; rrfemice. Tldielt Yre. W. 8. MIU.A»,

half Interest Yan'a Comedy Co. : 3200.®® rrquirevl; sk y Krllalre Ate. Kansas Oty, Ma

... “ . ' ■■■' TRAP DRUMMER AT LIBERTY—Full line of - J —rr—n-r—;—:—r—.-- traps and play bells; will looaU- or trard. Addrraa A-l "n Ba n.AYKR l>ouMea clarinet, band Md i>Ri;igi|KK. Blaokatone Theater, Martlnarille, Ind.

orchestra: plaj standard music; Utoroughly rxperl- enc^: trtwipe nr loca'e; write or wire FRANK HAt-l-, esj^ Marlow Minstrels, Durand, Wla

A-l V luUI \ I ST-I'Jiperienced In pleturra or raude- rllle; excel rnt library ; no boiwrr <w tobacco user:

« It PllUFESSIUNAL WANTS PRUFESSIUNAL PART- RUMMAat. Blaokatone Theater, Martlnarille, Ind. m**--Musical act; only one experienced on big Ume TRAP DRUMMER—Six years' experience; aobty dnlrrd. Address quickly, HARRY HAYES, 38 Opp-

and reliable; always on the dot; mnrlea and raude- man Terrace. W. lotd, Clrreland, O. rillc. O. M. McFarland, Brookings, 8. D, -

TWO YOUNG MAa<—Want poslUon with stock or WANTED—lAdy partner that can low 'salary* wlnU-Fa iot>. Address MUSICIAN, 608 musical comedy cmnylng hand; trombone, double B. North Mali St.. Kiishrtlle, Ind^_ knd O.; alto, double parts; good muiddana. Y’ANCE

TWO YOUNG MAIN—Want poslUon with stock or WANTED—lAdy partner that can do trapenc or musical comedy cnnylng hand; trombone, double B. ^tortlon, in come^ clom act. to go with raude- and O.; site, double parts; good mualdana. VANCE ’J”®, JL". '**1'

A-l VKM.INIST AND PIANIST—Man and wife. llrat-claiM renrk; man. flrst-claaa piano tuner, double cello; go aio'wherv*. LAIADAJI, 334 N. Lawrence Are., Wichita, Kan__

AT LIllAYtTY A 1 vlollnlHl, who has a rep. ROS- OJA: U. ATA>4. Box 203, Columtrus. Miss,_

BAND UUDAIH ((Vometl-Wishes to locate; years on road. What hare you to nfferf Would make music a side line. Band Iwoder, care BUlboard. Clndiinatl.___

BARITUNA7 Just leD K. L. King; will accept any¬ thing; trouive <w locate. Wire or write HUME PAYNE. 3734 Tholoaan Are., St. Louis. Ma_

BASStMJNIST AT LiBA^RTY'-With long experience In hand and orohretra. Address S. K., care BIU- hoard, Clncliinall, Ohio___

CLARINATIST Six years' 'fxperience in B. * O.; strictly sober; woulil travel: prefer location. AMSA YlcIMJWAlLl,, Box 536, Cherokee. Okla._ ""CLAhTn^TI.ST—Y'oung man desires nnsltlon: ho¬ tel, mliatiel or sl«*k. GAXJRCE A. SHARP, 120 Soot- land St.. Uraiige. N. L_

CLARINAT I’I,AY'Aai -Vaudertlle and sliow expert* ence; wife, singer. Address T. A1,EXANDA7R, 840 W Main St., New liierta, la._

CuRNATIST wishes to join reliable nad show , work aU wlnlvT: wire or write: no hooaor. Tlckelf ' Yes Address AUJ GRIM.STEAD, General DcUriry,

t'ofbin. Ky. __ (XJRNAT PI-AYATR WanU cngag«*mpTU; Join at

once Ticket f Y'es. Address Oomet Player, 522 8. Nerarla Are . Colorailo Sprioga, Col. _

* CRISUP, Box 802, Spencer. W, Va._

VIOLINIST—Lead orchestra; double B. A O.; ex

meaning business. .Address HARRY VANAK3L4N. 224 FLtXJR and ln«lr^oe_of fatro. Irt.*k Sol Winchester kvt Oiliaso III •b'l acrobatic akattng. or sould jo4n akaiing act. -2-I'jcntlcr A e.. micago. ill.- Tlcketf Yea CH.48. E. BEEMUN, 425 W. 63d St..

PRUFBSSIUNAL WANTS PRUFESSIUNAL PART- Loa Angeles. Cal._ NA3t—Musical act; only one experienced on big time MANAGER OB FlJvuR MANAGAa^FOr this ses- dnlred. Address quickly, HARRY HAYES, 28 Opp- son; fan(9 skater; r*<<*r«ices: member W. S A ; man Terrace, W. lo2d, CJreeland, O. worked last for F. J Hme. Sturgis, MUh. Addrem -;- F. F. BAr<EnEL._niia_Boner_IUnk,^gtaaw. MU*h

<l»_y*l>**c or j>osmuN WANTARJ As manager or fiiw man rontorllon. In coi^ closro act to go with raude- ^ ^aUng rink: refenr.ces furotshrd; gm.l In- rllle oom^ aUrilng WU In .Vwem^. r« par- AddJeaa HArsRY PAR-TlAa. 652 W A.h, Uculara writ* to JAS. D. SUTU, Box 203. Dayton, O. pjgua, O.

WANTED—lady Partner. In a wardrobe establish- RINK M.AN.4GAa Tm years' experience: age perlenoed; sober; also piano player: locate, trtrel; ment; one who can make wardrobe and willing to In- I JotiiUy or single. C. B. MAGRAUDY. 515 CXuwell, BeMdere, IlL

real a Utile capital. AL H. WA>!T. 4038 N. 57th Ylanagri*. care BllBvoanl, (liulnnatl, (Ihkx Are., Chicago. IIL

8t. Ixjalt, Mo., Sept. 28, 1&14. F,<lllor The Billboard:

While everylvodjr is incbtlixlnx their forces against the Free .Ada I rronld like to aay I have bt-en In the Miow business nearly ten years and tblnk The Billboard has been of great assistance to many a worthy performer who has met with financial difflcultiea, and I ilo not think The Billboard ought to entertain even a discussion from the manager*. There are some grafters, we know, but many goivd performer* take advantage of the A'rt-e Ads and secure good poaitlons through them. Concerning ATank H. iSvmpson't kick on a performer not answering I would like to say a few words. Tbe same i!r. Thompson a few year* ago had an ad In a theatrical pajver; I wrote him but received no answer. Why? And It was not a free ad either. How many times do we performer* get stung? But that’s dllferent. Some of these managers are getting a little of their own medicine and It's bitter. Now, all I have to say Is, keep up the g<tod work.

I,ast spring we bad an ad In the .Spring Special and received 112 letters and 16 wires; could not answer all. hut we wish to thank the managers for their kind offer*.

Yours truly. FLUHREU A IT,UHRA:R.

SCENARIOS. AdvartlMBisata wltkaut ditglay, aador this ktadla®,

3« »*r word.

PHOTUPLAY SCICA’ARIOS wanted by all com¬ panies; write for parUcuUis. SCENARIO SALES (X>., 238 W. 50th SL. .New York City.

SCENIC ARTISTS. AdrerllMaeata without display, uader this headla®.

3* per word.

WALTA3 BUHMA: SCENIC STUDIUS—Vau.lerllle and production scenery, dyre or watercolor. Cat*- logue. 3004 English Are., Indianapolis. Ind.


AdvartlMateati without display, uader this headlag. Is per word.

__ A CtvMI'LATE TKNT OUTFIT Tint, pu*.h pole. 50X80, Uiaki top. with gable end and txinisliai rsri**.

WANTF2>-Young lady perlner. for rauderille. over coiirisU uf etringvrs, seats, itsgr, serrrsl dropv. V10IJN18T—Ahtperienced In theater, dance and WANTFYJ—Young lady partner for rauderille over tbitJlt cuiislsU uf atringen, aeata. cafe; locatitai for winter; txriiange references; would I® years old: must be* good looking and gssl ringer* "Ibgr. planiathm drop picture ( ju4n good vaudeville act. P. R LISliNBEE, Delia- s.*nd photo In flrat letter, Addn*aa G R TuITLAIR' <*li‘r. llgliU, ticket tiox, slakes, more Hotel, Kansas OO'. Mu._ 135 Horton Ja<is<»ri. MIoh. in<»t lu-w, not a hole In It ani

VIOLINIST -llcture, theater, dance; experienced '^RXfrr iKmble flute: some stifo experience: also J^^ng man: age. 29; ^ «orti aa advance agent; deliver the xoo^Ir: name l>«t ^22 24>th St.,

wings, plantation drop picture curtain, picture ma¬ chine, llgtita, ticket l>ox, slakes, ropis, etc.: top al nusvt new, not a hole In It and not mlKlew<*d; the flrat 3250 takes It; can ahew pirture* In the afler- ncoii as well as at night; Just the thing for rsuile-

salary. RUBAIRT I'ATTUN, 222 Alast A'ourUi. Cln clniiatl, ivt’lo. _

K<K*k Islsiid. HI.__ wanted: a good npporiuidty; amateurs or person wtJl-

VIULINIST (Leadtr) AND PIANIST—Man and li‘,1

YOUNG YL4N—1®. want* young f.w senaatlonal 'J!".'*,.'.'’: team slack wire act; must be ambitious; no chaser ^,5 “ h'skhv \“4sVv-N^''lbvo™«,*t'*'4i*’I^‘'*'' *’* wanted: a good ncHiortunlty: amateun or per«n wUl- Addreaa H.MvKi l.-^STlieN, Tnurmoot. Md.

^^Tlf I m 41, Its* _3 s cAAg , w I X fi A KMTMAgA 4 f gg .w A F A A •WAX A • AM 11 MAiAl | P^41 m4gu4 A glil VWi

(V>RNATIST-7B~ai7d O.; stronger the saUry the ;|rife* 15 years’ «u<le»U> and picture experienre; l^e «uit. Unt./Canada •troneer I nlsv* can do blla JAfYv WYTSON ISll library; reasonable salary for permanent poslUon. I

Andersl^. It^. ‘'-AKL W. BAKAIB. r,ener.l Dellrery. Grrenrille. Mich.

ARTHUR. 11 Chapman

OJRNATIST -German; wants work of anr kind where hr can play part of the lime. CARI. STUA7B- GAIN, Uai Hooren Are.. Lindcnwald. Sit. A., Ham- llton, U._

CIvRNVmST AND TENOR RAXU!*HON1ST—law*- tlon only; aide line la machlnlal: 15 years’ experience: rauderille. army, orchestra; L P. Inatrumenta BAIR- NARD, 11X9 Woodward. Detroit. Mich._ ~ CtvRNATIST Thorougtily experlenord nrchrwtra; A, r of M ; alrielly sober; play all on Bb oorneL B. at Liberty GRUBBS. General IMIrerj*. Dallas. Tex._ 1,^^

DRUMMA'.R .'ND PIANIST—Bells and rfferts; ex- __ pertenced In rsndrwllle and picture work; location a-1 Mol only. Addrras DHUMMAIR, Box 26, U. P. SlaUon. experience; r>ee Moliiea la_encea; hxal “DBUMMAiR A:;xiH*Tlencrd In raudcrHle and pic- Belton. Mo turps: bells snd efferls; A. F. of M. Addreaa H. J. JtHTNSTtJNE. 624 Story St., Boone, la.

Y'lOLJNlST (Lgaderl—With profeaslonal experienre; dealm to locate; has large library; good, steady man; A. F. of M. Addreaa .V M.4SSEY, 1005 Oak SL, Flint, Mloh.

PHOTOGRAPHS. Advartlaeaieata without diiplay, uadK this baadlag,

3a gar ward.

WANTED--Ibwltlon br elarlnetlat * locate or trsTel-l PHOTOGRAPH PfJSTALS, $2.0® per Ig®. prepaid; | union: wiui ail muuniru aur. pap<*r; l-s-o-ahn-u am . F. M LirS. Mrsic^ris STl J'^.O®. D. KoSl.N, 412 M.Uere Bldg . Chi

B.4RGA1NS—Garden of Allah, 3 reels, plenty pa¬ per; cuiditlon like new: great pirture to book and get the money, 398; Third Drgrer, 3 reeh, same as to paper and oondltloii, 375; use anywhere. BOX 309, Canton, Ohio.

KAR4t.4IN — Three-reel feature, "Million. Dollar Pearl Mjatery, or Uie Stolen Npcklace”; petTerl con¬ dition: with all muuidrd tdr. pap<*r; l-3-6-ahei*u and

photograph. BARBKAUS, 35-17 East Bridge, Oawe«o, New Yock.

OPERATORS. PIANO PLAYERS. I gan. sireex piano, i at tlb.^, wttk^ dUglu. thh ^t Liberty Adrertlee-eat.. wRbmit dleplay. ..dec ‘n'c

baadlag. an publlsbed frae ef ebar®*. this keadlag, an pukllshcd free ef ebarge. I ^

CHEAP—Two morlng plctiin machlnee. chairs, or- gan, atreK piano, two gaa outflu. dtalra, etc.: make offer; two SilU-fL sAtla curuiim MORTtiAUKK.

CHIVRftK THRTl’RE CROA8 (Martinka Make) for A-l MuVIN<i PHTl HK i>PkhlATi>H «jx’ yea«* MA.MST—Vaudeville, movlm and orrhwtra ^INT»E WRTl RE CaiOW (Martlnka Make) for expertenoe; run anjr make machine; best of refer- experietice; giHid referrticea fumlslied on r*®qu«at: #15.W) taken It; grab thla bargain. PRI.NCB encea; )o<*ate only. Write or wire J. H- HKRRO.Sg onoe; no truuptr. UPXliLNE W'ENTW'ORTH, l^ARL, Box 74, PtAoakey, Mich. Helton. Mo Arkanaaa C'lty, Kansaa.

AT UHKRTY—First time In four yv«ra; A-l union I EXI*EHII'^NrEI> PIANO I*LAYKR A.SI> TRAP mrr«».wxw.xr.x... .•xxe.„ - ... -- - _ . opefatoT; mAirlc'd; aober and reliable: also manager: | I>Rl’MMf3l l*lcturea preferred; full line of trapa; ' nRlHMKR'"Excellent trapa and effects. belU, xylo- HARMAN, 1062 PlV ^lU; UckeU; good Ubrary. WM. KOPITZ. td- ptKKiea; atght reader: eiperleno^ in all linen*. P. I Mrf^rtj 8t., Indianapolis. Ind. I Manitowoc, Wla. W MacIMlNAUJ. 221 Wealthy SL, Grand Rapids.

W. McCarty St., Indianapolis, Ind. EXPYlRIENCra) MOVING PICTURE OPLnLATtjR

win St., Msnitowor, Y4*la.

LADY PIA.NIST -iJealiTs mgagemnit with orrhnitra

— EXiT-ntHTNCFlY VIOLINIST—Double on cornel: I Hktidw. Kefereiice. H. M. Harrison, 621 La- would like localevi pnslUon; good arranger: New Xuu«. Francisco._

wants work. Address R. V. HIIJ,, 74 Turk St., San I or as an accwrgjanlsL Itist Office Box 2V1, rvxliim.

CIRCl'S TENTS UtR SALK ('llKAP—Pole*, stakre and dreus tcau; will buy tenta P1-L4KL VA.N. .North- nUe. .N. Y.

DRUMMERS—Electric bell outfit for effecta. cheap. "BOX 181,” Effingham, llllnola

EDISO.V LAMP noUSF., 16.50; I,eiuM, 36 up; 12x LADY ITANIST—Well educated and experienced: I 13 Picture Sliow Banner, 37; Bass Drum, 'llO; one 12x

i^glind State* pnferrid. Addrem F. W. COCH- MtOKI—Can you beat this? Tlie slx-aecond desire* position either alone or with orrhmtra; would 13 Sleeping T—it, 39, .Suureidr llctutvs,'16x20 liichra IL4N, care Blllbviard, flnrtnnatl, JO.__changi r. Cliff Rumney; on Power's 6A; manager ref- traeel If necemary. GR.4C87 PERHO.NS, Desplalues, $2 per UK): one S*t Spindle, 315; and other shin*

PIR.ST-nj4S8 CORNfmST AT UBniTY—Igvcate ermoo- Care Victoria Theatre, CuUiberi, Ga r tmvd; utat# all; refemioe# fumlibed. L. C. CiASE, MOVING PICTIJRJ'' OITiIRATOR—With lent Rhow ur tntvd; vtat# all; refemioea fumlabed. L. C. CASE. MOVING PI

tVllurlde, <V»1._experience; um mi.ST-ClJ4S.S VIOLINI.ST - Wanu location: expert-

enred In all lines: prefer morlng pictures or raude- Lire Oak, FIs. nUe: salarr low; —vod referenoea Addrem BILLY Of*ER.4TolL DORON. South Salem. Ohio._ total abstalnet

erence. (Yxre Victoria Theatre. Cuthberi, Ga_ 111. (Near (Ilea—v,)___

MOVING PICTURE OITTHATOR—With tent show MOTION PICTl.RE PIA.NIST of exceplloeiil ability; expertenoe; use both gas atid electricity: also do little '9 years' experience; best rrferenrea Wrtte quick to slelght-of-hand. Tlcketf Yea H. L. PASCHALL FORKJLST A. THURSBY, Relmar Hotel. Hunbury, l»a Lire Oak. Fla ORGANIST—A cltwer picture player on organ; also

good*. Wrtte for dcxt-riptlona 3iith Ht., Milwaukee, Wit.

E RUlH. 7S»

OP83L4TOR—Twelve years' expertenoe; married; | sight reader for orchestra total abstainer: making paying proposition* nut of | to grand op«*j*i.

"nR.ST-(lJ4SS VIOLINI.ST T EADLHl requlrm en- spwlaity. C. It. ME.NX'LZ, 878 j hanO PI-AYLm—A-l young Ituly wanU pmitloi gam-men': siiy hiirin'm: library oT sUndard music. Buckeye St., Akron. O._ Write or wire VIOLINIST, Box 956. New Glasgaw. on-TRATOR—Nine years’ expertenoe: any machine; Nora Scotia_ jg years old; married; beat referencea; work guaran-

FI.UTE. ncuoliO. BARITONE, n-rs'OK AND teed; talarj* reasonable: reltsbie managers only. ALTO PIJ4YER Igveite or trarel: East: no West; t'LEVE DKESl*3t. 40 Spring St., Delaware. (Jhla salarr no objorllmi. Tlckel? Yea. I/)T'IS E. NOBDS- -- Lowe, 419 Jennings St., Bhvux (lly. Iowa._ OPERATOR—>a*ht years' experience all martilnra;

n.UTE AND PIUCOliO l*I.AY83r Solver, reliable, ™ reference*: go anywhere; 28 years good businem plarer; would prefer pirture ho«.se or i "'“1 rlectrtdan. danee work: notiunkai. but wllUng to Jo(n. DLLANE H^A^ tABY LJl, Mwindsyllle. 44, Ya,_

GREl*ni. ('aroonto^^ ML-- OPfniAToR AND UI.FJTRICIAN. of four ymrs’

FRENCH HORN ANT> OBOE PI^4Y’ER—Both re- eiperiince. vrant* position with flmt-class picture or liable and experienced young men; would like to lo- rauderille house: stale aalary fliat lelUr. E B •nte. H. Y’08>vKY'. 5 Grange R<1,, Toronto. Canada. Tmniaend, Box 213, TYoy, Al*.

ITALIAN GORNKTriST OR BASS I>RUMMI*ni - OI>ER.4TOR Beginner. (xperienced on Pow.t's

EDISON M. I*. .MACHINE Electric, with |5<t 0®

luKvvR. .»■. I asroi'S.’iS.v;: !3;'‘'i*„K: '*rtle^' Yl I*. Head, 36 .50; 11*1., stamp l

with flrsl-olsa* rauderille or M P. thraler: write or SMIIH, Amsterntm. .N. V

0!T*niAT0R—Nine years’ expertenoe; any machine; quick. (MISSI J. MILLER. Box S8, Ludowld, 26 years old; married; beat referencea; work guaran- Georgia.___ (Usvrgla.___ KIJXTRIC PIANOS, with keyboard*. 3l4i) orthm-

PIANO PI.AY8ni—Experienced In all llnea wants : >"“•« -tl'l to close out loritlon: dnmitlxlnf ptrtun« a ap<YUitj; A F f>f o^*’*”****- >• IIKIUIA.N, lliio Fa. Ave., Waith- M : rrcoimnends: Ilbran'. Address 'VIRGI.NIA ”* * WINDERS. General iJellTiry, iJma. o.

IIANO AND DRUMS Ilrturm eu.d; A-l b. II*. warm^l^' raTn “

:ur'.?i."^2:t=ra“'“r.^ :t'7;‘he';‘''”h.‘’‘iJ';Miu bi?tVrflt;:‘*flr're.‘=^fll:';„;;r^A;i*: AND GFAJ. RAI.N-BY, Blllboinl. Clnclimall.*^(L" ' ""I.

FIANI8T -YtMjnf Jatiy. l•xp(Tl4•nr®l•<1 In plrtura nliy lug. Adfin-aa T. K. H, yx Io%ka

IMANIST AT LIHFTKTY .\nrount fif mnipari] Hr*lrig: aob*r. Mpibrlmr»*<l all lln*-*. Adilrma HKNKl MAFK, <»rtirral IMIvftv. Kai)«»ii niv, Mo

1. %innnnin. mi»\e atanfla. maohlrifa rnialml and ♦•n'htngvd; h-noiYl In plrtura play- «‘l»*vlro miciianloal niiow% built; poulnt alld<>a. ati-r«- IHl, l-Y. lo%»a optlowit, cartMaiia colors and Iffia**# at manufartuiYbm*

Aecount ./~77S.p„,y NBWToN, 306 Weat 15Ui SL, New

ne* Addrm* HENRY

Wajita position with mnilval company that }a golii* 6 a-nd Power'a 6A maclilne*; wishes smsU PIANIST AT IJBEKTY Lsig exiMrtnice for winter Addrem Ml SKIAN. 25f Alfrrd town: Irm aalarr; r»<Hr«3re: nan pro^lure the r>*Flv niiltk: double band: w»krk In art^ Kl> II.^IL

W M MtXA'EY. MontUvIlo. 111. Kim Ave., tkwffo, N. Y.

Ik*H.4T! U^mH FoK .SALK Tlirw' and foiir rrrl «ub- H’ta: all A-l rtMidltlon: with all klmh (4 a«1x«nlAlng mattrr. h«®rald4, alldiw, ric ; arnnl for baxgalu lUl H LK\ INF. 642 W. 64th m , tYiirago. Ill



OCTOBER 10, 1914. T ti e Billboard

\ ll.M KKKVICB—At low rrnul jjrlce at all tha I, -•t makiM. I.VI>U’K\I>KNT KllJd racUA^NOE. 3; .*«> WabaiUi Arr., Clik-aau, lU.

Kll.tls I'oK SAI.E $3 00 nvi up; alio fcatum, ■ ' ... prliva. »<>X 417. Mi>iilt>rllrr, Vt.

lull S.4I.K' l''liiF. upto-itate II. 8. J umplng - Hone t a . '• I. ni'arl) iir«t: coat t.3.Sui).0O: will Mil at a •araaln. f- tiH-MlAkl. Ira. .N.

Knit S-MaK- nim of all klnda: comMlT. drama. ibT^lc and \Vra>i'ru: all thoroughUr liiiprcted and rrnoTilnl: t2.SU to $«.00 prr rrel; all hare poaten; hnd for the miHiry: write fur IlM todaj; thqr won’t laat Mig. riUl C03U*A.NY. Kalamaaoo,


I'l.K HALka—A few high-grade banjaa at a bargain. Till. VIXiA tXK. urn., 61 Sudburr 4U-. Hoalon, Mala

roK SA1£—rower’i 5 moving picture machine. cnmt>!Fte. nearly new. and 10 reela Blm; aacrUloe all for f'<S: will ihip O. O. U. on recvliK of $30 depoalt. HAKOUl UBASWELL, F. O. Box UM, New York City. _

rt>R SALB—Miwing Picture Pllma and Ma<4ilnaa; gtod ai new Send for llit. LYCBl'M FILM EZ- CU.t.\liE. South Bend. Ind.

r>>R S-tUl-Sith Century Merry-do-Round. ilmoet new, only run ilx wi-rlu: coat $X.60i>; for quick Mle will Uke $2,000. Pur full partculan of mactilne. ad- dreM or nine. MANAGKK OP l’i:t3UJ>S RE8- TAl H-iNT, (>35 Sd Are., llunllnglon, \V. Va.

PoK S.tld'>-29U high-grade Opera Chain; hare been In actuki uac about two moiithi. and are In ai goal ihape a« when lliey left the factnty; will well at a bU bargain. J. 8. SMITH A ^.Clifton Porge. Va

PoR>—Two military band organa, pap<T P'a>.-v!, with drum altatimenta; aultable tat akatlng rlrka. carouvia. etc.; A-1 condltkiii, and bargalna. B<>.\ 371. U>rla. ohla

PoR—US of f(«al irrlpta, aultable for Hark, rep. or onr-iilghler. $1.30 each; alM> two guial one- nlahtera to lea-e; $lo on a Xiar. I7ncl<«e atamp If juu s-vihrt r.ply. IIEV CRKENPlEUl, $2* Rose l’a.-kwi), Kallmann, Vll.-h.

I'oR SAI.E CHUM* Military Han.l Organ, for ikcl: 4 rl'.k; pkp<r plait-r; like tiiw. BOX 106, Ra- fii • a, .M. !..

Pi»K S.M,K Ptwtable Radlrr Rii.k; tent (no walla). 4'IS . fl ..r, 75 paira K.'t.ardaon Skatrw; now run¬ ning. Il o.ia* C. 1* UWY, llennlngtnr., Kan.

PoR S.MJ7 -Two aaeond-hand llfe-alae Ventrtl- a.!Ulil Pig‘rra. ol.l Ir, ikd; alio K"e« ngiro,. (s.' Ihit, Irtah boy, little glr'., etc. S.tM- I KI, H l.l.\t.l.K.MA.Y. 7i 5 .North 5th Strist. l-hlla- drd'bia, I’a

PtiR .S.tlJ-7 lial!iinn Outflta two. enmplete; ewtra para.-hute aid rliga: make yeur beat offer. A. Johnny MA; K. 1*. O. B..x lOO, .Newark, N. J.

jrr.cUNt: .ttT Compiete act fee tauderllle. all appiratu*. I lie csa dltion: about 3o piece* romiHly and p.orelty tr ;-s. ixpliclt iiiatrus-tlona. Including latest buok nn lugg ::.g, ast easily Uamed by anione, male I* finu.e; I'rst Are dollar money or-l.r lake* ihl* bargai; . .iddrm* IWKl. M.4KTK1J., i»22 Mcl>unald Ate . .-st. UnU, Mo

l.tltCK WIJII.ITZUR VNmU* ORCHUSTRA— (V*t |;.5'>e; nenla aome repalrw; our prlcv. $7*. l•l:U'’S. 221$ 5lh Are.. INttidiurgh, I’a.

LRAR.H THUtTini SITPLY CO. alwayi hare oa band aiane allghtly u*ed pteture m.K-hlne*. leaga, eta. at bargain prluta. 5i« CheMnut St.. 8t. Louis, Ma

M.tdlC A crmplete twenty■ minute magic act. In- eludlrg all apparatus and fnll Instrui-tleo*. $25. M.-IBIK-S SCH'Mtl. o*' M.ttilC, 328 lAgle Bock Are., Uw Angeles, Cal.

M13UlT-0O-I*i>rNI> roR 8AL1S—34 galloping bonea. 4 eharlola. engine and organ, all In nrwt-claaa eondlUon: bargain price, HENRY 8M1TU. 344 Pour- t~-^th Are.. Detroit. Mich.

MITTAL I’KTl HE ll^tcni-Illlnola un.lerwrlter*’ aiandard; cotnplete In every way. Y'. M. C. A., Alton. IlllnoU.

MIMATX'RE train foe amusement parka, con- Rstlng at locntnotlyr, four passengtr cart and track; Brst-elaaa condition; good money-maker; will aril thigp. M. illTSHKllN CO., Detroll, Mlc4i.

MrsT HAVE MONET Ql’lCK—WIU aell any part of my theater, operated only $ montha, and forced to close through poor buslnewa: Powee'a 6A. wtth loop artttv, $135; Hlmplez, $140; flve-ply opera ahalra. 45c: Pi Wayne <*>mpensarr. $1*; Iron booth, undemertteri’ Inspection, $25; ITXiwdlo Amlig-arc lamp*. $50 pair: all gnnia guaranteed goosl as new: iHU ahip eubject to Inipecllon. UIJiN ALTRIUI. $nOA OU»e Btrewt. Bt. Lmila. Mo.

ONTC lAROE MINHATI RE CITY, with elerliie Hreet car and train; fmnt of h all carving, with ocean •rent In pan^; made np, not painted frowt; wird for llghta; a whole idiow. W. J. CUOK. 123 West Main Sireel, Richmond. Ind. '

ItmiJl B Xo. 5 MOTION I’lCn’RK MACHIN'E. eornplele with rrwliidrr, letiaea. etc.. In perfect condi¬ tion; $65.00; lunt aiibject to rxamlnatliwi. MAR¬ TIN I. PRlTDKHICKR. $53$ North Thlrteenlh 8t.. PhUadelphU. I’a.

THE tN»\sl’IK.\ToKS. J reel*. $1(1; Vengeance Is Mli.e. 2 re.-l*. $3(i. A Pi*>l and Ilia M snU. 2 nel*. |i -. Ti .• \V.>r1tl and W.siuin, 3 rs* 1*. 130; Pausi. 2 te. s. i.n, Darid aid Absi>|..m. 1 re.1*. $60; Ttie Si' «e uf M.n,s.w, 3 ni l*. $.Vi; Nat I’li.kcri.m. Dc-

ve. 3 Pel*. $>ii>; .tmilis of Kuiiipe. 3 reel*. $60; l'•■l.l (''sus-rtleld, 3 reels, $1*. ■ lluwe * Trare'iHpie, 5 ^f.iiisi: ('ustiy'a l ast .stand, 3 reela, $75. H. ‘»AM.s. WatMlinm. WK

-Bend $o atamp for our bargain list of os.Ki,ti„l aemn.l hand ai-ei.ery; list Include* water, we* ti.d oil; Jiut srhat you want, at r1dlculou*D low po.e*. ii,w,x m'I-LN'IO 8T1TDI08. lIl.-kaTllle, (Hila

'^’irn.Y rsED ru>t machint-s and si’in- All Wnda; a.nd prliwa I'NIVEILS.tL

lAI.TY CO.. I4U6 S. Ssyenih, .Si. Usils, Ma

'‘'-••T MvnilNES Calllr Two bit Reiilelle, ; ' ... faille Osiiaiir Ja< k r.s. $.'.’, Mills I'l $'-'2.50; Ilmwnie, $14 00; .Mill* tlnatn ismiv . "T. '**< hlne. Ineliidlng i divu-n Hi-w». $* ixi. l.l-

eunrMlnute liiiNiograpbs, .1. I’, cunisit. 110 . II on, IbiMiineld \ leiutls nciure kla.hlne*. $,". ’O;

41 iiiSe I’lano, $15 mi; I’eniiv Has," Itall Ma- • ■ in.o; Ibi.Milleld D C nioiioglaHl*. 1I(> T. • e; Mill* T.w.r Kltslrlc l.lfler. $l».oo; Mill* II u- - $1.50; Mills llsllism lllewer. $|i> on; Hanging

'•*g. $15 (111; Palrliank S,alis. aliK allaehm sil. $1H on slid I’isd fanl Maelilne, $i.’e. I’laiiut Ma-

- $150; Iiwi Mekel Maelilne. $13 mi; tnoranw 11’. 00. Ml SUAI. U HO INI. 210 13 N. Htti,

' d . I’a.

SACRIFICE- My two feature* foe quick aale; "Vic¬ tory or Death.” 4 reela; "Gankbler'i Reeenge," 4 reels; plenty of paper, photos, etc.; aent subject to ezamlna- llon on depoHit of exprrM chirgts. JOHN P. 8PANU, 4533 Champlain Are., Chicago, 111.

SPXX>N1>-BAS'D MOVING PICTI’BE MACHINES —ITdlaap, $6.5.00; one newly outhtted, $90.00; one Elengraph, $90 00, all complete: 50 reels film for tale, $5.00 per rrel. klAYER BILVEKMAN, 106 4th Are., littaburg. I’a.

BTERIXylTICfyN SLIDES of every dcKiiptlon; will tell dirt chi«p: real bargains: write quick. CHA& WILLIAMS, 3730 Park. 8t. Loula, Ma

nu; RITNAWAY, Train Robber*. I'aul 8nrsae, (ilorloua Start, Jesse Jame*. Tlie Electric Belt, Whime'a Courtship, Ei-gland'a Armies, Dad, the Constable; Max'* Peet Are Pinched, Hank and I^nk, Barbara Prllchle, Daeid Oupperfleld, Lincoln’s Get- tyaburx Address, Cowboy's Courtship, A Flih Story, Vacuum C’leaners. Trarela of a Plea, and hundreds of other gmst tubjecta, at $5.00 each. U. DAVIH, Watertown. Wla

TIIU.N'KS—SIlghtD ti*e<l. suitable for packing ward¬ robe: will last 5 yeara; 33z2nz22, 38x25x25, from $4.00 to $8.00. LIKLY RtR’KITIT TRL'.Nli CO., 501 I*ro*- ptxt Ara, CIcTelatid, Uhla

TWO POOL TABLES—Large and small. J. P. WEATHERS, Cherryrllle. N. a

VIOLONCELIA), $15; clear tone, patent be«d. bow, fitted caiiTta bag; will ship C. O. D.; write quick. <;W». I’lUt.soN, 503 lilast Water St., Milwaukee. MYaconaln.

W.\R SLIDES (colored), silent speaker Included, 65c each: special scenes from artlata with British troops. WV.NDHAM. 8 I’atdiln nice. New York Oily.

SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS. Advertiaeaiaiits without display, uadar this keadlag.

3a per werd.


CI RTIRS. Rallda, Ohla

SINGERS. At Liberty AdvertlMnie*ts. without display, uador

this haadlag. art published free of charge.

HIGH BARITONE—Wlshea posltlov singing In hotel or moving picture iheaUr: experienced. HCBITRT J. corRT_NEY', 1822 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Yfd.

lAiW BASkS Si >1.01 ST—Powerful voice. Tery pleasing quality; XcshI blackface If neceasary: 5 yean quartette: trio* quartmtes, musical act.*, write. R.iYMON’D GOKRLER, I’rtnce** Tbeater, I>e* Moines, Iowa.

SlNGim.s—All the very latest songs are lUted In our Soi.g Hint* on page 12. If you will write the Tariou* pubishrrs, whose addresses are given In the *ame column, on a theater letterhead, and men¬ tion THE K]lJ,HO.\RD, they will send yon profes- slonal cuplta free of charge.^_

SK ETCH ES Advartlseaisats without display, undar thia keadlai.

3o per word.

A VArDEVILLE ACT FOR $1—10 parodle*. 5 comedy recitation*. 3 nnwiologs and sketch for two malm—prof.-salonal stuff—for $1. HiaiB MONA- BAJf. Vaudeville Author, Brockton, Mass.


Adosrtleepisats without display, undar Mila ktwfflaf. 3e per werd.

BV a riiewlng gum manufacturer at yopg howaa; no machinery neovairy; 5(Ki‘> profit: big demand. JENSEN, 92 N. .Main SI., Memphis, Tenn.

DK_Mt)NSTR.\TORS, CARNIVAL AND .STHEIT- MEN—Write for particulars; Adjusto Collar CIa.*p, an article that entirely baiilshe* the front collar but¬ ton and Its annoyances: no buttonhole* or notches necessary: a meritorlou.*. utafal article that fllla a long-felt want and a fast seller; every collar wearer need* one; sanu>Ie 15c. postpaid. ADJl'STABLK ('oLl.,AR CLaiSl’ CO.. 5315 Greenway Ave., Philadel¬ phia, Pa.

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. Ad«*rtltaaiaata without display, uadar this kaadlai,

St Per word.

SEND POR LIST OF BOIVKING AGllNTS. M.YN- AGEH.S AND RE1’HES1LNTAT1V1»—The Reference Guide contains 428 names and addresses, 14 theat¬ rical ciriult* and 41U nanus of theaters and cities, many with managers* namis: also list of 221 amuse¬ ment artist*. While we have used api-cial care In compiling the lists, changes in names and arldrcsses are constantly b«'lng nuulc, by reason of removals, gone out of buslni-ae or change In firm. Therefore we do not guarantee all iiami-* and a.klresK’s to be absrdutely carect. l*rice only Ibc- CHl’RCH PRJ.NTIXO CO.. 25 Opera Place. Cincinnati. O.

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS, At Liberty Advertlseaientt, withsut display, uadar

thia haadihi, ar* publlahad Irta at eharge.

a” pHiST CLAlS.S BA.NJO fnvM—Doubling on mandolin, cello, piano and gulur; exp«’rienced and reliable: or theatres or csbarct. "LAMONT,” care Billboard, Chlcaga __

A VPJlT ClPTY im LlTTI.E GIRL—Rapid change mouxllenne. novelty singer and dancer: wtUie* en- gagefn«vd. Address BABY P.ATKICl-4, 419 Grant St . Buffalo. N. Y. ___ ~.V’RoHAT flonlortion. ala,it wire. tr*i>*: silly kid; straight and juv>-nllr U-ads: oiien for atiythliig. Who want* mef Reliable compajry only. Addrese CTIAS. It.MtNKTTE. Herrin. 111. _

.ilNiUX) EiDIPS’ QriNT>TTV/—Playing vIsUn. (s'llo. string b*.« and piano: quartette of .saxophones; vocal and ln*trum<sitai vdoe; elegant coatume*. 834 R«serve Building. Kansas City, Mo._ “at LIBERTY' Straight In aels: magic: singles; change almng fi»r one wei'k. BlIXY lll'TLER, 9119 Houston Ate . S Hilh fhli-ago. 111._ “.AT IdllEKTY .MrsB’AL WINTlJtS Novelty mu- sli-al act; slnglnx. luirls. anything east for: slrtctU mlhT. Addnss 1826 Slieridan St., Andersis^lnd^_

IlllAT’KPAfK (NtMEDl AX—Wmild like to Join vaiidiville or stock companv; 3 y.ars' cxp<'rience as trap druninuT. Address BlLl.Y' WElJltlRN, Wllkea-

N. i*. _

BI.At KPACE OR STILAIGHT I’naltuxT: have s, rtpl* anil chorus *inln>'si; pul on nigger acts: Join aiotldng Ihil I>*ts. tlek.t. .MII.1..SON. care Blll- iNUird, tlileago. 111. ___

fllMlAtTER CiiMPDIAN- At liberty for musleal ccm.dv or any *»»1 sh.'w: not an amateur: reliable managers only write. BIIJ.Y* S.N'OW, General l)ellv- eiy. I’lltst'iirg. I’l_

Comedian Jew. I>la.-krai's and sevtval other char¬ acters have whistle inwellv whi.-h Is not known to pii’>he. n-f. n r.v hus of serlpls; Join on wire. HE-NHY’ t;lU>BEKT. Itir.laisnl. Cliidiinatl._

(NtMEDl W I'yNCl'Il INil on aefs: wife a-ts o(dv • change fir week, salanr $15 04 diwihle; thketa. BII.I.V B.ANDA1J* l(M8i E 5th SI , Danon. O.

COMEDY SKETCH TEAM —Can change; play man¬ dolin and gulur; lady fakes piano: put on acts, eta 51ISKEL A MAY, San Angelo, Tex._

COMEDY JfL'SICAL Dt'O—Comet and alto In band; parts; •'Tom'' or minstrels: strictly Umperate. Tlckeur Yes. FIELD AND LANE, 138 South gt., Glens Palls, .N. Y._

EfX’irVTRIC COMEDIAN AND DANCEI^-Wlll Join recognised vaudeville act; have playtxl the best and can furnish proof. J. P., care Billboard, New York City._

a>Mi:ND IXYN'N—At liberty, owing to (Joeing of tabs.; all-round (Nimedlan; leads; scripts; reliable managers only. Hotel Cambridge, Dearborn and Ohio, Chicago. 111.

EDMl'XD FT.YNN—Owing to closing of tabs.; all¬ round comedian: leads, wnipts; reliable managers only. Cambridge Hotel, Oblo and Dearborn, Chicago, lllliioLS. _

ENGAGEMENT WANTED—Would like to join whistling act. Address TKIX). HART, care Klein, 2(9 Bay 22d St., Bath Beach, Brooklyn, N. Y._

IXJUILIBRIBT, SL-AlTC WIRE—Novel and original act for vaudeville: booking ag(Xits, write; Just fin¬ ished fair dates. SCHLOSBlUiG. 174 Eldridge SU. New York City.__

PIMALE l.MI’ERSO.NATOR—Good voice; double; have singing a(8; small wardrobe; small vaudeville company or one-night drama; tl(dtet; handle snakes. LATHKOPE, 1348 iS. Walnut St., Springfield, 111.

FLDKITTTA ROYAL H-AWAIIANS In native songs, music and Hulu-Halu dancing; open for burlesque, vaudeville. caSa or clubs. THE ORIGl.N.AL FLOR- ETTA, 250 Prsnklln 8t., Philadelphia, PS;^_

Ft(R Bl RLESOl'E, MT'SIC.AL tNyMETlY t>K MED- iri.NE SHOW-All-round, experienced comedian. ED- DIE CARRoU... BlUboard, Chicago, 111._

FOR INDEPILNDKXT VAUDEVIUJI—Fluhrer Cus¬ ter ('umedy Co.; 3 acts; change program dally; now booking Illinois; one woman, two nun; leiid open time. New Regent Hotel, St. Louis, Mo._

PORREST AND SIIAW—Man and woman: Intro¬ ducing triple voice, descriptive, comic and character singing and fire dancing, with cJtanges. 349 Locnist SI., Chicago, IIL __

FOR VAL’DEA'ILI.E OR MEDICINT: SHOW—Com¬ edy team; change for week; put no arts: white and blackfaee. «!■>». WE.ST AND JENNIE FOWLER. 649 North Clark St., Clilcago, Ill.___

GOOD WOP OR JINVISH COMITHAN would Uke ts Join burlesque of vauderille. Ticketf Y'es. if not far. D. .MORRIS, 641 N. 8th St.. Richmond. _Va

HARRY’ AND IDA LE-ANTIOS—Contortionists, nov¬ elty acrobaU and fire-eaters; Harry does first or sec¬ ond comedy; both i p In acta. Ticketa 1243 Monterey St., N. S., PltLsbiirg, Pa___

JACK AND ilAY' IRVI.VG—For vaudeville or mcd. show; work In acts; Jack, all styles of (lancing: •hange for wee-k; lldtrts. Care B. M. 0>well, R. 2. Cairo, W. A'a___

JEW COMEDIAN OR CHARAIiTER MAN—Musical or tab. shcxws: reliable managers only; salary low; flcketn state all In first. Address BILLY DOBON, South Salem. Olilo.__ “JOSEPH VANITK—Characters, banjo specialty: A-1 director with 6 yery short cast script.*, all winners; 15 years’ experience. .Address Joseph A'asce, Basil, Olilo.___

Jt'GGLEK AND CONTORTIONIST—Front; also do magic turn; reliable Indoor road shows, write. H.AR- RY' BiaCHOFF. 1746 S. 8th St., Sheboysan. Wia_

UADY' M-AGICTAN-And Gent Ventriloquist. SAM- T’EL AND HTY I.INGERMAN, 705 North 5th SU, Philadelphia. Pa._____

MAGiri.AN—Wife assistant; for anything that pays salary. Tlckelf Y'es, Change 3 time*. E EAST- WOOD, 243 ^nt St., Portsmouth._Ohla__ “MAGiriAN, ILL!'SI ONI RT—Double on flute and plcwtlo: magical art a specialty; anything that pays. DE SHONTl. 445 W. 23d St., New Y’ork City._

MAN AND WIFE-Singles, doubles: change often; lady pianist; picture machine: 12 reels; aluminum curtain; gas oulflt; expert operator. THE OGDENS, Floral City, 1^.___

AflDGET—Wants p<»iltlon In Tauderllle or morion plrtures. JNO. it EACGIttlN. Fond dn I^c, WU.

Ml’RI(*.AL ARTIST -Straight or eomc-dk; wrlll jrta team: have good sketch: can produce, direct and ar- rango_GBO^R. STEP-BINS, Sodus Point, N. Y.

“'novelty ACT. entitled ’’Pastimes In a Gypsy Camp.” ftaturing I.aureMa, the Gypsy Vlolinhst and Singer: Introdurtng juggling, pantomimic comedy; lady and gent. THE BARNELLS, Perry, Okla._ “noA'EI.TT sketch team—At liberty to Join company; (Jtange for one week: musical art and other novelty act. Address NOVELTY ARTISTS, Orono, Michigan.___

PRINCESS NICOEA. In her Oriental and Hula Hula Daners; for clubs and smoker parties around Pittsburgh. Pa: husband A-l spieler: canilvils oon- sldered. 233 W, 7lh St., W,, Tarentum. Pa._

PROFESSIONAL BCCK AND CIXIG DANCm and first tenor singer; raudevllle or musical comfsly. C. C STEIBINO, 218 S. Ijurel St., Hazleton. Pa

SINGERS—.All the very latest songs are H.sted In our Song Hint* on page 12. If you will write the Tariou* publishers, whose addresses are also glren in the same column, on a theater letterhead, and men¬ tion THE BIIXBO.ARD. tbey will .send you profes- alonel copies free of charge. _

.SMALLEST MAN IN THE WllRI.D 54 years; 56 pounih: 54 Inches height; travel with manager: good wardrohe: photos and best refereiuvs. (IRRIN J. DICKEY', Belfast. Maine._

TWO irCSK'JtL GORDONS-Soloist* and durtlsts; cometij sketch (braan): M. and F. for vaude- nile: on^-plor** «how; both double atage; man, band lea dor._G etieral l>tUiTery * Cairo, 111._

VFKR.\T1LK fH^MFTMAX—OTH-n f.>r TauilerlUe or medlrin^ nhcm: do Mraigtit or mmedv: idano or orjran faker: Ueket. HITaLY COUaINsS. 27 r.oldamith Are.,

_Mieh. VKR5^.\TTTaE SINCIVO AM> T>A\FI\0 roME-

niAX—DfnibV alto honi in hand. H.ARRY B(lW- MAV, 5.S7 Fillmore ?^t.. San Frandvo, Ta).

Y'OT’VO —At llbt'rty for .Magf or earnival: exp^'iienceti wT*’*tler. but will tV> an>thing: mint hare tirket: answer Qiilek. J. T,. M.’NAIJaY, care Peacc^Rlrer ~Yorxn”MAX—fi‘ft7720?rih^. : elercr Piitt'h or

Jew comedian: goo.i ba«i« or baritone f$>r ouarlett**: de^re^ poaitbm. IJCO KLKIX. 246 ¥„ Market St..

tavlMe. K.v._ TOT’XO MAX—^ ft-: German comt'dlan: wants

eofneiiy part In mimical coin»>iy or anv kind of a4’t: can dance. CAKSAR, 615 State Sf , Cam- dtm. X. J.__ __ __

A'OT’XG M.\X—Hi^'nw. rube, I>utrh or bUrkfaee eome«1y: 5 ft. 115 : ace 2^?: put on <ketcb»'* alw>. PAFL C. HKX1)KRS4»X. 132 S. Wghth St., l*hiladelpbia. Fa._

WANTED TO BUY. AdmrtlMsiants without dliplay, uadar this bsadint,

2e per word.

EDISON ONE-PIN HEAD—Svcond-haiid. PRIU) Y'OCNG, Montour, la.

W.AN'T TO BfY’ Jumplng-Hlrse Machine or foixl Merry Go-RouikL JOE BROWN. 311 E Broad SI , ITlyris, Olilo.

WANTED TO Bl'Y—Automatic Card Printing Pret*s and outfit, at once. Address F. X. YOHK. 153 Hendrie Ate., Detroit. Mich.

WANTED - Second-hand Tent, 25x64, completa Ad¬ dress C. .NICHOLS, HJverdale. Mich.

WANTED—To pay ca.sji tor moving ptclurs road outfit, completa ”H.” 3740 a Waahlngtoo St.. Mar¬ lon, Ind.

WA.NTED TO Bl'Y— Second-hand opera chairs, suitable fur moving picture sliow; must be bargain. Address hXITE THEATRE. Wtst I’olnt.

WANTED TO BUY OR RENT—lOO or mors good Commercial Films, for rental exchanga PHt^D- FLAY supply CO., Birmingham, Alabama.

WANTED—25 Cadlleacopes for (ash. STAH AMUSEMENT COMPANY, 5906 SUte Street. Cbl- cagg

WANTED—3 E W. Brush Elwtrlo Light Engine. 60 T. Dynamo, 3 E W.; M. P. Lamp House. Uaa Burner, Upper and Lower Magazines for Power’s Ma- (dilna Locke BOLEN, Jackson, Alabama

WANTED TO BUY OK LEASE Motion plctur* theatre In Mlcliigan town, 5,0vu or over. Write GEO. F. S.\I1TH. Darison, Mich.

AV.A.NTED-Slides; White Slave, Underworld, Penl- tentlary, JOHN AIXEN, Rlclimond, lU._

WANTED QUICK—Good second-hand Scenery; On# piu-lor act, one street scene, wiUi wungs to match, for stage l(,x24 feet, 12 or 14-ft. dri>p, proscenium and net around reservts for tent 50x84 feel In good con¬ dition and ciieap: answer quick; wmie good gaa bkiig- ing llghU. H.ARRY MA.STEN, 'niurmont. Mi_

Amateurs and Bssinnsrs Til* foUovliiff advsrtlsamsnta axs fzoa Artlgxa

wko frankly dlpniatm lone szpsnsnon, Ihsy will b« found wiU^,

obUgtnf and rsaaonable.

ACROBATS. By psspi* wh* kav* sat aonpllad tadth our rsquir*. __ nentf by laadlnf profraai ar rtlereast.

AALATELK A( KoBA'r—Ago, 17; 5 ft. 6; llo Iba; wants potuUou with act. liekiK Yes. FJd.MMT ColXi.A.N, 612 South 8th St., Kansas City, Kau.

Kl.NG ARTIST—A-1 amateur; would like to hear from good act; 23 years; 5 It. 6'A; 134 lbs.; do Iron jaw. .S. JOU.\S<j.N, 3454 Le -Mioiie St., Clilcago. lUliiola_

TWO GIRLS--TraiHze aid Iron jaw; well built; on* 5 ft., Ie5 lbs., uuiiilexion light; other 5 IL 2, 125 lbs., complexion da - .MISSES JllTt lDXX. 129 E. 15th. .New York Clf,'.

DHAIvi^lC artists. By people who have pot eoiwpiled with our rsquir*- _(seati by sendlni proframjN' raftrspa*._

Young iIA.\—22; UO ll>*.; 5 fU 9ii; wishes to join Block company; 4 years’ experteiioe a* stage band; play corne-t, ortjiestra or bani PAUL SCUIER. Alexandria, Ind._

YOL'.NG .M.A.N—Age 24; would like to join slock company or Uieatrlcal (X>mi>aiiy : am full of amlillluo and energy. RICILARD K FAR.Nl.M, 1821 LHyler Ave., ( l.icago. 111._

Y'OUNG M.A.N—22; wishes engage meiit with stock company; aome expi-rieiiee; 5 ft. 11; 145 lbs.; good appe-arance: plioto on request. EtKlAR G. GIAN- ■Nl.NG. General Dehyep-, Viiieeline*. liid._

MlSC^LLAlXCOUb. By people who have not eompiied with our roqvWo* _mentt by und Inp^profram or referenco.

AMATbl K —Wants poHitiuti a.H pnopt'rty man* J. 4243 Calumet Ave., Chlra^o, 111.

MunON KiGTUrtt ARTISTbk By poopla who havo not eompiied with our rtculr^ _menu by arndinf protram or refortneo._

BUY—15; lib U>s.; 5 ft. 3.; wl-Hbca poetitluii wltb Moving picture compaio : no exptrWnct); nmall salary; ticket* W'lUirH J. ^<lMO^aS, U1 Bhopanl Avr., l-^st Ortiig<‘g N. J,_

Y'OUNG 5L4X—2U; 5 ft. 9; g(XMl appoaranoe: wanta potiiUon with stock or moling picture c<»mpany; 1 want ♦■xperience. Hl-^KALYN KUilN, 24» X. lOtb St., Allentown, l*a~_

Young man—IS; 5 ft. 4; gtMul appearing and well etiuoaUd; for U-gitimate or moving picture ct>m« paiO’; lilllo expi»rlence. KKKU I'ElA IaI-IXIX, JK., 31)45 Southport Avenue, Clii>ag»>, Uilnoia._

YoUN<» yuan—Wl.shen to join moving pirture or goo<i stock company; good habiu and a bard worker. A. G. JL'HAIBUK, Texarkana, Tex.

YoCNg JLa'n-21; would llkT to loin moving pic¬ ture company; >«ill do an>‘tliing to start; tH«t of ref« ennee. Address aVRLYLB LwXRGWuHTUY, Burllng- ton, Vt.

YuVXCr M,\X—22; wanta ptKitUm with M. P. com¬ pany; willing to do anything for a start. U. STUC- Ti».\, Box 41. -Montru^k, N, Y.

VAUDEVILLE. ARTISTS. By people who have not eompiied wtth eur rofutro- _ mente by tebdinf program er^referenee^_

AMATKl’R Juvenile; wouKl like to g<» with vaude- riUe sh(»w; 14 >earH old; B 4 ibif.; 4 ft. 6. JldlX MctXKN'XKIJg, (pcfieral iKllvery, Mailiiette, Wla.

BOY'—15; 110 lbs; 5 ft. 3: widnH (o join theatrical c»>mpany, with ohjtx't to b«\fHDc an a4*u>r; ticket. WllalU K J. SIMONS, 121 SlHiard Ave., 1-U.hI (Grange, Ntw Jri^ey._

MAl.K A\0 KHMAl-l-^-Amab-ura; singing and dajicing; like to lOin vaudivllle act ur anything; small H*Ur>. nckflsT Yes. JAt'K TILUK, 47 Glaibtone Ave., Toronto, (Yinada._

\VA.\TKI> Kiigagt*ment with burle.sque company; take minor i»art. KRKU VAX ill-d'IKBKKK, 13"P Walnut St., tincinnati, O.

\VANTKI>- Fjigagemtmt with burics4iue company; take small puns. CllAS. WlLTlloM, 2'>7 YIultM5Ar7 _

Y'OUNG M.\X—22; amattur; wanU ofTi-rs for vaudeville or mu-dcal c«»:neiLv: MngH barltoi.e and s<»i»rano; pianist; Niw priferrr<l. K. DON- tKillUK. 16 Stiuth .Main, Brattlelnno, VL

Y’OUNG MAX fs yiors; 5 ft. 1; would like to join giKHl rau<it\llle wiupany. OSU.VH ZUt'KSWKIOT, 3744 <?rw.v1ew Ave., i'hhago. 111.__

Y'OUNG M-\X IS; wifJus to join vaudeville c»t Sf'hool at*t; fancy roller skater and acrobat. F1U\X- UIS DoKl.N, 93 Maple Ave., Hartford, c 4»tin.

Y’oi Nt; MAX—2t>: 5 ft. : wants to join show or nnnit g picture company; Hebrew coiuislian. iS RUBINSK_V, 23S hi j2lsj_Sf.. Ntw York_nty^_

Y'OUNG M.\X—l>esirvn ;M)*sition with magician; k!H).vlislge of trlck.^, illusloius. ex ains and se<\>n<i eight; no txiwrlmcc. .^RTHUK SURA'IT. 31-26 Fcnn Sf , St. Jfv-mdu Mo.__ _ _ _

Young M\\ -22; would like po«ition with dia- matic Taud«villtf act or female lziu'« rv>natt»r; have little ex;H*rlence. Adilnss L. M.VKOl WllKLAR, 417 Walnut St.. RkM^kfortl, 111._

YoUNtJ M.\N -VentriliKiulst, v»lth dummy; gia«t conitsiy work; wanU to join traveling jUm w; no tent work: do Outch and Jew: tukit. U. HROJ>KING, 52i*5 WotMlland .^ve., UhlW.u Iphia. Ua.



Ttie Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914. ■ DIRECTORY

BANNERS. CLOWN WHITE. Baker & Lockwood. 7th & Wyandotte ata., Kan- fhaa. Meyer, 1(»I E. ISth at.. New York City.

aaa City, Mo. .M. Stein Coametlc Co., 11!0 W. Slat at.. N.Y.C. Tucker Buck & Rubber Co., Ft. Binltb. Ark. crtACTPQ CABS D. 8. T. & A. Co.. N. Beaidainea at.. Chi- „ »” , .

rhila. Tobo|:jraii Co.. l.SO E. Dural at., I’hlla.

... ... BOOKING AGENTS. COASTER DIPS. leiiKth will be published, |ir<i|ierly claaalfled, in I Henry Meyerhoff. 141) W. 42d at.. N. Y. City. W. I*. Sliaw Co., 1279 Coney Island are., Brook- thla directorv. at tha rata of SUi ru-r vaar tli'J I MoTrie tc Fell, 14t)S Broadway, New York City. lyn, N. Y.

fhaa. .Meyer, ltd E. ISth at.. New York City. I W. F. MaiiKela Co., Coney Island, N. V. ELECTRIC MINIATURE RAILWAY.

Adrertiaementa not exceedlni; one line in

.M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slat at.. N.Y.C.

COASTER CARS. I*bila. Tubn|;i;aii Co., l.SO E. Dural at., I’bila.


tbla directory, at the rate of $10 per year (52 Morrie Sc Fell. 141)S Broadway, New York City, tasueo). prorided they are of an acceptaMe Kitiard Pltrot. 47 W. 2Sth at.. New York City, nature. Price includes one year's subscription M. Scott. Paine AKency, Inc., 145 W. 45th at., to The Billboard. New York City.

Bach ad<litional line or additional clasaiflca- United B<s>kine Ofilce, Palace Theater Bldg., New York City.

BOOK STRIP TICKETS. Weldon, Williams & IJck, Ft. Smith, Ark.


Newman Mfg. Co.. 717-721 Sycamore. Cincinnati.

BRASS RAILINGS, SIGNS, ETC. Newman Mfg. Co.. 717 721 Sycamore, Cincinnati.

ROGEIRS THURMAN A. m BURLESUQE BOOKING AGENCIES. Ob LrU. Columbia Amusement Co. Columbia Theater

Send for CMtaloc of Noreltlra and Jewelry. QUICK Rldir New York Cltr MONtnr M.tKEPS. 5 So. niloaao. PmercKKlve. Circuit 1.11(l’Tinie« Rldr . N. Y. C

tiuu, without aubscr )tion, If.-V) per annum. One line will be allowed to adrertiaera free

of charge for each $100 worth of space used during the .vgar.

This directory la revised and corrected weekly, changes in firm names and addresses being re¬ corded aa soon as received.


N. Shure Co., 2.'17 241 W. Madison st., Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

ADVERTISING STICKERS. Milwaukee Label Sc Seal Co.. Milwaukee, Wia. i.i

AFRCINAIIXQ (Oa-Hydrogen Gas Manufac o. . e. o Ml s Capital .Men haudise f>>.. 440.-, S.

Belmont Slaters. Reed City, Mich. Cliicairo III

.WJ'*- . , „ . Cincinnati Caicium Light Co.. K Henry Phelps. (Oit ave. and Conrad at.. Grand Cincinnati. O.

iJ 1 ■ 1 MI 1. Dearborn Novelty Co., XfJ S. Dea 8t. Clair Girls. Muskegon Mich. cago III Thompson Bpf,H.' Ballooning Co.. Aurora. III. Erker Bros.. (V.4 Olive st.. St. I>

AEROPLANES. st. Ixuiis Calcium Co.. 51« Elm st Advertising. .X'dlS Mclean ave., Chicago. Twin City Calcium Co.. 241« I’l American Aeroplane Exhibition Co., Humboldt, S. K., Minneapolis, Minn.

CALLIOPES Uurtlaa Exhibition Co.. Hammondsport, r.eorge Kratx. Evansville. Ind. '

„__ . , e, M e. ^ T. J. Nichols, Pearl and Ludlow si Thomas Bros.’ .Aeroplane Co.. Bath, N. Y. nAsacDae

AERIAL ADVERTISING. CAMERAS. Braxel Novelty Mfg Co. 1700 Ella st CIn'tl. American Cinematograph Co.. Ch Silas J. Conyne. 3.',08 Mcl.ean ave.. Chicago. CANES AND WHI AFRICAN DIPS AND SAPPHO TIPS. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland. O.

Columbia Amusement Co.. Columbia Theater Bldg., New Y'ork City.

Progressive Circuit. l.'>10 Times Bldg., N. Y. C.

BURNT CORK. Chas. Meyers. 101 B. llltli st.. New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 \V. 31st st., N .Y'. C.

CALCIUM LIGHT. (Oz-Hydro^n Gai Manufacturert.) III.

Capital .Menhaudise Co.. 440.", S. Dearborn st., j,_ j^iug 17 Cliicsgo, 111.

Ctneinnati Calcium Light Co., lOS Fourth at., ' Cincliiiiati. O. (Eyebrow P

Dearborn Novelty Co., .’>37 S. Dearborn at.. Chi- Chas. Meyer, lo cago III. M. Stein Cosmeti

Erker Bros., fl04 Olive st.. St. I/>uls. Mo. ^ St. Ixniia Calcium Co.. 516 Elm st.. St. Ix)uls. \|iii„, .vm Twin City falciuiii Co., 241« I’lilTersity ave.,

S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. i CALLIOPES Carnival Costum

CAMERAS. ,, „CBIS( American Cinematograph Co.. Chicago. Chicago, III.


COLD CREAM. M. Stein Coametlc Co.. 120 W. 31st at., N.Y.C.

COMPENSARCS. Ft. Wayne Electric Works. Ft. Wayne, Ind.

CONES. A. T. Diets, 127 Michigan st.. Toledo. O. Klei-tra Ice Cream tone Co., 354 Elm at., Buf

falo. N. Y.

CONE MACHINERY. l-auier A Driesbach. 248 Butler at., Cincinnati.

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. A. T. Dietx. 127 Michigan st., Toledo, O. VY. Z. I»iig, 172 High st., Spriugtield. U.

CONFETTI. Carnival Costume Co., Milwauke*'. Holiday .\o\elty Co.. 27 E. 4th st., N. Y. City. ICialolpli Bn>a., 19 N. 5tb st., I'hilade||lbla, Pa. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City.

CORN POPPERS. C. E. Dellenbarger C7o., (127 W. Jackson Blvd.,

Chicago. III. W. Z. lAJUg. 172 High st.. Springfield. O.

COSMETICS. (Eyebrow Pencils, Face Powder, etc.)

ELECTRIC MOTOR CHAIRS. Electric .Motor Chair Oo., 2W25 Michigan ave.,

Chicago, 111.

ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. J. C. D'Bgaii. Berteau and K. RaveuawiK^l Park

a.e., Clilcago. III. J. F. Sietiurg. Chicago. 111.

ELECTRIC PIANOS (Second-hand). J. F. Ilennin, 1420 Pa. ave.. Waabiugton. D. C.


W. II. (bmgh, Syracuse, N. V. G. A. Trahan C<*.. Inc., Coboea, N. Y.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. Electric Stage Ughting Co,, 240 W.

.-,<ith st.. New York City..

EYE BROW PENCILS. .M. St .'In Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31at at.. N.Y.C.

FACE POWDER. Chas. Meyer, 103 W. 13th at.. New York City. .M. Stein t'*wuieti? Co.. 120 W. 31at at.. N.Y’.C.

FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES. F. M. Barnes. 30 S State at., Chicago.

FAIR GROUNDS GOODS. Slack Mfg. Co.. 337 W. .Madison at.. Chicago.

FEATHER FLOWERS. Di Witt Slaters. Grand Blvd. and JUst Pralrlo

a»e.. Battle Crwk. Mich.

FEATURE FILMS. Chi- Chas. Meyer, loi W. 13th st.. New York City. Feature Film Co.. 229 F>ie at . Chicago, 111.

M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 12t) W. 31st at.. N. Y. C. y Bllnkhorn, 110 \V. F-irtieth at.. N. Y. City.

COSTUMER. Miller, -230 So. 11th at.. l'hiladeli>hia. Pa.

COSTUMES. Carnival Costume Co., 207 \V. Water at.. Mil¬

waukee, Wis.

.\I1-Slar Features, Iiic., 220 W. 12d at., N.Y.C. Blache Feature#, Inc.. Fort N. J. BiHiworth. Inc., llo W. 40th at.. N. Y. City. Canadian Bloscoje Co.. 220 W. 42d at.. N.Y'.C. Colonial Motion Picture Co.. 18 E. 4Ut at..

New Y'ork City. J-riti Schoultz Co.. 19 21 W. Ijke at., Chicago. Commercial Motion Picture Co.. 2'20 W. Forty

CRISPETTE PRESSES. C. E. Delleiitarger Co.. 027 \V. Jackaon Blvd.,

Chicago, 111. CUSHION COVERS.

second at.. New York City. Criterion Feature Film Mfg. Oo.. 110 W. 40th

at.. New Y'ork City. Eclair Co.. 225 W. 42il at.. New York City Eilectlc Film Co., llo \V. 4oth at.. N. Y. City.

Mexican Armadillo Curio Co., 100 North Fifth are., Chicago.

AMUSEMENT DEVICES. Wm. H. Oeaterle .Ymiiaeinent CX).. .'KIO Fifth

ave.. New Y'ork City. Rll Bridge Co., Roodhouae, Ill. Herscbell-Spillman Co., No. Tonawanda, N. Y. International tbibmirine Co., New Y'ork Theater

Bldg., New Y'ork City. Novelty Miehiiie Co., 2 Rector at., N. Y. C. C. W. Parker. I>eavenworth, Kan. Play Ball Maculne Co. Aurora. III. The A.J. Smith Mfg. Co., 3‘247 W. Tan Buren

at., (^hlcago. D. 8 T. A A. Co. 229 N. Deaplainea at., Ch'go.

ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm, Bartels Co.. 42 forltand at., N. Y. C. Irl E. Jteniiett, .’'dtO-.MM South Ninth at., Cam¬

bridge, o. Carl Hagenheek. Stellingen, near Hamburg.

American Repreaentatlve, C. A. Stephan. Zoo Garden, Cincinnati. O.

I.inwoiKl H. Mint. North Waterford. Me. B. H, Heger. 1917 San PaMo ave., Oakland. Cal. Home's Z«8) Arena. Kansas City, Mo. Wm. Maekensen, Yardley, Pa. Louis Rube, 248 Grand at.. New Y'ork City.

ANIMALS, BIRDS AND SNAKES. Detroit Bird Store. 218 Third at.. Detroit, Mich.


Rudolph Brua., 19 N. 5th at., I'hiladelpbia, Pa. Kssanay Film Co.. 1st .Natl. Bk. Bldg., Chicago. Fanioua Players Film O)., 213 W. Twenty-sixth

$10:20 A YEAR (in advance)

Will put your name and address under any one heading that you elect in this Trades Directory' for 52 issues.

Practically all professional people consult this de¬ partment once or twice a week.

If you want their trade there is no cheaper or more effective way of asking for it than ordering in your name and address.

You are losing business every week that you re¬ main out.

ANIMALS (Sea Lions). H. A. Rogers, 812 State at.. Santa Barbara, Cal.

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Noveltv Slide Co.. 67 W. 2.3d at.. N. Y. C. Song Slide Service, 391 Sixth ave., N. Y. C.

ARC LAMPS AND CARBONS. Chas. L. Klewert Co., 114 Huron at., Milwaukee.


Coe, Y’onge Sc Oo., 905 I.ucaa ave., St. Louis.

ITE 4 S* NtV V0R»


Naaella Bros., 32 Atlantic ave.. Boston, Mass. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land, O. Rudolph Bros.. 19 N. Stb at., PbiUdeIpbia, Pa.

DANCING MATS. D. W. Goodwin. 91 Willow at.. Lynn. Maas.

DECORATIONS. Baker A- LocknoiMj, 7tb Sc Wyandotte ata., K.

C.. -Mo.


American Decorating Co., 1405 E. Irving Park Blvd.. Chicago. Ill.

ArtlBcial Moral Co., 1111 Geary st., San FYan- claco. Cal. I n. Shure Co., 237 241 W. Madison at., Chl<

Botauical Decorating Co.. 5(M S. 5th a\e., Chi'go Singer Broe.. 82 Bowery, New York City.


8. 8cboeii A Son. 50 Ann at.. New York City, i‘li «/ya -s r»$.i 8(ir.v<>ck-Todd Co.. 824 N. 8th at., St. Loult. Mo. ‘ f^blcago, N. Shure Co., 237 241 W. Madison at., Chicago. Trahan Co., Inc.. Cohoes, N. Y.

CARBIDE LIGHTS. Sosman Sc I.andla. 417 S. Clinton at.. Chicago. Milbum Carbide light. Baltimore, Md


DIAMONDS. I»ftla Brow.. 108 N. State at.. Chicago.

at.. New Y'ork City. Feature Film sale. Co.. Ltd., H18 W. Waah-

IngbMi at., Chicago. III. Film .Ytfractlona. 145 W. 4.',th at.. N. Y'. City. Gsumoiit Co.. 110 W. 4utb at.. New York Mfy. General Featui-e Film Co., Powers’ Bldg., CY,!-

cago. III. Groat Northern Specialty Feature Film Co., 700

L'ncn'm Bldg., New York City. Itala Film Oo.. 2-.*0 W. <’2,1 at.. New York City. Jungle Film Co.. lOnO Brotdway. N. Y. City. Keiinedv Features. Inc.. 110 West Fortieth at..

New York City. Jesse Laaky Co.. 1472 Broadway. N. Y. CYty. Motion Drama Co.. '220 W. 42d at.. S. Y. City. Mundstuk Featur*«. 1480 Broadway, N. Y. City, liewia Pennant Features. 220 W. 42d at., N.Y’.C. Photo Drama •>).. 2'20 W. 42.1 at.. N. Y. City. Sellg Po!y«<8>l>e Co.. Clilcago. III. The Napoleon F-vture Film Co., 68 W. Wash¬

ington at., Cbbago, Ill. The Rig Feature Film Co.. 1600 Broadway. New

Y’ork fYty. The Unite,! Kingdom Film Co.. London. England Union Features. 2'25 W. 42d at.. New York City. I’niveraal Mlm Mfg Co.. F.wty eighth and

Broadway, New Y'ork CYty. Y'lctory Co.. 22o W 4'2d at.. New Y'lrk City W.whl Slaalal Film CO.. 110 W Fortieth at..

New York City.

FEATURE LECTURE SLIDES. W. IJndaav t^wden. .Y* W. 34th at.. N. Y. C.

FERRIS WHEELS. Ell Bridge Co,. B..a 143. Roodlouae. 111. W P. Shaw Co.. 1279 Coney lalami ave.. Br>oh-

lyn. N. Y.

FESTOONING. Chicago Flag an! De-orating Co., 13.',4 Wabaah

ave., Viicago, HI. National Tlaeiie Manufacturing Co.. StXi Bergen

at.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

FILMS. (Xannfacturera, Doalera in A Rental Bureana.) Alco Film Co . 218 W. 4'Al at.. N. .Y. tYty. American Film Br< kers. $ W. 14th at. N. Y'. C. CYilcigo Moving Picture Supply Co.. 5.'t8 8. Dear¬

born at., f'liicago. III. Coamofoti'fllm (V, . M . 40th at.. New Y’ork City. I>avia Film Exchange Co., Watertown. Wla.

Uemoh Jewelry Co.. Waaliington ave.. St. Ix-uli. txd.ange, OvJenaboro. Ky!

W. Trainer .Mfg. Co.. 80 Pearl at.. Boston, D. C. Humphreys Co.. 913 Arch at.. Philadelphia. Mvsa.

AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER. Thomas A. Edison. Inc., Orange, N. J. J. H. Hallberg. .-W E. 23d at., N. Y. C. N. Power. 90 Gold at.. New York City.


A. Bernl. 216 N. 20th at.. New Y’ork City. Berr.v-WoiMl Piano Player Co.. Kansas City, Mo. N. Tonawanda Mua. Inst. Wka., N. Tonawanda,

N. Y. M. Welte * Sons. 273 Fifth ave.. N. Y. C. Rudolph Wurlitxer Co. Cincinnati and Chicago.

BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. De Moulin Bros. & Co., Dept. 11. Greenville, III.

BADGES. BUTTONS, ETC. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land, O. Wendell Sc Greenwood Co., 122 So. Fourth at.,

MInneapolia, Minn.

BADGES, FLAGS AND BANNERS. Bent A Bueh, 338 Washington, Boston, Ylasa.

BALLOONS. (Hot Air.)

D. S. T. Sc A. Co.. 229 N. Deaplalm-s st., Chi¬ cago.

CAROUSELS. Wm. H. Dentiel. 3635 Germantown ave.. Phila¬

delphia, Pa. Herachell-Spillman Co.. North Tonawanda, N. T. W. F. Mangels Co., (ioney Island. N. Y. C. W. Parker, l>eavenw<>rth. Kan. Pbila. Toboggan Co., 130 E. Duval at., Phlla.

DISINFECTANTS. Fulton Bag Sc Cotton Mills, New Y’ork, St.

Ivouia, New Orleaiw, Atlauta and Dallaa, Tex.

DOLL RACKS. Heracbell-Splllman. No. Tonawanda, N. Y.

DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS. I.oula Amlrerg, 32 Union Sq.. New Y’ork City.

Exhibitors' Film Exchange, 172 W. Washington at.. Chicago, r.l.

Feature Film Co.. 27 E. 7th at. St. Paul. Minn. G.-neral Feature !■ .Im <>>.. I*owera' Bldg., Chi¬

cago. III. General Film Co., 'joo Fifth ave . N Y. City. Gunhy Bn*.. 14*. W. 4.Yth at.. New York City. L. Het* 302 E. '23,1 at.. New York lYty. Daxld Hor-Ie,. It'ssi Itr .adway New York FYty.

Ihunlnloii Toy Mfg. Co.. 161 Queen st., Toronto, mdeiwndcnt Film Exchange, H l».-arborn st. Out.. CaDftda. t'lilr.iiro 111

H. C. Kvana Sc Co.. 75 W. Y'an Buren at.. Chi- intcriiMhoial Vlltii rraders. .5 West F««irleentl cago. Ill. New Y’,uk Cltr

Fair Auiusement Co . 142 Mftl, ave.. N. Y. C. i.,o,nmIe FUn. S,rv|re. 204 W Lake st.. ('hi- ^ Vv! • nr«»adway. cairo: \f<i)uoA|HdlR. Omaha, \u*h Mo1iu>r.

New York City. Murphy U J . Elvria. t>. 11. Hendler Sc Co.. KHtl Market at., San M„tuni'F11n, <X'.. New- York Cltv. ranrlaw. Photo Drama Co.. '.-JO W. 42.1 at.. N. Y. Cltv. iday Novelty Co. 27 E. 4th at., N. Y. City. Regal Film Co.. .381 Sixth are., N. Y'. City

Francisco. Holiday Novelty Co. 27 E. 4th at., N. Y. City

Ideal Novelty Sc 3'oy (o., 468 Broadway. N.Y'.C .Mexican Armadillo Curio Co.. 160 N. 5th ave.

Chicago, III. New Toy Mfg. Co. 28 W. •20th at. N Y'. C.

CAROUSEL BUILDER. Marcus C. Illlons, Coney Island, N. Y.

CARS (R. R.) Arms Palace Horae Car Co., It<s>m 004. 332 S.

Michigan ave., Chicago. Southern Iron & Equipment Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Venice TranajK>rtatlon Co., St. l.ouls. Mo. .New I'oy .xirg. t'o. 28 w '20th at N Y’ C

CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS w. isti, at .'.v Y. r. singer Br<m., 82 Bowery, New Y'ork Cltv

Helmet Co.. Inc., 1021 Br>adway. Cincinnati. O. Tip Top Toy Co.. 2'20 W. llMli at.. N. Y. Cltv Koval Gum Co., Toledo. O. ^ Toledo Chewing Gum Co.. 404 Jackaon at.. To- DRAMATIC SCHOOLS,

ledo, O. CIGARS.

I/tiiia Denebeim A Sons, 1224 Oak at., K.C.. Mo.


Horsinan. 376 Broadway. New Y’ork City. Renfav Mnslcai Motion Picture-. 110 W. 46th

Novelty Machine Co.. 2 Rector at.. N. Y. City

0 S. T. Sc A Co.. 229 N. Desplainea at.. Chi¬ cago.

BALL THROWING GAMES. Play Ball Machine Co., Aurora, III. Sycamore Novelty Co.. 1.326 Sycamore at., Cin'ti.

BAND INSTRUMENTS. De Moulin Bix,a. A Co., Dept. 12, Greenvlll^ III. M. Welte A Sons. 27.3 Mfth ave.. N. Y. C. Rudolph Wurlitxer Co., Cincinnati and CMcago.

CIRCUS SEATS. (New and Second Hand.)

Raker A I/M-kwoiHl. 7tli A Wyandotte ata., Kansas City, Mo.

U. S'. T. A A. Co.. 229 N. Deaplainea at.. Chi¬ cago.

CIRCUS WAGONS. (Cages, Dent and Band Chariota.)

B,*gga Wagon Co., Kanaaa City, Mo. Sullivan Sc Eagle, 15 Canal at., Peru, Ind.

Tip Top Toy Co.. 2'20 W. llMli *t.. N. Y. City.

DRAMATIC SCHOOLS. Henderxon S<'h(a>I of Dramatic .\rt. Aeidlan

Hall. N. Y.

ELECTRIC BELTS. The Electric Apliliance Co., Burlington, Kan.

ELECTRICAL ECONOMIZERS. Vlndex Electric Mfg. (o., Aurora, ill.

ELECTRIC FANS. J. H. Hallherg, .36 E. 23d at.. New Y'ork City.

ELECTRIC INSOLES & INHALERS. The Electric Appliance Co.. Burlington, Kan.

ELECTRIC LIGHTING OUTFITS. (Fiaturea and Reflectors for Direct and indirwet

Illumination.) UliarleH A. Strellnger Co., Ib'tpolt. MkAi.

at.. New Y’ork City. Unlx’creBl Flln, Mfg. Co.. 48th ami Broadway.

New Y’ork Cltv. Vltagraph Uo. Brooklyn. N Y' Wi*«tern Fl'm Brokers, .37 S. YVabaah a»e,. Chi¬

cago. HI.

FILM CASES. U. r. Murphy Trunk Co., st. I.oula. M-'.

FILM MANUFACTURERS. Indiiafrlal Moving I'lctiire Co.. 2'23 W. Erie at..

n,lcago. IH.

FILM titles. PRINTING. ETC. Guiiby Bnw.. 14.3 W. 4.3ln at.. New Y'ork City.


The Antipyro* Co.. 170 Gn-en at , N. Y’. City.

FIREWORKS. A. I.. Due Flre«4 rka Co.. Clncliinatl. <). IHtt Flrew<,rk« t>i., Columbia Station, Seattle.

Wash. International J.'lrew.wka Co., 192 Boyd ave.. Jer¬

sey City. N. J.

OCTOBER 10, 1914. T li e Billboard 43

kl -im’- Kiri'W'TliH. I*. O. I^lx ;u.3. KaiiHSK ( itv M..

KircHorkH <'o.. <'lilr*K'i ami Ji-rnfj City. K . k It. liHrnal'B & l>i.. Mfrx. Klr*-»<irk« l»i»-

p'n-. L’r.'.'i ll<ilTiii»ii nt.. liniiix, N«-w York. .\iii<Tl<an l»ii*|il.iy Kirfwoika Ki'.iiii

'ViilrHl Natl. Itank Hlitk-. St. I/i.ii1b, Mo. 1' ii l.n-wrka IMapta.r Co.. Wiailwortli KIilx.,

\ \<>rk, and ItIk'O Wahaali »ye., ClilraKo. W. Hr<'»<TkH Co. Kraiiklyii park. Ill. \\ - •n . I'lri'worka Co.. |>>« AiikoIoh ami San

I . .II. ('al.

FLAGS. Ai-.r in Klas Mfk’. Co.. Ka'ton. Pa. I’ .V IaM kw<»"l. Till ,t( Wyandolto. K.C .Mo. C'm Ik'" KI*ic A Iteniratiiif Co., i;{.'>4 Wabaali

h'O . chirazn. |1I. il \hik<o * Hon. Ino.. 147 F^llton at.. N. Y. C. It.'hm c,. "14 WaalilnKt'iii at.. .Nrw York City. Cii ifd StalHM Tont h AwniiiK Co., UJl* Nortli

l><*«p:aim‘« at., Clilraao. III.

FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. M I., Si liluolor. TSt W. Illlnola at., ttilraKo.

FOUNTAIN PENS. P-i-k Ui< «. ■..■It Itro.idwa.T. Now York City. H \ Itrown A Son. Alder at. PortlamI, Ora. Irs Hariielt. *11 Hei kniau at., New York City. Jaiioa Kelli y. Si 2.1 Ann at.. New York City

GAMING DEVICES. II C. Ertna k Co.. 7f> W. Van Kuren at., Clil’Ko

GASOLINE BURNERS. tv 7. ^A>l.K I7‘J llhcli at.. SprlnKHeld. O.

GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES. laturaaler Olana Co.. Eanraater, O.

GREASE-PAINTS. ETC. (Makeup Boxei, Cold Cteam, Etc.)

Th" lle-a Co. tCI.erryoU anl Uiibyllp), Horbea- ter. N. Y.

M Slein > oanietlr C".. PJO VI. .tiat at.. N. Y. C. Ziiiler lira.. Inr., 115 W. 4Stl at . N. Y. City.

GREASE ROUGE. r; He«a Co. (Cherrmia ami Uubyllpi, Rochea-

ter. N. V.

HALFTONE LETTERHEADS. CUy Ceiiler Engrailnz (\i.. Clay Center. Kan.

HEAVY WAGON A. TRUCK GEARS. ill Akp n Sid.i- Co.. .Vkrun. >).

HOTELS. (tr nd Ojiera llnu-e ll 'tel. Knnpeau. William

Kprinka. prop.. Ton*nto, Can Z. a-e'a ll•■t•'l and Cafe. SJ,, Walniit at., Pblla.

HYPNOTIC INSTRUCTION. M P Retta. Station <1. Jai'kaon. Ml>b.

INCANDESCENT LIGHTS. Sifety Kti'i'trlc Co . 1.1 Mii'hizan a«e.. Chloaifo. S' only Ele. trie Ijimp Co.. 12 14 S Jefferaon

•t . CMi azo. 111.


INDIAN BLOOD MEDICINES. l^ho \»tiTr Ilrrb Co., iWiUr. 1*1

INVISIBLE FORTUNE WRITERS. S Roa-r, 117 Harman at.. Rr« klyn. N. Y.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. M.irlmnra Rr-a.. .14*1 Hroadway. New York City M *1. Moat'Ul k C«.. 11 Ran-lay at.. N. Y. City. Taklto. Opaaa * Co.. 327 31 W. Madlann at..

Chlrar'. 111. JEWELRY.

(For Stare Uao.) A;tl«rh k R.wamaoii: 2iir, W. Madlaon at. ChPifO Coe. Y'lnre k Co.. 901 l.ucaa are.. St. Ix>w1«. Mo. Ilolanian k Alter, l7l» W. Madlaon at.. Cbl. ayo. Shrynck Tiald Co.. K:4 N. Elahth at. St. I-*ttla N Shore C<i.. 2.'t7 241 W. Madlaon at . Cmi-acu. Rlnrer Rroa., K2 Bowery. New York City.

JOKES. Tie Maple Shop. .12 N. ISth at.. Philadelphia.

JUGGLERS’ GOODS. Eilward Van Wyaek, 10(11 Pullen are.. Clneln-

nati, n.

KNIVES. ciexelan.l ratw Co.. Clereland. O Shryoek Ti'ld <Vi S34 N. Kiphth at.. St I/uila. N Shnre Ca.. 237 241 W Madlaon at.. ChleaBO. Sin»«T Hr.!., kj Rowery. New York City. Welabanm Cutlery Co., m S Fifth are., Chl'ro.

LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. J M N.iiizht 'n Co.. Hotel Mayer RIdr., Peoria.

LEATHER NOVELTY GOODS. Pine Art Noielty Co.. .!» W Adama at., ChCgo.

LIGHTS. iBetcont. Tondiet for Circuaea A Tent Showa.) o"Ile k Weyer, 121 S. Center are.. CbletKo, III. J I'ranki'l (iaaollne Mantela. 224 S’. 4*lfth at.,

Chleak-*', HI. I.illle Wt'iider I.lpht Co., Terre Hante. Ind. I i-erleka I.lglit Co., maniifacturera of mantela

f"r ana.dine IlKhtlnr. Chlraro, III. I nlled statea Tent ,4 AwiiIiir Co. 220 N. I»ea-

nlaliiea at., Ctitrapo. 111. Mindli..rat A Co.. UM Uai N. 12lli at.. St. Ix>ula.

LIQUID MAKE-UP. The H." Co. (Youthful Tint). Uoeheater. N. Y.

LIQUID VENDING MACHINES. I l'l'ild Vending ll.rrldne Co., 52 Wmalward are.

I••lrc ;t. Mleh.

MAGIC GOODS. Rower. 117 Hrriiian at., Ilrooklyn. N. Y.

t J Pelainan, Kit .N. Clark at ,’chlearo. HI. The Maple Shop. 32 N. 13lh at . Philadelphia. T le O lka Macleal Co.. Oalikoall. Wta. •leid .V C. *ert. klO E. 4.3,1 at.. Chlearo. HI. A l{"tterlH,rg. 1,11 W Ontario al Cbleaz". III.

A Co., (MHi nilw.rt at.. Phlladelplila. Pa.


mail DEALERS’ WHOLESALE HOUSE t" tinal Sellera. t'atalnr ami Year'a Malllnr Serrl.w O'- 425 South Daarbara St., Chleafa.


Aiiierlean n..» Rail 4M.. 12<iti Van Ruren at.. In dlana|a.|ia, |nd.

Arinilaze A tluinn. Sprinrrille, N. 1 Rrlilze Co., Romlleuiae. III.

■o ra, hell Spillman tv». No. I'onawantla. N. Y. '' P. Manzela Co., Coney I aland. N. Y. ' 'V. Parker. I.eatrnw<wth, Kan. '"'elly Maehlne Co.. 2 H.a lor al . N. Y. C. 'I’rk PliKlmuTlng Co.. :i<» Chiireh at.. N. Y ('. t '- A J Siiillh Mfg. Co.. ;i2t7 \V \ an llureu

at.. Chlearo, 111.

Thiiraton Waltz Hide Co.. IflfiO Broadway, New York City, rare Cnlveraal KHm Co.

Wai. WiirtUeiu, 20S N. S<amnd at.. Pbiladel|ibia.

MASKS. (Maaquerade, TbeatricaL Camiral.)

Klipi)ert, 4*1 Coo|>er .Sjuare, New York.

MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS. Hick A Pitzgerald. 20 Ann at., N. Y’. City. .Miller. S21 I.onxoere Bldg., N. Y'. City. Clyde Phillipa, Port Tliomaa, Ky.

MERRY-GO-ROUNDS. Herwchell-Kidllmau Co., No. Tonawanda, N. Y. C. W. Paiker, I.eavenwortb, Kan.


A. Ibrul, 210 W. 2(»th zt.. New York City. J. Krejei k Son. 1*54!* Barcea at.. Baltimore. Md. I.yoii A Healy, 202 S. Wabash are., Chicago, 111. Vortii Tonawanda .Musical instrument Works,

N'rth Toiiawands, N. Y. M. Welle A Sons. 273 Pifth are., N. Y. C. Itudcdph Wurlitzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

M. P. ELEC. LIGHTS OUTFIT. Hetr< It Engine Works. Detroit. Mich. ('has. A. Strelinger, I>etrolt, Mich.


B. B Abrabaiiia. 2'22 South at., Philadelphia. Prancla Bannerman 501 Broadway. N. Y. C.

MOV. PIC. THEATER CURTAINS. Am<Tlcan Theiter Curtain Co., lOS N. Main st..

St. Ix>uls. Mo.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. American Pllm Broker**, 5 W. 14th at., N. Y. C. .Auiuseiiieut Supply Co., HP) B. N. 5th are.,

Chicago. Ill. Atlas Moving Picture Co.. H<jom 2S0. 508 So.

Imarlsirn at . Chicago. III. Harli, Kilin Eztiiange ('o.. Walcrl<-wn. Wia. Hcarlsim Norelty Co.. 537 S. I>earborn st.. Chi¬

cago. HI. Tins*. .A. Edison. Inc.. 10 Fifth are.. New York

t’lty. and orange. N. J. Enterpris*' Optical Mfg. -Co.. 570 W. Randolph

»• . Chicago. Ill. K\lilblt,,rs' Klim Exchange, 172 W. Washing

at.. Chicago. Ill, Harbach A Co., 112 N. 9th at.. PMla.. Pa. I.a*emnile Ptln, Service. 2o4 W. l.zike at.. Chi-

caz'i; Minneipolia. Omaha. I>es Molnea. I. i‘;ira’ Tlieal< r Supply Co., 509 Chestnut st.,

St. I>>ula. Mo. Mo Te HiiMiell A Co.. Maaonic Temple. Chicago. N. P> wer Co.. 90 Cold at.. New York City. Pr* i-tab'n Alachine Cc., 317 E 34th at.. N. Y. C. Ple*rhard Schnolder. 219 Secoml ave., N. Y’. C. Chaa. M. Stetblna. It'fjs Main at.. Kansas City.

MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES. American Cinematograph Co., 617 Jackson Blvd-.

ChU-ago. ill Chaa. H. Bennett. 50 N. 9th at.. Phila., Pa.

MUSIC ARRANGERS. William *;ieamann. 1204 A’ine at.. Cincinnati. William Mayer. .35 Pik’e at.. Covington. Kr. Encenc PMtzniabn. Broadway and 39tb at.. New

York City.

MUSICAL GLASSES. A 1012 Ntpi^’r ave., Richmond Ilitl

N. V.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Columbus Plano Co.. Columbus. O. J. C. Iteagan. Berteau ami i^st Rarenswood

Park avew., Chicago._

CARL FISCHER Headquarlees for ercrythlng In Music. Catalog fne

46-54 Cupar Sgsara. New Ysrb.

Ikime Pipe 'Irgan Co.. 608 South Ctearhorn at.. Chicago, III.

f/uila M. MileckI k Co., 337 Wabash are.. Chicago. Ill

R. H. Mayltnd A Son. 54 Willoughby at.. Brooklyn. N. Y.

North Tonawamla Musical Instrument Works. North ronawanda. N. Y'.

S. Pelfler. 1.3 IS Broadway. New York City. J. P. Seebiirg Piam* Co.. Chicago. Af AVeltc A l^na. 273 Fifth ave.. N. Y*. C. Kuilolph Wnrmzer Co..Cincinnati and Chicago.

MUSIC PUBLISHERS. Carl Flacher, .V) C'loper S*iuare. N. Y’. C. Aliarlcs K. Harria. Columbula Theater Bldg.,

New Y’ork City. Shapiro, Ilerneteln A Co.. 1416 Broadway. New

Y’ork City .Icnuiie H R.mlck 221 W. 46tth at.. N. Y. 0. Harry A’on Tilzer Music Pub. Co.. 125 W. 43d

st.. New York City. AVIll Von nizor 141 W. 41th st . N. Y. C. Waterwon. Berlin A Snyder. Strand Theater,

New York vlty.

NOSE PUTTY. Af Stein C-'smetIc Co.. 120 AV. .31st at.. N. Y. C.

NOVELTIES. Ira Barnett. *11 Ibw-knian st.. New Y'ork City. Berk Bn'<., .V29 Broadway. New Y’ork City. Coe. Yonge A <V.. 901 I.ucas ave.. St. Ijouts. 1. K3s*-nst.>ln A Co.. 44 .Ann at.. New Y’ork City. Une .Art Novelty Co.. 39 .Adams st.. i hicago. Plsrher Br.w*. A C*'.. Newark. N. J. Al <;*'itier 729 S.utth st.. Plilladtdphla. Cordon A Morrison. 199’Jol E.vst Madison »t..

Chlrago, HI.

K,i Hahn S-ls AA'. Madis.'n st.. Chicago. A H H.ndler A Co.. UXJl Market st.. San

4'3’Snclaco. Jamcfi Kelley. 2t Ann st.. New York City. I anrsater Class Co.. lAm'Asler, O. Na.lel A Shlnimel 132 Park Row, N. Y’. City. I Reiss A Co.. 3’21 W. Madison st.. Chicago. Und.dph Bros,. 19 N. 1th st.. Ptilladelphla. Pa. N. Shiir*’ C*'.. 237 241 AA’. Aladlson st.. CTilcago. Singer Bros., S2 Bowery. New Y’ork City, s-’fi Bros .A Co., S19 Mission st.. San Prancl.sco. I.iidwlg Slelnls-rg, 112 Craiqi st.. N. Y'. City. Webb Pr«o s*'hlag Merc. Co., Kansas Oily. Alo.


HIPP. DIDISHEIM & BRO. 54 MaMta Laaa. New Yack City.

OPERA CHAIRS. .American Seating Co,. 14 E. Jtekaon Blvd., Chi¬

cago, HI. A. II. .Amlrcwa Co., 115 AA’abaah ave., Chicago.

Carnie (lomlle Mfg. Co., 307 Delaware at., Kan¬ sas City, Mo.

Hardesty .Mfg. Co. Canal De.ver. O. Lears' Theater Supply C'o., 509 Cbestmit at.,

St. Ix>uia, Mo. Peter A Volz, Arlington Heights, HI. Steel Knmiture Co., Grand Raplda, Mich. E. H. Stafford Mfg. Co.. Chicago, Ill. Wisconsin Seating Co., New London, Wis.

ORANGEADE. Charlea Orangeade Co., Garfield Sta., Chicago. The Corner Co., 803 Maryland at., Buffalo, N. Y. Chiu. T. Morrisey Co., 4417 Madison st., Oh’go.

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. C. F. Bath, Abilene, Kan. A. Bernl. 216 W. 20th at.. New York City. Lyon A Healy, 202 S. Wabash ave., Chicago. G. Mina, 2 First at.. New York City. John Muzzlo A Son, 178 Park Row, N. T. C. Niagara Musical luat. Co., N. Tonawanda. N. T. North Tonawanda Mosical Instrnment Works,

No. Tonawanda, N. Y'. M. Welte A Sons, 273 Fifth are., N. T. C. Rudolph YA’urlitzer Co., Cinciunati and Chicago.

PADDLE WHEELS. E. M. Daria Soap Co., 222 No. Desplainea at.,

Chicago, III. n. C. Etbus a Co., 75 W, Y'au Bureu st.,

Chicago. E. J. Horsman Co., 367 Broadway, N. T. C. A. J. Kempien A Co., St. Paul. 3£1nn. Keman Mfg. Co., 115 8. Dearborn at., Chicago. Slack Mfg. Co.. 337 YV. Madison st., Chicago. A. J. Smith Mfg. Co., 3247 W. Van Buren at.,

Chicago, Ill. Tip Top Toy Co., 220 W. 19th st., N. Y. City. U. 8. T. A A. Co., 229 N. Desplaines st., Ch'go.

PARASOLS. Fraakford Bros., 906 Filbert st., Philadelphia.

PATENTS SECURED. victor J. Evans A Co., Washington, D. C.

PEANUTS. ALL VARIETIES. 8. Catanzaro A Son**, Inc., Penn. ave. A 22d st..

Pittskorg, Pa.

PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES. Klngery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.

PEARL NOVELTIES. Pearl City Novelty Co., 317 W. Front st., Mns

catlne, la.

PENNANTS. Chicago Flag A Decorating Co., 1354 Wabash

ave.. Chicago, HI. Ellery Mfg. Co., 585 Market »t., San Francisco, Fine Art .Novelty Co.. 39 W. Adams st., Chicago. I.angmok Bros., 35 Ormond Place N. Y. City. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Co.. 27 E. 4th at., N.Y.C. National Pennant Co., Palmyra, Pa. M. Newman. 883 Market at., San Francisco. Rudolph Bros., 19 N. 6th at., Philadelphia, Pa. N. Shnre Co., 237-241 W. Madison at., Chicago. F. Sternthal. 368 W. Madison at., Chicago.



LOS .4\OEl,ES. CALIF.. 107 .North Spring Street, SE.41TLE. WASH., 318 and Avrmie. South._

nn^ArtNo^5t^^5^^^W!Tdam^r^5Sca5r Mexican Armadillo Curio Oo.. 160 N. Fifth ave.,

Chicago, III. Pine Art Novelty Co., 39 W. Adams st., Chicago. A. H. Hendler A Co., 1061 Market st.. San

Francisco. Cal. Ia Crosse Pennant Co., Ia Crosse, Win. lAngrock Bros., 35 Ormond Place, N. Y. City. Mexican Armadillo Curio Co., 160 N. nfth ave.,

Chicago. II. Pacific Pennant A Novelty Co., 244 New High,

loe Angeles. Cal. Tlbven’a Pennant Factory, 32 8. Sixth at., Min¬

neapolis. Minn. V. 8. T. A A. Co., 229 N. Desplalnee at., Ch'go.

PHOTOGRAPHERS. Cimnmerclal Photographic Co., 115 Brady at.,

Davenport. la. Y’onng A Carl, 7th A Vine sts.. CTnclnnatl, 0.

PHOTO BUTTON CAMERAS. American Minute Photo Oo., 2214 Ogdeu ave.,

Chicago. Ill. Benson Crmera Co., 23 Delancey st., N. T. C. Chlcag*> Ferrotype Co.. Ferr*>type Bldg., Chicago. International Metal A Ferrotype Co., 122S W.

Twelfth st.. Chicago. HI. N. Y. Ferrotype Co., 1126 S. Halsted, Chicago.

PHOTO. MACHINES (Automatic). rnlt*Hl Y’ending Machine Co., loi'k B<ix 376,

Station H, Cleveland, O.

PICTURE THEATER FOR SALE. Barrlst A Co.. 214 N. 8th at.. Phlla*lelphia. Pa.

PILLOW TOPS. DeMar Mfg. Co., Inc., 107 Oak st., Bnffalo,

N. Y. Eder Mfg. Co., 712 Sveamore st., Milwaukee,

Wls. L R. Engelman. 18 W. 17th st.. New York City. H. r. Evans A Co., 75 W. Y’an Buren st., Chl¬

rago, HI. Fair .\musement Co.. 142 Fifth ave., N. T. C. lAngrock Bn>8., 35 O-mond Place, N. Y. City. New TV>.v Mfg. Co., 2S W. 2«th st.. N. Y' C Jos. Roth Mfg. Co., 57 E. 11th at.. N. Y. C. N. Shure Co., 237-41 W. Madls<>n st., Chicago. O. W. Stivers A Co.. New Y'ork Cltv". Tip T*n> Toy Co., 220 W. 19th st., N. T. C.



28 WMt 20Ch Strwt. New Yprk City

PLAY BALL MACHINES. Play Ball Machine Co., .Yurora. HI.


Acme 1*>.v Mfg. Co., 152 Bleecker at., N. T. C. CAmIval Toy A Mfg. Co., 99 E. 19tli at., N. Y.C.

FAIR AMUSEMENT CO. (42 Fifth Awsue. eer. 19th St.. New York City.

RT^^nlusenlen^^r^R^^lftE^iTm^^^^Tfr Fair A Carnival Supply Co., 383 W. Broadway,

New Y’ork City. R. neiacher A Co., Inc., 56 Walker at., N.Y.C. n.iUilay Novelty Co., 27 K. 4th st., N. Y. City.

Mexican Armadillo Curio Co., 160 N. Fifth ave., Chicago. HI. _

NEW TOY MFG. CO. 28 Wett 20th Street. New York City.

Ne*» Toy Mfg. C*».. 28 W 20th st.. N. Politzer Toy Jlfg. Co., 60 71 Wooster st.. New

Y’ork City.__

JOSEPH ROTH MFG. CO. 57-59 East llth Street, New Yerk City.

Kudolpb Bros., 19 N. 6th at., Philadelphia, Pa. Shajilro A Karr, 320 South st., Pblla. N. Share Co., 2S7-’241 W. Madlaon st.,-Chicago. U. 8 T. A A. Co., '229 N. Desplalne.s at., Ch'go. Singer Bros., 8*2 Flowery, New York City._

TIP TOP TOY CO. 220 West 19th St., New Yerk dty.

Tip Top Toy Co., 220 W. 19th st., N. Y. C.

POPCORN. Dimberger Popcorn Co., 135 Seneca st., Buffalo,

N. Y.

POPPING CORN (The Grain), Bradshaw Co., ‘286 Greenwich st.. New York.

POPCORN MACHINES. C. E. Delienbarger Co., 627 W. Jackaon Blvd.,

Chicago, HI. W. Z. Ix>ng, ir2 High at., Springfield, 0.

POPCORN POPPERS. C. E. Delienbarger Co., 6’27 W. Jackaon Blvd.,

Chicago, Ill. Kingery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O.

PORCUPINES. Llnwood H. Flint, North W’atcrford, Me.

PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS. Kll Bridfce ('o., lloodhousef 111.


Tramlll Portable Skating Kink Co., 13‘23 Agnea at., Kansas City, Mo.

POST CARD MACHINES. Chicago Ferrotype Co., Congress and Lettlin ata.,

Chicago, HI. Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg., St. Ixmia.


Jann-stovvn KerrotJiie Co., 11’26 S. Halsted st., Chicago, Ill.

Star nwil** Machine and Supply Co., 718 S*-. 7th st., Philadelphia, Pa.

PRINTERS, (Of Pictorial Posters, Big-Type Stands, Stream¬

ers, Etc.) -Ymerican Show Print Co., Milwaukee, Wis. DonaUlson I.ttho. Co., Newport, Ky. llennegan A Co., 311 *iene'ee hlvd., Cincinnati. Robert Wiliiiana, 17(1*1 Coniiiieri'e at., Dallas, Tex

PRIZES. (Tases, China, Steins, Etc.)

Falker A Stern Co., 1’24 W. laike st., (hicago.


Brackman-YVeller Co.. 337 W. Madison st., Chi¬ cago, HI.

Fair A Carnival Sup|)ly Co., 283 W. Broadway, S&w Y'ork City.

Ilolsman A Alter Co., 179 W. Madison st., Ch'go. The J. W. H<xpdwin Co., 2949 W. Van Buren

st., Chicago, III. Moe Levin A Co., 337 39 W, Madlaon at., Chi¬

cago, 111. The Tooralne Confectionery Co., 261 Causeway,

Boston, Mass. Watling Mfg. Co., Jackson Blvd., Chicago. D. B. T. A A. Co., 2’29 N. Deaplalnes at.. < b'go.

QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES. Blttelmeyer Printing Works, 1331-33 Y'lne st.,

ITnoinnati. O.

ROLL TICKETS. Donaldson IJtbo. Co., Newport, Ky. National Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa. Boyal Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa.

ROUGE. The Hess Oo., Rochester, N. T. M. Stein Coemetlo Co., 1’20 W. 31st st., N.Y.C.

SAFETY RAZORS. Barham Safety Razor Co., 64 Murray st.. N.Y.C.

SCENERY. O. 1.. Story Scenic Co., Somerville Sta., Boston.


Fred Wilkins A Bro., 27 35 Duke st., IJveri>ool.

SCENIC PAINTERS. (And Dealers in Scenery, Etc.)

M. Amibruster A Sons, 249 Front st., Coiinitbus, Ohio.

The YVm. Beck A Sons Co., Cincinnati, O. Knkeboll Art Co., 5305 N. 27th st.. Omaha. Neb Frank M. Green Scenic Co., 408 Fifth st., louts-

vllle, Ky. John Herfnrth, 2183 Boone st., Cincinnati, O. The M.vers4'arey Studiirs, Fourth and Market

ats.. Steubenville, 0. The New York Stiidioe, 1001 Times Bldg., N.Y’.C'. Schnell's Scenic Studios, 581 S. High st., Co¬

lumbus, O. Soeman A l4in*lis Co., 417 S. Clinton st.. Ch'go. St. loul# Float A S*'enic Co.. 613 Elm st., St.

liouls, Ylo. Syracuse Scenic Co., 906 E. Fayette st., Syra¬

cuse, N. Y’. Toomey A Y’olland Scenic Co., 2312 Market st.,

St. louis. Mo. T'. S. T. A A. Co.. 2'29 N. Ib-spialnes 't.. Ch'go.

SCENIC RAILWAYS. W. F. Mangels Co., Coney Island, N. Y’.

SCENIC STUDIOS. Austin R4iwell, lUlS Hfth ave., Plttshurg, Pa.

SECOND-HAND GOWNS. Barnett, 503 So. State st., (Milcago, HI.

SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS. Crescent City Film Exchange, 8’20 Perdido st..

New Orleans, l4i. Dixie Film Exchange. Owensboro, Kv. U. B. T. A A. Co., ’2-29 N. IH'spIainej* st., (h’go.

iContinoed «>D page 44.)

X li e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1014.

DIRECTORY (Continued from page 43.)

SECTIONAL BUILDINGS. (IfoTiea, Binki and Dance Halli.)

R. L. Kenyon, 4K't Alliert »t., WaukeHlia, Wia.

SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. Berry-Wood IMano Player Co., Kannaa City, Mo.

Gonlon &. MuriiHoii. lUit HOI Ka»t Madiaou at., CliieaKO. III.

TURNSTILES. (Regiatering and Ooin-ControUed.)

F:d Halm 35S Went Madlaon at.. Oilcago. III. Amuaement Salea t>>.. 1W6 Wiaalward a»e.. De- Uuliday Not. Mfi;. C<i.. Hi K. 4th at.. N. Y. C. Jauiea Kelley, HI Ann st.. New Y'ork City. I aiiKtta'k Hn>a., .T.”! (li iiioihi I’lare, N. V. C. Ia‘vln Itrua., Terre Haute. Ind. Newman Mfg. Co., (Ill W<aallaud ave., Clexe

land, I).

trolt, Mich. H. V. Bright, I’rua|>eot BMg., CleTeland, 0. U. H. lAiigalow Co., Kueheater, N. Y,

UMBRELLAS. Frankford Biaia., WOO Fllliert at.. Phlla.. Pa.

Pierce Chemical C".. Pierce Bldg., ndcago. Ill. UNIFORMS A. THEAT. COSTUMES. 1... Keiaa A Co., 3H5 \\ .Madlaon at.. Chicago.

Berry-Miaal Plano Player to., Kanaaa City, Mo. ^ ^ „ . • itilladelolila Pa BeM.mllu Bm*. * Co.. Itept. 10, Greenville, 111.

M™rel\;"rs;,r-H7s‘;rfth ;ve'’“N Sa"ner‘'*“^;’78H Ml«\on‘‘.C.‘^^^^^ Hu-ll Cnlform C«.. -Bkai'Broadway N C. HoA.'! h iM,! Vhie’.eo Shaplio A KarT, 3H0 South at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Weatem Cnlform Co.. HU 8. Clark at.. Chicago. Hudok'h Wurlltwr tlucl^atl and (hlcar>. s. Shore, 237 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago, ill. V ENTRILOQUIA L FIGURES.

SEWING MACHINES. ' Shyruok-TiMid CV>., 824 8th nt., 8t. liOuU. Mo. (Little Worker.) I Singer Broa.. 8H Bowery, New Y'ork City.

Knlckertaaker Hand Sewing Machine Co., 3 E. Snugflt CV>llar Button Co., Y'oungatown, 9. Fourteenth at.. New Y'ork City. WeMaum Cutlery Co., 19 So. IVth ave.. Chicago.

SHETLAND PONIES. STRIKING MACHINE MFRS. Frank P. Healy, Bexlfonl, la. \i Anaterhurg, Homer, Ylioh.

SHOOTING GALLERIES. A. J. Smith Mfg. Co., 3247 Van Buren at., Chi- Beat Shoot. Gal., 52 Wmalward, Belroll, Mich. Paiio, 111. Diamond Novelty Co.. Schenectady. N. V. STRIKER MANUFACTURER. E. E. Hlmde, Vine at I'hlladelphla, Pa ilerachell-SpJIlmau. North Tooawanda. N. Y. H. K. HufTiuan A Son, 3.117 S. Irving ave., Chi- » . oimm

cago Ill. TATTOOING SUPPLIES. W. K. Maiigela, Coney laland. N. V. C. Pr»>f. J. F. Barber, 70H Bruwh at., Detroit,

W. Parker, i.eavenworth, Kan, Mich. The A. J. Kiiillli Mfg. Co., 3247 W. Van Buren TFNTQ

at., (%lcago. ' Wm. Wnrffleln, H0« N. Second at., Philadelphia. American Tent k Awning Co.. 307 Waablngton

Ben Hobaon, 1590 Anixterdam ave., N. Y'. t'ity. Thou. Mack k S->n. tlHI S Clinton at.. Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. F. M. Bamoa, 36 S. State at., Chicago, Ill. Theo. Hamlin, Mlnnea|>olla, Ylinn. Jonea, Idnick k Schaefer, 110 S. State at., Chi¬

cago, 111. Sullivan k Conaldine Circuit, New Y'ork City. United Biaddng tlfflcea, MIK? Broadway, N'.Y'.C, Weatem Vaudeville Ylanagera' Aaan., Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENTS (American). o a 1 o D 1 . J- Alok. Orphcum Theater Bldg., Yiontreal, Prx>f. J. F. Barber, 70H Bruwh at., Detroit, Quebec, Can.


ave.. North, Minnea|iolia, Minn. Baker k lx>ckw<MMl, Seventh and Wyandotte at*..

Kanaaa City, Ylo.

Quebec, Can.

VAUDEVILLE (Mail Ingtructiong). Frederic lA Delle, Station 0, Jackaon, Yllcb.



Cincinnati School of Expression

GREENWOOD BLDG., itk aad Vlaa. inth Yiar tHgtn* Keptmaher 14. Complete l-rtdxTMttaial Cuurar with

HARl. L. DIETZ tSlage IHiwtor <>n>heam inmtfw. Vltagraph

CO. I.hhlrr k Co. etc.) EVENING CLASSES.

('all or arnd for catalog.

Clifford, Billy, in Bellrve YIe: Oxford, N. 7; Ualelgb 8; Fayetteville 9; GohUboro 10; J{(M-ky Mount 12; Tartxiro 13; Greenville 14; Waahlugton 15; Nrwhem 16; Wilmington 17.

Convict 30.394, AI Slivrtell, mgr.: Waablngton. D. V'., 2. Itidef.

Da.ldy I.,oiig la-,;a, with Kiith Chatferton (Henry Mlller'at: iGaiety i .N. V. C., Indef.

Fred J. Beaman. Senate Office Bldg., Waablngton Daieliig .Vnniiid: tWlntcr Ganleui N. Y. C..

Ackermau-Qiilgley Co., 115 W. I'lftb at., Kan- I George B. Carpenter k Co., CWcago, HI. aa* City, Mo. Cleveland Tent k Awning C-o., Cleveland, O.


iiidcl. Dawn. Haa<'!. In The In-liiitaiite (John C

Klalicr'ai; Baltimore, .Md., 510.

Planet Kliow Print and Engraving House, Chat- Columbui Tent k Awning Co., Columbu*, O. 7'yplMJua Fan Co., 1544 Broadway, N. Y'. City, | Uwu't t'l Voiir tVife (Priiurose k MiHilllan’a

bam. Out., Cau.

SIDE-SHOW CURIOSITIES. Nelfton Snplily, 514 E. 4th at.. So. Boston, Maaa.

SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS. Bnkeholl Art Co., 5305 N. 27th at., Omaha, Neb.

Camie-Goudle Co.. 307 Delaware at., Kauaaa City, Mo.

VOICE CULTURE. M<mroe Theatrical Scbool. Chicago. HI.

Dougherty Broa.' Tent Co., 109 South Main at., I Paraoa Price, 2 W. 29tb at.. New Y'ork City. St. IxiuU, Mo.

Fulton Bag k Cotton Milla, New Y’ork, St. lioula. New Orleana, Atlanta and Dallaa, Tex.

Prof. Ijeonardo Urlche, 114 W. 7'2d at., N.Y'.C.

WATCHES. H. J. Hayden k Coi. 106 n’wa.T. Brooklyn, N. Y. J- O. G<»a k Co.. Detroit. Ylioh.

Narthcnii; Blue Ksrth, Mluu., 7; St. Jauiea 1«: Sleepy Eye 12.

IXm't IJe tu Viiur Wife (PrItiiMaw & McGlBau'a Svntherui; KIIIuw>ia<l. Kan.. 7; lutrued 8; Pratt 12; Anihouy 13.

Drew. Jolin iCbas. I'rohman'al: (Kmpirel N. Y. C . imlef.

N'lchola Co., lAke View, Worceater, Maaa'. The Kuukely T. k A. Co.. 163 South at., N.Y.C. Holaman k Alter, 179 W. YCtdlaon at., Chicago. Anattn Rowell. 1215 Fifth ave., PittabuiK, Pa H. Magee k Son, Inc., 147 F'ttUon at., N. Y. C. N. Shore Co., 237-241 W. YiadUon al., CTUcago. J. IT. Tadiurtl, 728 8. Second at.. St. l,oula Mo Murray k Co.. Inc.. S'HS W. Fulton at . Chicago. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, New York Caty. O. S. T. A A Co., 229 N. Deafilalnea at Ch'go Kehm Co.. 214 Waablngton at.c New York City. United Watch Co., So. 5 Wabaab ave., Chicago.

SILK FLAGS. PENNANTS AND TS^reTD^ck''Atubl^;r*cl.'’n':^m^^ WATCH MANUFACTURERS. STREAMERS. T. A A. Co., 229 N. Desplalnea at., Ch'go. Hlpp. Didlabelm A Btv., .14 Malden lAue, New

Bediin Co., 214 Waablngton at.. New York City. TENTS TO RENT. SKATES. The Kunkely T. A A. Co., 163 South at.. N.Y.C. WHALE DIVES.


STREAMERS. Behm Co., 214 Waablngton at.. New York City.


N Shore Co.. IW^IW'. YladUop M. OUcago. RlUnge" J„il." l.rThc Crlmdlne Girl: Newark.


N. J.. 5-1(1. Elder Son (Wm. Brady'sl: (Playhouael S.

Y. C., Indef, Pierywoman < Henry W. Savage'ai: Williama

l«irt. Pa.. 7; Scranton 8; IldtKVllle 9; Ix-hanon 1(1; Harrlahnrg 12; York 13 14; Unlontown 1,1; ConiielNvllle 16. Fairmont, W. Va., 17.

Chicago Roller Skate Co.. 1123 Waablngton M. Ylagce A Son. Inc., 147 Fulton at.. N. Y. C. Blvd.. Chicago.

M. C. Henley, Richmond. Ind. Ulcbardmin BallJBearlng Skate Co., 154 E. Erie

at., Chicago, III.

SLOT MACHINES. (Manufacturera and Dealera In.)

Brunawlek ( o., l(i3;t Race at.. Philadelphia, Pa. Diamond Nxxvelly C<»,, Schenectady, N. Y. SatloDal Vending Mach. Co., MlnneaiMdia, Minn. l'erfe<-i|on Nove'ly Co., S42 N. Ninth at., Phlla.

Itehm Co.. 214 Waahlniton at.. New York City. C. 8, T. A A. Co., 229 N. Deaplalne* at., Ch'go.

THEATER SUPPLIES. la*ara' Tlieater Supply Co., >109 Cheatnnt at.,

Sr. Ionia, YCo.

THEATER TICKETS. (Roll and Reiarred Seat Coupon.)

«• i> i-t-a 1.1.... n.o..b ExiH'rieiice (Wm. Elllotfal: Cleveland 5 10. V V • ^ ^ • Favorsham. Wm.. in the Hawk I.eonard I

lyn, A. 1. tJallaiSicr, mgr.: iShuliertt N. Y’. C.. Indel WHEELMEN’S CANDY.

The Touralne Confectionery Co., 251 Caiiaeway, Boaton, Ylaaa.


SkiinNoT Co' X o.i ? • , THEATRICAL COSTUMES. l^ted IVn^'^ MacViViie Co Cleveland” O Coatume Co.. 226 W. 41at at., N. Y. C. initeo vemung .viaciiiiie to., Cleveland. O. York Coatume Co.. 140 Dearborn at.. Chi'go.

(Roll and Reiarred Seat Coupon.) ^ o*"' HI ** . ... A. M. Buch A Co., 119 N. »th at.. Philadelphia.

.Lnaell Ticket Co., 1.14 E. Erie at., Chicago, III. Kettler Wig Co., 58 W. Washington at.,

THEATRICAL COSTUMES. Chicago. Ill. Eavea Coatume Co.. 226 W. 41*t at.. N. Y. C. Plucker A Ahrens. 168 t\ . 48th at., N. Y. City.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. THEATRICAL COSTUMES A WIGS Exhibit Supply Co.. 542 8. Dearborn at., Chicago. Chicago Coatume Works. 143 North Dearborn at.

SLUM AND FLASH GOODS. A.*^ pJieger.*521 Walnut at.. St. louls, YIo.

New Y’ork Coatume Co.. 140 Dearborn at.. Chi'go. Mlggery, '209 So. State at., Chicago. HI.


Karl Guggenheim, S'JO Broadway, N. Y. C.

SNAKE DEALERS. Armalrong Snake Co., San Antonio, Tex. Browuarllle Snake Farm, Box 275, Brownsrille

Tex. W. A. Snake. King. Brownsrille, Tex. W. Odell l4>am, San Antonio, Tex,

SONG BOOKS. Wm. W IVlaney, 117 Park Row, N. Y. C.

SONG BOOK PUBLISHERS. W B. lluhliH, 32 Union Square, N. Y'. C.

SONG SLIDES. (For lUuitrated Songs.)

Chicago Song Slide Exchange, 37 South Wabaali are.. Chicago, HI.

latetnmle Film Service. 204 W. laike at., (Chi¬ cago: Mlnneapoli*, Omaha, lies Moine*.

tiallaglicr, mgr.: iShuliertt N. Y’. C.. Indef. Fiiu ^^■athenl (Esaterni: Waehtngton, N. C.,

7: Newlnrii 8: Wilmington 9; Ijutrinhiirg 10; Kaveltevillc 12. Durham 13; SallKhiiry II; Cliarlotte 15; Cheater. S. C., 16: luinca-ter 17.

Fine Kcatlicr- (Jonee A CrJiie'a), E. B. Her¬ rington mgr.: Bcardatown. HI.. 9; Burling fit. la.. II: IHoomtlel.l 15; Bethany. Mo.. 26.

Fine Fealhera: (Victoria) Chicago 4-10. llreAr The. (Jeo. .\ F.dee. ir-e.; Worceater,

Mais,. 89; Dover. N. H.. 12-1*. Flake. .Mrs., to. (H. G. Flake's): lodianapolla

.17: Philadelphia 12 24. Fo'lies |(o|iert-on. Percy Burton, mgr.: (Garrick)

Chicago .131 For the l.ove of Mike (Mcbolaon'a): Plttahurg

5 10.

Chicago Coatume Worka. 143 North Dearborn at., WILD WEST COSTUMES. Chicago .1-31. Chicago, Ill. C. P. Shipley, Kanma City, Mo.. America'a ‘‘’'V .''**■ l-NIcbolaon'a): Plttahurg

Paeper, 521 Walnat «t., St. Ix>uii« Mo. Urfrext nitnufacturert. Catalogue froe. o lO.


W. Waller, 79 City Road, Ixtndon. Hagenbeck, 8. A. Stephan. Americacn Agt., ’J K'eletli n; Stillwater 14; 8t_ Ch.nd THEAT. FOLDING BICYC'.ES. PAD- Z«o, ClnclnnaU, O. ' = I«- l- Cr aao. Wla.. 1,.

DLE WHEELS AND BICYCLES. «rand at.. New York City. tiardeii of Allvh ilhe l.lebler Co. a); ( umlier

KaBa^lan Expert 817 0»K ai^.. Boston M.*^^ XYLOPHONE. G„?"pt g .s„lVivai. Fe-tiv.l Co.: Sacramento.

J” V' ■*- S. Deagan, Berteau and E. Uavenawood Park « al.. 8 9: l'..rtlaial. Ore.. 12 17. M, Fluegelman. 664 Eighth are., near Forty- Chicago Ill <',lrl II- Couldn’t Bur to K. Wee'ai: Man

second at.. New York City. ' • • • . . _ _ ... -- --


J M. I.earltt A Co., 714 Eighth are.. New Y’ork 11L» 06 ITIUOlLtiLlJ City. Oldewt house In this line In the United Adama. Maude tChaa. Fcdiiiiaii'at Atlantic

DRAMATIC & MUSICAL state* Established in 1878.

TICKET CHOPPERS. Amusement Sales Co., Goldberg Bldg., 995

Wotxlward are., Detroit, Mich.

City, N. J.. 67; Platiifleld 8;

Moore41ubtMdI k Co.. Maaoiilc Temple Chicago Woodward are., Detroit, Mich. e>/M ixpaii n txx.aa.. .a.e. H. 1. Bright. Prosjiect Bldg., Cleveland. O SOUVENIR WHIPS AND PENNANTS R. H. Igngalow Co.. RochtNtter, N. Y. Advance Whip TICKET PRINTERS.

ArMin, B AtTwetu r , Auaell Ticket Co., 1.14 1.16 E Erie *t.. Chlcai Arthur R. Albertis (o., . Fulton at., Brooklyn. App„, Ticket Co.. 633 Plymouth Court. Chlcg

_ Nathuial Ticket Co.. Shamokin. Pa. SPANGLES AND TRIMMINGS. Ro.ral Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa.

,ji,| „r My Dream.. Coutt. A Teii J . .'v- I.-" j I a Gna-iilleld. Maaa., 7; Bellowa Fall

‘■•r? *itri Outlaw. Clyde Amtenem. mar. .\dele (New Era Producing (Grand O. H.) CinclUDati S-IO.

Alias Jimmy Valentine (Jonea A Crane's), K. J. Caddo, mgr.: NHiraaka ilty. Neb., 10; Wah<M> 1’.': Albion 15; llaatlng* 17.

SIEGMAN A WEIL 18 A 20 Catl 27tli 84.. New Yarit.

Ro.ral Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa. Trimnunt Presa, 87 Albany at.. Boaton, Mi Weldon. W’llllania A IJck, Ft. Smith. Ark.

TIGHTS. Anglin. Margaret: (Broad St.) Phllailelphia,

Indef. .Arthur B. .Albertis Co., 7 Fiiltiiu at., Brooklyn. I Hc-xitlfiil Adventure (C'ia« Frohman'a); (l.y

SPECTACLES AND EYF Di Gantner A Mattem Co., Grant ave. and P<at c.u)nii N. Y'. C.. tndef. Singer Brw K ^rrery. New Y’ork ® at., San Franclaco._ (Kl.w A Krlangcr’a): Spnngneld.

SPIRIT GUM. THEATRICAL TIGHTS AND 8VMMETRICALS. Billy the' Kid: P.irtland. Me.. 7; Waterhur.r. M Stein Cosmetic Co I'XO W Ha) at V f* LEOTARDE AND ALL KNIT GOODS. C<inn., 10.

___ - . 3 t St., N. Y. C. Oantnar A Mattem Co.. Grant Are and Poa* 8L. Blindness of Virtue (Dave Icwla Inc ). Frank

wiHul 9: .Ashland. Wia., 10; Hlhhilig, MiliB.. 11 IJ; Kveleth 13; Stillwater 14; 8t Ch.nd 1.1; Red \A ii:c 16; lai Cn-aao, Wla., 17.

Garden of .Allth (The l.lebler Co.’s): Cumlier land Md.. 16 17

Gllla-rt A .8(illivan Fe-tlval Co.; Saeraiiiento, Cal.. 89: l'ortIa(al. Ore.. 12 17.

Girl 111- Conidn't Buv (O K. W’ee'ai: Man cheater N. H.. .17; Westerly, R I.. HI; WII liuiaiitlc. Conn., 14; Dauielaou 15; Slyrtlr 16; W<ail(a<M-ket, R. 1., 17.

Girl He C.xildn't But (O. E. Wee’s); Sandusky, O , 9; Elkhart. Did.. 10; Battle ( rei k. Mleb.. II' Joiieaville 12: Benton Harbor 15; MtchlgsB City. Did. 16; Kankakee, HI.. 17.

GhI of My Dreams, Coutts A Teiinla, mgra.: tiriu.nlleld. .Maaa., 7; Belhiwa Falla, Vt., 8.

Girl Outlaw'. Clyde .Amleraon. mar.: Scottdal*. I'a., 7; .Moi'.eaaeii 8. lam irj 9; Charleroi 10: I alette City 13; Br>wnai|lle II; CuiontowB 15: Duuhar 16: CuiiiieMavlIle 17.

Girl A the Tramp (l-'red Byers’ Wi'stern) C. F. .Mann, mgr.: lller. Id., 7: Burley K; Blackfoot 9. Slielle.i III; Itexhiirg 12; Sugar City IS; Drsgga 14. St .Aiitlhiiiy 1.1; Idaho Falla 16; Dillon. M-iiit.. 19.

Great Divide il'riniiinu A McGlllan'a): ElglB. la , 7. I'.irivllle 8; Garner It); Alliert lira, Minn.. 11.

Manky Paiiki : .New Orleans. Ijl., 4 K). lleiirt of a Thief (('has Fndiman’al: (lliidma)

N Y. C lllllef. He Cornea l'|i .Smiling I .A H Womls'): (Ub

erlyi N. Y' (’.. Indef. High C)»al of I,oVliig (A. H W.aala’): (Republic)

N. Y. C.. ludef.

SPORTING GOODS. H. C. EvauB A Co., 75 \\’. Van Buren at., Ch'go. H. C. Hunt A Co.. 100 N. Fifth are., Chicago. Illinois SiH.rtliig Giaida <Vi., Dili N. .1th ar.. Ch'go Kernan Mfg. Co.. 11.1 So. Dearborn st., Chicago.

STAGE HARDWARE. J. R. Clancy. KaiO W. Belden ave.. Syracuse.

N. Y. A. W. Geratner Co.. (>;t4 8th ave., N. Y’. C.


1 Hurst, mgr.: Allenluwu, Pa,, 5-7;>(>lb, I Hojlge. \A m.. In "The Road to Ha|>|6nesa (l^ee •> V . ' O To (Aiiuherl'al ; iWI biir) lloalon Indef.

SIEGMAN & WEIL IS A 20 East 27tli New York.

N. J . 8 10. Blue Bird (Messrs. ShiilaTts'I: Scranton, I’a.,

5 7. Itoiiglit A Paid For (Win. .A. Ilrady'ai: Clinton,

SliuberCai: iWllbiir) Boston. Indef. Innocent (.A. H. Wood's): tKItliigei N Y'. C.,

Indef. It I'aya To Advertlai-; (Cohan's Grand O. II )

N Y. C.. Indef. STAGE HARDWARE Gantner A Ylattem Co., Grant ave. and Poat Jf," Ji,V.""i"l' V ’ M^>rrl8..n j,»e,ih aiul Ilia linthren iThe l.lebler (o.'a)

v"'.. "• ■^oTpalloon.l «.^^:g..‘.g:^rp“^':r.:;r’VGnVs.t.;:7:-v;^^ New.rk, .n. . JL VI* t lY a ZV" K X? V yh * ^ Dl Al (1., fllO

ima#e-?^Dve ' * ' Faultless Rubber Co., Ashland, O. Broken lUsiarr (Dilblnaky (onairillon *): Mar- of i.aiid (Wm. A Ilrady'ai; N. Y. < STAGE JEWELRY. Fagle ItuMK*r Co., Ashland, O. ahalllown. la.. 11; t.rundy (enter 13; 1 raer indef.

Arthur B. .AllM'rtia Co.. 7 Fulton *t., Brooklyn. Ed Hahn. XIH W. Madlaon at., Chicago, Ill "aterhio 18. IJttle I^ait Slater. John lleriiero. mgr : l/>u - A H. Hendler A Co.. 1061 Market at., San B'^ke. BtlHe « haa. I-numian a): Toronto ,.10; |^y 4 l„. i„.ii,,„,H,l|a. Did . 12 17.

At \A/^II Francisco. 1, « n .. ... 1 m n ••• Mexico. Walllr Slepheiia. mgr.: Itogai OL WtIL. Lh.vd Marlin 1807 V.uing *t.. (Inclnnatl, O, Buster Brown. (I^ffler-Bratlon t a). PhlU 7; s- Sallaluirv 9; Orrlck 1

18 A 20 East 27th 8«., New Yoft. Massillon Uubtier Co., .Masalllon, G. Ji.I*J ' ‘‘''■'"••K 1-14; Norleiriic Id; l.lniieua 14. Bniwnliig 15; l’i Naaelli Bros., 32 Atlantic ave., Boston, Maaa. « ^1 **i </• um a. %• vt.. • '*'• "'akeiida 17.

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. Q Nervlone. 448 N. Franklin at.. Chicago, Ill. ^*J' V.""’. * 'I«''1‘ll. R<>>>rrt It : Atlanlle City N. J.. 5 Kliegl Bnm.. 240 W. .lOtli at.. New York Cltr. Gcrge A Paturel, 470 Fourth ave., N. Y. City. *"'’•’1 Sterling, 111., l.i, Marrla<in 16. < islar Mason. John, In Drugged ( .A II Wiaala'): B

cxACP CUrtPC ' Rulhdph Bros., 19 N. 5th at., Philadelphia, Pa. Kainda, la., 17. t,,n (>,.( jq

(*o<liir In.. II; 12 <*bt('ago till 17 Bringing I’p Father (Gna Ilill'ai: Baltimore, kHIv MarKay (Wm. ElllotCai: Newark. N. J

Md., f» Irt. r, Broken lUiaary (Dilblnaky Conairill.m'a): Mar- ij|„ of | ,„d (\Vm. A Brady'sl; N. Y. C

ahalllown, la., 11; Grundy Center 13; I raer Indef. 14; Waterloo 18. IJtlU I .hi) Slater Jnlm u..riien. mirr • I oiil<

SIEGMAN A WEIL 18 A 20 East 27th St.. New York.

STAGE SHOES. Kaidda. la., 17.

Ijiw of the l.aiid (Wm. A Ilrady'ai; N. Y. C., Indef.

IJttle I»at Slater. John lleriiero. mgr.: l/tul« vllle, Ky., 4 10: IndlaiiaiMdla. Ind , 12 17.

I.'iat In Mexieo. Walllr Slepheiia. mgr.; llogard, .Mo., 7; Cvmdeii S; Sallaluirv 9; Orrlck 12: Norleiriic Id; l.liiiieiia 14: llmwiiliig 1.1; Pur din 16; Wakeiida 17.

Malitell. Itoliert It : Atlanlle City N. J.. 5 10

ton 28 (let. 10.

.lack's Sh-K- srop. 49.1 Sixth ave. N Y. City. s|iry,aHi.T<a1d'Cs... 824 N.'s'th at.. St. ia.tila. Mol Nicely Bria-., 7_) \\. Madlwm *t., CJiicago. I singer Broa. 82 Bowery, New Y'ork City.

STEREOPTICONS. Chii*. M. Stelioliis, 1028 Main at.. Kanaaa City., .oe.. vra.iae, .s. a.


N. Shure <-'o.. 237-241 W. Madison at., Chicago. I Calling of Dan Matthews (Gaaklll A MacVllty'a, I M-liityre A Heath (It. Waslilngton. D. C.. 5 10.

TRANSFORMERS. .. - - - - -- , Thomaa A. Edlaon, Inc., Orange, N. J.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. TRICKS. MAGIC, ETC. V 'I'oronto. Can. M.rtlnka A Co.. 493 Sixth ave., N. Y. City. K. Block Mercantile Co.. 241-24;{ Market at., .v e. i i «

San Frail, iaiai. TRUNKS. Be-k Fro- . .129 Bn^dway, New York City. B B- * B. Trunk Co., 447 Wood at., Plttahurg. Brackman Weller Co., 337 W. Madlaon at.. Cbl- Herkert A Melael, 608 Waah. are., Kt. Ixuila, Mo.

Ine.); Montleelln. la.. 7; Manchester K; In- Midnight Girl: (llllnolai Chicago 4 ludef dependenee 9; Galena. HI.. 10: Duhiique. la.. .Miracle Man (Cohan A llarri.’) (Aalor) N. Y. 11; Strawtierry Point 12: Elgin 13; ISuorah (’.. Imlef. 14: Charlea City 15; (laage 10; Mason City 17. Mia. Dalay (Philip Bartholomae’a); (Irric) N.

Calling of Dan Matthews (Gasklll A MacVllty'a. V. ('., Indef. Inc.l: Toleilo, <)., 4 7; I8>nance 8; Hunting. Misleading lady: I'lsttshiirg, N. Y.. 7; Port Ion. Ind., 9; Ft. Wayne 10; Detroit, Mich., 1117.

Camille (Gertrude Ewing). Wm. N. Smith, mgr.; Wlilteatausi, Ok., 7; Kanger, Tex., 8;

1 Galnearllle 9; Wichita Fall* 10; Electra 12;

Henry 8; Uiitlaml. VI Hi: llelpiKa Kalla 12. Mlaaoiiri Girl (.Merle II Nortoii'a Eastern):

Hlcksrllle, ()., 7. D<u-itur. Did.. 8; Newcastle 9; Muhcle 10; Ft. I(e,>u\er.v, o., 12; Bowling Green 17.

H A. Brown A Sou. 2.12 Aldi r *t.. Portland. P. C. Yiurphy Trunk Co.. 8t. lamia. Mo. la-atherold Mfg. (o., 43 \\. 16tb at., N. Y. City. I Frederick, Ok., 13; fhllllcothe, Tex., 14, I Mlawiiirl Girl (Merle II Norton'a Weatern)

Qiiaiiah 15; Memphis 16; Clarendon 17. Ore. , Newton A Son. 30 Elm at.. Cortland, N. Y. Candr Shop (IpM-k A Kultoni: l.iiicoln Neh.,

Coe Votige A Co., 90.1 Idicaa are., St. I»ula. Mo. | lli *e Trunk Co. Ateldaon. Kvn. (I.7

E. M D-'M* Sum Co., '226 224 .No. Desplalue* Syracuse Trunk Co.. 444 8 Salint. Syracute, N.T, Carle William* (Clia* I'rohman'al (Kelth'a) St.. Chteaso, III. C. A. Taylor Trunk Worka. :i5 E. Itandulph at., Cleveland 5-10; (Palacei N. Y'. ('. 12 17.

W. C Isslge n..\ 243. Dayton. O I'lilcago. Ml. Centurr Oyiera Co. (Mesara. .\ls>rii'a); (Century) M CeilsT. 72:< S- utli st.. Philadelphia, Pa. ] William Bal. Inc., 145 W. 45th at., N. Y. (Jlty. N. Y’. C.. Ihdef.

Elkton, 8. I)., 7; ('leMr laikc N; Oriley tO; Midirllge 17.

MIsMUirt Girl (Merle II. Norton's Northern): I'ivcaisintaa, la, 7. Maratlion 8: I-aiireiia 9; Or.vnge Ilty 10; Sutherland 12: I'elerson 13; Mal'nrd II: SanlHiin 15; liiwooil 16; Canton. S D.. 17.


OCTOBER 10, 1014. 4^ Xlie Billboard

•Mill! Ai J<-IT lu No. 1): iiiinnio r> iti.

Mull A jeir lu (‘iim lllll'ii No. 2»: TlJ- l..r. IVi., 7; IVunil** h; Wo-o tt, F'l. Worth lo.

Ml i:ra| <>lrl. with Vli'hir 3lorlc;, J. C. Kaic l•lllt uiicr.: I^-hauon. I'a., 7; I'ottatown 8; Kraillug V; llarrlaliurg lU; Atlautic City, N. .1 . 11: Waablugtou. li. C.. 12 17.

N.arijr .Marriril il'ohau h liarria'i: (Carrirki l-hilailelphla 2b U<-t 10.

oil. oh, lu-liililiir iKIaw A Krlauger'a i. Mohilp, \la.. 10: .New Urlrana 1117.

ai'llara, liakt-. lu Jark'a Uouiaii'p 1 Aiiiowtiia IM'Ui'a. Jr.l: Kaiiaaa lit), lln , 4 III: St. J.. 11: IJlK-olii. .NpIi., 12; Omaha 13 14; < ■•luiiihiia to: Sioux Clt). la.. Ill 1H.

o,.' Saaiiaou <'o., \lartiu itowrra, mgr.: Illni'k- l. .V. lliiiu., 7; Mora b.

o.j.iir. the Tviitiuakpr, with (liiy llatp* l*oat I fulljr A llurklaiiil'a. Iiir.l: iLjriri I'lm-lo- ii.ttl 5 III: l‘ltt*iiiirg 1217.

<iio- lia;: llpa .Molupa, la.. A 7. Oik- lilrl Id a -Million: il.uSallpi Cbl'-aK.. InApf. Oil Irlal iTohau A llarria'i M'aoillpri N. Y.

I , liidpf. vii..' Woiuaii'a IJfp: Iiayton, O . A 0. ri''i|..u. Sarah. In Ylip IJtllp Shp|ibpril of liar-

gaiu How iriiltPil I'laj I’o.'a. luc.): Rlkador, l».. 7. t'lliitou 8; Havriiiiort B; Cpdar Kaplila lo. Watorl.o 11; IT. luxlgp 12: ( arroll u, r'-paton 14; t'larluila 1.1; KpiI Oak HI; I.ln- .■oln. Npb.. 17.

r» r of Sixoa III. II. I'raipp’n: iCorti fill- . 1ml. f.

I'air .if .slx.-a III. II. Kraxp.i'a Wpalpriii' S.iii ’ I'ranrla.o 27 Oft. 10.

i'ai.alDc Show of IBU (Mpaira. Sbubort'a): I'hlla- ilflpbla 5, lodpf.

ration W. It., Id Thp Oood Samaritan. Frank K. Smith mgr.: Trapr, la., 7; Aaamoaa 8; Nprada 10; Ilpa Molnoa 11.

rpfk’i Bad Boy, with Tiny I.ronp, H. J. Wal- lai-p, mgr.: Antler, N. D.. 7; Weatboiip 8; s..urla B; Bottlopau 10; Willow City 12; T.iwupr 1.1: Newherg 14; Maxbaaa 1.1; Glen- burn lA; Minot 21.

IVc o’ .My Heart with Blanche Hall (Ollrer Moroaco’al; Ureenahoro, N. C.. 7; Durham 8; Kalpigb B; Fayrtterllle 10; Wilmington 12; Charlotte IS.

I’fg o’ My Heart, with Peggy O’Neil (Ollrer Morowo’al; (Garrlrkl Chicago, indef.

f’l-g •>’ My Heart, with Florence Martin (Ollrer Moroaco’a): (CVirtl IViaton. iiBlef.

I’olly of thp I’lrcua: Toronto 5-10. foT I.lttle Rich yirl (Klaw A Erlanger’a):

Minneaiailia. Minn.. .1-10; .St. I’anl 12-17. 1’otai‘h A I’erlmuttpr (A. H, W.ioda'i: I’adiicah,

Ky.. 7; Jackanti. Tenn.. 8; Chattanooga 9.10; Kipitrllle 12-13; Lexington, Ky., 14-16; Bowl- ing Green 17.

<’"ta-h A I’prlmntter (A. H. Wooda’I: (Olym¬ pic 1 Chicago, Indef.

I’ola-h A I’erlmutter (A. H. Wooda’I; (Tre- m. iDtl Boaton 5. Indef.

Crtfp of Honor. Kogga A Shaner, mgra.; Creat- line, O.. 7; Plymouth 8: Sycamore 9- .Attica lo; Carer 12: McC..,nf 13; Holgate 14

I’rlnce of Pllaen. with John W. Kanaone. Perry J Kelly, mgr.: Wlieeliiig. W. Va., 7 Mari¬ etta. O.. 8; lIuntlngtoD, W'. Va.. 9: Charhaton 111: Staunton. Va.. 12; Cliarlottparlll.- 1.;; lynchhurg 14: Dinyille 15; Greenab.'ro. X. c. lA; WInaton Salem 17. * '

t’riallgal Son. Oacar Graham, mgr.: Canyon city. Tex.. 7; Tulla 8, l,ul,hofk 9; Plalnview lo; .Amarillo 12. Mrmphia 13: Chlldn-aa 14; <’hli;icotlp lo: Vernon 16. Oklaunion 17.

MeN-cca of Sunnylina>ke Karin ll.efller Itratton Co.’ai: New York City 5 10; Ppirldence 12- 17

Ihia.iry. The llh wland A Cllfford’a. Inc.l. Geo. V. Holliday, mgr.: ClereUnd. O.. .■■•Hi; Kt. Wayne. Ind., 11: PIttahnrg. Pa , 12 1':

Itouiid Cp: I’hlladeliAila 5 10. St. Ivnia. Ruth, Co., R. St. Denla gen. mgr.:

Cedar Raplda. la.. 7; Dea .Moinea v; Maraball- town 9; Maaon City 12; Waterhai 1,3; Du¬ buque 14 Cllnto" 15; Kan Claire. Wia.. 16; Wluona, Mina.. IT.

Nanderaon, Jukia-Donald Brian Joa. Cawthorn Cimblnatlon. In The Girl From Ctah (CTiaa. Prohman'al: 1 Knickerbocker) N. Y'. C.. In- lef.

Sari (Henry W. Sarige'a Weateml: Bnlfilo. Y. Y., 5 10; KImIra 12; Auburn 13; Ithaca 14; Rocheater 15 17.

Sari (Henry W Sarage’a Eaatern): ManaAeld. ‘I., 7; IJma 8; TKlIn 9; Sandnakr 10; Elyria 12; Aahtabnla 13; Warren 14; Bntler. Pa., 1.1; Bearer Falla lA: Eaat IJrerpool. ().. 17.

SfhelT, Frltil. In Prettr Mra. Smith (Ollrer Moroaco’al; (CaaIno) N. C. Indef.

thydemWr Morn 1 Row land A Clirronl a. Inc ). Fred Douglaa mgr.: MndUy. O.. 7; Fremont 8; RellPTiie 9: Tirtln tO: Hiieynia 12; ManaAeld 13; Wooater 14; C,»hocton 1.1; Zanearllle 16; Newark 17.

S. i.temher M-rn (Rowland A ClKford’a. Inc., Circuit). Wm. Ia*mle. mgr.: (Iniperlall C'hi- bgo 4 10; St. l/uila 11-17.

S“|.temher Morn iRonland A Cllffopra, Inc., ''aatirnl. Will K1Ip>.t, mgr.: Steiilienrille O.. 7; IVhcdIng. W. A’a.. 8 10: RelUlre.. 11 12: \\’a)n*H.bnrg. Pa.. 13: Green«burg 1.1; Con ne'Iarllle lA: I’nlotifcwn 17.

Sfien IRuirn In New York (IV E. Wiu-’al- John- *mhnrg. Fa.. 8; ('IcarAeld 9: Dun<da 10: Reynoldarllle 12; Pnnrantawney 13; Indiana 11; luitPde 15; Irwin 111; Ilarioateioi 17

S.ien Kera to Haldoate t('ohan A Harrla'l: iTremont) Roaton 5 10.

S.-reii Keya Raldpate (Cohan A HarrIa’I. Itomklrn .1-10.

Sli. pberd’a Call (E 11. pcrry'a Cenlrall. Eugene 'I. I’urklaa. mgr • Tliornton. la,. 7; Plymouth 8 Kgnawha 9; Relmcnil 10.

Sb.-idierd of the llllla (Gaaklll A MacVIttr’a. lie.); Sbennmloali la.. 7: Ilurlliigtoti Jet.. Mo.. 8; Trent">n 9: Milan 10; Klrkarllle 12: '^^dumbua 14. .Montgomery City 1,1; Albui. Ill.,

S . pherd of the Hllla (Gaaklll A MacVItty a, Ine.): .American Falla Id. 7: Potatello S; I. gan. r., 9: Brigham 10; (igden 11 Salt Lake City 12 14: R<vk Sprtiiga. Wr.. 1.1: Ijinmie lA: Creelev, cd.. 17

Siiorey. Kthel May. F S ('ampliell. mgr • Pat ten. Me. 5 7; Sherman Mllla s lU; .Aali'and 12 IT.

S'> Hnpkina. with Roae Melville Walter S It ildwtii. nigr.: DftP'lt. Mich.. I li>; Grand Rapt la 11 17.

Skl-iPfr, (itla. In ia,e Silent Vo|.-e (('barli-a r o|;man’al: .Atlartle City.- X. J . 9 10. Waa'.i. Iu-.:ti«n. II, (• . 12 17.

Spiart S**t, 'Tri-ror I,. C’orwell. mgr * Ronham. Tea 8: I’arla 9; Clarkarltle 10 I8'ul«on 12: Dallna 13 14- Ft. Worth 15 16; Waco IT

Spendthrift ID E. Wee’al; Aahlaiid. I’a, 8; Chlragia Jet. IV. 9; niidiar 10 Kfiitoii 12; Atliepa 1.3; GPuiater It \e1-*>livlll,- M. Belle fontalne lA; Sanduakr 17

Starr. Praneea In The Sia-ret W a«hlngton, D C.. 5 10

Stewart. .May, J. E. Cline, mgr.: Greenrllle, O.. 7; Van Wert 8; Huutlugton, Ind., B.

Story of the Riaiary (Rowland A Clifford'a, Inc.): (Manhattan) N. Y. C., Indef.

Suiiiiy s->uth. J. C. K<><-kwell. mgr.: Orono. Ont.. 7: iiHuawa 8; Rowuianrllle B; Whitby 10; Port Perry 12; L'libtidge 13; Suixlerlami 14; Can- iilug’ou 15; Gravenhurat 16; Kracebridge 17.

reiii|H'>t, .Marie: Toronto 4-10. That Printer of Cdell’a iGxMkIII A MacVltty’a,

Ine.): Lake .Mllla. la.. 7; Spirit Lake 8: Siierliurne B; Luke Park 10; Eiumettaburg 13; Giaettliiger 14. Sutherland 15; Ayrahire 16; Rutbieii IT.

riiliiga That Count (Wm. A. Rrady'a): Hart¬ ford, ( onn.. 5 7.

Tra Be. Th*-. E. !.» Drew, mgr.; Hazleton, Pa.. 7; I’< tta»llle 8; 8 rantou 9 10.

I dqdug the Winner (Joa. Brooka’): (Longacre) N. Y. C.. ludef.

Third I’ar-y (F. Hay Comatock'a): (.3nth St.) N. y C., ludef

Third IS-gri-e tGeo. H. Ruhb’ai, I.,. A. Edwards, mgr.: Howling Gre*-u, (».. 7; Riicyrus B; Ken- toD 10; Nevada 12; Mt. Gilead 13: Bellevue 14; Norwalk 15; Ashland 16: Ixviiilonrllle 19.

Tliuratoo, Magician, Jack Jouea, mgr.: (Crea- ceiit) N. Y'. C. 6 10; Ottawa, Ont., 12-15; Kingston 16-17.

T<«lay (Win. A. Rrady’ai: (Prlm-esat Chicago. Indef.

Too Many Cooks (Wm. A. Rrady’a): El Paso, Tex., 6-7: San Antonio B 11; .Austin 12; Hous¬ ton 13-14; Galveston 15; Beaumont 16; l.«ke Charles, l a., 17.

Town Fool, Harry Green, mgr.: Carbondale, Ill., 7; Cobden 8; Metro|sdU 9; lllmo. Mo.. 11; C«iie Glrardean 14; PerryrUle 16; 8t. Maryi 17; Sainte Genevieve 18.

Trap. The: Boston. Indef. Twin Beds (Wm. Harris’, Jr.): (Fulton) N.

Y. C.. Indef. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stetson’s). Leon Waahtonm,

mgr.: Schenectady. N. V., 7; Glena Falla 8; Rut.and, Vt., 9; Burlington 10; North Adams, Mass., 11; Bennington, A't., 12; Troy, N. Y.. 14 15; Albany 16-17.

Uncle Tom's (abin (Terry’s). Dickey A Terry, mgra.: Bloomdeld, Neb., 7: Wayne 8; Wln- slde 9; Battle Creek 10; Neligh 12; Albion IS; Newmans Grove 14; I^elgh 16; Hooper 16; Missouri A’alley, la., 17.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Kibble’s), Wm. Kibble, mgr.: Huntington. W. Va., 7.

Under (Viver (Selwyn A Co.’a); (Grand O. H.) Chicago, indef.

Under Cover (Selwyn A Co.’a): (Corti N. \. C., Indef.

Under I8'g, G. W. Frankland. bus mgr.; Biione, la., 7; Nevada 8; Victor 9; Rock Island, III.. 10.

Vlrglaian (J->aes A Crane’s No. li. Chas. .A. Franklyn. mgr.: Devils l-ake, X. D., 7; Minot 14; Douglas 17.

Virginian (Jones A Crane’s No. 21. .Alex. Story, mgr.: .Abbeville. S. C., 7; .Altvemarle. X. C., 12; Warrenton 15; l.ynchbnrg. Va.. 20.

Virginian (Jones A Crane’s No. 3). A. 11. Slierw.ssl. mgr.: Sac City. la.. 9; Ma Grove 13: Mapleton 15; Slonx City 18.

lA’alker, I harlotte In The Better Way: Cleve¬ land. O . 5-10; Milwaukee, Wls.. 12 17

Wanted. f22.(«10; (Plymouth! Boston 5-10. WsrAfld. David, Co.; New Orleans. La.. 18-24. Waril. Hap. A Lucy Daly. In .A F-svl. His Money

and s Girl: (Walnut St.) Cincinnati 4-10. Wars of the World (The Sljuberts’): (Hlppo-

dp)nie) X. Y. C., Indef. lA’ay Down East: Pontiac, Mich.. 7; Blooming¬

ton. IF.. «; H<8vi>eat«vn 9: D.anvllle 10; Kanka¬ kee 11: Lafa.vette. Ind.. 12: Pe'n 13; Wabash 14: Hiintlndton 15; Idiporte 16; Michigan Clt. 17.

Whst Is I.ove; (Maxine Elliott’s) N. 1'. C.. Indef.

When Dreams (kvme True, with Fre.lerlc Ssnt- lev Conts Sc Tennis, mgrs.: Ijinsing. Mich.. 7: Owosso 8; Flint 9: Bay City 10: Saginaw 11: Cadillac 12; Manistee 13; Traverse City 14: Saiilt Ste. Marie IT.

lA'Iiere the Trail Divides 1 Primrose .A- M<S311- lan'sl: Creston. Neb.. 7: Clariiula. la.. 8; Falls City Neh.. 12: ’’••str'ce 14

While the Cltv Sleeps ( Itowlsiid ,A Cllfropl’s. Inc.l. c H. MscKlnnev. mgr • ImllMnspadis 5- 10: l,onlsTlBe 11 17.

Whirl of the World (Mess|-s, Sliuherts’l; (Shu- hertl Boston. Indef,

Whiteside. Walker. In Mr Wn Walter Hoyd. mgr.: BnfTalo ,1 10: \. Y C. 12. Inilef

Wilson. AI. H.. Co.. Sidney R. Ellis, mgr.; Jackson, Tenn.. 7: Little Bock. .Ark.. 8; Ft. Smith 9: Fayetteville 10: Muskogee. Ok.. 12; Tulsa IS: Oklahoma CHy 14: Chk-kasha 15; l.awton 16: Ardmore IT.

Winning of Baibnra IVorlh. 1 ee D. EBaworth, mgr.; Chicago 27-Oct. 24

W'thin the Law; St. Paul. Minn.. 5-10. Wolfe, The. with Telf .A. Berger; Harmony,

Minn.. 7; Caledonia 8: Bushford 9: Hous¬ ton 10.

Yankee TVsslle Bay (Nhsd A Si-hmldt’sll Ralph E. Nli»l. mgr.; Odessa. Vo.. 7: HlgglnsvIUe 8; Glasgow 9; Ke.vtesville 10.

Yellow Ticket (.A H W..mI’si (I’owerCl Chi- csg.v. jpilef.

Yellow Tleket (A. H Wosls ); 1 Bnmx O H I N Y. C. 5 10.

Zlegfeld’-r Follies (K. Zlegfeld. Jr.l: (Cohvr.lall Boston lixlef.

STOCK & REPERTOIRE .Angell's Comedians. Ed (’ Nutt, mgr. Ken-

iiett. Mo., 5 10. .An-.-ell Stock (»>., Joe A'lgell. mgr ' Homer

City. Pa . 5 10. Brvsnt. Billy • Stivk , Ssui Br.vaiit. mgr.:

Point Pli'ssant W Vs . 5 111 ChsuiPN‘.\ Keiffer St«8'k Co.. I-Tssl t'haunce.y. mgr.:

Bl.simstiiiri^ Pa.. 5 10 Cornell Price* Plaver*. \V K Cornell, mgr.:

Carndlton. (V, 5 10; Tlfflu l2 17 I8ing1ierlv Sisk Co.. n 18o'-ii^tj, mgr '

Turon, Ksfi.. .110: I,-i('ress,» 12 17. F-rsluTg. Edwin. I’Uivers Edwin F-o-sWrg.

nvgr, - (ArphiMiml Newark N .1.. iiiilef. Gever Stock Co. ('has Gever. mgr.: Bartles

vdle. (Ik. 5 17. Graham S(oek Co., Frank tlraliam. mg’ - fua-

dllla, N Y . 1 10 Haves. 1 ucy. I’lavera. AlVerl G Bruce, mgr.

Marent '. la . 5 IO. Hillman’s Idesl St ck Cv' Ru«seB Km. 5 10 Huntington. Wright. P’avers IVr'g'it Hunt

liieton, mgr.; (Sluihertl .^t I’lul. Minn., ludef.

JcpiOiigs J .1. (’0 ; Nt-ss., Mo. 5 10 .loplaii Dramatle Co 3'.<-p Grm-ley. mgr.

Hi H I Belrl.tere III s p) l.e.>na-d I’lsyers Wm. It I eonard mgr • Du¬

rant la . 4 11 Charh He 12 14. Wyoming 15 IT.

.Martin, Theresa. L.. Co., Tlieresa L. Martin, mgr.: Wehater City, la., 5-10; Denlaon 12-17.

Murphy’s Comedians, Bert Melville, mgr.: Gil¬ mer, Tex., Indef.

Pearl Stock (A).: Hamilton, O., Indef. Prini-e»a Stra-k Co.: Steelvllle, Mo.. 6-10. Bobbins, Clint A Bessie, Clint -A. Robbins, mgr.;

Marshsll, .Miuu.. S-l<>; Rmlwood Falls 12-17! Regontlall, Rex-Hallman Stock Co., Teddy

.Slxirtell, Jr., mgr.; St. Jxiuls, Mo., B-14, Kansas City 15 21.

Richardson Stork (’«., Ensley Barbour, mgr.: .Musk<c,'ee. Ilk.. 2')-(lrt. 12.

Slierinan-KeIIe.v Stock Co.: .Austin. Minn., 5-10. Shorten .S|<Kk Co. No. 1, ,A1 Shorten, mgr.: -Al¬

bany. X. Y.. 5-11; Sehen^tady 13-19. Slxirfell Stock 60. No. 2. WaBer Grldley, mgr.;

Holley. X. Y.. 9 14. Wallace, Cliester, Playera. Cheater Wallace,

mgr.: (Majestic) .Ashtabula. ().. Indef. Wliuilngev’s, Frank. Musical Varieties Co.:

Menominee, Mich., 5-10; Oshkosh, Wis., il¬ ls.

Worth. Josephine, Players. Howaril R Hall, mgr.: Ihihuiiue. la.. Indef.

MINSTRELS C< burn’s. J. .A.. Greater Minstrels. J. .A Co¬

burn mgr.: Somerset. Ky.. 7; Daiivllle 8; Har- roclshtirg 9; 'leil City, Itid.. 10: West Baden H; Ihsuievllle 12; Kvaasvllle 1.3

Evans'. Ge.>.. Honey B<iy .Minstrels. Daniel Siiea. mgr.: (Iwensls'ro. Ky.. 7; 8; I'aducab 'J; Caiisi. Ill., 10; St. I»uis, .Mo., 11-17.

I'ield. Al. G.. Greater Minstrels, Edw. Conanl, mgr.: Nashville, Tenn., 7 8: Memphis 9 10; Greenville, Miss., 12; Greenwood 13: Meridian 14: .Selma. Ala.. 15: Montgomery 16-17.

Main’s Harry, Black Diamoml Minstrels, Harry Main, mgr.: Tazewell, Va., 5-8: Newport, Tenn.. 9-13.

Slarlow’s Minstrels (Jones A Crane’sl, Norman Hanley, mgr.; Hastings, Minn., 8; Winona 11; Boacobel. Wis., 14; Galena, III., 17.

Primrvsie A Wilson’s .Minstrels. Earl Burgess, mgr: Malone, X. Y.. 7: Ogdensbiirg 8: Water- town 9; Rome 10; Utica 12: Amsterdam 13; Oneonta 14: Binghamton 15; Plttaton, Pa., 16; Allentown 17.

BANDS & ORCHESTRAS Creatore. Ginseppe. and His Band. E<1 F. Guz¬

man, bus. mgr: Williamsport, Pa., 8-9; South Bethlehem 10.

Ewing’s Zouave Band, W. M. Ewing, mgr.; Seymour, Ind.. 5-9.

Gregg's Imiierial Orchestra. Turner W. Gregg, dir.: (Colonial) Lexington, Ky., Indef.

Nasca. Tony, and His Band. Ti’>uv Nasca. dir.: Winston-Salem, X. C., 5-10.

Neel’s. Carl. Baud. Carl E. .Neel, dir.; I-a- Grange. Ga., ludef.

Xewb<-rry’s. Earl F.. Prize Orchestra. Earl F. Newberry, dir.: (Kaiserhof Cafe) Toleilo, ().. 3. imlef.

Oliveto’s. .Antonio. Banda Roma. .Antonio Oliveto. dir.: Montevallo. Ala., 5 10; Alex¬ andria Cit.v 12-17.

Rounds’ Ladies Orchestra. H. O. Rounds, mgr.: Hamilton, Ind.. 7; Burlington 8: Brlnghurst 9: Flora 1(1; Morton, Wis.. 12: Fox Lake 13; New Richmond 15; Long I,ake. .Minn., 16.

Sousa's Banil: Ft. Wayne. Ind., 7: Gary S; So. Bcn<i 8; Michigan City, Ind.. 13.

Tliaviii and His Band. .A. F Thavlu. mgr.: Ft. Smith. Ark.. .1-10; Dallas, Tex.. 12 17.

Ward’s Marine Band: Birmingham. .Ala. 28 Oct. 10

TABLOIDS IH toy's. Eddie, Musical Comedy Co.; (.Miobelsoc)

Grand Island. Neb., indef. Pepr>er Musical I’omeily (M.. H. I>. Pepper, mgr.:

1<>.vstal) Texas City. Tex., indef. Safetv First, Earle Dewey, mgr.: (Orphetiml S*'.

Bend. Ind.. 8-10.

MISCELLANEOUS Almond, Jethpo. Show, Jethro Almond, mgr.:

Bennettsville. S. C.. 5 10; Wagram. N. C., 12- 17.

Brown A Roberts' Jesse James Co.. Brown A Roberts. nigr>.: Kensett. .Ark., 7; Moro 8. Helena 9; Fon-»t City 10; Earle 12.

Bragg A Bragg SIm>w , Geo. M. Bragg, mgr.: (G. II. I .Millwshnrg. Mich.. 5-10.

Co.vle’s Museum. E. R. Coyle, mgr.: Wichita. Kan.. 5-17.

Empire Musical Ctunedy Co.. Fred Siddon. mgr.: (O. H.l Lewistown. Pa.. 5 10; (Family) Mil- ton 12 17.

Great Electric Photoplay Show, IjMwIn R. Capps, mgr.: Bluff City. Kan.. 7-9; Perth 11-12; Hunnewell 13-16; Braman, (Ik.. 18.

Great Netlsen Show. C. H. Nigh, mgr: Moline. Kan.. 5 10.

Henderson. .Maude. (\i.. Jo*. Parent, mgr.: CuR>ertson. Mont.. 7; Plelitywood 8-10: Me<Ii- cine Lake 12-14.

Hugo Bros.’ I.eRoy. Talma A B-ssco Shows, Dr. E. L. Biickey, mgr.: (His Majesty’s) Christ¬ church. New Zealand 18-Nov. 1; (His Majes¬ ty’s) Dunedin 3 10; ((). H.l Invercargill 12- 15.

Hugo Bros.’ Great Nicola Shows. Wm. DeHollis. mgr.; Santiago. Chill. S. .A.. 13-18: Valparaiso 19-Nov 1: Coiiulmbo 3-7; I.aS«*rciia 8-12; (>\alle 1.3-17; Taltan IS-’JJ,

Hatch Drome Co. No. 2 W. .A. Sanges. mgr.; York. Pa.. .1 10- Hagerstown. Md.. 12-17.

I.aRose Electric Fountain, Fire A Water Spec¬ tacle. Geo. laiKose, mgr.: Brownsville. I’a.. 5 10.

Lingerman, Samuel A Lucy: Philadelphia. Pa.. Indef.

I.iicey. Tho*. Elmore; Bernice. Igi.. 8; Ruston 9: Marlon 10; Huttig. .Ark.. 12: Mcr Rouge, lai.. 1.3; Dcrniott. .Ark.. 14; .Montice’.lo 15: Arkansas ntv 16; McNeil 17

Mack. -A. Johnny. Co,, 1, Johnny Mark, mgr.: Rlchmoiiil. Va., .1 10.

Mack. .A. Johnny, li). 3, ("apt. Eugene Savage. mgr.: Stuttgart, .Ark.. 26 30.

Morp'w Bros ’ Hog A Pony Show. Morp'w. mgr.: Plevna. Kan.. 7: .Abbyvllle 8- Lang <loii 9; .Arlington 10; Partridge 12; Y'tsler 14; I'sriow 15.

M.vst>rloHs Smith Co.. .Albert P. Smith, mgr.; .Toiler la . 7 8; Wool«t<Hk •) 10; Belmond 12- 1.3: Shellp)0k 14 15; Clarksville 16 17.

Pamahasika's Pets. I’p.f. I’amahasika. mgr.: Sprlngvllle. N. Y'., 7; Holley 8; Cohocton 9: Wilson 10.

Pippin. Kmrcne. Polite Vaudeville Show. Eu¬ gene Pippin, mgr.; Fiuintain, Mich.. 4-10; Free Soil 11-17.

Salisbury N’ovelt.v Show. L. D. Salisbury, mgr.; E)s)nomy. Ind.. 5-10.

Savldge Dramatic Co.: Concorilla. Mo.. 5 10. TlximpBi)n’8. Frank IL, Tent Show; Buena Vist*.

HI.. 510; (close). Thompson’s. Frank H., Moving Pictnr*s;

Orangeville, 111., 12-24. WaUleu. Dana: Centralla. -Mo.. 7: Shelbina 9:

Braynier 10; Chillicottie 12; Excelsior Spzinga 13; Richiisuid 14: Cameron 15; Spickard 16; Prlnoeton 17.

Williams. Dail, Musical Comedy Co.: (Garden .Alrdomei Oklahoma City. Ok., Indef.

LOOK UKE DIAMONDS Stand acid and Are diamonA

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BrilliancygaHranteed'gAyean. Mounted In 14k solid gold diamond mountinga.

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A. ROTERBCRG, 151 W. Ostsrie Street. OHICAQO, ILL.


fiuccexaon to WM. HEPNER WIO CO..

Twenty-Ave years the leaden in Theatrical and Street Wlpx Send for Aneat illustrated Cat¬ alogue published. Dept- T., 50 West Wsstilaplea St.. Chi- saps. III.

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New York Costume Co. Mmil piwmptlj fU«d.

Send tmr Cmtaloipic G. School PUyp Given Special AttenUon.

140 N. Dearborn St., Chicato, III.


Created In behalf of the Dramatic Profeaelon. and al.v> maintaining on Staten Island, X. Y., a HOME FOR THE AGED AND RETIRED.

Meaiberehlp, per aaauai .$2.tS

IN BEHALF OF THE "HOME.” Doasrs .5100.00 per year. Patroai . 25.00 ’’ Msiabert . 10.00

President. Daniel Frohman; Vlce-l*r»-sldent. Jiw. E Grlsmer: Tn-asurer. Wm. Harri'*; Si-.-d-isd . !•_ I>. ■Miner: (Yiairnian Executive ('iHuiiilliee. F F Macka)

))ftl«'es Luig -Acf' llulldl'ig. Hn^stlwa) aiid 42d Rtri-et. .New York

.All (VHiinuiiiiesfits - i(> W. C. AUSTIN. AMiataat Secretary.

S1228 IVfADE: U the record In one dav with tiiv

“Irvltlbls Fertuaa Wrltarx”

■'Magic Wand*.’’ "New Magic Glawi Tube.” •'Gyxiay Mueen.” etc. Invtidble Readings in mutt lan¬ guage*. Illustrated circular and sample readings free. S. BOWER, 117 Haraiaa St., Breaklya, N. Y.


PLAYS CATALOG of Pmfeaslontl and Aiiia> teur Plays, Sketches. Monolopi. Min¬ strel Jokes, Recitations, Make-up Good*, etc-, sent FREE.

FITZGERALD, 23 Abb Straet. New York.



Absolute cleanltiiew. muderate rates. Three mlnaua frum ail theaters, depot, poatnfflor.

“You Know Louis'’ When In Detroit, stop In Grid and Bar. LOUIS V.AN DALL. 63 Michigan Ave., near the Cadillac.

THE GIRL WHO TAMES ELECTRICITY. I am now selling a complete act for $K0. Can be c«r- rletl as hand baggage. This Ls the strongest Ihc show on the road, for Fairs. CanilvaLs and Vamlevine. Send for parth-iilars. G. W. .AIJ.EN. 17th St. and Surf -Are., over Ca.s OAli'e. Coney Island, .N. Y'. City.

CABINET PHOTOS iV"*: 1^1^ Nogs, or I’hoto lo eopv. Future Husband or Wife Photos, $2.00. Send for sample. \VE.N1>T. I3ioto, Boonton, N. J.

•Ml MUM STOCK. REP. AND AMA- Ul Awv TEURS. Tabloids. Minstrels and B I H ■ ^ Vaudeville .Act.s. Stamp for Caia- • W logue .N. Y PLAY lU UF-AC A AU¬ THORS’ EXCHANGE. Tremont Theatre. New Y uli CHy.

OCTOBER 10, 1914.

U to n‘talu»^ by the head of the oflli'e under of the leaitue only for the

.\U league exhihitora not aignetl ti|> with the Stanley lUxiktug tilBiva have declared tliein-

aelvea iu on their new agency, which la en¬ deavoring to secure the goo»l will of euough mauagcra to guaraiit<‘e their exchange uieii

thirty live couaecutlve days’ Inioaing. Moat of

the lnde|M>ndeut exchange nicu have eouie in ainl are i>rei>an-d to encourage the KhiUtora" League aa Iieat they cau. EaiSi exhibitor will |>ay i {XT cent ooniiniaaiou on Ida ahowa, to go

toward the sujiport of the oflli'e. t'ive (ler cx'nt lieaides will tie levied ou them until an aggn*- gate of Ixi*) fn>in each ia on hand. This aum

two sons, Curt H. Keislnger, of 565 Park avenue, and Walter F., a student at Harvard. The body will be brought here.

LASKY’S onl<*ni of tbo beaili of roiuibuminic any exclianse man wbo

inmiplalna anti can prtHluiv )ircx>f of bia tiltuM

t»etni; daiuaK^. b>ct or rentleivd Idle at any

tiiiio tlirouKh laat-iuiDUte caucellatlou. PHILA. FILM BOOKING AGENCY.

First Belasco Play Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 30.—Organized ex¬

change men who hamlle feature films have u|ieued up a biHiking oflicc, handled by Jack

IVImar. The agency is avowedly made up by the Philadelphia M. P. Exhibitors’ League, and no doubt will benefit the trade immensely, wlicther successful and |>ermanent or otherwise.


The Rote of the Rancho in Course of Production—Large

Government Tract Secured

for Picture Purposes

•New York. Si>pt. 30.—The EanKiua Playera Illin Company, which some two years ago ae cured the rights to the works of such prominent authors as Anthony Ilo|ie, Thomas Hardy, .Mrs. Erancea Hodgson Burnett, C. M. 8. McClellan

and Louis Jos. Vance, baa been continually adding

other illustrious literary names to its list of authors.

This concern now controls the rights on a

large number of subjects. Including the works of Henry .\rthur Jones, Hall Caine. Margaret

Ma.xo, 11. A. PuSouchet. Mary JohnMon, Cban- nlng PolliH'k. tJe.>rge .Ade, Booth Tarklngton,

William J. Ijocke, .Mark laie Luther, C. Hadden fhambers. Sir Charles L. Young. Maurice Hew¬

lett. A. C. Gunter. George Horace I.orimer,

John Luther Long. Clyde Fitch. Bronson Howard.

.Angel Gulmera and Margaret lieland.

With the pixsluct of such a list of star au¬

thors of the day at its command The Famous Players Him Company have. Indi-ed, a big field

from whicb to select material for the best possible screen productions.

EDWIN AUGUST New Y<irk, 8eiit. 30.—^The first Belasco play

to be produced by the laisky Feature Play Co., Ibe Bose of the Kanebo, la now in the course of pi'isluction, and no exjiense is tieing spared

In order to give the picture the proper at- tDos]ihere.

Tlte pnsliicers have arranred to use the

•ncleiit Bjianlsti Custom House at Old Monterey, C«L, and a famous land mark, ”The Padre’a tJarden.” Cell B. IleMille and a t'ompany of

twenty-one idayers Journeyed to these places last wek to enact various scenes. Permission has also Ihsui s<s'ure<l to use the entire enormous

Castro Itancheo grounds, which contain the fast

crunitding remains of <Hie of the oldest missions in (.allftirnla. .A duplicate of the Castro Ranch house la Is'lng built at San Juan, whicb will be destroynl during the making of the picture.

The Ijiaky Coni| any also leased a ."lOO acre tract

of laml from tlie I'. S. tlovernmeiit, which gives them alS4i the right to the densely wtssleil tract of over H.taki acres and caitaining several mag-


New York, Sept. .36.—The Box tiflh'e .Attraction Company is is.w busily engagetl producing sub¬ jects from well known novels and plays. There are four companies working on releases for the forthcoming program aud It la the Intention

of the organization to release Uiree features a week and three elaborate features a month with single reel come<lies to fill In.

Itflli-es have been opened In thirteen of the large cities ami eleven addlliooal branches are in the process of organization.


New York, 8e|it. 3U.—E. K. Lincoln, former A’ltagraph irtar, who recently baa dlsap|>eare<l

from the motton picture map, is now proilucing umler the name of the E. K. IJncoln Players. Ibis informatioa cisnes frxtm one Charles ’’Fea¬

ture” Abrams, who baa been pnxwllug about

tbe wilds of Blandford, Vasa.

Lincoln and his associates have been w<»rkinf on aud almost completed a one, two and three- reel prwluctloo, wlxise titles and aiteclfic char¬ acter are yet unannounced. E. K. Is search¬ ing fur a site for a studio, near New York, and also through tbe dramatic and literary fields

for DHiterlal to work on.


New York, Sept. 30.—.Hugo Keiainger, pioneer ■laiiiifacturfer of ca^lMHl^, with New York oflicea

at 12 Broadwa.v, died in bia home at I.angen-

achwalbach, near Wieabadeu, Germany, last Batnrday.

Mr. KeUiinger’s factory in German.v supplied atsuit ninety per cent of the entire moving pic¬ ture Industry with cartxHi'. The cartKins are ■larketeil under the braml of Electra, and owing

to the war sltuatiou in Euro|>e a great scarclt.v of this prrMiuct lus hnMight up the prli-e i>er thousand from $.'Ui to gliiO.

The deteased was farm at the place of bis death on Januar,v 2fi. 1856. He was a prominent

art collector and went to Euro|ie last spring, according to his usual custom, on a business and pleasure trip. The war dela.ved his return, but Be was expected back on October 11. He left


Chicago. Oct. 2.—’Tlie Enterprise Oi'tlcal Co.. Chicago, re|M>rt a nice onler of one dozen Mo- tiograiib proJe<'tlng ma<’hlnes from Edward H.

Kemp, Sail I'YancIsco. Mr Kemp writes that he has bad an excellent business during the past m-mth. Amitber onler reis»rted by tlie Rnter]>rlse this week comes fmm the John

Edwin .August, who has had wide experience as an actor In both the ’’legit” field, also as a director, ia now associated srlUi Edward M. Anderson, bnilher of t the firm name of Eaco Films. Mr .August i|>pvat(ti in leading parts with Edison Cnlversal. ’Tlie ofllces of Eaio Films are In the Wiwld’s Tower Hulli'li g. and .Air pervlslon of th-’ I'otnpsni’s output, wlilih will be three releases a week The Karo an efficient stilt and with their splendid tacHitlea It la expectid that the) will factor m the Usia.

Scene in A Gentleman From Mtvsisalppl, a William A. Brady Picture Play, Inc., prrsluctlofi. In five parts. HelcaM-d tiirouah World Film CorpoiatUei.

J. Warren Kerrigan In Ills Father's Son, two-reel A'lctor drama, to be released Ociobar 11.


cOO 6Cl!Kl;S


wirii r/a'LVLCss Arrii[-:viou ro



jtiSt L JArVtL CjCXDf-On

W 40..5TREET ceciL a Ot riiLLt

OCTOBER 10, 1914.

IlIrKKrr, Jr., ('(Hiitiany, ffluux Kail*. 8. I>. Thry .inlrmj »ur luarlilur ablpiird dirm-t to tlie South Oikola Iialuatrlal Sobtad, IMaukluton, 8. D.;

.Hir to the S.mth Uakota rniltrutlary, Sioux

FtlK S. It., and one to the South Dakota State

.\ayluni, Vaukton, 8. D. .\Dother order waa from the Opera Ilouae.

WataonrIIle. (al., for a late model Motiograph.

This theater haa kept a lltOtt model Motiograph in coiiataut uee eiuoe tta InatallatloD, four

yeara ago.


New York. Sept. 3tt.—The Typhoon, the Im- pres>l»e fire part motion picture aiibjert. wblch waa pnaliK-ed by the New York Motion Picture

<'or|a>ratlon under the dltan-tion of Tbomaa H.

Inee, will be releaee<l iVtolnr 8. on the Para¬ mount Program.

A atning caat la preaented In thla production. Including Seamie llayakaw'a, a aterling Japuneae

arti-t; h'raiik Iterzage. Henry KatonI, Tbomaa Kurii'bart, Clad.'a Itrix'kwell and Ij-ona Hutton.

The play tella the atory of the lore and

tragedy of a young Jat>anrae, and Helene, a Parialan actreaa, Interworen witti the lutriguea of the Japaneae goTernment. ita apy and tta nieth.ala of pna-edure. The crowning climax

U a heroic wacrlflce of Hlronarl. a Jaitaneae boy,

who glTea up bla life for the "aake of Nlpi>on,” and ahowa the loyatty of the Japaneae race to their country. That The Typhot.n la a feature

of high merit ta endorw-d by the fact that it

will be offen-d to the uaers of Paramount Serrice.


New York, .^cpt. .TO. 4'ablrla, the d'.knnunxio

maatende.-e, ita Itroadway run on October

10, IloUbliig a tlte iiHKitha' abowlng on the White

.kliey. Thla establlwliea a rec*'rd for a i»r’aluc- Uoo of ttiia character.

During the fall and winter twenty companies will present the picture throughout the coun¬ try. It la at |a-aeut aj>pearing at Philadelphia. Boaton. Chicago, St. Lonia and other large citlea.


New Y'ork, Sept. 29.—For the hirers of acreen celebrltiea a new atar haa been Introduced. Marguerite Clark, who a|>|>eared wltti much auc- ceaa in Margaret Mayo'a play. Baby Mine, will

play the leading part in WlldA)wer, a four-part wbject, to be releaw-d by the Kamoua ITayera, October 15,

Marguerite Clark'a llrat Him cbaracteriiath^n entitled tbe enchanting little atar to be con¬ sidered an important acquiaitkin to tbe screen, bbe ia aup|>ortcd by a capable ca»t. Including Harold Ijockwond. Jamea Cooley, K. I.. Daren- p<jrt and Jack Pickford.


NN'W York. Sept. .'to.—Tbe tVaiinoa Feature

Film Corporation, beginning Octob<-r l.Y. will pr-iduce an American feature regularly erery two weeka.

Tbe flrat releaaw will be Iteiilah Poynter'a draroatiiatloD of the aoccewsful American play, le-na KlTera, featuring Miaa Poynter in the title role. Thla will be followed by Tlie little

<*trl That He F^Tgot, The Hooaler Scboolmaater, A Thief In tlie Night, and other aucceaaful dramatic worka by Miaa IN'ynter.


Bert Adler, who for aonie time was the per-

►mal repreaentative of tlie late C. J. Hite, haa ^rered hia coniiectlona with tiie Thaiihouaer Film On., an I la now on tbe I'nirersal ataff.

Ilia ofPcIal title, aa given out by the I'nlveraal,

I* •■Negative S|ieclallat *• Bert >iinod the t niveraal on Moniiay, Septemtier 21,


l•hltadeIphia. Sept. ;i0. -J. I»nla Brlenlngcr,

chief of Censor Board for Pennsylvania, la creilHcd with having made a atatement to the elTect that a number of motion picture houaea In tlila city are using the State Board of Cen- aora' aeal on pictures tirtt have never been aeen In the State’a projection rnomi.

It la said that owners of tlieatera who re- relve fllnia frniii tbe rxcbaiigea and who are afraid of lieing flniil for naiiig pictures that

wboiild liear tlie State seal are making use of a s,*al of tlicir own.

There have Iwen but few arresta of tliose who vlidated tlie rule covering tile act which

prohibita tlie use of any llltn that baa not passed tile St'ite lu.nrd of CiMiaors.

The rule ni-nt Into elTect Sc|>letnlier 1. but it has not ta-en strlctlv ob-ervcd It has been aiinouncr,! ttist tiy tile first of Deci'iiilicr the law- will ta* strictly enfon-ed,


New York Sept. .10, Fred ••Wld ’ ijumilng. who in.ide his start In tlie film iiidiiatry In Clill- lloiitlie, t»., aa manager of tlie Or|ilieum Tliea- ter tlieie, lina |a-en apiadiited liy William Mor¬ ris aa niatiagiT of bla New York Tlieater.

Mr, (iuiiiilng a • viaTlences In tlie llliii game •ptiy suits bliii for Ida new piailtlon. .\fter learlnx l'ldlllcotli<- Mr. liuniilng came to New York, where be was publlelty and adverllaing

ROLL TICKETS |X ' Five Thousand $1.25 ij Ten Thousand ..$2.50 Q T ^enty Thousand ----- $4.50 « I Twenty-five Thousand - - - $5.50 QC Fifty Thousand ------ $6.50 CL One Hundred Thousand - • $8.00

THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE Tour own Special Ticket, any printing, any colors, aocursteD numbered, every roll guaranteed. Coupon 'Hcketa for Prise Drawings. 5,000. 12.50. Sto^ Tlcketa, 6c per 1.000. Prompt shipments. Cash with order. Get the samples. Send diagram for Beeerved Seat Coupon Tlcketa. State bow many seta desired. Serial or Dated.


MOVING PICTURE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT | Used and highly endorsed by the United States Army. Biggest Sensation in the Moving P-'eture World. Can be operated by a boy 10 years old. One customer writes;

“Plsot running like a top and delivering the ‘jnics’ right along every day (or our moving picture house. Costs us about one tenth as mnch as public service. Also pumps water to all our buildings, 2.000 gallons per day.**

Write today for Bulletin 101. It la a mighty Intaresting boouet

DEraorr enciwe works;Pept. loi,Detroit.mich..aj.s.a.__

(4lMfays Shipped on Time

ROLL TICKETS Easiest to handle - perfectly perforated • neatly printed m m MMmm C ■ correctly numbered - the best of cardboard - guaranteed


Exclusive manufacturers of every known kind of ticket for all kinds of amusement enterprises REES TICKET CO. ^

^10 HBrney • OIHAM4. fVFB. I

Dailv FpHfurPs ****'®" Supplies W 4 H n... J Negative and Pndtlve Film for Motion Iloturea, per- J forated. perfectly fresh, per foot, 31*a Motion Ple-

500 to aelect from—one every day—$35.00 per week. Get buay.

Interstate Feateres Films 36 E. Madlion St.. Srd FI.. CHICAGO. ILL.

ELECTRIC PIANOS Fim niTFBF. SHims..wlth keyboard. $140 to tlT5: ihv'iiwlrliai l•taIln«. with pli>e*. $'240: 44-note Players. $60. All guaranlemi In firwt-rlam working order: must be sold to close out piano business. Send for droular.

J. F. HERIVfAfSf 1440 Pa. Avanua. WASHINGTON. D. C.

Negative and Positive Film for Motion Iloturea. per¬ forated. perfectly fresh, per foot, 3tsa Motion Pic¬ ture .Maetilnos, Stereopticons, FlImA Slides, Gas Out¬ fits, Oxone, Flower Oones and Pnfume for Theatres, etc. Send for LLsts.

HARBACH &, CO. 112 N. Ninth Street, - Philidelphii, Pa. ROAD SHOWS, NOTICE—Features. Yfaehlnes. Gas Ifutttts, Tents. kHeetiic l*lsnts. Slides, Single Reels and Ster<xH>tl«)ns st astonishing price*. INTERSTATE FILM A SI PPLY CO.. 309 Nassau Bldg.. Denver. Col.

WANTED Features and alngle reel Film, with pa¬ per; also Passion Play: must he In good oondltion. Mall list of what you have with prlcea. FBED St'HAU'ER. 1610 N. $d SL, PblUdelphla. Pa.

man for tbe Eclair Company, leaving there to

become the film editor for Warner's Features. Last spring be resigned from Warner’s to be¬

come associatjd with tbe Sid Oli-ott Company,

and wont to Europe, representing this company as business manager.

All In all his knowledge of the game is tbor-

ongh, and his many friends are confident of his KU 0008.4,


New York, Sept. :10.—Vivian Martin, prom¬ inent ingenue of the speaking stage, will star in the Peerless Feature Producing Company's version of Owen Davis’ play. The Wishing Ring.

-Miss Martin is at present appearing with

I-ew Fields in The High Cost of Loving, at the Repnt lie, and has won luneb siiivess in such plays as Drink, Peter Pan, Father and the Boys, The Only Son. Ollicer th'SJ. Stop Thief,

and The .Marriage Game.


New Y'ork, Sept. 3(».—The Paramount Film Corpor.ition, of Philadelphia, Pa., have pur¬ chased a Power’s Cameragraph No. 6A, motiou

picture projecting machine, through I.. M. Swaali, of that city.

Tlie L'nlted States Battleship ’Ttah” haa installisl a I’ower’s Cnineragraph No. 6.\ niotioD

picture projecting machine.

Tile Y'oung Men’s Christian .\ssoclation. of

New Haven, Conn., have purchased and installed a Power’s Cameragraph No. 6.5 motion picture pnijocting machine.

Tlie -Xdirondack Electric Power Co., .\mster- dam. N. purchased two Pow-er’s Camera- graphs No. fi.\ motion picture projecting ma¬ chines through The Picture Theater Equipment

Co., of New Y'ork City. The New Y'ork Parental School, Flushing. N.

Y'., have Inst.-illed a Power’* Cameragraph No. fi.Y motion picture projecting machine. This machine w-.ns piir<*liased tlirongb The Picture

Theater Ei|nipment Co., of New Y’ork City. The I.athrop Coal Co., of Panther, W. Y’a.,

have purchased a Power’s Cameragraph No. 6A motion picture projecting machines through Williams. Brown & Earle, of Philadelphia, Pa.

The New Y’ork Eastern Reformatory, of

Napanook. N. Y'., have purchased a Power’s Cameragraph No. 6.\ motion picture pnijecting machine throiigli The Picture Theater Equip¬

ment Co., of New Y'ork City.


B<iston. •<-t. 3.—General Manager Wm. R. McDonald, of the Boston Opeva House, baa been in New Y'ork this week arranging for a moving picture program to be displayed in th« Boston home of grand opera. Turning the big bouse into "pictures" will mark the de<-lded departure of the directors from the pidicy to wTilcIi tlie lyoiise n-as originally devoted, hut ia s4mp1y following Pliiladelplila and Oscar Ha-m-

merstein, in New Y’ork. with money-making at¬ tractions during times w-lien the ojiera h<uiae la not devoted to its original mission.


Buffalo. N. Y’., Sept. 20.—^The Regent. Buf¬ falo’s newest moving picture theater, on Main street, near Utica, openetl for the first thna

this week. The bonse was built by tbe United Motion Picture Theaters, Ltd., headetl by Mitchell H. Mark ami Henry J. Brock. Artbnr C. Wlllats Is manager, and Henry W. Marcua.

director of the symphony orcheetra. The honan has a $10,000 pii>e organ and many other modern equlimients.


New York, Sept. 30.—While putting the finish¬

ing touches to the Palace Theater, a motion picture house In South Brooklyn, the projector

booth, containing five workmen, crashetl to the floor of the theater, killing Charles Bagantee,

an employee of the American Chair Company. Bagantee waa w-orking on the chairs under¬

neath the booth, which was held up by chains, w-hen it fell, killing the man nnderncath and Injuring the men in tlie booth. YVith the com- binetl efforts of tlie Police and Fire iH-part- ments the workmen were dug out of the debris,

and the five men who were injured were able to go to tlieir borne* after being treated by the ambuianoe doctor. It is *ald that David Mayer,

of Brooklyn, is the owner, and the damages are estimated at $1,.’)00.


New Y’ork, Sept. .36. — In view of the dangers that attend the pnHiiictlon of the Trey o’ Hearts

series the players are not allowed to leave the studio at HolIywiMHl for work unless they are accompanieii by one of the company'* physicians.

With Kie doc goes hia emergency kit com¬ plete enough for him to set up a temporary field hospital slHiiild the occasion arise. The wisdom of this pncediire has been demotistrateil

a nnnilier of times, for scarcely an installment la oouiplett>d that has not been attended by some accident calling for the services of a physician. The players have bei-n lucky so far

in that no serious accidents have occurred. In¬ asmuch as the “tricks" tticy are called upon to

perform are subject to great danger at times.

48 X fi e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.

The dainty,m^gneiic stevr.

In^ bewitching chRr*cleri2Mion,

« Sy/fo ry Cernurntt

- , A iendeV tale of sweet ' innocence arKTetemal youth.

In Four Parts - RELEA|tD October 15’

\ FAMOUS features




wmm Pimm filmc? ADOLPH ZUKOR. President,


Executive Offices. 213-229 W.26tm STREET, NEW YORK. ^




ELECTRICITY'S NEAREST RELATIVE Satnntor inside. Hill not tip over. Over SOO sold in less than six Booths. Known by all SBall town theatres and traveling shows. Recommend¬ ed & sold by all large dealers.

HERE IT IS IN A NUT SBELL Eacy to Operate—The BEST Llfhl at Lawest Cost —Compact, Wetoht tS PooBdt. ASK ANY EXPEltl- ENCEO OPEBATOB ABOUT H.'

825.00 Complete, with Burner,

Hose and Wooden Carrying Case.



MM[ oZOTD tSORt ttCKI wtm <3 Ml FEW ms Fiii-ntoof MACHiw > MO anir cHCrjM L'trtT

X ■ I |jg fOli°SMl?LS I

H W/// I CttuFCHtS m







riiilnili-luhiR. I’a., SF-pt. ;{l*.—At tlie l«<t Suu

day Muidker, held in the Kidge Avenue Ttieater, tlie Keel Fellows t>ecauie a permanent tlieatrieal

I and dim tnen'i aooial organization, and charter nienilM‘rslil|m to the nnuitx^r of Hiirty-nine were accepted. Of 800 invitatlous extended on thia

<H'raKion, iWO invitee* were pre.ent, and they were fe<l niualc, aiHig and all the unu.iial in pb<>t<.|day entertainment—to aay naught of the

* liiinger cliaaers and thinit-guenching tluid, whiob Iwaa provided a la cart-load. Eugene L. Perry, the prealdent, preulded uiion

the DMtrnm between vaudeville turn*, ahlolt I were generou.Iy furniidie*! from the Stanley

Booking OIII<-<-K, of which Mr. Perry 1* general

manager. At>e Elnatein, with the aa^latance of Dan Mc<>arrigin, staged the program, wbicb

(NKi.l.te<l <if Dan, bimaelf, in aonga; Tom Gillen, in Hibernian remlniacenoes of a buroroua nature; I»ul*e Arnold and her seven aassy skirts, who were anuounced aa the Petticoat mln.trelt. Motion picture* were shown, which have never been released or shown elsewhere.

The Glc4»e Ttiester orchestra volunteered their

Rervlcea during the entertainment, at the con¬ clusion of which a brief business meeting was held. President Perry and Vice-President

IJbroa, alde<1 and abetted by Financial Secre¬ tary Taltiot, explained the oli]e<'ts for which the club was founded. The flnauclal aecretary accepte«l initiation fee* with the utmost aang

froid- and then smue,—1»ut alnnwt l<iat bit balance when a $50 treasury mde, tlie gift of Stanley Mastbaum. of the Board of Dlrectora recently elected, was banded him by the presi¬

dent with a whisper to the effect that the donor desired nothing be said about it, as be only wanteil to help toward the aeguirement of permanent guarterg for the Reel Fellows—

of which Stanley was at once voted a real one.


Minneapolis. Sept. .TO.—The Minnesota Motion Picture Exhlbitora’ Astociatlon will hold its semi-annual convention. Octoljer 27-29, In this city. About 400 memTiera from Minnesota. North Dakota and Wisconsin are expected. Sessions will l»e held at the West Hotel and Harry H. Green, president of the State Association, and manager of the Minneapolis Crystal Theater, has charge of dstalls.


FILM and SONG SLIDES A Rlt Reduetton In 106^ tf 1 mxt •

HtNiba Ht $3 H reel; have WrAtini aiid lii* dtefb ReeU. ^#0 ScU 9l 8*iif ftllHta. 5Ac to ll a aei: Powvr^s No. 6 Maohlne. $75: alM> othtT cheap

Model ’ B’* <^lrduro Mai’hine. $20. I alaa kny flln, SIIHaa and Maelilnea, if food. 0. 6ALLOT, 1$ EifMa Avoaua. Naw Ytrk Cits'.

Film Miking Outfits for Professional Film Work, for the Ifanuftc- turer. Traveler, FLxplorer, acNentlst and Pri¬ vate. The well-known fo^-proof Junior Cam¬ era. foo fert capacity: Tripods, Tilt*, Print¬ er*. IFerelnpliig tnitflu, Pralectors, lenses. Polishers. Messurm, Menders. Wlndeia. Spe¬ cial Film Work. Quick, relltble repair.

Establ. 20 year*. Largest last. Is U. S.


Animaied Songs Motion Pictures

That Move to the Rhythm of Song

Imperial Mot'on Picture Co. of New York, Inc,

UTS Broadway.

DRUM CASES, FIBRE CASES, NEW APPROVED FILM GASES All kinda nf Caaes and Trunks made to order at Lowest I^rieea.

ILLINOIS FILM CASE CO. SSN So. Dearbors St., Chieaoe, III.

DRUMMERS Send fer Our Catalog—Tbat'e All ACRRE DRUMMERS' SUPPLY CO..

lRIS-15 W. 22d 8t.._CNIeage, III.

If you set It In The Billboard, tell then m.


The Casino, a new vaudeville and motion pletiire heiise. at Clark and I.lnn streets, Cin¬ cinnati. opened .September 29, under the man¬ agement of Janies H. Dryden. The house has a seating eapacltv of 1.500. and is of fire¬ proof construction throughout. Tlie cost i* re¬ ported to have Tieen in excess of $100,000.

VandevlIIe will i>e given, in addition to the Tiletnres. W'-dnesdsys and Saturdays. Inde- Yiendent bookings will be used. The opening bill consisted of Schrader and Fl><icr, Curry and Ikilk.v. and Sauer's Educated Pigs.

Music is fiirnishi^d by a six-piece orcliestra and a Or<4iestrlon.

The*n Syndicate are the owner*


New Y'ork. .Sept. 30.—The eaat for the forth¬ coming I-asky release. The Girl of the Golden W’est, la noaar being selected by David Belasco. Jesse I,. I.4isky and Samnel Goldfish.

When The Girl of the Golden West is seen upon the screen It wlH have rnn the entire gamut of theatricals, in that, from a vaude¬ ville sketch. Its first attire. It be<-ame one of

the leading productions of Its period as a three- act rla.F. It also became one. of the moat p<»pn- lar ebs-k piece* of its time, and Caruso created

a big bit In an operatic version of the play. It is confidently exyiected that the Ijiwky staff will present the film version even more completely beantiful and thrilling than either the dramatic or n|ieratlc productions.


Sew York. Sept. .30.—’Herbert Brenon, whose recent accident wliile doing an under-water stunt does not seem to have affected his courage, again appears in a thrilling scene in the agni. Brenon and Hobart Henley diveil Info twenty feet of water, where they put up a spectacular fight, to tie Inclndeil in a two reel drama, entitled In Self Defense, produced b.v the Imp Company. This picture was taken in the wilds of Connecticut, under the direction of Brenon.


New York. Sept. 29—All ftie English trade [•crlodicsls and leading film men are said to

have t«‘on high In their praise in commenting on the Famous Players' impressive film version

of Barrett's play. The Sign of the Cross.

This production has Just hcen released in Great Britain In order to fill booklnga obtained as far In advance aa last si>rlng. and featiin-a William Farnum In the role of Marcua. the Homan. The subject is scheduled ns a f"rtli- conilng pr.iduction on the Famous Players pro- gram.


— IX TWO PARTS — Pcaturlng Ui COXEN and Wi.NNTFRFUl GREFlNWtHFD. I'lidtT direction of Tbo*.

KU-krtls. RELEASE MONDAY. OCT. IMb. 1914.


<<DAD AND THE GIRLS" A loflned oomedy, in which father unwittingly is caught with ths gooda.



A ThrlUInc Mexican Adventure. Code* dlrecliun vi Sydney Ajrea.

RsIssm Wsdaesday, Oct. 2lst, 1914.

DIstritMiU'd exclusively through the I'nited Slates and Canada by th* Mutual FUia Coruoraiiou.

A Construction Camp Epliude. Um direction of Tlioa. KtclutU.

ReleaM Friday, Oct. 23d, 1914.

OCTOBER 10, 1914.


25— The Investment (drama) .lOOO 26— Did He Save Her (comedj) (split

reel) . 400 26—Between One and Two (comedy) (split

reel) . 600 28— ^Tbe Beloved A(^enturer No. 3 (dra¬

ma) .1000 29— Jinks and the Barber (comedy) (split

reel) . 400 29— Jealous James (comedy) (split reel).. 600 30— His Brother Bill (drsma) (two reeU)2000

October— 1— His First Case (drama) (two reels)..2000 2— ^The Greater Love (drama).1000 3— On Circus Day (comedy).1000 8—^The Beloved Adventurer No. 4'(drama) 1000 6—Wlfey’s Athletic Mamma (comedy)

(split reel) .400 6— A Hunting Absurdity (comedy) (split

reel) . 000 7— ^The Girl at the Lock (drama) (two

reols) .2000 8— In Old Virginia (drama) (two reels).2000 9— The Green-Eyed Monster (drama)... .1000

10—When the Ham Turned (comedy).lUOO

M£LI£S. September—

17— Tbe Scab Waiter (comedy) . 22—The $1,000 I’anta (comedy) . 2<—How Clarence Got His (comedy). 29—A Circus Romance (comedy).lOOO

October— 1—Blind Marriage (comedy) .1000

SEUO. September—

15— The lyonesome Trail (comedy) .loOO 18— At the Risk of His Life (drama) ....1000 "1—'The Livid Flame (drama) (two reela)2000 21— Hearat-Seiig News Bictorlal (news) ..1000 22— For Love of Him (drama) .1000 23— A Just I'liniabment (drama) .lOOO 24— Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (news).. 1000 26—You Never Can Tell (comedy) (split

reel i ... 23—Who Got Stung? (comedy) (spilt reel) 26—The Newsboy Tenor (drama) .1000 26—^The Going of the White Swan (drama)

(two reels) 2000 28— Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial (news)..1000 29— The Real Thing in Cowboja (comedy-

drama) .1000 30— ^The Loyalty of Jumbo (drama).1000

October— 1— Hearat-Sellg News Pictorial (news).. .1000 2— An Embarrassing Predicament (drama) 1000 3— Fonr Minutes I-ate (drama).1000 5—The .Moving Picture Cowloiy (coireily.

drama) (two reelsi .2000 5—Hearst-Selig News Pictorial i news)... KSH) 0—The Way of the Itediiian (drama)... 1000 7—The Kei>aratlon (drama* .1000 S—Hearst-Selig News pictorial (news)..1000 9— Jimmie, the Porter (comedy) (split

reelI . 9—Doc Yak’s Bottle (comedy) (split reel)

10— Her Victory Eternal (drama).1000

VITAORAPH. September— 17— Politics and the Press (drama).KWO 18— Father’s Timepiece (comedy) .1000 19— The Reward of Thrift (drama) (two

reels) .2300 21— Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds (dra¬

ma) .1000 22— The Blood Ruby (drama) (two reels)2000 23— A Doitble Error ((Muiedy) .1000 24— A Close Call (drama) .1000 2.'>—A Horseshoe—For Lurk (comedy).... 1000 26—Hearts snd Diamonds (comedy) (two

reels) .2000 28— When the Gods Forgive (drama)_lOOO 29— Regan’s Daughter (drama (two reelsi2000 30— The Heart of Sonny Jim (comedy-

drama) .lOOO October—

1— The Love of Pierre I-arosse (drama).1000 2— Bats (comedy) .1000 3— The Royal Wild West (comedy) (two

reels) .2000 5— Fisherman Kate (comedy).1000 6— His Unknown Girl (drama) (two reelg)’200O 7— Kill or Cure (comedy) .1000 8— The Loan Shark King (drama).1000 9— Josle’s Legacy (comedy) .1000

10— The Rose and the Thorn (drama) (two reels) .2000

12—'Midst Woodlaml Shadows (drama)_1000 12—iMareea. the FVster-Mother (drama)

(two reels) .2000 14—The Peace-Maker (comedy) .lOOO 16— His Dominant Passion (drama).lOOO 10—Fatty’s Sweetheart (comedy).1000 17— The Girl in ttie Case (drama) (two

reels) .2000 19— His Wedded Wife (drama) .1000 20— Anne of the Mines (drama) (two reels)200O 21— Under False Colors (c.imedy) .IfHirt 22— The Mill of Life (drama).lOOO 23— A Costume Piece (comedy) .1000 24— Oood-ty, Summer (drama) (two reels) .2000 26— The Cave Dwellers (comedy) .1000 27— Underneath the Paint (drama) (two

reels) .*2000 28— William Henry Jones’ Courtship (com¬

edy) .1000 29— Kidding the Bo«s (c.)medv) .1000 30— Pnnnv Backslides (comedy).lOOO 31— Within an Ace (drama) (two reels)..2000

21— The Adventure of the Hasty Elopement (comedy) .1000

22— The Blue Coyote Cherry Crop (drama). 1000 23— Post No Bills (comedy) .1000 26—Grand Opera In Rubeville (eomedy)

(two reels) .2000 26—Twins and Trouble (comedy) .1000 28— Love ty tbe Pound (comedy).1000 29— Tbe Mystery of tbe Glass Tubes

(drama) .1000 80—Buster Brown Gets the Worst of It

(comedy) (split reel).660 80—In a Prohibition Town (comedy) (split

reel) .500 October—

2— T'be Poisoned Bit (drama) (two reels) 2000 3— ^A Transplanted Prairie Flower (dra¬

ma) .1000 5— Father’s Beard (comedy) .1000 6— Greater Love Hath No Man (drama). .1000 7— Seth’s Sweetheart (comedy) .1000 9— The (yong Way (drama) (three reels) 3000

10—A Fragment of Ash (drama).1000

EB8AMAT. September—

18— Sparks of Fate (drama) (two reels). .200(' 19— Broncho Billy Butts In (drama).1000 21— Sweedie’s Skate (comedy) .100)' 22— lyove’s .Magnet (drama) .KXK' 23— One Samaritan Who Got Paralysis of

the Helping Hand (comedy) .1000 24— Slippery Slim and the Green-eyed Mon¬

ster (comedy) .1000 25— A Splendid Dishonor (drama) (two

reels) .200(i 26— The Strategy of Broncho Billy’s Sweet¬

heart (drama) .100« 28— Sweedie’s CTeannp (comedy) .1000 29— White Ues (drama) .1000 30— TTie Adult Girl Who Got Busy (com¬

edy) .1000 October—

1— Slippery Slim Gets Cured (comedy) ..1000 2— Golf Champion Chick Evans Links with

Sweedle (comedy) (two reels) .2000 3— Broncho Billy Trapped (drama) .1000

6—The Fickleneos of Sweedle (comedy). .1000 6— The Verdict (drama).1000 7— The Family That Did Too Much for

Nellie (comecly) .1000 8— When 81Ipi)ery Slim Met the Champion

(comedy) .1000 9— ’The Real Agatha (drama) (two reels) 2000

10— Broncho Billy and the Greaser (drama)lOOO 12—Sweedle Leam» to Swim (comedy). .1000 1.3—Through Eyes of L>>ve (drama).1000 14—The Author and the Dear Public, and

the Plate of Mush (comedy).lOOo I.'—Snakeville’s Peace-Maker (comedy) _loOO 16— The Other Man (drama) (two reels). .2utNi 17— Broncho Billy Rewarded (drama).1000


September— 18— Easy Money (comedy) .lOOf 19— The Cub Reporter’s Assignment (dra¬

ma) .100) 21— The Potter and the Clay (drama) (two

reels) .200( 22— The Green Rose (drama) .100( 23— The Vanishing Tribe (drama) (two

reels; .2()(K' 25— Jones’ Wedding Day (comedy) .100('

'26—Rory O’More (drama) .Ihor 28— The Viper (drama) (two reels) .2000 29— Grouch, the Engineer (drama) .1000 30— The Ex-Convict (drama) (split reel)..1600 30— Food for the Dogs of War (educ.)

(split reel) . 400 October—

2— ’The Slavery of Poxlcus (comedy) ....1000 3— The Legend of the Amulet (drama) ..1000 6—The Dancer (drama) two reels).2000 6—For the Love of Mike (cometly) (split

reel) . 800 6— Hesannt Hunts Wild Game (comedy)

(split reel) .200 7— ^The Ix)8t Mall Sack (drama) (two

reels) .2000 9—The Tattered Duke (eomedy).1000

10— Fate’s Midnight Hour (drama).1000 12— The Girl and tbe Stowaway (drama)

(two reels) .2000 13— Percy Pimpemickel—Soubrette (com¬

edy) .1000 14— Seed and the Harvest (drama) (two

reels) .:.2000 16— 81’s Wonderful Mineral Spring (com¬

edy) .1000 17— From Peril to Peril (drama).1000 19—^Tbe Mad Mountaineer (drama) (split

reel) .1800 19— Hesanut Buys an Auto (drama) (spilt

reel) 200 20— .4 Wise Rube (comedy).1000 21— The False Guardian (drama) (two

reels) .2000 23 -Micky Flynn’s Escapade ( 24— Tbe Demon of the Ralls (drama).1000 26— ^The Lynbrook Tragedy (drama) (two

reels) .2000 27— ^The No-.\ccount Count (l•ome<Iy).1000 28— The Menace of Fate (drama) (two

reels) .2000 SO—Ham and the Villain Factory (cum

edy) .1000 31— ^The Vengeance of Winona (drama).. .1000

OEO. KLEIME. September—

15— When Tooth Meets Tooth (drama) (ClLea) (two reels) .

22— ’The Master Force (drama) (CInea) (two reels) .

‘29—.4 Shot From Ambush (drama) (Clnes) (two reels) .

LTTBIM. September—

18— For Repairs (drama) .1000 19— Pina .4re Lucky (comedy) (spilt reel) 400 19—The German Ban^ (comedv) (split reel) 600 21— ^The Beloved Adventurer No. 2 (dra¬

ma) .1000 22— The Wise Detective (eomedy* (split

reel) . 400 22— A SIx-Fsot Romance (comedy) (apllt

reel) . 600 23— Tevs of Fate (drama) (two reels)....200u 24— Tbe Triumph of Right (drsms) (two

reels) .2000


10— Mutual Weekly No. 89 (news) . 17— Mutual Weekly No. 90 (news) . 24^Mutusl Weekly No. 91 (news) .

October— 1— Mntaal Weekly No. 92 (news). 8— Mutual Weekly No. 93 (news) .

FRIMCXS8. Saptamber.—

11— Sis (comedy) . 18— Tbe Master Hind (drama) . 25—^Ttie Final Test (drsms) .

October— 2— ^The Balance of Power (drama). 9— Tbe One Who Cared (drama).

REUAMOZ. September—

9— Tbe bberllTa Choice (drama). 12— Broken Noae Bailey (drama) (two

reelt) . 14—Unn Mutual OIrl No. 35 . 16— Tbe High Grader (drama) . 19— How tbe Kid Went Over tbe Range

(drama) (two reeia) . 21— Our Mutual Girl No. 36 . 23—The Iskat Shot (drama) . 36—Tbe Runaway Freight (drama) (two

reeia) .. 28:-Our Mutual Girl No. 37 . so—Where tbe Monntaina Meet (drama)..

October— 2— Tbe Sbertff'a Maater (drama) . 8—Tbe Wlreleas Voice (drama) . 6—Our Hntnal Girl No. 38.

• 7—Tbe Badge of Office (drama). 10— ’The Tardy Cannon Ball (drama) (two

reeia) . 12—Our Mutual Girl No. .39 . 14— Bad .Man Mason (drama). 17— Tbe Revenue Officer's Deputy (drama) (two reels) .

ROTAL. September—

12— Tbe Prodigal Husband (comedy).... 19— The Horse 'Trader (comedy) . 26—Scarecrow (comedy) .

October— 3— Cooatn Billy (comedy).

10— The Pet of the Petticoats (comedy)..

THAMHOUSER. September—

11— In Dtnger’i Hour (drama). 15— Tbe Emperor's Spy (drama). 15—Gold (drama) (two reels) . 20— Tbe Mettle of a Man (drama) . 22— The Varsity Race (drama) (two reels) ■J7—The Harvest of Regrets (drama) .... 29—Tbe Trail of the Lovelorn (drams)

(two reels) . October—

4— A Dog’s Love (drama) . 6—^The Cripple (drama) (two reels).

'9—The Benevolence of Conductor 7S6 (comedy) .

11—The Rescue (drama) . 13— The Diamond of Disaster (drama)

(two reels) ...

mutual film corporation —RELEASE DAYS.

Monday—American, Keystone Rellanea. Tueaday—Baauty. Majestic. Tbanbouaer. Wednesday—American, Broncho. Rellanea. Ibursday—OomlDO, Keystone, Mutual Weak-

Ij. Friday-Kay-Bee, Prlnceaa, Rellanea. Saturday—keyatone, Rallauca, Royal. Sunday—Komie, Majeatic, Tbinbensar.

AMZRIOAM. Beptembar—

9—Break, Break, Break (drama).1 14—Tbs Cocoon and tb# Butterfly (drama)

(two raela) ..*...^...1 16—The Mirror (drama) .1 21—Tbe Redemption of a Pal (drama) (two

(two reeia) .1 23—His Faith In Humanity (drama) ....I 25—The Taming of Sunnybrook Nall (dra¬

ma) .- 28—A Modem Rip Van Winkle (drama)

(two reels) .i 80—The Ingrate (drama) .1

October— 6— Daiibnla (drama) (two reels).‘ 7— Billy’s Rival (drama).:

13— Jail Birds (drama) (two reels). 14— Tbe Fiaberman's Daughter (drama)..: 19—In the Daylight (drama) (two reels)..: 21—In the Open (drama) .

BEAUTY. September—

8—Tbe Motberiese Kids (comedy-drams) .1000 15— The Only Way (drama) .1000 rj—Caught In a Tight Pinch (comedy-

drama) . KWO 39—Tbe Legend of Black Rock (drama). .1000

October— 6— NIeda (drama) .1000

13— Winsome Winnie (comedy drama) ....1000

BROHCTHO. September—

V—Tbe Cruise of the Molly Anne (drama) (two reels) .

16— A Tale of tbe Northwest Mounted (drama) (two reels).

23— Parmn Larkin’s Wife (drama) (two reels* .

SO—Ttie Right To Die (drama) (two reels) October—

7— ^The Boss of the 8th (drama) (two reels* .

14— End of the .\lley (drama) (two reels). 21— Shorty ami Sherlock Holmes . (drama)

(two P'els) .

DOMINO. September—

10— Mildred’s IVdl (drama) (two reels) 17— A Tragedy of the North W.Kjda (dra¬

ma* (two reels) . 24— Test of Flame (drama) (two reeia)..

October— 1— 1%e Gamekeeper’s Daughter (drama

(two reels* . 8— The Whisky Runnera (drama) (two)

reelt) . 15— J)mmy (drama) (two reels* .. 22— The power of the Angeliia (drama*

(two reels) . 29—Eric the Red’s Wooing (drama) (two

re<'ls) .

KAY-BEE. September—

11— The Silver Candlestick (drama) (two reelt) ...

18— “No Acconnt" Smith’s Baby (drama) (two reeia) .

25— Tbe Death Mask (drama) (two reels) October—

2— One of tbe IMacarded (drama) (two reels* ..

9— The Sbeiiir of Muscatine (drama) (two reels) .

16— The Word of Ilia People (drama) (two reels) .

23— Tbe Sfiark Eternal (drama) (two reels)

KEYSTONE. September—

16— Mahel’a I.atest Prank' (comedy) . 12— Mabel’s Blunder (comedy) . 14— All at 3ea (comedy) . 17— Bombs A Bangs (comedy) . 19— Tiover’a Lack (comedy) . 21— He lioves tbe Ladlea (comedy) . ■24—The New Janitor (comedy).

—Fatty’s Debnt (comedy) . 'J6—Hard Cider (comedy) .

KOMIO. September—

13— Bill No. 6 (eomedy). 26— Foiled Again (comedy) . 27— Rill Manngea a Prita Fighter (com-

^ *dy) . October—

4 -’I3*e MIIIIoo-Dollar Bride (comedy).... II—Bill Spoils a Vacation (comedy). 18— Ditty Joe’s Career (comedy I.

MAJESTIC. September—

18—The Final Verdict (drama) (two reeia) .

16—Every Man Hat Hit Price (drama) .. 15— Down the Hill to Cmlltvllle (comedy) 26— Her Awakening (drama) Ifwo reels). 22— Meg of the Mines (drama) . 27— The Great OiM Fear (drama) (two

reels) . •29 -Tha Bight To Die (drama) (two reals) Oclobep—

4—Out of the Air (drama) (two reels)... 6 -Tha Unpainted Portrait (drama).

11—^The Sands of Fate (draaia) (two reels) 13—The Warning (drsma) . 16— Rack to the Kitchen (comedy). 18—For Her Father’s Sins (drama) (two

reels 1 . 26 Environment (drams) . 23— I’tid With Interest (drams) (two reels) '27 \ Mother’s Influence (drama).


Monday—Biofwaph. Edison. Kalem. Paths, Selig, Vltagraph.

Thesday—Edison, Eaaanay, Kalem. Geo. Klelne, Lnbln, Melles, Patbe, Selig, Vlta¬ graph.

Wednesday—Edison, Essanay, Kalem, La- hln, Melies, Patbe, Selig. Vltagraph.

Thursday—RIogrsph. Essanay, Lubin, Me¬ lles ^Ilg. Vltagraph.

Friday—Edison. Essanay, Kalem. Lnbln, Selig. Vltagraph.

Satnrdar—Blograph. Edison. Eaianay, Ka¬ lem, t.oMn. Selig. Vltagraph.

BIOORAPK. September—

i*»—The New Reporter (drama) .1900 13— The Secret Neat (comedy-drama) .... 999 14— Tbe Backslider (drama) .1000 15— Merely Mother (drama) (two reeli).1733 17— The Peddler’s Bag (drama).999 18— Hia Change of Heart (drama).999 19— Murphy and tbe Mermaids (comedy)

(split reel* . 471 19—The Fire Chlef’a Bride (eomedy) (split

reel) . 888 21— Just a Bit of Life (drama) .1000 22— The Ring and the B'Wk (drama) (two

reels) . 3021 24—Tbe Fall of Mnscle-bound Hicka (com¬

edy) (split reel) .882 24— The Plumbers’ Picnic (comedy) (spilt

reel) .-.417 25— Her Doggy (comedy-drama) .BOO 26— The Gold Thief (drama) .999 2S—A FlrstClasa Cook (comedy) (spilt

reel) .683 28—The White-Hand Society (comedy)

(spilt reel) .416 39—The Derelicts (drama) (two reels) .,1916

rtcb'ber— 1—The Spirit of Jealonsy (drama) .1000 3—The Peasant’s Lie (drama) .998 3—The New Road’s Mascot (drama) ....1600 5— The Borr.*wed Book (drama).1000 6— Gwenilolln (drama) (two reelt).1945 8— Their Little Drudge (drama).1000 9— They Were College Boys (comedy)

(apllt reel) . 496 9— The Man Hnntera (comedy) (split reel) 503

10— Ilia Mother’s Home (drama).969 i’J—The Giililing Fate (drama).lihG 13—The Iron Master (drama) (two reels) .2*>'7 l.X_The First I,aw (drsma).1060 16— Peg o’ the Wildwood (drama).1000 17— Meeting Mr. Jones (comedy) (split

reel) 400 17—Oiir Home-Made Army (comedy) (split

reel) . 532

EDISON. September—

IM—Sheep’s Clothing (drsma) (two reels).2600 19—Jim’s Vindication (drama).lOOo


Monday—Imp, Sterling, Victor. Tueaday—Crystal. Gold Seal. Untveraal Ike. Wednesday—Animated Weekly, Eclair, Jok¬

er. Nestor. Thursday—Imp, Rex. Sterling. Fridav—Nestor. Powers, Victor. Saturday—Bison, Joker. Sunda.r—Elclatr, Frontier. Bex.


9—Animated Weekly (news) .... 16—Animated Weekly (news) _

FREE LIST FILMS AND SUPPLIES 20 ReHt Mltn. t2 <Mt Mrh; 20 Rm>U WnXrm. 13 00 up: irti 2i'«-fl. <^iinfaU«i, 11.00 Mrti; Lorlurr »«». $1.00; Koiig Klldrm. ll.i'O; 5(K) odd Slide*. 5<‘^ doflrri; r,t< Outfit*, $11.0)1. $10.00; l.eiiu«. $2.00 pocll. ) R$ao->:\T sri'n.Y ro. wirreo, ohio.


KVKRV THINO D)R YofR THEATT'ni. New and aetumd'hand Ylarhltie*. Liberal allonranrr on old na* ciilna whm purrhadiic a nrw oiir. .\11 makro r»- ptUnd. All work tuarantrrd. Second-hand Cbalra.

I'.LINOIS THEATER SUPPLY CO.. IM W. La Sail* «.. Cklaao*. IN.

S*nft Of Infttrumental Muilc? If t«. be SURE ta havo tame arraaffd by an EXPERT! Ah ar- ttilie Afranfemeat meani SUCCESS! I have dtar HUNDREDS OF BIG HITS



REX. Soptotnber— 1«—Holpinjf Mother (drama) (thrt^ reel*). IS—Her Bounty (drama) . 17— The Mietreaa of Dead wood Raain

(drama) . 24—Idttl* Sister (drama) . 27— Aa tLe Wind Blowa (drama) (two

reela) . October—

1— The B<M>ti'a I./eKary (comedy-drama) .. 4— The I'ipea of I’an (drama) (two reela) 8—A Ijiw Unto Heraelf (drama) (two

reela) . 11— Virtue Ita Own Reward (drama) (two

reels) . 1.1— The Croas (drama) . 18— Kid Regan't Hands (drama) (two reels)

STERXINO. September—

14—TYapp«‘d In a Closet (comedy). 21— In and Out (comedy) . 24— A Shooting Match (eom^y) (two

reelai .. 28— ^The Battle (comedy) (two reels)....

October— 5— Myer’s Mistake (comedy). 8—H.rpnodc Power (come<ly).

12— The Clone Call (<s)in)*d.v). 1.1— Heine'a Outing (comedyl .

UNIVERSAL IKE. 8— Cntieraal Ike, Jr.. Nearly Ueti Married

(comedy) . 11—The Scarecrow and the Cbai<eroD

(comed.T) . September— 22— The "Iwar” Hunter (comedy) . 2D—The Shack Next Door (comedy) ....

October— 6— ^TTiree of a Kind (comedy).

13— Mary Green’* Hiiahand (comedyl.

VICTOR. September—

11— A My»terloa» Mystery (drama) (two reel*) .

14— A Kentucky Gentleman (drama) (twn reel*) .

'18—The Girl and the Smuggler (drama).. 21—Rome (ai-enic) . 25— Elsie’s Uncle (comedy-drama) (two

reels) . 28—The Proof of a Man (drama) .

Octobei-— 2— The Rock of Hofie (drama) (two reels) 1—Diallluaioned (drama) . 9— ’File Man Who Wa* Never Kleae*!

(comedy-drama) (two reel*) . 12— HI* Father’* Ron (drama) Itwo ri'el#).. II)—The Funny Mr. Dingle (comedy).

Great European War White Slave Traffic ’Die best picture* of the War are now coming In. Alway* a monty-maker. I’sHses all ornioia. 34

3u iM-a'itlfully eiSored 81d«, Lecture, S Uiie-Slieel iM-autirully rolori'd Slhlv*. Mlrrliig Lecture, } Ona- Lllhoa. Price. $15.00. Slieet Lllh(*i. Prie*. $15 00

THE SLUMS OF NEW YORK ITie blfg ■cnstUoiia) sK. Wonderful paper, 5f> brAUtlfully colunxl Hllden, frHit Lecture, 100 llangrra. S

atylee of Uthoa, i aoire Three-1 i'^fht-Mietf. all pictorial pepof adU oxHuitcil at nuuHn. f^ae, eenpletc, $45.00. Bet of SlUlea, Lecture, 5 iNie-HlieetA, $15.00. If >ou Are lodiliig ftir money-tuAker*, ruib your orUem by iKler or wire, with cAAh or depuKlt. to W. LINDSAY GORDON. Mfr. FAAtura LwturA Blldat, EatAbllabed alww 1003 At 205 W. 84tb 81., H. Y. City.

N O W A.R BOOST ON OUR PRICES Regardlemt of th* f>rr»rnt Kuro[>fan unitlraMmtnm wr continue to use aU tMrnlial rhemicaU sucA aa

METOL. AND HYDROQDINOpnE and eonaiatmtly nuiintatn atandard pneta for ipuiiity

DEVELOPING and PRINTING . ^ _ Send today for our prloe. quality end serTloe guarantee.

M* „* ^ MOVING PICTURE CO. 223-233 WaM Ella Straa,_CHieABOj_ILLH(IO^

BGY YOUR FEATURES NOW Before we close cut this loC Below la the Hat of our laleat purciiaw.

. KevU. R..l.«. Reel*. V®*'* . 4 Velee Freia the Tsiab. 3 Reg Ram at the Agacha. 3 HarMtter . 4 Girl BcblaO Ih* Cmiater.... 3 P* see at Flaai**. 4 . 3 Blaok Shmg . 3 Beast* at tha Juagls. 3 . * •• . * O'"- •"< “••• M»0a.... 3 .. 2 Uawrlttaa Law . 2 Hevar Ta. Lata t* Maad ... 2 . 4 Haailet . J Bey* ef tk* GsI0#b Wsat ... 3

JP* Butlar . 3 Cheytaat Maaaacra . 2 Auatrlaa-Senriaa War . 3 b *.!** . * Yukaa . 1 Braaaa* at tka User. 3 Yadow Paril . 3 Jlgoaiar . 2 Skigwreekad la leabargs. 3 “••‘I) . 3 Ra.ak’t Casket . 2 Tfcitt ef tke SMrel Cede.... 3 J"! ef Trey. 2 Sololw't Hi>aer . i Sgeetre ef the Baa. 2 Flylag Cireus . 3 Cirtui Girl . 2 Orlna Freai Heat*. 3 o.. * Reaurreetlea . 4 Huaiaa Torlurc* . 4 S!. . ^ **•*• •* Thake* . 3 Giaat CIrcu* (^taatreglie.... 3 5) "^ /ala . 2 Cydiat'a Last Lag . 3 Cura at tka Galdea Laad_ 2 7*0er LOy . 3 titkt tar Fsrluaa. 2 Tragedy at tka Areaa. 3 Twd Orghaa* . 3 Rm* af Burrey . 2 Wild Beast* at Largs.x Fata) Grelte . j Kalter'a LAallaafa . 1 Uae.a Ten'* Cakia. 3 Voedae Vaagcaacc . 3 Balkaa TraRert . 3 Wh a ThI vt* Fall Out. 3 Tragedy at the Uaderwortd . 3 Twe Eaglae Driver* . 2 Dick Whittlagtea .3 All the World* a Stag* ... 2 Mag* Child . 2 Ualucky H*r*<*ke* .3 VeageaBe* at EgyW. 2 la Teuefc witk ..eaik . 3 Guimlla* at Algier*. 3 Saved Freai SIbaria. 3 Far Her Father * Sake. 3 Kelley Frwa tke Eaierald l*le 3 Pit aad Peaduluai. 3


Wilful Peggy .Mary Piekford Whe* Creaau Oaie True.Keystdw. New Cosduetar .Kcytteae Isdiaa Suaiaier .PIckfsrd Abeaat M laded Burglar .Kaydeae Lilli’* Lever* aad Wea ky a Fl*h.Pleklard HI* Croaked Career.Keytleae Cklg of the Old Bleck .KeyateM R**^*®** Driver .KeyMeae lafaraier .PMtard Old Curioaity Shag .Thaakgueer Laih Through the Claud* .Blagngh _ WRITE tiR WIRE Tt) THE WISCONSIN-ILLINOIS FEATURE RELEASE CO.. - • - 313 Malian Bulldlag. CHICAGO. ILL.

Pa ace at Flaate*. 1 B*a*t* af th* Juatls. 3 Or. iakyll and Mr. Hyd*_ 2 Nevar Ta. LMe t. Mead ... 2 Bay* af th* Galdea Weet ... 3 Auelrlaa-Sarviaa War . 3 Bnana* af th* Mear. 3 Shlgwreeked la leebarga. 3 Th^rt at Ih* Seeret Cad*.... 3 Sgeetre at tha Sea. 2 Orivta Fraai Haai*. 3 Huaiaa Terlun* . 4 Giaat CIrcu* (^tadragh*.... 3 Cur* at tha Geldea Laad_ 3 Tragedy at tha Araaa. 3 Wild B*a*t* at Large.3 Uae.e Teal'* Cahl*. 3 Wh a ThI ve* Fall Out. 3 Dick Whittlagta* .3 Ualucky Hcr*i*ko* .3 Guimlla* at Algiar*. 3

Wilful Paggy . New Caaductar . Abeaat M laded Burglar . HI* Croaked Career. Haadaaai* Driver . Old Curioaity Shag .


A. C. L. FEATURE FII.M CO September— ‘JI-vKIks of Clay (drama) (two ree)*>..


5-The NifChtluKale (drama) (All-Sfar).. I'J—Ttie UaRieil Earl (drama) (Popular

Piaya A Players). 19—Sal<niy Jane (drama) (California)... ’26—Key to Yesterday (drama) (Favorite

Players) . November—

2—Path Forbidden (drama) (Excelsior).. 9—The Education of Mr. Plpp (drama)

(AllStar) . 16—Mrs. WlfCRS of the Cabbage Patch

(comedy-drama) (California) . 23—Michael Strogoff (drama) (Poitular

Plays & Players) . 80—Man Who Could Not Ix>8e (drama)

(Favorite Players) .

CoiTiiiicj, Octol>cr i:y



BooR It No'w FTorik Your Kxdiarifj*?'.

Some Good Territory Still Open.

COSMOS FEATURE FILM CORPORATION 126 Wars! 46ttt ^glrec-l. New York.

OCTOBER 10, 1914.*

ZS—Animated Weekly (newt) . SO—Animated Weekly (uewa) .

October— 7—Animated Weekly No. 1.14 (newa) ...

14—Aulmated Weekly No. 135 (news) ..


September— 12—Our Enemy’a Spy (drama) (three

reels) . 19—The Higher Ijw (drama) (two reel.) 26—Richelieu (drama) (four reels).

October— 3—I/ove and Baaeball (comedy) (two

reels) . 10—The Phantom Light (drama) (two

reels) ... 17—Monsieur Bluebeard (drama) (two reels)


■hptemtx'r— IS—Cattle (drama) . BO -A Uoae of Yesterday (drama) . 17—The Man In the Attic (drama* .

October— 4—Four Days (drama) .

11—^Tlie Greaser's Kevenge (drama). IS -In the Hollow of an Uak (drama)-


•eptember— 10—Dnlveraal Boy No. 5. 14—Sweetheart Dayg (drama) . 17—The Man Who Was Misunderstood (drama) (two reels) .

tl—Redemption (drama) (two reel*) - B4—Univeraal Boy—The Newsboys’ Friend 88—'Tie Dark Horae (drama).

Octobei — I—The Terth Commandment (drama)

(three reels) . B—nie Futility of Revenge (drama) (two

reels) . 8—Uniyersal Boy in Rural Adrenturet....

12—Mary’s Convert (drama). 15 -Tlie Futility of Revenge (drama) (two

reels) .


■eptember— 12—Jam and Jealousy (comedy). 19—l»ve and Graft (comedy) . IB—For the Hand of Jane (comedy) (split

reel) . IB—Heringsdorf (acenlc) (split reel) . IB—Love and Graft (comedy) (split reel). IB—H.!mp Industry, Y'ucatan. Mexico

(educ.) (spilt reel) . SB—StHtuetMiue Beauty (split reel) . 83—Jane’s Lovers (comedy) (split reel).. SO—The New Butler (comedy) .


3—In the Clutches of the Villain (comedy) 7—^The Countless Count (comedy).

10—^Tlie Cruel, Cruel World (com^y). 14 -Off .Again, On Again. Finiiigan (comedy) 17—Isive Disguised (comedy) .

NESTOR. Bepti-mher—

B—A Daughter of the Plains (drama)... 11—Feeding Mie Kitty (comedy <. IB—The Danger Line (drama) . 18—The Troublesome Wink (comedy). 23—The Half Breed (drama) . 21—Fruits and Flowers (comedy) . 30—The White Wolf (drama) .

October— 8—Gut of the Frying Pan (comedy) .... 7—The Old Bell Kinger (drama). B—He Never S*ld a Word (comedy).

14 -The Rice Induatry of U. S. (educ.)... 16—The Way of Life (drama).

POWERS. September—

II—Angel of the Camp (drama). 18—A Modern Melnotte (drama) (two

reels) . 80—A Prince of Bayaria (drama) (two

reels) . 25--Our lAnd of Gold (educ.) (split reel)

October 2— 2—The Actrea* (drama) . fl—The Mayor’* Manicure (comedy).

16—The Padrone’. Ward (drama) (two reel*) .

September— 8—The Bachelor’i Housekeeper (comedy)

(split reel) . 8—Wa* He a Hero? (comedy) (split reel)

15—A Joke on the Joker (comedy) . 22—^st Lynne In Rugville (comedy) ... 29—Charlie SoHike (comedy) (split reel).. 89 Belmont Butts In (comedy) (split

reel) .

October— •—Liferltia (comeily) .

13 Oh. You Gypsy Girl (comedy) (apHt reel) .

IS—8.ime CoUectori (comedy) (split reel)


September— a—B«iy (dramai (two reels).

13— For HI* Father’s IJfe (drama). 16—Adventures In Dlt>lomacy (drama)

(three reels) . 80—Son (drama) .. 88—The Aztec Treasure (dram)al (two

reela) . 87—Fate’s Finger (drama) . SO—nil the Rands of the Desert* Grow

Cold (drama) (two reels) .

Octobe'r— 4—The Man Who Came Bacit (drama)

(two reels). 7—The Secret Treaty (drama) (two reels)

11—The Quarrel (drama) . 14— Tin- Squatter (drama) (three reels)..


SgptemlxT— s—The Trey o’ Hearts—Series No. 6

(drama) (two reels) . IB—Tile Trey o' Hearts—Series No. 7

(drama) (two reel*) . 82—The Trey o’ Heart*—Serle# No. 8

(drama) (two reels) . 89—The Trey o’ Hesrt*—Serle* No. B—

(drama) (two reela) .

Oetotier— S—The Trey o’ Hearts—Serlea No. 10

(drsnia) (two reela) . 1.1—The Trey o’ Hearts—Series No. 11

(drama) (two re<‘lsl.





HELEISED ( ) OCI. 12th


’J1—The Dollar Mark (drama) .. 28—Mother (drama) .

Oetober— 5—A Gentleman From Mlaslaalppl (drama) 12—The Man of the Hour (drama).

In George Rroadhura't 5-i>art deplrllon of political (XjrruiMIuii,

“THE MAN HOUR" Arrange bookings on these featurig through



—Perils of Pauline No. 18 (drama) (two reel*) .

—The Other Kid’* Sister (comedy). —The Bond of Ijove (drama) (two reela) —The Money I-ender (drama) (four

reel*) . —While Fire Raged (drama) (five reel*) —Picturesque Zuercy, France (scenic)

(split reel) . —A Study of Birds (educ.) (spilt reel) —Max’s Feet Are Pinched (comedy)

(split reef) . —^The Y’alley of Jonte (scenic) (split

reel) . —Double* Bring Troubles (comedy)

(split reel) . —Prairie Doga (educ.) (spilt reel). —Black Roderick (drama) (two reel*).. —The Pawn of Fortune (drama) (Bve

reels) .

PICTURE PLAYHOUSE FILM CO., INC. September— 10—Des|wr*do of Panama (drama) (thre*

reel* I . 17—Lure of the Y'ukon (drama) (three

reels) .

LEWIS i. SELZNICK. VIoa-Pres. A Gea. Mgr. 130 WLST 46th ST.. NEW YORK.

23 Braache* Throughout th* U. S. 4 Caaada.

A MUSICAL SENSATION lit’ani four l>l(H’k8. GETS MORE BUSINESS tli.’iii a 1 W(-iity-pitY’(‘ lirass liaini Fiixv to play, cany t<( Imy. Write for partieiifarN.

I J. C. DEAGAN , Deagan Bldg., 1760 Barieiu Atra., Chicago, III.

PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION. September— 21—Such a Little Queen (drama) (Famous

Playera) . 24—Pursuit of Phantom (drama) (ILis-

wortb) . October—

6—Marta of the Ix>w1an<1 (drama) (Famon* Player*) .

12—Rose of the Ring (drama) (I.a*ky).... 15— Ariatoeraey (drama) (Famous Players) 19—The Hypocrite (drama) (Boaworth).. 2’J—^Tbe Battle (drama) (I.asky). 26—County Chairman (drama) (Famous

Players) . November—•

'J—Behind the Scene* (drama) (Famous Playera) .

9—Strictly Business (drama) (F'amous Playera) .

16— ^Boae of the Itancho (drama) (laiaky) 23—<’herkako. or Smoke Bellew Idraina)

(Boaworth) . 21—^Texaa (drama) (Lasky) . 30—Wlldllower (drama) Famous Playera).




OCTOBER 10. 1014





\ NICHOLAS POWER CO. J 90 Gold St., N. Y. City.

BAMO STTXOIO AT FLUSHINO. tun^d as an underatiidy to Mias Flacber. Prod Gamble playa tbe lead, and la aupported by

Joseph Harris and other stars. The sutject will be released October JO.

The “Flying A” company, under direction of Sydney Ayres, la working on a tender little

story. Sweet and Low, by .Miss Ruth Black, of the Scenario Department of tbe “Flying A.” The theme ia the power of a mother’s lullaby and the touch of a baby’s hand to awaken memories and restore happiness. Mr. Garwood plays the lonely man and his dream self, and Miss Vivian Rich portrays the wife of bis dreams.

Slice of Life is being produced under direction of Thos. Ricketts. Miss Winnifred Greenwood is cast as the girl in search of a “slice of life’’ for the story she wants to write; Ed Coxen as the man of the lost mem¬

ory. who helps to find It. Mis* Barton is the deserted wife, and Mr. Field the young phy¬ sician who finally wins Betty through his un- selfisfii devotion.

THROUGH THE LENS New York. Oct. 2.—The R.amo C<.>mpany, who

were forced to leave tlieir studio on 101 street on account of the fire regulations, have made arrangements to open a large new studio in Flushing, L. I. ’The studio building was form¬ erly an armory, measuring l.’iOxOO. The stage measures SOxOO and the light will be supplied by huge Owper-Hewltt lamps.

Gtwge Gebhard. head director, will be in full charge of the studio, and It is expected that Ramo productions will be well under way again very sliortly.

The Ranm Company has its own exchanges

located in various c'ties of tbe ITnited States, which are looking forward to the product of tbe new studio. I’residcnt Snow, of the Ramo Company, decided to go to Flushing rather than

Fort Lee after giving the subject much thought.

M. R. Hoffman, who was on tbe job when tbe their way, Mr. Von Raven is a well-known old World’s Si>ecial opened their doors for cameraman and Miss Kingdon will be remem- bualness, Is one of the bnslest little film men In bered as having played leads for some time captivity. At the World Film be works under svith Pathe. various beads, via.: Press agent, advertising manager, director transportation, director pub¬ licity, film editor. su|ierinteiMlent of posters and manager program de|>artment. Outside of attending to the mork attached with these titles be has nothing to do.

On Thanksgiving Eve, if the present plans of the Screen Club go through, there will be a ball held at tbe Gold ballroom of the Hotel Astor.

T. G Wiley of the Novelty SUde Co., celving the cxmgratulations of his friends,

is to l>e married October 28. trip to the Eaco Films winter quarters In

Florida is being contemplated by Edwin August, head proilucer. August intends to take a com¬ pany of twenty-five players with him and alsi^ ex|>ects to go to Bermuda to film a series of mythical ph<>to|ilays. A crew of stage bands

ind a scenario writer will accompany him. Pleasant trip to all of ye.

Through eating in our best high-class res- trauar.ts Mrs. W. H. Wright, wife of the presi¬ dent of the Excelsior Feature F'ilra Company, was attacked by ptomaine p<dsonlng. At one time site was in a very condition, but is now Well on the way to recovery.


New York. Oct. 3.—W. N. Wilson, prominent magazine llbistrator and i>oster expert, has been plac€*d at the head of the poster depart¬ ment of the World Film Corporation. General Manager Selznick la determined that tlie print¬ ing used by the World Film in advertising its releases shall be the finest available and no expense will be spared upon this new depart¬ ment. Mr. Wilson studied In England, Paris and Berlin and was for many years a poster expert for the largest lithographing establish¬ ment In Tngland.

New York, Oct. 3.^ohn B. Clymer, who. for the past year, has been with the Exclusive Supply Coris>ration. handling its publicity, and also that of the Great Northern Special. Films Lloyds, Film Releases of America, United Kean- ngraph and other companies. Is looking for tbe best Job he can find.

Clymer also bandied sales for some of tbe above accounts and came into tbe advertising and sales end of tbe film business when features began to blossom.

Harry R. Rave was responsible for his leav¬ ing The New York Herald to go to Gaumont. from whence he later went to Itala, there to assist Mr. R.aver. There Is not much about the feature business than John B. does not know. Under such heads as Herbert Blache, Joseph R. Miles and Harry R. Raver he learned the business from the bottom up. and John is there particularly when it comes to designing posters, writing ads, selling features or writing sub¬ titles. Anyone who cares to secure the services of a go,id man, whole or part time, will find it to their advantage to get in touch with Clymer at 220 W. Forty second street. New York.

Tlie camera grlndera wlli knock off work a little earlier on Haturday, October 10, In order

to straighten out their ‘‘soup and fish" and make general preparations for tbe reception and . dance on that evening of ’The Cinema Camera Club. The affair will be held at Pabst C<dlseum on East llOth street and big (B'lngs are expected.

Alec Ijorlmore, who has been w-lth the Boi- Offlee Attraction Company for some time, and fi'rmerly of the Gaumont Company, now an- m'unccs that he will go into the producing end of the tiuslneHs, making a specialty of comedies.

An (iifice in room 6d5, World’s Tower Building, has Ix-eii opeiubl by .A. H. Bomb, formerly with Kennedy Features, for buying and selling nega¬

tive and iwsitive prints. MIGMOM ANDERSON LOSES FATHER. The World Film Cor|ioratlon will open branch

• •flii-es in Brooklyn ami Newark under the gen¬

eral direction of 11. G. Segal. Business de¬ mands It.

New York. Oct. 3.—Frank Anderson, well known as a tenor for a period of twenty-five years, serving in oi>era, on the dramatic stage

and in vaudeville, died In his home In New York City recently. Mr. Anderson was known professionally as Frank Armstrong, and the father of Mignon Anderson, leading woman with Thanliouser. He was secretary of Bnwklyn

Isvlge. No. ,30. T. M. .A., and a member of Charter Oak I.odge, F. A A. M.

Contracts have heen closed by Harry C. Drum, general Western representative of the World Film

Corporation, to place all the Shui>ert and Brady releases for that firm with the Princess Theater, Denver, and the contract calls for the similar ser'lci-s for the rehiaining Primesg houses in

Colorado and I'tah.

i’hli (Ilelehman. w1k> was a large sbykholder In tlie World Fllih (Virporatlon. announces that he b IS sobl his holdings. He has further plans oil fia.t which will lie announceil later in The Blllls ard.

In the moving an'imd of tlie Universal staff Joe Brandt Is now- occupying the general man¬ ager’s chair In the absence of J. C. Graham, who is making the rounds of the I'niversal ex- cliniigos. Joe’s lone experience with tlie Univer¬

sal CVmpany fits him well for thla poaltk’n.

Hal August, who, for two yegra. waa a valu- atile member of tbe Uiilveraal West Coast studio.

Was one of the early memliert to enlist under tl'c Eai-o banner. When Edwin August left the U to form hla own pr»Mlueltig conii>an.T he Im ■iiiHlistely atgiied up Hal and placeil him among

tile leading players, of hit cvimpaiiy.


Da.vlight la a two-part production from the “Flying ,A’’ studios under direction of Thos. Ricketts, with Winnifred Greenwoo,! and Ed

Coxen playing leads. It Is the third of the series following In the .Moonlight and In the FIreliglit. .A simple story of love is dramatic¬ ally nvited In Da.vlight. Release October 1!).

In the comedy. Dad and the Girls, by tbe .American Bcanty studios. Miss Mincer is fea-

Huiiter Bennett, manager of the World Film Coriyiriition. spent last week in Chicago, lisiking over the doings in that office, lie returns by «ay of Detroit and Cleveland, stepping a day In each town to visit the local managers of the Wswld Film there.


II M. Von Raven an.I llorothy Kingdon. who New York aoiiie time ago to join the Call-

"riilx M. p <»o., are bark In tlie big Tillage. l”e y n-tiirneil by way of the Panama Canal, and hill'll several of the South American cities on

Recent nporta state that the United Statea Feature Film Co., which is at present located at Chico, Cal., have decided to move their en¬ tire plant to Orovlile.


X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1014.



the jusx off the press



The recognized, standardized, buying guide for Exhibitors. A com- prehensive catalog of Machines, Appliances and Accessories involved

suppUes m the presentation of Moving Pictures.




L KO COMEDIES They Have Arrived.

"LOVE AND SURGERY" 1* Uie title or the first IrrcsUtlble fun-mskcr.


When you meet the sentir at the door of htlslnrtis prospeflU' "L-KO Ol>MEl)Ifi8’* Is one of roor best peas-words. Psthe Lehr- sun. the ereslor of the L-K<) comedies, him¬ self sppeeis In “LOV'E AND SlTRtJEKV.'* tJeTtnnh- Selbjr Slid rotund Henry Itercman sIk help to keep you coiiTulsed. Tlien there Is Billie Ritchie, the best knock-shout come- dlsii In the world. He will be another bl2 feature of L-K<» comedies. Order "IXIVE AN1> SflUJiatY" now, snd then you wlU orter erery L-KO oomedy ss released.




Introdudnt bewllchln* MARY d’lJ>KR for the first time to the I'NIVERKAL patrons. "THK WITfH r.lRL” Is s vttsl drama, which grips throogh erery scene. There will be s Mary Fuller picture released erery other week. You can't afford to miss one of tliem. Miry Kullte Is the most talked of, written of. and best sdrertlsed star In Miw- liig Itctures today. Unlrerssl plays featur¬ ing her will allow you the reason.




Ask your patrons which they prefer, a one-reel picture of "UtUe Mary,” or a great big "fiature." costing you TEN TIMES AS MffH, and Oiw will say "IJttle Mary" rXAVlMtK'RLY. "Uttle Man" la help¬ ing to pack the houses of PnlTeraal eahlblt- ora ererywhere. Are you taking adrantage of the opportunity f Order now the plcturea made by the old "Imp" when Mary Pick- ford was at her best.




Rerl drama. J. Warren Kerrigan.


Cleo Madison and George Larkin.


Ree-l dr. Edna Payne and Bob Fraaer.

IMP. Oet. IS.—“FUTILITY OF REVENGE." 2-Reel dr. Dorothy Phllllpt and Alex.


WARD." 2-Reel dr. Edna Mtlaoo.

101 BISON. Oct. 17.—"MUXSIEL'R BLUE¬ BEARD" 2-Rcel dr. Murdock Mac-



2-Keel dr. Anna Little and Herbert Baw-


Universal Film Manufacturing Company

CARL LAEWLE, Prealdent.

1600 Broidtii, NEW YORK CITY.


THE HAH nr THE CELLAH. I (la Fiva Farta.)

By FUma Uoyd, lac.

Thli la the aecoad release of the Webb De-

noticing the gold which the bo.vs are carrying, ihCti plana to rob them while on their way to the Statea, Tlie lorera plan to elope, and Ixin prom- laea to place a light In the window when ahe la Talophona

ready. The gambler learns of their intentkina Mid. Sq. 720 and Imprisons the girl while be lures her sweet-

Manhattan Slide & Film Go. Laboratory: 346 Woat 40th Stroot

Now soliciting High-Grade Printing, Developing 1 and Titling. Deliverieu aa proin- iaed. ::::::::


23 E. 26tb St.,l.r.a. tective Series, and preseuta another ^pplng photoplay that rtould hare no trouble In hold- ing an audience on e^-e up to the final miemh in thl, the clever author ha. pres^ted a motion ^

picture subject of more than ordinary worth. Action 1. furnished in atuodance and dramaUc moment, are plentiful during the unrayellng

of the complicated mystery, to say nothing of deserts.—GRID. other aurpriaea. The entire story baa been

cleverly woven together In a manner that la THE KEY TO TESTERDAT.

most effective. (In Four Parts.) lYie picture has been produced In Europe, ap- _

parently Germany, and one of its chief merits Produced by Faworite Players Co.

la the manner In which the play has been put - on. The sets have been arranged with a lavish THE CAST:





Fet Las. Naw iaraay. IRawitlTa OBtoaa: til Lopgaera Bldg., Waw Talk CUy.

ROAD MENI LOOK! FILMS! BIB BAB6AINB FOB BUMMER PROBRAHA Big ahlpasent of up-to-dau Blngls Raela and TV*-

band wherever neceasar.T, and nothing has been Maraton. the artist .Carlyle Blackwell i^Jj^or^ekAangT** Wrlt?*toda^***^ ***** ^*1*' overlooked In giving the picture the desired Carter, the revolutionist .Carlyle Blackwell GENERAL FILM BROKERS. atmoapbere. The icenea are of unusual depth Rodman, the revolutionist .J. F. Dillon '*• Waaklaftaa Bt., Olaaga, III,

and the lighting is of a quality that la seldom Robero .John Prescott duplicated in onr American films. Like the Puska Fllson .Kdna Mayo ne Buy and Sell Second-Hand author, the producer of this picture deserves George Steele .John J. Sheehan l^rsvlnf) PKrf-llPa \for>Val*kam great credit. The plK)tography Is also of the This Is the Initial release of the Favorite * *''’•**6 * IK-A 111 C iVAUClllIlC»

highest order, and a dual role is handled cleverly Players Company an<i also the first pmdnctlon and Film A through double exposures, which In themselves to be exploited under the newly organised Al- «»kk»k a AikkAO

present higb-claaa camera and laboratory work, nance Films Corporation. lliCWXrBKI ril kJ Bneaier The cast Inclodea a capable collection of Th* photoplay la adapted from Charles Nevine WESTERN FILM BROKERS

players, beaded by Max lands In the dual Ruck's story of the same name by Roliert A. 070 l a <-ixvo »,, , role and Ernest Belches as the detective. Both Dillon, and presents a solendld motion nlemrai vkaDahn Avenue, LHIC.AGO, ILL. the principals are easily up to standard and subject owing to Its unusual amount of dramatic

take good care of the work entrusted to them, action, woven together in a manner that will ijn^Hotln PIctiri Hicklit-iirititt


take good rare of the work entrusted to them. I action, woven together in a manner that will IIPKIII-Motloi Ptmri mcilM-Biniin receiving able support from the minor char- | easily bold an audience. The story has been ■ •ctera. aptly handled for the acreen pry-««n and

The itory concerns the disappearance of Lord has been ably portrayed, both from a technical (poetage. So addlUonall; rSc U>.; l^ni^^ndwueti. Thomas Bawson and hla lm|>ersonation by a as well as a dramatic stai>d|H>lnt. The .tlrector YAm** LUBIN REPAIR

crook who reaembles him. 1/ird Rswson Is an liss gone to particular i>alns to give the pic- PRICE LISTBUPW RBQUGS^** OBBCRIPTIVE' officer in the srm.v. snd is asssulted in bis home ture the <y>rreot atmosphere with an admirable /''U AC ‘u r g. g. . by a band of thieves who steal government result and the various aceues have lieen staged UHAS. H, BEN N E I I , papers and make him prisoner. TYie detective with the idea In mind of giving the spyrv the ** Nartk Ninth Btrast. PklladtlhMa. Pw finds him In a cellar and gradually geta on the proper backgrounds legardless of cost. The trail of the crooks, finally running them down story enilstdles several countries and in each FOn SALE.

after many adventures and delivering them at case the director has repnklueed the haekgrounds No. 4 Moving Picture Camera

police headquarters. A clever bit la Intro- with much realism: In fact, there Is no partieu- * fa ’ V IT^fa diiced when the thieves ah>wt at the detective lar Indicathm that the plcturea were is>t taken JL A a W in the dark, nsiug bis lighted cigar aa a target. In the larioua countries included in the play. * liarirhiR if vnii w ♦ On lighting up the room they find that the cigar The work of the players la easily in keeping y ^ ODP.

is fastened on ttie wall and the detective gone, with the other good qualifications of the pic- INDUSTRIAL M0VIH6 PICTURE CO. The play runs along at a rapid pace. and. all ture. Carlyle Blackwell, tte former Famous 221 W F • %a a r'U

, In all. the exploiters have been fortunate In Players star, appears In a dual role for wrtilch ** ChlCM^fP I digging out The Man In the Cellar.—PETE. hla nitiiral qualiflcationa fit him especially. |

THE LURE OF THE TUKOH. (In Three Parts.)

By The Picture Playhouse Co., Inc.

in me various countries Included In the play. a M,,-.:- :/ „„

The work of the player. I. easily In kcpln, . .. .i ***^"* '* ®"‘‘-

with the other good qualifications of the pic- INDUSTRIll H0YIII6 PICTURE CO. ture. Carlyle Blackwell, tte former Famous '»•>'» la' IT-. c. . es. Players star, appears In a dual role for which

hla nitnral qualiflcationa fit him especially. QlRfilllS IB P|| MS IBD tflBB tl IRE* Many dramatic opportunities are offen-.l the star •■..DRUOBli* II rlLMd tIU SUIB bLIOcI...

and bis sterling ability st.nd. him In good i?:

stead at all times. In aiipD'rt of tie- leading per set, with buMcl Send postal for Uau. player are R.lna Ma.vo. the pretty anl capable Barvlce furnlihed at lawiat prtoM la tba Boutfc. pla.ver. and J. F. Dillon, another efflcW BuppUaa. Bargains In naw and teoaod-haad M. P

Machlnaa and Oaa-Maklng Dutllta. Macbloas aa^


mvtTTTax artist, figefher with John J. Sh.-ehan ami John outfiu of aU tdmM baughL Yffhal hava yowt P a lilt, LASI. Prescott, in other important characters. BYMt IITI, Now Orleans. La.

.William A. WllUama ihe early scenes tell Isiw Marston. the artist.

.Waiter W'elr nimes t« take a trip to Ameriia. leaving hla PAC§kI|1H DI MW (Tlie Brothers.) wife behind. He la waylaid by rold>era. wbo ■■■■■■» ■ ■•••■WIi I kH I

lou. the Gambler's Daughter.. .Queenie Martell bmve him unconscious, a blow on the head Ouaractaad aaodltlaa. 01 J. MDRPBT, Caribou Bill, the Gambler ."Caribou BUI” causing hU total loss of memory. After five _

The Picture Playhouse Film Oompauy has an- yenra Marsfn la recognised by Senor Role-po. a —_ WANTED — other multiple reel subject of merit in The Lore South American Amhassa<lor. aa Carter, the Will buy Pilaw, kidaatrlal or War ptoturva. Miwt be

of the Yukon, which will compare favorably revolutionist, snd a series of complb-atlons arise ^iSia^DB. **B.**TL*^Bo*XXAXinri*xr***** witli the three-reel subjects of the better Class, wlilch force the artist to go to Sontli America Kansas. ' * ‘

The productlou presents a melodrama of the to prove he is not the revolutionist. He la fol- Arctics snd displays many pretty wenea of tbe lowed by Dnska Fllaon. with wlfom he has fallen North where no signs of habitation have yet ap- <n love, and she arrives to learn that he has ■ Iw^SlHk peaied. For backgrounds the producers have proved Ids Inmicence, On tvnard the Isiat bound —_ _

selected appropriate scenes to give the desired New Y'vrk Marston meet, R.Hlman. a revolu- Qnund fl«. 1C. P. JCa^ne *01 **W***^ color to the subject an<| able work on the part tlonlst and learns that a new rcT<dntinn will YOli.xo, Itwiier. ranprr City. III. of the director la In evidence tbriiuglsmt. break o»it. A wire telU Marston that hla sweet-

For Rent The Columbian Dprva Rnuw. for owrlng ptctunSL Ofound floor. 1C. P. Machine In bouir. W. 8.

of the director la In evidence tbriiuglsmt. break o»it. A wire telU Marston that hla sweet- The dramatic at'7y Is effectlrely portrayed heart Is In Puerto FYI«>. where the revointlon I*HOXOI*I_AYIYRIOHXS

on the ,>art of the cast, aa well aa the producer, will break out that night, and he ls>ard* a wS7tiXO*1ri‘.B’"TUE S^lucT’ivlM inriT^lJj W’llllam W. Williams. In the principal role, ap- boat returning to tie place he came fVom. and all nurkru for photoplays. $1 a cvifw. ticnd $1 pears to good advantage and offers a splendid When he arrives the trouble has already started. ^*'"'*“** Wrttm. wrlle llaya and Hkrtctifw for

characterliatlon. Queenie Martell plays op- and. after being Injured, he la placed on a nm 1^. CTAOe!''S“k”l (^bl/."wlth liUw“ poalte Williams in the part of the gambler's steamer hound for France, wliere hla memory Is tlooa and marhKa, all for tl. Big dmand. Goa<l daughter and presents the typical girl of tbe finally restored. .Lt la«t he finds the lock that ?? GAMBLE. North. Tlie part of Carllsin Bill la portrayed fits the key he has tieen carrying with him dnr-

with equal onclency, and Walter Weir appears Ing hla manv adventures, and also meets hla We Buy. Sell and Rent acceptably In a part that does ml afford him sweetheart Dnska. Rememtiertng hla wife, he Rwamd-Hand Plctura Machines. Pllma and Chain,

any particular opportunities to display dramatic mahea to hla former home to learn that ahe g ^Oaartora* «**R^m**75 ^***BAN^B^. talent. hca Jiiat died, ami the snectator la left to form

While the photography la not of the heat, when Ms own conclnalon of the story. lOQ REELS FILM —I'asteni, good condition, $2 to tfi

one considers the difficulties under which the >lany prettv forest scenes have been selected hI^fruar**huaUiaIm^*MVDTAXI>* BuT'I’LT *00 ''av'^'

We Buy. Sell and Rent

■ iwww Miww H I tX’hlle the photography la not of the heat, when Ha own conclnalon of the story. lOfl REELS FILM—I'oaten

one considers the difficulties under which the Many prettv forest scenes have been selected hI^fruar**huaUiaa8.*^'MIDT pictures were taken In the cold climate the re aa hackzroiinds. and good plmtograpliy enhances llllnoto.

Road Show SI 00 00 suit ol.talned la entirely acceptable. the picture at all times. All in all the Fa- •—asa*^^™*™™ F^^^kUdlfne complete and guuwntid. fitted’for J"* brr.thera wbo win fortune by rorlte Player, and the Alliance Film, may well DaoIc F gaa and e'ertrldty; Leader Gas Making Outfit. Trunk, a lucky cliance IB the North and return to the cff'Td I0 present The Key to Yesterday as a a*a*H9 ■ Hlldea, Curtain. S.OOO feet Ilcturm. WlU ^d jttgt, h. While on tbe trip one of them falla in high-elaaa .ample of what they have to offer.— Good reels from |I #• and )«1 to ex.minatlw on d^lt of II«.00. B. O. WCT- ^ gambler'a daughter. Tbe gambler, PETE. ANCB FIIJ* HERVICX. I MORE. 2 Park Square, Bostoo. Maaa.

Reels For Sale I tm. Bend for llaL RBJ- Houx Falla, 8. D.

B •1

OCTOBER 10, 1914. 53 e B

ALLIANCE PROGRAM A combination of the world’s greatest feature photoplay producers in a direct-to-exhibitor co-operative

booking plan which insures to the better theaters an absolutely dependable source from which to secure BIG FEATURES for 52 weeks of the year.


Oct. 12—THE KEY TO YESTEROAY, Faiorite Players, Carlyle Blackwell Oct. 19—THE PATH FORBIOOEN, Excelsior, Octaila Handworth Oct. 26-AT THE OLO CROSS ROAOS, Select, Estha Wlllians Not. 2—(To Be Annouiced) Not. 9—(To Be Annouiced)

Not. 16—The Man Wio Could Not Lose, FaTorlte Players, Carlyle Blackwell Not. 23—the SHADOW, Excelsior, OctaTii Handworth Not. 30—(To Be Announced) Dec. 7—AN UNFINISHED STORY, FaTorlte Players, Carlyle Blackwell Dec. 14—WHEN FATE LEADS TRUMP, Excelsior, OctiTia Handworth



Watch for Announcement Giving List of Exchanges Handling This Program,

ALLIANCE FILMS CORPORATION. )K.°! 126W.46thSt., Riw York City.

NOTICE TO THE TRADE: The productions of the Favorite Players Film Co., Inc., will be released exclusively through the Alliance Films Corporation. Our first subject

In the Alliance Program will be

“The Key to Yesterday” A strong, stirring, four-part feature of exceptional merit, plcturlzed from the book by Charles Neville Buck (scenario by Robert A. Dillon),


CARLYLE BLACKWELL In the leading role, supported by J. Francis Dillon, Miss Edna Mayo, John J. Sheehan, John Prescott, Gypsy Abbott, and one hundred others.


FAVORITE PLAYERS FILM CO.. INC.. 11C W. 40th St., New York City.

SPECIAL NOTICE: The Select Photoplay Producing Co., Inc., will release all Its feature films through the ALLIANCE FILMS CORPORATION. The first subject is


IVfISS ESXHA W^ILLIAlVfS In her original role of Parepa, supported by Mrs. Stuart Robson, Arthur Morrison, Miss Rae Ford, Master Martin, and a large cast. This play was shown for fourteen consecutive seasons by Arthur C. Alston, covering every State in the Union, and has repeatedly broken box-office receipts in high-class theaters. It is probably the best-known play in America, and its tremendous heart appeal is thoroughly known,


SELECT FEATURE PHOTOPLAY CO.. INC..71W. 23rd St., New York City. S. G. LINDEMAN. Treasurer. > :

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The Excelsior Feature Film Co., Inc., will release all Us subjects through the Alliance Film Corporation, beginning with

“The Path Forbidden” Dramatized from the book by John B. Hymer, In five parts. An intensely human Interest production, wonderfully acted, with

OCXAVIA HAIMDWORXH The peerless star of the silent drama In the leading role, supported by Gorden De Maine, William A. Williams, John B. Hymer, and a large cast.

-MARVELOUS SCENES- Are presented. In exquisite photography, which will caii.>«e audiences to sit spellbound In wonder and amazement. Through trick work and double exposure Miss Handworth. .playing the dual role of the twin sisters, is actually seen shaking hands with herself, and handing to, and taking from herself various articles, both figures being photographed close to the camera.* This work has been pronounced by experts the most Intricate ever attempted, and this is the first time in the history of motion pictures that the feat has been accomplished.


EXCELSIOR FEATURE FILM CO.. INC..110 W. 40th St.,{PNew York City. HARRY H.\NDWORTH, l»rc8. .\RTHCR ROSEN B.VCH, Sales Mgr. WM. H. WRIGHT, Treas.

X ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.


To Be Filmed

Prominent Music Publishers Form Treble Clef Co.—To

Release Two Subjects Weekly

New York, Oet. 5.—Two prominent men In the niusic piiblisbing hneineu hive started in What might be termed the Rim game, and their new btiBln<‘*a la making motion pictures of cele¬

brated song writers, such as Henry Waterson, I»uls RemMein and Irving Berlin. The aoN Jecta are to be in l.OOO foot lengths, the lirst

two feet of which are to be comedy, written around the writer of the aoug, and the last 400 feet to be devoted to motion pictnrea depicting tbe story of the song. Something along this

Idea baa been attempted by some of the film manufacturers and has been comparatively sue- cesafiil. However, such an organisation as tbe

Treble Clef organisation, backed up by well- known men In the song publishing business and ssporienced men in tbe film bnaineaa, should create the most popular brand of this class of pictnrea.

It is the Idea of the Treble Clef people to sell State rights and to let each man controlling each territory to his own bookings instead of

doing them from tbe home oIBce. All rights to motion pictures of the snnga issued by this

company are held by the Tretle Clef kiotion lictore Complsy, Inc. No esi>ense will he

' spared in their production. The plan as out¬ lined will constitute two releases weekly. The offleera of the company are Henry Waterwm. ITcaldeiit; l-onia Bernslein, Treasurer, and Harry Cohn, general manager. Mr. Waterson is conn<-cted with the Brin of, Berlin h gnyder. Mr. Bernstein is conn'-tiHl with the Rbaplro, Bernstein & Company, and Mr. Cohn has until recently br-en connected with ttie Universal Klim Manufacturing Company, and Is a brother of Jack Cohn, e<litor of The Animated Weekly.


W'ashington, Oct. 1.—Tlie nes- shipping safety regulations for moving picture Aims took effect today. As |ier order of the Interstate Com¬ merce Commission, tteginnlng today motion pic¬ ture Aims can not be shlpi>ed eacept in tightly closed metal cases inclosed in a strong, spark- proof w<sMlen box, or in spark-proof boxes made of aheet-lron.

Fbrmerly, under the law's regulation. Alms could be shlp|ie<l In Bber Isrard cases. Tlie new Rim regulations are part of those governing

shipment of explosives and other dangerous articles,


Chicago, t)ct. 3.—An advance showing of The Blue Flame, a S«'llg Hetective Drama, was given Friday at the company's private exhibition rooms. It is a two-re<-I subject featuring Stella

Kaseto and Guy Oliver. The story is well acted and Is full of tense situations that will hold and thrill an audience. The plot shows

tbe workings of a crime syndicate and how they are foiled in carrying out one of their robberies by the cleverness of the detective. Their system for distinguishing one another in tbe dark is by means of pocket AaSb lights Btted with special blue lens.

The thread of the story is woven about tbe attempt to rob George Garvey, a wealthy Jew¬ eler, and the means employed by Dick IJttle, the detective, to foil the conspirators.

The Blue Flame will be released October 19.


New York. 0<*t. 8.—The formation of the Al¬ liance Films Corporation, as announced In the last Issue of The Billboard, marks the entrance of another of high class In tbe moving picture

Beld. The policy of the new organisation Is a co¬

operative one, the manufacturer to derive his proBts from a percentage of tbe bookings. The Alliance's plan will eliminate entirely the sale of State rights and the manufacturer will not be able to make any money -unless his Alms can earn It. None' of tbe manufacturers are In¬ terested in the exchanges and the Alliance can not therefore l>e InAuenced to release a picture that Is not of the highest grade.

A rotating committee apiminted by tbe ex¬ changes will paas upon the Alms, and the ex¬ changes will know in advance the quality of tbe Alms they will handle.

The oiilcers of the .Mllance Films Corpora¬ tion are George West, of West Brotiiers' Knit¬ ting Co., Syra<-use. N. Y., president, and An¬ drew J. Cobe, vice president and general man¬ ager. Tlie directors are William H. Wright. George West. A. J. C-obe and M. H. Blackwell. The Favorite Players Co., the Excelsior Feature Film Co. and Select Pbotoidays Co. will be among tbe manufacturers siipfilylng the new program. Tbe Arst release mill be The Key to












570 W. llandulph St., C/hicago, - - - - III.



KASTKK.N' OFFK'K 21 E. 14th St., New York.

WE.STEKX tIFFK'E Market St.,

San lYaneihet).

Yesterday, released October 12. featuring Carlyle Blackwell, produced by the Favorite ■ 'layers. Tbla will be followed by Tbe Path Forbidden, featuring Octavia Handwortb. by the Excelsior Feature Film Co.. release<l Octo¬ ber 19, and On tbe Old Croat Road, featuring Estha Williama, by tbe Select Co., October 26.

"There la not an element of ‘forced program' in our entire orgaoiiation." aaid General Man¬ ager Cobe. ‘‘Every manufacturer must continu¬ ally strive for quality. A franchise in the .\1 liance does not mean that a producer who Is fortunate enough to get In can turn out fof)t- age to carry out tbe terms of his eontraet. but he must produce real features and our atau'lard ia high."


New York, Sept. 30.—Max Linder, tlie prom¬ inent Patlie eometlian. mat killed In tlie l>attle of Aisne, it is ie|>orted. The oomcslian was ts>rn at Bordeaux, Franee. years ago. Though one of the highest salaried men on the M. P. stage, with everything to live for. when tlie rail eame to Aght be imnu-diately Joined his eoniitryiiien and entered tlie rciiks.

Linder, lieaides being one of Europe's neist popular stars, wrote bis own seenarlos and di¬ rected his own productions.


New York, Oct. 3. -Beginning Oclolier 6 the (leneral Film Company will release a new brand to be known as ‘‘Odiimbua Films.'' Tbe new brand will present comedies which will be produced under tbe direction of Joaeph levering.

mlw has been IdentlBed rndth the proluetion of comedies for some time.

Marian .Smayne, the former alar of Janie-) Montg)imery Flagg'a famous .kdveutiires of Kitty Cobb, will be featured In the coming re leas)-s. the Aral of which m-lll be What Woul)l You I>oT

Columbus Films will release two come<lles each Thursday and one or tmo s|ieclal features each fortnight. Ibitli Mr. I.ever1ng and Mlaa Swayne have been eonneeteii with the motion pii'ture game some time, having apfieared In leaillng roles In many features of various pro- during companies. Pell Mitchell la putillcity man for tbe Coliimbna Films.


New York, Oct. 5.—Saturday. October 3. saw the most exciting election In the Si-reen Club's career. Nearly every meinlier mho was mlthln a flay's malk of New York came In to east Ills vote. The reconia slew that in the election of 1913 one liiindred and eight hallota mere east, but this year s.> miieh Interest mas er*-at)*d tliat 2'2S meinlM-ra left their variona oeeiipatlnns to register their voles. The iiolls m-ere ot>ened lietmwn 3 and 9, and the tellera mere pretty busy during tliat time. Tbe Anal count mas not given out until 10 o'el(K-k.

The results announced mere am followa- James Ktrkm.sKl, Prealdeiit; Ben Wilson. First Vice.

Jiresblcnt; Doe Willat, Second Vice president; diaries Baumann, Third Vlee.|irealdent; Bill Barry. Torresiionding Secretary; Paul SeanVm. Heeordlng S<-eretary; George Blalsd-ll, Treaa nrer, and Board <f Governors Jake Gerbardt, King Baggot. Jack Biirnsfeln and Frank Pomell.

Gwirge Blaisdell r*-<-elved the greatest nuin her of vt)l)-s, hiving a total of 203. Next In

pipnlarlty mas Jake Gerlianlt mitb IDS, fol- lomi-il by ex I'resUlent King Baggot, mbo polled


Tlie Arst produetkiii of the American Stand¬

ard .Motl>iu Picture C<>r|»>ratiuu, mUoae ottti'es are In the Toiisuiuera Building, Chicago, lias Just Ims-ii (smipletrd and mill be released at an early date. It Is a one n-el ounetly, entitled

Home, Smeel H•lme, featuring Frank .Minor, .Mr. .Minor playi-d In Neptemlier .Morn during liie past M--.ison and also apiH-artsI In several t-oiiM-dy imidurtloiia of tlir Melig Uiiiii|iany. ILuiio, Sweet Houie, will be Bdlumed by oilier one re«‘l tsuiiedles, Itieludliig He Tnetl "lo Be Brave and Tlie i'liaiitoiii i'raiii|i, all bi lie known as tbe Frank .Minor brainl. .Saniiuel tjuiiin It president of the American Standanl Company, which was formed Just a few neuilha ago. M.

S. Watkins, manager of pissluctiiiiia, states Hist the Frank Mimir (S>Diediea ihi not isiiistltute the only brand of Aim to be released by thia company. Another pr<Mlucing rom|>aiiy la bi-Ing formed to make features adaptetl from iMqiular books and plays, reveral of which have already been aelecleil. Anonuncement will be mad* concerning these at an early date.


New York, Oct. 2.—They do say that all de¬

partment lieada and employees of tlie Centaur factories and studio at Bayonne have lieen or¬ dered t<i ri-port one hour earlier ami t<i remain at their work one hour later eacli day until fur¬ ther m'tlee.

It Is explained tl at Mr. .Stork ia the reason for tlie alsive. Ina-iiiueh as Mr. Horsley's fam¬ ily has in<-reased ami the i-ost of living is at present BO bigli tliat an iiieri aae<l Ineorae m'ill lie iiei-essary lo nii*et tie deniaiMla of the new Horsley. It's a boy and arrive)! on the same day as the contracts which sellle<l the arrange¬ ments for tl>e Tentanr comedies to be release)! tbrougb the General Klim Company were signed.


New York, Oct. 1.—,\moiig the J)idgments Bled 0,-to|s-r I in New York County wa- oiie against Ai«.-)i. !ne . for Alel by \|. L. Barret A CM.


Chli’Sgo. 0,-1. ‘2.— In order to give a practiral deneinstrathin of the value of attrai'tlve niusic in piotun- Heaters, as well as to get Arsl-liand Inbirmatioii regarding any poasibilllies that they might lie able to work out for tlie bi-neBt of their dealers. Hie Seebiirg i’lano Co. leased

the Carmen Theater, rsxvi Broadway, and, after renexleliiig Hie lioiise and making It one of the most atfrai-Hve Hwaten) on the North Slile. gave a formal ogieii iig .Svtiinlay evening. Sep- tenils r 'J)!. Tliey inst ille<l one of Hielr |arg)*st sire Siehiirg M'dlon I'leture Players, ami, al- H-ongh the iH'iise lias )iiil.v I t-en u|M‘n one week, l ave alieady proven Hie r assertion tliat by I av!ng a su|stHr attracHon of this kiml a

small theater can Is- playe-l to full eapaelty at all Hni-a. Before Hie Carim n was tsken over by Hie Seelui.'g l*isn,i Co. If wss o|ierate<l as a Bve-reiit lumse. Tliey liave raised ti e admission

to ten lents. and Hie Isms)- l as Is-en Ailed at every perbirniaiiee since tlie o|s>liing.


Clilevgo, (b-t 2. Cliarles C. Pyle. Chicago manager )if tlie Bartola Musii-al Instrument Co., will leave Saturday night fop Waterhiiry. Conn.,

where he will atteml tl-e Barb-la o|s-iilng at roll's Tlieater. bi Is* held Moiiilay ev<-nliig. Cb-tolier Before returning to Chicago Mr. I’vle will mske a trip throiigli all tlie prinripal cities of tl e East.


VIor pnMldrtit and getirral iiMiiagcr ig the re- reiilly fiimusi Atllaiife Klim CurporatltMi.


i A

OCTOBER 10, 1914. Xtie eill t»oar d 55

Somelliing Hew and Novel At Last GRAB YOUR TERRITORY QUICK

The latest creations of the most celebrated song writers of the world in motion pictures.

Produced by the well-known motion picture directors with a cast of high-salaried artists.

Every picture is composed of a prelude introducing the composers in a dramatic or comic interpolation of how the song was inspired and how written, then with a proper cue, the story of the song itself continues on the film to the accompaniment of a singer. (Don’t worry about the singer—if the house you book has no regular one, we will tell you how to get them.)

Ever since the first trial, showing of one of our subjects “The Fatherland, The Mother¬ land, The Land of My Best Girl” by MacDonald and Carroll (writers of “Trail of the Lonesome Pine”) at Hammerstein’s, New York, we have been deluged with requests from managers, booking agents and picture houses to arrange dates; but in order to properly and systematically distribute the greatest novelty on the stage, we have turned them all down. This is an attraction that can be booked solid in every vaudeville house and then over again in moving picture houses.

Sure-Fire Motion Picture Novelty Will Clean Up for You We want a live wire, high-class States right buyer in your territory to book dramas and

comedies which will be produced around the latest popular song hits written and to be written by the leading song writer.*;.

All the good songs are controlled by us and the best writers of songs are writing for us all the time.

The production of these motion picture songs will be the best money can buy and ingenuity turned out. They will tear the house down with applause—that’s why we want to sell restricted territory-so our production will receive proper distribution and showing.

THE RIGHT PRICES TO THE RIGHT MAN will issue two releases weekly—the most popular hits by popular writers only-

ill run 800 to 1,000 feet. We

films will


154 West 46th Street, HENRY WATERSON, Pres.


Gan Rs Seen at Hammersteln’s week October 12th.

m j3il


Where the Crowds Are Always Streaming In

Circus News WILL WINTER IN PERU. ^ rorfcrOinoki are luat on* nf

th« liratlirr .Nutrltlm wr carry 111 atii'k fi*' I'alr Wuram, etc.

alMi tiare a nuiat fliilaharf line Norrlllre fur llrnuMi* atralure, lltclimcn. Ilaip La l*<u|>lr. He. Ihrra b anr- thliif you you may r«at auumi we can not act U fur you no one eUe can. Moat at Ihe boya oomr to ut flrat, aiwl

ir you want to aare youraelf time, worry and moutt you will do the aamc.

Imported giaeU are acaree. but we are In a pied* Uun to nil all ordrra protnptly, aa heretoTore, witli only a allcht adrance In prtcea. We cater to guanUty uacn only—coiiaumeci, aare atampa.

ArranKenicute have beet) rum|>l>*te4 for tba MrluttTiUK of both of Jerry MuKlvan'a ahowa at tbe Wallace Karui, at 1‘cru, lad. Rd Knupp, Keiirral axriit fur .Mr. \luKlvau, completed tha iletail arraugeaieuta last week with Mr. Wal¬ lace, and both the llowe Uraat Ixiodon Show and tbe Kamoua Uobiueon Sbuwa will go to Peru from their reai>ectlve cloelug atanda. They are paying Mr. Wallace a Oat rental for the uae of buildings and lota and car sbeda. and hare already bought acreral hundred tons of hay and large amouuta of corn and oats from faim. Mr. Muglrau will personally auiierrlse tbe wintering and rebuilding of totb of tbe ahowa. Ue amt bit wife and Mr. Bowers and wife will lire in the bandaome brick farm resi¬ dence right at tbe commodious quartcre.

No othw Be btMlneas pays aa large pinOta: no other bualneaa hta such a steady flow of cuatatnecs aa tha

POPCORN, CRIHFVTTE and CANBT BU8INKH8. Tbe nickels alngily pour In all day long, and the proflta

era SB.OC oat «n mta S10.M you take In. If yoo want to make money, there is nothing to be oampared

wltii Uda buMnem. Tbe aalea are cnonnoua and oontlnuoua, and It U an eaay bualueia to start, because—


We wiu furnish a complete DELLENBAROEB iTgp CT OUTPTT. tbs best the market affords, at tha raty lowest price, and let you pay for It on easy teima; to fact, make u ao eaay for you that you can start at I™ onoa and— . ^ p 11

PAV.US UTER] FROM YOUR PROFITS Wt teach you tha buslnasa free, tell you bow to

make tbe moet money with the least effort, how to J gK the oxnrdt coming to your store. In fact, we

T help you In erety way. and no eapertenoe Is neoeaaary. If you’re tired of working on a salary: If you're dtaaatlafled with beinf at the beck and call of an em-

plorer. get Into bualnau for youneir. We help you and make your euooeaa aura by teach¬ ing you Ihe buetneea and coaching you along the Unas to Tbe Road of Wpalth.


Gladwin. Mich., Sept. >0.—DeMotfa Com¬ bined Shows cloaed tbe seaaon here last Satur¬ day, baying been out since May 10.

Among those who started out with tbe show and remained to the finish of tbe season were: C. Clark, Jaa. Smith, Mr. and Mra. Potter, Jack LeRoy, Frank LeBarr, and the band, which consisted of flee pieces.

The Bentley United Shows closed a rery good seaaon of twenty weeks at Belleyllle, Mich., Sept. 19. after covering Ohio. Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Olwng to the winter quarte-w at Baton Rapids. Mich., being de«roye<l by a cyclone, the show will winter at Belleville. Mich., where suitable quarters have been leaaeil. This may l>e for for one winter only. a» .Mr. Bentley la thinking of rebuilding at Eaton Rapids.

The Bentleys will i^ood the winter season at Belleville. Carlton MaLoon. after storing the iiuraphernalla, will go Into vaudeville. Tbe I^eandos left for their home In IMttaburg. Paul Lallrew and Geo. Anthony will spend a few weeks In Detroit before stsrtlng the winter season. Frank B. I.eon Joined a repertoire com¬ pany in Ohio. Billie Sutton, Cbas. B. Clear, Lawrence MaLoon, Ualpb W. Thomer. l.eon W. Blcheaon, Herb Farrow and Windy, the pisnwrty man. have gone to their respective homes to await the call of the white tojia in 1915.

la a new piocem. whidi meant large, light, fluffy and tender kerndt that mdt in your mouth. The CRI8I*CTTE Ol'TFIT produces edspettes wonderfully and deli¬ ciously; the kind that wina the "Come-Baefc-to-Get-More” crowds. Here’s your opportunity. GRASP IT before aomeone elae geu the location. Write today for fuU partlculara and

GET STARTED RIGHT NOW r fuU particulan, explaining how we start you on eaay paymenu, will come by return mall. lyON-T WAIT. Oea’t put aff thU ogpartuiity; iarettl- fSta. Know bow to become indepeodeot. Addrees

PILLOWS 8»wed Lettere, 14x14 tnefaea. Doubla I'rlnged Eilgee. Two Color Top, like euL B40.M per lao. Statea. Cities. Collegea. Many other stylatL Send slampa or money order for aamplea. Caulogua of all sty lea of Sewed and Repraductluti Pennanta, PU- lowa. Felt t'alendars. Nordtlea. He., sent upon reguesL


244 Naw High Strast, Ltt Aagtlta. Cal.



TWO* COLOR Silk Blouses

Miller Broe. 4 Arlington look forward to big bualness In the South In aplte of the war scare.

A swell spread was gotten up by Mra. Ar¬ lington at Roncererte. W. Va., and, oh, the go<Kl things to eat.

Manager Geo. V. Connors reports the Annex doln.! a tremendous busRneaa.

Prt>f. Baker, conductor of the Dixie Bsnd, Is playing some of tbe latest bits.

Frank Decker, tbe b«bo manipulator, makes ’em sit op and take notice.

“ ■ .. ■ - wonder. Polo. The Mysterious, is really a Seeing Is believing.

Tats Is doing some wonderful tattooing. AnI still continues to read niltta. lltldT. the Handcuff Queen, puts on a remark¬

able exhibition. The Belmonts are making good with their

Impalement act. What’s tbe matter with the “By Gosh’*

go-islp. Capt. Claude? Ed lAeey, boss canrasmsn. and bis assistants

did some quirk work at Norfolk. IjiBanca’s Band and the Rlnglind Band playe^t

Star-Spangled Banner together at Norfolk. Some mnstc!

Keith Buckingham wanta to bear from Frank Stern.

Chris. Ayers, oEBclal snnonneer. left at Ellxa- heth City, N. C., October 1, for Wllkea-Barre, Pa., where he will clerk at tbe Cbarleaton Hotel.

Bryant Roach and Mra. Roach, who were with the Rngllab 101 Ranch Show, are recent ad- ditiona.

The Smith Ststera left the ahow at Porta- month. Va., for New York.

Prof. K. Rogers la proud of hia horse. Horned, which Juat arrived from acroaa tbe “pond.**

Billy DoAtaon and Bock Moulton left at Nor¬ folk for the Gay White W’ay. Geo. Kelly also left recently.

Sonip concessionaires call “Babct*” the Llfe*Savln^ Doll, bocauhe when all other dolls fail and other wheeb arc idle she is making money for the lads that have her on their stands. .\ren’t you as anxious to make money as the next fellow? Of course you are. Then get a sample of this wonderful doll creation today. She stands unsupport-

is 17 inches high, and has movable aims just as pictured.

We also manufacture and can make im¬ mediate deliveries on the following:





den, bkUnoa CL Oi. 1>. Skinplai of any at our Itcno Mnt I C. O. D. upon regueoL


If It’s a Ihill, wr mako It. Send u* your namo and addraa for our tntmottng

Prieto and llluolrattd cataloguo. tl.U will got you any oamplp you want Hhiprattiu guarantewt tha tamo day ordar la roorlvtd. li% dtpnall rtqulrod on all ordori. balanca C. O. D.

JOSEPH ROTH MFC. CO. Lnoal and Dong DIotaneo Toligihnno. Rluyvaoant ttTt. NEW YORK OFFICE AMO FACTORY: 17-M CagI

lltli Straol. Cliloafa Rogratoatatlvaa; MEXICAN ARMADILLO

CURIO CO.. IM Nartk Stk Avo.


Hannibal, Mo., Rept. 2R.—Ninaty-mlla run hero and early arrival. Regnlar cirrua weather and they aurely came. Both performincea to Sacked tenta. Col. Bnell and wife, of I»alalina,

lo., were gneita of Col. Cody. Col. Buell toured Fnglind with the Buffalo BUI Rhnw many yean ago, and la now one of lioulalana'a prominent citixeni.

Mot)erI.v. Mo.. Sept. 2S.—Riindaved here on a mnddy lot. However, that didn't keep the erowda away. Surely don’t look like “hard time.’’ down here, for we parked them In.

Sedalla. Mo., Sept. 29.—We were In on Hie iieetmd day of the Mlaannrl State Fair, and hualneaa waa a aurprlae t.j. every one. Street ear aervlee very had. yet eyery aeat waa Ailed at the afternoon performanee and at night we had a fair crowd. H. H. Tammen. who ha« he<-n with na for the paat two daya. returned to Denver. Otto Floto and Joe Ward ran over from Kaniuu City to look na over.

Ft. Scott. Kan., Sept. lUt.—Followed llagen- beck Wallace two daya here to a fair bnalneaa, Chaa. Cory. Jake I’oaey and Roht. Stlekney, Jr., vlalted. Of eonrae. It waa a big dav for Boh Stlekney, Sr. Fred Shafer, of the A1 It Barnea Show, wa« the gneat of Shantv F.mhleton, en

FRANKFORD BROS 906 Filbert Street.



for Pitchmen and Falrmeo thla aeaaon. 11.50 will bring vou one Ameriran Taffeta Frank©-Sutt-CMar I’mbrella. Special l*r1cee for Buyen. Write to-1

Halford riii.a and W. S Jonea. eanvaamen with the .Tonca Broa * 4 Wllaon CIrena, while ahowing at Haakell. Ok.. Septemter 11 were arre.ted and placed In Jail, eharged with aa- aanlt with Intent to kill a farmer named Tneker.

Warren Ij>wla and W. P. Fltagerald. of the Warren Ij-wla Show, piirehaae<1 a new tent from the J. C. Goea Co.. <if Ih-trolt, leaf week. The ahow la at (harlotte, Mleh., September 29- 0<-h*,er 2.

The gaiua thet made Coney taland faenoua. Two gamea in one. Fair Wnrkrm are aelling them hand- fWrr-Aal. StxS the Spot )n(nU ran aril to patrima to practlee at home and Inerraae tha play. 13.06 per griaw. Snid a dime for a aarople.

0. W. STIVERS 4 CO., Wnrld’a l©rgnit Johliera it Spectaltlra.

104-IM Naitau SIreat, Naw Vark City.


.>3pg Br

OCTOBER 10, 1914.



(Bear Doll patented June 9, 1914. Serial number 807,071. Infringers of this patent will be prosecute<l to the full extent of

Write for Uluitrated paUlofue. %u will note that we bare three ofllcea and warchouaea. We bare these to rare jou express charges. Order from our neareat office. 25% required with all orders; balance C. O. I>.

Carnival Caravans It.Jcrt Manning tells of a gwal one pulled off

SI I'ounljr hair, Angelica. N. Y., by Hex H-’gcrs. late of the Blue ItUdion Ktiovks and n.m (luhlclty pomioler and manager of the liiienialional Theater, with the tleo. Yaiuanaka A'.J iiaeineiit I'u. Hex, Using tartl<-s and ahrewd- I'l. e<|iial only to a Slieriock llolmea, asaisted Id tlie rapture of a culprit who had aaeaulteil a noiiiaii. For his excellent work the sheriff |i'..ii.|it y apiHiluted Hex a deputy, assigning him as chief soft sliaie insu at the fair groumls. Hex plateal the part well, and It was (wily after all II..' joint men hail fllleil their rotfera that the sheriff came on the grounds to liebold bla chief deputy uiaklug the hlow-uff o|ienliig. A friendly ('-I chat ensueil h<-tween the two: but Hex was again the victor and turnril the aberlfT with the rent of the luob. Manning states Hei trieil hi aoft iieilal the incident, but it was too good to Lesti. All agrees.

Prank Allen cbmeil the aeatsin with the Great rilfton Kelley Slmwa at Slielbyrllle, III., and will not look for a new ••bli” borne until 1B15.

That Hay a Bale of Cotton thing Is all right The Ulhson House, Cincinnati, had theirs de- lltered and It occutilea a prominent place in the lobby.

May Collier, the high diver, was one of the free attractions at the Jamaica Hospital affair.

Raya Sydney Wire; -It K-.ked as ibongh there were more sblllsbers than suckers on the mid¬ way at MInneida the day I was there, but I guess that some of the boys made a living 'be¬ fore the fair was over.”



Main Offiea and Faeiory-28 W. 20lli Strad, NEW TORI. LaesI aad Long Olataaes Pbsssa, ChalMS 1343.

Chicago Ufflce and Warefaouae,


Phona, Frasklla 4024.

Plilaourg office and Warehouse, THE A. 8TRASSBERGER CO.,

025 Flftk Aveaua. Ball Phsaa. P. 4 A. Phsss,

«rast 2035 R. 1402 F.


Hall 4 Latllp Show's baa been making bla liveli- buud by making openings on the front of one of J. Prank Hatch's motordromes, t'diring Inde¬ pendently. On the tame trick Is George Knapp. Both like to hear from Dare-devil Hunter Charles and George can be reached as per mute of the Hatch Mo. 2 Motordmane.

Band Masters—You want to keep your eyes glued on Billyboy's song and music pages. Ttare's maiiv a god live, up to-date s ng hit you can pI. k up w hile It's new and before It becomes stale uiii«lc to the |ow'n'«tM...|>|e. .K mere letter, plus a two cent stamp. dire<-ted to any of ..ur many music advertisers will turn the trick.

• F*mra the looks of things, as they stand now. we will have a mighty throng in, near and around Kansas City this winter.

Take care of the pennies. They will buy chocolate out of the slot machines next winter. And chocolate la very nourishing.

Hal Wsltea. since bis latest report on Ttngo Dancers, has been appointed lamp lighter of Alllene. Some poaitioa. Hal. Kennedy lunch agree. Write for

One of the best authorities I know on routes ahead it Clevc Brown.

Bill Smith, the glass blower, claims that the war has n<> effect on bis German beer. Correct you are, BUI.

Warning—All Bedouins will please note that SwltxerUnd haa issued orders forbidding moon- thin cllmhlsg.

H. Bsgart would he pleased to hear from the parly who exchanged trunks with him at Rpes- csr. !«.. recently. Bogart writes that he re- alhiss tikst the affair was a mistake, and would Dhe «o hare bis rat rack hood, jewelry spindle and whits trunk case returned to him at laws

ng one of those big rtmlvals on a Walter Stsnlev Is there every time.

der, all the luck you can have la our

line Waddell very kindly writes .\11 of the Sid news eonceming Mrs. Julia I>ambrlgtier. Her many friends will be pained to learn that on the close of the haiiplest day In the W’ooster Hospital, when it was thought by the surgeons and nurses that her operation was entirely tuc- ressful. a atnike of paralysis deadened her entire right side. Rhe can not talk and her chances fur rscevery are slim Indeed.

The little city of Enid. Ok., had two car¬ nivals In town the same week lo 1007—some cirnlval burg that.

Originality Is often seen around concessions. I'e credit to Kirk VrlalBe and bis real knife

,.nce In a while around the Mexico Show — Kss|.er tod .N'lgno.

A hard Iiis4r bas darn few frlenda In this esmlval game, or any other.

Hyer and N<b!e Fsirlev shonld be an- fh*.rlty on the subject of wintering In Kansaa

If yon go In this winter with a B. R you sir.Bid come out In the spring healthy, at least,

ssyelh David Cohn.

R< me fellows have the best of all Jobs In ths winter— at home with dear old mother.

By advice fmni tl>elr doctors, Hal Wsilea •"d A] Myers will take a walking privilege fb’m the lots to the corners.

Dave DIelrIch had bla lO-ln-l out at Man- cnestrr Carnival, Rt. Ixtula. Dave Is not an- nounrlng bla plana for the winter.

Doc Beane can be heard all over the streets • > the Manchester 4'arnlval, Rt. le>nts, trying to make a big wrek on his vase wheel.

One of the new faces on a doll wheel In Rt. lout, recently was Tommy Cannon. It was twelve years since Tommy bad been seen nroond that nelgliborbood.

Movies am sweet, sweet as gno<1-mekt, I'e cirrus sm werv. wrry flne.

But glh me. <4i. gih me, I really wish you w-eiild.

•' tare old first class cam'val all de time.

_*j'try Meyers Is another Barney Parker Show Be.|..uln who has a.lded to his lanrels this season. The light plant and merry go-round "sve |,een Imleeil capably managrtl.

Billy Williams Give .Tour medals ■ gooil pol¬ ish and gi t ready for Houston.

Can you rememlM-r the time FYank Xothen “RItek to me. ts.ya; I'll get life B>r

• li'""T Some real hlg laugh

One more good Show. All Idnda good Concessions. A good Carry-Us-AII on perrentaga. Some good Plant. Propla Anything In the C^amlral line that will get money. Monroe and Baton Rouge cut off of sur UaL Address FT. WORTH STOCK SHOW, Browswssd. Tax. Other gooil oimw to follow.


George FtlrleT. while at Belleville recently, could ^ seen most any night doing • marathon on bli visit to the various shows. He states that this is the firat time this season be bas had an opportnnlty of reducing bis weight.

Don’t boost enough to bast.

In tnd around Plttahurg. Pa., the first week of August; Twelve carnival companies from five to thirty milea apart.

The Sooth Broadway Carnival. In St. lonln, October S to 16. will carry the greatest amount of concessbms .vet found on one street In this land of beer. There will be alxteeo block* of them.

One of the concessions to be in fit. Ixinis at the Routh Broadway (arnlval will be a silk stocking wheel. 811k ab*cklngs have causetl many a wheel to turn, and many a wheel to fly off Its axle.

Harry Shields has close.1 with the Westcott Shows and returned to the firm, but not in klicbtgan—this one Is In Olilo.

Monday morslng; ’’Here they come, hooray, the show la here. Saturday night: "There they go, damn 'em."

The Allmann Bims.’ eartvan lost Its rhampton nudorc.vcilst at Boulder. Col., when Ylyrtle Brown departed from the outfit.

Hay Hlira apei-lal car was laid up for re¬ pairs two days, from lonlsvllle to Nashville. SonielMsIr sc<-iise<1 Hay of missing the babies at Isiiilsvllle. How aNuit It, Ray I

After thrlr aucceaaful season In Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota and MonUna. WANT book* Inga In Central and Southern States. We are not clrcua performers, but will guarantes you tsrenty minute* of eafe. sane flying, at an altitude of 1.500 and 3,000 feeL Reeuunable rates.

14 .West .Second .Street, Duluth, Minn.

FAIR FOLLOWERS AND NOVELTY DEALERS—To show ^ you that the war did not affect S us, we quote you prices on the B following for Immediate dellv- w try: BEAR CHARMS, etiam- rled, $7.20 per gross. FELT J PENNANTS. 7x18, aourenlr of I Annual or County Fair, $2.50 1 per 100; large alxe, 0x24, $3.50 r per too. JAP CA.\l-3t. »oc per 100. Lofig SNAKE WHISTLE SAU¬ SAGE KA1J/X>\S. $2 50 per grnss: larger alxe, $.'5.75 per grnrw. ROtl.Vl) WHISTLE BALLOONS, $1.75 per gross. HAT HANDS, latest sayings. $1.00 per 100. COMIC FTXT CAl’S, $.5 00 per 1(M). MAGIC FANS, $1 75 PT gr.»4s. SNAKE FLA.SH LIGHTS, small alee, $3.75 per gmaa; large alxe. $7.20 per gross. Best grade PAI‘F:R SERl’l'r'.TlNES. Imported from Germany, $1.50 per 1.000 rolls. UNK Ct FE BLTTGNS. aa-sirte*!. 75c per g.-oas. KRtlN- TlKIl WATCH FNrilS. $2.50 p«r grosa. Tt)Y WATCIHX. $3 75 p«T grosa. CONKiriTl. $3.00 p<r 50 lha. K1a5itiv colored FE.5THK.R TICKLER. $I 25 p*T 100. ItUtW- (MTS. 90c per gn>as. \MH!*S. $3 50 per gross. If you want other than the above, atnd for our big llliiatraled ratalogiie. 25% must accompany all ordtrs, bal¬ ance C. i>. D. THE HOLIDAY NOVELTY MFG.

rnia pa ai v 37 E. 4th Street, New York CHy.

t»c« with tobacco, glre your Jaws a rest; If your hat is sagging, invest two bonea for a new one; If your disposition la crabby, aqiielrb It and force a smile—tbeu luck will be with you.

Just a few of the characteristic spiels beard on the different midwa.vs this seasam:

"Strange, odd and curi-oua slchls in the mu- aenm."—Red .McIntyre, with Klee A Dore.

•'It's the strangest freak that was ever played npon a human being."—Charlie Zerm, with Steve Hills.

"Kverybt'dy laughs that goes In the.'e.”— Charlie Kilpatrick, with C. A. Wortham's Show*.

"IMcture a country home far from fire pro tectlon.”—Lew Rackenstoe, with Mareppa.

"And the smallest man in the world Is here. Tiny, little midget; fenny, little man."—Fred Ilai^s, with Prince Napoleon.

"And this little lady files about before your v«ry eyes.”—Gniar Sami, with Humau Butter¬ fly. World at Horae.

"And listen,* boys; They're going to shake ’em up.”—Bob Kavanaugb, with Rice 4 Dore’s Streets of Cairo.

"Zarelda. the girl with a thousand eyes."— “Cheekers,” with Omar S.Hiiil.

"Mamie, Mamie, the show tM'ButtfuI."—Hill Rogers, with C. A. Wortham.

"All flowers made of feathers; hand work and fast colors.”—Curtis Ireland.

•‘.And It's five rings a dime; Bfti'en a quarter." —Mrs. AI Letts.

’’.And Tou roll ’em down and add 'em up.”— Ray Larkin.

Prle<rs merry three abreast Parker moves like the "Taenfleth Century Limited." being set. up rv'gularly In 1*4 hour wfler leaving the train.

8. M’. O'hiirn and wife, while at Slkesfon. Mo., were busy counting up the shekels gathered In at the Trl County Fair with their flashy pil¬ low top frame up 8. W. stands for "satis fsi tory wi-ek," and the smile he wore told the tale.

II'Tslln Deniphsev say«: "Friend, start saving r ur breakfast too,! samples, for It l» going to >'» a hard winter”

"en In Toronfs aroiiisl one of th.>se drop- I. In stores Henry Casey, that eld talker,

a few others. Don’t hl.inie It all on hard times. Before Tel"lng. loik yourself over. If your linen Is soiled, clean up: If vour fsee needs sharing, exercise the raaor: If your suit needs pressing, give the tailor a rham-e; If your slsres are mud iisixl a stiff brush; If you’ve tilled your

Id drops All s much sppreclated Bstrr, I’a He stoutly declares dience bas by im> means meant 1, and siner the closlig; of the

58 T ti e Billboard OCTOBER 10. 1914.


Auburn. Nob.. Sold. 30.—Tlie opouiiix of tli* Worlu'B Fair boro waa oxcelloul. Tbe ■ •‘torilpiiiio aial Aiiiorioaii S<'b<>'>l lluyu Siiuwa cliaraod 3.’i ot iila adiiiiHHioii and ida.vod !•> bitf biiaiuoKH all day. 'ItiiiiDrrw la au|i|><>i>od I lio I,. .. I it .. .ll lUio t B..l.r.' Ill l« bollor tban .

We Uavo addoj a aoixjiid |ialr of atopB lo tlio nKiturdruino, uiakiiiK an oiitraiioo and oxit, and aottiloi tbo drnine oR In an ontiroly now an.I iKivol niannor; alxu inakiiiK It |Ba>hible tu baudio an iinnii'iiBO op'Wd oxiH-ditioualy.

IrvlnK (iosland and la'iiurix. foinalo iiui>or' aouatora In tbo Soiioul Itaya Sbuw', ilitond to eutor taudovillo in tbo mar future.

A1 la-roy, <»•<* of tbo riilora In tbo uiotordrouio. foil laat Saturday, at Sioux I'ity, auatainiui; iu- iurioa to Ilia knoo. ManaKor Ib'daou carries a ndor in oaao o| an oinorKoucy, ao la?r«y’B placo waa iiniuodiatoly lillod.

•Sioux City was not so k'xxI. some uii|a>aition.

vVo still bare tbrc-e ua>ro wo<-ka of Nebraska fairs. Itoatiico is baikod forward to as a biK olio. 'I bia is tbo lirst time any of us have b»-ou in Nebraska, and it is sure soiiio State, rc-said- less of tile war and bigb coat of living.


Tbo -Majestic Carixital C'omiiaiiy, forinerly known as tbo Weldor Auius<-in<*ut Ooui|iauy, was rtsirgau.xed at KlinWistd ITaco. Cincliiiiriti. last woi'k. f"r tbo fall B»-as»in. 'Ibio trick consists of live alaiw a. among w bicb are Iteod's Well Sbow, llatllo (ollius’ Uirl .Show and Ising's I’laulation Sta>w. A two-abroast I'arkor Cirry- us-all is also carried, as well as an eight |ilece baud and a number of co.icessions, including K. L. Maul, w'ilb kegs, bigb striker and bsip la; Sam llancbor, idlbiw to|iS. teddy boars, vases and doll iiabiea. Style Tbom|isou, wamims cats and baby rack.

Will 11 Welder la acting as general manager; Frof. Meeker, business uianagor and loader of baud; 11. S. iaiag, formerly ahead of tne U. U. i’arker .Slaiw and later (for a br.ef iieriodi W'ltb tbo .1. 11. .Miller Urealor Sbowa, general agoot; Killy Owens, ahead of tbe Uutberford lireator Shows this season (closing at Aalitabula, 0.1,. iiromotor.


Tbe Killboard is in receipt of tbe following letter fpiui .Monroe, lai., under date of Septem- lior 3<i: The Killlaiard:

Vour issue of Oet'dior 3 contains our ad. and one for the (Ireat luti'riiatlonal Stiowa, saying tbe luternatloiial Shows bad contracted with Monrta-. I.a., for tbeir allows. This is not true, and they knew tbo com|iauy was not contracted boro or at I’.aton Kongo wbou copy was sent you for publication.

This seoma an injustice tu all abow people, wbo will lie eoiifiised in reading our ad. anu tbe one placed in your issue tbe same week by the International sbowa. It seems, to our way of tblnking, ttiat s.>me redress should te bail lioin aiieu overilidiiigeiieo ill misstate menta. Yours tnily.

(Signed) .MEKCTIANTS' TRADE WEEK carnival.


By W. J. Kehoe.

Caldwell, Tex., was not near as gia>d aa It was on our last visit, tbe cause beiug attributed to tbe Euro|iean war.

F'runk I'exzoni |elt tbia week to Join Brown's Great International Shows.

“Itlaekle" Ricbardson framed a clothes pin Joint this week, and placed Mrs. Ricbardaon in charge.

J. K. I'letz and Eugene McKenna Joined tbia Week with a e<iffi<> and pcnsdator wbeel.

Kent Wlllianis of the iliinter crew, left for Brownwood, Tex., tbe other night. Paul Hunter has tile exclusive wheel privilege at tbe fair to be held there next wo«‘k.

General Agent Danville resumed big duties abeail of tbe sbow after being back with us for a month or nmre. Tbe abow is booked solid until Xmas. '

Gay BUckmar and wife Joimid witb two ball games.

IsH'ated on tbe main street at Giddlnga, Tex., this W'<H‘k. Iliisiiiesa has only been fair up to tbe iireseiit time.

Minnie Waddell will be back h< me again next week at Yoakiiin, Tex.

Jakey Davis is also expected back shortly. Yoakiiiii. Kdiia. Goliad and Keiini-dy, all

Texas fair dates, la our route for tbe next four weeks.


By Cheerful Lyre.

Zeb Hughes closed and left for Nashville, Teiiii.

Visits were evcbaiiged lietween the Hagen- berk Wallaie Cln iis ami Macy’s Shows at Vin- lt.a. Ok.. Seideiiiber 3<l. The circus sure parked them In.

.'o-verul concessioners left within tbe past few weeks.

Graham's American Band received Its new imiforir.s, riiil is winiiing praise for tbe class of niiisic tnrni il out.

Mrs. George Gosaage bag once more 'ererteil tbe Teiiide of Palmistry, and intends to stay witb ‘t fids time.

Earl Mitidn ll st 'red the ice cream and soft drink stan.I. slid can now' be found N-liind the long-rsiige gallery.

.kUliongb this is tiie first time r<ir tbe Macy trick in the wild and woolly West, it Is doing niivdy sn.l Intends to stay a w'Idle.

We were routed to play Vinita. Ok., week of BeptemIsT 'JI lid. but instead we played the fair at Clietopa. Kan., to big busin<>s8. We are at Vinita this wt-ek.


Midland. Pa., Oct. 3.—Tbe Colonel Lagg Greater Shows closed tbe sonson here today. Tbe eonipany waa to have played Sliarpsvllle, Pa,, next wwk.


The M. B Wesfi-ott Sls'ws close at Sandwich, HI.. m \t week. Mr. Westcott will again go out Di'Xt year, oirt-niug in May.



Two of the greatest Eastern fairs had conflicting dates laat we«-k. One of these fairs paid fT.rsst for four days for Lincoln Beaebey-(ssi f»ir tbe four da.xa and a bouus of $3.."SHI for Beaebey not llylixg in ItosUMi until after tbe Rpocktoii dates.

The other fair tried hard to get Iteacbey —e\en oReriiig a Is'iins ab'Ve tie Kr«K-kt >ii tsimiK. '1 ben the other fair cuntrai ted with a loop tbe l< op aiiator for fi>e days for $i.i*ia).

Here la wbe-e Broi-kton got Its big returns on the Beaebey Investment On tiie day l«*fore Beacbe.v was to olieii at ItisH'ktou. he gave an exhibition liefore tiie Preside it. ( aldiiet Gttielais and Memliers of Coiigre'S and Senate in Wasbiiiglon. D. C., w bo h was by far the biggest thing e\er ilone in avlatb ii in .\merlca. Tbe dally pai>ers in t ie b g clt es tliat afternoon and the following uioruiiig carried big saorles of Keaebey's acble*enieiit. and many also carried pictures of him. Pbiladelikiia p.a|i<-ra tprlnted Jn«i a short dlstau e from the (miBR fain gave lieacbey a large ansmnt of space. The Koslo.i paiwrs — itoston lieing aisuit 2<> miles fin m Brockton—never let up on Beiciiey stuff f"« m tlie first day of tbe fair until its close. The New York pa(HTs carried a big lot of Beaebey stuff.

.All tbe while tbe OTHER "bsiner" was iwrformliig seiiaationally at tbe OTHER fair. But tbe out-of-town pa|M-rs carried nothing alsmt him. Tliose who S.\W him fly thought be was great, Imt be did not get that ixibllcity and Iswistlng In the pai>era so necessary to BRING the dollars In tbe gate. Witb Beaebey it was so very differtmt.

Beacbey's REIT'TATION and bis BIG LEAGUE standing count for fully aa much at b'a actual flying.

Beaebey dsies not merely entertain—be parks the fair grounds with people, sttracled by bis great fame and reputation, .knd be never cheats the spectators.

It Is our guess that for every dollar Beaebey was |iaid by Brockton he d"ew ten In the gates. When Beaebey U advertised lo fly tiie i>eople are never skeptical. They know be will deliver.

Tbe fellow who tries to tell .vou that Beaebey baa competition in the flying game has Boiiie sort of a batrbet on which be wants to put an edge, lleaciiey could not fly everywhe-e this season and In cobseipience was foreetl to disaj'polnt some of tbe applicants for bit services. Some who were thus foncil to take cbeai>er and less skillful aviators dlspla.ied tbe bad taste of comparing Beaebey with tbeir flier.

There Is but ONE BButOHEY. He it in a class by himself. He draws the cp>wda to see biiii perfonii and for his services be asks aud gets a fair price. Ikdltrs flow in tbe gates when Beaebey appears.


Beaebey has a lot of gmid aviators for those wlio want sure aliot fliers for exhibitions Do not let tbe big urmey that Beaebey jiersonally gets si are y<iu off. Just write, wire or teleplsme ua fur one of our Beacbey-coacbed birdmeu. The price will be right.


LINCOLN BEACHEY, Inc. Westminster Bldg., Laai Dlstaaet Phaaa,

Raadalph 6009. CHICAGO






Tlie wonder of the age. Our only trouble Is making them fast enough. Meti right here In New York are selling three giows and mure a day. Pertiaps you tlilnk this the usual line uf bunk, but "Budd” of the Billboard said: "It Is the beM I*ilchmcn and Sireetmisi article I have ic-n In flve years, and there Is certainly nothing on the maiket today that ran touch ll." F'lve In one. and ev.-ry one a clean worker. One of the best-known IMU-hmen In New York laid down his pielers the other day and said; "Me for the Kandy Dandy." You’ll open ytsir nea whm you sts- It. Not aa large as a sliver dollar. Send in Tlie KK.ilT NOW for a dosen samples and priceo. Single sample, profit. HESJAH MANUFACTURING CO.. 19 Park Row. . - New York City.

Gigantic, Monster Getebration RAT DOVVAGIAC, MICH.'

Oil main strpcls, down town, two days and two nir'lils. Oflobcr Hi 17 Lincoln (L licachcy, Inc., aviators in conjunction with an at-rial cir¬ cus and dedication of city park. W.X.N'l'Ll) .Ml Ic^itimato ('<inc<*s- sions, Mcrrv-(Jo-Uoimd Riding Devices, etc. .Address DOW.ADI.AC .AMUSLML.NT .\SS.\ , L. K. Larkin, l*rcs.

WANTED Piano nayer wanted for Tango Slum ; Bass Itnimmi-r and ( twnet, for Amiili-aji Band. C.W l'I..\('H Knife Rack, Ibiup l.a. Roly I’olly, Clothes Ifin Joint or any ( leKssHion (list dmw no) conflict.

CLITTON-KELLEV SHOWS, week Oct. 5, Day and Night Fair, Marianas. Ark.


IK'tr<dt .Mlcli., Sept. 3b.—.Mrn. Kliznlieth M'-- PberHon, \t lio has many friends tu tlie profes- slen, is stifferlng from a bone affeetbui aa vet nndingiK'ited, an.I Is nrareely aide to walk nts'iit Iter r-suii iit tbe Harrington Hotel, lie

teidt, Mieb. All otlio' trestii.t ntn liBving failed, she lisn li<-en i.dvised to take tlie l.atlia at .Mt.

('leinens. Mleii., as .s possible <nre. Witlituit finsnelrl aid fmni her friends. iKiweyer, tills

will Is* lni|>o«nibIe, ns her only stnirce of sup¬ port Is her young dsngbter. Mary, wbo lias led been working r* gularly for some time. Incl-

dentnll.r, Mrs. .M<'l’liern<'n lakes pains |o nn-ii tioii Hint Al Riinieiinpi*. niaiiiiger of tbe liul.d, lins sbtiwii lier every kindness.

.'Irs. Mil'lii-r—.ii cs'i Is* renelied liy iiisll In rare of Hie alsrvenientloned ledel.


Tbe Pageant Filin f ompany Is at work on a film, eiililled Ssn Francisco. Hie Wtuidroiis City. wlii<$i will depiet Hie blntory of Hsii Franelst'o fnnn tbe days of discovery by I’or

t la tliroiigli tbe many Inten-stlng stages down to the Panama Paelflc F;xfiositlon. The prtsluc

tion is Is lug handled ly tbe t'allforula M. I*. (’or)Hirntion.

May Naiinery will play a Are weeks' eiigsge- iiieiit St the IHpiMMlninie, Isis Angeles, on tbe e nipletioii <if her pp seiit engsgeiiieiit at tbe

Ib'Piiblle. De Wolf II >p|>er and tbe (llllH>r| A Sullivan

H|ie.-s ('omi>any pie-M-nted Trial by Jury In tbe lleitisl iiroek I'iK'Sler at Rerkeley Hie afterisHin of September ’J'!. It was given at tbe liivlta- Ibn of the iiiiisleal and dramatic «Mmmitt*'r of Hie I 'lii. e'lii.t of Cal.f irnla.

The F'.nreka Valiev Carnival held In cele¬ bration of Hie pn gress of tbe Twin Peaks Tun¬ nel proJe<-t elosed al midniglit. S»*iiteinlier 37. after four days of galet.v. Coiiilsky and Kludel

fiiridsiied tbe ainus«*nienta, and according to reisirts tl.ey cleaned up.


Tbe UH.*. race meeting of Rie -A imra (HI.) Driving Park .kss«H-latloti will Is* Hie last to l>e beld at tbe Driving Park, home of tbe as- «'CiatHiu twenty six years. With tbe ex- llraHon <if tbe lease uf tbe rare aatsM-latloo next .(ear. the park. It Is und«rst<s>d, will be rut up into building bits. Direetom uf tbe a***.M' at:<*ii are already idaiinliig a new park ami .me of Hie ui 'St (sniipb'tr fair gis'umls la the Mite. The annual race meetings after next year. ar(s*nling to prt‘sent plans will only be part of a big Northern IlltiioU F'air, to l>a

I given by the association. Tbere le to be a balf- nillc track on the grounds besides the other buildings aud pro|>erty necessary for a fair. The plans for Hie fair grouiida will Include a grand stand, with a seating capacity of 10,1100.

At a session of tbe ChamlsT of tomuieree of Temple, Tex., beld recently, official Indonn-ment was (lUaiiiUH'iMly vote*! tbe proiSMition advaocro by Joe F'. t'oruisb. of lllllsltoro, to organtie a lermauent Be'.l County .Agricultural F'air at lU'ltou. with a capital st<s'k of $3li.lsiu. aud ass.staiK'e of tbe urgaiiiiattou waa firmly |dei1g*-d. Tbe Belton Chimlter of Commerce, having previously given Its Indorsement, makes tlie fair a certainty for next jear. A tract of thirty-seven and one-balf acres of land near Midway, on the interurban. half way b<-tween Temide and Belton, baa b«***n securcl for a site, and witbiii a abort time W'>rk will commence on the race tiack and groumla. A race iue<'t will 1m- liold this fall aud tbe regular fair next year.

Tbe Gulf Coast F'air. Mobile, Ala., through Its executive c.immtilee, bas contracted to pur¬ chase a tract of twelve and one half acres upon wbieb it will ls>ld an annual fair, commencing in IPI.'i. Inlays encountered ty Hie fair direi'tors In investigating site* and endeavoring to use tbe |MM>|ile'a uemey to (be liest advan- tage have resulted in the abamioiiment of tb# 11(14 fair, but the dlre<-tora promise an agrl- • iiltural exhibit aud rare luet t In tbe coming spring. Periiianeut fair biilMings will have bm-n erect,si Isfore Se|demlmr(K't'*t>er next <<-ar. the date set for Hie Urst annual Gulf Coast F'air.

Tbe Augusta (Ga.) Negro F'air Association announces that the dates for It* <«'veiitb annual fair will be Octolier 37. 3*<. 39 and .30. Im¬ mediately following tbe Georgia-4''aixdlna fair, which Will lie held at .Augusta. fK-tolier 19 24. Premium IWts have leen priuti-d and distribute,!. Rev. C. T. Walker, D.D., preablent of thn organUaHoii, will deliver tbe address on ,v|iea. ing day. F'isdball. K. of p. prize drill. Iiorsn show, corn show, ,llsplay of canning clubs, trotting raivs, baby sIp*w. [sxiltry show, etc., will Is- tbe chief attraetioni. The fair will be liebl a uioutb earliiT than usual tbia .tear.

Tbe .Mississiftpl State F'air .Association la planning for tbe t>e«t fair ever bebl. an,I the imllcations are that the association will bave It. .All agricultural space, as well as com-esalon space bas bei-n tssiked. Secretary J. M. Mc- Donabl. of the State F'air, advises that that section of tbe c<>untry is in gisst condition, and he f>*els that the conc,*ss|onalres. aa well as tbe F'air Association, will make money. Dit'-a are Dcpdier 2fi 31.

The first annual fair of the Franklin Connty Agricultural Society, at Gn>v,- City, a suburb of ('olumlms, ((., closed Septeiiits*r IS. Tlie fair was a big success. Seen'tary Rlrliarda Is being c-ngratiilat'-i Pt tbe excelb iit manner In wlilch he condiicleil Hie fair. Tbe ra<-etrack waa priaeMimed by tbe borM*in,*ii as secoml to noon In Hbbi.

Tbe Sevier ('oimly F'air. DijlJiieen. .Ark., will take place on Het.ilMr 3s. 39 ami .'Pl. 1'be a«<*s-iaHoii has no track for races. It lias, b.iwever. a H.3(st )>reiiilii,ii list. The fair la bebl In a flve-arrr city park, and no admission is rliargi-<l. (Ill aci-oiilit of Rie fre<* gate no free altractioiis aci* offi n-tl. Jac'b Itrown Is the seeri'tary.

D. F* Fllird, seiTetarr of Hie South Csrillna Slat,- F'air, aiimmiie,-s that Hie 1911 tireiiiliim INI liss been print'd. The list. g.'Hen out In Its iiviial f rill tills .year. C'litsliis 131 pages. sIHl ill aiblitl'Xi lo Hie fsir preiiihims ronisliis Hie iirmiilnins of the South < srolliia Night Horaa Show AsS's'iatlim.

The iiisnageiiieiit of the Northeast Texas F'air, to b<* belli III Pittsburg In Noveiidier. Is gi*ltllig really for Hie gn alest s,*sso,i ever bebl since Its ■irgaiilzaHoii. An oriisiiieiitsl wire fem-e baa b•■,■ll pisi'i-d anmmi Hie grammls with an arrb over Hie enlraii,-e wbb-li will be llluiiiiiiate,|.

I'be Gails,len (.Ala. I t'liamli-r of f ,'miiierce has ,|eeiili*<l to eomluet a I'sriiiers* PsU F'estIrsI from (h-lolM-r 'JS to 31. (In this iM*rasl<*n (be prstm-ts of tbe coiitily will lie ilNplay,*,! In the sb >w wlnd,iws atid along Hie slr,*<-ts iif Hie city.

Work ,111 the gronmls anil bii'I'IIngs for the SoiiHii'Sst Alsbams F'slr. to Ih* bebl at DoHian, .Ala . Di IoImt ‘3(131, Is progreasliig aiKsst satla- fsel.irlly. Tlip rai-e track Is almost e<mi|ileta*d.

F'.il It llnirliliisoii's scrims,Its tbrllleil Hie I rowds nt Hie (iklslioiiin Stsle pair. The elglit- paraebiite drop proved aerv llilerestilig.

A fair or an exis'slHoii affords Hn* greatest opieirtniiity |H>ss|li|a. for advertising a nmimniitty or S(a(e.

WANTED 7Whf> Motonlr«»n)«» Kithm al (mm’t. Ktiiall Mian, hut Mian Miirt* To )itln at mu'!*. <Hit all wlntrr HiHitti. CKai lUiK K l<.\(*KKNHT<»K, (inat l>Uat4ni Hlioiran

M*1 • thla w«H(.

OCTOBER 10, 1914, X li e Billboard 59

BURLESQUE Owing to conditions in the burlesque

field, the Accuracy of the routes in this issue is in no sense guaranteed. How* ever, we expect to have the list perfect in next week’s issue,



Aiiii-ri>'«:i I,o>il» Kiixtrln. nisr : (lliir- till a S«-Miii<>li'»l X. V, f. S-lO; (faxIlHil

U’ 17,

Ilrsiilj I'nrsilr. K<l Hcliai-riT, iiigr.; l(ja)'< t> I & III; lUranil) llartfuril I;; i4; (Kiu

(iiri'i Alliaujr IS-17,

BrliDiiD KlHiw, Jack Kinsrr, mxr,: (CortntUlan) K'lrlieatir 5-10; (Itaatable) Hrraruse 12-14; (I.umtifrc) I'tlra 1017,

Bia Jubilix". Jaa. mgr.: (Star) Cleie- Una 0 lU: (Uagely) Clnrlouati 12-17,

B<'n Ton Olrla. F. E. McAlwr, mgr.: ((.aj'Fty) Toronto 5-10; (Uajetyi IliifTalo 12 17.

Boworjr KurlFMjiirra, Bob Colieu mgr.: lUayetj) CiurinuBlI 0 lU; (Kniiilre) ToieiJo 12 17.

C'arnatn'ii Krautira, Ham itoblnaim, mgr.: (tiay- rty) Milwaukee 0-lU; (ColumbiaI Chicago 12- 17.

College (tlrla, Harry lle<lgea. nigr.: (Emplrel Alloiny 5 7: ((iraiul) Hartford 8 10; (Caalno) Ibatou 12 17.

Iireamtaiul Biirlea<juera. Bob Trarera. mgr.: liiajrrtei I’lttaburg 5 10; (Star) Clerilsud 12- 17.

Folllea of tbr Day, John McNamara, mgr.; iColumblai Chicago 5 10; (riiuceaa) 8t. Loula 12 17.

Gayrt.T ClrU. Ib>b RImona, mgr.; (Star A Gar- teri Chicago 5-10; (Ga.'Ftyi Hetroit 12-17.

Ga) New Vorkera. Jake (oibleiilierg. mgr.; iKmplrei Hoboken 5 10; (Empire) Brooklyn 12 17

Gniger GIrla E. W. Cbipman, mgr.; (Gayety) Iietnot 5-10; (Gayety) Toronto 12-17.

GlrU Eixim the Gar White Wa.v, Hare Gordon, mgr.; iltaatalilei Syracuae 57: llmmlierg) 1 til a s 10. iGayety) Montreal I2 17.

GlrU From Happyiaml (Joe lliirtlg'ai: Lay- I'lr 5 10: (Gayety) Mlnneafiolla 12 17.

GirU of the .Moulin Itouge. .Manny Koaenthal. mgr : (I'rliK-eaal St. Ixiula 5 HI; (Gayety) Kanua City 12 17.

Gk’lie T>ottera. Waah'Martin, mgr.: (Empire) l(r,«.klyn 5 10; la.To(T 12 17

GoMen Cpxtka. Jaa. Fulton, mgr.; (Weatmlnater) I’lrirldenix- 5 10; (Gaiet.n Boaton 12-17.

Gipay MahU. Will V. jeniiinga. mgr.: (Or- pieiinii I'aterMin 5 lo; lEmpIrei Newark 12 17

lUiM’y W.uowa. Wm. Fenneaay. mgr.: (Caalno) l'..ll'iit'l|i|ili 5 111: ll’alacei Baltimore 12-17.

Ha-tin.’a. Harry. Big Slxiw; (Gayety) Omaha 5- III: Iayo(T 12 17.

Il-'iiei n <01 GIrla iTheatrical Operating (V.'a): •Gar"!) I Kaiiaaa City 5 10; (Gayety) Omaha 12 17.

Ib wi-'a Sim. T.<«emakera. H. C. Hltmaa. mgr.: (Gaiety) Buffalo 3 10; (Corinthian) Korheatrr 12 17.

I.r,a-rt\ GlrU. Alex Gorman, mgr.; (Empire) New irk 5 111; I Empire) Philadelphia 12-17.

Marb'ii'a. Hare. Own S.iow. Isay Grots, mgr.: I Wor.-eateri Worceater 5 7; (Park) Bridge- l«.rt s 111; iColiimbU) N. Y. C. 12 17.

kl 'nt' Carlo GIrla. Tom Sullivan, mgr.: (Acad¬ emy) Pltt»biirg .% 10.

Million Iiollar India. Ira Miller, mgr.: (Star) St. Paul 5 10; (Gayety) Milwaukee 12 17.

pri/e Wlniiera. Arthur Pearwon. mgr.: (Caalno) M -al m .5 Id: (Wor'eater) Worceater 12-14; iParki Brllge:a,rt 15 17.»V A1 Beauty Slmw. Al Reeves, mirr.: l.vioif 5 10; (Weatmlnater) Providence 12-17.

lioieland GIrla kValter Gravea. mgr.: (Ga.vety) Waahington 5 10; (Gayety) Plttahurg 12-17.

R,a»-y IN.a.-v fllrla (Pete Clark'a): (Palace) Bal¬ timore 5 10; (Gayety) Waahington 12-17.

Star A Garter Show. Phil laaac. mgr : (Empire) Phl’a leln'da 5 10; (Empire) Hoboken 12 17.

lb’lal Milda. Jake I.lehermnn. mgr.; (Gayety) Mlniiea|a>|ia 6-10; (Grand O. H.) St. Paul 12- 17.

BylelPa. Roae. Show. Harry Thompa«n. mgr : iGayetyi Montreal 5 10; (Empire) Albany 12- 14; (Grind) .Hartford 15-17.

Troradoroa. Onlvln C. Noble, mgr.: (Columbia) N. V. C. 5 10; (Caalno) Brooklyn 12 17.

Walaiin slater* Co.. Geo. Brifrage. mgr.: • Grand) Hai-trord 5 7: (Empire) Albany 8 10; iMIiier'a B-onxl N. Y. C. 12 17.

Wntaon'a. BIBv •'Bi-ef ” Show. I.ew Wataon. mgr.: (Caalno) Bna'klyn 6 10; (H'lrtlg A SeanH'n'a) S. Y. C. 12 17.

Weirh'a. Ben. Own S’low. Harry Shapiro, mgr.; • Empire) Tole<?o 5 10; (Star A Garter) Chl- cag-i 12 17

Whining WIdowa, I,. Gllliert. mgr.: (Mlner'a IlP'nx) N. Y. C 5 10; (Orpheuni) Patemen 12-


(Annex.) Antn GIrla. Teddy SImonds. mgr.; (Murray Hill)

N Y. C. 6 10. Beauty. Y'lith A Folly. I>ew Stark, mgr.: tCo-

lunihia) Indlanapxdia 5 10. Dig S.>naatlon iXi.. Morria Walnatock, mgr:

• Standard) St. I/nila 5 10. Big Itevlew. Heniy I). IHxon. mgr : (JS(xine«l

Wati'rhnry. Ci-iiii., 5 7; (Gilmore) Sprliigdeld. Maaa.. S-lO.

B‘hei'ilan Bnrloarinera. AI I.iibln. mgr.; (Em¬ pire) Chlrago 6 10.

Briadiray GIrla (Theatrical Operating Co.'al Boti Gordon, mgr.: iGran,) O. H.) Boaton 5- 10.

Cabaret GIrla. Frank Freeman, mgr.: (Gayety) Brtaiklyn 12 l7.

CItv S|a,rta. It E. Patten, mgr.: (Gayety) Philadelphia 5 10.

Cl.erty Bloaaoina; (Ac.ademy) Norfolk. Va.. 5 10. Crackerlarka, Bob Mllla, mgr.: (Howard) Boa-

On 5 10.

French M<xle1a, Hick Zelalcr, mgr.; (Grand) Cleveland 5 10.

GIrla From the F<dllea; (Gayety) Baltimore 5- 10

Heart Cfiarmcra, Have Goran, mgr.; (Folly) Chicago 5 10.

High Kollera. Joe Itohle, mgr.: (Star) Bna'k- Ivn 5-10.

M'lll’a. Eva. A The FNdllea of 1020 T/mla Tal l"'t. mgr ; (Olympic) N. V. ('. 5 10.

Oriental Biirlea<|iiera. Han Giiggenheliner, mgr.: (Century) Kanaaa City 5 10.

Cl Idember Morning Glorlea, I. M. Weingarden. mgr (Gayety) 5 10.

Taxi GIrla- (ston' () H.) Binghamton. N. Y. e7. (Park O. H.) Erie, Pa.. 8 10.

TraDB-Atlautica, Frank Livingston, mgr.: (Buck¬ ingham) Ixiuisyllle 5-10.

ZullHh'a Own Show, Johnny Eckbardt, mgr.: (Standard) Cincinnati 5-10.

PROGRESSIVE CIRCUIT. Dainty .Maids, Arthur Ijining, mgr,: (Gayety)

St. Ixuls 5-10. Fulilea of Pleasure, Rube Bernstein, mgr.;

(Olympic) Clm-lunatl 4-10. Ix-wis, Andy. 4c His International Qirla, Sam

Hyauix. ingr.: .Milwaukee 5-10. Moulin lloiige Girls: IGayety) St. Louis 12-17.


ArlUa, Geo.. In HUraell (The Llebler Co.’a): Salt 1-ake City, Utah, 5-10; Ogden 12; Beuo, -Nev., 14-15; Sai raiiieuto. Ckl.. 10-17.

.\bniggi*s Italian Band; Morristown, Tenn., 5- 10; Newiairt 12-17.

Adsiiis, Roy, Vaudeville C!o.; (Mystic Star) (York. Pa., 8-10; (Colonial) Harrisburg 1214; (Fa(nil>) Pittahiirg 15-17.

Bluiidiii, I.eo, show: Claremore, Ok., 4-10. Blue Uiblion Sliows. Harry Slg. gen. mgr.:

Ch(rlotte. N. C., 5 10: Anderson. S. C.. 12-17. Barrett.-, Novelty: (Empress) Decatur, Ill., -4-7;

(orpi.eum) Peoria 8-10. Boyer Br(«i.’ MiiiKtrels: Green River, Utah, 9;

.salt lake City II; Park City 12; Wells, Ner., l.T; Wiiiiiemiii-ra 14: Lovelock 15; MarysTllle, Cal., 16; Truckee 17.

Bru(e A Bra(-e: iTheatorlum) Lansing. Mich.. 5 7; (Orptii-iiui) Ionia 8-10; (Superba) Grand Kaidds 12 14.

(••lyle’s .Museum; (CHKRIXTION) St. Louis, Mo. r. 17.

Capit.vl. City .kmusement Co.: Appleton, Minn., 5 10

Central (Tty Amusement Co.: Augusta, Kan.. 5- 10.

Holirmsn Amusement Co.: Wynot, Neb.. 5-10; (cbsM'l,

Fluhrer-Cnster Comedy Co.: Gillespie, lU., 4-10; Jcrseyvllle 11-17.

Gb'he Amusement Co., Amt* Jonsen, mgr.: G<nMlsle. la.. 5-10.

Gnater Xpo Shows, Hank Grady, mgr.: Oakbill. <».. .5 10.

He*- (<wn Defense; Clarks. Neb., 7: Oseeola 8; Platte Center 8; Madison 12; Petersbarg 15; Fullerton 17.

Hol'kins’ Greater Shows; Kennett. Mo., 6-10. Harrington's Great Southern Shows: Mt. Pleas¬

ant. Tenn.. 5-10. Juvenrl's Stsdinni Sliows; (CORRECTION) Ila-

'evvllle. Ala.. 5-10 KaHell Krlt(difle]d 5 audcville Show: Eton, Ga.,

5 10; Pnlton 12-17. LaTena'a Circoa: Pocomoke City, Md., 7; Salis¬

bury 9- Snow Hill HI. I.ewis’. Warren. Tent Show: Parma, Mich., 5-6;

F-'ivb-rvllIo 7-9: So. lo-m 10. Maiisfie'd's Tent Show; Ib'novnn. HI., 5-10. .\1'-Ginley, Rr-b A Kvs. Co.: Greenbusii, Minn.,

0 7: Roseau 89: Warroad 10-12. Mlller'a, W. T., Shows: Villa Rica, Gal.. 12-17. National Amnaement Co., Chas. F. Curran,

mgr.: Hagemiao, X. M.. 6-10: Artesla 12-17. Xeel s. Carl, Band: (CORREXTIOX) Logan, W.

Va.. 6 10. Richardson Stock Co.: ((XJRRECTIOX) Sapnlpa,

Ok.. 4 11. St. laiuls Amusement Co.: Beckley. W. Va.. 6-10. Sun Bros.’ Show; Gastonia, N. C., 7; Maiden

8; Black Mountain 9; Morristown, Tenn., 10; Rntledge 12.

T.aupklnw' Wild West: (CORRECTION) Pur- eellevlBe. 5’a.. 9; Phtimont 10.

Tixld A Paul Shows: IJberty, Ind.. 5-10. Tennessee Amusement Co.: Moorebead, Miss.,

6 10. Vinton, Myrtle. Co.: West Concord, Minn., 9;

MantorvHIe 10; Heiter 11; Stewartvllle 12; Spring Valley 13: St. Charles 14: fVxlge Center 16; Grand Meadow 16: Preston 17.

Vogel’s. John W.. Minstrels: Conneant, O., 7; Niles 8: Greenville. Pa.. 9; Sharon 10: Mead- vllle 12; on City 13; Franklin 14; Titnsyille 16; Warren 16; Kane 17.

Westcott Shows: Sandwich. Ill.. 12-17. Winning of Barbara Worth, B. M. Garfield,

mgr.: Canfon, Pa., 7: Ashland 8; Danville 9; Snnbury 10; Shamoktn 12; Mf. Carmel 13; Hailrton 14; Pottsvllle 15; Williamsport 16; BloomMiurg 17.


Chicago, Oct. 3.—Johnny Kirk, who managed the * Haymarket, Is rejorted no longer con¬ nected with thst house, and It la farther re¬ ported that hia interest in same has been pur¬ chased ty his partner.

Efforts to get the details of the story and to (xmhrm rumors flying about were met with no denial or eonflrmition at the Haymarket Thea¬ ter Wednesday evening.


The Music Hall Tliester at .kkron, O., after playing stock for the past three year*, la now catering to burlesque sttrscilons. This was brought aN'ut by Manager O. L. Elsler. The seating rapacity of the house Is fifteen hundred. Mr. Elsler has a qine piece orchestra and a costly pipe-organ. John Milligan is treasnrer. The press work It handled by a former circus clown. Hoc Keene. Arthur Williams la the ad vertlstng agent, and John B. Harris Is the boss lithographer, with three assistants.


W. S. Csnipbell and Rose Sydell spent the week In Cincinnati and O'vlngton. Rose Sydell’s olii ho'oe. This was their first visit here since

the death of Miss Sydell's father some months ago.


It was reiiorfed In (’’Ineinnatl last week that the Zallah Show would close at the end of the *-eek at the Standard ’Ttieater. but Investigation rrovocl that the reports were entirely unfounded; Die sh'w plays the Victoria. Pittsburg. Pa.,

W('rk of October 12. The Whirl of Mirth Show, which p1a.Te<l the

Standard week of Septenilier 2.8. closed Saturday night, and nmat of the members returned to New York.

Empress, San Francisco (ReTiewed Sunday Night, Oct. i.)

Ran Franciaco, Oct. 4.—A bill well fllled with comedy lines greeted the Empress patrons at tbla week’s opening show, Fred Hagan and Company, with their sketch. The Pod Room, and Senator Francis Murphy car¬ ried off the honors.

No. 1.—Eva Prout, a dainty miss, proved a favorite. Her numbers were well received. A more natural bearing would improve the act. Ten minutea In one.

No. 2—Suppressing the Press, a comedy sketch presented by David Elwyn and Company, was go's! for a number of hearty laugba. Fif¬ teen minutea in three.

No. 3—Irwin and Heraog, the boys with the big voices, go over strong. The comedy Is good and tongs entertaining. Eleven minutea In one.

No. 4—Frank Laybo and Bob Benjamin are clever tumblers and the sprinkling of cajolery was palatable. Ten minutes In one.

No. 5—'Fred Hagan and Gimpany offered some well enacted scenes in the dramatic sketch. The Pool Room. Tense and impressive moments are distributed throughout the twenty minutes of Its duration. Worked in three.

No. 6—Senator Francis Murphy was, as ever, a laughing riot with bis ridiculona political lecture. Thirteen minutes in one.

No. 7—Dora Deane and Her Fancy Fantoma, Including five clever colored entertainers, offer a singing and dancing act to enthusiastic ap¬ plause. Sixteen minntes In three.—R. E. J.

Pantages, San Francisco (Reviawad Sunday Night, Oct. 4.)

San Francisco. Oct. 4.—A bill of variety is offered at Pantages this week, and the regulars were in attendance in large numbers.

No. 1—Eddie Love and Jeanette Wilbur, gym¬ nasts and contortionists, started the ball roll¬ ing. Some clever stunts are pulled off by this pair. Five minutes in three.

No. 2—Grace McGinn and company. In Wanted, Man. an exciting comedy, went over nicely.

Fifteen minutes in three. No. 3.—Gilbert Girard, the mimic. Is a won¬

der. His playing on the clarinet waa fully appreciated. Eleven minutes In one.

No. 4—Louli Winch and Josephine Poor have a breezy skit, an their dancing, singing and patter scored. T'venty-six minutes, full stage and one.

No. 6—Schepp’s dogs, monkeys and ponies was thoroughly enjoyed by both old and young. Thirteen minutes, full stage.

No. 6—Jack Coogan and Eddie Oox. singing and dancing comedians. Tbelr dancing was the more appreciated. Ten minutes in one.

No. 7—An excellent closing number is Cbiaffarelll’s Symphony Orchestra, composed of twenty people. A mnsical treat and very well received. Twenty minutea In three.—'B. E. J.

Orpheum, San Francisco (Reviewed Sunday Matinee, Oct. 4.)

San Francisco, Oct. 4.—The hlg-time house this week has an evenly balanced bill, which was appreciated. Opening position was allotted tn O'Brien, Havel A Co., wlio appeared in a

sketch, entitled Monday, the s(ene of which Is laid iu the Green Room of a theater. Singing and dancing of an acrobatic kind add enjoyment ko the act, which made good considering the position. Eighteen minutes. In three.

No. 2—Joe and Lew Cooper, song writers, sing¬ ers of their own compositions, were a hit. They know how to put it over. In one. seventeen


No. 3—Charlie Abeam, with his funny cycling devices, waa held over, and again succeeded in securing the laughs. Seven miuutes, in three and full stage.

No. 4—Stall Stanley and Ciompany, another holdover, was a scream—the laughing hit of the bill. Stanley presents an original offering.

Twenty minutes, in one, four and one No. 5—Another act held over is that of Wil¬

bur .Mack and Nella Walker, in the skit. An Everyday Occurrence. This team is very en¬ tertaining and made a very favorable impres¬ sion. Sixteen minutes, in one.

No. 6—Claude Gillingwater, Edith Lyle and company, in the playlet. Wives of the Rich, written by Mr. Gillingwater. The sketch poa-

sesses a strong plot and the action is intense. Exciting Incidents are portrayed in a dream. Mr. Gillingwater awakes and realizes that he has had nightmare. There is, however, a happy climax. The act was greatly appreciated.

Thirty-three minutes, in three. No. 7—Herbert Ashley and Al Canfield, paro¬

dies and songs. One of the team sings straight, while the other pulls parodies. They went over In good style. Sixteen minutes, in one.

No. 8—The Five Metzettis, gymnasts, closed the performance. They are exceptionally clever and were worthy of more appreciation than was shown them today. Full stage, six minutes.-—

R. E. J.


Following is the staff of the Gayety Theater (Columhia) Toronto. Can.: Thomas R. Henry, manager; Tboniis Roncone, treasurer; Joseph A. Williams, advertising agent; W. J. Obermer. leader of orchestra; Charles Efner, stage man¬ ager; T. {’arsons, electrician; D. Montgomery,

property man; Charles Kerr, chief ticket taker; Victor Madget. head usher. The management donated $260 to the war fund as its <|aota to

provide for the families of the men who were

celled to tlie front.

The report that Andy Letvis would return to tlie fold of Al Reeves is (iitirely unfounded. To those interested to know, Aixly I>ewiH will remain at the head of his own attraction, no matter what the outcome of tlie Progressive and Columbia deal may be. Mr. Lewis has a Dumber of very enticing offer* from Western managers to play his attraction indeiiendently over Western territory, hnt at present is nn-

deeided, e*ing to the iiresent bMrletwjue situa¬ tion.

Ben Welch is scoring the biggeiH hit of bit

career—and with the chorus of his own show. The girls are being granted holidays, one girl being off each day (Sundays and openings ex¬

cepted); in the afternoon she is reipiired to take in the show from the viewpoint of a spec¬ tator, but Is not required to be at the theater for tile evening performance.

The Gayety Tlieater, Cincinnati, playing the big Columbia Circuit shows, has the following house staff: Willis K. Jackson, manager; Chas. W. Schweitzer, treasurer; Thomas Corby, ad- vertii^ng manager; Edward J. Carr, musical

director; J. J. Ecker, stage naaiiager; George Hendricks, property man; Joseph Hendricks, electrician.

At last Billy Foster, the little German come¬

dian with The Social .Maids, has taken anto himself a wife. Billy for a long time has been flirting with Cupid's dart, and when the newa reached camp that Billy was led to the altar the boys were not taken by surprise.

R. Agoiist, a meiiitier of Gene Bedini’s Frol-

Iques Company, received word, recently, from bis mother in Montrogiie, France, that her home bad been destroyed during a battle. Agoust'a borne is in Sau {‘T’ancisco.

Sam Wright is with Reeves Bixley Show thla season. He replaced Ben Jacobs at very abort notice and certainly did exceedingly well.

Statement of Ownership, Management, Circulation, Etc. Of .THE BII.LBGARD.published .weekly.

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laMar, lira. Billy

Itaitlaud. Ik>t 'KaDHou. .Mra. Oeo. •Held, Vlntliiia Itevere, Fay U Keynulils, Babe K bodes, Alice ••Ulcb, Mra. Geo. Iticlianla. Mildred Uiugllus, Grace U<d>eriaou, Krancea **Kot>lna, Blanch Ilobluaun, Mra. t'sri M.

l.aM<Mit. Mollle INirka ’l(>4>lii-»u. Hatti. laMont, Francia A l>ot •U<M*hin. Mra. W 'l.alteane, Kva

Paroela In OncinneU, Oiloaso and St. Louis aOlcai, and amosiits due:

Dele, E. A. 6c

Dsrllns. lienaeT 1« iMlaporte, I>. 2c

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Klnacy. U I>. ic

IjarUna, Frank S. So Maealuao, Joe -Sc

PoUard, Henry J Sc Knee, Harry F. So

Ruaso, Tony Sc


Acker, Mrs. M. A, Ib-I.acy, Mazie Ada, Madam lH‘I.eon. Mias Jesse Adams, Mra, Gertrude Ueluues, Hellen Adams, Miss D. *UeVoas, Blors *Adams, Mrs. Bllzabeth Dean, Rose •Adgle, MUe Allen, Mias Nellie •*Alleo, Mabel Allen, Mrs. J, A. Alma, Held, Alma ***Amlna, Mlaa Ana Qneen Arderswn, Mias Bens Anderson. Miss Nits **AiikI1d, Marsaret Anm-lm, Mrs. Ruse AntoSna, Males ’Arcber, Kathryn Armond Slaters AriDoar, Mlaa Arnold, LotUe Arthur, Mra. E. W. Aacaraga, Marie AiditoB. Mlaa Mildred *Aabtoa, Mildred Asia, LaBelle Aator, Mlaa Mae Attewell, Mrs. H. Atwood, Mlaa Frances Austin, Adelaide •Baohard, Valeris ••Bailey, BIU (8)Baldwln, MVs. Kitty Bmanuel, Mrs. Geo. Balentyne, Mrs. EtBe Kmeraun, Mlaa Babe ••Balfour, Mrs. Vsruoe "‘Kmery. Monire

Deltz, Mra. Anna •Delmar, Dolly Denney, Mrs. Nancy J ’Dentine, Anna ‘Deamond. Mn. Jaa. Deatang, Mn. May Devine, Mrs. bottle Devote, Mn. Natalie Dlckover, Bessie Dillingbam, Maytiell •Dillon. Mra. Clair •Dilworth, Lillian •••Diva Dim,ley Misa Kate Doiiii. Mn. Cbarlea Dore, Mrs. Phil lama, Mn. Wai. Manch Dow. Mn. James Drewtall, .Mlaa Flo Dreyer, Mlaa Bose Dunn. Mra. L. H. Dnahau. Mias Mayme Kagle, Mn. Karl, Mlaa Zella Katon, Mlaa Menta Ellawortb. Mlaa Fay Kluiore, Mn. Isabelle

sKue, Claudls M. l.aRtarre Dolly Mae

lATour, Emma jiVere. Marlon auK-ella, Kulalle .avonda. Clan awreoce, Kdns

legare, Mavgle F. .eliman, Nellie eland, Irene iiolr, Katherine

ealle. Dottle l.ierington, Marie I.evy, Glrtle ew’ia. Kuima .iiidl>erg, Bertha A.

IJndley, Mrs. B. I <viinr*t<in, Mn. K.

I>,gan. Mn. W. M. lAdiae, Mra. 11. ••Ixreua. Agnes

Ixisch, Mlaa Martha yndi, Mn. Joe

Lyons, Etta McCarthy, Virginia

Mctllure, Edna McCoonell. Mildred

McConnell, Mary McCoy. Mn. Chaa. C. Smith, Eva M.

Mcliunald, Flora Smith, Ada McDowell. Cora Snow, Edytfae MclAugblin, Mrs. Snvder, Margie

Randall ••Sn.vder. Mrs.

•Bsubard. Mra. D Barber, Mn. Butler ••Barker. Mn. Anna Barkley, Mlaa Anna (BlBarnea, Mn. A1 Barnett, Mlaa Marie ••Bartelle. Mn. Rtu •Bartlno. Mn. Jack •Barton, Edith Baiter. Mlaa Betty •Belew, Mn Boeatle Bell. I,eali H. •Ben. Mn. M. Bennett Mn. F. I* Berger, Mlaa UllUa Berig. Mn. Bffie Bemardl. Mn. Mints Berry, Mn. Frank Beyer. Mias Hilda •Blnghsm, Amelia Birch, Mrs. F. W. Riabop, Mlaa Edna •BUlr, Shirley Bollver, Patsy •Bond, AUce Bowen. Mn. Claud Bristol, Mn. Madem Brown. Mn. Martha ••Brown. Elate Burke, Mlaa Ertellt Bums. Mlaa Lillie •Bnma. Frankie ••Barnn, Beaale •Bnry, Mn. Amelia Bnah. Mlaa Viola

KmfK>tlck. Mlaa Jennie Estew. MIm Hatty Father, .Madam Eatrldge. Ruth Ftta. Baty Evans, Mine Thelma Evans, Mlaa Madaline ••Eicells. Louise Fauwt, Mlaa Annis ••Fay. Essie Fernntl. Mlaa Dltta Fields. -Mn. Lizzie •Fix. Mile. •••Flanersy. Mlae K. •Fleming. Josephine ••Florens. Trio ••Floyd, Mn. B. ••rioyd. Jewel Foley, Mrs. T. H. Fort, Anna Foaa, Btella Foster, .Mias Mary Foater, Mn. C. W. Fox, Mn. Evelyn Bed •Fraxler, LllUsn ••Fredericks, Olive Freldenwald, Mn

. ijndle Frey, Mn. James p

fuller, ITae M. Fuawo, l*rlnceae ••Gains, Elsie Gannon .Mn. Edgar *5aunt. Ethel Geary. Ml«e Hilda

Camille, Tattooed Lndy ‘••"'Xe. Both Csmphell, Mrs. Dlison. Misa Isabella

Elisabeth '’’‘■rd. Mlaa N Csntara. Mn. «. J, Carey, Mra. Bobt. Carlson, Mn. Otars ••Caraon. Mlaa Itae ••Caraon. Mlaa May farter, Mlaa Edna Caaiier. Helen

llbert. Miss Marie Golden. Mn. Ruth ••ii.'rdon, Grace G. Gordon, Miss Ruth ••Grace, Alma Graham. Pearl Edna Grant. Mn. Harry

Kogen. Mrs. R. M. Itogen, Mn. Stella Rolirmoaer. .Mona Itoaenthella. Janette •Rubens, Letty Lusert, lAura I'nshworth. Beaale Uuasell. Beaale •i.ussell, Ruth • Kitt.v •••Kvnii. Maud K. .Ssiiitifer, Daisy Santatiir. l.uclle Sclnieuier. Addle, Elsie Kelbinl. Mn. IaIIs •shatter. IJIlian Shaw. IVlIa Shay, Margaret u' e'd, Itopothy Sleu Maude Siberiake. May ••Simona, Mn. J. Sima, Adds <iiig. Pearl Smith, lx>ls V, Smith, Mn. M. B. Smith, Mn. Geo. Smith. Flo

Attewell, H. Aueby, J. T. Auatiu. \V. W. Avery, O. G. Ayres K. W. Backenatoe, L. Bs Bacon. Doc ••Haiti, Jack Raker. Clarence K. Baker, M’slter P. Halcom, Earl J,

tt.iii-oiu, Ean J Baldwin, Gtsi. .k. Baldwin, Harry -Bam«ln J 'e Bambrlck, R. D.

Bautleld. Fnnk Uannack, Roman Kauuetie, Henry G. •Banvard \ Banvard. Bert Banvard. Fred ’Banvarda. The Barber. Cbaa.


Barclay, Frank Barie, Claude Haring

Madden. Dot Malown, Sadie Marriott, Marie Manh, Anna D. Martin. Florence Mathis, Sarah May, ZAah May, Cleo May, Ethel .May's iMrcns, Madam

Melanson. Pearlita Melville, Nellie

Snyder, Mn. Billy Sonimervllle, Ada Stalker, Mary Stanley, Mrs. Pete Stt'warc. Mamie L. Stewart. Claudia P. ••Stirk, Maude SiiBIgar, Sadie Sutton. Mra, Harvey •Sweeney. Beatrice Swiger, Emma Taylor, Mn. F. B.

•Bronson. Percy Brookbeart, E. L, Brooks. Barney KrtHiks, James Brown, J. L. Brown, Frank Brown, J. B. Bniwn, C. M. Brown, Waboo Brown, Boy Brown, John W. •Br<.»u, Walter H. tSlBrown A Lester •Brown. Jame* Brown's Mechanical

Mines ••Bruin. 11. E. Bruiidage. Gene Bryan, Frank •••Buce. John Buckle.v, Capt. J. J. Buckskin Ben ••Bnd. Montana Bullard. L. L. ••Biuiiiu, 1.. J ••Bunch, Boyd R. •Burbo. Doc ■Burch, Bobble

Barlow A Wilson Show Burcbinal. H. B. Berlow, Wilfred Barnell. F. 11. Barnell. Eilw-. Baruee, Harry Hames, 8. H. •Barrett. Chaa. W. Barron. Paul Bartbo, Jake Bartlne. Will O. KM-Hne, Will Haalle, Victor Batterson, J. W,. Bayless WilliaB BeJano, John J. •Beach, W. B. ••Bean, J. Bear, R. J. Beealey, B. C. Beattie, James W. Bedenbender, Carl Beecber, M. J. •Itell, Mr. Bell A Bell •Tlelleclalre Bros. Belmont. Lola Ren.lamin, E. R. Benjan, B. D. Benjeiiian, B. G. Bennett Bros.

Burgeaa, W. II. •Burgess, Harry Burke, John Burne, Amos 8. Burnett. kV. B. Burua, Joe' Burrows, Arthur Burt, Ben Burton, Cbss. •Byers, Cheater A Byrne. A1 •Byron A Langdon ••Cady. Roy Cahill, Doc •Cain. Harry Calacut. Col. Caldwell, Sam C. fall, James ••Callahan. Jos. Camella A Msms Camm, Alf. H. Camp. Herbert ••Camptell, Caraon Campbell, Neal Campbell. J. W. Campbell. Carl E. Cannon, Tommy J. Cantor, Lew ••Cantwell. Bob

(SlBennett, A. lAslle Cardwell. Wm. 8. ••Cenaen, D. L. (srl, Frank

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All post cards not containing street addresses will be held at the General Delivery Department of the local post offices.

•Mendelahan, Mins •Meyer, LuttU Mvyera, badle Miller. La.Nelda E. •Miller, Auette ••Miuman, Bird .MilU, Helen ••Mudeua, Florence Morgan, Mra. Junn Morae, Mallnda Mulligan, May Muliiua, Doilie .Morgan. Mrk. J. 11. 'Muiyiuy, Florence -Murray, Beatrice

Thomaa, Alice Tboruer Mrs. B. F. Todd, Fsy lodd Bisters •loUd. Mr». Clover Tompkina. Kutb Turner, Mlsw Teddy Lirmey, May •VanDolly, Minnie Van. Viols ••Vaughan, Gladys Vettleaeu, Myrtle •Vlueeut, Miw. G. VooBergen, Grechen Voutello, Madge

.Mukselmau, Red Wing Wagner, Louise

Chadwick, Mra. Beulah Margaret Cbsndler, Mrs. Harry '■'•T, Pearl tViarmcr, MUs Lolg OboUaer, Nell Chrlsman. Florence Christ, Mrs. David Clark. Miss Pearl •Clark, Ulllan •Clark, Nellie Clarke, Mra. Rose Clarke, .Miss IJIIy e. Clarke, Mrs. Margory Colcher. Mrs. Harry Cole. Mrs. George Oolllna, Mrs. Beiie ••CoUton, Mrs. M. ••Colston, Mag'jte Margaret Connelly, Grace K. Conners, Mrs. Mary •Conners, Lottie

Greenwood. Pearl '•f'gg, Alice Giegg. Irene Jack Grimth, LaVerne ••Grover. Marie Gunther, Elsie Hamilton, Marjorie H.nrrlngton. Mrs. E. r •Hart, Bessie •Hartman, Effle •Hartung, Katherine ••Harvey, Mrs. Gerty llsrwiKid, Miss Vtois Heiizen, Mrs. K. A. HeHiert. .Mrs. Thus. ••Hill Nora ••niton, Edith Hoirinsn, Miss Marie Hopkins, Anns

.Neill, Miss Bse Nelson, Edna ••ugueu, Blanche iguru. ileleti Umalab, Queen ••Uriah, Ml&a •Oty, Carol Palmer, Aline IXTroic, Lillian Patrick, Mrs. U. H. Peaters, Clary

Wagoner, Viola Wall, Virgins Wallin, Mrk. Jack Walxer, Matel W arren, Margaret Watson. Ethe Watt. Mrs. Tom W ebber. Men Weidermau, luex W eirz, Eva M. Welliugtou, Blanch

•Perkins, Mra. Geo. N. Weston, Rose Pete, Mre. K.

Phllll(>a, Altha Pilgei, Euiiua Piiider, tlaudine •Pliigree, Helen Poutitex, Mrs. C. M. Poutilki, Pauline Poiie, Margaret R. Porter, Marjorie Ragan, Ullle V,

W'oatou, Cecil White, Louise Whitsell, Beulah Wilks, Mra. Grace ••Willard, Charlotte Wilmoth, Lydia ••Wouder, Mrs. Geo. Wurmau, Ruth ••kouiig, Jean ••Zamora biatert

Benson, James M. Uentzen, E. C. Berger, Bud Bergman, Harry Bernhard, Jacob Bernateln, David D. Bernstein, Ben B'-rnstlne, David D. Bettiuger. lAiry Bettis, Charles 8. •Beyerle. Cbarlea Blckel, Fred •Biddle, Fred Bklwell, Byron

Biggins, J. M. Bill. Nebraska Killlngsby, Billy Bilim an, Lew is ••Kills. Joe C Bird, Joe Red ••Bishop, Jack Bistany, I.eo Black, Joe Black C has. R. Blauke, M. J. Bloi'k, Ik-uiia Block. H. Blondin, law Bloom, Bob •Blums, ('has.

Bodkins. W


••Coonora, Mrs. Ixdtie Homer, Miss Irene •Costello. Billie Hough, Edna Cotten, Mrs. Don House, Mias IJlIlan Coyle, Mrs. Bernice Howard, Mlaa Tana •Crawford, Catherine [ludson. Miss I By ••Crawlev, Margaret E. Humphreys. Grace Crosby, Miss Margy Hutchiua. .Miss Myrtle Dsnvl. Miss Ethel Daugherty. Irene Davidson Miss Bay Davie, Mrs, B. K. DarU, .Miss L. Martha Jewell. Ida Davla, Ellzalieth Johnson, Dixie DeF> rger, Misses F. •••Johiieon, .Miss

A o. * “Johnson. Uaael

Irvin, Mrs. J. F. Raften

Jarvis, Mrs. W. B. Jewell, Miss Vivian

•Abbott T. J. Vtslailsb, Willie .Vberuathy, Billy ■Abie, Will lb)Abrams, Ed Adams, Albert •.\dams, R. iSl Kl)

.Vdams, Prank

.\ddison A- Livingston Aden, E. 8. lumire, James C.

’•Alcbon, Harold •Alfrtu.i, Mr. .Mien, Max .Mien, Frank Allen, Jiuimie Allen. Bill (Lucky) •, Geo. Allen, Frank S. Allen, J. K. (HI) ••ACeu. Sid J. Allen, b. J. Alliaon, l.ew

••.Vlllson, A. .Vlplionsou. Don •Aiiierson, 11. K. ••Auderhelter, Frank Aiidersou, Harry Auilersoii, David B. •Andrews, Frank •••.Andrews, Chaa. F. .Angel, J. A. Appleliaum, H. Applegate A kfanalleld .Vrgoiiiiiight, U, P. ••.Arnienta, Ben ••.Armstrong, C. H. •Arnold, Roliert Arnold, Chaa. S. •.Anio.d, Geo. Aslwlown, W. J. Astolfo, Jatnes Astor, Guy D. Atkin, lieo Atkins, Oeo. Attebery. W. M.

Carlin, Henry Carney, WllUsm Carr, Jack Carrol. Leo •Carrtdl, Harvey Carson, F. W. Carter, Samuel Cary, Frank Case. L. Clare Cash. Walter Csssidy, Jack Caidellano, Mexican Joe Cavanaugh, Jack Cawley. Jack

Jr. Chambers, J. T. ••Champion. Jack ChampIlD C. J. Chaney, Harry Charlet, P. J. Charley, Cheyenne Chase IJater Co. Chatterton. Arthur ••Chester, Harry Cheater. Harry Childs, Bernard Chl|i|>a, F. Chriaman, Joseph M. ••Christie 8how Chrlstoffel, Eugene Christy bbowa Christy. Wayne O.

•Bonavlta, C«pt. Jack Chlswell, Joe Booger Red 8ho>w Booth Jim Korginann. F. H. Borup. Wingate •Iheiwell, C. D. Boughton, Blllle Bowden. Lawn-nee •••Bowden, Slivers •••Bowen. Earl Bowers. Claud •Bowers. Jiwepb Bowman, Floyd Ibix. Ernest Boyd, J. C. Ihiyd. R P. Boyer. E. E. Brs<ll>nry, W. 8. Bradbury. Wm. Braden, Chaa. Bradley, A. C. •Brahn, Mike ••Branburv. John Brannon. Tom Bratcher, 1. N. Bnillon, Jlniie P.renille. Wetister E. Brennan. William Brewer, C. B. Bright. Bert Brightinsn, Paul Brlnea, Karl Bristol, Jack

•'•( hrlawell, I>>wls (Triton. O. Harwood Clair, R. H. Clark. Johnny Clark A Manning Clark, L. R. I'lark, Jno. E. Clark, Fraier t lark Bros. A

Glaa4'Ock Show ••Clark. James •Clarke. Mr. Clayton, Frank 11. (layfon, Jerry Cleveland. John Cleveland. W. H. < levelaml. Geo. W. Clint, Ernest •Coates W W. Cobb, w. n. Cohert A Nazada c«.t(iirn .S. \V. Coenen, John Coffey, James •Coffey, Jamns (N.fTsy. L N ioffree C. H. Cogan A Bancnift •••'ohn. Ben Colar, Jack <«de, llarrr L. < ole. Ham W.

Cole. J. F. Cole, George Cole, Oeo. ••Coleman, Q. Collegeaus, Four Collins. D. 11. Colvin, Chaa. Colvin, Karl Comet Amuse. Co. •Compton, Cy •Condeu. James ••Condon. Tom Couklln, Pete Conkllug. Will 'onley, Ray

Conley. J. C. .ouuell, A. G. Connelly, IJoyd !.»

i>k. J. U tKldi 'ssik. R. G.

C*K>ksey. Kov C«H>kston. M, C.

CooUy A Pell Coop»‘r, Paul

uo|ier. Jimmie

Cooiier, L •Co»|>er, T. C. Coriiett. T. M.

orualla, Pete ostello, B. B.

Costello. Maurlee Costello. Gene Cotta D. W. Cotton, Colorado •Cotts. Wm. E. CeultoD, Jim Conraar, Dan Oewuort. Howard Cm, Sid Cox. O. T. •On. Arthur ••Cox, Sid Ooy, Geo. (Pop) Ooyle, Arthur Craig, W. H. Craig, Harry B. Craig, John Wesley Craner, Ben Ctawford, Harry ••Cregan W. P. •Crlnkahank, H. B. •••Crliwell, Lewis Crltcheley. C. A. Croker. W. 8. •Crommle. F Crover. Lloyd Crowell, 8. A. Cull. Currie C. Culver, Vernon D. Cummings, Col. A. ••Cunllffe, Frank Cunningham. Doc ••Curtla. James Cutting. Charles D’Andrea. Gulaeppe Dally, Pat Dairaon, Eddie Daie, Geo. Daley. Jim A Marie Daller Fred •Daly, Thomaa Dana. Victoria ••Danker, W. P. Dare. Frank B. •Darling. Prof Fred ••Daugherty. J. Davidson. Harley Davidson. Johnnie Davis, Sam J. Davis. Skate Davla. M. V. Davie, Ralph L. Davla. George Davla. Carl Davis-GeabeT Shows Davla. W.vnn Davison, W. K. Dawley, C. B. Dawaon, Dan Day, L. O. Day. Edgar Day. Johnnie DeBarcay Family DeBoyce. Rhonda Detora. Walter ••IVeForeat. J. S. Deixvney, W. L. Ih-Mar. Paul DeMarce. Monseur • •lieVana, Jack IteVltt A IVVltt Deck. E. W. ••Dedrlck. Dare Deem, O. F. (Happy) Ih-erhorn. George Deknm. Frank Delgarian, Baba ••lielzaro. F.. Demarest. B. H. Deinarr. Frank Demars, Frank Itemmer. Jewell Demmlng, Bob liemoreat. Boh •••Deppard. .Albert •••Iteabon, Mr. Detrlek, Thos. Devine, Spanish Eld Dickson. Arkona ••Dlerlek, Nell M. Dion. Joa. DIstiarte, Israla Doak, Dobbins, Nolan Donnell. D»in Donnelly, Harry IWinnellv, Bllljr Doss, Wm Dotson, Melvin •Douglas Tommy Dover, Geo. •Dover. Joe Doyle. Ralph ••Doyle, A1 AV. Driimmor r. C. IhiVal. Herb Diieneweg Oscar Dunesn. Nat Duiiean, Andy ••Duiilsy L. A. Dunn. Wm. J. ••Diirtwc. Hid ••liver. J. M. E.vek. M •Earnest A Fvana Eiison. risiide F. ••K,ekerf. A. O. •'ddv Famllv Eddv, IlilBp •••Eddy Ff^nk Edysr. G B. Edwin. Bobt. R. Edwards, Frank

Edwards, Clarence J. •Edwards, Ed Kdwania, l,eo Egan Joe Egner, F. W. ••Ehomal, Joe Khriiig, Dtto F. Klirliig, l'>ed KIcber, Jimmie Killer, C. P. • •Elderd, C. U. •ETIhitt, Wm. Q. Elliotts. The Elmore, MarshaU EI»>r. Fred Emerson Comedy Trie Emerson, Electric Kuck. M. J. f^l, Joe England, Jack Englander. Harry English, W. P. Enright. M. P. •Eutwistle, Squire H. Eric A Nora

(Pon PoD) Ertx, A. Erwin, John H. Estaa. J. W. Katerbnsik. Ralph Eates Walter Eakies. The •Evans, 11. 8. Evans. Andrew Everett. ET'ed Everltt. James A Everainan. Walter Ewing, Charlie Ewing, W. M. •Fakey, Jake FalloD. Tommy Fauce. WIUU Fincher, Ed Fimle, Billie Faust. Ben Fay, Bert Featkeron-Head. W. Felat. Ed F. ••Felat. Ed F. •••Felat. Ed F. Felix, Walt J. Fenn. J. Q. Ferdon. Jimsa Ferguson, Doc Ferguson, R. 8. •Fertier, Leo Ferrell, F. L. Ferris, Jimmie ••Ferris, Billy Ferullo, FTanceece Feaenbec, Fred Fetxer, Adam Figg, L. C. Fink. Ban Finley, Jess ••li'lrst Lee Fisher. Harry Flaher. Chae. ••Fltxpatrlck, J, H. Fix. Wm. J. ••Fleming. Jack Fletcher. Cnrley Fllnn, Tom (Spot) Flint. Oeo. 1. Flint, E. C. •Htyd. W. C. •Foite. Dlek FVigg, Thos. P. Follla. J. K. (SlTord. Harry O. Ford, Tom • Ford Ostrich Oo. •Forrest. A. Forrester, JotUi B. Forshee. Felice Foster, C. W. Foster. Billy FAnintalD. Bobby Fowler, Claud Fowler. Ed B. Fowler. Fletch Fox. Oscar ••Fox. (ortea Fox, Chief Rhd ••Fragateln. Ory« Franc's Mlnstrela Francia. George • •Frank. Alvla ••Frankel. Panl Franklin, T. B. •Fraser, Jobe B. PTaaer Lewie PTaiher, Eno# •Frederick J •Free. I. Martin FNeedroan H. Ike Freund. William F>ey, Doraey ••FTlck. FtM Friti. Alfred (SiFrlti. I>elno •Fulton. Chaa. M. ••Gabriel. J. M- Gage, Harry Gale, Geo. Gailbraitb. Clyde Gallaber. W. F. •Gallo, Fortune •Galrln. Jamee A. ••Galvin. James a Garcinettl. Humberto Garland. Walter (SiGarner. B. B- Oarn-tt. Dave •“tSarrett. John H. Garrett, jtdinaon Oainiw. Robert Gaston, John Gates, F. A. Galea. John Gaul. Sherman •Gazaza. Geo. Gazo, A. Ii. Gems. Julius Gentry Wm. ••Gentry, FYank 11. •George. Edwin Gerber. J. •tierner, Fred Gifford. Robert Ontiert Geo. L. Gilder, Sam Glllea, Harold Gllea Claire 8. Gilmore. Paul Oliitner. Johnnv Gwtz. Chaa. W. •Golden. Mr. GoldHinith Henry Gnnzlb'a, Joae •Oonzilea. J<»e G.Kw1ell. W. W. Gooiling. I,. C. Goodman. Mart CKirdeo, Carl

OCTOBER 10, 1tl4. X ti e Billboard 61

r.loo, J. Aatbur ). iiiule;, Jutin B.

C'btt. • C. B. •liotbird Trio

■lirtt. (Yank ■’iirtbam, •‘Doc** Jlrauada, Herr <;rjut, Jobu Lk

K. V. •Cray. Wearer <.r«T, Jim P. **(>r«-KK. KiMIe •tirfgorjr, UIttwrt •••(Jrler, Oaty airiiiatead, Albert • iriirtT, Bobert ••tirover, Uobt. Cruudy. Morria

Frauk <;iilliu, George (luyer, Cbarlea •Mlaoa, Billy llaekiiey, Cbaa. M. •llaiiaD, Hubby Jlaitau. Walter * ilagaaiaii, Charley IUki'U, Wm. JUger, & Uuodwln lUikiuga. 'tbe 'Hall, Jullaa Hall. Lee iialley, Glenn ■'ilaUixey, Wm. Ualtbans, H. A. Ilamann. Tbee. Hamburg, Pbtl llarkuey. Cbaa. M. ilamlltua, Jack ’liamlltun, Uco. II. Hamilton. Claude F. **liamlltan, J. 'Hamilton. Jamea Hamp. P. E. Hancock, Hiram Hauly. Frita liauaun, Alfred Hanacn, Moea Ilerada. 8. Ilarbaugti, Cbarlea Hardee, F. E. Harding Amuse. Co. ••Hargea, O. ••Harmon. Oeo. Harmon. Charley Harp. Fred Harrington, E. P. Harris Bros.’ Norelty

Harria, Al' Harria, Kobert Harria, SIg. tiarriaun, Eastwood Harrison, Jas. D. Hart. Joseph B. Hartman, H. H. •llasK, Edward ••Haatiugs. "Hoc” '• •Haatlngs, Billy Hathaway, Bid data. Marshall llarely Fred Hay. Evart Barkley Hay, Tom Ha.vea. Harry Haynes, Fred C. Haynes, Thomas Haaado, William llaselton. Dr. •Healy, Jim lleafn. Wallace Heath, Henry ileini Bros.' Shows ••Heilman, UaglclaB llelmer, John ••Hemlock, Joe ••Ilemmer, J. Q. ••Hematreet, Lloyd Henderson, Fred Hendrick, Herman Heninger, Monroa Henneasy, Spike Ilenricl, Russell Henry Bros.' Shows llerrminn. Prank lleiTO, J. H. Heater, I^e^y Heth. L. J. Hlekmsn. Ony •••Higgins. Harry Hlchett, Jamas Hill Elwood C. •Hill. D. 8. •mu. Wm. ••Hill Murray K. Hill. Loe Hiller. Kay •Hilton Prank Hlnkley, Hoekett, Robert ••lloirman. Mr. HofTman. Arthur llollen, I,ee llollii. Wm. E. ■ Holmes Wlllr •Holt, Dare Dertl Hnitaman, Harry Honneus, Wm. B. Ho-d. A. D. ll'aids. The ••Hold. Cbaa. A. Hoorer. B»Tt Horne. Prof, ptyd Hoanier. J. E. Hotrhkiaa, Pop lloiiaeman, C. Howard. Harry ••Howrard. Morton H iward. Kid •Howard, Gua Howell. Arthur

••Howell, Mr. ••Howell. R. L. Hoyle, Harry Hoiie, Hart Huey, Ralph Hiiim. Capt. R. n. Hnniphrlea. Harry Hunt, Henry Hunt. Chaa. Hunter. T. J. Hnnter'. 8 am

• Hunter. Herbert •lliird, Pro.lprlc W •Hiirat. Wm. O. Hvnian, John •••, Bert ■'■•e Wm '"'.•ram. Ilsmlah '."III Itroa.’ Show •-ele. Jack

'■•■ui. Ham Jii' kaon, Johnie

Jackaun, P. H. Jackaou, Frank Jackauu tc Bephanaman Jaques, Bill •Jaciiuea, W. A. ••Jacuba, Harry T. •Jauierauii K. James, Peter Jaiulauu, Wm. H. •Jaaper, Mr. •Jeuiiette, Louis Jiiliuauu, Joe U. Jobiiaoii, tYed M. Jobiiaou, llertert JubUKon, Willard Jubmton, L. E. JoUuaoo. Billie Johiiauu, Jack L, •Jobuaon Harry T. Jolly, J. II. H. Jouea. C. C. Joiiew, E. G. •Julies, Cal O. Jouea, Cary Jouea, E. B. Jorgensen, OMcar iSlJuaepb, Herman Jiiiid, Walter Jiiilauu, Just Jiinihn. John Jiiatice .Sam Kahn, Arthur Kalberg, Ed •Kalmar A Brearn Karn, Edward Karr, U. B. •Kaablma ••Kaufman, Joa. Keane, Oeo. W. •Keating. Jeff Keech. Ed Keefer, Ed Keeting, Thomas Keith. Edw. K. Kell, Jack Kelley, Frank Q. Kelly, E. J. •Kelly, John T. ••Kelly, Koy Kennedy. Q. A. Kennedy, W. H. •Kennedy. Jack Kenney, Holman Kerwln, Melvin J. Keystone Shows Kightlluger, C. J. Kilgore. J. D.

_ ••King A Daria Shows King, A. B.

King, A. D. King. Lawrence B. King, W. 0. Kinsley, Chaa. KIrohmsn. Charley Kirk, Walter M. Klein. Billy Klelne A loata Kline. Jack Kllnt E. E. Kluber, Emil Knat>p, Kenneth Knot, Charles •Knowles. Harry •Koreohelle. W. A. Kotara, Frank ••Kramer. Joe O. Kraus, Joe Krelaber Bros. •K lister. laBoy Kyle, J. T, ■ nliell. Jsck I.sBerts. Robert l.altreijue, Harry B. La Box, Jack I.aComa, Chris ••I aForge. Jack I.sMsr. Chts. B. LaMar, Jack A. LaPearl. Wesley laRose, Wire Walklnff I..aRose A LaRosa loKoae. Chaa. •*U Salle, Ed B. IaVsIIs Trio, Header •Ijibroae, Peter I achaman. L. lafsyette. Flying ••Ijimes, C. D. I smi, Andrew J. I.amley, FYed t amnntt. Frank H. I,ance, E. if. I angley, B. H. I ank, I^nk •laraana I arenso, Chaa. Larkins, Frank S. l.arrison, W. L. ••I.srrlTce A LePage laiircnie Bert iJirelle. P. ' swinger. B.

, Lawrence’ Steve I e.N’olr, Jack ••leRoy A Fisher . TeVsn. narry I eVsrge, Fred leandif, Hirry I edger, Fred Ledonx. L. I ee. Harry Ionia T ee. John W. ••• James ••I.elpert. F. I eon. W. n. I epp. Frank I/croy. K. .\r. 1 eaaingwell. Oeo levine. Willie •I-ery, Sam I cry. lowy

IJlIle t rwls, Dax# Lewis, Jack I.Inderman. Rtllla LIndaay. Ed I.Inn, W. •••I.lppard. AILert •r.lttleton. Prof. W. •I.lxlngatnn A Van I.Io.Td. Bert I.ockwood. Nell l4»hae, Ralph Ldiae. Henry « Ix>ng, Jack Tong. Hlllox lamg. Doe t ong Frank Ti. I/vimla. O. C. ••loreni. T. •lorctte. W. II. •lorralne A Dndley I owe. Clarencw ••I.iu*as, li. R. Lucas, Wm. S.

Ludlow, Fairfax Luigi, George Luken, Harry Lylea, ITia I.ylo. A. Lyon, Jack Lytell. Doc

Nash, Jack ••-Neely, Tennyson Neff, John Neilaon, Doc J. I. Nelaon, Albert E. Nelaon, George Nelaon, Joe

.MacDonald, John B. Nelaon, Prince

.MacDonald, Dr. G. K. ".Nelaon, A. J. McCall. J. Albert Nemo A Nemo McCann, F. P. ••Newman, Edw. .McCarthy. P. J. Newton, Bay McClond, Al ••.Nlcoll Mctoy, I-eunard E. NTcbolaa. Kidd McDonald, Tom Nichols. Cap McDonald, Arthur Mcholsj Law McDowell, Buater N i-bola, U. E. .McKacblu, John ••NTlson, Bobble McFarlln. Ben Niiier. Ed F. McGee, Hugh ••Nolan, Andy .McGinnis, Tom A. Noon. Kenneth McGovern, Wm. .Norman, Jack .McGrath, Ed Norris. C. I. MctJregor, (%aa. J. •North, J. A. •MctSulre, Tom ••Noyer, Eddie .McKean, Clyde ••Nye, SI McKenna, Harry •O’Bryan. Doe

McKenzie, Robert ' O'Donaell, Cbaa. McKnight. U. A. •O'Hara, Joe Mcliaughlin. E. B. O’Neil. W. C. McMahon, C. A. O'Rourke, Tommy McMullen, J. A. •Oakland, Will McNanny, James Ogllore, Harry H. McSew, Tboe. E. o |»er. E. L. McNutt. Louis •Olireto’s Band McPbaM, Duncan oiiSienzo. Don McPherson, M. A. Oinoah. Prince •.McSeaton, E. Orlando, Harry McSparron, Geo. Ortiz, Tony

Mace, lipwrla P. Orton, Claude Mark, Ollle Orton. Norman -Mack. Wm. H. Osborn. Leroy .Mack Hay Ost, Chaa. B.

•.Mack. D. Otto A OllTla Markay, Andrew Overton. H. B. Mackle, Wm. W. Owen. Richard Maconhrie. Wm. A. Page, Henry Las Macs, Two Scotch Palmer, Pete Maddock, Frank L. Parento. Geo.

Magleva. The Parker, J. C. ••Maguire, J. I'arker. Jack B, ••Mahler, Al ••Parker, T.

Mahoney. Joe >‘*iParker. Clyde A. Mala, W. L. Parolln. A. C. Mann, Cato P-irrots. JuggUng Mansell. Jack Parrln, Lee March, Vates Pste. Roy Mark'.*. W. B. ••Panlnam, Mr. Marshall. Frank Payne. Harry L. Maraball. Walter I’“ak. Joseph Martin, B. H. •Pederson, Karl Martin, Cbaa. Sallka Peeler, R. M. Martin. Clay Pelater, Wm. Thomas Msrtln, I. Pellloncottl, Jaa.

Martin. Henry Pendell. Arnold Martinson, A. C. P'’nn. larie Marx Henry C. Perry, Pascalle .Marx. Roy Perry, Bert Masooe. Fred Petenaon, Will T. Mason, B. •••F’eteraon. Chas. •Mason. Hiram V. 'Petrie, Will •Maatbaum Jay Pettigrew. John Maatln, Harry •F’lchlannl Troupe Materia, Ony ••Plckel, M. C. May, Frank T’lekell. Jay H. Mayfield. Johnnie Pickering. Fred Meachnm, Homer 'IMckles. Jack Meagher. John B. Pierce, Chas. A. Means. A. O. Pierre. Lemuel Melvin. Goldie 'Pieraon. Gillie •••Melvin. Art Pilbeam, Prank B. Mercer, T. O. Pinkerton. Elmer B. Mereier. Bioul Plrri. A. ••Merrihew, Albert J. Poole, C. Merrill. M. B. Poole. Edward .Mever. Peter Porter. C. Xf. Mikulsky, Prof. J. J. Porter. Will Miles, Roy t'otter. Slim Miles, Carlos Powell. Halton Millard, Frank Powell’s Minstrels Miller Chas. M. Powers. Ed Miller. Eddie Prairie Life Show Miller, Harry B. Price A Price Miller. E. Prinee. Artbnr L. Miller. Harry (Rube) Proctor, Chas. P. Milter H. C. Proetor, Oeo. H. Miller' I.orens C. Pnrkina. Tom Mllleri W. T. Quigley, Joe Miller. J. O. Paean. Ben Mills. Chas. Ragland John L. Mlnnlng. Ward 8. Ramsdell. Lon B. Mitchell. Cvclone Bill ••Ramleon. George Mitchell, Elbert Randolph. James W. Mitchell, Chas. F. Randy. Joe Mitchell. James H. Ranney. Oeo. D. MIzuno, Nobe Bay. Chester Modern Concert Co. 'Raymond. Psnl Moffett, R. M. Rea, John Mondor. Henry Bea. Robert A. Monette, Art Reading. Merry-Oo- Monroe. C. A. Round Montazell. Joe Bed Pird. .to» M.mtroae Al F. Beed Cspt. Ed Monty, Geo. Beed. Steve •Moore. Harry A. Reed’s W. W. Show Moore. Billy ••Reese. Jack Moore, Capt. Jim Reeves. Chas. Moore. Eddie Beld. Beck ford ••Moore. Tom Reid, H. A. Moorefleld. John Ren, Will Morales Trio •R“no. Oeo. •Moran. Martin ••Renzo, PVank Moredock A Watson Beponea A Connderia Moreno. .8. H. Palbo Bey, Joe. Morgan Harrr E. Reyman. F. A. Morrison, Benny "Rhelnfrank. O C. Morrison. M. M. Rhodes, Frank B. Morris, Arthur L. Rich. Harry Morris. B. D. Richard. Dell Morris. Edd •Richards. Dick B. Al.irrlson Bobt RIchsrdson. Joel Morrison W. H. Richardson, W. 8. Morstead. Al Rleltardson, A. R. Morfer, Robert Richardson, J. E. Vorton. Phil Richmond, Frank ••Morton. Al Riddle, T.Ioyd Moss, Sam Rlle.r, Harry M.waman, Billie Finaldo, Dr. R. H. •Monat. Tommy GGRItchle. A. B. rSTMungar. Jesse B. B.iherts. Wm. Arthur Munlone. II. E. Roberts. Stephen B. Miinns. Wm. J. Roberts, B. Murphv, Horace 'Roberts. Dan Mnnihy, A. .S. ••Robertson Theo. Murray A Ward Roblna, Bobble •Murray. John Robinson, Allen E. NtTirrar. Gordow R blnson. Charlie Miieaelman Robt. RoMnsnn. J. H. Mrers D. D. •R<»blnson. cb**. Myers. Edgar Ri+ilnsdn, Wm. Naill Sc Mathews* 'Rodgers A at. Claire

Shows Rodgers, Rlllle Nally. Robert 8. Roe. Billie Nsr,’ Great Ben •Roehr, Chas.

Rogers, D. B. Taylor, F. L. Rogers, Harry Tenney, A. E. Kuouey, Thes. J. Tenny, Art Root, Boy Tennyson. David Rose, Diamond Dick Terrall. Ed Slim Rose, Jamea U. Terrells, Singing Ross. Eddie Texas Rauch Show Rosa, Musical Cbaa. Thomas, McKinney Roasmyu, Hodly Thomas. H. A. Itotbrock, Charley ’iliumpson, J. Ross Rowell, J. P. Thurutuu, Frauk Royal. Victor Thornton, Jas. A

Kozell, Frank A. Bonnie Hiiaaell. HI Bob •Thurman, Jerry

Russells, Seveu Thurmau, Willis Ruth, Scott Thureton, Ernest Ryder, James B. 'I hurstou, Harry E.

Sadoff. Bill Tierney. James Ssuford. Walter Titta, .Mike Sapp, Karl Todd, T. J. Saunders, Geo, Todd. Wm. Savage, W. Todd, C. H. Savage. James A. Tompson, Bob Sawyer, Ebe ••lossel R. Sayles, Chas. H. Trowbridge. Alex

Savior, Arthur Traband, Edw. Soha'elTer I-ee Treanor, Patrick Schleherl, Joe Trout. Taylor

SchliHuberg Com. Ben Trover, Floyd Schwab, Bmtl Tuniaon. W. E. Schwartz, Herman Tiipmau, Chas. W. Sowtt, K. B. Turner. Jack

Scott. Harry ••Turner. Curly Scullon. Bill Turney, Bill

Seamon, Jack ‘Turpin, Altiert K. Sears, Harry Segura, A. Senter. Skip Usher. George Senter, Gene Valentine. Harry Serofino Geo. Valenzuela, Mex. John ••Sexto’n, Harry Valley, Jack Cehio Sexton, Jack Vandertllt. Gerry Shafer Chaa. Van Derburg, Geo. Shafer; John W. V““ Jerome Sliaffer. Carl E. Van Meter W. A. Shagnon, Jack Van Sickle, Roy S.

Shabeen, S«m ..Jr*";,. Shank’s Vaud. Show ^?***^*^’ Shank. Hartley Xedder, Ilebble Sbanley, John J. ^urtia J.

Shean. Wm. Xelare. Jack Sheaperd, B. C. Xeruon. Lrauk Shearer. Wm. Ingelheim, Ix)ii1b

Sheck, Eugene Von Orden. C. iM. Sheets, Thoa. M. t,*'. Sheldon, James H. Waddon, Charley Shelley A Mack ™ Shephard. Wyatt Sherman. Harry Iw® , Sherome f*''®*’’ Henry L.

Shields. Dad Shipman. S. A. w*!!’ ^**?*’i, .Shipps, Geo. Wallace. John Shirley, Wild Tom Shoats, Jess Shrewsbury, Bonnie

Siebert, T. L. Sliver, Obas.

Worden, George Worden, Frank Wright, A. V.

Wright. Sam ••Wright. Cbaa. Wright. Geo. I. Wright, H. P. Wright, H. L. Wright. W. H. Wylie A Wylie W.vnn. A. G. •Wyman. Ed •••Yagla. Frank Yarbrough. Buck Yarnall, T. s. Yaryan, Dick

••Yates. Harold Y'barra Kicbsrd ••Yost, Wm. ••Young, L. Young, Harry A Will Young. J. M. Zapf, Lou H. Zech A Zeeb Zee-Bell. Joe Zee-Bell, Frank Zerado, Tiny Zimmerman, Ray •••Zinks, Jos. Zoth, John Zrnen. Bobby

Zwlckey. Jack




SCRANTON, PA. Hotel Westminster, opposite Poll’s Theatre. Popa-

lar-prtood theatrical hotel. PETL» NULL. Manageg.

Waller, E. B. Wallick, Frank O. •Walters, M. Walters, Jas. G. •Walton, no.vd R.

Simmions, Jas Simmons, L. D.

Singleton, George Sipes, Jack Slocomb, George

Small, W. B. Small-Young Shows Small. B. 8. Smiley, Aaron Smith, Brownie Smith, Cbae. L. Smith, Chas. X. Smith, Frank Smith, Geo. EL Smith, Ralph Smith, J. J. Smith. James

••Wampach. Henry Ward, Russell B.

Warren, Hal Waters, Clifford Water Queen Boat Wataon, J. A. •Wayburn, Ned Wayne, Doc Weadiman, Snapp XVeber. Harry Weber, Robert Weinberg, Joe Weitzman, Jay Welch, A. Spencer Welch, Jimmy Welsh. Harry Werner, Harry

Smith, George M. Werthan. Edward •Smith, Walter F. Harry F. Smithson, Sensational Weat. J. W.

Smithson, Eddie ••Westlake, Col. W. D. Smvthe, Art 'Westley A Vlrfflnla •Snead, John A. Weston. Burtlss Sneed, Johnnie W. Wlieeler, Howard Snider, Capt. Chaa. •••Wheeler. Earl L. ••Snyder E. D. Whlley, Jim Solllday Percy Whitaker, Harold J. Soper, Dan White. J. C. Somsen C. H. \Vhite. Ray spahn. J. Leslie S^^**e. Tony .Spalding. Prentiss Speck, T. R. White, Rufus A. Speer, Raymond White. Capt. O. K. Spellman, Sam V^ltelaw, A. A. Spellman, Frank O. Wbiteley, j. w. Siirlng, Tony Whiteside. Tom •Squires, H •Wbitaon, Frank T,. Stafford, e’ (Si Whittaker. Sam Stanley Arthur Whittakers. The Stanley,’ Earl B. Stanton. Doc Wilbert, Lonie A. Stapleton. Lester f'i‘*Ke R. Starr A Starr i'.jlf.Ti.'*’,*^*^2®"* •Starr. Harry XVildt, L. R. St. Denis, Brother S;!!*'*’"' Stesrnes Alex Willard. Prince Harry •Steddler Albert WHIiama. Fred •Steele, Joa. F. (SiWilliama. D. C. Steiner,' H. E Williams, Sid L. ••Stenburg. Wm. JVjlllam*. Bari Stephena, Frank (5;.,!!®"’"’ •Stevens A Barton •Stevens, Stanley Ured J. ••Stevens. H. Williams. Kemp Stewart, A. B. Wllllama. Montania Stewart'. Chas. A Jennx VVllIla. Henry Stewart, Doc ' (SiWIIlla A Willis •Stllaon, L. C. •♦Wlllmare. W. ‘Stinnett, R. J. W’linvitb. Capt. Tom Stockman. Jake Wilson, Bertram •Stokea, T. T. Wilson. Walter Stokesbnry, J. C. Wilson. Wm. L. Stone. Wm. O. Wilson. J. C. Storm, Frank Wilson. 1. W. X. Story. Percy E. Wilson, Sam F. Strict Edgar •• Geo. W. Striker, Otto Wing. Robert Sttickey, Prof. Pearl Wing, Robert O. Sullivan A Sullivan Wingate. Robt. Sunietine, Ed Wingert, H. W, Surrounded. Samuel WInton. Bernard Sutton. Harvey Wise. Hamilton ••Sutton. Harold Wiseman, C. J. •Sutton. F. M. W'ltner. (Yiaa. H. Swanfvon. Carl Wolf, Philip •Swoor. Bert Wolf, Fred C.

Syco Prof. n. W. Wolfe. Chaa. C. Sylow, Hank ••W’ollson. J. L. ••Sviva. Oeo. Wood, Mose (SiTafe. Bill Wood. Ray M. •Talt. John H. Woodford. (Tias. Tarhox. Oeo. W’ooda. Red Tate, M. P. W’oi'ds. Franker ••Tattoll. Vito ••Woodaon, Wm. L. 8 Taylor, Bert Woodward, Howard Taylor, F. W. Woolcott. Mark


$10 COURSE FOR $1 Handsomely bound In convenient cover, with forty

llfe-aixed hands.

CHICAGO MAGIC CO. Dept. F., 72 W. Adame St., Chleaaa, IN.

ciubs-JUGGLERS -CLUBS We make the Beet on Earih. Send stamp for price list on other goods. VAUDEVILLE A CIIMTUS (JUODS CU., 35 South Dearborn St., Chicago, IlL

F. YOUNGBLOOD, Eveninj Costomis Exclusive dealgna modeled eepedally for the Mapa. Dainty Dancing Procka. 8oat>rette, Character and Historical Coetnmee. Suita S7>6e-70-72 MeVlekar'a Theatre Bldg., Chicafe, III.

FKEEI Large Jar Manage Oeam with yiXir tr- der of Japaiilca Brand Coametlce, eiidoraed by

I Frieda Hall Theatrical Studios. Auditorium, Bldg.. Chicago. Complete Beauty Outfit, ll.UOl Money Order. CtXiVFJt-FHU.DlNti SUPPLY HOUSE, 4'.!3-59 E. Van Buren St.. Chicago. 111. |

AT LIBERTY, OCT. 12 Account show closing aummer season; Man for char¬ acter heavies, fiddle, lead orebestra, trombone in band. Woman for cliaracters, Ingeiiuee. Joint engagement only. Won’t jump without tickets. Have two tninka of wardrobe and will riieek them to you. Prefer band show, one or tbree-iiiglit stands. Answer to

BEFXTIER GILBERT, W’eetfleld. Ill. We, the undersigned, rveoromend these people to be

strictly reliable. ME.SSRS. KjrrROW A TBOVX3L Managers Ketrover Com. Co.


(7LARENCB, Bandmaster, strong B-flat comet; JO- SEI’HINE. Aerjillst. Frank Adams, wire. Addreae CLARENCE P. BROWN, General DeUveiT, Atlanta. Georgia.

AT LIBERTY—A-1 AGENT Nothing too large. Will consider handling featnae film. C. B. RICE. 515 15Ui Are., 8. E., Mlnnee»- oils, Minn.

POSITION WANTED—By A-1 Clarinetist, doubling on violin. At liberty October 17th. Will Uke any¬ thing that pays Theater or picture ahow preferred, instance makee no difference. M. A. JA51IN, care Billboard, Clnclrnatl. Ohio

AT LIBERTY Good, clean Cook, white. Dramatic or minstrel. Ad- drees lauVE.ST BAIRD. Muskogee, Oklahoma._

TRAP DRUMMER AT LIBERTY—I have had 10 years’ experience; am member of A. F. of M.; travel or locate, and can Join mi wire. Ticket If jump la far. Address F. H. W A1,1><>. Concord. Mich._

AT LIBERTY. string Bass and Tuba, or alto and stage. O. E. trWEN, Revere House. (Iilcago, III.

AT LIBERTY. BOB AND MARIE WIIJJAMS. after Octobte 15th, on account of ahow closing. Bob, strong comet, B. A O.; heavies, character heavies; Marie, juveniles, ingenues, some characters. Ib-efer one piece. West¬ ern route: Syrseuse, Ind., Oct. 8th: Benton, Ind., 9lh; New Paris. Ind., loth; Vsndalls, Mich., 12th: after that SL Franclsvllle, Ill., permanent address.

AT LIBERTY—B. Sc O. Leader, violin, double bari¬ tone: Comet, B. * O.; String Baas and Tuba: double small peris. Also one laeb', handle front door, ind one lady, soubrette or Ingenue. Reliable managera only. .411 experienced, reliable people. Can furnish a trap drummer and clarinet, if desired. Addreae C. H. .MIM3. Enid, Okla.

AT LIBERTY FDR REGULAR SEASDN-MART WARREN, Characters and some Heavies; good ward¬ robe on and off; appearance, ability. One piece pre¬ ferred. Address JL\RY WARREN, 320 IlUnola Ave.. Morris, Ill.

CLARINET PLAYER AT LIBERTY Ihcperlenced all lines. FR.4NK M.4R10N, 1713 Pa- riflo Are., Dallas, Tex.

WANTED—Competent Men for Three-Abreast Jump- tng-Hoise Cany-Us-AIL Must thorouglily undentanj gasoline engine; sober, reliable. FRED E. EHRi.NO. Georgetown, Brown Co., O., Oct 5 to 9; after this, booked solid South till November 28.

If ysu tse It la The Billbeerd, bll tbam a*.

X li e Billboard OCTOBER 10, 1914.

r New Conventions iMta coiitaiDctl in tbii 11« procar«<l TIm;

'*rd dunuc IW paat two wrcka obij.

Kr»-<1 E. Wadbaua. 37 Twiddle Bid*.. Albaor xt,.,. ,, n„,«. «.,<,w A Street Kalr. 0<-f. 7 «.

CAUFORVIA. kdo. ks Frwwciacw ItlS I>a> ton—Reonir^ Se'^ttiah Rite Maaont. V’T.

i.. ^ , J I..., A.,.. ” ’3- K. n..tron. Dajton. J^******'''^'*®- ^ r>«.' ton—Ohio State < hrlatlan A«sn. Not IS 17

^**v- 'a-' S. O. Albausti. Miami Commercial College. Ubertj at.. .New \ork. .N. \. Darton

*•; Dayt.<>-Eleet Cont. .t«n of Ohio. Not 11 M. M. Aprd li» T. A. Danea, Maa-inie Tern- j, y Grant, 13JJ» I'Mlsrct are.. Clere pie. Sail *>ai»«ria«o.

■an mnclaco^rand Circle of CaU Cc.mpa^oti, r„y,„n_B,n4.Lime Brick A-^n. Dec. 8 9. W

.,“*1 E Rlommer. Bnffalo. N. Y. • u.. « Dajton—Ohio lAnodrjmen'a A»»o. Marc Ban l-rauctaco—Jonu tarj liearendauU. May 5. y p Mawonger 2^ N. Main at.. Di

EeT S*«th C. Carj. AJ Moultne at.. Dorcheater D,,-.on—Cigar leaf T^. Aaan. Mar »1 Center. B-wton Maaa u . ii io Mendelaohn. care C. 11. Fox. 222 I'e

■an Franci.«,—K. of Col. of Cal. May 11-12. .. viet v v

! Bnffalo—N. Y. State Bar Amd. Jan. 22 23. IVDlAJfA. F^Tl Ml F Fred E. Wadbaua. 37 Twiddle Bldg.. Albany xt,.,.,, n,.r«A. «?,ow A Street Fair. Oct. lb. ■ 1 ■ wl fc

OHIO. J E Aaderaim. aecy. .

,:pr.:Sie.“-o‘-'-T..;s;. ... ,.c Directory ol Combination “Sl-E v,-'";-,':.’- Theaters and Opera Houses

MUa May MutnaiAi. Robinw.jod Hoapltal. To ** ** Inaerllona), InciisUn* all mtotha' autMOipUoo to Tb#

10K10. j E Aaderaim. aecy.

Cambridge—Obio Banker>’ Aaan. Oct. 1. ILLIlfOIB ^ Cambridge-Ea.tern O. Teacher.' Aa-n -Not r.^ital. Oct. 8 10. J. C

I Halt >n—Ohio Library Aaan. 0. t. «9. Minnie Terry, jecy. , . , ...... Farren. Wilmington. Cnic.g -Eai-.. A Carmtal. Auapice, Bn.inw

Ttaetr.n tiiiin aa.ii ..f Real Patate PTchansea. Men a Aaen. Oct i 10 1. t . <»reetihurg.

Ila}t>n—Ohio Library .taan. 0«t. 0 9. Minnie Farren. Wilmington.

Dayton—OUio Aa.u. -f Beal Eatate Exchingea. <Vt. 21-22. Geo. I'. Hnffaman. Di}ton.

Dalton—Ohio Grad. Nur«e«' Aaan. Oct 20 21

rbai-mac carnlTal c mmittee. API and Drcxel BlTd . Chiear

Homer—.vtree't Fair' llome-C.iming A Com Car Al''<ir.Sl?'A.\"EI»**BT** Ci nital <X-t. 8 10. Joe Bennett, aecy.—Hnme.t •.tniug. auA'Ii'ea Elka.

Billboard, for only $3 M. ALL OBDISS To B1 Ait'OMI’AMKD BT (.’ASH. and NEW COPT (DATES) rt K.NISHKli liACH WEEK. tndlcaUna optTi datea for thirty data abewd. In ertot new

5-10. Bill Emi-ion. Chairman Amuaement recrlTed by Saturday atnerilng ear* wrea Coo.mlttee. a>l will be Mft out. and no credit allowed foe tbe

RiiaaTilia,—Com CamiTal. AiiBfilcee MerclianU omlmioo. A Bualneaa Men'a Aaan. Oct. B-lO. C. E. ■ — Boaa. aecy. MAINE.

Saudwlrb—Com Camleal. anapicea BualncM _ _ __ Men A Commercial Cluhe. OcL 7-10. EAGLE LAKE—(Paatlaie Tbawtaf) —Oct. T, I. *.

Dayt'in—Ohio lAnodrymen'a A»»o. Jfarch. 1915. E E. Mawonger. 220 N. Main at.. Dayton.

Da.i’on—Cigar I.eaf Tob. Aaan. Mae 910. Joa. Mendelaobn, care C. 11. Fox. 222 I'earl at.. New York, N, Y'.

Darld F-. Supple. 330 Montgimery at.. San T,;„„ga,ownl^hp> >ed. Women', Clubf. Oct. fY*»ri*co. 22 Untd nerki. Dec. 28 29. May 17 21. Mr*. Loniae Hulmc«, 4ib mb • __ at.. Oakland. OKLAHOMA.

■an Franciacva—Nat'l Electric Light Aaan. Jnne j Shawnee—Farmer,' 8oc. of Eqni, June 20-2*.

EAGLE LAKE—(Paatlme ThaMar)—OcL T, I. ». TVnTAVA !*• 111 ISi 1*1 I^ 1*1 **• *‘i 23. 24. 24. MDIABA. J, ^ jj. J , ^ J , J

Hammond—klercbaota' Fall Featiral Oct 9 10. Hartford City—Home-Coming A Fall FeatiTAl. ctocc'cmli

Oct 7 10. L. E. Marahall. ae<y. ORtGON. lAfayette—Lafaeette Jihr-Market. Oct. 6-10.

Cbarlea F. WllUama, Jr., necy. c*J'S*^^a**^o"Te**iY 1V*?l*^\^■la*■lr**la**a f _ittPAiMt Wair V*ak rfed»t S J II OtI. 7, ®, •, !•, IX. 13. 14, IS, IC, IT* Iv, XW, XI. XX* * * “• *«• «• **• *»• *"• *i: *• •' *■ ‘' *•

Se.vmoor—Free Fall reatlral A l>e<llcaf.oo of Parmer*' Club Bldg. Oct. 5 10. L. WANTED FOR CASH

w^ll. 1. C. Martin, 29 W. 39tb at.. New York, N. Y.

Ban Pranciacsi—T al. Branch. United Nat'I Aaan. of p. O. Clerka. Jua* 12. George V. Feely, San FYancl»co.

Ban Franciaco—I'bi Sigma Frat. July 1-3. B. f. Baker, 1100 Bay at.. Alameda.

Ban FVai»ctac»—Cal. Drug Clerka' Aeen. July W W. McCone. «1« I'aciflc Bldg , *»«" Allentown-Gr. Co.

J. A. Harman. Shawnee. Tboma—Anti Horae Thief .4<*n. Oct. 1415.


Portland—Ore Retail Hdwe. A Imple. Dealer*’ A««n. Jan. 36 29. H. J. Altnow, Route 2, Milwankee.


Clark, aecy.

IOWA. •rttnmw*—Home Product* Week Celebration.

Oct. 5-10.


Moline—Elk A Chaatainjna O'untiee Kaffir K<>m KimlTal. Oct 1-15. W. E. Wallace, aecy.

B.a”??.T..~.-lntcr-Monnt.ln Uf* Ina. Co. ^an. 19. F^.nk W. Mariina. South Bethle: r>" Week Oct.

Jaly 15. " “ J-"** Ctah. | nyer.ellle—R. C. M. P. Soc. Oct. 14 15.

3^ A McCmr^^^^^^^ Phlladelpbla-Am. Fe.1 of lAte.r. Not. 9.

Apt*.. Dayton, O. TENKEB8EE. ■an pv* DC acr—Sigma Chi FVat. Aug. 5-7. Chattanooga—S‘>. .State, Women'! Suffrage

Frederick C. Grabner. 006 Michigan are., Conf. Not. 10-11. Chicago. 111. TIEGIVIA.

Ban F>ai»cl»c..—Am. Soc. of Refrigerating Eng. Norfolk—Snp. Ca-tle K. of G E. 0, t. 13-17 Sept 23 24 W. U. Row,, 154 Naaaaa at.. Rirfamond—Am. Banker*' A»»n. Oct. 12-17. New Vvrk. N Y. , . „ WASHINGTON.

Lo. Angclea-Wc*tem Frii;t Jobber*’ A*«n. of . , Am Feb 11 in W. D Tidwell. P. O. Box Anncnrtea—Intemat l Inlon of Timberworker*. I3'’5 I>enTer CoL J«n., 1915. W. H, Reid. 3U2 Maynard Bldg..

’ Seattle. OOLOBADO. No. Yakima—Retail Merchant*’ Aam. Oct.

B«uldei—Col. Y. M. C. A Feb. 5-7. W. 8. ........... Hoi.kiu* Y M. C A. Denrer. S|-kan.—Pac. Northwe-t Hdwe. A Imp. Aaan.

F-et ( ollin.-Col Farmer*’ Ceng. Jan. 8 9. J*n. 20 22. E. E I nca*. Spokane. M. N. Dlll->n. Col. Agri. College, Ft. Collin*. WISCXINSIN.

CONNECTICUT. Milwaukee—Wia. Cbeekemakera’ A»*n. Jan.

Hartf -rd—Grand Chat-ter O. E. S. Jannary, * 191.'.. Mr*. H. 1. Burwell. L. B.. 2u8 Wln-


Wilmington—DeU. Med. Soc. Oct. 13-14. i m V M •

DI8TK1CT OF COLUMBIA. I H^HTC WaahingtoD—Aaen. of Feed CootroL Nor, 13* I W A ttXX O

14. L. A. FTta. Manhattan, Kan. I


Sanford—Fla. State Fed. of lAbor. Jan. 5. W. E. Terr*', 130 Clay at., JickaonTlUe. CAUEORNIA.

GEORGIA. San Franciaco—Induatrial Fair. Anepice* Re SaTannab—United Daughter, of Confed. Not. tailera’ Prr.tectire A»an. Oct. 17-25. 1915. F.

11 14. Mr*. F. M. William*. Newton. N. C. Rlttig»teln. gen. dir.

ILLINOIS. GEORGIA. _B. P. O E. Oct. 7. Dongla*—Trl-Connty Colored Fair. Not. 4-8,

LaF'ayette—Ind. State Dairy Aaan. Jan. 14-15. t A C. Mill,. I.aFayette. ijGrange—Troup Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 27-31.

LaFayette—Nat'I Iior*« Thief Detective Aaan. Key, aecy. Oct. 7 8. KANSAS.

L«ic*n»|>>rt—Ind. E<inal Suffrage A**d. Oct. Atebiaon—Atchison Fair. Auspice, Merchant* 12-14. . A Commercial Club*. Oct. 1416.

LOUISIANA. Cedar Rapid,—Catlsdlc Workmen. Jan. 19. .. n.on

Thoa. G HoTorik*. New l-rague Minn. 29 Wapello—Thre,- Co. let. Aaen. Oct. 6. '**' *- *•- Koy. aecy.


a. Spry. Salt Lake City. Uuh. I ^ "A™-,,, r r \f P One Oct 14 18 Nenmai. Mark* aecy -Delte Delta Delta Frat. JolT PMUdelnbU-Am 'Fe.^'Not 9 Monroe-Trade Week CarnlTal. Oct. 19 25. Mr*. A McCray, 11 Parkrlew Philadelphia Am. Fe.1 or lAlsr. Not. ». Addre** P. O. Box 364

, o I TENNESSEE. Chattanooga—S'". State, Women', Suffrage MICHIGAN.

Conf. Not. 10-11. Bp-na-m—Home-Coming A HarTe*t Jubilee. Oct VIRGINIA. 14 II. Dave Stock, aecy.

Norfolk—Snp. Ci*tle K. of G. E. 0.-t. 13-17. wTuennST Richmond—Am. Bankera' Aa»n. Oct. 12-17. Minsuoai.

waawTwrTnw Concord!*—Street Fair A CarnlTal. anapicea w ABHiAbLua. Commercial Club. Oct. 8 10. H. Belaaenberx.

.Anneorte*—Intemat'l Union of Timberworker*. *<,-y. Jan. 1915. W. H, Reid. 3U2 Maynard Bldg . Hannibal-Fall Celetr*tl.«n. Oct. 6 10. Harry Seattle. A Sebeidker. aecy.. CltT Hall.

No. Yukima—Retail Merchant*' A»*ii. Oct. fa*per—Street Fair. Oct 20-22.

WANTED FOR CASH Movt* Plrtur* MArhiiit’S, Film*. Tcnta. OiftJrv. cCe. llo4 Vt'tr* ^ippttfw bought and aoid. WlLLiAlf L. NaTtrrv R;dc * 8^ Louis. Ma

IHl t HD OTHER ^ -

i.' lENIR 600DS M I •amaa-** Fabtr Mata, Nalaa ■ akara, tjay Gaadt. Natl***, Eta. *wval aad Caaaaaaar*' Gaada-


• AB BALLOONS: ' A O.m. n.M. SA-M Grata.

wniBTLING BALLOONS: Fw Brat*. $3-59. It M U tJ M Grata.


13 15. S|e>kiae—Pac. Northwe-t Hdwe. A Imp. Aaan.

Jan. 20-22. E. E. I.nca*. Spokane.


Milwankee—Wia. Cbeekemakera’ A*an. Jan. 6-8.

New Fairs

M*di«<>n—Street Fair. Oct. 15-16. O. M- i Grime*, aecy. j

Miryyille—N-daway Co. IInr>e-r>>mtDg Celebra- j tlon. Anapicea Commercial Club. Oct. 13-17. I W. R Jackson, *e< >. |

8t. J<**eph—Infer-tate .Arrl. A Indnat. Con- j greaa. Dec. 9-12. H. E. Mooer*. aecy., care j Commercial CInb.


cUr - ‘ .! tkpww -J -..wg NEBRASKA — ^ “ ha. 4—R«r rata ..48.M

w ,1.0 n ^ •I' ***• ®*<1*** gfawiaiii'a Supply Bout* la th* >mtba—Ak-Sir-Ben CamlTtl. Sept. BO^Oct. 10. o. A. and bar, ibotaand* of tan*9«d cwomcr*.

J. D. Wearer, aecy. COE. YONGE MERCANTILE CO., NORTH DAKOTA. •-■••• **•,**. St. Laala. Ha.

F rbea—AgrI. A Street Fair. Oct. 9 10.

Bel. .re—Bnatnea* Men's Fall Peatlral. Week of •Oct. 5. Ednwmd M. Martin, aecy.. Com merrial Clnb. CAUEORNIA. merclal Clnb. Worker* Fair Foilowen. Camp

San Francisco—Industrial Fair. Anapicea Be ^*2*Featlral A Old giand*. Paddl* Wbacl Men, etc.

STREETMEN W* carry all kind, of goods for Street CWm*

Worker* Fair Foilowen. Camlral Woeketa. Hoop-la

tailera' Protectire Anan. Oct. 17-25. 1915. F. Rittigatein, gen. dir.


RR ^ bff) ^ 4^^ Ac V 4 7' EA Cletelsnd—CleTeland Biiainea* KIBclency Expo PHLOW TOfS, SIOOIT ODIUM DOLLS.

Anapicea American Inat. of Banking. Nor jjjgj

r>ayt<>n—Harvest Home Featlral. Oct. 12-17 IflTPyCt Tl flPIC JCBfCI IT I»e1aware—Pumpkin Show. OcL 7-10i H. f I* I SIM, KLUlilS, MCVtLRl,

L.".';3fSsL,m’.",, o„. *.4., L.. HXMUM . CHIIt lltElIlfl, JEftl lOlEt. Eie.

Ti;rrik.^''sir.Torng.^Xt. 5-10. wm. t carnival goods Lane. pres. Rubber Bails. Rubber Balloons. Balloon Whlatla^

PENNSYLVANIA. Whips. Canca. Dusters. ConfetU. Slappcra, Shakata. Pittsburg—We>atem Pa. Expo. Sept. 2 0ct. 24. Hau. No»eiU« of all klnda

TEXAS Right Goods. Right Prieoo. Cuero—Annual Cnero Turkey Trot A Mld^aa' N® F^xla C O. D without cash depoalL

Agri. A Lire St-ck Expo. Nor. 4 6. O. H Catalof Ire*. 1914 latua now ready. Harrit. aecy. ____

Buuaton—No-Tau-Oh Deep Water Jubilee. Nor .. t V 8 1 ■■ a* Jh

P.vj^^'^'.^ Vairn^r.::;;^;,! Oct 7 11 ShrYOck-Todd Rotioi Co. Chaa. Williams, mgr. *

WASHINGTON. 822*824 N. Eighth StrMMt, Spokane—National .Apple Show. Nor. 16 31 ST I All 16 II 6 A

Gordon C Corbaley. aecy. OI , kWla* tl, M, Walla Walla—O. W. R A N. Corn Show. Nor


I 1 Gasoline-Mintli Lantern

Donglaa—Trl-Connty Colored Fair. Nor. 4-8, I Dayton—Harvest Home Featlral. Oct. 12-17 Pr.f. J. B. Ellla. aecy.. Box 6:17.

ijOrange—Troup Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 27-31. B. C. Key. aecy.

KANSAS. Atebiaon—Atcblfwn Fair. Anapicea Merchant*

A Commercial Club*. Oct. 1416.


New Roads—Pointe Coupee Fair Aaan. Oct. 29- 31. C. E. Boy, aecy.


Itelaware—Pumpkin Show. Oct. 7-10. H. f Piimpbrey. ebainnan.

LaurelTllle—Street Fair. Oct. 30-31. L. A MrClelland. aecy.

Portamoutb—Cora CarnlTal. Oct. 5-10. 8' Straus*, chairman Am. Com-

Tiffin—Elka’ H«me-tomlng. Oct. 5-10. Win. T Lane. pres.

Kew Orleaniy-Grand L.*lge Chap, and Council of Mason*. F'eb. 14 Richard Lambert, uaiiam. aecy. Masonic Temple. New Orleaua.


Detroit—Motor Truck Club of Am. Oct. 7-10. R. F. Speuevr. care Denby Motor Co., Detroit.

Detroit—Synod of 5tb Province. Oct. 13-15. Detroit—-Am. Board «f Cum. of Foreign Mis-

ai'm*. Oct. 13-16. F. M. Bf«gart. Detroit. Detroit—Maintenance of Way and Master Paint¬

ers’ Aaan. Not. 17-19. j. 8. Bice, care L. R. A M S.. Elkhart. Ind.

erick Dallam, aecy.


Stalwart—Stalwart District Fair. Oct. 8-9. R'-bert G. Crawford, aecy.

MISSISSIPPI. Magnolia—4*ike Co. Fair Aaan. Not. 4-7. J.

8. Moore, pre* Magnolia—Copired Fair. Oct. 21-24. Joseph F.

Greg iry. aecy., B<'X 137.


Detroit—Mich. Stale Hotel A*sd. Dec. 11-15. Brunswick Fair A*an. Oct. 910. L. E. Mer- L. B. I’ieraon. Albion. ri.I. aecy.

Detroit—Mich Tax. Conf. Jan.. 1915. Geo. NORTH CAROLINA. H. Lord, Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. .. . _ , v- o o. ■ _■ •• ■ .

Detroit-Nat’l League of Com. Merchants. Chaa. J. Matt, care A. Ruah A Sma. Detroit. 2 ®- L- .Miner, aecy.

Grand Rapid*—Credit Men's Aaan. Oct. 20. NORTH DAKOTA.

MINNESOTA. Bi*ciar<k—N. D. Industrial Expo. Oct. 13 24.

Bralnerd—No. Minn. Develop Aaan. Dec. 1-4. VIRGINIA.

Cbark'tteaTille—Albemarle Co. Fair. Oct. 21 23.

Mlnn^apoli*—W. A«»d. of Elec. inap. Jan. ^ ^ Walker, secy. _ 26 28. Wm. S. Boyd 1029 173 W. Jackson BlTd.. Chicago. Ill. . ^

MISSOURI. Street rain and Carnivals Kan<aa City—W. Retail Imp. Veh. A Hdwe. _

Aaan. Jan. 12-14. H. J. Hodge. Abilene. .***.»*.» Kan. ALABAMA.

St Joseph—State Grad. Nurae A»sn. Oct. 13-15. Gadaden — Farmer* Fall Feativil. auspices


Pittsburg—Western Pa. Expo. Sept. 2 0ct. 24.

30. Fred- TEXAS. Cnero—.Lnnual Cnero Turkey Trot A Mid-Co**'

.LgrI. A Lire St<-Ck Expo. Not. 4 6. Q. B Harris, aecy.

Oct. 8 9. Houston—No-Tau-Ob Deep Water Jubilee, Nov 7-14. Milton t.. Morrl*. aecy

Palestine—Fall Fair A FeatlTSl. Oct. 7-11 J Chna. Williams, mgr.


Walla Walla—O. W. R A N. Corn Show. So*


Phillip!—Farmer*’ Street Fair. Oct. 7 9. Del¬ bert Zinn. aecy.


M*di*on—Fall FestlTal. auspicea Merchants' A**D.. R->tary Clot. Druggist*' Aaan. and Grocers’ A*»n. Oct. 12-14. F. W. Hnela. aecy.


Honoliilo—Mid Paclffc CarnlTal. Feb. 19 22 1815.


Manila—Phllli*plne rMralval. Jan 9ft Feb. 7. Iftl.l, .Addre*, Director General. Phlllptdne CarnlTal .Aa*o.

Springfleld—Mo. Valley Cannera’ Aaan. Jan. 1915. W. P. Harris, Prairie Grove, Ark.


Chamber of Commerce. (Kt. 28 31. Earl Calgary—21*t International A Irrigation Oon

CALIFORNIA. gr»«* A Exbn. Oct. chairman tommittee.

E. L. Rlcbardaon

Helena—Retail Merchant*’ A**n. Jan.. 1915. | Pasadena—Tournament of R- i H. L. Varney, 3'25 Power Bldg., Helena.


Llncfdn—Neb. Dairymen's Assn. Jan. 19-21. Lincoln.

January, |»1.’>. dan Bernardino—National Orange Show. Feb.

17-24. 1915. F. M. Kenfro, aecy. San Franciaco (Coliaeumi — Industrial Fair.

.Auspices Retailers’ Protective Aaan. Oct 17 2S

Lincoiu—.Ncb. State Home Economic* Asan. Jan. Truckee—Fiesta of the Sisiwa. Dec.. 1913 19 23. Mr*. Joiin P. Mann. Crawford.

Lincoln—Neb. Pure Grain A Seed Growers’ A»»ii Jan. 23. B. Kle*selta<4i. Lincoln.

Netr*«ka City—Neb. State Voinnteer Firemen’* As*n. Jan. 19-20. E. A. Miller, Kearney.


Prim'eton—Am. B<-ononiic* Aaan. Dec. 27-30. A. N. Young. Cornell Uul.. Utica. N. Y.


Wilmington—Carnlral A Home-Coming. OcL 1217.


Tamps—Gaaparilla Carnival. Feb. 12-16. L. I). Reagin, secy.

IDAHO. Albany—N. Y. State Aa^n. of Co. Agri. Roe. I Lewlatou—Northweat Live Stock Assn. Show


Oakland—Columbu* Day. OcL 12.


East St. lioul*— Freepiwt—Inuding Day. Oct. 12. Kewanec—Oct. 5-10.


, Th* RtiwigTst, Brightest. Haod- soarat lAntem made for CIrcu* and CarnlTal Men. TYtousands of them In dally imt. N*. IS7 — OM-Mastl* Laa>

' tar*, couplelr wt’b pump jghw X'd wrench .tS.M fff N* IM — Twa-Maatl* Laa- 18 tara. complei* with pump ^’8 and wrench .9.IG

8 R(mt t wootlen. hlnced-coTcr , traT.-lliif caar*. ratra.79

Every lantern guaranteed. Ordor one and you will order more. Rmd for (vmiplet* eatalcf'x* of UghU

^ for Iho show husiness. WINDN0R9T A COMPANY, Maktr* *( Iho 'Priai*” Show

" ns M. I«h W.. BT. LOUIS. MO.


Jan. 21-22. G ave., .Albany.

W. HirriauD, 131 N. Pine I and Sale. Nor. 3(VI)ec. 5. Guy F. Wbetael. I Morriatown—Home-t «»mliig. Oct. 5-10. R. F secy., Bosnlie, Wash. Kviger Miller, Morrlatown.

Nndiint I* renew at to gel out ot onler. rumple. itepenUaMe. Ounraateed. nwly *4*. p , Lnaoe t a. ia«* lyto* Sc t hlena*

Wintid, for Mantfiold, La., Day aad Night Fair, (**. 13-14. and balance of season: FlTe-ln-thie, Girl Show, and glut I’latfixm Rliow, or anything with r>Ml frame up that dura nM cimnicl. (Avikhoua*. Wheel*. Niwelilea. Ilixai it aaihl: all other* <«>ow on. No exHudtr* Write oe wire CRANDELL AMUSE¬ MENT CO., H*a4*rt*ii, Ttaat, w**k Oot. Sth; Maat- •*I4. La., week Oct. IMI).

If yaw ir* H la Th* Billhaard, tall Ihoai


$3B,000 expended this year. $7,600 In



Jmualra. 0<-t. The St. Mary’* Society CIniia and Fair cl..»e.l here on Saturday, after a fairly auci-esHfiil week, wiRi tw<i packed tfIll^ ou the <'hi'liia day. Col. Kr<'d CiiuiuiifiH. nil.I handled the iiiaiiaKeuietit of the alow, made a k'reat HlH>winK. and offered a really aatla- factery hill, in which waa hleiided ciroiia. Wihl Welt and carnival, with a uuiulier of mjvel fejinrea. . 1C the tietter known acta were: Annie

Oakley, champion rifle abot: May Collier, hich diter: Jewell'a Manikina; The MaKlnh-ya, aerial act; Cbarlea Ihduier, produ-*'' clown: .Mile. /■ .ir. wire act; The Ilarrii a, aerial act. K. C. CarllKle, Aii'tralian cracker and r>]ier, Itejiiohla and Iteynol 'e and wine allele: Ti xaa lex. Mexican v and ro|>er, T*-e St.ikea. dar*-devll rider . r; (tiarlie and Mra. .\ldrich. trick ridera ra; Trix Ite.viielda. trick and fancy rid 'Aouke, I>ou Madden. Jack Koweri. fwers, f'caiik Butler. Carloa Carrion. and Montana Jack; The Seaberta, *• and acrohata, and Chief Hed F^agle . . ^Ight- ninc ami band of cennine Sioux ..

In addition to the alHjve there /re <aumber of l<a-al amateur acta, aa well at 'tkoat of clowna. aeme local and aome profr ^.^al.

The executive atalT of the ah> nclnded: Col. F'red Cummina, dln-otor; Sy.. a. Wire, yeneral preaa repreaentatire; Alvin Dunham, treaaurer; Steve Van Allen, aecretary. Alex Seahert. erjneatrlan director; I/'w Reynolda. arenic director; Oeorce Kiley, Ixaa Mller; Matt Kinc. bowi canvaaman, and Mias Dorothy Itecera, atenographer.


SOME OF OUR NEW DESIGNS Innocence,Some Bull, O.U.Kid, Here’s To U., Flower Designs, Auto,Indians and many others.

Special College Athletic Designs, to be used on any college <wire colors).

DESIGNS ESPECIALLY FOR THE SOUTH Cotton Picking Scene, Water Melon Eater, Sugar Cane Scene, Fair Design, Girl and Horse,

Apples, and many others. These are large, colored air brush designs.

LET US PROVE IT We will send you 25 or 50 a.ssorted, with the privilege of examination, and if they are not (). K. return. Shipments nuule immediately on receipt of order. Large Fillers 15c

PUNCH BOARD USERS We Have Some Items That Will Interest You

IN FELT—Pillows, Pennants. Table Throw.s, Piano ('overs Blankets, dieil .Spreailsj in College, Lodge or other df'signs.

IN LEATHER—Pillow Tu|)s (all leather). Table Throws, Wall Hangeis. These in beautiful hand-painte<l de¬ signs. Manv df'sign.s of (Jenuine Hand-made Irulian Mooea.sins. GET OUR CATALOGUES.


G. Faith Adam*, who has bc«>n connected with amuavnicnt pntiT|>rl»e« of all kinda for the paat thirty ycara. la planinx a tour of two of Atnrr- Ica'a foremoat baaeh.xll cluha, the tour to com- meuce at the end of the 1U15. baaehall aeaaon. It will cover Western America, the Fanama Expo«itlon. Panama. South .America, and acroaa to the diamond flelda of Southern .Africa. In the meantime Mr. .Adama will arrange a tour cf .America and .Anatralia of one of Enitlaod't famnua xrand opera atarw.

Mr. Adania haa owned and operated atoek conipaniet from the Atlantic to the I’aelfle Coast*, lie la the owner of a nnmber of private railroad cara that run in excuralon and the¬ atrical htiaini'aa. and haa ala.i made a Lnsineaa of buying Aii.l aelling private railroad cara. He la now baviiiK built ateel cara to run on the faateat traina to the Panama Expoaltlon next aummer. Next apring he will have an attrac¬ tion on the road, under canvaa. which will tour the Mhidle and AA’eatern Statea.

In Ilia early days Mr. Adama waa a vande- vllllan api>earing In the large Eaatern houaea. He liegan hla career aa a programmer witli a circua. and waa made general agent of the •bow at the end of hla (lr«t It waan’t long liefore he owned and operated hla own attrarliona, Hla only partner In the ahow bualnesa waa Corae Payton, at which time they OfwTated a ativck company In the Eaat.

Mr. Adama apenda moat of hla aummer* In Chicago. He haa apent the paat ten winters In F.unipe. the Far Eaat. Panama, and South America and Mexico.

Scotty Zraken with hla bag pipes. Just aa everything was loaded and ready to pull out a heavy rain came.

Prof. CarUis ha.s added a eirti hear to the circus. It is already doing clever work. The professor la also breaking In the old illualon. Galatea, with a moukey, a bear, a dog and a horse.

'Jills week we play the county fair here, with the county fair at Goldemlale, Wash., Octiiber 7-Hi. and Hood Ulver, Ore.. Oi-tober 14-17 to follow, after which we resume our dates in theaters aud o(>era houses, playlnf towards Frisco, where we will stay for the expo¬ sition.




• BuTAMaAL FLOR-AL PARADE BOOK." ThU book conulns 80 pages of designs and description, also tells you bow to or- gaii -e •inral Partilo.

Famous Botinical Floral Sheeting CH'''«ANTHEMUMS, any color. Par iroaa. SNL SALLS, any color. Per frosa. CARNATIONS, any colar. Por «rass. JAPANESE WISTERIA. Per 100.

$2.S0 . 2.50 , MS . 3.50

AU colon or tinted at same price. All other flowers and decorative materiala proportionately Inex. pet slve In large or small quantities.

pi Da. • I r\ a.* 60^ S. Fifth Avenufl, [ he Dotanical Uecoratinff L/O., Chicago

A surprise was tendered C. E. Dailey, !«ecr«. tary of Advance Car Xo. 2. of the Klngling Bros.’ Show, Sunday, September 2'7. at Colum¬ bia. S. C.. by the Isi.vs on the car, in honor of bis birthday. The birthday wasn’t until October 1, lut on account of all being together that Sunday it was decided to celebrate it tt'cn.

.A handsome liainl-bag was presented C. B. by the tsiys, Tom Dailey making the presenta¬ tion si)eech.

The roster .if No. 2 Car follows: Tom Dailey, manager; C. FL Dailey, secretary; C. W. Chubb, hiIUw«*ter; W. W. Brett, steward; Koy Bur¬ roughs, is.rter; Harry Whiting. EH Denninger, .lohn Bagwell. Paul Bow. E. G. Weleb, Wm. llioffln. I>ave KnvP. T.' H. Mitchell. Bobby Paul, I.arry Sullivau. J. N. Biirget. Fred Just- mail, A. Masburney and Wm. Kubu.

SEND FOR OUR 200-PAGE CATALOG NovelUea. Jewelry, Pocket Cutlery, Raxors. Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Rcvolven. Notions, Knife-board and

Premium Goods at very attractive prices.

SAMUEL WEINHAUS CO. 722 P«nn Av«nue, ----- Pittsburgh, Pa.



Having many orders ahead, we discontlnueil our traveling agenL Now have bis demonstrating maclilne for sale, SH-ocUve, complete; u-sed four wts-ks; good a-s new; 43 whistles. We also build any slxe Air or Steam Calliopes. Circular free.


Roster Car No. 2, of the Hagenhock-Waliace Shows; J. W. Netlrow (Xo. 4). manager; Gits Gustafson (No. .‘D, boss bill|)Oster; diaries Bes- ler (No. .1). Iianner si|uarer; W. A. Irwin (No. 3), W. Bloom (No. 3) and .T. Hainlle (No. Mi, hanner men: J. I.. Winn (Xo. 441 and R. C. Brackiiey (Probation), lithographers; M. Mc- .Miilleti. pmgraniiner; FI. Haggerty (No. 42), A, Gray (.Alliaiice). George EdiiHin'dH (.Alliairce), W. Kelii|i (No. 43). J. Howard (Xo. 3). W. Davis (No. .’i.'l), J. P. Perkins (No. 43) and A. C. Tncl.-er (No. .3). (lilliiosiera; Doc Neilrow, master of transportation.

Chas. A. Smith, the well known side-show¬ man, died July 2.'>. lit Bellevue Hospital, New York. <if a ts>in|ilicatioit of diseases, age (i() years. He had retired from tlie eircits (ield a few weeks liefore his death, entering the em¬ ploy of M K. Kiimkelly. His last engagement was with Wyoming Bill’s Wild West. He was f<ir years side show manager with I.. W. Wash- Inirn. .Mr. Ktiinkely took cliarge of the funeral.

Frank l.tint. one of the assistant bosses of the canvas deiiartincnt of tlie Hagettheck Wallace Circus, ieft tliat show at Muskogee. Ok., last Tlinrsday. and came direct to (Inciiinati. where he haa entered a hos|dtal to undergo an oiiera- tioii. He will probably be In tlie hospital for several weeks.

Thus. Hargreaves is dead at Chester, Pa.; cause. Briglit's disease. He was owner of the Arcade Hotel stnl Poeater at Chester at the time of his death.

Jack Sully closed an engagement of twenty- three Weeks with file LaTeiia Circus, and Is n'stiiig one week before starting Itls winter's work.

Julius Thomson, tlie Cincinnati ter.t man, is busy on some tops for tlie Schlpn and Feltiis Shows, that p> to Smith America this winter.

It is rumored that Charley I.nschbangli is go¬ ing to Brldga^iort this winter to superintend the building of the Barnura Show canvas.

Julius TlHimpsam is making sixteen double¬ deck banners for Doc lime's Jungle S4bows.


Always Wvrkini. Never Cloaint. P1.ANTATH)X PEOPLE. Ml S1C1AN8 TO ENLARGE BAND. Will furnish Tent Outfits if t’.AtisL Hallett, Okla.. Ealr. week OenSier 5; Sapuipa. Okla.. Mam Streets, wiek Octobt-r Okla.. (Inirt Hous,> Spuan*. wes'k t)i-tohi-r 19. Write, wire or photic A. P. WHITNEY._ wire or photic A,


WANTED, FOR THE GREATER SHEESLEY SHOWS, TliekVatikee lt<ildns«ii Show closes at Frank- 'f* lv<t.. 0<-tolM‘r 24. IIowic- Great I iimlon Show is planning to

"si> at I New .Mtany Miss.. Octolx-r 3«t. Tile lisrtiitin A Bailey Sti.iw has posted In

ie dressing nsim a notice of closing at Clarks lie Ml««. Octotier 30. Tile l(4nglliig Bros.’ show closes at Cairo.

1 . Octotier 24. Ttie Gollmar Bros.’ SIhiw may close at Blair, ell . Oct.liter 1.5. Tl'e Hagiodieck Wallaep Slmw will close at

ofTeivIlle. Kan.. October 17. The Sells Kioto BtilTalo Bill Shows elose at Tcliita F'alls Tex.. Octotier 1.5. Tile 101 Ranch Wild West elosea at Hot

.’''tigs .Ark . NovemlMT 21. T'le Jones Bros. \ Wllw'n Slsiws close at irsotis. Kan.. Oetoher 17.

0>mi>any, the following Conces-sloos: Candv. Teddy Bears. Stnookev Dolls. Pillow Tops and ail • tViu-esidisis. for the fotlowliig Fairs: GREENSBORO, .AI_\.. week October 1-’: THO.MASVII.LE, ■tuber 19: REFttlLM. .AL.A.. we,*k o<-tober 2ii. Al*> any gisid. money-giStliig Sliows. .All wire KLEIN, Sacratary. this week at Marloa, Ala., or JOHN M. SHEESLEY, Athena. Ala., thia

Two gcswl Door Talkers to Join on srlre. CAN PI-.ACE Merry-Go-Round, small Band, week of October 28. .Addn-ss all mail to CAPT. WM. KANELL, at »or route. Ft. Payat, Ala., Oct. 5-10; Attalla, Ala., Oct. 12; Onter, Ala.. Oct. 19.

WANTED, FOR SUN BROTHERS’ SHOWS Musirltna. High Pitch Barllonr. Trap Drummer. Others write in for this and next season. I'.seful rircus IVsiple. write In. Reliable workmen will (Itid a goisl home. G»ssl aii'»nim>slalloit: liberal wages. Route: Morrl-towii, 0<‘t. 10; Rutledge. 12; Taa.'well, 13; Clinton. 14. ail Tivim'ssee. SprlngflcUt, Ohio. per. aildrcsa. EtiR S.AI.E Cnaw Cagiw. Band Wag'S'. two Organs, TU-foot Tent, two 3il-f«it Aliddles, Marqui-e, 10 by 14: a 3i> by 311 Tivil. iiosl laie mniiih. Write for prlnw.


'Ilie Dalles Ore Sept. ‘-•7. The IVm Carlos *'d il.iward Fogg Sliows plaved to a most sue ■-fill engagement a^ the fair at Eugene, Ore., C" weatlier tsdiig (wrfect thnniglHiiit. Ihm ' i.rlos’ IWig and M'-nkev Hotel wis forroil to

ill' (irteen shows one day. Red R iling H<hhI, In cliarge «if Mrs Fogg, was (lie talk of the 1 '111 M I'nVeii did exeeedliiglv well with his tn.dvo Hawallans; also Jack Wilson with his '"'■'■v Makers, featuring the Roaell Trio, ami

CAN PI..ACK. Memr-Go-Rouiid, Plant, and i'latfnnn Shows; must have neat frame-up: and ail Irgltlmata Conrvwioiia. for s<Hilhem lour through the coal mliiew. We have our own manager. We play Lockland, O., from October Sth to loth, Uicn to the mini's. Address all mall to

, CHAS. E. MORFOOT, Busiaeat Maaager, Locklaad, Ohie.


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