The Billboard 1902-03-01: Vol 14 Iss 9 - World Radio History

DRAMTIC STREET FAIRS PARKS RURLESQUE CIRCUS BILLPOSTERS THE BILLBOARD Volimie XIV., No.». CINCINNATI. .SATURDAY, MARCH I. 1902, Price, lO Ceuta. Par Yaar, S4.ea HOUR ADVERTISlING KINGS, 111* Jtiininc tif Whose liiicrcsts In Cliicaico Constitutes One of the Biss>st Deals in Pustins ever ClirunicleU.

Transcript of The Billboard 1902-03-01: Vol 14 Iss 9 - World Radio History


THE BILLBOARD Volimie XIV., No.». CINCINNATI. .SATURDAY, MARCH I. 1902, Price, lO Ceuta.

Par Yaar, S4.ea


111* Jtiininc tif Whose liiicrcsts In Cliicaico Constitutes One of the Biss>st Deals in Pustins ever ClirunicleU.


CANT PULL TOGETHER. story that L. H. Ramsey will be Asked

to Buy or Sell in Louisville.

'I’luTo is a story s:oiti<j tin* rouiMls to tin* (‘ft'crt Itiat. notwitlistainlint; tin* oflforts made lij tin* (liri*etors of tin* assoeiation at tin* l.oiiisvlMe ineetin;; to siiiootli over the troiildes of tin* <'oiis(di(lat<*<l Hill I'ostiiiK <'om|iany, of I.oiiisvilit*, alTairs in that (on cent are anytliin;; but liannonious. .Inst wbat tin* troiilin* is about is not stated, bill friends of I'olonels .lolin and .lini \Vball(*n do not deny tliat tln*y are dissatisrn*d uitli tin* present sitii.-ition of afTairs, and that they will demand tbat Uainsey and itob- iiison (*ilber buy tin* \VbalU*n interest in tin* <'onsolidateii or else S(*ll tln*lr own to tin* Wballeii.^ It is said tiiat tin* \Vliall(*n brotbers have about d(*eid(al tbat they i-an not liet al(*n^ with Kams(*y. and tbat they an williii); to (*itln*r buy or sell. it. is prob- abb* that the imitter will take delinite sh:i|>e at the ineetini; of the dir(*etors to In* held in <'l(*v(*land March 4.


in a suit a;;:iinst the National .Vssoeiation of Hill I’osters.

’I'he .\nn*rieus tCa.) Hill I’osiina' t'oin- pany. om* of the b(*st in the country, is (loin;; an iinnn*nse busiin*ss, and receives larife sup|)li(*s from ail o\(*r the I'nited*s every day.

Tin* bill postini; boards at the eorn.*r of (iay St n*(*t and .laekson av(*nue. Knoxville. T(*nn.. an* b(*im; remov(*d. to allow work on the Hiekle. Turner Mayn.-ird Huildim;. on which eontraetors have eominencid.

Hailb* William H. .Me.Millan. president of tin* rnili*d Hill I’ost(*rs‘ .\ssoeiation. of Hna'land. has b(*en invit(*d by tin* .Vineriean Hill I’ostini: .XssiM'iation to attend tln*ir an nual nn*etin;r, to be beld at .Milwauk(*(* on July V. Me bus accepted tin* invitation.

Mr. f). Johnson, an experiem-ed bill poster, is this season (*iuployed by I'urlow iV .loni*s. man:ia(*rs of t;iov(*r’s (ipi'i-a Mouse at .\nn*rieus. (J:i. Me is one of the b(*st in tin* business, and is not on.y .-let n;: in tbe ■ apaeity of a bill post(*r. but is sta::e man aiier also.

Tin ti.-ill ;riven by tin* Hill ;*osi>*rs' and Hilb*rs’ fnion .No. at Marnionit* Mall. St. I.oiiis, l■'(*b. 1.".. was a i;r:ind suee(*ss. and was thoroiiKhiy enjoyed by a crowd tbat taxisl tin* eap.ieity of tin* hall. Tin* affair was w(*ll manaired. and (*veryon(* was in.nil* to f(*(*l at honu*. Tin* committee can truly be proud of tin* success of tin* dance.

Oti it Mutil stre(*t bill bo.-ird. ('itieintiati. this was it r(*sult of postitit; i>(*w bills ov(*r old oties. A sitrtt iti irhtritt}; red ink iti caii itals a foot high reads:


San Francisco Knights Gain a Decision

of Importance.

Satt Frattcisco, fttl.. Fi*b. ‘J4. -The ordi- tiatiee passed by tin* Sup(*rvlsors itt ItHtU to prevettt tin* (*ti*ctioti or tttaitit(*tiatici* of wiMMb*ti fenc(*s (*xc(s*ditig teit fc(*t itt hi*ight was pronouncisl itiyalid by Sttp(*rior JuiIki* Sea well fis'ctttly. itt a sitit brottght by (tw(*tis. Vartt(*y A t;re(*tt, the bill posters. The orditt.-itice says th:tt no f(*ttc(* ntadi* of wiMid or oth(*r iitllatttttiable ttiat(*rial shall (*\ce»*d lt*!t feet itt ln*iKht above the level (d' thi* sid(*w!tlk. withottt the pertnlssiou of the Hoard of Fitidii* Works. Jttdge S(*a- W'ell. itt a writtett opinion, said:

“Tin* validity of tin* ordittattce Is assailed by iihtititiffs' eouusei iipott s(*yeral gmuttiis, of which I d(*(*tit it ttec(*s.sary to (*ottstd(*r only otn*. 1 atti of thi* opittiott thitt tin* ordin.'inee is ittiri*:tsott:tbb*. and theri*for(* yobi. becaitsi* it is not of ituiforni oftera- tiott. 1 (to ttot refer to the chtssitii*alioti .‘Itt(*ttt|ii(*d. t*y which the right to (*r(*ct a f(*tt(*(* more tiiati ten feet itt height altove tin* levet of the sidew.-tlk is titaiie to di*- lieini upon the iittrpose for which it was erect<st, but to the circtttitstatice thitt the height to which it W(MMl(*ti fetice may be htwfttlly constntct(*d is to In* (t(*t(*rtti’itied. tint by its el(*V!itiott alaive the surface of the grotttnl, bitt by Its distattci* frotti the l(*vel of tin* sidewalk. Th(* ordittattce does tiot prohibit tin* (*r(*clioti or titaitit(*ttatice of wiiodeti f(*tiecs tttori* thitti t(*tt f(.*(*t high, or (*xee(*(litig teti f(*t*t itt height above the sur¬ face of tin* grotttnl ttpoti which th(*y are er(*cte(i. lutt those whi(*h ex(*(*ed t(*ti fe(*t itt height iibove the level of the sidewalk, lit tmttiy (*itses th (*surface of the ground u|ion which fene(*s ttre or ntay Ite erected itt this city iitnl county is tttore than ten f(*(*t itboyi* tlte level of the udja(*etit sidi*- witlk. i iion such a lot no woodeti fence whitl(*y(*r (*ould lx* <*r(*ct(*d without violat¬ ing the ordiiiiitice. A fetice otn* inch high would be itiori* than t(*n fe(*t abovi* tin* level of tin* adjitc(*nt sid(*walk. Iiiasmiich, tberefofe. as the ordinance d(*ni(*s to some property owin*rs what is |n*rniitted to oth¬ ers, it is not (‘ipial and uniform In its op(*r- atli.n. and is, in m.v o|dnion, invalid."

.Veeording to this d(*cision. tin* onlinancc can be m:id(* goisl b.v tin* Hottrd of Sup(*r- \ isofs by leaving out the words "itbovi* the lev(*l of tin* sid(*walk."

DAUBS. .\. F. Teinide, of Itluffton, ()., has posted

eonsideraldi* m.ttt(*r for Knameline. Win. S. Crainhill, of New York, in an ad¬

dress severel,v coiidi*min*d bill boards. M. it. Hradley has purchas(*d tin* bill

(losting plant at Franklin, I’tt. It was for- ni(*rl,v his father's property.

Marry Hiehardson. bill post(*r of ('incin nati. was tilled S.'* and costs for jiosting biUs on a house against tin* owin*r's protest.

J(*rse.v Whish(*rd. lithograph(*r for the In¬ dianapolis Itill I’osters Conipan.v. is btisi- in-ss inanager of tin* Hill I'osters' rnion.

-M. .1. Mero.v. bill post(*r of Fishkill-on- Mudson. N. Y.. has done (losting for Miidson Hiver Furniture t'oinpaiiy, Knameline aini Sogodi.nt.

.Mr. K. M. Hiirroiighs, Winttmac, Ind., posted for (risid Mair ICeincd.v ('omiiany ino she(*ts .*111(1 77) hangers for ‘•T(*n Nights • ■om(*(l.y •’•iiiipany.

•Mr. Marr.v l,:ik(*, the acconiinodating for(*- tiiati of tin* St. i.oiiis Hill 1‘ostilig t'om|iany has r(*iurn(*d from ('in(*iniiati, where In* was ealbsi to att<*nd to somi* iiniiortanl I usiness.

I’hil. Morton, tin* ciiielnmiti bill pieder, was sii(*d last w(*ek b,v Marry Hiiseh for

all‘*ged to be due for atlorii(*y's fe(*M

Tin* bill poster had partly covered an (dd sign which read:


The Hill Posting Sign ('oini>an.v, of I’hila deliihia, haxa* just complet(*d one of the l.trg(*si contracts (*ver made for bill tiosi ing .titd sign painting. It w.-is for posting, bulletin and wall iidvi*rtising for the Ciiti.i inda t’igar. 'i'ln* t(*rrilor.v took in all id' Peiinsylvuiiia and part of New Jersey. 'I'ne .Xmerican Tobacco ('oinpany report an iin prt*cedt*nt(*d deuiand for this new brand of cigars, caused b.v this (*ffis*tive iiietliod of .•nlvertislng. and they will (*oiitinue to paign in (dlicr sections of the eouniry.

Following tlte lining of I’hilip Morttui, the .sign board utagmile, by i’ldice Judge l.titsl- ers, of t'iiiciiinati, for violation of the ordi¬ nance r(*(piiring a license f(*e for sign bo.-trds. Morton decidisl to institute a l(*gal tight against the validity of tin* sign-board ordinaitee, claiming that it is a proliildtivt* iiifitsun* d(‘signed to imt a iitiietus on tin* sign board busitn*ss. The cast* will In* car- ri(*d to the tipin*r courts tis a test. It is further claimed that the licensing of sign boards is b(*.von(l tbe jurisdiction of tin* board of legislation.

A bill board war is on In two cities in Maine. The Portland Hill Posting Pom patty, of which Howard Atkinsoii, of Saco, Is the l(n*itl ag(*ttt, has i>ut u|i sonn* new boards ill tin* two (*iti(*s. tind there se«*ms to be some ipiestion about their right to use sonn* of th(“s«* boards. Hills had b(*(*n posi- (*d on the board nt*xt to Diamond Smith's store in Saco, and an agent of tin* proiierty w(*ut oy(*r and tort* down tin* boartl. Tin* cotnpany will pndtably cotttest th(* ntatt(*r, as It had the |M*rtnit of the i)ropri(*tor. who had .1 l(*as«* of the property, to put ttp tlte board.


Were Tacking Up Cards Without

Owner’s Permission.

The proittiseiioits tackittg up atid iiostitig of cards atid advertisings on trees and in public idaees, without the consi-nt of I bl¬ ow Her of tin* property, is a violation of a city law in .Nashville. H. F. Haker was lined in the city courts I'eb. l.'i. for this of tense. Frank Steger and U. M. Merryniaii were arreslisl on tin* saiin* charge, 'j'lieir offense was iiosting advertisings for tin* I,Ion Poffec Pomiiaiiy.

Tin* law regulating this offense is as fid- lows:

"It shall be unlawful for any advi-rilsi-- tiK-nt or [>a[n-r to In- posli-d or ta(-k(*d u|ion .-my fn-e or post, or to pasli* tin- ... ■my st(-p or pavi*ini*nt, or otin-r idijei-ts about tin* sirt-i-ls or pubib- |ila(-(*s of tin- city, w-ltboiit tin* consi-nt, |iri-viousl.v ob tainis], of tin* owii(*r or oi-eu|iant of iln- prop(-rly, or of tin* ow in-r or o(-i-u|i.-mt of tin* pro|n-rly Imnn-diately fronting upon lln-

sireel ai tin* plact* w In-ri* tin* .*idvi*rtis(*nn*nt

Fm-i’i 'lusiness M-nture is ji gann* of i-hanee. Distributors should |dungi* to tin* i-Menl of a few stamps in writing to tin* following. X'ou si.-mil a i-hani-i* to g(*t sonn* b.isiiii-x-. if you play 'em all:

St ir ((Ininieni Po., 'I'yroiie, Pa. I oiiis Dauili-lin Po.. \Vor(-(*sl(*r. Mass. M .-s. Stewart Po., Polundiu.-t, O. W . M. Mill Po.. Imiroit, .Mich. .1. \\ . .Iann*s Po., Fast Itrad.y, 1,’a. M. M. l•'(-nIn-r. Fn-donla, N. Meeea Ki-iin-dv Po.. Waterlini, la. \\ . 11. ('oinsioek Po.. Morristown. N. Y. (■(-lei-> King, l!oeb(*st(*r, N. \. P-ibsi Phemi(-al Po.. Phl(-.-igo, Ill. N'.illey Drug Po.. \Vilk(*sl>.-irr(*, Pa. Carrollton PIn-niii-a! Po.. H.-iltinion*. Md. Thvnioii Drug Po.. Iliirrisbnrg. P.-i. Home ('al.-irrh Puri* Po.. Plnintbersbur-g,

Pa. Dr. Si-hi-iK-k. M.-itti*:iwan, N. The |(le,-il Hakiiig Powd(*r Po., Hilltimore,

Md. Tin- M* rsli(-v Plnn-ol.-ile Po.. Philadi-lphla.

Pa. Hi-ow II M.-muf,-iet uring Po.. <;ri*(*nville,

ri-nn. \. F. l’ier<-(* Po., W’.-illingford. Ponn. P. Craham Po., I'-’Ci" Mii-higan av(*nue,

I'bb-ago. Ill. Pbb-a-go M(*di(-:il Dispensary, ."it* Dp.-irborn

sirei-l. Chicago. Ml. .Xseas Keiui-dy Po.. Pb*vi*lnn(I. D. Poll* \ .Maih(*ws, Flniira, N. X.

Poston Pbetnl(-:il Po.. Kii-hinond. X'a. .\ni(-ri(-.-tn Kol.i Po . Portland. Ore. Tin* K;ipl.-m Ph(*mb-al Po.. Sioux Pity. la. ('r<-am of \\’hi*!it Po., Minnetipolis, Minn.


Tin- Inditmapolis .Xilvi-rtising Poinpany Is ■ listributing :t..''*(s» pi(*c(*s for tin* .Xinerb-an p(-r(*!il Pomp.-my.

Tin* .las. H. l.eatb .Xdv(*rtising and Dis- ribiiting Poihpiiny. of P(*t(*rsburg. X'ti..

'utve (loin* tin* following work sini-i* J.-in. 1: F. o. Horrougbs. of X\'lnim;n-, Ind.. has

.I str buled 'SSI I’eruni biNiks. l.tssi books for Dr. .Mil(-s atnl ."I'st pi(*(-(-s for Homl lltiir li(-nn-(lv Poinpany. N(*wark. O.

Petersburg. Va.—l.'JiHi samid(*s, Mali*na ''oinpany; '-'.issi blotti-rs. Mab*na Poinpany; IS (-uloiits to druggists; f.'il’ (-om|i.. ,Mal(*na Pomi>anv and la(-ki*(l ll.'io signs.

Tin* Nortln*rn .Xdvertising and Dlstribiit- 'ng of Wausau, Wis. iPoin* \ l.atsbawi. hav(* sent out an atlrai-lIvi-ly boiind i-in-ular. (-ontaining a (l(*tall(-(I in- -ounl of lln*ir niellnnls, (*t(-.

Mav(* on tin- road for distribution In P(*l ersburg. :!.(NKi lMMikb*ts from tin- .Xnn*ri(-.-m Midieal Institute. T.otxi l>ookb-ts frotii tin* Hoston M(-di(-al Itistituti*. My prii-i* for '*ous(- to-boiise distribittion, to .<'J..■■>(• p(*r 1 .INXI.

Pii-butotnl. X'.i.—VJ.txxt sattiples. Mab-na Potnpatiy; .■>.(«x> libilt(*rs. Mali*tia Potn|iatiy; Cl (-itlouts to dntggists; 4.'!'J i-otiip.. Mab*tia Potnpatiy. atnl t.-ti k**(l sigtts. Mal(*tia Potn patiy: s.ixxi bookb*|s. Criswell Pln-tiib-al 'otitpativ. TI-(* Poliimbiis (D.l Potisiittn-rs' P(*titiy

Poinh F\|>ri-ss Potn|ian.v. of this i-it.v. was tn-ot-porated witb S7.-i.*««t i-aidtal stm-k. lali* Wedin-sd.-cv eV(*tiltig. bv Jobn .1. Pb(*ster. I'. H. Milloi-k. .1. A. Potttior. T. M. Clark

■md .X. S. V. Hr(*tttoti. 'The (*otnpan.y will d(*liver tin-rebatnlisi*. distribuli* advi*rrisltig inall(*r. etc. .lolm .X. Potitier. of Di-lroit. on- of tl (* pi-o.b-1-tors. will In* tin* matiagcr

of tin* eoti(*(*rtt


Before He Was, Who She Never Be

came, or English as She Are Wrote.

If atiy otn* thitiks that Weln-r and Fi(*bls e.-m tiiiinb-r the Tbiglish latiguagi*,. In- ought to |-(-ad tin* in-ws b*tt(-rs whb-h an* s(*ttt to ■I i-i-rtaiti ilratnatii- papi-r b.v otn* of its i-or- '-(*spoinb-tits. I'ldlowitig is a satnple tut loiieln-d atnl utn-dlt(*(l, save for tin* elittiitt atioti of tiatn(*s atnl dati*s;

"(In F(*b. —, Moyt's ".X Httin-h of K(*ys," to ex<-(*llent pi-rfortnatt(-(* atnl to gmnl hoiisi*, and tin- ttianag(-r was (-otn|n-lb-(l to g(*t a additional siippl.v of seals to ai-i-otnadiiti* tin* iinnn-tisi- i-rowd. Tin- C(>tn|iatty prodin-i-d a tnost (*njo.\abb* pi-rforinain-e, and (-very Ihitig t-(*a('ln*(l its bigh(*sl (*X|n-(-lations to tin- iarg(* galtn-ring: atnl I am (loslivi* tln*y all b*ft • with their ttiotn-ys wairlh." Tin- rolls wi-t'e ill able hands and tin- work pro rolls wi-n- Ml abb* bands and tin- work pro du('i-d was enjo.V(*d to tin* lit I i-rinosl ; tbi- i-ostiinii-s wi-n- rii-b in i-oior and imnb* a liin- impn-ssion on tin* pn-lly girls. .XIad elvn .\Iai-sbaII, essa.x-d In-r roll as a wild l:< seloid. In-r part in tin- (-olin-dy was i-oin i(-al. as 'Teddy Ke.vs," at tirsi sin* sei-iin-d iii.mieal. but it tiirin-d out that sin* was VI ry joeiilar. in In-r pin-rility in the east, ami s|n* was wi-li applaiidi-d. and show(*d nnieb eoinplaei-in y in tin* roll sin* pn-senti-d to tin- ainin-in-i- wbb-b was enjoyed as one of tin* best (-hara(-l(-rs in tin* (-oinpanv. .XIr. I’.iliy Harlow was tin* bowling siiei-i-ss of I In- i-vi-iiiiig. as Janas (Irlnn-s; ids jiii-*indity (-ai'e.-r in tin- i-.-ist was gn-at ; an i’ln* was always iiijiidiciousin-ss, and was ie<-ii-ed of bi-iiig iiisoui-iaii(-i- in his work alniiit tin* hoti*l. l-'inall.v his fault il.v was (Mit grown, and at the i-losi* of tin* 'day In* wi-.s desperali-ly in lovi*. In* will be i-i*nii-ni ln-i-(-d b.v thosi* who wlln(*ss(*(l his i->iinl(-.-il 'liinls as *-11 good fun inak(-r. " .Manager- is to be i-ongratiilali-d in si-i-iirliig this i-oin pany and bop(- tin- li(*bl w-|ll be open f*>r a eoiitiniiam-i- In g(*tting good .iti r n-i tons for this play lioiisi-. (In Fi-b. , l-'ablo Koiii aiiio. to jiiMir lioiise, tin* pla.v was f-ilrl.v ..I. but was tiMi deep for o'lr pi-ople to a| pt'c' lali*. The i-oinpany was siippoi l.-d by gi *1(1 .irlists. Hr. \Vall(-r l,awi--m-* had tin* b-ading ndl. as "Faldo Honi.iiiio," and his grasp ill till* drama :il all tiiin-s was iiuile felieiiy, and he was sii|ipio-|i* I by Miss

ollb* Cook, as “Midher Hlscardl," who was a f(*lonioiis woman to him, but afterwards In- tinds In-r lnv(*raclty, and afK-rwaids she mi-(-is In-r doom. Mr. Claude t»oar,*s a, •Ctiblo F(-rrarl'' pr(*senl(*d his roll in the

draina. with gn-at Intrepidity at Inler.-als and w.-is not Improvable for winning "Molln-r Hisi-ardl." after tin* d(*.ilh of

"I'aldo Koinaiiio" afl(*r it was supimst-d he was dead. Tin* plot is v(*r.v deep, and is v(-r.v i\i-iting for tin* time ln*lng."

Weln-r and Fb-lds. I''iebls and I,(*wls, Uog (-rs Hi-os., Joe Pawt'iorin*, .XI Wilson and o;''(-rs, |d(-is(- behave.


Ohio Park Managers to Systematize

their Bookings.

Fostoria, (t., F(-b. "f.—Park nianagers from se\(-ral i-ilb-s nn*l In-n- today, with the ele(-tri(- railway otili-ials, and stejis W(*re lak(*n to organi/e a vainb-vllU* (-In-ult for parks at Mansti(-ld. Pioua, 'Troy. Ni-w-ark Xkr-ni Prestliin- and this city. 'Tin- terri lor.t iin luib*(! is a gmnl park (-onniry. .\11 att nn-t ioiis in tin* s||ow litn* will In* used I'.N the parks in ordt-r. 'I'lnsslon* Went/., se* n-lar.x and Ireastin-r of tin* 'T(d(*do F.lm*- iri(- liail.vav Poin|iany. and Ci-orgi* Hn-li aril', a local |>ark inanager, iiri* |iroiiioters of tin* ein-iilt s(-ln*in(*.

PARK NOTES. M. .\. I'.ven-tt lias presi-nti-d to tin* Pli-vi*

'and /.oe a i-ami*l iiinl an ostrl(-li.

I’. P. Sliea is in-got ill! ing for a h*asi* on M.iinpd(-n I’ark. .'^pringtleld. Mass.

X lill(-r of i-iilis was liorn to a ln*ar at Silver l.asi* I’-irk. Poliiniints, (>., last week.

'The opening of tin- Pidniiibiis (It.) /,mi is set for .May 1. \V. M. I'orresier is man ag(-r.

Mrs. 'T. S. Haldwin, llie liallminist, will open H-ildwin I'ark, at Quiiii-y. Ml., on Ma.\ IV

Haldwin A Mndsoii, tin* liallminists, o|n*ii lli(-ir park season tliis w m-k at l.os .Xiigi-b-s, t'ab. Slint(-s i’ark.

.X sc-eiiii- railway, to i-ost $'J\tx»i. will in- am-'iig tin- improvements at Whalom Park, I'ili-libiirg, Muss.

'Tin* inanageinent of XValhridge I’ark. 'To ledo. (t.. will siielid ?tt;,(X«i ill tin* en-ilion of a 'leiiiv railway.

.\ fe ll lire to in* off(*re(l li.v Flm trie Park at Kansas i lly Is tin* flip Hop mai-hiiie iisisl .11 till- Hnffalo Fxposition.

Tlte .New Fngland Poll Porn pompany has lea-isl tile Piisino, at .'Icrryineeting I’ark, Haiti, .Me., for livt* years.

M.m:i*g(*r Win. M. tfNeill. of Pres« eiit Park. I'.osioii. annonii(-(*s exti-nsivi* iniiiro\(* ni(*nts for tin* (■oniing season.

.\lanag(*r (nsi. P. Hii-liards, of Heeves I’ark. l-'osioria, (•., will present tirsi class vaudeville shows this season.

P|i*\(*lan(l (-aidlallsis are i-oiisid(*riug the building (d an immense audlloriuni. in tin* eenl*'r *if a ti-n iiere i>ark, to (-ost jl,(x«t.(i("'.

W. M. it'Niell lias i(*ased a larg(* trail of gi'oiinil it. Solti It Hostoii, w lien* In* w ill erect a s'lmmcr park, incbnling a tlicater and dain-e liall.

.\ in-w n-slauraiil will in* liiiill at Poncs- loga Park, lamcastcr. Pu., to n*ttlace tin* one dcsirov(-(l liy tire last Noveinlier. 'Tin- season op(*ns .May L’tk

Tin* 'Tinniding Him tdi-asnre park at Potis\ille. I’a., bas In-i-n sold to a syndi (-all*, of wld(-li Holiert F. l.i-i* is president. I In* i-onsidi*ralion was J^tli.tlOtt.

.Manager 'T. M. I’mdc. of I.akewmnl i’ark. .Xllanta, (ia., will likely Inilld nn outdoor tli(*Mt(*r. wllli a lloating stage. 'Hie season opens .Xpril HI, and closes t)i-t. la.

Mauag(*r Pari Allierle, manager of Norum licga I’ark, Aiilnirndale, Inis sent out ii vi-ry baiidsoiiii- and elalntnitc liook, eontaliiiniJ liair I (lies of seeiies ultoiit tile |iark.

Williani K. Kroger and .Nat. P. Poller Itavi* olilaini-d eoiitrid of tlte Itiiyloii iKy.t saiidliar. and will Inilld a cliilt lioiisi*, dress -ng lioiis(*s, i*l(-.. and eondiicl a first class balliing ln*ii(-lt litis snniincr. It will in’ Hie gileeu Pity Hatblug Hiiieb.

Tin* Hrm.ks, Hcllslidl llallenin-rg. Ll>"’r all and Pliinin-y Hands bavi* In-cn deciibst upon for a tbrei* w«*eks' (-ngageiiiciil (*11(11

i.cM -(iinint(*r at tin* Pliieinnali /oo. 'Iin* /,oo dirm-iors vided J'J.'i.ixx' for a nc« rliliio<-(*ros, a lion, l(*opards and buffabn-s.

Mr. H. M. Marrls, iinmagi*r of tbe Marrls A Parkinson Hig Slin-k Poin|>any, wlilcb is now touring tin* Soulli, bas b*ascd Hie parks at Pidiimbiis, Uii.. Hoiin*, Ha., .Min-on, (ill., and .Xiiderson, S. P., for tin* coining 'iiinini-r. to pi-odu(-(* drainas and vaiidevill'

FREAKS TO ORDER. .\ (*ow- ln*longilig to (imirge XVIlsoli. near

Milan, linl., gave birth to a calf om* da.' last w(*ek A lib-b bad no biK-kbone w hat ( V(*r. 'I'ln* (*iilf did ind Mv(*.

'Tin* (•((iirl boiis(* at .Xinb-rsoii, Ind., lias a m-w and n(>V(*l (n-(-iipaiit. It Is a pnn- wlillc (-at. wllb It tail as black as a sili-k of tar 'Tin* freak sb-(*ps peiK-eflllly bciicalb otic *'' tin* ln*iil(*rs on tin* first Moor, iiigbl and d.i.v. and nian.v pcopb- bii\(* conic to indlci It, 1111(1 Wolnb-r wb(( r(*e(ls II.



A Vigorous Defense of Bill Boards and

Other Advertising Methods.

I111., |■|•l>. ‘Jii .loliii I.i'c Maliiii, |ll•••■.i^l^•llt "f III!' Malilii .\i|\(Tt Kill'.' I'lini |i:ili>. Ilf lllix ••ll v. inlilrt'^si'il till-•^til<|i'lll4 Ilf III!' I'lilli'iri' Ilf I’••niiiiiTi'i' Mini Ailiiiinisini limi Ml till' I nlviTxily nf I■^lll•M:;|^ mi “Tin' I MliillliTi'i.lI Vllllli' Ilf AilviTlI'.iiii;." Allimii .illirr lliiiiy'. Mr. MmIiIii smIiI:

■■’riiK i^ .Mil m;:i' Ilf Milvi'rtisiii:;. W'iihiii till' iiii'iiiiiry of olilor nii'ii ilio MiiiMtimi* yniilli wiis iiPRoil to ontor tlio I'hiiri'h, tho Miiiiy. till' l.'iw or till' Krioiii'i's. To i-iuriiso ill mull' WMfi to lowiT soi'ial ton*'. Now, liiisiiii-oi Is tfoniTHlly riH'omil7,i'il ms m worlrt- ilominntint; Koli'ni'o. It Is Ivoi'oinin:: inoro iiitrii'Mto Mini I'oinplox. ris|iilrliic tho liigh- i-'t araili' of intolIlKenco.

"Thi* jirolili'ins of proiliii'tloii ninl ilistri- liiiiimi. ilio olliiiiiiMtion of w.'isto Mini fam- lin‘. III!' jrailinrliiir tocntluT of tin. |iroiliii'ts Ilf ilii' worlil mill sottlni: Mii'iii in onli-r for III!' I'Moy Mi'i'i'ss of iiiMiikiint |iri'siinl atnin- ili.nt o|i|Mipiiinliy for iho liii;lii-st i|iialily Ilf liralns. rmiinn'ri-i-. In catliorini; mnl ills irlliiiilnir. 'Milstli'il iviih onlinary jirotlt and IiM'slvnly awaitin;; Ilio ri'snit of tho oa- lirii'iiiiis iMstos Ilf niMiikinil. still I«>mvi's min-li In 111- ili'siroil liy tho inlinl that has M'mI iToMlivo |Miwor."

Mr. Mahin said that this iiiim r is I'allod • 111'orilsint. and that ho had proviniisly do- liiii'd advortisInK thus:

Intlnoin-lin; tho minds of |iisi|ih'. it is iiiMkiii'j nthors think as ymi dosiro. It nioaiis iitill/inir all thoso foroos whloh pro- ilino Iniprosslons and crystnlllzo opinions. It is Ilio onsatiii:: of iinistleo that ipinlitr «hli'h I'Hiisi-s othors to aoi'opt a statoment without ipiostlon.

Tho nil rotiant who. thnniith his idoa of wlial will plonso tlio itnpniar tasto, inakos his otiloiilatlons, sivini; onlors fo niannfao- iiirors for six months to a yoar In ndvamv. rispiiri's Croat foriisleht and intiniato ktniwli'dsro of tho flokh'iniss of tasto. Yot ho diM's not Tot possii».s the pi>sitlvo fori’o that advortlslnc. whon stiidlisl and skill¬ fully oniployod. will jriyo him in his hnsi- niis. Iio onl.v doals with oonditions as ho rinds thoin. Thoro is no offort to or»*ato ooinllilons. hnt simply a shrowd adnpta limi to pxistinc olroiimstanoos.

Advortisinc ri*sts on tho sn|ir*‘niaoy of oiiniinoroo. It ro<tnlros stahio Imslnoss oon¬ ditions for Its oxlstonoo and dovolopmont. It Is, thopoforo. a hltrhor form of montal .Motivlty than tho siiooossfiil oxoroiso of or dinary ootninorolal traiisaotlons hooanso It cis's farthor. In doninndinc not only tho |Miwor to oopo snooossfiilly with oomm’orolal limhloins. hut an addod aldllfy to intinonoo Ilio hnnian mind.

Xdvortlslne will proilnco aotivo di“sir«‘ whoro nono--or. at loast, only that of a latont kind «*xlstisl hoforo, .\dvortlsini;. I'v omploying tho poworfnl montal foroos w liloh psyoholoclsts oall snceostlon. oan •Toato woil dorinod habits amonc tho pooplo wliioh an alort oommorolal mind wil ntiliro III hiiild nji and fostor a hnsinoss.

Advortlsinc is not matorial snhstanoo. It Is sorvloo. To l>o anro. s|>noo Is sold In nnijrar.lnos. nowsjiapors. stn'ot oars and on hill tmards, hnt tho tnio advortisor and ad- vortlslnc man noror foreots that tho spaoo is snhsorrlont to tho sorvloi>s to ho ron- di ri>d. Idoas nr<> parainonnt. Tho pnrposo of tho I'rTort should ho oloar and doflnito and kopt oonstantly In mind dnrlnir tho idnnninir and oxoi'iitlon of tho dotails hy whli'h It is to ho r«*nllzod.

J'paoo, ty|H*, words and plotnros aro only liHijs tho mastor workman nsos to oxpros's an Idoa. Tlio flnishod ri'snit of tho oxiw'rt Work of tho advortisor Is not a matorial snhstanoo whloh oan ho soon with oyos or toiii'hod with hands, init a doflnito. pi>s|tlTo iiiiprf'sslon on many human minds whioii Is '•liown hy tho vidiintar.y piiroiiaso of csids Ilio advortisor wants to soil Tho mastory "f mind ovor mind Is tho loal tost of cn'at- Moss. 'I'ho miwor of Aloxandor, .Iiilins •'aosar. Washlncton and Nniioloon was not idiysli'al. It was tho raro fjiiMilty of onus Inir othors to think as llioy dosirod. No man ovi'P siiooi'isIihI ns an ad\ortlsor that did lint pos.n'Ks this faonity. No man was ■ 'or a snooi'ss in anythinc wliiiont a fair di'croo of it. Till* tiold for k'smI mon in ad '••rllslnc Is wido. Thoro is littlo daiiKor of ii liolnc o'ordono.

Advortislnc must sooiiro at lout ion. Init It iiinst I'omo from tho riclil kind of ix'oplo Mid In a way that prodiioi's rospoot for tlio irtli'lo advortisisl. Ilonoo, all pivwihlo knowlislco of tho iinmaii mind. Its mystori nils and siilitio mniilfostatlons and tho in I'ni'iioo of athrmatlon arcnmoiit. oolor. sue ..'ostlon nr an ap|»*nl to tho Inriuiiiatlon iiinsi onlor inlo tho dolilioritlons of iho "I'nd that plans and rxronios ;in ad'iTtis liiK

I'Miiilid -icn Imimi'iI^ and hill linaiil' mi "Moll imstors aro plaood, lavo cr'al foroo. Tho Miiiminl nf inmioy i.ivi'sh'il in Idll linMrd', till' aiiimmt paid mit in lalmr In palnlors. hill postors and for print, papor .ind p:'sti. ammints In sovoral iiiilliniis an '.'lally. I ;nn not m * if 'hnso 'vli > lliln': Iho hill liiiard and .nildnor sicn aro of foii'.ivo. I am road' In proxo iliat Iho idll pi'>.:ors and sicn tiaintors wn.iid rofnso in pill lip many of iho idiortlsonioiits ilial rocnlarly o[ipoar in Ilio oolnnins of tin' daily p.ipops tli.-'t tlnd fault with oiitdioir dis id.i.V'.

If tho onomiracoinoiit of art is worthy, ihoti omninond Iho paintisl hiillotin and tho hill hn.'ird. 'I'lioy cl'o oniplnyuiont In art i'is. and Iho domand for hottor crados of art w'nrk is crowlnc anionc iisors of postors Just as fast as ainoii'c m.icazino or nows- papor advortlsors.

Th*‘ hnsinoss of hnyinc and si'lliiii; spaoo in now sp.'tpors. ma'ca/.inos. stro«'t oars. [Misiors and sicns has crown to onorinoiis proportions. Tho mon ouKairod In it, Imth as hiiyors and soilors. aro romiinoratod innro lIlK'rally than I holii'vo tho snmo crado of talont sooiiros in law. moilioino or any of tho othor prnfi'ssions. Tho tono of Iho advortlsinc hnsinoss is hiclior than ton yoars aco. Tho mon of dlcnlt.v, hich ohar- aolor and w lilo knowlmlco art* rapidly fnrc- inc to tho front. Tho most siiooossfni soil- ors of spaoo aro ihnso who sook only thoso advortlsors who havo a jiropositlon pi- oiiMarlv adaptod to tho spaoo to bo sold. Tlio ho.,1 soilors of spaoo rofnso to soli whoro ihsro will ho oorlain dissatisfaotimi on tho part of iho hiiyor.

.\dvortislnc oinhmiios all Iho ploasnros of Iho ohaso. will! tho oroativo doliclits of soi'iiic idi as maloriali/.o. It is an iniovh'ai inc hnsinoss. .\ oloar bond, ricid adhor- ono<> t.i smind prinoiplos and .in ahililv to soo thincs as I hoy aro and imt lod awa.' hy tho sodiiotions of oiio s own oco t|sm or tho oxoiiomoni of a ca.v soc'ial lifo niiist ho |M>ssi'ssod hy all who wonld 'vlli and hold tho honors so lavishly civon to thus,, who snooood in ailvortisinc.


advortis r.oii Mii'lar.v, Iho I lay I on m inc man. i' happ.i . It's .'i hoy.

I' .«<. > onnc lias In on appointod advor- iisiii-_- .-icont of tho r.nrliiictmi Railway.

II. II. iVanilook is now advortisinc man .iL'or of I'.mifort's Wino and Spirit I'ironlar.

In IMiiladolphla. a liat firm is advortisins I'anaina hats. Now who says IMiiladolphia is si.iw

.\rlhnr \\ . riiiKliam. of I.yuti. Mass., has iii'on oloi-iod ■! moinhor of tho sohool hoard of that oily.

Tho ohnrolios ahmit Boston aro advortis inc in tho nows’iapors and stn'ot oars, and two or throo nso ,i sort of postor hiillotin.

.\ now hnildinc is iiroposisl for San Fntn ols' o. to ho ooonpiod hy Harry .\. Rotors, for his hnsinoss of advortising. 11 will bo llvo siorios hich. and is oxpoi'toil to oost ahmil .«7o,i»iM li is to tio iisod ontiroly for ad' ortlsing.

William r. Sooit. advortising managor of Iho Xmorloan d'oliaroo t'ompany tho .\niori- oan I'icar I'mnpan.v, has rosignoil his posl- iloii to niako a moro advantagoons oonnoc- lioii 'vith tho I’ottingill .Advortising .Vgonoy. Mr. Sooit will ho I'onnootod with tho Now I oi k ..if tho agonoy.

Mr. .1. W. Karlo. who. for upwards of iwol'o voars. has had I'ontml of iho Ih'in- incion 'I'ypow rilor Organizalion for llroat Bril lin. and has addml to thoso dniios. dnr iiig Iho past and a lialf. tho position of 1 nn'oior <lonoral for Knro[)o. loft for No" York, on .I.innary ’J.V to tako an im port.lilt iMisiilon in tho oonirol of tho wholo organization of tho llomington linsint>«« Ihrmi'choiil Ilio world .\ |irt'sonlation was ni.'ido lo him. hy Iho omployos of tho oom paiiv. of a nia'cnifli onl s«'rTl<'o of plato. Mr lloarlo oarrios with him aoross Iho .M l.intio Iho ..I wlslios of tho many frionds ho has mado dining his sojourn horo. - Pro gi'ovsixo .\d'ortlsing.

Ad'orlisi- ihon during Iho dull soason agaiiisi Iho omniiig of tho busy soason. and spoiid Ihmi tho iM'In of tho rt>alm with tho prinlor during Iho busy soason. lost thou fall into Iho forgotton past whon tho slump ill hnsinoss oomoth to pass.

Iroal tho ••spi'cial” with oonrto*y and dish oiil kindnosf« lo tho advortising man agor. A our suoooss is dopondont upon them and tlioy llkowiso noosl you in thoir busl- noss.

Tako not thought of tho luorro'v If thou liast ad'orllst'd wisoly and woll. for vorily till' mormw will tako oxo.'«''llnc good oaro of itso'f.

I'nl mil thy Irnsi in tho ability of thy salosinaii lo liiako largo holos In thv sliw'k Ho s.ilo'inan oan mako Iho pio. hut tho

I ad'oifisoiiioni noods oatoh the rabbit.

I'rnlitahlo advortising I'ousists in tolling tho attraotivi' iriith aliont tho arth'lo ad 'ortisod in an aitraotivo manner at tho riglit timo and in right publii'ations at tho light prioi's.

Tho host ail'i'rlising that oan lio done with Ilio d*'alor is to show' him that adver¬ tising is iH'ing dono to bring him new and rotalii his pr*“sont eustomers. The travel¬ ing sali'sman who makes this argument sells moro giMids and sooures b«‘ttor accounts than ono who is not in a position to do so.

I'ontinnmis advortising is a guarantee of oxoollonoo. .\n artlolo that is not merltori oils can not t>o oontinually advortis«'<l and ho mado to pay. If it does not pay. It will mil ho advertisod.—Ad Sense.

.\n original soliomo for fro** advi'rlising w .'IS oiioo invontmt hy the late P. T. Bar tiuni. tho groat olroiis man.

«'orialn pooph' oonnootod wllh the .-Viuor oomtunios woio regardml as a lawless sol, and. whon a oiroiis t'tiiuo to town, thort' was always a ft‘*'llng of fear and anxit'iy among tln' lo'.vns|i«'oph' that a riot might oi'oiir.

P. Bamnm was alxiiit to bring hi.s l.ig oiroiis to P.riilgoport, I'onn.. and found 'ho firt'ss Would not aooopt his advor tising.

It 'VMS ahsolnioly nm'ossary for Barnnin to advortiso, in ordor to oovor expenses and prolit l>osid«'s, and this is how ho did It;

Barnnin oallod on sovonil niiiilstt'rs, and, "iili till' oiH'h'st ohook iinaginahlo, ro • ini'siisl ilioni to annonni'o from tho pulpit on Sunday that his oiroiis wonld give a p*‘r fmni.'iiioo nil tlio folhiwing Wednesilay.

This, of ooiirso, oausod much indignation among tlio ministers of tho city, and they ros<dvod to oonsure Mr. Barniim and his hig slii.'v through the press.

The result was that everylsidy hoanl about P. T. Bamum coming to town with his hig show, and it didn't cost him a lioiiny, <‘ither.

••Tlio .Xmerieans want to be hunbtiggod. and I'll hiinibiic tliom," was an old saying of Bamuin's. and certainly this was a gmsl example of liow to do it.—Progressive .Ad¬ vertising.

fWer fViiU'en

Adftrtiumtmtt mmJrr this htmJing vill te

wttkly mi Ih4 unif0rm ratt o/ itn ctHit

ittu4. eo I4.00/rryear.

X. \A'. Ayer A- Son, I’htladolphia. Pa. Boll Show Print, Sigourney, la. Calvert I.ltho. Co., Detroit, Mich. Central City Show Print. Co., Jackson

Mich. Central Lithe. Co.. l-M) Monroe st., Chicago. Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky. Fnterprlse Show Print, Cleveland, O. Knuulrer Job Print. Co., Cincinnati, O. Krie Show Printing Co., Erie, Pa. tlreat .American Engraving A Print. Co., 5i

Bookman. N. A’. Croat AV. Print. Co.. r>ll Market, St. l.oiils (Ireve Litho. Co.. The, Milwaukee, AVIs. Halmr, P. B., Fond dn Lac, AA'ls. Ilonnogan A Co., 127 E. 8th, Clnclnraft, O .$am AA'. Hoke. 'JM 5th ave.. New Yoik. Standard Embossing Co., llk'iS Broadway

Now York. N. Y. Heme Show Printing Co., Atchison, Kan. Morrison Show Print. Co.. Detroit, Mich. Pioneer Print. Co., 21-4 Jefferson. Seattle,

AVash. Planet Show Print. Co.. Chatham. Ontario,

Canada. Russell A Morgan Show I’rint. Co., Cincin¬

nati, O. Clarence E. Runey, 127 E. 8th st., Cincin¬

nati, O.


•lohn H. Frey has Imeii elected president of the rnitod States Printing Company at Cipeinnatl. Ihere was no contest over his cleeiion. although his policy of smaller dlv idends was well known. John Iloge, of /'svillc. whom Mr. Frey suee*'eds as prosidont, will remain a member of the di- rj'ciory. The full din>etory follows: John 11 Frey, R. .1. Morgan, John Omwake, S. .1. Murray. .1. M. .Armstrong. P. F. Downey, Ooorgo Dan Seib. AA'. R. P'olson. AA'. A. Daniols. R. AA', Itonghty. J. F. Robinson. John Hogo and E. F. Rardon. Mr. Frey sueeotsis Air. Hinds on tho board, and John Oinwako and S. J. Murray sin'eo*«d them solves after a v.ieani'y loft unfliled slm-e llo'ir resignation several months ago.

RICHARD MANSFIELD .Agrees with Mr. Butler when he says that the Delicatessen Lunch B<s>m is the clean •“St and tw'sl place in CInelniiall lo partake of good iionrishmeni.


ktmdtmg mitt $•

litkfj verrkly mi ikt tmi/mnm rmt* ^ ttn ttnit ptf

limf/rr ittuf, tr y*mr.


Troy Josh Copeland.


'onway J. F. Clark. Box 02. •Springdale Hite Sanders Co.


CwBlfllo tico. Dash, Box 2J2.


Blooiiiingtou—City B. P. Co., Coliseum Bldg Peoria-Auditorium Bill Posting Co.


Michigan City—J. L. AV’eber A Co. AVlnamae—H. (». Burroughs.


Dos Moines—AA'. AA’. Moore llii'oiised DIst.)

KANSAS. Atcblaon—City BUI Posting Co.

l‘arson8- (ieorge Cbnrcblll.


Atiniioapolis CihlMins BUI Posting Co.

MISSISSIPPI. ’a»<M. Clty-H. C. Heolek

MONTANA (lllinga- A. L. Babcock.


llastlngs M. M. Irwin.


New York City—New York BUI Poatlog


.tatoHTvIlle--Rowland Advertlatng Co.


-llddletown—Anthony H. Walborg. It. Mary'a—F. F. Aacbbacher. lareavUle—Wm. D. Bchulta.


' lohuatown—A. Adair. .New Caatic—The J. G. Loving C. B. P C*.

TEXAS. Carthage- A. Burton. laineevUlc—Paul Gallia, C. P. B. aad Olat. x'oaknin -C. C. Tribble.

UTAH. Aalt I.«ke City—Grand BUI Poatlng Co


Blnotiold H I. Shot!.


Pralrle-du-Chlen—F A. Campbell.


AdwtrHttmtnU undtr iktM htmdiny tvill Ac f‘uh-

'itktdmmkly at ikt uniform rate e/ ten centt /er

liue/er ittue,cr%^.oo/eryear.


Troy—Josh. Copeland.

ARKANSAS. Con'vay J.F. Clark, Box 02.

CALIFORNIA Eureka—AAf'. H. Mathewa, SIM 2d at

ILLINOIS. Chicago—John A. Clough, 42 River at. F.ast St. Loula—H. H. Decnaar. (ialneavtUc—B. Hnlen B. P. A Ulat. Co. Peoria—Acdltorlum BUI Poatlng Co.

INDIANA. Huotington—Benjamin MUes. > Bvoroft at. Indianapolis—A'anayckle Adv. Co.. 114 III. Marlon-^obn L. Wood, 9m 8. Branaoa at. Michigan City—J. L. Weber t'o. Terre Hunted). .M. Bartlett.

IDAHO. Boise—R. G. Spaulding.

IOWA. Dea Molneo—Dea Molaea Adv. Co. Fort Madlaon—SylTcater Johnson. Ottniiuva Reiliinee Dlst. Agency. Sloiix City—A B. Beall.

KANSAS. Atchison—City BUI Poatlng Co.

HAS8ACHC8BTTS. Boston—Cunningham A Gonrley. Brockton—John V. Carter, 288 Belmont at.

MICHIGAN. Peoria—Auditorium BUI Poatlng Co.

MINNESOTA. Morris—Geo. R. Lawrence, B. P. A D.

MISSOURI. St. Loula- S. A. Hyde, 21M Bugenla at.

NEBRASKA. Haatinga—M. M. Irwin. Schuyler- Rue A Bolman.

NBW YORK. New York—Naw York B. P. Co. Ogdensbnrg—B. M. Bracy. Oawego—F. B. Monroe. Schenectady—Cbaa. H. Benedict, 121 Jay at

NORTH CAROLINA. Statesville- Rowland Advertlalag Co.

OHIO. ,.'olumbu»—8. A. Hyde, 2186 Bngenla at. Fostorta—W. C. Tlrrlll A Co., 116 W. Tlf


Carllale—Wm. M. Meloy, Box 48. I East York—Richard R. Staley j ••Johnstown—Geo. B. Updegnive A Ca

SOUTH CAROLINA. JolumbU—J. C. Blagley (nd. Charlantonk

WISCONSIN. ' Vest Snperlot^-C. A. Marahall. W. Supeeioc ! Hotel. ! CANADA. ■

A. r. Morris, aMaater, Hnatlnga at.. Vnn^ conrer, B. C.

Montal—C. 3. T. lYiomaa. Boa IIM.


It Is tli(>ii);lii that W . r. K<'iii<-r> nf I’.-ir kiishur^. W. \a., will l<•,■ls^• the <;r:iM<l op rra lloiisr at ri>rlsm«>iii li. »t,

<las has Ims'II cut nflf at llic New York .iikI Hij Ml 'I'licalcrs, New Y<M‘k. The iiiaiiaitcrs


Experienced by the Wilbur Opera

Company in a Fire at Paducah, Ky.

l.•M|isvilh■. Kt.. I'cli. Ul. The Wilhiir up eni t'ollipaiiy. which is here this wis'k. Iiail a very exeitiiin lime in railiie.ili, Kv., Keli, M. A hi;; tire close tn llic liotel seared the Mieiiiliers nearly tn <le!ith, and wliile pa<-k inu tlieir trniiks and urips tlie lights in the lintel went nut. Itefnre arrantT'iiients fnr li^ht cniild he made many nf them sntTered frnin the depredatiims nf sneak thieves, w hn hrnke n|»en Imtiks. cut trips and car ried nil everythint they ennid lay their hands nn I’y this time the hotel kitchen nil tire, and eieryhnd.v pllisl mit in the slri-et. 'I'lie lintel was saved, lint the girls with the enmpilliy Were ton seared tn re turn to it. atid seeiirisl ipiarters at another hot el.

While the exeitemeiit Wits at its heightll. one nf the meinhers nf the enmpany nnticed a wnmaii tint a memlier nf tlie enmpany, who was hnrdering nn the verge nf hyster ies. lie reniarkeil that “snme nne nnght tn Innk iifter ttijit wnimiii." The remark was nverhe.ird hy the hiishand nf the wnmtin. w hn ennsiderisl it an Insult, atid nnly the iiiterventinn nf a traveling man standing near |irevenlisl him from assaititing the • letnr. The latter rejidily jnined the nthers in hunting aiinther Inilging place fnr the night.

FELT LIKE^LOBSTER. Hollis Cooley Called Up “Main 1544,1

and Got the Aquarium.

Tile hoys around the Sheridan Itiiildiiig. in New York, have had ennsideralile amuse ment the past few days over a iiraetleal joke that was playeii on .Mr. Hollis K.* I'nniey, general manager of the Cus Hill enteriirises. .\ hiwyer friend called on .Mr. I'lMdey the other morning, and during the enitrse nf a little chat informed him that a ••.Mr. Itass'^ watited to talk to him over the 'phone as sism as he found a leisure mn ment. aiid told fnn|e\ tn eall up •'Main 1.'i44."

Soon after the lawyer's de)iarture I'lsdey called up •'Main I.Yfi. " and told the |iarly at the other end of the line that he wantisl to tiilk with "Mr. Hass." .\ very audilde titter eame ripiding over the wires, and the genial t •nnley felt like threi- dimes when he was informed that ''.Mr. Hass" eniildii't come In the 'phone, as he was in a lack along with .a lot of other tinny memners

"Main l.'itl " is the t'ily .Viiuariiim's 'idmiie nutnher.


Once Famous Minstrel Died Penniless

in Boston.

The news nf tile death of "Hilly" l^nier son. at Hnsi.m. on I'eh. 'Si. i-aused geimine sorrow annmg memhers of all liranehes of the theatrical profession. He was at one lime eonsidi reil the tnp-nntcher of min sirelsy, and numhered his friends hy the thousands. it was not man) years ago that he was rated as worth more than

lull he played the horses and Inst money In sm-h an extent that at the tinn- of his tiemise he was virtually penniless.

Imiersoii's ruil name was William Kmer son Uedmoml. His eareer in minstrelsy was long and eventful, there being seareely a town in the country where lie ilid not show. S«me years ago In* eonlraeied con- snm|itinn. He was .",1: years old.


Matiagert, press agents, stage managers trea.^urers, performers, etc., are invited to con tribute items 0/ news concerning themselves friends or houses to this column, 'chich is al¬ ways open to friends of the Billboard.

.Manager .McHnnald, of Mnnlgomerv. .\la., is ill.

Henderson. Ky.. is to have an opera house.

H. !■'. Keith, nf New Y'nrk, contemplates huilding a theater in I'ittshurg.

.1. H. .lohnsnn and J. H. Arthens. of Hreeii Ha.v, Wis., will erect a theater at Hamilton, t >hio.

Winimae. Ind., is tn have :in opera house stating l.titih people. I.. 1.. Hurton will erect It.

Win. Sharp, formerly of .Ml.anta. <01.. is now managing the .Ymtltorium. Hirming ham. .\Ia.

I'auritt's t>pera House, purehaseil h.v I I auk Hurt, is in IJnia, O., not in Xenia,

as heretofore published.

claim the lulls wfre execs-sive. I'nink I'nwers, the hustling ailxcriising

agent of I’ike's 'I'litsitei. t'incinnati, is d<i ing great wtuk for that popular theater.

Hattie t'reek's i.MIch.i new opera house will hi‘opeiiist M ircli i.'t. Seats will ite Spi eai'h. anil no Hritice llinry on the side i ither.

.Man:igi-r I'r.ank Hurt is spreading out. He has added anotlier liouso to his eircuit a .SpMi.ootl piece of arehitei't lire at I'oiinells vilic, I’a.

t'liarles Slriink. for three s,.;,^ons head iislier at Hohinson's < i|>era House, I'incin nati, lias resigneil to go into mercan.ile husiness at Sprlngtield. (i.

luivitl •'Shall" l*nlk, who has heeii serimis ly ill. has so far rt'cntered as to resume his place as master of properties at the .lef ferson Theater. Hirmingham. .\la.

The best orchestra seats will sell at .'ii;i'i each on tint night l‘rinee Henry attemis the opera in New York. The boxes will go for Sd'Ki. This inclu<ii‘s an opera glass view of the rrinee.

Hugh Coyle, a former elreus man. is to take out a cam,IS Uieater this siiiiinier. pre SI nting vaitdeville, comic opera and min stre|s\. W. S. t'let eland Is said to be be hind the scheme.

I’rof. I'red. 1.. Hrambs. w Im for the past tifteeii years lead the orcliestras at ti'Hrien's and .IcITerson theaters, is now in charge of the orchestra at the .Vuditorium. Hirmingham. .\la.

.lames Considine, who is interested in a theater in Hetroit. and who is now serving

[ .1 live year term for alleged robbery of the post othce at tSrauville, l>., has tileii an ap P n ation for a pardon.

Assistant doorkeeper Harry Ha.\. of Hob inson's I ipera House, Cineinnati. Ini' re signed to go to t'aliforiiia to engage in business. Ills fellow emplo.tees forced him to accept a diamond pin before he left.

The Metropolitan t ipera House. New York, ligures on takitig in .<t'i»>,4irj on the night I’rinee Henry attends the ojiera. The expenses, everything ineluded, annuint to !<;;ii,imii. It leaves a fair protit. anyhow.

The lOpstein Hrothers, of the Ciituden Theatei. and Manager Kemeny, of the Au ditoriiim, I'arkersbtirg, W. V’a., are in a squabble over the right to post paper on the H. A (I. piers. Trouble is anticipated.

Ike Sothern, pn-sideiit of the Interstate Advertising Company, has renewed his con¬ tract with Heuck A I'enessy to publish the programs of People's, Heiiek's and Lyeeuni theaters. Cincinnati, iind tlie I'.inpire, In¬ dianapolis, Ind.

.Y number of ticket s-alpers assaulted a I'inkertoii deteetive I'eb. pi in front of tlie Criterion Tiieater. .New York. hundred onliMdiei's took :t hand in the light, which lesiilteil in a man named .McCarry being sent to Hoosevelt Hospital.

The Klks of I'ine I’.liilT, .\rk.. .-ire solicit ing subscriptions for their new opera limise and home, and are nieeling with great suc- ci s.i. It is now .-i sure thing that by next season I'ine HliilT will have one of the pret til si playhouses in the South.

DRAMA AND TRAGEDY. Performers are cordially invited to contributt

items of n-iU’S concerning themselves and friend) to this column, which Is always open to friends of the Billboard.

William Cillelle will try "Hamlet" next si-asoii.

.M i.t liowns. a Cineinnati girl, is a |||| with "Hniiian Hearts."

< ipie Head's "The Starbucks " will soon be si-eii .It Hobinson's (ipera House, Cinein nati.

.Mirgarei Halo will be Henry .Miller's leiding l.idy next year. She was formerly with .lolin Hrew.

The role of Mine de Hruhl. in ".\ lien of I'rani-e. " is pla.ted by I'aroilne Hiilterlield. of I 'ineinnati.

Mary Hartwell Catherw<Mid's novel, "l.a /..irre." will be dramatized, (iiis Skinner has secured the dramatic rights.

HoIm-ii I'.desiMi's rqiening as a star in "Soldiers of l-'iM'liine" was an auspiei>Mis • vent at New Haven. Cmin., I’oli. 17.

.bdin .M<-.\ Stirling, manager of ••Tin- (Ivpsy Cross," married. I'eli. p.i, a| r.ltria. (I.. to his still .\lnia Hoerge.

Melbourne .Maeliowell has tiled suit at Minneapolis, seeking to enjoin Manager C. M. Hriim- from using any of his Sardou plays.

Maude .Xd.ims evideiitl.v suited the be goggled Hostonians. due week's receipts in that village reached #1S,(Kni. "(jmility Street" was the play.

.Madge Kendall, the famous I'.nglish ae tress, h.'is a brother in Cincinnal i. lb- c;inie out from under the bushel las| wi-ek b.\ suing an insur;iiM-e eoinpan.v.

.\ melodrama, founded on I lie ease of Ihe Hiddle broihifs ,'it I'it I sbiirg. has been writ ten by Theialore Kl'elller. and will be pro diieed in I’ittsbiirg in September.

SoiiiebiMly with a whitewash brush .ind a plentiful supply of lami> black, didn't do

i! thing to the posters of Havis' "riiele Tom's Ciibin" Coinpan.t at H.xcrsburg, rellll . last Week.

.\ performaiiee of "I’liddin' Head Wils.ui " ciiiiie to ii sudden close at I'rbana. <•.. last week, because of a disiigreeinelit bet W eiMi the read manager and liouse iminagei of the M.irket Siiuare.

Hbicehe .\mrich. an ai-tress. has brought two actiiMis .-igainst I’hilip W<dbe, one for bre.lch of promise, the other to recovi-r SgtHI she elaltiis he obtained from her. The I

suits .«ele tiled at Clexeland. ((. ■| he members of "The Village Parson" .

I omp.iiiy that played in Cincintiatl we<>k before i:ist. laid off in that city last we<>k. ! owing to the il'iiess of the leading lady, I

Mer. eita r.smonde. Sevenil one night siand' were eaneeled.

('harles 1!. Coleman, a real good ex Har I

iinm .X Haile.x Circus agent, and formerly 1

.issist.iiil with I'.. \. Ciroux. business man 1

ager of • .\ Stranger in a Strange l.and." is I

in the eit.\ I tiling "(Hie of the Hratest." j w Ibeh e Miles |o | he l.yeelilll lieXt w eek. 1

The .Ipplie.-iliiMI of the brother and sis|i-r ■ of the bite Willi.'im i; Sterling for an in

juiieiioii against lal. Stair, pn-wnti'ig him

from prisliieing "(in the Siiwanee Hixer, '

will net interfere with that pla,'. as it i'

not I question of lion p.ixnieiil ot roxaliii's.

ImiI simpl.x whether the wife of Ihe lale

ilramatist should ice, ixe tin- mone.x or hi' |


Performers tire c-o dntllo tn rftrtt t** mnlritnttt I item.s of n -ws concerning I hem si In s nniljncnil) ; to this column, u hich Is always open to friends of the Billboard.

.\ new three act eomed.x. "My Pretty '

Maid." been xxrilteii bx Hasil llis.d.

N'oxx . x oii a-aii't te.l iiiileh about siMiie

I' ngs. "I'ox.x lirandpa" xxas a sin-eess in

Nexx York.

Young Corbett. XX ho is at Heink's (ipera

Il'Mi'e. Cineinnati. this xxeik. i' a gieat ,

e.ird. His b ixing specialt.x is elexer.

'lim Murphy's belongings xxeie attai-lied. ■ I'eb. at Wheeling. W. \'a . to s.atisfx an .

illeged salar.x lull of .SH'ii. i|u<' to two of til'


lied. .M.i.x. Ihe ragtime box. K c-realing

.1 sensation xxiih his original metho<| of

singing coon songs xxiih Conroy. .Mii<-k ,X I'.d XX.I ids' Coinexlians, and his spei-lally is

MIC of the f.-alures of the shoxx. He Ini' !

signed xvith Conroy \ Muck's Comedians

for the summer park season, and for the

se.lson of P.KC’II.".. I

Kos,.'s CiMiiedians ri-opeiied at MeCraxx '

xille. N. Y. I'eb. ".. with the f.dloxvllig

people: rile Patl Trio. sketch I

artist,: .lam.s l.claml. I.illian Sh.ldon. Col '

loll White, till' Tliri-.- .'shamroek'. H.irr.x :

Alfredo. Kmil Seliiiorr, Happy Harry Hart

and the Thris- Hos,.,. Col. ('. H Hose ami

xvife. sole OXX llel-s. ,

(tils Hill now oxviis the rights, play. I niitsie. scenery and costumes of .Tohniiy and I'.niiini Kay's --.x Hot Hid Time." Hill paid .sjd.dim for it. Well postisl theatrical ptsi pie say ihat Mr. Kay has elean-d at least : SLiNi.miti with ".\ Hot Hid Time." xvhieh he ' has carefully inxestisl. and he now goes under the management of Ciis Hill, who, XX ill eoiitiniie the "I! d (dd Time" on the ■ road next se.ison. .bd.n ;ind I'.mma Kay at the head, and later on he will laiineh a tiexv vehicle, in xxhieh Ihe Kays xxill head a niiisieal rexiexx, entitled 'The .lanltor." The I.. is bx a le'ebrale.l author, in e..! loboratioii xxiiii Mr. Kay. ami Ihe lyrics and iniisii' will be the prodiiciiiMi of the best genius that iiioiiex can buy.


Performers are cordiallu ini ilcit to contribute items of news concerning ihemsrh rs and friends tojhis column, u hich Is atu ays opt n to frirnits of the Billboard.

Will. Haekeit. a ('ineinnati amatiiir. Ii.i' ioined the Pike Stock ( oiiip.inx

( eellia l.ofiiis. on her reiurn fr'Mii l.on doll xxill appeii in a summer slock com pany al the l.afaxelie. \X ashingliMi. H ('.

('iiarles Wablr<Mi. .i i • -niber of a I'rlse.i sTtM'k cMiipany. has resigo,.,!. ami xxill Join the Pike I 'oiiipati.x al ('iie-'-iiiall. xx In re he toiiiierly plaxeil

Miss Phintia .•'iiller, a so.-iiix girl of Shelbx. (I. became s| a gi-s| I'mk. She ran axvay from home bi'l xx<-< k and Joliieil i he Kexs* MIC Hi.'iiialle I'oiiipaiix. al Pittsburg.

ii. Stanley l.i-xxls has ... friMii his reeiiil Illness, and ha. Joined the I.ander Stock Coinpanx a, manager for the bahinee i>f the SI .I son. Mr. I.exxls opens his fourth season as ad x ert I'iiig director of Welsh I’.ros.' Kailroad .Shoxx s. .April P_’.

c. W. Watson a ineinber of the Imperial j Slock Coiiii.anx. xvlio xxas badly Injured I about his exes ihri'e XXeeks ago b.y H re¬

volver being' beld loo close to Ills face XX hell it xxas .lisehargisl by Kobert Hxiiian. has fllll.V leeoxeled. -Illd has rejoined Ills erMIl piny.

('onrox .Y Mack's ('oiiiediaiis. headed by Pal CiMirox and Hick .Mack. .Ir.. and under the direelioll of P. I', ('raft, xvlll be iMle of Ihe leading repertoire atlraetioiis on (lie road next ,1,011. The shoxx I, bisiked solid in cities, and a tlrsl class eoni|Mtn.v xxill be carried Six real headline vaudeville fea lures xxill be liltriHiiiced. and only royalt.y linaliiel ions xvlll be presented. .\ line line of spis-ial pa|ier is iioxx being gotten out. ■Illd a slMv fiMil carload of scenery and effects xxill be Used to |iroperl,V mount Hie lirodiiet ions.

The l.amb r Slock Coiiiiiany reports e.xeel lent business throiighoiil Western Peniisyl Vania. |iartieiilarly Kittaiiniiig. I.ia'k Haven, Sharon and rranklin. Koster; Ken S. I.aii der. sole OXX Her: H. Stanley I.cxvIk. man ager: Waller Pliel. Kiigene Hrdera.v. C. (!ar- vin Hilniaine. Waleotf UuKseil. Sam Uoseoe, Hen (In-enfield. I'rederic Kadway. Walter Pierce, Kdxvin Ktliiigham, Percy Hazeltine,

W. K. Hnmidireys. Ceorgle King. Kathryn Morton. Carrie Ke.Miolds I.exxls, i'lleeta Page and Ihe Navarro eliihlren. Pniprietor I.ander and Manager I.exvis are eollahorat Ing on a sensational eotiiedy drama, fiiumled on Ihe Hazelton miners' strike, xvhieh Is iioxv under rehearsal. The title, "In Hie Nick of Time, " has been copyrighted.


Performers are cordially invited to contribute items of n-ICS concerning themselves and friends tn this column, which Is always open to friends of the Billboard.

.Minnie .\s|ile.x, after a severe illness, has rejoined "San Toy."

.MI'S Margaret Held, formerly of "The P.osioiiians." Is back from Kiircqte.

I'dna M.I.X |s I.. to a|qiear in .\nieriea ne\| Hi-e.-mbi'r. She'ii be XXeleonie.

Tin- adxaiM'e s.ile for Paderexxski's ('in einnall engagement, on .Marcii 1.",. is large

'I'he ".Mi" l’ol( Wiiile" Coiiiininy Is re hearsing for the nexx xei-sloii of Hie musical <•0111.dy.

-Ylrs. I'raneis i.ux llest. a soeiet.x xxomati of I, ig.iiisitorl. Imk. is lo Ih- a im-miH-r of "The Siillaii of Siilii."

lablie I'ox ri-llres from "The Sindlers" .March I. He Is to jidn a iiexv musical com- |ian.x to be prisluei'd soon.

Ml" bla Haxxle.x. iM'liii.i doiin.i of "Tlie Hiirgom.isler. " Is ill xvlih dl|ditlu'rla. in a hospital al I.exinglon. Kx.

I'liM'i'/.el Klleler, the box xbdiliisl, under xxeiii .1 siieei'ssfiil operalimi III Nexv York. I'eb. 17 He has ear trouble.

Mi" Kose .lobsiMi. a ('iiieliinati girl, and Waller ('lllTiMd. members of "rile Kuna axxa.x Hirl " CiMiipanx. are to xxed.

'file lllillbMI.lIre fiMlllder of peiMlom.x . Pa., .lohn S, Ill 's. Is a musie,|| eolldlletor. He has an l•ffer fnMii a Nexx York manager

Mine. Calve has ,1 nexx fad. .\ ring on eai’h linger is I'oiiiieeted Itx small eliaiii' xxiih I lilacelet. The cliallis extend across the back of the hand.

.\ nexx song by KIcliard Carle, entitled "My Madagasi-ar Maid." xxhleli Ini' jU'l I.. Ini rodileisi in the musie:i| eoim'd.x. " I he I'splorers." Is a lerrllie sueeess.

.Mr .1. I'reil. /inimernian. the Phlhide|p|ii:i m.'inager. rexic-xxid a |ierlormane.i of "Ml" Hob Willie.' at ( ineinnati. I'eb 17. It. has .III interest in that briglit bit of niiisie.

The limes Hand a|q>ears al Cineinnati. Mareti I. .\n attraction of esins-l;i| inter

< 'I to 1'ineil mil inns xxill be the presence of Ml'— I'r.iiiees Hoxdeii. of that ellv. as s.dolsl.

Till- Ihris'.Xear old child of |io||x Caslle. a member of tlie Crau Hi>era Comiiany. is in '.In- care of the Cincinnati i>ollee. Kela lives of Mrs, Castle, xxho had be«-n earing for the Infant, gaxe It ui>.

Miss Ps'le Knaiqi. late of the Kamhlerv. Is 'loxx xvith "I'lorodora.” She xxas felisl on ... of her birthday In Nexv

I York 'asi xxeek. Miss Knap|i Is a v«-r.v I'onular girl and a ginal i»erformer.

Meiuliers of "The Kuna way Hirl" Coin |i:inv "fussed " at .Yndersoii. Ind.. last xvc-k, InH-atise a re|ii>rt had si>read that txxo

i collides, members of the eompatiy. wen' to xxe.l Sl\ XX Ise eX|lonents of Him kstolli' |>a|ehed tio' m.lller lip.

Prim,- Heiirx xvlll liear the folloxxing al tile MeinqHditan (»|i«'ra H•>us^•. New York;

, I'Irsi .let of "l.ohetigrln. " xxlili Hadski. Si-hiim.iiiii Heiiik. Idiqiel. I’is|diam and Pil'Oi.ird 111' Keszke. loiidiietisl liv l>ani : s h; the second act of "Carmen." In I rern li. xxiih Calxe. .Mxarez and .'seolll, eoio|m'i,i| lix I'loii; tile third act of ".Vida." in liallan. xxiih Paines. Homer. 1'am|>anaii. .loiirni I .Illd l•emarel||. condiieied bx Sep liilli : lie second m-t of ' rannliaiiser. " xxlHi I'eriiina. \ an Hxek and \'an Koox. eomliiei

ed bx I i.imri'seli; the tir'l ml of "Iji Traxl al.i." xxiili Seinbrlch and Sallgiiae. iDuduet id bx S'iqdlll. Illd Ihe first scene of Hn fourth .HI of • |gi C;i|," xxiih Hrexal and .Mxan/. eomliH’ti’il by Itamroseh.

the f.etrlli send anniial lixiir of the Kll llx-s Hind |s noxx draxxlng to a close. Ihi' band being fore, d to n'liirn to t'anmla In M.iieli for ri giii'i'lilal duly This season's lonr lias te en Hie im.>l eMemled exer laki-n le. the Seolli.h Caiiadlaiik, and has Ineluded Ihe prim ipal cities of the Mhidle. Pastern ami Soiitherti Stall's. Ttie banner xveek's

; business of Hn' lour xxas the second wei-k , i'l .lann.'irx. xx lien tin- reex'lpts execedisl

jtl.*, mm, 'i'll,' li.'ind Is tioxv retiiriiitig from its X Isd to the leading cities of the Soiitli.

■ XX In re tile bari' kneed and iileliin'sqiiely at Hied I'an.’idians xxere receptions of genuine SoiiHiern w'irmth and eiitliiisl

I asm. 'I'xxo return ilates are booked al the ' 111T.dd Square 'I'lnuler in New York. Hie I iinpreeedenlexllx large audience wlileh

greeted till' Kllties lit Madiaoii Square Har din on .Ian. II liaving prnmptisl Matiager Selinberl to secure tlie liand. The Kilties have already In en liooked for moat of the sumnier season al fashlonalde watering places, and in Hie fall llielr tour will lie a I ranseoni liieiital one to Hie Paeltie coast, and Hii'fiee to Nexx iirleana. Mr. Cameron Hroxx 11. iiresident of Hie Kilties; Mr, T. I’. .1. I'ower. direetor 111 lour, and Mr. W. W Poxver. general ri'iireseiilalive, liave had a xery tnisy and higlily siieeessfiil season Tlie.v have arrangisl for several addIHonal l.oveltles lo lie added lo Hie Kilties for ncM season, and xvlll also iireseiil a large l•;uro |ie,in miisleal atlraetlon. wlileti wll tour .Ynierlea.


Performers are cordially invited to eontributs (terns of news concerning themselves andfr^niM Ui this column, which Is always open to frientm if the Hiltbnard.

Prank Pogarly. of Hie team of Wall and I'ogarl.v. w liose story of ‘"I'lie Wake' Is so XXell known In l-ilkdoin. Is ra|>ldl.v eoiiilng 111 tile fore in inlnslreisv. He W oin' of .VI <: I'lelds' strong cards.

I.oiiIm Wright, n negro minstrel wliii


i:i(hiiiiN \ rriiiulo, W)is Ijuthnl at New Mailriil. M<>.. K«-l>. IT. WpIkIiI had sh«l into lilt' iimlhMna* from tin- siayc, Init lui .no- was seriously hurt.

Sliiee (!<’or>{»‘ rrlinrose has deiertiiiiusl to retire front uiliistrtdsy at the einl of next ..e.'isoll, the talk of I,ew I tiH-kstader enter inu’ eolith opera Is revlvetl. •'rhi' l.asi Tliree Seats for Smokers.''

rite .\l. <1. l-'hdil Minstrel' reiid\ed the news of the death of Wlllliiin ll. We't while In St. .Ji»seldl. Mo. .\ ineetln;; Wits J ealletl n|ion tht> stllKe, atid it eoininlttee a|) I |ioitite<| to draft resolution' of syni|tath>, and take idlier aetloii |>ertaliiln;; to the funeral. M was ileehhsi to 'end a lepre ..I'litiitlv<‘ to the fiineral. heiirlnt; it Moral einldein. 'releuraidile reports of the Kreal 'torin In the laist, and delay t4> railroait travtd. inaih* tin- sendin;: i>f a n'pre'eiita tlM- lnii>nielleiil. Tidejiraplih' i.nlers wi-re '1-111 for floral enildeins. Thi- <les|};ti of tin- enihlein s«>nt hy tin- ineinhers of tin- i-oin li.-iny representi-il tin- front of :i prix-etdiini ar-h, fiMitHuht', ainl eiirtaln <|iiun, ulth the liisi-rlptIon, '"I'ln- t'nrtalti Hit' l-'alh-n. "

Th-- fiiin-ral '--rx !<-<-' of Wllllain II. W i-'i. fornn-rly of rrlinro'e \ Wt-'t ' Mlii'trt-ls. «as hi-hl l'<-h. I'.i, at tin- hall id' tln- ItriHiklyn Uniin-h of tin- IMks. l,od;:e No,

of whieh soeletj he had loti;; lii-eii a iin-inher. 'rin- liod.x wti' reeelxed at the h.ill Kell. 17. Three 'inH-lal fnin-ral 'i-rv

wen- held i.M-r the IhmIv, that of tln- i:ik'. the Ma'oiis attd I hi- reirnlar n-llt'l.iiis rlti-s. .M the lioiin- of the KIk' the roll eall of the eliapter was read, and M'l-'t's n line was ealled three tliin-'. with Ion;: liaii'i-'. Man.v of the ineinhei-' of tin- order were In tears as the tiann- was ealled for the Mnal linn-. Kloral |dis-es were s.-nt from all p.irls of the eoiintry, a (di-ee from th«‘ eoinpany to whieh he had l•e|on;:ed In¬ in;: .1 tlonil siace. with a lowi-risl i-nrtalti. a i-ross, on whh-h was Insi-rilied. "Tin- I'nr tain Has ralleii." .\inoti;; the iiallhearers were I'eter I’. Halley, Ceorei- I’riinro^i-, l,ew l-'lelds. .loseph Weher. .lohli T l\e|l\, I.ei- Harrison and I'eny Wllllani'. Inter nn-nt was in tin family hd at Hreeiiwood.


fVr/ortner* are rordtallu invited li> rontrihule item* ofn'tv* ctmrerning tnemnelvr*nnd/riendt III this rolumn, u hifh ts alu ays open tu friends sflhe BiUbiiard.

.laiin-s J. t orliett's wife will sin* him for divoree at N«-w York, it Is sjihl.

The Ituckeye l-'amily Theater, t'im innatl.

is ninnine w«eUly vaudeville shows.

Hurt Haveriv. .N’orina Whalley and Slier

rie Mathews will appear In viindeville In .-i

sketch liv t'harlt-s Horwltr.

Van I.eer and Huke made a ;:reat sneet-s«

with the Hlllon llros.’ sonj:. entlthsl '•Why

did they sell Klllarney?" last week at

Keith's. New York.

I.oitise Hresser Continues to enjoy treat

siieci-ss with her favorite sidic. "Stay In

Yotir f>wn Hack Yard." It is ri'demanded

i-ierywhere she Introduces It.

The po|iular Musleal Hale is now prom

Inently featuriiiK the liallad suecessi-s ".Vlt

'cnce Makes the Heart fJrow Fonder" and

■Just ns the Haylitht Was Hreaklnt"

.lere Sanfonl has addeii F'ay & Oliver's

latest hallad sneeess. "I'lace a I.ltht to

• Jiiide Me Home," to his repertoire of ster

eopticon sonts. and reports that it is a Idt

hit with him.

I’mf. fharliss WoiMlford has closisl his dot and indiy aef on the Hopkins (’Ireiilt. He is now at Ills home, Siitar tirove, I*a., hiiildint: Iralniiit staldes. He opens at Hos

loll Miisie Hall, March 114. The Cllniore Sisters, Hriicie and t'arrie,

have tieen sued at Indianapolis l>y .\llyn

Martin, who owns the eoiiyrlsht of the

skiteh. ''.Y ItrideEniom's Ueverie." whi<-h

the <;iliin-res have heen iisinc.

Taylor. Ith-hards and eomp.-iny. who wer<-

'<s-n at the t'tdnmida, t'ln<-iiinati. Inst

wis-k, left via the Hrle Keh. 'Jl! for Ni-w

York, where they are under eoiitraet for the

halaiiee of the s<>asoii with Hnrtif; & S4-n

I'loii. Next season they will In- featiin-<l In

an opera. "The Merry •!•> Itioiiel. " hy "Hll

h-e" Tayhir.


Performers are rordiallu invited to rontrihule Uerns o/netvs ronreming ineniselvrs and rriend* fo this rolurnn, n hirh ts alu ays open to fr'rnds tf the Bxtlbnard.

t'hamplon ,||in .lt-(Trles H indisposed.

Fiiinia ('arils wants a dlv<iri-i- fr4>m lo-r

hnhhy, Sinre Matt'<iii. Sin- don't want


Weher .V Fields will give two |K*rforni

ani-es In ('im-lnnati In the sprint, plavinc

at the Flke.

Sheridan ami l-'laiinlEan. of May How aril's -onipany. are eertainly 'eomers" in

their daneliiE and siiitiiiE aet. Miss l.l77.Ie Van. of Van and

ind .tames tiorl.iii. of the Cenlnry Comedy

I'otir, iio'h oiemhers of Fred. Irwin’s Ma

|e-lies. Were laMlielied eii the lii'i t rlnioiiial

se.l at St. I.onis last week.

(ieorte Chandler will take his ' Klnts

.llld (.•lleells" of Hlirlesiine oil the road

after his Week at the Star. I'hiladelphia.

He has a cod route, and ... for a

prosperous season an- hriaht.

Hals.v HolTnnin. a iiiemher of Mie Hij:h Kollers Hiirlesipiers, tn.irried W.ilter HolT

man several months it>. Hals.v proniise.l

to cive lip the state, lint si e soon retnriio l

to It. Now Walt has asked a Canton (O.l

• rlhiinal to reston- hini to slnch- hlessed ness.

The Kasti-rn Clrenlt of lliirh-'iiiii- Tln-

aters. of New York City, was liieoi'iioi ated

at .Mhany, N. \., Feh' IS. The dlreeiors

■ire Henry ('. .laeohs. New York: Ch.irh-'

H Waldron. Itoston; YVm. S. Cl.-iike. New

ark. and Floyd Isioman and .lolin (I .h-r

moil. Phlladeiplila. They wllf work in eon

Innetlon with the I-hnpire Circuit of Hnr lloii''-'. \la.i H-iward ' protest was I

hrolichl up. hill IHilhillc W.-ls ilolie ill Ihe ni.-itti r I


Performers are rordiallu invited to ronlribuh items of ntws ronrerning themselves and friend; to this rolumn, u hieft Is always open to friends ■>/tht Billboard.

... Mars " has I.. haiiiinered out of shape h.i l.omlon kmn-kei-s.

(•Ic.l Nelhers..|e has reeol .-i-,.,!. She sa.i'

'he will prodm-e "Saplio" in l.•■ll•|o||.

Kinc Fdward di'.ip|.io\es of -ill phi is wherein l-oyall.l Is held lip t.i ridieiile.

ODDS AND ENDS Managers, press agents, stage

treasurers, per formers, etc., are invited to eon : tribute items of news roncerning themsilves friends or houses to this rolumn, whieh is al¬ ways open to friends of the Billboard.

I he Ihiltii' I otieert Hall, at ('im-iiinat I, has In-i.n elo»ei|, Itnsilies, was dull.

' ol. N It. Kid-.'ht. f.ither of \|K, Forli.-i

Knichi. the aeli-.-... who 'in-d Hi' Hnki-his

<-r M iiieh.-'ter. dr.-|.|M'd d<-ad at Sah-iii •tre.. Feh. |s

.\ "hot ho\" tire lo a h.l:;;;ace eir

eolltaillillC I lie '. elierv of \l aII'Meld ' «

"Ih in-aire.''illC il eollshh-ra h|y It

>ei-nrris| mar Memidii'. Ti-nn.

I'laywrichi lienrv Hrattan Hoiim-ll\ H

'hdiic aiiol her 't lint in a C|o\ <-|.'ind •livoree

eoiiri. Iiv hi' '•■eoiid attempt ;ii nialri

aioiiial dl"olnti->n fr.-iii Ho- saiio- wifi-.

I.l'ie Collin', the fourteen year -.hi cirl

who ran awa.i from Haytoii. o. to 'liim-

as "a aetor lady," lias not \ .-t h.-i-n found

riieatrh-al ni.-inacer'. take iiothe

I he YI inhattan Fnt«-rtainers, wh*» w*-re

Inniked at Fraiikf.irt. 1ml . Fell FJ i;;. were

.allowed to o|if-n only om- nlcht. as It was

found when they arrived that they had mis represented t hems<-|vi-s.

Fill' Hh-iin has made cood her

... hel is L'oll-;; on the sl.-|;..o as a sllh

|e<-t I’rof. Harold Ih-ed. .-I IlNpllotist of

Farkershitrc, \V. Va. Tin- paper of the

"comp.-uiy" presents two pietiin-s ..f FMis

1 lie In in.ile .. the other In 'kirt'. lein Inc the imldie to cm-'^.


WasMiicton. H . Feh. Jt .S|o-e|ali

' Adam and Kve He. she and If." an ah

sitrdlt.v In one aet. written and copyrichted

hy 'Ir, fjtsirce Harr. Nv-w- Y’ork. N. Y’.

" riie Hoilde" of chaio-i-." a plav in flve

nets. wri'teii and . ..(ivrlchted hv .lohti A

Kill.' llld (Jc .r.-e F. Hall. Itrook'lyn. N. V.

"The Irish .lew. " i inonolocne in om- aet

hy Hunter Hnrk. eo| yrichted hy M. H. Cnr tis. l.os .\nceh-s. I'ai.

".Ind-cid Hnilt.i." .-i eoimsl.v drama In four ai-fs. hv Fri'd. S. Cihlis; eojivrichti-d liv K

YV (ivlatt. Hnffalo. N. Y.

"'riie .shniiipoo Woman." .-i momdocne

wrltt<-ti atid i-opyrichted l.v Heatrie.- Hrooke

Ha.iwanl. .New Y'ork. \. Y'.

".\ Soiithi rii I; a story of the South

ot today, written ami eopyrichted h.x Fn-d. C. Cliamherlaiti. YYolla'loii. M.iss.

"The Trinniidi of an Fiiipn--'." in i|m- aet'. hv Theodore Kreiio-r; eopyHclite.l hy

Mildred Holl.itol. New York. N. Y'.

"Helen Cordon Choie." ,-in original

iio-lodrinia In foiir.o-l': written ami e.i|iy

rl-chted hy Hriino F.vfi-rth. Hninth. Minn.

".\ Peach of a Fair." eopyrichti-d hy I'ar

roll .ind C.-irdem-r. I'hieaco. III.

"Heapinc Hie Harvest." ,-i eonn-dy dram.i

in four acts hi Tom FIleh; eopvrichted hv

.1. H r .1 Fe.irl. Hativllle. Ill.

"I’.i. " an oei-alt tracedy dnini.-itie eoni

|>osition. written and eo|iyrlchled h.\ Hat

Ilian (divia. Cim-innati. i >.

HARRY YOST Don’t Like Evening Dress, with Cap.

Tan Shoes and Pipe.

Melhoiiriie. Australia. .Ian. I'l, I!hi-_-.

Fdllor "The Hilllioard:"

Hear Sir Y'oiir weleome papers rei-eived

to day. and hom-sfly I had irivcii .voii mi for

lost. .1' lids Is the first I h.-ivt- heard from

voii Fierythinc here Is edne lieantlfnlly.

We are all on oiir third week, and everv

hoiH doltic Well, I 1ieli»-ve Hie loiicer om-

slavs here tin,- hefter the pi-ople like them.

We h.ive at least tifty .Ynieriean performer'

oxer here, and every otn- Is .-i sneeess. I'v

i-rxtiolv thinks the I' tiniiiher of

• rill- lill’t.oard" the most he.-iiitifiil Hiitic

ihex ever 'aw. atid I In-licxi- It. This K a

xi rv funny eonnlry. Hioneh; they don't like

lo 'l l- .Yim-rie.-ins cet .-ilonc. and .-I'c vi rv

'- re if VOII should he ;l Slieei-'S Heri-tofoi-e

Hiehard' had a first irirt on. hut xvhe-: xx.

olieni-d he took il off. and ahoiit thirty Fnc |i»h soiihn-lles -ind cotnie sincers xve let

0.1. s.i VOII see hoxv nice It Is for .von nnle"

X oil li e .1 siieei-ss. They xxlll stand on tlie

'iieet and i-. niment on your elothes; ean't

•el ox i-r the Hcht trill.sets, as everyhodv

l-i-i-e xxear elothes that tit like a hae. and

it's the fiiniiii-'l thinc to see them coiiii:

to Ho- lecilimate theati is at nlcht with a

full lire" 'lilt : ladies In eveninc dress. |oxv

i-iil. .ind Hie cenlleiiieii xx IHi pipes in their

nioiillis. .Iii-'s suit caps on their heads and

t in 'hoes, and Hiey really think they are

••i' " We 'hall he here for txvo weeks more

and llii-n c t-i Svdnev for six xveek«


HIS DATES MIXED. But It was a Case of Blissful


W. c Ho.xd. an old time eireiis hillman.

and tioxv assm-i.iti-d xvith the "Hmlolph and .Ydolpli" eotnpan.x. tells a cood story of his

old i-lreiis days in the South.

"i-'or in.-iny years the .lohn Kohinson

Shoxv xvas the |irlde of the South, and par

th-iilarl.v of the m-cro rm-e iti the South.

XX ho seemed to think no other eireiis was

xxorth seeltic. die day I xvent into Co-

liiinhiis, Ca.. ahead of my show, and. as

usual. XX hen tny men hi>can to post tin-

hills .1 eriixvd of mcroes cathered around.

.\s the sliet-ts of [laper were put up letter

after letter, 'Barnnm and Halle.v's (Jreat-

est Shoxv on Farth.' tnie hie emm with a

flic horn Voice ejaeiilated: ‘ 'Talii't so;

'Taln’t so. Hat show ain't do hicces'.

Massa Itohizison's shoxv is de idcces'.’

"Then the date xvas put up. readinc

■'(e[it. 1.' The hic eoon saw It and Jiimpisl

lip and doxvn xx flh ch-e. 'YY’^at I tell you;

xv’at I tell yoii't It.irnnm an' Fniiley’s Creat

es' Shoxv on F.arth, 'eept one, Massa Koh

inson's.' " Fxehaiice.

THE MARRETTA SHOW. Enjoying Prosperity in the Land of

Chivalry and Sunshine.

Flomatoii. .Ala.. Fell, ".'t—The Marri-tta

Slioxx has just t'eeelxed its m-xv front, eon

sistlnc of new tile top. Ml feet. Xvlth two

forth s; m-x-.- ni.iripiette. dressinc room,

horse tent, h.-ind xracon and ticket wacon.

Itii'ine's eontlii'ies cooil: evi-rylanl.v has

that xvell-fed, XXell satlstled look^ and the

Cent of snoxvy raiment never falls to take

his xvei-kly ramhie. Frof. W. W. Jeffers'

eom-ert hand is 'till makinc )(<nnl. and thi-

hovs d'slie.iteil their iiexv hand wacon with

the tnipnlar "Itillhoard .Ylareh."

Ito'ti-r: T. F. Fanninc. manaci-r; Fd. V.

Hi-rhei-. tickets; Hi-rt Stafford. Iie*-nse ad

Jnsler- Hick Smith, orator; Fd. Itasye. In

eharc'* of privlh-ces: .laim-s Flnnecan. hoss

eanvasinan; James Carr, assistant; Shorty

Hallacher. seats and lichts; YValter Chapt-

Ilian, hoss liostlef: Clias. /am, eipiestrieiim-

direetor: Kose Ylarretta and tmupi- of

trained 'tallions; Marretia Sisters, aerohats

and aertaiisis; l.itlle Mar.iorii-. ei|nestri

i-iim-: lli-nry l.e Sace, hoiimlinc rope; John

Mor-cati. ht-id h;ilam-inc: /am Itrothers. aerohats -iml aeiiali'ts; Him. |Ji<-s, eontor

th-nl't; <li'i. /am. [irineipal eloxx n: .S|kiI

and Hoho. ridinc canines. Hand W. YV.

Jeffers, tnha; Harr.v Itlehards. enphoninm:

Will Cle.-iraiicer. tromhom-; .loe Hernlrd.

tmmhone; Willis Klee, alto; J.iek Cheno

xxorth. alto; Kohl. Norherc. eornet; YY'. S.

I.e.-idni;in cornel; Faiil Hore. cornet; I.ynn

YY’Iley. elarinet; i;«-ii. Hoh-omh. elarinel;

Hert .Ytklnsiiii. trap dnims; Heo. /aro. hass


YU'S Ylillle Marrett.-i Is r.-ipidly improvinc

• ifler an op -ration iierformed In a New Or

le.iiis hospital, .ind xvill siMin rejoin the

ipoopi-. Yliss IMiia Is here on a visit.

’|■he Itillhoard " is a recnlar visitor and a

ci-ni-ral faxorite.

A LETTER FROM PARIS. “I. Opener” VAfrites of the Doings of

Barnum and Bailey Folk.

F-irls, Fram-e. Feh. 7.

Hevpiti- the f.n-t that the month of J.-m

earv Is eom-isled on all sides to h*- the xvorst

il. the year for all sorts of piihlle entertain

meiit in the F:irls|;in enpital. a fm-t xvhleii heen home out tiy the falllne off in at

Il ndam-e at m-nrlv every place of amii'i-

n I'lit in Faris. the hie .Ynieriean shoxv at

Ihe Salle d"S Fetes has not felt the effeet

■ if sm-h dejiression: on the contrary, the

roxvds liaxe eoiitinm-l to eome ipiite as

'troiic as Hiev did dnrin-c the openinc

wei-k' -llld a "turn axvay" oceurs so often

Hi-it XXI- never mention them. N’.iw that the

I'losinc il.-'ti- is anmiiniei'd. March Id. and

..pie re.ili/e tliat tint five more xx eeks re

maio after this in xvldeti to s»-i- the shoxv in

Firis, the ndv.-Miei- hookincs are im-reasitic

steadily i-.ieli dav. and every indieation

points to a 'pleiidid run rich! to Ho- fiiiisli

jine. Ylr .lames .Y. Hailey retiirhed from

Yliierie i a xx is-k aco l.-ist Satiirdav. ai-eom

p.inii'il hv Ylr. lo-orce <>. Starr, and hoth

xxiTe hichix- di-liclited at tin- sph-ndid tiiiaii

I iai shoxxiiic xvliii-h tlieir ;|ssoeiate direi-lor.

YI .1 YIeCaddon presented to them, to

'lie'X th.if neither he nor the shiixx had In-i-tl

idle dnritic their aliseiiee. The Ticers' tiall.

or to he more explicit, the 'i-eiind annual

diuiii-r ;ind hanom-t of Hie Keiievideiit I’m

tective Order of Tic-r'. xxas a creat sne

eess ill exery xxay, and all voted a Hiomiich

CiMsl time, rill- H, th S. S., oiir other hem-

tii-lal order, xxiil hold the hoard- on Hie

■_’:.'nd. Heorce Washincloii's Idrthday, civ

iiic a dinner and .i fexv lioiirs of skippinc

tile lici-.t fantastic aflerxvards at the ('tin

lim-ntal Hoiel. Ttie eommittis- of arranee

im-iits liaviiic Hie alTafr in i-hac*-. promisi- to ni:ike it an event lone to to- rememlierisl.

and as I'liarlex Heriiard is at Hie of

Hnise n-sponsilile for its sneeess. no fears

are eiiti-r|.-iiiiiH| imt xvinit It xxlll lie *-very

Hdnc that i- pmniised. <»ne of oiir Japaii

i-'i-, Hokasa'va, sustained iinlle serious in

juries the oHier day dnrinc praetlee, and

xxas removed to a lis-al hoNpital. xvliere.

Ill i-n till- first eyaniinatloii, Itie doctors

slated Hn-n- xvas little Impe of ids reeovery,

Iml reports rei elvi-il to day llidleafe that

Hie li.-st of tliein can co wmnc. ami Ihi.nch

lie xvill pmliald.v never lie ah|»> to dlstda.v

his skill in .in aeroliatie way .icalii. he s a

lone xv.-ixs from dead yet. Toceilier xxilli

txvo Ollier Japs. Hokasawii w;is nraeth Inc

.1 return act. and in dmppinc into Hn- net,

lai’kinc Hn- knoxviedee of tin- c.vninasi of

"hoxv 111 l.-Mid. " lie 'truck In sm-h a iiositloii

a' to frai-iiire his spine and ennse

injuries. .\ loiuiMiiiy of twenty four drivers

arrived from Hn- Slat»-s last wee.i lo join

Tom l.yneli’s torees. Hiir txvo ciniffes are

atlraetinc crest attention, and are uni|iieH-

tionaldv tin- tl'.est spei-imens ever secured for pilhlii- eNhIldtioii. The Iiexv "whltt-

tiips" for the loiuliic road tour all arrived

s.-ife'y last xveek, and Superlnl--iide.iit of

C-invas Hurke tins them all loadisl ready for

the Mrst move, xvlileli oeeiirs on Mareii 'Jtv

when We leave Faris for l.yon. ineiiinc in

in ' eit.v the .'With, for a twelve days' en

C!i'.'emenl. 'I'tie adxaiiee lirldace will l«-ave

for I.yiiti M-iri-h !•, to herald our coininc.

and Hi-neral Yceiit Heaii Is now wiiltinc

patiently the arrival of Idll laisters

fmui viiiir side of tile |MUid to eoinplete his

for e .Ynd xvhile on the siihjeet of hill

poster' It may interest the "kiilcliti* of the

hriish" oil yoiir side of the pond if I n-<-

eiiii'il the ri-sn!t of a hill (Histlnc contest

xvlileh liMik phiee oil day last wc»-k. Several

of Hie liiixs were cathered in the Idll nsim

dlsr iissiiic tile rapiditv with whl-h tli«-j

i-onid hat-c pa|M-r, xvlien Harry (.niinlnc

siicci-stisl Hie idea of a t*-st niateh. Ae-

i-iirdlnc!,'’ sunie old one and thre<--sh«-<-t

dates wen- calhen-d focether. the taiys nd

iie-riied (ll one of Hie Sail*- d*-s Fetes, se-

li-ted a space on a idasier xvall, H.-irr.y tiHik

on' h’s -xj-.ieh ami Hi<- fiin hi-can. The wall

XI as jn>| hich enoiich for a Hire*-sh<s-t,

le.'ivinc a space of ahiuil a fisd at Hn- lad

lom. 'lU'htIv lii-xi-ll<-*l at tin- lop. p«-rf*-etl.v

'iiiii.ith. .''lid ;i' il xx;is indiMirs. and no

ehai-ei- fur the wind to hother Hn- men In

their xx'irk, il affutd*'! tin- hest pi.ssilde

• ipportnnity for spisd. The Mrst irial was

.in IS sh*-et stand, eom|Kis<-d of tlin-e slii-els ,xiii| iiim- I shei-ts, wtileli was hiinc

li.v !■'. It. Sh illi-ross III exai'Hy txvo mliiiites.

hi' iii-;iri->l eiiiiip*-Htor. FanI Hnrk. oeeiipy

In-c jiisi ten seeiiiids iiior*- in dolnc th<-

xxiirl;- Hie utlier Imivs eonsnme«l from Hire*-

to s|\ niiiintes in aei-ompllshinc Hi*- task.

The se>*oi'd li-st. six .'i sh*s-ls. xvas also xxon

h.x Sli.ill erii's ill line minute and ten s«>e

iinds. Itiirk acalii taking plae*- as seeund

Ilian ill 1'l*i. Had the xv,jill not h*H-n

hi-velli'd at Hi*- top tiler*- is littl*- donht

lint xvtiat Sli.ill erii~s would have done Ihe

work within sixty seconds. Txvo or thr*-<- Idll piist<-rs. XX III* xvitiiessisl Ih*- rapid

ily with which the Ixoya put up the pajier,

frankly eonfi-ss*-*! that sm-h a thine hau

m-viT |i*-*-n s*-*-n over her*- before, ami that

i-.iim- I'lit "Yanks" <-onld <1*> the irii-;:.

*'arl I'lair's H.iml is inakitic a cr*-af iiHiiie

for lis*-lf over tier*-, ami has r*H-i-!v*:d s«eiii-

M-itt*-rlnc notle*-s from the loeal prx-ss, who

do nor h*-slt;ife to pmnonne*- It fully as

cood ns that eoni1itct**<l h.y John Fhllllp

Siiiis.i at tin- rt e*-nt *'xp<>sition. One thins:

ahiiut *':irrs lunsieal pmcnmm*- that ap

|i<-a|s III th*-m all Is the fact that If Is at

ways 11)1 *1* date, contains all of the latest

niiish- puldish«-<l on hoth sides of th*- .Ytlan

lie. and is alxva.vs xvell *-x*-eiili-d Kns'i-I

.Yh-xandi-r. on*- of th*- .Ynieriean mii'li-laii'.

has <|iiii*- a iiam*- for himsi-if oxi-r

hen- it! i-iinsi-ipn-ne*- <if s*-v*-ral eatehv

man h*-' xvhieh In- lias eomposed. TIn-y ar*-

h*-in-c pl.-ixeil all iix*-r Faris. and Hn- "Flnm

ociMph" •'iiiiipaiiv have liitmdnced s*-v*-ral

of Hietn into lh<-ir "slot niHehIm-s. ' So

piip'ilar has Kii.-isi-rs miisie l>*-eome that he

li-is ti«s-n proposed for menitiership In the

s'lieii-tv of Mnsieal ('<*niiM>s*-rs. Wali**r

Fnclisli. aiiiitln-r .Ymeri<-aii. has also tnrnisl

mil several pleasiiic airs, w tih-h ar*- .-ilxxays

.Vl II ri'-'-ix e*l.

The Oriss.-i fxvins. Kadh-ii and Hmlh-a.

"hum it xxiil h*- ri-m*-mli*“r*sl were on*- of

III*- feaiiires Ilf iinr eidlei-tiiiii of freaks dnr¬

inc I: s| si-asiiu in Hie Stales, are noxv

in I lie ho-pital. and there Is serious talk of

lii- iipi-i-.iti,,!- Iielnc l**-rftirnied to s*-ver the

IXX11 HiiiMliea l‘e*-n HI for some time.

Imt Kadiea's hi-alth has tieen exe.-l!«-nr, and

as the former shows little slciis of recov-


♦■ry, tli«‘ o|K‘ration, If it takes place, wit' be in the hopes of suviti); the life of one Itefore tlie otlier (iies. 'I'lie suitject is ot-eiipyiiiK Kreat attention with tlie medical fraternity, and tile consensus of i>oinlon stsmis to Ite tliat the result will he satisfactorily aecoiii I# islied.

We are all hapity over tlie tliouKlit of re- turnlnK to our native land attain next fall, and, althouj'li Mr. Hailey has not ui>’ult;eii his plans to anyone as yet, it is safe to pre diet tliat tile sliow, when It opens nett sprinir. will ei-llpse anythiiiK heretofore dre.init of in tlie history of aiuusmnents.

We are now reeelvInR our supply of "Hill- boards ’ regularly, and the exeellence of its eireiis tjosslp is a source of most favi.ralile < oinment on all sides. The news of the death of Mrs. I*an Fitzgerald was read l>y ns all willi dis'p regret, and Hantivs lii'.<t of friends with the big show desire me to express, through tlie •'Hillboard," their syni|iathy in his sad bereavement.

The work in the repair shops will all be eoneluded this we«>k, and next Monday ev ei'i thing will be in readlio'ss for the road to ir. tour. ••!. OI'FNFK. ’

WHAT JAKIE SAYS NOBBY SAID. .lakie Aug—"1 wendt to sts; Noppy tllark

if .Mardin Towns is in town yet." (t<H>rge lliltz—"What did Nobby sa.vV" .lakie .\ug—"He sail do you take me fur

a brewery off inflaniiition?" iteo. I). Still(‘. the capable superintendent

of the eoiiiinissionary department witli the ttreat .bdiii Itobiiison's Ten Hig Shows, is visiting in t'ineiniiati. .Mr. Stille is also proiirietor of the celelirated New Walston Hotel in Ins'iitiir, III. The New Walston is tlie home of the profession, and the annex now in course of construction will be tinished about March 1.


.1. 1’. Fagiii, of the Wallace Circus, was in t'inidnnati last week.

Two new band wagons are being built for the M. S. Clark Show.

The Harris .Nickel Plate Sliow opens at Hirmingham, Ala., March 2t).

".Ilmniy” I»ee and Patrick Leaiiy have again signed with Buffalo Bill.

W. R. Ferguson, of the Pawnee Bill Show, was in Cincinnati Feb. Ul.

••Bill" .Miller, late of the I'apl. .\rnent Show, is visiting in Birniingham, .\hi.

A1 Arnier, of the Harris Nickel Plate Show, is training his son for an acrobatic t urn.

Mrs. W. H. Harris, of the Nickel Plate Show, has ns-overed from a recent serious illness.

Have Haley, contracting agent for Sig. Sautelle, is verv ill at his home in Nor¬ wich. N. Y.

Mr. Will. I-'. Itorin will be in cliarge of the adtaiice forces of a canvas show tlie coining season.

Frank Honiiser has been re engaged witli tlie Harris Nickel Plate Shows. Frank al¬ ways makes good.

The W. Y. Turner Sliow, featuring snakes, will be considerably augmented this season. It opens in March.

Puwne<‘ Bill will feature a herd I'f buf¬ falo the coming season. The circus has a new advaiK-e car.

t'has. Hriiin and ••Fatty" Props, of St. l.ouis. will be with the billing ford's of tbdiniar Bros.^ Show.

Foster .McI.eiKl was signed as spi-eial agent with Kingling Brothers for making his seventh season with that show.

.lames Keenan, of Philadelphia, will be

with the Harris Circus the coming season as ticket seller, this making his fifth sea¬ son.

Mr. t'has. C. Wilson, manager of the Nickel Plate Shows, and wife, have just retiirmsl to Birmingham after a sojourn in Florida.

Itiibe and Newton, who do a rube act. have signt'd with the Hoiiin.son Shows. They are at present at the Boyal Theater, Sa¬ vannah. Ha.

.Tohn McAllister, of vo<-al fame, late of the Schillinger tjuartette. has sigm-d with the Tcots Bn>s. Circus as advance agent for the coming season.

Heorge Schmidt, the celebrated Cincinnati builder, is building four new cages and a large tableau band wagon for the Fore pa ugh Sells Circus.

Boiler & Mcl'oy’s New United Shows will tour Missouri tills season. They 'lave a neat and attractive little show that wll'i always pay its way.

The tiollinar Bros.' t'ircus has _signed Pnif. Frank .McCart and Ilnia. the' snake enchantress. T'rof. M<-<':irt will look after the business of the side-show.

The Harris Nickel Plate Shows open in Birmingham. .Via., Thursday, March showing thr«‘e days for the Birmingham I.odge of Riks. gixing entirely novel Rlks’ circus.

Harry Murray, at He Fiiniak Springs. Fla., has for sale four Shetland p-mi'-s. oie-

trick iiiule, and one cinnamon be-ir. .-V tin- at that [dace Feb. 16 threatened for a tiin" to destroy valuable profierty.

Miss Rstella Bethel (Stella Rarlei. with the Wallace t'in-us last season, and Mr. Chas. Russell, of St. Louis, were marrb-d at .Vttlca. Ind., Sunday. This is the third trial at matrimony for both partb-s.

.Vn arena cage Is being built by X. Bode, of t'lnclun.Tti. for the performing iion act with the Robinson Show. It is so built that its dimensions can be extended to 2fl X-10 feet. The idea was “The Cover nor's.”

Showmen complain of exorbitant licenses for circuses in Missouri. As one sleovinan put it, “When we give a show in a Miss ei i town, we pay enough out for licr-ns<-s to make it worth while to be a councilman c\en when there are no railroads looking for franchises.

A Bode, the circus wagon maker of tMn

cinnali, is enwting twenty cages and lab lean w:ig(*ns for th«‘ Sells liowns t'ircus; creeling the largest band wagon ever con striicieil for Forepaugh »V Sells; a band wagon If'-* feet long for the Wallace Show being the longest band wagon ever made.

'1 he rosier of Wallace \ Von Lear Show is; Hi Wallace and .M. Von I.ear, proiirie- tors; J. .V. Shelly, advance; VValter L. Burke, direi'tor; tlie Mooters, aeriallsts; .lohniiie Harkinson, contortionist: .1. W. Barrett, high diver; Fffa t'larke, aeronaut. ■|'he show opens .Mine 11, and will travel In three cars.

W. f. SI. riair, one of the agents for Heiitry Bro>. Hog and Pony Show, has been ;'esiing in Phiholelphia all winter. He will h'axe here on March l.">. to resume his duties. l.asi week he was III New York, assisliiig 11. B. Hcnir.i in the seleciion of a niimbi'r of spci-d horses, which were s<dd al public sale.

Mollie Bailey A Sons' Show starts on its Southern trip .March I. The entire canvas is new. .-is are the baud wagons, clown wagons, etc. The Bailey Show has thirty w.igons, |i»l draft horses, besides the ring stock. I'lic trained mules. Peanuts and Pickles, and the ediicatisl horse, Halnion. will be features.

Mr. "Billy" <'i>nihaii, the popular adver tising agent of the Crand, Imperial and Havli’i Theaters at St. Louis, has placed sonic of his men with circuses for the com¬ ing season, .leff Caspers, .lini Powers and Fd. (Shadowi Sachs, with Buffalo Bill; Han Pheeney and .liiii McHonald. with Sine, ami Frank Caldwell with Sig. San Idle.

.VI. W. Martin bade good bye to a gcsidly number of his professional friends, who as¬ sembled at tlie diN-k in New York last Sat urday morning, and. accompanied by his wife, took passage for Rurope. where he will enjoy an extensive trip. Prior to his departure, he held a conference with his lieutenants, C. L. Walters and W. C. Cun ninghaiu.

The street parade with tlie Welsh Shows this season will be a special feature. It is clHinied by the management that it will be one of the neatest and brightest pageants ever given by a one-ring show, l-'ive kinds of music will be employed in tlie line of march, including a new loud toned steam piano, which will be manipulated by Prof, .lesse Bullock.

Herbert 11. Whittier, musical I'ondiictor with the Welsh Shows this stuison, will em ploy twenty musicians in the •‘big show” performances. .VII of the renditions will be of a high order. H. R. Hickson is tlie princip-il cornet s<doist. and Gustave Si-hmilt will IntriMluce his glockenspiel sidos. Prof. W. .1. Young will be leader of tin.ucert orchestra.

The Berkell Show opens at Nisda, la.. .May o. The roster is about completi'd. .Vinoiig those signeil are Prof. C. R. Rice, trained dogs, mules and monkeys; St. Al¬ bans Sisters, trapeze: La Martine and Hu Core. Comedy ai’rob.its; Mile. Zaiita, fl.ving perch; Marvelous Rauf, wire walker; Mile. Hair; Frank ifNiell and Harry West, clowns: C. M, Parmley, bandmaster.

Following is a part of the roster of the Bcdler \- McCoy's New Uniteil Shows: Will F. Boiler and chas. R. McCoy, owners; Will F. Boiler, manager; Chas. R. McCoy, treas¬ urer: Frank Firi'stine. equestrienne direc It r; Bert Shell, general agent: Frank Welch ami Tommy Smith, bill posters; Frank Gage, routt' rider: tJene Hartsangle, band¬ master. with seven musicians. Performers: I'raiik anil Biam-he Fiiboti. Chas. C. Mc¬ Coy. B.-iby McCoy. Valvo, Sig. Murrillo, Blliy Wilsitn and the Welsh Bro‘.tiers.

riie rivsfer of C. R. Griffin & Co.'s Bo- ht'mian Glass Blowers is as follows: Chas. R. Griffin A- Co., proprietors; Walter W. Craig, manager" Prof. C. R. Griffin, illu¬ sionist and ventriliMiuist, doing six distinct specialties, in addition to a change of magic at every pt rfitrinanre: Craig and Howns, sketch artists: Rdward Thardo, gridesque contortionist: Master Paul, comedian; Mile. Octaira. snake charmer, with <len of rat¬ tlers and Gila monsters; Nellie Thardoa’ troupe of twelve iierformiug dogs; Tom Cle gv. luanist; .loe Chiswell. agent, and the following Bohemian glass blowers; .bdin R. Mill-hell. Craig. Griffin and Thardo.



The following list gives the winter quar¬ ters of the various tent shows, circuses and Wild West combinations. In many in¬ stances ibut not ail) the address given is also the permanent s.ddrcis. The list Is revised and corrected weekly;

Frank .Vdams.Atlanta, Gu American Circus A Ex. Co. Kansas City, Mo Tony Ashton’s Show.I.a)ndon, Ind Hackman's Troupe of Glass Blowers,

Baltimore, Md Mollie R. Bailey's Sons.Houston, Tex Bailey Twin Sisters'.Urbana, O Barber Bros.’.Portamontb, O Barlow's Show.South Milford, Ind Boiler A McCoy's New United Shows.... .St. Joseph, .Mo.

Bonhoinme Family, 10 A 20c Show.... Bn Route

Brott Bros. Noelty Shows. .Milwaukee, Wls Bamnm A Bailey.Paris, Franee Barr Broa ' Shows.Flastun, Pa Berkell 10c Show.Indianapolis, Ind Beyerie's Burk Tom Shows_Lincoln, Neb Bonhenr Bros.'.Augusta, O. T Buchanan Broa.’.Des Moines, la Busily Bros .Pana, III Buffalo Bill's Wild West..Bridgeport, Conn Burgess’ Gypsy Camp.Boston, Mass Callahan (Prof.) Tom Shows.. .Olattle, Kan Campbell Bros'.Falrhiiry, Nelt Cannon, C. B., Dogs and Ponies,

Denver, Col Clark's, M. I..Alexandria, l/H Clay i>. Hobson.'I'exarkana, Ark Conklin, I’efe, 412 Sewell at.,

W. Hoboken, N. J Craft Hog A Pony Showa.Fonda, la

W. W. Cole'a Hog and Pony Show, Jackson, Teiiu

Cooper A Co.Tampa, Fla Ctiliina Bros.’.Concordia, Kan Harllng's Dog A Pony Show.Ku Route Hashing's Dog A Pony Show..LjiBette, Kan Dock's, Sam.Ft Loudon, Pii Hovviiio (Andrew) Showa.Medina, .N Y Fly's, George S.Harrislmig. Ill Ruterprlse Amusement Co... Louisville, Ky Kioto's Miniature Circus.Denver, Col Forcpaiigh-Sells Bros ’.Columlius, H Garrlty's Big Four Show.Lincoln. Kan Gentry Bros.' No. 1.Bloomington, 1ml Gentry's No. 2.Bloomington, Ind Gentry's Dog and Pony Show, No. 3,

Bloomington, Ind Gentry Bros.' No. 4.Bloomington, liid Glhb's Olympic .Wapakonota, O Gillmeyer (Wm. H.).Ardmore, Pa Gollmar Bros.'.Barabon, Wls Goodrich, Huffman A Southey,

Bridgeport, Conn Gordiiiier Bros '.Newark, Mo Inteniatioiinl Shows. Kansas City. Mo Great Marallo Shows.Bristol. Tenn Great Syndicate Shows.... Kansas City, Mo Great Pan American Show,

Tacoma, Wasli Great .Viiieriean Show.'I’limua, Fla Great Rastern Circus.Kausas City. Mo Haag's Shows, Le Comte, La.,

(Rn Itoute till after Xmas) Hagerty Bros.Fraiikton, Ind Hull A's.Muncie, ind Hall's. Geo VV., Jr.Rvansville, Wls Happy Bol) Koliiiison.(.jincaster, O Hargieave's Sliows .Chester, Pa Harrington's I'omhlned Shows.

Evanaville, Ind Harris' .Nickel Plate.Blrmiugbiiui, Ala Harris, John P .McKeeaiHirt, I’a Hoefflor’s Shows.Wilkesbarre, Pn Huston's Shows.Winchester, Ind Frank B. Hiildu's New United Shows.... .Atlantic City, N. J.

International Kx. Co.Kansas City, Mo J. \V. Hettlcr's Fnited Columliian Shows,

l>lxon. III James l-'amlly Swiss Beil Uingers,

Milwaukee, Wii John H. Sparks.Rn route Jalllet's Bonanza Shows.Oaterburg. Pa

v»ne8 Bros.*. En Route Thos. W. Keboe.Statl.on M, Chicago, III W. R. Kellogg's Great Soiitheni Slio'v,

CottoniKvrt, Ixi Keigley A Axley’s Show.DuQuoin, III Kennedy Bros.’.Bloomington, III Kemp Sisters.Lamar. Mo Lainbrlgger s, Gus.orrvllle, O La Place, Mods.Byeaville, O Lee Bros.Cranston. U. I Lee's I.ondon Shows.Canton. Pa Ixiretta.Corry, Pa La Mont Bros.' Shows.Salem. HI Lemon Bros.’ Shows.Tacoma, Wnsli Lconarder Bros.’ Circus.Portland. Ore Leota’s Gypsy CampCharlottesville Va Lowande’s, (Tony) No. 1-Havana. Cuba Louis’ Crescent Shows.Trumbull, O Lowery Bros.’ Shows.Shenandoah, Pa Ln Reil's Great Sensation. Washington. Igi Walter L. Main.Geneva. O Melbourne, The Gn'st. Circus.. Ilebron, Wls Montgomery's Pavilion Show.Boone, la Maretta Shows.Rn route McCormick Bros.'.Oalllpolla, O J. C. Murray.Harrington, Kan .Miles, Orton.Centropoils, Mo M<K>re Family.Touring Florida Nal's United Shows.Beloit, Kan Norris A Rowe’s.San Jose, Cal Orrln Bros.’ Circus.City of Mexico Pawnee Blll’a Wild West.Chester. Pa Perrlne. Dave W.Raton Rapida, Midi I'eicrson A Diiuliur's Talbv-ho Show,

Touring Califuruin Perry's Frank L., Show_Yates CItv. 11! Perry A Pressly.Webster City, Is Prescott A Co.’s.Rockland, Me

Pnhillone'a (No 1).Havana, Cuba Pnblllone’a (No. 2).Touring (Jnlia Raymond's Showa (Nat).. .South Bend, Ind Rawlston's Pacific Shows... .Alameda, Cal Reed's, A. II.Vernon, Ind G. W. Rehn.Danville, Haimer Co., Kan Reno's Oriental Showa.unkakee. III Rice's Dog A Pony Show, New Alliany, Ind RInglIng Broa.’.Baraboo, Wls RIppel Shows.Mnncle, Ind Robinson's, John.Terrace Park, O Ro.ver Bros.’ Shows.Pottatown. Pa Roving Frank's Gypsy Attractions (Ameri¬ can).Atlantic City, N. J.

Sautelle'a, Sig.Homer, N. Y Sells-Downs .Carthage, f) Setchell’a, O. Q.Little Sioux, In Schaffer A Spry Bros.’.Portsmontb, O ."Silver Bros.’ Shows, O. Silver, Mgr....- Slpe's. Geo. W..Kokomo, Ind Smith's Imperial (Mrcus....Buckstowii, I’a Spolieil Rlks Indian Village.. Louisville. Ky Snyder Bros.Iiennisnn, Tex Stewart Family Show-.Ft. Wayne, Ind St. Julian Bros.’.Burlington, Wls St. Julian Bros., 32m Miller at..

Philadelphia, Pa Stang Bros.’.Borlln^on, Wls Snilih A Douglas .shows... .Gr«*ensluirg. Ind Sun Bros.touring Florida Tanner's Trsined Animal Show,

Sberidanville, Pa F. J. Taylor .Creston, la Tedrow A Gettle.Nelsonville. O The Colorado Grant Shows.Minonk, III Tev'ts Bros.Rn route Tovldl Bros.f'hadd Ford, Pa Tront A Foster's, 480 Penn sve.,

KImIra, N Y Tuttle, Ix>iila I_Box 1408, Paterson, N. J Tnttle’s Olympic.I.lnesvllle, Pa VV V. Turner Show. St. l.ouis. Mo Van Amberg A Gallagher.Medlna,.N. Y Van Vrsken’s Showa.Bn Route Walliiee A Voii Lear’s Ibilted Shows,

Akr«in, O Wallace Showa.Pern. Ind Ward’s Shows.Plymonth, Mass Welsh Bros.’.I.AncaBter. Pa Whitney Shows.Attica. O

Win S. I den's Hippodrome.. . Flanngaii, III

Williams’ Vaudeville Circus, Nashville, Tenn

WIntermnte Bros ’.Hebron, Wls

W. R. Winston VVtxoin Bros.’., James /anone Zelmer Show .

i’scific Grove. Cal ...Bancroft. Mich ..Nashville. Tenn .... St. Louis, Mo

Oiir readers will confer a great favor by bringing any errors or omissions In the

I above fist to onr notice We revise the I list carefully every we<"k, niaklny every ef I fort to keep It .•‘eilable and :'orreet in

writing to any of the aboie addressee I plea^ state that yon saw It In "The Bill ' board

PtIONE jSsi. FstabMshrd 1843.

Thomson ft Vandiveer MANurACTunens or

Circus Tents TKIMTS rOR RCMT.

230-232 E. 3d SI.. CmcmiUTI, 0.

Pol«s and Stake#, SKATS. FUga. Kte.

patent CIBCUS USVTi •tlaek (euve lor muvloe a n-»<irv WorM

CANVAS The World Over And you sill find

LUSHBAU6H Nothing too large or too TENTS. small (or our shop. All the Big Shuss use Ih. best tents and we make them. Balloons and sport¬ ing tents of ererv description made to order Second-hand tents for sale. Write for partlriilars


Scenery and Show Paintings! JOHN HERFUKTH.

No. SIH3 Booae Nl.. 4'lN«'lNNATI. O


2M VsstRssdstMttrsst. 'ChloskSOa Illinois.

Side Show Paintings SIK<;MrM) KOCK

29 Blue Inland A«e.. Chleaco. III. H a lu. sio.ou in X iH, s»"i no

: 10 a 12. Siif.ao_12 X 20, S27..'IO

5H0W CANVAS j On **liori iiditti'f. Wrlir for ii»rtii'ulAr«. Illii"-

trntiNi cnlfiiotriir* fp*^. run mildew proof lent hiiilt oj ii«. nl Hrtiall Send tie ^our in<)tilrle«.

J. C. GOSS A CO., “Slgy.”

,Circus Wagons Chariots, Tableaui, Etc. All

- Kinds of Wagons Manufactured

GEORGE SCHMIDT, 1807-1809 kycamort tt., Cindnnali, 0.

Tent for Sale 150 foot Round Top with two Fifty Foot Middles. 12 Foot Wall.

I Indianapoiis Tent & Awning Co. INDIANARO&.IS, IND.

THE T.W. NOBLE CO. 7-18 Woodward Avo., Dotrolt, Mleh

•spert aianulatlarrra of

...CIRCUS CANVASES..., and Tents i.f all kinds, se f,M>t Tops and under carried In sltn-k. Tents renltsl tostate.a Co.fairs

Mrmtttm " Tk* wAeo

rHE. billboard


Has Pulled the Charleston Exposition

from the Financial Moryue.

It Unit slni-i- Mr. F. II Mi'liarvlt*

(i.i» ln-fii iii.iil*- !<ii|icriiil<Mi<li-iit of s|Mfial

j<|i I'M l'•lll^ iiiiil s|M-i-liil (lay fViMilH thf*

I liarli-'hni l A i..ii Ik IhmiiiiIiik IIukI n." of liilt* liiiH l>«-i-ii v»Ty icihmI. .Mr. .Mr Iiarxlr Is now KrtllllK out sIlrrlK of

|..i|irr. ailvtTIIsliii; si»*-rlal days.

It lookrd llkr a forlorn liopr, a short

iltio- aKo. to jtct up auy Intori-st In th»‘

< harlrsioti show. Iliislnrss was inisi-ruhii-,

.iIhI rx.-ry hotly rolinrrtrll with rt lookisi

_-,«i| for a s irry—anti an t-arly llnish. Hy

^.•nirhotly s wlstltiin .Mrilarvt-j was rt-llt-tl

ii|ion to '.;t-l tait ailvt-rtlsIiiK. anil to havr

■ liiircf of spis-lal ilay pnhilrlty. It Isn't

iitii»'ary to say that In* ilhl his work wrll.

It is provi-n hy tin* fart that lln- rrowtls

at till* Fxpitsition art* hiutp'r than rxiT, anil

an* slirntllnir lots of ruin, ami suniini-r I'

ritniini:. list I III* ItiTii.'iril .VilviTt I'iiii: .\).'rni \. of

I harli-sioii and S.ivannah. is ilisiriimtin;;

tin* niatl-*r


Rushing Through the South Bring l

Shekels to Charleston.

.\i|\I'll isiiiK far No. 1, Ku Korir. .\n;;iis ta. tia.. I'l-h. 'Jl. 'l ln* l•nlplllyllll til of Mr. II I' .MriJarvii*. as siiprrintrndrt'* .»f S;i**-

• ?al .\ilvi-rtlsln;: and Sprriul Itavs. was i*-** hi irinnliii; of tlir hnstllu;; prriiHl in tin- his- lor> of till* I'xposlii..n. 1 niiiirdiatrly iiikiu Ills arrixal in thr rity. in* snniiiioin'd all the lira I prinirrs to his otiiri*. when* rush ord I TS wi Ti* ;;lvi II for prliitiiii; of every de.srrip- in n. I..iri;e orders were iiiiinedialely wired to the Itoiialdsoii I’rintini; I'oiiipany. of New purl. K.t .: the .National Show I’riiitiii);

< oiiip.iny. of I’hlrtmo. and several others, and on .1.111. on, three advertislim ears, one oM-r the Soiiiherii Ihillwa.t's system of s.iaNi iiiilrs. in rhar;;e of \V. .\. San;;es. as iiiaii- .i;;rr; Mr. Il.irry I'lifion was In rharte of 1 the .\ilanlir ^■oast l.lm* ear. and Mr F. If. r.nist. of the I’laiit Sysieui ear.

'rin priiiripal printisl nialter 1 and r.* sheets for tin* Mtirdi Unis and Floral I'lrsia, I jimi «his*ts for the I'resideiit's I'ai .ind spe.'i.'il paper from earh of the at irartions nil the .Midway. The li and FJ sheet Itostoi'k stiiniU attniried a sens.iilon wln-rexer |Mis|eil. .iiid OH all sides eollld he heard In lln* little towns. 'Wi,,.,, ■ irri's rntiilni; ' .inn'i s*s‘any tent." •V r. ;;r>*at iiiaiiv pisiph* had an hh*a thal tin* Soiiihern was iln* advance ear fi*r si.iiir rliriis. amt the animal paper seem to ■■•itivlllre them of It.

'Illrh credit istlurlhe folloWilli; hill posters ill I he towns nained. as ihev were most llh •nil. and ta\e tin* car manaiter all assist allre possible. Jtlvllli: gratis the Use of the hoards amt sptire: i ininirehni'K. .'■t c , Mr. Seay, nianauer: I'oliimhia iplatii oxxned h\ .1 l{. Itaini: lins'iiwissl, .>* i' . .Xmlersoti. • Iicster. S r : .sipartanhiir;;. <Jreeiivllh*. All;;Usta. Itiiffney. I'harlotte. ete. 'rile Ilia lorlly of the hill posters throimh tin* leerl torv traveled are meinhers ..f the ussmia 'toll. It w.*is oiir pleasure to he mtertalmsl for si'Xenil hours .it Sparlaiihtir;; hy Mr. J. I! I'aln. who Is I horoiiithl.x eiithusi.istir ii|Hin the subject of hill |HisijiiK and oritan i/.ation. owtilni; sexeral lartu and protitahic p'anls In the I'arolinas. Me accoiinlcd for SI xcral of tin* tow ns heliii: oiil o| the as»o lion due to the fai l that oin* of Ihe oHiccrs ill Ihe assiM-Intlon had not been ihdiitf the

s'lnare thiiii:” with Ihe smaller plants, which has kept sex oral itis.ds loxxns from kiiis'kliiK at the ih~>r of tin- orcaiilzatioli f'*r admission. Mr. Italn ii fexx xxeeks atfo ihoii;;hl of luoxlnc h* I'oinmhia and takim; • harte of his phint there personally, hut Ihe siroiiK pressure hroncht to hear uism him hx the cilixens of SpartanhiirK over i.itiie his desire to luoxe. and he will remain there and make that city head<|uarters for Ills several plan' . .Mr Miller, of lireen xile. treatisl the exposition and Ihe car iiianiiL'er xvlih the iiimasi courtesy, lurnlua oxer ahsointely fris* the use of his entire l•l.•lnl, xvhlch comprises sevenil hundrisi Icei of clean. XXell liM atcd liistnls and an.v limilher o f XXalls.

the .s.eithirn Kailway has dom* every iliiiiL’ in their poxxcr to further the xvork. laklne passeiik’er iik'entH from their territory "id makini; tin* niovemeuts of the etirs. 'Ir. \V 1'. Mcio-e. 'r. I* .\ from .\ui:usta. lelieved .Mr Jidinsoii at Spartanhiirit. and "as with Ihe car until Ihe close at Auxusta. the mth Inst.

Ml cars XX ere reloaded xxllli fresh matter "11 Salurilay, the l.'ilh Inst., and started on III other lour.

'I'he MardI liras and larnival was a sue cess. M'cathcr xvas not the h«“sl. yet liirxe mtmliers ihronxisl the Kroiiinla and panic • paled in Ihe eelehratlon. The attendance at the '.troniuls hir the last ten days has increased .Ml per cent, whicli Is due to the advertlslnif methods employed hy the ex posit Ion.

“Iiarkin*s8 and l*awn,” II. Uoltalr's at

It act ion. opened last we«*k, and has had miiiiv visitors.

F.ilr Japan has a very attractive place,

and is sure to pritve a winner.

'I here xvas much excitement around the

Itostm-'x Anluial Arena on Friday last,

which was caus(*d hy ••Middle,” the tixn*ss,

xivlnx birth to thrt*e beautiful cubs. These

are the tlrst tlxer cubs ever Itorn In this

Country, and another thing which makes It

Intercstlnx to all animal men Is the fact ••Kajah," the man-eating tiger which

killed .\lhert Xellson at Indlanaisdls just

one year ago this we<*k. Is the father. This

Is the snnie animal which attacked Idrector

Iti stiM'k shortly afterwards and came near

killing him. and would have slain his oxvner

had It not bis*n for the daring and prompt

xvoi'k of I'aptain Bonavita. the ••lion mon¬

arch, " XI ho i-nterisl the cage and beat the

infuriated beast off xvlth a club.

The WiMMlinen of the World had their day

on Friday last, and held afipropriate cen*

mollies .iHcr a most lniert*stinx parade. The

feaiiin* ot the day xxas un old time ••(!is>r

gill harl-ccue," XX hldi was given on the

Midxxiiy. Trenches xxi-re dug and Ihe meal

cooked hefon* Ihe pei>ple. This Is Soiiie-

thlng iiexv for i'arolinians. but their sister

Slate. Uisii'gla. don't do a thing in the sum

iner time hut hold •‘cues.'^

< ook Ml nnly Itemocracy visited the ex|M>

sit loll •luring the w is*k and made merrv.



The Kensselaer t'oiinty (N. V.i .Vgricniiu

ril Society xvlll he reorganized.

The blue rihhoii XX III supplant the red as

tlrst priz<* emblem tit Ohio fairs.

.\lahaina xxill htixe a State Fair this fall.

Those Interestisl refuse to give Ihe exaet

dates, or any particulars.

The Waukesha iWis.i t'oiinty .\gricultu-

ral .Society has iH-eii risxrgatdzed. and Ihe

capital stock increased to *ls.ii«iii, divided

li’to ^.•_•ll•l shares.

Those St. Louisans never tire. They .'in*

n<iw fiMiting after the .MInni*sota l.egis

lature for a xihmIIv slier of coin in the xxay

of a Slate appropriation.

.\ "111 has hiH-n InlriHliictsI in the Ohio

Legislature providing that the ..pie of

Boss (•oiint.v voti* on a pro|»»si*ion lor the

ccuniy to oxvn the xfoiinds.

The .Merchants' and Manufacturers' .\sso

cialion of Louisville xvill likely send repre

si-nlatixcs to Frankfort in aid of the hill

Tot an appropriation for a .state Fair.

'There Is a great deal of soreness exist

ing hetxvi*en the Jahrmarkt aiul Slate Fair

piople at .Milwaukee, xvho are to hold their

fairs on the saim* day. Neither side xvill

gixi* up its dati*s, XX hich is a xihmI thing.

fa'-eiloiis reporter of tirand Kapids says

thill the St. I'ccllla t'ouiily Fair, to he held

in .\pril. xxill 'coii eiii all. " 'They're going

to c\hil>it a |H>liceman Inxm in .\merica. a

tamed isditician from Kentucky, and a l(<ks loll xxoii'.in XX ho neither eats beans, xxears

glassfs nor makes any literary pretensions.

1 \ ciily. it xxill In- xxi.rlh s.-eing.

i Street Fairs and Carnivals.


Pensacola's Mardi Gras was a Big


iMlIas. 'Tc\ . I'ch. "Jl. I'ensacida's tirst

Flee street Fair and third .\nnual Mardi tiras xxas a graml success, the shoxxs all

ih>ilig xxcll. anil the committee receiving

ipillc a nice hahilicc •■|o the gissl" The

conci'ssions and prix liege men d d not do

so well, on accoMiii of high licenses and

I csi t id huts, necessary to prol**ci the loeal

iiicri’hant. xx hosi' inoio x annnall.x |>rox hh*s

ftif the event.

Morris .X Itlliz's ".•statue Turning to Life"

and ■" got nearly xxliichxxas

top nnuo-y ." .\s shoxx men J lx Morris

and F It. Blitz arc easily among the v<-r.x best. They art' gcnlh-men of high tlegree.

ami cater only to the xery best (wstple.

I'xery man entering their lent must reiiixixe

his hat or go out, and "no smoking alloxv

cd " 'The Floxxer Fannie xxas xery handsome,

though not so large as might have l>x*en,

and the Mardi tints Fannie xvas truly a

thing of l»*auly, far surpassitix all former elti>r|s. t'lucinnati can xxel' afford to

udo|it the night pageants as a feature of

her Fall Fx'stixal Tin- prlx lieges xxert* handUsI h.v W. t’.

.loiics. city clerk, ami his vlgilam*e caused the trouble to certain parlies, who Insisted

<in ''hreitking Into " arrangements mtnh* hy

the isunniitits- Feiisactda provexl to 1m* a

Innl plact* for them. The man xvho xxalkexl

up ami pahl for his privilege hail no trouble

except soiin* mlsreprcsx'ntallitn xvho think

Ihe averagx* business man a chump. 'The

lime for Illegitimate work is fast passing




Koviiig Frank xvill rf*turn to this eoiiutry

early In Mareh.

l»e Kreku Bros, havt* siginsi lln* .Mt*h'r

Fainilv, Ihe ai|ii.'ilie wonders.

I'td. Frank tiuseui Is sp<*n<ling a few days

ill Ihe Worhl Fair eity t»f llitt.'l.

Kxansxille ilml.l carnival xvill last a wi>t*k. Tin* Bosioek Ft*rari people havt* it.

•'Fiineh" Wheeler ih>n'l appear to have

tin* bines He says thing' are eoining bis way.

'The gri*at t'arrigan .Vrineniiin .'Sliow is

resting in St. Lotiis, prior to leaxing for lln*


'Tin* Wright t'arnival t'oinpany xvill fur

nish alti.idloiis for 'Tell t'llv tliid.) street


The Jaboiir t'ariiival I'ompaiiy xvill fur

nisli 'iitruetioiis for tin* i>ubm|u<> ila.)

Str»s*i F.ilr.

Khalil Barkout's oriental attr-ji*tloiis.

Streets of t'alro ami lht*at**r. art* a big go

ut Norfolk. Va.

II. KattMtl is In St. Ltiiiis oii a short visit,

hstkiiig for fi*atures to mbl strt*uglL to Li.s

■'Stris'ts of t'alro."

Mireelors of the t'iueinnati Fall Festival

havt* eollet*tt*d .so far alMUlt J'J't.nnti for tht*

Mg annual festlyal.

In*. Suiith, of "Hawaiian Village" fame,

arrixt*tl In St. Lituls from Charleston. The

iloetitr rt*pttrts gissl business.

The pt* iplt* tit .Xmlersoti, Ind., are to st*f

a hiinian sea di»g xx lien the Klks give their

sireei fair. 'Tline for another'.'

.Mr. .\l. May xvas in St. Fouls, tigiiring on

placing his ••Sing Sing Frlson" with the

I'nlversal .Amusement Company.

I. 'm<*nt ami /ell, the bunjoists, have re-

tiirncd from South Afrlcti. 'They xvill join

Mr. Fit* F. Kennelt for F.if-’ season.

'Tin* Clairvilles, aerialists. have sigmsl

xvltli Wright. 'The l.ei*s. knife linpalenieiit

ael. have also signetl. 'Their net is new.

.1. Faitersoii, of Fatterson \ Braiuerd

c.iniixal t'ompjiiiy. Is in New York to pur-

i-Pase four new itrgans ami a Fullman ear.

'The Wright Carnival Company opens

Man li IT at Hot Springs. Ark., and will

coiilli.m* the season until the mhlille itf He

■ •ember.

'Tb.' Wriglil Cari.ival Couiimiiy has se-

etiretl the earnivul tlate at .Memphis. Tenn.,

xvhieli xvill be given tinder lln* auspiees of

the Memiiliis Fagle's I.iMlge, M;iy .-i 10.

'lilt- Van X'niuketi Tniiutsl .Animal Show

was i|uite a feature at the Fensaeolii tFla.)

Carnival. The eoiupuny is now luylug off

at He Kiiniak Springs for a fexv weeks.

I'apl. Lotiis SoreIttTs Heep Sea Hlvers

Itavi* been eoniraetetl with as the feature

at I ra<'t hui at tin* exposition and pure f<HM|

slioxv i.i t-e held at Feoria, III.. Mareli 1 .'i.


.All the big animals fur .Manager Fnink B.

Hiildti's iittractioiis were pureliaseil through

Mr. Lee Williams, c.irl Hagenbeek's .Aiueri

ciiii repie'i*iiiaii\e Tliex will arrive early

ill Miiri'li.

While at Hot Springs, .Mr. H W WTlglil

elo'ed an engagement for bis Carnlxal Com

patty wl'li tin* B*>se .Alabama C<s>n Slmtit

ers. an aggregjiiion of twenty people. This

parly Inis its oxvn private ear. and a eoni

(ileie eanxas theater oiitlll.

TROTTERS SOLD. Good Crowd of Buyers Attend the

Lexington Sale.

Lexington. Kx.. Feb. I’ti.—AViMxlard A

Sliiinkliii's great horse sale opened most

aiispicioiisly on .Alomlay, with a full quota

of buyers. Tin* eatalogue lists slioxved some

iiotisl horses and iiniiiy promising young

siers, nml iiiiusual Interest s*“**me<l to he the

prevailing spirit among many of Hie pros

|M*eilxe ptirebasers. Neva .Simmons. (I. AV.

Banin's great irottiiig nnire, with a re«*ortl

of 11:111;. xvas iMiiiglil in h.v Mike Bower-

man. of Ibis eity fitr Jl.'t.i.’nn; llallle Smith,

a two-year old filly, with a trial spex'il r<*c

ortl of ll:1i>*''i. sold li< S. T. Harbison & Co.

for .<L*..‘:nn; tins .Maeey's Country Jii.r, n*e

ord 11:111'.... Went to S. T. KIley. of tills city,

at lil.nnn Itiley has long bad bis eye on

Ibis noted Sen of .Iti.v Hawker, and believes

In ciin train liini to belter bis present rec

ord. Among tin* nniny iironiinent devotees

of tin* Iiorsi present xvere S. Klotz. New

A'ork: .Lis. <;atci,mb. Boston: Senator .1. W.

Bailey. 'Tc\.; W. W. ICobb, Boston: Sam

Mayl.-iii. Cincinnati: \V. Bentley, Biiffiilo;

■lolii: I.ewis. Charleston: Lister AA'itber

spoon. A'ersailles; W. Migiiii, of the Horse

Bevlexv. Chh-iigo. and .lohii H. Creighton.

< luiiiha.

Some of I lie lii-sl sales lllllde xven* as fol¬ lows •

Adetle. b. f., by .Advertiser, to .A. S. Ash

br*M»k. Hillo. Idk. g.. .'i. bv liainbetta AA'ilkes, to

Hiin .MItebcll. Faris. $T."sV

■Alhe Frazier, hr. in.. 7. bv Scarlet

Wilkes, to .1. L. Wiirtl. FarKs. $4.-.ii.

H. irkness. l.r, g.. 7, by Hark Night, to J.

.A. .Mover. Voiingsioxx n. *iill."i.

Bay Colt. ■_*. by .A'lilamI AA'ilkes. dam A'an

lly. to C. F. Neagh*. $.Min.

Col. Cl** try. ■_*■_• I Xj. h. g.. 7, by .All****

Wilk**s, by .Aherdei'li, h* AA'. B. Me

Iicii.'ihl. .ST'"'

Fizzle B.. trial l.'i. h. f.. I. hy Mum

helta Wllk*-', to .he* Mnnbly. A'ersiiilles,


Ciisli, Jr.. J Jtc,. by Fllershh* AA'ih*s, dam

Just Bight, to B. F.lizzard. $ii7.'i.

I. oiiise 'Taylor, by .AII«*rlon. dam B**lnionl.

to ,|o*‘ 'I'lia.ver. Lexington. $77.">

Miinag«‘r Frank B. Hnhiu. of Boxing

Frink's gxpsy til t lint loll, receixe*! from

Ciipt. .Ln k Boiitixita. tli** fiiinoiis lion train

or. a set of li.imlsoim* iibolograplis showing

I'apl. Boiiaxiia in bis big lion act. 'Tln*re

are IXX eiit V s.-veii photographs In all. ;ind

Manager Hijbiu prl'/.**s th*'iil liiglilx

The Wright Carnlxal Coinpanx xxill. this

I'oiidng 'I'.-i'on have a noxelty in lln* sb.ipe

of "'Th.* Fat F>s>ph*'s 'Theater." The parly

|•■•mprl'<■s a (-oinpany *>f «*lght of the fattest

xxoini*n amt ini*n that could b*' stsiirisl,

XX ho e-in all act ami sing, and tin* <*nt**rlaln mi'tll will eoii'isl of sketehe'. fiiree <*om*‘

dh*s. et«*.

Mr. H. W. Wright Inis b»*en making a

p**rsolial lour of lllspeelloli over his elretiit ill tin* South. He vlsittsl Hot Springs,

Fine Blurt. .M**mplii'. I.ltlb* Brxk. Mur

pliy sls'ro. N'ashvilh ami Ftnirteah. The

Wright Cariiivtil »'oiiii«iny xvill till ixiie

w.s-k's tiiin* at e.-n-li plac**. ainl probaiily

ixx.. xxcek' at Alempllis.

Frof Ah H 'liald. of Toklo fame, has

hii'<*<l a line spae.* oii the famous Boanl

XX ilk. .A'lanlic City. N. .L. for the coiniug

St asoii. Ills opeiiiug xvas Feb. It. and Ills

biisiiie" lias b*.***ii tine since the opening.

'Mil' makes the profi-ssor's s<*cond season

In .Al'antie City, ami Ills atlrai*th>n. Toklo,

Ini' mad * a bit.

I'narlev He Kreko is in Kaiisa' City on

a 'bol l luisim''s trip, t Ui Ids reiiirii be

g.M' to N'<*xx York City for a stay ■•f three'. to look after lnt.'r>*sts of tin- Itoiiiaii

Ciirnixal A Tlxposiiion Company. .Andre K.

Hi* Kri*k-« xxill devote Ills attention for the next 1XXo xxeeks to III** AA'orld's Fair **iit**r-

prise. Captain Meiers etilled iiiion .A. K.

Hi- Kreko, and *Tosed eontraet for the eii

tin* scas.ui xxTili the Biuiian Ciiriiiviil A Fx

position Coiin>aiiy for tin* Mel**rs Family.

xxal< i XX •:idt*rs, from Cini-iiinali. .All the

fr*>nls an* api>riMi<*hlng fonitd»*ti*>u, and

they xxill b** a revehilioii In the <’ariilval


I'll * bill piisters and 111liograpliers of the

S<*lls I'oi'epaugli Shoxx liav** r**<*elv*sl the

*'.ill to r*'|»ort in Nexv York <''lty on March

l.'i. reativ for xvork. The shoxv will opi'ti

at Ma.Iisoii Si|uare Mnrden mi March itl.

Tliiuiias Conners, xvho has been <*oniiecled

XX llh till* advertising fori'e of th** AA'alnut Street Th*>at**r all wlnt**r. will take cliarge

of the |>aper In N<*. '2.

SPEED RING NOTES. t'lieslt-r. la.. ••\(n* ts to Inixe a nexx Inilf

mil** Ira' k eoinpleli-d in lino- for a meeting

III!' xetir.

Blnglniiiiti>n. \. 'T.. <x ill I**- inclniletl In

lb*' Hiu!s*in .'iiid Moliaxvk A'alh-y eireiiit of

di'ix ing ••liil>s.

'The s«-eond .'iliniial horse shoxx ti( Hie -AI

l.ein.-ir'** Ih-f'e Shoxx .Assoeiiitlon, to be liehl

ill the fall, iii.iiiii'es to b*- *1 success.

Mr. Jus. It. Keen.* Inis iiolitieil Major

H.ilngi*rtlehl. of c.'i.ileton Stinl. I.exliigtoii.

Ky . Ilnil lie xvoi|t*l ship the great son of

Homino. Hisgiiise lb** to Join T>om-

Ino !lt tile l•|^>se of tile pr**sent rueiiig sea¬ son.

.At .1 meeting of til** Mis B*‘It Baeiiig .As

so< iation, Frankfort. Ind.. was taken in and

xvill have :i r:ie<* nii'ct .Aug. I S. Tin* local

bi-anl of directors xvas given autliority to

tlx its oxvn piir'cs, xvlihTi must be in cash

ami hung ou the xvir**.

The ftiiimiis F.n.ok Ciirry StiM-k Farm of

t xveiity fix e acres. adjoining the fair

grounds, t.exlngtoii. Kv.. was sohl tit aii<*-

tloii ami ki>oi l:*<l iloxvn after spirite*! hl*l

iling by Seinittir B.alley. of Texas, ami Mike

r. i.xxfrrintn. of I.exington. to Smith Mentry.

of T.exlngtoii for fls.'inii. The farm is said

to lie a birgiilu at tie* price.

Tin* best prl<**‘ realiz***! at the third dav's sale of Wood:ir<l A SIninkein xvas'i'i for

Snsh* .1 . tie* fast .lav llaxvkiT mar** *>f Mr.

F. H. M. K. v, i.f Mil' . By. Mr. J. Malconi

Forli**'. of Boston, xxas Hu* lucky man.

Susie J. xvas foaled In 1H!I7 by W. L.

S|i*'.irs: -he is bv Jay Hiixxker <lam Million

alre. h.v Ntirxvood. and is cheap at the price.

Th** folloxxing Inive been iioinlnate*! as oflte**rs i>f the Ifoad Hr!vers' .Asso<*iation. of

Fhna*b*liilii.i: election Miir* h •: Fn-sldeiit.

Fnink B'*xv**r: vie*, president. 1'. Kanfni.'n:

s. 'eoiid vi«'** presid* nt. C IL'iulerson Sup¬

ple**: directors t.tii to be elei-tedl, Chiilinlng

Fnsrluirii. Joshua I'vans, S M*s>. I.evl. H

B. Mebolsoii. Hr .las, A. Marshall. Hr

Herman AVelnluTg. Fnink C. MeMrafli. M H. Swish.r. H W Field. B. C Horr. Fit

xvood Siiiitli, J.ns Morris. Jas. H Stafford,

fimlfrev S. Malm. William F Heakvne.

John j! AViiiklcr. H M Cullen. W IL I'lit

ton. 11 C. I.ip|>lii<*otf. Charl**s Si*haiil. Chas.

Chlpni;tii. iTctav** Bniuiiell. Oliver Jones.

■Ash. Feiiiiliigtoii. AA'llllani Frelhofyr. W. S.

F. Shlebls. Is. Hcchf. Jaiims MeMurk, John

AV Emerv. AVaiter S HIne. .fohn Tralnor,

AV. L. Huff. James A Farke. R. McKInler,

Hr. AA'. I.. Rh<»ii<les. J M Hontxghiie. E. W.

Fatfon and Samuel Hirsh.


The Bieeboard. Publixhed M'eekly at

420 Kim Street, Cincinnati, O . U. S. A.

' Lonir liiKtance Telephone Main •JOTi* K. ~

Adaress all coniniiinications for the editorial or bualuesa dt-pariineuts to


Siihserlptlon, M.'HI a Tear; 0 nios., ts.oo; 8 mos., ♦ l.oii, in advam-f.

ADVKKTISINti KATKS. Ten cents per line, airale nieasurenient. Whole

paifc. ♦70; half i>atfe, ♦JlS; quarter page, tl'.iiO. No premium on position.

The Billhoard is fur sale on all trains and new- ■tands tlirouKhuut the I'nited States and Canada which are supplied by the American News Co. and Its branches. When not on sale notify this office.

The Billboard Is sold In London at T.ow’s Kx- chanpe, 67 Charing Cross, and at American Ad¬ vertising Newspaper Agency. Trafalgar Build¬ ings, Northumberland Ave., W. C. In Paris at Brentano's, 87 Ave. de 1’ Opera. The trade sup- . plied by the American News Co. and its branches. '

Keniittance should be made by iMist office or ex¬ press money order, or registered letter addr. sged i or made payable to the BilllKiard Pub. Co.

The editor can not undertake tr return unsolic¬ ited manuscri|it; corresiM>ndents should keep copy.

When It is necessary to wire us the instructions and copy for advertisements, great saving in the matter of telegraph tolls may be had by re<‘ourse to the Donaldson Cipher ('ode

Enlerid as Second-Class .Matter at 1’ost Office at Cincinnati, Ohio.

Saturday. March I. 1902.


.\ well known ;ind popul:ir Itishop. in a

talk lo CiiK'inn.'iti niinislers on llie decline

of clnircli iillendain-e, last week, delivered

an excoriating aildress on the evils of tin*

iiKMlcrn stage and bill board advertising.

Coining from any one else the matter

would have l»-en given no serious consid

enition. but the s|i<-aker havitig his

time in the ranks of the arttiy of new'spa|M‘r

workers, has always been given credit for

being broailer and less bigoted In his

I'liurch views than lie showed in his address

lo the ministers, .\fter tisi broadly insiii-

nating that an.\ woman who would witness

a performance of “Camille'' was not re-

spectable. tile Ucverelid itisliop Idasled

"immor.i.'' advertising on Idll lioards. tisik

a fall out of llie pis.r street car conductor

anil motorman for daring to earn a living

liy working on Sunday, excoriattsl clioirs

wlio dare to ask compensation for singing

in llie cliiirclies on Sunday, and llieii wotind

np willi llie following reinarkalde siatc-


‘•I’rcacliers do not receive llieir salaries

for preacliing saivalion on Sunday; tlial is

free. Tliey are paid for luiilding up the

clinrcli as pastors."

No'/ 'I'lieii wliy pay tiiem at all'; Tliere

certainly I'an not lie any dispensation of

fne salvation witliotii tlie luiilding up of

the churcli. and since the building up of

the church Is onl.v incidental to the hand

ing out of free salvation, why pay the

preachers at .'ill'; * • •

If our friend the I’ishop would or could

realize the true situation of affairs, he

would find that it is such ridiculous argil

nients and theories as he advances, more

than anything else, whicli tends to lessen

church ;iltendance and desire for ''fi'ts*"

salvation. It is strange, but l me. that not

withstanding the repeatisl and uncalled-for

attacks on the stage :ind circus liy religious

bodies, the stage and circus is first to the

rescue when the churcli calls for aid.

People in the “show business" are tisi

broad and charitable to resent these at

lacks of the church, because, not withstand

ing the Bishop's assurances to tlie eon

Irary. they realize tliat even preachers have

to imike a living, whether it be on Sunday

or any other day. If jirejichers and bishops

would be as honest and frank with their

congregations as "show" people are with

their audiences, and admit tlial they “mH»d

the money," there would be more confi¬

dence and respect between pastor and par

ishioner, r.nd |es> complaint regarding small

congregations. It is the h.vpocracy iind pre

tense of indifference lo the value of the

tilmighly doll:ir, as well as the interfer

eiice with llieir prival*' rights as citizens,

which church going people resent, and

which accotinls for tin- growing decre.-ise in

church attendance and increase in the size

of amusement atidieiices. • • •


The prediction m.'idi' by "The Billboard"

recently that the attendance at the Charles

ton l':xpositlon would Incre.-ise with the ad

ministration of F. II. .Mc<Jar\i<- as super

iiifendeiit of advertising and spis-ial days.

I has licen verilied. In ii Icllcr to "The Bill

! board," which will be found in another col

unin of 'his issue, Mr. Chas. Bernard, the

well know II bill poster, who has plants in

I Charleston. Savannah and .\ugus|:i, tia..

I and who is in position to know wlial In'

! is talking about, says that since .Mr. .M<

Carvic look Indd of the adwriising at

i Charleston three advertising cars have lusui

kept busy posting paper within a radius ol

live liiindrcd miles of Charleston, to s;i.\

noihing of L'l.iioo slieels of poster papr-r,

whicli liave been poslisl b.\ the B<-rnard

Co. thi'onghout the same territory. In ad

dition, .Mr. .McC.irvic is getting out liri.ikki

sheets of paper, w hii'li w ill be posltsl for

future special days. The ri'siill of these

I'tTorls and judicious adverlisiiig lias liceti

that visitors arc fairly llocking to the

Chari ‘Stoll i;\posilion. i'incinnali 1 biy was

the llr-l liig day the l.vposiiion laid, lie

cans.- it was well advertised by posters,

rile four days id' .Mardi (Jims ami I'resi

dent's Day, even without the presence of

the Chief Lxeciilive, were winners, lii-cause

of judicious advertising. Last Saturday

was Military Day, and f.u"" strangers

passed through the gates at Charlesioii.

There are two morals in all this, which

an of special signilicance to the directors

of the coming Louisiana l’urchas<‘ Lxposi

lion. The lirsl is that the i;.\iiosiiion can

not .iiid will not be a siiccc-.s unless it is

<‘\t< iisivcly adM'i'lised on tin- bill boards all

over the world; the second is. that .Mr. Me

Carvi.- is i in- man to do the advi-rtising, if

it shall III- done judiciously. clTec|i\ely and



Tile writer of a popular "coon" .song, in

contiding to a reporter how he develope«l

into a "composer," said, among other


"1 fell the inspiration in me to compose something that would last, something that Would enter into and become a p:iri of the literal lire of music, :ind 1 gate myself to it as only the artist can. When my mas- lei'piice was incubating 1 itractically oslra- <‘ised myself from family and fri<‘nds. Croat subjects can not be'treated lightly.

"I have, lioweMT, tiirmsl out some oiiier I'omposiiions of wlili-h. I believe, 1 have reason to feel (iroud. There is one which has bts‘ome itoimlar in New York. That came to me one evening after 1 had re turned from :i birthday |iart.v. I recognized it at once as material for a classic, and I gave my whole mind to the iirodiiotiou. 'file success it has achieved fully repays me tor the brain work 1 e.xpeinled on it."

Now. will the deinn-tors of "ragtime"

and "<oou siiifl" behave'.- it is no fool

joke when oiie feels tile ins|iiraiioii to write

a gem like "1 tiiiess 'I'hal'll Hold You for

a While." or ".Mazie, .Mali Itusky Ltalsy,”

or to ostracise one's self from "family and

friends as only the artist can." "'i'he Bill

board." wliite it has always had a warm

s|ioi in its heart for "r.-igs" and "c«s»n

sniff." has never a|i|>r<‘ciated until now the

f,i< I tlial both ;ire to be coiisidcia'd as

among tin- "classics." .-ind "a iiail of the

literature of music;" but we know better

low, and we a|i<dogize for our ignorance

and failure to a|>|ircciale herciofoi-.- the ar¬

tistic in miisii-. In the fiiliiie wc shall ex

pe<‘t sin-h .-irtisis .-Is I'adercwski and Ku¬

belik to prove "ilo-ir u|> to dalciicss" and

real knowledge of lyrics by including in

their programs gems from the truly artistic

realms of rag lime.

GREATER EVER Is the New American Posting Service

of Chicago under the Recent

Re organization.

iSee l-'ilsl I'age.i For till- p.-isi live months t'hicago has held

the center of the stage in the display ad vertlsing World, on aceoiinl of iiie internal warfare going on in the .Xnicrican I’osilng .■^eivice. This was settled Wednesday, I'cb. l!l, b.v the big four Samuel ITiill. I’.ariiey B. •'. I'anipbcll. |;. .1. Dunning com ing into full control of the .\mcrican I’osi ing Service, the .bdict Bill I’osi ing Com paii.v. the .North Shore Bill I’osi jug c.,ni |ianv. the South Shon- .\d \ erl isj ng '' ji.iiiy amt the Wi'siern I’.il! I’osting I'.ini Iiaiiy. it is now cimcedcd by evp.-rts lo bi- the largest bill posting |ilant in the world, and this now makes I'hicagii absolutely the headiplariei's for all outdoor display adver lisliig propositions.

.\l the m•■elitlg of the low board of di rectors of the .Xnierican I’o-ting Servie*-. Wednesday. Feb. !!•. the following ollleers were elecli-<l; .'sauoo‘1 I’ratl. presidi-nt; Barney Link, vie.- president and general manager; B. .1. Ditniiing, k’d vice (ireshb-nt; B c Campbell, sei-reiary and treasurer. The board of din ciors consists of Samuel I’ratl. Barmy Link. B. .1 Diiiiiiing. Burr Bobbins. S. /.. Silvefsiuirrc. B. <' Camp bell.

The new management imd, charge of everylliing on Wednesday c-xa-ning. F<‘b. Be

So one of the greatest rows on bill |iostlng and fram hise t>w iiership that has e\ er <«•- curred in Hie I idled Stales has been ad justeil satisfactorily to all, ami to thi‘ best interests of the trade.

This new coinbitiatlon, the "Big Four”— I’rati., I'aiiipbell and tiiinning—is iiii ipiesiionably going to cut i|uile a tlgure in the future history of outdoor display ad xeiiising. '1 he men are all practlcai and ill lopiioichcrs. By this consolidation of iiilefests the American I’osiing Service and 'Is managcuiciii now coiiirol the largest bill posting plant in the known worhi. ami iiii l<‘ss ;i|| signs fail, the serx ici‘ will md be • 'UUaled by any in this country.

I’aiil F. Schaefer, who until the recent i-oiisolidalion was general manager of the .Xnierican I’osiing Service, sold all his in lercsi in till- .Xmcrican ami all outside companies. .XII the details and luisiiiess with rcfei-em-c to the transfer were un>st plcasaiil .XIr. .'^'■haefer has not yet an iioiinced his intention for the future, save III.It he is going to I’ori .Xrthur, to look afler some iiileresls which In- has there in copper milling. It is understood, howcxei. that he has an option on an e\iensi\<‘ nied ical conc<‘rn in Chl'-ago. ami that Im may i.ike charge of that. .Xlr. .Schaefer is a chemist of ran* ability, and wnuhl iimloiibl cdly be successful ill this line.


Its Directors will Hold an Important

Meeting in St. Louis. March 4.

NcM Tuesday i.XIarcli ti the directors of the l-aiipirc i-ircuii of bi;rlesi|ue house man agci-s will niei-i in their regular iinarlcrly -■■ssi.iii at St. Louis.

The only inal'cr of impiTtance to the piiblii- that will come up at the nieeiliig is the rat itical ii.n by the F.mpire clr''iiil of the new routes fur burlesque show.-, as di.iwn from the wheel at the Ciucililiati meeting. It is possible that some slight ch.iiiges may I'c made from those as |iub!islied in 'The Bi Iboard' sexeral wi'eks .igo. 'oit it be si.iied that no vital changes will lake pl.icc. The season will not be extended to cover forty V e.-ks. nor w ill the circuit be extend cd to folly houses. Neither will May How ar 1 or /iilc'.la I'lynn be taken into tlie fold. Tile I'imiiire circuit mauagers believe that Women have no btisiucss in burlesque, save as performers. It is |iossible that at the .■si. I.'iiiis meeting the eommittee having iu charge the mailer of securing desirable theaters in Deindt and t'hii-ago, to lie aildcd to the F.m|iire circuit jiroper, may in.ikc a fciiort. but it is not believtal that at.y thing' h oking toward the expansioti of iTc i’'.m|>ire circuit iiro|ier will be doite the ' I ii'iug season.

THE “GOVERNOR” Went "Way Back When His Giraffe

was Ignored by the Public.

Ill last Weeks’ issue of "The Billhoard" aiqteared an iiiterestlug artiele hy XX’arreii I’atrick. coiiceriiiiig the fatuous giraffe. ".Mamie." It iiow developes that there are otiier lliiiigs ali.'Ul "Mamie" not heretofore luildisiicd.

'J’o .lohn F. H'ddn.soi) Iteloiigs the dlstiiic- Hon of liaving owned tlie only giraffe in -Ymeriea. excepting the one witli Biirnniii A: Bailey. Tim idea at tliat time of lm|>ort- Ing a giraO’e was looked iiiioii liy sliowineii as railier a risky luircliase. tuit ’•Mamie" was pnrcliasisl tiiroiigli Bitclile Brothers. Itien tile oiilv animal dealers in tlie Fniteil Stat'-s,

Tile "•iovernor" tlioiighl a great deal of

"Mamie." He showered as m.-iny alien lions iiiion licr as a c.-inliie of Hie juig jn-r suasion riscixcs from its propritoress. .Nor was tie without liopes as to ’’.Mamie’K" aliil Ity to draw money to the tb-ket wagon.

She had hccii wt'll advcrtistsl. The tiov eriior had ii.irt.-d w irh ST.ikiii for the priv ileg.- of owning the giraffe, and he deter inim-'l to get it liack. and more licsidcs. itn till- first dav llie animal was placed on cx liihtioii. ilic "DoviTiior" liMik a SCI.I vcr.v near Ihc gir.illc. He wanted lo Imar the inildli-'s exclamations of dcliglit, and Its cutliiisiastic pr.iisc of the enterprise ttiiit hail ciialtbsl it to s.-c siicli a rarity as a giraffe. Bill 111- didn’t hear anything of tiic kiiul. 'i'tic public was nmipprcciative, and on'y said;

■ 'I'o liell witli Hic giraffe,'s look at tile monkeys."

Tlicn till- "tlovcriior" followisl Ilic advice g'ivcn in the song, and cliangist Ids seat.

' .Xlainie" was cjirefnll.v attended l>.v .lolin tiiirton. tile Boer wlio gained considenilde lironiincncc among animal men. He liad l» on in tlie employ of Miss Kmma Lake tnow .XIrs. Hil N. itobinsoni, and tisik rare of her famous horse, "Bonnie Scotland,” at the obi ring b.irn m-ar Ft. Thomas, a cut of which a|q>ciircd in Ihc t'lirlstmas "Bill board." Tiverv winter season, when Ilic stiow xvas in w inter quarters, "Mamie" was kcjit in I stable in llie rear of tbe Boliln son lionicsicail. at Sevcnili and Follege -iicci-, <'lncinnati. I'inall.v, Hie "Hover nor" di qiosi <1 i,f t||,. giraffe to an oHo-r circus for J.'i.txsi. "XIamie" only lived I Wo yc.'irs after the sab-. During tlial lime, till- ciiins fcatiirisl It so slrongly llial I’.arnnm iX Bailey sent rcprcscntafIves lo t incinnati and piircliascd a giraffe tliat bad been lionglit bv tllc Zoo,

'I'lie owners Hicn ceas«-d to feature "Mamie." and wlicn slie crossi-d to Hie giraffe hc-iven. little was said of II. But Hie "Hoveriior" was affeciisl. and old .lolin Hiirloii died. It is sabl, of grief.

Flo Bc;icb. formerly an iierialist witli I.eliman Bros., is at Maurice's, Mot Springs, .Xrk.

T. XX' By.’iii and wife iirrlxed In t'incin nail last w eel; from Hot Springs, .-Xrk. 'I’ln-y will go with Sells Downs Show tills season, 'llieir I'incInmiH addri-ss Is tSalt

House. Xlr. Byan brings greetings from "Billy" .Maurice, who exleiids an iiivltution to Hie iirofession lo call and enjoy one of Ids baths grails.

The only while hovolapus in the eouiitry Is on Us way lo t'inclnmitl from .New Hr leans, coming liy river. This animal will he one of the attracHon.s of the Sells Downs Show.

Lottie Hiller, wife of tieorge Hliier, Is at Maurice'-. Bath House, Hot Springs, Ark.


X\'. T. Dixon, aged .*>1’, a memher of Janies ll'NelH'.. "Xbilile Frlsin” Company, died of lidlaniaHoii of tbe bladder, at Jersey Citv N. .1. I cb. m.

Ml’. IT M. Slocum, of the Newark iN. J.i Bill I’o^Hiig Company, reports the follow lug disiribiiilolls dlsiriliiitlng matter; .Xim-r lean Cereal Co.. Chicago, HI , Csl.tllNI; Yu kail Bciiicdy Co., Baltimore. Md.. ’J.'ill.i«iii, Scaluiry A .lohiison. Fast Drangc, .\ ,| T.ikiii, Dr. XX'llllauis Co., .New York, n’ \«i; Belly Drug Co.. Newark. N. J., ♦tl.' ijnti- I’eruiia Drug Co., ColumIuiH, H.. ffc,. 7<«i; XX' H ComstiM’k Co.. .Morristown, N. Y.. IIII.IKIII; Fred. Fear .V Co., .New York. N. Y., I's-i.iini: S. K Fell A Co.. Cleveland. It., iit,iNi)i; .National Clothing Co.. Xi-wnrk. N. .1.. .'iii.inni; .Xmerleaii Biiehu Co.. .New York. N. X'.. L'.iiis**. Total. T'.'S.Ttm.

t'oiiiw Iviaml. Ciiieinmiti, opens ahoiit

Xl.iy .'.'i. I he big Coney boat. "Island '•Uicil." i^ lioW III the South.

I Letter Box fjmjmmmjm

Our tuhfnktrt in mil Itnn mrt im-

niUd tm mmmil tht’nflvt. BtUhmmrf $"nm>

mtmil Miktmt. U't kmvf mm tJtftrumcmd tltrk im

tkmrg! »/ tkit dt^mrtmfml. Hi kiifi Irmik

/M/M mmd /irmimrtU tk*ir rntmil mkn-imir B*iiikti, Iki mmmiml il it rtttirtd, Ikui mmmidimg diUf.

Littin mrt mmly mdmtrliiid wktm mt dm mt! kmmm

Ikt m>ktrimktnti tf Ikl /trttmt t» wkmtm Ikif mrt

mddrttttd. LtUtrt mdmtrlittdftr/tmr m/iikt mmd

nntmlltd /mr mrill h rtin’-mtd It Ikt /ttl-ijlti. Circmlart, gttlml emrdt mnd ntm/t/m^tri ijtflmdid. Littirj mri/irwmrdid m/ilktml ixptmii.


-Adams, XV. Jobniioo, Walter. -Xsh. Joe. JtilMiiir, »5eo. .Xdi M’s In.g and Jones, Jap.

I’oiiy Sliow. Jaliour .Midway Adkins, C. L>. Show, Geo. Automobile. John & Co., A. Xlleii, I’.oiies .Alhert. J< ties, John J. Xiiieiii's Shows, Capt. Joces, Dr. E G. Barllett. De XX'ltte King, C. C. Boston I.oop the Kuhn. Kohl. 1!.

Loop Co. I.ewis, J. C. Bonhoinine Family Lowry .SMidenis, The.

ill and 'Jii t'etit Show {..eclair. Mods Bickford. XVarreii C Leary, Jerry. itradv, Sam. Bridger. F.dw B. Brooks, F. W.. .Mgr. Itoatinghonse, Kirby. Bn me. A. IE

H. H." Cleveland. \V H.

arroll. t liarles, < Idpmaii. .A. /.

■ dor.ido Charlev XX lid XV.‘St

Croft. H. B Clarkson, John. Carroll, Mike. Clark Bros. Collins, Capt. B. Chatter, James 1’ llarling's Dog and

I’onv Show I tale, Harry l\ Iteal, Neuman. Douglas, Prof John L. PlukVton, F. C. lllNwi.riII. I'Idl. i'roper, 'r. E Everton, Dr. M. I. Hire, If. K, FlK-rleln, Earuest Bislun's .Amusement-- Exemplar Sign WnrkaUagah, Lloyd. Emmerson. Harry. Uelcels, The. IMton Bros. Kourke, John. Fowler, A. W. Koyer. Archie,

care D.N. Fowler. KItchle. Edward.

l.iugl. Geo. I.llckle, I.awrem-e. Liles. Cbaa. Moore. Jamea C. 'Iiiinlv. Moiisb-r. xiiirpliv, James Z Metiregor. Cliff., Billy. Miner, (S., Mgr. Musgat. W. U. McNIckols, John. Moseley. W. B. .Moriarty. David. Murry, John J. 'oss, Ferd. I'hlllipH A Belnioid. Bowley, XX'in. Bearson, Kaipb. I’lerson, Katpli, E“<|. I’raegi-r, Jack. I’l-rry, Geo. M

I'ram-ls, x B. Forgrice. B. H. Frb-k A Bailey. I'aiimaiin, .-Xreliie. Foley, Ed. Farmer, IL 1’., mgr. Gordon, J. Saunders. ' •rlim-s, Frank .X tireiit Southern cireiis.‘*paiin's B. Grimes Joe. Guy, Cliff lileasou, D. U. Gardner, Frank A. Gillette Shows. Greene, Jamea E. Gautier, the Great. Marry and Grville. Hodge. X'In G. Heekmati, T. 11. Hamim-t. J. 11. Hamilton, c. Geo. Hmldleson. Mr. Hoffman's Shows Hoffman ,11 F. Ilerhst, Milton. Harris. Itb-hard. Hare, Jaa. K. Hess, Cbaa. Handley, W. W.


I’rospetta. Mile Stanley. Mra. <Jeo Smllli. Mile. Chrlsllm- Sliltirl, Amelin.

^elka. Sam. Sbloiila, Till- Ijreal. Sroiise, XX'nrreii. Swtiriz, I’rof, Cbas Sherry Working

XVorld. Swain. Dr. XV, 1. Siimaii. \.

K. Show-j Slieiqi. W. Cumphell. •Scott, Tom and I,Mile. Steely, White A

Yoiiug. Sherninn, Snyder, Prof. Hank. Sonserunt Bros. Sharrock, Harry. Taylor, Parson. Tiif.iiil, F. \. Troiie Bros. Tonhey, Frank &

St. Clair. XX’IIkoii's. A.. Show. XValdo A EllloH, XValler, Phil. G. AAatts, Geo. A. Yakl, Boone. Ziinmorinan, Chris

('arlHi-n, Lilly. Cowell, Sidney. Cole, Margarette. Jones, Daisy. I.lllllh, Mrs. 'I'lleresu. McKay, II. E.

Zardna, Madame.


CORRESPONDENCE. 1 S0TICK.—Th4 milboard de$irtt a r#rr«-

poneUnt inner)/ eitp and town <i» the United tlaifi which it not here repretented.


The Cardinal and The Messenger

Boy Cause an Awakening.

I lii<'UK'>. -I.—lirl^'lil u|i u lilt this uiM'k. I rli'iilly, iiml

willi i;. S. WHIat<l, in ■■The <'iiriliinil" :il anti .laiiD's T. I'owcrs aiitl his J>i||>

<'l•lll|>anl■•ns in lln* iniwiral I'onnily >kil. lalli-tl .\t*'SM«'nu«-r l’i>y, " as tin- i«ii ni w airlxals. lln-n- is inin li In Im- tliankfnl fur, a' nvlllit-r liav** Ixs-n si’xii in t'liii-aK" lii-rt'i ufon* in |iriMln<'ii<ins. .\iont; will) tills <lin> of nnfainiliur pifirs, Mrs I'iskr is sisMi in "1 livori'oiis*' at tlii' iitan<l )i|>i'ra Mimis)', it l■<■inK tlic titiai wi-i-k nf In-r ••niiairi-ini-tit. Tin- t'astii- S<|nar<- OiitTa ^l>nl|•any an* iinttiiiK in tin* wci-k witli P-|i<-rt<'iri‘, at tlia- •■<>na-|iisiiiti of wlii<-ti tlia- .rason Ilf l^liKlisli Kruinl iiiM-ra wili ftnl. lint till'll wi' sliail liavi- a wliai-k at tin' Aiii- Hill'll ai |ilav, i-alli'il "'I'ln- Siillan of .'siilii.''

riif l.iars" lias laki-ti tin* plai'o of "A

Kiiiir ami a Imki's" at tin- I•■•arlMirn.

"Jo:inny" anil l''.niinH Kay ari- tlio at I ran

I,oil for till' sim'oihI linio this 'i-ason at tin-

liri'il Norilii-rn. ManaKor Lllioil's StiM-k

i'oni|iany Is iloiiik "Mi’li ami Woini-n" ii|i

oil Wahasli avi'iiiii'. w lii-ro ilo' l•l••|•lril• si;jn

roa Is t'oininliiis Tlifali-r. .Mi'liHlraiiia is a

lliliik of till- (last at IIo|ikins ami so is ihi-

>ioi'k i-oin|>an\ |>o||i'y, ami Mimli'vllli* n-

lilai'i's saim*. I.ini'oln ,1. I'arti-r's |ilay,

liiHii Molilli'.’’ Is lii'iiiK |iri'sonti'i| at llio

\ll inilira. Lion's lll•a^l" has niovi'il

otir to till- .\i‘aili'ni>. .\t lln* Kljon, wlii'n-

lai'k I'lahi'riy lioliN ihr rolns. "Koxana's

I'lalin" is till- |>lay, ami ovi-r at l.lmoln J

I'arti'r's frlii-rlon Thi-ati'r om- of Mr. far

ii-r's iM'st (ilays. •'Two Llillo Waifs. " has

tin- iM.anls. 'rin- Travi-rs Valo Sim k foiii

li.iny Is ln•■l■lin)c with I'M'i'iitional sm-ii'"

•It ilo* Aini'rli'an, ami ihl' wook liaxi- on

Tho Ni'W .MaKilali'ii." Kiirli'si|m' of ihi-

fri'k.i 'orl Is lM*ln>: otli-ri il to ^inmI liii'im'"

at Sam T. Jank's ami I ho rriM-ailoro. ami

'atlsfai'lor.» lulls iiro s.s-n at lln- risnilo'-.,

• •lvni|ili'. fhli'a>:o tiioTa lloii'i-. llayniar

ki'i ami tin* two .Miisoiini'. Thi'alor l•llll■l

III:: t'llk is iiiiii-t at Ihi' writiiii;. ami llo' 1 inns Imi.»s art'iitoil ill Ihl' vli'Inily ar*- »:*'l

lini: ri 'ii«s» for tho hi;: 'Imw . to o|io:i.

Tho inoro fan that tho iloiikins Simk s.\sioin has ho.'ii iii'oont inmsi

■ I'M's not hy any iiioaii' 'i;;nify that tin-

'look ooinpany iiolloy is a falliiro in flit

1:11:0. tin tho oonirary, llio si.- k ooiniian'o' aro all ilolii;; liiisim-ss, i.r rathor. tho tho

ato.-s wlo ro this stylo of aniii'oinoiil pro

tails aro. Tho lioarlxtrii foiii|>any is ini

inoiisoly siH'oossfiil, ami tliolr altoiilion i'

»:ivon prinoipally to priHluotioH'. Tho fm

liinihiis foin|iaii\ Is a oloso soooml. ami has

jiiiiipoil into popularity in a roinarkahl.v

'liorl linio ,aml was orkaniKtsI tho most

rts'oiil of :ill. Tho .May llosinor Slis-k foni

pany Is also iitiiony: tin- prirsporoii' olios,

im! in ihoir o\olusi\o liolil way o\or on

tho Wost .Siilo hato it all to tIioiii'oIm's. Tho I'ravors Valo fompany, i<mi, is iloiny:

'iirprlsinKly woll at foiiiior'' now .Vim-ri

oan. a tlioator that has Ixs'ii a "iloail ono" iimlor various naiiios for many soas.iH'

haok, hilt Is now in lino, ami as a popular

pri< oil st<M'k tlioator Is <|iili«' a >:o. Tho roa

soil Hopkins inakos tho swiloh I' liooaii'o

ho foiiml tlioy wantisl viimlovilh- in l.•>tlis

villo la oily that was :i hit vamlovillo linn

tfryi. :iml iio imnlo up hi' mimi to form a

• iroiiil of his own. a la I'rphoiim. Kohl .k

f.isilo. or any othor ohi olronit. In .Mom

pills, howotor. ho tl\.-il a ton ooiit m.itim'o

opposition fi>r hliii'olf, a' III' fi.rinor siook

ooiii|ian.v. at llio oonoliisioii of ihoir "iwo

wooks' not loo," won- onk;:ii:is| hy tho .\mli

lorinni niana;;oniont to oontinno in ro\i\:il'

of plat', olo., as protioiisly, o\oopi :ii an

ollnr tlioator. TInil tin' fohau'l al'o noisl

o<l his fhli'ilKo liotiso to clto tho vamlovillo

pinyors ati oxini wts-k is oii'y to ti};iiro out.

.iiitl his oliatikto of (lolii'V will ill :ill |irolM

hillty nio.'i with all kiml' of siiooo"; lait

It will tako ’••111 a whilo to cot ii'isl to It

'town on Stato stroot. w horo tho stook ooni

pany was woll likisl, ami w lion tlioy tcavo

tlioni tho plays tlioy wanti'i hu'im'ss wa's alw:i\s hi',;. liiHMl Imk to tho now llo|ikins

' 'iKlovillo oiroiiit, howotor.

.ViiioiiK tho latost oahio tiows from l.on

• loll was tho followint;: "Tho KitiK ami

t.htoon, rriiK't'ss Viotiiriu. atnl I’rltioo iitnl

I’rlm-oss fharlos of I l•■tlmark. ami Ihoir

'iiiti's. attomloil tho prrformaiioo of • .Vrl

'.oiiii." at tho .\ilolphl Tln-ator I poll llo' ■ 'om'liisioii of tho porformaiD'o iill\o M.iy

was invitoil to tho royal ho\ Thoir niaji's

lios s|io:>k hamis with hor ami ooni:rain

lalo.l," oto Woll! Woll! Woll’ A till

<;iao play ami a fhloai;o iniross Thoy >:.>l

llo- ri'iil .\niorloan tiril^'li' this triii. .-ii :ill • •wills. I’rlnoo llonry will In' in llio Wimly

f|ly shortly. lli' will timl pli-iity of tho

Aiiiori<'an In fhli'iik;". ami othor iioxolllo' Woll ropri'sntisl, iis..


I’owors. 11 lurry .1. I’owt rs, Mitr. 1 Tho

• iiiinoiit r.iiKlish ailor. Mr I! .s. Willanl.

I' playliik' a hriof •■iit:ai;oim'nt onio wo-ki

It I’owi'rs. prosonlliiK his now play, hy

l.oiils N. I’arkor. oiililltsi ' Thi' fanlliial."

■ iml W ■-•liioNilay ot<'iilii>; ami Saliinlay m:il liii'o ho will prosoiit I' \\ Kohl'll son's

I'aviil liarrli'k." Mr I’arki'r lias ^■llos•'n

Koiiio as tho si'i'iii' of Ills play. ’'Tin' far

• liiial." at tho hoKiniiliiK of ihi' siMi'i'iilli

ooiilnry, wiion tin' Valli'iin riil<'*l tin' w«>rlil

I'ho oontral oharaolor In tin' play is t':ir

•Iliial tilovanni <h' \ •'•lli l. oiio of ilm stroiii:

•■sl prinoi-s of tho oliiiri'h. ami llo' I’oiio's

prolialii). smi'ossor It is In tho farilinal's

paliii'o, oil till' f apil•>lin•' Hill, tlial llo'

prim'ip:i| imliloiits iraiispiro Tho 1111111111

i:o< s lip on a si'oni' In llii- oloislor<'<l uaiiloii

"I tho pahii'i*. ami tho plot of tlio pl.'iy i'

as iiiloi'osliiiK ami as olovorly ovolviii as

tho sollliij; is hoaiilifiil. Till' I'a riliiia Is

voiinti-r lirotlior. liiiillaiio •!<' .Modloi. is in

lovi- with I'llhorta. il.'iii::hlor of fhi;;i. a

iiioi'<'liant prliHi' of Koiiio. Tlio farilinal lilt•'n'oili's wiili l•■ilhorla's falliiT in his

Itfollior's liohalf, ami limls, to hi' siirpriso

ami )|i'liuhl, lliai flii*;! is oiitiroly auri'oalilo

to lln mail'll. Tho star of ih'o lioiis*- of

.Mi'illi'i i> ill till, asooiiilaiit. I'h’jfi has

... intliionoo to mako tlio farilinal's

sill oo^nIi.ii to tho tripio orow 11. till' amlii

lion Ilf tiK llio. oorlain. ,\fii'r his inlor

yiow wllli tho farilinal, I'liiKi is aioosi.'.i on his way homo liy .\mlroa Sloy./.i. I'loroii

lino outlaw, who is al-o a siiilor for his

liaiichlor's liaml. Slo/,/i hail lliat day hooii

ordori'd hy tho I’opo to prm I'oil jii tho lioad

of an arni.v to siihdiio tho rohollioii.. Voiio

liaii'. l'.^'for•• kolny: ho do^iroil to doohiro

ids loy*' for fhii;i's daiiy;htor. fhi>:i iiioi'ls

his advam-os yviili soorii. and 'ii.-ors at llio

idoa of his daiitfhlor marrying a .Strozzi.

.Madih'iiod hy his dofoai. tlio outlaw stalls

I'ilhi'rla's fathor to do;iih. Hniliana is

found Hoar tho iloail IiimI.v, and tho ;:iiill of

tho ortmo is fastoiiod 1.11 him Itoforo tho

t' knows of ids liroihi'r's d:in;:or

Mrozzi ooinos to him wiili a roiiiio't that

tho farilinal should hoar hi' oonfossion and

uraiif him .ihsointion. Tin' farilinal >:ivos

l,is ooii'oiit. Tho oonfossion is niado in

diinih show. Strozzi is alisolvisl. aflor

swo.'iriiiy; ho will do all in his powor to

aloiio for tho ih'isl. Tho soal of tho ooii is u|ion his lips; ho oan not spoak.

Ho SOI s his hrothor, whom ho lovos ih-arly.

in daiik'or of his lifo; ho si-os tho foiidost

lio|ios of I ho hoU'o of Mi'dii'l hlastod. sinoo

a foloii's hrothor oan iioxor woar llio irifilo

orown. and yoi ho oan not spoak tho ono

Word that Would avorl llio awful irayisly.

Siro'/zi h;is uoiio to tlo' w;irs. month

p'lssos. i;ulliami must dio for .'Strozzi's

oriiiio oil tho morrow. 'I'li.- hoiiso of .Modioi

has hoon hutnhiod to tho dust, and tho

farilinal is f'ist losing; f.iitli in tho Jiisiioo

of foil. Tl.on Strozzi rot unis, tliishod with

viotory and ladon down with lionors. tho

f.lVorilo of tho I’opo :ind tho idol of tho

popiil.ioo. Hiovanni appoals tn him. Will

iio savo Iiuillaiio'.' tin ono oiindition ho will.

|■llhort;l umsl hoi'oiiii' ills yt Ifi'. To s;,m.

hor lovor and tho oriitiihliiiK lioiiso of Mod

li'i I'ilhortii yvoiild I'oiisoiil. and hocs tho

farilinal to aiiswor for In-r. Torn hotwoon

lovo. ainhition and tliity. tho farilinal for

a whilo oan imt atiswor. Tho awful ayfoiiy

of his drawn f;ioo tolls i.f tho haltlo

i' rak’lni: in his soul, :ind at last tho thun ih rinu ’ No" that ho hurls at tho hoiiorloss

Strozzi lolls that tho I'hnrohnian has oon iliiiTisl tho man and tho hrothor. This is a

troinoiidous sooiio. i;M'rvlldn>: sis iiis lost,

riio is loft aloiio. Ho sink' wo;ir

il.v and ho.irthrokon into a ih.-iir in an

titf'iiiy of uiispokoii >:riof. I iioonsoiousiy ho

loks ovor .,1 pliniso of \ irail, that ho'had

ii'ooiitly hoi'll iruiislaiinu. Two words.

r.y onifl." oaioh ids oyo. Ho ro

poats tlioiu. .\ now li;:hl dawns in

ids oyo .V smilo of triumph tilts

inross iiiiy haytuard fiiio. Ho loaps to his

foot, the |ia|ior from wldoh ho had hl•on

roiidiim oloiii'hoil in his hand. "By craft,*'

ho ori«‘s. in a vniis- rtlhsl with Impo and

triumph, his hand strotohisl u|ipoalin);l.v t'> hoaveii. as tho oiirtain falls and tho aiidi

olioo i;i\os its |iont mi foolinyis volll to a

Iniistt of apidatiso. Tho fourth and last

not lolls how. "hy orafl. " tho fardiiial do

foatod Strozzi. provod his hrothor's iiiiio

oonoo. and savod tho lioiiso of .Modioi with

out hroakint: tho holy so;il of tho ootifos

sioiial. Mr. Wlllanl is at his host in lid'

play, wldoh Is tlioroi'^hly iniorostiiiy; from

oiirialn to I'lirtain.

MrsSLMH'K I’ltiV." I’liWr.KS.

Illiii'iis. I Will. J. li:i\is. .Mcr.i .laliios I'

I’owors is horo, and 'o is "Tho Mi"sson:;or

Hoy. " Ho is a hit Kiiitlisli. you know, hut

an awfiiLy oiiiortiiinin:; ohap :it iliai. Nixon

iX /.imniornian's prodiiotion of tho latost of

miisii':i| i:ntfMsh oomislios. from tho Lon¬

don tl.iyoiy Tlioator. Tho .Mossoiiytor

Boy, " had .1 tir'ilotntod run at Italy’s Tlnai

lor. Now York, and wiili its liappy lot of

prini'ip:i|s ;ind clioriis. wldoh form a vory

allrai'tlio otisomhlo. is ;i most dosirahlo

sort .it oniortalnmoiil. I’owors is a hril

liani I l:a|i and a vory wilt.T I'oinodian. I

roiiioinhor him sim o ho tirsi appoansl in

v.'iudoi llio. Ho w as a nionilior of a "loam"

oallod Ko.'irnov and Towits. ILioIioI Booth.

May Kohsoti. ilooriria faiiio. Han WoiKlrulT.

'rum ILidaway, t!isiri:i' Ho l.oiiy; and many

iithors assist in tho fun. toytothor with tho itood liMikitiL:. hrilllant ohorus. .lanios T.

I’owors ;iml "Tho Mossi'iiiior Bov" tiro

wiirlliy siii'oossiirs to H:in '»:il.v and "Tho

Now Sorkors."

l.ASr WLl’K Hi' MKS I’lSKi;.

tliMiid Hpor;i Huuso, (Ha'ry L. Hamliu.

M::r.. I'nd. H.imiln. Bus. M>;r.I—This is

tho iln.'il wis-k of Mrs. Klsko’s ony;ay;emont,

and sho is prosoiiiilly: "Hlvoroons. ' Viotor

loll Sardou's familiar ooiiiody. Mrs Kisko is

soon in tho roll' of fy|iriotitio. and of oourso

Is oloM-r. as sho always is. But I will Iio

yrhid will'll tho talotitod woman si.oiiros ;i

plav worthy of hor oharmitii: solf.

fXSTl.l'; StJI AKK lit i;h.

Sliidohakor. tl.iitils Kranois Brown. Mytr.i

Tho fasilo Snuaro Opora foiniiany will

oloso Ihoir lonu’thy run of r.iiclish u'nind

oponi at tho Studohakor uoxt Saturday

nl^hi Ki'portidro is hoiny: otTorod this wiH*k,

‘wldoh Inoltidos ’•Faust," ’■t'armon." ’"Mar-

th.i, " "l.ohonycrln." "Bohoiidan tiirl," and two |iorformanoos will ho ;;lvon ovor to acts

from roiiiii'slod o|ioras, wldoh will lntrodui*e

tho oiitiro oompany. Tho si'a.son has uot

his'ii Imnioiisoly iimtitahlo, hut from an ar

llsiio slandp'iini Mr. Savaco’s i>ompany

si'orod hoavlly. Hii Maroh 11 (Joorno .Ado's

Filipino opoi-'i. ’'Tho Sulian of Siilii,’' will

ho priHliii'od at this tlioator. .Amotn; the

artists who liavo hi'oii sis'iirod aro MIssiis

Mar'.'.'iroi Mi KInnoy, Horirudo Quinlan.

Blaiii'ho I'hapnian. i!isiri:o Boano. Frod.

Fi'i'.ir. Kiihoii l.i'ii, .Linios MoHonald,

Harry \\:irron and Kocin.'ild Kohorts. .\||

oyos .110 oil ' Kl 15.1111."


.Mi'Viokor's, tJaooh Litt, M){r.; Sol. Lltt,

Bus. .M;:r.i •Tho I’hristian" is haok with

Its aitain. this liino with KIsie Leslie (the

ori'.:inal l.iltlo Lord Faiintleroy) us Glory

i.iiiaylo, in siipp'irt of Edward .Mory;au. The

liroduotiou is up to the Liohler A: Co. staad-

:ird, yvhioh iiiouiis much. Juooh Litt was horo rooontly, and umoiix othor thinxs he

announood that ahoiit tho luiddlo of .May

Iio yvoiild make a lily; produotiou at bis

iho.'itor a play hy C. T. Hazoy, the author

of "In Hid Kentucky.’’ The new play has

not yet been named, but the scenery and

ironeral buildiny; of the prisliiotlon is al¬

ready iiiidor way. Prior to this, however,

Kloli \ Harris will have a production at

.MoVli'kor's oallod "Jim,” a drama¬

tization Il.v I. .N. .Morris. .Andrew .Mack,

-Ma.v Irwin and Frank I'orloy's miisioal

pii'oe, "The Chaperons." are also umouy;

till- early iMsikings at McVicker's.


Great Northern, (E. l>. Stair, I’ropr.; Ed¬

ward Smith, Mgr.)—"Johnny” and Emma

Kay have returned, and with them "A Hot

Hid ’I'lnie,” in which a lot of hurrah come-

diaiis kick up much connsl.v. The Kay

show Is just the same as wlieii last seen

bore a few weeks ago. Hollis ('ooley, gen¬

eral manager of tius Hill's enterprises, was

liero rooontly on his way to .Milyvuukoe. On

Ills return he had a lengthy contract signoij

with tho Kays, under whioh they will work

under Gits Hill's management, going into

oit'oct the ooming season, I understand

they will have a new play called "The Jan¬ itors.’'


Hearliot n, I W. W. Tillotson, Mgr.)—‘'The Liars." by Henry Arthur Jones, has ro-

(ilaoi'd King and a Few Hiikos" at the

HoarlMirn. It Is classed by its author as a

coiiiody, but, while In no souse tragic, it

has sill'll a s«-rious undertone and paints a

moral so strongly that the term drama is

Hot out of the way. There is another Upio

Bead |ilay bolng put in shape, "The Hark

riders." and ere long will liiivo a prmluotiou

by the Hi-arborn Stock Company. Tho re

ool.t -Ueeo'S. "The Sl a rl Uli'ks." has lioi'll

put en tour. .March '_’ "The Exjilorors"

will lie soon at tho Hearlmrii for two por-

forniani es. Kioliard Carlo and Kiith White,

togeihor with other entortaining ones, are in the oast.


Celumbus. ii'has. 1’. Elliott, .Mgr.i Tho

• 'oliimbiis StiH'k Coni|ian,v are reviving

".Men and Woiiiou " in a loiy capable man-'

no,'. "I’lidd nhoad Wilson ' is in rehoarsal,

and Je-vsie Bartlett Havis is bisikod for a

I'otiirn otigagoiiiont siarting .March

.Alh.imbra, iK. 1‘. Janette, .Mgr. 1—One of

Lineoln J. Carter's best [days, "Hown .Mo

I ilo," is pleasing large audiences at this

IMipular South Side pliiyhoiiso.

.Aoadoiii.v, iF. 1’. Simpson. .Mgr.; Wm.

Koaoh, I’lUS. .Mgr.i—Carl Haswin’s play, ".A

Lion’s Heart," has movi d over on Halstead

stris't to tho .Ai'ademy, and should have a

giMsI week of it, though llio.v like somethiug

a bit iiioi'e sensational on the Wi-st Side.

.Manager "Nid" Sim|ison is in Los .Angeles

[iiitting .1 big chutes park in shape. ’’.N'l-d’’

IS oxiior' at this sort of thing; he was man¬

ager of the Chii'iigo Chilli'S for many years.

Bijou. I Jack Flaherty. .Mgr.i .\ play

called "Koxana's Claim" i' llio offering at

this boiili vard thoalor, .-iiid it' patrons

thoroughly enjoy it.

Criterion. tLlnoolti J. Carter, I’ropr.; John

B. Hogan. Gon’l Mgr.i "The Two Little

Waif'' aro home again at the house of

their tiirili, or rathor the birth of tho iday.

Siin e this play went on lour it lias made a

lot of money and helped to swell .Mr. Car

ter"' alr:-:id.v healthy bank aieouiil. "The

■| Wo Little Waifs" is one of the liiggost

■xiniiors .Mr. Carter ever |iroilueod. and is

lining an oxoolleiit bii'iness at the Criterion.

.Aiiioriian. i.lohn I’onners. .Mgr.i — The

Travers Vale company liavo on a splendid

Iirosenl.'ilion of "The New .Magdalou," a

plav formerly so popular in the repertoire

of I’lara Morris. The .Vinorioan is doing its

full sliari of businos>. Mr. Sale will again

ha\o Eloi'irlo I’ark in I'iiy tlio 00m

ing suiiiinor si-asmi. .'ind his sim'k oompany will furnish the oiiii I'tainmonis.

I’ooplo’s—Tho May llosinor Stook 1'oiii

liaiiy is ;ilso among he forliinate ones, and

each play otforisl is mot with favor. They

like tile Hosinor oompany on the Wi-st Side

:ind tho way they are doing •'rnilor Two

Flag' " tills Week.


I'hieggo Hiiora Hmisi' .Mario Wainwriglil

:iiid o'liiip.iny in a little lomody, "The Lady

and till* Clock." sei'vi*s to show off this tal

oiilod aetri'ss and her as.sis'lati-s nicely.

Filsoii and Errol are back in Inirtioss. and

their skit, ’ A Tip on the Horby," is a hit. Ki'iio and Kichards seem to bo happy to get

away from " .AWiseGuy." Hillon Brothers

aro olovor, .'iiid a long siring of others aro


Havniarkot—Tho Maizotti troupe, Horace

Golden .ind .loan Fnnsioli. Holan and lien

liarr, Colby family. Hughes and .Auger,

Trov.'illo. Gniole Emmett and Company, the

lirini'i|i:ils of tho Hyde show, ari' giving a

giaiil iiorformanoe in oonjiinotion with a

niimlior of others who make u|i tho eon llnilolis bill.

Hlympio This house always gets tho acts

tlrsi, prior to Ihoir making tho rounds of

the other two alioxo iiioiitiotii'd Kohl \

Basilo houses. Johnstone Bennett and as

sistant ;ire doing ".A ijiiiot Evening at

Homo," which is oxeellont. though a bit

fainili:ir. Eddie Girard and .liissie Gardi

III r h.'iM' :i breezy skololi. tins Williams is

as pleasing as of yore, and tho balanoo of

the programme is well arrangisl.


S:ini T. .Lii'k's. i.siiltii'y ,1. Evson. .Mgr.i iViii'oii's .Vnioriian Biirlosi|uors. wllli W

B hini'olf "aoiiiig out.’’ is Manager 111

son’s attraolion. and with two sueh bur

lo'uiii' Is ’l.oii's Chrisioniiig " and "/.eb’s

Corner, " lit lie more could Iw desired in a

mixture of comisly, song, tights, girls and other things.

’Trocadero, (Kobt. Fulton, .Mgr.; George

Loos, Jr., Bus. Mgr.)—Harry Bryant's Bur-

les(|uers are back with us, this time at

the Trocadero. Amoug the players are

Bryant and Savllle, Tom Kiiile.\\ Cohen

and Kayinond. Kussidl and T.vlene, the

I’err.v and Burns Trio, and Harr.v Bryant.

The Japanese troupe is something of

a feature. 'The liiirlesi(ues ar*' eostiimeil

nicely, and the bevy of girls lisik attract ive in tlesliings.

I'p on Stale street Capt. .lohii While’s

London Muse*- is iH-iiig patronized by those

w ho are in seaii li of a show w lii ie iliev

give lots for the liiom-y, and .it George Midill*'lon’s I'lark street plaee .-i similar

'tali' of affairs |irevails.

Freilerlek d*- Bi'lleville. of Jaiiii's iT.N’eill’s

Coni|ian.v, is appearing in "Hivoreoiis" with

.Mrs. Fiske this we*-k. Ihroiigli the eourtesy

i f .Mr. H’N’eill and iLi'Idi-r A Co.

Hopkins Thi'iiter is now givi'ii over to

vaiidevilli- pi'rfornianees, though Sam .Mor

ris. Klehai'd Biihler and Ji'iiiil*' Kelton. of

the former stin-k eoni|ian.v, ar*' n'taiiied to produce om-act plays along with the sp*--

ehilty programs.

Edward Sliayn*', g*'neral manager of tin-

Western .Suninier I’ark Cin iill, has opene*l

ollii'i's .'It s7 Wnshingtoii sir*-*'l. and Is iil

ready a very busy Individual, booking for

many of tlie most |iromin*'ni parks. .Mr.

Shayiie is in position to off*-r soni*- of th*-

best vauib-vill*- iieoph- ill lb*' biisin*-ss. and

Ills new enterprise, though young, is al

ready a siioeess.

W. E. Franklin, of the Wallaoe Shows,

was in Cliieago the past we*-k.

"Hih'" Freeman is baek from the s|irings,

and is inl*'r*'sied with .Mr. Bariii's, of Chi eago mot New Vorki, in Hi*' agency biisi

ness in the Chicago iipera House Bloi k.

Georg*- Saniiii'Is, oI "’The Coiiviet’s

H.'iuglit*-i'’’ fame, was here the past week

liMiking w*-ll and ha|ip.v, and wearing the

Slim*- size hat that In' did when he was lust .1 plain ag*'nt.

W. E. Miisgat anil Fred. Wagner, of the

Wallaie Shows, ar*' her*', waiting for the

signal that ;'l.'irts tin- r*'d wagons off

'Tin- National has just turn*'il out a sii p*-rli pice*' of lilhogra|ihie :irl. tin- siilij*-ei

la-ing a bust portrait of 'Tlnsslor*' 'Thoniiis.

Tin- work for Lineoln Cart*'r’s new |ii*-*'e,

"The Madman,’’ is being gott*-n out also,

iiiid that which 1 have seen is eel*-v*'rl.v d*-

signi'd and eminently attraetiv*-. Wiiliani

Hisld has forgotten all iiliout half rat*- tick

its and what time iPm-s Hie train go and

all that sort of thing, and In- Is now ki-«-p

ing '*-111 bii'.v eiitting IdiH'ks for one and

elglit sheets, ele.. and if yoil don’t believe

iiie. just not ill- tin- ini|irint on a lot of iln-

loeal work that is Ix-iiig hung on tin- walls

llii'se dais heri'alioul.s,


BOSTON, MASS. Boston. Mass., Fell. IH.— Hollis Str*-*-t

Theiter Week of Fi-b. 17, Hetiry Irving

and I.Ill'll 'Terry, in re|»*-rtoire. Kxeelb-ut

b isiness till' first parr of the w**ek. but fell

off the last half. W***-k of Feb. g-l. Jolm 1 irew.

’Treiiiont 'Theater W*'ek of Fell. 17.

"Kitig Hislo,” to big busintsis. 'This i-om

I i.Il.v Inis eanglit on, au*l the town is Kitig

Hodo mad. The engugemeut l.s indefinite.

I’oliiiiial 'Tbeater Week of Fell. 17, "Flo-

n dura." No. g eoinp.iii.v. Th*- has

falieti off greatly, anil Boston Is not pleasisl

with t'oiiipatiy .No. 2.

Boston .Mus*-iim- Week of F*-li. 17, May

Irw in ill "W idew ,lon*-s.’’ GimmI liii.siin-ss and a good eom|ianv.

"Color.'ido" will I'losi- its *-ngagemenl in

tills city at the Boston ’Thi-at*-r Satnrdiiy

I veiling, after a very siieei-ssfiil two wei-k.s. K.'ithryn Kidd*-r will follow in ".Molly

I’ll* her, " presenling tin- play for Hie first

time in tills eity. 'Tln'ri- li.-is tos'ii a iargi-

adv inee 'al*-. and the o|ieiilng performain-e

is to be graeed with the preseliee of Mrs.

Grovr )'le\eland.

'Till- headliners in next Siitiday's bill at

tile Boston Tlo-ater eoneert are Fr*sl*-rick V. Bow I'l'i. mid Artii' Hall. Hther soloists

w llo will ,-issist th*- First K*-gim*-nt Batid

are Kitli'ii'.iie Harris. 'Thotnas J. Colton,

Berrill Fisher. .I.iek Golilie, little Bl.'inch*-

I'ollette and Frank E. Hodge.

"I'ndi-r Sealisl 1 trders" was the drama al

Morrison's ilraml 'Th*'at*-r. ami was spl*-n

didly pres*-ntt-d li.v the stock eompan.v. It

is for tlo- eurr*'nt w*-ek only.

"’Th*- Niiiiiin*-*'" displayed the nietnbers

Ilf tile I'astI*' Sonar*' company In a most

(ileasing light atid hirge amlietiees wer*'

presi'iit at ev*'r.y |«-rf*irtiiatice. 'This week

the famous play, ".Master and .Mati.” will

In' tile offering.

'Three of Man.ig*'r K*-ilh’s lati-st Euro

pean importations constituted the bigg*-st

nov*-lil<-s in his Idll last w'*-*-k, yiz.. the

Kaufman ... bieyelists, the Sando trio of aeroliats :ind Karsy’s myrlphone, the

latest niiisii'al noyelt.v. .All of them s<-or*-*l

lilg hits. 'This was the last week of “Jim"

Corli*-tt. w hilst- success as a story teller was

almost ph*-noni*-nal.

I’al.'ie*- ’Th*-af*-r Week of Feb. 17, Keiitz

SaiiH*-y Coinpan.y, a big show to fine busi¬

ness. W*-«'k of Feb. "■!, "The Blue Blisals"

III "V.Ti 'Ting. "

'Till' Colibris midgets, five in number, are

ipiiH- Hi*- elev*'r*-st and most artistic Lilli

piitians ever *-xhlliit*-<I here, and Hi*-ir act

at Boston Music Hall last week was easily

one tif til*- most entertaining in the long and

variisl progniuiine. 'Th*-s*- litth- (leople

raiegt- in a-g*- from Dii to 'Jt! .y*-iirs and in

still lire finiii to liS Inches, and every

tiling they do liears tin- Imprint of k*-*-n

iiit*-llig*-uee and a fine sense of humor.

Charmion introilueed stime iiinovations in

her sensational trap*-x*' act at the Uowaril

last wi-*-k that addi-il considerably to its

startling iiiiulilies.

Nat Biitl. r ami Willie .Nevill*-, at Austin

A .Stom-'s. won apfdaus*- at every show.

'Till- i-rowds were enormous all w*-ek. Nat


:iml Uis |iarlii<-r »-vt-r.v hour in fast tliiH* ra(.-»*s <>ii the velcMlroni**, and tli**y ran mighty rlose to tin* rooords. Karini, tho l)ig niystory, |iuzzl<sl tliousunds (luily.

The Howdoin Square Tljeater liad jaickeii liiuises at every i»erforinanee, and greatly ideast'd tile audien<-es.

Young Alplion/.o. Fall River's eliani|iiou hag puneher, met all comers at the Nickel odeon last week.

Rice I.V Kartoii put up an even lietter show than usual at the l.yeeiim last week.

“Happy Hooligan." with Ross Snow in 111*- title part, pleastsl the patrons of the Hr.ind opera House immensely. The east includes Mr. Snow, Willie tierdes. .Maggie Weston, t'arrie l/.ier. Whalen and tttto, Holliday and 0»l»>i, Adelaide Marsden and a pretty chorus.

The Hijoii Theater made money with the old fashioned opera, “11 Trovatore," last week, with Frida Rleei as a star, and she makes guisl. Hear old Oulney Kllhy is hack at his desk <'ouuting up tlie liandsoine prof¬ its for .Murray A (Iill»ert.


CINCINNATI. O. Cincinnati, <»., Felt. 2.'i.—'I'lie attendane*‘

at tile loejil tiouses liist wts-k, wit it one ex¬ ception- the Hike- was ptstr. “.Miss Rob White" is ;i ineritori<tus .-ittraetion, and de¬ served lietter patronage tliiiii it received. Tile innsle in litis thdiglitful operatic eom- »sly is of Hie most spirileil anil ealeliy kind, sung liy a east of well trained voie*-s. .-\s a star, .Miss Marguerite Sylva ..led even tile gisid work expected of Iter. Slie was new to Cineinn.-itians. luit Iter repnia lion liad ... iter. Site is a hi-antiful Woman' an ..niplislied vocalist. Sup ported liy a company of individual and col Icctive merit, .Miss Syl\a s stay :it Roliiti son’s r.inks as one of llie most eiijoyalile of tile tnany musical treats of llic cuirent seasotl.

Fverylliing considered, llie IMke [ilayers iicquitted themselves liaiidsoniely iti their presetitation of •'I'lie Cliristian," rallier tin ,irduous iinderlaking for sueli ;i liiird work¬ ed liody of 'l'lies|iiiitis as a stis’k company. 'I'lit* l*ii;e Cotn|iany lias done lietter in oiliei plays, imt never lietter in plays of the same rei|uirenienls. iiyroti liougl.-iss tmnle a very acceplalile ,lolin Storm. Tlic .-it tetnlaiiee at evert performance was large ciioiigli to mal;e otic forget tliat it wtis the l.eiiteii seasotl.

■•'I'lie lievil's .Vuelitin." it is sjiid, lias lieell lieforo t lie piihlie for twelve long years, lutt the stnall audiences at tlie Wal¬ nut seenietl to tiinl plenty to amuse them in tlial .Met liiisel.-ili of s|ieetaeulardom. Some tiew scenery, a general linisliing up of dialtigiie. ami tlie introdiietion of songs not i|uite so anlii|uatef| wniild iloiilitless give “'I'lie lievil's .Vuetioll ' a lleW lease Oil

life. .M the t'oliimlda, last week, llie olTerings

were liy no ineaiis up to tlie standard. I’u trice presented a taking ai't; tlie Flinore Sisters received a goodly sliare of apidaiise, and liiineaii, tlie veiitriliMpiist, made goisl. • itherwise the liill was poor.

May Howjird's show was never intended for U“e at a Sunday seliool entertainment. 'I'liere are some gags sprung tliat for raw ness lie!ii an.\ thing lieard lien- this season. 'I'lie o|ieiiing and closing ideees are good. In the olio Sheridan and Fianigaii. in a Idaek face singing .ind daneing turn. easil\ lead; in fact. Iliev are the liit of tlie show, and their daneing is one of tlie best e\er s.aoi at I'lsqile's.

la-nl and a |MMir show eoiiiliined to |iar al.vze tile box olliee at lleliek’s last Week. •'.Vre ^'oii a RiitTalo" is not likely to be "plnelied" for selling tlie world on tire. 'I’liere are one or two in tlie company w lio are go<id. Ffi’d, Huber, llie black face, for iiisianee.

.\l tile l.yeeliui “'I'ln- Span of I.ife'

pleased gisid audiences. Robinson's tipera Housi-. iHavlin A Rain

fortli. .Mgrs.i 'I'lie great**sl opening assem- Idage of tile season, as to numbers and quality, greeted .Mr. Rieliard .Manstield last nlgiit at Robinson's. “Heaiieaire." given its first liwal Iireselitatioll. |iroVed one of tile most deliglitflll eoinedies ever offered liy Ainerlea’s great actor. It eoniiiares fa voralilv witli “Reau Rrunitiiel" as a play, and almost ap|iroaelies tlie elabotate di ineii.sions of '•Cyrano He Rergenic." 'Reiiu- eaire" is taken from Rooth 'I'arkington's Well known story of tlie barber I’rinee, :ind is iiresented in live acts, the curtain rising jii .s o'elis-k. in the (ireseiiiation of “Reaueaire" every available inch of stiige spiiee is used, and all tlie lioiise s.-eiiery is removed, to make w.-iy for the magnitieeiit mountings i-arried liy .Mr. Manstield. In¬ terest in lids eoinedy of manners begins from tlie rise of tlie eiiriain, and continues uneeasingly until llie final. If tlie enthusi :tsni of tile opening niglit audience is a eri lerion. the eurreiil week lifoinises to score tile artistic triuni|di of tlie season. .More niiisii at Itobinsoii's next week, when “Tlie Strollers" aiqiear.

I'lie I’ike. (liavid H Hunt. .Mgr.l—Tlie presentation of “CUsipalra" at the I’ike, Sunday, reiniiided one forcibly of a nioukey trying to get away witli an elepliant. It is not intended to insinuate that the I'ike Company is a monkey, nor that ‘‘Cleo¬ patra" is an ele)diant. but tlie former's effort to give a ereditnide perfornianee of the Sardou pnMiuetion nn-t witli just about as much success as would fall to ilie lot of a monkey in a contest witli tin* afore mentioned qundni|ied of ina.stadoiiie pro liortlons. The scenic effects are gisid. It's a pity the players olisimei tlie audience's view of it. A large crowd witnessed the openiug, and many seemed pleased with it. Next week the I’ike players will offer as an attraction “A Coioiiial Hirl."

'I'he Walnut, (Anderson A /.iegli-r, Mgrs.t —For people who like kius-k alsnit work and Irish dialect, “The Irish Pawnbrokers” will serve as an acceptalde entertainment. .Mazie Trumbull headed the company which opened at the Walnut Sunilay, and is sup

ported by tile .\nierieaii Macks and an in different eoni|iany. Clever speeiallies re lleve llie inonotoiiy is-casioiially. Next we«-k. "liiidolpli and .Xdolph. "

The Coinmbia, i.Vnderson »V /iegler. Mgps.i I'linny Fanny Rice lieads Hie vau¬ deville bill a: tile C<dnnibia. which opened Sundav afteriioen to a gisid liouse. Miss Rice doi's her doll :iel. in x'lUiiieetion witli a sketeli C-iri'ie Hrahani does "Sis Hop kins" imilations cleverly; Taylor Twin Sisters, in a musical act id' no great nieiil; Cole and Heli'ose, ill a wire act, tliat would go belter Were the eoinedy elimilialed : Hale and l''ranees. in a pleasing .juggling act : Hordoii and Keppler. in a sketch. :ind the Hawthorne Sisters complete the program.

I’isqd«-’s 'I’healer. iHellek. l-’ellessv A Stair, .Mgrs.i—"The Merry Maidens." witli Nellie Hanley “in front." offer a gisid in spots sllow lleic this week, lull tile good spots predominate. Nellie Hanley’s illus trated songs, and lames Lowry’s "konii kalitles" Were good. 'i'lie Revere Sisters, Ia*o and Chapman. Fiallioiiski. tlie Spencer Rrotliers, and Harry Seeliack are others wlio are seen. Tlie “Cyele Wliirl" is a wonder. Ntexi we«-k, ''Hlgli Rollers."

Hettek's Hpera House, uleuck. FetiiU'ssy A Stair, Mgrs.i Young Corbett is tin- prin elpal drawing ejtrd witli ".V Stranger In a Strange l.and." Hie offering at lleiiek's lids wi'cli. He does a sparring bout. Tlie farce is built around tlie troubles of a real in ilian and a eounterfeil Indian. .Next week, “laisl River."

Lyeeiini, 11leiiek. I-'eniiessy A' Stair. Mgrs.i "The tiypsv Cross" is a eoinedy drama

slightly aiiove tlie avenige of its kind. .\1 Ilia lUMU'ge. the star, is a capable actress .ind a lieiitilifiil woinaii. Next week, “tine of the Rravesi.'’

PHILADELPHIA. PA, Rroad Street Tlie.iler—“Sky Farm" was

Idllerly assailed bv Hie press of this city, and Hie piildie sta.vtsl away. Last wi'ek’s lutsiness was tlie worst ever known, one niglit tliere being less than fifty people in tile tiouse. Wi'ek of Feb. II-I, “Klien Hol¬ den."

Harrii'k Tlieater Henry Miller opeiuHl a two weeks' engagi-ineiit on Feb. 17, pro diieing "H'.Xrey of tile Htiards." The play is lie.iutifully mounted and the company strong. Ritsiiiess lias lusui fair. .Mareli Mrs. I’.'itriek Campliell.

Cliestnut .'Street 'I'lieater—Anna Held op elied Feb. 17 in “Tile Little Hueh«*ss" to a packed 111 use and business reniaiinsl viu'.t large. Slie will eontintie tliis week, and tile advance sail' is very Itirge. Week of March fi. "Wa.v How ii Fast" eonies for a three weeks' stjiy.

Chestnut Street Opera House —William Faversham. in "A Royal Rival." made a lilt on Feb. 17. and business picked up every niglit after tlie openiug. We*-k of Feb. ‘JI. "I’lorodora." with the original New York east. Large advance sale.

Waliiiii Stre»q Tln^iter—Ward and Yokes opeimd Felt. 17 in “Tlie Head Waiters." and did a big luisiness all week. The Tuxetlo Ladies' Rami made a Itig liit. Wt>ek of Felt.

"Colorado." for a two weeks’ slay. Auditorium Tlieater—"A Trip to Ruffalo"

made siicli a hit week lief ore last tliat liiisi- tiess was exeeilellt last wis*k. Felt. ‘.’L Robert .Mantell in re|>erloire.

I’ark Tilt.Iter — “York State Folks’’ pleased Itig crowds week of Felt. 17, iind will lie eoiitlniied this week.

National Tlieater — “The Hangers of I’aris." week of Feb. 17, to goisl lilislness. Fell. I’d. “The I’enitent."

I’eople's Tlieater "The Night Before ciirisinias’' opened to a good liouse ou Fell. 17. and busini“ss was good all week. Al.

I Marlin's big “I'nele Ttun's Cabin" coin pan.v eonies Feb. ‘Jd and week, and as this eompaiiy has an excellent reputation in this section it will no doubt do a big business.

Hrand Opera House 'Llie Imperial Knglisli Opera Company did well week of Feb. 17. Tliey priHineisl three operas. “Aiila” and “Lucia" are annoiineeil for this week.

Foreiiaugli's Tlieater—Week of Fell. 17. “Sowing llie Wind.” liy the clever stoi-k ci.iinpany. and Feb. Ud big scenic produetlon of "Woman and Wine.”

Girard Am nue Theiater—“We'uns of Ten¬ nessee" was till' bill for week of Feb. 17 and luisiness was good. Week of Feb. 2d, Kdward Harrigan opened a seven weeks’ engagement, supported by the stock com¬ pany. Tile first play will be “Old Laven¬ der." 'I'lie demand for si*at8 lias lieen enor¬ mous, and pnispects are bright for the sea¬ son.

Standard Theater—“Reaping the Whirl¬ wind,” l).v the stock company, drew mod¬ erate crowds week of Feb. 17. This week. "I'lie War of Wealth.”

Keith's Tlieaer—The vaudeville offerings at this tlieater week of Fell. 17 wer the most stupendous ever annoiiueed. ’I'he house was crowded from uo<iu to 10 o'cliK.'k at night.

Klevenlh Street Opera House--Frank Hu- mont does not have to change his liill fre quentl.v, as his patrons are repeaters. If tliey like a luirlesqiie they will attend four or five Weeks in siieeesHioii. Only a portion of the programme was changisl last week. Riisiiiess is lietter than Hiis minstrel coni pany ever expi riencisl in Hie Lenten sea son.

l.yeeiiiii Tlieater “The Crackerjacks” wis-k of Fell. 17. and ‘'The World Beaters” week of Fell. 21. Business fair.

Troeailero Theater — Roble's “Knlcker bockers” week of Feb. 17 to good business. House is doing remarkable buslm-ss for Lent.

.Star Theater—“The Night Owls” wi-ek of Feb. 17. to fair business. Week of Feb. 21. t;i*orge Chandler has on “Kings and Oueens of Burlesque.” with Jack O'Brien, the pugilist, as an added attraction. I’ros- peets for a liig week are liright.

Kensington Theater—I<afayette and his vaudeville company o[H‘ned F'eb. 17 to big hous«8. We<-k of Feb. 24, “The Rohe rnians.” I

.Museum —Rusliiess eonliiiues good, witli a big displii.v of curios and eliaiige of vaiide ville In theater every week.

Fmplri* Theater New bill of vaudeville wiH‘k lit Fell. 17. Rusliiess fair.

.Nlxoii A- /.iiiiinernian will manage tlie .Na¬ tional Tlieater after this season. Tlie Kelly Bros, will lie retained as resident managers, but all liiMikings will be done by Klaw A Ih'laiiger for N’ixon a /iiiinieriiian. Tills gives Hie syndicate control of seven Ihea lei's in this city.

.Max .Vriiobl, Hie blind eoniedian. who lias made this city Ids home since his af tlietiiui, will be lelideled his ailllll.'ll benefit on .\pril 4.

“Sky Farm" will be diseoniiiiiied after lids week. It lias been the most disastrous pi'oiliieiion eyer pul mil b.\ Charles l-'roli man.

tiver'-’iid proft^sioiials alleiided Hie iiial iiiee at Forepaugli's Tlieater on Friday, Fell. 21, to 8»s- the production of "Sowing Hie Wind" by Hie stock company.

The close of the opera season at the .Xead eliiy of .Music on l-'eli. is drew the biggest liouse of the season. ".Miiru." tlie new opera by I’aderewski, was ilic Idll. Burt on Holmes will give Ids illiistratisl lectures every Monday niglit during Lent.

Rusliu'ss at Hie .\reli Street Tlieater, where WiHister’s German Stiwk Company is playing, is good.

Tlie roof trusses for Keitli’s new Cliestnut Street Tlieater. were placed in position lids wtH‘k. and it w ill soon be under cover, wlieii the work will be piisliisl forward rapidly. Tile tlieater will posilivelv open ill Seplelil lier. Bt*R.

INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Indianapolis. 1ml.. Feb 24 Hrand i ipi-ra

House. (.1. Brush Bronson. .Mgr.i Week of I'eb. 17 the Grand presentisl one of Hie liesi bills of tile season. Tile headliner was Joll> Fann.v Rice. She is still as clever as ever. Slie has an entirely new act tills season. The next best iiet on the liill was Melville and Stetson, wlio did some Very

clever singing. 'I'lie costumes worn by tlievi- people are something inagidfieent. I'lieir dialect song is a feature of tlie act. Cole .iml Heloss, ill aerobatie work was giHid; the cleverest part of their work wa' done on tile slack wire. The balanee of the progriim was niinie up of Hie Standard i.iii.irtetie, Willie Ha.e and I'rames, Mar g.-ii'et Scott, .lames Rome, ami Marguerite l-'erglMoll. 'I’lie show eiosed with tell lleW vie\v» oil tile Riogra|ih. Week of l-'eb. 21. K.'ir i. Hie juggler, and ten rmig acts.

I’.irk Theater, i l-’risl liiekson. Mgr. i Feb. 17 1!*. Mason and .Mason, in “Rudolpli and .\dolpli." opened to fair business. The best act on the program was Ch:is, .Mason -iiigiiig a coon song in tierniaii. There are quite a number of sp»>elaltles iiitroilueed through the show. The show as a whole was fair. Feb. '2<C2'2. “I’apa’s Rab.v." It opened to S, R. 11. This show is brigliter ami lietter tlian tile average show. Tlie Nichols Sisters, who are residents of In diaiiapoiis, maile quite a Idt. 'Tin* rest of the program Is made up of quite a good

niiiiiber of spis'ially turns. Feb. 21 2ii. “I'.dry Fann;" Feb. 'js March 1. ".laiiie- Ibivs In Missouri" Coming; “.V Si ranger In a Strange l.and. "

Thnpire Tlieater. iCbas. /.imniei-nian, .Mgr.l Week of Feb. 17. llie Meirv .Maid ells " opened to S. R. <I The burlesque is i.iHier weak in singing, tlie eosinnies. bow ever, are good and add interesi i.i Hie show. Hue of the best acts ami iiiosi tlirlll ing is the “Cyele Whirl. " given by I.nard Wilson, .lohn Lawson and Hick Howard, all well known racing men. 'The w lieelineii liave a portalile race track, which oeeniib-s the whole of the stage. I'lie track is built al .'III angleii of sn degrees, and ap|iears to be .iliiiiist verlieal from Hie auditoriiini of Hie iliealer <'ll this track llie men race .ii'oiiml al a s|ieed whieh is startling. 'The trick riding of one of tlie men Is also goml. I'liis act was higlily appreeialed b\ Hn* large andieiiee, and proved to be a larg«- drawing card for the lialaiiee of iln- week. I'eli. 21 2<!. May Howard's Rurlesqae Coin nany. Feb 27 Nlareli 1. "'Tlie HIgli Rollers."

LnglislTs t Riera House. i.Xdd. F. .Miller, Mgr.l Fell. lit. maliiiee and nighl. “A Run away Girl" played a relurti engageineiil to liig besliiess. .Xrtliiir Huiin is as funny as ever. 'The east lias la**-n sonn*what eliaiiged ijiiile a niimlier of songs were In ti'iMliieed. I-'eb. 21122, K»*llar opened liere to large audience. .Mr. K»-!lar entertained ami mystified for two liotirs and a lialf. lie has addeil quite a number of in-w tricks. Fell. 2.-| *2'!. “The Rogers Brothers III Wash ingioii."

I’liii.ii’ ki;n’h.xi.i.

KANSAS CITY. MO. Kansas Clt.v, Mo., Fell. ‘21.—'I'he Audilo

riiiiii. I Woodward A Burgess. Mgrs.i—Last wi'ck Hie Woodw.ird Sltx'k Conipan.v ap peared in a priMluetioii of Bronson How¬ ard's stirring war drama. “Slieiiaiidoali" Itllsiness was liig. .XII Hie niembel's of Hie eoinpaiiy were suitably east, and the seenie I qnipineiit was eiitirelv sailsfaeiory. 'This week. "A Midnight Bell.”

'lie Gra.'id. Hliidson A .ludali. Mgrs.i ■’I'he Teie|ihoiie tJIrl," with I lave Lewis and I’e.irl night In Hie leading roles, plaved to fair business last week. I-'or the eur rent wis*k, “Th*‘ Belle of New X’ork" is the al tract ion.

'The Hriiheiim, I.XIarlin Lehin.'iii. Mgr.l Jacques inaiidl. the mental marvel, was the lieadliiier at this popular liouse lust wis-k. The “Cycle Wlilrl" was also a fea lure I ftlie lilli, whleli further liieliided the Four Hills, singing eoiiie<l.v; (}eo. H. XX’issl. moiiologisi; Hill ami Wlillnker, liaiijolsts, and Olliers. For Hie eiirreiil week Hie fol lowing appear: Kallieriiie Blomlgisid. so iolst: Hie Rozilios, aeroliatle eomediatis; Werner and Beider, duett Isis; the Faust Sisters, dam'ers; Al. and Mamie .Xmlersoii, singers and dancers; XVeleh Brothers, Irish eomedlaiis, and the Kliiodroine.

The Gentiiry, (Woodward A Burgess,

Mgr-.I .\ b«al prisliieHoii, “'The House 'That .l.i< k Biilll, " Is the eiirrent atlracHon.

'Tile Hilliss, ii; S. Bi'igliam. Mgr.l Last week, ".X Ragged Hero. " with Fdgar Fore nian and .liilla West in Hie leads, |dayed lo l•xeellelll business. 'This wis-k. Bariley Gilmore, ill "Kidnapped In New York," will doubt less prove a big winner.

Coiiveiitloii Hall, H.oiiis Shoiise. Mgr.l 'Hiring Hm oiirreiii week Hie nimh lierald ed Winter Circus is on. Manager Slioiise has booked sonic of Hie best i-li-i-us acts in Hie i-ouiiliv lor this veiilni'e, among them being the I'lvillg Biekells. ael'iallsl^: III,.

Silv'erlon Trio. momiie||« of |||,. ,iiiek wire, tile HidisollS, ei|Ues| I ialls; .SlaekeV . wile • irtisi, ami In.sis oi oi iiei s. .\l| In all, the bill is Hie strongest of its kind ev,-!- seen here. Coming; Soiisa and hls band. .March 2; Jan Kubelik, viollnisi. .March t>.

Cliarles l.eonald l-'leleher. the well known vaiidevilllan, has temporarily retired from the stage .iml has opened a draiiiatie si-hool llere.

'The Kansas City 'Tliealrieal Lxeluiiige lias moved Into new ami spacious otli<-eu pi the Century Building here.

Josiq Hofniaiin. tlie noted pianist, gives

two eoiieirts here. Fell. '27 and March I. I a' tile .Xe.lilelllV of .XIuSiC.


BUFFALO. N. Y. Buffalo. \ X., I’.di. 24. Star 'I'he.-iler.

i.lohii l:. Slirling. Mgr.i "If I Wer.- King ' was a brilliaiil suee.-ss. ami large hous<-s vv.•leoiiie.l L. H. .SoHi.-rii in llie si.-Rar pun of ■ X illiin " Cei-.-ll,-i l.oftiis as “Callierliie " wa- eM-elb-ni. 'Tile other members of Hie e.impaii.v Were up to the standard in their si-vei'.il p.irls, ami Hm luouiitliigs w.-n- I'eallsiii' .liili.i Marlowe, in 'Wlieii Knight 1.1 Was In I'lowi-r, " tilled out Iln- Week.

having a g.M..| advaiie.- sale. 'This w.-.-k, Janies K Haekett, T',-b. J.'i 2t’i; Havld War field, i'eb. 27 to March 1.

Hid Musi,- Hall Biilldliig.—’'.Xii Actor’s Roinane.-" was played to fair houses. Fell. 17 22. It pictures off and on the stage. J. Ilarvev I’ls.k ami laillle Church were the headliners. “.\ Night off." Fell. 24 to March 1. a bem-lli we«“k to G. A. R posts.

l.yeeuni 'Theater. H'.. X\'. Oviall. Mgr.) 'The Broiln-rs Bv me. In the old favorite, ' Fight Bells." tille.l the hous.-, Feb 17'22 Tliev are always vvele,,nie llere. ami llie old liiner i« as faniiilar here as the tlowers In spring, i Till- eompaiiy of acrobats are as w.-ll up in Hieir feats as .-v er. Scliroeh and Rile give a 111 al trick bicycle act. 'Tlie cia.vloii Slst.-i's add to the |ileasure by their singing. Feb. 2t to March I, Williains ami Walker, ill "Boils of Ham."

.Veadeiny 'Theater, il'r. I’eter C. Cornell. l.iM-.-il Mgr I 'Tlioroiighbred Tramp" e-ill.-d out the S. R. O. sign Feb. 17-'2’2. iiiaiving a ... and ideasing the galler.v goils. 'Tile play lias thrills, and the scenic efft-els .-ir.i w.-ll brought out. Tile prle.e. Ill, '211. :’.ii is begliiliiiig to tell, and the hoiis.-s show a large liien-ase «-aeli week 'Tills vve.-k. 'tjiio X'adls" 'Theater, iChas, Baggs. Mgr.l .X el,-an and good show was given by lln- Broadway Biirb-sqiiers, Feb. 17'2‘2. to e\ e.-lb-ni reiiiras 'Tin- whirlwind ey.-h- liirii, witli I’.abeoek. I>avld and King as the whirb-rs on Ho- eveles. was hair raising, ami e.night Ho- house. It is marvelous I'he I’.ilb-vs. ,-is .-o.iii singers. Were about right 'The .Xblo Brothers did a gissl bar eel, bi.l a little less of I lie eono-d.V b.v oio- of III - brothers would be bell,-r ajipreei ale.l Kelly ami liavls were laiigli provok 1 rs. I're.b-riek BroHiers and Burns did g.MMi work Itosalie proved lo-rs.-lf a favor ill- 'Tlie burlesque was Well Wolkisl Up and Hie eosiiilnes rich. 'Tin- |i,-vv«-y Bur lesqio-i's. I'eb 21 to March I

Sl-e.i s H.irdi-n ’I'lieater. iM Slo-a, Mgr l 'The Cycle Whirl is here, and large inidi i-liees ellJoy,-,| I lie sensation. Fell. 17’2'2. Sioiie. Judge and Mi-Hlynn are tin- chain pious, oiher peoph- are Lew Sully, Fields ami W.ird. I’lghI I’leehlanis. Monroe, Mack .111,1 L.ivv ri-ne.-, Kalln-Hne Mlle.v, Terry and Flini-r. and la-oii .Morris’ ediieatisl p,,no-s. which are a whole ,-lreus in tlieiiisidves 'Tile l-'loreiir 'Troupe. Feb, 21 111 March 1.

Court Street 'Theater closed. 'Tl’e hypnotist, Bergeron, Is appearing

I .leli Siimiav al the Lafayette |,i erowdeil houses

Coiiveiitloii Hall. X'ieior Herbert's I’itis liiirg orchestra, in eoiieerl. Feb. 21,

'The I’n-ss Club held a big event at the 'Teek 'Theater, Feb. B’l. .X big house and lots of talent partii'ipatisl.

Booked al Siiea's this wis-k: Floreiiz 'Troupe, Cressy and Hayne, O’Brien ami linrel. Frank l.lneolii, XIabel Sisson ami May Stewart. Rauschle, Jenny l-aldy Trio, ami Kltielograpli.

“'Two Lillie X'agalionds” and “I’apa's Rally" are coming events at the Lyceum 'I'lieater.

Mrs. I’alrii'k Canipbell has a dale al llie Star kali-r on.

No show for .1 nianager al the Court SIris-i as y,-t.

If s.ilaries were not taken into aeeouiil vvlial a bally lion for a Midway show Fred i-rii-ks I’.rotlii-rs ami Burns, tin- nnisleal ■ ■omeiliaiis. would make. 'Their act look liig at Hie Lafayette the past week.

B. F, Keith’s “Cy,-le Whirl " and the Matlievvs "XX hirivvimi \\ lilrl" w,-re IsiHi slag,-d al two rival li,ius»>s at Buffalo Hi, past week, ami proved one of the best vail ,levllle ai'ls of till- season.

“.X 'Tlioroughhreil 'Traiiip” liroke the rec ord at Hie Aeadeiiiy, Buffalo, tin* past week, bringing out ilie S. R. O. sign, and proving ipilte a box otilee winner.


WESTON. W. VA. XXis’on, W. Va.. Fi-b 24. “York Slate

I'olks," Fi-b. 14, pia.ved to S. R. G. Inius*' The perform.I nee was tiie best ever seen In Hie ellv CamplK-H's Circuit Slock t.'oni pany, l'',-b, IS, to fair and pleased audience,




ROUTE^HEAD. The Billttvard /oru arii* mail to all pro/ri-

itottaU free of charge. Membert 0} the itro- fetiionM are invited while on the road to nave their mail addretted in care The Billboard and il will be promptly forwarded.

TRAGEDY AND DRAMA. A •’AVAI.IKK Ilf l•■|•illM•l■. iSlil|iiiiiiii HriiM.,

\li{rs.»—Marlijii, linl., I•'l•l•. I’T. ACKOSS thr I•ill•ilil•. (i;il. W lullir

Ni'W Yi.rk. N. V., I i li. ‘Jf Man li 1. A MISStil'KI •IIUI., tl'n-il, Kay iiiiiiiil,

\l«r.i Mfl’liiTMiii, Kail., ‘J.s; Salim-, Man h 1; .Miili-m-, ^5, Jiim llnii H'ly, 4; Man liiillaii, <’la,v <’ll.v, •!; l-'ulrhiirv, ,\i-l»., 7,

A KA(;«;i-:i» IKto.—Mlnm-aimils, Minn, Miin-li 11 J*; .Mllwiiiikia-, WIm., :• 1.">.

A.N Km-uiy nf tin* f^mi-n. niiii-tiin-on, Klin., Fell, l^'> Lfi.

,\'r till- iMit <’n>Hs KiiaiN, i.Vrtliiir .\1> ii.n, Mkf.I Fiinii iln l,n«-, Wis., Man-li 1.

.V I.ION’S Ill-art, H’lirl .\. Ila^iiln, .\lKr.i riili-tiKii, F^•ll. Hi Mnri-li s. ■YT *'ri|>i<li- ('na-k, i\Vliitaki-r .V laiw

n-in-i*. Mum.I Wunlilnittnn, I’li., Man-h 1; \\ lii-i-lliiK. Va., .'i,

.V IfitMANCK Ilf t’lMin llolluw, (F. S. t'al- I. 'ilniii ,MKr.I- Fiiiim-ll Kliiffs, la., .Man-li 'J

.V Tl It ilUH’UIl lIKKI I 'rraiini. ll-laMti-rii; i;iiiu-r WaltiTK, Mur,)—\Vliii-lln)c. W, Va., Fi-ti. ’^4 L’T.

.\I>.\MS, Mainl. SprliiKtti-liI, .Mass,, Fi-li.

.VI.KKN, Viola, il.ii-lili-r \ fo., .M^r.i .s'aii Frani-lsMii, t'al.. Fell. 17 ’J’J.

.\N .\inerti-aii tii-ntleuian, i\V. S Itiitti-r lii-lil. .MKr.)—I’lttslmrg, Fa.. Fi-li. Jl Man-li 1.

.\Kl/.oN.A, iKirke I.aSlielle ami I'rtsl. II. Ilainllii. Mgrs.l Salt I.ake I’ity. Ftah, Fi-li. i;7 Man-li 1; San Fram lsi-.i, I'ai.. I,'..

.\N .Vi-tor’s Koiuam-e, ill. \V. Taylor. Mgr.t ItulTalo, N. Y., Fi-li 17 Man h 1; .\l lianv. Ho. Saratoga, •• s.

KANItMAN, Daniel K.—Little Km-k. Ark., I'l-li. Ill‘,2S; Konheur, Miss., Man-h 1; tSuius- \llle. Ti-*., H .’i; Sheruian, 6; Denison. 7 S.

lt.\Klt.\K.\ Frieti-hli-- - l*oiighkei-|isie. N. Y . Fell. L*t!.

Itl’N linr.- Kaltliiiore. Mil . Fi-li. •.M- M in h I.'i.

KKl.I.KW, K>rle, iLleliler ,V <'o., Mgrs.) New York, X. itiiletlnltelv. KAKKYMoKi;, Fthel — Flttshiirg. Fa..

I’.YMlTuiLL, Mrs, Fatrii k New York. X. > .. Fell. J4 Man-h I: Fhilai|e||ihiH. Fa.. H l.'i.

I’Mm U. Mrs. l.i-slie. iDaviil Iti-lasi-.., M-.:r.I New York. X. Y.. Imletlnitely.

l oHiK-ilMi, It’has. Frohinati, .Mgr. 1 Huston, .Mass., Imletinitely.

foNVIt’T'.s Daughter. Hostnn, Mas-... I’l h. 1:4 March 1.

I'KtlSMAX, Henrietta. iMaiirii-e t'aiup iielt. Mgr.t New York. X. Y., Imletinitely.

fllKlsi’IAX. riie. iWi-sti-ru; Lleliler A II. .. .Mgrs.i ll.iiiillton. Mont..' Fi-li. '^7; Miss.iiila. ’JN. W ilhns-. Iilaho. .Man h 1.

I KtiSM.YX. Ilenrletta. iMaiiriie t'aiini liell. .Mgr.I New York. X. Y., imli-tinitely.

fllKISTIAN Ihe. iKastern; F. D. Mur gau: Llehler A t'o., Mgrs.i -t'hieago. 111,. I I h. ’-’4 M-in h 1.

D.YNtHlKS Ilf Farls. iMitteiilhal Itros.’; .1 F. Miirrav. .Mgr.i .Mlantii- t'llv. .N. .1.. r. ti. •> .\,,rl| 1.

DF Wol.FF. FIsie New York, imletinile I. t

|MI\\\ Miiliile. il. .1. t'arti-r'sl I'hii-ago, III . Fell, -j;! Man h I.V

|mi\VN Miiliile, il.ilii-oln .1 t'arlersi t'lili-ago. III.. Fell. ‘.HI .March 1

F.\sr l.xniie. il'rank Hurt. Mgr 1 Fun II. e. Mlih.. Fell •J7. Kankakee. JS .|,.|iel. III. . Man-h I

FI.FV FNTIl lliiiir. i\\esi.-rn. I. .1 far ii-i’si. Fortlaml. on-.. Felt j:: Mari li I

FI.FX F.N ITI Iliiiir. iFasti-rn. .1 I arliT’si.-.Mliaiiy. N. X . Feti J7 Xl.ireli 1

I DI'SiiX, Kiitil.. I ■ ■ Si ililli-rs t.f Fraiiii- 1- Xli-nln-al. fan.. Fi-li. l.*4 Xlareh 1.

FXX'INt; ,v T.iyli.r. i.XIInri Ta.> liir. Xlgr.l X ii-ksinirg. Miss.. Fell. ’Jt Man-ii I. I ISKF. XIrs fhli-agii. III.. Fell. H Man h

I Si. laillis. M l., H S. I'L.XXIINi: .Xrriiw', Hlo XX oii till Xlohaw ki llolMiken. X. J.. Fell. ■.•7 Xl.iri-h 1. F.XST Mall, J t’arter'si Ural

ili-liiirii, X'l.. I'eli. 'Js I .Xltiti Kiiiiianl, lAiilen Hi-iiislii-t's: J. It

Xliirray. Mgr.i Talioni. N f.. Fell. ’^7; XVashIngtoii. us. tins-nville. Man-h 1; King 'iiiii. .’I- New Herne, 4; XVIliiiington. H; Ma riiiii. S. t’.. <i; Fiiin-nee, 7: t iriiiigehiirg. s,

'itiLDFN. Kli-hanl. folii Jeil Fniiity' i.- I.lllle Koi-k. .Xrk., Fell, ’gs; ||i>| Springs. XIan-h 1: Ft. Smith. H; Ft Seoit. Kan., 4 l.awn-m-e. .Y; .S|. .loseph. ti; .Xtehlsmi. 7. riipeka. s,

•itil.DFX Kiile Shows, ittanliiier Hros., Xlgrs.i Flkhnrii. Neli., Feh. ’Ui Xlan-h 1.

tlUF.XT XX’hIte DIaiiiomI—Detroit, Mich., Fell. J| Man-h 1.

• lYFSX fross. i.XImii D.H-rg*-, J. K. Stir ling. Xlgr.l t'liieinnalI. t*.. Fell. 1.’4 Man-li t.

HAYXV.XKD. tiraie. 1 Diek Ferris. Mgr.t Slum t’llv. la.. Fell. 24 Xlareh H.

H .X XII I.Tt IN’, Mr. ami Mrs. f. ti.. t-‘Shail ■ iws Ilf .sin;" f. liiHirge llamilton. Mgr.i Hallle I’reek. Mieh.. Fell ’.Ti’27

Mll.l.XI.XX. 'lamie Si-ratilon. Fa.. Feh. 21 Xl.-in-h I.

H.XK.NFD. Virginia, l.inilsvllle, Ky . Feh. 27 2S.

KF.XFIN'ti the Harvest, iMIh-s Hi-rry. Xlgr.l fonlele, Ha.. Feh. ■2S; .Xnierletta. Xlareh 1; Dawson. H, I’liloii Springs. .Ain.. I. Tnn, *>; Fi-nsai-iihi. Fla., tl 7; tireenville, Xhi., .S

HAt’KFTT. James K.. (KlehanI Durm-y, Mgr.i—Toroiilo, I’lin., Feh. 27 'lan-h I; Fliisinirg. Fa.. H s.

IHiMKSFFN Heart, (Limiii XX’llllanis, Hiis. Mgr.i- New- Hriiiisw lek, Fn., Fell. ’2S; I-;ilr. aheih, Mnrcli t.

HKAIIT of Maryland, (David Helaseo. Xlgr.l- Hiirlington. la.. Feh. 2S; i^iiim-y, III., Mnri’h 1; Si. laitils. Mo., 2 S; Louis vllle, Ky.. ti I.'i

Htil.I.AND. Mildred. (Kdw. C. White, Mgr.i- Middletown, ti., Man-h 1; Spring

held, .’!; ’I’roy. I. Fhina. ."1; Miim-ie, Iml., ti; .Xmlei-son. 7; Kokoim*. s,

HF.XKT of the Him- Kidge. Troy. N. X’., Fell 21 ’2ti.

KFAFI.Nt; the Harvi-st, i.l. 11. l.aFearl, Mgr.i fonh-le. Ha., Feh. 2.S; .Xim-rlens, XIan-h 1; Dawson, it; Fiiioii Springs. .Xla.. I: Feiisai-ola, Fla., (i 7.

HiXlNH, Hi-niy. ami Idh-n Terry. Hos loll. XIass., I’eh. 17 XIan-h s.

IF I XX’en- King. 1F. Il Soihern; X F. Keiimd.i. Mgr.i Fitishiirg. Fa.. Feh, 21 XIan-h 1 : Fhiladelpliia, 2’2.

IN iild Kenlm-kv, (Ja<-oh I.ill’si Hi.. lyn. N Y . Feh. 17 XIan-h I

.IXXlLs Hovs in Xllssoiiri Imliaiiapidis, li.d . Feh. 2,- Xlareh 1.

KIDliFl:. Kailiryn. ^•■.Mollie Fileher;" tosi. II Hn-nnan. Xlgr.) Hosion. Mass., Feh. 21. imh-ilnilely

K FI! K 11< IFF, Loeke, I irainal h-<'■•. (Ivans ; Kerkhoii, Xlgr.l—Maitland, Mo,. Feh. 21 Xlan-li I

KIDN.XFFD In New York. (Harm-y Hil- iiiorei fity. Feh. ’J-’i Man-h 1.

KINt; of the opinin King HiitYalo. N. X'., Fell 21 Xl.inh 1.

l.oXFKS' Lane, iFaslern: XX'. .X. Hrady, Xlgr.l Xlam-hester, N. 11.. .Xlareli 1.

1.1 T'l I.F Xllnisler. ((’has. Frohnian. Xlgr.i, (’an.. Feh. 24Man-h 1. L(' In Ihe l(es(-rl. iXX'. H. XIoore. Xlgr.i Cohiinhiis, (I., Fell. ’27 Xlan-h 1; Fitishiirg,

Fa,. :; .s. Halliim-re, Xld.. l(i I.'i. XIXKI.tiXX'F. .Lilia ((’has. Frohnian. Xlgr.i l•^troit, Xlieli.. Fell. 21 XIan-h 1; Xlilwaii

kee. XX is.. ;; s. XIi-HF.N'KX. Nellie, (‘‘Xl’liss’’)—Tn-nton,

N. J.. Xlan-h 1. XIi-ImiN.xi.D. Si-ott, (Mi-Doiialil A Seott,

Xlgrs I Tiisi-aloos.-i, .Xla., I’eh. 21 Xlan-h 1. XIXNI'!:LL. Kohl. F... (XIart H. Hanley.

Xlgr.l Fhlladelphia, F.-i.. Feh. 21 Xlan-h s. XIFI.X II.LF. Kos... (--Sis Hopkins”.!. K

Stirling. Xlgr.i—Falersoii. X. J.. Feh. 27 Xlari-h 1.

XI.XCK. .Xndn-w-. l■■Tom .XIoore"i Tohslo. (>.. Xlareh 1.

XII LK.XX A Xlaeki-y. (John J. Xliirray. j Xigr. I .Xnisti-nlatn. X. X’.. Ft-h. 21 Xlan-h 1.

Xlil.LF.K. Henry. (■•D’.Xn-.v of ihe I Hi.'irds('lias. Frohman. Xlgr.i Fhlladel i plii.-i. F.I.. Fell. 17 Man-h 1; Frovidem-,-, I!. I.. s.

XI .X N N i;i!INH, XIarv. (Frank XL-Kt-e. Xlgn Xlohlle. Ala.. Feh. 24.

XI.XN’S F.iieinv. ((ills HIH’si. Fno iih-m-e. K. I . Fell. 24 Xl.ireh 1.

XltiNTF frlstii iFdward Failerson. Mgr.i X'aii .Xlst.iiie. Te\., Fell. 27; t h-hiirne. .

I’l-v . XIan-li 1. I XIAN XVho Dared, (llenrv 11. XVimliell.

Xlgr 1 ... K. L. Fi-li. 21 XIan-h I XAIIIAN Hale, i F. L. Sai kelt. X.'gr

(’hi-;. 1 nm-. XX’.eo.. Ft-h. 2s; t'ol.irado Springs, ! (’id.. Xlan-h 1.

XDJirr Hefon- Christinas. (Hurt A- Nh-o i lal. Xlgrs.: Newark. N. J.. Feh. 24 Xlareh 1.

X'oT Hiillty. iXVIiitaker A l..-iw ri-m-e. Xlgrs.I (irami Kaidds, Xlh-h., Feh. 27 Xlan-h 1; Clih-ago. III.. 2 s.

(II.D .Xrkaiisaw-. iXXlll F. l.imlsa.v. Xlgr.i llartf-ird (■i(.v. Iml.. Feh. 27; iMinl.Irk. 2s, Xleyaudrta. Xlareh I; i<ogansport. H. Frank 1 fort, 4; Xlartlnsvllle. 7: HliMiiiiingion. s I (•FK New Xllnl'li-r. iHisi. XX'. Kyi-r. Xlgr.i I ehaiioii. Fa.. Feh, 27; Hazelton. ’Jn

Xl.-in-h I: XX'llmlugloii. Del.. !!; N'orrI'low n. Fa.. I: (’hamhersliiirg. ."i.

(•N Ihe ,Siiw-ams- Kiver. k’. XI. Falee. Xlgr I I’.riMiklyn. N X'. Feh. 21 Xlan-h I

Ki ll Hoiiii'siead. I Denman ’riiomp'oii. Xlgr 1 XX ashingloii, D. (’.. Feh 24 Xlareh I

(INI’ of the F.ra\esi—SI. Louis. X|o.. Feh. 24 Xlan-h I: t'im-innali. (•. ■2s

(iXVFN. XX III XVIImar. Xlinn.. Feh 2il FI DDIN HFXD XX ilsoii. iShlpman Hros.,

Xlgisi xtlii-ns. 11, Xian II s. FF.Xi FFI L Valh-.v. (Aldeii Hass. Xlgr.i—

XLirh'ii.i XX'Is . I'l-h -js; M.-iiiitowa>-. XX'is., Xian h 2

FFN.NSX I.VANIA, K’ F l’:illaiian. Xlgr.l F.iw tui-ket. I! I.. Feh. •27Xlai-e|i 1: Trov.

N X . :: .-1 (/I (1 Vadis HiilTalo. N X .. Feh. ’24

Xlareh I (Jl (• X'adis, iSoiilhi-rn. (':i 1 peiiiei's, F H

Fllzhugh, Xlgr I Hrlnkiei, Xik . Feh. ’27; Newport •2s; H.ih-'Ville. Xl.ireh I.

KK’H XKI> farvi-l. .h-rsi \ ClM. N J.. Feh 21 Xlan-h 1

K.XH.Ko.XD Jat-k Salmi. N. J.. Feh. 2S; F.ridgehin. Xiari-h I

•S.Xii Harhor. Shn-M-port. La.. Feh. •2s; I’ev irkana. Te\.. Xlan-h 1 ; Hot Springs. Xrk . :!. Lillie Km-k. 4; Ft Smith, ."i; S|iriiiglie|d, XIo., (i; Joplin. 7; XX'ehh I’lly. s

.siD'KF .Xi-res. iXVni. H. (iro^s. Xlgr.i Fitishiirg. Fa.. Feh. 24 XIan-h 1; XX’ashlng- t< n. D. f . o s

SKINNFK, tills (Jos. Hui-kh'.v. Xlgr.i- Kii-hinoiid. X'a.. Feh. 'J.'i.

SH.XNNtiXS. The. iH.-irrv Shannon. Xlgr.i XVehh City. Mo,. Feh 24 Xlareh 1. STFAKT. Kalph, 1XI Xlartln Kelh-rtnan.

Xlgr.i- Se.itlle. XVasli,. Feh. F.t. Imletinitely. STtiDD.XKT. J. IF. ('’The Honiile Hriar

Hush’’i. ItniokD n N. X'.. Fi-h. ’24 Xlan-h 1. I’HI KSTil.N. Adelaide. (’’Swisd l’lo\er’’l. S.ivaiini-li, t!a.. Feh. ’2N; .Augusta. Ha.,'

Xlan-h I TKF.XSI KF Island. (Flim-r F. Vance,

Xlgri SI. Louis, Mo.. F(-h. 2!! Xlan-li I. TXXii Little X'agranis. (Fdw f. XX'hlle.

Xlgr.l XX a> m-sl(oro. Fa.. Fi-h. 27; XX'ashllig loll. 2>. Fnloniown. Man-h 1.

TXXd Little XX'aifs. i.las, L. Hiiford. Mgr.i XI urph\slatro. 111.. Feh ’2s; Helh'vllh*.

Xlan-h I St. Louis. Xlo.. Xlareh .’t April .V THF Span of Lift*. (I/«*wls Doiiira-tti,

Xlgr I Toledo, ti.. Ft'h. ’27 Xlareh 1; Spring Held. H 1; Camhrhlgt'. (’•; N'l-w Fhllaiielphln, 7; Fast Liverpool, s; Koi-hesti-r, Fa., Hi.

Till Xlllage Farson. (J. Xliirray. Mgr.i— Farkt-rshiirg. XX’ X'.-i.. Feh. •2S; XIarh'tta. (i, Xlareh I: Hiiffalo. N. X'.. H s; Cleveland, (1.. Hi 1:..

TXX'd l.lllh* X’agalHUids. Hiiffalo. .N. X’.. Xlareh H S.

TFN Nights in a Har Kooiii. (Falim'r’s: F. L. XIahara, Xlgr.i Clifton Forge, X’a.. Fell. 2S; Hinton. XX’. X’a.. Xlareh 1; Xhuit- goiU(*r.r City. H: Charleston, 4; Xlt. Fh-as ant, r>; Huntington, (4.



FRANK C. BOSTOCK-DIRECTORS_FRANCIS FERARI, "Tile Animal King.” ■’The Carnival King."


BY WIUTING AT ONCE YOU’LL GET TNE BEST. Addrc» all communications

for Time. Dales. Employment, etc., to

HARRY B. POTTER, VICTOR D. LEVITT, Chief Dept. Promotion. ^ Oenecal Manager.


THF (liilptist. (.1. K. Fmim-lt ami L<dlie Hilseiii—Hm, .N. X'., I’eh. 17 Xlan h 1; Fnivi(h-m-(-. K. I., XIan-h s.

I’N’t'I.F Tnin's t'ahin. (.\. XX’. XLirtiii's; l-:ast(-rii; C, L,XX'aller>. Mgr.i Fhila<h-lphla. Fa.. F(-h. •24 XIan-h 1: .Newark, N. J.. ;!S; .h-r-i-y City. Hi L',.

FN't’LF Toni's ('ahin. i.X. XX'. Martin's; XX'. C. Cuniiiiighaiii. Xlgr.t Liii’niss,., XX'is., I-’i-h. 2'': XViiioiia. Xlan-h 1: Fan I'laire. .’!.

XX’AX' Down F.-ist. 1 Fasterii).—Fhihid«-I- delphia. Fa.. Feh 21 XIari-h s.

I'.N'i’LF Tom's ('ahin. (.Sieisnii's l-;a-'l<-rii; L«-<>n XX'ashhiirn. M gr, 1 —\X'iir<-esi.-r Xla-s,. F.-h, 21 Xlareh 1

I'N’DFK Tw-ii Flags. i((wen DavD ami J. XI,, Xlgrv.« New N. V.. F.-h 17. ii-di-riiiil<-ly.

LN( LF'> ('ahin. iStel — iii's. .North ern; He<i. I‘,ek. Mgr.t i’orlland. ((re., I’eh. ’27 XI;in-li 1

I F Xi>rk Stall-. (David Higgins and (i,-,,. Wald..11. Xl-grs.i F.i-.M.kI.Mi, N. Y.. I'.-l. 21 Xii.r.-li 1.

1 NDFi: I'w.. 1 lags. (I,..Ill XI Hail.-n ha.-k. Xlgr.l- I i.-S..|i>. Xh... l-’(-h. 27; Cairn. III.. 2s.

VILL.XiJF Fosiinasii r. i.l. K.>st-iii|m-st. Xlgr.l—I.vnn. XDi's . F(-h. u**.

XVILI.AKD. F S. ( l.leagn. 111.. I’.-h. 24 Xlan-li 1.

W.XLTFKS, Jill.-, ("Shle Tra.-k.-d "1. (is la.. F’eh. 2S; iitruinwa. Xlan-h 1.

XXAKDF. F’n-d.-rh-k, 11 (avid Traitel. Xlgr.l Northth-ld. Xllnii.. l-’.-h. 27; St.

Xl.-in-h 1. WHITFSIDF. Wall.-r. Cclar Kapids.

I.l . Felt. 27. WAY' Di.wii Fii'i. 1 \X'. .\ Xlgr.i

.I.-rs. v city. .N. J.. l-’.-h. 21 XIan-h 1. XX'.XX' D.iwn Fast iW.-si.-rn; W. -X. Hrail.v.

vlgr.i San Fraiiris.-n. Cal . I’el.. 17 Xlan-h 1. XiiKK State F.dks, (Fred. K. Wright,

Xlgri Fhlladelphia. Fa . F.-h. 17 Xlareh 1

FARCE AND COMEDY. .X F.KFF/.X' Time. iF'Hsterii: XI.-rl,- 11.

.Niirton., (1.. Fell. 27: llaniiltiui. 2s Xlar.-h 1.

A HLN'i’H of Ke.vs. (Hits Hnthiier. Xlgr.i — Fri.vii|i-m-e. K. I.. F’eh. 2V, XIan-h 1; Hloii i-.-sD-r. X|.-|»N., .'!; Sah-lll. 4; Lowell. ."(.

.X XIFKKX I’hase, iLynian Hros.. Mgrs.i— (’(-.l.-ir Kapiils. la.. Feh. 2S; Marshalltdwii, Man-h 1; Si.uiy citv. ;4: XX'aterl..... 1: Hiinip ti.n. Xlgi.iia. (I, Sp.-iii-i-r. 7; Sl..riii l.ak--. XIan-h s

.X S'llr.XNHFK In a Strange L.-iml. (Thrall A K(-i,mil,\. Mgrs.i Cim-lniiati. (>. l-’.-h. U.'!- Xlan-h 1: 1'..hinihiis, .T .'1; Imliana|H>lis, Inil.. (’> s.

.\ ST.XK‘r I’niwU-y. La.. Fi-h. ’27.

.X TKIF 1.1 HiifTalo. (Chas. F. Sallshiirv, Va.. F.-h. ULMiir.-h 1; Kleh imuid. .”. s.

.XKF X'.iii a Hnff.-ihi?—St. Lniiis. M.,.. F'eh. 21 Xlar.-h t: Kansas Citv, 2S; D.-s M.dnes, la.. Hi 12.

.Xl'N'r J.-rusha. iXX’. S. Caiiiphell, Mgr.i— At( Kan.. F’el . ’27.

XNKFKS I'KiiXl. nile-Aiin.ra. III.. F'eh. 27 Man-h 1.

XKF; Yiui a Masiui? Hattiniiiri-. Mil.. F'eh. 21 M.areh 1.

FXKKIF'. Mark ami Carter—I.lti-hllehl. Minn.. I’eli. 21 Man-h 1.

H.XCK'IXN C(->meily C.>.. iF'n-d. Seward. Xlgr.i-'.'i-sville. ind.. F'eh. 24’2t>.

ItINHIiXXI. Amelia—N.-w Yerk. N. Y,. in ihtinlt.'l V.

HKtiXX'N’S in Tewn. il-’ratik llenm'ssv. Xlgr.) -Xlhiil. XI.iss., F’l-h. •2^; Harm-r. M.'n-h 1

CliN'KoY. Ma.-k and l-aDvards, (Chas. F’. I'llwards, Xlgr.i—Fast Fah-stlne. O.. F'«-li. 21 XIar.-h 1. Hiilh-r. .’IS: FIIwihuI City. I’a.. HI I.V

COI.I.H’K. "Willie.’’ (Jaeiib I.itt. Mgr.i— New A’lirk. N. A’.. In.hdlnitid.v.

cK.ANF;, W H. I.awrence. Masw.. F'eh. '27;: I.vnn. Xl.-m-h 1.

t'AFI'AIN Jinks ..f the H.vrse Marim-s. • Flthel Harrynmn'i—("has. F'r.diman. Mgr.i— Washington, D. C.. F'eh. 21 March 1.

DliXX'N and Fp. (Haekiiian Hrns.. Mgrs.i— XX’l.i'ellng, W X’.i.. F'eh. 27-Man-h 1.

DAI.KYXIFI.F C.v (Vnterville. la.. F’l-h. 24 Xlareh 1.

DI'VIL’S Auetioti. (Clias. H. Yah>'s; Xt. Wis... Xlgr.i Hrantford. Can.. F'eh. ’2S; Hm-lph. Man-h 1; Tnri'iito. Muutreal, HI LV

FtNNIHAN’S Hall. (Fatsti-rn; Ollle Mark. Mgr.i FHlinghani. HI.. F'eh. ’2S: Springfield. XI in-h 1.

HDtiDXX'lN, Nat, and Maxine Fllllott—

X'ii-ksl.urg. Xliss. XL-in-h Memphis. Ti-nii., 4; Li.nisville, Ky., V*!; Daytuii, (i.. 7; T.i h-ilo. s.

HAFFY H.mligaii, (Ijiw Hill; .41. Dolson, Xlgr.I Si-hem-etady. N. Y.. F’eh. 2S; IKda* ki-n. .V. .1 . Xlan-h .’t .’i; Hartfnnl. Conn., ti S.

Hl-M.l.ii Hill—Ftstrin. 111., F'eh. 2H; Alton, Xlan-h 1- Liti-htield. Lincoln. Neh., 4.

HI'NTI.N'i; for Hawkins, tWm. (iruy. Xlgr.l—N'«-vaiI;i. XIo.. I-'(-h. 2S; L(*av<-nworth. K’.in.. XL-in-h 1; .XD-hlsoii. S.slalla. Mo., I; Hiionville. Xloln-rlv. li; Chlllicothe. S.

KAT/.FN.LXXIXIFK Kids, (Hlondell & Fmnessy. Xlgrs.i-Terre Hanfe, Ind., F'eh. 2S XIan-h 1 l-^vansvllle, 2: XX’ashIngton. S; i'r.iiiklin. 4; Xlarh.ii. New Castle, 7; ,Xn ih-rson, S, 'I roy. Hi.

XIi-F'ADDFTN"S F'liits Ni-w- York, N. Y'., F'(-h. 24 Xlareh I; Fhila.h-lphia, Fa.. H-H.

XLXLliN’F^Y'.S Wisl.liiig Day. (IL. 11. F'ra y.(-e. Xlgr I- F't. XV..i-th, 'l'(-x.. Ft-t(. ’JS; Hills

' hor.i, Xlar.-h 1; Wa.-.,, !!; Hi.Itoii. 4; Teni|)le, .Xiistin, C; San .Xiitonio. 7; \'i(-tiiria, s.

I XI .X .N SF'I F! LD, Ki.-hanl, (.X. XI. Falnier. Xlgr.i—Cin.-innati. (>.. I'eh. 24 XIan-h 1: chi

i (-ago. Ill.. .’! s. j XIIN Is rivK'S Soil. 'I'Ik-—Coinmhn.s, O., I .XIan-h 4 C.

XILKKAY and .Mack, (Shooting the Chuf(-s; (illie Mai-k. Xlgr.i—San F'ranclseo,

M’al.. Feh. 2.’{Man-h I. N'A( (7inY Anthony, iSilvest(-r Xlagiiire.

Xlgr.l—Chip|».-wa F'alls. Wis.. F'(-h. ‘2«; Ap , ph-toii. Xlan-h 1; (ireeii Hay, '2.

FI T Xle (ifT at Hiiffalo. (F'lslo-r and Car roll; F'rank Hi-um-ssy, Mgr.) 'roroiito. Can.. F’eh. 24 Xlan-h 1. ’

KISSLLL, .Xiiiiie, i"rhe Dill and llo- Jiidg(-"i. N,-w X'lirk. .N'. Y'.. Indeliiiitely.

SI Fliiiikanl. iFedi Xlai-k, Xlgr.l Sniihiiry, N’. Y.. Feh. 2H.

SKX |■.ll•||l, (('has. F’rohmaii. Xlgr.l—.New Xork. N. X., In. iudetliiltei.r.

Sl’IlltriND Life. iXXalter Sanford. Mgr.) Lim-olii, XIo.. F'eh. 27. Xlattoon, 111.,

i:.i(-lm-. XX'is.. Xlareh I ; .Liiiesville, ;i. Keloit, I. Aurora. III.. .I.

THF! Dirl F'roiii Chili. iF'n-d. D. Cmirail. Xlgr.l Kiishville. 1ml.. F’eh. 2S.

THF: Cowhoi and the latdy—XVaterloo, la.. I'l-h. -2'»; Cedar Kapids. la., Mari-h 1; K<M’kville. III., 2; Daven|M>rt. la.. .'!; Ottuiii w.-i. 1: Iturliiigtoii. Keokuk, IS.

Till! KaV' I'ho-.-igo, III., F'eh. 24 Man-h I I’h-velaml. (1.. .’!S; Detroit. Xlleh.. 10 I.',.

I'HF ii.iv Xlr. (ioldsti-in Daleshiirg, III,, I’l-h. '2.*

THi; Lover'’ Dlh-iiiiiia, HI. t’. .Anderson. Mgr.i ('aiiastida. N. Y., F'eh. 27; Si-ms-a F'alls. Xlareh 1; Waterloo, a; Clyde. 4; New¬ ark. N. J.. Faliuyra. N. Y., 6; Feiiti Yaii, Fa.. 7; Canaiidulgiia, N. Y., 8. IKWIN. Ma.v—Koston, Mass., F'eh. '24- Xl.-ireh 1.

THF' Clinihers-Lawrence, Mass., F'eh. ‘27; Lynn. Man-h 1.

rilF' Minister’s Son, (Maoauley & Pattun, Xlgrs.i--Columbus, O., March 4 6.

THF! iIons«> That Jack Built—Kansas City. F'eh. 21 Man-h 1.

THF: Irish Fawnbrokers—Cincinnati, O., F’eb. 24 Xlan-b 1.

TXVO Married Men. (Chas. E. Shilling, Xlgr.i-Koeky Ford, Feb. 28.

I'N'CLF'. H(“*. (F'nink Adams. Mgr.)—Kleh- iimnd, Ky., F’eb. '27; Lexington. 28; tJeorge town. March 1; F'rankfort, 4.

WAKD and Yokes, ("The Flead Wait¬ ers;" F7. D. Stair, .Xlgr.i—XX’ashIngton, D. (’.. F’eb ’24-March 1.

XX’ILI.S Bros.’ Comedy Co.—Littawa, Can., I'eb. 24-Man-h 1.

XVHF7KF' the Laugh Comes In, (8. A. Sloss. Mgr.i—Miirphysboro, Ky., Feb. 28.

XVKONO Mr. Wright. (John .Allison. Mgr.i ■Altoona. Pa., March 1. XX’Kli.ND Mr. XX’rlght. (J. J. Coleninu.

Xlgr.i—\X’.ieo, Tex., F'eh. 28; Temple, Man-h 1.

XX’HF'-N XX’e Were Twenty-one—.Mexico. 'Id.. F’eb. 28.

XVII.I.I.X.MS and Walker, (Sam Tuck. Xlgr.i—Hiiffalo, N. X ., F'eh. •24-Man-li 1; New York, .’{s; Philadelphia, Pa., lO-LV


I Al'DITCKH M Stock Co New York. N. I Y.. Indefinitely. I .Xt'F.i:F;Y Stis-k Co.. tSouthern. Mitten- 1 thal Bros., Xlgrs.i New rirlt-ans. La., In detliiitelv.

AKNDLD Stock Co.. (J. F'. Arnold. Mgr.) —Tavlor. Tex.. F'eli. 24 Xliin h L

AFBRF'.Y Stock Co.. (Flastcrn: Mittenthal Bros.. Mgrs.) Holyoke, Mass., March 3-K


ALCAZ.VU Stix-k Lo. Sun Franoisco, Cal., April 1, indetlnitely.

BOYLK’S Stock Co.—Nashville, Teiin., In¬ definitely.

BKNNI'TT & Moulton, (\V. C. Connors, Mjfr.i—I'oltstown, l*a., Feb. 24-Mareh 1.

BFN'NKTT & Moulton, (Furl Hursess, Mgr.)—New Castle, Pa., Feb. 21-.Mareli 1; .McKeesport, 3-S.

BKNNFTT & Moulton, (Ira K. .N'ewliall, Mar.)—New Haven, Conn., Feb. 24 .Man b 1; Bridaeport, .l-S.

BAKF.K Stock Co.—St. Joliu, Neb., indef¬ initely.

BUNNF'rT iV .Moulton, (Geo. K. Bobinsou, Mar.)—Gloversvllle, N. V., Feb. 17 .March 1; Binahainton, 3-8.

B()N TON Stock, (K. L. Leybnrn, .Mar.)— Shenandoah, Pa., Feb. 24 .March 1; Wil- iningtou, 3-8.

BIJOU Theater Stock Co.—New Orleans, I.a., indefinitely.

BLANEY Stock Co., (Chns. K. Blaney, Mgr.)—Newark, N. J., Indefinitely.

BONNAIK-PKICE Sto< k Co., (Win. N. Smith, Mgr.)—Eureka Springs, Feb. 27- Marcb 1.

BALDWIN MELVILLE Stock Co.-.\ew Orleans, La., indefinitely.

BELI.EVV Stock ('o., (Walter (.'lark. .Mgr.) —Washington, D. C., indefinitely.

BLANEY Sto<“k Co.—Brooklyn, .N. Y., in¬ definitely.

('IIESTEB. Alma, (John T. Shannon, Mgr.)—New lamdon, N. Y., Feb. 24 .March 1.

COl.IIMBI.Y Theater Slock Co., tGre»-n wall Circuit, Mgrs.(- Br<Miklyn, N. V., in definitely.

COUKTNEY .M(JK<4AN Stock Co., (.1. B. (.'ourtney, Mgr.> - Ludington, Mich., I'ch. 2(>-.March 1.

COLUMBIA Stock Co.—Chicago, ill., in¬ definitely.

CARPENTEU. Frankie-Cohoes, N. Y., Feb. 24-March J.

DEARBORN Stock Co.-Chicago, 111., in¬ definitely.

DILGER, Cornell—Girardville, l*a., Feb. 24-March 1.

De ORMOND, Fuller.—Kansas City, .Mo., Indefinitely.

DE VOSS, Flora—Webster, la., March 3 8.

DAVIDSON Stock Co., (.V. E. l»avidsou. Mgr.)—Sandusky, O., Feb. 24Mareh 1; Rochester, I’a., March 3 8.

EMPIRE Stock Co., ((.'has. Frohman, Mgr.)—New Y’ork, N. Y.. iudetinitely.

ELITE Stock Co.. (E. .YI. (iotthold. Mgr.) --Brooklyn, N. Y’., Indefinitely.

EWING-TAYI.OR, l.Ylbert Taylor, Mgr.) —Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 24-March 1.

FENBERti Sto<-k Co., (Geo. M. Fenberg, Mgr.)—Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 24-MarcU 1.

FROHMAN’S. Daniel. Sitx-k Co.—New York, N. Y., indefinitely.

FRANKIE Stock Co., (E. D. Davenport, Mgr.)—Pottsvllle, Pa., Feb. 24-.March 1.

FRANKIE Stock ('o., (.\. H. Dexter, Mgr.)—Mansfield, O., Feb. 24-March 1; Erie, Pa.. 3-8.

FRAWLEY, Daniel.-laws Angeles. Cal., Feb. 2-March 1.

FASHION Theater, (I*ean .\1. Seaholt, Mgr.)—Canton. (•., Feb. 24March 1.

(.’ARNER Stock Co., tllarry L. Wcbli, Mgr.)—Corn'ng, N. Y., Feb. 24-March 1; (iioversville, 3 8.

GEORGE, Grace, (“Under Southern Skies”).—Newark. .N. ,1.. Feb. 24 March 1.

GEORGE, data.—Coal City, ill., Feb. •24- March 1.

GREENWALD Stock ('„._New York, N. Y., Indefinitely.

tiARRlCK SiiM-k Co.—I’otsdam, N. Y., Feb. 24 March 1.

(4IRNE Y-IlOEFFI.Elt, (Eastern) — Ches¬ ter, Pa., Feb. 2-i-Maroh 1; Reading, 3-8.

GORMAN A Ford Stock (’.—.Sandv Hill, N. V., Feb. 24 March 1: Schu.vlersville, 3-8.

RV.4N, l>aniel Lewiston, Me.. Feb. 24- March ]; Augusta, 3 8; Salem, .Mass., 10 l.">.

HI-M .M I'M.EI N'S Imts-rial Stock ('o.— Maysville, Ky., I'eb. 21 .March 1; Mt. Ster¬ ling, 3-8.

HOS.MER, .May.-Chicago, ill., in.leti- nltely.

H YRRIS A Parkinson Big St«K-k Co., (W. H. Bryson. Mgr.)—.Ytlania, Ga.. Feb. 24-March 8.

HciPKlN.s Sto<-k Co.—Chicago, 111., in¬ definitely.

RI'TLP2DGE Dramatic Co.. (A. M. Cox, Mgr.I—Marshall, Tex., Feb. 24-‘2(».

H.\YW.\RD, (Jrace, (Dick Ferris, .Mgr.) — Sioux City, S. D., March 2-8.

KEYS'i'ONE Dramatic Co.. (.McGill & Shipman, Mgrs.)—Liverpool. (J., Feb. 24- March 1: Johnstown, Pa., 3-8.

Kl.\(; Dramatic Co.. (Frank Armstrong; 11. ('. Curtis, Mgr.)—Marion, lud., Feb. 2-1- .March 1.

KLARK URBAN, (H. B. Klark, Mgr.)— Middleboro, .Mass., Feb. 24 March 1; Rock¬ land. 3-8.

KR.\US T.Y Y l,( »R—San .\ntonio, 'I'ex., In¬ definitely.

KING l)ramatic Co. ('athi'rines, (,'an.. Fell. 24-Murch 1: Hamilton, 3 8.

LYCEUM Stock Co.—San ,\ntoiilo, Tex., indefinitely.

i.ESTER, Walter.—Vandergrifl, Feb. 27- March 1.

.McAUI.lFFE, Jerc.—North Adams. .Mass.. Feb. 24 .March 1.

M.YTHIS. Clara. New West miiisier. It (.'., Feb. '24 Mareh 1; N'ancnuvcr, 3 8; Na nalino, 10 1.7.

MANHATTAN Stoek Co.-Seatlle, Wash., Indeflnltelv.

MOREY Stock Co.-Wiico, Tex., Feb. 17- March 1.

NEILl., James, (Edw. peka, Kan., Feb. ‘27; K Cheyenne, Wyo., .March 3-8.

ORPHEON Stwk Co. definitely.

Neill. Mgr.)—To earney. Neb., 2-8;

1; r»enver. Col.,

Chicago, III., in

PAIGE, Mabel, (Carl Brehrn, Mgr.)— Rome, (J.I., Feb. 21 .March 1; Atlanta,'315; Augusta, 6-8.

PRICE ARLINGTON Stixk ('o.,"(Wiir'.V Smith. Mgr.)—Fayetteville, .\rk., Feb '27 .March 1.

PHELAN Slock Co., (E. V. IMielan, Mgr.) — Itinghamion, .\. Y.. Feb. 24 March 1; Co ho«'S, 3 .8.

P.WTDN, Corse, 'i'hcater Go., (Corse l*ay- ton. Mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., Indefinitely.

PIKE StiX'k Co., (David B Hunt. .Mgr.) Cincinnati. ()., indclinitely.

I'llll.Lll'S. Louis. Stock Co. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Indefinitely.

PP.()('T( )R'S Slock Co. New York, N. Y., indctinitel.v.

P.VRISl.W Slock Co. Lancaster, (>., in¬ definitely.

RdCKWELl. Dramatic Co., i.l. C. Rock¬ well. Mgr.) .Middleboro, Mass., Feb. It March 1.

liOBl'lRTS, Gcrirndc-Milton. Me.. Feb. 21 '2(1; I'armiugton, 27-March 1.

ROWE KING .S(<M-k Co. .Meriden. Conn.. Feb. 24March 1; Iierbv. 3 8.

ROGERS StiM-k Co., (W. N. Rogers, Mgr.) San Antonio, 'I'ex., indefiuitelr. Sl’ooNER Stock Co., (Will .McAllister,

Mgr. ( -itrooklyn, N. V., Indefinitely. SilE.V, Thos. E.—Baltimore, Yld., Feb.

1-1 .March 1. SCHILLER St.Mk ('((., (E. A. Schiller,

.Mgr.)--Erie, Pa., Feb. 24 .March 1; Frank¬ lin. 3 8.

SH.\.\.No.N. Harry Webb City, Mo., Feb. 24-March 1; Carthage, 3 8.

'I'HE New Sawtclle Dramatic Co. I)an ville. I’a.. Feb. '24 •2(!; York, 27 March 1: Harrisburg. 3-8.

THE Robson Tlnaiter Co.—.Yinerieus, Ga.. March 17 ‘23.

TR.WERSE V.YLE I’layers-Chicago, 111., indeC'iiitely.

TOLS( )N M1 l.LER Slock Co.—Mouro<*, I,a..- Feb. 24 28; Hot St»rings, .\rk., March 10 1,5.

THANHOUSER Slock Co.. lEdw. Than- hoiiscr. Mgr.)—Milwtinkee. Wis., indefinite- Iv.

VALENTINE Stock Co.—1 (etroit, Mich., indclinitclv.

WILLIAMS Slock Co.. (Tucker A Will lams, .Mgrs.)—olean. N.Y.. Feb. 27-Marcb 1.

WILLIAMS Directory Co. (.'levelaud, ()., indefinitely.

WOOIiWARD Stock Co.—Kansas City, in¬ definitely.


BIJ »(41»G(K)D, Katherine. K.ansas City. Mo. (Orpheumi. Feb. 24March 1.

(JR.AHAM. Carrie.—('incinnatl. o. (Co¬ lumbia), Feb. 23March 1.

ll.AI.L. -Vrtie.—Washington. I). C. (Chase) Feb. 24-March 1.

LATINA. Miie.—Pittsburg. I’a. (Du (luesne). Feb. 24 .March 1.

IHSE'TTE. Mlle.-Cinciunati, O. (Colum¬ bia). Feb. 23-March 1.

MIGNONETTE Kokin. Cincinnati. O. ((,'olumbia). F'eb. 23-March 1.

NORMAN. Mary.—Los .\ngeles. Cal. (Or liheum), Feb. 24 March 8.

RICE. Fann.v.—Cincinnati. O. (Coiumbla), Feb. •23-March 1.

VOKES, Miirie. Cincinnati. O. (Colum¬ bia). Feb. 2.3 March 1.

YE-AMAN.s. Jennie. Washington. D. C. (Chase‘s(, Feb. 24 .March 1.

GENTLEMEN. ('.\N.\RY. Dan J. Cincinnati, o. iCoium

Ilia), Feb. 23-March 1. ('LIFF()RD, Bili.v. San Francisco.,

Feb. 23-March 1.5. RAT SCHLE.-BiilTalo. N. Y. (Shea's),

Feb. •24-March 1. I.IN(N)LN, Frank.—P.nITalo, N. Y. (Shea'si

Feb. •24-Mnrch 1. MERRITT, Hal.--Cincinnati, o. (I'oliim

hia). Feb. 23-Miirch 1. MORTON, James .1.- Detroit. Mich., Feb.

24-March 1. W.AYNE, Rotii. I.onisviile. Kv. iTcni|ilei.

Feb. 24 March 1.

TEAMS. .ANDER.soN. .\i. and Mamie. Kansas

City, Mo. (Orpheumi. l■V•b. 24March 1. ROZl.NUS, The.—Kansas City, .Mo. (()r

pheum). Feb. 24March 1. (.’ANI'IELI) and Carleton. Cincinnati, o.

(Coiumbla), Feb. 2.3 M.arch 1. COLE and l»elosse. (,’lncinnatl, o. ((.'<e

lumblai. Feb. ‘23 .March 1. CRESSY and Dane.—Buffalo, N. V.

(.Shea's), Feb. 24 .March 1. DEMI’SEY and Mack.—Los Angeles. Cal

(Orpheumi. Feb. 21 March 8. EMPIRE Vandevillians.—Jersey Cilv, N.

J., Feb. 24 .Man h 1. ‘ ‘ I'OI'R Musical Colbys.-Chicago, 111.

(Hayinarket), F'eb. 24 March 1. F'AI'S3' Sisters—Kansas City, .Mo., (Or-

idieumi, F'eb. ‘24 Man-ii ]. F'l.YING Brx.-ketls. Kansas City, Mo.

((-'onveiition Halil. I'cb. 24 .March 1.' F'LIR'T.YTION (Juartette. San F'rancisco,

Cal. (Orpheumi. Feb. Id-March 8. F'lVIg St. Lemis. Cincinnati, o. (Coinni

Ilia). F'eb. 2.3-March 1. F'LORFLNZ Troupe.—Buffalo, .N. V.

(Shea'si. F'eb. 24-.March 1. GORYl.YN and Kepler, (.'incinnaii, O.

iCoInmblai. I'eb. '23 March 1. 'I'hc.—Kansas City, .Mo. (Con¬

vention Halil, F'eb. 24 March L HAWTHORNE SlM<*rs. Cincinnati, <i.

(CobiniliiaI. F'eli. ‘2.'! .March 1. H.YW.MIAN Glee Club.- Washington. Ii.

c. (Chase's). F'eb. 24 March 1. IL\LE and F'ranecs.—Cincinnati, O. (Co

Inmbiai. F'eb. 2.3 .March 1. JENNY Eddy 'Trio.—Buffalo, N. Y.,

(Shea's), l-'cb. ‘24 Mtirch 1. K II.I’.Y'TRH'K'S c.vcl<. Iia/.zle. Cincin

nati, <1. (<'oluiiibiaI. F'eb. 2JLMarch 1. L.YF'.Y YE'T'TFI .8how. Baltimore, .Md.,

Feb. 24 March 1. l.FISLIE, Ge<>. W. K (.St. I.oiiis, Mo.

(Cohiiiilda), F'eb. 23 March 1. .M.YBEL Sisson and .May Stuart.-Buffalo

-N. Y. (Shea’s), F'(d). 24 .March 1. ORPHFIU.M Show.—.Minneapolis, .Minn.,

Feb. 24 Marcl, 1. O'BItlEN an-l Hi(rei. Buffalo, .N, V.

(Sl((.a’“i, I'l-b. 21 March 1. t.iU.YKER cif l)n;irtette. Cincinnati, o.

iColniiibiaI, Feb. ‘2.‘’March 1.

REILLY A ..Is. Philadelphia. Pa.. E(di. 21 .March I: BriMiklyn, .\. \.. ;! 8.

S1L\ LRT(»\ 'Trill Kansas ( lly. .Mo. iConv-nlion llalli, Feb. 21 Marcli 1.

'T.Wl.oR Twin Sisters. Citieinnai I, (i, (1'oinnibiaI. Feb. 2.'i .March 1.

\.\IDLS Sisters— Washington, D. ('., (Chase'si. Fell. 21 March 1

WHI'TL and SInari. Washington. D. C, (Chase'si. Fell. 21 March 1.

WHFT.NLY Bros. Cincinnati, o. (Coliini Ilia). Fell, -g;: .Marcli 1.

WERNER and Rcldcr. Kansas ('iiy. Mo., (Orphcnini. Feb. 21 Marcli 1.

WELCH Pros. Kansas ('ii,\. Mo., (iir|ihc nini, F'eb. 21 March 1.

BURLESQUE. .VD.Y.MS, .M.i.\. Bnrlesiincrs. Lowell.

.Mass., l-'idi. 27 .March 1. A.MERIC.Y.N Burb sipiers. I'hicago, 111..

F'eb. 27 March 1; Bloomington. Spring tiidd, 4; (ialcsliurg. 5; Rock Island, (i; D.u ciiport. la.. 7; Gnine,\. HI., 8, Edwards vilh*. ii.

Bl.FE BLlMiHS, iR. F. Cordon. Mgr.i Boston. .Mass., F'cii. 21 .March 1.

BlJiiF Bitrlcsiiucfs. ( T. J. Grimes, Mgr.) -Buffalo. N. V.. Feti, 21 March 1.

BoWFHlV Bnrlesiiuefs. Brookivn. N. V. Feb. 17 .March l.

1!IIHF;MLYN Bnrlesiniers. ( .Miner A \ an. -Mgrs.I Philadidphi.'i. Pa.. Feb. 21 March 1.

ItRV.YN'T'.S. Harry. Burlc'iiuers. iF, C. Kenvon, Mgr.)-Chicago, Hi.. Feb. Hi .March 1: Indianapolis, Ind., ;{ 8.

CR.\CK1-M!.L\('KS. iRobi. Manchesi.-r. Mgr.)—Baltimore. .Md.. F'idi 21 .March 1.

i»EWF;Y’ Extravaganza Co. P,r<M>klvn, N. Y.. Fell. 24 Match 1.

DAIN'TY' liuchcss. i L. Lawrence Wclicr. Mgr.) Brooklyn. N. Y .. Feb. 21 Man li 1.

FiMPlRE Burlesiiucrs. .Icrscy City, .\. J.. F'eb. 24 .March 1.

FRENCH Maids. New York. N Y.. Fib. •24 March 1.

F'LY'NN, /it(dh). .New Big Sensation. Fall River. Mass., Feb. 21 March 1.

F'.YFLK.NFHFS Entertainers Clifton .springs, N. V., F'eb. 21 March 1.

G.\Y .Morning Glories, ( .\. Serilnier, Mgr.i-Ncwark. N. .1.. Feb. 21 Manh 1.

HFRLY BFREY 24 Ylareh 1.

YlilW allkee. YVis.. 1

HIGH Rollers, 1 F. S, Pierce, Ylgr.) In dlanapolis, Ind.. I’ ell. •2:: Ylareh 1.

HALE of Fame .New Y’ork. N. Y.. in detinitidy.

H. YRRV .Morris' 'Twei.iieih Century .Maid CHS.—i’rovidence. R. L, l-'eli. 21 Mareh 1.

1M1’1-;RL\L Burlesiiucrs. il-'red. Irwin. .Mgr.)—.Y,lilw!inke«-, YY'is,, Feb. 23 Ylareli 1; .Miuneapoiis, .Minn.. 2 s.

INNOCENT Maids. i T. YV. Dinkins. .Mgr.) Lowell. M iss.. Feb. 27 Mareh 1; Mon

trciil. Can., ;i 8. I. MPERIAL Burb s.,nets, iH IF Will

iams. Jr.. .Mgr.) Paterson. N. .1.. I'eb. 21 .March 1.

.M.\Y Howard. Indianapolis, ind.. Feb. ‘2:{-25; Springfield, o., 'Jii .March 1; laiuls \ille. Ky.. 2-8; Cleveland, o.. Hi 15.

.'IFHSRV Maidens, i.iacobs a Lowery, Mgrs.) Cincinnati. <•.. I'eb. 2.''> March 1

.MoN'TI' Carlo Girls. (Howard A Ihner son. .Mgrs.)—New Y ork. N. Y.. Feb. 21 March 1.

MAJICS'TIC Burlesiiuers, (F'red. Irwin, -Ylgr.)—Mlnneanolis, Minn., Fell. 'J.”, March 1; St. Paul, 2 8.

NF^W Y'ork Girls. (Howard .N l-hnerson, .Mgrs.i—New York. N. V.. Feb. 24 March 1.

NEW York Stars. iBil. Maiiehcsier. Mgr.i -Brookivn N. Y . l eti 21 March 1.

ROSE Hills linglish Folly Co. Louis ville. Kv.. Fell. 24 March 1.

REEVE.S. Al.. Pdg Show. 'Troy, N. Y ., F'eb. 27 March I ; P.rookivn, 3 s; New Y ork. N. V.. 11115.

RE.N'TZ Stanle.N. i.Ylie l.cavill. Mgr.i Providciioe. R. L. Fell. 21 March 1.

RICF'. and Raymond, c.iiiipbellford. Can., l-'eb. ‘24 March 1.

F'Ti IPIA.NS, I'T. W . Dinkins. Mgr.) Phil adelphia. Pa.. I'idi. 21 March 1

YYINFL YY'oinan :ind Song. .Minneapolis, Minn., Fell. 23 March 1; St. Paul, 2 8,

MUSICAL. .\\ .YMERH'.V.N Girl, (.\. <J. Scammon,

Mgr.i l-'rosibiirg. NUI.. Feb. ‘28; Cumber land. .March 1.

ItoS'l O.MANS. (11. C. P.arnabee A W. 11 '‘Id(on,lid, .Mgrs.) New Y ork. N. Y., I'eb. 17. indefinitely.

BFRGO.MAS'TER. The, t E. D. Sellman. Mgr.i New Orl(‘aiis. La.. F'eb. 21 March 1.

BF.I LE of .New York Kansas ( ily. Mo., Feb. '2.! March 1.

PL.Yi'K Patti's 'Triiilc.(lours. (Yoeb-kcl V Nolan, Mgrs.) St. .beeph. Mo.. Fdi. 28

March 1. I’.l I LER, Helen .Ma.v, and Her Ladies'

'lilitar.v Band. (.1. la-slic Spalin, .Mgr.)--.\t hintti. Ga.. Fid;. 17 .March 1.

C.YS'Tl.E S(|nare ()|icra Co., (llcnrv H. Savage, Mgr.i—Chicag'i. III., indefinite y.

C(i| FMBl.X ('otnlc (ipera c,,., ii' N. Holiiics, .Mgr.i Willi.'i III'port, I’a., Feb. 24 28 .

c.W.MiI.YN JnbPec Singers. (Win. Car ter. .Mgr. I -Geneva. .Ncti.. Fell. 2('i.

DANIELS. Frank. C-.MIss Simpliclly KTkc L.'i Slndlc, .Mgr.i- .New Y ork, N. Y .. F(di. 17, iiidcfinitcly.

D\LY'. Dan, ("'The New Yorkers") - Brookivn, N. Y'.. Fell, 21 March 1.

DE ANGELIS. Jeff-Loiilsville, Ky., Feb 21‘2'i; Lexington. 27; Knoxville. 'Tenn., '28; cii.ittanixiga. March 1; Birniingbaiii, .-Ma., .1: Selma, 4; .Mobile. 5.

E<(X. Della, CLiltle Maln'selle;" Gisi. Wilton, Mgr.) ilolvoke, .Mass., I'eb. ‘28.

I LORODORA. (Fisher A Rvlev, Mgrs ) New York. N. V.. Feb. 17, inde|lnllely.

FI OR()D(iR.\. (Eastein; F'lslier A- R.vle.v, Mgrs.) Boston, .Mass., Feb. 17 .March 2*2.

I LdRoDDRA, (Western; Fisher A Itvlev Ylgra.) Phlladi Ipbla. Pa.. Fidi. ‘24 Man-ii 15.

GR.Yl (irand ((per.i Co.. (Maurice Gran. Mgr.) New Y ork, N. V., I i b. 17, Indellnite ly.

GL.YSER. Loin. •'Dolly Yiirdcn;” F’. C. YY'hitney. Mgr.i New York. .N. Y.. F'idi I?’ inde’lnllelt. ■

GRAF. JiBes. (ipera Co. Birmingham. .\'a.. I eb. '27 March I, Cidiimbns, Ga., 4; ... 5; .8a\annah, 10 1,5.

ilER.YI.D .Si|(iarc opera Co,, (.-V. H. Mac, Mgr.i Pine Bluff. .\rk., Feti. ‘28; Stuttgart! March I Prinklc.r. 1. F'orcst City, .5; W .1 line '•>. .Yngn- ta, 7' Newport, 8.

IMPFRIAL English Opera Co. —I’lllshiirg. Pa.. I'( b. 21 March 1.

INNES and Ills Band (Juine.v, 111., F'idi •28; St. Louis. Mo,, March 1 ‘2; Madison! Ind.. 3; Ciiieinnat I, o., 4; I’ortsinoiit h, .5; I'oinmbiis, I).

KING I lodo. ''.Y,” (Henry W. Savage, Mgr I Boston. Mass.. Ftdi. 17, indetlnltely.

KING Disio, ■'IT'—Padticah, Ky., F'eb. 2ir». Kl BEl.lK Kansas I'Ity, Nlaridi 6. LIBI.R'TY B(dles, (Khiw A Flrlauger,

'Igfs.i Pro\ ideiiec. R. L, F'idi. '24 .March 1 M F I R. iPoLFTAN opera Co. —I’lilhidid

pliia. Pa.. Fell. 17, indcfinlHdy. MESSENGER Boy, (.Nixon »V Zimmerman,

Mgrs.i Chi.ago. HI.. Fib. ‘2:1 March 1. MY .Yntoinidle Boston, .Mass., Iiiilidlnite

l.v. .\|( iRi i('('(I Bound* Boston, .Mass., Indi*'-

initidv. MISS Bob Wblle. (W. J. BUsk. Mgr.)-

lndiaiia|iolis, Ind., Feb. 28 .March 1. Louis lille. Kv.. ;!8; Evansville, Ind., .5; Yin

( lines. 7. Decatur, lo. PRIN( ES.8 ('(lie. (Kirke La Shelh", Mgr.) .Ynaeoiida. .Mont., Fidi. ‘27; Bntte, '28

Y'an li I; Hideiia. ;!. F'argo, .N. D.. 5; YVin n iieg. M.iii.. (17; Great F'ork. N. D.. 8.

i‘oLL.YRD'S .Ynstralian Juvenile opera ('o. Denver. ('o|.. l-'idi. 24 March 1.

P.YDER1'YY'.8KI Balliinon*, Md., Eeb. ‘28; i‘hiladel|(liia. Pa., Mandi 1; RiMdiester, N. Y. .'1; Buffalo, 4; 'Toronto. Can., .5; Syra ellse, N. Y.. C; .New Y’ork, 8; I’illsbiirg. Pa.. 111.

RFNAyYAY Girl Jackson. Mbh.. F'idi. 2.5. Sol .8.Y and His Band. (F'rank ('hristian

( r. Ylgr.I .loptin. Mo.. F'(di. '28; F't. Scott, Kan.. YF'rih 1. Kansas City. Mo.. ‘2; Lin eo!i;. Nidi.. .!; Omaha. 4; Sionx City, la.. 5; Des Moi;ies. (1; I'hiiago, 111., 7 8.

SLEi:i’l NG Beauty and the Beast New Vorl.. N. Y.. E(di. 17, indidlnltidy.

.8.YN Toy S|irlngtl(d(l. Mass., F'idi. 28 YI iri h 1 ; Boston, .'t 8.

TlHiM.YS 'Theodore - Louisville, Ky., Ylareh 5 (!.

YY ll.BFR opera Co. Louisville, Kv., F'eb. 21 March 1.

YY’H.SoN. Eraneis. "'The ’Toreador;” Nix¬ on .V Ziinnierman. Ylgrs.i—New York, N. Y'., Ii.didtidlely.

MINSTRELS. LH, Female Minsinds .Yllantie Mines.

Yliidi . Fidi. 28. Crystal Falls. Ylareh 1. B. YRl.oYV A YYllsoii. (Lawrence Barlow

and Fred. YY llsoii. Ylgrs.i Sin (field. Ala.. Fi b 27; ■Tnsenmbla. 28.

BARl.oYY S Great Miiisirids. lYVlII J Doiiiiidl.v, Mgr.i Salt Lake city. Utah. F'idi. 27 .Ylareii 1.

C. Y l.L.Y 11 .Y N. Chase A YY'es(on’s. —Eliza belli. N. .1 , Feb -27 Man Ii 1,

F'lLl.DS'. .Yl. G.. Greater .Mlnstnds. - Detroit, .Ylieh.. Feb. 17'22; Denver. Col., '2.'! March 1; Cripple ('reek. .'!; .Salt laike ( il.V . I lah. 4 5; ( Igilell. I'l.

(ilDEoN’S Big Ylinstrid I'arnival, i R. L. YY’ixstroin, Mgi-.i Sumner, la., F'idi. 28. New Hamilton. March 1; Garner. 3: Rich niond. 1; Grundy Center. .5; Reinbeek, (1.

YY ES'T’S Minstrels, ('levelaud, (•., Feb. 27 Man'll 1.

MISCELLANEOUS. p,( is'Ti i('K'S .Ynimal .8|iow — Boston,

Mass., indefinilelv. BINGHAYl, R.ilph Crystal Falls, F'lb

'28; Iron River. Ylareh 1. ( RY S 1 AI.PLKX. (.M IF YYalsh, Mgr.)

Pr.idford. Y’l.. I'eli. •24 March I. FLIN'I.S, (Hypnotists; Herbert L. F'llnt,

Mgr.i Oll.iwa. III.. I'eb. 24 March 1. GYPSY' ('amp. (Nat Burgess. Mgr.) Bos

Ion. Ylass., Feb. 17, indetinilid.v. H.YYINFTT'S Pel .Ynimal Show. (F'. Ham

net. Mgr.i Dexter. F'idi. '2s; (iiiilford, March 1.

H.YR'T. lilv iiiioilst; D. 'T. Hart, Mgr.) ((range, 'TeX., Feb. .5 Mareh 1; Rnstoii, lai., I 7.

KELL.'R. (Dudley M. Adow, Mgr.i B.irnesv Hie. o.. l-'eli. 28; Pxdlaire, March 1. Baltimore. YId.. 8.

LF( KV Bill SloeUlon. Ylinn., Fell. 17. Indetitlllelv.

LY Li:. Prof. lalwUi. Big Ylagie Show i Hollidav. Kan., F’eb. ‘27 28; Zarah, Ylareh 1 3.

MEDICINE Co., (.1 -s o M Solomon. Ylgi I Franklin. Mass.. 21 Mandi 1. M'iRd. (Ylaglcliin. .1 . ,et. III.. I'ldi. ‘27'28. YloRRIS' Slat lies-Mobile, .Yla., iliiletlli

Bely P| ;RKINS, eh .laekson Cent re, F'eli. ‘27. P.YI LINE, illvpiiollsii Lowville, N. Y..

Fidi. 21 Mareh 1. ■’I'iRRY, I’rank L. — Isedant. III., Eeb. 24

YL.reh 1. RiiYING Frank’s Gypsy (‘amp .Ytbintle

Cllv N. J., Indellnilidy. RiiY’.YL LHlIpnlians Milwaii'vce, YY'is,

I eb. ‘2.': Ylareh I; St. Paul, Minn., 2 8. SY'FN(..YLI, (lieorge Di'idsbai'k, Ylgi.i

Detroll. Ylieh.. Fell. •2;t Ylareh 1. SI PERP.A. ill.inloii'si Delndl. Yli. h..

Feb. Ylareh I 'THE Knowles, 11 ly pnol Isis; E. E

Knowles, Ylgr.) .Yiislin, 'Tex., F’idi. ’27 h I

THE Eees. (Knife 'Throwers) I’ri'iiienl, YVIs. to May I

Ylanager C. Eee YY'IHIanis, of the Cllicln nati '/on. left Fidi. ‘2.5 for New Y'ofk, 111 re eelve the first big Klilpiiienl of anliiials from Hageiibeek 'The animals will bi> distrib nils) III their various piirehiisers from New Y’ork.



UlKMlN<illAM. AI.A.-Stat»* Kiilr. <Ki.

11*12. lion. W. M. l>r<‘uu«‘u. vitv pn-s.;

Jolili W. 0'N**1II. «»•<•}■.

I'l.N’Sl.KV. AI.A.—Kulr. Oft. —, U*»2.

CALIFORNIA- SUNUKA. CAL.—Tweuty-nluth Agrlfulta-

ral Fair. Sept. —, 1U02. Thoa. W. Weea.

aecy.. F. O. Uoi 448.

FLORIDA. MI.A.Ml, FLA.—Auuual Oade t'oiiiity Fair.

Man-li in to 21. luclualvf, Ijarj.

ILLINOIS. AVO.N, ILL.—Fair. July 21» to Aug. 1, liarJ.

• 'A.MHKllXJL. ILL.—Forty-tlfth Annual

llfury County Agrtfultural S«K-lfty Fair.

Aiig. 18 to 22, InoluMlve, liarj. L. J. Wllk-

liixoti. prfs ; I.. II l‘olt4r, vlft- pro.; f. M. 'rurii«-r, sffy.

C.4lt.Ml, ILL.—Twenty fourth Annual Fair

of the White County Agricultural Hoard. Sept. 2 to 6, liMI2. It. 1.. Organ, aery.

<'.\ It K< tl.LTt t.S, ILL. tirifii t'lxiiily .\s>.<i

fiallon Fair. ttfl. 14 17, Imlu'lvi-, l‘.»c‘.

«!<•<>. W Will, Kail)*, 111,, pri"..; .1. I’

Kahn. • ■re.-ul'.eld. 111., vifi- pri'N,, c, li,

I'.ldred. < arrolltoii. 111., tr<-a>.; S. L. .''Iiiipsoii, aecy.

' IL\.M I’.VItlN, ILL. t'hauipalgn County

.Xgrii'ultiiral Hoard Coin•■niloti. .Vug 2t: Jit. Inalusivo. llmj. 11, 11. Harris, pr.s.;

J. L. KIIw'mmI, tn-as.; John N. Hoers, secy.

ItLL.VV.VV. I LI..—Tazew ell I'ouiity Agrl-

• 'iiltunil ItoanI Fair. .Vug. 2t; Jti, liu-lus

Iv.-, imrj. ,1. W. Cn.iT, pres.; F. r. John

»oii, vice pr»-s. • liaiilfl Ueardon, treas.; 11.

.V. Halle.v, liigr.; .1, It. Joru*s, secv.

IIHHlL.VMi, ILL. Highland ‘ .Madl.soii

County .VssiK-iatlon Fair, Itates not set.

.Vlhert H. Si-holl, s*sy.; Jos. C. .Viniiiunn,

vice pn-s.; Frisl. Slegrist. tr«-as., Christian

Ktifh. mgr.: Timothy Oriiaz, s»Ty.

KLW.VNKK, ILL.—Seventeenth .Vnnual Ke-

waiiee liistrici .Vglifulturul Fair. Sept. 8 to 12, Ineluslve, llurj. Oeo. A. .Vnthouy,

pres.; .V. H. Hufkins, secy.

L. V HAHI’K. ILL.—La Harpe lilstrict Fair. July 21* to Aug. 2, Inclusive, 1U02. J. K.

Itoherts, secy.

M. VCttMH, ILL.—The Macuuih Fair. -Vug.

II to l.'i, inclusive, lisrj. F. It. Kyle,


OL.NKV. ILL.—Itlchland County Fair. Sept.

U to 12, llttrj. Krnst Z. Hower, secy.

Sl'KLNUFIKI.It. ILL.-llliu.ds State Fair.

Sept. Jltitct. 4. iiicimive, llsiJ, .Martin

Coiiriol. Sherman House. I'hicago, 111.,

pr<'s.; I'dward .V. Hall, .«ipriiiglleld. Ill.,

treas.; \V, «■ Oarrard. SprlngticM. 111.,

."rFULINt!. ILL. Mineral Springs I’ark

.Vssix'ial loll Show. .Vug. 22 Jit, Inclusive,

I’srj. ,1. r. Wllliains. pro.; J. F. KcT.-r,

\l<»- pies., .1. 11. Lawrence, treas.; W. s.

Kilgoiir. s,.. y.

IOWA. VLLISiiN. l.V. I’.utler County .Vgricultural

ami H'•rli*'ultural SiM-lely Fair. Sept. 1 4, inclus|>>., pitrj. K. Varchit, Shellrock,

la., .secy.; W. S. Hell, vice prt's.; F. J.

Itaj. treas.; O. I». Merner, secy.

.VTL.VNITC. l.V. Cass County Fair. Sept, .8 11. iuclu.siv)>. I'.sfJ. \V .1 Han-is. L<'w |s.

la., pres : .1, It, Joiies. .Vtlantic. Li.. vice

pr.s.; J .V. M.Wahl,; s W. W

StralL'hi. s, ..y.

.VI ItFItnN. l.V .Vuiluhou I’ouiil.x .Vgrhul

lural S.H-ii-tv Fair. Sept. 2 .‘i. im-lusiv.'.

I:»t2. il.s.. \V II.M.v.-r. pres.: t’ .V. .Mar

tin. Lxli.i. la., vice pr.s.; H. W. \Vlls..u.

Vu.lul..>ii. la., tr.-as.; .I.ihii \\<'ight..u, s. . ) .

liltFFT, I A.—Hancock County Fair, Sept.

Iti to 18, inclusive, Iturj. John Haiiuulll.


I'LS .Mn|M'.*«. l.V. Stilt.' of l.iwa In-part

III.-lit ..f .Vgrh iillur.- Fair. .Vug. 22 2.i. lii

.•liislv.', I'.siJ .1. c. Frasl.'r. I(l.»>iull.'l.l.

li... pr.-s.. W \\ .Vft.m. la.,

vh'.' pr.'s. I*. I•',ll.vs..||. lU's .Molii.'s.

la., tr.'iis,; .1. c, Simpson. I n-s Moin.’s.

la., s.'cy,

I'l: WITT. l.V. Clint.>11 c..uiily .Vgri.ultii

ral S.M'l.'t\ Fair. S. pl. U! in. iu.'liisii.'.

I'siJ. L. S. Ilarriiigl.>u. pr.-s.; F. J. Oiilg-

h-y. tr.-as., L. I*. Wiiine. secy.

Fl.luiX, l.V LI.loll Hlg Four Hisiri.-l .Vg

rl.'iilliiral .Vss.i.-lalIon Fair Sept 2 In

cliislvi-, liiirj. 11. ,V .la.x. pres.; T. J.

I’.-rrv, White Llin la. \ i.-e pr.-s.; VLirk

llllh-s. Ll.h.ii. la., tr.-as ; IF IF Haker,

LMML'I'SHlllt;, l.V.—Falo Alto County

Fair. Aug. 11* to 22, liarj. W. S. I'nru

ham, pr«s<.; J. C. Hennett, st-t-y.

CL.VllKiN, l.V.—Wright County Fair. Sept.

1* to 12, liarj. W. C. Hrown, secy.

I'lWA CITY, l.V. Johns.iti C.iunty .Vgrl

ciiltiiriil and Mis-hanlcal S.iclety Fair.

S. -pt. 2 to lltirj. S. H. Th.iiiips.iii, pres.;

Jatii.-H Thotiias, vice pr«-s.; J. Ld. Switzer,

tn-as.: J. T. Striihle, secy.

M.VgFiiKLI'.V. l.V Ja. ks.iii c..unl.\ Vss..

.-lull.>11 Fair. .Sept. 2.*., Iii.-liisi%.-. I'siJ

ll.iii. .V. Hiirsi, pn-s.. M Mahon.-y.

ir.-as ; .Vdaiii Kingh-p. s.-.-y,

M.VIlliiN. l.V. lilt.-r Slat.- Fair .Vug. 11*

22. In.-lust\.' I;«i2. W .V .Viisiin. pr.-s.;

L. L. I'ars.iiis, se.-.v.

S.VC ^■|■|•V. l.V Sa.- C,.unl.\ .Vgrh'ulliiral

.V •x.M'lath.ii Fair .Vug 12 1.'.. IneluslM-.

I'.srj. Tlios Hall.-. Lak.- V i.-w. I.i . pr.-s .

c .V. I'.-iiiiniaii, Sa.- Cii.». la., i h-.- (.r. s .

Ihig.-io- Criss. II.-IIS,. Frank V ll.-al.v,

s.-i-> .

VIV’i'iiN. FV ll.-nton Coiinl.i Fair S.-pt 2.’.. In.-liisi\.-, Itsrj. Malt itiias.'li. pr.-s..

■I It. F. Hiiiit.-ti. vh-.- pr.-s.; i!. I*. VI.-

Flroy, ir.-as,; .1 F Marl.-lla, s.s->

W .VI KiiN. I .V. —.Vllainak.-.- C..unl> .Vss.m-I

alhiii Fair. S.-pt. 2 ,’>. lii.-liislv.-, l'.il*2. S.

IF npf.-r, pr.-s,. I* S. VVariim. \ 1.-.- pr.-s.:

T, J. K.-ll.-h.-r, Ir.-as., I’. I’. H.s-inaii,

s.-.-y, an.I mgr.

WLS'I l*»iLS”r, LV.—W*-st I'olnt Hlstrtct Filr. Aug 11* to 22, Im-liislve, I'.srj. F. I’. Itai.-n, Ft. .Vladlson, la., pres.; J.ihii .Mapes, siipt. of concessions; John Wall- Jasp.-r, se<-y.

WFST F.Md.N, IA.—Fayette (.'ounty Agri- .-iillural S.><-lety Fair. Sept. 2 to 0, ll*«»2. H. .V. Kent, pr.-«.; E. H. Shaw, treas.; (J. W. Van .Vtten, secy.

INDIANA. .V .\ 1 il.ltSl i.N, 1\1».—Au.lers.tu .Vs.s.a-iath.n

F.iir. .8.-pi. 2 inclusive, 11*02. Thos. H. iirr, pr.-s.; r. K. VlcCulhiugh, vi.-e pres, an.l mgr.; Win. Ihilan.l, treas.; Chas. A. Fast man, se<-y.

A.NtfiiL.V, I.NT*. —Ang.ila Hlstrlct Fair. Oct. 7 I.I lo, llsrj. Carlin, pres.; t). O.M.dale, secy.

CHU18.NKV, LM>.—Second Annual Spencer County Fair. Sept. 2 2lo 27, 11*02. J. i*. Chrlsuey, secy.

liFi'.VTI It, 1 .\I».-■<Ir.-at N.>rthern Indiana .Vgn.-ulliiral Fair. Sept. 2;F2t;. incliisiv.-, lisrJ. (Jeo. Tri.-k.-r, pr.-s. an.l mgr.; .VI. L. Siiiiili, vh-.- [ir.-s.; It. S.-hiig, Vera Cruz, 111.!., tr.-i's.. 1, 11. Harris, It.-rne, In.L, s.-.-v.

OOSHF.N, I.NH.-Fair. Sept. —, 11*<*2. 11 .V<;LItS I'i IVV.N, l.\l». Wayne County .Vs-

so.'iali.>n l-'air. July 21* Aug. 1, 11**2. L. yi. Fi.-r.'.', pr.-s.; Hugh .Vlh-u, vice pres.; Kiio.h- I’orl.-r. tr.-as.; L. S. Howmaii, 6.-<-y.

I.MiLV.\AlM*LIS, IM*.—Indiana State Fair. .S.-pt, l.’i to IV*, inclusive, 11**2. M. S. Clay- p.*.*!, pres.; Charles Hownlng, Koorn 14 State 11..use, Indianapolis, Ind., secy.

KF.Mi.VI.LV II.LF, l.Nl*.—Eastern Indiana .Vgri.-ullural .Vss.H-iatiou Fair. S.-pt. 21* •I.I. 2. lii.-lii'lv.', 11**2. C. .M. Case, pres.; J.ilin i;h-y, vi.-e pres.; J.ihu .Vlitchell, lr.-a».; J. S. Conh.giie, secy.

NFW H.VIt.VHI.Ny, INI*.—Forty-fourth I’o- -ey County .Vgricultural Society Fair. .Vug. 11* to 22. Inclusive, i;*i2. Alfn-d Kl- h.-yre, pres.; Geo. C. Taylor, seev.

KAMEl.Tti.N, l.\I>.-Falr. Aug. 11* to 23, ll*C. Addr.-ss C. S. Campbell.

Iti .8|iVILLF, l.NT*. — F.irty sixth .Vuiiual Itii-li c.iunty Fair. Aug. 2*;-21*, inclusive, ll*'2. Fil. Cr.ishy, pr.-s.; VV. .V. Ah-.van ih-r. \ Il l- pn--.; .V. H. Hiii.-hman, tr.-as.; J. •}. Thomas, s.-.-y.

TFItltE HAFTi-:. LNI*.—Vigo County Fair. Aug. 11 to 1«, 11*02.

KANSAS. FltlL. K.VN. .Nisisho I'ounly .Vsso.-ial i-.n

Fair. S.-pt. .’Mlli.-t. 2. inclusive, 11*12. VV. I'. I'lllloll, pr.-s.; Fi.-hling S.-ott, St. I’aiil. Minn., vie- pr.-s.; VV. T. .VIh-n, i;ri.-. Fa., tr.-as.; 11. Lodg.-r, s.-cy.

FL 1»<*UAI*0, KAN.—Fair. Heginuing Sept. I*, 1VHI2.

• J.VltliF.N CITY, KAN.—Fair. Heginuing Ang. 1,". Il*r2.

GHF.VT HENb, KAN.—Fair. Heginniug •S.-pt. 1. lOtrj.

HFTCH,lNSON, KAN.—Central Kansas Fair. Heglutiing Sept. 17.. I!*r2. Ij. J. Fair. Sterling, Kan., pres.

NFWrtiN, K.VN.—Fair. Heginniug Sept. 22 2*;. 11»'2 ,1. F. .V\t.-ll, pr.-s., It. I'.il h-tl, vh-i- pr.-s.; A. H. tiilh.-n, tr.-as.; .lohn I’. .Nicholasoii. s.H-y.

ST. JOHN. KAN.—Fair. Heginniug Aug. 20 22. ini-liisiv.-. 11«*2. IF It. lt->—. pres.; • I. H. Slnph.-rd, trea'.; Frank *' Swartz.

STEkl-ING. KAN.—Fair. Heginniug Sept. 8, U*rj,

VVINFIFLl*. KAN.—Fair. Heginuing Oet. II. 11**2.

KENTUCKY. H. VltOST* iVVN. KY.—Nelson County Fair

S.-pt. 2 to t>, iiu-Iiislve, 11**2. J. L. l*.-nleti.

GF* •KGFT* >VVN. KY.—Forty eighth Annual Fair. Aug. 27 to .'M*. ineluslve, 11**2. J. F. Houldiu, pr.-s.; John Walliiigfor.l, treas.; John It. Walioti, s.-.-y.

*;i:itM.V\l'i*VV.N, KY. Th.- tteriuauiown • ’oiiiiiy Fair. .Vug. 27 .".o. Ineluslve, l!*rj, .1 F. H.-iihliii. Tiii-kahiM-. Ky., pres.; W. .V. Taliafi-rro. chathaui. K.v.. vice pr.-s.; •I'.hii VV F.-rii I..-af. Ky., tr.-as.; •Iiiiiu It. VValtoii. •;.-riiiauti>w II. Ky.. s.-cy.

I, .V VV It I ;n< F HF It*;. K V. — I.awrcnc.-hurg Vss...-ialloll Fair. .Vug. 11*22. Inclusiv.-, 1i»'2. VV. r. Hoii.l. pr.-s.; li. F. Moorc. \h-.- pres VV. VValk.-r, treas.; G. G. Sp.s-r. .

SHlFHFItl-SV Il.I.F. KV.— Ihe Hilllitt .■..iiiiiy .V's,..-iaih.u l air. .Vug. 11*22, in .lU'i.c. 11*12. S. H. VVilliains. Houlton, Kv. pr.-s.: VV. H. Trunn.-ll, Shepherds \ilh-. Ky.. \ h-.- pr.-s,; *'. O. M.-i'ormlck, Slii-pln-r.|s\HI.-, Ky., Ir.-as., S. VV. Hates. Sli.-pli.-ril'\111.-, Ky., s.-cy.

MAINE. F.I*FN. MF. .Vunual Fair. Sept. 24 and 2r«.

Il*r2. I.FVVTSTON, MF. ttray I’ark .Vss.K-latlou

Annual I'air. Aug. 27 to 25*. Inclusive. ll*rj

VIoNKuK, MI'. Waldo and I’enobsoot Ag rh'iilliiral .So.-lctv Fair. Sept. 16 to 18. Inclusive, 11**2. W. H. F, Twomlily, pr.-s F H Howd.-n, secy.

MARYLAND. IttiCK VH.I.F, MI*.—.Vgricultural Society

I- 'alr Sept. 2 to .a. lt*rj.

MASSACHUSETTS. I'AI N TON. .VI .VSS. —Wc) mout h .Vgrh iillu

ral Fair. S.-pt, —, 11**2. IVINToN. Vl.VSS. Hrlsiol I'oiiiily .Vgrl .iilliinil Fair. S.-pt. 22 to J,’., liiclusiv.-, II- **2.

VV VKFFIFLl*. M.VSS Wakctl.-ld Heading Fair. S.-pt. 2.1 to 26, IncIiislv.-, 11**2. H F CnII.-y, Jr., asst. mgr.

MICHIGAN. VOIll.VN VIICH la-iiaw.-.‘ County Fair.

S.-pt. 22 2*;. Il**2. H. H. F.-rgiisoii, se<-y. VI.I.Fit.VN. MICH Allegan County Agrl Ii-ullural SiH-h-ty Fair. Hat.-s not decld»-d.

.loliii Sli-gciimn. pres.; A. H. Foster, vice pres.; Chits. Nelson. Martin, Mich., treas.; 1,. A. Lilly, s»H-y.

lllLFSUAl.F, VHCH.-Hill.sdule C.>uiity Agricultural S.M-i.-ly l-'air. S.-pt. 21* t*ct. 3, ; inclusiv.-, 11*>2. Will. .Vlcn-huiit, Juii.-s- vllle, Mich., pres.; F. 1*. Howard, Jones ville, -Vllch., tn-as.; C. VV. Tcrwilligcr, lllll.sdale, .Vllch., sccy. and uigr.

HLUSON, MICH.—Fair. Sept. 21* to Oct. 3. IIHTJ.

JACKSON, .MICH.—County Fair. Fall of 11* rj.

VIFSKFt.ON, .MICH.—Auuual Fair. Sept. 1* to 12, lu.-luslve, 11*12. Charles S, .Vlauu, s**cy.

MINNESOTA. VV l.N.\FH.V«;ii « ITV, MLNN.-Faiihault

• ounty Agriculiural uml Joint Stoek As six-lalioli Fair. Sept, (dates not set*, 1!**2. VV. 1*. Hli'hards, pres.; John N. Knutson, Ir.-a'.; L. t,’. Stebhlns, secy.

NEBRASKA. HF.VTHH'F, -NFH.—Gage County .Society of

.Vgri.-ullure Inter-State Fair. Aug. 2.'* 30, inclusive, 11**2. L. W. Colby, secy.

LLN<'(*I,-N, NFH.—Thirty-fourth Annual Fair. Aug. 21* to Sept, o, Ineluslve, 1U02. F. L. Vance, pres.; Edmund Mclntwyre, tn-as.; Holit. W. Furnas, secy.

.VI.VOISO.N, -NEH.—Madison County Agricul¬ tural So<-lety Fair. Sept. 16 to 11*, l'J02. J L. Hynearson, secy.

Si;vv.vKl», .NFH.- Seward Agricultural .Vs- -.iii-iuli.iu l-'air. Aug. 5-8, inclusive, 11**2. J. I-. <ioi-liu.-r, pres.; K. F. Duuipliy, vice pr.-s.; T. H. .Oiers, treas.; W. 11.,

and mgr.

NEW HAMPSHIRE. Co.NC«*KI>, N. H.—Grange State Fair. Aug.

—. 11**2. Chas. H. Hoyt, Sandwich, N. H., pres; Warren Tripp, Epson, .N. IL, treas.; J. H. Jackman, I’enacook, N. IL, secy.

.N.VSHl .-V, N. 11.—.Nashua Fair. .Sept. 1 to in.'liisive, ll*r2.

NEW YORK. *’.V.N .VNI ».Vl*i I'.V, N. Y.—Ontario County

.Vgri.-u'tural .Society Fair. Sept. 18-20, l'.«*2. Ia-vI a. Huge, Seneca Castle, N. Y,, pn---. James S. Hickox, treas.; Chus.

CooliiK'.-, g.-n'l siipt.; Homer J. Heed, secy. CH.-VTH.Wl, N. V, Ciiluiiiliia County Agrl

culti.ral So.-icty Fair. Iiatcs not set. Geo. McCl.-llan, pn-s.; .V. Vosburgh, Ghent, N. Y., vi.-e pn*s.; W. IJ. Starks, Chatham. N. Y.. in-as.; VV. .V. Uanl.-ss, s.s-y, and mgr.

UKVlil'.N, N. V.— .Vgrii-ultiiral So- ei.-ty Fair. Sept. 16 is, inclusive, 11**2. S. *1. Lupt. II, pn-s-.; Gei>. Cole, vice pres.; T. VVtii-.-l.-r, treas.; J. H. Wilson, secy.

II.VMHl Hti. N. Y.—Erie County Agricultii ral Sot-lcty Fair. Sept. 16 to 11*, Inclusive, r. *rj. Mr. Newton, secy.

ITH.VC.V, .N. Y.—Sixty third .Vnuiiul Toiiip kins C.iunty Agricultural Soc-lety Fair. s. -jit. 1* 12. Im-lusivc, 11*12. Hert T. Haker, s.M-y.

Mt»KAVIA, N. Y.—Cayuga County Agricul¬ tural Fair. Sept. 23 to 20. inclusive, ll*r2. F. H. Kyau, pres.; J. D. Helm, vice pres.; VV. H. Thomas, secy.; N. S. Hlark, treas.

Kii* KVlI.l.E CENTEH. N. Y—Fair. June is and 11*. 11**2. Mr. Hacon. treas.

I.ocKVILLE CENTEH, N. Y.—Fair. Sept. ’23 to 27. lu.-luslve, 11*02. Mr. Hacon, treas.

SYHAcrSE. N. Y.—Fair. June 23 to 28, inclusive, 11*02.

VVI'ST S.VNli LAKE. N. Y. U.-nsclaer I'ouiily Agrii-ultural aii.l llorth-iiltural So- ■ i.-ty Fair. S*-pt. 1, ll*rj.

OHIO. H.VI.-VVIA. O.—Clermont County Agricul¬

tural Society Fair. Sept, (second week), 11*'J. Geo. W. Hurnet. pres.; Geo. Smy- sor. vice pres.; J. O. Happ, treas.; John Ho wan. secy.

HI HTO.N, **.—Geauga County Agricultural So.-icty Fair. Sept. 16 to It), Inclusive, 1!**2. H. F. Bliss, Newbury, pres.; L. G. Hh-liards, Auburn, vice prt-s.; H. C. Tut¬ tle. treas.; W. S. Ford, secy.

I'.VliIZ. <*.—Harrison County Agricultural .Vsso.-iatioii Fair. Oct. 1-3, ll*r_’. A. T. Flliott. Shortcrcek, (>., pres.; G. W. Glov¬ er. vii-»‘ pr.-s,; J. H. .Moore, treas.; S. F. McFaildi-n, mgr. privileges; J. G. Mllll- kt-n. si-.-y.

<'.V \ I'l I'.LI11.—Vlabonlng County .Vgrlcul lural SiM-i.-ly Fair. Hate not s.-t. North Ni-wioii. <*., pr.-s.; C. C. How man. Fllsworih. o.. vice pn-s.; C. C. I’owh-r. Cantii-ld. <*.. treas.; H. L. .Vlan i-lii-st.-r, S.-ilt-ni. O.. s»*t-y.

C.VHTH.VtJF, t>.—Hamilton County Fair. S. -pt. 2t* to 21. inclusive, 11*02.

1 III.I VI HI'S. O.—Ohio State Fair. Sept. 1- ■>. in.-liisiv.-, l'.*r_‘. Samuel Taylor, pres.; T. L. Calvert. Celinn, O.. tr*-as.; ,1. W. Fh-iniiig. .isst. s.-cy.; «V. W. Miller, secy.

HAV'HVN. O. Montgomery County Fair. Si-pt. II to 12. inclusive. 11**2. S. I*. Bear, pres.- Samuel Wampler, treas.; W. J. F.-rguson, secy.

HFL.WV.VHK. O.—l*elaware County Agrl cultural Sm-lety Fair. Sept. 13 to 11*. In- t-Iuslvc. 11**2. W. S. rollook, secy.; Lewis Sla.-k. tr»‘as.

GHFFNVIl.LF. o. Harke County .Vgrlcul tiira*. Socli-ty Fair. Aug. 2.'> 21*. iucluslvc, 1'.*rj. J. M Brown, Ar.-aniiiii. <*.. pr.-s.; L. N. Hc.-d, G.'tlysburg, l*.. vh-e prt-s.; I'll. .Vmnioii, Gi-r.lon, o.. treas.; ti, F. Harrison. •ircenvUle. »*., secy.

JKFFFHSON, **.—.Vshtabula County Agrl cultural Society Fair. Aug. 11*21. iiiclus Ive. 11*i2. F. F. Watrons, Ashtabula, O., pres.; W. H. LUidge, Iio.lgcvllle, O., vice pr»-s.; A. W. Frayer, JerTersou. o., treas.; Chas. C. HulM'iick, secy, and mgr.

I,ONH(*N. O.—Madisim County Fair. Aug. 2ti'Jl*, i!i<-lusive, 11**2. L. W. Kilgore, pn-s.; .VI. L. Hea, treas.; E. H. Pancake, secy.

-N.VPoLKON, O.—Napoleon County Fair. Si-pt. 23, inclusive, 11*02. J. W. Hanna, pres.; F. VV. Blair, vice pres.; K. B. Hel ler, treas.; J. S. Halter, aecy.

-NEW.VHK. O.—Licking County Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. .So-Oct. 3, inclualrc, l'.*t2. J. Willis, Fulton, pres.; T. M. Payn.-, Johnstown, <)., vice pres.; H. N. Sigler. Homer, O., treas.; J. M. Farmer, secy.

NEW LEXINGTON, O.—Perry County Fair. Sept. 17 to 20, Inclusive, 11*02. T. J. Smith, secy.

(•TT.VVV.A, O.—Putnam County Fair. Oct. 7 11, inclusive, 11**2. A. L. Paul, pres.; A. P. Sandies, treas. and secy.

HICHWttOI*, O.—Trl-f'ounty Fair. Oct. 8 11. inclusive, 11N*2. Geo. B. Haudlay, pn-s.; Hen* Cahill, trt-as.; C. H. Huffman, s«-«-y.

KIPLEY, O.—Fair. Aug. 15* to 22, Inclu¬ sive, 15**2. L. H. Williams, secy.

.■<T. CL.VIHSVILI.E, O.—Belmont County .Agricultural Society Fair. Aug. 27-25*, In¬ clusive, 15**2. John SldehotToiii, Loyds- vllle, O., pr*-s.; John C. Israel, Morriston, O., vice pn-s.; E. <J. .Amos, St. Clalrsvllle, 1*., treas.; T. C. Ayers, secy.

SPHINGFIELI* O.—Clark County Agricul¬ tural S(K-lety Fair. Aug. 15* to 22, Inclus¬ ive, 15*02. G. W. Dlllahunt, pres.; J. E. Lowry, vice pres.; Frederick Shellaliarger, tr-ns.; J. S. Bird, secy.

I'HH.V.N.V, o.—Champaign County Fair. •Aug. 12 ir>. Inclusive, li**2. J. W. Crawl, secy.

WELLINGTON. O.—Fair. Aug. 20 to 22, 11*02. G, B. Warner, pres.; E. W. Adams, vice pres.; W. H. Vlsscher. treas.; L. H. Wadsworth, secy.

WASHINGTON C. H O.—Fayette County Agricultural Fair. Third week In August, 15**2. Solon Loofbourrow, pres.; Hum¬ phrey Jones, treas.; Frank .M. Kennedy, seev.


Fair. Sept. 30 to Oct. 3, Inclusive, 15*12. FHlls L. flrvl.s, pres.; John M. Shugert, treas.; John Blanchard, seev.

MIL'rON, PA.-Fair. Sept. flO to Oct. 3. Inclusive, 11**2. H. \\. C. Chamberlin, pn-s.; A. L. Swart*, treas.; Edwin Paul, secy.

**HWlGSHt H<;. PA.—Fifty first Annual Or- wlgstuirg. Pa.. Fair. Aug. 26-25*, Inclus¬ ive. i;*rj. s. H. Moyer, pres.; H. S. Al- hriirht, tn-as.; Hoht. S. Fey, secy.

WEST VIRGINIA. HEN WOOD, W. V A.—Fair. April (first

week). 15*02.


Agricultural Society Fair. Sept. 17 to 19, Inclusive, 15*12.

JlOFFLHSoN, WIS.—Jefferson County Fair. Sept. 23 to 26. inclusive, 1902. H. J. Washhurule, Palmyra, Wis., pres.; J. H. •McGowan. Fort Atkinson, Wis., vice pres.; F. P. Klspert, treas.; O. F. Roess- ler, secy.

MH-WAIKEE, WIS.-WlsconsIn State Fair. Sept. 8 to 12, 11**2.

FLYMOI'TH, WIS.—Sheboygan County Ag rlcultural Society Fair. Sept, (first week),

'15*)2. *'. M. Sibley, Waldo, Wis., general supt.

VERMONT. Wot *1 iSTi *CK. VT.—Fifty-seventh Windsor

I'ounty .Annual Fair Sept. 23 lo 25, In¬ clusive, is*rj.


.Vlanitoha's Hlg Fair. July 29 to Aug. 1, 15*rj. F. J. (’lark, mgr.

Ol'TAWA, ONT., CAN.—Fair.Sept. 13 to 20. 1902.

rOKONTO. ONT., CAN.—Industrial Fair. .Aug. 30 to Sept. 13. inclusive, 1902.

TttHiiNTO. C.V.N.—Canadian Fair. Aug. ;{O.Si-j.r. 13, 11*»2. H. J. Hill, manager.


I street Jfairs I an^

I.. Carnivals.. .VTCHISON, K.AN.—Elks’ Street Fair. .May

1. 11**2. HAY CITY. MICH.—Grand Naval Carnival.

March 10 to l.'i, 15**2. W. H. Hice, SagI uaw, Mich., promoter.

*A Prophat not w-ithout homr save in his own country.

WILL S. HECK Is an exception to this rule. He has lived In Cincinnati for the past fifteen years. The Bualuesn Hen

• if Ctticinnal 1 have contldenc- In his ability as a C.4K!<IIVA1. B1 II.ISEK and .Vi.4N* A4at:K. They .lenionstratiHl this confidence by making him tieneral .Aimisenient .Man¬ ager of tile 4'lnciiiiiatl Fall t'nnlivnl of 15*11. He has lust been awarde.l the contract for furnishing the attractions lor the Clnctnnatl Fall Festival of 15«rj. This makes two eonsecutive seastins In his home city, Kjieaks well for him. ilon't It? .All coinmlttees with whom he hiu* t-ver don.- hustness say, >*lle«k*» .411 Rich!.** That Is what you will say if you let him furnish the attractions for your Carnival iliH vcar. He can promote, organize, build and manage yonr Carnival WITH PHOFIT TO T'OT. For the s.-a-son of IK*-.’ he can give you It* SOS EL'TY *»IIOW'»l—more If \oii want 'em. Don’t tn* hasty alNint closing your contract for attractions. Out HEi'H'M PBOPOUl rH»3l i'lBWT.

Addresw WILI. 8. HECK, aiO Boll BIk., Cincinnati, O.


UOONVII^LK, INI). — Merchants’ 1'n‘e Street Fair and Carnival. May 12 to 17. 1!»02. Joseph M. Iludsiieth, secy, and trens.

CINCINNATI. O.-Cincinnati Fall Festival. Sept. —.

CEltAR KAl’lItS, lA.—Carnival. Sept. 2*.! to Oct. 4, 1902. G. K. Barton, pres.

CHAT'IANOOGA. TFNN.—Fifth Annual Si)rinf; Festival. .May o to 10, Inclusive, 1;Ki2. a. S. Glover, pres.; <leo. -M. Bradt, yice pres.; Herbert Bushneli, treas.; Z. C. Fatten, Jr., se<.-y.

<T.INTON, I A.—’I'lilrd .4nnual .Merchants’ Carnival. Auk. 28 to .’Jo, ln<-lusivc, Fmc’. .1. H Allen, secy.

OAYTON, O.—Carnival. June—, 1!*02. I>t Bcgci:. lA.—B. F. o. i: <’arnival.

June 1621, Inclusive, 1002. F. .M. Hop¬ kins. secy.

KliWOOH, INI.).—Trades Carnival and Free Street Fair. June 30 to July 5, HX»2. Warren T. Mcl.ain, lu^r.

KVANSVII.I.F, INI).—.Merchants’ .May Car¬ nival. May —, 1!H»2. K. L. Akin, secy.

FVANSVILLK. INI).—Elks’ Street Fair and Carnival. Sept, (first week), 11KI2.

FLATONIA, TEX.—Street Fair. .March —, l!t<)2.

HOT SFKINGS, AUK.—Elks’ Carnival and Jubilee. March 17 to 22, 1902. 11. E. Leavitt, promoter; f.'has. Garratt, mitr. privileges; The H. W. Wright Co., attrac¬ tions.

I.A SAI-I.E, ILL.—Elks’ Street Fair and Carnival. July 1 to .'), I'.kC'. Wm. G. Sieg- ler, secy.; H. W. Wright tJttrtiival Coin pany, attractions.

I.OS ANGELES, CAL.—I.a Fiesta de Los Flores. Mav 1 to h, 1902.

MANKATO, .MINN.—Street Fair. July 1 to f), 11K)2. C. 11. Saulsiiaugh, mgr.

MUKIMYSBOKO.ILL.—Elks’ Street Fair and Carnival. May 12 to 17. 1902. F. U. Elseumayer, director general; Wm. Turk, treas.; Mike Levy, .-ecy.; H. W. Wright C.irniviil Company, attractions.

MARSH ALLTOWN, lA.—Carnival. June .30 to July 0, 1902. E. E. L'ownlng, pres.; S. W. La Shelle. vice pres.; L. S. Feck- ham, treas.; W. H. Evans, secy.

MEMI’HIS, ’I’ENN.—Eagle’s Carnival iiinl Jubilee -May 5 to 10, I'.tO’J. M. M. Cohen, secy.

.MINNEAFOLIS, MINN.—Elks’ Street Fair and Carnival. June 2, 1902. A. J. Mullen, StH'V.

MILWAFKEE. WIS.—Jahr Mark!. Sept. S-12, F.*<'2. t'ha>-. .1. Stumpf, director gen eral.

FINE BLUFF, ARK.—Grand Carnival and Street Fair. March 2-1 to 29, l'.Hi2. Jim. E. Wells, mgr.; 11. C. Flummer, promoter for The H. W. Wright Carnival t.’o.

FADFCAH, KY.—Faducah Lodge No. 217, B. F. O. E. Street Fair. May —, l!i')2. 11. F. .Nunn, sei-y.; L. A. Lagomarsino director general.

RK.4ItI.NG, FA.—Elks’ Carnival. June 16 to 21, l!to2. F. It. Lamrian, ehainiian of executive committee.

S.4(.’RAM1;NT0, cal.—street Fair. May 12, l!i02. Albert Elkus, '.tth and K sts.,

S.4G1N.4W, MICH —Grand Naval Carnivtil. .March 3 to H, 1!H)2. W. H. Rice, pro * moter. •

SARATOGA SFRINGS, N. Y.-Saratoga Mldwav and Wonderland. June l.l to Seiit.

SAN AN’I’ttNMt. ’1’|;X.—Battle of Flowers and Floral Farade. April 21, liKt2.

1.0, F.)02. TERRE HAUTE, INI).—Street Fair. Oct.

1.O-20. RKi'j. H. W. Wright <Vrnival font panv, attractions.

TELL I’lTY, I.NTt. Stri-et Fair. Sept. S-l:;. 1!H)2. II. G. Fodt, sect.; 11, W. Wright Carnival Uomiianv, attractions.

WEBSTER CITY, lA.—The Great Webster uity Ciirnival. June 3 to 6. inclusive, l!ai2. F. E. Wilson, pres.; F. W. Heron, treas.: W. jt. Kejirns, secy.

Conventions Fetes, Celebrations, Etc.

Under this beading we pabllsb free of charge the dates of all not¬ able events, which are likely to attract large concourses of people to any one particular city and for this reason prove of Importance to advertisers, showmen, street- men, general passenger agents, etc. Thes list Is carefully revised and corrected weekly.


BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—Seventy-first Frot. Ejilscopal locesan Convention. May 21, 1992. Rev. Robert W. Barnwell, Selma, Ala., secy.


HELENA, ARK.—Thirteenth Frot. Episco¬ pal Diocesan Convention. May 14, F.)02. Rev. Wm. M. Brown, 1222 Scott st.. Little Rock. Ark., secy.

VAN BUREN, .4RK.—Stale Sunday-Schiml Institute Onvention. March 16 to IS, RXrj. S. F. Goddard, secy.


BERKELEY. CAL.—Jr. (). U. A. M. State Council. March —, 19<»2. Herman I’aine, Oakland. Cal., .secy.

CORONDO, CAL.—American Climatological Association Convention. June 2. R*02. Dr. Guy Hinsdale, Fhiladelphia, Fa., secy.

I.tJS C.4L.—Federation t>f Women’s Clubs i’(inventions. Mav 1 S, 1902.

L< IS .\NGELES, C.4L.—Fraternal Brother- hiMid Supreme Lodge Convention. .March 16. I'.aC.

S.\N FR.VNCISt’ti, C.\L.—K. of F. Biennial • ’•■nvention .\ug. 1‘2, F.si2.

COLORADO. Dl’.NVKR. <’OL. -Stat(‘ I'attle and Horst'

Growers’ AssiM'iation Convention. March 3 4. F.Hi’J.

DICNVER. CoL.—.4merlcan Cattle Growers .4ssociation Convention. March .3 t, 1902. 11. W. Robinson. Boston Building, seev.

CONNECTICUT. H.tRTFtlRD, Cti.N.N. Young Feople’s

Union State Convention. .March 2s, 1902. Lottie .M. Champlin, 51 Seymour st., secy.

.MEltlDEN, CONN.—A. O. H. Ladies’ Aux lliary State Convention. Feb. —, 1902.

-NEW H.WE.N. CO.N’N.—Knights of Colum¬ bus National Council Convention. March 4. llkrj. Daniel Calwell, Box 96, secy.

.NEW HA\EN’, CONN.—State Firemens’ A'-sociation Convention. Aug. 12 and 13. F.HI2.

.NEW LONDON. CONN.—.4merican Oph thalmological Society. July 14, l'.Ki2. i)r. 5. I!. St. John. 2t! Fratt st., Hartford, t’onn., .st'cy.

NOKWIt'H, CiiNN. — Knight Tt'iuplar Grand Commandery Convention. March 17. F.MI2. Eli C. Fdrdsey, .M'-riden, Conn., S(*ey.

TOBKINGTON, CONN.—League of Ameri¬ can Wheelmen National Assembly. Feb. —. 1902.

Wi:s’r H.4VEN. t’oNN.—state Firemens’ .\-soclatlon Convention. .4ug. 12 and 13, 19112

DELAWARE. NEW CASTLE. DEL.—One hundred and

sixteenth Frot. Episcopal Diocesan Con¬ vention. June 4, lti02. Rev .Leighton (’olemiin. IVllmlngtou, Del., secy.


cers’ Eastern Association Convention. May 1, l!Hi2. F. E. Hlgbie, Central R. R. of New Jersey, Jersey City, N. J.. secy.

WASHINGTON. D. C.—G. A. R. National ITieampment. Sept. —. 1962.

WASHINGTON, D. C.—A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge Convention. March 18, ltHl2.


JAt’KSONVlLLE, FLA.-Kuights of Honor! Grand Lodge Convention. March 11 and 12. 1992. .4. H. I i’.41emberte, Fensacola, Fla., seev.

FARM BEAUH. FLA.—National Hotel .Men’s .Association t'onvention. March 22. 1992.

FE.NS.4Ct iL.V. FL.4. State Fress .Assoola tion Con\('niIon. .M.arch —. 1992. Frank L. Moves, seev.

FETERSF.URG. FL.4.--Stat«' Sundya Sehind Convt'iition. March 11 13, RHi’J.

ST. AUtlUSTINE, FLA.—State Hotel Men’s Benefit .Association t'onveiition. March —. 1!I92.

'I’.AMF.A. FL.4.—Knights of Fythias Grand Lodge t’onvention. March 11-1’2, 1992. W. U. Latimer. Tavares, Fla., secy.


.41’L.ANTA. <;.4.—State Electric Medical .Association Convention. March ’27-’29, 19t 12.

.4TL.4.NT.4. <1.4.—I’ravi'lers’ Frotective St.tte .Association Convention. .April ’24 to 2t’«. inclusive, I'.Hii;.

.AUGT’ST.A, G.4.—Eighteenth Frot. Eplsco p:il Diocesan Convention. May 14, 1902. Rev. ('leland W. Nelson, Atlanta, Ga., secy.

RtiAIE. G.4. Georgia Baptist C’onventlon. M ireh 26 39. 1993. R. v. R. B. Headdeii,

ILLINOIS. I LiioAIlNG'niN. ILL.—State League Re

liubliean (’lulls Convention. March -, 1992.

CHIC.4GCI, 1 LL.—Knights of Fythias Inter State Grand Jubilee. March 24, 1!)9’2. .Miles AV. (’urtis. Battle Cn-ek, .Alich., sec.v.

CHII’.AGO, ILL.—.National Grain Dealers’ -Association Convention. March —. I!i9’2.

CHIC.AGO. ILL.—Interstate Retail Hard ware iK'alers’ Association f’onventlon. March —, 1‘.NI2. M. D. Corey. .Argos, Ind.. secy.

CHICAGO, ILL.—National Wholesale Lum¬ ber Dealers’ Association. March 5 and 6. E. F. Ferry, 66 F.roadway, New York, N. Y’., secy.

CHICAGO, ILL.—Central and W’estern Car Service Officers’ Association Convention. Feb. 28. 19(r2. W. E. Beecham (C., M. &

St. F. Ry.), secy. I’lIICAGO. ILL.—American Railway Engi¬

neering and Maintenance of Way Asso¬ ciation Convention. .March 18 to ’29. 19<r2. L. C. Fritch (B. & O. S. W. R. R ). secy.

FEORI.A, ILL. State Laundrynien’s .Asso cititloii Convention. .Alareli 17 and IN, F. Krj AV. E. Filch. LaSalle. 111., secy,


Loan .Association Convention. March 6. 1902.

I.NDlA.N.AFOLIS. IND.—National .Alanufac- turers’ Association of Uidted Stales Con¬ vention. March —, 1!M)2. E. F. Wilson, Cincinnati, O., secy.

INDIANAPOLIS, IND. — Sixty-fifth Frot. Episcopal Diocesan Convention. June 3, 1902. Rev. Jos. M. Francis, 1501 Central ave., secy.

M.ARIDN, INI),—State Master Flutnhers’ Association Convention. .Mtireh —, 1992. S. W. Gillespie, secy.

IOWA. DAVENPORT, lA.—Fiftieth Frot. Eplsco

pal Diocesan Convention. May 20, 1902 Rev. Theodore N. Morrison, secy.

DUS MOINES, lA.—Mine and Operators’ Stiite Convention. March .4, 191)2.

DES .MOINES, lA.—State Sportsmens’ Con¬ vention. Feb. —, 190’2.

L. AMONI, I A.—General Conference Reor¬ ganized Church of Latter Day Saints and .Auxiliary Societies. April 5 to ’29, F.s»2. R. S Salyards, secy.


ATCHISON, KAN.-Forty-thlrd Frot. Epls I pal Diocesan Convention. Sept. —, 1902.

Rev. Frank R. Millspaugh, secy., Topeka. Kansas.

I .MARSHALLTOW.N, lA.—F M. 1. O. O. F. Department Convention. Feb. —, l!Kr2. ('ol. R. L. 'I’llton, Des Moines, la., secy.

M. VNH.ATT.AN, K.AN.—State Dairy (’on vcnilon. Miirch 4 to 7, 1992. 'I'hos. .4. Biirman, Topeka, Kan., secy.

ToFEK.A, KA.N.—State Grain Dealers’ .As ! social Ion Convention. March —, 1902. E.

J. Sinilev. secretarv. WASlll.NGTON, KAN. — Kansas M. E.

I hut ell Conference. March l.’>-’29, 19ir2. J. W. (’liirdy, 131 New York st., Law- rcnei', Kiin.

WICHIT.A, K.AN.—Siatt* ItemiM'mtic Con¬ vention. May.29. 1992.

WICHIT.A. K AN.—Slate Reunion of the K. F. .41 ay 29. l'.Hi’2.

WICHIT.A, K.AN.—Republican State Con vent Ion. May 2.8, I9t.i2.

WB’IHT.A. K.AN.—Stale Druggis's’ .Asso ciation Convention. Mav 27 29, inclusive, F.I92.


HENDERSON, KY.—Seventy-fourth Frot. Episcopal Diocesan Convention. .May 11, 1992. Rev. Thos. U. Dudley, 716 Third ave., Louisville, Ky., secy.

LEXl.NGTON, KY’.-Royal Templars of Temperance Grand Council. Feb. 22, 1!hi2. S. A’. Fry. Short st., secy.

Lt H’ISA I LI.E, KY’.—.National Third Party Convention. .April 2, I'.SC.

LOUISVILLE, KY.—State Retail Hardware Dealers’ Association Convention. Feb. — 1992. Lewis S. Korb, secy.

LtJl’lSA'lLLE, KY'. —'I’he International Po¬ lice Journal ('onventlon. May 7 to 19, lit 12.

OWE.NSBORO, KY. U. M. W. of A. Stale Convention. March (first week), l!i92. AA’. J. (’ainpbell. Central City, Ky., secy.


BATON ROUGE, LA.—State Legislature. Meets (60 days) May —, 1992.

MONROE, L.A.-l. ti. o. F. Grand Lmlge. March 4. I'.srj.

NEAA ORLEANS, LA.—Knights of Honor Grand Lodge. March 2, lii92. Henry AA’al ters, ’204 Camp st., secy.

.NEAV ORLEANS. L.A.—.National Bankers’ Association of Louisiana Convention. April 29 and 39, 1992.


BERW’ICK, ME.—Maine M. E. Church Conference. April 16, 1902.

PORTLAND. .ME.—American General Pas¬ senger and Ticket Agents’ As.sociatlon Convention. Oct. 14, Itkrj. A. J. Smith, Cleveland, ()., secy.

PORTLAND. .ME. — Eighty-third Frot. Episcopal Diocesan Convention. May 22, 1992. Rev. Robert Codman, secy.

MARYLAND. B.ALTIMoRE. MD.—Reform*'d (Germanl

(’hureh in United Stiites tieiieral S.viiikI. May ’29, l!sr2. Rev. J. F. .stein, Iteading. Fa., s('cy.

B.AL’i’l M( iRE. .AID. Independent < irder of Aleebaides’ Grand Lislgi' Coiivi'iition. March 17, l!si2. Elmer Bernhard. t’s”.9 AA Baltimore st.. secy.


(’onventioii. .Vl.ireb 13, I'.srj. BOSTO.N, M.ASS.—.American Unltaii.i:i .\s

soeiaiion Conva iitlon. May 27, Fsrg. R. \ t’harles E. St. Jtdin, secy.

BoST( IN’. MASS.—Natlotial Spiritualisis .Ass,iei;i;lon (’onventlon. Oct. 31 to 3.’t, lAxi’J Mrs. Mary T. Longley, AA'ashingtoii, II. <’.. secy.

BOSTO.N, 41—American Laryugoylogic¬ al .Association ('onventlon. May —,' Birj. Dr. Jas. E. Newcomb, 118 AA'. 69th st.. New Y’ork, N. A’., secy.

BOS'l’oN, 4LASS.—American Dermatologic al Association Uonveiition. Sept. 18 to ’29, 19(12. Dr. F. H. .Alontgomery, Chicago, III. , seev.

BOSTON. MASS.—Rallw,ay Telegraph Su perintendi'nts’ Association (’’onventlon. June 18. I!¥i2. F. AV. Drew (AVIs. Central

Ry. Co.). Milwaukee, AVIs., secy. BOSTON, MASS.—Eastern Maintenance of

AA’av Association Convention. Sept. (3d week). 1!HI2. F. C. Stowell (B. & M. R. R.).

AA’are, Mass., secy. BO.STON, MASS.—1. O. O. F. Grand En¬

campment. Feb. —, 1992. John D. Per¬ kins, 515 Fremont at., aecv.

BOS'lON, MASS.—One hundred and seven¬ teenth I’rot. Episcopal Diocesan Conven¬ tion. April 39. 1902. Rev. Wm. Law¬ rence. 191 Brattle st., Chicago, III., secy.

BROOKLINE, MASS.—New England M. K. Church Conference. April 9, 1902.

HAVERHILL^ MASS.—New Hampshire M. E. Church Conference. April 23. 1992.

AVORt’ESTER, 41 ASS.—State Endt Grow ers' .Association (’onventlon. March 12- 1.3, F.srj. (’. A. A\’hltncy, Upton, 4Iass., secy.


•ANN ARBOR, MICH.—State Academy of Sclenc<* (’onventlon. March 27 29, 1992.

ANN .ARBOR, MICH.—Stat(‘ Schoolmas tens’ (’lull Convention. .March ’28‘29, 1992. H. .41. Slauson, swy.

ELINT, MICH.-Slate Socialist Fnrly Con vent Ion. Feb. 28, 1902.

GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.—State Retail Grocers’ Association Convention . Feb. —. jjKjo


.4IANKATO. MINN.—Stale Opticians Asso elation ('onventlon. March 4, 1992.

MINNE.AFOLIS, MINN.—G. A. R. Di'pnrt iiK'ut Encampment. .March 5-6, IDtrj. E. N. Leavens, Earlbault. 41inD., secy.

MINNEAPOLIS, MlNN.-AVoman’s R4'llef ('orps State Convention. March 5-6, 19(r2

MIN.NE.APOLIS, MINN.-Iaidles of the G.' A. R. State <’onventlon. 4Iarch 5-6, 1992.

MINNEAPOLIS, 41I.\N’.—Royal Arcanum Grand Council. .March 2.'>, 1992. G. T. Hughes, 739 Lumber Exchange, secy.

MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.-Mlnnesota Edi¬ torial Association Convention. Feb. — 1992.

MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.-Elght Hour Dav Supreme Grand Leagtie of America Con¬ vention. Sept. 22 to 26. 1992. Cyrus Northrop, pres.; AV. O. Nye, chairman; G. L. Rockwell, secy.

MINNEAPOl.iS, MINN.—Western Drawing Teachers’ Association Convention. May

1902. 4IINNEAPOLIS. MINN.-State Homeo^

pathic Society Convention. May —, 1902. MINNEAPOLIS. .MINN.-Order of Eagles

Convention. June —, 1992. MINNEAl'OLIS, MINN.-Natlonal Educa¬

tional Association Convention. July —, 1!K)2.

MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—American Veterin ary Association Convention. Sept. —. 1992.

.MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.-Natlonal Associa¬ tion of Agricultural Implement Dealers’ Convention. Oct. —, 1992.

AIINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Grain Dealers’ .National Association Convention. Oct. —, 1902.

AIINNEAPOLIS. MINN-Rallway Superln t(‘nd('iits of Bridges and Buildings AssocI alioii Convention. Oct. 21. 19()2. S. F. Patterson (Boston & Maine H. K.>, Con¬ cord, N. IL, 8(‘cy.

.MINNRAPOI.IS, MINN. — Northwestern Harness Dealers’ Association Convention. Dec. —. 1902.

ST. P.AI’L. MINN.—I’nlted States Mutual Insurance ('ompanb's Association Coiiveii- lion. ALin h 4 (!. 19ii2. C'. B. A’ates, Ma della. Allnn., sec.v.

MIEEIEEIPPI. 41EKID1.AN, MISS. — C,,nfeder.ite

A’etcrans’ State Division ('’onventlon. Alarcb 11 12. 1992.

Y.AZOO, .MISS.—Seventy-fifth Prot. Episco¬ pal Diocesan Convention. April 22. lUtrj, Rev. P. O. Sears, Meridian, Miss., secy.

WINONA. MISS.—F. and A. .M. Grand LiHlg(> Convention. Feb. 27 and ’28, I'.srj. Eredt-rlek Speed. A’lcksburg. AIlss.. secy.


BKOOKFIELD, MO. — MlasonrI M. K (’birch (’iinfcrence. Alarcb 13 18, I'.srj, (’. (I. Atills. Cameron, 41o.. secy.

K.AN’S.AS CITY’, 410.—.American .Academy of Hallway Surgeons Convention. Sept. ■ . 19(r2. Dr. T. B. l>aeey, Connell Bluffs, la., secy.

ST. LOUIS, MO.—State Intercollegiate Ath¬ letic Association Convention. May 24. l!Kr2.

SFRI NG El ELI >. 410.—('umlH'rland I’resby tcrian t’hurcb Gein'ral .Assembly. May 15- ’2:1. l!i('3. Rev. J. 41. Hubbert, Li'banon, Tciin.. scc> .

SPRLNG I'l EI.D, MO.—Cumberland Presby¬ terian (’burch General Assembly. May 15, 11(93. Rev. J. M. Hubbert. Lebanon, Telin., secy.

ST. LOUIS. MO.—63d Protestant Episcopal Diocesan Convention. May 27, 1902. Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, ’272 W. Chestnut st., secy.

NEBRASKA. OMAHA, NER —Thirty fifth Prot. Eplsco

pal Diocesan Convention. May 21, 1992. Rev. Cbas. H. Yonng, 1702 N. 26th st., secy.

NEW HAMPSHIRE. M.\\(’Hi:sri:i:. N. H —N. E. o. P. Grand

I l.iidge (’em entloii. Alarcb 26, lis)2. Jih‘ D. iidels, ;!s.’'i Hall st., secy.

NEW JERSEY. .U’RURY P.ARK, N. J.—Reformed (Dutch)

Chureb in .America General Synod. June 4. 1992. Rev. W. H. DeHart, Raritan, N. J., sec.v.

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J —American Gyne- eobiglcal Society ('onventlon. Mav 27, 1992. Dr. J. Riddle Goffe, ’22 E. 3.5th at.. New York, N. Y'.. secy.

Rl! I DC ETON, N. J. I. O. .41. Grand Lodge (’onv. ntlon. March —, F.srj. TIh'o. AA’ofsd- rnlT. Bridgeton. .N. J., secy.

(■.\4IDi:V, N. J.—I.egion of Red Cn>ss (’(lUiiell. March 2<i, llsrj. (’. O. IV'drlck. .T3.5 Rcrkley st., secy.

SALE4I, N. J.—New Jersey M. E. Church Conference. March 12. 1902.

TRENI’ON. N. J.—I. O. R. M. Great Coun cll. Kcb. 27 and 28, 1992. I). M Stenvens,

Camden. N. J., secy. I'RKN IKN. .N. J — A. O U. W. Grand L<«lge

(’onvciitb.ii. March 1.3 14. 1992. J. A. A’ansatii.. :’.(•(; Rroadway, Camden, .\. J., se(*V.

TRENTON. N. J.—llSth Protestant Epls copal Diocesan Convention. May 13. l992. Rev. Herbert S. Smith, I.nml)ertvllle. N. J., aeey.

NEW YORK. RUI'FALO, N. Y’.—Order of Iro(|Uols Su

pretne Lodge Convention. March 4. 1992. AA’aller A. Rice, 644 Ellleott S(iuare. secy.

ELMIRA. N. Y.—State MnsD'r PliimlHTs’ Assoeiation oCnveiitlon. March 11 and 1’2, 1!S»3.

Ni:W V<(RK (’ITY, N. Y.-State Bottb'rs .Association (’onventlon. Alarcb 1.3, 1!SI2.

\ E\\’ A(HtK (’I l'Y. N Y.—Amcrb an AVblst League (’oiivcnlloii. June ’23. F.sr2.

NEW YORK, N. Y.-Presbvterlnn Chureb General Asscmblv. Alav 14. 199’2. Rev. W. 11. Roberts, 1319 AValnut st., Pblla dcipbia. i*a. seev.

NEAV’ YORK, N. Y.-Amerlean Railway As soelalloii (’onventlon. April 23, 19(r2. AA. E. Allen. ’24 Park PInee, secy.


\i:w YOKK. N. Y.-l iiitcd Sliilfs As soclatl'in (’oiivnitloii. I•'^b. I'T, r.K(i;. II. K»*rr. ill! Hrnad st., secy.

ItorilKSTKK. N Y.-A. <». 1. W. Crand I,<vdu»* (’onvfiitlon. .March 4, r.HC. \v. H. Moynlhaii. 7 New Yi>rk st.. s<'cy.

i;< t('iniS’ri:it. N. Y.—Sl.atc liiiymakcrs' .\ss<H'f!itl<>ii I'oiivc'itloii. March (i.Hi. r. I!.iily, Si.’ State St., seev.

KtlCHICSTIIJ. N. Y.-I»e>;ree .’.f Honor Craiid I.odKc. .March 4, !!:<*!;. Fannie Hadley, iT-’.'i fentral nve., secy.

S.VKA'I'i N. Y.—American Academy of Medicine t’onvcntlon. June 7 and M. liiOi,’. Charles Mdnllre, Fnston, I’ji., secy.

I TIC.A, X. Y.—Coinmeri'hil Travelers' Mn Inal .Vccldeiit .\ssociation of .America Convention. .March Id. lltdU. ICdw.inl Trevvett. Second National Ittink l(nlldln);. vecy.

NORTH CAROLINA. \!»ll i;\ I I.I.I!. \ Southern llaptisls Conv4'nlloii M i\ .s I.",. itMr,’. ,1. I.ansini; Itiirioiiirhs. |>. |>.. .N'iishvllle, Tcnn.. sts-y.

(t.XFItUl*. .N. C.—stilh I’rotestant Kplsco|>al Hlocesan Convention. Jane 11. I'.srj. Uev. .liilinn K. IiikI<'. Henderson, N. C., sec.v.

NORTH DAKOTA. Northwood, N. D.—United Templars of

Temperance, State Soclet.T Convention. Feh. —, 11>02. S. Burke, secy.

OHIO. ( IXCINXATI, I*.—Turners' Convention,

.lune -, IINI'J. CIXCINN.ATI, »».—Slate Association of

County Commissioners. Januarv, tsecond week). I'.Hi:!.

CI.KVFLAM*. <).—AssiM-lated Hill Fosters and Hlstrlhntors of the l.’nitcd States and Canaila. Second Tuesday In March. I'.srj. charh‘s Hrynn. pres.

ci.KVKI.ANH, O.—I.'nion Marine Cooks' National Convention. Feb. —, 11)02.

ci.FVFL.ANI*, f).—American Local KrelKht Aftenta’ Association Convention. .Iiine p I'.srj. James Anderson, Omaha, Neb.,

sec.v. ci.kVFL.ANH, <).- Christian Church Na

tional Congress. March 2r>. l!sr_*. Rev. K. S. Ames. Hytle Fork, Chicago, 111., secy.

• 'DLFMF.FS. It Slate lias LIglil .Vssoeia tion Coiixention. .Mjindi Is i;i. F.sC. 'i'. C. Joip-s. I *<>lawart‘. »)., so-y.

I.IM.A. I).—State Laiindrymen's Association Convention. March 10 and 11. lOtrj. Nel son Shook, sccy.

M'l! I Ni r ri LI.I *. <• lioproxid ttriler of Kisl Men's HoMeii .liiMli'e. .Max . I'.srj

OREGON. FDRTLANI), ORE.—American General

Rnggage Agents' Association Convention. May 14, IISG. J. E. Quick, Toronto, tint., Canada, secy.

PENNSYLVANIA. 'I LKlHIF'Y. FA I tilted ITeshyterian ciitindi tieiieral .Assemlily. M.iy '.’i, F.srj. Win. .1. Reid. 'Jtt Oakland axe.. Flttshiirg. Fa., seev.

M l'tOlNA. FA. I ttited Mine Workers of .Vmerlca State Convention. Mandi II. F.srj. Rhhard Cllliert. Cleartield. Fa., seev.

CHAMHERSltCRt;. FA.—Fraternal Mystic Clnde tinind Ruling Convention. March —. llsrj. Oavis Cassrdherry, Fhiladelphla. Fa., secy

I K.VNKI.IN. FA. Royal Templ;irs of Tern perance Convention. March 1^, 1!*)'-’. J. S. Hu Sham*. N<'xv t'astle. Fa.. sis\v.

H.ARRl.SIH'Rt;. F.\. tJerman Itnptist Na¬ tional Convi-ntlon. May 'Ji*. I!si2.

HARRIRRURQ, FA.—State School Direc¬ tors' Association Convention. Feb. —, 11)02. H. H. Rice, R.M2 Thompson st.. Philadelphia, Pa., secy.

JOHNSTOWN. PA.-Oliv and Iliiroiigh Sti perintendents’ State Convention. Feb. —, 1002. J. M. Iterkey. secy.

1 HIL.AHF.LFHI.A. F.\. F.astern Coinmer <'lal Ti iichers' .Vs<oe!.itioii Convention. March '27 'J*.). 1!)0'J.

PHII.-ADELPHIA, PA.—American Railway Accounting Officers' Association Conven¬ tion. May 28. 1902. C. G. Phillips. 79 Hearbom st.. Chicago. 111., secy.

FHII.AHEI.FHl.A. FA. .Vnierlcan Ortho pedic Association Convention. June 9 to 7. IDO-.'. Hr. John Rldlon. 10.1 State st.. Chi '■ago. Ill., sei-y.

FHH AHliLFHIA. FA. Reformed Frt'shy terlan Church Gen'-ral Synod. May 14. 1902. Rev .Jas. Y. Rolcc. '2211 Spring Gar den st., secy.

FIIILAHELPHIA. PA.-118th Protestant Episcopal Hlocesan Convention. April 29. 1902. Rev. Henri M. G. Huff, 112th and Wainnt sts., secy.

FITTSRURG. F.\.—.Vincrlcan Microscopical Society Convention. June ‘27 and ‘2S, 11)02. Henry R. Ward. LlnC'dn. Neb., seev.

PITTSBURG. PA —Train Dispatchers’ As soclatlon of America Convention. June 17. 1902. J. F. Mackle, 7042 Stewart ave., Chicago. Ill.. secT.

WILKESBARRE. FA State F.'h-ration of I.alxor Convention. Man-h 10. lis)2. t5's> •Soihler. Box 117. Scrantixn. l*n.. si'cy.


FROVIHENCE. R. I.-I. O. O. K. (Hand I'incampnient. March 5. 1902. Wm. H. T Mosly. 97 Wevboss'd st., secy.

FROVIHENCE.' R. I.—Knights of Honor '•rand Lo'lge Cixnventlon. Man-li ‘27. F.)0‘2. I'. A. Carleton, Box rCxJx, seev.

I’ROVIENCE. R. I—112th Protestant Episcopal IMocesan Convention. Mav 20, 1902. Rev. S .H. Webb. 21 Adelaide avc.. secy.

SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENWOHH. S. C.—state Sunday School

Convention. March 29 to '27, 1902. C C. Eeatherstone. Lanrims, S. C., secy,

GEORGETOWN. S. C.—112th Protestant Episcopal Hlocesan Convention. May 14, 1902. Rev. James G. Glass, Summerville, B. C., secy.

TENNESSEE. CH.VT TANoo'S.A. TENN.—Royal Arcaniiiii

Grand Council Convntion. March IH, llsr2. \’. E. Hetieorgit, sc-y.


CLEBI RNE. TEX Y. .M. C. A. State Con vntlon. March 14 to H!. 1902. Samuel W.arr, sccy.

HAI.L.VS, TEX.—Veterans' Reunion, .\pril '22 to 'J."', Inclusiv<>, F.HL’. C. L. Martin, s's-y.

HAI.L.\S, TEX.—'Ic.xas Reunion Associa tlon Conveiiilon. April 22 to 2.9, F.sy2. Col. C. C, Slaughter, pres.

FORT MOUTH. TEX.-Natlonal Railway Live Stock Agents’ Convention. March lO. 1902.

F"UTH MOUTH, TEX.—.National Unllroad Live Stock .\gents' Association Conven¬ tion. March 10, F.4r2.

FOUT M'ORTH, TEX.-Cattle Uaisers' As¬ sociation Convention. March l.'l and 14, 190'2.

M'ACi), TEX.—.’’sld Protestant Episcopal Hlocesan Convention. May 7, 1902. Rob¬ ert M. Elgin. Houston, Tes., secy.


BELLOM’S FALLS. VT.—ll’2th Protestant Episc' pal Hlocesan Convention. Juiu' 18, F. a)2. Uev. J. O. Davis, Chester, Vt., sccy.


FUEHEniCKSBCRG. VA.—107th Protest¬ ant Episcopal Diocesan Convention. May 14. 1902 Rev. Everard Meade. Accotlnk, Va.. seev.

M’ATKRFORD. VA. - Virginia M. E. Church Conference. March 13. 1902.


I..\ ''U'i.'»SE. M'IS.--Stat»* tips-ers’ .\»«.(iciji- lioii I'l•nventi■ln. March —, F.)o2.

M I I.M .\I'KEE. M'IS.—National .\»s.M-ialion Uill'vay Claim .X-gt-nls Conv-ntion. Mav

. 1's >2. M I I.M'.VFK EE, M'LS.—State Photographers’

.\ss.ieiatioii Convention. March 11 to 1.1. I9)r2. .1. M. Bamllcl, lUH Ch'Try st.. sccy.

MILM'.WKEE. M'IS.—State Brexv<*rs’ ,\s- soci.atlon Convention. March 11 to 11. 19<r2. Pick. M'est Bend, M'ls., sccy.

MILM'.AFKEE. M'IS.—State Photographers' .\ss»eiation Convention. March 11 to 1.1, 190’2. J. M. Bnndtcl. scev.

MII.M AT'KEE. M'lS.-Statc Methodist C<m ferenec. S<‘pt. —, 1902.

MIEM AI KKE. M'IS.-Ancient and A<’. < pt ed Scottish Rite Masons Convention. —. 1902.

MIT.M’AT'KEE, WIS.—International Car Accountants' and Car Service Officers’ Association Convention, June —. 190*2. L. G. Corcoran. Buffalo, X. Y.. secy.

MILWAUKEE, M’IS.—Royal Arch Mason.* Grand Chapter. Feh. —. 1902. M'. W Perrv. 440 Jefferson st., scev.

MII.WAUKEE. M'IS.-I. A. of D. Annual Convention. July 7. 1902. W. H. Stein brenner. 11.1.1 Broadwa.v. New York. N. Y.. scev.

MILWAI’KEE. WIS.-State Brick Mann fnetnrers' Association Convention. Feb 28 and 29. 1902. Eden Drake, 170 27tli «t.. pres.

osilKt'SH. M'l.s.- State Fc'lcrnlion of tier man Catholic Benevolent S's-letlcs Con veution. Mav If) to 21. Inclusive, lisrj.

'•SHK'ISH, M'IS.—Knights of Royal .\r<’h State ''■•nventlon. March . 19"'2. i'. So|ii-4-l. >i4-ey.


PARKERSBURG. W. VA.-29th Profcstaiil Episcopal Diocesan Convention. June 4 1902. Rev. R. D. Roller, Chnrlest4in. M Va., secy.


1 UEDKUli I'CN. \. B. ''AN. —'iraml <)ning4* Lo4lge of N B. )'4«nv4'nti4xti. Man-h 15. v.wrj A. I*. Thomas. S4‘4'y.

T'ToNT'). ONT.. C.\N.—Catia4lian ')r4l4-r Clii«'4’ii I'rb'iuls C4>nvention. Manh 2.'>. 1'.s»2. M’. F. M4xntagnc. IIamilt44n. Ont.. <'an.

I’OUONT'). ONTARIO CAN—Canadian I.a Cr4*s«:4> I.4'agnc Cixnvcntbxn. Mar4'h —. F'lrj M'. 11 Hall, ttnnbi st.. seev.

TORON'l'". OXrARtn. CAN Pre-ibyterian Chnr4'h In Canada convention. June 11. 1!)02. IH'v. Robt. Campb4dl. Monlr4>al. i.)'i4>bc4’ Can.. S4-CV.

TORONTO, ONT.. C.AN.—International Sttident Volunteer Movement Convention. Fob. 2*4 to March 2. 1902. F. P. Turner. .1 M' 29th St., Nexv York. N. Y.. S4>cv.

VI'"I"UIA. B C.. CAN. A o. I'.' M'. *Jran4l I.o4lg4» Convcntbui. M.iri-h 1'2. 19<i2. .1 F. M< IMm4iv. SC4 V.

M'lWFI’FG. MAN.. CAN \. *) I M'. Gr-iiol I.o4l-g4'Ci>nv4'nti4>u. Mari h 1‘2. 19"'2. M'. F4'nim4 tc. .\l4'xan4|4‘r. Man.. S4'4’x,

POULTRY SHOWS. S^ K.\*’rSE. N. Y. Poultry Shoxv. .luio- '2.1

ti4 2^). In4’lnslvc

FOOD SHOWS. '■Hl'‘.\<!0. ILL. Fur." F.....! l‘!\hil>itio|i

Mar.h 1 1'.. 19*i2.

EXPOSITIONS. BIUM |N«;H.\M. ala —M'..rld's Mlm>ral

Maniifa.’tnr.Ml and .Xgrlc'iltiiral ExhibI tl.xii 190.-4.

BFI'NOS AYRES. K. A . SOUTH AMEU IC.\ Int.’rnntlonal Exiu>sltb)n .Vgrbuiltn ral Impb'incnts. Mav. 1902.

CHARLESTON. S. South Csr.xiina In t.’rstat.* and M’.'st In.linn Exp.xsltbui. D.m- 1. 1!)01. to June 1. 1!)02. Samuel Lap ham. <'hnrIcston. S C.. s.'cv.

< ITY OK MEXICO.-.\incrlcan Maniifactur- 4'rs' Exposltbxn. April, 1902. Juan D. Bniiman. general inanag.-r.

i'oLl'MBrs. O. In.lnstrlal Fxpo-ition. S.'pt I Ti. ini-lnsiv4\ 1!NV2 Samn.d );r4iV4‘ I'itx. *■)., pr.'s.; 1* J. tir.'.-n, <'uni berlanil. \ i.’c pres.; T I. (’alvcrt. S.-lma. trea*.; M’. M’. Miller, C.ilninbiis. '■ccv.

CORK, lUEL.A.ND. In.lnstrlal Fxpi.sition. May to 0<’t., 190'2. .\ddrcss Ltir.l E.lxvur.l FItzgeral.l.

DIESELDORF, GERM ANY. — Mann fact nr <‘rs’ Kxpositl4>n. .Mav 1 to Oi-t. 1, F.)02.

GENEVA, SM'ITZERLAND.-Jewelers' and M'atchrnak.'rs', May, F.)o2.

HAMBI'R'J. GKIJM.VNY.—C.imni.’r.’ial Ex ^ p.isiti.m 44f German .Mannfaetur.Tv. Mav. ! 1!'02. ■ ;

I.INCOLN, NEB.—Exposltbxn. .\ng. 29 to I S.’pt. .-|. Inelnslve, F.SC.

London, EX<«.—Ani.Tlcan | May 1 t4> O.’t. 1. l!Ki2.

LILLIE. FR.VXCE.—I!xx>4)sitbin. Mav — to Oet. 1. 11SI2.

L*)NDON, KN*J.—Am.’rl.'an Exp.'sltb'ii Enrl.’s C.inrt, May, 19*i2.

MILM'AFKEE. WIS. —Int.’rnatb.nal Expo¬ sition of El.-etrlc Maehin.’ry anil all Eli’i- trb’ .Vpplian.’es. S*’pt.. 1‘.)*)'2.

F.\R1S. FR.X.NCE.—Inii’rmitional .Vntonio bile and Balloon Exp<isition. .May, V.Hi2.

FoRTI,.VMi, ORE —Fortland International Exposition. F.Hi.",.

ST. LOUIS, MO.—M'orlil's Iiit.'rnational Ex position. ]!N).1. Ex <;ov. D. R. Fra.ii-ls, pri’s

HORS^ SHOW. .\I.KEX, S. — Ilorsi’ Slioxv. Mar. h 1. F.hi2.

BENCH SHOWS. Al'LANTIC CITY. X. .I.-Kennel *’lnh Dog

Shoxv. March 2ti. F.sr2. <!. Jason Mati-rs. 'il’.'V.

ATHENS, ALA.-Bcnch Show. Feb. -, 1902.

CHICAGO. ILI,.—I’hleago Kennel Club Show. March 12 to I.'., I90‘2.

(J.M.ESBFl{G, II,I.. iJate^biirg Doe show. M.treh '27'29. l!Hr2.

NEM'ARK. N. J.—.New Jersey Association Bench Show. Feb. 2*1 to March 1, 1902. Chas. G. Hopton. .94 S. 12th st.. teev.

MONTREAI,. IJFFF.I'C. I'AX. Dog Shoxv. Ma.X’ 1.--1T, 19*r2. D. M'. 'igilvi.’. pr.’s.

SYRACI’SF, N. Y.—Dog Shoxv. Jniii’ 21 to ‘28. 1902.

UHRICHSVII.LE. O—Dog Show. Man’ll IS to 21. inclusive. I<tn2.. R.’V. J. R. Dall- Ing. pres.; B. M'. Flirieh. In-as.; C. .s. M'alker. see.v.


Mar.h II to 11, F.srg

PARKS.. XKRO.N, O. Lake Sbl.’ I’ark. Harry Haxvn,

iii.inager. .\KRoX. o. Ramlolph Fark. Harry Haxxii.

inanagi’r. .\KI{ON. o.—Summit Lak.' Fark M.-iielu’s

I'.ros., niiinagers. AKIHi.N. *).—The *iorge. Harry .\. Hawn,

m.xnager. ALBANY. X. Y. Klmbrliook Fark. E. M

Robinson, manager. .\I.B\NY. N. Y.—I.agiMin Island. .M.B.xNY, N Y.—Weber's Fark. .VI.B.XNX', X. Y.—Island Fark. F Bern

st.’iu, 41 S. F.’arl st.. .Xlliany. .\. Y.. manager.

AI.LF.NTOXX X. FA.-Dorney Fark XI.LENTOXX'N, F.X.—I’.’iilral Fark .XLI.F.NTOM’X, F.4.—Manhattan Fark. .\I.F,F..N'ToXX'N, FA.—.Manhattan Fark AI.LENTOWX. FA —Wllloxv C.n.x.’ Fark ■XLTOOXA. F.X.—XX’ojisoiio'n.K’k Fark in.’ar

Altoona). M'opsononock Fark and Hotel Co.. “W Drexel Bldg.. Fhila.l.’lphia, Fa.

AN'MSr*)X. ALA.-Oxfonl Lak.’ Fark. Hoxvard M'. Sexton, manager.

.XSni..X\D. KX’. Clyffsiile Fark. .! F Ar nold. managi-r.

ATCHISON. KAN.—Fori’sl Fark .1 A. Bendnre. matiag.’r.

.XTL.-XXr.X. t:.X.—Fii’.lmont Fark. T. H. Martin, sccy.

ATLANTA. G A.-Lakexvoo<l Fark. Lake wood F.irk Co. T M. F.miI.'. pr.’sld.’iit.

ATLANTA. <;A.-Fonce He I.. Fark. Wo.slf.xrd & Kalbtleld. managers.

XTLAXTK’ CITY. N. Tea <;arden. EIiii.t Sohliehter. nianag. r.

APLAXTIC CITY, X. J.-Virglnla B.a.h. Southern .Xninsement Coinpany, 109 Citi¬ zens Bank Bblg.. Norfolk. Va.. manag.’rs.

ATLANTIC <'1TY. X. J.-Young's Fler. ATI.ANTI*' CITY. N. J —Steel Fi.r Mr.

Bothwell. managir. ATLANTB’ CITY. N .1—Audit..rinni Fi.r.

«!(H>rge Tilyon. manag.’r. .VrBI'RNH.M.E. M.XSS.—Norumb.’ga I’ark.

Carl .Xlhert.', manager. XFGFST.X. *;.X.—Monte Sano I’ark. G. H

Conklin, manag.’r attractions. VFSTIN, TEX.—Z.xo Fark. AFSTIX. TEX.-M’atters' Fark. Favlllon.

Summer Theater, Athletic Field XX'. H. Salge. less»v'.

BALTIMORE. MH.-Hollyw.s.d Fark. Jas L. Kernnn. manager.

BALTIMORF:. MH -Ulvcr View Fark Jas L. Kernan. manager.

BALTIMORE, MH.—Frosp.’ct I’ark. Grant Stockhnm. secretary.

BALTIMORE. MH.—EbHtrle Fark L. H Baker, manager.

B.XTH, ME.—M.xrryin.’.’ting Fark. Now E’lgland F.xp Corn I’ompaiiv. l.’s»,’,’>.

BATTLE CREEK. MH'H.-Lake Vlexv Fark.

BAXTER SFRINGS. KAX.-R.'nnlon Fark C. E. Collins, manager.

BAY CITY, MICH.-M'lnona B. . . h Fark. L. XV. Richards, nianag.’r.

BELV.X. M’. VA.—Be.'.’h Glen. Ralph .Ins tlee. manager.

BINGHAMTON, N. Y -Casino Fark .1 F E. Clark, manager.

BlN*;H.XMTON, N. X’.—Elm tJarden. BINGHAMTo.N, N. Y.-Ross Fark. J. F.

E. Clark, manager. BIRMIN'HIAM. ALA.—East Lake Fark J.

J. B. Mcl'lary, nianag.’r. BIRM INGH.X.XI. ALA. Lake Vl.’w. F.ooNE. I.X.—XVhlteeoinb I’ark. <J. J. Fr.’s

I’litt. manager. F.OSTOX. XIASS.-Charl.’s River I’ark. I!0';'1<.N, .Xl.XSS.—Crese.nt Fark. XX. H.

o'N.’III, manager. F.R.XHI''•RH. F.X.—Clarksdale Fark. BRAM'FORH. oN T , CAN.—.Xlohaxvk Fark BR.X.N'TI'oRH, ONT.,C.XN. Sherman Fark.

'!. H. Sunim.’rs, i!*l M.’f’alfe st., T.xronto, Out., nianag.’r.

BRI H»; IM’OR T, CONN.—I’leasnre Beach. BRIGHTON, F.X.— Junction Fark. B.’aver

X'allev Tra.’tb.n Co., inanag.-rs. I’.RIST*)!.. TE.NN.—Cllffslde Fark. Ollv.'r, manager. BRI.STOL. TE.'SN.—Farth.’iion Fark. »)liv

.’P Tavlor. manager. BRISI'OL. TE.NN.-*’llftoii Fark. Oliver

Taylor, manager. 1!RO'iK I.X'.\, N. Y.—Bergen Beach. BROOKLX'N, N. Y.—Uliner Fark. BRi >OK I.X'N. .\. X'.—Eagoon Island. John

F. XX'eber. manager. BRFNSXX'ICK, ME.—Merrymeeting Fark.

I... F.. »X: B. Ry. Co. .M. I. Masson, gen .’P.’tl manager.

BRX AN. TEX.—Kernob’s Fark. J. C, K.’r Hole, maiiag.’r.

BI'FF.XLO. .N. X’.—Crystal Beach. BFFF.XI.O. N. Y.—Elmwood Beach. MFFFAI.o. X. Y.—Eelns Fark. I!l FF.XI.o, X. X'.—Wot'dlawn Beach. BFRI.IM: TON. lA —Ferris Wh.'el Fark.

Bonn, ninnag.’r. Bi t'I'e. .MON T. C.xIumbia Gardens. Geo.

Forsythe, manager. c.XMIiEN’, X. J.—St.iekton Fark. C.X.XIHEN. N. J.—XV.K.dlln Fark. M. W.

Taylor, iminager. c.XNT'»N. o.—.Mey.’ps Igike Fark. CARI.ISEE. FA—('ave Hill Park. c.xRTH.XtlE, MO.—Lakeside Fark. George

Hniblay, manager. C.XRTH.X'IE, X|<». Midway I9irk. CEHAR RAFIHS. I A.—Atliletie Park. < H.XRI.KSTfiN', C.—Chleora Fark. ''H.VRI.ESTON. W. X’.X.— Bec’hwo.Ml Fark. CH. XRI.OTTE. X. X'. Ontario B.’a.’h Fark. CHESTIM!. I’.X.—Liiub’nthorp.’ Fark. CHICA(!o. II,I..—Ferris Whesd Park. CHICAGO. II,I..—Bismarck Park. ('HICA(!0. ILL.—('hnt<.s Fark. E. F. Simp

son. general manager. CHICAGO, ILL.—Snnnyside Park. cHICA(;0. ILI,.—Electric Fark. • 'HIc..\<;o. n,L.—Sons Soiled Fark. .Xlfre.l

Riiss.’l. manag.’r. CINCINNATI. O -R.’d Bank Park. CINCINNA'ri, O—(’hester Fark. I. M.

Martin, manag.’r. CINCINNATI.’nl Garden. (’.

I,ci« XX'illlams. manager. 1'1 NCI N N ,XTI. '• '^ii.’.’ii City Bathing

Beai’li. XX' l\. Kro;;.’r .-iiul N. C. C..lti>r. nigrs.

CINCINN.XTI. o Con.’y Island. XX'. E. Clark, manager.

' 'I NCIN N.XTI, ().—Lag.sxi. CINCINN.XTI. O.—Sliv.’r Grove. Fre.l.

Haas.’, maiiag.’r. A.blr.’ss Ft. Thomas, Ky.

CI. EX'FL.XNH. O.—S.’eiile Park. <'I.EARFIF,LI», Fa. Cbarfleld Park. R.

H. Shaw, s.’cretary. I'I.KX’EL.X N H. o. —Eneli.l Bench Fark.

Hiimphr.’v Bros., mating.’fs. |■I.F^’^!I..X.^H. o. Forest City Fark. Hiini-

phrey I’.ros., matiagers. C|,E\’FM..X N H. o.—Maiihattiiii Beach. W.

R. Ryan, manager. i'I.F\’F.I..\NH. O.—Chipp.’wn laike Fark.

W. A- L. F. R. R. John Klngslstrogh, manager.

COHOE.S. N. X' Sliip Strc’t Fark. COI.FMBFS. GA. N'..rth Highland Fark. ''(iLI'MBl'S. o.—Mln.’Pvn Fark. ''ol.l'M Bl .-X. S. C.—Hyatt's Fark. ''OI.T’MBI’S. O.—C.illlns' Garden. ''oi.rMBFS, O.—Ol.’iitangy Farit. Olen

tangv Fark Co., managers. I’OMR.XN'T I..XKE, F,\.—Exposition Fark.

E. H. Comst...’k, mnnag.’P. CON'CORH. N. IL—Co.intoeo«’k River Fark. CONEY ISEANH, N. Y.—Chutes Park.

Thomas Falk, manager. coNNr.xrT LAKE. FA.-ExtM.sItlon Fark. ciiFtNING. N. X'.—Bnnison Park. CORNING, N. X’.—Fainted Post Fark. COFNCn. BEIFFS. lA.—Lake Manawa.

W. S. Hini.x’k, manager. '■IRTIS F.AY, .MH.—Floods New Fark

Til.'.’Iter. W. L. Fitzgerabl. manager. HAI.L.XS, TEX.—Cycle Fark an.l Family

Th.’at.’P. *'. R. XIc.A.lams, manager. H.XNBl'RX’. CONN.—Keiiosia Park. F. A.

Sh. ar. manager. HANVII.I.E. VA.-EI.etric Park. H.XRTI'ORH. XX'IS.—Ternice Beach. H X X I-;nFoRT, IA.—Frosp*H’t Fark. H.XX'EN'FORT. I.X.—Sdiu.’tzen Fark. H.-XX'ToN, O.—I.akeslde Fark. H.XX'TON, O.—Lucas Grove Fark. HI'NX’FR. COL.—.Manhattan Beach. J.ihn

Harley, niaiiag.’r. HKNVFR. I'OL.-Ellteh Gardens. HFS MOINES. I.\.—Ingersoll Fark. Fred.

Bii.-hanan. nianagcr. HE'IROri'. MICH.—Palmers Fark. Einll

ImliotT. ni.’inager. HFTROIT. MH'H.-Stock's Rlv.'rslde Park. HERItX’. CO.N.N.—Honsatonic Park. HOVER. N. H.-Centnil Fark. HI'BT'QT'E, I.X.—Stewart's Fark. HFF.rQT'E. IA—Rhomberg Park. EAST AT'BFRN. ME.—Lake Gorge Fark EAST 1,1 VI'RFOOE. O.—Rock Springs

F. irk. J. H. MaxwllI, manager. ITXSTON. FA —Island Fark. EAST S’l’. I.OFIS. ILI,.—Edg.’niont Farl; ' KI.'.IN, Il.T,.—Street Railway Park. I'l.GIN. ILI..—National Fark. ET.MIRA. N. Y.—Rorick's Gb’n Park.

Henrv F. Hixle. KI ’XTIliA. N. Y EbIrbIge Park. E. M Lit

tli‘. manager.

KI.MWOOH. N. Y.—Elmwood Fark.


Park. ff. X'. Hallday, maunger.


i:\ A.NSVII-LIO. IM>.—Mfsker I’ark. KVANSVILLE, INO.—Cook’s Park. John

Albookor, manager. ICVANSVILI.E, INI>.—fJlen Park. EVANSVILLE, IN1>.—Uike Island. Frank

P.urt. Toledo, O., manager. F.MHMOLT, W. VA.—Fairmont Park. H.

Peed Allison, manager. FAI.L HIVEK, MASS.—Mt. Hope Park. FALL KIVEH, MASS.—Lincoln Park. Frn'IIBUUG, MASS.—Whalom Park. W.

\V. Sargent, manager. FT. MAItlSON, lA.—Ivanhoe Park. Capt.

O. H. Peabody, manager, FT. SMITH, ARK.—McLoud's Park. FT. WAYNE, INI).—Robinson's Park. N.

L. Scott, manager. FT. WORTH, TEX.—Grunewald’s Park. FT. WORTH, TEX.—Tyler’s Lake. <;ALT, can.—Idlewyld Park. GALT, ONT., CAN.—Galt Park. Jed Carl¬

ton, manager. GLEN FALLS, N. Y.—McGregor Park.

John Donahue, manager. GLOVERSVILLE, N. Y.—Sacandaga Park.

L. Llovd Sehaffer, manager. grand' ledge, MICH.—The Seven Is¬

lands. J. S. Mudge, proprietor. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—Ramona Park.

Frank Burt, Toledo, O., manager. GREEN BAY, WIS.—Electric Park. GREEN BAY, WIS.—Hayelmelster Park.

J. B. Arthurs, manager. GREEN BAY, WIS.—Street Railway Park. HAMILTON, O.—Woodsdale Island. Frank

Witte, manager. H.4MILTON, O.—Lindenwald Park. John

W. Foster. HAMPTON, VA.—Hampton Park Casino. HARRISBURG, PA.-Paxtang Park. F. M.

Davis, manager. , HARRISBURG, PA.—Midway Park. HARRISBURG. PA.—Reservoir Park. HARTFORD, CONN.—Werders Park. HAVERH’M,, MASS.—Pines Park. HOLY’OKK MASS.—Mountain Park. Wil¬

liam R. Hlh, a.anager. HOT SPRINGS, ARK.—Whittington Park.

H. O. Price, manager. HOUSTON, TEX.—Magnolia Park. HOUSTON, TEX.—Forest Park. HOWELL. IND.—Glen Park. HURON, O.—Rve Beach Resort. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Falrbank Park.

William Tron, manager. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Kissell's Garden.

Fred. Klssell, Indianapolis, Ind., mana ger.

INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Fairvlew Park. Citizens’ St. R. R. Co., managers.

1THAC.\. N. Y.—Renwlck Park. Ithaca Street Ry Co., managers.

IUK.\. ILL.—Rose Lake Park. A. N. Rooks, manager,

JACKSON, MISS.—Livingston Park. JACKSON, TENN.—Highland Park. JAMESTOWN, N. Y.—Celeron Park. JOPLIN, MO.—Lakeside Park. Southwest¬

ern Missouri Railway Co., Webb City, Mo., managers,

JOPLIN, MO.—Olympia Park. Geo. V. Hal- Idav, manager.

KALAMAZOO. MICH.—Lakevlew Park. I. M. Mittenthal.

KANKAKEE, ILL.—Electric Park. Kanka¬ kee Electric Railway Co., managers.

K. 4NSAS CITY, MO.—Fairmount Park Frank Burt. Toledo, O., manager.

KANSAS CITY. MO.—Troost Park. K. ANSAS CITY, MO.—Electric Park. Carl

Reiter, manager. KEOKUK. lA.—Hublnger Park. KEY WEST. FLA.—Labrlsa Park. Key

West Electric Co., managers. KINGSTON, ONT.—Long Island Park. Jos.

J. Brophy. manager. LAFAYETTE, 1ND.—Woodland Park. See-

geer & Watson, managers. LAKE MASSABESIC, N. H.—Lake Massa-

beslc Park. LANCASTER, PA.-Rock Springs Park. LANCASTER, PA.—Conestoga Park. A. E.

Relst. manager. LANCASTER, PA.—New Woolworth Roof

Garden. Capt.'J. B. People's, manager LANSING, MICH.—Grand Ledge Park. L. \NSING, MICH.—Leadley’s Park. LANSING. MICH.—Haslett Park. LAPORTE. IND.—Tuxedo Park. J. C.

Christman, manager. L.\M’RENCE. MASS.—Glen Forest. LEAVENWORTH. KAN.—Electric Park. LEBANON. PA.—Mt. Gretna Park. LEXINGTON, KY.—Woodland Park. Fre¬

mont & Kennedy, managers. L1M.4, O.—Hoover’s Park. LIMA. O.—McCullough’s I..ake Park. J. M. McCullough, proprietor and manager. LINCOLN. NEB.—Lincoln Park. LITTLE ROCK, ARK.—Glenwood Park.

Chas. T. Taylor. Box 1.’52, manager. LONDON. ONT.. CAN.—Sprlngbank Park. LONDON. ONT.—Queen’s Park. LONG BRANCH, N. J.—Pleasure Bay Park

G. S. Starling, 1439 Broadway. New York Cltv. N. Y.. manager.

LOS 'ANGELES, C.4L.—Shutes Park. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Fountain Ferry Park.

Tony Landenwlch, manager. LfiUISVILLE, KY.—RIvervIew Park. Lum

D. Simons, manager. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Ninaweh Park. Sum¬

mers Bros., managers. LOUISVILLE, KY.—Lion Garden Park. LOUISVILLE. KY.—Phoenix Hill Park. T.

L. Gabel, manager. LOUISVILLE. KY.—The Zoo. W. T. Shee

han. manager. LOWELL. MASS.—Wlllowdale Park. LYNCHBURG, VA.—Rlvermont Park. H.

R. Woodson, manager. LYNCHBT'RG, VA.—Westover Park. LYNCHBURG. VA.—Oak Grove Park.

Frank Burt, Toledo. O.. manager. LYNNFIELD. MASS.—Suntang Park. R

G. Stowell, manager. MACON. GA.—Crump’s Park. E. E. Win¬

ters. manager. MANCHESTER. CONN.—Laurel Park. McKeesport, Pa.—Olympia Park, J. .4.

Courtade. mgr. MANCHESTER. N. IL-Lake Park. J

Brodie Smith and Jos. Flynn, managers. MANSFIELD, O. — Sherman Helneman

Park. E. R. Endly, manager.

ray Park. H.

MARcrS HOOK, PA.—Idndenthorpe Park. J. Prout Williams, manager.

MARINETTE, WIS.—Lakeside Park. Mari¬ nette Electric Light & Street Ry. Co., i managers. i

M.4YSV1LLE. KY.—Electric I’ara. i

.McKeesport, pa.—Versailles I’ark. Max • A. Arnold, manager.

ME.4DV1LLE, I’A.—Oakwood Park. Mead- ville Traction Company, managers. I

MEDFORD, MASS.—Combination Park. 1 MEMPHIS, TENN.—East End Park. .MERIDEN, CONN.—Hanover Park. W. P.

Bristol, manager. MIDDLETOWN, CONN.—Lake View Park. ]

Chas. H. Chapman, manager MIDDLETOWN, N. Y.-Mldwj

S. Starrett, manager. MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Coney Island Park.

O. F. Miller, manager. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Schlitz Park. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Blatz Park. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Pabst Ameriea Park.

riuH). Thlelges, manager. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—National Park. H.

F. Moler, manager. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Lake Harriet. T.

L. Hays, amusement manager. MOBILE, ALA.—Monroe I’ark Theater.

Mike McDermott, manager. MONTGOMERY, ALA.—Highland Park. MONTPELIER, IND.-Pyle Park. C. T.

Smith, secretary. MT. VERNON, O.—Hiawatha Park. J. D.

Sorrey, manager. MUSKEGON, Midi.—Lake Michigan Park.

W. R. Reynolds, manager. NASHVILLE. TENN.-Hleudale Park. W.

\y. Aires, manager. N.4SHVILLE. TENN.—Natural Park. Frank

Burt, Toledo, O., manager. NASHVILLE, TENN.—Shelby Park. NEWARK. O.—Idlewild Park. NEWBURG, N. Y.—Glenwood Park. NEWBURYPORT, MASS. — Salisbury

Beach. NEW BRITAIN, CONN.—Rentchler's Park.

J. Ziff and Wm. Hlpp, lessess. ON-N.—M’hlte Oak Park. NEW BRITAIN, CON

F. L. Terry, manager. NEW CASTLE, PA.—Cascade Park St.



Railway, managers. NEW ORLEANS, LA.—City Park.

Commissioners, managers. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—West End.

A. Ottnian, manager. SH. 4RON, PA.—Dewey Park. Sharon &

Sliarpsville Ry., managers. SI. NGAC, N. J.—Grotto. G. F. Archer, man

ager. NEM’ ORLEANS, LA.—East Side Park

Milnetrug. Sam I’lckett, manager. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—Audubon Park.

Park Commissioners, managers. NEW ORLEANS. LA.—.Athletic Park. H

C. Fourton, manager. NEW PHILADELPHIA. O.—Bass Island

Park. 4Vm. Akens, manager. NORFOLK, VA.—Buckroe Beach. NORTH ADAMS. MASS.—Valley Park HARTFORD, CONN.—Charter Oak Park.

E. M. Stalker, secretary, care Fasig Llpton Co.. Madison S<iuare Garden, New York.

NORTHAMPTON, MASS.—Meadow Park. OAKLAND. CAL.—Oakland Park. (»CE.4N CITY. N. J.—New Ocean Pier. OCE.4N VIEW, VA.—Ocean View Park. OIL CITY, PA.—Smithson’s Park. G. H.

Verbeck, manager. OLEAN, N. Y.—Rlverhurst Park. C. C. Mo-

rian. manager. O. M.4HA, NEB.—Mullen’s Garden. OSHKOSH. WIS.—Electric Park. OSWEGO, N. Y.—Oswego Park. OTTA4VA. ONT., CAN.—Victoria Park. PADUCAH, KY.—La Belle Park. W. C.

Malone, manager. P. 4R1S, ILL.—Reservoir Park. 11. Dollar

hide, manager. PARKERSBURG. W. VA.—Terratin Park.

J. F. Arnold, manager. PENS.VCALO, FLA.—Kupfrieau’s Park. V.

J. Vidal, manager. PEORIA, ILL.—Pfeifer’s Palm tJardeii.

Chas. G. Pfeifer, manager. PEORIA, ILL.—Central Park. PEORI.4. ILL.—Stone Hill Garden. Frank

Gray, manager. PEORL4, ILL.—Terminal Park. J. B. Ast-

lev. manager, room 2*23 .Masonic Temple Bidg.

PEORIA, ILL.—Prospect Heights Park. PERRYSBURG, O.—Eden Park. Ignatius

Boff, manager. PERU, IND.—Boyd’s Park. J. A. Irwin,

manager. PHILADELPHIA, PA. - Willow Grove

Park. PHILLIPSBURG, N. J.—Cedar Park. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Chestnut Hill

Park. II. B. Auchy, manager. PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Woodslde Park.

Frank Howe, Jr., manager. PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Washington Park. PHILADELPHIA, PA.-Central Park. PITMAN GROVE, N. J.—Alcyon Park. PITTSBURG, KAN.—Forest Park. W. W.

Bell, manager. PITTSBURG, PA.—f.’alhoun Park. F. E.

Arthur, superintendent, 43."> Sixth ave. PITTSBI’RG, PA. —OakwcKid Park. F. E.

Arthur, suiterintendent. 43.'» Sixth ave.

PITTSBURG, PA.—Schenley Park. Con¬ solidated Traction Company, managers.

Pn'rSBURtj. PA.—Kennywood Park. Mo- nongahela Traction Company, managers.

PITTSBURG, P.4.—Idlewild Park. Ligonier Valley R. R. George Senft, general man¬ ager.

PIQUA, O.—Midway Park.

PLYMOUTH, O.—S<*aton’8 Park. S. 8. Seaton, manager,

PORT HURON, MICH.—Lakeside Park.

PORTLA.ND, ME.—Riverton Park. E. A. Newman, manager; J. W. Gorman, IWi Tremont st., Boston, Mass., Ixsiklng man ager.

I’<»RTL.4.ND. .M E.•—I’nderwiSsl Springs Park.

PORTLA.ND, f)RE.—Ha wthoriie Springs Park,

PttRTSMOUTH, VA.-Columbia Park.

POTTSTOWN. PA.-Rlngllng Rocks Park.

I’uUtSHKEEPSIE. N. Y.—Upton Lake Park.

POUtMIKEEPSIE, N. Y.-Riverside Park.

PROVIDENCE, R. L—Cr»'scent Park.

I’ROVlDE.NCE, R. 1.—Narragansett Park. 'V. W. Dexter, manager.

PUTNAM. CONN. — Pc-ople’s Tramway Park.

QUINCY. ILL.—Baldwin Park. T. S. Bald win. manager.

RALEIGH. N. C.—Pullen Park.

RE.\DIN<;. PA.—Driving Park.

READING. P.4. —Carsonia Park.

RICHMOND, IND.—Highland Park. J. M. Dobbins, manager.

RICHMOND. VA.—Casino Park. Wells A McKee, managers.

RICHMOND. VA.—Reservoir Park. An¬ drew Pizzini.

RICHMOND. V.4.-Broad Street Park.

RICHMOND. VA.-Main Str.H't Park.

RICHMOND, VA.—Athletic Park.

ROCHESTER, N. Y.—New Culver Park.

ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Ontario Beach Park. J. J. Collins, Hotel Victoria, N. Y., man ager.

ROCKAWAY BEACH, L. L-Seaiflde Ca¬ sino. M. Lewis, P. O. Box manager.

R<>( KUoRD. ILL.—Cbantau<|iia Park. ROCKVILLE, CONN.—Snipslc Park.

S.\GIN.\\V. MD’IL—River.-ide Park. FraiiK Burt. Toledo, O., manager.

ROME, G.4.—Mobley Park. Fnineis Morey, manager.

SALEM, MASS—Salem Willows.

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH-Lagoon. J. S. Critehlow, manager.

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH-Calders Park. Max .4. Peters, manager.

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH-Saltair Beach. Chas. W. Miller, manager.

SALT I.AKE CITY, UTA H-C.arfleld Beach.

S.\N ANTONIO, AEX.—Math’s Concert Garden and Pavilion. Wm. Math, man ager.

S.ANDUSKY, O.—Cedar Point tJrove. Frank Burt. Toledo, O., manager.

SANDY L.4KE, P.4.—Sandy Lake Park. S. L. Park Co., managers.

SAN FRANtMSCO, CAL.-M’oodward’s Gar den and Pavilion. M’. B. Peel, mgr.


SAN FRANCISCO. CAL—Sehutezen Park. Adam Brehm, manager.

SAVANNAH, GA —Tivoil Park.

S.4V.4NNAH. GA.—Thunderbolt Park. Sa vannah Street Railway Co., managers.

SAVANNAH, G.4.—Tybee Bench. W. 11. M’ileox, manager of privileges.

SCRANTON. PA.—Laurel Hill Park.

SEDALIA. MO.-Sedalla Park.

SENEC.4 F.4LLS. N. Y.—Cayuga Park. W. C. Gray, manager.

SKOWHEti.AN, ME.—Lakewood Grove Park.

SOUTH BEND, IND.—Spring Brook Park.


SPENCER. 1.4.—Arnold’s Park. Dr. C. W. Crawford, manager.

SPOK.4NE, WASH.—Natitorlon Park.

SPRlNtJFlEI.D, M.4SS.—Suburban Park.

Sl’Rl.NGFI ELD. O. Spring tlrove Park. John H. Miller, manager.

STAUNTON. VA.—Highland Park.

STEUItENVILLE. O.—Allamont Park.

ST. JOSEPH, MO.-Athletlc Park.

ST. JOSEPH, MO.—Krug Park.

ST. LOUIS. MO.—Bellevue Park.

S’T. Lfll’lS, MO.—Koerners Park.

S’T. LOUIS, MO.—Oakland tJardens.

S'T. I.tH’IS, MO.—Suburban Park.

S’T. LOUIS, MO.—Manlon’s Park. Jas. B. Donovan, manager.

S'T. LtiUlS, MO.—(Deltnar Gardens), Forest Park, Highlands. J. C. Jannoponlo, man- a ger.

ST. PAUL. MINN.—WildwofKl Park. J. Barnes, manager.

ST. PAUL. MINN.-Como Park. T. L. Hays, manager of amusements.

S'T. THOMAS. CAN.—Pinafore Lake Park.

SVR.4CUSE. .N. V.—I.akeslde Park. Chas. lawifT, manager.

SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Iron Pier Park. Joe Dnnfe)*, manager.

SYRACUSE, N. Y.-Elmwood Park. Joe Dunfee, manager.

SYRACI'SE, N. Y.—Eleefrle tiarden.

TAUNTON, MASS.-Nippenleket Park.

TAUNTtlN, MASS.-SabatIa Park.

'l AUN'TttN. MASS.—Lak<'slde Park.

'T.\U.N'I'O.N, M.4SS.—Dlghton Roek Park.

'TERRE HAU'TE, END.—Robinson’s Park. Frank Burt, 'Toledo, t)., rnanag«'r.

TOLEDt), O.—Pr<*s(iue Isle. F. N. Qiieale, general manager.

'TOLEDO, t). -Casino Park.

TOLEDO, o. Walbridge I’ark

’I'ftLEDt), O.—Lake Erie Park ami Casino.

Frank Burt, manager.

'TOPEKA, KAN.—TJartleld Park.

TORON'TO, CA.N. Island Park.

’I'oittt.N'I’t), C,4N.—Monroe Park. Willlain Banks.

'TREN'Ttt.N, .N. J.—Spring Lake Park

U'TICA. N. Y.—Summit Park.

UTICA. N. Y.-Casino Park.

UTICA. N. Y.-Utlca Park.


WASHINtPTON, D. C.—River View and Exetirslon Resort. E. S. Randall, man¬ ager.

W.\SII 1 NG'TON, D. C.—Glen Echo Park. W. Fnincls 'Thomas, manager.

WASHINGTON, IND.—Street Ry. Park.

WATERBURY, CONN.-Lakewood Park.

W.V'TERBURY, CO.NN.—Forest Park. Jean Jacnut's. manager.

WATERBURY. CONN.—Relleview I.ake Grove.

WATERTOWN. N. Y.-Olen Park.

WFBB CITY, MO.—Olympia Park.

WES’TFIF.LD, MASS.—Waronoeo Park.

WHITE BEAR LAKE. MINN.-Ijike Shore Park.

WHITE P.EAR LAKE. MINN.-Wlldwood Park. 'T. L. Hays, manager.

Will TF BEAR LAYE, MINN.-White Bear Beach.

Wll LlAMSPt)RT. PA.—Starr Island.

WILLIAMSPORT. PA.—Vallamont Park. J. .4. Brosius, manager.

WILMINC.’TON, DEL.-Shellpot Park.

WILMlNtSTON, DEL.—Brandy wine Springs Park. R. W. Cook, manager.

WINNIPEG, CAN.—River Park. Tlios. H. Morris, manager.


WINNIPEG. CAN.—Exposition Park.

WORCESTER. MASS.-Lineoln Park.

VBOR CI TY, FLA —De Soto Park. B. M. Bells'iitln. manager.

YORK. P.\.—Highland Park.

)(i| NGS'l'ttWN. o, Idora Park. E. Sian

ley. manager.

7.\NES\'ILLE. ft.-Maplewood I’ark.


SHOW TENTS. Ki|unl to any in wnrkman«hi|>.iihBpr and <|»>iity. lie! our prler-tietore bii\ing. Agents for Kidd’s light-and Itakrr t<irohe-. Riark lent- forimoing piolore-. i.iKsl second hand lent- from :gix5e IWx.KNi, at Rargain*. RAKFR LOCK Wool*,

Mici-esgors to C. 4. Raker, if. Delaware Street, Kansas I'lty, Mo.


Inxisilde Kortimes $!.*.'> ts>r lOO Printed rortiine* ie<-. |>er I osi. t ahinet Pliolosof yourself for sell¬ ing iMiriMisi'. »i .'lO p«.r |is> or W' |>er l.<sX). Send negatt»e or phtdo to ropv. spnd for saiiiulea. H KMtT. Boo'nion. M. J.

WANTED — AERONAUTS 1-aicly an<l Oontlemain.

Ailfireaw Hiia N*. 2*4, Pern. IniliiaMn.

Privileiifes to Rireknna

Let! y Heiirh, I.. Elo

Nenwldr 4'«aln<>. Rirrknnay Bearh, I.. I. Slot Miieblnes. Jewelry, flowers, lilas- Blowers. Paper.WiMsI Kings. Fortune-teller. Museum, M ild \\ est Snovs, Mltilature Rail¬ way. I.eiuoiiHde >innd, tiyp-.v Cllllip, Res- iHuraiit and Dining H<M>m. SpHees for ev er\ no\4'ltviind Itusiue— KiUei iirise. Id)w rotes. Ad'dre— IIARRk I.KWIk. Uttr., 2.4 Olalwloii Ntreel. Aim Tnrk.


Long Experieiiee. Hou-e Moiiager- in Mielituaii for giMsI Repertoire. HARRT A. kTF.4r.NW. Roanell. ln«.

AT LIBERTY On aeenniil of Royrr Rros.'•‘Neat llosir" 4'oiii|inny rIonliiK. H h* ran nnr nar? Can loin at onr«. Wn. ni.OWHASi^ igeni, rr. Hrnnrgan A 4’o., Cli rInnafl.O*


New Theatre Tent ~'i' j by 2iki, costing f'J.IOU.Oti with I’mtu'enium Ari'h, ^eals. Boxes and everything roniplele. Also Full Set f>f Scenery, iio’w being used in Dallas, Texas. Applx to PHIL. W. GRKKN VV'AI.L. Fort M’orth. T. xas,

FOR SALE Fine Tronp of Ten t'nil Hlood NhrflantI ■‘onlrw. and Two Hiding Rog.. Profia, Ring llarnraa. Fir. 'Trained up to date W rll.

LaBattf, Kantat OR. W. J. CONNER,


Tba lta*naa Onmar Ttmk la conatnicted on naw prinntplea. Drawera In¬ stead of Iraya. Aplaeetor everything and everything in ita plae«. The bottom as Bcreaalhle aa tba top DeflM the baggage ainaeh- er. CoaU no more than a SDod box trunk. Rent

•zamioatlon. Bend ► stamp for llluatrated oatalogne. F. A. BTALL- M AN, a W. Bpring Bt.,Colainbat, O


SH AIV1"« • CONDERMAN’S IVIanagers of Street Fairs and Carnivals

....ROCKS Pleasure Wheel_“ ON THE LOOKOUT for the advent of the

We are headquarters on this line and carry the larg¬ est stock and full assort¬ ment of all staple sellers

'I'lit'ot- iirr oiir <>\m) inaiiiifiicturf

ar<' itwHV li«‘a(l of iiii.\tliiiit!oii tli<- iiia

No. |i«i rinlii. cros» .No •_'«> wit li harp. k:ro^» No. ;><)W'llh ro«.o, Kros»

St. Patrick’s Ribbon.

'I'Ih-so art’ ll»‘

orimiiK" Sliaiii-

r o I- k Kiiifrald

color. I'oiiic ill

rolls of lo \ari|s. I

No. Price. •j per roll i.*!' :! per roll I'.'i I IM-r roll ;>•

."i |M r ri>ll !•' T l>* r roll .'ill

Wc i:iiaraiitcc «*iir price- the very l<»\\-

e-t oil these ^ood-. Kvery imnd>er we

earry i- a w inner and money-maker. The.\

an-»atehy sellers; send ns a trhil order.

><)tr nur optical Department i- the most

complete and ni>-to-date. Send for <*ur

Optical cataloitne. We can -ave yon

money. Onr .New ('atalniriie for this |

'prim: w ill la* out in :d>ont thre*- weeks, j

tlie tinest Stn'etmen'' catalomie ever j

piildislied. i

N. SHURE CO. 264 Madison St., Chicago. Illinois.'


For Carnivals and Fairs The Kaiiner .Vttruction. The Kinic of

All moiiey f.etters. Ihiok it Now,



with eleven high cla-s shows hikI unparalleled free attractions. In a blar.e of iiniic.v, with its uorgeoiis splendors of .Vnelent lireelan. Koiiiaii and Olvmplan amuse- inents, eompletely equlpix-d and oriianlzed with Twentieth Century eleganee, by the tiieorporated

the most oriKinal and legitimate caterers to th<* putdie, of sensational historical, suiMTh novelty amiisenients. We are now ready to elos*- eonlracts. If you want the grandest, the b«*st. and the most extraordinary novelties of the age heretofore never presented In the I'nlte.! States, we respectfully ask your investigation of the merits of the Konian Carnival and I'ompan.v. We solicit your eorrespoiidence with the Ineorporuted DeKreUo Hroltiera before closing with others. .Vddress

Director General and Manasrer of the ROMAN ( ARJIIVAL AND EXDDMITIttN COMPANY


KPKIT.ll, NiV.TICK. No one has purchased from us an.v titles and rights and name of lleKrek.t Br«.tbera, therefore, do not Iw nilsitsi by over-pr.-siiniptuoiis assertion, and alleviations and professional “•bluffs" that mav appear la anv professional papers. ....rMKRH.

Andre K. DeKreko,


Everjhody's Krieiiil. They all Ride It.

J. 6. Conderman, Mgr., Troy, Pa. I*. A. —I had loo mnn.v wheels the |Mist

season lor one man lo manage. Will

n..w sell a lew of iheni. Write for |.rlres

and lernis.

ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE And that large portion of It interested In ad- eenlslng will find It much to their ailvantage to subscrtlte to •• PfHI.ICITY." the popular F.ngitsh monthiv medium, for w hat Is transpir¬ ing amongst all kinds of British puhllcitT .wwkers. The fact that this popular Journal Is now subscribed for in all parts of the world is good erldenee of the capital value we represent It to he.

SO cwrvt* y««rly.


Hijj^h-Class Attractions Wanted for


Quo Vadis East

Quo Vadis West

For Her Sake East

For Her Sake West

A Little Outcast

In a Woman’s Power

Mr. Pla.sterof Paris

The Carpenter Co. Big Scenic PrtMluction of

...FOR HER SAKE... PoKTi.ANixiKKuoM.VN, Feh..4,'o*-Kor Her Sake opened to S. R. o. at Cordrays . .. It will without (foubt prove one of the season's riH-ord-brenkers.

All productions for l«o*-lwoa now book¬ ing. Addresa all communications to

E. J. CARPCNTEII, Boom 1*. ISM R'dway

New York.

fRID A. MORGAN. Representsitve


Nortliwestern Fair Sterling, III.. Aug. 26-29, 1902

liiHsI oiM'iiing for tirst-chi'S tent shows on jsTceiitag.’ basis. W lid West or Circus de¬ sirable. only the twst wanted. No Mld- wavs need appl.v. Privileges for sale. Most successful Fair'ln Illinois, .\nnual attend¬ ance, .Xddr.'ss

W. S. KILGOIR, Secretary, Th.“ early bird i-atches the worm.

Patents I RADE IVIMnna

Designs Copyrights Ac.

Anfone sending a sketch and deserintlon mat qnlrkly aacerinin «>ur oiaiaon free whether an invention is pri'bablT piilent.vble. <',,nimunlca. tlonaBtrletl7e<inlldeiitlal. Ilandlsmkon I’ateata sent free. o|,1es, agency s<vuriiig ,'atents.

Patenta taken through Muiin A t'o. receive iptfial nntlcr, without charge. In the

Scientific Jlmcrican. A handaomely lltnsf rated weekiv. bsrgest rtr enlaUon of anv srienllflo Journal. Terms. V.i a veari four moot ha, |L SoM by all newsdealers.

l*UNNSCo.3e’B--«’NewYorl( Branch Offi.-e. i3& K Ht.. Washington. H. P.

Wintermute Bros.'Wagon Show Wanted Perf«.rmers doing mori- than oin act. Prefer those working atone. Miisielaii'. Il«“lli»hle b||l|M.ster to take eharge nf No. bill, bill,sisters. OHik, elo. No re,il\ iinleas |iros|>< <1 of eiigagetiieiil. WINl't'.B- ni’TK BB4»«.. Hehrwn. Wla.

NrbrMaliW binle W'ltlr itnd Ka|>oalli«»n bin.'oln, Nebraska. .Viigast W lo sudeml'er (I, l'«*s, Robt.W. Furnas, Se«Tel»ry, Brownville, Nebraska


A few more Musi. ians for the t elTler .V Brooker's Great Wagon Show Address all letters toW'M I KFFI RK.'.,1' W . Vantras St., Washington, Ind

CAPT. STEWART Wants Medicine show ,»eoi>le. Most fak« organ. Yddres- Fort W a.vne, Ind.

Call the Special Attention of Managers and Proprietors of First-Glass Theatres and Parks to Prof. Antonio's Colibris Midgets Troupe

The greatest novelty of the century The smallest, nicest and la-st proportioned little neojile In the world Colihrls Musical Sketch .Artists and Comical Play. Colibris Wire Performer Artists. Colihrls Tra,)eze .\ct without a rival. Colibris troupe with their military drills In Austrlan-llungHrian uniforms, and with the smallest hors.- la the world—it inohes high, weighs .'s> pounds. This tr<»u|)e Is the best novelty nt.w In the Cnited States of .America. .lust what you want to attract the public. We always have some ojten dates for first-class theatres or parks. .Yll communications to

Rrof. Aotonlo, 131 West Tw«nty-fourtH St., N*w Vork City.

A. Largest Circus Wagon Manufacturer

in America. UvlnistM t Cwitral Avs., CIMCINHAD, 0.

The Home nieam l.anmlr.v 4'*. Kstab hshvd ISJ'., Main iilhoe and Work-, nth A Bycn- iiiorc. Branch oihce. t.'i .Arcade. Famllv Washing, Toilet Supply, French I)rv Cleaning and Pressing. CH.AS. F. K I.E 1 N. Pres. Jk Manager. Tel. "to.

.Philip Phillips. I.lamonds, Watches, .lewelry. Money'cd on Collaterals. No Km Vine street, Cincinnati, O.

The Leading Bars and Cafes in the City TK* Mecca, PU Walnut st. Tel.

ORCBFR .» 8.VI.MAK. Proi«rietors. THe Palace Cer, 4:11 Vln* st Tel.

IT*- GRI KFR .4 FRIXU.N K. Prop'-. I.inct entrance to and from Hotel F.mery.

THe VeetIHule, H. W. Cor. ithA Main Streets. tSRI BFR .4 FRIN H>X F,. Proprietors.

HOTELS. The FoIIovvIhk lloyela Cater to the


THE BELMONT Non. 7 and » E MIxth NtreoC.

near Vine, CINCIN.N ATI. 4».

Convenient lo all Theaters and Car l.ines. Hpicndid Kcstaiiraiit in connection. «»pen all niKht- C II Till KMAN. .Manager.

CnD CRI C MOKKIBti Kig I mi OHLC show alone. Conrert grand lirapliaphonr. Siereoptlcon. Prop. Fle|>hants. Hogs, goats, cals anil d.>. es tralne.l to order. Wanted, small Top. P.ll ARhV >MITH,brat/. Pa

15. WOKK

BARBER SHOP 47 H . .Nth St., brt.Kace and Vine, Cincinnati,O.

P4IR PKER ATTIt44-TI4l\M Nothing hetler than Balloon As4-enslons,Pari.chiite or Cannon leaps. Night am-enslons. .*r Mr-. Murphy, the monkey aeronaut: als«> race Iwlween man and moiikov. Furnish hy I’rof. T. II. Kln- kada, M’ellsvillo,' Ohio.

For Sale Four Well Broken Shetland Ponies All Sialllona. One Irh'k mnle. oae Cinnamon Iwar, ready for till' ring. Address IIAKRV Ml H rat, De Fnniak Springs, Florida


...MGrchsnt Tailor... I4NH l,..iiKVtortli HI.. tTnrtniiali, 4N.

Second dour w»"t of Kiice.

, icnl b iiieus flot lung Clemied nnd scotir.'d. S,,e. i-inl rates to the |>ri>fesslon

Buckeye Theatre till to lil% Nt., (iacinnati, 0.

Tl(«“ 4Nl.t KeltiNble l*lnce •! kiiiliweiileiil. Bowl 4 nii.l«“vtllr Show In I Ik-4 It.v. Ikew |M‘o|.lo rver.v w.-ek H 41. 1 4H >4«, Prop.

Telephene Main l&ia.

..The New Walston.. DECATUR, I1.1.INOI9.

The New Walston Annex will Ih“ finiahed Mareh 1st. Th»» Home of the TheHtrirol ,profession. 4JE4I. IN. NTEEI.E. Prop.

“The Sherwood,”* Profe-slonal rates from rm.-. “European Plan " Bar atta<-hed. •«>> Walnut Bt.,Clnrinnati,0.

Beer at the Walhalla " stross. proprietor.


II. 44. H’itl«enfeld. Prop.. .MR Vine Nt. | I-I t-P ^ ^

j 24 and an W. lath St., CINCINNATI. O.

' Special Rate* to Ibeatriral People

The Jefferson Hotel I (Formerly Veelman'a)

f'REIN. IH'HIEEE. Proprietor

I 9IS-9W Walnat Street. CIM:WSATI. OHM.

Tel. No. 407* L. F.aay Ac.-eM to all Theaters.

Kiiropean Plan Elective Elevator Phone Main *174

THE GAI.T HOUSE l>. I». Kolh. Mar.ager, ath and Main Streata, t In- clnnatl.o, Kates; Ml.75 and $1 on per day. Bpeclal rates t<»r »e«'k or month, i.eo. Raiimgartner, Clerk

Tlltb Nt.. bet. Vine ord

WUu‘*, 4'lnelnnAtl, 4N. Rooms. Fi-TiO and upwards per week. 7Jr, Nl.iV) an.I



The Castle on the Rhine Best Wet Goods. No. Ihsi Vine Street. Flegant Warm I.nnch All Hay. Cincin N ati. < >.

THE ELM S. E. Cor..Stlrand Elm : Sta., CiocInnatl.Ohlo, .

headijniirtprs for Circus and Theatrical l•eoplc. Kinc'l brand* of iM'crs, liiinors and .“igars. Tcl M;.in I.M.V \Vm. A Bf.11ki.on. Prop .

The orev eaoue, llcnr> (Jon Imp, ITojt., HInew. l.l.|oorw itnd 4't-

Kiira. “South West Corner Sixth and Kira Sts.. Cine iinati, < b


ni IWFR ^MITT .Vgont .Tohn . UUVbn OleUI I, Kohinlona T.“ii Big: shows. Pt>rman.“nt address. Bristol Hotel, I'lnclnnatl, o.



J. C. RANDALL, S|non'|»I th»’


lOtl %ln«*


Trattlc Miiniig.'r.lohn K.dilnson’s Ten Big

Shows. Permanent address. Bristol Hotel, <’tm“inniiti. O.___

•t.SO per night rant.

hath. Popular price re-tau-

4'I V 4'IN > .4TI. 4N. I Permanent address

JM I If AMP Hen'l Press Agt.Sells A • AAlRfc, How ns Consolidated

Shows. Also Traveling repre*entat|ve“BlllhOaril. '“fh7W lllboBr<l,"Cin.'lnnatl.' *

Professional Rates: Enropi'an, (Ingle IS.SO, 14,|S, ♦k and $7 i)er week. European,.ionhie. 4f), 7, s, > sad ♦ in wr week. R. S. Payne, Proprietor. HOTEL N4TIIATFORD European plans. For ladies and gentlemen W alnut St. het. Sth and 7th,ClnU..O.

The Regal Shoe Is (Old from Tannery to Con-iiiiier direct We have but one quality. The best. Only .>ae piiee, ♦•t.S#- 4*V» V ine Street.


QuMn City Carroutttllt Co.

Mfrr». of FlyliiK Horoe Ma- ohlnaa. Flying Jca- nleo. Flying Dutch.

We Sold Out to Showmen Tills is to certify that I

Near r..000 pte<‘OK ITACOH’MITK within thp lO't thrre weeks. Is It a KOOd thine* Well. 1 ehould Bay to, and Bhowmtn'know a eenulne noveliy wher they tee it. Aftents an<l thownien say It create- more talk than anything they aver had (and can be carried In your iioeket). It makes you popular, opens the way for'introdnctlon: ereat for blttine. etc. .lust think of a roek that b«-nds like rubber; that'i ITACOLFMITK, the mother ro<'k Of diamonds; cuts elass like diamond or emery; at an ab- torbant it has tha same effe<'t in the nrevention of hydrophobia that Is aupiKised to he ]ieeuliar to the madstane; fine and strangest grit for shari)enlnK knives, and without doubt It Is the most ourloiis of curios found on our planet. Only few more hundred left. All orders filled In turn. Price, OOc prei>aaid to any address. Stamps taken. Address all orders to THK ITA('Ol.l'MITK MFO. Co., V sDr.MECt'.M, ?f. [I do not hesitate to pronounce Itacoluniits a rare curiosity,— Ki). Bii.i.ito \ iii>.]

n mea.Carrouasalles, 'ygL. etcMoney makers for

t’o. Fairs Ilundr^s of our machines In use throughout the country. Send for catalogues and prlcea. WAKKKN WIL- DKK. Mgr., tsM Warsaw Ave., Cincinnati, O. have no connection what¬

ever with any other Levitt. Leavitt or person of skimilar name in the Street Fair hiisi- ncss; neither have I any

relatives of that name in America. Signed


TBAN8PARB**T EAKKINO CKAP Dies—Made by uaoaly; detection sm- poaalble. New ineentiono In llec- trlonl •porting Ooodc (nr Palra, Eneee, ete. CATALOOUM PB». ■. C

k CO., us Clark 8t., Chicago, III.

LIVING WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS .4 metKNTRONITY-I have for sale a bull with five complete legs. Address f'has. O. Harri¬ son, Rroh Building, Ifnatlngton, W. Va. Iluffalo, Elk, Door, Ocelots, Hay Eyiix, liatlsiers, .la» k HabMts, (iecse

I’rairie Dons, Chiiiimuiks and some varieties of Snakes. .Address Oil.AS. Box 913, Wichita, Kansas. Fire Works Fire Works Fire Works

Parks, street Fairs and Cariiival Managers wantliiK a grand stand filler that never falls to bring tbe Ih-sI of results will do well to corres|M>iid with M.MIHA' M. DHY, Pyni- techiilat, Tyrone, Pa. John Chapman Go

BILLPOSTERS “ nm V A Dnv" ■< <^ira< la'i UllLf A DUI Fault" and “Follt of I’, ing (vimmI, " giMMi iMMtks 'JTie. “Stolei

Sw**ets," .‘ilk'; all for dfw. STF.W.MtT Cft.

Hox l*ld. Providence, H. 1. Hate the host iHtanls and prreatest locations in Cincinnati and Siihurhs. Telephone 17 l.onirworth St.


Contraetors for Kill CoNtintr thronirli- out the I'nited States.Ciiha and Canada. Copulation: City .>t> Snh- iirhaii Tom us, 7tt,<MK).

Rstahlluhed IS7i>

CHARLES WOOD Bill Poster and Distributer

nmn .s-nheet boards, ISA stands. Pop .lamalea. N. Y., and suburbs, U.finn. Rates; Posting, 4 cents per sheet' distributing, per l,ni<o, FOR STREETMEN AND AUCTIONEERS.

('onfetti, Confetti-dusters, Ited, Wliite :ind Blue Canes, l{nl>la*r lU-tnrn Ihills’ Whip.s, Honis, Balloons, Toys. Silverware and .lewelry of all kinds. Also a ful lineof all other ^oods for Street Fairs,Carnivals and Celeiirations Ask for

Batabitshed 1886 LEV'IIN BROTHERS, Wholesale (ieneral .Mdsa

28, 30 and 32 Aortb Sistb Street, Corner Cherry, lerre Haute, Indiana.

If you wnnt to buv, sell or exehange a calliope, ad¬ dress tlKO. KKaT/.. ('alliope Builder, F.vansville, Indiana.

Pointers How to Win Also Illustratedf'atalogueof Cards, Dice and Spindles. Send lOeeiits.

D(4h( M4Ml>r«CIl«lh6 CO., 911 Viae St., Cinciaaati, 0.

Out fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention wlfl promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. “ How to Obtain a Patent" -sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.

Patents taken out through us receive tpeeial no/ice, without charge, in The Patent Recoed, an illustrated and widely circulated journal consulted by Manulacturers and Investors.

Send for sample copy FREE. Address,

VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,)

Bvkaa Building, WASHINGTON, •. C


JUGGLERS’ OUTFITS, BATONS K.lcgant flubs. Wire Walkm and Aerial Outflts. A smmp for complete •■atalogue. KDW. VAN WY< K f’lnclnnall, Ohio.

Kent $1 Sliirt


Headers of newspapers and dealers m neu> paper information, l-ndertakes eoromission- from bnsineso or professional people who want to keep posted on what interests them in the pnbbe prints of the eonntry.

OltleeN nt Boaton. New York aiiil Denver.

for accepUble Ideas. I H I state if patented.

Subscription price of the Patent Rbcoro fiai par annum. Samples free.

Men's Furnishers, Shirt .Makers.


ST. 1.0UIS CONF-ETTI CO., St. Louis, Mo.


The street Fair Edition of The Biiihoard WILL BE ISSUED MARCH R2

Get ready for it as advertising space will be at a premium

Get the copy for first come your advertisement in early, as

will be the first served.

*0 MTt VCttv CO MONOJ :^p*tiinsmciw«M.vnBn»< gmttcs



EZRA KENDALL’S SECOND BOOK ji j» Jt jt jt ALL NEW jt ,<* jt


VKI IXVKMKII FOK ^lr^•u».^>^. .shows, Kxciirsion Sti-ann-rs, KloatinK 'rhi-atri's. spccialtK'S of all kinds We have sold liieiii lo advertise even Soap and Kxtraets.

j* A Pure Tonic of Wit and Ifumor jt

Also SPOTS OF WIT AND HUMOR Ezra Kendall’s First Book.

Twenty-five Cents Each by Mail.



THOS. J. NICHOL I COMPANY, K. ('or I'earl .t I.iidlow Sts , Cineinnati.O

iVwpof-l it a sabarb of (iacinaali, 0. i

Makers of all kinds of liiKli'Class

GARDEN 615 Vint St. bft. 6th and 7th.


Electric Orchestrion I'tn Be Heard Ddilv I rom II a. m.

to 12 p. m.

Ill earn n •‘el loll wllli t lllsii^'k I.A KnKS'l' |lt|.Kn%LII IMinSIM^Kb 1*11 WITH

t'l.SLsr anal I. tTKNT KLLnKDM.


JOHN LEDERER, Prop, and Mgr.


THEATRICAL EXPRESS SUNDAY /VlORNiNGS Leaxe 4'lnrinnali a in. .Arrftea I.iHiUville 7.»5 a lu %r II.A.t a. m. Pullniaii DrawiiiK Kooin. Mleeurv and l»av I'oaeliea M. K. <'a>r. I'onrili and Vine Nireeia. C'ina'lnnail.

U. P. .Vlef^ARTl’, J. B. M'orr, c H Wll (ieneral rasAenirer AKent. . Illxtrlct I’wssenirer Arent. on r Ttrkat A^ant


New 3-Sheet Optician Poster



Sfi'iiert for Tlic:itre>. Opera Houses and Halls; l.ilirarv. Selioail and C'liureh Halls; Srenerv fa>r Nia^oiiie and all «»tlier Secret .Sot iefi»‘s. Hi^li Orade Seeiiery at Keas- onatile t ria e^. Heiidapiarters for Stage Ihirdware. 'Die Best Maile Stage Car¬ pets. Stage Lighting Fixtures, eta'.


23a>-23N S. ClIAION STtlil, CHICAGO, ILL.




Sale Poster I, 3 and 4 Sheet

Through Service to California > jt

and Hot Springs, Ark.

Two Fast Daily Trains to Memphis and

New Orleans

2-Sheet Umbrella i^oster

...Attractions Wanted ■■■ For LA HARPE, ILLS.,

DISTRICT FAIR July 29, 30, 31, August I, 2.

2-Sheet iWackintosh Poster St. Louis

I’lillniHH Sleepera. Free Keelliiini; Chair Cars. IMiiing Cur Service a la carte. Full iiirormatioii of local tieket ugeiit or by uddresaiuir F. >V. HAK> LOW. Division I’asseiiger Agent, 4S8 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.


MB'I iNa. L Tkt. KfX Istu ijaa I P L T k. Cisci.snati. U

WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. Flic IViiticcst I'air of any half-mile

riiiK In the Stale, tine KIiik Circus.

OiiK anal l*uny Shavv^ aaia.! other

clean attraellatns. atn icuarantee

anal pereeniaic*-'' W rite i|nlck lell-

inic what yatu have and \shal

terms yatu want.

J. R. ROBERTS, Sec’v Id Hdrpe District Fair Association,

L.A HARf>E, IL.1-.

M>K ,o>vl:ntio>5. llATHKkINUS. Sm>W5

XVi- iiiaka* lha‘ni in uii> <|ii»ntiti<-> III! oi-dt'r> <>n^hort notu'r :iiul lia'ut an> llriii in ll;«‘ wi‘>t i»n |iru‘.' Special ale»l(ta» tn onliT. I.fl n^ know nSat ton want.

Button Co,. “Slo-rl;*.’

•Inst the thinit for tarkinit tin and earaf board slfroH. p:verT disirihiitnr should have one. I'rtees, with donhie extension handle, :W inrhawi Ion*. ea«'h, IS.mi; triple extension handles, 4i inohes lontt, ea.'h, $*.«. Send the money with the order. None .sent The IkataaldfsoM l.lilie. 4'*., Kewport, Hy,

Through Plctureaque anal Hlatorlc Ragiona to . . .

New York VIA


CONFETTI I'onfelll Dusters, t'anes. UihiMin, Uetiirn Kails. Whips. Morns, Kall.M.ns, Tots,and all (he latest novelties for Street P'lilrs,«'arnivals and Celebra¬ tions. W rite for priee list.

Theatrical and Circus Trunks .Made to Order

Trunks. \ all-eai, .MT Vine Street. Dress Suit Cases. I’oi'ket Kooks, l eather toMsIs. Civi iss at

Ua‘|M‘rlaalrs> VInnnic'rM wrilr. 4'nii kI**'

yaau Ma-s-k laa Kaa.Ml biinllirMN. SihaiMa wllll

hniaarnii |»lii> tasN. K.4k 4.aMMl ••|M‘aa Itiiia*

lit Jiui.. P'a-la. anal Vlara-li. .4l.v4tKI> A I'st , tfaiiaiterM lka*Hra‘ula .tfnwia* llnll.

Nn|aa‘rlaa . »s Iwrtanalii.

\A# A M T ET n 10 from peo- •V #4 m I Ba ,,le w ho desire eon

cessions at the KIks' Street Fair, to h.' eiven lu l.ojransport this sinnnier. 4'. U. HLi'F'I.V, ba-rra-tary atf 4'atm in It la*.*, La»Kaaw|»urt. Inat.

American Amusement and Balloon Company

NOMIIIIS, MI\U4% (IRIOS, MiXHAS Mt vh’nn lOaiikeiJA. v*nd h»r ilhipAtriKed

•, htmKhl. itc.. vti\ M KIO A'O., yv\. tOti ilu- Moxtonii lH»rd**r).

RIiasPOSTKKS PAM'C BRUSHES. m»9t d itrwail mmdt i kaamda

‘*D0NAU>t01l," I *'UKSZOKLLSD.** TbU MtiiA M MBBBlBlBlai | TV« ii*l PMM ifvA SaMB.

(w m amd U faUy " ■liir ' ij ~*l l-T ««rrMt4i4 It i* iM* aaMavM i at Im mmd Mrafefli^. UOOD af«4b ya% mn t»4 amr wwJ«» *11 whma. rwaam Ita. • ImM.. Jl.fl 91a 9U P«9«as Mta.aJiJim

lUai ia« NBatT vita ta* a»r t«r M—a amt 0. •. • The*

iKivr f<l. PntrifK** Dny. Kiiihl«uiik and HndRe't in Melnl, l fdliilutd and ItihlMiii fur nil AM'i’ii* hIoiim

Amrrit an Baidqe Co. l*i l.a-alle SI..

a hieaxo. III.

Mairlal'w t'liir Vltalwa.v anal 4'arnlial 4'a». KaiiMis t liv. Mo . are now r< ad.v lo furnish Free Xllraetlous of everv deserlpllon. (See'y write) Also f' ll line of paitl shows. I an use Peature Acts at all nines.

Mtntitm “ Tkt '* wAra tuuwtrimg mda. •• Tkt " a-Ae« aawweriag m*4.











Young Corbett Champion Featherweight of the =-—eWorld

Appearing at every performance with the New York Manhattan Theatre Comedy Success


E. V. GIROUX, Business Manager:

P. J. KENNEDY, Manager.


Belmcnt-Elmer Publishing Go. 1010 CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, CHICAGO, ILL.

P. S.-Communicate with us for any information pertaining to theatricals, and we will cheerfully favor you with a reply on receipt of stamp.


GREAT SOUTHERN SHOW Museum and Trained Animal E^hibitien

HertoriiierN and SliiNiriiiiio iiirlii.lliiac icaod It tml iiii.l Tmp Itraiti.

•ner. IJoad Trapeze IVnni Har anal Kr-.llit-r 4a-a. .4lHa» • a»iirrri anal !k|al,*

Hhatw Peaftla*. Iiirladlliv icaMMl Slaic<4**Mii anal Wiaial NraalliiK. Wi.aa iilHai |aa iiiaalia*

>;<»«•• a>|>«‘liinKM< Waul icaaaaal • iMak. Haa«M 4 aaasaMiiiaii ..laal faatir iraaaaal lilll ■•«a«a#.r-

'I'lll bii;r TraMiiH' 'I'ralia«*al II km. 'I'bla* In am** aaf aba* Iim. • %% Haia.ii NIi..w m a rai**! ina. AcraaiiiaiiaMla'ioiiM lirMt-rlaMM. Sliaii* a», «••tN abaaiil Ilia* iiitalalla'aif Slata-b

a Aal()rt*ss Wa R. KELLOGG, Gottonport. Laa Adilress Aal()rt*ss

t'laajd Traiv<‘r. i Ibt-rl llaatlatia m rlla*.

A Special Line of


Tent Shows, Agricultural Fairs, Street Fairs, Carn¬ ivals, Celebrations, Etc.

Send for Circulars and Prices

Hennegan & Co. Eighth, near Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Capt. Paul Boyton’s

Great Sea Lion Park CONEY ISLAND,

Will l«M»k llltf n aiainliit aalal faarlllieal 4'll.v Mlifii linlMlia‘al. 411 l^ra'itl. r Sa*!! Vaitk

will vImII IhlM b,.|«a«liiMl Park alariiiK lb** NiiiiiniaT. 4iia»llirr fl* bl.>rk a.lala*,! Ia»

theParklhlM w«*a‘k. W’a.bnt,* •.»« |a|«>n«> aaf raMaiii faar all kttaafn in-w niiaMM**

uifiit d«>«l«‘a-M If >a»ii liaia* aii.vfliiiiK caiaal and a-aa«rl. a*aani«* aii.l Ma-a* m i.iilli-

a‘«‘nl l*ark brfaara* >'nti laarata' a*lMa>wliern. Npnf,. fa.r iiiaTliaiiia'al naa^tdllrM anal all

kiiidaa »f ^ laal niafhinrn. I^el a prllila.K** In Sra l.laiii I'ark anal niia-rr-M a. naaMiira-al.



■ '■= Animals, Snakes, Monkeys Tbaii >aau evrr lia'iaral aaf ba-faira*. Havf* y«u plara'af yonr aardt'r: If naat. alu .aa af j

aanra*. l.'aU 1NIII.4 SN 4l4S'M, S taa 32 fa‘a*S laaiiK. .|n.t arri*«al In llaMibnrK- Prla* m '

aan n|aplia‘allaan. 4alalra‘MM i'. I.. WTI.EI4.I1N. AKa*ul. Nfaflaan E. i'lna*iniiali. ifliiaa.

Long Bros.’ Show Wants I.aaly 'I'rapa^ze 'IVaiii. icaaaad NinKlniC .nal Taiklnff i lonn and any tfaaaMi Novelty j Aet Alnaa Niisladania. I'erfaarnierM mnat do two aar maare aelaa In biK Mbaan aiaal j

naark in eaaneert. Baaaav.ern anal kia-ker. naat taalerata^d. naat be ready taa jaain j

April ImI. aar naaaaner. 'I'liia In a naK'aii abon. Wanted lo buy a K<*od Troupe aaf

UoK** <•••<* iraiiifKl animal. Aalalreaa

H. C. LON(i. Sole Proprietor, Natchez, Miss. " Tkt Billboard " vhtn amnutting tuU. MtntioH "Tk4 BiUio»rU “ mh4m tuu.

WANTED CIRCUS BILLPOSTERS For 4<»H> II. SIVVItKS* li. K. SHOWS. \ yeiirN tvoi k »r nin e |«a eon.l. 'Ober and reliahle It.ministers whn will «Tork fn l*i,. interest ef ihe vlmw.

Addrist La C. GILLETTE, Agent Sparks’ Show, San Antonio, Ttiasa

Sketches, Songs, Comedies, Dramas .-laid every alenrri tail aan aal III air eal waark WMI'I'II.K 'Ml <lltl»l':it at l.flW P'.M I'

KATKO. ffniy file laeMl airiul'anl naark lairiilNlia-al I aa praaf • Mnlaanailaa. Itelereiiee by

llia> biiiidra al. a-iHlallMlied IH7W. Meiial faar eMiliiiiile.

BOB WATT, sue Walnut strait, Philadelphia, Pa.


Singing and Talking Clown One tliHl Is nut iifnilil of work Kor llil.s klml of n iniin | m||| piiv ii lllai-riil salary.


FOR RALE Bounding Wire Rigging e CHAS. Mack, Pcoplv’s Tlicslcr. Cincinnati. O.

IfraNba "Tkt BUUMud" mtm aanawdurai^