The Billboard 1916-08-19: Vol 28 Iss 34 - Wikimedia Commons


Transcript of The Billboard 1916-08-19: Vol 28 Iss 34 - Wikimedia Commons



■ DIRECTOR - general



a Ttie Billboard AUOUtT m itw.

-^WANTED^- Ferris Wheel,'Advance Agent

|T I

BETTER THAN EVER Tht oalT full iln (taS flat) aafl all iMtbtr T-Io'l books adTtrtusfl sadsr $27.00 par gross.

GEORGE REYNOLDS’ SHOWS, Week August 14, Martinsburg, W. Va.


CARNIVALS. HOME COMINGS. FESTIVALS. FLOATS I ^^T^riess for black, .mo.tb or fins ssal D ADAnrC WE ARE HEADQUARTEIS grain, - - - $21.00 par grou.

K9 FOR DECORATIVE MATERIAl Tan alligator grain. - $24.00 p4r grosa. WE ARE HEADQUARTERt grain, - - - $21.00 par grou. FOR DECORATIVE MATERIAl | Tan alligator grain, - $24.00 p4r grou.

tt.N DtH*a wHh OrSw. S»wMt» U* BmS.



WRITE FOR OUR LARGE COLORED CATA- Kingston St., BOSTON, MASS. LOGUE AND "BOTANICAL FLORAL PARADE BOOK." This book contains 80 pagea of designs and description, also tells you how to organize a Floral Parade.

FMOUS BOTANICAL FLORAL SHEETING, Aiy Color, For Yard, 75c CHRYSAKTHEMOMS. an, color. Pec (row.M.76 SAFETY HAIR CUHEE AND DAZOI SNOI^B.\LLS, any color. Per gross. 2.75 out roup own hair, sunpip, av. oasuslb oo.. CARNATIONS, any color. Per gross. . 1.25 U- 8. bypppm Bid*.. chirw>. iiunots. JAPANESE WISTERIA. Per 100 . 8.50

111. j . !». LIBERTY AUGUST 15—Wife, Tenatll* Lesdln* rlAJWEKS, any color desired. woman; aelf, Ileanea and Ocneral Bualneaa, doubla

Heavy Paper Festoonlngr, 30 ft. to a roll, $1.50 per doz. rolls. Any color desired, cocnet. Ha«e muaic; can lead band, wife, it: food

RnTimril nEPnDlTIIIC on “ANUFACTUNUI or AgTinaM. rLOWEW ^a‘SKrou*%JMrtn“p.“p:U^^ DUIRnluRL UCbUnAIIIlD uUi| 208 W. Adirn St., Cbicifi, llliiiit. I ^ploa'i OomHllana, Oklahoma Citr, Okla.

prmalnln* out all wintep. PALMER LEAVELL, cart Buploa'i OomHilana, Oklahoma Citr, OUa

STRING BAU PLAYER OESIREt POSITION—At llbenr 8ei>tpmber 1. Now aecond aeaaon with Inneo* Band. Experience In all Ilneo and aober; lacato or tpaeel; ran plaj Bapitone. Appir VINCENT D. rULOIS, tail Tejoo St., Denper, Cola

AT LIBERTY—THE IIARMONT GtRia, See-plero orrheatpa; Vloltn, Plano, Piute, Banjo and Tnu*. doubling on Mandolin. Oultap, Vkulelo, Piute and Bella. Oonrert. rafe or rhautauqua preferred. Ad* dreaa R. S. BOTD. care Billboard, Clnrlnnatl, O.

AT LIBERTY—Expeririired Trap DrumBcr wlahao ateady poaltlon In a Picture Show, Dane* Hall or

SspteinteT 14,15,16-Oay aid Right SJSk -“"js SHOWS—^Plat pent or perontefe. GAMES—Flat rent Paddle Wheel Men can buy exclualrr. Good money Callfomla eoAuitry. Draw SO.OOO. Write to JOE HIZER, Portaala, Poaatylvaala.

WANTED-CONCESSIONS For Fair and Carnival at Pnrkasia, Pa.

SsptenibeT 14,15,16-Day aid Right


an food eondiaon. Apply SCHUYLER THEATRE. ,

fiwBriSfmRSALF roR CARNIVALS AND FAIRS Complete animal show, comprising tbe most unsational and most perfect trained

Sr*cuS!nr’<»l£u^ animal acts in existence, ^en for tbe balance of tbe uason for fairs, car- llSSL nivals or circus engagements. Wire as below: OOa BUIf, ^irlngSeld, Ohia . ..... .... .. .... ..


AT LI RERTY ^ not a haa- n n kiDbni r but wiui h at au tlmea If your ibow te a borne for old ladlea, NOT ME. Can Join on wire. JACK BKRNNAN, cara Keuper Houie, Columbus, Ohio.

AT LIBESTV • E. Gum Vadae, Edaa (Oraaa) Vadar,

Traaibaat. B. 4 0. Chaftanwi. Stodi, Bep. or one-piece. B. OD88 TODML 155 Oarfleld ntce. Room 6. CIneinnatl, Ohla



ACTS WANTED FDR FAIR SEASDN NEW DROPS, S10.O0 PMMsd ta Older. Aw slie v to 15xM feat, la allbar Dtateand Dya, OU or Water CMora. UOd depgalt ntia radk order, iahaira taaola Studio, CotumbM, 0.


BEGINNING AT ONCE WANTEO-Men PXOPLE SSSdS^^Sd cSrfSj'C'^ ■fhuuTrr*?^!? Dog. Monkey and Baboon Combination Acts; Hay Wagon Act; Ath- puno'^iw^^stST^SIl^S^trte?.^^ Ad- w!riid*tLrFMJi.®'i?irt.'’‘’''®*"’ letic Act, four or more people; Acrobatic Troupe, six or more people. <ireM^^jioviBK^Mt^B|n^^

Wire or call quick. imantpo_i:nnn tvPTrH tfau

Exparlaaaad Apeat, Treoaurer ar Maaaeer. Bood or House; lober and reliable. JACK I. n.TNN, Oen. Del.. Parts, Texas. '

ORCHESTRA LEADER AT LIBERTY—TioUn and Baritone. Twenty years’ experlcnre In all Unea Pino repertoire of orchestra musla Addrem H. W. WAB- .VOCK. CO W. Ohio St., Chicago. UUnots.

WANTED—Plano Player doing spedalUco and craa* edy In arts. All Acta change for week. Cook to e’en- ble on ranras. Good sinair Hilent Act write. MAN¬ AGER GIBSON’S VauderUUMs. Hedrick, Indiana.

WANTED—MED. PEOPLE Pisno Player, Sketch Team. Dwtor to lecture. Ad-

WANTED QUICK Man and wife, or two Lady Peifonners, who can do two or three a^; lodglag and breakfast hotels: dinner and supper on lot Addrem MGR. FRED EL- ZOR COMBINATION SHOWS, Btech Croak, Pa., AufuM Ifth, Oiotor Cauaty.

FRARK MELVILLE. INC., • • - 220 West 42iil St., New York. Telephone 3995 Bryant.

WANTED—GOOD SKETCH TEAM and Single, for Medicine Show. Wire or writs quirk, (ksd an-ommcxlatlaus to good people. Show nrrrr closes. $20.00 double, $10.00 single. Be ready to Join Saturday. I’RDP. ODENU. OonnrUsrlllo, Payette Oo., Pa. _


__ w-e i Show, Trained Wild Animal Show, nr a One-Blng Circus and Pit Show, or any other good If AN I till I U JUIII OR UIIVW “ ^ ww ww m j gbowa that are clean and moraL WANT Merry-Go-Round and Ferris Wheel. Would consider 20 or 25-car

A-l Olorloal for Band and Oichewtra. ED. PESOU- 1 Company. WANT aU kinds of Concessions that are leglUmate. Honest Bill, write. Blaldo Show, A-1 Comedian Snd Producer, Soubrette, Boera o.ncle tom s cabin oo.. Oreeotop, Ma. Addresa au up to August 25, Leadinp Ladv slso Choruz Girlz Writ# Aar 15: Lo Plate. Ma. Aug. 20. | FRED HAIST, 4001 Aoaan An.. Kaaia* CWy. M*., Maaaotr Aatuteaiaat*. Attar 25, HaHaa, Kaa. i-DOruz UiriZ. wma

WANTED, QUICK Aar 15: Id Plata. Ma. Aug. 20.



Newer cIsm. Tent In summer, halls in winter. Top salarlea to real people. Pay your own. Wire details In full, night or day letter. Join at once. DR. E. B. GBUB8, Pratt, Kansas.

WANTED—COMEDIAN AND OPERATOR with Oaa Outfit; state lowest and all; Ucket for baggage check. MEDICINE SHOW, Hagaistown, III.

HELP WANTED Beliable People all lines and Chorus Oirla, for Stock Tabloid Mualral CHnedy. Name saltiy and all In your letter, nckels If we know you. Our ninth year. STAB THEATRE OO., San Antonio, Texas.

WANTED—Dramatie Paopla in aU Unea for per. tab. stack, two Ulla a week. Tell an In ant Mtsr. Thoee who wrote before write again. Sterene S Bcyt. wire. CXlBURN-PEABmN PbATaas, Charlea CUy, bwa

Leading Lady, also Chorus Girls, or wire

’ •WQnriQIIIIITnNCVUAUTV 1* A ntBdrCAnllin l mu fBi LUKI

P. O. B. ChMNMaU. Bead pan cash with ordir.


DREAMLAND EXPOSITION SHOWS WANT Oanceaataoa ef all kinds, especially Cook House, Glasa. Pillow, Bear, China, Candy and other Wheels, Spot, Country Store. Roll-Down, Tirol!. All $10.00. Come on. KnoxTtlle, Tenn., au^cea Bener- olent ProtecUre Industrial Association, week August 14-19; Chattanooga, Teon., auspices Lmral Order Bearers, August 21-26. P. 8.—^Keep smiling; be an optimist.


On tbe streets. Working full time. WANT legitimate Concessions of all kinds; $10.00 each. Doll snd Bear ■old. WANT one more clean and refined Show that ran get tlie money. Three more weeks of good I'ennayl- ranla towns, then going South. Write P. E. REITHOFFER, BaraaavHIa, Pa.

C.M.Nigro Greater Shows PLANUmolM'EOPLE that can stay aober. Hare prirato car for you. Happy Pnurier, I wired you at Jamestown, O., and tried to gK you tv phone, but no answer. CAN PLACE any thing good for Pit Show. Week August 14, West Newton, Pa. WANT FOB BAND—Oomet. Slide ’Trombone, Baritone and Snare Drum.


Pawnaa Bill’s Piontar Daya Wild Wtst Show it Pr## Attraction. Day and Night Pair. F. U. JONES, Sacratary.


MAN FOR STRAIGHTS Top Tenor preferred. Write ALEX 8AUNDBBK oor* CUno ‘Ihratre, Ottawa, Ont, Canada

Wanted — Mlusicians Baritone to double orchestra Bep. Show under can- raa, i>ay own. State lowest salary first letter, Jala on wire. J. O. WINDISCH, week of Aug. 15. Wrlla- mie. Mo.; week of Aug. 22, Montgomeiy, Ma


Attractlra Dlsmond Maplemlnt and Diamond Bpeat- rolnt Gum. Packed iu carton Boxes of 100 packagte Wo are selling 20 carton! or 2.C00 packages for $15.00. Also 20 packsge boxes for 20c per box; aa excellent seller on a premium propoatUen. Abora prices are P. O. B. our foctoiy. Chtcaaa TERMS: One-third of amount payable In adronoe te Inaurs cost of transportaUon, balance C. O. D.

REEDY BROS.* BUM COMPANY. _ Masatastartrs af Dlaatead Mlat Braada af

Chawlas Baai. 215 W. Oatarla Btraal, OMaoia, IN.



Paralysis, Fierce Weather

And Strikes on Surface Car Lines, Which Threatened

Daily To Extend to Subway and All Elevated Routes

it nil it wns a .succes d'estime.

A wad of money wa.s lost for the hackiTs. which is varloii.sly estimated at Itetween $100,000 and $200,000.

But that was no fault of the con¬ test. It will go down in history as the greatest ever,

Nor was Weadick to blame in any particular. He gave them the, best and most varied contest ever pulled off and more of it than the contract stipulated.

Never before were such notices .seen in the New York press. The news¬ paper Isiys fairly outdid themselves, but with those same papers warning people daily in scare heads set in let¬ ters six inches high that all traction lines would be tied up liefore night they could not be pt-rauaded to go al¬ most as far away from home as t'oney Island for fear they would not be able to get back.

The backers could have and should have saved the mess of garnishees, liens and attachments that marred the flnish. Weadick had put the Speedway back on the map for them and it would have been good business Judg¬ ment to have stood for a little deeper thrust of the gaff and saved the one asset gained.

Now that is lost, too.

Unless swept away by the descent of the constables, deputy sheriffs and lawyers there was enough money on hand to pay all prizes.

The following l.s a list of the win¬

ners of Anal money and World's Cham¬

pionship titles:

Cowboys’ Bueking Horse Contest, . with saddle:

First. Fhnery La Grande, Medicine

Hat. Can., $1,500 and Billboard Gold Medal.

Second, Rufus Rollen, Claremore, Ok., $1,000.

liilrd, Caldwell, Pendleton, Ore.. $7,10.

F\>urth, Leonard Stroud, Clarks¬ ville. Te*., $500.

Fifth. Mike Hastings, Cheyenne. Wy.. $250.

Sixth. Boot Gibson. lios .Ingeles. Cal.. $125.

irontlniifd on paxp .'(ga)


Mr. Dixey, now appearing with suc¬ cess in Mr. Lazarus, will be seen in New York late in September.


The Billboard

Tax Will Remain Same as Under Present Law

Senate Restores Stamp Taxes Ignored by House

Washington, D. C., Aug. 14.—The motion picture industry, a.s well as the legitimate theaters, has won a decided victory in the United States Senate In connection with the fight put up by representatives of these institutions to amend the pending revenue bill so that the tax on theaters, motion pic¬ ture and otherwise, fixed by the house bill, would be repealed. The Billboard previously announced that this action would be taken. It being the only pub¬ lication in the United States to furnish its readers wjth this information one week in advance. The. caucus of the Democrats of the Senate, the majority, has approved the recommendations made by Senators Hoke Smith of Georgia and John W. Kern of Indiana, composing the finance committee, that the tax remain as it is in the present law. This means that the Senate as a

I irontlnui-d on pnge’foy


Continental Hotel, N. Y. C.,

Last Thursday Because the Actors’ International Crowd

Were Bent Upon Pressing Strikebreaki^ Charge

.\t the instance of Samuel .Gom- per.s, president of the American Fed¬ eration of Labor, Hugh Frayne early last week sent out invitations to vari¬ ous groups of actors in New York City to attend a conference at the Hotel Continental in that cit.v, Thursday afternoon, August 10.

Three organizations accepted and appointed committees, viz., the newly merged .\ctors' Societ.v and Actors’ Kqulty .\880ciation. the Actors' Inter¬ national Union and The White Kats. •

This latter was headed by Harry Mountford, who, it is alleged, fearing that the .Actors’ International crowd, headed by De Veaux, would spring the charge of strike-breaking as soon the meeting was opened, refused to enter the lists.

It is reported that Gompers was very sore over the stand taken.

The Actors’ Ecpilty Association was represented by Me.ssrs. George Arliss. Howard Kyle, William Courtlelgh, Jefferson D'Angells. Thomas Wise, Giant Stewart and Edward Abeles.

The .\ctors’ International I’nion by Harry De Veaux. James L. Parry, Val Trainor, Charles I>awle.v, John Dono¬ van and Ed Welch.

The White Rats by Harry Mount- ford. James Fitzpatrick and Arthur

.Williams. The Jewish, German and negro act-

ore were not represented. Mr. Gompers heard the representa¬

tives of the Actors’ Equity Association and White Rats first.

Little was given out, but It is known that nothing was accomplished. The Actors’ Equity Association’s represen¬ tatives made it very, very clear from the jump that they would not amalga¬ mate with either the Actors’ Interna¬ tional Union or the White Rats, that they would not under any circum¬ stances play second fiddle to vaude- artists or even share a charter with them.

The Actors' International Union crowd was equally determined not to have anything to do with the White Rats as long as Mountford dominated that organization or a single wrecker w’as left in its ranks.

The White Rat bunch, safe in the possession of the charter, refused all

(CoDtiaiHsl on page 70)


Starring in Broadway and Buttermilk, which opened this week at the Maxine Elliott Theater, New York.


By Managers of Leading Fairs in State of Tennessee

State Railroad Commission Will Hear Case August 21

Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 14.—The fair managers’ side of the railroad question is being put up to the rail¬ roads in a petition to which the names of practically all of Tennessee’s big fair men have been attached.

The new petition is fathered by Col. W. I. Swain, chairman of the executive committee of the Car-Owning Man¬ agers’ Association, and Is to come be¬ fore the Tennessee railroad con.mis¬ sion on Monday, August 21, In Nash¬ ville.

A new angle has been switched into the situation by Interesting the man¬ agers of Southern fairs, who have not been realizing the situation concern¬ ing demurrage charges that i."* con¬ fronting them.

Colonel Swain has been devoting much time recently to presenting the facts to the managers and outlining

(Continued on Rsze 71)

This Issue of The Billboard is 42,000 Copies

e B AUGUST 19, 1916.


Robert Mantell, in Shakespearean Repertoire, a Notable Feature—Grace George Again

at Pfathouse—-Madge Kennedy, Alice BraHy and Other Stars Head Casts

monly known aa the backer of the D| A^/C ahow, attempted to hold the caat to* l^Cl vV A X O gather, and In doing ao promised Adelaide and Hughes guaranteed sal- q „„ m_ arles if they would stay. They stuck 06^611 U11EI1CG8 on that promise, they allege, and are - yet awaiting two weeks’ eniolument. hevrn chancek—Cow**]/ in three ecu, by

Itol Cooper Mi'sme. Prodnc-ed by UavM Belaero at the (jeorge M. Uoban Theater.

rinATin anrt niniUHl August 8. Opens and Closes

New York, Aug. -Yvette, the _ . , Jlmisle Bhamiao .Prank Orarea first musical production of the sea* |,„i, Meekin .Otto Omger

, ^ , , son. opened and closed the same night. Karl UoUdanl ..Hayward oinn

Br^Hv 2nd Other St2rs H02d C2StS Eugene Redding, Oiat*y ailU VPlllCl Oiaia ncdu V/d^l^ ,ohn W. Ransome. Rose Laharte, Henry Oarriaon .Harry Leighton

- Cr.wfora Kenl Cyril Chadwick. Ch.l>- ;. ne. Ward DeWolf, C. Welch Homer, Wra. Onniwu .Marion Abbott

New York. Aug. 12.—The approach- bo starred in a now play under the ciertie Morrod and Eflile Allan In the •-•••/ Treor .Anne Hareditb lag theatrical season will witness Wm. Brady wing, while Alice Brady, the principal roles the piece was put on }‘rry t^qT*. A. Brady launching quite a number manager's daughter, will have the for its premiere at the Thirty-ninth deorgiana oarriMn‘'.*.'.'.'.‘.'.'.'.‘‘HVien MsrKeiier of productlona by far Increasing his feature part In The Bargain Counter, nreet Theater last Thursday night and bei'i'/'wniwTghby.*^'“aIi« previous efforts numerically.

Among his most notable presenta- a melodrama by Owen Davia was not presented again. The papers Marie Middleton .Ullian Hpeis^

Robert Warwick, who last season I jid not treat it seriously, evidently tlona will be Robert B. Mantell In supported Grace George at the Play- aking their cues from the first night ^ Shakespearean repertoire, including a house with much credit, will appear ludience, who started for home before ^h®*^*** bordering closely on light moot elaborate production of Richard as Jean La Fltte, a Louisiana pirate, in the final curtain. Yvette was written comedy, is nevertheless wholly pure III. The opening will be In October, a new romance being especialy writ- ly Benjamin Thorne Gilbert and ®**Ap, kick, bubblee and and. according to present plans, will ten for him. Frederick Herendeen, with interpola- plenty, and is free f*’®™ the

.-ontributed a specialty.

and, according to present plans, will ten for him. commence an Australian tour next There will be about a dozen other April. plays, among them ons, the collabora-

Orace George will open her Play- (OostlniMd on page 9) house about October 16, continuing - the aarne policy m last season. Her Coit’s Autumii Plans Dowev Theater Rozed repertoire will be announced later. *' The Playhouse, however, will open a ... ... preliminary season August 21 with Una Abarbam ll In Flora Famous Old House Being Tom Away

ions by Hanley and Jackson. Blishtest suspicion of uncleanllnesa Roshanara. recently in vaudeville, There are hearty laughs galore, and

all are evoked without recourse to

The Man Who Came Back, by Jules B. Goodman, with Mary Nash in the lead¬ ing role. New York. Aug. 12.—John Cort’s

The Forty-eighth Street Theater P*®"® are hooked up rather Im- opens August 21 with James T. Pow- Portantly this era in Somebody's Luggage, a farce by inirKie i Mark Swan, and will be followed by opere“a. Flora IRENE George Broadhurat’s farce. Rich Man, .®'*®’, wh‘cn - Poor Man. exploit the

After the end of her engagement In Fair and Warmer Madge Kennedy will Abarbaneil.

The announce¬ ment for the autumn was made by Mr. Cort this week, and the new op-

San Francisco. Cal.. Aug. 11.—Geo. I "®“® Gedge, known professionally as Geo. I ii„i-

i 1. ?!.. nC.?; Is by Cosmo Hamilton and the score by Charles Cuvil- ller and Milton

quMe tn i»wv. v*eaKe was tne lainer o „ h w a rawald Of the late Fuller Gedge. formerly SfliJ-Ta with the Baldwin Stock, and also of L. R. Btockwell. Gedge managed the old Alcazar Theater for some time. ^® P*®®,®’ . The widow, known professionally as Helen Mason, survives him. ‘"‘‘v*


Qeorge Qedge Dies

Was Dean of W'eat Coast Actors

San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 11.—Geo.

Osborne, is dead here at the age of 6t years. He was the dean of Pacific Coast actors, and was said to be the first white child brought to San Fran- clseo. It was he who administered the Actors’ Fund during the earth¬ quake in 1906. Gedge was the father

rowdy uproarousness or unduly bois-

Dewey Theater Razed tJs Houll^ieBmea to its enjoyment ■ and approval unmistakably.

Famous Old House Being Tom Away The scenes by Ernest Groves are To Save Taxes One, and the gowns by Mme. Rose are - lo.vely, as is also the Incidental mu-

New York, Aug. 14.—The old Dewey sic by Moklhana’s Royal Hawaiian Theater on Fourteenth street must go. Quintette.

The old building Carroll McComas’ fresh beauty and > A SILT I lAi '®® **®°®**®^ loveliness Is a feature, and Frank Cra- lANKLIN down and carted ven has a part that could not fit him

away to put an better if he were poured Into it. It end to taxes and will prove the hit of his career, other overhead Every New York dally praised the expenses. be- production highly save The New York cause Solomon Times, and It does not count. Schinasi, who The Evening Post said: "A thor- beught it at the oughly amusing and agreeable enter- foreclosure sale (Continued on page 9) In June, thought -

yonrth Ziegfeld ProUe might as well ■ — —- be out of the Will Begin Rehenraals Monday—Open¬

ing Scheduled for September 11

will see Its first night in Phila¬ delphia at the Broad St. Thea¬ ter August 28.

» IT" ^ On Ihe 27th of New York. Aug. 12.—Christine Nor- this month Mr.

man, who came Cort will pre-

other overhead expenses, be-

Fourth Ziegfeld Frolic

way. The old house

was built as

New Leading Women Ml« Pranklln U to itar earUr tbii leaaon un* drr Utc manaarment of Prederic HrKajr in Jame* Montaomery'a dramaUsaUon at the norri. The MelUng at Molly, by Maria Thompioii DarleMi.

Harrison Hunter into particularly ®®nt Margery Daw at the Prinoese' theater for years, are said to have j favorable notice Theater, Chicago. It was written by been laid there. William Fox took

George D. Parker. In the cast are the property over for burlesque and on account of Kathleen McDonald, Harrison Hunter pictures some years ago and more re- her work In The and Frank Bacon. cently It was used by J. P. Adler for his

New York, Aug. 12.—Gene Buck la putting in his time theee hot days

urace Lnapei, ^^e music for the fourth edi- 20 years ago it Zlegfeld's Midnight Frolic. Re- was reniodeled hearsals begin Monday, and the pro- and called Volke Auction will open September 11. By Garten. In 1898 present Frolic will have it wu called thirty-six weeks, the Dewey, In honor of the popular hero of the day. The fortunes of Big T i m Sullivan and Geo. Kraus, who owned and operated the

U n c h a s t ened Woman, will

The third play will be put on at Yiddish performances. Walkes-Barre, Pa.,‘and is called Gold I - Wanted. The scenes are laid on the

have the title German frontier at the beginning of role in The the war. William P. Sweatman will Mother Woman, have the lead. which Arthur lompanl^ jriU be

on tour. One will begin its tour at H a m m e rstein ^^e Standard Theater, Broadway and will produce late Ninetieth street, September 4: the sec- came to American playwrights this in September, ond opens September 25 in Newport, week that royalties derived from Bertha M a n n R. I. American and other foreign plays

English Income Tax

Levied on Royalties From American Plays - I

New York, Aug. 12.—Notification

Bertha M a n n R. I. American and other foreign plays will be seen as - playing in London would be subject Ruth Honeywell ToWn TooicS DaVS income tax. reaching New York in Justice: Mar- ^ ^ ® »®“®‘' 0®'d‘ng Bright, who

.J.,.. represents a number of American garet Mower, a Are Rehashed In City Conrt—Adelaide authors in London. member of the and Hughes Claim Two _

Weeks* Salary _ . .. . Farrell Sails for England

an important New York, Aug. 12.—The gloomy -- part In The old Town Toploe days were up for die- New York, Aug. 14,—Jack Farrell, Happy Ending, cuselon In City Court here Thursday, who was 'Acting Director of Conces- aad Pauline when Adelaide and Hughes pre<iented sions at the San Francisco Exposition, Lord, known for a claim for two weeks' salary, and previous to Frank Burt assuming that her wark ta Ob were upheld by Justice Schwunck. office, arrived in New York last week TrlaL win kaad The defendant took an api>eal. en route to London, England, where tb* cast of a It was said that whea Ned Way- he will take over the management of

hern left the Towa Topice eaet Joaeph a dramatic production, the name of H, Eeelea, ef Salt Lalw Cttr> eoai« which, for tho present, is withheld.

will be seen as Ruth Honejrwell in Justice: Mar-

member of the Bandbox com¬ ply, will have a n important

KzpenHe of Rivalry Will Be Done Away With

New York, Aug. 14.—No Teutonic | rivalry la to enliven this season in the¬ atrical New York. Instead of work¬ ing at cross purposes, as they had ex¬ pected to do, Rudolph Christians, di¬ rector of the Irving Place Theater, and Hans Bartsch, director of the contemplated new German Bandbox Theater in East Fifty-seventh street, are going to tie up and present a solid front to the world.

A wider scope of production and of I repertoire will be possible this way | and save the expense of competition. Mr. Christians is an actor-manager of I tried qualities and Mr. Bartsch has been the Intermediary through which many of the best-known German plays have found their way to the American | stage.

The Irving Place Theater opens on | Wednesday, September 27; the Band- box premiere is scheduled for Friday, | September 29.

Little Theater

Is To Open With New Play October S

New York. Aug. 14.—Winthrop Ame-s, whose health is better after last season's rest, will open his Little Thea¬ ter on October 2 with a new play, pre¬ sented for the first time in any theater | In Edinburg. Reports say it went ex¬ cellently at the premiere a week ago.

Mr. Anves has signed with Miss Oatherlne Nesbitt, who made a favor¬ able Impression last season in Justice, to play the leading role. An equally Important role is to be handled by MIm EUtelle Wlnwood, a young Eng¬ lish actress, who will be seen here for I the first time. As yet the name of the | play has not been made public.

Oait Is Oompleted

New York, Aug. 12.—With the ad* dttlon to the cast of Frank Laior and Emma Janvier, Madison Corey, and Joseph Rlter have completed the! aompany to be seen in The Amber Empress, scheduled to open at the Colonial Theater in Boston a week from next Monday, .following pre¬ liminary performances in New Lon¬ don and Pittsfield. In addition to Mr. ' Laior and Miss Janvier principal roles will be handled by Mabel Wilber.! Thomas Conkey, Louise Allen, Donald Macdonald, Claire Lorraine. John Daly Murphy, Daisy Revett, Fred Len¬ nox. Andrew Higginson and Colin ('ampbell. I

Five Thomas Plays

will Be Ihibllshed In Library Edition -, !

New York, Aug. 14.—In the Library Edition of Samuel French, Ltd., soon to be published, five of Augustus Thomas’ plays will appear, with a short preface having to do with the technical side of playwrightlng. The plays will be The Witching Hour, In Missouri, Mrs. LeflingwelTs Boots. The Hairvest Moon and Oliver Goldsmith.

Megrae-Ck>bb Play

New York, Aug. 12.—John Blake, the Rol Cooper Megrue-Irvln 8. Cobb play, went into rehearsal Thursday. In the oast are George Nash, Janet Beecher and Byron Beasley. Mr. Cobb Is out of town on a Ashing trip tn Wyoming.



... ^ HUM of HoSiin Ursu h«adi ■ coiumii that for yaan katnijr analirUcal Imlsht. backad by a waalUi at pracUcal caiMCtcoca. baa

tn'M dtalnrUnn and a bnlliant Indlrtdualtty. Tor, u> Um grtal and ilnccra Nsm at IS# «bUi« pnfwatoa. Mr. nrau dtad auddmiy at bla booia In ML Vwwis. N T.. «« Um Mamins of Wadnodoy, Ausuot S.

With hla iWatS Um ranka at Um te* aurrlrlns mmiiirra at a irmp at nMO wboaa praatSM is Um aMuatswol woM lent It a tmadi at rooaanoa anii ad- ranm that U M (aat Umlag suffend a aad dapteUoo. Tboa* wtM knew him

thrimsh hla able arUcIm la Um Billboard and other pctladicala may bare PicOiied biM aa an asthaalaaUc caponent at Um new eOclnicy that la ptnaeaUns Um thastrlcal world. atibaUtuUns a rcUanoe on crop leporu and cenaua atatla- Uea IW lasUam and tnapIraUan In aunaserlal eoleiptiar. and prlalns the labored attaat at the oatMtl dramaturslat oew the apoolaneoua outstn at Uw bom playwfislu. Thaaa, bowtetr. oboaa acUnUaa btousht Uirm Into per- aosal oostaet wlta '’Bob'* Orau. knew blm rather aa an "old ilnMr" at the Sheet type, not ose at thoae Indlrlduala to groaaly caricatured tn modem flcUon. but a swiUtmaa. hwable, kindly and oouiteoua, a man wboaa aaaorlaUooa ultb the moat aiUala at the laat sasanUon dercioped Into want petaoiial frlmdahlp kept tnah by lha eonatant tniarcbanse oC rliiu and oomapondcncc; a abomnan ta whoai 4he tarn Imprraarto termed to bare a apectal appUcaUno

No Jsattoa to the forty-Sre jrrara at bla acUre aterlce can be dona wlUiln lha bfM eonSnaa of tbla arilela. I’nllka Um ahousMn of tha pramt day, Orau waa not a madallat In any om Seld at mdearor. At rarlotia pcriodt of bla oarttr ba won diatinctlon In iba Selda at ibe IcstUaaate drama, grand and Usbt opcm and In the azplottatlon of rouctn aura. He waa one of the nnall body at mm riupimalbla for Um dceelopaMt at the oM rartety tbow Into Modem raadMtUa, and In tobm of hla appradaUun Mr. E. r. Albee bad sranted blm a pmalon for Ufa of SS.Mb per year. In the decUnlna yean of bla life be aided BMlerlally In makliit Uia mutluii picture tbe potcul ftitor In Ibr amuatnunt world Ibal It la today. In the annala of the tiair moot rontplcuout mmtlon at hla nasM wlU probably be made In connerUon wlib hla rnstncrrlny of tbe fare- weU tour of AdeUna HatU. I'niirftakins Uw ooterpeteo with little or no capital, ba asreod to pay tbe dira tS.MO a concert, a then unprecedented aum. depcodlns toMy upon bla ability to caawel fuaranleea and adrancea to Snanre the liur. Ula eourtaa and roersy wtee nwardrd with uemeodoua prodta. MenUon of Uila tour rtfalla an Inddcot that offrea tooM Inalghi Into the lorable charactee of Um man. Durlns tbe preliminary nrtoUaUooa with TaiU It bad brm tutsntrd that tbe etna at tacb concert an American ballad by way at compliment u the people who bald her In tucb rererenca and affection. Uarlns a friend who bad abown tosw tklU and much ambition In ballad compoalUoo Grau moecd to offer him tbe opportunity to win fame by harlns bla work aelccted. Aa-oedtnsly, Um ballad waa written and tubmltted to Um prlma donna. Sba relumed It at once to Orau. dcclarlny It waa bcipeleta. Bather than wound hla friend Orau tuaunooed him. went oeer Um work with blat. tusicatins Improrcowni. and In- tlmailns that In lu prtaent ahtpe It mlsbt not prore acceptable. Ute rerlted ballad waa banded to Orau on the tansplank of tbe ateamer at be waa Icertns to coorluda hla contract. Ourtns the arefe apent with Ptttt ba waa ronauntly pleadlns Uw ciuita for bla friend, but without aueceoa. On blddlns blm far^ wall, howercr, PatU remarked: "\ou bare abown om mucb klndneta, and agreed to pay me nwre mono}' that 1 hare cetr befora rccelfed for concert work. If ibfte la anything I can do for you In return pleooe let nw know."

Orau wammeted tn reply that he would like her lo ting the work at hki frlmd. PatU frownad. but promlted to conalder the matter and to let him know ber dectalon ahottly. And. at hla tteamcr waa leartDg on the return ngrage. s meat age waa dettmed, Informtng blm ibai Um ballad would ba aung. It was •unc ftt smA Mikf* ctsfy cQOCfft.

Uka a uua toldlcr of the theaitr Oraa rasulned In tbe thick at the Sght unUI the Tcey end. A few montha befoev hit death he accepted the direction of a big publlrlly campaign tn favor of the Mg feature picture, avtltaaU^ S work pceforated la matterly manner wltboul a let up In hla other octlTlIien Ba waa eenptopHl for mcelaJ work by teeeral big aim eonn<anlca. and turned out magaUne and neermaper articlaa on mualc. dranu and Um photoplay by Um orore. One oruld tcairely pick up a publlratloa deeoled ta wbolo or port to Uwatiteal mlerprlat wlUMOt Ondlng Orau'a aosM In the table of eoutenta. And all tbla accotapUabed by a man handicapped by deafnoM and enfecMad by ■sn

He bad WTlttas aeetral booka, among tbcsi FoRy Teara at ObaetTallon of Mualc and the Drama, The Buatneaa Man In tbt Amutoment World, ne Lura of the Silent Draam and The Tbeotcr of Brionon Vat bla laat racatlon, eoiy a few ereeka ago. waa tpent la Ibe preparaUan of another. Oim looka ta tala tbrangh Um eninnwa eompMcd for a record of Orau'a partanal arUvltlat. They art all about tha aebleeamtoia of oUMta. That waa "Bob" Orau’a way.

He died la bla tfty-eeeentb yaar. and la aurvtved by bla widow and two daugbtart.

No elafsyman. solltleiaa ar phUaalhroplat can ttfeo bamaalty la s bmadw way than eas Um Miowmaa of tdaala In Um death of Robett Oraa Um world baa asffaiwd s aast Mm.

Will Be New Name for Cjrrtl Har- court’s Next Play

New York, Aug. 14.—A change has ben made in the name of Cyril Har- court's play, to be produced on Broad¬ way within the next fortnight. Now it is known as Madam Levadier. The piece opens at Long Branch for a pre- Broadway showing on August 17 for a three-day engagement.

The cast includes Olive Tell, Frank Kemble Cooper, Vernon Steel. Law-

, rence White, Richie Ling. Dorie Sawyer, Frederick E.smelton, Gameron Mathews. John L. Golding, George Barr, Kenneth Keith and Frank C Hawley.

j Rosofsky's Offices

New York, Aug. 12.—Offices have been opened in the Fitzgerald Build¬ ing, Broadway and Forty-third street. Sew York, by B. Rosofsky, a well- known English concert Impresario, with offices in Leicester Square, Lon¬ don. Mr. Rosofsky will conduct an extensive and many-sided business here, but all along musical llnea His principal fields will be the handling of concert stars, whom he will create, and the promulgation of concert toura

Fair and Warmer

Opens at the Cort, Chicago

Chicago, Aug. 12.—Fair and Warm- ' er, Avery Hopwood’s farce, opened at the Cort Theater here last Sunday, and proved itself a fitting contender for hot weather honora According to the local papers the farce was “all to the good,” and created enough laughter to put the warm atmoephere on the shelf in the shade.

Dramatic Notes

, iUaagat Fiwdeiirk C. BobsnlMrsw. of tb«-

Mbrylaiul Th«‘ator, and prwaldont of tbo Jamaa

L Koman Company, of Baltlmora, baa amiis«>d

to play tbo Intornatlooal CIrmIt atractUma at

tbo Auditorium Tbrater tbo romln# aoaoon. Hr

also abnoonooa bo baa arranfod for a aoaaoo of

atocb, brginnins Eaator wook, with tbo atm-k

company formerly playing In Baltlmoro and

laior In Rochoator, N. T. Tbo company will

complote tboir ongagomont in Rochoator bofor*

going to Bnltlmorr In April. Ono of the Important rolea In Palo Plrat. a

now pHy. by Loo Wllaoa Dodd, will bo Ukoi>

by forroat Boblniioo. who baa boon ongagod by

J. Prod Zimmerman, who la prooontlng tbe piece.

Tbe play up<‘D<i next month. I OUvor Morooco baa choaon Jnllotte Pay, who

created the role of Mudeoty In Brerywomaa. for

bla Sew York production, L'patalra and Down,

by tbe Kattona. After an abornco of three yeara MIm Bdltb

Vflger, laat aoen In Arthur Ilopkina' production

of Evangeline, will return to tbe atage tbla

aeaaon. Vanghan Olaaer la preparing to preaeoi

Bnany, a new pUy. by MIm Mararene Thomp-

aon. In Bo.heater. He baa Invited acveral .New

York producera to wltneaa tbe performance.

Walter Stanford baa been engaged by Morria

Oeot aa manager of the Manhattan Opera Honao,

New York. For Ove yeara he haa been KUw

g Brlanger'a manag^'r In St. Ixmla; prevlotia to

that be managed the Wlllla Wood Theater,

goBaaa City, and two Phlladelpilt Sbobert

heueee. He aucet-eda Frank O. Miller at the

Manhattan, who beconiea manager of tbe Cbl-

eago Theater, formerly tbe American MuMe

Hall. Tbe opening of Ttie OIrl From Braill. an

nmneed to op.-n at tbe Forty-fOwrth Straot

Theater. N. w York, will not take plaew nntU

Monday evening. Auguat ». Bonrke SolUvan baa been ongagad feg Artksr

it'ontinned on nasa 14)

AUGUST 19, 1916.


welcoming him back. Sixteen years ago he was manager of the then new Orpheiim Theater in New Orleans, from where he went to Chicago and then to New York as first lieutenant to Martin I'eck. The site for the new Orpheiim in New Orleans has been secured, and a $300,000 building is planned. It will be some time, how¬ ever. liefore actual construction work begins, as the circuit still has under lease the theater it occupies in St. Charles avenue.

Mountford’s Misleading Moutlungs Convulse Broadway and the Vaudeville World


Seen Through and Promptly Nailed Amid Much Derision and Laughter Five-Year Contract

t’hicago, Aug. 14.—K. Clayton Hall, manager and producer of vaudeville attractions, has signed an agreement whereby he will direct the act of Miss Hilda Von Taube. t<ic and cla.«slcal dancer, for a period of live years. Miss

1 Von Taub«. was formerly prima ballet.

cop coin from both sides and still keep in the good graces of both. It is do¬ ing so much boot-licking these days that it is actually growing to like it. New Yolk vaudeartists enjoy the .spec¬ tacle hugely.

Promptly on the heels of Harry | Mountford’s claim that Ackerman- Harrls-Grauman et al. theaters had signed clo.sed shop agreements with the White Itats come.s the real story.

No such agreement was made. No such agreement was contem¬

plated. In proof of it houses are now

all alHIiated under a long and lasting contract with the W. V. M. A., which virtually means with the r. H. O.

When Broadway got the tip it leaned its head back as one man and howled with glee.

If there is one ]>erson that vaude¬ artists, up and down the big street, have no sympathy for it is the actor that is caught with the artful tlodger's ml8repre.sentation.«. He has been so thoroughly exposed and discredited that any one who falls for his stuff now, in their estimation, de.serves to be trimmed, and they merrily applaud each instance.

.\nother big laugh is aTorded by John Oirt's naive a< knowledgment

Sophia Tucker and her nra Klnfs of Synoaieilxi

Orpheum Circuit Royal Opera House, t'leniia, also an efllclent pianist.

Fanton Completes Tour A. I. U. and Gompers

I Chicago, Aug. 14.—Joe Kanton and this company of athletes arrived In Chicago last week, after completing a successful trip over the Pantages en¬ tire chain of houses, starting last February. Mr. Fanton stated that he is in need of a rest, and contemplates taking a vacation before opening for the W. V. M. A. the coming season.

At a special conference held after the regular one at the Hotel Conti¬ nental last Thursday In New York City, a committee from Actors’ Inter¬ national Association pressed charges of strike-breaking against Mountford before Mr. Gompers, also proof of his double dealing with the White Rats.

Mr. Gompers heard the committee¬ men through and took the matter under advisement.

Tour for Violin Virtuoso The Morris A Cort-Mountford coali¬ tion is a big laugh up and down Hroad- way. Mr. Cort’s statement, clipped from the green slut, Is carried by many vaudeartists who point out the Joker in it, viz., that the actors, espe¬ cially those that are featured, will put up money to help nnanre these won¬ derful shows.

J. J. Murdock Vacations New York; Aug. 14.—Dr. Zlegfeld,

father of F. Ziegfsia, Jr., has dtacov- ered in Europe a vtolln virtuoso who is to tonr the tJnUM Otatei- this season in vaudeville' under the manage¬ ment of M. S. Bentham.

New York. Aug. 12.—J. J. Murdock,

of the IT. H. O., Is spending a few weeks' vacation along the New I ng- Isnd ('oast watering places._

Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire Royal) New York

(B«tW««4 IftadAT Miti—, Aagvat 14)

New Tork, Aoc. 14.—Manager C. 0. Bgan ta

taking n mnrh-necdea rest after a atrennons

aeaaon. In hla place, and alao In charge of

the theater, la Mr, Hamurla, who nnderatanda

the Oner pointa of the game, aa the ahow plajed In great style throughout. A condensed rer- alon of Pagllaccl headlined and held them In. The art ie presented In an artlatic manner with

a caat of well-aelerted singers. Bert Hanlon,

Stanley and Norton, and Dorothy UranvIUe car¬

ried off the honors.

No. 1—A comedy photoplay, featuring Hosooe

Arlmckle, In The Walters' Ball.

No. 3—Pantser Uno, one mao and one woman, contorted and bended themselres In many

twisted positions. Their offering started off the show tn good fashion. Keren minutes, in

four; two curtains.

No. S—Dorothy (Iranrllle, a cute little girlie

with a happy Idea of putting orer material

that fits her personality. Her act Is built of restricted material, written by Blanche Merrill, and contains many punches. The act Is In won¬ derful hands, as Miss Oranrille possesses the

necessary renatlllty to score with her np-to-the- minute single. Austin Mack gave bis star capa¬

ble support as the accompanist. RIgbteen min¬ utes. In one; three bows.

No 4—Bessie Farrell and Company, incloding Stanley James and Virginia Perry, In a one-act comcily playlet, railed Going Home. Mias Far¬ rell 4iortrayB a dual role and Is cooTlncIng in both Her nnpport did rery well. Nineteen ttilnutes. la three; four curtains.

No. 5—Btanley and Norton rang op tho hit of tin- show with a well-selected budget of

songs and patter. Norton sang a character song In a fashion that had the audience laugh¬ ing cuntlBBonaly thrmigboat. Ktanley proesd

an eicellent foil for hla romedlaa partner, play¬

ing the piano and doing hla share to make the ar< rrgtstrr the huge success It enjoyed. RlCbteen minutes, lu one; all hows.


No. 4—Bart Ranlon had Uttle trouble In con-

stoctng tbe spectators that be was an artist of merit. Beerythlag attempted was done with the mark of showmanship that srtll undoubtedly land this HaaloB fellow In tbe foremost rank of single entsrtaloero. Eighteen minutes, in one; dee bows and encore.

Ns. T—-Daniel Mayer-Carllnn. Inc., presented

a condensed Terston of licon ratallo's Pagllaccl. la the past few seaaona many operatic offerings

hare been presented for the purpose of con- ’eylng tbs Ides of operas tn condensed form. A few hare sarrlTed. hot many are now on the

high shelf In the storebonae. In this act It U safe Is pentlrt that It ntll remain In raode- c|He Jost ao long aa the cat! Is held Intact, as the prtnelpals sre not slooe wonderful singers,

bat tbe acting la far above tbe average. Klgnsr

Romano Rosrlnl. MgnoHna Rosina Zoitt. Ray¬ mond Eltla. riaire Bell and M Zwelbnrk proved

wltbnnl a donbt that condensed opera by high- ! clans artists la a featnre for vasilevllle that, will ondonhtedty he relished wherever H np pears. The enllrs art Is sang In Italian. Mr. I

Garango condneted tbe orehestra and dsarrvea msrb praise for bla splendid wiwk. Act opens

with peokigne In one. closes In fsnr; sli mr talna. I

No ft ‘Pie rhsntom. a Triangle featnre, i rlna.d JACK. !

H-nMile Tu- ker. after tboriHighly bvenking In her ftvs kings of syncopation at a well known watering place. Is bgck In vaudeville with the Mggesi and best act she ever had It can now be truthfully said that MUs Tucker baa reached the tutanoat rung of successful vaudeville, and I !n doing so she put Into her work perseverance, vltacity, good Indgmetil and everything ahe 1 thiuight the pnlitic s anted. The week of An- mist 7 Miss Tucker and her ronalrlana headed the hill at Keith's, In Washington, and recelve»l eiceptlonally favorable nollrea In the dally pa¬ pers The President and Mrs Wilson attended

the performance one etenlng and evbleneed much Interest In Mias Tucker's act.

liUTopmosi Hpntf.

palAce Here Genius not Pirtfij^our I^nk insures

(Kevlewetl Monday Matinee, August 14)

New York. Aug. 14.—With cooler weather prevailing and several favorites

promised at the Palace the held a capacity audience. The show

suffered an Interruption through the sudden illness of Lola Wentworth, but excei>t for a delay after the intermission before her partner, Mr. Tombes, an¬

nounced her illness, the show flowed steadily on.

No. 1—Current News Pictorial; five minutes.

.No. 1*—Danube Quartet, four men, presented some very clever casting,

not allowing the audience to grow weary for one minute from start to finish.

Six minutes in four: special drop; one curtain.

No. 3—\ olinsky alternated between the violin and the piano and han¬

dled each well as hLs simultaneous piano-violin number with his well-

known ability. As an eccentric genius on both of these instruments V’io- linsky will continue to add to his reputation. Eleven minutes, in oiie; three


No. 4—Flanagan and Edwards, in Off and On, delighted the audience, and,

though the two previous acts had warmed it up, Ed and Neily had no trouble tn leading it on to further hilarity. Their act Is accomplished with artistic

nonchalance and of course pulled quite as many laughs as of yore. Seventeen

minutes, opened In full, closed in one; special set; two bows.

No. 5—Bert Melro.'se. slated for the spot opening after the intermission,

tilled in this U>cation in order to replace Tombes and Wentworth. Melrose's

line of drivel during the building up of his props for his original fall set the audience into a chuckle that expanded into much applause at the finish. His

clown make-up was replaced by a quasi kiltie raiment. Eighteen minutes In four; one bow.

No. 6—Rankoff and Girlie, with Madeleine Harrison, plus their

corps de ballet. Is a finished offering in every respect. Teeming with

Tenwlchorean animation and studded at psychological Internals with liarticular brilliancy Ivan Itenkoff w-as never more limber and Lola fvirlic ne\er more printp for tlie delivery of her toe dancing. Miss Har¬

rison delivered her bit with punch and grace, as did also Max Fmnke

and the corps. The Thais number was a beautiful bit of work by Miss (virile and Rankoff, as was also the lawhasse number and Lamarche Rankoff. Twenty-three minutes in three, with special scenery; three


No. 7—Grace LaRue could not give the audience enough and rightly so. She did more than merely select a repertoire of silvery songs—she delivered them in true Grace LaRue manner. With her natural art she veritably transported her listeners until one dreamed of silken notes and the veriest moonbeams of melody. Her work was as a finished painting from the g^l6ry or as consummate pottery in a museum— not a single fiaw, complete registry. Her two hand¬ some gowns were in keeping with the daintiness and beauty of her offerings. Charles Gillen, at the piano, proved a capable accompanist. Thirty-six minutes in three; six bows, with the audience still asking for more.


After the nforcsnbi delay Mr. Tombea appeared and explained the reafion for the Tombea and Wentworth offering not appearing during the matinee. He expreaaed the hope, however, that their number would be given at the night ahow and thereafter for the week.

No. S—Nat M. Wllla. In hla familiar happy tramp role, ably kept up the quality of the ahow. Hla line of patter waa thoroughly topical and hla aong panvdlea, bearing a .Mouaa tempo that he haa carried awav from the Hippo¬ drome. were much enjoyed. Twenty-two minutes In one: two bowa.

No. 9—Francea Pritchard la not only a beautiful creature to look upon, hut alao a llnlahed dancer, Farl Ilemmer ably aaaiata, aa doea alwi Coleman's famous nusatnn orchestra. Her Cuban danson formed an excellent portion of her offering, aa doea the bathing number. There la no doubt but that Francea will clinch her right to ktellar vaudeville consideration this very week, and once this debut being over will, achieve a niche worthy of her Indisputable ability Thirteen minutes In four.—AKAY.

Majestic, Chicago (Reriewed Monday Mattaee, Angnat 14)

Chicago, Aug. 14.—The hill at the MaJeaUc for the current week Id practically an all-star one, an.l every act came ia for well-merited appluuKe. Capacity house.

No. 1—Pictures. No. 2—Knrl Beeman and Claude Anderson,

billed as the two speed boys, opened with one of the fa.stest exhibitions of roller skating seen In a long time. Waltzing and spinning and other special features sent the act over with a hang. S<-me comedy is introduced by one memlH-r of tbe team. Six minutes, full stage; very good.

No. .4—Britt Wood, the juvenile Jester, as¬ sisted by his banjo and harmonious harmonica, unraveled a bunch of comedy songs, every one of which scored. Wood has a keen sense of humor and handles his material to tbe best a Ivantage. Nine minutes, in one; four bows.

No 4—Charles Cartmell and Laura Harris danced .ind sung their way into popularity right from tbe start. Exclusive song numbers, ec¬ centric dancing and other features are presented in an acceptable manner, and they made tbelr |H>int without any trouble. The drunken bit at the elose. with Miss Harris dressed as a mao. went over big. Fifteen niluuU-s. open full stage, close In one; two bows.

No. 5—Webb and Burns, the Italian min¬ strels, offer a som-'what different version of Ihe usual "wop" act and gained In favor accordinsly. Songs, instrumental numbers and comedy are nicely combined and the result proved most acceptable to the audience. Four¬ teen minutes. In one; two bows.

No. 6—Noel Travers and Irene Douglas pi—- sent a breezy little comedy, entitled Meadow- brook Lane. A cmel-hearted mortgage holder, a defenseless girl, the grocery boy and a voln- ble vender of lineoleur, make up the characters. Both Travers and Miss Douglas enact their parts well, and are ably assisted by the other two characters. The scenery Is elaborate. Twenty minutes, full stage: four curtains.

No. 7—Arthur Deagort, of musical comedy fame, proved most acceptable to tbe entire audience. Songs and impersonations followed one another in rapid succession. His character bit -vf the scene in tbe Broadway cafe had the audience ro-king in their seats. Twenty-fonr minutes, in one; spec-lal drop for tbe Gardner

song; six bows and an encore. No. 8—Brice and King never fall to bring

Jcy to the hearts of the admirers, althongli these same admirers always prove moat tyranni¬ cal in their demands for the old and new aongs. Today was no exception, and Brice and King sang and danced and responded to cnatinoons applause with more songs and dances. Among the new numbers that made a hit was one by Herbert Moore, entitled I’ve Got a Million Dollars Worth of Love for Ton. Aa an encore tiK-y sang a medley of Ihe old numbers. Sidney Franklin at the piano. Twenty-two minutes, in four. .\n ovation throughout.

No. 3—Herbert Williams and Hilda Wolfus followed the hit of the WH and cleaned np a big I un<-h of honors for themselves. Williams

Is a gloom chaser of the Orst water, and his <'omedy antics at the piano called for unlimited langhter. Miss Wolfns Is an able assistant and adds materially to the act. Twenty min- ntes. In one; sever, bows.

No. 10—Miss Robbie Oordone offers one of the moot artistic posing acts on the stage and one th.vt cv-ntalns renl merit. Her various poses ivpresent procelalns. Ivories and oil paintings from well-known arti-sts. Practically the entire house remained for this number, and the applause aeeorded eac4i pose attested the



.Austin. Tex., Aug. 12.—The Bostvrick Play¬ ers. recently organised In Honston, Tex., by I.eon Bostvrick. opened the season baf« this

week. The company will remain ia Austin for two weeks, after which It will tour Texas, playing one and two-week stands. Mr. Boot- wdek rc-ently placed an ad In The Blllhoard and says he received over seventy-live letters from stock and repertoire iierformctw, which onaMed him to assemble his company and start

rehearsals In one week.


•ST A^cu.uTa.Y.ui'AffA^rttO f v ^ 1

Auaurr i§, ms.


Laekctt A WaMni* Maadow Braok LaM Law Aagar Klft A rofartj Bacsae’a Aalaali

CKIOAOO AMBUirAM (wra) rint Hatfi

Poor ituaaa lari A BdwaiAi Tba Oop ■Trank OraaMiltt Klrrtrieal TawM

Laat Batfi Jack lATlar Barrp Ulrla Tba Idea wt tha

PANTAUK8 (m) (Aug. 24)

Hearlatta UaAarrls A Cumvan;

BUtkoTa Mida^ut BolUckara

Edna Aug Latuaka Bannj A Basel Mann


Woolf A Btawart WtlUama A Hagai BUrar A OuTal ▼acanm Claaners


Barrg Uraan A Oo. Malaoa Waring

World Tkrea Lalghtons Ptaana A Btegbam * Hnooaar Wbat Bappanad (a

Bl AYBTfTB (wm)

Vtaat Xairi Barry Olrla What Ilippaaad ta

BA Oordon A Whyta Oragory Troapa

laat Half! W. i. Maori Tha raadly LaPraaca A Btaea


BABOUOK (aboAah) UiW. 2S)

Blactrlce A Oo. Irena May Chan. Lodar A Oo. Boolay A Nelaon

I Binging Poor BpIaaaU Broa. A Mack BXBMXBOHAX, ALA.

LTBIO (nbo) Braaa rnally




laat Halft Pollard Mauouay A Bogaii Oman. MeUeary A


Howard A Brat iWllUama A Watkins

OT. NOBTH. HIPP. BaasU Bampla A Oo. (wm)

Bano A Plorla Nalaon BIstan Balia A PraAa l>nabar*a Bell Blngatn

w.MdirnM 4 Bamas BABXOB

KBITH’H (nbo) Ona Olayton A Oo.

Baren Honayboys OM-TIbo Dnrklaa Harry Oilfoll Palarla Bargera A Oo. Bmatta Asorla A Oo. Wdall, Hlgglna A Oo. Tonay A Norman BBBAT PALLBl MOVT.

DAVBVPOBT, lA. ^BAND (abcAah) COLOMBIA (wra) (Aog. 26-27) Pint Half: Bloetricp A Oo.

MlUla OUm Irana May Moore A Jenklni Chas. Lodar A Oo. Wm. O’ClaIra A (Mrla Dooley A Nelson Dam, Good A Pnnny Mnglng Poor Boganny Troupe BpIaseU Bros. A


MatropoUtnn Dancers nenriatu DaSart

Brsosn. Otmll A Ob. ThM WbMm LaToy’s ModaM

W. A M. Ontty Irene Pmnklin Bert Pltiglbbon

Alfonso dnBa Trie Onaaen A Barla Tha Stiekneya Bd Morton Oaarga Armatroiw Bnriay A Barley (throe ta ill) BBXOKTOV BEAOK.

KBDCIB (wm) >. V. Pint Xalfi NSW BBIOHTON (nbo)

Banry A Adelnide OyeUng Bnaattes l!****^ Beotch Lads A Laaales

B^ A Ham Oordan White A Oamnangh laat XaMt Bello Baker

Bobt. Henry Badge A Merton A Oloaa

MorHa Ooldan ^ Oaaaor Rlrall aHBA*8 (a

, LINOOI.N (wm) »£?!! *2?* * Xslft MttiBr Bm, Amwb Sbobtm Jftck ObtI oSTaubiJS «* WBtBfttllBS Mo^ Comedy Poor lST" Blaetrical Tenna Bannrd A Myeta BVTTB, HI . MAjnnO (atnh) BMPBBB8 (al Lawn Velaaa RaU A tmH Kalfi

Oa^ Arnold A Plom Jaek WBaon Trio Bremlay A Pw

OBPHBUM (orpb) Rimr of Bonla Omani A Batty Knmor A Morton Wenar-Amocos Troupe

The Oladiaton Otaln Bachenter

nCTBOR MtLBB (abcAab)

BplaseU Bros. A Bbcfc PANTAOES (m)

(Aug. 22-23) Henrietta DeSerris A

Company Slatko'a Midnight

Kollickers Ikina Ang tntoska Benny A Basel Mann


(Ang. 21) AmeM A Florence Bromley A Pearson

•UPPALO aHBA*8 (nbo)

Mimas Tonng A Brown Bettor Broa. Jack Onrl Big WatarUUea Mnaleal Oormana Boey A Laa

BVTTB, HOBT. BMPBBB8 (abeAab) Znat Kalfi

Arnold A Florence Bremlay A Pearaon

Bmne Bnmwa-Pontalna Jack Lary A Bymphony _ A Onl. Olrta Manna B’Aakray Ward Brtn. DaWht. Bntna_A

Ja« BnUal *"**• The Brlghtano

WIVDBOB (wm) lAot Hnlfi

Hoary A AdaInMa Larralna A Dana

Lloyd BaMao A Oo. Tba Bandana ■hnr Bnbea

PANTAOES (m) (Aog. 28-30)

Baariatta DeSarris A Company

BUtka’s HIdnIfbt BoUtekern

Bdna Aog.

BRBRR’B (wm) Pint Half:

Starling A Hargncrtte Dot Marcella Bath A Baberta George Lnrett A Oo.

laat Ralft Wright A Darla Gearga Lorett A Oo.


Madam JomelU Great T.eater Ned Neater A Sweet-

Aanneey Menne A OaLllnteeka Olayten A lanala Benny A Basal Mann 0<6*a»F Tranpa OAIOABT, OAB.

AHAOOBBA, HOST. PA.NTAGES (m) MABOABBT (nbcAnbl *•“ * .. ' ' Kano A Oraea

(Ang. M) Gaylord A Lnneton A OartoOa Bran. Company —«■—■ Ony TMp SMrlay Pub HuA iraM, OObart A On Laka BMta A Ob OOBBT niAaS, B. T. Mm A PkanalB HBNDBBBON‘8 (nba) BnaA Mas ImPinnae Trim

CIS. r^eswr • wweet- MalrlUa

Cnwford A Brodiricr "j.* Tbne Bartoa


PABOO, B. D. GRAND (abcAab)

Plaat Hklf: Pard A (Trma WbHa'a Clrma Alica AlHaM Adamn Brea.

Inw Halft Oal Jack Gearga Beans A BeUrn (twn ta flit)


(Aeg. W) Plial Katft

Varlm A Erwend Bnahar's Bell IMngen (fkna ta gni

(Aag. 28-28) Panlty Phlr


laat Half: OBXAHOKA (BBT LTBIO (latm)

■mbs A Alton Pbat Halft A S'” Wlggltm

SJL* * Dnytna Iho Borlety Clrcno ^ imam Oeorge Man

ORPBBUM (orph) Dnnriag Girl of Delhi LUIlna Klngsbnry A Baoml i.uuaB AugsDory ^ ^ ^

Onttn Bran. Mnnar Benaatt (me to aU) Bat Ho Gray A Oo. PHZLASBLPHZA Baroy A Brennan KEITH’S (nbo)

_ WllMe BoUr HZIBB OITT, MOVT. Tba Orlapo

BHPBBBB tabcAab) • I^tyd f Aw 211 IdNIM

Blactrlce A Oo. ^ Haw liana May i******* MAmanr Obna Lodar A Oo Ihtea Btelndel Brsa. Dooley A Nelaon Danglaa J. Wood A Oo. BMlag Ponr POBTLAVD, OBV. BpImsU Broa. A Mack HIPP. (abcAab)

MXWZAPOUS PIm Babnanta NEW PALACE (wm) '*®P ^ Mnrtda Gama Uirj A Onteken Barria A Nagel __ , „ Dog Watch 523?*^..*^"*' Pon Hampton A WMt# A Brown

Shriller PANTAOES (m)

Three EngUsb Danceie *6«k A Symphony MltdwU A Mitch .. Uirlo Homestead Sliigei* * °*- Harry LnMont A OlrUe ^ ^ndalla Mcaaie A Dolly Pow Bnbm

miPLB (nbo) 1BWI8T0WV, MBVT. Ugbtnar A Alonander JUDITH (abcaAb) Thrm Hamaam (Aag X)

at »Tr"< * O’- OlU KMUSMNI m.-n-m M^a_^

Bart Lamont'a Cowboys SSftog BAST BT. LOVIB, ILL. Bplmell Bros. A Mark


PANTAOES (m) Brides of tile Demrt Green A Parker Bd BhNidell A Co. Cameron A O'Connor Model’e Delmie ' BXOKHOBS, PA.

BUOU (nbo) Pint Halft

HIPP. (abcAab) Loan BeggI Moaber. Hayes A

Mosher Brown A Bristol Paid In Vhn Piatel A Cashing MeOload A Oarp

ORPHEUM (orpb) Oamtl A Wheaton Lew Malta Ilia. Ralpb Ren A Oo.

OBPHBUM (orph) gndes of the Desert Chip A Mnrhla Green A Parker Oath A Dooley Bd BhNidell A Co. Wattor Brower O Connor Vadarmld’a Monks ^el’a Delmia WUBag, Bentley A ' BXOHMOBS, PA.

POBatlar A BchoSid*"* PlrWHSft*"^^ Bamw Thy Ohildn.

WHIUB (abcAah) Adelaida Beethby A Oo. Btona A Maniiliig laat Ralfi Bom Ponton PUyan fbnr Bntaatalnen LeBoy A OabUI JewalPa Manikliia BItn Mario's Orcbcatrs Wntan A Morris Bam Goldman Wllla H. WakoBold


Manrlea Itarkbart Dnre A Halparln Qntgley A PItsganM Bay A Artbnr Gene A DatU MoDer


rkbart MOBRIBONW (abe) Iparla BddIa Laanard A Oa Pltsganld Mabel RnasoO A Oo. jar Wattbenr A Princeton la Mailer Girls

Aleg. Carr A Oo. Mnrtlaettl A Bylreatar O. AMO Bandoiger

PAirTAOBB (m) Uplnaky's Dogs fwlla Bbaw A Oo. Rio A Nennan Rita Oonld Daany Slmmims


PARK (orpb)

80BMBB PARK (nbo) *1*^ * Plyly Rnmella HOOKPOBD. it.T. Pbnslao A Centlnl Bpaalab Goldlala Act Beanttfkl Libby A Rartoa

aOBPOlH, PA. ACADEMY (nbo) Pint Hntf I

Fnnr Bntcrulnsn JewolPo Maniklaa Wotnn A Morris

(thna to ffli (Aag 28-XI Pint Half:

Tamty rhW A^Prand. •BABB BAPDK

CMC Oala BAMOWA PABK (gBW.Bskbit Qaadana Baaaa Bmghs Ifana ta 8B)


Pettleoats Bpeaccr A Winiama la* Barren Trio Bylrla Lejml

PANTAGEH (m) Tbo Earl A Girls Aomroa Mlatcrs Dale Aceber A Co..

__ Bawoun A Clara Pmr Ktan Lew Uawklaa (ana to tU) Xan Chla Troops

•T. LOVIB OBPHBUM (orpb) BMPUBBS (WTO) Ooutwr * Hmlth

ruat Half: DnSy A imranaa Oxford Trio Dul'or Beys Intematluaal Foot Nora Huym GfV*W. I'nltFH I'A). Fraaklya Ardoll A Oo. Wright A Darts Lew Madden A On. PsDl Klelst A Oo. Uundlal Bros.

Last K^t PANTAUHB (m) Btooe A Hughm yp, Btopeta P®* **“''i?**LT iHcklnaon A Deagoa Bpeacer A Wager 11*... a Dale

narett A DaraD Tbroa Tokl Jape WIU Morris FOBBBT PARK (otyh) nawm.wA QX. Raakla’a BaaaUan Tau tmsm) Biwwa A «pcD.*r

wwm g^,|^ ^ p,^

Mmw * Duuy «twn m ill)

GRAND (wm) MUtan Fmakal HIPP (nbcAab) Bon A Bydacy KeOagg Otta AAm A On. Blamtt A Scott IKanaedy A Kramer LrBoy A Mabel Bart iDoBcna A Bolt Nelfaky Tronpo 'Howard Cham A Oo. Faaton A Greens jDarls A Bteon Bmee Dnffett A On. | paNTAGBB (m) Fire JnggUag Normnas nralluKr Rom Ballet

BKTDOMB (wm) Beaamoato A Arnold Pint Half: Clark’t Bnyai Ha-

Btooe A Bngbm „ , ^ _ «.'***‘^ Spencer A Wsger Hobnee A Wells InFnnce A Brnce Imder Trie

Half: Garcliiettl Bros. Payne Oblldren BIOVX CRT, lA.

sstbSsta's: at. PAVL Derethy Bonthem TMs

EMPRESS (sbcAab) Pnnillkea. A Barm Agonst A Avmst Karrllle PhasUy Abbott A VlUs (twn tn dll) Orabsm-Moffett Players Last Kalfi OIRiert Loose Rambler BMtan A Olirettl-MoSet-Clare pm

‘I'rt'v Knapp A Cnmdia ORPHEUM (orph) iRatb Bndd

Pnd P. Bowers A Oo. School Deye Allen A Howard Bhoramn, Pan A Beemr MUm A Ooi Hyaa lAonatl BPOKAHB Morto MMot BIPP (abcAah) Imytta BIstan (Aim.T^) Lydia tarry Oartata Broa.

•AIT LAKB CRT Miliar Clay Trta OBPHBUM (orph) Tan Dali

Bllla A Berdonl Lain Satton A Co. Doooma A Lea Jolm A Proncls Albright A Rodald Bach BreChan tay. Tm Oo^ A Pay PANTAGM (») Mean A Morris Soclaty Bade

* Oaroon WdSk Manly A Mai WlUtad Olarha A 00. k

PANTAOES (m) *>■* PIm Florlmanda (hlamna Kerrilla Fimlly BhrMB

Welch. Manly A Man-

VWr PALAOB (wm) . PU.M Halft Jack Larlor taAa A Alton Tba Society OIrena Monarck Comedy Fonr Monran A Omy

iMl Kalfi Minia ONra Wm. O’OtaIn A OIrU

Clark A Cbappelle Harry Breen LaoeaU Bexteete Tanetlan Fonr Boater A Bailey


Boas A Elite Mahal Harper A Oo. Storm A Manton Brown-Flatcher Trio Golem Tronpm Dorta A Dario Joe Bcharla

Craola Band riandla Oateama BhrMB RBlHBPmA UK

MAJWno (wm)

WIRa Holt Wakadald Jenklna last Knifi ?*** M>*kka A On.

Idnntes Tranpa *••• *• •*•) Adelaide Bnothby A Oai SAORAMBVTO, OAL.

EMPBEBS (abcAah) Majestic Miwlcal Fear Howard Delxtrls Jss. F. McDonald Bath Bras. Porter J. White A Co.

BT. JOB. MO. CBTHTAL (Intof) PIfol Halft

HkMlI Kathrtno Chatner A Oa. (Owm ta in)

Byor A Dpar Bdsla Jaaan Otga Mtehkn A Oh 1^ Hatfi

tawaa Jnna Verlna A ■rwaod A Oaaa Ikr taetloab ■art A BAwaeds

TIGHTS te an Materials bnl M Dial Orsde and Mato fat all PBOPMMIOKAIA: Poriet Act. DI»tea.Bto4- sm. Ctenia Fwfinmtea. sir. Paddhte. Pros. Bnato and Maatap Bnite. Waa- ttc and Ctaih Baanwtem and GnmaaOr Fnapa sad aStMB. toted fat Oriahwoe B and FBEB BAMnjca.

JOHB •FlOin,

!»!! BANKOFF GIRLIE ^ In a Novelty Dancing Act Produced and Conceived by

IVAN BANKOFF Coktumes by Sophie Rosenberg of Hew York

This Week, Bs F. Keith’s Palace Theatre, N. Y.

AUGUST If. Ifit. 0

■■bf OBvall A Cm. buIm a airiMi TELCPHONC


A no Ml ^ A %% ladon and oioUlliig of tboao aboat baa la

SXfVSutu^ |25r«rpJbi‘ EXCELLEHT TfaMfsTVimmV I baring them do jvat what aba aat oot to bara

■ODTH nVB. m. (two t« aiij MAIL ORDER 8TUYVE8ANT tbam do. /wral _ 8ERVICE Slordock Mooma with tba fraAwaaa of

nrat Sijfi morning dew. dallgbu witb bar ebarm and wine Sannan'o MJ^rola (tbroa to flU) Mli8w8Mw^8 bearta with a racklaaa abandon that dalU tba

Pto^ A Wagbaa .TAVOOVTZm, B. 0. m IM 8 ^ A ■ VI

ssTaftSinTa- TlirATDinAI TlnllTv *<toS!u ^Dag l!e*ider^iev«i» a I M P H I K I I - H I 11 Im H I ^ (»»•** <»"» act eba goae on a Bohemian ad-

AwSt Mehxlr HIx I I I I mM I I I I I I pi I I I I] III II Tantnre. doaen’t dara go boma, becautw aba baa

Balpb WhltbaaA A Oa. k III ■ I I II V 8 I I III loat bar latcb kay. and goaa to tba apartmant of (Ale Bala ^ a rary congenUi man friend wbo la engaged to

■** A FILL ISSORTMEIT ::: . ... H rubt HAAWIllllltlil .« . n~, -b....... «~d. .. rSSIn'’'illS2. . In cotton, worsted, mercerized lisle, spun silk and pure thread silk, per JJ . . • c'.*'" pair $1.1)0 to SI2.50. Mercerized combination suits, in pink, black or to aaaaaga tba anxiety of Emlly'g uncia, wbo

Malay k W-oda ... as rin o..el ..II exal/.i-o muzln tz-. r.rzior rtnltz la alao bar guardian while oai»a la In America.

_ Obaa. Bailly A Oo. Baalaa A (Blftoa lAdaM B Onbl

■ouTH ■*», am. OBPBKITll (wral , nrat Half I

flannaii’a Mlaotrala Jamao Oallrw Plaoao A Blagbaa .TAVOOVTZB, B. 0.

222*.f iS^trSld PANTA0E8 (mi

AttoX A Dag ® Snl^ WUtb^ A Oa. Kimberly k Arnold

• * k sight in the Park P^r OMlara Coleman


Six Klrkamlth MtaUtn yfy Horaa Co. DlTorce Qoeotloh lUmlltiiU rreeman, Unnum A Amleraon



Black A Wbito _ Von Cello TZBBB KAUTB, DTO. _

NEW HIPP. (wra) WABHIBOTOB, D. Pint Katf: KEITB'B (nbo)

Hanlon A jCTlfta* Emmet Daeoy A Oo.

S'!*? iLr*?* . Tom Edwarda A Oo. Balpb A Oo. Hanlon

t Kelly A Oaleln Baby A On. Lanria A Brooaon

laat K^i lOoamanl Trio roof Boom iTwo Tooibow

toS(r.®cI5in A Oorrlna! WIBBIPEO. CAB. Hararbel Handlor I PANTAOK8 (m) gtrmaoaU’a Anlmala liiigoletto Broa.

TUUA. OK. Ilarrell A Conway BMPBBBB (tetw) lleihart Moyd A Co.

while (in stock), suit S5.00 and S7..t0. all colors, made to order only. *• •>■«> nardun wwie papa i. m America, c. Spun or |)lire tiircad silk suits, made'to order at S15.00 to S28.00. o°atend. *rbew *he ^7nalon*Em*i‘y^ha“Taaa^

Special silk stockings in knee and opera lengths (all (Xllors), per pair by actually atartlng for BmaealB la aketebed la.

Sl.OO to $3.75. A complete slock of padded tights, suits and stockings. ^ ^apartmenta ^ ^ ^ Emilj fled, and wbo U plajed very capably by

raie/'/MIMT Trt AI I POrtlTirQ^irkM AI ^ Charlea Cherry, decldea to marry bar. There la

nrat Knlfi SaoaH

Ranee Pour 'Ward A Pay#


lroadMicaijB<ha»& 911iSu.lew Y«tK NEW PLAYS

tborougbly enjoy it yon moat leare yoor Intol-

a compenaatlng rearrangement which takea care

of bar cooain.

Gustare von Seyffertltx staged the play, and did a rery excellent piece of work. Vlaually the whole thing is a deUgbt.

Please Help Emily la acbeduled to open at

LAST HALF BILLS August 17-19.

BKW TOBX CRT Pbilbrick A DeToo

AMBBIOAM (torw) ^ ^ HcDormott A Wallnnn Cbinaao MhImI Erolya A Douy

BnaartataMt BBOOXLTK Oraenlsy A Dnytaa BUOU (loow) On tba Man Aaabt Kay. Bnsb A BoMnaan Amo A Btlckney Artbnr Onarg Haley A Maek Work A Oww WlUle Bmlth

BOULBVAB® (lanw) VaUya A BraaUlaj^ SSfA^DnSS”^

Wm. Babn DeKALB (loow) Prank Ban A Oa. Morphy A Bnrry lAlUan Dobarty Owen A OorngboU Tba MaroelM RnaarH Toknn

DBLAMCBT 8T. (laaw) --^ Ora/ 4 MABYllM awtaBiU. A WOkm * Antotoatle

for iKinald GalUber. The World: “The Silent Witness la a Broad-

B£y£|^ CHANCES tbriller, with Its full measnre of Ideal* Istlc aentimentality and beart-tngglng emotlona.

((Xmtinned from page 4) It la a good omen that the flrst-iggbt aodl-

» , “ixa ^aa so respooalTe. The players knew the taiantent, with wit and aptce and real charac- ^ .k ..i- . -r neceaalty of represtioti. and played the big

llgeuce at home." The Times bad a good word ^ rn, iwin.M n.iUher »<•—®- EDMONDS P08TEH.

tar to give Oaror to a dlrertlng aituatloa In-

genlooaly derlaed and deTeloped." I Erenlng Mall: “Megroe's beat play, produced

In true Belaaeo Btyle. A welcome Joy maker.’’ Erenlng World: “Tontbfnl and amnaing.*'

Evening Jonmal: “Another Belaaeo aiiceeaB.''


iCootlaned from page 4)

tion of Montague Glaaa and Jnlee Eckert (Jood- acenea with power.’’ -'-“■aue ouw ana joiee ii.caeiT uooo-

The Sun: “It U a real melodrama, and baa by Gla«. oo which a competent caat." Then The Sun proceeded , immediately; Jerome K.

to comment npon the ability of Otto Ilaoerbach Auguatln as n pUy doctor, and bla ancceaa at writing » Tte De»U a Workabop Is booknd

plays that strike the pnbiic favor, ending np Evening Telegram: “Oonrlnclng evidence of excellent remarks about the caat.

fur an early Hbowing.

Cbarlca Kenyon, the antbor of Kindling,

Ibe complete trlnmpb of the new fnrcical com- Wltn^ la a grip-1 **** **"* another drama, and other pro- edy. Seven Chnacea. was boma by tbe fact that melodra'ma, received with marked evl '‘options am The Dreja^. ^ Jole. K. Good- tbe typical flnt-nigbt andlence. nsnally In haste ^ k- .k. .ndj.n«. on Thoa W. Broadhnmt. .. . , dences of approval by tbe large andlence on

leave tbe tbenter, aat apellbonad by the Uttle ^ ^ I*, s,.* .iJh* TV. nia. la Lan«i and at ****’*' P**"“ »““oonced by Mr. Brady include 1!^ * *“*'■ tbe revival of Uttle Women. ItixD^ tbr dramttic qtulltles, rastalned tbrongb- w^ _ „_ * *i # nt. « va. ^ " " out with akiu. impreaaed by their tmthfuineaa *“** and West, ♦n ___ that tv. wvu. n«^„«n.n«. waa twentieth consecutive aeawm, an

play until tbe final curtain.**

to nature so that tbe whole performance waa

OHta dm * WtMm * Antolnatte inimm A MsaM rcLTON (Iomt) Oathiyn McOsomH Biny Blnkald Dan MnUaly A Oa. r.ambert A rradatlcka Mann A Otenr Goortroom OIrla Bnngmdn Bno. Oemareot A OaOttM

UBBBLBT SQ. (Isnw) PALA(» (loew) Nip A TMek lone A Irene Meibn Bentrlon Imabwt Rames A Robtanan Msrrls A Oampbell Never Again (iSttlo Williams A OB. Artbnr lipnan Cbban A TMag LaVine-Oinmrun Trla Mnen BIntan WABWIOK (lanw) UNOOLN BQ. tllBW) Grew. Pates A Oa. Hagen A INai Mnmford A Hionman

?!^yr'5Sa MXVrtL, KABA ^ BUOC (Isaw)

92ir*w%l5?** • Foe PandeHor wSV .*K*^****y. ntomton A (Mow Meintoak A IIMBi Wm. Honww A Co.

NAHONAI. (lanw) Maybelle Bent Keasle Hamg A Oa. Hippodrome Tmu

a. W>»OKB», K. J. SSi ^’SJSi’SJiSS

Jeata are turned la a fresh way. Tbe types are irortb while, and amply deserved the ap- weU differentiated. Tbe IncldenUl boaineas la pi,aa« It received."

i-aiefnlly and shrewdly done, sad tbe cast well Bilent Wltneeo bad been previously pro-

Helected. Pmnk Craven la probably tbe only ,<„rn a* Blood Will Tell, and actor In America wbo conld bnve made tbe part ,^,10 an Morgan Case. of Jimmie Shannon so fnnay. He does it _

without trick work, and by real acting, rather difficult, cleverly tbooght-oot acting, which PLEASE HELP EMILY alooe can prodnee tbe effect of aoeb ease and -

aponUneity and quiet humor as are bis. At ^ comedy In three acta by H. M. Harwood,

one moment be evokes a Ungh simply by the Produced by Charles Probman at tbe Apollo manner la which be anyo: “1-18." Theater. AtUatie City, August K).

Tbe World: “Bound to hi( tbe popnlnr fancy." -

elaborate produetiou of 'Way Down Bast.


L comedy In three acta by H. M. I Produced by Charles Probman at tb Theater. Atlaatie <^ty, August M).

s.taa 4x18 tadxbtara. OneSIdaL . 8 8Afi

TnoSMm. 8 1M

lo.ooe 4x11 Teoiahten. . AM IflAfi is.ooe 4x12 Tonighters. . I.H lija 30.000 4x12 Itelghtcta. . II.M IS.St 30.000 4x12 Tonlghtera. . lAM i7ja

(6x9 ■lie same price as 4x12 In qiiintltlea as

s.ooe 3x8 lUDighten. 4.M AM 10.000 3x8 Tonlghtcn. 7.M •AO 15.000 3x8 TonlghUn. 2.M II.M M.OOO StH TVmlgbtcn. ... lO-M II.M 30.000 3x8 Tinnlfhr^n. ... I2.M lAM

THE SILENT WITNESS xnw vnsx. ,0„ gruns of 30.000 and over of Tooiiht BlUa. (ttha

vmti. Deimar .Ann Mnidock ‘®*' « Mx dUfermt atylea. evenly dkrtdad. n *^Wba.i « nv ’TK a-_V Tb— ^ GrtflltiOMl GOit. OD8>«i4le TVwrtytkt,

..a a. Mvta. a ___ _ OsG. UGlBiBrn Kiiklliy*# fstliBr • •• sBBbsft Dhicg cn IigtIiic on then Um eiA sod stimb^s of idsn Hie .MIent WItnem—A melodrama In a pro gj^ Bnmnel Lethbridge.Kenyon Mosgrave ’»1H *» charged for U tbe two-tUe rata) For othw

logne and three acta, by Otto Haneibach. . f-ew»wi«e nu wire tiawie mitoai *bentrlcal printing send foe price Hat. Route book. Produced bv H U Praaee at tbe Lonmere Mhhrldge. bla wife .Mnodn MUtoa guaiitm. etc., iBc In aumpa Owing to unactUad

oy Marchmoot .AUee John aurket coodiUona all prices aublect to rbanae wUhoal Theater. New \orh. Tbnrwl.y. Augnat la .THC 8AZC^ SHOW. .PW«»».T»»D C®-

Blebard Trotter .Charlea Cherry

John N«g A tilri Tyrone Tito

OltPHEDM (toaw) Marehall A Wolton Mobaffy. Oytll A

Gordon A Marx Daniels A OaaruA Woods Bros.' Trto

PBCXrrOR’R BRH R. Mrlutoab A Mnaleal Mr

„ ^ CAOT: Herbert Tbreadgold .Perdlnand Oottscbalk

_ ,.VTmtter’a mrvant .John Harwood

LTRIO (lonW) ' . i « Cjnm P. Bennett, an American ..Sydney Blair

.^ tJoTT..J.lee Baneourt

Mill, k Urekwnod Blgrtiy .Miriam Doyle .t ^ t «• yjaUrOK. K. T. ,<An Pelham ......PmH Everton ^ . _...**Ho<rn>R’« (w) autb peuum.IT: .— .Wilbur Weldon .. ....Will Gregory, Jr. B waltor ... e^n Kekto

“<»*•“ .Kolker •* " .«•***’" Wiley .Theodore KehrwaM Atlantic City. .\ag. 11.—There baa rarely

King Solonien After the Roaeymoon Mllle A Lockwood

PROCTOR’S (nr) Hill A Bertlal Maria k CampboO The Right Man

Gray k Uranvllto Pa«l Uvan A IMbbo


niion A DImb Mildred Hayweei Pay A Renttog Mr. k Mis. Merman

Pbintos KowUn A Btoetolt Caada Maat


Whl^^naly'kamto I ” Ward A Wllmm I * ^^P"' Al Rurtoa’a Revor Manhattan Trto

Dr. Wiley .Theodore KehrwaM Atlantic City. .Aug. 11.—There baa rarely Kate ...S. Ilatakenaka been a more Inappropriate title for a play than Wtggina .J. W. Ashley that of Please Help Emily, In wMcb .Ann Alar-



M. r. liOEW'S (loew)

Hendrix A Padula Meehan k Pond


Norton A Mobln SRVRNTH ATR. (toaw) Clair A Oa. Ilortortv gtoamn (.uelannl Lneen Lon Heffman Handia A MlUar

Smith A Want SOKSMEOTADT; V. S Tracey A .TlnnaBt PROCTOR’g (gi| FEaaoag Art TYIn UMkhardt Bvml Rant A Haddan

ALBAVT, V. T. D«<x« A 0*. PROCmiR’g (yet

•erenan A LnAan Marrtod WMaak’n CM TROT, V. T. FIm Mewmtaaak PRO^R’g (fg) ■U BbaegMi (tordaer'n Maninw

.•PPfare.l at the .Apollo Theater Uat night. For Whitg or nggro thOWt. Szss: Half. A Deputy Sheriff.Nathaniel Anderwm If Utore i. ^ tMn* threat ply one, three, six, Steen and sixteen sheetA

New York. An*. 12.-It 1. yet to be .wen f/ J^Wch doea ~t ney help p^* reasonable ti ti h.. - - __ It le Bmlly, for abe to a very capable and clerer _ _

_ . _ .. . ' ... I vonnr nerroa wbo niceeeda In raining Inat what- THE DONALDSON LITHO CO. HCWPOMT. KV.

THE ACTORS’ FORD which caae It to entirely poMtble that tbe ** piqoant and altogether adorable. Oentod In babalf af tba Dramatic liigimliai and public can be edneated to tbe point of Tvepaad- ***t* D**'* loff^noe is as dainty as a also maintaining on Staun island, N. Y.. a HOME tug to the call of tbe melodrama In each nnm- P*®** ®* fblnn—In pajamas. Tbe spirit JORJ^^AOro^J^ .^ ^

IN BEHALF OF THE “HOME." Deaara .liaSAS par year. Patrwx . 25.M Manhara . ia.aa

wbether or not H. H. Kreaec bae produced. In " ” Tbe Silent Wltne-, another play that will yo»nS^'^ who mceeeda In gaining Just what

prove as profitable as any of his last aeaaon’a ^ ’f*' ..... sncceases. It appeam- that tbe erltlee dM not 'ntlan halrcl, ,wtlte Ann Murdock, In the

really know bow to accept The Silent Wltnena. •* ■®“T’ ’*** with a leOQlt that they are divided among ^ altogether naive conception of wblm

themaelvev It aeema eertaln. however, that •" fcoOMy laugh that the pwlnctlon will remain for some Hme. to ■»*’* F<»tllfbta. and a pereonaUty

which caae It to entirely poMtble that tbe *• y(ff®aa* altogether adorable.

-.. public can be edneated to tbe point of Teepoad- «*•»« *“»•• ingeno* »• as dainty as a SOXSirEOTADT; ». T. Ing to the cell of the melodrama In sneb nnm- P*®** ®* ehlnn-ln pajamas. Tbe spirit . ^ ««t another hot weather opening wm have Jvmtb-yontb that la never aertone-permo- - turned Into n box-odleo wtoner. she waa 00 It. and when

IdNtoa Kaat A MM A OtoatA ■atoaa A MR

tnnied Into a bex-odleo wlnaer. nted tho stage when abe waa on It, and when itonara .lIBBAa par yam. The erltlee of Tho Bun. The WorM and The ■»*«* ^ Pinb. here feet boylehly while RMrya . JAM

Hereld ere lined up on the aide of The Silent on tbe b»g. eomfortnUo-lonking conch. ^ „ WUnees, while tbe revlewert ef Tbe Time* and stage right, abe was poaitlvely eaptl- ortsmec; ^aaurcr. TFxa Brntto: Ssanaim, K D. TIm TrtbOD# GDDMr I# b# wHhmum fof iV ▼stlnc* IttMr; ChGlraMn KtrcvtlTG fTf. MAckGj. S^nH^-aerilb. latTer biS^Tby Pl«- -*• that tbe piny “proven n remabackle sort of ®'*® ®®®® “■** en to an attractive bathing ^ to thing, and that blood to abed to mnaU pnrpoiu." •■**- *>*• •>»««» »be stage, radiating tbe bLOAOSTIIL^^-^^^mtotont^Saara^

and ends by dtsconrsliig on a subject for'ign aanltgb* ef her smile npon tbe other to tbe prodnetloa. • It to nine evident that tbe people la the play, and npon tbe an- PRIIw I IliG ^ -jpo xHxil Whiu

Onrdnev'n Maninm opposing eonnoet Tit# latter beglas by sayiuj ” Mine Mmiioca wan pie OdPM that the piny “provan n remabackle sort of ®'*® ®®®® “■** an to a j*y ^P®J5*tLj8 Mb tking, and that Mood to abed to small pnrpoei'." •■**- ®l*e® about tto

and ends by dtsconrsliig on n subject for'ign aanltgb* ef her smile

wAwwwnn y. *®® P*B<lBBlb>n. ■ It to nine evident that tbe people la the play,

FROOTOR'B (pr)* I tBvtowar went to the theater bent upon m "lii!; dtenee; flirted ontrageom

If Mine Murdock wan pleasing In pajamas abe

wee even mere ee to an attractive bathing salt. Sbe flitted about tbe stage, radiating the

snallgbt of her smile npon tbe other

people la the play, and npon the an- PRINTING

Nevlna A WtDtoam Artbnr Sullivan A Ok

iMaboM Bran. A Dnlay

ravtoWM went to tbe theater bent upon »• •'Inc dlenee; flirted ontrageenaly with Tbotter and I Band Lattatoaada. BATWDIf BEOTB-

anetber type of play, and was dtosppo! itcd a Kreneb yoatb. bending eviryana tn her whims * Koitucky. wbsa tbe melodraaaa nnfiaMtod

The Ttmce aeM: “It toaw with an taaonetaacn that atm moment caamd I Txtl OATES. U par day. IS ad Iota. H.fifi. N per

I Tlmee aeM: “It to a naive and awkward gasps at bar eacapndea and at nnetber brought

rnaan, veey saatlaMstal and arahbly, and to smllen af deDgbt btennai nf bar clever manipn- bcro in iow.a'. «h«nr liinur. Ovpt. A

10 Xtie Billboard Auaurr it. itit.

4ikj’» rrccipti each year In each of Ita theatera aa a donation to the new or- Kaniaatlon. created to bring about cloaer relatione between artlata and managera.

Meat Friday night, Angnat IS, B. F. Kelth'a PaUco Theater and Marcna I/Mw'a American Theater will give their

entire reoelpta to the National Tande-

TlUe ArttaU, Inc. At the Palace the regntar Mil will be given, pIna the In¬ terpolation for that night only of aer* eral beadlioera. The benefit program

will be the atrongeat ever ahown at the Palace. The National Tanderllle Ar>

tleta, Inc., have taken three Boom In the American Theater Building for

beadgnartero. Willard Hack la preai- dent; Hugh Herbert, vice-preaident; May Irwin, treaenrer, and Henry Chea- terftcld, aecretary. Each member of the now organlaatlon la antomatlcally In-

onred upon loinlng and becomea entitled to endowmenta and old age and alckneaa

benedtn Aa there are aeveral hundred Maportant theatera under the direction


Entire Receipts of Night August 18 at Palace and American

Theaters To Go to New Organization

New York, Aug. 14.—When the announcement

waa trst made that varioua vaudertUe managera wonld co-operate with the National Vaudeville

Artiste. Inc., to the extent of setting aside a day on which the recelpta of their theaters would be given to the new organlxation, conster-

natloo beesme rampant in the hearts of Harry Monotford and his cohorts of the White Bats.

This, they knew, would do more to get Increased

membership and prestige for the N. V. A. than anything else. It would put them on a sound

Snanclal basis and would give them a tidy aum aa a aacleua for their Insurance and sick bene¬

fit features. Therefore, argued they, the wise

course to pursue was to decry the promise of the managrn and word went forth to the board of wro«kers and the -yesmen" and sUtemenU were printed In the green sheet tending to dis¬

credit the managers. Their promises were not to oe believed. They were ••boll” and •‘bunk.^^ It was a plan to siuire membership, that was all. It was too ••Quixotic^’ for such money-grabbers

and blood-eockers as were the vaudeville man¬

agera. Following The Billboard offers an annonnee-

aaest promulgated by the V. M. P. A. which shows eouclaslvely that the vaudeville manager: are keeping their promise to the new organixa

tlMI Vo create a sinking fund for the In¬

surance policies Isened to members by

the National Vaudeville Artists, Inc., the Vaudeville Managers’ Protective As¬

sociation has agreed to aet aside one

Century under the Dillingham-Zlegfeld, Jr,,

management. Mias Dressier held a contract for

thirty-five weeks to appear In a comedy by James Forbes. When she read the play thor¬ oughly she decided it did not fit her and re¬ leased the management from her contract. The

Century contract is said to have been signed as a separate deal.


Buffalo, Aug. 12.—Joe Teager, well known to race track men over the Dnlted States, died

in the Clifton House, Niagara Falls, Thursday morning. His body waa cremated in the Buf¬

falo crematory the day following his death. He

underwent a minor operation In Louisville the Utter part of June, and went to Niagara to

recuperate. His death was the result of the (iteration.

Mr. Teager waa 40 years old. He married

Miss Irene Romalne, of French Lick, daughter of William Romalne, Mrs. Teager was for¬ merly on the stage.


New York, Aug. 14.—The makers of the wenery, who are cUimed to be very slow, are blann-d for the postponement of the drat night of the melodrama. The Girl He Couldn’t Buy, in which Mabelle Estelle is to star this season. The result is that the premiere will not take plate until early in October.


PaoU, Kan., Ang. 12.—Major Benjamin F. Blmpson, first Attorney-General of Kansas, died

at his home here Ust Thursday at the age of 81

tain, and A. H. Woods has added another I

Unrel to hU wreath as a wise producer who I knows his own winners. In the midst of a I week of first nights and warm nights descended Cheating Cheaters, and cheated no one. Author,

producer and audience agreed on that score, not to mention that the critics on the various

dalUea are of the same opinion. They used

many adjectives In saying that It deserves a

solid pUce in the bits of the coming season.

The Tribune: ’’Surprises abound, and Cheating

Cheaters proves to be exciting and amuaing. It began rapidly and progressed entertainingly,

and baa a uniformly exc<'llent cast.”

The Ilersld; ’’They laughed the beat out of

town at the Eltinge when Cheating Cheaters

was presented.”

The Sun: ’’Nothing quite like It ever seen In New York. It is a crook play par excellence,

original in both theme and treatment.”

The Times: ’’Cheating Cbeatem la most en¬

tertaining, and la the happiest attempt at mix¬

ing farce and melodrama aince Seven Keya to Baldpate. The caat is exceptionally good.

Iieaded by Marjorie Rambean, who la richly


The World: ’’Max Marcln’a Utest effort

thrilled a Urge first-night audience with the

suspense and punch of a melodrama of the old school, and yet amused It with the complications and absnrdities of a farce. It scores In lU nn-

usnal plot and parts efficiently acted. The dialogue la excellent.”

Among the indivldnal artista In the cast, to

whom the reviewers gave special mention, be- sldee Miss Rambean, are Robert MeWade, Cyril Keigbtley, William Morris, Edouard Durand.

Anno BntherUnd, Winifred HarrU and Gypsy O’Brien.


of tne Taaaeviiie asanagers- rroieciiTe AaoocUtioD the income from the yearly benefit performance In each one will

■Bsaat to a very Urge aum.


Augusta, Ky., Ang. 12.—The five-year-old son of J. H. Reynolds, of Nicholas A Reynolds,

owners of the river show boat, Illinois, died here Taeaday from the effects of bums received when the show boat caught Are during a per¬ formance at NcTlIle, O., Ust Saturday. The boat, a new one, was burned to the water's edge, and Manager Reynolds was burned In

rcerulng hU littU son.


New York, Ang. 14.—The rights to Twin Beds have been pun-hased by A. 8. 8tern A Co., snd two companies pUyIng the farce will be out this season, under the 8tern management. Rights were pnrehased from 8elwyn A Co.

Tlie production will be entirely new. Among the players secured for them are: Lois Bolton, Marguerite Risaer, Antoinette Rochte, Virginia Fairfax, Bessie Rtafford, Kathryn Mills, Louis Albeml, R. M. D’Angelo and Thomas M. Man¬



Dwst.’nxys One Contract and Signs Another

Nuw Tsrfe. Aag. 12.—If reports conae straight Masts Dsouniar srfB be sea sf the stars at the

The Bose Edyth BaUet U one of the features of the John W. Vcuel organisation.

years. The survlTlng members of the family are: Benjamin F. Slmpoon, Jr., manager of the Triangle Film Company in Ban Franciico; Don- |

aid Blmpoon, asaUUnt manager of the Llndaey- Walker Poating Service at Winnipeg, Man.; Richard Blmpson, opposition agent with Ring- Ung Brothers’ Cirena Ust season; James Simp¬

son, mnsiclsn at Bntte, Mont., and Carrie Simp- eon, member of State Board of Censorship, To- peks, Kan.


CHEATING CHEATERS—Four-act melodrama, by Max Marcin. Produced by A. H. Woods

at the Eltinge Theater, New York, Wednes¬ day, August 0.

Steve Wilson.Robert MeWade Antonio Verdi.Edouard Durand George Brockton.William Morris Nell Brockton.Anne SntherUnd Nan Carey.Marjorie Rambean

Ira Laxarre.Frank Monroe Mrs. Palmer.Winifred Harris Grace Palmer.Gypsy O'Brien

Tom Palmer.Cyril Keightly Edward Palmer.Artbnr Barry

Phil Preston.William J. Pbinney Myron T. Hanley.FVtcher Harvey

Holmes .WillUm Riley Hatch

New York. Aug. 12.—The favorable opinion

formed of Cheating Cheaters when It was tried oat at AtUntie City Ust week was not altered

even eue atom when the prodnetton was given

Ha New York premiere Ust Wednesday night. As preTlously aoaerted. that it will not cheapen

the nasae of Its author as a writer of enterUln-

lug pUya to aosured. Mare tbsa this, the I Suuuctol sueeess of this production seems cer-


Star of Dillingham’s Betty Sailsd From England Saturday

New York, Ang. 14.—In spite of royalty's limpid smiles and Ixtndon society’s Mandisb- ments, Raymond Hlti-hco<-k's coming home. He sailed Saturday on the steamer 8t. Paul. He will appear in the production of Betty this season, presented by Cliarles Dillingham.


New York, Aug. 14.—Immediately after the close of the musical play, Yvette, whteb lllv- vered after Its flrat night at the Thirty-ninth Street ‘rbeater Ust week, the Shuberts an¬ nounced that A Little Bit of Flnff will open the theater on August 28. This Is an English comedy, which baa been appearing at the Cri¬ terion Theater, London. Herbert Jay's Ix>ndon company, which will present the piece here, sailed for New York Saturday on board the St. Paul.


New York, Ang. 14.—Frlcnda of Helen Kree- uian, formerly lending woman for Willtnin Gil¬ lette, are having a Inillldlng at 22 West Fifty- eighth street, near Fifth nveniie. ehanged Into a little theater, whleh MIsa Freemnn will direct. It win have aeats for two hundred and ninety- nine people, and will be called the Nine O'clock Theater. In the eompanjr ninnaged by Miss Freeman will he Gertrude t:iernetis. Mary Fnr ren, Nina Savllle. Langdon tJlIlet, Garin Mrav-ilyk and R^sie Maeltongnll. One-net playi, will be presented. op<'ning September I.'i, nt I) o’clock Miss Freeman's business manager will be Michael Monnhan. Jr.


Historic House Will Bs Wheel in In¬ ternational Circuit

New York, Aug. 14.—On# of thu spokes In the wheel of tits International popuUr-pticed circuit la to be the old Daly Theater, the famoas playhouse, directed for years by the Uto Augus¬ tin Daly.

In recent yeara it has boused motion pictures and sensational burlesque at times; most of the time it waa closed, however. It will open Septembtr 4 with Tlie Hour of Temperuace. produced by E. A. Wlel, Phil Benedict and Clarence Weis, with Mlaa Kleauor Mootell In the leading role. The pUy U a new drama by la-e Morrison.


N"W York, Ang. 14.—.Nance O'Neil. sUr of both the speaking stage and the iilm drama, was married In New Hocbelle on the sftemouu of Uat Saturday to Alfred Hlrkmsn, who baa appeared with her In the legitimate and pic¬ tures. They met live years ago, when they appeared together at the BeUsco Theater Is The Lily. The honeymoon will bu spent In making a live reel Metro, railed TMi Iran Woman.


New York, Aug. 14.—Edward 0. White, wba directed the tours of Mildred HolUnd and other atari, and wlio U otberwtee well hnown Is theatrical circles, has been engaged as general manager for Benjamin Rooofsky, the London Impresario, who has eatabliabed offleea ben.

On Saturday Itooofaky pUend under eoatrnet Mme. Gertrude Bianco, dramatic soprano, and Mnie, Ixinlse de Ijim, mexxo. The Impninno has in preparation an American Indian grand opera, called Ramona, the work of Plnyton liroiinoff, the Knsslan pianist. Tba Utter will also make a concert tonr nndtr Ronofshy’s direction.




It to tho So Lam af camady aaS is aO tiagadam Uan to m baab witb aa raal an amaaat af mwly wrlttea aad a»dn. data toatarlal aa to la SaSAUTB BOLLBTnr BO. t.








am a paaltiva bit. All kte^ Cawdlag Bbbraw, Xrto^ Datab, Wap. BUak and White Fnoa, Famato, Traaaf aad Oiamp

10 BOABIBO ACTS far twa aalaat araiy net an apptonaa wlanar.

0 ACTS FOR MALZ AND FZHAUA- Tbay’U maka gaad aa aay bUL

M ■VBZ.FXBZ FARODIZO ae aZ «d Broadway’s latest aeag bits.

A VZW OOKZDT tZZTOK, aatItlaC ’’AMZIOVS TO OBT BlOK/’ tfa a seraam from start to datob.

A OBZAT TABLOID OOMZOT ABD BVBLBSQVB. ”IT’C TOVB BfXFZ.” Tba Umit-^wlU step tba town olaok.

MaVALLT’B MZBBT lUVBTBZLB. six OMkiag Irst parts, with atda^Utttot Jakas and kat abet araas Cn.

OBAVD MXVBTBEL FOIALB-Tho late ward la mlaatntoy, labstod “BOT OBILTT.” Wall, yoa Jtmt gat ta mt this If yaa wut ta maka a big kit.

Al AA hnndrods of eroaa Ira JaBte HI V|l and gaga, which aaa ba III ^11 aaad for slda-walk aaaoar ffvvwFW aatieaa far two BMlso, aad MwsmwmM mate and fomate, baaldte atbar oomedy matailal. Bamembsr tba prim af MeVALLT’S BVLLBmr VO. C IS only OVZ DOLLAR par aapy. ^tb menay-bMk gnnraatea. Order nm tba Anther.

WM. MoNALLY SI C. 126th 8t.. Now York

AUGUST 19, 1916. Xtie Billboard

ANOTHER COMPANY OPENS McVicker’s, Chicago S. (Reviewed Firet Show Moaday, Anfuat 14) No. (S—Nora Bayes, the incomparable, lx*!)!

— — over, was the same riot as last week. She took Chicago, Aug, 14.—The house was only half bows, four encores, two curtain calls

l)u,l,y»lll*. O., Aug. 12.-The .Maybury and - over,'was the same riot as last week. She took liusklns Mayers oj)encd the season this week Chicago, Aug. 14.-The house was only half g^^^n bows, four encores, two curtain calls ill IJarbyvlIlc. The following people are with fluej when the opening act came on. but ere guj ^ speech. Die .ompany: Harry Ilasklns and Irwin May- number liegan every available seat 7—Boiidlnl Brothers, accordionists, had lory, sole owners and managers; Meta Walsh, occupied. The temperature , ^ard spot but were very popular. Nineteen leads Bessie ICaskli.s, heavies and characters; ^ one; four bow7aid encore. Harry ilasklns. producer and i-omidian, Walt r p|,,gj ,|,p randeville bouses. b_8«ivia Loval brought a fitting close

Walker, juvenile: It. jjo. i_walter Baker and Company, sharp- to tbs bill. She Is a clever Juggling and slack- haiaef, rs; Frances Slate™, sliders and dancers; lllnslonlsts. were openers.

eH™ rk’n^ddl'etot 7l"e!d7;ia"n; Tf ^d" ^ 4 IK Niro y y T a #4 It a mingled with sleIgbt-oMiaBd magic and tricka t- «To»nflnnallr well dreaaed Ten min- W T. O Hrlen, prop*; John Compliman, ntage - .7, , * * i . ^ w ^..7 a aw ai '• anaaea. len umi

■ of Illusion, entertained and bewildered the andl- gj,e<.i,i get and lighting effects: iiiiiiii fci r. twenty-four minutes. In full ond one; mgnj bows._BOZ.

two bows, — No. 2—Gerald and Orifllo, offering a piano- » . ,

logiic, sang novelty and character songs. Tbey FantagCS, oSn rranClSCO

have a unique closing, which Includes the (Reviewed Sunday Evening, August IS)

wire artist, with two trained poodles and



form of practical preparedness demonstration by

have a unique closing, which Includes the (Reviewed Snaday Evening, August IS) fhi' ago, ,\ug. 14.—The Chicago Theatrical throwing of several cartoon slides on a screen. -

I’rotwtlve Cnlon, composed of the men who with a song to fit the slides. They carried San Francisco, Aug. 13.—Pantages has a unl-

work behind the scenes, has decided u|)on an tbelr number over nicely. Fifteen minutes, in formly eicellent bill, featuring the novelty Inen-sHi- In the wage scale, and has sulimlttcd on,.^ fonn of practical preparedness demonstration by

its demands to the Chicago Theater Managers' .q_A Holiday In Dixieland, with a com- United States troops. .\eso<latlon for the coming season, Heptemis'r pgny of ten colored entertainers. Is a fast No. 1—Patbe Weekly; excellent. I, As an Inducement the stage hands offer Houthern plantation skit, with plenty of song No. 2—A squad of regular troops, commanded improved morale and Increased efilclency. eccentric dancer In particular by Sergeant Walter Burgess, Troops and e<iulp-

was rewarded with rounds of applause after ment through the courtesy of Lieutenant Colonel

■ MB ■ MB MM doing a dancing turn quite original and ont of John H. Gardner, retired. In charge of recrult-

I bM ■ I HI H" the ordinary. Tbey have a wild, exi-itli Ing service drills and manual. Seven minutes.

I IH I I IH finish. Fifteen minutes; two curtains. full stage; three curtains. ■ ■ ■ ■ * No. 4_The Marconi Trio of band accordion No. 3—Grace DeWlnters put over her ven-

10«o*^isrM^»*OoO**W.44'*I*?Wo,^iLio*ni2*DoS’ were a musical hit. Tbey get wonder- trlloqnial number In a surprising manner, rn, i,044. M-M: S><'44. iH-M; 10.000, 120.00. Write ful harmony out of the ‘three heautifnl Instrn- Twelve minutes. In one; bow. us tor prioss on other printing. All srork sent pre- ments. Both ragtime and sentimental sele<-- No. 4—Clyde Phillips* Act Beautiful, featur-

SURE FIRE MATERIAL Written to order. I write for The Record-Break¬ ers' Burlesque Oo., Billy Beard and many oUias. Sketches, Hongs, Parudlts, Monologues. Let ms write you something good NOW.

N. C. PYLE, JR.. 1004 St. Nlekslas Avw. N. V. C.


MADISON'S BUDGET Nt. 16 The greatest bunch of real comedy materia] ever offered. Contains 12 ariglnsl monolagues, 0 great acts for two malca and 7 for male and female; a bright Iriib comedy, 16 wonderful parodlea, 4 cracker-Jaek minstrel first-parts, a screaming tabloid comedy, beaidm hundred of new gage, eldewalk bite and uaeful fill-ln Jokes. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. Back U- •uts all gone eocept No. 16. Combinatton price of BUDGETH 16 and 16 U $1.60. JAMES MAOIMN, I0S2 ThM Avt.. Ntw Yarfc.

FUNNYBONE Issued erery three montlia, contalna Jtmea Had- lion'a miscellaneous acts and tkelchea and much material never before published. FUNNYBONE Ne. 2 li just out Contents Inriuda two mouo- loguea, one aketch for two males and one for male end female; a minstrel firet-pait, a comedy for four cbarictrri; two new parodies, end over fifty useful gage and patter Mta FUNNYBONE cosu 85 cenu per copy, or $1 per yrar. For $2 I will send FirNNYBONE Noa 1 end I and MADISON'S BUDGET Noa 16 and 16. Money back on requeat JAklBS MADISON, 1062 llilrd Avenue, New York. (DepL R)

paid at onca

BKIIK PRIITII6 60.. SOUTH BEID. IID.* b'ought a Mg hand at the conclualon of ing Mabel Naynon and her trained troupe of

• nrh. Twelve minutes. In one; three bows. tropical birds. A fine, colorful, fiaaby act,

No. ileari.t News-Pictorial review. Fifteen which pleased In every respect. Twenty mln- iiilniites. utes, full stage; special setting; two bows.

No. n-.Wllltnm S<'hilllng sod Company, In No. 8—McCloud and f arp, banjo and violin



TRANSFORMATION PICTURES iBUDHiM Flock ImmwUtic Fhlpmefiui. 60 fttev 11- WuiiIamI, John oflfcp a plajlet which DOffltlca, well handled. Ten mlnnt*'*, In one; I^g cnfagemwit p)a>lnc the hi* «fUT tlo*

fri!*' nm.,mSd 'r ... gri^?!•^^dt^v.s^.'uhAl.*‘^'5ar'r::; gain Sliivt .No. 58, free. Large 228-pagr Illustrated I’rufiwstansl Catalogue. lOe.

A. ROTERBERG. 151 West Oatarle Street • • . • CHICAGO.

An cndcHVor to Inject comedy situations proves I No. 6—Amoroa Sisters, in straight and bur- ip . vvwmiypsfg Tndwnendenc* Inwa a hanl one to put over, owli.g to the gruesome [ lesque dancing, tumbling, trapere and vertical I ' J* • P • ■




CalaletM ef Fariar Trleki Beat Fret. 4N SIXTH AYE.. NEW YOBK.

nvESTnaFMPRonr-FREE FOR RIX MONTHS. It is worth 110 a ropy to anyern MaadiBgtoinveatBMificy.wbohasinvcstodunpfwAubly.or who can save gOor mure per momh. but who hiisn'l leamco Mm art of invrating f.v prot.t. It ik-monatrab e tlw pro. awning poswr of monry, the knowledge ttnanricra hid. fawm Inc mssaeo. it revreia tl a large profile they msk. and fbowe how to make U' same p»o''ts. It exp'a ne la.e mrga fortan.-# are mcle: h”w ll.oo growi to gi.'.!.c'‘i T. Mredoce my megar-ra wriia n.c now. I'll wnd it au maaghaataotatelr I'IIKT:. H. LBwSw.Fsb..B.l7l.2SW.JaakaeaBlvd.. OkleB*

WANTEI iKHiItU* R h 0.:

)--f Leads.

IEPj ACTORS j lieavlr*. Cliaratiers: ill tvs

Mntd* Wvrk Htafiil. Hhow t’UMiwt. j|.NM.\(«S | 4*0., lUjw’a, TeiAA.. Aug 14 tu L*4i. $


When ,vuii cii.v ihiil H ie th*' liiKKest .voii hiivf not hit the

re.iHon. When .v«ii'/ay that it i.* the lient you are utlll cold. Nor is

it enoiiKh to nay that it in hefaiiHe It covera th*- whole field. liHc-aiise it

haa the courage of its (.iinvlctlona, het-auae it sttlvpa iiiiroaalngly to

get at the truth and ia llu* moat believable.

When you have said all that there is a certain something still

unsaid—something vital.

What do you aay it la'.’

Kxamine your predilection for Hillyl»oy, pick out the eHsence, boil

it to not over 100 words and mail it to The Billboard, (’incinnati, Ohio.

WANTED IDEAS Writo fer LM ef laveettoee Wasted. II.OM.OM le

eituatii.iis, which are t.s. iiaietantly twfore the bar novelty. Trn minutes, fall stage; three

olsierver. Fifteen minutes. In full; one curtain, bows.

No. 7—Nancy Fair. In song and story, tells No. 7—Billy Dale and Lou Archer, in the skit, that she Is from FYIwh) and wants to warm It Happened In Paris, which Is snspi.y and

COMPETENT MAN WANTED, faJiiliisr wtih the ll<a.kllig Agency l.iisincss, also able to icaili vaiiil,. villc si'ling, to take charge uf .ompietc suit wt*ll .qiiliHHsI iktliv. Will sell or <tsc Into |iartiirr.lil|i. GtA'KILtL l‘ltoPI rl.NC tv» , Ur. Wist t'.tli HI., .New Yiwk Illy.

WANTED Vising Vfan Itanu I’lsy.r, f.w siusll nsnl diow Week sisnils. Cissl feki-r Mill iln. Salary, tiu.isi an.l *11 attir iisnlng. tlissl, bsig j. b for isir that Is willing to Is- gcinrally useful, .\ililnsa VIAS KKIJ. COMKIiY «'0.. .Ymlsvg. WIs., w.s-k of Aug. s; I'rlvlia, WIs., wts-k ■< .\iig. 1.*..

YOUNG LADY WANTED -F<v uinnaalle and l«<Ji work; light weight; send phiSis., age, Inlghl and luwisl salary. Slate all yisj can do In first letter. .Yddnsw T. FA.NTl.NO, 104 liast Htli sinet, .New Ytwk laty.

WANTED, A-l PIANIST Who doubles 1st violin. House playing musical tabs, and one>night attractions, Year round job. State lowest salary. M. F. SOHMER, Manager Majestic Theatre. Danville, Va. P. S.—Would like to hear from Bill Kerst.


fiv Medicine Show, eitber lady or gent, one pnferrtsl Mho does gissl Hinging sperlaltlnt. AddrtsM K. (i. IHICGLAS, Woodston, Kanaaa.

WANTED IflVMitlME. Omt I^Mf Imfcj SMit 1 up With the EaMerneni from here to Broadway I humorooa. Seventeen minutea, in two; I "nimbler. ROSE I^OUPE* 110 Octan Afr.,

fPM. SaaO riiitBk far fraa aflalaa aa ta pataatahRlty. and make them like her. and no doubt the drop, two bows, tocore.

IMfrJ.EnitA66.,8tk46, WlSkilCtU, 0 0 I Her material was bright and original, and I No. 8—George Cboos' Karl and the Girls, a ' ^ ' her turn received much api>lanse. Twelve roln- musical oometly, well put over. In the eaat

TAHOOING MACHINES AND SUPP> lES I utes. In one; three bow*. I are Ixiving Smith. Charlotte Taj lor, I’eggy

South Beach, Staten Island, New York.

WANTED-Lady Wire Walker Taltwdng Devlee and Ink, 5tr. t'alalog free.

REBEC MFB. CO.. Oast B. Cadar Rapid*. It

es. In one; three bow*. are Ixiving Smith, Charlotte Taylor, I’eggy •■riaaatoag total*j svilW ■■tlinwi

No. 8—The Three Regal* open with The Jolly Parker, Eddie Bnxzell and chorus. Seventeen ho»' that can dress as girl, for wlie, anil can tum- Coppersmlth anvil ehoms In full blacksmith minute*, full stage; special setting; bows.— J*'*'- »<**■ .Yddrni* ntANCK

. • _ . Rush TKOl PL. 56 CWerlook Ave., BcllvIUe. .V J. shop aet. They perform many feala of strt'iigtn, BOZ.

FOR SALE—One Fo« Terrier High Dive Dog. * year* , . . ^ i sni.h old. 110; ooe SooKrtauU Dog, $45; one French Poe- weight lifting and Iron-Jaw work, and finish lUe, male, $10; one Edison Moving Picture Marhlne, with one member holding a .tOIV-pound anvil, gas and electtle burners. 10 reel* rf Films, es'erythlng . hlw hsnd Ptwhr minutes in fnll -nmpleto. good as new, $75. J. H ST. Al'BLN, 327 minute*. In tun. Bakar 8L, BL Paul, MtsV-notg^ No. 0—The Empire Comedy Four closed tb.-

MY HOME TOWN GIR'. UUBUTCn Two good Lady Agtiiu on flat or per **””'^*- cent basts. B^te, l«ig m-ssuii South. Tituiika. Iowa, Aug. 14 to 10: Armsirung. la., Aug. 21 to 25. NYLB LCRTvWOOD, care Ulffurd Shows.

FOR SALE 1 Tnuilm. aUgbUy twed. Slaa: 43 In. length. 24 In. one.—7.IN. ^dth, SO feL depth. Foe full partlrutan write. Ad- dreaa CHAB. UND, 3073 Waidall Ave., tUorinnatl, O.

WANTED—Fhr Tom llirlsty'* AllWliPr Minstrels. L/ipDw —. lllrsoh The cast this rear Is nraiWiealIv ..’ can lunioie stage. itoy l*ltna I*laircr. mum reed and fake and iiisiiilr laid: (Rawlawad Bnndar Matinee Anaaat 111 •• Shanle, Hranagan and I>e lee. aiLsHcr. I>H. K. If you alng, ao murh Uie beUrr; also i.c*sl x.Aelty 1«OViewa« BUhday Hattaee, Auftut l»» the same as last sv sson. only two important jaMLS. Richland iVnur. Wis. Man who dimble* band and sings: gnrsl I tllail •■•!*« ■" change* being made. Besides Ilyams and Me- to duubto band. Ticket tf 1 know you. cihrrwise S*n F'eanclsco. Ang. 13.—Comedy skit*, nov- in,.,.,. i_ .up ea- voo Isike Vaiule WANTED—ttood Comeslians. siivct mck: loud Slna inshlJig dol^. George FrankUn. where is the ttkcl pUw acts and Nora Baye* In her second week. » ..VJ Vwl eiw. Pl«iiy snugs and Jokm. If you play banjo <.r and flrieen dollar* I wired you to Kansas tVlyt Any- i. , «. i ' a m a-m ti. Beatt.v. Doris Y croon, Roy Puntance, Mauri<s‘ guitar say so. White man. Sober and rasliable. Join ^ kraiwrlng Uta avheresbouU of Oemge Franktn arill unHKl «o make a real vaudevlUe bill. The i>„i-y. Dorothy Rekh and John Hall. on wire. DOC DRANK. Vtantno. Bradford Co.. Pa.

.. „ —. _ . J a. a .a la. .N-W York, .\Ug. 14. ~OnC of the I. St lii,{ No. 0—The Empire Comedy Four closed tin- , , , .. .. ,

.how wl.h good qnartelte harmony and tsrmedy r.'‘th; CORNET AND TROMBONE patter, getting eve.7 number over with plenty , PLAYERS WANTED o auf * an app atiwe. e* n m nil ea. n Mrintyrv. of <»lrl of My Pr<‘amH famo. lo iloubl** (%arai*t4T Old Man, or TtiwRlalty and front

one.—ZIN. .iptMariiig. This will make the iwMond t’’’'- V" a - _ - - —lor th“ produt tion, tin* book of whl*'b

Orpheum San Francisco (Bavlawsd Bunday Xatiaaa, A«g«*t 1$)

is by Frank M. Stammer* and music by Ixauis I NUAMTED OUICK Good l*Uiio PUyer that llirwoh. The cast thl* year Is prststically I oa.—1- a.—***•*■....

•„f*'yf by wiring me at nm-c A<Missi* T« M house was filled to rapacity.

i;U. hSJ- " ** No. l-Leo Zarrell aud C The €>pi*»iing I* sa-t ftar Friday «f next wc-k.

Y^NTEO—For JuUeUc Nlnrr’s little Csllt-w'iians. core wa* Deceoaary.

No- N»' ««•«» reglsle^d Mtaiul for food tmUDMait, do ycatr lunl n«r«T Hymar'a unique oomedy, IVttlcoatP. repeat

inanaf»f*a bu^neia affair*. aM ladl$'« inir li^f aucceaa of laat week

to7‘u»:lrs ,5r“JZto“^ u! IZ- «<»• S-CI-ter spencer aivd Is.ta William,

No. 1—1^0 Zarrell and Company, held over, K.-istun. Pa., with prsetleall.v all <if last started the show by going so well that an en- season's wi-ek stands to follow.

PAYS TO ADVERTISE ' I also Indian Petfoeineri with good wardrobe. fi» M»sl

Wasbiugtoo. n. C.. .\ng. 14.—The Congression- llclne Show. You get sure mon^ and Betdwcwk No. S-Cbe#ter Spencer aivd la.ta Williams ,, Woman Suffrage and the new Week stand. Mt.TUMX-K BROS.. Sebrtn*.

rain went wr with waves of appUuse. taking p,rt,. through natlooal headquarters

w bows and an ehcore. here, announces that one million billboards WANTED--Expericuceil Vauiksillc Pianl-4 tbsi imsj .'tiasrvw and mixers, save stomps Also M*ulr.l tline ,hre. how. and an encore woman a pnrty. through natlooal headquarters from good, tvllable maitogve that can Lusraiiire oowa auu an ehcore. here, announces that one million billboards WANTED--Expericucnl Vauiksillc Pianl-4 tbsi imsj -alary, will play full evening shows w tal>l<4d or No. 4—Harry Holman, supported by Bonnie .k, I'nited states will he naed dnrinw ba«s. cUriitet. flute or cello. r<» Ori4ie«Jm. to. nevutoiirnt alack. Good, eimn wartlrobe, etc. VIchHat Sorra and Frank Merril made a decided hit the l nited State* will he used during j. .4-1 plaJilst tR.4.Nh -Nfll unlem 1 know you. Have been In the buid^ wi””.. ..***. coming campaign to advertiwe snffrage 8VKC. 1713 Rapkla Drive. B*»-iiie. HT-m-ooiI.i

li. W 7w sT' l-o.r*’ • sentiment, anti to attack member, of Congress ' ' • vbmedy » > r ._m and other candidate* not favorable lo woman FOR SALE

WANTEOy QUICK INTKRMI^ION legminate »« »»e utlllied In the eompMe: 328 Folding tTialr., all first-

dtp. fild: Ahnlra. Md; Wllbtir, 24th * All in Gen* Ford, introdneed some nifty piano phll Iji Towca—Send your atldre** to Oscar wasfilngton, work and roool nnmbrrs. and made a decided Johnson. Houte fl. Box l, Salem. Oregon.

: .li

Ewry advartfisr wnat* I* kasw whar* y*a (at* hit ad.

12 Ttie Billboard AUQurr 11^ itii.


BrookljD, N. T., Ao*. 12.—Th« crowd* th*t • gatlicr in front of Tbe Brooklyn Time* Bnlldinc to witch tbe b*Mb«U acore* get concert* thrown In griti*. for tbe Will Cirroll Co., wboae _ ^ , _ •ace* are la tbe front of tbe bnlldlng directly fV^llAOlQ (aUICIC t over tbe Mg bnlletin boerd*, baa aingere with megapbonea on the job dally to acquaint tbe 1g\g»a gbf SllA I pnbltc with the Carroll blta. Bochberg and 10^0 Ol E06 A Balpern'a flow D'ye Do, lllaa Bonoluln. la rapidly gaining faror. tnat week Will Carroll m under contract an Oriental nnnaber that I la aald by tboee who hare beard It to be one DoublsS ef tbe beat tMnga that bare reached the Carroll _ eaacee. It to called Perato (Tbe Und Where 1 rX AT TOUK BRyXCE, Oil

Met Ton). Tbe word* aro by Trere Oolllna, »■ Vdu TOE’roST'MADE*TO Jr., one of Carroll'a atar lyric writer*, while tbe York, H. Y.).—A goaaine bit. awlody to by Lafe Oammage, a Brooklyn re* ’ porter. Tbla number to Oammage'a Bret at* n 11 J tempt, being one of a number that be to writing OSlaSOS for tbe coming Pre«a Club frolic, to be atoged __ . wwAtrrn

THE BILLBOARD’S SONG HINTS .. .T.:'Srr. _ tbe Ctaarlea K. Barrla oOcee today the lepao* aentatlre of Tbe Billboard ebancod npon cea* Tincing evidence of tbe ancceee of Joe Boward'a

Reliable Guide to the Beat Song* in the Cata- ^ I m a w «• mm a n L1* L. therefore peaa It unnoticed, we laetot that 10{[S Oa IDC DrlUSlC A UDllSuCFS tbe telegram from Deaton, Cottier A Danleta. logs or tne i^eaaing music ruoiisners I tbe telegram from Deaton, Cottier A Danleta.

a Buffalo mualc bouae, wae aulllclent proof of the aucceaa being cornered by tbe new Barrla melody. Tbe Buffalo publlahera compltmeatod

n iiklmo Barrla upon the new hit and aeked that a LfOUDieS II,„ y mnman*8battnck, who d^

rx AT YOUX nxyiCE, OIXU (Bernard OraaTiUe, IM W. ror^*lftk It., Mew Ynrk. aired to put It In her act. Mtoa Bhattnck waa V. Y.).—Tea can't go wrong with tbla anioto; tbe real gooda. ntoylug the Opera Bonae, Bornell, at tbe time.

YOU WEBE JUST MADE TO OBDEB YOB XX (Barry Voa TUaar, ttt W. rarty*aixtk tt.. . grbea telegram* of that naturo pmw to yen can


ntoylug the Opera Bonae, Bornell, at tbe time. When telegram* of that nature pear la yea can bank* your roll that tbe aong la qaaetfea baa tbe punch to It.

la a Brooklyn theater. Trere Oolllna, Jr., will yvA, B. Y.).—One of BarUand'a beat efforto. fnrnlab tbe complete bock and lyrica. Tbe caat at.t. i wAVT 18 A (XITTAOE, 80XX 1 arlll ran cloae to one hundred people. Are., Hew York, H. Y.).—A aong af feeling _ mew FOBTBAXT (Boeaey A Ce., » E. 8e'

•truoted with a bnaati^ theme of melodic ladirlduallty, DILLON TOURING WEST THEBE'S SOME OHX XOBX LOHESOMB-

AT THE EHS OY A BEAOTIYUL DAY (Y. B. Harllaad Oo., IM W. Yetl7*elghtk St., Hew

ATT. I WAHT IS A (XITTAOE, SOME BOSES AKD YOU (Oharlee X. Karrto, 701 Serenth Are., Hew York, H. Y.)—A aong of feeling and affection.


Charlee L. Learla, of Cincinnati, who ban writ ten a number of aong aacceaaee ta eeUabaintlaa

WWW FOBTBAXT (Boeaey A Co., • X. Sereateenth St., Hew York, H. Y.)_BeanUfaUy oen* with Walter Decker, of Keyeer, W. Ya.. among them I'm Afraid, I Wait Ta Bear a Dixie

THEBE'S SOME OHX XOBX LOHESOMB THAH YOU (Harry Yon Tilaer, ISt W. Yorty-Mxth Doodle Tune and Let Me TaaA Too tbe Oamo - St., Hew York, H. Y.)—Aa good aa they make them.

New York, Angu.t 12.-The T. B. Harm* and ^ ' *a *w . a. _ BypoUju Tiiftss BlOfey BrookiTB* B. T.).—B MtUrj noser. rraacto. Day and Hunter Company baa com* jj. j q^LY HHXW (0. 0. XUea, Xaykood, Ohioage, lU.).—A oatohy aeatlmental ballad, pleted extemdre plane for tbe coming aeaaoa. - - — . .

of Imre, to enjoying a racatloo at Lang Branch. N. J. He to taking a dip la tho briny dally— when tbe abarka ara not leoklag. Decker and

Harold Dillon baa been delegated to Introduce meet beautlfal ballad* pnbltobed. bto Srm'a catalogue tbrongbont tbe Middle LET ME SEE YOU SMILE (AUaaroa Xnale Yak. Cto., lU Anditoriam, CBtoage, XU.).-A effoiw,”•ro^rnln’j

7^, and Mt toat Saturday for a trip ***?^nSYiSl*raouaOT’ YOTO LOVE COULD OBAHOE (Jamea F. DoyU, US E. Ei«to Bk, •" "Hd dre order. eight week* Ume and numerona town* In tbe x. Y.).—A a«»«d of mere than erdlaaty merit. - Beat and Weat Among other thing* DHloa WHILE THE SUM IS SIHKIHO IH THE OOLDEH WEST (A. J. Erdmaa, ITM Fairfax Aro.. MUI arlU eatabUah an odice for the company In Otaolanatl, O.).—Tbe old atery In a new dreaa.

SHADOWS (Carrie Jaoeba Bond A Son, TSd S. Xtobigaa Aro., CAtoago, XU.).^>ae of the Lewto are fiat breeklag lato the •a a writing team, and. In addltlaa to aeag efforta, are turning oat taba and other eerlpt*


Oblcayo, moat likely In tbe Grand Opera Bonae. Be certainly baa a atrong ballad to take with I

LOST MELODY (Laadea*Carlyle Fab. Co., Tt Barth Bleak, Dearer, OeL).—Bight up to tka Lore Will Dream, tbe wait* uamber by tbe Magbee Mualc Company, Oelumbaa, O., In

him, and will no doubt rock tbe Middle Weat with bto Tbe Bnnablne of Tour Smile.

MEHOBIES OY LOHO AGO (Bed Star Xnale Co., Yayetbarllto, Ark.)—A ballad worth while. ^ ._' ^ AMEBIOA YIB8T (Aug. Langbeoker, Oeeaa Sprlaga, Mtoa.)__ new natloaal anthwa. ** _ ”

Perfonnero bare dlacorered that tbla bonae I mental ballad la popular walta time. THAT'S WHY (H. F. Wright, MU 8. Fifteenth St, Fhiladelpbla, Fa.).- Ohlo capital. The Magbee Company boHares Ita

policy of not laenlttg profOantanal toplaa la a an excellent Hawaiian aong In Looanna Lon.


THE BIBTH OY A HATIOH (Tbe Spiggle Xaalo Flaat, UM Ooorgln Aro., H. W., Waab- teal bmirilt to ringer*. Begular plaa* eaglea iagten, D. 0.)Bemlalaceat of the day* of ’ll*'W.

WHEH THE BOSES HOD THEIB 8LEEFY H port. Fa.).—If yea like a good aong with pleaaing

•re lent out for a amall prico, which In anM tn OSES HOD THEIB 8LEEFY HEADS (Tanderaleet Mario Fab. Co., WllUama* L .T,,* .^Z.7-, like a good aong with pleaaing lyrica tty tkto one. “ an coiwniWL rutiiaMoam. a

negro oddity of tbla bonae, to alna aelllBg waU.

Jamea Sheldon, at tbe Victor Theater, Abba* ly ■. Waltar Decker and Cbartoe L. Lewto, the aaag rllle. La., will be rery grateful for information WOTSIty DonfS bnlldera, bare releaaed to the Win L. Uveraaeb that will aid him la getting coplee of tbe _ Company, Kaneaa City, Mo., tbatr aaag hit, Tm following: Plano copy of March Gloria, old . .JT® J®*? 2,*? ^ (Harry Van TUaar, MS W. Forty* Afraid. Urernaab clalma be baa a mllUaa cepy

tarorite cirene number; Somebo<ly Lied, Lata mTwwry wiftwra *(w.* w. Harih^, luTwI^Ye^-elghth St., Hew Teik, H T,).—A lagalar ■“** writer* are jlnglhig a poefcatfal Boura, Life la a Funny Prei>oaltlon After .poeny, moov arnritoit ^St ^Sit k^a^ riywigaw nr., new xeix. m. ragwnr ^ ^loney. eompletad twu

aamea nneuion, at tne victor Tneaier, Aooa* ly ■. vUlo, La., will be rery grateful for information WOTeity DODgS that will aid him la getting coplee of tbe following: Plano copy of March tlloria, old ..J’J® 5?*2

winner, and tbe writere are jlnglhig a pocketful of apendlng money. Decker baa eompletad twu

All, I’d Rather Re tbe Lobeter Than tbe WIm I HE'S GOT A BUHOALOW (Bernard Granville Fub. Co., IM W. YortyAfth SL, Hew Yaik, I tabe, la one of which Tbe Dixie Doodle Girl Gny, 'Poeenm Pie and Nobody—ell uitb or* I H. Y.).—Hit of the aeaaon; real novelty number by Groaamltb A Ward. aong will be featured. Lewto wUl aet tha aeript ehaatratloiia. Doea anyone know where tbeee can be aecuredt


WHEH THE EAGLE SCBEAMB (Fope Xuaio Co., dM4 Oaaik Ave., CAleage, XU.).—Good to mnric upon bla ratnrn to ClnclnnatL •Bsvfh to fostnro ob wbj MU*

I THAT LITTLE YOBD OY XIHE (AUaiuon Xnale Fnb. Ce., lit Aaditerium Bldg., Chicago, O*”*' J*!*** O***. MS ***** BL).-They aare do like the movement; exeelleat lyrlea. Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, baa placed a new

UHCLE SAX'S UHIOH SUIT (L. Embry Xaore, SMI S. State St, CUoago, XU.),-A real aong with the Otto y.lmmennan A Sou Coaa* - , im. ^ _... . . pany, of Cincinnati, for pabllcatlanL Tbe

New York. Aug 12.-Tbe entire Portmantrou >.»i^“b“^Sr!hto^.S li^SUSS? hT I number to almoet ready for tbe market, kndfv Theater organlaatlon. Including player*, aceulc JEALOUS (Arthur X. Hebrecht, Lexington, Xy.).—Gateby aong and number. *'^ ***** ** Spooning On, a walta aaag baUaA artleta and mechanical ataff, left New York -—-----— _

pany, of Cincinnati, for pabllcatlaaL

I the title of Spooning On, a walta

laat Monday to apend the month of Anguat aa I One of the beat vaudeville aonga on the board*. AIH'T DEA’ OL’ GEORGIA GOOD EHOUGH YO’ YO’ (Erneet A. Bork, Faduewk, Ky,).— I Mr. Gaum wrote both tbe watda nad maale.

and to well known for hto abdllty gueata of Mra. Coonley Ward at her eatata at WIULE THE HIGHT GATS BEBEHADE (Seharf A Inman, fff Holland St, Gamberlaad, MgM Wvomlna N Y Stuart Walker the director Xd.).—Hew and original novelty—It’a a riet.

exclnalve American to MOTHER 0’ MIKE (Jea. H. Hnghea, SStt H. Xlohlgaa Ave., Sagtnaw, *>«•*«• ** >***•" ••• !»•»*•» M at thn Orun* Hloh.).^!!* of the belt mother aonga ever written. rille etudlo from acta all over tbe ooaatry. In*

J®^*®***®* SHE S XT ALFALFA BLOSSOM (J. to. Oweaa, Elko, Hev.).—brewing la pepalarity every day. qniring about the two new nengn tSnt me about Golden Doom. The Ooda of tbe Mountain and THIHOS ABE HEVEX OUITE SO BAD BUT THAI THEY COULD BE WORSE ((Bwriea Y. to be releaaed Bala Lon the-- and King Argimenee. Tbeae and other* to be pro* Btodw, Geneva, 0.).—A aong that wUl pleaae everybody; thto Inelodee yen and year frtonda. *.“1 ° *■* "*?*** ..?*! duced hi the Portmanteau Theater tbe coming I X AYBATD (Deoker A Wetoengoff, Eeyaer, W. Ta.).—AU right for aa not that oan got by number, to ronalderod one ed tbe prettleM eeaaon will be placed In rebearMil during tbe tolth a hit melodlea beard In quite a whUe. and Aay Old

aeveral playa by Lord Dnnaany, Including Tbe gw Golden Do<w, Tbe Ooda of tte Mountain and TI King Argimenee. Tbeae and otbera to be pro* Btodar, duced hi the Portmanteau Theater tbe coming . *** eeaaon will be placed In rebearaal during tbe ^*® * •toy at Wyoming.

Tbe Portmanteau tour, under the direction of Maximilian Elaer, Jr., and Rnaeell Janney, will open early In October, and will take tbla Inter* eating portable atage aa far weat aa California. Many of tbe engagementa will be filled ootaide ‘ g'o of regular theater*, tbe Portmanteau being eo W. Yo conatrncted that It cun be aet up and a per* Bl fermance given in any ball, auditorium or hotel H. ballroom.

The Portmanteau player*, now at Wyoming. Include Gertrude T'avla, Gregory Kelly, Judith yj Lowry, Lew Hedbttry, MoKay Morria. Edgar whan Btehll, Ward Thornton. Willard Webater. Nancy T1 WInaton, Gltrnda Triatjanaki, Florence Woller* HUari eon. Robert Cook and Edmond Orenahaw. Stuart ^

Mam* la a Wonderful Name took* Hho a aare CfMwiff Songs winner. Will Bart and Billy Tnndavaar ara tbe

TODDIE-^YODDLE-ttYOU (Jo,. W. Stern A Co., 102 W. Tklyty*rigktk St., Hew Yelk, g,! JJ*. ^W SL *la2l H. Y.).—How being aaroeeafnlly featured ly big*tim* aeta. ***** ** * **** which W. B. Bandy, aagaa

SOXXnxES YOU GET A GOOD OHE AND SOXETXwes YOU DOH’T (Hany Tea Ttlaer, SH 'obp***' writer af The Meaaphto BluaA *f *'***y•**»*** St., Hew York, H. Y.).—^Beal oomedy: will taka the drag out af year act. Memphla. Tenn.. baa dedicated te Ifea Oattau

w ^THOOT lee (Harry Von Tilaer, SS2 W. Yorty*aisth St., Hew Teak. State* Merrhanta' A maria flan, wbtok halda tta H. Y.).—The name pipe* Ita qnaUty te a halr’a breadth. _.. m __ aumw

THE YOUTXOAL CLEAH-UY (CarreU XoXaMiua, Bex ttd, Caaan City, Cel.)_Glva tha H ® annual oonveutleu In Maawkdi AngnM ■tadal te toeXanniia*-4he giuateat poUtioal aong evar v^tten—a leoep. “• ® M.

O* - *•» Kavm^ Oaam).-GrMtt panUh. Shadee of Night, by L. Walfa OBbrirt and whaJUto ®®*®*“*’ *“•)—A riot at every performaaea Anetol Friedland, to galaliw right ala^. It baa

THE RUBES OY HEW YORK (Stark Xaato Co., St. Lmito, Xo.).-Oarrugatod to a Satoh ftoctored tbe beet number In tha rapar^ Hllariona. _ _ tolrea of Arthur Deagon, Marian Waeka, Bamar

*W)THEB-pi-LAW BUTTED XH (Yepnlar Xnale Ce, Anharn, H. T.).—A real liva I^"*. Wolf and Stewart, the Ray Tito aad number that wUl juat dt your aot. otbera

thto®^*’‘*"* O*®®*®®®**- ®’)’-" Y- want the beat try and Fbgarty, who win aytm on tha Pan* Walker, In addition to directing tbe playa. atoo **"how*^»B ^ *wow*^T!!vwa rv ri ro. __ m u . will appear In the cat. ‘ ® Y*® want the beat try who win eye. a. tha Ynn*

- rx neXLED TO DEATH THAT DADDY DXDH’T FOLLOW HIS ADTXOE TO HE (Whit* *••*• ’*^“** ■•‘"•'•'Y. are alnglng And They Call BLANCH f'EAO NEEDS AID “"•** ®*” Ya.).—Xf yen eaa’t get thto eoa, get the Dee. It Dixieland, Romany. Are Ton Preparfd for

- the Summer. Taha Bnto Rlcba Dnln aad There’* Blanch Mead, wlifxv »rt wa* Vnnwn aa Blanch March BbIUmIs * ®®***' ®*^® Q«*kcrtown.

Mceil and I><>g. Sparkle, and who baa been O. Slate Oantlere baa bee* rbuuen tonder at paral.vred for the po*t three year* In meb a DADDY, X WATT TO OO fCburla* X. Harrto, 701 Seventh Ave., Mew Yaih, E. T ) —A Coeal aad AftlBety Band aad Oicbee way aa'fo be enable to walk la In aerloo* need ***®'*®« *—* Harria *ror had. tra, Pawtnehet, R. I.. for wMch SI.OM baa af aaototance. In Maroh of tbla year abe foond _ “*■ ■AXMTLFADS THE BaiTO (Harry Tea Tllaar, 222 W. Yarty-aUth St. Haw baan ralaed to bay Inatruamate and aalfmma. a miu. iMe aWtHe treatment* a**®, *. T.I.—Ouo Of tha baat to matub hullada.

rSt ®®* ^ ®» <»• ■. ®>«*«. iror#alh. Tm).-®.dtoated te tha wmktag m«t *■ ■"m Tfb^M Wmsrf*B ffIaiuIb Mme V*, W llW BlSMrtftSS Mi

jcrti <1 hag. awl afee ban hiM Coreed tn dfan-nn* ■E SUtC AND MENTION THE IILLiOARO IN WHtTlND TO FUOIISMEIIS. THAn IITTIC i gh^. Mr. Hardy ta atoo .eondactlag tha ar*

timm ttot trout-mtu 4^ wurw tomdring tor. ENOUGH TO ASK IN EXCHANGE OF COUITESIES FGO THE FOIEGGIHG IHFOOMATIOH. n _ v.. n-we.- -u-u rowem. BfnkMitf to MM toKT MtMtMiM®* frtm A. J. SnlfeMt. ITM avtoMy



gmetated b|r Mini YSmA Pnrb atraet. Ahiwa, dL

wfB be greetly ay*

In tha Golden Wnst .

AUGUST 19. 1916.


■me BOJrEfv WOMAN’S '

Smart Footwear -for-

Street, Evening and Stage Wear.

JImll Ord«n Froaptljr Attand,4 T*.

1560 BROADWAY, N. Y. Two dean Ortow tkr Polar* TWin.



Acton who double bnn. buUi lsdl«s and icnta: Man for Lratl* and Heartn. who plan tuba or romel: Actnt who ran book, route and uw bnuh; Qmeral Bunlitm Man who ran alao do romrdy and d<iublr band: La<ly Mualrlans who ran double verlaltlra or ehorua. uiTIKK people write. I»w. aure aalary and •leadT work: mmtlmi lowrat aalary and partlrulan. Addnoa MlTftlt'AL WAL.KF:K. wrrk of Aucuat II, Na¬ poleon, O. Ilnme OflIre, 1514 Bronkaldc Are., In-, dlanapolla. Indiana.


THE VEGA CO. « SudbtNy ttraal. BOtTI




Prioeeton Hotd, • • Htw York


IlifMi ii Cilir me Qiaiity tianitME


* JBhy e» ^ TKBM Iwr llMi«Wk. Ud- m Iraaa. SMI Btfitt- ■ Jarkna, Milk I'aaa, and.

«i ran. iiawtbbid to ■mb* tin*, lam. MW niuairatcd Caialuduo. which Mao rootalna a ninplrte dor iM .Nurvliloa. TrP a.. PuMln and lltaidana Juai oB the prata. PBRX. THE OABB MABICAL CO.. BapL IDA. BMMaah. Wla.

DON’T SURRENDER To hldh-prtrrd authon. For an nrlualre Art and

and partlrulan. BILLT BTA.V, U1 Wnt SSth . New foriL_

BICTOB. THE ONE WOBD THAT HBANB EUC- CBBM. The wind blaara, rain poun, heat lalraiae. OppoMtltnl Tn. But ntnlly on. Thla wnk. Now Madlaoa. Obla_


IS Paoplo, Band and tm-bcairA rUlYl) TKOVm. Uanaaer; pmnanrnt atidma, Wcatmi Show Prtnl, Beattie, Waahlngtoa.


Memories of Long Ago Ballad.


I9 • Queer, Queer Cretlure” _ The Whain BpcrIaL iMtiunnial Raa. (toe row kp naU, lie; two, SSr: ihno. Mr: raat.

Sir. OrrhnttwBina rnuM aa two roplaa.

RED STAR MUSIC CO. PapoWnWa. Art. Rad Rnr. Art.

* ■. f. puiiii

‘‘lAIHINfl DAVV^ ••A-R-C 4 A-D-C** “Aifft Oil ON Onn OnR Ft Vti"

•‘MY SWEETHEART OVER THE SEA" Four Plano (^M^.^Poat^d, for JSc. Manpa^aer^rd.


SONG TORSI Ml.! 1 M;, o u- .

Harold Rosaitfcf Music Co.. H*

80HCI»nCRiS*"Jl^* mM PlaM Paita.


Now that tbe car strike baa been arbitrated the tbeaten that auRe.ed moat are pluyluc tv capacity atteodance. The bouaea In Tuulters.

Mt. VernoD and tbe Royal In tbe Bruux are

pnttind forth every effort to make up fur the days when tbeir anditorlnma only held a hand¬ ful of HP rtatora by offerlny to tboir patrona

hlffh-claM TaadevlUa abowa. |

News rome« to uh that Loo Hart, of Collins and Hart, now playing In S-.nbert’a World of

Plananra Sbow at tbe Palace, Cbicayo, was ran

down by a motorcycle and sevarely Injar. d. Bart was conUned to bis b< d for one week and tbe

team was compelled to lay off for that period. The World of I’leaenre Sbow will leave Cbicago

AnxnBt 27 to play engagements in tbe Par

West I Jimmy Conlin, comedian of tbe Conlin-Parks '

Trio, is having an act written for him, entitled Tbe Elopers. When an ides atrnck James be !

told many of bis pals, and they consented to supply him with the material. Each of tbe

following contributed either a aong or a gag:

Tboa. J. Oray, Tom Barry, Tommy Swift, Harry Breen, Eddie Carr, Koy Cnmmings, Bert

Kalmer, Paul Morton, Stanley Morphy and (ieorge McKay. How can an act go wrong with all these noted writers, compoaers, antbora, actora and comedians lending a hand and giving

tbe beat that's tn them. If tbe act abonld "flop” It won’t be up to Jimmy for not trying.

Roria FrMkowaky, owner and manager of tbe

Fridkowaky Tronpe of Knsatan Dancera, Is now under tbe personal direction of Harry Weber.

Fridkowaky formerly sraa booked by Paul

Durand, but aecnred his releaae last week.

Mnrry Lirtngaton baa tried out his new act,

called Tbe Dreamer, written by Blancbe Merrill. Tbe playlet la a novelty and affords Livingston much opportunity to display bis remarkable

talent as a character artist. Tbe act broke In sot of town last week, and. according to ro-

Rortn, should bare little trouble gaining pcwml-

Banco Oh tbo Mg time. In tbe cast la Ben Brbaffer, who does extremely well with his

assignmont. Al Canfleld, formerly of Ashley and Canfleld.

and Jean Ilartiea, who worked for many yoars

srlth Paul Barron, bare joined hands in part-

neratalp. Tliey will offer a movie act written

by Tboa. O'Brien. Nick Hanley, manager of Marion Weeks and

other headliners. Is about to open a theatrical

sMch In tbe Fttigerald Building on or about September I. Miss Weeks, tbe clever aongstreas,

upohB bar OMted Ttmo at tbe Alhambra Labor

Dny. Percy Walling, wbe played Father Time tn

Tbo Ctoch Shop, featuring Chip and Marble,

wttl again assume the same role thla season.

Walling lUa the part like a glore and was partly

feaponaible for tbe great sncceaa of the act laat

■eusoh. Sidney Philips, fo'mer partner of Mike Ber¬

nard, signed contracts to bs under tbe Shnberts'

dln-ctlon for flve yeors. Sidney will be one of tbe principals of tbe new Winter Garden Show.

Eddie Darling, head booker of tbe O. B. O..

returned to town last Tuesday after an operation

and a mneb-needed resL Eddie never looked

better In ble life and la ready for a atrennous campaign aa soon aa tbe season opens.

Rita Bnlllnger, mother of Mrs. Stan Stanley,

died In Indianapolis last week at the ago of 42. Compileatlou of diseases was the can«e of death. While Mrs. Sthpley was attending tbe |

funeral Adelaide Wilson replaced ber In Stan-

ley'e act, Cantwell and Walker, tbe clever pelr, open

tbeir vanderille season In Dallaa, Tex., Johnny's

borne town. They have an entire new act to

offor that appears to be tbe real goods.

The week ending Angnat 6 <aevea days) waa the Mggest In point of attendance la the his¬ tory of tbe New Brighton 'Theoter. A grand

total of Tl.lflS paid admlsoiona passed through the ticket taker's box. Tbe management la ar-

nngtug another mammoth Mil for the week of

Angnat 21, and e.xpect another record to be hnng

Bp. Al Lydell asd Rob RIggIna received rontracts

for thIrty-Bve weeks after tbeir flrat perform- SBce at* tbe Palaco last Monday. Their art. A Friend of Father's, abonld And easy sailing sverywhere, aa It rontalns real humor. Barry

Weber baa tbe act nndcr his direction.

Mercedes Clark will take out tbe comedy play¬ let. railed Straight. Tills act was fo'inerly the

property of Arthur Snlllvan, wbo starred In It for two aeaaooa.

I Eva Tangnay will. In all probability, t>o * atarred In a Mg review, commencing In Sep- \ Icmbcr and opening on the Coast. • Evelyn and Company havo contracted to

appear on the S. A C. Tline In an act called U*e Wires. They open In Detroit curly tn

•September for a run of oigbteon weeks. Rowers. Woltero snd Crooker, tbe three mbeo,

> will sgolh bo seen wltb the RoMnoeo Cmaeo Show when It'opens at Atlantic City Angnat IB.

Barry Fax and Grace Darling, the lateat pair th win' fhme tn tbe motion pletare fleld. art

, EBttlBff nmotber a new aet for vanderille and srlll bo aaaa at tbo Phlacu la tho aaht thtuiw.


A New Dancing Novelty Act

Featuring his latest success, dancing on a Chandelier, revolving and swinging while dancing up-side-down in the air. Everything new. Success at Fox’s City Theatre last week.



iMNGp ItSa Addrma POPE MUSIC OS.. flaBB-GI Oxarh Avaaaa. CblaaBa.




AlUNSON PUBLISHING CO., 1400 AoJHrriam Bldx., Cliic.i*. IE

THIR6S ARE REVER QUITE SO BAD S’:r.7jr“r.-a!; THIR6S ARE REVER QUITE SO BAD ri BUT TRAT TREY COULD BE WORSE bsrs STsrywhors thoold hADdls this cIassj nambsr. Published by

C. F. BIEDER CO., Geneva. OHIO.





I Ijri I MR, DEAR OLD MOON, WILL MY DREAM COME TRUE?” I 1*1 I Pretty aniig and h4g hit. Mo PrtfaaalaMl Caslaa. Bend te atamps for ragnlar eapF. I LLL “Dlri Ra M Amarttvi OIri.'’ Bla hit. Band, tSc: OrriMutra. 15c. No free ooplia * _Ml SSK MUtIC PUB, ro., HBB Mbhltaii Am., Calaaihaa. OhM.

WMTED -First Class Ten-People Tabloids TbAt bATs three or mere chenges of program. Row arranging rontoo for onUro •OASon Write, wire or telephone. _THE GUS SUW BOOKIWQ BXCHAWGE CO., Springfield, Ohio.

WANTED-MUSICIANS Tuba, a A O.: BUdt Ttambuui. hand and acU UcImm: QaflnaL bead and atn dthem; OmnaL band ad tickrts, or stage. Must be vai«blv and aober men. State kiucat talafy, and If can loin at oneoL Ibla M two-cai ibow. Good arconunodatlaua. Low pitch. Addeeaa by wire, viepald. or letter, C. K. OflYIRH, Oaeh*! Uaala Tam*a CaMn Co., Oraad laland. Hah., Aas- IB; Caatral CRy, Hah., Aag, H.

HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA l-Th« Sydnwy Short Lln« Splendid lO.OOO-ton American atcamen, SIERRA, OOMOMA, VCMTURA, aall from Ban Froartoeo Mni. ■

, and every 21 days. OCCANIC 0. 0. 00,. B7S Marhat Btraat. Baa Fmnilmi.

Pretty anng and htg hit. Mo PrtfaaalaMl CoBtaa. Bend 4e itampo for ragnlar easr. "Glva Me M Amertrvi Girl.'’ Bla hit. Band, tSc: OrrbevtTa. 15c. No free oogiM

Ml SOCK MUtIC PUB. TO.. I4BB MMIgaa Aeu.. Calaaibea, Ohio.

I Miller and Mack, the claear daneam, nra

ivbeurslng with tba new HIpp. sbow. They will bava prominent parts In the prodnctlon.

Orac* Laltna was compelled to cmneol her

engagement at tbe New Brighton after tbo

Wedneoday night performance owing te n cold

she contracted tbe early part of tba week.

Doyla and Dixon barn been added to tbe Cen¬ tury Show. They wlU be la fast company, bat

wlU bold tbeir own, m la tbo past.

Lain Btwwo, tba premier danoenee, wbo re¬ turned from abroad a few weeke ago, will

abortly present a auvel dancing art In ennderille with orlglaal daaeea, acenery and apecial mnalc.

Leon Bakst, tbe oceaic artist, la making a

special aet wUcb will create talk.


I Geo. W. Hnaaey. who appeared at Cbeeter j Park. Cincinnati, last week. Is aald to have '

. been tbe flrat ventrlloi)alat to play tbe park In ! twelve ycara.

Babcrt Dyer and Peter H. Alvin have •pit'

on account of Alvin having decided to retire from the show boalneaa for the time being.

Bobbie Wallaeo, la bln comedy net, Aaxlona To Got Rich, la ocorlng n ancceon in I'ennsyl- ranla. . •


“SANDOW" No. 3 THEATRICAL FIBRE WARDROBE TRUNKS % alas Ct taebea datpl, maelal SS7.SB: full aiat (M Inchos derp), regular ptleo IM.M. medal B4e.oa. Wrlle for eat- alogn* of oar "SaiMlow” Pr^ feadcnal Tnirka


OaHM Teaoa I SEND FOR CATALOG •howiRC ifty «rOglBGl ilMMirBW. tor profMOOiiTGMl pooplo. rooGovilllABA eireiM wb* cmrBivBl^ •%*. L«t9«h«B4f priBtod im or bkww eoirvw; •ptti kft tor i>b(4iG Tbl9 tafUkm wfll mw9 ■IBB9 4<4l4r6 4b4 yoB ffwA b«Mor 1«M9V* h—dl iakAB yoo 99%r l»d OwiBCtt Iho fTwMeoalof prodBeiog thu CBiolMt

BBko 4 hrr obbm. Hood 109 ••4 MB GGV dmfBi. All othor pnaiiBt aI low iwm

Kraaal FastRB Co., Tbaalrical Priatars WlPaarbsMSt EihiidiHiaW CMcaga.lBMr

MUSICAL GLASSES Muairal Kkctric Bella. Cdm. Itoum lYNa, Fuoneta. XylaphcDm. fie Ol^ alogue eu rearlpt of atawpa, li. BUAI'NUKS. 1012 Naple* Ammmv RlcbBMod Bin. N. T.


14 X ti e Billboard AUGUST If, 1916.



No Evidence of a Strike Apparent— Houses All Open and Business Normal—Manly Statement From

John Sinopoulo—If You See It in the Green Slut It’s



<^>kt:itionia City. <*!.. 1 litlrt. ItillUNirl I’uliUshlixf Co.,

CindDDatl, O.: Til.* fitrtN itim-rniliig till' Htrike Hituatioti

hen-, ivblob are actual facta and Kuaceptiblc of

How Each Succeeding Season Makes Changes Along the Main Street, Its Players

and Its People


The Bulk of Those That Publicly En¬ tertain Are Commercially Bartered

as a Commodity


It Ih agreed that all talented aotorv ara artlatH, but It la only on rare uccaaloua they

are treated aa aueb. As a matter of fact, out- alde of a few that play tbe big time and better

hert-. wbicb are actual facta and auaceptiblc of Theatrical tradition has it that when the late Frank Sanger opened the flrrulta, they are handled the same aa

proof by any imiiartlal tnieatigatlon, are aa Hroadway Theater at the corner of the main .street and Forty-lirst that It This includes the vaat majority—

follow* on July 16 the atage handa atruck. succeed because it wa.s too far up town. The center of merrl- **■* foundation of vanderllle. It embrace.

Broadway comedy and girls that shone for a season and then V7 lod chanced workinc conditlona to tbe _ . . ,, ^ . i . m * • * v ivut ^ rp- # u aatlsfactory and, paying entertainment. Manager.' A^Jlation. and Inai.ting on treating earned well used to be at Twenty-ninth street. Now Dillingham and Ziegfeld ^he manner of fllllng the immenmi demand

with managem aa an aieoctatloii. Two out going to start it again on ( entral Park. \\ est. f(,f their aervlcea is familiar to all actura. with managem aa an aaeociatioii. two out Ilf flvo managera concerned were out of tbe

city, and their reuu'’at that action be deferred

Tbe manner of filling tbe immenae demand for tbeir services la familiar to all aetura.

They are contracted for and delivered tbe aaine

Dnc who ha.s wandered up and down Broadway through the changing I ““ other commodity, even including the

(Continued en page 3611

until tlietr return waa declined. Muaioiana . i, i i i • ....... .... i Invoice and other necessary commercial trim ... . _ years can not help but ponder on the past of the street that is mostly tinsel '

were approached by stage liamls for sympa- ‘ j .. ... , ... ... .._.j mtngs. tlK*tlc .trike in support, tut they individually tin. In the old days when there was e bunch of shanties at Twenty-third wboleaaler In entertaining liif(»rtD€Nl tbe managern they would not atiikc street, with the I'ifth A\enue Hotel and the Hoffman House alwaxs w'ith a material who stooka up his booka with market- -Wlth.nit one or two weeks' notice. A few days famous “among those present were,” the shaft of light shot its way in a blazed able goods to dispose of. Some even get out Inter, however, tls-y struck without any notU*e trail up to Fortieth street and stopped. Now the Flatiron Building shoots its catalogues on the plan of tbe mail order bouses, whatever. IXK-al unions then called In White wedge-like front into a blackness that is forest-like, while Times Square, all giving a minute and complete description of Itsts. whose State Organiser came here and ablaze, makes one forget the days and nights of the old Barrington, the chorus «>me of their apeclalties. First they get the SHsnmed charge of the controveray on behalf of g|,.i.g Waldorf and the hall room hiding iilace of many a ttuttering heart. Now (Continued on page 361i the nniona. It was then t at > t at Times S<iuare one is just beginning to see thlng.s. And again we recall that the - •came into Issue, as White Bats started picket- ’ . • . i i r. • . . . ing the Iheaters. intlmld.tlng sets which held ^ DRAMATIC NOTES contritct, to play theaters, and rte.„..,ded the a^e filling lip with theaters, Sixth avenue now has something else than Jack’s. ,Continued from m •closed shop policy as to acta. and it would not surprise the old-timer any morning to sit up and read that i z o»

Manager* are prepsrwt to prme absolutely the Shiilierts wet e building a row of theaters in Central Park. Katln'kar wMch’i“ iliut the State Organiser repreB»*ntlng White «**•** '1*'' J.J'rlc, .New York, August 14. IJats Is not qnalifled to act fairly and witliout ... ...... Irene O’bare had its tryout In Stamford Iirejiidlis* tn any qneation where any booking »k0W8 are opening With such rapidity, and so simultaneously, that Monday night, August 7. It is a brlgUt i-oiueciy.

.rn.-,. is concerned. A quadruple alliance he- lining a dramatic critic on a daily paper has become real work and a call on };fayed“by Mti^'^wniette Kershaw "I'he ‘ncw iwwn stage hands, musicians, operators and the city department for assistance. Before the conscientious reviewer can make Yoik premiere wilt take'place early next month Willie r.ats waa formed, and nnlons now de- his rounds on all of the openings many of them are listed under the closings. {“ '“Ij -''I 'lc It'iwland, Annie MacJi-

.tin- to ••onstder any aettleinent wlileh doea closing a show is not a disaster these da.vs. Now one can hire scenery, iiopkills,**Barrlct"*ltirsl'!*'^i’satwne*Vi'Mu^^^^ not Include atipniatlon that no acts except pjek up a few props, make a production and politely get away without using -Vdelaid.* llasthigs. Allan lum-iiart. Gardner White Bat acts shah play the theater*. Local degree noticeable what is technically known as the “ntlt.” t'anarou Maibewa and tnanurer* are withont nower to enter into any r.iiwiinl Mack. managers are withont power to enter Into any . .

-ncl. .-ontraets. as their houses are booked by gagT bj^ M.“ S. “"mthiuP foi* TbTtiTr^'^'-x.m Chicago agencies under franchises which give I am just old-fashioned enough to still feel that the New York dramatic Itraxil. I hcy recently jpiH-ared at* thV Wlmei

the agency nnthority to book whatever acts in season is not regularly Started Until the Empire Theater has inaugurated its . ili««|p wimloin fin* pp|r<*tp<1 for tlip tliputcn*. To . _ i*. s » ^ ^ lrit» of 1 ltp|KHin*iii«> xkatprM who hti%’e tjppii

. cin.^ autumn opening. It had always .seemed to me and some more in my set that Mimm-ring «i.r.«d. Kiicn Uaiiernp. katie tpnnt thp aenu P j thing to have John Drew in something now start things going. nml lUhin Uufpkprt, rptunipd to would nipnu abroftatton of their pontrarlR, lay- ^ , . . i . * ft ‘“ft- Ainorh^M UVdiicsdMy of laM wepk alK»ard thf’ log them oiwn to legal action by the ngenclea. < >f '' It may be good, but to one who has tried to perpetuate a Os. ar II. Charlotl.^ wl... Ha* b.*en ,l IMawarc

wni inp aeniB - ‘ it was Just the thing to have John Drew in something new start things going, nud luidn Uuppkprt. reiurupd to wild nipnu Bbroftatlon of their pontrarlR, lay- ^ , . . i . * *“fto ft ‘“ft- Ainorh^M UVdiicsdMy of laM weok alK»ard thf’ g them oiwn to legal action by the ngenclea. < >f '' It may be good, but to one who has tried to perpetuate a os. ar II. Charlotl.^ wl... ha* b.*en at IMawarc The Blrlke la an unfair and unjnat one, wbicb streak of .sentiment in his make-np it will feel like a sad Septemlier morn- Water tJnp. la turned the latter part of the

atement la proven by the Mlowlng easily iiig to read ..f a musical comedy inaugurating tlie season at Charles Frohman’s " stuurt Walker, manager of the I't.rtma.ite... •tatement la proven by the following easii, ... ... ... . ..... o........ ... v . .......... o stuurt W alker, manager of the I'brtma.ite .u proien facta: Ftrst, the demands of the stage- b.mpire Theater. And in days, when you looked over the first night list Tlieater, .New York, haa obtained exc’.nslve handa could and would have been met had they and the reservations for the Empire opening, it read like pages torn out of Atnerlcan richts to several of Igird Dnuaay's

waited nntll the return of the aWnt managers: the real lilue book of people who count for culture, art and honest money in (J^s^'of The*Mouiitain "and"Klng'A^inllnes! ^'a *eia>isi, the mnsiciana were called and went out x<.^v York. .\nd to those who were favored to be one of the coterie gathered ffur of the country begina in Octobi*r.

without any notice whatever to the theatera; j^hiiut in working association with the wonderful little man who was "present- t,'"

third, the strike haa Wn iiig” there was on tho.-^e occasions a feeling of satisfaction and content of being smith and Jack liaaxant.'ai’ the ttalety’TI eat. i.

vn.*ecoted privileged to have a part, be It "heart, head or hand.” in anything that bore ?;rn m'"?’ rluwlvply, nnrt who have not 1)een preaentea « ^ •» lUlly M«*i>han, LouiM* Huttcr, Kuth €hpKt*»r anu *a.i.ix h* nr«.nUAiion- fourth. g‘>Iden t«lgnet, C. I*. othPrM an‘ in tho rant.

third, the strike has been called and is being . occasions a fee

vn.*ecoted .gainst theater. I*’"/*"* P'''privileged to have a part, be It “heart cluslvely, and who have not tieen presented ‘ , _ . t.--.. with any demands by any organUatlon; fourth, golden signet. C. !•.

the White Kata have never, up to this date, -~ - - -

made any formal representations to managers RATS ON COAST imr naked for conference or recognition; _

fifth, the White Rat. are making a local Imme Barflained For of wliat should be, as far as they are concerned, _

a nuttonal one, and are not only forcing sneh ^au Kiaii.-la.-o, .\ug. n.--Whlle Hat* worn- acts as they can Infiuence to cancel their con- 1,,^ i„ „f ,|,ls city found out the In

tracts with local theaters, but ns well to play ,of hdiig atflilated with the I«bor ail opiawlllon house conducted by tbe unions. (',iiii|..ii laat wia-k when they were railed upon

Hilly Mia-lian, LoutM- Itutter, Ituth Chester ami otliPTM an» in thp rant,

lluKli J. Want. luiiiiRKinir dlrertor f>>r iii«* tlriii of J. WilllaiiiB« II. Ltil.. in on Ii-h way

sovcnil woeka uko cIohimI in order that repairs Anstrallan i^hts to a nam-

might la* made. Manager J. Bniffey Trent baa Vm 'mw^, the ..notion picture favorite. I- arranged with tbe United Booking Otflees for tn go into legitimate thin fall in tbe I'ennaiit hts attractions, and will offer five acts Instead I’r'sluciiig Compiiny's finu pnaluction. Yankee of four, as heretofore solittine with Posnoke . ‘‘.,1* a Hew JUlierlcan .a.niedy. .-ill., K.-aucl*..o, .Mig. ll.-Wlilte Hat* work- aa heretofore, apllttlng with Roanoke bTll.^'V^rula Kli.m ^nirwlB

lug In llie cafes of this city found out the In and Richmond. A new atage la being eon- ter August LM. Itoliert M. Catts Is o.-ganiier ronwnionrtt of bidnu Htflliatod with the I^bor ntrutied. and a aoonlc artist baa been at work IHo n**w' I'onipany. The larife f%Mt already

an Opposition house eonduotod by the unions. rouiv*il lant wf*ek when they were called upon S4'enery for aeveral weeks Includes Pen*y Helton. James Seeley, (trace "The aituation now Is that all theaters are HUpport the Mriklng culinary workers in their Henderson, Harold Vosburg. Scott Cooper, Ul

.-unulag with the usual bills and •«'P^ or- Mr new. u.irklng sehedule and In- DENVER ORPHEUM Adel,nan. Kii^^l^y;m!^to^:lr"t‘^mlt™!" ••lM*atraa. and bnalneas Is again normal. During ,.i-e;,s,-d pay. DENVER ORPHEUM Glranlot. Kvcn*Me Hutterfield. J. K. Hutchinson. Ha* entire strike only three sets have been so Im- *|'he strike slurtetl on several small rcstuu- j » « Jolins*iij. Jiiqiics .Marlin, KIta Coakley. pressed with White Rata* arguments as to rantK ns n tryout, whereupor the in«inb«*rM of Ready To Open Next Week I “"J'l"" Trai-ey L'Kngle ami KtUth

jump contracts. the ReHtau.aut and Cafe Managers' Asais latlon Aug TT^Max Fablab manager Hvhea^ls for The Wall Between started a There hat been no personal vlolenoe of any decinreil an oiien sliop, and ordcr«>d nil union **** eanisn, manager Salnntsy, with Sidney Shields In th.-

kind, and, except for picketing of theaters, no eniph-yi*.*. to leave unless they desired to work *'* **”’ Driilieum Tlioateri* here, has returned prlndiHil role and .\iim‘e Dalmores, Dudley

dciiiiiiids for .1 new* working schedule and In- ci-easi-d pay.

The strike slurteil on several small n-stun-

on new acenery for several weeka.


Ready To Open Next Week jump contracta, the Ilt^Htaurant and Cafe ManagtTH* AssiK’latiou

There has been no personal rlolonce of any I dcclHrcii an oiK»n simp, and orden^d all union I Col., Aug. 14. Max Pabtsb, manager

evidence of tbe atrlka being tn progreaa. In an "oiMui** house. Cards were dlHplayeJ a buKinrHA trip to New Vork City, and Ayres, IVIl 'Jj^**!***'*Mann. l>eiitou Sey

The managers are willing, and will be pleased notifying the public that the eating houses wl" '«’••«*'> •j-'''* ■'»”'< Monday with R^rt Ryles {2"^^ ciit " at any tima, to confer with local labor bodies vould employ help reganllesn of Iheir union Ihe Ulver c f Sonia, a ( hinew dramatic Hketch, Audrey Maple has Is'en*chosen by Artliur Ham and to arant any Inat demands, but the demand or nonunion nPdlatlons. It was exp<‘ct«»d that ”*** headline act for the wef»k. meratein for tlie title role In Katlnka. She wU and to grant gny Jnat demands, but the demand or nonunion nPdlatlons. It was exp<‘ct«»d that nenunne aci ror rne wef»K. meratein for tlie title role In Katlnka. She will

White fiata la la effect that managert cancel the union musUians would have to go. and no AHIiougli a lot of immey wan npimt In re also go with the ('ompany later in tlie season

:Lr co:tr.cU mU In good faith, an'S can not one waa surprised when the csll, hut when tb^^iorTV’" «... f..., .ml Grow Is- Iici-Mled to.—JOHN SINOPOULO. word was given for all White Rata performers rd«*rcd tb lions. »"•><■ Mimpletely ren^ate.1 Globe. New York, on 8ep-

V'orking III I'nfes to Isy off, there was a wall re»leeorated. new celling and a dllferent teiiiber t. Knink McIntyre has the piincl|uil of dismay •whi'nie for the front of the bnilding and rr-b* and Zeidu S«*ars and Roy Atwell aastai him.

“Why should we lay off for a lot of walMrsV " haa ben provided for. New fnmishinga askci some <'»nK*t* have been inaUlled. ___ ___

of dismay. HOUDINI SHOWS ATLANTIC CITY •why should we lay off for a lot of waltersV"

asked soiue. Allantic City, Aug. 12. lloadini, the elualye ’-How nr<- we intcreated In the strike of the

.kiiwrican, ewaped from a wet aea bag in Jnat waiters) We aie perfonnera," said other*, thirty-five mtnntea, on tbe stage of Keith's Several skating acta at the Portola laiuvie Theater during taU engagement here, before a i^ft, and some of the White Rat entertainers committee e< Uf» guarda who bad come to aee tn other cafes. the eacape artlat perferm the aeemlngly tm- peaalhle feat. The gaardi bad ehallaagad Ehm-

Thc employer* are firm in tlutr deinands Giat they Is* allowed tn employ whom they

Mr. and Mr*. Dtls Skinner are In Maine on a fishing trip.

JoM<*pli IsTtora. who sang In l*rincea« Pat Ia.-« neaaon, la to have the part of Noto In the new Japaneae comic o|icra hiring written by Mary l,ee Wertheimer.

- When The Blue Knvciope begina Its tour next Onena a_- in Inu/n month the following will he In the esiit: upana Maaon in lowa Kdward tisnie. usrrie IMynolds, Ralph Naim.

I'eth Fraiiklyn, John L. Kearney. Hiillle Htem I'be CIlut and Dessle Ilubbins repertoire com- hFr. Godfrey Mstthewa, Orollne I.eonanl.

puny opened last week at I<amonl, la., and Pmnklln G<*urxc, Belle TI»*<alora and Fmd Kent

will play through Iowa during tbe coming aea- ... v » . X ki_s ...»._4„i— .« -.1_ 11. k outdoor presi-ntation of The Merchant of


Opana Saaaon in lowa

dint earlier la the week, and he accepted. He desire, and Include the mualeiana and perform- ,k,.„,,„k t™, during the ^mln'g aea. "'®”‘* waa tied In tbe bag by the gnarda, who rolled ers In tlielr ranipaign. Practically every union . , -.m-etniro ..e ni.« Jiii k. . outdoor presi-ntation of The Merchant of on their aleevea and went to work with a vim i.iiwii Ian in the cltv I. out and the larwer ^ high elnaa repi rlolre of playa will he Venice la to go to Bimton enrlv In Heptemla r. up Iheir * * ,^1 .11, ii I *7 *7 *• •, * ‘hU season with a nmiplete net of acenery with Katherine Kaelred and Nat Goodwin a* Rvery conceivable knot was used to tie Houdinl • af*** and rcatanranta are working with non n„rtl. and Hhvloi k. In the bag. A committee of guarda also paaaed union mnsbrinn*. The atrlke eanie at a par- on tbe tying jeb, and a few extra knota slipped licninriy critical time, and Is thmight to he

af*** and rentanranta are working with non ,he company to | Portia and Hhyloi k. inlon mnsbrian*. The atrlke . anie at a Par-| , mlendld acenic nrmluctlnn with each I „conllnuona performaiu'e of The

Ibiomerang wa* ronndeil ont at tbe Belaaco came at a par- aplendld acenic production with eai*h „ <'onlli

la thfuiiht to b** a iva. « i ■ ^ gvn A *w ww t Ib»um**ranB waa roui the Ghimher ^ I»“■ rosDT < »nt «<*»>*«>••. Theater. .New York, the t hamBa*r or Robert Stevens. Arthur L. Hsyes. Intsct. la for good Bocaauo, After thirty-live mtnutee hy many very lll-timeil, a* the f'liamber of .... ..

of squirming Hoodlal liberated himself. Uet ron.i.iens* uss lust stirtlng t campslgn. backeil A.hii.rm. ’loiin. Msjorie JenW^^^ . - -.-. .-. year be performed tbe same tet. only the bag Kv a milllon-dolUr fund, for the estobllahincnt , ^ y Gonsollcv Gracn I aiMl the --e— “ I.f the open slum In Hsn Francisco, which has ' , , 7 „ , V, „ " I Klein, la to be presentcl at the Aator. New and the ropca were dry. " "*• i),|,.. j„hn Gaylor and Myra Jeffenmn. The I gork. on August IX. Irene Fenwick will have

Inat week, with the cant

Tli<> Guilty Man. an A. II. Woods' prmluctloii.


Iw-cii a union stronghold for many years.

LYNCHBURG OPENING Xaa Aatoote. IVx.. Aag. 12.—Margaret Klngs-

ii e. ef the teem a* KlagsOoa aad nsMaas. died lierr laet rhonday ef typhatd pai nmonta. coo- ■ ,l»inien. luTe uem ■< wore iwTerei .m ti-w-crd while dlk^ aa eogagsnwwt la Detroit. I the Tiestoo Theater, Lynchburg's only exclusive •She luNl been seat here hi hopee the change | vaodevllle boose, remodeling and decorating the

la •-HaMto wwald haaedt her. Mtaa Klagmea

Dsly. John tlaylnr and Myra JcITerson. The gork. on August IX. Irene Fenwick will have Bergers sensational dam-ers, were rei-ently the leading rtde. Prominent In Oh- east ate signed -xltli the shoit. Ilowanl Hendricks, who Hareth Hugla**. Ijiwcll Hhermnn iind Charles

mccntly closed with the Hlla Morgan Hto^ W fclmont ha* signed a conlract te do - ComiMiny. Is In advance of the show. Mr. juveniles with Harvey D. Orr'a New Million

Lynrbbnrg, Vt., Ang. 14.—f-arpenteru and Ifendrlcka haa been connected with the Roll Dollar Ikdl Co. the coming season, painters have been at work for several days on bin* Company for aererti aeaaona.

hml been seat bee* hi hopee the change vandevtile boose, remodeling and decorating the Harrv J. Ksrie. the cxcentric dancing come- R—ifs wwald haaedt her. Mhm Klagmea hoaee la preparation for opening the season on dlan, and Gas A. Owens have joined hands sor rwenty ynww old. hot had nmde aa Labor Day. The Trenton, daring tbe early mm- again In a neat singing and dancing act. The


or ahW- emuCatlaa la ■er, presented tahMd mnsical coawdies, and I act will open In Toledo. O., tn Reptember. Wanted qv Wml iknd,

qulek; week Maods. NORNIR BROWd.



Arrived at Watson Home

Stock Sa tb« beef troet, npon which BIII7

"Beef Tmet" Watioii has a corner, took a de¬ cided Jump skyward last week when a little stranger arrived at the Watson borne In Pater-

aon, N. J., escorted by that wise old bird, the



Profaari'ttal ceplM sent 00 leqneaL Orcbestrstlons In A-flat and B-fat MONARCH MUSIC PUBLISHERS. 3S W. Raadalph. Chlaaea.



Atlantic City, Aug. 12.—Those wbo heard of the fatal accident which occurred to Joaeph E. Howard’s party Saturday night. In which two lives were lost and the others severely injured, naturally presumed that Keith's would have to find a new headliner for this week. Mr. How¬ ard’s partner, Etbelyn Clark, wbo. In private life, is Mrs. Howard, was so seriously injured that she will be unable to play for several weeks. Her face Is terribly lacerated, and she will probably carry the scars the remainder of

stork. The new member of the Watson family, ActOfS And Piano Playert doubling brasS, Leading Man, Leading Lady, Ingenue and her life. Mr. Howard suffered several cuts and toDoIng the ocalea at nine and one-half pounds. General Business Woman, specialty People preferred. HEVISON PLAYERS, bruises, but as soon as he could leave bis wife’s

was promptly given the name of Anna. She 442 Helen Avenue, Detroit, Mich. »‘<le ‘<> Kerb’s and Informed Man- „ n, Riii> oger Anderson that he would ap|>eur if anyone

mVs^ la a beauty, and that he now has WANTED '"T 'Th ‘"'T 1 w ♦ HI t wWP^IW I b costumes which form a large part of the act,

the origins a son a era. cornet player to double stage, A-1 violin player to double band, woman for «“<i "ho could sing the numu-rs which mibs

_ specuiiiies «no some parts: must join on wire, we stay oui ana pay soiaricB. Clark worked In. Fortunately they were able GRAND, HARTFORD, SWINGS IN Qne of the biggest and best repertoire companies on the road. Address J. DOUG. wcure .Miss iiazei sheiiy, who has been ap-

H.«<c,d. CO..,, aUTT..-*,.b. MOaOAS STOCK CO., wm.. JmcIIoi^ I.«, ...t 14; Gnmdr Ce.1.,, week M. 1,1,'.“,.' 'L"'» eon two weeks earlier than is the custom, the MM■■ 0M B M ^B ^ bearsal they went on Monday afternoon, when

Grand Theater opened today with Spiegel’a Re- BfllR I CD a DR BDR I DR 9 vDMNCDIRR$ fihelly at once danced and aang her way

vne. The cast of principals is; Billy Moesey. ^ ^ Un«s; Uuilclsns. RAO.; Clsrlnet. B. A O.: Baritone, double state; Trombone, double stage: demonstrated by her work that

gpecialties and some parts; must join on wire. We stay out and pay salaries. One of the biggest and best repertoire companies on the road. Address J. DOUG. MORGAN STOCK CO., Wilton Junction, Iowa, week 14; Grundy Center, week 21.

WANTED FOR BURTON'S CONIEDIARS Harry Crawfoid, Folly Follette, Midgey Miller, | others writ*. Address IxM Nadell, Callahan Brothers, Josephine Tonng, and the Twentieth Century Four. A

BURTON'S COMEDIANS, SSI Waal Bth St.. OUahaaia CNy, Oklabaaia.

WANTED FOR THE KEIG PLAYERS Howard had found an assistant worthy bis head¬ line position. There was not a slip to mar Mtaa Shelly’s performance, and she appeared to un-

Urge and comely chorus, with The Girl on the ^ who can play some characters. General Bustneis Man: those dolni advantage Magaslne a* feature, complete the cast. | ap^alUea or doubling brass given preference. Musicians write. Pbolos will be returned. Mention lowest When it com

ariary if yon want answer. Work winter and summer. - —— —- Pbolos will be returned. Mention lowest

WILL KEIDLEY, Artbnr, llllaeb. When It comes to "quick switching," the

palm belongs to Fred E. Moore, manager of the Apollo Theater. Ann Murdock, In Please Help Emily, had been booked as the attraction for the Apollo August 7, but when a slight accl-

R06E READY WAHTED. OUIGK. "IcTSrs'muIiCIaSs^CAMVASMEN ^ ^k;': r?he‘"atruon“?:? ,_, , J._ , onenlnt VUIUAf ACTORS, MUSICIANS, CANVASMCN Apollo August 7, but when a slight acd- BTcrytUng la in readlneas ror ine o^nin* young, eersatUe Leading Woman, Character Man to do some character comedy, A-1 Juvenile Man with special- dent to Miss Murdock made It ueceasarv to de-

of Quinn, Bpragne and Alton’s Koae Bnda, at ues. Tnp Drummer. People In all lines: thoae doubling band and speclalUes given preference. Long seaeon. . . „.it a aa McKeemmrt. Pa. August 2« The company vrlU AdelalSVtog. wlrk appearance here until Anguat 10 Mr. HcKccepei^ ra., augnai ine wmpMy w.u — ^ NENTfROW. Ceferade. Ttaaa. Moore was notiOed from New York that the play one-night stands in Pennsylvania, Ohio ami Indiana. The scenery and wardrobe have received carefol attenti-w and the management promise a anrprlae in tbe way of clean burleaqne.

The company algued Inclndea: Tboe. Alton, hnsineas manager: Ihoe. Rpmgne, manager. Prindlpale: Jack Quinn, Clyde Luther, Stella Dixon, Etta Davis, Jack Moran, John lialrd. Cboms; Esther Wilson, Haael Ed¬ wards, Basel Scott. Myrtle George, Gay Wat¬ son, Billie Loralne. Olive Vagsn, Colletia Moore, Dairy Butler, Margie Malloy. Del Nora




Wanted, Two First-Class Trombone Players

Moore was notlBed from New York that the Selwyus, wbo had been rehearsing a company to tour to tbe Paclflc Coast In Fair and Warmer, would send that company here to fill in at tbe

ApoUo the first three days of the week. By three o’clock Saturday afternoon players and scenery were on their way here from New York, but Mr. Moore and bis force bad been working like Turks, snd when tbe company got here at fl:30 they found everything all ready for them.

George Kinksbury was in town this week, arranging for tbe appearance here at the New Nixon next week of Henry E. Dixey In Mr.

fumisbee the free attraction. Tom Alton has One to double Viola or First Violin in Orchestra. Sure money and winter mysterioua Mr Ln-

been an agent for Cook A Wilson Circus this season’s work. Must be real musicians. Join at once. Low pitch. Mima, created by Mr. Dixey, la one that auih aeaaen, which meana the billing for tbe new

show wlU be an Important Item.


Plttstmrg, Ang. 11.—Tbe bnrleeqne ecaaon waa opened In feetlve attire at two theaters mm ^ here Uet Saturday, tbe Hip. BIp, Hooray Girla AUDITORIUM ** CAnnUFRIf IIIa I ff fl Po"*”. This play, which has been playing at the OayetT and The Joy Riders at tbe ■ ■■ t MUVI I WlllUmf WVIUICrAWlllCg iHUn eight weeks in Chicago, cloaes ita engagement

natranae* In anita of the One of The riDeel and Mow Modern Equipped Theatre* In tbe B^e. aeaUng Qeycn Hundred People, with there Saturday night and cornea direct to At- Academy. Excellent patronage In aptte or me Belcony and Gallety. U now owned by The Eagles’ Lodge, of ConnersvUle. The citv It will eo Into tha Booth T^tar weather has been tbe reward so far. Beat Manufacturing City of lu slae tn the State, and Every Factory Running Pull Blast. Night and Day. Llty. ll will go into the Booth Theater,

Hip. Hip. Hooray offer* two burlcttas. Frolic* And a drawing PopuIaUon of Over Pourteen nousand. .b<»k for aeaaon of 1S16-’17. New York, October 1. In tte Air, a aaUre on high life, and Triple ' Pim-aam ” AtuacUon* of IhublUhed ReputaUon. J. C. SCHILLING. Mgr. -ith it. --- i-,i-

season's wofk. aiusi dc real musicians, join ai once, ijow puen. nrus, created by Mr. Dixey, is one that sap.

HARRY SHANNON, Ddta, Ohio. I plies bim with an excellent opportunity for tbe display of bis versatility. There are elements

WANTED—REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES I in tbe plot which are quite as tantallaing as Peatnin VsudeviUe Act to double some parts. Preference given those deubllng band. This Is a tent those in Frank Stockton’s Tbe Ladv or the Tlaer

«ARNE».LAWBENCE STOCK CO. BMaril. ladle.*. 14th f Itth: Wmthlagtmi. of Mr i«r^.

Arnold, Eva Le Gallienne, daughter of the poet; “FIBBT-CLABB" MANAGEBS TAKE NOTICEI Marie Ascaraga, William T. Clarke and Tom


Beds, a musical farce, by Jnnie MacCree and Pred Chapin. The Joy Itlders, annonneed as a twelT*.cyUnder bnrleeqne. Is a two-act abow, presented hy Sam Mlscals.



And a drawing Population of Over Pourteen Thousand. Now Beady to book for aeaaon of 1916-’17. New York, October 1. Btrlctly •’Plm-aam" Attractions of IhUblUhed RepuUUcn. 1. C. 8CHILLIN0. My. tripIe-aUr combination of JnU.

aaaaaaaaaw^ BT Ahll^C Nh ■ B A lAfini • A Sanderson, Donald Brian and Joseph Cawthom,

WANTED *FOR Baird & Wilson s Comedians ... -n .a .... I . at a August 26 and 2«, will go to New York, where

Ittgenue, with specialties; Gen. Bus. Man. with specialties; A-1 Singing and jt „ni open its fail season August n at the Dancing (singleX. Wire BAIRD & WILSON, Pratt, Kan. Must Joint at once, empire Theater.

JOB BAIRD, Manager. n»w farce, are Ton Mv wife

Baird & Wilson’s Comedians Max Marclo’s new farce. Are Ton My Wife,

will be presented at the Apollo Theater, At¬ lantic City, tbe middle of October by A. H. The Blympic, Cincinnati’s Columbia Wheel VIOLINIST WANTED I lantic City, tbe middle of October by A.

honee, epeued Anguat IS, with Dave Marion a poatUoa for reliable man. Must be alght reader, aober, A. P. of M. and rellafata. YaudevlUs and Woods, after which It will go to New Terk. World of ProUcs. Charles Hedges, managing Bond Attractlaiia library not eatentlal. CAN PLACE good Drumm«. . ^ Um house thto vear has left nothlnc undone In fi- OOLUM, Maaagsf, Graad Opara Hanas, St. CMherla**, Oat, Caaada. Adam F'orepaugh, wbo la stopping at the honee this year, has left nothing undone In tbe way ef renovating tbe bouse, and the open¬ ing waa welcomed beartily.


The Tipperary Girls opened the season at the Star Theater, Toronto, Can., Anguat 6. Tbe show te new from eettinga to wardrobe and baa

-G. B. OOLUM, Maaagsf, Graad Opara Hanas, St. Cothartasa, Oat, Caaada. _Adam F\>repaugb, wbo la stopping at the Hotel Alamac, visited tbe aviation ataUon at

THE CO-OPERATIVE THEATRICAL BOOKING ASS*N the Inlet tbe other day, where be waa much In- ■Mfciwe Blah-Clam YandevUl* Attrartlma for Theatres. Pairs, Alrdomes, Parks, Clubs, etc. terested in Jaqnitb’s new Curtiss hydroplane.

414-421 MERCHANTS' BANK BLOB.. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Phaat, Main 4dS7. Blossom Seeley, who la spending tbe summer


THE ORIGINAL, SENSATIONAL SPIRIT PAINTING ACT I of Miss Grace T. Kelly, who Is visiting her a weU-taUnced cast of prlnclpaU and cboma. NOT A MAGIC ACT, OR AN ILLUSION. PURE MYBTENY. DEFIES DETECTION

Dave Vine, tbe peppery comedian, struggled NOVELTY. FULLY PROTECTED. hsHt te eetl.t«ie the *6# iDVlalM* Pplrtts pslnt Ufc-slar Paintings of High Art. patrtotic or auggeated sutajects. In full view of “ ' naro to entertain the crowds at the uayety, audience, nUhout any po^bl* explanatii>n. Pleases aU clasMt. A poaltive novelty. Read tluve-pag* or- Among the recent arrivals at the Hotel Tray- Detrolt, Angnet 0. after riding aU day and ocl* In Utarnt’* Muaatne, July. 1914. entitled Th# War the ORM At^mrr. iw Bwrtle Stead. Reliable more are Marc Klaw, Francis X. Bnshman and night to get there on time. He was ably aup- manager* only; othvr* aav* younelf twnble. RAY. 1. FINK, P. 0. Be* ISl. Raedlag, P*. Beverly Bayne.

A crabbing, party was given Tuesday In bonor NO ACT I of Miss Grace T. Kelly, who Is visiting her A BENBATIONAL brother. Walter C. Kelly, the Virginia Judge. . . . "bo la Bummering here, ts. In full view of eod three-page gr- Among the recent arrivals at tbe Hotel Tray-

ported by 7..neUa Temple. Under the clrcurn — Btancco the Beauty, Tooth and Folly Company

oonld not give their beat, bnt, witbal, th“y DamlfA were appreciated and given h hearty welcome.

Rube Bernstein, who opened the aeaaon yith *T mMXmT hU PolUee of Pleasure at the Gayety, MU- ————— wankee, Jnly 2S, ban<|u*led th* whole company A1 Lewis returned to Chicago after entcr- after tbe first performance, and It was aomo talnlng for ten ronaecntlv* week* In one of

MIm Beverly Bayne.

ment. At the prew>nt time Mr. Kennedy haa V*,,**^ tbe theatrical golf championship aafely tucked “T -way. and hope, to add other Unrela In Now ^ '

Mr. and Mr*. Henry Teat* (Nancy Royer).

___ That the Steeplechaae Pier make* no Idle boast In claiming to be Atlantic City’s "most

Gilbert Ixioee opened for tbe Sntllvan A popaitar funmaklng beadqnaetere’' bae been aiier in* nrsi perrormanre, ana ii waa aom.i mining ror ten conaecunv* wees* lu uiw —ki. __ . .. . -” --- — - apraad, with bla forty-two people aronnd the Minneapolis* leading cabarets. He haa secured v„iinw strikingly demonstrated during the past week hoard. Rnbe aoya bla cboma glrla aro the a new partner for a trip Into vaudeville. Some of the largest organlMtlon ex- hlgheat paid la tha bnslneaa, ranging from _ _ curalun* that come to Atlantic City during the 932 to m a week >. .. o. . i __»... scaaon have made their animal trip here within vee lo eon a waea. Moraan and Stuart ware alven contract* for n__ ___. . . .

Report* are that choras girls for bnriaaqn* u portion of the Loe showrs are career than ever. On* show left McVlckcr’a, after whlcl New Terk last week with only eight gtrls, and the Pan. Time In view, a number of others are but little better off. —

"Out damned spot" no doubt was the thought R. It. Knowles, whl

Morgan and Stuart ware given contract* for

le route lo loiiow. or t'KO. Some of the largest organlMtlon ex-

____ rnrsluns that come to Atlantic (^ty during the season have made their animal trip here within

Bern* and Leslie will shortly be ceen wrlth a the past week or ten day*, and In almost every M of the 5'“* vehicle, penned by Darby Aaronaon. an Instance have made the Steeplechase McVlcker a. after which they will return with author. The offering haa been arrangeu headiiuarters.

to be worked In on*, nslng a special drop.

R. ft. Knowles, white in this country, ap-

that filled th* minds of cboma girls rehearsing imlnted John H. W. Byrne American repre- Lawrence Grant, who played the principal at the Palace, Baltimore, last week, when they mmtatlve of the Starr Feature Company. Their chnracter In the .\rblter at McVlcker’*, will removed their tights nnd found that two-thirds crtlce Is Incatnl at 02 Charing Croa* Road, Lon ri'tiirn Fast for the purpose of producing a of th* fleshing* still stayed with them. It don, Knglsnd. They will handle all lines of few more sketches, was a rather warai evening, and the perapira- American films. _

Among those stopping at the Hotel Dunlop are Tyler Brooks, Georgie Mack. MIm .Mame

Lawrence Grant, who played the principal ’7”"’“" J''*';’;; chnracter In the .\rblter at MeVlcker’a. will

__-e_J . Wroth and sister.—K. BIVMl M'S Hie-TEB.

was a rather warai evening, and the peraplra-

tlon proved too mueh for the endnrane* of the American dyed tight*, and the dainty pink

COHAN REVUE OPENS Bortlc Ford haa aeverod hla oonnectlon with Lon Hoiisman. manager for Ctvlllaatlon, will

color waa well dlatrltaited over their nether Hlngllng Show to open In vandovllle. He In tlie oame capacity for the A. 11. Woods Atliuitic City, Aug 11.—The Coinii Ucvne oi extremetlea. It wss only after a lavish use of I'"" accepted n few weeks from the Assm-latlon I'rmlnetlon, Common Clay, which opens at tlie |„tu .s.nipnny oame ilewn from New York Satiir soap, hot water and lombblng brashea tliat the liefore going Hast. Iieralsteni ahade waa removed. It la considered a pretty light question now where they will lie Jmk Kennedy le able to get fleshings of a less ehaugeable dis Positloa.

liefore going Ksst. Olyniplc Augnat 27.

■ ■- "■ ment of one Jai k Kennedy left for New York Immediately Benny Tanger ha* a new comedy sketch writ looie to Hie

after finishing his date at tbe Majestic to ten hy Jack Burnett, entitled Th# Black Hand, iin iiidcrtntic

I dsy. Mid will o|ien here toniglit for an engiigc I ment of one week, after wlilcli tlio show will

iiKiie to tlie Griilid l)|H'rn House lu Chicago for

romprtf In th<« city cbamploniOilp golf tourna* I TUa caat will Include four pooplo* tlrnPy ttic Miiinr an la«t ucaatm.

In Repertoire LIAtlM WOMAN Pif muM AJArtw. ONliMrA. C


friendi her*. A eonpleta Mt of d«w trap* ha* been added to the orcheatra. Ttiomaa Wigglna

la presidlDf orer the aame.

Heavp ralna baTo fallen all through tbla ter- rltorj, and com and wheat look fine.

Dnder Arlaona Bklea made a big bit with the

people at Arnold.—BILL.

ditlon dniinclalljr, but inch doea not aeem to be tbe caM, aa tbe allow la doing a aplendid bnalneaa.

Mra. Sam Bright left for Cameron, Tex., laat wi>ek to xpend ber vacation with her mother, After which abe expocta to vlait aeveral rela- tlvea anil frlenda before returning to the ahow.

Mr. and Mra. Frank Barclay, formerly of tbe Bd C. Nutt Conieily I'layem, will join the ahow lit Border, Tex., next week. They come highly recommended, both aa dramatic and apecialty people.

The Four Copelanda, who bare been tbe vauderllle feature with the company for tbe paat twenty wceka, will cloac their engagement Anguat 12, and will return Raat to reenter vandeville. They leave the Fox Playem with mncli regret, aa they made many frlenda while on the ahow, and they will be aadly mlaaed.

Har«l Fox, leading woman, baa several new anngs and apecialtiea, which ahe ia putting orer nicely. Biie la winning mneh praiae for ber

* clever work.


Par. Addwaa, Tbo BMibaa^ OlailannW. RehearutU To Take Place in Detroit—Company Includes

Eighteen People, With a Band and Scenery


Will Stay Out Until October

touring Ne- Tbe Walter Bavidge Playera, braaka with tbe Bavidge Carnival Company, write that bnalneaa bolda up very good, and announcea that tbe ahow will not close until October 23. Tbe roater la: Oacar L. Prather, leads; Al C. Wilson, heavies; Dick Elliott,

Detroit, Mich., Ang. 12.—Tbe Nevinaon Playera start rehearsals at tbe Crane and Ker- cbeval rbeater in tbla city Monday, Angnat 21, and will open a week later. Tbe company will play aeveral dates In Michigan, after which it will tour tbrottgb Ohio and Indiana, where tbe show ia booked solid nntll Febmary. Charlie Kevlnaon, eenedlan and manager, will pnt on a few of his old favorite naoo^y-getteca, and la negotiating for four New York succeaaes, to be naed tbe coming season. Tbe company nambers eighteen people, Inclnding a band and orchestra, which is used aa an added attrac¬ tion. A great deal of scenery la carrlsd, which enablea tbe company to give a completu acenle prodnetion with each bill. Baker and Nevinaon are cunalderlng organising aeveral permanent stock comiianles, as they have offers to estab- Uab three companies ia bonses ia or near De¬ troit. Mr. Nevinaon says be believea la good, clean shows, and In giving dollar for dollar «alne.

comedian; Fiitx Adams, g< Henderson, general businesi characters; Kathryn Dale, characters; Anna Neilsen, Hardwick, general bostneas.

BUfie and Bonny Matthews




The Oiiglnnl Orawlord'a CooNdians ara play¬ ing fair datas throngh Kanaaa and MlaaonrI, and

write that bntlnaaa Is flair, bat aay a Uttla rata wwaU ba 9t mneh bslp, aa amay nf tbs peopis ds not cars to attend shows whan they are swsi> tsiiag In tbs besL Tbs company enrtlan n band at (onrteeo pieces and an srcNsatra of ssvtn. Tbs band la nndsr tbs lesdstshlp of Baymoad fjrawfbrd, while tbs orebsetra U dlrseted by Dave T. Stnmpa. Mr. Crawford baa played tbla jasM territory tor tbo past twalva yeara, and •aader favorable cenditlona bnalnooo wobM bo jrent, aa the company la a favorite. Tbo laoter dot Bayasond D. Crawflord, owner and manager; Deve Stempe, orebeetra loadar; Oordoa Baadl- ten, leadfl and otaga dliaetor; lack Taraon, Can. Bawlay. Dick Bama, Dan Millar, Dick Manalag.

Xkarles Booth, William Banaett, Bddla Bnrreao, Mra. B. D. Crawfwd, Mra, D. T. Stnmpa, Maa ■Hawley, Mlnale Worrell, Mre. Miner, Mnster dteper Crawford and Matter Bon B. Btampa. drive memboro of tbe bond ware leeently taken

4tnto the A. T, of M.

WANTED QUICK FDB WEFEItTOI BE-Cbmedlmi. Cborocter Man, Character Wemaa, Oencral Baatecm Man. All of tiMM aumt be young and do A-1 moelal- tloa Also young Lending Man. wbo can do one or two heoflm. tnd a young leodlng Woaun. Men that double brass given pwfercnco. Bobtisly. appears ace, ability and wardroba absolutely ementlsl, Boloiy must bs In keeping with the times, as it M anrt. Booaers tad diaonaalaen elooed srithout aotlea Be- heoisalo August ». MAJESTIC 8T0CX 00.. Bpitiw-


Now Has Company of Thirty Boaann Carter, leading woman with the Hnaann Carter Musicat Comedy Company, wae recently called to her home In Ontro, IlL, owing to tbe eerions lllneeo of ber mother, Mrs. M. J., Faimbaker. Mice Carter will remain with ber mother nntll the latter’s recovery le ssaured. On account of Manager Bush being unable to find some one to Oil MIse Carter’s pUce tbe show was cloaed.

Jesse Hlalr, manager of Blair’s Oomediana, playing throngh Texas, under canvas, writes that boalnesa has been good daring tbo eeason. A new Unaphone was recently porebaeed and Is proving of much valne as an advertising medium. Mr. Blair opened tbe show laat April with eighteen people, and atnee then has In¬ creased hie company to thirty members. Mans- fleld Ardla and wife Joined the ahow at Plain- view, TVx. Mr. Blair pnrehaaed a large tonr- ing car and ia now apendlng all bla spare time bnmlng np tbe roads. Tbe company moved Into Amarillo August 7, and business looks very promising.

Aa was predicted, bnaincaa at Nnmnor, Nab., | .wbem tbo big Cbantenqna row was ueovored, .was good. Tbe Satnrday night booas was one of tbo biggest ever seen In that town. It Is .nnnonncod that tbo committee on tbo nnanni Hnrveot Home picnic engaged Mr. Lewis for

tlie eeaoon of IDIT, and the Ohantanqna will be no more.

Ony Beach and wife started to

drive from Bnmner to Btapleton, b n t they got kwt in tbe

tend bills and we did not see thorn until noon Monday.

’The ladleo of tbo company gave n

luncheon In the

grove at Btapleton Tuesday.

Mr. Lewis donated

his tent to tbe ball

team Thursday, which was red let¬

ter day. They bad a ball game in tbe

afternoon, followed by a wrestling aMteb, held In the

week from Florence, Ala., to Paraemtid. Tbe

show was compelled to cancel aevaml ongage

irents owing to tbe recent heavy ralna tbrough

the Booth.

Ben Haaselman, tbe advance agent, was re rently presented with a diamond ring by Mr. Galvin, and tbe company preoentod him with n gold watch and chain in recognition of tbe splendid lerviees bo baa rendered tbo company.

Flo Wells, Florence May and Anna Ball joined tbe company at Tupelo, Mian., and Albert Cbnrcb joined at Ooiintb, Mies. With the now memboro the company nnmbem Sfty-two people.

Johnny and Irene Galvin are breaking In i new act, which tbey will call Hera Cornea tbe Bride. Tootsie Galvin will be featnred In tbe net ns the bride. Lew Hampton will also have a part In tbe act.

Ernest Ingall and Irene Galvin ni« presenting tbelr whirlwind dance, and are patting tbe specialty over nicely.

Janies A. Galvin, owner of tbo company, Myc be te well pleased with tbo baolnooo the obow lo doing, and oxpecto to have a long, prooperoas


Bweetwater, Tex., Ang. 11.—The show Is in Its second week at Sweetwater, and business holds np good. This town proved n most pleas¬ ant surprise, as It was said to be in bad con-

Chas. F. Pooty

Fifteen Tears Without Closing

Pir. Milriss, Box 171, Salpknr Spriiis, Ttxis

WANTED DRAMATIC PEOPLE In all LINES CNARACTER and QENERAL BUQINEBB HAN. donbltng CORNET In Band; TWO CLARINETB one ui double PIANO: TROHDONE, B. A O., er deuMo PtAHO: FROPERTY HAN, to oupetintend loodlng and unloodlns car; two good CoBvaonen, Week stands, pay own boteL Tear-round work. HUL* BERRY, Kansas, week August 14; sTur that PITTSBURG, Ksnsaa, raio OMWval DeUvety. CLIFF “PETE" CWAN, Naaagm.

Everybody Is reported wall and bnfVF oo kbow.—A. H. MdADAMB.


Ksniucky Theatre, Pidicih, K|, 8 bills s wssk—no opposition. Address


Ttic Lanshnw Flayors, playing tkrongk Michi¬ gan, under canvas, write that white tba show la not doing n tnmnway bnalnana, It te flair, and tbe acconnt stands on the right akte of tbe ledger. Manager Ijanshsw says bo will clooe bis canvas theater Heptember 1, after which be will play fslr dates In thoatoro. Tkn tMler lo: O. J, Lanshaw, owner and niansgnr; L. J. GouM, James Hhadrirk, Benfort %•. OIckooa, Frank Cnllahan. V. P. Chapman, MmlP Ateyne Overttt, Marlon Aabley, Boolitoo BaBte, Mssmts

The Princess Stock Company I Olwoipe and Master Ubaupe.

AUGUST 19, 1916.


lOoBtt—< frea pac* SI |

Ocmbojr*' Bsr«back Backtnc

Vim, Itafw RoUra, Olamnors, Ok.,'

Second. Jack FMts, Wentwortb, Col., 9760. I

nUrd, Claud Amea, Qiaichen, Cal., 9600. I

(Vnirth, Leonard Strond, Clarka* vUle, Tex., 9950. I

k'lfth, JeHoe StaM. Salinait, CaL, 9125. I

Cowboya’ Trick and Fancy Roping: | Flmu Cheater A. Byeie, Mnlball, i

Ok., 9750 and Billboard Silver Trophy Cup.

Second, Bee Ho Oray, Cblckaaba, Ok., 6500.

Third, Trx McLeod, Gonxalea, Tex., 9250.

Fourth, Tommy KIman, El Paao, Tex.. 212.5.

nrth, John J. Garrett, MnlhaU, Ok,, 675.

Sixth, Jolinny Judd, Foncs City, Ok., 650.

CowboyH* Relay Racea: Ftmt, Bob Llehe. Cheyenne, W'y.,

61.500 and Santa Fe Railroad Sliver Cup.

Second, Dwight Zedlker, Alliance, Veb.. 61.000.

Third, Roy Klvett, Cheyenne, Wy., 6750.

Fourth, Charloa .Aldridge, Hugo, Col., 6500.

Fifth, Harry Waltera, Mezla, Tex., 6250.

t'owboys’ Trick Riding: IMrst. liconard Stroud. Clarksville,

Tex., 6750. Sei’ond. Tommy Ktman. El Paso,

Tex., 6500. TIUrd, l-loyd Irwin, Cheyenne, Wy.,


Fourth, Harry Walters, Mexla, Tex., 6125.

Fifth, Scout Malsh, Tulsa. Ok^ 675. Cowboys* Steer Roping Contest: First, Henry Grammer, Kaw City,

Ok.. 61.000. .Second. Fred Beeson,' Arkansas City,

Kan., 6800. Third. John Murrah, Lakewood.

N. M., 6600. Fourth, Clay .McGonnagW, .Animas.

N. M., 6400. Fifth, Bert W’ler, Monument, N. M,.


Sixth, CharUe W’ler, Monument, N. M.. 6100.

Cowgirls* Relay Race: First, Helen Malsh, Cheyenne, W’y.,

61.000 and Denver Post Trophy Cup. .Second. Frances Irwin, Cheyenne,

Wy.. 6750.

Third. Fenny Sperry*8teele, .Mitchell. Mont., 609a

Fourth, Edith Irwin, Cheyenne, Wy., 6250.

Fifth. Ollle Osborn, Union, Ore., 6125.

Cowglrt*a Bucking Contest Slick: Tiliie Baldwin, Pendleton, Ore.,


Cowgirls* Trick Riding Contest: First, TUIle Baldwin, Pendleton,

Ore.. 6500.

i^ocond. Bee Kiman, El Paso, Tex., 6400.

Third. lAttle A'andrean, Demlng, N. M. , 6S50.

Fourth. Peggy Warren, Victor. Mont.. 6200.

Cowglrts* Trick Roping: First, Flores La Due, Montevideo,

Minn., 6500.

Second, ' Lucille MnlhaU, MnlhaU, Ok., 6400.

Third. Emily McLeod. Gonsales, Tex., 6600.

Fourth, Frances Irwin, Cheyenne, Wy., 6200.

Cowgirls’ Bncking Horse Contest, Hobbled:

First. Prarte IJIlie Allen, I4M Vegas, N. M.. 6000.

StHsnid. IjouIsc Thniii|isoii Medicine Bow, Wy., 6400.


Kansas City, Mo

Guess you all remember me at the Stampede.

Well, we had a good time, didn’t we?





STAMPEDE Soma open time for State Pain, etc. Addran TULSA, OKLA.



^ Third, Elolso Fox Hastings, Sacra* mento, Cal., 9200.

I Names of Judges Bncking Hovaa Riding Judges: Charles Sutton, Den* ver, C’ol.; Henry Oranuner, Maw CMy, Ok.; Jolm Franklin, .ArdenvtUe, Al* berta, Can.

I Timers—thune Contests: Hon. A. J. McLain, Edmonton, Canada} Oeagga Lane, Calgary, Can.; Janies Fnller, Taber, Can.

I The Tie Judge: Joe Knight, Dewey, Ok.

Starter: A. Flemming, High Rhrer, .Alberta, Can.

A. P. Day, Medldne Hat, Can. Trick Riding Judges: Charles 8nt*

ton, Denver, Col.; A. P. Day, Medldne Hat, Can.; Henry Grammer, Kaw City, Ok.

I As we go to press all the backers and principals were caucu.sing in an endeavor to save the prize money for the winners.

Weadick was working like a demon to this end.

As fast as one recourse was ex¬ hausted he dug up another.

He battered down opposition like a seventeen-inch gun and may be counted upon to fight desperately in the interests of the contestants to the bitter end.

The outlook at this writing is not bright.


Guy Weadick put it acroaa id hU maaterly way.

The Stampede waa and is a teal contest that

fulfllled every promise that Goy made to the

Sbeepshtad Bay Speedway offlcials who flnaneed

the colossal uDdertakloy. Not only was it • socceas as a contest, but also ns • tboroegiily American reproduction of Western art and

realism. At first nnbelievlng New Tork threatened 10

take slowly to It, but, despite Itaelf, the me¬

tropolis fell more for it day by day. nntll tbe

Saturday matime crowd surpassed in nnaiber

even the most rash estimate of wbat would

turn tbrongb the tumetilec. And bow tbe

spectators did wboop them up. The ebrlUest

cries of tbe cowboy and cowgirl imBteetanta

were forever stilled into insigniftcance by tbe

I spectators. New Tork woke up and displayed

a type of unbounded enthusiasm heretofore only

exhibited at World’s Heiiee Polo Ground games,

i To Guy belongs this ex traordlnany honor, ana

I the distinguished visitors! They ranged from ex-l’resldents to broncho bustera now working

i In the war-horse corrals of New Tork hsrbor—

Isit Mg or small, rich or pf>cr, they were there

strong. Theodore Roosevelt was there shouting

like a yonngstec, congmtulatlng the winning

contestants personally. 80 was Mayor Mitchel,

of New Tork; Mayor Dahlman, af Oaaaba, Neb.,

’ and aeveral of hia tientenants; Wm. Randolph

Uearat, Ixsils K. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Vic

. Cooke. Mayer lioMman, Manhattan’s Public

i Defcndc.'; George Uegnon, Wm. Walker, of i Thermos fame; Prince Trottbetskoy. noted Rua-

nian sculptor; Will Rogers, Pied Htooe, R. C.

CarUsle. George Smith, of Denver Lillle-Tam-

I men history, and several hundred motv paid

homage from the visitors' galleries la tbe press

stand. .Vnd they all whooped 'em np. too.

throughont the week.

The excitement waa aided and abetted by

many aocldeata to contestants, bnt none proved

fatal Incktly, though ooe, George Rose, a movie

cowboy, was badly hurt with a scalp wound by

being thrown from a brook. At first be was

thought to have sustained a fractured skull, but

according to latest reports is recovering. Others

serloiisly enough hurt to demand confinement in

tbe S|ieedway field hospital Included John R.

MeSpaddon (Panama Kid), Ed Lindsay, Art

Acord, lingh StrlckUnd, Fred Wilsoo, Harry

Walters, Bill Steele, Howard Lemmons, Jack

Morrissey, Little Tommy Kieman, Dick Horn-

buckle, Fanny Sperry-Steele and Dorothy Mor¬

rell. Game little Dorothy, still none too cured

of tbe broken leg she sustained last year, waa

painfully hurt today in the same ligament.

Howard Lemonds showed a full quota of grit,

too. Two days before the Stampede opened he

was run over by an automobile, which battered

In several frontal ribs of his chest. Notwith¬

standing, he entered tbe arena for every event

in which Im- was listed. On one ooraslon be

was thrown on Ms face and lacerated his left

Jaw. Tour stiti’hes wa-re sewn on the inner

HUrfK-e. hilt his fa.-e was distorted, bruised and

I (Continued on page 3Sl)

11 Xtie Billboard AUGUST IS, ISIS.



Winner of the Three Largest Monies Ever Offered:



J 1 '


Calgary Stampede, 1912 Winnipeg Stampede, 1913 New York Stampede, 1916

AT lImRTY Permanent Address, The Billboard, Chicago



BRONCK RIDING, STEER RIDING AND ROPING Will Consider Motion Picture Engagement











Xtie Blllboa august is, ItM.




Walter Whitnei J. H. Strickland m m


WINNINGS AT STAMPEDE First—Day Money Bucking Norse. Second—Day Money Bare Back. First—Wild Horse Race. Second—In 2nd Wild Horse Race. Third—Right Shirt Race. Also Money in Steer and Bull Contests.


Rise Nofderof Soathwest Championship for Last 4 Years.




Who Took 2nd Money at The STAMPEDE for


1st Money for

BACKWARB RIBING Holds tko Chaiapioisliip of Eastoni OrcRon

for BaokNard RidiiR



Bronek and BulMoRging; at “THE STAMPEBE” Signed to play with Douglaa Fairbanka In a fertheoming Triangle Feature I

I AUOU«T 19, 4919.


Winner of the World’s Championship All Around Motion Picture Cow Girl Riding Bucking Horses at “The Stampede”



IMIotion Picture Rider Permanent Address, Care G. C. WHARTON, Guttenberg, New Jersey



Hon. Theodore Roosevelt personally complimented Mr. Lemonds on his performance. Mr. Roose¬ velt said to him that **we still have good men in the U. S.*'



“THE STAMPEDE” Fair Managers and Fair Secretaries desiring to secure a Real Novelty for Faira or Carnivals, address pESSE STAHL, Salinas, Cal.

AVI7D6 companiei In other locnlitles <ult for a atook organlaatlon to present In a RnDlPlO I LA 1 LKd will meet with the name reaulta, though It has xliort suiniiicr s4>a»on two plays entirely new to

•»®«" proTcn that the colored perfonnera are a community, two weeka in auceeaaion. That PROLUNu SLAM*” "®* cap*blc of putting on a good production and ia the plan of the Glaser Company. The Other

(*arrylng It orer to sueceaa. Wife Is scheduled for next week, a play which - The Colonial Theater, North Eutaw street, has never been produced In this city. The

was the scene of the Baltimore negro stock other Wife was presented earlier In the sum- EnffAffement in Toronto !• So inception and demise. The house had been nier In Detroit by Mr. Glaser and proved a big

w _ . tn cinaiov Amtia^ment rorDoratlon. snccesa. Far CourtneT. leading woman with - - - . Ql . leased to the Quality Amnaement Corporation, success. Fay Courtney, leading woman with || Succostful Thftt Plnns Aro >fi,e price had been selected as the opening the compsny. Is scoring nicely In the role of

pi s_w:|| Stww (or production to run the entire week. It was at Itnth and Is making many friends In this city ^nnnjCQ tTIII Juncture that the folk living In and not only through her clever work on the stage,

on Indofinito Run around Eutaw street got busy with the book, but also through her charming personality. Insisting that no negro company would be per- -

- mitted to remain at the Colonial. A delegation UNCLE TOM’S CABIN AGAIN ’TU h akins convinced the Building Inspector and the Mayor, -

Toronto. Out., Aug. 12.—The record^ureMing addition to others, that the company was Trenton, N. J., Aug. 12.—The 8t. CUlre season of the Koblns Places at * _ , not wanted for various reasons, and the Colonial stock Company, beaded by Winifred Bt. Claire, Alexandra Theater, In this city. Induces w. henceforth, ordered closed nnUl further i. presenting at the Trent Theater this week Soloman. bmse manager, to prolong the e«age- faiorlte drama. Cncle Tom’s Cabin, and ment of the company. When Edward H. attended. Miss Bt. Claire WAS cmlled to New York * cnAAT STOCK NOTES sieter, NoU, are creatiDf macb faror- not only for a conference ^th * ‘ . _ able comment with a song and dance specialty managers, but also at tte es o Columbia Stock Company, at the Colum- at each performance. Winifred St. CUlre U cast man. wlm wlrt^. p,, Thester, Ban Pranclsco. Cal., ia pUylng to as Topsy, and U handling the part In a manner sncceas *^** **” ““*“” , remain over kood business. The cast U headed by Henry which brings her hearty appUuse. Julian NoU pany In m Ust tw . Miller. The company recently nnUhed a two is essaying the part of Uncle Tom. and be U beyond ^ time a p • gj,„be,ts week’s run In 'The Great Divide, a pUy which a most convincing character. Paul LaGuerre tract. Mr. Bolmnan u.e, with much approval. U cast as Simon Degree and he pUys the part „ „ , ^ to adjust their *“• *n.e AIc.«r Bt^k Company. pUylng at the well. ClilTord Mack makes an ideal Lawyer pUyers might remain e ^ .p# Alcasar Theater, Ban FrancUco, Cal., under Marks. The balance of the cast Includes p. , , **** *** picture, all

The Commuters U ng P™ .ttMdance the management of George H. DavU, presented Frances Woodbury, Bertha Allen, NoU St. Royal Alexandra ths wee . a e Marriage Game for last week’s attraction, CUlre, William Mortimer, Lawrence Arnsman Ethel Wright will leave week of August 13 is big at each performance. another week owing and Bennett Mercer. All are splendidly cast -Moines, where she will shortly begin a

--- to the success It mit with. The Company U and are pUylng their parts well. stock engagement. .She will oi>en early In I Bl aX/BDC T<1nn,1 an^' FnpraaV StsnleT. _ _ ■ September.

itice. the old favorite drama, CncU Tom’s Cabin, and - the play is being well attended. Miss Bt. CUlre

STOCK NOTES sister, NoU, are creating much favor- _ able comment with a song and dance specially

The Columbia Stock Company, at the Colum- at each performance. Winifred St. CUlre U cast

W. o. MeWATTERS e ... - leadiwo man FraaklU Thsatrs, _ . Saginaw, Mleh,


_ Ed C. Mutt's CsMsdy Playtrs (Sauthsra).


Crswa Thsatar. TaUda, Okla.


_ With tha Nutt CaaMdy Plaiftrs.


Harry Sbaanon’s Attractions ROSCOE VAN TUYL

. JUVENILE LEADS .. V—... » v—. Par- Addrsst. 79S DaHa Avs.. Clsslaaatl. Okla.

r MOHTE WILKS Tom. and be la _ , _ —_ JUTEOllC, MlltOO Ora Paul LaGuerre - cx:iiusw

- pUys the part I ^ , 1 ideal Lawyer with vandeville. a picture ■rhe Alcazar Stock Company. pUylng at the well. ClilTord Mack makes an ideal Lawyer “ ", . 'i!

.Icaiar Theater, Ban FrancUco. Cal., under Marks. The balance of the cast Includes P*'*"'’®. coinbiaed in one show.

Ethel Wright will leave week of August 13

POLI PLAYERS headed by Adele Blood and Forrest SUnUy. The Orpheum Stock Company, at the Or-

pheum Theater. Oakland, Cal., U presenting for this week’s offeriug Sadie Love. Manager

CONVERTED TO STOCK . The Orpheum Stock Company, at the Or- CONVERTED TO STOCK University PUyers, formed several years . u ^ . phenm Theater, Oakland, Cal., U presenting _ ago to gi\e interesting and unusual plays in

CloSS SsNSOn in riarttord week’s offering Sadie Love. Manager York, Aug. 12._Ivan Miller, recently "Pvn. will be revived next season for a ■ Ebey glvei bis patrons a little vandeville. pic- l„uU Mann, is to head the Lowell (Mass.) ****' Eastern universities. Edith Itnii

Hartford, Conn., Aug. 12.—The Poll PUyers tnre.s and stock during the summer months. company this winter, and Godfrey Mat- ‘^“•P'* ** scheduled to play with them, .si.e are in Ibelr farewell week of summer stock. Outcast was the attraction at the Morosco ^ Sixes, will lead the ®!"^‘*llent work In England aud the with NeU Towney’s The Bluff Game as the Theater. I.o# Angeles, Cal., last week, pre- (Mass.) organization. Frank Wilcox will L’nlted SUtes. Lual prodnctloD. The company will close the M-nted by the Morosco Stock (Company. play leads at Worcester. Walter Richard Charles Compton U-gins a short stock seasou season tonight. Owing to lllnesa of James Fnrty-flve Minutes From Brosdway waa the p^ndle the principal roles at Scranton, next week. In January he is to have a leading Crane, who was cast for the leading part, Mr. attraction at the Victory Theater. San Jose. John Lltel will be the leading man at part in a play to be produced in New York. Towiiey was called upon to pUy I*"* J’"'**'’ Halifax. Alfred Swenson wiU pUy the lends lone i(ag:ane. leading woman of the Baldwin Lawyer Dalton, in hU own farce. The Poll Redmond. The play was the Unit musical wilkea-Barre. Players, in Dnlutb alwaysTeLf h.mJ HmH. 2 PUyer. handled their parU weU. and even comedy to be produced In San Jose thU season. _ ^ engagement A httel is n^-er like Manager Elmore waa in the cast.-b.b.b.ob .s. b... .-.-l. home, said Miss Magrane. no matter he- ..

Bernavd Daly, the Irish tenor, cloaed hU en¬ gagement with the PoU PUyera. and was given a farewell party by his friends, who presented him with a diamond ring and a gold-headed


To Take Out Road Show for Poll


Duluth, Minn., Aug. 12.—The Baldwin PUy-

lone Jlag-.-auc, leading woman of the Baldwin Players, in Duluth, always keeps house duriug a stoi-k engagement. A hotel is never like liome. said Miss Magrane, no matter bow com¬ fortable it may be.

The Deuthitt-Wilsou Company terminates its ers scored heavily this week in The Lost Para- engagement at the Princess Theater, Youngs- dlse, the bill being presented by the company town, O., ruturday, Angust 12. The company

Harry Hollingsworth, a former leading man | Hartford. Conn., Aug. 12.—George J. Kl- at the Lyceum Theater. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin. Ims played a most successful engagement of with the Poll PUyers,' has finished an engage- more, manager of S. Z. Poll’s stock boose In Jr., Lolita Lamb and Eugene Shakespeare pro- hftecn weeks at the Princess, ment with the Vitagrapb Company In New this city, which closes the stodc season to- vide the comedy for the pUy, and they keep At the opening of the Olympic Park Com- York City, and has opened with the Morosco night, will be manager of Poll’s road show, the andience in a state of merriment throughout pany, Newark, N. J.. July at. Carrie Key-

Stock Company at Loa Angeles, CUl., In the ’fhe Old Homestead, which opens September 4 the bllL Mr. Baldwin appeared aa Bob Apple nolds, recently of the Blue Envelo(ie, made her Burbank Theater. '*’* International Circuit. Altbongb Identified ton and won much praise for bis clever work, initial appearance ns a leadir.g prima donna

Fayette Perry, the clever little Ingenue with for many years with vaudeville theaters, this Geraldine BUlr, in the part of Polly Fletcher, The opening bill was Mary’s Lamb, which was the Poll PUyers for one season, has been signed will be the first dramatic road show that Mr. was a success and waa warmly received. Re- followed by The Girl From Utah. Miss Rey- for Blanche Ring's company in Broadway and Poll has put out. The company will have an gatU week will be observed at the Lyceum next nolds is supp-trled by Forrest Huff, Robinson Bntterroilk at the Maxine Elliott Theater, New exceptionally strong cast. York. . -

week, and Mr. Baldwin has selected a lively Newbohl, Eileen Castles and other capable ctnnedy. Going Some, as the offering. The play performers.


Canton, O., August 12.—The Billy Allen Mu¬ sical Comedy Company, which U filling a six weeks’ engagement at Myers Lake Theater jU


Make Good in The Big Idea

Rochester, N. Y.. Aug. 12.—For the first time

U fnll of college comedy. 3’he theater will be decorated with boat club colors.

weeas (Dgagemeni Bl ' to this city, and with special permission of The Denham Theater Stock Company, Denver, if the sh: this city, U P'y'n* t® Cohan A Harrla. The Big Idea is being pre- Col., presented for last week’s attraction In their boat.


The Denham Theater Stock Company, Denver,

Dudley Ayres and his wife. IsaU-Ile Fletcher, are motoring by water from Portland, Me., to New York, in the family launch, Isabelle, after having completed a successful 8.'uson at the head of the Keith Stock Company. Th'-v expect to arrive in New York in a few da>s If the sharks don’t bite the bottom out of

(-oinpany was met with a e r y sented this week at the Temple Theater by the Old Kentucky, llie biU was well received, and Many Imiuirles h Its return here. An » ooenlng bill Te-nple Players, under the management of Ed the company won much praise for the splendid gard to the reU- edles Is presented w^kiy. i e pe g Renton, and headed by Grace Huff and Forest stage settings and the excellent work of the tionship existing be-

it rV k in leading role^^^^ The play is bnilt along the lines of a pUy performers. tween Winifred St. ThrisU o^snlce was the attraction and proved • P'sr. s"*! ‘s suprislngly original In The Dollar Mark was the offering last week Claire, appearing at

bU hit TTie principals Include Billy "'** ‘“I® Gs confidence at the Orpheum Theater, Seattle, Wash. A the Trent Theater, Allen** Lew Nadrn I>?w Petel Charles Pullen. ''®‘* lx»bllj’ «"k* It* sympathy. The play opens good attendance waa recorded during the week. Trenton, N. J., and niff Hyde, Foldie O’Neil. Anatln OoeU. Nina with.a scone played in darkness Iwtween father Orpheum Stock Company, playing at the Claire, Seamana. Aurelia Clark. Fae Duffy. Vernon Bea- ®®"’ which the fonn" * Orpheum Theater. Quincy, ill., under the man- ^*’® ** ter, musical director; Hal Klter, bualnesa man- •'"* ••‘‘•'O money from the bank of which he Is oj Ed Williams, scored a big hit last Taylor Opera ager- Harry Clark advance, agent; Charles Pul- prv'Uvnt iu order to meet an unexpected note. Butterfiy. Mr. Williams len, master mechanic, and Sam Bratchl. elec- '■ ‘'"**""‘"'’7 * *’**^*’ Aimy of the Circus for this week’s bill.

. , th«» tafifflon are utmlghtened oot and eTeryone ^ . nounced that there Is happy as the eurtain goes down on the last Sto^ Company, playing at the j, ^ relationship

- a. t. • Grace Huff and Forest Orr are excep- presented whatever, merely a REVIVES THE RUNAWAY ,i„nally well east In the bill and are warmly ®"*®*** !•« week a offering, and the play coincidence of names

Many inijuiries have been made

Geraldine Blair

REVIVES THE RUNAWAY .. ... .... .... - received at eaeh performance. ^ P®P“ er- ,i,d profession.

Detroit, Mich., Aug. 12.—The Bonstelle _ Chrystal Herne returned to New York last The Colonial Stock Stock Ciompany, headed by Jessie Bonstelle. week after a tour to the Pacific Coast. She Company, under the playing at the Garrick Theater In this city. Is YELLOW TICKET SCORES appe.ired in stock companies in St. Louis, management of Ray offering for this week's attraction The Run- - D«>nver and San Francisco, After leaving San C!om*tock, is pre- away, and the bill la proving a big hit. The (V>Iorado Springs. Col., Ang. 12.—The Barns Francisco she made a tour of the Northwest senting for this play was presented previously by the Bonstelle pi.ayers are presenting The Yellow Ticket at with her hnsband, Harold S. Pollard, an edi- week’s attraction at

received at each performance.


and profession. The Colonial Stock

Company In this city in 1013, and a huge sue- I the Burns Theater this week. Eva Dennison. I toriat writer. leading woman of the company. Is playing the

the Colonial Theater, cess at that time. leading woman of the company. Is pUylng the xed Dailey, owner and manager of the Ted O.. The - part of Mary Varenka in a most capable man-, s,ock Company, la enjoying a vacation *® H^PPlness. MPARn IkTOrM ®' •udleo-e pu family In their cottage at Spring “

throughout the play. Malcolm Duncan, who U jilch. Spring I-ake tn the past few - pUylng the role of the American newspaper has become the snmroer rendexvoos for a ™"’

CIOMd Up In Baltimor* man. U sharing honors with Miss Dennison. „rgo number of theatrical folks, and several Wakeman . - - boaU from the acton’ colony are always among ^

The flnt attempt to establish permanent GLASER’S NOVEL METHODS the contestants In the weekly beet nces. Mr. ^ stack with negro pUyen has met with sudden - Dailey will have two companies pUylng per- .he oro- and derided fallun. Rochester. N. Y.. Aug. 12.—AUng Came stock thU coming season, both opening of Ronnie

Baltlmon has set her foot firmly down on Ruth, aa presented thU week by the Vaagbu L«bor Day. which will bo pro^ the negro stock company, not o'von giving the GUsor Stork Company st the Avon Theater. Msaagere of tboatero all over the coantry seated In Rochester, oompany a chance to oxhIWt say ThospUn was a revcUtluo to the andiencea which at- wUl have a chance tn show their patrons a N. Y.. In the near ability. Henee, It U likely .that offarts te I tended the performoacea. It woaM oaem dlS- novnl aatortalnaaeat asxt argaon ia The MevW future.*

man, U sharing honors with Miss Dennison.


Keith Wakeman and Lncllle La Verne have been specially engaged by Vaughn GUser for the pro¬ duction of Ronnie, which will bo pro-

Mh* tUIr It Utsaes with ths BaMsrU Floytrt,

OsWIi. MUa.

18 Ttie Billboard AUQurr It, itit.


Hum mS M4nm. AkSmUtlM.

BOSTOV, MASS. Boston Tboatrtcal nod Lrcoam Bnreau. (btAlb)

83 Coart ot.; Mta. Kd Kel!r, m(r. Boston United Booking OIBces, Inc. (nbo)

Keltb's Bljoa, Arcade Bldg. Hutcbln's BMking Otilce . (bbo)

32 Trsntont sL lioew, Marcos, Booking Agencjr. (losw)

1T8 Trcmont st.; Trcd Msrdo, mgr. Paragon Booking oaess . (pbo)

280 Tremont st.; W, H. Wolffe, mgt. Qnigisr's Tbester Agsnc/ . (Sta)

184 Bojlston st.

BVITALO. X. T. McMsbon A Dee Circuit. (mAd)

883 Washington sL Son, 0ns, Booking Bzcbange. (NS)

728 Brisbane Bldg.; J. W. Todd, mgr. VandcTlIle Booking Bnresn. (rbb)

1888 Main st.; Jss. W. Doncsn, mgr. OKIOAOO. Tf.T..

AfflUsted Booking Co. (sAc).(ollUiat* 808 BepubUc Bldg.; J. i. Nash, mgr. od)

Armstrong's Amusement Exchange.... (nos) 88 W. Uandolph st.

Bsmes, P. M., Inc. (be) North American Bldg.

BntterSeld Circuit .(batter- Majestic Theater Bldg.; W. B. But- Sold) terfleld, mgr.

Buchanan Booking Agencg. (bbn) Bnites 38-39. 112 N. La Balls st.; Wm. K. But hsnsn, prop.

CarreU’s Theatrical Agency.(earteU) Bolts 1018 Consumers’ Bldg.; 0. L. Carrell. gen. mgr.

(ktlored Consolidated Vsnde. Exchange, (cere) 8101 8. BUU st.; Martin Klein, mgr.

Doutrlck’s Theatrical Exchange. (dte) 108 N. La Balls at.; Larlgne A Lang- ner, props.

Plnn-Helmsn Circuit. (f-bc) Majestic Theater Bldg.; Bam Kahl, manager.

nupstrick. McElroy Co. (fme) 118 North La Balls st.

F\iUer*s Theaters and Vanderllle, Ltd. (Australia A New Zealand).(fuller) Majestic Theater Bldg.; Roy D. Mur¬ phy, U. 8. Rep.

Interstate Amusement Co. (tee) Majestic Theater Bldg.

Jones, LInIck A Schaefer Circuit. (JIAs) 86 8. State st.

Lnew’s, Marcus, Western Booking Agency (loew) 36 B. State at.

Pantaeea Circuit of Theaters. (pent) 36 B. Btste st.; J. C. Mathews, mgr.

Redpsth Lyceum Bureau. (rib) 67 E. Jackson bird.

The Booking Agencies Nome sad Address. Abbrevlstlea.

Bobinson Amusement Corporation. (rsc) 818 Consumers* Bldg.; Ethel Robinson, manager.

Standard Booking Association. (sba) (Vanderllle, Burlesque and Musical Comedy), Auditorium Bldg.; Uerbert Walters, mgr,

Bbeldon’e Theatrical Booking Agency,. (stb) 121 N. CUrk st.

BuHlTan A Consldlne Circuit. (sAc) Republic Bldg.

Thlelen Circuit.(wrma) Majestic Theater Bldg.; Frank Thle¬ len, gen. mgr.

United Booking Assn. (ubs) 118 N. La Balls st.; J. E. Irrlng, mgr.

United Booking Oflices. (nbo) (Orphenm Circuit), Majestic Theater Bldg.; 0, 8. Humphrey, mgr.

United Fairs Booking Association. (ufba) 802 Schiller Bldg.; E. F. Carruthers, mgr.

Webster, Oeo., Circuit . (wc) Delaware Bldg.; Oeo. Webster, mgr.

Western Vanderllle Managers' Assn.(wrma) Majestic Theater Bldg.

DAZXA8, TEX, Interstate Amusement Co. (Inter)

Automatic Telephone Bldg.; Axby A. Obontesn, Jr., gen. mgr.

DEXTER, OOL. Jacobs, Charles, Theatrical OIBces.(jscohs)

931 Sixteenth st. DEB X0IXE8, lA.

Midland Lyceum Bureau. (mib) Fleming Bldg,

IXDIAXAP0U8, IXD. Co-Operatlre Theatrical Booking Assn, (ctba)

Merchants’ Bank Bldg.; E. H. Eagles- ton, mgr,

XAVSA8 CTTT, MO. Consolidated Booking OtBces. (cbo)

1120 Orsnd are. Mackinson’s, Al, Theatrical Exchange., (mte)

1128 Grand are. Southwestern Vanderlle Managers’ Assn..(arms)

1125 Grand are.

MILWAUKEE, WIS. Alhambra Theatrical Exchange. (ate)

211 Alhambra Bldg.; E. D. Siegel, mgr.

MIKXEAFOLIS, MINN. Consolidated Rooking OlUccs. (cbo) . .6.16 Boston Bldg.

HaoM and Addross. AbMerlotlea.


Brennan’s Booking Agency . (bba) 426-27 Audubon Bldg,


Aarons Associated Theaters . (oat) Beatrice Bernstein, mgr., 214 W, 42d st.

Amalgamated Vanderllle Agency (Moss A Prudential Circuits) . (ara) 729 Seronth are.

American Burlesque Assn. (A. B. Circuit) (sbc) 1647 Broadway; Cbas. E. Barton, mgr.

Brady, Thomas, Inc. (brady) 1647 Broadway.

Byrne A Kirby Circuit. (bAk) 1496 Broadway,

Casey A Allen Baioklng Agency. (cdka) 46tb and Broadway.

(nsreUDd-Fidellty Booking Service. (cfbs) 1402 Broadway.

Columbia Burlesque Circuit. (col) Columbia Theater Bldg.

Eastern Theater Managers’ Association (Vauderille and Dramatic) . (etma) 1476 Broadway; 0. O. Tennis, mgr.

Felber A Shea . (fAs) 1403 Broadway.

Fox, Wm. (fox) 180 W. 46tb st.

Interstate Amusement Co. (Inter) Palace Theater Bldg.; Cecilia Bloom, mgr.

Knickerbocker Theatrical Enterprises... (kte) Gaiety Theater Bldg.

Loew, The Marcus, Booking Agency,., (loew) Putnam Bldg,

Metropolitan Musical Bnrean . (mmb) Aeolian Hall.

Ohio Circuit Co. (occ) 1400 Broadway.

Orphenm (Mrcult . (orpb) Palace Theater Bldg.

Bels Circuit Co. (rec) 1400 Broadway.

Sbeedy Vaudeville Agency, Inc, (Sbeedy Circuit) . (sva) 1440 Broadway.

Sontbem Theater Circuit . (etc) 1472 Broadway; Chas. A. Bnrt, prop.

Thornton, A., Vaudeville Agency. (tvs) Gaiety Theater Bldg.

United Booking Offices (B. F. Keith’s Circuit) . (nbo) Palace Theater Bldg.

Hooie asd Addrses. AbbreriatlN.

U. 8. Vaodevllle Managers’ Association, (norma) Strand Theater Bldg.; Walter J. PUm- mer, general booking manager.

OKLAHOMA CITY, OX. Oonsolldatod Booking Offices . (cbo)

Berskowits Bldg. Frankel Bros.’ Vaadsvllle Circuit. (fbrc)

820 Baltimore Bldg.

OBWXOO, X. Y. Oilmore Amnoement Booking Office.... (gnbo)

OMAHA, XEE, Gate City Tbeatrical Excbange. (S>te)

826-828 Nerllle Block.

PHILADELPHIA Churchill’s Philadelphia Booking OfficM. (cpbo)

915 Commonwealth Trust Bldg. Consolidated Booking Offices . (cbo)

403-404 Parkway Bldg.; R. H. Oese, mgr.

Heller Circuit . (be) 1110 Cbeetnnt a;.

Mlgone, Frank, Vaudeville Circuit. (mre) 609 Parkway Bldg.

PITTSBURO, PA. Royer Vauderille Circuit. (rre)

239 Fourth are. Bun, 0ns, Booking Exchange, Inc. (su)

Academy Theater Bldg.; A. W. Jones, mgr.

ROCHESTER, X. Y. Rochester Tbeatrical Excbange (Inc.).. (rte)

03 State st.

BAX PRAXaSOO, CAL. Lerey, Bert, Circuit. (lerey)

Aleatar Theater Bldg. Western States Vaudeville Aasociation, (worn

Humboldt Bank Bldg.; Ells Herbert Anbe) Weeton. mgr.

Western Vaudeville Managers’ Assn.... (wrma) 764 PbeUn Bldg.; H. M. Miller, mgr.

SEATTLE, WASH. Kellte-Bnms Tbeatrical Booking Assn.. (sAc)

209 S. A 0. Bldg.

SPRIXOnELD, 0. Sun, The Gns, Booking Excbange, Inc... (nn)

New Sun Theater.

TORONTO, OXT, (CANADA) Griffin, Peter F. (g)

Griffin Theater Bldg. Small Circuit .(small)

Grand Opera House.

WATERLOO. lA. Boyce, O, E., Vaudeville Circuit (Vande-

rllle and Dramatic) . (boyce) 202 Majestic Theater.

A' _ Bi

ALLSTON, MASS. Barr, Robert, 06 Empire at.

ATLANTA, OA. Greenwood, G. A B., Empire l.lfe Bldg, Kueiii, Charles, Empire Life Bldg. Uaosel Theater Agency, Healey Bldg.

BALTIMORE, MD. Baltimore Theatrical Exchange, 128 East Balti¬

more st. McCaalin, John T., 128 Baltimore st.

BERLIN HEIGHTS, 0. Yearance, The, Lycenm Bureau.

BIRMINGHAM. ALA. Chamberlin, Lin., Hotel Cosy.

BOSTON, MASS. Barrel!, A. 0., 881 Colonial Bldg. Brewster Amusement Co. (Producer), 47 Court

St. Franklin Park Theater Co., 018 Bine Hill are.;

Frank D. Santon, Mgr. Fraser, Weeley C., 162 Tremont st Graham, John, 184 Boylaton at. and Park Sq. Griffin, A. I.., Bowdoin Square Theater. Hathaway. Fred W., 224 Tremont at Junior, Christopher, Upbam's Comer. Kes, Walter, 224 Tremont st. Kollins. Stuart, 184 Boylaton st. Ixmg, Blanche A., 100 Boylaton st. Marcus Musical Attractions, Inc., 006 Washing¬

ton st. Mardo, Fred (Loew), 11 Hamilton Place. Mead, Prank, 228 Tremont st. Music A Lecture Guild, 831 Colonial Bldg. Ott, Matthew, 224 Tremont st. Price’s General Amusements. 100 Court st. Rc^bam’s *11100trical Co., Inc., 224 Tremont st.

BRIGHTON BEACH, X. Y. Robinson, George (nbo). New Brighton neater.

BROOKLYN, N. Y. Alexander Amusement Co., 592 E. Third st. Brooklyn Vanderllle A Amusement Co.. 78 Oort

I. R. McDonald, mgr. nrtl'n, James, Empire Theater Bldg, iletrich, Daniel, 9M Halsey st.

Fogarty, Frank, 1 Hanson Place. McDonald, I. R.. 78 Court st. Morton, Harry W., 811 Van Boren at. Mutual Tbeatrical Exchange, 1416 Broadway;

Will F. Bartow, mgr.

BUPPALO, X. Y. Fowler, Bruce (mAd), 885 Washington sL

OEUXA, 0. Beam, B. Ward (Parks and Fairs).

CHESTER, PA. Washburn, Leon F., Washburn Theater.

CHICAGO, ILL. Asaeriena Theatrical Agency, 86 W. Randolph

st.; O. H. Johnston, mgr. Asesetetsd Booking Offices. 220 South State st.;

wm Cuoningbam. gen. mgr. Benwia. Sam. 720 Cousuawra' Bldg. BsehieesJoesha Agency, lac., Maje^c Theater

Exchange. 64 W.

Buhemian Thsatrleal Agency. 8602 W. 26th et. BTiggn Mantml Bereno. (M E. Tan Bnrcn et. Broadway AmoMesent Company. 188 W. Weoh-

tagUM st. Brwwn. Beary. Annoemint Exchange. 1

Digjbeen at:

The Artists’ Agents In- Any RgputgUe Booking or Artltto* Agent may have hie name and addr

■erted in thu liet free of charge—for the aeking. We make no claim—nor ever will — that it ie complete, became all agente

viewed with smpicion and distrmt by actore, actreMee, artists and performers wm be espanged ae fast at theea are brought to cur attention if investigation warrants it.

Burchlll, Tboa. J. (AUardt A Rnben A FlnUe- atein Circuit), Majestic Theater Bldg.

Byera, Fred A., 30 W. Randolph at. Carrell'a Tbeatrical Agency, Suite 1016 Con-

Bumere’ Bldg. Carter, Lincoln J., 4014 Sheridan Road. Christy, Wayne (J. (Vaudeville and Fairs), 1400

Majestic Theater Bldg. Coleman, Hamilton (Prodneer), 1205 Majestic

Tfaeatar Bldg. Cortelyou, Bert. Majestic Theater Bldg. C. A A. Amnsement (k>., Inc., 9204 8. Chicago

are.; L. E. Behdeld, mgr. Dainty, Lanm, Amnsement Bureau, 7 8, Dear¬

born at. Danforth, H. C., 219 8. Dearborn at. Downie, Walter (wrma). Majestic Theater Bldg. Dndley, ESdgar, 1022 Consnmers' Bldg. Dn Vrie, 8am (VanderlUe and Circus), Boom

800, 85 8. Dearborn at. Elcbenlanb, E. J.. 64 W. Randolph st. FItebenberg A Sellg, 614 8tate at. Flemen, William, vauderille Agency, 106 North

La 8alle at., 8nlte 29. Fox, Jack J., 412-421 Fort Daarbom Bldg. Friedlander, Wm. B., Majestic Theater Bldg. Friedlander, Robert, 118 North La 8alle at. Gamer, James Booth (Vandeville and Circus),

1207 Rector Bldg. Gassolo, Frank A. P. (Vanderllle, Dramatic and

Mnatcal Comedy), 2829 Madison at., Imperial Theater Bldg.

Gladden, The, Booking Offices, 118 North La Salle at.; F. A. Gladden, mgr.

Ooldterg, Lew M.. 700 Majestic Theater Bldg. Hall, E. Clayton, suite 1016 Conannina' Bldg. Halperin, Max, Majestic Theater Bldg. Hand Amnsement Co., 1112 Rector Bldg.; J. A.

Stemad, mgr. Hiracfa, Arnold, 106 North La Salle it. Hoffman, B. C. (wrma). Majestic Theater Bldg. Holmee, Coney, 22 W. Monroe et. Hnmpfarey, D. N. (nbo and wrma), 22 W. Mon¬

roe at.. Boom 906.

Jacobs, Wm., 22 W. Monroe et. James, Marie, Agency, 1400 M.vjestlc Theater

Bnildlng. Kane, Bernhardt J. (Producer), 86 Anditorinm

BnildlM. Kibble. Wm. (Prodneer). 1612 Tribune Bidg. Kramer, Sam, 79 W. Monroe at. Kraus, Lee, 20 E. Jackson Bird.. Suite 1500. Mack, J. N., 110 N. Clark at. Marsh, (Charles M., 1016 Conanmers’ Bldg. Marsh, Edward (Fair Dept, wvma). Majestic

Theater Bldg. McKowen. J. B. (abo end wvma). Majestic

Theater Bldg. Merwia. Bay toAc), 412 Rector Bldg. Metropolltaa Booking Offices, 8th 6oor, Oxford

Bldg.; Frank A. Gladden, mgr. Moore, Menlo. Inc., 22 W. Monroe at. Morphy, The Helen, Agency, 963 Majeetic Bldg.

Neely, F. Tennyson, Anditorlum Hotel. Pan-American Booking Offices, 109 North Dear¬

born at. Pepple, Dwight, Majestic Theater Bldg. Reich, Felix, 220 8. State at. ScbBlImann, Sidney M., Crilly Bldg. Schallmann Bros., Crilly Bldg. Schikler A Grecnwald (Prodneer), 86 8. Dear'

bom at. Server, Vernon C., World Theater Bldg., 64 W.

Bandolph at. Shapiro, Henry, 22 W. Monroe at. Sbayne, Edward (wvma). Majestic Theater Bldg. Silver’s, Morris, Theater Booking Offices, 26 W.

Madison at. Simon, The, Agency (nbo and wrma), Majestic

Theater Bldg. Skiff, Orrin E. (Lady Mnslcian), 7 Delaware PL Splngold, Harry W. (nbo and wrma), room 906

Majestic Theater Bldg. Snow Concert A Choir Bnrean, 64 E. Van Boren. SnIUran, The Joe, Vanderllle Agency (nbo and

wvma). Majestic Theater Bldg. Tlehman, Irrlng, 906 Majeetic Theater Bldg. Tlahman, Sam (Thlelen Circuit), Majeetic Thea¬

ter Bldg. Tnek, Samael L., 220 8. State st. Western Dramatic Agency, North American

Bldg.; Peter Bidge, mgr. Weyereon, Ed., Amnsement Co., Room 004 Bal¬

timore Bldg. Warren, George C., Olympic Theater. Yatee, Irrlng, 22 W. Monroe st. Zimmerman, Wm., 106 North Ig Salle at.

CINCINNATI, 0. Gomes’ Vanderllle Excbange, 112 0<ld Fellows'

Temple. Lay, Dessle (Concert), 812 Richmond at. Western Booking Office, 23 Goodall Bldg., Ninth

at., near Central are.

CLEVELAND, 0, Clark, The, Vanderllle Booking Exchange, 012

Belmont Bldg.; Mlaa Alice Clark, mgr, Farrei, J. H.. A Co., 746 Knclld are. Flatlco, AI. (Prodneer), 1841 Euclid ave. Shea-Brandt Agency. 818 Erie Bldg. Sixth City Bonking Office. 1847 Payne ave. Staniforth, The, Ralph, Vaudeville Booking Ex¬

change, 207 Coiambla Bldg.

COHOES. N. T, Scanlon. Warren B. A. (Mnalclana), 141 Mohawk

street. COLUKBUI, 0.

Heber Bros. (CIrena), 812 E, Seventeenth ave.

OOLVXRIA, PA. Kerlln Amnoement Bucher Bldg.

COVINGTON, XT, Bine Oraae Theatrical Agency, 728 Madlatm ave. Henderson's Central Tbaatrical Agency, First

Nattooal Bank Bldg. Reliable Tbeatrical Agency, 416 Scott at.. Toy

lor A West, mgrs.

DALLAS. TEX. Dixie Lycenm Burean, M. C. Turner, mgr. Ellwood, Billy, Gaiety Theater Bldg. Big Four Circuit. Gaiety rheater Bldg.

DELAWARE, 0. Mlnnell Bros.

DE8 MOINES, lA. Capital City Amnoement Co., 616 Mulberry at;

J. F. Bruton, mgr. Page Amnsement Co., 412 Locnat et.

DETROIT, XICH, Detroit Vandeville Exchange, 807 Broadway

Market Bldg. InH>raationaI Vanderllle Exchange, 62 Lafayette

Shntt, Hngb, 821 Broadway Market Bldg. Wolverine Theatrical Booking Office, Suite 404

Scherer Bldg.; Will M. Coffrin, mgr.

DULUTH, MINX. Phelps, Frank (wrma). New Grand Thwter.

PAIRHONT, W. VA. ; Wost Virginia Booking Agency, 829 Main st

rORBST PARK, ILL. Forest Park Amnsement Company (Parks and

Fhlro); Pnnl Heinta, mgr.

GLADBROOX, lA. Mann, Cato P.

GRAND RAPIDS. XICH. lA Vaido Exchange, Apollo Theater Bldg.

GREAT XECH, L. L. H. Y. Smithson, Frank, Great Neck, L. 1., N. Y. _ HARRISBURO, ILL. Tamer, Oecar Lee, lie 8. Mill et.


HOBOKEN, X. Mnller, John, 61 First at.


w ww. - nvar city, x. j. Robbins, Frank A. ((Mrcua), Smith, Walter C., Jersey Jonraal.

KANSAS CITY, HO. Apollo Mneleal Co., 880 Beoerve Bldg. Macklnaon, Al. 1126 Grand are. Praker, F. T.. 1129(4 Grand ave. Skagge. P. 0., 1129 Grand ave. Sparks' Amusement Co., Indiana Bldg.

„ UXCOLX. NEB. Oalley, M., 208 Nebraska State Bank Bldg.

UTTLE SIOUX, lA. Dickey, Terry A Jonro, Box 166.

LOS ANOELES, OAL. Burns, Bob (levey), Kepuhllc Theater Bldg. Independent Tlieatrlcal Exchange, Ine., Pan-

tages Theater Bldg. toa Angeles Pacific Lyretim and Amnoement

Circuit, 647 8. Broadway; C. Baaaels Dady, owner.

Parka' Booking Exchange, 680 Ban Fernando Bnildlng.

MEDINA. N. Y. Downie, Andrew (CIrena),


Vi^elj^John W. (Producer), Vogel'e Beach, R.

HILWAUHEE, WIS. United Theatrical Excbange, 69 Wiscoakln at

AUGUST It, 1916.

mnnAVOUt. Mzn. 0»-Op«ntlT« Bsckmac*, 406 nia Bzeha^ BMc. aSSiS. un. bmTwji. W. Tmb. Aitkw 0.,.UrteThMt» BMf.

MOBOSf iriHli— B. J., Bask •( MoMla Bldf.

MOBTBBAXs B. tt. (OABASA) Alas. J. H., OrpiMaa Tkaatar Bl^. Wait, Maarlaa, raallp Tbaatar Bld(.

ICVBXOaBB, OX. Baikav'a Baaklag Agaaer, Salta SIS Matropoli-

Ua Bldg. BBWABX. B. S.

OtoTaUnd, W. S.. Snito 306 Ordway Bldg. Mnaa. W. A., SnIU 66 Strand Tbaatar Bldg, rratamal BatarUiBOMat Bnraau, 783 Bargan

at.: Wa. Klroeb, agr. Maw York VaudaaUla BxcbaBga, 186 lUaitat at Banadan, H. Cbalk, 6BS Broad at Tan. Obarlaa A., 83 PaelOc at WltUg, Jawall. 871 Uttla ara.

VZW OASTLB. BA. Ward A Datanar, Boob S17 St. Clood Bldg.

MEW TOBX OITT Aeaa Tbaatar Co.. 1402 Broaaway. Adaao. Doc, 1488 Broadway. AUaa, Oaorga U. (AUau'a AttracUona), 1431

Broadway. Allan, J. Uarry. Aator Tbaatar Bldg. AUloon. r. D., Tlmaa Bldg. AlUton, Jamas 11., Hotel McAIpIn. Alonao, p. (PollI, IMl Broadway. Alpuaata, J. H.. 847 nftb are. Andrews, Lyle D., 1486 Broadway. Appall. V,. KalckertMckar Theater Bldg. Arlington, Edward, 136 W. Wfty aacond at Armstrong, Jas. J., 701 7tb are. Asbland, Wilfred (Mualctans), 144 W. S7tb at Atwell, W. B.. 1440 Broadway. Baker, Arthur T., 26 W. 42d at Baker, Bob, Putnam Bldg. Becker, Herman, S14 Putnam Bldg. Ben All, Bobker (Oriental Troupes), S30 Want

Thirty-fourth st Benedict Amusement (}o., 140C Broadway. Benedict Phil P.. 1402 Broadway. Bentham, If. 8. (nbo). 202 PaUce Theater Bldg. Bennett, W’hitman. 130 W. rorty-Srat at Berg, B. D.. 1482 Broadway. Berlingboff. Henry L.. Columbia Theater Bldg. Bemays, Edward L., 83 W. Porty-aecond at Blaurelt. Victoria, 1M7 Broadway. Bodenbelmer, Sydney 11., Palace Theater Bldg. Bohm. yrenk. Agency, 14tKi Broadway. Booking, Tbe, Promoting Corporation, Aeolian

Halt Bombanpt, Charles, 1488 Broadaray. Boeaon, Henry J., Columbia ITieater Bldg. Boatoek. CUude A Gordon, 806 Putnam Bldg. Bramwell, Arthur, Candler Theater Bldg. Brant, F. A., 1403 Broadway. Breed, Charles, Palace Theater Bldg. Brown, Chamberlain (Vaudeellle and Dramatic),

1486 Broadway. _ Brown, George E., 1439 Aeolian Halt Buck, John, mgr., Proctor's SStb St Tbaatar. Borgeos, Earl, 1476 Broadway. Bnrke. Billy (Own Attractions), 1106 Broadway. Bnmalde, B. H. (Vandanilo and Ctrcna), Maw

York Hippodrome. BytM A Kirby. 1488 Broadway. Oahn, Jnllns, 1463 Broadway. Carlla, Barry, Palace Theater Bldg. OhrMter. E. J.. and P. D. Peterson. 711 Tlaaaa

Oas^'BIll (qU). Gaiety Theater Bldg. Oaoay, Pat 1466 Broadway. Ohooa. George, 1408 Broadway. Olarke. Edwla G. flfnolclana). 1 West S4th st OUraamnt Entertainment Bureau, 419 B. ITOtb

st; Wm. E. Keating, mgr. Oobarn. Charlao D.. 1403 Broadway. Ooaoly. Jooepb. 110 W. 40th st. Oaeke, Panllna. Gaiety Theater Bldg. Oaepar, Irrlag M., 1416 Broadway. Ooatts A Tennis, 1476 Broadway. Daly. Wm. Jeoh. Columbia Theater Bldg. Danlog, Alfred T. (uboi. Palace Theater Bldg. Darter, Frederick H.. 60 Fifth are. Dalamatar A. G.. 1400 Broadway. Delaay, Wm., Palace Theater Bldg. Dalmar, Jnle, Palace Theater Bldg. Dampoay, P. (nbo). Palace Theater Bldg. Dam posy. Jack (nbo). Palace Theater Bldg. Deaton. Harry 11. (VaudertUe and Dramatle),

647 Firth aea. Deway, Bnfas B.. Ifetropolltan Opera Hoooa. Domer, A. C.. 1402 Broadway. Durand, Pant Palace Theater Bldg. BrtI, Joseph A., Gaiety Theater Bldg. Bdelmaa, Lea, Oolnmbta Theater Bldg. Bpetin, U. (t, 1408 Broadway. Braao, Frank, Palace Theater Bldg. Fallow, Sam, 1408 Broadway. Felaberg, Abe, 1406 Broadway. Fslcky, Ohaa. (ubo). Palace Theater Bldg. Fafgaaon’s, B. U, Enterprise, Inc., Gaiety

theater Bldg. Fisher, CllSord C., 140.7 Broadway. Fltagerald, Harry J., Palace Theater Bldg. Flynn Vauderille Agency, 1264 Clay st. Franklin, Joseph B., Gaiety Theater Bldg. Fraase, H. H., 1401 Times Bldg. Oalge, Oosby, 1461 Broadway. Oaidner Vauderille Agency. 364 Uanhattaa. Gents, Will T., Mew York Theater Bldg. Oeraten, Frank, Lexington Theater Bldg. Oolder, Lew, Palace Theater Bldg. Gottlieb, George A. (nbo). Palace Theater Bldg. Greenwood. H. C., V2 Franklin at. Orlsman, Sam H., Columbia Theater Bldg. Onrrlck, Phil., Strand Theater Bldg. Ballet. Lonls (Dramatic and Sluslcal), 146 W.

Forty-6fth st. Hanson A Wolff (Mnslcal Comedy. VandnrlUa,

Parks, Fairs, CIrcna), 1403 Broadway. Hsnneeay, Wm., Palace rbeater Bldg. Henry, Jack, 1408 Broadway, Suite 809. Herman. Al, 1647 Broadway. Hill's, Ona, Enterprises. 701 Serenth are.; If.

T. Middleton, gen. mgr. Horwits. Arthur J. (Fox and Loew),' 1498 Broad¬


Hoyt, I. M., A Son, Columbia Theater Bldg. Hoghoa, Gene. Palace Theater Bldg. Bngbea A Smith (ubo), 1664 Broadway. Bunt, Carl W. (Producer), Farty-fonrth Stiaat

Theater. Bunt, Phil, 1483 Broadway. Hyde, Victor (Vauderille and Burleoqne). 0^

lamMa Theater Bldg. nimeaaee, George. Princess Theater Bldg, latamatlonal Play Bnrean, 100 W. 68th at. Sackal. Joha C., 166S Broadway. Jac^. Jennie (Pat Casey). 1408 Broadway.

K2: •ijsr'ai/tsa.s! «• SsMa, B. Alfred, Strand Theater Bldg. Kanfma^ 1.. Strand Theater Bldg. Kellar. Bdward B.. Inc., 1664 Broadway. Koort. HaraM (aba). 1864 Broadway.

B. F. ’s Circuit of Theatres

A. PAUL KEITH, PrAsIdsnt. B. P. ALBBB, VlcA-Prts. & Gab. Mgr.




B. Fa Keith’s Palace Theatre Building NEW YORK CITY





Mr. SoltnnnB Pwaonaiiy imnrriaw ArtMts Oally SwttwMn 11 and 1

Harry Rickards’ Tivoli Theatres Crtltdif'ii^asse. Aod AFFIUATED 6IIICUIT6, INDIA aod AFRICA.

HUGH MdlNTOSHTG^Ci^g Director Rtalilirid CaMa Addtam; "HUaHMAC.” 8^aay.


Elng, Franela Bockefeller (oho), 1064 Broadway. Snlta 706.

Klanber, Adolph, 1461 Broadway. Klala. Philip, 1461 Broadway. KUne, Jack, 1433 Broadway. Koleoord, John, Jr. (ubo). 1864 Broadway. Eouaka, Bngeua L., 63 W. Forty-second at. KngeL Lsa. 220 W. Forty-second at. Lambert, (Hay. 1402 Broadway. Landan, Max. 146 W. Forty-afth at. Langsteld. Leon, Broedway Theater Bldg. L«eky, Jeeae L.. 130 W. Forty-drat st. Larina, Louis, 1483 Broadway. Leno, Don, 143 W. Forty-second st. Lery, Mark, ihitnam Bldg. Lewis A Gordon Prodneing Co., 1103 Palaen

Theater Bldg. Uebler A Co., 461 Fourth are. Unton Bros., Suite 220 Strand Theater Bldg. Linder, Jack, Gaiety, Theater Bldg. Loomis, Frank. Vltagraph Theater Bldg. Lubtn, J. H. (loew). 1493 Broadway. Lykans, Wm., 1482 Broadway. MeCune, 0. E.. 401 Times Bldg. Mack, Pete, Palace Theater Bldg. Maddock. C. B.. 14S2 Broadway. Mann. Joseph, Columbia Theater Bldg. Marhnry, Elisabeth, KXl Weet Fortieth st Marinelll, H. B. (Ltd.), 1465 Broadway. Maxwell, Joe, 860 W. 126th at Mercer, Charlcn, 1326 Broadway. Melrllle, Frank (Inc.), 220 W. Forty-second st Meyerboff, Henry (Inc.), 140 W. Forty-eecond st Mlcbaela, Joe, 1403 Broedway. Miller, Frank O., Manhattan ()(>cra Honse. Miner. H. Clay, 1400 Broadway. Morris, Joaeph, Colombia Theater Bldg. Morrit A Fell. Palace Theater Bldg. MonUnd, E. (Mnsicians), 71 B. 60th et Mnllaney. Boee. 1482 Broedway. Myer, At, 1647 Broadway. Myer, At, Gaiety Theater Bldg. Nadel. E. K.. 1493 Broadway. Newberger, Adolph, 696 Lexinxton are. North, Meyer B.. Columbia Theater Bldg. Norton, Nick (Harrte Ent.), Palace Theater Bldg. O'Brien, A. Frank, Palace Theater Bldg. CBrten, George, Palace Theater Bldg. Owene, Ray C., 1408 Broadway. Padden, Harry, Colombia Theater Bldg. Paeblea, John C.. Palace Theater Bldg. Ponchot, Charlee A.. Palace Theater Bldg. Pbllltpp, Adoipb. Co., 1462 Broadway. Pldgeon, Edward B., 110 W. Forty-eighth at Ptermont, Ben, 1440 Broadway. Pinens. Harry, 1408 Broadway. Pinena, Lonls (pant). Gaiety Theater BMg. Pttrot, Richard. 47 W. Twenty-eighth et Pond, J. B.. Lyceum Bldg. Prenttas, liabel. 1498 Broadway. Prieat, Robert W.. Shubert Theater Bldg. (Jnald, Wm. H. (nbo), Broadway and 28th st Rachmann. S.. 14R3 Broadway. Randall, William W. (Dramatic and Mnsicnl),

1468 Broadway, Rapf, Horry, 1106 Palace Theater Bldg. Baymand, Joe, Columbia Theater Bldg. Bsialahilmir. U. OulumMa Thontur Batkin, Bdwta A., 1 Second nun. Bunn. O. S, 141)6 Broadwuy. Blplay. Tom. Oetnmhln Thaator BMg.

Robblna, John A., Gaiety Theater Bldg.

Callahaa, Ed F., 4(»-404 Parkway Bldg. CnrUsle'a Amoaement Bureau, 1128 Uaoola Bldg. Casino Tbuater. W. M. Leoliu. mgr. Cotter A Boaala, 216 Weigbtmann Bldg. Ornne’a Panaonnt Vaudu. Aguncy, 21U W.

Turk it. Creus, B. H.. 406 Parkway Bldg. Deerlng, Wm. 1., 10 8. Fourth st Deoghnrty. Thomas M. (Nixon-NIrdUnger). For¬

rest Theater Bldg. Grain, Amelin, 819 Spring Garden et. Griffith, Wm. T., Room 409 Parkway Bldg. Bailer. M. Body, 601 Keith's Bldg. Jeffries, Norman, 641 Beal Batata ‘fmat Bldg. Kraus, Cbarlos, 810 Parkway Bldg. Liebig, F., 819 Spring Garden at. Mastbanm, Jay. PaUce Theater. Morse, Frank (Mnsiciana), 2102 W. Master at Scott. George. 642 Real Estate BMg. Slick's Vanderille Agency. 220 N. Eighth st Spring Garden Entertainment Bnrean, 819 Spring

Garden st Wegefartb, W. Dayton, Grand Opera Honsa Bldg. Well, 1., Parkway Bldg. Welch, John T., 703 North Eighth st

FITTSBVBO, PA. Jones, A. W., Lyceum Theater BMg. Kirk, Tboa. F., Jr., Nixon Tbexter. liberty VandeTllIe Contracting Co., 604 Fulton

Building. Peareon, A. L., A Co., 336 Fourth are. Polak Booking Amo. I.ycenm Theater Bldg. West View Park Co., 2213 Farmera' Bank Bldg.;

J. H. Maxwell, mgr.

POBTLAMD, ORE. Interstate Amusement Co. (Vauderille, Parks,

Fairs and Circuses), 601 Platt Bldg.; Prank Bernard Tbomiison, mgr.

BALEIOH, M. 0. Selwyn Theatrical Agency.

ROCHESTEB. M. Y, Berry, Lonls J. (rte), 62 State st. Adams, Henry (rte), 62 State st.

HOME, N. Y. Klein Broe. A Hengler.

ST. LOUIS. MO. Dane, Oscar, 14 S. Sixth st. Rnsaell, Dsrid E., Colnmbts Theater Bldg. States Booking Exchange, 700 Nararre Bldg.;

Thompson A Bentley, mgrs. Weber, B. J., Agency, 600 Cbestnat at.

ST. PAUL, MINM. Twin City Lyceum Bureau, Grand 0. H. Bldg.

SALAMANCA, K. Y. Andrews, Max, Andrews Theater.

SAM FBAMCUCO, CAL. Blake A Amber (Cabaret and Dramatic), Eller'a

Bldg., 076 Market at. ClnxtoD, J. J. (pant), Pantagee Theater BMg. Cohen, I. N., Room 621 Weat Bank Bldg. Jackson, A. N., 211-12 Pantagea Theater Bldg. Beeae, W. P. (sAc), Empress Theater.

SEATTLE. WASH. Flrter, Edw. J. (Inc.), 6*21 Lnmber Exchange. Flaber. Mike, 621 Lumber Exchange. PaclOe Amusement Co. (VandeTllIe, Parks aoid

Fairs), AI Ooken, mgr.. Oak Theater.

SIOUX CTTT, XA. Stonx City Tbextrical Excliange, Suite 210-221

Masaacbosetts Bldg.; J. W. Mercellos, mgr.

BPBIMOFIELD, ILL. Tempi*. Howard, Serrlce, Suits 711 Ferguson


SPBIVOIIELD, MASS. Goldstein Brotbere' Amusement Co., Broadway

Theater BMg.


Boherteon Entertainment Bareau, 13 Park Bow. “•F*no, L. E. Boeder. Beniamin F BeUaco Theater TOBOMTO, CAM. BoSJJ. ItaSf^nd TS^tlTBldr Kxchange. Bobln* Um- Bolfe, B. A.. 1463 Broadway. „ Bose A Curtis, PaUce Theater Bldg. n • low ®* « BoeenthaL J. J., Bronx Opera Hooaa. D- Theatrical Agency. Ninth and ■ BoasaU. Joa^th. 1600 Broadway. ■»••• Northwest; Edward OllTer, geo. mgr. Sampter, Martin. Aator Theater Bldg. WA8HIM0T0M C. H., 0. Samuels, D, 8., 1482 Broadway. Independent Prese Aaan., 154 Thomas at., Chaa. Sanders, Paly, Gaiety Theater Bldg. C. DarU, mgr. Saosa. C. Lk, 300 W. Forty-ninth at. Irring Booking Agency, Jody Block. Saroy Prancing Ca, (Inc.), 1482 Broadway. WILKES-BARRE, PA.

Wllkea-Barra VaudcTllie Contracting Agexey, 202 8a»«y Theater BMg.

DbMp Jot* StnuMl Tboa tor Bldf. . ...^.nmnxn Shea. Barry A., Putnam BMg. „ . . WiLMUTOTOM, DEL. SberMaa, W. B., 1647 Broadway. OnAenm Amoaement Bnrean, MeVey BMg. Simmono. M. D. (ara) Columbia Theater Bldg. WIBMIPEO. CAM. Smith, George W. (Parks) 1493 Broadway. ICorrU Theatrical Exchange, 419 McIntyre Block. SobnL Nat (nbo) 1647 Broadway. WORCESTER, MASS.

Packard A Bar Lyceum Bureau, Mechantea' Ex- Spachner, Leopold, 1400 Broadway. chan*# Bid* Spiegel. Edward, Strand Theater Bldg. cnange log^^_ Spiegel, Max. Strand Theater Bldg.

SteraTA ^,*i402*Bru*dwl^N PRIMCIPAL AND CHORUS GIRL A6ERTS Stewart. C. G., 107 W. Forty-afth at. - Stoker A Biwbaoer, 906 Palace Theater BMg. CHICAGO, ILL.

l?^Tmnir*.®te^*L“M6 gJu^ n*5x*tei C^V^-tal Vanderille Exchange. 118 North Ia Bnildin*. Sallo at.

SntherUnd L Awence • Hewitt, The, Bnrean, 410 S. Michigan are. •S^a i. pit^Trick. mii*'* L. (Burlesque), 815 W. Madl-

?S^tiS V’a^erlif A^cyl'1^7 Broadway. Towne, Fenimore Cooper, IMl Broadway. MEW TOBK CITY Towrne, Edward Owing#. 1441 Broadway. Dinkins, T. W. (Borlesque), 1400 Broadway. Treffurt, H., Putnam BMg. Jacobs, Henry (Columbia Amusement Company), Talley, Wm., 1402 Broadway. ColnmbU Theater Bldg. Wade, Tbe Entertainment Burenn. 102 W McCloy, Frederick M. (Burlesque), ColnmbU

Forty-second at.; Montgomery H. Throop, mgr. Tbenter BMg.


Wildman A Scldon. 119 North Clark at.

HEW TOBK CTTT Dinkins, T. W. (Barlesqoe), 1400 Broadway. Jacc^ Henry (ColnmbU Amusement Company),

ColnmbU Theater Bldg.

McKay, Frederic E. (Producer), 17 W. 42d at. Plobn, Max, 830 Serenth are. Ziegfeld, F., New York Theater BMg.


WMt FOrty-eeco^ et.'" «« H. L.. Orpheum Theater BMg. WetseL George J.. 1409 Broadway. BOSTON, MASS. Whitelock. Lester B. (nbo), 1884 Broadway. Colonial Amnsement Co., 402 Colonial Theater Wllllame, Bmcet, 1403 Broadway. Bnilding. Williama. Ernest. 1408 Broadway. CALOABT, CAN. Wilton. Alf. T., Palace Theater Bldg. IgdUtt, R. L. (Western Canada Thcatera), Winniett. George, 1400 Broadway. Grand Theater. B^olff. Paul, 1402 Broadway. CHICAGO, ILL.

wtoi0,”1416 Brmldw*^' '"'***’ '***’ Bennett's Dramatic and Musical Exchange, 86 nieava irra W. Bandolph at.; Bennett A Byers, prop#.

neb. Oaaklll A McVltty. 1412 Masonic Temple. Oates City Theatrical Exchange, 828 NeriUe BI. Oatts, Geo. M. (Producer), Masonic Temple.

OSWEGO, H. T. Johnstone. O. H.. 140 N. Dearborn at.

Oilas«m. Charles P. (Dramatic and Vandortll*). ntM *t^a^.^Jr. ^K.^a'e!). Illinois Theater. PHXLAIIKXPKXA. PA. Bowland A Clifford (Dramatic. Musical Comedy

■■‘•rtalnment Bnraaa. 1001 Ckentnnt otnet. SheMon, Harry, 119 North CUrk at.

Bamcn* Entertainment Borenn. 4828 Cedar nan. (pontinoed on pege 61)

Ward, Fred, Palace Theater BMg. Weber, Harry. PaUce Theater BMg. Weber, Herman, PaUce Theater BMg. Weber. Ike. Columbia Theater BMg. Weber'e, L. Lawrence. Enterprise (Vanderitle

and Bnrlesqne). Columbia Theater Bldg.; Jon. L. Weber, gen. mgr.

Weingart, Irring. 1488 Broadway. West, Roland (Dramatic and Vanderille). 260

Weat Forty-eecond et. WetseL George J., 1409 Broadway. Whitelock, Leater B. (nbo), 1864 Broadway. WllUamo, Emcet, 1403 Broadway. Williama, Ernest, 1408 Broadway. Wilton. Alf. T., Palace Theater Bldg. Winniett. George, 1400 Broadway. Wolff, Paul, 1402 Broadway.


York, and administered the most even to advocate a strike or lockout BtinginK rebuke to Richard Croker before the board has made its report that the latter ever received. It was is an offense punishable by heavy fines.

Croker perhai* that paid him the Summary action of every kind on

Readers’ Column Anyont knowing present wbereabonU of

hi^hfest tribute (?v6r tendered liini- 0it)ier Hide is thus forbidden, the i-iniau a. iiaii kiodiy adviae Th** Biiiboanl,

“Daly,” he remarked, "has been a ,h*.nrv h^ino. tv,.-,* will •••»>« u -- uaiy, ne remaraea, - nas oeen a ,hPorv hpinir th.Tt investiiration will muouy • i]«ii, lue u sune Tlio UllllMiard Publishln* Company, Judge for twenty-eight years and he ,ead to the settlement of disputes or kuTw^ mS ml

W. H. DONALDSON. has never done anything for the or- their ultimate arbitration, and that *«• •i»o formerly connected with the Harry gamzation. public opinion will be helpful In pro- Bhow., Arena Amutwinent Company and


PUBLICATIO.N OFFICB: Billboard Bulhllug, 20 27 Opera Place,

Clndunatl, Ohio,.U. B. A.

LooS-PlstaDce Telephone, Canal SOBS.

Hut he had done much for the city and Justice. Thus far

Clnclnnau. Ohio,.U. B. A. and the people of New York He was ^he plan has worked well. In most wh^e.hl^iu “}Tr‘'LVr“TV o'JTn^ LooS-PUUDce Telephone, Canal SOBS. ^ la> ers and cases strikes have been averted. Short who. when last heard from.’ wai handling pop'

Prlrate Exchange, conuertlug aU departments ine t^atnoilc Club, an active and qj compulsory arbitration, which, com on the Krauae Showa. Information may be CabU Addi^ (Uegiater^). • Bliley." devoted member of the Board of the exception of New Zealand dlmctj^ to Mra. Blaughter at 10 Bald^^^

Managers of the Catholic Orphan Tasmania, English-speaking peo- ‘ .. , „_ - Asylum and exerted much InfluAice have shied at the Canadian »"l'** ititawa'w rau<a'ir<i,'u. in t-i u ui_._i- i * *” nave sniea at, me v^anaaian UK, jjorth street. Winaton-Balem, N. C.

BUANCll OFUCES. In the American-Irish Historical So- scheme is the best way to handle labor would like to know the wbereaboota of Bob NEW YORK clety. He was also accounted the trouble yet devised, and would prove a Clark, lait beard of with a moTing picture com-

Thlrt Floor, Buhway Central Bul'ldlug, Broadwey, .I""®;!" effectual Stepping Stone to the Ch\c«^Id “‘**‘ Forty-aet^ud Street and Berenth ATenue. Augustin Daly, his talented and re- first named, which Is a fax. far better *“•

Telephone, 8470 Bryant. nowned, but arbitrary and high-handed and more effective method and one CHICAGO brother, would ever take advice. seemingly capable of being actually

Cmi, Building, Monroe and ‘pearborn BtrooU. Perfected.

Telephone, tVntral BiBU.


Cable Addreea (UegUtered>, "Billyboy.'



Augustin Daly, his talented and re- first named, which Is a far. far better Charles McDonald, Paris. Texaa. wonld like to

secure a copy of the poem. Only a Ix>ck of Hair. The address of Miss Ray Marshall, dancer, of

New Beilford, Mass., Is wanted by Ernie Gale, 001 N. Bsglnaw street, Flint, Michigan.

Information concerning the wbereabonts of

Telephone. 8470 Bryant. nowned, but arbitrary and high-handed and more effective method and one

CHICAGO brother, would ever take advice. seemingly capable of being actually

Cmi, Building, Monroe and ‘pearborn BtreeU. Telephone, ivntrai 8400. thorlty on dramatic literature and the Actors and artists must pay more information concerning the wberesbonts of

»T LOiJift history of the stage, also he was an attention to labor matters. If only to the pirkson Family will be greatly appreciated ^OUlb. excellent and discerning Judge of i„n_n trad« iminnism !■ not the **' Pickaon, car# The Billboard. ciocinnaU,

Nulsen Building, BIxth and Olive Btr##ta. --.-rs nnd onrlnv an#l o mon that trade unionism 18 not ine Dickson Family were In Monde, Ind., L<oug PUtanc# Telepbon#, oiir# 1738. Rctors and acting and a rnan of broad retnedy for their Ills. In Jnne, and are traT#Uns oreriand in prairie

BAN PPANriaro sympathies. adoption of the Cana- rKANtloCO. ■ ■ Ji-.. i,i..o Anyone knowing the present addresa of Baby

606 Humboldt Bank BoUding. nxwa rrowitfa tsi ¥xrk/'> rxava dlRn lOea. Ellxabeth, recently with Bova'a Curly Head SPECIAL EZPEEIZHTAnVES- TOWNS IN DO& DAYS It ig compulsory Only for a season Olrla. please commonlcete with Welter Decker,

Ksnsss City, 1117 Commerce Bldg., Tel. M. A very high percentage of the plays and a purpose and acts not upon the Ky*«r.

M67, Baltimore, 867 w. North Are. cieveUnd, that Were groomed for early appear- liberties of those In controversy, but bu™^ Tom Macy! ’ * *

»2S Illuminating Building. Pittsburg, 810 Kel---- address of Skinny Carton, who waa on

lermuii Building. Twin City Office, 720 Phoenix ---iseieiaaeeeeeeee<>>»>» **'• Shows No. 2 last season, la Building, MlnueapoUs. Imudon, England, 8 ^**********************************’*******’********X wanted by Clarence V. George, care 8. W.

Hui-ert Court, Iriccadllly Clnus, W. Parle, X *rOI7 MT/'UTI V A T'/'O T •• P*r route.

Krence, 121 Rue Montmartre, Tel. 222-61, X ItlLUrrlttKO lllUnlLl t A I ttl ! Jitlnk

' last known to be with the I..e){xette A Brown Shows about three mouths ago.

J. A. Ward—Write or wire at once to Anna Ward, care Erwin Hotel, Beattie, Wash.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Philip Grots, formerly with the Morgan Amnaement Company, kindly adrUe Ixinta Grots, care Gen. Del., Houston, Tez.

Building, MlnueapoUs. Lsmdon, England, 8 Bupert Court, Iriccadllly Circua, W. Parle, France, 121 Run Montmartre, Tel. 222-61,

IBBCEP WEEKLY and entered as aecona- claas mall matter at post-office, Cincinnati, O.

ADVERTISING RATES—Twenty-6ve cents per Une, agate measurement. Whole page, $176; half page, IB7.60; quarter page, |43.70. No advertisement measuring lees than four lines accepted.

Last advertising form goes to press 12 M. Monday.


One Tear .$8.00 Blx Montba . 1.60 Three Months .73

Payable In advance,

IN QUANTITIKH (two or more to the eama address) 10 PER CENT DIBCUUNT 18 AL- DIWKD. No extra charge to foreign Hubscrlbera.

THE BLLLBOARP Is for sale on all tralna and iipwaatands throughout United States ana Canada which are supplied by the American News Co. and Ita branebea. It la a^yo on Mile at Rrentano'a, 87 Avenue de I'Opeia, Parle, France, and at Daw'a Agency, 17 Green Street, i Leicester Square, London. W. 0. When sot I on sale pleaao notify thla office.

Remittances should bo made by post-offlee or express money order, or registered letter, addreasc'd or mado payable to The Billboard Pnbitshing Company,

The ixlltor cannot undertake to return on- ■otlclted mannscripta. Correspondenta should keep copy.

Vol. XXVIII. AUGUST 19. No. 34.

Tlio height of the ambitions of

tlMwe who control Tlio BiUboard is

to make it a useful paper.

ProgrcsNlve tliey wouid also have

it, and enterprising and Independent

and fair and conrageons in defend¬

ing ami furthering the interests of

the peo|>le of the show world, but

over and above all else they desire

it to lie—just useful.

It iH glorious to shape and lead,

hut tliere are lots of glory-seekers.

Ours let It be, to help and serve.


Siioufidk! May they always be

riglit, but right or wrong. Show-


THE OFFICERS’ NIGHTLY CATCH Pale, pretty glrU, icared with the newness of it all, are aboo-ed from the streets

nightly Intu the Manhattan Night Cuurt at Jelferaun Market In New York City.

They come In Socka aoiiietlmea. Often they are territted aud trembling and their

teattmuuy, hurriedly granted, la either entirely Incoherent or evaaively IncrlmlnaUng.

Some of them are the drega of the night world, bruscii In dauby cheeki and pendant

earrlnga—wlae with a bitter niadom and aopblatlcated with yeara of harrowlug experience.

Then, there are others—

It la the youth of them that appeals. The tragedy that they should have sold out

even before the dower of their girlhood has opened la the tad and the pathetic part.

The chance la there that only the outer petals may have been touched, with the must

and lust of dltb. There le that milliontb of a chance that the sunshine of wholeaomeueaa

may yet ablne warmly enough to open the hearts of those girls.

It la a chance worth taking, and yet it Is denied the victims of the officers’

nightly rouud-upi.

The Public Defender—the State's lawyer, for miulstering to the needs of the man

or woman who needs attorueyabip, and yet has no money to pay for It—should have bis

place nightly In that crowd of unfortunates.

There are certain to be Innumerable cases where his Induence might be a saving

grace. He might be a dam which would turu the current in the glrl-llves that are

trembling on the verge of disgrace.

The officer’s capture enters an atmosphere of iinfuIrneHS when she la herded Into

night court. It la a foregone concliiaion that abe Ih guilty because she has been garnered

into the human whirlpool by an officer of the law. Why an officer with a blue cap should

have the right to exert a paychologlcal effect of that sort la hard to tell, but he does.

The prisoners are granted a hearing In which they are supposed to present their aide

of the case. They have tbemselvea, and tbeuiaelves alone, to depend on. What a

blesalng that Public Defender would be—a man with legal tralniug and atatus, who

could see through the embarrassment and terror of the occasion and put the clamp ou

carelesa arreats baaed on circumstantial evidence!

Perhaps there would be no theatrical women among them. Perhaps there might.

Whether there would or would not be It Is a part of the duty of theatrical men and

women to boost for the Public Defender, as a peraonality and as an Institutlou, in view

of the poBslble time when unfortunates of their own calling, and of the world’s other

callinga, might need him.

OBITUARY BUTLER—Francis Butler, fourteen-months-

old daughter hf F>ank and Hasel Butler, died st Onossa, Mich., on August B. Tbs remains were Interred In Pine Tree Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Rutier are now at the Orpheum Theater, lonis, Michigan.

FIEUSOHN-Sarah Fleraobn. mother of Alma Gluck, concert and opera singer, died August 4 In the Jew lab Hospital at Brooklyn, N. Y., an hour after she had been brought from her late home, ion Overlook avenue. Mt. Vernon, where she had been living with her daughter.

GRAU—Robert Gran, theatrical and concert manager, dle<l Aognst 8. at bU home in Mt. Vernon, N. Y., of heart disease. Mr. Grau a few years ago waa one of the beat knovm ffgnres In dramatic and musical circles, haring conducte<l tours of some of the most famous concert stars. Including Adeline Patti, for whom hr was manager for many years. In late years he turned to the pobllclty end of the businesi, and beeame one of the beet known writers on dramatic and motion plctnre subjects.

MACK—Thomas J. Mack. Irish comedian, died recently at Mt. Vernon. Ind. Hla body waa shipped to Metropolis, Ill.

MPSS—Arthur Mona, known professionally aa Arthur Boraiil of BoranI and Nevam, died re¬ cently at hla liome In Milwaukee, Wis.. at the age of 4-7. after an lllneea of tiz montba. Ha Is survlveil by the widow.

PARKS-William H. Parks, father of Samuel David Parks, known aa Hopp, the frog boy, dtad at hla home In Baltimore, Md., July 0. At tba time of his father’a death the younger Parks was seriously 111 in a hospital In Is>s Angalas, California.

WIGGIN-At Wiggin, piano player for Harry

ances on Broadway this season have upon their reason. This much is de- California ' ' " ' • ’

fllvvered after trials in the dog towna manded In the public interest. If the wiggin-Ai wiggin, piano player for Harry

Quite a few have been permanently difficulty can not be adjusted by rea- ’•"* p*** ^eara at Howard’s Au-

shelved, others are being tinkered at son, the proposed strike or lockout. weir*ll!l;.wn'tn thi and the fate of the few remaining has which then becomes lawful, has a past thirty years.

by no means been settled by the pre- more impressive sanction than the _ liminary tests. word of a boss who refuses to arbitrate

Picking a winner seems Inclined to or of an Irrespon.sible labor chieftain MARRIAGES become a bigger and bigger gamble as who is in a hurry to “tie up” things, - the years go by. regardless of public rights and inter- almond-bfird—Marvin Almond, formerly

with the Jethro Almond Bhow. and Miss RnUb ' wexw. ns..i k-.t. »! n la,!

^____ ALMOND-BFIRD-Marvin Almond, formerly ..r. .Ml.*. Jethro Almond Bhow, and Miss RnUb

Dflrd, both of Albemarle, N. C., wen- ,nnrrl*d ngmi Tg-v mu — ■ ■■ on Auguat 6. on the atage of the Jethro Almond t' UC,X11NU gUhr TUSTA-WB.MS. ** ^''’'''’ry. N. C.

Recent events like the early settle- THEATRICAL NOTES hrckman aai>—William o. iieekman, eon ment of the car strike In New York - Heckman, 614 South

and the fllvverlng of the one In indicate that of the’Acade'i^*'of Mnaic^war'mt'iTle<l'7o‘MUe Philadelphia would Indicate that the Jr* Dorothy L. AsI. dansbter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A.


rniiaaeipnia. wouiu luuiuixxo xnax xiia i. .U xmroiny i,. abi, aansoier oi .nr. ann mra. a. a.

Editorial Cnmmmt EsUllOnai VFOmilldH every time some Czar-Ilke capuin of Jhe Wel^Bl^ U now known aa the strand After the wedding the newlyweda left for At-

- industry or cocky crew of labor lead- IKVr'Vh.Vt*S.m”'^:« «n?n tt.,' Xtu^r^irS?’ SM "mSluS

AUGUSTIN DALY'S BROTHER •" shout ‘There is nothing to arbi- g,;; rir'e^.^R^Sinr*'

JudM Josenh Francis Dalv of Naw Proceed to discommode, h. /ort.^ wmm IIIU^LYNCH-Bameat Hill and Anna I^cli. w/w . A Inconvenience, hamper and embarrass the theater if tba parkl^ ^Isternrban Ai^in ’‘""''j' J® *5.* C"'"'''"* 7^2? York City, who died Saturday. August thousands of people because matters ifont of the pUybonae waa prohibited by the ■”‘i R"r »*med July 22.

•' ** **®”l*' ?“***»“ concerning a few dozen go awry. “ --* -- city antboritiea. as under present conditions

Yonkers. New ^ork, at a ripe I There is a large and growing de- I parking ^ antom^ilaa^? tte tee^r pa* ®»H •••• was a figure that for many I ygend for a better way of adjusting Iindicated that be would


dtaputei'than theTockout o'r strlkir “ SJrSkl smT*"* '"** *'‘* ‘•*“‘“*** •■A MCUJ life of tho motropoUa. ^ lesson from Canada? Dr, fi. a. MeUngbUn la in a boapltal at | goi., on Augnit s. a aaugnter. urs. iioaanso

R was Jod^a Daly'a fhta to bo tho in the Dominion by the act of 1947 BlnMagbaaa, Ate., taking troatment for noorae-1 waa MUa IavU iTorbart, and both the and bar

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Boaanko, at Donror, Dr. fi. A. MeLangbUn la In a boapltal at Col., on Augnit 8, a daughter. Mrs. Boaanko Irwlsgbaaa, Ala., taking troatment for neores- was Mias liOla Bverbart, and both she and kar

■nwilf ul —-- whlAli. .nnAinVmAwr aF nAaeAa aF Oaw IkoMa. isd would Uko to kMf from hla frionda. bnaband bara boon touring with Ercryman. ^l*!**^ *yf?T***. .*’“****♦ appointment of Boards of Con- Doe kaa bote working la tko Stete of AUbama Bom. to Mr. and Mra. B. F, Tbornor, Is wbflo It coat tho beadi bis ablo. hd- elliation and Invostlgation is provldod for tbo past tbraa yaara with bto aodleino abow. wtUas^am/ Pa-. Anguat 9, a aon. who kaa ilHkt aad tedopeadcat mrrtem, oloetod for. To order a strike or lockout In «^rtaten#d Lorward. Mr. and Mn. nMnw Til ■ II SiijM ■—-— Amavka* aF Waw aa.aaaa af iaaaIaa A Kaa.A AA ^ uaite of Tb# MeLaugbliM. His addruas art coneosstonalroa witb tho PanaoM-PaelBc Is- Theodor* Koooovut Ooveraor of Mow advance of inquiry by such a board or a 2M« Fifth ivomm, Birmiagbam, Ala. potion Bbows.

I MPi'ii'' , I

august 19. 1916. X ti e Billboard


A prrM aceot, ft^llnc rifbt frUky. With a bon—«noo*h tor two—

ToM me that old Irlah whitkry Waa DO kiD to Iriab atew.

Regular paragraph wrltera may amirk at our

booeat efforU at terae, but we reapectfnlly point

out that the hot weather la reapooalbl* for lota

of thlnga. not the leaat of whleh la Harry

gweatman'a alienee.

The New York car atrlke la being blamed for

a minor accident to A. Waahlngtoo React, man¬

ager of Very Good. Bddle. running at tbe

Caalno Theater In tbe metropolla. While the

atreet cam were rehearalng aa targeta for aun-

dry rolmlea hurled by aealona atrlkera, Peaet

balled a tail to eacort him to the Caalno. When

the rehlcle had nearly reached the theater the

drlrer took a andden notion to teat the machine

by ateerlng Into a wooden barricade. The teat

pro»e<l aerloua to Peaefa wrtat. which waa cut

by flying glaaa. He will be off duty for ne»-

eral daya.

Walter Rerhtin. recent adranoe agent for

one of the Krecklea companlM, and who dlaap-

l>eare<l from hla familiar bannta In Cincinnati

aonii' montha ago, bobbe<l np again laat week,

looking aa young and handaome aa erer. Walter

refuaea to aay what he acwunpllahed while away,

outalde of a bum ear cauaed by too much awlm-


If Blanche RIng'a play bad been called Broad¬

way and Sweet Milk, Inatead of Broadway and

Buttermilk, there would be aome exenae for a

|Miat|a>nen>ent on account of tbe hot weather.

But. aa the title waa aoured before the beat got

a chance at It the poa’t pone meat moat reat on

another point.

Standing room In tbe vicinity of the lAmba'

new qnartera In New York laat week waa aell-

log high, aa many adrance and preaa agenta and

other theatrical folk were retnming from monn-

talna, ralleya and trout atfeama to prepare for

the coming winter. Among tboae wbo put In

an api>earanre, after aereral weeka apent In

Ignoring hot weather talk, were Cbarlea Hyde.

William Elliott, Edward Cook, E. D. Price and

Harry Alward.

Walter Dnggan aaya: “When tbe outlook

aeema a little dlacouraglng remember what Ty

Cobb nae^ to be a bnah leagner." Walter la a

baaeball bng, anyhow, and will argue for the

Cincinnati Beda agalnat any four talkera In the


Mike Manton, of McIntyre and Heath fame,

la In New York State ahead of a feature fllm.

He la doing flue, at a real clreua aalary. Aak

Punch Wheeler what that meana.

Talking of tbinga that bring odorn of aawdaat: I Bddle Brown la a valuable cireaa agent. He

•aye tbe boMea alwaya call him Into cooanlta-

tlon on important affaire. Then they do differ¬

ently than he advlaed, and make money. Which

proven that there are aeveral waya of being val¬


Harry Mitchell, once a good tent ahow agent,,

baa been managing the Empreaa Theater In Chi¬

cago for aeveral yeara.

They're together again—George Donahue and

Bill Junker. Donahue will manage Step Lively

and friend Junker will be erven daya In advance,

with a aecond man trailing right along after

him. It la a atrange coincidence, hut Step

IJvriy opena at Benton Harbor, Mich., the aame

opening aland aa laat aeaaon for Henpecked

Henry, which George and Bill were with.

It la recalled to our mind that when Hen¬ pecked Henry opened laat aeaaon It waa aa^

rounded by a bunch of tbirteena, but casM nnt a winner. Bill Junker clalma be broke tbe boo-

doo before lb* tbow ever opened. There Is a

poaalblllty that Junker may have to repeat the proceia at tbi* year'a opening.

Managera are getting more cunning every aas-

aon. Becently a manager received a letter from

a would-he actress, wbo offered ben services st

120 per week without apeclalttes. or $22.00 per

week with specialties. The manager wired her

to come on, and do Juat the apeclaltles. Thereby

saved I'JO per week for a aeaaon, or be would

have. If ahe bad accepted the generous offer.

Charles Emerson Cook, tbe well-known and

eminent purveyor of puhllcltyi has been aa-

gaged by George 8. BInmentbal, manager of

the Eta Producing Company, aa press represen¬

tative of the Japanese comic opera, Noto, for

tbe coming aeaaon. With Cook at tbe publicity

helm this new one abonld be favorably known before the aeaaon la far advanced.

“Tacka" Etter Is going to pilot The Bely Poly

GIrla this season, and says It’s going to be the

biggest and beat musical tab. on the road.

"Tacks” will bin the show -Jlke a clrcna—he

knows how.

Ben Kraus finally reached Chicago, leaving a

trail of depleted poet-card stores In his wake.

He was so glad to see a regular town again that

be rushed up and kissed one of tbe traflic cops

at the comer of Wabash and Monroe. In fact

be acted lust like a genuine Indian. Ben left

tbe Windy City Ust week for New York to

lend hla aid In settling the atreet cat' diflicnitiee.

Ben will be a Moroeco agent this fall ami sea¬

son, aa usual.

Have you ever noticed those big spreads

Punch Wheeler Is getting in tbe pai>era for A1

O. Barnes' Circus? Punch certainly gets the

•pace. A Canton (O.) paper said recently that

ha waa fliut 'ln that town in 1878. and was for

thirty-two years press agent of tbe John Rob¬

inson Show. Punch says the reporter ma<le a

mistake of twelve or fifteen years. Most have

added one year for every beer that Whee er

bought him.

One of our Ideae of something to worry about

Is the fact that a Spanish mackerel can't talk

Spanish. Stanley Datason, please note.

Jake Vetter says: "Money Is worth what It

earns. A fair Interest on a dollar for one year

Is five cents. Therefore, every nickel spent fool¬

ishly represents the earning power of a dollar

wasted. A flfteen-cent drink, or three nickel

cigars each da.T, for one year, meana the same as

If yon bad $1,085 Invested at five per cent and

yon were throwing your money away. Do you

get me, you agents?"

At a meeting of the allege<l finance committee

of tbe Press Agents' Tnlon it was decided to

go on as usual, for nothing Is wasted In spend¬

ing the Interest on a phony bank account.

A wagon tent ahow out West goes Into theaters

when It rains. They give a ball show concert

after tbe regular ab«>w. It also has a ball team

playing the local clubs at 25 cents admission on

afternoons when there was no matinee. They

adverllse<l for a yellow clarinet pla.ver wlio un-

derstanda the care of hones. Oh. yes. tbe band

plays for local dances, after the concert, and

the leading man wrestin with the town cham¬

pion. Ihe agent writes that tbe manager

wanted him to roll barrels at tbe freight house

while waiting for bis train.

Harry Crandell says'lt's too hot on Broadway,

ami Is thinking of bitting the trail for Michigan

for a vlalt with tbe "old folks."

Robert Gran la done. He waa one of the .eld¬

est publicity men In active service, and died In

tbe harness. A genial, kimlly gentleman, ever

ready to do a favor, be will be aadly missed.

VAUDEVILLE NOTES A surprise banquet was given in Elmer’s

Hotel, at r.raddock. Pa., on Saturday night, August -1. Those attending were Tom Sprague and wife, Tbe Watsons, Jack Moran, Nat Ar tliurs, Margie Malloy, Tom Kelly and wife, Clyde Marvell. Jack Quinn and Miss Davla. The event was held In memory of one year ago. when the aame acts were on tbe aame bill. Spragne and wife have been summering In Homestead. I’a.; the Watsona are at Kenny- woo>l Park, Moran and Arthurs were In Mc¬ Keesport. Malloy and Marvell at Crystal, and Tom Kelly and wife with Pawnee Bill at Kennywood. The party will be long remembered by all who participated.

Musical Fletcher, San Francisco's representa¬ tive musical artist, has been playing around Chicago and making himself at home writh many of tbe old time native son acquaintances whom he has looked up. Mr. Fletcher has a remark¬ able musical act. entirely out of tbe ordinary. The Friedlander Trio or the Three Musical Fried- landers, the moguls of eccentric instrumental comedy, are also natives of the Golden Gate who are to be found working this teiritory. "” Fletcher and the Friedlandera are life-long aciinaintances, and ran usually be found in each others company.

Jack Lord, In vaudeville with Margarette Vernon, desires his friends and others to send all mail for him through the mail department of Tbe Billboard so he will be sure to get It. He tried the mail service of another theatrical l>aper and lost tbe biggest part of his mail. He then placed an ad in The Billboard and another in tlie other trade Journal, getting over a doxen answers from bis Billboard ad and not one from the other. The week of August d Lord and Vernon playerl Hagerstown, Md., with their usual big success.

Murphy and Klein, Elsie and Eddie, registered a meat einphattc bit In Pubuque, la., when they appe.vre-l at Union Park tbe weeks of July 24 and 31. They were originally booked for one week, but went so big that Manager Jake Rosen¬ thal held them over, and the second week was even better than tbe first. While there they tried out a new act written by John P. Mulgrew, which was very successful. Murphy and Klein were the big bit of the bill, getting dne crerlit In the dally papers and from the park manage- ment.

Joe Fanton and Company arrived In Chicago August 7. after having been away from here since his starting on the Pantages Circuit Feb¬ ruary 28 at Winnipeg. After completing the

Pantages Time at Ogden, June 23, Mr. Panton received a batch of contracts that carried them


^THE SHOW WORLD rsTi^jr’Mrss sjs a?

MOVINa PICTURE PRODUCERS AND OISTRIRUTORS .with Praam._aieussa. Fain, Parks and Racing. Acts playing Aaoiralto

?y..!**** 'Acif MM adilffsard m Tarlsty" afilce, which mmursa a peaaipt dispstch sear the rail—a rrprmmtatlre In erety rtty and town thateafrtss a thsatra. AdvartMag rataa

■■ apparait— i* The BUlboard. AD cs^munlcatts— is

259 Wtt St.f Sydn«yt Australia AM Iswsta addesaaid to AumraUa ihanld haar le In Mamgt Nr tnch half sunea at frneO— thmsM.

PLEASAHT SURPRISE you mn our now booklet of it«c* dreiuot from S6.00 up? If not, lend

o^Bjr** ***** **” **“■ ***• pri*® of your oct for a Tory •mall

rOROIMO A, CO., SO Cllot Straat, BOSTON

to Duluth, where be finished his vaudeville term and then proceeded to Chicago for a late vaca¬ tion. Tbe rest, however, will be of short dura- tiOD, as he will commeuce a tour for the W, V. M. A. in September.

Emilie Lea, featured In May Tully's World Dancers, which after its first apiiearance re¬ cently at the New York Palace was acclaimed one of the greatest of dancing acts, made her first apiiearance on the stage at the early age of two years. Vsl Trainor states he beard her "apeak lines" on the stage In Australia years ago, when she was not yet three years old. It

la donbtfnl if there is another instance of a

Juvenile performer taking a speaking part at s*

early an age.

The male member of Orpbee and Company,

presenting an electric mnsical production In

vaudeville, baa received from Galicia, at tbw

Rnssian front, news of the death of one of his brothers. Jhe brother was shot while In action. Another brother has received tbe FriedMcb August cross for saving bis oflicer's life. Tb* letter carrying this news was mailed on May 28, and reached Orphee and Company In Uetroit Week of July 24.

Thu Casino, one of the largest picture houses In Cinclnuati, will vary Its entertainment this

winter with a vaudeville program, furnished by John McCarthy, of the Gus Sun Circuit, in Cin¬ cinnati. The first half of tbe week the program will Include three acts, working alternate with pictures, and tbe last half feature films will be shown as heretofore. Manager James Dryden

aMerta that boelness has kept up surprisingly well during this hot season.

Silver and Kagan write that they are home again at Silver Nook, South Haven, Mich., where they will remain fur tbe summer months. They

have purchased a new motor boat, wh^ch has been christened Sle. They made a record trip to Chicago tbe other day in eight hours. O. H. Johnstone, of the American Theatrical Agency, la expected to Join Silver and Eagan for a week's fishing before they return to Chicago for re¬ hearsals.

George P. Fish, manager of tbe Empress Thea¬ ter, Cincinnati, and Oil Robinson, old-time Ctn- clnnuti circus man, bad a dual celebration at Ocean B—cfa, N. J., tbe other day. George Flab liaa been christened "Captain" In Ocean City because he belongs to a yacht club. Captain and Mn. Flah celebrated their wedding annl- veraary, while GII Robinson observed his seventy-

llrtt birthday anniversary.

One of tbe daintiest and best musical acts In vaudeville Is that of tbe 8t. Clair Girls, hilled as tbe Five Antwerp Girls. Francis plays the violin, Edith tbe harp, Elsie tbe piano, Annie the cello, and Maud la the aololat. They are meeting with sneeeM oo tbe Poll Time, where they opened at PoH'a Palare, Hartford, Conn., recently. Itie act will go over tbe Orpbenm Time later.

Diifty and Daisy, whose bicycle act la very popular, made their first appeamuce In tbe Bait recently for the U. R. O. They are boohed up for the summer on the Proctor Time, under tbe direction of Alf T. Wilton.

Howe, Barlow and Ginger played a return cn- gagemeu! at Coney Inland, Cincinnati, week of July 24. They played a long engagement at tbia park last fall, opening Augnat 22 and cloalug September 6. the end of tbe park season.

Chief Bull Bear and Princess Flying Bird's Company were bcadllnem at Lnew'a Hippo- dronte, Baltimore, Md., week of July 31, In

I (Contiuned on page 25)


•—$ Its Nr Fl^ lllastmNd CMMagua. We lent the afeaee ■leMseei iMNNs Nr all aiiaslm. We —try Nnr eeoieNN Haas sf Mke-np.

_ 'There's a Brafern Heart for EViy Ufht on Bmedway." "Don’t Bits the Hand That’s Feedlne Ton," "When I Leave the World Btbind.” and seven

—SMBOM oUicr rvrcni papular aana»-aU TEN for ll.M. RtMIT WITH OROm. PARODIES— ii'llT-ii.r.'

MUHHs—HOB other rvrcni

CHICAGO COnUME WORKS. Pbeaa, Central I2n. let Nertb Otarksru Rl., CHICAGO, ILL


C. D. CUMMINQS, Pr«sld«nt, - • CHICAGO, ILL.


CATBRIN* TO THE PROrCMION Ore— Boani Nr Fins Dm ef M—liwe af FiWkiM—.

Two clever comedy sketch artists.

• M • AUGUST It, Itit.

Show Wardrobes, Costumes, Uniforms, Trappings, Minstrel Requisites, Banners, ^Etc. 'w* btTc eaoTliicwl ttuMiModt of Slow folks at ths superiority of our poods Slid th« sarluf In buy- int from us. These peoplo srs Mst ss skepUcsl ss you srs—wo bsd to show them—we hsd to firs them better poods St s lower ptln tbsn they could obtsln elss- where sod we did it IM us prore our clslms to YOU slso. Btsts whst poods srr needed snd we'll submit cstslop, ssmplss snd full psrtlrulsrs.


II tar

Goss’ laakif EwiTnI

’ SHOW IUi33 CANVAS Carnival Tenb

J. C GOSS CO. DEiaorr, lacH.


MKNRY'SO'NOUNO COVERS And Eeerythlnt In Csnms. Send fsr Csdslsp.




IIS Nertb Third Street. ST. LOUIS, US.

Mr. and Mrs. Jsmes Brown snd Msster ismen J. Brown, who is three yean old. Mr. Brown, who is laps! sdluiter with Uowe'i Greet London Shows, recetred the pood news lest week of n new srrtrsl, s nine-pound plrL

A1 nean, Toby Tyler and Danny Jenkins I will likely be seen together this winter In an- sical comedy.

Doe Stoddard and Billy Beed are making some new clown staff.

Charley Fisher Is proudly showing to his friends a picture of bis baby, now eighteen months old.

Major Bugs was rery conspieuona In Med¬ ford, WIs.

Mrs. FYank Bnllard, of Bnraboo, rlsited the show last week.

The Und Trio hare added some new trlcka to their unsupported Udder act, which U pror- tng a big bit.

Gale Hamilton, of the btp show band. Is ac¬ quiring aome wardrobe to be used in stock this winter.—EARL SHIPZADT.


Buslneea Interests bare compelled Cant. J. W. Price, who la now In the Orient, to give np bU contemplated trip borne to America for the preaent. If conditions warrant the Captain will return In abont six or eight months with many anlmnU.


Tbs Unlger Bros. A O’Wesney Shows are now In their Cfteentb week and enjoying good busi¬ ness. So far the abow baa proren a aucceaa, and la eatabliablnp a good reputation all along the route.

Many new features hare been added, among which is a new air calliope which la belnp op¬ erated and played by Billy Howard. The show baa alao been ntrengthened by the addition of the Gianti, contortionlsta and aerial Udder and return act. Billy Newbnrger, aerial gjmnnat, doing Tfeonmn rings and single trapeae, U alao another addition. Cobnm baa bMn a rlaltor on the show for aeTeral days and prononneed It one of the atrongest small shows be has acan In n

I long time.

HORSE and PONT PLUMES For Show Paradsa, AcU and Adrsitialiu puipMn. Scad for price list M. BOHAEUBB. Ill MUrsMlSail Ass.. Bmsklyn. New Vsrtu _


SNAKES, MONKEYS rUsM aasottaasnt at BuU and Baul# Bnakw In markst. Bxed aaft to handle. Baboons and Montayib plsnty. DAN NAGLE, Hupcfta Muasum. Oamm IiUnd, Nsw York.

LIONESS (onto bred. $1»: BOA OHf- BTRicnns; Gksatod Oomaek

MeaUra. II*: DodUng Monksya. aood Naa, IK. inaksa. Uiakea. Bnakcai BOTAL PDBFLB ANIMAl, HOtlBN, 11 Baaa FUsa Bnffato, Nsw York.



TUNTH 90m RBNT. THBUROW 4 CO.. Id 4 iwaawrs, CInilhnaM. Okln


Dakota Mai Wild Wast Slav Onwbnya and Olrla. Btoto all U Orat lettsr. WaA at Anguat 14, Quincy, IIL: weak 11. Dasenpost. Ifc

SNA,KES |1*.0* for • PUa or TuiUs-Head Baakea, 4 to • feet loag, aaaorted. Alto Tellaw and Blue Bulls at lowest prieea. J. HOPE. M N. Mh Rtoatt. PhlU- <MphU. Peantotranla.

RegilarCirciis Weather

SNAKES. HALF A TON OF 8NAKKB. BIflfMl Valas far Yaw UaMg. Blxtein yeara* experience Axing poisonous fsptUss snd Defer an aecldmt Don't take chaneea erttk aatalcurs. Ibe Old. Reliable BEJtT J. PUTNAM, •H Wariitogton SL. Buffalo, New York.

ment when the tick wagon rolled np In front of the Boody Hotel to let the gang off. The "tick paaaengera," besides Joe Boyton, were Fred Steck, Spatch Hogan, Fax Lndlow, Fits of Profldence, Doc Pratt and Clarley Cnrroll, of St. LonU, Mlcb.

Kidney and Bill Devltt left the Fonr Com- mdes In Toledo. Dave CUrk Joined the clown alley the same day. Spot the boteber baa left to Join the Sparks Show. Tbe Wild West num¬ ber waa introduced as an act In tbe big show in Toledo, and tbe peppery number drew the head¬ line potion in the press noticea. Cy Compton pnt on a roping atnnt not In tbe ronttnes when he roped rider, borae and Eddie Cnmmlna, bead naber, at tbe same time. Eddie was not hnrt, bat for a few seconds be learned a remarkable lesson In astronomy. Ererett Hart and Tony Dekoe were cabareting In Toledo, bat they were in good company. Jack Hedder refutes to be made downcast. He has an ironclad disposition and a smile that won’t wash off with tbe make¬ up. George Zammert la getting thin—not.

This will be the last letter from Fax I.adIow from Bamnm A Bailey. Fax left In Toledo and be felt ao bad be conldn't aay good-by to anyone, bnt a abower of letters and post carda made np for It when be got borne. Fax baa gone to Woodmont, Conn., near botb Bridgeport and New Hafen. and mail will always reach him there, for that will be bU permanent address forever and ever. Cat tbia address ont and pnt It In tbe old scrap book, everybody, and when yon are In the vicinity drop a line. Woodmont may get lonesome after a while and all friends will be mighty welcome. Fax will now dis¬ appear from “pnblic view.” Good lock, every¬ body.—PAX LUDLOW.

SPECIAL Onnestolon Tinto. atode with l-on. Osran- OMBt Khaki Tops and airipcd rids walla, at Ihsat tpeelal prices whUa tbv UaL Be gidek.

•xit-fL. HI. nr. Itxl4-R., ni.

■vctylhlng to Clicna, Rhow and Osneairign Tmto. WriU fsr Ug Wtaa ChUloi Today.

MRNIE-tOODIE MEG. CO. Tbs Ttnl Hsum that Sa«N Van Mtnay.

RglasMy Blattoa. KANBAB OITY. MO.


Rtnageat and Ughtsst Trunk so tha nur- kaC sue, MxlSxlt.

•sad far 1*1* CataUgna.

C. k TAYIOI TIUNK WOIKS CHICAQOi 82 E. Rondelph tt NEW YORK: 210 W. 44th Gi


V#ry Flashy—Rleh Colors—ALWAYS LOOK GOOD.




IT’ ' ' • »• i"-

AUGUST 19, 1916. X ti e Billboard


Tendtrad the Salia-Floto Show* and Its Own*r* at 0*nv*r

Militur 'J'tie Billboard: I was In llenver Monday, AuKuHt 7, with tbe

Hella-Kloto Mbowa, and It falla to few people In a lifetime to receive tbe tribute the Denver public banded iMeaarH. II. II. Tamuien and Fred Buntlla, owuera of tbe abow, and Otto FkJto, tbeir aaauciate.

I'olltical and newBi>a|>er ronditiona were aucb that tbe public waa called uia>n to abow Ita anawer by ataylflK away from tbe abow. Tbe Nen'a and Timea knocked tbe abow in old-faab- loned tank town atyle.

Tbe public auawered all right, but tbe anawer waa two iinmenae turnawaya, deapite ahowera and threatening weather. They anawered by eatabliabing a new reiaird for Sella-Floto. The reoeipta amounted to nearly $11,000 on tbe day and only miaaed $lb,0U0 becauae there waa nut room.

Tammeu and Bonilla received an immenae re¬ ception when they went to their aeata with tbeir faiiiiliea, and every act, from tbe grand entree to tbe Jeaa Willard athletic exhibition, waa v)N-ltcrv>iMly clieercd to tbe echo to make St plain that Denver la atancb to ita fellow citixena, who have one of tbe beat attractioua on tbe road.

(Signed) JACK Cirill.KY


After twe weeka In Quebec tbe abow la once more in tlM good old C. S. A. We cruaaed the line Saturday Bight, Augnet 5, and Bundayed la North Troy, Vt. Quebec la trying on one'a narrra and It aeotna good on<-e more to be able te talk Kngliati. The abow uaed interpretera on the aide-abow and for tbe auuouncementa, and in tbe main did good buaineaa.

I,egal Adjuater U U. I'lxa-tur la now a happy fellow. After ata.viiig up ail night and aeeing tbe ahow.aafely acnwa the line, and two weeka in trying to acquire tbe French dialect In deal¬ ing with the odiclala, he ha.a now time to enjoy a few houm to hiniaelf unnioleated.

Barney Demoreat. with hia atring of high Jumping horaea, cloaed at North Troy and la going to play a circuit of faira, opening at Sioux City, la.

Frank Saul, who earlier in tbe aeaaon waa generul agent of the llall'a lamdon Sbowa out of Toronto. Can., and who baa been with tbe abow for the paat eight weeka. leavea shortly to aaaiiine a iHiaition aa agent fur the Merle H. Norton’s Western Freckles company.

Alex Lowande ia bappy again. He has his mule and is now closing tbe show with bis act.

"Nosey” Swab Is back once more in bis bungalow after a seaalou in tbe hospital at Ot¬ tawa with tonailitis.

Mrs. Florence Drake (it seems funny to write this, as Mrs. Drake waa only a few years ago Florence Forrester, and idaylng Little Eva with the Governor's I'ncle ’Toin’s Cabin company), la In charge of the lady candy bntcbera. Mrs. Dvwnie is doing some business with tbe candy stands.

George Barton, chief of the cowlioys. baa re¬ covered from his recent accident, and la now riding In the Wild West concert.

Pup Coy actually smiled last Sunday. He picked up two new working men. "Puss” Irvin waa also In tbe running. He gained two also, and is now full handed.

Joe Gray, who makes the pictures while you wait, Is a happy man. He baa a new stock of plates and this time it didn't cost him $9.75 duty.

“Bones” Hartxell. who has been clowning with the show for the past four weeks, closed at North Troy, aa it was im|>oasible for him to pat on his acta as the Canadian offlcials per¬ sisted in holding up bis animals, even after the time limit, and It was only pigs at that.

Prof. Kerns la now In a good-natured mood. He baa gained some real musicians in (tob Wil¬ liams and “Bing” Harris and tbe old-timer. Doc Relmer, on trap drama.

Tbe midway has been depleted since we crossed the line. Sam Freed and his dog show didn't work in Quebec, but he's on again In tbe States. Ike Sllvert>urg is also on the happy list. Ike worked nine weeks in Canada and never gave away a teddy bear.—FIJtTt'HEIt SMITH.


The Sparks Show played Bridgeport, Oonn., Aagnst 4 and S. for tbe Brat time, and mads Moy friends, playing to good bnalneas even bsyond tbe expectations, for there were many In Brt<l**Port who were not formerly acquainted with the Sparka reputation, ^le show In erwy way lived op to Its billing, and enjoyed a good two days' bnalnees, with a tnntaway the Brat night; all this la face of a poor lot loeatlOB. poor trolley service and a qnarantee against the kids becanse of the Infantile paralysis epl-

(Contlnned on page 61)

WAN7ED, QUICK. FOR M. L CLARK A SON’S SHOWS Band Leader (Ownct), Clarinet, Trap Drummer, good F^re Acta, Wire AcU, Bar Acu. AertibaU, Kle- PBMt Man (Blacky Duncan, wire or wHIe). WorUng Pmple In all departments. Answer quirk aa per mU: New Hampton, Ho.. Aug. IT: McFal). Mo., Aug. 18; Weatherby, Ha, Aug. 18; Kidder, Aug. SO.


twe Cotnets, B Clarinet, Baritone, (Trcua Oook and * Bom Canvaaman, to handle .a 70 with a 40: lowest salary In drat. Wire or address Qrafton. W. Va.. Auguat 11.



$1.35 Some Price—EhT Positively tbe best value ever offered for a flasb. Extra heavy Gold Plated, Gold Dial, Tbin Model Watcb,

witb a genuine 20-year Gold Filled, (^Id Soldered Walde- mar or Coat, ^Ud Link Chain and Knife. In a Handsome Velvet Lined Case.

Fair and Street Workers, Sales Board Operators—Every One Who W ants the Big Flash—Get Busy White They Last. This is only one of our big bargains.


tha Praaa. It’s Free. THE ONiT ORIRINAL FIRM OF

HOLSMAN A CO.,Wkoli$ale lewelers 177-179 W. Madlaon St., CHICAGO, ILL.




riSE SHOW TENTS E«wy aba, Otags aa* atlsr. Lares alask aa baa* for laiBM*lata ahlsaaat. Far Hat tf saa* Staaa*- Haa* Taati. aas ClaasMa* Sactlsa, Pass 42.



To strengthen Big Show perfomuince. Can use ten additional Clowns; also Cowboys and Cowgirls for Wild West. Address FRED BUCHAHAIT, Fair- field, Iowa, August 17: Pella, 18; Winterset, 19; Princeton, Mo., 81; Atchi¬ son, Kan., 22. Powell Family, wire at once. WANTED—MUSICIANS, for Big Show Band. Address THEO. STOUT, Director, as per route above.

FOR SALE-From Ethel Barnes’ Bear Act Two well-trained BLACK MALE BEARS, 4 years old, very gentle; also props, and crates. Just out of vaudeville. Best offer.

JERRY BARNES, 666 T Queens Ave., London, Out., Canada.


ha reibembered by Billboard roadera as a con- tribat*r.

The Barnum a Bailey Show played to capac¬ ity at both performaucee at Kansas City, Mo.. August 7. 1.

I Fax Ludlow left tbe Barnum St Bailey Shows I at 'ioledo, aud says he la through trouplng, and I will settle down at Wooilmont, Conn. What's ' tbe betting that Fax will not take the road

next season?

Frank Spellman la getting out a nifty folder in behalf of tbe new United States Circus Cor¬ poration. Spellman's plans are rapidly being put into concrete form, and the new circua ia likely to make the entire amusement world sit up and take notice.

Press Agent James M. Brown, of tbe John Robinson Shows, entertained tbe members of Car No. 1, Kingling Bros.’ Circus at Columbus, Neb., last week. The Kingling car stopped in Columbus on tbe run to Norfolk.

Jamea F, Donalson and Col. T. W. McCnllongh, managing editor of The Omaha Bee, renewed old aequaintani-eship when the Kingling circua con¬ tracting press agent made Omaha last week. Colonel McCullough is personally acquainted with more circus men than any other man in

• the newspaper business Ip the West.

Sam J. Banks is not on the road this season— tbe first that be has missed since 1901. On .\ugust 3 at Glens Falls, N. Y., be visited the Cook & Wilson Show and stayed around tbe lot all day. Incidentally, he wrote a column of good stuff for the daily paper regarding tbe show. Banks also Journeyed to Saratoga to visit the show, and while there be met bis old friends, Frank A. Kobblns, Sr., and K. M. Harvey.

Brick (J. U) Palmer, who for many years was identified with nearly every branch of the show business, has settleil down in Pittsvllie, Wis., and has received a commission as post-

• master at that place. Brick keeps The BUI- > board on file, and any trouiier who happens along

is sure of a royal welcome.

C. W. Finney, contractor for the 101 Ranch- Buffalo Bill Sbowa, was in Sturgis, Mich., re¬ cently, and made arrangements for tbe shows' date there, August 39.

• - 1. A. W. Moore's trooiie of Uona have been sold

to T. Curtis, of Pittsburg. A. Samson, wbo worked the act, is now in Toledo, O.

for ralr—ootrionro and alliratorr ywta m wlra for prieaa. Iliw win grt you ths SH*- _THB TCLAA n«TR10B A AUiOATOB PABIl. Pott Arthur. Tmm.

Happy Benway says: "Never go behind the bnoh and teH a fellow performer what a bud boy tbe other is, becauae that same string will hang yon."

Eddie M. Jackson, press agent of the Sella- Floto Clrcut (back with thow), made qnite a hit with the newspaper men of La Croose. WIs. ‘ne La Crotae Sunday Chronicle of July SO came out with almost a column devoted to his life. Among other things the paper said: “And It was not until he had seated himself directly In front of na, with a handfnl of reserved scat paaoet held alluringly In one hand, that'wa got a good look at the little one, and discovered, to our snr- prioe, that It was none other than Eddie Jackson, 'of La Crosse, Wisconsin, If yon please.’ ”

. Oernid Fltsgarsld la now permanently located at Ogdenaburg, N. T., In the Insurance hnsineos. He oald directly after paying his flrut month's offlee rent he had nine offers to go on tbe road. His brother, Harry Fltigerald, is with tbe Coop A Lent Circus In Canada. Frank Cooper has piloted that new show to good money all season.

IVople of Delaware and the eastern •hore of Maryland are wondering If Jerry Mugtvan or Andrew Downie will tour those States tbia fall. The territory has not been Invaded for two years, and ax bumper crops of all kinde nee re¬ ported. there la some loose change In that aec- tlon.

No doubt the Delaware. Maryland and Vir¬ ginia Prninaula will be visited by several of the smaller shows this fgll, a’a the fanner* have filleil th.'lr coffers from the big atrawlierry crop. The tomato season In that territory—the largest tomato growing section In the country—Is now coming on. and la expected to be a bumper. The cimis man the latter part of Angnat or the middle of September Is sure to get some of the long green should be take advantage of the opportnnlty.

Boh, the baby elephant of the Coop A Lent Clrcna, put on a little circus of Its ovm while the show waa In Toronto July 21 and 22, iA*w.

ing nt Dufferin Park, according to n clipping from n Toronto dally that has reached na. Tbe story goea that tbe pachyderm escaped from its stable, walked down tbe Dufferin street sidewalk, chased a policeman wbo tried to chase It, damaged lawns and fences, marched along College street, and interfered with car and naotor traffle, knocked down its keeper, and finally trailed hack to the circua like an obedient child when “papa” elephant was brought on tbe scene.

Cycling Crane Joined the LaTena Show recent¬ ly, bringing good weather with him, they say.

George Day la still with the Christy Big Hip¬ podrome Show as booa canvaaman. Ons thing that makes George bappy Is a d$ily letter from Harrisburg, Pa. ''

The Blllpnstera and Billers Local No. 3, of Pittsburg. Pa., are making preparations for a big celebration at Kennywood Park on Labor Day. A big parade will open the event.

1. 8. Ixing, one of the founders of the bat¬ ter commission firm of S. 8. long A Bro., 102 Warren street. New York, died on hia mag¬ nificent farm at Mlilcreek, Pa.. May 7 last at the age of 80, and bis will has Just ben pro¬ bated. “One of Its provisions is that no circus or show horses shall be pastured on bis farm." Such is tbe reasoning of tbe rellgtonlet. Pity the poor clrcna horse; the beast la steeped In aln.

Hie late A1 BingUng'a will, made on May 8, 1918, and filed in Barahoo shortly after hts death, was offered for ^bate at Bridgeport, Conn., August 7. Only $27,093 waa located in tbe State last named, and the tax In consequence waa only $720. Other flguren and details pub- liabed by tbe dally prtos were quite generally misleading.

L. Fowler, agud TR, Marshalltown, la., a veteran thowmaa and aewnpaper man, together with his oeven ulatois, had a reunion recently tot the flint tloM In twenty years. VV>wIer will

Bert Davis and wife, known aa Hiram Bird¬ seed and Aunt Lncindy, have been at Keith's Theater, Atlantic City, for five weeks. Manager Anderson has engaged them until September 1.

This is tbe first time we hare seen this one “palled.” It's some story, but we are Inclined to believe the press agent “atretched” things somewhat. We quote an Athens (Ga.) dally:

"The greatest innovation in the show basiness since tbe palmy daya of old P. T. Barnum will be ahowD the iieople of Athens when the Great Greenwood Shows, now located on Sanford Field, erects tbe first rubber clrcna tent ever made in this conntry. The new rubber tent Is tbe very first of Its kind, and It is believed will solve tbe greatest problem that baa confronted showmen since tbe first traveling clrcna made its bow to the public. The rnbber outfit not only insures perfect comfort in the face of the moat severe rain storm, but is adaptable to any alxed city without alteration, as the giiy ropes and stakes are so arranged that tbe slxe can be ebanged at will, making It either seat two, three, four or five thousand people simply by setting the stakes farther oat and stretching tbe top witb a special lateral pnlley made for tbe purpose.”

Think of It—eblUed air at a clrcna. Tbe Ogdenaburg (N. T.) Daily News oays; “Here la a real showman witb a aonl above grabbing It all. for AI O. Bornoa* Clrcna boa electile fans In the big top, and plenty of them, too, playing upon tbe audience during tbe perform¬ ance. It waa a bappy Inoplranon on tbe pert of the management, and waa Immenaely appreci¬ ated by tbe two big erowda here. Tbe oldewall netting eonpelled a breesy draft to permeate tbe entire big canvna, adding mneb aest to tbe performance and more comfort tor tbe large attendance.

Ed Holder, tbe regnUr domeitle animal edn- cator, ia playing pnrkn and vandevllle dnteo. Ed refnaed olx weeka In Canads, oaylng tbe mulec were not nentmL

Al Q. Barnee* Cirena bad a big day at Anburn, N. T. It waa that town's Brat tent show of tbe season. A baby lebrn made Itn appearance nt Albany.

Wfl carry in stock

Show Cars of BTflry dflscription. If in market edvitfl

kinii of car wanted.


For Sale, One Pick-Out Pony sIm does tsicklna, rfaaatns and Urklnf, and la tha best Jannaiy Pony In the buaineaa. Six years aid a^ sound. One Revolvlns Table Pony. wHsht 180 lbs.. * years old. SO In. hltb. Also does tk-k pony act, walks on hind legi, rolls hartcia and runs for mtmkn to ride. Gne Revolvlnf Table In food condition. JOB QHK13I, care Omtp A Unt'a Circua, aa per route.


P\)i[dV0e5tV?tsdon)§rrot}tiQrFri\}oli^] The Real Dope, Leavened With a Little Gossip and Small Talh, Bat Feataring Facts


rli, Konald McDonald, Kalpb Derby, Frank Car- i Men's Champhinsblp Buckinx Contest—Jay ter, Dutch lieydler, Jeaae Coats, Walter Lawyer Miller, liugb Clark. I'aul Uanaon, Clyde Heck and Bill Baker, Inc, Allan Dnimbellcr, Bd McCarty (thrown).

Pbewl Some S-T-A-M-P-B-D-EI More than one of the boys who played New

York last week is now alllietcd with a crick In the neck, caused by rubbering at tbe tall build- inga.

Now that Weadlck baa pulled off tbe "great¬ est ever," It’s on to Chicago, and see wbat Mel Baymond baa to offer. Mel's a clever chap, and generally makes good when be attempts aometbiug.

Col. Charles Irwin corralled quite a bit of

dinner Sunday at tbe Penn Hotel, Pittsburg.

World's Championship Steer Itoidng Contest— Skeeter Bill Kobbina, Lafe Lewman, Bnggsr Charles Weir, Ceorge Weir. :‘-*7 4 6; Kd Bur- Med. Jack Klllott, BUI Stanton. Walter Meyers, gesa, ;29 4-6; Fred lowry, :44 2 6; Gus Ander- Dick Hombuckto, Ony Brown, Billy Powell, Dan '•>u, ;48 4'6; K<l McCarty, ;,'i7 4-6; Dick Horn- Thompson Jack Frits. hiickle, ;.%3; Pax Irvine, 1:012 5, and Nick Cbampl^blp Steer Hoping Contest—Dick

1:0-4-5. Ilombockle. :32 (killed steer); Kd McCarty.


Col. Charles Irwin corralled quite a bit of Attendance reconla were broken at tbe Fron- space In tbe New York pajiers. ITie reporters tier Days Celebration, Cbeyeniie, Wy., which . ^ — spotted him for a leader, and played the Colonel started July 27. Several of the contestants suf- I 'I’lme. ;57 8-5

Wild Horae Mace (Half Mile)—Karl Carpenter, I berry, Kay Lucas and Fred Besson, first; Jack Klllott, second; Kufus Itollios, third, ' and Dick Hurnbuckle, fourth. Time, 1:80.

Suniiiiary of tbe events held July 28; Men's Cowpony Race, Half Mile Gall Down- i. saupaa

ing, first; Earl Biggs, second; o. Scoby, third. [ Appointsd Administrator of tho Estats


op in great sha|ie. fered slight injuries, among them being Orlando Tex McI«od's tin lizzie created a furore on Scoby, G. Morgan and Jimmy Fitzgerald.

The natives couldn't understand Tbe results of tbe first two days were as fol- I third Time, 1:05.

Indian Chief Race, Half Mile—Chief Magpie, first; Chief Runs With, second; Chief Big Nose,

bow it came that a cow hand could be "rushing I lows: July 27—

of tha Lata Michaal Braalauar

Minneapolis, Aug. 12.—William J. Breslauer, eldest son, has been a|ipolnte<l administrator of

Nightshirt Race. Half Mile—Ralph Derby, j tbe estate of tbe late Michael Breslauer of tbe Men's Cow Pony Race (Half Mile)—Biggs, first; Gall Downing, second; Rufus Rollins, I Northern Display Advertising Co., who died July

Wm. K. Hawks—Did you have tbe time of I first; O'Connor, second; A. 8eoby, third. Time, I third. Time, 1;85. your young life) HupiKMe you are satisfied now I :50. Men's Relay Race, One and one-Half Mile

7. Mr. Breslauer was |>eraonally known to nearly every theatrical manager of note in tbe

to go back to Bennington and say; “I saw tbe Riders in Amateur Rucking Contest—Walter Allan Dmmheller, first; Nip Ly.tch, secend; Jay country. He establishe<l a billposting business biggest and Is-st.” Horry I did not meet you. lams, Kd itowinan, Guy Morgan, Art McKecbule, Miller, third. Time, 3;10. here thirty years ago, which in 1906 was com-

"BIH" Tltonipoon deserves a world of credit Jim Flizgerahl, It. J. Wallace, C. Summers, A. Cowgirls’ Cowpony Race, Half Mile—Juanita blne<l with blllpoatlng plants that covmtl the for tbe manner In which be handle<l the pub- K Osborne, C. Williams, M. Hinkle, R. Black- Edgar, first; Vera McGinnis, aec-ond; Mrs. Twin Cities and Duluth and Suiterlor. of which llclty for The Stamiiede. Tlie "old timer" more and Dick Morgan. Pierce third. Time ;54 he was a director and also manager of the Min- llclty for The Stamiiede. Tlie “old-timer" workeil in the form that made him famous when witli tlie white to|is.

more and Dick Morgan. Men's Bareback Cow Pony Race (Half Mile) —

Pierce third. Time ;54 I he was a director and also manager or toe Min- row'horse Race, Half Mile-Ktrl Simpson, neapolla branch. He was sick for over a year.

C. Parsons, first; Nap i.ynch, second; Gall I first; Nip Lynch, second; Jodson Scoby, third, land reslgneil as treasurer of the Poster Ad -. _ .. . . - I— — — ' vertlsers' Association. He was also vlce-presl- Soiiie of the contestants at tbe Stampede last Downing, third. Time, ;53 3-5. Time •.55 8-5. vertlsers’ Association. He was also vice presl-

week were sent to tbe hospital. On Wednesday Riders In Championship Ladles’ Burking Con- Half-Mile Race for Halter-Broke Horses—Jay <'ent of the Northern States Poster Association. Howard Lemond was kicked In the face by a He backed a number of theatrical ventures dur- muatang that threw him; Harry Walters, of Texas, was bucked off a broncho and his collar¬ bone broken, and John McHpaden, of Texas, was thrown by a steer and his shoulder broken.

Jessie Rrisi-o—Did you make any of tbe con¬ tests this season 7

Bd Lindsey—Are you still bulMogglng the wild oxen?

Haven't had a line from Charlie Aldridge for aome time. Are you still on the Cook & Wilson Bbowt

Fred Stone was surely In evidence at the Stampede last week. Fred la one all-round perfonner.

On Monday, August 7, the second day of tbe Btanipcile, tbe spectators were treated to a lively scrap. It occurred during tbe bnlldogging, and was tbe result of tbe famous cowboy. Bill Pickett, throwing bis steer in 26 seconds. Down near the bull|iens an argument started as to whether be had "boollganed" tbe animal, which Is a st>eclal way of throwing him as you Jump from your horse to a grip on bis horns. Tlie siiectators saw a cowboy In a crimson sweater strike a large and heavy man In a white shirt. Tlie latter was Charles R. Irwin, live stock agent for the Union Pacific Railroad, and one of the largest ranch owners In Wyoming. Tbe other man was Bd IJmIsey. The two were In a lively scrimmage when Floyd Irwin, son of the man who was being attacked, pitched Into his father's assailant, and soon there was a lively mixup going on among tbe mass of cowboys. They were separated without casualties, and all oemnlance of feeling apparently disappeared within a minute or two. That same afternoon BUI Htecle of Montana, In the bucking horse riding was hurled to the ground and stepped on when h's mount crashed Into him after he had dlamonnteil. He was nearly unconodoua, but recovered quickly when be caught sight of an ambulance. Tom Kckerd, of Miles City, was also kickeil In the stomach In the wild horse race, and carried off the field. I i

At MiMlora, N. D., on July 24 and 26, 2,000 I teat—Dorothy Morrell, Maud Tarr, Louise I Miller, first; Hugh Clark, second; Bd McCarty,

G. 8. Garcia Is manager of the Fifth Annual Rodeo, to be held at Dko, Nev., froen Sept. 4 to 7.

Ing his life, and was prominent as manager of sporting events for a number of years.


Millie Von I.ear. well known in the carnival and circus profession, is ill In the Church Home Hospital at Baltimore. She would iike to hear from her friends as she finds tbe hours drsg in the hospital, and would like to have letters from those in tbe profession, whose words will cheer her op. Miss Von I-ear has been living in Norfolk, Va., for some years, and when at liome she has entertained many carnival and cir¬ cus folk at her farm on tbe outskirts of the city. _


Business with the Amazon Bros.* Show baa been above expectations, and the show has been giving satisfactioo. On July 81 a cyclone struck the show, which was literally torn to pieeea. Everybody became busy with nee<lles and threads, and on Tnesday bad everything fixed up for a performance that evening. The cookhouse was left on the lot. and a new top ordered.

Harry Haskins and wife left tbs show at Ashley, 0.

Roster of the show; Mona. LaPlace, owner and manager; Mrs. May LaPlace, treasurer; Arthur Brown, comedian and stage manager; Mrs. May Fnikeraon, blackface comedian; Miss Florence Fhnlkeison, soubrette and Ingenue; Baby Mary Fulkerson, song and dance artist; Jack Russell and Cearel Householder, female Im¬ personators and song and dance artists; Moos, and May iJiPlace, roman rings and trapeze art¬ ists; Miss C. Householder, pianist; Will Joum, traps; Jack Cooper, boss canvasman, with three assistants; Henry Woody, boss hastier.


people gathered to witness the dedication of the I Thompson and Catherine Wllkers. Bc<l Trail Bridge and the Frontier Days Cele- | Men's Relay Race (One and -One-Half Mile)—

third. Time, 3;35 1-5. The carnival and circus world will be Inter- Indian Squaw Race, Half Mile—Mrs, Flying I ested in the announcement of the opening of tbe

bratlon. Many prominent speakers were on I Nap Lynch, first; Allen Dmmheller, second; I Ehtgle, first; Mrs. Stumbling Water, secwid: I Hotel Antler. Kansas City. This hotel Is the the program. The Wild West show was excel- Gail Downing, third. Time. 3:12 3-5. b'nt, and everything went off smoothly. Messrs. Participants In Fancy and Trick Biding Events

Mrs. Runs With, third. Time, 1;2S. Change Horses on Range Race, Half Mile

former La Grande Hotel, a name known and liked by all tbe profession. Tbe Hotel Antler

Ray, Gardner and Nichols had charge of the —Wm. Brown, Ed M^arty, Walter Robbins and Gall Downing, first; Art McKechnle, second; *• ®?“P*****^ ^**“*^1!^**** n-TVl events. Following la a list of tbe prise winners; Sam Garrett. John Bevan third. *• location. Thirteenth and Wyan- Rojdng Conteat-First prise, George F. Gardner. Cow Girls' Stake Race-Helen _^wen. first; Lajj^. neUy Race, Half Mlle-Mw. J. A. bSthV boTand “id mmul $100 saddle and $120 in cash; aecond priae, Beatrice Neddeau, aecond. and Gladya Aatle, pmraonfl first* V#ra MeOInnta accond- Jnanlta Dutch HoRkina, $M In caab; third prise, Earl third. kSITI ihfj? ’Jnanlta phone, etc and a first claw «fe Harmon, $25 In cash. - Riding Contest—First Cow Girls' Cow Pony Race (Half Mlle)—Vera ®^wnd * Mile—Ronald Me. connection. The new manager la 8. II. Bray.

$TO: second Simpson, flrat; Mrs. aecond; Mra. TVm«M firatr Rnfna RntiinB. Moond* Johnne eorhaa DArteai lun prise, Jeaae Perkins, $.50: third prize, Alex La- John F. Pierce, third. Time, :56. ----' -

f?r\“ $.’“’.e"nd'’^?fze.‘R.^T^ laVthfrd -iJ^2*5“‘’wR'’Bak®r'M" k1?I w'r“* ‘rilnmaster; Igfe Prow, down- prise. Cage Johnson, $10. KiwmaCannrtt^-4'‘>45’'rom*Eckhani*’l‘4oi-5- S' J- ToPPle^ O- Donrnlng, town ticket seller: Jargo Jackman, band, and

Col. R<M.wvelt was at The Stampede last Mn.i? joh^nJ^^^faH^* ^ T' ♦•'e Ilagenbeck-Wallace Show, took week. Kay. the ev-Prealdcnt: “The show cer- p^Av and Trick Ronlne Sam ^ Clmrles Johnson, Roy ^nnor, advantage of the cutting out of tbe show date talnly la worth fifty movies. The people of r.™!v ‘w.uel m Campbell. Jack Thomimon. John Di^ge. 0. at Greensburg, Ind., July 29. and spent two


Prealdcnt: “The Show cer- -rick Ronlne-Sam ^ Clmrles Johnson, Roy advantage of the cutting out of tbe y movies, -pie people of Garrett! ‘waUer B^bbfns and Ed M^ar'tyT Bud Camplmll. JackThomp;^. John Di^ge, 0. ,t Greensburg. Ind., July 2». and

thiy clreet'’here V»hrin.u*n4‘'w^^ I .n^**.* I w7E:"FlVzm^^ri.V c'.XseifV Ed Savage' Thomas (thrown), James Fitzgerald (thrown), days with tbe home folks at French Uck, West

biff enough to hold the crowds.' Ing, first; Fred Beason, second; Jack Elliott, Baden, Washington and other points. They re- u.« ........KM .lie .-rueruc. . -Ime 1'28 1-5 Womsu's Bucklng Contcst—Maud Tarr, Louise Joined tbe show at Indlanaiiolls, July 81.

uiocr.— Bin. ...1 n..„ w. wn... «n!^l-i.r. S Bin b.ii„. .. ' — —■■■■ ■ thtni Tim* licwmuii :20 2-5; J. 0. Binki, :22 8-5: Henry _ ®lll Dtrit, on the II.-W. gteff, U etlll at weet

^ , , , , au^aa. « SSMV.__ . . _ . . _ _•_ .msk. M^ a as-S— K*4l*n H* !■ algkWlv rAtlfhalln* Inigh VFMlil nhv.

“BILL" WALKER ENTERTAINS Riders in Wortd’7champlonshlp Bucking Con- Morris. :46; Walter Itobblna, ;50: Fred Atkin- "? *•

test-Rufos Rolllna. Gus Anderson. Henry Mor- oon. ;58. ?Le ah^ il.ortly! ^

' - . - ■ ' - — ■- — - " ■ - . -Nat Goodwin and wife were at French Uck Springs recently.

rriVTlTCTC AVn r*!?! vnn ATfriMC ^ BalUrd, principal owner of the H.-W. ijiUIN 1 ErO I O AINli I shows, has purchased the Colonial Hotel at West Baden, a splendid piece of property, and Is otierating the hostelry on tbe European plan. It

.. ..BE -cau Vi .av navTwnwwra MIgSOIIll "**’ ***“*•* *** headquarters for showfolk Anserlcen Tbennos Bottle Comuanv the man b. a _a .b „ m ..._ MigRiiuAi winter, as the winter quarters of tbe show ChTiut thT^n^' tb^’^'r^'dlct'M Bak^Id-Rodmt. Be^t. 1-4. Tngse Proctor, k.^ City (Federal Leagno Park)—Original I are at West Baden.—W. J. PROW. of thirty different langnoges, last night ten- '•*'' mT.nwann Eonod-Dp. Sept. 1-4. Joe - Sees4 • huqnet to noose of the celebrities at- ^ ^_,, n... ejl _ |. A. B. P. G B. No. 4S tewdii* The Stampede. y»y-Morgan Frontier Days. Sept. S-S. nTASA *'*'•

Elko-Rodm., Sept. 4-7. O. S. Oardt, mgr. I>*»r«lt. Mich., August 12.-Art Va’e la still ttemwh^lUym ofOmate; (^ WMdick. IDAHO 0»M«w Jumping around with Melvin and Company. B.

New York, Aug. 9.—William Walker, In¬ telligently unashamed of tbe fact that be first oaw the light of day in a box-car in Wyoming and drank his first milk out of a rusty can, an.1 later earned bis livelihood aa a cow- pnpeher. and who is now at tlie bead of the American Tbennoe Bottle Company, tbe man who put the word "thermos" In tbe dictionaries of thirty different langnoges, last night ten- ders4 a haaqnet to some of the celebrities at- tsndiag Tbe Stampede.

Among thaae present were "Jim” Dahlman. tbs cwwboy Mayor of Omate; Guy WMdick. dpsekaggyaMl •f_Tbe ^aspede;' Malm Fhlla-War Benast Banad-Cp. SepL 4A. Nslnn. ad Utzaa- W. C. numpssa. dirsetor WiUlama mgr P<

pe Irwin. M Maehay—Bannd-0^ Dates not oat aa yaC Cbrpinni. Wpa.; Pnre J. IFBlItn. Omaha; Lsnls ^ Kanb ed tbe plaarer BasA family ad Wsbraaka; XUJBOIB AA. Bv. ad ffuitbnsmasn OHmAa^; Wm Swlta^ Cbleasa (Old Cabs’ BaU Park)—CMeaga Shan- Ti

- W. Fllsworth Just closed with a big carnival. Pendleton—Northwostara Frontier BxhlMtlaa (Icorge Fwsn has entered double harness and Is

Aoan. Sept. 21-2S. C. H. Mainh, ascy. as happy as ever. J. R. Perkins Is billing for wawTwAiPAw one of the candidates for Mayor, aaalatsd by

___ . _ 7 'Z B .. l*" "K*n. Dan Myers, with six men. la sttU f holding Ms own. Th; boys are wonterlng If

Klva aad Ba^Pp. ^ JB-W. MM^ •' F- ■<*•»■. aaey., WUllaw p,d Brannon's arm Is broken; alas Waltar B. Baymd, bnn. mgr.. 1M7 Rartfiard BM#, Bnll*ag. Kemp's

AUGUST 19. 1916.

ooimuBimoNi invited. A.Mtma all eaauuinlesilaaa to BKATINO IDITDR, can Blllhoard. OlnrlnnaU, Ohio.


• \vii.L iiir.N wi’ tek Morri« I'ngcr, |ir.*Hi<l<-nt aii<i nianagcr of Car¬

nival Court, till- iinali-rii anil up to ilatc park at KiifTiilo, .N. V,. liuK nnnouiiri-il that the roller Kkutlng rink In the park will continue to operate tlirongli the winter inonlliM. Ice Nkating wrill iilw> lie one of the featurea of tlie (lark, aug- nnnteil by a cabaret |N-rforinance, that will, no iloiibt. ilraw well. t'arnlval Court Kink haa ulwayk playeil to rimmI crow'ila, and bohla pronilM* I f la-ini; more (lopulur than ever thia winter.

I .m:w kink in IOWA I A new rink la lieliig built at Bi*ltt. la., and 1 will la- ready for opening. It la expected, about

. , . . Anguat 'JO. The rink la owned and will lie laurela at ev^ry engagement played. On July »1hi alao owna the .Ml they eliweil their fourth engagement for Man- 1 heater in llrltt. The rink la IJSxtlO. ager N. Hcbmitt at Armdda Park, la., to eitra ... surface IWx-O. A balcony haa goMl crowda. Acta that can play retnm dates »,iectatora. and the rink dei-oru- agaln and again, winning more favor upon each appropriate. anccesalve appearance, most bare the goods. This has never been doubted far as tba K,1NK NOTES

Luna Park Rink in'Charleston ^mV^^be/^yV? aTuoTstoin. T"Icm Tnew ^In'k‘in Lain

Will Be Meeting Place of

Speed Stars Purses MFIIIKR ftllCHTIY injured |»ortable rink, wlU move to Webater, S. I>ak., may . i »r • U Mhll.I.EK 81-lOini.l lAJLKEU thlawe. k it la announced. Manager Aldlnget Worth Irsnngror waiter B. Melller, the pedestrian, wbo Ik-cii in the game but two yeara, but haa

walkml through Cincinnati recently on the last | himacif aucceaaful In every way. He ' lap of bis S.IIOOmile bike, which be was break- thinke. the akating acta he baa uaed in hU

. u. *"* tne* »“ •«' rink have hcl|>ed him wonderfuliy. The International Professional Championship cldent in Mayaville, Ky.. that will likely keep . lairtable rink waa oiiened recently In

Racea will start at I.una Park Rink, Charleston, him out of the game for a short time. He k inaaa 111 by Hb ka and Owens, it la 4hxlW W. Va.. August 27, ending on I.abor Day, 8ep- was passing a garage In Maywvllle when an _,„i ',„„eVing with much succeaa. Attractions tember 4. Manager D. J. Driscoll, of Luna Park auto struck biro, knocking him to the pave- „.i|| lM,<.ked Into the rink Inter. Hlnk, Is putting up purses amounting to $700, ment and wrenching bis left leg serionsly. He Among the animals In B»a(tock's Animal to be dlalrlbuted each night as f<dk>ws: $2(1 was compellml to take a train to bis home town. \r>-na Luna Park, Coney Island. N. Y.. i» for first, $15 for second, $10 for third, and $S Huntlngt<m. W. Va., abandoning the balance skatrina the skating tiejr. Skatrina is very for fourth place. The remaining portion of of the bike. J i,.v,.r. and is put through the various skating the purse w-lll be added to the finals on I,a^ COLEMAN .STAGES NOVELTY stunts i>y U-o. A wrestling bear Is also in the Day. Lp to the present time the following , . , ^ t, act skaters have enterol: Roland Cioni, present _ Poleman, manager of the Gaiety Roller _• »„,iiforinm Kink Company of Temple,

a substantial hit, and moved to Greenfield, la., | (-p. ,„.xt month. for August 10, 11 and 12. with Beaver Crossing. ’ j; ’Aldlnger. who has ls-«n meeting with

I Neb.., to follow. success at Ab«-rdeen. S. Dak., with bis


Races will start at Luna Park Rink, Charleston, him out of the game for a short time. He k insas 111 by Hb ks and Owens. W. Va.. August 27, ending on I.gbor Day, 8ep- was passing a garage In Maywvllle when an „„| ',„„eVing with much success. tember 4. Manager D. J. Driscoll, of Luna Park auto struck biro, knocking him to the pave- Rlnk, Is putting up purses amounting to $700, ment and wrenching bis left leg serionsly. He

< lever, and is put through the various skating stunts i>y U-o. A wrestling bear is also in the umj, lu iiir ifrrNHTiii iiuiv iiir iuisUwiua I . • « n :i(*f

ukaters hire enterofi; Roland rkmi, prMent I „ ^^l^nian. manager of the Oalety Roller Auditorium Rink Company of Temple, world's chaniidon; Arthur Egllngton, wbo tied RnioksTllle, Ky.. stag^ a novel event _ • -.i,. p_ piayne la manager, will ClonI for the championship at Rlvervlew Rink, ''“‘.n5. by featuring W alt^ inien'the season about October 2. Many changes Chicago: Art Ijiuney, Kollle Blrkhelmer, l.eon Melller. the wa ker. Melller was matched ^ ^ ^ it closed for Klmm, E.Mle Krahan, Willie Blackburn. Jack *« *»•>' "nc while Curran Haley made er season w.sslworth. 11. Colston, Pred Tyrrell and A1 »"•* « bicycle. The race was very In-

the summer season. Manager Matthews opene<l his portable rink

Krueger. .Msnag.-r Drlscrdl exi>ecta to hear from lerestlng and excltl^ng. but Melller lost by a Ill on August 2, with a fine re- several more of the ts>ya within the next few narrow margin, llallpy s time was three minutes ^lie ’ large crow.I enjoyed Itself very severs! more of the ts>ya within the next few narrow ma^ln. liallpy's time was eention i ne large crono eujojeo -c.j days The skaters are reeognixed gs the •>"* forty five ivconda. Manager Coleman is ^ ind indications are that the rink will have Is-st in the game, and this meet wtli undoubted- 'n^olmg the Gaiety Rink very successfully. , g„pee88ful mn. ly be one of the best ehampionship meets ever Th's event was only two days prior to MeiLer’s Texarkana Skating Rink at Texarkana, held. The Cn-wley Brothers. John and Pat. own- accident in Maysville, a^nd which caused him to owned and managed by the Conway Bros., ers of the Inna Park Hink. are great sis>rts- cancel for two weeks ahead. will ’ open the season on September 4. The men, and will see that all who enter the meet VERNONS IN LA CROSSE hovs have made many improvements since clos- will get a sipi.'ire deal in every way. The Vernons. Frank and Idllian, opened a feature attrai^ion at the l^nna Park Rink on week's engagement at the Gateway City Rink. I the coming season .\iigiist 4 to 6 CionI and Blrkhelmer competed I

bovs have made many improvements since clos¬ ing for the season, and '.ook for a record business

.\iigii«t 4 to 6 Cioni and Blrkhelmer competed in a ser e* of four races, Cioni making a clean sseeii of the si-ries. The rink is doing a won¬ derful husiness. Manager Driscoll will receive entries for the championship meet until August 10. and those desiring to enter should get In tonch with him at once.


Charles 11. Shank. Jr., of Riverside Rink, In<liana|M>lis. Is i>erfectly willing to have bia _ - t.. . m skater. Mulroney. nu-et George Sherer, of Cin- Th* Billboard will nOt SOaopt ffOP publleatlon TCLC«

S GRAPHED ADVERTISEMENTS UNLESS tha sandar haa m the Cincinnati Asso,iation has to*<to"is"^nt up S provlausly ostabllshad o satisfaetopy oradit with ua, ar ^ the forfeit as Manager Shank has done. This romlttanea to oovor oost of suoh od vartlsamant la mallad oT;? garwlradtaraaeh publleatlon afflaa by 12100 M. Monday,

NOTICE -IMPORTANT money Is to go is a bet on one series, best two out of three, or $.10 on each of three rac»s. any dlatanee up to ten miles. Manager Shank can furnish as referee. Will Moonaln, A. A. U. representative In that district, and aa Judge*. Jack Dllhui. Johnnv Aitken. Howard Wilcox, Charlie Men ami Gil Anderson.

m No advartlaamanta oantalning only HOTEL. GENERAL I DELIVERY ar POST OFFICE BOX NUMBER will ba eon. aldarads axaapt thaaa aaaampanlad by oash with ardar.

Chicago last week to attend the international _ Cbampiooahip Race Meet, which win be held at Charleston. W. Va., atarting Anguat 27. and Ia Croaae, Wia., on August 7 to a packed bouse. Smith and DeTar. wbo opened their portable rontinulng through to I*bor Day. Over $700 The act acored Ita usnal big hit, the work of rink at Columbia, Ind., are d-Mng fine. The j in prises will be awarded. Berkltolmer of Kan- | The Vemona being a revelation to the audience, boya have a splendid location, and know how to [ f*? ** already down there, while those who They took several encores. The Gateway City get the business. They will shortly use some left Chicago are Roland Cioni. A. O. EgllngtoU, I Rink la owned ^nd managed by Stedman Ik Else- ttrst-clasa skating acta.

*"<’ *"• “katlng bears plsyed ■ .. _ * TxwUPye Art LBIinBy SIMt BBYPTBI . WBSt. liiloOPSSfQl WPPk at thp onpn*sir rink In P^tdwikPT

l^"Roirer75Sb“to7hUI;;rn7{roLw^^ ^'ch.. ‘M‘r,*me‘u to"ci“ar^:‘rf\?i view Koiier t mb. la chaperoning the crowd. | -^-— .- Petoskey Rink, with a capable staff of aa-<

D'VORAK in MIDDLE WEST The Springer-W<x>d Company baa been incor

porstpd Bt CoJtinibaB, O., with bo Botborispil I BiBtBnts. Ba«ineBB hBB been rerj good. .u** 2* A*Icl*l'le D’Vorak, recently the rage In capital of $200,000. The Incorporatora are M. Jack Fotch and wife played a three days’ en- the South, and who has Jnst resumed her en- B. Springer, W. C. Wood. Wilson Chase, 8. C. gagement at Seaman's Rink. Charlevoix, Mich., gai^meata after a short rest at home, la In- Donahue and Eugene A. Scanlon. The company last week, and the act went over nicely. Jack vading the Middle West In a manner that prom- is organised to operate refrigeration plants and U one of the old relhiblea. and will always laee to make her one of the most popular skat- Ice skating rinks In several cities. make good.

o"f‘tb:‘’hJL" KEIKP and HARTMAN WIN “‘“‘i -

*• oonsfntly adding t? hU anc- Midre RelW .„.l M.hc, Il.Cm.n the T Sfttier' 2

‘ skating ylnks in several cities. make good.

REIKP AND HARTMAN WIN Tex.. managed by 0. S. Wespe, will open the season

Midge Reiff snd Mshry Hartman took the on October 2. During the time tbe rink has cesses with new nr^e.ltlea .ns ..i 1. neiu anil Msnry iiariman tis.a me un wiwer ituriug me lime me nnx nas reaping tbe reward of strTlI-htfnrwr^d Charles Itoone and Whitey Selgfrled been closed the management has made some n^t^ssM clever work *Ls5?w^fc IiI«**nUit3 *" ">«'«’ •* Gsrsonls changes which will give them an opportnnity to hTr ^LVemenr me M.n.'tVe of Satui offer the patrons fine service this season.

ArLr’KT’Rm";. *J*r"rdV p'lrk*" U.'"-Th*e ' ,?»"* woii" ln’?‘;2”"M’"1l’off"maj; Eisenegger, of the Ess A Dee Amu^-ment

"J?'..’* J*'!'!"* “i HsIl KInk Company, of Clnolnnstl. I*"’,®" first half of this week she Is playing at De- ovrah. Is., and the last half at Independence.


The E. I. Du Pont Company, Newbiirg. N. 1.. an.i Wilmington, Del., makers of Fabrlkoid

Tn^ay.^August’8. ''xH^'HoffLn 'is spending' s I ’ OkolKvJi. in the northern part of Iowa. passenger car for a vacation of two weeks at

few weeks at Atlantic City. Stedman & Eisenegger are negotiating for FabrikoM "***’*• Ap*"** 1-. ’'Pop” Carey was seen In I knother permanent rink site for the winter in

snd other things ni^ssary to the the"er a^ I |‘rac <hl» summer in a match Iowa. the prnresakm."’h~as"DV»toc^ 'a new maVerisI against Charlie Boone, one of Reading’s The Skating Macks went big in Holstein. la., women's suits and hats that Is fast ealn^' •« (-Poodlcal skaters. Boone has wanted a race where they playeil an engagement of three days, pnival. That PoLne U neallv an with Carey for w-veril years. The results have .V Schmitt, proprietor of the rink at Arnolds terial Is attested hv Charlotte ° th.?°RnraJ?an "'*• ■"'•"""''(’(I. ‘"d M.suir Park. la., is negotiating for a large portable Ice skater who made simh a* hit s» •Pl'>'»’*> ^oc membership In the Cincinnati rink, which he expects to move to a Sontbem York Hippodrome recenflr * (-hlrMt. ® f'l'-’Hng Association, and will do much to bo<v-t location this winter. Manager Schmitt la one lahlv veanT^s Pontine akitlne^^Mllf *TlJ ml’ *"*’ •* •» association, of the real rink hustlers, and haa made a big ♦orl^ •u"',r,ht" in'we'rg'h,."^;;',;^;^."; In heanttful shades. Several Jannty little bon-

speediest skaters. Iksme has wanted a race where they playeil an engagement of three days, with Carey for several years. The results have N. Schmitt, proprietor of the rink at Amolda

nets are among the Pnntalne collection, ex- tremely smart and modish. It U almost cer- tain that most of the skating acta In the bnsinens will he taking np thia new material In '' due time, as It adds greatly to tbs charm of •n act.

ROCK ISIJkND'R NEW RINK _ ■ Empire Rkntlnff Rink Is opened in RiM-k about Beptember the skaters of that city will have tbs opportunity of ^tionlxlng one of the most complete and bean-

In H»t section. Meiaira. Mneller and Dolly, proprietom and managsra of the

have spared no patna or expense In Mildly a firat-rlasa rink, and then equipping It with everything that will give comfort and , J***"*n»_l® flmlr gneata. It la aald the elec- meal effecta win anrpaaa anything ever at- sBBs^HamammwwB^^H mpted la a rink In that eectlon. Ifaeller A MM £nndra*^'*^ ■"■k* • biff Mcceaa of tbe new 13

tKATINO MACKE DOINO WlU. BB Mnrka. one of the beet novelty Hm bew a ita^ toskerl

■kaMag teaaia la the bariaeM, ara addlag aaw,lbe gatoa WMie at oaca.


in Chicago are equipped arith “Chica¬ go** skates? THERE IS A REASON. “CHICAGO** skates have stood the test of time. We MANUFACTURE REPAIR PARTS for ALL makes of skates. Your- ■elves or your letters will Always receive Welcome Attention.

CHiettO ROLlit SUTECOHPMY WAN. Ada St., Chicago, m.

FAP RFMT A SKATING RINK IN THE BUSINESS rvn iiKm centre of this hustling city


E>iuipped with lateai improved long tune rewind music rolls—NEB up-to- the-minute music, closely imitating real band—STANDARD for QUALITY in eve^ way. Endorsed ate b<mt by ez- perienoeo amusement promoters.

D0N*T FAIL to ask for our big illus¬ trated Catalogue if in the market.

No. Tonawanda Musical instrument Works

wo. TONAWANDA, M. Y., U. ». A.

BUY a SELL NEW A USED ROLLER SKATEO- (None Such) Roller Rink Flour Surfocer, which inakm the floor clem md akatee from allpplng. No duet; 4 per pound. Antrkaa Rluk Supsly Ce., Saadutky, 0.

irrkD CAI E* SECOND-HAND KENYON r UK D/\LC, postable rink builoins

75x150 feet, complete with floor. RICHARDSON BALL BEARING SKATE CO.,

154-IM E. Erie St.,_Cklease. HI-

VAUDEVILLE NOTES t Continued from page 21)

»Iiite of the sweltering weather there were good crowds during tha week. The act la an Indian novelty, with special aecnery. They will go to

New Y'ork the week of August 14.

Jack Wyatt's Scotch Lads and Lassies scored one of the biggest hits of the season in Hartford, Conn. The act will play around New York until September 4, and will then oi)en at the Majestic, Chicago, for a tour that will n^ach to the (Joast and back. The route Is fifty-eight weeks long. Nothing to worry about.

The La Von Trio, while substituting for the Escordas, at the Grand, Chleago. July 'J-i tO, were forced to cancel their engagement on ac- i-ount of one of the members of the act fulling and breaking two bones in his sliouldcr. They hope to be able to retnm to the road after

about six weeks.

It Is announced tliat Ethel CllOosi ha* written a vaude'llle sketch In which Brenda

Fowler will appear. It Is called 23 Bellevue

.\nnex. .\s lioth have been very succi ssful in the past writing sketches It Is supiiosed that

the new one will not prove an exception.

The Seven Corkers, including Fred Rush,

Johnny Geer. W. M. Hallett. Al Fontaine. Ward Barton, Janies Batadi and Charles Cfer,

are meeting with success In their minstrel over¬

ture on the C. B. O. Time. They scored A

big hit in Hartford. Conn., recently.

Feter H. Rossi, known as Peter H. Alvin,

and Miss Nellie LaBonbe, a nonprofeosional of

St. Louis, were married In St. Charles, Mo..

* Angnst 14, 1015. They kept It a secret for one

year. Peter H. Alvin waa tbe straight man with

Dyer and Alvin.

The Werner and Amoros Company ia going good at the Orphenm Theater in Loe Angeles. They were forced to lay off for about a month on account of one of tbe members of tbe quartet having bad a severe attack of appendicitis.

The Bell-Thaser Bros, closed at Luna Park, Cleveland, O., the week of July 10, and are now spending a vacation at their home In Padneah.

Ky., prior to playing ten weeks of fairs booked by the United Fairs Booking Association.

Manager Stephen Von Pbnl, of the Majestic Thester, Dallas. Tex., will open the vaudeville season on August 13. The theater has teen re¬ decorated during the summer, and loges have

been built in tbe rear.

Albert and Freda Kltx. who have been play¬

ing with the Golden Comedy Company during

the past two seasons, have closed with that show and are now playing fairs and celebrations

with their free act.

Helen Evlly has a new sketch which Is

favorably considered for vaudeville production.

It was written by a dramatic critic, and Is a

strong dramatic playlet, tried with succesa In

Chicago some time ago.

Charles Compton, a Jnvenlle actor of talent,

has prepared for vaudeville a clever playlet

with an original Idea. Mary Rehan has the leading female role in the piece, which was last

seen In New York.

Henri Kellar and Babe Arlington presented tbetr new act. The Hebrew Gentleman, at the Garfield Theater. In Indianapolis. Ind.. week of

I Jnly 17. The act was well staged and went

over nicely.

.Arthur Howe, Jr., la spending his vacation with hla parents, Howe and Barlow. While at¬ tending school at South Mllf*>i-1 Ind.. he lived with his grandparents. The Barlows.

Frank Parish and Pern, under direction of Frank Evans, were playing In the Music Hall, at Lewiston. Me.. August 10. 11. 12.

Singer's Midgets are to tour tbe PantogM

Circuit, starting early in September.

9 B DH^^B I

AUGUST 19, 1916.

-r ■ J-'’:-

CARNIVAL NEWS Attention mkiWHiifciin Aiiii WHITE STOIE WO 11 ITS



It'i the flaehieet and most up-to- date track on the market and ia (etting TOF HONEY. Easy to ship and eaay to aet up.


CANDY—^Telegraph ordera filled immediately for the FAMOUS YOU- RAINE CAITOY. We are Weatem Repreaentativea and carry a big aterk all the time.

ELECTRIC EYED TOYS—Our Une beata them all. See the Evana Ouarantee.


All Ora*n aiil*p«a at Orm. N* D«l«y.

acND Foa oua aio Face FAia Liar.


H. C. EVMS ft CO. TB W. Van Boren 8t., Chicago, III.

Sales Board Men, Paddle Wheel Men, Concessionaires, Carnleal Workers, Sheet Writerspr Peddlers:

We have goods you can use, at right prices and prompt service. Our lines comprise

Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silver¬ ware, Cutlery, Razors, Revolv¬

ers, Notions, Novelties and Cvnival Goods

Get our 1916 Catalogue. No goods C. O. D. without a cash deposit. Catalog free. In asking for same kindly state what business you follow.

Shryock-Todd Notion Co. 122-BM N. 8th St, ST. LOUIS, MO.


St. Louis Amusement Co., Con¬ sisting of Five Shows and Fif¬

teen Concessions, Entirely Destroyed at Decota

K. W. Weaver, pruprletor of the 8t. Louia Aiiiuveniept t'oniimiiy, xulTered a heavy loan luet week in the UuikIs which awept the Cabin Creek Vnlley diatrlct of Weat Virginia.

Mr. Weaver waa playing Dacota, W. Va., with bla aliowa, and waa caught on Wedneaduy when tile watera came ruahing down the valley. Hla entire outflt, eonalatlng of flve abowa, fif¬ teen (TiiieeaHtona and a merry-go-round waa loat. and it waa with dllflculty tliat a number of lieople wltli the ahowa eaeaped. Mr. Weaver Juat had time to get Mra Weaver and their lioy out of the houae in whic^ they were atay- Ing when It was washed away with a number of other bouaea.

Bnriy reports had it that a number of the eurnival people had loat their Uvea, but a tele¬ gram recelviHl Thuraday from Mr. Weaver re¬ futed tliia.

A letter received from a Billboard reader nt Chelyon, W. Va., twelve miles below Dacota, stated that while watching the flood at that IKiint mn<-h of the show paraphernalia was seen floating down the stream.

W. W. Downing, agent of the shows, was In Cincinnati the latter part of the week, and

and contest man; Dutch Henry, trainmaster; Windy MeQIntry, electrician.

With the shows are Bendersbot's Wild Animal Arena and group of African Ilona; Athletic Arena; Falrlea and Oriental abowa, belonging to I>od Reed; Elmer’s snake pit; Dick Hen- nesay'a Ell wlieel; Allen Crane's three-abreaat carousel. Conoeaalona are: Louia Oreen, dolls and pillows; E. Reed, dart gallery; W. Reeil. Jewelry; Dutch Henry, shooting gallery, blgii striker, Juice and two ball games; B, Mood, automatic flab pond and cigarette gallery; Mrs. Shields, palmistry; Chaa. Sloan, cigars; Mc- Ointy, Jewelry; Mr. Mohr, shooting gallery; Mr. Petra, roll-down; Howard, novelty spindle; Dod MeKenale, soldiers.

This is the eighth week for tbo abowa.


Cliioago, Aug. II.—A nice compliment was paid Major Krt'd A. Bennett yeaterday by E. M. Ramea, Inc., when they gave him a contract for twenty-three weeks' work for 1917. He already baa a contract for the 1910 season. Major Bennett has been playing fairs, home¬ comings. picnics, etc., for many years, and liiia Itecome a national figure with hia high atilt dancing, whistling with the bauds, and dramatic appearance as matter of ceremoi and announcer, and has earned a repute whereby Ids aervlcea are In great demand. Major llennott ia not only an artist, but he gained the friendship of every man, woman child with whom he has rome In contact his many years before the public by bla | manly condtict and pleasing manners, and tin i-ontract received yesterday means that t la a demand for the aervlcea of men of his

i atanillng. Committee's have learned hy experience that when be la in charge of a

I everything is going along without the I friction and th.vt their outing will be a success

Tou know our new 7-in-l Book. Wa art new glvlag beavlrr and better stock of Iratlisr than esrer btfata at the same old price. Aik for our Japanste BaaksI Weave, Indian Head Dtalgn. Prtce, tt.M par flam,

■iallli., Hamplea sent on rtcelpt of fSr.


Wby Fool Tsirssin ■ ■ You know our line of Plattna liapi m M and Pins are the beat. Oat aw

M samplca and be ronvtneed. flaa- ^ pica of S Platlna Rings sent an

r^pt of 60c.

BRACKMAN-WEILER CO.. White fltaas tpaalolMa, ___

SS7 W. MUtaaa ttreel, CHI0A80, ILL.


One of the attractions with the Picaaey * Westerman Days of *49 Shows. Shown in the picture are Jama Morkey, tickets; Fred Harriaon, announcer; C. W. Wat, manager; Geraldine Fund, dancer; Helen Holcomb, Nina Parker, Estella C. Gronan, posing artist, and Prof. OUveto’t Band.

through the kindness of Julias Thompson, the CLIFTON-KELLEY SHOWS local tentmaker, and Manual, the artist, ar¬ ranged for a top and banners for the Plant. Show. -The stuff WUI be shipped to Mr. Weaver |_o,e Heavily in Storm at Thiaf Rivar early thU week. _ Minn,-lt Was tha Third early this week.

The destmetion of the shows baa left Hr. Weaver and all of bis people practically deatl- ture. This la an opportnnlty for fellow man¬ agers and showmen to rally to their aid, with money offerings or eonlpment that will enable

Storm Encountered This Season

money onennga or eqn pmeni mat mil anaoie xhe Cllfton-Kelley Sbowa auffered heavy Mr. Weaver to get hla pei^la ■tartrt again a,niage In a storm at Thief River KalU, Minn., ^th a ■mall show to play dates, which have i^gt week. The dog and pony show suffered been contracted.

last week. The dog and pony show suffered the beavieet loss, their big top being damaged

Mr. Weaver can be reacbM In nre of the to the extent of »»50. The Tango Olria’ teni proprietor of the HnnUngton Hotel, Hnntlnfton, was completely destroyed, and the tent of the West Virginia.





Moving Ptclure Thsatrva—Advertise with murie oa your auta

Amusement Parks. CanlvaU, BtreeUwo. Banyboa youi own show.


Eaectrlc Xylnphona, for Bally-hoo, Danea Halle, Automohlle.. l»ud tone, lasts forever, SO notes, plays from piano krylioard. Complete with battriy. INJA




Bmali L'amivtl Comany, to fumlab Ooncoakas af all kinds. Everything open. Good place for twe or more good, clrsui Shows. Lanr crowds to draw fPm. Two Feature AttractloM booked. HUBERT MaCOIe- LQUOH, Allcta, Arkansas._





Looks just like a nice, yellow apple, with two {reen leavee. Hae sqoawker attachment.

PRICE. S1.60 PER GROSS OUmt Bound. Squawking. AnttamUe i-—

Bollocos at 6l.6fl. K.W.ISu. 62.76, 66.26 par 9mm. Baasagt Shape Squawken at 6136. 62.76 eraaa Air Ballocos at 62.46. 62.7A 66.66 ertaa. Oaa Balloons at 63.86 aroM. Whips at 66.26, 63.76, 68.66. 6638 par ertaa. Ooode Peunanta. catdty aayinga, variaiy, alas,

16x60, 66.66 par 160. Dolto, Candy and oUmt ttem for PaddU Wheria. amt far my ccsaplete Oalalognti NOTB—I am tha Weatem Agent for the King Tie

Bftaina. Prtce. 68.66 par eiaat.



Hoffman's Monkey Attraetien With Tbla la the third storm the ahowa have run Camahall'a United Shewa Laat I"*'* tbla anromer, the first at Sioux City, where Lampoeii e uniwa onows best $2,600; tlie second at Huron. 8. P..

in riPG where tlia loaa vras well over $2,000, and then ' “ ■ at Thief Bivar Falls, where the loee aggregated

Mlnneapolle, Ang. 10.—^A 40x80 tent, hennliig $1,000.

Mlesieslppl Colony Minstrels was partially wsiut iin. irtM. a. wrecked. AH of the tente and eoneeastons were ^

ra^Snld b'J KS‘^of*"t1.em""* nJw'TIoS* wIS ^ IndlansT^d^nin^r U plcntl^ " dSkSTu J. SS^*^«.d^ahr^1o*t^e"nex”7tand”!“ oomt, Fre. Fair A—

Hoffman’s Monkey Speedway, with Cempbell’a United Sbovrs, wae entlrelr deetroyed by Ore at the Talmnd Torah Camlral In thin elty on tbo night of Angnat 0. Tbo tent wna a new one, having been put np for the flrat time, and It wee the flret night of the Speedway Show,


Merni-Go-Roiii, Ttit nl Stm Slow Orfins Repairil

and rebuilt with new music. Cylinder, cardboard ar paper, any make Also have a few fine mall laa- ported rebuilt tnatrummta for tale at a low petaa Wrlla for partlculaa and eute your wants faDy.

"wMch HotrSKr hid hefrTJelHow mi «“«• *» *»€ Waok, a nramnt completing a soecosafal tour of Australia, [rtm^ emr^^ tenths th? mldm?^ w52m on to fill hU contracts with

nrmn?ri1 eg a ^ik It^mi^jg ^ B«oW“* <>««« 8t«ta and dt?r?tw sty county fnlm. Mr. Sheppard waa HI part of the

W^On7hJ2rTOe the flrS TOM^lS «“• ^ »■ AwtraUa, and had to be , on tte^iSmSdt opemted on two ttmao. Tbey bad a dellfbtfnl

.I®* »>■?» JOHANNES S. GEBHARDT CO. nCt sniTotf In CMcftfo tbs flrat of tfaa WMk. I TACONY^ PHILAat PA*

^ * t^rip out aod back, maklof tka mad trip on tbs ' Sierra, aod Mr. Sheppard oTon eancelod part of

BENTLEY HENDER8H0T SHOWS “'.Clrt .. ^ . .... ... P>***“t time, with all the tbeetera doing Have Combined With Crooeent City a tnm-eway bnaineM. Nearly any good act goes

Shows United

The Henderabot Bbowe and tbo Oreoeent City Btaowa bere combined, llr. Hendetabot la act¬ ing ea general manager and contractor of tbe cornMnod sbovra, and baa completed booUnga

well, bnt tbe enre-flre bits are the acta of the slap-stick variety.


W. Skinner and F. W. Wrigbtman. two weU- .*01 M tbWllw_(bM.rM a«M »ovm ahowmen, recently organised a canlral I •■H 14. Apply B. H MHXIOAN hr Maad until tbp eloaa of tbe abow la October. Carl ' knovm ebowmen, recently organised a camlral

Cooper and Herb Itonab bare ebarge of con- company, Tboy played a eaccoaefnl woek’a eoaaiona; Frank Tnrley la apeclal advorttatag I ongagomoat at Ugenlor, lad., laat week.


SsptsiYibsr 13-14-15 Flea Aeta. Tmt Sheet aaS Map-

niSOAlL ILLINOIS win bda Mdr Warn Omdiw Fite ■wheWw.lfc

If yea aia N Ip Tbo MBbaarfl, tin them an.

e 27

$50to$100llWeekEas)| ■Md what Umm BMti •»- Lmm 11 WiMh; -MmI* tST.M ■Bi • today at a pin ■■■ taya: "Mado tt howia and ooocr lift h fm wittaa: "Tho l>a pafaet loid Blna I ■achlBM. but tho r*<i

Bmdfvdt ot rinllftr paM OB Ala. 8tan ] aOM bWllBOM. Be IB- AipadML No Mprrt- mc» and only tmall Miltal roauirtd. Bia> fScft noAta at Mra. alnilro prlrat* baam, firS^HEKK. ProT* tia atait at oncoi la* fiHUgglg UM

Daydark Post-Card Machlni mOTOt DUECT OH W8T CAWDI N* PlatM, Films or Oapk Rosm Machlno, orctythlnt In one. t ilaea—S otylw of atrtwtfo BiiliihtU 1 to 3 a Diliiutp on the miC

Big tnlereat. BU dmiaixl. BIf PruAta. liako mamy eame day outBt airleea. DAYOARK POST CAROS AND TINTYPES UnsqualIsS For Rpsod and Quality.

Baird writao; "Toun are the beat platea 1 ONr oaw. 1 hare lucd all makca, but I haven't gotten one bad one fruoi you yet You ran count m Btf bualncoa aa long aa 1 - uio a Ulnute Ma> dUMk** _ InvoatlMta OurSTon Day Trial Offar

IT you want to make tt.OOO a year and get out if tha tlma clock pay envelopa line, write today tor our Big. Now, Froo Catatog.

DAYOARK AFIOIALTY CO.. IM Daydark Bldg.. Baatoa aad Baldwin Btroota,

at. Lawk. Ma. ^^^HlC^OOjm£JjJahmar_Bjdj_^ ^



MUIR ART CO. m Wad Madlaaw Btroat,_CMICABO, ILL.

The Cattlenen's Gimliil OADBt CRT. KA«.. BVTBCBB f. • ai IL IWL AUggitg la aMblBriata. Fw I r iwgif ^ ■rtw Hot wifto B. r. BnODHSQ, BiaiWMy.


Rally to tha Causa of tha Showman's Laagu# and Sand in $511.07

Tha C. A. Wortham Bbowa played ooo of tho boot weeka of tha acaoun at Duluth, Minn., where they abowed under the auaplcea of the Order of Kaglea. The ahowi were located at 24tb avenue, W«at, and Superior atreeti, which la lome diatanco from the center of town. But the Kaclea were a live bunch, and the town waa In tha banda of a real boneat-to-goodneaa agent In tha perooD of Hpeclal Agent ilarry Uofar, and na a result the allows did eitra good hualueas.

Joe LaBell and wife Jolued at Duluth with three conceoaloDs, and Jack Pollit and wife came on with Are. Jack expecti to depart toon to Join the Oreat Alamo Bhow.

Among the rlsltora were Col. C. W. Parker, Walter Btaiiley and wife, and C. I., Kelly. C. A. Wortham and wifa ipent g few daya In Mlnneapolli, where C. A. went on bualneaa. While there he apent a tew houra with the Ureat Parker Bhowa.

Ueneral Agent Steve A. Wooda la vtaltlng the ahow for a tew daya.

Un Friday, August 4, Mr. Wortham made a trip around the lot, and requested that all meet him In the animal ahow top the next day at 1 o'clock. When the apitolnted hour krrived they were all there, and without any delay with Mr. Wortham In the chair the meeting was called to order. George Donlran. wai the Brat to take the door, and It waa up to Georga to tell the folks what they were there tor. For five minutes he kept their attentloo, and paved the way for the others to follow. In closing bla remarks be stated that be waa not a member of the Show* men's League, but that he wauted to algu hU application blank right then and there. Jack Pollit waa the next to speak. Jack Is a member of long standing, and be went Into detalla con¬ cerning the purpoeei of the l.eague, etc. Mike ZInny, a charter member, then made a speech, and said that he would give B per cent of bis receipts that day. Mr. Wortham then made a few brief remarks, and said that he waa there to get the money for tbia cauie.

He then called for appllcanta for memtx'rihip. Quickly bis desk wss surrounded, and with the ssslstsnce of John Pollitt and otbera soon bad 80 appllcatlona on Ala with all the money paid In. George Calllban then appeare<l on the scene with a bundle of Showmen's I-eague tags, and. with the assistance of Dave Morris, these were passed ont to all present for any amount that they cared to give.

The following la a list of those who applied for membership: Walter W, Heater, Harry A. IllioDS, Mark W. Hoy, Harry Hofer, J. H. Keys, Frank B. Pratt, W. A. Kelly, H. W. Dempsey, B. 8. Gerety, Bam Glustin, Tim Buckley, H. M. Wangb, Samuel J. Madded, Khalil Hadid, Joe LaBell, Clinton H. Noble, R. A. Murry, John W. Kline, George F. Doniven, Martin Rose. Morris I,gnch, Morris Bchack, J. C. Perrlth, Ed- wani ParaoDS, James Joe Welnbnrg. Herbert Cnrlngton, C. B. Kidder, Joe Daly, Barney Desnnlea, John B. Rhodes, Captain 0. LaDare, Earl Leathers, Willltm Woods, Rodney Crail and Chariot Jamaaon.

Following la a Hat of those that donated $2 or more: John T. Backman. $10; Steve Woods, $8; Barney Gerety, $B; Jack Pollit, $5; Mika Zlnney, $4.90; Bill Dearman, $2.7S; Doc Randle, George Calllban. Bill Snapp, H. M. Demptey, Joe Welnbnrg, Arthur Carlaon, C. Hayt, Mrs. Samp- aoa, Tim Bnckley, W. J. Griffen, Carl Shaffer, Jack Griffen, Bart King. Charlee Kidder, Arthur Woolett, J. C. Kline, Charlea Shaffer and Chat. Leoo.

I Mr. Wortham donated B per cent of the groaa recelptg of all the shows, which amounted to $A1.87. Total amonnt received from applications. $800; total amount received from donations and tags, $80. making a grand total of $B11.87.— RANDLE.


Ladysmith, Wla., Ang. 10.—With the Gollmar • Show aa opposition here on Tuesday the abowa

did a One business. Ix>cated on the main streeta 1 the parade was forced to pass throngb our mid- I way. which we took advantage of with early

openhiga on all attractions. Bert Bhipman and ; bis kid show performers were extended the free¬

dom of the shows and enjoyed themselves until the train pulled out. The '48 show was their

, headquarters throughout the night. > .A beautiful new front has been built for the

Athletic Show by Raymond Broune. After a * careful Inspection Billy Warren proclaimed It * one of the best ever seen on a carnival midway. ' Tbe new *40 top arrived tbla week and It is • a beanty. A thirty-sixty with ten-foot wall , makea ‘It very attractive in appearance. Tea,

Noble Fairley is still manager of the camp. Our tag day collection amounting to $40 waa

sent to fte Showmen’s League headquarters on Mo^ay.

Curly King dropped in last week and took the front of the Plant. Show.

Horace Pardue and vrife are home once more, 3 arriving here from Minneapolis Monday aigbL ' —W. J. KEHOE.

OBWBABBIOMA FOR RANT foe the grrai iirsns. •• $8M; total amount received from donations "***. Owe. Pa., near Barrishurg l a taga. $90, making a grand total of $811.81

MLftar8sA,.'isj7'<jr»Js.r'- »*>•■■>“■ _ MAX9HELLER *• sv*s»’ oreatsr show

?— OBOAN MAN. gglS aark Ava. Clrveland. O. O^ana bought, sold and rtpalred. Ladysmith, Wla., Ang. 10.—With tbe Goll

Show aa opposition here on Tuesday tbe ah OOMPLITK SHOW. $1$ did a Ane business. Ix>cated on the main stn

P—Mming flf two Maustmtu Porcuplnea, Spiel and the parade was forced to pass throngb our i S balance C. O. D. UNWOOD way. which we took advantage of with ei

FUMT, North Waleiford, Maine. openhiga on all attractions. Bert Bhipman hla kid ahow perfoimers were extended the f

”A**~*PgPOR OTSCOO labor DAY ^om of the shows and enjoyed themselves n MBBWMWv CKLEBRATION the train pnll^ out. The '49 show waa t "WneHana such as Meny-Oo-Round, Fetris Wheel, headquarters throughout the night.

Address beautiful new front has been built for OHAB. O. THMtPBON, Otaago, Michigan. Athletic Show by Raymond Broune. Afte

careful Inspection Billy Warren proclaimed WANTED Pi^ ^Dav^’TwHhrsilMi^** AddM sii **** * carnival mldv

B BPRVm* M W ^ a? top arrived thU week and 1 ■lam, g, saev^a^ J? iSSg- ** ^ A thlrty.«‘*ty with ten-foot ;

makes It very attractive in appearance. A am . _ . __ .. Noble Fairley la atill manager of the cam Q 7 jk D |ff VUn A Our tag day collection amounting to $40

E E EFA.nilr **”t to the Showmen’a League beadquarten _ _ Moodw^v

li vAM ^ A D AIf^7 A I Curly King dropped in laat week and ' V lAI. the front of the Plant. Show. »^—^^^^”****'* * ••■A Horace Pardue and vrife are home once no

rail RivQP, Mass.. S«pt.6«6*7*t-9 kehoe® Qwnsmt—a wanted. Nochlng but good, clean Shows _!_ •MtaA. Inal a few miles from Lincoln Park Fair. ***g„A»^ GROTTO COMMITTKE. IT Purchase ROGERS’ GREATER SHOWS RL, Fan Blver, MamachuaetU._ _

Tbu Rogers Shows have been playing to good |\; /Y; I ggr . 1 business In spite of much Yaln. Mr. Rogem IfIYIdx UiriS vT DDCDO I* carrying ten paid attractions and from twenty-

go —moiM hnnhina nn Il'^e to thirty concesslonB. Prof. Blake Is doing Whert (No. II. matIrVuary leWrr.'Tlall ’‘T** Swells have n near ghataa Will oay all tranaportatlon. Reply Im- pictorial banner, also an entirely new set of madlatrly. MB. NBRTO, care BlUboaid, New scenery for stage, made by tbe D. S. Tent A Tmt OSew Awning Compuny.

Mrs. C. J. Igntber'g *49 Camp la dressed up In a brand new front made by the D. 8. people.

RHlLOH’'n leather Ut carrying seven girls. AKiurtSia “and ^OnoMaainns yweip *’’'*‘‘* cirent aide-show. He has tSSSS. Seomuiy^^ wanted. MORRIS , „p ^oth ontalde and In. with a

*bng String of new banners. MfRIITcn_rADUIVAl ATTDAfVTIAki Frank Soalf and wife are back home again, WMniUI LAnNIVAL AllnACIIUN and Scalf baa charge of Mr. Price’a mldvray

S5 ^ Vwllfw Fair. IWumbta. Ala., »€pt, ctfa. Sla&m? f!? prneramt. Nlfht Mr. McDa<1e has two ahowa. alao cand^ race

blocks from cltjr. Ad- track and palmistry. Mr. Nosent has tho mu- Mrnnmeowv *how». or JOB. aenm and cigarette Send; Mike Krory, Garden of

Allah; Mrs. Copeland has Dot. the amnllcat llt- ■i--« . tie lady: Parker and TietswoVtb, the carousel;

BlIMHitlti Rililf MIIMI ^bbn Bullock, the Big Ell and seven concea- ItomaMg gaates. Labor Day CWchraUa^n a com- Kreagor, eight coocentona; Mr. *—Hg eg 540,404. Old-UBM eelebraUaa. Mother Hartman, roll-down; TTncle John SnlllTSB, vrlth j*—^ "Angel of the Mlam.** principal apeakar of ■ Mg string of conceaalons; Mrs. Lauther, shoot-

•" awning, and Frts AUncUons lag gallery and wheels; Mra. Rogera. confetti ■^.^*Mreaa_ W. FRANCIS and novelties, and Rlaroe*a ten-pieee band.

Miw. •eg HyeaaMee, MrtMrUle, Indiana. Bualneas opened big in Maryvlll#, Tena.

Sales Scheina Operators, Pre¬

mium Users, Advertisers!

PHOTO-HAND. E KNIVES with "Car-Tan** Steel Blades are tha best "Buslneea Booat- m."


WINNER Knlvrt furnished on Boards

for Helen Hchrme Operators. Individual Name. In llaiullcs for Premium t’sera. I’butos of your (looils, your Ad., etc., for Advertlaera.

Write today for Hpeclal Prices. Htate how you wish to use them.

Agents wanted to take Indi¬ vidual (Wdera with name, em- blcma and |>era<>nal photoa. Also other Cutlery Hpeclaltles.


Canton Cutlery Co. Dept. 66, Canton, Ohio.


Tooth Mounting, rut White Btona. For Rratt, $y.$$.

^ WHITE at right prices * * Why not buy our acid test, beat quality Wblta

AWgbBRMA Stone Rings at the tame prica you are paying tag t S I IIHPSi JUNK, which U not worth handUngt All we eak M

W ■ WfH mW a trial order, and we an sun that you will caetlnna to order our goods.

Na. $2 —Add teat Fancy Mounting, sat with cut Bril¬ liant. Par fima, $7.$4.

Na. $4 —Add teat Oent’t Tooth Mounting, set irith best rut Brilliant. Per Rreaa. $$.y$.


«T cn ORnuinePlatina Rings, Best Qual> ...

Per anel ‘*7 ®*®“®® ®“ ***® “"^®* S "Smt Aaennlse Denlay BM Brnad Bearf Pins. Per Braea.


Na. $1 — Add test Platlns top,

"iS Ilf *14' aS Na. S^Artd y H-esrat eut Plain or Engraved Belcher, an BriUlanL Par with bed cut BrilUanL PW. Brtaa, $yjB. Sreee. $$.7$.

203-205 W. Miditii St., CHiCAOO, ILL

TRADES LABOR COUNCIL United in a mighty Exposition offer of eight city business blocks of varied exhibits in shoTiing unusual industrial activity of IIUSKEGOH,

MICHIGAN, want Shows and Privileges for their

Gala Week Labor Exposition AUGUST 28 TO SEPTEMBER 2.

All communications to Exhibition Headquarters, Muskegon, Michigan.

Wanted-Good, Clean Carnival For Fanners and Merchants* Fall Festival at Jackson, Ohio, for last week of Sept. JNO. P. McDONALD, Secy.

BR FOUR AMUSEMENT CO. WILL PEACE one more Show of merit which doeu't coeftict. A few Oonceedons open. WUI fumlah top for .Athletic Show. WUI eell excluaive Novelty Privilege at Mountain City. Tnin.; ScotuvlUe. Ky.; AllenavUIe. Ky.: EU Park. N. g; all Fairs. CAN USE a few OoccMdon. at the Blanchester Cwnty Fair next week; then comet Frank¬ lin, Ky.; ScoUsvlUe, Ky.; AUensvlUe, Ky.; Morristown, Ttxin.; Elk Park, N. C.; Mountain City. Teon., and more to follow. Why not tet with a real, live company, with a real, live routet CAN PLACE Colond Per- formcn and Colored Musicians, etartlog at Franklin, Ky. WILL SELL Pillow and Doll Privileges ta tha right partlea. Addma all communtcatlcoa to

E. L. CUMMINBS, Waahhiglag C. H.. 0.. Mb wtak; Blaacheeltr, 0.. aexi awth.

WANTED TO BUT A PARKER OR HERSCHELL-SPILL- MAN 2 or 3-ABREAST JUMPING HORSE CARROUSELL MoBt b# in good condition Bnd price reBsoneble. Stete where cen be teen end lowest cBBh price. BEN F. KARR, 203 Sixth St., Peorie, HI.

BIG CORRY FAIR SEPT. 19. 20. 21 and 22. 1916

WANTS high-class Shows, Riding Devices and aiwthing good for Mid¬ way. Paddle Wheels go. Day and Night Fair. Three Turnstiles, A-1 condition, for sale cheap. WAKE MORGARIDGE, Sec’y, Corry, Pa.

WANTED for Third Annual Tucker County Fair PABBOMB. W. VA.. BIPTIMBKB 1$. ft. 81 AND 82. Ifia.

Oaod. deoR Bhowu aaB Oiwfmdowa. Wa protect alL No two of a kind on lot. Bevt advevUaed Mr ta Blatw Ws gd tha crowds. Oornw get tha xaenw. Na gambling. Strong gamea save stamps.

i. H. PIBBY. J. B. NALL. CaaimNlia.


28 e' B a AUGUST 19, 1916.


nv« More troapere hare Joined Ttie American Lacioo Band at Calcar/. Altierta. Were an ad fur muaiilan* periniMible in American papera the remalninc fifteen deaired would be eaatl/ gotten.

“liear Mnae-Joat a line to let joo bare one of our programa. We are uaing BiU/bo/ and Jeaa Wlllard'a Triamphal, and mnat aaj that the/ are real marrbea. We are looking for aaore aueb from /on. A aample program la aa followa: Blll/bu/, amreb; Pique l>ame, overture; Arabian Nlgbta, intemieaao; Miaererl Prom II Trovatore. comet and trombone duet; Mill In the Poreot, aelectloa; Jeao Wlllard’a Triumphal, march. Jamea Ilenneu/ la director, and la pror- lag himaelf to be a nrBt.claaa mnairlan and a gentleman at all timea. Begarda to all frienda.” —Oeo. H. Oleoon, aolo comet. Walter liaridge Rhow Band.

BUI Ueering—There la a lad/ making the falra la Canada who aenda /ou her regarda.

William (Bill) Rweene/ la apending the anm mer In Omaha. He aenda bu beat wtaheo to tb? Mnaette—Bab/ Cbenette—but adriaea him to ata/ out of the mnaic bualneaa in connection with the abowa until aneb time when condltlona arc more favorable for mualclana. Over tbirt/ /oara ago men were paid fio and cakea In tbo band buaioeaa, while mcala and rooma were from two to three dollara a week. Nowada/a when Being baa advanced twofold the aalar/ remalna the aame. Wbat baa a mualclan to abow at the end of the aeaaon, or at the end of aeveral aeaaonaf And when old age overtakea a trouper on the road, wbat are bla proapectal 8arb men an Bandmanter Bweene/ could tell ua volumen.

Park Prentlaa—tieo. McHimrrun wanta /ou to apeak up and tell the bo/a aomething about /ournelf and /our band. I)o /on remember the ptccolu pla/er wbo Jumped from Boaton to Venhe. Cal., and could not make good?

B.—The aalar/ In the American Legion la $33 a month. Including uniform, aboea, nocka, nnderclotbea, doctor bllla, mealn and aleeping.

Bd Cbenette baa been awarded tbe contract for tbe World at Home Band for 1017 at nnbatantial Increaae in aalar/. In cane Cbenette ia not back from Prance be will appoint aubatitute until nuch time an be doea arrive. Thla will In all probabillt/ be Joe 8nair, who la thla /ear bolding down flrat chair cornet and aaaintrat director with tbe W. at H. Band. Meoarn. Cl/de and Beckman, alao Treaanrer Cbaa. Hatch, have nroved themaelvea to be gen tieman at ever/ atage of tbe game. Accomino datlona have been good and the aalar/ baa been regnUr. Aa caratvala go, a mualclan la fOT' tnnate to be on tbe World at Home 8bown.

Mr. Wallick, one of our well-known band maatera for /eara, baa now progrenaed to the poaitlon of manager. He baa a caravan of bla own out and la doing very nicel/ from all reportn. The bo/a would appreciate a letter from /on, Wallick.

L«ro/ Heater, comet, baa a rep. abow of bla own down In Texaa, and la coining tbe odab. Ro/ will alwa/a be found lined up with tbe clean element of the abow bualneaa, and ia atrong booater for a workable organiaatlon among trooping mualclana.

Joe Snair would like to bear from Frank South, trombone pla/er.

The Iloe-np of Oeorge McRparron'a Band ia an followa: Two comvta, two horaa. two hart- tonea, two clarim-ta, two tubaa. E-flat clarinet, five trombonea and two druma. Oeorge aenda bla regarda to Hank Toung.

"Dear Mnae—Tlie mualclana on the Plnmlee Show are all intereated In the mnalcal depart' ment, but I believe that la tbe flrat time that we have writ*»n /ou. We have a band of twelve and an orrli- atra of ten, all onion men. troopera and flrat laaa mualclana. With tbe exception of two e three, the bunch baa been together for the |iaat eight /<'am. We are pla/ing atp'.dard and popular aelectiona, and we have re -clved man/ excellent preaa commenta all along the line. We are beartll/ In favor of an organlutlon of road mualclana. and think It would be a great help to both men and managera. The rooter of the band ia: Lane Sbankland and Clarence E. Long, cometa; Lon Strieker and Prank Ha/den, clarlneta; On/ B. Long, baritone; Henr/ Laraon and Tom WlUia. altoa; Jack Rdwarda. baaa; Joe Reed and Al Davla. trombonea; Norman Ora/ and Billie Plnmlee, drama; I.atne Sbankland, leader. OT' ckeatra; Henr/ Laraon, leader and violin; Tom

Wlllia and Prank Ha/den, aecond via* Una; Jack Bdwarda, atring baaa; Lane Rhankland. piano; Clarence Long, coT' net: I»o Rtrickler, clarinet; On/ Long, bora; AI Davla, trombone; B I 111 e Plnmlee. drama. A band program ia aa { followa: March, Barnnm and Baile/; aong. When I Dream of Old Erin, onng b/ Doc Wlllia; over* tnre. Hnngarian Corned/; popular rag. Kangaroo Hop. Orcheatra program: March. Rifle Regi¬ ment; overture. Light Cavalry: med¬ ley. Rita of Remick H I t a; aerenade. A Night in Jnne; march. In the Hilla of Old Kentucky. With beat wiabea to a 11 trnnping mn- aiclana from the the Plnmlee Com¬ pany. Very truly /aura. Al Davla.*'

It wan Inadvert¬ ently ntated In tbla eolnmn that E. R. Bumf/ waa tbe aolo rbirtnetlat on Terry'a rnele Tom'o Cabto Company. Mr. d|y wno with thia

bst fbr



PICTURES OF PHOTOPLAY STARS Rtproducsd on LCATH ER for making Pillow Topi, Home Decorations and Hovd- tiee. The more you give away the more they want—a great “teaier'* to hold them flolid at your sUnd. THE CUSSIEST LIHLE LEATHER RIOTO SOUVEHIR EVER PUT OH THE MARKET.

$10.22 PER THOUSAND Deposit required on C. O. D. Shipments. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR.

THE DAVID J. MOLLOY CO. Photoplay Stare novelty Service,


Louie J. DeCola

HMU SEMES BASEMUUMES Can be reproduced in any theatre within two minutes of actual play made on field by using this board.

Boaid leased for thirty dollars Eer game or sold outright for two undred dollars.


few wtwkn only, boMiug down (bird chair. Mr. Speara la tbe aulo clariuutlst ou tbe Terry Show.

Pruui tlH- urigiiuil Crawford’a Comediana. Tbe band, under tb« dlrectlvu of Ita/moud U, Craw¬ ford, la playing moat of tbe big overtorea and a few aiucara, witli tbe fullowiug roater: Walt Jell/, aolo cornet; Wui. iteunett, flrat <-oniet: Ita/uioud 1>. Crawford, aolo coruet; Bay Booth, clarinet; David 8tuuip, aulo Preneb bora; B. B. Crawford, flrat alto; Ueorge Hawley, aecond alto; Uick Buraa, in-mboue; Eddie Hpraguv, tromlioa'-; Dan Miller, trombone; Balpb Pitta, iNiritoue; Prank Miner, bawa; lam Waddell, anara dram; Cbaa. Worrell, baaa dram. Seven of tbe bo/a Joined the local union at Mulberr/, Kao., wblcb DOW makea tbe baud an all-unloa ooe. The orcbeatra, iiuder tbe dlrectlou of David T. Stump, with nine men, la doing good work; Matie CrawfiHvl, barplat, la being featured.


ZEPPELINS and TOY BALLOONS Made in assorted sizes and colors.

Orders filled promptly. Prices on application.



Laat week we played Iowa Phlla. We played the town wltboot aosplcea and did a very eatia- factory buaioeaa. Tbe volume of buiim-m came

great aurprlae, aa great thing* were not expected of tbe town. Hot da/e kept the people away througb tbe day, but at ntxbi we had capacity boaineoa for about four boura.

Clinton, la., wa* to be our tbla week'a town, but, owing to oome controveray betweeu tbe city olllciala and our local anapicea, Ucenae was lefuoed at the last moment. It vras a but/ time around tbe Patteraon ofllce wagon at about that time. We burned tbe wires up, and In a abort time, on ac.'ouDt of tbe atandlng of Tbe Great Patteraon 8bows, we bad aeveral towrns lined np. 1 dealre to eape<-iall/ mention Beloit, Wli., and my friend, Jimmy Clark. Jimmy Clark is In the oaloun bualneaa In Beloit, and la known far and wide as tbe friend of showmen. Incidentally, Mr. Clark Is a friend to about everyone else. To make a long atcry abort, a wire was sent to Jimmy, explaining tbe situa¬ tion, and be abandoned bla bualneaa. lined up every local, and in a few boura wired; “All ready; come on." This is one of tbe IblDgs that come up In our Journey through life that makes ua realixe the value of real friends. Again we thank you, Jimmy, and are anxious and willing to return tbe favor.

Owing to certain things pertaining to our railroad contracts It waa decided to again play Fort Dodge, and here we are ready for bualoess.

Mr. and Mr*. IHck Wayne made tbe trip from Iowa Falla here In the new antomoblle that Dirk pnrebaaed In Iowa Falls. Guess bnalneas It poor with tbe Wayne family.

Mrs. Fred Baker took advantage of the still week at Iowa Palls and Tlalle*! tbe “borne folks.”

Bnaa Blaine baa accepted the management of The Battle of Verdun Show. He has made some great improvements In this fine attractioo, aud be la lined np to get tbe money both for blm- aelf and the ofllce. Doc Anstin handles tbe front In bis acenatomed able manner.

We have bad some real summer weather re¬ cently, and some sickness on tbe show. Moat of it has been of a minor nature However, Lama, tbe little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Kane, was aerionsly sick last week, and Miss Deloras Bane waa compelled to go to the hospital here when the train arrived. Both arc doing nicely BOW, however.

Tbe season tbns far with this show baa been highly aatisfactory. We have never lost a day completely on account of rain; we have Dcver been interfered with by rain except on threo dv*> fl" wind damage wbat- e^r.—TIATMOND E. ELDER.




I7M North Wi


ONIOANO. ILL. >8aod for our OatalagBS.


^ PADDLE WHEELMEN, FAIRMENlii PARK CONCESSIONERS Wa art teUIng thouaonda at Paraaola to Fair, (bunival and Park Omem' Sion Men. We art tba largtst manufaetuicta of Paraaola In tbt United Ptatea and Cianada: carry Mg stacks at all Umm for Immedlata daUvctlaa. 8end ISI for ooe-holf from Nol 1 Paraaola. for a half gram No. I Paraaola. and SM for one-half gram No. 8 Paraaola, or send 112 for a sam¬ ple line. All our Paraaola eoam In baautlful eolors and most elaboraU da- ■Igni. Have no fear in aendbig money with order or depoott. Our repu¬ tation Is beyond dispute. For rttmaee writs to any hanker or prominent merchant of Philadelphia. Wa ship no goodt without s deposit of at least 25% of tbs order. Put loais Paraaola on your wboel and they will bring you Mg money,

FRAHKFORD BROS., Dept. B/.ROS Fflbert St., PhiU., Pa.


IN Amirlifl KNIVES...$!•.••

2M Assarted KNIVES... Il.flfl

m Amsrtsd KNIVES... M-M A Very Large and Good As-

■ortment for a Knife Bach. Oatalogus


IM Chaise CANES.$ $.$• Mfl CheUs CANES. Ifl.M m Chelea CANES. II.N SM Chelae CANES.2$.M

Canes are well aalsed for Cone Backs, and wa glva rings FBEE.


S41 Woodland Avo


r Am’d Prbm ta tbb SaoM. CSS NS IS Saat. A Saogfsraaly.. vAd.UN


125.01 . an Aaaartad

aad PrlMS. Tkk Big SaoM far Parka ood Fakt. aaly...


WANTED*-CARNIVAL ATTRACTIONS For tbe 18tb Liiaal K. of P. Fair aad CarniTal.lldaIpbl, 0 89ft. ISlt. All eoncsssioiis opto for contrsets. Writs ths Sserstary, HUGH F. EGAS, Addphi, O.


Meadville, Pa.. Aug. S.—We are located In lovely spot this week, the Ball Park, right

in the heart of the city, being fenced In and kept in splendid order. It la almost Ilka play¬ ing a fair ground. This week la onr last stand of this aeaaon in tbe State of Pennsylvania, as ws play a faw big spots In Ohio befora going Hontb for llie falra. Ilur auapicea this week Is tbe Ho|ie Hose Company No. 2, and a nice honeb of boys on tbe committee.

Onr Whip gives the midway an added at¬ tractiveness. and is proving—to start off with—;.

wond<-rfni attraction, both with its drawing power, as well as Its fliMoolal Idcmdc. It could be Mlled almost In tbe nature of a free act. We have a couple of new sbovrs comlnff

next week, and then onr Ilne-np will ba complete for any fair ground In tbe country.

Aa this is tbe writer'a last week In tbe ear- nival game for this season 1 want to taka tbia opportunity to say that Messrs. Bolomoa and Oraberg are two of tbe finest poople 1 kava ever been associated witb. 1 have apeat a vary; |il«a*ant aeasoii In tbe poaitlon as tbeir aacra- tory, and my only reason for leaving Is that

have a contract with ona of tbe New York prodneers, wblcb calls me there tbe latter pait of tills month.

Not only do I want to compliment tbe raan-. agent on the clean oniflt they carry, but I want to wish all my friends on the trick (and I know I am leaving a few) tbe best of lock and good wlahes for tbe balance of the aeaaon, and aleo thank them for helping to make a pleasant mm- mer for me. Next week, NIlea, O.—FRANK 8. RRRD.


III Tom (Doc) I/>ng, who la now at the 8tate Iloapital, Fountain HprInga, Pa., la doing as nicely aa can be expected under tbe cirrnm- ataneca. He wanta to nckiiowlfdge vlaita from Johnnie I»rman, Dolly Berry. I^nla Rhapiro. I/Oiila Ia>moiia and Walter Holiday, from tba Harry t'<opplng Hhowa.


New York. Ang. 11.—A. Jaffe A 8on. of 48 Malden I.4ine, have solved the perplexing prob¬ lems of tlie aaleahoard ojieratora and contest men by offering for piibllc consumption genuine diamond rings for $IU. This firm apeelalltea In Imme diamonds at a price Just half of wbat of what other Jewelers charge. They bava now on tbe market a lieanllful Rlk rhartn aat with getiiilne full-cut diamonds, guaranteed solid gold, for the small price of $3 each. BbOWBMB who are anticipating appropriata gifts for members of the nimmittee will find ■omu uxMl' lent saaortmenta In ratalogiM No. IS BOW

ready for the buyer.


I Will inflate 22 to 24 inches; brilliant assorted colors; very attractive and ^effective; never sold at Fairs before; new this season.

^ NOW, MR. NOVELTY MAN, if you want an effective demonstration as to the selling merits of these Airships we want YOU to place YOUR- Iff ^SELF in the position of a balloon buyer purchasing a balloon for some child ^ k

, at a Park or Fair. Now, in all fairness, WHICH style do you suppose the child g would want, or which class would appeal to YOU, as a buyer? Would it be the ® common, old style, out-of-date, little round balloon, or the large 24-inch Airship? WE LEAVE IT UP TO YOU.

p When attached to sticks they make a great flash and outsell any round balloon ten to one.

I They cost no more than any other high-grade balloon. Four extras in each gross for demon- strating.

60-6it, $2.75 pir grsss; 80-6it, $3.20 per gross; 80-Alr (keiii), $2.75 pir gross. kW Samples to rated firms only; others must send 10 cents for postage, packing, etc.


Came to a Sudden Close at Froatburg, Maryland

Tbe Great Atlantic sctwwa, under tbe tnanage- ment »f Juaepb Tbouet. diabanded at FVoat- burg. Md.. Auguat 5. I‘art of the aggregation went to ConneiiaTllte. l*a., and KcTaer. W. Va., while another aertiun went to Ilageratown. Md. Attachment, were iaaiied. one by tbe Royal Italian Band. Thla attachment and otbera were paid by 0. J. MKarthy. of ConnelUvllle. who owned aeveral of tbe attraction..

George Reynold., of tbe Reynold. Show., ar¬ ranged for three car Uuda of tbe ahowa and conceaaiona at Keyaer, and placed them all on hla midway.


Centereille, la., Aug. 10.—Some weather In Iowa—100 in tbe .bade every day, and the mid¬ way Jammed every night. While the native, are not throwing their money at the ahowfolk. everyone ia getting nice play. L. J. Davla, with hit lubmarine diving glrU, Joined here. He baa a brand-new outfit, made by tbe U. 8. Tent and Awning Co., and it featuring Joaephine Flem¬ ing. Uoc Hall and Joe Morgan are framing a colored mlnatrel .bow to open nest week, naing fourteen |>eople. Cupid baa apmng bit bow twice aince latt writing—Tboa. Burke of knife rack fame and Norma linMnett and Frank (Blackie) Welch of ferria wrlieel fame and Babe Melvern of the '40 .SlH>w. Harry Powert, trap drummer. Joined the '40 Show recently.

Tbe advertlalng ataif of tbe Yankee Roblnaon Show, viaited the alM>w here. They report the Yank, tbow proaperoua.

Tblf abow la now atarting Ita fair clrcnlt, which will rnn well into October. Seven abowa, two rldea anil twenty conc-aaiona now front tbe niidw ay,—DOC.


The week of Anguat 7 to 12 flnda*the ahowa located in the Baae Ball Park at Rmmetabnrg, I la., a new town that General Agent If. T. Clark ' added to bla Hat laat year, and from tbe open-.I Ing nigbt'i bnsineaa tbe Indicationa are that ' be made no mlatake In again booking tbe town for this year, aa tbe Brundage 8bowt, flying tbe ' "We Comply With tbe Pure Show I^we" ban¬ ner, la a great favorite here, and tbe amnae- inent-loving public of Hie city and the anr- roundlng territory ia ahowing ita appreciation of tbe clean and entertaining offeringa by a moat liberal patronage of .the aame.

The management of the Iowa Ainlome baa cloaed the dome for the firat four daya of tbe week, but will reopen Friday and SatunSay night, dne to having aerial pictnrea on tboae nigbta. Aaalitnnt Manager Roy Henderaon, arcompanleil by hla brwt lady friend, la a night¬ ly vialtor at the carnival gronnda, and aeema to enjoy the vacation.

Frank Colly and Miaa Rthylin Morriaon, two of the popular member, of the younger aet on tbe abowa, were united in marriage on Monday, Angnat 7, The beat wlahea of the roembera of the caravan goea with them, and we alao wlah to thank Frank for the good elgara that he paaaed around.

Rmmetabnrg ia alrletly an Iriah aetllemenl and Bandmaater Meintnah, aiwaya alive to local eonditlona, haa made htmaelf very popular, due to the many Iriah alra that hii band haa of¬ fered during the week.

The Bbowmen'a t-eagne Day waa entered Into moat heartily by the membera, and aa a reanlt Treaanrer I^en Crooeh waa able to aend in a moat anbatantlal donation from the membera, at well aa from Manager R. W. Brundage.

Jack Cronrh haa been promoted to the poal- tlon of floor manager for the Slippery Gnieh offering.

Doc Rowntree haa a new addition to hla abow, who offera to pay for tbe privilege of aeeing bla name In the roinmna of The Billboard, aa be Myt yon can't be a regular wltbont getting yonr name In the real pnbtlcatlon. Doe la atm considering relative to the price one should pnr.

Mra. Rowntree, mother of Smythe, It spending • week with her non. and baa to endeared her¬ self to the caravan that they tnalat on her stay¬ ing, and Mie la nndedded aa t* whether Texas or tbe Brundage Rbowt it tbe moat attractive place.

George Rpraker, the bandapme chap who tnabea fha motordrome opentnga, haa atarted a


Here are the receipts of the three winner*: JOE BAZINET, $766.40 YOUHG BROS., $602.60 LEO BAZINET, $602.40

Theae flgum convlnclcgly prove that Her- acheU-Splllmao Caruuaselln ar* designed and built ao they aill get TOP money. Our new locldiig devlree, which have done away with all boita. make out 1916 Carouiaelle the fastest machine on earth to aiaemble. The sturdy and almple conatruction prevents cotUy breakdowns. Tbe big flash gets tjie people and keeps them riding. No other portable Carouasellc today comparei with this machine.

If you are figuring on buying a new Carous- telle. coma to our factory, or tend for catalog and full Information. If you have an old style track machine, write us, and we will gladly make you an InterraUng propoalUon.

Sccretartea of Falra. Conventions and Home Comings are flooding us with requeata for new, up-to-dau Carolnaellea. Buy a real Caroiiiaella and get some real money like thete three men abora. Write, or. better still, come to our fac¬ tory. Wt have acme to Interest YOU. I HERSGHELL-SPILLMAN GO.. 1M BWCCNCV STREET,


-^WANTED- Bentley Hendershot United Shows

TECUMSEH, MICH., Aug. 14-19 * PEMBERVILLE, OHIO, Aug. 21-23

PRAIRIE DEPOT, OHIO, Aug. 24-26 DELTA, OHIO, Aug. 28-Sept. 1

ALL HOMt COaaiNe* ON STRCtT*. ANNUAL IVENTS. WITH AEROPLANE PLIGHT*. Freaks of all kinds. Human Flah, Tattooed Man. for Hendeohot’i Wild Animal .Lima. Featuring hit group of African Linns. WILL RUT Illualona or Freaks. Have Tope, Franu. complete, for Dog and Pony Show. Muairal Comedy, Illusion Show. Need good Wrcetlete for AthMlc Show. Good Talkers for Wild Animal, Well Show, etc.; Otlcntal Daitcera. Gun 8plnners, etc. Baba Hcaotlan, Fred Rndera, Kelly King, Jack Hu¬ ber. write. Have dandy outfit for Fat Girl. CAN V8E real Show People, and will frame you up. Candy Race Track, Fruit, Vaae. Grocery ikberl. Cook Housr, DevlI't Alley. Glass Store open. Dates contracted until October. Wilts or wire as above. BEHTLEY HENDER*H0T.

Free Acta at reasonable salary._


Show*, merry-go-round or any other riding doYice*, *tand* and game* of all kind*. Plenty of money here, 6,000 people to get it from and the fir*t big event in yeare. Big band and etreet parade. WETUMKA, OKLA. JOHN R. ALLEN.

Wanted, Concession and Privilege Men Mardi Gras and Caraifal, Aag. 30-31 aSept. I, Oak Bloffi, Mast.

Come; place for all. Apply BERT ANTHONY, at Casino.

WANTED, A-1 MOTORCYCLE RIDER Oood opener for drome. DlTing girle; one for comedy; must bo exporlonceds Will buy 60-ft. motordrome top. Addros* L. B. WALKER, 220 Broadway, Boston

mustache, but as yet it isn't to be compared with Bandmaster McIntosh's musical mustache.

The writer enjoyed the courtesies of tbe Wheeler Enormous Shows during their visit in Emmetsbnrg and found Mr. Wheeler to be a most enjoyable gentleman aud a thorough showman.

Mother Earl, as she is familiarly called by all attaches of the abow, ex|)ecta to leave with¬ in a abort time for a visit in I-eavenwortb.

Oar genial manager, S. W. Brnmlage. ia a strong booster for tbe Showmen's League, and almost insists on oar filling out an application blank.

While in Estberville I had the pleasure of meeting L. C. Zelleno, the live, enterprising publisher of Tbe Opera House Reporter, and to say that we found him to be a prince of good fellows would be putting it mildly. L. C. ia a real booster of all ends of the amusement game, and did all In his power to make every- bisly feel at home during the company's stay in his home town. He alao entertalne<l .Manager Brundage, Agent Benson and the writer with many stories of interest of the doings that happened in Chicago during the meeting of tbe Mid-West Managers' Aaam-iatlon.

The report la that Will Quigley Is to be the new manager of tbe Garden Theater in Kansas City. One would have to go a long way to get a better hustler and a better liked scout than BUI.

Bert Roach, tbe concesaloniat, la all smiles this week. Many don't know why, but we sur¬ mise the reason why ia due to a visitor.

Blll.v B<Maell says that he Is now sorry that he didn't entertain the proposition from tbe Hasaett A Rhodes Comedy Indoor Clrcns. As it is Drydale la getting all the amusement.

Treasurer Crouch la all stuck up. Reason why? His nfflee ia all decorated with a new coat of bright red, and I.en couldn't stay out long enough to let it get dry. Agent Todd also sampled it.

There are Just two claases of carnivals—tbe good and tbe had. I-et'a put them all in one clast and make them all good, and life will be a lot easier for agents and managers.—ED F. FEIST.

WANTED-FOI FUNK ADAMS' 2-CAISHDW Good ConiRt or darlnat, quick. Po*itlT*Iy will not *taiM for booz*. State lowest ■alary. Addr**a Dodson, Mont.


Last week, Brookfield, Mo., proved to b<* better than ex|)eoted. Owing to tbe booking being Just two weeks itefore the fair not mqrh hope waa held out. bnt bright weather brought the busi¬ ness around fine. Bobby Houssols and wife left the show at Brookfield. Joining the International Shows at Moberly. At Sniltbville Billy Streetor Joined, and entered Into a partnership with K. Bartlett, who has the La Creathm Show, Since then they have taken over the '40 Camp, and Billy promises to frame a Plant. Show.

This week, in Monroe City. Mo., playing under tbe base ball club, may yet prove to be a winner, bnt bnsInesH so far has i.nly l)e<>n fair. ' There lias not been a drop of rain In this vIHnlty for six weeks. That old-time couple, Tom Brewer and wife, are with the outfit, the Mlasus with dolls and Tom at bla old trlcka. He sold his car at Bmr,1(fleld, and says It aeoms like old times to ride the rushlnns. Mm. Tommy Hays leaves this week for an extended visit to her liome In Toronto. Can. Mm. Zelger never tips off the gross on the hoop la, bnt all Indications are that Doe buys a yellow one every time he gets bark on the show. The Doctor la looking them over In Illinois and incidentally has a few booked.

Next week finds the trick on the main streets of Pittsfield. Ill., which has been a closed town for three years—more credit to Doo Zelgcr.— J. P. EVANS.


The Dreamland Exposition Shows have com¬ pleted their tour of Ohio, and none of the com¬ pany is shedding tears over it. Tbe show atarted on the fair dates with the Blur Gmss Fair at Lexington, Ky., last week. The company now consists of eighteen shows, two rides and forty- eight concessions. The feature attraction is the allodrome. with Daredevil Weaver, the fea¬ ture rider. The Athletic Show comes In for Its share of the honom. Carl IsHinanl is manager of Thompson's Gay Paree Show, ami the Wild West Show still plays to good business. The Dixieland Minstrels claim their part of the busi¬ ness. and Captain Wheeler, with his Ten-In-One. has a smile that won't come off. Matola and her Oriental dancers, under management of J. E. Wenthem. Is an Oriental show of a different kind Sylvester's Band of aixteen pieces It still with It.—THE DREAMER.

AUQurr tt, itif.






liarr/ Thurston put on ■ new one at Koreat i Twins, Violet and Daisy, under the niaua^enieot Park, Chicago—Jonah and the Whale—Ituilt by I of Myer Myers of Australia. The (Iris are Joe Conley, and It was a bl( hit the minute it I eight years of age and accomplished on the was llulsbed. piano and violin. They have Jiiat coinpielea a

— ■ — tour of Australia and are now booking fairs All Hindu and bis white bride have departed and parks.

piano and violin. They have Just completed a





Nardwaad Cablaal. Onlsbed In mahogany and with grill front. BnulKiwt with spring aaotor. nhlch la aecurauly consuwted and amooth run¬ ning. Has tH-incb turntable and Uaharaai Tea# Ana, wUhli ran be sdluated to play both lateral and up and down rut rsrords In (, T and l-lnefe slasa. Has speed regulator and nickel-plated winding crank with turned wood handle. Alas THsdHil Inrhrs. Pour rubber fsea.



from the caravan of the Kbeesley tribe, and is orer on the Kennedy trick.

Dave Morris was bsiiditng the front of bis show, “Lady May.t* She, the alligator, was In the front pit, and Marla, the cow, was lu the back pit. Dave wautod to call attention to the cow BUd here’s Uie way he said It: “The little cow, she's Uve years old In the back."

i!d. Kelst wonders If pinochle la Included In the general utility program of Homer V. Jones’ cats log ue.

Chas. I>ewls Is playing on bis comet: “Ixme- Bume, i'm Awfully ix>nesome.'’

iPohhy Hoiissells. with the Kvans-l'Iatt Shows, Would like to hear from Qua Kupp and the rest of his old cronies.

C. A. Wortham says that he cannot under¬ stand why all the boya are carrying canes, aa none of them aet'ms to be crippled In the feet. C. A. speclflcally said “feet."

'TIa said that Pred Plelda, manager of tba H. H. Karnes merry-go-round on the Little Olant Amusement Co., bad to stay up all nigbt after the Kourth to count tbe dough. Hualneas was so good that be bad to ship tbe Jack away In a keg marked “nails.''

Chaa. Holton, that old-time agent, la stifl doing tbe advance for I.eggette A Brown, and from reports Is turning In some nice contracts. Holton Is one of the oldest men In advance this season.

Rd Chenette's band entered Into en endurance contest with a regimental band at Calgary,

Happy ill Hubbard—'s bear from you.

Charlie l^ewls has left tbe Nat Kelss Bliowa and It lu Chicago promotiug a carnival of bla own. He will oi>en at 3Stb and Arcbrr ave. tha middle of August.

Mort Weacott Shows were at Steger, Ill., last week and re|>ort a good bitslneHS. They alio had a good week at :!5th and Halatcd streets, Chicago.

Jack Scanlon, formerly of the Allen Shows, la doing nicely at the American Theatrical Hos¬ pital.

A copper was found In Leavenworth, Kan., who flashed bis badge when the collection plate was passed at tbe church Sabbath. It's all right, all right—everything begins In Kansas.

L. J. Hawkina, “Eljay," who gave up tbe road several years ago for a curio shop lu New Mexico, says be will pull on hia sandals and Join the Bedouin bands In their desert march with a brand new store, one of his own Ideas. His beat to Archie. Hose, C. A. Braden, J. T. Pinfold end A. 8. Booth.

"He'i smoking bla life away In the pit, while I'm doing tbe ■ame etnnt on tbe ticket box." Great atuffi

Tre, George Donavan stopped at the Gladstone while in Jamestown, N. D. Why do you ask?

Jack Goodman would like to bear from Roy L. Maya and H. 0. Harp, both of Weet-rman ft Preaay'a Days of *48 Sbowa.


Mewing Picture Tbeatna, NoeHty Rtorea. Coa- tsrUoiMfy, anything you want. Aak for Price list Na T7, showing t.SOO claaaltIcaUooa and price of earti Uat.


Bstabllahfd Iggg.

■’a" v'y

W. A. Clark's Doll Wheel on the Walter Savldge Amusmimt Crmpany. It baa a capacity of 100 dolls. Clark Is seen on the left

UHER SPECIAL 10 Kt. Baud Gold Scarf Flos (stlffoicd atcaa), band- aome, artitUc, open-work dcslvis, set with BrllUaiits, Peerls and Pancy CUlond Btooea. put up II aaoorted petteras on a aatln ribbon easri-baefc display card, rk—iliii art of noe doem, SJAg.

NOTieC. MCOICINC and STREETMEN—Oar ir«0(tal>lo Oil HbSBPoa Soap, latest discovery, for head waabiJig, will grt you the coin. Per ytiss, (3.7i: gismir. I* ' Send for lUaatrated Catalogue. Watdkaa. IHvarwarr. etc., at wbolcaak.

Address the Old Reliable. ■. «. WNCR ft e*.. 121 m. WaRa* Ate., CMe^.

mr Msne** abc topmotchcrs RAIL Alla roR rurucitv Ton can't hem them for aelik aewtr*. Write m cnee fVw phot* and full tafanBatlaB. RILAR J CfMrm. Rgg MeUan Asw. Cklrei

Can. EM'S band played The Star-ftpangled Ban- | ner for nine boors, but tbe regimental band played The Maple lieaf Porever and won. We enspect that It was a put-up Job.

Capt. Latllp, of tbe Harry Lnken Sbowa, re¬ ports good business through New Jersey,

Red Miller—Wbat did you do with tbe mnleT

Dad Miller and bla cookhouse are back on the lot of tbe World at Home.

Here’s a good one on George Mtrr, told at tbe Colonial, Pittsburg. Just before George left tor the Great Empire be was very badly In need of a town, and he mabed Into the hotel one day and said to the crowd: “Por tbe love of Mike, some one give me a committee and aave me my Job.” Deacon Delmore spoke up and said be bad a committee, but they were an aw¬ ful dead bunch. But George said be could wake up any committee. Deacon bad quite a few errands to do and agreed to take George to tbe committee If be would go with him first. George said. “All right." and when they flnisb^ Deacon's errands George asked if Deacon thought the committee would be In. Deacon said: "Sure.” He knew they would, and aa they approached the morgue they were bringing out a corpse on a stretcher, and Deacon says: "George, there goes one of your committee; tbe other six are Inside. If yon can wake them up you are some agent.”

Dad Bishop—How's tbe grass mowing busIneasT

Doc Randall, doing press on the Wortham Shows, sure is a winsome child. He has charmed the rrportera and editors Into patting him on the hack almost as tboronghly as he does the cara¬ van. We said almost because Doe's only com¬ petitors are In tbe show game.

Col. I. N. Flak baa severed tbe tl« that biada, and baa left tbe Sb»daisy Shows and gone to Colambns, O., where be baa eonalderaMe show property stored, and will probably put out bla own oompany. l/orng Ufa. Col., froaa all tbe folka.

ABM«g the arrivals on tbe liner Sonoma, at San Praaelsoo, Jaly 10. were the Modem Siamese

I Hello, Bill Donneaon; wbo'a who on tbe Buck : ft Travera trick?

Plain Dave Morris aays to be tbe manager of three sbowa beats all that millionaire atuff.

J. R. Anderaon, of tbe old Coamopolltan Sbowa, and former partner of Tabby Saydbr, Joined tbe Wbltney Sbowa with a partner n- cently. They are framing a big forty-foot ball game, and, with tbetr braina and B. R., they wUl apront aome bnlly ideaa. Keep your eya on ’em.

Prank Trafton and tbe wife are playing pic¬ nics tbrongb Missouri, and met some old-timers at Naylor, Mo., recently. Among tbe bunch were

, Ed Belt and Missus, with a rat rack and mit't ' Joint; ^g and Miaans Miller and tbe two kids; 18. H. Bowmen, of awing fame, now with a

chicken farm (Mg eats); Prank Noe, swing; Morris Goodman, novelties, and Ward, grease.


SPECIAL PRICES POR THE PRIVILE8E TRAM: Leader (Aaaortad Chocolaua), largs, flashy baa.

Pec doaeo .| gjg 1-lb. Buci-eaa Chocolates (very flaaby). Per dm.. Lid )k-lb. Huccem Cbocolatee (very flashy). Per das. I.M 1-lb. Ah'O Uiw-olaUa. Per duaeu. tlw H-lb. Alco Chorolstca. Per duaca. Ijg 1-lb. PlsJige CtaucotaUa. Per duara. djg H-lb. Flange CTioroUtea. Per doaeo. US Gaby OiaroUlcs. Per doarn. gig 10c Mermaid Kieses. I4a. jg 10c Props, I4a. jg Sc Guldllocks, 40s. jg Sr Giant Nut Ban, 40a. ’Per box. 4g Sc Butternut Ban. t4a Per box. ,4g Koytl S Gum, S elngly wrapped allret to pack¬

age, 76 packager to box. Per box. Jg Sc ilie Gum, 100 to box. Per box. Jg

Cl CARS. Unbended. Per 1,000.IIBJS Bended. Per 1,000. ||jg Nickel King, 10s. Per boa. jg D. ft K. Special. Peg 1.000. Igjg

BASEBALLS. Rockets. Per doaeo.I gjg Dodgen. Per dooao. jg Playgrounds. Per doaeo. Jg

BALLOONS. No. 4S Balloons. Per groia.• tftS Na 60 Air Ballooos. Per groat. Ul No. 60 Gas Balloons. Ptr groH.,. SJS Watermeloos, with rubber rilvca Ptr grogg.. SJg

Send money order and goodg wUl be ahIpBad lha

H. M. LAKOFF, sn Mrt. YtTMt_emLAPite.a n.

$1.00 RUGS FOR 45c

A Baaaaga far Piaahiti Uatn aad AgaR. RM-laaklai Imptrlad gMg.laah Nags. agnR la gualHy aad haaoty to ILM Rags, to gnaa* tlHaa at 41a sash. Theaa an aaaitMilag atw, •aaaaally altraallvt, ea tha aiarlwl la Aarnttoa bat a taw amatoa, aavsr aaaa la many laialNIia.

WONDERFUL PREMIUM VALUE We eblp troaa wanhouaee In Bootoo or 8L PaaL

AaENTS—one agent In Teonmaee aoM 111 In four daya—profit 167. Writs today. Ban- pla, parcal po^ pn^d. Me.

Edw. K. CoidoH, laporlcrg STONINGTON, MB.

up in five minutes. A flashy, iimitBry out* flt that every one will patronixe. Weight, 150 lbs. Write for 1916 Catalog of Money* Making Concession Outflts.


SNAKE SHOWS Blaak Isnaaat aad Chtaan Dragaat aa Hand.

When all oOiers fall try tha old aiand-tv. Mixed Bepa tlS.M Dcna and np. Gal rahn raoelred tv ordtrtng Traai aia

w. aTmakr KINR, Paal OStaa Addraaa . BnwaeNto^ Jmm. Talawaahia Addnaa. . SaahavRIa. Tmwa

Some years ago Harry LeBreque, general agent for Foley ft Burk, ran a 8-ln-l ahow. When Harry got too bnay he would put on a apieler, while be looked after tbe detalla of the abow. Harry's openings always ran thualy: "Ladles and gentleman, step op a little closer and I’ll tell you what we hare Inside. Here on tbe left la the picture of our maatadonic lady, who tips the beam at fl'O pounds, and will entertain yon with a narrative and aong. On tbe right la General Tbin, tin- living akcle- ton, while In the center we have «or crowning feature, an organization of cohTcd ente tain ra," etc. Harry war on the stand one day when a wheezy Individnal asked for work. Ha ry gave him a bnnch of tickets and turned him haiae. Hece la the flrat opening; "Hey-y-y-y-y, hey-y-y- y-y, hey-y-y-y-y-y, yon'ae hicka; com- over dia way and take a slant at the big doln'a here! Here's la where we got the awcHeat broad yon ever lamped. Say-y-y. believe me, ahe la aomc fan*. sYei welglia In at KVt and a'-e can a'ng. too! And that ain't all We got a dnd gny In here who la aa Idg aa a hoe handle, and la the

' t'lneevt man In de wolid And atvl Have w# got tbe awcit aknnk hand? Welt I Jnat giieaa we have. If them dingea can't pnf If all over anything yon’ae erer aee In Ih'a l»erg y'can come and get yonr Ihtn one l/ack. All right

iRcaideseeit Lihis — FOR —


TURERB. LOW Bonm. Ctoar or Ootatad. Sa. Omp- antccd.


FDLDIN6 0R6AN SIQ 00 IJP A BURR tUCCESS. Writs or raU for free catalog. BILNORN •ROB., IM W. Lako Strasl. Ohltasa.

BuUdtra o) "World fomout FoUinn Orpoas."

Spot thelSpot, $5.00 Game conitaUng of two large Banners, Spot LayouL (Jhart for Prlact and Zinc Plates, made to lit Sve-fool spare. (Circulars.) O. J. KOCHU, tw W. Indiana Ave., I’hlladelphla, Pa._

DRUMMERS Band for Our Oatalog—lliat'a AD. ““i”!!'*'**”’ Ttfaw. w.

Wantfd for Fiftk ImmI Carnhiil BURKDURNETT, TEX., AUB. M, », Ml

Merry-Go-Round, PWrIa Wheel and Connaalima Oallr attendance last year, 6.000. Writ# Berretary Gartilral. Biirkhumett, Texas.__

RAMBEY, ILL.—WANTED, CONCEBBIONS, Hhowa, Free Altrartlona. Annual Home (tomUlt. August 14, (6, 16 JERRT HABTlNail, OonON- alotia; J. H. MUELLER, Brcrriary.

Bought, ‘ Bold, Exchanged god Rapalred.




august 19,-1916.

DOW Walk up; only a deeint-i; klda a Jtlnoy.'' It wta bard work to bring Leltrvuue back to

life. _

Cyolonr Woodland and Ralph Decker, motor¬ drome rldera, had their heada together In Ix)D- don. O., recently. It Io<ikB like next aeaaon’a plana ara formulating already.

Borne again, aa J. H. Lucky Moore affec¬ tionately pula it; back on the Great ' Amerienu Rhowa, and, with hla old gUHio. trim and vigor, he la i uaillng tile apace, anal-<led by hla clever wife, Alberta Claire. J. H. la one of the clean-cut carnival men, who atand for the lamt In the game, and la aure to be found where the beat la to be bad. He aaya tbat'a one of the reaaona he’a

wltk llonria Hiller and Buay City Iftupby.

Tbe Smith Greater bunch, and Ed Bean, Ih partlcuUr. wlah Whltey Cala a apeedy recovery. Id aaya be aure needa that man, aa they don’t nuke many like him.

“When duty calla nome folka bang up tbe recel ver. OptimUt.

CoL Prancla fferarl Sbowa are billed heavily at Bridgeport, Conn., for week of Angnat 14.

William Jndklna Hewitt la at tbe HoM Nor- aMDdle, New York City. Several carda received (ram him were poeted from Tlniea Square, and 4be time canceM would indicate be had given them to a milkman to mail.

George BoIIlna—la youra a aad cane of Watchful Waiting!

Dr. Guy Hatfield, Jr., baa added a bop-fiend layout to bla Anatomy Show on tbe Veal outfit.

J. George Looa’ Sbowa are looking brand new. New bannera, new fronta, etc., will make it impoaalble for hla Teaaa committeea to recognlae tbe nbow.

When we can forget little peraonal petty Jew km at CIO long enough to aee tbe round bualneaa aide of tblnga we will profit largely.

H. B. Jeraey baa added a waffle oven con- ceaalon to bla jnlce Joint on the Looa Sbowa. Thla will keep Jeraey buay all the time.

Bud Jarvia la wearing bia necktie for a bat band. Vlalton are wondering whether tbe Oount la advancing atyle or whether be baa adopted a new form of economy,

Ooatborg, lid., la well named. It proved tbe undoing of Tbe Great Atlantic Shown. Uncle Joe Tbonet atrlved bia utmoat, but the burden waa too great, and Froatburg waa tbe atraw that broke tbe camel'a bark. Spot Hadley apoke In higbeat terma of Uncle Joe. and aaid that be acted tbe prince through It all, and, while there amy be a few who will have a aore apot, tbe majority of abowmen on tbe caravan were with Joe. Spot Jumped back to Naabville to take op bia old poaitlon with tbe Newa Company.

Every day we aee examplea of tbe abowman who tried to mix booxe with bualneaa—It won't go. Let tbe other fcllow'a experience be leaaon enough for you—you can’t beat it. And tbere'a nothing amart In bragging of your capacity. Any damn fool can make a bog of hlmaelf.

Mack Harria and Sam Lawrence, with Sam Bich for the paat five yearn, have blowcd the Rutherford No. 2 Shown, where they have been for tbe paat fourteen weeka, and are enjoying life on tbe ocean wave and fighting abarkn at Atlantic City.

Tbe rumor la Hying about that next aeaaon George Dobyna will have out a trick of bla own. Aa no denial haa emanated from the huatliiig George. It hi aafe to preaume that he la doing aome figuring. Une thing, if Gevirge Dobyna doea put out a ahow It'a going to that will caiiae a good many nianagera to ait up and take notice. There are too few men like Dobyna In the game.

J. J. McCaffery ia taking charge of De Vaux A Kleln’a new dining car. and Henry Hart, manager of the ferria wheel, baa taken charge of Harry and Ben’a three abreaat. Nothing to do until tomorrow.

That energetic and clever agent. Bill Bice, while In Pocatello, Id., recently, waa given a beautlfal big douhie column dlaplay photo, and —well, apparently. Bill had thinga hla own way.

Julea Imanie entertained a few of hla frienda at laidingtan, Mich., with a dinner party, which waa a rounded out aucceaa. The gueata were Tom Allen. Ed Mandel. Henry • Effron. Helen Mllla, Helene Welawlckle and Mr. and Mra. R. Bertini.

Candy Welat haa landed the contract for the mice at tbe Cincinnati Speedway conteat open-

ll^l'tember 4. Candy aaya to quench the thirat of the multltiidea will require fifteen ataada—providing weather la with him. More power to yon. Candy.

Mr. and Mra. Treaale McDanlela. of ’4# ah«w fame, were vlaltora at the home of Rlllyboy laat •eek. It wan rumored tliey would take over C. M. NIgro’a ’4» Camp.

Billy Botell and Nonamc are parking ’em in oa the Rnindage Sbowa.

t^lal John Moore la aending back aome good which look like mighty big thinga

far the Oiuater Sbeealey Showa. Tohn waa al- wayu a kind of a Chriatopher ColumlHia and ' ThMaa Bdiaou pomMied. It la a tart that » » Showa do thinga on a large manner, i Watch Jobn’a towaa. |

Albert W. Ayern, one of the real old-timere, w^ now haa bin glaaa fruit arorha iglaaa blow- ing) Ih WIcMta Falla. Tex., haa lately aoffered

HI Inch. Recently h'In alxteen year- **hMe. waa burned to death when

her rlothtm caught fire, and aburtly after bla ^•krhr old aoD, Alfred, waa bitten by a nnake

have died tut tor the prompt act'ou ** A»era In amRtng the potaon hum the wunnd. Apara la now permanently located in

Tlie B

Buy the Goods that Draw the Crowd "nr Money We nuke a epecislty of:




Our New Shure Winner Catalogue Describee en endleu variety of this class of merchandise which we have in stock' for immediate delivery, and quotes them at the very lowest prices. Many goods listed in our catalogue are not obtainable elsewhere, and you owe it to yourself to use our catalogue in your business. We are willing to send it to you provided you are CONCESSIONAIRE PILLOW TOP MAN STREET VENDOR AUCTIONEER SALESBOARD MAN PADDLE WHEEL MAN NOVELTY DEALER CANE RACK MAN PENNANT MAN KNIFEBOARD MAN FAIR WORKER SHEET WRITER PITCHMAN CARNIVAL MAN TEDDY BEAR MAN DOLL MAN

SMB IB ve«a uavnv rea rr bow. evATB tbb ubb er BuaiBue vew ati ib.

N.SHURE CO. m»Axrr.%! Chicago, ill. Ramambar, hawavar, that this book is nat aant to eanaumara who order

goods for their own private use only, that unlaaa you ara a daalar engaged in some line of bnsiness connected with ours, yon cannot get the book.



When you are offered cheap prices it means inferior merchandise. Our Doils and Bears are used by the majority. Deai with us and be satisfied. « catalogue free upon request.


The Lignum*Fibre Guaranteed Dolls and Stuffed Animals, With and Without Electric Eyes.

MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY, 143 BleeckerSt., Newark, N. J. CHICAGO IpfAREHOUSE. 20 Sauth Markat St. H. G. MELVILLE, Mgr.

Los Angeles, Calif., Klein A Norton. New Orleans, La., Marks Isaacs Co., 711 Canal St. Denver, Colo., H. H. Tammen Co., 1624*1628 Arapahoe St. Pittsburg, Pa., Strassburger A Co., 926 Fifth Ave.

IV' i , A

FOR Race tracks—paddle wheels PACKED M TO A CASE—ASSOSTED COLORS. STRAW AND WILLOW BASKETS matl. eapccUUy for Fnilt anil Graccry Wheala. Wt manufai-tun Bukita In all slxea and Mylea ■uhable for Paddle Wheel Men. PBOHFT SmPHENTB.

Our Style Na 3000 made in fiaahy. a«- lorted roloa, round, oval, obloog, aquate and six cornered. PRICE, $44 PER I4S. Four Samplea sent for $1.50, or half doltar for one. 25% depoali on all ordega balance C O. D.

CHARLES IINB 4 CO.. •SS Bmadway. Hear Yarh.

"1/ It’* a Ba»k*t, W* Hav* It.”




We. mTr the largest and most popular price line, for Fraternal Occasions, Mardi Gras, etc. wonderful, fleshy assortments. If you are using Serpentines, Confetti, Noisemekers, Squawkers, we carry large etocke on hand, and the prices are right. Owing to present conditions of the market we do not issue catalogues. Send 60c, 76c, 61.00 or S2.00, and we will ship sample assort¬ ment of the above items. THEO. MCTZCLER, 46 Vasay St, N. Y.


BIG HERSGHELL-SPILLMAH "MERRY-GO-ROUIID” TS-puMnxtv rapacity, thrre-hona abrvaat and ebartoa: big doubla-baireled kllUttry Organ; Steam Boiler and Knglna on wheala. IWcrythlng In good working order and In good palnL We’io uilng our bund¬ ing for another purpote. It'a an unoaual opportunity for you.

eiSCAYBE BAVieATlOB CO.. Blaml. Florida. H. F. D,, Blaail Boaah.


il NEW 1916 IDEAS NOW READY Larg* ChrymnibrnMima, lAori Mama. Pm gram.IS.7S FanMMo A-J Floral Sheeting. Prr yant.. ,7S bnra Heary Paptr Fmloanlng, 14 frrt te tarh roU. Pm dom.. 2.44

labobbt unb maor. oub own factobt. FuU laalrunlatM in OUT catalogua; It’a FRKK.

THE ADLEIHONES CO. $$$ la«lh fflarM Slraai, CHICASO. ILL. OastL


Wichita Falla, manufacturing glaaa fruit for h|it trimming and decoration pur|>oaea, aa well na for glaaa ahowa. He claima to be the only cne in the United Hlatea doing tUia work. Ayres and hla wife Jump out and play faira and reuniona occaaioually. Aycra datea has trouping experience back to thirty-two ycara ago, when he was a kid. with the .Hells Itroa.’ Sliow.

Ed Talbot haa left the Tarkcr Greatest Sbowa.

C. N. Fairly, who la forced to <-arry a (one on acconnt of three broken toes, loat hla cane, and also equilibrium, the oth-T day when one of bia monkeys got loose, and C. N.. In bia anger, threw Ms cane at him.


Mra. Ben Klein, who underwent an operathm in Dubuque, la., recently is reported coming along nicely, and will be able to Join her bna- band soon.

iMra. B. Bertini can do other thinga beside rnu a hoopla. Aak Helen Milla. Tom Allen. Jnlea Laanie or any of tboae who aat down to the apaghetti supper In real Italian atyle.

When the Great .\merlcan Wt.twa played Mc- Adoo, Pa., Alberta < lalre liked the tow n a< well she cnmi>ed In Har.Ieton. Did you go to the Htampede, Alberta?

Madam Itora. palmist with the Endy I'arnival. fell and broke her knee In Bristol, Pa., recently. She ia in the St. Francis Hospital, Trenton. N. J., where she would like to hear from her friends.

Kittle Bell arrived in Philadelphia and ia taking a much needed rest before starting out on.the fairs. Kittle expects to play aome of tbe big ones through N. Y.. Pa. and Ohio.

Viola Wagoner, a member of that famed Rntchlnaon family, spent a lot of time In seclusion tbia year, but at

I laat has blooaomed ont with & mitt camp, where Spike holds forth—

I on the Ed A. Ev.tua Shows. Viola • baa won her laurels In oillclal ca- ' paeltiea aa well as on ih- lot. and , last season promoted. i-ontracte1 1 and soial “tead” on the llcth

Rbovra. Viola aaya It's a great life thla year with her private car and parties galore.

Mra. Ilarrolle. who haa been In the .kmericin Hospital at fhlcago for the past eight weeks recovering from the effects of an aiipendicitia operation, la still under the doctor's care, and It la retmrted that she will nmleegn another op-

One real AROBt. Wire or write as per route. MeritorioBB Attractioae bIbo wir# or '2 writ#. Headed South for long eea!»n. Stovone Point, Wle*. Aufuet 14th triffth- i Now London, Wle., to follow. Both on etroote. ' 'telto. Maybelle powell. where are you? and

let « have a line.


AUGUST 19, 1916.


Planning Railroad Wild Animal Circus Next Season

Harrjr Lokeo*' Camlval, wliirb opeD<*d for two werka on Auguat 'J at tli« big aero and aoto Beet, Hollywood Park, N. J., bad tbe diatinctioii of playHig Ob a grooiida wbicb bad been gnar- antecd againat damage by a bualneaa mau and boraebree<ler worth aevrral million dollart. Tbe layout of tbe carnlral waa beautiful—tbat’a tbe word to cover It—and everybody bida for a big run of bualDcaa.

Ur. Lukeua la flgorlng on potting oat a railroad wild animal cirena next year, an ex- cinaive animal cirena of about aixteen can.


Uartlua Ferry, U., Aug. 10.—It acemed as If Old Mck bimaelf bud entered into a couapiracy to prevent tbe slmw from getting loaded at Hraildock, Pa. Kverytbiug tliat could poaalbly go wrong liappeiied, and, conaequently, tbe show did not get atarted for ila deatination until late In tite day. Tbree of tbe wagoiia brok^ luoae and ran to tbe iKittom of tbe bill, witb tbe reanit tliut two of them were deinollahed and tbe third in aiirb bad abuiie that it waa a tunk to load it. Fortunately tbe contenta of the wageiia were mil dunniged mui'b, bnt the accident to tb<- •H|ui|>nient prevented tbe merry-go-round and fenia wheel from getting open on time in Uortin'a Ferry.

Prof. ‘ Whiley'* Uilbert, tbe tattooed man, ia back on the job in the teu-in-one, after un ab- aeiiee of ii week apelit in viaitlug bia botue in Chicago.

Prof. Cburica Chaplin is receiving a Is- amount of pi-ulae from the nativea on tbe Bbi.w- lug made by the All-Anierlean Rand.

Tlie cui'ouacl was late in getting started, but, from tbe auille that adorna tbe countenance of Uanager Pavla' better bait, we judge that buai- neaa since oiienlng must be aatiafactory.

Mine. Itoaai'lle joined tbe ttarden of Allah at Kruddiak. Another feaiture ituneer, Labelle Leore, will join nt (llnaaiiort next week, making six girls on the front.

J. Anderson, with a glass store and hoopla; J. dtickney, with a neat frameup, and C. C. Leocker fell into tbe line-up of conceaaiona here.

Milt Uorria will augment bis buneli of con- i-easl«na at Ulaaa|>ort witb blankets, fruit and a dog hoopla.

"Foots” Harry Htein has three neat stores and two bnatllng agents.

Mike tloldsniltb ia again a fixture around tbe show, having eome on to take the confetti pri vllege.—IIA RTWICK.


Fdr tbe first time in tbe history of tbe show— and It covers seventeen eeaaons—tbe 8. W. Brundage Bbowa pulled Into a stand, set up and exhibited without a license or a permit, and this was at Estbervllle, la., tbe week of July 81.

When M. T. Clark called on Mayor Groves for a reader tbe Mayor turned a deaf ear to the agents' appeal, tbe Mayor advising In tbe most emphatic and positive language "that no carni¬ val would be allowed in tbe limits of Estherville as long as be was Mayor, that tbe town was against tbst form of entertainment and that an agent bad just as much chance to bring a carnival to F.stbervllle, and with the permission of bis Honor, as be would to bring In a case of smalliHvx.

Mayor Groves stated that tbe town bad been “stung." “pestered” and “robbed" with car¬ nivals in tbe past; that all of them, or moat of tbrni, bad given the community a lot of trouble with “llat Joints," “questionable ahowa," fights and what not. and that In tbe future it was his Intention to keep them out.

Mr. Clark presented bis credentials from towns and eltles in Iowa, and this secured for< him an audience with the Mayor. After about one hour's conversation witb the Mayor bis honor made a conditlonri proposition to tbe agent: That if hr would bring bis show In and demonstrate It to tbe cltlxeus and tbe city oflicials, and if it was as clean, pure and whole¬ some as represented, then a permit would be granted, and at a very reasonable rate.

The sgent left Kstherville. and the publicity squad. In charge of Ben. 8. Benson, followed In. THie locsl papers. In addition to sixteen out-of- town pai>ers. were set in setion for tbe canse of the carnival, and for two weeks every pa¬ per in the trade territory of Estherville, Inclnd- Ing four publications at this prosperous rail¬ road town and theatrical center, carried mat¬ ter for tbe Brundage Shows, and with tbe re¬ sult that crowds were the rule every day of tbe merriment.

For two days the Mayor and his Inspection Board tested, tasted, tried, tempted and tolerated; then, finding that the 8. W. Brundage Shows actually did “comply with the pure show laws," and that what the agent said were facta, a li¬ cense was given the shows to carry on their attrai-tions for the rest of the week.

Estherville and community sure bestowed a lot of praise, |iomp and patronage on tbe Bmnd- age troupe. Mayor Groves being especially de- lightevi with the week of Joy as presented by the carnival.


New York, Aug. 11.—Owing to the unusual increase of business the Innovstbm Novelty Manufacturing Company, of .T« E-ist Twenty- first street, has found It necessary to enlarge Its IbKir soace. In a recent Interview with William Alsofrom. the writer gleaned the In¬ formation that from recent ad« In The Rlllhoard this enterprising fir i has re<-elveil orders from Kingston. Jamaica and Sydney, Australia. They have one of the finest lines of bath robes, blankets and electric-eyed bears on tbe market and a visit to this plant would convince one of this fact. Wheelmen and all others con¬ nected with tbe trade will always find a wel¬ come awaiting them at tbe Innovation's spaci¬ ous odices.


William I-ee. 28. high diver for a carnival company, broke bla back Angnst 8 at Tiylora- villc, Ky.. when the ladder alidad as be Jumped. Lea’s home ia at Sulllvaa. lad.

PSOOLC WHEELS 88 taMbes In dtaaasier, the bstt of them

oU. do, N or 18d numbm; *7 Cfl all at the some pries. •f.OU


JEWELRY EPINOLE. 28x88 Inches; band-palntcd layout,

nickel-plated arrow: complete with

Unbrsakabis Ckorastsr Dalit. Teddy Besrs, PoikIIs Dogs, I’lMow Tops, Vases, Steins, Pennsptt, Prrial Paddies, Novelties, 8s1i - Ihisrda, Amusement gpccialUrs No goods shipped without dcposll.


“BECK” Tke MMluiieil Mib He Ueks, ha bawla, be throwa back bia ears, hit tsil flirt up, he rings bcBt snd "piles" nu ridrr. you

Uvs OMS, If you want the best cash gcttlns hall game on the markK, write ua for pric^ Lh> it loilay. Cti ready for the County Fain thta falL Addrem


iMtinN .CLRr.iA

’ -''I

’ : ,-m>




Try Onr Patriotic and Military Deflians

WANTED-Shows: Concessions OF ALL KINDS

Can use Crazy House, Athletic, Trip to Mars, Ferris Wheel, Ocean Waves. Motoidrome and Musical Comedy. Concessions working every week. Everything goes. Unless you can get open by Monday do not waste telegrams. Can also use 10-in-l Show. _SKINNER 4 WBIGHTMAN’S UNITED SHOWS, NEW CARLISLE, IND.


Of Wtntworth Avr. Biuinaaa Men's Associntion. Opene Saturday, September 9th, and cloeet Saturday, September 16th, inclneive.

A Permanent Organization With Its Own Lighting System Large crowde. Address all conununicationB to

AHDREW B. CURRY,_5454 Wentworth Ave., CHICAGO, ILL-


Play Banner Week at Minneapolis

The paat career of Campbcll'a United Bbowa records nolhlog from a busluosa standpolot tbit 4-an compare with tbe busiiicm being dono by the shows and concesaluos at Mloueapolia under tha auapicea of tbe Talmud Torab. Tiie openiug uigiit, risliirdsy, August 0, it was axpected that the strenuous publlclly campaign that bad been eondncled for weeka by Al Fisher, onr chief of tbe advertising department, would give ns the big opening, and, the following day being Bno- day, and tbe first time that any caravan bad ever been seen In the city on Babbatb, most naturally be a record-breaker, but on Monday, when a slump was looked for, proved tbe tan¬ ner night, and tbe big lot, 480x010, was liter¬ ally jammed from early evening to midnight, tbe crowd. It waa staM by tb^ In potliion to know, being by far larger than ever before In attendance at any like entertainment.

A notoriously couaervative preaa coini^ new adjectives In tbeir laudatory reviews of the shows, and Mr. Campbell ia balled by tbe re- viewera as tbe apoetle of a new era In eamlval- doB. Tbe committee having In charge tbe Society's Interests, comprising the very best of tile city's basiness men, has already won tbe moat exalted esteem not alone of Mr. Camp^ll and bis exeentive staff, bat as well that of every abowinan and eoneeaslonalre with the caravan. We are to continue balance of this week. Inclodlng another Bnnday, and expecta¬ tions that onr record In Minneapolis will be unprecedented is amply warranted by tba re¬ ception already accorded the big United. Two more cara wilt be added I.ere because of tbe addition of other sbowa and enneeaaions.

For tbe balance of tbe season now booked by General Agent Art Davis, up to November, will l>e all fairs and big doings, aud IncIndM tbe Kuutli Shore Country Club Fair In Chicago, be¬ ginning Bepteuiber 18. Among tbe membership of the dull are the editors and amlstants of every proinifieni paper in Chicago, which means the press iiuciit will have nothing to do but provide coiiy.

CAMPBELI.ETTES J. H Ks l••llHn. whose World United Bbowo

lin<e ••iir-i .roin tlie Equator to tbe Antarctic rtr.le, V i|. n vislloi to tlie big United in Mlnne- |s'. ^ iiiid it WHS tie n the writer first learned

'I Hr lie iirop-lr tor of the famous shows wan fernii r iiliiyninle of tlie latter at Dreoden,

vvl'. -e l:i|er tlie hrofir'r of the writer married file sis'! r of Mr. Kscliiiinn. tbe issue of wblcb union i.iis provided some of the most prominent- screen artists In Auierha. The last meeting of tiH- young Km-keyes and embryo showmen was thirty-seven yesrs ago.

A recent advertisement in Tbe Billboard brought one letter from Ijihrador, another front Prlnee Edward Island and still another from 8t. Tliomaa in Die Danish Wmt Indies.

Mrs. Fink, wife of onr popular band leader, having made some pnrrhases In a local store, waa asked where delivery shonld be made and answered at tbe “Torrid Tnmnlt" carnival, that being her recoHection of Talmnd Torab.

The Wild West Show, formerly with Wheeler Brothers, baa joined Campbell.—J. W. RAN¬ DOLPH.



mamesmmrnmim 147 FULTON ST N.Y.C.



WANTED-A-1 CARNIVAL CO; rai iuiiisoi,iu.,iMiionu nod towi to follow win ss-nile jomp WAwr root ty-Go Beund

WBXRCTTnaB 88 ON OCTOBCK I. Cantivala wHb l«m than ala Ibowa or wlibout Mar- aumpt. Those towns ate pruapeniua and ail bava piMUy of mancy

sm and OanOval amm be nood. AD Wbseia go, witb no buy-boek. ■‘■wy.

TeNV ROieie, P. O. B«i tn, Madlasa, IHIoolt.

Mt. Sterling, O., Angnst 10.—Tbe Big Fonr Amnsement Company Is now carrying nlno paid attractions, two riding devices and thirty eon- ceasiona. The shows consiat of tbe Old Planta¬ tion, H. Darling, manager; Billy Moore’s Ool- ored Band and Orchestra, Happy Frailer, stag# manager; Jnngle Show, Thomas Deea and O. M. Angel, proprietors; Harry Oillcbrist and H. Crawford's 8-in-l; The Miracle, N. Darling and Mrs. Cnmmings, owners, and the Clifford Bma., managers; Athletic Show. Zeno Casbabana and brother; Claude Hamilton's 10-in-l. Rides: Onm- mlngs' carry-ns-all, Bert Laduct In charge; Big Eli, Robert Oleaaon, manager; motordrome, Smitty, manager; Cumminga’ penny arcade. Dr. St. Elmo, manager.

Mrs. Cnmmings* Ilne-np of conceaaiona: Pap- 'em-in, Mrs. O. W. Rader; ptek-ont. O. W. Rader; pillow wheel, R. B. Smith; dolla, O. N. Beldwln.

ICddie Graves Ilne-np of eonceoalons; Olaoa wheel. Rath Clark; candy wheel, Mra. B. D. Graven; cookbouae. Gordon Clark; Jewelry wheel, J. L. Hoeler; knife rack, FTank Moore and B. D. Graves; palmist. Madam Anna; cat rack. It. Rerael and Harry Darling; nHmkey dodger, A. Maaaie; shooting gallery, Mr. Ray.

While superintending the unloading of ahow train No. 1 at Wilmington, O.. Doc Del-aPoata, trainmaater, bad a fall, Injnrlng bla apino and receiviag other Injurlee. He wan msbad to the Hale Private Sanltarinm, where he ro^vod medical aid, and la doing nicely.

Mr. and Mm. Cummings and son, Paul, accom¬ panied by Mr. and Mm. Darling and Mr. and Mm. E. D. Gmvea, motored to Cedarville, O.. on Sunday, to visit Paul’a United Sbovm. Mr. Pant ia tbe only brother of Mm. K. L. Cummings, and they had not eeen each other for nearly two yearn.

Mayor Clevenger and wife, of Garrett. Ind., tbe home of Manager Cummings and fnmlly, were recent visitom.

The show experienced a terrific vrindstorm at Mt. Sterling on Angnst 1. but escaped vritb alight damage.

We are now playing onr second week of film, with fifteen mere to follow—‘DE ST. ELMO.


Chicago, Aug. 10.—The Meyerhoff Attmetlona were represented in Chicago last week hy Her¬ bert 'nc^ general agent and advance raprcaenta- five. Mr. Tice baa been eigning cMtracts fee Southern falm to start next wees and continue for a period of fonrteen woegi. The Mey-rbefT Attractions will remain In the Sontb nntll tbe flmt of December, and will In all probnMIty winter In Mobile, Ala.

Tlie Danavtile (N. T.) Board of Trado has decided to hold Its annnal carnival on Angnat IS. 16 and IT. F. A. Owen la Chairman of tbe Committee and R.-W.'Adama Is secretary. If any of the tbree days selected shonld prove nn- favoreble the carnival will be extended a day.


TOY BALLOONS and NOVELTIES Bit, Mfoif, «rtr» briry, loiit furh, fut rt>lor Balloon*, in many rrarkor-jark rolma. All kind* and aUra, plain or prtnirt,

with w lilthaut Patmtml l.'liailnf Vairr -any iray you waul ihim. Brand new, orl/lnal "Ball»>ii HluiiU" for you. MHIrr* « tho Ut* rat kind. Find out about thiar iirw apn-iala. Brat good* you ran buy. l’ri<-r* right, thir Brbato I’ropoaltlon bring* you Eaay "Velrrt Miaiiy without a aingir atrokr of ratra work. Buy your atcrk dirrrt frrim thl* big fart'iry. Krtum Balia, too, an attractlrr, quick* arlling linr. Hubbcr Tbrrail (or tbc ball* abio.

S»nl forjOur Complete Price List and Our Whole Balloon and Novelty Rebate Proposition. i

THEIFAULTLESS RUBBER COMPANY, 230 Robber St., Asbiand, Oluo.

i Get Our Big Rebate Proposition


Q«orgt H«nd«rMn, Jack DaVoa and J. W. Randolph Waigh in With Thair



Editor The Billboard: i «,#*» —j»w»»n/nw»*w ouuww. wiau »* wiauvu* ww.. -■ rauae we oi me Lampneii uniiea nnowa, who Id a recent iaaue of your paper 1 aaw an ar- I Plantation and good Pit Sbow. Want legitimate ConcetUOne, one more Free Act;! never aronae the Buapiriuna of a auaiiicioua public

Bafermaa, N. it. SHOWS

CAR PLACE—Meritorious Shows, with or without frame-ups. Good opening for

linMC stnla Myera, Marie White, Babe Brooka and nUHC IfUaiHOa Mary Allen, Very truly your*.

wwa raamawiAai* “«'’• Q£LgBRAT10NS Duncan’a Uaya of 'Ob Show.

Editor Tbe Billboard:

Pleaae publlah tbia aa a aort of rpj4,inder to Mr. Milter’a pbillipic anent the ’40 Camp:

Take It back, Mr. MurrI* Miller, take it back. Cnaay tboae nnkind wonia about the '40, be-

)0<1 opening lor rauae we of the Campbell United Showa, who

article wouu ^e c a . These are not State Fairs, but choice County Fairs, all day and night. Ask anyone ia aiiiiply a matter of couroe. Uur Camp ia per*

•4o‘^ Show* "wld^'i^ doX they u^ieiU^^ who has played them. Southern Fair SecreUries desiring a real show, address gmiaiiy *uperTUe.i by Mr. Campbell, and with

the .rtiei; at.te.1 u,.. of manager. «n on^ R. A. JOSSELtH, Gen'l Agent; all others, J. FRARCIS FLYHR Owner A Manager. ;?.i‘;",*HcV''M!nef'\"^ ^hrulu^L^ciUonTf aee the preaeut '(?*“7’,?"‘Vioulld R«WtOn, III., Week AugUSt 14th; HUlsborO, ni., week August 28th. even a auggeatlon of immorality.

S _...; .1. Jw al.. c«„a». » ‘h”* be ’49 Cam,* conducted not In atrict get all the blame fur a form of auclal evil that every one la mure or lea* re*p<in*ible for, Tbe carnival i* a prep, acboul for tbe abow buaineaa. It geta aa a rule all tbe green timber to aek* aon, which make* it bard for tbe .management. I peraunally do not think there ia a manager In tbe abow buaineaa who i* band in glove with the aort of thing tbe writer mentiona in hi* ar¬ ticle. 1 can't imagine any decent manager would atuop oo low, Alao, I can recall a number of Inatancea oo abowa where agent* back of coo- ceaaion* have done tbinga that girla allow* have bad to take tbe blame for. Home of tbe beat women I have known in tbe abow buaineaa have been cooch dancer* and atlll keep up a high atandard of morality. .

At praoent I am managaing a *40 Sbow for H. Katool, and aore would bate to think that 1 bad anyone wbo waa not a lady working on the floor for me. What doe* tbe moat barm la a bunch of aquawklng, lood-talklng men and women, wbo, tbe flrat thing they do on Sumlay, when tbe train geta Into town, go to tbe qnbilc place* and condemn everything they come in con¬ tact witb, oquabbling and quarreling on cornera and making a general nulaance of tbemaelveo.

One of tbe cleanent carnival companle* on the road, I think, i* tbe Metropolitan Show*. It ha* carried a girl abow for year* to my knowl¬ edge, playing the aame territory year after year, and ia met with open arm*.

So It all aimmer* down to thia: If we would all demand that our people be courteona, well- mannered, and obliging ladle* ami gentlemen at. all time*, and demand of tbe management that he get rid of that nndealrable element— both men and women—we all 'would make more money and leave all town* ao that while they would not omit the reader* they would at leaat welcome ua, for tbe great American public 1* alwaya hungry for amuaement and will aiiend Ita money.

Thanking you in advance, should you print thia. 1 am,

(Signed! OEO. I. HENDERSON, Mgr. ‘40 Sbow, Van Sickle Sliows.

P. S.—Show wiU remain out all winter, playing best spots in the South.



Our machine is specially designed for the road, is quicker set up and taken down than any other, not a loose bolt in it, all parts interchangeable, patent telescopes between horse and platform, no obstruction on the plat¬ form, no projection underneath, no injuring of patrons while riding, beautiful horses, beautiful decorations, wired for electric light; a real flash; a real carrousel. Write for catalogue.

ALUN HERSCHELL CO., lac.. North Toaawaoda, N. T., U. S. A.

accordance with propriety, we wot not of them, but there must be aueh or you, Mr, Miller, would not squawk without Justiflcatlou. We know yon by reputation, and if there be one of those get-together things to eliminate indecent Camps or any queationable shows, Mr. Campbell, whose slogan la: "Get thee behind me, Hatan," will work shoulder to shoulder with you in their elimination. Keep up the good work, but re¬ member all Camps are not bad. Yonra very truly.

* J. W, RANDOUPII. Press Agent, Campbell’s Unitetl Shows.

There are exceptions to all rules. Perhaps the '49 Camps referred to in the above letter* are run decently, ss tbe writers claim. But we do know that the large majority of '49 Camps are run in such manner aa to prove a aerions detriment to tbe carnival buaineaa.—Tbe Editor*.


Lubbock, Tex., .August 9.—The Capt. B. 8. Vau Sickle Shows are baek in Texas once more. Tbe shows played eight weeks in New Mexico to fair business. The Fourth of July stand at Carlsbad was much better than expected, all the abowa and ooneeasiona doing a big buaineas, but tbe CapLiin says that Texas ia good enough fur bill! at any time.

I.aat week we fumisbed the attractions for the auto races at Labbo<-k. It is the second time for the Van Hickl- Shows in thia city.. We were locate*! in tbc heart of tbe city, one block from the court house. The midway ia four hundred feet long, forty feet wide at tbe en- tmiiee, gradually widening to aereiity-flve feet at the far end. Molone Bros.’ Wild West Show, carrying twenty head of real burking horses, graces tlie extreme end of the midway. The flrat attraction that confronts tbe visitor was Charles Eastlack’s carry-us-all. Next came SpWIora, the spider girl; tlien the Model Farm, Hoy linninn’s Human Roulette Wheel. '49 Camp. Arnnw the midway, next to the Wild West

Piedmont, W. Va.

Editor Tbe Billboard:

money ana leave aii towns ao loai wane laey ^ M m ^ a ^ a ■ m ■ >>oiu me cuun uuuse. me miiiway is lour would not omit the readers they would at least I ^8 ^8 ■■ NNI iM I B hundred feet long, forty feet wide at tbe en- welcome ns, for tbe great American public la I ■ I gradually widening to sereiity-flve feet always hungry for amusement and will ai>end _ _ at the far end. Molone Bros.’ Wild West Show, Its money. M ^1 carrying twenty head of real burking horses.

MM BIB M B MHIBh graces tlie extreme end of the midway. The " BB^BlWBfci first attraction that confronts the visitor was

_ _ __ _ __ I Uharlea Eastlack’s carry-us-all. Next came PONTIAC MICH AUGUST 20 TO Spidora. the spider girl; then the Mcnlel Farm, * Hoy Hanlon’s Human Roulette Wheel. ’49 Camp,

rri,.! jjii .-T-kiT-* -r-, I Arnisa the midway, next to the Wild West Iwentv thousand dollars spent in Parades, Free Attractions, Decora- show, wa* capt. van sickie s Minstrei show, with tions and Music. Wanted Shows and Concessions. Down town loca- wiTral.

M.*‘"N7,,i*‘‘i”r5.t7r"llo;.’"?en^'r^kr?go‘"^^ tioiis. No exclusives. Wheels go here. C. S. KARLAND. Director S^^ride!;'. lU.,rring'^“cV"?ione"‘'B”ri;ie%r,:i‘t'! Duncan has surreedd in making it one of the Gcncral, Board 01 Commcrce Bldg., Pontiac, Mich. I Submarine Show. Fisher’s Girl From Jerusalem feature attractions on the midway, as well aa Show. one of tbe best on the road. Twonty-*<»ven ronoessions with the show are

iff-iiTsp CENTENNIAl, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN EMmsms disagreeable feature* tba have 7_ 7 The Captain has many fair date* for tbia fall.

caused ao much unfavorable comment In Tbe lAfFEIC AF BIIAlieT 9A ifav>i-v Billboard, ami instead of tbe ’49 Camp being OF AUQUST ZO -HAPl T. something to be apollglaed for to the commit- ■ ■ —. .

irw; ?&'• ZEIDMAN & POLLIE SHOWS brown * cronin shows •nli-tM Fwiiiili as ATTRACTIoas. Wants!—SHOWS and COSCESSIOSS for thia date Chillicotbe. O., .Aug. 10.—Ye .Ancient Metrop- Rn.1 cannot nntlerstand why a ’4# Camp properly and for loof tMfOn SOUTH. Wanted—FREAKS for 10-in-l Show. Armless Eddie ‘“P welcome for our genial man-

^"‘JSr*?owrieing*"ci5:d.TnS“’i dire*-y^SH Cambell. Lansing. Mich., wMk August 14th; Delmy, Detroit, to fe";:! .djuJVerfTbaV»'^3:'’'Mec»lhy Su°p^S;



Submarine Show. Fisher’s Girl From Jerusalem Slmw.

Tw(>nty-at>ven ooneeasiona with the abow are getting the jack.

Cnpt. Van Sieklo gives ns the dive twice daily and Al Harris furniahea the music, with eleven assistants and two soloists. Mias Princess Dol- lita sings twice daily with the band.

The Captain has many fair dates for this fall. —HAPl’Y.


Chillicotbe. O., .Aug. 10.—Ye .Ancient Metrop-

fewer tuwna will be cio^ on account of ’481 follow Pontiac. AddrcM at per route. Camps than because ao-ealled musical omedy allows, fairy in the well shows, and strong Joints, aa well aa mlarepresentailon* by agents and prumoter*.

Our Camp carrtea twelve girl* and ten men, ■nd the big 70-foot Pullman car of the Nigro Show train furniahea flrat-claaa Bleeping quarter* for all, which In itacif ha* much to do with the ^ral atandlng of the Camp, aa our girl* do not have to seek aleeplng aceomodatlona at hotel* and are not thrown in contact with the town rbumpa after the ahow.

The Camp la mq in a boaincaa-like manner; our girls make good money and make it honestly, I „ - . and are not e«)mpelled to seek “peraonal bual-1 RRUxFFXUPBPB, nea*.’’ aa one writer in Tbe .Billboard put* It: '-——- • n Ounran haa demonatrated that n 49 Camp ran be a rlean, meiitorlons ahow aa

well a* a paying propoattlon, and doe* not nfed to deiiend on lleentloasneas and Indeeeney for It* patronage and anpport.

I am for clean ramivala, clean abowa and


ManufaBturBrs, FORT SMITH, ARK., U. 8. A

WANTED honest, Jegltlmate cnnceaslona, and I am aloo .FOR ROGERS’ GREATER SHOWS

““T" Following la the roatar of the Camp: Bay W. "od Uckei If h* know* you. ixmcesaion*. wiu

SECRETARIES OF FAIRS ARD GELERRATIONS Sam (Alabama) Joqm, eanvaa. Orcbeatra: Sam „ . _ . (Parity) Boroa, cornet; Ban 8(okaa. tiombona; 2? ™ look If we do bMlncaa with you. Can funlah I^velj Boland, piano; Walter Johnoon. dmma. W ^ Tmn.. week Ang. Cowgirl*: Ma»aret Howard. Pritale Wallace, *«■ Bockwood. Titan., waak Aug, tl; WaibvMle. IVnu,, week Aug. ». on auaeta. J. ROBINS. Mana«tr7 » ‘•'((ct'Ie Arthur. Panllne Smith, Errell Orr, Alice Wellman, Lnclll* Daly, Vlr-

r route. tendent: Tommie Thompson, lot manager, and Chapman Brother*, who all hail from tbe

beautiful little city on the S^cioto. and the flrat I Ikl capital of Ohio. Lnu says if it had not been IW I I w I I I for Cbillicothe there would he no Ohio, and OS mm mw m a mmwm n I ■ after seeing the crowds that have visited the

H FKAAIwI I lU |^8m If UpiflM I 11 midway we believe the end of the rainbow reata ■ _ — — ■ " ■ ^ II in on tbe carnival ground* in Cbillicothe.

14 N The line-up of shows is as follows: George ■ I *- I Edgar’s big lO-ln-l. the Great .Maxwell’s Honae

Send deartlpUoo at what you want WE WIU, SAVE YOU Mystery. Joe Romano’s Dancing Girl*. C'olo- MONET. Write tor compicta mancjr-mvlna Ci»a1-guv and Ual at Charlie’s Days of ’40, Simon B. Smith’s Serend-Hand Bargains. Educated Horse. Centaur; Jeff Gaffney’a Atb-

,g a ■ n Bm Bm letic Show, featuring Frankie Conley, ex-ban- ill ^B- HI 1 H ^ FTlj tam weight champion of the world, and Kid ^ • W ■ ■ W^W^a Levo; Harry Hill’s Wild West and Mexican

fart fikklTM BRIC USB BullAght. carrying thirty-flve bead of stock and M moving on three cars; Jimmie Dixon’* new

carry-us-all and tVave Jonathan’* Big Eli ferrls IB JA wheel and fifteen onneesaiona. Ib H MM J. L. Cronin entertained tlie members of the V I trilie at his road house located one mile front

__ Chlllicothe. A roval time ws* enj<iyed by all. f Charles H. McCarthy’s father entertained a

I number the tmii|ie at his up-to-date

lilt far FWr --~ - ._. „ We played under auspices of the Twentieth

»orrw.Sen’:"":A’;. fn z.


or two food mows to otraicthfii outfit foe PUr Bcuoon: alto food, loflUmatr CbocoMloni. AmeHcMn Un. to Mtrwyhen band. JOHN BlTlaLOCSC WANTS fife or lUx good Afftits for C’^rmoluin, Will

SECRETARIES OF FAIRS ARO GELERRATIONS If we do tjfntm wUh you. Can fumlah

1 « Ft** Aett and Attractions you wlah. Addtvm as per route: Chattanooga. T^nn. wee* An. iL Taut., weak Aug- 91; Waabville, IVnu., week Aug, tf, ut lueeti. J. ROBINS,* Managtr?*'


Chicago. August 12.—Bert Earl closed with the Buffalo Bill-101 Show* about two week* ago and joined the World at Horae Show* In Canada.

AUGUST 19, 1916. 34 Ttie .Blllboerd



Old Features Retained and New Ones Added—Horse Show Will

Be Introduced—Second to New York^State Fair

rror, N. Y., Aug. 11.—Tba UeoMeUer County .Afi Ifoltural ■nd ilortloultural Moclety, at Ita iiliu-ty-wTriitb annual fair at Renaaelaer Park, tuu rltjr, un Auzuat 3U, 30, 31 and September I, will Intrt4iuf-e tbe borne show to ita batroM. 'lilt' lionte allow, an educational division and a renniou day for tbe Keoaeelaer County Vet .•■rann' Asaoriation are tbe big innovatlona of tile fair this year. All tbe old features are retained, iiu-lnding tbe dally light bameaa mat! Been, with 11,000 purnes, wbirb brings barness iiorm-M to tlie Kensselaer County Fair seconu only to tbe grand elrrult entries.

For tbe horse show tbe Fair Aaaoeiation has .a|>pro(irinted more than $3,000 in premiums, ban ^-onstrueted a new one-eighth mile show track and ring, in<-lading nineteen elannes and seven ity tbree sets of premiums and prizes, and made ebipping arrangements (bat form a combination «f Inducements to ezhibitors that can not resisted. The scope «f tbe abow Is wide, Inclndlng events for purely local entries and tbe J. Macy Wniets cups for trotting bsckneys that are for national competition through .tbe year 1916.

Altogetbcr there are fourteen di- rislons, with bun- slreda of premiums, covering every form «t ezposltlon and esblbltlon known to county fairs.

Tbe fair bas al¬ ways enjoyed tbe reputation of being seemd only to tbe •State Fair at Sy¬ racuse, and this year It promlnia to be bigger and better and more profitable than ever.

diera. President Myers Y. Cooper, of tbe fair association, waa Instrumental In handling tbe | business of tbe fair in aucb manner that every¬ one was satisfied, and for this be deserves much I credit. Tbe Blxty-Flrst Carthage Fair will go down in fair history as one of tbe best and most | successful ever held.


Trezevant. Tenn.. Aug. 11.—Carroll County will be represented at tbe Trl-8tate Fair at Memphis this fall. County farm demonstrator, C. ti. Ilens<iti, has arranged for Carroll farmers to have exhibits, and all are being urged to tx-vin now to get them together, Tlie exhibits will Im! collected a few days before tbe opening of the fair, and will be taken to Memphis by C. H. Denson, who is being assisted by Miss Vivian Hawkins.


The nidon (Mo.) Fair, wbicb was to have lieen held from i^ptember 5 to 8, bas been called otr on account of the drouth.


Tlie Aerial Patts, who have just closed tbeir circus season, open tbe fair season next week in Ivannas. The Patts are booked througii F. M. Barnes, Inc,

(Vrrigan's Goats have returned to tbe U. B. A., after playing



l.yncbbnrg. Va., Aug. 12.—Tbe West VIrgInU racing and fair season was opened Wwlnesilay at Pennaboro with tbs tbirtietb annual Pennaboro Fair of tbs Hitcbie County Fair Aasoclallon. one of tbe ohlest and most anccessful fairs In tbe RIate. .tot In tbe history of the association bas tbe speed pro¬ gram been so fine nor tbe fields of start¬ ers so large. Tbe starter was C. A. Uepport, of Mentor, Ohio. Tbe racing program was as follows: fi.HMI; 2:22 pace, $300. $:ua); 2:18 pace, $300: pace, $.100; run. $100; run.

several fains In Canada. They played Detroit last week.

Bari Vincent made two fine balloon as¬ censions at Argents, III., last week. Vin¬ cent is dying for tbe Northwestern Bal¬ loon Company.

Tbe Flying How¬ ards are still In tbe Southwest playing fairs and outside dates. Jesse reports gootl business In that part of tbe country.[

Tbe I.a Joe Bicycle Troupe open tbeir fair dates tbe first of Reptember. They bare a nice route booked for tbe sea¬ son.

Tbe Great LeB-y | Is making his head¬ quarters at Dixon, j III., for tbe fall season. He has booked bis upsUle- down act solid for | tbe fair season.

Tbe Byan Brothers will play tbe Hia- watba (Kan.) Fair tbe first week in Reptember, after wbicb they go Marshall. Neb.

For Shows, Parks, Thoatros, Rinks, Pionics, Ball Banos, Danoos, olo. Orangeade, Lemonade and Grape Julep


A pound makee almost a barret You make 80c clear profit on each dollar you take la, Fanep colored aigna free with all orders (or a pound or more. Trial package, to make a gallon, 10c or 3 for 2Sc poatpaid. Put up In one pound cant and 10c packagea only. Fully maraateed under the Pure Food Law. Please remit by money order or stamps. No C, O. D.'a or diecks.



September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 5 DAYS—INCLUDING LABOR DAY—« DAYS

Conceeaions of all kinda for sale (shows and ridinc devices eold). Lebanon U one of the most prosperous Iron towns In the State. Admiasion 2 Sc. Addrees JOHN A. BOLLMAN, Secy. FRANK P. HAMMAR, Supt, of PHviietee>

WAITED at lOITI EAST, tH, OaL 2bS la 7th r& 8H0W& RIDES (indudinf WHIP IHE), also COHCESSIOnS.

Grape Harvest Fair and Firemen’s Tournament Billed like a clrcos. In the center of tbe crape eountrj. Draws thooaanda of visitors and harvest hands. Big crowds and good spenders. Ho strong stuff wanted. Better get in touch with ns. State all first Tetter. GEO. H. CLAVIH, Secretarr, North East (Erie Co.), Pa. _’ *


tad hud. Bwmvg your tgutu m ta lOdww HOW.

WALTER R. RUCKHAM, Somtary. Bybwry, PbNadoIpfeli, Pa.

Nine Days ef Street Fair at Tulsa, Oklahoma THE OIL CENTER OF THE WORLD. FROM AUOUST 17 TO AVOUST M.

Pamo a( $!.••$.$••.$• wteUy. Tvo Stata OonvMHIaua and ana National CMVonUan barg WANTED—A^ traetloaa or high Mam Carnival CnwrmMiaii and Nldao af alt kladg NoUriag tao bte for ihM fair. Adtan

a. A. DAILY, CaavoaSaa MaW, Talaa. Oklaliama.


Day and ulght. Hectrle Ughla. Plenty of poopio and plenty ef amney beeu. All fint-clnw OnneeM wttta I. e. TIPPETL OdfiL a( Ciaaamliae, Haatlaella. INIaala.


Flyer doing Ic n wagon, fit

22fi E. Haim Am.,

WANT a atfODg SeneaUooal Act that can be featured. W'lll conetdev Flyer doing loops. CAN AlAO USB ta Clown Act, Comedy Acrobatic Duo,_ai^ a T^n^oHne Act on wagon. State lowmt in firm eoaa-

F. T. SRIFFi Saa Aafisla. Ttxaa.

Mr. Rdwardt Is eecretary of tbe Bocheoter (N. T.) E^poolUon, to be held September 4-fi.

Tbe Baldwin Sio- ters opene<l 1 a a t week on a aeveo weeka’ tour.

Aiiguot 9—^2:80 trot. Auguot 10—2:24 trot. 2:20 trot, $300; 2:13

fire-eigbthe of a mile daab, tbree-fourthi of a mile daab, $100.

Augiiiit 11—2:27 pace. $300; 2:16 trot, 2:27 trot, $300; run, flve-elgbtbo of a mlla. 1100.


W mw

Cembin* Their Asroplane Interestfi

.\'ew York, Aug. 12.—A merger of aeroplane IntcrewtH. calculated to bring about tbe produc¬ tion of the beot flying maebine America bae known, was announced thU week by tbe W'rigbt e'ompany, of 00 Wall street, thia city.

The Wriglit Company brings to tbe new ron- • em many valuable assets. In addition to the .•riginal Wright patents. It has aeqnired tbe American rights for tbe Hispano-8alia motor, i>ow the standard of the Rnsaian and French governments, and bss contracts to supply those governments with 4-V) of these engines. Glenn I.. Martin will bring to the merged Interests bis wonderful technique in the ctmstmotlon of the machine proper.

The combination will take over aU stock ot (be tlinipVx Ante Company, and, while con¬ tinuing the manufactnre of automobiles, will <sei<rmct their aeroplanes instead of merely as- s< tnM'nc tliom. as la now generally done.

Tbe Baovard 8U- tera left tbe Hol¬

land Show, with tbe Allen 8bows, at Gary last week to open on tbeir fair dates. They have aeveral weeks booked in Iowa and Illinois.

73d Year—Rockland County Fair ORANGEBURG, N. Y., SEPTEMBER 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,1916

Doulilc Arraplane nigbta dally. Come where you grt tbe crowd and money. WANTED—Tent Hbowt Pit Sbrnn. n<to Bhowa, ftcaka, CImia. Candy. Popcorn, Peanuu, and IcglUmate Games of BklU, Several caUBg piMlagm apM.

OSWALD A. BAUER, Suyerlataafieat af CaaaMsIaaa, SparfcHI, New YariL

The Four Marvelous Metis are still playing tbe ('oast time. They open on tbeir fair dates tbe flrat of Heptember.

Gridin, of Gridin and Thompson, aenda In word that tbe act la working steady at fairs and homecomings in Miobigan and Ohio.

titlo, tbe Juggling comiiiue, la booking Isitli | fairs and vaudeville for bis own and tbe Or basaiiy bird not.

The Northwestern Balloon Company bad tw< ontflts in Iowa last week.


The attendanee at tbe Carthage Pair (Cln- clanaM) on Friday, Angvut 11. waa over 30.000, aad all reeaevls were biwkea for the $1 years that tbe Hamlltoa Coaaty Agricultaral Soe'ety baa been boMlag these events. 17>e new agrl- >-ultBral butldtag, eeaetraeted at a east nf tvstmo. wae one ef the eentera «f attraetiau, «ad on tbe epentag dav of rbe fsir Angus’ 0, was dedicated by the Maynr ef ClaefanaH. Tb-* -sees, exbiblti and attendance have enrpaeaad eznecvatlons and the enweews'onalrea and atvow- reen bare come red tbHr abarw ef everTtbing.

■The fair elnead aetarOny. Aacaet 13. fea- rnrifve eentents aad euterMament far aU ael-

Linn's Dogs. Cats and Rabbits are playing I the fairs and picnics around Chicago until tbeir | fair aeaaoD opens.


WANTR BMiN Oonecaslaiis, two or three Rhowa, a Motordrome, PerrU Wheel and Ocean Wave, for Beotember I 26 to 30. Incluslre. Pint come, first served. Aeroplaoc and Balloon and other big. free Attractions

No ebuck-Iuek allowed on tlio gnamds. For partlculan and prices write BEO. H, DEUEL. Seerataiy, OcatarvUla, Mlsblfiaa.


WANTED Moow-gettlng Sbowa and flnncam*oni. In the emilral manufacturtns diairtet of New —« GGGNETANT TMONAG F. MeCANTMT. UTS East Mala ttiaaL Gridgwart. Smr

THE GREAT CAPE COUNTY FAIR McLInn and Hatton will leare New York the

last of August and Jump to Nebraska to open their fair season.

Rnrnsrd Csmian will leave Boston tbe last | nf August for his fair route in the Middle West.

The- Kilties (tbe Hcotchman on a tight wire and the singing and dancing Isasle) are. playing tbe Middle West for tbe W. V. M. A.

Rleh.vrd Harrold made a successfnl halloo flight In bis home town in Iowa, Tboraday, the lOth, for the Northwestern Balloon Company.


Chas. fy>wis is putting on a atreet carnival fo- tlie F. O. K. on Konth Weate»T» avenne and Thirty-eighth street. Chicago, for tbe week of tlie ISth.


Kataasaann, Mleh., Aug. II.—Tlie Ralamzon County Pair Aaaodatlou berw, of wbicb G. K. Frits la aerratarr. Is ptaauiag aa exeaetlsuatly awid fair tMs yaar. wltb amay attraettoaa. Tba (Nitea, bava beea aat far OeteOar 2 ta $. laclaalva.

AT CAPE OINARDBAU. MO.. SEPTEMBER 12. 1$. 14, 1$, 1$. |$|$,

I WANTS good. Hra, legitimata Bbowa aad Onurmriiaii, Pricea right Big ennnto, with plcaty of — Md



I Pour Mg days No gaU admlirioo. Baca. BporU, etc. CAN PLACX good Carnival Co. and other clean ' Attraettoua. JACOB GROWN, lestwtary,

WAIVXED For the COLLETON COUNTY FAIR, Not. 6; the ORANOEBURQ COUNTY FAIR. Nov. IS, end for other Fsirt, Independent Psid Attrections end Ckinceeeione. Two of the Urgeet and bsst County Fairs In South Csrolinu. Writs ms what you hevs. J. M. HUGHES, Sserstery.

UISOUTHEIIST MISSOURI DISTRICT FAIR Siksstoe, Mo., Sept. 20,21,22 and 23

NOW BOOUNO ocmcmaaim. Oae W the Uva Fata. Raw Mmw btre. Addrai N. A. SMITH, Saa>y.


Acknowledged by Press and Public an aggregation in the Peerless Class. Not a gambling device of any kind, name or nature permitted. Now ready to do business with showmen of class, with shows of novelty and merit, for next season. ^

JAMES T. CLYDE, Sole Owner, or FRED BECKMANN, General Manager, Grand Pselfle Hotel. Chicago. III.. En Route. |

i::rSTIREWIUTS Ambatt Md OnHuaU for ralm. Bat* aoaa datoa

Hr, ■ociuafloa, niia B. P. WVtueWAVt,


Exce'lent Free Attractions a Feature

Ualrtiburf, Ill., Auf. 12.—Tbe Galroborf Dis¬ trict Fair, which opriicil laof Mondaj tod will chwe todajr, broke all records this year. Orer 70,000 |ie<i|ile paaiied through tbe gates up to yesterday, and tbe weather has been'Ideal for an event of tbe kind. Tbe nigbt show proved a big winner, and all of tbe free attractions, botdird through tha United Fairs Booking Asso¬ ciation, were of tbe highest standard. Tbe Dot- tons deserve special mention, as their classy tiorse act was one of tbe features tbat stood forth promlneotly. Cavallo's Concert Band of forty pieces was a treat to mnsle lovors, and tbe War of tbe Nations spectacle was said to be tbe best ever seen here. De Veana A Kline’s Carnival kept things lively on tbo midway.


Gallatin, Tenn., Ang. 12.—Tbo Insneo nnd pnbllcity committees of tbe Snmnor Connty Fitr ami Bales Asooclation have begun plans for tbo 1018 fair, wbicb is to bo held in OnlUtin on Angnst 24, 25 and 28, 1818. Senetary W. T. Allen said tbis fair would be tbe biggest and beat and most ancccosfol fair ever bcld In Oal- Imtln. Berretary Allen is now busy getting up an estonaivo premlam Hat, wblto tbe Snaneo committee is at work on tbo Bnaneo propooltlon. Brass bands will fnrnisb mnsle for tbo entiro three days of tbe fair. Tbe live stock tbia ytar will be better than ever esbibited before. All in all proopecta look escellent for tbo biggost fair Gallatin baa ever bad. Conditions are Inst right. Both tbe L. A N, Baltroad and tbe Gal¬ latin Intemrban will offer cheap rates dnrlng tbo three days of tbe fair. One of tbe largest crowds in tbo blatory of tbe Biuaner County Fair and Bales Association will more tbnn likely bn on band during tbo tbreo day#.









8 Oct. 270.00 4 Octave. 400.00


CMcsgo, Ang. 11.—Tbo Aerial Patts will close tbeir clrcna senaon tbia week to Mlcbigaa and fWAAHna mill mnsA go to Grand Rapida for a week’s rest before BUILDIRU otartlng on tbeir fair season They report a f good season for tbe abow, and art very •» ^ tbnslastic regarding tbe use of motor tmeks for transportation. Patt says this is tbe sointion of tbo proUem for all road abows, larga or

’Tbe Aerfal Patts were tbe feature attmetton with tbe eirma. and bava already received an offer for next neason.


WiiM, Slows iRi Coicessiois rON THK

Greek GoDcty Bl{ Free Fair 8APULPA. •KUL. MPT. IS Tff It, 1818.

Vtoe Fair Inanrm law crowds. Pnte ladwwdMt booklw J. W. COLVIN, BccicUiy.

WIMTFn FIRST-cuss CARNIVAL VmillLU and fair ahractions FOR BIG LABOR FAIR AND EXPOSITION In the Fifth Begtnwnt Annoty, Patcraao. N. J., BapC If-tS. btimaUd attendance, lOO.SM. Capacity af butldlng, Prec AUraetfams. Pilcca tcaaoo- abla. Brcfybody working. Plenty of money. Ad- drem C. J. BAOULET. P. O. Box IMl, Patefsoo. New Jeraey.


Also one to Ove Paraebuta Dropa. ' Night AsertiHnni with Flrewocfca and Aerial BoakbanlaMntB, BuUdeci and Oparatorw BUBCN CITY RALLOONINS CO.. 121 W. Mb Rt„ ClailBBatl, 0. Laag Otataaea Pkaaa, W. M4.


and Oonoorions for the Pair. Anguat M-Repleabbw t Addrees ^lAB JOHE, Priv. Men, Greenup, III

KIXE ••ADS** win Mve you more PUBLICITY at laser east Write at once for photo and full infomutlon. SILAS J. OONYNR, SS08 HcLrtn Ave., CblcagA

BIS MARION FAIR Diy and night, Auaupt 21 to 25. Show, and Con- ccMiona wanted. No girl ihow. allowed. B. F. FER- REK, Becretaiy, Uarinn, Indiana.

wtf A N'T!? n Conceaalans of all klndi. Wat Cuyahoga Ckranty Asrlcul-

tural Fair. Beeea, O.. Sept. S-7, day and night Ad- droB U U. COB. R. F. O.. Na Olmited. Ohla

WANTED—Aeronaut one that ran do from one to flve dropa: alao that undenitanda rannon work. Uoyd Ullle. answer thi. ad. Addreu WM. BAST, B. F. D. Noi 1, Canton, Ohio.


Bturgi*. Mlcb., Ang. 11.—About 8ve years ago a big dam celebration waa held here, and more than TO.tiOO people attended. Tbia year Htnrgia i» planning the biggeat dam celebration it ever bad. and the dateo bare .been act for Heptemtx-r 28 to 28. Tbe event will be in celebration of tbe completion of tbe Btnrgis hydro-electrle dam on tbe Bt. Joeeph River, and tbe dam committee, ineloding Frank W. Wait as president and P. R. Bevler as aeeretary, elalma tliat this celebration will go over with a bang.


Buffalo. N. T., Ang. ,12.—Prepamtiona are being mode by tbe various grlenltnral societies tbronghout Northern New York for tbe ebaln of eonnty fairs held in the late summer ami early fall tbia year. Booneville. Gouvemeur and l,aeona will hold their fairs Anguat 23-25: Canton and Lowville. August 29-8eptember l; W’atertown and Potsdam. September 3-5; Cape Vincent. September 12-16; Ogdensburg, Sep¬ tember 18-22.


Napa, CnI., Ang. 11.—H. H. Whitmore, for¬ merly connected with State development work for California, baa been appointed manager of the Napa County Fair, to be beld bere September 14 to 18. Inclnslve. A comprebensive dairy, borae, poultry and prodnets exhibition is being planned. Ttere will be no borae races this year.


Clrclevllle, O., Ang. 12.—Secretary E. J. Howenstine, of the Chamber of Commerce, baa announced that the datea of the Pumpkin Show planned for Circlevllle have not been selected.

The event baa been prevloualy advertieed for September 18 to 23. with Thomaa O.'Gilliland as secretary. Mr. Howenatine, In contradicting this, announces that as soon as tbe dates are decided upon they wtll be made known.


Reardatown. Ill., Aug. 12.—^The annual Free Fish Fry and Home-Coming Week here will be celebrated for six day.i, beginning August 28 and closing on September 2. The committee in charge, of which John S. Coleman la secretary, baa secured the Great Ppttcraon Shows and aeveral excellent free acts to provide the special entertainment during the week. ’The free flab fry will be held on Friday, September 1,


Cendu«t«d by Th« Cl«v«land Chambar of Induotry. Edgawatar Park, Saptambar 2d to 9th, Day and Night

CAN PLACE a few straight, clean Cfairaainni Space limited. Wlra or write at caice. Mon than one —pMplO to draw ffOiL




IMS Waal 2gtli Straat, CLEVELAMO, OHIO.

NOTE—No Randall Fair tbia year. Tbia wlU be the biggea Exporitiao and Fair avw held In Cleveland. AttoBdanca met M,048 dally.

FIVE-FAIR CIRCUIT Tba fsOowlag five livo Fain in tba rich fogar, cottoa and rice aectloa of Soutbwaat Louisiana want a

high-clam Canitval Show and clean Crwreariiuia Avarage mme, ciahty mllaa. • JDTEB80N PARISH FAIR, Ofctna. 1a, Sapteasba 2T-October 1, inclnalve.

SOUTH LOUISIANA FAIB (IS Pariahaa), DonaldaaavUle, La., October S-g, Inclurive. LA FATETTE PARISH FAIH (8th Tear). La FoyeOc. La.. Ortober 12-15. inclualva. BATCMf BOUOB FREE FAIB. Baton Boom, La.. Ortoha lS-22, Inclualve. ACADIA PARISH FAIR. Ckowley, La.. Octobw 25-28.

Addima L. N. BRUE88ERH0FF. tiiratmy Laaklaaa atolt Fair, F. 0. Bax IIS8. Shravanart, La., ar S. 8. VICKERS, tawatwy-Maaamr Saath Lsahlaaa Fair. DaaaldaaavRI^ La


NORTH KENTUCKY FAIR Florence, Ky., Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 and 2

Merry-Go-Round and other Riding Devices, a few clean Shows and Games. Address HUBERT CONNER, Secy., Burlington, Ky.

The Great Frederick Fair FREDERICK, MD., DCT. 17-18-19-20, 1916

WANTED—Good, clean shows and concessions of all kinds. Reasonable charge for space. For space, etc., address

H. M. CRAMER, Superintendent of Privileges.


AUpUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 2. AND SEPTEMBER 9 TO 15. If you want the beM twanty-plcre Band on the road. Including ALMA HVXTLKY. 8»iprano Sololri. act bum and write or wire W. M. EWIN6, per reute, er permssest oddrew, Chansskis. llOnelt-



AUGUST IS, 1916.


DOC AN8ELME MONUMENT FUND PrcTloailjr acknowledged.$15.00 Capt. O. W. Smitb. 10.00 Burt F. Spencer. 10.00 Sydney Held. 1.00

Received to date.$36.00 Make contribntlona payable (anything trom

two btta up) to The Billboard ihibliabing Com¬ pany.

Wlnter'a coming!

Dr. Wm. Hightower, with a real med. com¬ pany, says he’a going to make a long aeaaon of It. When laat seen he waa atamping around In Arkansaa. I

Dwight Wilcox baa found that keeping away from the beaten path waa worth the aalt, and he haa made enough In the wllda of the Lone Star State to keep from worrying tbia winter.

Your poaalbilltlea are greater than your proba- bllltiea—they both depend on your abilitlea. Aw, let me aleep!

Bay that In point of hoapitaUty a king and a French cook couldn’t have done it better.

Doc Fred J. Jenkina aaya, nope, be haan’t deaerted—not yet—although he’a had to put up an awful Sgbt. He haa had hla noae to the grindatone and aaya tbia aeaaon waa a fooler. But the Doc la atlll pluggln’ along with aeren people under the big top and changing every night. More power to you. Doc.

The beat way to get rich at pitching la to get out of the game and into aometbing bigger and better. It la all right aa a atepplng atone, but the rewarda are too poor and too uncertain to make it one’a life work. Make it a meana to

I an end—a atep up the ladder. .

Attention, R. L. Foreat, T. D. Anderaon and B. Jonea—The Berk Broa., S43 Broadway, New York City, are holding aome money for yon and can’t get your addreaa. Write them.

Some folka’ idea of a good Joke la aa funny aa the -“ha ha” in their lettera. 'Ju ever notice itT

Ylddle Oamelaer and hie partner, Dreaale, warbled thcmaelvea into the good gracea of the patrona of the Carthage (0.) Fair laat week. Ylddle aaid be waa aatiafled with a Sve-century week! Dreaaler la the inventor of a new form whtatle, which he clalma ia going to put a new dollar aign in whiatle. ^

No. Jimmy Kelley lan’t going to Toronto. What’ll yon betT

A abill in time will nave the pitch—mebbe.

Doc Gray believea in aigna—which don’t mean that Doe la auperatitiona. He, the Mlaaua and

Happy Jack Marichal aaya he waa never happier than be ia now, playing hia ’49 Show on the DeKreko Carnival.

Now ia the time that the fair aecretary ia roaating the pitchman—and the pitchman ia tak¬ ing it good-naturedly. It ia to laugh.

R. W. Lamb—Look out, old acont, or Kanaaa will get yon yet—wet feet ia a terrible malady— but there are otbera.

A acientiat clalma that the flrat aign of approaching inaanity la the placing of rlnga over the “i'a” in writing—nothing atartllng—


CLAMPCTIE RETAINER The Faataal MIMi AHMa aa the Harkak


Wa cany a full line of aitlclea aultaMe for BtraeUnen, Demonatratoca. Fair Workata, Sheet Wiltara, Carnival People and Novelty Dealan. Our IM-page Catalogue mailed upon tcqueaL



Salesboards of Every Dfociiptlon.

THEJ. W. HOODWINCO. 2949-S3 W. Vaa Burea St.,




GET your goodo here. Wa have the line that arlll get the mon¬ ey. Prtcee rtgbL Special foodi to order. EDWARD C. 8EYLER, Prop., 1611 Central Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

RALLOONS, SOUAWKERS, PARASOLS, WHIPS, CHINA NOVELTIES, lALLS AND TAPE, PAPER NOVaTIES and a complete Una M OaMl- val Goode, Cutlery, JewMiy aad Salea Board Gooida.

Saad far ItlS Cafalaiga.

80L0RER8 JEWELRY CO. SIS Wyaadatta Mraat,


Ill 61 MCI reUiod rrauurant, boul, cafr, dgar, CRLCSMCN pool, drug, general atota trade ran do Mg buetnea* with our new, live pocket aide line. All mevchanu towna lOO.OM and undcv want It $S.M romnilialon each aale. No collacUng. No axpenM or riik to merchant. We take hark all unaold gooda.

CANFIELD MFC. 00.. 2Cd SIgal SIraal, Clilaata, llllaala.

Our Gooda apeak for tbrm- arlTta.

EIN.!. IIFFUIUni Maanfaalarare af tba


IbitliRfItllirliiATinrii nir So. Irrtag Avo..




BED 01 sous MX. Bend two-emt rtamg far Batwia.



AMUSEMENT CO. Fancy and TMek HIdm only nead apply. Alaa Bid- era who can ilda a prrprodleglar track. Ftflemi wtafca' work gnarantoad at your own taram. AO M Bv formar ridcia write. Addreaa A1#BED A. AM- UNOEB, lit Morrtn BL, Becheater. New Tarfc.

Sbowa and Cenramlnng; aumt be WVMFl i (1,0 OfUMel.) Leber Day Picnic, Brplemlier 4. AUendanee, 4,ddP. Maoap plealtful. JOK KESVEH, RL Charlea, MlaaeurL

WANTEO-For Farmera' FaU Fmlival at Xenia, O.. Ortolwr IP, Sl and fl, tbraa or four open-air Attrae- tlona. Rtau lowaat priet for all threa daya and algbla. Addreaa C. R. FRAZint. XaMa, Ohio_

FOR SALE—44-noto Rlartnra Plano, playa contln- uona or wHh nlrfcal In floL In good ordar. Prtoa, ITd, $16 with ordt.., balance O. O. D. Retyped with OMtor, K J. BANCXOFT, Ortannp, IlUiiab.


ACTERS, $18.60 DOZ. Carnival Goods of all aorta, Flre- worfca, Flagt, Decorations, Adv. Specialties Headquarter! for top money-geUlng Amuaeiujnt Devlcea and Oamea—(Toy Bal¬ loon!) our mlddla name. Big- itrong. long necki. fast loIot Balloon!, In many coloia, printed or plain—No. 40 C. M., $I.7P; Na 50 C. M.. $2.16; No. CO C. M.. $2.60: Baeda, 4Sa: Na 40 Round Squawkera, $2 AO; bna Toy Whips, $4.60; Conlottl, $a: Se^ntlne, $2.00 par 100, Also Tlcklem. Rubber BalU. Slappers. NoIm Maker!, etc. Calalaf lit. BRA2EL NOVELTY MFO. CO..

1700-04 Ella Straat, ClaalaBatl, Ohia.

Gent'! popular It rise, or Ladles’ slae, extra thin model, open face, jointed back, plain pMUhed, gold dial, gold-plated Watch at the remarkable low price of aaly $1.36. Looks like a $20.00 Watch. Order sample today. Sent by parcel post, prepaid, upon receipt of price and 16c for postage.

AucUoneeta, Traden, Salea Board and Street Men, we arc headquartara for Watches, Clocks. Jewelry. BUrarwira, Raaora,. Novdtlaa and Premium Goods that tall. Write for Catslogua It’a Frea




Jnniry, Cin Riek Sipplin GAS BALLOONS;

$Lgg, $3.80, $4.00 Orsaa. WHIsfLINO balloons: Par Orate, $$40.

$l.tO to $3.00 Grata.

TEOOY BEARSr- - CABMIVAlDOlltS*. aad Aggragrlatt Catlamaa

We are the oldeat Streetmen’a Supply Houae In tM U. 8.. and have Uiousanda of tatlaSed rustamen.


A1 and the Mia. Isaacs, closely seconded by W. P. Danker, who have been making the best of the best va¬ cationing at Bussells Point, O. Figuratively speaking, the boys look One In bathing suits.

Dice aid Cards >

TIE FONH WONKENB 4to Fstim ate grsat msosy-arnkssB far Itvn dsmsm- aHMasa Onr ACMB fssm to new aaM by many sf 4Ba sneeaaMni begaw and wn am lha mangfaetntma sf tta baM silk braid tlm far fstim. WHto tor grfam and dsal dimat wMB Iba manntoatarar.


KEY CHECKS TOD tan ba your awn bam arlth enr Kay Cbaek OnlSt Good tor $0 a day ataavtog

year naam and addram, l$e. PEABE DIE WOBKB. Oagt D. WtosbaMm. H. N.


the bear were taking in a park at Oakland tbe other day—and they didn’t sblll in on tbe Joints, either. Doc eays It coat him sixty cents, bat tbe bear would have been top money if be bad bad a tent. Bat tbe story U abont tbe sign. Dnc was listening to a bunch «f tbe boys vrltb tbeir aorry tales. He asked them bow many pitches they made a day. One fellow aaid: “One in tbe afternoon,” and tbe other said: “One In tbe nlgbt.” Doc spied tbe sign and took them over to a booth acroas tbe midway, which said "PITCH TILL YOU WIN.” and then Doc let them think it out.

Am you counting oo tbe fntam or dreaming about tbe paatT

Tbe old aagebmata poet, Cbarley Tryon, baa Jumped med. for tbe time being. During tbe interim be vrlU campaign for Wilson vrltb a poem be has written and has had prlntad on rib¬ bons and bottoiM. Cbarley Is booked np wltb tbe ’Thoropeon Falls Novelty Co.. Tbompeon Falls, Mont.

Windy Olds—How’s onr manlcnrlstf Doe Dodge aaya ballo.

Walter Shaw, tbe iUostrioas student In tbe school of Jonathan Sband. with bis matter was a visitor on tbe sborea of Cincy last waek. Wal¬ ter has one thing wbleb is Impteanive—Oath— and if be sticks to tMa and gets Johnnie’s dainty metboda of scalping and mntilatlng tbe lowly apnd he may prove to be another Ooorge Coveil, and, who knows, be may ride aronnd tbe world on a gamiaber, Johnnie eras iooking finer than ever, aad aaid Carthage for bis’n while Walter bandies tbe ten-eent store.

A few of tbe celebrities seen at the Tractor Fair, held at Hntebinaon, Kan., racently: Max Allen, Stephens, John Carroll and vrife. Shorty Levria, Bro. Magnlre and vrife, Beltmm, Rnaaell Meeker and Baldy Harria, And It waa a good spot, too.

Mr. and Mm. W. P, Danker epent a day vrith Mr. and Mm. Al laaacs at BnsselU Poiot and

thongb slightly reversed, for anybody knows that tbe flmt sign of Insanity la rings under onr ayes.

’Tto rumored that Johnny Hiatt, tbe midnight ■beet writer, found bnrineee so good In Falr- moont. Ind.. that be had an electric lamp in¬ stalled and be worked on tbe midway at right, and be finally got a sheet writer's breakfast.

It was once said that George Wine bad quit notions and was going to entertain for Dave Blair. Wbat ever happened to tboee plans, George?

Wipes and Rnaaells Point, O., ara laid aatde for tbe time, and onr friends, Al and the MIsana laaacs, are on tbe white atone rircna. playing last week at tbe Cartbage Fair. Al is that aame suave, genial, kindly chap of Old, and the Mlssns is always Jnst like Al.

Pecnllar, tboneb true—pet one and /on pan another. Soreheads and bonebeads ara brotbera.

What ever became of Doc Gaston, tbe snake oil wonder, wbo promenaded throngh Detroit and aronaed tbe envy of tbe Smokeabop bunch with a brand new, ais-cylindgr automobile several yearn ago?

Frad Weber waa one of tbe meet reeeoreefnl, magnetie and intereating pitebmen to scale tbe walla of sncceas in tbe years pant. Bat Fmd ban been out of the game for nome tlmo now. It teems like Loninvllle in tbe bonndary Unn. Wbat nnwn, FYnddin?

Bddin Bedell and Ollle Bopp, along with ner- eral otbem of nbnet-vrriting babitn, made a vrinnlng at tbe bopgrowem* picnic in New York recently. Tbe bnya anid it vraa tbe JoIHaot bench In tba world.

Boom Impaim eflieieiicy and kaepa men down. It benefits only its makers, JoMiem and retailara, and only tboae of them wbo do not drink.

Al Cane Is atiti In New York City. He baa tbe lobby of tbe Forty-fonrtb Street Tbeatar.



The Best for Fairs. Get busy, Pitchmen,Window Workers, etc.


KING MFG.CO.^ 611-621 Broadway,

NEW YORK Trstle-llsTk.


AUQU8T 19, 1916.

FMstollo, M.. BOW bat ta ordlaaaet wblA ■ajt: panon. Arm or corporation oa* gagad la doing a tranalent mercaatUo boalacat ataall aiako application for. a liccnae lo to do, tad tt'«*t pap for ancb Ucenao tbo anm of $5 par da7 In adrance.” For ahaet writers: "Bach solicitor of books, papers and n»gasloea sball paj a aaoi of |6 per day.”

Oapt. O. W. Smith, that wonder of W. W. W. fame, Jnmp^ orer to Smith Center, Kan., the other day to make Uncle Pete Bllsworth. who la BtlU banding them oat high with the Tankeo Boblnaon' Show. Cap aaya Uncle Pete la still looking fine and making the money. And wben- erer be can Uncle Pete jumps back to Omaha to see the wife. The old-time notion worker. Bill Baser, spent a short time with Captain Smith, and the two old-timers called np some rpre skeletons and ghosts of the past.

Frank Mansfleld—If you're not pinched—for time—let some of your friends in on the secret. Boy or girl. Prank!

Mae Berkaon la In the big burg for a rislt with bis bride from Clereland.

Fred Scorell, the peeler worker, was seen tip in the wilds of Maine and was doing big.

One of the merriest callers In some time past Is the smiiy Doc Eagan, Doc Jim Ferdon or IMiaro's man Friday, wlio Is working a smail company for Jim in Ohio, Eagan is a real scout, and be isn’t doing any bragging, but he's got some rocks. We’d like to see him and Doc Daley else each other op—dead ringers! Well, I guess.

H. W. Moore, the boy who won the silk umbrella In the town-closing contest, says that be Is not only pleased with the present, but that he Is going to keep it as a relic. H. W. says It looks ifaore like a relic of the early 'OOe any¬ how. Ask him about It. Be says hello, and he's not kicking.

Pop Layton, with a big kelster, waa teen grabbing a rattler for the Carthage (O.) Fair. Pop has made It since the Indians washed their feet In the Ohio River. Be refused to be Inter¬ viewed on the campaign for the election of the president of the Pipe Shooters* League.


Do you remember the one two years ago, held at Calgary! It was some Itlnacabool Well, boys, there’s ^ng to be another this year, and becanse last year waa left out it's going to be a double-header. It will be held In Toronto second week of the* fair, on September 7. Dr. E, D. Sutherland la going to take charge of It and see that everybody and hie brother gets everything be wants. Doc aaya. "1 want to make arrangements to bring to this Rinacaboo the dean of all pitchmen—Dr. Big-Foot Wallace. Anyone knowing his wbeicabouts will favor me by letting me know. I would like to bear from Dr. T. Kelly, Ren and Ua roebran, Oeorge Covell. Dr. Jim Ferdon. Doc and Bundle Simms, Dr. Hal Curtis, Howard Curtis, Dr. Sutton, ileorge Fady, Will Davis and Uncle Johnny O’Connor, Irish Mike Reynolds, Frank Dilling¬ ham, Capt. O. W. Smith, Curly Wardlck, Harry Brace. Dr. Kern, Dr. Sutherland. Ed Tbaido, Jack Troy, Hooker White. Dr. Jas. Carson, Tony and Peck Deland, Dannie Mack, Mr. Cnmminga and the rest of the old-timers. Ton, too. Rasor Riley—and you'll have to be letter perfect on the recitation of the Fatal Knock this time." Doc adds: "Almost forgot the ladles (Ood bleas 'em) will be as welcome as the boys." Address him Dr. B. D. Sutherland, Municipal Hotel. Queen street, Toronto, Oen.

RINA (the Ood of the Pitchmen) Whea you think your down and out

And you’re feeling mighty blue. There's a package to be lifted

And your room rent's overdue, Oo and get your plasterod kelster.

Put your tripod la the dltcb. And take a tip from RINA.

Oo and make a pitch. —Doe Satberlaad.

Jack Bennett, Ibe old-timer, who helped Ike MchnelM paint the fealbera oa the elepbaata’. and Barry Malm are located la OM Orchard, Mo., fee a wea spolL Jack baa a couple of )olats. and Harry Is working fnram. Harry will Start la fOr tbe Canadlaa money soon—bo'll be at tbe Rinacaboo.

HlrchSeld, the pen worker, waa seen In Maine werklag tbe atlcke at four bits and getting It.

PMl Uagor and lack Sboeawald have split oa tbo tie form la New York City.

Jack Cnmmiags—What did you do with your ramblort It waa on tbo way lo Olaclnaatl that yes wm loti

White Stone Workers There is only one White Stone—that's the “DONNELLY” BRILLIANT—

can be had on either soft tissue or hard cards specially imprinted “ELECTRICAL DIAMOND.”

Ne. 400 — Ns. 401 — '/i- Ns. 407 — H- Ns. 1503 — 1- Ns. 4027-14- Ns. 107 — 2- Kt. sise; tiffany Kt. sisa stone; Kt. sUa stone; Kt slse stone; Kt alas stone; Kt. else: tiffany mountlni. tiffany mount- basket mount- fancy tiffany fancy basket mounting. ' Per dosen..$0.30 ing. ing. mounting. mounting. Per daaen..S0.30 Per giuHS.. 3.50 Per docen..$0.30 Per dosen..$0.30 Per dosen..$0.30 Per dosen..$0.30 Per gross.. 3.50

Per gross.. 3.50 Per gross.. 3.50 Per gross.. 3.50 Per gross.. 3.50

The above can be had in STUDS, same number and at same prices as^ins.


Ns. e$S—Fancy Ns. 1200—Ba- Ns. 790 — Heavy Ns. 2350 — platinum Upped by belcher, set square shaped belcher Tooth inounting. Uffany mounting, with One white mounting as shown in *<4 vilh 1-Kt. , set with H or V4- brilliant. above cut, set with fln- ^*e stone. Kt. slae flnest cut Per gross..$7,50 est quality 1-Kt sise Fer gross..$7.50

Ns. 2 3 5 0 —

white brilliant Per gross-$7.50

brliUant Per gross.

Ns. 2 5 17 — Fancy etigraved belcher, set with 1-Kt sise stone. Per gross. .$7.50

amuotat roucAirTroman Os ess see rs Is Hsisaiaa A Alter.

les YVemt Madison Street. Over Childs’ New Bestiursnt.






Asst SUts, sU ws chans fe suppllm Is $1.00 pe aamitlL Four good paiien la tbs dub. Other State m 0 Uiru-la. Ws bars stvaaty good ttads papers now, sad ths bops woaklng trads pspan art cleaning ^ RIO $4-paot^eaUlagus Just out Ws have over 800 gram of Pocketbooks in stock—best kind. $2.00 par daasii sUktta a $10.00, $17.00, $I0J0, $10.00. $2IJ0 and $24.00 a ortaa. T Saatplea. prepaid. $1.00. Drop e o card, and wa wlU tend you tU paittenUn and eauioout. DO IT NOW and maka tsora money.


FREE FAIR LISTS Send US TOUT nsmeandgets COOT of the Fair Ifsws. ^ _i A complete end reliebie list of County end State S E V E N - IN * O N E | Fails. Mailed without charge to any "worker.**

AND DON'T FORGET We have the moef complata stock in America of Hovaltiea, Carnival Ooods, Dolls, Bears, Dogs, Ci- mmmtam*aW’FvnMfW"* gars* Gum* CauM, Cutlery. Slum Jewelry, etc. vm cm-— Aleo Premium andSaleeboaraMerckimise. Large catalog mailad free to dealers only on request. eNviL0F%i.

LEVIN BROS., Terre Haute, ind.

The most successfui.

aver produced. Othera coma and go, while the "DORSEY** continuaa to do businaes at the "old stand.** Hast 4 months will ba height of the season for this article. A great hit at Fairs. Special low quantity quotationa to agents.

By orspaM purasi pssi. Its sasb.


Speakloff of being loat, we woader If Johnny MeOoakay aver geta loat around Bhaira, N. Y., any moral

Tom Bnrna, of needle threader tame, of New¬ ark, N. J., nwt with an nuttmely death by drowning recently. The boya along Ann stre. t generously kicked In for the funeral expenses, but bis sister was found and returned the money to tbe donora. Tom waa a member of tbe old school and a bosom friend of old Warborse BUI Magnire.

Don’t make the saloon yonr rendexvons; you’ll not make an impression with tbe chief nor pave the way to success by hanging around a bar, and the revenue is pretty hard on your thin B. R.

Charley Oow has gone back to work. This easy life Anally got on tbe energtlc little fel¬ low’s nerves and he was seen back on tbe stem of Hamilton, Can., with bis solder. Charley has that convincing way of talking to ladles that always reminds a fellow of Claude Lawes.

And, opeaklna of Claude Lawes, by the way. how’s the printing game in Detroit? Come on. Clande; you haven’t forgotten your old frienda altogether, have yon!

8yd Shipman, when last seen, was with the mournful bunch weeping over the early end of the faitbfnl old Smokesliop. Let’a hear from you, Syd and Helen.

Our friend. Whitey Rodenherg, Is now the hsppy dad of a swell twelve-pound Imy, and Is sticking pretty tight to Pocatello, Id., playing around that section. Whitey says Pocatello Is hostile, and the boys will do well to overlook that spot. He wants to hear from hla old friends. Address him Box 959, Pocatello, Id.

John Kavanaugh, formerly with Howe’s Great London Shows, now at Niagara Falls, N. Y., is a living example of tbe up-to-date pitchman. He has a souvenir and tintype stand, and bln method of working his joint Is not only In¬ teresting, but a winner. More power to you, John. Let’s hear from you.

Dr. Chas. W. Qtllett, or anyone knowing his wherenlxiiits. please Inform his wife, Mrs. Ourtmde OlUett, care Avondale Hotel, Win- bom. Pa. When last seen, about six months ago, he was working from bis machine at Perry. Oklahoma.

DO YOU REMEMBER When Doc Colin Campbell made that bloomer

in Indiana on the steer of Oeorge Wlcr! When BUI Stumps wss presented with the

medsl for twenty-dve yesrs’ consecutive sttend- ance at tbe Lancaster (O.) Fair!

When Pete Ellsworth and Doc Meyers gave a keg party at Greenwood, Neb.!

When Frank Vasey started bis campaign against beer by drinking beef tea as a bracer!

When little Jimmy Rowley got sore at Mac and the Pittsburg buneb for polling an unins¬ pected treat on him!

When Curly Warwick started to raise a Van¬ dyke and had a notion of starting In med. game when he saw what Doc Sutbcrland could make ■itUng In a chair!


New York. Aug. 11.—Ever since the advent of the willow baskets for the use of tbe paddle wheelmen and concessionaire, the Arm of Clias. Gottlieb CiMDpany, of 3‘J I’nion Haiuare, has been fairly swamiied with orders. Tlsise many hustlers who are reaping a harvest from the grocery assortments and fruit baskets will all acclaim this up-to-date novelty a siire-Are money maker. This concern features a basket at $2B per 100 that contains resi value. These baskets are made right, show clase and are of a Aaahy assortment. Rare track owners, wheel¬ men and othera should not hesitate but learn of this Arm’s offerings of merit.


Bosemsn. Mont., is making preparations for a pretentious carnival to take place August '£( 25, under the name of the Hweetpea t’amival. Floral iiarades and extensive feslnn-s are planned. The Elks of Roreman will co operate with tbe Hweetpea committee, and Ave baoda bare been engageil to stir things np.


Minneapolia, Ang. ».—tl. W. Campbell’s rnlleil Kbows dedicated a new apttt tor carnivals when they opened Saturday night for a wreck at Fifth atreet and Sixth avenne, north, nmler anaptcea of Jewloh charitable organlxatlons. Sixteen ebowa and twenty-two conceoelons came by a train of Iwenty-elx cars. Mr. Campbell Is conAned by illnews lo bis room at the West Hotel.



On Whips, Balloons, Squswkers, Novefties, Flying Birds, Ckmfetti, Canes, Etc., Etc.


ALOWPnCEIUZOR This ntier Alls b loag-Mt WBot for b good,

low prkod rasor. Changoablo blado. Bach in 1997—12 oar doi. a talaacopo bos. ^

Obt catalofoo iUnitratofl many mort aaw money makats. Sant to doalon only. Writo for yonr copy today. SINGER BROS., 82 BOWERY, NEW YORK CITY.

Oolla ofiB Sooro—ConfottI— Wolaamalwfo HtwHIao, Ka«.

CAH YOU WOBK IH ILLINOIS. INOIABA. IOWA, MIOHieAN. MIMOUSI OS WIKONSINf Hiah- rU« ■nHee-Faper Clab. atrang OsdmiUak. Frampt Bnrier. Maiuly SmvIpU. TrrrMnn FOtlTIVELV UMITtO to the Ms States shoee. F. N. KLLINBAUM. 1714 Lytten BMf., Cbieage.



Automobile Publication. Contral-Woatarn States only. Others write and give Ermanant address. Mention referee *-ob. Low turn in. Can always um mea atam territory. MAMAGER, Boi 4lU, PleaaantviUa, Hew York.

ivisY Aoviariaca wabts to know whisk you saw his ad.

88 e AUGUST 19, mi. Th Billboard


Likely To Meet Opposition by

Affected Owners—Wrecking Squad State’s Threat Un¬

less Action Is Taken

New York, Aug. 11.—Tbli week tbe BUte •tarted preliminary atepa In enforcing Ita recent declalon that obetmctloDB between bigb and low water mark at Ooney laland muat be remored, M that atrip waa not prirate, but public property.

Noticea that atmcturea were to be imme¬ diately removed were aerved on all concerned by tacking tbe formal notlllcationa In conaplcu- OUB placea, and unleaa tbe demanda are ape^lly compiled with a atrong arm wrecking eqnad will proceed with tbe demolition of tbe offend Ing atmcturea.

Tbe peculiarity of tbe aitnatlon ilea In tbe fact that aome of tbe bnlldinga, erected yeara ago, were built aa far aa alxty-flve feet back from blgh-water mark, and are now partly on tbe atrip In queatlon, owing to tbe ever en- cmacblng tidea and attendant wearing away of tbe Coney laland beacb.

It la probable that moat of tboae affected will appeal againat tbe Btate’a raling.


tlful environment. Over two hundred Twentieth Century Junea, Dianae, Penelopea, Florae and Faunae are already llghtlnK for the honor that falla to Her Serene llighneaa. Queen of tbe Carnival, RIvervlew, 1016. Six big concert banda will be on tbe job, day and night, and Manager Smith avowa he’ll make Coney Inland look like a Mooae Convention.

Illvervlew baa tbe diatlnctlve record of be¬ ing compelled to turn down more than a biin- dred pIcnicB tbla aeaaon. deapite tbe fact that two and three organixationa have need Ita many grovea jointly. There baa not been one aingle day open. Tbere’a a reaaon. Aak "Dad*' Schmidt, he KNOWS I

In the Rathakeller we have with ua Meaara. Dodaon, Farabam and Cbllda. who connive atrateglcally with Senorita Paula Lee, tbe re- anlt being a hurricane of bllarioua harmonv and tintInabuTating ayncopatlon, which, tranalated, meana that they can knock tbe everlaatlng day¬ light out of any four cabaretiana In captivity. Lealle Hoadley. at tbe piano, la an able and artlatlc accomplice, and the way he aoaka that defenaeleaa piano. One would think be had a gradge againat It. Juat naturally wore tbe ivory aa thin aa a cigarette paper.

While I am waxing rhapaodical I mnat not forget to mention Mein Herr Betboo\en Scbreyer, organiat at tbe German War Pictnrea. Tbla bird ayncbronlaea every phaae of hie aubject and lovera of tbe organ will revel In hla interpreta¬ tion of Racb, Obopin, La Hacbe, Schubert and the leaaer ligbta of mnaicdom.

.The other day when I could aee and not be Been I waa a moat intereated auditor to the converae between the lady (bleaa 'emi eaablera. After they flniahed “panning" all the abaent onea they atarted comparing “operatlona," at which I blnablngly withdrew.

Tbe park employeea pulled off a picnic Mon¬ day. but aa they did not Invite tbe writer I aball not mention It, except to aay that they

daya long ago, but be remembera tbe fall of Troy, when be waa a buy.

C. J. Finnegan la teui|K>rarlly Inducing tbe vlllagera to aquander a jitney at tbe Alligator and Uatricb Garage. At flrat I thought It waa the brat, but Fiiiuegan declarea be la not a “moron," and expecta to recover when cool weather aeta in.

Kverybody la glad Henry Miller la back on tbe job. Henry la Rivervlew'a Chief of Police, and tbe cut-upa don't argne with him a-tall.

Joe Taylor la recovering from a dlaloeateu maxillary canard by tbe name of tbe new Ger¬ man war picture. No wonder! Here'a bow it Uatena. “DKUTSCHWER.”

Don’t tell me a talker never amonnta to any¬ thing. Martin A. Carroll “f'xuiple,” la a can¬ didate for Coiigreaa for the S?ixth llllnota l>la- trict. He'll be elected, too. Aak ‘ Paddy" Harmon, he KNOWS!

Mra. Langdon'a boy, Harry, la flitting thither and yon, picking up a date now and then with bia travel talka and hia aenaatioiial Tbe Curae of Cocaine. Optimiam la Langdon'a alogan, but it doean't affect hia appetite any.

I can hear ao many aay, “1 wonder where I can get Tbe Rilllioard T" and poor old Ike Seltx haa a bundle a clrcua dog couldn't jump over every Wedneaday night, and doea a marathon that atarta at tbe Service Building and ter- mlnatea at the main gate. Trouble with Ike la be ia too cloaemoutbed. Tell 'em about It, Ike!—HAL.


Make Big Hit in Atlantic City

Atlantic City, Aug. 10.—Monday night. Auguat 7, Manager Frank Bowman, of the Dunlop Hotel, gave a aurprlae dinner to Mr. and .Mm. p.ert Davia, Tbe dinner, which waa a eoniplcte aurprlae to the gueata of honor, waa attendeil by many membera of tbe profeaaion, and there were aeveral bnmoroua apeecbea, but tbe feature of tbe evening waa Aunt Lucluda'a toaat to Mr. Bowman, In acknowledging tbe unique medal preaent^ to heraelf and her huaband aa the “Original and Only Hiram and Lucinda Rlnlaeed."

Uncle Hiram and Aunt Lucinda have been here alx weeka, and in their daily promenade on the Boardwalk are alwaya followed by a curloua and ainuaed crowd, whom they lead towarda the Keith Theater on tbe Garden ^er,

Bnaineaa at Junction Park, New Brighton, Pa., of which C, C, Bbetterly la leaaee and manager, eontlnnea to Improve with tbe hot weather. A number of plcnlca and celebratlona have been bald lately, and more to come. On Tneaday, An- gnat 3, a union picnic of alx ordera of Eaglea

'.be valley brought out a crowd of over 8,000 Me, and every conceaalon In tbe park did fine

waJneaa. The dancing floor la tbe park la tbe flneat In tbe valley, and at one time during the evening there were 307 conplea dancing to tbe mnalc of E. R. Elatner'a four-piece orcheatra.

Manager Sbetterly baa Inatalled alx large elec¬ tric fana on tbe dancing floor, and tbe dancera appreciate It greatly.

Jack Upebin and wife are doing a nice bna¬ ineaa with their many gamea, and Jack aaya If be waa not ao fat be could do better.

Mlaa Diana Weatern, the pleaaant little Egyp¬ tian palmlat, la doing a good bnaineaa, aa U alao Mr. Kato, with bia Japaneae roll-down gamea.

William Kralce, owner and manager of the Columbia Stock Company, In tbe Dreamland Theater, alao claima a good buaineaa, con- aMertng tbe hot weather.

For Labor Day tbe labor unlona of tbe valley have gone together, and will bold one of tbe largeat plcnlca and entertainmenta of tbe aea- aon at the park. Manager Bbetterly and tbe many committeea are working bard to make tbla day a grand aneceaa.


Haard by Hal

Chicago, Aug. 12.—RIvervlew Bxpoaitlon, Cblcago'a Garden of Allah, waa tbe oaala during tbe heated epoch, and “iMr. and Mra. Dearborn" Bought Ita Burceaae In copioua caravana. I don't know how, nor where. Old Man Danv« aecnred tbe Inapiratlonal data for hla Slaallng Symphony, but be miaaed a golden opportunity for a aequel by being abaent during tbe flnal lap of the month dedicated to tbe late JuUua Caeaar. Bventa, functlona, outlnga and plcnlca follow ao quickly that they atep on each other’a beela, end the paint la hardly dry before an¬ other apeclal in box car lettera glarea at tbe vlaitor.

Merry Garden la a ruatic rendeavona for tbe “Cochin Printemp," and when there ia a lull in the votive offeringa to Terpalchore "Little” Billy O’Brien butta In and ahowa ’em wbat a little man can do with a big voice, to tbe ac¬ companiment of an octette of melody merebanta who keep Irving Berlin acreaming for copy! If yon like the place, and feel like calling the “Oarcon,’’ they’ll anawer to tbe following ■onickem: Ray Parker, Joae Manro, Angelo nrifleo, Salvetore Tomaao, Antonio Tomaao, SMtro Gallo, J. Naaca and Franclaco Nuraglla. ilgaor Cmo^mba Kavanagh. envoy extraor- ilMry to hla majeaty, Foxtrottlo, beama benignly over tbe be and abe novlcea:

“He takea ’em from tbe city and tbe plow. He dancea them and teacbea them ao neat;

With perapiration on hla noble brow He tamea their clumay bunion-laden feet." .

Mona. J. A. Tinney (power to-um) boaaea the whole worka, dolea out tbe bay, live atock, •quarea tbe aqnawka. paya off tee hired help and geta all tee abuae.

“Bye-FuH” Tower ia two hundred and -, 1 don’t know juat bow blgb it ia, but It’a way up yonder, and I bate to walk up or fall down that far. Too ought to aee them “go up in tbe air" when yon tell ’em about It.

Eve-Full Tower oaea the name power Joe Taylor employa on tbe German war picture— comproaaed air.

Elaborate, ornate and np-to-date featnrea will be prevented daring the Mardi Oraa Carnival, beginning Angnat 211 and continuing till Sep¬ tember 17. Tbe decorative acbeme la to be allegorical and promiaea to anrpaaa any pievlona effort carried out at RIvervlew. Hundreda of magnificent floata (all new) will be in tbe pa¬ rade. One of tbe brand new Innovationa vHll be a “Klrmcaa," in wbicb repreaentatlve dan¬ cera from every nation on the globe will par¬ ticipate. and old New Orleana bad better, look to her lanrela, apropoa lavlab dlaplay and bean-

Menbeta of Gerdon’a Side Show at Berere Beadi, Boaton, Maaaachuaetta.

had a rattling good time, aerved a aplendid I luncheon, and talked about everybody on tbe lot except Fitxgerald, who ia “acea" with tbe ladlea becauae be leta ’em allp In when they are late, and becauae be la juat NATURALLY a mighty good guy.

Tbe Taing Tau Orcheatra, of tbe Imperial Sea Battalion, ia attracting an increaalng pat¬ ronage, which la gratifying to Ita aponaora, Tbe Anatro-Hungarfan Widowa and Orphana’ Belief Fund.

Daveni and Kockler are tied for honora In tbe preliminary race which will deride wbicb one will repreaent tbe RIvervlew Velodrome In the big doings at Newark, N. J. Scorching fln- Ishea marked Sunday nigbt’a events at tbe Velodrome, which is operated by Paul C^per and “Paddy” Harmon. “Paddy” la a well- known sportsman and baa been promoting big tournaments since Old Man Noah pulled tbe first water carnival. While bia accomplice, Paul (!ooper, baa not had much experience with aquatic sports (be takes a little “afterwards”) Mr. Cooper knows every angle of the amusement game, and has nine million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand friends, intfluding Bill Thompson.


Old Man Walker, tbe canny coaxer In front of World’s Wonders, has secured a season a berth with Miss U. 8. A., a musical comedy. He will do bis hobo specialty and says be won't have to buy wardrobe, as be ia a tramp already.

Bert Kelly is on the leftband side as you go in at tbe Derby. Bert is a taxidermist on the side, and devotes much of bis time to Clocbln Printemp.

P. C. Smith and the other two-thirds of tbe sketch, bis wife, have a “store” between tbe Deetiy end vhe “Eye-Full” Tower. The Missus loves tbo place.

Frank Lewis is exercising bis leather lungs at Tbe House of a Thousand Scandals and stops long enough to eat only.

Vic Shields, who was tbe victim of live gun¬ men recently, la convalescent and will be on hla job as electrician at tbe Rapids Gorge as sorm as he oils bis cannon.

“Tim” Shea, formerly chief gateman, la orat¬ ing at Tbe Jack Rabbit. Tim quit having birtb-

wbere tbe audiences have been perceptibly larger since this unique couple were employed by Charles G. Anderson, tbe astute manager of Keith's.


Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 11.—Tbe Fearleaa Greggs, In tbeir big open-air act, dosed a month’s engagement at Electric Park last Sat¬ urday. There were aeveral minor mishaps to tbe Greggs while here, bnt on the whole every¬ thing went well for the two performances dally.'

On last Sunday Captain Harold Winston, with hla six water Ilona and diving girls, opened an engagement in a specially erected glass tank. Tbe animals are nnnsnally well trained and tee girls live up to their name of nymphs. A unique feature of tbe act la tee feeding of tee Ilona under water.

Heiaen’a Follies continue aa tee star attrac- tioo of tbe park.


Coney Island, N. Y., August 11.—Luna Park was tbe scene of some unusual activity on tbe night of last Monday, when the cowboys and cowgirls teklng part In tbe Stampede at Hbeeps- bead Bay descended upon the resort for an evening of pleasure. Tbe ballroom was given over to the Stampeders. and was transformed Into an old-fashioned dance hall. A cowboys' dance was staged, with music by three Wyoming fiddlers. Other special attractions were also on the Hat, and It was a big time for both Luna and the “Wild West hunch.’’


Minenil Wells, Tex.. Aug. 12.—'Pie Standard Aiiiusement Company of this city has taken over Ihe large Water Pavilion and will convert the first floos Into amusement purposes for the en¬ tertainment of the thonsands of visitors eacli year. J. F. McClure, of C/orsIcana, has leaned the alrdome and will pot on atock productions for the iMlnnce of the-season.

F. L. Deal la tee new manager.

-'■-TAisES^i'RJVE _ B 1K ELI”

Wheels are erected without pavement being: disturbed Our


the story


Send for


An Amusement Device for Fairs. Baaerla and Ohinl- vals. The whole world haa been reading about the wonderful explolta at the aevoplane. The pubUe wUl spend freely to ride on an aeroplane If It Is safe. There are six planes attached to this machine. The machine Is operated by either gaaoline or etertrle mo¬ tor. Write for dmilar and priesa. ARMITAGE A GUINN, Mfg. qrdlng Wave. Bprlngrllie. N. T.


The management of the Rtrewlew Blnk Is opening the New Dreamland Rink, Chk-ago, and wishes to dispose of l.&OO pairs of Roller Skates, as the man¬ agement will use the same style of akate In boUi rinks.


$1.2S m )l.iO k PMI The euUre outfit la In flrat-clam coodlUon. Addram

P. HARMON, Rlvewlew Blnk. Ctilcago, UL

Wanttd—Carnival Company JUNCTION PARK. KSW BRIGHTON, PA.. !.«»»» Day and week. Labor Unhms' Picnic of Beaver Val¬ ley and Children’s Homs. Fair Grounds Fraa li- eenaa Free. 75,000 people at Sc car fare to draw from. Write or wire C. O. BHErnCRLY. Uaaea and Manager of Park, care lincoln HoteL Rochcater, Pa.

NaOlm, Fair Warkara and Cinamlanalraa.

RELEASE THE KISS Lateat and Beat Throwlag Ball Gama, Is gsUIng tup money everywhere U la matallad. Eanlat ruiaclly. $18.00 an hour. U. S. Patent allowed June IT. Iflfl. Bend for drrular. JOHN a ALEY. Manufactoim. Boa TQg, Bchenertady. New York,

HOROSCOPES Printed Fartunaa, _ _ Palmist tad Fortune TtUlag Oamm

4c for (Mtalog and Samplaa J. LtOOUX A MN,

108 Haaibarp Ava.. Brsoktya, M. V.

FOR SALE—Ona complete Long's Criapette Machine Outfit, older style, with extra Peanut RoMllng Cyl¬ inder. a lot of metal Priaa NovelUes, Cartons, Corn oil, tie. Write for parUculan to C. H. BTBUEBE. Sandusky, Ohla

rOR RAI F the followino r\ir% plot machines 8 Roulette Mscfalncs, 8 Lone Stan, 1 Big Six, all cam# machines; 1 t^lle Detroit, »c play; 8 Wst- Ung Big BIxea, and 1 WaUIng Lone Star, and 8 at Caillr'a Touriita, and 1 Silver (Nip. These madilnea guaranteed In firat-clam condlUon. These are all used machines. FRED J. HATES, 87 W. Swan St.. Oriumbua. Ohio.

FOR SALE—AutomaUc Fish Pond, Ilka new, used only 6 weeks; haa done big huaineae. Helling on ac¬ count of ending at park season. Oast 8350, will sell for 8150. FRANK E. EVANS, Unlonlown, Pa.

—— FOR SALE - SleOT HAOBINBB OP ALL KINDS for aalg obatp. Addram SICKING MFG. CO., IMl Frtmnan Avm. teodiingU. OhlA


AUGUST 19, 1916. T li e Billboard 39


Thrown Around Coney Island

O.ney Inland. N. Y.. AuK. 12.—Among the Tinltora to the Inland thla wec-k were lien Welnh and wife, Mr. and .Mrn. Shupiro, Mr. Valk and Abe t’arlo and wife.

Ix>ule Kink haa o|»ened a tango dancing Joint on the Bowery. Ilia wife la manager, and Anna la grabbing the coin.

Ham Wagner aaya he can atay In the hakery for yearn, hut there la one fair he will not mtaa --Hartford, Conn. „ .

Buel Jonea baa Juat returned from Canada, where he aaya thlnga are may. . , ,

Navor Kelix, the Indian of Nagle’a Show, ia one of the clerereat boya with the clay on the iBlaod.

On the Bowery la a Kill the Coon game, and every time you hit the nigger on the head you get a cigar. 8nH>ke Jonea, who la one of the beat ball dodgera on the Inland, la working there. One day laat week along came one of thoae Bmoklyn ball playera and threw balla at tfmoke for a half an hour. Finally the ball player aucceeded In hitting Smoke, and It knocked him cold. W’hen Smoke went to the bona for a reckoning of the day'a recelpta be waa told that there wan nothing coming to him, and waa accuaed of ntandlng In with the ball player. The boaa aald Smoke kept hla bead atlll and It coat him three bozea of clgara. It wan learned afterwarda that no one knew Smoke waa knocked out.

Working at Johnny Nlckol'a mil-down on the Bowery la Handnome Harry Soloman.

Loat. Btrayed or atolen, one Wbltey Adama. If atlll alive, write to Moe Jacoba.

Mra. Rogera, who la one of the amalleat mothera on earth, drew a large cmwd on Surf avenue the other day when abe atarted to give her non a licking. She la S2 Incbea high and her aon 4 feet In height. Naturally the crowd waa Intereated.

Working on the atage at Steeplechaae are a great bunch of funny fellowa who give yon many a laugh. They are: Buck Brant, Bube Hcoffleld. Billy Norman, Pete Ivy, George WeaN on, Uua Stimpaon, Little Paddy, the cop; Jim¬ my Manuela, Billy Fallon and John Reinhart, the atage manager.


Chicago, Aug. 12.—Prof. Martin Ballman. the iHipular director, made aucb a bit while at Korcat Park aeveral weeka ago by letting the public aelect the mualcal program that hla Symphony Band baa been engaged fur return (oncerta, beginning next Sunday.



The terrldc hot wave which hung over Chi¬ cago fur over a week affected buaioeaa a little at Itlvervlew Park, but the rldea were well (latmolacd, the beat cutting In on the recelpta of the conct aaionairea more than the otbera.

Wm. I.iepold, who at one time bad a Mg circoa out of Sydney, Auatralla. ia more than •octiatled with the buaineaa he baa been doing with hla nanny goat race track and the donkeya. When Mr. Liepuld cloaea the aeaaon be takea all of hla peta to hla farm at Wheaton, wblvji Ilea Juat outaide of Chicago.

The brlghteat apot at Rlvervlew la "Paddy" lljrnion'a ball room, and we might add that it la aome ball room. Hr. Harmon can alwaya

found at the door, welcoming hla patrona with the glad band.

Pick Jonathan, manager of The Battlea of Belatiuna. tell ua who Sock la.

Joe Taylor waa laid op one day laat week Some aay Joe overwork^ hlmaelf, and then again we beard that Pittaborg atoglea did It.

“Hoc" Cooney aaya the whole world lovea the beblea. Doc’a baby Incobatora have been at¬ tracting good crowda.

Kniery Kttelaon, while making the rounda at Itlvervlew, met aeveral old acqualntancea and |N rformera whom he played aeveral yeara ago. There are a great number of performera tilling vnrioua |>oaltlotui at the park tbia aeaoou.

Sam Cottrell, who laid the haymaker on your right cheek, or waa It really a toothacbel Mra. Sam Cottrell Juat returned from an extended trip through the Eaat.

F.d Blondell, the lire king, la an added attrac¬ tion at the Fat People'a Convention. Mra. blondell la working In the electric cbalr.



SPECIAL NOTICE Wa have Juat made a Mg hit In Race Courae prlcea. Send for new dlacount abeet and colored illuatra-

1. Six-foot, twelve-borae Courae, price SM.OO. Other Couraea In prcportloo.


KNIVES, WHIPS, CANES, BALLOONS Improvad Cana AiaortmenL IM Canea, Including M Rln^. iBwaored Cane Ajaartment. S44 Canea, Includlnf IM Rlnga.dS-M Inmrorad Cana Aaaortment. 3M Canea. Includlna IM Rlnga. M.M ImtMoved Cana Aaaortment, 6M Canea. Including MJ Rlnga. xS.M No. f. Extra long. Fancy Loop Handle Whlpa, aaaortad ooL, par gr. S.M BboaOng Oallery OutSt, complete, S.MT plecm. for cnly. S2.M IM Amnrted Pocket Knlvea, for Knife Racka, a Good Flaah.. ...l*-0®_

Lana Cataloaua Free. Knlvea. Watebea, Umbrellaa. Toy Whlpa and Cane Nala. Tecina—Half DcpoMl. Balanca C. O. D. Pennant Canaa, par IM. tl.SS: pa* I,MS> tlS-M.

CLEVELAND CANE COMPANY, ... Clovoland, Ohio.

Corner’s Orangeade and ONADE (Original Powders)

daUctona drink. Frfaa, ELM

fHS'cbRNER'Mi^ANYriiS FnaawIvanlB St.. Baffale. Naw Yarfe.

Ouarantaad la ecaferm to all Federal l«wik ( gar gaaad; taaigla gMlaa, IM. Wrl»c_NpW for

At S86, $60 and $55. Ona of these machlnoR in 9 months took in 54,768 at two strikes for a nickal, and the only coat for np-kaop was for top rubber. Write for proof.

M. W. ANSTERBURO. MwAiilMeturcr, Homwr. Mlclk.


WANTED FOR REVERE REACH, SEPT. 4-9, INC. Address CHARLES L. RID6WAY, Revere, Massachusetts.

mCH-^LASS Vaudeville Acts or Sensational Acts In or around South Texas, communicate with JOE S. SCHOLIBO,


liberality. He la to be congratulated on the m.'inner In which be has conducted the park.

The regular aeaaon of the park will close September 10. and. no doubt, as In previous aeaaons, will be open Sundays as long as the weather permlta. There has practically been no change In the park's roster.


Coney laland, N. Y., Aug. 12.—All Coney Is¬ land is preparing to make preparednesa the theme of thla year'a Manll Gras, which will be held from September 11 to 16. Inclusive. It is expected this will be the most successful car¬ nival ever held at the famous resort. The va- rlou# committees are working overtime to ac¬ complish this end.

One of the new features of the pageant will be the Industrial division, which will be con¬ ducted on a large scale. Prixea are offered as an Incentive to attract manufacturers and merchants In a contest for elaborate floats. Fred Oppokofer is chairman of the Induatrial Committee.

Walter L. James, president, of the Coney Is¬ land Carnival Company, Is anxious to have the attendance for the week reach tba million and one-half mark.


riie flnal festivltii-a hare now beguu at the park, and the flrat of them, the l*nre Food Show, la now In progress. If dainty, uniform and well dressed bnotba In large numbers go to make It a sui-cesa. Cheater's Pure Food 8how will be all of that and mory. The show opened .Viigust K with everything ready on time, and an unusual crowd on hand to groat the local iiianiifarturer and sample his wares. Many In-al celebrities were on hand throwhont the dsy and evening, and Dr. H. W. Wiley, the Nalinnal Pure Food Rxpert, spoke at tke open¬ ing baiMioet at the Clubhouse in the evening.

Fnllnwing clnae on the heels of the Pnre Food Hhow will come the park's mardi gras, the f-amival. to lake place the latter pert of this month.

All th? rtdee and concesslona have experienced •■vci ptionally good play, and the Whip, one of I lie new rides, haa found a hearty welcome.

Doc Joy Is apparently still on the sick Hat. The newlywed. Jack Vedder, who waa mar¬

ried to Daisy Ilaaelton not long ago, aaya hnme was never like this.

The vaudeville bill thla week, a well-halanced and entertaining program. Inclndea; Cornelia and Adelc. song and dance team, George Hnssey, ventrilminlat; Powell and Company, lllnaions: HIrks and Heymour. singing aM dancing, and the Four Casting Kays.

At the rlnb house Charley Harris malatalua hla high standard of cabaret, with the follow¬ ing enlertsiner*: Ray Phlll'pa, mmdcal director: the Florentine Ptayera, ragtime speclallats; Mias Amour. Rthel Keys, Mr. Hrhoff and Mias Wood.

Harry ami Jennie Cohan, the midgets of the l.lllipntlan photo gallery, are offering a diver¬ sion with their danrtng at the cabaret every evening.

Col. Martin hac shown a wlllingneaa to give rterinnethina the very latest In amnsements, and hts patrona have relumed the favor by


Captain I.. D. Blondell, the old-time water showman, la not going to lose hla sense of humor just because a few handicaps bob op in bis path. In a letter to The Billboard CapUin Blondell gurglei aa followa; "Since leaving my old home town, Cincinnati,* on the Ohio, I have had a very surcetaful aeaaoa. Thongh I seek water rcsorti (required In my ci(lltng) my aqnatle exhibitions have, on aeveral occatlona, run dp agalnat more water than necessary. My little models of the Titanic, used in the wreck scene of a spectacular water flnith, have been well received. I am In Pittsburg, waiting patiently for the railroad company to locate my trank, last beard of nnder eight feet of water In AsbevlUe, N. C. Am much werried about my extensive wardrobe, which I expected to nse on my return to the stage this coming sesson. It pains me to lose that wig and bos of cork pre¬ sented me by McIntyre and Heatb whan tour¬ ing 'Pfxaa thirty years ago."

Cbllhowee Park, Knoxville. Tenn., wae to rinse Reptember 10, but further etdera will keep It open until October 11. Business hts been ex- reptioaally gnod nnder the management of Rns- aell Henrlel, and the concesalons and attractions have been doing well. The night bathing haa been a big auccesa. R<l Bonrhew, cashier of the park, has had to have a body guard help him with the’ day's receipts a number of times thla aeaaon. K. O. Barkoot. lessee ef the park, haa been smiling for some time, and aeems perfeetly aatlafled. Crnncb's Band gives concerts dally, and the theater Is cnntlnnally parked. MIm Fern Delacey, featured with the Henrlel Prln- ceoa Maids, la a great favodts. Don "Rad* Bartlett, press repreeenlatlve of tha park, la also manager of ronreoaloaa, and la as happy as the reel of the bunch.

Forest Park. Mlnnrapolls, Mian., nnder the management of R. H. Kahm. Is altuatsd In tha

village of Colombia Heights, three blocks outside the city limits, and Is 300 feet above the city level. Thla la partly the reason the park is cooler than any place in that vicinity. Manager Kahm is putting on free attractions and vaude¬ ville every evening, and the dancing pavilion ia not being neglect^. The concessions In the park are said to be reaping a harvest.

Hopp, the frog boy, and hla wife wish to thank, throngh The Billboard, the troupers at Ocean Park Pier, Venice. Cal., for their aa sistance during Mr. Hopp's illness. Hopp'. father died In Baltimore the same day Bopp was pronounced out of danger In Lon Angeles.

"Happy" Birmingham is located as olOctal announcer and advertising agent at Lakewood Park. Waterbary, Conn., for the balance of the season. Tom Troy's Jungle Show, form¬ erly with the Otis Adams Shows, la also at the park. Business at the resort ia good.

Hilbert W. English, formerly with the Car nival Court Park in Buffalo. N. Y., la making a auccesa as manager of Oakwood Park, Kala¬ mazoo, Mich. He ia an experienced band the game, having been connected with soma of the best resorts In the East.

At the Stadium, Hanlon's Point, Toronto, Ont., the week of August 7, Captain Wild, the American aviator, waa a big attraction in series of brlllUntly illustrated travelogues.

Mott's Famous New Y’ork Band continued to draw big crowds at Scarboro Beach, Toronto, week of August 7. Features at the beach were the Cycling Brunettes and the Saxafour.

Captain Blondell baa been in the bnaineaa 85 years, and is atlll In the swim.



Sydney, Aust., July 15.—Current attraction.^:

Her Majesty's Theatre—Royal Comic Opera Co.;

Theatre Royal—Julius Knight io dramatic re¬

vivals; Criterion—Hale Hamilton and Mias Tan-

nebill; Palace—Peg o’ My Heart; Adelphi—Re¬

vue and vaudeville.

Lieut. Jim Anderson, of the Fox Film Co., haa

Just staved off an attack of branchial pneumonia

by careful nursing. The effort has cauaed him

to abed about thirty pounds weight, but JLm

can spare it.

Hoyt’s Plcturea, a big Melbourne enterprise,

will be opening in Sydney shortly.

Dicky Gardner, who leaves for the States

today, has something of interest to tell the boys.

The act of Gardner and Revere has Jnat played

the TivoU Time.

Playing Brisbane are several American acts,

including Wilfred Du Bois, the Le Grohe, Let

Lergetes, and Frank and Clara La Tour.

Madge Maitland, the Irlab-American girl, is

making a big success In this country.

Delay Jerome, who has been over this aide fur

over two years, will probably leave for America

next month. Her manager, Frank Smith, has

gone in advance.

The travesty stars, La Teen and Croea, have

been held over to open with the new American

bnrlesqne company at the Adelphi this week.

Harry Farrow, the pantomime dame, has aet-

tled hla difference with the J. C. Williamson

people ^Dd la now playing vaudeville under the

management of Ben J. Fuller.

Playing New Zealand are the following acta:

Marr and Evans, the Lampinis, Alsace and Lor¬ raine, Early and Laight, Estelle Wordette, Jack Martin, (Nimby and Brown, Djranto and Har¬ rison Stewart.

Ben J. Fuller la Introducing a aeaaon of the American form of burleaque at the Adelphi, open¬ ing Saturday. Murry J. Simons and Waltaa Johnson are the producers. Those included in the cast’ are Helen le Cain, Made Moore, Helen Maaon, Lew Dunbar and the Four Duquaines.

Paul Stanhope, who came to thla country with the Grafters nearly flve yeara ago, and subse¬ quently played the Fuller Time with tabloid burlesquea, leaves for America by today’s boat. Hla wife, Fritzec De Guy. left on te previous steamer.

Alao leaving for the States today are Heriiert Brooks and assiatant, Gardner aud Revere, Jack Bornbold, Three Kundles, and others.

Carl Mebden, trap drummer of the National Orchestra, waa married to I.etty Patten, of the La Blanc Revue Co., last week.

Wish Wynee, the Engliali character artiate, is now terminating a moat aucceaaful three weeks’ season at the Adelphi. A big support includes Chris. Richards, the eccentric chap, who will leave for Melbourne this we»-k, where be will headline the Bijou bill.

Orpbea, the American inatrumentallat, who aa been dobing well over this aide tfuring the paat fifteen months, will prooanly play South

England before returning to the


In n recent Issue of The Billboard, In the Readers' Column, there appeared an extract from The New York Sun. stating that O. L. Fox, the great clown, opened bis Humpty- Dumpty at the old Bowery _ Theater in New Y'ork, and a reply to the statement to the effect that such waa not the case.

Z. S. Wlllen. of San Francisco, who writes that lie was born within two blocks of the old Bowery, comes forward with some Intereetlng infoimatlon. He elaime that O. L. Fox waa not the great clown, but that It was hla brother. C. K. Fox—they alwaya played to- gethr-r. P. K. Fox waa also a Civil War veteran. Wlllen says Hnmpty-Dnmpty was pul on at the old Bowery Theater, not In IMS, bat In IRM. nnd waa moved two yeara later te the Olympic. Broadway. Wlllen further eoye "George L. Fox waa too heavy to play panto¬ mime. Charley was a Ilght bullt man. I ran not remember when J. W. Lingard had aay thing to do with the eld Bowery 'Theater. He appearetl when the new Bowery waa bollt. Ha had Jnst put on the White Pawn. Whtrb bad been playing over at NIhlo’a after the Black Craok."

Africa and Cnited States.

William Baarka, a well-known Australian picture manager, leaves for tne States today. He la the representative for several bouses here, and will study conditiona conducive to the ad¬ vantage of the movie business.

The Tivoli Follies, accompanied by Hugh D. McIntosh, left for New Zealand last week. Wal¬ ter Weems and George Weleh. well-known American acts, are still with the show.

Harry Muller, manager for Ben J. Fuller at the latter’s Melbourne house, la scheduled to leave for America this month. He would have gone today but for the recent death of bis mother. He will probably go via Vancouver.

Peg o' My Heart, playing under the manage¬ ment of J. and N. Tail, celebrated Its loOth performance thla week. It will be taken off In the height of its popularity, owing to the the¬ ater being otherwise engaged—the Royal Strtdl- era, another Tail combination, tilling the breach.

(Took and Handman, two American boys, who stowed away from New York and were subse¬ quently baled before the Judge In Wellington. New Zealand, are now In Sydney. They played a brief season with Fuller In the Dominion, and are now trying to fix with the Tivoli. Harry Stone, the American boxer, has the boys under bis care.

Ben J. Fuller, governing director of the elr- cnit bearing bis name. Is amongst the latest to enlisj. His action haa caused a great deal of anrprise and comment. Those who know Fuller for the very determined fellow he is realise that he win carry ont hla Intention.

Charles Taylor and Ella (Tarrlngton, veteran show folk of the legitimate, will manage the Fuller Hotel. Melbourne.

Fox Films have a very strong hold on pnblie patronage, both in city and auburbs. The Tri¬ angle Aims also are going very big. Some ex¬ tra line publicity stunts are being put over by Mr. Yeanley of the latter offlee.


The ProgNselve Glrla Musical Comedy Com¬ pany baa been playing for seven weeks In the Oardea Airdome In Richmond. Ind., and leeks food for a mneb longer ran there. The com¬ pany Inclndea R. B. Kelly, manager: Hal Rath- nan and Billy Farrell, comedians; Mr. and Mra. Dan Belmont. Prank Smith and a chorus of six. The Garden Airdome la operated by B. Howell Bond, with Steve Stevenson In the ticket box. "Tacka" Etter la atage manager.

Florence and Homer Meachum have rejelnad AI Shaffer’s Boya and Girls Co., having been with tba Zarlingtoa A Heaton Players for the peat Are weeks. Thia la Homer Meaehnm'a alxtll seasoa with the Shaffer Company on eomedtan. PloreBce baa charge ef the mnaleal end ef the show. The Shaffer show ronalata ef At Shaffer, Vtrg Downard. Frank Wrtgbt. Homer Mrarbnm, Flo^ee Meerdram, Kittle Downard, Dot Moore. Oertrade Garland, Stella Rbelnhart and Anna Mae 'Thomae. It la being booked by tko Oroas- wood Agency.

AUQurr Ilk mi.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PAID ADS I at uberh « wanted situation in the CLASSinED SECTION iiuerted



.la aw Ware, wantko •*


RCCOND-NAMO SHOW 00000 POR .•• “ OALC (toowt AalwaH).la ** POR "


“ AHiHALo'pM ^■Lc:::::::::::::::ia - • ■- • "I".: • „ ACTOANO THCATRICAL CO'O

OOAROINO NOUOCO (ThMtfteal) .,, m


REMEMBER, CASH WITH COPY. Wo do not place charges for ads In the Classifled Columns upon our books.

We reserve the right to edit copy.


CONDITIONS Advertisements of an acceptable nature will be inserted without ehargo

In the Classified Columns. Open to any person connected or identifled with the show business. If answers are not satisfactory the first time we Invito as many insertions as are necessary to place you. These columns aro for the benefit of the unemployed and we do not want you to feel that you aro imposing on us by using the columns more than one time.

10 FIEE SUIDIIS IDS ACCENEI, COTT lOST IE FDIIIMEO EICI WEES, and you must be ready to Join at once. Write your ad on separate oheot of paper. Forms close Thursday, t p.m., for insertion in the following Issno.

MOTICC LWtws SIimM Id fsRIalD ONLY sn ssl IdIHwdS tSrDsfS Om sdW dMw. If IsRIsIs ws sddS Ow MIw dImdM to sllriml Is sdds sf swws. Ira w stW snst Ids.


AT LIBERTY AONwHwisli DaSw Mi StoS. Oral Hss swss

Is Msto MIw. Is sw ewS

a-1 DKViaOEK AT UBEXTT — XTLO- I pboiM*, ruartuiba|)lMtD«, bella; A. P. of If.; foar years on one eugasemeDt; 8 yeara' expertence; raodcTille or pirton-a. Addreaa DUtTIOlEX, 402 Horrla Ptare, Mllwankec, Wlacooain.

A-l COKHZT AT UBEUTT—miT-CLARR sigbt reader; botel, picture or raodevHle. Ad- dresM E. C. CHASE, 228 Adama 8t., Hempbls, Tessiaaaa. ‘ i

A-l OPEEATOB—nrTEEV TXABg’ XX. perleure; desires pusitlou st once. STEELE. Tie Second Are., Aabury Park, New Jeraey.

A-l OBOXERTXA LEASEX (TIOUVUT) AXU A-l Plano Player (Lady)—Want poaltlon la Storing pictorea or kotel; large library; good oxpeiience. Addreaa TIOUXIST, 810 Lyndale Are., North. Ulnneapolla, lilnnaaota.

A-l OXOHESTXA LEASEX (AXXXICAX)— Play rlolln or piano; flfteen yeara' experience; prefer location In lire town; good morle tbea- tic, botel or dance; might conalder reaponalble road engagement. H. XAXTIX, 101 E. 2d 8t., Jamestown, New Tork.

AXATEVX PHOTOOXAPHEX—WISHES TO go with professional aa asalatant to tbe Enro- ean war fronts; willing to work. JOHN

tODIBXE, 1814 N. Broadway Bt., JoUet, III.

AT LIXEXTT — OOMPETEXT PIAXIRT; rauderllle, bnrleaqne or movie; bIg-tIme experi¬ ence In all; wish to locale. JAHEB BWEET- LAJfS, Angola, New Tork.

AT LIBERTY—XinrSTXEL SHOW SnXEOT- or; bare three brand new complete acripts, or can produce from yourn; sober; dependable. yXT CLAY POWERS, Princess Theatre, San Antonio, Texas.

AT LIXEXTY—YOtnrO MAX, PIAXIRT; read, fake, transiiose and Improvise; experienced In cabaret, pictures and plugging. Addreaa L, P., care Billboard, Clnrinnati.

AT LIBERTY—TRICK AXD TAXCY ROPER; clrcua and Wild Wetla. Write ROY BARER, 802 N. 8tb 8t., Walla Walla. Washington.

AT LIBERTY—FOR ADVERTISIXO POR- poses. LINOERHAM, Vsntriloqniat, 705 N. Fifth, Pbitadelpliia, Pennsylvania.

AT LIBERTY—CLARIXETIRT FOR LADIES’ Orcbestra: single; suiall stature; experienced; can give reference. ESTELLE XEIFIHO, 1526 E. IKlil 8t.. Chicago, Illinois.

AT URERTY—lODDLEIIAX AXD UXDXX- atander; catch full downs. Jump onta and dou¬ bles; can tumble; late of tbe Six Comallas; age 18; weight 140 lbs. Address BERT OOR- XALLA, Downey Hotel, Lansing, Michigan.

AT LIBERTY — COXEDIAX AXD ROV- brette; for tabloid musical comedy; bare sixty- fonr short-cast acripta; no nigger acts or thirty- year-old melodramas, bnt clean-cut musical com¬ edy billa. I do Irisb, robe, tramp, simp kid and blackface conn-ily; have wardrobe, pbotoa, etc.: aboointely sober and reliable. My wife plays son- toettea, characters and stages any and all mn- atcal numbers; luia good wardrobe and pbotoa. Will consider propositions from reliable managers for permanent stock. Managers of shoestring tabloids and cigar box theatres, save your stamps, as we're played a few and are cured. If you bare tbe facilities we can deliver the gooto Beferencea and programmeaT Tea, plenty. At Ubety oo accoont of Harry Hacker and Bill Bwnago'a Orpbeum Stork Oo., chwtng rritbont aotlee. and tbe management leaving with all tha money, ewtag the actors salary. However, w* are alwaysgtad to hear from real managers. ARdiusi AXTXVR J. XIOODre, cars BIHboard ORIce, drieago.

AT UXKXTY—A-l YWLIXIXX; A P. OP exparianead to raaRrvin^ dramatSe, ntoatoal iimiiy and bnatoagna; win traval ar toeato to aittaer Bae. WHto PMUnXP. SRf W. Ttt RL. Chester. Pennagrfvajda.

AT LIBERTY—A-XO. 1 YXOLIXIST; U- brary mnalc; sober. relUUe; A. F. of If. A KEUTEk, 131 Bast Front St,, Cincinnati, Ohio.

AT UXEXTY-A-l OXCHE8TRA FIAXIRT; Site sight reader, bnt no “faker”; can furnisb a “real" rtoUnIst (leader); one tborongbly ex¬ perienced In all lines, capable of bolding down any Job; strict dance time to tbe heaviest over- tnrea and concert numbers; prevlona engage¬ ments we bare worked together entirely satisfac¬ tory; would like location with Srat-claas orches¬ tra; nnion. Address O. J, FXEROOTT, 824 Pren- dergast Ave., Jamestown, New Tork.

AT LIXEKTY—A-l FIAXIST AXD DXIflf- mer; bells, xylophone, etc.; nnion; want location; Btgbt readers or cne pictorea; can furnisb or¬ chestra; references. FXED OOXDOX, 300 Tblrd St., Louisville, Kentucky.

AT LIXEXTY FOX XVIIOAL TAX—70KX OilpiD, comedy and acripts; director; all good stnir. Edna Ollpin, ebaraet>-rs. Joe Bennett, light comedy, song and dance comedian. We dc harmony singing nod handle onmbers; reliable managers only; all sober and reliable, and can Join oo wire. JOHX OILraf, Southern Hotel, Padncab, Kentucky.

AT LIXEXTY-XTOOX, OXX FIEOE OR rep.; man for charaetora, beavles or general baaioeas; woman for ebaractera or general boal- ness; both yonng; so spoclalties. KAORLYX ALLYX, 106 Maple St., Durand, Michigan.

AT LIBERTY OR PARTXER WAXTED— Operator and electrician with new moving pic- tore machine and bouse equipment; good propo- sitioo. Address F. E. vHILDR, Lock Box 107, Bowleabnrg, West Virginia.

FIXST-CLARR TIOUXIST-EXPRRIRXOED In vandevllle. concert, theater, etc.; Ubrary of standard and popnlar mnalc; double bonjourine; good appearaucc; reliable; refcrcnco furaisbed. Address TIOUXIST, 34 Korea Apts., Ctonry St., Toledo. Ohio.

DRDIOIEX AT UXERTY-BELLS, XTLO- phone; pictures or dance work profennd; go anywhere. Addreaa T. A XYLOR. 333 Hayden St., Hollister, Califor^.

DROIOIEX—CARRYXXO TYXPAXZ, wawtu. Itaiibouc; union; want theatre work. Addreaa LAWRXXCE FULLER, Decatur, Mlchlguu.

KAPFEL—ECCEXTRIO TRAXF TUOOLRR; will Join vandevllle act; can Join at ooco; low aaUry. HAFFEL, Ocn. Del., Detroit. Michigan.

AT UBERTY ADVERTISING A Classifled At Liberty ad is the (luickest way to pet in touch with

managers of shows.

Whatever your position or station, or whatever your occupation or line may be, a Classifled At Liberty ad in The Billboard will help you, once you are ready for the response that will follow.

It may take only one insertion, perhaps two, to And what you want. No matter where you are located The Billboard has the circulation, therefore the chances of securing work are greater because The Bill¬ board ranks first among amusement papers.

Many professional people prefer to pay a small fee for an ad, so we have made the rate ONE CENT PER WORD and you get the benefit of an ad set with first line and name in bold type. Note the style on this page.

AT UBERTY AFTER SEPT. 6—GOOD OBAR- acter baritone singer, for cafe, cabaret or thea¬ tre; would like winter resort, or Sratb pre¬ ferred; wife plays piano; fake and tranapoae; both young, fnll of “pep”; latcat song hita; pbotoa on reqneat; write at once. AnatAII X. J0HX80X, Olympia Pavilion, Jeniaon Park, Holland, Michigan.

AT UBERTY—DARE DEVIL DURAND, high diver; 73 feet; water; open for parka, faira and awlmmliig poola; have own ontilt. JAMER DURAXD, 101 Fletcber St., Lowell Maaa.

AT LIBERTY—HEATIEg AXD STRAIGHT old men; all reqnirementa; A-l atage manager. CRAIG R0YL8T0X, Boom 207 Scbiller Bldg., Chicago. HUnols.

AT LIBERTY—gWEET-VOICED SINGER OF all aonga. Addreaa LES, WRIGHT, Frankfort, Kentncky.

AT UBERTY-YIOUXIST; PREFER TO Lo¬ cate or will conalder good road show; tborongbly experienced; member A. P. of M. Write or wire E. R. STRAYER. Permanent addreaa, 830 W. Cottage Place, York, Pennaylvania.

AT LIBERTY—EXFERIEXOED ORGANIST: for theatre where organ ia featnred; 8ne library; alao A-No. 1 pianlat. Addreaa ORGANIST, 1815 B. Michigan Ave., Innaing, Michigan.

BAXJOIST (TENOR)—aOHT READER AXD faker; wanta permanent poaltlon New Tork or vicinity. 1489 Tenth Avenne, San Franciaco.

SnrOER-JOIX GOOD ACT, COXPAXY HAVEXER*^«iS' Co ^ 'Plendld aololat; Join on wire. WX, HAVENER, care Parker Stock Co., Witt, III. XUELLE, 8212 OUb Bt., St Lonia, Xiaaonri.

AT LIBERTY—DIREOTOR; HAVE SOXE playa; veraatlle actor; wife, aecond bnsineaa; both have good wardrobe; aome apeclalties; aober, competent people; Join anywhere; reliable managera, pleaae write. Addreaa “DIRECTOR,” Enoch Broa.’ Stock Co., Holgate, Ohio.

AT UBERTY — NOVELTY ORCHESTRA; lady and gent; glvea an orcbeatra effect or 3 piecea, comet, violin, piano; tbe lady plays comet and piano together at tbe came time, while gert. playa violin; alao comet dnets and piano; we play atandard and popnlar mnalc. XUSICAL XUXROS, Xodena, Xiaaonri.

AT UBERTY—O. BURKHART, SIDE-SHOW manager; atrong openUiga, lectnre, A-l magic, PoDcb and Jody, levitation, mind rending, cat band; alao fnmiab electric lady; paat three Btootba managed tbe lO-ln-l with H. O^ng'a CamlvaL I am a Uve one; yon all know me and my laughing riot ballybM. Will JMn a rant clrena or carnival that plays eltl a; no small ones cooaldareJ at all. Address my raal- ianei, ITS RMardnsn St, Brooklyn, New York.

A* UXRRR’—lADT stondar and entebar. ALO wiita Ava.. Rprlngiill, 1

ACROBAT; VX9XR- KB mn, SI Plney-

CELLO—DOUBLE TROXBOXR; A F. OF X.; at liberty Sept. 1 for minstrel, rep., hotel or pictnro show; experienced, reliable. CURT X. KARX, 835 Dnke St., Norfolk, Virginia.

CLARINETIST—WHO IS AN A-l PIANO toner, would like a location where 1 can nae both, and a coroetlat wbo donbles violin (cyn lead band and orchestra); would both like to locate together; Sooth or Middle West preferred. Address CLARINETIST, care of Billboard, Cin¬ cinnati, Ohio.

OOXFANY OF HIOK-CLASS XEXICAN Artista—Presenting clean variety abow. 1708 Beaaie, Ft. Worth, Texas.

EIGHT YEARS’ KXFERIBNOED CLARINIT- iat—Union; wish position pictnre theatre; salary reasonable; write, wire. J, PALUXRO, 811 Broad St.. Oadaden, Alabaaoa.

FIRST-CLASS FLUTE AXD PICCOLO FLAY- ar—17 yaara’ experlenca; symphony, opara, vandoville, botal, plctnres or concert band; prefer location; no trooping; all preference given to winter engagementa; A. P. of X.; all letters answerad. Addreaa FLUTltT, 411 W. Evergraen St., Rna Antonio, Texas.

X WANT A POSITION—IN A XURIOAL COX- edy, bnriesqiie or tabloid company; yonng atoa. 19; 6 ft., 7; good alngcr and could work In choma; can do Mackfaca. tramp ar atralght Juveniles; nnderstand stage tboron^y, knt lack practical experience; want small aalary and ax- penaes, and ticket If far. Addreaa RAY R BZNJAXIN, 863 Uberty St., Newbnrgh. N. Y.

XAN AND WIFE—A-t XUSIOZANS; ALL Unea; man, violin and 8nto; wife, calle and drams; good appearance; go anyn^ie. XU- SIOAL, 1900 CadU St, Dallas, Texas.

XORS. AND SECS, NOTICE I—SAYTXUIA now booking parka, fairs and celebrations; two feature acts, Roman rings and senaatlonal wire slide; bonds for appearance. For tall pnrtim- lara, write or wiro F. SAYVIUJA, 123 Helen St., Peoria, IlUnois.

xonox PICTURE OPERATOR—WXXX XOOD record, long experience and New Yark Ucense, desires engagement; will consider any oXor. JOS. DOROTHY, 271 West 144tb. New York.

xovnro picture operator—wants sitnation; yonng man of sober baUtoand Bnro- pean experience. RUDOLPH HICKEL, 8085 Waahlngton Bird., St. Lonia, Mlaaonrt

OPEN FOR FAIRS AND OXLXBRATXONB— Good ateam merry-go-ronnd. KAOKN BROS,, RoUag, Minnesota.

OFEX FOX PARRS AXD FAIRS—LIXDSAY, tbe international clown comlqne; a distinct faa- tnre. Xgra., Notice!—If yon want aometMiiS new to the public, here It la; only tingle comedy acrobatic act of ita kind, introdnetng ana-man prize 6gbt; big langb from start to Sniob. UXDSAY, 820 La Scball St.. Plttsbursh, Pa.

PIANIST (LADY)—AT UBXXTY BNSUINO season; post-gradnate mnslclan; experienced In vandevllle and orchestra work. f-*lT.A N. HOLUN, New Richmond, Indiana.

TKX WARRENS — 0X0., OHAXAOTRRS, baritone In band. Mamie, strong lino of char- actera. Long yeara of experience; one ptoco pre¬ ferred. 0X0. WARREN, 320 IlUnola Ave., Morris, Illinois.

TRAPEZE HEAD BALANCER—SENSATION- al aerial acrobat; bead-balancing featoreo an a ■vrlagliig bar, giant awing by taetb; aitraor- dinary, original mnacle-turolng faatnraa; two dllfarrDt acts If desired; electric lights, alckal figging, special paper; references. New York to California; dates wanted. XOVW XODDY, 418 Molone, Peoria, Illinois.

TRIO—VIOUN. PIANO, CELLO (INOLUD- log drams); bigb-claas mnalcians; good appear¬ ance; reliable; pianlat la organist; pletnra thea¬ tre or hotel. MUSICAL, Tbe Berkabire Inn. Great Barrington, Maaaacbnaetta.

WOXLD-PAXOUS SWIXXIX AND ATXLXTB —Desires promoter and manager; does aombar of dare-devil feats In all the most dangcrona bodlas of water In tbe world; great for movlBf fie- tnrea; will also make the longest swims and SMt longer than any person living; good for cem- iiie<^al 'advertising. For parHcnlara addraas Bbi 2317 Flrat Are., Seattle, Washington, ears X. M. Moore.


e 41

TIOUV AMD FIAXO—THOBOOOBLT EZ> prrieDOMl all line*: miiiprli-nt and reliable; man and wife; ddIod; roiiiplele library; referencea; plrtnrea or hotel In Hontb preferred. ■^nnOU, Hotel KIder, Indian Spring, Oeorgla.

TOtniO XAV PIANIST—OKCKZtTXA KX. perlenre; at lll>erly Ang. 21at; A. P, of M. PIANIST. 12'A .North Perry. Montgomery. Alabama.

AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE Aemrtlmniaatt wHbeot dliflay. aadar thla limdlnA

U fm ward

A1 LIBKBTT AKT»3 OCT. *—The Tanners; for laira or camlral eompaiix: balloon aacenalon. fancy rlMe riMoUna. double contortion act. tumbUng and hlfb kicking: 4 big free acta eaib day; also cany a One m^ng picture marfaltie and'W reela of film, ami bare a wrung bally-boo and spieler. 1 want camlral In the South or fain In the South: at present am with Nortbero Amusement Co. Who wants ust WrUe DR. B. TANNKB. Colby. Wlaconaln.

AT UBKBTT AmCB PARK SEASO.V, SEIT.— OrcbeWra: VIoUn, Comet. Plano and Drums; bare played II yean at one place, now playing park; would like a dance engagement for winter; pnfer South. Addreas LEU T. UAKDKN. Zanesville. Ohio.

AT UBBBTT APTKR SEIT. 4—A-1 Lady PluliW; ezpeelmced In all Unes; luraUon preferred. HEN- RIETTA JACOBSON. Box 114. Va. Beach. Virginia.

DRUMMER—Bells, Xylophone. Chimes, etc.; ex* perlenced all Unes; go anywhere. Jilt Ind. Are.. Chicago. DUnote.

DRUMMEB AT LIBERTY SEPTEMBER 1—BelU and Xylophone, Tympani, Drums; experienced musi¬ cal comedy and raud^llle; location prtferred; beat refcrmces. EDDIE JEROME, Ocnefal DeUfety, Osb- koab, Wlaconaln.__

THE XYLOPHONE KINO--Doubling Comet and Trap Drunai; A-1 soloist on abuse InstramcnU: play the heasleW to the ragglest music; prefer muslral art or cabaret orchestra. Open Sept. 1. Address E. ZlMMIJlMAN. EUbait Lake, Wlaconslo.

ATTRACTIONS WANTED Adssrtimmssts wRbaut display, aadar this baadiat.

Is par ward

DAVIDSON COUNTY PAIR, OCT. II A 14— Wanted: Good, Clean Shows, Carry-Ua-AU. and aU kinds of Cooccaalons: also Balloon or Aemplaoe; Wate full particulars Srw letter; lO.tMM people to draw from. Write DAVE LEONARD. Secy., Lexlngtoo, North Carotlaa.

FREE ATTRACTIONS—All kinds, for GraU Pair, September M, 21. 22. 1114. HARRY SMITH. Grata. Pcnnaylrshls.

HUMAN ROULETTE WANTEI>—Poe Greater Fall Pcstiral. September 4. 7. 4; legHlmate Uonceasiou- alrcs write for location. C. M. HAUGHEY, Seerwary, Uaioo City, lUlDots.


CARNIVAL WANTED Adrarthemsata wRbaut display, aadar thla baadlad.

la par ward

WA.NTED—Oran caroieal Shosm, for Iwbor Day, Ssptsmbcr 4. I414, to bo placed on uteM; for par¬ ticulars address DAVID H.* BLAKE. 24 PeU 8L, Zancsrillr, Ohio.

CONCESSIONS WANTED AdesrtImaMata wRkaut display, aadar thla hsadlap.

Is per smrd

CONCTXSION BIDS WANTED—Annual PronUer Days, Ft. Morgan, Colorado, Sept. 5 to 1. Inclualee. Address DONNEN AND SIMPSON. Drawer L Ft. Morgan, Colorado.

MERRY-OO-ROUND AND OTHER CONCES¬ SIONS—For tbree-day pli-nir at Calnsrille. Mo., on September 4, 5 and 6; crowd of 4,ao4 expected: greatest went In Norihem Missouri. Address MEL¬ VIN BROWN, Calnsrille. Missouri.

SHOWS. CONCESSIONS AND DRAMATIC CO., wtth Band, for Dlcteiirb, lU., Pall Festlral. Sep- trsnber 11-12; wet town, big crowda. C. K. PBAB- SON, Sacretaiy, Altamont, Illlools.

WANTED—Meny-Go-Round, Perris Wheel and Street AUracUons; Tenth Annual Labor Day Oelebra- tloo, intt. llUnuls. Monday. September 4Ui; good town; boorilng community; Uberal patronage. Ad¬ dress H. L. DEAN, Secretary. Witt. IlUnoU.

FOR EXCHANGE AdeartMeaieata wHhsut dtaplay, aadar this haadlat.

Is pw ward

AIRSHIP, Oatollne Btglne, Wax PIgures. lUu- aloiis. etc.; want Tent, 20x30 or 40, and AUractlone for Ten-ln-ODe. and other goods. BOX 4S, Tlctorta. Missouri.

1 WIIX EXCHANGE wUh you for a Serond-Hand One-Mlnuls Camera that takes a full-slas post card; or sta's losreat cash price and make. U. B. STAN- WOOD, Elbwoeth, Maine.

NEW COMPLETE ELECTRIC LADT OUTTIT— Poe Pit Show; want large Cuncrsslon Tent. What hare you? HUGO A. EGENER. Box 74, Braall, Indians.

FOR LEASE AdvtrllstaMats wRhsut disalay, aadar thb haadlat,

la par ward.

WILL UEASK OR SELL my Dramatic Suereases. “A Victim of Bln," "A Brother’s SacriOce," "A MllUonalre’s Daughter." Reliable manaacre who de- lire big business wriU DKUIKRT D. VINBCORE. Rutland, Illinois.

FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS AdrsrIlasaMgts wRhsut display, aadar thla haadlat.

FOB SALE—AutoaMtle Indoor BaaebaU Gama; wlU EIGHT 10-TUNE REWIND ELECTBIO PUNOB— MAGICIANS--Urcus Boufcs on Hsgte. Veutrllo- ■acrlSce at about baif price If sold within the next Also' played by band, pood as new. gnaiaatead, qulam and Ptro Eating; Trick Cards and NurrIUes to fey days. Par partieulaia writ# THB SEDGWICK IITO.OP; will Milp on depoalt af tll.M. I. P. HEK- sell wtth books at rlsbl prices; send 4Uinc fur sam- ALFALFA MILLS. Sidg^. Kansas. MAN. 142P Pa. Are., N. W.. Waablngtoh, D. a Phw; bargains in Magle, Ventriloquist Figure* and

--Kscapea; Dtrlng Uandculfa for tbe rtrer jump; Hlldlnp PAKLAND WOW RiM BANJO—Cooeeft Grand. R<« 'Pd a hundred otbers; semi fur big UsC

good m new or biuerTtoal 164, liml» tgkea tt SYLVIAN'S MAGIC SHOP, m CUlIord. Prurldencw. and leather caia. C. E. SCHULTZ, Stotesbuiy, Ma Island.

MONKEY FOR SALE—Large, round Rhesus, four years, gentle; rides all ring stock; works plck-out; does tricks; t40.4P quick sale. GEORGE A. TURNEB. 7MVk Dean SL, Woodatodi, UUnota.

NINE-FOOT GIANTS—For parades: Uncle Sam. Maggie Murphy, PoUcraian, Basket Uotie, Two-Man Horse, Mala and Female Dummies; Props aiads to order. lU WALKER, 3bt W. iWth, New York.

PORCUPINES, t3.M: Wild Animals for soos, Miows and other purpoMS, DUNTON'S WILD AN¬ IMAL FAKM, Saranac Lake, New York.

SUMMER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY FOR 8Al£ —At liairey's Lake, Lehiab Valley picnic ground. Exrunlans dally; unly gallery In park; One building with lower efTcrt, Including conteuls and park pflr- Uege; Bnest sununcr resort and park In Northeaatera Pennaylranla: readied by Imiley and steam mad; <mly sixteen miles-from Wilkes-Barre, at high elcsa- lion on the atountalus; a money maker for the right party: price, 41,040, Including large, fancy building. Address W. F. C1.AKK, Dallas, Pa., or see me at the lake. Alao dty Gallery for aalc. on Public SquaR, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; fine locatlou: price, 4X00.

THE OGDEN COLLECTION OF CURIOS—Tbe Stump and Boot Family. Somelhlng new; caniiTal. side abow, pit ahow and ten-ln-ooe men anawer; a big Bauoey-maker. M. F. OGDE.N, Angelica, N. T.

rOH RALE Sesoad-hand Goo* for VaaderiUs and Tso-in-ODe Shows; tuam for Uat. O. B. RAM8- DAIL, 017 John St., Utlea. New Toek.

FOB SALE—Popeorn Brick PriUcr Maehlns and Apptlaneis. Gas Rubber Ballooa Inflaler; atao a Banto; great bargain If taken at onoa. C. LIPFIT, Kclolt. Wlaeonatn.

FOB SALE—Pour Alley Automatic Base Ball Game, with four ptlcben; a bargain. RlVOiVIEW PARK. Chicago, Illinois.

FOB SALE-Sccood-band Tnmks, 43x44x24 la.; good for properties or wardrobe trunks. THE HART A OO., deecland. Ohla

FOB SALE—Two Candy Ploaa Machines, oos brand new one, the other slightly used; cheap if takco at once. B. T. YOUNG, Btarcr Dam, Wlaconaln.

FOB SALE CHEAP—GulUr-Zlthcr. worth 460; VauderiUe Act for young man and young lady, north 44#: or wUl exchanie for anything of vatuei Wbmt bare yonT Address E JUUU8, 1034 Grand AfC., Chicago, IlUnata.

FOB SALE—Oomedy Mxgie Act. MaU Bag Escape, Spirit Post, Profcastooal Magic Act, lOnd BrasMng Act, Box Mystery. Handcuff Act. Trick Handcuffs, Ventriloquist Figure, Muslral Funnels, Lecture Sets, Galatea, Fire King Act, Magic Books, 4x12 Printing Press and TYpe; also other bargains; dcscripUre clrrulan for ^nk stamp. GEO. A. RICE, Auburn, New York.

FOR BALE—^Three changes Musical Comedy Ward- _ . . _ robe. 14 drewses; one nearly new BUckenederfer TYpe-

FOR SALE—SECOND-HAND GOODS writer, one Ladies' Fteocb Military Uniform, sise 32; _ on* Opera Hat. slxe 7; 40 good Tabloid Muslral

Adsartfacaiento wHbsnt diaolay. aadcr thla haadiaf, ivmedy BrripU; stamps for Use HARRY J. /^SH- Is par warp TON. Hotel Monarch, Chicago.

4200 WORTH FELT TABLE COVEBE-WIU aeU FOB SALE—Baigalnt In used Magical Apparatus; 40% below cost. CHARLES BILDE8RANDT, SOU ttandard make. Uke new; list free. SUPERIOR Pood du Lae Are.. MUwaukee, Wlseoosin. I MAGIC OO., 749 WrUs SC, Chicago. lUlnoia.


"Being a constant reader of your valuable paper, and several of my people sub¬ scribers, 1 have read with considerable interest all your interesting data in general. And in particular have noted tbe articles about tbe shabby treatment accorded per¬ formers by Bo-called managers. Your articles appear to me to be one-sided, that is to say, 1 never read any statements in your paper as to tbe nnprofeasioDal treatment tbe manager sometimes receives from the actor.

"I have a certain case in point, which I trust you may see fit to publish. A few weeks ago I was in need of a general business actor and ingenue. Noting an At Liberty ad in The BHHtoard to tbe effect that a couple (male and female) were at liberty— male, anything cast . for. also director with scripts; female, ingenue and aonbrette, alngiog and dancing specialties—I got in touch with them and wired $45 for R. R. and expense money from Kausas City, Mo., to Mondovi, Wia. Got them on in good faith, expecting them to be as represented, and to keep them and to give them a long, sore season. 'They arrived—gave them a rehearsal. The man proved very onsatiafactory, tbe woman was a typical aouhrette of twenty years ago, old, worn-out songs and ward¬ robe. They were so bad on my show that 1 didn't let them go on. Mr. - came to me and said be was dissatistled and a notice was tbe result. He took his two weeks, saying be wouldn’t get up in any new parts. I told him he did nut have to. 1 would play his parts, pay him bis money Just the same. Then be came down to the tent at 7:30 and pulled bis. also bis wife’s, trunks out and refused to work. I bad to change tbe bill and wired to Chicago and got another couple tbe next morning. When be quit be owed me $48.

"Not content with this be tried to make trouble for me in tbe town by going to several lawyers and trying to bold me up. with the story that I pay bis R. R. fare on and off the show and agreeing to give hhn a long season, which be would have bad If they were competent and reUable people. Myself and all my people Join me in saying this was about tbe wont piece of unprofessionalism aud Injustice that was ever pulled in the show business. Surely If there be a law to protect ‘the poor actor’ why not make the law two-edged to that ‘the poor manager’ will get a little consideration?**

(Signed) HAL. H. PLUMB, Manager.

BUFFALO GREENBACKS AND CAMP BUCKB- OikM ai^ araaga or all grren; Sne UsItaUon; ssvseM tlyica. Including blankria for advertising; flashy roll, 10c; 140. 4Se: 1.404. 41.30; 5.000, $4.00. GILNOVOO. 11114 .Bo. Irvtaig, Chlcaga

OANAlUlS. 94.Ht Saow HIrdi, Rageta. |S.t0; Bluebirds fraai Java, 44.00; Brass Cages, 42.00 vaeh: Kl for Bales Boards. ED LAMP, Ruben BhM-«

lii^oee. PeaavivMila.

A 4350 SCBU-LZ PIANO for 4200. Write LAW¬ RENCE PULLER. Derstur. Mlrhlsan.

A TATLOR 474.04 WARDROBE TRUNK, also to Innovation Wardrobe Trunk, at a sacrlllce. BOX 45, Oortland, New York.

AUTOMA'nC BABE BALL PITCHING MACHINES —$40.00 each, regular price 4140.00. All-year-round tauaeaent and a money-aMkev: beat on the aurket, bar none. THEODORE ORUENBAUM. 4110 N. Dover St., PhlltdelpbU. Pennalvanla.

BANTy. AUTOMATIC—One of Rudolph Wuriltaer’s. large: piano, band, orchestrion; eoM 44.000.00: good as new; cheap for cash. Apply D. BALLARD, 401 StaU St., Bridfriiaet. (NmnrctIcuL

BEAUTIFUL SCENERY. DTE DROPS AND SHOW BANNias. at wonderful bargain ptlea for 4# days: fully guaranteed work at lowest aarhet prtca; Mve awn^: order now; tend dlaMotlona of Muff wanted for cMlaate and catalogue. ENKE- BOLL SCENIC CO.. Oasht. Nebraska.

BARGAIN—150 Pain Roller Skates. ATHENA HALL. Port Jeffvnon. New Toek. _

BIO TIME VENTRILOQUIST ACT—Excellent condltlan. complete; cost 4500; will sariifloe for 4200: also large I’unch and Judy. Ptrilculsrs. CLIFF JOHNSTON. 5314 Odell St., St. Louis. Missouri.

BARGAIN THEATRICAL GOODS—Wigs. Cmtumet, SceoefT, EffecU. Supplies; erevytlilng at slaughtered price*; catalogue (enclose stamp). AMUSEMENT BUREAU. Suite 53. 113 Market St.. Newark, N. J.

COMPLETE NICKEL-PLATED CASTING RIO- GINO—With Trampoline, sultabla for theatna or fain; flnt-dta aatertal: eery reasonable for cash; for details tddrtas' THE JENN1XBB. Billboard, Cin¬ cinnati. Obla

CRYSTAL GAZING GLOBE—Complete with stand and detailed method to work as side show attrac¬ tion with ramivsl or fain; the impineed meth¬ od of knowing tke past, present and future; sure to

c< results; new to the public; 43.54. lecurrly packed.

FOR SALE—All kinds cf Illusions and TYlcka, very cheap; LeritsUon, Cremation, Broom Myriery, 15 Punch Figures and about 104 small Tricks. G. BURKHART, 172 iUchaxilaon SU, Brooklyn. N. Y.

FOR SALE^—Buffet B-flat Clarinet, 15 key, low pitch; Buffet A Clarinet. 15 key. high pitcb; 315.00 each. F. N. MORRIS, Olean, New York.

FOR SALE—Bllhorn Folding Organ, Style G. used one month In balls; Peerless Picture Machine, 13 Reela. 13 Songs. Curtain, Drcaaing Room Contains, etc.; lot of Gift Goods from UTwr; all In fine shape' J?!* bargain price, any part or all of It; write DR. E. 8. WERNTZ, Sheridan, Wyoming.

FOR SALE—Genuine Baader Olio, Bne for solo or orchestra. 375.00 value, account of financial reverwa will sacrlflce for 450.00; inatrument guaranteed. BARKE8. Frankfort, Kansas.

FOR SALE—Set of Rldglcy, Boehm System, Low Pitch ClarineU, in case; bargain. Addreas WM. B. HALL,. Box 293. Grand Island, Nebraska.

FOUR STRING BASS VTOL, In ;;uod condltlan; baa line, strong tone; cheap for cash; write J. W. JErPERS, Band Master. Britt, Iowa.

GREAT FIRE EATER—A wonderful, aenaational trick; the performer makes brilliant sparks, dense smoke and lire In large quanUtles come from his mouth without barm; easy to perform; mystlfylrtg to everyone; a box, with complete materlM and Inatruc- tlona. only 25 cenU. big magic catalog Included. OAKS MAGICAL OO., Depc 337, Oshkosh. Wlaconaln.

KINO BARITONE—Bramt new. used six months, three valves, aide action, high and low pitch, silver plated, completa with case, MO.OO. 1404 Beal Are.. Lanalng, Michigan.

MECHANICAL SHOWS. Illiwlona, Btatua Tun U> Ufa, Ball Oimra, MummiOed Curloaltim. Special Ms- cbaoleat Shows for five, ten, twenty-ln-one; bright, flashy Banners for any attfaetlon. W, J. COOK. 133 Weat Main 8L, Ricbmund, Indiana.

MIND RJiADlNO At-T-For two people; covers 4 different "effects"; dUferctit from all oUiera; copy- rlgbusl; price, 44: ■*»'' etamp for particulars to PROP. ZALANO, 14-a (.Union SL, Ithaca. .New York.

MUSICAL GLASSES—Packed In trunk, velvei spangled ciwers, ready to act up and play, 424.04; WurllUcr Brass Mrlody Saxophone, low pitch, m case, new, $44.44; Oann Cornet, silver, in caae, $24.04, OBOROE SUCK, Elwood, Indiana.

NEW 4x7 SENECA VIEW CAMERA, without Itna: cost $14.44, for 47.44. PAUL PANKONEN, 1144IK 24Ui SC., Mlhvsnhce, Wiaemiaio.

PERFORMERS dcalrtng a noteUy ran not be with¬ out my Kcwntlflc Soap Bubble Novelty as an act. In whole or part; dlfferint from the usual run of an act. Act cooalaU «.> a serlea of 24 tricks with Paiiv Soap Bubbica, such as flosUng tbem to the dome of U>«alre, uw as a balloon, the outer as a parachute' tbe one drops on audience when the balloon bursts Playing pool, playing tennis, rllmbtng a string, exploding bubbles and ocbrrs. Act, compete with tDiles. $14.00; complete wltbout. 47.54; eacreu alone. 42.00. UAV. J. Fl.VK, Beading, PentiKylvanla.

POPCOR.V and PEANUT WAGON—CYrUv maka; coat 4400.00 and aJmoat Uke new; $250.00 rash. M. R. ASHLEY, 3118 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, llllnoia.

PBOPEKSIONAL TRAVELING TRAP DRUM OUT¬ FIT—"Conn" maiie; as good aa new; only used four months; net 4C5.00, will take 435.00 for quick vale. $5.00 cash, balance C O. D. GUR.NEY STEGALU Balubrldge, Georgia.

READ THIS LIST OVER CAREFULLY. THEN ACT AT ONCE—Beal bargains in blgh-grsde. dtyhtiy uwd, unredeemed Musical Instrunieuta of all ktuda. David Stem Loan Go.. 1047 W. kUdiaui St.: Frank Holton brass Kb Bass, 447.50; set of Orcliestra Bells, 30 heavily nickd-plt. bars, complete In compact case, 414.40: unredeemed Oboe. 13 keys, old condition, $5; C. a. Conn Botbm system Kb M. P.. rinsed G-ibarp ^ piccolo, in case, $12; Carl Fiachee Military Drum. 49; Leon A Healy Bird’s-eye Maple. Pngeaaional Snare Drum, $12; llneat old tone Cello, $55 (a real blgh-grade Insmimcnt); $75 grade Waahliume Man¬ dolin. In solid leather rase, $30; unredetmed aeciMid- hand Banjo, $5; Gibson MaJHlolin-Guilar. In canvas case, $25; auditarlum alae, aecoml-band Guitar, no case, 49; J. W. Banks band-made. Inlaid wood. Guitar, 410; $125 grade, brand new GIbaun Ylaiidolln In square leather ease, 4«0; A. Gallano Guitar-Man¬ dolin, 45; American Mandolin-Harp, $2.50; Milano prganeuo, three rows of pearl keys, flue condlUoo, 44; hundreds of oUier bargains; write us today and state your wants; we guarantee prompt, satisfactory service and a square deal to all. DAVID 8TKU.N CO., 1447 W. Madison SL, Chicago, IlllnuU. In bualneas siiH-e 1885.

SALE OR TRADE-Gase of severM hundred Seta foe Jewelry, 1 Primo Ught, Taxidermy Outfit, Mexi¬ can War Slides, 1 Springfield Hltte, 1 Keel Spindle. Regina Onliestra Band Organ; want Skee Ball Alleys, or what have yuuf JAMES SHEARS. NtwiMii, Ok.

SET OF TIGHTS, spangled trunks, $5.00; Velvet Cloak, Silk Dress, for pose*. 45.00; Case Tspewurms, 44.00; six seU Song Slides, wtth music, 45.00; Clown Suit, 41.00; two Baker Gasoline TOrvhe'S, 750 each; Slide* of Willard-Johnson Fight, $2.00; Film, Slav¬ ing Off the Coast of Africa, $6.00; Engaging th« Minister. 43.00. U KLOCK. Spalding. Michigan.

SUGHTLT USED SLOT MACHINES AND SPIN¬ DLES—All Unda; send for prices. U.NIVFHSAL SPBCULTT CO., 1405 S. SevenUi. St. Louts, Mo.

BIAIT MAC31INES—Mills Quarterscope Plctura Machines, incluellng four seta of pk-tures, $10.00; Round Glass Edison Battery ItionocTaphs. 38.00 each: Advance Match Machines, $'2.50 eacli. Mllla Scales, $25.00; Fairbanks Platform Scale, with rash box and height rod, braaa trimmings, 420.00 : 5Ulls Bells. 415.00; Watling CYierk Exchanges, 415.00; Mills C2ierk Boy, 415.00; Mills Duplex. 10-Purkel Jack Pot. 435.00; Mills Floor Slae Uoulede. 5c and quarter play. Uie two for $50.00. Good chance for Penny Areade Man: A complete Penny Arcade, now running an Boardwalk, in A-1 condition, all up-to- date machines. aUwt 125 in all, can be rcmcwnl any time, a big bargain; alao Automatk- Fish l’>md and (Ysuiuy Store. IXMOQUE AMUSEMk^^’TS. '2806-8- 10 Boardwalk. WHdwood. New Jersey.

SLOT MACHINES—Mills Uberty Bell Counter Venders. TargK Practice, Puritans. Card Machine*. Check Beys; all In good order; cheap for cash. IN¬ LAND NOVELTY CO., Indianapolis, Indiana.

TWO-HEADED MAN IMuminlfled), 410.00. In caae; bargain. PROF. GRlkTlN, Pegram, TninesMe.

TYMPANI AND TRUNKS- Wuriitatv Special; dandy tone and fine eotidltion: bargain. E RYAN. 1029 Third Are.. E, Cedar Rju^kls, Iowa.

TYPEWRITER BARGAINS—BUcfceoaderfen, Uke new. 414.04; Oorcaaa, Underwoods, Remiogtona, etc.: guaranteed. EDWARD LA ZELLE. 517 No. Oark. (3>lcago.

VENDING MACHINES—Seeood-hand One Ont Matchbox and One Cent Ball Gum Vending Ma¬ chines, good as new, 43.04 each, postpaid. Address ARIZONA SPBOALTT OO.. Box 330. Bisbec. Arix.

FURNISHED ROOMS AgvsftlssBMata wNkeirt ditilay. aadar thla ksadhit.

It par ward

'THE ARTHUR, 252-254 West 38th Streev. New York; 104 rooma, $2.50 to $5.00 weekly; srrupulously clean; hatha on evety floor; su-am beat, electric Ught and gas; tetepbene.

HELP WANTED AdvarHaamaata wttkaut dliglay. aadar thla kaadlat.

mi DROPS—Juat bought t lot of new Dropa from an

aafata; they are dll ready to paint; 4c a aquarr foot will pidnt them te your order: hare alt alara: man- tgevs, we do repairing and will repaint your old teen- (TT cheap. BAILEY STUDIO, Troy. Ntw York.

LATEST MODEL of allghUy uaad Moring Pteluir Mtcl^ea. all lending makea, lata than half prlra. ULCUS THE^E SUPPLt’cO.. 4X4 ChaalnntS:, 9f* mMuS# JElMOttn*

LIST ITtED MAGIC FREE!—Walking Through Brick Wall Trick Iblue print and Inatructlooal, 24c. I/YNERGAN, 117% South Sixth »St., Mlnneopolls Mlnneaotn,

MAGICIAL BARGAINS la bc«ca. HMaaa. now and used Apparalua; lllustiatad. c««k«nr lYe*. U K. ROBIN’SON. tha Bla Value MaSIklfaalelaa. 44 Waltham St, BoaUm. Mamaehuaatta.

AN A-1 'TRAP DRUMMklR, owning and playing Bells, Xylophone, Chimes an<l Drums, for a danra ocehestrs; also A-1 Pianist for dance orchestra; must be up-to-date mm; steady job for right parties; trav¬ eling done by auto. Let me hear from you at ones and state salary. E. E HOHNQUIST, VloUnlat, CVm- tcrrille. South Dakota.

OOMEDT COMPANY wants four Chorus Girls anil Lady nanist; send photos. WESLEY BEARD, Mar¬ lin. Texas. '

(CoitiMed 01 pate 42)

THBILLnfO TAVDCYILLE—Tte “OMh Marts- htm saod aiwawacc. aokfC, MiHMa aad wmI wlBnihlp Act"; aacnt sad coapleta iMtractlaa awt


Ad«MllM)Mato vddiMrt dhdtay. aadar Ihto haadlat, la tar vari

Ml an tat Mtar. !•. BaaMr, Ofela.: OUa. If.

for oolr tic to iDtfDdaee oar Utaadon aad owila ram "umor’ oo.. o«l u. EUaabctii. m. j.

TAoramui nBronms, aiaa a ro

FOR HAIJC—Ifcmr-Oo-Roiuid, occriit-ad maihtnc. runtiljif at ihoni roaort; viieop. TAYLOR, iXi Cutu. Are., JiridfeiMrt, U«uieL-tlc«t.

OOING OUT or BUBlNSm—Mcrry-ao-Raund, fS- ft. track, ranraa aide curulna, omr cablo, T-borae ateam m«lne, ocw track, foud lunoliic .vder; prk-c, tiM.M eoab: okM • Fork HwUiaa, all aoa, aow pU- Mrt broke, aaoaqP'OMker: iirtea, $17i.M oadt. BOX

KXWgUEJtcni OOAT rtlAimm-At ohm. CATT. I Amoteun. aeod noiae and addreaa. LONDON, CrlUr PXAB80N, Altaaont, —*- I Bide . roilceea tAAIBBON,

ttB.M COUFLXTB RHOW—(New) Tlmta. Bwlna- • Fork HwUn^joi yw, at lot Hair Lodr; on Haaa; for folio, olda abowo, Pt «*• obowo, ole.; tilt PMertal Banner: «% In adranee, I ***»^» O***® balaaoa C. O. D. Witte (or Mitlculan; aumped cii-

TAT OIBL OR BOT—Moot bo food-loofciiif, fouac aad fat; to work double In pit. In BMer or Brother Aat; good pwpoPtloo la nid>t parte; aoid photo; iawtair mnaldetcd Addnoa FLOYD B. MOODY, aon NorthwMUra Bhowi, Mt Tintoa, Ohia

Bldg., Chicago. Paul, MlnnooU.

Unirenltjr Are., 8t.

MUSIC COMPOSED AdtwrtitaaMBta wttbout diaglw, nadar thla haodlag, Il 'X* OPEHA FUR

HAVE FOR BALE—A nimplete Knife Rack, readj to let up; alio two Aubimatlc Dan tluna, one of Ee* am' 120.00 Panama Hall (lanMO. W. U. CAR.NEY.

too UPHOUrnSRED CHAIRS, 10-ln. center. In I •*«»«>. I’ennojdranla.

NITURB CO., Scianton, Pennaelranla.

MUSIC COMPOSED TO TOUR LYRICS—Orlglnal- LADIE8 WANTED-For the b<at LadleF Bond to Igturan^ or money refunded. Write for parMc-

KICKINO BARREL, $9.00; A-1 rondltlon, Ug bar- * gain. K. TUOMPBON, >110 Ixicuat Bt, SL Loula,

100 CANVAS BRNOHEB, almoat new, f feet long, I

ta Btou; can noa one Clarinet, two Slide Troa- I bonaa, one Sola Oomet and one Tenor Sagopbone; | Eaton. Ohio, ww will aecure row a paaltlon that will not eonSIct with the band woih; aaot fumldi rMeieneea oa to okoractcr and what poolllaa paw loot held. For In* faewotloo mite C M. OREXM. Managre, Boa 41T. Marton. Ohio.

WILUAM BENNETT, til W. Deaoa St..


10*00. canraa; good, atrong, dean; $10.00 per doom. D. M. KERB MANUFACTURI.VO CO.. lOOT Madl- aon St.. Chicago.

A FEW WARDBOHE TRUNKS, otondard $40.00

MERRT*<M>-ROUND—40-rt. Twentieth OhUoiy Herichell*Sptltiaao Track Machine, M horaaa, $ cborlote, loren' tub, IS artteea; aeate $0 odulta; load Band Organ, two eitra cpIlndciB of MuPe, good dauble*eelloder Steam Engine; eroTYthlng In drat* wta botam Imt bdTfvri^ ^ ^ Prtee: genuine bar- oieam

iC fc Sya-w? Mmu^ BnilT A^wrtlaaamato wShowl dbglaY. aador thla headlai. game. Wrtte H. MTERS. Trunk Maker and Dealer. ALONEO I u. m. uitEKH. manager, nog aii. ^ $14-31$ N. 10th. PhUaddpbla. Pa. The old. reUoblo. FAIMEB, Port Stonier. One. Canada.


■tor WN 'oi or iuOT." BtUbaaiO BtUbaaid, Mow Tart.

I ORGANS REPAIRED and Rebuilt wtth new Mu MW MMpDOfM. OU> I geviingW MnMiMMf m nwMrt wnw snmkdi* alart »

MOT(Mll>ROMB~New« portAbIs, 65'ft CftOfM tap,

1 r'^sm%SSSS: erUnder. eardboard or papw. one make; alao hare Snow. Rain, CTdone, Fire, Waterfolle, Warco, etc.; a few Sne, email. Imported Babullt InitrumenU for SpotUgbU. OUrattea, Stcreoptloona, Nitrogen or Are: I «™*wue, unto, aole at a low pilce; wilu for poitlcnlan and otaU Lenaee, dock MorcauaiU; get eaulo^. CMAE. poor wanta fullp. JOHANNES S. OEBUABOT OO., NEWTON. IPS Wmt 19tb SL. Now Y^ Taeonp, Phlla., Penowlronla.

OPERA CHAIRS—STS Pluob liullne, tS leral Soar. Bblp promptlp, cor rate; SOO reoecr; manp Iota;

FIANUrr—WHS saad load raiea. for eabwat and enndonila; atau lowaot and all Snt latter. Addmoa KD BLANKENBUBO, Footla, flUnota.

FRINCSPAIB In oB Hnaa for awofral tab.: baiwaiw MoMin: oHo Choraa OMaifull paor'a work; atom oil, olie lawmt. JULB FALCBB. Oaneral Dattrmy, Do-

PARTNER WANTED AdearttaaoMota wSbout dlwlap. ander tbia baodlss,

$0 par iNid

CEMTUaCAN PABTNER—Sorletp act; mnet Hng neoieM Mot* thi and atop; 1 bare acrlpL new Hferta; bound to go » maimm aiiririf■! 'and big; pbat^ JUDY PfON, BlUtkird, ClndnnaU. 2heatrt5S?'eto!^S^ ^

»OB_SAl*-^t, tOgTO. ataga, aaMA Mn OtO. I A. DITTOEN. MaiEteo, IndUno.

WnA aAT t —J - ^$.A- •taStakttai tbw OPEftA Eltjhtly WMtf

Th^SSm^io iJa?a ^MeaT^Slftan^ thtaTrtdl 2h“**Sr''«df AuJS u!S£ worlfTf greoteat tcoort: tbo fide eonalata of St eaia, $0 molora, olaetrlcal and oeanle effeeta, Welta or- eataloga with direct ATLAS SBAT-

warnmns waaimn—with aiai aa r,. at aaaaal *** eipeota bMweoi eigbt and ten tboueond doHoia ^AETWn WANTED—With $1M.M. fm $LSrtM I p^f atateo: laaaoo for eaertSdng this ride, am

tSemSSdltarr'etaSrtS;; mo company, I# Eaat 4aa EL, Nmi Tart.

IflaiSSle!? _OJ« ACCOUNT OF BICKNEES, will ooU mp Lard'e

ETBAIOBT JUOOIHB that cmi taUi, to )oU Jug- fBa« BorroUa. HAEBT BABJIETT. Itl$ E, Fgp- alio EL. Spracoaob Haw Torb.

WANTED PEBFOBMEBS for omaU Woggn Bbow, dMw two or moto eiicwa acto; no oMectloo to clercr

SHOW, care BUlboard, OnelnnatL | eutaamnt; biggiat bargain erir otfoi - ■■ - 7"^; ~ Z I rlgbto go trlth tht donl. J, COL

paS^^SSSiJr^r^lSSJi is I »-**'*^ otondard aingit now working. JACK, cara BUlboard, Now York.

PABTNEB WANTED—LodP or OenUcman, good

aloo bonking oeoounto for tbreo paara, to prara ohora tmPa”Wrrir r^iT^Ji atatammt; biggiat bargain crir otfared; egduotre 2* rigbu go wlUi Uio donl. J. GOLDMAN. $41$ adld ^d P*". ,«»*1^ whei^ Bomdwalk. AtUntl. dtp. No. JameP. SST^CauuSTHA^rThn'M^


akates. eleetrle light and gaa Urti; gooa loeatlon. I pKSl'l bL^ « FTElL A RiT'C tatltUMWiu, iiiifuiU I etuueu. Parking caae. Pictonal Banner, •• fed nrw I'nsiL * KICK, diillJoalbe, lUlnola. | ^ $; bargain. PBOF. FREIEB. 41$ Oak SL, Doptoo, Ohio.

FOB BAUB—Ono Bdier EkoUng Blnk; olio 4aiPa: In good diape; amolc; on# tmophone; $44 palra of

Amotam: oU help M 40111114 op aouU ton. Addreaa I dngm, for YauderUlo Mutical Oomedp, !• people P. T. COIXINB, Praagir, FUlmoiw Co,, Mlimmoln. I araot Inreot t$gg; opUt $4-64; derer amateur emiald-

WANTED—Faftnar who plapa ragtima p4aoa, tt Sonbia with blacbfaeg ntaolan; talking and dnglni net In ana; willa sMrt to 14. F. CALDWELU Oen 4gBl Ddtrwp, WaktSdil. Mamarbaaatta

Sd* ’SUE SACBIFIC»-An oieellent i*w '”** ***•“"• OaoM tor Camlralo or Folia, "Tba Silk Stocking Ia T., cara BUlboam, New York. Glrla"; dmoat new: would lake well at reoorta alone

PAnwixifu tt.-uiiji^Ti. - •■ - *>>• ««M* Applp to CONEY AUTO MAZE COB* PARTNER WANTED—To ftunldi fraBM*up for poRATlON. Suif Arenne Conrp t«i—«d

"Working World"; 1 bare iflnUturr dtp, but need nun nicnur, toorp lomno. Tknt. Ticket OSIce and nnell Hurdp*Ourdp will open ^

WANTED—Dramalte waaola In aU Uncs: addrML at the Vermont Fain as aooo as framed up. Hunj* hhii gUtaTtetat^Stiw mid atailiiDcr>tAJu!un CHBIS FUlXliB, BurlliigtoD. VermoaL KUHf'BOUTU OO.. Walnut Bprlnga, Tmao. --- 4e « ___ PARTNER WANTED—Acrobat or Wire WaUwr * ]

WANTm_A-1 V^mlo iMicnonator. for Taude- wonted for nordtp updde-down wire act; here alt aao^r^ the anim af EarwMdUBfimen. A. B. «PP«n»m?: w»U »*“» “Sl.SL*** WlUtARO $tl Nortb dart Etiaot, <*h*«g«« ttal pnferred, but not nereoaatp. 'THOMH, BUl-

board, Chicago.

A BUBBEB CO., Fait Smith, Alkomoa.

WANTED QUICK—Owe Solo Bb CUrlnotlaL peung tallow prcfeiiad: fowr omnUia or moro worb: $44.0# oaiwih ond aU fownd; oloo Solo ComoUaL for Can-

FOB SAUS—Ytirt Biepde and Unlepdia; for aair at poor own prim. CTCUNO CRANE, $1 SL, Boolon. Maaoaehuaotta.

SHOOTINO OAIXKRY-In good order; rmrliw wi« ataUonaiy torgau; ebeop. L W. HOERATH, Cobno. Ohio

TENTH Spodil ante beaiy kboU drtll lapa; ooaS about tow montba, aultabU for eaoli or dining lento. 4-fL woU, ramplitr with polea; l$sl$ bip roof, $14.44, 12x14, $14.54; 14x24, $14.44: 12x24, 11* $4. D. M. KERB MANUFACTUBl.NO COMPANY, 1447 Modi- ton SL. dileaga.

TUMBUNO PAD—Sdl cheap; aloo nlchd-plalad Ladder and Table. ACROBAT, 27X4 Pork, SL Loom,

PARTNER WANTED—To put out a Car Show bora thorn completo and ont car; mutt bar# aaon FDR SAUS—CraiT Hontr, eowmldo, Sne roaditlao:

0^ and aU fo^: alto m Cune^ rm | iiiuiw''^“mrih;^ I “>•« T«l and Bannk, umd tbrer wadu; I aSaa beat bond; wIrt or wrtio J. DONNELLY, Fort I ■‘■’W- Aonriaa K. B. CAB SHOW, cara BUlboard, I atandard teata. amllcabla inn auDDortlna frames I “?*“• IS*** pmraa EYancra, Ontorto.

WANTED—Soubntto to work In Mad. Show; also I PAKTNEK WANTED for Start Sbow Mutcum; | gbowa, par muU In BlUboard.

$i3rt^<,M;k*'c'Sb'*^j; ‘y T^isssi '7*-' ss, i«iSim iSiim vst sk: SAtJaFtocri Nortbt“

Ajaataur Man to work blto and bdp around tmt, I ono who can fumlih nnaU animala, laige anako. Team; Uria to a Mod. S^, i^er ctoam; I alUgatoto, etc., w gtom btarr: I wlU fuinlrt Uie| roR SALB-Brand new Tango Swing; booked UU

and Ptotea, $$.44; one new tipio JIngto Board Lapowt, with waaben. $3.44: out 12x14 gracn and wblta gabto end Oonecatlon Top, with lapat, $4.44; tend

^ and lelldito budneat mm; no booteri: I ^1 haBBT SMITH, OraU. Peniim»anla. WANTED—LadP with and obllltp. to I mp part and expect paitp to do the aame. Ad- ' ^ rt an A-1 Ktaaled hSTaSii. Vamto^pou|gw» q BimKHABT Mm. CInua Sldo Showa, 172 ■ntoh wardnba and pap own eipenon while break- I IHdiantooo SL, Brooklpn, New York. fOntoh wardnba aad pdp own eipenon while bteafc-

ta la: gira a good daarriptinn of pouiadf and tend . _ ghato; don't anawar tmlarn pow mean buolncao. Ad- I WANTEIP—Partner who plapa roglli taot CAFT. DAN, can BtUbaaid, OndnnaU, O. Idooblo wUta blackftce comedian; lalklni

— I act In one; write quick to M. F. CAU WANTED FOB TENT SHOW-People of aU Undt. I eral DeUroy, Wokefldd, MamacbuietU.

Wiito B. B. BABNES, Boos HUL Heofccr, Oktotarmo.

rial, fullp nped, complete, readp for nar; good sob- dltlon; a boigaln. DB. LcGEAB MEDICINE OO..

FOB SALE—Kenpoo Portabto Skating Rink, $4x 1 **' **'*“'‘- 144, bald mapto Soar; 134 potra Cbleogo FIbn Bolltr Skatca, good aa nrw, uted dx montba; new location. WAX FIOUBiai, Illudona, Pboto Tent. "Hpdn-

WANTED—Partner who plapa ragtime piano, to Uoenoe' paid for tlx muntha; doing good buotoeoa: 5**"!^,’ MS'*,? **•‘*^5.' ?***?, donblo with blackface comedian; talking and alnglnf price, $i!m4.04. DILLEB A iiannwiu, Brigbum, la. Flgurm Wh«l^ Gaao^ Ebdnea and aet in one: write quick to M. F. CALDWELL, Gen- m pngnun, n. ^ SHAW. VIctorU, Mimouri.

WANTID A-I CEEUAST for "Ooneatt TrtaT' plop- I pontoa and doga, or wUI bup If price Sw to rlaadat amtion ptetun bouae In Slate, wiUi I oigantolnf n wagon tbow of trained will

FOB SALE OB TRADE—Mcrry-Oo-Boaiid. Ton ,,, , , , ... . ^ ^ ^ , awanda, 24 galloping pontoa, $ oldgba, $ ebartoto. WANTED PABTNER—With lome carta or trained j GEO. A. DITTOEN, Mndtoon,

rice to right; am wild animals and FOB SAIX—Ferito Wbed, Conderman make. In

hmt msnagm: aumt bare tone, toebnie and expartonee, ftcoka, to open about September 1; bare Ug Ualned condition: wtOi good eamlral and aq— artih guM rrhooUng. and be able to plop ootaa accept- boxing wntUlng Bear, a fm Doga, four Iron , butlneaa: the Snt S7S4cta takea It: icaaona

•• ““ JP**!, y*®?; SsbTrryVwr “iUnL * hare other bndneae to took after. Ad- •Mtoo, ale., and muot hare a Siat-daoa man; olato oU dght-teat Otny-Ua-All; wUl be open for fair datea. bqV «i$ joamr. «■**«»«" gmttcaUan, what pou can and wUl do. age, etc.; Addnoa FBED LA BELLE. Frankfort, 8. D. ^ **' muauann. aaoBlam 7 to if eta: pap own wlrta (A. F. of $L). Olbar Mimlclaoa wrtto. Addnoa F. J. LA PIEHRE (Laadm). Valmtina Iboatot, Canton, Ohto.

WANTED TWO GIRLS, Amateun or Profeadonala, FOB SALE—Hencbell-Bpillaaan lateat Improrrd i-fL Track Meny-Go-Bouod, aad luot Uko new.

momha: mdlem paper plaped Organ, Druma! plap big Ume, uwapt workint, booked to ' ^ gooa I at .200 nitn itnvn aa itasis plap Mg ume; alwapt working; booked ao" ^ gooa canraa Too- caah $1.2M OEO E

WANTED TWO YOUNG LADIES to wort In H- Ireatamnt and plentp of monep; tf poo ar not real naceT W^ea-Barn, PeimmlTaric Erton Sbow, pUplng couoip fain: 00 aipmiiiina nee- amair: muat be raapertahia; ttalo age, weight, bciglit

worken do not answer; amd pbotoe. Adurem week of Aug. 7, Anaconda, MooL; Aug. 14, Butte,

SMALL SHOW PRINTING AdaartImaMato wNkeot dtoglap, usder tbit heodlag.

$e gar ward

HURD, of Sbaipabofg. In Iowa

USED COSTUMES FOR SALE Advarttoeotowte wttbaut dtoglap. nadar Eito baadloi.

1 lateat Improred i. ^ ind luot Uke new, _le pm _

r''OB 8ALB-4g Sulto, eempicto Mnatool Chtota E. »wbu. Of oaru Wardrobe. A-1 coodlUoo, aaU of 4. Indudiiig tnmk;

Snt etaeck for $44.40 Ukot IL J. S. PIEECK Scotto,

MouL prof, MON-DT, car, O^t W.ta.a^ show.: xrX neS^KtadrSlL If’xTe? 9*T al»l. W. H. WEAVER. 114 W4dawortb Af4.. Naw York ™.vnBv—a Psrtiua* mmm *2 an* ***• “ “«*: «■! $*I$04, **»• WANTED—A Fortner, ago ^Mwm 22 md _$0, t225.00 lakes ell coranlete. Addrem TRACK. 492

muat bora two hundred and Sftp doUon ($294.04); WANTED GOOD NOVEL'TY MAN for aamU Wofoo can apeak Oermon and nniat know bow to awim; for

Show, Ootng two or amra acto (ctrcua acta, ate.); further tnformaUoo applp to WILUAM J. LIPPAL, osIp deoD-euL aobtr paapto conoldtred; uaeful aotaU con Frank Maurer, Edm, Montana. Woflon 8Iumv PgodIg init#: IIaDs wttli wIfSa wbo CMi ' -— , , , — atZt other lodtoa la oaokhouae: Man. aaotot la put- WANTO) AT ONCE—Dark poung man for high- Ita up amoU tog; ototo ooUrp and what pou can do; clam raudcrllle, with $244 to be looned at 6%; dra- • ioma to etooa-cuL oobar people; cat on lot. atorg metir graduate or good amateur experience; reSned at bolcla. Addrma F. T. COLLINS, Prooper, FlU- and good character; icnd pboto. recommendaUan from •mra Ca, Mlnaaaota adnbter or prieat. Urth date, experience, talatp

wH fw weeta x^ ee n^w-^ $279^ ''OB SALE CHEAP-Trunk fuU Coaliunm, suited AA lafcmm mil onEMlmlm AddfCaS* THAPK PM CiflliYAl Of Oifl SbO*V; DmMie MllUt/ti AOd

^ llta St OiSSS IlUiioto^^ track, 493 ^ $24 takes alL west llPUi St., cjucego, iiiinoia._ double: $14 cadi with order, balance C. O. D.

FOB SALE—Portable Rink, 44x100 feet, complete 00«TI«BB, 234 W. 3»Ui St.. New York atp. with akataa and No 129 WurUUer Organ, In the best of condltlaa; cheap If taken at once. F. BRAD¬ LEY. Union Cltp, IndlaoA

FOR SALE—A Feature AcL conaUUng of 9 Auto Polo Machines, Helmets, MaUeto, Boll and a lot of

SECOND-HAND GOWNS AND FUBS—1417 Bod- tea Beal Cboto. S. R. BARN’ETT, Stato B Cos- grem BU.. Chicago, lUlnoto.

SIX SETS, dre In each aot, also three loug draosm

LETTERHEAD PRINTING Maarttoeoioato wEkait dtoglap. aader tkto keadlag,

la iw ward

adnbter or priest. Urth dote, expertence, talatp LzIJL „rlrr for leads, awell goods; $100 takes ouUH: tend atomp -mUd. Adders. VAUDE, cm. BUlboerd, Ctodn- IC* FALKS, Chltlenrni'go* NeTYo.?*"'

___MI88 UAZKL FOWl^. K. T. Auto PolOe IM WANTED TO SELL-HeU Interest In trcognlied Parkwap, Bronx, New York.

Noreltp VentrUoqulat Aet; 1 hare dx Ufe-xlae Sgurea, 1 negroes, and uaa them as negro minstrel: want i>art- I .kT..

_ , ner to go on ctrenlt Brat of September. EUGENE I 144 BNVELOPBB. $44 IXmiHEADS. tlat 4x$H WEST, Uia TentiUoqntot, 314 Perrp SL, Dofcnporv, I

nlcrlp printta aultod for $1; Sampiaa free. I Iowa.

SOUBRETTE DRESS—SUId Spanglea, beattUfuL $23; other odd pieces Soubrette W^robe, ctogant

CO.. ChortottoeUto, Maw Tork. _ ; WILL SUPPLY A $S04 LECTUBE OUTTIT (Ma-

$14 BOND URnRHKADS printed, $1.44. poot I chine Btegeoptloon, Beda end EUdas, eoaatate) to Midi V. B. eta: aaawtaa. W. KINNDUL Boa $4C, I teapondMe, eagabto partp on per eent taims. ■ntapB. New York. | WYNDHAM, No. $ Pttehln Pltee, New York dtp.

$d4 SWELL BOND LETnHBEADS (Two Chtata). tt.4t. pamgald: Baasilm, $e. 8LABB * CO.. Hom- Otoo.

FBINTINd-Md OoUtoMd Bond Lettorboads. II.IO: •Id Miftlepm. $>*14: petahL BUBTON BBM. Idtartltob Kataita,


FOB SAUD-FerrU Wheel end Striker; leU reason- SL* able; owner going awap. OEBKEN, Keanaburg, LEBUK, 63 Bapdiore, Tampa, Florida. Nrw Jeiiep. -- -- WANTED TO BUY

_ I A^tofttoeaiewto wHhtot ditplop, aodar Ibto baadlas. WILL SUPPLY A $S04 LECTUBE OUTTIT (Ma- %«' ' la aw word

dtiilfirt. ntJMMitlrtMi UmiIk a>w1 MlflKK rtnmlES#l tib I iTtIpCTtlEt, TnCAmCftl IVCH 1^ I Msn BMbx Etopbtfit: blf birgaliu. OIKOKRICHe U " . , ^S?"e Bedford Arenue, Brooklpn, New York. 20x30 TO 80x60. Trelned Doga. Mooka, Blnb. Dtp-

WYNDHAM, No. I Fttdiln ITace, New Tort dtp. | - llludmi, and good Attractions for TW-ui*Ona FOR SALE CHEAP—Aunt Malinda Ball Gome, »>>»»' BOX 49, Vlrtorla, Mtooourl.

complele with backdqp, btib, dgaia. gum, etc., onlp —.. ■ ■ ■ ■■ ” used a few times. For full portlcidari write C. C. CARBY-US-ALL—No lunk; date all tn letter; do BINDBEBO, General DeUrerp, Maple UUI, Iowa. not mUrepreaent; mud be a bargain; act quick. I.

L GATES, Big Bprlnga, Nebraska.

DEAGAN XYLOPHONES, low pitch. GLENN BECKLEY, 430 W. OolumbU 8L, Morion. Oblo.

I FOE SALE—Shooting Gallerp, two new 1300 model I WANT TO BUY $0 PBNNY-IN-BLOT PICTOBE Wim Bhw BJdi3t^l>nAmc cm I Wlncbottor Ouna: complele ouiBL P. W. KA DEL. I MACUl.NEB; date amke and lowest cadi priot: alao wim photo, aioo if pou dng. elmek feulln, eoit | --m lei-^.d I dw mi,. .m,i. psixtam sea ipsIb Bbow, Andrew, Iowa.

rmiBEADS (Two ODtara). WOMAN PUNIET-Old troupw; now running coo- le. BLARE * CO.. Ham- emdon la rmort town, wants amn partner for fall *tun'n

falm, etc.; pnfw araalclan or performw. M. BUBKE. ^ 602 LwOranga EL. *wtt)i Harm, BINDBrao, General DeUrerp, Maple HUI, Iowa.

YOUNG LADY—Ta aodat partner on alack wire. DON(MD. 221 B. Baea EL, EprIngSeld. Ohla

FOB BAUD—12x14 A Tent, 9 fL waU, a bargain; Brat numep order for 110.00. FRED X. WILUAMB, General DeUrerp, Buffalo, New Tork.

$020 FOtoom SL SL Joe. Mbtourl

photographs fob SALJ$-A Oendermon Fento Wheel, now op- ^ . _ erstlng la Bfldgcport, for $400.00; gortd reason for Pwlag..gadw ttit baadlad. eelUng. N. ffTANLET, r4 Atlantic Street. Brldge-

SW tMPd port, OmnoetlewL 4# TABLOID MDEiOAL COMEDY BCBIPTE. Bid dart: EgotMl Maw mua. IK44 aart: Bart of S, td.4tL Ita tow otoWB HABBT 1. AEBTOM. itf

port, OmnoetlewL

FOB SALE—CampMs Huaum Spider Sbow. eoia- lelo Doeopttoted Prlnorot or Chair Illudon, with

othw penny areade mortlnea. PALAUCB, $6$ Mala St., Buffalo. Naw York.

MILLS BAB AND FLOOR MACHlNBB-PAUL PANKU.VEN, n9eH 14th 8L. Mllwaukea, Wtoooiida.

REVOLVING LADDER* -Mud be In A-1 cendlttoB. Addnwe HARRY D. BACHMAN, care BUlboard. CloUnnaU.

ptoto Doeapttatid Prlnoroe or Chair Illudon, with ecenery mto tent; Box Eanape, $7; (bom Eeeopo, SIMVIND-HAND TOPS, all ktndo. In fair condl- $14; $$• Haatlfaff Aet for 11$; oiall Sark Eocapr, tloo; Ball Horm Track; -other Uomlral Goods ebaag $4. ILLUEtONIirr LAMB. Baent. Iowa for cash. PBOP. HAERT SMITH, Grata. Pa


sun MAcanm-cuna bm ■». p. o. bos ns. Moblla, AlirtMM.

WANTKD—Pmnf-ia-HInt Match Bos MaehlMa. ■tw Bail (lirwinc Qua Marhiaa. 8tau loaat phct to Ht'PUUUH ICB CRKAM CO., Box 330, Bl»- ba, Arlaoiia.

WAN'nnt— Mill* and Callle Bell* and lAhrr check partiif Hlut Machluca. TUB IDBAL, NOVBLTY CO.. BDcnccr, Indiana.

WANTBD- -A nurd Hkatlnf Mat or FI<ior In food Miape, 18x18x30, at a cheap price. HCUOU'U PBANKH, MO Huron Ht., Toledo, Ohio.

WANn'U>—Dramatic Tent Outfit: 50 to OS-ft. Top, with middle. Mala, Ufhta, alace, acmerr, marquee, ate.; muat be In good conillUon and rraaonable; atata full particular*. Addreaa OHCAK BLACK, cara Bctla B Fowler, 1402 Broadway, New York.

WANTED—Uxnum Fltiro Dolla and Rnookuma. BlwkeM and lijUiuoala; miut lie A-l caodltlun; Pad- dla Wlierl, 120, aerlala 2 and 3: muat ablp at ouet a O. D., aubj^ to examination. KKLLY, Kimball, South Dakota.

WANTED TO BUY—40x60 bale rlnc Tent, atage, aaata, complete; Power'* 5 or Kdlaon Plrtura Ma- afeloe, Portabla B<iolh, Baby Plano, Light Plant; all muat be In good condllbpn and cheap for caah. NEWELL BROS., Blakcaliurg, Iowa.

WANTED TO BUT—Second-hand Trnu and Topa, with or without walla; Race Track, Woaliing Wiwld, Ball Tbrowlog Oamea, High Striker, Ferrla Wheel, Merry-Oo-Bound, Circling Ware, Film*, SIda Walla, Ghmiral Oooda, Small Animaki or Oiarhea for amall Marnr-Oo-Round, and Organ. PROF. HARRY SUJTU, Oratg, raaukqdranla.

M TWO-REEE FEATURES, wltb otlgbial pagaaw IS.0S per raeL S. OBEEN, IIS Malkn Bldg., Ckl-

CALCIUM LIGHTS SSiwtBamagI* wMMwt fil*fi««y. wbdor tSb Sufikn.

to ptr wwd

GOOD UOUT U NECESSAIIV for good protartlow; battar Bgbl at lower coat ran or bad hy ualog tha Oxy-Bydfo-OM procaaa; th* ana bfltltaot, moat aco- ■awdcal, maat raaieanleot ponabla light for maelng plrtura* Ih axiaicnr*; no oxon* *r ether raqulrad: aaata laa* than Me per boor; writ* for rlrrulan con- t«twtwg tahMhl* Information raocetning light. S. A. BUSS. Ml Biyan Arr., PeorU, lUlnol*.

FOR EXCHANGE SdmrtBaxitgli wlHMot dIaglM. dadar thlo hagdias.

la par ward

BOB TRADE—Indian Motortyrla, for Paatara Film: maat har* arraan laapectloai: alao bar* coamleta Ml- Saad BaU outfit to trad* for ahow atutf. TinmANT AMUStaiENT OOMPANT, Ainalda Park. laws.

WANT TO BXCBANGE Ifi Actm of Land, 14 mllaa *r Uttl* Rock, Ark., and 1 mlla of lienaley. Ark.; alao thic* lou In Plain*, Kan.; will exchange on* *r bath far Maelng PIctura Machine and Outfit, or what har* yaat U CUNDIFP, B. P. D. 2. Da IMb.


ABCnC HUNT (C'apL KlatnarhaMdt'al AND PO¬ LAR BEARS, 4 reela, rdocatlnnal, Inatruetl**. gnat for lecture, etc., 254: goml line ig adrerUalng,, C. PALES, Chlttcnango, New York.

BAKOAIN—Three-reel Fentura, Lore and Artatloo, photo*, one cut, t2t.4fi: four-reel Feature, The Black Snake, 6-*heeta. 3-dteeta, l-ahecta, half-aheru, 4 cuta, big ranraa banner, photna, 230.00; al*o alnglr reel* at 23 per reel. Addreaa i. W, ROBINSON, Mllnor, North Dakota.

BAROAINH IN M. P. PRttFESSlONAL CAMERAS —Ouaratitced fur general work, xtudlo and outdoor, tripod* and tllta cumplete, len*ea. magaxlnta, linden, apara part*, etc.; write your want*. C. R. SVIN- NINO, 1411 Ea*t 72d SL, Chicago, llUnol*.

BRAND NXW COPY of the Funeral of the only Oreeti Riithenlan Bluhop In America, Blubop Orty*ky, alMNit 1,000 feet <g film, for 2100.00. AuJreaa BOX 423, Scranton, Peumiyiranla.

CAUFOR.V1A RODkX>. 5 raeU. 2175; European Battirfielda, 5 reel*. 285; Aabeato* Cloth Booth. 250; Acetylene Uetieralor, 25; Lecture Seta, Poatcr Frame*, SOr. J. W. HOPPER, Coming, Naw York.

CHAIRS -Second-band; 244 to 444 a* a rula, ben and there, at half coat. Prompt abipmmt, one freight only. Wr buy and Mil ererywherr. EMPIRE BUSI¬ NESS EXCHANOE, Coming, Naw York.

COMEDIES—In A-l condltloa: At Coney Uiaud and Urocery Clerk'* Romance, Keyatooa, 214.44: Mur¬ phy'* I. O. U. and A Dollar Did It, KeyaUuM, 214.44; Mahal'* Lower* and At It Again, Keyatooa, ilfi.M; In th* Cintebe* eg the Villain, 25.44; HDam'a Outing, 2S.g4; Bear EMape, 25.44; lAaale't Fortuna, 25.44. Naarly all bar* poaur*. F, MOORE, M Otlawold St., Detroit, Michigan.

ELBCTBIC PIANOS, with kaybMrda, 2124.M: Or- chcalrlana, with Mpaa. 2244.44; all guaranta^ said m naw; plelon houara eut your rxpenaaa; tm atalM owt mg piano bnainma; aand for prior Uat, •. T. BERMAN, 1424 Pa. Ar*., S. W.. WaaMaglao, D. C

i-4-S-4-REKL PEATURBS; your own prio*. BATCH, 2t4 Markol SC, Newark. New Jarmy.

PEDORA. 6 raela, 2125.44; CTy In tb* Night, 4 raela. 254.##: In the Totla of Deell, 2 reela, 225.44: plenty at paper eai all lhaae. JAS. S. SCHWEITZER, 4^ W. Van Burm SL, i%lrago, llUcuga.

FOB SALE—754 rery fine upholatered Opera Hoam* Chain, oak finluh, p^ert ratuUtloo, at a bargain. FITZPATRICK, McEIJlOY OO., 112 N. La Sail* BL, C^ago, lUlnols.

FOB RALE—Urban Mortng PIctura Camara and 'Trlpad, ttko aaw; baagaln. B ts, BUhaMi^ISdMsa

FOB 8A1J5—844 Opera Chairs at bargain. CROWN FILM SERVICE, 112 North La SaUa SL, Chicago, Illloola. _

FOR HALE-Loee and War. Wcatem Juatlce, Fight for a MUlloo, Broken Tie, Sllrer Cloud; aome poat- eri; fint exprea* money order for 26.04 feta tha lot. If fold, your money returoed. C. A. BRADEN, Natebex, MlmlaalppL

FOB SALE—Sealed Orden. 7 reel*, 2155.40: Eaat Lyune, 4 reela, 2155.00: Ten NIghU In a Bar Boom, , 2100.40; Fedora, 2135.00: alx reela each. Big Ual of ocben; all A-l, plenty of paper, etc. With Ocmian I Army, 2135.00. M. HCBBELL, 217 N. Jefferaao St., i Chicago.

FOB SALE—Two Chaplina, 215 each; Mg bargain*. S 21, Billboard, Cblcwo.

FOB'TY HEELS OT FINE FILMS, Including eom- 'rdy, Waatem and war aubjacia, 22.50 la 25.44 ptr real, worth doublr that;. 144 Song Seta at 22.44 par daaan; Equipment, half prtc*. Bargain Uaia lUTlONAL EQUIPMENT OO., Duluth, MIuimmiU.

FUNERAL OF BISHOP ORTTSKT OP PHILA.. th* only Oreck Butbenlan Blabop lo Amcalca. la asr- Uon plcturt, about 1,400 fart, with poallir* tod nag- aUra, for 2254.44. Addraa* X Y X, Octicral Dallrary, Scranton, Pcnnaylranta

OUARANTEKD REBUILT MACHINES—ItM Mo- tlograpb, 204: 1212 Motiograpb, 222; Powtr'a Na fA. 21M; Ediian TVp# B, 275; 1211 Motiograpb, 275: Sim¬ plex Motor Drlra, 2254; Edlaon Exhlldtlon, 142: Pow- tr’a No. 5, 245; gotng quick; ruth your ordar. AlfUSEMENT SUP^Y COMPANY, Room 102. 5 South Wabaah Ara, Chicago, llUnata._

1 HATE "Panfifal." I raaia. and "Plw at Saa" 2 ml*, band painted, wltb paatara, la _saad eaaa- meiclAl a**; hot offer gaU them C. & UBtns, 7g2 Auatln, San Antonio, Trxaa

IIXIVTRATBD LECTURE FEATDETS Sman *Ma Writ* "UeSUE," 42 Bayahora. Tmpa. Pla

POR RALE-Thaalf* la town St tjm Ih MMSISw: ha* moftim pltiuraa, tauderlllc and road aLow*: moa«-amhcr. bat airkaam raamB diapaaOtlan: 25,222. Addima HAMILTON, tan BlUbaard. UiiriiiiiacL

POR SALB-Plixt-rlm Madan PIctura Thawtia modamly agaipped; building aaptelglly tmlH for tha- alw: bml lorstloa la a city at 2,444 papalitlon; mean far atIUng an acceunt *f death af team at th* ptlatlpal atorfcholdcn. Addram R. D. BEN¬ NETT, IIM Intar-Routham Bldg.. LaalrfUl*. Ky.

NOnCB TO DRAMATIC AND TAUDBVILLB MANAOKRS—1 bar* control af a Mating Plctnn Bauai In s town at 244, 12 mllao Inland: thanlw baa niaad Soor. wRh 2M folding chgin, good oug* for • t* 12 patfiwnmax; aU ahow* nail attaaidad wbantear paaparlr nanidad far two watha; town ho* two nowa- papera with aoud diralation. Par larm* addraa MAN- AOEB DOOOB, Piufirtatar Harpar BotaL Bofiglo.

PICTURE THEATER AND AIRDOMB, aaatlng 1422; lars* augm far tioek and raudafUla; fnlly afiirip^; goad ahow town af 2,242; data* good bnM- Intm; will attl half IniatutL port down, balanr* latm*; raaaon far aallliii, othar bnatnam; Inraaitgat* CHAR. R. PARSONS. Box *44. Pratt. Ktnaa*. 244, Pratt. Kt


Afimrtlifigli wHhont fiMay. aadar thb hoafilns. I4 par ward

Ifi TWO-REIl. PEATURBB. Ill taeh. HATCH. 224 Markat SL. Nawark. Now Jaraw-

1. 2. i, AND 4-RSEL anbleeu, aU makea. Il.ffi par real and up; many In axeellcat candltlan; aend for rmaplata Uat; big bargain far aoawbody. O. R. DUN¬ CAN. 211 Oak SL. Kanaaa City. Mlaaourl.

7 REELS. 7 STARS—Mary Ptekford. Hack SmneU. Pred Mac*, Pearl Wblta, Alice Joyce, Frital Brtmette and Henry Walthall. 2100. M. B. WARD. 4834 Cbar- lou* SL, Kanaaa Uty, Mlaaourl.

1.004 REELS FILM FOB SALE—22.50 a rati; no erdan toemted for lea* than four reds; aaoncy muat aerompany arder: mis exchanged If aubjreta not tadaftetoty. LYRIC FILM A SUPPLY COMPANY, Tam Haute, Indiana.

100 NO. 2 AMERICAN SEAITNO COMPANY'S OP¬ ERA CHAIRS, at 45c each, fine order; new Klngety't Candy Making Outfit, gaaollne furnace, copper kettles, cooling pan, at practically nothing price: send lor HM. Automatic Card Printing Preas and 10 drawer* YVpa, great money-maker: Power'i No. 5 M<wlng Mc- ture Mechanlam, 214; Power's Na 4A Moving Picture Mech*nl*m, 255; Fort Wayne Cotnpentarc. 110 r., 60 eyclas. 227; l-h. p. Motor, 210; Sewtng Machine Mo¬ tor. with attachmmU. 215; 24xS5-fl. IVnt, with poles. 230, Ilka new. AMKRK'AN EXCHANOE. 269 Oraanwood Are., Detroit. Michigan.

1.004 SINGLE REELS. 2l 50 each. BATCH, 284 Harks SL, Newark. New Jeticy.

1.404 OPERA CHAIRS—Steel and r**t atandarda, 40a up. crated; all terrlceable, many equal to new; eut prlcm on dropped factory pattern*, too Up- holatared, coot 24. 21 each; Atbeotaa Roolh*. 140 up; Maohlnra. all aaakra, new and used, at leas than wholaagle prices. IU31>I.\aTON * OO., Scranton. Pa.

PIIMS, 21.42, 21.25; Oa* Outfits. 27.44, 212.44; Oxana, 21.12 ran; Rhaaottt, 2142; Are Loam. 21.22: CMored filldos, 22e, tSe angm; cxebang* anything. CREfiCBNT SUPPLY OO., Warrm, Obla

FILMS POH SALE—CbapUa ana-real awbfartib Ih- rtudlng poaim, 25.22 par rael; cash with ardor awly. QL'EEN CITY FEATURE FILM CO.. 12212 Opart Place, ClnrlnnaU. Ohia.

POR RALE—PIr* thm real Paatam, with oalgbial paper, 222.22 aarh. BARNET FILM BROKERS. 2 S. Wohaab Arn, Chicago.

PM SALE—W* tell Moflng Picture Marhloea and Chairs, Pilaw, two awtor drtr* Slnwdcx at bargala. CROWN FILM SERVICE, 112 North U Sail* SL, Chicago, llUnolaL

FOR SALE—Rrrrral hundred Threa-Boelan, with aU paptr. BOX 254, Atlonu, Oeerglg. BOX 254.

POR RALE—A lot of Slngla Reel Waoiaro, Cams- dlea, Draowa and two and thrte-ical Fcaturt*. 21-22 and up per ml; alao 24A44 ab*H* of Mnunled Poprr, without ran*; aand far UsL FEDERAL PIIM A SUPPLY COMPANY. Boa SI. Trsgrhaag. Ayh.

FOR SALE—Pecrleag Plrtura Machine. Sac condl- doo: 12 ml* Film, not Junk; 1*4 Eairopean War Slides, with Baoocn; wUI am all or aaparats BOB DEXm, Bos 47. MarsbaUtown, Iowa.

FOB SALE—Foor-ml Faatum, with paper, 252.24. S. BALDWIN, 214 MaUart Bldg., Chicago.

PM SALE—1212 Motlograph Morlim Plctart Ma- ehlno. Poet Wayno Coowciiaare. 112 r.. ifi-cycic: 242 2-In. Carbona, ono 12al2-rL Curtain, aoo Btanplcs Bewinder; theoc artlclos are aU In good rondltlon; prica for crcrythlng, 2122.22. Addram t. P. BRAO- DON, Old Town. Maine.

PM 8A1X—ChapHiw: Naw JoaUar, Klda* Aalo Rara. Mabcl'a Stratagam. Barr*allirn. Bww Day. Thoaa Lot* Paagt, and Rouaden. at 212; all rttlt m thay are. AmUtton. 4 ratiB. 1. 2. 2 thaata. 2125.22. UBERTT FILM RENTING OO.. 122 Mb Aau.. Plttaburgh. Pannaylranla.

PM SALE—Bdlaan Machin*. complcu. 252: Bs- hUdUoa Modal Oar-Pla. Uko new, and aU tmdpmtot, Sn magaalnaa. Irtwta. lamp bouaa, arc laam, hsat board wtlh adhatabU laga, wlrt eonnaedoiw aalleh. Sim rawliidtr and two extra oandenarn: Motor for Powar’a tA Machine, complato for 112-22, ftty aUghtly used. 2M: new 2A Arr Lamp, eompleu, 215: ooa aUghly nxad at 22; Model "B" Gaa OatSt. 22.22; bare 5 Ft. Wayn* tYmoanaarc*. 112-22, at 2n each; on# for 112-123, at 222; Edlann and Pow- tr Are Lompa at 23 each; tlx tats af odluaUM* legi and Ranges at- 23 par sat. ready to screw an aiocblne board; Rtaraaptknn Lenra. 23 each; Sell* Polyarape MaehiB# Bead. Uk* new. p^.-et working condltlaa. can eaoUy Be eoorerted Into a raawra, 212; Monarch Machine Head. In working eoocUdan, 25; lo4 af am- rbln* ports and raotlnga at .me-half price, to close out quirk. STDEER BROS., 417 Broadway, Lin¬ coln. lUlnols.

POR BALE—Six Kcyxtona Oomedles at 25.42 each M. MILLER, Sd Floor Mailers Bldg., Chicago.

FOB BALE Hereral hundred Thra Raaleri. with ail papar. Boa 254. Atlanta. Oan^a. BOX 2M.

POR SALE—Edison One-Pin Bxhlbltloa Machine, upper and lower maaaatneu. take-up, rewind. Inner tube calcium burner; Power's arc lamp, rhcootat, car¬ bons, wire and swltchea, ready to set tm and run: If you bare 235 and want a bargain, srad 214 and I arlll •hip C. O. D. subleet to ezamlnaUcm. RAYMOND, 12 Merritt SL, Oahkom, Wlaconsln.

FOR SALE—A Moving Picture Camera, four 324- fL HaaaalnMi, with a Bauirh A Lamb r.S.5 Lena and a Marvel Tripod, Just like new; cost me 2344. will aacrlflce at 375.44: have rraaona for lelling; write for further tnfunnatlon. FRANK Oi MATUZEK, 1743 Wauhlngton Are., Lorain, OhIa

FOR SAIJ^^-Trn Single Reel* at 23.40 each. WI8- CONSIN-ILUNOIR FEATURE RELEASE OO.. Mai¬ lers Bldg., Chicago.

FOR SAIJt—Rebuilt Moving Picture Machines, rondltlon guaranteed; Kdlwin. Power, Uutlograph, Standard, Simplex, from 125.00 to 2150.00; complete Theatre Equipment*; largest mall order theatre sup¬ ply bouse In the West; write for Il*t* and catalng; Feature Films for sole. LYRIC FILM A SUPPLY COMPANY, Tam Haute, Indiana. OaUbUnhed 10 Tears.)

MABEL TALIAFERRO ih Thm af Us, Olga Pe- troea la ngms, Tboaaaa Jaffetsoo in Rip Tan Win¬ kle; each aiibjcrt Sve fuU retie, with large tasount at paper and oU A-l: each snbjert, 2344.4A^ M. HUB- BEUk 217 N. Jtffarson SL,- Chteoga

MEXICAN WAB nuC 2 mlZ Lks! S. SC'UWEITZEB, 4222 W*m Voh Butan St, CWctww,

MOVING PICIVRE MACHINB—Pwwar's 2, and Oompeoaorc; also Booth. A. B. C. can BHlhaard, ClAdBIUtt.

MOVING PICTUBB MACHINB BABGAINH Df ALL MAKER—Power's, Edloan, Labia, Slmfilrt, Sus- pUm, carbons, TIahau, BSdaa. Oandaamera; sR mo- ebloa* repaired. CBAS. B. BENNBIT. 322 N. I2ita SL, Phlladaipbla.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES PM SALE—W* ara closing out th* following tt bargain rates: Vla- acopa, 244.44: Standard, 244.44; Standard. 262.42; MoGograpb, 222.24; Motlograph. 272.44; Powtr'a No. 5, 252.42; Power's N& 5, 256.22; Power's N«. 2 (good as new), 275.22; Edlaon, 272.22. Thaa* ara oU compltu and ready to run. Wa ar* also sacri¬ ficing Opm Chain, Fans and BuppUsa at oU ktada. ACME FILM COMPANY, 172 West Wa*lnglan SL. Chlcage. llUnala.

MOVING PICTUBB CHAIRS—1.222 aUgbUy mad. 22c up; Poftabl* AoBcmMy. 222, solid aok. 26c each; AlPdora Sesu. new, 2fir; Ma^ Folding, 42r; Camp Chaira and Benchaa. Write for catalog wUh diroct factocy peteea. ATLAS BEATING OOMPANT, 12 East 43d SL, Naw York.

M. P. MACHINES. 212.22 CP—Gas OwtSts. 21.22 up; CMt's and McAUIsicr's Stctaaptlroaia, cheap; 73 PaaaioB Ploy Slid**. 25.22: atharx, B-B. 262.22: Inductor, 212.22; Importod Condonxen. 4 for 21.42; 2Ilms. Lonv*, Rheoxiaia, 21.22. Bargain; Opti0imh Nai 4, rnmplate; 2 rucis PUms, Curtain, 4 aett Song Slid**, new 2tt.t2 Pmfccto Goa OutSt riminl; 252.22 takes oU: qulek: Sals stomp. PRED 1* SMITH. Arataadam, Naw Tath.

MUST CLOSE OCT QUICK, a lat af Waatara Oom- ady and Drama, at 2122 ptr racL A. T. TBOBCP- SON. Moegantown, Ktntndiy.

OPEBA CHAIRS POR SAIX—W* alwayx haaw an hand a Mg stock at tacond-bond Optra Chaira at th* racy lowaat price: write quiefc: tcU us what yon wmR. CBEBCENT PUM EXCHANGE, 172 Waat Waahfamlan SL, Chlcape, DSnoM.

OPERA AND FOLDING CHAIRS (MglMly tmed) always on hand and at raal borgalna: ate Opant- Ing Bootha, Curtalna and Picture MochlaaA l£kBS IHBATRB BUPPLT OO.. 222 Ckmtnut RL. Bt LoMa

PlCrURH MACHINB—Edten ExhIMtIan Medal, new liixphimaa and magaxlnm, pood arder. luady In ran; raaaonabla otfer takoo. JOS. DOEOTHT, STl Waat 144tb. Naw Teak.

aandltte. 242: ate PWaat's Head. 212._HATCH. 224_Maika^BL^N«rmk. N. i.

POWIB‘8 MACHINES. 225.22 and 27122: MaUp- Machlnatt 22122

lo 275.44; atvtral Ugbt trarellng ■arhlnta. with gm or aleetrte aqatpoMt at half prior: Ooa MaAtea and SuppUeu, Film. Song and Lsetura Bats; sat am lata bargain Uat; we buy, ttU or axebaas* araythhm in th* motte pteture tiinlnam; mtabtteiil 12S1 NATIONAL EQUIPMENT CO.. 417 Waat t«-*»«e— SL. Duluth, MInnaaota.

POWEB'S NO. I Morlnt Picture Maehfatr: sood candUlon; bargain. BOX fit. JackaaBrllltL SteUa.

PBOPEB810NAL BTEBEOPnoONB for Illustra- tom and Lccturcn, only 21120; has fiiU-alxe knsm and condenten; Rhaomata, 23.50; Klec. Uunitr*, 11.54, attach to any socket, direct from factory: aand for cuts. QBONBERO MPO, CO., Lotus Bldg.,


ROAD MEN, ATTENTION I—Cmnplete 5L P. Road Show: Edison Exhibition Model Machine, aU Lenaao, Semn, CoUapilble Booth, Black Cloth Cover, SUdao, Tlrkeu, BUa* Burner, all packed In fine new trunk; Bliss Gas Outfit used one mantb; aU In good coodl- tloti and a bargala st $85.00 ; 2l0 deposit, balsneo C. O. D. JACK BENNETT, Box 127, E.drklg4. North DaktSa.

ROAD SHOW BARGAIN—Power's 5, complete, like new, large lampbouse, table, legs, magaxlnea and r» wind, stand, one electric arc, 8. A. Hlla* goa light, equal to dertrlclty; costs 25c per nlaht to operate: 15

j ml* of Wesu-ra and Comedy Pleturca, all In good running rotMUtlon; first $90.00 gets all, one-half down,

i baloneo C. (>. D.; be quick. MRS. MARY COM- STUCK, Augusta, Georgia.

SALE OR EXCHANOE CHEAP—14 thrae-rtal Pm- lurea, 10 two-mlera, 50 tingle reels, in fin* ooodltte. oomplcu Une paptr. D. L. OOTLiL Chapman. Kan.

SINGLE RKEIB—In A-l condition, with poMaafi; 'Neath the Homespun, 23.52; Tara of tha Wheat* '13.50: A TcrrlMa Lcaaon, 23.54; Sculptor's Catch. M.44: Under Fate Pretensra, 23.52: Doctor's lirfidy. 13.02; BU Mother's Son, 24.22; Hindoo I'rttelfM:

Ula Career, 23.24; Jim's Atonamrnt, 2«.04; l£wtfefa Away. Hurrah, 24.42; Orealrr Loc«, 24.22; BmM Unknown, 24.04; Papn'o DouMr, 22.64: Half Orphan, 24.44: Paraoo and Uedlrln* Man (Wcaternl, nn poster*. 23.54. P. MUOKK. M Grlowold SL, Op> irott, Mtd»ig«t»

STOP, LOOK, READ—1 am gulttlng the road and •a* Pfiofi to toll or trad* my outSt for baat ofifar; 1 Muring Picture Mochloo, eomplcw; 13 ResM Film. 3 Bats Sotig Slldta, Trunk, Film Cara, Carbona, Cur¬ tain, Wire, Sockats, Swlubta, Paptr and Banarr; wlU trad* for tmoU Ponies or aatall AalauUa. EDWABD KRAMEB, lit WaietlswD Am, BurUngtoo, lams,

WHOLE SHOW FOR 245.4#—Power's M& • Ma- chlnr, eompMa, good rondlusn, ibrar rssla at PIte and fiemm, tbipped for rxamlnsiloa on rucript at |6.fi2. A. T, THOMPSON. Matgantown, Kaaitwte.


AfimattemaaOt wHSast dtelap. safiar this —-fga la ptr wars.

PBOPBSSIONAL moving picture CAMEBjk— T?g!l'«uist complau, 2232.fifil

LESLIE." Bayahaaw, Tampa, PMrlda.

WANTED TO BUY AfimatlmaMaOa wWtiut Matlar. aafiar tSM Saafilaw _2t str sard

CHAPUNS, Ktytiana or Catnady film. Baby Pl- anoi BOX 144. Warren. Otda.


SCRAP OB JUNK FILM. In any quantity. M. H. WBiTELAW, 145 W. 45th SL, Naw York dly.

TRAIL OP TUB LONESOME PL\E (Uaky 2- taaltr), SL lOma, BoUJas at BuU Run and UeUya- burg, also good, ataiaallonal two-raalcn and cooMlte, gaud cotMUiion. PKuP. W. A. dtUUCU, Valdan. MImImIPPI.

WANTED—PUwat's 2 ar 2 A Marhlna; must ba bar¬ gain far Mat cosh. P. RABO, Ullb WaM. BL. Ptt»- laiid, UragoiL

WANTED—Saeand-haad Malar and AUaehmmt iaa Rlmplri MarMnn O. R. BOICE. *«*»«»«. «

WILL PURCHASE POE CASH CbapUn subjacts In gOMl condition; ate want uciglnal poataaa. any kind: aand Uat sod price at wbat you bam SUUTUKilN FILM SKUVICK, INC., Uuuaioo. Tcaan

WANTED FILMS Tha Sarrnth Bon. Battle Hymn af BapubUe, dell and European War, Ben Bur, Qua VmUs. Ireland, Ten Nights In Bam^ Uncle Turn. East Lynns and Mrxlcu; oiaa Plclarlnl Papar far UtU and Eurapran War. tihtram 2t34 N. ISth SL. Phlladaipbla, PsauMlvaatm

WANTED—502422 Iba. af tings. Scrap. Cailulatd. Old klods, Muri^ Plctnis Aocan HIBBCW, 2 Oaniral B«., O

Films, film CUt- laa. waolas at all sic. BENJA311N It. Mamsi biiarttA


ACROBATS Marty AfiamUmmanta wMhant fitelay. aadar MM

k4adlas. aaa paMtetd Bw al aiiarpa

Jackamniia, flatldA

POWER'S MACHINI^—Alao Panama Canal. Scrip¬ ture and War Slides. Mexican Trouhle. War Lecture Stereoptlcan, Gas Machine Outfit; big bargalna WYNDHAM, 2 Patchln Place. New YorkT

POWER'S NO. 5, contplete; Large •im»>g laxap- houae, ccndenalng lenaet. ctoreopUcon. fine rcndtlkm. $60.00 ; 60 Toll* 42 usp. Dttiibiiio, nin 4 bMntliBe

'T5’*' 2^ •• W.OO per reM: 30x50 Block Tent, lO-os., uaed one week, east 2324.44 with coUapalMe pole*, can be folded up In-- apart, 2150.00; Belt and attachment for drlelng uy-

»»*•*•: 'I'raSlcT. new. for tent, 230.00; roinplete road ihow, ceeiytblng you need: $400.00; death, a B. BALE, R>’gfay, N. D.

HWCT'R aiMERAORAPH NO. 5. $75.04; Bdlaon Unleerut Mortng Plotor* Machine. $35.44; Ediaao

Klnetoocw. $18: Royal Moving Picture Ma- ^ eaulpped for aleelTle UghL

10.004 feet flliL Send for bargain Uat at •taraoptlcan eUdes and auppUea. MOORE, HUBBSU. A OO Maaonlo Temple. ChleagOi

ttWMo. Bsmg* alaga and iron Jaw. AERIAL EKHoi'^ Piluikail. llUiiula._

LADY AND GENT—0*«a^ harteotal bar and tnpcaa aai asm tar —i timiait AERIAL GKIP- PLNS, 112 N. 5th SL, Qutnay, _

MIDDLE MAN—Dndaiatandi, cate doublea and fttlku weight. 142; os*. 12; lata «f Six ConiaUan BKBT CUKNALLA. Daarncy BotaL Laneing. VJeh.

YOUNG MAN—Apt 36; 5 ft. 7 Incbca: 144 Ibo.'; wants w Jain oartal act. ilnsA trapaae, Inu-Jaw ■■sarWnca. PAUL WALDAN, eara RUUraard. Naw Toch City. _

AGENTS AND MANAGERS At LMarty Afimrtimmaal* wfthowl fitelay. aafiar Mb _kaafitag. ara puMlahafi Ira at asarga

ADVANOB AGENT—Vaudtelll* Ibratcr aaauagcr; eUaay prem agent and goicral bnalium geurr; ag* 40; single; 2u years' opetlaneeL Q. W. ENULB- BRETH, car* BUlboard, phlg_

AGENT—N* booaer: surely, rtaulls ar* worth totna- thlng; publldu; anywhere. P. WENDELL CRuM- WELL, cate BUlboard. Chlcage, IlHnola, __

AGENT AT LIBERTY—Strictly toher. rUlablc and opeclcnccd; have aU tb* quahfltatlons of a good ooA W. & DOWNS, 111 Pemhroh* SL, Beaton. Maas.

AT LIBERTY—A buatUng manager for plctura ar aoatbluatloo: salary reaaonahla. BOX 143, Wln- cheaur, Kentucky.

GEO. W. RIPLEY—Tha waU-knewn sdeaoc* man; open for any attraction that pay* salary; can wild- caL Permanent address. Homer. New York._

MANAGER—Picture ahow ar road ahow; amiTlad: sober and reUable; experienced: salary your lloUL LBROY CADY, Broadway Theater, tVneer. Colaradfc

(Contiioed on page 44.)

I AUGUST It, lilt.

xuuom-BwUw: U ttmr^ •ncflma*; nol rOB THS LAnBT BOMO ‘'HIIV' and • reUftbU AT UBEBTT—Dnuantr. carnrtiv Mbi. WO TOUNO l^-Hano druM: want lo- haaw: thritrT or pfetvaa: hmiTt. raf^lt K. I fulda to Iba b«at aao* la the oatalocuct rf tho load- marimba: locato oolx; unlm. U KUUJEK, SU lUi cat^ in TrM; ud rrllablo K. B. AMD* ■amKtmiAl^ lm.. Stm York. I in* aauaio pubUMicra, laa page 11. Hraao mmitlao 8t, Oabkoth, Wlacoosln.__ __ mcKB, 115 g. lUi Bt, Tempi#. TWcaa.

TUB mUAtOAKD wbm wtlUna. AT UBKBTY—A-1 dnimmer; play b*Ut, ajrlo- VIOUN—DoubU alto; rlrcna, rap. raparUneo; no 'heAVUEB OB CHABACTEB^Halaht, 5 ft. II; ptaonea. marimba and all cffccU; up In atandard mu- holdbark. .CHA8. W. TUPllAN, T15 Oaig M..

wflibt, IM; toelTa jeora' aaparlrnca in atock and ale; alabt rcada^; A. F. of M. O. 0. UBBN. Bad Cualn«Um. Kantucky._ rap. AlACBT BTUABT. can Billboard. UnclnnaU, (Iranlta, Wlaconaln. , VIOUN AND nANO—Bipailancad: caovwlaat;

_ Ohio. AT UBBUTY—On account of ahmr doalni; eomat man and wlfa: union; library; plcturra or bolal In BANOS AND ORCHESTRAS 'iNOKfUB lead and OEN. bus.—Wardroba; for B. A O.; wlfa worha eboruf leada ouaBiara; p^arrwl. V. BTUBaiB, Hotel Eklar, Indtaa

aa Adaarttamaali iiiltbart dimlay. undar tbb S ft. 4 inebaa; 110 Iba.; ona-ptaoa or ana bill atock; amall paita; anything tbat’a rellaMe. HABBT KBL- Spring, Oaorgla. ^ do Oma enD. MIBB FEANCBB EMANUEL. Ocn. LAB, cara Billboard. Clndnnatl,J)hlo.

hand mg, an pnMlabad iraa #c anarga !».. jrii-aukaa. Wlaooodn.

HdLHAOCB—Bwtim: Id yean’ aaparlanaa; no Baaam; thaater or ptetaraa; bonaat. capaMa B. (BOBEMTHAL, Pan- Dd.. EodleoU. Stm Totk.

THBATEB MAMAOEB—14 yaan* aspedenoa In badana. and know H In arrty branch: caa gira bond. ■. D. BHAINABD, IM Eaat North Ara.. Flttabargb. Ibmamrinnia. _

BOM THE LATEST BONO "HITS " and a rallable ~lfAN—Cbaractera, gCDcral buaincaa director; wom- te the beat aonga In tha cataloguea of tba lead- an, leada, characten, apadalUea; little girl, 6, parta, aiate pubSahm, tea page It. Plraaa mention dance; taba., atock one-nlgliteTB. THE WBIOHTS, BIUAIOAKI) when writing. _IM Oentar SL, Mankato, Mluneaota. IBBTS A.ND IJSWis-Indian Mnd. Baa Ma MAN—Characten and gen. bua., blackface, ape*

Del., Milwaukaa, Wlacondn.

THE BIUAIOAKI) when writing. _ BOdBBTB A.ND UWIS-Indian Mnd.

CBy, Nam leraey. . AT UBEHTT—Dnima and bella; A. F. of M.:

BILLPOSTERS M188 FBANCE8 EMANUEL—Ingenue lead. gen. At Uharty AdmrtkaiMnti wMbaat dlaptay, aadar tbb budncaa.; youth and ability; expcrience>l; new ward

VIOUNIBT AND LEADEH-^or ptetun hmma: practical experience: beat of character. U. B. "TUB* COTT. 147 Kearl 8t., Manehcater, New Hampahlrc.

VIOLINIST—FIrd-elaaa; experienced In all ttnaa; dealrca location; aober and rellible: A. F. of M. H. UOBTEZ. 114 W. Wadiington SC, Sprlngfldd, Oblo.

VIOUNIBT—Mualc director; experienced In high* claaa pbotoplaya; claaalc library; permanent poaltloti wanted. LAWRENCE JENKINS, 117 CaldwvU,

heading, an paMbhad free at aharga

BUAANIHTKK.-Marrlfd; waiita permanent iKjeltian; tarn ycara* experletice. BlLLI'OK'TEIt, 1104 Bl^ue St., Vbada. llllnuta. __

BURLESQUE * MUSICAL COMEDY INFORMATION WANTED I mualc: would like to locate permanently: experienced

At Uharty Advartbemaata trilhaat ditplay, aadar tbb Liberty Advarttaaaiaatt withaut dltplay, aadar tbb Mie^rl**' *^**’^^**^' *’*” Draw» .17, haadlaa. mt paMbhad free af aharga haadlag, ara paMhbad Iraa af aharga

Bb CLABINET-Sober and reUabte: 1 yeara" rx* camwau. perience with oamlral. L. V. ALBBBT, General ^^- DellTerr. South Bethlehem, Penniylranla. VIOU.MST—Ktral-clam; experienced: ahow, hotel,

Dlae comet- “■ danw; abaolutely rrllaMr; go anywbera If

^ iSl^ttlSi Si, IIaKiI^^I- SITimnou''^- K CM* Mr, 38; wardrobe; experience and reliability; »««h, jiunUxildt Kanaaa. ‘"““"i__ rep. or raude.; change for week. Streator, Illhiote. | ——————————^ WA.VTED—PoelUun aa drummer with dance or*

BAND AND OIU.UrjWTRA IjKADKli Lp l^asw full llnaa rrf tpan« nUf'WSEVB

SSi.l"'l>:Jl'J^,““{6lw“i::k^“ ATlmeYn."'*' | Uellrer,,_8<mU._B^lei.«m_P»nmlr^li^

mXrwySd I Jx.*^y;er^c^riiSS! 2k.o^- haadlag. ara paMbhed frat af aharga

aix. AJUrUNU COMEDIAN — Strong apeclaltlei; WA.NTED—Information ooncemlng whereabouta of hor reliable; "—d ha,# tlcfcrt. TOM BACKER, Ulllan V. Conrad: lait beard of on coaat; aliu Ray* aamal UeUrety. UbrlcfaarlUa, Ohio. _ mund MuIIholland, wia In Krtnro. CLARENCE D.

UA.VJOIST—Sight reader and faker; wanU per* WA.NTED—Information ooncemlng whereabouta of I muient poeltloii; New York or rtrlnlty. WHE1.BN,

haadlag, ara puMtaked Itm af ebarga

AT LiBEHTY—Central UUIty boat niiii: reference

Oaamal UeUrety. UbrlcharlUa, Ohio. _ mutiu Muimoiiand, wia in trinro. ( L.A ~ AT UBHBTY—White and blackface” ilngTng and KELLY, It Main St., te Roy. .Ni>w_Yotk daatdag eomedlan; change often: piano or organ. MISCELLANEOUS OOMEUIAN. rare Warner Show Print, 714 Race St, IWIOUCl.l./An tUUO Fhlladctpbla. Pcnnaylranla.__ At LIhtrly Advartbamtata arlthaut diaglay, ~ at UBKUTY—For mualcal comedy or mcd. ahow; haadlaa. ara auMbbad frta af ehi all ataand cmiedlan; alngtiig and dancing. EDDIE CABBOLU HUte Hotel, Chlcaga,_IIUnate. __ "BVBLEBUUE and tabs—DcMring big spec* tmmlar magic IllualMi apeclalty, a dlitlnct norelty •ct. lull aiage, apulal dropa. write DERUOTTl. Wtlroma Ht., New Bedford, MaaaacbuaeUa._

DUTCH OOMEDLAN-^nd A*1 piano player; (Irndyl: hare and ran produce aerrral good teholld mmM^ eowiedlre: Joint engagenimt onD. M. LAU* TON, General DellrenL Detroit. ^Ichlgan.__ ■L PABKEB AND r. FANGBB—Iriah and Jew co-

143» lOUi ATe.._San Jtandaoo, CiUfomla^__ OORNETIBT—Will locate only; ticket eeaentlal. A-l OPERATOR—Can run all makra of machlnea;

HARRY >31MKKRG. 360 Cedar St.. Buffalo, N. Y. '‘*•1 fo anywhere; good, ateady man. AUIERT Me*

CORNET18T—Competent and experienced In all —. _—— - rea theatre work: loeatbn dealreel LBON D. UCENSED OPUIATOR—Ten yeara" rxperlraca: OLLAND Manhattan Hotel, Lake Okobojl, Man- married; aober and reliable; electric or gaa; road or

OPERATORS At Llharty Advartbaateato withaut diaglay, aadar tbb

ktadtof, ara paMbhad fraa af aharpa

. ... . ..._,, . .... .... Ilnea of theatre work: loeatlcn deslrerl. LBON D At Llbarty Advartbamtata withaut dltplay, uadar tbb HOLLAND. Manhattan Hotel, Lake Okobojl, Man

COHNETI8T—40 yearn" experience; would like to

l>eniunent. LEROY CADY, Ramona Company, Dea¬ rer. Colorado.

OPERATOR AND “MANAOEk" ^rit”eltaa refer* ; and photo on requeat. FREOUtlO TUILNE. 3101 hear from good towria In need of leader; aober and ,nce of charaiW and ability; tnyUilng reaaouabte:

George 81., Slouj^ClD,_Iowa._ _ CARTOONIST—Young man; age 24; do landMapea;

oomlo cartoona In 6 colora. 1. NELSON, 017 E. Monroe, Sprlngllcld, llUnola._

HEAD animal” KEEPER—With long experience; wanta poeitloii in park or on road; aober and reliable. W. H. 8HEAK, Ijamarllle, Indiana.

reliable. C'Olt.NETlST, Pender, Nebra-rka.

COKNITTIST—Deelres enaagement with flrat-cItM eartiiral company, or will loeateu Addreta BOX 119, Laneaaler. Pcnnaylranla.


anywhere. OPEHA"roR, 1754 W. Uonme BC, Chi* cafo, llllnola.

OPERA"roR—Ten yean' experience; ran run all makea of machlnea; go anywhere. EARL RIBBECK, 4038 Cleveland Are., 8L Louis, Ulaaouri.

OPERATOR A.ND SION PAI.VrKR—With good perienced: also bna Canraaman; single or Joint en- niaehlne and 15 reels food lllm: wanU poalUon; IS

STAGE CARPENTER AND BIUJNWTEB^-Sober I Ji,e,aent ALVIN C. SWA.NOO, General Delivery, experience. U O. RATHER, 609 N. 4d BL. j ---■- — •—• • —•-I . Nasbrille, Tennettee. M --aiu Dutch; can do atralghU; wire Uckri; | •?** ^“™***' referenoea. j indlanipolla. Indiana.

yaw won’t regret It. 4454 Cheatnut Bt., Milwaukee, I J*- 8KA00E, OpeUka, Alabama. S. 8KA00E, OpeUka, Alabama._ ___ OPERATOR A.ND EUX,TR1CIAN—Long expert UNION STAGE CARPENTER—Age 45: can do bit: DBi;MMER—For rauderllle; ten yean’ experience; ence: go anywhere; salary reasonable. K. B. TOWN

THE LATEST SONG "'HITS’' and a rdlable | "?£?: "*‘***^ mMda to Ihe beat aonga te the cataloguea of Ute lead* “himd. bmauaale publlthen, sea page 14. Pleaae mention HUnoia. Tn BlLUIOABD when_wrlUng;_ 1 'FHANCIB 8.” green—Silly Kid end Jew oo- paedlao: open for tab., mualcal conaedy gr rauderille •OL MIS N. 14th Bt,"Terra Haute, Indiana. ■APPT CRAIG—Opm for tab, or mlnatrri ibow;

aaeawtrle dancing, alnMng and talking. HAPPY UBAIO, ITia Washington Bird.. Chicago, llllnola. ■BBBEW fXlMEDIAN—For burlesque or mualcal

mmmtl', young; rrllabla and aober. BNITZ DEUfAR, FITS John Ht, (TnrInnaU, Oblo._

BfNVARD AND HINDIET—Musical comedy; aanga. daiiera. acta, black and white face; rtaponal- %lie aaanaaen only. 130 Morton Bt, Toledo, Ohla

MUBUtAL (NMiraiY TEAM—Man and lady; aou- bnttu or chorus; man. comedy or straight; Irtah, Jew, vWha, MID kid or black; tlekrte. HENRI KEUeAB. im Yhaddeus 81.,_Indlanapoltej_ Indiana._ ~ BINGING ~ AND ” DANCING SOUBRETTB AND OOUBlylAN—Fur musical comreD or dramaUc; sln- ■Is and double aperlaHIra; wardrobe and aMHD: OtehalB. BOH WALIi. Rex Tbratre, Feaaenden, N. D.

TOUNO MAN—Open for Mudcal Comedy, btir- Saaqoa or reuderlllr art. In or near (TncInnaU; rx* parWMWd; gnml singer; small aalsiy. BILL BAIIET, III* Locust Ht. rinclnnaU, Ohio. _

tabloid. W. J. WHITE, National Hotel, Chicago, house where there are no Sunday ahuwa. UUUM- HUnola. MER, 210 Dexter Are.. Elgin, llllnola.


The accompanying letters tell of results obtained through Classifled Adrertlalng In The Billboard. Right here you have the keynote of successful adrertising. The paper that reaches the people you want Is the one to nse. The Billboard will do that for you.

Sheridan, Ind., August 4, 1916. Editor The Billboard;

Enclosed you will find a free ad for your At Uberty Columns. I bare secured two positions through this department. Long lire Billyboy. Thanking you for past farors I beg to remain Very tmly yours,


CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL dll Uharty AdrartlsaaMata wHhswt display, aadar thb

hand Mg. art paMMitd Baa af aharga

A*1 PADDLB WHKEI^ WORKER—Work prreent* «Sa at 10 per rml: two years" experience; no bad hahlta. TIrkelt Yes.' Go iiiywbere. JAMES HBAT HART, General Delivery, Wllkinaburg, Pa.

AT UBBim' Good Wild West man, rrilh riding waBBt and two luwldir hones and two extra good buck- tag honen. GRANT FLOWER, Bridgiport, Nebraska.

AT LIIIKRTY—Two experlenord rborus girls for aagwlTBl; also grtilleman, talker and llekris; all tana pteao and ratlloim playcfs. MIHH BABB VEB- iaU« Oencral Delivery, Tnlaa,_OkUhoma._

CKABSTTE nEND—Wright M tbs.; ade 28; ■■Aa the else of a sHver dollar: hare strong lec- tanL MfME WOOD, Baaedale, Indians. ~ OOMCnWION WORKER-WuU'uT Jelu rampany taakdag llllnola. Ohio, or Kentucky; start st 425 per MaMK|||^LII^CLAPP, 3431 N. Driawsfc St., In-

VmiALB IMPERSONATOR—Can handle snakes; ■nd voire; thme who wrote before please write taOha. W. LATHROPF,, General DMIrery, Spring* taid. Ohio.

PHARSON'S TRAI.NKly GAATB-Fbr fairs, dr* eawaa ar anything where an up-Ur-date tralnad aid*

Dresden, O., August 3, 1916. Editor The Billboard:

The 90-cent ad that I ran in yoiir For Sale Column brought me many replies and I told my outBt with very little trouble. In fact. I had to return eeveral money orders that arrived after I bad already sold my apparatus. Success and beat wishes to Old Illllyboy. Yours truly,


Thief Hirer Falla, Minn., August 2, 1916. Mitor The Billboard:

My ad In the Classifled Columns of July 29 brought me twenty favorable replies, and I secured an engagement with the Cllfton-Kelley Shows. I feel aa tbougb tbooe ada certainly bring result!. Yours tmly,


OPERATOR—All makea; road show or bouse; tea* •ontble fslary; would like to go south; tlekel U tar. a. H. "SUM " SUMMITT, Sheddan. Indiana.

OPERATOR—Married; aober and reliable: 10 years* experience; all makes; road or theatre. R. H. CHRISTMAN. General DcUrrry, Wllltslon. N. D.

PARKS AND FAIRS At Llbarty AdvartlssaMats wHIitat display, aadar thb

kcadtag, art paMIsktd Irta af aharga

AT LIBERTY—For parka, fain and cclrbrttlaat; teeth whDlIng; double trapene act; male and fimale. AERIAL MAGI.NLBY8, 439 W. 38Ui St., New York Cliy^___

BALLOON ASCENSIONS—Slack wire; two pro* pie; the only aeronauts doing a tee-saw drop ba- fors tha public. DO.NALD CLARK. 653 W. jefler* son BL, Sprlngllcld, Ohla

BALLOONIST—Group of drops; 100*fL high dire; slide for Ife; Iron law stunca; Airi-claaa cqulpawnla. a W. STEPHENS, care Billboard, ClnclnnaU. O.

BALLOONIST—For fain. camlraD, etc.; in Trxaa. IxMlalar.a, Oklahoma and Arkansas. PBOF. M H. FhllUpa. Waco. Texas.

BALLOONIST AND HIGH DIVER—Single cr double parachute drop; OS-fL high dire (net); two fira aUractlons by one man. C. A. CHANDUUt, fM N. Noble Bt., IiidlantpoiU, Inmans.

COMEDY BEVOLVING LADDER ACT—And a sensaUanal aerial art for fain, cte.; lllustraird de* srrtpUre folder and Irnns arnt upon rvquewL EDNA AND_BIU,Y _I^TUAM,_Btek_bland,_nilnola.

ECCENTBIC JUGGUNG AND~ BALANCING ACT —Manipulations at rarioua objecte; pantomimic com¬ edy. etc.; lady and ganL THB BARNELUI, BIU* board, Cincinnati, Ohla

EDNA AND CUARUCB LA CROIX—Orlgllial gymnasu; prtcre on one or two acts. 1301 WalMo Are., Fort Wayne, Indiana.

VIOUN BBCONBTBUCrOB—Dmirea poMUoniean DBUM8 AND TBOMl produce tone In any violin; reference furnished. K. UMf has all effecte; pic K. BHEALB, 170 Dean BL, BrooMyn, New York. O.; tingle or Joint L

WABDBOBE WOMAN—Wants poMtfam; aader* »tij_Waycromj_Oeonda. alanda coatuiuea of all prrloda; quick aewrr and DKimMEB—Bells, x

HIGH DIVER—With full sqiilpmsnt; open for DRUMS A.ND TROMBONE—Mao aod wife; drum* *"« "i"*

BMf baa all effecte; plctum, locate or travel; B. A O.; tingle or Joint LUCIUS JENKINI, 1 I ruMlI »pn"«.»alley, MInnmqta._

original Ideas. B. FRANTZ, 119 Aamploa St, rlmeed; siglit iratler; sober and reliable; go any* Battla Creek, Michigan. where; locate only. ASHLEY, 3118 Ind. Are., -———Ctalca^, IlllDols.

MOTION PICTURE ARTISTS DIWMMER-mren y«ai^ rxprrienet; l^ter. At Llbarty Advarttatateab wKbwrt diaglay. aadar tbb 6anca work or band; prsfer location; salary and all

:., Waycrom, Georgia. LADY AERONAUT—Btaerlmerd; no rawaid: DRUMMER—Balls, xylopbonr, rhimea, ete.; expo- iva“i? *'■'*.'*

haadlag. art paMbhad frat af aharga

ATHUrrK AND BWUfMER—Harr numiter of dsrr-drrit fraU for dangerous bodies of water; great

C F. PEARSON, AR.* STiSSiiw ^iSa. SrSlf Flrot"A;.TlW tafL itanaSA_ _ . --- Washington, ran M. M. Moore.

AND IN)OR TALKI „iii, r,.i M fcn. If r.r lAmc I CAMF,BAMAN"8 ABBlSTANT — wishes poalUoa I with film company; studio or laboratory: Mx yean"

meed; siglit irader; solw^and reUable; go any- •’il_IVA LOYD, afj Kmten Are., Marion. Ohio. lere; lorate only. ASHLEY, 3118 Ind. Are., LADY BAUANINIST—With aunuBolh balloon; Ms ilcago, Illinois. _ yeaia" experience; cash for appraranca; special paper; DBUMluai—Fifteen yeanr experienca; l^ter, ^ **** •*" moa work or band; prsfer location; salary and all

lint; tend ticket ED F. WOODS, Srlhrit, Colorado. NOTICE—Balloon ascmslona furnished shy lime ot place In U. S.; one to Are drops from mooeter bal¬ loon; new norellles. ED DALTON, tflimai. Mich.

PEARSON'S trained BEARS For falra, cola* brsllMis or shows; twenty.minute art; Itfgo Meal

PEARSON, Al¬ ternant, Illinois.

M OOTE. Luna Park, Clcrriand. Ohio. OTHIRUNO, DOUBLE TRAPEZE ACT— I ark. New Jersey.

experience. JACK RENSHAW, 9M Hroad St, New*

Mala and fomale; for dicus and earnbala. ABRLAL MAOINUeYB, 430 W. 38th St, Now Toefc CUy.

CAMERA MAN—Owning outflt; seven years' expe¬ rience In studo, loratlon and Industrial photography;

TWO RUfSA'nONAL FREE ACTS-Ltag*lha*gtp I caa wotb laboratery. CAMERA, Box 423, Scranton, Md not blah dtee; prefer carnlvate in tho E^ EM* | PcnnsyDanla. ■BIT NEVADA, Oeneeal DtUreey, Nowark, N. J

MUSICAL DIRFXTOB-VIolinM: dnubU tola clarinet; experienced and rvllsMe; A. F. of M.; lo¬ cate Of trsvM. E. H. BUNDY, 21 W, Ohio St, Chicago, llllnola. __

ORCHESTRA LEADER'^Drtmatic or” vtudirrille; violin, slid# trombone, baritone and bam; drum and fake piano; Vi years' experieme; Isrge llhrary. FRANK CROOFTHfgt, rare Wllboard, ClnclnnaU, O.

tmimrjmA leader-Vtolln amt iMrilone; troupe or lorai*; flne library; state your limit GKO. R. YOUNG, 5811 Broa/I St., PlUeburih, Pa.

TRAP DRUMLfEB—Exparlenced all Ilnea; bcite XTlo., chime*, etc.; sight rea/ler; lorste oo^. W. ORR, rare IteMno, Oakwnod Park, Kaltmaano, Mirb.

“TRAP DRI.'kfMER—Pull line of trane; ran oper a; prefsr McUm TRAP DRUMMER, Boi 334 —" usdlaM.

TROMBONIST—Ecperlsneeri |n vtnd>#1lle, pletuna and dance work; dewtreo teeatlon; doulite string litea; A. P. at M. BENJ. WEST, Laka View, Iowa.

PIANO PLAYERS At LMarfy AdvarthtMonto tsHboM dbgfgy. ssdfr tab

baadbt. tea guMhSad baa af aborga

A1 PIA.MHT F<* exrlusire plcturs bauaa; all muMr; no nrrhestrt; alto lady tlefcst sMbr;

rellthia people. BOX 104, Charter Oak, Iowa. A-1 PIANIST -WanU imiiitlan wlUi amall raad

ahow pirturs show. MISS UCROY, 1633 WabrnS Ava., Kansas City. Mlaeouri.

A*1 PIANIST—Read and fake; It yeara' axpeelenra in vaudeville, pirturm and orrheatra wort; prafvr te bwate. DOHA fUSIERS, 414 S. Franklin St. Wal- klna. New Tork.

A-1 YOI'NO tJiOY nANIST-For cafo, OmMio; dance or road show for coming season; rrllabla and iluirooghly experienced. INANIST, 17 S, Ashland Bird., Chicago, Illinois.

AUGUST 19, 1916.

mtST-CLAtMl PIANO PLAYER-TrtnivOM and fake; read at alaht; double imall parta. MAY OATIN, InfrrtiwM. M<ititana._

auu Tiir. iaTivMT mono "HITH” aiKl a reliable fUlda to the beet loniB In the ratalngwe of the lead- Int music- pulillsiim, kee paae 12. Please meMlciD TUB HILLBOAKU when writing._

LADY PLANIBT—Like to join ladles' orchestra or trio. MlhM KATHIJ'.'KN HAKKINUTU.V, 2717 Wheat Bt. Oolumbla, South Carolina.

LADY PIANIST—A. P. ct M.; experimeed and well reeammefiiled: would like place In picture the- atre. LADY PIANIST 550. Manclan, North Dakota. or trarel; A. P. of M.; raude. or musb-al tab.; transpose, cue, arrange and play or- gan. NIiLLK RIKER, 1314 Central. Aiidersmi. Ing

PIANIST—Who plays organ, desires position; mur¬ ing picturrs; loi-ate anywhere or would join musical act. TAYLOR, 215 Orii^ Arenue. BroaU)ii, N. Y.

PIANIST—Plrst-claas; wants poaltlon; raudenlle or plcflire houae; music that flts plrturr; piano alone or orchestra; expcrirncecL PIANIST, 40 Second St., Lowell. Maasachuaetu.

WANTED—PosItlcNi as planist;’^many years' expe¬ rience In all lines; prefer permanent location; rea¬ sonable salary. JOHN A. OTTO. 310 Morton Are., Dayton. Ohio.

TAUDEV1LI,E PIANO PLAYER—Experienced, so¬ ber and reliable; A. P. of M.; mention salary. UEO. W. SHlCK, Bwood, Indiana._

WELLrK.NOWN PIANIST—Oompoaer and writer; large library; locate or trarel; A. P. of M.; need tlcfceC PIANIST. 716 Pine St, rare H. L Britton. St Louis, Missouri.

YOUNO MAN—Pianist; experienced in aii lines; sober and reliable; trarel or locate; am also baritone aslolst and exhibition dancer. PRANK HART, AI- toona Hotel. Ban Pranclaco, Callfohila._

SINGERS At Llkerty AdearllmaMata witbeut dlaglay, under thia _ haadtag, are puMlabed true at sbarge

A-1 BAIUTONE SOLOIST AND QI'AHTCT^ MAN—Also first tenor: desires place on musical comedy or lab._ show^_BOX_151. I^rant, Oklalic,ina.

BARITON'E—^ear, strong redee; desires eiigage- ment 111 inoring picture hcNise nr otherwise: faiulllar with church choir. O. M. OUER.N'HEY', 1236 Cclell Bt, IncUsiiapolls, In liana. ,

"posTtIIB I.ATEKT SONO "HITS" and a reliable guide to the best songs In the catalogues eg the lead¬ ing music publishers, see |>age 12. I’lease nsenlloo THE BIUJOARD when wriUng._

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS At Liberty AdwtIaaaMata udtbsot dlaglay, under tbie

beading, are guMlabad true at ebarge

A-1 COMEDIAN—tTiange few week: managers In Pennaylranla write. JOHNNY BAIjrWl.V, 83 Ori- mt Are., Jeraey_aty, ^’ew_Jersey.

A-1 SKETCH TEAM—Man and ^fe: clerer and experimreel: comedy specialties: change for week; nothing dramatic: real managers only. THE STO- REYS, 620 King St, Wilmington, Driaware.

AT LIBERTY—Vic Neal; fake piano, ewgan; A-1 Tocallat; aaalat In acta. Rural Houle », Marion, Ind.

AT LIRmTT—Human pin cuahloti; age 32: height. * ft- 4 Inches: wc4ght, 115 Ihu. E. O. CVBT18. care Beat Hotel, 23 W. Van Burrn St, Chicago, IlUnota.

AT LIBERTY—Han and wife few med. ew rauderlUe show; change for week; up In all acta: Iriah. Mack and Dulch. DALY A.ND DALY. AUlca. Indiana.

AT LdlBRRTT'-'Prof. lAngMiiiAn, T^utHloqjIst tBil Wa talMog boy, Bobby. 765 North 5lh St.'. PhllaeM- Phla, Pronaylranla.

AT LIBERTY—Dediig alx single arts: hare tlx double acta: up In all med. acta; change for two wweka. BEATRH* EARLE. Oeneral DeUrery, Cor¬ ning, New York._

CONTORTIONIST -Can do front and back bend- leg mania, etc.; alao rewnetlat, tlnger and

daow; comedian: age 22. HOWARD ALUN'UHAM, 4 OMtaa# m., Danbury, f'onoertlrul.

CTRU8, THE MYSTERT~MAN=-0^' few mrd.. rtreu^ ra^^lle; expertmerd. CYRI'S, f3 Uarrt- aoo Bt. Mane-heater. ,\'rw Hampahirr.

DEMlgm- Magic with Mg feaiunr. Tk-keiT Tea; y?. 6*1 sow »•: an amwdng, up-to-dair offnlng. Attttriua Welcoam St, New Bedford, Maaaacbuietta-

PEMAI^ IMPERSONATOR-Vaudrrille art: good WIca and wardrobe; artnatm or small rauelerllle etMgany pfrirrml. W. LATHROPE. Utnrral De- Urtry, SprlngSrld, llllnobi.

PpR THE LATEST SO.XO "HITS" and a reliable gtoda to the best tonga In the e-alaingurs at the Irad-

Ef’*!!**"*' f*** •*- •’•«•«* mruUem IMR BILJJmiaRD when wriUng._

AND WIPIfr^BIngleu; douMea; up in uefa; Maty lew; lady, aoututtle and ediararters; change for

May b^. WM HKRBPJIT, Ueorril DeUr- try, Jetferaou Qty, Mlaaeuri._

.•S^ORUTIN-Thu old magirtan: baa fine ■»<* for mad show under

ciiirta._PBor._K. tJRlPPlNS, ^ivrsm. TmiMusm.

>UT ADAMS -Mnt blarfcface romriMan in ihs

ADAMS, Its s. ISth SI., _ilari1aburg, PeniMylraiilA.

lady; aingrra; romedlsna sad dsnriug: changt few weeb; salary low. Tlrb-

KELLAR, 1712 Ihtddeua St., ^anapoHs. IneMana._

pJn^i/***'^**^ **I*M’AL A(T-'l,ady and gM; ^Hcblng mteitainrra; laibli«, atnglng and muale; •Jange few thmu nigbta. MUSICAL MI NBOS, Mo- t^a,_ Mlasiiurt. ,_

. *f*Jf7*^** Uy kypoollc aublrrt, engagrmriit wlUi bypt^ al^; three years' eapertem-e; bare played

fjt.AM Omeral IM., Banff, Allwria. Canada._

, t^DY -Itepertenced In lllualon wtwb; also 46 show;j^ht, IM;,who nerde mef Tlebetf Tea,

K...'y' .MISS bADIE HARRIS, Omeral UaUmy. PlUaburgh, PmnaylranlA


CMtemlUa, Mich., Aoff. 12.—Tha aUty-algth annual fall fair of tha Bt. Jn County Pair Aa-

Jo Cemnly. held bare, oromlaaa to ba tha lanaat iM baat fair erar held on tte fair groonda. Erery^ to booailng tha fair thla yatr, and, aa a apaeial drawliig rard, ■ nnmbar of fraa attrse-

boohad. Horua raraa will ba ■oM for tbo aeeomuMdatlon of tbo many borat- mw In tha iwunty. Tha pramlnm Hat wtll ba JMoy fw dtotrtbntlon shortly, and Barratary fJowga H. Dauel aaanras that It will ba wartb mrtlog orar, Tha dales aalartad ara Beplembar

to 30, Inataatra.


>la»aad. Cal., Auff. 10.—Prank Plnnlffan baa bw appolnlad ararrlary of tbo Maraod Cossly Pair Aaaorlalloa, which win bold Ita aaeend ”"••1 ffilr Sapiambar 20 to 2*. Inelnolra. Thart Wtll Dt tiarMM rarfnf In n44llto« to Uvo otock •Ad prodortn fiblMto.



HanUrllle—Madiaon Co. Free Pair. Oct. 28-1 28. P. O. Aiken, secy., care Chamber t>f Commerce.


JoDceboro—Craighead Co. Fair Aian. Oct. 31- Nor. 4. Henry H. Houghton, aecy.


Napa—Napa Co. Pair.^kpt. 14-18. . H. H. Whitmore, aecy. T

COLOB^IbO Ignacio—Pine Hirer Vallo A Ute Indian Fair.

Sept. 28-80. * Montroae—Western Slope Cair Assn. Sept. IB-

22. W. O. Bedding,' ni^l


Columbus—Columbus Fair. Antpicea Commer- ctol Club. Not. 14-18.

Dawson—Terrell Co. Fair Atan. Early in No¬ vember. Mra. L. Lamar, secy.


Cimarron—Gray Co. AgrI. Awn. Oct. 4 6. P. H. Miller, aecy.

W’cat Mineral—Cherokee Co. Fair. Oct. 11-18. W". V. Land, secy.


Erltugcr—ErUnger Pair Aaan. Sept. 27-30. Harry Hartke, prea.


AbbcTlIIe—Vermilion Pariib Fair Aaan. Oct. 6-8. John W. O'Bryan, aecy.

Manning—Clarendon Co. Fair. Nov. 15-17. John G. Dinkina, aecy.

Union—Union Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 17-20. B. F. Alston, It; aecy.


Adams—Adama Fair A Stock Show'. Sept. 8-9. Beams D. Farmer, aecy.

Waverly—Hnmphreya Co. Fair. Oct. 18-19. J. F. Daniel, secy.

TEXAS Brownwood—Free Fall Fair. Auapices Cbamber

of Commerce. Oct. 4-7. E. E. Kirkpatrick, aecy,

Lubbock—Lnbbock Co. Fair. Sept. 28-30. M. T. Jacobs, aecy., care Cbamber of Commerce.


ConpeviUe—Island Co. Fair. Sept. 14-16. Louis Hlcka, aecy.

WI8C0XBXX Antigo—Langlade Co. Free Fair. Sept. 19-22.

B. E. Kranae, aecy.


Oadaden—Confederate Vetemna* Keuninn. OcL 11-12, _


Crocketts Bluff—Soldiers’ Reunion. Week Ang. 21. Stnekey A Prange, mgra.

Pocahontas—Home-Coming. Ang. 14-19. Jos. B. DeClerk, mgr.


Asnaa—Pmit CamlvuL Sept. 7-9. Escondido—Grape Day Festival. Sept. 9. Percy

Evans, chairman. Oakdale—Alfalfa A Almond Featlval. Sept. 15-

18. A. O. Rlnn, chairman. Oakland—Indnstrial Expo., anapires United Com¬

mercial Travelera. ^pt. 23-29


Revised, Corrected and Completed —INCLUDING




were published in our issue dated

JULY 29 If your news dealer can not su

cents in stamps to our Cincinnati C ^ou with a copy send 10 dr one.

The next issue in which all lists complete will appear will be dated

SEPTEMBER 2 The circulation of this big spedal number will be materially

increased, as we have discovers a rapidly increasing denuuMl on the stands tor it.


for Ctufity Fair at Hailey, Make. S«pt. 21, 22, 23, 1916.

Write GEO.D.WHEELER, Hailey,Idaho.


Aig. 29, 30, 31 lid Sept. 1,1918. CONCESSION SPACE REASONABLE.

CsmlTsI t^''Tirr"y IVanted. Merry-Go-lumnd PvM- Icgsopcn. N. P. EW'INC, AtlaMs. Ilttuslg.

MbHERRT cointy fmb Wishes to contract for Motordrome or Human SQo and a few good pay Stows for week September 6-6-7-8.

WM. C. BARTELT, Secy.. Woodstock, lU.


‘m* World's Pair of the Giarks. l-iielualve on Bean and Doll., Chewing Gum, Candy Wheel with buy- baek, with a few oilier Game* for Pair. A city at 50.000. The fair of the hour, JESSE li. CAIN. Secretary, Springfield, HImouri.

ATTMCTIOIS WAITED BOGEBBTlLl£, MO., DIST. FAIR AND BTOCM SHOW, September 21, 22. 23. P. M. KEBBINOBB. Conreaaion Secretary. _

ATTRACTIONS WANTED Inter-State Pair, Athena. Pa., week of Bepteuabav 11. day and night. At'ccaaible via 1^ V. B. R.. Kito and D.. L. A W. R. R. _

DANBURY FAIR OCTOBER 2, 9. 4. 9. e. 7.

Ws hold the record foe the largest Agricnltursl_nad Induatrial Exhibition In New England. Pov privltogm apply to N. T. BULKLET, BeereUry Booths amd Btantla, Danbury, Conne<'ttfUt.

OAK PARK FAIR GRRENPHXD. N. H., AIGT’BT 28-31. Wanted— Clean Shows, Preaki. What bars yout B. A. CLOVER, Becretary. _

StrMt Fair and Cariival FRANNFORT, MICH,. AUB. 23, 84, It.

WANTED—Paddle Wheela and other Corn imfi tins Bnl- hxu and other Free Acta writs Berretary.

Oavto atx—Old Boldlera A Settlars' Renntum. Ang. 15-IB. Grant Mallory, aery.

Drakaavllto—OM Settlers A Boldlers' RemilUB. Sept, 1-2, W. P. Caldwell, secy.

Mauebester—JuMIce Week. 8*<pt. 6-B. B. M. Wllltoma. aaey.


Oardea City—CalUrama’a Caralval. Bept. T-B. B. r. Blaaoada, aacy. „ _ «

Hartford—Boma Pair. Sept. 28-30. W. U. Bcatt, aaey.


Barada—BoaM-Comlng. Aug, l8-*9. Ray Btevar.

Beatoa Harbor—Pralt PeotlvoL Sept. aS-BB. J. H. Poaad, cboInMa committee,


Dalatb—Dpiry A AgrI. Expo,, oospleoo Oom- moreial Clab. Bopt. IB-IB.

Bridgtoe—Brldgtoa AgrL Aooa. Ang. 22-24. B. W, Joooo, locy.


Kalomaxoo—Kotomaxoo Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. 'J-d. O, E. Frits, aaey.


Jackaoa—Miaa. Negro Stito Fair. Upeno Oet. 80, T. G. Latbam, aacy.


New Loadon—Balls Co. Fair Asaa. Oct. 1-4. If. M. Plpar, aacy.


Rad Lodga—Carboo Co. Fair. Aaaplces Cliamber of C'ammerco. Bept. 12-14. C. C, Rowlen, praa.


Marsbville—Marsbvilto AgrI. Fair. Oct. 1B'21, T, J. Battg, aecy.

New Bern-Eastern Carolina Fair Aaan. Nor. 7-10. J. W, Bnrruagbs, aacy.

Bprncs Pina—Too KIvar Pair. Bept. 28 29. W, B. Peater, aacy.

Tarboro—Edgeewmba Pair Asan. Oct. 31-Nov. S, C. A. Jobnaon, aacy.


Fart Tataa—Standing Reirk Indian Beservatloo Fair. Bapt, 21-28. Benjamin Wblta, aecy.


Delaware—Township Fair Aaan. Bept. 19-21.


Candy—Clackamas Ca. Fair, - Bapt. 18-21.


Bataabarg—Trl-Caonly Fair Asan. Oct. 10-18. Dr. E. C. Bldgoll, aacy.

Colambta—Colored State Fair Aaan. Oet. 80- Nov. 8. N. J. Froderlck, aacy.

Giffnay—Cberokae Ca. Fair. Oct. 17-18. B. ■. Orabal, aacy.

Saa Dtef*—AdmtoMao Day Calabratiaa. Sept. I 8. Sm Dtoga Lodga Natlva Sana of Qoldw ■ Want.

San rraaetoco—Ugbt A Powtr Shew la Maolct. Kl AadltaHam. dept. 28-80. Laalle M. own, mgr.-dir,

■an Jaaa—Paaltry, Dog A Pet Stack Show. Oct. 11-14. Cbaa, R. Barker, aecy.

Calamda Bprlnga—Carnival, antpicto Elkg. Ans. 14-18,


Asbkam—Celebration. Aog. 80-31. W. F. Rama, aacy.

Canton—Horae Show A Fall Peatlval. Bapt. 2T- 80. Fred r, Trigg, aecy,, 844 Saotb Are, B.

Ctoyton—DM Settlero' Meeting. Ang. 81-Beft. 1. A. Oraber, aery.

Darriavllto—Pow Wow of Rad Man. Oct. 8-4. John Marty, aacy.

&rvet—Oerman Day. Ang. id, W, M, Baber.

Iveodato—Home-Coming. Bept. 12-14. B B. Milligan, aacy,

Lada-Pall Peatlval. Ang. 23-24. Tboo. Bnm- ahaw, aecy,

MrLeansboro—Pall Peatlval. Bept. —. W. B. Bavera, aaey.

Neoga—Beme-Caming A Pall Peatiral. Oet, 2-7 R. B. Henry, aacy

Tolaea—Festival. Aog. 21-28. Addreoa Bacy,, Towa A Country CInb.


Ctiataa—Ovtobratiaa. aaspirea Voinntear PIre Dopt, Ang. I8-m. Prank Oreallcb, aeey.. Bag 808. '

Pawlartan—Fkll Featival, aasplceo Boaatero' Aaan. Oct. 11-12. Oscar Vlaaon, aecy.

Blkbnrt—Contannial relebmttao. Sapt. 33-80, IOWA

Oonxray—Conway Btreet Fair. Ang. Sl-Bept. 2. Banry Bntga. aacy.

Pnitan—Btraot Fair. Oct. 2-7, Maxle»-Cam Bbow A Fall Peolival. Oet. Bid. Moba^ Baml-Oantenntol Cele^tlon, anaploan

OomaMfcUl Clnb. Bept. 2B.2&. BprtngBaM—Pbll Pbotival, anapleas Young Maa’a

Bnalnaaa CInb. 2d waek In Ortober. CBam M, Bapbnn, aacy.

Wartbingtan—Barbaeae. Ang. 18-18. H. O Owtn, nacy, _


Caaay Inland Coney letond Mardl Orse. Bept. 11-ld.


CarvaUt*—Btata rirenaen’a Tonmameot. Bapt. 4-8. Cblaf T. R. Orabam, rbairman.


Daabar—Votnataer Fire Brigada f>tobmllan. Aag. 28-B^, 3. H. T. Ellenlterger, aaey.

Bmleatao—Fbnners' A Merehanta' iVnle. Ang. lA Jan, B. Flynnn. aeey.

Lmama—Celabratlan. anapicea Firemen. Weeb Aag. 14-18. P, il. Moaabsn, lery., .I'JO Ban- nett at.


Intarlar—Indian Carnival. Aog. 2l-2.'>. H. R. Dorothy, aacy.


Blggtna—Street Pair. Bept. 7-9. Tom P. Ham, aeey.


Seattle—(Arena) Advertlaing Htiow, Ad Maaqo# Rati A Pageaot. Bept, .5 9 ta.nta W. Hock¬ ley, mgr. dif., Rolte IJI, Hotel Rutler.

WEST TIXOIBIA MIddleboome—Home-romlng A AgrI. Rbow.

Bept. 13-15. Clioton P. Htealey, aery.


Bairoii—Harveot Festival. Aog. 23-25. T. J. Tbompaon, aeey.

West Bend -Hoate Coming. Aug. 19 'J9. M. B. Regner, aecy.

I AuautT II, lilt.


Md amtmmm mb furtfully wqiitid to eontflbau tbrtr date* to thU dapartmeot. Boviaa ■M iwdi na Btlibaaid oat laiar Uua Ptlday at mtk mmk U Inanra pubUcatlon.

Ika Billboard farwaida all mall for prrfiaalnfiala fraa of ebarga. Mcadwts of tha prafaaatoa aia fenMad. ■tot aa lha laad. la hara Ibair Mil addiwaad la eaia aT Itaa BlUboard, and tt will ba farwaadad ptMpt^.

Bream Familr (ForiTtli) AtUata, On.; Civile) Blrmlngtaani, Ala., 21-29.

Brica A King (luiaatte) Cbleaga. Biidaa af tka Paaait IPaatagaa) ’raaaMB, ‘Wadh.;

(tadwH) RatOMd. On.. Tf-M. Brichtana. Xba (Majaatte) CMaaga tl-m Brand, Bltlr (Maw PalaM) IfiaaaapoBa. Braalar A -PMraM (Orand) Oraat Balia, Xaat. Brooka A Bowen (PaatagN) Vlrtotia, Cna.|

(Paatagab) Tnaaaaa, Waalt., -St'SB.

Browar, Waltar (Orphaam) Mlnneaiirtla 21-2d. Brown A Briatol (Bmpraaa) BaeramrDto, Cal. Brown A R(>anrar (Fontalna Ferry Park) Lonta*

rllle; (Foraat Park) 8t. Ijonii 21-26.


Wh«n no date io nivon tho wk of Augudt 14* It io to DO oopoliod.

Atbott A MlUn (Bntooa) kilanaapalU. AAal, Naaly -(Mlaa) OlaoaUad. Aat BaauOBit IBakawr Park) Xontraal tl-'M. Adaan A 0«M (MMia)-Claaaland. Adlon, Otto, A Oa. (HIpp.) Bpokana.


with Jack Wyatt'a BeoKh Lada and faadaa. Booked Solid. Dlrerttoa Frank Brans.

Adonla A Dog (HIpp.) Baltimore. Aguut A Agonat (Unique) Minneapolis. Albart A Irving (Fontaine Kerry Park) lionlarilla

21-26. Alberto (Orpbeom) Boston. Albrlgbt A UodolB (Oriibeom) Balt lake 21-26. Allen A Howard (Orpbenm) Bt. Paul 21-26. Allison, Alice (Rmpresa) Bt. Paul. Amoros Blatera (Paatagea) Ban Franciaco; (Pan¬

ties) Oakland 21-26. Anger, IjCw (Royal) New York 21-28. Aatbray A Adela (Delancey Bt.) New York.

MMEoDHaLWR _ OANOIBB AM0N2 TNt BIABTB. VwM’a PasMoa LIm TaaMr. Open far Parka and

Palra. Addrsaa Natal York. Nn Vark City. ,

Aidall, Franklyn (Orpbeum) Baa Francisco 21-26 Arao A BMckney (Bllon) Brooklyn. Arnold A Florence (Grand) Oreat Falls, Mint. AMkl (Bijou) Brooklyn. AMrla, Brnette, A Oo. (Henderson) Coney Isl¬

and. N. Y.. 21-26. Ang, Bdna (Pantagea) Oalgary, Can. Araling A Uoyd (Keltb) Philadelphia 21-26. Baker, Belle (New Brighton) ■Brighton Beach,

N. Y.. 21-26. Bancroft A Break!' (Bljon) Brooklyn. Bankeir A OIrllo. (Palace) Maw York.

DkasHM U 9. KMtr.

BarnM A RoMnaon (Palace) Brooklyn. Barryi Lydia (Orphenm) Bt. Panl 21-26. Bnttw, Three (Pantagea) Winnipeg, Can.; (Pnn-

tagM) Edmonton 21-26, Bayaa, Nora (Orphenm) Ban Francisco 14-26. BNnmente A Arnold (PantagM) Bpokana; (Pan-

tngaa) Beattie 21-26. Bmos a Belles (Empress) Bt Panl. Beaman A Anderaon (Majestic) Chicago. Boll A Fredo (KedsW) Chteago, BoU-Thaaer Bros. (Oolebratlop) Bellefbntalno,

O.; (Fair) Mt Carroll, Ill., 21-26.


BANCROrr.^ BROSKE IMreotlea Mai Bart

Balmonts. Fire (HIpp.) Seattle. Wash. I Bamtt, Murray (FooNIne Ferry Park) Lonlo-

Tllle; (Orpbenm). Menudiis 21-26. Bmere, Valerie, A Co. (Ramona Park) Grand

Knpids. Mich. Bnraard A DeHaron (Majkatic) Oshkosh, Wla. Bernard. Joa.. A Co.. (Temple) Detroit Bernard A Tracey (Broadway) Bette, Mont. BntMc’e Ctrena (Keith) PblUdolphta; (Royal)

Maw York 21-26. Booaoe, Mme. (Oort) Son Fraaclaro. Bant. Maybelle (BIJm) Fall River, Maas. Blaek A White (Pantagea) Tlctorla, Oan.;

Pantagea) TaeaaM. Wash., 21-26.

■R. LRO BEERS Maaagrmmt Clanda and Gotdim Baalaefc.

Black A Black (Cheater Park) Clncianatl. Blackatoae Comedy FMr (Chester Park) da-

elnnatl. BlaodcII. Ed. A On. (PantagM) Taeama. Wash.,

(PantagM) Portlnad. Ora., 2l-2g. Band A Bond (Lyric) Hoboken. N. J. Banltn A Lew Hmn (Morriaen) Rackaway

Beach. N. T, ^ I BMtbby, Adelaide, A Oo. (KeithI Waahingtim. Bondlai Bros. (Orpheam) Baa Franciaca 14-26. mowara, Fred V.. A Co. (Orpheam) Bt. Pool

21-26. Bmeks, Bevon (Ramona Parki Grand Rapids.


Dancing Girl of Delhi (Oipbonm) Memphis 21- 26.

RlargEtrlt# D# Von starring John a FUmFs "Bod Boas" Oo.

Daniels Conrad (Orphenm) New York. Dnnnbo, Fonr (Pnlaco) New York. Darla A Elmore (Hipp.) Spokane. Day A White (Erber's) E. Bt. Louis, Ill. DeHoIlls, Wm.. A Oo. (Pantagea) PortUnd. Ore. DeBerrU, BanrIatU, A Co. (PanUgM) Calgary.

Oan. DeVuy, Emmett A Co. (Keltb) Washington 21-

26. DeWlntan, Grace (PantagM) Ban Franciaco;

(Pnatawan) Aakinnd 21-S6. Dig|ttJiwna^dt^PiWiy (Tnmpli) Batvolt;


LEW FIELDS* “STEP THIS WAY*' Bhubeit Ibeatra, New York. Indrdnltely.

Brown, Gao. N., A Oo. (Pantagea) Portland, Ora. Brown-Flatcber Trio (Pantagea) Loa AngalMl

(PantagM) Ban Diego, Can., 21-26. Browning A Denn (Broadway) Butte, Mont. Bninettea, Crcllna (New Brighton) Brighton

Beach, N. Y.. 21-26.

Bach Bros. (Empress) Butte, Mont. Bndd, Rath (Bhea) Buffalo. Burkhart, Maurice (Orpheum) Montreal 21-26. Burley A Burley (Keith) Boston 21-26. Burton's, AI, Berne (Loew) Newark. N. 3. Calta Bros. (Orphenm) Memphis 21-26. Cameron A O’Connor (Pantagea) Tacoma, Wakh.;

(PantagM) PortUnd, Ora., 21-26.

Dnoloy. Bon. A Oo. (KiMh) WaaMagtoa. DnlaaoM A Moora (Daaincey Bt.) New York. DemniMt A Collette (Fniton) Brooklyn. DUmond A Brennan (Keith) Boston. Dias Monkeys (Hipp.) Ix» Angeles. iDlrorco (}UMtlon (Pantagea) VlctorU, Can.;

(Pantagea) Tacoma, Wash., 21-26. Doherty, LtllUn (Bonlerard) New York. Don Fong One A Haw (Keith) I'blladeipbia 21-

2® — Donovan A Lee (Orphenm) Balt Lake 21-26. Dooley A Nelson (Grand) Fargo, N. D. Dooley A Rngel (Henderaon) Coney Island, N. Y. Dore A llal|ierin (Orphenm) Montreal 21-26. Drew, Lowell A Esther (Forest Park) St. Louis.

FRED DUPREZ (Urt Daw's Bteamahlp Agency,

Lrteeater Square, LONDON. ENO.

DuFor Boys (Orphenm) Ban Francisco 21-26. Duffy A Lorenie (Qrpbeum) San Franciaco 21-

26. Dufty A Daisy (Henderson) Coney Isisnd, N. Y.;

(Keith's Garden Pier) Atlantic City, N. J., 21-26.

Duncan A Holt (Hipp.) Spokane. Dunedin. Qneenle (Grand) Bt. Louis. Earl, The. A Girls (Pantagea) San Francisco:

(PanUgea) OakUnd 21-26.


Carr, Alexander, A Oo. (Orphenm) Los Angeles 14-16.

WM. R. CKEMAN Carroll A Wheaton (Orphenm) Oakland, Cal.;

(Orphenm) Loa AngelM 21-26. Cartmell A Harris (Majestic) Chicago. Casson A Earle (Keith) Boston 21-26. Chase, Howard, A Co. (Hipp.) Spokane. Chip A Marble (Orphenm) innneapoUs 21-26. Chung Hwa Font (Forest Park) St. Loots; (Fon¬

taine Ferry Park) Loniaritle 21-26. OUrk A Girard ((iiphonm) BMton. CUrke, Wilfred, A Co. (Orphenm) Balt Loke

21-26. OUrk'o Royal Hawaliana (PanUgea) Winnipeg,

Can.; (PantagM) Edmonton 21-26.

COLLINS « HURT Wortd af Plcoonre Cbi En rante.

CUy, Millard, Trio (EmpreM) Bntte, Mont. CUyton, Una, A Co. (Keith) Boston 21-26. Oohan A Yonng (Greeley Sq.) New York. Oalemaa, Harry (PantagM) Beattie; (PanUgM)

Yaaconrer. Can.. 21-26. OdlegUns. Rro (Keltb) (Hnctnnatl. Conrad, Birdie A Mdie (National) New York. (UmoI a Betty (Orpbenm) Balt Lake City; (Or¬

phenm) Denver 21-26. OMper. Horry. A Oo. (New Brighton) Brighton

Bonck. N. Y. Cooper A Smith (Orpheam) San Franciaco 21-26.


^S5m)*S3c SCmS? STW*'***’

BSS'"""'""" WCs


RAMCER. With May Tony’s "ilie World Dancm," at B.

F. Kslih's PalM, IndcT. Dalag the MUmt Number with Mks Larina.

Onwtacd, A Braderlek (PanUgM) Winnipeg, Oan.; (PantagM) Bdnaontan 21-28.

Oiwwn, Laan Hopn (Keith) Washington. Criapo. The (Keith) Philadelphia 21-28. Orotana Oreheotra (Orphenm) Detroit. fUnnUgtim. OoeU (Foapyth) AtUatn, On. Catty. Wm. A M. BooMn 21-26. D'Anwad. tahoDo. A Oo. (Keith) WnMMngtoa. D’Anhray. DUaao (Majonlle) CMam

A Afchor Oo. (PantagM) Ran PraachMo;

Earl A Edwards (Avenne) Chicago. Edwards, Goa, School Daya (Lyric) Uncoln, Neb.

ERBOnrS LILLIPUTIANS Now an the 8. A a OmiU.

Edwards Broo. (Oort) Ban Francisco. Bdwards, Tom, A Oo. (Keith) BMton; (Keith)

Waahington 21-86. Electrice A Ck>. (Orand) Fargo, N. D. ElUs A BordonI (Orpbenm) Salt I.ake 21-26. Elwell A Kenyon (PanUgM) Balt Lake City. Embn, Wm. (Bonlevard) New York. Emeiaon A Baldwin (FonUlne Ferry Park) Lon-

UvllU; (ForMt Park) St LonU 21-26.


Bnuny’n PeU (PantagM) SMtUe; (Pantagea) Vnaeonvnr, Cha.. 21-86.

Entei tainera, Four (lyric) Birmingham, AU. BqnllU Bros. (Keith) Boeton. ■rale A Ernie (Henderaon) Coney laUnd, N. Y. Bspe A Dntton (Bljon) Brooklyn. Evelyn A Dolly (St. JamM) BMton. Farrell, Alfred (People'a) Bnperior, Wis. Fascinating Flirts (Grand) Bt. lioula. Faabioa Shop (EmpreM) Bt. Lonla. Fs^, ^wo Coleys A Fay (Orpbenm) Balt Lake

Fields,'will H. (Royal) AabUnd, Wla. Fields, Bailie (Miles) (HevcUod. FtchU A Holliday (Bljon) Brooklyn. FUber, George, A Co. (Tonge Bt.) Toronto. Fitngibbon, Bert (Keith) Boston 21-26. FlUgibbons, Lew (Grand) Bt. Ivonli. Flanagan A Edwards (PaUee) New York. FoUIm D’Amonr (Keltb) Washington; (Keith)

PhlUdelphU 21-26.

SRft FltxflbbRR OolenL Dlrvetlon Frank Evans.

Fondelier, Jm (Bljon) Fall Elver, Msm. FenUUe, Evans Barrows, A Co. (Majestic) Chi¬

cago 21-2R. Ford. Margaret (Orphenm) Detroit. Ford, Max, A Hatty Urma lEmpreas) Bt. Panl. Ford. BertU (Nkydome) Bt. lioola. fYanklln A Otnon (Now Brightoa) Brighton

Boneh. N. Y.; (KoHh) Beaton 21-26. FMiMsn A Dnahnm (PanUgM) TIetorU, Onn.;

(PngUgH) Taeemn, Waoh., 21-26.

Frldkowoky Tronpo (MorrUon) Boefcnway Bonsh, N T,

Onrrinettt Broa. (PanUgM) Rpoktno; (Pnatagw) BonttU 81-2R.

Gnrtollo Bros.( EmproM) Bntte, Mont. Gaylord A Lnneton (PanUgM) EdmontOB, 0l%t

(PanUgM) Calgst? 21-36. . ' (Uary, Arthur (American) Now York. OlKuil, Harry (Henderaun) Coney IsUnd, N. T..

OUdUtora, Tha (Orphanm) Balt Lake City; (Or¬ phenm) Denver 21-26.

Ooldinls, Hpantsh (Bobmer Park) MontrMl 31-26L OoUm Troupe (PanUgM) Lm AngeUn; (Poh-

UgM) Ban Diego, 21-26. Oouea Trio (Ramona Park) Orand Bapida, Ml^ Oonne A LIvaey (Royal) New York. Gordon A Uevent (KmpraM) Omnka, Mnh. Biriig Bnu. A WattM ISataMV BL) Bwv

Ynsk. CUaROB A Mug ((UflMHi) Mmt So*.


Oerdoii. Panl (Keith) Beaten 21-26. Uordone, Bobbie (Majestic) Chicago. Gormans, Mna!ral (Bhea) Buffalo 21-36, OranvIlU. Dorothy, A Co. (Royal) New Toth. Gray A Manville (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Gray, Bee Ho, A Co. (Orpbenm) MempbU 21-3R. Gregory Troupe (Kedale) Chicago. Green A Drew (Keltb) (Mnrinnati.

I Green, Harry, A Co. (.Maryland) Baltimore 21- 26. „

■ Greene A Parker (PanUgea) Tacoma, Waah.; (^ntagM) PortUnd, Ore., 21-26.

Oreenlcy A Drayton (American) New York. Grew, Paten A Co. (Warwick) Brooklyn. Grey A Klnnker (Keith) Cincinnati. Ouerney, Leona (Hipp.) Baltimore. Ontmani Trio (Keltb i Waahlniton 21-26. Hagan. Fred 0.. A Co. (Bt. James) BMton. Haley Blatera l^r (Pantagea) PortUnd, Gra. Hall, Jeisie May, A Co. (Hipp.) Baltimore. Hall, Lanra Nelson, A Co. (MsJmUc) Chicago

21-26. Hall, Geo. (Empress) Tnisa, Ok. Ilalpcrln, Nan (Orpheum) Loa AngelM.


HELLER E FULLER Booked RaUd United TIbm. Gens Hn^m

Hamilton, Alice (PanUgea) Yaneonvor, Ouut (PanUgM) VlctorU 21-26.

Hamilton A Banwa (Forsyth) AtUntn, Gn.{ (Lyric) Birmingham, AU., 21-26.

Handicap OlrU (DeKalb) Brooklyn. HandU A MiUer (Emery) Providence. Hanlon, Bert (Keith) Waahington 21-26. Harper. Mabel, A Oo. (PantagM) Lm AngeUn;

(PanUgM) Baa Diego 21-28. Harrab, Boy, A Co. (Henderaon) Coney UUad,

N Xa Harrington. Basel, A Co. (LincoU Sq.) Now

York. _ BarrUon. MadeUne, A Oo. (PaUco) Now York. HarU A Evans (Miles) Detroit. Harvey, Besale, A Co. (National) New York,

i Bawklna, Low (Hipp.) PortUnd, Ore. HMrt of n Man (Broadway) BntU, Moot. Heggl, Lona (Empresa) SacramenU, CaL Helen A EmllUon (Orpbenm) Boatoa. Helene Trio (New Palace) Mlnneapolia. Hendrix A PaduU (Loew) New Rocbelle. N. T. Henry A AdeUlde (Avenne) Chicago. Hen. Mrs. Ralph, A Co. (Orpbenm) Oakland,

Cal.; (Orpbenm) Lm AngeUs 21-26.


Hickey A Bnrke (Tonge Bt.) Toronto. Hickey Brat., ThrM (Forest Park) Bt. Lanin. Hippodrome Four (Bljon) fall River, Maas. Hoey A Lm (Shea) Buffalo 21-26. Hoffman, Lon (Seventh Ave.) New York. HolmM A WelU (PantagM) Spokane; (PantagM)

BMttU 21-26. HolmM A Reilly (Lyric) Oklahoma City. HolU, Lew (Orpbenm) Oakland, CaL; (Or¬

phenm) Loe AngelM 21-26. Honeyboya. Seven (Henderson) 0>ney IsUnd, N.

Hor'lick Family (MIIm) aeveUnd. Horton A La Trlska (ForMt Park) St. LonU;

(Fontalna Ferry Park) LoniavtlU 21-26. Howard A Graf (Hipp.) PortUnd. Ora. Howard A DoLorla (EmpreM) San FrancUen. Hoyt, Stein A Daly (Miles) Detroit. Hndaon, Bert E. (Chaatanqaa) Minneapolis. Hnfford A Chain (Bljoa) Richmond, Ya. IdanUs' Tronpo (Forsyth) AtUnU, Oa. Imperial Chineie Trio (Orpbenm) lioe AngoUo. loleen SUters (Oreeley 8q.) New York. Jewell’s Manikins (l^c) BInnIngbam, AU.

LITTLE JERRY n# BIggmt UtUa Bingar U TandcvUln.

Jordan OirU, ThrM (TempU) Detroit. Joy Rldera (Hipp.) SMttU.

to TaudsvUle.

JniM A FrancM (Bmpraia) BntU. Mont. Junior FoUIm (Broadway) BntU, Mont.

With Black and Whlu Reriaw.

Kamerer A HowUnd (Hipp.) BaltlaMrt. Kana A Harman (New Palace) MlnneapoUs. Kanfman Broa. (ForMt Park) St. LonU 21-2t. Kay, Bnab A Robinson (American) New York. KriUgg. Nora A Sidney (Erber's) B. Bt. iMlO,

Kelly A Oalrin (Keith) Washington 21-26. Kennedy A Kramer (Hipp.) Bpokane. Keno A Green (PantagM) Edmonton, Oan.; (Paa-

UgM) Onlgary 21-26. Kent, LouIm, A Co. (Orpbenm) ItooUn. KerrilU Family (PanUgM) Ban Dtego, OnLl

(PanUgM) Rnlt Lake City 21-16. Kilkenny Four (McTIcker) Chicago. Klagsbnry, lillUa (Orphenm) Mempblo 21-3K KlaboU, Mnndo, A Oo. (BararoM) Rt. PnnL


Klmbcrlr ft Arnold (Paatagea) gcattlo; (Pan- Malrlna, Tbreo (Pantagea) Ban Diego, Cal.; I(o«o ft ElUa (PanUgea) loa Angalaa; (Pan- Wblto, MnlUlg ft Wbita (l«aw) Newark. N. J. tagaa) VanconTor, Can.. 21-26, (Pantagea) Halt Lake City 21-26. tagea) Ban Diego 21-26. Which One Bball I Many (Hlpp.) Angalafc

Elng Broa. (UIpp.) Loa Angelea’. lleredltb ft Hnouxer (Kontaloe Ferry Park) Loa-1 Both ft Boberu (Enipreaa) St. Lonia.


KALMAR and BROWN In TbAr Ortgloal CrtaUoo,

"NURSERYLANO** Booked SoUd U. B. O. Tima.

lavllle; (Marrlaud) Baltimore 21-26. Ildnlgbt f 'oUlM (PanUgea) Portland, Ore.

BowUnd, Adele, ft Co. (Temple) Detroit 21-26. Hoy ft Artbur (Orpbeum) Montreal 21-26.

Milaa, Uomer, ft Co. (Orpbenm) St. Paul 21-26. Bojee, Bey L. (Bipp.) Los Angeles. MllU ft liockwood (Ljric) Hoboken, N. J. i ——-- Mobaffg, Cyril ft Stewart (Orpbenm) New York. I Bublnl, Jan (Majestic) Chicago 21-26.

Babes Four (Grand) Great Falls, Mont. GILBERT WELLS

Models De Lose (Pantagea) Tacoma, Wasb.; (PanUgea) PortUnd, Ore. 21-26.

MoffetL Orabam, PUyers (Unique) Minneapolis. Muon ft MorrU (Orpbeum) Los Angeles; (Or-

pbenm) Salt Lake 21-26. Moore, Tom ft Stacia (Hipp.) Baltimore. Morgan, Geo. (Miles) Doteott. Morgan ft SUwart (Yoagn BL) '"eeantn,

BuaaeU, Mabel, ft Co. (Monisun) Bockawa/ fL *?^*'*A Beach, N. Y., 21-26. Will ft Kemp (Broadway) Butte, Moot.

PUrers ('{jniaue) Minneapolis Busnella! Flying (Sobmer Park) Montreal 21-26. l*****®t? ***^ r i (Orobeumi lie AMelea- (Orl S«blne, Lloyd, ft Co. (Grand) Great FalU, Mont. WiUiama ft Cnlrer (Kmpreas) St. LonU.

^ Angeles, (Or (Bamona Park) Grand Baolds. Mich. WillUma ft Wolfna (Majestic) Chicago.


Kings, Four (Empress) Omaha, Neb. Tom ft Btacia (Mipp.) Baltimore. Kinkald. BiUy (Fulton) Brooklyn. Morgan, Oeo (Miles) DtiMt. Kirk ft Fogarty tituyal) New York 21-28. 1 “organ ft SUwart (Yoaga BL) ’^eermtA. Klrfcsmitb Slater* (Pantagea) Tlctscta, Can.;

(Pantagea) Tacoma, Wash., 21-26. Kleiat, Paul (Grand) St. Louis. Kramer ft Morton (Orpbeum) Salt Lake City;

(Orpbenm) Denver 21-26. La Ford. Cbas. (Olympic) Bnffalo. Morgan, Jim ft Betty (Orpheam) Loa i _ LsFrance Trio (ilenderaon) Coney Island, N. 14-26. "

Y.. 21-26. Moriarty Sisters (Serent% Are.) New Tack. La France ft Bruce (Erber'a) R. St. LouU, liL Morin Sisters (Orpbeum) St. Paul 21-Sft laBae, Grace (PaUce) New York. Moroclns, The (Boolerard) Mew York. LaTarre, Paul, ft Bro. (Keith) Washington. Morris ft Campbell (Greeley Sq.) New York. LaVine-CImaron Trio (Palace) Brooklyn. Morrow, Wm., ft 0>. (Bijou) Fall Blrer, Mass. Lambert ft Fredericks (Fulton) Brooklyn. Morton SUters (Ideal) Fond do Lac, Wis.

. Lambert, Beatrice (Greeley ^.) New York. Morton, Ed (Keith) Boston. Lamont's Cowboy Miastrels (Keith) PhUodeb Morton ft. Glaae (Mew Hnghlan) Brlghtae

ahtnt (nmiEii DitaMD ..K- T.. n-Sft

Sale, Chic (Bamona Park) Grand Baplds, Mich. Santley ft Norton (Royal) New York. Savoy ft Brennan (Orpbeum) MempbU 21-26. Sea a ism ft Press (Lyric) Oklahoma City. Scotch Lode ft Lassies (New Bri([bton) Brighton

Beach, M. Y.. 21-26. fewss, CkML r. (Pa*tagee> BaM Lak* OMr. Bb^r,. LoHib ft Oe. (Paakagan) OnUaiM, OhAi

(P—togae) Ingelaa n-Mi

**!??«’ (OrpheMi) Lea Angtloe J 'ft*Hy»M (oSSma) Baetaa.

a.. > w— w-e

WllUama ft Watkina (Hlpp.) PortUnd. Ore. WlllUma. Lottie, ft (V>. (Greek-y Sq.) New York. WUUama ft Segal (BUou) Richmond, Yn.; (roa*

ayth) AtUnU 21-26.


tagoe) Oalgaty 21-26. Rilher * Mactk (Paatagea) Peettead, Oca. SUvec ft Dacat (Acadaasy) Mecieih. .Ta.; (Bka-

ayth) AtlanU 21-26. Slmmona, Danny (Pantagea) OakUnd, OaL;

(Pantagea) Loa Angeles 21-26. SkipM. Hennedy ft Bives (Bamona Park)

OkMR Hapldo, Mich.

WllBag. BoatUg ft WBHng fiphiam) MMam. apolU 21-26.

WilU, Gilbert ft Co. (Pantagea) Edmonton, Oaa,| (Pantagea) Calgary 21-26.

Wilson, Knox (Lyric) Oklahoma City. Wilson, Lew (Keith) Boston.

gary. Can. Lander. Stevens ft 0». (PanUgea) gpokana; I Mbaber, Hayes ft Mosher (Emprees) Sacramento, Can**”***** (P«ntages) Cal- ^ (Majestic) Chicago 21-2g.

(Panugm) Saattto 21-26. | Cat * ^ Witt ft Wlater (Ljrtc) BiniUghaii!; AU. MoyUn, Larry, *^. (^yal) VlrglnU. Minn. mm.m ^ ^ WooU ft Stewart (Academy) Norfolk, Va.; (I Mnllaly, Don, ft Co. (DeUncy St.) New York. syth) AtUnta 21-26 THE 5 KINGS UF KKSYNCOPATION b.ui..,. bi.»


EDHHE UIIEICE la Tandsvtnsi

MoyUn, Larry, ft Co. (Royal) Virginia, Minn. Mnllaly, Don, ft Co. (DeUnry St.) New York. Mnllen ft Rogers (Keith) Philadelphia. Mnmford ft Thomson (Warvrlck) Brooklyn. Morphy ft KUne (Chester Park) (Tncinnati. Mnrpby ft Barry (DeKalb) Brooklyn.

Largay ft Snee (Lincoln Sq.) New York. Lamsds. The (Keith) PblUdelpbU. Latoska (PahUgea) Calgary, Can. Laurie ft Bronson (Keith) Washington 21-26. LeMaIre ft Dawson (Oritbenm) Detroit. Leacb-WalUn Sisters (Milet) Detroit. Leightons. Three (Maryland) Baltimore 21-26. Leipxig (Orpbenm) Salt Lake City; (Orpbenm)

Denver 21-26. LeUnde, The (Sobmer) Montreal. Leonard-Anderaon PUyera (Pantagea) V’snconver, I Murphy, Senator FrancU (St. James) Boston,

Can.; (PanUgea) Victoria 21-26. Musical Matinee (New Palace) MinneapoUs.

An eoawnmlcatlona for tbs ‘Xama iaMaalaa,” Laka St (Ut


■ ■ g — mm ■ Sam Green, Leader. With Sophie Tucker.

Al* RJi ft 1* 1 ft If Slickeis, Four (People’s) Superior, Wla. ■ Ifllll IKW Brooklyn. ■ I Sw wSwl Iwl wwl IV W Smith ft West (Seventh Ave.) New York.

^ Solar. Willie (Keitb) Washington; (Keith) moan for ths snmet, Philadelphia 21-26. Laka St (Utbwlaa, Varmaot Boretti ft Antoinette (DeKalb) Brooklyn.

Spencer ft Wager (Grand) St. Lonia.

Leonard. Eddie, ft Co. (Morrison) Rockaway I “y Horae Co. (Pantagea) Vancouver, Can., I Spiegel ft Dunne (Yonge St.) Toronto.

Smith'ft West (Seventh Ave.) New York. Wood. DongU* J- ft Co. (Keith) Phlladal^U Solar. Willie (Keitb) Washington; (Keith) ^l-M. , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Philadelphia 21-26. Woods Bros.* Trio (Orpbenm) New York. Soretti ft Antoinette (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Spencer ft Wager (Grand) St. Lonia. Wright ft Davis (Grand) Spencer ft Williams (Orpbeum) San Francisco; Young ft Brown, Misses (Keitb) Philadelphlnt

(Orpbenm) OakUnd 21-‘.*6. (Shea) Buffalo 21-26. ^

Beach. N. Y., 21-26. (Paotages) Victoria 21-26.

(Shea) Buffalo 21-26. Zarrell, Leo, Trio (Orpbeum) San Frandaeoi

(Orpheum) Oakland 21-26.

Laster, Great (PanUgea) Winnlp g. Can.; (Pan- Natalie Sisters (Keith) Washington. tagea) Edmonton 21-26. Naynon'a Birds (Pantagea) San Francisco; (Pan-

Lavy, Jack, ft Symphony Girls (Grand) Great tages) OakUnd 21-28. FalU, Mont. Nederveid's Monks (Orpheum) Minneapolis 21-26.

Libby ft Barton (Sobmer Park) Montreal 21-26. Neff, John, ft Girl (National) New York. LIbonati (Orpbenm) St. Panl 21-26. Lightiier ft Alexander (Temple) Detroit 21-26. Lipintky'a Dogs (PanUges) OakUnd, Cal.;

(Pantagea) Loa Angeles 21-26.

St. aalr, Grace, ft Co. (Emery) Providence. _ twrpnenm) uaaii^ Stanley ft Farrell (Pantages) Seattle; (Pan- Zoeller, Edward, Tno (Hipp.) Seattle

tages) Vancouver, Can., 21-26. ■ Stanley. BUn, Trio (Henderaon) Coney IsUnd, DRAMATIC & MUSICAL

Stanley Capt (K^elth) CUflnnatl. ^born Opera Co.: Newark, N. J.. Indef. Boomerang, The. Da rid BeUaco, mgr :

Steindel Bros. (Keith) Philadelphia 21-26. jj.,, York indef

Aborn Open 0>.: Newark, N. J., indef. 1 T. ,IT .-u J 1 u. n-, tut Boomerang, The, Darid BeUaco, mgr : (BeUaeo>

■Imimmm dmBmmm ^ Steindel Bros. (Keith) Philadelphia 21-26. jj York Indef "NRISOn 9lSt€rS*3 * Bennett (Empress) St. Tales 'Arthur Hammerateln. mgr.: (Cort) Ctiamploo Wire RuUnen tnd Dtocen. a. J^vvv York, indef.

With John Bobhwon’s Ten BU Shovra Sn^r^ft^Xu ^ForesT P^^ ^“tul")* New^Yo^k fndeY'

Nestor, Ned, ft Sweethearts (Pantages) Winnl- gtiTkneT8°%he’^(ChrsVeV Park)* CincInJa^' ®®*‘*" ®' t peg. Can.; (PsnUges) Edmonton 21-26. AtUntlc City 14-19.

Night In the Park (PanUges) Spokane; (Pan- nJ®!!® * Dillon ft King Co.: Oakland, Cal., Indef. Ugea) Seattle 21-26. ’ Angelea; (Pan- Warmer, Selwyn ft Co., mgra.: (Haf-

* Bennett (Empress) St. ^sles. 'Arthu; Hsmmeratein. mgr.: (Cort)

RALPH LONSE and NANA STERLIN6 . Rtekards' Tour, Australis.

LIpaon, Arthur (PaUce) Brooklyn. Uttle Caruso (Orpbeum) Detroit. Lockett ft Waldron (Royal) New York 21-26. Lockbardt Broa. (Seventh Ave.) New. York. Long Tack Sam ft 0>. (PanUgea) Edmonton,

Can.; (Pantages) (UIgary 21-26. Loasee, Gilbert (Unique) Minneapolis. Lowrya, The (National) New York.

^nh'JumV'^kUn/‘O'-1 Norwood ft Hall (Grand) St. Loul. LocuSm ^eSc^) Providence. I <-K®J“» . PblU_delphla_ 21-26.

Sterling ft Margaruite (Empress) St. I-onia. Stettner ft Bentz (Forest Park) St. Lonia;

(Fontaine Ferry Park) Loniaville 21-26. Stlckneya. The (Chester Park) Cincinnati. Stone ft Clear (Delaney St.) New York.

New York, indef. Cheating Cheaters, A. U. Woods, mgr.: (H-

tinge) New York, indef. Coban Revue of 1016, Cohan ft Harris, mgra.:

AtUntlc City 14-10.

Nip ft Tuck (Greeley Sq.) New York. Norton ft NobU (Emery) Providence.

Margaret Little-Ness V n^Va/n,nt..s.i O’Meara. Jerry ft Gretcben (Hlpp.) Seattle.

^(Pantagea) Spokane, (Pantagee) (Orphenm) MemphU 21-26: SeattU 21-26.

Lunette Slaters (Orpheum) St. Paul 21-26. SSu ft SSriM (Rt^at BnSii- IS (Amoricau) New York.

OrTod lUnid^^Ji «»a® * (Bamona o^ri. Jack (Keith) Boetou; (Shea) I M^^d A ram (gmnr^) fUrramsntn Oal * Campbell (DeKalb) Brooklj

O**®®** ’'®‘® E- St. Louis. Ill. A PagUsccl (Royal) New York.

^®®*’ Paid in Pull (Bmpreas) Sacramento, (Ul.

McD^ld Chaa fMlIeai^eVelaBd AtUnU. Ga. Men^ld Children (Grand) St. Lonia. Meint^h’'ft^MBlda *’®*®* * Camello (Yale) Sapnlpa, Ok. Melur ft aAu.I:.'V5;S B^h^S.^ '^ihtOB ***^*“« * (Orpbenm) Minneapolis 21-

McKinley, Neil (Lincoln Sq.) New York. McLalUn ft Caraon (Orpbenm) Salt Laka 21-M. Mack, Albright ft Mark (National) New York. Madden, Lew, ft Co. (Orpbenm) San FrancUco


tagea) San Diego 21-26. Snngrade Broa. (DeUncey St.) New York. Sntton, Lain, ft Co. (Empress) Bntte. Mont. Swift. Tbos., ft Co. (Orpheum) San Francisco. Sylpbide Sisters (Keith) Cincinnati. Symonda. Jack (Lincoln Sq.) New York. T^hon, Throwing (Miles) Detroit. Talbot, Richard (Pantages) OakUnd, OaL;

(Pantages) Loa Angelea 21-26. Taylor, Eva, ft Co. (Keith) PhlUdelpbU.

O’Meara, Jerry ft Gretcben (Hlpp.) Seattle. Odiva (Orpbenm) MemphU 21-26. TCIIWCT RrH OUratto. Moffett ft CUre (Unique) MinneapoUs. I dHFEal 9110 SBHrIIIIIE On the Nile (American) New York. " Onri. Jack (Keith) Boeton; (Shea) Bnffalo 21-26. Pmnanent addma. S8 Wcot 4eth 8L. N. Y. City. Owen ft Campbell (DeKalb) Brooklyn. Oxford Trio (Erber’e) E. St. LonU. Ill. Tempest ft Sunshine (Shea) Bnffalo. PagUaecl (Royal) New York. Thalero’s Clrcne (Pantagea) Salt Lake City. Paid in Full (Bmpreas) Sacramento, (Ul. Thornton ft Corlew (Bijou) Fall River, Mass. Paka, TooU (Forsyth) AtUnU, Ga. Tigbe ft Jaton (Morrison) Rockaway Beach,, Payne Children (Grand) St. Lonia. N. Y.. 21-26. Pearl ft Carsello (Yale) Sapnlpa, Ok. Tomboys, Two (Keith) Waabington 21-26.

ris) New York, Indef. Fair and Warmer, Selwyn ft Co., mgra.: (Cort)

Chicago, indef. Mnrdock. Ann. Cbaa. Frobman, Inc., mgn.t

(Lyceum) New York, indef. Mallory, Clifton, Co., Shaw ft Ixiar, mgra.: Ilr-

bana. III., 16; Kankakee 17; Oilman 18; OolfU 10: Clinton 21; Macomb 22; Camp Point 2S| Busbnell 24; LaHarpe 20; Whitehall 26.

Passing Show of 1916: (Winter Garden) M«« York, Inda^


Masical Comed) Players

thorn’ton Dtocettan JM Brhwrk

Toney ft Norman (Henderson) Coney IsUnd, Y.. 21-26. 3__ a Penikoff Rone BalUt (PanUges) Spokane; (Pan- ToombA ft Wentwortb (PaUce) New York.

HaePHERSDHS ».**<**) . ^®*v * Vlncent (seventh Ave.) New Yor Perooeee. “Three (Orpbenm) Detroit. Trains, Th* (Majestic) Grand laland. Neb.

Ik» HaUh ¥ ScniciL Dir. PeU Maeft. Petticoat MlnstreU (PanUges) Salt Lake (»ty. Travan, Noel, ft Co. (Mojeatie) Chicago. PcttlcoaU (Otplicnm) San FrancUco; (Orpbeum) Toekar, Bo^ila. ft On. (Keith) PhUada^hJa.

M^mtU^iLral^rmr ^^rancUM PbBbrick ft DeVoe (St. James) Boeton. luut 1 ^ P"«e“e*. Pistel ft Cnahlng (Empress) Sacramento. CaL KuJ.ft w'J^i®^iuiJSf%i«couv.r. can.; P««-^ (New Brighton) Brighton Baacb,

Ik» HaUh or Senich.

(Pantogao) Victoria 21-26. Manhattan Trio (Loew) Newark. N. J. Marble Gems (Majestic) Oabkoab, WU.

Pop* ft Uno (Keith's Hlpp.) CleveUnd. Powder ft Capman (Bmpreas) Omaha, Neb.

Bing, BUnebe. The Shoberts, mgra.; (Marina BlUott) New York, Indef.

Sanderson, JuUa-Donald BrUn-Joaeph Cawtbon, In Sybil, (Thas. Frohman, inc., mgra.: Atlnn- tie City 25-26.

Seven Chances, David BeUaco, mgr.: (Cohan) New York, indef.

n (Henderson) Coney IsUnd, N. Sltent Witneaa, H. H. Frasae, mgr.: (Longaa*) ._, . „ _ . New York, indef.

„ ^ . Jtwortt (PaUce) New York. jJaelm Tom’s Cabin (Wm. H. Kibble’s), a ». New York. Ackerman, mgr.; (NatUnal) Chicago 14-lft;

Trains. T^ (Majratlc) Grand laU^. Neb. BattU Creek. Mich.. 20; KaUmaaoo U; Travan, Noel, ft Co. (Mojeatie) Chicago. DowagUc S

* Ok* (MMth) PhUadalphJa. Yery Good, Eddie, Marbory, Comstock On, mgra.: (Casino) New York, indef.

World of Pleaanre, Tbe Sbnberta, mgra.: (Pal* ace) Chicago, Indef.

Elegfeld FOUlea: (New Amaterdam) New Tatk Indef.

JOE TOWLE DtanctUn sf Hany FUanrald.

Tnn Obln Tranpe (Hlpp.) PortUnd, Ore. MaresM A Minns. <J«J«*®y * FlUgerald (Orpbenm) Montreal 21- Tyrone Trio (NatlonaU New York,

tISSu * *^*'**®> 26. VaUya ft BraziUan Note (Bool apoIU. Mario ft Duffy (Forest Park) St. LonU 21-26. Marka, CUrence (Keitb) PhlUdelpbU. Maraball ft Welton (Ori^am) New York.

Rae ft Wynn (Yale) Sapnlpa. Ok. Rae, Frank, ft Cb. (Boulevard) New York. RandalU, The (Grand) Great ThlU, Mont.

(Boulevard) New STOCK ft REPERTOIRE

Academy Players: Haverhill. Maas., Indef. Van ft Scbenck (Morrison) Bockawny Beach, Albeo Stock Co. (CrionUI) Proridence, B. L,

SJIJfUvf,, i B Bandegger, G. Aldo (Orpbenm) Loa Angelea 14- Velde Tronpa (Sobmer Park) MontreaL **i?aa**^ * Sylvester (Orpbenm) Lot Angelee 26. VenetUn FMr (Pantagea) San Diego, Cal • (Pan- Aklne PUyera: Wichita, Kan., Indef. Man^rhaa A tv. iPaniassst Ran ni,,n oni • ®**®*'. Albertina, ft Ballet (Keith) Boston. tagea) Salt Isiko (5^ 21-26. AngeU’a ComedUns (Bonthcra). BllUe O. Ang^, (Pinui2?i‘ntrSi M N*»k‘n’» RnaaUna (Fontaine Ferry Park) Lonia- VioUnsky (PaUce) New York. "S'-: MaryrilU. Mo.. 14-19; CUardeld. In..

T (U iMIuLfDi'Sit Von Cello (Pantige.) Vancoiiver. Can.; (Pan- . • V®- IM””! __ _ Rath Bros. (Rmoresal Ran Francisco tassat vi..eaaia .»•- ...-

indef. Alcaaar PUyera: (Alcazar) San Francisco, Indef.

Raach, Albertina, ft Ballet (Keith) Boston.

Meehan ft Pond (Loew) New Rochelle, N. Y. Melba. Jnne ft Irene (PaUce) Brooklyn.

Rath Bros. (Rmpresa) San Francisco. Rawaon ft CUre (Hlpp.) Portland. Ore. Rced-8t. John Trio (Royal) Ashland. Win.

tagos) Victoria 21-26. Von Dell (Empress) Bntte. Mont.

21-26. Boinbridge PUyera: Minneapolis, Indef. Baird ft Wilson's CUmediaas: Pratt, Kan., 14-lf|

McPherson 21-26. w.^1 Zr .wC * V o .7. ; V - Keed-8t. John Trio (Royal) Ashland. Wls. Vox. VaUntlno (Yonxe SLl Toronto I McPherson 21-26. Beattie; (PanUges) Van- R^nipU, Beaaie, ft Co. (Lyric) Birmingham 21-1 WakeSeld, WllU Hrit*(Academy) Norfolk Va 1 *•“»*«» PUyera (Lyceum) Duluth, Minn., to-

eonver, t*n.. gi-an._ 2g, 1 21-2S. I Better Bros. (Rheai Rnffalo 21-26. '- -- — - - _ 1 « ,r__

JE JE RIkkOk. Three (PanUgea) Salt lAke City.


Walker, Clifford (Temple) Detroit. Walters ft Walters (Temple) Detroit 21-26.

Benjambi, Jack, Stock Co.: Smith Center, 14-19.

Rice, Elmer ft Tom (Fontaine Ferry Park) LonU- | Waltbonr ft Princeton OIrU (Morrison 1 Rock- I Bowridge PUyera: DeUvan, WU., 17-19, wUIa 91.9E I ur V 4h« 4m ' I lt«wlkRnfe TAhM AnvJilM.

AND HER ORCHESTRA PravUg a Riot la Vsadsvllls.

Melrose, Bert (PaUce) New York. Melville, Mary (Orpbeum) Oakland, CaL; (Or¬

pheum) Los Angeles 21-26.

Wl CLEAN YOUR itWILS PRII OP ONAROI Whsa Vsn’i* la Saa Praaaltsn.

villa 21-26. Rifner, Carl (Grand) St. Iz>ala. Rio ft Norman (Pantages) OakUnd. CaL; (Pan¬

tagea) Los Angelea 21-26. Rippel, Jaek RpUsh: Commerce, Ok.; Granby,

Mo., 21-26; Webb City 24-26.


away Beach, N. Y., 21-26. Ward ft WlUon (Loew) Newark, N. 3.


Ward Bros. (Majestic) Chicago 21-26. Waring, Nelson (Maryland) Baltimore 21-26. Waten ft Merrick (Lyric) Brlmlngham, AU. Water Ulliee, six (Shea) Buffalo 21-26.

Bnrbank PUyera: Los Angeles, indef. Borns PUyera: Colorado Springs, Col., Indef. Carter Dramatic Co.. J. B. Carter, mgr.: Grand

-Rapids, Mich., 14-19. Chaoe-Uster Co.: BloomSeM, la., 14-19, CUrk-Browa Stock Co. (Temple) Hamilton, OnL,

Can., Indef. OahmUI Stock Co., F. Bay Comstock, mgr.i

((X>lonUI) CleveUnd. Indef. Colonial Stock Co.: PIttsOeM, Mass.. Indsf. Cernell-Price PUyera: Wsnaeon, O., Indef. Crawford’s Comedians: Miami, Ok., 14-19.

River of Bonis (Orpbenm) Balt Laka City; (Or-1 Wi^^Amoroa Tronpe (Orpbanm) Balt l«ka I Demlng. Lawrence, TbeaUr 'Co. phenm) Denver 21-28. City; (Orpbenm) Denver 21-26.

^wwAamBMA I Roberts. Stnart A Roberta (McVicker) Chicago. Weatln, Tbs Great (Skydome) 8t. ! » s III ■■■■ I Rochester, CUirs (Orpheom) Salt Laka City; WMts’a Cirens (Bmpisos) St. PanL ^HBMlUfthldi RV I (Orpbenm) Denver 21-26. Whlta ft Brown (Hlpp.) WUBSMEHw W#* I Rodway ft Kelley (Royal) Virginia. Minn. T^to, Porter J., ft Co.

; (Orpbenm) Denver 21-26. I. Tbs Great (Skydome) St. Lenls.

M Mariri ilrasl. OlMal JsoNm "Pato."

RoNsra ft Haghes (St. James) Boston. Rogers ft Wood (Lincoln Bq.) New York.

SAN PRANOIMft. | Romanos, Three (TompU) Detroit 21-M

Whits ft Brown (Hlpp.) SeattU. Whlto. Porter J„ ft Co. (Bmpreas) Ban Pran-

riaco. Wbita ft Cavaaah (New Brighto*) Brighten

Beech, N. Y.. 21-26.

Mo., indef. Denham Stock Co. (Denham) Denver, indef. Deversaax - PUyera: (Zoo) Olnrinnatl 6-26. DoVoM, Flora. Co.. Northorn, J. B. Botnow,

mgr.: VloU, WU.. 14 19. Dodge, Sanford, Playora: Dencer, CoL, tndoC.

(Oontinaed an gaga SO)

48 Tlie Blllt>oar<l AUGUST 1t, ISIS.

DIRECTORY AiitrOrntmt^tM not exceediac om Uo* ia

leagUi will be pablUtaed, properly cUaaifted, ia this dlfcrtorr, at the rate of 910 per year (82 laaoea), prorided tlMry are of aa acceptable na- tare. Price Incladea one year'a aabacripttoa to Tbe Billboard.

Each additlooal lioe or additloDal claaalAca- Uoo, without MilMcriptloii, $7.80 per anuum.

Om line will be allowed to adeertiaere, free of ebarse, for each $100 worth of apace uaed darlor tbe year.

Tbia directory ia reriaed aad corrected weekly, ekancea in Arm namea and addreaaea belag re¬ corded aa aoon aa rceeired.

ACCORDION PLEATING •t. IxMiia Pluae A Pleating fU>., 620 North

Broadway, Mt. I/oaia.

ACCORDION MFR8. AND REP*R’8 John Vacca A Hon, 8M Blue bland are., Chicago.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES N. Bbnre. 237-241 W. Mailiaon at., Chicago. D. P. Hlllterer, 16 R. 23d at.. New York City. Stager Broa., 82 Bowery, New York City.

ADVERTISING STICKERS Milwaukee I.obrl A Seal Co., Milwaukee, Wia.

AERIAL ADVERTISING Braacl Norelty Mfg. Co., 1710 Blla at., Clndn’tl. Sllaa J. Conyne, 3808 Mclisan are., Chicago, III.

AERONAUTS Belmont Hlatera* Balloon Co., Bos 3.7, Reed City,

Michigan. Henry A. Phelps Ballooning Co., Bos 383, Orand

Baplda, Mich.

AEROPLANES Adrertlaing, 3808 Mcl^an are.. Chicago, III, American Aer'tplane Rxhib. Co., Humboldt, Tcnn


$1$ Sarty Araaaa,_Chhata, III.

Um-olii Beachey, Inc., Win. lickens, Hucceaaor, 110 H, Ilearlmrn at., Chicago, III,

Kaya A Klgyeluieaay, P. O. Box 72, Plilla., Pa. Patterson Aviators, lO.'iO Kaat Jelferaon, Detroit,

Michigan. Thomas Bros.* Aeroplane (k>., Bath, N. Y

AFRICAN DIPS The Cooley Mfg. Co., 887 W. Monroe at., Chicago

ALLIGATORS Plorlda Alligator Parm, Jackaunrllle, Fla.


Amelia Grain, 810 Spring Garden at., Phila.

AMUSEMENT DEVICES Bll Bridge Co., lioodbouae. III. Harachell Spillman Co,, North Tonawanda, N. Y, P. Mueller A Co., 1702 N. Weatern are., Chicago. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 WoodUnd, ClereUnd, O. Norelty Machine Co., 2 Hector at., N. T. City, O. W, Parker, liearenwortb, Kan. Sycamore Norelty Co., 1326 Sycamore at., Cin¬

cinnati, O. United Staten Tent A Awning Co., 220 North

Deaplalnes at., Chicago, III.

ANIMAL DEALERS Wm. RarteU Co., 42 Cortland at., N. T. City, ^wood H. Flint. North Waterford, Maine, ilnrl Hagenbeck, Stellingen, near Hambnrg, Ger¬

many. American repreaentatire, 8. A. Stmhnn. Boo Garden, Otnclnnatl, O.

Oariand Roological Company, Box A 487, Old IVwn, Me.

Bom’a Zoo Arana, Keith A Perry Bldg., Kanaaa (Bty. Mo.

Wm. Markenaen, Yardley, Pa. LotUa Rohe, 248 Grand at.. New York City.

ANIMALS, BIRDS AND SNAKES Dotrott Bird Store, 218 Third at., Detroit, Mich

_ ANIMALS (S«a Lions) Wtaln George M. McGuire, Santa Barbara, Cal. **-A.®***”> ChapaU at., Sante Barbara.


ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES Noirolty Slide Co.. 67 W. 2Sd at., N. Y. City,

ARMY AND ihnacia Bannerman,

ARTIFICIAL FLOWCR8 A«or-Jonea Co.. SSS So. Market at., Chicago. B^nlcal Decorating Co., 208 Went Adama at,.

Chicago, lU. '

._ ASBESTOS CURTAINS A lainiUa, 417 8. Clinton at., Chicago.


BAND INSTRUMENTS De Monlln Bros. A Co., Dept. 12, Urecnrlllo, Ill.

BANNERS Baker A Lockwood, Serentb and Wyandotte ate.,

Kansas City, Mo. Manuel Studio, 3<K> R. 2d at., ('inctnnatl, O. Schell’s Scenic Studio, 681 S. High Colom-

bos, O. Tucker Duck A Rubber Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. Onlted States Tent A Aweing Co., 220 North

Deaplalnes at., (^Icago, III.

BASKETS D. Marnbont Basket Co.. 816 Progress and 807

Carpenter at., N. S., Pittsburg. Pa.

BITS AND SPURS Aug. Boerman Mfg. Co., Newark, N. J.

BLANKETS Royal Mfg. Co.. 006 Filbert at., PblUdelphla.

BOOKING AGENTS United Booking Office, Palace 'Theater Bnildlng,

New York (fity. Western Vande. Managers’ Aasn., Chicago, lU.

BOOK STRIP TICKETS National Ticket Co., Sbamokin, Pa. Weldon. Williams A Uck, Ft. Smith, Ark.

BURLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIES American Burlesque Circuit, Gaiety Theater

Bldg., New York. Coinmbia Amusement Company, Columbia ‘rben

ter Bldg., New York City.

BURNT CORK Chan. Meyer, 1-3 K. 13th st., .Sew York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. C.

CALCIUM LIGHT (Ox-Hydrogen Gas Mannfactnrara)

Cincinnati Calcium IJght Co., 106 Fourth at., tiincinnatl, O.

Dearborn Novelty Co., 6.37 S. Dearborn at., Chi¬ cago, IIL

Brker Bros., 004 Olive at., St. Ix>uls. Mo. St. l>ouls CaIcnIm Co., 616 Kim st., St. i.ouls. Twin City Calcium Co., 740 Temple Court Bldg.,

Miuneaitolis, Minn.

CANDY FOR WHEELS J. J. IlowanI, Dept. B, 115 South Dearborn at.,

Chicago, III. il. M. Ijikoff, 316 Market at., Philadelphia. Pa. Pbiladelithia Chocolate Co., cor. .33d and Market

sts., I'blladeipbla.

CIRCUS SEATS (V#w ftsd S#ooAd*HAo4)

Baker A lockwood. Seventh and Wyandotte sta., Kansas City, Ho.

United States Tent A Awning Co., 220 North Desplaines st., Chicago, III. .


Berger’s, Sam A Nat, 8.70 Market at., Han Fran¬ cisco.

CLOWN WHITE Chas. Meyer, 1-3 B. 1.3th st.. New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31at at., N. Y. C.

COARfBCR CARS Phila. Toboggab Duval at., Pblla.

C^^V^CREAM M. Stein Coametlc^^ 1‘20 W. 31at at., N. Y. C,

CONCESSIOftllRES' SUPPLIES Eastern-Amerlcan ^Bne. Co., 2602 OUve at.,

St. Lonis, Mo.

J&NE8 ’The American ConsHl^afer Co., Dayton, O. A. T. Dietz, 127 IHQGao at., Toledo, 0.

CONE MACHINERY Lnnier A Driesbacb, 248 Butler at., Clodnnatt,

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES W. Z. Long, 172 High at.. Springdeld. O.

CONFETTI Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

CORN POPPERS W. Z. l»ng, 172 High st., Spriugneld, O.

COSMETICS (Zyebrew Peneils, Fane Powder, Ete.)

Cbaa. Meyer, 1-3 E. 18th at.. New York (:ity. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 3Ut at., N. Y. C.

COSTUMES (Bee Wild West)

Carnival Costume Co., '.'nT West Water at., Mil¬ waukee, Wla.

Coast Costume Co., 10".l Market at., San Fran¬ cisco.

Creasy A Wingate, Iin ., Dea Molnea. Ia. Fritz Schoultz Oo.. !!• 21 W. Lake at.. Chicago.

COWBOY BOOTMAKER R. E. Blatberwick, Duibart, Tex.

CUTS FOR ILLUSTRATIONS Commercial Art Co.. 83 Third at., San Franclaeo.


Our Directory Is firmly established.

Profeeeional people^ as well as those In all the closely allied and kindred callings, InstlnctlYsly turn to this de¬ partment whenever they want an address or a list of ad- dreaaes. Think of it—a year’s auhacrlptlon to The Bill- hoard and your name and address in 53 Issues, all for IIO.M (In advance).

The Piisitan Choc. Co., 204 W. Court at., Cin¬ cinnati, O.

Tonrnlne Co., 281 Canseway at., Boston, Mnsa.

CANES AND WHIPS Advance Whip Co., 287 Elm at., Weatncid, Mast. Braael Novelty Co., 1710 Ella at., Cincinnati, O. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland, O. Coe, Yonge A Co., 006 Lncaa ave., St. Lonia, Mo. Fhbficlna Co., 18^ Washington, St. Lonis, Mo. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land, O. NAVY AUrnriM Anrvno Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth at., 8t. Lonia.

XiM wlhlr *Co., 237-241 W, Madiaun at.. Chicago. »an, 601 Broadway, N. T. City. singer Broa., 82 Bowery. New York City,


United States Tent A Awning Co., 229 North Deaplalnes at,, Chicago, III.

CARBIDE LIGHTS I The Alexander Mllbnrn Co., Baltimore, Md.

CAROUSELS Amelia Grain, 810 8|^ng Garden at.', Philadelphia | ^ha. H. Dentsel, 3641 Germantown ave., Phlln-

A8BE8T08 (^URTAINS AND PIC- | HeracheU-SplIiman Co.. North Tonawanda. N. Y. _ _ TURE BOOTHS H. W. Johna-Manvllle Co.. New York City.

ELEC, ECONOMIZER N. Power, 00 Gold at.. New York City.

AUTOMATIC MUSICAL IN8TRU- ^ . MENT8 K ^ml, 216 N. 20th at. New York aty.

ToniwkiMlt Ifailcal InstniiiMiit Worfcpx North Tonawanda. N. T.

^ BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. De Jfonlln Brae. A Co.. Dept. 11. OreenviUe. HI.


Marcus C. IlUons, Coney laland, N. Y. W, F. Mangels Co., Coney laland, N. Y. C. W. Parker, Leavenworth. Kan. Philadelphia Toboggan Co., 180 Dnval at., Pblla.

CARS (R. R.) Arms Palace Horse Car Co., Room 604, 332

South Michigan ave.. Chicago, III. Sontbern Iron A Equipment Co., Atlanta, Oa. CHAIR8,GRAND STANDS FOR RENT C. Ed Flood, Cleveland. O.


Mnwman llfg. On., 641 WoodU^ ave^'Oere- Beating Co., 10 B. 48d sL and T 1. 42d land. O. at.. New York City.

S^®9®® and P(IEMIUM ribbons CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS Span MDr. Oo.. 181 H. l24lk at.. New'York.

BALLOONS ,_, (He* Air) Amm^m BnUeen On.. Bex 883. Orand BapMs,

Hranel Novelty Oe.. 1716 BHa at, Clndnaatl. O. Hijrtkwcntern Bnllaaw On., >406 ClybetWH nee.,

CMcngw IB. **■■•••• Hran.* BnBaaalig On.. Anracn. IH. Valtad Stetas That A Awning On.. 22$ Harth

DsaplainM nt. (^rngA IB.

BALL THROWING GAMES Wbateni FiwH Grader A Mflg: On.. Oenad


DECORATIONS Baker A Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte ate.

Kanaaa City. Mo.


Botanical DecoraOng Co., 206 West Adams at. Chicago, IIL

W. F. Hamilton. Met. Opera Honae, New York O. A. Trahan Co., Inc., Cohoes, N. Y.

DIAMONDS Loftls Broa., 106 N. State at., Chicago, DL Bemoh Jewelry Co., Washington ave., St. Lonis.

DIRECTORS OF CELEBRATIONS W. P. Hamilton, 1428 Broadway, New York.

DISINFECTANTS Fnlton Bag and Cotton Hills, New York. St.

Lonle, New Orleani, Atlanta and Dallas, Tex

DOGS AND BEARS (Elnetrio Eyed)

M. Gerber, 7’J7-72» South at., PblUdeIpbln. Pa. A. H. Heudler A Co., lOM Miaeion at. Ban

Frauclwu, Cal. Ilullday .Novelty Mfg. Co., 32 Union Bqnara,

New 7'ork. _ Innovation Novelty Mfg. Co., 38 E. Zlat •t.,N.T. Morriaun Trade Supply Houae, 22 K. Woudbrtdge,

Detroit, Mich. New Toy Mfg. Co.. 20 8. Market at., Cbleago. New Tor Mfg. Co., 143 Blee<ker at., Newark,

New Jeraey. Nou-Breakahfe Toy Co.. 702 Orand ave.. MU-

I'l^ret^ve Toy Co., Inc., 102-106 Wooater at,

Xc* York. „ , . w w—t. Royal Toy Mfg. O... 26! (anal. New York. Singer Biv*#.. 82 Bowery. New 'ork Cite. Tip Top Toy C<».. 2’J5 Fifth «»«., N. United States Tent A Awning Co., 2'JO North

DeapUiiM Gt*. Chicago, III.

DRUMS (Snare and Baas) Ludwig A Ludwig. ’2410 W. 14tb at.. Chicago.

DRUMMERS’ SUPPLIES Actiie Druromera’ Supply 2813-16 W. Twenty-

wcond at, Chicago, HI. The Dlzle Mualc Houae. 4<i3 Farrell Bldg.^ go. Ludwig A Ludwig, ‘2410 W. 14tb at., Chicago.

ELECTRIC BELTS The Electric AppUauce To.. Burlington. Kan.

ELECTRIC INSOLES A INHALERS Tba Electric Appliance &>.. Burlington. Kan.

ELECTRIC LIGHT OUTFITS Universal Motor Co.. Gsbkosb, Wla.

ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS C. Deagan, Berteau and E. Bavenswoud Park

ave., Chicago. 111.

ELECTRIC NOVELTIES Standard Electric -Nor. Co., 10 N. DespUlnan

at., Chicago. Ill.


G. A. Trahan Co., Inc., Cohoes, N. Y.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS Newtou Art Works. 3U0 W. 15th at.. N. Y. Cite. Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., 340 w.

Fiftieth at.. New York City.

ELK TEETH (Artificial) I'earre Norelty Co., 4U8 Fidalgo at., Seattle.



Central Engraving Co., U|)era Place, Cincinnati,

EYE BROW PENCILS M. Stein Osmetic Co., I2u W. 31st at., N. Y. C.

FACE POWDER Cliai. Meyer, 1-3 K. 13lh at.. New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 3tst at., N. Y. 0.

FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES F. M. Barnes. 36 S. State at.. Chicago, lU. Sparks Amusement Ontracting Co.. Indiana

Bldg., Kauaaa C3ty, Mo.

FAIR GROUNDS GOODS Slack Mfg. Co., 337 W. Madison at.. Chleaao-

FEATHER FLOWERS DeWitt Sisters, Grand Boulevard and B. Praitla

ave.. Battle Creek, Mich.

FEATURE FILMS Famous Players Film Co.. 313 W. Twenty-alxa

at.. New York City. „ » w Jeaae Laaky Co.. 1472 Breadway. New York Triangle Film Corp.. 71 W. 23d 't.. New Y«^ Universal Film Manufacturing Co.. Forty-olghta

god Brotdwtjr, New York Citf*

FEATURE LECTURE SLIDES W. Lindsay Gordon, 206 W. 24th at.. N. Y, City-

FELT MANUFACTURERS 8. Stroock A Co.. 11-13 Bait 26Ui at., N. Y. City.

FERRIS WHEELS Ell Bridge Co.. Box 143, Boodbouae. IIL W. P. Shaw Co., 1366 Park Boid. Waah., D. O.

FESTOONING Chicago Flag A Decorating Co., 1384 Wabnah

ave., Chicago. Ill. National ’naaue Manufacturing Oo., >06 Bergaa

at., Brooklyn, N. Y.

FILMS (HaMfaotarara, Dealen la aad Heatal Baraaaa) Donald Campbell, 146 W. 4&th at.. New York. Laemmie Film Service. 264 W. take at., OU-

cago; Minneapolis, Omaha, Dea Motaea.

AMERICAN MADE STUFFED TOY CO. Mfn. of neoMc-Bred Dogs and Bran.

231 Mtratr ttreat, .... Maw Vark.

DOGS AND TEDDY BEARS Wbeelman’a Novelty Mfg. Co., 914 Filbert at


DOLL RACKS Herachell-SptUman, North Tonawanda, N. Y.

DOLLS American Banner Co., 76 Sommer at., Boaton. Innovation Novelty M'f’g Co., 88 Eaat 21at at-

New York.

JOS. ROTH MFG. CO. 5T-S* E. nth 8L. New York, lance Phone, IMI Stuyvesant

Local and Long Dle- Dolla our ra^aHy.

The Helmet Co., 1021 Broadway, ClndDnatl. O. Toledo Chewing Gum Co.. Toledo Paetorles

Bldg., Toledo. Ohio.


M-n CetamMa BIreal. Mawwk. N. I.

CIGARS U. Lakef. BIB Market at., PUUdelpUa. Pa.

I CIRCUS A JUGGLING APPARATUS Ed Tan Wyek. Pnllm ava.. CtneiuM^ O.,

CIRCUS WAGONS Bibb* Waeia Oa.. Kaaraa City, M*,

Tip ’Top Toy Co., 225 Fifth ave., N. Y.

DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS Adrance Whip A Novelty Co.. 287 Elm at

W’eatdeld, Maaa. Art Doll A Nov. Co.. >6 W. 20th at., N. Y. City. Berk Brae., 543 Broadway, New York City. CnmUkey A KIndel, 891 Miaeion at.. San Pran-

claeo. Oomlaion Toy Mfg. Co., 161 Qneen at.. Toronto,

Ontario, Canada. H. C. Evaaa A Co., 78 Weat Yan Bnren at,

Chicago, IIL I yabrldna Co., 1823 Waahington at., St. Lonia,

MlaaonrI. Pair and Carnival Bopply Co., 126 Sth ava.

New York 01^.

Murphy, C. J., Elyria, O. Hutnal Film Oo.. New York City. Univeraal Film Manufacturing Oo.. Forty-elghtk

and Broadway, New York City.

FILM MANUFACTURERS Botbackor Film Mfg. Co., 223 Weat Erie at.,

Chicago, Ill.

FILM TITLES, PRINTING, ETC. Pan-Amcrican Film ^rvice, 146 W. 46th at..

New York City.


The Antlpyroa Co., 170 Green at.. N. Y. City.

FIREWORKS American Fireworka Company, Traveler Bldg.,

Bocton, Maaa. Bond’s IXL Fireworka, 716 E. Fayette sL. Bal¬

timore. Md. Byrnes Fireworka Diaplay Co.. 26 N. Dearbon

at., Chicago, III. Consolidated Fireworka Oo. of America, Wool-

worth Bldg., New York CItv. A. I> Duo Fireworks Oo., Readlug, 0. Fabrldiis (^., 1823 Waahington, St. Loots, Mo. Hitt Fireworka Oo.. CoiumbU Sta., Seattte.

Waah. International Fireworka Co., 19 Park PUee, New

York, and Jersey City, N. J. Martin’s Fireworka. Fort Dodga, la. Nick B. Barnaba A Oo.. Mfrs. Fireworka

plays, 106 Waablngton ave.. New Bochelle, New York City. ^

Paln’e Manhattan Beach fireworka, 26 Pxi> Place, New York City.

Smith Fireworka Diaplay Co., Bt. Paul aad Da- loth, Minn.

TbearleiDuffieM fireworks Display Oo., >6 Bonra Stete at^ Cbleafo, Ill.

Weigeod inraworka Co.. FrankllB PaiB, IIL

FIREWORKS DISPLAYS (Only) Goan. PIraworka Co., Weat Havoa, Coaa,

FISHPONDS Aotomatle Flabpond Co.. 181 Michlgaa at.,

ledo, O.

AUGUST It, 1916. 49

FLAGS Amntemn riait Slanufacturliiic Cu.. Baatun. Pa. Bakar A Lockwood, SorooUi and Wyandotte ate..

Kansaa City, Uo. Ckleafo FUk A Itecoratlna Co., LiU Wabaab

art., Cbii-aco, III. rabrtetna Co., 1823 Waablnabm, Ht. Louia, Mo. If. Ifafec A A<d, Inc., 147 Fulton at., .\, T. C. United Htatca Tent A Awnina Co., 220 North

Daaplalnca at., Cblcaco, III.

FORTUNE WRITERS (InvisibU) A. Bower, 117 Harman at., Hnaiklyn, N. Y,

FOUNTAIN PENS Bark Broa., 54.’l Broadway, New York City. Foantaln Pen Mfz. Co.. 40 W. B’way, N. Y. 0. Jamoa Kelley, lai K. XM at.. New York City.

GAMING DEVICES B. O. Erana A Co.. 7S W'. Van linren at.,Cblea80

GASOLINE BURNERS W. E. Lone. 172 Iliab at., Mprlnafleld. O.

GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES Laneaater Glaaa Co., Lancaater, U.

GOLD FISH (Wbolaaala and Batail)

B. K. Brace. Thornburc, la.

GREASE-PAINTS, ETC. (Maka-Up Basaa. Cold Craam, Zto.)

Tka Baaa Co. iCberryula A Bnbyllp), Boebeater. M, Y.

M. Btein Ooametlc Co.. 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. C. Bandar Brow., Inc., ns W. 4Ntb at., N. Y. City.

GREASE ROUGE (Xaka-Up Bonaa, Cold Craam, Zto.)

Tba Heaa Co. (Cbrrryola A Knbyllp), Boebeater, Naw York.

HYPNOTIC INSTRUCTION B, D. Betta gtntion G. Jackaon. MIcb.

INCANDESCENT LIGHTS Safety Electric Co.. .Vt7 N. Dearteirn at.. Cblcaco


INDIANS AND INDIAN MEDICINES Idaho Native Herb Co. Ilolae. Id. 8t'p for reply.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS IfofI, Monionol A Co.. IU.'> K. Hlth at.. N. Y. C. Morimura Bnia.. Bnoidway. New York City. Takito, Ocana A Co.. .727 31 Weat Madiaun at..

Cbicafo, III.

JEWELRY (For Itaaa Uao)

Alter A Co.. ia'> \V. Madleon at.. Chlcazc, III. Coe. Yonye A Co., '.ac I.iieaa ave.. l/>iila. Mo. Holaman A Co.. 177 W. Madiwoi vi , Chleaito. Ill Sbryock-Ttakl ('<•.. H24 N. KIzhtli at.. St. L-oila. N. Sbnre < o.. 2:17 211 W. Madiaon at.. Clilcazo. Slegman A Weil, is K. 27th at.. .New York City SIncer Broa.. S2 Bowery. New York City. Stmnel Welnhaiia Co.. 722 Penn are.. Pittaburg.

KNIVES Cleveland Cane Co.. Cleveland, O. Fabrlclna Co., 182.7 Waahinzton. St. Ixnla. Mo. Ooldterg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte at.. Kan-

aaa City, Mo. Bhryock-Todil Co.. B24 N. Kialith at.. St. I/>ala. N. Share Co., 2.77-241 W. .Madiaon at., Cbicago. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery. New York City. Samnel Weinbana to., 722 Peon ave.. Pittaburg.

LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS J. M. Nanghton Co., Hotel Ilayer Building,

PaorU. III.

LEATHER NOVELTY GOODS Dn Pont Pabrikold Co.. 12(t Broadway. N. Y. C.

LEATHER PILLOW TOPS Prankford Broa.. 906 Filbert at., Philadelphia. Mnlr Art Oo.. 306 W. Madiaon at.. Chicago. lU.

LETTERHEAD PRINTING Brnaat L. Fantua Co., S27 S. Dearborn at., CM-

eagn. lU.

LIGHTING PLANTS Unlvaraal Motor Co.. Oabkoah, Wla.

LIGHTS (Baaaina. Tarnkaa. for Cirenaaa and Tant Shown) Amorleaa Oaa Machine Oo.. 527 CUrk at.. Albert

Laa, Minn. Bolto A Weyer, 126 S. Baelne ave., Chicago. Onntela Oaaollne Lighting Co.. Paria, III. J, Frnnkel. gaaollne mantlea for gaaollno light- , lag. 334 N. Fifth ave.. Chicago. III. Uttlo Wonder Light Oo.. Terre Hante, Ind. Paorloaa Light Co., mannfactnrere of mantlea

tor gaaollne lighting, Chicago. III. The Aleiander Mllbiirn Co.. Baltimore. Md. United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 329 North

Daaplalnea at., Cbicago. III. WIndhorat A Co.. 104-106 N. 13th at., St. Lonla.

LIQUID MAKE-UP Iho Heaa Co. (Youthful Tlntl. Boebeater, N. Y.


H«^«»nt. Evgatrom A Co.. 308 Mallera Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

MAGIC GOODS Chl^o Magic Oo.. 72 W..-Adama at.. Chicago. U^horat Magic Shop. 206 Nulaen Bldg., St.

Lonla. Mo. P. Felaman, 164 N. Clark at.. Chicago.

*2 North Thirteenth at., PMU- deipbla. Pa.

^ (Hka Magical Co.. Oahkowh. Wla. Clyite W. Powerw. 23» W. 42d at.. N. T. City. A. Botertterg. 151 W. Ontario at., Chicago. Ill.

MAGIC MAGAZINES The Bagla Magician. 7th at.. S«uth. MInneapoUa.

MANTLES Wm. P. Garvey Co.. 586 .Mlaalun at., San Frnn

claco. Cal.

manufacturers mechanical AMUSEMENT DEVICES

A Oulnn. Sprlngvllle, N. Y. S" C"- Roodhouae. Ill. “•f*jhell-8plllman. North Tonawanda. N. Y. v-JT;-*i.*"C'* 9?*- laUnd. N. Y. Nov^ty Machine Co.. 2 Rector at.. N. Y. City. Si 'L. P«tkrr. Leavenworth. Kan.

^ lodtonapolla.

MASKS <*»Marada. Thaatrloa and OomlTal)

KUppart, 46 Cooper Sgnara, New York d^.

material for artists 5J‘‘5 *_f1»*aerald. 20 Ann at.. New York dtp. dyda Phllllpa. Ft. Tbomaa. Ky.

„ ^ MERRY-GO-ROUNDS Heitebell-Rptllman. North Tonawanda, N. T C. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan.


F. L. Flack, 51 Eaat Market at., Akron. O.


A. BernI, 216 W. 2Vtb at.. New York City. Lyon A Healy, 202 H. Wabaab ave., Cbicago, III. North Tonawanda Hnalcal Inatrnment Worka,

North Tonawanda. N. Y.


B. B. Abrahama, .MKI Market at., Pblladelpbla.

MOV. PIC. ELEC. LIGHT OUTFITS Quincy Motor Co., Quincy, III.

MOV. PIC. THEATER CURTAINS American Theater Curtain Co., 103 North Main

at., St. Ixiula, Mo.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES Aninaeroent Supply Co., 160 B North Fifth ave.,

Chicago, III. ItearlKirn Novelty Co., 337 Sontb Dearborn at.,

Chicago, HI. Knterpriae Oiitical Mfg. Co., 570 W. Kaiwlolpb

at.. Chicago, III. Ilarliach A Co.. 112 N. Ninth at.. Philadelphia. I. aemuile Film Service. 204 W. I^ike at., Chi¬

cago; MInneapolia. Omaha, Iba Moinea. Learn’ Theater Supply Co., StiO Cbeotnnt at.,

St. lenla. Mo. N. Power A Co.. 90 Gold at.. New York City. Precialon Machine Co., 317 R. 34tb at., N. Y. C. Klierhard Schneider. 219 Second ave.. N. Y. C. Chaa M. Stebbinn. 1028 Main at., Kanaan City.

MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES fhaa. H. Renm-tt. 235 N. 13th at., Pblladelpbla

MUSIC ARRANGERS Edwin Dicey. Palace Theater. Ft. Wayne. Ind.

MUSIC PRINTING II. S. Tallait A Co.. 2931 Flournoy at.. Chicago.

MUSICAL GLASSES It. Itrauneiaa. 1012 Napier ave., KI<-hinond Hill.

New York.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Columbua llano Co.. Ck>Iumbua. U.

C. Deagan. Bertean and Eaat Ravenawood Park ave., Cbicago.

CARL FISCHER Headquartm fnr rvrvvthing In Music. Oatalog

4<-S4 Ceater Sauara, New York.

leiila M. Maleaki A Co., 3.77 Waluiah are., Cbi- •ago. III.

North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works, North Tonawanda, N. T.

Sonofdione Co.. 33S B Rmadway. New York.

MUSIC PUBLISHERS Carl Fischer. .*iO Owjier Square. N. T. City. Charles K. Ilarria, Columbia Theater Building

New York City. Jerome H. Uemick. 221 W. 46th st.. N. T. City Shapiro. Bematctn A Co., 1416 Broadw'ay, New

York City. Harry Von Tiller Music PuKlishing Co.. 12."

West F’orty-third at.. New York City. Will Von Tilaer. 145 W. 43th at.. N. Y. City. Warner C. Williama A Co., 635 I*rwpect at-

Indianapolia. Ind. Wateraon, Berlin A’ Snyder, Strand Theater,

New York dty..

NEW SOLDERING COMPOUND Raiunella A Co., 1220 Carroll at., Baltimore.

NOSE PUTTY M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 31st at.. N. Y. C.

NOVELTIES Berk Broa., 543 Broadway. New York City. Rraael Novelty Co.. 1710 Ella at., dneinnati, O. Coe. Yonge A Co., 903 Lucas ave.. St. Lonla,

Mloaonrl. Cumlakey A Klndel. 891 Miaalon at., San Fran

daco. I. Eiaenatein A Co.. 44 Ann at.. New York dty. Fabrlclna Co.. 1823 Washington. St. Lonla, Mo. M. Oeiber. 727-729 South at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Gordon A Morriaon, 199-201 Eaat Madiaon at..

Chicago, III. Holiday Novelty Co.. 32 Union Square, New York Karl Gnggenheim. 531 Broadway. N. Y. dty. Ed Hahn. 222 Weat Madiaon at.. Chicago. Ill A. H. Hcndicr A Co.. 1(M3 Miaalon at.. San

Fiinclaco. Cal. James Kelley, 151 R. 23d at.. New York dty. Ijincaater Glaaa Co.. Lancaater. O. Miller Rubber Co.. Akron. O. Nadel A Shimmcl. 1.72 Park Row. N. Y. City. N. Shnre Co.. 237-241 W. Madison at.. Chicago. M. Silverman, 3.77 W. Madison at,, Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City. Son Bros. A Co.. 849 Mission at., San Francisco. Webb. Freyachlag Merc. Co., Kansas City. Mo. Ssmucl Wrlnhana Co..' 722 Penn are.. IMttabnrg, Yankee Novelty Co., 94 E. 10th at.. New York Zorn Novelty Co., ,584 Market at.. Phlla.. Pa.

OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST F. L. Flack. 51 E. Market. Akron, O.

OPERA CHAIRS American Seating Co.. 14 E. Jackaon Bonlevard.

Chicago. HI. A. H. Andrewa Co., 115 Wabaab ave.. Chicago. Carnle-Gondle Mfg. Co., 22d and Grand ave.

Kanaaa City. Mo. I,eara’ Theater Supply Co., 509 Cheatnnt at., St

Ixuita. Mo. Maaalllon Chair A Peak Co.. Maaalllon. 0.

ORANGEADE rharlea Orangeade Co.. Gnrtleld Sta.. Chicago. Chaa. T. Morriaaey Co.. 4417 Madiaon at.. Chl’go, The Corner Co.. 2.50 Pennaylvania at., Buffalo,

New York

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS r. F. Bath. AMIene, Kan. A. Bernl. 216 W. 20th at.. New York City. Lyon A Healy, 202 S. Wabaab are.. Chicago, III G. Mollnari A Sons. 112 32d at.. Brooklyn, N. T. John Mnaalo A Son. 178 Park Row. N. Y. dty.

PADDLE WHEELS Advance Whip Co., 287 Elm at., WeatSeld. Maaa, Cumlakey A Klndel, 891 Mlanioo nt., San FraO'

rlaco. Cal. H. C. Rrana A Co., 75 Weat Van Bnren at., Chi

cago. III. A. J. Kemnlen A Co., St. Paul, Minn. New Toy Mfg. Co.. 20 8. Market at.. Chicago. Slack Mfg. Co.. 3.77 W. Madiaon at.. Chicago. Ill Sterling Model Worka. Bo* .54. Rntland. Vt. Tip Top Toy Co.. 225 Hfth ava.. New York dty,

United Staten Tent A Awiilng On., 329 North Desplaliiea at., Chicago, III.

Wbeelman’a Novelty Mfg. Co., 914 Filbert at., Pblladelpbla,

H. C. Wilbur Mfg. Co., 32 N. 3tb at., PblU., Pa. Geo. Xorn. Jr., Mfr., 524 Market at., Pblla., Pa.


Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden at., Pblla., Pa.

PARASOLS Frankford Broa.. 906 Fllliert at., Pblladelpbla


POOLS. ETC. GriUltba A Crane. LIppIncott Bldg.. Phlla., Pa.

PATENTS SECURED Victor J. Evana A Co., Waahington, D. O.

PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES 8. Catanuro A Kona, Inc., Penn ave. and 22d

at., nttaborg. Pa.

PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES Kingery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O.

PENNANTS Berk Bros., .543 Broadway, New York City. Boston Novelty Co., 80-82 Freeport et., Boston.

Maas. Langrock rroa.. 35 Ormond PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. M. Newman. 8^ Market et.. San Franciaco, Cal.

Sbure Co., 237-241 W. Madiaon at.. Cbicago. F. Kternthal, 358 W. Madiaon at., Cbicago, III.

PENNANTS AND PILLOWS American Art Production Co., 141 Wooster at..

Sew York City. Calif. Repro. A Adv. Co., 107 N. Spring at.. Loa

Angeles, Cal. A. H. Handler A Co.. 104:1 Mission at., San

Francisco. Cal. I. jingro<-k Bros.. 35 Ormond Pi., Brooklyn. S. Y. Pacldc Pennant A Novelty Co., 244 New High.

Ixai Angeles, Cal. Thoen Bros.. 34 S. Sixth. Minnenitolla. Minn. United Statea Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North

Deaplainea at.. Chicago. III.

PERFUME AND NOVELTIES Superior Perfume Co.. 100 X. 5th ave.. Chicago.

PHOTOGRAPHERS Commercial Photograplilc Co.. 115 Brady at..

Davenport. la. HarfHook. San Franelai-o and I.<» Angelea, Cal * Young A Carl. 7lh and Vine ata.. Cincinnati. O.

PHOTO BUTTON CAMERAS Aoierican Minute Photo Co., 2214 Ogden ave..

Chicago. III. International Metal and Ferrotype Co.. 1223 W.

Twelfth at.. Chicago, Ill.

PIANOS (Electric) star Mutlc Co.. 9 Eaat llarria<ip at., Chicago.

PILLOW TOPS DeMar Mfg. Co.. Inc.. 170 Oak at.. Buffalo. N.T. L. R. Engelman. 18 W. 17th at.. New York City, H. C. Evana A Co.. 75 Weat Van Buren at..

Chicago, III. Fair A Ca-nival Co.. 126 5th ave.. N. T. City. Langrock Broa.. 35 Ormond PI.. Brooklyn. S. Y. Mnlr Art Co.. 306 W’eat Madiaon at.. Chicago. New Toy Mfg. Co., 143 Bleecker at..Newark.X.J. X. Shore Co.. 237-241 W. Madiaon at.. Chicago. Thoen Broa. 34 8. Sixth. Minneapolis, Minn. United States Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North

Desplainea at.. Chicago. III. Weatera Art Leather Co.. Tabor Opera House

Bldg., Denver. Col.

PILLOW TOPS (Leather) M. D. Dreyfarh, 144 Spring at.. N. Y. City. Pennant Novelty Co.. Inc., 332 Broadway, N. T.


POST CARDS Mas Stela Pnb. House. 508 S. State at.. Cbicago.

POST CARO MACHINES Daydark Specialty Co., Day<lark Bldg..St.Ig>uls.


Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark BhIg.,St.Ig)uls. Jamestown Ferrotype Co., 1126 South Halatad

at., Chicago, HI. 8tor Photo M. A S. Co., 808 South at., Pblla.

PRINTERS (Of I^terheads, Carda, Envelopes a«d Cireulng

Letters) George W. Hogan A Co., 6:16 Phelan Bldg., San

Franciaco. .

PRINTERS (Of Pictorial Poatera, Big Typo Stonda, Stream-

an, Zte.) American Show Print Co., Milwaukee, WU. Donaldson Lithograph Co.. New|>ort, Ky. Hennegan A Co., 311 Genesee Blvd., Cincinnati. Bobt, Wilmana, 1706 Commerce at., Dallas, Teg.

ROLL TICKETS Ansell Ticket Co.. 154-166 E. Erie at.. Cblca«o. Donaldson IJtbograpb Co.. Newport, Ky. National Ticket Co., Sbamukin, Pa. Royal Ticket Co., Sbamokin, Pa.

ROUGE TTie Heaa Co., Rochester, X. Y. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. C.

SAFETY RAZORS Burbam Safety Razor Co., 64 Murray Bt..N.Y,C.


Alter A Co., 165 W. Madiaon at.. Chicago, HI. Barnes Bros.’ Novelty Co.. 914 North JIaiu st.,

llutchinaoD, Kan. Brackuiaii Weller Co., 3.77 W. Jlailison st., Chi¬

cago. HI. Chaa. A. Brewer A Sons, 6320 Harvard ave.,

Chicago, HI. Oscar EricliHeii A Co., B<iaton Block, Mlune-

apedis, 3liun. The J. W. IhaMlwin Co., 2!*49 Weat Van Buren

st., Chicago, HI. Moe I.evln A Co., .'i:i7-.7:i9 W».at Matlison st.,

Chicago, HI. N. Shnre Co.. 237-241 W, Mailison st., Chieago. 7^oen Bros., 34 S. .'Sixth st.. MInneapolia, Minn. The Touraine Confectionery Co., 2.51 Canseway,

Boston. Mass). L'niti-d States Tent A .Xuniiig <’<*., 229 North

Displalnes at.. Chicago, III. Watling Mfg. Co., Jackson Blvd., Chicago, lU. Samuel Weluhaus Co.. 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg.


SCHELL’S SCENIC STUDIO S8I-S83-S4S tMth Hlfh M.. Cstaaibaa, n

SAMUEL FRENCH Catalagns ften

a Weal Sm St.. New Vert CRy.


Sperior Leather Goods Co., 73 Klngstoo at.. Ronton. Maas.

The Beacb Leather Co.. Coebocton, O.

POCKETBOOKS (High-Grade 7-in-1) A. Roeentbal A Son. 322 Tremont at., Boston.


New Toy Mfg. Co., 20 '8. Market at., Cbicago.


Acme Toy A Mfg. Co.. 141 W. 17th at., N. Y. C. Advance Whip Ck>., 2^ Elm at.. WentOeld.Maaa. Art Doll A Toy Co.. 36 W. 20th at., N. Y. City. Iterk Broe., 343 Broadway, New York City. H. C. Evans A Co.. 75 W. 5’an Bnren at., Ch’go. Fair A Carnival Supply Co.. 120 Fifth ave.. New

York City. Max Gilsey. 410 Delaware st., Kansas City, Mo. New Toy Mfg. (3o,. 143 Bleecker at., Newark,

New Jersey. N. Share Co.. 237-241 W. Madison st., Chicigo. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. Tip Top Toy Co.. 225 fifth ave.. New York City. United States Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North

Desplaines et., Chicago, HI.

POPPING CORN (The Grain) American Pop 0>rn Co., Sionx City, la. Bradshaw Co., 286 Greenwich at., N. Y. City. Shotwell Mfg. Co.. 1019 W. Adams at., Chicago.

POPCORN MACHINES Holcomb A Hoke Mfg. Co., 1603 Van Bnren at.,

Indianapolis, Ind. Kingery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. W. 7.. Long. 172 High at.. Springfleld. O. Pratt Machine Co.. 2 BIssell st., Joliet, Ill.

PORCUPINES LInwood H. Flint. North Waterford. Me. PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS Ell Bridge Oo., Roodbouse. HI.


Tramtil-Portable Skating BInk Oo., 1323 Agncn at.. Kansas City. Mo.

United Statea Tent A Awning Cn., 329 North Desplainea at., Chicago. III.

PORTABLE SKATING RINK Peerleta Portable Skating Rink On.. Paola. Kan.

PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Corona 'Typewriter Co.. lac.. 2* Powell at.

San Franctaeo.

SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden st., Pblla., Pa.

SCENIC Twentieth St. Studio, I'J W. 20th at., Chicago.

SCENIC PAINTERS (And Dealers in Scenery, Etc.)

H. Armbruster A Suna, 249 Front st., C^Iumbna, Ohio.

Edwin II. Flagg Scenic Co., 16:i8 Lmg Bi-acb ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

Enkeboll Art Co., 5.705 N. 27th st., Omaha, Neb. Frank M. Green Scenic Co., 408 Fifth st., Loula-

vllle, Ky. The New York Studios, 1001 Times Bldg.,N.Y.C. Schell’a Scenic Studios, 581 South High st., Co*

lumbus. O. Soaman A lAndls Co., 417 S. Clinton at., ChicagOi. Swift Stmlioa, 466-4^ E. Slat at., Chicago. Toomey A V’olland Scenic Co., 2312 Market at.,

St. Louia, Mo. United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North

Desplainea at.. Cbicago, HI. The York Scenic Studios, Y’ork, Pa.

SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS Crescent City Film Exchange, 820 Perdido at..

New Orleana, La. United Statea Tent A Awning Co.. 229 North

Desplainea at., dilcago, Ill.

SECOND-HAND TENTS (Bought and Sold)

L. Nickerson Tent. Awning A Cover Co., 175 State at., Boston, Mass.

SERIAL PADDLES A. J. Kemplen A Co., Endirott Bldg., St. Panl,


SERIAL PAPER PADDLES National Ticket Co., Sbamokin. Pa. S. B. Paper Paddles, 564-572 W. Randolph at.,

Cbicago, Ill.

SERIES QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES Bittlemeyer Printing Works, 1331-1333 Vine st.,

Cincinnati, O.

SHETLAND PONIES Frank P. Healy, Bedford. la.

SHOOTING GALLERIES J. T. Dickman Co., Inc., 245 3. Main at., Loa

Angeles, Cal. E. E. Hippie, 809 Vine at.. Philadelphia, Pa. E. R. Hoffman A Son, 3317 South Irving ave.,

Chicago. III. W. F. Mangels, Coney Island. New York City. P. Mueller A Co. 1702 N. Western ave., Chicago. C. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kao. The Seed Mfg. Co., Box 195. Sprlng6eld. O.


Ackerman-Quigley Co., 115 W. Fifth st., Kan- aaa City, Mo.

Planet Show Print and Engraving House. Chat¬ ham, Ontario, Can.



Bnney Sliow Print. Roney Bldg., Cincinnati, O.


Regalia Mfg. Co., Rock Island, HI.

SIDE-SHOW CURIOSITIES Nelson Supply, 514 E. 4tb at., S. Boatoa, Maas.

(Continued on Page 60 >

60 AUGUST 1», 1916. Ttie Blllt>oaFcl

DIRECTORY (Continued from ptge 49)

SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS Bnkeboll Art Co.. 5306 N. 27tb it., Omaha, Neb. United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 2'29 North

Deaplalnea at., Chicago, III.

SKATES Chicago Seller Skate Companr, 224 North Ada

at., Chicago, 111. Richardaon Skate CO., 154 E. Erie at., Chicago. Union Hardware Co.. TOrrlngton, Conn. John H. WiUiams, Mfr. ot Henley Boiler

Skatea, Richmond, Ind.

SKEE-BALL J. D. Bate Co., 1524 Samaon at., Philadelphia.

SLOT MACHINES (XanufMtnrara and Dealera In)

National Vending Mach. Co., Mlnneapolla, Minn. Sicking Hfg. Co., 1801-1085 Freeman are., Cin¬

cinnati, U. Vance Norelty Supply Houae, 810 North Paulina

at., ^Icago, Ill.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES Exhibit Supply Co., 542 S. Dearborn at., Chicago.

SNAKE DEALERS W. Odell l.earn A Co., 110 N. Florea at., San

Antonio, Tex. W. A. Snake King, Brownarille, Tex.

SOLDER (Compound) Baaaanella A Co.j 1220 Carroll at., Baltimore,lld.


It. Nickerson Tent, Awning A Cover Co., 173 State at., Boston, Mass.

W. A. Plummer Mtg. Co., Pine and Front sts., San Francisco, Cal.

St. Louia Tent A Awning Co., 518 N. Third at., St. Louis, Mo.

Spokane Tent A Awning Co., Spokane, Wash. Tucker Duck A Rubber Co., Ft. Smith. Ark. United States Tent A Awning Co., 220 North

Uesplaines st., Chicago, Ill.

TENTS TO RENT II. Magee A Son, Inc., 147 Fulton st., N. T. 0. United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North

Desplalnes at., Chicago, III.

THEATER SUPPLIES C. A. Francis Canvas A Rope Supplies Co., 159

West Thlrty-flrst st.. New York City. Lears' Theater Supply Co., SOU Chestnut st., St.

Louis, Mo.

THEATER TICKETS (Roll and Roserred Beat Coupon)

Anaell ‘Ticket Co., 154 B. Erie st., Chicago, Ill. National Ticket <^., Sbamokln. Pa.

THEATRICAL ATTORNEYS Ferguson A Ooodnow, 10 La Salle at., Chicago. Reuben J. Feldman, 79 W. Monroe st., Chicago.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES Wolir-Fordlng Co., 20 Elliott st., Boston, Maas.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES A WIGS Chicago Costume Works, 143 North Deaibom st.,

Chicago, HI.


Kallajlan Expert. 1030 Washington ave., Boston. Maas.

THEATRICAL TICKETS National Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa.

W. B. Hubbs, 32 Union Siiuare, New York City,

SONG SLIDES (For niuatratod Bongs)

Laemmle Filin Bervice, 2i>t West Lake st., Chi¬ cago; Minneapolis, Omaha, Des Moines.


SIEGMAN & WEIL II sad M cast ITth at. Hew Vsfk Clly.

SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

SPIRIT GUM M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 3Ist st., N. Y. C.

SPORTING GOODS H. C. Evans A Co., 75 W. Van Huren at., Chi¬

cago, III. H. O. Hunt A Co., lOo N. Fifth ave., Chicago,

STAGE HARDWARE J. B. Clancy, luoo W. Belden ave., Syracuse,

N. V. A. W. Oerstner Co., 634 Eighth ave., N. T. O.


8IEGMAN & WEIL 11 and M Met iTth Bt, Wour Volt CWy.

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES Kliegl Bros., 240 W. 5i>th at.. New York City.

STAGE MONEY AND USED MAGIC Qilbert Novelty Magic Co., 11135 South Irving

ave., Chicago, Ill.

STEREOPTICONS AND SLIDES Moore-llubbeil do., .Masonic Temple, Chicago. Cbas. IM. Stebblns, 1028 Main at., Kansas City,


STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES Berk Bros.. 543 Broadway, New York City. B. Slock (Mercantile Company, 241-24>3 Market

st., San Francisco, Cal. Brackman-Weller Co., 837 W. Madlaon st., (Tbi-

cago, III. Brasel Novelty Co., 1710 Ella st., Cincinnati, O. Coe, Yonge A Co.. 000 Lucas ave., St. Louis, Mo. Fabrlclus Co., 1K23 Washington, St. I»uls, Ho. M. llerber, r27-72U South st.. Philadelphia, Pa. Ooldberg Jewelry, 816 Wyandotte st., Kansas

City, Mo. Cordon A Morrison, 190-201 East Madison st.,

Chicago, III. Bd Hahn, 222 West Madison st.. Chicago, III. James Kelley, lAl E. 23d st.. New York City. King Collar Clamp Mfg. Co., 611-621 Broadway,

Mow York. Langrock Bros., 89 Ormond Place, Brooklyn.N.T, lisventbal A Wohl. 58 Orchard, New York City. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. Mac Fountain Pen and Novelty Co., 21 Ann st..

New York. Pierce Chemical Co., Pierce Bldg., Chicago, Ill. TIm Portland Auction Co., 178 First st., Port¬

land. Ore. N. Shure Co., 237-241 W. Madison st., Chicago. Bhryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. Eighth st., Bt. Louis. Singer Bros., SB Bowery. New York City. Samuel Weinbaus Co., 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg.

STRIKING MACHINE MFR8. M. W. Ansterburg, Homer, Mich. Moore Bros., Lapeer, Mich.

STRIKER MANUFACTURERS Herscbell-Bpillman, North Tonawanda, N. Y.


Frankford Bros., 906 Filbert at., Pbila., Pa.

TATTOOING SUPPLIES Prof. J. F. Barber, 70)4 Brush at., Detroit.Mlch. Bdwin E. Brown, 299 Oratiot ave., Detroit.Mlch. Ohaa. Wagner, 208 Bowery and Chatham Square,

Mew York City.

TENTS Amselean Tent A Awning Co.. 307 Washington

ave., North, Minneapolis, Minn. Atlanta Tent A Awning Co., Atlanta, Oa. Baker * Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte sts.

Kansas City, Mo. OMumbus Tent A Awning Co., Columbus. O. Olsmle-Oondie Oo., 22d and Grand ave., Kansas

Mo. Dougherty Bros.' Tent Oo., 100 South Main st

Bt Louis, Mo. Fulton Bag A Cotton Mills, New York, Bt

Louis, New Orleans, Atlanta and Dallas, Tex. J. C. Ooas A Co., Detroit Mich. HenrlX Loebbert Mfg. Oo., 818 Howard st.

Ban Fnncisco. Oeo. T. Hoyt Co., 58 8. Market st., Boston, Mass. M. Magee A Son. Inc.. 147 Fulton st.. N. Y. C. Mirray A Co., Inc., 625 W. Fulton st., Chicago.

TICKET CHOPPERS H. V, Bright, Prospect Bldg., Cleveland, O.

TICKET PRINTERS Anaell Ticket Co., 154 E. Erie st., Chicago, III. Hancock Bros., 25 Jessie st.. San Francisco. National ticket Co.. Sbamokln, Pa. Royal Ticket Co., Sbamokln. Pa. Trlmount Press, 93 Albany st., Boston, Maas. Weldon, WilUams A Uck, Ft. Smith, Ark.


TWITS, STIIETIWALS, Beatery. Bathing Salti.

8aa Praaslssa. Sweaters, Underwear.

SIEGMAN & WEIL l« and M mat >7lh St, Hew Vsrk City.

TOYS Miller Rubber Co., Akron O.

TOY BALLOONS Eagle Rubber Co., Ashland, 0. Fabridus Co., 18U Washington, St, Louis, Mo. Fanttleas Robber Co., Ashland, O. Ed Hahn. 222 West Madison st.. Chicago, Ill. A. H. Handler A Co., 1043 Mission st., San

Francisco, Cal. Lloyd Martin. 8444 Vine at.. Cincinnati, O. Massillon Rubber Co, Massillon, O. Q. Nerrlone, 1022 Sedgwick st., Chicago, lit N. Shore Co.. 237-241 W. Madison st.. Chicago. Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. Eighth st., St. Louis. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City,

TRICKS, MAGIC, ETC. The Magic Shop, 32 N. 13th st., Philadelphia. Yost A Co., 229 West 42d st.. New York City.

TRUNKS Herkert A Melsel. 60S Wash. ave.. St. Louis. Newton A Son. 50 Elm st., Cortland, N. Y. Oppenbelmer, 758 Market st., San Francisco. Rose Trunk Co., Atchison, Kan. C. A. Taylor Tmnk Works. 35 East Kandolpb

st., Chicago, m.

TURNSTILES (Registering and Ooin-OentrMUd)

H. V. Bright, Prospect Bldg., Cleveland, O.

UNIFORMS B. W. Stockley A Co.. 810 B Walnut at., Phlla.

UNIFORMS A THEAT. COSTUMES Do Moulin Bros. A Co., Dept. 10, Oreenvllle, III.

VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES Ben Hobson, 910 Prospect ave.. New York City. Tbeo, Mack A Son, 621 S. Clinton st., Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES F. M. Barnes, 36 South State st., Chicago, Ill. Jones, Llnick A Schaefer, 110 South State st.,

Chicago, III. Sparks Amusement Contracting Co., Indiana

Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. United Booking Offlees, 1498 Broadway. N. Y. 0. Western Vaudeville Managers’ Assn., Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE (Mail Instruotions) Frederic La Delle, Station O, Jackson, Mich,

WATCHES Alter A Co., 165 West Madlaon at., Chicago, III. M. Gerber, 727-729 South st.. PbiUdeIpbla, Pa. Holaman A Co., 177 W. Madison at., Chicago, HI. Knickerbocker Watch Co., Woolworth Building,

New York. N. Shore Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon st., Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York (Mty. Samuel Weinbans Co.. 722 Penn ave., Pittsburg.

WATCH IMPORTERS Leon Hlrsch, 87-39 Malden Lane, N. Y. City.

WIGS Zander Bros., Inc., 115 W, 48tb st., N. Y. City.

WIG MAKERS F. W. Nack, 26 W, Washington st., Cliicago, Ill. G. Shlndbelm, 109 W. 46tb st.. New York City.


Carl Hagsnbeck. 8. A. Stephan, American Agent, Zoo, ^nclnnatl, Ohio,

Louis Rubs, 248 Grand st.. New York City.

WILD WEST COSTUMES Cbas. P. Shipley, Kansas City, Mo.

XYLOPHONES J, 0. Dsagan. Bertean and B. Ravenswood Park

ave., Chicago, lU.

STOCK & REPERTOIRE (Continued from page 47)

Eckhardt, Oliver, Players: Regina, Saak., Can., iudet,

Felber A Shea Stock Co.: Akron, 0., Indcf. Flortnne Stock Co.: Burnwell, W. Va., 14-19._ tilaaer, Vaughan, Stork Co.: Kocbeaier, N. Y.,

Indef. Hall Playera (Lakemout) Altoona. Pa., Indef. Keith Stock Co.: Portland, Me., Indef. Keyes, Chet, Stock Co., Thurman F. Bray, mgr.:

Muncle, Ind., Indef. King-Booth Dramatic Co., Cbas. P. King, mgr.:

Walnut Springs, Tex., indef. Knickerbocker Playera: Syracuae, N. Y,, Indef. Lawrence, Del, Stock Co.: (Wigwam) San Fran¬

cisco, Indef. Lewis-North Stock Co. (Cycle Park) Dallas,

Tex., indef. Lewis Stock Co.: Oconto, Neb., 14-19; Overton

21-26. Lincoln Players: Lincoln, Neb., indef. Lorch, Tbeo., Stock Co.: Colorado Springs, Col.,

indef. Lynch, Edwarl, Playera: Omaha, Neb., indef. Manning. Frank, Co.: Barnes, Kan., 17-19;

Clyde 21-28. Miller, Henry, Stock Co.: San Francisco, indef. Morgan, Jack, Stock (^o.: Wheeling, W. Va., In¬

def. Morosco Stock Co.: Ijos Angeles, Indef. National Stock Co., F. R. Cole, mgr.: Mlnne-

apollf, indef. Olentangy Stock Co.: (Olentangy Park) Colum¬

bus, 0., Indef. Orpbeum Players Stock Co., Ed Williams, mgr.:

Gulncy, III., Indef. Pull Players: Scranton, Pa., Indef. Poll Stock Co.: SpringSeld, Maas., Indef. Ripley’a, George, Dramatic Co.: DeRuyter, N.

Y., 14-19. Robins, Edward H., Players: Toronto, Can.,

Indef. Robbins, Clint A Bessie, Co.: Mt. Pleasant, la.,

14-19; Trenton, Mo.. 21-26. St. Claire, Winifred, Stock Co., Earl D. Sipe,

mgr.; (Trent) Trenton, N. J., indef. Savidge, Walter, Players: Emerson, Neb., 14-19;

Lyons 21-26. Strong. Elwin, Co.: Wayne, Neb., 14-10; Pen

der 21-26. Swain. W. I.. Show-: Shelbyville. Tenn., 14-10. Temple Players, E<lward Renton, mgr,: (Tem¬

ple) Rochester, N. Y., Indef.


Burlesque Revue: (Gaiety) Montreal. Can., 21-26 Bowery Burlesquers; (Bastable) Syracuse 21-23;

(Lumberg) Utica 24-26. Bostonians: (Star) Cleveland 21-26. Bon Tons: (Empire) Hoboken, N. J., 21-26. Behman Show: (Casino) Pbila. 21-26. Follies of the Day; (Gaiety) Kansas City 21-26. Golden Crooks; (Palace) Baltimore 21-26. Globe Trotters: (Hurtig A Seamon's) New York

21-26. Hastings’ Big Show: (Columbia) Chicago 21-26. Howe. Sam. Show: (Gaiety) Omaha 21-2<l. Hip, Hip, Hooray; (Empire) Tole<1o 21-26. Hello, New Y'ork: (Colonial) Providence 21-26. Irwin’s Big Show: (Gaiety) Buffalo 21-26. Irwin’s Majesties; (Gaiety) Tonmto 21-26. IJberty Girls: (Gaiety) Washington 21-26. Maids of America: (Colombia) New York 'Jl-26. Manchester's, Bub, Show: (Gaiety) Detroit 21-

26. Marion’s, Dave, Show; (Star A Garter) Chicago

21-26. Midnight Maidens (Jacques) W’aterbury, Conn.,

Million Dollar Dolls; (Empire) Brooklyn 21-26. Merry Rounders: (Empire) Newark, N. J., 21-

26. New York Girl: (Colonial) Dayton. 0., 21-26. Puss Puss: (Miner’s Bronx) New York 21-26, Roseland Girls; (Gaiety) 8t. Louis 21-26.

CHA8. ROBLES _A1 Bfvm’ Onmpeny, indef.

Beevee’, AI, Show: (Grand) Hartford, Conn., 21-26.

Spiegel’s Revue (Casino) Boston 21-26. SporUng Widows: (Corinthian) Rochester 21-26. Star A Garter Show: Open week, 21-26; (Gaiety)

Kansas City 28-Sept. 2. Some Show: (Berchel) Des Moines, la., 21-26. Step Uvely, Girls: (Olympic) Cincinnati 21-26. Sydell’s, Rose. Show: (People’s) Phils. 21-26. Sightseers; (Coben’s) Newburgh, N. Y., 21-23;

(Cohen’s) Poughkeepsie 24-26. Sldman, Sam, Show; (Gaiety) Boston 21-26. Social Maids: (Cssino) Brooklyn 21-26. Twentieth Century Maids: (Park) Bridgeport,

Conn., 21-26. Watson A Wrothe Show; (Empire) Albany 21-

26. Watson’s, Billy, Show: (Gaiety) Pittsburg 21-

26, Welch. Ben, Show: (Orpheum) Patersrm, N. J.,

AMERICAN CIRCUIT Americans: Penn Circuit 21 26; (Gaiety) Balti¬

more 28-8ept. 2. Auto Girls: Open week. 21-26; (Englewood) Chi¬

cago 28-Sept. 2. Broadway Belles: Terre Hante, Ind.. 21-26. Beauty, Youth A Folly: (Star) St. Paul 21-26. Cabaret Olrla: (Century) Kansas City 21-26. Charming Widows: (Gayety) Milwaukee 21-26. Cherry Blossoms: (Star) Toronto 21-26. Darlinga of Paris; (Gayety) Brooklyn 21-26. French Frolics; (Standard) St. I.oals 21-26. Follies of Pleasure; Duluth, Minn., M; St.

aond 21; Mankato 22; Waterloo, la.. 28; Mar¬ shalltown 24; Cedar Rapids 25; Ottumwa 26.

Frolics of 1916; Open week, 21-26; (Trocadero) Phlla. 28-Sept. 2.

Olrla From the Follies: (Trocadero) Pbila. 21- 26.

Olrla From Joyland: Erie. Pa., 21 23; Ashtabula, 0., 24; Youngstown 25-26.

Ginger Girls: (Gilmore) SpringHeld, Mass., 21- 26.

Grown Up Rabies: Shamokin, Pa., 21; Shenan¬ doah 22; Wilkes-Barre 23-26.

Hello, Olrla: (Gayety) Minneapolis 21-26. High Life Girls: (Savoy) Hamilton, Can., 21-

26. Hello, Paris (Academy) Fall River, Mass., 21-

26. T.sdy Buccaneers: (Howard) Boston 21-26. Md Uftern: (Gayety) Pbila. 21-26. Misehlef Makers; Ft. Wayne, Ind., 21-28; In-

dlanapoUa 24-26.

Monte Carlo Olrla (Gayety) Chicago 21-26. Military Maids: (Star) Brooklyn ‘21-26. Pace Makers: (Englewood) Chicago 21-26. Parisian Flirts: Binghamton, N. Y., 21-22: Nor¬

wich 23; Oneida 24; Niagara FalU 25-3lg.-. Record Breakers: ZaneavUla, O., 2‘2; OantUlf 23;

Akron 24-26. Review of 1917: (Cadillac) Detroit 21-26. September Morning Glories: (Gayety) Baltimore

21*26. Social Follies; (Lyceum) Columbus, O., 21-26. Tempters: (Majestic) Scranton, Pa., 21-26. Tango (Jueens (Empire) Cleveland 21-26. Thoroughbreds (Buckingham) Louisville 21-26. Tourists: Oneonta, N. Y,, 22; Amsterdam 23;

Schenectady 24-26. U. 8. Beauties: (Olympic) New York 21-26. White, Pat, Show: 8. Bethlehem, Pa., 21; East-

on 22; Trenton, N. J., 23-26.

TABLOIDS Bernard’s, Al A Gertrude, Girls and Boys From

Dixie; (Kempner) Little Bock, Ark., InteL Broadway Girls Musical Comedy, Hal Wattles,

mgr.: Atlantic, la., 14-19. Doutbitt-Wilson Musical Comedy Players; (Prin¬

cess) Youngstown, O., 14-19; (Grand) Kenton 21-26.

Duncan’s, Dan H., American Beauties (Majes¬ tic) Drumrlght, Ok., 14-19.

Empire Girls Musical Comedy. Fred SIddon, mgr.: (Auditorium) Salisbury, Md., 14-19; (Auditorium) Beafurd, Del.. 21-26.

Gundy’s Love Pirates: Wasblngtoo, Pa., Indef. Hyatt A LeNore Mnsical Comedy: Baltimore,

Indef. Ideal Musical Cbmedy, J. R. Stewart, mgr.:

(De Soto) Atlanta, Ga.. 14-19. Maxwell A Shaw Co., Bob Shaw, mgr,: (Fam¬

ily) Milton, Pa., 14-19. Posty's, Chas. F., Musical Comedy (Crown) To¬

ledo, O., Indef. Kluintx Premier Girls (Temple) Camden, N. J.,

Indef. Submarine Girls, Merserean Bros., mgra: (Air-

dome) lola, Kan., 14-19; (AIrdome) Inde¬ pendence 21-26.

BANDS & ORCHESTRAS Banda Roma (Forest Park) Chicago, indef. Cavallo's Band (Riverview Park) Chicago, Indef. Conway’s, Patrick, Band (Young’s Mllllon-Dol-

lar Pier) Atlantic City 30-Aiig. 26. D’Andrea’s Band: Marshall. Mo., 14-19. DeCola’s Band: Bldgevlile, Ind., 14-19; Fort-

vllls 21-25. Empress Ijidles’ Orchestra, Nellie R. Chandler,

mgr.; (Isle of Palms) Charleston, S. C., Indef. Ewing’s. W, M., Zouave Hand: Maaon City,

la.. 14-19; Sutherland 23-26. Lamblaae’s, W. H., Band: Wildwood. N. J.,

Indef. Nasca’s Band: Martlnsbnrg, W. Va., 14-19. Neel’a. Carl, Band: Georgetown, Md.. 14-19. Oliveto’a Band: Naabna, N. 'll., 14-19. Padnano’a Band: Ashland. O.. 14-19. Rnta’a Band: Renovo, Pa., 14-19. Slacoe’a, R. Henry, Band: Chattanooga, Tenn.,

14-19. Tripoli Band, A. CblarelU, dir.: Alma, Mich.,

14-19. White Hnsaara, Al Sweet, dir.; Aiutb Haven,

Mich., 16; Renton Harbw 17: Michigan City, Ind., 18; Nllea, Mich., 19; South Bend. Ind., 21.

MINSTRELS Big City Mlnatrels in Japland, John W. Vogsl,

mgr.; Detroit 13-19. Field’a, Al G.: Fulton, N. Y., 16; Oawego 17;

Utica 18; Syracuae 19-21; Roebeater 22-23; Erie, Pa., 24: Youngstown, O., 36-26.

O’Brien's, J. 0.: Onipepsr, Vs., 16; Oranfs 17: Oordonsville IN; Wsynesboro 19; Char- lottesrills 21; Amherst 22; Chatham 23; Daa- ville 24.

MISCELLANEOUS Adams', Jamas, Floating Tbeatar: Georgetown,

Md.. 14-19. Almond, Jethro, Show No. 1, Jethro Almond,

mgr.: Newton, N. 0., 14-19.

Almood, Jethro, Show No. 2, C. E. Springer, mgr.: Monroe, N. C., 14-19.

Bragg A Bragg Show: Franconia, N, H., 17-19. Bradley’s, E. H., Tent Vaudeville Co.; Mclntlre,

la., 14-19. CampbsU’s, Novelty Shows: Ionia, Kan., 17;

May view 18; Bandell W. Coyla’a, E. B., Marins Mnscum: Elmer, Mo.,

14-19. Dandy Dixie Show, O. W. Gregory, mgr,: Bnch-

sisvlUs, Va., 18; Barbonrsvilla 19. Fraser’a, Harry, Show: Vaughan, W. Va., 14-

19. Helms, Harry, Magician: Zumbrota, Minn., 14-

19. Haag A Conn’s Comedy (jo.: Mlamisbnrg, 0.,

14-19. Imperial Quartet. Jack Anderson, mgr.: Trini¬

dad, Ool., 16; Great Band, Kan., 20; Bmporia 25; Lawrence 28.

Lewis, Harry, Concert Oo.: Gunnison, CoL, 16- 17; Lake City 18-19.

Lncey, Tbos. Elmore: Victor, Idaho, 16; Ash¬ ton 17; Shelly 16; Blackfoot 19.

Marvin’s Model Show, M. Burnham, mgr.: Weeksbnry, Ky.. 14-19: Colson 21-26.

Mack’s, Mayballa, Mule Show, C. Clayton Smith, mgr.: Blwood, Ind., 14-19.

Mysterloas Smith Oo., A. P. Smith, mgr.: Oaln- mat. la., 18; Granvllla 19; Parker, 8. D., 28; Fnlton 24-25; Farmer 26.

Mitchell’s, Leslie, Movies; Pongbkeepale, N. Y., 14-16.

Reese Bros.' Africanders, Floyd Trover, mgr.: Olympia, Wash., 14-19,

Renix Bros.’ Minstrel Entertainers; Mason Olty, la., 14-19; West Union 21-26.

Silver, Bert, Family Show; Portland, Mich., IS: Lyons 17; Hubbardaton IS: Crystal 19,

Silas Green Shows, Bph, Williams, mgr.: Kim¬ ball, W. Vs.. 17; North Fork. IS; Bear Wal¬ low 19; BlueSeld 21; Taxewell, Va.. 23; Ooa- bum Toma Creek 24; Dante 26; Btone- acker 28.

Volga, Madam, H. C. Brace, mgr.; Portland, Me.. Indef.

Wormaer’s, Jean, Alpine Hlngara A Yodalars: Osawatomla, Kan.. 16; BIggInavlIla, Mo., H; Green City 18: Unlonvllle 19; Mercer 20; Spickard 21; Liberty 22: Rraymer 28; ObllU- cothe 24; Unnens 26; Callao 28.

61 AUQUtT 1% Ifm

OABNIVAL COMPANIES AlMDo SiMwt, Dick OoUliia, aigr.: Indapcnteae*,

Mo., 31-26. ▲roBft ▲moaomont Oo.: Bast Urorpool, o., 14>

16. ' Baldwin, Q. A., Unitod gbowa: laUabarg, Ud.,

18-18. Brundaf*, 8. W., 8bowa: Alaona, la., 14-19. Bauacbar, A. C., Bhowa: Wailaea, Idaho, 14-19. Boana’a, r. H., United Ibowa: UawrencoTlUe,

lU., 14-19; Toledo 31-83. Barkoot. K. O.. Shows: Mtiwankee, Wls., 14-

19; Bast Chicago, IIL, 31-38. Brown A Cronin Shows: WllUamson, W. Va.,

14-19. OaplUl Cltjr Amosement Oo., Lew Hoffman,

mgr.: Parker, 8. D., 14-19. Oomell, C. B.. Amusement Oo.: Colorado Cltg,

CoL, 14-19. Crescent Amnsemrat Oo., Chas. Blackwell, mgr.:

Pt. pleasant, BT. Va., 14-19. Delmar gltuws: Iredell, Tea., 14-19. Dreamland Eapo. Bbowa, J. A. Macy, mgr.:

Knoarllla, Tenn., 14-19; Chattanooga Dnnn's, Capt. C. H., United Shows: Arerj, Ok.,

14-19. Bbring, PYederick, Amnaemcnt Oo.: Sandora,

Ky., 14 19; Sbelbyritle 21-28. Erans-Platt Shows: Mt. Burling, lU., 14-19, Brans, Ed A., Greater Shows: Mterens lolnt,

Wls., 14-19; New London 31-26. Pridro Eapo. Shows: Kerrrille, Tea., 14-19. Pole/ A Burk Shows: Dlaon, Ca., 18-19; Marya-

rlUs 22-38. Great Patteraon Sbowa: Burlington, la., 14-

19; Council Bluffs 21-28. Great Parker Sbowa, U. S. Tyler, mgr.: Omaba,

Neb., 14-19. Great American Sbowa, Morris Hiller, mgr.:

McAdoo. Pa., 14-19; South Betblebem 31-28. Gray’s, Roy, Amusement Co.: Junction City,

Ky., 14-19: Cartbage, Tenn., 21-26. Great Wortham Shows: ButU, Mont., 13-20;

Great Palls 21-36.

Great Eastern Shows. L. B. KInsel, mgr.: Weat Uasleton, Pa., 14-19.

Goodell, C. M., ffbows: Xenia, III., 14-19. Hendershot Shows: Tecumseb, Micb., 14-19. Herbert’s Greater Sbowa: Parkersburg, W. Va.,

14-19. International Shows, Boas A. Dano, mgr.: Mar¬

shall, Mo., 14-19. Jarris Shows; Albion, III., 14-19. Jones, Johnny J., Eapo. Shows: Quincy. Ill.,

14-19. Jurenal’s, J. M.. SUdinm Shows: Mammoth

Springs. Ark., 14-19; Ash Plat 21-28. Krause Greater Shows: South Betblebem, Pa.,


Gentry Bros.*: Kenoshn, Win., 16; Belrldmn, IIL. 17; Mndlaon, Wls., 18; Prnlrle dn Ohlen 19; Anstln, Minn., 21; Albert Lan 22; Parl- bnnlt 23; Owatonnn 24; St. Peter 28; New Ulm 36.

Hagenbeck-Wallace: JackaonrlUe, HL, 16; Oan- ton IT: Galeebnrg Ig; Pt. Madison, In., 19.

Boneet BUI A Lucky BIU Show: llnckar^, Kan., 16; CnIUaon 17; Hartland 18; Ortwne- bnrg 19; -Wllmora 31; Coldwaur 22; Protee- tlon 23; Pnmnn, Ok., 34; Cbarleaton 28; Buffalo 26.

IsiTena’s: Herkimer, N. T., 16; DoIgerUla IT; Cnnajotaarlo 18; CannstoU 19.

LInIger Bros. A O’Wesney’a: Harmony, Pa., 16; Zellenople 17: Evans City IS; Mars 19; Bakerstnwn 21.

MonUna Belle Wild West: Wllaen, Kan., 16; Taoeott 17-19.

RlngUng Bros.*: Janeertlle, Wls., 16; Pneeport, III., 17; Davenport, la., 18; Iowa C1U 19.

BoMnson’s, John, Ten Big Shows: Hannibal, Mo,. 16; Moberly 17; Columbia 18; Macon 19.

Sells-PIoto: Lewlstown, Mont., 16; Great Palls 17; Helena 18; Boseman 19.

Sblpp A Peltns Ctrcus (en route through South America; permanent address, Bloomington, Ind.i: Route; LaPas, Bolivia, Aug. 80-Sept. 17; Aurora. Bolivia. Sept. IS^ct. 1; PotosI, Bolivia, Oct. 2-18; Valparaiso, Chile, Oct. 20- Not, B.

Sun Bros.; Veedersburg, Ind.. 18; Brasil 17; Clinton IS; M<Miterunia 10: Liberty 21.

Tompkins' Wild West; Pblllppl, W. Va., 16; Berryburg 17; Webstbr 18; Tbomton 19; Evansville 21: Newbnrr 22; 7’nnnelton 23; Rowlesbnrg 24; Terra Alta 29; KIngwood 26.

Yankee Robinson: PaIrSeld, la., 17.

PITTatTKO, PA. Wilson, C. R. (SUir A HavUn), Lyceum Thea-

Ur Bldg. _ SANDUSKY, 0.

Hlmmeleln, John A. (Producer).

STXA0U8K, N. T. Anderson, Clyde E.. II'JT Genesee st.

WAPAXONXTA, 0. Shannon, Harry, auH Wauglals st

WINNXPXO, MAN., CAN. Stewart Will J. (AflUlated 'Tbeatrleal OSMe).

THE SPARKS SHOW (Continued frena page 33)

demic, wMcb as yet shows no signs of abato- ment In the East and lower New England.

The Sparka Show offesed many pisostng feo- tnree. No IndlTldnal performer baa received the applause In Bridgeport In many a day accorded Hillary Long, the upside-down man. Mr. Long done an upside-down single trap that Is a won¬ derful piece of work, be accomplishing the foil ronUne of usual upside-down tricks without once coming down from bis bead balance to a sitting position on the bar, and BnIsb'ng wltb a very snappy whirl. His reckless, but natural, npside-down balance Is the best ever seen here. He later features a walk down stairs on hIs bead, followed by the bead slide from center pole to the ground on a 78-foot cable, and tten for good measure stages the thriller—leaping the gap on his bead oo roller skates. There are otter big show features that several per¬ formers In any dressing room ran accomplish, bat Hillary Long is sn esc< ptlonal performer.

John Holland and Mr. and Mrs. William De- Mott are furnishing good riding numbtrs. Mr. aiMl Mrs. McLain, of the Aerial McLains, stage the prettiest statue act imaginable, using a horse and three dogs. The Raney-Oenncll act of posturing, band-balancing and rings is a fea¬ ture, and the St. Allans, E<lna and Billy, present a feature wire act that shows much Improvement since the writer 6rst knew this clever little couple with the Famous Robinson Shows. Jim Rossi’s little brother Is clowning snccesefnlly, and there are many otters. Including Grant Dock and Barry Mick. This team’s work on the track before the show was a novelty, cleanly done, and a laugh-puller that bas caused more merriment tbrougbout the season than all the


DRAMATIC AGENCIES (Continued from page 19)

Smith; C. Jay, 814 W. Superior st. Standard Booking Assn., Auditorium Bldg,; Edw,

Suren, mgr.

THE NEW BILL The good roads appropriation bill, carrying $88,000,000 for the purtoes of aiding

the various States of the Union in the building of good roods, should be of especial In¬ terest to the showman who today uses the old-fashioned method of getting across the country, sod It should prove es|>ecialiy vsluable in aiding the plans of the circus man¬ agers who have "Innovated” to the estent of starting out for automobile tours of the country, using motor tracks for travel purposes.

This bill bos been signed by the (’resident, and Is now law. It provides that each State assisted shall put up dollar for dollar, and that the apportionment to the various States shall be on the basis of population, number of miles of rural free delivery roads in use, and the upkeep by the States of roads built with Government help.

Once this money is put Into good roads throughout the country, wltb another gte.OOO.bOO added to it by the States aided, the circus manager and proprietor will be In a tetter iioaitioa than ever before to snap tteir dngers in the facea of the autocratic railroad official who seeks to dictate unreasonable terms for travel, either of performers or freight.

Indirectly, also, the eslstence of good roads throughout the greater part of the country should have a decided tendency towards boosting the bos-office receipts, not only of circuses or other traveling amusements, but of the local theaters and nnition picture bouses. Automobiles today are becoming so numerous in the rural districts, despite the present unsatisfactory roadways in a majority of instaners, that with the develop¬ ment of modern IxiiilevanIs leading into the various cities and towns the farmer living fffteen or twenty miles distant from a theater or motion picture bouse would be able to load his family into bis machine and enjoy an evening performance, returning home in ample time to enjoy his regular nigbt’a resf.

Sponsors of the good mads bill made It a imint during arguments in favor of the measure to suggest that smooth, lasting highways would put the man who lives in the country in much closer touch with the affairs of bis nearest town or city.

Certainly that means closer to theaters and amusements, as well as to grocery stores, shoe shops and trading marketa.

Northwestern Shews Closed dtlss are caused by scalawag managers, who eater to skin games and paddle wheels.

Wingffeld’s, James, Central Statea Circuit, 1020 City Hall Square Bldg.

Wo^folk, Boyle (Producer), 22 W. Monroe at.

KANSAS CITY, MO. Brigham, E. S., Enterprises, 808 Victor Bldg. Sanders’ 'neatrlcal Circuit, 611)4 E. Eighth at.

MADISON, WI8. Chappell, Harry, Puller Opera House.

NEW YORK CITY Adams. J. K.. 100 W. Thirty-eighth st. American Theatrical Exchange (Dram. A M. C.),

Longacre Bldg. Anhalt, Lawrence J., Park Theater. Bartik, O., 870 Lexington ave. BeUseo, David, Belasco Theater; W. G. Smythe,

booking manager. Betts A Powler, 1402 Broadway. Campbell, Bobt., Berkeley Theater Bldg., 19 W.

Porty-fourtb at. Cuban A Harria. 1483 Broadway; Jack M. Welch,

general manager. Conoly, Joseph. 107 W. Forty-fffth at. PTawIey, T. David, ISO W. Porty-fOorth at. Probman Amusement Corporation, 18 E. 41at at. Hopkins. Frank, Longacre Theater Bldg. KIraly A Alward (K. A K), iSmpire Theater

Building. Lagen, Marc, 800 Fifth ave. Logsdon, Oily. 1498 Broadway. Miller, Henry, New Amsterdam Theater Bldg. Mooser. Oeo. (Morosco A Stock Star Circuit),

106 W. 40tb st. Munroe, Wallace, 107 W. Porty-fffth at. Nicolai, George H. (Stair A Havlln), 1406

Broadway. Packard Theatrical Exchange, Inc., 1416 Broad¬

way. Price, John R.. 216 W. 118th st. Rooakam, Cbaa. H., Room 817 I-ongacre Bldg. Scott. Paul. 1403 Broadway. Selwyn A Co., 1461 Broadway. Wagenhalla A Kem|>er (Producers), Astor Tboa-

tor Bldg. Well, B. A., Hudson Theater Bldg. Winter, Wales, 1478 Broadway.

PHILADELPHIA. PA. Jay, Boulab B.. The Llttlo Theater. Nixon, S. P. (iDram., M. C., Burleaque), Broad

Street Theater. Wolf, Prank, Parkway Bldg.

slapsticks In circus and burlesque. Ttey work os a bold Jane and sbocked teacon, and tteir work is mild enough that It Is some time before the audience geta "hep,” which makes It all the tetter. Bert Mayo la still the equestrian director, and Jack Pbillipe bas the band. There is not a |>erformer in the dressing room wbo is not deserving of mention, and the elephant and seal acta lived up to the billing. The Sparks Show jumped from Bridgeport to South Bethle¬ hem, Pa., to get away from the epidemic area, and let It be said that the Sparka Show missed no performances, but one parade, and has bad very little labor trouble, although in prosperoua New England practically all oeaaon, all exag¬ gerated reporta to the contrary. Press Agent Herron got a mighty good showliig in the Bridgeport papers. Banner Agent Green enter¬ tained bis sister and a party of girl friends from WlIHmaatlc, Conn., at the Friday matinee. ’I'Ih- show moves very fast. A two-mlle haul In Bridgeport, from Central avenne to the end of Boat Main street, wan not ea^, bnt the parade was down town at 10:18, and more than pleased the people. The Sparks Show Is gaining a very enviable reimtatlon throngh New England and bas a repeating power that many shows can not draw with the heaviest of htUlng. Mr. and Mia. Charles Sparks were entertained Satur¬ day at Woodmont by Mr. and .Mrs. O. W. Good- sell Pax Lndlow was there, and also spent two very enjoyable days around the World’s Pamons Shows.—PAX LUDLOW.


James A. Savage, one of the oldest billposters In the country, and a member of Local No. 3. Pittsburg, Pa., was held up by robbers near Sil¬ ver Bow Junction, Mont., some weeks ago, and roughly handled. It was necessary for him to go to the County Hospital. Butte. Mont., where It was found that Savage was snfferlng fiom three broken ribs and other hmlsas.

Mr. Savage wants to thank, through the col¬ umns of ’Ibe Billboard, Boh Whalen, yard- master of the Northern PactSc, wbo is an oM trooper; Jere Mnrphy, chief of Police, and also Mrs. McChaty, matron, and Mrs. Hickey, nnrse. at the hospital, for their kind treatment.

Lavitt-Taxler Shows: Toronto, Can., 14-19. Landes. J. L, Carnival Co.: Gallatin, Mo., 14-

19; Albany 21-28. Leagette A Brown Shows: Marshall, 111., 14-19;

Charleston 21-26. little Giant Amusement Oo., Prank D. Corey,

mgr.: West Duluth, Minn., 14-19; Pine (nty 21-26.

Littlejohn’s United Shows: Ewing, Ky., 14-19. Leonard Amusement Oo.: Comanche, Ok., 14-19. Metropolitan Shows, O. E. Barfleld, mgr.:

Owensboro, Ky., 14-19; Lawrencevllls, Ill., 21-26.

Maryland Amosement Co., I. J. Barnett, mgr.: Delorme, W. Va., 14-19. .

.Vashvlllo Aiiinsrment Co.: Wllliamston, N. C., 14 19.

Northwestern Shows, P. L. Flack, mgr.: Ash¬ land, O., 14-19.

Otto’s, Capt., Greater bbows: Mount Union, Pa.. 14-19.

Parker’s Greatest Shows: Norway. Mich., 14-19. People’s Amnsement Co., E. Johnson, mgr.:

Trosky, Mina., 14-19. Bsynolds, George, Shows; Martinsburg, W. Va.,

14-19. Bice A l^lck Shows: Caddo, Ok., 14-19. Rogers’ Greeter Shows: Chattanooga, Tenn.,

Botterford Shows, Western: Ionia. Mich., 14- 19; Toledo, O., 31-28.

Scott Amusement Co.: New Straltsvllle. 0„ IB¬ IS; Murray City 31-26.

Mppley Carnival Co.; Sblllington, Pa., 19-26. Mwesley Shows; Sonthbridge, Mass., 14-19. Mhley’s Superb Shows: Scranton. Pa., 14-19.

* Wrightman’a United Shows: New Carlisle, Ind., 14-19.

Smith Greater Shows: Lorain, O., 14-19. M a A Rubin’s United Bbows: Niles, O., 14-19. loutbem Amusement Co.; Jnlesburg, 0)1., IB¬

IS. Superior United Shows; Cleveland, O., 14-19. Todd A Son United Shows: RIdgevlIIe, Ind., IB¬

IS; PbrtvlIIe 31-26. Whitney Shows: Marion, Ill., 14-19; AlUmonl

World's Pair Shows, C. O. Dodson, mgr,: Co- Iambus, .Kan., 14-19.

^Jlrtham. C. A., Shows: Anamosa, la,, 14-19; —US' Mol^ 2g4ept 1.

at ^me Shows: Winnipeg, Can., 14-19. Midway Shows: Nashua, N.

H., 14-19; Lawrence, Mass., 21-26.

OIROUS A WILD WEST ■•"•••.Al O.t Beaaca Palla, N. Y., 16; Gum

17; Honeoye Palls 18: Chnadalgua 19; I 21j Batavia 22; Leroy 38; hoi

Tonawanda 24; Niagara Palls 28; Buffalo ! * Bailey; Bald, Ok., 16; Wlchlte, Kai

17; Bntehlnsnn Ig; Great 8^ 19. Bbowa: Kt

{■‘W***. 16; South Bond 17; Ohlcai •Ueg 1P*«To

Oomtbon't Cirena: HartweU, Neb., 16; Non* u.L Campbell 19: UpUnd 1 Hlldmth 22; MoUU 23; AxteU 24; WIU 36; Atlanta 28.

®PP®6*««e Sbowa: I rv£*^' OogawaU 21-26.

Aria., 16: Lordaburg. ^ 17i laffnrff. Aria., Ig; Globe 19; R

2L Ps.. 16; Bloomabi

»l Oaavllio 16; Mlltan 19. ®*5J* A tent’s; St. ThonMS, Ont., Can.;

Om^h ITt Wladaar 16; Mt. Olemana, MIc 19t Mawaa 2L


It Will bt thmn or fanr waeka before Savage will be able to leave the Instltatluo.

The Sella-Ploto Car No. 1 was In Butte on July 81, billing the town. The crow left ^ for Savage for expenses.


H. G. Blythe, advance agent for the Grant Key¬ stone Shows, passed through Cincinnati recently and paid The Billboard a visit on bis way back to the show, after taking hts wife home to Hsaderoonvllle, N. O., to be placed under medical treatment. Mr. Blythe reports that the Keystone Shows have had a very good seaseo, that they have been In West Virginia since May 18 and have another month’s eugagementa la that sUte.


The Christy Hippodrome Sbowa will remain on the road during the winter In the SoLfth. Jack Hendrickson is still on the advance and getting the show a dandy billing. General Agent C. Ausklnga Is now in the South, and reports conditions goo<l fur the Christy Sbowa.


Good waatber and good baslncss for tha show, which will stay out till November 30.

Bobby Zenero will Introduce a new novelty act next week. Bob will do bis act "a la female,” that la, rings and swinging traps. Us Is now getting bis new wardrobe and wig, stc., from A. M. Bucli. Mrs. Hapiiy Beuway Is deslguiug bis wardrobe.

G. W. Christy’s No. 2 Company Is now st Fes¬ senden, N. D., a town that the No. 1 Show played some time ago.

Prof. Leon Is breaking In a new dog act that ha will pat on soon. This should keep tha Profeasor busy—with the poules, goats and dogs.

Christy’s Annex Show la copping the honors nightly. It’s one of the best pit abowa en tonr.

At last Georga Day bas a full crew. A. P. ’’Happy” Benway has appointed J. Cur¬

ley assistant stage manager. Harold Jensen ami Mas Mtreck have been

added to the concert. Those boys do some mn- sical act.

Jim Palmer, the "Band Carnso,” baa bean missing for one week. He will return on tte the show In a few days, and It is said tbat Mrs. Jimmie will be with him.

When you write to another show for work al¬ ways ask If tte show pays a salary. We bad two wbo left, and we had to send them tickets so tbat they could come back.

G. W. Cbriaty boa put up tba following notice In tbe oIBce:

To Whom It May Concern—If tbers la any chance to boom bnsineea, boom It; don’t pall a long face and look as though you bad a aour atomacb. Hold up your bend, smile and look for tetter tblnga. Hide your little HAMMER and try to apeak well of otbere, no matter bow small you may really know yourself to be. When a strange act drops In jolly him; tell him this Is the greatest show on earth—and It la—don’t discourage him by speaking 111 of your fellow actors; lead him to believe that at least WHITE FDLKH are working with tte show and that be bas atrock a place to live and work for that will make him feel like a WHITR MAN—DON’T KNOCK. Remember tbat yon are not tbe only one—there are others, and they have bralna and know something as well as you do. There Is no end of fan minding YOUR OWN BCSINE88—It will make the other act like yours. Nobody gets stuck on a knocker; don’t be one—be good, and work for tbe in¬ terest of the Christy Hippodrome Rbow.

Shanty McBride still bolds down tbe lights. It Is said that fthanty will not go back to Miami, Fla., this coming winter.—HAPPY BEN- wat.


We are now playing the towns along tbe Mlo- sleeippl River, throngh Illinota and Iowa.

Lon B. Ramsdell, of circus fame, says he is going to spend tbe winter In Indianapolis.

Ed Morrison has left to take the adrertising end of the Star Theater, St. Panl.

Jim Eviston eeemi eatlsfled and contented. He has practically tbe tame crew tbat be opened with.

Gene Staats and Harry Miller have kept tte car supplied with 8eh while along the river.

C. V. Turner, tbe Southern gentleman, saya be le still strong for Coca-Cola.

Fred Bnssey tays no more clrcns life for him. He expects to take charge of tte leading drug store of Mnncia.

Red Seymonr and Red Qaynor are still sheeting them np.

M. B. Marlowe Is still pasting out the Invl- tatlone to the natives.—H. C. WAI.TERS.


with ideal weather and conditiona normal we atm linger In tbe Northwest where Sshlng and awimming have been great. This la one organisation tbat baa demonstrated the fact that bntiiiesa and pleasure may be mixed if tbo latter la Indulged In In a rational manner. Baaeball la also a paatlme with the performers on tbe show.

We carry an exceptionally strong alde-ahow with a full set of banners, colored band, plant show and Oriental dancers; a good pit show, with bannera; menagerie, and a big top, with two riagn and elevated stage.

Tbe show opened early In AprlL and tha management baa prepared for a long season. It la rumored that after tbe holiday season the show map again Invade the tropics. Not one series mishap has occurred thne far, and tte general health of the company Is excellent— MYRON BEACH.

James Beaane and Willis Kuhn have Jolaad the OoUmar Show. Ttey are biUpoatora. aad win travel vrlth tha No. 1 Advertlalag Car.

Vera Oortell, tte wire on tte brata artist. M playing fairs throngh Iowa. He has recsntlp takaa aato hlaaaalf a wife.


Cite Success of Richard Bennett in Damaged Goods as Evidence in Support of Argument

— Chaplin Will Next Be Seen in The Adventurer

Kfw York, Auk. 1^-—■uixiuDremeDt of John K. Krfuirr, pre»iil«nt of the Ylutual nim Oorporatiuu, that he would “give a million for another I'hapllu''—meaulug another aalarj like Chaplin’a foi another atar of equal drawing power—haa elicited a whole flock of atatementa from film magnatea on the auhjectM of atara and tbelr relation to the photoplay market.

Meanwhile Mutual and I'reaident Kreuler atand pat on the atar policy. I

It will l>e noted that the Mutual la putting out a large uumlier of productioua under the general deKlgnatlou of Mutual Mtar i'roductlona, featuring a uuml>er of the Mutual'a more im¬ portant atara, among them Mary Milea Ylinter, Richard lieiinett, Helen Ilolmea, William Rua- •ell, Kolb and 'Dili and Florence Turner.

Prealdent Kreuler baa avoided a direct anawer but hia private conference room at the Matual'a Twenty-third atreet oflice baa boiiaed aeveral lm|M>rlant conferencea of late. It may be ex¬ pected that the announcement of a number of Important atar contracta will be forthcoming from the Mutual one of tbeae dajra.

“The public haa made the atara,*’ remarked Mr. Kreuler to a Billboard repreaentatlve, “and It made them by demanding them In ptctnrea and continuing to demand them. All tbla talk ■bout the artiflclal creation of atara by pub¬ licity and advertialng la aimply talk about talk. We can almi point to the 'graveyard of ■ttempta’ where reata tiie fame <if the actora prodiicera tried to make Into atar material.

"When the public geta tired of atara we will bear of It fmm the public flrat, not from the makera of the n'ctiirea.

"In rapid aim-eaalon recently we have offered to the evhibitora pnaliictlona featuring Nat Goodwin, Krank Mllla ami Henry R. IMxey. In ■ abort time they will get Richard Bennett. Illaa MInter and Kolb and Dill, Jnat aa they •re DOW getting Helen Ilolmea and William Rnaaell.

"The bookinga are the beat aort of evidence to me of the exbibitora' acceptance of tbe of¬ fering.

"Bomething of tbe anccena of tbe atar-play ■My be indicated in tbe recorda of Itamaged Oooda, which la abnrtly to be retired from tbe Market, after a blgbly aiicceafol acreen career.

"Tbla picture baa made a very great deal •f money for tbe exbibitora of tbe Unitad ■tatea. Pignrea aa accurate aa may be bad in¬

dicate the public paid tbe exhibitors of the country $bOO,UnO to aee Damaged Gooda. I doubt if any other offering of the year has put 80 much money in tbe box offices of tbe mo¬ tion picture theaters, taken reel for reel.

"A Richard Bennett picture did make this record. Richard Bennett is unmistakably of tbe star class. He brought to tbe screen tbe fame of tbe speaking atar career which has made him a rich man. The public rewarded his pictures on the screen for Just tbe same reason that it paid up at the box-office to see him on tbe stage. The star did make tbe play

(Continued on page S7)


Burton HoImM’ Pictures Show Birth¬ place of Mozart

New York, Aug. 12.—In the Farainonnt-Bnr- toii Holmes Travel Pictures Mr. Holmes takes Ills easy-chalr-Joumeyera on a trip up tbe .Austrian Alps, starting at Balzberg, the birth¬ place of Mozart, tbe Immortal musician. The party climbs sometimes by rail and at otlier times roped to each other and tbe guides, through tbe clouds. Anally arriving on the peak of Gross Olanchen, 12,4(10 feet above tbe sea.


Chicago, Aug. 14.—Three Francis X. Bush¬ man reissues are on tbe Easanay General Film program for August. These Include Tbe Three- 8<-ratcb Clue, released August 8; A Man for A* That. Angust 22. and Hia Btolen Fortune. August 29.


Iowa Exhibitor Has an Idaa With the Punch

New Tork. Ang. 12.—A. II. Hilton, tbe Para¬ mount exhibitor of Lewistown, la., baa In¬ augurated another new idea, a midnight mati¬ nee. In writing of it be says; "If exhibitors haven’t tried tbe midnight matinee stunt al¬ ready. tber alMNild get tmsy, for it’s a awe winner. I open it at midnight ahnrp, dreaa tbe nsbera In pajamas, the orchestra bnrieaqoeo

the music, and we give everybody a rattle to keep time with. We turned away three times as ninny people as we played to; in fact, they were willing to pay two bits for standing room.’’


Will Hnve Ingenue Loads Opposit* Billy Mason

I'liivcrsal City, Aug. 12.—Anotber young actress, who has had a wide experience In mo¬ tion phiiiri's, liiiH Just been added to tbe ever¬ growing forces of the Big U organisation. She is .Madge Kirby, who will play tbe ingenue leads opiHisite Smiling Billy Mason In the pro¬ ductions put on by John Hteppling. Tbe first picture is Sbe Couldn't Resist Him, which will lie made in one reel. Miss (Kirby appeared in comedies for more than four years with other companies before coming to the Universal.


New Y’ork, Aug. 12.—A manuscript reader for ■ iKipular magazine with a circulation of (160,000 copies every month has written to the Fox Film Corporation to tell them that four out of fire short stories about a moving picture atar that came into his office are written around Theda Bara.


Los Angeles. Aug. 12.—Neva Gerber will have a strenuous time of it in her next five-reel pic¬ ture, directed by Ben Wilson, who plays oppo¬ site her. Sbe will have several thrilling rides, a struggle with tbe "vlllyiin” in which she smashes up tbe furniture, and a good many other stunts seemingly too hard for such a fragile leading woman. Her present picture at Uni¬ versal, Tbe Last of Hia Race, is nearly com¬ pleted.


Casta Diraetor Reynolds for Long Sea¬ son Opposite Charming Brio#

New York, Aug. 12.—Max Reynolda. raating director for the William Fox Feature Film Company, caat himaelf in tbe role of a happy liridegroom recently when he Journeyed to Jer¬ sey City ami made bia leading lady, Misa Hay- man, a nonpmfesslonal, bis dire<^or for life. In a aerial to run indefinitely, entitled Love Will Find a Way. Tlic marriage is tbe culmi¬ nation of a courtablp of nearly two years.


Universal City, Ang. 12.—Julias Stern, presi¬ dent and general manager of the L-Ko Company, in in New Tork in connection vritb tbe affaire of bin latent ventnre. Mr. Stern bints that be vriti have something Important to say in regani to tlie fatnre poliry of tbe L-Ko (Vmipaay ib tbe near future.


Presentation Opens Soason in Nssw England Tarritory

New Tork, Aug. 12.—A special exblMtlob of 'I'Ikm. H. luce's ciuema npectacle, CivlUsatloa, will be given on board tbe U. 8. battlcotalp, Nevada, Sunday night. Tbe Nevada la lyiag off Newport B. I., and tbla preaentation will be tbe flrat performance of tbe picture Is New F.ngland. Incidentally it will mark tbe begin¬ ning of tbe aeason for Civilization in tbe terri¬ tory tile exhibition rigbta for which were re¬ cently diapoaed of by Mr. Ince to tbe New Rngland Film Diatributore' Corp.


I’lttsbiirg. Aug. 12.—Tbe Pitt Theater here liiis been leased to William Moore Patch, who has been dire-.-ting the bouse for more than a year for tlic Pittsburg Life and Tmat Com¬ pany. Mr. Patch has also taken over tbe direc¬ tion of tbe Chestnut Street Opera House, Phila¬ delphia.

Mr. Patch is the exhibitor who bad censored titles painted ou a s<'reen to be shown at tbe pr'>per time, and arranged for staging Identical m-enoa with flesh and blood actora when tbo censors cut portions of bis film.


Billy Garwood Turns Thsm Out Fast Thaso Days

Los Angeles, Aug. 12.—Popular Billy Gar¬ wood, who IS directing and playing tbe leads in bis comedies at Uulversal, is turning ’em out with a rapidity which aatonisbea several di- rect.tra accustomed to more leisurely methods. With pretty Lois Wilson as bis star Garwood was tbe only director working on tbe stage one day during tbe recent bot spell. "Isn't it too hot for you to work?” be was askad. "Oil, tills is nothing," Garwood replied. "It was hotter than this where I played In one pictsre.’’ "Where was tbatU’ “At Jacksonville. FU.. daring July," was tbe answer.


Poems Will Be Filmed by Wamar Co.

New York, Ang. 14.—A. A H. M. Waraar, with temporary offices at 146 W. Forty-flfth street, have Just signed n long-term eeatniet with Ella Wlieeler Wib-ox for tbe motloa pic- tare rights to her poems and other wiltlags.

Tbe Warner Company baa engaged Richard Garrick as dln-ctor, and they are now working on their first release at Jarksonville, Fla. Iflaa Rntli Helen Davis Is scenario editor, and the first pictnre, which will be released September 2i>. will be called A Married Coqaette. Tbaro- after tl>!a .smi|Niny wilt release eae pletsra a week, selling State righia. Laeitle Taft and Artbar Ashley have been engaged •• laada, while C. R. Mints Is acting ns tbe New Tork imbllcity agent.

AUGUST 19, 1916. T ti e Billboard 53


Interesting Boy’s Republic Shown in Pictographs

New York, Aug. 12.—Two particularlj itrong features bead the I’acamount Program for the week of August 29, In one of which Lou-Tellegen makes his return to the screen in the Lasky production of The Victory of Conscience, and the other in which Valentine Grant, the Fa¬ mous Players’ star, will be seen in Jean o’ the Heather. Both features have exceptionally strong stories, and the stars in both pictures sre supported by clever casts.

Short reel subjects for that week will include the twenty-ninth edition of the "magaslne-on- the-screen,” the Paramount Pictographs; the Paramount-Burton Holmes Travel-Pictures, Cllnibing the Austrian Alps, and the Paramount- Bray cartoon. Farmer Al Falfa’s Revenge.

Included in the twenty-ninth edition of the Pictographs is the first motion picture that has ever been made of the remarkable George Jr. Republic, at which boys earn their own living, conduct their own government, handle their own savings, and learn the fundamentals of running a government.


New York, Aug. 12.—Andrew J. Cobe, the Unity's vice-president, left this week for an extended tour of the Sooth and Southwest. While away Mr. Cobe will stop in Atlanta, Jacksonville, Mobile, New Orleans, and tbe larger Texas cities.


To Appear in Five-Part Mutual Pictures

New York, Aug. 12.—Margarita Fischer is announced for a series of Mutual star pro¬ ductions. President John R. Frenler, of tbe Mutual Film Corporation, issued a statement announcing tbe closing of a contract whereby Miss Fischer will be starred in at least six five-part features for Mutual release. The first of the pictures may be expected by exhibitors late in October, with tbe others following at intervals of fonr weeks.


New York. Aug. 12.—Creighton Hale and Rbeldon Lewis have been pot under contract by tbe Frank Powell Productions, Inc,, to ap- pesr in the feature pictures of that company. Mr. Hale and Mr. Lewis have been associated together since the beginning of the Exploits of Elaine serial, and following with tbe Iron Claw. At the conclusion pf tbe Iron Claw tbe two stars were separated for a few weeks, but fate has brought them together again.


Additions Aro Turnsr, Johnson and Lloyd

New York. Aug. 12.—William Fox bas ac¬ quired three more directors. They are Otis Tomer, Teft Johnson and Frank Llcyd. The addition of these men gives tbe Fox Film Cor¬ poration a total of twelve movie makers. The list now includes J, Gordon Edwards. Kenean Biiel, James Vincent, Bertram Bracken, John O, Adoirt, Oscar C. Apfel, R, A. Walsh, Richard Stanton, Will B. Davis, Otis Turner, Teft Johnson nod Frank Lloyd. '


Chicago, Aug. 12,—In Essanay’s August re¬ leases will be foood two of George Ade’s fun¬ niest fables. The Fable of Books Made To Balance, and Tbe Fable of How Wisensteln Did Not I»oc Out to Buttinsky,


Has Turned Out Eight Faaturas in Sevan Months

New York, Ang. 12.—Director J, Gor<lon Ed¬ wards, one ofMbe foremost with the Williaw Fox Company, bas completed eight featnre films in tbe last seven months. The last frictnre was done In exactly twenty-three days. For a dvr- part photoplay of tbe high order of tbe newest prodoctlon this is, undoubtedly, a record for teit work.


la Heard From the Top of the High Sierras

tea Angeles, Ang. 12.—From beaotifni Lake nkee, in tbe midst of the high Sierms in Northern California, comes a wail from Henry Otto, who Is directing Harold Lockwood and “•F Aliison, Otto, when be drat arrived in Los Angeles recently from tbe Boot, bengbt a aew six-cylinder antomeblie, and since that tiam tbe ear bos been setlag iU bead oC to a farargo wbfio its owner is Nortb. “If 1 bad oaly Fkaegbt ft witb am,” Otto writoo. ”Thie in tbe most weadorfsl oonstry for tssrtog totog- nMe, aad it ie as opportealty I may aerar bare agate.”


Five Thousand.- $1^5 Ten Thousand.2^0 Twen^-five Thousand • • • 3^0

(C y Fifty Thousand.5.00 I One Hundred Thousand • • 8.00

THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE Tour osw Special Ticket, any printing, any colon, aoenrataiy nnmband. every roll fuaranterd. Coupon TIckeu for Prise Drawlnm. S.MO. flM. Stock TickeU. Sc per l.OM. Prompt ihlpiaeuls. Caeb wUb order. Oct the Mmples. Send diagram for Reserved Scat Coupon Tkkala. State hoe msoy sets deatisd, serial or dated.



CONTINENTAL EUROPE, IN QUANTITIES URGE OR SMALL We specialize solely in supplying e^rt film nurkets *

all over the world with

NEW OR USED FILM AT PRICES THAT OUR EXPERIENCE AND VOLUME OF lUSINESS ONLY CAN JUSTIFY. We translate titles into any language required. We can tupply you with any brand, whether manufactured in the U. S. or abroad, any stjrle (comedies, dramas, Westerns, vstnpiret, scenics, cartoons, etc.) and any length from one reel upward.

For terms, prices, etc., addrem



As atMrttos uaa* btlam tbe pnbtie te year dene We wterisliee to Frsmm aed Fsttraits sf ssmy Mae end fimriipam. Beed-pnlaied Feruniu made fnm pbetes « pslem Uut elU miiinnii ywk We mMsmettue LeMy Fnmm sf erwy style fm


wmm us. OBT otis rtacu. MENGER-RING and HAMBURG CO.

Tbe Otdest aed LargssI Letoy Dbelsr esmIsIlsU Ie Asisrfcn. MC-ia HaNsrs Bebdlee.

CMieaao IM-e Waal 42d einst,

NKw voaa.


Will Feature Frank Borzaga and > Edward Coxan

New York, Ang. 12.—Frank Borsage and Edward Cosen, who for tbe post aeveml yearn have been fentnred In ebort lengtb dramne, are nbortly to moko their iaittol nppeemeceo no otors of tbo Mnteel meltl-reol prodnetloeo. Coxea’o Smt spponmneo sriU bo no tbo otor or Tbo Shadow, beood oo WiUtom H. UpforTa •Tory ef tbo seem nemo. Bonogo win rnnko klo dobet ao tbo foatarad ptoyor to The Lead

c.' Lteardn, a Sve-act Western dmem, wbieb being filmed under bla personal diieettoe.


Loo Angeleo, Aag. II.—Doopito tbo tact U Hsmptoo Del Bath, ef tbe Meek Soeaett-Kt otoee otadioo, roeoeUy noet ees e letter. wM had wide peblicatioo, ootttog fsrtb the taaai why snbmittod acoeerie mnmmerfgto weie i aveitoblo far the ana e( the Ksyetses Film Oa paey. bis meU coattoaos te be issded wftb I •Fnrtoga ef tboae wbe nook te eat tbslr Idi ea the eeieee.


Will Have Part in Margaret DelantTa Iron Woman

New York, Aug. 12.—Metro I’ctures Corpoee- tiou bas engaged tbe eulneut dramatic arttot, Miaa Nance O’Neil, to appear in a fivo-eet screen production. Tbe play cbosen In whlcb to present Miss O’Neil as a motiou picture Otoe is a picturizatiou of Margaret Delaud's nsrrol, Tbe Iron Woman. Mrs. Delaod also wrotn The Awakening of Helena Ritchie, in which auothne Metro star. Miss Etbd Barrymore, will bo ooon shortly. Alfred Hickman bas made tbe ecieoe version of Tbe Iron Woman.


New York, Aug. 12.—Johnny Kellette, aaUet- ant to director John Adolpbi, of tbe WlUlaas Vox forces, takes a part in Little Miss Happtooen. Kellette is general handy man about tbe stndtoe and does everything from giving lesaoaa to milking, to grinding tbe camera, when the oe* easioD demands tutelage in either direction. In tbe new Caprice film be bas tbe role of an oM farmer whose main duty is to pitch bey fsom a wagon to tbe ground.


Hal Cooley Finds a Way To Makm Grease Paint Stick

Los Augeles, Aug. 12.—Hal Cooley, Dnlvsisal leading man, adopted heroic measures ibto week to achieve a proper make-up for his lels in The Guiding Hands, under the directlow ot Ben Horning. It was a hot day at Unlveiaal City—the hottest in several years, accordlag bo Jim, the watchman. Cooley found that greaas paint would not keep its place; the beat meltaA it into a spotty appearance. He toiled snd worked and meautime tbe director was waiting. In desperation Cooley took a large piece of lee, massaged bis face witb it for five minutes and then put on bis grease paint. Tbe make-up this time stayed in place, but Cooley says he sedar- stands now why Arctic explorers go craxy.


Has Come to Frank Mills in PicturM and on Stage

New York, Aug. 12.—Frank Mills, sUr to tbe Mutual Masterpicture. Tbe House of Ifle- rore, is one of tbe few actors who bas muds ■ big success, both on tbe stage and in the MlsBt drama. Mr. Mills bas been starred in festom releases both by tbe Famous Flayers and M- angle. Prior to euteriug tbe motion pletHW field be was featured lesdiug man with Mss. Patrick Campbell for two years, Olga Netov- sole for tbe same length of time and also ang- ported Mrs. Flake, Elsie Ferguson. Mary Itow- oering, Eleanor lUibsou, Sir Herbert Beeibsito Tree and Sir Jobustone Forbes-Bobertaoa.


New York. Aag. 12.—Gladden James, reeeg nixed as one of the leading Juveniles of tbo ■a* tion picture world, will be seen In tbe mwpart of Henry E. Dtxey. tbe famous stage star, to tba Mutual Masterpicture. De Luxe FdIttaa, Father and Bon-

Mr. James bas an appealing comedy rola aa tbe son of tbe wealthy pickle mauufactona, who fails in love with tbe daughter of a fteal pickle maker. Mr. James will t>e remeatoeiad for bis epleudid work In tbe Mutual Msitmla tnre, De Luxe Edition, The Decoy.


New York, Aug. 12.—Creighton Hale, wha la under a long term contract to star In the fw- tnre pictnreo of tbe Frank Powell Produetlaaik Ine., ie spending a great deal of bis ttoM at MineoU, Long IsUnd, with bis new aeroplnaa, wbieb be will use in tbe next pirtnre ef ton Powell Company, Mr. lisle Is a member of tba Aero CInb of Amerlra.


New York, Ang. 12.-A tralnUiad of toattoto wbo recently polled Into Manta llsitHira ipeat several boars of tbetr pferions time at tba Amoriean-Mntnal studios watching little Magy Miles Mister ensetiox seversl scenes for Dnkda’S Adventure, second of tbe MotnsI multi reel toa- tores, Escb of tbe visitors sb'mk bsods wHb tbe little ster before depertinx sod escb bias witb them so sotogrspfaed pbotogrspb.


Has Artiatie Part in Tha Eyas of tlw World

Lsa Angeles, Ang. 12—It looks ss tbsagb Ifooros Ballsbnry would be s permsnent mim- Mgr of tbo Clone organisation. Tbe part ha to tokiag to Tbe Eyes of the World to Jast aa praaitosat aad Jast as artlstle as was bis Aft- laanndr* to Bamona. flaliabury bas gives tta screes oomo epleedld settog, iaeladlag Ms Htmm to Tbe Ooeaa Olrt. aad bis parts to Tbe E^sw Mss, Brewster's Midtoas. Tbs Master Mtad, The Mas From Home and Tbe Boae of O* Sssebe.


Auourr i«, ifit.


to tho dofroo tkot rofawo to to will to tko Woot for ■ootkor Wooten pietoro bofoco tojtof soldo bto btoo oUrC Tbo oeosorto to bp Uosqr (tortotoon Wsrssek, s Loo Asgotoo droMsUe erltto.


Loo Asteteo, Aug. 10.—Blcbard Btootoo, fos dlioctor. boo rocororod from bto norraoo brook'

Mlki YoDf Houl Popiltf

Management Declare Themselves Satisfied With dlioctor, boa rocororod from bto norroao brook' _ ,,,, «towii ond to on tbo Job ogoln. A booch of

Results Obtained by Exploiting the Play Instead of the Star—Autumn Cam¬

paign Begins Sept 4

oOeeo to tbo Boot, and SUnton to prepartng

for bto DMt footoro.


On Tucodop, Angoot 8, a lightning bolt canoed

Mow Tork, Aog. U.-Whlto akcptlc. and ro' to Icotcd lu rcleaoea, and aaroral otbor prO' « Impwmpju thriller at

oetlomota In the motion pictnre Indnotrj ban O^Hdited ’ Flim Com“a‘’nrwere near an old

boon dnbloualp abaking tbelr beads and doubt' house which had been prepared to be blown op

tog the wiadom of tbe radical departure from ttcwi vw am ■tdid djnamlte. The bolt struck the booM and IZ * 1 8EELYE OFF ON TRIP the dynamite exploded. Arthur Iforrll, an sot principals In exploiting store and not plays. -- carpenter, sua-

Blneblrd Photoplays, Inc., bare been going To Arrongo for Pathe’s New Serial, Tho uined slight injuries,

along tlirough the summer, prorlng to them' Shielding Shadow selres that they are right In endorsing the 12.-Arrangemento are fast

ihakespearean dogma, that “the play's tbe nearing completion in Patbe’s thirty exchanges •• for handling tbe increased business anticipated


tl** wonder serial. The Shielding Shadow. Tbe campaign of national adrerttoing that j,. P.tbe's buslneaa manger, left

Will Star in First Frank Powell Release

^ C. It. Seeiye, Patbe's business manager, left Tork. Aug. 12.—Linda A. Griffltb, dim was started late in tbe spring bas brought let' Sew York this week to personally make ar' gnd writer, and the wife of Darld W. Grif'

tara from exhibitors and from tbe theater' rangements which would Insure prompt aerrice i,as returned to tbe screen, after an ah' gelag public to proride tbe Bluebird people to exhibitors on tbe aerial, which tbe company gence of a year, to play tbe lead in a new with abundant assnrance that entertainment belleres is tbe greatest money maker Pattae ggTen'reel feature soon to be released by tbe baaed on tbe quality of the play rather than bas erer distributed. Tbe release date to prank Powell Productions, Inc. epon tbe notoriety of tbe star, to most satto' October 1. picture wlU be the Brat release of the fSetory to all concerned. ... , - .- — new company formed by Prank Powell, and with

Mo particular section of tbe country has thus AUGMENTED FORCES this bnman story so admirably concelred, and testlfled to approral of tbe Blneblrd plan— _ ... .. __ ■ - _ _ .... supported by Linda Griffltb, Creighton Hale and from erery State in tbe Union tbe letters keep I Fox Adds New Players in Past Week . gbeldon Lewis, Mr. Powell feels that his pbotO' pouring In, and General Manager M. H. Hoff¬ man Is made incri-aalngly bappy. Exhibitors j «

I 1 # . .. V toen added during tbe last week to tbe list of voice tbo opinions of their patrons, and hundreds ,

.. „ nlay will be one of the year’s sensations. New Tork, Aug. 13.—Several new names have * ’ ^ u

.K- 11^ Mrs. Grifflth has bad a long and brilliant

William vox nbotoolavera career as an actress. She was for four years of letters have come direct from tbe pictnre i". w—.v leading wonun with the Blograph, and then

fUM of every locality and seeming condition to „ j^^xander! Hls^cqulsltion Is certtlSS a the Kinemawlor Conapany to star for

notable increase to the staff of actors. Mr. *" ^ “We have had letters written In pencil on Alexander weighs 820. tnres as Everyman, Beverly of Granstork, The

brown paper,” says Mr. Hoffman, “and we ijiigg Caroline Harris, who to working now to T*** Scarlet letter will long be have been favored with scented effusions on • new Valeafea Bnratt pictnre. Is another new Ske was also a writer for Leslie's ambosseil stationery, all giving ns encourage' settees with William l^»x. Weekly and Is now writing her life story in

mant and expressing satisfaction with our pur- Two other newcomers are Mias Mabel Van pose. Mometime we get an argument we can Buten and Charles Arllng. Miss Van Boren --

uao in exploitation, but In moot of the let- has had a long line of experiences in stock and THE LADIES LIKE IT tern we And Ideas that wlU be useful and help- u already well known In the realm of motion - ful to our purpose.” pictures, as she bas acted in many featnte York, Ang. 12.—Under the beadUne,

Bluebird plans an active season, starting with films. Mr. Arling balls from Toronto. “Etopeclally Becommended—A Selected List of the regular opening of tbe general Indoor amove- **** Most Becent Better Films,” In tbe WomM s

Weekly and is now writing her life story in



ful to our purpose.” pictures, as she bas acted in many feature New York, Ang. 12.—Under the beadUne,

Bluebird plans an active season, starting with films. Mr. Arling bails from Toronto. “Especially Becommended—A Selected List of tba regular opening of tbe general indoor amnve- **** Most Becent Better Films,” In tbe Woman s

season on Labor Dav Beleaaea are Companion for September, la Tbe Man ataOed up ready to go « tbe schedule, to CHARLES HILL MAILES Prom Bitter ^ta WllUam Pox’s s^g pic

■apply Bluebird exbibitom with “oppoMtion” - WilUani Pamum is fo^ man^ n^tol to In ^ »a-Charles HiU Malles, starring.

■very Instance tbe play itself baa been initUUy H*'”" known f(w -

dapemied upon to maintain the Bluebird stand- ^ THE JOKE’S ON BEAUMONT ■Tde and pnrpowo-’ Tbe Play’s tbe Thing.” »“ The Squaw Man, and Justice Pren- -

Tbe Unattainable will open the BlnebM Gertrude Glover Needed No Aeeietanoe ■ntamn campaign September 4. Based on tbe *" ^ "IT - Wfltlnga of Elwood D. Hemming, a popular photoplay produced by Bobert I^nard. Chicago, Aug. 12.—Being a real hero and Eetlonist, Eugene B. Lewis has prepared a picture has Just been completed at Dnlver- , simultaneously, and then getUng no ■eaeario of force and Intercet In making the *"* *31ty, and Malles, as a Senator, brings to (-redit for it, was the experience of Harry Bean- BPOdnctlon, Director Lloyd B. Oarleton took bto **** screen the dignity and dramatic sblU mont. Basanay Juvenile leading man, in bis

e^ny to the SlenwTsnd bas dMoeed to ’*“'*' toteat three act drama. Gertrude Glover, wbo the screen some of the most wonderful locations Plupu toe feminine lead, leaped from a bridge aver presented as part of a pictnre dranto. NOT YET! to drown in a river. She began to drown wltb Swothy Davenport and Emory Johnson, now - such realism that Mr. Beaumont, also directiog,

tetrodneed for the first time to tbe Blneblrd Famurit Will Make One More Western jumped from bis place near the camera to save ■stlae, play the leading roles, and have In their Picture Before Coming East ber. support Mattie Witting. Alfred Allen and -- “Your father Is supposed to save me. That’s Klebsrd Morris. Mew York, Ang. 12.—William Pamum fully bow tbe story reads,” tbe girl cried, visions of

laving the Pamily Name will follow on expected that Tbe End of the Trail, recently a retake rising before her. laptember 11—a Smalley production, »««d that released, would be his last Western pictnre, at Then Beaumont tumbled. She could swim ■aeana a whole lot to Bluebird devotees. Lola least for tbe time being. He had plans for like a mermaid. All be got for bis willingness Weber provided tbe scenario fn>m Evelyn coming Etost and trying out in society dramas, to be a hero was the work of retaking tbe scene. Heath’s story, and Mary MacLaren, tbe heroine dress-suited and patent leather pnmp^. a soake<l suit and a laugh from tbe other •f Shoes, will be the featured one. Phillips But popnUr opinion baa brought itself to bear pUyers.

Bmalley will be Miss MacLaten’s leading man. and tbe presenting company will •therwiae em¬ ploy Jack Holt. Harry Depp and Oarl Von Bckiner. When Lois Weber has made tor Blne- blid such productions as Hop, tbe Devil’s Brew; no Bye of God. John Needham’s Double, The PUrt and Shoes, tbe producer of Elypocrltea to ■are to have ber works bailed with delight by exhibitors wbo recsll tbe fine box-eIBce stato- ■SKts that resulted from Mias Weber's past partormances.

If My Country Should Call, although not dsflnltely scheduled, wiU probably be the re- toasa tor September 18. Timeliness personiaed win mark this release—tor tbe nurtial spirit wMeli still electrifies tbe nation srtn have In the Bluebird rugged Inaidration. Based on Vlrglala Terhnne Van De Water’s story. Ida May Park has adeptly translated the work to Bcrasn uses and Joseph De Grasse has directed the production. Dorothy PhlUipa. Helen LeSUe. flMtrhcn I.iederrr. Adds Panlngton. Prank Hkllisn. Jay Belaaeo. Law Oaney, Carl Vea ■ekmrr and Albert McQuairle wUl be among tte prsuenting playcra.

%Hug Sang, with Bath Btsnehsusi introdneed tor the first time «s Bbatoirfis: The Ohallee of

OXOMEr ETHER, UMES, PASTILS AND BTERTTHDfO FOB THE TBAVnANO EXBIBJTOB. Ws mahs tsn-mlnele Hilpmuils, largest and Moat Oomptato Smek.

t7Wrlto far ser M-Pags INssMtod 0afi>

LUCAS THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY. Olsiribatars sad luparttrA

Atlsala, ... aasrpta.


NATIONAL MOVING PICTURE COMPANY. Dept. N. 8.. U7 Ss. Dsarbsra St.. Chlsags. IN.

IIR6AIIS II FH.HS AID S0I8 SLIBEI IW Heels Pilm. ciegant condition. SS-M par foil and up; luo Sets Song Slides, pofect ooodlUoik. Sl.M pm sot, with unxlc. Send postsl for Uats. Good PUm Servios fumlebed st losrest prices to the Soolb. Sup¬ plies. Bargains in new and eecood-baad M. P. Ma* cfaloes and Gas-MaklDg Outfits. Macbloes and Out- nts of all kinds boughU What bars rout P. Ok BOX inM, New Orleans. Loulriaaa.


Star Puts Real Atmoephuru Into Book* oning Trail

Ixw Angeles, Ang. 12.—J. Warren Kerrigan is Indeed a very busy man these days, ssd |n turning out Universal flve-reelera galore, llto specialty aeema to be knocking ont aig or algkt huskies to reacne bis charming heroine. In a recent scene in Tbe Beckoning Trail. Jack was compelled to enter the quarters of tbo anemy. In the scuffle a heavy box was tbrosrn, striking bis bead severely and making a bad ent oa bto forehead. This did not aootbe bto toellnga, and, before Director Conway could atop tba scene, his opponents found Kerrigan mom la earnest than In filmptoy.


New York, Ang. 12.—One of tbo trst tbroa producers of motion pictures in England was Lewis Seaiy, wbo is In tbe caat of tbe Metro- Qnality screen prodnctlon of Borneo and Jnllat. Btarring Francis Z. Bnahman and Beverly Bayne.

Tbe only others In tbe field at tbe time were Lnmiere, exhibiting at tbe Empire, and Pail showing at tbe Alhambra. Mr. 8ealy*a pletnra* were seen at tbe Metropolitan. Assoelatod with bim in producing and mannfactnriag waa Earn# CoIIlDgs, of Bond street, a photographer of royalty and other prominent persona. They made their first picture exactly twenty years ago.


YiNidfi Trio of Ployors to Fox Studio*

New Tork, Ang. 12.—^William Fog has now a trio of Kentnekians among bis piayars. Vlr- glula Pearson and Victor Sntberland. of the Bine Graso State, were already down on the rolL Tbe newest addition is Heracbcl Mayatl, ef Warren Coonty. Kentucky, who portrays the millionaire in Tbe Beast. Considering tho plaoe of bto nativity it is little wonder that Mr. Mayall’s earliest recotlectobto ambition was to be a horse trainer.


New York, Ang. 12.—Actual clashaa bat wean U. S. troepo and Mexican bandito. filmefi by Csamvaama Bobert Tnrnbnll en the eppemte aide ef tbe Hie Oraade daring ss snaspaHiafi meeting ef the twe torren, farniahan mu of tbe ibrilHng altnatiemi ef Semewhetw hi Rfastee. ■ tortbesaaing Horsley-Mntaal gimgmUUum, otor-




Sandar—Bcantj, OaniDOBt. To(M. Mooday—ABarlcaa, Mntaal Maatvrpictwa. Tueaday—Vo»u«. KalaUff. Wadaaaday—Baaatj, Uadmont, Mataal

X^nd^^-OaamoDt, Mutoal ilaaterplctafa, ThaakoMar.

rrtday—Cab, Maataar Hatarday—Caataar.

^n^-Oat of tbo Balabow (draaia) t*l****.-^ raola) ..8000

tl—Tbo Droaaier (draaia) (two rcola) ....2000 Agnst-^

8—Th« Madonna of th# Mlfbt (diaau) (tluco icola) ......8000

T—Tbo Uttlo Troabadoar (drama) rocia) .

10—Tbo Powor of Mind (draaM) <*^***-^_ roeto) .

14— Ratb Ridley Retaraa (draaia) i«cla) .

17— Tbo Holly Honao (drama) (tbreo ro«la)S000 21— Endiaiitmont (drama) (two reola) ...2000


30—A Oerm 0«m (comedy) .1000

^^S^IHredeTlla and Danger (comedy).1000 0—Jnst aa He TUoagbt (comedy).1000 »—Billy Van Denaen, Care Man (comedy) 1000

13—^Too Bad, Eddie (comedy) .1000 15— I’erUna’ Myatlc Manor (comedy).1000 23—In a Probibltlon Town (comedy) ....1000

CZMTAtTX July— 20—Tbe Haunting Symphony (drama) (two

reela) . Angnat— . ^

5—Kate’a Dedaion (drama) (two reela).. 13—For Her Good Name (drama) (two

reela) . 10—Deatlny’a Boomerang (drama) . 20—Tbe Spite Hnaband (drama) (two

reeU) .

CUB July—

2(1—The Maaqne Ball (comedy) . Angnat—

4—When Jerry Ooea to Town (comedy)... IS—Jerry and tbe Connterfeitera (comedy) 25—Tbe Bookie (comedy) . 27— Harmony A Diacord (comedy) .

rAlSTATB Angnat—

22— Fare, Lady (comedy) .

OAVMOBT Jnly— 20—Kartoon Kmnlcs (cartoon) (eplit reel) 80—Reel Ufe .

Angnat— 2—Bee America Pint (acenic) (eplit reel) 2—Kartoon Komlcs (cartoon)' (eplit reel) 8—Reel Ufe . 0—Bee America Flrat (accnlc) (apUt reel) 0—Kartoon Komica (cartoon) (apUt reel)

18— Reel Ufe . 18—Bee America Flrat (acenic) (apllt reel) 10— Kartoon Komica (cartoon) (apllt reel) 20—Reel Ufe . 28— See America Rrat (acenic) (eplit

reel) . 28—Kartoon Komica (cartoon) (apllt reel) 27— Reel Ufe .

MUBTABft July-

20—That Oal of Bnrke'a (drama) (two raaU) .

Angnat— _ 4— Bandy. Reformer (draaia) (two reela).2000

11— ^Tbe Conrtia* of Calliope Clew (drama) _ • (two reela) .2000

18—El Diablo (draaaa) (two reela) .2000 20—Nell Dale'a Men Polka (drama) (two

reeU) .2000


20— Mntaal Weekly. No. B2 (newa) . Angnat—

2—Mntaal Weekly, No. 88 (news) . 0—Mntaal W’eekly, No. 84 (news) .

18—Mntaal Weekly, No. 80 (news) . 28— Mntnal Weekly No. 88 (news) .


2—Father and Boo (drama) (Bra reels) 10—The Honae of Mirroea (drama) (Are

reels) . 18—A Wall Street Tragedy (drama) (8»e

reels) . 21— A Million for Mary (drama) (Ore reels)


—Jndltb of tbe Cnmberlands (Signal) (Ore reela) .

—^Polled In tbe Forest (American) (Bee reels) .

Week of Ang. 14

—A Welsh Binger (drama) (Bee reels).. Week of dog. 21

—T)ie Mystery of tbe RIelera (drama) (Bee reels) .

THABMOUSEB degast— 24—Getting tbe Grafter (drama) (two

reels) .

1 . TOGUE Jaly— 5— Jeabmsy a la Carte (eoawdy) . 80—Baagllog Bill’s Dress Ralt (comedy)..

Angnat— 1—Painless Estractiug (comedy) .

13—Borne Liars (con-edy) (two reels) .... 20—Tbe Loickleas B ;beme (comedy) (two

reels) .... 22—Going to tbe Do^s (comedy) .


Monday—Blograpb, Lnbin, Selig, TItagrapb. Tnesday—Blograpb, Eaaanay,’ Kalem. Wednesday—Blograpb, Eaaanay, Kalem, Vim. Thursday—Lnbin, Belig, Vim. Friday—Kalem, Vim, Vltagraph. Saturday—Eaaanay, Kalem, Lnbin, Belig,



24—A Natural Bom Gambler (comedy) (two reels) .1542

24— A Bailor’s Heart (comedy) .1015 20— 'Tbe Bllllonalra (comedy) (three reels) .3000 81—Gold and Gutter (drama) .1017

August— I— Tbe House of Discord (drama) (two

reels) .2000 7— Tbe lelepbone Girl and tbe Lady (dra¬

ma) .1014 •—Tbe Fatal Wedding (drama) (three

reels) . 3000 14— Saved From Himself (drama) .1011 15— A Temporary Trnce (drama) (two

reels) .1525 21— Tbe Adopted Brother (drama).1012 23—Seven Days (comedy) (three reels). .3<X)U

E88ABAT Jnly—

25— A Brother's Loyalty (drama) (two reels) .2000

20—Canimated Nooa Pictorial No. 13 (car¬ toon) (spUt reel) ..

20—Scenic Subject (spUt reel) . 29—Repentance (drama) (three reels) ....3000

Angnat— 1— Tbe Cblmney Sweep (drama) (two

reels) .2000 2— Vernon Howe Bailey's Sketch Book

(cartoon) (apUt reel) . 2—Scenic Subject (spUt reel) . 5— The War Brids of PlnmviUe (comedy-

drama) (three reels) .8000 8— Tl.e i. K <e Scratch Cine (drama) (two

ivc.#, .2000 9— B>M>ka Made To Balance (comedy) ...1000

12—Worth WbUe vdrama) (three reels) ...3000 15—Uy Country 'Tls of Thee ( drama) (two

reels) .2000 10—Canimated Nooa Pictorial, No. 14 (car¬

toon) .1000 19— A Little Volnnteer (drama) (three

reels) .8000 22— A Man for A' That (drama) (two

reels) .2000 23— How Wiaenateln Did Not Lose Ont

to Bnttinsky (comedy) .1000 20— Tbe Face In tbe Mirror (drama) (three

reeU) .3000

KST.PM Jnly—

25—Ham's Whirlwind Finish (comedy) ...MXM) 20—A Mlz-Up In Art (comedy) .1000 28— Tbe Girl and tbe Tenor (comedy) ...1000 29— A Plunge From tbs Sky (drama) .1000

Angnat— 1—‘Tbe Heart Menders (comedy) .1000 4— Peaches and Ponies (comedy) .1000 6— A Mystery of the Rails (drama) .1000 8— Good Evening, Jn^e (comedy) .1000 9— ^Tbs Fighting Heiress (drama) (two

. .777.. 2000 II— Daisy, ^ Demonstrator (comedy) ...1000 12—Hnried Through tbs Drawbridge (dra¬

ma) .....1000 10—Ham's Strategy (comedy) .lOOO 10—The Tntqnoise Mine Conspiracy (dra¬

ma) (two reels) .2000 18- —He Wrote Poetry (comedy) .1000 ]»—With tbe Aid of tbe Wreckers (drama)lOOO 22— Tbe Btar Boarders (comedy).1000 23— Tbe Old Field Plot (drama) (two rcels)2000 25—Tbe Stolen Jail (comedy) .lOOO 20—^At Danger’s Call (drama) .1000

LUBIB Jnly— _

25—By Right of Love (drama) (two reels).2000 27— In tbe Hour of Diaastcr (drama) (three

reela) .3000 29—It Happened In Pikersvllle (comedy)..1000 31—Otto, the Gardener (comedy) .1000

Angnat— 1—Tbe Price of Dishonor (drama) (two

reels) .2000 8—Tbelr Mother (drama) (two reels) ....2000

15—A Lesson In Ubor (drama) (two reels)2000 22—The llsorcr'a Doe (drama) (two reels)2000

■EUO July-

'27—Belig-Trlbnne, No. 00 (news) .1000 29—Local Color on tbs A-1 Ranch (com¬

edy) (two reela) ...2000 31—Tbe Old Man Wbo Tried Us Grew

Young (drama) (three reels) .8000 81—Belig Tribune, No. 81 (news) .1000

August- 8—Bellg-Trlbune. No. 82 (news) .1000 5— An Angelic Attitude (comedy) .1000 7— Tim Gold Bblp (drama) (two reels) ...2000 7—Bellg-Tribuae. No. 84 (news) .1000

10— Belig-Tribnne. No. 05 (uews) .1000 12—A Western Masquerade (comedy) ...,1000 14—Tbe Germ of Mystery (drama) .MOO 19— A Rear of s Ste^ (comedy) .1000

▼IM Jnly—

28— Will a Woman Tell (comedy) ........ 27— Tbe Hero (comedy) . 28— Wbat'll You Have (comedy) .

Angnat— ■i—Hubby’s Relatives (comedy) . 3— Human Hounds (comedy) ... 4— Wait a Minnts (comedy) . 9—The Tired Business Man (comedy) ....

10— Dreamy Knigbta (comedy) . 11— Ruahing Business .. 18—Their Dream House (comedy) . 17— Life Savers (comedy) . 18— Comrade’- (comedy) . 23— Tbe Leii on in Tbelr Garden of Love

(com<'i)>) lOts) 24— Tbelr Honeymoon (comedy).10<^j 25— ^Tbe Tryunt (comedy) ......11)00


24— A Cheap Vacation (comedy) .1000 28—A Jealous Gay (comedy) .1000 31—A Hard Job (comedy) .1000

August— 4—Tbe Rsee for Life (comedy) .1000 6— The Bond of Biood (drama) (three

reels) .8000 7— Pa’s Overalls (comedy) .1000

11—Romance and Rongbbouae (comedy) ..1000 14— (Conductor Kate (comedy) .1000 15— There and Back (comedy) ....1000 19— The Wandering Horde (drama) (thraa

reels) .8000 21—Did He or Did He Not? (comedy)....lOuO 25— Tbe Yellow GDI (novelty) .1000


Sniiday—Imp, L. Ko, Beg. Monday—Nestor, Bad Paatber. Tnesday—Gold Seal, Rax, Victor, Wednesday—Animated Weekly, Laemmls,

L. Ko. Tborfeday—Big U, Imp, Victor. Friday—Imp, Nestor. Bex. Satnrday—Biaoo, Joker, Laemmls.


19—Animated Weekly, No. 27 (neim).... 28—Animated Weekly. No. 28 (news)....

Angnat— 2— Animated Weekly, No. 31 (neirs).... 9—Animated Weekly, No. 32 (news)....

18— Animated Weekly, No. 33 (nevrs).... 23— Animated Weekly, No. 34 (nevrs).... 30—Animated Weekly. No. 35 (nevrs)....

September— 8—Animated Weekly No. 86 (newa) ....

13—Animated Weekly No. OT (news) ....

BIO U Jnly—

27— Priscilla’s Prisoner (drama) (twu reels) .

28— A Great Love (drama) . August—

3— A Man's Hardest Fight (drama). 5— Tbe Girl in Lower 0 (drama). 6— Tbe Capt. of tbe Typhoon (drama) (tvro

reels) . 19— Tbe Silent Stranger (drama)'.. 17—A Woman’s Byes (drama) .

. 18—Weapons of Love (drama) . 24— ^Tbe Devil’s Own (drama) . 27— Tbe Lady From tbe Sea (drama) ....

BIflOB Jnly—

29— For tbe Lovn of n Girl (drama) (twu reels) .

August— 5—Under tbe lion’s Paw (drama) (two

mala) ... 12—Tbo Guilty Ono (drama) (two re«Js).. 19—Beyond tlM Trail (drama) (tvro reels) 28— ^The Trail of f banco (drama) (two

roals) .

gold IBAL Jnly—

28—A Bpkah of Local Odor (dimma) (two racial ..

1—YVho Palled tbe Trigger (drama) (tbiao FMIS) eeaeo9oeeeeooeeeooeeoeo#oo«08*

B—Onda of tte oilMt (dranM) (tbroo reals) .

15—A Bon o( Noptano (draan) (tbiao laola) 22—Tbe Castle oi Deapalr (draaM) (tbrao

reels) .

27—Woo by Taler (draaM) . 2B—Tbo CIrenlar Boon* (draaa) (two raulo) 89—Mntlay (drama) ..

Angnat- 2—Tbs Lneky Gold Placo (drama). I— A Daagbter of tbo Nigbt (draaM). 8—Tbo Flnlahlng Tooeb (drama).

15—Tbo Spaed Blag (drama) (tvro toela).. 18—Tbo Toll of tbo Law (drama). 18—Good tad Bvll (drama) . 25— Tbo Panel Gaarn (drama) (two laoM)


29—I’vo Got Tar Bambor (caamGy). Aagast—

5—KatCa Levat's Kaot (comedy).. . 15—Gbo Wtoto a Play and Playod It (coaa>

•5y) . 19 Beup aad Bata (eomady). 26— A Marrlago for Brvraga (eomady) ...

labmmlb Jaly— 2»-Tbo Mask of Partano (dnam) .

Aagnat— S—My Lady*aMOUona (draam) (twviMla) G-A Kaigbt of tbe Blgbt (drama)..

II— Tbr ^ibway of Pat# (drama) (tvM vaals) ...

15—Her Motbar's GuailliMH (drama). L MO

Jaly— 25—liaalr'a Lingortag Lovo (comedy)

(tbfuo nala) .

Aagast— 2— Wbera la My Husband (comedy) (tvro

reelej . 6— Tbe Yoongest In tbe tamlly li-uinedy) 9— Crooked From tbo 8tart icumvdy) ttvro

reeis) . 18— His Tcoiper-Ueotal Mutb«r-in-Law

(comedy) (two reels) . 23—A Double Double-Cross (comedy) ..... 27— Suuring in High O (comedy) .


28— Tbe Unexpected Scoop (comedy). 81—Beer Moot Go Down (comedy).

August— 7— All Bets Off (comedy) .

11—Some Medlcino Man (comedy).. IV—Tbo BatUo of Obllo Con Carua (com¬

edy) . 21—Broke, But Ambitiona (comedy) .

rOWBBB July— 27—Jitnay Jack and Oasolens (cartoon)

(split reel) . 27—Creating Lifs From a Dead Last

(educ.) (apUt reel) . Angnat-

3— Rough Riders of India (educ.). 8— Tbe Henaspup (comedy) .

10— Ben, tbe Sat'or (comedy) (apUt reel) 19— Sali.'ou Fro-n tbe Egg to tbe Tablo

(euuc.) (eplit reel) .. IT—Tbo 'lUddle of tbe World tapUt reel) 17—Japan aa Been by Dr. Dorsey iseanle)

(split reel) . 20— Pie (comedy) . 25—Sammy Jobnsin in Mexico (cartoon)

(split reel) . 25—Creating Life From a Dead Le^

(edne.) (split reel) .

red fbaihbr photoplays July—

31—From Broadway to a Throne (drama) (five reeis) .

Angnat— 7—'Tbe Mark of Cain (drama) (five reels)

14—A Yoke of Gold (drama) (fivs riels).. 21— Tbe Beckoning Trail (drama) (five

reels) .

July— 25—Cross Purposes (drama) .

Angnat— 11—By Conscience’s Bye (drama).


28—Jnst a Few little Things (comedy).. SO—Tbe Latest in Vampires (comedy) vtwo

reels) . Angnat—

1—A Society Sherlock (comedy) . 4—When tbe Minstrels Came to Towa

(comedy) (two recta) . 10—The Marriage Broker vdrsmv) . 13—VFbat Darwin Misaed (Oomedy). 15—He Wrote a Book (eomiedr). IT—Ashamed of tbe Old Folka (eomedy-

drama) (two reels) . 24—You Want Something (comedy) (two

reels) .



17—Wbo’-s Guilty 7, No. 11 (drama) (two reels) ...

24—Who’s Guilty T, N. 12 (drama) (two reels) .

31—Wbo’a GniltyT, No. 18 (drama) (two reela) .

Angnat— 7—Wbo’a GalltyT, No. 14 (drama) (two

reels) . 14—Who’s GniltyT, No. 15 (dranu) (two

loela) .

BALBOA July— 24—Tbo Orlp of BvU, Mo. 2 (drama) (two

TockO .. SI—Tbo Grip of BtU, Mo. t (drama) (two

reels) .

‘•TSs Grip of Bvll. Mo, 4 (drama) (tvro rauM) .

14— Tbe Grip of BvU, No. 5 (drama) (two roala) .

U—Tbo Grip of BvU, Mo. 6 (drama) (tvro raels) .


15— A Matsiiuawlal Martyr (drama) (Svw

JulF- 17—Tbo Shadow of Her Past (drama) (Bvo

rotM) .

29—A WoMaa’a PIgbt (drama) (fivo raata)


IT—Uafrtoudly Pratt (eaawdy). 17—Hoase, Bwaot Hooms (Cartoon) (spGt

fuel) . IT—Tbo Caterpillar (edoe.) (split rset).... 24—Paper Parasols (Indus.) lapHi rtel)... 24—Oraats Pagodas (scenic) (epHt reel).. 51—A Matrlmoulal MIs-Up (coosedy)... 51—Losing Weight (cartoon) (split mol). 51—Borne Tropiral Birds Parrots (odne.)

(apllt reel) .... 51—Uncle Barn’s Imalgranta (edae,)......

Angnat— 7—Teklo. CaplUI ef Japan (scenle) (wGt

fwt) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepeeece#*#***

7—Jumping Analy^ (edne.) (a^t Mil) 7—Florence Boee l^sblene ..

14—l.ooing Weight icarteoni (apHt asaf) 14—Nature’s Tlralaaa Bnergy (seaMa)

(split reel) ... 21—Plerence Bom PsiklsBa..............


Km. K*. «2 (am) •—Pathc Krwa, K«. t» (nrwa) •—rathe Kewa. No. M (aewa)

S—Tatho Newa. Ha. « (om)

NEW THEATERS .Nm ^ Moving Picture Houses, Airdomes and Those

StKlS: n:::; Making Alterations or Enlarging Capacity, and Changes in Management !• laira RS4aa Boaghabad (eotaedy)

•a late. Crjratal Oaaar (eowedj)..

T—I^Aa’a Laat LaMb (eoaaedj). lA—SraTer Thaa the Bravcat (eoaaed/)... ** * -*•- Doea tha MMway (teaitly).

MISCELLANEOUS RELEASES aWarath* tor rnn^ i^r^b^mingwm M^Vt'eSitraT^ - -- eaatalB, la addition to a apadona andltorina. Ancoat 8 for the remodelina of the theater. A

AMHBWIAW BTAMPABP V. F. OOBFOBASXOV •‘S* '***• *• *** fwand ««>'.•»« n^ front, bal^y and aMta wlU be InaUUed. (naSAUD) **!• ^ coatlnf Bbont 13,000. When completed tbe Kin-

>•<1 _ »«7 »'U be one of the moat attracUra tbeatara Jf—and Jany In a fbd (eimaiy) »**•• ll!«*>J»®**** In Nortbeaat Mlaaonri.

23—Ttie Captire 0«d (loee) (Are rccial.. Ibe Half Itrced irtoe Arta> (Are raela)

30—Tlie Fajrmcut (lucef (Ate reelat.,.. August—

tf—'ihe Marriaae of MoU/ O (Fine Arte) (Ore rrelal .

0—Honor TUj Xante (locet (Ore reela)., 13—The Ueril'a Keedle (Fine Artai (Ore

reelaj ... 13—Shell Forty-three ilorel (Are rcelal., 20—‘‘ilell-To-I'ajr*' Anatln (Flue Artaf (Are

reela) ... 20— Tbe JuDSle Child (loeel (Arc reela). 21— I’lllara of Society (Fine Alta) (Are

reeU) ... 2T—The Thoroughbred (luce) (Are reela)..

Tbe Hippodrome Company, a partnerahip eom- for a moriof pictore bonae which will bare a poaed of J. C. Hlckaon, George Whltener and aeaUng capacity of 2,200. Mr. Hardman waa at July— Mra. Lacy Schacbt, ban let the contract for one time connected with the SnlUran A Con- ui—V the creetieB of the new Hippodrome Theater aidine intereata.

r*" “J5i CampbeU Brotbeia. proprietora of tbe Kinney *


Jf—Thm and Jany In a Wtg (eaaady) <twn mala) ...^

•A—ithm and Jaeiy nonapad (caanady) (two mala) .

•1 Tam and Jany an tha Field at Banm (eamady) (tnnmala).

and lany In tha Ohocna (eamady) (two mda) .

SA-Vmn and Jerry—KNdhta at tha Oartar (camedy) (twomain).....

Mr-«hm and Jany In Pmamland (eamady) (two reela) ..

M—Thm and Jerry Mraccad (eaamdy) (two raela) .


’n^-The Omap of Oraed (Are reela). •O-The Silent Battle (Am meU). SI—Secmt of the Swaaap (Am raela)

^TSare’a Inrlat (Am raela) . 14—flatdBa Lomd a Soldier (Am raela)... 21—little Em Edgartan (dmma) (Am

reela) .. SS—Tbe Girl of Lnat Infce (drama) (Am

reela) .

capacity of 1,300. Tbe hnlldlng will coat ap- proxiautely $40,000, and will be ready for oe- The Opera Uonae, Newport, B. L, mopenad

eapancy on or befom the Arat of December. In addition to oletntea tbe Hlppodroam will during which time the bonae waa remodeled. arauoB m monmi pmnrm ine luppooromo wui ^ theater la now using Famous ruyara aerr-

“"a ..«.« h. I »«®denile. Albert SO-Thi OaU of tm Desert” (d^ia7'(HU. J?* capltallata, tended by Oomon I commette and Michael Murphy are the new man- watte) . .

U)—When lore Is Law (drama) (Puritan) (two reelsi .

Id—Komantic Mias Fortooe (com^y) (Hip-

17—ifi* LmiUng indy (drama) (Bancte) 17—^Tte Lore Doctor (comedy) (Oayety).. 17— ^The Springtime of Lore (drama)

(lily) . IS—Their FronUer Wires (drama) (UUb) 18— The Terrible Ibrk (comedy) (Joctey) 18—The GreenriUe (.ode (drama) (Supreme) IS—The UedeutpUon (drasna) (Buffalo)

(two reeU) .... IS—The Noble SacrlAce (drama) (Supreme)

Brotbera, of Boston, and aaid to incinde two

agraa upon pUna for a new $1,000,000 theater I^*thte^u5r*^ BMt^ 21—Mako-Up aad^’lCa'rriMe'"(wm^)

20— Tbe Brand of ^bame (drama) (tenaet) 21— Whom God Hath Joined (draM) (Puri¬

tan) (two reels) .

bmidlng Cor Worcester, Mam.; where the now « w nneat_ tneateie iin mat miy. s.

Telegram. Although they are largely Intereated M«Je*tle Theater at FUnt. 22—LoTa4 Awakening (drama) (Sunaat)!! in moTlng pletnres In Boston and elsewhere Tbe Family Theater, Chester, Pa., which baa 33—The Accusing Conscience (drama) Gordon Brotbera bam decided that the new Wor- been a big ancceas and consistent money-maker (Puritan) (two reels) . coster theater will not te devoted to the silent this year, under the management of Wilfred 23—Lore and Overalls (corned) (Gayety) drama. The new atrnctnre will be planned for Mayfair, of tbe Mayfair Trio, baa ctengod 24—The Black Mask (drama) (Bancte),. ten storiea, containing olAcm and, on the street tends. John Rudolph has purchased tbe theater 24—Guilty Neighbors (comedy) (Hippo), frontage, bigb-claas retail stores. from Sherman A. Morris. 24—Shadows of Donbt (drams) (SopraaM)

For some time workmen have been busy The Aladdin Theater, Bay City, Mich., has (d™*®*) (Dtahj remodeling the building next to the site of the dosed for about six weeks while extensive ra- " The Terrible Turk (ramedy) (Jockey) old Bmprem Theater, 16 East Superior street, pairs are being made. About $3,000 wlU be »—Tte Oreenvlllo Code (drama) (Su- Dnlnth, Minn. Tbe structure is being rapidly spent In remodeling the house. The seating ca- ^ JL-™?-*--!**:*:."*.!':.'**;'.. made over into a modern theater, and will be pacity will be doubled, bringing the aecommo- * The Honor of the Tribe (drama) (Bnf- completed by September 1. The theater will dations up to 1,000. —■W.V’l':

The New Theater, Baltimore, Md,. opened 2!? the lS..5ri‘'??rai2i‘

remodeling the building next to the site of the dosed for about six weeks while extensive ra- old Bmprem Theater, 16 East Superior street, pairs are being made. About $3,000 will be Duluth, Minn. Tbe structure la being rapidly spent In remodeling the house. The seating ca-

contaln about 600 seats, and have one balcony. tlT 1 V.— ta.. H«isi enterprise is being promoted by the CUn- jgij 31, after being closed for some Ume. The Miracle _Love (Ave reeis)...... ton Amuaement (>>mpany. In order to secure interior hs. been remodeled and re-

U—«avlng tha Family Manm (Ave reels)...


IT—A Tortured Heart. •A—ThOvBeast . El—Hnder Two Flags .

End of the Trail . I 36 Sporting Blood . 21—^Daretlevil Kate .. 3-<—rjtt:* Miss Happiness .

■Elio FI0TVBE8 COBFOBATIOV ) <1- - tr—The R1 tr of Romance (Torke) (Ave

rcei»» . IT—nis nirtli.' Gift (Rolma) (comedy) 26—The t iiild •> Destiny (Colombia) (Ave

reelsi . 26—His Fl.i. rth (comedy) . SI—Microbes lUilmnl (comedy) .

TKtod’a Half Acre (R.We) (Ave reels) 14— The Weakness of F ength (Popular

Plays an.l Players) ^Ave reels) . 21—The Preteiidera (Roife) (Ave reels) .. 28—The Upheaval (Roife) (Ava reels) ....

HAHAMOinfT FIOTVBES OOBFOBATIOH Mf- IT—The Rream GIri (Leaky). 26—Under Cover (Famous Players). 26—An International Marriaae (Horoaco).. 2r—Common Ground (Lanky) . 21—Holds of Holland (Famous Players)..

Ansnat— •—Uttle Lady Blleen (Famous Players) T—A Woman In the Caae (Pamooa Playera)

15— The House of the Golden Windows fLaaky) .

14—The Rtronaer Love (Moroaco). IT—Pnblle Opinion (Inaky) . 21—Ballina Rtonea (Famous Playera). 24—When Shadows Fall (Famous Players). 28—^Victory of (!onacienee (Laaky). 21—Jean o' the Heather (Famooa Players)

September— . ^ 4—Parson af Panlment (Pallas) (Ave reels) T—The Rig Slater (Famous Players) (Ave

reels) .

FABAMOmrr-BBAT CABTOOHB 3Hly— 86—Od. Heeu Liar's Courtship. ST—B^hy Bumps and the Detective Story

Ansnat— 8—In Lnnyland .

M—Farmer Alfalfa's Bgg-cttement. IT—Cot Heexa Liar on Strike.


Mf- IT—Down tbe Daonte to Vienna. 26—The Real Bohemia . 21—Pletnreaqne Prague .

. Angnat— k 7—From Carlsbad tn Moravia.... I 14—In Innsbruck, Capital of the Austrian f Tyrol ..

21—-In Sooth Tyrol, the Italian Corner of Austria ..

28—Climbing tbe Austrian Alps . •raffmnber—

4—In Swltserland .


IS—Caaey, tbe Wiaard . 28—Casey's Servanta .

ton Am^ment wmpany. in ower to ueenro entire interior baa been remodeled and re- a anitable name for the theater Mr. Clinton U decorated. New npboUtery in the main andl-

falo) (two reels) ... 26— Stringing Them Along (comedy) (Jute) 27— The Cali of the Desert (drama) (Hia¬

watha) . 27—Ftfty-Flfty (comedy) (Judy) . 27—^Tbe Brand of Shame (drama) (tenaet)

offering two s^a paaaes for tbe person who torinm has been iuatalled and also new aUge 28-An Indian Mald'a Vengeiince (draia) suggests tbe test name.

Work is to be started shortly on a large settings.

Tbe Tenth Street Theater, Kansas City, Mo., tteator for motion pictnm to be built on Ugbt which waa recently closed on account of Are, stmt, Baltl^ro, Md., by Josej^ Brodle, pro- been taken over by C. O. Bard. Mr. Bard

®*'®^** Thrater. The new houM redecorated and refurnished the bouse, and will Incinde the present theater on Light street, near West, hot will also be enlarged an as to include tbe building on the south. Whe- .jm-

will open it under the name of The (ktlumbia. A company tiaa been formed at Baltlmora.

pleted the atructnre will have cv-’m f- nrigh- borbood of $100,000. Th- r-a oiiild'.nB will l.^re ftructlon of a theater on Light »treet. pie facllltlea for aeaUng b i.v. l.ffv. and 2.?no * ’ persona, and will be one of the beat equipped * *'■'* ■ aratlng c.'ipacily of t, OO.

The Majestic I ifs'er, Bowliug Or-cn. Mo., bouses In the country.

('Buffalo I (two reels) . 28—Tbe Houie on the Hill (dramn) (Su¬

preme) ... 20— The Han Who Came Back (drama)

(Rancho) . 28— Tbe Stolen Jewels (drama) (Sunset).. 29— Wide's Frame-Up (comedy) (Oayety) 30— Treachery of the Red Man (drama)

(Buffalo) (two reels) . 30— Life's Ijottery (drama) (Suuset). 21— The Dare-Devil Ranch Girl (drama)

(Rancho) ._. 31— T^lJjong Ring (comedy) (Jn'dy) (split

The Belle Theate- Gadsden, AU.. of which h*a r cently char, d bands. The form r o^e^ ’ rWeV ‘ WlU B. Wood U n st ager, is to be torn down f **’* ® ^eel/ > <•«'*“ and rebuilt, ti.c work to start on or about Jan- •'**' Angnat!! ... uary 1. It is understood that a three-story mod- mansgement «> the theater. 1—Tbe Sentinel on the Uowntsln (drama 1 arn noitlan nlrtiira thaatar will ka araafad (Aal Tha Intcratsta Acinsampnt Comosnv Is nlsn- ,«_?*.*.** MflWntaIn (drama) era motion picture theater will be erected. Col. The Interstate Acmsement (Company Is plsn- R. B. Kyle, owner, states that tbe building will ning to build a modern theater at Beaumont, be erected according to plana and speciAcations Tex. Tbe bulldiog will cost between $t0,0(H) to be furnisbed by a leading architect, and and $60,000, and will be devoted to bigb-claas that the front will be one of the most beantifnl vaudeville. In tbe Sonth. Mr. Wood will operate tbe place under a ten-year lease.

The new Verdi Theater, Tenth street and Cherry avenue, Canton, Ohio, of>er,ed its doors

A new picture theater will be erected at New July 19. The bouse has a seating capacity of Orleans, La., and will be known as the Strand. 700. and is modem In every respect. Tbe theater will be one of tbe most handsomely Madam Bessesen it erecting a theater at AI- Anisbed picture bouses in the South. It will te bert Les. Minn., which will be known as the ©Iterated by the Saenger Brotbera of Shreveport. Beatrice Bessesen Theater. The house will open and will be under tbe direct management of the Arat week in September.

^*16 New Garden Theater on West Seventh

St’ate."'' ^'he J^UcroMhe"toe"ter wVte sYS P«“‘' « -1. _u_new playhouse is as modern as present-day plan- to that of the larger motion picture bouses In make it.

rft. ' r," . ^ w >.,■ .... . . After being dark for six months Govan'a Then- *^“15**^ ‘m. York R‘«d and Rositer avenue, Baltimore,

te edlaraed. The work of making the ad^tlon ^d., reopened July 21. K. U Snyder is manag- to the structure will begin In a few days. When .j,- house e»nrvi«v1ra4A/1 fhra mAmFlnra /tmTamnlTv will Km Inmwmmmmjl ^

(Rancho) . 1—^The Silent Rattle (drama) (Puritan).. 1— Panhandle Pete (comedy) (Supreme).. 2— Bad .Man of Angle Trail (drama)

(Rancho) . 2—Love Sick lArry (comedy) (HIppoV!'.. 2— ^Tte Little Sister (dramai (Supreme) 3— The Nevada Ranger (drama) (Utah) S—Nostrand's Dlacovery (drama) (Su¬

preme) . S—The Missing IJnk (comedy) (Hippo) 4— A Foolish Romance (drama) (Jockey)

(two reels) ._. 4— An Indian Mald'a Vengeance (drama)

(Hiawatha) . 5— Soldler'a Squaw (dramai (Rancho)

(two reels) . 6— The Vicar's Trust (drams) (Lily)_ 6—A Westerner's Dsugbter (drama) (Buf¬

falo) (two reels) . 6—Shadows of tbe Past (drama) (Lily)...

completed the seating capacity will te increased from 1,100 to 1,400. Among the other improve- The Star Theater, Rossland, B. C., has been June— TTVITY BALES CORPORATIOB

meats to te made will te a complete new stage Ikk®® k*r,' faun was form- 23—Tweedledum Plays Here (comedy). setting, the contracts for which have teen °”***®®^ director at the Heg€‘nt Theater in July- awarded to C. J. Benson A Co. . 3—The Marriage Bond (Are reels). awarded to C. J. Benson & Co. 3—The Marriage Bond (Are reels)

. , ^ ... The New Grand Theater at Moball, N. D., has ' A new theater will be erecte<l in New Orleans, been opened by R. B. Wilson. The theater . V-L-B-E PROGRAM

*-a., by the Sanger Amusement Company, and |g one of the most mmlern houses in the North- Jnly— will te known as the Strand. It is the Inten- ^eat. 17—The Tarantula (Vitagrapb) (Ive tion to make the Strand Theater one of the j_ I.lnn, manager of People's Opera House, 34—The Prince Chap (telig) (Are ret tion to make the Strand Theater one of the Anest in the South, and every appointment that bas taken over the Movie Playhouse. Carlsbad, will add to the popularity of the bouse and to jj. m., and will show Paramount features, the comfort of its patrons Is to be Installed. The Dewtell Theater, Sonth Dayton, N. T.,

James H. Hardman has taken a lease on the was opened last wei-k by Dana Bacon, property at Clement street and Sixth avenue. Capitalists are planning to construct a moving San Francisco, Cal., and plans have been drawn picture theater at Georgetown, Del.

2—Jerry, the Janitor, No. 1 (comedy).... 5- ^anr. the Janitor, No. 2 (comedy)....

IS;—Jerry, the Janitor, No. 3 (comedy).... 2S-—Jenr. the Jxultor. No. 4 (comedy).... 86—Jerry, the Janltnr, No. 6 (comedy)....

•eirtembe^— 6— Jerry, tbe Janitor, No. 6 (comedy)....

TBIAVOLS FILM OOBFOBATIOH Full— IB-Ttie little (fchaal Ma’am (Fine Arts)

(ftve reelal ... W—Tte Bye aC the Mtglit (Inee) (ire

raela) ... as atlanded (Fine Aatal (Sve raa6al....

17— The Tarantula (Vitagrapb) (Ive reels) 24—The Prince Chap (Sellg) (Are reels)... 24—^The Daring of Diana .(Vitagrapb) (Are

. reela) ... 21—Hesper of the Mountains’ (Vitagrapb)

(Are reela) . 31—The Light at Dusk (Lubin) (Ave reela)

Angnat- 7—Selig-Athletlc Series No. 7 (one reel) 7—The Sting of Victory (Essansy) (Ave

reels) . T—The Alibi (Vitagrapb) (Ave reels) ....

14—Selig-Athletic Series No. K (oije reel) 14—The Dawn of Freedom (Vitagrapb) (Ave

reels) . 21—Selig-Athletlc Series No. 0 (one reel) 21—The Footllghta of Fate (Vitagrapb)

(Ave reela) . 21—The Country That God Forgot (Sellg)

(Ave reels) . 28—Sellg-Athletle Series No. 10 (one reel) 28—The Kid (Vitagrapb) (Ave reela) ...

September— 4—The Return of Eve (Easanay) (Are

reels) . 4—nia Wife’s Good Name (Vitagrapb)

(Ave reels) . 4—Setig Athletic Series, No. 11 (ont reel)

11—Phantom Fortune (Vltagraph) (Ave reels) .

11—Sellg Athletic Series, No. 12 (one reel) 18— Through the Wall (Vltagraph) (Ave

reels) .’. 28—The Chattel (Vltagraph) (Are reels)


17—Friday, the 13th (World) . 2'4—Paying the Price (Paragon) (Are reels) 31—Miss Petticoats (Peerless) (Are reels)

August— 7—A Womsn’s Way (Peerless) (Ave reels)

14—The Summer Girl (Peerless) (At# reels) . .

21—"B" (Paragon) (Ave reelai. 82—The Story of Susan (Peerless) (6to

reels) . .

T It e B1111> o a r d AUaUtT It wit






SUBSTITUTING for Art Acord, I won first honors in day and average monies in BULLDOGGING. For myself, I wen second hcnois in day and average monies.

WILD HORSE RACING 2nd on one day 3rd on one day

5th on one day





august It, 1916.















AUGUST 19. 1916.

TBESTAMPEDE (<'4«tlBa«4 froa vtft 36*1

•■AMaMl. Uo anoUier oct:a*loa he wa* thrown

Mi eat OfK-D hta left knee and ralf clear to the

%Me. Wlieu Uocnercit aaw thU anSeriuK inau'a

•tarh he iMid tilm a pcraoiial complltwot that

'alB aJn-aj* he appretlated !>}' Howard. Heat to Koxe,' I>ick Uornbarkle, of iHmfla>’.

Wya^, iweelred the aeaereat Injtnie*. He wa*

aheawB lijr a bronk ofi hi* very hnal ride of the

and Muatained a broken leg and dialucated

Mankier. Itefore the ambolaiu'e bad taken

Wai tnHu tlie Aebl Obarile IrwloV Keueroua

haai* and qubk-tbinklng brain bud ordered alt

la* eowkirlr to pnaa tlM‘ bat tbruuKbout tbe

^raad etard I'leaela-n* and bo?cea for contribu-

Uaaw f<ir !><cfc, waa aaid to bare been

*‘%iaki ’• after the train fare to New York. It

la a gnitill'-at^rm to rectird timb tK‘l4. SO w:ia

1 for I Ilia man and iinrpoae.

Aad, by lite way, (Sliarlie Irwhi did many

aealH'wnrtby deed* of abowmunHblp too numer-

MB, hnVed. to relate here wberc apaoe 1*_ ao

■■Hed. The part tie playeil throuitliout tbe

whal» event cleHervea tlie full«**t and wimereat

eredlt. Ilia in a mighty name, mighty llirougb-

Mt the Wild We«t world, and one that la be-

«aalag liu-reaHlngly mightier year by year,

Jlai Jam aa Klorea luidw proven a genuine aide

ia the Itig Chief tiuy, HO Mm. Irwin rank*

wrtth her tiiiKtiand- aiul next in line come ail

*he younger irwUia, KloyU. Kdith, I.uella,

laaana et<. Charlie Imit a little atoi-k, in-

wlailag of i-viunie, w'veral cattle, but in par-

alMlar a valuiitile $‘J,OUO borw, wbbdi Htunibled

«ai broke Ita leg. While praiaing fiuy for hta aterling Khowman-

ahW hhd miiierliuman directorial energieH, ana

ahm telling Charlie Irwin aome of tbe many

•aai tbingM we thiuk alwut him, it la belitting

ia pay meritint coniplimenta to Harry Tudor and 6Mi TbomtiiMin. Harry made a apiendld repu-

iatlaa (or ileanoMHi In hla work~and aa tor



CHMliS AllimDCt Bucking Horse



ARTISTS OR MERCHANDISE (Continued from page 14)

own, and ererylKaly la happy, bopiug for a long

11 I Keeae Itrothera' Colorad Haalcai Comedy ■MglBlII I ■ ■ iH Company, Reeae'a A^^iaandera, arc

■ ■ II II IWI II II I IM meeting with auccea* through Waablngton, over ■ WW jjip Kiciicr Time. The company recently re¬

ceived a new line of due pa|«r, which it Ic __ M using to giaal advantage. Frank Urafford Joined

E3 C3 |\| IA Em I |j Em the allow at Fverette, Waab.. July 24. Leroy ^S MM I Warn III Em Ena I I Craighead, iiand leader, receive<l the sad newi

^ of the death of hla mother, who died a few ™ day* ago in Cleveland, O. The rotter U: Floyd

_ Trover, Arthur Keeae. OlUe Iteeee, Urs. Jetale * I Ep Reeae, A. Blue, Florence Blue, Cbarlea Burton,

I Ckarlea Burton, Margie Bailey, Cbarlei Alexander, Tom Davia, L, Craighead, Joile Hurray, Floyd Fitch, Frank Qrafford and Mine

Burteil Burton.

Tbe Crockett & Poore Bepertoire Company li ill ita nfti-enth week under ranvas. playing

M BA ■ BB BB through Iowa, and business it fairly good. Tbe I show carries a aix-plece ladiet’ orchestra, which

I I I ■■ III 1^ Hi 1* alwraya well reeelvrd. Tbe roster Ray- 11 I II IS III IM 1^ I mond Poore, leada; E. C. Bickford, heaviee;

1^ III I Fred Moberiy, character*; Gordon leach, Jnve- " * 1 nilea; Sammy Gilmore, general business; Katb-

, ereen Ptxire. leada; Blanche Moberiy. Ingenne;

] Della Crockett, general business; J. M. Crockett is handling the front of tbe bouae. The show

m K ^ starts playing retnrn date* this week, and trill f Mb go into permanent stock tbe last of September.

^ IBwmI I Bobble and Hlttie La Rue closed with tbe Wolverton Stock Company, and have taken over 1^^ the Magnet Theater at Wapanucka, Ok. Pros-

j pects for tbe season look good.

I Tbe Harry I>ewis Concert Company, playing ; through Colorado, writea that basines* is fair

through the territory now being played, and

L WW n D* *11 indications point to a splendid fall bnsineaa. ipljp feature with the company Is the excellent

orchestra, under tbe direction of Bnd Mygrant.

Tbe Tempest Repertoire Company, playing through Eastern PennsyWanla, under tbe man-

Uon are estabUabed at *11 the principal booking •i>«»ncea t^t noint. the di«wree.hi» vh- *''e show continue* to do good business. Tbe

r. C.. ar Just pUln ‘•Rill,’* he worked like ten p,, f^r the advertising, and then

■Waary pr-nw agents. And look what be had distribute them to their customers,

a light agslast—three days of rain, infantile And. furthermore, he has a distinct advautage

points the disagreeable feature* of tbe actor’s . , _ routine will disappear. company Include*, beside* Manager 'Tempeat,

_Harry Seanlon. J. L. Tempeat, William Wal-

BILLIE PLUMLEE NOTES Tempeat, jack Gregory, O. II. ___ Paul, Kitty Roy, Gladys Butler, William Stell-

JuhiiHuu City, 111., Aug. 11.—BllUe Plumlee's >»“» «“<* Ja<^k Williams.

BILLIE PLUMLEE NOTES kt agslast—three days of rain, infantile furthermore, he has a distinct advantage .... ... i.„i, n'lni.^. ’ als. a car strike, always tbreatenJiig to gn other Jobbers, as be la not responalble Johnson .Ity, 111., Aug. 11.—BllUe Plumlee s e cIty wW. the imoros, sort of natural ,.,r any losses and runs no risks. In other Comedians played Murpbysboro week before Ust The Plckert Stov-k Company akmed a very avK-

-.“.r* r5.,“ —.•T'i’': - ««'v ,>.0 p..... p.,v. p.,»«,v.»«., „ cahlblllon nod Bill's plugging did it. the reliability of tbe 6rm. He must do

t«'a hoping New York gets another Htam- a protection to himself, as It might

la IIH7. Tlw big burg will understand It a loss If the debtor was Irresponsible.

the reliability of the 6rm. He must do so as EU.’ i::dre a protection to himself, as It might entail ,„„,h w„

An excellent lunch was served, after which Mr. Newsome, manager of the Tilford picture bouse.

will remain for tbe balance of the season. Deloy's Dainty Dndlnes, playing MIsaonri. un¬

der tbe management of Eddie Deloy, write that hmther and tat It up. It Is the best all-roniid Issvking agent has no such worries. If any |nyj,^ j,H ^ Theda Bara in The business U fair, considering tbe hot weather.

woUMtk* New York ever was treated to. transaction proves unsatisfactory he makes t e ut^yu,! gapho, which was greatly enjoyed. The eoinpany will open an indettnite engag* aetor stand it. It certainly is a pleasure to play cities Ukc ment at the People’s Theater in Springdeld, Mo..

m York, Aug. It.-William Walker, presl-

•f tbe American Thermo* Bottle Corn-

lie does not even lose his percentage of five | Murpbysboro. It was our flrst time there, but' August 13. |s r cent up If an act la undesirable. He sends I It is safe to say It will not be onr laat. Percy Norman, formerly stage director and another to replace It from bia ever-ready supply, I Mr. Hayden, our advance agent, baa been tuf-1 character man with the Greater New York

ngi Is an ardent admirer of and a dally ,y,,(,.|, always bigger than tbe demand. It Is fering with a slight attack of malaria, but la Floating Theater, which cloeed at Paducah, Ky., Mwtant at The Stampede, announced today ^.^rtalnly a great busiopss for the agent, but now almost recovered. August 6. has Joined tlie Kelly-Brenan Reper- at being no Impreaaed with the wonderful dls- ^ one for the entertainer. The booker has Mr. Clark, of the Stanley Stock Company, tolre Company.

ig of what he term* •’American grit” he had aji tlie ease and profits, and the actor gets the paid us a visit while we were playing Carbon- The 8. O. Dranr Comedy Company, playing

4aM6ed a special prise of a large Thermo* bot- work and worry. 16*le, Ill. He reports bnslness fair. Mr. Clark j under canvas through Pennsylvania, aaya that

tin and $riOO in gold to be given to the cowgirl when the small dealer sends for a sblpment | 7'’" New RoyUnd The*- business has been good since the opening date, -or cwwlioy who displayed tbe most fcarlcaeness i,^ apecRIes no actor In particular. He j "* H‘- *“<l *• weU-known through twenty-three weeks ago. Eddie Fleming, the

lated a special prise of a large Thermo* bot-

and $riOO In gold to be given to the cowgirl

grit during the contest. . II J 1.1 I Illloois, where he la very popular, onler* so many singles, doubles or whatever hi

Tlw Billboard does not envy tbe Judge* tbbir brand be desires at the market price. Tbe

aak In picking the winner fdr this prise aa all agent baa marked them down to the trade at

amtaataats seem to be endowed with more than $30 for singles and $00 for doublea. Tbe

Illinois, wnero ne is very popular. blackface .-oinedlan with tbe show, is gtlnlng The company played Herrin, III., last week, (|nlt* a reputation aa a ball player. Hr recently

nnd business was fair. played with a local team, and put np a fast A very noticeable feature through this terrl- „tlcle of ball. The show 1. billed for front tants w«m to be endowed witn more ™n tor singles ana ror uoumea. xue

IT nerve. Intrepid fearlessnees and daring. dllTerem-e in ihe merit of the talent count* for receive us, boosting ns and even attending ” Z ^ Augnat 14.

VAUDEVILLE NOTES Mr. Plumlee recently pnrebased a big tooring

_;_■ I nothing. They all have the same rating when performance ^ '*'*** ^“6 Acre Company will start for sale w. j ■ thirty-two weeks’ road tour August 28. The

VAUDEVILLE NOTES .r,.,. ^a, and Is *Lw ^Ud.^ai"'?..^**’^urr^ t _ material la limited to $150 for tbe week burnlns up the country roada—and alao a few n * k i • i m n* i *1

Hurry Cliaae and Angelo Mattla are framing knows It will bring him two teams and a single, gallons of gasoline. v • "**”*** M> act In Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. to be known as And they most all be good and satisfy him Tbe show is in Its 90tb wek, having closed wr.f THm*. Mattla and ComiMny. in Oriental Mystics, personally. If they can not they are canceled only two week* each spring for a vacation. Tbe i^IL It is expfx tpd to be ready for • preeentatloo ,nd returned, and something that will please show will start ptaying fair dates the last week p « n ^ ohMtly. Mr. Chase Is an old-time Uoaper, who bim Is sent In their stead. The artiste’ feeling of August, whieh will last until the middle of ^

the toad aorae years ago. Mr. MatUa has tbe matter or the Injnstice o( giving them October, after whteb tbe company will go t^karle* laFord and wife will be with the Mom in vnudevliw- and stock. Tbe act ehould unjeserved trouble at their own expense* la South, and will play tptder canvas all winter. * Andrews Company next aeason. Bert

Bn n winner. < not aonsldered. Any actor who baa bad an ex- Mr. Hill, who inatBUl eloaed with the Stan- •• Hie manager of this organlMtion. a a winner. * not aonsldered. Any actor who baa bad an ex- Mr. Rill, who ra Amnta. the mirror da^icer, u^oee act won each tended experience in the hnslnees la perfectly ley Btoch Oompaay,

hwarnble comment over tbe big time last aeason, familiar with this phase of It. Most of them in Herrin. Tbo oh I xncationing at iDesbler, Neb. One of her have bad a sample of It at one time or another. HI., weok of Angi

H *>« ‘••rtercd in tbi. manner to - «C tnctor nhlch is hitched to a wheat hinder. ^pp,y ever-increaalng demand (or talent, REPER

—re Why abonld they not have something to say

RJ regarding tbe rognlation of their treatment? The Movie Man

WW BW« BpiM MH AM Why sbonld they not be safeguarded in every road shows nest MMaa. It is a three-act farce- Vaudevllte Show la atlll on AlsIilSrsi' iMn'sf ths Ms ttsassris «>“““““y, so that they may he enabled to comedy, satirizing tho iBotion plctnre erase. In J*« ■ ac^en peopto show and ha* WHvIllBI 19 Wll(l 11 Ilf PH secure the equity and Jnstice accorded to other the second act a eomedy picture Is taken on of H>* big fair. Lee

_E. HAWKS MHitir at «msrit tN Big Stiipidi

And A #91 tbe begt CTer held. fCX>WBOY AND RANGE SONGS.) Will

'' soon be published.

B. C. CARLISLE -or^—^ '

: Sirlitit’t FfBlwr


IM na a vialt while playing In J- Martin, director, aad Harry A. Anderaon, r 1$ blllal for Christopher, comedian, with Hyatt’s Floating Tboater, tbe

U.—NORMAN V. gray. Water Queen, were callers at the office of The . Billboard laat week, while paislng throngb Cla-

OIRE NOTES cinnati. Mr. Anderaon will eloas with the _ company at Concord, Ky., Angnat IT.


Why abonld they not be safeguarded In every I road shows nest The Movie Man wW be one of tbe novel

deeervlng worker*?

I ‘They surely will never get It In their Indl- reel of tbe picture takaa. There will he vande- ®“‘"‘ border for tba wla- vidual atate. Those who prodt through them »*»« numbers between acts, ao tbe audience will **''• ‘f*’*'* •“ Ford*, with a haggage are combined for efficiency, and they must do •«« * regolar play, vandevllte and a plctora In “'“re tbe railroads do aet worry Doha,

tbe same before they are In a position to de> H>e same show, i^— mand tbe recognition doe them with any hope 'The Talk of New Yprk waa tbe offering laat of sncceos. *t *>>« Mora Park Casino, Yonngstown, 0„ I I

They most not only organise, hot they must ®®“- I fill AS HAFFIIAM I do It to aneb a way that It will give them baa met with much ■ VlIRVa llvrrMHRR I

tbe second act a eomedy picture le taken on "Mr* the closing of the big fair. Lee

the stage, and to tbe third aet Is shown a ebon '* A®*"* throngb Waablngton. back through Wy-

maximum of preatlge aad tofloeuce to tba

llty where they expect to oMaia their ... Ifrellbood and Improve tbe eeodltleiia annoimd- ", lag their happtoeaa and weltaro. "/

Rock, Ark,, write that hnsiness Is good, and the It baa been aatlsfaetorily deasenstrated that company will remain at the Kempner until

the aaent effaetiv* way to aecompUah thia September 1.

laadaMe pnrpeaa la through lacala of aa Inter- Grace Jennings Leavell, formerly of the Bnr- natlanal anion affiltatad with tba Amariraa toa Stock Company, la teklng a vacation, and a

PMeratlea of UB*'. Thaaa faeala matt have mneh-areded rest. Miia Leavell will' retnrn to cnmpleta antooemy ever tba Jnrladietfan nadar fear work tba tottaa part of September, their control, aad aaaolatoly bn daminatad by tba The Jaaaa Colton Stoek Company, playing nn-

Whan ergantontlona of tbia deaerip- der ennvaa tbrea|gb Illtooto, la bolding Ita

CNAl HOFFMAIR An Old Treupor of

tho Road

Hto—141 Saaah Wild Wtel, JaMriewa Ka. eeaMlan.

Itin—Csaaasd by KEMP SlbTESS. 1(11—WNhgllll* Mediae. Itll— WKb 1(13— Jeheey Sabw. 1114- la Ifl^ Breeklya, lllb- Haaditaf SmtoiL

AUGUST 19. 1916. "uii ri>o4'r'<l

BMwtoa—Ala. Htala Hiirt. Dne^ An*. KKtl. J. a O. Prlca, Tift. Aalwra.

Oadaden—Ur. UrnTtHlrrair VrteraDs. Ala. OIt. Lattar part Mvpt. nr nmrlj In Uct. Bari Lap. earn Cbantbar of (Vauniorco.

ABUOBA Grand Canpon—N. M. Bankrra’ Aaaa. Oct. ft-ft. Tncaon—Arta. Pad. of LaUtr. Oct, 3-T.

BBKAMBAB Hot IpHnsa—Babakab Atwamblp. I. O. O. P.

Ort. M-21. lira. Medura A. IMd, lUIS W. Utb at.. Uttia Bark.

ParaconM—Ark. Mtala Pad. of Lalair. Oct. S. I., H. Mooca. 41ft BoUrnborg Hldg.. Uttia Back.


IndiapapaMa Oc. : Lodigo of- Ind. Knlguta A La«U«a vf 'Bwnuf. i|«pt. ft-ft. J. B. Ha^tbik. 4:a* .N. Pa. au

Indlanaputla-HUt. Council Ind. Ordor Red Iftna. IKl- 17-18. Arcb U. BpftiM. 31tt Ind. Tmik Bldg.

Indiauppplia—Ppthlan Siaterp'. of Ind. Oct. S4k. Cora Uood, ^ W. Waabingt«i at., BlaSkan. Ind.

Compiled by Means of The Billboard’s Unequaled FacUitieB 'T“r^^n*V and of Special Interest to Novelty Manufacturers ^ McMwm. caw.N. x c. b. r.. Aibanp.

and Dealers, Street Men, Fair Followers, etc. • N. X IndlanapoUa—Pannera* Natl. Congraaa of B. X

Uct. I7-8U. Jobn P. GrIBn. Tlptuarlllo. Tawk. Blcblgan Cltp—7M Ind. VoL lafanirp Aeon. AaB.

MkkT. John 14. Canlftald. KU JoB. BlftB« PtMitb Bond.

Prlncetwi Oalarnd Gr. Ladga K. of P. Aag. >ft-Z7. Caa Uptbptonv >d7 Mad. at.. ConMoa alUo. ’ = ‘

S 'virrVt.-Ti. Pina Blnff Foandera and rainou ot aoi. uci. , pectloo Natl. BIrctrIr Ugbt Aaan. Chieagu—Ha. dpoalah War Vetcrano. ftvpc. —. ^****^ .

Lattar part of Ui-t. T. W. Paiera, care Co- dare A. Cootello. gontbem Bldg.. Waidkiaglon, Wrlmioiid—Indiana Chaptrrn Daoabtera of Aa^ hliabaa electric Co.. Cnlnmlma, Ua. 4>. C. RoToIutlon. ^ 10-12. Mra. Pml’k 8. BakaA

Tawpa—Natl. Sl^ Ugbt Amm. Oct. —. T. C. (.'tdaag»~TraaaIlng Eaglneara’ Aaaa. Brat. ^ Martin.’ 2» W. 3»tb at;. New Tork Cltp. 8. .wt U. Thoapoon. care N. Y. C X X. ^

Tampa—Pouf. Vairmne’ Oct. —, 8. L. Lowry. cia»<' rui. American Bank Bldg. Cbicag

CAUrOBBIA Bnraka—Cal. State Pad. of Labor. Oct. 2.

Paul Scbarrenbi-rg. 52.1 Market at.. Ban Pran- claco.

Bntaka—Or. Rnraapment. I. O. O. P. Oct. ft. Wm. B. Bamee, 1. U. O. P. Ball. San Pran- daeo.

8. -Wv' lA 'Thoapoon, care N. Y. <X X X. Clarcland. U.

Cblcagi^MIUtarp Order of the 8ar|iant. Brpt.

Parndala—Cal. Craamarp Oparatora’ lapL 28-80. X M. Uoala. (tarlo. Cal.

Aaaa. -ktlantn—Sontbam Nniwrpman’a Ama. Ang. •0. O. Joe Boward, I’uniuaa. N. C.

Jefferwa BMg. Sonth Rend—Northern Trietate Mad. Aaaa. Oat.

Ira c; Klibn-y. TtJ^ SSa^^tS’^! Aam OcLIl-tt.

• " . „ lA The®. P. Brown. Sandfnrd, Ind.

Olrodalo—Ur. liOdga Cal., I. O. U. T. Oct. 3-tl. I Atlanta—Ua. 8tata Tennln Tnnmament. 8epL Tbao. D. Kanumie, 1.133 W. Idtb at., Luo Angalae.

Bealdnbnrg—Cil. State Orange. Patrone of Bne.

4-10. Carlton Y. Smith. Walton Bldg. remo Point III **• "• AtUntn—Un. Sacred Harp Miiriral Awn, Sept, *'p.ul ^eda' Bapldo—8oc. of Am. Indiana. Sept,

n.tft De. a W Ke.r^tt Almon tJ. Chl.-agO—4 entral Snppip Amn. Oct. Id. Paul „ p.rker. iCitu..>ttoii>l Biak^

ton, U.

i;blcago—Am. Aeon. Rp, Snrgeonn. Oct. IT-lft. I>r. Umla J. Mlirball. SM B. MaiUann at.

Chicago—tSr. X«lge. A. P. A A. M. of III.

IOWA Cedar Rapida—Praterual Mankera' Baoerva

Sept. —. X D. Taylor.

8-10. Dr. S. W. Krarett, Almon. Oa. bendrp. Oct. IT-'JO. Mm. Nellie W. Hunt. I Atlanta—State I.eaKur of I'lwtiiiHutere of Oa. Lincoln are. and TaJnoM at., Napa, Cal. Ang. lft-17. K. E. Bawio. Mahawaa. Ua.

Blatchford, I3» N. CUrk at. tanp.*N. ’ ^ Chicago—Am. Uaa Inatltnte. Oct. 17-20. Oao. t>)|nr Itapida—Or. Chapter Order Raatcra

U. Kainiulell. at W. ;Bith at.. New Tork Cltp. of la. Oct. 2.V2rt. Clare E. Ungbeo. Bonringtoo Reach—Suntbera Cat Vetemaa* AtlaoU—Am. Short n..m Breedcra' A»an. Oct. Aooa. Aag. I.VJft. P- W. Harding. 13 Dexter Park. Cbicaico, Chic aro—Natl. Aaan. Tannera. Oct. —. Cnd-

Loe Angelea—Cal. State Retail Hdwa. Aaan. worth Bepe. 212 W. WaahIngton at. a»nt^_ L. It Riullh luoi iBt Bar Bank Atlar.ta—Telephone Plonaem of Am. Oct. 19-20. Chh-aao—Ind. Oil Men’a Aaan. Oct. 18-20. R ?rP'- I u n O.-... .N I,... .. V„... ri.- I g. Qmnt. 110 8. Dearborn at. K. B. Starrett, 13 Dep at.. New York Cltp. Bldg.. Oakland. Cal.

Ban Franciaco—Or. txdae. P. A. A. M. of Cal. Oct. 10-14. John Whicber. Maannic T> mple.

Ban Franciaco—Cal. State Antnmoblla Aaan. Oct. 21. D. B. Watkina. 1028 Van Neaa ara.

Banta Crux—T. M I.. I'a.IHc Uraiid Cnuncll Ang. 20-23. Ororga A. Slaalaf, 40 Oak at.. Baa Pranrloco.

Ban Diego—racifle Conat Aaan. ..f PIre Chlefa. Ang. 21-23. Harry W Hrinibiirat. Fire

Beadqaartara. Beattie, Waab Ban iVanclacu—I’a. IHc Aaan. R.r. Surgeona. Ang.

23-26. Dr, 1. I*. Howe. 310 Hiiiter at. Santa Barbara —I'acia.' Coaat Ut< Aaan 8ept.

10-22. Ilrnrp nirntwlrb, 413 onttar Bt.. Ban Prtncla.-.i.

Santa llar<.ara —Elka' State Raiinlon. Oct. AT. 10-21. licnrp W. Krui kalicrg. 237 Franklin at., Loa Amtclca.

Santa Rooa—Natira Bona of Ooldea Waet. 8. R. Lodge No. 28. Sept. 8-10. Clyde Bnat, care Coantp Recorder.

TIaalla—League of Cal. Mnnlclpallttea. Oct. lO-IS. Wm. J. Locke. 002 Paclilc Bldg., Ban Franciaco.


Denrer—Or. Lodge Ind. Order Odd Fcitown of Col. Oct. 17-10. Oacar B. Jarkaon, 173i Champa at.

Denrer—Rcbrkab Aaaembly. I. O. O. P. Oct. 17-10. Rrneatlne V. L. Begga, 318 Century Bldg.

Glen wood Bpringa—Colo. State Med. Boe. BepL 6-7. Mr. E|>ler. Box 752. Pneblo.

OlenwoiMl Bpringa—Col. Electric IJgbt. Power A Rp. Aaan. Sept. 21 28. Tboa. P. Kennetlp. 000 13tb at., Denrer.

Trinidad—Ctdo. State Rika* Aaan. Sept. 27-20.


Bridgeport—Gr. Lodge, A. O. O. W. of Conn. Col. Oct. 17-19. Oacar E. Jackoon. 17.11

Bartford—Nortbeaatern Dental Aaan. Oct. II- 14. Alrin A. Bnnt. 12.1 Tnimbnl at.

Middletown—Conn. Chamta-r of Unminerce. Oct. 10. P. 8. Talentlne, Rllaabetb at., Derby, Conn.

New Britain—Gr. Temple Pythian Blatora of Coon. OcL 10. Mra. Lillian W. Turner, 62 Flatbnab are., Bartford.

Borkrille—DegTM of P^hontaa. Oct. 18. Deoele 0. liewla, 82 W. Main at.. New Britain.

YWrington—4 atbullc Total Abatlnence Unloa of Conn. Ang. 28-2ft. Prank J. Kinney, tftft Mnln at.. Brantford. Onnn.

Waterimry — Woman'a Cbriatlan Temperance Union. Oct. 11-lS. J. A. Bextoa, Boat Bamp- ton. OoBg.

Wllllmanilc—Cottii. Branch Rlngn* Dengbtera A ftaae. Oct 4.3. Ada Ta ftbaUap. R. P. D. Box IBS, WIndanr. Cnnn.

DltAWABS Lanrel—Or. UMIge. K. of P. of Del. Oct. tft.

Mark X Oarretl. ftOA Woat at., Wllmliictnn. Magnolia—Btala Camp of Deln., P. O. X aC X . Ang. 86. Than P, iNinn. Ihii IS. Ihnrer. Itela Milford—Del. State Me<l. Bnc. (Vt 6-10. O.

W, K, Pnrreat, 001 Jackanii at.. Wilmington. fiereiantt. it. Wilmington—Mneter Cnr A X>comot1re Palnrera* AtlanU—Natl. Aaan. Btatlonera A Mfra. of IT. CSiicagw—Aaaa. Rp. Klee. Bnglneera. Get. —. I/mlnrllle—Kp. Good Rands Cone. lapL —.

Aaan, B^t. 12. A. P Dane, care Boaton * 8. of Am. Oct. 0-14. M. W. Byera. 41 Park Joa. A. Andienceltl. Room 4-11, C. A N. W. CoL B. J. McBrpfta, Jr. 5* •^Alag. Maaa. Unw, Sew Tork Clip. • Tee, BtaHnn. Loolarllle—Kp. B*»<kaellera’ A«an. Bept —v

Wilmington—Natl. Prntectlre l^agtia. Gopt —. Macon State Bed. Woman’a Clobn. Oct. 2.V27 Chlcagn—American Bar Aaan. Ann. S8-8ept 1. Montgomery. Caneyrllle. Kp. DIGTXIOT or OOLVMBIA oarannab-order of Kaghw. Ang. 14-IV. J. 8. Oanrille—III. Rankera’ Aoam Bept_Bleb- Loolaelll#—Gr. Oonnrll. R. A 8. Moauna. Oat.

WaahIngton—Gr. I’n Order odd Pellewa Bunt’ ^wry. Bog 1067. Kanoan Otp. Mo. ard rrampMn. Son le. |,g luile at.. Chicago. BowaM K. Preneb, Mt. Sterling, Kp. lM6.*^7rp. .NeSdhnm n w rar ribiWd DecntniN-Gr. letdge 111. K. of P. Oet, IT. LonlarlII.»-Gr. Chapter Royal Arch Maoona. Got Spruce n^. PMMeInbln ' IDAHO Henry P. Cnldwell. |3n N. 5th nee., micnge. I«-21. I«n8e T. Wimdonn. Lmilaellla.

Waoblngton—Bratberbood Maintenance of Way Bolae—Idaho Joint Teerbera’ Inat. Bept. 44. Joliet—Bdth Rea. III. Toi. Tateren Aaan wobi. Lonloeille—MIoo. ValV'P Conf. on TnbercnMiML tanloyeen. Bebt. 4. Bnmtiel J. Pwgt. ST „ I.TP *'"•7 ’J""*'- . « Plaber BMg.. Graemdmrn. N. c. Toner d'Abse—Gr. loidge of Idaho. I. O. O

Waablngton-^atl. Conf. Cntb. CbnrlHen. Bept •I'**- ‘"A Ur. Rncampmcni of Idaho IT-29. Dr. M. J. Kerby. enre Cntbidle Tnl- *• U. O. P., Oct. IAI7. Prealey P. Borne.

THE FABLE OF A MELON Once ui>on a time there waa a luaclona little melon. The little melon grew- In a private patch. The patch had a high board fence around it to keep out nosy intruders, and there

were aigns painted on the gate* which read: “Keep ontV’ "Thi* is private property." and "Intnidera not allowed."

The little private patch belonged to the Pittiibarg A Lake Erie Railroad, and the I’ittidinrg A I.ake Erie Railroad did not welcome vinltora bei-au>e it waa going to have a party, and it had already sent out its own invitations, and being a selfish boat didn't Intend to have hungry folks, not on the calling list, coming around poking out tbeir bats for band-outs.

Every day the little melon grew-. •Is time went on it became very Juicy and ripe and succulent. It bulged with

incatineas; it waa gorged with tempting sweetness. And so the little melon grew and grew.

Then the UttM melon came near to bursting, and, fearing that some naughty boys might jump tba tnnea and plug it. or that It might grow old and leathery for want of |in>icr attentlaa at the psychological moment, the Plttsbnrg A Lake Erie Railroad, which bad been peldng the little melon for lo, many long and anxious moons, invited its evclnslve cotaria of aleek and gouty friends into the patch, and proceeded to wield the knife.

And a grand party It was. Prithee, and they ate until they rolled over on the ground and called alond for a

kind fate to send down a shower of charcoal tablets. And the i>oor friends of the P. A X E. Jnst peeked tbrongb the knot boles In the

fence snd gManed. But they were growing used to such treatment. They never had been InvlteKl inside, and never expected an invitation, and they betook themselves from the little s<)nlnt they had had at the melon party and they canie away from the knot bole and toM the truth.

They told that the P, A X H. was allowing its stockholders an extra dividend of ten per cent; they said the amount of railroad stock bad increased fn'm thirty mil¬ lions to 3fty millions. They said that becanae of the war and of other favorable cir¬ cumstances the railroads were making a very large amount of money. They said that every time the public cricl aloud for easier freight rates or objected Ui a change on the upward sliding scale It reached for its )>ocket handkerchief and went through pathetic maneuvers resembling a sick bovine, putting up the argument that the stockholders could barely realite Qve per cent on their money, when the ibipreine Pourt admits that six Is fair.

They said other dreadful things. They said that show people, who ought to be the railroads' best pals, sinee they

were forced to work together all of the time, are treated with the cvinslderatlon that would be an Insult to a very yellow canine puppy. They told that show |>eople owning cars are made to pay unscrupulonsly high rates for being moved, and nnjustlllable rates for simply standing still, out of the way of .all trallle. They told that show people have never lieen met on a decent business basis by the railroads and that the railroads take cowardly snd low-down advantage of the fact that theatrical iieople must move, and move regularly and rapidly.

Yet the little melon grew to be overfat and waa sliced and distributed. Twenty millions were added to the P. A L. K. capital.

And already another little melon Is beginning to sprmit; and other little melons, all over the country. In other private railroad patches, are expanding and preparing to get under the knife soon, while the public gets an eyeful through the knot bole pro¬ vided by newspaper statistles, and kicks Itself to think It Is so foolish as not to give into Uncle Banung's band the right to play boat at the melon partlea.

Joa. A, Andrenrettl, Roeoi 4-11, C. A N. W. Ter. BtarioM.

of la. Uct. 2.V2tt. Clare E. Uugbea, USB Rnaid at., Urinnell. I'a.

Clinton—Gr. Xslge, I. 4>. O. P.; Gr. Rnrnm^ inent, Rcbekab Ass.-iuhly A Dept, ('oum-ll. 4>et. 19-20. Win T. Tunord. nintou. la.

fnintoo—De klolax Consistory, fb-t. —. P. M. Howard.

Daveu|Niri—Universal (Tblropra.-tors* Aaan, Aes. ‘J«>-'2.1. R. J. Hsliucr, M2b Krady at.

DaveniNirt—Iowa Co. Ke<-iir.len.. Clerks. Bherlfto. Sii|a*rvisora, Treasurers A 'AniHlora. Aes. 19-19.

Daveniiort—la. Journeymen Plnmbera' Uatam. 4b t. :I0. P. Loyal.

Des Moines—Is. .%s?.u. for Advancement of the Deaf. Aug. 21-23. Harvey C. Long, CoeecO Kliiffs. la.

Des Motnas—State Coov. KIng'a Daughters. Oak. '.•.1-27.

Des Moines—Am. Miss. 8oo. Oct. 18. Gnat K. l.ewls, 108 Carew Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. •

Dabot|ne—la. Master House Palotera A Daam- ralora’ Assn. Ang. 22-24.

Dubmiue—I-eagoe »f la. Mnnlctpalltleo. gepg. 12-14. Frank G. rierce. Marshalltown, la.

Iowa City—la. State Ret. Merchants’ Aao^ Sept.' —. John A. Cuntrlngliain. DuInmiml

Waterloo—Or. Xstge Kirlirlite «f Pythtae of In. Aug. 23-26. Ward Ferguson. Box P. BoMa Iowa.

Waterloo—Gr. Cbapter. R. A. M. Oct. 12-lX O. P. Grarea. Boa A, Harlan, la. •

Wntarloo—Rdnum Catb. Mnrnal I’rotee. Bee. 4K-t. ll-l'J. I'eter Kern, "Tth*and Vina ota.. Ft. Madl>win. la,

Waterloo—Daoghtera of Am.'' Revohitloa. Get. —. Miss X Ballon. 719 W. nth at.

BANBAG . (Toffeyvllle—Anti-Horse Thief Assn . Kan. Dir.

Oct. 17-19. O. J. McCarty; Box SS. Brib—Kennion. Week Aug. 27 Hept 2 G. X

Pendarvla. Boa 131. Topeka—Assn, of Am. Becretsries of BtnkA

itept. —. ’ Topeka—Kan. PnbHe Utllltlan ^ssn. Oet. —.

E. A. Wright, Manhattan. Kan. Wichita-onl) r Red Men. Oct. 4-.V Jobe O.

Penny, 430 Evergreen ave.. fbannte. Wichita—Gr. Isidge Ind. O-der tbtd PeBaaae.

fVt. 1).12. Will J. Russell. 122 R. 3tb see.. Topeka. Kan.

Wichita-Rebekah Asaemhlg. Oet. —. KaMn A, IV>we. Box'883. Manhattan. Kan.

Wichita—Bontbern Kan. 'teachers’ Assn. Oat. 13.14, Miss Margaret G. Kernobaa. MadMne Lodge, Ran.

KMTPUOKT Ashland—State Connell Jr. Order Un. Meehnatah.

Sept. ft-7. II. P. Loebner, SIB R. Brnoftwnp. lamlsville.

Hopkinsville—Gr. laatgr. K. of P. Oet. 24-BT. J. W. rarler. 707 Trnat Bldg.. I.rxlngtan.

Bopklnarllle—Kg. State Med. Aaan. Get. IT- 3A. Dr, Artbnr T. MrCormsek. Box BBI. Bowling Gieea. Kg.

Lexington—Boutbern Appalaeblan Good BnnGi Aaan. Bept. 34. 45. R. Beeft. rate Bthftn HIgbwag Tommlaaton, Richmond, Tn.

Laaiavlll*—4'eniral INal. 'Tile INrn.’ Aaan. AhX 28-8U. Tboa. E. Beek.

laralsrlDe—Order Knigbta of Jooepb. Beet. X 6. D. J. Sinner. SIS Boe. fer Bar. BMb.. Cleerlsnd, O.

I/mlarllle—Kg. Good Banda Coer. Bept. CoL B. J. MeBrgde, Jr.

Lnniarllle—Kg. R<s4isellera’ A«an. Rapt. % W. B. Montgomrrg. Canrgrille. Kg. Macon—State Prd. Woman’e Clnbn. Oct, 25-27 Thlcagn—American Bar Aaaa. Ang. SS-Bept. I. . B. Montgomrrg. Canrgrille. Kg.

davaniiah—tirder of Kaglea. Aag. 14-16. J. B. Hanrllle—III. Rankera’ Aota BepL —. Rich- Xtelarllle—Gr. Ooenrll, R. A 8. Maaune, Oat. Peng. Bog 1067. Ranoaa Otg, Mo. ard rrampbrn. 2fi9 P. |.a Salle at.. Thlcago. 16-21. Boward K. Preneb, Mt. Sterling, Kp.

Deeatnr—Gr. laidge HI. K. of p. Get, IT. LoetevlIIe—Gr. Chapter Rogal Areh Maonoa. Ont. “**■0 nenrg P. Tsldwell. |3n N. 8tb are.. ITilcage. I«n9e T. Woodann. Loelarilla.

ard rrampton. RM p. |.a Salle at.. Thlcago. Deeatnr—Gr. laidge Dl. K. of p. Get, IT.

Ilenrg P. Taldwell. 139 N. 8tb are.. fTiIcngo. Rolae—Idaho Joint Tracbera’ Inst. Bept. 44. Joliet—BRth Reg. 111. TOI. Tefernn Aran twRl. Loolraille—MIoo. ValV'g Conf. on ’mhrrrnMiM.

Mira |vg M. Wilaon. Tonrt llonoe. 21. Wm. P. Bglla. 182 Tllla at.. Blgln. 111. 44. Dr. Donning 8. Wllaan. Toner d’Abne—Gr. Iralge of Idaho. I. O. G Mattoon—Bldg. Aran. X-ngne of III. Get. 12 Lnniartlle—Kg. Dangbtera of Am. RrrnlnttaA.

P.. Oct. 17-16. and Gr. Encampment of Idaho R. G. Taran. 317 Maine at.. Qnineg. ID. | 0<’t. —. Mra. Aomm Rbodea. Padneah. I. n. G. P., Oct. 18.17. Prealeg P. Horna. I Paoria—ndtb Regt HI. Rennion Aran. Ang. 88- i Lonlorille—I. G. O. P. Gr. laulge. OcL —. Box 417, Caldwell. Idaho. 26. T. W McKnwn. Bog 89. Gllonn. James Coleman. Boraeraet, Kg.

Northern Nnt Growera’ Aaaa. 6apL I Twin Pallo—Mnho state Med. Aagn. Oct. 3-A Peoria—Natl Barnera MakerB* Aran. Ang. B4-2B. I Xmlartlle—Sontbern Ponltrg A Rgg 8bli 64. Wm. Denting. Gei.ntriawn. flinn. Ed B. Mnxag. Box 1294. RMaa. ••i'‘M»2^*merlean Prat Boe. |M. 21-88. Jnllna Roedfdio Klngabrltlge New T.Pk 4 tig HXINOIB

Waablagton—Intnatl. Union Blevator Coostniet- Alton—III. State Conf, Cimritlea A Torrectlon.

P«wla—PM Ipmba RpoH.m Ang. 22.84. Anon. Oct. —. X O. Smith. Bb*lbgv||le, 1^. Qnlney-HI. State Fed. of Tpbor 4W. 18-21. I Pndnrab—Kg Mneter Bakera’ Aran. OcL

era. Mepi. . »Mf.. Pbiia.

Victor A. Dlander. 186 W. Wnnhlngton nt.. Thlcago.

P. J. ScbiMtltlor. 616 pnrrg I Oct. 39-23. X X Bowen. State Booee, I Onlifv—Rnidlera’ Rennion. Get._

ilngton—P. H. P. Or. TIrele. BepL U. I An-ora—Northern HI. Dental Boc. OcL I8-1B.

MarHn ^Vrlra. Bowling Green. Kg. Wlnebeatei^-Kg. Cbriatlan Miaoloiiarg Ooi

BepL U-81. B. W. BIKntt. Bnlpbar. Kp. LomauNA

Plorraeo B. rellahan. G21 14tb et.. N. X Dr. T. X Bmlfb. Bt nwrlra. HL ^iS""t*"9“U88Kblera of America, Diet. C««B- Bellevlllo—Stove J

Ml. BepL 11.18. C. B. Miller. 703 16tb oL. fonf. Rrard No. ^ 2493 B. Iltb at

Am. Aaan. Paoe. TVaSle Gdicera. Hbatailngton—HI Ort. 17-18. W. O. Hnpa. 147 Uhartg at.. 81 W. D. Han New Tork ITtp. (Ttlragn—Int. 4Vta

Washington—Am. Han Gregor Boe. Get. 27-86. Benrg A. Bpenre Dr. Jeaoe RwrII. Rnekeravtlle. Va. N T.

Wrahington—Snpreme taidge, firder Bona Bt. Chlragn Ani. Nat Orargr. Get. 8. Wm. J. Tremhath. 894 Bn Ang 28-6ept Natl. Bldg.. Wllkra-Barre. Pa. Grange at Wal

itr. IT. u rmitn. nt manra. iil ^ Belleville—Stove Mounters’ I'n'on. B. W. Jlot.

fonf. Board No. 8. Get. 38. Tbaa. B. liWta 2493 B. Iltb at.. St. lautla. Mo.

Hbauulngton—HI Anctloueera' Aran. AnS.?Mb 81. W. D. Hamilton. Galeobnrg.

nilraaw—Int. IVmferanee R T Ang. 21 W Benrg A. Bpenrrr. AaaemMg ITuimher. AIbnng N T.

Chlragn Ani. Netl. Aeon Maatera of Danetag

SpringSeld—Order Eastern Star. Or. Tbapter LONXBMUaA Get. 8 Nettle O. Renner. 4810 Bt. Lawiener AWendrln—Bt. Andrew. Or. Lodge A. ». G ere.. TMragn A. M. of La. Get. 19-12. X T. Taglor. ttl

INDIANA Kappa Alpha PM. Ang. tl-SepL Bhuunlngton—^Kappa Alpha PM.

2. Mr. Pnrvlaneo. Huntington. Etna Green—Tttb Reg. Ind Vet. Aran. Bept I Lake

fhrondelet at.. New Orirana. Alraandria—Eleeta Gr. Thapt r Order Raotean

Star of La. Oet. 19.1« Mira C T. WahX 881 Cnrondelet at.. New Orleans.

Ang 28-Sept 2. George Orange at. Waltham. Msan

14-15. WHl P Peddgeord. 8148 Cottage Grove ave.. rhleagn. ID.

Greenfield—Natl. Horae ’Thief Deteetive Aaan. Oet. 8 4. Dorn A. Penec. Svrarvee. Ind.

-Interstate Inland Waterwnp . League. Get. —. Iran Irake. New Orleann—InL Aran. Bridre. Strneraral G

Grnamental Iron Workers. Sept. 18. Hafvp Jones « E. Market at.. IndlanapoUa. tnft.

Waltero. 83 I IndlanapoUa—Nstl. Aaan. Ret. Dvngglsta. Bept | New Orleana—Am. Rg. Bridge A Bldg. Aaan.

Washington—D. of C. Itonke'ra* Aoon. OeL —. I Tbieago Natl. Aran. Emtdorlng Llthograpbera. B. G Wolfe, rare IMotriet Natl. Bank.


!•-». T. H Potto. 121 S. MIeb. Bird.. TW- eaen.

Get. 17-19. T. A. I.lchtg. 319 N. WnOar ave.. Anotln Station, rhlcago. III.

BMg.. Roebester N. T. Ovlatt. 1232 Granite I Indlanapotlo—Natl. Tav Aran. Ang. 28-81 I New Orleans—Am. Fisheries Soc. Oct. 14L16.

’Thomaa R. Adams, Cornell Unlv, . „ rhiengo—Swedish Baptist Gen., nf Am N T. 4nn. fV*t aaetannvtllo--mtl, irat Grawera Aaan. Oet. Bept. 6-19. Rev Eric Scheratrom. StXI B. Indlananolls- tnd State Nnrses* Xnn Early .Uhrevenirt

. J. B. Wright, Calm. On. Btate at., Chicage. In Ort. Mlw Iran B. Rneer. IlnshvlUe. Ind ' 16-18.

Raymond C. Clsbarn. Conn. College. New Tra- don. fVmn. irevepnrt—Southern Cattlemen’s A««n \ug. I8-1A Dr. Tall Butler, Memi»h'« T.-ii"

^ y* f A 4 ■

Allauuv Clljr—>ail. I'alui, Uil ti VartilKk Aaaa. U«-t. —. U. W. Uwrgau, Ivw HtUlaiu at., Nvw Vurk City.

Atlantic CIt}'—Natl. Hardware Aaan. Oct. »>■ Zt. T. Jamea I'amlejr, SMi Arch at., I'blU- deltihla.

Newark—lutl. Order Otaid Teiaplara. Dept. U. 14. D. W. IlcNall, U3 WalMt at., l■ate^ auu. N. d.

Newark—Inti. Unlun Hteaai A Uperatlac ha- (tneera. Hept. 11. Jaa. U. Uaaiiakau, CM kale are., Cliicacw.

Newark—htate Cvnr. B. P. O. B. Kept. 11-11 Newark—Natl. Uuur. Leafna of Am. Uumd.

paUUaa. Sept. C-h. Nc»aia—IJmu... U.ia.' Prutec. League of S. J.

Sept. B-T. Jobn C. Welter, IBS Maaiiatiaa Are., Jeraap CItp.

Newark—Am. Itm-. Mnnlrlphl Iniproreiueuta. UcL i>-18. Cbaa. L. Bruarg, Twd WuUeu Bldg., IndlanapoUa, lad.

Newark—Manrbeatcr Un. Odd Pellowa. 8i pt. iteutun—Htate Cooucll U. U. A. M. of N. J.

8»»L 27. Morria Bauer. 281 Bodatund at. New Bmaawlck, N. i.

rrenton—Uetafkati Htate AaaeiuMp. I. U. O. P. of N. 1. OcL 11-12. Miaa Bra U, Vaa Dceaen. Boi S33, llauaatjnaD, N. J.

Wildwood—Inipd. Order Men, Qt. Oouocll of L'. 8. Sept. 11-lC Wllaon Breoka. 8Sa 1 La Salle aL, Chicago.

nw nzioo Alhoqoeitine—Gr. Lodge Knlgbta of Ppthlaa of

N. M. SepL —. J. B- Elder. Albuquerque-—-Ur. laalge, 1. U. O. P., Ur. Ka-

campment, A Rehekah Aaaemblp. Hept. 25 I'T. Prank Talmage, Jr., Boi 837, Boawell, N. M.

raw Tou Buffalo—Hauler Brewera’ Aaan. of U. 8. Oct.

—. Carl A. Nowak. 20-.>7 Kp. Kicbange, Hi. LouU, Mo,

Platbuah, L. 1.—Natl. Gr. Lodge A. O. U. P. Sept. 3-4. Pb. Scbelb, 1» Welrfleld at., Brooklyn.

JeDera -Uenaion Aaan., Engineer Brigade Amiy of Pntoniac. Aug. 31. Haiu B. WllUania. 810 Powera Block, Uoebeeter. N. T.

llena Palla—State Blue Label League Cigar Makera' lot. Union. Aug. 21. W. K. Pergu- aon, Oneida, N. T.

Hena Palla—N. T. Slate Ped. of Labor. Aug. 22-34. B. A. Batee, 114 Jonca Bhlg., Otten, N. T.

Itbaca—437 Beg. Vet. Aaan. Sept. 23. B. J. Bayleaa. 58 Ultcbell are., Binghamton, N. T.

Jameatown—Baptlat Mlaalonaij Conr. State of N. T. Oct. 23-28. EdwiD B. RlchmoiHl. 23 B. 26th at.. New York Cltp.

Klngaton—Daogbtera of Am. SepL 8. M. Blla Yeakel, 407 Jackaon at.. Spracnae.

Leekport—IntnaH. order Good Tamplaiu. Aug. 22-24. A. M. LeSIngrrell. Watertown. N. Y.

Nerrburg—Natl. Connell Sona A Daogbtera of Liberty. Sept. 12. Wm. V. Bdklna. 16M B. Paaaynnk are., Pblladelphla.

Yew York—Catholic Prena Aaaa. Aug. 18-18.

HL Lanla—POdeml Ufa aub. SepL 18-28. P. 11. u. Blemiann. 18b M. Mieb. are., Chicago.

St. Lottie—AUi. Bottlera' Protec. Aaan. of U. H. UcL 11-li. Wai. T. miUpa, 21H B. 87th at.. New York Clip.

Ht. Luttla—Hupreuie Council. Kplghta Patber Mathew. Oct. —. Joa. M. McCormack. LSUb N. Sarah at.

Ht. Lottie—Knlghto A lAdloa of Honor. Oct. 13. L. H. Hunt. VI7 Waluwrlgbt Bldg.

HL Luttla—Uaugbleru of tbe King. UcL 14-17. Mlaa B. B. Behleadroff. 2bl Pourth aro.. New York Cltp.

MOVTAMA Btttta—Or. Coiuni. Kiugiit Templara of Muui

Meek Aug. 28. C. Uedgea, Jr.. But ami Helena.

Butt*—Ur. Lodge A. P. A A. M. of Mont. Aug 8tt-Hept. 1. Uoruellua Uedgea, Jr., Hot 8M lleleua.

Deer Lodge—Ur. Lodge K. of P, SepL 11-12 Lee Denala, Ureal PaHa, Mont.

Helena—Mont. Ueleupalbic Aaan. Sept. 27-28 W. C. Dawea, Boa 237. Boaemaa, MonL

MIlea dtp—Moot. Baukera' Aaan. Aug. 25-20 H. ▼. Alwatd. Uieat Palla.

Mile* City—Paliiarcha' MUItant, I. O. O. P Oct. 16-18. Dean W, Helfrtdge, 817 Colorado at., Batte.

Mllca city—Bcbekab Aaeenibly. Uct 17. Mii» Pearl Hill, 8U8 P. Center are., Helena, Mont

Ullea City—Gr. Lodge A Ur. Kneanipinent, 1. O. O. P. OcL 17-18. B. W. Kemp, Box 1334. Mlaaoula. Mont._

Uct. 17.- UW GmuO B. Walton. IJnealnrBle are.. Bcifaat, Mo.

■MdefarS-UL OuiihcU Of Me. O. of P. OCL 12. knetur ’ AloanaAor, 28 Brown -oL, Oaa- hertood MiUa. Me.

BMnaAiei UL Oenoctl of Mo., Order Bed Men. Oct. pj. Uertieft B. Heel. 488 Uongreoe at..

Iiawtaiwn -tJlo. gtptf tlatoeilro Aaan. SepL —. A. P. Baaaett, Wdi tT5,‘ Mvrwap, Mn.

VUatland—Hew' Mag land ■ Watar Wnrka Aaan. MopL U-l». Willard BenL NarragnnanM

B.‘1. .. - • Bartlaad t>a,-» 'YMaehata*' Aaan. ’ OcL 88-27.

4Menn W.< -SUrkbp; Aagnbta. Ma. Inaa aHapraanu tSenAnunoerp Knlghta Templara.

OcL 18. Ohaa. A. Maawell, V7 Whot" at.. Pertteod.i- e i ;

"tuMriun Baltlmoro ■ I8L- Aaau. ttnoicipaP Biaetrtclana.

Ang. 22-85. OUiWaco IL Oaarga. 801 San da- «4hin aL,'■aaagM.' BM. * -

Boti.«MMr--oi^ui tifaiem*' NatL AaM.*' BWL 88-27. Chaa. Qnlaa, 821 Oardnar BMg.. t»-

'lade, O.' ‘ Balilworv—Nall. -Cnaap Patriotic Ordar" of

Americana. Oct.' 17-18. Oootge W. Bniltli. 128 Chanibera at., PhflUpahnrg, N. $.

Ballliuo e—Natl. Uragt^Ulra.' Aaan. OcL 8-5. nK«e Onlna TMndai. O.

Bllrcr Uuu-Wleci 4Matla. Ancient Otdar llnighta of Mpallc Chain of Md. SopL 18.


BaWon-Dnllod Dmg Co. Ang. 22-23. Jamon O. IL-Oormlch. 43 Loon aL

Boolua—Jiaiuea of Malta. SapL 12-lL L. D. Woddlngton, 2533 N. Itth St.. PbiUdalphla.

Baaton—I'botograpbara* Aaaa. of Naw Engtaad. SepL 12-14. Gao. H. Uaatinga, Narrtoorllla, Maua.

Baaton—Natl. LoomSxera* Aaan. of Am. SopL 1-2. Ollrer Chriatian, Box 8, Lawrence.

Boatoo—Htate Oouncil of Maaa., Jr. Order. Hept. 21. Je-eae Boblnaon, 11 Hawthorne at., Bradford, Maaa.

Boaton—-Nett. d-ea. Ina. Agents. Hept. 11. Hearp II. Putnam.

BtMioo—Maas. Police Aaaa. OcL 18-19. Harrp O. Hill, HarerblU, Maas.

Boston—Ut. Council Maas., Order Bed Men. OcL 28. Geo. W. Bmeraon, 18 Boplaton aL

Baaton—Am. Pad. Uallroad Workers. Oct. —. O. W. Gibson. 1209-11, 538 8. Dearhora sL, Ohlcnga,

Boston—Ancleat A On. Ordar Sons A Dangbtaia nf Moaes. Ort. 17. Joaephlne B. Mattbears, 8SI DeKalb are., Btooklpn. N. T.

Qlsnceater—Maas. State Plremra'a Assn. SepL 26-22. D. Arthur Bent, 828 Old Sentb Bldg..

Balpokc—Maas. Sandap School Aaan. Oct. 11- 14. _ llaiulltOB 8. Oonant, 802 Pord Bldg.,

Lowell—Maas. SUte Oonf. of OharHlaa. OcL 25-27. Richard K. CMaat. 8 Beacon aL,

Premont—Nab. Oateopauuc Assn. Sept. —. Wac B. Archer, 14u H. 13tb St., Lincoln, Neb.

Lincoln—Mo. Vallep Pboto. Assn. Aug. 22-23 Harrp Pottenger, Wlcblta, Kan.

LIncolu—Western Kricger Bund. Bept. 2-4. I.iui-oln—Bcbekab AHScnibly, 1. O. O. P. of Neb.

Oct. 17-10. Mrs. Emma L. Taltot, 43U0 S. 22d at.. Omaha. Neb.

Lincoln—Or. Lodge, I. O. O. P. Oct. —. Lincoln—Gr. Lodge, Degiee of Honor, Oct. —. Umaha—English Assn. Augustaua Hynotl. u<-t.

—. Her. Ira O. Notbstein, 627 44tb at.. Rock Island, III.

BBW HAMFSHIU Ketblebem—Uu. Htate* Hay Pever Assn. .4>ia

31-8ept. 1. U B. Uaebus, secy. Parmiugton—N. H. State Council, Jr. O. D. A.

M. Sept. 2!). J. M. Goodrich, Atkina»n, N. H.

Laconia—Rebekali Assembly of N. H. Oct. 10. Martha L. Sargent, lOB Maple ave.. W'oods- rllle. N. H.

Laconia—Or. Lodge, I. O. O. P. of N. H. 0<-t. 11. Prank L. Way. Manchester, N. H.

Mancbeater—1st N. H. Vet. lottery Asan. SepL 23. S. 8. Piper, 437 Amberst at.

Mancbeater—Ot. Council of N. H., Order Red Mea. OcL 5. Harris M. Toaag, City Hall.

Milford—State CooBcil, Order Un. Am. Me- chaaica. Oct. .1. Prank L. Loring, 18 Son- began at.

Wciru—Tbird Reg. Vet. Aaan. Ang. 22-25. Wm. Horrocks, Needham. BtaasL

Wllmot—Or. Lodge, I. O. 6. T. of N. H. th-t. 4-3. .Mrs. Oertrode K. Holmes. 743 IMtie St., Msiicbeatcr. N. B.

SBl H. a MUnbnkr. BprIhgSeld—-Maas. State Branch Am. Ped. of

Labor. Sept. 41-14. Martla T. Joyea, 427 Old Sooth Bldg., Boston.

BprtagAeld—I. O. O. P.. Or. Lodge. Sept. 7.

\Hauib- City—Neleet Castlr of N. J. Knlgbta nf Mystic Chain. Ang. 22.

ttlautlc City—Natl. CUttaril Onler t'li. .\ui. Mechanics. Aug. 24-25. H. O. Holslela. t20 Market at., Harrlsborg, Pa.

Atlantic City—Pa. MlUera’ State Asan. SepL 12-14. Landis Leran, Lancaster, Pa.

Atlantic City—Am. Pbarm. Amn. Sept. 5. Wm B. Day. 74 E. 12th St., Chicago.

Atlantic City—Master Car ft Loco. Palaters’ Amn. SapL 12. A. P. Dane, Beading, Maan.

Atlantic CI^—NatL Petrolenm Aaaa. SepL —. C. U. Chamlierlln, Ruse Bldg., ClcTeland, O.

Atlantic Cltp-State Encampment Knlgbta of HospItaUers. Sept. 4. Ilobb E. Lawlep, 1.725 Pracker at.. Oak l.aDe. Philadelphia, Pa.

Atlantic City—«r. Circle N. J. Brotherhood of Am. Sept. 20.

Atlantic City—Am. Kle< trlc Ry. Assn. Oct. 9 . 13. E. R. Burritt. H W. 40th at.. New York City.

Atlantic City—Knights of Golden Eagle Sn- preme Castle. <Kt. 10-13. Jobn B. Treibler, 814 N. Broad at.. PhiladelphU.

Atlantic City-State Connell N. J., Jr. O. 0. A. M. Oct. 11-12. Wm. H. Miers. Trenton. N. J.

Atlantic City—Natl. Implement ft Vehicle .Assn ' Oct. 18-20. K. W. McCullough, 78 W. Monroe at., Chicago.

Atlantic City—Daughters of Liberty of N. J. OcL —. Mrs. Jennie B. Haywood.

Atlantic City—Natl. Assn. lee. Cream Mfrs.’ OcL —. W. J. Weller, care Reid Ice Cream Co.. 524 Warerly are., Brooklyn, N. T.

C^rga H. Punar. Baatan. Bprlng^M-NatL Dairy Shaw Assn. OcL 12-21.

C. D. Ettlnger, ISO N. 5th at., Chicago, HI. ^ngUeld—lotnatl. Milk Dlra.' Aaan. Oct. 18-

17. Bamnal O. Dnagan, IlOO B. 15th sL, Indianapolis. Ind.

Wabutar—Maaa. Htate Oonr. Dentachar Ordar Ramgarl. ftng. 18-21. Garl Garber, IWH

E. Main nt

inOHXOAM fthran—N. B. Ml«h. SoMiars .ft Sailors' Aasn.

ftng. 14-18. Oaa. i.terb. . . Am Arttor ft Detroit—Phi Rbo Sigma Prstontitp

Wledical). SepL 20-28. Praneja R. Lo^, enra Coo^ Oonnty Hospital, Chicago. *,

Ann Arbor—Dautacher Order Hamgairl. SapL I9-S3. Carl Baoer, 880 Bewirk are., Dcti^L

Ann Arbor—Danghters of Am. Rerolntlon. Sd weak In October. Mrs.' A. J. Rrosscan, 3063 W. Oraad Bird., Detroit.

Bnttle Creek—or. Lodge Knights of Pythias of Writ. Sept. 8-7. Will E. Hampton, Oharlp-

Battla Creek—Pythia'n' Siatera, Or. Jnriadletton of Mich. Sept. ‘6-T. Mlaa Jennie- B. Doyle, Pontiac, Mich.

Bap nty—Mich. PostmasteM. OcL —. A. M. :-lt1IWr.

Bntrslt—Mich. Gr. ConncM Order BUr of Bath- labam. Sept. 5. Him Of: B. Crowa< 928 Ohm

Kansas Cltp—NatL Staff Asi«n. Aug. 30. M. M. North, Herndon, Va.

Kansas City—American Woman's Prem Aaan Aug. 29. M. M. North. Herndon, Va.

Kansas City—Am. Rankers’ Assn. SepL 28-90. Fred B. Pamswortb, gen. aecp., 5 Naasan aL, New York Cltp.

Kaiiraa Clip-Relgian-Am. Natl. AlUance. SapL 4. Gaston Veps. 1806 3d 9t.. Uolin*. 111.

Kansas City—Mo. Press Assn. Sept. 11-16. J. Kelly Pool, Centralis, Mo.

Kansas Citp—Southwestern Dairy Aasa. SapL 18-23. J. G. Watson.

'<1. IsMiia—Interstate Trap Sbuoting TonmamanL Ang. 21-25. E. Reed Shaner, 219 Coltart are., Pittsburg, Pa.

ti. Igtnls—Beta Pbt Sigma Pratemitp. Ang. 22- 25; Tom 8. Hamilton. Paris, III.

St. Ijniiis—Un. Ancient urder of Dmida. SepL 19. H. PreiKlenthal. 426 Clinton are., Al¬ bany. N. Y.

.St. Louis—Natl. Assn. Khlg. u» ners ft Man¬ agers. Sept. 13-13. HowaM IS. Loomia, eara

I Omaha Natl. Rnnk Bldg., umaha. Neb. St. lionis—Am. Life Conr. Sept. 14-16. T.

W. Rlackbam. KeeRne Bldg., umaha. Nab. - St. lionls—Gr. I.odae. A P. ft A M. nf Mo

Sept 10-21. John R. Parson. 510 Pine at. St. I/>nis—Natl. Assn. Life rnderwriters. Lat

ter part Sept Ererett M. Ensign. 56 Pin# at

e 36o AUGUST 19^ 1911. xn Billboard

MdibM*—Jr. Otter Oa. Am. Maebulca. lag. SS-M. Aui T. Taaaa. Baa T41. 'flaatoa-

OaMoola—Ua. Daagbtm of OoafMotaey. Oct. 18.W. Mro. W. N. OtoaiT. WlUalngUia, N. 0.


Qcaftoo—W. a T. C. of N. D. Oct. 30.28. Mr*. Bartara H. W/te. Bowomaoot, N. U.


Akron—Ohio Bldgs Aaan.- Laagna. gept —. Akron—Ublo Uhlg. Amm. Ltoaguo. Oct. —.

CtuM. U. Brown, M B. Uay at., Ooluuljaa. Oodar tHaat—UiOu Blka' Hoaalun Aaan. Aag.

let-ia. J. W. Umummj, 3M Broad at.. Ootaiu- boa^ O.

Cadar INital—Ooataatlaa aad Ontlag, K. af O. Aag. kTtept. A.

Oauar t^ni—Ublo |Utail ftealtara Dlra.' Aaaa. Aag. 18-18.

Oadar i^rfllt—Oblo Ohlropractlc Aaaa. Aag. 25- 27. A Tba/ar Wa^ 408-11 Brta Bldg., Clata- laad.

Oadar Polot—Natl. Aaaa. Ry. Aganta. Aag. IT- It. W. M. Dnwy, cara N. T. O. Una. Oold- water, liicb.

ClDcinnatl—Am. Aaaa. Tltla Mta. Lattar part Aag. or Brat part of B^t. Oautga A Whit¬ comb, Nortbwood. la.

Clndniutl—Patent A Enameled Leatbar Mfra.* Aaan. Sept. 37. Jamea B. Bellly, Baaaa Bldg., Newark. It. J.

ClDcInnatl—Carriage Bldra.' Natl. Aaaa. Sept. 35-38. Henry C. McLean, Mt. Vernon. -N. T.

Cincinnati—Am. Aaan. Title Men.. Sept. 14-18. Oaorga A Whitcomb, Nortbwood, la.

Clnolnnatl—Am. Inat. of Banking. Sept. 2003. Walter B. Kramer, Scranton, Pa.

Cincinnati—Ohio Printera’ Federation. Sept. —. Carl A. Jettinger, Uelphoa. O.

Cincinnati—Carriage, Haruexa A Acceaaory Trar. Saleamen’a Amn. lAot week In Sept. Jeeae L. Nelaon. 1172 Bedford are., Brooklyn. N, T.

Cincinnati—Ohio State Library Aaan. Sept. —. C. W. Beeder. Colnmbua.

Cincinnati—Buckeye Preaa Aaan. SepL —. C. S. Clark. 430 Plnm at.

Cincinnati—Ohio State Conf. Dangbtera of Am. Rerolntlon. Oct. 31-Not. 2. Mlaa B. B. Oande. 848 N. Market at.. Canton, O.

Cincinnati—Lanndrymen'a Natl. Aaan. of Am. Oct »-12. W. B. Fitch. La Salle. Ill.

Cincinnati—Am. Pabllc Health Aaan. Oct. 24-. 27 t*rof. Selskar M. Gunn, 705 Buylaton at.. Boataa.

dncinnaii—Am. Hnmane Aaan. Oct. 16-10. Wm. O. Stilhnan. Albany, N. T,

Cincinnati—State Plaaterera A Cement Finiak- era. Oct —. Tbomaa Weat. Clerelaad.

Clndnaatl—lareatraent Bankera' Aaaa. Oct 2-.'!. F. A PVnton. Chicago.

Clndnnatl—Ohio Printera* 1^. Oct. 5-7. Carl Keltinger, Delpboa, O.

Cincinnati—Buckeye Preaa Aaan. Oct. 5-7. C. 8. Clark, 490 Plnm at.

Cincinnati—Ohio State Aaan. Real Eatate Et- changaa. Oct. —. Irrlng B, Macomber. To¬ ledo.

Cincinnati—Ohio Fed. Hnmane Socictiea. Oct. 18-10. O. A. Elliott. Eanearllle. O.

Clerelaad—NatL Frat Oungraaa of Am. Aag. 31-24. W. A FOteh, 1198 B. of L. A Bldg.

Clerelaad—Natl. Ret Moaaaient Dlra.’ Aaaa. aC Am. Aag. 15-lA Frank Mallon, Port Harea, Michigan.

aereland—J. O. O. A. M. Ang. 32. Jacob O. Richter, Caatoa, O.

Clerelaad—Natl. Erangelleat Leagne. Ang. 15- 30. Rer. A. Raecker, 1000 A Ohio at. PIttabarg. Pa.

Clerelaad—Am. POnadrymen’e Aaaa. Week Sept. IL A. O. Baekert. 13th A Obeatnnt eta.

Clereland—Womaa’a Loyal Mooae Circle. De- ginnlag Ang. 90. Mlaa Haaal Oaek. Bag 298. Andemaa. lad.

CVrelaad—Natl. Aaaa. CnmI. Org. grcrrtariea. Sept —. Jamt* A. MeRMon, care Chambar of Comamree. Beaten.

Clereland—Am. Inat. of Metala. Week Sept II. W. M. Cotoe, 108 Morria are.. Rafale. N. T.

Clereland—Fonndry A Machine Eaba. Co. Sept ^—. C. E. Hoyt. lAw Inat. Bldg.. Chlcaao. Clereland—Plano Merchanta’ Aaaa. of Ohio.

Sept 13-18. B. C. Bowen. 4<« Firat NatL Rank Bldg.. Cindnnati.

Clereland—Ohio Milk Prodocera* Aaaa. Sept Id. H. W. tngeraoll. Elyria, O.

Clereland—Rmtherbood of St. Andrew. Oct. 4-8. Hubert rarletoa. 88 Broad at. Booton.

Clereland—Inanrance Inat. of Am. Oct. —. Ford A. Drake. SOS Willlamaon Bldg.

Columbna—Ohio Bankera* Aaan. Sept 18-lA « S Rankin ann Weandofte Bldg.

Cotiimhua—Or. Chapter Royal Arch Maaona of Ohio. Oct. 4-5. Edwin Hagenbuch. Crimna, O

Colnmbua—Natl. Funeral Dir. Aaan. of D. 8. Oct 11-13. H. M. Kirkpatrick, Elmwood, 111.

Colambna—Ancient A lUoa. Order Knlgbta of Malu. Oct lit. Frank Gray, 1345 Arch at, Philadelphia.

Uayuui—oi. caatle, Knlgbta of Golden Eagle ef U. Aug. 15-17. P. J. Goodrich. Tray. U.

Dayton—3d A 4th Claaa ttetmaatera’ Aaaa. Sept —.

Dayton—Ohio Fed. Women’a Clnba. Oct. 17-20. Mrs. Cbaa. Halter, 1810 Birchard are., Fre¬ mont, O.

Eaton—Ohio State Protectlre Assn. Oct. 24-25. D. R. Longanecker, Bradford, O.

Uamiltuo—Uentacher Unler Uaragari. Ang. 18- 17. John Llnck, 012 Fourth at, Portamonth, Ohio.

Liberty Center—98th O. V. V. I. Bept. 1. V. W. Weeks, Delta, O.

Marietu—W’asb. Co. Veteran Aaan. Sept 87- 28. Jewett Palaaer.

Newark—Ohio Retail Grocers A Meat Dlra.’ Assn. Oct. 10-12. E. G. Ashley, Toledo.

SprlngOeld—Gr. Chapter Order Eastern Star. Oct. 24-36. Bessie F. Bolce. Mt. Sterling. O.

SprlngOeld—Gr. Lodge, *F. A A. M. of Ohio. 2d week In Oct. Judge J. II. Bromwell, Cin¬ cinnati.

Tiflin—Or. Commandery Knights Templars of Ohio. Oct. 11-12. John Nelson Bell, 401 Schwind Bldg., Dayton, O.

Toledo—l.utber l-eagoe of Am. Ang. 15-17. Luther M. Kuhns, 440 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Nebraska.


McAlester—Fall Conrocation Indian Oonaiatory No. 2. Oct. 18-18. W. Mark Saxson, Masonic Temple.

McAlester—Gr. Lodge, I. O. O. F. Oct. 3-5. G. W. Bruce, Box 066, Guthrie.

McAlester—Rebekab Assembly, 1. O. O. F. Oct. 2-4. Mrs. M. F. Reger, Enid, Ok.

Miami—Anti-Horse Thief Assn. Oct. 25-26. W. II. A. Harrison, Box l-M, Checotah.


Apollo—78th Pa. Vol. Beg. Assn. Oct. 12. John W. Thompson, 631 Liberty are., Pitts¬ burg.

Bradford—Retail Merchants' 'Aaan. of Pa. Ang. 22-24. A. M. Howes, 144 B. 2d at.. Brie, Pa.

Indiana—Co. D.. 2u6tb P. V. Assn. Oct. 12. J. M. Marshall. Box 63.

Lancaster—Select Castle of Pa., A. O. K. of the M. C. gept 12-14. F. H. Cota. Box 937, Pitcairn. Pa.

Philadelphia—Patriotic Order Sons of Am. Ang. -22-24. Wm. J. Mnir, 1317 N. Broad at

Philadelphia—Am. Astronomical Soc. Ang. 90- 31. Philip Fox. Eranaton, III.

Philadelphia—Jr. O. Cn. Am. Mechanics. Sept — S. G. Scott. Toughkenamon, Pa.

Philadelphia—Pa. Bankers’ Aaan. Sept. —. D. S. Kloas.

Philadelphia—Am. Hospital Aaan. gept 15-18, Mias Lydia H. Keller. NorthSeld. Minn.

Philadelphia—Trade Press Conr. Sept S-10. Grant Wright, Draxel Bldg.

Philadelphia—NatL Aaan. P. O. Laborers of D. S. Sept 4-5. Conrad Kessler, 4S W 48th St. New Turk City.

Philadelphia—Irlab NatL Forresters. Bapt — Jos. J. MeOlate. 388 8- 3uth at.

Philadelphia—NatL Asan. Boards of Pharmacy. Aug. Sl-Scpt 3. N. C. ChristenaoB, 450 Bowen are., Chicago.

Philadelphia—Am. Conf. Pbarm. Facultlaa. Ang. Sl-Sept 3. W. J. Teeters. Iowa City,

PblladeliAia—lUnmlnatlng Engineering soe. Sept —. 0. A. Uttleteld. 2» W. 8»th at. New Turk City.

Philadelphia—Fa. State Fad. of Women. Third week In Oct Mrs. Walter C. Hancock. 8730 Chfotnnt at

Philadelphia—Order Knlgbta ef Fiiendahip. Ang 15-17. Samuel D. Brans. 7817 Ridge are.

Philadelphia—Atlantic Deeper Waterways Aaan. Sept 12-14. Wilfred H. Seboff. 815 Craaer Bldg.

Philadelphia—Danghtera of Scotia. Sept. 1S-20 Mrs. Jane Wlldman. ST Aron at.. New Haren. r.ipneetlcnt.

Philadelphia—.Am. Aaan. Trar. Pans Agents Oct. 2-3. B. T. Monett. 202 8. Clark at.. Chicago.

Philadelphia—Clinical Congreaa Siirrenna of North America. Oct. —. Franklin H. Martin 3P N. Michigan are., Chicago.

Philadelphia—Maintenance of Way Maater Palntera’ Aaan.. U. 8. A Can. Oct." 17-19. F. W. Haaer, The Denrer Road. Ft Worth. Tex.

Philadelphia—Dental Mfra.’ Clnh. of Am.. 0<-t. —. A. R. Keltle. 178 Tremont at. Roaton.

PIttabnrg—Ind. Order of Rechahitea (High lynt of N. Am.I. Sept. 5-7. John C. Moore. 808 6lh St.. N. W., Waahington. D. C.

Pttteborg—Dangbtera ef Americn. Sept 86-37. T. A. Gerbig. 1580 Pine st, Seranton.

PIttabnrg—Order lad. Americas. Sept 5-8., Archie S. Nichols, 1417 Monterey st

Resdiug—Elks' Cuorentioii. Ang. 28-8est 1. Clyde M. Loof, Scranton.

Beading—NstL Assn. Mntnal Firs Ina. Csoi panies A Pa. Aaan. Mntnal Flra las. Com- panlea. Sept 10-32.

Reading—Homeopath^ Med. Boc. of Pn. Sapt 13-14.

Reading—CIril War Veterans. Sept 27-lS. Scranton—Natl. Slorak Boc. of D. 8. of A

Sept — Joa Dnrish. Box 807, Plttsbarg. Wilkes-Barre—Gr. Temple PyUiiau (Usters. Aug.

15-17. Nellie F. Trne. 467 B. 8th at.. Brie, Pn.

KXODB ISLAMD Prarldnnce—Intnatl. Asan. FIrn Bnglmeers.

Aug. 28-Sept 1. JasMn McFall, Box S12, Bo- anoko. Va.

ProTldence—NatL HonalM Asan. Oct 8-lL Lawrenco VeiUer, 105 B. 22d st. New Tork City.

Providence—Bcbckah Assembly of B. I. Oct 12.

Proridence—B. I. Inst, of Instruction. Oct 86-

Wskedeld—State Oonncil, Jr. O. U. A. M. Oct 10. Arthur W. Bairns, 255 BnckUn st. Providence.


Cbettanooga—Sovereign Or. Lodge Ind. Oxter Odd Fellows. Sept 18-23. John B. Goodwin. 25 N. Liberty st, Baltimore, Md.

Chattanooga—8m. of Army of Cumberland. Oct. 11-12. A. J. Gabagan.

Harriman—Gr. Ixidge, I. O. O. F., A Gr. En campment. of Tenn. Oct. 16-19. John B. Harwell, Box 298. Nashville.

Harriman—Rebekab Assembly, I. O. O F. of Tpriii. (h-t. 161I1. Then-iia A. Cramer, Kaleigb Naxliville

Jefferson City—B. Tenn. Med. Assn. Oct —. Wm. N. Lynn, Knoxville.

Memphis—Am. Aaan. Railroad Snpta. Ang. 16 18. B. H. Harmon, Boom 101, Cnlon Sts. St. lx>Qla. Mo.

Memphia—Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo. Sept 9-11. E. D. Tennant 1218 Wright Bldg.. 8t Louis. Mo.

Memphia—Sonthern lAbor CongresA Bept. 30 W. C. Puckett. Atlanta. Ga.

Nashville—Aoa Preao Hnmoriats. Last waek Is Ang. Dixon Merritt care Tba Tenncaaeai.

Naabvilla—Uniform Rank, K. of F. Ans* 37 Sept 3.

Nashville—Fire Marshalls' Assn. N. A. (K't —. L. T. Hnrsey, Topeka. Kan.

Nashville—Aaan. Alnmnl Secretaries. Oet. 26 28. Cbas. Cason, Vanderbilt Cniv.

Nashville—Am. Press Humorists’ Assn. Oct. — Nashville—State W. C. T. D. Oct —.

Fort Worth—t’n. NatL Awn. P. O. Clerks Sept 7-9. Wm. F. Oibbuns. 731 N. Mala are., ScrantoD, Pa.

Ferth Worth—Un. Bro. of Carpentera A Jolnera of Am. Sept 18. Frank Daffy. 233 B. Mteh at, IndianapoUA Ind.

Fort Worth—^Bro. Ry. Carmen of Am. Mopt —. Martin F. Ryan, Kanana City. Mo.

Galveston—State Awn. of Architects. Bopt — Fred TIede, Honston, Tex.

Galveston—Texas LAnnderrrs' Awn. Ang. 14-15 Galveston—Texas State Architects’ Aaaa. t

—. H. r. Itevis. Honston—Baptist Mlwionary A Edne. Ooav. of

Texas. Oct la M. M. Bodgers, Bog ISM Dallas, Tex.

Honston—Texas Coogrew Mothers A Parent Tesebers’ Awn. Oct .Tl-Nov. 3. Mrs. John S. Turner. 9-17 N. Marsalis ave., Dallas.


■talt lAke City—State Med. Awn. Sept 13-18. W. Brown Edwing, 891 Boston Bldg.

TIUXinA '^alla Cbarch—Intnatl. Order a<a>d Templars

Aag. 32-28. Earnest B. Hammer, WoaHawa Maryland.

iarriaonbarg—Va. State Firemen’s .Awn. Aag 23-35. J. E. Glenn. Box 394.

Lynchburg—State Council of Va.. Jr. O. D. A. M. Oct. 17. Tbos. B. Ivey. Box 308. Peters- bnrg. Va.

Norfolk—Am. Awn. Cemetery Sapts. Ang 22 35.

Norfolk—Med. 8oo. of Va. Oct. —. Richmond—Internal Revenue Asan. Sept. 18

19. J. Wm. Sheffer. 17 8- Gay at. Baltimore, Md.

Richmond—Or. Fountain U. O. T. R. Sept. 12-14. Maurice Rnnaellh, 808 N. 2d St.

Richmond—Natl. Conv. Ins. Commlwlons. Sept 27-.30.


UoqaUm—Wank. SUte Blka’ Benaion Amm. Ang. 17-18.

Seattle—N. W. Blnev JAght A Power Aaaa. Sept 8-9. _

Beattie—Drngleaa Pbysiclaas. Sept 39-33. Spokane—PaciSc Coast Poster Adv. Assa. Sspt

Grand M. Smith, 684-40 29th st, UakUad. CaL

Spokane—Wash. Ednc. Awn. Oct 25-28. O. C. Whitney, 818 N. Adams st, Tacuma.

racoms—dtsie Assn. Cuuuiy Kugiueer* m State Awn. Co. Commiwloncrs. Sept 14-ia W. U.

wxn vnAiMiA Grafton—Gr. Lodge, I. O. O. F. Oct. 19. A. J. BnuUngtou—Gr. Ludgs, L. of P. Ang. 29-81«

dam B. Monigumery, KIngwuud, W. Va. Wilkinson. Bnntlngton. W. Va. Hnntlngton—L'n. Confederate Veterans. Oct

—. C. L. Thompson. Hnntlngton—Daughters of (Jonfederacy. Oct

—. Mrs. L. O. Buffington. Huntington—Police Chiefs. Oct. —. A. B.

Hunt Hnntlngton—W. Vs. Board of Trade. Oct —.

H. H. Archer, Parkersburg. „ . _ Keyser—-Select Castle A- O. K. of M. C. of W.

Vs. Sept. 28-27. „ Logan—Or. Castle K. O. E. Sept 30 21, Ti

H. Clay, Huntington, W. Vs. Moundsville—Gr. Lodge. A. O. C. W. Sept

19. L. 9. WIgsl. Wheeling. W. Va. Wheeling—Dangliteis of Ain. Natl. Council. Oct

3-4. Mrs Julia T. Roth, Steubenville, 0. White Sulphur Springs—Inti. Assn. Casualty A

Surety Underwriters. Sept. 19-22. F. Bob- ertson Jones. 80 Maiden lAue, New Vt>rk City.

White Sulphur Springs—Nstl. Council Ins. Fed¬ erations. Sept. 11.


Ban Claire—Northwest Wis. Teachers’ Aaan. Oct. „

Klkhorn—Soldiers A Sailors’ Assn, of Walworth Co. Aug. ‘28. George 11. Farrar. Box '257.

LaCrosse—Wis. Baptist State Conv. Oct. 9- 10. George C. Alborn. 1717 Wells at., Mil¬ waukee.

Madison—Woman's C. T. C. of Wit. Sept 23- 2a Miss Julie H. Hntcblnson. 903 W. Fultoa st, Waupaca, Wts.

Milwaukee—Win. Postmaatera’ Aaan. Sept 37- 28.

Milwaukee—German Press Assn, of Win, Ang. ^27. Arthur Matbwig. Shawano. Wis.

Milwaukee—Gr. Chapter. Order Eatlero Star. Oct. 10-14. W. W. Perry, Scottish Bite Cnths- dral.

Milwaukee—^Daughters of Am. Revolution. Oct —. Mrs. O. L. Trenam, 322 Market st. Kenosha, Wis.

Milwaukee—Am. Assn, for Study A PreventloB Infant Mortality. Oct. 19-21. Philip Vs* Ingen, 125 E. 71st st.. New York City.

Milwaukee—State Assn. Graduate Nurses. Oct. M. Regine White. Emergency HospItsL

Milwaukee—Wis. SUte Library Assn. Oct. —. Miss Cora Frantx. Gilbert Simmons Library, Kenosha. Wis.

Hew Blchmond—Or. Encampment of Pstriarefaa, I. O. O. F. of Wis. Oct. 10-11. Jas. A. Fathers, Rm 44. Janesville, Wis.

Oshkosh—lASgne of Wts. MnnIcipalltlea. Aag- 15-30. FV>rd H. MacGregor, Msdlaua.


Lusk—Ind. Order Odd Fellows. Oct 10-13. Tbos. Cottle, Box 267. Green River.

Sheridan—Gr. Lodge A. F. A A. M. of Wy*. Sept 13-14. J. M. l/iwndes. 5.18 Park st. Casper, Wy. _

rhernKrpuUs-—Gr. Lodge of Wyo.. K. of F. Aug. ‘2H-S0. C. 8. Greenbanni. Iwmmte


Toronto—Trades A Ijihor f ongrese of Can. Bept 23-28. F. M. Draper, Box 51.1, Ottawa. Oat

"Punch" Wheeler tells the following story; "A ninety-six-foot dead whale was once discov¬ ered on the beach at Rock Beach. Me. Oa account of the wind blowing shoreward a pitch¬ man at once appeared vrith the clothespin con¬ cession (for the nose, as the gas helmet had not been Invented). At a meeting of the cltl- xens It was undecided wbetber to move the town or the whale, nntil Charley Davis came over from Biddeford, and lie had the mammoth staffed with old press notices and exhlhlG-d the munsler all season at the snmmer resorts."

1 X tie Blllt>OArcl Auaurr it, itie.

Labor Day Celebration!' ^ AKUOVA

OUftoo—Bndolpb SchuUI, Me/., Bos 1414. MUiul—Labor Council. Tu<-mod—Tucaon Tradoa Council.

ABKAMIUi Pino' Blnir—Contml Tradco Council. B^dra—E. W. Abaton, secy., Mlneni' Union,

Montana, Ark.


Prnano—Praano labor Council. Cbas. PlIgrtB, etC^n

Jackaoo—Labor Council. Jamea Oalmbrloo, aocj. Han Bernardino—A. J. Jooapb, secy. Han Diego—Contral labor Ctwncil, Prank

Tbooiaa, ebainnan.

OOLOKABO Boulder—labor Day Celebration A Camlral.

•BOMU Wayeroaa

ILLnOU Buckner—Joa Tbomas, aocy. Parmlnston— ■arlrille—Kept. 4-S. B. II. Hebrecengost, sacy..

Bos 430. Oaleebuig-T. C. Ilouae, ebainnan Oalasburg

Trade Asaambly. Harrisburg— Kea-aiie*' 'I'radea A labor Aaaemhty. North Chicago—D. J. Baylor, cbalrmnn, Paorla—I'euria Bridge A Htructural Iron Work*

era' l.'nion. Arrestor—Thna. W. Kelley, srrs E. Main at Westvllle—Th<ie. Pltchford, awy.

INDIANA Dogger—C. E. Shepherd, aecy. Kraiievllle—Central lale>r l.nlon, Wm. Jana,

aecy. Tincennea—Oeorge F. Miller, aecy., 700 N. iStk

at. IOWA

BnrIInrtnn—Trsdes A tabor Asaeiiibly. Iowa City-labor Unions. Sioux City—

XICRIOAN Baesnaba—Trailea A labor ('ouncii. Jackson —

KIIBOUSI fbsffee— Bannlbal—Tradaa A labor Aaaetnbly. JopllD—Trades Assembly. KirksTlIle—J. H. FryboB, cbalrman; W. R. Ben

nick, sacy. St. Charles—Joe Reeres, secy. Springneltl—Central Trades A labor AsaemUy.

NXBBA8KA Hastings—labor t'nioas.

NOBTR CABOUNA Baleigh—K. R. Pace, chairman. , Spencer—labor Day Committee.

OHIO JXnclnaatt—Speedway race, anapices American

Automobile Assn, Massillon—Trsiles A labor Assembly. Halsonyllli’—C, S. Mecham, aecy., care BIkAi. - Springfleld—T. J. Creager, secy., labor Teaqrle. Youngstown—United Tabor Congreas. EanesTllle—Central labor Council.

OKLAHOMA Bapnipa—Sapulpa Trades Union Council.

PENN8TLYAN1A Altoona—C. O. Bnimbsuirb and John Yeager,

committee. Bradford—Bradford Trades Assembly. W; B.

Hmlth. aery. ReynoMsTlIle—Auspices IIo|)e Fire Co.. T. P.

McDonald, atn-y.' Washington (Washington Fair .Assn. Grounds)-

SOUTR DAKOTA Bureaford—R. W. Peterson, aecy.

TXNNXS8EZ Chattanooga—I’hll Mbngart. chairman commit

tee. TEXAS

A nstitr—Trades Uonnctl. Dallas—Central labor Council. OalnesTiUe—W. W, Leverett and J. M. Tanner,

committee. Houston (Eden Park)—Secretary Carroll. Palestine—Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Ban Antonio—Trades Council.

WISCONSIN Pesbtigo—Timber Workers’ Union.

jBBperlur—Trades A labor Assembly.


Barry—Aug. 16-30. Beardatown—Aug. 19'24. Carllnvllle—Aug. 20-Mt Hanua City—Aug. 384tept. 2. JacksoDvlIle—Aug. 18^37. Joliet—Sept. 1-0. Kankakee—Ang. 18-20. Lerna—Aug. 13-18. » Macomb—Ang. 10-24. Patterson Springs—Ang. 17-27. KnsliTille—Ang. 17-22. TaylorrlUa—Ang. 10-27. TligtnU—Aug. 20-24.

INDIANA Brasil—Aug. 28-8ept. I Decatur—Opens Ang. 21. Frankfort-Ang. 27-8opt. L Goshen—Aug. 17-34. Green Castle—Ang. 1S-3L Ofeeutown—Ang. 10-28. Bop^Aug. U-17. Ladoga—Aug. 16-20. Ubei^—Ang. 26-80. Logansport—Aug. 25-8ept 2. Meataoe—Aug 30-24. RichBODd—Ang. 20-8ept. $. Seymour—Aug. 10-27. South Bend—Aw. 10-30. toencer—Sept. 8-8. Vredersburg-Ang. 18-21.

IOWA IMrartugbaua—Aug. 10-94. darlada—Ang. O-l*. Medi-pnHs—Ang. 29-31.

Oakrille—Aug. 14-19. Uakaloosa—Aug. S-IS. KlcerlUe—Aug. 21-36. Rockwell—Aug. 18-10. Williams—Aug. 34-38.

KANSAS Obanute—Openo Ang. IS. Dodge City—last wook la AnfiM. Klugman-Aug. 2T-8spt. 3. Leaveowortb—Ang- 10-28.

mOKMAB Albion—Aug. 3B-80. Alma—Ang. 18-38, Hartford—Ang. 16-30. Maulatea-Waek Ang. 15. Beadlnf—Ang. 38-H^. t. Hoed ^y^^ng. lS-21. Waldfofr—Ang. 20-35.

Carnival Caravans Frank B. layman saya that SadaHa,'Mo.,

a Kood spot to figura on If you oaa d^ara.

.. . - Bob Carroll says tba pumpkin fairs an 0. K. Don't let the airlTsl of your fair dates make bM It gtnenlly leaves many earnlTSto Ilk*

yon forget that you need the other towns and Ibe pumpkin wltk the sosda taken out—k>>llon uummltteea ovary aaaaao. ibe middle.

D. B. Christie, general agant for tba Jarvis Mteve Woo<In la contracting in Texas for C. a mows, was making contneu in Ht. Louis n- Wortham Hhiws. Hteve always did lika to ba cently for tbe Southern tour. wban it la cool.

Blooming Pnirie—Ang. 31-30. Iratnord—Ang. 18-21. Cloquet—Ang. 14-1S. Park jhPida—Ang. 17-21. Two Biibora—Ang. 13-46.

MIMOVKl Pulton—Ang. 21-27. Liberty-Aug. 18-23. lioolalana—Ang. 10-26 Maniball—Aug. 81-Hept. 6. Odessa—Aug. 30'H«pt. 4. Troy—Aug. 20-8ept. 1.


Arlington—Ang. 24-28. Dougua—Aug. 26-81. Bdgar—Aug. 17-22. Tecumaeb—Aug. 12-20,


Hattvia—Sept. 2-0. hucyrua—Aug. l.%-32. Junction etty—Sept. 8-7. Marion—Ang. 18-20.

R. L. Carroll riqiorta that his Great U. M. Carnival Company baa ta-en getting mnch fnvor- able criticism and better patronage lately In Northern Illinois.

Ask Steve Woods wbo steered him into tbe gyp on bla Palm Reach suit. Hot, boneat, be kwks floe and proaperona In It,

Guy Uogera, saalatant manager for tbe Jarvis Shows, Is making a bit with everylMidy on tbe show; his dia|K>altlon and general way la lik¬ able to all.

ID. M. AtWood la playing them so aniall iu Illinuia that moat of hla towua are shy even post offl<‘ea. liut re|)orta are current that be haa found money In circulation In theae Urge citiea.

If you are ruuntug yuur own allow yon can't blame tbe ahowa aud conceaalona for kicking. If they are running your show then you have a kick c<imlng. Why not com|iromiae tbe thing?

A lady, want buthing—aba barked, A muiiater juat ahead of her parked. Hut what made her scream, Was her suit lippad a ssam And she vallsd, "Ub, plaase save ma, I’*


W, A. Snake King says that ha weoM ««b come that lOO-degrea bast down la BrawaavUla, He don't take bis coat o8 until tha thsmsmaMr reaches 110.

This would he a One year for motor trui'ki. You could have saved couslderable money If you did not have to stand for the railroad gyp,

George Fairley says people won't spend money Ibis year. When they won't loosen up for tieorge there la something wrong.

Charles Beebtot U getting big money with his sthletic slsiw on the J. p'rancis Flynn Show,.

Itan McGugan hss lost forty pounds since tbe Never mind, 1017 will be a good season. It hut westher liegan. Ills old clothes are now was ail rsiu In 1016, too dry 1016. but 101T

I being used for tvmcesslon tents and pita in tbe will be gisxl. There can not be any fault with I lO-ln-l. And they say it don't pay to be fatt your show.


Hot Springs—Nov. 4-80.

CONNECTICUT Hartford—(Grand Clrcnlt). BapL 4 6.

One of tbe reasons why voiir big town last season was |>onr this year might be becauae yon played it. Deep atiifT—but think it over.

One of the shows baa Incoriiorated a new Idea in Ita pit ahow. In one of tbe pita waa the champion fly awatter. He had a braaa swatter with a wonderful record, and. while funny, be attracted much attention.

A. I’. Whitney, of the Whitney Shows, was In St. L/onis recently pnrehaaing new parapher- nitl'a for h's sh-iw. He hiia almost recovered from his recent siege of lllneHs and says he feels like a new man.

Fifteen-horse power portable Clubman lighting outllt uaed Iqr the Homst and Luci v Bill Ccmililnnl Oi. r land Shows. According to reporta tbe managmu-nt of the show la well pleased with It.

htUnta—(Grand Clrcnlt). Oct 16 21 I'artersvlUa—Oct. 10-18. Oriain—Oct. 28-38. Macon—Nov. 8-0. Soma—Oct. 17-30.


Ht. Marya—Anaplcea St. Marys lta<-tiig As Ang. 10-18. 8. R. Santee, ae-y.

l.atonla—Oct. 7-28. Lexington—Sept. 6-16. LonUville (Dougias Park)—Sept. 18-26. Louisville (Churchill Downs)—Sept. 27-Oct. 6.


Belmont Park—Ang. 28-8ept. 0. •New York—Anspless Nailuual Fair sad Bapux

tion Co. Ang. 38-Sept. 3. Poughkeepsie—Ang. 28-8epL 2. Saratoga—Jnly Sl-Ang. 36. Syracnaa—(Grand Clrcnlt). Sept. II 18

Cleveland—(Grand Circuit). Ang. 21-26. Colnmbaa—iGrand Circuit). Aug. 14 IS. aad


Dewey-Anaplcea Waabington Co. Raclag asse Oct. 4-T.


Montreal, Qne. (Bine Bonnets)—Sept. 4-11. Montreal, Qne. (King EMward Park)—Aug. 10-

26. Montreal, Qne. (Dorval Park)—Sept. 13-20. Montreal. Qne. (Mt. Royal Park)—Sept. 23-80. Ottawa, Ont.—Ang. 26-Sept. 2. Toronto, Ont. (Dnfferin Park)—Sept. 0-16. Toronto, Ont. (Hlllcreat Park)—Oct. 3-10. Toronto, Ont. (Woodbine Park)—Sept. 23-30. Windaor, Ont.—Ang. 16-IS; Ang. 30-8ept. 6;

Oct. 14-21.

Eameat Hill and Anna Lynch, known to tbe ahow folka aa Frank Heilman and Ray Ford, were married July 23. Jnat after the nnptiala they received a wire that Mra. Hilt’a a'lter, an old trouper, waa dead, and they left at once for her home in Seattle, Wash. They were on | tbe H. A. Campbell Shows laat season, and ex- ' pect to he on tbe road again by tbe drat of next month.

Charles Hamilton haa added seven more In- atnimenta to hla band on tbe Jarvis caravan, making it a eeventeen-plece band. He aaya the fair aeason will flnd hla band equal to any.

Do yon know that aoap, water and a scrub brush la tbe beat thing In tbe world for fronts, i-onceHsiima and bannerw on your show? It is alao good for your help. At any grocery.

Our old friend I’ixer waa contracting Id ftt. Lamia recently for the International Shows, The clouds that hovered over the city prevented the piircbase of a Palm Reach suit. He thought it m'ght get wet.

H. T. Freed had to Jump over to the Leonard Amusement Company week before laat. ills man, Grammer, wiio had charge of tbe merry- go-round, wuH aasanlted and killed.

L. A. Hempstreet haa Joined the Ferguson ShoWH. It la hla flrat attempt since hla long illneaa.

I>ad l^raley. general agent of Panl'a United Kbowa, aaya it's tbe small ahowa playing tke small spots that are getting the dough, and Dad stands for the clean outOt all tbe time. Dad la taking tbe ahowa on their Southern tour, starting with this week. I>ad never looked better. Sheik Paul waa Jumping around in W. Va. j

Benny Caldwell aaya Brookfleld (Mo.) Fair was all right—all they bad in the town waa a brook and a Held—and even these were far apart.

Gordon Calvlt saya the hot spell baa not in¬ convenienced him much. The shows aronnd tbe Hetb caravan keep him too busy.

George If. Fiabbach, advertising manager for the Kli Bridge Company, promlaea a visit to New York. In the near future, the latter part of this month In fact.

Prither, Oeorge Colemaf, why ao quiet?

Wonder what has become of Dave Hetrick? Must be getting lota of coin, aa he baa not ^en seen aronnd St. lyoula all summer.

TVh- White la running into top money fre¬ quently on the J. Francis Flynn Sliowa. Ilia Days of '41 la [Sipnlar along the route.

W, .V. Cyclone Flynn, wbo ran athletic shows on tbe various carnivals, haa been made sergeant iu the army aud la In charge of a recruiting station at Bast tft. Louis, Ill.

No, Horace, a fellow who takes bla life easily la not exactly a murden r, even though be does kill an awful lot of time.

There are Just four towns in Utah, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Logan and Park City. Count ’em —can you flnd more?

Tbe biggest success of tbe age would be a Stampede for carnival sheiks. Admit them two at a time and let them say what they think about tbe other fellow’a show.

Frank M. Brown, now general agent on tbe Southern Amuaenient Company, baa already brightened tbe hopes and faces of tbe Bedouins on tbe show. Tbe show is now in Nebraska.

George Lowery, tbe quiet, but glant-slaed. Scotchman of Seattle, arrived in New York re¬ cently. lie haa a deOnite purpose set oat, bat he won't spill It yet. He and Sam Haller are hobnobbing much together—whist I

Leslie Kell was beard to say a few day* ago; "I wonder if I could trade my race borae for a cemival?" What kind, Leslie? You'd probably get a white elephant.

The Littlejohn Shows opened on their fair circuit at llarrodsburg, Ky.. and have found the fairs very good so far. The latest B«>doalns on the shows are: Wm. F. Miller and wife, .with a mitt camp, and Spidora, 'Ded Stnbbo and Carly Pass, wbo was animal keeper on tbe Smith Greater last aeasoo.

“I can't have money to keep a clean shirt and still pay for my cigarettiat"

Billy Hanson opened his new 10-in-l on tbe World's Fair Shows in Newton, Kan., and It Bare was a winner. Doc M. B. Rotherford is making tbe World's Fair Shows hia beadqoarters and sends bis beet to everybody.

Whitey Anatin baa left tbe Capt. Van Sickle Shows.

I-ester Knox, with the Con T. Kennedy Shews this year, wonld like to bear from some of tbe baneb who played tbe Waco (Tex.) Oottoo Palace laat year.


When Oeorge Hamilton was some talker? When Frank 0. Rostock had a lion and a

boxing kangaroo? When the 8nn Brothers gave their whole show? When Doe Croaby sras an Admiral? When Jim Patterson ran bla merry-Jo-ronndt When Ben Morris got the half-lady? When Baba Delgarian was a iword flgbter? When At G. Barnes was a street fair pro¬

moter? When Dolly Lyons broke Into the bnsinesa? When Ren Coebran anettoned Bibles? When Frank Oaakell pat on the flrst street

fatrl When W. P. Hall broke Into tbe show bnsl-

ataat When Joe Hep broke In the tronpera? When Tubby Snider went to Sonth Amorica? When Capt. Paul Boyton ran Sea Lion Park? When they fed tbe I^igoons in St. Lonls? When Cbria Brown ran a booking offlee ta

Chicago! When Fred Thompson wore short pants? When Harry Cla-k. the clown, sold milk? When John D, Hbbets ran tbo mldsray In 81.

Lonls? When it was easy to short tbe condnetor? When wagon show life was a pleasnre? When Ronavlta had tbe Mg lion nett When Skip Dnndy paid aU aalariea at ilmahat When they called George Parker "Feathora"? When Walter L. Main bad a wagon show? When Tom Gorman had a ahow In New Op

leans? When P. H. Mnndy had a Wild Rote on the


Tbe old-time carnival man, Patsy Kemper, la night sergeant In Canton. HI., and be never forgets hla old friends. The road misses yon, Patsy, hilt the showmen vrish there were more officers like yon.

Dnmp that backet of slop on Iho right of way; It helps the trainmaster get favors from the local agent and also helps t^ general agent get reduced rates.

AU0U9T 1% ItMl Ttie Billboard


1 h ^5! H

m 1 }, -


& PRINTlKfil


it tht most eUbonttlj tqttipptd film inttitution and moit tffleitnt film organization in azittoiica.

Wa do quality daraloping and printing at ordinarr pricet, and glva careful attention to every order, no matter how large or how email.

We tell Eastman raw stock and ship same day order is received.

Prompt Dolivory, Cuarantmed Rorultr, Portonal Soroico,



1331 DWertej Parkway, CHICAGO, U. S. A.


Former Selif Star Has Signed Long-Time Contract and Be¬

gins Paramount Work Neirt Month

New Torfc. Amg. 14.—Kataiya WlUUma, wbo baa bean far ywia MaatUed with tba Balls Ooaapaar, la aaw a raUaa-Maiaa^ aUr, and will basin bar SiaC wark an tha Faraaaoant procram aaxt month.

After raalsnliis bar paaltlaa with tha Balls Company aha waa offarad thraa other cboleea haoldao tha Moroaco opportunity. Her praoent (oatnet la far a anmlmr of yaara.

Baraa yaara aso, la a company with Mary PIckford. Hanry Walthall, Arthur Johnaon and Billy Qnlrfc. aha raealTed her Brat tralnlns in pictnraa nndar tha dlrectloo of D. W. OrtSth, at tha old Btoftaph otwUoa. She appeared la dramatic atoek under the aye of Oarld Balaaeo. WlUard Mack and William Mor rla. After laarlas Blocrapb aba Jolaad Bads and baa bean with them arer alaca.

Tha prodnctloa haa alraady baaa aalacted for her Slot Paramount appaaranca, and otharo for bar fnture rahlclaa barn baan aalacted.


New York, Auf. IS.—B. A. Puld, well known la Baatem Sim drclea aa a crack Sim man, la now counactad witb tha New York bn^neb of tha Unicom VUm Barrlca Corporation, cor- arlns Loos Inland.

Mr. Paid araa fbnnarly with Patha, and eras alwaya waU up naar tha tap of tha Hat cl tba Msiaot boalnaaa sattera. Darlas the mootb of May he won tha trot pdao.


Vitagraph Will Film First of Humor¬ ist’s Scenarios

New York, Aas. 14.—Iraln Oobb, trraprcaalhla bomorlat, la to bara hia taltlal offort la tba line of Bcreea endaaror Slmed hy tho vttasrapb Company at nn aarly date.

Tbe AdTantnreo of BIU la tho tltlo of tbo plctare arblch wlN bo atas-d aador the dlractlOB of Wllfrad North, and .la to be aponaorad by tba Amarlran Bankara* Aaas., which la waslns a aaUos-wlda thrift campalsn.

The ntery la mM to ha a moat pewarfnl and nnoonal ooa, and caocoma chlaSy tha adroataraa af a pieca of currency and af thoaa thtoasb vboaa haada It pnain.

la tba coat will ha Untoa Walkar, Tom mua. Mia. Mary Maarlco, Wnitar McOmll and Bd- ward Blkaa.


Thirtaon Maehinso To Bo Given Away With Crimson Stain Film

Now Yack, Ase. II.—la eoasoctlea with the praacstatloa of Its Miteos aplioda aerial, Ttm Crliaaoa Btala Myatarp, tha OaaaaUdatod Film Oorparatlaa wtn plra away SMitecn Mi-cylladar, ISIT model, Oearlaad asteambllaa. By arraafo- mast wtUi Urn oSMaki at tha Wlllya.Oeurland Aatimihlla Oaawaap ad Talodo mace thaa B.OOO Nsach aSteaa aB oemr ttm Ualtod Btatea wlU baoMo pmpasaadlata af psbMrlty Bor IBa

**Sixt9on years of knowing how**










. CATALOG O Mailed Upon Request




Burr Meintoah Combinea Work and PIsasuro

New York, Ang. 12.—Barr Meintoota, actor, writer and acenlc pbotograpber, is at tha present time cmliing the Great Lakee with Lneins G. Plaber for the parpoee of recording no ccUnloid the beaaties of the territory through which they will pees. Tbe Itinerary will lead tbroogb tbe Great Lakee to Georgian Bay, and down tbe Bt. Lawrence to tba TbouMod Inlands, np to Norn Beotia and down tbe Atlantic Osnat to New York. A ftory la baing writtpB tba Toyaga and tba cKW will imparaobaaiif pirates and portray a tale of tbe hr North in a highly realistic manner. Tbe cast la oompoaed of Otto Gilmore and Mlaa tjim«« Glllan, beeldee Hr. Hrlatoeb and the yacht crew.


To Enter Spoken Drama Aftsr Suocoss* ful Period in Films

New York, Aug. 12.—Ftlmdom la to kmc Artbnr Dooaldaoo, wbo baa become known dur¬ ing bia aerveral years in motion plcturea aa tha Manafield of tbe screen. He will return to bis Brat love, the speaking and singing atnge. He baa been engaged by tbe Bto Producing Company for Mary Lea Wertbelmer’a Japanaae romastle comic opera, Note, and will taka tba important role of Prince Mlto, opening on Sep¬ tember 14.


New York, Aug. 12.—Tbe End of tbe TmU marks William Farnum'e thlrtletb photoplay for tbe William Pox Films.


Rsccivsr for Liabism Brings Suit for Will Festure Vsikyrian in Hidden $5,000 end Further Accounting Ysiley

New York, Ang. 12.—CTalmlng that thare la a balance on band of some 9129,000 to be dis¬ tributed between the Famous Players Company, Vitagraph and tba Lieblera, Irving M. Dltten- bMter, as recalvar for tbe Lleblen, brought fiuit this week against Famous Players ft>r 96.000 and further accounting.

The lieblers art contending that tbey, with Vitagraph, bold tbo oschialva American screen and stage rights to BaU Caine’s play. The Btemal aty. They allege that aa arrange¬ ment wto entered lata wbaieby ooa production sbonid be made by Fnmaus Players for both America and Buropa. Anathar attpulatlos was that Famons Ptoyets, after releasing both here and abroad, abonld dadnet $99,000 for tbe actual Dso of tho nagativa aod attendant aspenaa, and dtepaoan tha hainnea aa foUawoi BB per coot la Pamena Playara and li poreaot aneh to Tlta- graph and tha UeMara.

Martlmor FUhal, appearing fbr tha ptointiff. drcteiao -that Bm.000 tomnlaa to be dlrMsd.

New York, Ang. 12..—Hidden Valley, with Talkyrien, the Daniah beauty, will te tha Thanbonsar-Patba release for Soptambar 10. It la a Sooth African atory by Emmet Mlxx, di¬ rected by Bmest Warde. Valkyrian la tbe white goddess of an African tribe, and a atnrtUng sacrIOcUl dance by tbe goddem la one of the big scenes In tbe prodnctloa.

Ttie Billboard AUOUtT IfH


Cm., peraMDCBtlf barrlBg from txblUUoB la tiM proTinre tli« flvc-part VlUfrapb The Boapact, which la hclog relcaacd thraash the V-L-8-B.

The Suapect la a dariar expoae of the relent- lean syitem of espionage In Uuaala. In han<llng down the decree the Canadian odlclals explained

' II that The Snipect wae condemned becanae of ^ «a T a wfc obrlono reflection upon the Rnsaian political

Star Will Surround Herself Wifh Best Skill Known for Limited Number of Pictures

•% Va-xV_17avcf Pr/\/1ll/*|-1/hn N/Wat helping to conatltnte the Alllea.

Known for Limited Number of Pictures a Year—First Production Now

Well Under Way cabanne leaves Griffith

After Seven Yearn Director Will Sever Connectiona and Go to Metro

Nm Torli Ang. 14._Karr Plckford, famoni and endearor in the motion pictnre Indnatrr, - A h.1 .».r nt mnttnn nietnrea will here- •®** *•'** plcturo wlU be n matter work. Few York, Ang. 14. W. Chrlatj Cabanne,

and helored aUr of motion plctnrca, wlU te Although lliaa Plckford haa achieved great ^»>«> «“• I***" afflllated for aeven jreari with D. after hand bar own producing compang, which heUcTe# with added Orlfllth, has algned a contract to become a will teleaaae fllms Independent of anj program, incentlre of beading her own companjr the and Metro director, beginning In September, He

IIi_ Mary Plckford Pllm Cor- her aasoclates will turn out better and more direct Francla X. Baabman and Beverly . .. _ dlatlnctlve work than ever before. Bayne in a aerial, which will he followed by

OBcea of the new Mary Plckford Film Cor- her aasoclates will tnm oat better and more .. 1 K>w dlatlnctlve work than ever before,

peratieo are In the Godfrey Bnildlng. He Plckford ie now working on her first * number of feature pl-turea. Tort, and the plan of the new company U to production to be put out by the new company, >*r. Cabanne directed the flrat Triangle pro¬ make a limited number of prodoctlona each and the annonneement la made that It la a Auction, The lAmb, featnring Donglaa Falr- jear at an nnllmlted expenac. Mlta Plckford marvel of acenic environment, having a cast of bankn, which alao preaented the atar for hla will aniToand beraelf with the beet bralna, aklll nonanal diatlnctlon. acreen appearance.

,. --- _ Mr, Cabanne will flnlab hla picture, now beli.g ~~ " ' filmed Diana of the FollieA featuring Lillian

forty people In a choma and thirty In the panto- olah. and will leave directly for New fork. FLORIDA FEATURE FILMS - — . « ^ prologue, rebearaed by J, Apperaon Jones, hU decision to make a change la a aorpriee.

Absorb Field Company and Control technical stage director for the Supreme Feature Pataoa to Southom Capitalist Film Company. PITTSBURG V’L-S-E OFFICE

— w .« Newspaper comments on the production were — ■■■ li* capital to the amount of Ir. Managad by F. C. Burhant, Suo-

^ !?• to 'n‘-re»tc4 In the pnrpchaae of carding E. O. Child ***^*** ** ****"*’ ^ rights for tiVestem Mtates, and several rompaniet n new eompeny end the neme cheng^ -re to be put cot, it is pUnned, on cirenite Few Tort. Ang. 14.-F. C. Bnrbena. eaeietnnt Fsatare Films. All of the property hold^ followed by the Birth of n Nation. Milwaukee »«•»««• of the Plttebnrg V-L-S-B ofllce Md the three will be the next etend for the company opening May. 1#18, was elevated Uat week to the plated and ready for State-right dlstrihntlon have managembip of that office, ancceeding B. O. been trenefeired to the new company. Child, who had been In charge of the Plttebnrg

It la stated that the change la name has been .. office for mere than a year, aeeaslonrd by tbs control of the company passlog LABOR FILM


ercsslonrd by tbs control of tho company passing to Thomas J. Pators, n llorida capitalist.

Tbs faatnies alroady piodncad, Tha Human Dintributad Through V-L'S'E In Ex-

will be the next stand for the company opening ••■r* May, 1918, waa elevated lest week to the iMre. managerabip of that office, ancceeding B. O.

____________ Child, who had been In charge of the Plttebnrg

Orchid, The Toll of JnaHeo and Feta'n Cbeaa. paetad To Intaratt Laadara heard, will be Pleased vl* *>>• New York, Ang. 14.—Prominent Ubor toaders aa ortginelly Intended. >»• f* *^*'’ tbronghoot the country, beviog reqneeted private by other prodoctlone that will he marketed In Vltagreph releeae, the

the eame menner. ^ five-pert feature, The Dawn of Freedom, which *" "TJ """.I r"“ * *'■' Annonneement he. etaoheen by the n^ „ dtatributed through the V-US-B, thta ^

eompeny that they have Mtabltahed a New T^ conalderaWe oalea office In the Candler Bnildlng Annex, 218 clrctae. M>terprleea.


Rumor Adds Namo of World Film Star to Soizniek’a Liat

New York, Ang. 14.—Kitty Gordon, who has starred in some of the World Film’s beat fae-

Weot Ferty-eecond street, In charge of M. M. Feely, where screen examinations of their fee- I taros ran he made without daisy,


PurchaMd by Univaraal From Editor of Munaoy’a


I/ewis J. Sttanlek sad bis anterpriaea.


■ ■ ■ New York, Ang. 10.—The moving pictnre men la Barrod From Ottawa as Dangoroua tb# varionn trade papera. ycaterday at Rector’a

- Expos# tendered to Harry Relcbenbach, who la reatgning PurchaMd by Univaraal From Editor . .■ i aa publicity director of tha World Film Corp.

of MunMy’a New York, Aug. 14.—The thorongh-going ex- to accept a simitar position with the Frobman , tent of the imptarabta cenaorsbip set np by Amniement On., a g^-fellowahlp dinner.

Dnlveranl City, Ang. 12 —The llnlveraal Film „ j,,, roanlt of the Some thirty were present, Including repra- Mannfactnring Com^ny has purchased e brought home to th-j film Industry sentativas of both the company losing and the photoplay rtghia of We Are ri»ncn. a a oiy y week, when a decree was signed In Ottawa, company gaining his aarvlces. Robert If. Davis, the editor of Munoey'a Mag- aalne.

The film version will he produced by Director Rnpert Jnllan. after he baa finished bit present prodnrtlon, the working title of which Is The Ollqnc of Gold.


Looking Aftor Intorosta of Fairfax and J affray Fma

New York. Ang. 14.—J. K. Burger, aaalBtant general manager of the International Film Sorvlro, Ine., la In Chicago, St. Paul and other Wastera eltlea. The new photoplay otrias, Beatrica Fairfax, la commanding no mneb at- tantlon from oxhlbltoro that Mr. Bnrger, who la la ehargo of branch managers, was anmmoned to glvt peroeoal attentleo to tho managers,

Mr, Borgor, on hla trip, will work with hla aaalatanta on the forthcoming production of the Intomatloaal's new feature, Jaffroy, which will be releaoed on September 6.


To Taka Seaniea of Counry’o National Parka

New Tort, Ang. 14.—Paths haa oeenred the eenlcia ef the well-known camem men, Ralph ■arte, te take a aeriea of acenics In the national parka ef the coontry. Among the parks vtalted win be the Tellowetenc, Otaeier, Moont Ranler, Onter and Laaaen.

Mr. 10110 wee for some years one of the moat iffirliat eamera men ef tho Paths News, and etered many scoops. He ta an expert In pbo- tesnphy.


'Civinaation Ooonn In Minnaapolis, Playing te $2 Top

MlaaeepeBe, Mtam., Ang. lA—Clrniantfen. Than. B. Ineo’a dtai apeetnele. Pridny night bad Mo Wanlem opening at the Shabert Tbaater. aad ban atMted aa aa indeSnIta m at prlcas frooi twa daHaia daws. IMers Is a tblity piece ocebeetia aader dkoetlea ef Fiaak Pallma.


Will Play Opposite Anna Nilason in Tha Tranafuaion

New York, Ang. 14.—Harry Splagtar Mo accepted the terms of the Ivea Film Corporatioi end will play the opposite role to Anna Q. Nila. son In The Tranafuaion, which oeaoas to tta acreen In five parts.

Mr. Spingter ta a eeaaoned screen nrttat. BU work with Winiam Famnm In The Plnndeior, Tbs Bondman, Samson, The Thief and The Gilded Fool, and with Tern Michelenn In Drift¬ wood, end as Fred Probert, Jr., baa been n- warded by the critics awarding him the peM aa being one of the foremost leading men la the cinema field.

Prior to appearing before the eamera Mr. Spingler appeared on the legitimate etage wltk marked enccees.

The east of ptayera In TranafasloB, In ed- dltlon to Mr. Spingler and Misa Nltaaon, con- tains the names of Bose Oogbtan, Will B. Tooker, Wllmntb Merkle and Frankte Mann.


To Bn Triad Out by Varhalan

New York, Ang. 14.—Charlee J. Yorhalea. nntll last week general pabUdty aMaager for the Rarer Film Corporation, the Ocona Film Corporation and the new proponod Plaaot Film Corporation, which Mr. Barer to projecting, with beadqnartera and studios both at Roek- TlUe Center, L. I., left New York Aagnat 9 fbr MInneapOlta, where be will be affiliated with the local Paramoont exchange In n apodal ca- pndty la tha pabUdty department.

Mr. Verhatan orlll tender personal adrorttalng ■orvleo to the indlvldnal cxhlMtoto aad tbatohy Introduce an Innoration that has nceor baforo been nndartaken.


Stock Companian Will Ba Dona Away With in Futura

New York, Ang. 12.—Followliig a long and comprehensive study ef the •pparent doslroo of film patrons tho Tltograpb Company, as a lo- •alt of Inreatigations, has deddad to mako matorial changoa In the mattar of eaattag tbeir pictures.

The maintenance ef the vartona otoek com- paniea ta to ho ahoUsbed, as It has boon proroa that tbs anpport had po raino aa a dnwfag power, the alar atant, eomMoed with tba worth of tho plctnro, being the attrartlea, and that a change of facet and namao for each prodn^ tion, rather than a centtnned repatitloa of lb- miltar ones, would appeal moro to tho pnbUe, at tba aama tima giving targar acopa and more variety.

Hereafter rapports for each prodnetlan wlU be engaged for that prodnctlon only, tho etaio alone bdng retained permanently.


It Probably To Join Mutual

New York, Ang. 11.—Indlcatlono paint to the Mntnal preparing e new aeriea ef comedies In which Bid. Chaplin will be featured If mwotl- ations now under way materiallae.


New York, Ang. 14.—In order to fad rat which serial from a list of dgbt, pot np by different compenlee, Its patrona are meat anxions tc. aee, the Crystal Theater, at Rector, Ark., lent out a card on which the putrone wore aaked to indicate tbdr favorite. Meal of tho Navy waa nnanimonaly ebooea and haa bora booked from Patho’s St. Louis affien.


To Ba Mado on Big Soalo by Niagara Film Company

Now York, Ang. 14.—A tbrillliig aad maledra- matle sories of newapaper atorira, based on raat adventurra ef girt reportero on motrepoUtan newspapers, will shortly bo retooaed by the Niagara Film Company through Tho Buffalo TImen Nowspopor Syndicate. Tho oerlra will he called Pertta of Onr Gtrt Bepertors, aad will bo released In fifteen Instalments of two roeta each. Bach Inatalment ta complete In Itnelf, anfi In each one a girl reporter la tha heroine. '

The stories wera collceted and written by Mtaa Bdith Seatlons Tapper, Tbeao wera adapted for the acreen by George W. TcrwHlIger, an old newspaper man htmaetf. Tho prorant oertas was filmed under bis direction.


Dallas, Tex., Ang. 14.—The Sunday Bd baa been lifted from Dallas motion picture theaters after Judge H. H. Belt, of the Clrcntt Owrt, ruled that the local ordinance closing the honaee waa In violation to the Snnday closing taw. Dallaa people have been parttcatar|y Interested in the ontcome of the qneeflon.

AUGUST 19, 1916. Xtie B

rothacker to make address

Will Talk to National Dealers' on Pos¬ sibilities of Moving Pictures as an

Advertising Medium

riii.aso, Atiir. 12.—Tlif Natl<>ii:il l»«-alfrK' Mervicc rcm-e will take plaee at the Hotel

KhcriimD. flileago, atartins .Suxuat 10. at which IV. It. lUnhacker of the Hothacker Mlm Manu- factiirins t'o. will he preaeiit to aihlreMi the va¬ rious advertising men ami sales inanaKera on facts and figures concerning actual moving pic¬

ture advertising achievement and a general out¬ line of the |M>ssibllitlea of muring pictures as an advertising means. After tlK- conference at

the Hotel Sherman all of the members there present will sffjourn to the Kothaeker Mlin ■Manufacturing Company plant,, where they will spend half a day seeing how iimvliig pictures

are made to advertise. One of the Ilothas-ker camera crews. In

charge of Wesley Smith, returns to Chicago

Saturtlay after having <s>mpleted a twelve weeks' four of the H<iuthwest, securing special scenh! pictures. During this trip Estes Dark snd varlona otlier Colorado show places were (siniprchenslvcly filmed. Another crew In charge

of Harry Kirch, la now in Canada handling a big Industrial contract there, while another crew In charge of K<lward IJnden. left last

night on a trip through Yellowstone Park and I'overing the entire Pacific Coast and Canadian Northwest. Mnden’a crew will la> gone about two or three months, and his object Is to se¬ cure about 20,000 feet of representative scenh- views, as well ae cover several Industrial con¬ tracts they have along the Pacific Coast. A crew In charge of T. H. Miller is taking rare of some s|ieclal (thotoplay w<H-k In Kansas City, Mo. W. H. Kllngensmlth's crew Is now

uiierstlng In Chicago on a big civic picture tyii- ical of Chicago an a summer neort. K. H. Plillllpl. sales manager of the Uothacker Kiltn Mnnafactorlng Co., recently returned to Chi¬ cago after having made a tour of lns|>ectli>u of llieir various agents througlM>ut Ohio and



Wrcatle for Honors Bofora Camera

New York, Aug. 14.—Prank (iotcli. champion

wresiler of the world, who recently retired niidefcaled. apt" ars In the eigtith ndi-ase of the Scllg Athletic fterles, being relcaned tlirungii the V I, K K. Ills Inst wrestling match, whb-h waa

-tiigcd with Jim Essen, chaniplun of Rcotland, and which he wtm. ns nsnal. Is the feature of

ihls Sellg athletic release.

• iolch not only handles Essen with consider- aide ease, tait also dcmmistratcs the various holds with whb-h he won Ihc world's clirinplon-



New York, Aug. 14.—At the .-oinplctliai of hts

present work with the Vltngraidi Company Thcislore l^arston, who has be> n connected with

the company for three years of a<-tlve service, is to leave Vltagraph employ. He will have a hrief rest before making any nllinnces with

other 'ompanlea,


Will Be Erected et Universal City

Cnlvcrsal City. Aug. 12. —Vlce pissldeiit and ficneral Manager Ihtvls. of the I'nlversal Pllm Manufactnrlng Company, has had plans drawn for a library bnllding at Cnlvcrsal City, tlisirgc Inglcton, formerly a well-known actor amt stage dlr«M-tor, who snbse incntly inaugurated icfcrt-nce and nesewroh llltrartes In vartom* irotion picture studios, has arived at Cnlversal City from New York to take Hiarge of the PI'>|MSS><I Institutten. and at present Is hnsMy ' ci nided In eolleetlng works of refen-m e.


law .\ngeles, Aug. t4.—William O. Oolrin,

after three years’ eontlnnons servire as stage manager and actor for the Rurbnnk and Moroseo theaters. Ig>s Angeles, has arrangetl to take oharge of the engagement department of Mabel

Condon's rapidly growing huslneas of personal

la-prest-ntatlon for photopla.T writers, playera and dlre<'tors.


To Have Motion Pioture Houso

New Y.vrk. Ang. 12.—A motion picture lionse Is to W built by the PrI'droan Brothers, pro¬

prietors of one of the largest of the Kaat Side's picture houaes. having an Kast Broad¬ way frontage.

The t,ewls Holding Company leaacd a site

isuinded hy PIvlalon. Market, New Forsythe

and East Ritsidway, iimler the Manhattan

Bridge approach, last March, and have t.imed It over to the Friedman Broa. The Broadway

frontage will he given to the new houae and store buildings will he erected on the Dlvtsloo street side.


The National Association OF THE

Motion Picture Industry This us^K'iatioi) is organizing for tlie protection and promotion of every l>ranch of our great industry.

Some of the strongest interests already are mem¬ bers. Others are coming in.

Are you one of these? Remember—action counts.

Y’ou realize what the industry i.s'Jfacing—concerted action is all that will help it.

We must be together—and act together.

Tear off application blank printed lielow. Fill in the entrance fee covering your class and mail to

WALTER W. IRWIN Chairman Organization Coniniittee

1600 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY

To gain and atserl its power thie Induetry Must Be Organized

; H( if|H Ilf ftUi'h C'laiM ' I'litirifcjM't* -'_ I F’-s

1 I Muliisi Plciun- I’tisluciSN Slid Imissvvrs. 2 I MiSlisi llciurc Kxlilbtlors' l^-sguc ig .Viiu-rlci.

3 Thculri-: { l*roj<vtliMi Muliliir Maiiulai-iurrm suit liii|H>rlrrs. 2,',ii

] Mutor-tSvticrslur-lbSsO' CisivirtiT-m'-llllcr-TrsiiHfoniu r .In- t'lsilnillcr slid Klun- I slat Maiiufsi lurvrs .I

tholrs Maiiufoi-lun-rs and liiiisicicrs.” iMi Exclusive llvalcrs In (liiln.i usi

I Musical liisirunii'iit Maiiufactunrs. s.Mi Kcrccii Maiiufaclun-rs uid liiiptirtcrs. l.'Ki

I CsrlMsi Manufsetun-n and liiiisicicn. 2:,ii BImIcIc Mlfii Maiiufaciun-rs.i i.’,o inw-irlc Hlgii Dealers. .-,1, Ticket Hcllliui Mai'hliini and IK-tIcrs Maiiufai-Iurcrs.' 2.',li TIckK Uihiigrapli and PusU-r Maiiufacturrn.| 2.>’,ii

. Baiuicr and IliiScKraph Maimfai'lurrrs.1 M) HIldc and Xovrlly Manufaiiurrrs.i .'lO

! Ebs'irlc Uglit Plant Maiiufai'iuri-rt. l.',o I V’ciilllttliii Ikiulpiui-m ManuractureVH. I.vo

llpcrailiig KuSli Manufacturers. ir,li I lailSiy Display Manufactun-ri. I.Mi

MmIoii Ihiiure Machine DIsirlbuturs. I.'.li .Mislisi I’Iciure Msildiie la-alcrt In i-llles up t,i lO.lHHl. 1.',

—In cities up III 3«.ono.I 211 I —III ellleH up Ui An.lMNi. X'l ! - In lilies up III lllO.OUII. .Ml ! —In eltlw liver liiO.OOO. T5 ' Ibviair Hluai snd IKsli-r^ In OetiersI Enulriueiil—In ililts up to Ifi.iKNi. 2 1 —in eltles up to 311,000. ■. I —III ellles U|> III 00,000. 10

Htudio: Cliemleal Maiiufai'lurrni. Iniisirten, and Dealers. Stage Ughting Equlpnunt Manufacturers. Stage and Studio Scenery Manufuturers. Pnax and Fumlshlng Manufacturers.

— In cities up to Iiio.otM). — In cities over 100,000.

I Film; I Haw Film Manufacturers, Importers and Agents. I Flint tOeanliig Machine Maaufacturen. I Film Renoiritors.

I Camrra: t'anwra, Kludio and latboralory Equipmcis Manufai-tun rs and IniiKHlrrs. Lens, Manufacturers of and Importers for rameras and Projectors. MiSlon Plcluns Film Dlslrlbulocs. An hllis-ts and Builders and Suh-rotttra<-lors--In cities up to 100.000.

—In cities up tu .100.000.i —In cities up to

. —In cities over I.OOO.OOO.I ' Rmployniciit .\gnits.I ' Projes-tlnn Engineers...f

! Studio Dtrertors.j Studio Managers. I

i Canimimen .I ! Motion Picture Stars..I ' Motion Picture Actor-, and .\ctresam other than Stars.I ! PuMIcatlons DeviitctI Exclusively to Motion Plcturwt.[ ' 'nieatrlral PubllraUons with Motion Itiiure iKvanment..I ' Ncsrspapeis .I < Transportatltm Oompanim.I I Insurance Onropaiiles. I ' Rill Pisitbig Oompanles. ! I All rmidoiyeee ol establishments and plants connesied In any way whal.s<wvrr with t I the M. P. industry.I

APPLICATION BLANK for membership in

The National Assodation of the Motion Picture Indnstrymi I (we), the undersigned, hereby asply for membership in the Netionnl'Aseo- cintion of the Motion Picture Industry, and airree with those who have htratofore signed applications for membershio in said Asaociation, to abide by the by-laws ae recently printed in the trade press, and to pay to tha treasurer of said Atsociation within thirty days after the treasurer’s election, the turn set opposite my (our) name.


ON THE MOVIES II. H. Vau Loan, publicity expert, baa re¬

turned to his deak at the t’Diveraal otBcea after a alz weeka' trip to Chicago, Mexico and Cali forula. H. H. is noyellziiig the twenty episodee of rnlvemal’a big aerial. Liberty.

The Metro exchange men held ot.e of those get-logetber eonventlona at Atlantic, N. J., Au¬

gust 10 to 13. Among the New York City con¬ tingent w-ere llichard A, Rowland, president;

Joe Engle, treasurer, and .Arthur Jamea director of publicity.

Carter De Ilayen, working under the direction of Wallace Beery, has t;omplete<l the tenth and last episode of Timothy Dobbii. De Haren

will at once commence work under Director

Beery In a two-reel comedy, entitled The Tale of a Self-Made Son, written by Harry Wulze,

of the rntvemal City staff. Ruth Clifford wlH ploy opposite De Haren.

William Barry resigned his position as gen¬ eral manager of the Frank Powell Productlona to accept a similar position elsewhere In the

trade, full announcement of which will be made later.

Bertram Grasaby, who is playing a prominent part in Director Jacques Jaceard's production

of Liberty, A Daughter of the U. S. A., featur¬ ing Marie Walcamp, was taken suddenly III a

few days ago. Grasaby has been i-onflned to bis home and hla Illness Is thought to be a hreak- ilow-n from overwork.

Sam Spedon, one of the best known and uitsit popular of flim publl<-lty and adverllslug men,

hai reaigned from tha Vltagrnph Company, with which be baa bet-n Identltled for many years.

When questioned at to bis future plans he he came masterfully silent.

Grace Carlyle has Is-i n <-hi»M-ii us lending

woman In the Dnlversal's forthi-omliig prtsinc tlon, The Eagle'a Wings. Ilerls-rt Unwllnsoii

will also hare a prominent role. Den Atwell, w-ho Is soon lo Inive the issiitlnn

of press agent of the RInllo, hints Hint he may do some pi-isliicliig for the legillmste singe. He

tays he has the capital t-orralhd.

Ixiuls J. Beck, Ralph W. line's (s-rsonal representative, denies (he rtiiiior Hint the Vltn

graph-Ince stixllo at Buy Shore, L. 1., Is to lie

elost-d. He says Mr. Iin-e will cotiHiiin* mnking three-reel featuren there,

In eoiineetlon with the taking over of the Laeninile Film Si-rvice In .Minneu|s>lis and Fnrgn

by the ITiitversal, M. H. Iloffinun. general mutt ager of exchanges; E. 11. Goldstein. Ids ss-

slstaiit; .Mr. MaoHownii, generul auditor, rlslted Milinen|sdis to get things in shnpe.

The Strand Theater,. Minneapolis, and Hlar-

land Theater, Rt. PanI, the Twin Oitlea’ fors-

most picture theaters, signed contrsets for the exrliislve showing of itie Dorsey E\|ie<lttion Pic¬ tures.

The hot weather has greatly affected North¬ west Inisiness in geuerul. ,\ great iiiniiy of the theaters hnve closd up entlrtly, others eiit down

to oue and two dnys a w-eek.

Newton Davis lias been iipisdnled assistaDt manager of the ritiversnl olllci- of Miiineupolls.

siit-ceetling II. L. I.uir, who has been promoted to the management of the Bluebird ortlce. J. H

Margolcs, former Bluebird manager, has taken charge of the sales department of tlie I’nl- versal otBee.


Will Devote Entire Time to Studio Work

New Y'ork, .\ug. It.—B. A. Kolfe, president of B. A. Kolph Ptioto:days. Inc.. Is to leave

the management of the Strand Theater on Broadway and will give his nndivided time to

the Rolfe studio at 3 West Sixty-third street, and will. In the future, act as commander-ln-

chtef of the Rolfe fotv-es employed. He will be Id charge of all directors. Maxwell Karger.

Mr. Rolfe's assot-iate and general manager of

the company, will take charge of the casting of stars and players. Charles I>. Maddox will contlnih- in his position as treasurer.


New York, Ang. 14.—What la cooalilercd by

Frank Hnrrla, Denver mnnnger of the V-L-8-B. nn the height of efliciency in film aaleamanablp

was effected Inat week when 8. M. Bower, for years an exhibitor of pictures, and. for more

than a .year, an ex<-liisive' exhibitor of V-I^S-K featnres. was appointetl to a position of sales¬

man in the 'Denver branch. Mr. Rower is half

owner of the Olympic Theater, Pocatello, Id., where he has handled nearly every feature pen

dtieed by the V-L-S-R.

FOR SALE 400 Am«rlean Saating Ca.

THEATRE SEATS one Baoili and FPner's Picture Machine; wtU aeU reasonable, as I need the room. WM. MeSRATH. 1*1 WMweWe tt.. Walwtary, Oenn.

FEATME AND SINOLC HEELS FOB SALE nnfwt rt'aU for HB* annsfi for CMh. XRR. D. 'niOUTMAN. ffoumi. T^ouIaIoro.


VlT»-paft TIUgrapb Bio* Blbboo •pecUl fea- ' t«r*, oo V-L-M-B prugraoi. lteleoa«4 Aocoat |



TS* Patriot .Chart** Bichman ■ttaabrtb M*l<caD .ArUo* Pretty


F 1 1j AA S R 1L V 1 £ Ej D I Th* atory of The MMog Watchman and tb* Adrentore* of a J*aloa* Wife (two r*eU earh)

Joan Waring .Maty Dlbley ahuwn by The International KUm Serrlc*

Kobert Waring .Uerald Aue* Company. Inc., at a private eihlbitlon. with aympbony orchestra, at tb* (Criterion Theater,

Th* Polly of Dealr* U a thriller wlthoot re- Anguat 8. sorting to forced sltoations. Piety and cruelty, „ ' , _ . . ^

paradoxical a. It may aeem. are qnalltie. known . O”'* 7 7

to evUt in a single IndWdual. a. alao in an *«“• “‘^7 enure nation. w>metime*. »’' Brother., and an

Tbe epiBocleft follow od« another with daub ana Tb* l^t. tragic

The Polly of Desire is a thriller wlthoot re¬

sorting to forced sitoaUons. Piety and cruelty,

paradoxical as It may seem, are qualities known I to exist in a single indiridnal, as alao in an

enUre nation, sometimes.

Tb* Introductory prologue presents tragic

Dick Cartwright Morrlsoo which follow^ the Wr Shumsl^ who I ^ atlmulatlng ac

imng .Thoms. B. MIIU ha^wakened tor* in an aged King I^bojmh, , newspaper offlce, whoa* Oooat .Tempi*? Sax* a beaoHfoI, though pennlle*. girl, at the door ,,

■trike Leader .Edward Elkas «* an African hot. U seen by Slmeoo Krtllet, virtues. Th* extremes of tbsss

■ancy Cartwright .BlUls BlUliigs an old wealUiy Boer fanner, who married her. ofteneat, hence unusual oiHwrtunlUe* for

Doapit* IndUns brandishing tomahawks and ^ ***” *'*' *««• »“«“ Bob up through ap-

ml^ throwing ahilUUb*. ^ picture drag* ^ .Hr ih!^ channels, palpably, perhaps doe to iu Illp Van Winkle ^ nnfalthfol wife, ai^ | The lutrorluction prologue shows tb* interior

tov^ It'V; long jump from the close of the «' «•* office of the editor of Tb* New Brvolntiooary War to 1»I«. and It wlU be i Journal, with Brisbane seated at bis desk hard to convince moving picture patrons of lu P”®™' '**• he decide to Beatrice Fairfax la opening her

sincerity, for who can Imagine a soldier of ““**• ^ >«tter, signed Mary Byan, reUtes that Washington's army waUing the streeU of a *• ^**** *>ti**^ ^ c w”* Ber Aance, a bank watchman, is growing cold mining town in Bevolutiunary war tog* without , ***■“ f”®' ,* 0«tn or war- affections Jimmy Barton, the reporter, being regarded as a monstrosity or an adver- *"*'■ ^ ‘"e happl- tisement for Coloolal chewing gum? Tet the i **“ ®‘ Deborah and Waring. I notes that the watchman Is suspected, ami,

miners and tire smart set receive blmi as one I Wlfe-DeaUng Is not a relic of American sav- re<'aUlng Mary Ri an's letter, she tells Jimmy, of them, dusty clotbe* and all. agery or civilisation, but, despite the grue- . Together tliey find Mary Ryan and learu of

bad reached there before them, were released.


tisement for Coloolal chewing gum? Tet the i- ” icrwtau auu nanus. I notes that the watchman Is suspected, ami,

miners and tire smart set receive blml as one I Wlfe-DeaUng Is not a relic of American sav- re<'aUlng Mary Ri an's letter, she tells Jimmy, of them, dusty clotbe* and all. agery or civilisation, but, despite the grue- Together tliey find Mary Ryan and learu of

The Dawn of Freedom Is characterised as a someness of the scene where Krillet commands •■another woman." MeanUme the night watch- stinging satire on the death of those ideals Deborah to don her wedding gown for a shroud man flirts with the "other woman," who In- tbat prompted our forefathers to found the aud meet him at the open grave. It does not veigles him Into the robber's den. They bind D. 8. A. The story ha* to do with an officer aeem strained. Mr. Norman MoUnncl, as Krll- and gag him, taking his uniform for one of o( tb* Bevointlooary Army, who is given a lrt> gives a consistent Impression of an unusual their gang to Impersonate him as bank wateb- tiuct of laud In Pennsylvania In payment for personality difficult to comprehend. When man. "Pseudo" watchman admits hi* confi*d- milltary services rendered. He goes into th* KrUlet walk* calmly out of the room dragging erates, who escape with the money. Jimmy wilds to survey bis estate, la attacked by pIckax and shovel along the floor one seems trails a robber and overbears the story. Dls- ladians and seeks refuge in the oabln of a *® "actually hear" echoes of the dirt falling (.Qverlng the night watchman In the cellar, they Blsslonnry. To save him Father Ambrose hyp- *•*•* heart-beat on the unseen lid of leave together to And the bouse of the "other ■Otises him Slid ha* him buried beneath six Deborah's casket. woman" who led the watchman Into the trap, fUet of sod. While effe<-tlng bis rescue from Louis Gilbert, ns King, and Manors Tbew, as which proved to be the robber's den, and, after the grave the good father la killed by an Deborah, as well as the other members of the a d-isperate struggle, Beatrice and Mary, who ladlan. Before being pot under the hypnotic cast, were excellent.—LENN. bad reached there before them, were released,

spell. however, the officer made his will, leav-1 lag everything to bis fiancee and bis brother.

One hundred and thirty-nine years elapse and we find (-0*1 breakers occupying the land where tb* cabins once stood. The miners go on a ■trike, not for recognition of their union, but for better working conditions, which Oart- wright, a descendasit of the patriot, and now la posacsston of the property, refuses. . Flashes of falling timber* In the unsafe slopes are ■bown and Ibe men plot to blow up the shaft. Dynamite Is planted near the mine and follow- taMI a terrific explosion the casket containing I the body of Washington's aide is exposed and Cartwright, awakened from bis trance, steps •at, a little dusty, but none the worse for his tsag sleep. Thereafter he goes about trying to settle the labor troubles, making flowery apeecbe* from the tails of wagons and even ■pproprl'itlng Abraham Lincoln's few remarks, without giving credit. He finally succumbs to a striker's bullet while trying to quell tbe ■Mtb. Charles Rlcbman, the tall, played the role of I’D* Patriot with dignity and ex¬ pression, and the snpi>orilng cast were con¬ vincing and handletl themselves well in ■ rather far-fetched story. Directing and pho¬ tography were good.—RAT.


Five-part Kid Feather feature. Released on the Pnlvi-rral program August fl.


A King .Lf'wls Gilbert Deborah ..Manors Tbew Simeon Krillel .Norman Mokinnel Tanta Ann . .Minna Gray


^.^iiiiiuiiijijjiii|;|ii:i r II w'ri;; 1.1^

the baak's funds rscoversd. aad Msry and tbs

night watcbihan rennitod. while Jimmy and Beatrice hurry to writ* tb* utsry fer a "■m- nlght extra."

Grace Darling, as Beatrice Fairfax, Is wcU east. Harry Fox is fortunate in tbe possesaloD of an Infectlaoa smile and a buoyant per**, ality.


The Adventure of a Jealoas Wife Is the story of Arturo P.ncetU, first violin of a theater orchestra. He receives a letter from tbe Black Hand Society demanding gaoo. If refused they will kill bis devoted wile. Marl*. Not wishing to alarm her, Arturo refuses to let Marie see tbe letter, but recently ukes gfiOO from their scant horde bidden in tbe auttresa to comply with the blackbander's denmnda. Marie, al¬ ready suspiciona, finds tbe money gone, aad decides that tbe letter was from a woman tor

I whom Arturo took tbeir savings. 8h* write* Beatrice Fairfax for advice. Beatrice reeelvm the letter Just as Jimmy Barton (reporter) is given an assignment to bunt down a gang of hlackhanders. She harries to Marie. Jimmy, in Italian disguise, moves among tbe "gang." Meantime, Arturo, en route to band over tb* money, hesitates, and is banded another not* threatening bis Ufe. Jimmy's disguise is dis¬ covered, bot be escapes—and with a bomb.

The gang in terror wait for Arturo at tbe stag* door. Beatrice and Mari* wait In biding to spy on Arturo when he Is handed another notice from tbe bUckbandors commanding him to leave tbe money In tb* cup of a blind man tone of tbe gang). Arturo drops the note and Beatrice and Marie read it. Marie reallsea that she has misjudged him. Artur* drops tbe aioaey into the enp, but Marie and Beatrice grab It a second before tbe Mackbanders arrlv*. ney are trapped in tbeir efforts to bid* when Jisamy still in disguise comes to tb«lr rescue and

I bolds the Italians at bay with tbe bomb be I lurried from their den. Marie falls weeping I on her hnshand'a breast.—LENN.


Five-reel Mutual comedy, featuring Kolb and Dill. Releoaed Angnst gl.

TBE CAST: Louie .Wimam Kolb Mike .Max DIU

Mary, at 10.Dod* Newton Mary, at 18.May Oloy

Bob .Ktar Oark

This is the first of six fiv*-fe*l esmefiles pro* finced by tbe American Film Os.. Inc., featuring Kolb and Dill. So negligible is tb* story that

It is hardly necessary to dignify A MltUea for Mery by attempting to ontline this oao, wUeb affords tbe two German somedians tbeir Initial vehicle. Even at that tbe action is eoberent, and Aaron Hoffman succeeded in dlacbarglng bis services satisfactorily. An unscmpoloas drug¬

gist. Oaknm. and two lovers fnmlsb tbe side- Hgbts that project Kolb and Dill into tbe stellar rays. Each member of the east must be given

recognition for tbeir efforts. In fact. little Dode Newton, as Mary at ten, bore her honors quite as well as May Cloy, who portrayed Mary

at eighteen. While some of tbe comedy was a bit far-fetebed, nevertbeless they alwaya kept wltbln the bound* of good taste and carefully

avoided grossness and vulgarity. Not the small¬ est part of tbe value of tbia pietnrs was fur¬

nished by a black and tan dog, which executed bis duty so well that the public win undoubtedly be glad to see more of him. Canines have been

seen to accomplish more dexterous fSats than

this one. but no one in tbe east worked with more sureneso of putting bis part 'over. Con¬ cerning Kolb and Din. they have intreduced a new line of screen comedy. They imitate no¬ body, aad bring a line of funny work to ex- blMtors that Is as nniqn* aad lafilvidaal as

tbeir position in vaudevin* in earlier days. Mo'S punch doubtle** could have been injected Into picture If this film had besa Jsdieloaaiy

cut to a shorter length.—MARK.


FIvs-part William Fox fimam of tbs tort. Writ¬ ten and directed by Bortram Braeken.

TBE OAETt Msry Ballard.DsiPthy Bsraarfi James Riddle.*.Olsa Wbits

Davs Oarrtson.DeWItt 0. Jennings Billy Ballard .George Morgan

Kitty L* Long*.Madeline Ls Narfi Beeele Riddle.Clairs Whitney

la Bportlng Bloefi, th* latast Wm. Fox flvo-

part release, a mncb-negleeted field for pictures of merit is opened, and it is mfe to pnedict that such a stlrrlag and galloping rosMne* a* this proves to he will bs but tb* fSrersnasr of many more turf pictures. Cns thing partjcslar-

ly paramount about l^mrtlag Blood is tte at¬ tention to atmosphere and detail. Even a raes track baUtns could find Uttls fault ta thasa portions of the production germane to that sport. In addition. It to Interestingly piuesuted, latalligsntly directsd and eorraetly pbototraphed.

Tb* story starts by an accommodating pune-

tur* In a tiro, offering as oppsrtmrity fW Jaatos

august 181 isilw Ttie Billboard

THE GIRL OF LOST LAKE B»(HU Mid Mair Ballard gattlng aeqnalntad.

Mary's brother, B lly. who la with a bank in

Me city, ia $10,000 In dcfanit, barlnc been playioc wrong tips banded him by Qarrlaon’e (the man higher np) tonta. Diacorery la due.

Billy wires Mary to cone on and aare him. abe goes to Riddle for aaaUtance and meeU

Urn aa he has arrived at the determination to Mil Oarriaon for betraying hla (Riddle’s) sis¬

ter, Maty eonvlneeo him that aho can beat

(Hrrlsoo at his own game, and here plot, counter¬

plot and intrigue enter. Mary, having fonned hla acquaintance, goes to hla apartment, and, at

the point of a pistol, challenging his "Sporting Blo<Mi,'' makes him asqniesce to a wager that hU horse will win the forthcoming race. She

affers herself as the stake against his check

ter $10,000. She then, by a subterfuge, steate

Oarrison’s horse, substituting a "ringer.” The race Is run, flanison loses, Billy returns the tank’s money and they all "Uved happily ever



Mve-reel Triangle-Ince production. Released

September S.


Bob Wiley .Wm. S. Hart

(Stile Bobo . .George Slone Joe Good-Boy . .Joe Good-Boy Pancbo ZapilU .Roy Laldlaw

Billy Allen .Pranclo Carpenter Denman Hammond ................Milton Roes

Jordan Mason .P. D. Tabler Colonel Bracken .Charles K. French iUga .By Himself

Monte it. Karierjohn baa written many ezeel-

ient stories for the screen, but The Patriot, hla latest, may be regarded aa a masterpiece. It bolds one spellbound from start to finish, wlth-

Mt any cheap appeal or makeshift methods. BrIeBy it is the story of one Boh Wiley, one¬ time Philippine soldier, who has staked ont a claim and is washing ont pay dirt along the Mezican border. Be lives only for bis motber- lew boy and his country’a fiag. He strikes a rich vein of gold, and is on tbe road to wealth when hla homestead is anatebed from him by

a pair of crooks—one in charge of tbe Govern¬ ment registry oOce, tbe other bis pal, through

s technicality, the registering of his claim and failing to make certain improvements.

Wiley then goes to Washington, but is turned

down. During hla absence hU son la stricken with fever and dies in tbe hovel of the Indian servant. The rough Westerner's heart is filled with bittemees against his own government, and, broken in spirit and mind, be soba ont bis

heart on the little grave. In revenge he goea into Mexico and Joins Pancbo Bapilla’s ontlaW band, and misleads the American troops guard¬ ing tbe border, which leaves tbe women and children unprotected. That night tbe Mexicans pian a raid. The enormity of bis offense fiaahes across hie mind as he tenderly puts a mother- leaa tot to bed In bis tent, and be rides to where the Mezicans await tbe signal and bolds them sntll the return of the United States soidlers.

William 8. Hart never bad a stronger role, sod althongh a traitor to bis country one feels be has been wronged deeply and is Jnstifled in his actions. Especially touching is tbe scene at the grave of little Boba. A wonderful plc- inre, by a womlerfnl director, wonderfully well acted by a well-selected cast.—BAT.


l'i%epart Famotia Players Film Company pro- linction. Released August 10.


IJttie Lady Eileen.Marguerite Clark Stanley Churchill and Sir George Church¬

ill Itwin brothers).Vernon Steele Dennis Kavaoangh .John L. Sblne Patlier Kearney .J. K. Murray Powdeln .Harry Lee r.ady Gower .Maggie Ilalloway Fisher Mike Cafferty .Ruaaell Bassett

Little Lady Eileen la a charming and enter¬ taining story of Irish folh-lore. Isidy Eileen, like IVter Pan, beltnred in fairies, and that Is why tbir Irish lassie was rescued from an Imposter ami why site saw the face of her

future husband relieeted on the water In the well.

Msrgneritn Hark, as I.ady Eileen, lived In that world of enchantment and was left a large | •stsle by a wealthy relative if she married a eertstn young man. Tbe fairies arranged a meet¬ ing wliWont allowing Iliem to suspect that they are predestined to wed. but when the young man's wnriblesa brother beam of tbs will, be sncce»-ds In wedding Eileen under the name of hla brother. The fairies become so incensml at him for hla duplicity that they rolled a huge rock down r.mi crushed the impostor to death, leaving Eileen free to marry the man abe loved

The pictnre, directed by J. Searle Dawiey, Is nnnsusi to say the least. Tbe scene showlnr the refiertlon of Eileen’s future husband In thf well, tbe Interior of moving paaaenger tmln, too. are remarkabte examples of the photo¬ graphic art. aa Is also tbe falrlee' dance on ths fairy eierle. Snecess la assured for thia Marming gh tme.—LBMH.

Five part Blue Rlbbow feature. Released August 28.

THB CAST: Jude Clark .Myrtle Gonsales Mrs. McAndrewe ..Mary Du Cello Victoria Harlowe ...'..Ruby Cox Vsugban McAmlrews .Val Paul Dtrve B».an .Fred Cbnrcb Judge West .George Hemandea .Vbner Clark ...'.Jack Curtis Wallace Harrison .Bertram Grassby W’ainwrlgbt McAndrews .Jack Connelly Kim Perkins .Bobby Mack

Thia atory, written and diiected by Lynn F. Reynolds, shows tbe deft band of tbe expert. It is well worthy of a position among Bluebird subjects. The many beautiful woodland acenea are eepecially pleasing and tbe romance of tbe lieadstrong mountain girl is consistently told ami acted. Vaughan McAndrews goes ^o Lost Isike. high np in the Sierra Nevada Monntains, for a vacation He is taken Into tbe borne of Ahner tnark, an old mountaineer, and there fjeets Jude, his barum-se-arum daughter. She ia already engaged to Dave Bean, and old Jndge West, a praspe<-tor, seeing Vanghan and Jude together, charges yoiing McAndrews with trilling with her affections. Jude is induced to pose for an artist summering in the mountains, and a scandal is started when the pictnre, mnrii altered from tbe original pose, is shown in tbe village. She refuses to accept tbe $50 tbe artist tenders her for posing, but when her father falls III she pockets her pride and uses the money, Is-ft . alone by tbe death of her father. Judge West and she continne prospect¬ ing, and their efforts are finally crowned with success. Jade and Vanghan are once more thrown together when Judge West and Jade go to the city for "some big eats,” and all ends happily. Val Panl, aa tbe Judge, pat an an- nsnal amonnt of rbaractfr into tbe part, and Myrtle Gonzalez, as Jade Clark, played the

lula of the tugged mountaiB girl with fi laacl- Mlliig, hoydenista ebarm that pknaed. The baisnee of tbe cast did excellent work. It le a beantlfni love story, well told.—RAT,


Five-reel Mutual Masterpiece. Released Angnst 14.


Norton .Nat 0. Goodwill Banaon .Ricberd NelU Mrs. Norton .Mabel Wrigbt Lois Norton .Mary Norton Tvette .Zola Telmaart Tbe Rat .J. Cooper WUUe Ray Simms .OUfford Gray

This is tbe first prodnetion made by tbe Mir¬ ror Pilma, Inc., and will be released on the

Mntual program. Tbe story baa tbe neceeenry pnneh, and introdneea sufficient exciting intrigue to justify its length. To merely state that Nat C.. UocMiwiii portrayed tbe lead is to admit it ia worth while, and also, wben one reeliaes be ie called upon for tbe role of a vibinnt basiness man wbo runs from snccess tbrongb tbe fall gamat of degradation, drunkenness and poverty, how befitting tbe part proves to a man of

Goodwin's artistry.

The relection of tbe princi(>al female char¬ acter, Zola Telzart. as an lU-deslgnlng adven¬ turess, was not BO fortunate, since she, in many instances, failed to record tbe sincerity of her action. Mary Norton, as Goodwin’s daughter, performed very prettily tbronghont, thereby proving her candidacy for farther screen work. The story relates of a Wall Street oppositioii. where tbe larger firm forces tbe smaller to the wsU, of the revenge wreaked by tbe bankrupt brokers throngh the aid of a treacbeons vam¬ pire. She not only leads tbe hero into despair, bat indirectly causes the death of bis wife, the loss of bis borne and fortune. Even bis dangbter suffers abdnetion, bat is saved by ber once

wealthy father, by this time a derelict, Jost

Floridafkiure Filinr “CUSTOM MADE FEATURES ’


The worth of a feature depends I’ntirt ly upon how much money it will make for ev< ryone who handles it.

We have^olved the problem of “(lood pictures al the right price” by elimiimtiiigall witste and unnec¬ essary e.xpense in every department of our organi¬ zation.

I loiida Feature Films arc here to slay. They are liacked by-capital and business abi.ity."

Good pictures at fair rental charges are easily liooked; therefore, the buyers of Florida Feature Films will get quick returns on their investrnenLs,

TheHumanOrchid’ ...A...


This fiist ofTering of a number of five-reel features is designed and prothiced to fit PRI^ENT DAY ilox (tFFicE requiremf:nts.

A strong picture play beautifully staged and ad¬ mirably acted.

“The Human Orchid” WILL MAKE .MONEY for every e.xchange that buys it and every exhib¬ itor that books it.

ST.ATE RIGH’rS BUYERS, communicate direct with New York Office.

riORiaA FKA'




EFTEOTS Evfrj/thin^ Electrical for'I'heatres .


In time to spare her disgrace. In the end she is happily married, and. through a belated tbongb successful real estate transaction, thair happiness and comfort are rehubllltatcd. Mr. Goodwin is the life and sinew of this plctniq,

and without him it would not be umto of onlinary value.—MARK.


Will Bo To Lond Picturos Distinetion

New Tork, Aug. 12.—Herbert Brenon belleveo

that Nasimova will bring into motion pictnro tbeatera a clasa of patrons wbo never bare been

Interested in photodrama. Naziiuova'a career, prevlons to ber engagement by Herbert Brenoo

for a pbotodramatixation of Murion Craig Went¬ worth's play. War Brides, was confined ex-

clnsively to tbe highest forms of literary draaaa. Sbe proved that Ibsen could he made popolar. Ber appeal has always been to peopla of tbo blgbest intelligence. Wben she played War Brides in tbe vandevllle bouses of this country

abe attracted to those theaters peviple who seldom attend variety shows. Brenon expects

her to round ont her complete appeal to tvary branch of theatergoers by proving that tbo anme anbtle methods whirh she used in tbo

spoken drama can be effectively employed upon tho ■croon.


Are Sont by Federation To Inapeot Work on Children’s Films

Unlveroal City, Ang. 12.—Following tbo aa- nouncement of tbe Universal Film Manufactnr- ing Company that it would make a series of pictures intended for children, and the roleo of each to be played by cbitdreD. a delegation from tbe Women's Federation of Clubs of Loo Angeles visited Universal City for tbe pnrpooe of seeing tbe ebaraeder of tbe atorlsa being made.


' A tka' Mir. aapatebig la tkaaiMiA ’’

I Ttte Billboard AuausT i>, igi«.



ladicotiont Are That **Taf Day** | Wa« Great SucceM-Numer¬ ous Membership Applica¬

tions Received as Result

repot’ 0 be ilonatioiui ever/ indlcatioo eec-nie to be that

the Kbuameii'a Leacue of America Uaj waa a grand aMccesa, and the l<eague will reallae a I’lg Buui for ita fund.

The following abowa and IndlTldual ahowaen bare reapoodcd tbui far: John T. Bninen .$2B.OO Bdward P. Keamann, taga. 10.00 ilert ('falpuian and Jack ih-ach. lO.UO Cbaa. f. Warren . 10.00 John B. Warren . 40.00 White (Utjr Euiploycea, taga. 17.80 Hike Zinnej . 6.00 U. ft. Tent A Awning Co., taga. 6.00 «. W. Chrtatjr . 60.00 Membera of U. W. Cbriatg Kbowa. O.aW Kobbjr I'ountain . 6.00 Rd A. Kvana Greater Hbowa. 40.00 I'heater I>e Iloae . 6.00 The Whitney Bliowa . 10.00

DORMAN and KRAUSE SHOWS Will place Trip to Mars, Katzenjammer Kastle or any other good Shows to* join at once. Our Fair Cii'cuit opens at Delaware State Fair, Wilmington, Lsbor Day week. Will also place legitimate Concessions of all kinds. Show will stay out until Thanksgiving. Will place one good Platform Show. Open¬ ing for a good Plantation Show. Our Southern Fairs are all Day and Night Fidrs; four of them are first Fairs and are being boosted b^. Address

GEORGE F. DORMAN, Mgr., Dorman and Krause Shows, Memphis and Ann Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., until August 26th.


Amusement Men and Authorities Got Together at Coast Resort, and

Former Are Not Molestsd

Krause Greater Shows

Atlantic 4'lty, Aag. 13.—At the Isatlgatioa of the church clcmeut here su ortler waa iaaned the latter part of July by Director of Publlt Safety SiH)y, directiiiK the |M)ll<-e department to aerve notice ui>on the proprietor! or managera of bowling alleya, pool and billiard rooma, akae- ball atamU, ahuotiug gallerlea, mechanical walu rtdea, merry-go rounds and other places of amuaemcnt where mualc la played to clone their places on Sundays.

The order did not affect theaters or any of the o«-ean piers except the Alamac Pier, which Is occupied by akt-e ball alleya and mechanical borse aud auto races.

According to t'bief of Police Miller the order la directeil to elimluate all iiolHea on the Sab¬ bath without tntcrfi-riiig with the entertainmeut of vialtorH.

A aimilar onler wan ihHued la-tt year, aud the managers of sixteen amusement placM, Including those against which the present order Is di recte<l, were arrested. William Fenuan. the manager of the Steeplechase Pier, and one of the men arreste<l, api>eale<l from flues of $1,000 imposed uimn him by Director Gaskill. and the

Can also | ‘ Two weeks ago the police,

Will book Motordrome or Silodrome and Athletic Show to | 'Sr nlies ’ ha‘"iult'‘'‘wruphew ?be sliTr^m. join week August 21st at South Bethlehem, Pa

w;©? place several first-class Shows and Whip to join Scranton, Pa., week Octol)er 2nd, for the Semi-Centennial Old Home

" iMioo Week and State Firemen’s Convention. Will place for O. A. Wortham 61.2? Scranton—Days of’49 Show, clean Girl Show and Diving t\ A. Wortham Shows tags and douatlona 90.00 —. , . ---- _ . __ M. B. Westcott . 8.00 Qirl ShOW. The KaDcll and Krltchflcld Shows. 10.25 , fNi l c * . i s.i . Ml T-» 1

m™"*!'i""’'peyiir. 6 00 Grcator Shows, week of August 14th, Pottsville, Pa.; w^ek BtlllMiard. i'lnclnn.-itl oltice, lags. 16.10 of August 21gt, South Bethlehem. Morria Miller . 10.00 O r Morrla Miller Warn-n B. Irons, for llagcnlicck-Wallii*-e

Rnipkiyees, tags . 27.60 Kddte Martin . 10.00 Fred Haynes . 6.00 Thomas Pence . 10.00 W. D. Hildreth . 10.00

Total .$822.22 I

This amount dues not Include the large num¬ ber of apnllcatlons for membership sent In on ] the strength of Sbowmen'a t<eagae Day.

C. A. Wortham sent In tlilrty-flve npidlcntlons I and $■'<10 In Initiation fees a,nd dues. H. G. MelrUle secure*] twelve gpplW-ations from t:ie | Nat U<“l-«s Shows. accomiwnU-d by $00. C. P. Tlimi-r si'iit In seven aiipllcntlons from the I,.eon

acting upon the order issue<l by Director of Public Safety 8«oy, am-sted ten of the IhMrdwalk amusement men, who, when arraigne*! Is-fore the Kecorder, were flnod $1.1 each. In liiitHtsing sentence the Re¬ corder declared: “The amu-iement altnatloa Is not being dealt with In an Intelligent manner, and I feel much embarrasHe*! at l>eing called <.U|s>n to stdve it for the city. Justice cannot

Address BEN KRAUSE, Manager Krausel .. ' I.ast Sunday the church element, feeling that

the antliorlties had been too lenient, caused the imlioe to arrest nine amuKement proprietors and managers, Inolinling E. P. Dentzell, agi-iit of the 1.. A. Tlw.mpson Scenic Railway Corporation; Julius Ooldiuan, manager of the Magic Waltz; Thomas Ireland. Henry Ijirkeii, J. Kawamatb. George M. Sadleln. T. WIstar Grookert and Charles Mangold, operators of akee ball alleys, and William II. Dentrel, the Philadelphia car- onsi-l manufacturer, who was operating his owu device at the time of the raid. Seventeen em¬ ploy.—s w*-n- also arresteil. ineliidliig Geo. Hasbi. Will. Pnislier. Herbert Buretta. Isador Gru blalf. Gus U. Win. K. I.. Coffey. Henry Bothell. Konl Bothell, I.undy Smith, I.ewia Mackey, Herb. Gollead. Alfred .Sosen. Jack Johnson. Harry Pell. Frank Hague. Henry Powell and another J. Johnson. All were marche*! to Jail. Incarcerated, but later releaaed under various casli balls ranging from $.1 to $‘J00, with the ex*-eptioii of William Dentzel. who was forced to s|iend tlie night iu Jail because his real es-


iSHGABIBBLE OR JOYLAND If not sold S;e^r"ftr.rH;grt:Jc2^wiu.?^*\h noth complete, ready to set up. Can be seen with show.

Sired? r^^^i "of■“a"^ut“roI,'“aXaTro» Hext tcn days will storc; need the room. Also two si.xty foot box cars 1 m-:p,'a"mv M'r‘''r"!.'lfei’';5u:!:5 one week. , . , Hccount of getting stecl equipment, u anted, bagpiper, pit show man- to lurmit hu friends to supply cash bail. Ills

J. Arbogast, Miss Fleming, wire address. .I0H.\NY J. JONES tL‘tnrr'Hls"!.="d ll"ru.e'^tVa? EXPOSITION SHOWS, week August 14th, Quincy, Ill.; week 21st, amount will run up Into large flgiiret Davenport, la.


Col. I. M. Martin, general niauagi-r of Chester Park, whose policy of supplying the public something new each wuson. Is offering hts latest oevloe. Stella, the Tango Girl, for sale make room for a new device of hla own concep¬ tion. Stella WHS the “big hit” at Chester this season nnd proved to be one of the most novel luirk devli-es ever constmcled. It Is a riding <1*Tlc«‘, giving a most pleasing and novel sen ration. The figure of Stella Is forty feet high and the bottom of her skirt Is twenty feet in diameter. The flgure travels up, down and

WANTED Freaks, Cnriosilies or Performers for Too-ia-Oao

I Work all winter. Handcuff king, girl for electric chair to handle snakes on bally- I hoo, man and wife for second sight and spirit cabinet or any good attraction. Tell lowest salary‘in first letter. Don't ask for the earth because you won’t get it. Send photo if freak. Describe act if performer. Address JAS. M. BENSON, care

arouii.'h 'making ir"app«-ar I'ke sh<‘ Is doing the I Greater Shows, Pottsville, Pa., week August 14th: South Bethlehem, Pa., “tango.” The ride is the talk of the amuse- _-.i, «i_* » i i o , , ‘tango. _ mentgoing public of Olncliinatl. and it la nomnion occurrence to hear the phrase: ”HaTe you «»-en 8tellal” almost any place yon go. Tile ride has a large capacity, seating eighty lieople ea< h trip, tiolonel Martin will lx- pleaaed to furnish full particulars by* addressing him, care of Cheater Park.

week August Rlst.


conceaaion man. Thu good eHougli foF u roal good Camival Company with plenty

Scranton. Pa.. Aug. 12. Kditor The Billboard.

Cincinnati, Otaio. Dear Sir—^The Billboard, being known among

Y MECHANICAL SHOW, or anything bad one Fred W. Emery, of BosJ^. t«>_n>y > J n ploy e Emery, on August 6. left, with .

leaTlag the stand wlthont anyone to gnard tt ] of Fairs and Dates till Christmas and at the mercy of anyone wlahlng to help themselvee to the watchea or other goods.

This Is no personal grievanoe. but it really hnrta to think that a man wonld bite “the hand that fed him.” aa be also owed me about $461 I had advanced him. Youra truly,

ROBERT R. HOFFMAN. Care Sibley's Saperb Showa.

Aa proof of the foregoing Mr. Hoffman anb-1 mittrd a sworn atatement.—The Editore.

object, he state<l. was to bring action against the elty.

Tlte above list represents about twenty-eight to thirty per cent of the amusement men wlmm they had planned to arrest In the raid. The re¬ maining ones evaded the police.

Demands for warrants were refused. The pollee asserted that acting on orders from their superiors actual warrants were not necessary. Mr. Deutz»d. however, secure*! his release on M*>n*1ay, and immediately an Indignation meet¬ ing on the part of the harassed amusement pro¬ prietors of Atiautte City was held, and a pro¬ tective organlz.stlon formed by twenty-live of the amusement purve.vors and owners of loeal amusements. Eii*"h o*>nstitueut advanced $100 for the jiuriK>se of engaging the best legal talent In the State of Jersey to combat the allege*lly nn*-*)nal. disi-rtmlnatory treatment.

Yesterday afternoon a conference was held lietween the city authorities and the amusement men. the outis>me of which was that a compro¬ mise agreement was reached, whereby In oon- sideratlon of the amusement mi*n promising not to «>pen their places until 2 o'cljs-k Sunday after¬ noons they are n*>t to be further moleste*!.

Tills agn-ement was slrietly observed this afternoon, nnd the various smiiseraent places did not oiu-n until the time agreed upon. There were no arr<'stB or molestation of any kind by the autlmrlties today.

This Is a verr sensible arrangement, as the majority of nnbii*' oidninn realizes that the lid caniKd he claniiH-d down tiglit on all Innocent amusements at such a n-sort a.s .Atlantic City in the same puritanical manner that miglit be practh-ahle in a small rural *’ommunlty.




CONCESSIONAIRES Are you out for big money ? Then plan to attend the

.s... |BI| Free Stete Fair, Tepeka, Kan., Sapt. 11 Ta 16,1916 Hved here tuat Saturday fM Aurm, when [The only Free State Fair in the world. Go where the groundH are packed with ^ ^ISd" ^n2?.““Mk wis^^r hi** to”tJra peopk night and day. A big play and lots of money for you. Write now for space .. or information. PHIL EASTMAN, Secretary, Topeka, Kansas.



Wa aiw burr sthar OMirallais and gowl Fain ta fnlloat. Write m wire

___ „ m ^ ^ ^ •6*'**. Lawftaatvina, III., Aatail 14 te 14. P. Bi Wat aMlI Band, to J4u at ouee

After Mtakliig ami htdping <uil Jue R. King (real name Krug) and DIek Allen with a con- ceaaion iKitli m<-n left the ahow Saturday night. July 29, witlmiit making any aettlement for the week and with*uit notice; alao taking with them aome of the i<onceaalan gotala. Frank Payne had *'liarge of a cat rack, owned by Carl Park er, and decamp)>d with the other tw-o, taking Batorday'a recelpta with him. Any friend knowing the whereabouta of either or all of the above three will confer a favor by adviaing the und*‘raigmri. ADOI.PH HKKMAN.

C. RARt. PARKRR. Ncirway. Ml*-li.. wa-ek of Auguat 14-18.

In kupix.rt *>f the and Parker auhmltte*! i Rditora.

above Meaara. Seeninn I aw*,rn atatement.- Tlie

th«m away (rout bis Athletic Show every ulght Mr. Melville of Chicago waa a vlaitor on the

ahtar at Aurora, and fMnd a large amount af paper up for the Sbovrxaea’a Deagae Day. He re- (jaiaed a number of new memhera for the Leagae. The Beiaa Showa are atroag bootters fW the Lmmb.

Mr. aad Mra. I,el aback Joiaed with the Aow with tbelr tbeca-abraast careaaeL flat KaMt baa a aaw atgaa flto Ma taapa ahow. Bin Barer baa pat aa a gtaaae Jeaaa baa Jalaad tba earavaa. Eprlag ea tba Bab patoL

zTo. fbna to well pleaaed with the llae-ap of mm that ba baa baabai tm tbia ib«.—$. H. MdKnnmT.


llarry B. Iw Roy aeniN ux a vigoroua arraign¬ ment of “Tlw Ural .veek’a hold book,” aa prae tieed In tie- carnival game, whhh lUuatratea vividly hr rertwinling a rm-ent experiem-e. T'n- f«*rtunatid.v it 1*. crowiled out of thia hmue.


7'lie Illlllxianl haa m^lvcd a eommunlcatluD algned by Mra. Forhea, to the effect that your wife la nut expe*'ted to live. Addreas 227 Nathmal avenue, Iv-trolt, Mich. Anyone know¬ ing Ihe wh<-reatKHif. of laxtder, kindly adviw.

AUaUtT 1% Xtie Dillboarcl









Hish-cUa. clan Mldwijr Attrartlans, for Pair «nd Hone Show. Aaoriatloo will run ahow and will noaldrr no other arranannent. Dates, HetHember ‘A and 13. Prefer Ihoae barlna own fnmta. Will fur- nlah rtoDta. etc., if neeeauir. Name loirtat price and full partleulars of attraction in Brat letter, aa coo- traeta BMal be doaed at onoe. Addivaa BOX 111. BenardartUe. New Jaraor-


Bead! to open at once. Can alao funilah trainer to work act U neceaaarr. Par Infonnatioo oddreaa lUilS O. B. HARBIB, Sunuaer 8L, Stoneham. Uaaa.

WANTED QUiCK, WANTED—CaralTal and Ooocea- •looa for the bit Hoine Comen' and Aarlcultural Meet, BepL 4 to 9. Must be clean and rdlablei. lO.OM peaple to draw from. Bumper craps. First celebration in man; rears. Backed b; business men and meRfaanta of Malden. Ito. Eberrbod; booattne. Bboet lump to Cape County Pair, next week. Write or wtre GBO. B. KNEIBI^T. Secretary. Malden. Mo.






San Fiancisco Facts

San FraDclaco, CkL, Apr. 11.—Joarphtap Ih f Lombard (Joaepblna La Croix) and Albart Terry were married at Oakland on August 7. I I.e Croix la appearinf in Alexander Carr’a sketch, April Showers, playing at the Oakland Un>beuni thia week, and Terry la dancing part¬ ner of Mrs. Balph liers, in her aecund week at the San Francisco Orpbeum.

J. Walter Doyle of llonululu, formerly Ha¬ waiian Commissioner at the Panama-Pacifle Ex- poaltion, and for many years an amusement promoter in the Hawaiian Islands, has left for Detroit, where be will afflliate with the 1. L. W'onds Theatrical Syndicate. Doyle was oyer here several mouths ago in the Interests of the Mid-Pacifle Carnival, the big annual event at Honolulu.

tieorge Angus, president of tbe Mid-Pacifle Carnival Committee of Honolulu for 1917, was a Tisitor here for a few days, leaving for New York on persoDal business. While in tbe United States be will look over aeveral amusement en¬ terprises with a view of recommending attrac¬ tions for tbe Uld-PaclBc Carnival, which la held in February.

Tbe Lytell-Vaughan Stock Company arrived from Honolulu, where they played an eight weeks’ engagement to very fair bnsiness.

To tbe big local act. Twenty Minutes at the P.-P. I. E., which ia in its second week at the Emprese, Sid Granman attribatea tbe breaking of the boose record on tbe second Sunday of the sbow and also the establishment of tbe bouse record for tbe biggest matinee. Sunday, An- gnst 6, went between $400 and $500 over tbe biggest Sunday ever played at tbe Empress. Tbe matinee was tbe biggest on record.

William Saarka. owner of one of tbe big¬ gest moving plctnre bouses in Sydney, Australia, was an arrival on tbe Oceanic steamer. Sierra, en route to New York for some new picture Ideas. He declared that tbe people of Aus¬ tralia are almost wholly dependent on Auicr- iea for motion pictures of every kind.

Le Tellier, the maglcltn, who has been with tbe Foley A Burk Shows all season, left at Watsonville on account of atekness, and U plan¬ ning to start North with bis own road sbow soon.

Tom (Red) Murray, formerly writb tbe Fox Minstrels, arrived from Australia on tbe Oceanic liner. Sierra, and U visiting In San Francisco, lie expects to wait bere for tbe Barnnm Sbow.

Albert Albert, well known concession man, who baa tronped with many of the large organ¬ isations of tbe United States, has left for CbUi, Booth America, where be expects to pnt on con¬ cessions with a traveling carnival company. Harry Racick. another well-known concession worker, is planning to leave for Sooth America about the first of the month.

Tbe Pacific United Amnsements. nnder tbe management of Jakey Davis, fnmlabed tbe amnsement attractions for the Sonoma and Marin Connty Pair at Santa Rosa this week. 7%ey report good bnsiness.

Hitchcock and Baker (Jnst Kids) have left for the Northwest to play a six weeks' engage¬ ment In vandeville. Doris Hitchcock is tbe wife of Phil Otis. San Francisco manager for Remick. and has been spending tbe summer at their home here. Otis Is the author of tbe act.


Otto F. Ebring. the well-known ride operator of Colnmbus, O., was a recent visitor at the home of the Eli Bridge Company, and placed his order for a No. 12 “Big Ell” wheel, to Ik> delivered to him at Greenfield. O.. where Ehiing lias contracted to famish the rides.

Mr. Ehring owns several Conderman wheels and a number of Herschelll-Spillman Jnmpers hooking all of his rides independently, playing still or -It fairs, but this Is the first “Rig Eli” Mr. Ebring owns.



Hells In (very bome. efaurch. lodge and public place. NoUilnf Nke it. Send for circular. Secure territocy.


FOR SALE—Caody Rats Trask: Twenty bones, top. frame, abelvcs, counten. electiic wiring, all com¬ plete; In excellent condition; $100.00. FBED R. HEINT. 14tb to lOtb, Knox. Indiana.

for sale—Brand new Tantu Swing; now running in Sunbuiy. Pa.. I weeks; ana oveibead Merry-Go- Eound, TiiA Doo and Doses. Waatsd all kinds of Tents and Top Attractlona for Grata Fair, Sept 19 to 11. BARllT SMITH. GraU. Pa.

CONCEUION AND AMUSEMENT MEN —There will be a two daya’ Woodmen I*tcnlc and Home (tuning at Louisiana, Mlaaouri, Septeenber 4 and S. Dood proporitlon for tha right kind of people. Write St once to J. T. TRUBl Secretary.


and one or two good Shows, for Mg Carnival Cele- braUon on the streeU of Corabig. if. Y., Septemher 11 to If, Inclusive. All (Xmoeaalona open, includ¬ ing OonfetU. No grift wanted. Wheels won’t vortt. *d«>reM W. B. FOX, 45 llrie St, Buffalo. New Yorti.


for Heichtiits’ A Farmers’ Fall Show. September 14, IS, 10, Olathe, Ksnsas. Alao clean Ooncessloiit. F. L. HOUSE, Sscretsry. N SMALLEST FLAG MADE—llie cut Is the eiact

rise of our Amcrti-sn flag In R. W. B. hard enamel colnn, with screw bark and nerer-nUp poSnt. We have gone one point higher thui whet

®“rrs, ud that Is the price—the gmids are the Lest ntsde. Price, per grass, $1.50; per doo., liOc.; single SyS!?.'*-. ****’• No raUIngue. THE HOLID.VY NOV-

MFG. CO., 11 Union Square, New York.

Cvsry ogtNstlatr uraata la kaaw whara you saw bit ofi.


Will Be Free Attrwetion at Kenton (O.) Fair

The Pawnee Bill Wild West Show has closed contracts with the Kenton (O.) Fair (August 22-20) to furaiah the fret; attraction. The Pawnee Show made a good record at Kennjrwooa Park. Pittsburg. Business was better daring the latter weeks than during the first.

w: -«3 ' 4.^1

$600to^3000ExtraNet For -


rn rnO ni # i uj



Ban Kranelsro, Aug. 10.—Tbe Ban Franciaco office of The Billboard la in receipt of a newsy letter from Mrs. M. B. Lewis (Nettle, tbe I'exas Fat Girl), who was formerly an attrac¬ tion with Foley ft Burk, and who. for the past year, has been in Honolulu. Nettie has been showing St all tbe plantations and islands in the Hawaiian gronp. and is now contemplating a trip to the Orient. Here ia tbe gist of her communication, and gives a vivid idea of troup- ■ug in the Sandwich Islands:

”1 have made tbe circuit of all tbe Islands except Mollki. and aa that is tbe leper station I have no regrets for missing It. The first thins- I did after <*omlng here was to bay an auto¬ mobile, and I have almost lived In It. Im¬ mediately after the Mid-Pacific Carnival I went to the Island of Hawaii and took the car with me. I had on it my 18x24 tent, with poles, a 7x7 cmnresston top and two suit eases full of ”slnm.” with a man to work concession, spieler on the front of my show, a Kanaka diver, my¬ self and our clothes. We made the entire trip of the Island, playing small towns and planta¬ tions without a breakdown, and only three pnnctnres. I got $214 the first day at Hilo. Hawaii. Is one vast cane field, and when we felt like going sight-seeing we dropped tbe load and went where we felt like It.

“Afterward I went to Kakali. Here I got permission to land at the Hackfleld Landing for $S. I wondered what the ehanre was f*' until wc got* there, then I saw. They rained tho maehine, with me In It, with the donkey engine, and gently deposited ns on a flat ear, after whleh they pulled ns and the sugar train lip to tho top of the hill, pnt a plank np. and the driver ran the maehine down onto the road.

”I expect to go to Manila for the Philippine rsc-nivnl there, and then play some places In China and Japan.”


SOUAWKERS. Ne. 7I*2—Extra quality two-cMor rubber, whiilllng; made of the best Para

balloon rubber; will stand high pressure and is very strong. Comes In ao- softed combimUkio colors, blue and white, yellow and red, areen and red, etc. Oroaa . .$2-M

Ne. 7fi-I—Aa above. In large star. Grass.I,N Have yaw ever hsadled our Hne of NovelUss, or rerrived our calologwet M

you are a dealer and awan busiaess, slip -us a ewd for our new catalogue, nn* talnlng tbe bloeat variety of asetrhaBdiat at the loweaL prices. If this gengsMtisw asaBdB Bosd Is yow. write today, not taosomw.

M. ge;rbe:r, Hsadgaartwa far Btreatstea RgailaRlsa,

727-72» SaM SIrasI, PHILAOCLPHtA. PA.


8t. Louis Amusement Co. First-class Meny-Go-Round and Ferris Wheel, Shows and Concessions, one Free Act, so I can fill my Fair contracts due to my loss in the Cabin Creek flood. R. C. Lee and Chas. Eastlake, answer. Address

E. W. WEAVER. Manager, Huntington Hotol, - HUNTINGTON, W. VA.

Elks’Mid-Summer Festival CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILL.

ONE ENTIRE WEEK, AUGUST 21-26, INCLUSIVE Parker's Greatest Shows will exhibit. C. W. Parker (himself.) Can use a few good, legitimate Concessions. H. D. BALDWIN, Agt.,

Care Elks* Club, Chicago Heights, Ill.

Mighty Haag Show Wants Good Camp Cook, whit# or Mack. Addisaa I. HAAS. POB PRTYILKOB8—Twa good Tslksn Pit Rhow. also good Stand Man. Address H. EMOARD. Maaagar PrhRagsa. Joara. f«M an. Warsaw. Aug. 1$: Ta»- pahannock, IT; Ctntvr Cnna. 1$; Jamaica. 1$: Urbomia. $0-91; all Virginia.

GET INTO THE GAME STEEL 800OT AEBOPLANEB. Rpead typa. For apott sr sihibittan work. $$.500 without asotet: II.IM complete wtth aaour. Plyliig inglnctlsna tneladvd __

MOUT AIRO WORM, 74R Oolnsggd Rlvd.. OlilMRm


u > T^fic^ Dim^oard AUttU«T It. ItIC.


Mieb., Aaf* A—Wall, .hw* w« ■ii tte •Uacta vf UhpmiBf, aad gettlag tk barfMM. 1 Old bear auuiabgdjr aar that

"wgabln’t bara a caraival,'* tat, ta, mL rm k«>w Cbariia farkar aaO what klad of taaaa ka pata aau aa what'a tha aaa aC taUlag ■M ttiMMit tCa •at, Catba, wa'ra haalag tba graaOeat waatbar.

llBa aaO aowt. and tba rata doaaa't aa«iu t« vaat ha ta U tha mbm tawa wlU oa. WalU ■Ml «ra aia gawa, ar batbara tba bojra a Uttla ■taa tkag ara aalaadlag, Uka It did Maoda/

at tobpaailug. M, Calaaal I'arkar, U away aaw. Waat Yark ta aaa tba dtaaiiiade, aad, la- , ta aall a caapia af bU $8,000 carry-

_’Dad” rainy gal aa aicltad ta think taat ka waa galng ta ba withaat a cbaparmi tar « aikala waak that ba drapp^ a plank ao tda •Mt awd kraka thma toaa. ila gat it ductared tiiaalp, aad la gattlng alaug fine, but yaa couldn't tala* hlai away fraa that tlckat baa. aa ka pra- •atad aa aid caaa, and la babbling araund.

BM I Ull yaa abaut bla aaw babyT Yaa, Mttka clrt ■aafcay, bam at ilancack, and ba kaancaidtko tawa by naming It Ilaaeack.

Wa ta*a a ball taam aaw, and If yaa want to %Hv atawt that graat gama batween tba "rau" ■kd tba “Lnana'* )aat look a Uttla tartbar in ^ BUljtay. Wo'vc got a gama acbadulad wltb « haaai h»ra, and If wa win I'll teU yau abant dtat anat wack.

It*a lata qulctar aruand tha abaw aaw, atam Oalrart baa gona. Ila got a notion that

atad anotbar '48 camp, aa gat a coupla of aa* eara, and aaya ba la going to play

talra. Ilare'a wlabing him lack. Wa Bka thia "copper country." Tba paapla

.aaa taaa aa much money tbar don't know what Oa «a artth It all. and ara buying aa nmeh oooper Wat tt took four anglnaa to haul aa oror ftan

laat Hunday.—M. ■. U.


irla, Mian., proaed ta ba a wlnnor. Wa ■ la tba ball grouada, aad altbonah

itaad aaaaral tlmea during tba waak wa did i

T. *of*{iobarta had a Queen Coataat oa llataaMrta, aad there waa aplrltad rivalry be-

tba gtrla of the town. Jao, the three-legged child wonder, baa

aad Joined the O,^ Wortham Bhowa Oroat Uoaalla, lata of the Bamnm ■haw*, baa joined. Ho la patUng on

jnntlonal free act. and working riaga la cbewa—JOHN D. IWBIX.


at a poor weak at Dabuqna, la., the Da * KMn Mbawa moved to OUaton, under tha

of the OUnton Baaoball Aaaa., and did good bualneaa tbeio, Oroat crodlt for

..jaa of tba week at OUntoa la dna Mr. ’, odHor of Tbe Cllntop Dally Advertlaer,

tat all laatancca proved to bo a "real, * fcItoWe** t CMatoa tba ahowa moved to Oaleobarg, kBM ttay fumlabod all ahowa and attrac- tm the OaUabarg Diatrlet Yalr daring ak oC Aawaot T to IS, Inelaalve, and. at ■eat welUag, ara doing a voiy Ug bnai Aflar tha Qaledbarg Fair thoy wiU make

10., under the uniform Rank of Knighta and. aeaavdiiig te tha prooMder, B.

wbo haa been on tba groanda for pant waak aad a half, thia tawa aboold

m awo of tha bannor woaka af tha at Wa Da Vanx * KMn Showa. Mr. Qallatt, » W aaaaaetad with Tha Oaatoa Dally

hta alna ptovoa a "raal fallow," and ant tha dapa right aad loft, regard t la tnmad la, and la dclag all la

ho make (ha htg Summer PheHval one goat waak’a In tha hlatory of Oanten, mat rooter and execwtlve ntaff of the __Of tbe following: M. O. De Vanx

. aad troaaarer; H. A. De Vaux, general ';'Baa H. KMn, aecratary and bnalnean

R. O. HarroUe, apodal repreaentative it; r. B. Powalaoa, general agent

I apodal repreaentative and pro- Harry Howard, odica aaalatant

r; O. W. Oliver, alectrldan; Harry t man; H. M. Mayerw tralnaMatar

lie, anperlirtendettt dining ear, and ilB. aaalatant manager dining car.

Banae of tba ahowa eartlod by the cam- Da Vanx k KIdn'n Maaaaaath 18-la-l

odth leff WnUama. aaanager; Dad aaalatant manager and lecturer, and WllUama on tta tlckat hox.

RaDivan'e Hnman Spider Show. J. A. manager; Ted WllUama, talker and

Ray, the human apider, and Mm. lecturer.

Oamedy Show, J. A. SnlUvan, man- nnd talker; Ernie Swanaon, tlcketa. Per-

: Phit loralne, female imperaooator; Seyhert, and Happy Wallace at tba Potriea: Mm. Phil Lamina. Mm. Happy

Mlaa Robert Healey aad Mlaa Daley

•The Human Tamntula," Billy Phirell, : Mm. Roae Parmll. tlcketa and naalat-

Kleln’a Dig Bodety OIrena. Oeo. MMHaM. manager; A1 Olllett and hla dog. By; The Great Bmeken. AaatmUaa wim ■r; Monte Montroae, couaedy chair balanc- ■w Cteita, (oat paalarlng; Bert Detmar,

::: FOR SALE :::



SdUlng to nukd room for new dovico, Prict and dttdUtd dd« Bcription on application. Addrats


GYROPUNE . Good Go low ^ CHEAP

asEiD. It MiLia pia Noua. DIAMITia, 71 rtCT.


CARRIED IM.0aa IN SEASON. $.m TO |.tdd IN A DAY. .


II w ~ ^' ■ ' '

BxacUjr Uha marhlna at Oaur Itland. which carrlm t.MO to 14,000 per week. Fait, tbrllUng ride. Hplcndld park aUracUon. Brilliant Ulumlr.aOao. Cheap to opwata. Double motion. Dfep dtp*. Flreproor aad foolpioar. Steel oonatrucUon throughout Abaotutdy aafe. WIU laat a lUrthnr. Big mprater. Uaa oaiilad aerr half a adlUon peopla In hve eeaiaiia.

H. 6. TRAVER & CO., • 50 Cborcli St., NEW YORK.


A Real Centennial, Logan, Ohio COUNTY SCAT

6 Diys-SEPI. i 5, 8,7, 8 lod 9-6 Nichts Twenty-five thousand people exj^ted. Day and night on the streets; bis pageants; city decorated. Excursion rate on Hocking Valley Rail¬ road. WANTED—Clean Shows and Conceasioiis, Ferris Wheel, Motor¬ drome, Tango Swings. Write, wire or phone


CLARK & CONKLIN’S •^iSST WANT Ugh-dam, ammr-gctUiig Attraetlans and Ooneemloos (or Hftctn weeks at Dar and Night Fairs sod odabrntlana. WIU. FBATUBB Animal Show. Ona-Blng Orcus, Wild West, Hippodrome. CAN PLACB Whip, Monkty Speedway, Human Silo, Autodrmne, Motordrome. Oaay House, Trip to Mara. Crystal Maae, Watar Show; Platform Attmetlaos, Snake Show, Fat Olrl, OgareUe Fiend, Mutget. CONCBB8IONK; Cook House, DoU Rack. Cane Back, Cat Rack. Photo Oallety, Dart Gallevy, Cigarette Oallery, Afrirau Dodger, Ten Pin Game. Funnel Game. Huckley Buck, Palmii^. Hoop-la. Spot-tbe-Spot, Plate Board, nah Pond, String Gtme. BoU-Down, Country Store, NovelUen, Buby Glaaa, Flower Stand, or any legitimate Oonresslcai. WANT General Agent. Second Ageat, Promoter and Cooteat Man, Workmen In all Unrs, Freaks, t^iriosltlea. Glaaa Blower for Ten-in-One, Producer and Chorus Glrla for Hualcal Comedy, Oriental People, i^er Acta of aU ktoda, Huatclana to enlaiim band. Write, wlra or phone

W. N. 8ALE8BUSY, Managw, weak Aaguat 14, BleeaiibBri, Paaatylvanla.

adentlflr juggling, and tbe gmet Btnbhletteld Trio, triple trapeie and web deacent.

Dixieland or Plantalloa Show, W. N. "BUm" CblUne, manager and talker; John HalBMS. tirkets, and Joe Golden, tlcketa, and alxteon bigh-claea colored performem from tbe Booth.

De Vaui A Klein'e '48 Camp, O. 0. Btevann. manager; Jeaae Bblvely, at the plaao, aud, be- Ueve me, be ran play It; Clyde Ogden, flddla; Fmnk Van Dmaka, dmma; John Ramkl, comot; Martin Dyer, bardog, and Whitey Burton, tlcketa. Tbe rowgirla am: Lola Bmemon. Clara De Leon, Grace Barton, Evelyn Archer, Rva Stomp, Grace Walker, Babe Tbompaon, Lottie Brown, Lytle Stanley, Margaret Qracn, Bcaale Bradley and Calamity Jane.

John Kllonia' World-Famona Athletic Show. Pete Tbompeon. manager and talkar; Ona. U- lonlB and Whitey Archer, tlcketa. Wraatlarai John Rlhmla, meeting all comera; KM Stewart, Joe Lank. Kid Scotty, Bob Wehr and Jim, Iha Wop. Thia la the show that baa baen gating the money ever aliice tbe aeaaon opened.

Dad Shields' Big Vendome Theater or Mlrnclr Show, Dad Shields, manager;- Artie Bhtelda. aa- atatant manager; Mrs. Artie Bbielda. Mlaa BraMr Butler and Mias Tiny Wrigbt on the tMdde.

Dad Shields' Mabel Show (this abow needs na Introdnctloo. aa It la In a claaa by Itself), Dea Shields, manager; Annt Lon BUts, tlcketa: Phyl¬ lis Newcomer, "Mabel."

De Vanx A Kleln’n Mg Parker three ahranat carooael, with Hy "Duke" Hart, manager; Mn. Happy Howard, tickets, and Set Brat-claaa able aaaiataata.

De Vanx A KMn'a Mg No. B BH Oerrla whaM; Henry "Duke" Hart, of Roedbonae; HL, aa manager, and Danny Gordon aa aaelatnat.

During tba engagement at Hampton, la., BUly Farrall and Roae Nlckeraoa. who formerly worked fOr Dad Bbielda on hla Mabel Show, ware nnlted in mnirlage. and a happier couple can not ba fonnd on tba ontSt.

Prlnceas White Cloud, the Sioux Indian maid, wbo formerly aang with tbe De Vanx A KMn hand, la no longer connected with tha ontSt, haring left nt Dnbnqne, la. Her hnahnnd, B. 0, McCarthy, haa alM aeveied hla conneetlona with the ontSt, and at laat reporta wan headed for CMcago.

After Canton. HL, where the ahowa nre play- lag twdtr the Knights of PytMaa, they wlU go to Monmonth.nL, then to Princeton (lU.) County Fnir, tad then on down South to play a atrlag of faira which have been booked for tbe past month or ao.

Tbo writer, who la also promoting Canton, haa ona of the biggest antommle conteate on that has been polled og thia aeaaon with this trick, and la meeting with ancceas In every nndertek- lag. He haa a hunch of "real Uvo wires” on the show committee and great credit aheodd he ex¬ tended them in thia raapect.

From last reports boalBeas at Galeabnrg was gotng Mg.—R. O. HARROLLB.


For Riverview Park and Road Season. State salary ex¬ pected. G. H. ARMSTRONG, Riverview Park, Chicago, Ill.


For Day and Night Celebrations, some Fairs and some on the streets, in the heart of some of the best manufacturing towns in this section. We want troupers—not tourists. If you want to play some real spots up till Christmas, get busy; join a show that is backed by real money Address TIANI-tYNDICATE SHOWS, BATAVIA, ILL.



The Piremen'H (•arnlval, held at Mechanics- ville. N. Y., wan a nnecena, and the lire depart ment wna pleanetl with the ahowa. They con Bisted of Otla L, Adams* motordrome. Col. Fred, the mnslcal bone; Bd Smith's 10-tn-l, Slo- man A THIett'a nnake abow, Mac's Diving Girls, Baby Jim, and about twenty-flvo con- cenMonn,

On August 11 a young man working on the diving girl show was drowned la tbe Hudson Hirer bark of the show lot. He was only with the show two weeks, and no one neema to know bla name or hla Imme addreaa.

Otla I,. Adama la the father of another boj. Adams' motordrome end Stoman A THIett'a

snake show go to the Perry <N. T.) Fair. Kd Smith's ten-ln-one nnd ntblertc show play the Allenvllle Fair. Chappy (Tavelle ta now han¬ dling tbe snakes In Smith's 10-ln-l.—DOC RLOMAN.


Walls, Pa., under tbe Firemen, waa a pippte for everybody, end the rommitten one of tbe flneat of the aeaaon. We had a number nf vUltora here.

Eaat Tonngatown, O., followed under the Flro Boys, and It wan a regalar spot for every¬ one In general. A few new unraeelone joteed here, and did nteely. We have ten paid ahowa. forty-nine conceanlona, two riding devices and a free act. The band now conaiate of alxteen pieces.

Charles Auerhack left for Atlantte City for a few days, leaving Boh Martin la charge of con- ceaalona.

Vlalta were exchanged hetwaan tha Arana Amnsenent Company people naS (ta Snporlor Show folks.

Prince Nelson startled the nadrae with bla apectacolar free attracNen.

Then came the Bnalnean ManTn Sotiiga nnd Italian relebratton, MiytaM Rand, Otevatend, O., on the atreeta, with ttaammUi af alaetvlc llghta and decorations. The paMUe waa oa hand both day and Mght. Tha Mngs laated ten days and aa many nlglUn. Ilsw Nr tbe fairs.—W. J. MVRPHT.

!%£i£y^ td''

AUaUBT Tlie. Dlllbp^r^<l


Hamm«r«d Ceppar Madailion Wall PlacfUfa I" i|atn pairtraUa ladga amblama aaptura tha erawd and gat y'atf tha manay.


BOYS, HERE’S A LIRE THAT IS ENTIRELY NEW AHD DIFFERENT—IT’S A Bl6 IWINNER. If joa art not letting tha hmfk results you have not got the right goods. Get out of the rut and set the pace with aomethiag now. Sample aS.OO^ pitatpaii anywhere. 118.00 per dozen. Special low prices in quantities. Deposit required.



TWO MORE SHOWS FOR FAIR OATES Would like to hear from good Girl Show, no cooch or well shows. Will furnish outfits. Also want Plantation People. All Concessions open, except Doll Wheel and Race Track.

MRS. NAT REISS, PRES. J. G. FENN, GEN. MGR. ROUTE—Neenah, Wis., week Aug. 14th, National Guards: Galesville, Wis.,

week Aug. 21st, County Fair, shows on the streets; Marshfield, Wis., week Aug. tStb, County Fair. Balance eeason all Fair dates.

100% to 150% PROFIT OR PERFUME ^

FOR WHEELMEN AND FAIR WORKERS |i Wr put up PrfTum. In hollln cytfy idae, .h.p« and {lU’lr, uTrral diff rent |SH cion. Knid u. a trtal onl.r. Satltfartlcio luirtuu^.t. ■«-<«. TiaU, $I.7S I'CiUn par Grata: S-CmM Iota, 11-40 par Grata; H-ca. rlala. $2.2S per Groat; L- -J S-Oruaa Iota, $2.00 par Great. One-oa. BocUva. likr llluatratimi at IrTt. SI.OS par Datta; S-oa. Bottha. $2.40 par Oaiaa; 4-cc. Ikailni, $3.60 par I Oawa: s-oa. Bottica, $4.S0 par Dezaa. nkar pnou arr tbr lowtMt quotrri. ; •-B We laaae do ratalua. Depoalt taqulrrd oa 0. O. D. tdilpmcnta.

THE SUPERIOR PERFUME CO. M tee M. rmil Aaatw, Oapt B. _Clilaasa. Illlaata.


ladtea' aod Oanta’ Mmmttnia Tlfftnp. $II.Se par Grata; Bel- ^ —ciier. $ mr Graaa. Bend $Sc for aaatplea. P. 8.—Write fur

oar Dew '■atalonie. free (dealert only). N. M. YOUNG 4 CO.. WPalatala Jewolart.

Arena Amusement Co. Can place EH Ferris Wheel, Jumping Horse Carousell for long season and iSouthem tour. The machines we have are contracted for and contracts cannot be broken. ARENA AMUSEMENT CO., week Aug. 14th, East Liverpool, Ohio.

: : WANTED : : Man To Make Openinca on lllnsion Show Avo ^o Giria for niuaiona. Can use Freaks of all kinds for Pit Show. Long eea- ^^g_gT_Faira. Wire W. WEAVER, Ganeral Delivery, Cordand, New York.



Native Sons Admission Day Ceiebration •ANTA nOPA, CALIFORNIA. SCFTCMBCR T-t-t


NISWIUE MWSEMENI C0.-WUITED Is* OMi mt m» IHildtwaatalw Man noaHr. Otila tw '4$ aboo. tmttlti^ Martp Uo-aaoDd P*** MsSlMk ISM CM htan tSa la load ahapa; StaB tar Manr Wtdoar Bwliia pod thrap 4*anMMn. Mppi ap mhm pad phm m pic bad lai«aaap Addrcta

NASHVILLI AauaiaENT CO.. AaeaW 14 ta IS. WUIIppmUp. N. C.

WANTED for the BLONDIN SHOW tDPB and wifp, that doet wirv. trapa, ooDtortlm and iMRaity arta. that ran rhancr for a week: lYaat

~44 ean do ^tcrialUea. one af thnu play pood piano; want man*and wUa to play druan and piano, or rioun and piano. Btalc loweat talary. I pay all. la a two-car lent ahow. Nerer rkne. Pay your

Tcar'a work to rtpht partlfo. Muai be aober, asperimeed, good tlieeam on and air. Ttckctt If ! No peta or dopa. Addrcaa LXO BLONOIN. Daka, OklakaaNL

Ringiing Brothers’ Worid’s Greatest Shows 0^ place TWO FREAKS at once. Write or wire per route. LEW GRAHAM, Mgr Annex. Silmrc negative.


Batte, Mont., Ang. 14.—ti>r tbo Drat tlma thla seaaoD tbo abows made a Bonday openlnf, and It niuat bo aald that nerer in tbo entire biatory of tbo asgregaUon bave tbe men made aneb a aplendld record witb tbe work of nnlooding and iMdldg tbo train, aa well at witb tbe work on tbe lot.

Tbo abowa came bare from Anaconda, wbere they played but week. Tbe abowa were on tbe atreeta, and both abowa and conoesalona worked •rertlme both afternoon and cTenlng all tbe week long. Pocatello, nnder tbe Eaglea, waa another big week for tbe abowa, and, ontalde of Colorado Bprioga and Cbeyenne, tbe engage- aMDt prored to be tbe beat and biggeat of tbe ■eaaon. W, H. Rice la Joatly proud of tbe abowa’ accompUabmenta at Cbeyenoo and Coh>- rado Springs, and be declarea that tbe records for both tbe C. A. Wortham Shows and tbe Great Wortbam Shows were completely amaabed at both pf these itande.

A new pit show Joined at Anaconda, and looks like a money-getter. Pnll details of tbia new oatflt will be given in a later letter.

Loclle Anderson, tbe swimmer and athlete of Los Angeles, Joined tbe abows recently, re¬ placing Irene LMlIe, who closed at Denver.

Gene Irwin, master of conatmetioD witb the Water Circas, closed with the abows at Colo¬ rado Springs, while Doc Danville, tbe advance agent, baa Joined tbe advance forces In the capacity of special agent.

Reports from Great Falls, Kallispell, Spokane, Nampa and otber points ahead are more than enconraglng, and everybody la confident of wonderful bosinees at tbe fairs, of which we have a Mg string booked. W, H. Rice, our ever-moving general agent, has left the shows for a trip to San Francisco, while Larry McCale, BoperintendeBt of Ughta, baa departed on a fishing trip, leaving bis department In tbe care of Alva Tan De Teer, who la keeping tbe Ugbta brightly baming.

George Vpton baa rctnmed to tbe fold and la DOW bolding down tbe position of oOicial lec-. tarer at tbe Amaaa Show.

I neariy forgot to state that Elsther Donoboe (Mra. Spencer) is beok In tbe bnslDeas and is rattJng some wonderful capers from tbe diving boerd In tbe Water Show. Aa a dlviiig beanty abe baa lost none of her old ebarnw, and her work ta aa fall of daab and vim as ever. We go frtND here to Great Palls, and from there to KalltapeU, from wbere yoa wtU again bear from MICKIE O'BRIEN.


Sidney, Meb, Ang. 8.—We played Laramie. Wy.. last waek and did a fairly goad bnaliiaaa We would have done better bnt for tbe fact that tbe Wortbam Sbowa playad there a few weeks prevloas.

Sldn^ thta week. Monday nlgbt tamed oat to be a big one, aa this ta tbe first carnival to play here In three years. Tbe town has been closed to all week-atand abows np to this data. Crodibjnnst go to Frank Brown, general agent, tor heating virgin qwta.

Iba company now constats of ten paid at- tractioas, two riding deviceo and twenty-seven coticeeelope. Tbe ebowa are as foUowa: Tbo Old Plantation, Don O. Btevenson, owner and manager; Bldridge Ibnlkner, front and ticketa. Ton-in-one Show. Bill Moore, owner and man¬ ager; SUm Wallace on front. Major Little- flngor, vrlfe and baby. Zrte Hoffman on tbe (toot. SsUiOTA, Barry Bvana, owner; Bob Oastle on front. Alma, tbe bnman aeroplane, nip to Man, Sborty SeoOoId, manager. Tea Tboneand- Dollar Crystal Maae. Forty-atns Oaaap, Barry Bvana. oamer and manager, witb Barry ABen on front. Tbo Camp baa tarrtvo giria aad a alx-pieco orebaotra.

Jack Oreenborg made a trip to Denver today to boy stock.

M. A. Oowdy left at Laramie to Join the Wortbam 6baiW4

Blackie Rlcbardaon la now In ebaigo of the prlvllego ear, be havlag left the Wertham Show# to Join iM at lianmla.

Drafy Bayaa to operating flvo atorea, inclndlag dolls and teddy heat*.

W. A. Moore has added another attmctlen to hto dreos aide show—OUa Bnrhich and bln ana- alcal art—making nina pita, featnring Little Blek tries.

Bert Lorow ta a boay man en tha ahnw. Bo- aldeo Mowing glaas In tho rireno eMe-ohew be to opemtlng two ahowa Parisian Bennty and Anra, bnmaa aoioiriaaa.


I l>Try. la.. Ang. 12.—Doc to the repotatloo of tbe show at other stands in Iowa, tbe 8. W. Itrumlage 8)k>ws were able to aecore a coneea

I Rkin fmm th# fltv oMIHmIm at thiM tnwn

wltl oiuibl» tbem to exhibit here fOr tho iroek of tbe Diet. A centnlly located let, aitd eae whicb has never been need for show pnrpeoeo In tbe past, arlU be tbe honw of tbe carnival during its stay In Perry,

Tbe Rnindage Nbows win be the firat tentad attraction to exhibit at Perry thta araaon. Agent Ren R. Renaon ta on tbe groonda, looking after the Interest of the troope.



NOW la the OEM to send la y o n T order for

oar Caamatan Novelttaa We are t h a largest

manufsetureta la this 11 n aad our large output eoablee oa to auppiy t b ea 0

goods at aneb low prices tbit yon ran cam from $0$ to $«•%

prodt. If yon are ana of tbe f

Oliver and diaed I Flaahy nlckol bu< klea. actual aixB.

L* strapa.


81 25 Dun 812.88 fm

Grut Bxactlj llba ant

6MIII1L tGMHIT WAITED AT BUIIRI. L f. WAMTBI—A good Carnival Company with Osna». rimm and AaaseaMBta. any week up to aeptembar II. Labor Day week iirefemd. to play aader the nmaiem of FYatemel Order of Eagles Na 137$. A Urn MM mmrid. Addrma PAUL B081NG. Becictam. Mmfe.


WAHTCB-MrraACTioNs. coNccsaiam and ndliw Devices for big LABOR LKUBRATIOW at OWBraBORO, KT.. MONDAY. SEPTBMBn 4. Free gate. C A. PAYNE. JR.. Cbslimes. Owemp- bore. KontoMy.

ATTRACTIONS WANTED AttracOona, indudlne Caraival Compaay. Mmn-Mto ■aaad. ate., tar a Mg three-day Huplns and Mfitag Oonioat and Indtan Dance, to l>e held at WaMarngta Oklahoma. Awuat $4. IS. $4. 1914 Ubcral Oaawn aians win be made to clean Attractlnna. Adtaam CBOUTBAU 4 PSPPES, Kaw Oty, Oklahoma.

TOL^EOO. IU.IN01S. WANTS for Its AVIATION MEET AND FREB BfYBO* FAIR, around Court House Square, weak of 40B, 21 to M, Inchwive, Jumping Horae Camoari. FmMk Wberi. BHodroaae. good Pianutlon Show, Wdl ffhmt and good Platform Show. ODOcesrions of all MaA aaam oa. cacept Dells, Bean and Candy, wbloh aas said. Write or wire F. H. BEA.VE. LowiimasBI^ lUlnata. week of August 14 to 19. aod Tolcda, 04. waM of Aimwm $1 to 26. Can place smaO Band gfi


WAITED- Piii Shows iid Csicistliii Itar Ooodhna Oounly Agiicuttural Fair, Resasmbot Id Me 16. .Liberal terms tor Paid Rbowa. Addimn ' KAIOIT O. OLANDER, 8ec’y. Zumbrola. Mtan.

I AUQUtT If, Ifif.

GREAT AMERICAM SHOWS SPMRIIS' CIRCUS WRRTS clti^n. of tb.t rttr wei« nock ■ w«»»www mwmmmm aw ,«(,>_ |n rlpw ot th« f*ct tkat th«f ITast Circus Billposters and Bannermen. Good treatment, top wages and long wfn- not wm fiving the sbow s chases, season. Address quick C. 8. CLARKE, Car Manager, Ashland, Aug. 17; Mid- h. 8. Magniis a performing bona. Maaoot,

weak asd deaplta aU tauTtboksslaaao is dletown, 18; Wilmington, 19; Lebanon, 21; all Ohio; or T. W. B.\LLENOEIR, win cIohc iiif Cbautauqua mason la Paaa, iiTl battar thas that ot anj of the ftmr otkar car- Qen. Agent. London. Ohio. Western iVnniiyUanla Kxpost slTsla ban e»-rfd cf sa naouo, wisuwu, vrmw.__ i»)tt8burg, August .*». for seTeo weaki.


Oar saaaral agant, Mlg Blei. raparta good __ - ^ «;n«*f»*inant Mr. Maguire will ra- baefclnga ahead, and baa tbe abow bookad UU |l||||sm’» I f|nf||||| Shoilf

tba and tlm aaa**. - a— w t,t a *”'*o*i. A bear belonging to tba Norlbwaatara Show. ■rerjrbodx u looking for a good waak’a bast- For big show band, Bb Clarinet, trombone, baritone and trap drummer. Otheri, escaped HatunUr nlgbt, August s. at canton u ^ at Banding daring tba Bika- 8uta Ooaren- Addreig JERRY MUGIVAR, Sikegton, Mo,, August 17; Caruthergville, 18 • I and the crowd waa thrown Into a panic aa tb

“Tia o«at American Bbaw. bmi twa gm>d Blythesille, Ark., 19; West PUins, Mo., 21; Aurora, 22; Webb City, 23; Pitts- “‘?‘Ved"'h«we»“ by^T'er gcb*oiu" waakn' bnainaaa In Milton, aa wa mscalad burg. Kant.. 24. Bbnmokin. lllant Showa wUl aoon ba playing

Btiatol'a Sociatg Ctrena is still bolding Its ^ a a m a the fairs In SraiMiom Minnesota and Iowa, own. and conUnnen to get top money with the lAJM mJA# Kxcrybody la nnskmo to naako the Firemen', show. M mi ■ M Id ^ M M Y mm M » I wlf mm |R I ^ m M doing rine city—then one more sUll spot

J. B. Cnllen baa enlarged bU Miracle Show WW and the fairs commence, and has added a thirty-foot middle piece, and pnf„ Ihme ake ean Oown w Bube the Show. A1m> Monkey Trainer. Addrem BACKMAN ANIMAL fHOW, The DeVanx A Klein Shown are fnmlsblng to now working otgkt UkHlSM. «-iawa. —■- SMuat IS- om MaisM la amak Saaaai 91 fhe littractions at tbe enmioer festival of tbe

rh^-a a^aww^. bv.. Ulm owl* mlwane. K. mAAimm •^■e-1^, Vm OTVMVVy !•.,-MWVM llosIPawwa^ tfiiiale rwP IfnlwK** a./ I>wtLlm.a m*

COMEDY ACTS WANTED ot^ IBiaaInm. __ Aaamoaa, Iowa, wash Aagutt 14; Dsa Mthitt. la., wtak Angoat 21.

Dan Soper has enlarged hie pit show by adding three more beby lloiie and n couple of bears. mMu m mbm m and be eaya be will have a trained animal IRIMfRfRRI A|H|R|R| ||rfR||| P abow before next epring rolla around. d Jl|l | P U.w.d HhIIII 3||||MB PPI|PI P

J. K. Mnrpby’s Busy City continoen to be a ■ miW nnidVlM WlUWn ■ ■■wR MBS money-getter, and Jim Salllran aaya they don't JOIN ON WIRE

e«I hilT^ anything new, na It Agent. Tai'lor, Koripaugh, Trever or Ashbum, wire. VcmaUle I*etf(»raers, Band UaiU-r and '".Sc"' ^rmoi7 tor nim, . . , „ , Mualclana, Side Show and Ortentri People, .las. Dougherty, wire. Camp (!ook, fhandeller Man, lilllptialeT,

show will play two stands In New Jer^y, ,,0,^ llntainalde IJon Act. Address WHEELER BROTHERS’ SHOWS, Oxlerd, Pa. and will then bead South, starting the fair season at Wilson, N. C., and continuing till the .a> - • _ .g -- ■■ell e

—.sr.'iir.K «•;,£ Wanted, Wrestling Show Manager and Athletes J. P. Murphy Is at present away ordering new Also Well Show Worker. BILLY HODGSON, World*s Fair

wagons, as be wants to get his order to early, _, .■ we HO that cvarythlng will be on wagons next year. I Shows. Thls Week, Columous, Kan.; next week, Lamar, Mo.

Margaret Quincy continues to hold the crowds spellbound with ber sensational dive, while Tom does the announcing and tells tbe crowd what malliematical flgures are and continues to get top money with bis coDcesetoas,

Heveral new concesalona joined lately, among

Wanted, Wrestling Show Manager and Athletes

WANTED - McMahon shows A-l Advance Agent, Chorui GirU for Musical Comedy

Tlic I/Ittlc Cfiant Shows wUl soon be playing the fairs in 8<ait|ipm Minnesota and Iowa. Kxorybody is nnilons to naake tbe Plremen'. doing at Pine City—then one more sUll spot and the fairs commence.

The DeVanx a Klein Shown are furnishing the littractions at the snmioer festival of tbe Uniform llniik of Knights of Pythias, at Can¬ ton, III., tilts week.

Earl Uilleland (Craxy Gill) la located at Eagle Pass, Tex. He Is with Co. A, Second Kanaas Infantry. Gllleland would be pleased to bear from hla friends.

K. K. Smith’s circus aide-show has left tln- Mlgtitjr Doris Shows, iinil will play the New York fiilrs.

George A. B-ildwIn furnished the attractlona at the Tasli y (Vn.) Pair.

The Meyerlioff Attnietlons are playing the Kittaniilng iPn.) Pair this week.

Eilw. Ijivlnc--Send your address to Oscar Johnsoii, Uoiite 0, Box 1. Salem, Oregon.

VAUDE. CIRCUITS AFFILIATE M'oiitimied from page 0)

the W. S. V. A. has with the A. B. C., which has lieen liooking some of tbe Ackerman-Harris

them liesda Sherman, with bears and blank^a; {.ong eenaon, good treatment, salary sure, wardrobe furnished; Band Men, Tuba and Comet, Lady and Gent Western Time In conjnnctlon with 8. a 0. |g>rkman-Dolty, with pillow lops, kegs, marble Blder for Motordrame, ElectricUn, Concession, Cook House. Horry Uuse and Jimmy Ilom, write. Grand stands This agreement ends August 31. and roll-down and spots. Harry Miller is going island, Neb., AuguM 14 to 19; Callaway. Neb., 91 to 96. . ,1.. 1... I n r mu roll-down and spots. Harry Miller is going to aiiring aoiuethlng new in the concession line, and he says be will not give it out till tbe fair season starts.

Tbe show, while playing Milton, Pa., lost aoventeen workmen, aa the mtlla were olfering them 40 c*enta an hour and n bonns for overtime, with work day and nlgbt, and atilt the show moved on time.

Everybody Is looking tor tbe Uat tww montbe of the eeeeon to bo tbe benner montbe of tbe



marks Butte, Mont., a* the last A. B. C. Mil

to be booked for the f oast.

ITnder the new arrangement acta will hr

booked from both the Han Pranclsco and Chicago offleos, the acta making a complete and un- brokeu trip of Northern and Sontbeni towns

extending from Cbicego to tbe Coast. All shows will be IsHiked intact, each act receiving n

year, and tbe writer hopes that they will be, ns DaV Blld Niellt. September 11 tO 18, Good CamiVal CompanV, also contlnentel ticket for the trip. Acte now pUy- tbe ^dltlon te reported go^ In the Booth. „ . T /vtyAr»Tr«o n o * cr. „ vj . r J Ing the Interetete 'Hme. going Went, will open e^lally in *•>««««• wHlon country, FrCC AcU, WIFC CHARLES R. DUFFIN, ScC y, Terre Haute, Ind. on the a. a H. circuit at EI Pano, Ikx.. and Wil^rP RPC DOOSftQ* » _a a A A«.


To Have Attraotiona at Wktt Farmg

New York, Aug. 14,—According In advicea mcelved In Ntw York Emmett W. MacConnell, einoaltlon Impresario, Is eapected In Qothnia this week to make llnal arrnngemenla eoncem- nlag the tnatalUtlon of eeveral of tbe attraep Ilona hr had at the Han Pranclsco Kaposltlop at the new egpositlon park wtileh Meaars. natter and McGarvIo tre bulldliig hem.


on the A. Il H. Circuit at El Pano, Tex., and

coDtlone on to the Const, then swing into tbe

RIfifiFOT HIT Northern route back to Chicago. Acta coming ^ ni I gggt ,i,pn thg Nortbcm route at tbe

WhfittIman’R Qout llAnttv llabAr ■*•"* **“ **«“*•" miDCIIIIDII O UDAI IflUIIOJ lllflRDI Although Ackerman ond Barrie will book

tiei wise end fliilsh the vason with a bank roll. Book a Bou- ‘ho’W. V. M. A. name they wtU atUl doir Olid Candy Ooneeialsa. retain their Identity as a Arm. Bam Harris

SPECIAL PRICE cbl!lril*''iSifcSra«r*"ioo.' I has lieen appointed manager for tba Ban Fma' cist'o office, with Ella Herbert Weston handling all liookings out of Ban Franclaco from the

THIS MONTH Mk Bmdalr Caga, wRhaat Chaaa- risto office, with Ella Herbert Weston Dandling . iDleL IW.OO gar IN. all tnoklngs out of Ban Franclaco from the

t)ur ibnrolatea are nude by the most rrllsMe candy (oncirn w ■ v a tk. w V m a III this country. Fresh aeary day. prewnt W. H. V. A. officea. Tba W. V. M. A.

WI also carry a law stock of the following Wh-'dimii's officce In tbe Phelan Building will close on

’ir'dlffimii olaralrtJr^V|ll!o?iHr‘Oai. la orsM Isis. Heptemlier «. when the new agreamant goaa BOUOOIB OAF a CHOCOLATia III diffrrmt t'htracter Klniric Dolls, II4.M gar Oat. la graM Iris. Into affect. Harry Miller, Ban Pranclsco man-

Kteclrlc Push Button, HtaiuUng, Assorted Colort, 1 Pinolatiirs, lurgr Hlse, IIS.N and 111.60 gar Dai. ager of the W. V, M. A, offlras, baa already Bean, fl6.N gar Oat. I FaiK-y Fruit Baskvts, Genaon make, 40a, Na sad «_ rhiovA v»ii« Rnma will handle

Plain Bcais, Hiandina, AMortid Colors, 6I2.N gar I 6N aaah. returned to Chicago. Kelly Bams will haniii Dm. > lllaiikeis, Uoyat make, IIS.N and IIS.N Dai. tbe Northwestern nets. Tba praaaat booking

DRnni F UlfUrCI e !!!!! If'.''" ?!!!*'' *!*!*'.arrnngement Is'tween tbe W. V. M. A. and rAMvLR wVnRRLS <■"* sllh’ in «l othra .II0.N each u k»n» In eiraef the w R T 940 immlier Wheel.6I2.N sash FtiHer Brennan Is kept In elfect, tba W. B. v.

SHOOT US YOUR ORDtRS—SATISFACTION OUARANTItD A. thus representing both RIckaada and FnlUr

Heptemlier A, when the new agraamant goaa

Irit. Into affect. Harry Miller, Ban Pnaclaco man-

Kaunas City, Mo., Aug. 11.—Tba Great Alama pisJn Bcais, Hianding, Aworti'd Colors, 6I2.N gar 6N aaah, Bbowa are tba cause, probably, of turning the Dm. • lllaiikrts, Uoyat make, IIS.N and IIS.N Dai. WyaiMlotle Hotel Into a veritable headquarterg m aaiaupMi » I-** <>“' Hide 60 ui other side.66.N aaah for Bedouins at tbe presmit writing, for thar^ rADDLE WHEELS Mh side 190 on othra side.IIO.N each la ilmw conversation and an air of tbe ballyhO 940 immiier Wheel.I12.N aaah at Mine H<ut Johnson’s all tba time. J. IL . SHOOT US YOUR ORDtRS-SATISFAOTION OUARANTItD Jobnaim has made the hotel a real home for WH EELMAN'SiNOVELTY MFG. CO 614 FILIIRT ST;. FHILA., FA dhowmen and a olace where they will And them- OjnVVBiUI T W.,_Bi'll llione. l^llbrct ST6T_

tbe Northwestern acts. Tba prsMat booking

arrnngement ladween tbe W. V. M. A. and

SHOOT US YOUR ORDtRS—SATISFACTION OUARANTItD A. thus representing both Rlekairis and FnlUr

_ jWHEELMAN'SiNOVELTY MFG. CO.. •'«Austroll..n elrcull. in San Francisco. dhowmen and a plaee where they will And them-1 .. l .1. _ oalvtHt at home. Johnson weloomea them, andl_^_._ covered by tbe new com- does hie level best In e<mjuncllon with hit I GREAT WESTERN UNITED SHOWS I •'"'■h niid funnel gnme; KuuHhlne Nelly, eountry Idnatlon Ineludes the present Interstate and worthy s|HiiiNe In making the Wyandotte an • - ntore. , . u nlher Western W. V. M. A. “nme, and to thts ideal stopping place. Hhows fcatiin>d with the K.hrlng ( onipany lire: , __.u.

tieiieral Agent Harry R. Potter, known here- 'I’he Gnut WeHlern United Hho»H, under the Phintullon, nmnuged by leiiile King, carrying will be added approximately tne roiiowing town • aboula as Tlie Grand Old Heerct. waa hen* laal lunnsgemcnt of Kliiiiiliig, Beaulieu niid Martin, Iweiits' foiir pi-ople. Including cight-picce band; controlled by Aekerman A Harris: Grand Forks, week for a day. and fur the beneAt of doubting closed n siicivssfiil w«>uk at Quincy, 4'ul., am! singe dln-i'llon Homiy l,Mue; iM-rformerH, hlffers n. D.; Miles City, BlUInga, Lewtatown, Great Thomases left contracts for the advertised Teias everyone uii the trick tImtikiHl Charlie Martin, *""• HliT«rH, Karl and Kiirl. Lucy Magcntii. „ n,.i„n. Anaconda Mlaaonla Mont' Rdo- terrltory with Dick Colllna, These embrace Ban wlm Is In advance, for iiNlng gisMl Judgment In Madsme lien, .Mnry l^iiic, Pete Kid Miller; ' ' n, ,■ m’_»». » 1.1 Angelo, Brownwood, Tlmaoti, TyUr, Paris, Issiklng such a •qM*! sh thU little city along the Days of 'tit; two illusion hIiows, niniiaged by kane, Walla Walla, North Taklma, weatiie, and t'lnrkesvllle, so all ruiiKUW to the contrary Feather Ulver; I'llo, a little logging town, and ***”' WUllam Flower; Girl of Mystery, snake Wssh.; Vanecaiver and Victoria, B. C.; Tai-oma; the Great Alamo Show a (Hwltlvely play them Portola, the Division on the Western PaelHc, "h“W. The ferrls wlns-l, inerry-go-nmnd and Hoaeburg, Aatoria, Salem.

'The Gnuil Western United Hhows, under the

Thomases left contracts for the advertised Teias everyone uii the trick tImtikiHl Charlie Martin, *""• HliT«rs Karl and Karl. Lucy Magenta, „ n,.i„n. Anaconda Mlaaonla Mont' Rdo- terrltory with Dick Coltlna, These embrace Ban wla» la In advance, for using giasj Judgment In Madame t leii, .Mary lame, pete Kid Miller; ' ' n, ,■ m’_»». » 1.1 Angelo, Brownwood, Tlmaoti, TyUr, Paris, lasiklng auch a a|a>t as this little city along the Days of 'tit; two lllualon showa, nianaged by kane, Walla Walla, North Taklma, Heattie,

the Great Alamo Hhnwa (HwItlvely play them j Pnrtola, the Division on the Western PaelHc, aa well as other ehoUw iqhtla In the way of I were good, but Quliiey turinsl out to Iw exeel- Texaa fairs and territory that Potter has al ready lined up.

inolordninie patronage.

getting their share of the

Wash.; Vanemiver and Victoria, B. C.; Tai-oma;

Wash.; Portland, Hoaeburg. Aatoria, Salem. Eugene, Albany, Medford, Ore.: Orovllle, Chico.

Oongralnlalloiis are tbe oMier of llie day for to Plumas Junction aud travel via the N. 0. b. drieen juirs to roiiow. i.iiiiii': KING. press,. Hippodrome, Republic and Lyric), Santa tbe Wortham agents who have cut aueh a wide lulo Snaanville and on Into Kastern Gregon. lunk- ' n™,, nikland Slrteklon Rants Barbara San awarth In the South this year, ami practically li>g Ukevlew the Hrat stand In the next State. WHERE 18 ROBT. LESLEY? w* ...fc.Jla.M M^to C^Un« every lm|iortant date, tnrliidlvg Dal\aa and Tlic Idg lot In Quincy was laid out In a circle — - Joae. Fresno, Haaeraneia, Mooeato, loaiinaa. Houston In Ti'xaa, have been secured by the with Mun>hy.'a Animal fMrciia on one aide of the Mrs, Itela rt la-sley, of Pb-dmont. W. Va., Is Vlaalla, Hanford, Porteravllle, San Bernardino. Joint efforts of Steve A. \Yooila and Harry B. entrpiiee and Boy Smith's Jap and Plaster store iinxlous to get iiiforinalion concerning her bus- Pasadena, Santa Anna, Riverside, Lna Angeles Fotler, the latter must Jnat nb(Ait bold the on. tbe other aide. Next to Murphy was the bimd’a whereiilsmts. na ther«‘ la aerbnia Illness /thMo hnnua) n.n mean Hants Cma Cal.: record for a|>ee<l with the last hatch of con- Gypsy Camp, with Mrs. Stanley and slater In lu the family. linhirt le-sley was last beanl i,,. , —. a_i ’ 1 w u L. ^. tracts brought In, the work of but two weaka. charge. Gus Stanley, with "cover the little of with the Drown A Cronin Camlval Company "hoenlx, Tucaon, Aria.; Iteming, N. M.; waoee.

Fisun Qiilney the two e|M'clal curs double hack | *♦“''*•"1* (Ky.) Fair this wiM«k. Marysville, Sacramento, Han Franclaco (Em- wtth dfteen fairs to follow.—LOUIE KING


Dick Colllna reports the following llne-np: te<l s|H>t aud get a baby," came next; then »t Cleveland, and prior to that at the Shrlnera' Arix.; Douglass and EI Pasao, Teg Wortham’s nipi>odri>me, with whIcU la Incor- Jack Turpin, with hla novelty gallery and knife Convention. Dnffnio. I porated Al G. Campbell'a one-ring circus, Mar* rafk. Harry Fleming sold the ]iaddles on the - ahall'a Happy Da.vs In Dixieland, Joa Callls' knife apiiulle, and Yld Burnham dealt out the TWO WEEKA IN LOWEI I Myaterloua She. The Battle of the Dardanelles, psateboaivla and turned the wheel for the Yamn largest and moat complete workinit modal ever Varna baby dolls. Daddy Klee showed the folks oonstnicted, which The Kaaaaa City Poet bon- the old game of town ball. Jim Sabo (Dead


Ixiwell, Mass,, Ang. I'J.—By request of the committee under which the I.eon W. WRahbnrn


Gollnar Bros.’ Cinit

land. Doe Zeno's big pit show, slindrome, me- girls and maslelana. Dick Hall la gathering chanical farm, the water show, feataring the rings and coins with tbe Jingle Nmnl. Cyril Diving Venus, Reptllia, Wortham’s new carry- Beaulieu and wife banded out watchea and sil-

Iizy Firesides, known aa Jew Mnrphy, stepped FOR BALE—Trslasd WhHs Rat OIraaa; 10-mlnute ad; eomplrte; a girl can work; $76 00 monry orrtw;

tM-all and ferrls wheel, society horw show, and ver mesh bags on the "pitch till you win.” probably a pretentious Wild West and anotlier George McFarland, pianist on the '4» 8I10' fSatnre attraction if suitable arrangenienta can was nisrrled to a little blonde lady recently, ba made. Pick Hall has lam'terl hla duck nond and alMi

Ywk. from Ham- »!„• cot.sld.-r'a girl to work sime; selling out as I

Independence has been well billed for the hoopla Joint with the Great Western.—BCKN opaning stand, where tbe new-born organlza- ilAM. ttoB will make Its Aral bow to the public, and --

■r mesh bags on the "pitch till you win.” Uton Ont., last week. Judging from the also „iii American I’eU. ’im.NI«T FHjaL George McFarland, pianist on the 4» Sliow, of hla new rocks and the expansive smile Ixxy mj Huron nil<«go, III. as married to a little blonde lady recently. wore. Hamilton, Ont., mua® have padded hi' ' ' Dick Hall has laio'terl his duck pond and also a bank mil to aom-' exterd. He also reports biisl-

K>pla Joint with the Great Western.—BCKN- ness good on the liCvltt-Taxler Hhows. Murphy WANTED. ANIMAL MAN

there will doubtless be a big gathering of the elans to give tbe Great Alamo a monster oend- aC. The new fronts are la the city under the eare of their architect and bnllder. Jack RhtMds, who will hold dowrn tbe onperlntendent'a Job <M tbe ontAt. They are of tbe most ap-to-date


Tta Fbring Amos<-ment Gom|>any is now play ir.g fairs tlirongh Kentncky.

Keeter of the sliow: Fr-^rick Khring. pres- Oou^pMon and redect great credit on their | Ident and dirw-tor; Mrw. Khring. treasurer; I printed an article, which was signed by "a I Ntw York originator and hla aaoiatnnta. There wilt also King, g'-nemi announcer; H. K. Green. I loyal cltlxcii,” taking exceidlona to giving a

Hlayrd in town long enough to prepare for with some exiwrlmce In hsndllng Cubs. Mnnk'y and another pimp to Toronto, where he haa quite a Dogs. Htcady ptmlllmi to sota-r, reltahle man. Dooltra lot of Ane concesalona. This year will And liliii solid U. It. <t. Tliiic. Write nr ral! Au^ on the big fairs, aa nanal, with one of the ^PDAUTB swellest cookhouse nntflts on the mad. Murithy

fO" »**-E DEAOAN ORGAN CNIMEA, two and <»roaa, one that laxy wouldn t spring. onr-rlghth <>1ave. with low (1 for hats. A har-

The w<'eT<ly newspaper In Two HIvera, Wla.. gain. AHTIIL'H II. MILIJCR, 8SS Weal 44th Btrert,

bn three handsome goM-eawed wagM fronts g"n.-al agent and >«ncesslon manager. Tonces- Ib-ense to the L. J. Iletb Carnival tv>mpany to AT LIBERTY—FERRIS WHEEL OPERATOR bore tbe early part of the wank, aod alt tanm ;d «; pster Meyers, cat game; G. W. Li- appear In that city this week (August I4-1»). KxpertnicnI. s.asy and reliable. Wife to sell tlckrta ••• ■«"» wf tbeaa bring from Bafcnr A Mam-te, no-lty senvenirw. chewing gum spin- Two Illvers la the home of a number of retired or work IllusPai Hhow, Addrraa J. W. TRUBMAN,

die and Jewelry wheel; Keyoolds and wlfr, ball I showmen and concenalonalres. Many of the | rare ^e Hlllboard, llnclnnatt. Ohio.

GREAT SOUTHWESTERN SHOWS ftr'Ht ■ . 'Hri|;hton, lu., AuK- 1--—Tlie Grout Suiitb

weitorii KIiuwm haw lh<- iliMtiiivIluii of oovitIiu; the UKiHt territory of the timiHoii, huviiig toured Alabauiii, MlHulHeipi'l. l-ouixlaiia, Tpxhh, Uklu- faouia, NebraHka, Kuimua uud Iowa. Thia week, lo UriKhtuu, la the bauuer one fur the W, U. ' W'. Ueuiiiou BU<1 IMcuir. j

The fulluwiiiK llue up shared lii the pruaperity this week: Aiiliiiiil Show, J. Hurekhart, own¬ er; New Cuiubiue, .M. 1*. Kernaiizu, owner; Klectrie Wonder, T, U. Meyers, manager; Vande- Title, Marietta and Marietta, owners; Mpidora,

J. Kurekhurt, owner; Sdn-l, U. K. Wilson, owner; Juniping-borae swing, C. M. .Miller, own¬ er; Witching fare, M. I>, Feriianzo, owner; Big Ell Wheel, John Cloud, owner, t'onceaslons: Cat rack and ten pins, .Mr. and .Mrs. George Scbwable; palmistry and roll-down, Mr. and Mrs. lAckey; hoopla, Mrs. Frank Vernon; sboot- 'eni-up, M. II. Iliad) White; vaa<> wheel, plaster and high striker, I.. II, Kay; eamly race track, Curtis Ireland, owner, and Dave Ex, agent; knife rack, iioveltb-s and a|N>t.the-a|Kit, James T, Klee; Ham Family, J. It, Clark; ahuotlng gallery, C. M. Miller, owner, and It. J. Ward, agent; Jtilee, eonfi-eltonery ami eookliouae, Ste- foa A Co.

The shows open fair dates at Atlanta. Ill., we<-k of August '.’1, ainl are b<a>ked 'aolld to He- I eeniber. As fair dates draw near the shows and I'oneesslons are "tlaablng" up with new panel and banner fronts. All are baikliig for- wanl lo a season of prosjierlly, as the fairs Usjked are In five gmal Mlatea. This will make a total of fourteen States loure<l this seawiii.-FAINT SI I.NGEIt.




Phillips County Fair and Live Stock Show



C'O J, A. Maiy has eertalnly made np his ndnd lo Impress n|N>n tin- fraleinlty In general that hH Is not a hiiIIc-hw <-utflt. The Governor ri-eenlly orerhunb-d Ids merry go rouinl. wbb li now l.s ke as giNsI as n. w, next hongbt lilins<-lf H turn n.islel "lllg Ell" wheel, ibeii adtb-d a 'llislroiue lo Ills possessions, and now the Gov- -Ii.or has rushed his order for an Ell |sir1able eh.-trie light plain to the Ell llridge Company, • nil they promise Ininiedlale delivery.

This iiiakes two ildi-s ttie Governor owns, a .il.Kleonie nil eb.lrl.- liglil plant, and most of Ids shews, not forgetting his own pilvale . ar.


It. II. Nvi*. of It. II. Nye*s Shows, writi-s re¬ garding Harry E. Iss+luirt. .Mr. Nye alleges that Iss khart wlnsl him Aiigiisl 4 for issilli .n n^ g. neriil Isislness ii. tor. iloiibling trenil eii,' In Ian.'. Iss'khart gave -is r.Teren.e S. E. Is-s'.-r Ny.’s f..rni. r .igi-nt Mr. Nye .bilnis he wir.-.i

kiiHt’i $1;,*. iimi oil Siitiirdjiy. AitiriiAt fl. rf*- ••eli.-.l a wire froiii liitii. saying h.| r.-a.h III.’ show Snn.lay. Nothing fnrth.r was heard fn.iii IsN'kIi.'tt until Atigiisi in. wti.-n .Mr, .Nye


A good Caraival Conpaoy no get real noaoy boro. Addross Swerotary, MR. GANDY, at Holyoka. Colorado.


Hew Mexieo State Fair ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.

September 25 to 30 SIX DAYS—NIGHTS

.'i'ieLi',eI'‘"r!..",'' '‘1"" WANTED—Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel, Conceseione of ell kinde. Wheelmen, wnis.

.L. ! . V.l VAS. FIsf Tnints. nt>. IVo Csmivsl P.vjirvfhlnv Sn/fnIffttDa at/kwi dntP w r*N ktiHrt * Tii. titiMiir ^..11 wrnt ttiiMi t • iiuiiith 7^** Flftt Jointt, DO. Ifo Carnival. Everj^hing independent. Three nighte down H- I hiMi i<» |tiy ri iii hi ri'. \h *u\vh tirk**t town. Big crowds, day and night, that spend their money. Live ones write. fi wiM»w : •iiftitly m.iiMh i Jo'h, hw ^ w f r y In my '•trn (-!rt iiniwtiiiM'R H | Imil in iiht Se J. KINNEY, Supt. of ConceMions. .. the lll..n.■> r.llirn the Wh.iie

Yriiwt itiM !«• ni thta tn tho rUtiC

HjrM ’■ Mt. Sti- tliHt ►»i« h m t B

CIMARRON VALLEY FAIR New Vurk. Aug. Il!.--Sam C llall.-r. well • I

eUTHRIE, OKLA., Sept. 19-22 th.-alers In the .N.irthwestern Slates, left here 0 Cr.''nV n:T" *' '■ FOURTH YEAR — 26.000 ADMISSIONS — A DIG SUCCESS

BARNES ADVANCE CAR No. 1 Waiil Uldiiig Devicos, Conoossioiis and Novelties of all

'vr: wf.nxeu, seoy., I have b.n.n very few rlmnges In tlie roster sin.-e nilfVtrixi f’lL-lo * thi*^ aeMmiit (H) K«>|iriiAry *J1. vJItlliririCj

Frank Carr left in Nebraska. Jack IVmber-__ * i,.r, XV,

.vuis n Hlek Adams u b aving In KnITul.). Hie ""•ler at tbta time Is Harry Havis. ear man- .^^^0 ager, Charb-y F.»r- _H

l^tob llidierts. A. TV. MrKenney, liny Hiibbar.l, r H. Knek, bll||sMtera. Curley TtsmipMUi ati.l

r.".'.'.'. .JT •nil”**'-''- J’"- c. r. ROBENTSON, SttvOary; r. C. COOPER, AoO. Sawatary. as*y an.t Halter Met'orkhtll are ttie llthiHiraivli _

ers. Hn.l Harry Hawsey. imrter and luislemaker. OPFICF. OP TUB SDCRETARY, BRISTOL. VUIOI.NTA.

<11>dant'^''bnf"nllns !k "*V* JJ'"*.'?* •"J*"*''" BrMtl lalartlata Fair. Halilaa Vollay Fair, Wytka CMiaty Fair, Nartbaaot Gooryla Fair, T^e ons.t.M. ? 7* Brlalal. Va..TaaB.. Klagapart, Taaa.. Wythovllla. Va.. Atbaat. 6a.. rwls i!”'.Shall- Aug. M-Soft. *. Safi. 12-15. Sagt. 2«-2*. Oat. Sl-Naa. 4.

nawseyr*^harltone*'^wl^DJ«^?dv*n??v n7’ Jakaaa. City Fair, Tka Laawlaeatt Fair, Ratklakkaoi Cauaty Fair. Tka Cal.oikm Fair, Oiarlav PoUrs^. J'h***" City, Taat., Big Staaa Co., Va.. LaaktvHla-Sgray. N. C., Calaaik.a. 6a.. Bak.«a-M I'”. *® *“• Ot*. S-g. Naa. M-lt.

Atchison* formerlr of _ nrkt A Banks Show, wilt be st borne In Mur WANTOD—A few more lnilef>enit<«it Shows and iVvicesAions. Wild W«st and Muioniromc People wire.

/• "• A- W, MrKenney and C. P. ROBERTSON. BvMal, Va.-Taaa. Koberta extw'et to spend the winter In law

**'• Fifth and Main atreeta. At vtiiiiama may pUy vaudeville with his Jug «!!!-* by Cnrley Thompson. W. wn nrkhin. whose ambition Is to he general •gent, will probably Ixsvk them over Indeiiendent I me In ILinthern California. Tlie Nvya would tt- ..’"J""’' whether Jack IVnilwrton Is In "alia "alia or Crow’* lainding.


Thank the Management for the Treat¬ ment Accorded Them

Fsltior The Rtllboanl^ We. iIm- Iinders'giied. wish lo thunk, throngli

,1 '*'*'*“ Millboard, the nianagv'nu ni ni 1* , lei ler llivm.' Sliows for the isvurtesy


FOURTH YEAR - 25,000 ADMISSIONS - A BIG SUCCESS* Want Hiding Dcvicos, C'oncossions and Novelties of all kinds. FUKD. L. WEXNEU, Secy., I

Guthrie, Okla.|

3-.F'A. I R S--8 C. P. ROBERTSON, Startlary; P. C. COOPER. AtaL Saaratary.


New York, Aug. 10.—The Cook A Wllaon Trained Wild Animal Show clooed ita career abruptly Anguat 0 at Waltoo, N. Y. Only the Indomitable oplrlt aud abowmaiiahlp of Meoara. Cook and Wllaon were respouaible fur the grit that carried the abow aa long aa It baa endured. In the face ot the havoc reaultiug from the -In¬ fantile paralyale epidemic. It la underatood that the management will be able to meet all Ita ebllgatloDa, but It ia bardly likely that they will put out on the road again tbia aea- •on, though B. G. llolland, local contracting agent and 24-^ur mau, who Jumped Into New York Saturday mornlDg, adviaea that the out- It will uuqucBtloDably reappear in 191T. lie

; relntee that the allow baa met with Onaoclal I reveroea throughout the past three weeka, all 1 of which cau be attribute,! to the virile pa- ralyala dlseaw. A oevere blow wua auitalued when Albany wua canceled on them by the au- tboritlva, and they had to replace it with Ua- bouae.

Mr. Ilullaud further remarked that every¬ body will be taken care of aa far ui obllgatlona were concern,si, and lamia Mesars. Cook and Wllaon for tbeir Itonor In tbla trying altuation. Dntll be makee a di’flnlte connection Mr. Hol¬ land la making bis beadquartera at bt« bvune In Haworth, N. J.


Kroken How, .Neb., a '•oiie-performauc-only.” provcl to b,- a whirlwind from a bualncaa staud- iwliit. ami the largest crowd of the season up to this date, for a single larforniame. waa the result. Canvas and straw had to b,- aiiread, and the raees were ellmlnatml entirely owing to the puekisl eoiulltluii.

Alllaiiee, the next stainl. was a'so a big one. An early arrival, with stairt haul to a goo,l lot, brought the parade out on lime, and the after¬ noon iM*rf,Mniunee f,Himl all seats Ulle,!. At night a heavy wlml ami rain sl4irm eauie U|i. causing IIS to think that it might be a real obl-tliiK- Nidiraska cyclom-. so the night show was nbaiidoiKsl. The menagerie tent was qulekly taken down, and rather Ilian take any ehaiicea Hilly Curtis ordensl the big t..p lowered to the seats. Kiirk’s l liele Tom's Cabin was day and date with us. ami ,•allglll our night erowd. playing to eaiiselly. .Many of the truapera enjoyed a real performame of the famona old ilrHinii. \ nnmls-r of tin- tioupers tistk the iirtilnlgbl train out of .Vllbinee. exms-tlng to reaeli Heiiver many U,«irs ahead of the elrcua train, but a r,ss>rd run was muile, ami both seetlons r,,,ieb,sl the eity at 10 s.m.

The lbiu{-l,s,kp,l-for Hi-iiver engagement : prove,! lo In- a reei,r,l-tiiealier for not only Hen-

ver, but any ,ither ,*lfy. Two Idg tum-aways were r,*glHter,sl. and tb,- Idggest day's bnsln,*as in the alwvw's history was done. long after the ticki't wag,Ills cUised pis,ple soiignt adin ssbui, and It «as only tin* eomldinsl efforts of the pultee am) our employees that held them In check. The Mreel rfl lw.iv .smipaii.v e'alins to have enrrliHl mor,- |ss>)de lo ttie sin « grounds than for any other elnois i-ver In Hi-nver. A colneldeiii’e was that the Kniii-e-s Tlie-.iter. owneil by Tamineu A Kontlls. bad tiirn-aways on Nith Rniiday' and M<Mi<lay.

Frml .Allapau and wife, I m-lii 7eiri. The Ue Garros. John KN'rl,-. TV. H. Meiief-e and Ihm Darragh and wife, all tsdiig residents ,if the

' city, eiijoyetl '*sunf,»rts of tiiuiie ft»r tlie two ’ d*y*.

M,jst of the liNMiperii were registensl at the Colorailb' and Windsor Imtels, both tM>iiig owiicl by W. J. Sonic, the slHiwiiieii's fr1,-nd

.After a week's Iny-off Zors’s Hons and tigers resunnsl work in H'-nver. anil drew isniiids of aiiplaiis,* from the many Henver frlemls. The baby elephant and Klssla Koysl's statue horses au,l dogs also ,-auie In for their share of at¬ tention ami applause.

Joe Wilson, tis'ssurer of the Sells Floto Shows, was married to Miss Frances Tennery, a nnrs* from St. JoseiVh'M Hospital, Denver, on Snnday.

BrMal latonlata Fair, BrMal, Va.-TtaB., Aa*. 2*-Satt. 2.

Jabataa City Fair, JahaMB City, Ttaa.,

Bagt. S-*.

HalilaB Vollvy Fair, Klagagart, Taaa.,

Soft. 12-15. Tht Laawlaeatt Fab-. Big Staaa 6aa, Va.,

Bagt. l*-22.

Wytka Cauaty Fair. Wythovllla, Va.,

Sagt. 2*-2*. Raaklagkaai Cauaty Fair. LaaktvHla-Syray, N. C..

Oat. S-*.

Atbaaa. Bo., Oat. Sl-Na«. 4.

Tka Caluaibaa Fair, Caluaibua. 6a.,

Na«. 14-ie.

WAVm>—A few mon ImlcpcndEwt Shows and iVaioesslons. Wild W,st and Hotonliome People wire.

C. P. ROBERTSON, BrMal, Va.-Taaa.

FILLMORE COUNTY FAIR PreitoB, Mill., Ads. 29tli lo SepLIst

Nartbaaat Cunla Fair I August R. It was rather smblen. and no license • I could be obtalucl In Denver so the wedding

party motored out to Littleton, where the knot waa tied. Their b.«eyrooon Is being apent on the eircna.

A new elc'trlc fan has been placed In th* baby elepbant's cage, moch to the Infant’s de¬ light.—KD M. JACKSON.


Engaged to Lady Aubrey Montgomery

The engagement of Fred S. Sargent, well known In circus ami theatrical drclea. to Lady Aubrey Montgomery is to be announced in the near future. Igdy Bob, as she Is known In San Francisco, ia a very wealthy woman, and has circled the globe six times. In commemoration of her ttrst visit to tbe Sells-Floto drens. with which show Mr. Sargent waa formerly employed


Tb.- W he,-h r llros.' Shew, which rc-ently elos,-,! Its nillr,H„l tour. Is being organloed ss a wagon show at Oxfonl. Pa.

mont Accordod Thom Tr..t- wants FERRIS WHEEL, MOTORDROME, OCEAN Toledo Springs' wen- her guests daring the

FsIHor The Rtllbnar,l^ WAVE and GOOD, CLEAN SHOWS. Open day andr*’'*"**"”*'*”"’'"' We. IlM- Iin,|ers<giie,l. wish to thunk, throngli . , • t-n i ''

"f tin. night. Concession People, come along; we will use you. forHl',nsA"'V.,I,'i Write, giving full particulars in first letter. Address

ir cxttnilrd \\h tliroiiclHuit owr «ii

FRANK J. IBACHg - Secretary " tha-k Whe,4.r Hr,*, for iiermlltlns ' ^

rie the tr.tin Bast witlioat charge, nmi

Wanted—Two More Diving Girls 'l'hre..” ,|I.n,!b^*li '«’•»'»' to lUvnithcn moat beautiful Water Show on earth. Su-ani h,vibd vahr am) Hears) OeA ^ vi- J I . "»«» G**"! »»l»ry. and I ra» H. "Ml wire llck.t tf I know y,wi. A.Mtew AU T. lltMamaN. band 'w r* V.'^' i, •'* Wtlltam*' Standard Sh,ws. Sydney, N,iva S<-olJa. Canada, week starling Monday, Ai«. 14. Gta dwy. Heun''nv fha, Hn-ry It.ehanls. lb- N-,wa Scotia, t'anoda. wrek Martlnk Mumlay. Auguat 21, Note, itcrtnide Kvai.s; M nk- h.«t from you

Jay M. Dverstiwt. an attorney of Dallas. Tex., wr-fes that he has investigated tbe case of Wl»’ Van W nkle. and Is i-onvimssl that' Viin Wliilile Is a vi,-tiin of unfortunate ' I . „ms, tv,--e-* and iniSM-enl of fl’C charge n?:,tn-:t 1,'iu. Mr. l>-e*-Ht eet Is known to na-ny

f.>r « ev.r renlv wilPngnesN lo help • «Ih' ni'M ill He N—T instru- 'cent »1 'i« ii-i 'ei: Van Wl’-kle n-lcs-wil en twmt. ’ n- f',1 • H b“ . ,►•■’»<! to pvo-erly present the

.» ......ev up fo- trial. Van Winkle <-an l,‘ .'ll ill. ‘-a e of Mr. Oveiwtre,*t.


68 Tlie Billboard AUQUrr 19, 1916.

lEn[TER& convT^NCE, speed and 80«E-1

lEM oonfibinvd in th# Msil For- |

lUIIoru. Both .:ku«, Paart Klrbr, Maud ivlliMi, Uabia KitrhaU. Birdla

«Murtfin9 Oopartmont in Tho Biliboard laoialra. ona far ftha ospMiat bonafit of profoaaional larovnt. Baaaia

paopio who roguiariy roooivo thoir mail ***ii5*’w* .V*®** fiwaugh thia highly officiant depart- f^JJ^cuuuia mant. Under ordinary oiroumstancos Oraca thara ia no delay, no confusion, in for- Lafferty, Ura. Oraca warding mail. Mix-ups somotimos ro- iamb,' Mrs. Burtoa

ault and mail is lost bacauso porformors ._ Bo not writs plainly,' do not give cor- Lancaater, kiiw Kiaia root address or forgot to give an address ijiUKdon, Uoria at all whan writing for advertised mail- lareiia. tira. Uw

Help Ttw Billboard handle your fhai( ^ complying with the following; Wjri^ for mail whan it is advertised tho first La Bean, Mrs. jack Umai send to Cincinnati office for mail laBoy, Beatrice

•dvsftisod without any stars or char- Mtars before the name in tho list; to Now York office for mail advertised Norn* with one star, thus (*); to Chicago if laaile, Misa Mlanie 6m (••) are before the name; to Bt. •*ia#ue. Ethel

Latiia If three (•*•) are before tho llSl!'* ^ name, and to San Franeisoo If the letter njoa CB) is before the name; write always Uarter. “«*«**■ 6s the office holding the mail; keep the ‘unncsuMi. Heiee ___ „ . ,

Letter Department supplied with your ****** *Rpayde. Elea Mae •ddrsss and mail will be forwarded witlwut advertising. Lonr^'issM Rini.****^

NO CHARGES and no obligations are Iodk. Mm. Oeo. s. smnley MisaVera •ttaohed to this service; not even |>ost- •lorwtoe. B^ steck. I.eafy

excepting for packages. Mail is */• Mrs. Ted

but tnirty days and can not be rs« McOarthy, Bits •ovsrsd after it goes to the Dead Letter McDoufaC loila Offloo. I McDowell, Cora

ADVERTISED MAIL in this issue IM uncalled for up to last Sunday ^

morning. All reduests must be signed Mackl^rwue By tho party to whom mail is addressed. Hack, Miss BiUle

~ Mackean^ May

Reynolda, Miss Babe Blch, Mrs. rrank hi scl, Mrs. Jeiiliie Boberta, Mias Uasle shnhertsou, Elsie **Bobettas. Mrs. H. • Alla Beaamasd, Miss PasUne huse, M rs. W Iniue Roselle. Qeeen Bosenthal, Mlaa

Oertnule “BlUy" RnmellM. Eatell Bnssell. Melen P. •Bampaon, Clara Sanyer, Mm. Ethel ••Bayles, Mrs. Chaa. H. ScbinMt, Lena Bchone, Mm. Fred Rchnbert Elsa Scott, Miss Josle Seam, Mrs. BiUle Beam, Mrs. J. A. Seim. Mias Alma *Sryinoar, Mrs. If. S. Shsiiell, Mrs. J. A. BhI'ley, Mm. Tom Sllbon SIstem Silver. BllUe Singer, Mrs. Helen M. Smith, Mrs. Clara Smith. Mrs. R. W. Smith, Mrs. Claytoa O. Smith. Mm. M. R. Snyiler, Amy 'Sommers, Gertrude Spargnr. Mm. J M.

Adams, Mnriel Adama^ I.Delia Adams. Margie Adkins, Mrs. R. 0. AneeTMm. Basel Allen, Mrs. Iona **Allen, Babe AlUsoa. Bessie Atssda. Mm. ZeUa Ana. Madam ••Andemoo. H. Andrews, Jennie •Ansdn. Margie •alley. Mrs. Clam

LADIES’ LIST. Mm. Ida Deans, Miss Lottie

Oensmore. BUaabetfe Itesmond, MaMe Dicks, Mrs. IJda Dobbs. Mm. > .-ms Dobson, Mrs. Bertha '^is m«s. mtnei 'Donnelly, Lola 'Donnelaom Mrs.

Dom Doss, Mrs. WsB. Drew, Esther 'DnPnnt, Mary Dncolae, Marie

•aliaatjnri. Mm. O. O. Dnnn, Mrs. L. H. Bain. Mm. Tern •aldwln. Mm. Oeo. •amstt, Lelah ■arrlngten, Mina •iartsy, maasond Bethard, Basel ••Bene. May

Mrs. BeU

"'Dnnn. Mm. Lanm B. Dnml, Mm. Herbert Oykenan. Mm. D. Earle, Miss Virginia Ellis, Mm. W. H. Evans, Mrs. Oertmde Evans, Thelaaa Fancette. Estelle A

Mm. Chas. B. Panik. Mm. LeU _ . Mm. Ida BlMk, KatWrlne •Inck. Mm. O. BtackweP, Margaret •Indnvrtl, May -Mm. D. 8.

nemlng, Mrs.-1. "Fleming, j. Florine, Martha Flory, Lllllaa Ford, Elsa Fomha, Vena

'Madison, Roth Madison, Both 'Manning, Mary Mario SIstem Mamhall, J. C. Martini. Mm. A. Martin. Miss UlUan 'Marvin, Jean Mason, Miss Violet Matteson, Daisy A. May, Eva Meeker, Babe Melroy SIstem Merrette, Mm. Stella Meyers. Grace B. Mickey. Mm. Dot "Bllller, Helen Mlnnlck. Mm. Mitchell. Dixie Monell. Mrs. Lonise Monohan, Mm. Gee. A Montrose. Doris Momn, Kstio Morfoot. Mrs. Marie (8)Mon^ Dorothy MondU. Bllmbetb

I '"Morrison, Gypsy Moss, Mm. T. O. Mott. Myrtlo MnIhaA Lncffle 'Mnrdock. Josle Mnrmr. Mm. Jnanlta

Stems. Miss Millie Bt. Denis. Rnth Stewart, Mammle L. 'Stewart. AUce 'Stewart. Winifred Stickney. Roeeline SHne. Mahel 'Stone, Heme "Swan, Euuoa Bwanxer Katherine Swift. Miss Omce Taggert, Omce Tapping. Mrs. Mabel Taylor, BnbMe Tcela, Mias Peg Templeton, Ftrgil Terrin. Mm. O. Thomson, tola

Mr« Ollle Tbomoson. Memie "Thompson. Mm. Dan Thome. Mm. Rewle Tice, Mm. Bony Tinsley. Mm. Bob

Andemon, Harry A. Andresa, A M. Andrews, Milton Angel. Frank Aagna. J. U. Antrim. Jay B. Applegate A

Bratcher, J. •Breault, J. A, Bridge, J. A Briggs, Uocar Brink, D. C. •Brorhtous, Harry Bronson, Eddie

WlttaoMyar Brooks, Fred W. "Arens, Thos. ^8) Brooke. Herbert ArtssoU. Uavtd Armstrong, Fred Amolde, Charley Art, Leon Artlga* A Ssnton Ashdown A Ogden Astor, Ony Auciin. Harry O. Ansda, J. DL AuHttn. Robert Avery. Oeo. Ayem Anto Show Babcock A Whits Babcock, Ed "'Babero, Fnr.

Brooke. Jim Broughton, L. J, Bronghton. Leon '"Bruoulow. BlUy Brown Herman O. Brown, Eddie Brown, Harry Brown, Old BiU Brown. Fmnk M. Brown, Fmnk X. Brown. Oeo Brown, J. H. Browning, Joo Bmeo, J. A Bmdg, Howard

Barkman, Jno. T. Bacon, Walter A Kiker Robert •"Beker, F. L. Baker. W. Rskeler. Artbnr F. Rst'iwin. Harold F. Baldwin, Oeo. A. Baldwin. A. O. Ball, Morton Ballln, Bngeaa Ranks, Fmnk Banvstd, A A. Its r her, Tom Barker. F. E, BsraeU, Ed Heroes. Barry 'Barnes. T. Boy Baroells, The Barnett. I. J. Barney, Boy Barnette, Walter E Baronm, Stuart Barrette, J. Wm. Barr- tt. Clvde Barry, Wilhelm Barry, B. J. Barrie, Claude Rartels. Lou Bartine, Jack 'Barries T. J. "Bartels. Louie Bsrfeuo. Harry BarUes, T. J. Barton, Oeo. L. ''• •nff Mr Rashman. Ted Bamford. W. A '■ '••man I . O. Bates. Feed W. Bates. Stanley A. Bates. Thos. BatbenA Bdw. J.

Andns Brnndage, J. S. Branson, Wm. W. Brnsco, Harry 'Bryant Block Co. Bnchanan, J. 0. Bnckel, Anthony Bnckley. Slats Bnckley. Prof. Bobt. B. BnlUnger, Joo hunceae, JDO. A Burke, J W. Burke, Jack 'Bnrgon, Prank Borman. Henry Bnroett, Davo Borus, Richard 'Rnras. H. B. Bnrnavrortb, Frank

(Dutch) Burris, B. Burrows, Boyd Bnrt, WIllU F. Bntler, Tim Butler M. D. Bntterfleld, Ohas. W.


Butts. M L. Byrne, Thos. J. t'. A. 'Cabamt Dogs Calloway. B. N. '"Calvin. Laotar Camm. Ed Camphcll Haxard Campbell Circus Campbell, Al G. Campbells. Flying Campbell, 0. La Cansooerl, (M«. "Csrlherk. Phil Carlisle. R. O. Csrifia W. C. 'Carpenter. P. Carpenter, Fi^ Carrlnn, J. J. Osrrlngton. Jack Carroll. B^ OniToU, A O. Camon. Jamaa Carson. Feed Carter, Prank G. Casa. Ckarilo Oaaay, Toaa CSisstan. Carlos

R. "Crandall H. Cmncr. Ben Craner, Kuaaetl Cratser, Carl Crsulluga, l*aal Crawford, Wilfred Crews, Doc C. K. Crimmlns, Dan 'Cilmmins, Jno, Crimmln. Johu Crowder, O. U.

Bndwall BxpA Bbowa •Eudy Cara. Co. r-- Bnaooborgor. Goo, ‘ Bobb, Wm. Eparaoo. Mm •Brlor, Fmnk Brnast Brwla. KnaaaU Bale. Jm •Ballck. Bandmaatar Esposito. Ftitppo Bsselstyo. Wm. A

tENELLLlESTEIILIANJOISTMlKWOlLD outer. BoooM 'Castle, Bertrand

Trisio. Baby Tront. Mm. V. A Updike. Alma

_ Van Ordon, Mm. Law 1. Mm. 'Eva' King Kaigi^. iflsn Mamlo I MnMrtnmn. Mro. Frad ysmierbllt. Mm. Uafg

' MalkaoMan. Mm. BoDe 'Vornef, deora Biadan, Mm. A A •"Bradley. Toreatina tepdlay. Mm. Gmea ••Brant, Fmncea ~ Iway. DelHa

. Mlaa Ruby Gmca Wl'bor

Ida Belt

'Gabay, Jean Garcia, Inea Gairett. Mm. Ram Gaston. Mian UlUao Ganie, Mm. Myrtle Gerhcr. PMt% Gerber, Mm. Joo (SIGIbson. Ellen

Brynnt. Mm. VIolot Gl'esple. Mm. D. A B—ring, Bom Glljer. Mlaa Flllie Boikhardt, Mm. A. L. Grrieaple, Mrs. D. ••'Boi alaiiii. Mm. Doc 'Gilmore Ethel

Mm. Doe _a. Mm. Robert Botlar. Mlaa Baba Ortra, Madam OrtBF. Blaacho OhtaM, Georgia Ohina*. Mm. Calla Ooaa, Mlaa Velma

"Oleaaon, Helea Gloaaer. Mlaa Sara Glover, Aonn Goodstein. Mm. Mary Gordlen, Mm. Minerva Gordon, Dom Gonid. Pauline '"Grand Mlsn

Chombem, Mm. Laatar Gray. Mm. LouIm Ohaoa, Eleanor A Olatk. Mm. Lena Olark. May •Clark, May •Clark, VelTle Clark, Mm. Rosa Clarke. Mlaa Floreaeo Clayhnro. Mias Dolly Clamaas, Mm. Ida •niBe, Dona CBBard, Helen Okhao. Marloa Oala. Mm. L M. OaMoIl, Dorothy ftmaeUv leimre •w>Bnneilv. Lenora Ooak. Ilia Cnooa. Mrs. Florvneo •Csaper. Mm. Fay ©ashett. Mm. Rosa ••fMnimons. Annia ••Csrnwill. Allrla Oawh, Mm. Flo Omil. Maybelle taw«Md. Madellao Opaamn. Mm. Sur fcilay. Viriaa Knap, violet A klA Adetaldo Polo, Wamaee

Um. u m.

Gray, MIm I^a U Green. Mrs. A. J. Griggs, Blaacho Hager, Mlaa Olivo Hall. Mm. Goo. Hamilton. Mm. C. Is Hammond. MIm Alien Hancock, Miss Mlnotto

Nash. May Natalie. Ethel Navtllem Teddy

[ Mavlme. Princess Hoff, lbs. Cora NeaMth, June

LNcstor. Fmakle I 'Nestor, Frankie A

Newcomb, Mao Veweomb, Roth Nonomaker. Marie Nnnn, Mra. H. W.

1 Gakl^, Annio Gate, l4>ttle 'Paine Mlldfwd

I "Painter, BOa Partetlo, Mm. Jack '"Paae, Danaell Panl. Pataey Pegler, Mm. Wllda Percy, Mm. Florence 'Perrent, Soiihle PhermI, Etblyn 'Pfvreo, Slgoa Plnard, Lena Piqnett, Joaephlne '"Pointer, BIU •"Pointer Ella

'ViDceot, Mm. NichoUa "•VItt. Brna •Voegte. Alma Vontello. dailge Wadaworth, Olga Wsidnio. Mm. Btiaala Waller, Mm. T. S. Wallett. Mm. UUo Wsltera. M A •Walton, onto "•Waltoa. Mm. Ralph Waaamaker. Helen Wsroke. Mrs Maud 'Warron. Marie Wataon. Mlaa Ida Watson. Mra. Verna •Welling^, Myi^ Wcito. Miss BiUle Weston. Ethel Wheeler. Alson A White. Mm. F. W,

Rear. Alfred BnU Baattlo Jaa. W. Baekar. Dae M. Beckwith. B. L. BedeA Bddio Baaekala. Oeo. "'Benjamin. Carl A BoMett. A. B. Bennett, Jack J. BrwM. W. A ••Bawdaohn,

Caatleden. Oeo. F. 'Caatlewortk, Ronald Cater. W. O. Catbeirrt. George Cawley. Jack Chamhem. Bob Charter. O. J. Chant, Fred Chsrlle, chevenne Chapin. Bddla "Cbefalo, Nicholas Cherokee. Ohas. O.

_ Slegmund Chlpoa Fmnk A.

S3S5:;iro. Bernaivl. Tony •Beraard, Prof. Wm, B* try A. L. Berry. Lester Bertia, Jamea BarwaM, Part Bevlaa. Sam BIcbett. Wm. B. BIgiM, Jeaa "mti. Oaotgto •Blataay, O. M. RIatany, George Black. Charles A

"Whitney, Mm. B. T. •"BUck, C.

P«»woA Mm. F. A "•Hardeem. Mra. F. A I -tif-c A'herts "Harkey. Bditk Harper, Miss IrU Haxelton. Daiaey Heath, Mm. Juliet Hewitt, Mlaa Franrio Hlheriia (Daneer; Hill Mm. •Hill, CUm M. Holloway, Mra. Art Holmea tfm. M T Howard, Mlaa RabMtt Hunt, fto

Privett. Mm. TilUaa Rankin, Mm. Edith Rstetle. Mm. A. F. "Ray. Mlaerva Reed. Madam Ada Regina, Madam Rennea, Anna Rem. Aallne Reusing, Mm. A Reynolda, Mm. Paoay RayoohU, Mra. Trixlo

Wllen. Mm. H. Williams. Marls Wills. Mrs. Irene Willson. Mm. g. F. Wilson, StelU Wlm, Mra. Sidney Wise. Mm Eart R WIttman. Mm. B. M. Woods, TJItlan May Woods, Mra. Bertha Woodward, Ihdly •Worth. Josephine Wright. Fav •Wvsnt. T,elgbt Wynne Beatrice York. Miss Margrett Tonng. Toncata CelM


Herd. Mm. FanllM Hnasalman, Mm.

isi ’ lane, Bsas- J'clraaa. Mfg. MhIo Jaasi, PliM Jarmaa. Mm. Bdag •J^ Cteoe Jnkaaao. Mbm DatUo Jahaaaa. Mn. ChM. A Jones Mm. Rtkal Jhaaalyn. Mn. B. A.

■UtUi. M*®?* KftTMIe m4 Krttb Boo Kolt. M'S Banato Kebrny. Mm S. W.


Abbatt, Ohoa. Ark. Bam

•fActoo. Joo Adair. Pteak Adams. Chaa. OL ••AdMaa, J._A Adolpb A ktoi •Agim, Afrio AgnaariBaa. Ooo. ••ABm, Oaok W. Ato-Eot

Aldrieh. A B. Aldridge. Chaa. A Alegaador, Fmd

Allen. Ralph A Allen. Osaimn M ADen. C. M. Alien. Frank Allen. A G. Alton. SarfF Altman Ikse

USim, mm ABa^ Lan

Alnaff rbns. Alpetra, Balentora

Al A Ataada. Prof. Gen. A


•"BUck Mr. O. BUck Hawk, Chief BUU. J. H. Blake. J, Mortimer Blsnchard. rhaa BIcdaoa, J. H. pi»<udnr Rimer ENaa. Al (8)Boden. Art Rohm fTiss (Btnge) Eohn A Eohn Ibdilnser Percy Rolf Gen Holton, Nato Eoone. Gabs tWioDclll. Jaa. Rntinella Vnalcal Booth. R. J. "Rootb, BlIllDgs Boat wick, Icon Wnaworfh Pmnk Bovler. Frank Bowen W. B. Rowerman, Oscar Bowman. Jseg W. Bowaar Pant Bovd rhas 0. "•Boyd Cbaa. Borer. Gray L, Boyle 0. fe. Bovlngtee A Matlory Boveoef, Jo# Bmddy, Frank BrndHeld, A. Mayn Bradford, ffomea A. Brodlsy. JsnNi Bmdy. J^ L, Em^,

"'trvy, Ulmm Btlrks Bates, U. A. Cnitcblleld, Cuba "•Cruae, Miles •Cnby. Clement Cnmby, Ned •Cniun, Billie (Upero, Prof. B. V. Cnrran. C. F. •Curry. D. O. Cnscaden, Artbnr B. D’AUdma, Prof. Joe D'Andrea, Prof. D'Mathot. A. Paul •Dally. Dale, Harry Daley, Loreiuo D. Ualvlne, Harry C. •Daly. Joe Daly, Dr. Harry Daa, Capt Danker, W. P. Dare A Dawn Davidson, W. H. Imvts. Chaa. DavU. E. L. Davis, Hembal Davis. Texas BIU Davis, (too. Davis. Harry Davla, Cbcaa DavU, B. L. DavU Family DavU, Earl Day. J. L. DeBsdle. Al DeBar. G. DeBstang, Marcy neOraney. Jaca DeGraw. Jack •DeHaven. A. M. DeLand. Dan DeLung, W. L Delate, Roosa DeTaro Broa, DeVere. Walter Dean, W. C. •Desn. Fmnets H. Decker. Frank W. "•Decker, Dick Dee. Jack Ray Deerlng, Dan Delmar. Homey Delmont. Una Demaree. D. M. Demerest. Barney Dempsey. J. E. Denelo, B. J. A

Denner. Carlo "•DennU, Leo

"Chrls'ensens, The Chrlstoffel. Bngena CUbongb, Don F. nair I'rof. Harry OUnn, W, T. C. n« k L H •MTUrk. Geo. •CUrk. Oeo. M E. Clark. Clever Clark. L. R. nark. Rid CUrk, Banjo George •CUri. Oeo. R. Clsssle Fisd euwson, Corley "•I’lsvton Mi.rri* I nsytoo Amos Hem. Ralph E. nements, B. T. riemersoo H W, Ploepai. Robt. Ctote, Rarv» Cobnni n. W, Coffey, Manrica Coffey. L. N. Cole A Hania Cole James Colgate, Howard rVilUna, Cbarles rotilns. Wm rolllns. Cspt. 0. B. Collins. Slobby Colrard. F. rvdvin D. A Compton. Cy Condon. Jss. Conklin. Jss. W. Conley. J H Conley, Frank A Connom. Mr Connor, Btephm H. Cook Btieetie (J. Cook A Portor Oaekston, M. 0. Cooper joe Cflonem Combined Bhow Corey A fdihOM Cnetaon Victor Cnriiy A RorUnd CMta. fUnM Cnnghllo, A. 0. Cowen. Sidney Coyle N|ek Cmmor, J. A nmodsii nsroie w

•"Enrnette. Bailor Bverdlng. Geo. W. Bvemtt. 8, V, A ■vemtte. Prof. J. Fady. Doe Fagao. Mike Fanley, G. W. Faruell. Charles •Farneworth DbOoM •Faraotitian. H. T. Fanat. Wm. J. Felts, A Feothor •"Fergnson. Frad Ferrier. R. A. FerrU. JUtmlo Ferris, WUey rtehar, Jlmmls Flelda. Joe Floe. Cbarles Finn. Thos. L. Flreride. L Fisber. W. A Ftsber, Jack FUdel, LonU FlemlDg, Wm. A Flemming. W. M. Floyd, ttoorge A FIvno Wm Flynn, Parkey G. Forantl, Agoatlo Foley. TboM. U. Fontello. H. G, Ford, Tboe. F. Ford. Harry "•Ford. Wm. J. Fordham. O. D. •Foreaker, Elmer •Foster. W. J. Foster, OoL Jack Fowler. Earnest Fox. W B, Fox, Midge "FmncU, Jno. Fmekman. Ike Frank, Cbaa. L. Franks H. W. Fmokllna, Tha Fmukliu. H. A Fmsler. Manrie Frederick Bros. Freedman. A Ike Freeman. John A Preeve Earl Friedkln. Joel Friedman, Jacob FHettman. Msntice Frledmaa. Leo FrUhte. Mark

[K-namore, Capt. Obas. Frowofelter, Dell Deroherg. Albert Dernberiter, A. J. •Desniaod. Jaa. Dever. Harry Devanx. Sam DeveU. E. J. M. Devine, J Art Devine, Engene Devorees. Wrestling DiOleeo. N. DtFablo. Prof. Mike IMek Al Dickey. WIU A. IMefcsm Bob DIekmao, W. J. DIetael, Prof. A. DllU. lUnl Dink. Fmnk Dixon, B. B. Dobaon, Jao. Dneh Horn •DogU, Harry A. Dobrmaa. A D. Donner, Carlo Donnor, A P. Donovan, Charlie Dorman, Edward Doty (Wll DongUt, Jaa. •Dasralag. Barry •Draco, Ckrlatl

Fneatos. Jo Fulton, Jasper Gage. Harry Gall. A O. Gale, A A "•OalUcher. C. M Galrla, Jaa. A. GauMway, Jess Garelnettl. Joe M. Oardenar, Olcfc ••Gardnar, Frad •Oardm r. Percy Gardner, N. J. OarUod. A A. Oansr. Pirttt Garriaso, Lae Garraa, F. Gary, Bdwta Gaaa, OrvUU GaskeU. WIU C GatkUI. BIU Gate. George O. Gaaghaa, John Ganaa Sbows Gay. Fred L. Geary. Joe Gems. Jnllas George, Maakry GerUag. Arthur A. Geyer Stork Co. OlbboBB, W. O.

Drew. Ijnvell A Betber Gliiooa. Ooo. Driror. Waa. A. Drivra. AUx Drnmmond, J. M. •••DnPree Walter A "DnVal. Emmett Dobae, Jno. Docrow. Joseph Dndding. Jay Dnrsn. George Dniwortb, David Dnnran, Mr. A Mm.

Duncan, Bpike Dnnisy, Willie Dnnnsn, Oeo. F. "Dnpreo J. Dnmnd, Reedy Dornell, Hank Dustin. WIU F. Dustin. W. T. Dyer, tevl A. Dykman, D. Eagana, Joo F,sgle. Don White Eaglefeather, Chief Psrt Mnntsiia Borl, Frank Rsrie. W C. Earleo. B. W, Ksrly. J. n Esstmaa, Robt.

Oinoopte. D. A Ollmom, EIbmt OlUtoto, Doc Olltarr. A. J. OUrk. Wm. Oolr. Laon T. Ooldeo. Baitpy •"Gtddb^, Jock Oolff. Bennoy •OooyaU, Joo Oaodoer, A. B,

Ray Gold' n. Rob Oordloa, Henry Gordon, N. O. •(tordon Cbrf Gordon Hsvs Btock On. Oora, W. K, (bsNiett, R. W. Orawich. BIU Gottlieb. Chaa. Ombbto, Ralph Grady. Wilt Ombsm. CUnt A. Omhm, A. W, Ombam. Orovar Grainger, L H. •Grainger. J. A Ommllch. Chaa. Grant, j W, Grant, Walter Grant J<>hn A

Eastwood, Clamnea D. Gratlyana, Jaa. ■beehsrt F"sd Bdmlston, Ed Edsflo. Robt, •Edwards A Hardsa fldwarda, WIIIU •Edwarda. jaak M Cotn Rldrldge, Baba ElUa, Harry •RHs, Wm. Elite, Ward A Rlllsooa. Mnalral EmitU. Oriael Emnlm Stork Co.

“lyi Tbit_

Gmvrs BarU Gray, M. Gray, Dor MUy Gray, Bari •"Gray H, C. Gray. Iteadolph A Gmvson A teVarPS OrrU, Heary Orelte, Rorea Oraaaiff, Gah Orior, Oaty •••Grier Oaty OrifliB. U OrUBa. J. A orimiL _


AUOU8T It. 1916. 68

OiMIth, OUvitr, It. UrlmM. A. 0. UrlBMliaw, BroMt Orlisl*. Jmck Urotbkupi. U. Kruu OrvTM. Max UMaaow, Brank •Uatbamaa. M. V. *Uay, Artbor L. Uaartjl. Obaa. A. •*Haaaa, A. Backatt. Waltaa Bacanab, 0. 8. •Ualirord. B. i. Bataaa. H. H. Bala, Jaa. Balka. B. 8. Bamlltaa. Cbaai Banilltaa, OlUa Baminar. Bd J. BaoMDar Bant/ Baaaa. nad Baaba^, Bdv. Banlay, Ohaa. t. Baaaaar Bdw. ■■ Haaa. ftad Uardigraa, Pa*. Hardy. Bay HarUiuaa, B. B. Barkiaa, Fata W, Haraioo, Ohaa. Bamiaoat, O. B. HarrtU. N. M. Harria, L. B. Harrta Broa. Bboara Barria, Laonard 0. Harria, Bah Hairia, Hoiaar T. Harria, Mark Barralla, Boaa 0. Barrymao. Jrroaaa *Hart. Harry X. Hartoian. B. 0. Harray. B. W, Barray, J. H. Batcher. Ward Hatllald, O. D. HaTcas. Jahn Hawk. Jamaa Black Hawley, Oco. A Mae Harden, Prank B. Hayea, 8. O. Hayea, Arthur W. Haynea, Arthnr T, Baya, John W. Hailat. Dr. Heath, Taaa *HeId, Harry CUntan Heller. Ixmla Halm. L. E. Henatreet. L. A. Hendamhat, J. B. Hendaman. J. P. •Hepner. Manrloa P. HaraM. Bahia Herhart A Ollpia •Herbart. Dalay Barslaa, Jaa •Herman. M. Bawla. Oaa. •••Hiatt. U OL Blekaaaa. Tarty Blaitanan. Mike BIchtawar. Biaiat S. •HlhaaAa Bin. Ohaa. Bina, Qy. flhaw ••Rlntaa^ Chaa. P. BlfMr. idw. Hltcheaek. Claranee Hltcheaek, Batty M. BaatMn A. I HackwaM, AtflMM •Hodfa. Oaear P.

••Bodgial. A. T. HaPaMta. Ohaa. W. Haffmaa. Law Rnaan A ateeaaa Bacaa. P^ Hagaa, Wm. J. Hacaa. B. T. Reldee. Bdw. 8. •Haidar, Bd Rollnway. Heaier Hobaaa. Ptad B. Rnlmea anioa O, Helaaa, tea HataNa. B I. Rntanialnt. Clraat Halewaa. Batty Raneyentt P. 8 RnnbiM niwiwn Hopklaa, Wak Hera a, Bay •Roraa A Van Horn, Jbaaiy ♦Homhmnk Qaa Horae. Prof. J. P. Rome atnek flo. Horwlta. Baill B. Boaataa. KlaBa R"»e« M •Bareya, Tha HowaH, Billy Howard. Cliff Lao Howell. Prof. J. W. Boyland, Chaa. T. •Rabart Baity P”'-en M W. Bnffnwn. Chet Hniharb, Walter Rail. a. H. •Hnmphrlaa. Batty Bnnt, Prad 0. Root, Harry Hnntar, Baaaal Hnatlnffton Mlnata. Hard, B. B. Itorlry, Tttna

llaiat. Boh Marat A OaTara Marat Rntartaln-wa ItnteMna C M. HateMaata. Bdw. B. Itochlnnaa, Teat Hntrhlnaon, Al B, Brae IMe B. •■mw 0. {ack. riailar {ark. Bart M.

lahnaan, A. Jahnana, Dara {••'"•••. W. B. Jabnana. JaiMO M.

Jobnaan. John B. Johnaton, Chaa. L. Jonea, Aimer Jonea, A. B. Jonaa, Prod Junaa, Bbarman L. Jonea, Uapity Doa Jonaa, B. B. Jordan, O. D. Jorcanaea, uaear Joy. Dan •••Kaal, Pranaaa L. Kalman, Bam Kaiw. Boby KapUn, Bam •Kaafeldt, Wo| Kavanakaw, Mmaa •••Kaafa, Prank J. Keeiera, Plyina •Kaahn, Angaat, Jr. KaU, Jaa. A. Kellar, Uordoa Kallar. Barry Kallahw, M. W. Kelly. ^ U Kelly. J. J. Kalaa. Shorty ikoiuia, John Kent. Btrhard Kap^ar, O. J. Keatera. Aatlal •••Keatara. Aarlal •••KIdwell. B. J. Klffht. OUrar KiiXore, Prad 0. *Kiuy. Bud Klnc. Jaa King A Millard King, Wm. King. AUwya King. Lao H. ••Ring. Jaa B. •••King, J. Bllm •King i Millard KIrhey, L. W. Kirch Braa, Ktrck. J. A. Kirk, a (vietnar Bdgar M .. Kita. Albert Kline. Danny KUppal, Obah Koen P. U. •Kohlar. Oaa. Kunlelle. H. P. Kranaa. W Knnnay, Wnu •La Bella. Oapt. I Berta Otia LaBella. CapL Harry Latloi. Jack LaPord. Ohaa. LaPranca. Ray LaOron, Btara LaMont Harry LaBeana A Lao LaRelao. Jack ••LaSalla. Bd B. LaRtarr. aayay La Vera, Bari LaKone, BImer Labera^P. ^ Lacy, W. A. Oarlay •Lacy. Jack Ladraka. Bab ' Laka. Prad Laamr, Lena Lamb. Oao. Lamb^. J. V. Lambert. Ray •Lana. Hal Lana. Bddia •Lang. Bdw. Lana. D. H. Larkina, Dayalo Prank Larooo. Olaf Landerdale, Bock tnwranca, Chaa. •Laarrenea, Jack Lawranea. Banry Inwaaa. Oarnr LaNalr. Jack •LaNora, Jack •LeRoy, Chaa. LeRar Peal LaBoy. Prof. •LaVaa * DoTlaa •l«*VaB Tnayello. Palator tjt*. L. M. Laa. Bddia Leepar, Prank LadlagwaU. Mynm A. I,e«llncarell Oaa. W. Lemenek. Laa Lemnala. Blllla Lena, Percy D. l.ennoa, 8llck W. l.eonard, rraak 8. iMtndn Prenk Laralgba, Ohaa. I,ewla. Rlllia l.ewla, Robt. f.ewl« J. V Whitey Llbanattl. Jaaa Mtht r .p. Llfhtatono. M. tJlletaa, The Uncol. Jaa UndqiBat, Bdgar Lina, W. W. (Bad) Lititnn, Hank A Blla Uttla. Bdw. Laa l.l*t|e Itncer O. •Uttla, B. D. I.lunl O-n IJoyd, Prank W. liong. Dr. J. B. B. l-oog. Harry Long, Doe, M. 0. •••liorana. Dr. Haary 0. •I,oretfo y H. letron. n. J,

I iiHer A Bllaamrlh liodam. Banry A Bdltb Innln. P. B. Larin, liOaa. 0. A. Lnthar, Martto B. •Laaaa Lynch, Barndhiap l^aeh, T. D. I.yna. Mnarlaa I. Lypgiagrott. Malaaa* Lytba. A. P. •••McBrlte. L. B, ‘♦.•r-Hea Cbaa. Rtlay MeOnrthp, Oaa, T. •••MeOhrky, A. 9.

McCarty, Aady K. Monroe. Billy •McOonnell. Emmett W. Monroe. Bdgar BUm McCorkblU. W. B. Mootaaalte, Joe B. McOrackln, Johnnie Mootguniary. Dtw. B. McC'uilungu, Due Harry Montroaa A Hamlltoa Mr Dade, Anatln Hcody. Jrha •McDai^l, Clyde V. Moora. A. a McDonald, Arthur M<-I>iinald. Dan McOaa, Mika M'-Uinley, Walter J. McOlnala, T. A. •••Mitionlltal. Clay McOrath, Jack Pat MrOnrhln, John Mclntouh. WIU •Mclnlty McKay. Jack ••McKay, H. W. McKay. B. W. McKenna, Harry (BlMcKrnna, Harry McKinney, A. B. Mi'Langblla. O. McLellan. Jake McMackln. Pred M' MnlIcn. J. A. McNelca.'Bert Mepberaon. B. 0. Mrijotu-n. Botlle Mc^cUan, B. Paul VI ■ .ii. Kn<i McWlllUma, Bob •••Mack. D. D. Mark. Lealia H. Mary, Harry Madden. Lanla ••Maddtaoa. W. W. Madlll, P. H. Magbanoy, Ctprlano Magnlre. Joe Maher. Phil. Go. •••Mahoney, Dan Malarkay. W. 8. Malkind. Ren L. ManteU. Lw B. Mapal. Ray R. Mardello, Spider MarechaL O. MargUn. J. 0. Ma'lnc Stephan

Muuro. tt. .N. Moore. L. W. H<e>re. Oapt. Jim ••Moralea. Toaeo More. Bdwln R. Moredork. Bnddle ••Morgan, Sam Morgan. J. Dong Morle. M Moroga, Jaaa •Morrelll. Sid Morrta. Cotton Morria. Lew H. Murria. *1. W Morriaaey, Jack Morton, W. J. Mnrea. John •••Moratead. Al ••Morton. Prank ••Moaer. Ralph Moaa. liioo. Moaa, Prank Mwk T. II . Moolton, Baity •Mailer. Fred ' Munch, Prod Mnmhy. Harry Murphy, P. M. Mur^y, J. P. Murray. Mr. A Mm. H.

J. Murray. Billy nurrell. Jack

lurry. Jack Mnaalcalr. O. Mrer. John P. Myera, Myar Mycm, Dare Deril Mrlea. Carlo •N. J. •Nauer, B. Nedman. Dr. B. W. Nelenn. I. J. Nelnon. Nila M.

Marahall. R. B. (Jack)' Nelnon, Harry Marten, Chat. ••Nelnon. Jack Marteney, H. B. Nelnon. Chao. Martin. J. Bdw. Neolo. Cmlg

•Paul A Aaella Pearl. Jim ••Paodan. M. L. PaniUeton. Lro I’endleton. Paul Pendlay, O. B. Perea. Prank Peiria. Brick Perrin. O. Perry. John A. Perry. O. H. Petem, H. P. IVtieraoo. Floyd Pettit. J. B. Petty. BIU Pbllllpa. Mack Phllllpn. Prank Pbllllpa. Harry PldlUpa. 0. A. Plckanla, Capt. I*lckerlng, Prad •Plckert. WIlUa Iderce. Prank ••Plemon. Harry • Pllbeam. P. B. Pllcbar. Prod Pippin, Bugeoa Pllena. W A. Pluto, John Pobutaky, Bid D, Pollard. John Pollow. C. M. Poole A Allan Oo. Poplin. 0. P. Porker. H. T. Potter. Carl Potta, Joe Powell Troupe Powell, Bdw. T. Powell, lieo. W. Powern Papt. D. J. PreU. Paul B. Preoa. Joe. H. Prenton. Ward Proctor. B. ^ •Pronrletor Pnrdan, Wbltla Purdy. Lrnter Quigley, Joa. H. Quine. O. W. Raddata. Angnat Rader. Louie K. Radford. Dick Ralkeo. L. S. Ramney, H. A.

•BoMnoon. Harry I. Bohinaon. Nat C. Roden. Wilber H. Bogem, Joa •••Kogem. B. M. Bodglenra, Bax Buonman, Morria •Rope. Ohaa, Boacoo. Wm. J. Bom. Jaka •Rooa. Morria •Roue, Cbarlla Rooa. Bd W. Boao, fhna. Rowe, Tom •Rowland. B. A. Roocll. Prank A. Bna. Chaa. B. Kiill. Alax. Burnley. Ban Rnaeell. J, J. Butharfor^ M. B. Sabr. John. Jr. •••St CUlre. Billy Sallabury. Lawrence •Salyem, Claude B. Sandrigrn. B. N. Sanger, Harry Sarff. Calrin •Saalawaky, Alexander •Sanaa. Chaa. U Sayaga, Bugena Savior John Schaefer. M. L, Schardlag. J. Sebayer. Maurice Schenkel. Bd Scblehrla. Joe Schiller. D. B. SchlnkeL Loula Scblomheeg. B. B. Schneider. Jno O. SebwartA Harman •Scott. Prank Scott. Dick Scott. A. P. Scott. A. J. Scotty. B. •Seam Geo. B. Sefferino, Wm. Sagem. Oao, rih'Uam. O. Serenadera. Six Serrice. M. 0. Cuddy •••Saoltan. Aloay


Oatalof «r DdUo, Bean, Do«b: Plain and Baa- trle Bed. NoveUlca of all Undo. Whlpo. Oanan Ballooui. Blrda, nm We cm lure you Uam and moow oo your ordera. Brerytblag tor the WhaaRmn and Csueaariaaalm.


Advance Wkip ft NBfdtjr C*. at7 Elai Stiuat. WiatSaM. Hma

\A/ANTrn MEDICINE PERFORMERS—Pro- ■•a^ae • ^aw fg, tbooe that play Urlag or pl¬ ana Hcaaon'a rngafenunts. Tickets If I know you. Must jom oo wire. DR. V. A. LKUNAKU, care Warf Show, Uoxle, Kaaiaa. P. 8.—Mlskel and May tad Harry Herbert, wire quick. Jaik Cooduian. and R. B. Sent you money, also wired you, but no an¬ swer.

LADY MUSICIANS WANTED AT ONCE—VtoUn and otber luslruineiiis; must be union; permanent wotk; only capable people need apply. Write immedlatriy. E. ANDERSON, care Orcbestra, New Caalno, Ta

••Snyder, Chaa. A. Walker, J. Blebasd Snyder, timer Wall, B. Au Snyder, BIU A Margie Wallace. Im K.

SERVICE! That’s what did It. Quick artloii. thorough undentJtndliig and

Intelligent and dlacrlmlnatlng handling of mall resulted In pructlonllp nlne*tenths of the profeaalonal enteitatners of Amerton makuig tbeto address to care of The Blllbourd. Senrloe Is mpldlp MBraotlng tlie others.


Many of oar clients are not pnt to the necegiily of writing for thrlr mall more than once or tarloe a season.

We do not have to adverttse 6% of the letters that pass throngh onr ollloea.

IN WRITING FOR MAIL THAT IS ADVERTIgED, USE A POST¬ AL CARD. A seif-addressed and stamped-cBvelope Is not aeoessory. CUve yonr route far enough ahead to permit your mall to reach yo«. Write names of towns, dates and slgnatnre plainly.

MAIL IS HELD BUT ONE MONTH and thereafter Is eent to the Dead Letter oMoe. It Is adrIsaMe to write for mall when yonr name FIRST appears In the net. Adftwss vonr postal to ’’Mall Forwarding Scrrlce,” The Billboard.


(SIMartla. Harry Martin. 1. J. Mairin. Pmnk Marta, Barry Maru. rmnk •••Marx. Mr. A Mro.

H. a. Maaoey. J. B. Maoeay. Ctoa Maoten, Prof. *11007 Matfbewa. Clyda Mangbmoa, Hnca Manrica. Bobt. Maaatfa. Jack Meakor. Bari 48)Maok. Oao. Meeker, Pmak Melencon, Richard Malchaw. Bhicb

HHwn. Geo •Mencbea, Heary Menko A Oolamas •••Mrrcedaa. Aguilar Meredith. Tom • MerrUm, BUUe Metcalf. Oao. Meyer B T. Merera. I,eo Mayam, Cbaa, I, •••Vlbhel tMetta MIchell. Harry MIknIaky, J. J. Millar, Bdwia Millar, Waller R.

(nu) Miller, Arthur Miller, Bari Miller. Ralph R ••Millar, R. K. •••Millar. Don D. •••Millar, Dr. Harry Millar. WIU O. Mllltcee Tthii Mloomora, Baymoad 0. Mitchell, Pred MIteheU. Rhert •Mttebon, Alberta MItcbalt. J. I. Mltdiall Warraa Mnim. Joek Mole Brno. Moak. ^

NearlUa, Billy 0. Nawtou, OUvur Newbenmr Wm. Newman, Jaa. B. •.Vewwhuye Mextatta Ntcbola. W. O. NIebolaoa. J. a NIckola-Hypaatlat NlelHoa, Geo NnUa. Andy Nold, Cnri Nord. Harry H. Norman, Percy Norton. Jack ••Nortoo, Bdmund A Norton, Jae. J. Nntnn R. Dtvta •Nnmhar. Nnnn, Wm. J. O'Brian, Dam Daril O'Brien. Wm. (Blackoy) O'Onnnor. Lnrry •D’tvnla. Wm. •O'tlera. rbea. •O'NooL PhU O'X-wl Pred OUrar, B. 0. Gklabome Had Otte. Nlek Owaiw, Jtmmla Oyler, J. B. Dae •P. O, L. Paavola. Bmll Page. 6ddla Paldmna. Tha Palmer. Oeo, A, Palmer, Jaa. Olles Palmer, Kenneth Palmer. Harry Panama KM Panoeri, tVoari Pappao, BIU Perdne. Grwrar A Pardaa, Hotaea Parr ate. flea. Parker. Patar •Parker. J. 0. Parkcmaa..D. T. PaooanmaaH Loala Pete. Herald Pota. a M. Patrlek, Smm ••Phttaiam. Oaa

Ramoey, 0. A. Raoedeli. Laa •••RatcUff. Art BattMoaaka BUt Raan. L. B. Baymoad. Chaa B. Bm. Jaa. W Kmd. UnilfoVd D.. Jr. Hrnder. Pred Beady. Joha J. Kebeck, Baby Reed, Chaa. A Raod. Mlltaa Rreaa. Jack Beavaa, Bd Bald, O. A. Held, Sydney Relfenherg, P. Reinhard. Jaa W. Rettboffer, P. B, •Benella, Pmd H n<i, Eddie Bena U J. Rrneins. Bermaa Reynolda Baa KryMdda, Harry •If'ndea A McPerlaad ••Rhodaa, Walter •Rlbaoa, Jack Rl<-hania, U. B. Rlcbarde. A. R. Richard. Laatar L. RIrhaida W. 0, •••KIcbwia N 0. RIckarta 0. A Rideout Wm. Lb Rider. Bd Rblga, Pmnk A. Rlfbln. Nate Rlgxle. Jouaa RlagUm. O. Rink A Wright Rlnol, Jllm Rll^, Oaa IMMaa A a. Reherto. Lana Raheeta luha W. Roharta Oaa Rntverta. I*r A O, Raherta Dorr ••Rohhattaa Harry Rohettaa, Peal Rahlaaaa. Barry

seata. Mr. A Mra Harry

Settle. JaS Seymour, Irring N. Shafer, Walter D. Shaunoa. Rddla Sbanuoa. Mark B. Sbarhoaa A Dacuatm Sbartla, Boy Shay, Bamay Shea. John Sheok. W H. Rbepard, Harry Bbarman. M. W. Bblelda, H. 8. Bbtmeyama. Oaa. ••Bblplay, Jaa Hbipley, Joa. Bblrem. W. A. Sllllnger. Oaa •••Mmmnna. Mck Simona, Barry Slmpeon. Wtlflad •Six. Barry Bklnweiw iTerid might, o. p. SlomaL M. O. SoMll, Joba 0, Bmlth. Ibewtar A. Smith, Oapt. O. W. Rrolth. Arthur D. Bmith, Pletchar Bmith, Stera Smith, Rd Bmith. BIU •Smith. Oea. M. Smith. Bax Bmith. A B. Bmith, Jackumi Smith O. L. Bmith, Berhart •••BaritA Btara

•PuliA ^ BnltA A A Smith. WoNw Sma. P. J. Batllor. Oaa. SainaBhwuar, A W. Balder, Jack

Souertla. Tha Boper, Daa Bpanlar, Jaa Sperka. 8. B. ^yd. D. M. Bpenca, O. Bpancer, Bob Sperry A Unenther •Spica, A Bpltler. Tan HprodUut. Prentlaa ••Stafford, P. W. Btanley, J. M. Stanley, Walter Stanley, P. M. Btantou, Dm Starr Comedy Co. Btannton, W. Stembrldge, Hap Stepbena, Qny Btepbeua, Charlie W. Sterling. John D. Stevena, Dr. Q. W. Stevens. Stanley D. Bteveneon. Bamnel ••Steward, H Stewart, J. 8, ••Stillman, Hownr-1 •••Stoffer. Hurry Btreetar, Billy Streiff, John Btrlckler, H. F. Btrobel, Shorty Btrout. B. D. Btuckbarry, Bngaae Btnrgla, Ben]. •Sturgla, H. L BuIUyaa. Jim SnUlyan, W. Oaear •••Snlllvan. J A. Sntberland. W. B. Satberlla. Jaa Battoa Anmaamaat 0i Bwaha Oaa 8waa Ottg Swan, O. W. •Sweatman, Harry Swift. Beriurt Swift, Chaa. Swim. Dr. B. Talbot. John G. 'Tally. N. J. Tanner, W. Tbrdle Jack Taeaell. B. Tate, Balpb Taylor, FerrU Taylor, Oliver Taylor, Cbaa. Taylor, P. M. •Taylor. A. Brook* Tayler. Tete Taylor. Bllaa Templetou, Virgil Tenny. A. B. Terrill. Cbaa. ••Terrill. Chaa. Tezdart Tbompeon, Ray Tbompoon, Billie Thornton. Harry 0. Thomtoa. Cornelia Thrasher. R. L. •Thnreby, David Thnraton. W. B. Tlnney. M. L. •Tippett. John B. Tltna. Peter 1. Todd, Arthur Tnl< do A Burton TOU. Bd Toto. Tba Prog Trafton. Prank H. TnyagUni, Otello Triplett. Via Treno. Jaa. Trout. OUlo Troutman. R. P. Trover, Dude Tmeh. Herbert Turley, Bufoed Turnbull. 11. B. ••Tnrnor Bhowu •Tyler. Oeo. 0. Tyinan, Prank rtly. Ram Vail. N. Van Allen. Blllla Van. Blllv Bmpey Van, Harry Van Rnren, Lew Van Diver, Mr. Vandneen. Prank Van Nonnan. Great Vanaandt. Walter Veraer Vend Ca, Vettl. Prof.

Wallet. Wm. •Walaey, Wm. •••Walt. Mexico Jack Waltera, Draaa Walter, Leslie Waltera, Jimmie Waltera, Jack

r W alset. Ed Ward, W. O. Warner, Jean

a Warren. Frank Waterman, Sol Waterman, Isele WateiA Prof. Fred A Wataon, Sid •Watson, Harry Wataon. Sammy ••Wayne, Dick Wazo, Qm. Webb, Frank H.

W. Webb, Joe Weber, Joe

F. •Webster A Ward D. Webster, Musical I Weeks. A. H.

Weekly-Wood Trio Webrie. FeUz

ir-1 Wetdman. Tbo» •. Weim, Herahall Welat, n. 0. Welch. Lam Well. 0. •Wcitv Geo M Wella. W. W.

aa WelU, Harold Write. Wm. Weteb. Ool. M. A Wendel. Otto

ar •Werner, J. A. Went. Johnnie Jamao

I. Weat, Denote Weat, BilUo

it Oa. •Weatem Bbowa Wheeler. J. R. (B)Whitaker. Dick White. Wlnsloa

ry White A Clayt White Cload Pete Whiteagte, Oao. •Wbittc* Jack WblttingtoB. ■ R ••Whitney R. T. Wiltala. Wn.tcT Wilcox. Bort Wilcox. Rnri Wlldo. Joa Wlldt. L. A Wllker, Harry J. Wilkie. PhtlUg •Wllkina, W.

h* WIlIUnM, Herbert A. Williams, W. Wllllarae, Frank

I Willlame, Bngcae Wlltenaln. Joe •••Wllterd, Wm._ Williams. BDly P Williams. O. J Williams, Kerry Wllllama, Prof. Bph.

0. William. Bamte la wnilard. A. H.

Wlllla. Rlllle Wlllla. Rodney A •••Wlllman. Waltav Wlteon, P.

B. Wllnoa. Joha Wilson. Harry B. Wilson, Robt. P. Wilson, Harry R. Wilson. Welter W. Wilson, nif

1. Wllsoe. Walter Binge o •Wilson. Jack A

WIndee. Otto Wing. R. O. WInkIchake. Carl Witts. Howard Woechener. Bd A. Wolfe, Harry Wolfe. Jo> Womack, eland Wood-Ray Stock Oo. •Wood!. Whitlo L. Wood, fully Wort. I. B. Wn-thman. Elwood

10 Wrenn, Joe ry Wyatt. Richard

•Wyman Bd Wyne. Bdw. Wynne A Peera

; Tarbenngh. Garlaad rest ••Tceger. B. H. tr Tonng. 0. A

Toniur. Neal Tonng. Oeo, B,

•Victor, Prof. Jae. P. Tonng. Harry Vlacent, P. P. Vincent, Prank •••Vincent. John Vhedtoch, Pred J. •••Veee. John Weddle. Lea WnHtea. Mack Walker. Maras R

Tnong. Wm. Eaaa, P. J. Belter. Oeo. A. Eenere. Hobby Xeatoa, Great SerilM. John P. •Swelaler. H. J.


70 Tlie Billboard AUGUST 19, 19tt.


Cjai-tuuOia, Ok., Auk. II.—I'rokiMK'tk for • suud f»ir Ltrrtr are l ai'rllpiit for ibU jfvar. TIta pnriuiuiu Mat of tb« O'adjr (^oouty Kra« Vtlr AaitwUtlou la buw <Mit and dtalribuUKl, tbe Itrouiluijia aiiiouulluk to almot $l,UJO. Kotov of tlM Itvat Mac ato<-k lu OkUlioioa la In tjrady OMtotjr, wtiM'b la rc<-oyulacd aa tbc bauucr wro •-oontjr of tlic Ktatc.

Tlic fair will be bcid Hvptviobcr 14 to IQ, In- i-lualae, at Mbaitoau Hiirloka, an Ideal lo<'atiou wllb plenty of abade and eircMent water. Mw-retarjr Arlbur Kralaiid and County Aireot O. G. Cooper are buay diatrlbutlng adrertlalup mat¬ ter and colleetlnil eiblblta. Cblekaaba la eery well known aa a plaea of amoaement, and a aery large attendaoec la aaaured for tbe fair.



OpeniitK <ialax, Va., we«k Aug. 28, with Marlon, Va.; Bluelleltl. W. Va.;

itadford, Va.; North Wilkfeahoro, N. WinMon-Salem, N. Iturhaiti,

N. Khelhy, N. Monroe, N. ('.; Sanford, N. and «everal I-Morlda

falrn to follow, t'an plat-e Wild West, .Silodrorne. Mechanical Show,

Ten-in-One, Trip to Mars and one Platform Show. Will hook or buy

FerrlK Wheel if cheap for cash, ('an place <N»nceeHion» of all kindt>,

except iJoll, Candy and Pillow Wheela. Want (irintleiH and Openent,

(jirltt f*ir 'fit Show, DancinK (Jirl Show and lllUHion Show; Piano Player

and Trap Drumnu-r for 'fit .Show. Joe Marku, write. Kid Lewln and

A report from IP’beneetedy, N. T., uye that borne raeing, poultry and prize atork eiblMta and midway entertalumenta will be tbe featuree of tbe twenty-fourth annual fair of tbe Albany County Agricultural Ko<-lety at Altamont, N. T., Auguut 20 to Ib'pteuiber 1, Incluelre- E. O. Crannell la prealdent and fuiiiua P. OgztMiry ae<-retary of tbe fair.

Healey and King, ebair balao<-era; Tbe Aerial Ijitbauia, flying ringa; Julia Kcblagel, contor- tbiu, and tbe Merrlaui Trio, couibiuatlou aerial act, were tbe attrae tb/ua at CaUa, la., week of July -11. I'be acta were placed by Mercellea. Tbe Merriam Trio played tbe fair at Klieldtm, la.. Week of Auguet 14, wltb aeveu other falre to folb/w,

'I'be preuiluni Mat of tbe uiiitb annual Mon¬ mouth Kair, near Ked' Hank, N. J., la off the preaa. It la 'a very attractive pamphlet, done in two colora. with illuatratlona. The datea of tbe fair are Auguat 31 to Ke|ileuiber 4. incliiaive. la-wia I*. Uaiulall la general manager and aer-- retary.

l<ong-clierialied liopi-a of the people of f.llutou. III., for a fall fair are to lie realized tbia year, dlnton baa not had a celebration for a<-veral yeara. and thua the PeWitt CoiiotT Pair, net f«<r Ke^tleinlier 11 to IQ. la moat welcome. A BiP'ceaaful event la badeed forward to.

hlrei'tora of the Alaltania Hlate Kair .\aiwK-lH lion met In ItlrinlnKliain laat week and diaeuaaed additional plana for the fair, which will In- held Ihia year from Octolter r> to It. Work tbe catalogue la progreaeiiig rapidly, nnd will la- completed by Auguat 8.

The aecond annual fair and ezhibition of the Kouthern New llaiu|Hihlre Agrl-'Ullural Aaaot-ia tion will lie held In Portamouth, N. II., H'pteiii- lier 4 to fl. Inclualve, at the fair groiinda Hhertiourne Hoad. Themlore W, I,aw la ai-i-re- liiry of the aaam-latlon.

The Healtle IWaah.l .\dvertlaing Kluiw will Im- held at the Arena In Healtle He|)tembi-r to 11. ciilinlnutlng In a glgiiiillc advertlaing pageiiiit and niaaiiue halt. l.ouia W. Hucklry la mniiag'iig dlreclor. Hulte 121, Hotel Hiitler.

The McK<>nzie t'oiiiily Ag--i<-ultiirul Aaaocia Hon, Alexander. N. II., will hold lla third aitrl ciilliirnl fair thla year ou Heptriiilier 14 nnd 15. Edwin It. Johnmin la aecrefary, and la working Hrehaaly In the Intcreat of the fair.

The premium Hal of the tli'rd annual Wi Montniin fair, to In- held in Mlaaoiila October 4 7. Ima. iH-en dlatrlhuled. It la very attractlvi ly put together, and coiitniiia HIO pagea. K. )i laiwrcin-e la aecrelary.

It WHIanI Eanea, ai-cretury of the Soiithalde VirglnlM Ag IciilliirHl nnd Indiiatrhil Exhibit Pi-teralavris. Va.. atntca that hla fair will be hehl Oclola-r 17 to 20. day iiial night. Big crowda are expectfd.

('harh-H (Injlor. the glam frog man and antional gyifiiiaat, la doing well witli fiiira In Wealern Canada. He atntca Hint hla act laaihc'l fop aixtecii tvccka i f S.iuthcrn faira aft lie flnialica Canada.

The lilg Cnniicaiit lake Kalr at Kxiioaithm Hark. I’a,, la act for Auguat 2P to Si-iiteiibcr 1. and prnniiai-a to lie nil excepHoiiallv giaat iigrlciiVural and live apa'k fair. J. H. Klingeii- aiidih la aecJetar.v.

The puhlteily departinciil of the Xebraaka Sta'e Kalr la ualiig noteworthy methiNU In ad¬ vertlaing the ooniliig State fair at IJneolu. The exeiil la aet for Heptenilier 4 to 8, with an giaal liue-iip of attractlona and ahowa.

Tile twenty ninth annual convention and touriiauieut of the Virginia State Plrenien'a As- Boclatlon will be held In Covington. Va., Au¬ guat 2.1 to 27. J. K. Olenn, of Ilarrlaonburg, la secretary.

IHrtX'tora of the Chamber of Commerce, Brown- wood. Texaa, are buay with plana for a free fall fair. Secretary Kirkpatrick la preparing an advertlaing campaign. Although the fair la to be held ahortly no dates have been annoanced.

The Olbaon County Fair Aasoclation. Trenton, Tenn., baa announce Its forty-ninth annual fair for October 11 to 14. Tbe aasoclation baa been In extatcnce for 61 yeara, although reorganized several timea.

At a meeting of tbe directors of tbe Beaver- bead Oonnty Fair Aanodatloa, DHIon, Ifont., It was decided to hold a fair and roond-np this year, September 14, 15 and Id.

Tbe oBcial eatalogne and premium list of tbo Went Feliciana Fair, St. Franeisville. Lu., October 12 to 14. baa been iasned. R. E. Cramp Ik secretary of this fair.

Tbe Inter-State Fair, Athens, Pa., of which Charles E. Mills la secretary, wlM be held tbe oatiie waek of September 11. Tbe prise list eoutnlne 154 pages,

Tbe twelfth annual csblMt of the Crook County Pblr, PrlBcrUle. Ore., will be held Sep¬ tember 27 to 50. luelnsiTe. R. L. Sebee is secretury.;.

The dates of the Ooloted Pledmout Fair ut Wiuntau Salem. R. C.. are October 10-13. H. M. gdmunA nn is aecretary.

H'ilniP!*, write.


Week .Aur. 14, Ktauiituii. Va.; tlieii addretw all mail to (aaJax, Va.


ie« From Huart Troublu at Por^and, Orugon

Jeaae I-. Htnck, who waz weli-knowu to tap carulval profeaalon. paaaeid away at I'ortlaial. Ore., Auguat 3, of heart trouble, from wblrh

had beeu aufferiog for tbe past three year-. Mr. Ktuck had been eugaged in tbe tent abow

bualueea for uawe than twenty years. He *11 remembere<l aa one who was ever readi |.i

aaaiat hla fellow troopers. About ail mouths ago he diapoaed of bia alioa

outBt and left the K<>uth, where be bad Iicpii showiug for the past four years. He went t« tbe Coaat, exi>ecting to engage in the movlug picture bualneaa. Ilia health declined ao rapidly, however, that he waa obliged to abandon the Idea and go to bed. w'bere he was ooollne-1 for several weeks previous to hla death.

He la anrvived by a widow, bla parent a. t«., brotbera and two aiatera. Intermeot In the Mount Scott Park Cemetery, Portland, (ir... Auguat 5.


HIHAVh Will make z«aal priipfjHltlmi Lo airtaig Trii-ln-Oiie. Will turiii«h pain i Iroiil- aiid i cnu

•ajiflia for (Mriital and Muah al Ciaiu-dy Klnma. C<#XC12SH1(>.\H AM Whrtlx open eX'«ft Candv. Can 1 la< e laaa and I'laater Wln-eU. Ball Hamm. Ilizh Striker ami oUn r-. K.VHt .VSStX'I.VTION'S IN’ .\I..\B VM.V rile for datm; have a fe« open. Week Auguat 11, KxUtai, Ky., auepirm City, >Hi tiiaiti -treelx; week .Vuguxt

21, ClarkavIMe, Tenn., Kalr; week Auguat 2M, Coluntliia, IVnii., auapliwa Menhant-; wnk of SefUtmtier S-With I'ittalmrg, Tenn., Kalr. Addreaa all mall JNO. VEAL, Managar, at aer rsute.

C. W. Market blew into New York laat 1 i day ou huaiueaa, which he did nut evin e a keen ditnioaitiun to diacloae.

He Utuk ill The Htampetle, aold twa machine-, bought aeven Putlmau cars aud then quietly faded away without giving anyoue a hint of

hat he waa really after.

. . . WASTED ... I The Great Southwestern Shows

fi-H iiwm* IVHK'HMlotis that flfMi't cfiiiflhi. TaiKly Jtafe Track will lie wtek *if ihf 21sl. CAS ria-Vt B (Hie iiKPTv taiiiKt KIkiw aixl a HirtHii IMatfcmn HIkiw. AthlHlc l*e<jpl4' aixJ MuKlrlaJiM Mii-e. Guoil (Rieiihiir t*'T KlhFlriHue. fair dalMt, Atlanta, 111., AugUMt 21, atnl Ifookeil M»lhl at fair<i to I>o(‘4*mh4>r. VaM territoo’ Mlih (hi' In.741 Faint In flvt* HtaU'w. WJLla HI'V two pw-i'fHKl-haiut UalliMMiH*. irt* in 'JiaiM'. Net lllxii liivt having (totif'twKiotis writ**. 4>HireH(il(Hi AgiiitH and other h* 1|> waiitid. HiIh v\P4-k. KarmiiiRtiHi, Hi iK'Xt wet*k. Atlanta, III. BURCKART 4 MILLER.



CALAIS (ME.) FAIR, Week Savtambar 4. ST. 8TEPBEN, N. B., CAN.. Week 8«ateniber II.

And three other Fairs immediately following. Write or wire

HHRY HEYERHOFF, lie., 140 W. 4]ni St., Nif Yerk Cll). Til., BqibI 1425

Wanted Manager for '49 Show MiivSt l)c able to handle employees and public and see show up and down. Kid (Hove .Artist won’t Want Piano l*la>er and (iirls for .Musical (’oinedv, I‘lace (Jirls. 'l earns and Piano Player for Plant. Show. Loiii^ st^asonSonth. CldI'T()N-Ki:LLEY .SHOWifT L. C. Kt'Ilt'y, .Manager, this w(‘ek, Parnesville, Minn.; w(;ek Aug. 21, Sank Rapids, .Minn,; week

' .Vug. 28, Wa.seca, Minn., Fair; then South. Can place strong 10-in l

f"K ^ awl flatmm'a raiutval. Aug. it la M, at rMHteg- MU. Pu.; Sr -car fam Jtam Rtadteg. WlMMa aM epiu. IMP**. ■fW" aamr cu ai aucc. Thr-a arui uama la Mlaw. ffl niUMig mm. WrguMd. ftdau. C W. wr>ITEH> SMgLj R J. mfuBt. .Mm..

— rm.


■spUlBiag fully (Pay detan. lUuatnted with 480 Decorated Floata and AutomobUea.

SCHACK ARTIFICIAL FLOWER CO. "Wr6o***rLL o.m . Mabafartarm of the largret line of Floral Parade DeonUone In the world.


For I ztrlng of live Fairs, Home Cmnlngz and Oelebratlaoe in Bouthern DMuoU. and the best apola for cur winter time. We never clooe. We know the terrluny. If Ifz money you want, hook up right Marion week August 14 (mlnea working full Ume): Altamont, County Fair, free on main street*; Benton, known Egypt's Biggest County Fair; Johnston aty, big Labor Day Orlebratiou. All above In nilnci*. One week each city. Shoot that communication to A. K WHITNEY.

The Landes Shows Want Plantation 8bow, Vaudeville. Pit Show. CAN I’LACK following Concision*: Doll Wheel, Viae Wheel, RpoU. Kega, Hoop-la. (launtry Store. Novelty Khootlng Oaliery and NcwelUes. Have good atrinv nf Fairs booked. WANT Girls for ‘49 and Dancer for Well. Addms J. L. LANDES, Qallatla, Wthttiltl.


TEH-PIECE BAHD. Long season’s work. No time to write—wire. Week of August 14, Staunton, Va.

WANTED-MOTORDROME RieS For lung Fair season. Report at once. Wire salary. Week August 14, Taney town, Md.; Augnst 2t, Kutztown, Pa.




MInneuiMiliK, ,4ug. 14.—('anipbell'i- luilel KIkiwk |>hiy<-<l lo big crowda five days laat wteex lurili;; tlie Taliiiiid Torah CamivaL A teiup-ra lire dp.p of thirty degn-ea apolled Raturday'- iiaiiieaa. Two more cara were added lo the

ahow' train leaving MlnneupolU Hunday for aipill. la. Muh'V Harry Kink haa atp-ngilieue.|

liHiid. ami now liaa twenty four plee.—. After Hampton, lu.. week of Auguat 2<l. fair

a will lie jiluyed.


SORE ((-iiitlnaed from page 3)

olYers Ilf eoiupmiiiiai', and would liateu Ixi iiot'.i- iig that would likely la-atrict their lufliM-ma- or aiwer.

So no progr<-ka waa made. Mr|M-ra, in aiiiuiuiiig up tlie oliuation. la

t-|M,rted to hale r'luarked; ‘'Nothing war ae ompllaheil. There will he future coufereiiee-

at which we will try, try again. I am hopeful that Kom-'thiug will lamie out of tbeoe lauiiing iii<a-tiiiga. hut I am not oanguine."

The HilllMiard haa reja-ateilly jiolnted out the many and grave diflicultleft in tbe wiay of a<loi>i iiig llu- priiiciph-H of trade unionism to tb“

1- of ii -torw. ■Mr. lioiii|a-ra' la-rplexily is no surprioi- lo h» It will he a veritable Solomon or ut least i

au|H-riiiuii who dev ioea a arlieiiie wlU weak or e.eii one that promioi-a to work. And it iiiiiat at least proniloo to pnve work

aide lo-fore iiwn like Met-ars. lioiiipers ami Krayiie will •-n-ii eonaider it—let alone rei-oin mend It.

Tile iiin-aiion of III,, attitude of The Bill lH.ard tovvaial organized lalovr again came np at tlie eonfcreina-. Im-i'uumi all the old liew auil una repr'veiit.'itioua were again groomed aod tnitted

III. Kor the hniidrcdth time we lierewllb de< lar.;

onnadves. The IlilllKMird la not op|Kised to organiz-•'

hilair. Like ev.-ry ahovvinHii in tlie i-oiintry. w-e tadieve in it .inil favor it. The ainllencea of

wimn ini' derived very largely from Ih-- niiia.-x'a. Tlie la-tter paid the ninase.a the lwft<r iiiid larger the andiei.eea for ahowmelv.

Tiade niilonia ii. iindonhtedly. nitikiiM foh lo-tter laid inaaM'a.

Kilt we do not u-lieve that trade uuioniam nil lienetil artiata. and we wdl not ebiinge oitr

minda niitil It diws. \V" will not Hglit or opiawe an honest «.\|»-rl-

nl••n>. \Vi are lighting tlie Wliite Itat.a tiee.iiia,- we

de 11.d Is'lieve it la a real o- honest organUa- I'ln. Vie lliTik il la a m'-re iioeiido-iinlon. We

lli’id; the ehiirter It holda from the K. ot I.. is n-eil as a liia.iio,* to bleed and milk vauile-

tiats for fis's and iliiea w'thoilt giving them iinyt'iiim in return for their hanl-earned unniey. We eharge that as a labor union the White Uiila' tors ITiloi; la a roiiiiterfvdt and a rank fake.

We i-liargi that Hie only ones U-u-tIti-vl by it is a ainall elii|Up of avdf aeekllig grafters, and that theo,- and a few of their tool* are the only |M>rsona interested In keeping It alive.

We elinrge that It is no baldy In debt that it can not be saved.

We eharge that It Is so graft-eaten and In snoli bad repul > that It would not be advisable to try to save It if that were poafllble, b*' It ever so remotely.

We elnirge that It ia so permeated wltb Moiintfordlsm that the latter can never be cradleateil.

And we claim that many union stage hands, many nnioii operators, many nnlon eleetrli’lans. many union Idllpo-itera and many union mu aleians will enilorm- every word of what we aay.


(Cootinued from page 8)

wliole will adopt the amendment. A* pointed out last week It will then be up to the Gonferees of the Ilouie and Henate to agree to the amend¬ ment. The desire of membera of tbe two houses to adjourn, it la bvdieyed, will result In this and other Senate amendments to the revenvie blit be¬ ing adopted. Under the existing law the tax rangea from $25 a year ou theaters having a seating capacity of not more than 200 to $100 on theaters with a sealing capacity exceeding 800.

'Hie Henate haa reatored stamp taxes, Ignored by the House altmretber In the pending bill, as foilows; I’lilliiian bertha and seats, 3 i-enfs |1 cent under existing law); Nvnds and eertlflcatea of liidelitediiess, 5 rents on eaeh $100; express and freight receipts. 1 rent each' *elegnii'h anvl te’enlndle ini»asages, I cent for each me sage ou whte'i a charge of Often ce'>‘a n- more l« made' eustiHii honse receipts no* Fxcoedlng $100 In value, .twenty.Bva eau'a, aud not exceeding


I AUGUST 11^ 1911.

SILK STOCKING GIRLS AuUmmUc Mortnf Btnt TbroiriiiC Otmt U Uta

Ml OMOcl'CMklni Doaeity for 1916. Tlitae Beach BcauUca, with bMuUfuUy fomMd Untba, awlnglnf baebwanla aixl forwarda In tnily Ufdtka faahloo. Ihrow the rlnia <wcr the llmha to win. Glee atlk boaUo or eanOy, or any prlia you like.

uur new Muvlni Water Pliih I’ood, and our Im- unwed Dcrll'a BowUni Alley are two other bl| «inone)-maken. UinratMl

with aprlng motor. No electricity. No gaaoUne. No ezpenae. No bother. Juat a few tuma of the winding crank, and you am realty for builneaa. F*liie<it thing out for road

We also hare the new- eot Ideaa In Ball ‘Hirow- Ing Gamee. Our African Slide Trick Stairway Ball Game la the latest and beat derlce on the African dip Idea, and the greateat money-mak¬ ing Ball Gama before the public today. Used ellher selth or without

^ the water tank, and with lire negro.

A letter or poatal from you will bring dcMflp- Ura literature, with priori and full Infoeinatkn.


1000, flO cent*—over 9000, one tMlar; lutirtBeg poUclM, one-half of one cent on each dollar or fractional part of aaaoant of premtnm charged; foreign ateamablp ticketa, $1 on tickets ooeting not more than 930; not ekceedlng 900, three dollare; more than 900, Ore dolUre, and ticketa of 910 and leea are eiempted.

The preliminary report of the Commiaaioner of Internal iWrenoe for the flacal year ended June 80 shows that a total of 96.006,106.21 wae col¬ lected aa a special tax on theatera, bowling al¬ leys, brokera and bankers. Tbe preliminary re¬ port duee not distribute tbe coIlectioDa under this head as to apeclOc Items, therefore tbe to¬ tal paid by theaters cannot be stated.


RATES (<'onilDae<l from page 8)

the fact that a demurrage charge of 92- will be cuarged lh!» fall for idle cara which ■ haye hauled live stock aud other exhibits to tbe ▼arloua fairs.

lie has iiointe<l out that immeasurable dam¬ age trill be dune both to tbe Nasbrille and Mem- phia fairs If exhibitors remain Inactive and do not fight tbe excessive rates which tbe railroads are cluuipiiig un live stock men.

A number of managers have expressed them¬ selves as unable to oiien a live stock exhibit of any sort If the two-dollar rate la added td the regular freight rates.

A Dunilier of aJiowmen, besides tbe Ten¬ nessee fair managers, are planning to be present at tbe Nashville hearing on tbe 21st. They are hoping for something bright to turn up.

The State railroad commissioners are B. A. Enloe, Harvey 11. Hannah and George N. Welsh.

Tbe petition does not attempt to offer a sug¬ gestion for relief. It merely calls attention to tbe fact that transportation charges for shows ' and race horses are already prohibitive in tbe South, and that a handicap like tbe present rate, 92 per day for idle cara. Is'ruining tbe chances of fall fairs, celebrations and home-comings i where several days of exhibition are necessary.

USE ONLY THE BEST The cost is no more, and often less, than yon pay for ordinary corn. Dependable popping quality means more nickel bags to the pound—less

waste—greater profits. Insist on GLOBE BRAND. It gives satisfaction.


__ ___ . The petition is concisely closed, after a dellnea- 86c PER 100 TINTYPES, $IZE^l^^x21/^ tlon of the demurrage evil is set forth fully. TOc PER 100 TINTYPES SI2E The last paragraph reads: “We herein spe- iwc rtn AW llltlircs, cifically refer to and request relief from the

gga for tbe brwt Star, first quality, guar- parking charge of 92 per day per car on prl- ' \«7 -M anteed plauw. They are now runi-lng vately owned cara."

^pSaMI better than ewer. No fading, slow - di-reloplng or back varnish nmlng —a, a ne-espnoefs pe\es wHMg off and dirtying •olutlon like other ROUTES RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR

III6SC aciiuiiic "jduibii riumcs

were apedally made up to make a Ug flash.


you will find this a winner with the ladles. They are the kind milUneis charge $4 to $10.(8 for. Hat like illustration, $10.00: milliner's price, $25.00. Will only ship hat wlih order for Plumes; 25% deposit on C. O. D. orders.

M. S. MILLER. 366 Vaaee Ava., Meaialilt. Teaa. Reference, any Express Co. or Bank. Plumes. $12. $18 and $24 dosen.

makes. Bend for sample idctiire ei.d be convinced.

Hounu foe I\x2H. 15. 20 and 2V CLASSIFICATION

per 100. Mounu for 2H\3H. 25. »0 V. ia io and per 100. IlerHopIng rewders. « 1^:1 if’ i-, tSc per small set; 50c per iarge.

Order* shipped any time, day, night Baader-LaTelle Trio (Lomberg) Utica, N, T,,

14-M, Sundays or Holidays. THE ’ STAfi I Barnum A Bailey: Enid. Ok., 16; Wiebita. Kan., PHOTO MACHINE A SUPPLY CO.. SOS Smrth St., PhHa., Pa.. U. S. A.

17; Hntebinaon 18; Great Bend 19; Pueblo, Col., 21; Colorado Springa 22; Denver 23;

... . -Sheridan. Wy.. 26; Billings. Mont., 36. SiggIlf Pit SkiM CNfiltifwt NEW Bland's Band A Orcheitra: Greene. la., 16;

r^ .Vi Nora Springs 17; Spirit Lake 18; Rnthven 19: SeTSSlil!?? ta'o.?’*,? Britt 2®: Buffalo Center 21: lake Mllla 22; Le- W1C BpPRntSW U out of itgllt wh«re It can t BCCfS: flnAnw Vfinn 24* TkndM tt Itaelf for hours; one dry battery fumiahea wu M ’ BU Um gumut! lA/tw worta atMflw all Haw* mai v60t€r JOs UDfllftSkB, WIS.* JO. off or oo stage at any time. Bhe keeps’ audience Campbell’a United Sbowa; Carroll. la., 14-19. Tumptng. Uughlng, Screaming. Holds the iwowd Beasley’s Sbowa: Needles, Cal., 14-19. Price, with 0x10 Painting. $40.00; without Painting. Carr’s, Harry, A. B. C. GIrla (Colonial) Falr- m.O*. 20x30 Tent, used 4 weeks. $45; hundreds at mont. W. Va., 14-19. Animal and Human CuHn*; evcrvthing on qns madv Cbaee-Uater Show: Bloomfield. la., 14-19. to ship. Molaaa Supply. 114 ff. 4tli St. S. Bigtii. Mgaa. CUfton-Kelley Shown. U C. Kelley, mgr.: Bar-

neevllle, Minn., 14-19; Sank Rapida 21-26. aAff JG Copping, Harry, Shows: Renovo. Pa., 14-19. wWkRiV ■ Carclo's Band: Cleveland, O.. 14-19.

Cosbman, Bert A Geneva: Canadian, Tex., 14-19. DeKreko Bros.' Sbowa; Talsa. Ok., 14-19.

B MBBif De Vanx A Klein Shows: Canton, III., 14-19. Enterprise Amneement Co., U Croeman, mgr.:

For Farm paper. Liberal; proposition. Bachman, J.* H.'! Railway Clrcna: Alexandria.

Address with reference, A6RICULTURE, w,gi'er*»:”p?a“He*a).**‘''"^’' care Billboard, Cincinnati. Klynn. J. I^ancls. Shows; Newton. III.. 14-19.

t'”*' Boy E.. Players: Clovis. N. M.. 14-19. ffMMMMMlaami MSffmMMWHM tkHlmar Bros.* Shows; Hayville. Wia., 16; Ocon- l■RRNHIW|KL ■VJRH I ED omowoo 17; Lone Rock 16; Monona. Is.. 19;

. wWffMffM ■ oreoco 21; Well*. Minn.. 22; Jackson ’23; Dell ^**”rille. Ind., 8^ 4, 5. 6, T. t. 9. Rapids. S. D.. 24; Hartley, la., 25; Hawarden

Will be biggest gathering In State. Must be clean oe

Sid “rJf uJjL ** “• “cBONALD. SerrrUnr. Oen- Soothweatem Shows. C. J. Burkhart, mgr.: Falrbury, HI.. 14-19.

HOME COMING. COALTON, 0.. SEPT ll-IS. ^'rilSth Show under canvas, B. B. Bates, mgr.: WANT Oarrautcl, Frrrls Wheel, Shows and. Prirl- .t*^*^?***;


Address with reference, AGRICULTURE, care Billboard, Cincinnati.

CAR RIVAL WRRTED hr aty at Jasoorille. Ind., SepL 4, 5. 6. T. S. 9. will be biggest gathering In State. Muit be clean

HOME COMING. COALTON, 0.. SEPT ll-IS. ^'rilSth Show under canvas. B. B. Bates, mgr.: WANT OaTTouscl. Frrrts Wheel, Shown and. Prirl- *“w" ♦ »ii i. leges of every dcacrlptlan Addim WIU, H Hampton's Empire Sbowa: Coldwater. Mlcb., WBIDEB, 14-19: Battle Creek 21-26.

Heinx, IM I,., Shown; Grand RapIdn. Win., 14-19. ga sa a |m aa a Heth’s. I,. J., United Sbowa: Two Rivers. Wia.,

GrOBr COlintY FrOS FSir UnnUngtmv"F.^C.'. Mlnstreln. J. W. Went. WHO SPWS wwMliMf ■ ■ ww .1 nil mgr.: Stamp. Ark., 17; Hope 18; Texarkana

SEPTEMBER IS, 14. IS. IS. 19: Idabel. Ok.. 21; Hugo 22: Madlll 23; Atd- Ohan Candval and oibee Atiraci™.. aw “<>« 2^: Purcell 26r Chickanha 26.


Great Empire Shows WANTED—A Na 1 Ten-ln-One Show, Dlunton Show. Musical Comedy. Hie follo«vlng Concmalcns are opea: Cook House. Spot-the-Spot. Ron-Down, Loog Range Shooting Gallery (Hennan Renslng, write). Ball Gaines and Hoop-la. Photo Gallery. NOTICX TO SECRETARIES OF FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS—We have a few dates open In September and later. We cany the foUowlng Attractions, fcatuilns Kl^lTT.tR A KlCllMON'D’S WIU> WEST, 14 Cowboys and Oowglrts: Roblnsoa’s Monkey Boy, H. B. .Nixon’s Beautiful Orient. Jack 5»iien-

cer’s Athletic Show, Paul Clark’s '49 Camp. WUliams’ Joyland, Williams’ Jesse Jamen Show, Long and Bush, ne Strange OIrl, Edwards' Three-Abreast Carrousel, Harrey's Big Ell Wheel, the lilghent on the ruatl. We nton carry Zenga’s Royal Italian Band of 16 pieces, and the finest line of Coneenslons that were ever •’orried

with a camiral company. Beal showmen write. Addrem



PALATINE COONTY FAIR Legitimate Concessions of All Kinds, Shows,

Rides, Wheels, Doll and Candy Race Track, Etc.


Address W. H. LEWIS, 222 So. Honan Ave., CHICA60, ILL. SEPTEMBER IS, 14. 19. Ig. 19: Idabel. Ok.. 21; Hugo 22: Madlll 23; Atd-

Ojan Candral and other AUrarUona wanted. Free „ T" ,o falra Inaure large crowda. F. D WATSON turre Belsa, Nat, Shows: Neenab, Ula., 14-19. lary. aiMigiiw. Oklahoma. * Kllgore'a, J. D., Comedians: McDowell. W. Va.,

1419. a Tgcbman-Iewla Sbowa: Waverly. Kan., 14-19.

Dill flflu A AArDOIAAIO lAinge’B Model Showa; Henderson. N. C., 14-19. nni lllllll flXl.r N\IIIN\ & HM Merry Msida; (A'rdome) WlMhwVIl flllULIVlIlUnW Oskalooaa. Kan., 14 19; (Alrtlome) Beloit 21-

®9Ulpnwnt for aale. THOMP- liowiry Bros.’ rircna; Sheppton, Pa.. 17-19; SON BROS.' BALLOOMNO ca, Aurora. HU BIngtown 21-23.

McClellan Shows: Oakaloosa. Kan., 14-19; Be-

WRRTED JANTED I Meyerhoff*Attractlnna: Kittanning. Pa., 14-19. ff/NB ^ Mid-West Shows, Fred Webster, mgr.: Marcus,

w... ” FAIR la.. 14.1P; nock Rapids 21-26. xun.wAon *''® C0H0ES8I0HG. Nichols, Don. A Thelma Oo,tdwln: Columbia, w? PAIR ASS’X, INC., Bedford. s. C.. 14 19. TA AdmUalon, $5 and 18 ceilta Ortobrr $4-$T. O’Brien's. Nell. M’nstrela, Oscar P. Hodge, mgr.:

Utica. N. Y.. 10; Trov 17: Amsterdam 18: DITTMAli /'AITRITV CAfD Schenectady 19: Cohoes 21; Albany 22; a U 1 llAm CvUlv 1 1 I* AIK Watertown 23; Norwich 24; Onconta 25; Bing-

WINFIELD, W. VA>« SEPT> 6^“7-8| 1916 Old Dominion Show: Sbinman, Va.. 19; Arring- Oood crowds Ilhrrol anMi.w. wasarrTk-_n.wwi Ion 21; Maasier Mill 23; T»weavllle 24. dean Show,. RidS^d RtuW®’* t'ony A Monkey Show: Oskalooaa.

industrial AssociA'noN. o. _ H Parkins, Secretary. RInglIng Bros.’: JaneavMle, Wia., 16; Freeport.

HI.. 17; Davenport. la.. 18: Iowa City 19; HIlUTPfk PgamPAABaiam vaai, Hes Moines 21; Atlantic 22; I incoin. Nab..

7 f *1® 's:s:.s TARBORO, N, C., OCT. II TO MOV. I. Sangea, W. A., Amusement Co.: Taneytown, ri"’" Sbowa. Attractions and Ooncemloiia. One Md.. 14 19: Kntatown 21-26.

« the hlggeit and heat Fairs In North CaroUna. Ad- Tbomat Bro#.’ Dramatic Co.. Clifford Thomas. ri A. JOHNSON. Beciatary. mgr.: Twy. Tex.. 17-19; Eddy 21-22; liorena

Last Call! Last Call I


*''® 60M0ES8I0MO. W>FOW TOUWTY FAIR ASS’N, INC-. Bedford, Ta AdmUelon, $5 end 18 ceilta October $4-$T.


Becietary. mgr.: Twy. Tex.. 17-19; Eddy 21 22; liorena

VICTOR DISTRICT FAIR ■ IWIWII UIWHIIUI mill Washburn's Mlifbty Midway Shovra-OORREC- OEPTEMBER It-ll-IA, llll. TION—.liowell. Mass., 14-19; Naabna, N. H..

Vltlar, laws. ‘’1-26.

CONCtGMONt aa4 ATTRACTION* WANTI*. '^o!.*74*i» ‘ ^"“**'** *•


Can place for this event and for balance of season several first-class Shows, Con> cessions of all kinds except Wheels; first-class Colored Performers. Mays and Mays, wire. Several Wheel Workers. Address MORRIS MILLER, Mgr., GREAT AMERICAN SHOWS, week of August 14, McAdoo, Pa.; week August 21, South Bethlehem, Pa. (down town).

FDR ALL KINDS OF RRTIFICIRL FLOWERS for Parades, Carnivals, Floats and Decorations of aU Unda 8BB OUR PRICES on 'page $ (Inside frant corer). ' BOTAMICAL DECORATIMG 00., Maaafaeturara af ArtlSelal Flewira, 20e W. Adaaia St., Chleage, HI,


11 A11 I L II DAY AND NIGHT, MILWAUKEE, WIS. OonceasiaDS of all kinds except Wheels, Meny-Oo-Bound and Fnrls WbeeL 50.000 people. Amrri-'an So- dfty at Equity and Federated ‘Tradte of Milwaukee. Greateet labor gathering with farmera ever In the WeM. wanted, carnival ATTRACTIONS. Road Showa, for week of Ausuat 28 and S«(>t4ml>er 11 or 18, In Milwaukee. WISCONSIN AMUSEMENT 00., Rsaai 4<W. 403 Grand Ava., Milwaukee, Wleeeaxla.

Indiana Centennial Celebration FOR DC KALB COUNTY



WANTED—LiglUmata OoBeemiens, mooey-gatUng Shows. Down to the minute Free Attractions Miwy- Oo-RauBd, Oeeah Ware. Pwris Whaal. E. 0. LITTLE, tiawtary.


TflE BILLBOARD AMurr m itifL


National Vaudeville Artists’ Day Friday, August 18, at



In conjunction with the regular show many prominent members of this organization will volun¬ teer their services.



Friday Evening, August 18

THE ENTIRE REGULAR SHOW in addition to many well-known artists playing the Loew Circuit and members of the National Vaude¬ ville Artists, Inc.

This generous donation, given by members of the Vaudeville Managers’ Protective Association to assist the N> V. A., is a realization of the harmonious feeling between the vaudeville artists and the vaudeville managers.

The net proceeds of these performances will be used to assist the National Vaudeville Artists in establishing a sinking fund for beneficial purposes.

'The members of the Vaudeville Managers’ Protective Associa* tion will donate one day’s receipts in each year to the National Vaudeville Artists, Inc. This day will be known as the

National Vaudeville Artists’ Day No advance in price of admission at either of the theatres on Vaudeville

Artists’ Night.


National Vaudeville Artists^ Inc. WILLARD MACK, Pres. HUGH HERBERT, Vice-Pres. MAY IRWIN, Treat. HENRY CHESTERFIELD, Secy.