The Billboard 1914-09-05: Vol 26 Iss 36 - Wikimedia Commons

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Transcript of The Billboard 1914-09-05: Vol 26 Iss 36 - Wikimedia Commons

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The Posters will stop the crowds and get

you the business— 6 one>sheets, 3 three* sheets, 1 six-sheet,

3 eight-sheets and 2 sixteen-sheets.

Write or wire us at once and ifyourState

has not been sold we will book you direct.

Published Weekly

The Billboiard PubrCo.

• 25 Opera Place, CINCINNATI, O.

Long Distance 'Phone, Canal 5085. THE SHOW WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA


as Second-Class Matter.



Volume XXVI. CINCINNATI, SEPTEMBER 6, 1914 Number 36


State Fair Opens

World at Home Presents Strik¬ ing Array of Midway Enter¬


Free Acts

Den )l<iinf«. Auk. —.\ltboueh ■ coak-

Idk rain fell tb^>uKboat Tbunxlay nlcht aad tbe tla; atarted with a drlazle, the loa'a State Fair, ahlch o|iene<l on Friday. Aucust :!S, oounted that day at fully

up to the blKK<'i<r openlnit day In the hlatory of

the annual erent. Between IS.OttO and 20.000 paid adnila.ltina were reeonled at tbe noon hour.

The W.H-ld at lloiiie I'laza of P'.eainre akirted

the rare track and waa literally parked with

peo|>le fn>m 8 o'clock In the momlns nntll near midnight. Kvery conceasion, and there teems to be a million of them, reports good butlnt-aa.

Tbe buildiiigt are, without exception, the mo-t anbatantlal. Iowa baa many things to be thank¬ ful for and proud of, but none more than Iti State Fair, as conducted under tbe able man¬

agement of President O. E. Cameron and Secre¬

tary A. R. Corey, atalated by a crew of compe¬ tent men and w<kmen.

Manager C. 8. Hatch, of the World at Home,

hai surrounded blmtelf with a Hat of abowt

and riding dericea that are certain to get tbe cream of the boalneas at tbe many State faira and nat.nnal erenfa booked for the balance of the season. Among the attractiona are; Panama

Canal, Silas Nye, manager; California Frank's Wild We.t and Indian Congress. Col. Frank Halley, owner and manager; Armstrong'a Con¬ gress of IjTing Odditiea and Ethyl Pawne June,

Charles H. Armstrong, owner and manager; Rarden of Allah, Baba Palgarlan and Mike Zlnney, ownera and managers; Motordrome,

James Michelstetter, owner and manager; Prince Napoleon (midget), Andy V. Carbone, owner

and manager; Pmar Sami'i Wonders of tbe I'nlTerse, O. M. Hunt, manager; Homan But¬ terfly, Omar Sami, owner and manager; Fat

and I.ean Congreaa, C. H. Armstrong, owner

and manager; Maiepi>a (the original and Bre- flghting borse), L. B. Backenstoe, owner and manager; Little Don (dwarf ball), J. B. War¬ ren. owner; King, manager. Ciarry-at-all, Charles Rerkell, owner; Harry Benke, manager;

giant Feyrla wheel. In charge of "Bill" Grady, and "Jimmie" Knight's ocean sraye.

Lincoln Beacbey acored at tMnal.

Pain's Opening of the Panama Canal and

flreworkt display was the night aenaatlon. Every building on the ground! bad tta own orcheatra,

and Henry and Ills Band and lady aoloiats; lander's Flfty-flfth Infantry Band, and Oon-

Band and qnartette farnlabed the out¬ door music. •

An nnuaually strong program of free acta was furnished by F. M. Barnes, Inc., In front of the

grand stand, afternoon and evening, and In¬

cluded; The Five Gargoiila, Portia Slatera, Pow¬

er's New York Ilipimdrome Rlepbanta, Dabrock'a

Hippodrome, tbe Seven Bracks, Four Casters,

Three Navaroa. The Great Adas Troupe. Peerleat

Alexime Troupe. Romona Ortli, PV>ur la Dellaa, Three Zecha, Mme. Pbaasey'a Ballet. R. A.

Hankinaon'a auto-polo ontflt, with two teams, put on an afternoon and evening cooteat.

The afteroon program on Friday, September will coDsiat of aatonwdille races, tbe feature

••elng a race between Eddie V. RIckenbocker. of I*es Molnew, In an antomobile, and Lincoln B"acbey In bla aempUne.

Miss Tgiula Ixing, of Kansas City, It here with twelve Itorsea, Including her famona M> Major Dart*. Iloucliln and Anderson have niue

boraea. Including Astral King, for the ateeple-

ebaae and Jumping horse contest.

Tbe Iowa State Fair baa been more ex¬

tensively advertiaed tbit year than ever before.

Plenty of effective matter baa been naed in

newajiapera thrunghout tbe State and those

adjoining, and to H. N. Whitney, pnbllclty man¬

ager for the fair, belongs tbe credit of tbe


Thnrtday afternoon tbe various beads of de¬

partments were guests of tbe World at Home-

management and F. M. Barnet at an Oriental

titoner preiwred by Mra. Baba Palgarlan and Mike Zlnney.

.A delegation of .Ak-Sar-Bcn members, Inclnd- • ng Secretary J. P. Weaver, Randall Brown

P. J. O'Brien and Fred Schanel. came from Omaha to look over the World at Home aggre¬

gation. Tl»e World at Home will play the big

Nebraska celebration September 30 to October 10.

Show printing Co., tbe Liberty Engraving Co.,

A. W. Smith, II. II. Selferth and the Industrial and Pomestic Film Co.


When, on behalf of tbe only son of tbe late Frank C. Bostork, Mra. Bostocic and tbe ex¬ ecutors of tbe estate bad declined to dispose of

tbe Rostock Show and vaudeyllle acts to an English syndicate only two months ago, the turn of affairs In Europe baa decided a quick disposition of tbe large concern.

The executors have apixiinted Harry E. Tudor,

DOW- in New Y'ork. to arrange an Immediate disposition of the complete outfit. The careful upkeep of the projkerty has been shown by the receipts at the Anglo-American Exposition, at

Siiepberd's Bush, where the Bostock Jungle- under the Araeriesnized title of The Coney Island Zoo—more than compared with those of


This is the first time that The Billboard has ever charged more for a special than it does for regular issues.

Paper has gone up. So has ink. But these are not the reasons for the advance. We do not want any more money for a special issue. We would prefer to hold the price at a dime. It is the newsdealer who has to prepay postage on returns

that is kicking. He can not make money on our special issues. Not infre¬

quently he loses on them. Therefore he is cutting his orders down whenever a special

comes out, instead of increasing them. You can not buy the paper, and our circulation is hurt. The five-cent increase in price satisfies the newsdealer. If our readers are not too much dissatisfied the problem is

solved. Question—Is a large, heavy special issue—four times a year

—with a colored cover worth five cents more than the regular numbers?

Readers of ours—it’s up to you. (See the editorials.)


Naw York. Aug- 29.—The moving picture and dramatic lights of lU the plays written by Bronat-n How-ard, with the exception of tbe Henrietta in.| the New Henrietta, will he turned over, by the will of Mra. Howard, to the Soclet.r of American Pram:itlsta and L'ompoaera, founded by the playwright. The Henrietta

plays, with thoir rightx. are, in accordance with Mm. Howard’s will, given to the widow and ton of Stuart Robson.


Flttsburg, Pa., Aug. 81.—In the United

Statcf District Court here last Tuesday after¬ noon. Justus Mulert wai appointed receiver

for the bankrupt estate of the Pitt Theater company. The former receiver, J. Frank McHemlry, had been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of this connty on the petition

of the creilltora In June. Hla boml was fixed at $2.r>(lt). Tbe last order api>olnting a re¬

ceiver was made on the petition of the Llbt-rty

ita previous three seasons there in Klralfy ex¬ hibitions, until the outbreak of boattUtlea. Un¬ der these conditions it msy be readily astnmed that the executors will consider a quick sale

at a price far bel-cw tbe actual market value of so well-establlabed and popular an institution 18 the stren-joua Frank C. made it.

The extent of tbe collection and number of acts more than allow a dlvlsicn of tbe stock

if the buyer would wish to organize two winter shows or use acts in other directioni.

Mr. Tudor will gladly fiimtsb full particulars of the stock and paraphernalia to those inter¬ ested in purely a business sense, and all com-

muniratioDs should be addressed care The Bill¬

board’s New York office. Messrs. House. Groesman A Vorbaua, attor¬

neys, of ns Broadway, New York, will act

fur the Bostock family In the matter to tbe end of a rapid transition of their interests to new owners being accomplished. Quick action la essential and where prompt disposition is de¬ sirable tbe abipmrnt of the stock, trsiners and

Impctiimcnta will be arranged and carried out, iinnietlUtely on completion of sale, for tbe purchasers.


New York, .Aug. 29.—Tills week Oliver Mo- rosco aci]uired T«-ln Beds, the ill-uamed comeily that Is ruuning at tbe Fulton. If Mr. .Morosco will take off tbe furniture caption and give the piece a title m'>re fitting to a theatrical property he will have a great money maker; for the piece Is brilliantly witty Ideally played and constitutes one of tbe most agreeable en- tertainiiients in tbe early season revelry of really good pieces. If the title of tbe piece were In Wrong or It's All Wrong, or sumetblng besides Twin Beds, the theatergoer who Is not sophisticated In the advertising metlwds of theaters will l<K>k at the billing as something apart from a furniture sale. No lietler enter¬ tainment In comedy vein could be devised, and It la to be sincerely h<>pe<l that Mr. Morosco gets the full value of a piece that w-oiilil make a mummy laugh, esi)ectall.v w-hen played by Its present selected and faultless cast of real artists.


Atlantic City, Aug. 25.—The various man¬ agers of this city were flueil $15 each for violating tbe law- against Sunday amusementa on tbe Boardwalk. The managers decided to give Sunday night shows to test the law, and tbe result w-as that they were ordered to court. Among those asseswd were: Harr.v Brown, of the Nixon: Charles G. .Anderson, of the Garden pier, and Fred E. Moore, of the Savoy.


Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 27.—The Orplieum Theater, In Fourteentli street, near Market, was

damaged by fire yesterday to the extent of $60,900. The Barrett Tlayers, a stock com¬ pany playing here, lost all of their property. Amos Taylor, the property man, was overcoma

by smoke, and was found in an unconscloua con¬

dition by firemen. He was removed to the Ohio Valley Hospital, where It was stated that ho

will recover.


New York. Aug. 29.—Ralph Delmore. who has been seriously 111 for a long while, has recov¬

ered. and will be seen In The Trap, a play by Richard Harding Pavla and Jules Eckert (3ood- raan. At the time Mr. Delmore collapsed It was generally believed that be would never be able

to continno stage work.


New York, Aug. 29.—May Robaon made her first appearance In Martha-by-the-Day, in the Empire Theater, Syracuse, August 27. Miss Robson's supporting company Includea Julie Hern, Ramsey Wallace, Anita {^arendon and

Jane Herp'n.


Rochester, Ang. 26.—Manager M. B, Woolf, of the Lyceum Theater, who was stranded In Europe by the war, baa cabled his Kocheater

offices that be will tall for home early in Sep¬ tember. He is now In London.


Paris, Aug. 29.—^The Societies of Actors and Actresses have opened a buffet for stage peo¬ ple who are In need. There la not a theater open here. Two meals t day will be given to

an.T actor, actress or theater employe at the



Chicago. .Ang. 29.—T. C. Gleason, weli-known stock producer, has again entered the amuse¬ ment field, having secured the right to Richard Bennett's Damaged Goods. He will present the drama through the entire Middle West. The company will go Into rehearsals inime<liately

and be ready to open within two weeks.

THIS ISSUE OF THE BILLBOARD IS 45,000 COPIES Increase over corresponding week of last year (>,500 copies.


ymm/m. niimiuiimt}

wiiummiM M'.r/i.

LOEW OPENS way, where she acain held over for a second week.

Mi»a Roye hat commisaioned several writer* to turn out exclusive material for her use for next season.


New York, Aug. J«.—Edward I.. Hlootn, man ager of Hanky 1‘anky I'oiupauy, which will tour

slH>rtly, lias signed .\1 and Fannie Stednian for a term of live year*. Folkiwiug her pre«eiil eii

gagemeiit with Hanky I’anky, Mr. Kloum wlil

l>rol>alily star .Miss SHsIman in a comedy written for her. This will be Ml** Steiluian's flr*t 'I' |N>rtunity in a imaliiction. the tlr*t chanco *'ie

ha* had to show her ability, exci-pt in vaude


Association Also Secures Fam

il}’, Clinton, la., and Majes*

tic, Kankakee, Ill.

Chicago. Aug. 27.—The Grand Thcati State and Thirty-first strei'ts. is reported for sale. This house is situated In the district of Chicago, and ha* beeh

-The Negro Grand.” It is IsHiked b Metroi>olitan Roiking (ifflees.

Chicago Staff Makes Out-of<

Town Trip for Premier of New $250,000 House

HATCH TAKES MANAGEMENT. thlcagi', Aug, 27.—The Western Vaudeville

Mjiiagen’ .\*s<H-latb>n hat secured the b<M>klnx* of the G eat Northern IliplKslrume, in this city,

an<l has ilso oblalii<-d the .New Family Theater (Harry -ioloui's). In Clinton, la., and the .Ma- jetie T^ eater. In Kankakee, 111,

For the past year a Iss'kiiig asrfsment be- twe-n tlie Western Vaudeville Mauagors' .\**o. elation and Metr«>|sditau Ibs'kiug Agency ha*

Ihs-u In vogue, wherel>> the tlreal Northern Hlplsslnime seeunsl *<uue of the le-st talent avall.Hl Ic.

The Great Northern Hi|>|Hslroiiie will Is* b-s>ked direelly tiy .\iidy lallsd, own.-r of the house, who will hate a desk on tile eleteiith fl<Mir of the Majesl'r Theater Iluilditig.

The new Harry Sbloiii Theater, the Family, in Clinton, will l>e b<>->ked h\ Edward Siiayne. while the Maje.tic, Kankakee, will retert to the I'nited Ro<>king Oittees.

The new additions of the Western Vaudeville Managers' .\**oclatlon were announced hy M«rt Singer, general manager, on last Thursday morn¬ ing.

Clilctgo, Aug. 27.—The opening of the Marcus

IsM-w'a Bmpres* Theater, in Grand Rapids, was mirk(‘d with much success, according to the report broiiglit back here hy prominent Chicago. Ians who attended the premier of the new lioew bouse.

CliarU's E. Ibslklns, Fred I.lneoln, Walt(-r F. Keefe, J>din Nash and N. J. Kissiek, all niem- ls*rs of Mie Clhie.ago staff of the Marens Isiew Western Hooking Agency, made the out-of town trip to lie iiresent at the o|H‘iiing eerenioiiy.

Tlie house was erected at a cost of lU.Kl.rtdO

and lias a s<*ating capacity of 2.<K)0. Han Mc¬ Coy, formerly manager of the Empress Theater, Kansas City, is now guiding the managerial reins of the new theater.

The initial ofs^ning was bad last Monday. It

It aald that the Friday Is'fore the entire honis' was s<dd out. On the o|M‘ning bill were s(‘<'n Kean and Haniillon. Tlie I'ayiie Kida, Eugene Emmett and eoiii|>an)-. Sayde Sherman. Howard

and Fields, .AiIhiiik and Gniil, and Tlie lm|s'rial I*ekin(*se Troni*'.

BEACHEY AT THE IOWA STATE FAIR. James T. Clyde and Charlea McCurran Exit From The World at Home.

He* Moines. la.. Aug. 31—IJneoln Keachey opened a seven days' engagement of listpiiig-the- ks'P, up-aide-down fi.ving and sensational fancy Hying at the Iowa State Fair here on Friday. Hi* flying was so speetariilar that the siHi-tators elieered him for flffi*en inliiutea after he landed on the track in front of tlie grand stand folh'w iiig bis first flight. OtHcials ot the Nebraska.

James T. Clyde has reslgnesl the general

mioiagenient of The World at Home, S*» has Charles Mi-Curran. who was handling the lot Siiperintendency, tlie latter having left to ac

leiit a isiaition with one of Vic. Hugo's dog and l«>wy shows, which was org*ni*«“il for Australia,

blit has changed It* mind since the Eunu>e:in

Millie” Jlammerstcm’s iWemorial


The I*erll, of Wilkesisini, N. C.. a poor and Weak linitatioii of that narr>iw, lllilieral. bigoted, shrill and hysterical, cheap, aliti-Cathollc sheet. Tbe Menace, carries in it* issue of Septeralier S a aereaniiiig. seurrilous, seaiutab us, scare- headed attack on the White Rats, which teem* with bias, prejudice, misrepresentation and downright falsehood.

It is designed to create disruption, but will prove a boomerang. Its purpose is so apparent •ml its Ilea so transparent that tbe article will

only tend to draw together more closely—to cement more firmly tbe union of tbe members of the W. R. A. D.

To attempt to inji'ct religious animosities and

hates Into this controversy will only convince

broadminded and liberal actors that some anti- Rata are In dire straits for ammunition.

Whoever Is responslbla for this vomit of The Peril’s is gnilty of lll-advised, nnfrstemal and

unprofessional conduct, and bis sins will find him out.

Chieago, .\ug. 27.—Ainedio has been Nsiked for a tour of the I’nited time, oiiening at Keith's

Philadelphia, on (Vtober 19. manp frirnbsi of tf)t late lO^illiani jammer*

gtein tDt)o t)olb btfii mrmorp bear anb tobo babe

expredsseb a toif^b to perpetuate bib metnorp, noto

babe an opportunity to contribute in any amount

totoarbg tbe maintenance of a *‘li^iUiam i^ammer*

flitein Cot” in a bcbpital to be cbosen later.

Contributions: toill be receibeb by lyle ^nbrekob.

ULA TT7D0R. I Photo by Janie* Raeon A Sons. I.eiils, Eng.)

An Amancaa Air-ChUd.

In a most happy euniblnatlon of a demurs tweet ioniH-enee, unmarre<l by even the faintest

•Dsideion of precocity that could be more than forgiven in one's knowledge of her eleven crowded years of life, this little American •Ir-Iady forms tbe embodiment of all that

conld be desired In a child of her age. lala possesses a lovable personality that has biased a trill of frlendahlp for her In a world travel.

"I am mneh afraid.” aaya Harry Tudor, tbe truly iirmid father of our charming cover-page anbjeet, "that our many Ameiiean friends will consider Mrs. Tudor and myself as anything

bnt loving parents in allowing Isla to ac-

compiny an aeroplane pilot on bis sky trips.

H' -ntlnued on page 16. i

treasiurer of tbe funb, anb bboulb be abbreooeb to

bim* in care of ^ammerotein’st Victoria (Tbtatre.

iieto |9orb.

Sill contributions toill be gratefully aehnotolebgeb

later in tbe tbeatrical pvm.

Coney ^aofaell,

liert leby* 3oint ^on. i&ecretarieo.

New York. Ang. 24.—Harry Pox and Miss Tinsel Dolly, who have been playing in vaude¬ ville and have also appeared in numerous

mnslcal comedies, were made man and wife list week at Greenwich. Conn. The bride and groom are on a hooeymoon tonr in Mr. Fox's' automobile.

Chicago, Aug. 29.— This 1* the last week of vandevllle for Maclyn Arbuekle. He Is

beadllninz the program at the Palace Music IIsIl this week. When he closes at the Palace Sunday niglit Mr. Arbnekle will begin prepar¬

ations to act In Hack Home, a eomed.v credited to Irving Cobb and Bayard Veiller. This week marks the sixtieth week that Maelyn Arbnekle has playi-d In the vaudeville theaters.

Minnesota. Illinois. Kentucky and Wisconsin State Fairs, where he flies following his I'>wa

engagement, were present to look the great aviator over. All were superenthnalastlc over Beaehey’a work. "He's a great fair all hy himself.•• was the comment of Secretary Simp¬

son of the Minnesota Fair.

wer haa arisen. In neither case can the realgna-

th-n be pi iced to any dissension and were vol¬ untary on the part of Is'th employes.

Chtrlea Iliteb, who has lieen in tbe employ c.f the Fred Barnes Ageiiry ever since its exist¬ ence in the Ni rth American Building, haa lieeii

r.ppointed by Messrs. Binmin and Barnes to assume thn management of the show, and Joined them accordingly, at tlie Iowa State Fair.

Business haa been brisk of late with The

World at Home, and as a special story In this Issne ludlcatra things k>ok matt roseate for a big Des Moines engagement.


Hartford. Conn.. Ane. 2S.—Frcil P. Dean, after bolding the managership of the Hartford Thea¬

ter for five years, ha* been transferre-d to another house by S. Z. Poll. He will he sne-

ceeded by lewis J. (Dnkel F.isse. who has been manager of the Cecil S|>onner and Metropolis Theaters, New York.


Mtrporle Rarrett. of the former well-known team of Barrett and Jayne, will enter wedlock with Meredith M. Watson, a young Pittsburg

hiisiiii-ss min, Wednesday, Septemtier 2. The ceremony will take place at the Hotel Sehenley, Pittsburg, with Elsie Jayne, Miss Barrett's part¬ ner. acting a* one of tbe bridesmaids. Their honeymoon will be spent at varlona resort* on ttie Atlantic Coast until October 15. when they

return to Pittsburg to reside.


And in Indigent Circumstances. New York. Ang. 29.—Rnfh Roye. the little prairie girl, wIk> has scored a big sneeesa the

past sesson, hss g<-ne to the monntalns for si'versi weeks’ rest. Miss arrived In

New York Jnne «, after a tour of the Orphenm

Circuit, and Intended resting for the summer. She was Isioked to appear for one week at Keith’s Pslsee the week of June 1.%, and due to her phenomenal success was held over for six eonseentlve weeks, which is quite a

record for a singing comedienne Ir vandevllle.

Miss then attempted to start her mneh- needed vacation, hnt

G. F. Adam* is strelen with tnlierenliMiis. He is In the Koeli Ihisiiital at Koch, Mo. Mr.

Adams has Is-en twenty-two years In clreiis. carnival and vaudeville business, and has never asked for aid ts-fore.

He Is compelled now' to ask his friends to

come to Ilia assistance, fur he is alsedutely


Any sum, however mislest, will lie greatly

appreciated. Address O. F. Adams, Koch

lUsipital, Koch, Mo.


them A ('ompsnv hesr allh much srsllflealtoo Ilf llie siieerss sivsed hv Madrllrte llarrlaisi St Uia Ia Halle Thraler, (Tilcssn, srlierv hiv vocue as lirlms ilisiiia of The innpcra lias lieefi imsd pro- iiouiierit KIrrn A 0>ni|>*iiT are publlshen of all the niiiale of the irfere, whMi rmhrsee* hit* with eiMialantlT siileiilng po|si'ar1l)', Inrluilliig I'va Gig s Hvslem (g Mr ihrii. Tango Band; You. Just You, and Wldalle It. Mm llarrtion sinas two e*iiei*lal hits, Tlir Klgtil Hoad. and. hilled as lha dancing prims ilonns. sdds to her ctisrmlng |iee- formanea wlih lha liitenialivnal waits hit, I’lcsaa.

New York, Aug. 29.—The Hsiy Music Co. hss seiuri-d the service* of Jerome Shay, one of Mie

most jiopnlar and widely known men among vaudeville iie.iple, to promote the Interest of

the Italy iiuhliestlons in connection with the

New York office of the firm, which Is managed

hy Harry Collin*, In the Forty fifth Street was persuaded to plsy tbe Brighton Music Hall and Morrison's, Rocka- I Exchange.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. T ti e Billboard




liuotluD, AlU. —I.aura (jut-rite anti (jracc'ue bare btfu buuketl (ur AfrK'au add Aua irallaD tuura t-uuJuieut'liiK to (K-tut>er and next

i-lirinK, rrapte-tlvely. liUKb Mclut<>sb baa alau lat'ured Trrrjr and (.auibert, lllll. Cherry and

Mill. Doulejr and Salea, Kva SUIrlejr, Tbe Stan

le}a, Johnny Fielda, Uoale Ilainel, Aubtel Trio

and St'biuiller.


London, Aug. 29.—kiae Force, of tbe Culllna

AgeiK-y, la back in London. She found abow bualueaa on tbia aide worae than abe antlclpatetl. but ex|>erta au liupp-veuieiit in rouditloiia. Tbe

nj>b of .kwerleau turua may aifeet the booking

of Kngliab acta.


U-mk n, .kuie. 29. — Walter Munr<«, an old louiic opera atar, dint at Blackpool Auguat 24. He began hia career aa a baiehack rider, tra peie artlat, ainglng clown, ami waa alao a

great Mkig man. lie drat atarred at tlie Em¬ pire Theater, and then played fur tire year»

a,dld at tile Old Albauifora.


la n-k-n, Aug. 2k.—The f.ondon Muaic llalla report better bualneaa at reduced aalarlea or co-

o|>eratlre ternia rule.


I>io<lon, .Aug. 29.—Bynkle White baa been giv¬

ing great at tbe Oxford ami hat been re engaged.


la-mlon. .Aug. sn—The pricea at tbe .Albam bra bare been cut to half and a rerue of tbe tbeater'a paat reruea la Itelng prdu-'ed.


larodun. -Ang. 3B.—Wayburn’a .Allddleaex .Amer¬ ican Rerue aeaaon It off for the reaaon that tbe aceiiery baa been bekl up In Berlin.


la-ndon, Aug. 2S —Ceclle Bereafopl made her •rat appearance In England on .Auguat 24 at Colder’a (jreeo III|ipodrome, Lomloo.


Lomlno, .Aug. 2S. -Ren Oimlkin reporta that B<wtuck'a four trained animal abowa at W'hite City, Yarmouth, Briatol and Brighton, may

combine for tbe ranama-PacISc Expuaitlon at San Franciaco.


london, Ang. 2S.—Tom Tallon, wbu bat been wltb tbe Roatock Show for fourteen yeara, died here laat week of pneumonia.


I.ondun. .Aug. 2ft.—Charlie Miller, of the Buttock Show, la coudne,! to a hoapital. lie la In tbe laat atagea of cooaumptluo.


la-ndun, Aug. 2ft. —Marie Iludaun and Cbarlea Hart bare been added to the bill at tbe Empire.


lamdnn. Aug 2« —Hill. CTierry and Hill depiitlie,! for Taiillne Moran at the Victoria rtlace.


lamilon. Ang. 2ft.—The ramlcrllle bualneaa la rerertlng akiwiy to normal and only the nnlm- la-rtant hatla are rloaeil. In Ixmdon and the big cltlea all are open. War aketchea, aimga anil plcturea are the rogue.


laindon, Aug. 2it. —Ikadey and Salea hare de- partnl on the Adriatic in the ateerage apart- menta. They hare plenty laHiklnga orer here an,l nlll return ahortly. They hare ala<i ar¬

ranged an -Auatrallan Mclntoah tour.


lauidon. Ang 2fl -laur (Tirlllo acon-d a Mg hit main hla n-at appearance at the Victoria I’alace on Monday. XUdo and Riley alao aucceerled here.


lauidon, .Aug. 2ft.—The rarlely arllala and the Federation hare held a meeting. The rauilevllle inanagera' aeheiiie Itnil up waa to

divide tbe groaa receliita in balrea, one for the uianageineut, ami one fur the artiata. Should the artiata' half exceed tbe uaiial aalary liat, the aiirplua |a then halve,! between the man¬ agement and the Federation. Tbe new rule went into operatkm .Auguat 17. 'The agenta’ eommiaaiona are reiluced pruporilouately aiul

the muaiciaua' aalarlea cut twenty percent, wMb a $7.ri0 weekly minimum. Tbe railnray coiii-

liaulea will reatore a three-i|Uartera fare con- ceaalon.


I/ondmi. .Aug. 2!l.—The Wlrth Family o|>eue<l at the Oxford Tlieater. Ixmikm. .Auguat 24 fur one week, and the engagement baa lu-eu in definitely prolongetl.


I»n>kin. .Aug. 2ft.—The I’ederaon Brothera and the Six Brown Brothera aail next week.


lainikin. .Aug. 2!».—.Arniand Kallag and Male .Aab have Iieeu aiUleii to the caat of Tbe Keil Heaila.


Loiiilon. .Aug. '2!«!*. — INitta Brothera aaile.l on .Auguat '22 after refu'lng i-,i-<-|ierat;ve temia of eiigageuient.


Ia,iidi>n. .Aug. 2:'. rani Omcha> pr<iiH>aei| to bring hla .Aero Star Show fn-iii the Ii-e I'alace. Berlin, to England. I‘aul waa (daying in tjlaagow, S<-i>tlanil. when he reeelveil the fol-

lowlng wire: “When can your peiiple leave tjermany?’’ The Siavtch ladlce aaw thla and Imaglneil that Conchas waa a spy and arreated him. He waa examined, hut was quickly re- lea aed.


'I»ndou, Aug. 2*J.—The following have de¬ parted f:’om thia ciiuntry: General Lavine and IVkIn Alyateriea per the Olympic; I’aullue Moran, and Mr. and Mrs. Llndatrom per the Colunrhia; Mrs. Adams per tbe Franconia; RIgoletto Brothera. Two Hollandera, Eileen .Molynenx per the Mauretania; Hence Gratz, The Gleeaona and Houlihan, and Van and Scheuck per the Adriatic.


Liaiilon, Aug. 20.-Shirley Kellogg, well- known aefre-a, underwent a auccesaful opera¬ tion.


London. -Aug. 20.—Fiaher and Green will sail for the Statea on September 5. Tbe Mag-

leya from the .Alhambra sail today, Cordelia Haager and A'jatin .Moore leave September 0.


luUutb, Minn., Aug. 27.—Duluth's newest

idaybouae, the Grand, opened for business last Thursday. I’opular-prieed, continuoua vaude¬ ville. with two Mils each week, aud photo plays, la the policy. A( ta are furnished by the Marcus

I>iew Circuit. There are many new features

in the Grand Theater, which include a

ery, playground for cbildrcu atd telephones I'oi patrons.

.M. S. Cook, of the M. S. Cook Oimpany, which built the theater at the coivt of glOO.OUO, is at

the head of the company. The resident man¬ ager of the house is Edward R. Salter, the well- known theatrical and circus man.


A very successful meeting of the Actors’ in- de|ieudcnt Political I.eague was held at their headquarters Wednesday afternoon, Angnst 26.

-As tliere will only be one more political meet¬ ing before the primary, tbe members prepared

to make it a ivermanent organization Immedi¬ ately after the election.

It was decided that tbe name, United Actors of the West, was too confining and that a title covering a wider field would be more appropriate.

So American Brotherhood of Actors was adopted as the proper appellation to show

what tbe organization really stood for.

James Brady, tbe president, opened tbe meet¬ ing with a few well-chosen remarks on o'-

ganization before introilurlDg George Noonan, tbe first speaker.

Mr. Noonan, candidate for Clerk of the Appellate Court, explained tbe intricacies of that office, showing very clearly Ixow tbe

calendar can be arranged to favor whoever the powers desire. He declared a trustworthy

man, who ie fair, must be chosen. He pledged himself as a friend of the organized actor. If be Is fortunate enough to be elected to the

position be aspires to.

H'lS dl.soourse was most entertaining and was listened to with interest by tbe artists until Its close. .At its conclusion he received a hear.y and well-deserved round of applause.

The next on the program was John C. flanl-

ing, candidate for president and member of the County Board.

He gave a review of the dutiea of County

Commissioner, and declared that all tba peo¬ ple wonld get a square deal If be waa selected

aa its bead.

Mr. Ricardo strongly recommended Mr. Hard¬ ing as a friend of the actor, showing how he

waa always on their side whenever his help was needed aa a delegate to the Chicago F.-d-

eration of Labor, where be represented the TypograpMcal Union.

Ricardo’s statements were corroborated by J. E. Smith and others.

His candidacy was given enthusiastic ap¬ proval by the actors.

Geo. M. Spence, Bobby Gaylor and John Con¬ nors had a few words to say on the progressive

organized movement, when tbe meeting ad¬ journed with three cheers for the American Brotherhood of Actors.


DON'T be a knocker. It is going to get yon

nothing to stand on the corbstone day after day, exerting yonr best efforts in a vain attempt to belittle others.

If yonr possess ability above the average. It is needed to help. When yon see an honest

endeavor being made to Improve conditions—■ BOOST!

Don't forget that yon will be one of the beneficiaries if they sncceed, and that yon

will have to share an equal burden of tbe ad¬

versity If they lose. So be a good fellow. Don’t knock, b,it


DON'T speak disparagingly of yonr brother artists If yon want to hold the esteem of yonr fellows. While yonr listeners may not fell .voii so, they go away with a very small opinion

of yon. If yon can not talk In a praiseworthy manner of yonr associates, keep yonr month closed. The Increased respect you will receive will convince yon that thla course la wise.

DON'T roast tlie agent after accepting favors at his hands. If yon believe he is tbe kind of a fellow you say, keep away from him.

DON’T say anyone la unfit to Join yonr or- ganiiatlon Just because yon do not like him.

.As soon as he signifies his willingness to eome in and help, it Is a anflicient guarantee that he will be a worthy member. Enconrage every¬

body. Discourage none.


Signor Ig>renzo, the fire king, is experimenting

on a new feature to add to hla already Inter¬

esting act that will make a sensational finish. .As this human salamander has little opposition In his line of work, there Is sure to be an Increased demand for thla act as a genuine

novelty. George and A'eattno. the well-known and

deservedly popular sketch artists, are atlll

with ns, doing their singing, talking and parody skit. They expect to go on the road toward

the last of September and remain away for the

season. S. D. Ricardo, the veteran Unionist, has

gladdened the hearts of the small timers hy

appearing once more among them. He Is as sprightly as any of the young fellows, and chock full of enthusiasm for the new orgsn- Iiatlon. lie advises all artists to get In and

give a hand in Improving conditions. Yon can’t keep the old war horse qnlet when something la doing in the Interest of the act w. Is Rle. a member of the American Brother¬

hood of Actors? Y'ou bet he Is, and a worker,



LEO EDWARDS. kiiwse wu a airtl Invmior; Ms one great claim to fame was telegraphy. Bell waa a great Inventor:

he cMiorIvi-d the telepluwie. Un>at as they are, Edison Is greater because he has given so many and various marvels of iiivevitlon to the use at mankind. Ail ct which Is but a prelude to the statement that composers may obtain renown on a single work; but greater eVAxUt mu<t be glvm to the man who can, year afli-r year, >wigtnate meloiLv rangtiiy from classic scores to rsg-dance music, from musical comedy to burlesque and brilliant ballads. .And so we must hand It to Leo VMwards, still a young ma;i_ 'vtth a Uwig m»nt of actual achleremcvit behind him and brilliant future—a future which iwoitiLses to'bring greater arhtrrenimts: for Mr. Vitwanls Is still far Inside the Ostler ’’thlongorm un-m’’ Hmlt. In the following Hat It will be niftesl that whole prmluetlons are listed, as well as IndlTldua] numbers, and de¬ spite the fa<-t that Tiie Blllltoani man urgtxl Mr. FdwanLs to include eserything he has written there ia a lliigt^ng belief that many numbers are mtsalng. -At all rs-ents, it will be liitereMlng for our readers to l<leiillfy herein sente <g the greatest hits tg the past Ust ne fifteen years. Titls is whst Mr. EdnanU admits hsTlng ssxtnnipllslust; ftuiibtam Sal—That’i AA'hat the Rstse Said to Me—If Ereiy Star AA'as a Uttle ITekanInnIe- In the ttavs of (Slrls and Beys -A'ou Gan’t Give Your Heart to Swneboity Else—This Reee llriiigs S4y Heart to You—AA’e’ye Had a losrely Time, !A> Isttig. Gooi1-Bye--l Just Game In To Say Hello—If They Ihin’t Stop Making Ttiem So Beautiful—Bring Back My Ikauile to Me-Prrtty Little AA'hIte House tg Ihir Own- .A.shea ig Hoses; Inspiration (Roruince), for rlolln and cello—It's You Since Uie AA’orld Hegsn AA'hm Y'ou l>rram of the Girl You Love—To Love You. Thst's Why I'm Llring—When the tinssi Itrsyes Turn to Gold—Noboib Ihws It IJke Y'ou Do^-Ghsri-A'srt (dsneed by Geby IKalvsl — TAss Muttli Trouiile IdsiH-esi by Rentanl (iraiiTille)—(Tterie KNime to Me) (sung by Jose (iolllns)—Waits of the Knee Isle d'Amour J’antomlme Music for Gst and Ganary and tVm and IVrrtte (dtncetl by AtleUlde and Hughes)—Incidental Music for The Mills (g the Gods ((eaiurrd by Ralph Heril—She fol¬ lowing musli-al pnslucihvis: Mutt and Jiff In I'anams. and In Mexico; Jesse Lasky's Traliieil Nurses; Broaklng Into Socteiy Iftaaimiig the Four kloitoits); Tlte Bchman Show; The Ltwe Makers; The Merry Wtilrl (srllh Uortisi and Mouc),

6 Xlie Billboerd SEPTEMBER 5, 1914,







M«w York City

AUiAMKKA (ub») MiiDK A Siiyiter R«<lf.>rd & WiiicUe»t»T Von T1Ie*t a Nonl Rd. Vinton A ItUHtvr iliiiti. Uirlianis Iviiiiuett l>«ro}' A Co.

OOlX)MAl. tuUo)

Conmv A Models Nit Wills Ceo. MacF'arUnd Sylvia Loyal A to. It Can Be Bone Fannie lirire Itancius Mata The I.anitdoiM Catalano A Delaney


Motorinit DeAiiftelia A Davenjtort Bobbie Oordone Loulae'a Monkey Cabaret Oolden Troui)e Felix A Barry ntrls Frederick A Venita Harry Carroll

BOVAL (uls>) Julia Curtia MclA'ilan A Carson Diamond A Brennan Farber Oirta Tnacano Bros. Crouch A Welch Mrs. Gene iluKhes A Co, BUdie Foy A Family Byan A Tierney

stab IIIITODBOME I Kitty Francia A Co. IJl**)

Firat Half: I Del Vlcchio Chanif)

A Co Hale A Hearty A .kd<llB

WII.I.ABD (JIAs) I First Half: i ItobiiiieMi'x Klephaiits {Diniiie Car Minstrels Diannind Beatrice A Co.

I Malone A .Malone Laat Half:

Kita Banzai Japs i>ei Vlcchio Champ

A Co. .Skipjier, Kennedy A

Beeves I'a II ton a .ttiiletes Maye A Addis

Allentown, pa.

'OBI’IIEL’M (ubo) Laat Half:

Al Hart A Ck>.

Altoona, Pa.

OBPHErM (ubo) First Half:

Itiley Wilson

Atlanta, Oa.

FDIl.SYTHE (ubo) Prince Floro Vaudiiioff A I.ooie Porter A Sullivan .Minnie llupree A Co.


Calvary, Can.

PA.NT.kGBS tm) leddy McNamara Titanic

Erie, Pa.

t'OLOXIAl. (ubo) Corelli A Gillette Nina Morris A Co. Stepp, GiHMlrlch A Klnit

Saunders A Von Kuntz Halien A Hunter Uoadeil Singers Ixickliart A l.e<ldy


Last Half: Ida Divlnoff Morris Cronin Kalmer A Brown Frank North A Co. Bulie Dickinson Fredericks Slemons

Sam Morton

' Ft. Worth, Tex.

MAJESTIC (Inter) '('hiiiko .Newkirk A Evans I Sisters If.ottie Williams A I'o. ileiNjA A Arnaman

iGwelit Welsh Male Singers

E'oster Ball A Co.

Will ItoKers D'ltrii li. Havel A Co. Bertha Kalicb A Co. Wliarry Io>wla guliitett

PAXT.tGI'ai (m) Jessie Shirley A Co. Julie King A Co. .May A kildutr Ixiuise DeFugie ITiree Flying Kays

Xemphia, Tenn.

OBPIIEl'.M lurtih) Ne|itune‘a Gardeu Herman TluilK'rg Chaa. Pelletier A Co. Dorothy .Meutlicr Hubert Dyer A Co. McMahon. Diamond

A Cleiueiice Eddie A Edith Adair


MAJESTIC ton>h) Beauty Is Skin Deep .McKay A Ardliie ImiHiff, Conn A Coreene Jas. Cullen Barry A Wolford SUar|i A Turek


OB PI I EC M (orph) J<». JetTenum A Co. The Ueitbeads Marie E'eiitou Will Oakland A Co. Kramer A -Morton The Seebacks Miller A Vincent Maleta Itonconl

MonUtal, Cxn.

A Co. Minnie Kaufman

Charleston, S. C.

VICTOBIA (ubo) Firat Half:

Merle’s Cockativ'is


KEITH'S (ubo) FTaiiKan A Edwards Sah>n Singers IS>rkin'a .Animals Charlotte Ruveuscroft The Brads Comfort A King


KEITH’S (ubo)

Grand Bapida, Mich.

I COLUMBIA (ubo) I Lane A O’lionnell {Brooka A Bowen I Fixing the E'urnace i Walter C. Kelly |Gi>or*ette ; Belle Onra j .Mendelsohn Four

BAMOXA PABK (ubo) 'The Bosaires Jas. A Ronnie Tlsirnton

I Empire Comedy Four

Orest Falla. Mont.

PAXT.AGES (m) Burns, Kilmer A Grady .? A’ EMwlu .Stevens A Co. Htwallana r-h— __ I work A Play

Maryland (ubo) _ iClaIre Rochester

Coney Island. H. T. 'Bert Melrose Chas. Wetter


HENDEKSON’S (ubo) Rollo A Ra|Hili Montgomery A M<>ore Nick Verges A Co. lielloen A Dii|iree Webb A Burns Valerie Itergere A Co.


AMEIUCAN ItlAs) First Half:

Brandon A Bnsell .. . I’layeml •’“'■ke A Harris

I.a wrence Johnson j X’elson Adams A Guhl Musical .Avolloa Bound’s Musical Maids!f»l»’wart Slaters A Four RIchanIa

I'arillo A Frabito Wheeler A Wilson Weston A Leon t’orio A DIuus Brandon Hurst A Helen Cannon

Billingt, Mont.

B.AIK'OCK (loew)

jcbas. Thomson I Bert lievy iMarhslI Monteomery ICsnis A Baiidall 'Wood A Wyde


KEITH’S (ubo) .\ngelo Patricolo

.Heath A Millership Roach A McCurdy

IPauttes Duo

I Dallas. Tex.

I -MaJE-STIC (Inter) W IV (MWW; -W A-se-i X a \aaaa We<lne«. A Thurs.) I'Maaon, Wilbur A

IW. 11. St. James A Co. i

- ay Ink A Boblnaon

Henry A Harrison Yes toff Trio

Hamilton. Can.

TEMPLE (ubo) Ideal Novelty Clintons Hope Vernon Smith, Cook A Brandon Lea<* Wallin Trio Jock Farrell Co.

I Harriiburg, Pa.

I ORPHEUM (ubo) .Alice DeGarmo

The Song Birds I Geo. W. Day A Co, ' Yvette I Howard A McCane

Escorts* Walker -Vnderson A Goiues "

Joelsn -'"”* r^kfll Joru*" ; Mystic Bird

Last Half: Davis A Matthews Hoyt A Warden McIntosh A Musical

* ^i•t(.v«lsam Ash * Chabot i Byron A Ltngdon

Birmingham. Ala.

; KEITH’S (uto) Milton A DeLoug

.Moralia Bros.

Denver, Col.

EMPREStS (loew) f arana Doo

Fred Ilildebraixlt Nichols-NelMin Troupe (JIAs) Firat Half:

Dana A Matthews Hoyt A Warden Mclnt.isb A Musical

Nana Jo^ Cook ^iierman. Van A Hyman'K>“kald Kilties iFour McNallys DValter Jamea


KEITH’S (ubo) Maid:i|scbool Playground

Bernard A Harrington 'Harry B<-resford ^ O;. Fn-d Hildohrandt "ay A Hilliard NIcbols-Xelson Troupe ' I'wo Margarets

Lnat Half: iSutton, McIntyre A Brandon A Riissi'll Sutton

Players llarraa Bros. Adams A Gnhl iFields A Warren l-kwrence JiSinaon IKveleen Dunmore Bound’s Musical .Maid*! We>«vi-« Four Richards Brooklyn

\f 4Jioot'i/» / 1.1, t I BCSHMICK (ubo)

B.aYAnZ iT"’ ‘ Claude * Fannie Cstier Rlinore Jr wiiiiain- Melville A Higgins

Wentworth, Vesta A

ORPHECM (orph) Trixie FYigaiua

|Corradini’a Animals John A Mae Burke

I Bums A Fulton Iciark A Verdi Ray Conlin

I Bertie Ford

Dos Moines. lx.

ORPHECM (orph)

I Billy McDermott

Hauaton, Tex.

MAJE.sTIC (inter) ll'rawleigh A Hunt jBi.v L. Boyce I tlcConnell A Mmpaoa i.tnna Miller A Co. I Frank Keenan A Co. ; Burns A Klasen jFour .Milos ___ ~


KEITH’S (ubo) j Blckel A Watson • Lawn Parly Jarvis A IlatTiaon Three Lyres The Turnem The Volunteers

I Grace I The Youngers

Jacksonville. Fla.

B•s>tlll•y A Eierdccii Burns A I yiiii



Bride Sho)i Max A .Mai el Ford Great Howard Chas. .Mack A Co. Mullen A t’lKigan Alexander Kids llaiiilltoii A Baniea leltel Trio Mme. Hermann


GKAND lutsi) Clark A McCullough Mack A Orth Bert FitxglbiHins l arle, W’llllaiiis A Co. luggling McBatia los.e O’Meers


KEITH’S iubo) "eklit’a M.i Meries Cowliojr Minstrels llawtlionie A Ingllt Kirk A Fogarty Ward Baker Marei'iia A Delton Bn>a loe Jackson )V.b.-r A IVWolfe

Portland, Oro.

EMPItlXS (kww) I Fun In the Bat ha ! Dick Delsirta j Burton, Hahn A ' Cantwell Warner A Palmer

: Neal A Earl Winning Widows OHPIIECM (ubo)

Robt. T. Haynes A Co. I OBPIIECM (on>h) -Mile. Martha A Sister Imiied Billy Bouncer , Kelsiier A Gores Jas. J. Morton ^AlexaiidiT A Scott Franklyn Arilell Co. |Tlie Beautii'S Boyle A Braxil

Mew Orleans, La.

ORPHECM (orphi Princess Rajan

( arlos Bros. I Boland A Holts

PANTAGra (m) I Fair Co-eds Cherlwr‘t’s"?Uuchurians String Chas. Howard A Co. Iki,„„ .i Mr. A Mrs. Hugh '»'‘tner, Ha.vnes A

Emmett .. . _ Montgomery

Hlinore A Wllllsms fonsul A Betty Conlin. Steele A Leo Zsrrell Trio John Geiger Borani A Xevara

MeVICKER’S (jlAsi Slayman Ali’s Arobs Wilson Bros. WIfey Holmes A Rllev Sallie Stembler A

- -- , ORPHECM (ubo) .Marga Del.aBnse Firat Half: I Australian jCoakley, Hanvey A I Woodchoppers| Dunlevv I Matthews, .Sbayne iLargay A Snee i A Co. Bruce DufTett A Co. !EI Rev Sisters j.ii».wiii. w;. Hill A Whittaker JaneaviUe, Wia. Woodman A IJvlngaton , OKts)

!Ward A Cnilen

Teddy Gallagher A Carlin .\iiielia Bingham

• I'hree Ellisons


Nine While Hussars Cp A Marbla

Hilda Hawthorne Marie .McFarland A



NATIONAL (JlAs) jVIcka Begonia (.eonard Kane Cushman .fc Welch

iJ<ie Bannister A Co. Olive Tr.o

■ Tung Foo i IbMisler Trio Stansaeld. Hall .V

Jeanette Adler A Gir’s Fitxsimmjns A Cau.en»n

Brother Devole Trio G.ddet A West R.>ht. T. Dalev A Co. Seven Dynamo. Ijimbert A Ball Bt^wii a- Jsrkson .truistroug A Clark

Bsrne's" A’^^Morrlson OranT Romalne

Wiiiisir McCav

TEMPI E (ubo) Meistersingers

'Hartman A Varadr ;Maxine lir'it. A Bothy! ' Orr A DeCosta ..tdli-r A .trline

^ Duluth, Minn.

ORPHECM (orph) .Swor A Mack

! Johnstown, Pa.

COLONIAL (ubo) Last Half:

Riley Wilson

Kansas City, Mo.

i EMPRE.SS (loew) I Todd Norda

, IRonalr A Ward Loi-n!i;e!MlnstreI Kiddies

Savoy A Brennan Three Harbya Jack Ellis A Co.

little Bock, Ark.

Violintky Nevlna A Erwo<sI Leitie A Jeanette

Norfolk. Va.

C0IX)XIAL (ubo) Firat Half:

Bond A Cass«'n Shirley Bates A Co. Hirschell llendler

Last Half: Eurico Kuby Raymond A Co.

Oakland. Cal.

ORPHECM (orph) Three Hickeys Matinee Girls Miller A Ijles Cole A Dentliy Hines A Fox

PA.NTAGES (m) Lion’s Bride Chas. Carter A Co. Eddie Howard A Co. Nadje ilellen A Burt

Ogden, Utah OKPDECM II.MWI Lut l^lf:

Paul Stephens

I Heras A Preston jChase A lATonr

' Regina. Can.

ORPHECM (orph) , Firat Half; iMa Divlnoff I Morr'a Cronin [Kalmer A Brown ifVsnk North A Co. ; Rube Dickinson l-'rederlcka Slemona

' A Co.

I Richmond. Va.

LYRIC (nbo)

St. Louis

COLOIBIA |on>h) Maclyii Arliuckle A t’o l>>rts Wilsou A Co. Dellaveii A .Vice Browu A ItiMtielle Hart’s .Six ste|i|>rri Kramer A Boss taklaiid Sisters

.Mexaiider Bros.

St. Paul

ORPHECM (orph) Harry Breen l.anclon l.ucler A Co. Elpliye .Snowden Me<-)iau’a Doga t’lias. Yule A Co. .Martin Vail Bergeu OWer A Ower

Salt Lake City

EMPUIXS (loew) Bosaire A Prevoat .kraistriHig A Mauley Boss A Fell Ion Players Kltiy Flyiiii -Majeslic Musical Four

OKPHECM (orph) Fieil Koniaii Henna u /.azelle A Co. Lai Mou Kim Chrystal Herne A Co. Ganlliier Trio Fraiwea D«-Grossart John Hlggint

Sin Antonio, Tex.

M.tJKSnc I Inter) Norttilsnr A Ward I-ellruu A Gels l-eoiiard Audereon A C<> Diero Nat Nazirro A Co. Mae West Pndle’s Ibiga

Szn Diego, Cai,

SAVOY tm) Chaa. Bellly A Co. Deliuore A l.e« Olive Briscoe Belle A Junes Fml Wuulward A Co.

SPREl’KEL’S lurph) Ward. Bell A Ward Palleiiberg’a Itears Ibouias A Hall Viule Daly Ed I la) .-a A Co

A Davies Eruette Aaorla A Co.

San Fmnclaco EMPKESS (blew)

IXe VaUkia A C*>. Murry Uvingslun A

I Stuart A Hall

li-ui-h Broo. Jones A JohnnoD

I Y runoe

Firat Half- ' ‘'“'’"ElM (orph) , Avv.n Comedy Four

r.nrico . _ ' Bynl Crowell Ruby Bjaymond A Co. Ii.mea A Sylvester

Frauk Wilson Last Half I Bond A Cassen 'Shirley Bates A Co. jHlnu hell llendler


, TEMPIE (ulen !oid Soblier Fiddlers Creasy A Dayne .Marie Doree

I Dupree A Dupree

|.\riio|d Daly A Co. ‘Waldemeer, Young A

I Frauds McGinn 'Merrill A Otto

PAMAGI-kt im) : l ad le Mu ball A Co. Itolly's D..1U

' Paris Green

McDernmtt A Wallace Three Hnldera

Tracey. Stone A Sienk I?*'**’ Three I eightona ' anOelil

Rayuo'f Dogs

I EMPRESS (loew) (Three Rrowniea , Estelle Rose j.trmstrong A Ford I Broadway Ix>ve

Between Tralna tValter Brower Gertie Carilale A Co. Mennettl A Sidelli

Omaha. Meb. ORPHECM tun>b)

Britt W(sid Kaufman Bros. Wrong From the Start I I’hey-Yan-Da Eugene Trio Hoyt’s Minstrels

i ORPHECM ton*) Corbett. Shep|.ard A , . oionday A Tuesday)

Donovan jrMteidilne Diinfee .Aileen Stanley

Ottawa. Can. 'Natalie A Ferrari DOMINION (ubo) Haywanl Stafford A Co

Ainsworth Arnold A Co. | Hess Sisters Iloey A Lee Well A Bundv

Sxn Jose, Cal.


C dliiu A Hart Six Water

Snattia |:MPUi..'<.s ihs-w)

Tiled Baiiilierg J.illy A Wild Allen Miller A Co. lolM* A M<m>u .tllee Hanson A Co. 'I hree .Mori Bros.

(lltPIIKCM (orphi Six Auierli'Bii Daueera Grant A Hoag Burkhart A White Harry Taiida llermlite Hh.iue A Co. Fluu A ITiiu Gormley A (affery

PANT.VGlbS (in) Kingdom of Dreams Cornell Corley A Co. Kelley A Catlln Early A I.alght Acme Four Gray A Peters

Sioux City, la. OUl’HECM (orphi

Ben Deidev A Co. Lit by A Barton Liw Barth Trovato The Uandalls Kimberly A Mobr Cartmell A ilarria

Spokane EMPUhiKS lloew)

M urtiby A Foley Sebriner A Kichar^la Itonialn A Orr Through the Skylight Nell McKinley McClure A Dolly

PANTAGllS im) Musical Juveniles \Vm. Shilling A Co. Belle T rb» Sllber A North Silvers Oakley

Stockton. Cal. ; yoSEMITE (orph)

(Wi-d. A Thnrs.) Joeephine Dunfee Aileen Stanley Natalie A Ferrari Hayward Stafford A Co. Hess Sisters Well A Bundy

Syraewaa. N. T. I GRAND tdhoi Jarrow Werner .Cmoras Tn'mi* Harry A. Ellis

Tacoma. Wash. KMPKi'UtS (loew)

Swan I aur'.e A .Clene Miller. Moore A

Gardner .trthur IleBoy, Faber

A Co. Aveling A Lloyd Neptune’s Nymphs

PAVT.CGIX tm) Night Hawks Wissl’a .\nlmali

, Rozella A Rotella Jo*^'®*igulnlan * Blcbardi

Palfrey, Barton A Brown

Toledo. 0.

KEITH’S iubo) D<>rlne A Williams lte*'d Bros. WillenstelD A Freeby DonXhy Iie.Schelle A Co.

Toronto, Cxn. SHEA’S (ulo)

SxcramentO Cal. ' i**^'^**,*?^ ^ Saturday) -Olympic Trio _ ijowpliliie Dunfee ■pliliie Dunfee

|.\llcen .Stanley I Natalie A Ferrari Ha) ward Stafford A C<> Hess Sisters Well A Bundy

Savannah, Oa.

I BIJOC (ubo) First Half:

litre Bros

I Laat Half: [Merle’s (ockabtos

I Scranton, Pa. IStLI lulioi

I Love In tile Suburbs

Juliet Jane Connellv A Co. Morton A .Custin Mr. A Mrs. V.wlker

A Ct*.

Dtlca. M. T. SHCBKBT (ubo)

Harold Bryan K<iehin’B, Athletic Girls Mtyo A'TulIy Perlera Sextette

Taaconver, B. C. IMPKItlAL (nn>b)

I Firat Half: iKttbryn Durkin

Sklntd.r a )ViiiH..r McCav « Msex I (two to Dill Pi , Kennedy A <’ninmliigs A Gladvings Bendlx Players ! Laat Half:

Fred nseet./^s Keevea Adelaide A Hugbee Gertrude Coghlan A Co. Delmar A Delmar ^ Harrison Demon" o,..

-MAJF_STIC (Interi Firvt Half:

David Walter's a Co.

iOorman Brroi. A Ixixdl ;Three RIondya [(two to (IIII

Laat Half


SHEA’S (ubo)

Fred Harrison Gruber A Kew FTtz^imipops ^ Cameron Phil TaTwka

Five OM S.ildlers ' u"s'hri*n Prsnconla Opera Tpoui« . Six Grecian Diving v j .

Nvmnhs Ar.lath A Co. .>ymphs ^

PAT.ACE (orph) w w * Oertmde Hoffman Butte, Hont. Everest’s HHipodr.'une EMPRESS (loew) Three Stindel pros. Montrose A Sydell


Irene A Bobby Smith Doolev A Rngel B'll Pmitt Alberte Rouget

jCaitt Bros. Wilson A Wllaon Morris A Beasley

;Kuth Powell

Mack A Ellis [Mnnihara A Irwin ■ Adair A Adair iAleo Trio

I Eaaton, Pa.

ORPHECM (ubo) Firat Half:

[Al Hart A Co.

! Edmontcgi, Osa.

I PASTAGES (m) (MInttrel Maids ■ Isabel Fletcher A CV). I Hugo I.ntgens Elwood A Snow

Mary Gray Hal A Prances Frank Morrell Venetian Four

Los Angeles j EMPRHB.S (loew) I .rlspe A Paul i Xjr% Copeland ; Ralton A laTonr ^Tbe Criminal ■ Burton A I.erner .Jackson Fkmily

ORPHECM (orph) Marie A Billy Hart Trana-Atlantlc Trio

Jl^eon A Adeline Slatera'Duffy A I.orenz


ROSE & CURTIS International Vaudeville Pro¬

ducers and Managers In Ainilatlan BTth

LONDON PASIt •WOLLMEIM, LU., 17 Cliariiif (rnoa Road JEAN CNASLOT, 2V Hue d’Argniirull


Booking with Brat claaa raudevllie Uteatrea and rlrflults In Amrrti-a, Rumpv, Australia and South Amrrlra. Including prwlurilniui and clrruars.



SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Xtie Oillboard





SEVENTH AVENUE HOTEL. (Tnclnnitl, cur. 7th iixl Vine HU. lint end cnid

riiiiiilnt »»trr KelM, 75c to tl 50. Hoerdal low rttre to the iMuFcaeluii. Tub wid eiiower hethe.


Half block Oruid ll|N-ra llotiac. ntre to the thratiicei pturnelon. T. A. HHAHIIKAR. Ih^ip



KANSAS CITY, IVfO. • It E. Wh street—CloM te ell Tkeatret.

75 Riaou. ell Mtxliini Oeireiilrticta.

WITHOUT BATH— Hliifle .tl.M Itouble. l-S*

WITH BATH— Sliifle .tl SO iHiubla.. 1.00

Mack it Walker J'H* A I>*w t'tMf[»er Stau Staiilcjr Trb. Kranit-r A I'attihou \rt Itcatitirul ( tiaa. Alicarn A Co.

OUl’ilKIM il.Hw) I aypo A IScuJaiiitn Kva IViuf -Mr. A .Mra. Uare

Kl« VM Irwin A Ilerzoa .Hen. KraiicU Miirpliy Ibjra Ih'aiie A fo. ,

I'ANTAUKS tun ICthel l».i\l, A UilU Kinir. 'rintriitfin A t‘u. I'liesler Klngalou T' or A Arnold Miller, I'ai'ker A Selz

Victoria. B. C. I*.\\r.\<;KS im)

I’oiijr A Co. Wlliacli A I’oore t'<»'ifan A I ox iIIIImtI a tllrard laive A Wilbur

VIlTOItlA (orph) Laat Half;

Katlirjru Iiurkin Mack A \VaIker Joe A I.ew Ccx»i>er Stan .Stanley Trio


rni-11 -ini ic^r^nfT^i



y 300 CHECKS FOR $2.00 [ Olf mimbsrsd. 50c. sdditionsi

VOUt MiM IR ooRtro of diock la 3 Ssokt. ORO-to-lMf Vory ttroRf MROt Mtrsr* Sin

Q of chocfc S'aS'a iR*. StHk CMvoiiioiitly t n ofTORtoS far carrylac farwarS Saaetitt aad p I bolaaca* Saat pottMld ORywaaro la ttw I UMtaS Statat ta racalft at arica WrHa I alalaty. slTtaf yaar aaata. tawa. aad Stata; n aiaa carract caraorata aaaw a( yo«r Saak, p D wits taani aad Stata. If anftrrad. wa caa p

taraiaS tba tartar, ttaadard-aln cSack


a B. F. OWEN & CO.. Printers fl Est 1857 READING. PA. f! 1*—ini "II ini-II - --ini—*1

Comedy Scripts Tabloids


“rte prnrm durability of the Taylor XX Trunk nr<.l not be dwelt upon. HuflMnil

«!>•» It fomtm ua to the TATUm XX STANDARD In reery way. Juai out and •elllni with our nVR yMr Qt'AIU.VnaE

Hmd fnr (WlaloatM aad RookleL

C. A. TAYLOR TRURX WORKS, M I. Raadalak St..

Chlaaaa. IIL III W. ttth SL. Naw VwS. N. V.

Kriiner A 1‘attiann Aet Beautiful t'liia. Aliearn A Co.


KKiril'.S (ubO) Leon A r u. SerKt. ItaKby Ryan A I ee Two ('arltoiiH Kay Samuels FVItz A Lucy Ilrncb A'l.r.iii; Vlartitis Ldw'iii tleorKe

Wilminaton, Del.

'JAKItlCK lultoi DiiFor Trio Uriinroae F.tur

Winnipeg. Can.

OKI'llKIM (urpbi 1 'H-kett A Waldrou f lanile flolden Mieire A IJttlefleld .Salraggia 'Vtilte A Jason Three»es Lydell. Rogers A I.ydell

I'A STAG ELS (m) I nnder .Sterena A Co. Rruce RIcliardson A Co. York Trio Urince A Deerie Togan A Genera


LAST HALF BILLS Scptenilver 3-5

Parodies Alao aood. anappy HonologiMa. Onaa-Sra Patlar. Thraa of tach now ready, tl M raeti. Tablotda ran tntm fifty atlnutta to an hour and a Quarter. Omi- aalaalona for aprdal maurlal ondanakro at raaaou- abla prVwa.



Theatrical Costumes NEW AND SECOND-HAND. FOR SALE.

lowest priesa Wl|s and Make up. I>etn4t'a iwpular Ihealtical tenter

■ OSTON COSTUME PARLOR. IIS Orallef ’<>e.. aaar Brutk.


If yau aae It la Tka Slllbaard. tell tkaik H.

New York City.

AMKKICAN (loew) Three Kida f'nmi

.Sch >ol VVallat-e A Hatfield Criterion Trio I <s>nard A I.oule Mayor I.ew Shank (four to fill)

• ForLKVARD (l.>ew» Harry Knae r >wer of Meksly

I four to mil

IlKI.ANtiFlY ST (loev) I e.( Be*'ra

Gypsy Connteat , .\ulo Bandit Buell A Shapiro

Kdith Kayniond A Co. • three to fill)

GRBKLKY SQ. (loew), Billy Quirk

Hichmond A Mann

Gw-ynn A Goaaette Murray Itennetle Chnj. I.edegar • three to fill)

I INt'Til X SQ. (loew) Henry Prey

• amille BersonI A Co.

• '■"•k A Kothert t'rawford A Broderick Stewart A Pakin

N.VTIONAI, (loew)

Owen Wright TahiW A Green

Psmmer A Britchard The Buorb Chaa. Harlan A (o. • «oe to fill)

ORPHEI M <K<ew) Gertrude Cogart

Andera<ui A Y>ans Y'ive Merry Youngat I'srnea A Rohinaon When It Strikes Home

.VIiNdt A. Brooks Pune<iin Puo

SKVKVTH AVE. • loew) •

PeinIng A Co.

Nina Payne Cs-‘aar RItoH

Green A Parker Savoys A Co.

• one to fill)


OKIMIFI M •loew) Virginia Horami Kaiueror A Howland B'lg Jim I w«ter Trio Ifcs- Will Parla

Hugh Lkod A Co. • two to fill)

ST JAMES (l.ww) J->e Kelsey

Frg,.itl A I Lliputians When tVe •.row I'p

Kenny A ll.tllla • two to mil

Brooklyn I'lJtH' •’.tewl

Harry EncBsh it Co.

■Vrno A Stickney Pave Y'

English Bonv Ballet • throe to fill)

COH'MBIV (Uw-w) Page ,V Newton P.stry Maids • thr.-.' I., mi)

FFI.TtlN iIh-w) Ibdaphon.*

williams ,v Parrell Making Gisal

Frank M^illane Psncln - Kenntxivs • one to mil

I IBERTY (loew )

Betwe<-n Klzhf .A \ln • four to Jill)

SIHBERT (loewi Jack -Vlliiian

Pire .Viiatin .k t'o. Hartley ,1 IV,'an /••’ Telegraph Fenir IVoIgasi A •ilrlle lotie to mi)

sCineinnati EMBRF-SS (l.vew)

• full w.>ek) A;ix>r.M A Volvey

.Mrrtslltli A Suooiar

YMsano A Bingham Sidelights Cabaret Trio -Vlvln A Kenny


Tbe Kennedy^ Holale-aiix A Jackson Tim I^iwbir Ingrain A F..x Rotinaon'a poga A



MH.ES ib’ea I •'full week)

PlXon A Pixon Warner A Corbett Chaa. I.eonanl FTeite" Cameron. Pevitt A Co. Nichols Slaters Wanda

Detroit M H-Fs 11 ew I

(full week) IVaale's Cockatoos Pe Lisle A Vernon TTiree Lorettas I Wa McMillan A Co. Brady A Mahoney Cilwarda Bros.

Fall River. Mass.

* .VCDEMY (loew) Great Johnson

• two to mi) Oram). Bapidt. Kieh.

EMPRESS (loewi Golden A \Ve«t Sallle .stembler A

B.-otlier Holmes A Kiley Wide Wilson Bros. Sla.vman -Alt's Anbs

Hartford. Conn.

BAI ACE .Blisse s P.>gs

Five Merry Kid* He. She and a Piano Kernan. Walters .v ^ Ke^^,.tn Ptinbar A Tnrner Poll'* Minstrels

Hoboken. N. J.

LYRIC iWw) • irey of the Pawn AYel Eastman • three to fill)

Kilwankea CRYSTAL (1.4-w)

(full week) Blanche Leslie PatiiiMla A'* Polain Bnw. Earl .A < tirtia Gray .A Graham SclHsd Pays

Ktnneapolis I NIQFE <1,h‘w)

• full we<-k) Carmen's Minstrels Grace Ib-WInters Rvan. Richfield .A ('o Harr.v Tlhmison

'■'vcllng McNutta

New Rcchelle. N, Y I HEW S (loew i

Pavl.t Kalikoa Rival IVt<>ctlves • one to fill)

Palisade. N. J. balisape bark

(Uh'W) (full WIM'k)

Grs-at llobb'n Veil ( <,||.>

Thr<>«‘ Renards (one to fill)


' (loew) McGinnis Bisw. t <s>k >A .Stevens Io«e in a Sanitariiiui Reckleiss Trio (two to fill)

Toronto. Can. VHNGE ST. (Uiow l

(full week) Ed F'.wtl's Review C. .A M. Cleveland Rouble Sims K E Xltve A Co. IVImore A Light (three to till)

Men’s 12 Size Thin Model Watch, 17 Jewels, AOJUSTEO. ILUNOIS. RLCIN, HAMPOEN or ^

WALTMAkfi movement. Warranted accurate. Finest gold strata case,guaranti-ed 25 years;

«igr*Te<J. eagine turned or plain polished. V

Special Sale Prlca, %tS.9S. mT Eiffhty percent of all men's Watches atild ^ ,

\\ today are these neat Thin Mod**la. Give us S Ad. J \ m your name and address and we will send M Afs V \myou thia splendid If-Jewel Adjo^ted B rpa \ ■ Watch, all charges prepaid, ao you can ■ La g

II Wear it 30 Days Free I II $2.00 a Month mlg;. mm If not satisfled, return at our expense, Ta*

mm Thosw DIamofid Mnso are the fa>^ 5 Mm moij3 Ir-.ftis "Pt-rfection’'O-preng 14k solid ^

Ktr.vwt Lur»* white diamonds. \ TKRmS : (.>T»e-ftnh down, balance di-^^a

^^^vuled into Hiifht e^uai amounts, paysblo monthly.^^ ritefor free of Dtamonas, Watebee. Jewelry

LOmS BROS. B CO.* Natwaal Cndil Jewders ^^Dept. ooh 100 to 108 N. State St., Chicago, ^ MereealMiat PITTSBURGH; i5T. LOUI.S; OMAHA.

\L1 • J s A MUSICAL COMEDY Wanted, at Unce people Piano player, producer, tango dancers, musical act' also, wanted for 20-in-1 show, freaks and pit show attractions. Wmter’s work to the right people. Ad¬ dress at once, W. H. S.MITH, Angola, Ind., care of Westcott Shows, this week; Toledo, Ohio, week Sept- 7; after that, permanent address, No. 859 \V. Htith St., Chicago, Ill.

At Liberty after Oct. 15y 1914 AN ADDED ATTRACTION FOR BURLESQUE

Prineess Warnetta in classical dances, featuring the Hula-Hula Dance. .\d- dress all mail: S. MOONEY, .Mgr., care The Billboard, Cin¬ cinnati, Ohio.

Stock and Musical Managers Before closing vour contract for this season get in touch with THE HOOKER* IlOHE COSTtME CO.. Haverhill. Mass.

WANTED—TRAP DRUMMER For balance of samiaer sra-von and winter season; Comet for B. A O. FOR &4LE—A 70-ft., with 40-ft. middle. Ib-fL wall. BiarsuFe, In chafing saidu, $100.(i# takes It. One .Sleex>eT, 65-ft., 4 staterooms, all besldlng, aiivl .heels. In fine shspe. pass on any road. $1,500.00. One Baggage Car, 65 feet, steel wheels, with kitchen and .lining room and berths, range, dishes. $700.00; a bargain; pass on any road. DICKEY A TERRY, Manafers Tarry’a Usefa Tmi'i Cabia C., Otata. la., Sept. 3; La Rnr. Mias., Sapt. 4; Sprinf Vallay, Mina,. Sapt. 5; StewartvBla. Miap,. Sapt. 7; Piaa Island, Minn., Sapt. 8; Zumbrota, Minn., Sapt. 9; Goodhue, Minn., Sept. I>; Rnd Wlnt, Mian., Snpl. H; Cannon Falla, Minn., Sapt. 12._


Stock Companies and < Musical Comedies ‘‘BOX OFFICE ATTRACTIONS”





FOR^-° F. P. McCann’s Cowboy-Girl Co. Rand Artnm, Clarinet. Plano to double band or stage. Strong Oomet najer. double stage; Good Specialty Man that can act and ikMible bass drum: Fid. Man, band and stage. have music for orchestra. All must >4n on wire. Address EMIL KLUBER, Mpr., Cottpawaod. Mian., Sept. 7.




Hand Sewing Machine with Shuttle THE ACTRESS’ FRIEND

Can be cerried In A hand ba^ or trunk. I>o« all the work of a larfe Ba$4*ln«.. Priot, $6.^0.


Agents wanted. Big money-maker for Fair WoriKVS.

Wanted, for Alabama Minstrels, No. 2 YMII a,-Ung Company and Band. Want ilusldans that double. Want Band Leader and Stage Dlrw-tor that • rr ri'lUMe. Thane mho htre written me, write tttaln. ThU will b« a lmx>-rar show. Two big. long cars. E. H. JONES. Manager. Geaeral Delivery, SI. Lnole. Mo. Show ogiens Sivlember 14^_

HOTEL NEW YORK 22 W. 60th STREET (Near Columbu*! Clrcitf), NEW YORK

single roott. coay and warm. $4 per week up. double reom. 15 per wert up; room with iwlyaie bath, $8 per week up; parlor, bedroom and bath, $10.50 per wertt up; running hot and oc^d witer; road beds; teleiwww# In every room; also electric light; excellent •errlce; r^auranl atta<4ied; home cooking; prloea reasonable t'atertng to tha theatrical profeaslon. New manignncnL Telephone, 10241 CMumbua_


HOTEL CARLETON State, Archer aag Tweetleth Streett, CHICAGO, ILL.

R. U JACOBTp PretKIent: JACK N. CX>OK. 51anager. Flneet locailoti In tbe ten mlnutee fr^ aU theatrra. AU Urge, airy and tunny rooma. Ttrlort for ladle* and genllemen H** of Alhambra Blppodrome for rehf«rmai$ abeoJutely free to gueata. $4 a week and upwards. Over 400 rooma to aelert from. Attractlra monthly rates to the profeaaioo. HesdQUtrtera for TsudertUe. bur- Over 400 rooma to aeleet fr leaque. drnu and eamiral.


8 X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5. 1914.

Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire New York Palace

(Reviewed Mcnday Matinee, Auk- 31')

New V'lrk. AuK. ;il. Sylxeeter Si-liaffer's o|>eiiiii»; In Aiiierieau vatnievi.le was uiarkeU by

eapueitv biisiiiesn Munilay aft<'rii<s>u. Tlie aiidi-

entv was iarkely itiii'is Ke<| uf patrons ii"t usual

ly stM-ii In tile urebestra au.l Is'xes at tills beautiful iiuUH<>. Tliat Ss'liaffer bail ilrawu large ly r.'uoi th- (le<'in:iu element was uotloeable when tlie lioarsi S^Iig pictures were on to o|>eu tbe show. I'lctiires of tbe I.eiprlg, (lermau gun¬ boat, were neir«* luudly applauded than pictures of tin- Krltlsb army witU King Ceorge as an added attraction. KIve vainlevllle numtiers tx>u-

atituted tbe Urst half of tbe sl.ow. Scbatfer giv¬ ing tbe wliole of tbe program after recess.

No. 1—llearst Sellg pictures, including sonie

foreign and rbiniestic militant scenes. No. 2--l>ainly Marie really oiiem-d tbe sbow,

and scored mlglitily. Her iMsaiitiful work on web ami rings was a|>|>recii(ted. and siie got a young (ycbmr of a|>plause fur ber neck spins as an emaire. Kiftis^n minutes

No. 3—Lyons and Yiuh’o did isit work In ac¬ cord with ti.eir usual stamiard, and did n>>t go as well as usual. They badly need songs, wlietber they are paid to sing them or not, tbeir Is-st liked selection lieing K< se of Italy, which tits Into tbeir style of act. Kifteen min¬ utes.

No. 4—llorlick's f>.\iHiy liaucers were the tlrst

real riot of tbe show. They came over with Hylvestor Schaffer's tsimpany. Tlielr dancing rkiM ly appruai-bes marvelous and tliey weie ap¬ plauded bi the echo.

No. S—Ilert Fitagibbons, with the first com- e«ly of the afternoon, cleaned up. He was pan-rnl with Ills patter and profited accordingly. Far his finish Sliapiro-Iteniiteiii & Co. sent

over a quintette of male singers to parade the alsb-s, while they sang Tlie Land of My Best

Oirl, and we-e s<i greatly -ippreiiated that tbe amlience deniniidod the corking go<d si’ng over ami over again.

No. 0—Montgomery and Moore followed up tbe laughing start Fitzgiblsuis gave tlie audi¬ ence, niid closed the first half with tumultous acclaim, Florence .Mrsrre working like a vixen and bringing home every laugh she went after.

No. 7—Sylvester Schaffer started the last half at 4:to, and finished tbe sbow in Jost one hour lapsed time. He eliminated cme whole number, the pantomimic and acrobatic comblna- tinn from the program be gave when first ap¬

pearing here at the Forty-fouitb Street Theater. He added a moving picture of a bull fight, and ' in many minor detalla placed his performance practicall.v different than be originally bad it. Coin and card manipulations, painting In oil, Jai>aD<-se juggling, haute ecole, dog training, markamanrbip, violin playing, heavy joggling and his finsl sitotheosls constitnted hts rou¬ tine. The audience had applause for all of his

numbers, but picked out his horse and dog train¬

ing fur tlielr most eiithuslsptlc applause, bis vbdin playing al<o coming in for atrung ap¬ proval. Half an bour after he started persons In the andlente began leaving in small numbers,

and thereafter somebedy was on the move to¬ ward the exist .all the time. However, there was DO m.arked exodus and he held his audience fairly we'I to the end. Suiely he Is a mar- veloiislv verssti'e man. but the conviction or¬ iginally received by this Interviewer tliat be undertakes too much and <if necet-sit? in making changes and shifting scenes draws out bis rou¬ tine to an extent far beyojid tl c limits of com¬ plete emlurance. The Talsce management have billed him near and far with laviah ex|iendlture, and If there are nossibilities of making his num¬ ber fu’ly 'daptable to American vaudeville use, the Palace management and the personal in¬ terest of F. F. Albee may be depended upon to magnify this fairly successful start into bet¬ ter revolts as the engagement pngresses.—


Hammerstein’s (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Aug. 31.)

New York, Aug. 31.—The show as presented

this afternoon can onl.v be classid as fair en- tainnieiit. Corse Payton and Company, this week’s feature. In Taming ^our Wife, managed to gattier a few snickers, as the vehicle has been

playid for many seasons, making the comedf reminiscent.

No. 1—Flying LaMars, one man, one woman,

ex*-cuted some difflcult feats on the trapeze and

won much applause at the conclusion of their turn. Nine minutes, full stage, one bow.

No. 2—Steiner and Swayue, one man, one w<>man, offered pop. singing, piano and violin


XEIIN’ s MAKE-UR S SOLD evp:r\whfri:


playing. This pair will iMwItively give liettcr |H-rforiiiaiii-<-K throughout the w»-ck than they d'd this artcniiHiii. as they ap|>eared quite nervous, Klevcii iiiiiiiites. in one, tw<i Ihiws.

No. 3- Norman Tcima wutorteil hiiiisclf in a fashion that was truly marvelous. He em¬

ploys a billiard taldc, oii nblidi most of bis

feats «crc actsuiipbsUcd. He was excellently

rci-elvcil. F.ight minutes, iu three, two bows. No. -4 -tlraiv HeMar liu|iroved HXi is-r »s-iit

since her last showing at this house. Her voice, IHTsonality and wardrolic are tiig faetors in her aiiiiislng presentation. P<sir Pauline, written around Tlie Perils of Pauline pictures, was ex¬ cellently delivered. 7'he victrola nuiulH-r also

aideil iu putting her over to a solid hit, wbioli she truly deservtsl. Eleven minutes, iu one, f.iiir Isiws.

No. ."i—Jis- Keiio, formerly Keno and tlreen.

and Miss .Mayne preseiitid practically the same

act that was iis<hI by Keno and titeen. Miss Mayiie is a idiariuing little lady and fe<l her partner In an artistic manner. The duo sang

and dancixl to the delight of all. scoring one of the hits of the hill. Seventeen minutes, open in four, ebsie In <ine. six Isiws. two en<-ores.

No. 6- Willard Simms, assisted b.v Margarlte Lueleii, in that always laurbable comeily classic.

Flinders' Furnished Flat. This act has been on view- for tbe past ten years, and it wlil live as

long ss vaudeville exists. Twenty-three min¬ utes; oiieu in three, close In one; three cur¬ tains.

No. 7—Dorothy slid Madeline Cameron, sec¬ ond week, intnsluced claseic dances that were

hevtlly appreclateil. Ton minutes, open In one with a song and short dance; close full

I stage, three bows.

No. 8—Bison City Quartette starte<l at a rapid gait, which coiitiniieil thnsigliout the running of their act. Their singin: and comeily were reall.v worth while. Fourteen minutes In

full; si>eeial drops; one eurtain.


No. 9—When the -Angelus Is Ringing, sung by Billy Hyiiii. aeeomiianiisl b.v motion pictures. Gooil song, well reiidereil. E'glit minutes; <»ne eneore.

No. 10—Oorse Payton and Company, Including Minna Philli|>s, Itagmer Is-tnett and Bobby IJvingston, did as well as ennld he ex|>ected under the eircuuistaiices. scoring three eurtains

at the finish. Beventeen minutes in three.

No. 11—iFred Duprez is one of Amerirs's fore most momdgistw. His style and delivery are true blue. He bad his listeners convulsed in

langhter, espeeially when he delivered his bur¬ lesque drsma. Every line of this is worked to perfection, and Pnprez desarves much creillt for his earnest endeavors, scoring solidly next to closing. Nineteen minutes in one. two bows.

No. 12—Nick’s Six Roller Skating Cirls formed many pretty pictures while on ridlers. It la one of tbe best of Its kind In present

day vaudeville. Tbe girls were not sore of the flooring, but did extremely well nnd.-r tbe cir- cnmstances. Ten minutes, fall stage; beantifnl apeeial set.

No. IS—Comedy Motion pictures, fourteen minntes.

Length of sbow, three hours and ten minutes. Boslness good.—JACK.

Orpheuniy Brooklyn (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Aug. SI.)

New Y'ork, .4ug. 31.—Large floral offerings adonie<I tbe lobby of Keith’s Orpbeum at its opening perfcrmance of the season in honor of its now manager, Frank A. Girard, who some ten years ago commenced bis services for this bouse as card boy. An especially pretty piece was presented him by Lonla Relnbard’s orches¬ tra. representing a ladder, tbe various rungs

of which denoted the several positiODS be baa held, being marked card boy, usher, assistant

treasurer, treiturer and manager. Mark Na¬ than, formerly of tbe Palace, now occupies Gi¬

rard's former position as treasurer. Tbe snow presented <. strong comedy bill with Mercedes, Fann) Brice and Franklyn Ardell and Company, ea tbe beadiinera.

No. 1—Rayno’a collection of bull dogs proved

a strcvig opener, through clever acrobatics and a foot ball game among tbe dogs, made a bit

with tbe audience. Tbe act ia qnite different from tbe uaual, and offers meny bnmoroiia Inci¬ dents. Right minntes, full stage.

No. 2—Parillo and Fabritn, Italian street singers, pleated from tbe start with their offer¬

ing, and kept tbe audience in good humor. Their and' songs were well put over and received deserved applause. One bow, eleven minutes, in one.

No. .3—Tbe Sully Family, three men and two women, presented a laughable sketch and got

plenty of comedy out of the set. The various memliers of the family took good care of the

work entrusted to them, and the come<llaD is a

nut that jnst makes them laugh. S -me clever

daieing was one of tlie festtires of the set. Fnll stage, special sets. Nineteen minutes.

No. 4—Diamond and Brennan, in Nifty Non¬

sense, toi'k a little time to get started, but

KiMiii made up iiiaiiily through clever work on the part of Janies Diam"Ud, wlH>iie comics reg

‘Ktereil. sixteen luiuntea, in one, two uowa N '. —Fr.iiiklyu .krdell and I'ompany, con

tinned to k’s-p the tudieiu-e la-ighing with Uirir piem-iitHth'ii, Tl'.e Suffragette, and tlie a|>eech

liy 4r\lvll scor-tl a hit- Tlie act was aoconled a

Ktroiig hand at the finish. Eleieu minutes, in fu'l st'ige.


No. C—Edwin Ce^irge and Tlie Talkative Jug¬ gler. kept tho ■iidlonce atitter with bis hum¬ orous remarks and burlesque juggling, although he had to work hard, due to tlie previous ar- rry *.f con eili.aiis. Thirteen minutes. In one.

No. 7—.Mer eiles m.vstified the audience with Ids reiiiarkalde oxliibition. and bad them ask Ing "How (pies he do it?” The songs his part¬

ner p'aye.l were wide and varied in age and de

vriptioii. and the act was put over wltliuul one ml-s. Tliirty nilniites. Ir three.

No S—Fannie Brice took the audlein-e by storm with her foi'lery and w'ugs, and again starteii the zu lienee laughing. Tlie crown de- uiandei’i more of tier, but after five bows she left the stage. Ten minutes. In one.

No. 14— llenriette IteSerris and Company of¬

fered a high-elass posing act. which reeelveil appreciative applause. The .kngelus. reproducnl after Millet’s oelelirstel painting, ptoved the big applause proeiirer of the group of eight p-'ses. Several of tlie pos»»s represent tieautifnl

paintings with effective back grounds, and the entire act is one of the best of its kind. Flf- ti-en miniiti's, in full stage.

Tlie pictures closed the sN w.—GRID.

Alhambra, New V ork (Reviewed Mendsy Matinee, Aug. 81.)

New York. .Vug. 31.—Outside of the fact that It was half an hour late iu getting started and Bell Roiierts did not get all his cui's for the iiiiisic, the show ran sm'iothly on its oi>ening [lerforinaiK-e. Only in file boxes were tliere

vaeant chairs, aiel very few at that. No. 1—laiToy Brothers, pantomimista, opened

tlie show at S'.A'i. Tbe boys have a neat art. and rerelv<-d much apfilanse. Open seven min¬ utes interior, close four minutes in one.

No. 2—Saranoff, billed as the Gypsy idyl,

played three classical selections and popular airs on the violin. The music publishers were well

represi-iited at this aftemonn’s performsnee, and. thanks to their efforts. Baranoff was called back

I for an encore, assisted by a woman in a lower box. He ofieiis eeven minntes In three, clows four miniiti-s in one. four bow«.

No. 3—Collins and Hart started things going in third position and brought d >wn the house, as usual. Tbeir offering runs ten mlnstes. open¬

ing in one, closing full stage; three well-earnsd bows.

No. 4—Melville and Higgins, in rutting On Airs, tbe same sketch that proved so siwi-essfiil last season, were well received. Miss Melville

has a new character song tbit pokes consider able fun it Bobby, but it does not get over very well. Twenty minntes in one, tvro calls.

No. 5—Joseph Ssntley, assisted by the Mliwes

Ruth Randall and Josephine Koroell, eVsied tbe first half. The art is the same as baa bei-n playing around New York for several weeks, ex e<-pt that Mias Randall doe* a dance in a bso skirt e>istiinie. wtiicb does not permit of mnch

grace and mikes her otherwise dainty move ments se<-m quite awkward. The set require* twenty minutes; three bows.


No. 6—Ryan and TIreney had a boat of friends in tbe bonae this afterD<s>a and were

heartily welcomed. Their song number* are new and scored a hit. Tlie rhap at the piano is

about tbe speediest key manlpnlitor the re¬ viewer has teen. Fifteen mioates in one, tlx call*.

No. 7—Charles E. Evsna, in Wm. A. Brady’s late aoccets, It Can’t Be Done, was one of the best liked acta on tbe bill. The setting la very realistic and shows tbe rear platform of

an obaervation car traveling swiftly over tbe rails. There are three chararters—a man, a woman and a Pnllman condnetor. Tbe art was prodoced at tbe Princess Theater, New York,

last year, and was then an Immediate bit. In vandevllle it conatitntei an excellent medinm and scored anbatantUlly. Mr. Evans is excellent In the character of tbe man, and Is ably sup- porte-1 by Mabel Frenyear and Alexander Carle- ton. Twenty mlniites, three calls.

No. 8—Anna Chandler became real peeved when the orchestra leader failed to play to her liking, and there were others b<-a|dea The Billboard man who were able to diaeern by the

movement of ber lips what she thought of him. Miss Chandler offer* five songs, receiving four calls and one eneore. Eighteen miontes In one.

No. 9- Beinx Arts, with Biirdells Patterson as tbe shapely poser, held tbe indlenee in their seats for nine minntes, receiving two calls at

the eonciosion of ber artistic performance.—

, BI’DD.

Majestic, Chicago (Revtowed Monday Matinee, Aug. 31.)

Ohlcxgi'. .4ug. 31.—With a ilouble-bsrreled headliner Iu Richani Carle and Hattie Wllllama,

and a bill that has witlilu it the pick of varlet.v talent on one side, and old Sol raising havoc uu the utlier, the attendance of the Majeatic on

Monday afternoon fell off a llltle compared with this s.xmc time Isst week. Rut those thst were there Monday will advertise what a won derful bill Chicago’s beat has, and Mr. Man at tlie box office will be kept busy supplying tbe

demand for seats the balance of this week, it

was hard to pick a winner In tbe matinee prv>- grant, no many of the artists exiting amid show-era of applause.

No. 1—pathe’s two reel festure. War of tlie

IJIIiliutians. proved very Interentliia.

No. 2—Alexander Brothers, who have claimed the title, “M'orld’s Greataat Ball Bouncers.”

should have no fear of anyone treading too cluae nir-u tbeir heels. Their juggling and bouncing ruiitlue Is handled wonderfully, and not one mistake was chalked against them on the afternoon |>erformaDcr. They make an ex¬ cellent starter for this week’s wonderful pro¬ gram. Nine minutes, full stage.

No. 3—Ellen Orr, with a voice that could t>e easily distinguished to tbe last row In tbe or¬

chestra. and the furthest seat in tlie gallery, sang popular numbers and a few- ballads. Her best wvirk Is seen when she rendered ber con- veption of tbe prims donna number from Tbe Enchantress. She displayed twv> wonderful gowns. Harry DeCosta, at tlie piano, rendered a solo of mixed numbers ending with Kubelik's masterpiece in its projier form and In rag. Well 4Cc?pte<1 by the entire bouse. Fifteen ininutea, in one.

No. 4- If borne fashion is oar slogan now,

Nellie Ibim-gan presented the feminine fashion foibvwers with creation in gowns that stirred many to commentt. AH of her creatloos are of a Kreuchy a|>|>earance, and Miss Iloneran's dressy tastes seemed- to win half tbe battle for them at tbe Monday matinee. Earle Reynold*, with the asslstani'e of Mias Donegan, danced all aorta of steps on roller skatea, from tbe cake¬

walk to our latest erase, and throughoat tbeir entire routine they received gratifying applanse.

Nine minates, fnll stage.

So. 5—IMny Ilnotlng and Coriooe Francis,

in a langb-dellverlng skit, nndcr tbe title, A Love liozengcr, brought the first real laugba of the afternoon. Miss Francis' bit on tbe banjo and Hanting's wooden-sboe dame made an ex- reptlonally good finisb. FvMirtren minates in one.

No. 9—Alfred Bergen fell heir, this week, to

the bit mevlal, and be deserved it. Ilia bari¬ tone voice and bit artistic manner In render¬

ing selectlona are bis two valuable aaaeta. Ilia re|iertuire for tbe matinee conalsted of Ilahn’i Invlctos, Mother Machree, Prologue to Pagllacci, Annie I-aurle, and a few Irish airs. Ills efforts

met with thanderoos applanse, forcing him to accept nine bows. He received eirellent as¬ sistance from a beantifnl lady pianist. Seven¬ teen mlnate* In one.

.Vo. 7—HIcbard Carle and Hattie Williams, presented by Charles Frofaroan, acted Barrie*’ A Slice of life. 'One thing we do know I* that the Majestic’s headliners could not have aq<ilpp*-d themselvea with a more appropriate vehicle. Their chance at comedy is plentiful, and both take advantage of this. The offering rreateil laughter galore. A novelty finish, taking their

bow* from behind a green shade held in tbe hands of the artists, added a bit more comedy. Henry Norman, In tbe role of the bntler, proved

a valuable addition. SeveDteen minute*, fnll stage.

No. 8—41eorge McKay and Ottle Ardine may

hnve bad a bard opot, tint they cared not. tieorge’s confidence and hi* ability as a co- meillan, assisted by a beantifnl partner, whose danriiig ability Is as valuable an asset as George’s comedy, simply wadnl In withont hesitation, and, np nnlll the time they ren- dernl With a Ib-antlful Girl I4ke Yon, they

had tbeir andlrnee with them. 'Tbry wer*


LEE LASH STUDIOS Productions—Stock & Vaudeville

30B to 316 Eist 48tli Striet BrtMitiway Ofriccg, LniiR Acre Bltlif.


SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Ttie Billboard to a<-<-p|il nvi> Itowi. Klslite<>o mluutrii

III ou«- auit Him-. tf- TUr TlirM* Travllla Hrotliara ami

«lirlr (llTliig at-aU provnl au (itTprliig tliat rail

tx- taigmi H^at'bolilrra. Tlir au<llru<'« rruiaiiieil

uulll tlic couolualon of tlir art. Katliig umlrr water ami other a<|Uatir feata are olTereil bjr the Itrotbera, amt tb'eu <luplli-ate<] by the eeala. It i-arrleii Intereat tbrouKhout ami waa ile-

lightfully eutertalnlnK. Klx luliiutea, fall atage; |

klierlal aceuery.—IIAItKY.

Chicago Palau; (KeTiewad Monday Matinee, Aug. 11.)

Cblrago, Aug. 31.—Tlie bill at the i'alare tbU week cootatna aoiue ex<-e|>tloiMil talelit ami good akrtrbea, loeluiliiig a (ilaylet preaenteil by WII- Itaui A. Itraily. a aketrb In wUleb aeta Maclyu .trburkle, of Notaaty laivea a F'at Man fame. In

what la aald to be hia latt a|>|>earaii<-e lu vaude-

rllle, and laat of the |irograiii, but not the leaat, la Alfred Itrowlakey'a tralueil eliluiiianzee,

Konieo the Creat. Xo. 1—Tbe Iteeil Hrothera, bllleil aa preaent-

liig the eoi-eutrlc waiter. The Nuttleat of the Nut, bare an art that rangea from waiter to traprie jierformer. They uae the uaiial niutlne of work, gaining applauae when one doea a

atauding half turn, ratrhlng hiniaelf with hla feet in tboae of Ida brother'a, wlio la hanging from the tiar. <)|H‘n one, .rl<Me full atagr;

twelre mlnutea. No. 2—The Kll Str|>|iera. preai-ntnl by Mil

Hart, two ladiea* and four men, gained the audi- riii-e from the atart and carried through to a double-barreled Unlab. The nuniliera iti<-lude<l

drilla, cloga and buck, doling with a nrutine, of Tarleil dancing fur tbe entire all, whirb

brought • atorm of applauae. Twelve iiilnutea

In one. I No. 8 —Beauty la Only Skin Heep. a p’ayiet

by Kllaabetb Jordan, preaented by tVlIIlaiii .t. |

Brady, and which marka hla entrance Into vaudeville, la the atory of the efforta <!t the

wife of a aelf made man to retain hU love. lie haa lieen elerteil to t'oiigreaa and ah.- fe»-U that he la aaliameil and tired of her. lu her en-

deavora to liohl him and onat tin- tiren. whom abe thioka la the canae of the tr<Mible, alie la willing to go to any lengtha In the iM-autlfying pro<-eaa and winda up by renting the entip- beauty parlor. ratlxM and fun Interming e. ami fur twenty-live mlnutea tbe au-llenre alternately laugh at her blundera and grieve at her aor- rowa. Kull atace.

No. 4— Martelle, female imperaonalor, U

about aa near a coni|ietlt»r aa any in hla dl- Tlaioo to Julian Kltluge. Wlien Martelle ap¬ peared at tbe Columbia aorne time ago with a

burleeqne troupe he made a eolid Impreaaion.

Ile duplicated thia feat today with a hlgher- claaa audience, proving conclnalvely that he la

eligible to remain la tbe ranka of blgb-ctaae vaudeTllle. I

No. 8—fttepp, Goodrich and King, billed aa | offering their own original Ideaa In mnaic. | comedy and aong, made tbe aecond aolld Im- pmaloa of tbe aft- mono. One at the piano, one with a banjo, and tbe third ainging. make *'

a trio that la hard to l-eat. The ckwing waa a e|ot and forced them to reapond to an encore TTielr burlesque on Stalvatlon Nell almost started ' It all over ncaln. FViurteen mlnutea. I

No. •- Maclyn Arbuckle, aaalate<l by Prank '

Dale. Evelyn Welding and J. II. Mack, presents a one-act play, entitled Tbe Reform Candidate, la whlcTi tbe reformer la ref.irmed by tbe boss !

politician and nrnt home with hla wife to sin Do more. It la full sf altnatlona for g.sHi act- I lag. and these are taken advantage of. eaiteclal- I ly by Mr Arbuckle. As a political toss, he la | a crook and cheerfully admits It. but despises i the hypocrlsr of the would be reformer. Twen ty four minutes, full stage.

No. 7—Tharlle IVIIaven' and Frcldie Nice offer a series of simga and dances that are | novel and entertaining. Two dances at<s>d o<it far ab-vve the rest of their offering, and these

were In the dbatie of a cane and tango f.silt-d

monkeywn-nch, the latter Intermingled with new and old stei>s. Rounds of applause were ac- | corded them Ten .minutes. |n one. I

No. S—.\lfred lirowlakey, acknowh-dged a* the greatest of all ai>e trainers. Intnsluce<l to the Windy City folks his new monkey, Romeo The Great. In this animal I>ro«-|skejr has at¬ tained the liest )M<ss|ble lA-ar human actor he could hare secured, and he baa trained him In

a routine of marvelous tricks, some of which he formerly employeil with hts other chlmpan- reea, but they are accomplished In an easier

manner, which only go further In stamping Romeo as the greatest aspirant to the hon.vrs

that Darwin placed upon their race. Righteen mlnutea, full stage.—WALTER.

McVicker’s. Chicago (Rsylswed Monday Matinee, Aug. 81.)

Chicago, ,\ug. .H.—The same old story—It |a

u-e|esa to say anything else McVicker’s was

paekcil to the ilo ir, w ith the large lot hr full of

anxious tmlp-ns to see ttie secou,| |terformance,

which was one of the yery best that we have

hail the pleasure of reviewing f-ir some time.

The entin- show was g.vsi. es|>eciall.v the fea¬

tures of the Ijm-w road show, and If there are

any particular hoiiora, iswalbly the Nelsou Tmu|»e


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Ma-scaro, all colors. 25 Bleniling Powder, ^ lb. cans. 2 5 Miuscarillo, all colors. 50 Cold Cream. Spirit Cum. with bru-sh. 15 ^ ‘'ans..50 and 30 1 lb. and 4 lb. cans. .50 and 30

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Send for Catalog, List of Dealers from Coast

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Chas. Meyer {Est. 1868), 103 W. 13th St., New York


*>f spinners, manlpulat-ms and jugglers were

entitleil t<‘ aanie by a siieill margin.

No. 1—^Ilie Nel'-ui Tr'iiii'c, Hve men, niiiler

file inaiMgi'iiient of Walter Nelson. Nevi-r be¬

fore liax such a tlirilliiig act of this des<-rlpti--n

lieen x-eii ill (’liieiigo. One of the features was

one man Juggling seven lus-ps and keeping them

all in the air. Heretofore it has lieen con-

sidereil In p-ss juggling that six objects were

shout tile limit. One of these wiasrrts of Jug¬

glery rolled a li-sip twlee around the stage, and

the hoop, as if it was aiiiiiiated, ran Into a

little tent or tepee, tSie opening of which was

not over eighteen inches. Truly marvelous i>er-

for-iianee. Nine mlnstes, full stage.

No. o—The Two two men, with harp

and violin, executed classic music, ami pleasi-d

ininensely. Fourteen minutes. In one.

No. .1 —Hoyte and Wardell, two men. One of

the t>air, a former newspaper man. did the

straight for the eoinediaii. wliose dialect is so

is-rfeet that iiu st of the jicoide thought he was

really an Italian. Fp to this stage of the hill

Kiey were tile laughing hit of tbe show. Eleven

laimites, in one.

No. 4--.|.>rdan and Stanley, a clever comedian

and a go<Ml jdano player, entertained very nicely

for thirte«-n minutes, in one.

No. .'i -Fred HilUirand entertained twelve

minutes with his s >ngs, dancing ami monologue.

No. ♦> -Robins.iiTs F.lephants, which were re-

v'ewed at the ojiening of the American Theater,

need no further eomiiieiit. To say that tliey

iiai'e gis'd is oiil.v repeating what the press hss

said ill almost every part of America.

No. 7—Bernard and Harrington, lady and

gentleman, in a sketeli. entitled Family Troubles.

.\II tile eoiiiplieated family mix-ups that could

|H«sihly is- rsuieeiveil were brought about in

their fifteen minutes of tnnihles. Of course, it

all ended Is-antifiill.v.

No. R—'file Six .S<«-iet.v Dancers, under the

man ig-uiient and gui-lanee of John Forgety, an

oM fliieagi) favorite, intr-Hliieed some really

m-w f*-atures in society dancing. Anytliing

that borderml on the suggestive was entirely

eliminated, and tlie act was Just what their

hillTig demites. sis-lety dancing. .Among their

leading iVam-e nunils-rs was the <!I«w Worm,

■wlili'li was beautiful and ini|s>sing. Fourteen

minutes, full stage.

No. b—McIntosh and Ills Musical laiddies

were the rVwing feature of the big bill, and It

may well be said that they pressed the Nelsons

pretty close for first place. Their costumes are

of the native Scotch, and they did Scotch dances

in an excellent manner. One little lady became

a favorite through her clever manner in execut¬

ing the sword dance. Their singing and musical

renditions were well rei-eiveil. Fifteen minutes,

full stage.- ( HARI.ET.

Colonial, Chicago (Reviewed Monday Matinee, Aug. HI.)

Chicago, Ang. 31.—The opening WII at tbe Colonial was very meritorious and one that baa been selected with exceptional care. The head¬ liners were the Royal Imperial Pekinese Troupe.

No. 1—Suneby and Marshall, black faced co- mediena and song and dance artists. RIeven

minntes. In one. No. 2—A very sweet voiced little girl. In

animated songs. Interspersed with moving pi*-

ture. Right minntes, in one.

No. 3—The Five Bennett Sisters, a quintette of stidetic maidens. In a mixed program of sparring, bag-pnnchlng and Greco-Roman wrest¬

ling. Very good Indeed. Twelve minutes, full


No. 4—I^eora Vennett, comedienne. In songs.

Eleven minutes. In one.

No. 5—Delveochio Champ and Company, In a comedy sketch of cvdlege life, entitled Fired From Yale, which was laughable throughout.

Sixteen minutes, full stage.

No. 6—Hanley and Smith, two lioya, in a singing and dancing act. were passanle.

Twelve minutes, in one. No. 7—Mrae. Vlcka Begonia, a high class artist. In a iH>ti>ourri of ballads and <.|)er.ttic selections. Twelve minutes, full stage.

No. S—Maliel and Kane offer a alngtug 'Ud talking novelty of the laughing kind. Kane Is a Hebrew com.>dian ami supplied the ma¬ terial for the majority of the lauglis. He re¬

ceived excellent support from his straight part¬ ner. Sixteen minutes, in one.

No. 9—The big feature of the splendid bill was the Royal Imperial Peklrese Troui>e of

Japanese magicians In soiree magique par ex¬ cellence Twenty-two minutes, full stage.

No. 10—Three Lester Brotliers. comedy acro¬ bats, made a sterling flnlsb. Eight minutes,

full stage.—CTIABLEY.

The team of Geyer and Deloria will open f.>r Giis Sun September 14. after a season at Chea¬ ter I’ark. fineinnati. Ib'hiris offers a slight-of- hanil ami Illusion turn, and Geyer does eiullib-

rlst work.


10 X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

THE BILLBOARD’S SONG HINTS li«* vuKur of dancing, tbat ha» done (*o much I

nrreaae the fortune of J. W. Stern & Co. «■ ■ | ^ • j , .a D a. C * a.!. a 1 ng the past year, ' Tlie Houae of Hits” is IxCII&DIC bUlQC tO ttlC tj08t OOllgS 111 ttlC ^AiAlOgS g in still stronger for music of esiieolal c ,t q l_1* >al to dancing acts of all sorts. For sue- Ol ttlC Dig A UDllSllCrS ors to their phenomenal hits, Nl;:ht of _ Iness, love's Melody, The Castle Walk . . . . ' rice Hesitation and la Kumha Tango, this SPECIAL NOTICE—If you Can IdeoUfy yoursclf as a professional by •rpruing Brm is launching, among their letterhead, card or program (when unknown to the publishers), professional [‘Ity dance offerings for stage and ballroom copies will be mailed by the various publishers—but to PROFESSION.ALS

Ui-i4i Fado, the sensation of Paris before ONLY. Kindly mention The Billboard as your sourt'e of Information. The '

times; Marigny tP*^"*^ Cami.era). Old Billboard can not Undertake to supply requests for professional copies. Write «ead^owbr<H.k and publishers DIRECT.

oliiMi Fox Trots; Tlie V lad Tango, Intre

FMl by the world s greatest tangolst \lad; IX)NG a.5 THE WORl.P OOFS 'ROCND (Harry Von Tilaer. 32r. W. Forly-thlnl street, esolana, an Argentine waltz, otakl Ta-iao, York City).—^High-class ballad, far above the average, with a linish that will ahow capabilitlea hlnese one-step, and society's newest craze; of gnv artist tbat will give it a hearing. azonla (Polka Breslllenne); Isln-Tsln, m YOi: .\RE THE .ST.Ml OF MY LIKE (J. 11. Mlnnlck. 14.« Broadway, New York City).—I.'ght sually clever comimsltion a la-Tao and song tbat will gain attention. A young single woman could make the refrain a^i attraftlve

. ... . that the song would go over strong. m-se one step, with originality expreasel WHAT A WOXDERFIT. LOVE THAT WOCl.n BE (Harry Von TlUer, iaC5 W. Forty third every note. The reigning o|>eratic success, street. New York City).—One of the cutest of double a<'niB with great opportunities Bir goisl I, trot and waltz; likewiae the two big singers to regUtet a hit. Opening of song is girl and boy conversation style, flalshiiig with '

"ri.« 11-1.1.1 ..e ,1.. w. .1.1 If- 0.1... ...... pronounced melody chorus that will make a lasting Impression. from The Whirl of the World—My Cle..patra 1;VT:UYTHIM; KEMINHS ME (F. B. Havllaiid. Strand Theater Bldg.. New York City).—

I and Ragtime Arabian Night*—will con- Good dreamy ballad dnisbing with the iiever-falliiig march time refrain. A tong that will make le to be featured. Surely with this bounti- Its mark.

atore of material Joa W Stern & Co HEART OF THE CITY niAT HAS NO HEART (Daly Mnslc Co.. 14.'i W. Forty- aiore or maieriai joa. >i ntern « co. street. New York Cltv).—|)«-serlptive ballad with goial chorus and effective flnlih. Suited

e a busy season ahead of them. Leader'. the best voices and the la*st of arts. cera and pianists. In laying out a classy I WONBER WHO'S NEXT IN YOT'R HE.VRT (Chas. K. Harris. 701 Seventh avenue. New gram neeil only to refer to the ratalog-io '‘'tk Cltyi.—Just off the press. Latest Chas. K. Harris composition; ai>peallng to every class of

■"File House of Hits ” fnim which they lover and fitteil iiartlcularly to the nse of single women. Strongly rec-jmmended by Song

r ot.tain a selection of snceessea that can NIGHT TIME DOWN IN Brur.FNDY (J. H. Rembk & Co.. o-Jl W. Pony sixth street, fail to delight their patnms. New York Cltyi.—This season's ballad leader in the always prolltlc and excellent Uemick

_ __ catalog. Beaiitifnl melody with chorus particularly effective. Good voicea will get splendid re- srtvn WTM-Tfi wairT-fi a wv-r suits; easv range.

mans MAixtls a nii. IgIVE'S MEMIDY U. W. Stem & Co.. l<i« W. Thirty-eighth street. New Yo'k City).—W> - sre s<i liriiily convinced of the merits of tills song that oiir re<-ommendatlon Is unreservisl. The

lew York, .tug. 29.—Careful Imjulry among prettiest of "'hesitation'' music liears bi-autiful lyrics and any act that can use a beautiful bal- miislc Dulillstiera of New Y<>rk nroves tlcit lad will l>e di'liglited witli its effect u|--n an andleiici*.

inLe.,1 r M nt ^ME ttLD tiAKKN BfCKET WITH LOVE (Manrlce Richmond \V, W. Forty- r Billboard a Innovation, Song Hints, has York Cltv).—Great song for donides. carrving a strain of the good old *>ng ade gcssl" in the for wliicli it was that la meiitioneil lu its title. Girl and b.iy acts, ••iH.nch'' acts ami iiuartets will find the number

invaliisble. IF 'I'H.tT'S YOFR IDEA OF A WONDEUFI L TIME (Waters..n. Berlin * Sn.vder. Strand

Theater Bldg.. New York City).—C.aiiedy song tliat is a real "conilc.” Witty lyrics along orig¬ inal lines and a theme that brings a laiigb with almost every phrase. Effective for either men or women singles; useful for doubles.

KITTY MacK.tY lEdgar .s«*lden. l.VKi Broadwa.v. New Yo"k City).—Written by the leading man of the original Kilty MacKay Company. Beautiful Scotch ballad with melodloua score and sensllile "love'' lylcs. Novelty theme and new this season.

I C.VN'T BELIEVE YOF I/>VE ME (Maurice Abrahams. 1570 Broadway. New York (^ty). —Given voice, dramatic abllitv and the gift of handling a really g<Ni<| ballad effectively, me-i and women will have a great single numlM-r If they get this. Excellent double version for male and female.

C.VLIFORNU -VNI) YOF (Kalmer & Puck. 1.52 W. Forty-fifth street. New Yo-k City).— This song Is fnllilling early promise; it Is gaining vogue and is winning on merits as a leml- ballad of strong apio-al. The leader of this branch of "the music trust.”

POOR P.KTTJNE (Will Von Tllzer. 14.*> W. Forty-Ufth street. New York City).—Comic based on tlie moving pli-tnre serial. Perils of Pauline. Ray Samuels Is getting great audience resulti; Doc O'Neill introilnceil it to Brooklyn this week. Fresh from the |iress. Oackerlack c'mlc.

.\LON(i C.VME HFTH (Waterson. Berlin A Snyder. Strand TTieater Bldg.. New York City). —Mighty pretty song, both In wo-ds and lyrics. Great chance for some pretty “hnslness" If nse,l by man and two women trios. likewise great for tabloid numbers, the mate leading; business with any numlter of girls.

THE L-VND OF TIIE G-IRL I I/>VE (Shapiro. Bernstein & Co., 224 W. Forty-seventh street. New York City).—War ballad without bullets. Just out. Carries strain of The Watch on the Rhine as Hs chorus theme. Editor of Song Hints makes personal recommendation of Its merits' as a ballad suited to men who have even ordinary abilities.

WHILE THE RIVER OF I»VE F1a)WS ON (Witmark A Sons, 144 W. Thirty-seventh street. New York CTlty).—Ernest Ball's latest masterpiece—and he haa written acores of great ballads. Carried over from last season to make the hit of Lambert and Ball's act this week at Hammer- stein’s. Superlative ballad; a strong boost for any act that uses It.

WHEN YOF WERE A CHILD (F. A. Mills. 721 Seventh avenue. New York City).—We are strong for this GIU>ert Muir novelty song. Highly recommended for man and woman doublet. Adapted to costuming as the feature number of any act It will lit. It’s new and on a new tbeme. Doubles better get It while it's still a novelty.

shadow of the RL.kHNEY STONE (Metropolis Music Co.. 14.5 W. Fortydlfth street. New York City).—Tbe title tells all about the subject; one of those Irish ballads that never grow old. Those who used River Shannon will find thia a fitting aiiccessor

WITHIN THE I-AW (Daly Music On.. 14fi W. Fo»-ty-41fth street. New York nty).—flood song on a bright, up-to-date subject. This will make a wonderful applause winner for comedians who slug. To this type of act we conrniend If.

WINTER GARDEN GIRL (Daly Music Co., 14n W. Forty-fifth street. New York City).— Bright, snappy melody; lyrlct right up to date. Qulck-slnglng aketch acta ahould hurry thia new one Into their act.

IN LOVE’S G.\RDEN (Waterson. Berlin A Snyder. Strand Theater Bldg., New York City).— Glllisple and Osborne, two of our best-known song writers, have combined their talenta In aome- thlng really classy in the way of a waits song. It la brilliant enough for tbe best prtma donnaa, assuring great resnita.

bick home some one waits for me Chicago. Ang. 29._The Things That Count,


Why Feel Blue! When You Can Sing


New 5’ork, Aug. 29.—That they have faith

In the vogue of dancing, that has done so much to increase the fortune of J. W. Stern A Co.

daring the past I’ear, "Tlie House of Hits” is going In still stronger for music of es|>eclal apiieal to dancing acts of all sorts. For suc¬ cessors to their phenomenal hits. Night of Gladness, love's Melody, The Castle Walk Maurice llealtation and 1a Rumba Tango, tb'.s enterpriaing Arm la launching, among tbclr novelty dance offerings for stage and ballroom use. lo-lAi-Fado, tbe sensation of Paris before wartimes; Marigny (Poesii Cami>era), Old

Folks Rag, Ballin' tbe Jack. Meadowbrook and Carolina Fox Trots; Tlie Vlad Tango, Intri- du<-ei1 by the world’s greatest tangoist. Vlad; Veneiolana, an Argentine waltz; Otaki Ta-Tao, a Chinese one-step, and society’s newest craze;

Amazonia (Polka Breslllenne); Isln-Tsln, an nnususlly clever comiHisitlon, a la-Tao and Chlni-se onestep, with originality expressed in every note. The reigning o|>eratic success, 8arl, trot and waltz; likewiae the tso bl.; hits from The Whirl of the World—My Cleopatra Girl and Ragtime Arabian Night*—will con¬ tinue to be featured. Burely with this bounti- fnl store of material Joa. M'. Stern A Co. have a busy season ahead of them. Lesder-. dancers and pianists. In laying out a classy program, neeil only to refer to the catalog-io of "Tlie House of Hits,” fnim which they

may ofitain a selection of successes that can not fail to delight their patrons.


Nea- York, .4ug. 29.—Careful Inquiry among the music publishers of New 5’ork proves that Tbe Billboard's Innovation, Song Hints, bus “made giKMl" in the for wbicli it was Intended, Pi ifesslonal singers, who do nut get to tl l*ig centers of "music fashion”— New York and Chicago—are depending upon It, as well tliey may, as a reliable guide t> tlie iM-st songs from the various catalogues Song Hints Is compileil liy a lady nbo was, nntil a few years ago, a professional singer herself. She Is an eilucateil musician and knows the musical value of a song as well as she is aide to Judge Its re<|uisttes for use lu Tarlous <t. les of vaudeville acts. Tlie depart¬

ment Is aiiiirtalned strictly Hi>on merit, and the suggestions are made In perfect goo<1 faith, si an Impartial guide to tlmse whose route keeps them away from tbe big towns. The puh- litliers are wise men; they refuse to (111 re¬

quests for an.vone hut professionals known to them, or wlio can Identify themselve* by card, program or letterhead. Tbe professional copy

"grafter” or the "curloos” readers get po response, and The Billboard makes every effort to discourage those who sre not legiti¬ mately entitled to courtesies. Our friends ar-* mentioning The Billboard, and we appreciate It.


New York, Aug. 29.—When friends of Joe Hollander read In a pnblioation circnlated almost exclusively In New York that he waa conllned to a local hospital they grieved, for Joe la a mighty popnlar chap, and Justly to But It's all right, and Ben Bornsteln. general

manager of Harry 5'on Tllzer's music business, says so. Joe ts not sick and hasn't been, and is still (after twelve years) one of tbe most active and Industrious boosters for tbe Harry Von Tllzer catalogue there is on the payroll.


■ mith, and published by Miller A Jefferson, of

P'ds city. Is making great headway through tbe Middle West. Tbe publishing firm Is tending all its efforts to bring the song to a quick head. As Doris Miller says: "We think we hsve tbe prettiest song pnblisbed since the day* of The Sands of the Desert.”


The following paragraphs are printed In re¬ sponse to Inquiries from readers of The Bill¬ board. We are als'aya glad to furnitb Infor¬ mation whenever It it possible.

R. N., Todd Show—Don't Go Away It pub¬ lished by Harry Von Tllzer, 12.5 W. Forty-Ofth itreet: Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold,

by Witmark & Sons, 144 W. Thlrty-aeventh


"JFST A GIRL LIKE YOF.” the great hesitation wait* song. Some of the acta using these numbers; Fluhrer and Fluhrer, Amirlcan Harmony Four, Hanlon and Wells, Ben Kramer, Flomir* Leon. Billy Ballrtt. Jean

O. Connor, Gretdien 5'onbergen. McCaaltn Slsteri. Neeley and WllUame, May Ruaaell, Smylle Bisters, and many others. Cbftlea to profesMonal tlngcrs free, others lOe.

MAX A. PAWLICZEK, 3SS Lyell A-venue, Roctiester, N. Y.

street; both addresses Nes- York City. We think Witmark A Sons also publish the two Irish songs you ask about. We don't kuow the luitilisher or In Twilight 'Diwn.

We never recommend any of tbe several "song iiublisbkng” firms who aiHeq-tlae for

amateur patronage. Tbe fact that The ItlL- iHiard will not carry the advertising of ques¬ tionable firms should be warning enough lu our readers. (Inquiry from Gpelousai, Ia.)

Fbeckers —Two songa (ballads) on the Euri- pean war illuatton have Juat been published — The lAud of the Girl 1 liove (Shapiro, Bern- stelu A Co., 2J4 W. Forty-seventh street), an I Alsace-liorraine (F. A. Mlllt, 721 Seventh ave¬ nue); lioth addresses New Y'ork City.


Chicago, .Ciig. 29.—Ben Bornsteln, general

maiMger of the Harry Von Tllzer Music I*ub- Ilshlng Company, retnmed last Saturday to New York City. He s|>ent a week In Chicago going over the Western situation with hla Chicago represi-ntatlve, A1 Bielan.


New York, .\ug. '.*9.—Frltzl Sclieff, having

signeil with Oliver Morosco as star of Pretty Miss Smith, arrangements are under way t<>

bring ber Into New York aNmt September 15

for an engagement, probably at the Casino. I.eo Feist will publish tbe music of tbe new

prisluctlon. The Girl From I’tah, successfull.v lauurhe<l

at the Knickertxx'ker by Chas. Frohman, with Julia Samlerson. Donald Brian and Joe Caw- thorn trliiV stars, will have It* special num¬ bers piibllslieil by Chappell A <o., wlio deal largely in iq>eratlc and priRluctlon music.

M. tVitniark A Sons will be the publishers of tbe music of lAdy Luxury, which Is now In re¬

hearsal for a tour under the direction of Freit

C. Whitney. Retda Jobna<vn Young and Wm. A. SchriHsIer are co|lab<irators, Mi*s 5'imng

having iM-en hitherto successful as a book

writer for Naughty Marietta.


New York. Aug. 29.—We lately read th"

solemn announcement in another theatrical paper that Charles K. Harris was keeping a secret from hla manager, Me.ver Cohen. I Wonder Who's Next in Your Heart was the secret, and It’s out—in professional copy form

It la the last-minute romposltlon (words sad music) by tbe seemingly Inexhaustible Cbas- K. Harris, and is in ballad form, espcciaUy suited to the use of ssomen singers who ba«e

' even average voices. The words and moalc will make up for a coxisiderable sliortMe of native talent in tbe singer, as the sentiment is

decent and tbe maslr extremely effective. You saw It first In Tbe Billboard.


New York, Aur. 29.—Anna Chandlerrhas tlie ability to pick g<Hid songs, as has been prevl- onsly stateil In Tbe Billboard, and the fact tbat she has, according to tbe J. R. MInnIck Co., selected tbclr song, Sammy's First Na¬ tional Bank, to use in ber act at tbe Alhambra next week, w-ouid be taken as evidence tbat this clever girl continues to depend more up m a song for Its merits than any other consid¬ eration.


Papa's Baby Boy, la the title of tbe musical play which will lie Klaw A Krlanger's first

big production of the new season at the New Amsterdam Theater. The libretto for tbe piece was provideil by Harry B. Smith, while Ivan Caryll la to supply the music. Papa's Baby boy is expectcil to toddle Into Oie New Amster¬

dam Theater thing about the first week in October,


New York, Aug. 20.—In the excitement of ^ publishing an account of Arthur Penn's recent ' arrest by Post Office offlcisis, two Ne»' York I dallies brought down upon themsidves the uti-

fileasantness of a suit each, for libel. The

trouble came liecauac the Christian name of

William waa Inserted where Arthur's should have been, and as William haa never been

I’m a little old in a little old town and I’ve got a little old wing that you can use to advantage in your little old act:

A If IF I AA A Alll K'YC von a ropv Got another little old song. Ever heard HE 0 MY TRAVEL Nb MAN r,/:;r r tango moon • ‘ MY ROSE OF MEXICO”? ^ ■■■ ■ ■ M W ■■■■■■« Us got Ui# "Pep" of a Il'U lift the nut off any act.

_ Itrcsdnsuflit.

WORSHA.IVI, Xlic PuDlIslicp, Henderson, Hy.

U’l got tt)« '‘Prp** of a X>r«)44iiauffht.

I SEPTEMBER 5. 1914. T ti e Billboard



THE be:st ballad hit




1433 Broadway.

A beautiful, sentimental song that Tlir T 111 ^1 will live for a long time to come, I H p I U I M owing to its high-class merits. IIIIb llllll


■ rreatetl for «ny •ort of In offrMe, he it I IT HIT rtfhteoutly iDdliniut. WlUl.m Btndolph LLADIllU 1111 lJU

lletrtt printed a ttatement that he wat aorry; but whether The Erenlnc Jiall did Ukewite It V#I

nut ptwlliteljr known.



Chlftlto. Auf 20.—When the Ilurkhardt-Hall-

(olllnt new tuutlral c»«je,ljr. One <Jlrl In a

MlllloD. oi-eni next week at the Ijl Salle Thea¬ ter. many new' and catchy tonga will be heard.

Among lliem are: I Want a Care Man; The

Kutterfly and the Hee; The Hoeing Picture

Ball; In the Olden Golden I-ong Ago; Herman, the Miglc Man; The Crinoline Girl, and many



Chicago. Ang 27. —Kglwrt Van AUtyne. well-

known aong writer, aaaumed the management of the Jepnroe H. Remlck offlceu here latt week,

aucceedlng Billy Thompaon. Billy Thompaon will take entire charge of

the Weat for the Tell Taylor Miialc Publlahlng Co. He manage,! the ioi-al Hemlck oOlcea here

for the paat eight jeara.


Chicago. Aug 27.—Peggy rr.m Panama la

the lateat a<mg to be laaue,! by the Cralg-Ellla Music I'ubllahing Co. The words are hy Roger A. Graham ami the mualc hy May Olleette Hill.

The firm will hereafter be known at the Crtlg-

Elllt Music Puhllahlrg Co.


Chicago. Aug. 27.—i..e local offl.-et of the F.

A. Mllla Publishing offices closed Ht doors last week. Its ttalf la arranging with local flrmt

for piwItloDs.


Marie Wright, of Columbus. O., who sing* at the rarlou* parka In the elclulty of Oolumhu*.

acored a big hit. recently, with Tell Me. Pear Old Moon. Will My Dream Come True, the new

song number put out by the M.tgbee Music Co.,

of Coinroho*. 4. Frank Mlaer report* hi* ballad. Sweet

Memoiiea, to be a big aucceaa. J. E. Mlnntck Oo., of New York City, are the pubUshert.


New York. \ug. 27.—Adrlce* hare been re celred from I.om1on that Shirley Kellogg la aerloualy ||| In that city and Its* but a fair

chant'e of recorery. She wa* operated on laat Satiirilay Mlaa Kellogg, wlm gained fame over here by ainging Ic ZIegfeld FVdllea, ha* recently

been a famrlte In the revue* at the Hippodrome In l/>nilon. of which her huabaml, Alt>ert de

t>iurvHIe. I* the director.


New York. Aug. 2». Complying with an order of Surrogate Oohalwn, George W. Y’oung, banker,

through hi* attorney, .weaterday flleil the or Iglnxl will of hU wife. Mile. Lillian N'Tdlca.

who dliMl on May 10, at Ilatarla, Java. Itobeit s ll'ilihvln. one of the executor* name,l

by Mine. Xonllci. demandcl that the original will lie flUd. It- preaenfeit a copy of the In-

atniniriit with hi* re<jue*t tlait Young he eom- l>el|ed to die the orlglnvl. which the ainger ex¬

ecuted on J«nii«ry 10 laat, while ahe wa* In a hoapital on Thnnolay laland With the ex¬

ception of a be.|iieat of fio ooo to her accretwry

and acconipanlat, and one of $.%,0<10 to her maid,



NEW YORK CITY BT It is being accepted by singers

M I rapidly, as it invites many en-

ll I cores. Dealers, get it now.

_31g& S. State Street, CHICAGO

LEADING HIT Son^ of the Lost • J Now being .sold by

Girl, title Here lilCl

Catherine Winters “iss singers; p'ayedby

€% tbe leading musicians on the streets, in the theatre, in the homes. mTO L If everybody wants it, why not you? Our word for it, you want it;

our money behind it when you get it; if not more than pleased we -- ... -w a. J -Vy AA AgVFV AAIV/IV t 11UI 1 11 CAOL Cl TY L

w dl refund your money. Singers, dealers, canvassers, get a copy and you will be con¬ vinced. The publishers pay a percent on all sales of this song into the search fund to help find this lovely lost girl. Believe us, you want it.

GORBETT BROS., - 2014 S. lOth St., New Castle, Ind.



BY THE BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT of the MOON I Music by Reuben J. Haskin. Special to Picture Singers—Send us $1 00 for two copies of Song and Beautiful“Title

and Chorus” Slide. Only one singer in each city can secure this song. If you want something new, _exclusive and a sure-fire hit, get this song today. Be the first. Only one in each city



ProfMssional Copias—5e aach. Orchaatrationa—10c aaehi 3 for 25c.

MOVIE PIANISTS—Send 50c for piano copita of 7 late hita—including above.






f I'Xrvt And a *badT nouk, wlier* blid* love songs are singing. ' In a hammos-k made for (no be Isslly a-swinglng;

NUIt Tlun take hif hand In yours, draw her a little neanx; YIIP Tell hee that all the world to you holds no girl dearer.

r.a>-e your arm areunn hei then, her head will tliul your shoulder, pcppAIIJ Hold her rlosel' five a while, and then as you grow liolder nnrnnirx whisper soft, “I love you, dear; If you love me, eonfess.”

TXn to one her answer will bo "Ye*."


-THERE IS SDMEDNE WHD IS THINKING DF YOU" Nslliinf bettM- *l*e* "That's How I Need You"—N never fails Is pIsaM.

rndewtonsl tX'Pli's !>.■• to rrofessionals Only (Send Program). To A'.l Others. Regular Cnpiea 15 Cents. t»rcli«arstlons 15 t>nts Extra.


THE DAISY CHARlVf lAtest Song Hit. I.enda Ittielf exeellently to acting. Wear daLsy wreath on head, dalay corsage bouquet, daisy streamer and tmll alternate petals from daisy as you sing your fortune In this csptlrttlng ballad. PAIXTY, l>H-tM.XTI('. niFFFatENT. "Most applauded number on the progrsm" tnereiand Town Tiiplea). Prk*. 2^ »•*. T#a.*art orehsatratlon, 25c. Profesalonal cxvpiea to performers. Addrees



llnif. NorJU’u left her entire estate to her three sisters. b-Hfucsting uo part of her entate except certain seeuritie* In her name, but which be-

lorgeri to Young. The testatrix mentioned In her wll: that she U.til advanced Young $4d0,000, which, she believed, was as much as he would be legally entitled to from her estate, which

Is estiiinited at between $.’K)0.000 and $1.000,0('0, i;nd Includes a large collection of gems.

There is likely to lie considerable trouble over the will, as Mme. Xordica exeeulM another

win in 1910, In which she left most of her estate to her husband.


Cliloago, .\ug. 29.—Judging from the tsyok-

Ings of the new four attractions, the llliooia will, eventually, be turned into a musical

wmeily bouse. The 1914 eilitlon of Flo Zleg-

fidd's The Follies will occupy the Ililnolt following the engagement of Sam Bernard, In ■nie Belle of Rond Street, opening th"re Octolier 4. The Follies will remain here until the arrival of The Ijftle Cafe, which. In turn. Is exiieoted to remain here until the arrival of Sari. Margaret Anglin, who wbs to act Oscar Wilde's Ijid.T Winilerniere's Fan at the Illinois

Theater, will have to find accommodations In another theater.

It la said that the Illinois management plans to devote this entire sea.son to the pla.ving of musical comedy attraetions.

Val and Lottie Xewman write from Alier- deen, Scotland, saying that they expect to sail from Southampton on Augnst 29. for a tour of South .Africa, .Australia and India, If the war does not interfere. They expect to be In San Francisco for the exposition next year.





A truly treat deuMe »onf—^aufht all thrcuqh^any amount of catch hnrv Ycu don't have to bother about whrra it «rlM At, it will At any blaoo, ob^nlnf, cloainf, aerond or third.



Y&it emn't believe the value cT this vonfl until you tint it. We alvo have the cutest hi' double loe it,



A Comedy Sony wilh a REAL Meiedy.

another real ballad that will make 'em sit up and take notice


Juat hear It—that'e all It speaks for Hsclf.



And you .III say. “Please do us a favor and put It in our acd.'*


MAURICE ABRAHAMS MUSIC CO., Inc., - - 1570 B'way, NEW YORK CHICAGO OFFICi: MS N. Clarii Stient Ki ILAOCLPHIA SOI Walnut Street. BOSTON. 720 Trcmonl Strict.

Gt. Nor. Hipp., Chicago (KpTiowed Monday MornHiK, Abb. tl.)

CbirsBO, Aug. 3f.—AlthouBh wopttii'r condl-

tionn licoaDie uiurli warmer Monday mominB, It did not affect biiHlncaa at the Great Northern

|{ll>p<idrome for the ojieniug performance. The

bill ia an exceptionally good one, starting alow and fliilsliing fast. There wan only one laughing apot on the program, and that waa cri-dlted to

Trevett’a Dogs.

No. 1—Itucli ami Bilges opened with gym¬ nastic work. Tile straight man Is a clever B.vmiiaivt, but the comedian ia Rbort on mate¬

rial of the laughing brand. They o|>ened alow

and drew mild applause at the finish. E^gbt

niiliiites, full stage.

No. 2—Seymour Duo, singers and soft-shoe daiieers, pn-vloiisly reviewed in these columns, were on rather early. They were also receivers

of light applause. FViurteen minutes. In one.

No. 3—MemlelsHohn Bour, three instrumentsl-

iivts and one singer, formed a quartette under the title. An Evening at Home. Cello, violin and piano were the instnimenta played, and

left a solid Impression. Classical and operatic soKis are offereil b.v tiie Indiviiliial members to gratifying retunis. Seventeen minutes. In thr- e.

No. 4—Jack Boyce, tlie only single on the program, came on amid a shower of confetti, and dellvereil smile talk about basetall which

found favor with the national game fans, ills

routine is bright and snappy and were all low ones; m>t one wi*nt over their beads. Two re- atricteil songs brought the desired effect and sent him off accepting four bows. Thirteen min¬

utes, in one.

No. 5—Treveit's Dogs was tlie most highly

enjoyed and meritorinus offering on this week’s program. The canines are well trained In mili- tary drills and war tactics. Small guns with mouthpieces are carried by the animals and used

during the drills. In a skirmish the animals

supplied many laughs when they attacked the

enemy, in the shape of a little akinny dog, which was carried off by one of the bigger ani- mala during the melee. Eleven minutes, full


N«. ft- -Romano and Carmi, Italian musicians and singers, sang popular numbers and played

raggy melodies on the harp. Comedy songs and a dramatic recitation, with a langh finish, made

an enthusiastic ending. Sixteen minutes, in one.

No. T—The Jungman Family, six wire walkers,

made t solid impression, closing the program. Their daring tricks .in the wire brought applause

and their comedy bit# on stilts brought laughs. Tselve minutes, full stage.—HARRY.

. Columbiav St. Louis (Raviawsd Monday Matinee, Aug. 31.)

St. Louis, Aug. 31.—Ihe opening bill of the season at the Columbia drew a well-filled bouse,

despite the torrid weather. The bill was ex¬ ceptionally pleasing and well talanccd, with Neptune’s Garden as the headline act. Maurice Rpier aBnin leads the orchestra. Manager Buck-

le.v has ^ad the Columbia renovated, and it had the appesrance of a new house.

• No. 1—Diamond and Clemence, man and wom¬

an, in a-singing, dancing and talking novelty. The girl tias an exci-llent voice and dances well. The novelty dance by the man Is excellent. They sre an exc-e<-dlngly clever team, and pleased.

■ OiM-n In one, close in two, thirteen minutes, two calls. ’•

.' No. 2—Bill Pruitt, cowboy Caruso, has an ex- ^llent voice. His ■w'lections were good and he

ffHs a great hit. In one. eight minutca, three calls.

No 3—Imh.‘f. fonn and Coreene. In !?urgeon I/'iider. "Tlie sketch is full of wit and droll

hiiiiHir. S|<ecial setting, full stage, thirty min¬ utes, three calls.

No. 4 IHirothy Meiitlier, character singing ooiiiiilleniie, powai-Hses a g.eid voice. ll«-r Italian song waa the fti st. In oiK. tea, mil^iles, two call^

N4, !S—Burton Holmes’ "War-Time Eiimiie’’

moving pictures and slides of current war views. The lecture was entertaining and ttie pictures

Interesting. Thirty mlnutea, one call.

No. ft—Neptune's Garden of Living Statues and Knchanteil Pool Is s beautiful piece of stage

setting ami has a company of clever dancers and diving girls, who are artistic to tlie point.

It is tlic ln'st act of its kind seen here. Full stage, fifteen minutes, four calls.

No. 7—Hcrls*rt Williams and Hilda Wolfus.

In ■ travesty sketch. Almost t Pianist, one of tlie funniest sets in the twoa-diy. It was a

riot of fun. Mr. Williams' work Is clever. The sketch scored the hit of the bill. In one. twenty minutes, six cslla.

No. 8—Hiibi'rt Dyer snd Peter Alvin. Roman

rings ami clown, is a splendid set. The boys

do some clever work and pleased. Full stage, fifteen minutes, two calls.

I Total length of bill, two hours and fifty I iiilniites.—will.

Grand Opera House, St. Louis (Reviewed Monday Matinee. Aug. 31.)

St. lasiis. Anz. 31.—A well-balanced bill

(TCeted t biff house for the week's opening at the Grand. Everything arrived on time and the bill pleased in Its entirety.

No. 1—Holer and Boggs, in a clever little sketch. The Girl Behind the Counter, have a splendid line of patter that pleased. In two for twenty mlnntes, two ctlls.

No. 2—lieGrange and Gordon, playing on

xylophone and bottles. They are splendid mu- wiclanw. Their bottle novelty is new and their work Is clever. In two. ten minutes, two calls.

No. 8—^Burns and Acker, talking comedians I Their jokes are not new b.v any means, but

get them over. Parodies are good. In one, fif- Iteen minntes, two calls.

No. 4—General Pisano and Co., sharpshooters. The stage settlny Is very effective, especially

the opening. Pisano is a very clever ehot, and he works fast. Pull stage, fifteen minntes. two calls.

No. 5—The Big Surprise ia acted by a com¬ pany of eight clever entertainers, who work from the boxes and aisles. TYiey presented a

noveity that pieased immensely. They are this

week's headliners and the bit of the bill. Sing¬ ing and patter la entertaining. In one. fifteen minutes, three calls.

No. ft—Juggling Burkes work very fast, em¬ ploying good comedy. In three, twelve minntes, two calls.

No. 7 -Jack Case, in a monologue, pleased. He put over some good stuff. In one, fen min¬ ntes. two calls.

No. »—Sylvester and Vance, In the sketch. Get Out of This Theater. They sre very clever performers snd more than pleased. In one. twelve minutes, two calls.

No. 9—TorelH’s Comedy Circus, ponies. de>gs

and monkeys. The animals are cleverly trained and their work is p<-rfect. Full stage, eighteen minntes, two cills.

Entire length of bill, two hours.— BII.L.

Empress, Cincinnati (Reviewed Mrndsy Matinee, Aug. 31.)

Mamts T/oew this afternoon presented Cin¬ cinnati with the first vaudeville show under his nar-e that Clnelnnati has seen. As ann'ninced.

six sets weri. presented, eaeh of them of strength amt well able to Impress the loeats with what thev ean expeet from the pop vande- vllle king

No. 1—Mile. Amoras and Ben Mnivey. fteven-

teen minntes. in three, singing and daneing. She scores particularly In lier French song, while

Ilia recitation of I>ear Old Bromlway forms lila

liest bit of an already g<»rd act. No.. 2—''Snei’icr.’' Kighleeu minutes. In one.

FM Mdreiliih, tboBgh he keeps his Identity from

the program, scores ss ever with his blgb- Bchool bull dog, "Snoofcr.’’ Tlie canine presents

several new stunts to the patrons that surpass

several of his .accomplishments as beretofoie preseiitisl on the big time. The act always sat- istles snd then s>me.

No. 3—Pisano and Bingham. Twelve oiinntes, in one. Italian man. Irish girl; go over very well with one encore, seven bows. He Is es¬

pecially clever with bis animated lingo and •‘pnncliy’’ jokes.

No. 4—Henry B. Toomer A Co., in Slileligbts. Tiiree men. one girl. Nineteen minutes, in two.

Tlie feature set. properly plrced and well exe¬

cuted. Proditi-ed more laughter than any other art on the hill.

No. 5—Cab.iret Trio. Thirteen minutes. In or.e. Blind pianist a novelty, ilso iierforms well. The two straights sing htrmouh usjy and

dance attractively. The imitation ot Bert Wll- , llama is better than fair. Could have taken encore. Seven brwa.

No. ft—Alvin A Kenny. C1< wn and straight on flying rings. Eight minutes. |n full. Great act

for ciilldron, but needs considers Me injection

of originsllty ami difference from otlier sets of similar nature. Both performers seem ca|ialile

and slsmld be able to renieily tlie faults that their act now possesses.—ALFALFA.

Orpheum, San Francisco (Reviewed Sunday Matinee. August 30.)

San Francisco, .Lug. .TO.—Ttie bill this we-k

at the Orjihenm. considered collectively, is yery good. Ailrcn Stanley. Hickey Brothers snd

Charles Olcott. with Gus Edwanis’ Matinee Girls, are holdovers.

No. 1—Hickey Brothers dnplicatiid their soc-

cegB of last week with tlielr novelty acrobstic act. Twelve minutes in one.

No. 2—Alleen Stanley. "The Girl With the Personality," a holdover, was well appreciated. Eight minutes; in olio.

No. 3—Miller and Lyles, blackface comedians, open their act with a heated argument sr 1

gather in the langhs. They close strong wl*h

a burlesque Twelve minntes; in one. No. 4—Waldemar Young and Wllllim Jacobi,

assisted by Ethyl McFarland, presenting their

travesty. When Caesar Ran a Paper, went orer big. Mr. Jacobs acted In the role of Julirs

Caesar, editor; Mr. Young In tint of Marc Antony snd Miss McFarland exercls»>d bei

ability in the terpsichon'an art as Cleopstrii.

The act waa a scream. Twenty minute*; In fil.

stage. No. .V -Walter DeI/>on and .Miigglna Davies

created a very favorable Impreaslon on their return engagement with their novelty biirlesqn

m.vtion picture drama. Pburteen minutes; In

one. No. ft—Francis McGinn, the original OITIcer

ftflfl. presents a very clever c.>med.v In The Cop.

t.v Tom Barry, and makes a tremendous hit. Mr. MeGlnn is ably supported by JoseiRi Green

and Herbert Hey wood. No. 7—I>ila Merrill and Frank Otti . I'.i fli.-n-

dainty playlet, Her Daddy’s Friend, were s e.ird<-d a hearty weleoine. Fifteen minutes; in

one. ^ No. 8—Charles Olefitt. with Gus Edward*’

Matinee Girls, held over from last w.'ek, went

over big. In one and full itage for twenty minutes.


New York, Aug. 2ft.—Polbiwlng a jierlisl of two weeks* rehearsals, William Harris baa de-

eldeil to |K>at|K>ne the produetbm of Bayard

Velller’a new play, the title of wlileh has not lieen given out, until fheatrieal eimditlona are

more pr'SiilKing,


Frank ItonnBllan has retired ss publicity man

ager of the Empress Theater. S»>1 Pinci.- who succeeiled him, will alao do the press w.irk

for tbe Savoy and Grauman'a Imperial.

A. H. Hendler, "tbe novelty king," has en¬

larged hla quarters to acc<>mmodate bia stork. He has an excellent assortment of novelties,

heirs and felt gvx>ds, and is dMng a big busi¬ ness.

Tbe Columbia Thester, Oakland. CsL. has closed iti doors, and will be remodeled before

tbe reopening date, October 4. The Dilllon and King Musical Comedy Co. are off for a well earned vat'atkm.

Ben Beno, of the Aerial Beihvs. recently fell heir to f-'st.OtKt, left by a relative. Beno ha* no intentiivn of deserting the show businesa, re

ganllest of bit wealth.

George Webb baa put a dramatic stock com¬ pany In tbe DIefenbruck Theater, Sacrainent-v. Cal., with Florence Oakley as leading lady.

The Grand Theater, Sacramento, Cal., will

play Mock in the future under tbe direction of JInl P<«t. Nana Bryant will be leading lady.

Page and Field will take Henry Miller'a

success. Her Husband’s Wife, on the poad this season.

Fannie Warren and Tbeo. Willis and comiiany are rehear<ing a oomi-dy sketch, entitled The Tryout, written by H. B.mnell. It will be trie<l out for Orpheum time shortly.


I New York. Aug. 28.—Ida Hamilton, who ha*

returned to tbe stage this season after several .veari sjient at Aaheville f.>r her health, ha* been trying to correct an Impression that In Home way gained wide circulation during her

temporary retirement, to the effect that she had died In Asheville. Inasmuch as she ha* never been In better health than now, she find* It most disconcerting to be constantly greeted by her old friends as a resurrected person.

Mi*s Hamilton made her reapiicarance on the stage in July, in Maeterlinck’s Angltvsne and

.Sel.v sette, at the New York University. For the past two week* she has been leading woman with William H. Tbompson, In Cleveland Mof fett’a one-aet play. Money Talks.


Chicago, Aug. 29.—J. J. Murdock, of the United Booking Ofilce, reached Chicago on Fri¬

day morning and held a conlerence with the Chicago repreaentative. Claude Humphriet. Ilia visit here Is said to bear no special significance. He la on an obscrtatlon tour. Before return¬

ing to New York, Mr. Murdock will vlalt In¬ dianapolis, I-onlavlIle, Cincinnati and other Eastern cities.

I*>w price* opm an account If ytsi (icifev. Pay aa cim- J&galiMpifc Tenirfil- take a year or more If you like. Ns Messy dsws— FREE TRIAL — unoondltlonal guarantee. Aksslutely as typs-

writer* (urslthsd tiMpt tkOM tscurad dinst frsM tht Maaufaeiureft. No shop worn, damiced or Infe¬ rior msriilnni every one warranleid to hr perfect In eTiry dt^all. tVimplete eqid|inu*il. Ysu esa set giS aurii niadilne* fnsn antisis ckic SM are authsrl/ed dislributori it ths msdsit ws Mil.

Tills plan I* iKnr In It* fifth micmiaful year. More than tO.iKHI onlers have beeti recelTtal.

No matter what you now ttiliik. don't nbllgat* ynur- arlf -tlon’t spend a cnit until you get our two FREE BOOKS. Ns Mls«Mes to Issher you. Just read the tsKikH and deride hr yourself. Your name and addnwa on a iNKial Is all that's neerananr. Hend today, hs- rau*s we hare a ■qx'rda.l limited offer lust now. 1174)


SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. X ti e Billboard 13


“FOLLOW THE CROWD” Bred by Irving Berlin. This son of “Alexander’s Band’’ is breaking all records. Jockey “Wise

Performer” has found it easy to win with him. Any Jockey can ride him on any track. A little bet on this baby will win you a season’s booking.

“MY CROONY MELODY” Bred by Goodwin and Goetz. Nicknamed “Tla da da ” which is the Latin for “Speed.” He

has the public singing his praises because of his ability to breeze home, leaving the others at the post. You don’t need any field glasses to see this thoroughbred.

“ALONG CAME RUTH” Bred by Irving Berlin. This daughter of Success, since winning her maiden race a month ago*

has become the fastest “Filly” in training. “Mr. Couldn’t-make-a-hit” lost forty weeks’ work on “Flivsong,” when “Along Came Ruth.” He played this good thing and won back his losings


Bred by Irving Berlin. You’ll laugh when you read his pedigree. Originally ^‘^as a trick horse with a circus, and the spectators howl when they see him run. He’s built alofigfunny lines. He will make a comedian out of any Jockey.

“WHEN THE ANCELUS IS RINK” Bred by Young and Grant. This wonderful stake winner has won a fortune for us. Take our

tip and ride him. He will bring you home first. Bank on him to add to your bank account. His picture is on a million pianos. Everybody is playing him.

“IN LOVE’S GARDEN” Bred by Gillespie and Osborne. This is a high-class “Filly.” Lots of tone to his gait. This

beautiful thorbughbred is a little slow getting away (only for effect), but he always waltzes home victoriously. Due to his marvelous finish.

“THIS IS THE LIFE,” still runt a great race. “I LOVE Tl-tE LADIES,” just ca n’t lose a race. “HE’S A DEVIL,” the fastest critter In tne barn.


Owner*, NATERSON, BERLIN t SNYDER CO. *' Trainer, MAX WINSLOW 47th St. du Broadway (Strand Theatre Building) New York City

CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA BOSTON Monroe A. Stato Street 923 Walnut Street 220 Tremont Street

—' ...

In tbcM dafi everjrthinc

r. uat l>« obtiinrii wttb the rlew of redaclDK the

bigb c<>ft of Lining, Even if it is


Grand RasMi, Mkk.

New Tort (KBoe, 150 Fifth Arenue; Buo- too, 60 Henri fU.; inill Market 8t.; Hlttaburg Blk.; NaabnUe. Toui..:

I had the Kloves on with a musical critic a few days since. I am much Intere.sted in popular sonfts and inclined to give the writers,

composers and publishers of them credit for doing very useful, if not great work.

The aforesaid critic is one of these fellows that writes cryptic rot and wordy nonsense about music which a few people rave over but no one really enjoys.

He ought to know’ better and I think he does for he is a splendid musician who can make a piano sing with Joy or sob and moan at will.

He may be sincere but if he is, much hearing and making of music have warped his judgment. Overindulgence in music like overindulgence in any¬ thing else will make a man nutty. Like an old roue the natural thing does not satisfy him, he must have new and strange sensations to stir his jaded appetite.

I was reasonable. I admitted that many of the song.s now’ on the market were musically trivial and deplored their meaningless sloppily sentimental lines and poverty of theme.

‘‘All trash—all,” he broke In hotly. “No,” I contended, ‘‘many have merit and a high order of merit.” "High.” he cackled scornfully, ‘‘high crimes and misdemeanors—all, all

are bad only some are worse than others.”

Some folk* hare the idea that

But wtien it cornea to accurlDg Iligb-Claaa Tande-

Tllle for your. Tbeatre, free attractlona fot

Parka and Faira or entertainers fur

Clubs, etc., at Live and Let live Prieea


ASSOCIATIOH 223.224-225 Sacks Building

INDIANAPOLIS tiva. M. A. labasa» Santlat Ce., I1I4V» Tblre Ass., laattia,. Wart.

Now that coming from a man who professed enthusiastic admiration for the noise and discordant din of Arnold Schoenberg stirred my bile, but I kept my guard and vigilantly waited for an opening.

‘‘These pop. song composers,” he continued, ‘‘what are they? Are they musicians? Do they understand the theory of composition? What do they know of contrapunt or thorough bass. Why some of them can not even read music, let alone write it. I am told they pick a melody out on the piano with one finger and the man that engraves the plates writes it out and afterwards arranges the harmony. Music! Music! Can such stuff be music? These men are not composers, they are often mere actors—vaudeville singers.”

And there I had him. The opening I had waited for had come. ‘‘The greatest popular song ever written,” I broke in, ‘‘was written by an

actor, as w’ere many other very great ones, and the greatest popular song in the world happens to be the world’s greatest song.”

‘‘Who shall say which is the world’s greatest song?” he inquired ironic¬ ally, ‘‘who shall speak with authority and finality on that large subject?”

“The world,” I rejoined, “the world has and still continues to.” “And the name of the song?” he challenged. “Home, Sweet Home,” I answered.

Opera Chairs Fiee Prof. Sincers


“Sweetheart ot My Dreams” “In the Summertime”

Quality, workman-

(^ip and prompt

deliveries are our

three watch words.

Peter & Volz Ce

(Take a Trip to the Seashore)


H*pkliiivl!l«. Kentucky. Send late program.

The Regent Music Pub. Co. Lake Charle.s, La.

And then I told Mr. Wiseman about Home, Sweet Home, and when he left me he was a fame person, much chastened in mind.

Home, Sweet Home w’as written by an actor. He was an American actor. His name was John Howard Payne. His father was also an American. He taught school in New York and in that city on April 1, 1791, John Howard Payne w’as born.

He was not only an actor, but an actor of considerable ability, for he made a very successful first appearance at the Park Theater in the metropolis as Norval in Doughlas, in February, 1807.

He was also successful in Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, but yearning for greater honors w’ent to England in 1813 and appeared in Drury Lane.

Payne, while on tour in America, had contributed to New York papers so he turned his hand to playwriting, translating and adapting in London.

Among other adaptations from the French he w’rote Clari, the Maid of Mi¬ lan. Home, Sweet Home was one of the six numbers in the musical drama which was first produced at Covent Garden, May 8, 1823, and continued to hold the boards at that house for nearly two years.

Miss Marie Tree, in the title role, first sang the song which then consisted of two verses.

Charles Kemble paid Payne two hundred and fifty pounds for Clari, w’hlch included Home, Sweet Home. The latter s ild 300,000 copies during the first year after publication.


word • wrllblnder, ktid Uie muitc. Indeed. •wmH to mMitlon. For high-claM ilnfen wbo drtlK the beta And icore kuocne.

Oe yee wut a Ilft.Mtrlet ekaIrT Do yeu want a •paat-aaviaa

ebairf Da yeu want a tanltary ebalrF De yeu want a eclentIReally

kuttt, double etandard ebairr


The Swerteot Sont Brer Written. Don’t miss It; If you do you’ll be sure eorry. "Sweet Whlnpen to the l.oTe Sian,’’ and "Sate Tliat Dear IdtUe Heart for Me.’’ on the way. and both hoadllnen. Thegr »1U make you lit up and take iiartleular noUoe. Flee eoplea to the pmfennlunals that are anxloui for the IIK.\L. Ttie fnotllchta hare tomethinf to be proud of In Mr. Mlaer'i new longv

J. E. MINNiCK CO., Publisliirt, I4}l Braadway, ... New York City.

We epermte the Larcewt Exdunlre Theeur (Yielr Fieton In the world and SiaJ. lURtX'T To Tot'.


Guaranteed dffiyi

Things seem to have gone badly with Payne after his success with Clari for in 1832 he was back in New York and in indigent circumstances.

A benefit was arranged for him at the Park Theater and he eked out a precarious existence at newspaper work for a while thereafter.

Then he was appointed consul at Tunis but soon lost the post on account of a change in administration and he once more returned to newspaper work in New York.

Influential friends came to his aid and owing to the fact that he was the first dramatist to make any name abroad got him reinstated at Tunis.

He died there in 1852 on his sixty-first birthday.


••BBOWME I)K.4R.’’ "D.bTS OF Ry;GRET.’’ ••8W>;CTHy:.1RT, FARKWKLI..’’ "there’s a girl IN OLD KE.NTrc’KT,” and Uiat ireiaendoua bit, "WHKRy; THE BHOWN-EYa) DA1S1E.S GROW." auoowrful.y liitrtxliio«l and feituml by Wright and Albriaht, and now brina «unc with (treat aucoem at

kli. i’ttlahurgh Exp'iUlinn by the National Quartette. ■• twdiaial ciptea and orrhestratlona now ready.

' REESE C. DAVID CO., Carriek, - Pittsburgh, Pa.

atrength. Coofort. DurtMlIty. Proopt Bhlpfoent. Ooufteoua Treatment. Low Frlcee WHT NOT RESEAT AND BE RFJtDT FOR THE WINTER RL'SHt

Aik tor Catalog Ne SOS.

HERE THEY ARE All 5 for 30 cts.

"DT’BrTATIOV." t ewen biEid; "Bfr, HOl’SE” torn, rag: ".‘Uil’THEUN RoSlS n.lMB." the hit; "MT' IBI.'tH LAD." a winner: "A.N'YBODY ELSE.’’ great novelty. Profi-aslnnal copies exhausted. In thiwe aonga you will have aomethlng worth while.


E. H. STAFFORD MF6.C0 His remains, after a lapse of thirty-five years, were brought back home and Interred in Oak Cemetery, Washington, and a monument erected by pub¬ lic subscription marks his grave.

I’ayne was .stranded in Paris when he wrote the first two verses of the world’s greatest song. THEATRE SUPPLIES

A pleasing incident in the later life of Payne is recorded by The Phila¬ delphia Record. “No common poet ever received a more enviable compliment than one paid to John Howard Payne by Jenny Lind, on his last visit to his native land. It was in the great Hantlonal Hall of the city of Washington, where the most dlstlngui.«hed audience that had ever been seen in the capital of the Republic was a.'isemided. The matchless singer entranced the vast throng with her most exquisite melodies—Casta Diva, the Flute Song, the Bird Song, and the Greeting to America. But the great feature of the occasion .•seemed to be an act of inspiration. The singer suddenly turned her face to the part of the auditorium where I’ayne was sitting and sang Home, Sweet Home with such pathos and power that a whirlwind of excitement and enthusiasm swept through the vast audience. Webster himself almost lost his salf- control, and one might readily imagine that Payne thrilled with rapture at this unexpected and magnificent rendition of his own immortal lyric.”

Opera and FWdlng Chalib of aU klmM. Wa art fob- Imti for all leading makra ITeture ■aohlnea. Inn BooUa Uiat pats liiiperUoii, Ourtalnt and all oU)«' Anwworlea. ALWAYS SOME GOOD BARGAI.NS UN HAND. Largest Kxrlualve Supply Houec wcat at Mlwlealppl.


508 Chealaut 8trat<._ST. LOUIS, MO.

THIlVK OF IT t "You Look Better Ooln’ Than You D "That’a the Time When I’L Forget You." "If 1 Duly Know," "When ' Tango Srmm." All for fSc. G. M. Itarka Bldg., Dayton, Ohk>.

WANTED, WANTED VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE A twe-car ehow, playing big towns only. In opera

hou.ven, two-week elands: Band Acton, also Binci Iradtr; state all first letter: must be sober, ezperl- eru-e<l peoide. .Need Trombone. Clarinet to double orctiew re.


(tiantB for wrrUi. NOVKIeTY APTR. Trombone, pn<- rmic<* ir do iMiriK. <'ar and canviA show, runt round. AddriniA

THE KaOCLl-ltfllTCNflCLO SHOW, Irvlaa, Kya

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. X ti e Billboard 15


Tlif Kell kuuwD buuae of Cliarle* Suejer, niiiiufaeturer of Kreaiie iraiuta, wiui eatlbililiol In .Ne« Vork City In H'tW, nearly ttfty year*

ll» fouuiler, t'liurlea Meyer, waa lioru In Hanover, tleruiany, wliere lie learue.1 tlie wig makln.' Iraiie. He workeil for tUe |>rinei|ial Ibeatera of lila native country ami tliua cauie In ...Iilaet wltli tie leailliiit aitora of (ierniaiiy.

KuilicratiuK to tlie L'nltevl Ktatea an a youiix nmu lie worked, as wlK maker, fur a sliurt tune for Itaui'lifiiiui, tlien tUe leading wig maker l„ Ni » Vork. Hut Boon lie braueliiMl out for liluiitelf, ami. In IMiM, started a buniuesa of fain own. not uiny an wig maker, but alno as luan- ufaiturer of face iiaInU and Jiowdera. Ilia ability In bia line, adapting blmaelf to tbe deuiamla of hla customers, bis prompt atten¬ tion to bunlneas, bis mind open for Improve- uient, made bis undertaking a auccess from tbe iH'ginnln.’, and soon became tbe leading ea- taldlnbrnent, not only In New York, but also In tbe Initetl States. Tbe priuci|>al actors came to fieiiucut bla store and voosult him In tbelr make-up.

.\t tliat time only dry cobirs were uned for making up on tbe stage as tbe only ones wbicb easily adapted ibemselves for tbe pur¬ pose. Ubservlng that tbls nietbod was alow ami teillous and could well be Improved upon, Cbarles Yleyer experimented witb otlier materi¬ al until be conceived tbe Idea of using as liane a niibntance wbicb would not be affected by (lerspiratlon. Into wbicb in tbe form of a salve tbe desired colors would be aunpended. from tbia be evolved tbe process of manu¬ facturing tbe now tamoua grease paint of Cbarles Meyer, Uiua becoming tbe flrst man to make grease paint for commercial purposes, now universally used on tbe stage In America and Europe.

During tbe time when tbe tbeatrlcal district was in tbe nelgbborbood of Fourteen^ street Cbsries Meyer bad bis business at 110 Fourth avenue, back of tbe old Sbaw Theater. There be bad among bis many customers aucb men as RIcbard Mansfield, W. II. Crane, Is-ster Wallack. E. II. Hotbern and bis father, Ade¬ laide Pattie and all tbe other famous actors and actresses of tbe day. He supplied them not only with tbelr wigs, but also with tbe now famous "Meyer's Make-Vp," and helped them with bis advice to achieve great success in tbelr roles. After being in this kicatloo fur years he followe<l tbe general move op town and took possession of a. store at Twentieth street, where tbe Players' Club was then ]o- ratnl, of which < barles .Meyer was a member. By this time tbe business bad so greasy In¬ creased that it became imiKissible for bim to manage It alone. Wishing to pay more atten¬ tion to the manufacture of grease paints be took In as partner K. K. Siering. who bad been fur a number of years bis manager, and turnevl over to his two former wig makers, who had been with him for some time, tbe wigs be bad on band.

But Charles Meyer's otherwise a«> strong con- slitutlon bad l>een undermlne.1 ami he was foneil to listen to the advice of Ills physicians and to seek lealtb at the spas of Kuro|>e. lYnding life In Kuro|>e to bis liking be now decldeil to retire enllre!y from business and to •lend the rest of bis days in the o'll i-ountry. Tbei'efore, In Hsrj. he dlvld.-.! his business Into two separate branches. Ills partner. K. _lt. .'Bering., Is.ught tbe msnufai'tiirlng plant 'of grease paints ami make up, together with the sole right to use the firm's name, Charles Meyer, while his two wig makers oi>ene<l a biislni-ss for wigs only under tbelr own name

Char es Meyer dbl n'd enjoy his r.wt for long. He iH.kI In Wl.-sbaden a few years later.

E. It. Siering has lui'n a ounpi-lent successor to Charles M.-ver. Combining with the able business eharactertstles of his f..riuer p.artiier energy and undertaking of a younger man, and having aoiuired a tliorongli knowledge of the business through the nunilK-r of jeara he aete<l as manager and later as partner, be has suei'ee<le<l in not only keeidng the large estab¬ lishment at Ita former height, but also vastly Increasing It. Tbe quarters at Twentieth street s<s>n bi'canie too small and the manufacturing plant was removeil to 'J6 "28 I'nlon Square, where It iwcupled a wlwde Ibsir. The buslneas Increasing a move again N>canie necosaary, and K. K. Siering, now conducts the manufactory of Charles Meyer's grease paint at 101, 103 and lOS West Thirteenth street.


BMirty and Htalth," FREE. BLACKSTONE MF6. CO..

Drop Dead Ones! Awake! Grab this New Invention! The ifOth Century Wonder.

Gat darted la an honset, oleaa, reliable, aissey-aakini bueineet. Sold en a money-back fuarantee.

Wmdd’i masloal gift reaJlaed by Uito new biv^itlou. The BLACKSTONE WATER POWER VACUUM MASSAGE MACHINE for the home. No cset to operate. Lasts UfMlme. Price wltliln reach of all. No competition. Sen field. New butineee. That's why it's easy'. Removea blackheads, wrlt.kles, rounds out any part of the face or bo<b'. and brings back Nature's beauty. Ikidtmesl by leading Doelert and Maateurt. Listen: Paraer, Okla., says, "8 ordeTH flrst <lay." Marfwarth, Pa., wrlusi: "I am making $19.00 per day.” •“Nvea. "First onler 12, eecotid 36. third 72.” Schcemerhorn, la., ordem eight dona machiaee fint motith. Shatter, Va.. "Selbng 4 out of S demon.stratloiis.” Vauihan. Waah., srdera ssa dsren. Four days later wires: "yhlp 6 doaen

by first exiMvss.” Spain, Tenn., atarttd with sam¬ ple. Orders otie dosen, then 2 dbien, then 3 doren. Lewis. Ind., .seila 3 machines flrst hour. Sa.vs: "Best aiilcle he ever saw for merit and money- maklnp. No exporiencs necessary. Tenitcry with pretection given free to active workers. NoOiing In the world like it. Best agent's article ever in- voated. We own all U. 8. and foreign paieiiln. Bit book, entitled "The Power and the Lave of

A postal will do. A big surprise awalte you. AdJrtwn Inveatlfttte bow, today. 931 Mandltb Bldg., TOLEDO. OHIO.

Large Stock Prompt Deliveries

THEATRE SEATING See Our Illustrated IBooks

S«l. UphoistBrBd SsBting S«2s Vbobbt Ssatiiif

Adk tor yoar eopy uatl MBd door dkofloh tor

Praa Plaa

Hmencan Seating Company “WorUTn Larwntt Mammjaeturnn af Optra Chaert”

211 S. Wabub in., Cbicap 15 E. 32d St., law Tark BOSTOH PHILADELPHIA PITTSBUROH



E 0.

'1 Fhre Thousand . . • • . - $1.25 1 Ten Thousand .... . . $2.50

'1 Twenty Thousand ... . . $4.50 ! TwenW'five Thousand • • . $5.50 ! Fifty Thousand .... . . $6.50 ! One Hundred Thousand . . $8.00 THE HIO TICKET AT THE SMALL PKICB

Tour osm Spedal Ticket, any printing, any colon, aocurately numbered, every roll guaranteed. Coupon Tlcketa for Prixe Drawings, S.OAO, $2.30. Slock Ticketa, 6a per 1,600. Prompt shipments. Cash with order. Get the eamples. Send diagram for Reserred Seat Coupon Tickets. State how many aeta desired. Serial or Dated.


The H. & M. Fibre Professional Trunk GUARANTEED 5 YEARS

The most convenientITnink for I’ro- fe.'»sion:il use, arranjitMl for Clothes, Shiits, Shoes, Underwear,^Collars, etc-

Matle of 5-ply Fibre covered veneer Ba.xswootl, .\11 Steel Triinminps and Yale look. Inside lineil wdh Leather¬

ette. 45-in. Ladies’ or Gentlemen’s.

Sivecial discount to the Profession. St'iul for catalogue.

Herkert&Meisel Trunk Co. 608/WaBhinton*Av«.,

St. Louis, Mo.

PLAYED BY THE VOICE (No instructions necessary.)

If you want to a>ld a musical number to your act. here are the In.struments to do It. Grtat fiw cabaret entertainers, burlesque and quartettes. Also good bally for any show. Goiwt music prtxluoed.

These Soiioptione liLstruments are s.>lld metal, brass finished and highly pivl- Ishrd. kla.le in four styUm. Cornel, three sistw. I5c. 50o and 75c. Keyed Cor¬ net. $I.n«; Slide Trombone, $1.56; Horn. $2.li0. You will be surprised at the sweet mu-do proeluceil by a twelve or fifteen-pii'ce Sonophone Band. "City Itelliw" and other o<«'.paid(W now using with great success. Be sure to send for catalogue you'll be glad you did.



ORGANIZED MUSICAL STOCK COMPANY For tab. piotli Otions. I’ermanent location. One bill a week. Mitly l)e Vere,

commui^lcate quickly. ILVHHY II.VRT, Llayety Theatre Huilding, t'inein-

nati, (>hio.


WE KMOW HOW to deliver the bvwl Thestrirwl Goods. t'osttiiiKS, TighU, Trimmings, ate. Our lately revlsrd catalogue tent free to any addreaat Befeevneem—Our cuMomera.


The sui>erlorIty of Charles Meyer's grt-aaw paint and make-up had gained for it the acclamation of the actor as well as of the general public. Its hygienic value was at¬ tested by no less an aulborlty than tbe cele¬ brated i'rofe.ssor lK>rcmus, at bis time uot only well known as a practical clicmist, but also a beloved teacher by the pupils of the College of tbe City of .New York and B.-lIevue Medical College. While twenty-five years ago all make-up and face is.wders and creams were made by band, all these are now manu¬ factured by machinery, thu.s pnslucing a larger quantity and improvln,' the quality by a higher hygienic standard. While in Charles Meyer's days the center of the theatrical profession was in New Vork City, It was not necessary for bim to advertise. But this has greatly changed during the last fifteen years. There are now so many centers tliat It lias become ImiKstslble to cater to tbe indlvidnal actor directly, be can only be reacUed by the retail dealer. E. K. Siering observed this and decided to give up tbs old conservative metliod. He, therefore, had oiieneil, a number of years ago, a wide advertising campaign, iatroduoing his well-known goods all over the United States and Canada; salesmen visited the dealers from the Pacific to tbe .Atlantic (X>ast, from the Lakes to tbe Gulf. And thus It baa become possible for the theatrical profession and for tbe public at large to get tbe beet make-up and most reliable grease paints in every city of the United States and Canada.

Hius, for nearly fifty years, Charles Meyer’s name, under tbe founder of tbe business and under E. R. Siering, has stood unsurpassed In Ita line for quality, energy and loyalty to its coa- tomers. During this age of cheap and nn- scrnpulona competitora it is a record that E. K. Siering can well be proud of to be known as a manufacturer and distributer whose riis- tomers always receive the best goods for thtt relatively cheapest price.


New York, Aug. 27.—The Drama Society baa issued a special bulletin to its members, asking them to support the stage liberally this season.

In view of tbe fact that tlie better grade of amusements are racing a crisis on account of the European War. Tbe Society has also ar¬

ranged to increase its membership, - which last year was limited to 1,000.

Tbe bulletin of tbe Drama Society annonnees that in time of war, it is only tlie lower orders of amusement that thrive. The fine arts suf¬ fer and are extinguiabed. Ti>« Drama Society enables Us members to economise In wlnde-

Home recreation, and at tlie same time to render a signal benefit to dramatic art.

The French Drama 8o<iety is also much con¬ cerned about the coming season of French drama

in this country, but I.ucien L. llonbeur, presi¬

dent of the organIZHticiD, who has returned from a hurried trip abroad to round up his artists, says that he can positively announce that all but one or two of the actors and actresses en¬ gaged for the season by this society have l>een

found and will lie here on time. Mnie. Yorsk.a, who will have charge of the

artistic end of tlie seas<ui for tiie society, and Jose Kuben, the leading man of the company, have already arrived. "Tlie French Drama So¬

ciety.” said Jtr. Bonl.eur, will open its season on Novemlier 15 at the Century I.yceuui. The seas<>n will last ten weeks, playing every day

and giving one new play each week.


Chlca-e .Aug. 27.—John K. Hally was forced

to cancel bis engagement at the Colonial Thea¬ ter last week, on account of a sudden and serious attack of articular rheumatism, which necessitated his transiiortation to tbe American n<sipital. Dr. Thorek states that his patient is expected to make a complete recovery.

Miss E. D'Norrlt, leading woman witb Jean Bedinl'a Mischief Ylakers, playing tbe Ameri¬ can Music Hall, seriously injured her knee and

bad to place herself under the care of Dr. Thorek. She Is able to continue her work, but remains under the care of the physician.

George Sello, husband of Clara Hess Sello,

well-known prlma donna, was taken with a severe attack of ptomaine poisoning last week ami is confined to his home. He is reported recovering.

Miss Florence O'Brien continues to recover and is eipecte<l to be able to leave the Ameri¬

can Hospital shortly. Signs are appearing at many theatrical offices

In the loop, calling attention to the theatrical profession that those In dire circumstances and needing medical attention can call upon Dr. Max Thorek and receive same absolutely tree

of charge.


Louisville, Ky., .Aug. 24 --The Hopkins Hiea-

ter, at Second and Market streets, was entirely destroyed by fire early this morning. The biii'.ding was owned by St. Ixnils peoi>Ie, and

the livss Is almost entirely covered by In¬ surance. The Hopkins hud been playing vande- vH> and pictures. The Pr.>gres.«lve Burlesque Circuit, at one time, endeavored to secure this hou«e for their shows.


Chicago, .Aug. '20.—.According to a cable, re¬ ported to have been received this week, the l4>ndon production of Help Wanteil will be

stageil about October 1, et the Haymarket Theater. lo'sHe Faber will be seen In the lead-

CHARLES MEYER 19 W«st Lak* Streat. - - - - CHICAGO. ILL.

Lerteat Stock In tbe Cwintiy for Amateur and School Plaja.

Ing role. Henry .Arthur Jones will present the.

production In England.

16 SEPTEMBER 5. 1914.

ACROBATS California Sun Bleached Felt For Tumbling Mats and Pads

Mamifartuml in ('alifornia expressly for TimibliiiK Mats and Pads. I'ull of life and “spring.” California Sun Pleaehed Felt is far superior to the ordinary Piano F(*lt usually sold for aerobatic purposes. Iluy <lirect from fa< tory. Stock carried by our Cbicayo and New York ollices.

('alifornia Sun PleacluMi I'elt is manufactured in grades espt'cially for Pennants, Pillow Tops, and all IVlt .N<»vellies; and is far superior to the Unlit w«‘inbt w»)ol or cotton mixed felts of commerce. Write nearest oflice for sampit's.

STANDARD FELT COMPANY West Alhambra, California CHICAGO 404 Suuth Filth A NEW YOHK-II.5-II7 E. 23rd .S


Birreit Eror.

Willi H ilii!.li. iinlor aii'l » iiiiiltitinl,' i f sri.T <*<>l.irh. 11 it 111 Im* iiiilhitii'il or tlaiii|M‘ii(iil liy ovi*r- haniriii): liomls or tliri-nti nhnf rain, tlio K'u'M pi-iitli .Vniiiial I'roiitii-r liail an ..iiM|iii-'.i i ■ birth at I'roiil^or I’arU, |■llt•.^rl•nn»^ W.v.. Tn,*» day. .\ii):n»t is.

From till. t:iiit' r.o- tlral r’.ibr Jiini|»'il tlio bark of a diininntivr tiiirro Tiiosilaj at I o’rUK-k

until till' lant ••ri‘nt wa» ralb*il Friday a« tin-

anu was ainkiiiK in the Wrat tliore was action, tnornlux. noon and night, and the pnthiiaiasttr

crowd waa ail. did all and aticDt all that could br expected.

The downtown streeU were lined wltli coo- resaiona of all cbaractera, all reaping a harvest from the “get-up-and look aroundere.'* The Frontier conteat got theira during the tfternoona and at night. The Allmann Rroa.’ CamiTal aecnied to be the rendezvous for the tbouaanda of amuai-ment aeekeis.

Among the contcatanta entered for tl>e varioiia eventa were a number well known in the amiiae-

meiit world; Cuba Cmtchfleld. Skeeter Hill, Sam Garrett, Ed. Eddy, Klaiiche Magabey, Dorothy Morrell (who with Skeeter Hill la expected to appear In Eastern vaudeville aoon), Charley Weir, Henry Webt, and a acore of othera.

Spnt tinywhiTf in the Cnitfd Statfs or ('anatla at $I.(K) jht l»ox (containini; 1- stTfUs anti lint* nickpl-platfti han- illt*). Extra nrrt'WN. T-V' |>er ilozpn; extra hantlU-n. J.'x' each.


810 Oliv* StrMt, St. L4>uis, Mo.

parrart apf>uEp',F0R


SLK^E C0.1 , fttvatMt tail Mtaataiebimt



Three big dara, wfakdi will be glvai ovrr to a dia- ruaaion of quodiona rilal to the publlshera and adver- tlarn of the country. Three big days of untied effort to furUiartng the cfflcieucy of Buatneea Building throufb the Buainna Preee FVir furUier Information addreaa R. K. HIIAW, Chairman Cauianlltee m Ar- raiiiementa, UT South Dearborn Street. Chicago.


VICTORIA MILLER AND COMPANY Weatem B*preaentatlve. ri»afDE DOYLK, lit Weal Waahtngton. Chicago. IIL: Raatem Hepneeiitative. PVTE M.ti'K. I*alw Theatre, .\ie, York. WM. V. MILLER. Maaagtr, aa par eaute.


REGENT HOTEL To follow State. IHMrict AjrietiUural Tain and ramltaU thU 8ct«no? If yrn are yon should hare a enpr of Fairs and ('aniUaU* IHreiionr. It mitalii<h full and raiiipM«- Itstt 4)f thewe erttiU; ran be ram«^ in coat poiket; fivt'n full names and addiviuie« tg SnTvtarlfa. Names of AA^ndatkmt. l*1aoe« Wb«ce Held, mce red dates for ah held in the Tiilted States, IHII reason. If you «t«dre to werure plara order bt«. tfdltkm alii he Umlted. Malt'd to aio sddre«M.

U. S. POULTRY BRCCOCRS* DIRECTORY, Boa 2(7, SttWravllla. Pa. Hth and Choatnut Sta

.ST. LOtlS. MO. ONE HUNDRED PETIT PANELS Slae IVxgH, cogied fmin yeur photoermph. for tl M. Swnple down. SOr. lUmiVHAN'DT STt'DIU. 1‘ark end Lrxington SL, Reltlmcre, Md.


Juet XK the laet form wee going lu preve we receive,! the following telegram;

•Ltlaiita. Ga., .Lug. ni. lfll4.

IjiKt Word In motion picture* opened today, the Strand. Atlanta, hOO capacity; new forceil draught cooling ayitem inatailed; nine piece

orchewim. tt|iening attractnin, Tlie Bouudar.x Itidcr. Kcgular program. Mutual, excepting fea lure ila.r*. when Eclectic Knhjeci* will he ahown

The Slain and The Ijiat Y'olunti'er l■■>king'• to follow.


Gartzel Ilolzenlieck. Manager.

TWOiEXaUSIVELY THEATRICAL HOTELS with "The Yorkahire Airman,** but time

bad ahown Tudor that Rlarkbum eou'.d he aafely eotmated with her safety in the •kh-e. During a vUlt to a reaort on the York- ablre coast wane twelve montba ago, Dla •h nne.I an av.ator'a lamiiet and alepiMHl gaily

into the paoM-nger'a aeat, and her Brat air trip hrontht a de»lre for more. Following thl* ahe practically aie-nt her bolldaya In the air, taking the cruaa countrf trtpa, f.dlowing llie rhwing of each engagement, aa a matter of ciurae.

Not deairlng to regard her aa an •'aaaef* In bia new huaineaa, Tudor refaae,1 highly in creaaed offera of f*-ea to permit the advertialng of her fligbta, and It waa only on the airman'* giiMl by Biglita that ai)ectat<»ra were amazed

a,-e the Utile maiden climb Into the niacb'e - with the OHMl Innocent of cblldlah aing frdd and amllingly wave an American flag aa the machine lacended and waa loat to view, oe- caKlonally giving exhibitlona of bomb throwing during the aarenta.

In the machine, havinx an adaptable *‘dna1 •-ontrol," lata was, under the nwiwt favorable weather cmdltlona, allowed by Blarkhurn t« aa«a ne the piloting of the machine, and traveled many nillea in the air under her own guidance of the aleerlng wheel Blackburn pre- wrvliig a reaillneaa to reaa*ume control when neccaaary.

At the age of three weeka NIa re-'elved her

"chrlatening'* (or rather “naming") In *he arma of Captain Jack Ronavlla, In the arena of the Boaliwk Sea Reach Talace exhibition, when hla once famoua group of twenty aeven Ilona prrwerved a dlgnlfle,!. atatue like alienee on their aeata encircling the nnlque ceremony— her name waa given her In the abbreviation of that of her birtbplare. Her travel life haa iHit Iwen without Incident, and recorda her fallier'a cancellation of paaaigr* taken by the 111 fated Titanic and eacape from the Dream¬ land Arc of 1h11 I«la'a d4»Ila were hatiy II,hi* tiger* and other infantile a[ie,'lnien* of tlie rarnlv,>r,>n* *|>eclea.


AFTOMORIU. AT Y'lit’R SERVICE \V,>rd r,'ael>ea n« that the l/,ne Star .Yinii*,- niciit ( o. atraud,-,! In ('a|\,‘rt. Tex., ttie past *,~-k, asM! that F K. i.eegett. the manager. t<v>k III* carry.,la all and private car Into II,-u*- ton Several of the coneeaaiona, lecordlng to

tile alalement, are (daring •‘atlll.*’ while the oth,-r». with H. MiUik'a D-rria wheel, ],dued ont with D. Darker, nntler the name of the G. O.

Darker Carnival Co. In the liue-np are; \V. E DK-e'a DIaiit. Show, Congo Sliow, with E. J WlKirow on the front; II. .M.mka* ferri* wheel, hoopla and knife rack: .\I. Mort-ui'a glaa* wheel, oat rack and high atriker; F. Rled*o,-*a hell lH>anl and wlu-el; Geo FennelDa dart gni

lery and plok-ont; Billie Eli>a* kegs, and Geo.

O Darker*a cookbonae.


netropole note! Hoy N. rith St., np:ir .McKinley



hut were they to meet and re-Nignlzc the ,>pr

aonr.llty of Harold Rlackhiirn, ‘The Y'orkahire Airman,' they would wlali to emulate lalu'a evainide, a* hundre<hi of EnglUh pe,q>h. did."

In hdlowlng hi* hu*ine** a* "flrat llenlenani" to the late Frank C. B,«,ock. much world travel wa* eovereil, and. marital i-ontrae, tw-twe^-n Mr.





purauant to a pre Tudor and hi*

wife, he ha* iMo-n. thivmglHnjt, acr<wnpanled by Mra. Tudor and DIa—since the coming of their

charming daugliter eleven year* ago at Coney Ixland. I*Ia ha* now twenly-elght trana-At lantlc trli* to her credit. In addition to twice

Iraverahig the gl*d>e. with tour* throughout S,>uth .Africa. .Yuatralla and New /.ealand, and vlalt* to the (irinriiml ritiea of the Fnlted

Stale*, Great Britain and the Eur<q>eao contI iient. lala la, easentiallv, an American, and her relnm to the shadow of the atara and Rtrl,M>* ha* fulfilled her one ambition of the (laat two years; remarkahl.v quick at learning,

her e,l,tcatlon ha* Ruffered hut little under the condition* of her erratic iK-hooUng, and the (ircacnt time ha* lieen act a* the commencing cf the *eriou* aide of her love for mii*le and

de«lre to *,a|iilre all there 1* to know In a *r-lHda*tlc currlcnliim.

Ite*igning control of the lntcre*t* of the late ".Yiilnial King" to hi* eveeiitor* «m conclu*lnn of the following that genial and world- faiiioii* kIwiw man's denilw, Tinlor decided upon aviali,>ii a* a o-npe f,>r hi* mctlHvI*, and one that affonled lala ,inlM*iiide<l delight In a

strong, rhlldlsli attachment, reclpr«K-ated by the Ri'll«h airman, wlrnm her father had «e- lected for hla "partner In the air,'* and her w«-ekly aclioid and »ea»onahle liolldaya were «[M-nt <m the flying field*. For lamie month* f»>tli her father and mother steadily refused to llaten to her pleading* to Is- allowed to fly

New Y’ork, Aug. 2ft—The C<d)iirn Dlayer* closed their summer season at the ClevelMn<l Country Club. Cleveland. O.. yesterday. aii,t will not go out again Iw-f-'re January.




Now Dlaylng WHrtcin Vaudeville.

Pwtnanent Address,

WANTED QUICK VeffUitlle Sketch Te«m. lively sinjle Aft; must «*harure fnr three fltvs lo fMie week. Two-ear ahmr. lionk Acaann to Kood people. !%>«« do'iolltiir bram (riven preferenee 'HiU week, tilascuw. Va. Wire W OrUXAN

CR —Heavy and Ce^ieral llaslneaa Man Ytoth muM be yinitig Join on wire, nr; low. Aure Milar). BdYIJC.


MUSICIANS WANTED Tor Frank A. Rnbbin*’ tTrrw. Marllnkton* TY. Va. S«t>t. 4; Rofioereiie. W Va., Sept. 5; Orwlnftoo, Va. Hei>t. 7. H>:MIT KKRN. Itan«lmaA(er


NO WAR PRICES Bmll PallentMTf'* Trained Itear, the flrst. It la

clalmrd, to ride a bl<»rle a* directed. The act Is now appearing In vaudeville

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Tlie Billboard 17

Coney Island Chatter By Budd,

If II..IIHT siblry »»« ytwDlin l«it Sunday

■ ud »n»’*klii« off iM-lwwn lecture* t« match , few «luk» «f •lcci>, d.rti't blame him. It

wa.ii't 111* fault If 1^ *“• *"*"*'■

cHtliut and 1*1* *1* """■•■ '‘•**'“* ***‘*^*“’‘* Slldcy »*>■ clicatcil out of all sleep the lil(bt«re. It »■» all "u account of Md Hhgblr. No, that I* not the name of a Koaher dl*h. It la the feaat that follow* the Itamdan, which Is a forty day fast Indulged In by the natlT.n

of Sam dumi'ertt'* Somali I.*nd. forty days

tbe Soiiiada will n<>t eat, ei<«»«t betwe<*n the hour* of iMie and f<mr a m., and at tbe end of that lime It 1* only reasonable to supiioae that they might base yearning* In the reg'.m

of their bread baakets. The end of the faH bapiH-ncd to be last Hatunlay night, and at ■Umt one o’chN-k Sunday morning, without a word of warning, the moat flemllsh nolaea

rent the air, tom tom* started to beat, In.-o- herent glMierlnra were beard coming from the but* In the Tillage, and from that time on Sibley, who occupies room* above tbe entrance

to Somali IJind, slept not. "What In h— is this." be yei:ed a* be leaned out of tbe win¬ dow to determine the cause of tbe rumpus.

But there were no Kngllah wonl* reached bis cars In eiplanatloo. Just the never ceaalng runitdlng and glbtwrlng. ‘•Maybe the Somal'.* are rehearalng a new dance,” Tolnnt<-ered M. a

Sibley as she rubberl her eye* In wonderment. “No, they're not," replied Homer, a* he spied

the native c«di huslly stirring a big pot. "I'Tom the smell of things they most be making a rarebit." "Yes." said Mra. Sibley, "and from

the sound of thing* they must be trying to

awaken the deid." "Well, they will do It If they keep this up, and what's more, the whole of Toney Island will be awake In a f#w mlnnte*." answere*! her buAand. “Ixjok at

the crowd that ha* gathereil outside. Mayb* I had h.‘tler go get Frank SmaB and give aiedhcr show." Frank couldn't be fouml, i-id as the noises cea#e<l they both tlHutgbt they

conld relnrn to sleep. But nothing doing In that line, for In a mlnole tbe same program was repeated and cnotlnned lo until rooming.

At abont eight o'clock the Somalia did a

dance anmnd Mr. Meyer's bouse that oust him ten dollars bcf.we they wvmld move awa.r. Then. In rotation, each of the other honaea ocenpted by Mr. Meyer'a amlstants, etc., were serenade.!, and the palms had to he

greased again. Sibley wasn't slighted eltb^r, amt as be tosseil out hi* donatloo he r^ marked;. "Oh. now I km>w what it Is. It I* an African shakedown." When Mr T.omiwli

visile.! the ground* in the evening he also wa* greeted with much dancing ami singing, and he, t.*>, bad to hand out some sogar. .Af'er things had qnleled down Meyer did a Iltf'e

invewtlgatin? and f.wind that the reason foe all of tbe celebrating was tbe end of the f*»t and the monev collected was f.w tbe mnslclan*.

••Worae than a Bowery Tabaret." gn>w*ed Frank Small, when he came upon the aceuc. "Say, Meyer," asked Oumperti. "do .t.hi me in to tell me these people have been fasting fo’ forty day* and me paying big meat and grocery

bill* every wm-k?" Meyer answered ye*, and

Onmperti walked away scratching hi* bead and consoling himself with the fact that the season I* almost at an end, and even though the war doe* raise the prices on fond aluffs, he

will not have to feed them mneb longer

R.SWD and Rapisirt are making a kick be¬ cause Joe Waener keejui them up all night telling them what a great game be will have

next year. What la It. JocT

Billy Honely says. If Jack Rngllah writes

any more poety he will quit tbe picture busi¬ ness and become a playwright.

Jack Gavett—In reply to your Inquiry ai to whether or not you can bay any of Rngliab't verse, I am sorry to say y.m can not. Jack Is writing rxcluslrely for the Thatter. la view of your Inquiry, it Is quite a cotncldence that we are fortunate In being able to pnbllsb am.ther one of hit excellent piw>ros this weak

Here It Is, and It is In answer to you:

The fact atlll remains I’m a p<wt: Gavett knows It only t.s* well.

And hei-anse I am able to do this B<Miie fellows are JeaUuis a* b—.

Gavett tatt< IU»n* and tiger*. And d<w* other things better *>r worse.

But It's dollars to doughnuts. I'm betting. He can't write four lines of good verse.

J.ACK RNOI.iail.

Ike Ja rsdis has a great l<H*atlon f.*r hla ph.>to- araph gallery, right at the corner of l.una I’srk, The early part of the season he had I live hull hltrh.Hl to an antUine ox cart, but

It Sam Krlclman so hoarse telling the pstrons to watch their atepa that they had to ah.H.l tlie hull, hut It la now aliifre.1 and aa much of an allracllon aa ever. This la lacobs llrst season, but he la well pleased with the venture.

Got a letter from our old friemi. Happy Wells, Happy la up In IVuston and aaya thlnga are great. Me sen.U lilt Ih’sI r<'garda to Major Hh<Nlea.


The War Situation in Europe The Family and Executors of the late

Frank C. Bostock have prepared

themselves to


Great Frank C. Bostock Jungle Animals

together with the sole and unrestricted use of the name of the late Frank C. Bostock and all the arena cages, shifting dens, properties, etc., contained in the “Bostock Jungles” now instiilled at White City, London, and International Exposition, Bristol, Eng.

The stock includes: 4 Elephants (including one baby), 36 Lions and Lionesses, 30 Bears, 7 Leopards, 8 Pumas, 15 Wolves and Hyenas, 3 Kangaroos, Mule, Horse, variety of small animals, Reptiles, Parrots and about 50 Monkevs—and embraces the following:

16 SEPARATE SUPERB ACTS Wonderfully Trained Elephant, “Mar\’ Ellen” “Tweedum and Tweedee,” Twin Military Elephants “D’Artagnan”—Esquestrian Lion, Horse and Dog Group of Kaffrarian Lions Group of Lions and Lionesses Group of Lions and Lionesses Group of Lions and Lionesses Group of Lions and Lionesses Group of Giant Polar Bears Group of Leopards Group of Giant Bears Group of Teddy Bears Group of Pum:is Boxing Kangaroo Skating Bear Wrestling Bear

The animals are in superb condition, and their acts the best of their kind. The show has been maintained in efficiency on the prin¬ ciples orRanized and in-«tituted by the late Frank C. Bostock.

Tenders for the quick and outriRht purchase of the above enter¬ prise. as a RoinR concern, should he immediately addressed to Harry E. Tudor. The BllllMtarxl's New York Office. Offers will be accepted ns boinir on a basis of the stock and outfit beiuR placed on board ship at an KnRlish port, under the care of competent animal superintend¬ ents. The various trainers will Rladly (if required) continue their enRaRement.

The conditions RoverniuR this disposal represent the greatest opportunity ever offered for American showmen to secure the best and most popttlar Trained Animal Show ever known in history at a price far and away from its business value.

HARRY E. TUDOR, The Billboaril, New York.

Slim, BUI I'alaky, Billy M .■yer* ami an un¬

known bowle.l a few set.s the other clay, au.l

Slim tells me he nca.ia Meyers look like a

deuce 8[iot when it came to registering tje acore. Slim has a|i|M>inte.l me Ills manager, aud 1 will match him against all comers. I am putting up a beautiful pair of cuff link* t,t

the winner. Slim says I’efe Newman is the only one from he wants a handicap. From Pete he only wants a haiulicap of f.uir hundred on a four hun.lred and fifty game. Who wauls to bowl Slim?

Rnglisb tells me it was an oversight thit he ueglect-Ml to include Charley Case In hie

first poem. He will take care of him later.

Harlem Dan pefries, who has the only doll game at South Beach this summer, says be has tbe exclusive f.>r all wheels at the Ricbmonil Fair, Staten Island.

Why did the band quit at the Ben Hur Ride? Surely they could not want a prettier and more (smgenial little leader.

Who took the nice new signs down from the Steeplecbcase bosses? Black Sousa, please write.

Soma'.l I.And will close I-abor Day, and ba.f

of the sixty Somalis return to Africa this Saturday, the others remaining in tbit coun¬ try to travel tbe fair circuit.

Geo. Sooffieid, manager of the Phantom Cas¬

cade, has resigned and will return to his old business of cvinstructing amnsemeot devices.

Many of the boys, who have been emflfOyed on Coney Island wncesslons, have beat it for Toronto.

All right, Martin, I won't make that mlatake again. Harry S.-boen put me wise. How is the cane rack these days?

Henry Sinken is busy aa ever these days

managing the billing for Ste.‘plechcase. Henry has tack cards and isisters all akmg tbe tracks of all car lines leading to Coney. William Brown, known as "Sheet 'em up Willie”; Bill Gray, who has the repuation of being the champion aerial dauber; Harry Irving, who is always on the war-path, and Heaven help the guy who covers bis daub, and Johnny Fltigera'd are assisting him.

Joe Pataky—Y'our brother says you'd better atsy in Bayonne, as tbe game has been doing

fine since you left. Henry, tbe Candy Kid, le also working better, 1 hear.

Kee%> away fi\>m the out-of-town dames, Oscar; there are a million and a quarter nice

ones right here in New York.

I.ettera from Fre.l Lewis to bis old c^mfreres

at S.>malilaud state that the big State Fair at Richmond, Va., of which he is manager, prom¬ ises to be the best in Its history in regards to both the exhibits and shows, wiiile It it known as the oest financially to all concerned.

Sam Gumpertz has about completed all bia arrangements for his Dreamland Shew for 1915, and it gives promise of outdoing all hi* previous best eff.irts. Sam is very quiet himself, but

Paine Rum.>r batb it that tbe show will be Oriental in oharaeter and will require a big force of men all winter in tbe building and

deorating. A couple of hun.lred of Orientals will be r.sjuired in the show, aud agents are now negotiating with these pev|>Ie. Mr. Gnm- pertz still expects to go at road in December to

complete tbe arrangements, and expects to open to tbe public early in May with tbe one big siugle attraction on Coney Island.

Aba Ben Omar, the versatile Hindoo dancer, has been making openings all summer at Somali¬ land, but expects to put bit big act on in vaude-

ville again early in tbe fall. A Hindoo boy, disebarged from th«

hospital recently, wltlwut a cent, appeared at Somaliland, footsore and hungry. Jack

Allen ataked him to supper money, and Mr. Meyer gave him the necessary change for a bed, while strange to relate, though not of tbe race, tbe Somali people, witbont suggestion from

anyone, took up an independent collection of nearly $10, which they insisted should be put in tbe hands of Jack Allen and paid to tbe boy in daily Instalments. They feared be might be "swindled" out of it if given him all at once.

Only one man about tbe place could speak the boy's tongue, but charity knows no creed nor

language. Harry Conklin has Just secured some fifteen

and twenty-fos't phythona for his wife’s big act with Gunipertz's Dreamland Side-show, play¬

ing tbe fairs this fall. George Schofield, inventor and manager of

Y'e 01.1 Mill, ha* resigned from the outfit. It’s a great pity, for ueorge has been a favorite on the leland for twelve years.

Wbitey, the South Beach frankfort sblllaber, who used to "forget" to turn in the dogs after eacb shill, knows of a fine Job be would like to get. It is shilling for Feltman's two-dollar

shore dinner.


.A rumor has lu'en circulating atout for a h.vlf

month or more to tlie effect that Col C. W. Parker had arranged with Will K. Aiken to take ont the latter'* show In enlarged and Parkerized form in 1!*15. ll.^wever, there I* no

basis to such a rejiort. and The Blllboar.! is

t.Nlay In receipt of word from Colonel Parker himself, which l.I.'ntifles him as the authority

for denying the rutii.T In iiuestion.

18 SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Xtie Billboard


riiio»ic<>, AiiiS. 27.—Kitcimlve Hltcrations, aald to ItKiPf w';iy into tlir tlioiiHsniIs, i,re lifiiig made on the Folly Theater, a former Eastern Wheel biirleaqiie house.

The mystery that stirroumls the Folly may lie

rleareii hy hsikiii); around the oirner at the Amerirau Music Hall, a recent addition to the Proirressive t’iieiilt, which Is reisirteii to be do- tna an immense business.

Tlie wiseacres are saying nothiiiR, liut it is rejsirted that the Odumida Annex shows will be sent into the Folly in an effort to curb the business at the American.

The American Music Hall is the only bur-

les<|ue Iwitise on the South Side that is near the b»1>. ami its only op|s>sition will he the Folly,

alsiiild tile t'olumida Circuit decide to o|ien the bouse.

It is said that burles4]ue will is^t be played at the Empire Theater, but that the Columbia Annex ahowa will be switched into the Folly Theater. The Star and (larter'a otijectlon la said to have lieen the cause of the switch.


l.sNir Day will mark the openlnK of the first burlesi|ue Ismse in Hartford, Oinn.—the Grand Theater, with The Happy Wicbiwa billed to open the first half and Hilly Watson's Bl(t Slmw for the last half of the week. The liouse is on the Columbia Amusement Co.'s Circuit and will aplit with the Empire Theater of Albany, N. ¥. Max SpieKcl la lessee and Moe Moesslns, man- aser. The decorations of the new house are ■ni<|ue and (M-autiful, and It has a seatins ca¬ pacity of l.SOO.


Tile Moulin ItoiiKe Girls opened for the season at the Star Theater, Toronto, .\ueust 24. The principals include Harry Fields, Frank Vardelle, James Howell, Willie Mack. Itert Fassio, Catll erine rarlton. Horence Wrikhton. .4da Bllls- bnry and Bert Fassio. Exer-utlve staff for the Moulin Boiiite Girls; Sutter and Nusbaum. man apers; FViink Irwin, advance apent; I.ouia Strons, musical director; John Waters, staxe cariienter;

0. IVic Covalt. proiierty man; AI Craig, elec¬ trician, and Miss Bums, wardrobe mi!<tress.


New York. Aug. 20.—Contemplating AI Beeves from an orchestra seat in the Columbia Thea¬ ter. the other evening, as he stnsle backward

and forward, in immaculate evening clothes and silk hat. so near to the f sitlights that he (siuld have touched with hla cane the heads of those In the boxes and front row, the thought, upper¬

most. was tlie close fit the dictionary had given Mr Reeves In the dellnition of "showman;" and Is-w much had been left undefined. The snc-


Here is a (trsxl iikcneas of that papular plotievr burlesque manager, Tlios. McCreadv, aho at the present time U managing the GL'mplc flieatre, dndnnatl, O. Though but three weeks In <his hotbed of burlesque competition, he has alreaoy started the ball roUlng, and on the opening day of the house put over a record for attendance that has never before been equaled in the his¬ tory of burlesque in CindtinaU.

ecssors of N 'ah Webster say that a showman is "one wlio exhibits a show; esiieclally tlie pro¬ prietor of a traveling exhibition; in local uee. an actor.”

Tlie word "showmanship" must have been a

eoinage that escafied tbe last edition of tl.e iinaliridKetl; and ao we must each set up our own definition of tbe word. Here ia ours: AI Iler'ves. For It would seem tliat sbowniansliip must lie the art of handling a show, just as penmaiisliip ia the art of shoving a Spencerian. Sleiwniansliip seems to go even beyond the mere

art of devlslnt; entertainment and prr'senting it;

and for want of anywhere near as good a de- Bcrlption of that indefinalde something, we stick to our own conception: AI Kee>es.

Not knowing Mr. Brieves personally, nor lieiug intimately Inforiiied as to his aniiestry or place of lntr<Hluctlon to this vale of grief and

joy, wo may tie presuming—but lie Ml'ST have Isain horn in the ticket wagon of a cin-ua. tl*. S.—Mr. Reeves claims to have been born In every town on the Columbia Wheel, so we must give him some fixed place even if only for our owD purposes.) Had be lieen born In a circus dressing-tent he would have been an actor; hei’ce, being a business man more tlian sn actor, we elect, of our own accord, that he ws* born in tiie ticket wagon.

Ills natal couch, presumibly, were bills, "soft money,■’ which the ambidexterous pasteboard

twr-rm his birthdsonr slid bis debut u|Min tbe "kid slK)w" rost.'um of forensic gl'ry. Tlie dressing tent atmosphere would have supplied tlie actor Instinct which leads .Mr. Beeves tkiwn to till* fiMitliglits twice dally—wlien there is no

race trsek running in tlie rolunilda Wheel towns he plays. The fart that be dis*» go uism

toe stage cnipletoa his e'|ulpiiieiit for the Justl- liHlde eiuliellishn'eiit of his "Give me credit. Isiys" trade-mark.

For tliesc tilings one MUST give him crevllt; He buys gissl clothes, of the lK>st material, and knows 1.SVW to wear them. His lH>arlng upon the stage in evening clothes is worthy of emula¬ tion hy any man wiio finds mHivI to sliake the prosaic business suit and don tlie togs of "sas- siet.v." From ids sboe-ti|is to the nsif of hla

advance style silk "toii|ier" lie is tidy, fit and, above ail else, r-Hiifurtalile. He prances with more liec- mlng grace than he talks about liiniself. I'.ut at that, the vdiserver is edifleil ill the Reevesque disclosures: to realixe that the ordinary run of male can pas.* through life with "ou tlie srjusreiiess" so firmly flxevl in bis sys

teui that it can is>t alone withstand the with¬

ering light of public seif-search but also bold gosl under tlie research of (last pc'rformances.

-Mr. Reeves talks about himself to make his

living We (editorially s|>eaklng) write alraut

him t > make ours. And we wlE eoefesa, here and now, that Mr. Reeves' petals from his own


Harry HaaUngx' Tango Qurens Oimpany (Oplumbla rimill) at me. Pa. Tom Cogne. prtnclpal co«niillan, aaid Eddie Daley, manager, sundliig beside the auto.

handlers swept in upon the floor. The "soft" typified what the future would be for AI in cvm- IM'tition. Sometimes a silver dollar might fall upon him; indicating that while he might get a few hard kmieks there would be a silver lining to all bis clouds. Probably AI's first chirp was on tlie front of the "kid sIkiw" mak¬ ing tlie openings—think of a showman celebra- tirg his first birtliday in this enviable and ap proprlate rashion!

Tlie years and birthdays since tlien have brnight.Mr. Reeves miieh glory and gold. He lias become a successful showman amply fulfill¬

ing the promised fruition of his ticket wagon scene <.f nativity. Tliere never lias lieen but one single sb-owman In burlesque tlist was hla e<iual in slKiwroanshlp—and Sam T. Jack was Just .VI per cont off. In his psimiest days; for

the late and sincerely lamented Cliesterfleld of biirlesu'ie never bsik to tlie stage to adorn tbe situation and to p.Mnt out his own virtues. Tlie late Mr. Jack never took advantage of tlie dic¬ tionary qualiflc.vthin "in local use. an actor."

Perhaps Mr. Reeves was nurtured in a circus dresiiiig tent during tlie time intervening be

orally-shrinking violet are much more interest¬ ing and to the point than our written wreatlies of tribute to bis "showuianshlp." Reeves la original; we are not. And naa or¬ iginated a school of thestrics that lias, forsooth, lie« n the shrine of a no leas re'.ebrated wor¬ shipper th.m Eva Tanguay!

For It was Reeves who, vesrs agone, estab¬ lished the self-praise whooi of drauiatica—and Eva baa simidr translateil his methmis to fern Inlne uses. Oimpare their rharacterlstlcs; see how deftly and coviy Eva has c< p|ie<l tlie Reeves scle o| of personal popularity promott. n. Reeves

advertises himself with printer's ink in inti mste and nn-mrslest parlanre; so dcsui Eva.

Reevet talks about himself u|Min tlie stage; so does Eva. Reevej sings ilKiiit himself In piib- lic; BO (ioec R)s>ves dis-s (»e sliall ssy) unusual things of a ss-ml piildlc nature in semi- privafo life; so lines Eva.

And it must lui admilteil I'.iat by the tn- evltsble Isis’s which govern orlginstor snd copy¬ ist tlie copyist Just misses liolng tlie trick ss well as the originator. All tint Eva has on AI

Is tbe fsisslble U-nefit tliat nilsl t <siine from a



HARRY WELSH Monts Oarls OliM.


c<iiii|iarisiin in tights And .41 never even bad in his eiiiploy ali.v-uie wImi ooiild match Eva In the tiglit'fita. But .41 I'Voks J'jst sa gissl. r> usiderlug

the difference In sex. In bis evening rlutliea as Eva d'les in tights. S>, |ierhaps, AI gets tbe Verdict on iiemuitage, snyhow.

Finally, and we the difinltion of the word "sliowtiisnslilp" walrh Welister's IHc-^ tioiiary lacks Is lie:cliv suliiiiitted to tlie lexi-

rogrspler for tlie next I nabrldgevl; let It lie simply: .41 Uceves.—WALTHIIJ..


By Olio.

Reisirts fisini the two Jock Singer shows are that the Itehman Show, heailed by l,ew Kelly, and the No. 2 shun’. The Blue Ribbon Belles, are getting tbe big change over both circuits.

Helen Van Buren it with llie Happy Widows again this season. Helen bos a new repertoire of songs and some wvmderful Parlsieniie cos-- tumea.

Minnie "Bud" Williamsm Is in no «ay re lated to Frank ‘‘Bui" Williamson, So don't let the "Bud" thing mislead you.

Ed l^ie Wrotlie Is vine of the boys that the war has bad affv^l upon. You know Ed was to

be be tbe first one inUi Ixindon to try out the .4merican burles<|ue idea on tbe other aide.

The cast of Jeane Binllnl's Mischief Makers has undergoue quite a rhange tlnce tbe o|>enlng lierformaDce at tbe .4merlcan Music Hall .4u gust 16. Lalla Saltdni and the Viciviria INiur were asked to ebise. tlie reasou being given that the slsiw was bisikevl up too heavily and it was ImiHissihle to pay ex|ienses.

Here is a cvimbinathin that It hard to beat— Billy .4rliiig|<in aiul Bal<e l-a Tour, b>tb with the same show. The Gvdden Crsikt.

It Is reporte.i that Joe Opp, who styled him self last season as Young .41 Beeves, has for saken hurlesviue and baa signed up with a well knosn picture company.

.4lva McGill la being featured with the Scan¬ lon M<sire Progressive Wheel show.

Estelle Colbert, formerly with the Miners' .4mericant. Is this season «ith Charlie Robin »ui't Carnation Beauties, playing the aouhrelle role.

Charlie Sweebin. for a number of aeasona of the Jake Wells Circuit in the South, ami last season manager «if the Majestic Theater, Evan* Tille, Ind., has taken over the lease of this house and will play Pnigrestlve Wheel attrac- tions tbia aeasoD.

I Jie Burton, the clever little tad. is this sea- •vin lielng featurevl with Dave Maiioo'a Dream- land Company. ,

Harry Hills and Ida Emerwui. last season with Charlie Robinson, are one of tlie many features with The Girls From the M<mllii Rouge this season.

ITie Girls From Joyland are certainly rlean- Ing up under the guidance of the ever-fsipular

Danny Mack. Danny writes that Rocbealer was a capacity stand no<l Elmira atviod them np at every performance.

Andy Ivewls mas given a big send-viff In all of tbe Cincinnati pa|iora. tlie different dallies

s|M-akiiiK of him a< tbe king of biirleMjiie laugh makers.

Tlie Dark Tviwn Fvdllea, the Pi>igre*alve t'lr cult's colored show, is certainly getting the money. The Hayniarket In Ciilcag.i an I the Cleveland house report exceptional Inislness. Considering the weather.

The vild Buckingham at I.,o(ilavlUc iqH-ntHl .4iigiist 31 mllh The r<illlea, a Cblumbla Antex alivim.

The Fields and Fields show. In Paris. o|ivne'l the I‘eo|de's Theater, Pbiladel|ibla, .4ugust 23. to a big h<iu«e.

Sam J. .4dama will be sev>D again this av-s»in uniter tlie management of Charlie w'tlilnui. in siipisirt <if Frank Finney of Tps-adero fame.

Ed Galligan, who has bvM>n but to his many vild assvirlstea In hurlea<|ne, has returned to Ids first love, "Burlesque.” and is managing the .Masonic Tliesler, Louisville, Ky.

Maliel l,e«lle |a tieing featured mitli Harry Hahting's Tango Queens this term

"Zeiuda.” knviwn as tlie girl with tlie dta neiinl teetli, mlwi for many seasons has been one of the higges't rarnlval attractions In the iviun try, is Isdng featured Ihia term with The MviiiIIn Itoiige tilrls.

Sslly Fields left the Jean Ilcilliil's Mischief Makers and will Iq. seen with llie Hello Psrls Company, playing tlie same rlrrnlt

Tlie vgM-ning »i' the Masonic 'niealer. Isiills- vllle. Ky., as a liiirles<|iie lioiiso proved to lie very [s.pulsr wllli tlienlergi-ers In tliat lomii. Tile ('harming Widows played to hig liuslne«s all mi'ek, and there la every indlcallon ttist the nem- hiirleaque house will be a po|iiilar resort for Iheatergoera In thia mell knomii Southern City.

After a aacceaaful summer tour over the les'W Circuit, Tlie Golds are being featured with The Beauty Parade thia season.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. X ti e Billboard 19


So matter where lou co—* Tremlent Harlnt Account la tralltble. No trouble or delij when In need ot mooejr. Write to our !iAVING» I>EPAKTM£NT for Booklet B.

Althoucb eight acta conatltuted the bill at

the Majealic Muiiday afterniiun, one of the

real acta waa mlaalng. K<lgar Dudley and Florence lorralne. In a new comedy iklt, en-

iKled The Way to a Man's Heart, was thu offering tbst failed to api>ear for the matinee IK-rrornian'-e. Their scenery did not arrlre

In time for the opening penformanoo, but did get In in time to allow the arliota to go on for the evening allow. The new art la from the pen of Jue Mitchell, and

carries with It enjoyable eomeily. Acting on the part of both artists la capable, eaiieclally the character work of Miss I.arralne’t. Her character of a Swede met with the approval

of the entire bonae. At the performance Mon¬ day evening the act scored one of the hits ot

(lie program.

There was an electloo of new members In *he

Old Krleuds' Club last week, many prominen. theatrical folks being accepted livto the organ!*

ration. I- K. Allardt, bead of the clrcnlt that bears his name: Krank J. Thielen, head of the clrcnlt that bears tils name; Francis X. Bush¬

man. the Basanay flim star; Charles D. Mc- Cutcheon. a weH-koown theatrical printer;

Daniel I- Martin, N. K. Gregan and Walter G Wallin were iRiong the new members.

Norman Kriedenwald'a A Night In Old Heldel- iMTg o|>eiie<l at the American Theater last week and pnvved a really enjoyable miniature musical

comedy. Norman Frledenwald has spared no eiiienae In prodnclng the offering and ahoni 1

And It very easy In aecurlnt a long renting for It. He has been booked for a ^Odthem

tonr. which will start next week.

Sam Thall. head of the Tabloid Department of the W. V. M. A., has accepted Pepple A Greenwald's Tlie F>>IIle* of Boivdway and

opened It last week at the Windsor Theater .In Chicago.

N.dile and Br.«.k« hare been Nioke.! for a tour of .\n«tralla. oio-ning there some time In tb'tober. They reachtnl Chicago last w<u‘k and

will remain here f.-r a little while, leaving . here for San Francl«iv>. where they stay until'

ready to open on their .Australian tonr. I

U'-'ii.ira Vennett. well known to the hical vaudeville cohmy. retiirne.1 here last week and op<'ne.l at llie Colonial Theater.

The Four Marx Brothers will g.> on In a new big vau.leville offering, which wtl carry a cast ..f slxf.u-n petiple If Is being

po-tiK-ed by Minnie Palmer. The act will b-- a«-*-n at the Windsor this week.

Sam Baerwiti reporla that his The Morning Plunge o|M>ne<1 very successfully and has beer,

bsiketl f..r a t.»ur of nine weeks through the

Ms'cns Isiew Western Booking A -ency. After that tour la complete.! the.act will be brought to < hicago Its Windy City premier.

Pafrlo.da_ and Myera were unable to open a* the Ijws Kinpresa here la«f week due to the Illness of Ruby Myer. O .Ifle'd an.l Drew t.s.k their place.

The Academy Tliealer oi>ene.| last Monday night to splendid business. Its new drea.

makes surroundings comfortable and Its opening Mil for the Inangurathm <if the seas..n was a •elect one It Included Carl and Bell, Char-

nihui Trio. <te.lnian and Ibalge. Isivvell and

I omaM ami Wilaun. The Gaiety Theater, tt-mth Chicago, ofiened on August 20 with l*• lblnl and Gis vtnl. Handera and MIllU.

‘le..rge A Beane and Cs*.. Murray K. Hill amt P ceol., Midgets

late .^lenlngs of vaudeville Mmsea have been

announced with the Rmpress Theater, Ahenan doah. la., o|M>nlng September 7 The Prtnos. Theater, Ames. Ii.. Septenvber 21. The Wlld.s* Theater, Reladt. WIs , o|wna September S wlt.i Mllva Sisters, Fred Chagnon. Cly.te ami Marlon.

Br.«.matlrk and Gangler'a Th • Vyers t»i»ra llonse,. at Janesville. Wla,. Of)4*D \ September 10 All wTll rarry the btwktnga of

the Weatern A audevllle Managers' Ass.iclatb>n.

The Hex Theater, a small house, atarte.! a vaudeville pvdicy, o|M'nlng August SI. A’auile- "lie wilt be played there f.w a full week

Tne Ashland Theater, oppiuilte the New A nerican Tliealer, the latest addition to th* Alsrcua I^iew Circuit, Is playing three acta of vau.leville, b<a>ked bv Tf.m Burehlll, of the W

' Al A It can hardly he ralle.! <.pp<siltb>ii to the New .American, which la playing the r.fiilar Mar.-ua t4.ew mad attractions.

'! I Kosonthal. wte. has been lr.lereate.1 In vaiidevllle In Panama haa aold .ml h'a Infer

e.ta there t.. U.dwrf AATIc.v Alvla and .Alvla "vs the first American act to plav In Pinama. It Is salil that new iH.nses are tudng ..t.ene.1 In I'.nama and that It.. lnter«*sted In C.e «e- •'ire are planning to bring new vau.leville

'• uis Into that victnitv m.>pth1v

The \,.W Twentieth Centiirv Th.-aler In Chi .f.. will Im. U. IiihI hr Walter Ih.wnle, ot the

" .l.rn Managers' Asw.n-latlon It "‘1 i.'sv ..111. s|s>t|lg|it singers

Frank Gta hlen Is ih.w ass.H.tat<<.t with Bn k "••r In Ih.. 'aller'a acenev They have taken off'.-... In the l'..nsniners lliilhtlni.

Ill.'har.l the Great has tm.-n f..r a

l.«ir of Ih,. Marcus lime, through Char es

F M...|klns The monk la bvadllning the bl I

FIRST-SECOND NATIONAL BANK, PITTSBURG, PA. EMaMItktd 185s. CagHal aad Surglut, $4,950,000.


UNITED STATES * - ' ; Showman’s League of America DEPOSITORY

3% ON SAVING ACCOUNT. Conwapondanea Bolieitad

FOREIGN EXCHANGE Capital, 12 000,000

DELIVERIES For All Theatrical Merchandise Costumes Made To Order. Manufacturers of Wigs.

T,argeBt and most complete Merchandise and Costume Cata¬ logue, 10c for mailing—XIGH'FS.

CHICAGO COSXCME WORKS Pbona CantrmI 0202. 143 No. Dearborn St.. CHICAGO. U. S. A

WAR ON DYE DROPS! Nn more dyra Imported—pvlcea on dye atuff go sky high We hare sn mormons stork of Dyea, and

OUR DYE DROPS HAVE NOT'ADVANCED IN PRICE YET. ORDER NOWI BEST WORK. LOWEST PRICES. Froen Five Onta per sfluare foot. ARTISTIC SHOW BAN.VERS l.N OIL COLORS AT LOWTiiT I'RICES. SCirvERY iYvR PBODLCTIONS AND M. P. THEATRES. Write today, giving dlmenalonj of aluff Deeded. Catalogue free to customers.



Chenstte's Musical Cowboys in Vaudeville All people must be flrst-rlass In evevy rewpert. Clown must be young, original and absolutely clean. Salary no otidev.-t to up-nolcliert. Behrarsais at Leavenwarth, Kansas, about October 15tb. Slate fully In reply.

S. EOW. CHENETTE, 101 South 25th Avciiua, Omaha, NebraUa. Allow time for mail to be forwarded.

WAIMXED Ilij'h-class eiilertainers. lady and gent; long engagement at good salary. Must be A-1 singers and have high-class wardrobe. Refer¬ ences retiuired. (jood chance to right parties,











Publlabad atmry WEDNESDAY AT 5 TAVISTOCK ST,. Straad, Laadaa. W. a 2.000 Advartlaamaata Aooaar Evary Waak la "Tha Era.”

Prateaalaaal Advartlaamaata. £15 oar Paga, £3 oar Calama, 4a oar lack, tlafla Cal Ima.

“The Era” is sold at Brentano’s, 5th Ave. and 27th St. Slafla Ceolaa. ky mall. 7 Caata. Subaerlptlea Rata, wHh Paatata. 83.20 a Vaar.

Aaeriran ArUau vUltlng England, uae 7'HK ERA OtOcea aa their permanent Londoai Addraaa. Inqulrlaa au4 caaaaunlraliona may be aent to


... WANTED ... FOR

New Vaudeville Theatre Orchestra of 4 or 5 Pieces of Excep¬

tional Ability Yvlio tire.up to ilate and gentlemen

-Advertising Agent- who ciin frame and paint clever lohbv tlisplays and handle program. State saliry letter. Applicants include references and photos.

C. E. CARITON, Manager Lyric Playhouse, BUTLER, PA.


this week at the Empress Theater, Grand Kapida, Mich.

Mias Adaline Soheer Joined the Hodkins I.yr.c Circuit this week aa private secretary to Charles E. Ilodkina.

Billy Haiie.v, of Il.iney and Ix>ng, writea

that their act la meeting with aueceaa on tbo

Cnited time. He aeuda hia regards to hit Chicago pals.

The Hotel Carleton, over which Jack N. C< <'k 7>realde8 as manager, la making long Htri.les In aeoiirinz the profeaalon. Cook kaa made the Carleton the place that all show peo¬ ple want to go to when they come to Chicago. Its bome-llke api>earance and Ita aurroimdings

make It an Ideal place. The management of the hotel U ailding three hundred more rooms to it. and when the new addition la completed It will make the Carleton the largest theatrics! hotel In Chicago. .\ aiteclal delivery letter waa received by "Harry” this week, carrying a

petition signed by the entire organisation ot the Westcott Sliows, endorsing the C arletom aa a "real” home for professional people.

Charles Torris, a well-known stock actor,

enters vsudeville at the Colonial Theater thio week with a skit, entitled The Preacher amd the Man. In this act Torris will portray tbo

character of a priest.

Wbo Is .She, a new act from the pen of Willard Mark, is disclosed this week at Mc-

Vlcker's Theater, acted by Joseph E. Bernard

and Hazel Harrington.

McVlcker's Theater is Jnst one year old today, having played van(|fvll!e Jnst 36f> days.

The management has claimed this week as anniversary week, and In honor of same they

have given their patrons an extra strong pro¬ gram. On this bill this week are Robinson's

Hippodrome Elephants, McIntosh, Bernard and Harrington, the Six Society Dancers, Davit and Matthews, Hoyt and Wardell, Fred Hllder- brand. Mack and Mack, Nicholas Nelson Troupe

and Walters and Jordon.

The Willard Tlieater will start Its new sea¬ son with Marens I.oew vaudeville on .Septem¬ ber 7. It will play six acts of vandevllie, with

prices ranging from 10 to 25 cents.

When Joseph Bransk.v’s new production. On#

Girl In a Million, opens at the Ij Salle Thea¬ ter, Joe will not relinquish the managerial

reins of the I.a Salle. He will still remain there as house manager. He has engaged Harry Ear! as manager of the new production

Aubrey Stauffer will direct the orchestra.

I.. I. Montague haa been appointed as man¬ ager of the Majestic Theater, Kankakee, Ill., whlchc was recently pnrchaseil by Veriiou Beaver. The passed Into the Westerm A'audeville Managers' .Association for bookings.

Food, Gertrude Coughlin's latest "farce-

comedy.” seen here a few weeks ago at tbu

Majestic Theater, has been booked for a tour

of the Orphenm Circuit.

The Star Theater rqjened Its doors on August 31. booked by the Marcus Ix)ew Western Book¬

ing Agency.

The Three Steindel Brothers are preparing a mnslcal act, which they will display In tbm variety theaters thronghont the Middle West.

When Els and French played the Palace

Music Hall the past two weeks the theatrical colony about here was rather m.vstlfled In part of their stage props—a sort of foamy sub¬

stance, which formed the backgronnd. For the benefit of those wbo failed to discover tbe

nature of the foamy substance. It was nothing but churned soap-suds, operated through tbe

help of electric motors. It made a beautiful sight and was complimented upon by the local

press. •

Miss Elizabeth Brice and Charley King, locil

favorites, returned here last week aa head¬ liners of the Majestic bill. They brought with them a number of old songs and plenty of new. Among the big hits of their numbers here waa a new war song, a ballad affair on the present

European situation, under the title of Tbn Motherland, the Fatherland and the Land of

My Best Girl. On rendering the number Charlie King won the entire audience over and

secured hla heaviest applause with that num¬ ber. .All Chicago will be singing It very short-

ly- 'The Western Van.levllle Managers' A'socia-

tl<m has secured the bookings of the Midway Gardens. It will be supplied with new dancing

acts ever.v week. The Orphenm Studios are making great

way with their work among professionals. Their

loop location makes It a rather handy p’tcn

for artists. Stone and Hayes leave Chicago this week for

another tour of the Western Vaudeville Man¬

agers'<iclatlon. Gordon and Norton are arranging a new act

for this season. The idea of their new offering la said to be a novel one. They will go Into rehearsals Immediately and be ready to otien

dnring the month of September. Charley Gaylor, the hand-balancing gymnast,

is playing fairs In Minnesota. South Dakota,

Wisconsin, Virginia and .Alabama. Gaylor pro¬ poses to give all his time to the fair seasoB next year with his two open-air attractions.

The Klt.amiira Japanese Troupe, who have been ai»pi'ar!ng with circuses, will be seeM

ag.ain In vaudeville this sea.son.


lici|ii'l<'HHurii« vf trMiuUtion, at tb« cdiI of tbit

(■•‘rlud, would (irobably Im> pvfn moro apparaot than It la now.—Dr. Joaopb tSdward Ilarrj. THREE PREMIERS


.\**» York t’ity. Aii»r. ihl. — lew b'ivbla na*.

Kfailuatctl Uat iiiiriit, in tbo KopiibUc Tboatvr, from musical buricague, with which hla name

baa been aasoclated for a acore of yotro, to to-

;:iliiiiaie farcr comedy. For The lIlKb Coat of

l.uviti;:, in wbicb be made bia debut as a "KtraiKbt” come<lian. is of Cerman extraction, ami baa none of the breadth of frankness

for which Ctcrman farces are famous.

The ltilllM>ard's own New York critics sura its (Siances up as follows: Set down The llitih Cost of l.oviii|{ for an all-season run at the

Ke|iublic. l.ew Fields never in his stase career was Utti-d with a part that develoiied so much and a,> many sides of his abilities as a mmedlan.

and never in his life score<l a more worthy and pronounced iMTsonal success. The play would

not be accepted In any but the very larKest towns, for its theme and many of its references and lines are broadly indeed, ojienly frank and illumloatiiiK upon phases of hnman existem-e

that make it questionable entertainment save for maturity of wide knowledye and ein>erience; but for that class of tbeaterttoers the conic<1y will appeal as riotously funny. Iiristllni; with broad witticisms and teeuiing with irresistibly funny scenes, lines and situations. The play

means sideacbes for the mature and blushes for the innocent who may stray within earshot of aonie of the German translations. Its future in New Y'ork, however. Is flrmly llxe»l.

Tile New Y'ork World accords, in part, tlie followini; review of the production:

“The manner in which the Hepul lie pn'mier

was acted seemed to rob it a little of its stiny. Mr. Fields radiates an innocent, alinost i>athetlr, geniality that immediately enlists the syin|iathy


Chicafo Preparing for 1914-15 Openings.

Chicago, .\iig. ’JS.—The llrst of the new tn-

vmling pDsluetloiis will reach the Windy City oil SeptemlMT 5. when Florence Iteed and Will •Yblngdon will bring to I’owera’ Theater Michael

Morton's The Yellow Jacket. Their arrival In Chicago on that date is a fortnight earlier than originally aiinoum-ed.

On September d, two productions and one revival will tie had. One Girl in a Million, Nsik by .Yddison lliirkhardt and Charles Collins, music

by F'rleda Hall and Addison Burkhardt, will have its premiere at the I.a Salle. On tbit

same night. F>llth Taliaferro. .Molly I'earaon and Margaret Gmm will relight the Ulackatone llieater to act lYpping the Winner, a new ■-•imi-dy, by George Kollitt. Within the Ijiw, pla yed here last season, will be revived at the CriuccKs Ttieater. with Margaret lllington In the leading nde. 8npi>ortlng her will be Robert

F^lliott. Edwin .Miderson, Charles Canfleld. Eileen Wilson. Jane Seymour. Roa«> WIncott. Sanlo Jasper, Eugene V. RtewaM, Joseph Robinson,

Charles E. Reigel. FTank Jowers, Kenneth Mc- Gaffncy, F'rank O’Malley, G. FVanklyn White,

Walter Dnggan. Sam McGuire and John Drew

Joclyn. On Si'ptcniber 7. I’nder Cover, with H. B.

Warner. Isabel Irving. Thomas Magrane, Rita Stanwo,id. F>ank Miugihtm and many others will

c.>nie to the Grand 0|M>ra liouwe.

S»-pteml>cr 1.1. Sam Bernard. In Tlie Belle of Bond Street, will 0|>en the Illinois Theater.

The cast will include Mtdile King, Ruby Norton.

Sammy l.e<'. Florence Nugent Jerome. Cyril (hadwick, Hamid Crane, Charles Burmws and Colin Campbell.

Septeintx-r 'JO. .Yrthur Brym. Bertha Mann.

Giis Weinberg and Alice Gale, suppi'rted by a strong cast, will act the Scbomer-Br.vadhnrst play. Today, at the Princesa.

Harry Ijiiider's annual engagement will begin

here pre<-eding the opening of the grand opera

season at the Auditorium Theater, some time in Novcmlier.

Jack Ijit'a newest production. The Bohemian,

will be seen here before the b-vlldays, providing it proves successful In its Western hearing. wbi<% will occur In Los Angeles within a few wieka.

The Pollies of 1914 will terminate its en¬ gagement September 5, at the New Amsterdam Theater, in New Y'ork. and begin Its Chicago engagement the following week In Chicago,

probably at the Illinois Theater.

Under Cover at The Cort, The High Cost of Living at

The Republic, and The Girl From Utah Are Added

to New York*s Legitimate Entertainment



Then-fore, last night the Cort Theater claimed

a very representative and typical premier audl- enoi-. who assumed the air that tliey had to be shown, and eventually Micy wen*. Their reward was an original stage novelty, in which Win.

Courtney and Lily Cahill scored. Tlie Billboard's New Y'ork dramatic critic ex

pressed himself as follows concerning the show's opening;

“.Another excellent piece of property was din- chvseil at the Cort Theater, Wednesday evening. In Under Cover, a drama which has bearing

upon the custom house and apprehension of amuggicra. One of the most remarkable in¬

stances in this well-constructed drama comes in the fact that there is reserved for the last three minutes of action, the combination of punch and snrjirise that sends the andience away

still nnrecorered from its astonishment. Oliver Moroeco has cast the piece aigverbly, William Conrtleigh, in particular, adding new honors to

an enviable reputation. The plot liuilda np from scene to sc«‘ne and from act to act, In¬ creasing in interest as It proceeds to the sur¬ prising climax. Its lines are witty, holding and

refreshing, and as an Item of snperlativel.v ex¬ cellent playwritlng, it will stand Hie closest scrutiny. There seems, no donjtt. that the C«rt has an ali-season attraction in this tenant, for it Is a play that .voting and old. of all creeds

and classes, will And Interest ami keen enjoy¬ ment going hand in hand.

Buffalo, N. Y'., Aug. 26.—Cordelia Blomiom, a comedy, by George Randolph •hester, received its premier at the Star Theater, Buffalo, last night. The play was a aucceas. Several New

Y’orkers, interested in the prodnctloo. were guests of Dr. P. C. Cornell, manager of the

Star. The tale deals with a political campaign

waged by the smiling, persuasive Cordelia, in¬ terpreted by Louise Dresser. In which sncti movements as "The City Beantlful." “A Frleml of the Masa<-s,” “|>own With Graft." “The Ibear IJttle Child." and niimeroua other civic “improvements" are thnist nism the citliens. She gathers her own forces about her. elevates

herself to the social throne, and elects her husband. Col. Blossom, Mayor of the city, de¬ spite himself.

The show is replete with laughter. A very capable company backs Miss Dresser. Burr Mc¬

Intosh. as the Cobmel. seems to flt perfectly Into the character. Harry C. Brow-n. as the

p'diticlan; Jim Fleecer could not be improved npon, while his sweet little wife, Georgia, is handled by Jane Gray. Tlie other characters

were w-ell Interpreti-d.

FVedrrlck Tniesdell, Helen Laikayt, Hans Robert and FVedertek Pevrr, in a scene from On Trial, the new play by E t- R-^xtutein, now at the Candler Theatre, New Y'ork Olty.

dance, and discourages all * m«n in the andi- ence by the figure he presenls in evening clothes. It Is Mr. c-swthorn wl. is the life of the party. He has lost his conceitina, bnt his

disjointed English Is still with him. Then there la the plump and pleasing Venita Fit^iugh, who sings rather sweetly; Rebee Reel, who dances abruptly, letting fly her legs in unexpected mo¬ ments and directions like a kangaroo, and Michael Mathew, a youn-^ter with a brogue and a happy smile. Altogether The Girl From Utah Is a typical musical-comedy Frohman production. It is as fluffy and sweet as maringuc, and as substantial."

of bis audience. So, even after hla confession,

one can not think of him as a deep-dyed sinner. Apiiarently one can not teach a comedian new tricks, and .Mr. Fields, the comedian, is I.ew FTelds of the music ball days. lie blusters and kicks and wants to shake and throttle every

one as be did poor Joe Weber for yeara, and he has his desire.

“George Hassell and James iJickaye offered continuous temptation to be pushed in the re¬ gion of the equator. B.ith were excellent in the

roles of other victims. Miss Alice Fischer as the shrewdish wife and Vivian Martin, Charlotte Ives, George Anderson, Ernest Ijimbart and Wilfred Clarke contributed to an altogether ex¬ cellent performance.

“The only question aliont the mustard king’s

story is whether it Is not tres moutard for American audiences.”

The other Manhattan critics proclaimed the play as a worthy offering, the popularity of wbicb la not uncertain.


“The drama la reganleil by most historians of literature and esthetli-a as the latest form of jsM-try; yet we can say, with a certain degree of right, that it la the earliest. The peculiar feature of the drama is the representation of an event slmiiltsneonsly by speech and mimicry.

In tills sense nearly every primitive tale is a

drama, for the teller is not slinidy relating history, hut he enlivens tils words with appro¬ priate Intonations and gestures. , , . Children

and primitive |ie<qile are nnahle to make any

narration witliout accompanying It with the ap¬ propriate demeanor and play of gesture. Pure relation requires a command of language and of one’a own txsly which la ran-ly found am<>ng

civlllxed men and hardly ever among savages. Pure epic la. tken-fore, probably the latest among the thn-e chief kinds of poetry.”— Urosse.


The High Cost of I»ving, by Prank Mandel.

Adapted from the German. At the Republir

Theater. THE CAST:

Ludwig Klinke.I>ew Fields

Emma .Alice Fischer Cora .Vivian Martin Edward Hauser.George Hassell

Rose..*.Charlotte Ives Albert Bean.James Ijickaye

I.Awrence Tucker.George Anderson Anthony Tledemeyer.Wilfrid Clarke

Noel Burnham.Ernest Ijimbart G.idfrey Burnham.Nicholas Burnham Mathilda Burnham.Helen Tracy

I>ena .Amy Burners

I shall not be diasatisfled with my version (of Anitgone), whatever the other merits, or

temerlta. of my attempted transfusion of tlie drama may be. If Eachyins can not he trails

lated Into Ftemdi, certainly Bophoclea can not be translated into Fingllah; for our language simply breaks down In the attempt to render

the light and rapid, yet strong and unerring words of the flexible Gre«'k. The trimeters I translated In thirty days. Thirty years would

not aufflee for the choral songs—indeed, the

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Xtie Billboard 21


Of the Argument

Producers Unanimously Object

to Admission Price Reduc>

lion. So $2.00 It Must Be

for Season 1914*15.

r.iTcrlUK 1 iirrlM) .tf ■ month or more, our (Ir.iiiiatic reailora have witneaaetj a oontroverajr iH-tweeu proiliirer. and mauaxrra and agenta,

rel.itUe to till dviaablllty of a reduction In ad- iiii«Hion price ..i a remedy to place the legltl- iiiile held on the indtaputable pbrne that It l.iriuerly occupteil. One eaiieclal fact of Intereat

that the argument brought to light waa that uot a aliigle produi-er who contribute*! hla Tlewa on the auhject wouM even counteuance. the aug- ge.tioo of the admiaaion price reduction; In

fact, uue and all determinedly voted agalnat It. S<'>eral >i>era b'luiie managera, however, held c'Hilroiertiiig opinlona an.| venture*! the. atate- niciit that a decrcaa.M orcheatra charge aa well aa liaboiiy an I gallery pricea would In ail llkell- b*ic,| place drama bick to where It waa and

*iught to be. • If all the letter* contribute*! by the pnalucera

n-’i'C i* m ire delightfully laconic than tliat from

Ueauder Rirhardaon, In Wm. A. Hrady'a liebalf, which read* aa follow*, and practlcwlly iwuatl- tutea In brief form the comp iwlte letter* of

thoae above referre*! to:

Ihlitur The ltlilla>ard: Reply Ing to your query aa to a readjuatmeiit

of theater admiaaion pricea, Mr. Brady will be

In favor of a reJucti 'n when landlord* reduce their rent*, railroad* reiluce their rateaaand a'- Uirs reduce their aalarie*.

Two other communlcationa which have thi*

w*'*'k reached the editorial dc»k ac*vmpauy be-


K*litor Billbuard:

In reply to y*>ur lettur of Aaguat 11, .n reference to the waning IiHtttlmate theater* patronage, beg t* aay that I do not conaider there ia any waning patronage in the legitimate theater.

Tlie li'gitlmate tbeatera never did cucb a bualueaa alnce 1 have been in the theatrical bualiie**, which i* now going on fifty year*.

There never were *o many high-priced theater* and never ao many big production* made a* then, are in th***e day*.

1 certainly think that the production* or l>erf*>rmaoc*t that. have been preaented aucceai- fully in the bigb-prioed tbeatera are worth $2, ao*l the manager* are aurely )natifled In charg¬ ing tiiat am*>unt: with the expense of produc¬ tion, the high yirlce*! aalariea of the actor* and the Immenae aailnyad tranaportationa, there t* very little profit for the pnidoceV aa a rule, but there ia ao denying the fact that all aucceaae* make money, and the public is |>erfect!y willing to pay tJ f*ir anything that I* g*>oil In the high-priced line.

Y*>ars very truly, JOHN II. IlAVl.lN.

Rtlltor Rlllboard;

We do n*>t. .'oiialder that the price of flrat- ciaaa prcNiuctlona should rece*le fn*ni *« a standard valuation for the best scats. The price *if all aupplles, eltlier In fii*>da or pr*>- dnrtiona, has risen manifolil In the last fe\/ years, an*l aalarie* are pru|*>rtlonaie1y higher a* well. With the c*>*t of a pr*«ductl*>o mucii greater than ever; with the tendency t*>ward smaller and amaller theater*; with the Inroad* of the DHivIca u|Min atamlard drama, bow In



Official W. K. A. U. Physician, President and Surgeon-in-Chief American Hospital, Consultant Cook County Hospital and

Surgeon Actors’ Fund.

This article Is written exclusively for The Billboard. Questions pertaining to

hygiene, self-preservation,, prevention of diseases and matters of general Interest to

health will be answered by addressing Ur. Thorek, 3158 Douglas Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

It la not the dancing that kills them. While

dancing ia the determining factor of the fatal

outcome, some underlying cause la operative in

pre*ll*p<ising the Individual to the final blow. Dancing Is a form of physical ex*Tcise which is very beneficial to besith. It improves muscular

tone; It relaxes; it enbanceit circulation; It in- vigorates; It Improves tlie gastro-lnttmtinal func¬

tions and acta as an all-roand tonic. This' la ac¬ complished In the h* altby Individual and sliouid

be i>ractlcrd by both sexes to improve the gen¬ eral eoD<litl<>n of the body and as a means of enhancing IXMlily grace.

Tlie benefits of esthetic dancing are that It raises and develops tl>e chest, lengthens the wsist, alwi reducing its circumference; hip* are Induced in sixe, thighs and calves are enlarge*!, while the ankles are made smaller and insteps sr*‘ raised and given i\ higher arch.

Tlie freedom given by «uch dancing softens the erndo, awkward positions so universal among young ptsiple; the general carriage In¬ variably imprf.ves as t'.ie bea<l goes up aiMl the slxinlders go back; a more elastic tread and an

easier propelling of the body In wwlking U gaine*t Not only Is tbo chest broadened and dei-pened. and fat removed from waist and hips.

I and weak backs strengthened, but there is a gain In tlie quickness of perception, co-ordina- tk-n and judgment, es well ns in agility and power to k«*ep the feet in correct rhythm.

Tills Is all very w.'ll for the person of leisure am! with tlioae w'uo take up dancing as a past me tir as a form of physical exercise or amusement. The sf>ry Is different with th>' person who depends on dancing as a means

of making a living. With the professional dancer It 1* not a matter of fun or recreation. It Is work—IS much work as kny toiler of hr.iln *>r brawn has to do and to which certain

limits should b* proscribed, lest Injury re- aalts. Tbe society belle or the lion de Salon, properly frock*sl and with no worry abo*it the

outcome of dancing, form an entirely different group from the dancer or dansense who has to do his or her nti,-iost to please managers, au dlenecs and critic*. Those people will often dlaropsTrt nature’s warning and force a point to gain their end. The results are entirely different In both. When the couple in the ball- roo.m are tired they may. If they ao please, alt down and permit their circulatory apparatus to regain its equilibrium and when resuming

their dance they are as rested as when they ataxted. Tbe performer will often feel nature’s warning, the shortness of breath, the oppreaslon In the cheat, the oncoming weakness which h*’

or the would like to heed, but they simply can¬ not. they muat not. Tbe cbeerlng crowd* In front, the flush of excitement, the prospects of

tile fuinr.' and similar contingencies fan them to exertl'm which at times seems beyond rndursm-e. An encore. *noth<»r encore. an<1 per haps a third additlonsl apposranee will only too of[en tell and not Infrequently prove disss-

frou*. There are certain well estshllshed rules to

which people engaging In stage dancing must systematically adhere and carry out retigbuisly Just aa mnch a* they tr.iln to he able to please ottrera. Just as much must they be systematic In taking care of their os'n health.

Iwt n* conaider the diaadvantsgea under which the profesaloosl dancer labors. Hundreds of perfvirmera harbor le iking valves. Incompetent heart mnseVs and other con<t|tlons of the he.vrt. which, wlien preperlv n.irse*!. will not cause death, hut which when neglected will often kill np-vn the apet. If you are told by a com¬ petent physician that theiv I* an organic <11- se.a*e of your heart Ct'T OT'T n.\N01N(5. It It safer to do a numotogue at a amaller salary than eccentrle danHnc at big pny, when your "piimp'ng apparatus” ia morhid. Iliv»plt.als harbor a great nnmlier of perform* ra with crip¬ ple*! hearts bn neht about by dlsr*»gar(1lng their < physician’s a*lvlre. There Is a me'*’eal term which s'rnlfl*'a that though a hear ’Iseased, nature *afeguar<l*'*t ltsi''f hy cet.,.. f'*rtlfl*'a- tlons. T'lia term Is ’’cempensaf ion of the heart,” T’lere are tlusisanda of inillvidnala who

walk the i.tre*-ts, lead alrenuous liT*'s and ex-

the world la a pro*lucer to meet hla expenses If he cnib-avors to put on. an aba*»Iutely first- class siiow In dressing, mounting and people at r<Mluc*Ml prices? We il<i not Is'lleve that the drama should follow other luxuries and staples

and go ro*'ketlng higher and higher, hut we do believe In the maintenance of a fair standard

ert themselves to no small degree, whose hearts are diseased—but nature creates the "compen¬ sation” Just alluded to. If such individuals

disregard nature’s warning they will often pull tbe string until it breaks. If it does collapse, the sick cct and tbe hospital are the only re¬

sorts. Dancing In moderation will strengthen the

heart. Certain forms of cardiac disease will improve nnder various forms of exercise, but valvular disability with threatening "broken compensation’’ must always be looked npou as an ominous condition. Many an actor has lost bis life from insisting upon going back to tbe stage, not realizing that bis "pump” may re¬ fuse to work at any moment. It la a wise rule t.> follow: WHEN YOUR HEART IS DE¬ RANGED—Ql, IT DANCING.

I1ie heart alone la not tbe only organ, how¬ ever, through tbe disability of which life is often terminated in the dancing performer.

I’e<'ple who suffer from arterio-sclerosis (harden¬ ing of the arteries) will frequently succumh from over-* xertk'D on the stage. However,

heart trouble usually kills Instantly, while the bursting of a hardened vessel acts somewhat differently. If a vessel breaks In the brain, apoplexy ;s the result. Cerebral hemorrhage (Ixmorrhage into the brain), the commonly sp*jken of "aiK'pIexy” or clot on the brain, is a prolific source of disablement In dancers and requires consideration. This clsss of cases Is fortunately niorc" rare than the former. Ar- terlo-s* Ierosis Is usually a disease of advanced tge, and older persons are thertfore more ex- rwsed tj Itc complications than the young. We, therefore, learn that performers of advanced age should be moderate in dancing. If the dancing causes shortness of breath, a sense of fullness or dizziness in the bead; If you feel,

as oialinar.r parlance expresees it, "your heart in your throat.” be very cautioae lest yon In¬ vite trouble. Hardening of the arteries, while essentially a disease of tbe aged, la not in- fretiuently found in comparatively young In¬ dividuals, espeeially those who have led rather strenuous lives; In those who have abused them¬ selves In alcoholic and other excesses, and In those who have inherited a predlspoeltlon to hardening of the vessels. Such individuals

should be cautious and lead reatular llvea and endeavor to regulate their habits to the very best of their ihUit.v.

People who are victims of respiratory disturb¬ ances should be very careful with dancing. Suf¬ ferers, for instsnee, from chronic bronchitis, asthma and especially those wbo are subject, or have a predisposition to tuberculosis. MPST

NOT DANCK. In other words, a professional dancer or danaeaae, must be free from dlseas* a of fie chest and her circulatory apparatus muat

be entirely well and devoid of the stigmata of organic trouble.

In ban is'opl** exi'esslve dancing has a ten¬ dency to f“nise various displacements. Of these, disloestlon of the kidn<>y Is most common. We find in this class of Individuals, more fre¬ quently than anticipated, floating kidneys.

Pregnant Wv'men ihould not dance. Beside* being harmful to the offspring, a great deal

of injury may result to the mother. In the earlier weeks of gestation, the tendenc.y to harm Is not as great as In the case where pregnancy ha? progressed. Only too often we

fln.i foolish persons In delicate condition hnrt Ing themselves bv eccentric dancing and exer

tlons of similar nature. It 1* a good Invest¬ ment for such people to leain that they may hei-ome maimed or crippled by disregarding physlcnl laws and attempting to contradict the law* of nstiire. A womsn In delicate state must have rest, and plenty of It. The sensl- Rlble i>erformt'r will learn, from other’s ex¬ perience, s vslnaMe lesson, and let her not for¬ get thit one cannot fight against nature. Na¬ ture’s laws are nature's laws and there Is no use attempting to break them, for the violator

will be the lo.*er. Displacements of varlon* organ*, ruptnrea of

various kinds, are very often cans, d by "In¬ sensible” dancing. Dancing performers should

believe with Publius Synia fiat "It is well to learn caution by the misfortunes of others.”

customary theaters, umler the usual commer¬

cial .condition*. Very truly yours,


Press Representative Comstock *t G*'st.

It will thus be seen that with such unanimity

the amusement, they have a right to charge what they see fit and think equitable. It is plain to see that fill will be the eatabUsbed price the coming season. Therefore, let tlie 42 top reign supreme I


Boston, Aug. 26.—The Model Maid, a three-

act musical comedy, by Philip Bartbolmae, was

produced here last night at tbe Majestic Tbea- I ter. There are no chorus girls in the production,

and the players go on and off the stage by

means of a spiral staircase in the orchestra pit. The music is ty Sylvlo Hein.

In the cast are Alice Hegerman, Anna

Wheaton, Florence Mackie, Claiborne Foster, Nettie Black, Gladys Zell, Helen, Rae

Bowdin, Joseph Lertora, Donald Macdonald anil Allen Kearns.

Its reception was auspicious and augurs well for a profitable debut into critical Manhattan.


Chicago. Aug. 28.—The tour of William H. Crane aiul Thomas W. Ross in The New Hen¬

rietta has been postpone*! until after the holi¬ days. The season was to have opened here. Viisettleil business conditions, on ac<X)nnt of

the present European conflict and the aFsence of Wm. H. Crane, who is in Europe, Is given as the cause for the poatiionement.


Chicago, .Vug. 2®.—One Girl In a Million, the new Biirkliardt-Collins-Hail musi*'al comedy, is r<‘ady for its pri'inbT at the I.a Salle Opera House on Sepb’inber ti. It opens Thursday, Sep¬ tember .1, at tlie Davidson Theater, Mllwankee,

and comes t*i the I.a Salle the following Sunday. In the cast of the new pixxiuction will be

seen Felix .\dl»r. Eva F’allon. Nita Allen, Lenore Novaslo. Gilbert Gregory. Jolin Scannell, Fhl-

ward F'avor, Henriette Teilro and Joseph Cane.


Chicago, Aug. 27.—The Whirl of the World closed Its Chicago engagement at the Georg i M. Cohan Grand Oiiera House last Satunlay and beaded Eastward, stopping at Columbus, 0.' Ftom there they will visit Toronto. De¬ troit, Cleveland and Buffalo, and then into Boaton for another lengthy run. The engage¬

ment here is said to have been a very pros¬ perous one.


J. E. Williams, wlioee likeness graced our first dramatic page in the last issue of Old Billyboy, advisee us, through letter, that be

is no longer on tbe Board of Directors of tbe

Drama League of .America. His removal from the Ticlnlt.v of Chicago an*l subestMinent ab¬ sorption in labor rather than dramatic Interests

was the cause of hie resignatien. It will be recalled that Mr. William.s was Interested io and manage*! the Grand Ojiera House at Strea- tor. Ill., for twenty-seven years. His resig¬ nation from this activity came simultaneously

.with his withdrawal from the directorate of the Dramatic I-eague.

I Lillian Mulligan, who has been a student of the Cincinnati Sclusd of Expression for the past three years, will this year enter dramatte fields. .She has had s«‘v*‘ral offers, and one of recent date from one of The Whip companlea. bat being engaged at present, she was not iD

a position to jump. Miss Mulligan is a tal- (‘Uted miss and well scliooled.


MIm \iilan Is a alsler .rf •ml Mr*. Ham II Marria. «1'h Raymsid IlliiVina-k "tins Nfitaii I* Io ao Io nunliia year.

Mr*. George M. Cohan Laat aeaaiMi she wa.*

In The llrauty Sliop. for itramatic work U>*

price, so that atamlard ptsMluctions may be among the producers, prices to legitimate pro-

mad*- poaaihle, amt high-class people may b ■ employe*!. This o|)lnion, of course, applies onlv to n-giilar dramatic pro*lu*'llon*, per *e. In the

diictlons will not be reduced the coming season, and, perhaps, those to foll*>w. Since they hold the reins In their hands and furnish us with

New leading woman In A Pair of SIxm, at th* LcugacTO Theater, New York City.

22 X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.


The ItilllMtartl l^iiblishiiix ('oiiipauy. \V, H. IM)XAI.J)S()X. rUBUCATI05 OFFICE:

Bi!llK>ard RuildiiiB, 25 27 U|>< ra Placa,

OlnrloDiti, Ohio,.U. 8. A.

Lonr-Dittanca Telephone, Canal 6086. Private Exrbanie, connectlnc all departnienta.

Cable Addit-na (Rceiatered) "Bllljboy."


NEW YORK. Third Floor, Heidelberg BnlldInK, Broadway,

Forty aecuiid Street and Seventh Avenue. Telephone, 8470 Bryant.

CHICAGO. Orllly Biilldinc. Monroe and Dearborn Streeta.

Teleplione, Central 84S0.

ST. LOUIS. Nnlaen Bnlldins. Sixth and Olive Streeta.

Lonfc-diatance Teleplione. Olive 1733.

SAN FRANCISCO. •06 Humboldt Bldg. Telephone, Kearney 4401.

SPIXILAL REPRESENTATIVES. Philadelphia, 014 Pine Stn^et. Kanaaa City,

1117 Commerce Bldg., Tel. H. 3657. Baltimore. 8S7 Weat North Avenue. Cleveland, 220 Colum¬ bia Buiiding. Minneapolia, 1428 Vine Place.

PIttabnrg. 717 Lyceum Theater Bldg. London. Bagland. 8 Rupert Court, Piccadilly Circua, W. Parla, France, 121 Rue Montmartre, Tel. 222-61.

ISSUED WEEKLY and entered aa aecnnd- elaaa mail matter at poat-oflice, Cincinnati, O.

ADVERTISINO RATES—Twenty-6ve centa per line, agate meaaurement. Whole page, (ITS; half page, 887.60; quarter page, $43.75. No advertlaemcnt meaauring leaa than four linea accepted.

Laat advertiaing form goea to preaa 12 M. Monday,

Sl’B8CRII*TION, $4.00 a year; six montha, $2.00; three montha, $1.00: payable in advance.

No extra charge to Canadian or foreign aub- acribera.

THE BILLBOARD ia for aale on all traina •nd newH atanda throughout United Statea and

Canada which arc anpplli'd by the American Newa Co. and ita branchea. It ia alao on aale at Breiitano’a. 37 Avenue de I’Opera, Parla, France, and at DaWa Agency, 17 Green Street, leiceater S<|nare. London. W. C. When not on

aale pleaae notify thia office.

Remittancea abould be made by poat office or expreaa money order, or reglateri d letter ad •reaaed or made payable to TTie Billboard Pub-

Pahlng Company.

The editor cannot undertake to return nnao- llcited manuacrlpta; correapondenta abould keep


Vol. XXVI. September 5. No. 36.

The height of the ambitions of

those who control The Billboard is

to make it a useful paper.

Progressive they would also have It, and enterprising and independent

and fair and courageous In defend*

Ing and furthering the interests of

the |»eople of the show world, but

over and above all else they desire

it to lie—Just useful.

It is glorious to shape and lead,

hut there are lots of glory-seekers.

Oiirs let it be, to help and serve.


Showfolk! May they always be

right, but right or wrong. Show-


Editorial Comment

Here we are with our first Autumn Special I.'sue.

We never try to make a killing with the initial number in a new departure.

New special issues are experiment.s. We rarely know whether there is

real demand for one until we have felt the pulse of the newsstands.

Aad we won’t go after advertising very strongly until we have obtained their verdict.

So the dummy for this issue com- three thirty-two page signa¬ tures and a cover—one hundred pagia in all.

It Is large enough for a test. If there be need of a Special Autumn

Issue, this one is plenty big » n.iugh to demonstrate and prove it.

If there isn’t, that is the end of the experiment. On the contrary if de¬ mand exists we will have ascertained what we can rea.sonably promise ad¬ vertisers. and next year we will get out a heavier edition.

We think there is a chance to build up an Autumn Special that will be as useful as our Spring Special and which in time will rival the latter in size and importance.

But—we will know more about the matter four weeks hence when the returns are all In.

And now, a word about another ex¬ periment, the price—fifteen cents.

We do not want to advance the price of special issues.

We have fought against It for five years.

Yet something has to be done.

The newsdealer In the small town (who receives his quota by mail from the nearest branch of the American News Co.), not only makes nothing on our big heavy special issues, but actu¬ ally loses a little money every time we bring one out.

This should not be.

It is unfair. Digging a living out of a newsstand

is hard enough at best.

'Phe sale on the stands will prove a great deal but letters from our friends will give us much additional light.

Good times are coming. You can bet on it. Last week saw better collections,

more inquiries from buyers, a better tone to the markets and, despite the hot weather, more pep and ginger manifested among business men in all lines.

The most encouraging sign of all and the most significant is the im- provemer* in collections.

When business men begin to pay up old bills even if in the beginning it is only a little on account, it en¬ ables others to do likewise and these small payments go round and round, like the half dollar between the end men and the interlocutor In the old minstrel first part .stunt, until old ob¬ ligations are wiped out and the nec¬ essary fluidity in exchange is estab¬ lished.

Then we are ready for a fresh start. We are almost ready now. As a

matter of fact most of us are ready. All that is retarding things are a few extra-cautious and extremely con¬ servative wise old fish who must be absolutely assured before they move.

Even a few of these canny old tight wads are already loosening up. so a week or two, at most, will see the


You can help The Billboard procure this great boon for the trouper, Bedouin and indigent actor.

You need not contribute to our propaganda fund. A'ou need not write articles for publication. A’ou need not button-hole editors and persuade them to print

propaganda stuff. How then? Just by writing a letter of thanks and appreciation to the editor

of a paper every time you discover one that is lending its support to the movement.

We will print their names and addresses on this page weekly. Begin with

H. H. TAMMEN, Editor Great Divide,

Denver, Col. R. D. TOWNSEND,

Managing Ed. The Outlook, 287 Fourth Avenue,

New York City. JOS. GARRE’TSON,

Editor Tlmes-Star, Cincinnati. Ohio.

Every letter of thanks that you write will be a real help. too.

To ask the newsdealer to lose money on papers, even if It is only four times a year, will not do.

Besides that It Is inconveniencing our readers because many newsdeal¬ ers w’ill not order a single copy more than they are sure that they can sell. They aim to supply only their regular patrons and refuse to order extra copies for transients.

This tends to keep down circula¬ tion and prevents our giving our ad¬ vertisers an extra run for their money.

dam down and the waters of plenty pouring forth.

Five weeks ago we set September 15 for the beginniiig of the revival and prophesied that October IS would see the boom fairly launched and bus¬ iness in all lines humming.

We feel more sanguine than ever that we called the turn.

The crop.s are all they promised to be and more.

The closing of the New York Stock Exchange accomplished all that It was expected to.

Readers’ Column

Bert Potter, ralIlo|>e player—Pleaae write to Bert I’otler. Mar]>er, Kan.

.knyone kn4iwlnF the wlierealMtiila of Wil ie P. Wren, klinlly outuuiuuli-ate with Mra. I'ora Wren, Rosa ford, O.

John <. onroy would like to hare the aildreaa of David Couruy, formerly isiuuecled with the Fualleera' Ur.’auiaatluD. Addreaa John Courii* Ruabrille, lud.

Sam i'ottrell—Communicate with your aou, Harlan, .I.ViU Clarendon avenue, Chicago, at once. lmtM>rtant.

Any Information regarding the whereabout* of David Ijiw»,m will be greatly appreciated by Mra. A. M. l.awaoo, 226 Beventh avenue, BriHiklyn, X. Y.

Tbe addreaa of W. T. Wllktna, trapexe per¬ former, laat known to be with tbe Hai>py Bill 8Im<w In Texaa, la wanted by Mra. Roaa Wllkina. IH-vera. Tex. |

Anyone knowing tbe addreaa of W. A. Wood- ley, pleaae advlae Margaret Woodley, care W. K. Bower, Monett, Mo.


BBX’X'ETT—Tbomaa Bennett died Auguat 16. at 2723 8. Park avenue, Chlcag4\ III. The re- malna were ahlppeJ to Naibvtile, Tenn., for bnrlal. He ia aurvived by tw-o aona and a dau.ibter in tbe profeaalon.

BR0X8OX—Mra. Gertrude Bronaon rtle<l at her borne, 802 B. Crockett atreet, San Antonio, Tex., Auguat 13. Death waa cauaed by caoo-r of the atomacb. She la anrrlved by ber boa- baml. Kicbard H. (Dick) Bronson.

KENN'EDY—Harry C. Kennedy died at Paw¬ tucket. K. I., .kuguat 22. He built tbe Bijou Theater in Brooklyn and waa active In the- atiicali tbe greater part of bis life. He la inrrived by a widow, who waa koowu to tbe profeaalon aa Mias May Newman.

LEWIS—Ben I.ewia. late of tbe Boeary Co., died June 13, at tbe Oaki Home, Denver. Col. The aervlcea were conducted by the T. M. Aa. of Denver. He waa well known as a performer and manager and cN>Ddacte<l several of bla own companies a few years ago.

I.IMTHICl'M—H. R. LImtbIcnm, transfer man of Baltimore, Md., died Auguat 20. Mr. Llmthlcum waa welt known around Baltimore tbeatera. having hauled eceuery and theatrical property for many years.

MeWATTEBS—Thomas J. McWatteis, new«- paper and theatrical man. died recently at Mid¬ dletown, N. J. He waa treasurer of Kate Claxton'a Theatrical Company. Interment waa made at Brentwood, L. I.

PI.AVCDN—Pol Plancon, a French opera ainger of tome note, died Anguat 12, In Parla. ^ Plancon. wbo waa 55 years of sge. wta doaely’ sasocisted with Calve, Eamea, Nordics and Jean and Edonard De Rraxke, and sang for many years at tbe Covent Garden. london.

SPENCER—Mra. Carla Spencer, mother of cuff Spencer, tbe vaudeville artlat. died Aagn«t 9, in Kanaaa City, at tbe age of 71. 8be la survived by three aona aud a daughter.

WECHSI.KR —Benjamin Wecbaler, bandroaater at IT. Greene Park. Brooklyn, waa stricken with heart failure when be was about to 6DUb bit third mualcal number on Auguat 15. lie wai ruabed to the CnmberUnd Street Hospital, but It waa found that the etroke bad already proved fatal.


BROW.V lJtRSON—Percy L. Brown, of Ta¬ coma. Wtab., widely known In carnival clrrlea from bla character of tbe rube and bla pig. waa married on .kngiiit 22, In Auburn. W’lah., to Ml<* Clara I.araoo, of Milton. Waah.

CUPP-MOOKE—Gene J. Cuff, of Eaat Orange, N. J., and Mias Geo»le Moore, member of the poor ballet at tbe Winter Garden, and wboae real name Is Roale KInley, were married In New York City recently.

CARLYLE DUVAlJe-Clyde C. Carlyle, of PlttMiurg. Pa., and Mlaa Annie Belle Duvall, of Rlrhmof^, Va.. were united In marriage on August 16. In Oiarleaton, W. Va.. by the Rev. Bagwell. The couple la now eu t"Ur with the Nashville Amusement Co.

DUNNINtMlIHRARD -Philip Dnnning. now appearing In New York. In Tlie Highway of ijfe, and Mlaa Edna Hibbard. Ingenue of the Poll Stock Company, were married recently In New Haven. Conn.

HERMAN FIE1.I>8-I-ew Herman, of Brenner A Herman's Peck's K.vd Boy Conipany, was united In marriage on June V3 In Deindt. Mich., to Hal'.ie Fields, formerly leading lady at the Cadillac Tliealer, and n- w one of the prinr1|>ala in Jean Bediiil'a Mischief Makers.

The why and wherefore of all this is a long story—too long to detail in an editorial.

Even when fully explained at great¬ est length it is not easy to grasp by the layman.

To put it in a nutshell—we are up against the same proposition that alL of the former ten-cent magazines like Munseys, McClures, Everybodys, etc., had to meet and overcome.

Like us. they, too, fought an In¬ crease In price long and bitterly and strove earnestly to find some other expe.lient only to yield in the end.

Fifteen cents for extra large and heavy issues seems to be the only al¬ ternative.

We are between the devil and the ironworks.

In our dilemma we are passing the buck up to our readers.

Is a special issue worth an extra five cents?

Write us your opinion.

The ocean lanes are going to be kept clear. |

The Government has provided a merchant marine and government in¬ surance on shipments to foreign ports.

The National Associ.ition of Man- iifiicturers is wide awake and is show¬ ing firms how to- produce goods here that we have been depending on for¬ eign nations for.

Rut best of all Is the fact that our business men are not only beginning to see chances—they are begin¬ ning to believe In them.

Many are laying their plans to em¬ brace them. Others In ever Increas¬ ing numbers will do so—soon.

We repeat It—the flow by Septem¬ ber 15, full tide by October 15.

Tin* Alvlu Tlicilcr, Pitt-liiirg, nmlcr 1li» iniiiagciiicnt nf John R. Kt-ynoMii, wIhi b<( been on "the Jol)’ for intny ycxra will <i.en the 1914 15 M-a*on l.ab<ir I»»y. witli Sim Bernini II Wie oiening itlriction. Miiiiger IteynoMi h«i n'tnrin-<l fnuii lii* luininer vintlon, which wii iiM-ut lu tbe Kilt to prepare fur the o|ieDiug

KEEVII. GKESS -Hirry Keevll mil Mira Anna Greii, both liieiiitieri of the Ki1 A Kvaiii Htvwi. were married In Ravenna. Neb., laat week while tbe caravan waa enciniiied there.

FATTICE BERNARD Gi-or*e Mattice, pro- feailonally kmrwn aa George C. Mack, of the vaudeville team of Mack and Pbllllpa, waa united In marriage to Mary Rme Y. Ilernai.l. a Taudevllla artlat, at the home of the bri Ie- groom'a parenta, in ChIra -o. III., on August 20. The ceremony waa attended by many pro.ea- atonal frienda of the couide.

SMITH R.\MSKY—Harry Smith, eonceraloner with the laler AmUM-nient t’o., waa married Id flay Center, Kan., on Augiiit 21, to Mlaa KIta Ramaey.


Born to Mr. and Mra J. T. MiiTr.v, on Angnat 19. In Aiiiery, Wla., a «e\en tMiiin,| girl. Mr. Mnrry waa fornierly with \V I,. Main. W P. Hall and alao power'a lllppialrome Elephanta.

Mr. and Mra. Smith, wIm> ap|>oar In vaudeville aa Smith and Pullman, announce the birth of an eleven-lMMind la>y at their home, .IMb Emerald avenue, Chicago. HI., on Anguat 10.

Born, to Mr. and Mra. Ed Correia, Angnat S. at Hteir home In Peteraburg, III., an elghl- IMiiind boy.

Porn, on Aiigiial 5. fo Mr. and Mra. F'red Caatello, 128 Spring atreet. IlenderwHi. N C., an eleven |M>und boy. Mr. Caatello baa be< n with the Yankee Rohinaon Circua for the paal

I four aeaaooa.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. X ti e Billboard 23

BOOKS AND MAGAZINES K.vlint to a flfteeu-dajr delay, cauae<I by aa

iTlxi't to brliiK till vuluDie uu tbe aiutloo i>lc- HI'.' liMliiitry up to ilate amt a iie<-eii»lty to

1 lu'liter craile of paper to avoid extreine Ihi Kliiena, "TUe Tliealer of Science," llobert I. II* fourtli and mum vital work, will reach i:. public and tlmUKauda of subacriben In the iii>t daya of .September.

V reprea<-utatlve of The Billboard, realUlug the iDtereat of tbe aniuaement wurkl In thia cKiterly aHalleil volume, avalle<l hlmaelf of the privilege of reading an unbound copy of thIa x.i.ume and U. therefore. In a (Mwltlun to atate (hat when Mr. Urau'a aopreme effort la flnally r. lea seal, liiatead of complaining of tbe alight .Iclay, tbe fortunate [loaaeaaor’a Brat Imprei- *:iiu will l>e one of wuialer aa to bow aucb a tieiiicnduua undertaking could have been brought

completion within Bve montha. Here we have an author, who, fur more than

titc vearw, baa practically laolated hlmaelf. I'l.iiii'hla Mt. Vernon (N. Y.) atudy he hat oiiiductetl a reaearch that Impreaaet one aa ii.dhliig Khort of amaalng—there la no angle of I the him Indumry that It not concretely .leacrilieil In tbe twenty chaptera, ami that Intlinacy of atyle, which baa made Robert tlrau'a "copy" a tight draft on tbe editorial check book, la In evidence from cover to cover.

"a he lYieater of Science" It truly a band- le ine Volume, bound In green buckram with gold lettering ami decoratlona, a camera b-diig the .•tdy part of tbe cover’a dlea that U Dot gold. The text la printed on tbe very Bneat quality of pat>er (ditalnablr. Beaidea 3S0 pagea In the »..rk pri>|M-r, there are over IttO pagea additional In. tbe front of tbe volume, Inclmling c<>n- I ihule*! article* by acme of tbe beat minda attiliated with tbe motion picture art. No leaa t’lxn 4ta> lllualratlon* are Interaperaed with tbe text. Including not a few rare onee, and' all are In tbe beat of taate.

Tbe Brat chapter deala with tbe evolutloii pbaae of tbe new art, but In a manner never l*'fore attempted. Kur one thing, tbe author i:cver befoga tbe reader; tbe layman will enjoy the re<-ltal aa much a* tbe profeealonal, and ilMxe of u« wbo are aeeklng to learn to whom (be greater credit i« due for the proxreaa tbe fl'm baa made, will appreciate t^ way Mr. tirau relate* the early atrugglea of the ploneera. In one chapter the author aaya: "How aeldom do we bear tbe name* of John J. Murdock, J. .\u«tlD I.ymw and .krchie 1.. Shepard today. Yet all three gave yeoman aervice In that primitive t>eri<Ml of motion picture development when tbe Idea prevailed that the vogue of tbe camera mao would be of abort duration."

< hapjer* are devoted to tbe producer#, the player*, director* and scenario writers; tbe •locriptinn of how stage folk stampeded the stuilio*. concealing tbeir identity for fear of bringing tbe wrath of theatrical producer* ir^on them la alone worth tbe price of the volume.

.\t a later day The Billboard will review Mr. Grao'a work more fully. There Is space now only to add that every man and woman wbo l« lntere»teil In the pre*ervatl<*n of the motion picture structure should order tbe wrork for bis or her library at oace. Robert Gran, publisher, 5.1 Elm avenue. Mt. Vernon. N. Y. Price, $.5.

rNDER <X)VER. Selwyn ft Company's play, by Bol Covper Megrue, which ran for six months In BosUm and la still on In New York and Chicago, has been novelised by Wyndbam

WITH P. A’S Pas* along a fx*l word for the Public De¬

fender. M*«, f»h'lonien* Csvsnsnrh pre»* agent f'r

Shea'* Vaudeville Theater, Buffalo, N. Y., will also do tbe pres* work for Shea's new Hippo¬ drome Thesfer til thvt cttv. \ll«* Cavanaugh Is an experienced newspaper woman.

.Ynotber agent baa deserted tbe ranks to enter the BIm game. Jerome Sobel, wbo wa* with tbe 101 Ranch Show, ha* joined the *e ling force of the World Film Corporatloo.

Ye*. Charley McClIntock told ns 'about It Scleral week* ago. then swore that the check¬ ered ■•nit wonbj be seen no more In tbe Cin¬ cinnati offlce If we mentioned It.

Bob*>y Prankel, advance agent for IJncoln Beachey, joined the upatde-down flyer at De* Molne* and will make a tour of the fair* with him. In rase Bobby make* any flight* Btll- teisi-d reader* will be liiformeil through thi* co’nmn.

Tbl* column I* for pre*» agent* and advance a.’eni*. Personal squib* snd new* Item* wBI lie appeerlaleil and acknowledged.

Johnny Kov. agent of Tlie Tango Girl* "Von I'ai^ got to give tlladya Hear* cmllt for the wav «he ha* drilleil the girl* " Johnny • lahn* if* imo of the. I>e*t show* In the Progrea- »lie t'irriilt and one that will get the money.

Ii*ie T.4.wt*' Itllndnea* of Virtue Company ha* '■ink Murat pir manager, with E. J. rV'lan In advance

Martyu, aud be baa made a gripping atury of love. Intrigue, tbrills and mystery of It.

The reader'* interest 1* aeized In tbe Brat aeutencea and securely held until the last page 1* reached.

It 1* a tale of a young girl's crime, a daring smuggler, a fulled State* Customs agent and a IJOb.oou uecklace.

Tbe vvilume ii splendidly illustrated by Wllliaiii Kirkpatrick, wbo knows bow.

Three buudrevi pages, |1,1!5 net. Weight, 22 oi. Publiabed by I.lttle. Brown ft Co., 34 Beacon at., Boston, Mass.

THE AIRMAN IN WAR—Captain C. Mellor, author of "Tbe .\lrmau," an account of learn¬ ing to fly, la probably In England with bis machine at tbe maxtlmum working efficiency, uiMler war order*. Captain Mellor was in Kuiotie on furlough before tbe present bostll- Itles, but doubtless left promptly for England to iiHiUt In tbe mobilization of tbe Rritiab .\v4ation Corps. John lAne Co., 116-120 West

I Thlrty-aecond street. New York.

lE.M’HI.NG BY THE MOVIES, by Gregory Mason. An article iu Tbe Outlook (August 22) I* valuable. Mr. Maaou point* out tbe uecensity of co-o[>eratioD between educator and Oliu uiaker In tbe building up of tbe Dim li¬ brary of tbe future as comprehensive aa tbe *cli‘H>| lltrary la today.

SH.\KI-2SPKAKE STfDY PROGRAMS—The Connolle*. By (liirlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke Boston. Kichard G. Badger. $1.

SHAKl-SI'EARE .STfDY PROGBA.M.S—Tlie Tragevlies. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Claike. Bawton, KIcliard G. Badger, $1.

WHY 1 gflT WRITING MEIAM)RA.MA I* an article in 'The .American Magaxine for Septem- ler. In which Owen Davis chats intimately and Interestingly -of the days when he was maixj- clated with A. H. Woods and incidentally puts over a crackerjark pres* notice for hi* new Br«i*dw*y .prvNluctMin with Jack Mason In the stellar role.

Muaiclana will appreciate and vastly enjoy The Horoeburg .Marine Band, by George Fetch, in the same issue.

•Af.STU.kl.l.VN V.aRIETY seems to be proa- l>erlng Tlsiugh not yet a year old. It comes "lit with sixteen pages and seems to be getting real business. It still carries a few "bones," but these are steadily growing fewer. Evi¬ dently the field is there, as Martin Brennan declared.

THE EFFECT OF THE WAR ON AMERI- C.AN BUSINESS, by Isaac F. Marcosson. is tb* feature article of .Collier's for August 29. Man¬ agers and butluess managers should read It oltb cai-e. Mr Marcosson *|>eaka with authority on matters of fluance aud economics. As editor ■'f Ihe looiaville Time% and later of The World'g Work, hi* work early attracted notice aud resulted in hia being called to Philadelphia in 1007 by tbe Curtis Publlstalng Co., which attached him to tbe staff of 'ibe Saturday Evening Poat, aud also appointed him flnancial ei'ltor of that mighty paper—a position be hehl for three years, and only rellnqnlabed to i.-.-ept the more remunerative editorship of Mnnsey'a Mazazine.

Mr. Marcosson bolds that America can not help but benefit vastly, and soon, a* a result of tbe European war.

AND A. A S H. p. Riilmer is again managing tbe Myrtle

Vinton Civmpany. Jack Jonw* will htmile Thiiraton'* tour, which

oi>en* September 7 at the Court Square. Spring- fleld, Maas.

Carl J. Meyers, former contractlag agent for Smith Greater Shows, and later agent of the -Arab, a Jones ft Crane attraction, was In Cin¬ cinnati last week and stated that he bad severed connection with Jones ft Crane to take tbe advance of a Pnvgreaalve Circuit show.

I. 1. Montague, agent and assistant manager of the now defunct Y’onng Buffalo Wild West, la to manage the Seaver Hippodrome at Kanka¬ kee III.

Will J. Donnelly la In advance of Way Down East, which opened at Aurora, Ill., under tbe direction of Bvdvert Sherman.

Jack Vetter, beat known through hia Interest¬ ing writing* for trade p*|ver*, ha* been engaged as advance agent far Bonrht and Paid For. It I* being sent out by R.ibert Sherman.

The Western Vaudeville Managers' .Associa¬ tion I* negotiating with Joe H. Mayer for the handling of their pres* department. If Mr. Mayer accept* he will undoubtedly be In com- m*n<i of the pre** worktnga of the Palace Music Half

Will Hoffman 1* the advance agent for On* Woman'* T Ife. a Rowland ft Clifford production.

Frank I . Smith will be In advance of the Winning WltV'w* and Watson Slater*' Show.

SHOW PRINTERS AND BILLPOSTERS At flrst." sava F. I>. Carll. of the blllpoat- plant In Bridgeton. N. J . "I didn't think

I wotiltl Cfiimplf with the ■■•orlatl«in*fi de 'Hand* for molding and auch on the hoards, '•lit now that I have gotten Into It, I am more II in plea«e)|.” Mr. Carll say* he has a* fine * plant as any In his Inealltr.

■ 'oii.TBtiilatlons reaches lit from R. J. Turner, 'I’*' -I- Turner, Jr . Potter .Adv. fY'.,

l\ i«r|ii«ko. Ml** . f„v the po«ter'» column. R. J. that In the la<t few years he has gone

few rough "daub*" to an no to date ' .A pNiit. and that he I* Immensely protid

'f Collie on. Turner. let iia have the atory I how v-'ii got Into the hlHpoatlng game

II I*"o of the Jackaon Adv. S.v«tem. itii«liiiell Ill. like* the new column and pp»inl*e# I • klek In , iiiiin later.

Kdwar.i Boggs manager of the Bradford 'izn Bradfonl. pg.. sad president of I/ocal

o. Iflfl I .A. T. S. K., will take charge of the II"*r. “vaaon a* atage cartienler of the Bradford Theater. Al G Field* wa* In Brad

•■•t^'rt**''^'’"’' biialneaa. Ed

The Bloomington Poster Adv Co.. Bloom- "gt»n Ind la a member of the ISvater Ad

vertlalng Aasociatlon. I,et't hear from you vien. 1,. r. Day.

V '... manager of the Thoa. H. B Anfl'Iaa. C*!-. U on a

uionth'a trip to Alaska.

Barker and B-'«worth, of Greenup. HI., are plea«e.l wHth the hllIpo«tera' column and are going to give It their aiipport.

J. I.. .Aldridge, of the Tupelo Poster .Adv. Co., Tupelo. Ml**., paste* ut a few: “.At a marriage «erv|ce performed *<’iue time ago In a little coiintrv church In Misalssippt. when the Btliilster said In a solemn t-me. ‘Wilt thou have thI* m*n to he thy wevtded husband T' .A gruff volee respondeil. M will.’ The minister lookeil IIP very mneh perplexeil. paiiaoil and then reiveated tne aentence. Again the coarse voice anawereil. *I will.* .Again the minister loivkeil lip *iirpri«ed. .At this Juncture one of the gpw«m*nien at. the en.l of the al»le said: ■She I* deaf. I atti answering for her.' "

.Another one from J i. ' "Tliere la an vild Arabian proverb which p-ada; ‘Man It f<'nr.’ ‘He who know* and kn^wa that he knowa; he la wl«e Follow him. He who know* and know not that he km>w*. he I* asleep. .Awaken him. He who knowa not and laows not that he know* not: he I* a fool, '♦linn him. He who knew* not an.l know* that he know* not; he I* a child. Teach him.' Everyone of n* he long* to one of the above claaslflcatlon*. To which one do yiwi beUingT"

The Milwaukee IViater M«Hintlng Co.. MU waiiki*e, AA'Ia., announce the opening of a branch offlce In Mlnenapoll*. John Delorenao will look after that branch, while bis brother

Frank will maintain charge of tbe office in Milwaukee. They report good bUH.ueaa.

O. A. Sebuebard of Wataonville. Cal., write*: "Vuur new departnieiit for billliostera and show priiitera abould be Indeed one that would be iiitereMtliig to your readers aud will be so If all would H|>eii.l a few minutes occasionally writing a few lines regarding tbeir work and Itielr cxperleuces. I'eriMjnally, I am a very new recruit In tbe rauks and do not know tbe ups aud downs of tbe business, but was lii tbe tsimpany of some old-time circus billposters recently and llsteiie<l to tiieiii relating exper.- ence*. Tbe recalling of these stories by those old veterans, would, 1 am sure, make inter¬ esting reading for those of us at least wbo are raw recruita. So let's bear from them."

The Poster Adv. Co., of Wilmington. N. C., is tbe owner of a new auto posting wagon, also snipe wagon. Foreman Littleton and bis board

■and aervice bare tbe best in tbe South, ao they say-

D. B. Fernandez la strong for tbe new de¬ partment and says that it will have bis sup- |s>rt. Fernandez has a billposting plant In Old Town. Me. O. B. aays be never misses a copy of Old Billyboy.

We want to bear from Charley Jordon, of Chicago Show Print; F. W. Felton, of the Twin Cities .Adv. Co.; U. C. Johnson, of Americua, Ga.; Luther Rice, of Rlylbeville. .Ark.: .N. J. Petit, of B. ft B. Shows; Jack Hinton, of Douglas, Ark.; Nathan Jerald, of Springtleld, 111.; J'op Dugan, of MUldlesboro; John 1’. Chiirrb. of Detroit: John an.r James Henuegan. of Cincinnati; 11. J. and Harry .Anderson, of Olnciuiuiti, and the rest of tlie boys. Let's make tbe column a succeas. Send ns some squibs and news.

J. L. Aldridge, of Tupelo, Miss., Is busy as ran >>e ami pMinises to come iu with live stuff Just as soon as possible.

K. L. Bniderlck, of the Standard Blllnostlng Co.. New Rochelle. N. Y., is pleased with tbe new department and says that be will give bis

assistance aa soon as be gets the hang of the j stuff required. ]

Frank A.sbwooil, the blHiioater of Oilgensburg, N. Y., slip* us a few bits: "Odgeusburg I Fair and Horse .SbiiW cut tbeir advertising In general. I have a large ‘‘uioukey" to bold my paper in m.v wagon. Only one I kimw of In this omntfy. 'Ihe Wrigley gum people are refiainting tbeir signs and. by tbe way. they sure ilo make a Uiie sliowing. My blllis ster, Williaiii (Jeroul, bad a stroke of paralysis re¬ cently aud has not improved much up to this time."

W. E. Plilllips, manager of tbe Cambrlilge Billpostlug Co., Cambridge, Ml., says that things are coming *long nicely In his territory and that money Is circulating freely with better prospects next mouth. Let's hear tioiii you often, W. E.

Tbe Carroll Poster .Adv. Co., Laconia, N. H.. are meiuliers of the Poster .Adv. Assn, and re¬ port g<Hjd business. Give us some billisster dO[ie. Carroll.

Charles F. Miller, billposter of Canaduigua, N. Y., says that business is very gisal In that neck o' tbe world, with all of bis boards fllleil. He is working tootb and nail to get into -A.A class. Charley says that he hopes to have all bis boards in the flrst class by Octols-r.

•Mack H. L. .McDonnell—Slned us that dope you promised. Mack has all of his space well filled and says be has some plan for a town tbe size of Lisbon. la. He advises that I-es Stine of tbe Rlngllng .Adv. Car No. 1 took sick while posting In LIslKin recently. “But I think be Is better now, as be is on a wet route,” says Mack.

0)1. W. E. McAlpen, who was recently man¬ ager of tbe theater in Belmond, la., has taken over the blHposting plaut and be says that by Btitl be will have all steel boards. Ihe cvdonel Is an old-time slmwinan having s|>ent thirty years in the game. Both the colonel and bis wife, Josephine Kreil. are always glad to meet the show folks at tbeir Riverside bungalow In Belmond, la.

SCENIC ARTISTS Jolin Herfiirtb. whose studio is located at

21S1 Boone street. Cincinnati, says: "I would like U) see the old time stuck company days re¬ turn. when the 'star' or principal cliaractei traveled from city to city, and each city had a good KJcal stock company to support the trav¬ eling stars. Id tlioae days it required a scenic aitist of experience and ability in each thea¬ ter, and be was engaged for the entire season at a good salary. Tliere be bad tbe opportunity to show hi* ability to tbe public and profession. If be did good work bis reputation would spread over tbe entire country, aa tbe traveling per¬ formers would praise bia work in every city. Tbe same applies to tbe stage carpenter, prop¬ erty-maker, musician and others of tbe theater. Why can’t It be done now? There are plenty of vacant theaters and gcaid talent to he bad.”

The H. P. Knight Scenic Co., of New York City, sufferetl a loss of about $50,000, when their studio, which was locateil at 140tb street aud Walton avenue, wa* destroyed by fire on tbe morning of August 17. The acenery for three play* was destroyevl.

E. J. Hayden ft CX).. 108 Broadway, Brooklyn, have furnished fronts for five Trip to Mars shows and one Trip to the Moon this season. Harry Six. of tbe Blue Ribbon Sliowa. baa Just placed an order with this d mpany for a front that la out of the ordinary, being 22 feet high ami 38 feet long. It 1* called Tbe Whirl of the World. He has also placed an order for a new.

flashy Plantation front. Jobnnv J. Jones baa also secured new banners from Hayileu ft Co. for bis World of Wonders Show. It Is said that this is aa flashy a front that ever graced a 10- in-l show. Captain Jack Bonivlta bas also se¬ cured a new front, and says; "Tbe hauners were well made and satisfactory and admired by all wbo saw them.” It seems as though there bas been big doings at the Hayden plant this aeaaon.

Tbe Enkeboll Art Ct>., of Omaha, Neb., bas lately completed a new process, by which they are able to turn out some wonderful dye scenery, that has all the depth of water-color work, to¬ gether with tbe brilliant coloring of sceuery painted In oil. This new scenery is called Dlo- letta, and. as far as we know, the process, which Is a secret with tbe Arm, consists of a combination of imported aniline colors retouched and highlighted in flexible oil colors. Among the scenic artists employed by thia company were a spirited Frenchman, a patriotic German and a faithful Austrian. Since the trouble across the waters started, these youug fellows, who before were great friends, became somewhat strained In their relations, and fliuilly they de¬ rided that the best thing for them to do was to depart r>r tbeir native countrie* and light out their differences as soldiers. The company la doing such a large business that they were forced to secure more artists. They were, how¬ ever. Americaus.

STOCK AND REPERTORY The George Webb Stock Company, which

played a successful engagement of fourteen weeks In Honolulu, returned to San Francisco and ilishanded. Members of tbe company were: I'>aok Bonner, Florence Oakly, Pat Pryor, Jack Belgrave. Inez Regan, Marie Baker, George Berrill. Gay Hitner, Jay Hanna, Hugh Blyden, Leah Hatch and Perry Girton.

Philip Dannlng and Edna Hibbard, two mem¬ bers of tbe Poll Player*, Hartford, Conn., were married In New Haven Auzuat 13. Mr. Dun¬ ning, wbo bas been vvith tbe Poll Players for ilire,- years will shortly jHiin Liebler’s The Highway of Life, in New Y’ork City. HI* wife, however, will remain with tbe Poll Company.

.Agues Itorutee, wbo played ki Within the Law last season, bas been engaged as ingenue with the Dominion Theater Stock Company, at Win¬ nipeg, Man.

Suzanne Jackson, leading woman at tbe Hud- wn Theater. Cnion Hill, N. J.. will continue with this company until the close of the present season, a tH-rk>d of aeveral weeks more. She was engaged for a fortnight only, but won such popularity that alie waa twice re-engaged.

Whitford Kane, wbo waa last season tbe leading character actor with the rei)ert<'ire coui- pany at the Fine .Arts Theater In Chicago. 1* playing a limited engagement with l.e-ter T.on- ergan. at the .Auditorium Theater. 1-ynn. Mat*. Thi* I* Mr. Kane’s flrst experience In .American •took. He 1* to he a member of the repertoire oMiipany at the l.lttle Theat'-r. Philadelphia, this season

Clare Weldon. late leading woman at Pell’* Theater Springfield, will play Bose in The Dummy Mils «ea*)n This 1* the role created by .Ada Dwyer. Miss Weldon plays with the Chicago eomj'any.

Bertha Mann, who has 1u«t closed s brilliant<>n as leading woman at the Temple Theater, Hamilton, has returned to New Y'ork, and begun rehearsals for Tislay. In which she iday.-. the leading role of I.lly Wagner. .Arthur Byr<)n plvys the husband. "The company plays the long Cli'cago engagement.

The Vaughn Glaser Company. whl«Ai ha* playevl a most successful season at Dlentanzv Park. In t'olumbu*. O.. rl. se* its engagement this week with the provluction .'f St Elmo. The e<>nn>any roster is; Misses Isatudle Sherm.iu. ( onstance Keiivon. Helene Marqua. Fay Court¬ eney: Messrs, Vaughan Glaser Walter Renfct Hal Brlgga, Sclnier Jackson. Stuart Fox, Robert II Don,

Tlie Horne Stock Company, api-earlng at Meyers* lake Park Theater. Canton O. is st'B playing to capacity houses. Miss Eva Sargent ha* left the company to Join the Emma Bunting St'H’k Company, 0|>enlng vin September 6. at New Orleans.

The Nancy Boyer Ktock Company opened the fall seaom of the 1 yeeum Theater, at Canton, O.. .August 24, for an engagement of two weeks. Miss Boyer Is supported by .Albert Veos. being

I hlB first season at Canton. TYirough an error

In last week's Issue, tbe opening date of tbe Lyceum's season was given as August 7.

The Poraburg Players opened their season at the Orphenm Theater, Newark. N. J;, on August 24, with Bought and Paid For. A rei>ertoire cf bIgb-cUsa royalty plays will be produced during the season. Edwin Forsburg will direct tbe pro- ductioDs; Robert E. (Bob) Irwin bas charge of the business details, while the company Inclmle* the following members: Frances McHenry, Chaa. Dingle, lai^re Martin, Helen Courtney, Rose ftcDonald, Ruth Bonatr, Charles Schofield, Thus. F. Tracy and Stuart Beebe.

A new organization will take tbe road this coming season. Frank M. Shores and I.eoiiore L. Connelly having formed a partnership, will recruit a company to be known aa Tlie Shorca- Connelly Players. They will tour Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, presenting tilgh-cUs* dramatic productions. Interspersed with vande- Tille. A large orchestra will be carrieil as a feature attraction, together with special scenery for each production, paper and electrical effect*.

Ixirralne Kt'eiie and Associate Player* opened their season at Sioux City. I*., under the man¬ agement of the Grand Producing Company, playing the fair dates on tbe Maurice W. Jencks (Circuit. Mi*» Keene will be featured in a new play of the underworld, entitled The Woman Pays, by Chas. T. Shipley, oi>euing the latt*‘r part of October.

Mr. Stock Manager—The Public Defender I* going to be a vast benefit to troaiiers in gen¬ eral. Why not Instruct your agent to pnt in a boost for It at every opportunity?

The New I.yric Theater. Buffalo, N. Y.. opened on August 31 with the Mable Brownell and Clifford Stock Company for a season of per¬ manent stock. The house Is under the manage¬ ment of O. S. Schlesinger. .A new Illuminated electric sign has b>en erected in front of the theater, and the Interior of the theater liaa been redecorated.

Harry and Virginia Ij'e recentl.v Joined the Parker Comtsly Coinpanv. \ s|>erial band xml orchestra 1* carried with this organization, and the (ximpany numJiera twenty people.

The Jefferson, at Hamilton, O., which was recently taken over by Broorahall & SchwaJm, ha.s Narketl the Pearl Stock Co. for an In¬ definite engagement, beginning Ijibor Day. Atme T«»ld, late of the Horne Sto<-k Co., ha* been appointed manager of the house.

Quite a number of changes have taken place among the Poll Players at Hartfonl. Conn, Edmund Elton, former leaillng man. who Join.* the Baltimore Poll Pla.vers. will he snereeded bv Heet>ert Heyes. who hails from Saxe’s Thea¬ ter. Milwaukee. Vl.ila Ij'seh, w-ho opened In The Woman In the Case, replaced Jane Morgan as leading lady. Miss I. ach was leading lady St the Seattle Theater. Seattle. Wash. Martin Woodworth ha* finished a three months’ eiigage- ment, snd will go to Halifax. N. S., as director of the Sidney Toler Players. .


By Duktt.

SHOW CARS 8c*<Tml Pallmant. M lo U fa*L

Itrlcbt Otn. All 1>p«.


Prime Gasoline-Mantle Lantern 800 Candle Power

Uk* all tha real of tba waU- ^ ^ known “ITlino" ihow lUbta. r A UiU lanurn la eaactly richt fca

Uia buainna. Is srliid, rain and bu« proof. Slronc and rigid In coiistriKnlan: It stands up undar bard usa. Has larga (grtH-ls.) nonbrrakabla mica oblmne.

gr which allows radlatloo of UgM up and down, as wall as atralgbl out I'sra ordinary ■saollns sod

. rag ntantlra la squipprd with -r tbs "l*rln>o‘‘ locig acrrlcw Inaur-

/LjBtJf atx* frsturr, an automatic elsan- I I wul, that krepa gcncrilor fraab Vy I and clean. Tank ho.da tbraa

11 pints, which bums for 1( boura I y Mads niUraly of hrary brass.

I with handaomr nlckrl-platr An- 3^^ Ish. Ilundrrds of them uaad by dm tmt shows, camlrals, emuwa-

ID, slons, sttrrtmm, riding machine jA and parka rB Ns. IS7—Ona-Mantla Lan-

trm. comp I els with pump and wmteh.IS.M

Ns. ISA—Two-klantls lan- trm, onmpina with pump and arrmch.( 00

Strang woodan. hingad-oore trarallng aaae. ritra .71 Rrary lantern guarantaad. <>rde one and yoo will

order mwra. 8md for eamplrts estalogua of Ugbas for tba show bualneas.

WINDHORST A, COMPANY Makart sf tbs "Prims” thaw Llghlm

IN Ns. IZth tirast. tT. LOUItC

HORSE and PONY PLUMES flor Rbow Paradra, Arte and Adrrrtlalng purpoaaa Hand for pitos list kf SLTlAFaUtH, til UslespoU- tan Ara, Bsonklrii. N. T. _


tin taaaa Mraat,


THOMSON dk CO. tsssad sag tyaamwa ttraaC

CINCINNATI. JULIUS TH01IBO.N. Managrr. Fbotis M. N(.


Now is the time we need the n'ork and can give quick action and close prices.


The Columbus Tent & Awniug Co. COLUMBUS, OHIO.



UNIFORMS Far Baadt, Bkawt, Thsatra aad Park Emplayat. Ball Bays, UU.

art. ate. Ws make Uniforms. Oostumaa. 8how Wardrobes, Ifln- atrel Rcqulidtea, Banners. Flags, lllntlnga-KVERYTHINO. Let ut flfure on your rrqulrmrnu. W# funiUb A-1 paoda at the laweat pricaa.

We are Importing Agents for the Celebrated Cousenoo Band Inatrumcnta. Write for our new

D^MOULIN BROS. & CO. int Bautb 4th Bt.,



MERRV-QO-ROUND COVERS. And eaarythlng In canraa. Rend for catalog.


TEXAS SNAKES Inanae, Chlneas Dragons. ParroU and Animals for Pit Rhowa. All potaoii anaket fixed safe lo handle. Pfloea raawinable. Prompt ihipmmta of all orders.

W. O'DELL LEARN A CO.. 711 W. Cammarea St.,_Saa Aatoala. Texas.

Brownsville Snake Farm Can mwply yon with miaka flxrd to handlA Fresh aapplj tlwAVa on hand. CTieap aa any other dealer.

BROWNSVILLE SNAKE FARM, P. 0. Bax 27(. BrawwtvIUa. Texas.



.Lllentown, Pa.. .Vtii:. il.—Aiadl'i* W.KxIrlng Van.Liida, |ip>feH*|nnaIly known aa W.xMly Van. wIm) bad an aniuaintance that extended all over tills country, paaaed away at lilt home, lent N. Klitlith street, title city, Sunday nlRli .ViDfiiKt 1*1. While with the l.aTeiia Circua at ltld<leforil. Me.. June lit, this y.-ar, Woxly fell friun a iHUEgy in which he waa riding, and death la aaid to have Iteen cauaed from InJiirieH auKtaliied to hia kidneya and liver In the fall.

Wtaaly had lieeii In the allow hualiie'a for over twenty five yeara, five yeara of wl.lch he waa with III llenry'e Mluatrela. and two aea- aona with A1 Martin'a Uncle Toin'a Cabin. TIm> reinalnliig yeara be traveleil with cltcuaea and other alKiwa aa band atid orcheetra leailer. He was the son of the late Alltert and Elixabeth Vaii.knda, and waa born in \VUItauia|a>rt. Pa.. Febniary 6. 1WV4. He waa luarried to Clara R. Rtroh. of Mauch Chunk. Pa. Tliey llvetl at Maucb Chunk until about three yeara ago, when they moved t«> thia city for tbe beiieflt of .Mra. Vaii.Liida'a health. Wotaly waa an all- puind uiualolan. but b4a afiecialty waa tbe ciruel. He waa a nieinlter of the Mua clana' Union. In Jill I be waa musical director with the Yankee Ibddnaoii Shows. In 1!tt.1 niualcal ilirector with the .\rlington and Beckman Ok- lalioiiia Kancb Wild Weat. and thla aeaaon with the IjiTena Circua, Joining it at Baltimore, Md., April J4

.L widow, four brotbera and two alatera sur¬ vive him.

Tlie remains were laid to real in the Maucb Chunk Cemetery. Thuratlay. .Liignat 20.

The deceaaetl had a legion of friends In the allow world who will regret to hear that be has paased to the great be.vond.


The Silver Family Circua will cloae its rrett- lar a»-veiiteen weeka’ tour at Crystal, Mic'a., on ita own grounds, September 8.

bia ambition. Deapite the second bh>w' down tif the aeaaon. which occurred at the Foreat City Fair laat week. Mr. Rladliuau prouilaea to re turn lu 1915. with not only auotlicr circua on the road, but alao a carnival company, wtilob will probably duplicate tbe exteuai»e acal* oil which Ilia allow a of lutlll were conducted. In order to properly convey the tone of Fraiik'a letter, we quote aa fidkiws: *T have tbe aupreine aatiafactkiu of knowing that the eleiiieuta of nature can break me. but they cau't keep me Priige_that la liiipoaaible. Will be on the Joli next aeaaon, bigger, gn-ater and larger than ever. 1 am not one lilt dlai-ouraged. Thla la a gambler's game, and a person should not Piui-al when hit.''

And, beat of all, Frank means what b« aaya.


Amlv Nolan, former manager of California Fraiik'i Wild Weat ExIilbUioii. has Juat re¬ turned fP'iii Uunlon. where be baa been taaikliig the 101 Uamh Wild Wiuit pictures. Andy re latea of a mirrow marginal eacai>e from the war xoiie, made pta-iilde through hla getting a hunch aa to what was coming > ff. and securing tranapoi tatloii several days In advani-e by pay¬ ing a '‘acal|M*r'' a Imuiiis of 10 lauiiida. Andy claiuia that this a.inie traiiaportatbrn could have wdd a few days later for many times tbe or¬ iginal coat.


By Ed M. Jackson.

Cellar Ilupll*. la.. .Lug. 21.—Bualneaa waa only fair at the afteriaion iierformance. but verr giaij nt night. Thia la the home of Vic Hugo, who is framing up a d>« and pony show to eveiituallT play Australia.

Dubique. la., Aug. 22—Late arrival and pa¬ rade didn't get out until 2 p.m. First large


WE HAVE FOR LEASE. CARS. SO feet long, fa Milppiiif scenery, automobr.ea, advance batgaga, pcivl lege, stork and merry-go-rounds. Desirable for abas sod drcua compsides. Beasoiishle rates.

THE ARMS PALACE HO«SE CAR CO.. Rsaa 414, S32 $■ Miekigsa Avs.,_C»l4S»a.

ALLIGATORS Pit Show, SU.M. coiislsUiig of ons 5-fL, one l-fL, twe t-fL, three IS-ln., four babies, one egg, FHic FLOAIDA ALLIQATOR FARM. JackaonvlUe. Fla.

ALLIGATORS nt Bum, $1(.M, coualatiiig of one 4-fL, ene l-ft, mie t-ft., twa Ig-ln., taro bablea. one egg. TSK riiOKlDA AUJOATtA FARM. JackaonvlUe. Fla.

4 Sleepers 2 60-FT. FLATS

Conibipition Cart Special Cars el iH Kimls




JMa^ Paaienger Rleeplng Cara, Hotel, Baggage and Oaaablnatlon Hhow Cart made to meet any lequlm- ■au on aboet noUoa.

HOTCHKISS, BLUE & CO., Ltd. Bg RaRaray Exekaaga, CHICAGO. ILL.

PIT SNAKES AU kinds, all the time, CIO to $50 per den; all fixed lo handle. Big RatUeia, Plnee. Bulli, Ooachwhlpa, etc. Half cash, baUnce C. O. D. GILA kfO.VRTERS. $H esch. IxKt ot AnlmAls. Prooipt shlpcMottg k>w expreHA chargee.


BNAKES. BIRDS AND ANIMALS-Monkeg-facad Owla and odorlcsa Skunka. $2.50 each; Prairie Doga. $I.M: Badger. $5.00. Good value in Pit Snakea. Prompt shipment. HIRAM TOPER. Haii^, Kan.

SNAKES AND ANIMALS Mote for your money and BETTEB GOODS than any ather dealer In U. K Winning on merit and bera ta atay. R. P. LEE. 1$ Beat Plata. BaBala. N. V

- FOR SALE - BLJIT MACHIN'ra OF ALL KINDS for lale cheap Address SICKING MFG. CO., 1031 Ftecman Ave., Cincinnati. Ohio.

Boss Canvasman Wanted Must be sober and able to handle men: experienced. Bute salary quick. BITIK'S UNCLE TOM S CABIN OO.. General DeUveiy. Sioux City, Iowa.

i': Ilk For Bands, MiliUry,

Minstrel First Part.. Minstrel Parade,

Ushers, Bell Boys^^ Base Ball, Foot Ball Basket Ball, etc., et&'

Sci4l(rUTAL0«. Be Sure and Mention Kind qf Uniform Wanto4*

Western Uniform Ce ^ (Lakeside Buildinc)

914 a. CUrk at., CniCAA'-

Do You WANT MIIIURY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMB, ARMY tr RAW BUITM TENTB. BUHB tad EQUIPMENT OF EVERY OEMRIPTION. Fran OaasraBtat Aaellaa. Na natter wkat yea waal la tkal llaa, I tta aassly R. Nest ar aaaaad-kaad. Bead far aatalasaa.

B. B. ABRAHAMB, 222 Bautk Blnat. Pklla., Pa.

36 Tun' Repuiation Back of Every Tent


Carnival Tents Sand for Catalog and Second-Hand Liat


Thla miniature dray, used In hauUng the parapheenilia of the Oarloa and Fogg Rhowa. la pulled by four ponies, only two of which appear In this picture. The drayman Is the noted animal trainer, Don Oarloa, and the party standing on the dray la Don't partner, Howard Fogg.

The show up to the present time has bo*u out aixtoeu weeka and faasn't lost a perforniaiice.

An extra middle-piece had to be add'd to the now tent to take care of the crowds.

Tbe Silver Family will take a much needed rest at their home In gllver'a Park. CryaUl. before opening their opera house season.

Sandy Copeland will take a numter of acts to some of tbe Miebigan fairs.

Tbe shaw will go out next season on .'.uto trucks and travel over the tame old route.


Col. Mike Welsh of the Welsh Bros. J rliicd the FVank A. Robbins Sliows at Chamheriburg, Pa.. August 17. Mr. Welsh Is very well known in the slxiw business, having b^n s circus manager and proprietor for many years. He *ili assist Mr. Robbins for the balance of the seasoa.


Chicago, Aug. 28.—A lively bunch from the Windy City visited the Sells-IHoto Show, yester¬ day at Waukegan. III., and were furnished with a splendid time. Col. Cody was more than delighted to meet hla old friend. Cy De Vry, superintendent of Lincoln Park Zoo, and his good wife, and were taken with Mr. Spoor, of tbe FNsansy Co., in bis seven-ptssenger tonring car. in which Chis. Andress, Blllytoy's Chicago manager, also had tbe pleasure of returning.

Among those in the party to Journey to Waukegan via the Northwestern were; Walter F. Driver. Ed. Neumann, of the U. S. T. A A. fo.; Jos. O. Kempf. Mildred Csldwell. Chas. Andresa, W. Patrick, Henry W. IJnk, and others.


Oonnersville. Ind.. Aug. 27—Colorado Dick IjiMont, of Buckskin Ben's Wild West and Dog and IN>ny SViw. ws« sceidentallv shot ls»t Friday night while doing rube c<'niecl.v. sci-oni- panleil by his wife. Shot cartridges got iiilxeil with the hiaiiks In some way or fither.

Mr. I.sMont was forinerl.v with the Jnlls Allen Wild West k lltliisslnime Shows, and also dlr«‘ctor of tlie 14<> riders In the five big Wild West acts at Upper Sandusky. O.


.K letter to Old Itlll.vtv>y frrun Frank I*. .S-iellnian at the nresenf writing, in Cleveland, O.. assures ua that the tough Inek he has encountered this seas-vn will in no way daunt

show of tbe season, and Dubuque certainly turned out, even to the late aftoruoim iterform- ance.

Mtlwaukvs, Aug. 2.5.—Ixuig Sunday run. and did not get on the lot until niglit. Dwlng to the late arrival, the pe-'Ple hadn’t any cliance to play the parks. However, the Palm tlarilen and cabareta surely re<elved their shares. Some- wlist cold. Slid thtt old snmiiier salary adage is very appropriate. «is>d afternoon and a big tumaway at niglit. H. H. tientry was a visitor here, as was Wallie CilTeii, manager of Where the Trail Divides Company.

Oshkosh. Wls.. Aug. 'il.—Home of H'uiest John Wlillams. who owns a bUlls'stlng plant, as well aa the Grand Theater. Another good day recorded. One of tlie Lilliputian cattle gave birth to a calf, tliereby enlarging the menagerie

FVirgot to mention that L. Zeilen--. the ex I circus trouper, was in <iur midst the utlier day.


The 101 Ranch slsiwed here at White City August 22 2,1, to a fair liouse In tlie afterinam of tbe 22d, and a gissl Ikuim* at night.

Sunday was a poor day on ace, uiit of a storm which listed nearly all afleriusin.

Tti<! show unloaded at the I.nke SlKire tracks on Slxty-tlilrd street with slsuit a mile haul to the abog grounds, which were located directly lo back of White City.

Tlie two ticket wagons were on the ildewalk right at the entrance of Wlilte City. Two gates were reserved for the 101 Ranch, and the [leople who pnrchas«vl tickets for the Wild West were admitted through these gates.

The show Is not quite as large as it waa at the heginning of tlie sesson, lint everything runs si mg snesdhly, ttiere Isuiig plenty of help, and everyone sis-nis sstisfled.

'The first one I run Into on the show grounds wiis Clisrlle Prentiss, who had the stake driver with the Riiigliiig Show siuiie years ago. Pren¬ tiss was trainiiiaster for the 101 the first (uirt of this si'sson, but be Is lisek on the stake driver now.

,(orse Tent Wliitey. another trouis-r fr-iii the RInglIng Show. Is s|s» with the 1ol. Wiiltey says iie Ims a g<ssl isisitlon and sends his re¬ gards to tlie ss khouse Isiys with the Itliigling Show.

Tliere were quite a few old troupers around visiting, hut I did not get a chance to see them.

The fierf'irnivnce was very g<ssl. and I cer¬ tainly eiijoyevi It.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. The Dlllboard 25

Hill »n(l JiMwpli I.pwt« ire getting tlie UiixM w*'!! tlifir ' Sirgo Mule" iinl their i

Mule ItuetlliK •’ J"He|'h I.ewl» will le.w ling , lilt iK-tiitifiil wuig, eiititleil I’m liUil I’ui Mir- i , 1 f..lli>«e.l hjr a |>irelr oil the rlmrui «t | tint ev.-r iH.i'iilar b.te, Hoyi. All right, J.M*. let her go: . ^ i ,; t im niarrliyl ilreiiljr; »;.»h1 h)e, leiji; from now on we g"t to lie

Hleiil) ; II, miking eye* at the rhirkeiia,

t.-i.r I'm afral.l of getting the illckem*. I I I reoeirie, to be better—lure. uot worae, fi.,*goHl, lK)ja.

H,er)lH.<l]r with the abow la going to White CitT tonight (Sitiinlay night) for a c<mhI time. M...t of tl.e Hliuwa anil attrirttoiii will not rhirge the ihow people any ailmtialoD feei. I’relty aoft. eht

The I'.H.kliouie la run by Arthur Darla, one of the DiTli •Hnithera. Arthur la Juat aa itout aa any of hi* hrothera—1 guena the cta.Khouae bull- UMUi agri.ea wlUi all of them.

Health Hint—How to get fat: Kun a cook-

Well, I hope everybody had a good time at Wbitv City, Saturday ami gumlay. So long.


Dating the aftermam In Walla Walla, Waah., the burking bone, Trampaa, fell, throwing the riiler, "Tei" lllnea, agalaat the grand aland railing, breaking hia left nhoalder. Thia makea three of the wild Went bnnch on the hoipltal liet I. e , lllnea, Harry Waltera, with a dll- bewted knee, and the lady bucking borae rider,. with a fractured arm.

Jerae Ruaa. Brat ban player with Ned BrllVa Rand, and Mlii 7,enita Nerllle, allde trombone player with Florence BaKer'i lAdy Band, were united In marriage while the ab<iw waa playing North Yikltna, Waah. Mr. and Mri. Run left the abow In Walla Walla to accept p>«IUona with one of the hotel orcheatraa in that city. The entire abow >iini the writer In wiihlng the y.Hing couple all the au.-ceaa and happlneia In the world.

The Wleaer Troupe of foot Jugglen and perch balancera ckwed with the abow In Seattle, leav¬ ing for New York, where they will he featured «« the wiater bill at the New York Hippodrome.

r,eo Kidd and wife, late of the Wallace SIm>w, were Tlaltora In Seattle.

<’> C. mnt'Hi purctiaaed a beautiful new aaddle borae In Walla Walla.

liW, Shaw, billed for many yeara aa "Yfiater Ie.«, the Boy W.unler of the Flying Trai>eae.” waa a tUII.w In Seattle. Mr. Shaw la runnnlg a cymniaium In North Colby, Waah.

WTille riding In parade at Seattle Senorita I.upita Perea waa thrown to the parement. aua- talnlng nnnienuia bruliei. She la at preaent In a local boapital.


Miller Sme. A Arlington’! 101 Ranch Wild Weat Show will exhibit In Cincinnati for one day only thla year—rMonday, St’ptember 14, on the Cummlnavllle KM.


There are no tent ahowa anywhere throngh Weitem Canada, except the Parker CarnlTal Co., which In a few daya entera the Stitea at Minot, N. D The Patterwon Carnlxal hai the Vancooxer Fair from September S to II.

Thla la the Brat aeaaon In Btc or all yeara that there haa not been more than one clrcni in the territory. Sella-Pinto-Buffalo Bill inimaelf) had the bualneii all to themaelxea, and. aa they only touched the high apota, many ptdnta that w.uild hare dona big with a ten or twelre-car ahnw cangbt no glimpae of the white topa thla year.


Mra Jnlla lAmbrlgger, the eatimable wife of Oua lAmbrIgger, the OrTrllle. O., ihowman. waa taken to the hoapital at W.^owtar, O.. and un¬ derwent an oper.itlon, which may co«t her her tife. Ske waa laat reported to be a.'me better, hut la barging to one chance In a ftionaand. All oxer the world are frlcnda of the l.ambrig- gcra. who hope for her full recaxery


The old Kit Show la atlll In the Bold and haa been doing excellent huaincwa. We plaxed Southampton. L, I., Auguat 1ft. to a tnrnaway.

Mclntxre, of The Ham 'Tree act. paid na a ▼lalt and renewed many old ac.malntanccw

Harry Armatmng la at the bead of the Slght- aeelng Cluh, which goea on a trip exery Sun¬ day. The memhera are aa f.dKiwa- Mrytle Armatfong. .knnette Armatmng. Dixie .\rm- atroiig Mother Armatrong, Ml«a Roaie DeComa. c.ertrude Cotton Ml«a Cap Harria. Col. ri>fton. Clamie Cotton, Joe Welih. Kllla Meaalea. Macha- CO. Clearance Crain, Jack McLaren and Rube Wadlex

J. F Wiedemann ant T,nn Clark am apend- Ing their lelaure time flahlng. They fell acme tine flah talea, but are unable to abow them Italia).

fJInnle Coaaack haa enlarged hla act. Henkel la atlll "with If " Hutu- laid. ‘iu*t her flicker.” and fore down

the thmae.


HI Tom T,ong. the old trouper, contributed t^he following letter to Old Itlllxhoy. which haa iH-en diilx confirmed bx Dr. .kltiert Thomaa. •nperintendeni of the New Haxen (Conn.) Hoe Pltal where he la conBned. Mr. T/mg will ap- preciaf,. aaalatance rendere,! by fellow ahowmen: helltor IlllU«ard;

While with the Tompkina Wild Weaf Slmw and A Whlthy’a CIrcua Combined, I waa

♦ "" ***'' "llmenf of mine at Clln-i ' ""u 1 did my ntmoat to hold np, but

an to no axall. and on July 3 whilo the ahow "aa at Branford I waa nlare<1 In an auto and hroiighf hem to the New Haxen Iloaftltal. "here I have been heroclally treated hx exery Vi”**' lndehle,1 to the Inatitullon for ' >e *ame. I ex|>ect to be well enough to leave ."T**.* three weeka. hut aa I will "o( aide to work for the remainder of the aoaw.n and am practlcallx deatitufe. - I am at riJ,"*" .** "'’•‘'I' Why to turn. I am an old-

'"'""•rel. clrcua. carnival and xnude- ■e hualncaa, and never refuaed aaalatance to


- 7'*** *to nlurr mT rendition «‘*p tn« of tho hunch through tho oolumnw


tireetinga. Brother Troui-era! Be herewith adrlae<l that under thla caption I, Circiia Solly, aUall conduit a weekly aei-tlon, excluulvely de¬ voted to the intereata of the white top fra¬ ternity. I Mhall. of courae, weli-oiue all newa that till! luiya may semi In fmm week to week— end encourage each and every one of you to WHITK ME TODAY’. Tell me the latent about youraelf, nlemt your frieudM and brother tmuiufra. Jhdly will write for one and all. ao don't nealtate to drop him a letter. I can tie rextbed lu care of Tlie Billboard, Cin- clnuitl, O. Ureetliiga agaiu.

S<dly can’t help hut caaually remark concern¬ ing tlie f irthci.mliig popularity of the Soutliern lamia. Below dc Ma*>n-Dlxle line—or ’Way Down Souf in de I-and o’ Ootton am de cornin’ tunea.

Wally Cocbrin aiieiit the fore part of Au- guat In tlie oaiul on the atrand of Long Beach, I- 1.

S<dly would like to know If Charlie and Mra. Wlleoii •atlll hue their pet horae, dog, cat, guinea pig. bantam cock, turtle, dove and can¬ ary? Ob. yes; and the pxrrot?

It fcela g.wai u> have had Harrj' Earl back on the prcaa ataff of the Ktrglinga- -thla time on the Barnum A Builey Show. Earl.v In the aeaaon Harry had caat Ida lot with a Rowland A Cllf- Tonl iniiaical comeily aa manager. But Solly hatca t.i I.-ae a bether to any other branch of tl e aiiiuaement bix oo bere’a the glad band, Harry; t)f i-ourae he'a lieen back in the barneaa aome fi'ur m.'ntha, and a<a>n leavea for another lud.N>r aeaaon thir winter, aa he on September 6 aaauinea the mxnagcnieut of The One Girl In a .Million Company at tlie Iji Salle Theater, Chi¬ cago.

Buck Maaaie--Don't you dare atay mit of our circle next ye.xr. Of couiae the genial and ca¬ pable Ru.'k will be there with tiella on when 1915 rulla around. In.-identally, be la one of the moat generally popular men in Die buiineaa.

Anamgat recent am-ce.asea of ex and preaent tMUiiera ni two are iimre pleasing thin the riae of Fred Warrell to the iipiierm.wt of Ringling

I4tb ult. Quit boaating, old Beau Brummel; the ‘‘boea’* haa a tiling or two to Hay from now on. Y’ea, indeed, a thing or two—and maybe three.

Major Gordon W. Lillie la prophetically ailent In that prairie-town. Pawnee. Where there’s quietude there's aotier thought. Our open arms await your return, .Major. The game needa men of your ilk.

Tody Hamilton’s grown old, und .Major Burke’s no lotiger new;

Blit toll me, was there ever gold, M.rrc precious than these famous two?

It was juat two yeara ago that we lost our brother, MTiIting Allen. His was a anrooth and atirring style that graced the publication that It entereil. Whiting was a fellow liked by all.

Jay Rial la two-siderl—note, two.aided, not two-faced. In the summer lie cultivates pnb- llcity. In the winter be cultivates oranges and lemons on his orchard estate at San Fernando, Cal.

Jimmie Donalaon visited with The Billboard last Sunday and .Monday while In Cincy. Don’t forget. 101 will play here on tlie 14tb, abouts the hustler. No, liuleed. we won’t forget.

A friend to many, foe to iK>ne, A troiiirer xud a gentleman. Esteemed by thousands, everywhere, A man who’ll trouble with you share. Was tiiere e’er more open book Than that of our beloved Lou Cooke?

Clrcua preaa agents—aay a word in favor of the Public liefender thing as you go along.

The provision made by New Y'ork bnsineaa men. the promises made by New Y’ork and Southern banks and the tentative plans of the government to aid the cotton |>eople make prospects in the cotton towns of the South look more cheerful. Showmen are nevertheless urged to put off going Into Dixie until the laat possible moment. The manufacturing towns South of .Mason and Dixon's line will ?>e all


Will weekly conduct this section exclusively devoted to circus troupers in all ranks, un¬ der the caption of Under the Marquee.

All shownten of the 'whitetop fraternity are cordially invited to send in contribu¬ tions to this section, whether long or short, fact or joke. In fact everything but a knoQk will be welcomed.

Let your letters shoot! Address CIRCUS SOLLY, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, O.

confidence, and J. Sk.v Clark to a position of affluence in his 'oome town. I/w Angeles. Both boys are the salt of this earth and deserve their happiness.

If only sunshine stories Were written In the cky.

And only golden glory Each day came sweeping by.

If storms were never breaking In tieroe. relentless mood

‘ U|>on the k't. awakening The echos loud and rude

if naught but pleasant weather Prevailed along the route;

Wliene’er we got together There’d be naught to kick about.

Governor John F. Robinaon and hla brother Oil do the biunlwalk at Atlantic City dally. All the graiKlohlhlren are at GH’s bouse, too, and It makes things lively.

A sweet character la that of Bessie Harvey, who In her aei-oml season as singing equestrienne valtli the A1 G. Barnes Sliow, waa crushed be¬ neath her horse when it reared In parade at rellna. O.. recently. Bessie, every trouper la pleaseil that your Injuries were not fatal and that yoiir hospital conflnement promises to be brief.

Tl'.e effective publicity work of Courtney Rlloy CoolH-r. of tlie S«'Ils-?'loto Snow, stands out luiteworthily thla s«‘.asoii. "Nakeil Brain," aa the hulrleas Cas'lH-r styles himself, is a inagsrliie writer of liearing. and because of his relation with Tlie IVnver Post decided to troupe for just one season. His work has been hlghlv origins! and productive of marked effect, blit lie-ldte all bribe. Klley will return to hla desk next season, now that the circus experience lias lieen gained. C-s'ls’r has a future—and a Idg one. We enj >y the coniraderle of just such fellows. May he chance hla mind and atay.

Charlie McCIIntook Insists that he’s going to fx.iitlniie wearing those loud-checked aiilta. In¬ hale (wktalla and drink cigarettes same aa ever—and tliia In spite of hla marriage on the



right after October 1, but the cotton towns are still problematical and uncertain.

After yeara and years of distrustful specula¬ tion and obarges on the part of our country cousins their suspicions have at last been verl- fledfl A show baa "dlvlde<r’—part of It ex¬ hibiting In one town and part in another—hut it was a carnival company—Rice k Dore’s.

Arenic announcers there are many. But tell me are there really any Bhat in their work Inject more “soul” 'rlian Graham. Rankine or Bert Cole?

The attention of General Manager Stephan, of the Zoological Garden, Cincinnati, was at¬ tracted to a fire in the out-of-the-way part of the grounds Monday, August 17, by bellowg from the buffaloes. A fire company was immediately summoned, and some difficulty was experienced in extinguishing the blase. It la surmised that the fire started fr»>m a lighted cigarette, aa »i>me' boys were noticed playing near the scene shortly before.

The Iwiys on the No. 1 car of the Bamum A Bailey Show arrived In Frisco Auguat 14, and were tendered a smoker by Ixical No. 44. I. A, B. P. and B. The boys all report an excellent time, and wish to thank Ix>cal No. 44.

If there Is another graft scheme attempted like demanding twenty i^er cent of show receipts for the stretching of a tent on an abandoned street, as was done in Morrow Bros.’ case Tuesdsv nlirbt. certain parties will be shown up. Tlie Idea of a slsiw being charged a $2.50 license privilege and then seme individual get¬ ting a rake-off for a "right" that they never had. Snob deals will not only put Zenda in bad with show companies generally, but she will be classed with t?ie New Y’ork Cfty'ker scandals and a "probe” will b«* ordereil.—Zenda I Kan.) News.

Edith Rankin, who has been In a hospital at St. louls. Mo., for the past four weeks, suffer¬ ing from injuries 'recelyed from a bronk while with the 1. X. !.« Ranch Wild Weat, says no more bronks for her this season, bnt that she will be ready for them again next year.

■ 625 West Fulton Str**? If inCa CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

BIG BARGAINS Two lOxflt), square ends. hip. roof style.

Top. 10 ox. white double filling duck. Reil trlmmtugs. Side wall 8 feet high. l’s»M two months. G<H)d condition. Price, each .$100.00

One 30x00. round ends; 8-ot. drill. Used two months. Price . 90.00

Write Us What You Want


of your paper, I feel eure that some of them will come to my rescue. Would like to hear from friends at aii.\ time.

'i'hanking yon in a Ivaiice. I beg to rumaln. Professionally yours.

Signed) HI TOM LONG. Address care Albert 'Ibonias, .M.D., New Haven

Hospital, New Haven, Ounn.


One of the ;is>pBnls escaiied from Its cage just after parade In Berlin, Wls., hut by tlie quick action of Emery Stiles and others. It waa driven hack in the cage without the crowd outside be¬ ing aware of its escape.

Vivan .McLain, who sustained a bad fall a few days ago, is aide to tie out agaiu and exiiects to work In a few days.

Gisirge Weyuian, Martino, the Cop, and Mrs. De.Marr get many laughs on the cxmi in.

The side-sliow, under the management of Lew Armsen, is doing good business daily.

The big show band, under the direction of John Hollinger, has tieea strengthened by the addition of L'e Patterson.

Eddie Weekly, .Martin Moralla and Toby Tyler are having a photo contest.


Joe Leonard and Roy Summerville are the siiecial agents with the car now. They are oat on opposition woric down in Alabama.

Osi'ar Reiser, the official stenographer and secretary of the car, left at Indianapolis to reciipi'rate at his home for a few days.

Clyde Proctor, a Muncie, Ind., product, haa been fraternizing with Herbert Maddy. also of circus fame, and also of Muncie, during the past few week-ends. Maddy Is now running tb« liolice department in Muncie.

George H. Degnon was a visitor to the car while in Cincinnati.

Vincennes. Ind., Is the one bright spot in th* mind of "Murphy” Howard, known as the test fiorter the 101 Ranch ever had.

C. B. Miller, steward of the car. was the special agent who billed Auburn and Lebanon. Both towns were literally "burned up" when he got through with them.

Bill Baokel, the Herkimer magnate, is pre¬ paring to take out a winter hall show.

W. B. Bussell, who scrubbed farmers’ barns all summer, left at ijiFayette to become second man with the hall show for the winter.


By Guy 'Weadick,

London. Eng., Aug. 7.—Everything ii excite¬ ment over here. Nothing to be beard on all aidea but war talk. The English Government has already looked over the horses with the 101 Show, with a view to taking them over for army use. Yesterday business was light. Many of the employees of the Exposition have teen called to the colors. We have had no American mail or Billboards for two weeks. We of the Wild West keep working along, wonder¬ ing how business will be from one show to th« other.

Just learned that Tommie Kirnan and Hank Durnell will tour Europe with Tephou, the Cos¬ sack, this winter. 8up|)ose tliis was was made off before the news of the war came to hand. Did you change your mind. Tommie and Hank?

The baseball game played In our arena between the team composed of sailors from the battle¬ ships Illinois and Missouri (which were in port at Gravesend) and the London baseball team was witnessed by 10,000 people. The score wan 9 to 5, favor the siilorg.

A bunch of cowboys and cowgirls, of the 101 Ranch Show, went for a ride In "Rotten Row,” Hyde Park, recently. Their attire caused ao much excitement that traffic was blocked, and the anthoritieg requested them to leave. Later an apology was tendered the cowboys and girls, as Hyde Park is a Royal Park aud not under the jurisdiction of the London County CounclL The inchlent received much comment In tbo London press.

Bad luck haa overtaken the broncho boatera with the 101 Show. Amos Clayton’s ankle la spraineil. Bryant Roach received concussion of the brain from riding a broncho, but la getting better now. Charlie Aldridge received a sevem shock by falling from “Carson Black." Injuring his spine. I»ttie Aldridge Injured her ribs by falling in the trick riding act.

Received some fine photos of BUI Caress, clown with the American 101 Shaw. They arw dandies. Bill expects to troupe in vaudevills thla winter.

Just had a letter from Hazel Moran, tin fancy roper. She says she Is not with Irwin Bros.’ Wild West, but Is playing vaudevills dates with sinch miccess.

Understand Johnnie Agee and Otto Kline will contest against each other at Pendleton this fall. Good luck to both. May the best man win.

Homer Wilson—Send me one of your cata¬ logues.

Ijist news from Wayne Beasley and Jack Ra.v, who. with a hunch of Sioux Indians ars somewhere In Germany with the Sarassinl Cir¬ cus. was to the effect that Wayne was almost beaten to death when s bunch of "towners” mixed with the circus in a ‘liey-rube.” One cut on his head alone ne<-p«s!tated twenty two stitches. Jack got sway uninjured.

Am going to try to get this letter off on s boat that leaves I.iveriHvol tomorrow for New York. She is loaded to the last inch of space. All the bunch say "howdy” to all In the States, and wish to say also, although a big war la on, we all feel as safe in London as If we wers In New York.


One of the greatest receptions ever given a performer by sh 'W folk was given Chsa, (Pogie) O’Brien when he rejoineil the Sig. Ssntelle Shows at Taincsster, N. Y’. As soon as P<-gis entered the dressing room a yell of welcome came from both the ladles’ and men’s dressing r’coma. P-igle Is a great favorite here. fr«m the marqm'e to the co<ikhoiise. The next day Pogie wxs seen In parade tiehind hla old favorite donkey. Pickles, and in the afternoon he made more than goo,i with hla old clown partners. Lew Nichols and Danny Ryan.

Brewer and Bower, comevly acnvbats, joined at CoIllnw.’Otl. O.

George Conners Is eqnestrlsn director, whils Wm. Faust handles the mall and Old Billyboy.


Best Drill. Best Wo

BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFC. CO.. KARSAS CIH HAGENBECK-WALLACE SHOWS. ExpuaitioD. Mr. SarKcnt U an all round ruatlcr,

aud baa a boiK of trirnda and aduilrera. Cbaa. llF<-l.>M' (of II«>rluw aud Bolland),

furuM-rlr Auzola (tba contortloniat) in tba jid olrcua (W. II. liarn-tt 8bow, ate.), waa a plea, ant caller, and wiabea to be reifiatered aa a fervent aud eouataut buoater for Uld BillTbojr.

Mlaa llartmau abuwed me laat Ftidajr in wbat degree I'be Billboard la held witb tbe U. S. Teut A Awning to., when it cornea to infuruia- ti»u to be gained bj reading ita coluuina of editorial matter and advertlaementa. "You aee," abe aaid to tbe writer, "to what degree we oberlab Old Bill.tboy, Here it laat w'<ek‘a iaaue, and where you ae<' all of ttieae Hue pencil mark, are peolde we bare written to regarding buaiiieiw. Out of the .i\ty four letter, we wrote, we were aaked for twenty aix cataloguea. wblrb, of courae, we weie glad to aeud." At abe banded me her Increaaed ad for our Autumn Siieelal. abe remarked; "No wonder everyone aaya Tbe Billb.>ard ia tbe abowman'a Bible, aud tielieve In it. Wo do, too," and tbe long atring of pretty girl ateuograpbera aud bookkeepers amileil tbeir approval.

S. D. Blcardo, wbo clatina to bare a co|>y of tbe flrat iaaue of Tbe Blllb.iard. called and told ua wHiie intereating biatory and experien<-e with tbe .\dain F'orepaugb ami O’Brieii Sbowa.

We have Ju»t ln»talle<l a bulletin U>ard In our office. u|M>u wblcb are diaplayed telegraum and im|M>rtant notb’ca that are of general in- tereat. It'a at your a4>rvioe. dear reailer*.

<5ny W. Oreen. preaident of tbe Nebraas i Film Co., called on uh while on Ida way to Ntw Y'ork. He aio'ke very favorably of the Weat. and compllnient*^! Col. Cody'a Hiatorical War I'icturea very highly. He. of courae, know* Buffalo Bill.

The<i, Hleiidall. of the ludiridual Service Co.. New Yi>rk, waa ala.i with ua tbe paat week, aa well aa Brnce Kiebardaon ami C. fJeo. Mniin. both from Michigan. .Mr. Mnnn left for Cali¬ fornia.

The Famona White Cloud and company, Imllan bareback and trick ridera. oiiened at White

! City, Chicago, fur a eigbt-day engagement. Some I act.

By Quiet Jack Moore.

We do not mt or handle aecond-band Tecta.

CONCESSION FRAME TENTS HOOOS Band deacrlpUon of what you want WE WILL HAVE TBa

MUN'ET. Wrtte for oomplete mocaa-aavlni Oatalogua


SADDLES AND BOOTS VUTilB MARIIFN-S FAMOl'S SADDLES AND COWBOY B(X)TS. Our Specialty la SHOW OUTFITS. We make eyetyUilng that la made of leather. Send for Catalogue. VICTOR MARDEN, The Dallaa. Ort|oa.


FOR TOMPKIHS’ WILO WEST SHOWS A good Clrcua Drummer, Cornet and Clarinet Playera, to atreiigthen band; food Clreua act. ground acta pre¬ ferred. Show will stay out until late. Tell all Ant letter. Addreaa aa per route.


Moving ITcture C<>ui|>any. •■eU iig territorial righta. It will be rememlM'red that be elo|>ed with aud marrietl Sig. Arcaria' niece, Boaie, who waa bis aaaiataut in bia im|ialeuient art. Every one will be glad b> kn>>w they are getting along nlc<dy and aie aa hap|>y aa a lark. Y'a. a uiee baby girl.

V. It. Day, who ia handling tbe publicity «f the BulTalu Bill Hiatorical Muring I'icturea, In cuujuuction with many other dutiea with tb * Eaaauay Cu., ia a very buay man tbeae daya, in tbe First National Bank Building office.

Baba Delgarlan hat engaged a acore of Bus- aiau aud Spauiab dancersi for bit tig tbow with the World at Home. In fact, nearly all tU.' idiows with tbe W. at A. have been »treugtbciie<i for tbe fair datea.

Sam .M. Dawa.'U. former manager Advertiaing Car No. 1. Wyouiiug Bill's Wild West, btviug resigiMHi a few days sgo, called at The Billboard office and turned in a lot of mileage books on different rosds, sud requested n* not only to sec tbcni, but mall them back to General E<1. 1.. Brauuau.

K. B. Sargent, formerly w|tb Barnnm A Bailey, HageubeckWallace aud many other b‘g amuM-ment entertiriaei, is now In Chicago at tbe laSalle Hotel. He la making bit bead quarters at Tbe Billboard office, negotiating Borne big acta aud conceaaloua for tbe i’anama


By Dixie DeTere.

Belmar. N. J.. Ant- 23.—.After a week <>f good business, we are stationed near tbe ocean, and many of tbe arena folk are enjoying tbe bathing.

Tile band ls>yi gave a clam bake and cMcken fry tmlay, with .kdam <fllle«pie tbe guest of b<»m>r.

Mrs. Bates left today for her home la New Haven. She waa accompanied by her aon. Mai. wbo goes as far as New York City. We hope to aee her with ua again ^fore tbe aeaaon cloaea.

Among others wbo have left nt were Ml»« Belle Lynch. James FIdcock and E<I Bowman. Woulil like to hear from them oecaalonally.

Will Hanley, Jack Blount and John Ix>Te are new additions to the arena force.

Charles (Hootlal Klllinger visited hla old friend and partner, John Gleaai'n, onr 4S>pular rul>e, recently. It Is now reported they will work together again In the near future.

Re<-elveil a very nice letter from J. C. Miller, of the lot Bancb Show. Thanks, very mneh. Mr. J. C. A very prosperona season for you Is my wish.

A few of the people went to Newark. N. J.. to see the 9W Kancli Show. They have a very neat little show.

Flank Scott baa taken charge of the dining pMMii. and Is certainly producing the goinl meats.

Uncle Jim McVberson's fnotbsll team la pro gresslng verv favorably. very good line np

J F.. I’eitlt, advance agent No. 2, It back with tbe show to>1ar.

John fSlesson left Thursalsy to visit some relatites. but will l>e hack shortly.

Why it It Willie always gets left on the orangeade eve-y night? .ksk I’ncle Jim.

We liave tbe Mutt and Jeff of the Wild West business on this show' lmi>ersonate<l by laife l.ewnian and Shorty Blount. I.afe It as tall as Shorty la amall.

1-afe was badly shaken np last Wedne«4lav when the outlaw horse High Oiieeii. Jnmp»-d throiigli the ro|>es and fell with him.

Where Is the mo«t tmpiilar place on the show on a lM>t day? .knswer: Mrs lenda'a orangeaoe stand.

Mrs. Tompkins again worked her lieantlful schmd ho se this week.

Ix>nlso lewman was hurt yesterdsv. but n<>t seriously Jiisi eiimigh to make riding a harl thing to do.


By Chat. Andreas.

H. W. one of the old time ?ents. called at the new office of Bill.rtKty, and lold aume of bis experiences, as well as some good atories, wiiich were very Intereating. Come again, Henry.

C. Eeuo, formerly with Barnnm A Bailey, ia to be connected with tbe Buffalo Bill Historical



"Mascot," the clncatei horse, which has been topping and Isdlomlng the bill In all the jirlnclpal iiin«le halls In F.nglan<1 for the past two years, waa to go to the continent for a tour, opening at the .Alhambra, rarls. for the month of Octotier. and Berlin, Hainbnrg. Ant werp, Brussels. Vienna and Madrid to follow, hilt, owing to the war crisis, he will roinni t" America. Aniahing hla KocUsh t.'iir at |•aT^llon. Near Castle, week of Re|>tenil>er "Jl.



TtH» KlKth (if a Mfif* of plKrtovra{»liii fnim the prlrate cnllertioii of (Tiarlm Andmu, made br him duiina the ptAl Iwent^’-Rve rean. <4.e telU a*»nit Tlie aln^e phuloarapti • Pallj Ju Un and her hunband. Kre<l loedadt; SilTem oakhT and a n<«i<«|>Nper njin Shrira made up ax a rlown fo* the orraxioii. Dtlljr J'lllan and FVi'd I^if<4t ire now ftliiiif an ImtHirtant enaaacftvtit with the llaawibet'k-Wallace Hliowt. HlUm It in tauderlUe.

8'^^PTEMBER 5, 1914. T ti e Billboard

O |/ A ^ “•* "e* ch'iirge**'* **”*

^|\/A 1 11^ VJ l\¥l.l¥\ X^J_JVV O A1. G. Meia-g MlUKtr^l* wm pUy .\Jacauley ». Ivoularille, Septeiiib^T 7, being tbe opening at-

By JULIAN T. FITZQE'RALO I traction at that bouae. I _ ^ Hocking and Sbeeta, tnanagerg of tbe Newt>ort

;si, . AKKV NKAT»;i) AT MKXJK. Tba rink la telng put in nrat-claaa abape for f^rk) Op.ra Houae, write that a«ime open time 1 ev laikler of tbe world’a bour *?*^.^*** oi'enliig, about tbe middle of September. arailable for dramatic-and niuaical comedy «..rii and at i>n‘*4ent manager of tbe Madlwm itardeim la now a corporation, and Is comt/anlea. The seating capacity of the

■aTk ittfik. fharlesh.D, W. V%.. In re- ctindncted by the offlcera and atockboldera. Oeo. r^. jjopuUtion r>,(m. „.e of ilia moat lulereallug experiencea McC'onnack being manager. W illiama Twentieth Century Muaical

-laled that one of tbe prettieal Tbe Vermma were treated wltb a fine reception Comedy Company opened recently at the Gar- 1,.. ,.»er aaw waa I.iege. llelgHim. where while playing an engag.iuent for A. J. Noakey, ,ien Ainb-me, Oklahoma City, Ok., for an In-


J,. • < u ey. ‘ * manager of the Madlaon Gardena la now a corporation, and la ..' T,: itu.k Cbarlea^m \V vV, in re- c.ndimted by tbe offleera and atockholdera. Geo.

ulih ""me of ilia moat lulerealliw experiencea McConnack being manager. l.'iir 'l"’. 'laled that one of tbe prettleat The VeriHuia were treated with a fine reception

I'j , - I,,. ,.\er aaw waa l.iege, Uelglnm, where while playing an eim IV I ,;iil iu: I ■Ob I*!**!)'- in Urge tbe of tpe palace Uluk .xaiiig r« e> were niii on the atreeta and tlie Auguat io to 2J. .M •K-iaa ’ll of Ida winning the 21 kilometer race, auj autoi

of the Palace Uluk. Sault Ste. .Marie, Out.. Auguat to 22. .Mr. Noaki-y entertained them at a dinner and automobile trip to tbe American

definite engagement.

(,'ehwjl Atfractlona' The Hooeier Girl opened

,i,iH ihiiV*^ * eujojeil a nice buaiueis ^ga tbrongh Wichigan. lu-

t the city arraugeil the affair. Carey I *'-rt J. Kennedy, former manager of Madia .a . u imalai given bla by ti.e Journal Gardena. Chicago, and in the aummer time lull • tlila race. The great wide atreeta ati-ward oil one of the large Tranaia.rtation Coui-

i" ..IT for the racea. and the grand pauy'a boata, waa recently laid up in a Buffalo I ' . ... .1... ,V V , l....,.l..l r... ./

(liana, Illinoia, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraaka and Miraourl.


- were built ou ,i'.. Hi,wiling line '1 be akatliig waa good, wiin live aieaiii in an acciueni on me boat. . , . , ■■ r>-.. • i i .

‘f'.lr .he "treet" were a. am-dh .a rink ^^I*hn.delphi. ^^a'‘due'’“wbkh Ta no"rum I proifrum

f ... he ever ’■‘‘“"i; fciuie^of t^' clty *. aesaiona are held m,uai the ••regiilara” Bennie Vrankford ■ ’{^®| entertUin llirnt you need. w*'>*l‘l y #mii#*thiug at*si>«r- buHim-hs. flu? rink 1* calWd th** ailiiilts that It 1h not entirely due to his s de I Just what the puhhc Wants. SoM

omciaN in thl. c-matry to d a ^ manageiueut of Mr. efforta that biiHinew,. I.aa tripled for hla firm I On easV terms ShiDlio.l anv- „,e t at-> r* 7 V vietri and oieu the year around. within aix monttm. After aeveVal veara’ hustling 1 _ i. _ ? lenns SluppeG any-

the Streets also, clo«« (N. Y.) hospital fur ttiree weeks, being scalded



—the center of 15:1 yety and enter¬ tainment, and the surest, quick¬ est crowd - brinjfer anywhere, about Summer Parks, Carousels and Skating llmk.s, ts


BAS'D rith live ateaiii in an accident on the boat.

i'liiladelpbia. Pa., -Aug. 3(i.—tVitli willingness

„ Iiiiliiiiil.-l race, and those who •■“t''r‘‘d ,uM il- I' "lit whenever they elected. The laal lau wto ipilt did so In hla fortieth mile. To

operaiii'iis there.


JUnl", and Is under tbe manageiueut of Mr. efforta that biisineas has tripled for hla firm Vli-tri and 01 eu tin- year around. within six months. .After several years’ hustling

The .Met 1, Hands oih-uhI their fall and winter In * shop on Poplar street. I’hiladelphia, ___ _ season at Pine Island Park Uink. Manchester, w'lth brother Sam. repairing umbrellas for the

reuiaiB In tl,e rates the I N. II.. for Manager Harrington, on .August 24. reckless neighbers. Ben Frankft.rd took a siid- ami be di'l *». Carey spent some time I f, r one week. '1 hey have added new noveltiea den noUon that he might as well make the

‘ . m,.l bas been much lutereated in wsr I and wardrolie to ttielr act. paraajils and umbrellas that would III 1. IV* Jno os u .u .s .... . stand wear and abuse of careless owners go as

The city of Charleston. W. A a., through the need no repairing. The result was Fraukford aasl.tance of J**sse Carey, has started boogtin4 iiros.* factory, which became so tirmlv estaii- for tile 1U15 World’a Championship Meet, to be llshed as manufacturers of the “Stand Test"

on easy terms. Shipped any¬ where for small dowii jiuyinent. ^^^ite for very iruerestiiiu, illus¬ trated cabalojiue. Hundreds in use. ••Ml making money.

_ __ ______ _RUPmPH WuRulZEH p{5*f I.jle msnvger of the Charlevoix Roller held at the Armory Skating Rink in that city, umbrella last year as to require a night force _ .

Kliik. A', arlcvolx, .Mich., has been giving bU The rink will be enlarged to twelve Ups to the at Broad and I’oplar streets to supply the de- Factory I iMUrous.the liest attractions obtaliia'de. Prof. mile. Advertising matter in great quantities is mand for this popular and meritorious “rain- Nor^h Tnna>a<Bn<4a .Albert M alti. the well knowu^ artist, enter- in-liig clrcuUted by tbe inauagement and visiting stick” ** ■wanaa, new TorK tamed tbe -iiectators August 2U. •!. — aud profetalousl skaters boosting lbl5 for Charles- Shortly afterwards the Frankford bovs took •:.l S11.I .-."'ve,! a b g drawing card. Hla act U , j,claims that the next a notion to make an appeal to wheelm’en and different fi-’m others. HU twenty-minute ex rt,gi„pi.,ii wm come from Cbarlestoa. faimien direct with their «llk parasols which S” ® ?.*,*■ *'OST—Consisting of one No. 125 Wur- bitdilou e.-eme.I but a mm p ,bey k'^ew b. be s\Ul<; to‘"m.fsrrnd aryet ‘T"'. «ting Vauiger SeatU cliainpion pr.Vfesiional speed skater, and recog- had been unable to on the market, except es-'LcTSvl^slx

"an-I Mrs. Allil h^r-l as .‘.i.e of th.- bos, acrobatic and trick through J-bbers. .Although their wholesale m"i!" ®-


blldtlou ►oeiiied but a minute. 10 highly Inter- evting and -oii-ar,'nal was bis work. He proved an evira. rdinary treat for Manager Seat's nslrou- -Mr. and .Mrs. -Allie Moore, tbe skaters, and some of the leading pe<«i>le. enter¬ tained .Mr. Wsltx while In iTiarleTOlx. Tbe pn.feseiT •ns’ned at Manjuettc. .Mich.. -August '24 for Arthur KarsUke who aUo owui the Chsrlevidi Uluk.


and ONE-HALF hich P^'GINAL COST—Consisting of one No. 125 Wur-

k.vlers of the day, ha.« lieen engaged for a trade was very extensive, the long credit sys-

in the busines out finding It necessary to blow our own born

p^m.FIBRE WHEEL SKATES FOB BALE AT 90o PER PAIR; wheels uid oocm n6w

Will. H. l*ariH»uti'r. fancy and trick akatcr, fo anv sreat extent we have alwavs been will- MADISON GARDENS, Oilcaco, IlL lijiat iprlng when tbe Wayne Garden Rink at will of>en hla fall seaa«*n by playing Pine Island injj to let our advertisers and readers toot a

lAeiruit. .Micb., cKt^ed its door* for tbe aeaaon, park Rink. Manchester. N. H., week of August note or so f^r us when they feel inclined, so , WurUtxer Military Band Organ, style it wa* th<»ught at that tiue that ^as for H*. will c^mtiuue playing rinks If enough Frankford Bros.’ present position in the bust- selections good, ss tbe lH‘troli and Cleveland Navigation engagements are offered. If not, he will return ness world, if not speaking ^ud enoush of it- ^ ^'^LLlA>t8, iV. who owned the lease. proiw»aed to build a t4\ vniiibAvillP wh**r<k li«» mpf with ^ood success self for the value of advertising In The Rill- »etiona iseacn. Bay City, Mich, new b»*at landing for their steamers and that reason. board, will at least prompt some of the “show- would put at* end to the famous old roller rink. w.nNk.-Fi •• . Kang to think a bit. From a ten-line —FOR SALE —■ Their plans mere carried out as far as the re- tio advertisement six months ago. Frankford Bros. Ten nice Baby Coons. $3.00 each. W. T. lIOIKiBN would put at* end to the famous old roller rink. •• . mr>A Kang to think a bit. From a ten-line —FOR SALE —■ Their plans mere carried out as far as the re- til advertisement six months ago. Frankford Bros. Ten nice Baby Coons. $3.00 esach. W. T. lIOIKiBN uKMleliug «*f the building mas concerned, but professional skater, has new aspirations. He using some fifty lines of apace per & SONS, Box 232, Cainpi>ell»ilUe, Ky. thitmgb the mise figuring of Pniprletor J. R. desires to ljar° motorcycle driving ^Ith a view yearly contract with The Billboard, Ha>e*‘. of the Wayne lL»tel and Gardens, the of connecting with many week their enormous Increase of busi- $800.00 BUYS A COMPLETE SHETLAND PONY rink i^lU again be •d'^ned. Mr, Hayes has ar- luotordr^unes that stud this country, Roy ness compelled tbe establishment of a new fac- OUTFIT of seven beautiful aaddle ponies, now with rauged aitb tbe P. C. NavigaiUm Co. for use attain«Ml considerable reputation lo the roller ^ory. which Tbe Billboard representative vis- » hlg camlTsi company. Pbn1»*« earn big money si of tbe Warner flv»or of the Wayne Ga^len•. after rink field, and It is h'lped that some astute ited at 906 Filbert street yesterday. The thlH * rtde. SCTlWENOm A FRIEND. 182 3rd St., the boat set'SHi ends, fbr ^ler skating pur- luotordroiue manager will give him a cbance and fourth fl<K)r8. with an area of 26x110 feet Milwaukee, Wls. ;n*ses during the winter season. A aectloosl to make good under his care. each, are fittetl with new machinery, electrically flifor will W lD»talle«l by the Kenyon <A>., of . . driven, and utilixed by some S'l workers. Silks _ _ POR SALE ■ ' Waukeaba. W'l*.. wbldh will be the finest and taffetas fnim the Frankford silk mills, which The Pt^lon Play or life of CSiriat, in fine, hand-ool- skatlng flu-r In America. The present beautiful TZKT SHOW NOTES. are In the Tnlted States and render the firm \ 5?^ ** HACKER, new malting room, ticket otiice, baggage room independent of European or foreign made ma- orookviue, Indiana, lud. in fa< i. all the remodeleil lomer floor of w * terial. come to the new factory In carloa<l lots Ihf Gardvn- «-ill utllix^l. Tlie entrance to Tbe Great I^*n Sbow*. after bavlo,; played .n,) In ||j, expert bands of this firm’s em- CHINESE PA-LU-CA, a big, savage raotister, tbe rink will on tbe Third avenue aid*. througUoul tbe State of ObiiN will shortly wend ployees transformation Into many colored and ^'h two heads, with 8x10 banner. 140; The 84i-leggva Wilter K. Supthen, well known U> all the Its way to ,be Blue Grass State and gradually shaped parasols for the concessioner Is solnf Pollymoosuke, "rae Imllaii Vtoman and J^IId, La akatera. aud one of the m- at popular managera work Southward for the winter. 'The muaical forward dav and night. While the new lofts S®"’ I,",*,?"*?; H*® ‘’ll,* Three-faced II: the cubtry, will have charge. comedies being presented are under tlie dliw- *.pre only leased August 22. this year, for

iiiotordmuie manager will give him a cfcance and fourth fl<Hirs. with an area of 26x110 feet Milwaukee, Wls. to make good under his care. each, are fitted with new machinery, electrically

driven, and ntilixed by some 8i> workers. Silks —- rOR SALE - and taffetas from the Frankford silk mills, which The PSMlon Play oc Ufc of ISirist, In fine, hand-col-

TEKT SHOW NOTES. are In the Vnlted States and render the firm 5?*^ ** "®*- HACKER. indeoendent of European or foreign made ma- “rooanije, Indiana.

. terial. come to the new factory In carload lots Tbe Great I.e»n Shows, after havlo« played gnd In the expert hands of this firm’s em- PA-LU-CA. a big, savage raonster.

the rink w ill on the Third avenue aid*, throughout tbe State of OMiv. will shortly wend ployees transformation Into many colored and ^'h two heads, with 8x10 banner. 140; The Sfi-leggcd Walter E. Huptben. well kuomu ti> all tbs Its way to the Blue Grass State and gradually shaped parai*ol9 for the (Vkncessloner Is going Pollym<x)suke, 'rae IncUaii Moman and J^lld, La skaters, aud one of the iD< st p-^pular managera work S^Hitbrnsnl for the winter. The musical forward day and night. While the new lofts H'® Three-fsced

SATAUS AXl, KEB.V3 WIN TIIEm IIFAIV. J,”''.'"'''"it t"’"’ " jr*"" «' NKlN SrprLTil'cfrsi!S st*.' — - roster at present is as luuows. w. it. startzei, wires from their many customes In the carnl- Boston, Mx<«

i’xrk amateur championship on rullera waa o<>medlan; L. N. .Adams. Mack-face comedian skated ou .August 14 at Luna Park. Cbarlestoo, Dob Cheney, Irish comedian; F. T. Bales W Va.. and was won by Roger Natalis, tbe straight: Ihiisie i.eon. leaittng lady: ftadie DeVoy, Belgium youngster. "Bones" Kerns was sec- aouhrette. Barbara Sutton. Sadie Edwardi. May ond, an.| Kustlce Blrtblsel. third. Cecil King. Ixtokwood. Lillian Miller. Hanna Williams and

■dltn; L. N. .Adams. Mack-faw wm^llan; rounded by fnmed oak paneling and piste glass rno SALE—Film- ■» reels irf PnwiittH« wtih

gM *?4':;iei1':m iT-r^iT^dy^BadTuDeVo*;*- «tr.cting S°nne*; S Lon«‘T r^^if’'m. ^^ L ^rhatrsiitf. n Sadie ‘S-ukI’T'"'. Tf, ‘ Scannambiillat. 1 Carrying Case for all. new. First rette. Itarbara Sutton, tsadle taiwarui. May matter all day at 966 Filbert street, while tin<o. .n iL-acf iv

• tbe Huntington whirlwind. ’ whsi comfieted Emily Jordan fill the cast. Louia Grabb Is hundred maidens who are turning out tbe fln- witb tbe bi'ipe of slK>wlng the Charleston lada musical director; Harry White At front door, j i,hed product for Bilfboard readers, who want bow to skate was raceil off bit feet, leaving the The show reia'rts excellent retnrna to date, goods on their wheels, etc on the fl<V)r

matter all day at 966 Filbert street, while jio.w* takes 'all. .IJlSSE W. WsLUAMS, S33 8o. b-other Sam keeps a fatherly eye upon the half- 3yth St.. Lincoln. Neb.

Hast s<siu after the tulle bad been passed. -WANTED-

one of tbe prettiest races of the reason the romplete renewal and arrangements are now being made for a ,hove the general offlees of a firm which Is Capalde Lady VIollnlat, good appearance, for flve-

"■**■<*'I not ashamed of Its beginning, nor at sll back , .... . .. ■ .. . A I «.. ...... piece picture house orchestra; must Improvise otll- ^■un.1 prelluilnary a* idiated and won by rolie. be-ddes two new cars will ^ purcas^. [ward In irlvlng The Billboard’s advertising col- gatos for songs and belotig to A. F. of M.; esay ''•ylat'd Boiiea Kerns on August 21 by a AA m Ketrow. of the Ketrow 4 Troter .Ariiona ■ jimns full credit for the present prosperity wort. Feature Singers also write. Address M.AN'- allght margin over O. M. Ovlatt. f,irnierly Iowa Comtuiny. writes as follows: "TAie Ketrow 4 ebampiou of lies .Moines, la . who finished tec- Trover Arlaona Company Is still doing good wad. le«s than two feet liehind the winner, business In tibio. AA'e have several new people Third place went to Eustire Blrtblsel. The »|th the sh-'w. including Mr. and Mrs. Beecher time WJS 11.36. There will be one more pre- <;iliK.rt. Harrv Mock. R H. Ransome ind Arthur Imlnary skateil Anguat 2S. and on the follow- Crawford. In addition to being a great help to

lug week. s«-ptember 5. the three winners will „ur concert band. M.'ck and Crawford are doing skate for tbe three gold, silver and bronie j„.„ spesialties. The orchestra, under the

which It enjoys.—STEA’E. AOER ORrHEFM, Terre Haute, Ind.

nieilals ordered thpiugh I’tealdent Jallan T. FHa direction of Be<>cli Gllliert. is receiving its share geraid of the AA. S. .A. H,,, applaiis*-. Dude Trover is making some

SKATING NOTES air wings ahead since he purchased his new t' iirlng car. Others with the sliow are Jack

Bei-pisn and .Anderaon closed one of the moat AA'atson. "Siioiige” Austin. Indian Bill and wife, siKii—fill w,.4iis In their joiii.g career In their Toni Ssiimlers and Billy. Jack Ford. Mr. and

iH-rforiiiauce at the lllpiHNlrome TTieater, Airs. AA’ni. Ketrviw. "Shlnie" Oomerlne and five Chicago, ,,n .August 23. They were given a good assistants on the canvas. AA'e close the season hand at every iierf(>ruiaiice, and on aeveral oe In Indiana late in October. The high cost of ••a«oii. bud t.> extend themselves. They have living has not affectevl oiir cvsikhoiise In the Impnord greatly In tbe paat few weeks. I.eo least." Klclisrilvoii and wife, Ralph AA’are. of tbe Chi- stevena .xml Mossman's Dramatic and A’aude- rsgo , katc Julian T. FAlagerald and wife, vllle (’oiiipaio. under canvas. Is doing excellent I'll .‘'I*''''' ‘’•'"•r skating officials visited their business, and the members extend their hearty

_ SCI ilii-lng their stay, and bad bigti pralae for greetings to all friends. The roster la as fol- Ions: IVdlle Mossnisn. Gu«sle A’edder. Mae

III tor De S.ilvla. known as the only skater FVnwlck, Allie. Roma. Geo. H. Stevens. S, A n.-aro g a 'llain.iiid rostiinie, win) for tbe past Blleker. Jack Alorgan, Diek AA'rigbt. Harry fen (,,rs has been playing vandevllle. has Lane. Sam Bliss and nannlgan. the bull dog


Henley Racing Skates Tsed and endorsed by speed skaters everywhere, and are also desirable for Individual use, where the finest and most complete skate In the market Is desired.

POLO GOODS AND OUTFITS. Send for Skate Catalogue. FREE. OOh-ial Polo Guide.lOo

Racist Skats, Rlchmend Pattrrn, M. C. HENLEY, Rlchagml. lad.

AKs-. our

•*: .0 r*tiirnc,l t.. Ibe ndb-r rinks. Ills flriK rink ui-«cot V 4ox76 white t'>p Is nsed. •■I lls ..11 .-lit- w.-rc at Siidhurr and Parry Sound. Clark AA'alters Shows have b»on drawing such "Ml. f r Miiia.'i-ra ( ain|<heil ami Si>e'noo. and hlg cp'wds that they wen' forced to secure a

■h -ll•■h a hit at Siidhiiry that he waa larger tent. Their slx-pleee band and oreln s- (11 t'Mi'tii|(><| engagement. Rome of De tra. with Glenn Uowll as lenler. Is one of

f* at lire trleks liieliide human roulette the big hits of the show. .dfniong the per- oii "lie skate, snake In the graas candle formers are Shorty I.lrclic, May O'Neil. B. n ■ 1 Idekliig mi cigarette paiier from tlie Harold Brogan and Herbert and Herbert

"111 111- fi-etii. Jimmie Kslrhsnks writes thsf he has elosed ■ Hr, ,, .. . s most pleasant engagement with C. 0. Reetor's iio»..H( 1-Vr 1 I**" 66® Hie most Overland Show through Ohio, and sends regards

1 .1 1 «» fel-"-'" Toronto. Canada, he ex

Ih rinks ti.i'a li'i 1,"** ,* '* *■' peets to Iw the early part of September.

(II eMeinbsl engagement. fb’me of De - - f' atiire trleks liieliide human roulette

I oil "lie skate, snake In the graas randle ■ 'd idekliig 11(1 Cig.arette paper from tlie

« lli hi- fieth.

"i.ri It Henri." who has one of the m(vst -• n uelt' acts bef (re tin- American public. " ■■■ nliiMd vaiiilcv.lle last sesw'n. will play

•O' rinks this v)>ak<in i povldcd there are -'ll of tliein |.> keep hlui busy. His act I*

' ’liff'-rent from any skating aet. either ' oriitiatle. trick or otherwise, and one an.' manager eaii al'vays depend ui'on aa

-• a ri-il money g.-tt r Tlie aet la a novelty Mil l.i finish, soiiiethliig new, and makes

■'l(l ehllu run down the harks of the a|>ec. ifoin the lime he enters until hla exit.

Fibre Rollers .Alake for a clean floor, pure air and satisfied eustomers. which means money In the man¬ ager's piK'ket. AVe can re-wheel any equip¬ ment of skates and supid.v repair parts for them.

CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. itoa ax-sshiertor ’evsTd CHTCAGO TT L


Tlie dates of the oiH'tilngs of the le ulsville. Ky t'lealers an* given as f(dl"ws- The Gavety. SeplemiM'r 6. with The ruderdoi: McCauley's. Seplember *7. with A1 G. Fi('' ’*s Minstrels;

'• <;reat licnri 1. 1.. ,1, Keith's. Septenilior 13. The Alasoiile was Ilink ager.’ i ^I'l,, .V"‘. ... on .August 21 with The <-harmlng

* 11’’ rink ms.,.:* AA'ldows. while the Buckingham oimned with -1 *'■*'"'* The F(dlv B.irlesquers on .August ,30.

. The New Matthew. Theater, Oran. Mo., will 'k ' 11 If” •*n>'er Rkitr Co., of Chlragn, Itii he completed about October Iff. The Is'uae will

. '*"‘^'"•’1' Gardena. Chlrwgo. a new cost $.5,606, ami will he devoted to motion pic- I .(Kilt of i.Titio pairs of fiber roller skates, tures and vaudeville. J. I*. Ln«be, formerly

Patented OeC IS. Itll.


•111 oi6eklv take off the wood from rough or warp,xl fl(»rs and sandpaper a SSi, .i^or to hand aandpapw wtek or will rapidly refinksh yoor hall or rtnk imia^upenor^t^ tilTlng off the "muck,” olLsoak. the black, old wtx. etc.,

making It white, smooth and very ittractivi—which means larger crwwda. Having ball bearings, roller and suction fans spin true and easy. I,king UP all the dust: yielding arms give flexible or rigid roller, aa

1 ▼ needed- self propelling, with automatic control gauges roller cut for * J - f„n work, and brakes forward pull for largo caparity—you almply

vulde Made In several slzixi, for .small rooms or largest areas. But rrlte'toda.v for Booklet telling all about the machine, also for the

^^^^^^^Dnamee af we41-ktK>wn u.sera near you._ ACCEI^ OCR FREE TRI.AL OFTER.

Masufaetured ky WAYVELt CHAPPELL A Ca. 4fi4S Ravestareod Avenua, Dept. I, Chkago. Illlaala.

28 X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

“44 .A *.»*♦'

jirostls** niiK'nSMt Itn <MMrpsKliKMilr«ii. luaiiy of wIhiiu liavc U-pii In tlie park for jrcara a.-j who arc williiis to IxHiKt at all tlinoa for tlila park, aiol wlio have fuiiiKl that the iiiaiiatceiiient w> uid «tanil with them on all oreaaiona and help tlieui in every way that waa taiBHihle.

The Koveet I’ark Ainuavmieiit Co.'a iveraonnel la 4M followa: John (i. U. .Nell, prealtleut; A. K. Wlnter«‘th. treaaiirer; Xt. A. Hredel, aerre- tary; 11. K. .Maiinnrm, riee preaident; Paul ileinze. aniterlnteiident. Thew olBi’era, with Ji>e (ireen and t'harlea K. HwiKi-rt, c<>natitute the lloaril of Ilirev'tora. t'aahler, Xllaa T. Czeriiey; dlira t.-r of publicity. K. O. Lelaud; apH'k keei>er, O. I. I'rulee.

The follow ill); la the oSlee atatl: Vi. J. llent- ley. auditor; Xllaa T. t'zerue.v, head caahler; K. tJ. I.e!and, director of publicity; C. 1. I’rince, at'K’kki'eiier.


By Harry Sloan.

X’enioe, Cal., Aug. 21.—Now. couceaslonera aud abowaieu, what have you to aayT While they are kicking all over the country—aud 1 will admit it waa getting a little aerioua here— all of a audtien thiuga take a turn, and the laat few daya have proven O. K. Venice in, without doubt, the magnet of amuaemeut rea.irta on the Paciflc Coa»t, and at the outhavk now atanda, Septeinlter, October and even November will be the beat montba of the aeanon.

The awimming content at the riunge. Satur¬ day evening, August 15, attract<-d a large crowd. .Xllaa Dolly .Xliuga won the SO-yard dash, with Dorothy Kurna, aev»ud.

Harry XliddleMii, the genial manager of the dance pavilion, is certainly on the Jot and al- doing somettiing to keep bis pstrona en¬ tertained and amused.

Ike S|>eera. manager of the .kuditnrium, baa been laid up for some time. He ia Dow out, and proving bis ability as sure livewire and bustler.

Cbuck Gammon, known to many who follow tbe white tops, is s|>eudlug bis time aud money with us, and says X’enice is all to tbe mustard.

Harry Grant will leave next week to s|>ena a few weeks at bis borne in LaXIar, Xfo., then

Tile gavne met witb sinii general |avpularit.v that it would tv d'nii'ult to say wlmrc It ts<>k beat. Colley Island, of course, la always near the top, so are Atlantic Cty, Cape Xlay and Itrightou lieaeh. white VXTIdw.aid, N. J., wouliln't

'for a moisent admit ttiat any other place siir- paaa<-d them in entbualasm,

X'eiiii'e, Cal., wired, under date of August ir,; “Alleya open. Kveryoiie craay over Hkee Hill’ Knormoua auceesK. Will o|ierate at San Ulsgo. tould run ten alleys at X'euiee. Three alleys

\ al Venice t<alay will run seventy dollars .>r more; sixty yesterday. AliiMist as gtaid at Ocean Pier! Ttiis Is tbe ^•vunlry for 5k<-e-Kall. We're la right.”

That Is a fair sample of how the game hat taken hold. The answer to all of this la three- fold;

bTrat, the ball ia put to a new use. No one ever tw-fore thought of rolling a ball over a bump causliuc It to Jump high In tbe air lll» a ski Jumiier in 5wltzerland. Then there Is tbe auto- matle scoring device, which materially assists to make tbe game popular with the s(>ectator<. This scores tbe proper value for each shot and add it quicker than the mind can follow,

A perfect sliot with Just ihe right amount of force will enter tbe bull'a-eye of tbe target and score 50 points, a less perfect shot may s<-ore 40. 30, 20, lo, or nothing. It will be seen that the game requires not only the accuracy of a bowler, but also the nicety of force of a billianl player. That Skee Hall is a game of skill Is shown by the fact that CTilef Itender, of tbe Champion Athletics, is one of the very be«t extaineiits of the game.

Although Skee Hall ia a game of skill, there la Just enough luck In It to whet the appetite and make each one believe that be can do ^tter next time; that la tbe psychology of the game, and. perba|>s. ia tbe real explanation why a single alley in a staid city club should take in in niekels In a day. or why ten alleys at a seaside resort earned 3447.20 In two days.

The balls roll over a cork car|>et and the game is practically noiseless. The alleys weigh l.<Ka> IMviiuda, are thirty-six feet long by four feet wide, and tbe net frame Is nine fret high. Tbe game consiats of nine balls, and can be playr<!


Chicago, Aug. —XX’hite City will celebrate its Bfth annual .XIardi Gras Carnival from Sep¬ tember 5 to 13.

Decorations and all kinds of illuminatioDa are new being put In place, and wfaen ready to switch on, will transform Chicago'a favorite outdoor amusement park into a riot of colora.

Attractions of all kinds are twing engaged, and a big time la pnmiiaed by tbe management for tbe eight daya of the carnival.


By Jed.

In a flat and well-wooded suburb of Cincinnati, Wintou 1‘lace, lies one of Ciucinnati’s largest aud most popular resorts, Chester I’ark. After a rather nilaundersbaid greeting at tbe gate by John Kratx we made for the clublanise. where Col. I. SI. Martin bolls forth. "nie bevy of Comely maids there redfvmed the situation nice¬ ly after saying bowdie to .XIargaret UrandlKirst, Lily Hafford and Emma Scblegel of tbe office force.

Just down the pike a pie<-e, behim] tbe Craay Bar, are W. C. Miller and I-es Cbamplln, two merry lads, who re|airt twisiuess Just fair

Willard Ayers is conducting that famous game. "Don't l.eave the i’ark Without a Chicken,” and sniilev', as he pointed out tbe wvaalen bens on the rack.

I’retty Anna Berry, Settle McCullem, of Doll Rack fame, and one of the buys were arguing beatevlly as to tlie difference of a bog and a pig as compared with a chicken and a hen. Beatrice Hall ca.ue in for the argument, too.

XVhen the season cUates at the shooting gal¬ lery Charley Ayers says be will go into vande- ville with Monte Wilks.

lola Tbompeon, who is known on tbe road as lula, tl:e Girl l-'roui L'p There, was working hard

blank, was hers. Catherine keeps track of the ladies' valuables at tlie Bathing Beach.

11. L. Keith says in spite of the fact that this has la-en a lung aud favorable season fer tlie swlinniers it has iwt l>een the biggest. H. L. has charge of the men's end of the bathing la acli. C. K. Jacadw. at the ibair of the men's lockers, cites the im|a>rtance of checking val¬ uables.

J. I’. Junes Is bead life guard at the beach, and K. G. Schuessler. one of the crew of life giiarls w'tsim we met. Tlswe laiys have the softest snaps on earth—Just ask 'em.

Here's a few of tbe snicker inducers we gathered around the Thriller: Bub Meader, "Can't keep bis feet still;” Irish Jimmie Donald¬ s' 11. "XVhistling Bird;” Emma lichnlze, "I'ncle Sam;” Tlllle Kiielman, "Tbe I.affin' Kid;” llei-bie Ge irge, "Official Student.” Aud a few of tile Derliy gria graters; XIamIe Kublnson, "I ittle .XIainic Wiggles;” Alm.i Bennette, "Sklg- gle No. 7;” Doc Owens (manager of the two rides), "Spieling Kid Camera;” Nlcb<das Wagon, "Stll.v Kid:” Boh Knelsel, "Diamond Dick;” Abraham Henderson, "Sk.vgack;” Charley Hol¬ liday, "Inuuceut Charley;” Hill Koehler, "U. C. Kid.”

At tbe Crazy H<aise we shambled into A. W. Hendrickson, manager, aud Leona Emmons, casliier. Hendrickson's device is owned by the Crazy House peni le, with whom he is employed in tlieir plant during the winter.

H'-vIne Higliballs were in profusion and abiindunce at the I'ay Wa.v Butter Co.'s stand, under the able suiiervislon of Bertha Towler.

Sarah Shobnanian Is behind the -X. A. Candy Co.'s stand, where tliey make "Ubt How Good!” lady fraal.

S.-imiiel IX achstetter, tbe merry pitchman, better known to the boys aa tlie Xlustacbe King, is sitting als've tlie crow-ds at the ls>x at Hi¬ larity Hall. Some kid is Samuel. Ed Switzer is at tbe gate at the Hall, aud Harry Graben- stPtter works the elevator.


behind the chocolate boop-la, talking politics with Irene Saner, tbe buxom blonde of tbe same C’licession. Iota says she will beat it to the Panama Expo. Business is flne, said both of them, as they asked St. Peter to forgive 'em. Irene doesn’t know what she's gonna do this winter, but thinks she'll get married.

Steve I’epoula. with his watermelon stand, baa made a bunch of money this year, aud gays be will op.m a big candy store in town this winter. Steve is si)me enterprising Greek.

John Pierce is manager of the carousel and aerial swing, with Clara Barthold checking up the nickels. Julin shinned out of sight when be saw ns. but Clara sli|>|>e<l us tbe dope. This is her fifth season with the park.

B. W. Fogg was working the brakes at tbe Rapids Gorge. This is his first season.

Elmer G. Lindsay baa charge of the back gate.

Mary Miller, at one of the refreshment stands, was very busy, and didn’t have time to even mitt ns. Florence Smith was likewise busy. She likes rbewlng gum. and Myrtle (More) Mus¬ tard, who was drawing four sodas In one hand and making ten cones with the other, completed the industrious trio.

Miss V. diet it's Celia) Thompson has been .changing the dneats at tlie Miniature Hallway for the laat five years. Charley, the engineer, unjer a full head of steam, was leaving the depot, so we missed him.

Mrs. Deloris Geyer. of the vaudeville team of Geyer aim Deloris, was Ivhind another of the refrivhinent staisis. Tlie team will oiien their season tills month for Sun.

I/inte Yaffe and XIrs. Biddle Grass! were the congenial iiair we met at the Gee Whig ride, and everything w-as pushing along nicely. Ia>nle will again lie with Herman Ritt at the Xlnslc Hall. here, this winter, w-orking the Skating Rink.

Anglo Ftevens grinned, and wanteil to know why we wanted his name, at the lunch counter. Anglo is a swell chap.

.Miss Stella Troy has been at the lunch counter for six years, and sayt things are un¬ usually slow this year.

Witb no small amount of misgivings Xllaa Catherine Blank finally 'fessed up that she had a name, snd that Blank, even tbi.aigb It sounded

Uur old friend of wireless fame, Randall, from eviney Island, was spied at tbe P loto Gal¬ lery at ('heater, and started his wireless to work¬ ing again, but Dad Xliller wasn't on tbe Job to read the dope.

Clara Mead is selling tickets at the Witching Waves, and the spieler, (Clarence Galley, said business could be better.

Mrs. Catherine Miller is on the box at the Blue Streak, with J. Hopper spieling.

At the fisli pond we were met by our old friends, M.vrie Hayes and Pearl Bing, of musical ciHiKHly fame, where they will Jump this winter again.

John Koebbe. of the Penny Arcade, wants us to say that he Is the eighteenth memlier of Statonary Engineers, and XX’illlam Heltman passed us one, which he says is straight (we never d<aibte<l you. Bill). Eddie Kirscb ia manager of the Aivade.

Alh-e Fridman Is chief cane rack spieler at the Ar<-ade. She says she wants all her friemls to see her when she does a bifaluting stunt this week.

Xlayme Xl'«>re. wife of the well-known cabaret singer, was found at tbe cigar stand in the club- iKHiae.

Ca|it. J. H. Dust has t>een at tlie park for the last six years, and says that be always has had order.

Tlie hill at the theater Included Hyland. Grant and Hyland; John Arren, La France and La France. Billy Crxws and the .Xlarbitte Trmipe.

H. \X’. Harke. the gatek»-*>ia'r. seemed tickled to death to say so long to us

.Xlilton Klein, assistant ta 8U|M>rintendent Stern, is a cheery lad. and we are sure glad we met him. XXTth a timid grip of laiulse How¬ ard's hand, at the gate refreshment stand, ye scrilie departed from giaal old Chester.


Forest I’ark. Chicago's grest family amnse- nieiit resort. < pises one of the moat siiccesafUl s«‘aieins in the hNtorv of the paik and has In creased Its patronage and po|i«Iarlty nnder the efficient sutwTlntendi'nc.T of Paul T. Ileinze.

The special day has bronght very large cisiwda bi the park, and coupled with the many other spatial attractions baa given Forest Park a

on bis way to New York. Ftank I-ane will taka bia place at tbe piano, and witb Lyle Lapine, the classiest cabaret perf-irmer I have ever seen, and Flo Emery, will make up tbe trio at the Venice Cafe.

Tommy Helmick waa married on Monday evening, and everyone celebrated the occasion by falling off tbe water wagon. Ob, what a sorry looking bunch on Tuesday morning.

Tbe latest dire devil device Is now being con¬ structed on ttic Pier by (N>1. Prior snd Fred Church. Keckless Ross, who has proven him¬ self the king of til daredevil m.itorrycle riders at the "Race for Life” the past a»-ason. will be the star performer of the stunt. Ross bts bad long ex[)erieiice in death whirls. He was also several aeasona with the ('has. A. Lerau tnutfie In vaudeville. The ix-w stunt is patential and will be a winner for tlie XX'orld'i Fair vialtors who vlalt X’enice. Roh Smith, who has b»-en with the "Race for Life” for three yeara, will N‘ on the front.

Harry Gilmore, manager of the X’enice Ath letic Club, has iwciireil some extra gisal talent for next week’s hunts. Aiiaiiig them. Charlie XX'hIte. prohahly the ui<Mt talked of light weight III the country tialay.

F. XX'. Cahauagti, of the I'aciflc Skee Ball Game Co., haa Just inatalled three iiiactiliies on the pier. The game la new, aial ia proving a big winner hen*.

F. Hoiiiand, liandciifT king and lock ex|iert. la being featured with his Chinese torture tsix mystery at the Xluaeiiin of Living XVondcra.


The success of Skee-ltall at the yarpuia aea ahore reaorta this summer has lieen noteworthy. The game waa Invented in IIMIS ly J. F. Simp¬ son, of X’inelatid, N. J., and had a dcaiiltory existence, due to the iinrellahllity of the auto¬ matic features, until last spring, when In Xlay the J. D. Kate Comiiany, a corjioratlon with ample capital, pnn-hasi-d all patenta and lighta to Kie game ami lmin<‘dlatcly put trained ex- Iierts at work In perfecting the automatic scor¬ ing device -nd coin mscbltie, with entirely satls- faetoij raralts.

only after a nickel has been Inserted In tbe slot. This does away with the need of an attendant and makea It (losalble to play tbe game at any time of tbe day or night.

To tbe confidence and courage of Mr. Esle. the preaident of the J. D. E«te Comiiany, belongs the creillt of deyeloidng and (lerfectlng the game. XIr. Este. who ia a member of tbe firm of the Charlea Kate Izimher Couipony, of Phils delphla. took up Ske<* Ball four years ago. when It waa In a very crude form, and bia peralatent efforts have resulted in the present enccess.

Arthur !>. XVheeler. who resigned from the firm of t New X'ork Stock Exchange house, to become vice president snd secretary of the J. D- Kste Company, Is prominent In many branches of B|sirt, but Is probably best known as a fmif ball player at Princeton, where he had the unusual Ismof of being rhos«>n for the all Amerl ran team for three conaeciitlve yeara. "rhe com pany niaintsina an attractive office at 1534 Sansom street. Pliiladelphla. and extend a conllal welcome to all who wish to try th'lr hand at the game.


John .Xrnolil. who o|ieratea the fish pood, was peeved liei'aiise be waa not menlloBeif last time. He has a very nice frame up and a comely damsel cashing tbe coin.

Harry Davis has the roll down an*! weara a smile which he says la proportionate with bis bnsinesa.

Dick Edwards, manager of the Craay House, says hiislnesa haa fallen off.

Ha|i|iy Jingles. ciisKMlIan of the peace, is a great help |o the concessionaires.

Ernest Hogan, press agent for the C. H Shank ente-prises (s a busy man these days hringliig picnics to the park.

Frank Oldstyle has the abootllig gallery and reisirts hiishiesa fair.

XIary XX'aymIre srbo haa charge of the restaurant, aays lMialn<*sa Is gooil In spite of the high cost of living.

Sid Siegfried left to >>ln Herb Kllne’a Shows.


Our Catalocues will be mdled upon request.

United States Tent & Awning Co. 225-231 North Desplaines Strict, Chicato, Illinois

MnlK4>y Rln|{ tst*>e srwatest Aaeiits prop«- • It Ion on *he market to-«0« y, and I* onlyjnet out. As per lllnstratlon almwe, yna twill aote twhat tkls little article can do. The entire 5 in 1 is only sllAhtly lar|c*r than a _ wa sllwer half dollar and not as thick RMFCa COs a. a silwer hair dollar. Hastlers TO r k-s trill coin money. 19 ROW, W. *.

Send T*ime for Sample an«t Kull Particulars

100 per cent profit tor you



STOCK.. One 20x30 Bound End Tent, B-ounc« drill. 10-foot wall; used three daja; practically new.

Price .$ 48.00 One 20x3». aquare-hlp. roof ends, fancy brown and white stripe. 7-foot slu wall; Iborouchlr

roped: attractlTely decorated In red; used one week. Price. 80.00

One 22x32, round ends. 8-ounce drill. 10-foot wail; thoroughly rc4>ed rreiy second seam all around; brand new. l*rice.. 63.SO

One 20x40. round ends, 8-ounce drill, 10-foot wall; u.sed three days. Price. 70.00

One 20x40, round and gable ends, 8-ounoe drill, 10-foot wall; side wall banded; thoroughly roped; u.s«d two weeks. Price. 70.00

One 20x40, round and gable ends, 8-ounoe drill, 10-foot wall; side wall banded; thoroughly roped; brand new. I*rloe. 78.50

One 2'>x50, round and gable ends, 8-ounce drill, 10-foot wall; side wall banded; thoroughly roped; brand new. ITlce. 99.75

One 2<ix50, round ends, 8-ounce drill, 10-foot wall; used two montlis; In thorough repair. l*rice . 63.50

One 2ux50, round and gable ends, 8-ounce drill, 10-foot wall; side wall banded; tlioroughl}' roped; brand new. ITlce. 99.75

One 20x60, round and gable ends, 8-ounee drill, 10-foot wall; side wall banded; roped thor¬ oughly; brand new. ITlce. 113.50

One 20x60. round and gable ends, 8-ounce drill, 10-foot wall; side wall banded; brand new. Price . 113.50

One 20x60, round and gable ends. 6H-ouace drill all through, 10-foot wall; side wall banded; brand new. Price . 104.50

One 30x50, round ends, 8-ounce drill, lO-foot wall; banded; used two weeks. Price. 85.00 One 3iix60, round and gable ends, 8-ounoe drill. 10-foot wall; brand new. Price.140.60

One 30x60, round ends, 8-ounoe drill, 10-foot wall; brand new. Price. 128.70

One 30x60, round eoda, 8-ouiioe army duck. 10-foot wall; brand new. Prior. 150.00

One 30x60, round ends, 10-ounoe army duck, 10-foot wall; brand new. Price. 165.00 One 30x60, round ends, 8-ounce drill, 10-foot wall; used two months Price. 85.00

One 30x60, iquare-hlp. roof-end front, gable-end back, 10-ounce D. F. dadc, lO-foot wall: used two weeks. Price. 175.00

All pricee quoted abore are without mlea and stakea. Tenta are thoroughly roped and well banded. Write for prices on larger sizes U interested.




Why Does THAYIU Repeat Eierywliere ? WH<\T IS THE REASON? TMi: .\XSWKIl IS HKLOW:

* July 31. 1014. To Wh'«n It May Oonorm; I

If crowds are a crttrrton by which to Judge of the I exorllrnee of a band, then the TIiitIu Band la one ot the beat in the rouniiy. The people hara oooe to the iho nglcal Carden in throngi an>i hare gone away delighted, to return again before the end of the week r .r annthrr enneert The Impmulon mud* on the gate r<Telpu has been moat aattiWaclory.

The Ttrtety offered by A. F. Thaelu with band and hla noerltleo was handled with skill and dleerimlna- tlon Mr Thariu fuiniled hit engagement at the 2i>.>i<Wtial Carden to our entire aatUfartlon, and it Is a pleasure to make this statement to that effect.

Very sincerely, _ W. P. WHlTEOtTC.

Buslueaa Manager.


C*.HEYI RICTURE MEN Bare you tewD our woodaful

new Automatle Camera f Ift marreloua. We ahoered it lo The Billboard mao. and be aald. ‘"rhat's the best MlnuU Camera I’re eeec seen": and be knows. Tou'U say tht same Remember, it marks automatlcolly. Jual turn knob pull plunger and there la Tout picture in ten tenmda. Na Bima. DO negatlrea. and a oiUd can operate. Point it and the srork U doem. Brand now- grab it now and dean up with Falra. CamlTala and Bummei lUanrU. Sure winner for the 'Ftlaoo ttpooltlon. Wrtlo for eatdoguo ond fall parUoulara

atnowA v-AMCNA CO., , _ . tl-»-7l Ddaaeay Mraol. New Vart City. 0. ». A.



The Doialdtoi Lithe. Co. Newport, Kentucky


Cara fm Apathy.

IVxAlng Arialor Cll.tlt. A. F O 8 T K R 8U year\' rxperienoa Obtained Pl- lot'a License in IPIO. No. 41. Flew for ua laat year. IVirtlM Tgrpo Hachloe. Also giirai Balloon Axtn- alona Write or wtre for terms. Hearrlbe Held. Addrem permanent, AMERICAN AEROFLANC EXHIBITION CO., Haw- baldt. Ttaa.. U. k A.

AVIATOR TONY JANNUS lies a few wee4D npm In Reptember and tketober. ihtiig Ixat tally. Ready to recelee propnalttona fnr engsgementa thia winter Ron the 8T. PCTKRft- IM hii TAMPA AIRBOAT MNK last •winter In Flor- New four-poeaefiiee Milp thie winter. Address 1410 Colaabui Aea., Baaduaky, Obla._

TOBOGGAN OR SCENIC RIDE WANTED A l■roaprrnu• Park on the lipper ISelaware RlTtr. be- 'ween TW«» THRIVIVO TtsWNH-llurllngtoei and Bri.tiil a trw ntllew belnw TYenlon - H.tH AN t'P- KMNtl For a ToIKMHIAN (larxe <w small) ON P)HT Tint-M.H; liSNO I.FAHK: PinU'irsTAOE BA- 818 Adclrem ROBK»T MKKK».. Manager Burllng- i-m Island Park, New Jeeaey.

SLOT MACHINES taille refilaiir Jack IMl. O.IM.IM). IsH Arrade Ma- • hliim Ml SK'AL iUTIO O).. 2H08 Boaidwalk, Wlld- '•■••I. X. J_


Ofoilng la . H.nt 14 Rliowe and fbneea- «<<ma. Ad<lr<wB C. N. HARDING. AlbU. la.

I* 8 Yea, we go HtaiUi

II yea tee It la Tka Billbaard. Ml the* la.


After a pleaaaut ebat with Capt. Uupuy, of the island tjuevu, we dropped off with our "crowd" of Billyboys, and trudged up the lull to the lalaud to meet the Jolly buuch at Ciu- ciuuati's C'uuey lalaud.

Kvideutly the mercury light wireU-as atatiuu was out of commisaiuu 'lueialay at the photo gallery, fur J L'. ICahuall had uo hcwa to t-om- uiuuicale regariling tiie war, hut he auya that liad Miller wrill have the ballyhoo ih shape ugaih. Dad Miller cellared ua about laat week's squib and aaya that .1 war ia hell, it's gut huth- Ihg Oh bualiieae, but while Bad was aayiug it be had that optimistic smile playiug aiouuU his lips.

i’up Alleu. uf the nice yell.jw cider ataiid, was aiiiukiiig I ig black e.gars pruaperuuaiy and aaya yuu’ve gut to hand it tu Lapt. heumid fur eatebiug the big hab. Aeeordiugtu tu reliable sealeH, that tlaU neighed »umelhiug like liul jiuuuda, mure ur leas, ue-t laud all;. Auynay it was aume hah. I'rutper Itusau aaya he la guiug tu Julu the army thia wiuter wheu he eluaea hin eXiueolate eaudy Uuupla.

Foxy lux of the vauileville team of Fox and Maxwell, whu are mauagiug the Ihdiau Village, yelled huwdie tu ua, ahu aaya we gut the dupe wruug laat week, that the village ia owued hy Priueeaa Fly lug Bird. Every thiug ia guiug ulce- ly, says Fuxy.

A. C. BeVore, son of BeVore who runs the grub aland, ia manager of the heavier beverage ataud wbieb was kUuMu ais the Uermau Village, aud Jubu Buhde la chief diapeuaer. F'rauk C'ua- termau aald "1 do" Aug. 'M, aud lieu. Bure aii- awered tlie queatiuu at the marriage lie-euae desk August 23. Uutb are waiters under A. C.

i’aaaing frum there to the big circus, which bas bad a big run at tbe park, we met the comely bead caabier of tbe tbree-riuger, Vilas Latberiue Uiley. hu|it. Arthur Uieaeuberger met us cheerily at tbe gate, where we made our- aelvet comfortable to view Hie balance of tbe performance. Although greatly baudicapped by tbe damp ground aud tbe tbreateuiug weather, everytbiug went off well and was appreciated by tbe audience. Mr. Rieaeuberger aald that tbia clrcua waa the biggeat thing ever attempted fur a lU'ceut admiaaiuo, aud we mast admit that it was worth tbe money. Tbe performers were: Tbe Seibert Slaters aud Company, equeatriennes; ITie F'lying Valeutimw, wbo du doubles and twisters as easy as walking; Tbe Fisher Sisters, flying jaw act; Curtii’ Bears, with bis three bears and tw-o dnga; Beaumout'a Animal Clrcua, cunsiating of puniea, dugs and trick mule; Kramo Brothers, bay wagon cumedy act; Cherry and Malone; Three Kubla, Komau rings, aud tbre-e ck.wus—Birk I,evine, Jack Kiebards aud Jolly Jarold, all of whom we met aud whose com¬ pany we enjoyed.

We bustled past tbe Dips and again shook hands witti the caabier. Beatrice Parvin, and Jubn Parris, wbo promised ua some stuff, but we couldu't get tack to get it. Save It for us, Jubn. Being dinner hour. Jack Arbagaat was consuming some of that "fresb-from-the- riTer-caugbt-it myself” flab. It was some flab, too; we ate some, aud it was tbe beat yet. Jack la some fiihermin.

F. Beer waa on tbe jump, poking folks In tbe big ride, and said that be would bare a bubcAi of stuff for ua next week. J. Urosaman also welcomed ua at tbe Dips.

C. Hauers and Peck Woodruff (alias Williams) and Cora B>.shmau grinned at us at tbe carousel liecause tbe organ wouldn't (lermit anything like a conversation and keep tbe lungs intact.

Ban Beinmirle. wlsise name we got all bawled up last week. in<I wbo la at present raising a genuine King Edward set of soup strainers; Tom Biirna. who’s gonna run a tab. show around (Inry this winter; Ikey Etohe. Cbarle.v Kotten- bris'k, witb tbe flashing rKinnely. were calling one another |>et names behind Capt. Sc4imid's d"ll and l>ear hoopla and spot-tbe-sput.

.Arthur PriiK-e. "The Big Chump." says be likes l‘■>Jl .Ll'.en’s cider: that's tbe reason he's alwa.vs there or s-une place else. Art says he bas a hard time keeping track of his bosses.

.Aaron Martin of ’ Pumpkin Watermelon" fame w-as drawing two "without’’ when we dropped along. Tommy Ilorrooks was out Monday night and was not there to glre us tbe high sign Tues¬ day. Our best. Tom.

Jim- Kraino of tbe Kramo Brothers says that bis act will play fairs, after which they will oiwn on the l.oew time.

Tony Mtde la fishing and corerlng the spots these days.

Where Is IJttle Nick of PeA’ore’s stand? Prank Driscol, behind Charley FTndress’ gun

rack, didn’t bare much to say this week, but be glvea bis best to all the boys.

I.. Springfield Is behind Charley Endress’ doll rack, and saya everything Is O. K.

When It comes to selling popcorn snd cigars and such there’s .A. H. Hood behind Charley Endresa’ refreshment stand who gets some Cri-dlt.

And then we said howdle to Charley Endress’ son Tommy, whom ererybody on tbe grounds fess<>d no and said la Hie favorite chap.

Hub Hill, on tbe Endress chocolate hoopla, was too biis.T.

Miss M. iJieble was cashing nickels for pen¬ nies st Bennelte’s .Arcade.

I.Inke Sisk snd Joe Schmid were busy fishing and Inveigling the folks to get In on it.

B. lllch snd his casliler. Marie I.loyd, at the Crazy Mouse, were chummy as n«nal.

r. n. Stone, managing the frolic, gave na tbe merry welcome and got bnay reading The BlIllvisDl. Mrs. T. J Kelly, "at the box" of the aivial awing, waa telling ns about that swell knitting (crvuAietlng la too hard to spell) she Is going to have on exhibition, and Joe Cros- line, engineer at the awing, crawled our eollav for biilllug up his name. That swing sure looks welt at night.

The il.dilsmlfh iv'veltv stand was doing nice business, and Ooldsmith Is a lively chap.

Mr. and Mrs. Moegling are doing a high-class dancing stunt st tbe Cafe Bansant. Sorry we didn’t meet yon.

’ 1 OS Wiley klnda pnxiled ns when he said, "pon’t sav the same thing next week. We wouldn’t do tliat; but. then, biisinesa la goisl." he sava.

Clyde Russell evaded us: guess he didn’t have that doi'e that It, Clyde?

The three behind the cage (nosalr. they’re castilors) at the clubhouse are Harry Coppan. P. (1 Eller and fharlev Cook—three g.vod sci'ufs.

Cap Harry better known as Bull Berger. Chief of Police at the Island, pnvdded ns with bis

• stick when we tried to go home out of the wTi'ng gate.


Our No. 4 and No. 7 are the WINNERS. Writs for ^>eelal Pricea.

SURHAM SAFETY RAZOR CO., 64-60 Murray Straat_^^^_New Yat* City.


«a&MTMG0 BALLOONS, I’pprr half bright red. I/ower half bright yellow.

/ / and Attractive. THE KIDS' DELIGHT. Quick ael

Our Latest Ppper half bright red. I/ower half bright yellow. Seamless. Very Bursbls

and Attractive. THE KIDS' DELIGHT. Quick sellers. I’rice same as our Regular Solid C^olor Balloons. Two sixes—6u and 7U O. M.

Gross, S3.40 and S3.80 Your Ad priated ta side, 75« per prou extra.

Ortler a trial lot of the "TANGO KINO," and you’ll come again for mursL Rtxnember. we prefuty all forwarding charges on Rubber Cotsls.

Big double-note Wo<xl Whistles, bearing any advertisement Great for the school kids, OIO.OO per M.


BRAZEL'NOVELTT MFG. CO., 1700-4 Ella St., Cincianati, 0.

CARNIVAL NEWS drome, Prank P. S|>ellmin'a Tbree rlnic Circua, Iiiteniatioual Fat I.adp C'pele C'tiampiuiia (elKbl in iiiiiul>er*, prof. Junes’ Scb.iol I* Company, llamlltuu’a World of Wonders, L. B. Walker’s Mermaids, House of Troubles. Meyertioff's Ath¬ letic Show, Tbe New Joy Mill, I.ew Walker's I.^dy .Minstrels, llamilbHi's Boston lIlK-beaded


ChlesKO. AiiB- IIT.—Al. K. <k>nnan and Hertiert A, Kline closisl csintraets Whereby tbe attrac¬ tions of tsitb Sneiks played at tbe Caro iMIeli. i Fa r, wbicti Mr. toirman bad contracted, and wbii'b represented tbe llrst lnd•^>endent bookinx

SEPTEMBER 5. 1914.

of tile leirniaii Metirall partneridiip. Tbe Wild West Show took In tofi money on

tbe uiieninx day; Priucess Victoria second, while the remalniiiK shows, rldinx devices and con- cessiona reporteil fair business, cousiderinx Bie cold wave tliat h'lvered over Micblxau.

l|erlH-rt Kline and his sboua departed for ttie Kyraeuse (N. V.) State Fair, while tbe tJorman caravan J<iurDeyed to Chilton, Wis., for their next stand. Several conci-sslons. formerly on tbe Barkint Shows. Joined tbe Gorman outlit. cunimencinx with the Caro stand.


Slielby. O.. .kuB- 2H.—Owlux to existinx fnau- cial conditions, the nianaKement of tbe Groat Norttiwestern Shows has decided to close the 1914 season Labor Hay. September 7, at Miriou. O. Tlie carry ns-all Ell wheel and other abow property that belong to Mr. F'lack. tbe man- axer, will probably bo sbipiied to tbe headquar¬ ters of the slsiws at Akron, O., and plai-eU In storage for tbe winter.


New York. Ang. 29.—The Johnny Jones Show played IMalnfleld. X. J.. this week and Pro¬ prietor Jones. Business Manager Joe S. Oppice and Frank G. Sivitt were near enough to New York to make their first call at tbe new olBee of The Billboard. The show plays two weeks In Philadel|ihia (Is«an and at Sixtieth and

Prodigy, Caxe «if the Winds. The Sacied Siic ter ■•pliaiitom." Mexico, and the Battle of Tor- reon. Biding Hevioes: Whip (a new one). Quad- j rant. Frolic, Gorge. Ell Ferris Wheel. Slnsit the Ctiiites. and a Four .Abreast Carry us all.

Never so great or complete as this s< asoii. the foil T. Kennedy SIkiws well de»erve the |iatron age that they, no doubt, will reci-ive from ttie tboiisands that will visit tbe attractions during tbe two we«‘ks’ cnxagement, lor In magnitude and merit there baa never been anything at Toronto to compare with tbe entertainment that Mr. Kennedy presents.

Thousands have nightly thronged tbe Kennedy playgrounds all season, and the big enterprise has Ix-en advertised in that manner most desired b) pruiiueers and managers, the nnstinteii praise of visitors. Every engagement this season has brought forth comments on tlie size of tbe organizatioo, and pleaseil remarks as to the entertainments offered. At Buffalo the entire press—and there are some eight or ten sheets— attendiHl the performance during the live daya' stay, wliich resulted in columns and columns of publicity, praising the outfit very blgtily.


Erie, Pa., last week, under the K. 0. T. M., was one of the big ones of the season. Shafer’s motordrome joined there and started right In to make things hum. This is one of the largest portable dromes made and carries four riders.

Dodging Monkeys, $20i Are makliig cn crMloorrs rich I Top moncT-geiicfsl tfi’lll hold a crowd any- wlicrel FNrryt'oily wauls to hit Jo>-ko, who citvcriy dislars ruMier balls. Ysu are frannsl up and maklrig moonr bvfiirv oUire ounccsaliaien are on ahinr gniuiKls. Kequlrr llitle spate, fksal slaetl, hralthr Hiimua Ibslctiif Uonkma. traliinl, cunpirte with bani'-as, ready to work, t20.M Each. Cash with order. We ship Itve Monkeys rvceynrhere

GET STARTED EARLYI ORDER NOWII Hnn’t watt! tWnd nsMiey order fur ttO.Ofl lislayl Wr will sldp lauaedlately. Further lifirmallon on requral. N. SLOTKIN, Prssriatar ATLANTIC A PA^ CIFIC BIRO CO.. S07 aad 31* W. Madlsaa it.. Chlsata, III. Eatak. lt«o.

Serial Paddles 30 PADDLES TO A SET

lyOOO Lots,$8.50--10y000 Lots, $75.00 We aave these Paddles with two or four nombers to the Paddle.

Put up 10 Paddlea tu a sheet. Well perforated—Rest card board.

THE ARCUS TICKET CO., 633 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, III.



Leon Wasliburn last season decided that one of his 1911 features would be a band composed entirely of the fair aex. With this end In view he cnmmisaloneil tTias. W. Goeta to aasemlile the best ladies' band that could be s«eur«l. By adding acme of the Vaasar Glrla to The Musical Nymphs’ vaudeville act the above Intcniatlmial I.«(Uea' Band aproiig Into exstcnce—a novelty among tented organiaatlona With tlielr natty blue and gold uniforms and gold-plated Inatnimenta the enaemble fulfilled the eipecta- tincia of our good friend. Leon Waahburn.

for fair men. UUi foloinb OUR ENTIRE FACTORY. MLESROOMt WONOERI STOCK, to new quarters, maks it ntamtrj Wheelmen and Omceaatoncra naid

are avetwtocked and want TO 0ISF08E OF PARA80LS AND UMBRELLAS AT ONCE.

WK WILL OFFER SPECIAL LNUL'CEMENTB TO BL'TEBM OF LAiUiE LOTS. Our HpeUal 811k and linen I’araaol. trlmmnj with rib¬ bon in plain colars. al $43.08 per IM, will pleaee all wtio Uka an estra good aaaortmmt of OFABA.N'TTEly VALIIE We wlU aNo offer a combination paefcajr, eaaUlalag IM of our All-811k Paraaola—all oolon and abapM. In. ludlng COAl'HI.N'G. CANOPY, ItOETB and wrj.i. —aeiling rrcuArly at from $1 to tl.40 each—FOR $130.00. TO dear our abelvea of atork before moving, a apeclal dlsoount of S<K srtll be allowml on all ordera for goods nuglng In price from OOe to $1.40 each low DH*061T required UN ALL OHDERR. We UMdallae In prompt ahlpmrnta. FRANKFORO BROS., »$6 FllbaH Stfaat. FbllaUtIphla. Fa.

The Great International Shows WANTED WANTED


<^no or two nioro pcKxl Shows with nice frame-tijts. ilave coinplott* outfit for Musical Conutly Show. Will furnish outfit to rcliahlc Dnrty with pusl Show, (‘an place al! (’onccssioiLs except strong joints and Doll WlKt'ls; High Striker, Photo (iullerj’, lltMipla and any legitimate Sttin*, Our route: .Xltilene, Kan., Water¬ melon Carnival, on streets, .\ug. :«) to S-pt. .i; KingrL>ihcr, Okla., Fair, S’pt. T-l'J; Knid, Okla., Hirthd.ay Celebration. Se|)t. 14-1‘.», right urouiHl the wpiare on pave- nient; puncan. Okla., IVanut (L'amiva*; Clarksville, Texas, Fair; HrownwiKkl, IVxas, Fair; Orange. Texas, Fair, and several oth‘’rs. These aw the pick of the Fairs this season ami we have them contraeteil. Wri’e, wire or come on to above route. THK ORK.VT INTLK.WTlUX.AL SHUW.S.

Don’t miss Knid, Okla.

Me-ketl, going then to Trenton. N. J.. for • week under the iiisplceg of the Social Center I,esgue. Then they hike nouthward for the fall and winter. Tiila la one show that never cloeea- or mlaaea a pay day.


Webster City, la., Aug. 28.—Carnlvalg are atrlotly tabisied In Webster Oty. The Bnind- age Company, with ita special train of thirty cars, which played (Marshalltown, last week, la In Eagle Grove thla week Instead of Webster City., all because the Mayor refuaed to Issue them a license to play this city.


After twenty ne<-ks of most satisfactory busl- neer. Ixdli f r tie shows and concessions, tbe Con T. Kennedy Shows ojiened the great fair at Tor.nito, ttie one that has been looked forward to with antiei|iation by every showman and con- c«-sHioiiaire of ttie organisation. When the gates •>i>ened to the Cnnsdian-American public there was arra.ved an excellent line-up of enter¬ tainments. attractions snd devices. Every prep¬ aration was made for the comfort and pleasure of the Canadian {ssiple, and tlie program in every Instam-e has ts-en snbjeet<*d to rigorous senitiii.v iliit has resulted in perfection In the HI sliest detail. •

Tie lo<-al eonditlons existing at Toronto are exeellent. .Ml manufacturing concerns are run¬ ning full force, and the Exhibition City la now enjoying a wave of phenomenal pros;ierlt.v. The exhibition this year Is exiiected to be even better then in former years.

Ihe array of pnductlnna. entertainments, sjieotscles and recreation devices presented by Con T. Keiim-dv is as follows; Mainmotti Auto- drome and 8 s-edway. Anglo Saxon Wild Beast Circus. The Mrslel City of Keinpf. Sftiley’s In¬ ternational Lady Swimmers and Divers. Murray and Mack's Tango Girls. I.eota Fashion date Girls. .Sibley's Siil>ert- Shows. Ish Ks-Blbhie. Gilman’s Mvstic Wonders. Tlie Aztec Village. Steven’s I’laiitatinn Show-, Klass’ Museum of ■Wonders, The .Moon Maid. Langbland, Maj. Rhodes’ Congress of Rough Riders snd Wild West Roundup. Cicero, the educated equine, the steed that reasons; IVic Turner’s Circus Slde- g'hovrs. Jolly Trixie, J. .Mian Darnaby's Motor-

Every Sunday la ’’Picnic Day" for the Bow¬ ser A Livingston Athletic Show and the Billy Bverett’s Zetta Show. Billy Everett has a new bun wagon, and for tbe past four we»‘ks they have been snaking the jumps in that.

Paul Bowser aaya Erie has more resl wrest¬ lers than any other town in the world. (Paul had to work at Erie.)

George La Bose, of electric fountain fame, has turned "kodak fiend” and has pnrehaaed a Speed Graflex. We are all waiting to sec the proof.

Handsome Harry can be seen any day down on the Pacific Square or In the park, but Harry seems to draw tbe crowds Into tbe big Metz ten-ln-ooe.

Harry Cater returned from Bnffalo, after a two days’ absence, with a smile snd a pocket full of th->se choice stogies, Harry It singing My WIve’s <3one to the Country.

The wheels are all being repainted and greased tills week. No use for them here (Bradford. Pa.l.

Ella Brown of the Zetta Show was taker to the Hamot Hospital at Erie, where she under¬ went a serious operation. The doctor advises that she is doing fine and will te out in a short tlr-

t J. polick general manager, and wife art .-..tertalning Mr. Polack’a mother thla week.


By Jesse I. Malone ("Flying Fish’’),

Since my last letter a few minor changes have taken pltre fn the line-up of shows and con icssions. Hull Butler’s Athletic SIhiw disbanded at Huntington. W. Va.

St. Mar.vB. W. Va.. proved tietter than ex pected. e~en though we lost Monday night’s piay through lack of "juice.”

During our Huntington engagement, visits were dally exchanged with folks on Tange’s Model Shows, which played Kenova, \V. Va., the same week.

The writer bought out Grey's Snake Rliow. which Increased tiie number of reptiles In his pit to 612.

While on regular Thnraday snake hunting i jaunt, we caught the largest water moccaain the


IT (XlffTS YOU NOTHING to swid for our "I'lOk Flyar," which will teach you bow to atocA up NOW fnr the Fair Season.

ANOTHER NEW ONE—Ufellka japanewa Flirodly Cat. In two poaltlona. about 0x4 Inchaa. Upper body ooicrod with fur. Alnan wagging lu ull and neck, theratoy tmliattng a re«L Bra cbL KAch parked In a box. INaeti. 7Sa.

As above. WhlU Bpotted Dog or Ltoei. Doaan, 7$a; aample. 13a.


IVI. GERBER, SKSStai.:" 734-731 Saath Mraat.




Week of September 7 THE REAL BIO FAIR OF THE EAST.


MfANTED--Shows on Percentaeo--WANTED Also Concessions Wanted

Repnrt to liRN'HT MFn'F3UloFF on grounds, or sdrv iifflcr. HENRY MEYERHOFF, INC., 140 Watt 424 Mraat, . New Yarfc City.

Telephone, 1426 Biyant.

WANTED For Adams’ Greater Exposition Shows One featiirp hIiow ami a few li-Kitiitiatt* coiiffHKionN, two iiiotonlrniiio riilorn with or without iiiachincH, plntitatinn |M-rfortn(>|-N. Have livt’ of thu Ik-nI faiFH in South. Aildrcss all mail aH per routf, KcitlRVillc, N. ('., wpck Auk- -D ; XMIkoii,

.N’. (’., wpfk Sept. 7; Orcitivillp, (’., wi-vk S’pt. I I; Duim, N. (^, Svpt. ‘*11; High Pout, N. ('., Scjit. ‘JS; Xorth \\ ilkpHboro, N. C., County Fair, Oct. 5; M'aynosville, N. (’., County Fair, Ort- 11,

« t h<* fvrr It me»iiure» S feet, 2V4 1., • Iti leiinlli, aiMl welifli* p^uuila

. Mr.Mllleii aiiil wife left for Cliarleatnn, II’ Hitli i«>;ne of tlielr winpeBalona. to plaj I ,< liefore leavIliK Mr. .MrMtIlen sold hla I .litlux (fox. Te<ld]r, to Frank gealf, and bla 1, , e J.iliH to .Mr. Uuniniafe.

Mr Kiiiiimaxe baa ripaliited bla Kll wheel a f! iiN Mile.

\ an.'eliu.g, Kj.. fair waa a bloomer, with a rtrotii. H. Monday, Tueailay and Wednesday It raiio'd rontinuoualy. Thursday It tbreateneil 1., riln and Friday aaw as many aa 600 peOple III till- xrouu'ls. Saturday was worac, and we tH‘i:aii tearliix down at 3:110 p.m.

I..irt week we played I’arla, Ky., under the Jr. i> I . A. M. The lot was jaiunieil with |.i lile etery ulxht, but they didn't buve mueb k. ile to aiiend.

Treourer Kealf'a wife and baby came on at i'll’ s fur a Tisit of Indeflnite length.

Jaik (I'urle.T) Cain, a former employe of the It .'em Itiester SIh>ws, was f mid lying on the' L,. & N, Ky. tracks at Paris, with both le;;’. M'tered juat below the hips, a terrible scalp w.'oiid ami a broken sleiulder blade. Kvery ef f. rt b ii b.'en made both by the local authorities and the management of the sleiw to get In touch with Ills relatives, 'but witliout success. All that Is known of bim Is that be Joined this show at Falniioot. W. Va., coming from tbe Smith ttrester Sh’ Ws. where he worked on the motor¬ drome. He gave hla name as Jack tViln to Mrs. l. aiighte. for whom he worked. Ills home la aupposeii to be somewhere near Atlantic City. KiH'Ugh nr ne/ waa raised among tbe folks on the abow to bury him. At tt:S<l Saturday we ft’||owr<l hla remains to the little cemetery on the hill here In Parlt.

No nianufacttirt‘r has yet been able to duplicate our gtxsls for the prices w wrong as long as you place your orders with us

Hava you had oair prloca yett

BIG SUMMER-END PRICE REDUCTION VERY LOW Teddy Bears, Baseball Kids, Taddy Dolls, Snookey Ookums, ^ Pillow Tops, and the new noielty. Baby Bunting (Bear Doll)

(Bear DoU patented Jane 9th, 1914. Serial number 807,071. Infringers of this patent will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.)

Write for lllustratad catalogue. Tou will note that we have three offloes and gV warehouacw. We have these to save you eipreas chsrgea. Order from our nearest cAcc. 25% required with aU orders; balacce C. O. O.



Chicago Offloe and Warehouse, 20 SO. MARKET STREET.

H. G. MELVILLE, Maaagar. Phaaa, Fraaklla 4024.

Ptttsburg Office and Warehouae, THE A. STRASSBERGER COw

925 Sth Avsaue. Ball Phaaa, P. A A. Phai

Great 2925 R. 1402 F.

The Bert Marshall VtndeYlIU Ctrmit an<l Amusement Enterprises. Superior Bldg., CleYF* land. It., will open their Carnival and iQduatrlal Eip<tslileu again on August 81 at Wellington, u.. on the streets, under tbe auspices of tbe Wellington Fire Itepanment, with Medina. O., week of i^eptember i, 'under the anapicea of tho Medina Fire Itepartment, to follow. They will show under the a us. Ices of volunteer fire de¬ partments until October 6. whan they play in a midwinter fair and exp>>attlon ‘ In large uuild- ings. giving free attractluns, pritea and ahows oD tbe county fair order. Two sensational free aitracllons have twren booked, as well aa a num¬ ber of live towns.

Scouts cleared quite a aum, and gave Mr. hoom a vote of thanks, with a request to come again next season.

The trip to Jackson, Mo., was very plesaanC, and we got Ic on time.

We had some company recently; W. X. Farley, st. Louis representative of The Bill¬ board; P. M. Sqtton, Burt Hoaa, Otto Uiesler, of the Interstate Amusement Co.; J. U. Boyeg and Mr. Tschudl.

One of the swelb-st pillow t<gi concessions we have ever seen Joined here at Jackson. A. C. Keene is to blame.

Marry Sanger Is away up In the Arkansas country. Harry sa.vs: ••I’ll Just stop off at the Union Station and wait for my connection when I ^ to St. Louis again.••

From Jackson we went to Batesville, Ark., some 2:ttl'mlle Jump.

Mr. Loos has a fourteen-car train and glxtwen wagons. Jersey sees that they are on and oK all right. Tbe shows now numbi'r twelve. In¬ cluding the rides, and twent.v-five conceyaiong.

Mise Mable Whitaker has been added as g free attraction. She does fancy and trick diving and swimming in the new tank.

Dare-devil Dale la making good on tbe doutde traps.

Trof. Joe Dandrea’s concerts in East St. Ixiuis were said to be the best of any show bsnq there in some time.

The writer, after serving sixteen months with tbe .Moss Bros. Shows, Joined at East St. I^oiils.

This Tissue Paper

Shaker Sells Itself People buy it the moment

they see it. It has proven itself to be the best selling shaker in the United States. Made of paper 30 inches long, 1,000

sheets of tissue to each shaker, and the stick is 30 inches in length. Our prices are the low¬ est and we can guarantee prompt shipment.


Get your free sample and see for yourself just why this Shaker is the best on the market. With this sample we will send you our circular on paper goods, giving prices. Write*today and get your share of this business.

The National Flag Company CINCINNATI, O.

MsLDufaLCturera of Confetti, Sl&ppen, Canes, F/ags of all kinds. Paper goods of every descrip¬ tion. Hot Air Balloons, Parachutes and Airships.


•‘Kokomo'^ Jimmy Airons, with tali wife, tihy tnd four iguuta, late of Harrington's Great gunthrm Sbowf, Joined with vaae, novelty and doll wbri'U.

Prof. Joe IjiKoiix amt wife, also from tbe Great Southern Sboss, have piaced their rub> g f.>r the Texaa trip.

Mrf. Lilly .Mary and Emma l,>n have Just returned from a two weeks' trip through South¬ ern Missoarl, viKitiiig the home folk*.

Freddy, the armless wnuder. has left, and se iimlepitsnd be Is In Cincinnati.

Frank Angle, late of the Leonard Shows. Is hamlliiig the front of the Annex, and the ad Dilsston* show that be la making goi>d.

Slim Seville baa left for parti unknown. Bill Crain ha* added another conceanioD (flab

p<iDdi. Mrt. train Is cashier, Mr. Tabor and wife aeem to be doing a nice

business with the piristd and table cover wheel. Earl Mitchell. Chaa. Hirbaugb. Zeb Hughes,

Cbss. Perry and Curlev McKenile asy that aa long a* the train moves every Sunday, they are satisfied.

Is’iils Polln lefj w|t^ novelties and bear wheel likt we,-k. Also Frank Wiese and wife with candv mbeel.

Pete Tliom|Mion returned from a visit to the Wortham Shows, at Bardstown. III. "A real show doing a nice busineas." says' Pete.

J. A. Micy visited tbe Harrington Shows at Centrilla, III. He says every one looks pros- pe^lU*.

Get Your



Ravenna (Neb.) Home-coming and Harvest Picnic, on the streets, August 17--2, was very near the banner week of Hie season. The fea¬ ture event of the week was a public wedding at the Tango SIkjw. The parties were Harry Keevil and bis dancing partner, MIsq Anna Gros-s, both of Chicago. Harry, it will be remembered, is tbe toy wbo rcsle a machine over the top of the motordrome, ami now bag added high diving to hi* various other iccom- plliAiments. doing bis initial plunge into the seg of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Justii-e Hoclireiter at 9 p-m., August 20. Th# young couple were recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts from the mauagemeut as well as members of the company, collectlvelv amt individually. After the ceremony there waa a banquet and much merry-making.

Mrs. Bert Bateman, who la doing the bonorg In tbe snake pit in Evans* ten-in-one, met with an accident Pridgy night at Ravenna, in the form of a rattler bite on her band. Instant medical atteiidsuce preveute«l a morg serious outcome, and we bo|>e to age her back on the Job in the near future. ,

Grand Island, August 24-28. with gome cbidce fairs and celebrations to follow. Nebraska I* good enough; give us some more of the same.


We were all glad to get away from East St. viils. 111., still business was a surprise, aa we Bowed Muss Bros.' Shows. The little Boy



Wanted, Sensational Aerial Acts Small concessions, palmist, striking machines. Ruess your weight man, etc. $15.00 for the week chargeil for small concessions



Four Great Free Attractions Daily that week —Oct. 5-6-7-8-9-10.—


ro or thrro mors Shows and a few Ooncvwliwi* for the WHITFIELD CMUNTT FAIR, OCTOBER InclualT*. We have a good fair ground, with big Free Attractions dally. Crope good and no

rw Dally attendance. 5.000. 1918. . eunor n i. r i.

•ajiiell |«rrelt and Her Daiiring Olrla. with tha la ^low. one uf the Ruthi’Vfunl Greater Shows A capable musician, and Iroder ct the band with





I ivviiv V.

GUWL^ ■ I Gticwii

F.O.S. mL_p^ CtMtoMtl --


SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.



\V»'I1. tbcn jfour rallurv nu't • >U tllP llllllilK'kl.

A toufti aeaatoD tbli one of 1U14, but sbe biU« fair to wlud up iu a blaze of Klorjr. More leltera of uptiuiiani baaed on facta have reacb'd Ali'a de»k tbia week than ever before tbit >ear.

Waller C. I>uKru<-k—Ilow do you like your Hml M-aaimf Walt Keefe and iduaalnic ryle liave b<a>ke<l aouie excellent ttanda fur you. Ho to It. Ily tbe way, bare you any ambition to re enter tbe tlliu aauief Ob, you “Itoya of tbe lamt Itlver Baaiu!"

CONVNE'S AERIAL “ADS.*' Are T'lp roo^iera for Publicity. Outfit comDlrie, fix 1» ft. lUrmrr, Ilk.oO; altb a liununy Trap>we Per- fomi.T, tSS.UO; wltb Mwlel AeTC4>Unc, at per cut, F ."i no. Terma: At leaat an«-Uitrd with order, ha.aiaw C O. it Iton’t delAv t>rd«r at itise.

SILAS J. CONVNE. SiM MaLaaa Avtaae. Cilieafia, III.


KrI 1.. Alexander bat deaerted the caravani for tbe rett of tbe aeaaun. ile'a back at bit old tiaml huttlluK buainett for tbe Great Hil¬ lard. tbe tame ibuw wbicb be butloeet niao- agererl latt aeaton. E<ldie would like to know who it waa that put blm to bed that nlgbt under tbe atage of tbe Tango Show.

Jr>a. G. Ferari—(.'ongratulationa! That wia a great piece of work yon pullerl off In landing Kayre, Pa., at you wanterl it. Tbe firemen alMiu.d lie very icrateui to you for your per- aittence and aucceaa.

Na 7273 Wlille Mrtal, ('able Tnnplra, M <9e tile Pre aneai.tit 4S

Na. 74373 Albw, frrld color. Gable Trtapkw. bO eye tUe. Per gruva. It 43

All fr.-ut numben For other atylca. write for ttir calalocue. mailnt free.

NATIONAL OPTICAL CO.. HaiUat BItt.. Si. Lault.

Kenneth Knapp anb Car—Will It l»e a carnival company or a dramatic abowT

If Toronto provet a blotMuer, C il< Pelnberg. tbe Kauet boya, Joe Kngel, liave Steveiia and >u><ral other Ciataacka w'll abri'y leave for the front.


STREETMEN Pete Hoffman and Jack Vauat have dlrs deed partucrahlp.

“Crazy Calliope Kay, the Maniac," haa made a big hit on the Tom W. Allen Kbowt. He writes All a letter full of praiae for the Iticb A Priugler Miuelrel Co., wboae path he cruaaed at Appleton Wit.

Capt. Chaa. Itlgney--How woii’d you like t« have Phil Eeker ledl a pork roaat. auebe a* be fed you on Id tbe day* of yore?

.Atinira, Tommie Gould; Natalie, Ike Cauat. Niif ce<l. M..e yiorris, Turk KbIeMa and It. C. l>i»e

▼Uite<l the Kennedy Know a at Conuellavill ‘ Pa., during their atand there. Jack Engle ba< bia motordrome in A 1 i-omlliion with a new- top. Can be taken down and loaded in two boura. Good work. Jack.

Sam Wealey la aurely a chamidon when I' cornea to buying and selling conceaalona.

Some citlea aing Juat like ahow folks; “Well, thin will be tbe last one." But we sew and bear different each succeeding year.

Since George Slater Joined tbe latoa Show, at secretary, he la wearing white aocks, and will do so cootinuoualy hereafter.

Some record runs tbia aeaaon for Bice k Pore were Walla Walla. Wash., to Butte. M.>nt., S7« milea; Jameatown. N. P. to Winnipeg. RWi milea; Kegina, Saak., to Miuneapolla, Minn., S'Jl milea; Mlnnca|Killt, Mlun., to Toledo, O., 701 mllei.

Robert Kaue, of tbe Pooa Showt, it tbe first carnival attache we bare teen that refuted money. But this was Jerseyvllle and a dry town.

Mr. Weaver, of tbe St. Ixails Amnaement Co., purebaaed a new car iu St. Louia recently. Bust- Deal la right when we need more eguipment.

George Fairley baa just pnrehaaed a Shetland pony for bla midget. Tie states that mueb amuaement la in tbe midget camp tbeae days.

Ed TIeinze—Mrs. Joe Callls mutt be a good cook. You're always around ber wagon at meal time.

Doc Oyler, on tbe Sibley Superb Show, it a bard.working manager and is deserving of much credit.


ro' K W0D3 Wir'ACLlABLC MATfRlAL."

OELIVERED IN YOUR BOWL AT l»e PER GALLON Frut Suga la the moM delictiMu material for mak¬

ing anTt drinks. It la onp neaemary to add sugar, fruit a<fid and <nid water. With all material Includ¬ ed. the Bnlahed beverage itandz you Kic per gt-lloo 42S gliaaea). We fumUh full dhecUont.

Frut Ruga is fully guaranteed under the Pure Food rMiulmncnta.

We have thouaande of satisfied cu&tometa. Pries, tl.IS par geakagt, gestpald. Eaefe 11.23 paakaet la aaMcieat to aiaka 43 fiallMN.


Mere la SeaisIhlBf New.

CLOTH CLEANING PAD AND BRUSH. The only deenlng ped provided with a brvih. In¬

stantly mnneeB grease and other aputs from clothing, neckweer, etc. TTie sllokcel little demonstrating zr- Ude you ever law. Works like magic, and as a lae seller there has never been anything like IL tine man made $IS.30 in three and a half hourw Poes that look gx»d to you? Rend Ihe for aamplw

ZIP NOVELTY CO.. 3 East I4tk Strsst. New Vart CBy.

Earle M Frelberger. who now lita charge of the band on the Cllfton-Kelley Rhnwi, tends re¬ gards to his friends, and wants them to write.

Eddie Bnssy, the boys around the Commercial .Amusement Co. wsnt to know bow Cupid la. Has the arrow pierced yonr heart as yet? STREETMEN George Harmon, how do yon like the business

In yonr natlre State? Frank Hatch, that means you, too.

Jas. J. Ford la another one of the boya who bas forsaken tbe canyas and banner for tbe motioD picture field. Jim la now sales agent for tbe film department of tbe Satchwa Amna^- ment Ente.-prtaea of Salt Ijike City, Utah. He adrlsea that he recently met the following agents and owners in bla territory, all trying to land the Wizard of Wasatch Carnival; Harry Noyes, At C. Campbell, John P. Martin. Bill Curtis, Eddie Wllliama, Carl Beasley and Nat Narder.

Jack Gordon, of Boston, formerly with Hall A I.3tlip'a Exposition Shows, haa been booked for the rest of the season with tbe Great European Shows. Rome dive and some vaude- Tille program featnre.

We carry all kinda of goods for RUett Oonst Workrrs. Fair Fnllowcrt. Carnival Workm. Boog-ia Rianda. Paddle Wh«4 Mtn. tic.



CARNIVAL GOODS Rubber Balia. Rubber Balloons. Balloao WhlNlea.

Whips. Canes. ITuMera. ConfeUl. happen, Bhaiun. Paper Hau. Novelties of all kinds.

Right Goods. Right Prices. No goiida C O. D. without eaah degoetL Catalog frrs 1314 Issue now ready.

Geo. W. Weetermin'a vacation tone la now over, • and he Is again “at home" with the Krause Greater Shows. Since his return to the trick be bas been all amlles. There’s a reaaim.

Johnny Meyera called on Billyboy while In Cincinnati. August 23. Johnny bis the •‘cracker- jack’’ c.vnc,‘salon on the Krause Greater Rhr>ws. nr. in other words, la a crackerjick concesilon- lire.

Ed Talbot, after picking the “I.ude Fisk” (a Swediih 'prepared ash) out of bia teeth, chirped In perfect Engllsb: “Yea. tbe World at Home haa some big ones booked.” “Ey tank so. tn.” lAits of luck to you. “Zlek.”

W. David rrthen—What became of the Yld- disher Wild West?

When yon would ratber have a cocktail or a Jolt of whisky upon rising in the morning than a cantainnpe. take it from me, bo, you’re drinking too much.

Get next to yoorself quick vrhen you’ve started drinking too hard, or it’s y«u for tbe frlnged-panta brigade.

Jack Kellly. agent of the Bice ft Dore Shows, did some mighty good contracting in Cleveland when he engaged a fleet of into trucks to haul the big wagona and parapher¬ nalia from the L. E. ft W. yarda to North Ban- dall Fair Grounds, a diatance of five milea.

F. M. Sutton became the proud father or a baty girl on August 14. Mother and baby are doing well.

Ham Wheels sre very popiilsr sronnd St. Umls since Pr. Brentwood introduced them in the spring of this yesT.

.?. H. Beane ssys you can’t sell bams to t lot of hams.

822-824 N. Eighth StrMBt,


How long since the three Bills have licen together? Bill Bice. Bill Wyatt and Bill Mosely.

Harry S. Noves sivi “Tillby" .Snvder visited with the .Allman Shows, at rhcTcniic. Harry has some fnnnv tales of the current scas-'n’s happenings. Wlien yon see him get him off In some dark c<imer and have him relate leiw .Al. G. B. and James A. P. are living In a lion«e.

Snake Shows NOTICE


Tks WoafisrtMl Ever RsaSy Caaisra.

Mikrn styles single or group pictures direct on tsst oapU or t'ntypea with- out use of fllmt or nega-

f.xperh:nce NECERRARY. Cbmpleto plcturs flnlabed, toned and fixed In teconds. m BlTlR’S AN OPPVMlTi;- M H NITT* TP GET Into a # DIOVIFTED. RFJtPECT- g A1U.F. BCSIN'ESS OF g VPl'R OWN. with a very g R M A L L 1NVE.STMF..NT. g and BECOME INPK- g PENDENT. BIO MONTHr • at Camlrala, Rummer Resorts, Parka, Ploilaa—any- wtiere. BIGGEST MONTTY-MAKING PROPOSITION In the world. Photos cost you from 1 to Sc and tell for 10, 15 and 25c aacti WRITE TODAY FOB FRIX PROPOSITION ANT> CATALOGUE.


Na. 133 Dalaaeay Strast, Na. 1123 8. Nalatad 8t.. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO. ILL.

As 1 am ovvrwn.-ked. cm account ft tipuhl# tn Ifex- Ico. 1 am offering M1X33> FIXElt Rnaks cbeapw Uian ever before. A trial order Is the beut conrlncvr W A. RN’AKE KINO, BroamsvUle, Texaa (Hetobrr

J. George I.ooa—Never will we forget the llne-np of show* you and Harry Wright had on a lot In Parla, Ill., along aliont June. IBOfl. S-ome frame-up for that jierl.-id. The long green to you. George; you are among the top-notchera.

Candy Floss Grosselose. with tbe Kennedy Company, la one who knows how to get money out of the granulated. He has done a rushing business ail summer, and it looks ss fVmgh the world were estlng pink cotton most of the time.

Bud White haa the latest a pit and randevllle show combined. Some money getter. Who’s next?

WARI WARI WARI Omsr Sami—The mlddle pleee to the whiskers has been thoroughly repaired and paraffined. How about the ends?

Jifiin Buhl—Wle 1st Max. unde li-bt Heinrich Inimer noch?

Up go thaprlcvs on Austrian IVna Don’t pay big pclcrs WUI you have aem my Heekman and Roral Rpeefak Price. Including atiracUre box and flllsr. 311.M per gross Rend llic for both lamplea. 0«< my eat^ogur IRA B. BAB.Nki-1. 81 Baf4anaa Ml. Naw York (TO

Wm. Jsy Coghlin—Understand your m.ifor- anto<Iromc ia cleaning up. More poaer to yon.

While It Is true tliat elrcnmstancea alter cases. It Is also trite that If a fellow keeps esses on ennditlons he Is fr<‘,|ucntly shle to alter bla clrcnmstanees.

Better Tiait the Postal Savings Bank, member, snow fliei every winter—and t winds ^ blow.

I Find Mlraet. Msw Vark. Mfr. Olludw Plano Organa, Mngle aeUon. and with Mandolin at- lachmenL tor Rkatlng Rinks. MwTT-no-Rounda. Tail and *w M. P, IRiuwa, s4e. Nmv muMe * to order Itowlalty la asoond- hand planoa. with new muMe. at rwluesd petoea

Art Batllffe—Do you remember when yon and Phil Eeker took Capt. Gilmore’s car out of Covington, Va., to A-ugnat. Ga ? Have yon ■till the recipe for “slum gnlllon?”

George Cole la hark on the Kennedy frlek again. Good, elever sheet man. George V>iks after the wants of the andlenee nlghtiv on Hie bines with crickerjacka, peanuts, rhneolatea and cop pop.

Frank Norrah ia official umpire tor the Hunter Bbow ball games, and be doesn’t have to wear a mask or chest protector either. Fourteen wins and two defeata Is some record for a eamival bail team. Regards to Bud and John Behan, Jack Rhyanr and Mm. R. B. Bncklln. Here’s hoping “Beany’s” wife la well again and selling pillows galore.


Noveltlea with life to them. Sell like HOT CAKES. 'N u r S A I DI 37.00 gross; 6nc doc.; Mmple. lOe, prepaid. We also carrv rhtnn.s with CATCHY desims. J. HOLLANDER NOVELTY MEG.

COMPANY. MIS Klasataa R8.,

Cisyalaad. 0.

Bill Jones Is an Ineessant worker on the Mg aiitodrome and haa siiiT'Viinded himself with a eapahle crew of men. ArHinr Smith la t real foreman and a tireless worker. ('aronsul, oruan.s, uarouscl fijfurusor

coarlic.s. ('aroHsul, 1*. O, lTo.\ 11.'$. New Kdcliclle, N. V.

Blllr Borrell says he ran m.-ntlon three hnn- dred ahow folks who from now on and erer- more will stay west of the Mississippi River.

Nichols and McOeary were recent Cincinnati Plllhoard visitora. “Irish” was on hla way to Join Minas Slmon’i Girl Rhow in Wisconsin.

Now that Inside talkers are heeomlnc flxtiirea around tlie hig ten in one show wsteh the work of Senator Doyle with TVic Tiiroer.

Boiiglit, Hold, kTxchangnt and H< iwlnsl

JOHN MUZZIO ft SON. 171 Park Raw. Nsw Vark.

The International Fat iJidv Bteyelists from the "Island” are with the great Kennedy attrae. tions. Artiatle frame-np and claaay front, and a Mg siieeess at the Eastern and Canadian fairs ia predicted for Hie two-ton quartette. Esile annnnnces that wlien he and hia famllv settle down, he Is going to pick out a Mg lake or rirer. So would All.

- WANTED The addmin of CillJ.INH A KlHtNP, at once. Wire at , AGH'l. AKH'N, Joarpli Pawe. Michigan.

white MEMKT till onre. pn-KK.HVH.I.I Recretary. Pw-kwrlllr. |ir| I ■ f (CHOCOLATES

^ ^ ^ Fancy 1-pound and H-pound boxes. Call

or srrito and get our prion. (TELLA, 23 Wooster Rtrwf. New York City.

Where are the following? Tet's hear frmn yon. Ed Grinatead. Harry Blackford, Prof Henry Wolford. Ralph Robertson. Wm. Hoff man. I-eo Nomls, E. Kenkena and I.etch War¬ ring.

And. after all. there Is Just one Crystal Tan gle. Itellere me. It look nerve and capital. When leith r'miblne siireeas follows. “SPOT THE SPOT” ('amivtl and Fair Worker*

Rpol thitnt. plain, signs. Hr., complHe. ti-ady n* 'gwvi. ITetMld on recHpt ig 33 l.aynul and vix'i* for anr game. it. J KiMSIKR. »21 Artatsit HI . PMI adelphia, I’a.

Do yon know that It would take Ihe arerage carnival man s week |o aeenmptlsh what he eiiM>cta to do tomorrow. In the dear old spring.

Ta yonr business succeeding? No? Is sny one anceeedlng In the same line of hiialnesa?

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. e B 33

tl.*^ liill xK'k* nuJ full dluurr pulU. A mill* iii4*re i(uu**i*lue iu tlie We^l fur Al, u<!&t

I ft rliu iirli-M but rrmeiulwr you can ■nil 1!CI a two bit iiu al »t Attwooda cuokhouit* ,.ii the kcu'i*»f} Sb<iw. We abould have more hk.' you. old iiiau.

Will'll a tn>U|>er Tl«lt» aiaitber ahow and a c.uter ruab la made to baud him tbe tflad mitt, waji. r juur ►lilrt be', aume iiupular lad. Beaule hr.uia', Ifa you tbe alme llta.

If i.r.'blhtiirle tiiiiea mould bare claimed any pit .buma. aurely John I'ollltt aud Doc. Turner «,.uld have been on tbe Job.

Ixuati'd at laat on tbe Kenneily Cararan— little .tudy t'araou.

It'a leii tlmea harder to get out of tbe caml- aal game tbau It la to get In it.

New Stoughton remarka; Tbe fleet ahowman elio punbaaea .Niagara Kalla will bare a meal ticket for life. Wbat about Wortbam'a Cryatal Tangle. NeilJ cblrpa Billy lUiazell.

Tbe -Maaona are chartering a yacht to bring i borne their brotbera from Duudon. Under.tand ' that tbe I'aatlme Oub. of Dallaa, Inteuda to do tbe aame. All aboard. Lorcttel Uegarda . from California Krank. I

Itennie Riulth la now with tbe Great Argyle I 9h.i«a. working the front on tbe aeren In one ■ U>T Geo. Gibba. Incidentally. Ben alao bandlea i Billyboy on tbe ontllt. and aenda bla regard, to ; tbe Krauae and Liberty Show Bedoulna. |

Jie K. Dunn wm bitten badly by the camlral germ la»t week, gnd. deapite bla early eeaaon'a n'Milutloii not to tramp the midway tbia aeaaon, baa (Mine back ginid aud strong with tbe Great Argyle Showe, under tbe genial but atout Geo. i Murphy. I

(barlle Biirna writes All that the only thing : Gene Cole needs now to le a big show an- ; Douncer Is a frock Cviat and silk bat. |

Tbe Macy Glymplc Shows base been Increaaed by three member». Jim Macy has been pre¬ sented with a real lire baby, and Emma Lou and Mrs. IJllle brought back two of tbe boya from their recent elalt borne.

A bafipy bunch of abowmen on the Allen Shows—'i'areon" Joe I>urnlng, Chap McDaniel. tJeo. W. Fairley, Di lly Lyona and T. C. Guy. Beat to you and your boas, Tom W.

Jack Kline sends a happy letter to All an¬ nouncing good bualness at Ebenaburg, I’a.

Gus Woodall and Kid Watson bare been nick¬ named "tbe baby doll kings'* on tbe Barney Barker Shows, ^ey writs All that happiness is theirs since returning to tbs States.

James Spaulding, the New naeen Tanr>>ad othclal. elslted Mr. Conklin of the Blue Rlbton Sli.'ww. while thee were at New Rochelle tbe we«'k of August 17.

Am glad to heap Skipper "Purity" Jones, of "I.Ittle Horse” fame. Is doing well with the Capital City Amusement Co. Regards, Skip.

.Seen In Pittsburg: Our old-time comrade, «Itb bla foot on tbe rail planted for a day's work—Fat Saasaman.

Von can hare too mnrh tranquility on the show. I Insist, a little worry now and then niakes the darn old Job worth while.

Cotton Tedpow says It snowed so hard In I'ennsylyania that Howard Seeman Jumped to Alabama In August. Yes, H. S. Is In Birming¬ ham.

Harry O. Small la making headquarters In Knoxrillr. Tenn., working the surrounding fairs Will the sheet ami a couple of Joints. Harry ret-ently had a fiim'ral In tbe family. Some one polsoiieil "Sausage."

W E Golilen .aisl bis better half are with W. T. Miller's I'lale United Shows, playing the sunny South. W. E. Is In adtance.

Don't give up. Get up. dig up, go apt

Was Russell G. KInsely erer aroused from a sound sleep at daybreak to walk out of town? Ask Charlie Owens.

Seen at the Marengo (Ind.l Fair: Tbe Girl In A’ellow. Jimmie Chadwick. R. M. Hart, with the Girl Show and 7 ln-l. and Ray iJiBnrtney. of the White City Shows, with the fl-ln-l and knife rack.

Truth crushed to earth hy the press agent. If he ts a giwwl one, lies there until tlie show gi ts out of town.

Manuel O. Vega has disposed of his Interest In the Or'ental Star Sleiws and Joined Frank L. Flack's Great Northwestern pgiows, with bla O’no<'ss|on«. Congratulations, .Mannle, on your eight poniid baby N’y,

The fair at Morhrldge. H. D.. will he a trt' county-not a tri State - fair.

n. W McGiiitt. manager of the Alligator Girl. Jolnetl the Rice A Ihre Shows at Clere- laml Inst week Mrs M M Cook, nw'ther of Hie Alligator Girl, la entertaining with her Siiwaiiee Hirer llng<i.

t.ew Barkenst'C haa the Porto Rbyi hee In hla bimnet again thia year.

J F Barry (liiel, the veteran aprinter. rlr- riia mail <ii,| ~|M-llor. aaya they don't know how to build fronts powadaya. For example be re

t"n to tbe new one be Inat fltilabed for .A H It rt'hfonl, owner of tbe l/inlue Ctrcua, now with lll.-e A Dore Shown.

The earavana wlio are lucky enough to be In the whrit licit bad hr'lter take thIa tip ami re niain there until froten out.

sliinia Aranea la manage.1 hy T F Miller and “ 1.even>. hilt what la It? It'a at tbe fair

thia wes'k.




“The Big Base^Ball Doll” "Mother’s Angel Child"

"Brick Town Bill” "RastusJnhnsnn, The Glassy

Full-DresslCoon” THE 1915 NOVELTY DOLLS

TkfM art positivyly ths Hankil dsllt s«sr sisdt. Tou osn't go wroog on these felloaes. All are 32 Inches high snd dressed In flsahy clothes. There sre Are and six rostumea obtslnsble for each doll, sod no two of them are dreaaed allkw Btg beads and big bodies, and we really guarantee them above all other dolls Tou may hare any aaaortment you want at the lowest price ever quotsd on doUa that are worth tbe name.

THE ''EVANS*' KIDS • $13.50 Per Dozen

Finished Leather Pillowe $1.00 Each

Beirier Pillow Tsps than those you hare been paying $18.00 for alone, and I'm glT- Ing you tbe flnlahed, stuffed pillow In more than lOO different designs. Including art paintings and lodge emblems. Erery style and design Imaginable. There will never bs another chance for you to pick up such bargains. Get these quick. They’U go Uka wUd-llre at tbia big bargain price.

Finished Felt Pillows 90c Each All PlUona In Assorted Art Designs and rratemal Eknblems and Hottoea.








H. C. EVANS & CO., 75 W. Van Buren Street, CHICAGO When the b.irtender tregliia tu esH the business

man hy his l.rst name. iMimetiiiiea t'le latter wakea up and l>oglna t>' wonder whether he really can lake It or le.ire It alone. .\ ahowman never gela any aiicb warning.


Etelyn Hon-rton wrltea .\ll that the Pauline Show la d'dstf very nteely Indiwil at the Ger¬ mantown (Ky.) fair thia week.

Mra. Boy EnglUh and daughter loineil tiie Aalama Sliowa at Keyaer. W Va. Jnlleni.e !■* s,>me girl, mother. Y«>ii must be t>rond of h<’r.

.ks we glanee down .kll'a rrdnmn onr oi>tlea rest on the name of Snale Adama. That name

takes ua back to a generation when tbe beau¬ tiful. clever ".kdama Stiaters”—Rosa and Suale —were starring with tbe Girls In Beil. They are both married now. to men way up in tbe profession. Yea. both are well and happy.

Mrs. I ew Hoffman’s eqnipoiiW' while coUeet- Itig tickets on her swift running "Flying Jen¬ nie" would do cre<ltt to an aviator.

Mrs. E. Joly iM.xiIsm /t'lkat—Have yon got .voiir new palmistry top yet? You promised us something new In that line. I'm ready, slnxit.

We were all pleased to s<'e Miss Helen Mills do so well with her ramly race course. In Min¬ neapolis. Some change for yon, Helen, while on your yscatlon to the mountains.

At fifty many a Bedonln baa forgotten bait of what he knew at twenty.

Mrs. Fftnk P. says; "Wait unDI you go to Co'umtius; yoii will see 80,000 people on tbe gn unds tbe first day.” Some croardl

Mra. DeYoung, the aipiatic rJowness. says that ClevelHiid water U coM. ^

I .am alwaya sorry for a side show talker’s wife. It must be awfully discouraging to a woman to be tieil to a man wlm can talk faster ami more pointe«IIy than she can.

E<ina Ward and Cora Shepperd--What's the gag in kidding Eugeue ttpuugler and Cbeste' Rolison? lUt AH next.

34 X li e Billboard

K U » c t


The KilfttoaM »*» last w«‘k tn r<“oelpt of lh» followiiix l**tt*‘r from Kl«a» A Krall, which •liccca theft <>n the part of one Gcorpe Good¬ win. ahU'li caae they aak uh to lay before our readen*:

■elitor Klllboard; The ^dlowinv notice pnbliahed tn your col-

■mne nileht a«'rTe to »arn and prejiare other amuHcnieiit men a^alnet one George Goodwin, aaid to be of Cleveland. O., who decamped foifn one of my ticket boxea on the S. W. Brnndage Carnival Company, from Bel- lt. Wla.. •n Satiirdav night. Aiucoat 1. taking with him ai>me thirty «>dd dollara and not even saying g«»-d by.


of ten fair*, all in a r-n, winding up at the fclg one at San .Vngelo. T<‘X.. November 2 to 7, all da.ra and nights.

Dnrlng the past week two new shows and eight concessions Joined. By the time we are la the middle of the fair*, we will have one of *he largest carnivals in the St.vte of Texas.

J. B. Oadas received a new too for his carry- os all. The Mexican Circus also received a new top and front. At present we are carrying two free acts, and at the fairs will have five, as we will furnish the free acta in front of the grand stands.

•Mr. Wilson ha« lieen sick for the last week.

Lot Angeles, Calif., Oct. 18, 1«1S. C. W. BARKKK.

A gentleman and hla wife, after ridltig the Fainoas Parker Jumping Horse Cairy-l'a-AIl, handed me fifty centa for one ride. Baying they had ridden every ma¬ chine from Nome, Alaska, to the I'anama Cwnal, and if the other rides were worth five oer.ta, this was cer-

8EPTEMBER 5, 1914.


1b th* CBmival Buaineaa Liriag Today! Two So Tar, Claim the Honor, Anybody Elael

Some «.ne recently Inquired of Old Billyboy •a to the name of the oldest Jiving showman working snakes and reps, tn a pit. We asked the troupers theuiselvei for their answer through •ur All Baba column and are In conaeqnence receiving letters of reply from the boys who, apoB noticing the Item, decided to kick In with tWlr views.

BemeiulM-r. this argument la open to every- br>dy—so let every old snake worker tvlio be¬ lieves that be can claim llie honor, write Ali ab<ait himself, (tr if you know of any pioneer In this Hue. advise us accordingly.

Tver.vlssly's letter will be ackuowledged In •ur columns -atid, when a dei'iaion bas been reacbe<l. we will print tie picture of the wln- aer of tlie contest.

Cary Jones tilnakc Old) was the first one to aeiid in his letter, which discusses the subject as folios s:

Cheyenne. Wy., Aug. 20, 1914. Ali Baba, rinclnnatl, O.:

•Va to y )iir query as to who was the oldest snake man. heg to advise that In IhOO I was iB a flsnltig camp at Miincie, Ind., and caught my first water anake and swallowed a baby anike. 1 gave my first anake exhibition August, IMUl, at Petroliiim, Ind., and never missed any time since. Have always bad my own abow, except for a little while In IWIS when I worked for Jim Slierry. and in imo, when I joined •at with Charlie Williams. Tlien I joined Billy Hetrick until he died in 19<K) I went to Australia .tugust, 1903. also to Cape Town with my Snake Oid Show until IW*'. Since then 1 have lieen miming my show in the L'aited States and have always used the one aame. Have never changed my frame up; nor have I allowed a man in m.v pit other than my help for twenty four years, and 1 am still running the same show, swallowing live snakes, homeil toads and lirards. Twice I have Journeyetl around the globe and am still getting the money. Yours.

CARY JOXE.S, or SNAKE OID. Thus it ran be seen that Snake Old Jones

fiates bark a goo<l long ways. Eighteen nlnety- •oe is twenty-three King yesrs ago—it even preceiles the Chicago World’s Fair. What other abowiuan Ivas anything to aay on this subject? Let na hear it.

Auotlier claim for first honor in the snake and rep. pit a^iw field proposes Harry (>sls>rn, BOW trooping with the Great Southern Shows. Wblcb one comes first In time. Jones or Os¬ born? I-et us hear fr<Hn both of you again.

Effingham, HI.. Aug. 19, 1914. All Baba:

Dear Sir—Seeing your note in The Billboard In regard to who was the oldest snake worker (Gekel In the bis. I think Harry Osborn, farmerly of Greater Sheesley Sliows. is the •Idest and is recognlied by the profession to be the strongest pit worker on the ri>ad today. He <g>ened at Toledo (O.) Tri-State Fair August, lUPfi. with Rogers Carnival Co., worked as ••Boacano" and performed the “Gsualer” act with small reptiles. He is with Harrington's Great Southern Shows, with R. C. Cunninebam •B the front at present.

Yours respectfully. H. C. CUNNIXGH.AM.

A CORRECTION Last week we told you that we liked ImJtatlans, tiecauae they gave concmalonalrea an oppurtunity

to see what very blgli-clam goods we make. After Uilnking It over we have concluded that we IK> NUT

like Imitations because generally the poor concesaionalna who get tliem are not able to do a gool tsisl-

nem. and we want erevy concessionaire to do budnem and wish you every aucceaa In the world. You will find It a whole kn easier to sell your paddles, however. If you buy the original I'alr and Camiral

Supply Company merchandise. Here la the OR1G1N.4L Jis-key and Fire Laddy. Gel them—thry’r* coining money. We also excel tn the manufactute of



If any amusement man knows <tr nis wuere ahonts, we would appreciate It if they would write ns at Washington, la.

He is about 2o .rears old. ft feet In height, black or brown eyes, black hair, swarthy com- pleylon. nromlnent nose (Romani, welglia about I4« bounds; bas pimples, narrow shoulders, no rbln; always wears cap.

Yours respectfully. (Slgnedl KLASS A KRAIL.






Our prices are reduced, but quality la always first with us. Wt pay long dlaUncr or telegraph charges on orders of six doaen or more of any ct our Item-s. Send for catalogtic. Samplm of all rlec- trlc-rired toga,; plain toga and felt and leather samplcw, tl.fS.


FAIR & CARNIVAL SUPPLY CO. Local and Long Distance Phonea, Spring 3SM.

Faetary: S8S-M5 WEST BROADWAY. NTXA/ YORK f'lTV Ofilem aad Salearo««a: 71 WOOSTER STREET. “ IRtNV T W FT r\ I I T .

By L. C. lUrahfleld.

I,as Criii-es. N. M.. week of August 17-22, •nder the- Fair .IssociatU'n. on the streets, proved a g<x>d one. Everj'oody Is happy now that we an> out of the rain belt of New Mexico, altbongh everybody got money so far this season. All shows and concessions are eaiiccting the best fall they have ever had. as we are playing | some of the best fairs in Texas, and the crops i are good. 1

FYoin Las Cruces we went to Toy ah, Tex., i ander the t Ity, on tlie streets, for the tig pay I day I

After Toyah. we start our fair circuit, begin- ■alffas mO naaawbm 'Tmsr m n,>T 4>VAn wsa hsVA m AfPAtlff I

XHE AIKEN SHOWS One Carnival Co., with a Route

Sow SHELBYVHX£, IXD., FAIR, uptown carnival rights. Fair Grmmda day time. BR.LZH., IND . fol- iowa, then Indiana’s acknowledged aecood-beat largest f^. TEKRK HAUTE, day and night; average attmd- ance IJ 000 dally, gross about 70.000. 1 figure the world needa ooal. «ar bas closed fon-lgn mines; capital will put these men In the ground to bring It out. There la a market for It. Result -plenty money in the mines. I think so much of the Hut I here rallroeded this ehow from Sandusky, ().. to there, with few etope. Then fo'dowe CUNTDN, LINTUN, WASHINGTON and EVA.NSVILLE. then lllbiols. With three aaeieunu I have booked theae spots, and still booking. I can use for balance season, close about Xmas, to Join on wire. Ocean Wave. Fevrla Wheel. Tertm.. 40%. I furnish. Also Wild Wnt. Motonlrome. any good Show, frith or without outfit. A pood Tin-hi-Oiie will do good here. If you can nm get over lh<Misand et Hut you have no show WILL I’LACE Conceeslona. except WheeJa. WANTKlt- Knife Back, High Sirikee, Cook House and various others. Oh, yes, I carry Parkev’t laat, lineal, beat iffort. Ihrce-ahreast tK'.boO beauty- «ome Carry-Ue-All. Also five big 30x60e. with ahoMS In tliem—Aiken across the frMiU No suit caae affair; 4o dray loads here of Alken’v Have big daua; want bigger abow. CA.N FSE, at top salary, l►riental Dancers, Flageolet Flayer. Shows, Rides. Conceaslona, If you believe In tbes«e and waul little sinter bank roll, wire

WILL E. AIKEN, Shelbyviile, Ind

nanuTX*’ aaiimir licocc CARRY US ALI

Mrs. Shaffer has gone to join her husband In fV>b>ra*v.

I want to thank the De Krekoa and Mrs. Abbott for their kindness during my short ill- ■ess. It will not be forgotten.

Miss Conk has a new concession, a slat rack, and la getting the money.

Thanks. Edna, for wanting to aend that med¬ icine to me.

Frits George is getting the money with bia show. Go to It. George.

I wonder why Kats slept when we paswed through Albuquerque, N. M.

t^nly cheap at fifty centa. That la how «ie man likes a Barker inaciilnr. C. F. T.

Bellcrille. 111., Oct. 32, 1913. C. W. PARKER. l.<eavenworth, Kanaas.

Dear Sir-- We have had a very successful year with the machine and with another year like this wc will clc«r same. Yours truly. H V.

Ofio maaHlsa oarfiea filR.bbO Iw fib waaka, IbOA Oaa ■wsahlwa aarwag SI7,b4R la >• waaha, IbOfi Owa iwaabiM aaewag Hi waaka, •••• Owa wtaablwa aarwag 7 la 17 waaka, I *07 Oaa wwahlaa aarwag blt.abC 17 waaka, tbOt Oaa aiaahlaa aaraag la >■ araaka, IbOt Oaa aiaahlaa aaraag la ta waaka, laiC Oaa aiaaiilaa aaraag aiO. laa la ai araaka, lat

Above hguree will oe ventien to cuiitomera C. W, FARKCR t-oavanworth, Kaa-



_Tbe Billboard la In receipt of a letter fr.>m W. (Suskel King, the snak« and serpent merchant, of Brownsville, Tex., asking ns to make public the facta In the caae of the recent death of .Mrs. H. C. Wllaou. of the McClellan Follow caravan, nhl pasia-d away aa a result of a bite from a rattler In Grant’s Faas, Ore., In July.

Attarbed to Mr. King’s letter la a telegram from H. C. under date of May 2’J. whii-h expressly n-queats a Klilpmeiit of big rattlers, ii"l fixed. .Mso eiicloserl la a letter from Mr. WH mrn. uisler date of July fl. which again apeciflcally reqiieata that the rattle anake Included in the alilpment be not fixed. In the language of anake ahowmen. It la commonly uiideralisMl that to fix a anake means to remove Its poison glands. In whieli latter case the leix for ahipnieni la n.'t marked. However, when the fangs are not reuiitved, each ca»e must tie marked "danger ona." A letter of affidavit covering this point liaa also lieen encIosi»d with Mr. King’s com- miinIcatloB, aigneil by W. N, Baldwin, agent of tlie Wells Fargo Express Co., at Browiisville.


We are again bark in the r. R.. and oh. gie, how happy! Otir business through Western Car. ada was Just fair. The crops were In bad ahajie.

.Mrs. C. W. Parker left for I.eavenworth. Kan . Friday morning. August 21, after a visit of six weeks.

H It. Parker made a flying trip to I,ravrn worth on business.

Noble Farley leaves In a week or so with bis five In one.

Bill Dyer purchased six cubs from a trapp r In Edmonton, and he has them on exblliitlon In his circus side show.

■ce at Fergus Falls. Minn., this week, and a rejiort la In clrciilstlon that we play the Stale Fair at Milwaukee. •

Our jump from Eilmonton tn DerlPa l4ks. N. D., was 1,100 miles l.eavlng Edmonton Sunday morning at A o'clock, we arrived In Devil’s loike Tueadav evening at 10:80.

Mrs. Joa, S. Callla wants to aee bar name In Old Blllyhoy. All that ran he aald of her la Hiat she la getting lietter looking every day.

M Chocolates and Bon Boos In


For Wheel Men, Goncissionaires, Parks, Boats, Theatres, Summer Resorts, Fairs. Ko matter where you work candies—you want a liiK tlash iilonR with the tiuality. We Rive you b<ith in

generous proportions and defv anv other manufacturer t<> ev« n trv tn meet our prices untler these cundition.s. t)ur candies are I'OSITIVKLY’ M.\I)K FUKSH KVKUV DAY .\N1> AUK AKL DII’PKIX WK UAVK ONK—.\ND ONLY ONK—GU.VOK OF CHOCOLATKS AN1> UON Ho.NS. There i.u a sliKht difference in price in some of our Rood.s, liut this is due to the package. Poxes are wrapped in transparent Relatin, and will keep in perfect condition. Our standard one-pound box is the liigi;est liarKain you ever saw. Patriotic a.ssorted chocolates, 1 lb. box hand-dipped chocolates, each piece wrapped separate, package tied in a.ssorted coloreil ribbons and wrapped in gelatin covering; come in three colors, red. white and blue, and we always as¬ sort the colors in each shipment, and our SPKi'I.\L ‘‘P'LASIl” PACKAGE is a jiositive sensation. It looks like a two-pound box—a full foot lonR, two inches deep and four inches wide—and you can’t l>eat the price any place in the world. SAMPLKS? Yes. It co.sts us a dollar to pack ami express our full sample line, which includes FOPU FULL ONE-POUND BOXES AND A NU.MBEK OF OUU HANDSO.MELY LITHOGRAPHED BOXES. If you want samples, send one dollar, and when you place your tlrst order for fifty pounds or more, we will credit you with the amount paid on samphs.

J. J. HOWARD (The Kandy King), 115 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Hi.

sf*e;a.riviinx guivi _ 16c per box of 20*5c packages

or 100 penny sticks. Best quali- I O" *ke market.

MANSON FACTORY, 500 W. Division St., Chicago,IlL

WANTED A flnt-olui OunlTal Coaii«n7 and Oanonslons for Saglniv Count; Fair, to be held In Sadnaw, Mlob., ^Mobrr 6. T, 8, > Thla will br one ot the b««t Fair, In the Slate. No gran gankv allowed and all showa must be dean. As this Is our first fair, eeenthlnf Is being done to make It a hummer.

F. F. KLEINFELD. SeorsUry. Saginaw, Mlehlgaa.

HOOP-LA CANDY So<raal pai'kacm for these games and othiT games of that nature. iSc .\saorted Paokage ot Cbocolatea at }6.50

a huntlrrd pmAagew. Also other paeikages. Write for samples ot eartona and prices.



KEEP ON MAKING MONEY Don’t Let the European War In-

terfere With Your Business ^ Our Tremendous Stock of Imported /

Merchandise of All Kinds, Now ill tlie house, as well as very large assort-

ineiits of domestic goods, is at the disposal of I

Concetsionairet, Carnival Men, Auctioneers, Park Men, Knife Board Men, Paddle Wheel and Punch board Men, Street Vendors, Etc.

Will Help You Make More Money

Than Ever Before | | t J.

Send In Your Orders r If /

Get the Goods That Draw the Crowd That firing in the Money.

If you have not received this year’s catalogue write at once for the

Share Winner Catalogue No. 59 It is up to the minute, contains everything

you need in foreign and domestic goods, and all the latest features.

To avoid delay say what line of business you work and specify Catalogue No. 59.

N. SHURE CO. S. E. Corner Madison and Franklin Streets,


FAIRS - CARNIVALS - PICNICS! Kiey time Is her® for '‘Mtnder* operators. FYotn now until the last State >^ir cKwes you can make tremenOou* daily profits selling one minute f

;>botoi, made with

Xlic ’’IVIanclel” F*ost Card IVf actiine

Hie >Te«m of one minute camms. Make* 5 styles of pictures direct on pext cards iw buttons wRheut glataa, ftimt or dark toom. buib .snap and shutter click brings you 8c to 13c profit. No outdoor i celebration is complete without the one minute photographer. Just a j small capital buya a complete outfit, and your very first sales bring ' back your entire Investment. Do not delay, for time is money. Send i at once for complets particuian FREE. I

THE CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO., 631 Farretyge Building,

Cklckge, III. ar Degl. 631, 89-91 Delaocey Street. PuMie Bank Bldg., New York. N. Y.

14. Social Cftiter CVlcliration, iimler the ati». pices of all the civic Indies of Trenton. .\. J.

Charles Yottttg, after an absence of oue week, return,-J to tlie show at KitiKston, and a^aia is i.uttiiio Daily Sue, the trick eleiihunt, through her paces.


The World at Iluiite Shows have started oQ the •■loif-titiie circuit.” A list of State fair* Slid national events began with the Iowa State Fair at lies .Moines. There are enough of the liig oii-H to keep tlie aggregation going until

long after the snow begins to tly in many Statea. The Iowa State Fair opened for business August

-7. and discs Friday. .Septeiiitier 4. The .Min¬ nesota Fair starts September 7.

In boimr of tlie iiiany liig events. Manager James T. Clyde ordereil tliat every piece of wisal. inm or anything else that would bold

paint, be painted, and "Spike” Huggins, lot man. was busy for two days directing a cortis of painters and repair men. who have put th* shows and rides in excellent shape. The bl*

wagons wore also given a new coat of Pullmaa green.

Davenim't and Sioux Falls were two towns which did not want any more carnivals, but when the residents of e.ach had investigated the class of attra.tions tiCfered by the World «t Home, they turneil out every eteniug in big numbers. Davenport has already asked for s 1915 date.

Many visitors in evidence at Diiveniiort. A. A. Powers, of tie C. A. Wortham Shows, st'ipiied off on his way to Galveston. H“ was

Joined by .Mrs. Powers. Vic Hugo, of I>uliui|ue,

was also amongst us. Jack Beck, of tlie Sells- Fl'ito advance t< roe, bsik the episirtunity while cliaiigiug cars to look the aggregation over.

Mrs. 0. K. Hager, wife of oue of the riders

on the MichesIstalter drome. Joined her husband at Daveniiort. coming from Nashville, Tenn.

.Mrs. Rose Kressniann. private secretary to

James T. Clyde, has gone to her home at Os- slan, la., for a short visit.

Manager Clyde made a business trip to Chi¬ cago Jlonday evening, returning Thursday morn¬ ing.

Dave \V. .Anseliierg, known as the op|„,t„.

grafter kid,” went to Chicago from Davenport to ftock up for the big one to follow.

Through an error the writer listed ''.Spike'* Ducgaii, lot, as oj,(.rt.” Spike says bis

initials are “W. C..” that the worst thing be d<s*« is to drink white soda and wants the error rectified.

O. M. ‘‘Checkards” Hunt, manager of the Omsr Saint pit Show, spent the Davenport week in a local hospital, getting on the train in time to make Des Moines, where he is again back the lob.

Tralmiiaster I.eggo .May is getting a hit of compliments on tiie ni.anner in which the biading and unloading are handled.

Jack ‘‘Blackie” Arnold, baggage de¬ parted at Daveufsirt to Join oue of tiie big sh'Wg.

•J. K. Hager, one of tlie -Ironie riders, has been made superiuteiHleiit of C' Ustruction of the drome.

Mrs. Frank Blltx and several of the old timers visited with '.Spike'' when the train stopped at .M.arion.

A hig cniwd of the World at Home folks call Davenport •‘home ” and the stay there a season of real enjoyment to them. Charles Berkell anil wile, owners of the carry-us all,

stayed over for a couple of days, J<iining tt lies .Mo lies oil Wiilnesday.

Cora Beikw-itli did not Join at Davenport an

the writer stated she w-uild last wee-. A big bunch of coiiccssionists. formerly with

the B. K. Parker Sliows in Canada, »re at Des Moines.

Ijiiestion—Why is a one man committee? Who can solve the riddle?


The Great .Argyle Shows opened their fiir wason at Cberaw, S. C.. Tuesday, August 18, to very gmsl business. The shows dbln't |iull into Chersw from Tybee Island, Ga.. until .M n- day noon.

The trick conalsts of seven paid attraction*,

Phil Green as a free attraction, a band of twelve pieces, and a number of concessions.

Joe F. Dunn is again with the outfit, having quit the saloon business.

PTEMBER 5, 1914.


i.r ■■ iHv. Minn . Aug. 'J'J.—Herman. Minn., I iiisoloii lowe, under the Jire De|iartiiient, was , one for eier.vlHsly; also Murdock the

nr«l ti.ri'c ds.vs of this week, under the Base- l.ill cliili Grove City, on the streets, under I f < ;ti ("lUiicll. ofiencd very goml. ami eierjr .■ne is ' ■..•king for s big day tislay. Howard laike. iiiider the City Council, next week, will le the '.xst still town tills season. We open our

string >r fairs at Arlington. Minn. |sh' Jeiiiiinvs ciosetl with tlie Delta Show

at Mnnlo.k. .1. II. Greeiivtead o;iened at Cam|ibell with his

5 III I. Al Francis has addl'd a lady wrestler and two

l-Mrs to Ills .\tb1etlc Sh-'W. making seven peo-

p e in all. Kei'li it up. .31.


By Ed 8. Oilpin.

General .Agent Sam Siilomon Is again back With lu. sinl I* t>elng rong.-atulated for his giKid Judgment in arraiiging the route for our Soutnern t" ;r. which we are now stirtlng. Sd has iieen a busy mao slm-e June 15 am' Dow has the sb. w b.a'ked until the seci n l wi-ek of November Inr'.iidiiic elgiit f'lirs an 1 two home-comiiiga.

Tills we.-k It is th" Stvte Firemen’s Conven¬

tion tt P' rtsmuith. Va.. and from the bsiks of things we are going to have the banner week of the se'is n. allhoi'gb Warren. D., hca been the Is-st to fs- and it will take a big week's bual- nesa to lieat It. I'p to tills writing we have id-'eil a [cirtlon of Pennsylvania. Ohio, New

York. West Virginia and Virginia. Next week we bl.l Virginia gissi toe. and start on our tour of fairr In .V rtii t’.iniltua. Many of onr fam- llv are takliii. advai taae T the opiiortu^ty to visit ti e r.avv y .rds In .N irfolk.

.Todeng from C e nniiib.'r of s.i|dlers that at- leiitl the cariilval w-.n;,) think that a rbH w IS F ke-l for. a» the midway is packed with ti.em inch etining. tills tieln'g p.ay week for t .**fD

The many friends ..f iC.iddis) Mr«. Ge-Tge F.

Drni.s'i will l.e plesse.1 to learn tliat she has ri- le-e.l from hep Illness

.1 new psrfnerstiip n»s le.'ii f'.rmis! lutween Civile W Cass and G. .?. Bice. win. are fram¬ ing a . s klsuise, wlil.-h pr.imises to I'e one of lb.. l""t l oins ssli ns e' er .vlth tiie Fam ns Lib¬ erty '»'..WS

The new P'ant.ition Sliow. which was rei-ently frsme.i bi So'one.n A liorman. has pr 'ieii a suc-

s.. far. snd 1 iipnivements are Iwing made each wi-ek,

ll.irr> KilgiTe isiw has clisrge of {tie photo g.C'ery. arid is doing a IsinF.Blce buslnesa each Week.

Il.irrv n .ker left u' at Petersnurg to accept a P * ttoi. It Biffalo.

The week If Atig.'st 11 will hn.l us at tlie fair at Tarlevo, N. C.


M'hlle the Keen A <4bipii.v Mislel Show* were en r^ti- fr-.iii Newtiiirgh. N. Y.. to Phllllpsbiirg.

N. J-. .August IR, two of rtie Urge wagons caagbt fire from engine spark*. One of the wag.'iis isiiitaliieii part of Mr. Keen's carousel

and tile oflier ( ha*. O'Neil's motordrome. .As

•oin as the trainmen could stop the train, all connected with the allow carried water and f uight the fin-, finally getting It under control. The caniiisel, motordrome and some concessions

were badlv damaged. The entire loss is esti¬ mated at 11,20(1.


By Yuncun., N. Y., la a gorsi town—a toi polmlated by appreciative people whose anxie t.. s.s- go.,] thing* In the amusement line ri pot "»"n be deterre,] by the most miserable si '•f weat'ier. FYuir days and nights during I M*y of the .lohnny J. .tones Expoattlon Sh" in I le hist -rlr city on the Hudson, the aho isere ..(sTsted In the ralu to unihrella laden i illences. (In Thiirsilay evening, the rulmlnati

"'''.y npell came in the form of an eli irical Sturm of tliat variety for which the Ci II,." duly famoiia. imt the rrowda atay

rijfDi up until th® mom®nt th® ®ti*rtn brt^k® t f *®n iionrrl®it to ®h®lt®r a® b®iit th®.T ci»u » Ma.v An,} SAtnnlA^'^ r®^®lptt w®r®

.\n»4plr®M at IMAlnfieM. N. j.. ar® tb® Knirl ■i < yluruhiiA, and M»mdAjr*A Ap®n<11

be^ipo^k w®ll fnr th® inAnn®r In whJ th®ir Annual ci

J.ihn W M «>re. whom we modeatly procU I lie c.Hiteat King.*' haa broken into the ran

"f Ur foremost (siiicessloners with an up t<^d* ^'■taiir'nt which he haa placed with the Jot

H'lrrih for Al Dnmherger' He's a paj Idlest .advices from Mr*. Riisle .Smith. . ' *''*'*'*■■ I’"., where Mrs. DiirnN-rger

•■’I 'ig. indl.-utr thst tiie new sdditlon to t • ‘Illy wli..ei magnate's fsmily la a girl. T Ml- e»,.|it .H-curr.',t August 24, i. , *’*'""'^1 "o August 2t hv a visit fr< ; ■ 4 ltr.slmni.>ii« Fit* is a friend of J. hn II ' »c,|iialnted with s number

"■ iiiciiilHrs ,.f the company. At thla wrltl 1" .- Iisldering an Invitation extended him

I U..ger. to give an exhihiticn at the Alhlc , " "•''f Friday.

^ l Uty I ssey. for the past eight months a .o.iiic..r will! li e Hire" J.'s Shows, left at Kim

' " fuHlll several fair engagements. Inch ,, ' ' "iis'llsn National Flxhlhlllon Cas

■ nun the is-st wishea of the laimpaiiy. G.i ^ ( .isev ! with him went hla partner. Clan

I, I"'"". *'"*:'* I"*’' wlH "Iso he keenly fe . , , • •"‘M* lirsgglng alMiiit this lauite

^*'*****^* M«rkrt Hu Mi ll s _As-i«'latl"ii Fi.nrth Annual Jiililh

, . .' ' isigsii Plavgr UI..1* I.alMir IVe • •irilloii ,t,v„ weeks iu P'llPyl; Septeuil

irg Pa., Aug .'<1. A iH'tltbui in liank- I. been nle.l III the I'. 8. District Court

I _.,.I1S| the .\|ot..rdrome and AtiiiiseiiieDt

I ll.l- • 'ly. 'I'hc claims of tlie |ietitloiiera

(.11 -I io7 i'i It Is slleged thst the .Motor- ■ 1.'we.l the PeiiiiH.vIvaiila It. H. Co.,

„ |.r<.|..'rty the iisit.irdpuiie was built, to .T s Isiidlord s wsrrsiit for rent auioiiiitlug

I ! s n«i, -.vlii. li sleiwed the Motordrouie Co. was

t Ik I't. .At a constable's sale here last Tues- If III-t'lrdr.iiue was sold to a New York

»-i.k i..' .oiiipsiiy for less tliau f2,(lU<l.



By Ed F. Feiit.

Eagle Grove. la., la the camping groun.l for this week, and indicationa point to an .A-1 week. Council Bluffs follows next week and ahould be a real one. as it Is the annual cele¬ bration and inder the auspices of the merclal Club. Special Agent Benson is on the ground assisting the comnyittee In the prelimin¬ aries.

Jew Price, the man with the trick tongue, is now managing the .Mahatma Show, and the first week under his management sIkiws a healthy increase over the past. Jew’s c<>nvinc- Ing talk sure lands many an extra dime.

Bandmaster Evans and bis concert band fa¬ vored the cltiiens of Webster City with a thirty-minute concert during a atop over at

that point on the run from Marshalltown to Eagle Grove.

Cal Cavenaugh, of the Ish Ka Blbble. Is con- fine.! to bis bed with an attack of rheumatism.

Miss Madge Ryan, cashier for Crouch Broa.. who have the privilege car. baa become so pro¬ ficient with the cash register product that aho ia thinking of applying for a jiosltlon as dem- onstrstor during the winter mouths.

Mort Slice, manager of the motordrome, ia one of the few motonirome managers always up and ready for .Monady night.

C. Ireland and wife arrived with a bunch of new concessions. They are from the World at Home.

Base ball fans are pretty plentiful around here, and each team has a number of anient supisirters. 'Treasurer Homer Jones and H.«.k-

um Snookum George are N'th stning Boston Brave fans, while Da.I Jones doesn’t sleep well when Wsshington loses a game.

No one favors a Sunday Scho-.l Carnlvsl, but Isn’t It better to he on yonr goo.l behayii.r dur¬ ing yonr stay In a town and have people form a g'ioil opinion of yon an.l invite .voii to '-ome again than to leave them with a had ta»te in their niouth«? The majority of peoide have sa idea that carnival people as a class are oh- lectliinal. but each an.l every one of ii* can eliminate this ides by acting the |>art of a lady or gentleman and ihe.r g ‘id





•Mso a full I'fie of the best and LATEST PILLOW TOPS and TABLE COVERS in LEATHER and FELT. Our prices are the lowest.

Don't fall to get^I InfonnaUon about our NEW ITEMS. ThU space won't permit us to describe all

of them. Write now for our circular.

MEXICAN ARMADILLO CURIO CO. 164 N. FIFTH AVE. (Exeiusive Watlera Regreasatatlvt fan CHICAGO, ILL. THE JOSEPH ROTH MFG. CO., New Vert. N. V. THE SAW-WOOD COMB CO., Atlsata, Ga.

FAIRS AND EXPOSITIONS PITTSBURG EXPO. SEASON. It* hiiitor.r. TUe World at Home will furnlKh

the allows. It will lie held on the lip of the laKooii, and an imineuse model of the Panama rnnnl wll! lie here exhibited. There will be eight other ahowi and a large menagerie of wild beasts and binia; also trained animals. E. U. llutehinson will take his eight and ten parachute droim from his ball.ion. There will also be horse |iol» and thirty six hounds, in addition to the bors«> races, with a tl.iXIO saddle horse stake on Friday, September II. fL’d.isNl in purses will be distributed for harness races during the fair. The New York 111p|m>- drome elephants will also be featiir<‘S. and each eseniug. before the grand stand, will close with an immense fireworks display, called ••The Oiien- ing of the Panama Canal," with over 300 Iiersons taking part in the spectacle.

The Livest, Surest and Best Money Fairs in fJeorgia. No Bloomers or Dead ones in this Assn. The l>est opportunity for HF.Ll.ABLK small Caniival Companies, .Aviators, Balloonists, Small Bands Brivile^ and Concession |»eople to play sure Winners aiul to make Money. The Best Crops that (leo-eia ha.i ever had; everybody will have money and W|ll

spend it. The War scare will be over, and if you are related to Little Johnnie WISF,, you will write quick to the following twelve Secre¬ taries, all living in Ceorgia:

J. M. CCK'HH.AN, Barnesville B. C. SLD.AX, Cartersville

IMIt'burg, Pi., Aug. 31.—The formal opening of the regular exiiosltlon season will take place next we«*i£. Music Hall, decorated anew for the season, has never looked more attractive for the coming of the organizations of inter¬ national fame, which will provide the concert programs, l>eglnuing with the Kussian tlym- phony Orchi.-estra, under Modest Altschuler, for nine days, chwing September 13; Sousa and His Hand, from Septemlier 14 to 36; Creatore and Ills Italian Baud, September 'M to October 7; Walter Itamrosch, at the head of the New York .Symiihouy Orchestra, October 8 tol7; and finally Victor Herbert, from October 19 to the chwe, October 34.

J. R. MILLKR, Savannah J. R. MILLFR, Statcslxiro L. M. RHODKX, Reidsvilic B. L. WILKKRSON, Hahira J. Ll Ki: BrRDKTT.Wasliington HARRYC. HOBKRT, Micon

Come South and s|K'nd two profitable months in (Georgia.


Preparations are well under way for the California State Fair, which is to lie helil from S«|iteiiitier 13 to 19. at Sacran.ento. Judging from the niimbiT of a|ipIlcations for exhlMt spai-e rei-elved. this year's fair will be the largest ever held under the auspices of the .State. Jti'>i.les Hgricidtiiral. lue st'sk aii,| itidiistrial exhiliits. the directors have arranged a program for ttie eiitln' week of sjiectacular and novel eiitertaliiuicnt features.

Particular Interest is lieing shown Iiy fsrmers ami brei-ders of live stis-k. as fto.iNMi in pre¬ miums will be awanlecl. Tlie list of prizes total several tleiiisauil dollars m"re than in previous .vears.

Clilcago. .\ug. 27.—••Ihdiby^^ Frankel. advance agent for Lincoln Beachey, the I, op the-hs>p and upside down flyer, left t<"lay to J<dn Mr. Beachey at Hes .Moines ati<l will tour all the fairs with him during the balance of the sea SOD.


The 1914 C,itton Palace Exposition, which will be held at Waco, Texas, from Uctotier .'{1 to November 15, Is going to be much greater than ever before. The city of Waco recently appro¬ priated gdO.OOO to the association for the pur¬ pose of buying additional grounds, the present grounds, although they cover thirty acres, tieing much too small for the crowds. Kei-nan & Welcher have completed a I13.<sn1 Old -Mill for the Cotton Pala«"e. This firm also owns and o|ierates the gla'jt coaster on the gronmls.

The association has under consideration im’T- eral new buildings to lie ereeted for tills year's show, among whieh is a new agricultural hall and a new grand stand. Tlie ix-rmanent amuse¬ ment device's located on the grounds are the


Chicago. Aug. 27.—Raliih Khodes, secretary of the Isiwns Anniversary t'elebration Com¬ mittee, was given the surprise of his life last M'liida.v. when tlie isuiimlttee of wliieli he is a meiiiiMT presented him with a Ix'autiful dia¬ mond stud, which uieasureil a full carat. This was a aort of a token for his services a« secretary of the Duwni Committee, and for bit


Hoopla Game, oomplcte, 500 Picora, Priam, Boops, etc. 2$.M Improved Cana Amortasot, 240 Canea, Indudlng 100 rlngi . K.OO Improved Cane Asaortment. 350 Canea, Including 100 Rings. IS.Ot Improved Csoe Asaartment. 600 Csnea, including 200 Rings . 25.66 Lo^, Flsncy Loop Handle Whlpa, aaaorted colon, fine made, per gram.33.56, 33.75, 34.25, M-75, 6.16 Shooting OallefT Outfits, oomplete. 3,56T pleoea. only . 23.06



ance C. O. D. Jap eSnm. 36.00 per 1,000. bent grade.

The above .llustratlon given some Idea of the booth plan, decorations and crowds which attended the Farmers’ Fall FmUvaL held In ChllUcothe, O.. last year. This year's event will be held September 21 to 26.

coaster, the old mill, Parker’s three-sbregst carousel and motordrome.

All of the buildings are artistically decorated with cotton, com, grain and other agricultural prcalucts. The management finds that such decorations are the Feat advertising and draw¬ ing feature of the Show.

The Cotton Palace la in charge of Secretary S. N. Mayfield.

untiring zeal and energy In making the Downs cetebratKin the big succesa it has been (or yeara.


CLEVELAND CANE COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio The 1914 Wlai-onsin State Fair, to be held

In Milwaukee September 14-18, Inolnalve. will be the greatest State fair Wisconsin ever has conducted, in every particniar. according to Oliver G. Rewey, president of the Agricuitaral Board. Despite the fact that many buildings were denxilished by a tornado on May 31, and many more were burned in the fire of Sunday, August 2, this year’s fair will be boused In far better shape than any fair during recent yeara.

This year’s State Fair will be a 35,000,000 exisisition of the resources of Wisconsin. There will be more than 31.000,000 worth of horses on the grounds, more than 31,000.000 worth of cattle, and more than 31.000.000 worth of ma¬ chinery.

The amusement end of the fair program will be well taken care of.



A world-bfster; 32 Intbea In dlamrbv, with 60, 60 or 120 Win nn iiumbera. beautifully painted, eomplgle srtUi paddles.... 9 3V.I/V

OUR NEW COUNTRY 3T0RE. So Inchm In diameter, dark oak finish, new fenoe around rim. $12.00


Amusement Devlcea, Herltl Paddlea, l*Um-h Boar^, Teddy Bvara. Dock DolU, llllow Tops, cbx Oatalocue free.


837 W. MUIm. «.. SLACK MFC. CO. Chlaao.. HI-


The DuBrock Hlppixlrome .Lets plaved their first engagement at the Janesville (WIs.) fair grounds, and were enthusiastically received. From ' ■■ ■■ ■ ■ grand __ - --- - passed off with a little more thsn a silent ad¬ miration for the splendid line-up of thorough¬ breds and eoatumes. but as they passed out the Roman riders lined up for their race. The three teams came done the track and presented a fascinating speefaele as they raced. The menage acts and the iierformaneea of the p^do teams were relished by the audience, as was also the comedy mule act.

1:30 to 6:30 the attendance packed the stand to capacity. Tlie first number


CHEWING GUM USERS We are the Maiiufacturera at the


Chicago, .Aug. 27.—The Mitchell Corn B>-lt Erriosltlon will have the Vdlowlng attractions thle seas<>n, hooked by Edward Marsh, man¬ ager of the Fair Deiiartment of the Western ■I’andeville Managers’ .Association. It will In¬ clude Ferrallo’s Band, fircua Royal. Do Bell. Gi*orge and Georgie, Bennett and Lowe, Rollo, Biding Davenor.rts. Six Morocco .Arabs, l.s Ren’s I.lona, Diving Models, Greater City Four Quartette, and many othera.

The Edmonton (Alberta) Fair, which openel on Monday, August 10, closed the following Saturday. The largest attendance was on .August 13, when there was a total attendance of 19,805, of whirb 17,2.38 were paid admlsalona. It Is the sign of the times that this Is some¬ what less than the attendance of the big days of the fair dnring the two preceding years.

The platform attractions were suppMed by the Robinson Amusement Company of Chicago, and consisted of the following: Jack Winkler Trio, grotesque acrobatic comedians; Hermany'a Aerial Cats and Dogs; Klein and Erlanger, Kiiroiiean pantomimic clowns; Capt. Treat’s Reals, and the Colonial Montrose Troutie, seven in number, European aerobatic novelty. Tso local numbers were Introduced, consisting of a Musical Ride, given by the 19th Allierta Dra¬ goons, and a Folk Dance, produced by Mrs. James. The attractions gave very g<Kid satia-

Now being used by a majivlty at those faUowing Fairs. Oan.lvals. etc., for Pick outs, Paddiv Wheels, Writ* for prices.


THE SUCCEISS KEY For rII F.'MUS to uiiy one who hitntllos it.

Till Bucolo Firilni Cigar, Soli Mfr., 598 Flvibing Aii.. Brooklyn. N. T Sample lOc.

Auto polo games will be one of the features before the grand stand at this year’s Minne¬ sota Rtate Fair. September 7-12. The Hanktn- son teams will put on these matches, and priunise exciting sport for the andlenee. An anto show, held smong the mechanical art ex¬ hibits on the grounds will prove of Interest to sutomobilista. and a hsbv health contest for hahiea from Minnesota only, with me*lala snu ribbons aggregating 3490 will he another fea- tife.

TTie Annual State .Art Rxhlhlt. nndvr the auspices of the Minnesota State Art Commiaslon. with cash prizes and medals amounting to 302.1 will b" 1 part of the fair for the flr-t time In

TANGO, VICI SPEARMINT And FRI.’IOO PINRAriT,E BRANDN. Rend 2Se for asaorted aamplv boa at tsmty 5e packagva.

FRI.SCO MINT CIIICLt: CO.. 33H H. Madison St., Chicago

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Ttie Billboard 37


I ■' ..


THE AUTOMOBILE BACIHO SPORT, barked by mlllioDa of doHan. hundreds of factories, thousands of dealers, has this season been relegated to the “has-been” class by the newest thrill producing sport—the BEACHEY BRAND of flying.

CANNOT BELIEVE IT, SAT TOD? Well, then here's the proof, and one of those Jl.OOO bills Beachey receives for each day he flies at a fair Is ready for the fellow who ran sunessfiilly contrmllrt this; Por years three hlppiMlroiiie automobile racing combinations have toured the country each season, trading successfully on the old Idea that the sliced cars produce the Mmlt of seusationslisin and thrills, and the coin flosteil into their box offices. But that was BtlI'''OKE Beachey put on his big show. This season the hippodrome boys ha\e had a hard row to hoe, and some of them even bad a bani time getting gasoline money.

ALL THE WHILE BEACHEY WAS FACKINO THEM IN. If the hippodrome crowd beat Beachey to a town their gross receipts looked about the same as the peanut concession brought for Beachey.

When they tried t«i follow Beachey they bad to use their attaches for a "prop” audience.

The alibi of tlie automobile crowd was “the public is tireil of the dirt track hippodromes, but Just wait until the big Elgin Road Race.” This Elgin affair has been the s|>eed classic of the Middle West.

WELL, THE BIO EL6IN RACE came off as per sche<!ule. but the crowd was not there. On both davs. for the show ran two days, although ten or fifteen thousand didla'S was Slant IsKiming it, ITIE COMBINEK fROWHK <»K BOTH HAYS Dili .NOT EOt'AL THE BEACHEY BlSlM’:aS OF ONE HAY IN S.AN FRANCISCO (PANAMA I'-YCIFIC E.\posrrioN oRoi xibsi, riiif.too (I.ake fuo.nt). Minneapolis st. Paul, or dayton.

Just think of tliat—BE.\<illEY AJyONE In San Francisco and Chicago, and with the assistance of one automoWle driver with whom to race a one-mile dash, ONE M.VN, Beachey .SINlHJ'i-HANPEH. outdrew a two days’ aiitoniotille race, for years a fixture in the s[sirtlng world, in which was entere.l more than thirty of the world’s fastest and most fsuH'Us racing cars, idlntisl by thirty of the greatest drivers in the world, assisted by more than two hundred mechanical assistants, tsyo regiments of soldiers and a horde of pro- fessii ual ofllclats recrulleii fMni all (larts of the country.

WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN I lUBT'ONE THING. A new era In the sensational sjiort game—.\ BE.\(T1EY' ER.\—is here. Beachey is one of those cyclonic successes that hap|>en but om-e In a life time. .N.>w they are gidng to try to Imitate Beachey’s aliow. Y’oii know that imitation is the tribute inferiority pays to genius. But they might as well try to palm off a cssin slaiuter for Caruso. They are starting the rei»irt that Beachey baa made so much money this season he Is going to quit In December. But Beachey is not going to quit not this year At the end of NEXT YE.VK maylie, but not this.

DO YOU IMAGINE THAT BEACHEY FLIES FOR MONEY ALONE! No money gras ping charlatan could do one-tenth the things Beachey. THE M.kN. does. Beachey flies Iw.aUM- It la In him. He lo»e» to oultly tlie binis. Hold itoes wt i>roniiit him to liegin where bis imitators leave off. That Is the reason Beachey will always be found away out ill front, setting the i>ace. That Is why he will iday as big a joke on the bipixsirome boya next year as he idayed on them this year. Do not forget that. If the other aviators eier get within hailing distance of Beachey be will pnibably begin flying "Inside Uut.”

FOR TEARS AUTOMOBILE RACING DAY at the Minnesota State Fair was the re cord-bre.sker for attendance. Nothing was needed in the past to help the aut«mohiles draw the crowd But tliat was BEF*>BK Beachey showed Mlnnea|sdl« St. Paul that his game has forgeil ahead of the fast autos. BUT THIS YE.\R .\T .MINNESOT.A JSE.VCHEY H.\S BEEN EN«:.\<JED for .kiitoiioitdle Day. Can you imagine how the score would lis'k if each pers..ii in the huge crowd could only vote for their choice of Beachey or the automobile s|',s',I kings? .\nd just to inje, t a little sis-rtlng hlo<>l into the day Beachey has another of those |iesky tbousanU-dolIar bills ready to wager that he can defeat any automobile iu Mlnuesota around the one mile circular track. (Isn't that birl fellow getting chesty?)

NOW HERE S JUST A WORD FOR two or three seiTetarles of Big Stale Fairs who thought we were kidding when we named them Beachey’s <ine. guaranteed price, and then found out their after aic-thcr big fair had grabtie,! up Be.schey for their dates. M'e feel sorry for you. ami with the exception of one smart fellow, Beachey will lie glad to tigiire with .toll for next year. Be, aus«. It will tie easy to do business with you then. .\ny big fair that tries to substitute another aviator for Beachey, and buncoes its Isitn'Us by rlaliulng be la “Just as tessl” instead of telling the truth, U ats'Ut on par with the fellow who sells skimmed milk for cream.

FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE WHO are laying awake nights flguriag Just h<>w much real money Beachey has played to this year, in the first issue of The Billboard for tbt ni,,nth of l>e<'eiiitier we will |■uhllsb a statement of the re<'ei|its for each Beacbey ai'pearance. Calm yourselves until that time.

REMEMBER: BEACHEY HAS UNDER bii wing the greatest aviators In .Ymerica. Write or wire him for anything in the exbibititin aviation line.


LINCOLN BEACHEY, INC Westminster Buildins L. D. Phone, Randolph 6009

.Arrangements are being perfected for the Arenac County Fair at Standlab, .Micb., Sep¬ tember .16. 17 and 18. Fine attractions in all departments this year are being provided for all who attend. There will be auto, horse and motorcycle races, daylight fireworks, and In¬ creased premiums offered in all departments.

The fair at Greenwood, S. C., will be held one week prior to the South Carolina State Fair. This aasociatioD does not sell concessions or employ amusement companies. It is simply a fair without any shows of an entertaining char¬ acter. The secretary it 8. Brooka Marshall.

Zanesville, 0., is to have a monster Labor Day celebration on September 7, under the auspices of the Trades and Labor Assembly and the Merchants’ Association. The event wlH be held in the Zanesville Driving Park, and Is being managed by Sherlock and Sbiiner.

The annual Northwest Livestock Show at I.ewlston, Id., is strictly a stock show and sale. The As.«ociation does not have any other attrac¬ tions. This year’s show will be held from No¬ vember 30 to December 5.

October 13 and 14 are the dates of the Jack- eon County Fair, at Biina, Texas. The aseocia-

' tion will have races. sirAip flights, auto races, etc., in addition to a general county fair. Sec¬ retary, Dexter Diffie.

.Arrangements have been perfected to hold a farmers’ fall festival in Cumberland. Wls., during the last week in September, and the citixens of that place have subecrlbed |150 to finance tbe event.

The dates of the Greenfield (Mass.) Fair have been changed from September 23-24 to September 30-Oct. 1. Frank Gerrett Is twesl- dent. and J. II. Murphy, secretary, of the fair association.

Canton (Ill.) Is to have a fall festival, horse show and home-coming from Sepli-mber 30- Detober 3. and It will be under the auspices of the Uniform Rank. Knights of Pythias.

An old-time county fair will bo hell In San Benaventura, Cal., September 28. 2ft and 30, with a celebration after the Spanish manner, of San Miguel Day, September 2ft.

Preparation* are being completed for the bolding of the annual Berner (Minn.) Fair, on September 25 and ’26. Liberal premiums will be offer^ for all exhibits.

Biir fair rlrcnit harness racing for lftl4 opened at the Lelianon Coiintv Fair. Ia>banon. I’a.. on August 1ft. fully 10.(Xs> iiersons taking In the first day’s show.

The Ogemaw County Fair will he held at West Branch. Mich.. <i,’tobi*r 6. 7 and S G,"si races are anticipated the last two days of the fair with *Ti»» In purses.

The Great C,«'k County Pnlr. under the ana- pices of the Chicag.i (Hi.) Driving Club, will be held from 0,-tober 7 to 10. Magnus Flaw* will act as secretary.

H. Clay Cox. secretary of the .Anderson and Campbell County F'air Aasoclation, Coal Creek, Tenn., has resigned and haa been succeeiled by W. I.. Wilson.

The IliK-k Fails (Ill.) Corn Carnival will be held fixim September 30 to October 3. L. P. McMillen Is president, an-J J. G. IJmerick, secretary.

tbe latter province only Imlf a crop I* antlci- pateil, and this has interfered with bnsineMi for tbe fair* to a cucatderable degree. Addeil to tbit the outbreak of war haa made a bad altua- tlon much worse. #BEAR CHARMS. —Beware of

cheap ImltaUona. Our Cbanns are not made of tin. Made o( brass, gilded and tilrered. (Don’t he de- celTrsl for toe.) Oor price la t7.20 par great; $4.00 half Kass. No^^arma sent C. O. U. without

BASE BALL KIDS.—WHEEL¬ MEN. NOTICE! Here U a hum¬ mer. Put this on your .stand and you will get the play. Tbeaa Kldt drrased in very flashy oolora. with feit tnltlala of the different leagues pasted on breast (not pinned). The flash that tbe BaaetMll Klda make on the rack can only be reen

a, I J getting a sample doaen or to. 'Sirs and CVleoratlons are now on. Don't be a dead one, watch- Ina the other fellosv make the coin; jump In with cur dolls ai'd you will have them beaten from the Mart, This cut shows you

our dolls look.'but remember, this picture Is only two Inches. wbUe the real atUcle measures S2 Inches over alL Now for price*: »ittr* Grade 31-ln. Base BaU Kid. $13.50 par dare* Carnival Sperial 3S-tn. Rase BaU Kid. 12.00 per dona *6-ln. Base Ball Kid, same colon as above. 10.50 per dwen

We also have the following: Large Snonkey-Dokum, $12.00 per d**.; ^lor and ^dler Boys. $12.00 per dar.; 24-lnch Teddy Bean, btg and fat, $12.00 per dox.; Poodle IXigs, size 11x12. $3.75 per dM., or $36.00 per press.

I^en! If you want PUlow Oern, felt or leather, from 25c each ^d up. wo bate them. Abo Bailges. Confetti. Canes. BailToiis.

Hat«. tYimic Felt Hats, Jap Paraxols, Serperttne*. Hotvix. Whips, Pennants of eTery description <500 cilf- ferevit styles carrieil In stuck), bend for cur big Illustrated Catalogue, which will be sent you free. Write your name and adilree* plainly arlih Ink. Dne-thlrtl deposit required on all C. O. I), orders. .Vo good.s sent C. O. P.

^ JM/ Fm without deposit. Buy from a big bouse If I fdu want prompt shlpmuita and the rigid

27 E. 4th Street,




r^Eiif**a«rwriMa! “I h*T« lurnod from m mill town 'ilUnn'

•nd In • bonr* mmlo MS M." With n



SMithtm Mtn, Hart It V*«r OtNoltuRlty, Here It the Klmtent SelUris Artlclel Here U the Ulgceet Monry-Maklitg Artlcl'l



M the blcceM teller erer published far AceoU. Owicnaleiislres. High Pitch Men. Mhil Order and Premium Purpotes. Brenbodr la intereatedl B»rr> body bujrt It I Agents eterysrhere can make big m«jr) with this book. The world Is at freer heat! Strike while the Iron la hot. Bttall price, 5flc. Wholaale prlcea: Sample Oopr, 25c; Uonen (toples, 11.50; IttO Ooplea. $7.50: 500 Coplm. S3"'*0; l.iKto Copies. $50.00. Circulars and pott¬ ers funilshed. Send 25c for sample copy and full panicjars.

MAIL DEALERS WHOLESALE HOUSE 531 S. Daarbora St.. Ckleaffo, III.

George Aitkin would like to bear from W. Hamilton.

Ben, hilt then he'd like to bear from you, yunno.

Patsy Bollver wants to bear from Pred Gaston, rare The Billtroard.

Slim Hunter, the good old timer, has a ro|. lection of old time readers which are ciirlosltlea. atui which he has loaned u«. Of one, arbirb was iMiied In Orange f.onnty, Texas, If-OI. he Bays: "The license or occupation tag receipt In qiiea- tion la the aanie form aa Issued at the present time In the State of Testa. At that time we were under the eierenlh class clause. Kirsf

class, were merchants who did a hiialneaa of a million or less. The law did not mention iiKire. because when these statutes were enacted Mie go<Kl |Ms,ple of Texas did not think there was more money than that In the whole world S<p without question pitchmen t<sik out the elerenth class, «ir under S'.’.miO a year tax. These were always lssu<-d quarterly, or for three months "


Poe Grant—Joe Whalen says: "Stay away from Wichita, Kan.”

W. n. Kerr wants to know what made Harry Ford jump to Alaska. \ broad or a gold mine, Harry? STILL GETTING MONEY, RAIN OR SHINE.

ThL( iKWelty sliotUIng gun (new 1915 model), for cigarette atid catidy RlnsHltig gwllerles, la a great ■mud -getter at Fain and Camlrals. For partloulan writs

AL. BLUMENTHAL, 60 Lagaa Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Oh where, oh where, ia Peggy Hope and his Ford car?

Kerr Is picking things up In the tobacco loiith Carolina, and getting along nicely.



PVw Special Sales. Premiums, Peddlen and Carnl- eal Followers. Gross up. 1103 3(1 Avanue, Saattia, Wash.

Johnny Grant and bis wife were seen In lAke Charles, l.a. Jtibnny Is sure a bard worker. K. W. Itrske would like to hear from Jsek

Fahey, Jack Jaekson, Fred Tlionipson stid Howard Rtiafer Write him at Gen. I>el . I»es Moines. Is What's the news, fellers? Hllp its t word.

Frank Browne says: "The plr>et are line; keep igi the gtssl Work." Patsev wants Fred tiaston to write him, care The Billhoard.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.


ORGAMZ.ATION FLND. Prerlttusly ackuowledgetl Frank Straua . Charles Gow .

R. W. Lamb .

Tutal reeehetl to date .$337 Come on. you fellowa; pasa In the ahekela!

Gel bus) ntwl ps.e tlie way for a future of fewer ohstjcles and more harmony. It'a up to you. Send .rour hit to tlie treasurer of The Blll- Isiatd Pubii'aliiug Company, Cincinnati. O. l>o it now:

A FEW PLAIN WORBS. An actire effort ia being made to discredit

The Billboard among pitchmen by parties who are circulating r«fH>rts to the effect that we are knocking the medicine game.

There is Just enough truth in these tales to make them go with the indifferent and uu- tbiuking.

We do bar a good deal of patent medicine ad- Tertising.

We bar it because we want to be on the square with our readera.

There is no patented heart cure, no patented kidney cure, uu patcuied consumption cure aud Do patented cancer cure that is worth a daiiiu.

We dou't akin our readers ouraelrea, and we don't allow advertiaers to skin them, either.

We are trying to make our advertlMng columna aa cleau and reliable aa our reading cnliimus. We want them to be dependable, honest and truthful.

WE BO NOT BAH AIX PATENTEB .MEBI- CINES. We sec uo reason why simplct should not be adrertised. To Red Raven Splits. !9l>rudel. Pluto aud Hawthorne waters, all laxatives for which extravagant curative claims arc not made, and certain lotions, salves and

Boc Morris, with Now Life, and Smittle, with soap, were seen in New England recently. Let's hear from you, boys.

Cue enemy gives a man more advertising than thirty-three friends.—(Call of the Moose).

Charley Gow aaya he la busy pounding the P. I*. \. Into the hoys' hesds. Charley has Just come back from a trip Into Canada, and was working Crystal Beach, but the weather Is get¬ ting bad, aud Charley ia moving to better campiug grounds. Everytblug good, says Charley,

Shasta Dick: Bickey, okl pal, ab<M)t your dough for the orgauixatlou. It'a coming along great. Get In with the big boy*.

I-auce and .\lread are strong for the organixa- tiou. and re|H>rt things comlug rough In their locality. Come on, boys, shoot your dough for the orgsuiaatluD.

Jake Blacker the well known member of the Kiiigbtf Itinerant, is now- with The Mobile Item, M>»bile, Ala. There Jake Is making a big bit. He's sales inauager on Hist sheet, and is a prixe package. Get them to send you a copy of that pai>er with Jake's mug s|>lattere<t on It with a two-columu pst-'eiu-on the shoulder. Jake's some kid. believe me. I,et's bear from you, Jake.

H. M. Tbomps<m la for the organliatlon. first, last and all the time, aisl shins in with a draw ing for liiittoiis. consisting of the Icttera: "P. I‘. A." distributed around the legs of a triissl. He adds wtien the buttons have tn-cn given to all those kickin' in with their Initiation fee, then call a (sinventinn at some tiiue. and do things. "A few wt-eka ago some one suggested

Can You Stand Prosperity

Frhtrial rtCPAIO


WHEN shall we eleven MEET AGAIN?

BULL DOG, with PMa aad Hal, Dsx.. 45c; Grass . $5-60

large green-eyed bull dog. Dams, 80s; Crass .-. 6.00

LARGE SNAKE CAMERA. Dana tOe; Crass.. 0.00 ROUND WHISTLING BALLOONS. Grata. . .11.50. $1.25. $.25

LONG WHISTLING BALLOONS. Grata $1.50. 2.75 AIR BALLOONS. Grata .$2.25. $.00 GAS BALLOONS. Grata . $.50 TWO-COLOR BALLOONS. Grata. 4.00 RED. white and BLUE PARASOLS. 22-la.

Sorvad. Gross . 11.00 U. S. A. PENNANTS. 15x36 laekss. Osr 100.. 0.00 HAT BANDS. 166 la a kutdia, asaaHtd, all asw

saylats, par 160.15 JAP CROOK CANES, par 100.00 WHIPS. Grata .tt.2$. $4.00. $4.50. 4.75 CONFETTI OUSTERS, par IM.OOe, $1.25 1.40 TEDDY BEARS, 24-la.. Del.. $11.; 26-la.... 12.06 TEDDY DOLLS. 24-Ir., Dpi. 13.66 SNOOKUM DOLLS, larpa slta. Oai. 16.36

SEND TODAY FOR MT 1014 CATAUXICK and ace all tba live Itema I have for you.


$50 Watt Madlsoa Strati. CHICAGO.

Here It the bimefa that was In evidence at the Toronto, Canada, Expoaltlnn, August ITth to Septeenber 12th. 1013. Back row, ttandlng; "Butrii" loher, James Kelley, "Muu' Gordon and "Kid" Andemon. Middle row: Johnny Shaud, Ja<k Wttllama, Men Rods and BUly Ahearn. FYunt row, allUiif: (JharUa Tarr, "Kid" Owens and Dick Bauman.

# { Is, <

We are lieadquarters for the original 7 in 1 books, and show here three new styles. VVe give you better values for the money than any other manufacturer. Send for samples and be con¬ vinced.

THE WEST SIDE NOVEITY CO. 127? Blue Islend lie., CliMgo, ill.

Mkuufacturera of LcAtherSpecialtieo.

Write for our r.ataloi;ue of other bill books

DEMONSTRATORS Buy From The Manufacturer

No. 715—$18.00 per grots No. 716— 21.00 per grots No. 717— 24.00 per grots W e will oend these three aamplea for 75e.

dontrifleea of proven worth, our columna are open.

We will also accept advertisements from patent medicine maunfacturers who offer rem¬ edies wholesale to pitchmen and medicine show¬ men. and ia these ada they can offer any aad all kinds of remediss, provided they withhold curative claims, for such ads do not deceive our readers.

That la our position. If you now think we are prejudiced or bigoted, we are content.

It Is oor way of playing fair with our readera, and we are going to stick to It.

We ohall continue to advise all of our readers, esfieclally pitchmen and medicine showmen, to see a flrat-claaa physician—preferably a special¬ ist—the moment they feel that there la anything seriously the matter with them. It ia the only sensible thing to do.—WATCHE.

Towns for the sheet boys to keep away from; Grenwood. Miss.; Greenville. Miss.; Shelby, Miss.; Gunnison, Miss.; Waterwell. Miss.; Vickstiurg. Miss.; Rosedale, Miaa.; Cleveland. Miss.; Hollow Springt, Mlaa.

a different name, saying it would sound better to the people. But I don't believe tbit this organlxitlon was started with the object In view of commercialising it to our customera, but to protect ouroelves so that we might be able to bold soeecb with our customera; so why not P. P. A.?"

Tim .Murphy It again in the mldit of—where's that now—D^atur. Ala.; an.vway. he's around there. He never stays long enough In one plane to be In the middle of It. At any rate, be likes the pay-days d->wn that direction, and Dame Rtsquer or Rumor has it that be ia an nexliig B. R.’a and alch.

Jlpeaking of Tim Murphy reminds us that Ttm la tiguring on entering vaudeville. Yep. figuring on entering; didn't say bow long he'd stay, though. He's gonna enter with a big act. He's passing out the packages in the meanwhile.

Mose Weber Is getting dry. slid says; “Tell Ren pushing It's a long time 'atween drinks * Judging from that, Alabama must lie dry. How • bniit It \l<.^ .In't ...xtl. kl.-kln,r


nia out aboso roduord Mat at our lataat 0«n- alna 11 Ja«- ol Ruby. Bow- land W a t e b. fitted to an Electro O o I d- natod O p a n- raca or Bunt¬ ing Ciasa. 0om- plcta. $2.7$; or In a Ooid-AUpd Case, stamped 30 years, open face. Itks mu. $S.5t. O r d a r a a m p I a today. Bant (MMio ro- nortpt at pries, and 15 amta for poBtaga. Otb« Siam Wind Watohas 56t and up. Clgarriie C a a a a. $3.56

par Datap. Wa art baadquarten for Watobaa. Dta- otonda. Jewelfy, SUvrrware, Chxka, Cut Olaaa. Poi-krt Knlroa, Raaon. AuoUonaan' and Strattmsn'a Suppllea IMfriu tor our Catalog and Punch Board and FTO- •lum Bugtrotlona today. It's fras.


166-366 W. Madlapg ttroat,_CNICA80. ILL.


BarpaatlM Pspse Nats, Nstsa Maiisri, PaaBy BtMa NsIIpim, ■ta. Mroat Caavamara' •aada.


BAB BALLOONB: $3 66. $3.16 $4.66 Brass. ^ ^ ^

WHIBTLINB BALLOONB: Nr Brass. $$.16. $1,66 t# $$.66 Brass. .

lEODT lEBi "

t«ll DOLL IIIIEt S’.rjT.'iVXI'ft"

Par Brass. $1.16.


Na. I—Gat, 6ai..13.66 Na. 4—Ilal2. 4sr.. 4.2$ Ms 48.RM

Wa ara tba oldeol Rtrretnten'a flupply Houaa in tba J. B., and havr tbousands of satisfied cuatoanTi.

COE. YONOE MERCANTILE CO.. 907 Lucas Auaaua, Bl. Lsals, Ma

MANUFACTURER6! WHOLESALERS! Mall me your (Wtabw* *4 HlreHmeti's Gi.hIs. miierl.lty Ibillerv and l.e<alher. ' Sevfsi-ln <kie BUI Ibdils" T R GRKKNT.FLt. Hotel Warfield. Nurlh Yakima, Wash

Kora Kara Wurkrra. Attaotloa Ixir Moll says "II (els the nuairs " H.iid fiV psr tieulars linwiest iveaihHi .Mil tills yesr AMI HI- I'AV I'APIKR Mti'MK WiiKKA. Mllsaiikee. Wls Also uiaiiiifaceiire OaifetU

Medicine Showmen, Agents, Paimists and Nustiers

Yor ARE Loaixo SOME NICK KASY MONEY If you fall to work our Htgh- graJ* fa.tX'TRIC BELTS. AJ’PLIANCES and BODY BATTERIES on the aide or In your olttoe. -Aim a nice aide line for prrfonnera, maklnc one to alx-day alands, 500 to 1.0<K> Pit cent profit. Send 15c for lample Belt and Lecture oa Electricity, Uet net prior Uat nn the beat Une out. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. due. 1891). Buritaftea, Kaatat.

Good Music MEANS Good Business Write for our Mf list ct real teatlmontal letters from proprietors of larae Roller Rinks, line Oarousela. Merry-Go-Rounds, etc. Ask for our cata’i<cu« of late ImproTed

ENDLESS PAPER PLAYED DANDS -AU 1^ the late popular, snappy muido ready for quick ihlpment. Send your worn out Draaiis to us for expert repairs. Estimates furnished ppmplly. I“rlces right.

Nortli Tonawanda Musical lastruieiit Works, NO. TONAWANDA, N. V., U. S. A.

PARISIAN IVORY BRACELETS THE Ninv novelty »>>R ivory kings and SOl'VKMR MEN. What do you think of TarUian Dory Biaiwlrts, Inlaid wth brllUant aonea. In red. white, m-en. amber, shell, black and pearl. In ladles' and chll- drnt's staiwf Sell for I5c, 25c and up. Just the thing for Fairs, Oamlrals and Winter Resorts. Seasliore men now reaping a harrest. Sells }12.i>0 per gniss upwant: sampiee, 25c; none free.

B. L. MICHAEL. 20 East l2Stk Strsat. New York City.


Jimmy Flyuo says that Charlie Eicbman is a real pitchman aial a real fellow. Charlie la now in Frisco for the fair, paaain,; out the white stuues.

Roy Phillips says that Darlinitton, Mo., is a flue place for the boys to stay away from. 1 et’s hear from you often, Roy. ^

B. A. Daniel, the eutertaininK entertainer, says: "On with the movement.” He likes the pipes, and admits it. Wonder how' many of the t><.>ya are nilling to say that.

The boys are getting some in .Albany, N. Y.

The Mayor of Bradford, pa., la a friend of the boys, and always willing to give them as¬ sistance.

Williamsport. Pa., Is open on your own manu¬ facture. Twenty-ttve seeds for any other act.

Dr. Harry Smith is doing nicely in Albany wil'a bis tooth powder.

Stay away from Reading, Pa., and Mt. Jewet. Pa.

The Sbearn Brothers are still holding down a d<>orway in PUiladeIpbia.

.Al. Ross is gome flxer.

Charlie Gameiser, Ylddle, is working in Penn¬ sylvania, and rei>orts everything O. K. G-sxJ luck, Charlie.

H. .A. Reid would like to hear from Harry Ford. Kid Bass and W. R. Kerr. -Address him at Alb W. Jones street. Savannah, Ga.

J. F. Nicholson, working the sheet, dropped In to say howdie. recently, from Canada, and reports business goxl. He would like to hear from Louie Ch.sse, Scotty Castle and Harry Ford, care The Billboard.

Fred Bloor has taken an Interest In Harry Higgins’ agency. In Columbus, O., and wants to bear from his friends.

Jack Leydon has a flash.v country store and doll wheel concession at St. Joset»h, Mo., and says that it has been getting him a little more kale than he got with the tripes, and. In¬ cidentally. has given him a much-needed rest. Jack is coming tack again, and be says Hist he and all the boys up bis way are strong for the P. P. A. “It’s the only way we will ever get any respect and protection from those who now are making life miserable for us In almost every town in the Vnited States.” Now is the time. Jack, to give It support. Let’s hear fnun you.

William Clark has traced the origin of the pitchman to the time of Christ’s youth and rtie dawn of the new testament. Perhaps our profession dates back further. Who can give us a line on this subject. Anything relating to the origin of the pitchman will be published. Shoot the letters.

The Houston brothers, Rob and Hal, are find¬ ing things pretty fair down in South Carolina with the sheet. They would like to hear from all their friends, care The Blllboird. Good luck. boys. Lemme bear from you occasionally.

Ed. Castollo—Your letter in defense of the Jam-w<7rker ts go<5d, but too violept. I will be glad to publish anything you write that is not laden with sarcasm and open abuse. Come on. Ed., and give us the (Kipc.

This information regarding readers is furnished by pitchmen and is printed for what it is worth. In no sense is it tc be considered the voice of The Bill¬ board.

St. Peter, 5IInn.. 5. Stillwater, Minn., $10. Hutchinson. Minn., $10. St. Cloud, Minn., Jlnnrd. Hibbing. Mo., $10. Fergus Falls, Minn. Anoka, Minn., $5. Ely. Minn. Barbertown, O., $2. Biz. Ashland, O.. $3 5. Utica, 0.. biz. Sat. Port Huron. Mich. $r>: fair; two miles by

ferry Port Huron lo Sarnia. Sarnia. Ont., oil town; $10. Good Saturd ly

only, market. Wyoming. Ont, 17 miles from S.arnla; 12;

fair. Petrolia, Ont.. oil town; six miles from Wr-

oming; $r>; fair. Watford, Ont., 16 miles from Petrolia: $2;

fair. Strathroy, Ont.. 16 miles from Watford: $2;

fair. London. Ont.. 20 mile.s from Strathroy; no

license; market; fair. Woixlstook. Ont., 22 miles from London; $5;

market goixl. Paris. Out.. 30 miles from Woodstock; $2;

good. Itranfforil, Ont.. no license. Hamilton. Out. 30 miles from Brantford;

market only; $3; g<xxl. Guelph. Out., ’Jo miles from Hamilton; $2;

G.hxI. Galt Out.. ’JO inlles from Ginlph; $.«. Berlin, Out.. l.-> miles from Galt; license $2

to $.'«; gtH),!.

litre U tnoOier mis of the b<»« who hat for- <ake«i the n«.l ir,w a while, at least). Me la «Hi r t'aimttsil, iuvetitor tf the famoua ”A’an-

«■- lie f.wm, ami foumler of the Yankee Novelty vtmiwiiv. fauiiMsil kept clear of the Jam bual- "mT "hell mi the mad. anti he U aiH>blnf the

• nie nirthiula tti hU (irrseiit iMisInrss as he did "hen a Knifht of the Torch ”


(ias'tliue Bill Baker, The Billboard:

Now that you got things started for a •trei-tuieu's orgauliatlon, it is up to all mem- Iters of the fraternity to mak« good. Ever) ulreetmiii, every aheetmaii, every medicine man, high pitcb man and low pitch man w|jt> is Interested in this matter should send in bis little dollar to The Blllhtiard WITHOUT DE¬ LAY. 1 believe tbe amount’of $’J..’tOu will le realized In a very abort time if they will do this, auti surely any member of the fraternity still is uut sick or down ami out, can apare a d'tllar witlniut hurting himself. Also we must nt‘t forget that there la In ezisteuce today a large number of pMaiieroua JoMiert t whose names It would Dot be proper to mention beret who derive all their business and owe their |ipit.|ierily to tbe untiring efforts of many hust¬ ling but downtrodden traveling street men. If the.v. In the uiirry and bustle of busliiesa, are bit'kwaril In sending in tbeir donation to The KilllHiaril. it Is up to the street man to Jog tbeir memory a little. Bo when you send in a little order to your Jobber next time, Mr. Streeinian, Just mention casually that you are lnterc«ted In this matter of organiiation anti that yuu uiiuld like to see hla name down as a roiilr; next week’s Blllltoard.

Don’t forget that when you do tills you are digiig the one thing that lie- In your Jiower to repay In some measure th<‘ effort* of Toe Bill- hosril in your lebalf. By letting him know that you are a muistsnt reader of The BIUbt>ard. y tu are showing him tbe great raliie of that piper as an a'lvertising medium. The Billbt>srd still also tissollne Bill Baker (whom I have never had the pleasure of meeting, but hope to meet tome day), certainly deserve the thanks of every traveling atreetman in the country, for surely no ottier puhlicatlon ever devoteil to much valuable space, not to mention the time and Ist-T of It* emidoyee*. to a csuiw of this kind.

Tell John Beacon that it makes a great deal of differeoi'e what the borne talent thinks, and It It absurd for him to say that the natives » iild be iliinihfoiiiided to hear ’’Novelty latpi- diicers .A>«H-|*itiiii ,if .Auierlra.” It 1* the cau-e 1 am striving for. and It makes no dif¬ ference If they cill the asaociatlon tbe P. I’. A. iw (' (j D. I am strong for it.

Why don't you suggest to the boys ttiit they send in suggestions for new' names qr else sig¬ nify their atippival or dlsapppival of nsroes ilresily metitioneiL Mtke tt necessary for i msn lo send In a little contribution in order to sxpre-a hia opinion or vote—otherwise there will be a hunch of hangers-on who will belly- aeke ap'nnd and have a lot to say until It comes to tbe time to put tbeir hands down In their ;sieket. and then they will turn a pea gp-en and best It for-the woods.

Sincerely yours, I.ARRY BERNSTEIN.

Dh. ye*, and Mose Weber Is still down there In liecatur, Ala., telling everything, and you must take our word for It be la telling tbe p'sl stuff. Tbose shoes he tent u* won't wear out: that’* atralght d<>|>e. Ylowe ts some kid and be it ttP>ng for the organiiation and The Billboard. ’’Some advertising medium,” sayi Mote.


COME TO US Even though the war has made It dUflcult for many wholesalers

to tuHily their customers, our patrons need not worry because we will lak* care (< them. Send your orders for Imported goods to us, be- riuse If It 1* to be bad we either have It or will get It for you. and will flu all orders as heretofore at a slight adrancs above mirmal pricM. iKimrstlc goods at catalogue prices. Imported goods are scarce—we admit it—but we are fortunate In knowing where we can put our ha'iKls on all kinds, and we have the advantage of being In New York, where we are In a position to draw from all sources at only a slight a<lTtnce. Our staff of buyers are buv from morning until nlglit, and we will take care of you men, even though we bgve to go out and buy gmslt on the local market.

Ifltchmen, Dtsnanatrators, Carnival Workers, Hoop-La People, etc., will find Blnger Bros, a place after their own hearts. We are always eager to serve you to the best of our ability, and urga you to send In your orders without delay. Prompt shipments, as usuaL


CANES CANES CANES SPECIAL FAIR ASSORTMUVT OF 2«0 CANES, WITH LARGE HEADS, $7.00. Your Cane Board will look flashy with our Cane*. Send for new catalogue.

S. SCHOEN SON, 50 hn StrNi, Niw York City.

“No-Kollect Paddle” Patratod Jun« SOthy ltl4. U. a Patent No. LIOS.OSI.

Hi* ortslnal and onlj PATEINTED SERIAL PADDLE tn the markeC All other iMper paddlea using a sertal number or **kcr*' aoj deacfipUm are direct infrlngefnenu on our patent, and we will riforouslj prosecute MMh Infringers In eourt. We loliclt the patronage of Jobbers and Usera. and warn them accordingly against tnfrlDfert. Our price* are tewsonable and we will guarantee l&rst-claas workmanship and lerrlce. Our rora-WAT wheel U making a hit. The Whe^ muat be teen to be appredaied. Four wheels In one—48. tg. M, IM. Priee. tZS.M. Send for cwUlog.



wl/ t5.00 per set. Carda $1.00 per deck. Hlgh-cltss work only. Ttlr ground and ngtcul fooikL

An aid agtahllMiad firm entartng to UM mart araliiMTs •*( st th« Mwrtlng fts. MfBlO. Cgtologu. rrr*.

HUNT & CO.. Ill li. Fifth In., CNICAIO. lU. OipL I


STA-RRS POWDERED ENAMEL <■ , In quaiiUtlro, $o A pm'kage, marked to irll a' 25c. Krongally prrpared tor repairing chipped and rusty tpoU oo granllewarc. bathtubs, c^tweta. etc., without heat, soldering-iron, or tools. Thus doing away with (.■•« nrvd of artUlclal heal, ai-ttl*. hammert. rivets, b.owpipeu and the like. So easy; just mix with soft water as wanted, and Trur Anger or knife-blade all the tools required. Will not harden in the box. If kept dry but sdl hanlen over night after mixing and expiwed to lbs air. The liaiger it stands the htnler It will get. Will sUg) leaks and crack* in metals of a.I kinds, cooking utensil*, water atid beating pipes railiators l«. .. rs. **u. milk caut, water Unks. sinks, metal and slate ruonng. eavespouti, etc. Sare* many dollars’ plumbing and Unnert’ bill*. Just what all have been waiting for. Fireproof. Waterproof.’ SaiUtaxy ’ Antl- apilc. It’* the nesreat and best tel.lng household nw-esslty no* on the market. Brown, of Kansas, aells 60 on the comer in 30 minutes, all he had, and wind for mote. Did maid music teacher, of Michigan sells 72 packages. Iwuie to house, flrat day In tbe game. Kelly, irf Indiana, llrA day work* ten bl<*-ks and only misaea sales In eight howwa. Sixty-year-old man in I'ennaylvania sends in three nice orders in ten daya A cTi-w loanager, as a try-out, dlaposew of 5<)b packages first day. A carnival worker and fairground pitchman both cleaned up first day. Marne plichmen using as a throw-ln or clincher for a Cbmblikation LoL Several sireeimen laklrt it up exolualveiy. Jual what the fanner wanted. You can carry l.Obt; par-kages In your grip, enough for one day’s pitch at ths fair, small demonstrating space. No extra exprt.s* or drayaga charges 1 wnasislrator* at departioenl and teii-oMil Mores geUliig the lisig gren.. lirdera sldptsd same day received. We are tbe Inventors and sole manufacturers and can help you to win. Gaji be sold at every Fair¬ ground. t’arulval. Wore. House, Dflloe, rtetorj, Mliup. Garage, etc. A money-back guarantee goes with every sals We allow or prepay Barcel Bust or Ibipress charges. Wtil you be the first to take it up In your townf Then mall u* ten rvmu U. M. or Oiusda iMamps and we alii nudl you a full-tlaed lample, with full partlcmlara lo agents. Now la the time to get biiay and get some of tlio e*.sy money. Delay meaiu dla- atipointment TlH>AY. NI>W. WRITB.


40 Xtie Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

LIST OF 1914 FAIRS The Data Contained in This List Gives All the Dates of This

Season’s Fairs Which Had Been Set Up to the Time of Going to Press—Additions Will Be Made Each Week Hereafter


Alb«TtTlIi«—.Mirsball Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 1317. C. J. Walker, aec;.

Aleiander Cltj—Eaat Alabama Fair Aaan. Oct. 1317. A. P. ru4juay, aecy.

Atbent—Llmeatone Co. Neitro Fair AasoclatloD. Oct. 1517. K. L. McWllllama. aecy.

Bay Uinette—Baldwin Co. Fair Aaan. OcL 27- 30. Ort H. Ertainger, a< cy.

Blrmingbam—Aiabama State Fair and Exhi¬ bition Aaan. S>'pt. 28 Oct. 10. 8. U. Fowlkea, aecy.

CarboD Hill—Carbon Hill Fair, auapicea Oom- m. rclal Club. Sept. 21 26. F. R. Boae. aecy.

Center—Cherokee Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. 20-23. I>r. 8. C. Tatum, prea.

Cenlerrllle—Bibb Co. Fair. Oct. 5-10. Clanton—Chilton Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 27-31. J.

N. Dennia. a<‘cy. Cullman—Cullman Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 16 IS.

John Kebiterg. aecy., Vlnemunt, aw. Dothan—Soutbeaat Alt. Fair Aaan. Oct. 26 31.

F. Tbomaa, aecy.-mgr. Fort Payne—IleKalb Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 7-10.

C 11. McCartney, i<cy. Ollberpiwn-Cboctaw Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. 12-16.

Dr. J. L. Cranberry, aecy. Oreenaboro—Hale Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 18-16.

F. H. Lavender, aecy. Gunteravllli—Ciiiiterarllle Agrl. and Induat.

Fair Aaan. Sept. 20 Oct. 2. John A. Luak. Jr.. a*cy.

Haleyvllle—Wlnaton Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 8-10. Cheater Tubb. aecy.

Bartaelia—Morgan Oo. Fair. Sept. 16-10. Cljdc Sbaipe. aecy.

Jaapor—Walker Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 12 17. J H. Crilg. aecy.

Marbin—Perry Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. 6 9. E. I. W.Kidlln, aecy.

Moiiterallo—.Shelby Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 5-10, P. J. Kroell. aecy.

M-ntgomery—Alabama State Expo. Oct. 12 17. George T Barnea, aecy.

Oneonta—Blount Co. Fair. Oct. 13-16. L. O. Box. aecy.

Reform—PIckena Co. Fair. Oct. 27-31. J. E Henley, aecy.

Banimm—Wlngraaa Fair Aaan. Oct. 20-21. W N. Morria. aecy.

Bylacauga—Talladega Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 20 24 <1. C. Jonea, aecy.

The Decatura—North Alabama Fair. Sept. 21 26. J. H. Stone, aecy.. New IK-catur. Ala

Tbomaavllle—Clarke Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 20-24, Jeaae V. Boylea. aecy.

Troy—Pike Co. Fair Aaan. Not. 2-7. If. C Folmar, aecy.

Toacumbla—Colbert Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 7-10 John F. Funke, aecy.

Tuaralo-jaa—Weat Alabama Fair Aaan. Bept 21-23. T. L. Powell, reey.

Tuakegee—Macon Co. AgrI. Fair. Nov. 8-6. George T. Hill. aecy.


Phoenix—Arlaooa State Fair. Not. 9-14. C. b. Wood. aecy.

Preacott—Preacott Chamber of Commerce. Oct. 15-17. Malcolm A. Fraser, secy.

Tucson—Southern Aria. Fair Aaan. Jan. 14- 17. John F. Myers, aecy., 115 8. Stone Are.

Willcox—Southern Arlaona Agrl. Fair Amu. Oct. 29-31. John C. Oungl, aecy.

. ABKANSAB. BentoDTllle—Benton Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 5-7.

Alfred P. Smartt, aecy. Berryrllle—North Arkanaaa Fair Aaan. Sept.

9 12. A. C. Halley, aecy. Bigelow—Perry Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 28 31. Dr.

W’. Blackwell, aocy. Buford—Baxter Co. Fair. First week In October

<^>o^ dajal. H. I,. Steiner, aecy. Camden—Ouachita Valley Fair. Oct. 12-17. L.

B. Stone, aecy. Oonway—Faulkner Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. B-10. J.

A. King, Bscy.-mgr. Danville—Tell Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 7 9. W. C.

Vlckry. aecy, Fayetteville—Washington Oo. Fair Aaan. Sent.

29-Oct. 2. Allen Flowtra. secy. Ft. Smith-Ark.-Ok. Fair Asm. Oct. 3-10. John

Andrews, aecy. Greenwood—Greenwood Diet. Agrl. Show Aaan.

Oct. 6 9. George W. Johnson, aecy. HsrHann—Bonn* Co. F«te As«n Oct. 6 9. Helena—Helena Dlst. Fair Assn. Sept 21-26

James A. Ward. aecy.. care Board of l^ade. Hope—Hempatead O). Union Fair. Oct. 20-24.

W. A. Tliorp. aecy. Hot Springs—Arkansas Stale Fair Aasn. Not.

16-21. W. W. Watera, secy. Jonesboro—Crilgln ad Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 13-17.

W. S. Thomas, aecy. Lake Village—Chicot Oo. Fair Aaan. OcL 7-6.

Herman Carlton, aecy. Little Bock—Pnlaskl Co. Fair Assn. Not. 10-

12. John C. Small, aecy. Magnolia—Columbia Oo. Fair. Oct. 14-17. W.

R. Cross sec.T.

Hariajns—I.«e Co. Fair Aasn. OcL 6-10. F. T. Sellers, secy.

Ifontlccllo— S.iutbeaat Arkansas Fair. Oct. 13- 16. C. H. Moses, secy.

Moriilton—Morrllton Fair Assn. Oct. 19-24. Jor- dSD Sellers, aecy.

Newport—Jackson Co. Fair Aaan. OcL 14-17. W. T. Parish, aecy.

Orark—Franklin Oo. Fair. Oct. 6-8. J. C. Wakeflebl. aecy.

Parag..nld-45reeue Co. Fair Assn. OcL 6-10. John Kasson. aecy.

Paris—logan Oo. Fair Assn. Oct. O-O. 0. G. Cox. aecy.

Plggott—Olay Co. Pair Assn. BepL 2e-0cL 2. J. B Bcnrlock. aecy.

Besrey—White Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 29 OcL 2. J. H Oeeuer. secy.

Stuttgart—Stuttgart Fair Assn. OcL 26 31. A. W. Harper, secy.

Waldo—Odiimbla Co. & S. W. Fair Aasn. Oct. 26 30. W. 8. Skinner, secy.

CALIFOBNIA. Alturas—Modoc Oo. Fair Assn. Slept. 29 0ct. 1. Blsliop—Fair and Race Meet. Oct. 1-3. W. L.

Rowan, secy. El Centro—Imperial Valley Fair Aaan. Not. lO-

24. a. D. Armstead, a«cy.

Fresno—Fresno Co. Agrl. Aasn. Sept. 29-Oct. 3 J. E. Dlcklnaun, pres.

Hanford—Kings Co. Fair Assn. OcL 6-10. F. E. Newton, secy.

Luo Angeles—bus Angeles Fair. Oct. 12-17. Modesto—Cal. State Dairy Fair. OcL 14-15. Pleasanton—Alameda Co. Fair Assn. Sc pi. 23

26. W. J. Dakin, aecy. Riverside—Riverside Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 13-

17. O. P. Anders. aecT. Sacramento—Callfurnia sute Fair. Sept. 12-19.

J. L McCarthy, secy. San Diego—Panama-Californla Expo. Jan. 1-Dec.

30. 1915. U. J. Penfold, aecy.; B. O. Da via, dir.-gen.

San Francisco—Panama PaclSc Internationa) Ex- pcadtkin. Feb. 20-Dec. 4. 1915. Charles C. Moore, prealdent; Dr. Frederick J. V. 8klff, dlrectur-in-chlef; Capt. Asher Carter Baker, dlrectcir dlv. of Exhibits; Harris U. U. Cun- nlck, director dlv. Works; George Hough Perry, director dlv, of Exploitation; director dlv. Ot.nesoslona and Admissions. Frank Burt.

San Francisco—Uallfomla Apple Show. Oct. 5- 11. Harry Perkins, gen. mgr.. First National Bank Bldg.

Ventura—C"unty Fair, auspices S<‘aaide Driving Aasn. Sept. 29-Oct. I.

Woodland—Yolo Oo. Dial. Fair Aaan. Sept. 7 9. H. 8. Maddox, seej.

No. 2

WAR OR NO WMI War niakpH no differpiice to our cuttoine's, ate they

know they Bill always be taken care of here.

We are inittiiiR on the market our new “fRESCOTT” self filhnp f ountain Ten. Price tll.llO oer Krogs, in¬ cluding bi)X. Samples will lie sent you for ten cents.

BUTTON WORKERS — We have a lar^e stock of “XKl W.\” Huttons: price Ruaranleed.

TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS—Send your order in advance dunnjt fair time if you want to avoid the rush that always occurs at this scastin. Shipments immediate as usual. Send for our I'Jll catalogue.

529 Broadway,

BERK BROS. New York City.


Sept. 9-12.



Cheyenne W'ells—Cheyenne Oo. F«lr. M. P. Trumbor, eeoy.

Oolotado Sprlnga-^entral Colo. Expo., ansplcea Chamber of Ooimnerce. ^pL 29-Oct. 1. A. W. Henderson, aecy. *

Cortex—.Montezuma Co. Fair. 8»-pt. 22-25. W. F. Mowery, awy.

CalUan—El Paeo C<>. Fair Ahko. Sept. 23-26. D. O. M<>l>erly, aecy.

IK-uver—National Western Stock Show. Jan. 13-23, 1915. F. P. Jvbnaon, aecy.-mgr., 1828 Curtis St.

D< nver—Denver Fair and Racing Aaan. Sept 19 26. Rotiert F- Leighton, care Albany Hotel.

Durango—Col.-N. M. Fair Aasn. Oct. b 9. .N. F. Cooke, aecy.

Hayden—Routt Co. Fair. Sept. 9-ii. Hugo—Lincoln Co. Fair. Sept. 16 18. U. L

Foote, aecy. Juleaburg—Sedgwick Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 11-

12. R. J. Dobell, aecy. Kremmling—Grand Co. hair. Oct. 1-3. George

E. Swan. aocy. Liman—Inter-Oounty Fair. Sept. 21-22. W. H.

Blootn, aecy. Uontroae—Western Slope Fair Aasn. Sept. 22-

25. W. O. Redding, prea. Puoblo—Colorado State Fair. Sept. 14-19. J. L.

Beaman, mgr., 220 Centra] Block, Pm bio. Sterling—Logan Co. Fair A Amuse. Park Aaan.

Sept. 16-19. C. B. Timberlake. secy. Sugar City—Ctowley Co. Agrl. Fair Amu. Sept.

8-11. F. E. Blandlmere, aecy.


Berlin—Connecticut State Agrl. Soc. SepL 29 Oct. 2. L. W. Owatkin. aecy.

Brooklyn—Windham Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 24. Jos. B. Stetson, secy.

Cheater—Cheater Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22. F. Spencer, aecy.

Colchester—^Oolcheater Grange Oorporatlon. SepL 24. C. E. Staples, aecy.

Danbury—Danbury Agrl. Soc. Oct. 5-10. O. M. Bundle, secy.

East Haddam—Grange Fair Assn. Bept. 16. G. U. Smith, secy., Moodus, Conn.

Goshen—Goshen A^L Boc. Bept. 7-8. E. H. Johnson, aecy., Arrington, Conn., Star Route.

Granby—Granby Agrl. Soc. BepL 23-24. Chas. Allabouse. aecy.

Onilford—Guilford Agrl. Soc. SepL SO. Robt. DeF. Bristol, secy.

Haddam Neck—Grange Agrl. Aasn. SepL 7. W. B. Lonberg, secy.

Hartford (Charter Oak Park)—Conn. Fair Assn. Opens Labor Day, Sept. 7. O. A. Jones, aecy.

Harwtnton—Agrl. 80c. Get. 0. D. K. Bentley, secy.. Rural Delivery No. 2. Torrlngton, Conn.

Lyme—Grange Fair Aasn. BgpL 23. J. W. Stark, aecy.

Naugatuck—Beacon Valley Fair. OcL 13-14. Edward J. Ahern, secy.

Norfolk—Norfolk Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 10-12. P. W. Johnson, secy.

North StonlngttoD-N. Stonington Orange Fair Aasn. SepL 16-17. E. Frank White, secy.

Norwich—New London Co. AgrL Soc. SepL 7-0. (Tbas. D. Orenman, secy.

Riverton—Union Agrl. Soc. of Barkbamsted and Colebrook. OcL 12. H. P. Darning, Robarta- rllle. Conn.

Rockville—Rockrllla Fair Aaan. Bapt. 22-24. P. R. Leonard, aecy.

Salisoury—Fair Aaan. SepL 7. Malcolm D. Rudd, aecy., Lakerllle, Conn.

Stafford Springs—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 12-14. R. W, Smith, aecy. ,

Suffield—Snffleld Agrl. Soc. OcL 6-8. C. D. Towne, aecy., R. F. D. No. 1.

Tbompsonyllla—Union Agrl. Soc. SepL SO. Wm. J. Ilngbes. secy.

Wolcott—Wolcott Agrl. Soc. OcL 14. W. V. Warner, secy., R. F. D. No. 4.

WssblDgton—Wsahlogton Fair Cotp. Sept. 4. C. B. Hoogb. aecy.

Wo^stock—Woodatock Agrl. Soc. SepL 14-16. L. H. Healey, N, Woodstock, Conn.


Wilmington—Delaware State Fair. SepL 7-11. 8. U. Wilson, Jr., secy.


Gainesville—Alscbiis Co. Fair Aasn. Nov. 17 20. H. H. Wsdsworth. secy.

Live Oak—Suwannee Co. Fair Assn. Not. 10- 14. TIkmi. Z. Atkinson, secy.

Marianna—West Fla. Fair Aaan. Not. 8 7. M. It. Burton, secy.

Ocala—Marlon Co. Fair Assn. Nov. 24 27. Day'.d 8. Williams, aery.

Pensacola—Escambia Oo. Fair Aasn. Oct. 19- 24. N. J. Llllard, aecy. gen. mgr.

(Julncy—Gadsden Co. Fair Aaan. (Vt 20 24 Frank W’. Lloyd, secy.

LEATHER PILUIW T<U*». GKN'flNH HAND PAINTUL not ITlnled. A Isrpe aasort- metit of various dmlgua. li^aud- li.g Indian lit ads. Animslv. •■SKJTl-A4m3 MORN " mod ■ our beauUfully llluffrmte.1 , catskig. absolutely fits o» ciisrxe I

TH1>E PlUdiW TOIH ARK FAR SIPiailoR Ti> ANY Y«r HAVE Ev™ HAD 8am- | pie eeiit perpsld (or

Sl.TS • Rl^MlMBUl —We deal only ^

In the lllalicst Grs,le «if Gomla that can be »»eur»-J. You itsp Uie harvi-at by buylna of us.



ONLY 3-PLY VllNKlJi lT.Nt.Tl B<»AIU>

V »(•

MUTUAL NOVELTY MFG. CO. 557-559 W. Quincy Street, ... CHICAGO, ILL.


CPWEJtdtb and OHIO .. , “ HAUTFsiND. levin BROS.,

YOURS FOR THE ASKING. Our larRp I'alalojjue No. 125, showing complete lines of mercluimliBe for

Streetmen—Carnival People—Knife and Cane Rack Men—Premium Users— Punch Board Men — Pitchmen — Con- cessionists—D emonstrator s—Sheet Writers—Notion Men—Canvassers— Etc.

Our Prices Are Always Right .\n<l we ship your onlera promptly. Large stock of imiortetl nuvpltiea on hand.



OUR KEWPIE PUNCNBOARD A660RTMENTS HAVE MADE A BIS HIT Voiir Cuiteaier Pays lOs a CAsaec sad Ctti a Prlia Evsry Tlws.

Aaa^irWiiet.ta contain a lara*- num**,y of dlfft-reiit alae l‘rla,a, atul a Grand Prlaa for last numb< r |>utii-hr,l on tMwrd This lii.urni that the biiard atll be cleaned up and last numlterm iHinHi*.!. to aln Ih. IMi; Graiiil l*rlar

340.00 40e-H0LC BOARD ASSORTMENT. Ceaialete. wsl PraoatO, |2$.M NM. SOO.OO MO-HOLE BOARD ASSORTMENT, CaatMale. Mat Prapald. ti7.S6 Nat. 8.MAU.MI OR L\K<il.K Si7.K8 IN WF IIAVK AIX HIZRS.

rURTHFR information <M.NT IINI.N R>A|l'»>T OHl>13l TtiDAY. MoNT-Y REJ'r.NDFai IK .NtiT KATIKF'.M'IoHY


erful mnItUttce nf rrfi<eticrft with oftlcr.

244 NEW HIGH STNEET. UnlrM credit has bem teMaMbh*'H


.Mmolut'-lv new. Will hriiig ,vou mon> molK-y ali,V oilier ball game known. .'>inall eK|M tiMv l-autily liiiii- illeil (let i: while ii'r new. I'or par- tieiilata wire or write

BECK &, KEEPERS, 16th 6l Cadar Sts., Artdarson, Ind.

STREET AND FAIR MEN! SPECIAL! 1206 So Paaktoe. af SPEARMINT OUM . til 00 000 ta Paaka.aa (aaa-kalf Caaa) SPEARMINT OUM . . 1.7$ 300 Sa Pa«*a.aa (aaa-lw*ria Caw) tPIARMINT OUM . 3.00

ABBOIJTTTILT NBT, f o. b, H/.-tiwIir, .V Y, im> Iraintxmallon rbarma paid. Ho.d i-aidi with ordw. at wa adll Milp uo raoMpt nf (Wxwll <if Sl.<>« halaiMW r. o. I)

guAUTT or Gi/'M ui>aha.vtkf;d. (Hampla Rof nf 20 I'wkaaw mall#d. p<»ugv paid, nii roelpt nf 25o In alampa 1










k improvea /Auiomaiic A-ris- pette and Pop-corn Ball Machine

One girl can do the work formerly reqnlrinp two men. Makes

Crispettea and Pop corn Balls so superior to all others that

there Isn’t room for comparison. Tour customer tells his friends

—you get your adrertlslng FBEE.

C. M. DELLENBARGER & CO. 623 West Jackson Boulevard




Albany—Southwest Georgia Negro Fair Assn. Oct. 22-Not. 2. 4. U. Morse, secy.. Ill N. Jackson st.

Alpharetta—Milton Cb. Fair Assn. Oct 2» SI. J H. Mansell, secy.. Bout* No. 26. Boswell, Ga.

A usiista—Oa.-Carolina Fair Aasn. Oct. 19-21. Frank K. Beane, aecy., 2U6 Dyer Bldg.

BarnesTtlle—6tn Dial. Agrl. A Mechl. Fair. Oct. 27-21. J. M. Cochran, aecy.

Bremen—Farmera’ Agrl. Show. Oct. 7-10. E. C. Welch, secy.

Carrollton—A. A M. School Fair Assn. Oct. IS- 17. JcAn T. Matthews, secy.

CsrtersTille—Bartow Cb. Fair Assn. Oct. TO¬ SS. B. C. Sloan, secy,

Cilhoun—Gordon Co. Fair. Oct 19 24. H. J. Boff. secy.

Co. Fair. Oct 11-16. M C. Gay. secy.

Commerce—Kuur^'ounty Fair Aasn. Oct. 26-11. Mlia Edna M. Jackson, secy.; U. S. Jackson, gen. mgr.

Outhbert—Ksndolph Oo. Fair Aasn. Oct 21-21. A. S. Perry, secy.

Dalton-W blUSeld Co. Fair. Oct. 12 17. Buell Stark, aecy.

In Oct. 'Mra, M. Lamar, aecy.

O*- Fair Asan. Oct. B1 Jl. W’. H. Vanlandlnchani, se-ry.

Doo«i,,__0„ffee Co. f'alr Aasn. Not. 17-?l. MelTln Tanacr, aecy.

Dublin—TN*elfth Dial Fair Aaan. Nor. 16-21. G. Bartlett, ae<'T.

Elbertoa—Elbert Oo. Fair Aasn. Oct 11-17. Lton—Murray Co. Fair Aasn. Oct 8 10. W.

^'■“•PAri'r. aery. “MTU * SpaMIng CVi. Fair Attn. Not.

in Jl. E. p. Brlilgi a. aery, litbira—Ilablra Fair Aaan. Oct. 20 21 W. W.

" ebb. pri-a. .Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 27-31. T.

H. Thornton, aecy. Jeaup—Wayne Co. Fair Aasn. Oct. 28 SO. B.

D. Purrell, aery. “•^1—^ieorgls State Colored Fair. Nor 18

28, Major R. R Wrlcht, aery.. StTannah. * 3 IS Harry

.■J'"”’*'’**- •^'7- * gen. mgr. ' •'i' -Macon Co. Fair. Oct. 21 22 C.

T. Harden, aery. Reldarllle Tattnall Co. Fair Aaan. Oct 27-30.

I. M. Rbiaten, aery. Flrat Oa Dlat. Fair Aaan. Not,

18 38. J. II. Miller, gen. mgr., 8tateabon>.

Co. Colored Fair Aaan Not. 11 11 Kev. T. J. Union, prea.. B<>i 121.

“ Biillorh Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 20 21. J. R. Miller, aery.

8>uiimerTllle--(DiBtt<a>ga Cb. Fair. Oct. 22-23. * . P. Neal. aery.

TliouiBaTlIle ’nomiaa Oo. Fair. Oct. 38-30. W. 1. McIntyre. ae<-y,

Tle.m».n—MrDiillle Co. Fair Aaan. Nor. 10 13. R. E. L. F.rana, aery.

»I>lnata--Ga Fla. Fair, condiirted hr T.owndet lair Aaan. t>rt. 27 31. J. M. Aahley,

HftlilnKton^Wtlkrii lalnooln Annn. Oot. 20- W-UJ 3- l-«ke Burdette, Iery. mgr.

M.HKtrntT North (D Fair. Oct 6 10. li. w. WiadrulT. aecy. mg'.


Black foot—^ntheastem Idaho Fair. Sept. 16- 19. J. T. Carmth, aecy.

Bolie—Idaho Intermountaio Fair Asan. Sept. ■-8-Oct. 3. Wm. Kroll. aecy.

Caldwell—Canyon Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 20-0ct. 2. J. B. Gowea. secy.

Coeur d’Alene—Kootenai Co. Fair. Oct. 6-10. Joe Petersen, aecy.

Gooding-Trl-Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct 1-A W. T. Stafford, secy., Jerome, IdatMi.

Halley—Blaine Co. FAlr Assn. Sept. 24-26. E. P. Armstrong, aecy.

Idaho Falla—BooneTlIle Co. Fair Aaan. and War Bonnet Round-Cp Aaan. Sept 7-11. O. W. Malmgren, arcy.

Lewiston—I.ewlston Indian Pe um-kln. Sept. 22-Oct. 2. Wm. Bollinger, secy.

(>ewiston—Northwest tire Stock Assn. Show and Sale. Not. SO-Dec. 5. Guy F. Whetsel. aecy.. Rosalia, Wash.

Moscow—latab Co. Fair Assn. Sept 22-26- C. A. Tenwlck. secy.

Oroffno—Clirwatrr Co. Pair. Sept. 21-26. Paris—Bear Lake Co, Fair .\8*n. Sept. 23-35.

W R. Holmes, aecy. Princeton—(Princeton Fair, auspices ImproTe-

ment Club. Sept. 19-11. W C. Wells. aec.T. Sandpidnt—Bonner Oo. Fair Assn. Oct. 1-3. J.

M. Prater, aecy.

lunrois. Albion—Edwards Co. Fair. Sept. 8-11. Ben L.

Mayne. aecy. .\ledo—Mercer Co. Agrl. S(>c. Sept. IS-IS. E.

R. Petrie, secy. Amboy—Lee Oo. Fair Aasn. Sept. 1518. Wm.

L.«'h. aecy. Atwood—Falf Festlral. Sept.. 30-0ct. 2. C.

P. GrcTe. secy. Bellerllle—BelleTlIle Fair Grounds A Park Assn.

Sept. 15 19. Hy. Viehmann Jr., secy. Breese—Breese Fair Assn. Sept. 9-12. A. W.

Grnni. secy. CarllnTllle—Maconpln Co. Fair A -kgrl. .\san.

Sept. 29 tvt. 2. J. P. .Irnett. secy. Carrollb’n—Greene On. Fair .Issn. Oct. 5-9.

S. KImer Simpson, aery. OentrsHa—Marlon Oo. Agrl. Fair .kssn. Sept.

15-19. W. E. Pn'ulx. aecy. Chicago—(Cnlon Stock Yards!—Internstionsl

Lire Stock Expo. Not. 28-nec. 5. B. H. Ilelde, secy.

Chicago—Great Cook Co. Fair (auspices Chicago Driving Clubi. Oct. 7-10. Magnus Flaws, aecy

DanTllle—Re«l Moon Fair. Sept. 7 12. Chas. O. Kllpalrlrk. secy.

Flora—Flora Park A Fair Assn. . Sept. 7-11. R. S Jones, secy.

Galens—Jo IbiTless Co. Agrl. *>c. Sept. 23 26. J. P. Sc'tt. aecy.

Oolconda-r-Pope Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 23-26. B. F. Anderson, secy.

Ifeyworth—Heyworth Agrl. A Stock Fslr .kssn Sept. 9 11. Prof. C. C. Brown, secy.

Joslln—Rook Island Co. .Igrl .l«sn. Sent. 8 10. J. E, W’slnwright. secy.. Hillsdale, 111.

Kewanee—Kewanee DIst. .Igrl. B('<ird. S-'pt. 7 11. W W. Calhoun, aecy.

KnosTllle—Knox Co. Pair. Sept. 8 11. P. El Wilson, secy.

.Msrlon-Williamson CV». Fair. Sept. 8-11. Geo. C. Campbell, aecy.

MartinsTiUe—Clarke Co. Agrl. Asan. Sept. 15 19. E. W. Chllde. secy.

M«son—Grundy Oo. Agrl. Fair. Sept. 15-18 F. H. Clapp, secy.

.McNabh—Magnolia Grange Fair. Sept. 29-Oct 2. E. R. Bumgarner, secy.

Monee—Monee Oist. Fbir Assn. Sept. 9-11 Harry J. Conrad, aecy.

Mt. Vernon—(Mt. Vernon Fair A Agrl. Asan Sept. 22-26. C. R. Keller, aecy.

Oregon—Ogle Co. Agrl. Asan. Sept. 22-25. Z A. Landera. aecy.

Ottawa—La Salle Oo. Fair Aaan. Sept. 15-18 E. B. Wharton, aecy.

Paris—Edgar Co. Fair Asan. Aug. 31-Sept. 6 W. B. Curtis, aecy.

Peotone—Eastern Will Co. Dlst. Fair. Asan Sept. 16-18. FTed Carstens, secy.

PlnckneyTllle—Perry Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 25. S. J. Harry Wilson, secy.

Piper City—Fbr-l Co. F'alr A DrlT. Aasn. Sept 8-11. E. B. Funk, aecy.

R.-vblnson—Crawford Co. Grange Fair. Sept. 14 18. Henry Coniter, DuncanTllle, III.

Sandwich—Sandwich Fair Assn. Sept. 8-11. C. L. Stinson, secy.

Sheldon—Horse Fair * CarnlTal. Sept. 7-11 Address Secy. Commercial Club.

Sparta—Randolph Co. DrlTlng Club A Fait .ksan. Sept. 29.*ct. 2. W. D. Eikes, aecy.

Springffeld—HHdoIs State Pair. Sept. 18-26 J. K. Dlcklrson. aecy.

Streator—Northern 111. Pair. Sept. 7-11. Chat F. Wenninger, secy.

Warren—Fnion Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. J. W Richardson, secy.

Wafseka—Iroquois Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 15-19 George B. McNamee. secy.


Angola—Angola Dlst. Fair. Oct. 6-9. A. E Elsb'n, secy.

Auburn—DeKalb Co. Free Pall Fair. Week of Sept. ’29. John C. I>ocliner secy.

Bluffton—BluITton Free Street Fair Aasn. Sept. 23-26. M. K. Williamson, secy.

Bourbon—Bourton Fair Assn. Oct. 6-9. B. W. Parks, secy.

Bremen—Marshall Co. Fair. Sept. 2S-0ct. 2 Harmon Wahl. secy.

Ponrerse—Miami Co. .Agrl. Assn. Sept. 15-18 Will W. Draper, secy.

CoTlngton—CoTington Fair Asan. Sept. 8-12. George P. Schwtn. secy.

CrothersTllle—Crothersrille Fair Assn. Sept. 15.18. C. A. Wiesman. aecy.

Decatur—.Adams Co. Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. P. T. Strelder. secy.. Ft. Wayne.

FT. Wayne—.Allen Co Fair A Amuae. Co. Sept 15-19. P. T. Rtrleder. mgr.

Oreensburg—Oreanshnrg F.sir Assn. Sept. 16-18. Dr. C. B. Alnsw<vrth. secy.

Hnnflngton—Huntington Co. .Agrl. Soc. Sept 8-12. F. E. Wlckenhlser. secy.

Indianapolis—Indiana State Fair. Sept. 7-11. Chas. Downing, aecy.

KendallTllIe—Kendatlrille Fair. Sept. 21-25, n. C. Bronae. secy.

iJifayette—Tippecanoe fo. Agrl. Assn. .Ang. 25 28. 0. W. 'ITaTla. aecy.

IJbertT—Pnlon Co. Fair. Sept. 8-11. J. H. Davis aecy.

Lyons—Tiyont Stock Show and Street Carnival. Oct. 6-10. A. 0. Kaufman, aecy.

Rocheater—Fulton Co. Agrl. Soc. Sef>L 8-11. J. Howard Reed. aecy.

Salem—Salem Fair Assn. Sept. 8-11. Chas. R. Morris, aecy.

Terre Haute—Terre Haute Trotting A Fair Assn. Sept. 14-10. Charles R. Duffln. secy.

Valparaiso—Porter Co. FTiir Aaan. Sept. S-ll< R. L. Nye. secy.

Winslow—Pike Co. Flair. Sept. 8-12. Henna* Bryant, secy.


Algona—Kossuth Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 8-11. T. P. Harrington, secy.

Allison—BuGer Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16-18. W. C. Shepard, aecy.

Ames—Central Iowa Fair Aaan. Sep. 29-Oct. I. E. H. Graves, aecy.

Arion—Crawford Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. 0. M. Criswell, aecy.

Atlantic—Cass Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 14-18. John J. Curry, aecy.

Audubon—.Audubon Co. Agrl. Soc. SepL 22-2S. H. A. Nortbrup, secy.

Bloomfield—Davis Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. H. C. Leach, secy.

Cedar F’alls—Waterloo-Cedar Valley Dlat. Pair. Sept. 19-25. George H. Holcoiube, secy-gen. mgr., Galesburg. HI.

Clio—Clio Street Fair Assn. Sept. 11-12. E. B. Bettis, secy.

Oreston—Fair, Stock Show A Races. SepL 8- II. J. M. Stevens, secy.

Decorah—Winneshiek Co. Fair Assn. Sept. I- 11. L. M. Enger, aecy.

DeWitt—Clinton Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9-11. O. H. Chrislensen, aecy.

El^ra—Hardin Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. Gae. w. H-aynea, aecy.

Forest City—Forest (Tty Park and Fair Asaa. Sept. 8-11. M. C. Wheeler, aecy.

Greenfield—Adair Cb. Fair Assn. Sept. 8-10. Fred D. Martin, seey.

Grinnell—Grinnell Fair As»n. Sept. 8-11. J. S. Bailey, Jr., secy.

Iowa City—Jobnaon Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. b-lL George .A. Hitchcock, seey.

Jefferson—Greene Co. Fsir Assn. Sept. 8-lL S. C. Culbertson, secy.

Manson—fnlhoun Co, Fair As*n. Sept. 8-lL C. G. Kaskey. secy.

Marshalltown—Marshall Co. Fair. Sept. 14-18. W. M. Clark, secy.

Milton—Milton District Fair. Sept. 16-19. D. A. Miller, secy.

Missmirl Valley—HaiTls(->n Oo. Agrl. Soc. SepL 15-18. A. B. Hosbrook. secy.

.Moravia—Moravia Fall Festival A Farmers’ In¬ stitute. Sent. 17-19. C. B Nieukirk, secy.

Movllle—Moville Stock Show. SepL 7 9. Ralph McEIrath. secy.

Nashua—Big Pour F'alr Asan. Sept. 8-11. C. W. Ayers, aecy.

National—Clayton Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. H. I.uehsen, aecy.. Garnaville. la.

New Hampton—Chickasaw Co. Fair. SepL 14- 18. F. D. Griffin, seey.

N(‘W Sharon—New Shanin Dlst. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14 17. J. C. Heitaman. seey.

Newton—Jasper Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-24. F. B. Meredith, aecy.

Onawa—Monona Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16-18. I. A. Blotcky, accy.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

Send Today For Valuable Book Our new 1914 catalogue of pop eom. crNpette and candy machines, also

I«>l> corn wagons, in just off the pros—Ifs a valuable lesik. contains important liifortnation—It’s your< for the We’ll send catalogue and full details of Imw We start you in this wonderfully luiTatIve busiuess by return malL "rite nowl 'Today—at once. Address

TeS’ that’s what one man with a Dellenbarger Pop-oom. Orlspette and C-sndy Outfit took In In an Illinois town. Think of It! ffiisi.fS) In Ihtie days; lliere's no business in the world that equals It for the small Investment and large returns. The money begin* to r'81 in the minute you »tart. There * four cent* profit in every nickel you take in. You cau’t heat it for making big money ()ultk.

The Dellenbarger Outfits are world l>eaters. Nothing to compare with them; the i)op-corn machine seasons the pop-corn 'while popping; makes big, fluffy kernel* that melt in your mouth.

We Start You in the Business ^c*. w-’Il sfirt yrai Just a* we have started hundreds of others who arc now making big money In this business. Don’t think

11 I l9r one minute that have to have a big capital, because, with our easy imymeiit plan, very little is needed.

I "'K TE.Am Yot’ the business free—we help you find a location—we advise you and help you all tie way—our co-operatlon makes - -■ your auccea* wssured. Write today fop our plan—tell* you how you can /ffli

Pay For Outfit From Your Profits Jii^t a« hTin<lr<*tl« of ofh#*r anih!tIoti« m^n wompn <lAnp. oppAftniiitlPs In this

bu!«in4'>> ar4« -a!l .v«fii ll♦•<•4• a 4if that >pirlt. Write us today f<»r full partittiLirii—rea*! wiiat idlier?* Lave d4»r.»*. luaoy with 4»iip4rtuuitles than yours.

Make up your mind Uwt YUL', too, will get in the big money-making cla^a.

Don’t Delay—Investigate NOW ___




>' Prompt action la necessary We havp hundreds of choice locations for orlspette, pop corn and candy stores—but p«-rhap- the ve-y one you want will be tiken tolay.

Don’t put this matter off —get a b tier to u» In the tlr-t ina.l. lie the first In .vour vicinity. Dellen- harger’* kettle |>ip|ied |Hipcorn and crispette* will make your fortune.


-I am In Hie pop corn and p., montt candy biisiiio* only thcee nioiitUn eich year. I 'lay with Just a off and stH'Ud my vacation chine and 8: at the .uiiimer re-(ori«—I own a nice 1


Eight months ago I started


”To'>k in In one hour

The demand for chine and 8'2'i.qo. Now I

at the .uiiimer re-(ori«—I own a iiic,. building on the pop-corn, crispettea anil candy make more money tlio-c i iree corner, ibe land it stand- on. , ___ ,, , . , nioiit'.ic tlian I do all tin- rest have a nice st-H-k in it. ..iid con-tant. Here s one bnsl- of the jear.” dou'i owe a cent to an.ioie. ’ ne-s that never fluctuates.”

|»« lloiilMirffOr »



St)l»' a.

S.'s oilivr


SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

We are the House of Quality If you are lookintj for JUNK

DON’T WRITE us Hut, if you want Hisli Art Leather

artistieally haiui-colored —WE CAN SUPPLY YOU—

Leather Pillows, $15^ up Our S21.00 and S24.(H) doz. Pillows, sure- winner Bathing (Jirls, Indians, I)c»gs. Elks, Bull Fights, Horses, Camps, Bronchos, Moose, Rotiry, etc., etc.

Liki cut, any State Name and Flowers. S24.00 doz. lots only; Felt Back, $21.00 doz.

Our new hand-painted United States Pillow, best seller yet, $24.00 doz.

Full Skin Wall Banners, large asst., $16.50 dox.

^ WESTERN ART LEATHER CO., ” 422-423 Tabor Opera Bldg., - - DENVER. COLO



Orange City—Sioux Oo. Agrl. Soc. S«vt. IS IS. Albert Heematra, aecy.

relia—Lake Prairie DUt. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-10. Cbarlea Porter, eery.

Bhodea—Eden Ulat. Agrl. Soc. Sept. H. M. Weeka, aecy.

Sioux City—Interstate l.l»e Stock Fair Aaan. Sei>t. 21'?6. Joe Mort»u, .e«y.

Spirit l.ake—Oickinaen C». Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 8-11. A. M. Johnnon. Jr., aery.

Butberland—O’Brien Co. Agrl. S>ic. Sept. 9-11. K. Clifton, aecy.

Tl|iton—Ctilar Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. g-11. C. F. Siminermaker, aecy.

Toledo—Taiua Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. A. ti. Sniltb. aecy.

Vinton—Benton Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 7-10. A. B. Allen, aecy.

Warerly—Breiuer Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 7-11. J. Q. Lauer. aecy.

Waterloo-Dairy Cattle Coiigreaa. Oct. 12-17. H. G. Van Pelt, ai'Cy.

Weat Point—Weat Point Dlat. Agrl. S<>c. Sept. 22-2.’>. John Walljaaper. aecy.

What <1ie«T—What Cheer Diet. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-21. Gi-orge A. Pod, aecy.

Wllllainabiirg—Willianiabiirg Fair .\aan. Sept. 8-10. H. A. Halveraon, aecy.

KANSAS. Abilene—Dirkinaou Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22-2.'i.

C. Vi. Taylor, aecy. Atwood—KaMliua to. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11.

Frank E. Muiiger, aecj. Beloit—-Mitobell C i. Agrl. Fair Aaan. Sejit. ’29

Oct. 3. E. C. Logait, aecy., Soluuiou Kapida, Kan.

Burden—Eaatern Cowley Fair Aaau. Sept. 18 Ig. W. A. Bowden, aecy.

Burlington—Coffey Co. Agrl. Fair Aaan. Sept. 7-12. S. D. Weaver, aecy.

Cbanute—Four County Dlat. Agrl. 8oc. Oct. 5- 9. Ge.irge K. liideau, aecy.

Cbeto{ia—Cbetopa Fair Aaan. S<^>t. 23-26. E. 1 N. Kodell, aecy.

Clay C< nter—Clay Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. 7-l>. W. F. Miller, aecy.

Coffeyvllle—Montgomery Oo. Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. A. J. Valentine, aecy.

Coldwater—Fair, aiiapicea Retail Mcrcbanta’ Aaan. Sept. 10-12. J. M. Grlffltb, secy.

Douglaas—Douglass Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23 26. J. A. Clay, aecy.

Ellaw rib—Kllaworth Co. Agrl. A Fair Aaan. Sep . 22-25. G. C. Gebhardt. aecy.

Fulton—Fulton Fair Aaan. Sept. 9-10. Harry Mills, aery.

L Galena—Galena Fair Aaan. Oct. 6-9. * Great Bend—Barton Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. 6-8.

Porter Young, secy. Bolton—Jackson Oo. Live Stock Show A Fair.

Sept. 90-Oct. 2. HutcMnson—Kanaaa State Fair. Sept. 12-10.

A. L. Spnnaler. aecy. Lamed—Pawnee Co. Agrl. Aaan. SepL 29-Oct.

2. Harry H. Wolcott, aecy. Lawrence—Douglaa Oo. Fair and AgrL Soc.

Sept. 0-12. C. W. Murphy, aecy. Leaveuworth—LeavenworOi Co. Fair Aaan. Sept.

912. Lucien Rutherford, aecy. Liberal—South Weat Fair Aaau. SepL 0-12. J.

A. Black, aecy. Minneapolla—Ottawa Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11.

J. E. JobnatoB. aecy. Moran-Moran Agrl. P^lr Atin. Sept. 16-17.

E. N. McCormack, aecy. Mound City—Linn County Fair Aaan. Oct. 6-9.

C. .k. McMullen, aecy. Oberlln—Decatur Oo. Fair Aaan. Sept. 23-25.

J. R. Cdirell, aecy. Oawego—Labette Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 30-Oct.

2. Clarence Montgomery, aecy. Ottawa—FVankl'n Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-2!i.

1. R Finley, aecy. Buaaell—Ruaaell Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 6 9. a.

B. Funk. aecy. Seneca—Nemiba Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11. M.

R Connet. secy. Stockton—Rooks Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11. J.

C. Floater, secy. Sylvan Grove—Sylvan Grove Fair and Agrl.

Aaan. Sept. 23 25. R. W. W<d)ler. aecy. IVipoka—Kanaaa State Fair Aaan. Sept. 'H-IO.

R. B. Swingley, aecy. to b<>ar<l of managera. Cniontown—Tlourbon Oo. Fair Aaan. Sept. 29-

Oct 2. John Seaaler. aecy. Wakefield—W’akefield Agrl. Aaan. Oct. 9 10.

Eugene Elkina, aecy. Wamegi>—Pottawatomie Co. Agrl. 8"C. Sept.

29-Gct. 1. J. A. I.later. aecy. Wichita—Wichita Fair A Expo. (In conjunction

w-Ith International I>ry Farming Congress.) Oct. 7-17. Walter P. Inneaa. mgr.

Wllacm—Inter-Conntv fo-Operatlve Fair Aaan. Sept. 29 Oct. 2. W. S. Baxter, aecy.

Winfield—Cowley Oo. .kgri. Live Stock Aaan Sept. 811. Frank W. Sidle, aecy.


Adairvllle—Adairvllle Fair. Sept. 24 26. Edwin R. Moore, secy.

Bedford—F'air, auspices Red Men. UcL 2-S. John W. Burnea, secy.

Carrollton-K. of P. Fair. Sept. 7-12. J. I- Donaldson, aecy.

Falmouth—F'almuuth Fair Co. Sept. 9-12. R L. Galloway, aecy.

Glasgow—Glasgow Fair Aaan. Sept. 30-Oct. 3. Winn Davis, aecy.

Hodgenvllle—LaRue Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-10. •August Oveaen, aecy.

Hopkinsville—Pennyroyal Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. S. B. G. Nelaon, aecy.

Horae Cave—Hart Co. Fair. Sept. 23-26 W. P. Klrtley, aecy.

Loulaville—Kentucky State Fair. Sept. 14-18 J. L. Dent, aecy.

Montlcello—Waynt Co. Fair. Sept. 8-11. J C. Denney, aecy.

Murgautowu—^Butler Co. V .ir Aaan. Sept, 10 12. Jaa. W. Cook, secy.

Paducah—Paducah Fair A.^an. Oct. 6 9. AI fred I.evy, aecy.

Pembroke—lAke City Pa.k Co. Sejit. 17-19. C W. Gum. aecy.

Scoftvllle—Allen Co. Colored Fair Aaan. Sept 18-19. Edw. V. .\uthoiiy, aecy., Gallatin Tenn.

Bcottavllle—Allen Co. Fair. Co. Sept. 10-12. R C. Huntaman. aecy.

Springfield—Washington Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 8 11. Theo. C. Campbell, aecy.


Bastrop—Moreliouae Pariah Fair Aaan. Oct. 7 9. Eugene Wolf. secy.

Baton Rouge—E-iat Baton Rouge Fair Aaau Oct. 2125. A. G. Watirman, aecy.

Calhoun—Ouachita Pariah Fair Aaau. Oct. 28 36. E J. Wita> c aecy.

Clinton—East Felt lace Pa.'isb Fair Aaan. Oct. 14- 17. W. H. Ben ett, aecy.

Columbia—Caldwell Fa'r Aaan. Oct. 14-16 Philip H. Meoom, see/.

Covington-St. Tammany Pariah Fair. Nov. 4-7 N. H. FltxSlmuna, aecy,

Donaldaonvllle—South Ia. Fair Aaan. Oct. 9 12. R. S. Vickers, aecy.

Fartnerville—Union Parish Fair Assn. OcL 21 23. H. O. Fielda. aecy.

Franklintoo—Washington Parish Fair Aaan. Oct. 15- 17. J. O. Bethea, secy.

Hammond—^Tangipahoa Parish Fair Assn. Oct. 15-17. M. B. Wright, kecy.

Homer—Claiborne Pariah Fair Assn. OcL 21- 23. Dillard Hulae. atcy.

Houma—Terrebonne Parish Fair Aaan. Oct. 6- 11. Dr. it. V. Marmaade, gen. mgr.

Lafayette—I^fayette Parish Fair Aaan. Oct. 8-11. F. V. Mouton, aecy.

Leesvllle—Vernon Pariah Fair Aaan. Oct. 27-31. James B. Roark, aecy.

Mansfield—DeSoto Pariah Fair Aaan. Oct. 18-16. Mrs. M. A. Lesjilng, secy.

Many—Sabine Pariah Fair Aaan. OcL 20-28. George A. Odom, Noble, La.

Markavllle—Avoyellea Pariah Fair Aaan. Oct. 21-24. L. J. Coavlllion, secy.

Merryvllle—Beanregard Parish Fair Aaan. Oct. 7 9. II. H. Spillyard, aecy.

MInden—Webster Parish Fair Aaan. Oct. 14-16. B. F. Grlffltb. aecy.

Opelousaa—St. Landry Parish Fair Aaaa. Oct. 22 24 J. O. Lawlor, aery.

Plain Dealing—Bossier Pariah Fair Asan. Oct. 27-36. H. H. Montgomery, aeey.

Pollock—Grant Pariah Fair Aaan. Oct. 21 28. C. C. Grover, aecy.

Raync—Acadia Pirlsb Fair Aaan. OcL 15-16. J. L. Craig, aecy.

Rtyville—Richland Pariah Fair .4san. Oct. 22 24. E. P. Norman, see.v.

Rnaton—Lincoln Pariah Fair. Oct. 7-9. M. B. Olll. aecy.

Sbrevevort—loulaiana State Fair. Nov. 4-11. L N. BrueggerbolT, aecy.

Walker—IJvingston Pariah Fair. Oct. 22-24. W. A. Rbiama. aecy.

MAINE. Acton—Sbapleigh A Arton Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 8

Fred K. Bodwell, secy. Anson-S'jmerset Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16 17. J. F

Wlthee. aecy. Bristol—Bristol Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-24. J

Wllhur Hunter, secy,. I>amarls<v,tta. Me. Canton—Androsc<utgln Valley Agrl. tjoe. Sept

22 24. J. M. Johns/m. pres. Cherryfield—W. Washington. Agrl. Assn. S»t>t

1.5-17. Wm. N. Dyer, secy.. Ilarringt'm. Me Eden Eden Agrl. Soc, Sept. 9 16. I.eon L.

Smith, secy., Ssllshorv Cove. Me, Emden —Emden Agrl. Hoc. Sept. J9. Chaster

K. Williams, a>cy-, Ncrth Anson, Me.

Exeter—West Penobscot Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 1. E. E. Colbath, secy.

Farmington—Franklin Oo. Fair. Sept. 29 0ct. 1. George D. Clark, aecy.

Fryeburg—W. Oxford Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 8. B. Walker McKeen, secy.

Gorham—Cumberland Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15 17. H. William Smith, secy.

Hartland—Bast Somerset Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6-8. H. H. Coaton. aecy., Pittsfield. Me.

Lewiaton—.Maine SUte g'air. >ept. 7-10. J L. I/iwell, aecy.. Aubarn. Me.

Macbiaa—Marhlas Fair Assn. Sept. 22 24. 8 N. Tobey, aecy.

Monroe—Waldo A Penobscot Agrl. 8«>c. Sept 8 10. F. H. Putnam, secy.

Phillips—N. FYanklin Agrl. Si>c. Sept. 22-24 J. 1. Hamden, secy.

Presque Isle-Northern Me. Fair Assn. Sept. 1-3. Ernest T. McGlaiirtiii. »ecy.

Princeton—Princeton Agrl. 8'>c. Sept. g-lo. Irvin K. Sprague, se<-y.

Skowhegan—Somerset Ootral AgrL Soc. Sept. 10-12. S. H. Bradbury, secy.

South Paris—Oxford Co. Agrl. Siar. g pt. 15-17. W. O Frothingtiam, secy.

South Windsor—South Kennebec Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15 16. Arthur N. Douglas, secy,, Gardiner, Me.

Springfield—N. Penobscot Agrl. Soc. SepL 8- 10. I. R. Averin, secy.

Topsham—Sagadahoc Agrl. A Hort. S-c. Oct. 18-1.5. Bi C. Patten, secy.

Union—North Knox Fair Aaan. S*pt. 22-24. H. L. Grinnell. secy.

Unity—Unity Pirk Assn. Sept. 22-23. B. T. Reynolds, secy.

Upper Gloucester—New Gloumater A Danville Agrl. Asan. Sept. 29 Oct. 1. J. P. Witham. aecy.. New Gloucester.


Baltimore—Prospect Park Fair. Sept. 8-12. Cumberlaml—Cumberland Fair A Agrl. Assn.

Sept. 22-25. George E. Deueeu. secy. Frederick—Frederick Co. Agrl. S<jc. Oct. 20 23.

O. C. Warehlme. s*-cy. Hagerstown-Ilsgerstown Fair. Oct. 13-16. D.

H. Staley, aecy. Lunaconing—Allegany and Garrett Co. Agrl.

Soc. Oct. 15-17. George D. Campball, aecy. Oakland—Garrett Co. Agrl. .\asn. Sept. 30-O<-t.

2. James D. Hamlll. secy. Wliltebill-Farmers’ Fair Aaan. Oct. 14-16.

W. Evans Anderaon, secy.


Amesbury—Amesbury A Salisbury Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 Oct. 1. M. H. Saudt. aecy.

Amherst—Hampshire Agrl. 8'ic. Sept. 29 30. James W. T. Davis, aecy.

Athol—Worcester Northwest Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-8. Albert Elaawortb, aecy.

Barre—W’orceiter Co. Weat -Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-25. D. H. Rice, secy,

Blandford—Union Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16 17. Enot W. Boise, aecy.

Bridgewater—Plymouth Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15- 17. Howard B. Wilbur. a4‘cy.

Brorkton—Brockton Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 Oct. 2. Perley O. Flint, aeey.

Cbarlemont—Deerfield Valley Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-18. 8. Vi. Hawkes, aecy.

Clinton—W’orcester East Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16 17. Warren Goodale, aecy.

Cummington—Ulllirlde Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 80. Clement F. Burr. aecy.

Oartmiaitb—Soutbern New England Country Fair. Sept. 16 18. C. T. Battey, aery.. New Bedford, Mass.

Framingbam—Middlesex South Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23 28. Peter N. Everett, ae«y.

Great Barrington—Houtatoolc Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. H. Maloney, aecy.

Hlngbaai—Ilingham Agrl. Hoc. Sept. 29 30. Wm. L. Howard, secy.

lennx—I>-nox Hort. Soc. Oct. 22 23. G. II. Inatone, secy.

Loacll—Middlesex North Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17- 18. George B. Otbiirn, ac'y.

Middledleld—Highland Agrl. Soc. Sept. »1(f Jo) a T. Bryan, aecy., R. F. D., Cheater, .Maos.

N’ortti Adams—Hooaac Valley Agrl. Soc. Sept. 4 7. George F. Miller, aer'y.

.N'ortbampton—II. F. A H. Agrl. Soc. Orf. 7-8. r. A. Montgomery, aecy.

Palmer—Eastern Hampden Agrl Soc. Oct. 2 .1. <ie<irge E. Clough, aecy.

Reading WakeileM (Juannapowitt Agrl. A«<n. Sept. 16 18. Arthur W. Corilidge, aecy.. Bead¬ ing, Ma««.

Kvith Weymouth Wevinoiith Agrl. A Indust. Hoc. Sej.t. to 12 Tboman V. .Naali, aecy.

Silencer S|ietirer Farmers A Meclisnlc*' Assn. Se-Iit. 25 26. Gaorgt II. Kamer, ae<'y.

Stnrbridge—Worcester South Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-18. George H. Clemence, aecy.. South- bridge, Maas.

Topaflelii—EUsex Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 23. Fred .A. Smith. Danvers, Mass.

Uxbridge—Blackatone Valley Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22- 23. Dr. M. R. Sharpe, aecy.

West Taunton—W. Taunton Agrl. .S.ic. Sept. 23- 25. Georae A. Lincoln, secy., Taunton

West Ttsbiiry—Martha’s Vinejard Agrl. SoC. Sept 22 24. F. Allen I/H>k. aecy.

Worcester—Worcester Agrl. Soc. (New England Fair). Sept. 7 10. B. Durell, 4<V1 Main at., Worcester.


Adrian—I-enamee Co. Fair. Sept. 21 25. F. A. Bradlth, secy.

ALegan-Allegan Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29-OcL 2. Swan Sequlat, aecy.

Alpena—.AI|>ena Co. Agrl. Asan. Sci>t. 30 Oct. 3. Erl 11. Toliml, Oaslneke. Mich

Armada—Armada Agrl. Soc. Oct. 7-9. Orvy Hulett, aery.

Bay City—Northeastern Mich. Fair Assn. Sept. 7- 11. Wm. Reid, aecy.

Bellalre—Antrim Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 OcL 2. C. L. lalaey, aecy.

Burt (near Burt. Saginaw Co.)—Flint River Valley AgrL Soc. SepL 22-24. David Mc- Naliey, aecy.

Cadillac—Northern Dlat. Fair. Sept. 15 18. • Perry F. Powers, aecy.

Casa City—Tuscola, Huron A Sanilac Dlat. f’air. Sept. h-11. John Marshall, aecy.

Cemervllle—St. Jrwepb Co. Agrl. Soc. SepL 15-18. W. O. Freeman, secy.

Charlotte—Eaton Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. ‘29 Oct. k. Vaughan G. Grifflth, aecy.

Cruswell—Croswell Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-25. A U. Martin, aecy.

Dt< kervllle—lieckrrvllle Agrl. Assn. Sept. 15- 17. Joseph Dawe. aecy.

Detroit—Michigan State Fair. Sept. 7-18. G. W. Dickinson, aecy.-mgr.. 501 Bowles Bldg.

Eait Jordan—Charlevoix Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8- 11. R. A. Brintnall, aecy.

Empire—Fruit Belt Agrl. Soc. OcL 1-8. Paul P. B4>hms, aecy.

Eacanaba—Delta Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15 18. Mathlaa Petersen, aecy.

Ew-en—Ontrinagon Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 16-18. C. C. Weacott. aecy.

Evart—Osreola Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 23-25. L. F. I’owell. aecy.

Fowlerrllle—Fowlerville Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 9. George A. Newman, secy.

Gaylord—Otsego Co. Fair. Sept. 29 Oct. 1. C E. Shannon, secy. ,

Gladwin—Gladwin Co. Flair Aaan. Sept. 22 25. A. D. Rblnehart, aecy.

Greenville—Greenville Fair Aaau. Sept. S-11. R. C. Ecker, secy.

Uarrlaon—Clare Co. Agrl. Soc. SepL 23-25. Wm. H. Browne, secy.

Harriavllle -Alcona Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-25. George W. Burt. aeey.

Hartford—Van Bnreir Co. Fair Assn. SepL 29- Oct. 2. Frank G. Simpson, aecy.

Hart—Oceana Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 28. O. E. Wyekoff, secy.

Haatinga—Barry Oo. Agrl. Soc. SepL IS 18. John Daweoo, aecy.

HIHadale—llllladale Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28- Oct. S. C. W. Terwilllger, aecy.

Holland—South Ottawa A Weat Allegan Fair. Sept. 16-18. E. P. Stephan, aecy.

Houghton—Copper Country Fair. Sept. 29 0ct. 8. 1. N. Haas, aecy.

Imlay City—Imlay City Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29- OcL 2. Frank Rathaburg, secy.

Iron River—Iron Co. Agrl. Soc. Secood week In Sept. C. C. Rltxe. aecy.

Jackson—Jackaon Oo. Fair Assn. Sept. 14-19. W. B. Burris, aecy.

Kalamaaoo—Kalamtaoo’a Big Fair, auspices Recreation Park Assn. Bept. 22-26. W. P. Engelman, aeey,

Kingsley—Tri Township Fair Aaan. Sept. 15-17, J. A. McCarthy, aecy.

L’Anae—Baraga Cn, Fair. Sept. 2-1 26. Chaa. II. Anderaon. aecy,

Menominee—Menominee Co. Agrl. Soc. SepL 15 18. C, r. Hansen, aecy.

Midland—Midland Co. Agrl. Soc. Setit. 15-18 II. L Fairchild, apey.

Milford—Mllf.xd Fair Aann. Sept. 22 25. R. Vincent. accT.

Mlllerabnrg—Prewine Isle Co. Agrl. Soc. Oi-t 6 7. C. R. WIIUi ga, aecy.

Mohawk—Keweenaw Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23 27. Jamea A. Klne. *ecv.. Ahine<-k. Mich.

North Branch—Nnrt i Branch Fair Aaan. Sept. 28 26. P. F. Ilea nan, aecy.


SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. 43

Am u s e m e n t

'---r $15 Mammoth Zigzag

Striking Machines

Pyramid: Hoop-La. Blocks

Johnson Family Doll Rack

75 and up a thousand others. New Catalog, BF and better tha.n ever. Send 5c for postage toy up 'tITH IVIFG. CO., - [3247 W. Van Buren Street, CHICAGO, ILL Manufacturers of World’s Bast Shooting Gallsriss and Amussmsnt Devices.


Norwiy—Dlcklnaon Co. M»n<*mlnf* Rinyr Agrl. .Soc. 8*-pt. 912. Julliu Huwttch, teejr.

Oiickima—Co. Agrl. Soc. S<*pt 22-23. H. R. Brodle. Bccy.. Bear Lake, MIcb.

OiroMo—ShlawaAaec Co. Fair. Sept. 15-18. W. J. DuwUdk, tecy.

retoakey—Emmet Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. E. A. Botiford, aecy.

Saginaw—Saginaw Fair A Racing Aaan. Oct 8-9 F. f; Klelnfeld. aecy.

St. Jobna—Clinton Co. Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. C. 8. Clark, aecy.

Sanduaky—SanlUc Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. W. A. Moore, aecy.

Saolt Ste. Marie—Cbippewa Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 38-30. I,. C. Holden, aecy.

Standlah—Arenac Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18-18. H. M. Meyera, aecy.

Stepheoaon—CloTeTland rarmert’ Fair Aaan. Sept. 29 Oct. 2. (Viaa. O Swanaon. "ecy.

Tawaa City—loaco Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-25. Ion J. Pattemon. aecy.

TbompaonTllIe—ThompaonTllle Fair Aaan. Oct. 14 18. E. M. TUxon. aecy.

Three Rlrera—Three BlTcra Elka’ Pair. Sept. 8-11. O. M. Lyman, aecy.

Trarerae City—Grand Trarerae Region Pair Aaan Sept- 21-25. Chaa. B. Dye, aecy.

Weat Branch—Ogemaw Co. Pair Aaan. Oct. 8-8. B. J. Marah, aecy.

White Clond—Newaygo Co. Pair. Sept. 7-11. George Blaaa. aecy.

Wolrerlne— Cbehoygan Co. Pair Aaan. Sept. 23- 28. H. V. Orian. aecy.

XIVXESOTA. Ada—Norman Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-3. Elmore

Jankina, aecy. Alikin— Altktu Co. Agrl. A Stock Breodera'

Aaan. Sept. 18 18. Donald H. Wilcox, aecy. Albert Lea—Preebom Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18-18.

O. M. Peteraon, aecy. Alexandria—Douglaa Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 21-

23. George L. Treat, aecy. Appleton—Swift Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. 6-8. Man-

ford Horn, aecy. Bagley—Clearwater Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 23-

28. Oacar Barneaa, aecy. Bamnm—Carlton Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 17-19.

Tboa. Spencer, aecy. Bemldji—^Itraml Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 16-18.

C. P. Schroeder, aecy. Bird lalaad—RenTlllc Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-

25. Joe Haggett. aecy. Bp>wn Valley—Trarerae Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept.

28 .3i). H W. Barrett, aecy. Caledonia—Honatoa Co. Agrl. See. Oct. 1-S.

J. E. Stenebjem, aecy. Cambridge—laantl Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14-18.

Wm. H. Dunbar, aecy. Canby—Yellow .Medicine Co. Pair Aaan. Sept.

29 Oct 2 Prank E. Millard, aecy. Carrer—Career Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-28

H. D.’Meyer, aecy. Caaa I.ake—Fair, auapicea Commercial Club.

Oct. 1-3. Prank L. Gorenllo, aecy. Clinton—Big Stone Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-3.

A. H. Stnrgeaa. aecy. Daaael—Meeker Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 16 17.

Oacar E. IJnquIat, aecy. Detroit—Becker Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 25-28.

George W Harria, ,ecy, Faribault—Parlbault Agrl. A F^lr Aaan. Sept

16 18. George D. Reed, aecy. Pairroont—Martin Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept 28 28.

M. J. Aldrich, aecy. Fermlnston—Dakota Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-3.

Rainh .8 J. Perry, aecy. Glenwood-Pope Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-26. W.

H. F.ngelbrltaon. aecy. Grand Rapida—Ilaaca Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept.

23-28. A. M. Slater, aecy.. La Prairie, Minn. Ilamllne—Minnesota State Pair. Sept. 6-12. J.

C. SImpaon, aecy. Herman—Grant Co. Agrl. Aaan. Oct. 1-3. W.

T. ZIebarth. aecy. Hopklna—Hennepin Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16 19

W. 9. S .letana, aecy. H.rward lake—Wright Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16

18, C. R. niaon. aecy. Hutchlnaon-McLeod Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-17.

!<• A. Ritter, aecy. Jackaon—Jackaon Co. Pair Aaan. Sept. 10.12,

Frank I. Gllleaple, aecy. Kaaaon—Dodge Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 18 18. Ted

Dyer, aecy. IeSu,nr—leSnenr Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14 18

M. W. Grimea, ayry. long Prairie—T«a1d Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-19

J<w. Deiiha, aecy. Ijireme Ro<-k (>„. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24 28. J.

I-. Treat, aecy. Mankato Mankato Fair A Bine Karth Co; Agrl.

.\aan , Sept 17 HI. John A. Johnaon. aecy. Mar4iall_l Ton Co. Agrl. Soc. 8cpt. 22 23.

« M Neill, aecT.

Monterldeo Chl|>|>ew-a Co. Agrl. Soc, Sept. 29- Oct. 2. Jamea R, Unmlp. aecy.

M..ra Kenah.-c Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept 23 28. Chaa F. Serllne aecy.

.M->rrla Stevena Co, Aerl. Soc. Sept. 29 Oct. 1. George W. Belae. aecy.

Metier—Morrtaon Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 18-18. R. I,. Benedict, aecy.

NorthBeld—Rice Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-28. A. M. Field, aecy.

Nortbome—Koochiching Co. AgrL Aaan. Sept. 22-23. P. H. Scritner, aecy.

I*ark Rapida —Shell Prairiea Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 18-18. F. A. Vanderporl. aecy.

Pequot—Crow Wing Co. Agrl Soc. Sept. 18-18. F. G. Schrader, aecy.

I’erbam—Pertiam Agrl. Soc. Sept, 25-28. Pillager—Caaa Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-26. P.

H. S-irg. aecy. Pine Rlrer—Caaa Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 1-3.

Fred S. -Moulater. aecy. Pine City—ITne Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-18. H.

W. Harte, aecy. Pllteatone—Pipestone Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-19.

Jeaale E. Walkup, aecy. Plainrlew—Wahaaba Co. Induat. Fair Aaan.

Sept. 21-23. George F. Sylreater. aecy. Preaton—Pllmore Co. Fair. Sept. 15-18. Ftank

J. Ibach. secy. Princeton—Mllie Lact Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. IS¬

IS. Ira G. Stanley, aecy. Redwood Falla—Redwood Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept.

.3<VOct. 3. C. T. Ererett, aecy. Ruah City—Ohiaago Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18-18.

Cnrtla M. Johnaon. aecy. Saint ebarlea—Winona Oo. Agrl. A Induat.

F^lr Aaan. Sept. 15-18. John Prlach, aecy. St. Jamea—Watonwan Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept.

14-18. W. D. BeU, aecy. St Peter—Nicollet Co. Agyl. Soc. Sept. 21-23.

J. C. Hulett. aecy. St, Vincent—St. Vincent Cnlon A Induat. Aaan.

July 2-3. Boy C. DePrance, aecy. Sank Center—Steama Co. AgrU Soc. Sept. 14-

17. M. D. Aygarn, aecy. Sank Rapida—Benton Co. .Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-

23; J, .A. Cederatrom. aecy. Shak.Tpee—Scott Co. Agrl, Soc. Sept. 17-19.

P. H. Helnen. aecy. Two Harbora—loke Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-18.

W. B. Woodward, aecy. T>ler—Lincoln Co. Fair A Agrl. Aaan. Sept.

14-17. T. P. Hermanaon. aecy. Waconig—Farmera’ Co-operatlao Agrl. Soc. Sept.

14-16. W. J. Sebanner. aecy. Wadena—Wadena Co. Agrl. Soc. Srpt. 24-26.

A. B. Anderaon, aecy. Warren—Mirahtll Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 15-1'*.

Dr. E. 8. Prank, aecy. Wheat.wi—Trarera Oo. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 16-18.

A, T. Rnatad. necy. Wllmar—Kandiyohi Co. F’air Aaan. Sept. Id¬

’s Wm. O. Johnaon. aecy. Wlndom—Cottonwood Co." Agrl. Soc. Sept. Il¬

ls. L. C. ChnrchlU. aecry. Woi-thlngton—NoHea Co. Pair Aaan. Sept, 7-9.

W. E. OllTer, aecy.

laSSISSITPI. Aberdeen—Monroe Co. Fair .Aaan. Oct. 6-8. W.

O. Peugh. aecy. Ackerman—Oioetaw Co. Fair. Sept. 8-10. H.

.A. Pollard, aecy. Baldwyn—Northeaat Ml«a. Pair Aaan. Sept. 22-

24. W R. Milton, aecy. Calti-vin City—Calhonn Co. Pair. Oct. 20-22.

THden Pryor, aecy. Canton—Madlaon Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 21-23.

.A. H. Caiithen, aecy. Corinth—Acorn Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 13-16. M.

A. Candler, aecy. Fnpora—Wehater Co. Pair. Oct. 27-29. Hoiiaton—Thlckaaaw Co. Fair. Oct. 13-1.5. Jackaon—M'aalaatnpl State Fair. Oct. 26-31.

■T. At. McDonald, aecy,-mgr. licxlngtor—Mtaalaatpnl Valley Fair Aaan. Not.

^7. W I. Plcoma. aecy. Meridian—Mlaa -Ala. Pair. Oot. 19 24. R. M.

Strinlln. aecT. Mt. Olire—CoTlngfon Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 21-23.

F, t,. Calhonn, aecT. Frentlaa—.Teffenwin Daria Co. Fair. Aaan. Oet.

a m. H KnoT Wa'ier. acer. Senatob'a—Tate Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 8-11. H.

I. GUI. aecy. Shnhiita—Warne A Clark Co. Fair .Aaan. Not.

4 8. HtlTT Searl, aecy. ntackrlttc—Oktihheha Co Fair Aaan. Sept. 15-

17. Stanler Carroll, aecy.

MTSSOTTRI. Ara—Douelaa Co. Fair Aaan. Oet. 8-10. Ira

M. Daria, aecr. Bllllnga—Acrl. A I.lTe Stock Fair. Oct. 7 9.

.1. W. York. a<'CT. BIreh Tree—Sh.annon On. Fair Aaan. Sept. 30-

Oet. 3 Butler—Batea Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11. C.

F. Robhina aecy. Callao—Callao Fair A«an. Sept. 15 17. E. O.

Jonea. ieey. Campbell Camphell Fair Aaan. Sept. 23 28

N. M. Jonea. aecr. Cape Girardeau Cath- Girardeau Fair and Park

Aaan. Sept. .30 Oct. 3. .T. T. Nunn. Jr., aecy. fVeTe Coeiir T.ake—St l.oula Co. Fair .Aaan

.Sept. 17-20. George B. Ih’wlea. aecy., .Affton. Mo.

Cuba—Crawford Co. Fair .Aaan. Sept 8 11. I C Walker, aecy.

DeSoto—DeS-'to litre Stork. Agrl. and Hort. Soe. Sept. 22 25.

Fayette—Howard Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11. Jaaper Thompaon, gecy.

Feitua—JelTeraun Co. Agrl. and Pair Aaan. Oct. 8-10. H. P. Kratxer. tecy.

Foreat Green—Foreat Green Fair Aaan. Sept. 17-19. F. A. Helman. aecy.

Hartrille—Wright Co. Fair. Oct. 12-14. Jeaae J. Pool. aecy.

Kanaaa City—American Royal Live Stock Show. Not. 18-24. T. J. Wornall, aecy.-mgr.. Lib¬ erty, Mo.

Ki nnett—Dunklin Oo. Fair. Oct. 6-10. L. R. Jonea. aecy.

Ix>ckwood—Dade Co. Agrl. and Mecbl. Soc. Sept. 22-25. Dr. R. A. Frye. aecy.

Manafleld—Agrl. A Stock Show, auapiret Young Men’s Busineaa Club. Oct. 15-17. Ernest Coday. secy.

Montgomery City—Montgomery Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 15-18. George R. MeVey. aecy.

Monticello—^Lewis Oo. Pair. Oct. 6-9. J. A. Weat, aecy.

Nenabo—Newton Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 8-10. O. F. Brockman, aecy.

Mountain Grore—Trl-Connty Stock Show. Oct. 8-10. R. F. Baker, aecy.

New Cambria—New Cambria Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-10. W. E. Howell, aecy.

Palmyra—Marion Oo. Fair. Sept. 9-12. 0. B. 'Tliompaon. aecy.

Plattsburg—Plattabnrg Fair Assn. Oct. 7-9. G. C. Bryan, aecy.

Queen City—Schuyler Oo. Fair. Sept. 23-28. C. C. Cricketta. aecy.

Rf'lla—Pheipe Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. Sedalla—Mlaaouri State Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 2.

John T. Stinson, aecy. SikeatoD—'Trl-Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 23-26. H.

A. Smith, secy. Springfield—Driring Park Fair Grounds Co. Ocf.

8-10. Jesse M. Cain. aecy. Washington—Franklin Co. A. A M. Soc. Sept.

10-12. Henry H. Thias. aecy. Wright City—Warren Co. Pair Assn. Sept. 2-3-



Anaconda—Deer Lodge Co. Pair Aaan. Sept. 15- 17. Martin Martin, secy.

Boxeman—Inter-State Pair Assn. Sept. 7-11. W. B. Burket, secy.

Bridger—Carbon Oo. Agrl. Pair Assn. Sept. 7-9. L. C. Hnebner. aecy.

Chinook—Blaln Co. Pair. Sept. 14 16. Prank Brown, secy.

Deer Lodge—Powell Co. Pair. Sept. 10-12. H. B. Grant, secy.

Dillon—BeiTerhead Co. Pilr Assn. Sept. 16-18. S. S. Csrruthers. secy.

Enreka—Lincoln Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 14-17. L E. Saocrbler. secy.

Forsyth—Rosebud Cb. Fair Assn. Sept. 15-17. Fred O. Kelley, secy.

Fort Benton—Chouteau Oo. Fair Assn. Sept. 10- 12. H. F. Miller, aecy.

Glasgow—Valley Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 10-12. C. B. Coiisnt. secy.

Glendlre—Dawson Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16-18. Fred J. GoiiWIng. aecy.

Harre—Hill Co. Pair A Racing Assn. Sept. 17-19. R. X. Lewis, secy.

Hamilton—RstsIII Co. Fair. Oct. 7-10. James F. Torrence, secy. Helena—Montana State Fair. Sept. 21-28. A.

J. Breltensten. aecy. Kallspell—Flathead Fair Assn. Oct. 6 9. P.

N. Bernard, secy. .Miles Ctt.T—Custer Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 8-10.

W. R. Clarke, secy. Missoula—Western Montana Fair. Sept. 29-Oct.

2. F. M. Lawrence, secy. Plains—Sanders On. Fair Assn. Oct. 8-10. H.

J. Morlson. secy. Red Ix>dge—Carbon Co. Fair Assn. 8“pt. 1416.

H. C. ProTlnae secy. Townsend—Brosdwster Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 10-

12. Wm. G. Hagen, secy. Twin Bridges—Madison Oo. Fair. Sept. 17-19.

H. A. Pesse secy. Whitehal'—Jefferson Co. Fair. Sept. 10-13, Ike

E. O. Pace, secy.


Albion—Boone Agrl. Assn. Sept. 15-18. DsTid Craig, secy.

.kinswortb—Brown Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-ls. George Reynolds, secy.

.\lma—Harlan Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22-24. C. E. .\Iter. secy.

Auburn—Nemshs Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 29-Oct. 1. n. E. C. I/t'ng. secy.

Beatrice—Gagt> Co. Soc. of Agrl. Oct. O-S. J. C. Emery, secy.

Benkelmsn—Dundy Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16-19. Dsn L. Oiigh. secy.

Bladen—Webster Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 29 0ct. 2. O. L. IJndgren, secy.

Brldg«H>ort—Morrill Co. Fair A Sbvk Growers' .4«sn. Sept. 23-25. A. T. Seybolt. secy.

Broken Bow—Custer Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-19. Ems-ry F. Bush, secy.

Chsdron—Dawes Oo. Agrl. and Fair Aaan. Sept. 15-18. George C, Snow, secy.

Chsmbers - South Fork Fair Assn. Sept. 15-17. J. W. Holden, tecy.

Clarks—Merrick Oo. Fair Assn. Sept. 16 18. W. D. Abel. secy.

Columbus—Platte Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22 25. Jerry Carrig, secy.

Crswf.ird—Fall Fair and Festival. Sept. 24 26. Alvaii L. Ilungerford, s< cy,

Creighton—Knox Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 17-19. T. J. Ruokmaater. a».y.

Culbertson—Hitchcock Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 17 19. J. A. Kirk, secy.

Darid City—Butler l o. Agrl. Asan. Sept. 22- 25. W. H McOaftIn, Jr. sei^.

Falrbury—Jefferson Oo. Ure Stock and Agrl. Soc. Oct. 14-17. O. H. Sollenberger. secy.

Fremont—Big Four -Vgrl. Fair. Oct. 12-17. Fred Bader, chairman.

Gcm-Ta—Fillmore Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14-18. H. P. Wilaon. aecy.

Grand Island—Central Neb. Agrl. Assn, of Hall Co. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. A. .M. Connera, seev.

Greeley—Greeley Co. Agrl. Assn. .Sept. 22-25. M. J, Hnrrahlll. aecy.

Harrison—Sioux On. Agrl. Asan. 8< pt. 10-12. J. H. Wllhermsdorfer. secy.

Hayes Center—Hayes Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 24- 26. L. W. Enyeart, secy.

H mper—Dodge Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 15-17. F. 11. Maryott. secy.

Imperial—Chase Co. Fair. Sept. 24-26. W. C, Hill. secy.

Kearney—Buffalo Co. and Midweit Agrl, Assn. Sept. 22-25. O. G. Smith. secT.

Lincoln—Nebraska State Fair. Sept. 7-11. W. R. Mellor. secy.

r>»xlDgton—Dawson Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 15-18. E. C. Van Horn. secy.

I./H1P City—Shermiin Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22-25. A. E. Chaae. aecy.

Madison—Madison Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. S. C. Blackman, secy.

Mindon—Kearney Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-19. E. B. Trough, secy.

Mitchell—Scotts Bluff Co. Fair. Sept. 9-11. J, O. Baker, secy.

Nelson—Nuckolls Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-24. G<'orge Jackson, secy.

Norden—Keys Pahs Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 23- 25. J. G. Petsel, secy.

Ogalills—Keith Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 9-11. I. L. Woodward. lecy.

Omaha—Ak-Sar-Ben CnrnlTal. Sept. 30-Oct. 10. J. D. Weaver, secy.

Pawnee City—Pswme Co, Fair Assn. Sept. 15- 19. C. .4. Schappel. secy.

Scribner—Scribner Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18-17; Henry Boll. secy.

Seward—Seward Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. Wm. H. Smith, aecy. *

Stapleton—Ixgan Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9-11. E. L. Sayre. Jr , secy.

StockTllIe—Frontier Co. Ajjrl. .Vssn. Sept. 22- 25. L. H. Cheney, secy.

Tecnmseh—Johnson Co. Agrl. and Mecbl. Assn. Sept. 22 25. H. S. Vlllars, secy.

WNner—Wlaner Live Stook and Agrl. Assn. Sept. 15 17. C. S. Delly, aery.

WaltblU—Thmston Co. Fair Assn. Third week In Sept.


Fallon—Trnckee-Carson Agrl. Assn. Sept. 14 20. Leo Pinger, aecy.

Reno—Nevada State Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-26. W. D. Phillips, secy,


Lancaster—Coos and Essex Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-4. Elwin Damon, secy.

Plymouth—TTnIon Grange Fair Assn. Sept 29- Oct. 1. Richard Pattee, secy.

Ri>chestcr—Rochester Fair Assn. Sept. 22 25. Frank B. Maguire, aecy.-mgr.


Cape May. Court House—Cape May Co. Fair. Sept. 9 11. J, S. Douglass, m-cj.

Gibbshoro—Camden Co. Fair .tssn. Sept. 25 26. Lucius W. Parker, aecy.

Mount Holly—Burlington Co. Fair Asan. Oct. 6 9. B. P, Wills, secy.

Red Rank—Monmouth Co. Agrl. Fair Assn. Sept. 3-7. Wm. II. Hintelmacn secy.

Tronton—Interstate Fair. Sept. 28 Oct, 2. M. R. Margerum, secy.


.Vlhuqnerque—New Mexico State Fair. Oct. 5- 10. Simon Stern, secy.

Artec—San Juan Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 9-11. E. P. Wilson, secy.

Farmington—Farmington Fair Assn. Sept. IB¬ IS. Frank A. Foley, secy.

lAs Cruces—Dons Ana Co. Fair Assn. Oct 1-3. M. B. Stevens, secy.

Raton—Northern N. .M. Fair Assn. Sept 30- Oct. .3. C. O. Fisher, secy.

R.uvwell—First State IJve Stock and Products Expo. Oct. 19-24. Sam S. Toms. secy.

Socorro—Socorro Fair Asan. Last week In Sept. T. J. Matthews, secy.

Springer—Colfax Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 25 26. D. J. Devine, secy.



Flashy Gold Back Vases* Plates and Fruits* of new catchy designs* In ^ood taste* at living prices.

DepoBtt 25% of amount of order, balance C, O, D.

Write for Illustration* and Prices to

The Lancaster Glass Co Lancaster, Ohio

A btc montj-mtkn for FAIB WORKERS. Pune* Board Mm and I>rmoniilratoc». ■riling article of the Umea. Beauiifulhr nickel-plated and a lire wire. TlK>u»anda nt 25% depoalt with order, balance C. O. D. Send Idc for aample.

CLUTCH PENCIL CO., Ill Nissau Street. New Beautifully ekaiad, 50e par iraaa addHIaaal. Maaufacdurart far 17 Yean.

MoConnellaTine—Morgan Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-18. J. E. Torbort, aecy.

Manafleld—Rlcblaod Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2». Oct. 2. W. H. SUryock, aecy.

Marion—Marion Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-36. Boacoe Obom, aecy.

MaryavlUe—Union Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. W. C. Moore, aecy.

Medina—Medina Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-17. O. 0. Van Denaen, aecy.

Mlnerra—Minerra Fair Co. Sept. 8-11. T. D. Croaa. aecy.

Montpelier—Willlama Co. Fair. Sept. 8-13. Robert Ogle. aecy.

Mt. Gilead—'Morrow Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21*- Oct. 2. O. J. Miller, aecy.

Newark—Ucking Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 Oct. 2 Ed M. Laraaon, aecy.

New Lexington—Perry O'. .\grl. Soc. Sept. 23 25. Clarence L. Chute, aecy.

Ottawa—Putnam Co. Fair. Oct. 610. A. P. Sandlea, aecy.

Oxford—Oxford Free Fair. Sept. 1^ 19. C. C Neal. aecy.

Painearille—Lake O'. Agrl Soc. Sept. 8-11. Sam Low, aecy.. Willoughby. O.

Powell—Delaware Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16 18. Walter Zinn. aecy.

Rainahoro—Highland Co. Ag-l. Soc. Oct. 6-9. Lealie George, aecy.. Greenfield. O.

RIohwood—Ricbwnod Trl-Countv Fair Co. Oct. 6 9. Paul B Vanwinkle, aecy.

Rock Springa—Meiga Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-10. James M. L.rman. secy.. Pomeroy. O.

St. Clalrarllle—Belmont Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 15-17. John D. Haya. accy.

Sandusky—Erie Co. Fair. Sept. 8 11. F. H. Zerbe. aecy.

Saraharllle—N<d>le Co. Agrl. Soc, Sept. 9 11. J. W. Matheny, aec.r., Caldwell. O.

Senecarllle—Gnernaey-Noble Fair Aaan. Sept, 15-18. H. M. Beymer, aecy.

Sidney-Shelby Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15 18. J, E. Ruaaell, aecy.

surer Ijke. Cuyahoga Falla—Summit Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 8-12. W*m. R. Ijmlge. treaa,

SmltLAebl—Jefferaon Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23 25. Cha«. Galbraith, aecy.

Summerfleld—Summerfleld Dirt. Agrl. Co. Oct. 1-3. M. W. MeVay. aecy.

Toledo—Lucaa Co. Agrl Soc. Sept. 7-12. M, H. Pugh. aecy.

Troy—Miami Co. Agrl. 8.>c. Sept. 22 25. C, D. Martin, aecy.

Upiier Sanduaky—Wyandot Co. Agrl. Soc. S«Tt

Dryden—Dryden Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-lL W. A. Miinaey. aecy.

Duiob'e—Ihindce Fair Aaan. Sept. 29-OcL 1. II. L. Woodruff, aecy.

Elmira—Cliemung Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-11. C. S. Ijdltln, aecy.

Fonda—Montgomery Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 39- Oct. 3. J. B. Martin, aecy.

Gorham—Gorham Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-26. W. 8. Mealier, aecy.

Hamburg—Erie Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-25. W. E. Taylo-, aecy.

Hemlock—^Hemlock Lake Union Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-3 R. B. SI'ort. aecy., Llronla, N. Y.

Herkimer --Herkimer 0>. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-10. 1. P. Rasbach. aecy.

Hudaon Kalla—Waahington O'. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8 11. George A. Ferria, aecy.

Ittiaca—^Tompkina Co. -kgrl. A Hort. Soc. Sept. 15 18. W. E. Pearaon. aecy.

Little Valley—Cattaraiigua Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-11. D. J. Buahnell. aecy.

Makin-—Franklin Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. Walter J. Malien, aecy.

Uineola. L. 1.—-kgrl. Soc. of Queena-Naasau Oountlea. Sept. 22 36. Ix>tt Van de Water, Jr.. 68 Main at., Hempstead. N. Y.

Morria—Morris F'llr Aaan. Sept. 29-Oct. 1. D. F Wightmsn, aecy.

Morrlavllle—Morriarille Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-10. F, M. Elliott, aecy.

Naples—Naples Union Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10-12. C. E. Koby, aecy.

Naaaau—Agrl. A Liberal Arts Soc. of Renaaelaer Co. Sept. 16 18. Delmer ILynd. aecy.

Newark—Newark Fair Asan. Sept. 10-12. F. E. Brown, aecy.

Olean—Olean Agrl. A Induat. Aaan. Sept. 7-11. A. H. Miller, aecy.

Oneonta—Dneonta Union Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14-17. Sliirley L. Huntington, aecy.

Orangeburg—Rockland Oo. Fair. Sept. 7-11. John T. Gllchreat. aecy., Nyack. N. Y.

Palmyra—Union Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-36. Jobn H. Walton, aecy.

Penn Van—Yalea Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-18. Frank R. Durry. aecy.

Plattaburgh—<31nton Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-11. W. E. Parkhurat, aecy.

Potadam—Raojuette Valley A St. Regia Valley Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. H. M. Ingram, aecy.

Poughkeepaie—Dutefaeaa Co. Agrl. S*c. Sejit. 7 12. Wm. T. Ward. aecy.

Beeda Corners (Girbiml—Gorham Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24 26. W. S. Mosher, aecy.. R. D. No. I. C'.insndalgui. N. Y-

Rlverbead—Suffolk Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-18. Harry Lee. aecy.

Rochester—Rochester Industrial Expo. Sept. T- 19. Edgar F. Edwards, aecy., 116 Powers Bldg.. Rocbeater.

Rome—Oneida Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21 24. J. A. Ott. aecy.

Vernon—Vernon Fair A Race Meet. Sept. 29- Oct. 1. C. Gordon Simmons, aecy.

Waterloo—Seneca Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10-12. Ed Nugent, aecy.

Watkins—Scbiirler Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. George C. Starkey, aecy.

vnilte Plains—White Plains Agrl. ft Fair Assn. Sept. 16 19. E. B. Long. aecy.


Asheville—Western N. C. Fair Assn. Oct. 13 16. D. Harris, secy.

Burlington—Alamance Fair Aaan. Sept. 29- Oct. 2. R. A. Freeman, aecy.

Charlotte—Charlotte Fair Aaan. Oct. 27-30. Edgar B. Moore, aecy.

Durham—Durham Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6-9. J. W. Burroiighi, aecy.

Elk Park—Avery flo. Fair Asan. Sept. 80-0ct. 8. O. D. Hamrick, aecy.

Sanford—I>ee Co. Agrl. Soc. Nov. 3-5. T. S. Cross, secy.

Smitlitleld—Johnston Co. Agrl. Soc. Nov. 4-6. T, S. R.igsdale. secy.

Sylva -Jackson Co. Fair. Sept. 30-Oct. 2. A. J. Dills, aecy.

Tarboro -Edgecombe Fair Assn. Nov. 3-6. Thos. B. Jacooks. aecy.

Wa.vneavllle—Haywood Co. Fair. Oct. 6-9. Horace Sentelle. aecy.

Winston-Salem—Winston-Salem Fair Assn. Oct. 5 10. G. E. Webb. secy.

NORTH DAKOTA. Hettinger—Adams Co. Fair Asan. Sef't. 29-

Oct. 2. Alex. Stenaby, aecy. Mandan—Mo. Slope Agrl. ft Fair Assn. Sept.

38-Oct. 2. L. H. Connolly, secy. Mott—Hettinger Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 30-Oct.

2. J. R. Campbell, secy. Wahpeton—Richland Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 29

Oct. 2. B. F. Lounabury, aecy.


Ashley—Ashley Fair. Sept. 9-11. F. W. Sharp, aecy.

AtOca—Attica Fair. Sept. 16-18. W. F. Uhle. aecy.

Berea—West Cuyahoga Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8- 10. L. M. Ooe. aecy.

Bowling Green—Wood Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14- 18. R. 8. Sweet, aecy.

Bucyrua—Crawford Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. J. I. Smith, secy.

Cadix—Harrison Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30-0ct. 2. J. H. Llvlogaton. secy.

Canal Dover—Tuacarawaa Co. Fair. Oct. 18-16. J. 8. Kama, aecy.

Canfield—Mahoning Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8 11. M. T. Bowman, Salem. O.

Canton -Stark Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-26. Ed. S. Wilson, aecy.

Carrollton—Carroll Co. Fair. Oct. 6-9. P. B. Roiidebuab, aecy.

Coshocton—Coshocton Oo. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6-9. W. B, Miller, aecy.

Croton—Hartford Central Agrl. Soc. Se{>t. 9- 11. W. H. Siegfried, aecy.

Dayton—Montgomery Co. .kgri. Board. Sept. 7-11. I. L. Holderman, aecy., 6(13 Reibold Bldg.

Eaton—Preble Co. Agrl. B'C. Sept. 28 0ct. 2. Harry D. Silver, secy.

East Palestine—E. Palestine Fair Co. Sept. 22 2t. Wm. Jolinston, aecy.

Flndla.y—Hancock Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30 Oct. 3. A. G. Bunvm, secy., Mt. Blanchard, O.

Fremont—Sandusky Co. Agrl. Soc. S<-pt. 22 25. C. A. Hochenedel, aecy.

Georgetown—^Brown Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 9. T. ewla Richey, aecy.

Grove City (near Oolumbna)—Franklin Co. Fair. Sept. 1618. Walter O. Richards, aecy., 47 Deshler Block. Columbus.

Hamilton—Butler Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 9. C. A. Kiimler, aecy.

Hartford—Hartford Fair. Sept. 9-11. Lancaster—.Fairfield Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 14-17.

W. T. McTIenaghan, se<y. Lebanon—Warren Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18.

Philip Spence, aecy. lAma—Allen Oo. Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. 0. A.

Graham, aecy. Lisbon—Columbiana Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-17,

E. F. Moore, aecy. Logan—Hocking Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 80-0ct.

3. E. B. Allen, aecy. Loodonville—T>oadonv11Ie Free Fair. Sept. 29

Oct. 1. H. E. Zimmerman, aery.





2.M7 AM’d PrbM to thl« Gamo.f no i alM Guna. A Soap for only..«ad.l

HOOP-LA OUTFIT 500 Plocot, all Auortad BJoclis. Hoa

and Prbna. Thia Blp Gama one i far Parka and Faira. only.

uiiuu ruim. uimawaio. i.uw :^aoelUea to pic* For Palra. CamlraU. Parka, rtc. No pooda C. O. D. wlUiout half depoalL Jap Cane*. $9.00 per I.Wp.



Allentown—Letilgh Co. Agrl. Hoc. Sept. 2'J-25. li. B. Scball. oooy.

Atlieiia—Interatato F'alr. Week of 8'pt. U- Cbat. E. Mill*, aecy.

Bearer—Bearer Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 16 1». M. J. ratteroon. oecy.

Ite<lford—B«*»lford Co. Agrl. Soc. Oet. 6 9. J. Hoy Ceaana. aeoy.

lllo ninliurg Columbia Co. Agrl. Aaan. Oct. 6- It. A. N. V<>at. aecy.

Burgettatown—riilon .kgrl. A**n. Sept. 29 Oct. 1. s. V. Klniberland. aery.

Carllale—Cumberland Co. Agrl. Aaan. 8* pt. 22- i',. W. H. M. McCrea, aery.

Carmlchaela—-Oreene Co. Agrl. and Mfg. 8oc. S. pt. 22 25. . C. J. Lincoln, aecy.

Center Hall—Grange Enranipment and Pair Aaan. Sept. 12 18. l.*onard Bb'>ne. aecy.

Cbicora—Pair. Sept. 7-11. John M. Oallagber.

Clarion—Clarloo Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22 25. B. H. Prampton. aecy.

Clirka Summit—L.ackawanna O'. Fair A Orange Poultry Aaan. Sept. M-Oct. 3. P. L. Tbump

Dayton—Dayl'H Agrl. A Merbl. Aaan. Sept. 22- 25. C. C. C'tchran. aecy.

PuBela—DuBola Drlring and Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 211 l»ct. 2. J. A. Slaugenboopt, aecy.

Emporium—Cameron Oo. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 8 11. Harold Seger. aecy. „ .

Porkarille —Sulllran Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29- Oct. 1. O. N. Molyneui. aecy., Duabore. Pa.

Grata—Grata Agrl. A Hort. Soc. Sept.- 18-18. T. S. Klinger, aecy. „ ,

Hanorer—HaooTer Agrl. SoC. Sept. 15 18. J. B UiUer. aery.

Harford—Harford Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-10. O. P. Maynard, aecy.

Ho'lidiyaburg (Dell Dellgbt Park)—Blair Oo. Grange Fair Aaan. Sept. 29 Oct. 2. H. 8. Werti. aecy.. DunciniTUle. Pa.

Honeadale—Wayne Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 5 8. B. W. Gammcll. aecy.

Hugbesrille—Lycoming Co. Pair. Oct. IS 16. Edward E. Pronti. aecy.

Imperial-Allegheny Co. Agrl. Aaan. Oct. 6 8. C. B. Burn*, aecy.

Indiana—Indiana Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8 11. Darld Blair, aecy.

I.anci«ter—I.ancaater Co. Agrl.' Fair Aaan. 29 Oct. 2. J. F. Seldomridge, Secy., 13H N. Queen *t.

I,e|i|ght<>D—Carbon Oo. Induat. Soc. Sept. 29- Oct. 2. J. .\lbert Purling, ae.

lit wlaburg—I'nl'-n Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 25. C. Pale Wolfe. »cy.

Ijgonier- I.lgonler Valley Farmera’ Pair Aa»n. Sept. 2»t><t. 2. A. P. Mualck. •«>■/.

Man*6<‘ld Man»neld Fair (Smytbe Park A*an.>. Sept. 15 IS K. H. Marvin, aecy.

Mercer—Mercer Central Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 15-17. B. M. Gllkey. aecy.

Meyeradale—.Meyeradale Fair and Bace A*an. Sept. K 10 I). J. Pike. aecy.

ililton—.Milton Fair and Northumberland Co. Aarl. A»en. Sept. 29 Oct. 2. Joaepb H. Jobn- wn. eecy. .

Montriiae—Sua<niebanna CO. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-

Jewelry Assortments

Streetmen, Concessionaires, Specialty and Scheme Men!

100 pieces .... $1.00 Variety

200 pieces .... $2*00 m^ar Variety

500 pieces .... $5.00 Immenac Variety

1000 pieces - . . . $10.00 Sent poatpadd on roeaipt of onak

or money ordar.

Manhattan Mfg. Co. 40 Bassett Street, Providence, R. 1.

Fort Stockton-Pecna Oo. Fair 19. Lee Gllea, eecy.

Fredericksburg—Gillespie Co. I “ - ‘ 16-18. Henry Hirseb.

-Fair A Husking Bee, Cl-b. Oct.


• Assn. Sept. 16-

Fair A Imp. Co. . secy. . aiisidces Young t. 26:11. W. E.

Sept. Goliad- _ _ _,

.Men's Business Club. Britton, ......

GonzaU-s—County Fair, i Club. Not. 2-7. J. W. liamei, bcij.

Houston—No-Tsii-Oh Peep Water Jubilee. Not. 9 14. MlIb'D I. Morris, aeoy.

Kennedy—Fair Assn. Not. 4 6. R. R. Goff, secy.. Commercial Club.

Kingsville—Kleberg Co. Fair. Not. 19 19. Dr. H. N. Graves & W. H. Jersig, secretarlea.

Lockhart—JiOckhart Fair Assn. Not. 9-14. Longview—Rast Texas Exhibit Assn. Sept. 22-

26. W. K. Eckman. aecy. Meridian—Bos(|iie Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 6 9 Tell

W. Dunlap, secy. Mercedes—Hio Grande Valley Live Stock A Fair.

Oct. 19 24. H. W. Rose, secy. Midland—.Midland Co. Fair A Stock Show. Sept.

8-11. R. JI. Harkey, secy. Naeogdoehe*—East Texas Fair Assn. Oct. 14-

17. 5V. B, Hargis, secy. Or.vngi—Orange C-*. Fair Assn. Not. 2-7. H.

S. I-. Honsmedieu, secy. Palestine—Fall Fair A FestlTal. Oct. 7-11.

Cbas. Williams, secy. Paris—Lamar Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 23 28. O.

S. CaldVTell, secy. Pittsburg—Northeast Texaa Fair Assn. Not. 5-

14. J. W. D.benport. secy. Boscoe—Nolan Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22 25.

J. M. McCauley, secy. San Angelo—San Angelo Fair Aaan. Not. 2-7. San Marrow—Hays Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 3rt Oct.2 Snyder—Stock A Poultry Show. Oct. 28-.3(i. B.

j. Anderson, secy. Timpson—East Texas Fair Assn. Sept. 3)-Oet.

3. J. R. Ntcbols, asst. aecy. Tyler—East Texas Fair. Oct. 3-10. J. L. Mc¬

Bride. secy. Waco—Texaa Cotton Palace Expo. Oct. 31-Not.

15. S. N. May9eld. secy. WoodTllIe—^Tyler Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 30-Not.

2. O. C. Lowe, aecy. Yniknm—South Texaa Fair, auspices Commer¬

cial Club. 0<t. 6-8. D. C. Imboden, aecy.


CoalTilte—Summit Co. Pair Aaan. Sept. 22-24. Geo. W. Young, aecy.

Logan—Cwche Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. SO-Oct. 2. Merlin R. Horey. seCT.

Myton—Uintah Baiatn Fair. Sept. 23-25. H. C. Ward. aecy.

Salt Lake City—Utah State Fair. Oct. 5-10. Horace S. Ensign, secy.


Brattlebom—Talley Fair Assn. Sept. *2 24. W. A. Shumway, secy.

East Hardwick—Caledonia Grange Fair. Sept. 26. E B. Kst. secT.

Ludlow—Black Blrer Valley Orange Pair. Sept. 23 21. Edgar M. Pinm y. secy.

Manchester Center—Battenkill Valley Indnst. Soc. Sept. 15-17. W. H. Benedict, aecy.

NortMleM—Dog RlTer Valley Fair Aaan. Sept. 8 10. W. H. Donglas, secy.

Riitlanif—Rntland Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-11. W. K. Farnaworth. secy.

St. Johnsbnry—Caledonia Co. Fair. Sept. 8-11. J. M. Cady. secy.

Tunbridge—Union Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 24. Geo. 1.. Swan. secy.

White Klyer Junction—Vermont State Fair. Sept. 15-18. F. 1.- PaTls. secy.

Woodstock—Wlndsi-vr Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-10. C. J. Paul. sec.T.


Abingdon—Washington Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 1-3. E. C. naUillton. secy.

Oo. Fair. Sept. 15 18. C.

Fair. Sept. 23 25. L. W.

Sept 15 18. W. O. Foote,

SOUTH CABOLIMA. Barnwell Co. Fair Aaan. Not. 17 21. losi'lT. aeoT

-Tri Oo. PVilr, Oct. 14 16. W. P nan, oecy. ■la—Marlboro Co. Fair. Aaan. Not. P. Gibson, aery.



Ellnworth—Pl»rf» O). Ftir A*»n. 8»pt. 23-25. (**."ar A. Iliilla. m-cj.

Elrojr—Klroy Fair Aiwn. 8e%it. 2#-Oct. 1. D. F. Coiiwaj-. arc.T.

Frl**n<!Hhtii -Ailniiia Co. Agrl. 8<>c. Sfpt. 21-23. C. II. (Jllnian, reij.

Ca.ta .Mllla—Caya .Milla Fair Aaan. Oct. 6-8. E. G. nri|!i:a. wc.i.

OIciiw'nM City—GIcnwood Inter-County Fair A«- aocUllon. 8 pt. 21-23. Harold 11. Jolinatoo. wry.

Havw.trd-Sawyer Co. Agrl. Fair Aaao. Sept. •Jlt-Oct. 1. I>r. J. A. Ilallard. aery.

Hortonallle—Oiitapninle Co. Agrl. 8oc. Sept. 14- 16. 1... A. Carroll, aery.

Irm River —Itayfleld Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 15- 17. E. F. Danlela, aery.

KillMMirii—Klllr-urn Inter-Oa. Fair Aaan. Sept 21* Oct. 2. \V. O. Gilleapie. ae.,.

La Croaae—I.a Croaae Inter State Fair Aaan. S> pt. 22 25. C. S. Van Auken. aecy.

Lnncaator—Grant Co. Fair end Stork Show. Sept. 15 IS. W. r. Rewden. aee^.

Lodi- I'nlon Agrl. 8oc. Sept. 8-10. Robert Caldwell, ae<-y.

Mauaton—JutH'aii Ot>. Agrl. Soc. 8*-pt. 8-11. W. F. Winaor. aery.

Medfonl—Taylor Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 9-11. W. H. T»nie. aery.

Meivnionle—Dunn Co. Agrl. Sor. Sept. 15-18. J. D. Millar, ae.-y.

M'-rrlll—Linoiln Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 8-11. W. H. Kalaer. aery.

MPwauki'e iState Fair Park!—Wlaronain State Fair and K\po. 8 pt. 14-18. J. C. Macken- rle. aery., Madlaon, Wla.

Mondovi—Buffalo Co. Agrl. S Sept. SO-Oct. 3. J. C. lAietartier, aery.

Monroe—Green Co. Agrl. Sor. Sept. 9-12. M. E. Baltaer. aery.

Nelllavllle—Clark Co. Agrl. Sor. Sept. 8-11. L. Wllllamaon. aery.

New Richmond—New Richmond Fair Aaan. Sept. 29-Oct. 1. W. H. Brooka, aecy.

Oaiikoali—tVInnebrgo Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22- 25. E. E. B< ala, artlng aery.

Phllllpa—Price Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 K. Oeo. R. Footer, aery.

Plymouth—Sheboygan Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 9- 12. Otto OalTron, aery.

Rbinelander—Oneida Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept 8-10-, Arthur Taylor, aecy.

Rice Lake—Barron Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-11. J. G. Rnde. aery.

Richland Center—Richland Co. Fair. Sept. 22- 25. W. F. J. FOgr, aery.

St. Croix Falla—Polk Oo. Fair Soc. Sept 15-18. J. C. Hoglond, aecy.

Seymour—^ymont Fair and Drirlng Park Aaao. Sept 17 19. George F- Fiedler, aevy.

Shawano—Shawano Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-25. Dr. B. Roy«r. aery.

Sparta—Sparta Orly. A Agrt Aaan. Sept 15-18k J. B. Lloyd, aery.

Spo<iDer—Waalihuru 0>. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. IS¬ IS. S. J MrShane. aery.

Stanley—Inter-County Fair. 8«4>t. 15-18. Frank S. Grubb, aery.

Stevena P lint—Sterena Point Fair Aaan. Sept. 8 11. A E. B"«rn. aery.

Sturgeon Bay—Door Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-24. A. C. Greavea. aery.

Superior—Donriaa Co. Fair A»an. Sept. 23 25. J. C. Bertr.ind. aecy.

Tomah—Eaatern Monroe Co. A«rl. Soc. Sept. 22 24. Jamea Rowan, aery.

Vhda—Kirkapoo Valley Agrl. and Driving Park Aaan. Sept. 30 Ort. 2. W. B. VanWlnter, aecy.

Vlriqud—Vernon fo. Agrl. Sor. Sept. 14-17. F. W. Alevander. aecy.

Watertown—Watertown Inter-C-ennty Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11. C. W. Ilarte. aecy.

Wantoma—\Vau«hara Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept IB¬ IS. W. B. Stllwell. aerv.

Weat Bend—Waalilngton Co. Agrl. Sor. Sept. 7 0. Joaepli F. Huber, aee.v.

Weatfleld—Marquette Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 14- 16. n. Srhwark. aery.

WYOMING. Itaain—Big Horn Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22-24. E.

J. Sullivan, aery. Burna—Laramie Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 16-18. H.

H. Wbeeleaa. aecy. Caa|>er—Natrona Co. Agrl. Soc. Week of Sept.

21. R. H. Nirbolla. aecy. Doiiglaa—Wyoming State Fair. Sept. 29-Oct. 2.

Aiiaoii Hlgby, aery. Lander—Fremont Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 15-17.

J. 11. Sharp, aery.. Box 251. Lnak—Niobrara C<>. Fair A Raring Aaan. Sept.

Amherat—Amherat Fair Aaan. Sept. 23-25. O. I A. J')ul>ert, ae -y.

Ap|H>mati«x—Appomattox Fair Aaan. Oct 14- ■ 16. B. G. Aiideraon, aecy.

Bedford City—Bedford Co, Fair Aaan. Oct 13- 16. A. J. Cautborn. aecy.

Blarkabnrz—Blarkaburg Fair Aaan. Sept. 28-30 J. B. Fogleman, aecy.

Cbarlotteaville—(liailotteavllle Agrl. Aaan. Ort. 7- 10. J. G. Shelton, aery.

Chase City—Mecklenburg Co. Agrl. Fair Aaan. S*qit. 2!* Oi-t 2. C. E. Ge<ighegan, aery.

Danville—Danville Fair Aaan. Oct 13-17. D. V. IladchK'k, aecy.

Emporia—Emporia Agrl. Fair Aaan. Ort 20 23. E. E. Goodwyn, aery.

Fairfax—I'sirlax Co. Fair Aaan. Ort. 14-18. E. G. Burrltt, aery.

FrederU'kaburi—Rappahannock Valley Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21*-Orl. 1. Henry Dannebl. aery.

Galax—Galax Fair Aaao. Sept. 9-11. O. F. Carr. aery.

Gate City—Scott Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 16-17. E. G. Qulllin, aery.

Hnrrlaonbiirg — R'rklngham Co. Fair. Oct. 13- 16. R, R Smvthe. aery.

Joneaville— Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 23-26. C. C. Blankenablp, aecy.

I.ebanon—Ruaaell Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 1-3. W. E. Gilmer, aerv.

Lynchburg—Interatate Fair Amd. Sept. 29-Oct. 2. FYnnk A. liovelork, aery.

Marahall—Fanqnier Co. Agrl. Bor. Sept. 30 Ort. 1. N. ih-ank Neer, Jr., aery., Delaplane, Vn.

Martinayllle—Henry Co. Fair, anapiren Athletic Aaan. Ort. 20-24. T. H. Self, eery.

Monterey—Highland Live Stork Show. Sept. S- 10. H. B. Wood, treaa.

Orange—Orange Fair Aaan. Oct 13-15. W. L. Bradbury, wry.

Peteraburg—Sonthalde Va. Fair Aaan. Oct. IS¬ IS. Jamea McI. RnfBn, aery.

Radford—Southweat Va. Agrl. and lire Stork Aaan. Sent. 15-18. O. W. Bagwell, aery.

Richmond—Virginia State Fair Aaan. Oct 6-10. A. Warwick, gen. mgr.

Ronnoke—Rnannke Indiiat. tc Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 22-25. L. A. Srhola, aery.

South Bn«t«n—Halifax Co. Fair Aaan. Ort. 20- 24. W, W. Wllklna, aecy., Tnrberille, Va.

Taaewnll—Tatewell Pair Aaan. Oct 8-8. W. G. O'Brien, necy.

Winrhrater—Shenandixib Valley Agrl. Soc. Sept 8- 11. H. F. Byrd, pret.


Bremerton—Kitaap Co. Fair Aaan. Ort. 7-10. A. T. Johnaon. aery., Fort Orchard, Waab.

Bnrllngton—Skagit Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 21-26. G. L. Knight, aery.

Colfax—Wblunan Co. Fair Aaan. Oct 5-10. B. D. Raber, aery.

Divenpirt—Llnoln Co. Pair Aaan. Sept. 80- Ort. 8.

Dayb'n—Tourhet Valley Agrl. Pair Aaan. Sopt. 10-12. I.eon B. Kenwo,-ihy. aery.

Ephrat.i—Grant Co. Fair. Ort. 1-3. J. T. Wll- klna, aery.

Goldendnle—Klickitat Fair Aaan. Ort. 7-10. J. A. M'.llrr. aery.

I./vndPn—Whatcom Co Fair Aaan. Sept. 80- Oct. .3. Geoigr W. Frick, airy.

North Yakima—Waahington State Fair. Sept. 21-26. J. E. Shannon, aery.-mgr.

Olympia—Tinmton Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 6-10. j. V. Huntaraer ar* y.

Palonae—Har'eat Kilr, anapirea Buainrat Men's A«an <Vt. l-g

Port Townaend—Olympic Penlnanla Fair Aaan. Sept. 10-12. Arch. C. Tweedle, aecy.

Piiyallnp—Weatern Waah. Fair Aaan. Sept 29- Ort 4. J P. Nevlna, aery.

Blvtralde—Okanogan fVi. Fair Assn. Sept 23- 25. T. H. Hays. aery.

Roaalla—R.wilia Fair Aaan. Sept. 30 Ort 2. E. W. Wagner. «pry.

Skaniohawa—Wahkiakum Co. Fair Aaan. Ort.


WANTED ^ Good proposition

> ^ to hustlers.

^.’SN " "'r (or \ terms and

Good Quality Prompt Delivery > Low Pricea

We manufacture our knives from start to Onlah, and \ arc not degmidlng upon Germany for supplies. Therefore,

we can make prompt shipments. Knives with transparent haiidlea, your ad underneath handle: alao ad rtamped on metal

bandies, iron or Grmun atlver. bright and gun-metal flnUb. X

Wrlta today far Piieea aad Catalog. ’

NOVELTY CUTLERY CO., 16 Bar Street, Canton, O,

Giving all we ean for what we get— lastead of gettiog all we caa for what we give

la the B£AL BBASON our customera are our friends. They know ua. And when you know we have a complete stock at the kind at metrfaandiae you need, ability to 6U your

largest order the momient it la received—without aubatltutloo, you will loin out with our (dd customera and take advantage of the vetem which keeps ua at the top.

WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WAR. Our stock of Stuffed Toga, and all kinds of Paddle Wheelmen's Supplies, such at Base Ball Dolla. Bears,

Saookes'-Ookums, Chinchilla and Teddy Dolla. FWt and Leather PUlow Tops, Silk raraeols. Paddle Whe«l&. and the most attractive Peonania and NorelUes, la always complete—and PRICE THE SAME.

IF THERE IS A WAR SOMEWHERE-LET THEM FIGHT. The Srm that auppUes the American Street Merchant and Concesataoer wUti what hr wants at the beet

protIt to hlnuelf—ALL THE TIME—IN PEACE OR WAR^wlthout delay or aubsUtuUon, IS THE FIRM TO DO Bl’RINiaW WITH.

We have a few wltming SpecfalUea for the Fair Workers this aeaaon, that are fully draolhed with iUua- trmtlona and pricea. In our N1^' 1114 FAIX CATALOOCE. Let ua send you one.

SHAPIRO 6l KARR. laipertera aad Jabbers e( NatpRlta. Cases. Whigs. FsR aad Leather Plllew Tags. Fair 6aada, Paddit Wheel

Mta’s aad Straataita's Supgtlea, 324 SOUTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA. *Get wise! We can save vou time, diitv and

troubles, also MIDDLEMEN’S PROFITS, as we are tlie only manufacturers iu Canada of


Don’t delay. Write for particulars now.

DOMINION TOYMFG.!G0., 161-165 Queen St.,East,TORONTO.CAN.

6Doh<Hntah—Snohomish Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 22- 26. J. A. Wlnatoo, aecy.

Spivkane—Sitokane Interstate Fair. Sept. 12-20. Robert H. Coegrove, aecy.

Spokane—National Apple Show. Not. 16-21. Gordon C. Corbaley, aery.

Vancouver—Columbia River Interetate Fair, eon- durted by Clarke Oo. Fair Aaao. SepL 7-12. George P. Laroeo. aecy.

Walla Walla—Walla Walla Co. Pair Aatn. Sept. 14-19. R. n. Johnaon, aecy.

Watervllle—Dnnglaa Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. 6-9. W. W Stevena, aecy.

Wenatebee—Heaperidea Expo. Co. OcL 26-31. D. D. Oldt. mgr.

Wilbur—Wilbur Pair Aaan. Oct. 6 9. W. P. Gray, aecy.


Blneffeld—Bloe6eId-Graham Fair Aaan. OcL 12- 17. H. C. Banka, secy.

Buckhannun—tpshur Oo. Fair A .Lgrl. Aaan. Sept. 7-11 Thna, W. Currv aery.

Elkins—Elkina Fair Aaan. Week of Sept. 7. H. L. HaoDlng, aecy.

MarUnsbarg—Eaatern Panhandle Fair Assn. Week of Oct. 6. John W. Stewart, secy., care Board of Trade.

Oak Hill—Fayette Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 16-19. E. J. Payne, aery.

Spenrer—R<«ne Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 15-18. Jaa. H. Riddle, aecy.

Wheeling—Weat Virginia State Fair. Sept. 7-11. George Hood, secy.

WlnDeld—Pntnam Co. Indoat. Fair. Sept. 8-11. C. A. Pickett, secy.


Amherat—Portage Co. Agrl. S <. Sept. 15-18. Louis Willlama, at-cy.

Antigo—lysoglade Co. Agrl. Atan. Sept. 8-11. R. E. Krauae. aecy.

Augusta—Bau Claire Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-18. E. E. Ihwlng. aecy.

Barahoo—Sauk Co. Agrl. Soc. OcL 6-9. 8. A. PeltoD. secy.

Beaver Dam—Dodge Co. Fair. Sept. 28-OcL 2. C. W. Harvey, aecy.

Berlin—Green lake Co. Agrl. Soc. SepL 8-11. Charlea W. Hitchcock, secy.

Black River Falla—Jackson Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2l> Ort. 2. -Tamea Dlmmlck. aecy.

Bloomington—Blakes Prairie AgrL Soc. Sept. 9-11. Oscar Knapp, aecy.

Bruce—Ruak Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-11. J. Bpinaky. aecy.

Cedarbiirg—Oxaukee Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10-12. A. W. Horn. aecy.

Downing—Downing Free Agrl. Aran. OcL 8-10. E. F. Stoddard, aecy.

Durand—I'epln Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9-11. J. J. Morgan, aecy.

Elkhom—Walworth Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-25. F. M. Porter, wcy.

in oatMia than an aod aalla oo sight for 14 tmalM. Ooata yeu W 04 per 100, with tha name tt any town. aanlTaL park ar cUrous printed at tha bottom. Can 811 onUta aaaae day ranetved. Stas. 4x4 inches Dolls. Mugs or Chlekeoa attached. Also have aoe with amnoplane. Other de- elpnc; “We Are Wing High In— "This la the Tango DoU 1 Met In—,*’ “This Is the DoU 1 Met In—." Each aqulpped with metal egalat and packed In aeparate bok.

358 W. Madison St. 9 CHICAGO, ILL.




Free balloons for the kiddles Is Sie atunt which will boost bualneas at the box office tmd pncnUarlae your theater with the people. 1 (Hir 8EI.F-rT/>SING VALVF. balloons (patented) are etqiertally papular and effectlva 1 Write TODAY for coa4>Iete Information, samples and prices. Please addreae DepL B.


All the late novelties.

Catalog now ready. TIppaeaaas City, Mlaail Catiaty. Oh la.


Kelwood—A*rl. Soc. Oct. 8. Aniuj Wood, •ecy.

KllUoDan—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9-10. S. R. Hender- son, secy., East Klldonao, Man.

Agrl. Soc. Oct. 9. J. R. Mcl-eaa.

Mo«»etiorn—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30. H. T. .Nicliols. secy, ^

Aerl. Soc. Oct. 6 7. H. E. Evans,

St Knstaclie_.\KrI. Soc. Oct. 1. C. A Pro- fontaine, secy.

St. Maiitiste—Agrl. S<)c. Oct. 5. J BariL •eoy, ^

Ste. du—Agrl. Soc. Oct 10. C W

Storevrall-Airl. SoC. Sept. 23 24. D. W. Mc- Intyre, secy.

New'Denver—Slocan I.ake Agrl. Assn. Oct. 1- H. G. Anj^ell. secy.

New Westminster—Royal Agrl. A Indnst. .Soc.

sec”; Bits ^ ^ ■'‘x^kenzle.

Woodla'nrts—Arg.vle. Wo dlanda and Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30. A. J. H. Woodlands, Man.

KEW BRUNSWICK. Centrevllle—Contreville Agrl. Soc. S

A. A. H. Margison. secy.. East 0« Saint John—Erhn. Assn, of City a

of St. John. Sept. 6 12. Horace secy.

*'"'’*"*^* Eihn. Sept. IS-UL W alt< r h. Stevens, secy.


Antlgonlsh—Antigonlsh Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 30. Aliao McDonald, aecy.

Bear River—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6. C. F. McDor- njand, aecy.

® •*8rl. Soc. Sept. 24. -6. Ur. R. J. McMeekla, secy.

Caledonia—Queens Co. Fair. Sept. 29-30. Joaiah Smith, secy.. South Brtokleld. N. *.

Hallfsa—Nova Scotia Exbn. Sept. 9-17. Jf


HOJS Per Hundred

Mid IViuHna—Agrl. S^i>t. 4. OhM. Welch. Duu^table. Alta.

Mill .non-Agr .Stw. Sept. 20, E. W. Meera, v,,y. Wliiiis.rne. Alta. „ „

Agrl. Soc. Sept. 11. P. T. Horner,

Sept. 10-11. R. B. Camp

Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9. Arthur Prleatlyi

7-8. T. W. Hutchlo-

-Agrl. Soc. Oct. 2. R. R. No. 1, Calgary.

Oct. 8. Jai. O. McKay,

Nakaiiiuu— »e< y.

(iM- Agrl. Soc. te-11. secy.

(»ii.-«sy M-<y.

Poiioka—Agrl. Soc. Oct. vii. secy.

Pr.d.lls and MllUrvllle- Klchard Knight, aecy., Alta.

|•r.•^..»t—Agrl. Soc. secy.

St. .\ll>ert —Agrl. Soc. secy.. .Morluvllle. Alta.

Stetlier—Agrl. Soc. Se| secy.

Strome (Klllami—Agrl. K. I.yall. se*y., Strom

TiWr—Agrl. Soc. Sept.

Three Hills—Agrl. Soc. .McDonough, secy.

TolleUl—Agrl. Soc. S»i«t. aecy.

Vernillloo—Agrl. S««:. secy.

Viking—Agrl. Soc. 8e: secy.

Wainwright—Agrl. SO' Graham, secy.

Warner—Agrl. Soc. secy.

Wlnnlfred—Agrl. Soc. Parker, eecy.


Abbotsford—Suuas Agrl. AasiT. Sapt. 18. F. t. Wiggins, secy.

Aldergruse—Agrl. Assn. Sept. 17. Nash. Patricia, B. C. ^

Armstrong—Armatrong Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6-7. Alwyne Buckley, eecy.

Bella Coula-Fair A Agrl. Aaan. Oct. 9. A. Hammer, Hagrnsborg, B. C.

Bulkier Valley (Telkwa)—Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 10-11. Wm. Orotean. aecy., Alderemere,_B. C.

Burquitlaui —Agrl. Assn. Sept. 26. W. A. Holme, secy.

Burton—Kurlon Dlst. Agrl. Amu. Oct. 1-2. W. Glddlngt, aecy.

Central Park—Central Park Agrl. Aasn. Sept. 17 19. F. E. Harmer, Box 235, McKay. B. C.

Chilliwack—Chilliwack Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 15- 16. H. W. Hall. aecy.

(om.x -AVimoi Agrl. A Indnat. Aasn. Sept. 17- IR. H. Carter. Jr., Courtenay, B. C.

Coquitlam—.Cgrl. Soc. Sept. 18. A. B. Me- | Kenile secy.

Cowlchsn—Cowlcban Agrl. Assn. Sept. 17 19 ' C. W. Slllence. IMincan, B. C. . :

Crtubr<s>k—Cantr<><>k Agrl. Sept. 15-16. A. H. Webb, secy.

Creston—.Agrl. S'W. Oct. 15. DeltJ—Iblts Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18 19. A. deR.

Tsvlor. secy., Ijidiier, B. C. Elk Valley—Agrl Awn. Sept. 11 12. H. 8.

ITstt. eecy.. Elk l*rsrte. B. C. Fort Gei.rgf—F'Tt George Agrl. A Imlust. A«sn.

Sept. 24 25. N. C. Jdrgeneon. secy. Friiitvile—F'niltvsl* Agrl. Assn. Sept. 22. W.

W. Stone, secy. 0«.lden—Aioldeu .Agrl. Assn. Sept. S 9. Grind Forks -Grand F«irks Agrl Assn. Sept.

24 2.'.. Walter E. Hadden, aecy. Greenwood—Greenw.wd .Agrl. Assn. Sept. 22-23.

IV II. MoCurrach, secy. Isiandw—.Agrl. .Assn. Sept. 16. J. C. Kings¬

bury, Gingea. B. C. Kimbs'ps -Kamlooi>s .Agrl. Assn. Sept. 2 4 2tt.

Henry T. Denison, secy. Kaslo—Agrl. Assn. Oct. 13. F. S- Chindler.

secy. Kent—.Agrl. A Hort. Assn. Sept. S or 15. W.

Green. Agimla. B. C. Lsngley—.Agrl. Assn. Sept. 23. W. J. Mc¬

Intosh. 5lt|de Ridge—Agrl. Assn. Sept. 23 24. A. S.

Rankin. Port Haney. B. C. Mat-M]ul—.Mitsqul Agrl. Assn. Sept. 24-25.

Alex. I- Bales, secy.. Mt. I^hman. B. C. Mission—Mission .Agrl. Assn. Sept. 21-22. J. A.

Catherwood. aecy. Nikiisp—.Arrow Ijikea Agrl A Induat. Aasn.

G»-t. 8 9. A. Harvey Smith, aecy. Naknsp—Arrow Lakes Agrl. A Indnit. Ann.

Oct. 8 9. J. H. Vestrup. aecy. Nanaimo—Nanaimo Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-17.

J<'natban Isherwood. aecy. Nersllea Niwslles A Whatsban Agrl. Soc. O.t.

5 fl. George Heaton, aecy. Nelson—Nelson Agrl. A Induat. Aaso. Sept. 23-

2.5. O. Horatead. aecy. Nicola (Merritt)—Nlcsila Valley Agrl. Soc.

.Sept 15. Th.*. HIslop. aecy.. Nicola. B. C. N. A S. Saanich-Agrl Soc. Oct. 2-3. H. P.

Mllberry. secy., Saanichton, B. C. North Tbomfison—.Agrl. Aaan. Rev*- 19- ”•

Homersliam. Hefliey Ck.. B. C. Penticton—Penticton Agrl. Assn. Oct. 27--8.

Edw. Cannel, aecy. Prince Rupert—Northern B. C. Agrl. A IndiiBt.

Assn. Sept. SO-Oct. 8. L. B. Wabater. aecy. Pritchard—Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 17. Albert C.

Boyde, aecy. Quesnel—Cariboo Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 18-19. Wm.

Stott, aecy. Kevfiatoke—Revelatoke Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 17-

19. T. E. K Taylor, aecy. Richmond-Richmond Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-17.

J. McGInnli, Eburne, B. C. Salmon Arm—Salmon Arm A Slinswap Lake

Fair. Sept. 21 28. J. E. lAcey, Boa 34. Slocan City Agrl. A Induat. Aaan. Sept. 29.

J. Owen Clay, aecy. So ke—Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 18. Percy Kayment,

Mllnea Bldg. Siimmerland—Summerland Agrl. Amn. Oct. 29-

30. R. Pollock, aecy. Surrey -Surrey Dlst. Agrl. Asm. Sept. 22.

H. Bo»e, Surrey Centre, B, C. Trail—Trail Fruit Fair Aasn. Sept. 16-17. P.

^ W. Bn>wn. sery-mgr. Vancouver—Vancouver Exh. Atm. Sept. 8-12.

_ H. S. Rolaton, aecy. Vi-mon—Okanagan A Bpallnmchen Agrl. Soc.

Oct. 89. W. Fleming, aecy. Victoria-B. C. Agrl. Assn. (Domlnltvo Fair.)

Sept. 21-26. Oeorge Sangater, aecy.

MANITOBA. Bcinse>>ur—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 26-28. E. J. Aatoa,

secy. r.lroox—Agrl. 8oc. Sept. 28 29. J. P. Lanflll,

secy. Olenella—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 7. W. J. Fraser, aecy.

H K 1'lit.Rhy Colors of Felt, Sewed Letters, Full

Slz**, 24x24, Double Fringe and Honler, Nuiin^s

of States, Citiex, Colleges, Ktc.



M-M M-nm. T m. t a rn. FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS, Size. 9x18, per 100.$ 6.00 M r>lM 29 souvenir of fair. Size. 11x26, per 100. 7.00

HOTTEST NOVELTY, Size 12x30, per 100. 7.50

m. T» y NOVELTY APRONS, Ascarled Saylapt, per 100. 7.00 NOVELTY HATS. Ateorted Sayiaps, per 100 . 7 50 NOVELTY SKINS, Assaried Sayinfi. per 100. 10.00

W V W EP DRESSER SI2E. 25e Seller, per 100. 9.00 1. 1_J M Cj 19 TABLE SIZE. 50« Seller, per 100. 15.00

Soc. S*pt. 11. Chae. e, Alta.

24-25. T. A. Sundal, Wooaona Ppoctoe

10 11. R. N. Whlllana,

Sept. 23 24. Job Mace.


We ruah your orden to the front, to you alwaya have ammunition to do buslneea with. The conunlasary la ready. What'a your wantat


A. P. Veale,

John A.

—Klnga, Hanta and Annapolia AgrL Soc, Oct. 7-9. W, 8. Blair, aecy

Middle Muaquodoboit-Arrl. Soc. Sept 22 28 Cbai. Logan, aecy.

Bbelbnme—Sbelbaraa Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8-9 W K. Hood, aecy.

Shubenacadie—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23 25 W D Bowera, aecy.

Sydney—Sydney Exhn. Commlaslon. Sept. 29- Oct. 3. S. I*. Uhalloner, aecy.. ‘.>95 Charlotta

Yarmonth—Yarmouth Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30- Oct. 2. Wm. Corning, aecy.

ONTABIO. Aborfoyle—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6. Abingdon—Abingdon Agrl. Soc. Oct. 9-10. Al¬

bert Blaxill, aecy. Acton—Acton Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-24. Oeorga

Hyn la, aecy. AlUa Craig—McGlIllvray Craig Co. Soc. Sept.

17 IS. Wm. L. Corbett, aecy.. R. R. 2. Ailsa Craig—N. Middleiez Agrl. Soc. Stpt IT*

18. J. H. McKay, aecy. Alex.vndria—Gl< ngarry Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 2S.

J. O. Simpaun. aecy. Alfred—Alfred Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-16. B O,

Darisien. aecy. Allisteii—Alli.ston Agrl. S.M!. Oct. 1-2. W. .M.

I*ockliart. aecy. .Alnwpnte—.North Lanark Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 24.

W. H. Staffi>rd, aecy. -Alvlnaton—Brooke & Alvinaton Agrl. Soc. Oct.

1-2. W. A. Moffatt, aecy. Amheratburg-Amberatburg. Anderdon ft MaMep

Agrl Soc. Sept. 30 4)ct. 1. J. H. Pattypiece. aecy.

Ancaater—Anesater Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 30. G<a>rge W. Blaek. aecy.

Arden—Kenneta-c Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6. D. A. Oaborne, secy.

Arthur-Arthur Agrl. Soc. Oct. 7-8. Thoa. Dry- den. accy.

Aahw.Tth—Stlated Agrl. Soc. Sept. 25. Q. T. Hodge, eecy.

.4gtorville—Aatorvllle Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24. P. Rochefort, secy.

Atwood—Elma Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 23. T. O. Ratcliffe. accy.

Avonmore—Roxborough Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-23. Hugh M. Diarmld, aecy.

Ayton—A.,ton Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 7. I. J. Hal- penny, aecy.

Bancroft—Bancroft Fair. Oct. 1-2. Waltai Wiggina, aecy.

Barrie—Barrie Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-23. R. J. Fletcher, aec.v.

Bar River—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1. Bayaviile—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1. Richard Piper,

aecy. Beachburg—North Renfrew Agrl Soc. Sept. 30

Oct. 2. Wm. Headrick, aecy. Beamavllle—Clinton Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-26. Joa.

A. Sinclair, aecy. Beaverton—Beaverton Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28-30.

John 5IcArthur, aecy. Beeton—Beeton Agrl. Soc. Oct. 5-6. Joaepk

Wright, aecy. Belleville—Belleville Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7-8. B.

H. Ketcheaon, aecy. Belwood—W. Garafraxa Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29-8(X

A. J. Bradley, aecy. Berwick—.4grt. Soc. Sept. 24-25. M. McQueeiL

aecy. Binbrook—Blnbrook Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6-7. Mat¬

thew Jobnaon, aecy., Qlaaford Station, Ont.,

Chleaae, III,


NEW SOLDER EASILY DEMONSTRATED Big money to be made. Start right now. TTie new SOLDERING (»MPOUND la made to It will Hick any- wfatje. on tin. copper, braaa, aluminum, enameled ware, etc. TTie beat of a candle U ail It requlrea to use;

a lady can do all her own kitchen utenHl repairing. In tUcks, per groaa, $3.75; per doien, 40e. Send lOo foi

■ample and InitrucUona. BA2ZANELLA ft CO.. 407 S. Edea Straat, BaltiHart, Md.

DINNER RINGS rH /HiLAD RAGS” Fern .4xate Dinner Rings—universal!}' popular—fashion’s newest vogue—mark¬

ings strikingly beautiful—Fern -Ngates found right here In Montana. Save

middleman's proOts. We cut and mount them In solid gold. Others ask $5.00.

Special orice. $3.50, postage paid. Write for price list of Necklaces.


It will pay you to handle OUR Line. Use OUR Goods, and your (Aistoraers will COME B.tCK for more. We do not make t'B.4P. Send for samples today. .\NY' .Lssortment of PENN.4NTS or PILLOWS will be sent on approval. Money will b« refunded If not entirely aat- Irfactory. YOU WILL RB-ttRDER.

SPECIAL—24-lnoh Laced and Double Fringed PILLOW (Two- Color) TOP, with Hand-l*alnted Velvet FTower I>es'.gns of STATES, ClTira, (XIUNTRHiS. CXILLBGES and LODGIR

N*. I Grads Matarial, 90e Each, aay Quantity. Ns. 2 Grads Matsrial, 75s Each, aay Quantity. Ns. S Gnads Matsrial, 55o Each, aay Quaatity.


Our Own Invention .Xml the price is O. K. to start. Better than “Chicken Inspector.” .Xll oiders shipped sitinc-tlay received.

PRICE. $1.50 GROSS, POSTPAID. SAMPLE 10c. Can furnish cuts and circulars. Dealers


SAFETY Blackstock—Blackstock Agrl. Soe. Sept. 29-30. Blenheim—Harwich Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8 9. J. M.

Denl!Oln.. sf cy. Blyth—Blyth Agrl. Soc. SepL 29-30. Won

Jackson, aecy. Bi'bcaygfon—Vernlam Agrl. Soc. Oct. 2-3. W,

Hickson, sei-y. Bolton—Albion ft Bolton Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28

29. F. N. I.eavens, aecy. Bothwclis Corners—Agrl. ^c. Sept. 'A4-2S. Bowmanvllle—W. Durham Agrl. Soc. Sept. IS¬

IS. J S. .Moorcraft. aecy. Brncebridge—S. Miiskoka Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28

25. G. W. Boyer, necy. Bradford—Bradford and Went Gwelllnnburg AgrL

Soc. Sept. 23-25. G. G. Green, secy. Brampton—Peel Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-23. Mind

M. Kirkwood, secy. Brlgden—Brlgden Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2R-29. Brighton—Brighton Agrl. 8i‘C. Sept. 10-11. B.

O. Brown, aecy. Brnce Mines—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23. F. W.

Snider, necy. Brtinneln—E. Huron Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-2. M.

Bl.ack. aecy. Bnrford—S. Brant AgrL Soc. Oct. 6-7. W. F.

Miles, aecy. liurk’i F*alla—Bnrk’s Falla Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-2,

w. Mstsalf. aecy.


M A *717 stock for Streelnien, .Auction- A* I!\£uV£u eers anti Fair Ground Followers is

ton Street, W., complete. If you play the Fairs in

CANADA. Canada get our prices. Prompt Shipments, Lowest Prices.

LEATHER PILLOWS, TABLE COVERS, ETC., ETC ORIGINATORS of Lwther Goods for Punch Boards. Ra/ncs, Paddle and other Games, and Premiums, Blg- gewt value for the money. Sample sent prepaid. $5.00.

WOOD 8k LEIATHER KRAFT CO. _ . 2IMA North Brsadway. *-08 ANGELES. CAL,


Mi M i

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

BurllDctuii—Nrlaoii and Burlincton AcrI. Soe. Oct. 8. Sunltj Uynea, accy.

Cal*donia—Caledonia Fair. Oct. 8-9. H. B. 8awle, aecy.

Cauipbcllford—-Beyniour AArl. goc. Sept. 29-30. U. A. Hay, aecy.

Canboru—Agrl. Hoc. Sept. 24. W. L. MeUrk. aecy.

Carp—Carp Afrl. Soc. Sept. 80-0ct. 1. A. K. Hunt, aecy.

Caatteton—Caatleton Afrl. Soc. Oct. 8 9. Cayuft—t'ayupa Fair. Oct. 1-2. J. W. Sliep-

pard. i*e<’y. Centreville (Addinftno Co.)—Afrl. S'>c. Sept.

12. Joa. Tait, aecy. Moacuw, Out.. B. M. I). S.

Cunrlpin—Charlton Afrl. Soc. S<‘Pt. 15-18. I. Ui'avcll, aecy.. Box 48.

Ctaatliam—W. Kent Afrl. Soc. Scpt. 21-23. M. M. Maxwell, secy.

Clrit!-wortli —lloll.inil Afrl. Soc. Sept. 10-11. John Oalbraltb, secy.

CUealoy—Chcalcy Afrl. Soc. Sept. 22-23. W. O. Warniiuftou, aecy.

Clarence Creek—Afrl. Soc. Sept. 22. Oeorfe DitIJ, a*-cy.

ClarkKburf—Collinfwood Tp. Fair Aaan. Sept. 22 23. Bruce llamtitun, aecy., R. B. 2.

0>lHlen—Cobden Afrl. Soc. Sept. 24 29. O. A. Parr, aecy.

Cobourf—t>)boorf Central Afrl. Soc. Sept. 22- 23. ‘Hiomaa lluakin. aecy.. Grafton, Ont.

Oocbrane—Cochrane Afrl. Soc. Oct. 12. Wm. Younf, aecy.

Oolborne—Colliorne Fair. Sept. 29-30. Jobs Morrow, aecy.

Coldwater—GoldwateB Afrl. Soc. Sept. 29-30. H. (heater, aecy.

0)HlnfWO'>d—Great Northern Fair. Sept. 23 28. II*‘nry Foreinan, a* cy.

Ounber—('omber Afrl. Soc. Oct. 5-6. W, O. Campbell, aecy.

Oookatown-^ookatown Afrl. Soc. Sept. 80- Oct. 1. W. G. Mackay, aecy.

Cooksellle—GookBrllle Afrl. Soc. Oct. 1. J. K. Morley, secy.

Cornwall—Cornwall Afrl. Soc. S<8>t- 8-5. M. D. Cline, secy.

OourtUnd—Afrl. Soc. Oct. 8. J. H. Barnett, aecy.

Delaware—Afrl. Soe. Oct. 14. Edfar Weld, aecy.

Delta—Della Afrl. Soc. Sept 2T-29. R. Han¬ na,, aecy.

DemoreatTlIle—Sophlaabnrf Afrl. Boc. Oct 10. W. Asa PVjater. aecy., Plcton. imi.

Desborti—Destmro Afrl. Soc. Sept. lT-18. 'ilios. Mafee, aecy.

Dorcbtwter—Afrl. Soc. Oet. T. Mias Cels W. Neeley, aecy., Dorcbeater Station.

Drayton—Peel A Drayton Afrl. Soc. Sept 29- 80. John RItcb. aecy.

Dresden—Camden Tlownablp Afrl. Soc. Oet. 1-2. J. T. Bridfcwatcr. aecy.

Drumbo—D'umbo Afrl. Soc. Sept. 29-30. Thos. S. Telfer, aecy.

Diincbarcta—Afrl. Soc. Oct. 2. Jamea Clelland, aecy.

Dundalk—Proton Afrl. Soc. Oct. 8-9. A. E. (Tolfan. aecy.

DunnTlIla—DannTllle Afrl. Soc. Sept 17-18. W. A. Fry. aecy.

Dnrhaaa—nnrbam ArrI. Soc. Sept, ke 28. Blmtri—Elmira A Woolwich Afrl. Sue. Sept.

22-23. R. W. Zllliax, aecy. Elmrile—IToa Afrl. S^. Oct. 5-7. C. 8. Bur¬

ton. aecy. Embro—AfTl. Soc. Oet. 1. Dr. H. B. Atkin-

aon, w’Cy. Emo—Rainy River Valley Afrl. Soc. Sept. 23-

35 John K. Klnf, aecy. BmMlale—Perry Afrl. Soc. Sept 29-30. Chaa.

White, aecy. Enflebart—Euflehart Afrl. Soc. Sept 17-18.

I. erl Soper, aecy. Erin—Erin Afrl. Soc. Oct 15-18. A. O. Mc¬

Millan, aecy. Eaaex—KatM^x Co. Afrl. Soc. Sept. 23-25. W.

r>. Rt-anian, aecy. Exeter—Exeter Afrl. S>c. S'-pt 21-22. Alex

E. Dyer. aecy. Falrfround—Afrl. Soc. Oct. 8. Fenelou Filla—Fenelon Afrl. Soc, Sept. 10-11.

laaac Nayhir Cameron. Ont., R. K. i. Fenai* k—Fenwick Afrl. S'C- Sept. 29-30. A

N. Armbriiat, aecy., Rldfevllie. unt. Fereralitm—Feverabam Afrl. Soc. Oct. 6-7. Fleaherton—E. Grey Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29-30.

W. Buakin, aecy. Floicnc.'—Florence Afrl. Soc. Oct 8 9. Wal¬

ter Drew, aecy. Fordalch—Howlck Afrl. Soc. Oct 3. J. H.

Rofera, aecy. Foreat—Foreat Afrl. 8*0. Oct. 1-2. C. W. Me-

CV.rdie, aecy. , Ft. Erie Race Track—Bertie' Afrl. Soc. Sept.

23 24. Capt. Jaa. E. Rtdfemount. Ont. Fort Wllllam-I\)rt Arthur—Weat Alfma Afrl.

.Vaan. Sept. 15 18. H. M. Crocker, aecy.. Fort William Ont.

Prankrord—Frankford Afrl. Soc. Sept 17-18. T. H. Ketrheaon. aecy.

Prankvtlle—Frankvllle Afrl. Soc. Sept 24-25 W. H. Montfoiiiery, aecy.

Freelton—Afrl. Soc. Oct. 18. Jaa. A. Gray, aecy.

Galetta—FItaroy Afrl. Sec. Sept. 23-24. Mat¬ thew Riddell, aecy.

Galt—South Waterhio Afrl. Soc. Oct. 1-2. Rob ert E. Cowan, aecy., R. R. No. 3.

Ge-Tf-town—FaquealOf Afrl. Soc. Oct. 1-2. J. A. Tracy, aecy., Eaquealnf, Ont.

Olenco**—Moaa A Ekfrld Afrl. Soc. Rept 29 ,30. Robt. W. McKelltr. eecy.

Godcrl<di—Goderich Indiiat. Fair. Sept. 21-23. J. Ades Fowler, aecy.

Goodertaam—Afrl. Soc. Oct. 1. Gordoa Lake—.4frL Soc. Sept 28. D. A. Jonea,

aecy. Gore Bay—Gore Bay Afrl. Soc. Sept 29-80.

And. Hall. aecy. Grand Valley—E. Lather Afrl. Soe. Oct 1-2.

J. A. Rlchardaon. aecy. Gravenhurat—Gravenhurat A Muakoka Afrl. Soe.

Sept. 17-19. Dr. V. N. Cartwright, aecy. Guelph—Guelph A S. We!UDft"n Afrl. Soc

Sept. 15-17. Wra Laldlaw, aecy. HaltbartoD—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24. uwea Me

A»oy. aecy. Hamilton—Hamtlton Fair. Sept. 16-19. John

E. Peart, aecy., 81 Pine at Han.yver—Hanover. Brant A Bentlnck Agrl. Soc.

Sept. 17-18. 8. B. Clarke, aecy. Harrlaton—W. Wellington Agrl. Soc. Sept 24

25. J. M. Tonnf, secy., R. R. 4. Harrow—Co|ch**ateT Sooth Agrl. S>c. Ocl. 13

14. Arthur Aria. aecy. Harrowsmith—Frontenac Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10-11.

J. 8. Oallagber. aecy. Hepworth—Afl. Soc. Sept. 23. A. F. Mil¬

lard, aecy. Hisbf ate—Orfoprt Agrl. Soc. Oct. 2 3. Fred

Littlejohn, aecy. Holatetn—Egeemont Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29-30. L

B. Nlcholaon. aecy.




Huntavllle—N. Muakoka Afrl. Soc. Sept. 22 33 W. I). Forreat. Sr., aecy.

Hittiera - Agrl. 8<>c. Brpt. 83. Infrratdl—Ingeraull Agrl. Sue. Sept. 23 ?4

George J. Janea, aecy. Inverary—Mtorrlngten Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9. F.

S. Fergiiaon. aecy. lT*>n Bridge Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22. Fred All

huat-n, ••e<-y. Jarvia—Wil|Hile Agrl. Boc. Oct 7-8. R. A.

Waltera. a»-CT. KagaHong—Hllltnga Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8-9. W.

J. McKenzie, aecy. Ke< ite -Gti oal>ee Agrl. 8<«. Oct. 0 7. An-I

Shearer, t*-cy. Kemble -Kepi>el Agrl. Soc. 8<‘pt. 29-80. Joho

Jobnaton, av-ry. Ke>ii|>;ville K -ni|>tvl!Ie Afrl. SoC. Sept. 24 2.'*.

S. J. Ij«w. aecy. Kllaytli—KlUytb Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-2. Alex

Garvic. aecy., Tara. Ont.. R. K. 4. Kliioaidine -Kincardine Agrl. goc. Set>t. 17-18.

J. J. Hunter, aecy. Kliigatou—Kinvatou Agrl. Soc. Sept SO-Oct. 1.

Roltert J. Buahell. aecy., Bath Kuad, Ont. KiniiHiunt - Galwar Agrl. Sue. Sept. 14-15. N.

Q. M"Eachern. aecy. Klrkton—Kirkton Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-25. Amot

IK>upe, aecy. LakeHeld—LakeOeld Agrl. Soe. Sept. 15-10. Wet.

Sherln, aecy. Lakealde—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24. F. Seaton, aecy. Ijimbelli—.4ct1 Soc. Oct. 6 H. Poole, aecy. Lcioirk—Lanark A Bathurat Agrl. Soc. Sept

10 II. W. K. Playfair, aecy. Lanfton—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 10. {..anadowoe—I.anadowDe Afrl Soc. Sept 17-18.

8. I*. M<y>re. aecy. Leamington—Meraea Leamington A S. Goafleld

Agrl. Soe. Oct. 7-0. Jaa. Nell, aecy. Lindoay-Llndaay Central Fair. Sept. 17-19.

Jamea, Kaitb, aecy. LJon'n Head—Eaataor Agrl. Soc. Oct 1-3. Wm.

Laldlaw. aecy. Llatowel—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 7. F. Ton Zaben.

aecy. Lombardy—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 12. John Babb,

aecy. London—Weatem F^r Awn. Sept 11-19. A.

M. Bunt aecy. Loring-Agrl. Soc. Oct. 3. B. Foraytb. Sr.,

aecy. Lyndhurat—Lyndhurat Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-10.

Wm. Foley, aecy. Mibcrly—Mtbcrly Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29-30. Oeo.

W, Buchanan, aecy. Maduc—Ma<loc Afrl. Soc. Oct. 0-7. W. J. Hill,



ILLIONS^ Carousell Works

On our C^amuarila you will And only our oarn hand-acu.pturrd hnnra. Our prices on either portable or nation aty t'arouaellx are from 3o to 40% leaa than others. We hive the fo<»ls! ("convince j-oursclf by looking u» up. We don't handle hobbjr-horsr*. No Voneer exm- ntsXcvl allh Mangles rV>. Addrms

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Webster and Zimmerman Flyinji at Fairs and Celebrations with their SO H. I’, ('urtiss Biplane. Reason- able rates. Flights guaranteed. 14 West Second St., DCLCTH, .MINX.

Corner’s Orangeade an(i I_iEIVf (the Original Powders)

The drinia YOU WANT. Guaranteed under tlie I". S. Gowemment Pure Tc.^i*. Serial No. *IS«. One pound makes 40 gilloni nf drink, with a proBt of $30.00. lUrp, $2.25 per (lound: samole gallon, lOr. Write NUW for ijuanUty pric.'cea. THE CORNER CO., 303 Marylaad St., BuRala, N. Y.

HIGH SXRIKERS A $60.00 Striker for $45.00 for the balance of 1914 only, to Introduce my new style No. 4 Striker. RUndard Is In 4 Mctlonsl Trick Is 1 In. wide witbout joints. M. W. ANSTERBURG, MFR., Haaitr, Mieh.


aecy. Uafnetiaran—Magoetawan Afrl. Soe. Sept. 3S-

"At. K. J. Moulding, aecy. Manltowanlng—Manttowaulnf Fair. Oct. 1-2.

T. G. Hurlburt, aecy. Markdile—.Markdata Agrl. Soc. Oct. lS-14. A.

Jackson, at-cy. Markham—Markham Agrl. Soc. Oct. 7-9. A.

Ward Milne, aecy. Marimira—klarmura Agrl. Soe. Sept. 21 22 T.

E. Laycock, aecy., R. R. 2. Marabvllle—Wainfleet Afrl. Soc. Sept. 24-23.

Joa. llenderkon, Jr., aecy. 3laBa*'y—Agrl. 8<jc. Sept. 25. Oacar Cole. aecy. Mathesou—Agrl. Soc. UcL 10. J. A. Uluo.

aecy. 0 Mattawa—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24. C. A. Fink,

Bi-cy. Maxvllle—Kenyon Agrl. S* c. Slept. 15-10. J.

1". McNaugUlon. aecy. Maynootb—MayixxrUi Agrl. Soe. Sept. SO. O.

A. Jordiaoo, aecy. McDonald'a Coruera—Agrl. Sue. Sept. 2.5. McKellar—.McKellar Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 23.

John Fletcher, aery. Meaf .rd—Meaford A St. Vincent Agrl. Soc. Oet.

1-2. N. E. klontgoraery, awy. kielbournc—Ajrl. St>c. (Kt. 0. Frank McLean,


Merlin—Raleigh A Tilbury Agrl. Sue. Sept. 24- 2.5. M. A. Drew eecy.

Merrlckvllle—kierrlckville Agrl. Sue. Sept. 17- 18. J. Jubnston. aecy.

Metcalfe—Metcalfe Agrl. Sue. Sept. 22-23. W". C. Cameron, secy.

ktlddleviilv—Agrl. Sue. Oct. 2. Arch Rankin. a*-cy.

Midland—Tiny A Tay Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-25. D. L. McKeand, aecy.

klildm.iy—Agrl. S ’C. Sept. 29. Peter U. Lleoa- mer. secy.

Milton—Hutton Agrl. Sue. (Kt. 6 7. J. H. Pea ctwk. aecy.

Mlllbriuk—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-2. J. N. McGill, aecy.

Milverton—Mornlngion Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24"25.' Wm. Zimmermaa. scry.

MInden—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29. W. O. Archer, Bcey.

Mitchell—FulUrton, Lngan and Hlbbert AgrL Soc. Sept. 23-24. T. H. Raca. aecy.

3lt. Brydgei —Cavadoc Agrl. Soc. Oct. 2. Wm. Tonng, aecy,

kloiint Forvat —Mount Foreat Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-18. Alwz Hntcblnaon, aecy.

Murillo—Ollvdf Agrl. goc. Oct. 0-T. Chaa. Hill, aecy..

Napsnee—lienn<>i Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-10. E. Ming, aecy.

Neustadt—Normanby Agrl. 8»c. Sept. 16-17. A1 hurt Welnert. aecy.

New hope—North Crosby Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17- 18. Jaa. C. Moriarty, aecy.

New Hamburg—Wllmoi Agrl. Soc. Sept. 11-18. A. R O. Smith, secy.

Newington—Stormont Co. Fair. Sept. 15-10. 0 F. Jardlne, tecy.

New Llakeird—New IJakeard Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10-11. A. E. Stephenson, aecy.

Newmarket—Newmarket Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 8. Wm. Keith, secy.

Niagara—NIngara T«wn A Tp. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 19 IR Alfred Ball. oeey.

Noelvllle—Agrl. Sue. Sept. IB. Joseph Qnerln. aecy.

Norwich—N. Norwich Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23 28. John McKee, secy.

Norwood—E. Peterborough Agrl. Soc. Oct. 18 14 John E. Roahurgh. aery.

Oakville—Trafalgar Agrl. Soc. Oct. I 3. J. L. Hewaon. Sivy.

Oakwond—Mariposa Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-22. J- B. Walden secy.

(HiBWcken—Six Nation Agrl. 8«v. S’Vt 30- Oct. 2. G. Al*-x. Martin, secy.

Odessa—ArrI. S<v. Oct. 1 Onondaga—Onondaga Agrl. Soe. Oct. 5 6. Wm

Simpson, 328 Dallioasle at., Brantford, Ont. Orangeyllle—Dnfferln Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-18.

A. E. Annis. secy. Orillia—E. Rlmcoe Agrl. Hoc. Sept. 17-19. R-

C HIpwell. aecy, Oro—Agrl. Sue- Sept. 15. W. Forrester, aery..

Hawkestone. Ont.. R. M. D. 2. Orono—Oixmn Agrl. Siv. Sept. 24 25. Adolph

Henry, tecy.

I if

orr»llI<!—Agrl. Boc. ■on, ttecy,

Onliawa—a«uU> Out. Agrl. Boc. 8«pt. 14-18. W. E. N. Sinclair, aecy.

Ottawa—Central Can. ExUn. Aaan. Sept. 11- 1». E. McMabon, aecy.

Otterrllle—South Norwich Ajrl. Boc. Oct. 2-8. Alex. M. i^rlaoe, aecy.

Owea Bound—Owen Sound AgrU Boc. Oct. 7-9. W. N. Chlaholm, aecy.

Palnley—Palaley A*rl. Soc. Bept. 29-30. W. B. Barnett, aecy.

Pakenham—I'akenbam Agrl. Boc. Sept. 21'^. ^ W. Howe, a‘-cy.

Palmeraton—Palmerston Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22-23. C. L. Kearas. aecy.

Parham—Parham Agrl. Boc. Sept. 22-28. Geo. A. Smith, aacy.

Paris—Parla Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-25. H. C. O’Neall, aecy.

Parkbill—Parkblll Agrl. Sue. Sept. 24 23. W. W. Talt, aecy.

Parry Sound—Parry Sound Fair Assn. Bept. IS¬ IS. C. Gillespie, secy.

Peterborough—Peterborough Indust. Exbn. Sept. 17-19. F. J. A. Hall, secy.

Petrolea—Petrolea A Euiitshlllen AgrL Soc. Sept. 18 18. A. A. l>ewar. seo.

Picton—Prince Edward Agrl. Soc. Sept.. 22-24. Klpley Township Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29-80. Angus Ifartyn, secy.

Pinkerton—Agrl. Sue. Sept. 25. Albert Pin¬ kerton. secy.

Port Carling—Agrl. Soc. Bept. 17. John Obpe, aecy.

Port Elgin—N. Bruce A Sangeen Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24 25. F W. ElUott. aecy.

Port Hope—Port Hope Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8-7. B. S. Duncan, aecy.

Port Perry-Port Perry, Reach h Scugog Agrl. Soc. Bept. 24-23. R. Q. Hutebesun. aecy.

Powaasnn—Puwassan Agrl. Boc. Sept. 28-24. W. G. OldSeld. secy.

Prlcevllle—Prlcevllle Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-2. T. A. M. Ferguson, aecy.

Qiieensrllle—QueensTille Agrl. Soc. Oct. 18-14. A. T. Walt. aecy.

Bainhsm Centre—Southern Branch Agrl. Boc. S<'pt. 22 23. A. E. UaTlll, secy.. Bainbam, Ont.

Renfrew—Renfrew Agrl. Soc. Sept 29-Oct. 1. W. E. Smalineld. aecy.

Blcerllle—S. Plantaganet Agrl. Soc. Sept. 27- 29. John Clemens, secy., Fournier, Ont.

Rlcbanl'a Landing—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29. Chas. Young, eery.

Richmond—Carleton Co. Fair Assn. Bept. 28- 80. John Hemphill, secy.

RIdgetQwu—Howard Agrl. Sue. Oct. 18-15. Oeo. McDonald, aec.r.

Rubins Mills—Ameliasburg Agrl. Soc. Ort. 8. W. H. C. Roblin. secy.. Ameliasburg. Ont.

Bocklyn—Bocklyn Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8-7. J. W. P-sttun. secy., B. R. 2.

Rorkton—Rockton Agrl. Soc. Oct 18-14. Wm. McDonald, aecy.

Rockwood—Rockwood Agrl. Soc. Oct 1-2. John Olbbona, aecy.

Rodney—Aldborongh Agrl. Soc. Oct. 5-8. B. A. Hnglll, aecy.

Roseneatb—Alnwick Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-25. W. Lean, secy. •

Rosaeau—Agrl. S^. Sept. 18. Albert A. Young, secy.

Russell—Russell Agrl. Assn. Sept. SO-Oct. 1. D. McArthur, secy.

Ssrnlt—W. Lambton Co. Fair. Sept. 29-30. M. A Senders, recy.

Sault Ste. Marie—Central Algoma Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30-0ct. 2. W. B. Moorhoiiae, aecy.

Srarburo—Agrl. 8<>c. Sept. 23. H. K. Clark, aecy., Agincourt. Ont.

Scboniberg—Si-lienibcrg Agrl. Soc. Oct 15-18. It. L Graham, secy.

Seafursh—Seaferth Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24 25. M. Broderick, secy.

Shannonvllle—.4grl. Sue. Sept. 19. T. A. Mac- Ksrlane. aecy.

Sbedden—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22. John H. Sella, aecy.

Shegulani1nh,-Shegulanrtah Agrl. Sue. Oct. 1-2. Shelbnm—Dufferln Central Fair. Sept 29-30.

B. J. Wataon, aecy. Simcoe—Norfolk Co. Fair. Oct. 13-15. J. T^oa.

Murphy, aecy. SmithTlIIe—Peninsular Central Fair. Oct. 1-2.

W. F n. Patterson, secy.

South Mountain—Mountain Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10- 11. J. B. Barry, ai-cy.

South Rl»er—Machar Agrl. Soc. Sept. 80 Oct 1 W. A. Connolly, aecy.

SpencervlIIe—Spencervllle Agrl. Soc. 8< pt. 29 30. George . Falrbalrn. secy.

Sprlngaeld—8 Dorchester Agrl. Soc. bept. 23- 24. J. B. Lucas, secy.

Sprucedale—McMurrich Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24 23. I). Cowte. secy.

St. Mary's—8. Perth Agrl. Soc. Bept. 22-23. B. F. I^incaster. secy.

Stella—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29. W. H. Uontray, secy.

Stirling—Stirling Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-25. C. W. Thompson, aecy.

Strafford vine—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18. C. Caswell, aecy.

Stratford—Stratford Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21-23. R. J. Stinaon. aecy.

Btrathroy—Strathroy Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21 28. Davlii Frans, aecy.

StTeetaTlIle—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23. W. F. B. Swltrer, aery.

Sturge<->n Fall*—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24. W. L. Fortle*. aecy.

Sunderland—Sunderland Fair. Sept. 23 24. P. B. St. John. aecy.

Sundrldge—Strong Agrl. S->c. Oct. 6 7. John B. Duke, aecy.

Sutton—Sutton .4grl. Soc. Sept. 24'2.3. O. .1. Sliver, aecy.

Tamwo-th—Agjl. Soc. Sept. 10 O. R. Rlch- ardaon. aecr.

Tart—Arran and Tara Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8 7. Jsmea 'A. Macdonald, aecy.

Tavistock—Tavistock Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21 22 W. S. Russ*'!!, secy.

TV'i'swa^r—TN'cawster Agrl. Soc. Oct. 7-8. Jolin Far*iubsra»n. aocy.

Thamesvllle—E. Kent AgM. Soc. Oct. 7. W. J. Crvdermsn. aecy.

The*lford—Boasnquet Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 .30. N. J. Ketrney, aocy.

Th<'assIon—Theaaalun Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23 24. John mil. secy.

Thomdale—R. Middlesex Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28 29. Jas. H. Wheaton, aecy., R. R. No. 2.

Thopold—Tiarold Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22 23. J. W. Shrlnor. aecy.

Tlllaonburg—Tlllaonburg * Denham Agrl. Soc. •Sopt. 29 30. Reg. J. Brookni-td. aecr.

Tiverton—Agrl. Soc. tVt. 8 J. O. Ord. aecy. Twt'ed—TweM Agrl. 8*>c. SopL 30 Oct. 1. J.

K. Johnston, aecy. Udora—Agrl. 8*>c. Oct. 2. W. O. Webater.


Sept. 17. Well* Tbomp- Underwood—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29. John B. Richardson, aecy.

Dtteraon—Stephenson & Watt Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29-30. J. H. Osborne, secy.

Vankleck Hill—Vankleek Rill Agrl. Soc. Sept. 21- 23. H. C. Jones, secy.

Walkerton—Northern Exchange Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15-16. James Tolton. secy.

Wallaceburg—Wallact burg Agrl. Soc. Sept. 29 30. E. W. Shaw, aecy.

Wallacotown—Wallacetown Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-2. Walter’a Falls—Walter’s Falls Agrl. S'C.

Sept. 29-30. Fred Wickham, secy. Warkworth—Percy Tp. Agrl. ^c. Oct. 1-2. P.

S. Ewing, secy. Warn-n—W'arren Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-17. S. S.

Luckey, secy. Waterdown—Agrl. Soc. Oct. a. W. Q. Horn¬

ing, aecy. Wtterfurd—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8. A. K. Ewing,

secy. Watford—Bast Lambton Agrl. Soc. Oct. 5-6.

F. Kenward, secy. Welland—Welland Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6 7. W. H.

Gainer, aecy. WelUndport—.Monck Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8-9. J.

H. Immel. aecy. Wellesley—Wellesley N. East Hope Agrl. Soc.

Bept. 15 16. A. B. Robertson, strcy. Weston—Weaton Agrl. S*c. Sept. 18-19. A. Q.

Oouldlng, aecy. Wheatley—Romney Agrl. Soc. Oct. 5 6. J. W.

Kennedy, a>ey, Wiarton—Wlarton Agrl. Boc. Oct. 6-7. Isaac

Lennox, secy. Wilkeaport—S^bra Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22. Jaa.

A. Grant, secy., Bickford, Ont. Wllliamatown—8t. Lawrence Valley Agrl. Soc.

Sept. 16-17. J. A. McLennan, aecy. Winchester—Windaor and North Essex Agrl.

Soc. Aug. 31-Sept. 3. E. B. Winter, aery. Windsor—Windsor Indust. Exhn. Sept. 12-19.

R. M. Jaffray, mgr. Windham Center—Agrl. Soc. Oct. 6. W. R.

McConnell, eecy. Winghp.m—Tnruberry Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24 25.

H. B. Elliott, secy. Wolfe Island—Wolfe Island Agrl. Sue. Sept.

22- 23. O. A. Rattray, secy, W’oodbrldge—Woodbridge Agrl. Soc. Oct. 18-14.

C. L. WaBtee, aecy. Woodstock—Woodstock Fair Assn. Oct. 6-8.

W. 8. West, secy. Woodvllle—Eldon Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10-11. A.

E. Btaback. aecy. Wooler—Wooler Agrl. Soc. Sept. 3-4. H. Wea-

aela, aecy., Trenton, Ont.. R. R. No. 1. Wyoming—Plympton and Wyoming Agrl. Soc.

Sept. 24 25. H. O. Taylor, aecy. Zurich—Zurich Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-24. D. 8.


Charlottetown—Charlottetown Driving Park A Provincial Bxhn. Assn. Sept. 22-25. C. R. Smallwood, aecy.


Beance—Ste. Martine Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30. Pierre Fortier, secy., Lambton. Que.

Berthiervllle—Bertbier Agrl. Soc. Sept. 22. Gaston Allard, secy.

Ham-Nord—Wolfe Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15. E. O’Brady, aecy.. Wotton, Que.

Lachnte—Agrl. Soc. Co. of Argentine. Sept. 22-24. G. J. Walker, secy.

liOuisevIlIe—.Maakinonge Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10. riovl* Caron, secy.

Pleasiaville—Megantic Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10. J. B. Valler. aecy.

Pont-Chatean—Soulancea Agrl. Soc. S<'Pt. 15. G. R. Vernier, secy.. Cuteau Landliii;. Que.

Richmond—Richmond Co. Agrl. Soo. Sept. Il¬ ls. A. E. Main. aecy.. Upper Meltourue. Qne.

Rongemont—Rouville Agrl. Soc. Sept. 13-10. A. Area. secy.

Ste. Alexandre—Iberville Agrl. Soc. Sept. S 9, J. E. Boivin. secy.

St. Bamabe—St. Maurice Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24. E. Bellemare. aecy.

St. Bruno—Chambly Agrl. Soc. Sept. 9. Alf. Charrnn, secy.. St. Hubert. Que.

St. Ryacinthe—Agrl. Soc. Sept. g. Bene Morin, aecy.

St. I.azare—Vaudrenll Asrrl. Soc. Sept. 17. Jos. Denis, secy., Vandreull. Que.

Ste. Martine—Chateanguay Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8. Nap. Mallette. secy.

Ste. Scholastique—D-Montagnes Aerl. Soc. Sept. 21-24. J. M. Sanve. Cotc-Double, Que.

Ste. Theodosle—Vercherea Acrl. Siu?. Sept. 17. J. H. Gervala. secy.. 1489 Papinean ave., Montreal. Que.

Shawville—ShawTllle Fair. Sept. 21-23. H W. Hodglns. sec.T.

Sherbrooke—Canada’s Fastem Exhn. Sept 5- 12. H. B. Miller, secy.-mgr.

Strathmore—Jacquea-Cartler Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2. J. 8 Ashby, si'oy., Ij«<4ilne Que.

Waterloo—Shefford Aerl. and Rort. Soc. Sept. 15-16. N. 0. Rockwell, aecy.


Duck Lake—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18. M. Conr- chene, aecy.

Kinlatlno—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24. Maymont—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16. B. E. Knowlea.

aecy. Melfort—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23. Paynton—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 15. A. M. Black,

aecy. Quill Lake—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30. John Bird.

’Tisdale—.4grl. Soc. Sept. 22. Wadena—Agrl. Sue. Sepf- 29- H. W. White,

aecy. Watson—Agrl. S*tc. Oct. 1. W. T Smart, aecy.

SPECIAL <4a24 laakaa.

lamed and frlngad. two-oolw top; Btaua, ClUra. etc.. with h an painted Talval Sowera. etc. Uke euL Good grada falL

90o EACH Aay Qnaatlty.


White Stone Electrical Diamonds




Send tiampa for aample| or order dlrecL Itonae refunded If not aatlafactory.

SEND FOR PRICE UST8. Na. 4M Na. 401 Na. 407 Na. 4tT7

PINS STUDS GROSS. ■> $2.75 RINGS, Ei;.. ■ • $6.50 EAR RINGS,;i;u$6.00

A full line of Watches for Punch Boards, High Pitch Men, Spindle Work¬ ers, Raffles and Games of Chance.





An ingeo o-a wire device on wh'cS a natty Fo-..t-in-Hand. n.jc!e i 1 lljee firr pie n ov.-a and re.tJ

# ^ requiring untyi..g, cn be put on ^

g ^ taken oS I*-- collar in a ^ ^ I \ twi-kli-g. jT 1

Mada of REAL Leather.


Don’t compare oura erlth the cheaper hooka now on the markee. HEMEMBER, ere are THE OHIt'.INATttRS at thia book, and aell more of them than all other dealeri oomblnrtL

SEEING IS BELIEVING. Sample lent on receipt of 2Sc. Prioa, par

Griaa. <24.00.

BRACKMAN-WEILER COMPANY Whataaala Jatralert aid Preailu*

Spaclallita. <37 W. Miditea Strait, Chkata. III.




Tramendeus fel’cr I i $? 50 per Grot Enormous Profii. 9 9 Including Circ

SampI- Form and Braid Tie w;;b brat “Speil'" i writ'.c.i, a. Qt poetp_;J Lr I Cc in at.inipa or ec


Sparkling War Novelty New faat seller for Carnival Men, Fairs. Amaaexnent Parks, Streetmra. Sample, 10c; Griau $7.20; Five Groea lot. <35.00. Prompt ahlpmenU. Order today.

SECOR MFC. CO.. 516 East 23d Street, Naw Yark City.

Bella Electric Candle i Winnarr^tll silver nlckel-pIate<L R nionsi with battm In base, tungsten bulb and opal ahade. An ornamental and Indlapetiaabie ar¬ ticle for the home. Ready for Inatant use. Uft by the handle, the light la on; release the handle, the light la otf. No smoke, no grease, no soot, no odor, no danger of Are. Price, oomplete, <I 50. Agents writs. SAFETY ELEC-

|TRIC CO., Sole Aanrlean Aasats, <42- 344 N. MlehlgaB Ava.. Chleat*. III.


F. MUELLER Sl CO. 1761 N. Waatsm Ava.. CkIsAf*. III.

Manufactum Shooting OaUerle* and AmuaeMOt 0«- rleea Bend for our nrw eatalogua.




REDUCED PRICES—800 Hours. Cleat or Colored, 8c: <00 Hours, Clef og Colored, ^ Ouaranieed. SAFBTT ELECTRIC COMPANY, 342 .North Michigan Arenue, Chicago, nUnaia,

ALSO NUVKL/TIES for SmiEBTMXN We rendve erery week from our

factory. Balloons at all kinds and aliea that we guarantee ot aupertor quallly to any uffrred on the markat.

We also oauUnn our eustnentra and tha trade to beware ot Iriftrlor and falaa nuinhm offered at <4ieap prieaa CAtonv5fL^'^ GOODS

Weatrm Headquartrra. By far tha Largeat Dealata.

E. BLOCH MERC. CO.. 141,3,5 Markat Straat, Saa Fraaeliaa. Cal.


• SPEARMINT FLAVOR OR MONET BACK SELLS S PACKS roll IOC yive Pink and Wuel paper wrappel ettek. to a pmikage Sample box ao 6f packngw. by paiolpcat paid 36F

THK Tni.BDU e WKW IVI. Ill »l <t>. TIII.KI.'. I'lllO. Aim Itallmm Axo-nRlnn and other Norelty Free Attrac- Uuiii, for

ABBEVILLE. LA.. -TRADE WEEK." Orl.UHr 1. J, s. 4 A.ldrma A. O. LANDRY, Trraa- uht. xialliig temta, etc.

A Lower Prices During War Time Instead of Higher Prices

m 70e per 100 for Plates |V4x2'4. n TwP <1.25 ger 100 for Plates 2Vix3'/i. 'I Ortiera xhliiped at any time ot day or I JH night. Surutay or Holiday. I Machines fraia <6.00 up.


718,720 South 7th St.. Philadelphia Pa., U. S. A.

SOUVENIR GOODS in ruby, ruby matt and gold, and green and gold glawware. SUITABLE for Fairs. Camlvala and Streetmen. Good, up-to-date aellers. Write for catalog.


S, 8. Plttahurih. Pa. _ LIGHTS


SEPTEMBER 5. 1914.


r*oiie (Kmi, C o n e ■ I «n d •coeanoriM for

Min«: Umbrellas,

/ j \ Iioi>«rake Molds and P*^*. Pi \ <Hitllu. Cream Puff r'^JT V. / •sS/ \ \ Molds, i-ream I-uff

l\ 1 Fillers, Itouchnut Out- I Ubi, Cookie (kitfl’s, I J^l Waffle Irons. Tamale \ wP^^BE3£3i / • 1 ** WlCTite Kef tin,

i Cciok:-rs, Ctiaf- / ln( IMsbes. Lemonade

Prttter and Pnprorn Ball Martiinea, Candy

^ Kettles and Thennom- B eters. Candy Ftirnaces,

Corn Poppers. Peanut Roasters, Kntton Kandy Machines, C^ewlnc Gum. Peanut and Matcti Vendlnf Madiinn, Clean, Arouse- mriit Games, Ice Cream Cone and I,ainrh Oars, etc. If you want the proper dope, tell me just what you vani, oUierHlie a repb will be delayed.

A. T. DIETZ 27 Sayso Bldg., Toledo, O.


Make BIG Monay





I)ppt 17,

652 W. LakakStraat, CHICAGO, ILL.

S3S Weftplaster Street,


1 Flta all flntera. Till rubber ball srltb water and squirt to surprise. S7.2S per Greaa. No eamplea. No C. O. D. Ortera without depoalL

THE MANES CO. Prevldeaee, R. I.

I New Fairs


Carlisle—Central Ark. Fair Awn. Oct. 12-17. <i. R. Ellis, secy,

Shirley—Van Buren Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 1-3. John H. Cottrell, secy.


San BoniTeDturi County Fair. Sept. 28-30.


Augusta—Nearo Fair Assn. Oct. 27-30. Rev. C. T. Walker, prea.


Salmon—Lemhi Co. Fair. Sept. 23-23. F. A. I’reaton, secy.. Box 424.


Chrlsney—Spencer Co. Fair .tssn. Sept. 30 Oct. 2. C. Warren Abb,rtt. secy.

Montlcello—County Fair. Oct. 14-17.


Berrien Center—Berrien Center Fair. Oct. 7-8. Newberry—I.uoe Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 1-3. A.

L. Sayles. secy. Whiteniore—Weafern loaco Agrl. Assn. Sept.



Remer—Bemer Fair. Sept. 23-26.


St. Paul—Howard Co. Agrl. 8oc. Sept. 29-Oct. I. C. E. Leftwlch, aecy.


Spray—Rockingham Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 21-24. C. P. Robertson, secy.

Winston-Sslem—Colored Piedmont Fair. Oct. 13-16. J. W. Palaley, secy.


Jamestown—Stutsman Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 80- Oct. 2.


Astoria—Clatsop Co. Agrl. Fair. Sept. 24-26. Canyon City—Grant Co. Fair. Sept. 22-26.


Clear I.ake—Fair Aasn. Sept. 23-26. W. I. Notle. secy.


Roy—Roy Agrl. Fair. Sept. 17-19. Woodland—Cowllti Co, Fair. Sept. 17-19.


Keshena fFair Groundsl—Menominee Indian Fair. Sept. 17-10.

Changes and Corrections. MAINE.

Damariscotta—Lincoln Co. Pair. Sept. 29-Oct. 1. J. A. Perklna. aecy., Nobleboro, Me.


Greenffeld—Franklin Co. Agrl. 8oc. Sept. 30- Oct. 1. J. H. Murphy, secy.


Bolatuahi—I.ieake Co. Fair. Sept. 22-23, A. M. E'isher, secy.


Rockingham—Ri<4iinond Co. Fair. Oct. 28-31. George W. Byars, aecy.


Pawnee—Pawnee Park & Fair Aasn. Oct. 14- 17. W. O. Croy. aecy.


Henderson—Rusk Co. Fair, Oct. 8-10. Ralph Soape, secy.

Our Goods Speak fog Theta- aelvea.

EMIL R. HOFFMARR & SON Masufaetarera of the


ShooiingOalUrits&Tirgiis 3317 So. Irriiig Aee.,


X About Ball Gamas and /Sk Slippafy!Stair-way PaTicat—

a I ft 0 N^rs^^tns Bast. w. Ilrely n««ro or down

to attract and amuse the bI U\ crowd—well, they simply a^™^.... 31 can't resist the tenu>ia- lU_Di tlon to throw at the tar-

11 1111 ■ I ■ I I Ml get and see him come In III down. And he will oer- IP ■ talnly slide aomr. Be-

Here us. thU is a srtnner jr (n —s Mire money-getter. W-~\\l Stairway la strong and If W substantial, nicely lln- Ijpuiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiidl Ishedi ftep#fold up when lU_111 target is hit, forming a ff W perfectly smooth Incline; jfeaBnmnamBniniiBBd|\ automatically r«wt. Out- bI_ nl fit Includes front net. a vl backstop and ballt. Write

^bll parUcuIan re- ul III yarding this and other Ir " ^ amusement derlces. We rasra^amiiiiiiiiiiinmigw can make any special de¬

vice you might desire.

De IVIoulIn Bros. A. Co. Greenville, Ill.

WANTED A Fterris Wheel and some good Side Shows, at lal ■»Ta. Mo., Fair, on S^eanber #-lJ, 1914. O. B raoMl’SON, Secretary.

Street Fairs and Carnivals ARKANSAS.

Arkansas City—Fall Festival. Sept. 22-25.


Pasadena—Tournament of Roses. Jan.. 1915. San Bernardino—National Orange bhuw. Feb.

17-24, 1915. F. M. Renfro, aecy. San FYanciaco—Callfomta Apple Show, at 8th

and Market sts.. Brat week in Oct. Harry Perklna. mgr.

San Francisco (Coliseum)—Industrial Fair, .tiispicea Retailers’ Protective .4ssn. Oct. 17- 25.

SuMUvlIIe—Moose Harvest Festival. Sept. 10- 13. J. M. Spalding, aecy.

Traev—Harvest Ctmlval, auspices Board of Trade. Sept. 10-12.

Tmcfcee—.Fiesta of the Snows. Dec., 1915.


Wilmington—Carnival A Home-Coming. Oct. 12-17.


Idaho Falls—War Bonnet Round-np. Sept. 7-11. Dow Williams, aecy.

Lewiston—Northwest Live Stock Aasn. Show and Sale. Nov. .30-Dec. 5. Guy F. Whettel. aecy., Rosalie, Wash.

Nampa—Harvest Festival. Sept. 29-Oct 1. George H. itoore, secy.


Atwood—Fall Festival. Sept. 30 0ct. 2. C. P. Oreve. secy.

Belleville—St. Clair Co. Centennial. Sept. IS¬ IS. FTank W. Lawson, aecy.. First National Bank Bldg.

Bowen—Korn Karnival. Oct. 7-8. J. A. Rob¬ inson, secy.

Canton—Fall Festival. Horse Show A Home- Goming Auspices Uniform Rank, K. of P. Sept. 30-Oct. 3.

Carthage—F'sll Celebration. Sept. 17-19. W. C. Cain, secy.

Chllllcothe—Harvest Jubilee A Horse Show. Oct. 13.

Clcer.1—Csmivil. Sept. 7-12. Dr. A. V. Sbalek. secy.. 5212 W. 2Bth it.

B<)iialitv—Industrial Expo. Sept. 8-11. A. I« Rowling, seejs.

Gibson City—Com Carnival. Oct. 13-17. Wm. I.aFonntaIn, seep.

Rewanee—Home-Coming. inspIces Elks. Oct. .3.10. BUI Empson, niairman Amusement Committee,

Milton—Corn Carnival. Sept. 8-5. Patoka—Home-Coming A Farmers’ Fair, auspi¬

ces Patoka Concert Band. Sept. 10-12. a. , Black, secy. I

(Julncy—Csmivsl, lusplces Moose. S«pt. 14-19. or Sept. 21-26. Geo. H. Stipp, secy.

Ro<k Falls—Corn Carnival. Sept. 30-Oct. 3. J. G. IJnierlck. secy.

Rossvllle—Corn Carnival. Auspices Merchants A Business Men's Assn. Oct. 6 10. C. E. Ri*8, secy. I

8heldou—Horse Fair and Carnival. Sept. 7-11. i Address Secy. Commercial Club. {

Sullivan—Home-Coniing A Horse Show. Sept. 16 19 Address Am. Com. llome-Coliiiug Assu.

Villa Grove—Tenth Anniversary A Fair. Sept. * 24-26. G. E. C'ombs, chairman eutertalniueut I eoiiiintttee.

ATarsaw—F^t. E<lwarda Monnment Centennial Celebration, Homecoming, Soldlera* Reunion and Old Settlers' Meeting. Sept. 29-Oct. 1.


Hartford City—Home-Coming A Fall Featlval. Oct. 7-10. L. B. Marshall, aecy.

lasonville—M<K>ae Carnival. Sept. 7-12. W. F. Crosby, secy.

LsGrangp—Street Fair. Week Oct. S. J. M. wigton. secy.

Medafyville—Carnival. Sept. 16 19. M. M. Ocker, mgr

Mishawaka—Home-Coming. Sept. 7-17. Ad dress Secy. Business Men's Assn.

Noblesville—Horse Show Industrial Fair. Sept. ,30-Oct. 3. Fred E. Hines, seey.

North Judson—After Harvest Jubilee. Oct. 1-3. Orln 8. Schuyler, chairman committee.

North Vernon—Fair FVstival. auspicea Mer chants' Aasn. Sept. 21-26. C. C. Klingnet. aecy

Osiaiaa—Street Fair, anapicei Merchants* Aasn Ijitter part of Sept.

Seymour—Ftee Fall Featlval A Dedication of Fanners' Club Bldg. Oct. 5-10. W. L Clark, secy.

Sheridan—Horse Fair. Sept. 23-26. L. C. Mitchell, secy.

Staunton—Home-Coming, auspices Red Men Slept. 7-12. James O. Roberts, secy

Troy—Street Fair. Sept. 14-19. Sam E. Paulin, secy.

IOWA. Ecrly—Street Carnival. Sept. 25 26. W. W.

IJttle. secy. Greene—Omival. Sept. 33-26. Charles T.

Stager, aecy. Moravia—rtli Festival A Farmers’ Institute

Sept. 17-19. C. E. Nieuklrk. secy.


Emi<oria—Carnival auspices Red Men. Sept 28.0ct. 3. J. G. Call, aecy.

Kansas City—Merchants A Mfrt.' Expo S*y>t. 12 19. Wm. Barrie. Jr., secy., 738 Reserve Bank Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.

Moline—Elk A Chautauqua Counties Kaffir Korn Karnival. Oct. 1-15. W. E. Wallace, secy

Osige City—Fall Festival. I.ast week In Sept or Brat In October.

Salina—Fall Festival. Sept. 7-12. E. D. Rlun don, secy.

Stafford—Wheat A Corn Jubilee (Street Fair). Sept. 30-Oct. 2. Dr. V. R. Newell, aecy.


Carrollton—K. of P. Street Fair. Week Sept 7. I.yter Donaldson, secy.

Central City—Carnival, auspices Order of purl tans. Sept. 14-19. A. I,. Patton, secy.

Covington—Centennial Jubilee, auspices Indus trial Club. Merchants' Assn. A Young Men’s Com’l Club. Sept. 14-19.


Delhi—Home-Coming Fair. Week Oct. 19. L Neuman Marks, secy.


Akely—Street Fair A Agrl. Exhibit. Sept. 25- 26. A1 Williams, secy.


Hannibal—Fall Celebration. Oet. 6-10. Harry A. Scheldker. secy.. City Hall.

Jasper—Street Fair. Oct. 20 22. Montrose—Annual Picnic A Stock Show. Sept

15-17. J. T. Harrington, secy. St. Joseph—Interstate Agrl. A Indust. Coo

gress. Dec. 9-12. H. E. Mooers. secy., cars Commercial Club. •

St. Louis—Carnival A Street Fair. Auspices Cherokee B’lsiness Men's Assn. Sept. 12-20. Dr. B. Brinkman, chairman. 2651 Olive tt.


Florence—Fall Celebration, anspices iMbor Unions. Sept. 7-12. Edw. 8. Peters, secy.

Hastings—Central Neb. Fall Festival. Oet. 5-10. A. W. Borden, ebsirman.

Norfolk—Fall Festival. Sept. 16-18. Address Commercial CInb,

Omaha—Ak-Sir-Ren Carnival. Sept. SO-Oct. 10. J. D. Weaver, secy.


Ijikewood—Wishlngton Camp. No. 60. P. O. 8. of A. Carnival. Sept. 7-12. Jonathan Hous¬ ton. secy.

Trenton—Social Center I.eague Carnival. Sept. 21-20. George 11. Cartlldge, se<-y.. 719 Cherry tt.


Dunkirk—Merchants’ Street Fair A Carnival Second week In Sept. Joa. C. White, secy.

Naples—Naples U. A. Society Fair. Sept. 10 12. C. E. Kohy. secy.

New York—(Manhattan Casino A Park. 1.15tb at., and 8th ave.)—Autumn Bxpo. A Amuse ment Festival. Sept. 28-Oct. 2. R.>gers A Corker, mgri., Manhattan Casino Bldg.

Nnnda—Street Fair. Sept. 10-12. W. B. San ders, secy.

NORTH DAKOTA. Iletfleld—Fall Fair. Oct. 13. N. A. Sloemsn,

secy. OHIO.

Adelphi—K. of P. Fair A Carnival. Sept. 10 12. H. H. Bowsher. secy.

Pellaire — Business Men's Fall Festival. Week of Oct. .3 K<lmoiid it. Martin, secy.. Com¬ mercial Club.

Butler—Home-Coming. Sept. 24 26. C. F. At klnaon, ae^y.

Csmbrldge—Guernsey Co. Fall Festival A Old Home Week. Oet. 7 9.

Chlllleotbe—Farmers* Fall Fcstlvsl. S«’pt 21 26. Edward S. Werrla, secy., Chamber of Commerce.

Coslton—Home-Coming A Fall Featlval. Sept. 21 26. W. H. Welder, seey.

Conneaiif—Labor Day Celehrstlon A Ctmlval Sept. 7 12. I,. W. Morgan, City Clerk, secy.. Box 192.



Nersehell • Spillnai Co. AyUSEyENT OUTFITTERS

twNaiy Si., lo. iMawudi. I. T., U.S.L

tMOKNlV. DAN—It’s takao a UtUs tims to get report of our 4th of July eonUsL be- eauso we don’t Just tay. "JIb Jones got our Brat prise, and Joe Smith got our eecMi.i prise, • We require twurn euieuunte. proeeti by wit- nneee, and the aflidtelts art DOW In our oAce, ahowtne fol- towlng results:

J. L. Landea, of Oarvoll A landea Shows, reretplj July 4th. on Big Ell Wheel. UOl.M.

at tuariton, la., first prise, tlb.uo. X R. Wltmer. with WeMcott Shows, reeripta,

$394.50, at Laurlum, Mich., aooond prise, $5 00 T. J Todd, of llMld A Paul's United Show^ beet

fotograf of Rl( Ell Wheel, prise. $5.00. But. listen II The 10 Big Ell B’hteb baring largest

rtcelpu on July 4th. 1911. in the U. R. amounted to $3.4*5 10; avenging $34<>.51 each. While thU yaer. the 10 largest recripu July 4U> were $3,505.15. eeer- aglng $350.51 eech. Really we never expected as aiuch ai last year, and U it MORE.

Last year Canada got Brat prise, while thU year. 30 Big Ell Wheels In the U. (L Recelpis were larger than any msirtltig fnaa Canada.

Honest, legitimate amuieinent builneea It getting better evefy year. The other kind le haring ' hard sledding"

Write ELI BRIDGE CO.. Bullden of Big EU Wheele. Boodhouee, III., U. R A., for a free copy of that new catalog. 73 pages. $5 foto engraringt of Intcteatlng facta. Tour old friawd.



' • \ /. ■ ■ ■ ■ ‘,o;


N. Kreond Htreet. PhlladelpUa. Pa.. U. 8. A.



OSS AnF oiM flsa imIi# aoiicv with

our Lsu^lnt Mirror Www It oor^ I rwqutrr oscrttsl to itsrt with, sno oarnLr saj trouble or espetUM to operato. Im- prored NoobrrwkAble Mlrrora. Hsaa apprwr* anew and answer aamr purpose ae lha plate

Mlirort. st owo-fourth th# cmi. Durable: Ufht in weight thilF praotic^ kind for trarHlng. Dur pmooslUon will ijiUfwel rou. Write iodiF for full pwrtioulAra.



WANTED—Merrv-Go'Round For Faraun' Co-aperaUva Agricultural Fair. WaconU. Minn., Hrpt.mber 14. 15. 19. Addreaa W. J. acuAit- MEK, HrrrKaiy.

If yau see It la The Blllbaard, tall tfteai ae.

CELEBRATIONS inVlon—7?n't'A*nnu«I Apple Show * nome-CoB ‘ M Wwk Hept. 14. L. E. Howell. Moj. J.,!•V^n-F•rmer.’ Fell Feetlvel. Week Sept

•>S John P. MoDontld. *ecy. I MireUlUe—Street F«lr. Oct. 30-31. L. A

MH'lelUnd, •'ey- , , « , , B lortMUoutU-Corn Cernlval. Oct. RIO. S

ch*lriiJ*n Am. C**m. « ^ «a B.>mereet reiTy Co. Pumpkin Show. Sept. 10 * E. P. .Metthewt, eecy. Kuear Creek—Cltlrena’ Street Fair. Sept. 24

•jrt. Curtle Hoetetler aecy. T.ihn—ElWa’ H<-nie Coming. Oct. 5-10. W m. T

Line. prea. qheooK.

n..»ebiir*—Mooae CarnUal. Sept. 18 18. H. O ParKeter. secy.

OKLAHOMA. Kalr_ A lire Stock Exhibit

Strip Ceiebratlon. Sept --■3, secy. lusplcea Retailers' Asan


This is our final announcement for the season. Once more—unci only once—we offer you the big opportunity you want.

THE PLAY BALL .MACHINE fhas beema wonderful money-getter this year and we’ve cut the price 40% on all machines now in stock. Get one of these and one good day at any of the big fairs will more tlian pay for the machine, and then everything is clear profit, as the PLAY BALL MACHINE is operated without cost to you and is


'**Ask the Man Who Has Worked One.**



Foreat—Sept. 9. Oakland—Columbua Day. Oct. 12. San Francisco—Home Indust. Ex. Sept. 24.

ILUNOIS. Carthage—Home Coming. Sopt. 17-19. W. C.

Cain, Carthage. East St. Louis— Freeport—Landing Day. Oct. 12. Kewaaee—Oct. 5-10. Robinson—Home-Coming. Sept. 29-Oct. 3. Washington—Home-Coming. Sept. T-12. White Hall—Fall Festival and Home-Coming.

Sept. 16-19. INDIANA.

Chalmers—Horse SIh>w and Home-Coming. Sept. 25 26. J. W. Ward. Chalmers.

Mishawaka—Home-Coming. Sept. 7-12. F. A. Partridge, Mishawaka.

KANSAS. Baxter Springs—Inter-State Reunion. Cbas. L.

Smith, Baxter Springs.


CCTlngt'n—Centennial. Sept. 13-19. Louisville—Fraternal Day. Sept. 12.,

MARYLAND. Baltimore—Star Spangled Banner Celebration.

.Sept. 6-.C MINNESOTA.

Freemont--Oct. 12 19.


B,vit<’n Harbor-Fruit Festival. Sept. 15 20. Mackinaw—Sept. 17.

MISSOURI. I^ancaster—Old Settlers’ Reunion. Sept. 10-12.

I. O'Briant, Lim-aster. Maldon—Sept. 7-13.


Norfolk—Commercial Club Festival. Sept. 10. J. W. Tannehill, Norfolk


Lisbon—Celebration. Last of Sept, or first of Uct. C. T. Mead, Lisbju.


-Homo Coming. Sept. 28-Oct. 3.


-Old Home W'eek. Sept. 14 20. -Harvest Home. Oct. 19-21, ettlers’ Reunion. Sept. 15-16. E. W.

CentTilla—Street . - Sept. 14 18. J. II. Orahame. a^ty.

riierekee—<Tierok«H‘ Irt 19. Walter Ferguson, secy_,

I'nid—Home Cuming. si.- . l--- - S-pt. 14 19. R W- Wirt, gen,

PENNSYLVANIA. Trackvllle—Old Home Week. Sept. 14 19. R. |

\ Iteick. chairman. N.iith Eaht—Flremena Carnival A Old Home

\Ve*>k Sept. ‘J> Oct. 3. Oe<'rge H.- Clavln. ualniMn committee. . ,

P'ftsburg—Old-Home Week, anaplcea City af Pittsburg. Sept. 14-19- Joa. E. Oeary, gen. dir., care Polack B.siklng Exchange.

T£WE88££« Nashville—Colored Pythian Carnival. Sapt. 7- ‘ 12. W. H. Allison, aecy., 42b Fifth avenue.

North. _ TEXAS.

^garo—.tnnnal Cuero Turkey TVot A Mid-Coast .agrl. A Uve Stock Expo. Nov. 4-8. O. H. Harris, secy.

Houston—No-Till Oh Dee^) Water Jobllea. Nov. 7 14. Milton L. Morris, secy.

Palestine—Fill F'alr A Fcatlval. Oct. 7-11. Cbas. W’iUiams, mgr.

VERMONT. Rutland—Merchanta' Evening Carnival. Sept-

7 11. A. C. Maaon. aec.v. VIROINIA.

Jlonterey—Highland IJve Stock Show. Sept. 8- 10. C. -M. Lunsford, aecy.

WASHINGTON. Colville—Street F'alr. Carnival A Round-Cp

(Yep-Kanum). Sept. 6 10. W. W. Campbell, secy.

Kennewick—Columbia River Valley Grape Car¬ nival. Sept. 16-18.

Spokane—National Apple Show. Nov. 18-21. OordoD C. Corbaley, aecy.

WISCONSIN. Barron—Street Fair A Produce Sliow. Sept.

24 26. T. J. Tleimpaon. secy. Cumberland—Street Fair. Auaplcee City. Sept.

1.1 17. W. A. Chriatensen. aecy. Hudson—Street Fair A Water Carnival. Sept.

17-18. B. C. Bunker, aecy.

HAWAII. Honolula—Mid-PaclBc Carnival. Feb. 19-22,


Manila—Philippine Carnival. Jan. 30-Feb. 7, 1915. Address Director-General. Philippine Carnival Aaan.


Start a business of your own with Ten-Pinnet, the new auto ^ mJT. jh matie Bowling Alley. Everybody wants to

if^ I play. More fun than old-fashioned bowling. Health- hd! Thrilling! Alleys, 40 to 50 feet long. You can

them up in an afternoon. One customer writes: 11^ “My two alleys 506 days total receipts $3,- fi

Little expense. No pin-boys. Only 541.76.” I attendant needed is man to take in money. F^isy to start—easy to pay—under our plan, Write NOW for easy plan

THE TEI-PINIET COMPAIY, 8 Van Burin Straii. Indianapolis. Ind CoaltOD-

Chlcora- Chlcori Perry— _

JoDca, Perry.


Pottavllle—Mooae Celebration. S 494b Brown st., Ph



Morri8t'>wu—Home-Coming. Oc Roger Miller, Morristown.


Walla-Walla—Frontier Days. U. Johnson.

We make especially for your business flashy, quick-selling packages packed with high-grade chocolates. We guarantee prompt and satisfactory service to you. Tell us what you want and get our proposition. It will make money for you.

MisceUaneous Events TOURAINE CONFECTIONERY CO 251 Causeway .Street,

CALIFORNIA. Oakland—Celebration of Dtacovery Day. Oct. 13. Porteraville—Poultry Show. Dec. 16 17. San Joae—Retail Qrooera* Expo. Sept. 26-Oct. 6 Tmskee—Fiesta of Snows. Decembar.

CONNECTICUT. Meriden—Conn. 8. 8. Assn. Nov. 4-6. Wallac*

I. Woodln, 18 Asylum ft., Hartford. GEORGIA.

Atlanta—Brotherhood of LMaclpIea of Cbrlat. Oct. 7-14. K. E. Elliott, 404 B. A. Lung Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo.

IDAHO. ikert' Carnival. September.

ILLINOIS. -I.nth. General Connell. Sept. 9-16. HomeComlng. Sept. 7-13.

INDIANA. Valparaiso—Home-Coming. Sept. 7-13.

KENTUCKY. Lexington—Ky. Trotting Horse Breeders’ Assn,

Oct. 5-17. MATNE.

Bangor—Maine 3. S. Assn. Oct. 27-29. Freeport—Freeport Poultry Asan. Dec. 16-17.

George P. Collin, Freeport. MASSACHUSETTS.

Boston—Boston Retail Grocers’ Asan. Oct, 6- 31. J. H. Brown. 12 So. Market st.. Boston.

B<j8ton—Boston Terrier Club. Oct. 28. MINNESOTA.

NinnetpoUs—Norweglan-Uanlsh Methodist. Sep¬ tember. 1914.

Minneapolis—Assn, of Evsng. Churches of Ln- tberan Augustan Sy. Oct.. 1914.

Minneapolis—Minn. Conf. M. E. Church. Sept.

Boston, Mass,



Emeryville—Labor Day, Freano— Santa Barbara— Santa Rosa—


GEORGIA. Atlanta— Angnata—

ILLIMOn. DeK a lb—Auspices Labor Cniona. Oaleaburg—J. Karney, chairman. Kankakee— Krwxnee—Auaplcee 0t. Joeepb's Bldg. Fnad

Attn. A. DeClerk. aecy., 416 W. Gacond at Qnlnry— Sprlngaeld—Auspices Federation ef Labor.

IOWA. Centerville—Chairman Labor Day Committee.

XEMTUCXT. Loatsvllle—J. G. Keetler and John Schneider

cummlttee. LOUISIANA.

Shreveport—Ceatml TYndee end I^abor On^oell Max M. Ooslln, aecy., 831 Travis et.

MASSACHUSETTS. Springfield—Springfield Diocese C. T. A. C

Chaa. J. R<¥>Dey, secy.. Westfield. Maes. MICHIGAN.

Bay City—A. B. Rtdigan, pree. Mnakegoo— Ontonagon— Biglntw-Federation of I.Abor. John C. Mlipe

aery.. 727 Holden at \

MISSOURI. 8t. Charles—Fraternal Picnic Aten Barry f

Fruome. aecy., 1608 Gallaher ave. MONTANA.


Spencer—Ubor Day. I. M. ElUs, Siwnrer. OHIO.

Akron—A W. Held. aecy. Crettllne-Iron Moldera' Onion. Bd NagU

aecy., Manafleld, O. Aew I.oodon—New I>oDdun>or Day Amm

R H. Seller, prea.; I. L. Hull, aecy. Zanesville—flberlock A Shrlner. mgra.. Bog 04

. OKLAHOMA. McAleater (Lake Park)—Anaplree I<abor Onlona

Sept. 6 7. Rlel>an1 Gllk. park mgr. „ SOUTH DAKOTA. Emery—M. Mlrl»1. Jr., eery.

TENNESSEE. Chattanoog*—Central l>ibur Onion. R. K. Crum

ley, aery., goo Carter at TEXAS.

San Antnnio— Ualnefviiie—l.abor Council. Chaa. L. Bonnet


_ , . WISCONSIN. Pelolt-Anaplcea Trades Oonscll. Fond du— Madl.on—Wra. Glenn, Alfred Mantbe nnd A

Alveraen. commlltee. Superior—Otto F. Blck. chnlrmnn committee.


Book Iflaod- Soutb Bend-

October 19-24. Day and Night. VVM JAMES, Secretary,


Franklin County Fair GROVE CITY, OHIO. SEPTEMBER 15-16-17-18

Five Miles from Columbus.

CONCESSIONS WRITEI MISSOURI. Knnaaa City—Inter’sl BaRoon Races. Oct. 8.

NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City—N. J. BnptUt Aaan. Oct. 38 28.

D. DeWolf, Box 335. Newnvk. Newnrk—N. J. S. S. Asan. Nov. 17-19. I. B.

Burgess, 835 Broad at.. Newark. NEW YORK.

Rochester—Flower City Poultry Assn. Dec. 7-12. J. W. Chapman. IV'x S.’id. R,.x?hester.

OREGON. Pendleton—Round-Up. Sept. 24-26. Portland—Pac. N. W. Land Produota Show.

Nov.. 1914. R. W. Raymond, Selling Bldg., Portland.

PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia—Nat’I Baptist Aaan. Sept. 8 14.

R. B. Hudson. Selma. Ala. Swarthmore—Dels Co. Sabbath School Aaan.

Oct 22. J. A. Kcesberry, 1260 No. 53il at., Philadelphia.

SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia—S. C. Horse Show. Oct. 22 29. Geo.

D. Shore. Sumter.

Bell Co.—Bell Co. S. 8. Assn. R H. Elliott, Temple, Tex.

Corsicana—CVw. Business League. Sept. 15 17, VERMONT.

Rutland—Poultry Show. Sept. 7-11. WASHINGTON.

Walla Walla—Frontier Daya. S-pt. 17 19. WISCONSIN.

Antlgo—W. C. T. U. Sept. 28 29. CANADA.


Nova Scotia—No Scotia Exhibit. Sept. IX

.\(ldres8 H. W. JAMES, AgGnt, 47 DgsHIgf Block, Columbus, Ohio,

71st YEAR

OKANflCBURG, N. V.. SEPTEMBER 7, 9. 9. 19. II. 1914 Pevria Wheel, Hiding Devleea. Noeeltlea, Oamea and Coocawaona of avoy deairtiitlaa.

If tha largeat VUia In thl State. AttoDdanor tO.OOO. Addnaa 6UPT. OF CONCESSIONX Sgartlll, N. V.

Not more than eight gor'd, clean Shows, for week of (Vtober S-IO, for Lafayette Jahr-Marfct.

and DO anUe eatera. C-iean pay abows dealred. WrlU at once to

CHA.S. F'. WlL.L.IA.IVfS, «JR., PuMMty Caaiaiittaa Lafayatta Jahr-Markt, Lafayatta, ladiana.

No hoochle

THIRD ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR. HAHIRA. GA. \NT all kinds rt clean Slinwi. Amuaementv and Conoesalons. All Shows and Conceaalona that were with last year want to come back, but we must have many more. Will have the people with the mociey. Come and

, it. October imh to 34lh. Write W. W. WEBB, Praaldeat. Nahlra. Gaargia.

SPANGLES to* Different Rbapea.

MILLOT BROTHERS, Mfrs 47H WsM TDM SIrtsl. Now Vwt.


Compiled By Means of The Billboard’s Unequaled Facilities and of Special Interest to Novelty Manufacturers

and Dealers, Street Men, Fair Followers, etc.

AT.AHAiiA gan FraiHisM—Baff Minorca Club of America. WnnlnCbam—Electrical Supplies Jobbers. Oct., Not. 20, 1916. W. P. WlUiAms, 1102 West

1814, 62d St., 1a>s Aafeles. Btrmlnirtiain—Phi Delta Theta Prat. Tbanks- “i,

kItIok week. Fred J. Coxe, Wadesboro, N. C. Feb. 17*19, 10J6. P, H. W beelan, 901 Royal Moutifomery—Grand lioigt A. F. A. M. Dec. loa. Bid*., Ban Francisco.

2. Georae A. Beauctiamp. MontcotnerT. San Franclaco—Knlptits Templar of Oal. Aftnl ARirnwA 22-23, 1915. 'n>os. A. Darles, Masonic Tean* AKIZOHA. Pranclaoo.

Olobe—Grand IiOd*e K. of P. Oct. 10 11. John g,n Pranelseo—Grand Oonrt of Oal. Foreateis D. liopex Pboenla. of Am. May 8-8. 1916. Joseph B. Beboll.

“• <!«ot BVdf., Ban rranclsco. Wood, Phoenix, iTrmnciooo—NetL Orfanlxatlon for PnbHe

# AftXAV8A8. Heelth. May Sl-Jose 5. 191S. Mias Ella tittle fiock—Ark. BUts Paderatlon of Ubor. Crandall. 64 E. 84th at.. New York.

Kalamazoo’s Big Fair September 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 1914, at Recreation Perk


100-MILE AUTO RAGE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26tli Montgomery. San Frandaco—Knights Templar of Oal. AprtI WORLD’S GREATEST DRIVERS

22-23, 1915. Tboa. A. Da Ties, Masonic Tom- ... . mil jeho o___ hireworks every night. Concessionaires will make no mistake in

^“*^117^8^ 1^* jMe^’B.^^bd" making this Fair, siiows Ixioked independently. No girl shows ® for PnbMc Wanted. We are ready for good, clean shows and good conces-

^ sionaires. 161,000 paid gate admissions last year. We are not ?.*m‘,J^ t'Kht- Address WM. P. ENGELMAN, Secy.. Kalamazoo, Mich. “• 8*n FAndsc^mn. Bt. K.pp. Prst. 8tb street, little Bock,

little Rock—Grand Lodge 1. O. 0. F. Oct. 96- 2H. H. J. N< mnlck, Imboden, Ark.

2-4, 1916. 8. I. Bcnnedlct, 31 Cnk>n Sq., New York Olty. 28. H. J. N< mnlck, imDOden, Ark. l„ *___

Uttle Bock—Rebekab Aae«nbly. Oct 27-28. San Fianclseo—Natl. C^ni^rf WOTen ^em.

D, UorUM, 1900 Dodaon sts.. Ft. July 8-10, 1915. Mra. Dmiu Sgiltb DcVoe, 805 Perkins Blig., T\dMnt, WaMi.

Uttle Bock—O. B. B. of Ark. Not. 16-17. Mrs. | Nora G. Rnabing, Chidester, Ark.


L«iig Beadi—PsciOc Coast Gas Asan. Sept. 16-

fv-.ncbi^'’ ni Take mv advice. Keep awav from Manufacturing districts this *1b,mi1T20®f.^l5*cbty* * men7^‘l^^“ Ati':"2-7%i6"^ D^r'^a Vear* Follow tlic Agricultural districts. We have the crops, the

819 No. Waller see.. AusUn Sts.. Chicago. Ho<wnrd, Smlrtisonlan Inst.. WaaMngton, CrOWdS, aild tllCy liaVC tllC moncy. Our fair IS tO DC better than CVCr

“^Tgus^n.*Tu‘^to^k!Tai.‘‘‘^”‘“” 8«?>^incisco-Generai Grand Council of Royal bcforc. Foiir cxcursioii traius daily and held uutil 11 P. M. Groiiuds Acramcnto—4 al. M. P. E. L. of A. Oct, 1914. and Select Masters of D, 8. Ang. 80-81, licrHtpH With plpct?*ldt\.* I^JAtpq fTDPn until 1 ^ P \f Nn TAf1nT1«mn acmmento—Cal. Grange. Oct 20 24. Mrs. 1916. Henry W. Mordhnrwt, Ft Wayne, Ind. Hgnieu W11II eiCCiriCllJ. tidlCS OpCU UIUll 1- r. .M. i\0 dUIIllSSlUn Nellie W. Hunt Naps. 8an Frincisoo—Alpba Delta Phi Prat. Sept, cliarccd at nilFht

an F^noiaco—Grand Ixidge F. A A. M. Oct. ‘-’-4, 1915. Carl R. Ganter, 136 W. 44th at, ^ ® ’ 18-17. Jobs Whicker. Kaaonlc Temple, San New York, N. _Y. w r rwM n a I WE ARE SPENDING $2,500 FOR FREE ATTRACTIONS. B^raaclftco. San FraDclaco—Natl. PWJ. of Poat Office Clerka, ^ •

>n Fra noiecG—American Aaan. of Trav. Paaoen- Pept. 6-8, 1918. Thoa. F. Flaherty, Wuh> ASK THE FELLOWS WHO HAVE BEEN HERE FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS. ger Agenta. Oct. 12-13. E. T. Monnett, higton, D. 8. 202 8. Clark at., Chicago. San Francloco—American Electrochemical So- A. EBKRT, President. H.4RRY SMITH, Secietary.

Jply IBm. 1915. Dr. B. S. 8te_dwell, Da m A L A A

San'^'aneto^Natl. Vocational Art and In- uBPlBIIIDBr 23* duatrtal Fed. July 26-29. 1915. Mra. Robert t. McCall. 4714 W.ahington Bled.. Chicago,

TRI-COUNTY FAIR iptember 23-26,1914. Siksston, Scott Go., Mo.

Sscraraento—Cal. M P. E. L. of A. Oct, 1914. ■•eramento—Cal. Grange. Oct 20-24. Mrs.

NelUe W. Hunt Naps. San Franoiaco—Grand Ixidge F. A A. M. Oct.

18-17. John Whicker. Kaaonlc Temple, Ssn Mrsaclaco.

San Fra ncieeo—American Assn, of TraT. Paaaen- ger Agenta. Oct. 12-13. E. T. Monnett, 202 H. Clark at., Chicago.

San Jose—Cal. State League of P. M. 4th Class. Dell. Haboud, Corte Madera.

San Lnla OhlisK,—Militant I O. O. F. Oct. 5-

New York, N. Y. WF ARF SPEI San Francieco—Natl. Fed. of Poat OfBee Clerks.

Sept. 6-8, 1916. Thos. F. Flaherty. Wash- ASK THE FELLOWS WF higton, D. 8.

San Francisco—American Electrochemical So- A. A, ERERX President, clety. Sept. 13-18. 1915. Prof. J. E. Rich- arda, Lehigh Cnlverslty, Sonth Bethlehem, _ _ Pa. wr 7

7. W. H. Barnes, 1. O. O. F. Hall, San Frau- | San Francisco—International Gas Congress, elsco.

Btockton^—Osl. Fed. of Labor. Oct. 6. Sept. 27-Oct 1, 1916. George G. RamsdelL 29 W. S9tti St., New York, N. Y.

Scbalrenberg, 626 Market st, San Francisco. San Franrlaco—American Buff Plymouth Reck S.AN FRANCISCO 1915 Club. Not. 78, 1915. W. 8. Robison. Fay-

San FYsncIsco—.American OmTtholo^ata’ Union. . etie. Mo. . . , , n May. 191.7. John Hall Sage. Portland, Conn. Francisco—American Inst, of Banking.

San Francisco—Assn, of Collegiate Alumnae. Aug.. 191.7. MIbb I'lda H. Francis. The Belle- OOLOEADO. Tue^Stratf.)rd. Philadelphia. Boulder—State Med. Soc. Sept. —.

Ban FranclBco—Dlatrlct Graml Lodge. Independ- Denser—1. O. O. F. of Ool. Oct. 20-22. O. E. ent Order B'nal B’rlth. Feb. 21-2.1. 1916. I. J. Aa.-hlieim, 149 Eddy it.. San Francisco.

San Franciaco—American Asan. of kflaaters.

Jackson. 501-2 Odd Fellows' Temple. Denver. Denver—Patriarch MlMtant 1. O. O. F. OCt.

19. Major C. E. Illanchard, Box 672. Denver.

WANTED Independent Shows and Concessions

For Wilkes-Lincoln Go. Fair Mates ainl PH»ta. Mi^h 8-14. 1915. Capt. 1 Dtmver—Rebekah Aaaembly 1. O

WASHINGTON. GA., OCTOBER 20th*24tli. 1914.

M. D. Tenniawood, 308 Vine at., Camden, N. J.

San FranclBCo—Grand Ixidge Knlgbta and La- diea of Honor. April 13. 1915. Dr. S. Amer¬ ican. 2235 I5th at., San Francisco.

Colo. I WANT Ferris Wheel, Motordrome, Old Plantation, good Wild W«t and other Ttfit Shows Good Brasa Band Oct. 20. Enieatlne V. L. Begga, 446 Railway I g..t contract for week. TTie Beat Ftilr In Eaal fieotgla this iieaaon. Racr. each day. Fireworks and Exchange, Denver.

Denver—The National Tax. Aasn. Sept. 8-11. T. 8. Adami, State Tax Comm., Madison, Wli.

Tournament ead, night. Splendid Midway, and the people are oomlng. Write for premium list.

J. LUKE B41RDETT, Sseretary aa4 Maasger.

Concessioos, Riding Devices and-Shows Sar Franc SCO—I nlte,t Sw.diHh Singers of the Carl Gerher. Webster. Maas. ’ O

Pacl6c (\w«t. June 16-30. 1915. Lambert Glaalow, 3M»S 22d at.. San Franciaco.

Carl Gerber. Webster. Maas.

CONNECTICUT. FOR THE San Franciaco—Railway Mall Aran. June 22- Bridgeport—Great Council D. of P. Oct. 21.

25, 191.7. R. E. Boas, Portsmouth, N. H. San Franciaco—American Forestry Asan. Joly

Mlaa Maggie A. Ives. 1197 Windsor ave., Hartford; V. Prentias. New D'tidon.

S. Ridsdale, Maryland Bldg., Hartford—Ancient and III. O. K. of M. Third 1410 II at.. N. W., Washington. D. C.

San Franciaco—National German-Amorican Alll- Tueaday In Oct. F. Gray, M. D.. 134 Arch at., Philadelphia. (Suooemor to the Cumberland County Agricultural Sode<y), at FAYETITEYllLE, N. C.. OCTOBER 2Tth to

Aiig. 2-5, 1915. Dr. C. J. Hexamer. | Hartford—ilrand l>idge A. O. TT. W. of Conn. I 30th, 1914. The largest Fair In the Cape Fear section. Including i^en of the beat oountics In the State. 419 Walnut at., PblUdelphia, Pa.

San FranciK<'o—Supreme Court Foresters of George Strob, Grand Recorder, Pmnluma and Purao, $6,350.09. The Fair where everybody makes muiiey. If you doo't believe It, aak those

P. O. Drawer. 41. New Haven. Aug. 23-28, 1015. Thoa. M. Don- Hartford—Grand Temple Pythian Slaters. Oct

who have been here. Addrem

nell.v, 277 Grove at.. Jersey Oty. N. J. Sun Franciaco—Panama Paclflc Dental Congreaa.

20. Mrs. Lillian W. Turner, 82 Flatbnah ave., Hartford.

R. IV1. aJACKSONt Secretary

Aug. .30 Sept. 9. 1016. Dr. Frank L.. Platt. Waterbnry-1. O. B. K. D. A 8. Oct 7-8. Elkan Gunst Bldg., San Franciaco. L. Shelley, Windsor.

Franciaco—International Electrotechnical I Watertmry-^tate Bnahiess Men’s Asan. oJ Conimlasion. Sept. 6-11, 1910. Maurice le Blanc. Paris. France.

San Francisco—International Electrical Con¬ greaa. Sept. 13 18. 1915. Dr. Chaa. P. Stelnmeti, Schenectady, N. T.

San Francisco—International Engineering Con-

Oovin., Inc. Oct. 15. F. 8. Valentine, Derby, Oemn.


Dover—Grand Ixtdge K. of p. Oct 15. M. L. Garrett. 906 W. st, Wilmington.

greaa. Sept. 20-2.7, 1915. Prof. W F. Du- Wilmington—Grand Ixidge I. O. O. F. Nov. 18. rand. PVxcroft Bldg., San Franciaco. William W. Douty, Odd Fellows' Bldg., Wll-

San PVanclsco—American Institute of Mining mlngton. Engineers Sept. 27 30 1915 Bradley Stough- Wilmington—National Grange P. of H. Nor. too, 29 W. 39th at.. New York City. C. M. Freeman. Tlpt^tnoe Cl^y, O.

t Shows and Attractions of all kinds VVanted for Midway

Eastern Carolina Fair Association Wll-

THIRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION AND RACE MEET. OCTOBER 27-30. 1914. Not. The grounds are located on Neuae Klver, about two mllea from New Bern, and are easily and quickly reached O. by rail, automobile or boat. Trains will be operated every hour from the Union I'asmger Station to the

San Franciaco—American Milch Goat Record Wilmington—Grand Lodge of Dels. A. F. A A. grounds, and automobilea and boau run cuitluuoualy. Average attendanoe 20.000. Liberal lerma and tbs Asan. Nov. 3. 1915. J. O. Darat, 1516 N. Main at.. Dayton. O.

San Franclaeo—Retail Clerks’ International Pro¬ tective Aasn., District No. 3 of Oal. Feb. 21- 22. 191.7. Ernst Solomon, Knights of Colum¬ bus Bldg., San Francisco.

San Franciaco—Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Oallfomla. April 26-

M. Oct. 7. V. V, Harrison. Wilmington. Wilmington—Dela. State Grange. Dec. 8-10.

Wesley Webb. Dover.


Waahlnghm—Nafl Aasn. of P. M.. 2d and 8d claaacs. Oct., 1914. U. A. Hopkins, St. Oalr. Mich.

Washington—Internal Revenue Asan. Sept.,

beat of treatment to all. Addrem CLYDE EBV, Geaaral Maaatar, New Bcra, N. C.

21. 1915. William A. Diviea. Maaonlc Tem- Washington—Internal Revenue Assn. Kept., pie. San Franciaco. 1914. J. W. Shepper, 17 So. Gay St.. BalO

San Franciaco—National League of Nursing Ed- more, Md. ucatlon. May 31-June 6, 1915. .Miaa Sara E. Washington—Nat’l Assn. P. O. Second Tues,

1914. J. W. Shepper, 17 So. Gay St., Balti- I come. No flat loints or gin shows sUowed. Addr( more, Md. I

Nodaway County Homecoming Celebration AUSPICES MARYVILLE COMMERCIAL CLUB, OCTOBER IS, 14. IS. 16, 17, 1914.

Woodmen of the World Log Bolling OonUwt, I’aln'a Firework* IMaplay, Oofn Show. Home Owning Feattvltlcw. WANT hlgh-claaa, ledtimate COnceininn*. Money must be paid In advance. If you haven't the money, don't

W. R. JACKSON. Secretary, Maiyvlllt. Mitaeurl.

Parsons, Masaaebuaetts General Hoapital, Boston, Mass.

Ban Franciaco—'International Oongresa of Vita- 1 Washington—American Asan. of Public Ac- cultur*. June 7-12. 1915. Prof. Wm. B. Alweiod. Oommission on Organisation, Char¬ iot tesvl He. Va,

Ban Francisco—American Association of Work¬ ers Jor the Blind, Berkeley. July 1-8, 1915. Chaa. F. F. OampbeU, 911 Franklin ave., Oo- lumbua, O.

rvMinta. Sept. A. L. Riohardaon, 57 Liberty st.. New York.

Washington—Internal Revenne Assn. Septem her. J. Wm. Shvffer, 17 So. Gay at., Balti¬ more. Md.

Washington—American Clan Gregor Kociety. Oct. 80. Dry. Jesse Ewell. RnckeraTlIle, Va.

San Fronclsco—^TTieatrlcal klechanlcal Aasn. of I Weahlngton—Natl. Co. D. of L. United State# and Canada. July 12-17, 1915. Robert C. Newman, care Shea'a Theatre, To¬ ronto. Canada.

San Francisco—Order of Scottish Clans. Aug. 17-20. 1916. Peter Kerr, 906 Old South Bldg., Boston, M-aas.

San Franciaco—International New Tbongbt Congress. Aug. 30-Sept. 5, 1916. M>8. Alice P. Thompaon. California New Thought Ex¬ position Committee, 1109 Ftanklin at., ten Francisco.

SanFrincisco—American Inatituts of Electrical Engineers. SepL 18-18, 1915. F. L. Huteb- Inaon, 38 Weft iOtb at. New York Cltj.

Sept. 8. P. Batchelder. 2136 Eugenia at., 0 mm ^ ^ ^ ^

T'L roinsett County r air Association Washington—Internal Rerenne Assn. Septem SEPTEMBER 15 19 17 18 1914

ft-. Haiti- FYee Attraction, excellent Exhibits and Races of erery kind and ’character. Tnr partlrultra write to

Warttogton-Amerlcan Clan Gregor Society. 8. T. MAYO. SearMary, Hvritour,. Arkastov.

Oct. 80. Drr. Jease Ewell. Rackerarllle, Va. W IR F A 1R. T*T>t w-^ Weahlngton—Natl. Co. D. of L. Sept 18. ---W1 HiU-


Workers? Not. 9 10. Pro? ^ft. Raat Nortti A-labama Fair wVrngf,;n-Al?s’n. of Official Agrl. Chemlats. DECATURS. ALA.. SinT13UIK2l list to 26th. 1911.

.Not. 1618 Carl L. Alabcrg, Bureau of Ohemlatry, Washington. ___ __ _

LEE COUNTY FAIR lackennelll._UnKII. m ■ ■ ■ WMMMm

W. V, Edkina, 1604 E. Paiayunck are., Phila¬ delphia, Pa.

Washington—Am. Assn, of Farmers' Inst. Workers. Not. 910. Prof. L. R. Taft, East T.ansinc. Mich.

Obemiatry, Washington.


JackaouTllIe—American Public Health Aasn. Not. 24-28. Selskar M. Gunn, 755 Boylston at., Boston. Maas.

Klsslm,-e—United Daughters of Confed. Dec. 2.

AMBOY, ILL., SEPTEMBER IS. 19. 17. IS. 1914.

We welcome aU clean Rbowi and Conosaalons. and guarantaa good UaaUnmt to aU. For parUculais addram WILLIAM L. LEECH, Baantary.

Atbcni—Ijodf* No. 7. 1. O. Q. 8. h D. of 8. Oct. IS. Dr. W. H. Harrla, Atbeoa.

Atlanta—Am. Cbrlatlan Mlaaj. Sue. Oct. T-14. Grant K. L«wli, 108 Caraw BMg., Clncln- nitl, O.

Atlanta—Brotberliood of 8t. Androw. Oct. 14- 18. Hnbort Garictoa. 88 Broad at.. B<wtna.

Atlanta—Am. Boad Coog. Not. 0. I. 8. Peony- packcr, 708 Colorado BMg., WatWngtoa, D. C.

Atlanta—NatL Woman'a Cbrlatlan T^-mperanca ITnIon. Mra. P. P. Parka, 1730 Chicago aro., Kranaton. III.

T7i‘>masrllle—Nat’I Nut Orowara' Awi. Oct. 28 30. Addrasa 8ac7. Comm'I Clut.

Butaa—Id. Mad. Aan. Oct. 8 0. Bd. B. Mazar, Bolae.

Bolia—Dapt. Co. P. M.. I. 0. 0. P. Oct. 10 30. A. J. Uorlta, Bolaa.

Bolaa—I. O. O. P. CroDd I>odgo. Oct. 20-22. Praala^ P. Homa, Caidwall.

Bolaa—Grand Enc. I. O. O. P. Oct. 10. Praa- lay P. Homa, Caldwell.

Aaron—38tb Bagt. Ill. Vat. Aaan. 8apt. 16 W. P. Sjlla. Cltj lUll. Blzln.

Canton—Mllltarr Tract Bd. Aaan. Oct., 1014. .Miaa Pearl Mrranoa. Naw Wlndaor.

Chicago—Aaaociatad Spacialtj Clutio. 8<'ptambar, 1014. P. A. Plahor, 1609 mtlarton. W. Chi¬ cago.

Cblcago—Fire Cndarwrltan’ Aaan. of Northwaat. Oct. «.I0. Guy A. Blcbarda, 2132 Ina. Ex¬ change, Chicago.

Cbtcagu—111. State Vat. Mad. Aaan. Dec. 3-5. L. A. Marlllat, 1827 Wabaab aea.. Chicago.

Chicago—Uilllnara' J> hbarn' Aaan. A. W. Schroader, 301 Pcopla’a Gaa KIdg.. Chicago.

Chicago—Induatrlal Workan of the World. Sapt. 21. Vincent St. John. 307-164 W. Waab- tngtoD at.. Chicago.

Chicago—Waatem French Bull-Dog Club. Sept., 1914. P. A. Piabar, 1509 Pullartoo nTa., Chi¬ cago.

Chicago—National Aaan. of Ada. Specialty Mfn. -Vpt. 8-11. J. D. Curry. 420 So. Wlncbanter a»-a.. Chicago.

Chicago—NatloMl Implamant A Vehicle Aaan. Oct. 21 23. E. W. McCullough. 76 W. Mon¬ roe. Cbicag«>.

Chicago—Nati'mal Aaan. Ice Cream Mannfae- turara. K^aa A. Woodhull, 9140 Uouatun are., Chicago.

Chicago—National Dairy Show Aaan. Oct. 22- 31. W. E. Sktnnar, 817 Exchange are., Chi¬ cago.

Cliieago—Grand I>odga A. F. A A. M. Oct 13-15. laaac Cutter, Camp Point, III.

Chieog<i—Order of Mutual I*rotactlim Supreme Haliiera. Oct. IS. Q. Del Vacohlo. 1523 Ma- atinic Temple, Cblcago.

Cldrago—American Aaan. of BaJlwny Surgaona. Oct. 14 16. Dr. I>ouU J. Mitchell. 29 E. Matllaun at., Chicago.

Chicago—Cnitad Ancient Order of Drnlda. 8apt. 15-19. II Fraudenthal, 426 Clinton are., Al¬ bany. N. Y.

Chicago—Am. Inat. of Metala. Sept. 7-11. W. M. Coraa, 106 Morrlt are.. Buffalo.

Chicago—Boadmaatara A Maintenance of Way Aaan. Sapt 8 11. L. C. Byan, Starling

Cblcago—National Aaan. of Adr. Specialty Mfra. Sapt. 8-11. J. D. Carry, 420 So. Wlncfaaater

_ are., Chicago. Chicago—Kailway Ileralopmant Aaan. Nor. 10-

12. H. o. Ilartiall, care B. A O. Ballway, Raltimora,

< hirago—National Aaan. Ad Specialty Manufac- tiirera Kept. 8-U. J. D. Curry. Chicago.

Chicago—National Aaan Scale Experta. Pab., IBlft.

Canton —Fulton Co. Cwn Omwari' Aaan. Dec. a A. J. stone. Canton.

Champalxn—111. State Hortl. 3»c. 2d weak Dec. A. Aiunatlna, Normal.

Chicago -I'nltad Ancient Order of Dniida. Sapt. I-A. H Prua<1antbal. 42rt Clinton are., Al¬ bany. N. Y.

Chirag<>-.\m. Short Hom Braadara* Aaan. Dec. firoaea. 13 Dexter Park are.,


Chicago—The American Hlatorlal Aaan. Weak [»fc. 2« w. O. loMand, 1140 Woodward Bldg . Waahington. D C.

Dec,t„r_ii|. Ktata Branch of the Hotel A Rea- t.<iir»nf Km|doy>4>a' International l.aagiir and Hartendara" Intematlooal I.aagua of America, net 2t> tBi4 j.^ W. Rlaala, Stannton. 1».

Elgin—Northern HI. Dent. Si>c. Oct. 21-22. r radarlek H. Rowara, Preaap«»rt, 111.

Ill. Auto Horae Thief Aaan. Oct,

T.aSalie—u). omf_ gf chtrltlan and Correction, ••cl.. 1914

''■•line—BnlliHng Aaan. T,aaguo of III. Oct. 8 9. A'aaen. 517 Maine at.. Quincy, III.

Mt lernon—HI. Baptlat Aaan. Oct. 19-22. Rer. llopkina. Champaign.

Mt \crnoi*—So. Ill. Med. Aaan. Not. 5 8. Dr. - ' R- Papal. Shawneetown.

HI- Aaan. Brick iJiyera' Aaan. Sept.

l*e«rla -Oarage Ownem of HI. October. 1914. twit-Grand Encampment 1. O. O. P., Ilia.

8»m J, Raker, grand aecy.. Oln* y. III. leorla —HI. Sorlety of Rng. and Surreyora. K.

E. H Traiman, Wheaton.

Peoria—III. State Fedoration of Labor. Oct 20. J. F, Morria, Plerik Bldg., Springfield, III.

Peoria—III. State Branch. Oct 16. Joa. W. Klzaie, Staunton.

Peoria—Grand Chapter O. E. 8. of Ill. Oct 8. Nettie C. Kenner, 4810 St Lauranc* are., Chicago.

Peoria—State Grange. Pec. 8-10. Jeanette E. Yatea. Dunlap.

Quincy—Grand Lodge of III. Knlgbta of Pyth- laa. Oct. 20. Henry P. Caldwell, 189 W, Madlaon at.. Chicago.

Quincy—K. of P. Oct 21-22. Sjirlngdeld—Grand Enc. Ill I. 0. O. F. Not.

16-17. Sam J. Baker, Olney. Sprloffdeld—State Rebekah Aoaembly. Not. 17-

19. Mary P. Miller, 1406 N. 4th at.. Sprlng- Oeld.

Springffeld—III. Reekeepera' Aaan. Not. 19-20. Jaa. A. Stone. R. 4. Sprlngfleld.

Springfleld—iTthlan Slaters. Oct., 1914. Leon- on K. Simpson. I<eBoy.

Waukegan—HI. Aawn of p. Ms. September. T. J. Cunningham, Taylorrllle. HI.

Wankegan—Ill. P. .M. Sept 15-16. H. D. Hemmera, Elgin

INDIANA. EranaTlIIe—Ohio Valley Med. Assn. Nor. 4-5. Port Wayne—Daughters of American Rerolntlon.

Oct. 6-8. Mrs. J. B. Crankobaw, Ft. Wayne. Indianapolis—Ind. Library Aaan. Oct. 1914.

Mias G. Thiabond, Peru Public Library, Peru. Indianapolis—Pythian Slaters. Oct. 8-lo. Ml-a

Cora Hood, 405 Washington st, W. Blnffton, Ind.

Indianapolis—Indiana State Nnraea’ Aaan. Oct. Ina M. Gatklll 26 The Gnildford, Indlanaiio- lla. Ind.

Indianapolis—Great Council of Ind. Imprd. 0. R. M. Oct. 20-21. Otto Wolf, Indianapolis. Ind. 319 Ind. Trust Bldg,

tndlanapolla—Grand Lodge I. O. O. P. of Ind. Not. 18-19. W. H. Leldy, 1208 Odd Fellows’ Bldg.. Indianapolis.

Indianapolis—Carpenters’ Union. Sept. 21. I.afiyette—National Horae Thief Detectlre Assn.

Oct. 6-7. Ira O. Menarry, Wingate. Ind. Lake Maxinkuker—73d Ind. Infantry Assn.

Sept. 9 10. John M. CaulOeld. 322 Jeff Bldg., South Bend. Ind.

Miincie—Protected Home Circle. Oct. IS. Lena Bedell. 1424 Marlowe are., Indianapolis.

KuaaellTiUe—SOth Ind. Regt. A 9th Ind. Bat¬ tery Reunion. Sept. 15-16. J. W. Penblin, Pendleton.


Belle Plaine—Vets.’ Aaan. Sept. 15-16. Burlington—la. Municipal T.eagne. Sept., 1914. Burlington—Grand Enc. 1. 0. O. F. Oi^t. 19-20.

It. L. Tilton. Dea Motnea, Burlington—Rebekah Aaan. of la. Oct. 20-22. Burlington—Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. la. Oct.

21-23. Burllngtin—Rebekah Aaaembly I. O. O. F. of

la Oct. 20. 8. Elisabeth Matheney, Keo¬ kuk, la.

Burlington—T.eagne of la. Mnnlclpalltlea. Sept. F. O. Pierce, Marshalltown.

Clinton—Grand Chapter B. A. M. Oct. 8. A. Wingate, Dea Motnea.

Clinton—,DeMolar Conslitory. Not. 17-20. F. M. Howard. Clinton.

Cedar Rap’da—Grand Temple Iowa. Sept. 21- 21 Grace K. Mcore, 1127 W. Fourth at.. WaterRio. la.

Cidsr Rapids—Grand I>»dge K. of P. Sept. 23- 24. John H Merchena. Falrdeld. la.

Dea Moines—I.a. State Aaan. Beglati'red Nurses. Mlta Jennie Johnson, aecy., Sioux City, la.

D«-a Molnea—Surgical Aaan. of Bock Island Line*. Deo. 2-3. Dr. S. C. Plummer, ILwra 102i>. T.a Salle St. Sta.. Chicago.

DTeraTllle—Roman Catholic Mutual ProtectWe Soc of la. Oct. 14-15. Patar Kem, cor. 4tb A Vine at., Fort Madlaon.

Dubnqne—GemMn-Amerloan Preaa Aaan. Sept —. Henry Helita, Muscatine, la.

Iowa City—A. A. C. of la. Oct. 22 24. B'wa CItT—Aawoclated AdrertlalBg Cloba of la.

Oct 22-24. H. M. Harwood. Iowa City. Keystone -Benton Co. Farmers’ Inat. 2<1 week

TV.-. J. H K<wena. Keystone. Waterloo—la. Dairy Aaan. Oct. 11-18. Waterloo—Nat’I Herdsmen Aaan. Oct. 19. Waterloo—Grand Chapter Order Eastern Star.

Ort. 28 29. Mra. Marie Jackson. Connell Bluffs, la.

Wehater CItT—la. State Oldeona. Oct. 10-11. Will H. ZaUer, 300 4th at., Dea Motnea.

KANSAS. Arkansas City—Kan. Gas. Water and Elect.

Light Aaan October, 1914. Iran ’Thomas. Wichita. Kan.

C8ianute—AnH Horae Thief Aaan. (Kan. Dl- Tlalonl. Oct. 20 22. O. P. McCarty, Coffey- Tllle, Kan.. Box 33.

Horton—I. O. B. M. Oct. 6. 0. J. Nugent Hiawatha.

Mutchlnaon Kan«aa Butchers’ Aaan. Oct. 9. Manhattan—Rebekah State Aa«emhly. Oct Il¬

ls. Hattie A. Nome, B. S. A., GralnOeld, Kan.

Manhattan—Grand lodge I. O O. F. Oct. 14 15. Win J. Rnaaell, 122 E. Fifth at., Topeka. Kan.

Newton—Photo Aaan. of Kansas. Sept. 22 24. Mra. Helen I. Ffancla.

Wichita—Inti. Dry Farming Pong. Oct. 7 17 J. T. Burna, Box 755, Wichita.

Wichita—Dry Farming Oon. Oct. 7-17. WUchita-Blacksmiths, Horaesboers and Wkg-

onmaken. Not., 1914. Austin English, Hutchin¬ son.

Wichita—Kan. LlTe Stock Assn. December, 1914. J. H. Mercer,


Bowling Green—D. A. R. Kentucky. October, last week. Mias Jennie Farris, Bailey, Dan- Tille. Ky.

Frankfort—Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. of Ky. Oct. 13. G. B. Elliott. Trust Co. Bldg., Lexington.

Frankfort—Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. of Ky. Oct 13-15. R. O. Elliott, Lexington. Ky.

Frankfort—Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias, of Ky. Oct. 6. J. W. Caxten, G. K. B. S.. 7(77 Trust Bldg.. Lexington.

I>>nlsTille—Nat’I OH, Paint and Varnish .Assn. September, 1914. Col. P. H. CslUhan, Louis- Tille.

LouiSTille—Ky. State Pair Convention Sep¬ tember, 1914.

LouiSTille—Ky. Board of Bankers' Assn. Sep¬ tember, 1914. A. B. Darls, LonlsTille.

LouiSTille—Ky. Bottlers’ Assn. September, 1914. Samuel Leldlgh. LoniSTlll-.

LouiSTille—Am. Bottlers’ Assn. October, 1914. Samuel Leldlgh, le-uisville.

LouiSTille—Grand Council B. A S. M. October, 1914. H. R. French, Mt. Sterling.

LouiSTille—Nat’I Paint, Oil and Varnish Assn. October, 1914. Frank P. Cheesman. loO Wil 11am St., N. Y. C.

LouiSTille—Ky. Press Assn. Dec., 1914. J. Curtis Alcock. Jeffersontown.

Newport—Ky. State Medical Assn. Sept. 23-25. Dr. A. T. McCormack. Bowling Green, Ky.


Baton Rouge—La. League of Postmasters. Oct. Miss Lillian D. Richardson. Independence, Ls.

New Orleans—American Fisheries Soc. Sept. 20 to <)ct. 3. Raymond C. Oshurn, New York Aqu.^rinm. New York City.

New Orleans—I. P. M. Assn. Oct. 13-14. W. C. Platt, Rose Bldg., CleTeland.

New Orleans—Natl. Funeral Dir. Assn. Oct. 27-30. H. M;. Kilpatrick. Elmwood.

New Orleans—Am. Vet. Med. Asan. Dec 28- 31. Dr. N. S. Mayo, 4753 BsTenawood, Chi¬ cago, Ill.

New Orleans—Int’l Fire Engineers. Oct. 20-23. New Orleans—Natl. Coffee Boasters’ Aosn.

Not. 16-19. G. Toms. 106 E. Second at., Dayton. O.

New Orleans—La. Ice Mfrs. .Assn. Dec. 8-10. Edw. Harding. Alexandria.


Bangor—Maine Dairymen’s Assn. Dee. 8 11. Leon S. Menial. Orono.

Lewiston—Me. State Grange. Dec. 15-17. E. H. Libby. Auburn.

Portland—Great Council of U. S.. I. O. K. M. Sept. 14-17.

Portlam:—Grand TiOdga, Rcb kah. Oct. 20. Portland—Maine Teachers' Assn. Oct. 29-30. Portland—Supreme Commandery K. of T. Oct

21. Chaa. A. Maxwell. 67 West st.. West End Station, Mst-ie

Portland—Maine Teachers’ Assn. H. A. Allan. Augusts. Me.. Oct. 29 30.

Portland—Improred Order of Red Men. Sept. 14. Wilson Brooks. 230 La Salle at., 8. Chicago.

Portland—Rebekah Assembly. Oct. 20. Grace E. Walton, Belfast.

Westbrook—State Connell O. U. A. M. Oct. 14. Harry L, Pride, 137 Cnmb. at.. Cumberland MIUs.


Baltimore—Int. United Brewery Workmen of .Am. Sept. 14. Louis Kemper, 2347 Vine at., filnclnnatl. O.

Baltimore—Grand Encampment I. O. 0. F. Oct. 111. Wm. A. Jones. I. O. 0. F. Temple, Bal¬ timore.

Baltimore—P. M. Fourth Class. Sept. 17 19. Baltimore—Luther League of Am. Sept. 22-24.

laither McKukerd. 440 Paxton Bldg.. Omaha. Xeb

Baltimore—Fraternal Order Orioles. Sept. 7-10. Baltimore—O. of Mosea. Oct. 20-23. J. E.

Matthews. 931 DeKalb are., Brooklyn. N. Y. Baltimore—Natl. Municipal league. Not. 18-

21. Clinton Ro-ers Woodruff, 703 No. Am Bldg.. Phllsdelphls.

Baltimore—National I.eagne of Postmasters of U. 8. Sept. 17 19. G. A. Hurd. Haworth, N. J.

Baltimore-Xsfl Assn. Port .Authorities. Sept 7-9. Wm. J. Barney. 12 B’way. New York.

Bsltlmore—Rep. Editorial .Assn. Dec. 16. J. O. King. .Annspi'lls. Box 147.

Harney—Select Castle A. O. K. of M. C. of Md. Sept. 15 .lohn T. M<'>ore, P. O. Box 14. Gil¬ more. .Allegany Co.

MASSACHUSETTS. Athol—Mass. State Firemen’s Assn. Sept. 23-

25. D. Arthur Burt, Taunton, Mass. Boahm—American .Assn, of Gen. Pass. A Ticket

Agents. Sept. 1.5-16. W. C. Hope. 143 erty at.. New York Cltr

Boeton—Northwestern Dental .A«sn. Oct. 15-17. Charles F. Krenpel. D. M. D., 10 Hyde Park are.. Forest Hills. Mass.

Boston—National Spiritualists’ Assn. Oct. 6-20 George W. Kates. 600 Penn are., S. E.. Washington, D. C.

Boston—Mass. State Branch A. F. of L. Sept. 21-24. MarUn T. Jayce, 427 Old South Bldg., Boston, Mass.

Boston—Mass. State Conference of Charities. Not. 10-12. Parker B. Field, 270 Tremont at., Boston.

Boston—P. H.’s Assn, of N. B. Oct. 14. B. O. Wlnaor, aecy., Boston P. O., Maas.

Boston—New England Water Works Assb. Sept. 9-11. Willard Kent, Narragansett Pier, R, I.

Boston—Am. Academy Ophthalmology ft Oto- latryngology. Oct 10-21. Dr. Maatan Francis, 575 Delaware are., Bnffalo, N. Y.

Boston—State Council of Mass., Jr. O. D. A. M. Sept. IS. Jesse Robinson, 11 Hawthorne sc., Bradford.

Boston—Am, Sm. Monlclpal ImproTenrhnta. Oct. 6-0. Chas. C. Brown, Wnlaln Bldg., Indlanap- oUs, Ind.

Boston—Am. Aaan. for the Study and Prer. of Infant -Mort. Not. 12-14. Dr. Phil Van Ingen. 125 E. 71st St.. New York.

Boston—National Loom Fixers’ Assn, of Amer¬ ica. Sept. 3-5. Ollrer Christian, Box 8. LsTTrence, Mass.

South Framlncham—Framingham District Ken¬ nel Club. Sept. 23. T. E. L. Kemp, Allatoo, Mass.

Worcester—Great Connell of Mass. Imprrd. Or¬ der of Red Men. Oct. 20. Alex. Gilmore, 18 Boylston st., Boston, Mass.

Worcester—Mass. Sanday-school Assn. Not. 11- 14. Hamilton H. Currant, 602 Ford Bldg., Boston, Mass.

Worcester—Mas. Board of Agrl. Dec. 1-8. Wll Wheeler. 1,36 State House, Boston.

Bay City—Michigan Shoe Dealers’ Assn. Sept. 8-9. Geo. Grunner, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Detroit—Eastern Star Benerolent Aaan. Sept. 9. Miss M. E. Crowe, Casa ft Warren aro., Detroit.

Detroit—Mich. O. 8. of B. Sept. 8. Mlsa M. E. Crowe, Star of Bethlehem Temple, Caas 4 Warren ats., Detroit.

Detroit—Cath. Press Asan. Sept. 12-15. Rut, O. J. Magnell, Wetherfleld. Conn.

Detroit—Michigan Equal Suffrage Assn. Not., 1914. Dr. R. Grace Hemlrlcka, Jackson, Mich.

Bowaglac—Suffrage OonTentlon. 8ept. 16-16. Mrs. Kate Bedmer, Dowaglac, Mich.

Dowagiac—Suffrage Omr. S«pt. 16-16. Mra. Kate Bedmer, Dowaglac.

Hint-Grand I>odge 1. O. O. F. Oct. 20 22. Fred A. Rogers. loinsing.

Flint—Rebekah Aaaembly. Oct. 20-22. Hannah Ballanger, 708 KerabeTal ave., Detroit.

Grand Rapids—Mich. Music 'Teachers’ Aaan. Oct.. 1914.

Grand Bapida—Mich. Asan. of P. M. Sept., 1914. H A. H.Tpklna. St. Clair

Grand Raplda—O. B. S. Oct 13-15. Houghton—Upper I’eninaiila .Med. S<h'. .tngiiat,

1914. .address Secy. Houghton Co. Med. Soc., Houghton.

Kalamasoo—Mich. Teachers’ Assn. Oct. 2.5-30. Kalamazoo—Daughters of Am. ReT. Sept. -’0-

30. Mrs. A. M. Miller, 1312 5th st.. Bay City.

I.anaing—Custer’s Michigan CuTslry Brlg'd# Assn. Sept, or Oct. F. W. Hills, 3(X) Sn perlor ave., Cleveland. O.

Lanalng—Mich. Med. Soc. Sept. 10-11. F. C Wamshnis, M.D., 91 Monroe ave.. Grand Rapids.

Lansing—Custer’a Mich. Csv’v Brig. Assn. Oct, 1914. Thna. W. HHl. Cleveland. O.

Muskegon—Michigan Asan. Oommerclsl Eieen- Saginaw—Natl. League of Vets, ft Sons. Sept,

1914. Saginaw—National Irague of Veterina’ Sana.

Sept. 30Oct. 1. Frank 8. Pratt. Bay City, Mich.

Saarinaw—Pythian Slaters. Sept. 80-Oet. 1. Jennie E. Doyle. PontlSC.

St John—'King's Daughters. Oct 7-9.


Hamllne—Minn. Agrl. Soc. Sept 7-12. John C. Simpson, Hamllne.

Mankato—T.eagne of Minn. Municipalities. Oct. 21-22. Richard Price, University of Minn., Minneapolis.

Minneapolis—Am. Soc.. Plumbing, Inspecting ft Sanitary Eng. Assn. S'pt. or Oct. L. J. Lawler. Box 109.1. Pittsburg, Pa.

MInneapoIla—S. W. Clay Aasn. A. Anderson 3145 Calhoun bird., .MInneapoIla.

Minneapolis—Grand I,odge Knights. Oct. 13 Fred E. Wheaton. 2232 Lake on the Isles Mvd., Minneapolis.

Minneapolis—National Commercial Gas .\san. December, 1914. Ix>uls Stoti, 29 W. .39th st.. New York City.

Minneapolis—A. A. H. Sept. 16. T. J. Dtyle, 4.t5 Endlcott Bldg.. St. Paul. Minn.

Mineapolls—Aaan. Minn. Civil War Veta. Sept. 2d week. C. A. Fix, 0. A. R. Memorial Hall. Memphis. Tenn.

Minneapolis—Minnesota State Oateopathic Aaan. Oct. 2-3. F. E. Jones. D. O., 620H Nicollet ave.. Mlnneanolla, Minn.

Minneapolis—National Housing Aam. Oct. ?1- 23. Mr. T.awrence Vellle*. 105 B 22.1 st.. New York City.

MInneapoIla —Minn. Retail Dealers’ Aaan. Sept. 10-11. F. C. Frazee, Pelican Bapida.

MInneapoIla—^Nllnn. Hortl. Soc. Dec. 1-4. A. W. Latham. 70B Kosata Bldg., Minneapolis.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.



n.«ra. the seaaon Is now on—It is money now or nevi-r. If It la la either Pllloara or T.eather Table Cheers you are playing, then play “TRUMP MERCHANDISE.’’ We hare got what you want. Illu-atratlona can n.g <V> the rorrchandlae Jualli-o. S«>d ua a couple rg dollars and get oue aainplea. If you don't like them, we will refund your money on return of samples. That la square eo.mgh, U It notV Our xooaa are real pnwperlty adiff. Ijrxest I’llhrw on the market (2»<x36). awelleat daali. Inwt grade of felt EterytMng sewed, emblems, maaoots, flowers, fratemals, eto. ''Seeing Is the naked TRUTH." Get a look at our aampk'W M F .stJJ orders alilppnl aame day received. 25% dcpoMlt required, balance C. O. V.


35.J7 Orsioad Plaes. Bsfausk af Brooklys, Naw York._ Long Oistarca Phone: 1700-1701-1762 Prosgsot.



51 Ttie Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

i Don’t delay until the last minute enira^inj; your space at


FAIR of New Jersey


Write I lie Secretary for a diagram and full particulars.


— AND —


Kverythlnp Good Wanted.

STREET MEN, ('ONCESSIONAIRES, Don’t misb this chance to get bome

easy money. EU E. THWIMG,

Scc’y and Supt. Privilege* in City.

New London County Fair NORWICH, CONN., SEPT. 7, 8, 9. 3—BIG DAYS «nd NIGHTS—3

Attendance, 75,000.

Omioriwlfiii* niiitnl, *<>rxl Pit Show*. Ctnt and Knife R*4-k. Te«ld)' Hear WheeJ. PlanUtlon Show; anvthina tJial Is (ns«l. U miKiey here Come and g.-t U. R. M. JAKOH. MIdwaj' Manager, West Harm, Cunn.; C. U. ORKKNMAN. Secn-un'. Xot- aieti, CiMin _


In the heart of the Indian country: plenty of money; free speiid.-r*. Rig light—linllana ra. Soldier Uoya. narge eroHila assured; excellent program fi>r enler- laiiiBent. Rig Fh-ee Attractions In connection. We want Ffiria Wheel. Merry-Uo-Round Sitow* and all kinds (.f ittractlons and crMicesslons: chance for er- eoboity to mike money. OtiMK. Write W. O. CBOY, Berretaty. Pawnee Fair Assuclatlon._



Lpflttniate ConceaaLons And clf«n Shows. 0«mbUnc ooc iHiy *i»d night fair. Grounds wired snd eirrtrU'iiy suitplird at ^nisll charge. Good open¬ ing for Ferria Whtwl, Siiows. etc. Addreoa ALBEIIT O BKKHM, AsiUiMant Secretary, St. Marys. P>.

COISICESSIOIMS and Grand Stand Booths

TO LET at the hiKllPt^t County Eair in Minnesota. S-pt. 21-22-2H. Address

SECY. J. A. CIDUSTRAW, .''auk Rapid.s, Minn.

Balloon Ascensions All aweniUnn. glren with wt alwolute guaramce—no aaceiiston. no t«y. Oav and nlglR aMetiMoni, with fireworks st nlglit. Addreu



Rei-ly for immediate ailpmrnL Sp.dal Balloons for gneip psrsdiute dmps- Spedsl psrs.-liutcs Ur group wDfk. We are ready for the Hurry -up Fair Order*.


Fair at De Soto, Mo. September 22, 23, 34 and 25; larger and better at¬ tractions than erer. We ire expecting larger crowds than we erer ha<l. Nothing b-jt clean Shows or Concessions wanted. Address £. C. ELKjAR, Lie Soto. ^UbblautI


Mnoey-maher for Cionceaaloti bolder*. For prirUege*. concessions, etc., apply to

EMERY F. BUSH, Seey., Brskta Bow, Neb.

- WANTED - Oamlral or Tent Shows, with Merry-Go-Boond and Band, for a FAIl Fair, October 8, 8. 10. Addrsia

W. & ABN'SPABGEB. Etoo. Qa.

Mtnnewpolla—Minn. Attademy Boctal Bcieoces. Dhe. 8-4. Prut. J. B. Young. MlsowapoUa.

Bed Wing—Minnewuta Woman's OhrSstian lem- iwrance CilIod. B«pL £1-25, Mr*. Kate Karobar, Brc«ksid«, MlnDea|K>l1t, Minn.

St. Paul—lilt. Cnl»n Steam Htig. bept. 9. Ja». G. HannabaD, 6it03 Harrard are., Chicago, III.

St. Panl—Am. Prison Cong. Oct. 8-8. St. Paul—Am. Prison Assn. Oct. 3-8. J. P.

Byers, State House, Trenton, X. J. St. Paul—-Minn. Med. Awsn. Oct., 1914. St. Paul—American Prison Assn. Oct. 8-8.

Joseph P. Byers, State House, TVenton, S. J St. Paul—Swedish Baptist General Coiif. Sept

9-15. C. W. Anderson, 107 So. Wahaab are St. Paul—Grand Chapter B. A. M. Oct. 18

John Fisher. Masonic Temple, St. Panl.

mSBISSIPPI. Meridian—K. of P. Sept. 16. H. M. Dlun.

Jackson. MISSOURI.

Galena—8. W. Mo. A S. W. Kansas Bebekah Aasn. Sept. 12.

St. JoaepL—Mtaaouri Society of Teacfaera of Science r.nd Matbematica. Nor. 13-14. Iw

_ D. Ame*. Columbia, Mo. K~nsai City—Intl. Anti-White Slave Assn,

oct., 1914. Kansas City—Natl. Wholesale Butter, Egg A

Poultry. Oct.. 1914. Kansas City—Grain Dealers’ Natl. Assn. Oct.

12-17. Kansas City—Hotel Men's Assn, of Mo., Kan.

A Ok. 1st A 2d week of November. Kanias City—K. of Bed Cross of Constantine.

Geo. Warnelle, 1901 Masonic Temple, Chicago. Kaneaa City—Old-Time Telegraphers A Hit

torical Asan. Sept. 16-18. F. J. Seberrer, 1929 N. Cbnrcb at.. New York City.

Hannibal—Mo. Fed. of Labor. Sept. 14. John J. Smith, 1402 Woodland ave., Kansas City.

Kansas City—Grain Dealers’ National Aasa. Oct. 12-14. Charles Quinn. 820 Gardner Bldg., Toledo. O.

Kansas City—Grand Ixidza A. F. A A. M. Sept. 80. John B. Ft non, 510 Pine at., St. Louts.

Kansas City—Purity Congress. Nov. 7-9. World's Purity Fed., La Croiae. Wit.

Kanraa City—Western Asan. of Nuraerymen, Dec. 9-10. E. J. Holman. Leavenwortb.

lopIlD—November, 1914. B. L. AUaky, 911 Central. W. O. C. M. Kanaat City, Mo.

Joplin—8. W. Printers' Coat Ouog. Nov. IS-IA C. C. Mack. Newton.

St. Joseph—P. A. of Mitaourl. Sept. 8-11. L. S. Kuckert, 814 Bonnvtlle at., 8prlDgfleId. Mo.

8t. Joseph—Co. Clerks' Attn, of Mo. Nov. George E. Hackman, Warrentown.

St. Joaepb—Mo. State Teachen' Assn. Nov. 12-14. E. .M. Carter, Cape QIrtrdatB.

Saint Joseph—Home Economics Dept., M. 8. T. Assn. Nov., 1914. Anna C. Jensen, 1201 Syl- vanie street.

St. Louis—Order Relnvenated Sons of Jove. Oct., 1914. E. C. ^nnett. Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louts.

St. IjouIs—C. O. Daugbten of Confed. Oct., 1914. Mn. G. W, Hyde, Lexington.

St. Ix>ul*—Natl. Asan. of Supervisory P. O Employes. Sept., 1914. J. J. Field, Loalt- vllle, Ky.

St. Ixrais—Am. Cemetery Supt. Assn. Sept., 1914. Bellett Ijiwaon, Jr., River Grove, HI.

St. liouls—Am. Assn, of Progressive Med. Sept. 8-11. L. M. Ottofy, New Grand Central Thea¬ ter Bldg., St. Ig>uls.

St. lionla-The Jovian Order. Oct. 14-16. E C. Bennett, 1415 Syndicate Trust Bldg.. St Ixmis.

St. Louis—Knights of Father Mathew. Oct. 15 Joseph H. McCormack, 1208 N. Sarah at.. St. 7»nlt, Mo.

St. Louis—Western Catholic Union. Oct. 18-20. G. A. Hllrtelrandt, Qnlncy, III.

St. Ix>nl*—Grand L^ge Knigbta and lAdlea of Home. Oct. 6-7. I.elgh H. Hnot, 917 Wain Wright bird.. St. loMiis, Mo.

St. I>'nls—Nnt’I Slack Coop. Mfrs.' Assn. Middle of November. E. H. Defenbaugh, 537 So. rtearbom st.. Chicago.

Springfield—.Antl Horae Thief Assn. Oct. 14. Frank F. Ross, Ctrl Junction.


Butte—Rebekah Assembly. Oct. 20-21. Nellie W. Nell, 846 6tb ave., Helena.

Butte—Grand Enc. I. O. O. F. Mont. Oct. 22. R. W. Kemp, P. O. Box 1354, Miasonla.

Bntte—Grand Lodze A. F. A A. M. Sept., 1914. Cornellna Hedges, Jr., Helena.

Butte—Patriarchs Militant 1. O. O. F. Oct. 19. Dean W. Selfrldge, 817 Colorado at., Butte.

Helena—State Teachers' Asia. Nov. 25-28. Helena—Mont. Osteopathic Assn. Sept. 8-9.

W. C. Dawes. BcKeman. Kalispell—Woman’s Obristian Temperance CnPm

of Montana. Sept., 1914. Mrs. Frank Marsh, 426 Fifth ave., E. Ka'.lapall, Mont.

Miles City—Grand Lodge K. of P. Oct. 13-14 Lee Dennis, Great Falls.


Grand Island—Grand Izxlge of I. O. 0. F. Oct. 20-28. I. P. Page, Fremont.

Grand Island—Rebekah Assembly. Oct. 20-22. Mrs. Emma L. Talbot, 722 SSnd at.. South Omaha.

Hastlngt—Neb. Oateopatbie Assn. Sept., 1914. Dr. C. R. Atzen, Omaha.

Omaha—Nat'I Assn. Prof. R. B. Leagua. Nov. 16. J. H. Farrell. Aubnm. N. T.


Bradford—O. D. A. M. OcL 6. Frank O. Ix>rlng, Milford.

Laconla-^rand Lodge I. 0. G. T. Oct. 7-8. Gertruda E. Holmes, 743 Pine at., Mancbet ter.

Laconia—Grand Ixtdge I. O. O. F. of N. H Oct. 14. Frank L. Wa.v, Mannbester.

Laconia—Rebekah Assembly. Oct. 13-14. Hr* Martha L. Sarzeant, Woodaville.

Laconin—New Hampshire State Orange. Dee. 14-17. Ge -ree R. T)rake, Manchester.

Manchester—1st N. H. Battery Vela.' Assn. Sept. 25. 8. S. Pifier, Manchester.

Plymouth—State Co. Jr. O. U. A. M. Sept 25. J. M. Goodrich, Atkinaon, Depot.

Portsmouth—Grand I>vlge K. of P- Oct. 6. E. K. Webster, Concord.

Rochester—Great Co. of N. J. I. O. R. M Oct. 1. Harriet M. Yonng, City HalL Man- cbester.


Astiury I'ark—Graml Council D. of P. of N J Oct. 27. Mra. S. T. RellsUb, P. O. Box 420. Trenton.

Atlantic City—Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. Sept. 2-28. Jobt B. Goodwin, 25 N. T.lherty st.. Baltimore. Md.

Atlantic CIt.v—N. J. State Firemen's Relief Assn. Sept. 10. Wm. Bzall, 84 Brace at.. Newark, N. J.

Atlantic City—N. J. Presidential Postmaatera' Assn. Sept. 11-14. Harvey ITiomas, pres., Atlantic City.

Atlantic City—Grand Military Council Patriarch* Militant O. F. Sept. 20-^.

Atlantic City—Grand Circle. Brotherh'od of America. Sept. 21-25. W. L. Young, 41 High at., lYenton, N. J.

Atlantic City—Pa. R. R. Surgeons' Assn. Si-pt. ‘23. Dr. William Martin, V. I’., apt. Ryanburst, Atlantic City.

Atlantic City—'Nattonal Assn, of Carriage Build¬ ers. Sept. 28-Oct. 2. Henry C. Me. Clear, •eey., Mt. Vernon. N. Y.

Atlautlc City—International Committee Y. M. C. A. Sept., 1914.

Atlantic City—International Congress Home Education Outing. Oct. 1.

Atlantic City—State Patrolmen's Benevolent Assn. Oct. 4. John J. Ohrenberger, secy., Eltxabeth, N. J.

Atlantic City—American Humane A»*n. Oct. 4-10. Dr. Wm. 0. Stillman. Albany. N. Y.

Atlantic nty—National Stattoneri A Mfr*. Assn. Oct. 12. Sidney J. Burgoyne, 908 Chestnut at., I'hili.

Atlantic City—I'a. Water Work* A*»n. Oct. 22-23.

Atlantic City—Presbyterian Synod of N. J. Oct. 19 23.

M. E. Veak«l, 407 Jackson at., Syracuse Scbeneelady—Pollan National Alliance of’ th*

U. 8. of N. Am. Sept., 1915. John 8. Zawl llnakl, 1400 W. Division at., Chicago, Ill

Schenectady—Independent Order Daugutera of St. George. Sept. 29. Mra. Elliabeth Tec oaot, 12 EUmere ave., Methuen. Mass.

Syracuse—Natl. league of Merchants. Oct 1914. Allen C. Fobes.

'• Bunnell. Dalrtvllle.

Syracuse—Natl. Camp Patrlotie 0. of Am. Oct 20-21. Geo. W. Smith, Pblllipaburg.

Syracuse—The Woman's Home Missionary Soc of the M. E. Church. Week Oct. 19. Mrs! D. D. T7t4tmtiaou, 1629 Hinman ave. £ Evanston, III. '

NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville—Natl. 0>n. Ins. Comm. Sontembor

1914. F. H. McMaater, Colnmbla, S C ' Ralelgb—D. D. C. Oct. 14 17.


Blsmart k—N. 1». E»luc. Assn. Got 21 23 ' Fargo^ttte W. C. T. V. Sept. 25 28.’ Mra

Barbara H. Wylie, Drayton. Grand Forka—State Bar Atan. SepL 12-18.

Atlantic City- -State Council Junior Order Am. .Mechanics. Oct. 20-22. W. H. Myers. 140 E. State at.. Trenton, N. J.

Atlantic City—.American Hardware Jobbers’ Assn. Oct. 29 3t. T. James Fernley, 505 Arch at., Pblladelphia.

Atlantic City—Amerii-an Hardware Mfrt.' Assn. Oct. 29-31. F. D. Mitchell, aecy.. N. Y.

Atlantic City—Bebeksh State Assembly of N. J. I. O. O. F. Oct., 1914. Mrs. Maggie L. Sharp. 2401 Arctic ave., Atlantic City.

Atlantic City—Patect A Enameled Leather Mfr*.' Aaan. SepL James B. Bellly, Essex Bldg., Newark.

Atlantic City—Carriage Bnlldert' Natl. Assn. Sept. 28-OcL 2. Henry C. McLear, ML Ver¬ non, N. T.

Atlantic City—Am. Elec. By. Aaan. Oct. 12- 16. E. B. BnrrltL 29 W. 30tb at., New York, N. T.

AtSantle City—Am. Elect. By. Mfr*.' Aaan. Oct. 12-16. H. 0. McConnong^ SnlU 1002, 165 Broadway, New Tork, N. T.

Atlantic City—Fnneral Beneficiary Aaan. of N. J. Oct. 27. H. 8. Norris, 119 Seymour ave., Newark.

Atlantic City—Stats Connell, Jr. O. U. A. M Oct. 28-29. Wm. H. Miers, Trenton.

Atlantic City—Pennsylvania MtUera’ State Aaan. Bept. 8-10. I.aDdla Levaa, Lancaster. Pa.

Atlantic City—Electric By. Aaan. OoL 17.'26 E. B. Bnrritt, 29 W. S9th at.. New York Cltv.

Atlantic City—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 7-8. Mist Eva D. Van Duaen. Manaaqnan, Box 833.

Camden—Grand Ixidge K. of P.. N. A.. S. A.. E.. A.. A. A A. Oct. 20-22. C. D. Llpcomb. 166.3 Arctic ave.. Atlantic Cfly.

Newark—N. J. Osteopathic Soc. Ochtber. 1914 Dr. A. P. Firth. 28 Clinton at.. Newark.

New Brnnrwlck—Sept. 8. Mtorrta Bauer, 260 I Townsend at.. New Brunvwlck.

New Brunswick—N. J. State Hortl. Soc. Dec. S-lO. H. G. Taylor. Riverton.

Orange—Interl. O. of O. T. Sefit. 9-10. D. W Wlrl, 133 Walnut at., Patereon

Princeton—Awa. of Am. rnlvereitlea. Nov. 9 7. Herman V. Ames. Philadelphia.

Trenton -Grand Temple I.adies of Golden Eagle. Se'pt. 21. Rachel E. Britton, Jacob«ti'*n.


Albuquerque—Grand Lolge I. O. O. F. Oct. 8 9. N. E. Stein*. .Vlbuquerque.

Albuquerque—State Fe<'. of Labor. Sept. 21. Arthur C. Culver, 216 W. Uaxeldlne ave.. Box 622, Albuquenjut'.

Albuquerque—Grand Ixslge K. of P. OcL 1. J. E. Elder, Albuquerque.

Albuquerque—Btate Teachers’ Aaan. Nov. 23- 26.


Albany—Phi Sigma Kappa. Oct. 14 16. H. M. Mcl^ean, 120 Broad at.. Elixabeth. N. J.

Batavia—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-19. Fred B. Parker. Batavia.

Binghamton—137 Reg. Vol. Aaan. Sept. 25. B. J. Bayleit, 56 Metcbell ave., Binghamton.

Rrotiklyn—Knights of Honor. Sept., itfl4. 11. .K. Pope. 246 13th street. Brooklyn

Bnffilo—N. Y. State Christian Endaavor Union OcL 9-12.

Glovcraville—N. Y. Universalista. OcL 5 8. G. D. Walker, 23 Cleveland Bldg., Watertown.

Fayetteville—Am. Cheviot Sheep Assn. Dec. 26. F. E. Dawley. Fayetteville.

Hohonk lAke—Conf. of Ind. A Other Dependent Peoples. OcL 14 16. H. C. PbiUipa, Mobonk Luke.

New York—Am. Oa* In«t. Oct. 21-23. Geo. G. Ramsdell. 29 W. 39th it.. N. Y. C.

New York—N. Y. and New Btg. Assn, of By. Surgeons. Oct.. 1914. 338 47tb at., Brooklyn.

New York—Nat'I Founders' Assn. November, 1914. J. M. Taylor. 29 8. La Salle at.. N. Y. C.

New York—Am. Boiler Mfr*. A»»n. Sept. —. J. D. T*r**ey, Cleveland, O.

New York—Natl. I.«atber A Shoe Ann. Gao. A. Knapp. 724 Victoria Bldg., St. Louts.

New 'York—Daughters of Am. OcL 6-7. Mra. Jnlia T. Roth, 1216 Nicholas Bldg., Toledo, O.

New York—Am. Soc. of Prof, of Dancing. 8ept. 1-4. P. B. Carpenter, 28 N. Main at.. Provi¬ dence, R. I.

Sew York—A. O. O. F. Sept. 9 10. P. Bcberb, 19 WelrfleM at., Brooklyn.

New York—Real Estate Ann. of N. T. Oct. 16. H. L. Reed, 12 B. Main at., Amsterdam.

New York—Natnral Ire Ann. of Am. Nov. Harold W. Cole. 116 Naasan at.. New York.

Sew York City—lot. Slate A Tile Rooferi D. of A. Sept. 14. J. M. Gavlak, 864.3 W. 47tb at.

Sew York City—The Am. Society of Refriger¬ ating Engineers. Nov. 80-Dec. 1. W. H. Roe*. 154 Naassn at.

New York City—Maitera Horae Sboers N. P. A. Se(>t. 14-20. C. J. HcGInneai, 11 Union ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

New Y«irk—Atlantic Deeper Waterway Ann. Kept. 8 12 Wilfred A. ScbolT, 816 Cl< »er Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.

New York—Int'l Expo, of Safety A Sanitation. r»ec. 12 19.

New York—Am. Soc. of Mech. Eng. Dec. 1-4. Calvin W. Rice. 29 W. 89th at.. New York

Niagara Falla—W. C. T. U. Oct. 18-15. Helen J. Andrew, 156 Fifth ave.. New York.

Peekaklll—Ttarrla Light Cavalry Assn. Sept. 17. M. Montroea. Peekaklll.

Rochester—N. Y. Woman's Snffrage Asan. Oct. 12-15. Mrs. H. W. Cannon. Delhi.

Rocbe«te*—N. Y. Dairy Men'* Ann. Dec. IS¬ IS. W. E. Griffith. Madrid.

Schenectady—N. Y. State Journeymen Barbers' Asan. SepL 8-9. B. H. CoUmer, Utica.

Canton—16tti Regiment O. V. I. BeoL 9-10. Enos Pierson, Wooster, O.

Cincinnati—W'ood Mantel Mfr*.' Credit Men'* Ann. Dec. 8-4. L. Miller, 4W Telephone Bldg Indianapolis, lad. ^ •

Cincinnati—National Aatn. Ufa Undarwrlteia

Nrt,*”*’*'’ Omaha.

ClMln'Mtl--MIn. Valley Med. Soc. OcL 27-29 Hfilnea, 1606 Freeman ave., Ctn'tl

Cincinnati—Trl-8tate Vehicle and Impl. Dealers'

Rrid"' ®***‘*>"“' Sprlng-

^clanatl--Ufe Underwriters. S«mt. 15-17

Sept. m4. J. D. Israel. 29 W, 89Ui at.. New York

Clevel^—Ohio Butter, Eggs A Poultry. Oct.

Ol^elMd-—Ohh) State Hotel Aa»n. Dec. 9-io. _ y' Hofei Gilteon, Cincinnati

Correction. OoL 31-28. H. H. surer, 1010 Hartman Bldg Colambn*. '

Oolnmbna—K. P. Oct. 14 15. John N. Bell. Oolnmboi—118 O. V. I. SepL 17 T a

Jones, Granville. Colnmbna—Grand Comm. K. T, of 0. OcL 14-15

John Nelson Bell, Dayton. Colnffibos—Ohio Masonic Vets. Oct 21 ■

H. Archer, The Nell. Colnmboa. Colambn*—Ohio Dental Soc. Doc. 1-8. ^^•9®—Interstate Aaan. Encoarageiaent of

^ap Shooting. SepL 8-11. 219 Coltart ave., Plttiburg. Pa.

Uarietu—WaablngtoD Co. Veta.' Assn. Oct 1- 2. L. J. Cotter, Marietta.

Toledo—Grand Liiap. O. E. 8 Oct 'er-‘'9 Jeanette 8. May. 327 Dorr at., Toledo’.

Tmingfti'wn—Grand Chapt O. E. S. Oct 28- 24» Jeanette S May. 1327 I>orr «t.. Toledo.

Yonngatwwn—Grand Connell R. A S. M. OcL 6. William E. Evans, Chtlllcutha.

OKLAHOMA. Muekogee—.So. Comuierclal Cong. Nov. 15-19. Oklahoma City—Okla. Teacbert' .\a*n. N^v,

6 7. Oklahoma CIt.v—Okit. Hdwe. A Imp. AasD;

l»e<-. s 10, w. B. IN>rch. Mustang Salllsaw-A. H. V. A., Ea»L Ok. Dlv. Oct.

2S. W. H. ]farri*<tn. Chlckaeha. ^l**—United States Good Roads A*sn. Nov.

—, 1914, J. A. Rowntree, No. lOCl Bruwn- Harx Bldg., Birmingham, Ala.

OREGON. .\Hhland (irand I'oumi. K. T. .S«'pt. 24 Ja*.

F. Hoblnoon, 388 YamUIl at.. Portlaml. Portland—Grand l.odgt- K. of P. Oct. 13 15. L.

R. Stinson, Salem. Portland—Pacific I'.iaat Poster Adv. Amn. Sept.

11. Grant M. Smith, aecy., care Varney Co., Oakland. Cal.

Portland—Pythian Sisters. Oct. Mra. Mary R. Hogue, Klamath Falls.

PENMBYLVAHIA. Altoona—Mystic O. of S. Oct. 22-24. Clyd#

E. Brown, hellers Bldg., Altoona Butler—78 Pa. Vol. Infty. Atan. OcL 12. John

W. Tbompoon. 1267 Franklin av#.. WlUlns- bnrg.

CarllBic—Dir. of Poor and Cbaritlea. OcL 12- 15. L. C. Oolbom, Somerset.

Centre Hall—Grand Enc. Sept. 12-18. Leonard Rhone, Centra Hall.

Franklin—M’estem 121 Regt. P*. VoL Sept. 17. 8. T. Borland, Fredooda.

Gaston—C. 8. War Vet*. Tho*. M. Stalford, Sayre, P*.

Htrrlrirurg—State Horticnltural Asan. C. J. Ty¬ son, aecy.. riora Dale. Pa.

Harrisburg—State Firemen's At*n. Oct.. 1914 Indiana—Soldlara' Aaan. SepL 9. J. M. Mar-

thall, Indiana. Ix>ek Haven—Fed. Humane Soc. of Pa. Oct. 15-

18. Tbomaa 8. Carlisle, 86 So. 18t1i at., PU!a- delphla.

Meadvllle—Pa. State Orange. Dec. 8-11. Ur*. Nettle E. Allnitn, Thompsontown'

Philadelphia—lote-national lAlvtr Pre»* Aaan. Nov. 7. Charles W. Fear. Joplin. Mo.

Philadelphia—Retail .Merchants' Aswi of Penna. Kept. 7 14. A. M. Howes. 209 10-11 IJncdu Bldg., Erie. Pa.

Philadelphia—National A»*n of Stationer* A -Mfr*. Oct. 12-19. .Mortimer W, Byers, 41 Park How, New York City.

Philadelphia—National Assn, of Statlonera A Manufkctnrera of U. 8. of A. Week of Oct. 12. Nortlmer W. Bycro, 41 Park Bow, N. Y, C.

Philadelphia-Hotel Trades Dept. A. F. of L. Nov. 5. A. J. Berrlt, 513 Ouray Bldg., Wa*h- Ington. D. C.

Philadelphia—Elect. Vehicle Aa«n. Oct. 19-21. Philadelphia—Building Trades Dept., A. F. of

L. Fourth Monday In Nov. Wm. Spencer, 414 Ouray Bhlg.. Waidiington. D. C.

Philadelphia—liilon label Trades Dept.. A. F. of L. Nov. 6. Thoa. F. Tracy, 708 Ouray Bldg.. Waahlncton, D. C.

Philadelphia—I’l. Stale Hotel Aa»n. Dec. 16- 17. Col. Thoa. C. I.ealle, Hotel Walton, Phila¬ delphia.

Pittsburg—Med. Soc. of State of Pa. Sept. 22- 24. Cyrnt lae Stevens Athena.

Plttabnrg—Damea of Malta. Kept. 15 18. L. n. Woudlngtoo, 2582 N. lltb sL, PhDadelpbla. Pa.

Scranton—United Textile Worker* of America. Oct. 19. Albert UIbbert. Box 742, Fall River. Mass.

EPTEMBER 5, 1914. Tne B

imitated the world over, but never equaled-THE.CARNIVAL DE LUXE - THE BIGGEST THING IN OHIO


Cowrnor C*» tli* butte* end opeee th» ihow Monday

?;•. •Si-e.t R. R. I. the

txEtbr's b, SlAte ef Ohio. $1,500.00 ilven ewey le Premium* (n*

*"*Ehrini'»'*Bif 4-Abre»»t Ahd Ferrli Wheel.

Trip to Mere, Crery Himiw, Good Fri-ak Show. Orod Tengo Show, Dog end Pony Show, Animal Show. Haye

awell location In the heart of the fiwtlval dlitrlct for fire or six high-class, money-getting Sliows. If ytu

hare anyllilng In tlie Sliow line, wire, write or plione. CX>XCEiSSI(>X MI'l.X, GE;T BL'SV. THIS IS THK niti DXE. Addreae

FARMERS' FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, Chlllkothe, Ohio. . "iiolletla.” write. Can furnish three more weeks If you come here.


** ■ ^ SIX DIVING NYMPHS. ■w, I>og and Pony Show, Animal Show. Hare THE FIVE FERRIS WHEEL GIRLS,

six hlidi-class, money-getting Shows. If ycu «RlAL*SHERW(?obs. FiSSIOX MF-X, GET BL’ST. THIS IS THK HAAS BROS. FRANK RENZETTA



MOUNTFORO'S plates in new YORK IKm’l be dlsguwed

berauee vou laii’l buy good platew. We are

wF / here now with the ertg- InAl M(iuiAtf*>rti in4“ chbiee and p.atra, which can't be beat, write or aend a tele- gram. Vour or<lera re- oelre prompt attention 1 no delays Bur

F best and you will get I I the beet resulta.


T. SUGAR. Prep., H< Detaaeey Street, New Y«fk.


October 30th, 31tt, 1914. Beady to hook IVee AttracUona and good Biding I>«- tlcee. tYmceaelona L. A. McCLJClXAXD, Ptlrll.^ Chairman, LeurdTllle. Ohto.

WANTED FOR Third Annual Carnival


BER Tth TO 12th. 1114. Good..legitimate Shopw*. Space* or perotnUge baal*. Few game* open Biate ad first letter at once.


Rock Falls Corn Carnival Fifth Annual Com Ggntlrai. ROTK FALXZt. Hi.,

fkf'. S<! iiet. 1. 2. S. Blgp-r and better than erer

Jn.'H.i attendance last year tJood atreet sliows will

Biike money. »<*• .tttractlnna and CXinosaims.



THE O.SCEOLA COIMY FAIR AT EVART, MICHIGAN. SEPT. ». >4 aad 2S. ISI4. An expert Art*t(W rmployed foe the three dAjt. which erlll be the first for thi* locality. Xo other Fair within 35 mill* of ua this year, and larre crowds are expertnl each day. Plenty of mom for Phowa and OincesAlnns of all kind* Pri*llrges reaaonabla L. F. PiiWFXL. SoTetary, Kean, Mh-hlgan.

DANBURY FAIR THE largest EXHIBITION IN NEW ENGLAND. OtTliBiai 5. «. 8. 9. 10. For Prirllege* appy to X T Bl l,KI.>rT. Ses’y Bootha and, Dan¬ bury. Ponn ■

Kanabec County Fair MORA, MINN., SEPTEMBER 2S-2S.

Prtrlleges for aale. Special FYea Attraettona wanted. One (K the beat Fait* In Minnesota. Addreat See- reury.

BALLOON ASCENSION raE ST. n>IR sisTKIut haet lotBe open time foe Parks and Fair*. Book theaa reliable tietefe In tbsli double leap The oedy alsters totlay who are mie eeeafudy making the double drop. Write or wire RT CitlK SI.KTKHS. Minkrgoa. Mich. Beferenoe-Jfa- Ounal I.itmberman’a Rank, Muakegon, Mich.; BIU boan], Plnclmatl. Ohio.

PRIVILEGE UD CONCESSION PEOPLE GAIVfxviIiK. FI/IRIDA. Rermid Annual Fair, No- ntnbcT i:ih to $mh; will be the beet In the State. H II WAD.SWORTH, Btulneem Manager._

—wamTed— F<e the Oalnarllle Amnual Picnic, Reptetnber T. 8, # and 1(1. clean Park (Ymoeealona ITlcea and Irjalniftit rignt. Four big day* Addmei O. H. Fill HiHT, Manager, Box 2«T. LYUnerllle. Mo

CONCESSIONS WANTED for Uie great Grangniw’ l.ii! ■ and F'xhibitlon, at Centre Hall. Pa.. 8epL 11 to IS; free gitea day and nlghL D. TRIMPKB. I>r.iiii fi!,. Mj


Septamber 15th le 18th. F •• c-,!,() terma addrewa CHAR. C. TtkWN- Al.Mi, West ni.wtcr. Pa.. H D. Na 4.

WANTED. G'««l. lire t^ilral Trmipe and piod Onneaaalana, for Ihr.e ,1,,,. s.pteinb<r 10. 11 and 11. Addra* CX)N- « > H>X. Welch, Okla._

Pop Corn Bricks garden city pop CORNjWORKS

GREENE & SON. Prap*. ‘


Scranton —P*. V. M. I. Oct. 1-3. F. P. Bar- run, 2413 Fifth ave., Altoona.

Scranton—United Textile Worker* of America. 8d klonday In Oct. Albert UIbbert, Box 742, Fall Klver, Maaa.

Scranton—Jr. O. U. A. M. Sept. 15-17. Cba*. H. Hall, Box 874, Philadelphia.

Tyrone—110 Ke*t. P*. Veta. VoU.’ Aaan. Oct IS. 0. W. Brock, 810 3d are., Altoona.


Providence—Stale Co. of K. 1., Jr. 0. D. A. M. Oct. 13. Arthar W. Barroa, 255 Backlln at., ProTldence.

Providence—Am. Mia*. Aaan. Oct. 20-22. C. J. Ryder, '287 4th ave. New York City.

Providence—Order Ity. ’Traclt Foremen of Am. Xov. II 13. M. M. Barrett, 271 Whitwell at.. Qnincy, Maaa.

SOUTH DAKOTA. nandrean—Deutacb-Am. Staataverband, S. D.

Sept. Herman Stuabarg, Slonx FaIIb.


Chattanooga—Soc. Army of Comberland. Set. 14-15. Captain C. D. Mitchell, Chattanooga.

Greenville—Eaat Tenneaaee Medical Aaan. Oct. 8 0. Dr. H. P. Larimore. Chattanooga.

Naabville—Rebekafa Aaaemhly. Oct. 20. Mlaa There** A. Cramer. TTie Raleigh. Navhvllle.

Naabrille—Maater Car A Loco. Paintera. Sept. 8-11. A. P. Dane, Beading.

Naabville—Middle Tenn. Farmer** Inat. Oct. T. G. Settle, Capitol. Naabville.

Naahvllle—Grand Ixxlge I. O. O. F. Oct. 18- 21. J. R. Harwell, Naihvllle.

Naabrille—Xat’I Suffrage Aa»n. Nov. 12-17. Naahvllle—Tenn. Teachera’ Aaan. Nov. 26. P.

L. Harned, Clarkavllle.


Dalla*—.Am. Life Convention. Oct. 7-10. T. W. Blackburn. 732 State Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.

Dallae—Nat’l Am. Binkera’ .A*sn. L<agt week of Oct. N. B. Keath. Dallaa.

Ft. Worth—Farmers’ Natl. L'engreys. S' pt.. 1»14.

Ft. Worth—A. O. Hibernians. Sept., 1014. Ft. Worth—Texas Printers’ C'Hincil. Oct.. 1914. Ft. Wo-tb—Texas Wholesale Fruit & Prod. Deal

era’ A»*n. Nov.. 1914. Ft. Worth Natl. Feedcia’ BreeDr Show. (ict.

10 17 J. A. Stafford, Live Stock Exchange, • Ft. Worth.

Fort Worth—Farmera’ National Congres*. Oct. 14-17. O. D. Hill, Kendall*. W. V*.

Galveaton—S. W. Ince .'Ifg. A»»n. Nov. 17-19. J. C. Mitchell. Temple.

San .Antonio—Texas State Teachers’ As*n. Nov. 2« >. T D. Brotika, HillslKiro. Tex.

San Antonl.i—State C-nf Charities A Oorrec- thma. Nov. 1.”. IS. R. J. Newton, Tlie Capitol Station. Austin. Tex.

Waco—Tex. B ttlera’ Assn. E. G. Eberle. P. 0 Box 15.3d. Dallaa.

Waco—Professional Photographer*’ Assn, of Texas. Nov. 10-12. A. il. Howse. Ladonia, Tex.


Salt lAke Cit.v—Pac. Coast Assn. Freight Agts. i’. J. Thomas, care Salt Lake Route, !»» .Angeles.

Salt Lake City—Utah Med. Soc. Sept. 29-30 W. Brown Ewing, 801 Baxter Bldg., Salt lAke City.


Rutland-Ft. Med. Soc. Oxt. 8 9. Dr. J, M Hamilton. Rutland.


Bristol—So. Appalachian Good Rd. Asan. Oct. 6-9

Richmond-Am. Bankers’ .Asan. Week Oct. 12. Fred E. Farnawxirth. 5 Nassau at.. New York.

Richmond—Grand Fountain U. O. T. R. Sept. 8. Maurice Rouaelle, 604 N. Second at., Richmond.

Richmond—High Tent of I. O. R. Sept. 8. Jas. H. Dony, 727 Mats. ave.. E., Waibington, D. C.

Richmond—Knighta of Golden Eagle. Oct. IS¬ IS J. B. Treibler, 814 N. Broad at.. Phila¬ delphia, Pa.

Richmond-Natl. Aaan. of Maater Baking. Oct. 19-23. B. F. Whltecar, 411 Walnut at., Philadelphia, Pa.

Richmond—Grand R. A. Chapter of Va. Oct '27. Jaa. B. Blanks. Box M. Petersburg.

Richmond—American Bankers* Assn. Oct. 13

Rictiiiiond-Va. State Teachers* Aaan. Thanks¬ giving w'-ek. A. Woolfolk. Springfield School. Rlchm'ind. _

Ro*noke-^r. O. V. A. M. Oct. 20-21. Thomas B. Ivey, Petersburg.

Roanoke—Equal Suffrage league ef V*. Nov. 910. Alice 0. Taylor, Commercial Bldg., Richmond, Va.


Sraftle—Pacific Coast National Dobllo Show Sept. 18-19.

Prattle—Pacific Coast Architectural league Sept. 17 20.

Tacoma-Wash. Ednc. Aaan. Oct. 28 31. 0. C. Whitney, Tacoma.


Charleston-K. O. R. of W. V*. SepL 21-22. T. H. Clay, 510 4th at., Huntington.

Charlewtoiwn—United Daughter* of Oonfed. Sept. 2824.

Sutton—Grand .A. O. U. W. of W, V*. Sept. III. K. S. WIgal. Wlieellng.

White Sulphur Springs—Interl. Aaan. of Caen alty A Surety Underwrltera. Sept. 22-25. R Robertaou Jonea, 80 Malden Lane, New York, N. T.


Chippewa Falla—WU. Fed. Cath. Soc. Sept.. 1914.

Kenxjaba—Grand Enc. Oct. 13-14. Jas. A Fathers, Jaueavllle.

Madison—Daughters of Am. R. October. Mrs O. L. Trenary, Kenosha.

Madlaon—The Society of American Indian*. Oct 6- 11. A. C. Parker, 108 Barrister Bldg., Wasbiagton, D. C.

Milwaukee—Natl. Asan. Stationary Eng. Sept. 7- 12. James R. Co*. New York City.

Milwaukee—Wl*. Retail Imp. A Vehicle Deal¬ ers’ Aaan. December, 1914.

Milwaukee—Wia. Assn, of Maater Bakers. Sept 19-25. J. W. Slnzer, 2425 Hadley at., MU wankee.

Milwaukee—Wli. Board of Indus!. Ednc. Sept 2-4.

Milwaukee—Wla. Retail Clothier*’ Aaan. Sept 8- 10.

Mllwankee—Wl*. Tetcben. Nov. 6-7. Portage—Vets’ Assn. Sept. 4. Racine—Wla. Baptist State Assn. Oct. 12-16

George C. Albom, 1717 Wella at., Milwaukee Wausau—German Press Assn. Sept.


Tbermopolls—Grand Lodge of Wy. A. F. A A. M. 2d Wed. Sept, W, L. Kuykendall, Bara toga.

Tbermopolla—I. 0. O. P. Oct. 14 15. Tbomai Cottl*. Green River. Wy.


Oaigary—Inti. Irrigation Con. Oct. 6 9. Guelph, Out.—Am. Leicester Breeder*’ Aaan.

Dec. 8. A. J. Temple. Cameron, 111. North Bav—PrxrvlDcial Grand Black Chapter of

Ont., West. Royal Black Kulgbu of Ireland March 9, 1915.

Ottawa, Ont.—Ottawa Kennel Clnb. Sept. 15 18. G. M. Tyrell, P. O. Dept., Ottawa.

Portage La Prairie. Nov. 10-12. W. H. Irwin 740 Somerset Block, Winnipeg.

St. John—Trade* A I.abor Congress of Canada Sept. 21-26. P. M. Draper. 112 Florence at. Ottawa. Ont.

Toronto—Canadian Oa* Assn. Sept., 1914. J Keillor, Hamilton. Ont., Can.

Toronto, Ont.—Dept. Co. of Ont.. P. M., I. 0 O. F. Major W. J. Foster, 90 Hilton, To ronfo, Onf,

Winnipeg, Man —Int. Brotherhood of Malnt of Way Employe*. Sept. 7-12. Samuel J. Pegg 27 Putnam ave., Detroit, Mich.

Wlnnljieg-Grand lodge .Manitoba 1. O. 0 F March 3, 191.5. B. D. Deerlng, Odd Fellow* Temple, Winnipeg. Man.

Wlnnlt>eg—International Brotherhood of Main tenance of Way Employes. Sept. 714. Sami J. Pe,'g. 27 Putnam ave.. Detroit, Mich.

I New Conventions I ^

COLORADO. Denver—West-rn Surgical .4s<n. Dec.. I!il4.

Dr. T. Mune. !tlO Don.aldwn Bhlg., Minne- SD'!*'*. .Minn.


W.xahinct n—.\nierican National Re.i Cross .\ssn. De’. 2. Charles I.. Magee. 1G24 11 st., X. W. W.a*liing|oii.. D C.


.Llexandri.t—Xo. Indiana Educational Assn Sept. .3t-Oef. 2.

Indianapolis—Trl State Dentists & Doct'irs’ .Lssn. .Sept. 7.

KANSAS. Topeka—Kansas State Horticultural S'Viety.

Dec. 2-4 J. L. Pelham. State House. Ti>peka. Kan.


New Orleans—International .4asn. Fire Engine Engineers. Oet. 2IV23. TIK'S. W. Honey, Jacksonville, Fla.


Baltimore—Star Spanglexl Banner Centennial. .Sept. 6-13.

MINNESOTA. Mlnneaivilia—Minn. Aeadeniv of Social Sciences,

Dec. 3 4. Prof. J. S. Y'onng, University of Minn.

Minneapolis-Minn. State llortlcnltnral .Society and .kiixillary Societies. Dec. 1-14 A. W. Latham, 702 Kasota Block. Mliineapolia, Minn.

St. Paul—.4meilean Retailers’ Exchange. Oct. 5.


Omaha—Nebraska Farmers’ Congress. Dec. 8- 10. W. S. Delano, 1804 St. Lincoln. Wester- Tille, Neb.


Hanover X. H. IJcensed Enibalmers’ Assn. Aug. .31-Sept. 2. Geo. H. Stoughton, Charles ton. N. II.

PENNSYLVANIA. Altoona—Central Pa. Dental SiM-iety. Oct. 13-

14. H. E. Crunihaker. AlbS'na, Pa. Harrisburg—Pa. State Educational .Assn. Dee..

29-31. J. P. McCaskey, I>anca8ter. Pa.

VIHOINIA. .Alexandria—Hibernians. Sept. 8-9. John Hea-

gel, Roanoke.

WASHINGTON. Kennewick—IWnton County Poultry .Assn. Nov.

—. R. C. Mouncey, Kennewick, Wash. Kennewick—Columbia River Grape Carnival.

Sept. 17-19. Tom Swaiye. Kennewick.

WISCONSIN. Grand Rapids—Wla. potato Growers' Assn.

THE DERBY RACE COURSE Is a big, flasliy Paddle Game with elaborate carv,sl , . I* B U worked with padd-.s for Teddj- Bears, Oilna. Candy, etc. Pays for it- Hclf the first we<-k worked Write for catalogue. WrlUJAJl.s A.MCSIAIEXT DEVICE CO., 3313 Wal¬ nut St.. Denver. CGlo.

Pay asY ou Wish send Fou a genuine lAchnite for

run to wear fur 10 full doys. If you can tell it from a real diamood aend it back St otf eipeikae, Cosu but l-90th aa iBKh. If FOU decide to kaep It par only afewcoousoMotb. Wrlu for catalog.

Set in Solid Gold

I^W UoU Easy payroento. Wnte today lforbi«i»ew iowcItf bnok^it’etecu Ina;^ LACMMAN CO^Ooot. IW




The greatest toy ever made for boy*. Wind* up like a top—pull th* cord and. b-zxzi, the top file* Into the air like a minia¬ ture aeroplane—304 to 400 feet up. Simple. Sell* on sight. Don’t ioee time. Hils is a big money mak¬ er. Send 15c for sample, or 51.00 for a sample doi- en. pn-pald. Cost* only llil.OO per gross f. o. b. New York. Sella easily fis 15c. 2uc, 25c.


84 West B’way, New Yerii.

iNew Typewriter % A Remarhahlm Typewriter, Carried in Crip or irk

Overcoat Pocket* Standard ^eyboard* Doer Work

of $100 Machine* Over 35,000 in Daily Uee*

BcBDctt PortsbU Typewriter has 1«^ than t-SO parts, againat l7U0toS;u0taotheni. TList'a

HR price Unbuilt In the fsmosi

Klllott-i* laher Bit¬ ting Machine ^setory.fKYldon a money-back-

nnle90 • aattf- 1 guaranty.

Tos •MVTforkon*

btulo*** «r Ipi. tWbil fsr

riCBS i igiU ProposlUos*

V, Bennett Co,. 2208 Cedar St., Harrisburg, Pa-

p w il The Regal Folding Umbrella

Is Just an ordinary umbrella, altere*! and made Into one that folds. Of standard slxe, strong and serviceable, and, when folded, may be carried In a suit case, hand grip or the coat pocket. No. I—Folding to 18 hiehe*, ddivand, for....$2.00 No. 2—Folding to IS laches, delivered, for.... 2.50

i^sh with order. Guaranteed. If not .xatlafuc’ocy, return by parcel post, and we will refund price and (sRitage. THE BAIRD FOLDING UMBRELLA COMPANY,

Wilmington, Ohio.

STREETMEN We are headquarters for all the latest novelties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, Canes, Knives. Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gaa Balloons.

-C A IM e: s — We are exclusive agents for Cin¬ cinnati and vicinity for I. Eisen- ■teln & Co. I'rlces In Clnotn'* nati same as In New York.

THE BRANCAMP TOY CO., 627 Main at.. CinclnnatL Ohio.

WANTED MERRY-GO-ROUND For Fanners’ Co-operative Agricultural Fair. WA- OONIA, MINTS'., Sept. 14, 15. 16. Address

W. J. 9CH-ARMEK, SecreUiy.

51 T li e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

Don’t delay until the last minute eniraginji your space at


FAIR of New Jersey


Write the S<*crelary for a diagram and fidl particulars.


— AND —


Everyth'mjj Good Wanted.

STREET MEN, CONCESSION.\IRES, Don’t misti this chance to get ^ome

easy money. EU E. THWING.

Scc’y and Supt. Privilege* in City.

New London County Fair NORWICH, COUU., SEPT. 7, 8, 9. 3—BIG DAYS and NIGHTS—3

Attendance, 75,000.

OonoMvalonii wtiiteil, mpavlaily *<>n<l Pit Show*. Cane and Knife R*«k. Twld}' Bear Wlieei. PluiUtlon Show; anythin* Is psal. There is monej- here. Come and g.d It. R. M. J.tKOB. MIdua)- Manacer, Wcat Uareii, Conn.; C. If. tiHKK.NM.V.N. SecrvUry, Xor- airli. Conn. _


In the heart of the Indian countrjr; plenty of money; free apendm. BU tight—Indlaii* rs. Soldier Boyi. large crowds tasured; excellent program for entef- taliimmt. Big I'ree Attraction* In connecUon. We want Ferris Wheel. Merry-Uo-Kound Stiow* and all kinds of attractloti* and conceaeloiis: chance for CT- erybotlv to nuke money. CMiMK. Writ* W. O. CROY, Secretin’. Pawnee Fair Asauclatlon._



Legltlmite Conceaalona and clean Show*. Gambling Dot tolerated. I>ay and night fair. Grotinda artred and e.ectrlclly aupplled at small diarge. Good open¬ ing for Ferrt* Wheel, Sliows. etc. Addreaa ALBERT G BRKHM, Aaalatant SccreUry, St. Maiya, Pa.

COIMCESSIOIMS and Grand Stand Booths

TO Lin' at the higgesf County Fair in Minnesota. Sept. 21-J2-2.i. Address

SECY. J. A.CIDUSTR.AW, Sauk Kupitls, Minn.

Balloon Ascensions All aacenslnn* glreii with an abaolute guarantee—no

aacensinn, no fay. Oav and night aacenalona, with

fireworks at niglit. Addreaa



Ready for immediate shipment. Sp.’dal Balloons for gnotp paradiute dmpa. Special paradiutc* f<.r group work. We are ready for the Uurry-up Fair Order*.


Fair at De Soto, Mo. September 22. 23, 24 and 25; larger and better at¬

tractions Uian e’Tcr. We are expecting larger crowd*

than we erer had. NoUilng but clean Shows or

Conceaylon* wanted. Address E. C. EltGAR, l>e Soto,



Money-maker for CDnaesaloi. boldcts. For prlrlletea, concessions, etc., apply to

EMERY F. BUSH, Seoy.. Brakta Bow. Neb.

- WANTED - Camlral or Tent Sbowa, wlUi Merry-Go-Round and Band, for a Pall Fair, Oetot-er 8, (, 10. Addreaa

W. & ABXSPARGEB. Stoat. Ok.

Mlnneuimila—Mlmi. Aemdemj Boctei BolettCM. De>c. 8-4. Prof. J. B. Young, MimiMpolls.

Bed Wing—Minoewuta Woman'a Ohrlatlan lem- perance Cnlon. R«pL 211-28. Mrs. Kate K.robor, Brookside, Mltine«|H>lis, Minn.

St. Paul—lut. Colon Sieain Hug. Sept. S. Jaa. G. Hannahnn, 61103 Harrard are., Chicago, 111.

St. Panl—Am. Prison Cong. Oct. 8-8. St. Paul—Am. Prison Assn. Oct. 3-8. J. P.

Byera, State House, Trenton, X. J. St. Paul—Minn. Med. Awsn. Oct., 1914. St. Paul—American Prison Assn. Oct. 8 8.

JoM-pb P. Byera. State House, Trenton, S. J St. Paul—Swedlah Baptist General Conf. Sept

9-15. C. W. Anderwm, 107 So. Wabash ars St. Paul—Grand Chapter B. A. M. Oct. 18

John FTaher, Masonic Temple, St. Panl.


Meridian—K. of P. Sept. 16. H. M. Dlnn. Jackson.


Galena—8. W. Mo. A S. W. Kansas BebekaK Assn. Sept. 12.

St. Joseph—Missouri Society of Teachers of Science r.nd Mathematics. Nor. 18-14. L. D. Ames. Oolumbla, Mo.

Kansas Clt7—Inti. Anti-White Blare Aasn. Oct., 1914.

Kansas City—Natl. Wholesale Butter, Egg A Poultry. Oct.. 1914.

Kansas City—Grain Dealers* Natl. Assn. Oct. 12-17.

Kansas City—Hotel Men's Astn. of Mo., Kan. A Ok. lat A 2d week of Norember.

Kanaas City—K. of Bed Cross of Conatantlhe. Geo. Warnelle, 1901 Maaonlc Temple, Chicago.

Kaneaa City—Old-Time Tetegraphera A His¬ torical Atan. Sept. 16-18. F. J. Seberrer, 1929 N. Cbnrcb at., New York City.

Hannibal—Mo. Fed. of Labor. Sept. 14. John J. Smith, 1402 Woodland are., Kansas City.

Kansas City—Grain Dealers' National Asas. Oct. 12-14. Charles Qninn, 820 Gardner Bldg., Toledo. O.

Kanaas City—Grand Lodge A. F. A A. M. Sept. 30. John B. Parson, 610 Pins st., St. Loots.

Kanaaa City—Purity Congress. Nor. 7-S. World’s Purity Fed., La Crosse. Wit.

Ksukss City—Western Assn, of Nuraerymen, Dec. 9-10. E. J. Holman, Lesrenworth.

Toplin—Norember. 1914. B. L. Allsky. Bll Central. W. O. C. M. Kansas City, Mo.

JopIlD—S. W. Printers' Cost Oung. Nor. IS-IA C. C. Mack. Newton.

St. Joseph—P. A. of Missouri. Sept. 8-11. L. S. Kuckers, 814 Boonrllle st., Springfield, Mo.

St. Joseph—^o. Clerks’ Aasn. of Mo. Nor. George E. Hackman, Warrentown.

St. Joseph—Mo. State Teachers' Aaan. Not. 12-14. E. M. Carter, Cape Girardeau.

Saint Joseph—Home Economics Dept., M. 8. T. Aaan. Nor., 1914. Anna C. Jensen, 1201 Syl- ranie street.

St. Loul*—Order Bejurenated Sons of Jore. Oct., 1914. E. C. Bennett, Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis.

St. l^is—U. O. Daughters of Confed. Oct., 1914, Mrs. G. W. Hyde, I.«xinfton.

St. Ix)til*—Natl. Assn, of Superrlaory P. O. Employes. Sept., 1914. J. J. FTeld, Louls- Tllle, Ky.

St. IXMiis—Am. Cemetery Supt. Assn. Sept., 1914. Bellett Idtwson, Jr., Blrer Grore, Ill.

St. laruis—Am. Assn, of Progresslre Med. Sept. 8-11. L. M. Ottofy, New Grand Central Thea¬ ter Bldg., St. IxMiis.

St. Ionia—The Jorlan Order. Oct. 14-16. E C. Bennett, 1415 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St IXHliS.

St. lonl*—Knight* of Father Mathew. Oct. 15 Joseph H. McCormack, 1208 N. Sarah at.. St. 7.30nl*, Mo.

St. Louis—Western Catholic Cnlon. OcL 18-20. G. A. HlWelrandt. Quincy. 111.

St. Ixinit—Grand Lodge Knights and T.adie* of Home. Oct. 6-7. I.elgb H. Hant, 917 Wain Wright bird., St. Ix>ait, Mo.

St. I>'nl*—Nnt'I Slack Coop. Mfra.’ Assn. Middle of Norember. E. H. Defenbaugh. 587 So. riearbom at.. Chicago.

Springfield—Anti-Horse Thief Assn. Oct. 14. Frank F. Boas, Ctrl Junction.

MONTANA. j Butte—Rebekab Assembly. Oct. 20-21. Nellie

W. Neil, 846 6tb tre., Helena. Butte—Grand Enc. 1. O. O. F. Mont. Oct. 22.

B. W. Kemp, P. O. Box 1354, Mlawiula. Butte—Grand Lodge A. F. A A. M. Sept., 1914.

CornelitM Hedges. Jr., Helena. Butte—Patriarcli* Militant 1. O. O. F. Oct.

19. Dean W. Selfrldge, 817 Colorado at., Butte.

Helena—State Teachers’ Asm. Nov. 25-28. Helena—Mont. Osteopathic Assn. Sept. 8-9.

W. C. Dawe*. Boceman. Kaltspell—Woman'a Christian Temperance Cnlon

of Montana. Sept., 1914. Mrs. Frank Marsh, 425 Fifth are., E. Ka'.lapell, Mont.

Miles City—Grand Ijodge K. of P. Oct. 13 14 Lee Dennis, Great Falls.


Grand laland—Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. Oct. 20-28. I. P. Page, Fremont.

Grand laland—Rebekah Aaaembly. Oct. 20-22. Mrs. Emma L. Talbot, 722 22od at.. South Omaha.

Haatlnga—Neb. Osteopathic Aaan. Sept., 1014. Dr. C. B. Atzen, Omaha.

Omaha—Nat'1 Asan. Prof. B B. League. Nor. 16. J. H. Farrell, Auburn. N. T.


Bradford—0. C. A. M. Oct. 6. Frank O. Ix>ring, Milford.

Laconia—Grand Lodge I. O. O. T. Oct. 7-8. Gcrtrndc E. Holmes, 743 Pine at., Mancbea ter.

laconla—Grand Ijodge I. 0. 0. F. of N. H Oct. 14. Frank L. Way, Manobester.

Laconia—Rebekah Aaaembly. Oct. 13-14. Mrs. Martha L. Sargeant, WuodaTllIe.

I-aconl«—New Hampshire State Orange. Dec. 14-17. George R. Drake, Manchester.

Manchester—lat N. H. Battery Vet*.’ Asm. Se^it. 20. S. S. Piper, Manchester.

Plymouth—State Co. Jr. O. C. A. M. Sept 2,5. J. M. Goodrich, Atkinson, Dcrwit.

Portsmouth—Grand Ixwige K. of P- Oct. 6. E. .K. Webster, Concord. Roeheater—Great Co. of N. J. I. O. B. M

Oet. 1. Harriet M. Young, City Hail, Man- cheater.


Aaiiury Park—Grand Connell D. of P. of N J. Oet. 27. Mra. S. T. BellaUb, P. O. Box 420. Trenton.

Atlantic City—Soeerelgn Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. Sept. 2-26. John B. Goodwin, 25 N. Liberty at., Baltimore. Md.

Atlantic City—N. J. State Flremen’a Relief Aaan. Sept. 10. Wm. Bxall, St Bruce at., Newark, N. J.

Atlantic City—N. J. Presidential Poatmaatera' Asku. Set>t. 11-14. Harvey lYiomaa. prea.. Atlantic City.

Atlantic City—Grand Military Council Patrlarcha Militant O. F. Sept. 20-M.

Atlantic City—Grand Circle. Brotherhood of America. Sept. 21-25. W. L. Young, 41 High at., TYenton, N. J.

Atlantic City-Pa. R. B. Surgeona’ Aaan. 23. I>r. William Martin, V. 1’., apt. Kyanhiirst, Atlantic City.

Atlantic City—National Assn, of Carriage Build¬ er*. Sept. 28 Oct. 2. Henry C. Me. Clear, •ei’y., Mt. Vernon. N. Y.

Atlantic City—International Committee Y. M. C. A. Sept., 1914.

Atlantic City—International Cungreaa Home Education Outing. Oct. 1.

Atlantic City-State Patrolmen'a Benevolent Asan. Oct. 4. John J. Ohrenberger, aecy., Ellxabeth, N. J.

Atlantic City—.American Humane Aasn. Oct. 4-10. Dr. Wm. O. Stillman, Albany, N. Y.

Atlantic City—National Stationer* A Mfra. Assn. Oct. 12. Sidney J. Burgoyne, 1*08 Chestnut at., Pbila.

Atlantic City—Pa. Water Work* Aaan. Oct. 22 23.

Atlantic City—Presbyterian Synod of N. J. Oct. 19 23.

Atlantic City—State Council Junior Order Am. Mechanics. Oct. 20-22. W. H. Myers. 140 E. State at., Trenton, N. J.

Atlantic City—.American Hardware Jobber*’ Aasn. Oct. 29 31. T. James Fcmley, 506 Arch at.. Pbilidelpfala.

Atlantic City—American Hardware Mfra.' Aa*n. Oct. 29-31. F. D. Mitchell, aecy.. N. Y.

Atlantic City—Rebekab State Aaaembly of N. J. I. O. O. F. Oct., 1914. Mrs. Maggie L. Sharp. 2401 Arctic ave.. Atlantic City.

Atlantic City—Patent A Enameled Leather Mfra.’ Amu. Sept James B. Reilly, Betex Bldg., Newark.

Atlantic City—Carriage Bolldcra' Natl. Aaan. Sept. 28-OcL 2. Henry C. McLear, ML Ver¬ non. N. T.

Atlantle City—Am. Elec. By. Aaan. Oct. 12- 16. E. B. Bnrrltt, 29 W. SOtb at., New York. N. Y.

Aillantlc City—Am. Elect. By. Mfra.* Aien Oct. 12-16. H. 0. McCoohong^ Suite 1002, 166 Broedway, New York, N. x.

Atlantic City—Funeral Bcaeflclary Aesn. of N. J. Oct. 27. H. 8. Norris, 119 Seymoar aye., Newark.

Atlantic City—Stats Council, Jr. O. IT. A. M Oct. 28-29. Wm. H. Micra, Trentou.

Atlantic City—Pennsylvania Mlllera’ State Aacn. Sept. 8-10. I.ondU Levaa, Lancaster, Pa.

Atlantic City—Electric By. Atau. OoL 17-26 E. B. Bnrritt, 29 W. 89th at.. New York CIt.v.

Atlantic City—Rebekah State Assembly. Oct. 7- 8. Mias Eva D. Van Duaen. Manasqnan. Box 838.

Camden—Grand Lodge K. of P.. N. A.. S. A.. E.. A., A. A A. Oct. 20-22. C. D. IJpcomb. 1663 Arctic ave.. Atlantic Cfty.

Newark—N. J. Osteopathic 8oc. Oct-iber. 1914. Dr. A. P. Firth. 28 Clinton at.. Newark.

New Brnnawick—^pt. 8. Mlorrla Baoer, 260 Townsend at.. New BrtMewIck.

New Brunswick—N. J, State Hortl. Soc. Dec, S-10. M. G. Taylor. Riverton.

Orange—Inter! O. of 6. T. Sei>t. 9-10. D. W WIrl, 133 Walnut at., Patereon.

Princeton—A*.«a. of Am. rnlveralttea. Nov. 8 7. Herman V. Ame*. Philadelphia.

Trenton—Grand Temple I.adle* of Golden Ragle. Sei>t. 21. Kache] E. Britton, Jacobatown.


Albuquerque—Grand I>>dge I. 0. O. F. Oct. 8- 9. N. E. Steins. Albuquerque.

Albuquerque—Slate Fed. of Labor. Sept. 21. Arthur C. Culver, 216 W. Haseldlne ave., Box 922, Albuquerque.

Albnquerque—Grand IxMige K. of P. OcL 1. J. E. Elder, Albuquerque.

Albuquerque—Gtate Teachera’ Atan. Nov. 23- 25.


Albany—Phi Sigma Kappa. Oct. 14 16. H. M. Mcljean, 120 Broad at., Ellxabeth. N. J.

Batavia—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-19. Fred B. Parker, Batavia.

Blnghamtoh—137 Reg. Vol. Assn. Sept. 25. B. J. Baylesa, 56 Metcbeli ave., Binghamton.

Broiiklyn—Knigbta of Homir. Sept., lill4. H. \. Poiie. 2-»»i 13th itreet. Bneiklyn

Buffalo—N. ¥. SiAtc Christian Endeavor Cnlon Oct. 9-12.

OloTeraTille—N. Y. CnlTeraallai*. Oct. 6-8. O. D. Walker, 23 Cleveland Bldg., Watertown.

Fayetteville—Am. Cheviot Sheep Aasn. I>ec. 26. F. E. Hawley. Fayetteville.

Mohonk lAke—Conf. of Ind. A Other Dependent Peoples. OcL 14 16. U. C. Phillips, Mohonk lAke.

New Y'ork—Am. Oa* Inst. Oct. 21-23. Geo. G. Ramsdell. 29 W. 39tb at.. N. Y. C.

New York—N. Y. and New Bng. Assh. of By. Surgeons. Oct.. 1914. 838 47tb at., Brooklyn.

New York—Nafl Koundera’ Aasn. November. 1914. J. M. Taylor. 29 8. La Salle at., N. Y. C.

Sew York—Am. Boiler Mfra. A**n. Sept. —. J. D. Taratey, Cleveland, O.

New York—Natl. I.eatber A Shoe Assn. Geo. A. Knapp, 724 Victoria Bldg., St. Lonla.

New York—Daughters of Am. OcL 6-T. Mra. Julia T. Roth, 1216 Nicholas Bldg., Toledo, O.

Sew York—Am. Soc. of Prof, of Dancing. Sept. 1-4. P. B. Carpenter, 28 N. Main at., Provi¬ dence. R. I.

Sew Y’ork-A. O. O. F. Sept. 9 10. P. 8cberb, 19 WelrfleM at., Brooklyn.

New York—Beal Estate Aaan. of N. Y. Oct. 16. H. L. Rccd, 12 B. Main at., Amsterdam.

New York—Natural Ice Aaan. of Am. Nov. Harold W. Cole, 116 Naastu at., New York.

New Y'ork City—Int. Slate A Tile Roofers C. of A. Sept. 14. J. M. Gavlak, 8643 W. 47tb at.

Sew York City—TTje Am. Roclety of Befrlger- ■ ting Engineer*. Nov. 80 Dec. 1. W. H. Rosa. 1,’>4 Nassau st.

New York City—Masters Horae Sboera N. P. A. Sept. 14-20. C. J. McGInneas, 11 Cnlon ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

New Y’ork—Atlantic Deeper Waterway Aaan Sept. 8 12 Wilfred A. Seboff, 815 Cnier Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa.

New York—Int'l Expo, of Safety A Sanitation. Dee. 12 19.

New Y’ork—Am. Sor of Merh. Eng. Dec. 1-4. Calvin W RIee, 29 W. 89th at.. New York

Niagara Falla—W. C. T. 0. Oct. 18-15. Helen J. Andrew, 156 Fifth ave.. New Y’ork.

Peeksklll—Harris Light Cavalry Assn. Sept. 17. M. Montroa*. Peekaklll.

Rochester—N. T. Woman's Suffrage Assn. Oct. 12-16. Mra. H. W. Cannon. Delhi.

Bocheate*—N. Y. Dairy Men'* Asan. Dec. 16- 18. W. E. Griffith. Madrid.

Schenectady—N. Y. State Journeymen Batbcra’ Asan. SepL 8-9. B. H. Colljner, Ctlca.

Schenectady—Daughtara of Am. Sept. 9. Mn. M. E. Vrakol, 4U7 Jackeon at., 8yracuM

Schenectady—Pollih National Alllanca of’ tb* V. 8. of N. Am. Sept., 1916. John 8. Zawl- Ilnskl, 1400 W. Division at., Chicago, Ill

Schenectady-Independent Order Dauguters of St. George. Sept. 29. Mrs. BUtabeth Ten¬ nant, 12 Elamere ave., Methnen. Mass

Syracuse—Natl. league of Merchants.’ Oct 1914. Allen C. Kobea. '

Syracuse—N. Y. Press Assn. A. O. Bunnell Dalravlllt.

Syracuse—Natl. Camp Patriotic O. of Am. Oct 20-21. Geo. W, Smith, Phtlllpsburg,

Syracnae—The Woman’s Home Mlsstontry Soc of the M. E. Church. Week Oct. 19. Mra’ D. 1). 'TYnun^kaou, 16*29 Hlumau ave. E Evanaton, III. '

JTOBTH CAROLINA. Asheville—Natl. Oi>n. Ins. Comm. September

1914. F. H. McMaater, Colombia S C ’ Raleigh-U. D. C. Oct. 14 17.

NORTH DAKOTA. ItUman k—N. D. E«luc. Asmu. Oet 21 23 Fargo—State W. C. T. U. Sept. 25-28. Mra

Bnrbara U. YVylle, Drayton. Grand Fork*—State Bar Aaan. SepL 12-18.


Canton—16th Regiment O. T. I. SepL 9-10 Enos Pleraoo, Wooster, O.

Cincinnati—Wood Maotal Mfra.' Cradit Men'* V- ***‘‘*L Telepbona Bldg.

IndlanapoUs, Ind. ^ • Cincinnati-National Asan. Ufa Dndarwritera

Nrt*®*’*'’ Blackbnrn. Omaha.

Cl^lnnatl—Mlaa. Valley Med. Soc. OcL 27-29 Balnea, 1006 Freeman ava., Cln'tl"

Cincinnati—Tri-State Vehicle and Imp! Dealera^

OekT' Bathburn, Sprlog-

^clnoati—Ufe rnderwrlters. 8*pt. 15-17 Cl^eland—Illnmlaatlng Engineering Soc. Sept

W14. J. D. Urael, » W. 89Ui at.. Ntw York

Cleveland—Ohio Batter. Eggs A Poultry. Oct. Iw.

—Ohio State Hotel Asan. Dec 9-10 W. E. Ili^k, Hotel Olbson. Cincinnati.

Chnrltlen and Correction, ^t. 21-28. H. H. Shlror, 1010 Hartman Bldg Colnmbot.

Oolnmbuo—K. P. OcL 14-16. John N. Bell Oolnmbna—118 O. V. I. SepL 17. T A

Jones, Granvtila. Coinmboa—Grand Comm. K. T. of O. OcL 14-15

John Nelaon Bell, Dayton. Colaoboa—Ohio Masonic Vets. Oct 21 B

H. Archer, The Nell. Colnmbna. Colombns—Ohio Dental Soc. Doc. 1-8. D^ton—Interstate Assn. Enconragetaeot of

^ap Shooting. SepL 8-11. 219 Coltart ave. Plttiburg. Pa.

Marietta—Washington Co. Vets.' Aaan. Oct 1- 2. L. J. Cutter, Marietta.

Toledo—Grand tihap. O. B. 8. Oct ^-29 Jeanette S. Jlay, 827 Dorr at.. Toledo’.

Toung*t"wn—Grand Chapt. O. E. S. Oct 28- 29 Jeanette S. May. 1327 Dorr *t.. Toledo.

Youngstown—Grand Council R. A S. M OcL 6. William E. Evans. Cbllllcotba.

OKLAHOMA. Muak'igee—So. Commercial Cong. Nov. 15-19. Oklahoma City—Okla. Teachera* Asan. N*v,

5-7. Clf.v—Okla. Hdwe. A Imp. Aasn.

I*e*-. s Kt. w. B, IN.rch. Mustang Salllaaw—A. H. V. A.. East. Ok. Dlv. Oct.

28. W. II. Harriaoii, t'hlckaaha. —rnltert States Good Roads Amu. Nov.

—. 1914. J. A. R*>wntree, No. 1061 Brown- Uarx Bldg.. Birmingham, Ala.

OREGON. .Yaliltnd Grand «'«.mni. K. T, .S«-pt. 21 Jaa.

F. Koblnaoo, 388 Yamhill at., Purtlaml. Portland—Grand I.«lgr K. of P. Oct. 13 13. L.

K. Stinaon, Salem. Portland—Pacific Coast Poster Adv. A*sD. Sept.

11. Grant M. Siaitb, aecy., care Varney Co., Oakland. Cal.

Portland—Pythian Sitters. Oct. Mra. Mary R. Hogue, Klamath Falla.


Altoona-Mjatlc O. of S. Oct. 22 24. Clyd# E. Brown. Sellers Bldg., Altoona.

Butler—78 Pa. Y’ol. Infty. Aaan. OcL 12. John W Thompson, 1267 Franklin ava.. WUkina- bnrg.

Carlisle—Dir. of Poor and Cbarltlea. OcL 12- 15. L. C. Oolbom, Somerset.

Centra Hall—Grand Enc. Sept. 12-18. Lsonard Rhone, Centre Hall.

Franklin—Weetern 121 Reft. Pa. VoL Sept. 17. 8. T. Borland, Fredoota.

Gaaton—C. 8. War Vet*. Thoa. M. Stilford, Sayre, Pa.

HaiTtrinirg—State Horticultural Atan. C. J. Ty¬ son. aecy.. Flora Dale. Pa.

Harrisburg—State Firemen’s Aaan. Oct.. 1914 Indiana—Soldiers' Anao. SepL 9. J. M. Mar¬

shall, Indiana. Ixick Haven—Fed. Homaiie Soc. of Pa. Oct. IS¬

IS. Tbomaa 8. Carlisle, 36 So. 18tt at., Phila¬ delphia.

Meadville—Pa. Stale Orange. I»*c. 8-11. Mrv. Nettle E. Allman. Tbompeontown

Pblltdelphla—International I..ab,>r Press Aaan. Nov. 7. Charles W. Fear, Joplin, Mo.

Philadelphia—Retail Merchants' Aaan. of Penn*. Sept. 7 14. A. M. Howes. 209 10-11 IJnolu Bldg.. Erie. p*.

Philadelphia—National Aaan. of Stationer* A -Mfra. Oct. 12 19. Mortimer W. Byera, 41 Park Bow, New York City.

Philadelphia—.National Asan. of Sfatlonera A Manuflacturera of U. 8. of A. Week of Oct. 12. Nortimar W. Bycro, 41 Park Bow, N. Y. C.

Philadelphia—Hotel Trades Dept. A. F. of I.. Nov. 5. A. J. Berris, 513 Ouray Bldg.. Wash¬ ington. D. C.

Philadelphia—Elect. Vehicle Aaan. Oct. 19-21. Philadelphia—Building Trades Dept., A. F. of

L. Fourth .Monday In Nov. Wm. Spencer, 414 Ouray Bldg., Washington. I». C.

Philadelphia—I'nton I-alwl Trade* Dept., A. F. of L. Nov. 6. Thoa. F. Tracy, 708 Ouray Bldg., Waahtngton, 1). C.

Philadelphia—-I'a. Stale Hotel Aaan. Dec. 16- 17. Col. Thoa. C. I^alle. Hotel Walton. Phlla delplila.

PIttaburg—Med. Soc. of State of Pa. Sept. 22- 24. Cyrna Ije* Stevena Athena.

Plttabnrg—Damea of Malta. Sept. 1516. I- D. Woudington, 2582 N. 11th sL, Philadelphia. Pa.

Scranton—Cnlted Textile Worker* of America. Oct. 19. Albert UIbberL Box 742, Fall River, Maas.

EPTEMBER 5, 1914.

imitated the world over, but never equaled-THE.CARNIVAL DE LUXE



GHILLIG0THE.0. _ .... Iks huttkk kkd kMIII tht I WANTED WANTED WANTED Ccwrkor c** til* buttkk akd dHni tht

ttiom Mokday alfbl.

r. r. i* th.

BH E.MbIt. by S(atr J Ohio. II.SOO.OO |l»oii away la Prtwiumo (aa

'"*Ehr"l»*Bif 4-Abroatl aod Ftirl* Whool.

Trip to Mara, Craay Hnuw, Good Frtak Show, Ood Tango Show, Do* and Pony Show, Animal Show Hare

awHl location In the heart ot the fcetleal dlalrict for Hre or six hlgh-claiw, monry-gettlng Sliows. If you

hare auytlilng In Uie SJiow line, wlrr, write or phone. CXyN'CE^SIDN Ml^', GET BUSY. THIS IS THE BIG ONE. Addreea

FARMERS’ FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, Chllllcothe, Ohio, "liolletla,” write. Can fumiah three more weeks If you come here.



because vou isn’t buy good plalew. We are

, tL ' here now with the ortg- Inal Mountfonl tna' chines and p-atea, which can't be beat.

^ write or send gram. Your onlers te- orlTC prompt attention; no delays. Bur the

I” best and you nlll gel / / the best reaulia.


T SUGAR. Pref., IS» Delaaeey Street, New Verb.


October 30th, 3Ut, 1914. Hra.lj to hook Pree AtIrtcUone and good Biding De- nm. Ubncraalona. L. A. MoCLKLLANU. PllrU.fe

Chairman. Laurelrllle, Ghto.


Third Annual Carnival P. 0. S. of A.


Good, legitimate Shows Spacee or prrornUgr baals Few game* open State ell flrat letter at oner.


Rock Falls Corn Carnival Pirn, .annual Com randral. ROCK FAUA IIX..

Seth. So tk-t. 1, 2. S. Bigger and better than rrrr

attendani-e la.«t year. Good atn-rt allow, will j

make monej. Free .attrartlona and CVinccaaimy,

erita j


THE O.SCIEOLA CUIMY FAIR AT EVART, MICHIGAN. SEPT. 23. 24 aad 23, 1914. An expert Ariator etapliwed for the three days, which will be the Aral for this locality. No other Fair within ii mllia of ua this year, and large imwda are expectnl each day. Plenty of room for Show* and Unncrwiiioeia of all kinds Ihrirllegee reasonable L. T. PiWlXU. Secretary. Eeart, Michigan.

DANBURY FAIR TNE LARGEST EXHIBITION IN NEW ENGLAND. OtTtiBiai 5. «. 7. ». 9. 10. Fiw Priellegce appy to N T BUI.KLFrr, Sea y Booths and Stanite. Dan¬ bury. (Yarn

Kanabec County Fair MORA, MINN.. tCPTCMBER 23-29.

PrlTlIegee for sale. Rpedal rree Attractkma wanted. Oiie of the beat Falia In Minnesota. Address Seo- reury

BALLOON ASCENSION THE RT njtIR Rismw hare aome open Urns fat Parka and Falra. Book these iwllable slMere In Ibadi double leap The only alatera Unlay who are sue BMefuIly making the ilouble dmgi. Write or wUa RT rUIIK SISTiniR. HiMkrgnn. Mich. Redrrtnoe-Ne- Uuntl Uumberman’e Rank. Muskegon, Mich.; BUI boenl, tTnrtnratl. (dilo.

PRIVtlEGE AID CORCESSIOR PEOPLE G.IISi.sVllJ.f:, nxiRIDA. Secmid Annual Fair. No- rcnitier i;;h to 2mh: arill be the best In the State. H H WAHSWtiRTH. Huslneea Manager._

-WAMTED- F'C the t'alnsTlIlr An..ual Picnic. Reptembew T, i, 9 »n<l Ic. , .,1. clean Park lYwiceailons Prtoea end Ir^iniitii right. Four big days Addreaw Q. H. ^llInlT, Manager, Box 207, CYdimrllle. Mo_

CONCESSIONS WANTED for the greet Grangen’ P-I anil F-xhlbltlon, at Onirr Hall. I’s.. Sept. 12 lo D. free gates day and nlghL D. THIMPKK. Oc'.i. t l y, Md


Sepleieber ISth le inh. F- - —wlima and terms adtlreea t'HAR. C. TDWN- SIM> Wot ni.wler. Pa., H D. No. 4.

WANTED. tba*' lire lYindral Tmupe and good Okmeeaelona, for «>'■' dll,. SitMemlMT 10, 11 end 11. Addnae ODN-

ms. Welch, likla._

Pop Corn Bricks garden city pop CORNjWORKS

GREENE A SON. Preps. ‘


Scranton—Pa. Y. .M. I. Oct. 13. F. P. Bar- run, l’415 Fifth are., Altoona.

Scranton—United 'lextlle Workers of America. Sd Monday In Oct. Albert Ulbbert, Box 742, Pall Klrer, Maaa.

Scrauton—Jr. O. U. A. M. Sept. 15-17. Chae. il. Hall, Box 874. Pblladelpbia.

Tyrone—110 Hegt. Pa. Vea. Vola.' Assn. Oct 15. Q. W. Biuck, 810 3d ave., Altoona.


ProTidence—State Co. of K. 1., Jr. O. D. A. M. Oct. 13. Arthur W. Barrna, 255 Backlln at., ProTldence.

Providence—Am. Mlea. Asan. Oct. 20-22. C. J. Kyder, ’287 4tb ave. New York City. .

Providence—Ortler Uy. 'lYack Foremen of Am. Nov. 11 13. M. M. Barrett. 271 Whitwell at., QolDcy, Maaa.

SOUTH DAKOTA. Flandreea—Deutacb-Am. Staatsverband, B. D.

Sept. Herman Stuabnrg. Slonx Falla.


Cbattanouga—Soc. Army of Cumberland. Set. 14-15. Captain C. D. Mitchell, Chattanooga.

Greenville—East Tenneaaee Medical Aitiin. Oct. 80. Or. H. P. Larimore. Chattanooga.

Nashville-Rebekah Aaaembly. Oct. 20. Miaa Theresa A. Cramer, Tbe Raleigh, Nashville.

Nashville—Master Car A Loco. Painters. Sept. 8-11. A. P. Dane, Reading.

NaabvIUe—Middle Tenn. Farmers' Inst. Oct. T. G. Settle, Capitol. Nashville.

Naabvilie—Grand Ixxlge I. O. 0. F, Oct. 19- 21. J. R. Harwell, Naabvilie.

Nashville—Nat’l Suffrage Assn. Nov. 12-17. Nashville—Tenn. Teachers’ .Assn. Nov. 26. P.

L. Harned, Clarksville.


Dallas—.Am. Life Convention. Oct. 7-10. T. W. • Blackburn. T32 State Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Dallas—Nat’l Am. Rankers’ .Assn. Last week

of Oct. N. B. Keath. Dallas. Ft. Worth—Hirmors’ Natl. Congress. S< pt..

1914. Ft. Worth—.A. O. Hibernians. Sept., 1014. Ft. Worth—Texas Prlctera’ Council. Oct.. 1914. Ft. Wo-th—Te\as Wholesale Fruit & I’roil. Deal

ers’ Assn. Nov., 1914. Ft. Worth Natl. Keeibis’ Breel-r Stiow. (let.

10 17 J. .A. Stafford, Live Stock Exchange. • F’f. Worth.

Fort Worth—Farmers’ National Congresa. Oct. 14 17. 0. D. Hill, Kendall*, W. V*.

Galveston—S. W. luce .Mfg. Assn. Nov. 17-19. J. C. Mitchell. Temple.

San Antonio—Texas State Teachers’ Assn. Nov.

2« 2S. T. I>. Brooks. Hillsboro. Tex. San Antonl.i—State C-nf. Charities A Correc¬

tions. Nov. ir>-lb. K. J. Newton. TlJe Capitol .station. Austin. Tex.

Waco—Tex. B dtlera’ Assn. E. G. Eberle, P. 0 Box 153*1. Dtllaa.

Waco—Professional Pbotographera’ Assn, of Texaa. Nirv. 10-12. A. M. Howae, Ijidonla, Tex.


Salt I.ake City—Pac. Coa't Assn. Freight Agts. J’. J. Tbomta. care Salt Lake Route, Los Angeles.

Salt lAke City—Utah Med. Soc. Sept. 29-.'10. AV. Brown Ewrlng, 801 Baxter Bldg., Salt lAke City.


Rutland—Ft Med. Soc. Oct. 8 9. Dr. J. M. Hamilton, Rutland.


Bristol—So. Appalachian Good Rd. Asan. Oct. 6-9

Richmond—Am. Bankers’ .Assn. Week Oct. 12. Fred E. Farnivrorth. 5 Nassau at.. New York.

Richmond—lirand Fountain U. 0. T. R. Sept. S. Maorice Ronselle. 604 N. Second at.. Richmond.

Richmond—High Tent of I. 0. R. Sept. 8. Jat. H. Dony, 727 Maaa. ave.. E., Washington, D. C.

Richmond—Knlghta of Golden Eagle. Oct. IS¬ IS. J. B. Trelbler, 814 N. Broad at.. Phila¬ delphia. P*. „ ^ „

Richmond—Nall. Asan. of Flaster Baking. Oct. 19-23. B. F. Whltecar, 411 Walnut at., Pblladelpbia, P*. ^

Richmond—Grand B. A. Chapter of \ a. Oct •27. Jas. B. Blanks. Box .M. Petersburg.

Rlctimond—American Bankers' Assn. Oct. 13 16.

HlWiinond—V*. State Teachers* Assn. Thank* giving week. A. Wcdfolk. SprlngSeld School. Richmond. ...w

Boanoke-Jr. O. U. A. M. Oct. 20-21. Thom** B. Ivey, Petersburg.

Roanoke—F,qu*l Suffrage league ef V*. Nov. 9 10. Alice O. Taylor, Commercial Bidg., Richmond, Va.


Seattle—PacISc Coast National D>dillo Show Sept. 18-19. . ,

Seattle—Pacltlc Coast Architectural league

TaciHna—Wash. E,luc. Aasn. Oct. 28-31. O. C. Whitney. Tacoma.


Ciharleston—K. G. H. of W. Va. SepL 21-22. T. II. Clay, 510 4th st.. Huntington.

Charlestown—United Daughter* of (loufed. Sept.

Sutton—Grand .4. O. U. W. of W. V*. Sept. Irt, K. S WIgal. Wheeling.

White Sulphur Springs-Interl. Asan. of Caan- ally A Surety Underwriter*. Sept. 22-25. R Rohertaon Jone*. 80 Malden lAne, New York. N. T.


Chippewa r*lto—WU. Fed. Cath. Soc. Sept.. 1914.

Kenoaba—Grand Enc. Oct. 13-14. Jas. A Fathers, Jaueaville.

Madison—Daughters of Am. R. October. Mr* O. L. Trenary, Kenosha.

Madison—The Society of American Indian*. Oct 6- 11. A. C. Parker, 106 Barrister Bldg., Washington, D. C.

Milwaukee—Natl. Assn. Stationary Eng. Sept. 7- 12. Jame* R. Coe, New York City.

Milwaukee—Wla. Retail Imp. A Vehicle Deal¬ er*’ Asan. December, 1914.

Milwaukee—Wla. Asan. of Master Baker*. Sept 19 25. J. W. Slnier, 2425 Hadley at.. MU waukee.

Milwaukee—Wla. Board of Indust. Ednc. Sept

Milwaukee—Wla. Retail Clotbier*’ Ae«n. Sept 8- 10.

Mllwankee—Wla. Teacher*. Nov. 6-7. Portage—Vets’ Aasn. Sept. 4. Racine—WI*. Baptist State Asan. Oct. 12-16

George C. Albom, 1717 Wells at., Milwaakee Waotau—German Preaa Aasn. Sept.


Thermopolls—Grand Lodge of Wy. A. F. A A. M. 2d Wed. Sept. W. L. Kuykendall, Saratoga. I

Thermopolla—I. O. O. F. Oct. 14 15. Thorns* Cottle, Green River, Wy. '


Calgary-Inti. Irrigation Con. Oct. 6 9. Guelph, Ont.—Am. Leicester Breeders’ Assn.

Dec. 8. A. J. Temple, Cameron, 111. North Bay—Provincial Grand Black Chapter of

Ont., West. Royal Black Knlgbu of Ireland March 9, 1915.

Ottawa, Ont.—Ottawa Kennel Club. Sept. 16 18. G. M. Tyrell, P. O. Dept., Ottawa.

Portage I.* Prairie. Nov. 10-12. W. H. Irwin 740 Somt-rset Block. Winnipeg.

St. John—Trade* A lAbor Congress of Canada Sept. 21-26. P. M. Draper. 112 Florence at. Ottawa. Ont.

Toronto—Canadian Gas Assn. Sept., 1914. J Keillor, Hamilton. Ont., Can.

Toronto, Ont.—Dept. Co. of Ont., P. if , I, 0 O. F. Major W. J. Foster, 90 Hilton, To ronto. Ont.

Winnipeg. Man.—Int. Brotherhood of Malnt. of Way Employe*. Sept. 7-12. Samuel J. Pegg, 27 Putnam ave., Detroit, Mich.

Wlnnli>eg—Grand Ixxlge .Manitoba I. O. O. F March 3. 191.1. B. D. Peering, Odd Fellows Temple, Winnipeg, Man.

Wlnnli>eg—International Brotherhood of Main tenance of Way Employes. Se|it. 714. Sami J. Pe.'g, 27 Putnam ave., Detroit. Mich.

New Conventions COLORADO.

Denver—West-ni Surgical .4s«n. Dec., BtH. Dr. .1. T, M*nie, pio P-maldson BKlg., Miniie ap-dis. .Minn.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Was’iiinct 'n—.Vnierlcan National Re,i Cti>»s .4s>*n.

IV’. 2. Chiirie-i I.. Magee, 1C24 H at.. N. W. M'asliington. D


.\lexsndri.i—No. Indiana Educati* nal Assn. Sept. 31 Oct. 2.

Itullanapolls—Trl State Dentists A Doctors’ .\ssn. .^b’pt. 7.

KANSAS. Ti>peki—Kansas state Horticultural S'V'iety.

Dec. 2-4. J, L, Pelham, State House. Topeka, Kan.


New Orleans—International Assn. Fire Engine Engineers. Oct. 20-23. Thes. W. Honey, Jacksonville, Fla.


Ralflmore—Star Spangled Banner Centennial. -Sept. 6 13.


Minneapolis—.Minn, .\cailemv of Social Sciences, Dec .I 4. Prof. J. S. Y’oung, University of Minn.

Minnenpollij—Minn. State llortlcnltiiral Society and .Auxiliary S<s'lptles. Dec. 1-14. A. W. Latham, 702 Kasota Block. >Illineap<’Ils, .Minn.

St. Paul—.American Retailer*’ Exchange. Oct. 0.


Omaha—Nebraska F'ariners’ Congress. Dec. 8- 10. M’. S. Delano, 1S(M St. Idncoln. Wester¬ ville, Neb.


Hanover—N. H IJcensetl Embalmers’ Assn. Aug 31 Sept. 2. Geo. H. Stoughton, Charles ton, N. 11.

PENNSYLVANIA. .Altixma—Central Pa. Ivntal Sixiety. Oct. 13-

14. H. E. Ouinhaker. Albxma. Pa. Ilarrishiirg—I’a. State Educational .Assn. Dee.

29-31. J. P. McCaskey, lyancaster. Pa.

VIROINIA. .Alexandria—Hlhernians. Sept. 8 9. John Hea-

gel, Roanoke.

WASHINGTON. Kennewick—Ib-ntim County Poultry .Assn. Nov.

—. U. C. Mouncey, Kennewick. Waah. Kennewick -Columbia River Grape Carnival.

Sept. 17-19. Tom Swaiye. Kennewick.

WISCONSIN. Grand Rapids—Wis. I’otato Growers’ Asan.

THE DERBY RACE COURSE la a big, flashy Paddle Game with elaborate oarveil , 'n*-**** I'xig. It Is worked with padd..* for Teddy Bears, Chin*. Candy, etc. Pays for It-

w'***^! Write for catalogue. WIUJAMS A.MCSFJdENT DEVICE (X).. 3313 Wal¬ nut St.. Denver. (Y>lo.

Pay asYou Wish

The greatest toy evtr made for boys. Winds up like a top—pull ths cord and, b-xxzx, th* top file* Into the air like a minia¬ ture aeroplane—309 to 400 feet up. Simple. Sells on sight. Don’t lose time. This Is a big money mak¬ er. Send 15o for sample, or 31.00 for a sample dos- en, prepaid. Cost* only $10.00 per gross f. o. b. New York. Sell* easily f<« 15c, 2uc, 25c.


SUPPLY CD. 84 West B’way, New Ysrk.

New Typewriter H8 A RemarkabI* Typewriter, Carried in Grip or in Overcoat Pocket. Standard^eyboard, DoeeWork

of $100 Machine. , Over Srt,000 in Daily Ute.

Benaett PertabU Typewriter has lex* than 250 parts, again** Atw/xts -^^^H^^^Bs^-liUOtuSluOlnotbera. Tliat'a

Bennelt ^ HR prlca

It ubutlt Id the famovi tlliott>Klf(ber Bi**

Ung Machln# ai*torT.(iold on

a mooey-tiack' DDleM e eatia*

\saaraDty. V) lb*. To«

fftrhoM busto*** •*

trlpB. f3ff


V. Bennett Co.. 2208 Cedar St., Hsrrisbarg, Pa-

\_. - -_!

The Regal Folding Umbrella

Is just an ordinary umbrella, titereil and made Into one that folds. (K standard slie, strong ind serviceable, and, when folded, may be carrieit In a suit case, hand prip or the cuat pocket. No. I—Faldlag to 18 Hiehes, dstivsrsd. for....$2.00 No. 2—Foldisf to 15 laches, delivered, fer. . . 2.50

Cssh with order. Guaranteed. If not satlrfac’firy, return by parcel post, and we irUl refund price and Isvitage. THE BAIRD FOLDING UMBRELLA COMPANY,

Wllmini<oa, Ohio.

STREETMEN We are headquarters for all the latest novelties. Send for our cataloKue on Confetti, Canes, Knives. Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gaa Balloons.

-C A IM E S- We are exclusive agrents for Cin¬ cinnati and vicinity for I. Eisen* ■tein & Co. I’rloes In Ctncln- natl same a.s in New York.

THE BRANCAMP TOY CO., 627 Main at.. ClntinnatL Ohio.

WANTED MERRY-GO-ROUND For Fanners’ Go-operatire Agricultural Fair. WA CX>NU. MI.NN., Sept. 14. 15. 16. Address

W. J. SCILAJUIER, Seerstary.

Independent Vaudeville Theaters CarllDTillr—Optra Hmiae, Harry O. Dalay, mgr.;

a. c., 7MO; p., 4.MK>. Cannl-^arDii O. H., Taul Oenaa, mgr.; a. e.,

000; p., 3.600. Carrier Mills—Crascrnt. John H. Harrla, mgr.;

a. e., 450- p.. 3.000. Carrollton—RiI'q, F. W. Aahlock, mgr.; a. C.,

600: p.. 6.0l'»0. Carrollton—Bijou, F. W. Aahlock, mgr.; a. c.,

500; p., 5.000. Cuba—;B<>II. Mra. F. M. Felix, mgr.; a. e., SOO;

p . l.NOO. Cuba—Orpboum, E. H. Blankonburg. mgr.; a.

c., 800; p.. —. Divertion—IHvernon O. H., W. J. beynoo, mgr.;

a. c.. 4tHi; p., 1,800 l>u<;uoiii—Princess. K«igley A Danbury, mgra.;

s. c., SOO; p., 8,000. Elmwood—Palace, M. H. Pharea, mgr.; a. C.,

.Vi6; p.. 1.400. Flora—U|>era House, S. E. I’irtle. mgr.; a. c.,

.VW; p.. 5,0«S). Oitnon City—lyric. J. H. Poff, mgr.; a. c., 276;

p.. 2.500. Oillespie—Colonial, M. J, Flaher, mgr.; a. «.,

800; p., 3.500. Hillsboro—Opera House. B. FelUa mgr.; a. e.,

600; p.. 8.500. Jera. yville—Wonderland, Wm. gtepbenaon, mgr.;

a. c., 650; p., 4.600. Johnson Pity—Opera House, iTioa. Lieonard,

mgr.; a. c.. 600; p., 6.000. I.acon—Htar, Mra. Anna Bice, mgr.; a. e., 260;

p.. 1.600. Metropolis—Elite. James Slick, mgr.; a. e., 450;

p., 5.00G. Mounds.^>wego, S. C. Hagan, mgr.; a. e., SOO;

p., 2.600. Mt. Ollre—Grond Opera Hosiae, W. H. Klein,

mgr.; a. c.. 500; p., 4,000. Mt. Vernon—Theatorlum. W, A. Vtehe, mgr.;

a. c.. 1.500; p., 12,000. New Boston—Royal, J, P. Fleming, mgr.; a. e.,

276; p.. POO. Nokomls—*New P.slaee, Cbaa^ J. Law, mgr.; a.

e.. 425; p.. 3.000. Oblong—Grand, S. R. OrleTcr, mgr.; a. e., 480;

p.. 2.000. O'Fallon—O'Fallon Opera House Wm. A. Xoc-

nlgstein, mgr.; a. c.. 850; p., 2.700. Palestine—Rose, W. Hardl^, mgr.; a. e., 160;

P.. S.OOO. Pawnee—Opera House, J. R. Harris, mgr.; a. c.,

700; p.. 2.000. Petersburg—Elite, L. D. Newland, mgr.; a. c.,

300; p.. S.OOO. Quincy—Odeoo. tiobberlng A King, mgra.; a. c.,

200; p., 60.000. Rockdale—Majestic, H. F. Hammel, mgr.; a.

260; p., 2.000. Rossrille—BossTille O. H., Vic, Donre, mgr.;

a. c.. 500; p. 2,000. Savanna—Orplienm, M. E. Sweeney, mgr.; a. e.,

2S0; p^ 6,000. Sldell—Wrl^t, Oeo. B. Sbnrf, mgr.; a. e., —;

P-. 1.000. Table Orore—Pastime, L. M. Keach, mgr.; a

LOOK UKE DIAMONDS Bland sold and Are diamond

teat. Ho bsnl the.« eiisTly scra)..|| a Ale and W'lLi, t'irr (il.AsH.

Brilliancy guaranteedZ>.Years. Mounted In 14k aolbl gi'ld diamond monntings.

Bee them before paying. Will nend you any st<ln ring, pin orstuil for eiiiminatinn-all ahargea |irc| Nit money In nilvance. Money refunded If not aatlafaclury. M rite today for fn-e catalog. (Ilj WBJTl VALLST OEM 00.. TUWalaln Bldg., Xa41aaai>oUa

A List of Vaudeville Theaters Which Book Independently—Additions

Will Be Made From Time to Time—Theater Managers Are

Requested to Send in Data Covering Their Houses

INVESTING FOR PRORT FREE [Key—.Mgr., manager; a. c., seating capacity; p., population of town. • Denotes independent and circuit bookings.]


Alabama City—People’s, Obarlet Rick, mgr.; a. c.. 3IK); p.. 4,500.

Dittban—Dellte, A. P. Oarsalle, mgr.; a. c., 280; p., 1,200.

Payette—T. A. UcCool, mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 4,<(00.

Fayette—Dixie; a. c., 600; p., 4,000. laireme—Elecrlc, W. F. Coir, mgr.; a. c., 260;

р. , 2,000. Tuscumbla—Pastime, J. W. Bowser, lugr.; a.

с. . .100; p., 4.000. Tork—Dixie. 0. K. Holland, mgr.; a. c., 500;

p., 2,000.


Bikbee—Royal J. B. Norcrosa, mgr.; a. c., 443; p.. 10,000.

Uaiden—Teatro Nacional, George O. Johnson, mgr; a. c., 520; p., 2,500.

Hope—Happyland, Lao Lockey, mgr.; a. c., 660; p., 7,560.

Mesa—Mesa O. H., W. Hertaennet, mgr; a. c., 000; p.. 2.500.

Mesa—Majestic, W. Herhennet, mgr; a. c.. 450; p., 2.500.

Pboenii—Hart's Wigwam, Hart Bros., mgra.; a. c.. 450; p.. 30,000.

Ray—Ilia, E. Mowry, mgr; a. c., 360; p., 2,000. Sonora—I'catro Juaret, H. Dean, mgr.; A C.,

500; p.. 3.SOO. hliWierlor—iJ. J. Tilley, mgr.; a. c., S50; p.,


Teaipe—Goodwin Opera House and Airdoma; A C., 600; p., 2.200.

Winslow—v.Alrdoine, Fred K. Bllla, mgr.; a. e., 720; p., 4,000.

Wlualow—Electric, T. K. Seeger, mgr.; a. c., 500; p., 4.000.

Yuma—Yuma, Williams A Da Muad, mgra.; a C., 700; p., 3.500


ClarksTille—New, E. B. Garrett, mgr.; a. a., 500. p., 3,500.

Curdon—*lm|ierial, F, B. Wright, mgr.; a. c., 400; p., 2.200.

I>i-H Arc—Alamo, Gwyn & Owyn, mgra.; a. c., OtiO. p.. 2,000.

Harrison New Armory, F. W. Greene, mgr.; a. c.. 550; p., 6,000.

Ilarris'in—Lyric, l.arimer A Whiteside, mgra.; a c., 536; p., 3.000.

l,eKlle—Electric, Glassco A Jones, mgra.; a. e., 500; p., 3,500.

Magaaine—Majestic, O. C. Chitwood, mgr.; A c., 400; p.. 1,600.

Malbi'rry—Kd Z. Storle. mgr.; a. c., 300; p., I.'200

Miami—Auditorium, J, H. Giflln, mgr.; a. e., t.OOO, p., 6,000.

Newport—Newport 0. H., Mrs. R. B. Hockings, iiigr.; a. c., 550; p., 4,500.

RuHsellville—Crescent Airdome. B. H. Butler, mgr , a. c.. SOO; u., 4,000.

Russellville—Electric, K. H. Butler, mgr., a. c., 4.50; |i.. 4.<Sl0.

ttusseiiville—Crystal. A. D. Perry, lugr.; a. c., 4,50, p., 4.iK)0.


Arliiickle— Ipera, E. J. Miller, mgr.; a. c., 350; !>.. l.OOO

Arroj) Crandi—Tnnner, Henry Tanner, mgr.; a. c.. 250; p.. 1,000.

CaliatoKa—Auditorium, U. J. Clement, mgr.; a. c , 2S0; p., 1,000.

Chino Vaiidelto, L. D. Jones, mgr.; a. c., 400; a , 2.0011.

OoluHs—<ieni, C. C. Kaufman, mgr.; a. e., 3U0; р. , 2.50tl

Coming—May Wood O. H., George baiiay, lugr.; a. c.. .'MIO; p., 2.500.

Covina—lais, W. C. Mrrwin, mgr.; a. c., Ai5; p . 3..5«»0

Dunsniuir—Auditorium, W. B. Lee, mgr.; a. C.. 1.200, p . J.500.

East Auburn—Casa, W. J. A. Smith, mgr.; a с. . '250, p.. 3.000.

FOR MX aaONTNS. It U worth SIO a rt^py to any ona loiFMtling in luvetl «ny muiiDT. bi*w«vrr mdrU. «ibi> Id. TMtrtI money unprtrfIteMv, tar who can mre $5,00 or more HMinth, IkiI wUo Kmd*I IrorntNl the art of InTetlmf profit. It dentiinttralea tit# rMl •aintny »>w#r of money, titr fio<>nU •dc# finanriert and bankert liide from the mamrA It revmlt the e*>t»rmou» pntfite hankers make and ebowe b«>w to Duke the same rr-flu. It eiplains how eiuikendoue f-artuaes are i»ia>le and wliymade. bow fil.OUn fioweto To intr<R]aeF n f maeaxine, write me ww« 1*11 send It fix moaibs alwalutely

a L SMSES, fiA 8 171. 21 W. Jicktoa SIM.. CSICMO. IlL


YOST a, COMPANY (nitabitahrd 1R70.)

27t W. 424 St.. N. Y. City (faraiarly Ph'ladalfkia), C7New, Ihilarged, Illustrated Calaloga.

CMariaaiis caats. luasMsa. ribs

BcaaiBc. RacicaL aFsaasraA. Ftaaa aaa mcbits.

W. ALBERT TRIPP KW Bxaraae. awsv

Entlra Business Block and Opera Houae. 45x140 feet.

First 8for contains three nke store rooaa, all rented. EkiUra second Boor opera house; seating rapa>4iy, 1.004. fXetythliig In good ibape and a Baoney-niakrr. Prlos reaaouable for quick tale. Address

D. V. BRICHLEY, SlYRlby. ... Otxlo

HEVD HTAMP FOR raiCB U8T. Ball Bearing HsrKals for Mouth or Iron Jaw Act.

VAUDEVILLE A CIRCUS GOODS CO.. 3S 6s. Oaarksra SI.. Chkafs. III.

a Na« Way ta Palat Sifsa—Paiat Tkaai Yaarwif

Wa fuaraiilea that anyone oan paint ilgna. cards, etc . without experlvrice with our outnta, which conlatii ten alphatirta ig letter*, three seta Agum, one to ten Inebea In height; bruahes, colora, Dook of Inatructlonr and a arterXIon ig btauUfiil deatgna. Not printed let- ten, but tile real latur cut out of durable material. (Viamilete outBt ptvpald, 45 0«. Send in your or Jar at once. SailifaYXton guaranieeil or money bark. ■ UTTS ADVERTISING COMPANY, IS WEST lOtk Stieat. Kaatat City, Ma.

Winchester—Lyric, F. I. Overton, mgr.; 4. a., 250; p., 1,650.

INDIANA. Albion—Oi m Wm. Todd, mgr.; a. e., 100; p.,

1.300. Auburn—Colonial, Copeland A Carter, mgra.; a.

C.. .350; p.. 6.000. Aurora—Empire. J. B. Hacker, mgr.; a. e., SOO;

p., 5.000. Bedford—Stone City Theater. Hughes A Murray,

mgr*.; a. c., S.50: p., 15.OOP Blcknell—Orpheum, James L. Weaver, mgr.; a.

C-. —; P- —. Churubnaco—Olympic, F. B. Weaver; a. c.. 400;

р. , 1.000. Ooliimbta City—^I.yceum, Oeo. Brooklua. mgr.; a.

с. . 270; p.. 4,400. Columbia City—Red Hill, Jap Wilson, mgr.; a.

c., —; p.. 4.400. Dugger-^pera House, Fred Harding, mgr.; a.

c.. 5ij0; p.. 2.000. Dunkirk—Airdome, H. D. Dwyer, mgr.; A «.,

.500; p., S.OOO. Fortvllle—Airdoma, M. J. Humes, mgr.; a. C.,

250; p., 2.000. Greencastle -Oi>ert House, A. Cook, mgr.; a. c.,

700; p.. 5.<)00. Greendeld-W"hy Not, W. B. White, mgr.; a. e.,

350; p., 4,000. Huntinghn—Huntington. H. B. Rosabrongh.

mgr.; a. c., 1.100; p., 15.000. Jaaper—New Grand, Oonrad Batea, mgr.; •. e..

210; p.. S.8G0. JaaonTlIje—Op< ra Hoaiae. Harman Ooldataln,

mgr.; a. e., 350; p., 7,000. Knigtatstown—Alhambra, John Larmora, mgr.;

a. c.. 1.000; p., 8.000. Mentone—Crystal, Scott Pontius, mgr.; a e.,

170; p., 1.000. Mitchell—Airdoma, Frank Blxler, mgr.; a. e.

600; p.. 4.000. M>non—I.vrlc H. B. Tull, mgr.; a. c., 260

p.. 1.000 Nappanee—Auditorium, T. P. Qrsene, mgr.; a

...SLOT MACHINE BARGAINS... MlIU O. K. (;iim Vmdera, $30; Counter Gum Vnul- er*. t2u; ttperatur Bella. $15; CLnk Hot*. $15; I'nr- liwa 44 note l’la>rr Flano. t4o. UtheVk cheap. Ma- rtiliics like new

K<*Y1.>:R KALl-S CO., Canton, Ohlc


“You Know Louis’' When In Itetmtt. aligi In Grid and Bar. IJ>t'19 VAN DALE, 43 MMilaan Are., near the CadUlac.

THE GIRL WHO TAMES ELECTRICITY I am now lellliif a complete act fur 4«0. Chn be car¬ ried aa band baagagr This la the .IrDnanit llic ahixr on the mad, fur Fain, Canilral* and Vaudevllie. 8*od for partleulam. (>. W. ALLILN. 17th M. a-id Hu^Ar^^oje^Ga^Ogor^^jieiJaljnd^ijr^VO^

CABINET PHOTOS ^ Touiwif, no.oa p*. vftninAi rnuiv* l oj,. jj 5, Nef*. or hnio to copy. Faturs Hutkaad ar WIfa Pbalaa, 47.44. Rend for sample. WKNUT, Photo. Booruai, V J

Wrlghtavllie—^Tivoli J. Frank Jackson, mgr.; a. c., TOO; p.. l.SOO.

Mullan—Star. B. B. Crawford, mgr.; a. e.. ITS; p.. 2.500.

IDAHO. Diehl—Opera Honae McBwen A Orayaun. a<gra.

a. c.. 400; p., 1.500. Caldwell—Huree, R. T. Hirstt. mgr.; a. e., 887

p.. 8.700 Kelbigg—Princesa, P. F. Hoe. mgr.; a. e.. SSO

p.. 8.000 Rexbtt'Y—Rex. M. 0. Midlsoa, mgr,; a. e., SOO р. . 2.600.

ILLINOIS. Allendale—Clyde. H. King Amusement Oo.; a.

C.. 200; p.. 560. Batavia—Rata via Opera Honae, EllsabeUi Bbar-

man. mgr.; a. e.. 450; p.. S.faiO. Eeardetown—Prlneeaa. If. H. Harris, mgr.; a.

e.. 631; p.. 7.000. Biiabneil—IRiahnell O. H., Jackaon Bros., aigrs.;

a. c., 600: p.. 3.500. Cambridge—Family. J. W. BrtnkliuS, mgr.; A

с. , 220; p., 1,600.



VAUDEVILLE. STOCK aAd STATE RIGHT PEOPLE —Fill In your ig>en lime at the Temple Thestnrium. Hartevllle, H. C. _ J. B. U>VE. Martaaer.

f%| aif A CATAUK] y I’mfeaatnnal and Ama- l|l HwV tvttr inayt, Hketchea. Monologs. Min- I I H I gX atrri JiAra, Redtatlnna, Mska-Cp a MB a B XF Ofwida. etc , aeeit FRyOt.

PICK A FITZGERALD, 23 Aaa Street, New Ywk.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY - ... uii«fu) M«1- Irlne muxt ci tnte ffir a w<^. Alxo Orixn PlAjrrr wh(» ddim MpRialttaN, TlHti’ta only un liurik rhnnka No TEIAMH FXianie JfifTHte, wrtla. l.oiwrel •alary Arxt iMtrr. Aildrrm lUKHY A. W<M>l>WAai». North MaiiUuu talaii<l, Mlrli.


THEATRES K P. ALBJtE. 0«D«ml Maouttr.



Brlle I'lilnf—Nemo * oporm Mouie, w. U. HIppI't, mpr.; •. c., WO; p.. —.

BIi-uideld—M«Je»tlc. Bond * I>nch, mfr*.; i.

c.. P-. a.800- BU" niBeW—Wl»b«rd. J. Howard Newell, m*r.;

I. r. BSo; p., 2.S0O. Oirw>D -4.'ir«>ii 0. U.. Jobn Horrla. mgr.; •. e.,

360; p.. 1,000. ClirkKTllle—Auditmian, Ed MtdlgiD, mgr.; •.

e., SB«; p.. 1.000. OarkarlUe—Idle Hoar, tin. J. H. Basard; •. e.,

stk): p.. 1.000. Oorrdi'D—Oem A Prlneeta, Paul Porter, mgr.; •.

c. I' lO-OOO; p., 1,800. Der.‘.riii-Prliiceaa, -, mgr.; a. c., 200; p.,

4.ooa rnaart—Peaart O. H.. Jeaaen A ClemanD, mgra.;

a. c.. 800; p., 1,000. Pjiurt Uem. Jeaaen A CSamann, mgra.; a. c.,

280; p.. 1.000. Ed<lT«lll<^BIertrlc. B. A. Hanael. mgr.; a. «.,

400; p.. l.SOO. Eldon MaleaUc, O. B. Obla, mgr.; a. c., tOO;

p.. 2.400. Bldorim -IMaaond, II. W. llolr, mgr.; a. c.,

265. p.. 3.200. Gamer—Pell'a Theater, If. A. Pell, mgr.; a. C.,

280; p., 1.000. OniDdr O nter—Majeatle. A. Sbaft r, mgr.; a. e.,

462 p., 1.500. Ida (iroTe—PrlDceaa, Eee A. Born, mgr.; a. c.,

372; p.. 2.000. Kanawha—Magic. Peterbam A Teaklc, mgra.;

a c., 200; p.. 400. Len-^i—Olympic, Tb«n. Betner, mgr.; a. e., 300;

▼Irgll E. Tbompaon,


^^RTISTS and Acts of Every Description Suitable

for Vaudeville Can Obtain Desirable Engage* nients in These Offices. You Can Book Direct by Addressing S. K. Hodgdon, Booking Manager of

the United, and F. W. Vincent, Booking Manager of the Orpheum Circuit. ::::::

MiarioD—Majeatle, B. M. Prlablt. mgr.; A C.. 860; p., 2,000.

LOUIBIAJIA. AbberiUe—Vlct<r, A. 0. IianiliT, mgr.; a e.,

590; p.. 5.000. Baton Bouge—OolumblA l^eat Boatelngw,

mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 26,00*. Baton Bouge—Dreamland, Emeat Bonfcrtigar.

mgr.; a. e., 300; p., 20,000. Baton Bouge—Elks’ Opera ilonae, Erneat Boeb-

ringei. mgr.; a. c., 700: o.. 25.000 Bajce—Polley’i, K. P. Pollard B«r.; a. a.,

700; p., 2,000. Garyrille—Plctoreland, A. M. Alexander, mgr.i

a. c., 300; p., —. Looksport—W. A. W. Opera Honae, g. 1. Bargw-

Bon. mgr.; a. c., 400; p., 1,100. Lntcber—Virtory, A. M. If. EUaneon, mgr.; a. A.

800; p.. —. Opelousas—Princess, W. P. Nolan, mgr.; a c.,

300; p., 6,000. Patterson—Arcade, L. C. Lampo, mgr.; s. c.,

600; p., 3.000. Placqucmliie—Electra, IJonel Delacroix, mgr.;

а. c.. 650; p., —. Placcpiemlne—Oniden Buie, lAsnsI Dalaeralx,

mgr.; a. e., 350; p., — Placquetulne—Hope Opera H«usa, Lionel Dela-

p.. 4,000. Button—Ruston Opera Houae, If. B. Qlll, mgr.;

A e., 550; p.. 4.000. Tlrlan—Bailey’a, J. Ed Dailey, mgr.; a. a, 000; р. , 2,000.

White Oaatle—Fairyland, B. B. Barbay, mgr.; a. с. , 450; p., 2,300.

KAINE. Belfast—Oolonial, W. B. Bray, mgr.; a. a, 700;

p. 6,000. Caribou—Ticm. P. J. Pometa, mgr,; a 000;

p., 2,000. Eagle I.aike—Pastime, T. J. Labbs, mgr.; A A,

400; p., 1,400. Hoolton—Bijou, C. H. Seymonr, mgr.; A 400;

р. , 7.000. W'<odland—Union Oo-op. O. H., H. P. Townsend,

secy.; s. c., 500; p., 2.000.


Chcstertown—Lyceum, L. Bates Bussell, mgr.; s. c.. 400: p., 3.000.

Frostburg—Frostburg Opera Hou^, L. Q. B. Hitcbins. mgr.; s. c., 700; p., 8,000.

Midland—Midland 0. H., H. Ward, mgr.; t с. , 6<10; p.. 2,000.

MASSACHUSETTS. Great Barrington—Mabsiwe. W. C. Howitt.

mgr.; a. c., 1.000; p., 6.000.


Addison—Arcade, J. K. Kelsey, mgr.; a. e., 175; p.. 7*J0.

Alma—Vandctte, E. H. Weeas, mgr.; a. c., 275; p., 3,000.

Alpena—I.vric, Wm. T. Doyle, mgr.; a. c., 300; p., 10,000.

Bangor—Majestic, F. W. Reams, mgr.; A c., 200: p., 1,500.

Bessemer—•Temple, W. P. Kelley, mgr.; a. c., —; p., 5,000.

Big Rapids—Grand. A. W. Marcnasen, mgr.; a. C., 260; p., 6,000.

Br« nson—Princeaa. -, mgr.; a c., 110; p , 1,100.

Crystal Falla—C. F. Opera Houae, 1. J. Bregger, mgr.; a. c., 700; p., 5,000.

Crystal Falls—Cno. \V. H. Needham, mgr.; s. c.. 2,'>0; p.. 4.000

Dowagtac—‘Idle Hour, J. A. Sbnll; a. c., —; p., б. 600.

Dowaglac—'Orpheum, J. A. Shull, mgr.; a. c..

p.. l..’>00 Ifancbeater—Princess. — — --

mgr.; a, c., 11*0; p., 2,790. Hacacn I'botupUy, Frank F. Pool; a. c., 200;

p.. 1,200. Moalt"D--CryataI, C. R- Kibier, mgr.; a. e., 226;

p., 1.600. Ntabus-Grand. A. C. Laraon. mgr.; A e., 300;

p.. 1.500. Oakalousa—Opera Houae, Marvin Snyder, mgr.;

a. c.. 300; p.. 1.200. Osceola—Touet a Opera Houae, A. A. Baley,

mgr.; a. c., 700; p., 8,000. Oaktio-ta—Palace, Jack Bayle, mgr.; a. e.. 400; р. . 12,000.

PauUlna—Wonderland. D. B. Harrington, mgr.; a. c.. 325; p.. 1.000.

Preacott—Lyric. Bubanan A 8borwo<d, mgra.; a. с. 200; p.. 600.

Bock Bapidt—Castle, C. D. EckUff. mgr.; a. e.. 200; p., 2,100.

RuthTen—Buttaven O. H., L. T. Clark, mgr.; A e., 230; p.. 900.

BMnry—Eloner O. H.. B. 8. Tate, mgr.; a. e.. 360; p.. 1.200.

tlgournrT—Friday's O. H., O. F. Scbnee, mgr.; B. .e.. 300; p.. 2,300.

Storm Lake—World. D. E. Fyock, mgr.; A a, 600; p.. 3.000.

•tT'Dg City—Auditorium, J. A. Costello, mgr.; a, c.. 700; p., 1,100.

Sutbcrland-^pera Houae, Chat. !«. Nott, mgr.; a. c.. 479; p.. 700.

Toted'—Bijou. J. O. Welting, mgr.; A e., 200; p . 2.000.

Tol<do—Weiting's, J. G. Weltlug, mgr.; A e., 550; p.. 2.0IN(.

Wapetb—Family, H. 0. Pease, mgr.; a 200; P.. 1.400.

Wapello—Princess, Jaipea E. McCray, mgr.; A C. . Il5; p.. 1,400.

West iv.lnt—Electric, J, W. Conley, mgr.; a. e.. 45u, p., 6.0O0.


Arms—Pearl. Joe O. Girard, mgr.; a. e., 400; р. . 1.200.

Burlington—Alrd'me, L. D. Epplnger, mgr.; a. с. , 1,500; p., 2.600.

Burlington-Newka, J. J. Newcomb, mgr.; n. A, 550; p.. 2.6t«.

Burlington—Wolfe, L. D. Epplnger, mgr.; A C.. HOO; p.. 2.500.

Burlingame—Siirpard O. H., Wm. B. Bratton. mgr.; a. e.. 600; p.. 1,600.

OwrryTBie—gtar, A1 Hamiltoo, mgr.; A a. 300; P . 6 oou.

Colfeyrllle—Audltorlnm. J. B. Tackett, mgr.; a. e.. SOO; p.. 15.000.

(XffeyvllieWrffersnn, F. H. Wearer, mgr.; a. c., 1.200; p., 16.000.

Oolnmbua—Opera Honae, C. 8. Prnyn. mgr.; a. A. 900. p., 4.300.

O.ncnrdia—'Brown Grand, Geo. Layton, mgr.; a. e., 800; p.. 6 600

Ellaworth—Elite, K. W. Bomah'elm, mgr.; i. e., 800; p.. 2.600.

Emporia—Star. SaadfOrd Loomla, mgr.; a c., '100 p.. 1.200.

Eakiidgi —Woo<lm»n, J. W. Bobertaon. mgr.; a. A. 4>i0; p.. 1,000.

Pp'Dlenac—Miner's O. H., A. J. Roberds, mgr.; a. c., 400; p., 6.000.

Galena—Electric, W. B. Moore, mgr.; e. c., 825 p., 6,000.

Girard—Lurie. J. W. Hayter, mgr.; a. e.. 600; P . 2,600.

Great B<‘nd—Echo, C. O. J(*neon. mgr.; e. c., 30S; p. s.frfio.

Oreenleaf—Elite, Riley A Quinecy, mgra.; e. A, p.. 1.000.

Orldley—Ele< trie, R. H. Wlgncr, mgr.; e. c.. 215; p.. 600.

Berlngtoo—Hcrlngton O. H.. L. E L. Greene, mgr.; a. c.. —; p., —.

Biawatlia—Ideal, Frank Weltmrr, mgr.; t. c., p.. 3.160. -Crystal, 8. S. Wilkinson A 8on. mgra.; a. c, 4.50; p.. 2.800.

Horton -4'olonlsl, A. O. llaTlIaiia, mgr.; a. c., lo**; P.. 4.tat0.

b'lt—tjrsnd. Wm. Readicker, mgr.; a. c., 1.040; р. . 12,18*0.

lr*t«g Electric, J. H. Urban, mgr.; a. a. 800; . p.. «*d.

Ktrgmsn—Orpheum, Geo. H. Metrlam, mgr.; a с. . .TOO; p.. 2.500.

Ek’wa -Dreamland, Goforth A Son, mgra.; S. t., •5.50; p.. 3.000.

IJliertI—l iberal O. H.. Q. M. Li'Momler. mgr.

JOHN J. IfcNALLT. tba well-known playwright, author of tha Boctra BrotbciW aartea af aoe- eeatea; May Irwln'a ‘T%a Widow Janm,” "n# Straight Tip.” "Hie Cbuntry Sport,” and forty other bllA bee arranged to write abort aketobca wbleh will bo booked by the United Booklna OOloea. Artlsta daalrlnt tkatches and Ume for them In theta tbantoA addreat JOECt J. MoNALLT. ears tha Unltail Booking IMBwa or at TTt Waablnstoo Streat. Braokllnt. "—


WORLD'S GREATEST BOOMERANG THROWERS. Beeson 1913-14. New York Hippodrome. Season 1914, Bamum A Bailey.


ROSE PITONOF Champion Woman Lon^ Distance

Swimmer of the World. For information, address ELI PITONOF, 337 Freeport St Boston, Mass.


Heber Bros.' High-Glass Trained Ponies, Monkeys and Dogs Tivo separate act-s. Pony act. consisting of four ponies, four monkeys,

and one dOR. featuringr the original comedy bareback riding monkeys and dog. Dog aet (twelve acting dogs), presenting the City of Dogville—dancing

dogs, the boozy sport, comedy automobllist; .this feature is always a laugh- getter, closing with an exciting scene. Fighting the Flames.. Address. Sept. S. I'henoa, 111.; Sept. 7. Forrest, Ill. Per. Address, 312 E. 17th Ave., Colum- bus. Ohio. Fnder the direction of Rollo H. Heber.

Will rehearse at Burlington, Wisconsin, Si'pt. .5th to 17th. Can use a few more use¬ ful |8'opie, tlutse douhling Hra-ss |>r»>fern8l; this is NOT a car show; pay your own. Write or wire above aihlmss.

Hinrock—O. H., L. A. M. Welnb rger, mgr>: ■. c.. 600; p., 1,000.

Hartlngton—l.rric, W. A. Uarz, insr.: ■. e., 260; p.. 2,000.

Kearop}-—lala, B. E. Brown, mgr.: a. C.. 260; р. , 7,000.

Krariip}-—i reaoent. Bmil A. Scbwari, mgr.; ». r.. 350; p.. 7,000.

Lpxington—l/fric, C. A. Mitchell, mgr.; a. r., 200; p., 2,600.

Nortn PUtte—Keith. B. A. Oarman. mgr.; a. r., 621; p., 6,000.

Scbujler—Parorlte, J. W. Longworth, mgr.; a. с. . too; p.. 2,600.

Spalding—Carlln'a 0. H., P. B. Carlin, mgr.; a. c.. 600; p.. 1,000.

Boperlor-^terllng, B. O. Preaton. mgr.; a. r S2S; p.. 2,600.

Table Bock—Table Beck 0. H.. Phllllpa 6 Hfl- ton, mgrs.; a. e.. 600; p., l.OOO.

Waboo—Bljoo, J. g. Beermikcr, mgr.; a. c. 184; p., 2,167.


gallon—Brz, J, W. glood, mgr.; a. e., 300; p.. 1,200.

Lap V^aa—Majeatic, Frank A. Dnbrrtr. msr.; a. c.. 600; p.. 2,600.

Lovelock—Orplipum. Bencdelti A Ewan, mgra.; a. c-. 700; p., 1,600.

Benu—*MaJpatic. llurat Broa., mgra.; a. e., 1,100; p., 16,000.

KEW JEBSET. Newark—Electric. L. A. Dnnlay, mgr.; «. c.,

1,000; p., 360,000.


Carlabad—People'a, O. Q. Patteraon, mgr.; a. c., 4S8; p., 2,600.

CUytua—The Dixie, Ellery Lawrence, mgr.; a. c.. 300; p., 1.600.

Dawaon—bawaon O. H., T. L. Kinney, mgr.; a. c.. 650; p., 6,300.

Deming—Cryatal, Tb»a. E. Hall, mgr.; a. e., OtiO; p., 3,000.

Oallnp—Empreae, Jack Oarrett, mgr.; a. c.. 400; p.. 8,600.

Laa Vegan—O. H. glmpklna, mgr.; a. c., 226; p., 12.000.

L«a Cmcea—AIrdome A Star. C. O. Bennett, mgr.; a. c., 340; p., 4,000.

M^dalena—Magdalena Hall, Magdalena Hall Co., mgra.; a. c., 800; p., 1,200.

Tncumcari—Erana' Opera. U. N. Erana, Jr., mgr.; a. c., 660; p.. 3,600.


Auatable Forka—Bridge, CbarKa S. Uaraball, mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 2,000. ,

Caiaklll—*MeIlda, C. Seauneke, mgr.; a. c., 300; p.. 7,600.

Ct ruing—Bljon, 8. B. Clark, mgr.; a. e., 600; p., 16,000.

Depuait—'Happy Hour, P. H. Mattbyer. mgr.; a. c.. 330: p., 2iaJ0.

Herkimer—Blchmond, O. H. Sklaner. mgr.; a. e., 800; p., 10,000.

Keeeevllle—Photoplar Jack C. Matbewa, mgr.; I a. e.. 400; p., 2.100.

Cellna—Eagle, C. M. Hinkle, mgr.; a. c., 260; р. , 3.800.

Columbiaua—Globe, J. U. Wageaboneor, mgr.; a. c., 260; p.. 2,600.

Columbua—.tlbambra AIrdome, A. B. liatcb, uigr.; «. c.. 1,200; p.. 25.«aMi.

Cunneaut—Bepubllc, Arthur Beujamln, mgr.; a. с. , 620; p., 0,000.

Delaware—Star, Geo. Bucbman, mgr.; a. c., 200; р. , 12,000.

Oalll|>oliii—Gallipolta, J. M. Kaufman, mgr,; a. с. , POO; p., 6,000.

Oloucenter—Uiiginal, Mra. I. N. Sleaumao, mgr.; a. c., 176; p.. 3,600.

Hlcknrllla—Orencent, C. C. Palmer, mgr.; a. e., 300; p., 3.600.

lackaon—Grand O. H., D. P. Cole, mgr.; a. c., 800; p., 6,000.

Kent—Kent Up«-ra llouae, D. O. Hartman, mgr.; a. c., 700; p., 6.000.

London—I'aradiae. Stanley H. Lawwlll. mgr.; a. C., 230; p., 4.000.

Maryarllle—City O. H., John W. Andera'M, mgr.; a. c., 642; p., 4,00o.

Mecbanlcaburg—PrlDceas, Mra. Sue E. Hewang, mgr.; a. c., 146; p., 1,600.

Nenoomeratown—City U. 11., E. B. ileakett, mgr.; a. c.. 400; p.. 3.300.

New Islington—MaJ<aUc, 8. G. Smith, mgr.; a. c., aoO; p., A600.

Orrtlllt'—Grand, Gua Lambigger, mgr.; a. c., JOO; p., 3.200.

Pomeroy—Electric, John Kaapar, mgr.; a. e., 300; p., 6,000.

Sidney—Lyric, P. F. Saner, mgr.; a. c., a60: P.. 7,000, ^

TlIBn—Grand. J. H. Moreber, aagr.; a. e.. 1,000; р. . 16.000.

Toledo—E. Auditorium. Tom Bardie, booking mgr.; a. e., 700; p.. 200.000.

Toledo—Crown, A. HorwiU. mgr.; a. c.. 33U; !>., 200.IHk>.

Crbana—Lyric—W. A. Snodgraaa, mgr.; a. C., 260; p.. 7,730.

Van Wert—Urpbenm, Ira Sboemaaar, mgr.; a. с. . 300; p., S.OOOl

Wauaeon—Prlnceaa, W. W. Caddell, mgr.; a. c., 400; p., 2,700.


Afton—EUctrIc. O. E. Branham, mgr.; a. e., 300; p.. 1,800.

Altua—Empire, 8- U. Jooee, mgr.; e. c., 360. p.. 5.000.

Alra—Grand. Howard A Howard, mgra.; a. c..

EpleraU—erbe Grand, J. M. Kruuae. mgr • .. c.. COO; p., 4.000. •

Oallitrlo—Family, D. M. Digana. nutr ■ a « 275; p.. 6,000. ^ • •• *•

Haolluga- Opera llouae. J. M. Libert, mgr • a c.. 300; p.. AOOO. * ' •

Heliwuod—Star. J. T. Hoover, mgr.: a e -fix- p., 2.600. • •

IJtlti Boro—Dreamland, 11. Iloltabouae mgr • а. c.. 360; p.. 6.000. ’ * *

.Nautlcoke—Bex, E. Connolly, mgr.; a c I'jc p., 10.000.

Old Purge—Plloal'a, I»ala Plloat, mgr.: a c —: p.. 16.000. • •

Plrtatun—I'rlni-eton. P. F. Yoyce. mgr.* a e 1,200; p., 60,000. ' *

Portage—Grand, - mgr.; a c. a.'ut' n б. 000. ’ •

Portage-Paatlme, C. O. Band mgr.* t e 600; p., 6,000. "

Peynoldavllle—Adelpbla. C. B. Evans mgr • a. C.. 1,000; p., 4.800. a .. a.

Bural Valley—Central K. C. Ambroee mgr* a. e., 250; p.. 4,000. '

Rlmeraburg—.Star, K. II. Scott, mgr.; s. c.. 3oo- р. , 1,300.

SbeScId—R. G. Ewau, aagr.; a. c 2io* n' 3..'Mg>. ’ ’

Summerblll—I»ng'a Theater. J. T. Lung mgr * a. e., 600; p., l.ouo. ''

Summit Hill—*Tbeatorium. Rockmaker A Flount. mgra.; a. c., 360; p.. 4.660.

Towanda—Majestic, Wm. Wumlln. mgr * a c 600; p., 6.000. a , . ..

Tower City—O. II.. J. F. MarU. mgr.; a c 600; p.. 3.006.

Vanderbilt—.Mcklet. L. N. Strickler. mgr.* e с. . 2.50; p.. 3,600.

Weat Newton—Park. Alfred J. Parker mgr ; a. c.. 350; p.. 6.000.

SOUTH CABOUXA Bennettaville—Alcaiar, A. V. Mnultaity a. «

230; p., 4.500. Gaffney—Opera Honae. J. D. Snnthall, mgr.; a

c., 1,000; p.. 6.000. Georgetown—AIrdome; a. e.. 500; p.. A800 Rapid City—Dreamland. A. L. Brown mgr *

a. e.. 430; p., 8.000. Cniuo—Biltaonla, C. E. Storm, mgr.; a. c. 3>A*

p.. 7,000.

SOVTH DAKOTA. Armour—Gem, Geo. Bean, mgr.; a. e.. 280' n.

1.200. ■ I Armour—O. H.. II. E. Nordalaeu. mgr.; a. c.,

380; p., 1.200.


Albert Lea—AIrdome, L. G. Lewis, mgr., a. c., 660; p., 11,000.

Alexandria—Cuuy, J. L. Beck, mgr.; a. c. 6O0; p., 8.600.

Auetln—Lyric, Cbae. M. Gates, mgi.; a. c., 650; р. , 10,000.

Balaton—Balaton 0. H., O. Carpenter, mcr.: a с. , 860* p., 400.

Buffalo—Dudley Opera Houae, J, W. Dudley, mgr.; a. e., 460; p.. 1,600.

Croaby-Empreaa, Murteuaon A Trembly mgra.*, a. c., 300; p., 8,000

Deer River—Electric, W. A. Ryan, mgr.; e. c., —; p., 1,200.

Ccerwood—Bijon, H. R. Briggs, mgr.; a. c., —; P.. —.

Elmore—Q. E. Pettere. mgr.; a. e., 300; p., 1,000.

Ely -Elco, J. A. Qrtvea, mgr.; a. c., 326; p., 3.500.

Eveletb—BIJon. E. A. Willlama, mgr.; a. c., 360; p.. 10,000.

Eveletb—Enipriaa, E. A. Williama, mgr.; a. c., 820; p., 10,000.

International Falla—Grand, Artbnr Puller, mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 6,000.

Kenyon—Dreamland, M. Joffe, mgr.; a. c.. 825; P.. 1.600.

Lake Crystal—Oocy, M. J. Barney, mgr.; a. e., 218; p., l.aOO.

Little Falla—Milo, J. H. Totten, mgr.; a. e., 400; p.. 7.000.

Mankato—Mankato, C. H. Griebel, mgr.; a. e., 1,280; p. 15,000.

Marahall—Opera Honae, W, B. Obettenden, mgr.: a. c., 300; p., 2,200.

New IJIm—American. English Bros., mgra.; a. e.. 600; p., 6,600.

Owatonna—Metropolitan, Servatlus A Thomas, mgra.; a. c., 800; p., 7,000.

Park Rapids—Gem, & P. Mace, mgr.; a. e., 200; p., 1,800.

Pipestone—Gem, H. J. Dpdegroft, mgr,; a. C., 461; p., 3,000.

Proctor—Savoy, Peter Oiurrier, mgr.; a. e., 316; p.. 8,500.

St. Cbarba—Opera House, Vincent M. Sherwood, mgr.; a. e., 860; p., 1,100.

Sleepy Bye—Standanl, J, B. HcNeile, mgr.; a. 460; p., 2,600.

Staples—Unique, B. C. Wllcon, mgr.; e. e., 800; p.. s.ofki.

Tower—Vermilion, E. Erkklla, mgr.; a. e.. 400; P., 1.200.

Tracy—Colonial, J. C. Filkina. mgr.; a. c.. 500; p., 2,000

Anadarko—N'uabo, W*. H. Moore, mgr.: a. e.. 760; p.. 8.000.

Anadarko—Broadway, C. E. Klmmel, mgr.; a. c., 300; p.. 3.000.

Blackwell—Cosy, E. J. Wyatt, mgr.; a. c.. 260; р. , 4.000.

Broken Bow—Calla'e Electric. J. H. Callabta, mgr.; s. e.. 460; p., 2.600.

Cherokee—Majestic, 8. U. Jones, mgr.; a. e., 400; p., 12.000.

Cbickasbt—Majestic, S. H. Jonea, mgr.; a. c., 350; p.. 12.000.

Cordell—Picture Show, F. C. Rogert, mgr.; e. с. , 32.5; p., 12.000.

Coahlng—Emprtaa. H. W. McCall, mgr.; a. e.. 360; p., 6.000.

Dewey—‘Yale, W. W. Wilton, mgr.; a. e., 400; p., 4.000.

Durant—Durant 0. H.. Pat Begga. aagr.; a. c., eOO; p.. 8.000.

Healdton—Mr. Adams, mgr.; a. c.. 600; p., Henryetta—*Yale, Cbaa. Blaine, mgr.; e. c.,

460; p., 4.000. Klngflaber—Lyric, F. C. Brown mgr.; a. e.,

320; p., 3.000. Kiowa—Musical Gem. G. W. Carsry, a. c.,

300; p., 2.000. Mangum—■Maugum Opera Houae, H. L. Taylor,

mgr.; a. e., 400; p., 6.000. Miami—Auditorium, -, mgr.; a. c.. 1.000; p.,

6.000. Miami—Dreamlaud. W. P. Ilolgea, mgr.; a. c..

360; p., 5.000. New Wllaon—Esy, 8. E. Neff, mgr.; e. e., 400;

p.. 2.000. Nowata—AIrdome. J. T. Star, mgr.; a. c., 700.

p., 4.000. Sbattuck—Kmpreaa, W. R. Davla, mgr.; a. c.,

350; p.. 2.000. Stillwater—Canieri. C. D. Jackson, mgr.; a. c.,

340; p.. 4.000. Vanosa—AIrdome, J. I. McCauley, uigr.; e. c.

250; p.. aV). VInIta—Grand Tale, J. H. Sandusky, mgr.; a.

C.. 800; p.. 6,000. WiiburtoD—Lyric. W. U. Weaver, mgr.; a. c..

300; p.. 4.000.


Albany—Bolfc, Geo. Bolfc, mgr.; a. c.. 600; p., 6.000.

Albany—Globe, H. B. Fogarty, mgr.; a. c., 700; p., O.OfiO.

Baker—‘Baker Theater, L. Pefferlc, mgr.; a. C., 061; p., 7.000.

Central P"lDt—Savoy Theater and Central Point Open House, Frank H. Hull, mgr.; a. c.. 860; p.. 1.000.

Cottage Grove—Arcade, Herbert HariingtoD, mgr.; s. c., 350; p., 8,600.

Eugene—Savoy, E. L. Campbell, mgr.; e. c., 665: р. . 10.000.

Gold Hill—Wego, A. E. Kellogg, mgr.; e. c., SiiO; p.. 1.000.

Grant’s Pass—Bijou, E. B. Lawrence, mgr.; t. с. . 300: p., 3,600.

Grant'! Paas—Lyceum, E. Baerlocber. mgr.; a. —; P-. 8.600.

Heppner—Star, J. B. Sparks, mgr.; a. c.. 800; p., 2.000.

Independence—lala. Nelson A Ilenkle, mgra.; a. C.. 456; p.. 1.700.

Klamath Falla—Orpbeum. A. Y. Tindall, mgr.; a. c.. 860; p.. 6,000.

Marahdeld—R’>yal; a. c., 600; p., 6.000. Medford—Star, D. C. Burkhart, mar.; a. e., 400;

p.. 11,000. Ontario—Dreamland, 8. D. Dorman, mgr.; a. c.,

400; p., 2.500. Portland—‘National. Melvin G. Wliiatnck, mgr.;

a. c., 2.i»00; p., 260,000. St. Helena. Columbia. P. G. Evina, mgr.; a. c.,

250; p., 1,800. FXHHSTLVAHIA.

Bangor—Music Hall, W. R. Grubb, mgr.; a. c., N'JO; p., 6,000.

Cliriou -Orpbeum, L. V. Heplnger, mgr.; a. c., 2i)0: p., 5,fKl0.

Clearfield—New- Opera House, J. Clark Boyea, mgr.; a. c., l.OttO; p.. 8.000.

Coalport—Grand, W. B. Shore, mgr.; e. C., 295; p.. 2.600.

Coelport—Paatlme; a. c.. 200; p., 2.500. East Maiich Lbiink—Oipbeum, R. Eggenwcltar,

mgr.; a. c., —; p., —. Elizabethtown—Majestic, B L. Tacklay, mgr.;

a. c., 300; p., 3,000. Elklind—I^Hc, L. D. Young, mgr.; a. c.. 200;

p., 1.400.

Wadena—Coxy. A. D. Beiadreau, mgr.; a. c., I 400; p., 2,000.

Warren—Dreamland. C. F. Hanae, mgr.; a. c., 600; p.. 2.000.

Warren—Op> ra House, C. F. Hauae, mgr.; a. c.. 200; p. 2.000.

Wells—Princess, S. P. Heath, mgr.; a. e.. 600; р. , 2.000.

Welia—Wells Opera House, g. p. Beatb, mgr.; a. c.. 600; p., 2,000.

Worthington—Mateatlc, John Miagal, mgr.; a. с. , 300; p.. 2.800.


At>erdeeii—‘Temple, W. W. Wltlman, mgr.; a. 800; p., 6.000.

Oharleston—Chirleatoa, W. R. OhagnOB, mgr.; a. c.. 460; p.. 2,600.

Oolumbus—Princess, B. Kuykendall, mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 12.000.

Kosciusko—Amusn, 8. J. Wbyte, mgr.; a. c., 360; p.. 8,000.

Natebes—‘Baker Grand, B. M. Clarks, mgr.; a. «., 1,300; p., 10,000.

Pass Obriatian—Kosy, 8. L- Taylor, mgr.; a. e.. 450; p.. 8,600.

MI880UBL Asb Grore—The Grand, H B. Wilson, mgr.; a.

C-. 800; p., 1,600. Bolivar—Electric, J. O. McKee, mgr.; a. e.,

800; p., 2.600. OaiTollton—Star. Mlnnis A Woodlta. mgra.; a.

e.. 600; p.. 4,000. Conway—Malesdc, H. B. Harris, mgr.; a. e.,

226; p., 800. Ebl.iii —r.le< iric, Chaa. Barkalowp, mgr.; a. c.,

theater, 174; airdome, 460; p., 2,000. Ptrmingb'n—Monarch, Fred M. Karact, mgr.;

a. e., 600; p., 8.000. Flat River—‘Dreamland, John B. Oleastng. mgr.;

1. c.. 450; p., 8,000. Galt —trio. li. 1». Miller, mer.; a. c.. 300. Granby—Idle Hour, B. O. Kittel. mgr.; a. e.,

300, p., 2.442. Lehinon-Airdome, A. C. Josylyn. mgr.; a. e.,

600; p., 2,800. Lebanon—Wonderland, A. C. Josylyn, mgr.; a.

c.. 260; p., 2.800. Lexington—Orpbenm, D. Reno, mgr.; a. c., 340;

р. . 6.800. Mlsaouri City—Airdome, Harry Hoyland, mgr.;

e. c., 400; p., 800. Notbone—Phoenix, Mre. MUo Shi'nk. mgr.; a.

с. . 350; p.. 1^250. Parma—Opera Honae, E. N. Blackman, mgr.; a.

c.. 800; p., 1,600. Pleasant Hill—Garden Theater A Airdome, Ralph

Ewood. mgr.; a. c., 860; p.. 2.600. St. Joseph—The Dudley, Cbaa. T. Phrlpe, mgr.;

(negro ownership and control); a. c.. —; p., — St. Jeaeph-Electric Park. Martin A Murray,

mgra.; a. c., 660; p., 100,000. Slater—Auditorium, Erney Youkln, mgr.; S. e..

800; p., 4.500. Wakenda—Airdome, Harry Hoyland. mgr.; a. e.,

300; p.. 400. Newark-F.lectiic, L. A. Dunlap, mgr.; a. C.,

p.. 1,000. MOVTANA.

Big Timber—Auditorium, G. B. Howard, mgr.; a. e., 600; p., 2,000.

Boteman—Gem, Jos. Buemp, mgr.; a. e.. 440, p., 6.000.

ForayUi—Star, H. D. O’Brien, mgr; a. c.. 200; 1,400.

Pnraytli—Alexander, Hall A Harvey, mgra.; a. e.. 400; p.. 1,400.

Hardin—Babe, H. S. Seager, mgr.; a. C., 200; p.. 700.

Karlowton—Ruby, D. B. Bynd, mgr; a. e.. 800; p.. 1,800.


Aurora—Lyric, Bush A Chapman, mgra.; a. c., 240; p., 2.600.

Belvidere—Burnita, F. P. McOordo, mgr.; a. c 360; p., 800.

FtlrOeld—Orpbeum, C. J. Harris, mgr; a. c., 280; p., 1,100.

Frene'iit-^,vrio. J. W. G'enn, mgr.; a c.. 1.000. Prlend—San Carlo. Prank Hacker, mgr.; a. e.,

600; p., 1,600. Pnllerton—Royal. 8. F. Ralph, mgr; a. c., 160;

p.. 2,000. Grand Island-Princess, F. H. Mlcbelaon. mgr.;

a. c., 300; p., 16,000.

StiO'w Printing! Don’t place an orArr uaUl yau tet ear arUvs. Na C. O. D.’a Cash with enfy. Read tbeae: lo.oeo S\txT Card Heralda .It.W 30.000 Ladlfw' Fm* or Owiptm Tlz^a.f.ya 500 11x14 Tai-k Cards. 4 ply.4.M l.ooe 11x14 Tack CaiMa. 7.N 500 14x21 Tack Oxrda . 7.$* 500 Lotler Heads, SHxlI . 1.75 500 Lrttw Heads (1 ookira lak). S.M 500 44( Eiivrkmrt . |.5t lo.aoe 3xS <w 44x6 Ttmtabu .t.M loo Post caxiu . I.Ofl# Round Comer Tlclort*.1.75 Halftones—double cniamii. tl.OO; Rngle c^umn.. .tO

Write me your wants. I ran always suit you. CURTISS. Pnwtar. KALIDA. ONIO.

w. V., ww, |r., w.Aw. Oawego—Hippodrome, Chaa. P. Gilmore, mgr.;

a. c., 803; p., 27,000. Prekaklll—Hndaon. H. C. JewelL mgr.; a. c.,

800; p.. 18,000. Rochester—Victorias Jehn J. Farren. mgr.; a.

e., 1,600; p.. 250,000. Tlconderoga—Wigwam. E. 8. Ely, mgr.; a. c.,

400; p., 8,000. Tupper Lake—‘Family, W. A. Donavin. mgr;

a. c.. 600; p., 6.000.


Andrews—Dreamland, W. J. Britton, mrr: «.

c.. 160; p., 1,500. Beaufort—Victoria, Abe Block, mgr.; a. c.. 250;

P.. 2.600. Burlington—Gem, A. L. Caeeell, mgr.; a. e.,

226; p.. 2.000. Burlington—Piedmont Park Theater, F. L. Far¬

rell. mgr.; p., 7,000 - ^ 4.000.

Created In behalf of the IWsmatlc Pmfeaslon, ard also maintaining on Ritteu Island. N. Y.. a HOME ItiR THE AGEI> AND RCTIRE1>.

Mtaibarskia, par aaaua.U N

IN BEHALF OF THE “NOME." Osavs .IIN.N asr ytar. Patnaas . 25.N Msaibera . IAN “

President, Daniel Frohman: Vice-President. Jov E. Grtsmee; TrrWAurvr. Wm. Harris; Seert-tary, K. D. Miner; Cbalmian Executive Committee, F. F. Marks).

(Nnoes Long Acre Building. Broadway and 42d street. New Y'(*k.

All communlcatlona to

W. C. AU6TIN, AmMaal 6Mrstanr.

Canton—Gayety, p., - Canton—Gaiety, K. F. Went, mgr.; a. c.. 270;

р. . 4,000. Cooleemee—Peerlcua, J. D. Ootna, mgr.; a. e.,

360; p., 2,000. Durham—Aaikewood Park Theater, F. L, Far¬

rell. mgr.; p.. 5B.000. Pranklinton—Rex, H. E- Joiner, mgr.; •. c.,

160; p., MO. Goldsboro—Crystal, J. B. Hales; a. c.. 313; p..

10,000. Greensboro—Electric. V. R Crawford, m-rr.; a.

с. . 600; p.. 30,000. Greenville—White’s, Sam T. White; a. c.. 680;

p.. 6.000. Greenville—Palace. J. W. Bryan, mgr.; e. e.,

400; p., 6,000. Hickory—Thornton Opera House. M. C. T'.Hirn

ton, prop.; a. e., p.. 8,000. Klnaton—Dixie, W. C. Moore, mgr.; a. c., S.'0:

p.. 7,600. IJttleton—Opera Houae. Ira. J. Mltclie’.l, mgr.;

a. c.. (¥)0; p., 1,500. MooresrlHc-^ryatsI Palacr, W, O. Brown, mgr.;

a. c.. ISO; p.. 4.000. Murphy—Star, Mr. Hale, mgr.; a. c.. 301; p.,

2.500 Plymouth—Airdome. W. M. Scarborough, mgr.;

р. . 7.000. Reldavllle—Grotto, Waynlek Flebher, mgr.; A с. . 260; p.. 2,000.

Roanoke Rapids—People's, H. R< bioaon, u gr.; a. e., 600; p., 2,000.

Selmi—Rough and Ready. John \. Mltclieiii-r, mgr.; a. c.. 060; p.. 2.000.

Spray—Hub, Tboa. A. Brannon, mgr.; s. e., 300; p.. 1,800.

Waynesvllle—Wavnewood. C. D. Snipben. mgr.; s. c.. 400; p.. 3.500.

Wavneavllle—Airdome; p.. S..’’>00 WilllamatoD—Gaiety. L. Martin, mgr.; a. e.,

350; p.. 1,800. Wllaon—Amuzu, B. H. Drake, mgr.; a. c.. 300;

p.. 7,000. NORTH DAKOTA

Ambrose—Electric. L. G. Darling, mgr.; a. c., 260; p.. 600.

Beach—‘Beach Opera Houae, C. F. SuiiU,; a. c.. 600; p., 1,727.

(;l-*n .Allen. I’rin<-e.)s. It. K. Jarria, mgr., s c. 225. P. 1.100

Hanklnaon—Grand, Frank J. Drey, aigr.; a. c.. 260; p.. 1,800.

Harvey—RIJou, E. M. Arnold, mgr.; a. c.. /42; p.. 1,400.

Hettinger—^L. O. Bamstead, mgr.; a. c., 180; p.. 1,000.

Lisbon—Scenic, F. Connolly, mgr.; a. c.. 2<X); р. . 1.800.

OHIO. * Alliance—Airdome; J. Barr. a. e.. 750; - 1 e O.

Ashtabula—‘Airdome, P. C. Remlek, fngr.; a. с. . 620; p.. IS.OCO.

0an*1 Dover—Plkt, J. E. Allmaa, mgr.; a. c. 800; p.. 7,000.

jrcc HIGH GRADE ilOO make-up

Uniform in Color and Quality Guaranteed

Ilich-rlMSs MlabU ftppantuft. leArr^t stork In America. Immediate sldtKnmta. Illustrated SO-part ('atalnf amt free. I^rge 116*pafe Prtifeniilnral Cau- 1(>( No. 15. just out. amt upon rerclpi of 10c.


"Sandow" Theatrical Tiuak Oux "Randow" ’nieatxloal Trunk Is a marval of strength—built Ilka a heat vault. It la made of l-ply vaiievvlng, oovrerd with rawhids Rbrs Inaida and out; haod-riveted. Any special alae mads to sr- der. Writs for catalog


OtllaA Ttxgs.

Written to order Writs for tenna today. N. 1- nuCKWHi^Tr. HunUngtim, Mass.

PiTFITS RF-fTREIt «B FEE RETfRNED. Frre iniLwiu report as to patentability. Illustrated Guide Book and List of Inventions wanted sent FREE. VICTOR J. EVANS. Washlagtsa, 0. C.

St PTEMBER 5, 1914. Tile Billboard 59

4lr» •i.i* *<• Smith, mgr.; •. c., 4,. 1. . I.OIHI.

11,11. f. 'ri lM- PrMniUnd. l.e« Teter^un. mgr.; , .HNI; p.. 1.5(W.

..tfr—Hreulc. U. C. 8*mpl*-, mgr.; ». c.. i',4r l.JillO. • •

( nliMii ' r. K. tVrrU. mgr.: ». c., 3<«t: p.. 5<x>. KUi :" 'U t'ryi.l«l. 1’. K. MatHoo. mgr.; a. c..

4,1 • I. s.mxi. p.Vk.r i.llr Ho'ir. r. K. McDonald, mgr.; a.

c r.'.‘ P . >-•"««• j>;at'fc t*. K.. Hcnrj Cool, mgr.; a. c., 46i»: p..

KiloWiiT-Elka'. Art Iloac. mgr.; a. c., 700;

gi,«'T V-"u»-Colonial, A. K. I'aj. mgr.: a. c.. u'Hi- I. I'O.OOO.

ai.riiii'fl. Id -<icm. O. E. Hcdrirk. mgr.; a. c., l»i, p- l.*^*'- ... I

Tjndall -(•<**/. E. H. Lower, mgr.; a. c.. ITo; I

Vlrnna—The :ewcl. Geo. M. Johnaon. mgr.; a.

c ‘.’.'Ml; P-. 5J0. ^•Innrr-Coamo. J. C. Lakin, mgr.; a. c..

р. , l.OOO. TEKVE8SEE.

Pajton-Airdomc—I*. C. Tallent, mgr.; a. c.,

V^‘ p a * Djerai.urg-Lyrlc. K. Shepard, mgr.: a. e., 830;

OiS^'neVnie—Gem. J. W, Elwell, mgr.; a. c..

7.V»: P-a Lebanon-Lyric. Chaa. M. Oarllnger, mgr.; a.

с. p.. 6.000. parla—Dlile. O. C. Jackaon. mgr.; a. e., 900;

n.. 6.000. I'nioD City—Keynolda. R. L. Ooi. mgr.: a. c.,

bOO; p.. 6.000. TEXAS.

Aranaaa Paaa—Acme M. D. ScoOeld, mgr.; a. c., 800; p.. J.800.

Cl Paao—Crawford, Howard Fogr, mgr.; a. c.,

p.. —• „ rr,*i—Froat Theater. 8. O. Hyer, mgr.; a. c.,

300; p., 1.200. Groveton—O. U., E. C. Chinn, mgr.; a. e.. BOO;

P. jttlr_Conch, Tbompaon Amnaement Co., mgra.;

a c.. 1.200; p.. 8.000. Italy—Elk. J. C. Conch: a. c., 4.10; p., 8.000 Jacktbop,e-0. H.. C; A. Worthington, mgr;

a. c.. 450; p., l.BOO. Knox City—Drewmland, R. A. Wlnea. mgr.; a.

c., 800; p., 1.000. loDfTlew—Junction Theater, C. E. Oden, mgr.;

а. c., SflO; p.. 8.800. Lafkln—Ho»Hoo, J. P. Hnnter. mgr: a. e.,

300; p.. 4.800. Ljtle—PbnPii.ay. L. E. Roaa, mgr.: a. c., 400;

p.. 3.000. MMland-Prlnceaa. E. Clyde Smith, mgr; a.

300; p., 3,.100. UU'lon—Electric. T. A. Ilnmaaon, mgr.: a. c.,

300; p.. 8.800. Naplea—Wlrkenden. Thoa. C. WIckenden. mgr.;

a c.. 8o0; p.. 1,230. Sew BiwtoD-O. II., John W. Male, mgr.; a. c.,

330; p.. 2.'200. Paleatlne—Maleatlc, Tim O’Connell, mgr.; a. e., б. V); p.. M.OOO.

Peanall—Ph.>t<,plny, Geo. Foater, mgr.; a. c., 400; p.. 2.000.

Peeoa—ModIc Hall, G. B. Landrum, mgr.; a. e., 380; p.. 2.800.

Borkinwt—O. 11.. Hoffman A Merritt, mgra.; a r. 300; p., 2,000.

Btrawn—O. 11., Vernon Broa.; a. c.,‘ 400; p., 2.’.*00

Terrell—Gwynn A Byar, mgra.: a. c., 430; p., P.OOO.

Wieliler—Wigwam, Jame* R. Brown; a. c.. 200; p.. l.too.

UTAH. Ullford—Orpbenm, C. W. Hill, mgr.; a. c., 800; р. , 1.800.

▼IROIinA. Buena Vlata—Home, John U. Agn<>r, mgr.; a.

с. , r23; p.. 8.800. Cllft<« Forge—Maaonir, C. F. Crawford, mgr.:

«. c.. Mo; p., 6.000. Clifton Force—Star, A. W. Reed, mgr.; a. C.,

280. p., 6.000. Frederlckaburg—Opera Ilonae, BenJ. Pitt, mgr.; 1. C.. .va); p., 6.tW0. Front Royal—Murphy Opera Ilouae, J. Henry

Trout, uigr.; a. c., 880; p.. 8,000. Harrlaonburg—‘New Virginia, D. P. Wine,

tngr ; a c., 1,012; p., 8.000. Lnray—Sew Caninn. Norman B. Smith, mgr.:

• c.. 4iai; p., 2,500. Marlon—Paatlnie, D. Ilnttoh, mgr.; a. e., .873;

P.. 2.727. Martlnirille—Globe, E. L. gtephena, mgr.; a.

bOO; p.. 8,000. Rartfoetl—Colonial, A. Gleaon, mgr.: a. c., 420;

P.. 8.'.>40. Bhenand.iab—Mtln’a. W. S. lx*ng mgr.; a. C..

800; p., I.SOO. Itephena City—O. II., P. E. IJmbIng, mgr.; a

210; p., eOO. Taiewell-Amuau; a. c.. 200; p.. 1,800. Wayneaboro—Star, H. E. Jor^n, mgr.; t. e.,

400. p.. J.OOO. wlnrhealer—Andllorinm, Herman Heable, mgr.;

a. e.. 880; p., 6.000. woudatork—New Cwaino, J. T. Smith, mgr.;

• c.. 830; p.. 2,800.


A. H. Hilton, mgr.; a. «., „M«. P. 1,300. Ceotralla—*Gnii>d, Joe Luma, mgr.; a. c., 600;

p.. 10,000. Ohehalla Dream, J. D. Rice, mgr.; a. e., 800;

P-. 4.800. Chehall. Hell, T. Grldnley, mgr.; a. c., 278;

p.. 4.:>oo Cl# Elum-Gam, J. E. Bowron, mgr.; a. c., 228;

P., 2.800. . • • •

Oo;fai_»ibe New Ridgeway. Matt J^dinton. “gr . a. c., 718: p., 8.000

‘’••time. H. G. Clent *30. p . AOOO.

**4tix'* ^’tn. Hammer, mgr.; a. e.,

Mi-nlenaun-Kllte, K. W. Wanlched, mgr.; a. c., *-■ P . 8.000.

Io'inIo a. c.. 400; p.,

Tae,.u.a Waahlngt.m, Mrllaney, mgr.; 4. e., P . 110.000.

*"• 'T l\ s. .\. Theater, John P. KIggtna, ‘ • c.. 1 laai.


F. N. Bartley, mgr.; a. c.. 280;

11.. E. O. IlenaxD, mgr.: a. e.,

*“j' lllpliodrome, B. A. Danlela, nigr.; • ‘ ■ ’•"0; p., 80.000.


.Assisted Iiy one of America’s famous vocalists, will open the Musical Season in Chicago with a

GRAND CONCERT at Orchestra Hall (home of the Chicago Symphony Or¬ chestra) on the evening of October 2.

V. J. GRABEL, Director, 206 Crilley Building, Chicago.

Latest Improved Floating Ball Sent Prepaid $1.00

At laM we hara Inrrmed a Boating ball that can b« paaaed for THOROUGH EXAMINATION, and errn be TAKEN APART by the audi¬ ence. and tnipectnl INSIDE AND OUT. ThU U NOT A MECHAN¬ ICAL BALL, Uke many otheiw. that can not be paaaed for examination. After the halrea and hoop hare been examined and put together, the perfuniMT ciauan the ball to FLOAT IN THE AIR In a mysterious man¬ ner. While the ball la floating the perTormer can walk all around It; cause It to rise, and walk under It; caune It to descend, and jump o*er It; pass the hoop orer it IN ALL DIRECTIONS; cause It to float back and ferth acnim the atage without tourhlng the bad once while float¬ ing, which makes the lUuaioo VERY FASCINATING. All morements can be done In a slow, conrincing manner. This trick Is so bewildering that It catMcw many to belleye the performer baa supernatural pottos. TTiis great trick CAN NOT BE EXCELLED for either parlor or stage. All slaes and colors hare a BEAUTI¬ FUL GLOSSY FINISH, and are decorated with GOLD STARS. Hntgt not Intruded. Large sise, thameler 6 Inches; red, green or black. PRICE, $2.00; small slae, $1.00. Either slse In white, pink, blue or yellow 2Sa axtru. LATEST CATALOG OF .NEW TRICKS JUST ISSUED. Send foe your copy—It’s FREE

DOUGLAS MAGIC COMPANY - 36 Harrison Ave., Kiowa, Okla.

Clrndeuln, mgr.; a. c..



WINDOW WORKERS!! Do you know that SIGN’S OF THE TIMES is now carrying an

enlarged department devoted to your interests under the follow¬ ing head : '

Demonstrator mp Exhibitor i SHOW WINDOW p===B EXPOSITION | ■ ■ ^,^DEPAKrHENT STOREfi-

Vou will find in this department a world of information in the way of articles, notes, views, opinions and personal items of interest. Sibscriptlon Price—$2.00 a Year; Sii Months for $100; Single Copies, 10c.


Publication Office, CINCINNATI, OHIO


Harp (either trx). Trombone Soloist, Trap Dnimmer, with tympanl, xylophones, etc.; Clarinet, Ck>met. Melo- phone. Flute and Plcoolo: Slnxer with a real voice, for poii^ar song.*; Violin Soloist (either sex). All must br hli^-class concert musicians Salary no object for the best. Rebearsala at Learenwortb, Kansas, about October ISth.

S. EDW. CHENETTE. 101 SMtk 2Sth Avsbim, Otuaba, Ntbraaka. Allow time for mall to be forwarded.

Wanted-Four High-Class Independent Shows For FARMERS .VN'D MERCHA.XTS’FALL FESTIVAL, week of September 28, Jackson, Ohio. Write or wire,

JOHN P. McDON.-KLD, Secretary.




complete LINE OF PAPER:









Kcclea—Lyric, L. Douglas, mgr.; a. c, 300; p., 1.500.

Blklna—‘Talbott Grand, R. H. Talbott, mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 7,000.

Filbert—.Empire, A. M. Gruber, mgr.; a. c., 226; p.. 2.800.

Gary—Bnipire, A. M. Gruber, mgr.; a. c., 700; р. , 6,000.

Grafton—Hippodrome, J. L. Bush, mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 12,000.

Huntington—Ida, Bltlnge & Ball, mgru.; a. c., 400; p., 50,000.

Keyser—0. H., L. T. Curskadon, mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 6,000.

Lester—Opera House, F. E. Arthur, mgr.; a. с. , 400; p., 2,000.

Martlnsbnrg—Central 0. H., J. Roeenburger, mgr.; a. e., 880; p., 16,000.

Meant Hope—Dixie, Exhilitors’ Film Co., mgra.; a. c., 800; p., 10,000.

New Cumberland—Star, J. F. Thompson, mgr.; a. e.. 280; p., 3,800.

Nortbfork—Star, H. J. Harrla, mgr.; a. e., 300; p., 1,200.

Piedmont—‘Piedmont Opera House, Emmet W. Beach, mgr.; a. c., 600; p., 10,000.

Point Pleasant—Lyric. Fllsoo A Harper, mgra.; a. c., 380; p., 4,000.

Ravenawood—Colonial, J. W. McCoy, mgr.; a. e.. 260; p., 1,200.

Ri<4iwood—Star, Holt A Preston, mgra.; a. c., 800; p., 8,000.

Bonceverte—Amnan, B. D. Eagan, mgr., a. c.. 600, p., 3,800.

Salem—Auditorium, C. W. Ferine, mgr.; a. c., 400; p.. 3,000.

Spencer—Andltorlnm, H. H. Robey, nigr.; a. c., 684; p.. 4,000.

Thoppe—Empire, A. M. Gruber, mgra.; a. c., 226; p.. 3.500.

White Snlphnr Springs—Amuan, J. E. Crank, mgr.; a. c.. 3(X); p., 1.5<X>.


Antigo—Opera House, A. M. Green, mgr.; a. c., 1,20b; p., 8,000.

Antigo—Palace, Harvey E. Hanson, mgr.; a. e.. 800; p., 8,000.

Berlin—Wonderland, Lathrop A Co., mgra.; a. c., 300; p., 8.000.

Bloomer--Ideal. Geo. Anncker, mgr.; a. c., 2(K): р. , 1,400.

Burllngt"n--Crystal. E. Dale Pcrklna, u.(.r.; a. C., 400r p.. 4,800.

Butternut—Empire. F.bert A Schulz, iiigrs.; s. c., S.'.O; p.. 1,000,

Clintonvllle—Palace, Goerllnger A Kapbingrl, mgra.: a. c.. 320; p.. 2.noo.

CJoliimhns—Uvric, L. F. Kettlehohn, mgr.; a. с. . 228: p.. 8.000.

Cornell—Lyric, F. E. Noyes, mgr.; a. c., 210; р. . 800.

Cranrton—Princess Harold E- Brady, mgr.; a. C., 210; p., l.ROO.

Ean Claire—O’Clalr, Schwahn A Yopea, mgra.; s. c.. 800; p.. 20 000.

Edgerton—Scenic. W. L. Aspinwall, ingr.; a. с. . 22.1; p.. 3.800.

Grand Rapids—Ideal, J. T. Stark, mgr.; a. c., 480; p., 7.800.

Hlbbcrt—Mutuiil, F. E. Pleper, mgr.; s. c., 400; p.. 027.

Hnriev—‘Temfle, W- F. Kelley, mgr.; a. c., —; р. , 5,000.

Kenosha—Rhode O. H., Jos. O. Rhode, mgr.; a. с. , 1.023; p.. 26 000.

Kewaunee—Palace. Frank Ilerachfleld, mgr.; a. c., 300: p.. 2 000.

Lake Mills—Majestic, O. A. Wodke, mgr.; a. c., .3’2S: p., 2 000.

Marshfield—N' W .Adler O. H., J. P. Adler, mgr.; B. c., 700; p., 5.783.

Medford—Savor O. G. Blakeslee, mgr.; a. c., 400; p.. 2 0(i0.

Helirn—White. M. L. Beaver, mgr.; a. c.. 300; р. , 2.200.

Merrill—Grand O. H., CTiaa. Staehl^, mgr.; a. с. , 800; p., 10,000.

Merrill—The f'oiy. Chaa. Statble, mgr.; a. c., .300; p., —

•Mondovl—Star. 0. J. I.ars<-n, mgr.; a. c., 280; р. , 1,100.

New lA>nil«D—Grand O. H., Jack Hickey, Jr., mgr.: a. c.. 700: p., 4.000.

New Rlrh:nond—Gem. W. 8. Shannon, mgr.; a. c.. 400; p . 2.000.

Oconomowoc—Palace. Harry Strand, mgr.; a. c., 240; p.. 4,000.

Park Falla—Grand. Klckey A Gelaert, mgra.; a. с. . 400: p.. 3.800.

Phillips—Idle Hour. Bracken A Willey, mgra.; a. c., 500; p.. 3 000.

Prairie du Chicn—Uberty, J. D. McWlIllama. mgr.; a. c., 350: p.. 4.000.

Red Granite-Eagle. D. S- Johnson. Jr., mgr.; a. c.. 800; p., 1,521.

Rei^a'Hirg—Orpheum, Mrs. M. Dellenback, mgr.; a. c.. 235; p., 2.600.

Rhinelander—Bljon, Pan! R. Phllleo, mgr.; a. C. . 400; p., 5.500.

Rhinelander—Majcatlc. H. C. Zander, uigr.; a. c.. 400; p., 7,000.

Shawano—Palace, R. P. Rohloff, mgr.; a. c., 320; p.. 3,000,

Spooner—Dreamland, B. J. Bleloh, mgr.; a. C., 200; p.. 1,448.

Stevens Point—O-m, Rnaaell Gregory, mgr.; a. e.. 400; p., 10,000.

Tomah—Armory, E. R. Wells, mgr.; a. c., (WO; p.. 4,160.

Tomahawk—Princess, George Slater, mgr.; a. e.. 225; p.. 8.000.

Two Rivers—O. H.. Ed Hlqnette. mgr.; a. c., 1,000: p.. 6.000.

Two Blvers—Emp're O. II., J. J. Tadych. mgr.; a. e.. 800: p.. 6 000.

Waukesha—.Andltorlnm. Geo. H. Bellaon, mgr.; a. C., 1.000; p., 11,000.

Wanaan—Grand, C. S. Cone, mgr.; a. c., 1.250; p., 18.000.


Calgary. Alberta—Prlnceas. Geo. Ayleaworth, mgr.: a. c.. (WO: p.. 68,000.

Lethbridge—‘Sherman. John Wilson, mgr.; a. e., 500; p.. 11,000.


Andower-The Specialty. N. J. Wooten, mgr.; a. c.. 480; p.. 2.000.

C-ampbedlton—Oper.v House. S. W. Dlmock, mgr.: a. c., 800' p.. 5,0(Y>

SackvHle—Music Hall, A. A. A.ver, mgr.; a. e., 700; p.. 3,50«V

Shedlac—Star. McNeil A Torrie, mgra.; a. c., 350; p., 2,000.


Rainy RWeT—Empire, E. A. Blackraore. mgr.; I a. c., SOO; p.. 2.000. I PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND.

I Surameralde—Happyland, 1. J. Gaudet, mgr.; a. j c.. 600; p.. 3.tX)0.


Will b« Injerted without eharre In the Cliadfled t'oluinns. Oixn to Arton. A«rtwm, Pi«Torm<Ti, Mu»l>Tltni, Ad- M M T«nco Ag«ita, l^THia AgenU. Blllpoetere. M. P. OliermU>Pi, Kink Sketriw. Stage U»Jid», (nrpetilen. MauagiT*. or

any penon conneoud or IdoiUIlt'd with the ahow bustiinia. If ani>w<n are not anUaiattory the flrst time, we InrlU a« many InaerUona aa are nerawaary to aecure what you warX U> do not want you to feei that you ara lai- poalug on ua by ualng our oolumna more than one time, hut otg))' of aJtertlatynnit


NOTICE—Letter! direoted to initials only are not delivered throng the post office. If initials are used, the letter should be addressed in care of person, firm or post office box.

PAID ADS In the CLASSIFIED SECTION WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ASMANY INSERTIONS AS YOU WISH, BUT NO DISCOUNT FOR TIME pft||| follow'inc*^ HEAD "mgs ^wPt^out*^ DISPLAY luAsmuch US we do not pliioe diar(^ for atls in the Chussified Columns u|>on our booka .we re»|»ectfully ask that • •will OTHER THAN CAPS. HO CUTS. NO BORDERS. vou itmiit the required amount with cogty.




ALL COPY FOR ADS IN THIS DEPARTMENT MUST REACH US BY THURSDAY. 6 P. M. WANTKn—Vaudrellle, atork and ooe-nlgbtcrt: gnod

onea can get the nuaicy; poor onre canceled. EUx'- TRIO THIUTFUl. Kanger, Tciaa.

PIDDLE PLATFa AND TRAP DRI MMF3—With t«i years' picture houae experience; dandy, good rep¬ ertoire of mualo: hare Umpanl, reannatlng nrrfaeatra bells and all traps; at liberty Sept. lat. PIDDLE I*LAYER, 818 S. Crockett Are.. Denbon, Tex.

T. E. QL'IRK AT LIRmiTY—Heartes, characters or agent; can get results and wildcat. Tli-ket, If you pitwse. T. M. A. CLUB, 216 W. lutb St., Kansas City. Mo_

ACROBATS. At LItMrty Advertlseaieatt, without dlaglay, «Rdsr

this heading, ara nuhllthad fraa ef eharga. \V.ANTED— Indt^sSidtnt allows and other t.mcea.

slmis fur Ili«ir-Ciindng and Corn Camlral. (hi T to 11. Ail.lrtws BW'Hin'AHY CitMAUUU IAL t U B. Sandwich. 111.

CIIAKLFVS tiAYiyOR Iligti-ciasH iioreiiy band-hal- aiiivr, gynuiast, euulllhriiit; fgiccial settings: agt-iita. UMkH your waiiin known. I'rrmauciit addres., *6t> 17lh St . iK'tnilt. .MIHi. _

tklNTtUlTIONlST 18 ytsirs: experieticed; 25 stunts. LI luinuliti In all. will carry parts In drama and tak- any gmsl ORVIldd'. WtU’ATA. Table Ki>ca. .\Hi . Roulu .No. 3.

TnHATiai MANAGER AT UBERTY—Ten years' experience; daughter. A-1 pianist; son, A-1 operattir: wife, experienced lluket seller. Addn^ MA.NAGER, 611 FVturtli Are.. Peoria. 111._

L.ADY Pl.ANIST -Desires rtiragrmrnt with orchew- tra, hotel tw muting pUtures: hue sight readtr: four years' exiierieiH>e: Siulh pri^erred. M AY" HOLLl.S- TKR. 3225 liuimea .Are., Minneapolis, Minn.

VAUDEVILU: HANAGint nfleeti years' experi¬ ence; hare Powit's No. 6 and '25 reels film: am good ms-rauir: make best offer. Ticket. A. 11. W.ARD. LYankford, illch._

W.ANTm* Aktud, clean sliotrs to play on per'enlage, sereral attractions to be given aa fne .auraetlutis, fur a week's candval, beginning tht. IV and milng thi. 'it. by 51<ssw> Lstgr. CollliisTlllr, 111. Main busltiow streeu be Used. Karroeiw' ItistUutr, Teaoliers' li.sil- tute and IhoitsiUc Stieitor Club uf Madison < tsiniy meet 3 data id week: atwtfal thousand pr<a>lr atlitul thiwe meetltigs yearLv. lYty i< Iu.imki pssi|>le. is-ow- prroua country. Great fur jumptng horse caoKisrl or (■van wave; iwthlng wani(si ikA rlean muraliy; ikw allows will get big money Shows on pi'romiage; pn- (ssMlun privilege, half down cash. AAYll contract far free attradluiia and contract fur (.taictwaluiia. A. VA'. Si'HI.MI'J'T’. Aktllinartlle, III.

M.ANAGER.S, ATTF:NTIi>N Orlah offers a classic Oriental datirltig act (.Arabian muscle control); bril¬ liant cowtumew. exisyitlonal kihby display: ability, ex¬ perience, appearance and refltinucnt: at liberty for speilal or aeasoti’a engagemitita. t'ara Billboard, Ctilcaao.

I H.ANK'HKRoN Wants bi join good aiToliatlc a-i. gissi band iwilaiiisr. Ugi nr lioUoiti: Roman rings a^nl It^h wtirk _G2I (Viilral .Ave., ClticiiinaU, Ohio.

I’.AREVTO KiMir .Ingle ctrous acts: Ladder disgis. baridliaUt'.sing act. single trapiae, conicLy aivo'istle ait; gistd wacinibe. tieu. I'areiilu, North PtnuGnee. Pa _

AGENTS WANTED. Advartlsamanti withaut ditviay. nadar thb htadUi,

Sa Sir word.

I>OVT WASTE Y'OUR KVENINGSI—Sell our at- trmtlve brass easel poster frames to picture theaters; big demand; easy sales; liberal outnmlsslixis. NEW¬ MAN MANUKACTURING t'OilPAN'Y, Chicltuiatl, O.

M.AN'AGER—House nr adveftLslng manager at lib¬ erty; eight yeari' experience, rauilevlLe or cumldsA- tlnn; itepert poster, sign and card writer: original publicity and pma man; A-1 refermcew; aitbar, re- Uahle and a bustler: age. 35; married: locata any¬ where: Middle W(«t preferred: don't need tlckota. Ad- dreaa MUNTE. 95 i>arkar St., Newark. N. J.

tlRiM ND TUMBI.ra AND ACRORAT Will Join rvumiised ait or tnwipe DIH tlL.AS McKUloY, Gitieral Dtlivery, Sliri-Mysirl, La.

H.AKRY L. HUW.ARIi illgb-elass single trapexe aruid. Iiiritisi uffers for vauilrvllle. .Address Geiisral IMIvery. WaiiTly. N V

AGENTS WANTED - Here’s one of the biggest sell¬ ers yet pruduced to sed at County Pairs and State Carnivals; wonderful, new Inventlmi that Is an absolute necessity for all auto owners; pixltlveLv no (sunmtl- tioti: a live agitit can average not lesa than $5t>.0u per day. Exclusive rigtita given. XOTAMISS SP.ARK G.AP (11., K. 3()3 Hlppe* Bldg., IHw Moines, la.

BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Advarlliaaiaatt witkaut displhy. uadar tkii haadlat.

Sa par ward. LF;APER in CASTING and RITURN AtT-

Witglil IIK llK . Iiilglii 5 ft. 4 in. Address E. R.AEP ore Bllllsianl. Cliliago. 111.

HAilMONTRUrs MIIJT.ABY BAND AND UR- CHK.STRA—Now booking fairs, tione sliowrm, rvunlnia, etc.: any number ptrer band fumlahed. P. L UAM- Mo.NTREE. Indepstideoce, Mo.

PAXACHITTE JUMPER—With premier act: acro¬ batic and Iron jaw work In air; 1,200 jumpa' expert- enca: oulht flrst-cUaa; open for falri. parka, celabra- tions, etc.; answrers to all. CAPT. EUGENE &AA'• AGE. Bameavllle, Ohio.

THE AI.TON.S PiMir p.*(t|>le; dultig 3 (liiulile tlglit wire, single slack wire. Adilress 415 Landis t'ourt. Kstisaj, fit

TiU’M(M■STKR’"si8>er.~rrilable; oi.l nauidend. ran get wsikliig If detUred. KttBDRVO. care BIlllHtaril, Cliirinnall.

STREETMEN—Rad hot aeller; coaU a cant, lalli for a dime; aample for atamp. HOCH-BROWN MPG. CO.. Desk 5, CMumbua. Ubla


At LIbarty Adsarlhaaiaata withaat diaplay, aadar llili Kaadlng. ara pwMItbad fraa al tbarpa. PAID CLASSIFIED ADS rULKINS' THIUTKE (►RCHBSTR.A—llano. rioUn.

clarinet, druiiLs, trapa, bells and xylimboneai two ao- loiata: vauileslUa and p4ctures: A. P. af M. RE LANE, 423 N. aangamon, Lincoln. 111.

PIVE-nBCE ORCHESTRA—nano, rtolln, comet, tnwnbane, double eaxupbone and dnima; all union cx- perlmcrd troupera; vaudcrllle or picturew. PAUL B. GOMH. IVOl E Iowa BvanartUe, ImL_

G1RL.S' QUINTETTE—A’loUn. piano, cello, darlnet and oomK; large library, bu4h elaastoal and popular mualc: managers, write. KITTY DOERINO, S840A

AGENTS AND MANAGERS. LIbarty AdvartlMnaata, srltbaut diaplay, i tbit baading, art pablltbad fraa sf abarpa.

Can be kept standing as long as the advertiser elects. Tlie rule of fresh weekly <?opy applies only to Free “.\t liberty” ads and is enforced to guarantee managers and agents who may answer such advertise¬ ments that they are writing to a live address.

A-1 AGK.NT—Account uf ahow closing; handle iiruali, cxpcrlmced and reliable: good lefareoijeB. L. n G-REENH.AW. care Thcaplan. Kaiiaaa City,

A (HHrt). LIVE AGENT. HOUSE MANAGER OR riOMJ’ANY MA.NAGHR Qualllled for either posl- Uf4i Addrew LinVlS H CHURCH, care Billboard, (Nnrinnatl. O.

ADiANUE. RUSINlStS AND PRESS—Handle any attrao.iun. burlexiue. musical Tom, dramatic: aober, reliable; join on wire; cioee contractor; atrong preaa. FTLANK a .S.4UL, Adrian, Midi,

ADVA.N'Ci: AGENT—IJre wire; not afraid to work; can and (rill use bruah. LeROY’ CADY, care Blll- Uuanl. (Ihliaigo, 111._

AGENT Experit-nivd, aober, reliable; atock or mu- aiml. real hiiatler; reliable manaaera only, with real ahow Agent, 7359 Hamilton Are., Ptltaburg, Pb.

AGENT —rvMite, bonk or wildcat; atrictly aober; will poet, need ticket. P. W. GREEN, 25 Mllnor SI , Ruffaki, N. Y_

AGENT .\T LIBERTY-One-nlglit or repertolie pre- f-rred. have had 1ft yeara' experience; omraa or houae; no th»mf Addreaa C. W. CLARK. Lamar, Mo

AGENT Wlldiwt; know Uie Northweat backwariLa; can puai cliwe cnntracta or can manage ahow; <lo Paru. 18 yearn' experience; refereticea. WM. H. M(H»RE. General Delivety, St. Louis._Ma _

CLINT JACKSON-Prrnx agent or advance; can work juvenile wlUi miiaical act: good baritone voice. lawtfT J Patrick, musical director I violin) ‘ SON PATRICK, Ri[ase)l House. “

But at that, patrons of our paid columns are assured that fresh copy helps wonderfully. Shaw Ave., 4M. U>ua. Mo.

MUSICIANB- See our Song HlnU on page 12. The pubUahen whoee addriaaee are given therein wtll aeod you priYewalonai copies of any new aong named If you will write them on theater IKterhcada and moi- tlon THE BILLBOARD;__

THREE PIFXTi: (UirHESTRA — Violin, corvirt. piano: two ladlea, one man; at liberty. Addraa ORi HF>TRA DliUXTOR. New St. Stmooa HoteL St.

TRIO—Violin, oelto. piano; A. F. of M.; deslrs poaltlnn for winter In pidure or vaudeville hou<e; experienced In all Ilnea. L. M. OALYEAN, 417 W. Park Ave., Waterloo, Iowa

AT LIBERTY ASwrtttcMeats wHbatrt Staplay. spSw tkla MbSlas.

AMATEUR BLACKPACS CXMOCDIAN. with eofne experience, dealrea a poalUan in a raudevUle MreulL Address V. W. BICKEL, Wemet^lle, Pa.

HlmtMu laUnda Ga. TOUNO MAN—Ci^rtr amateur: h(«neY dan¬

cer, akin and ballK; oould be workt^ elth'rr var; falartto voire, pleaalnc tenor: dealrm ohorua rngaae* mefit: reliable manaceri only. Addrtuia RAYMOND. 100 Ba3'ard 8t.. New Bruimwick, N. J.

BILLPOSTERS. At LIbarty AdvartlaaaiaaU. vritbaat display, i

tkla baadlBf. are paMItbed tree ef ebarpa. AT LIBERTY—Lady rider, with long experience In ateepirchaaea and hurdlea; have riding outfit Ad- drrae MLS.S FTHEL BRANT, care Ftnlofflce, General Dellrery. Binghamton. N. T.

B1LLPDSTF31 -AA-class plantman; c«n manags plant: sober and hunml; married man: lucate any¬ where; best of reference. Addreae O. KOBI.NSO.N, 419 So. Church St.. Belleville, lit__

AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE, AdvsrtlatMeats arltbewt diaplay, aadar thl* htkdia

2a par ward. AT LIBERTY APTER AUGUST—Uniformed band, for carnivals or cIreuMw; all up-to-date muMc an(i troepera VINCENT MILLER. 2IS3Ii Bellevlew. Kan- aaa City. Mo.

Not afraid of paste; BIUJIbSTiai AT LlHKJtTY _ aroall road aiunv preferred; will whitewaati all. Ad- drewi TM> RYAN, Geiural IMIvery. Albany. N. Y.

'nVlKJririD. SOBER BlIJJ’OSTintS AT LIBintTY - Road or ■(■•ate Address ADVERTISING AGFINT. SleeplfdiaiK. Park. Coney Ivland._N._IL_

AT UBERTY WITH THIRTY DAYS' NOTICR— Vlodnlat; pictures and vaudeville preferred: large library of mualc: 12 yean' experimor; must be iteady work. HAL CLARKE. Oierokee, Okla.

AT LIBERTY—Blackface S. and D. (jomedlan, good danorv; carry M. P. machine; chanae acta and flim for a week; Join on wire. AddreM ED ST. CLAIR, 1652 Sixth Are., Terre Haute, ln(L

AT LIBERTY—^Trap dnimmer wants permanent poaition in flrat-claai vaudeville or picture theater: have marlmbaphone*. xylophones, belli and tympanl, good sounding drums, over 200 trapa and effects; no objection to piano and drums or small town; can furnish beet of reference; would prefer Mtlwrukee or Detroit: state all In first Irtter; A. P of M. Addraa SAM RI'.STBR. General Delivery, Harvard, liL

-. JACK- _Emenon, Man.

LIXTI RI R FEITI RE PILif MANAGim, B(M>K- ER -Well and favorably known In nvir 500 towns; Mlary .w pev cent; dtai't need ticket. MONTE, 95 Partnv* SI., Ntrwark. N. J.

MANAGER Sober and husUcr; elertrliian; 14 roars an operal.w: sign writer: good advertLser; fa¬ miliar wlUi vaudeville; wife handia tickets. THEA- TRE MANAGER, (tare Billboard. ClnclnnatL O.

.M.l.NAiiEK who ba.a the ability to get the business, ono wlio b, not afraid of work; road attractions or moviiig pbture.s B. L. HFaiTZBElU:. Hotel Poster. l>ea Molri-s, Iowa

AT LIIlERTIi' 0«T. 1 ST -Orchestra le*d<» planlat; experlevieed in ail lines, up In all grada, library unaurpassisl: aily managen paying top salarln with long ositraci need answa. HeketsT Ya. If over 150 mlla N. C. ZIDGLfTR, 'Tate Springs, Tenn.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. niMaitBtt wMbaut dbiHay. uadar tkla kaadlai,

Sa par word.

I BUY AND sra.L EVintVnilNO In ahow gO(»la line P W Hol.T/JBAN, 511 Market St., Ilttaburg. PtsuiiylvanU.

COR.NCT PI.AYFm—At liberty Na lit; locate or join g'sel mad show. I can play the stuff, all I need Is the chance. Double band and ortlirntra. CLAYTON R ABIHITT. Uiicoln. Kan MOTION PKTURE FatllllimiRS In the Ohio and

Kailucky districts who have bisArd a four reel fra ture aiUtled "Wlfear'a tliarms." with Ttusnirwi A Miviger of Clnetnnall. will pmfit by writing TITAN PIIAI (tHU’oR.lTlo.N. no W. 4mh St.. New York ntj

AT LIBFJITY—OperaLyr and electrician: any make of machine: sober and reliable; 5 years' experience; locate or trave;. Write pirilculani and salary to FacreRIENCKD OPERATOR, care of Billboard, Cin¬ cinnati. Ohia

TRIty -Violin, piano, cello (double on driuns): at liberty Sept. 15: hlgti-clisa muslclins: good aiipear- ance. reliable; go anywhere. MI'SIC.kL, 805 Park Are., Irallas, Tex.

BARITONH-High vol(?e. plenty quantity, wants to join musical comedy, vauderllle. burlesque; my forte, ragtime and srsig redtatlons, also use billadt; now usltig "When You’re All Dressed Up and No Place To Go." song rehitatlon from Beauty Shop, with suc- ceaa: use no Imoae, educated, refined, go^ looking; aged 24: experience most as single; learn quick: can work with crjmpany; rery energetic; height, 5 ft. 7 In.; price right. MAC ARTHUR, P. O. Box 1298, Bos- Um, Mass

CARNIVAL WANTED. AdvartlMataata wHkaut display, uadar this baadlai.

ATTRACTIONS WANTED. Advartlaaaisats urltbaut dlnlay, aadar tbit kaadlas,

St par ward.

PlR.HTn.ASS UAKNIVAI. (NtMPANY WAN'n'a> Ptr Sept. 28 u> iN-t. 3, county fair; big daya, Oct. I 2, 3; ai-niplatie fllglits on eadi of last 3 daya Ad drtwa ('HAS 1 5III.LEK. ('(Wded. Okla

BIJOU THEATER, Brown Valley, Minn., atock and musical oomotly; managera with open time, writs In; seating capacity, Sfttt.

PALL PFSSTIVAL, Sept. 3ftth. Oct. isl, 2cl. Sd. Onetceaslons wanted, also several piod free acts Por Information addresa JEAN B. CAIN, Soar., Ihsaiter Club, Palla (Ity. Neb.

CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL. At Llbvify AdvartlHmaata wItkMit display, i

Ibis kaadlai. ara publltbad fraa af ebarpa. OOOKS-Maii and wife, experienred; all-round, ao¬

ber. alrady; Wlilte Private Car. Southern Uamlval <o,, etc.; .state salary; wire, write. H. DAVIS, 19 Wllhr St., Iraytoci, (Hilo.

5L4N'AG13l -One wlio knows every detail of mov¬ ing picture business and can get results; Ohio, In¬ diana. Illinois or Miclilgan preferred. Addreaa "R. O,” Billboard, Cinclniiall.

ALL DAY IMMtR T.M.KFUI GiihI s|ileler: can tnsii- age and make iHMSilngs. will go tniwhrre. TIcketr Yes. IAIN IK KING, ewre Pur Stand, Rocky Poliil.

OI’FINING POR OOt>D TENT SHOW Pall Pestlval and Home-Coming, Oct. T, 8, 9, Waylanil, Mich. Good allow town: have mom for few good (x>n''(ualoiia. Addresa W H. 8CHUH, Secrefary.

CYRO. THE SWEBT RINGER, In bU famoua Baby Doll Act; monologue, papular tongs, billtda and dancing: a hit everywhere; nothing ilmllar. 1541 Spruce SL. Omaha. Neb.

PRODUCiai ANY) klANAGER Manager picture or mixed hiMise; proluce tabloid stork; knew the business; salao' and p.r cent. H. LAWERJiNCE, 6t'J7 Univer¬ sity Are., Plat 1, MlnneapolU. Minn.

Nunitier of t UtWN HIDING AND AM5IA1, AITS _ arts, ring or (rack: c.tMni song, stvig and dance for (vHicert THE WHITNEVH, uare WaHnrtl, nalnfit-M. New Jersey_^_

(NIXTORTIOMST (Kroiil) Binging and’ talking clown. Jew (VMKWt turn. BOB NUA40N. care Bill¬ board, Clilcago, 111.

WANTPJl-Heftt SOth-Oet. Sd. high-clait vaudeville and mual>«l otunedy enrapanlea, on aucount of Jackson Gounty Pair; town of 5.1881, with 2n.(88t to draw from: will play on percentage. New houae npent Sept. 15th: sealing oaparity, 1,0(10. Addreaa BNUD- GRABS ‘niFiiATFnt. Soottahuro. Ala.

D.WCFSi Tall, stttueaqua Egyptian dinoer at lib¬ erty: beauty, grace and rhyme; trill learn any cltttlc dance you wish for your production; have been fea¬ tured. and srlll make goewL M. L. B.. oare Billboard, rincltmaU.

PUBLICITT AGENT, MAN.AGra—Traveling South America and the Orient; trill make you famous and rich; am well experirnoed. CAITAIN J-'XyUCHE, Modcuto. OaL



MANA<;KH and orKRATOR Wl«h« position in thejitc’r; 7 experienor: wife, ^ario play¬

er; an.vwhere; ('an furnish of iWtwenoe. C. V HiAN<*K. Uf« Amsteplam. N. Y.

J . t i


MA\A<!KR Motion plciures and vaudeville: one who knows the budnew. Get In touch with J. J. BLACYL- 1L\N, Titusville, I*!



: ; .1

MAVACKR M P. or Tauderllle: experienced a<l- TefUiMT; wife, Koloi^t; we «et the bu^lnew: ulnrtly

and reliable; aalarr low. JACK J. CODY, 1882 E 57th, CleTfland, Ohio.


Tile Billboard

TAl.KI-Jt For planlatiun atiow or raude- fi Ir 'III aloo plaiT fonimiioii: •mid taJkrr; will

l.MVIS H AMASAIK. 1*. O. M<j* 1P9, WiM .' -n, (la. _

Ii\s \lii' (Hid ot Uie amallnt; atiowa and camd- ral* xiltd. Tk-kt*. AMIKKW 8THia.T, Muia«rr.

Alum *''. >lk__

~ln KOIN’OVFXTY WIRF; (Xll iukrikt— Fcr taii'k-rlllr, dn-ua and ranilra] or gwal mualc ,t,0« i;i>WARI» 1>. ItlHNTSKY, Coornr. I'a.

KX ri KI l-ZSCKl > fXil ’F>TRI A N OlHkXTOR -Rlnf- iQa>i, r Mick ik>g and pcaiy ada, announormnila, bnak ''ari't>a<'k or htlHaalromr abH'k, hurdle u( huek- |,( nulr WAl.BmTI, naliillHd. N. J._

ilT'IVN I'lNC’I'.HlIloX- (Jrratrat frrak allrt, wlUi akin likr nKibrr, want work fur winter; atate aalary. <• A Kl 111.. Itoa 704. Corbin. Ky._

1.KT1 KKR AM> CKNIUIAL FJthXI TIVE MAX— nn.-a-i ami cwndval experldne; Amirlran; 3J Tlrkdf Xo' Join lai wire. Tup aalary In real kale. MU.XTE,

Tarinr St., Xewark, .X. J._

I.KiTl kl-'R- 1 .«it the buBinraa; hare handinl all the ' .ii i«m. aiale all: can loin at once. Write or wire TKX SIIKK-MAX. naaa. X. I>._

“maI'AM KsTH.I.A IhItAR Rallinniat and rtlro- naui would Ilk;- i<> go .South with a eaniltal ouni- pai.i uttli nr without my own outfit. lSi>2 FUltuti. St . i hiiagin __

Mo\h TK-klNKR X'oong. rtllaldr and aoh.T; break an) tri.k (or raudtwille; kdn on wire, or atate all li (Irwt h-tter. RoItT. C. SCHIXT, 422 W inns. '. .St . Ctilrafn, III.

MoToRURoMK AX1» ACTOMORII.E R.MFh“ Ma.- n- ' No. but plenty d -awe-l ajid nerre. wkwr ajul rr llaMe; atate aalary Tleketf .Xce .Age 22. R C UIIKF.IJ’IK. 1145 Wealey .Are., Clnelnnall. (»

Kll'l It Fomwely with ini Randi M 1- Inpt , alwi ll-w Iiarked fn-in C S earain . .Ike to ride hlgii a<i.<" : I -r- AKTlll K U litXX, 2otl XUsa Are., R.niiwi.

”si:\StTli»NAI, n.Al.lAMiXI.ST AXO SI.At'K WIRE ACT <>i«n f>w Southern mgagament: rau-lealllr, elr- eui •n .ani'.)al A ldreaa H.AL llll.l.lTKR. 402 su¬ rer St . irrlanikr, F.a._

TaI.KK.H that talks; If the beet la none too good, 1 am at liNrtv . lo .ant If )ou i-aii’t pa)’ aalary. LFtITiTI. Itlliboard, (Tnelnnatl. tihlo. Hurry.

W \1TKR HR (NH)K I’lay .lrum.a and parta; f<w rar 'iai and .Irrua. wll. r> any placr. .Addreaa TED (IRtllAM. Il.ilel Waio, Wa<r>, Tea.

COLORED PERFORMERS. j At Liberty Adrartlarataata, wltheut dlaalay. andar !

thia kaagiag, are publltked free ef eltaraa.

.A-i oilAiltKlr R.kiNJtrll.A'eeaiallan with big fiw.a siriiSlj -gier: can rlienge. aalary your limit- ti'-k. ■ FI K<;i MIX. V A.lama St,, CenrU. ill

1nI^iR|,l» CI^AXT.ATItrX SllttW- Slngerw, dla- '. ..-k tar.go uaiiiara. for .wil.liaw free ai- lra.ti.'i riaaa wi.le to fair* an<l relrhraUuna. C. l-iiWFKS. IK K. 2sth St.._Ctd.a#^111._

n kt;t -SIX a tTKdl'SrrX F'amrsia rojortaj alng- II I ii.Ruelians. wiwk d.wible and alngle; play atrlnga; rhai k- . tl.-k. ta FNirguaxi A Furguaun. 3ob .X. Adamr ^ I’.awla. III.

Till. WfRl.i> s CI.KVini”MAlllCIAX-HU mag- Iral . iia r in, i.ia are erow.t drawli.g. rjr p:ra<ii.g. h.wn s..;i.ii,g Ad.lriw. ILVsstj! THE (1R1LAT, 1» S iKway St . Atlanta, Ga.

DRAMATIC. Adrerliaratati wllkarit diaalay. aadar Ikla baadlaa.

la »ar ward.

SEMI FXtR LIST l»K RlMkKIXG AGEXT8. MA.X- AiilTLs AM) RUTUyUXTATlVEik-The Rrdernu-e Outlie (aedalna 42» namea and addmaea. 14 theat- Heal dnailia and 440 namea od theatm and dtlew. Bai) witb managen' hamra. alio Hat od 111 amuae- mmt artlata. Whlli we hare ua^ iliedal care In compiling Uie Uau, changea In namea and addreaaes are awiatanlly being made by reaaon od reiDOeaU, gone out id bualnrea or change In (Iraa Tbetedora we do not guarantee all namea and addniaea ta be

o'rrecl. ITIoe only lue. CHCRCH nUNTlNG CO., 23 ttprra Place, Clndnnatl, O.

DRAMATIC ARTISTS. At Liberty AdeertleameaU, withaal dltdiay, aadar ttih

bbadlbf, are paMialied free ad tfcarga.

CH.tJLAeTERS. comrdiea, general bualnrea. rrliabla

•‘t^. aalary low. JACK J. CODY, jbs^E 57 th, CicTeland. Ohio.

C R UREWISI. Agent and characten or geaeral buRiieea. alto In band; rrldr. iuemllea and atralflit; ^y Arlma. paru and kpedalUe*. age T. Carr CUrnitiei Stork Cka. Mt Hlaiichard, .Ohio.

FIJ»TR1CIAX AXl) JCVEXIIJi LUOS- SlUry your limit; Urket If too far. G. W. THl'XLLLO, j.J4 Are X , Galerwlori. Teaaa._

PoR THM SHOW—Play parte and doubla baea arum or alto In band. Aditreww HirXRY PUlLi.ll>i,

Kinnic Show, Trunuuiftburf. N. Y.

BCSIXFXS MAX—Sto^ or repertolrr; esIv'f. 'Xtsrtcnee; two eeaeoni. 23 yean ol.L

t Kellable manager only. BOR.XEY ^l.EV_Ulg_Me.Alll«t»r SI., San F'randieo. CaL

IIAKOI.I) O. WILLIAMS leading man; for or rtp ; ige 21; « ft.; 165 Ibi.; wardrobe, ra-

pmeiMT. „„l gblllty. Oaatle Scjuarw Theatre, tw.w’Ki. Mawe.

INt.lTXI E, LF.ADS Xfraso eoprano To4ee; ran lead numiHiw. iweTir one pteee or muwlc-al ctwnnly; re- apit.sme manigin only. KATHKYX EARLE'. Grn- S!‘JL*’l‘»’ty. Grand Rapl^._MUii._

ffi'K BC.SIXF8.S- Age 22; 5 Jio- u.L.'i'. *"?*'*'**• "••c ptcre. nyxetidre or tauderlllr. — ' “ ‘ ** • *( Hatlle St . Bamllton. Ont .

8 « ‘.I GF.MUl.AL HI SI.M^s.s MAX li. Ml, <»«»<• pU'c© or Tauik^lUe. i

i"E KnsK. 14 ,4*4 ,, _ Hamilton, th.l

.**?''* *^ .** KIXtl -For Irade, hrartra or gen- A.I4.U Kli.tlrr f«*r t^iaiio: Atghf rrailrr. IV,' I * **' U. KlMi, iirneral IMUcry, i

UltOs n.Trr. eerMil'le; up In 3 original bllU; ■w.e oibin; ,1.,, ig_ 15. retsitahle

ofiU. l>. ('AHleOtt. care Ttitvplan. KajiAaa

o •! V ** _***■■IMIM'K ^'liaractt-m, br%t v*»vlaliy, ^ ■-•^h iiiiiMtal xliin* L»r tirainailo: ipuml taUry.

•. Mh W <HiiarW»_st^nih^o. 111. ^_

'*^*”*«*lc niH-iItttcr; JufiiilUa, hi'ar- , •" Wi«rag|,T atul MU; UMh ifcmhle • iiiu%i4*R| wuolahlm: vimmI iiti a<-r». iiUn-

- ‘ * HK44TIIIWS. J.n»Hn. M.%

aiiit f.»r tnr mu * k < r uittl; <K)4* ii|ght<r «»r taMt^d ; hare

o \i i..,' /'(llnvtor with fcrli»u. ' 'M. ...r.- milUbanl. N.-w \\*€k nij._

li.g *. 'V“' * **'!» \t ‘nbtiiy. iHtlna to rU>A ■ **t*«ral buAltii«Me WtaraMd'r i^*m<'i!lan:

\i\- \ i- '*^ <ir MKTttarr itniAfal iv-

^ I .4.I lls \|| 11,^ MHiga ar*> IlMt'il In

u- ' 11 ***' *‘**‘’* •'*** write Ihi* Uif ' •**•'h'UhrH. ■('A art* al»«i gtr^'n In

u - T Ilk‘'aA”.''.*’* ^*** • thi'af^r hmrrtirade and ra«ii- . ^ HII.I.iiuAUh. (hd'y talll ariul you profea-

Ilf I'tiarfd.

THE HARIaeWUS—Frerl, hearlni, jureiiD^, c*^ieral bualnfwa. NeUlr* gmcral buMneafte name \f^n: uo ai^altlea: )olnt oiUy; <me plw or lhr«w nighta. Tlck<*ta. 840 CurUa Are., ColuiDbua. O.

C. EHVfUNiy-JuTenllea and light ootn~ rdy; axptiirtioed; excwlJent wardroba and appearance; II'**, rttwTtoire. Tleketf Yt*. Oare of ArUnglon liotel. 8prlngflelde Mo.

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. Adeartltamaali wtthaut dleptay, uadtr thia headlai, _3a par ward.

BKAS.S POSTER F'RAMES—For one, three and •lx iheeU; alao bniw easels, brass railings; write for isnnpleto catalog. THE XEWXLA.X MFO. OO.. Cln- clnnatl, O. IQl Fourth A»e., Xew York.

FILMS FOR SALE. Advaniseataata wlthsut display, uadar this haadiai.

3e par ward.

FOR SALE CHFIAP—A suffragette political drama, ••Mr*. ■ FAnim-llne Pankhursi," tn •'Faghty Million Wianeti Wantf' This great four-reel feature. In¬ cluding Texas and Oklahoma State rlghu and lobby display, lltlnvraplis. etc., price $350; good opfxrrturdty for bualnem wianeii Addreaa WY.XOHAXI ROBERT¬ SON' MOVIXG PKTCRF: Sll'n-Y CO., SetOgast Bldg., Hou-stoa, Tex.

IXkPE To ItlPF!, or Iktalh and RcHUrrectlOD, two- reel special feature, showing I'ope and Vatican, $40.00; fine conditliai; 1, 3. 6 dieels; ptiotoe; big money¬ maker at preweiil GOKlkO.X CoilPA.N'Y, »2 Grls- w.dd St.. iKtrolt. Mich.

FOR EXCHANGE. AdksrGsraitats witksut display, aadar tbit kaadlap.

la par ward.

FIXCHAXGE Power's Rlienstat, llO-roIt. 20-ampere, like new. f<w reel g,.,d (l.m. Addrtm VICTOR E. HOLTZ AMI .SFIMENT CO.. Uanforth, ife.

F'oR FACH.A.XGE—Xearb’ new Mystic Swing. Alr- khlp. SliisAlng Gallery, elc.: for Power's Xo. 6. TenO, organs. F'lStuie Film. Ligtiu. and offers. WM SH.AW. Vli-torla. XIo.

For F7XCHAXGF> Hindoo chest escape and aate cli>t^ cabinet. What hare )oui G. M. XfOORE, Hamsburg. Pa. .

FOR THEATER EQUIPMENTS—Sa<* as aeaU. pfe- ture machines, etc., see EEARS THEATFai SUPPLY CO., 5Ut (Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo.

FTtEAK FOR SALFl—Calf with six legs, two heads, two tails; mounted. U. P. XEVILLS. Cenrad, Mont.

JACKSOX 50-H. P. AUTOMOBILES-Speedster t)pe. good running order, fast oar; Q. D. tires, like new; price. $375. or will trade. J. R. RIFTLE, Clanton. O.

SPECIAL—Limited stock of line dgan. banded; box of 50, $1.25, lOo poeUge. W. A. BROUK, 1321 Ats a, Xew York.


Advartiataieata wRhsut ditplay, uadtr thia headlai, 3« per word.

FOR SALE—Theater and alrdome. In town of six thousand In Missouri; will sell whole or ha.f Interest to right party ; cheap If sold at once; reason, sickreea. Planien’ Hotel, Mexico, Mo.

MOVI.XO PICTURE THEATER FOR SiALE-Ooe of the best eouipped theaters in Northwestern Kansas; capacity, 308, and doing a nice business; no opposi¬ tion; s good proposition for a lire wire. To tare u.<ielesa ooiTcspondence, call and look ewer the propo¬ sition. STFIVEXS BROS., People's Theater, Smith eVnter, Kan.

ONLY SHOW; population, 3,500; own light plant; $1,2.50 cash. BOX 275, Trenton, Tenn.


kdvtelltaaicntt without display, undar this haadlni, le per word.

18 RFlFUJi FINE FIEM. with couple two-reel fea¬ tures; $50.00 takes the lot: deposit $15.06. FTtEL) SCHAEF-ER, 1610 .X. 2d Street. Philadelphia, Ps.

ARKAXSAWYFaUS DON’T WEAR "BIIED” SHIRTS Heine, for sale, three duaen white dress shirt.*. 14 to 17 sizes. ■ (Krld," "Wllsoo” and "Sil- rer" branils, ousting $8.lsi to $12.06 doaen: guaran- tec<L Want a swell dress shirt ? Send me 66c for one, prepaid. LFX)X B. XI.AX’F:H, Atkins, Ark.

WANTS FREE ADS BARRED The following voluntarj’ advice from a seasoned and dead wise

showman urging the abolition of free ads was received by The Bill¬ board last week. We print it in order to invite rejoinder from actors. Kditor The Billboard:

You have got them started your way. Anything free, not rightly earned, is never appreciated by the public, as a whole. The hardest person to please is a person who gets something for nothing—the greatest knockers we have to contend with. If a performer is broke give him credit for 30 days. Charge them at least 25 cents for 25 words and it will elevate the performers. Performers who take ad¬ vantage of the free ads are look .d at as down and out or cheap hams. Have a free column and a paid column and you will find the majority will pay as they know it elevates them in the eyes of managers. You have so-called performers advertising for weeks for work, who don’t want work as they have good Jobs, but just advertise to see how much mail they can get. This is the truth, as I POSITIVELY KNOW. They change their names week after week. If you charged them even two cents they would not do it, as they are too cheap to spend any¬ thing for an ad and just do it to amuse themselves. The Billboard is a wonderful paper and is yet in its infancy. I am no newspaper man nor a well-known manager, but have played the jungles for 13 years and have a little money and a nice outfit. I look for The Billboard like a kid looks for the Fourth of July and Christmas. Am not trying to tell more able men than myself how to run an already suc¬ cessful paper, but what I have said is what I think.

Yours truly, FRANK H. THOMPSON.

FOB KLTH.LXGE^—One bMutiful grwxi »gp«Btry tlroo (D««). 16x23 tMl, with 4 wings; a'lso • lot of mgglo, to exchange for good Elusions, or I wlU pax oaah frr gnHl Illusion. Whst hare you? Xlx gissls are flrst-olass. and yours must be, or do lot write Adilnw G. «'IUlin.M, Excelsior Springs. Moi

FtkR JIXCTLL.XGE—Mandel Xo. 1 post card Nmera, gissl as new, cost $40.60. foe 2 oountry store wheels or concession tent H. E GREF-X. 27 Cane Spring St., Risne. Ga.

FOR SALK OR TRADE-Autoinohile. 4 passenger. In gooil condition, new tlnw; will trade for pro¬ fessional motion picture camera, tripod, Ult and pano¬ ramic. Write what you hare. CEVUPE LUSK. Wapakoneta, Ohla

FOR TR-LDt One B C, concert graphophonr, rlth 5.font braiw horn; 4 minute attachment: outfit cost $12560: In fine n>ndltlun. One ball-bearing piddle wheil and paddles. IXTiit hare you to trade? CHAS. yr.XIXT.LXt'Fr. Bi-anlstn«n. HI.

I H.LX’Fl six gnoil films. In first-class condition, that 7 will exchange for rower's 6 or 6.L machine: will pay the dlffermee In cash; answer quick. S. R. WARE. Sparta, Tenn.

.FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS, kfivirtlasaieatt wnkaul dlsglay. uadtr kit ktadlag.

3a uer ward.


El.TX' IN) . Omaha. Xrb

FMR S\I.F7 Two Wsnier flaming arcs. :i6-to;t. 60 cDch's. 2.IMS) candle i»wor: pcrln-t condltl.m: 50 rar)*ofis liu-lUiUsl: $10 tsch. J. It. STINFl, Li-hamsi, Indians.

FXVK S.M.F; Two small Mack bears. In good coo- dllloti: write for iurtlculsrs. .\M>UEW STRin'T. I .Xltamisil, 111.

FOR SM.F Tlie coforlghls of my two iKSigs (tltlesl. ■My FXteUr” and "DsdiLv's Ultle (!lrl:” ptwlLvely

the moot Insullful words and music written In visrs. If Tiwi bitv sisiits iHiI.rIglil. send for sample pmfessliwial tsqli'S and make me \mir hlgliest casli utter for the i>6»'r1ghls. .Iddriss the uwiii'r, F'RWK L HILLI- GOSS. tis \V. First .SI,, X , Aiidersin, liuL

FDR S-VI.f: 150 pairs Rlchanlsiwt fuller skates, fins HHidltliSi; diesp BOX 32.*. B.uefleld. W. Va.

$36.06 CASH takes complete show, comprising per- $6* 44-lb. octopus and 10ii6-ft>ot archway Lanncr, mauReaBy new. BURKHARDT * BIRTCH, 155 6th AWk. IXeWolt, Mich.

ATTFiXTlOX'—Sroond-band opera chairs In broken Iota, set up or knock down, for proogrt shipment: aereral wire orders this week froaa Texas. EMPIRE SKAT F3CHAXGE. Coming, X. Y. New Yewk offlee. Room 510, 1400 Broadway.

BARGAINS IN XfAGIO-EFcape sacks. $1 00. Send stamp for list. DFUT. 1, HEA.XF.'Y XtAGIC CO.. Berlin. Wls

B.XRO.LIX — Hindu Inrlslble writing wgnd, 500 letters, 3 satin robes and make-up; uiiesl only two ilajs: $5.00 takes the outfit. JOHN DA.N1KLSO.X. 16 W. Stale St., JackaoiiTllle. Fla.

CDMPLETK: drawings, photos and plans, from which anyone can build at eery little expense The Taming of Flectrlcdty act, u.*lng either 110 or 220 altemitlng or dlDvl csirrmt and producing a two-inch flame: can be handled by anyone, and you can do any of the disnonstratlons the big-time acts hsve done, and with no danger or shocks whaterer. Xlsde so xnyone can understand It. Mailed prepaid for $5.00: satis¬ faction guaranteed. XLXX.XtJFUl, Orplieum Tlieater. Hartford. Wls.

ELE4TRIO PIANOS, with keyboarda. $150: ortfiiea- trlona. with pipes, $275; must be sold u> doae out kUBlneoa. J F. HFIRXIAX. 1410 Pa. Ars.. Waab- ogten, n C

Fn>IS»>X F'AHIBITIOX MODFIL AND I'OWFlR’.'t Xo. 5 PltTl'RE M.XCHIXFIS—Cimiplcte with unper and lower nugazlnes. new no T. rhnietat and Bauseh A Ixwnh lenst-s. also rewind: even thing reaily to ops rate: u-sol only a few miinths: guaranteed tlrs*.- condition: will take $75 00 for either machine: will .ship suhjnt to InsptvtUsi. HDW.LRD, 2i l Houser Bldg . St. Louis. XIo.

Fi»R S.\LF:—XIoTlng picture ft,m.s and machines: nssl as new; send for list, LVCEl XI FILXl FIX- CH.XXGE. South Bend. Ind.

FDR S.lIJi - .Xrmltsge A Guinn msehli.e. ehesp fur some prlrlUges bookevL U. C, XIcIXTVRE. F’on.stTllle. X. Y.

FDR S.\Ij;. BARGAIN—Two-octare steel marlmba- plione, new. WILLIAXISOX, 306 W. 106th St.. X'ew Yurk i'ilj.

FDR sale—Prof. Hutto'a Museum of Anatomy, all boxed, with skipping boxes; new banner, poles and. ropes; reason for selling, other business. BOX 133. Winfield, Kansas.

FOR 8ALF3 AT A BARGAI.X—Three Illusions: Cre¬ mation, Fish Girl and Girl In the Gilded Cage; all In tint-class condition; platforms, jacks, curtains, mirrors complete; trunks and boxes for same; also Cremation and Girl In Gilded Cage banners. 9x12; a (vmplete sliowr; $75.06 cash takes It all; now being used: will exchange fur monkeys or other llTe pit attrsctloris. HARTWIt’K A LI.XDY. care Cllfton- Kelley Shows, Dixon, 111.

F1>R SALF5—Hlgh-piU-h Bb clarinet, in case; 17 keys, 6 rings; netrly new; I*rufer make, $20. AKo buffet bass clarinet In case, like new, $60. eltiter C. O. U. on trial; or will trade for saxiphoiie or alto melophiHie. FU> STtKlDILL, 4643 Greenwood Are., llilcagu. 111.

FDR SALFJ- Blazing the Trail, 2-reel Biwsi. $.'>6: Fur a Wistem Girl. Bison. $10; Taft In Panama. Selig, $11; several spilt reels, excellent subjects: big bargains. J. W. HOPl’ER, Coming. X. Y.

FDR SALE—Five reels of good film, all dandy subjwis; will sell ilieap; also two nicke'-plaleil side Ubles. BILL THFl SHOW.XLXX. Spalding, -Much.

FDR R.ALB—Three whole show oiilflt.s. banner and curiueity with each (Kie. at $2U and $2.5 each; Ust free. NFR-SOX SUPPLY HOUSE. 514 FI. Fnurth SI., Buetcsi, Mas.*.

FDR SALFi—t'ajnel-baik .spindle, $4. Ihrie-way drop $5; squteze spindle with board, $5, two- way striking machii e. $2: hymnemoii.* tub, 3 Ivory dii-e, $5. XflLLERHAT'S. 836 Fultoii St , LinusTllU). Kentucky. _

F1)R SALF> -One lot of nwgic. $.5 iMi. (1. -M.

MtKjRH, Harrisburg, Pa.

FlkR S.\LF>-Xlckel-plateil spindle and sisket ilart gallery, cloth 4x8. two air rifl.s, 19 watiii G)ee: bargain. $7.nO. G M. .MtMiKE, 918 t apiiol St.,

Harrisburg. Pa

FI K SALF3 Fallsisi M P Moilel B mailiiiie. with [iLagaziiU'S, lauiii hou.*e and table: al*o one 12x14 w-reeii; all in g«»«l oonditloii: priie $iin.(in MIKE BITSiD. It. F'. l> 2. Bint 55, .Misind Valley, Kan.

FDH SALFl OR FlXi 11A.NGF3 .Slot maililnre. elei- Bic banjos, Hegina music boxi's, Fali.son and Kosen- rteld plHHiograil.-. ebisrii- gun*. i>uni1iing mailiiiire. .Mills' Deweys, faille llicks. Xo. 1 Mainbl tsistcanl i-aitura, small elisiric lliiiuing outfit, pnies rigid.

F’ I). ROSE, tilouci-ster. .Mass.

F'OR SALE UHF-.AP—40x60 lent, a*e«l isie seawsi,

giast isniditliHi: 5 length* 6-ller stats, liiairs; will buy tent 6<'x90 if tlieap CHAtv tdO.NS,

Unatlilla, X. Y.____

F'iiR SALK Large B C. graphig'b.sie, bra-*, bom. t1is>r stand. 150 bice nwriL*. RAi s. CRtk'KKK, Wellington, t)luo.

FDR TlD-ATFJl KXH'lPMK.NTSr Such as bb;; ture mactiMies, etc., see LFARS IllElTFdt SUI 1 1 1 (,D.. 5t9 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Xlo._

HERSCUELL-SPlLLMAN M. O. eter, 24 horses. 4 chariots, top, organ, double-cyllnaar Dtigine, newly painted; big bargain; $860.06 cash C.

J. MURPHY, Eljilt. Ohio._

HOOP RoLLFUtS. BtKtl’S (Large) FOR SALE-- JOHNNIB BEJLaLY, Stow«‘A R. R. Shows, perinanetil

aUdreaa NUw, Mich.____

XIAGIC—A complete twenty-mintile **'* eluding all apparatus aiul full Instructloiis, $50. Mi-- KEES SI'HOITL OF MAGIC. 747 East 28tb 8L. law

Armeltw, Ctl. _____■

MAGICIANS, ATTENTION—Big ten-page bargain

sheet of used magic fooals, just want used magic goods; what hare yoMi Ust price. GILBERT NOVELTY CO., Morgan l^ark, IB.__

MBCH • XICAL SHOWS, mummifled curiosities, ball

games, magic and other gtxKls; or will exchang*. vf^ haw you? W. J. COOK, 122 W. Malu St ,

Richmond, IntL____

MFaUiy-GO-ROUND—Forty-foot Twentieth

Herschell-Spillmaii; 24 horses. 3 eharlots. lovers tub,

SoiSR-cyllSder engine, new and iMiig business dally_ ALONZO IALMF-B,

General Delivery, Brantford, OnL. Canada._

MonOGRAPH, slightly iwd. a; a prise Gas Machines, as good as new, $17,50. E<l^». Power's and other makes at bargain prices, films. a«ig

and lecture sets, for sale or free. NATIONAL F31PLOXMLNT CO.. Duluth.



complete road outfit, finest of condition. jrilhlS r«l3 flrst-clasa fl.m; sacrifice for $85.00. jeet examination. $15.00 depcwlt. FRED SCHAEF¬ ER. 1610 N. 2d Street. Philadelphia. Pa ^

MOVING PICTIRB XIACIllNB-A'omplete. almost new With magaaiucs, automatic sliutter. rheostat, ga* and elecuic; also 12 gtx*! reel* of film. In fine con¬ dition mostly Western and iximedy; 6 sets a song sUdes and music; $2o6 cash taki-s all. vrlll traiw for a good seixsid-hand F'onl automobile. Wnlo MRS. E E SE.tXL\N, lATa. .N. Y._

Xfl'SlCAL t'.LA8SF2i F\)r sale cheap, or exchange for other Instrument. BOX 181, Effingham, Ill.

NO. 3 XLAXDEI. CAMF31.A—Tripod, wringer, grad¬ uate hydromoter, lens; In new (XHidition; deposB ex¬ press chargis for C. O. I>., or $16 takes It. K. F.. B.ANKS. Hbisington. Kan. _

IDRTABI.B XU)TORl)Rl»M>: FDR SALE—Cash; chi-ap. Apply STAR AXU Si:ME.\T CO.. Klvervlew

Park. Chicago. __

POWFUl'S 5, with ien*.s to fit your throw, $60 (Hi; 6 A $18(i.mi; alHWit lot) nel*. $3 isi and $160. HOLDEXmFa) SUPPLY HOUSE, 804 SU'Ji Aye,

New York. _

IDWFIR S NO. 5. dsnplcte, $66; serpentine dance tires.*, $6; HlmU*> clis-k dial. $'•; Illustrated stsig*. T.V; one b ack art outfit. $14: magician’s outfit. $20; full dress coal and vest, 36, $7; .cH '-f small n'r-gic cheap, staaqi for list, WILSON, 33 Peail St.,

Hisluwler, N. Y.

SFXDXD SIGHT AiT N.v.r uffinsl before for sab’ Mi-dluju is blliidfoMist, with back to audience, and iwofettssvr wxwkii.g In aiiitleni-e, and Insiaiitly she giTi-s dales and kind of .sin*, isdi.r and kind of buttoiM. tinw' and numlver of wthlns and fully de- scTltss any article given the iirofiwnor: and nevi r during the entire ad diH-s the professor spejiK a woeil, make a signal or movemisit of any kind, Xfe- dlum can a.*» name partbs wto give articles fur tiwts. and there are no pteaira.-igeiusnt.s. at«le nlri-*. etc. Guaranteisl eiadly a* ruMsyenteil. and will sell ixvniplete for $:’.5.m>. one-third ildavstt. balance C. O. D. MA.VAGEK. Ikpliejm Thoiter. Uiriford, Wia.

62 X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

Marine pldure. luctiina, $S6; cel- duB oiitnt iiid 2 (limit, IIS; clot electric harp, $30;

KNIFE nxiS FOB KNIFE BACKS -Send tl.M for nample. F. W. UULTZMA.N, Sll Mukd Sc.

llLiABINlTr—lUiti pitch; undrretaiidt bend end or- chratri; eeiite pniUun irltli •how herliie own can.

ul*KH.\T<iR Anr machine; aUii writer, norelly adrertlirr; i jren’ rxprrlmce; locate anrwhtrr. rvf- rmioe A-l; «atU(ar<lun fuarantenl. Tl-krt! No- MoNTK, »S Farker St . Ni-wark, N. J. _

ol-lJCkTliB. IJJXTBU'IAX, SKIN IVRITIIR Six yean' rkperlrfioe; any mactitiie; A-l lUCrrrtice. prrf.n ptuHictImi: locate or trarcl; ulair reeaonable. FK.\NK STIKN*. Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohlg

ORCHESTRAS AND BANDS. AdrartlMaieett wltbaat display, nader tkk kcadlsf,

Sa per leard._

BAND ANI> URc'HKMTBA—Tra plecat: wants win¬ ter rttcaprmenL At liberty In October. AddrrM frank T. OBirriTU. care SelU-Floto Circus, as per route.

PARKS AND FAIRS. Al Liberty Adrortlseaeata, wltbeat display, eader tale

beadiap. are Publlebed true pi ebarpe AiaioNAlT WALTER C SfHOU^ For (sirs,

parks, etc.; Ont-clasa outflt; pfioss rsasoiis^ile: para¬ chute leape, anywhere, any tlaw; Labor l>a) open. Aihireaa Slid K P2d St., Chicepo. _

SITt'ATIOV WA.NTEn—In theater orchestra by A-l clarinetist: 12 years’ eaperleoce; A. F. at M.; also picture operator and stape elertrldan. B. M. C*>L£, TS^Wash. St.^Jlouoeeter. Masa. _ “snare DRl'klMEB AT' LIBERTY—For camiral or dmis: need tlcfcrt. Address BALFH LEAlllK. care Billboard. Cincinnati, Ohio. _

A-l CORNET PL.AYEB—I>eelres position nr any¬ thing that pays: theater and stock company. Wire WALTra SCHOFIELD, 606 Tower Are., SuiKTlor. Wisconsin. _

A-l CORNETIST—Prefer theatre or road: will ac¬ cept poeltSon aa leader of band In town where posi¬ tion as printer oould be obtained. LEUN.IBO A. UUREHISON. General DeUrerr. New York Oty.

INAPT Mare open Udm for fairs, home-isen- Ings, stc ; paid ouUlis: saildscilou fusraiilred. sll letters snawrrrd promptly. Address U* ll.kLToN. CUmaz, ]d:oD.

SNARE DRPMMEB—Ten yean' expetieiscr: wants looatlon In South; also ooraetlat wsnts poattton in aaas town; pity In band and ordMetra: nfsrsnoa a A. HVrHKlNOTON. Boa TI. 8L UMOm. Mo._

A-l DBPICUER—Union: with tympanl. bella aae* marlmbtphonee: orchestra work preferred: will go any pUoe In U. 8. or Osnada. Address LAWBENCE F. FT'LLER. Decatur. IClch. _

AL RANTZ -Slack wire expert, excellent free act, blgn dees act for fair*, parka, drma or camlraia GOTTLEY, *3 K Fourth SL. Brooklyn. N Y.

■OLD OOKfSr—Band leader; long mpacScnce; sll letters siicwecrd. those wanting lha Baas mldrraa O. A. PETEB80N, Blair. Okla _

A-l FUTE AND PIOODIO KLATEEr-Dealraa po¬ sition In New York; fully experienced and strictly reilsIMe and sober. J. J. UDNERGAN, 528 Wact 133d St.. New York Oty._

AMiUlK'A'S MOST SPtVERSrUL AERoNAlT— J A Furhuah Halloon Ooaupany, BaHoonlai Hal- kma ssrweitlans, parachute leapt, nl^t aacantlons with flfewoeks dim ay T BuHneh St.. Boston. Ha.-

HALlAMiMST AND HIGH DIVkai Slng.a'or d-ai- ble parsdiuts lewpt. I perform bath ada perwxially. parke. falra, eeletiratluna. etc. C. A CHANI'LlJt. T35 Park Ae.- IridtanaieilU. tnd.

HOTELS. Adyartlaaaaata wRhmB display, aadar this baadlag

smuiNO OORNFTr—Band Inatructor. traael or lo¬ cate. Address L., Band Leader. 5PT W. ■ghth 8L. Olndnnatl, (Alo._

THLIATER DRUIOTEB—Mght rrader and thor¬ oughly experlenoed: bells, xylophona and full line of trap* Address TRAP DBUMMUt. 21$ Bethuna Are . E. Drtrott. Midi

A-l ORCHESTRA COB-N-ETIST—Al Hberty for com¬ ing season: thoroughD experieneed and oompetant; raudertlle theater preferred; A. F. of Jl.: reference. Addroa B. M. McKEE. Findlay. Ohio._ ■ A-I STTRINO BA.SS PLAYEIL-Would Ilka steady work In theatre or dance work: A. F. of M.; can fire reference. ELWY.N A. UOORE. 4 N. Church St.. Cortland, N. Y. _

DCTROIT, MICH . FAIRFAX HOTEL. Bagld and ClUTord. Prafeaalonal FStea, 16 60 and up: ST.60 and up with bath.

TRAP DRUMMER-lIMperlmard trouper; 16 years In buslneas: trarci or lonatc: tidwt if juav* Is over 85 06; Jotn on wire. _r. H WAI-Jwy. (Nmeewd. Mich.

~TRAP~I>RI'MMI'K (BelU. Xylophone. Tympanl) — A. F. of M.; thoroughly experlennrd and reliable: no pidura show grinds or piano and drums A.idram GBP BUTTI'Jtlt. MaRwIlo^Tbealer. Manor., _

YKAP DRUMMER Bella and rtferts: treerl or i»- ette: also play rsudewllle Addreas H.tlLNT AT- WiwiD, <ars Sedhel Bros * Sliow, ^’sler'owu, Wls _

TRAP DRUMMER FuH line d traps; 16 years' ex¬ perience In TsudeylUe. pteturcs; married, like lorw- tten Address JOS. DfXANEY, til Main St . Fair- | monU W. Vs._

TRAP DRUMMF.R Wants permanent pnsliton In Ttmleetlle or picture theater: hare marlmbephone. xylophone, befit, tympeni, oeer 260 traps end effeits. ■SAM RUSTlJt. Generel IMlTeTy. Hsrrsrd. UL_

TR.tP IrRUMMER Experienced” ell lines: Tsiide- yllle, pfctiires, bells and 5 trunks at traps and ptdnre efferts: union; theater prefrrrr<I. PAUL B GOSS. '')*! E lows St . JNsnsrille, Ind._ _^

TRAP DRUMMini Six years' experience: Ix-sle or trsrel: fair kfi<>wle<lcr of nperallnt Attdisws J STAIJ.I^GH. Rl.-helleu No. t. Indlsnsp<ms. Ind_

'TR.tP DRUMMER Plar all traps. wlsh<w postilon In picture nr fiuderiUe house for wtnter: writs nr wire P MURRAY. 6<i« H Isl SI.._ Dekalb, Ill.

TR.tP DRUMMER Union man: (•ells, xylophoeim. mailmhsphnnes: experlenred Tsuderille, piciure drum¬ mer: cloainx year's naitrad here: sll Irltrrs an¬ swered. Write or wire JAUK 0'GR.tDY. Union,

Ind. _ __ _ __ _ _

TRAP DRUMMKJl. PIANO. SLIDE TROMIIOVE —Man and wife: bdia, chimes, xylophone and it- feets; joint or single; txpesienced ner^estrs. Tsude- rille, ptdures. 566 Msplw Row. Elldisri, Ind

TT*BA—Double string bass and second Addle: also coniet. R. and O.; both double baritone; troupers; minstrel or winter road show. ED .NlGIITINGAI^l, 11)14 BayaUller St., gnalnnstl. Ohio_

TWO HORN PI-ATUBS—Would trsrel or locate, with a good band or nrehestrs: members of the A. F of M Addryas J KRIVAOFJC, IT61 Indapettdsnra Rd., Cleveland. Ohky.

WVkLNTRKt JU1M1UNG AND BAIJkN’CIVG ACT —Manlpulslloe.s of yari<Mia oteyeyts. la<D and gtr*. f<ir fairs, .do.. In Idilalxima. Arkaneas, Kansas art Mtowju..- _THE BAK.Nin-U4. okisliuma lYty, oks

L.IDY (HlAtT: With her Ihrtittiig gf'cip pa/s-Tiu't bsli: St act. new autrt, nifty cnsit.iism. wswe .ipco •Ime Wire or wrt'.. Mr SMXsfan, la 24‘>5 I'lf- bounie Ate , Ul.Usmo III ___

MARVEUM'S H.Sm'MoN’ H gh”wlf*”w’alkey liig Uio high. a ilerldM! fealurs ect fur perk«, fslrt. Me Ad.trem 4ri I'oeiage St , ll-sdi.sSef. N V

MINK l>eRc'>Nl-A Sriwailncial balt.wsi sstvy si c single, d.ubis or triple dnast. para-f.ule eyi<a«Ml n I'WTwslo. wh4cn ekp'tidea In midair, i Iglit s-v-'k' <, balloai renea A-'.ireoa ill.dsard, Ihl.a.s _

PAR-ktwji TB JUMIO'Ji Perachule )6W«. stone. a<rtmU.iea, bullitlngs siwl anything .wry 4 feet high, iiairg Case chute. Address W U. S4 IlidJ,, 3120 K 6J.: SI . tVikago

'niE GHILtT MARVEL HANIM-UEF KING I to ths river yump aa free ml: salary y.str limit. Ih-k. v ArWIrms MM J S.\TUIIUJ.. 1S6 Matilun A.c. Ibttriile^. R I __ _ _ _

THE NoRTHWI'2fT|.aiN’ IIAI.Um>n”uo In < y<w are dlaaptsdnieil al lha last mlnuD <w ba" ' red <ysitrsr1e<l, wIrt or write 2|i 5 (Tytesirn .1' . (Ydeago _

THE STIRWAI.TH F.wir pi-dtle 4 s.ds ~ for llte. nsitisdUsi, gymtiasis, a-t.iltaUc i».sli.g reituring lusclliie and Zens fair si-ry<tarti-s w. rssti biSHl. R I’ HTIIUDVALT, llllllNtenl. < natl

“”WE ARE OPEN I'OR I.IBoR DAY I’sik- • fairs. 3 big halliaais. ilioitde and sliigir lara-s ’» dnsts. wisk guarantcesl J W HAMIToN t'lt '• ME\T Co , 4o«* Fourih SI . INanstllle. In.l ___

PARTNER WANTED. kkvartlaraitBts wllktiif glsglay, eagar Ikla ktaglag. _tj_ ear ware_

AMATEUR seyUlIRlTrTE To Join all mund os. - •Ban who la experiences! In all lines: lady m*ist b*'* pHst Toli-w and form and be willing to join quick. I'- Dwtunlly for adrannsneoil to rtgtit party, niusl il

I talml no nlutarle: refemirsu exidiangnl. Addr ' GIJLN W. IMtHDN, Greevilleld, Ohio.

A-l TRAP DRUMMia—Sounda and effecUi: srantx paelUon with R. R. show or picture bouse: experl- anoed In all lines; read or fake. W. WHITCHARD, Blakely, Ga._

A-l VIOLINTST AND PIANIST—Man and wife; thoroughly experienced In ordieetra, Tauderille and motion pSeturee; cueing pirturrs our specialty; U- brary; iKerencea. VIOLINIST. General Dellrery, Greenrllle. Mich.

ALTO—Can join on wire; well i^perienoed. O. E. KEI.LY, 413 Wyoming Are. Wyoming. O.

AT LIBFIRTY—Violinist, sdth music: doublm alto In band ORtKESTRA LEADER. Speed Are. Lod- taTUle._ Kj. ___ ”aT LIBERTY—Vlallnlat (leader), union; eiperi-

enecd ail linee, yaudevllle preferred. Addreas VIO¬ LINIST. 826H York SL. Quincy. lU^__

BANTIMASTER—A-l strong comet; large library music: win consider anything that pays; A. F. of M. LEO M. HOESLE, Wausau. Wls.

OEIJ.IST—Fiperienoed; A F of M.; locate only; theater or hotel engagement dealred. F. B. GBDBOE, cape Billboard, Clnctnnatl, O._

(TiAHIN'ETIST—PnalUon with band; troupe or mu- ntcliml band: to locate; Join at once for balance of season LEO L. BfXlDANOO. 1321 G SC. Marya- rtlle.Cal._

CLARINET—Wlahee to locate: want aome poritjon and donate aerylcca to band or orcheetri; In Arkansas or Texas. JOF; SMITH, General DeUretr, Kansas Oty, Mo._

CLARINCTT.ST—Schooled, rxpeelenoedl htre been with gnesi ones; no bonae; good refarenoe; union; pre¬ fer picture or raudexllle bouse; would travel. Ad¬ dress BOX 248, Msttoon, III.

CLARINETLST - FMperienoed B. A O.; would ’ike to looite with good factory band: am elestrlcUn; typ¬ ist or oOlas man. E. KMCMtES, 1748 E. Oak St., New Albany, Ind.

CORNITTIST—^Troupe or locate; prefer job that )>aa anme oevheatra work. J. T. CARTER, cara Miller Shows, Tracy City. Tann.

WANTinv-Performers who can change for three nights or week; magician, norelty man. nsualcal man. plane pla.ver, etc.; w ould oonsder good, ambitious amateur: tell all In llna letter, and make salary low. as K is absolulcD sure; I p.ay small towrw with raudevllle and moring tketuru. WILL S. GENARO. ITlUierall, Minn.

tVANTHk- Good all-round man for raudoville act. The stuff 1 oerry doeai.'t require union man. but prefer one; must be able to furnish good refer¬ ences. Address VAUDEVILLE AGENT, Broadway Tliester, Iretrolt. Mich.

W ANTED—Young girls who wish to learn pi dsaUc on Rooun rings and Irapese; do dangerc work: alao ladlee who can work the same already. 1 flikt-dass ladiea’ gymnastic act; state In flmt let weight, height, age; If possible send photo In tlgh widch srlll be returned ANTON BRAGAAR. ci P. Taunlg. 104 E I4th St.. New York.

WANTTH) Me-tldne lecturers; line proposition to ttiose who ran make good Addmw MUSKOGEE UHKMIUAL tk)., IlikX 663, Muskogee, OklL

WA.NTa) Repertoire p<y>ple In ill lines, general bustii.--s: all r>od petmie write. Adilress EUWARlbS A MURRAY. Aslilaiid Ill., week 31st

lyvewriier, aiu. raccnang* nuu iqr leo'. manonetiee or freaks. R. WAI.DHON, Box 456. CanitberiflUc, Missouri.

8Wk»ND-HAND BlIHI.I’^tQUE (N>«rUME»—Won¬ derful bargaltui: great for Tabldda: send for big llaL Addreas UDSTt ME AGE.NT, Broadway Theater, De- trotl. Mich

HI.IGHTLY USED SLUT MACHINES AX'D SP1N- DLILS All kinds; aet.d for prioaa UNIVERSAL Si'Kk MALTY UO., 1405 S. SerenUi, St. Louis, klo.

STIKEOPTICON SUDES of evaty daacrlpUan; will aril dirt cheap; real hargatns; write quick. CHAS WILLIAMS. 2720 Park, SL Lotila, lio.

THREE SCIDITU’O.N'.S-Complete wlUi water, doud, (Ire and liglitidng discs: iicrer used; sell or Dade for tent outfit: want illusions. LEW DE VOE, lleSoto Hotel. Msnsfleld, Ohio.

TWO 12 liwii JANDUS OSCILLATING FAN'S, two 16-Inch U. E fans, direct current 116 foils: pKkI as new ; $10 each. WesUnghouse direct current getieralor, 6 K. W., 125 V., 48 amperes, with awltdi- l.osrd complete, 8160. MUNSON L. HATCH, War¬ saw, N. Y’.

Y’DU WILL HAE TO HURRY—Our goods on Bir- gsln List .No. 12 ire sel.lng fast; over 200 bargains 111 maylc. InduiUng tables, raeapes, INuich and reitlrtl- oqulst figures. liiMks for dreus perfonners, $1.00 per 1181; sell St lOc emh: sample, lOc. SYLVIAN'S kLCGIC PAKI>oH.S, 64 Sabin, ITovIdenoe, R. 1. Send for big bargain list and catalog, free.

FURNISHED ROOMS; AdvarllseMeett wlthaut diaplay, uedar this baadlag _It par ward._

SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Woemer: blgh-daaa rooms running water, steam beat; serrice day and night bath free; within <ne to three blocks from all Utae trea: prices reeaonable 231 E. Fayette SC

HELP WANTED. Advartlassieata wRkaul diaplay, uedar this haadlag

3i par arerd._

W.A.NTKI>— Good rloUnlst and trombone players for army band. Addnaa UHIEF' MUSICIAN, Ft. Myer. Virginia.

H.MtP PUAYlUl WANTED -For concert and dance ocdiestra for wtnter season, starting middle of Oct.; must be roropeUvit man tnd able to play piano: score at sight. Addreas U K. ]’., Lock Box 31, Laneaboru, Minnesota.

Li:.APlH WANTra>-K<tum act; also lady to (III In; bisiked to Dissynher at fairs: state parilculary and be ready to join (Wi wire: amateurs and boomTs, no. MANAGini AUtlAL THIHIPE, care General DeUrery, WliKHia, AUnn.

M.tN'.MiER W.CNTEIk One who can lake orer a M. P. theater as hla own and make it pay; no monco needed, payiiix small now; can be made to pay; send tump or come. RdVAI,, Sandusky, Ohio.

tiiiaourg, I'a.

LEAR.N’ WO.NDEBFUL TRUNK MYSTERY and oUiera; big saiartea paid In rauderille. Partloulara, write E S, THACKER, Groton, Tompklua Oo., N. Y.

MFU.NL’S BA.N'D ANT> ORCHESTRA INSTRU¬ MENTS, 1566 Third Are.. New York City. Perfect Uudng. repel ring, plating; free oalaloga, Uetlmautala. trial, guarantee.

R. WHITE, manufactum' of oompoalUon nugget jewelry; looks like g-o-l-d. wears like g-od-d. Setid stamp for price Uat P. O. Box 424, Bed Bluff, Cal.

MISCELLANEOUS. At Liberty Akyartlaamaeta. utftbairt bleplky, aider Mi

kaadlRf, art pubitahed fret af ebarpe.

FDtl'WlFLNCKD CARPl-lNTER—Wlahee poalUon aa aUfe carpenter with burlesque or other theatrical oomptny, with chance to take parL GEO. S. WILDE. 5620 S. Peoria St., Chicago, lU._

PKOP8, rajXTRIClA.V, SCENIC ARTIST—That does aoull parts: will locate or tikTel; sober and re¬ liable; 5 n. 2; IJ6 lbs. FRANK STERN, Billboard. tYiicliinaU. Ohio.__

~^’E.NIo””AKTI.«tT—Flrat-dasa; long stock experi¬ ence. VKTOB M.ARTIN, 145 E. 56lh 81., New ^ork ettj._

SUHNIC ABTLST —Props, electrician, that does small t>arts; locate or trarel; sober and reliable at all times. FRANK STIUIN', care Billboard, Clndn- natl, Ohio._

Y’Ol'.NG MA.N (211—Wishes poelllon In picture or show business: 2 seasons’ experlenoe aa assistant to business manager and In box oIBce. G. G. O.. pare lllllhoerd. New Y'ork._

YtKrNG MAN with small family wishes position at jaiiltnr In good theater; am old trouper; moelerate salary; gooel habits. A. NEIV, General Dellrery, Soottrille. Mich.

MOTION PICTURE ARTISTS. At Liberty Advarllaamaatt. wlthaut display, uuder thb

heading, are pubUthed tree uf charts.

at LlllEKTY to join fllm company; age 22; height 5 feet 9; hare had aocne experience. Addreas TEX.AS JACK ST CLAIRE, care Btdboard, CTilcego. IIL_

YriUNO klAN—24; wanU position with fllm com¬ pany as producer: can furnish sereral food plo'a. JOIX I'KltKl.NS, Billboard. ClnetnnaU, O._

MUSICIANS. At LIbarty Advarllttiaanta. wlthsut diaplay, andur tbk

bsadlag. are publlshad tria af ekarta.

■ A-l iia.nd~instri *tdr axd”otrdno CDRNCT — Ihi^lenced In all lines: references exchanged: aal- ary reasonable. BANDMASTER, 507 W. Eighth St.. tMnclnnatt. Ohio.____

A-l CORNETIST—WanU steady poalllon In it P. or Tauderilie theater: A. F of M ; several years' ex- Prvlence In vaudeville and stock. LLdYO C. H.ALL- MAN. 440 Broadhead Ave., South Bethlehem, Pa.

aume expeeinioe aa leads uu aUge. TIckcL K. 4 OUT- MA.N. Green Bay, WMa__

tX)KNCT I*LAY4ai AND BARITDNK PLAYITR— Addreaa GHNB STUCHFEY, General DrUrery, Kan- saa CYty. Mo__

DKUMM>K-Full Una of traps, bells, etc.; experi¬ enced In all lliiet; dealri's ciiange of pitalUan: A. F. M . DsTel or loutte. KULNISTT SMITH, cara Lyrlo Theater, Sac City. Iowa.__ _

DKUMMIUI AT LIBERTY—Experienced In picture work. ■Hiketf Yea. 8TE4E H. HUTCHINS, Peti- a^la. Fla._

DRUMMER -.Wants to locate: play balls, xylophone, etc.; experteeiced lit yaudevllle, conorrt. danca. Ad¬ dress E B. BALL, Cllntoo, IIL _

” DRUMMlik -A. F. of M.; flrM-claas theaur dnim- mer, play bells, xylophone and all traps: musli'al show and raudevllle experience. R W. HOUTIE. 366 Frankdn_8t., Sprtiigtield. Mass._

DRUMMiai-WrlU, xylophonea; A. F M ; married: exp<xteiK-ed all lines; wanu to luiate; prefer raude¬ rille or pKsl picture house; write or wire. R. W. H-AGinKHLN’. 3 Rm-lne Ate., Keooaha,_Wla._

EXPIUHIDJCED CLABINimST--For coming sea- ■on; theater preferred; state all In fliat mall and time for correapiaidenor. Care A Clarinetist. 26t'2

W. luke St., Chicago. lU.__ _

1-3 PERI HNCFM) T1L4P DRUMM131—At liberty; play bells, read music. Ticket? Yea No bism-r. HARRY 1U)H.NSTE1X, General IMlrety. Whlia Cloud.

Michigan. ___

EXPERIENCED LE-ADI-H—.A-l violin and piano: wife, organist and ptanlsl; first-c;ass library : uiihm; locate only. HENRY P. CORNIXY. 218 ticean SI ,

JacksiHiTlIIe, Hi.__

FINE VIOLINIST AT URERTY—For a few con- ctvts. Opera Htaisr’s. take notice. -A MriNtKAIlCK, Manager. 1748 E. Oak St., New .Albany. Ind._

KIK.'nT-CL.ASS VIOLINIST—Ex perienevd In all llntx: big r«ptvli4re of music; deslrea change D**' Hon: A. F. M.: tocate only: beat refcrencea. H H. GR.A.AE. care Igrlo Theater, ^c Oty, Iowa. _

FULST-CUABB tN>RN'>mST AND B.AND l.EADE.R —Large rrt>crtoire of band and orchestra music: 15 years' experience. JOHN F. MET 11, 3313 AAaalilnx-

Wn .Are.. St. Louis. Mo.__

FOR MOVING PICTURES AND VAUDEVILLE— No. 1 Tlolnlsi: prefers year contract In Ohio town of about 5.006 population, WILFRJT) DORtlN, Green¬

field, Oiilo. _____^ GENTLIHAN—(VmieiTatory graduate, and lefcher

of riolln, piano and slide at moderate aalary. Addiesa J. R. JENNINGS. No. 812 H .Are., Douglas. -Arlaona.__

~MUSIC1.AN'.S- See our Sivig Hints on page 12. The publlsliivs whose addresses are glren therein will amd you profeaalottal copies of any new aong named If you will write them on theater letterheads and meu-


ORCHESTR.A LE.ADFJI (Vtodnlsll who la tJiore^- ly capable, desires eiigagivnent In thesis, or picture show. Address LE.ADER, 2262 .Ash St.,

Erie. Pa.

TUB.A—B. and O.; will Imuiw or luraU <Ht< KDJ FtJt, Hi4 Trsmutit St , Deityrr. Qul. '

VIOIJNIST-l«-a>ler; 12 years' espsrlnice; un.| ~ dale repertoire of music: picture IhraUe. sluik W. ^dd|e \Aeet; th> original vluilii apeeXaltjr. K.VHIT.ACK, Igieta. Kan. ""

VIOUNIHT AND PIANIST-&perienoed; rMi, leader; joint only, for taudevlllr or ismUiliistloti hou-.-- A, F of M ; rrfrmiers; go anyabert. UEO f‘ SMITH, luriaost, Mich._ '

VIOUNIST- WanU nigagcmenl wltir~thMtrr p ~ turea or rauderille: would lra*el arlth daiioa orriieatra- 26 years' experimer. F. E LOCIINlHi. Box 4tl' Falrmotit. Minn._ '

VltiLI.NlST Double anv-M ismiet Ur”band~irish7i IHwilhNi with rellabls road allow, go anywhere mlary $15 per week: age 12; ticket. J. L PARKS, Oatisral Dellrery, Bel.alrr, t)hto. “

OPERATORS. At Liberty Adearfiaaaiaata. witkaut Xiegiay. aadar tkls

baagtog. are gabllahag trea at aharH-

•A I opEJLAToR Four years' experteiicr: sirad.) an.l sober; giwd refemiue. E W. B-AR-NTTZ. Mimiiiburg Petmsy'ltaiila._ '

A-l OPlMLAToR AND ELlXTRlClAX^trii experteiioe; will manage aliow or ismkwwsIou: marrl.d and s»iber; hare ticket. JAMES D. DAWSON, Gai- rial Drllirry. St. Louis, Mo.

A-l OITK.ATOK. m.WTRKT.AV~AND~SlGN’ W'KlTiai Married, sober and reliable: desires poal- thai. salary right: 12 years' expeririiiv, 1 have lukel Ross HAMMOND,, CleyeUud. Tmin._

M. P. OPEK-AToK Six years' experience: aatils Dwitton: write me. U. R HUGGINS, JiaS So. Te- hai SI., tYSorado Springs, Col._

OPERATOR W.A.NTS INiSITloN—Can fun.lsh ref- enuce; have be«i running for 1‘ullman Thitlir Co. Uhaffcl, Mo. .Addrtaa H. L. WooDW.AKli. it. t:,«iu- lU, 111._

olHRAToR Expi rieiiced; wtll trarel or liawie; hare own maciilne. .Addnaa C. D. J'ltV, 83o W. I2lh .St , Peg Moines, lows._

OPERATOR 7 years, electrician 26 yeAts; temperate, reliable: don't take a l>a,-k scat for any uf them: hH-ate only. Addnaa operator. Hotel Lomax, Lowx, imia>la.__

OITHLATOR U.ttTRICI.AN. SPIELER. REPAIR M.A.N -Seren years' exprrienia, gilt-edge refereiK-e: i.j tHawe; now working, but want chanp- run all makes. W., Itox 85, Oran, Mu.

OPiaLAToR” WA.N'TS I*OSITION—Lung experimer; ran handle gas mglne and uectrlc plant; 1 do r.ot iHstae or smoke clgarrltn: aalary rraaonable. GBo. W oUMJt. Buecitel. Ky ._

OPIK-ATOK Dywiira pualilon; 16 yeara' exprtenee; funilah llckrt and any referrtiov requlmt: go any- j^here. _D.AVE_ RILEY, 614 Ellla St.. AugtoU, Ga

OPERATOR —12 years' experience oo all maihlma: do own repairing: married, sooev and irliable: tra'tl or Iwrate: salary yuur UmlL LOCK BOX 2T6. llim- mwitui. N' J._ _

OIIULAToR AND EA.NTinLN SI.IDK il AKfK— Seren years’ experience: can make announcmimt slides fur posters and lauilesllle fur tomorrow's stiuw. .Al¬ berta preferred. E R C.. care, Bl.lboard, Clnrinna'd. oliln.

SILENCE MEANS SOLD WANTED AT ONCH Comedian with apeclaltlre;

dramatic pi«i>ie In all lines write; sute all you can do. .SHORES CONN 1RJ,Y I'LAYERS. Abbott Hotel, IK-nver, Col.

ST. CH.ARICS HOTEl^Strictly theatrical; moat centrally hicated hotel In St. Loula (European plan); cafe and bar In oonnecUon; aperial attention paid wanU. R W BAXTER. Prop.. Itth and Sc Ctiarles. St. Loula. Mo._

INFORMATION WANTED. Afivartlaaaianta wlthaat Aiaglay. HAkar thia baAklaa.

are guMlahad frm at eharga.

WA.NT Victor Onben, Arthur Ryan, Eddie Miller. Floretice Kemph. rmently engaged in Martelle’a pro¬ duction, "The GDI From Man." mtialcal comedy, to write MISS GRACE VAN YAEGEL. 771 R Clay 8L. Decatur. lU._

LETTERHEAD PRINTING. Afivsrtlaaaieirta witheiit diaplay. aadar Ibb haadlag __3a par ward._

ATTRAfTIE L£TTERHEAJ>S—Two-color prlnUhg IMt and loo one-colar envelopes, $1.00, postpaid. 8. NK’HoL. I*rtntor, Munlth. kllch.

CURTISS. KaUda. Milu

1*RINTING—Itto cards, 28o; 506 letterheads or post- aLv. $1 56; 160 canla we give a aelf-filUng fountain I>cn or a clutch lead peyieil tor 50c. WARNER SHOW PRINT, 715 Race St., ITilladelphla, Pa.


Advarllaaaicata withsat display, aadar this bsadlai _ 3a gar ward.

DRA3LATIC SKETfHES^-Exclualre. prompt, rek- aonable aerrloe. ROBIKT LELAND, Wellealey HlUa, Boston, Maas.

SHORT CA-ST MANT8CRIPTS, $2.00; with partt, $2 50. LINDSAY, Henderson. N. C.

MISCELLANE5U81 Advartltamaato wlthaaf ditglay, aadar tbia baadlag _Sa gar atard._

BE A CARTOOXLST—No skill required; endoae stamp. PROF. UAFFNER. 156 N. Second St , FtlUa- dalphlk.

If you have answered an ad offering a bargain In merchandise, second-hand property, etc., and received no reply the chances are ten to one that another person has beaten you to It and the goods are sold.

If you have written proffering services or time and get no reply SILENCE MEANS A POLITE NEGATIVE.

r EPTEMBER 5, 1914

]i\\K liav •*! <(>•' UirAlrr In Wlwnii>ln: ■ I.IM) III rCixH. U Iinuiilrtr aiil A-I Uirougti-

^ ,.| liu ntaila avairy fur mr llib Mimmcr. Iiut

» •“ “"“L BABGAINH-Two morln«

Ifl/i 'Hirt ; **►«»» !• bHirr ihui 3,(mm) Aiid ha« • HjTt RH I IA.M8T- I^rge Ubrary of clM«lc*l and ^ HI._____—--

*.». 1500.dO will handle UiU. ^ ^ ^ i position mmi be tUfady. oAiiUkW io ^<*1 ^ ._ SAI*E—34-ft. carou^^el. In good runnljia oon- bat 'll- n.A «rit« oiilcM you cwi.i-ooni on >t one* » <A.MHT, »V I*.id*», low*._ yoS^oIm dltloo, running wery day at Pern Brot* Part: haa

BIlllHMrd. Clndiinall. It.1.1. .1. .. ™ r,.,.sriun.i wiiii re- lent or aair; want llli lln! - ^ - "f; rapCTirncwl, aoOer and re- . Hotel. Mansfield. (JJilo.

jlablr« iWrryTKire; m**l/ig the plrUim my i*pecialt7. I _ f »mvK TKNT. TJxlIO. rtimpIHe with teaU, light*. Addrtwa UMIC BoX 145. Manhall. Mo r^uPAD ^ _va . l-abor I>a>-, with one fair bookt-d. I n.wK I^.^a **»»• » •*' 1 5iar will inaJ ^...'TwT.aa.,— —i^^._«^jaii,_aio._ CHEAP—Two moving picture machlnea. chalrt. or- (itJt. k. F. D \o l Daii»A p.

I n» '•«*nirnl, _ ___ __ I lA.NlHT - Hlghl reader: road aliowa nrilv* tmh . tan. atrret olaiio. two saa outfltA. rhalpm. Ati** make • • , ,

illiiaiotii. ivw rW^oto lY^V m kiahi gaaoune engine luusftona ue>ufc, i>e»oio Mapltol); haa Tonawanda organ, with brand-new

__ foil mu^lca in A-1 cotidillon. isw takes It after . . bookt-d. W1LU.\M YIN-

flai* rmtal or twr- ■ J^AMHT - Hlghl reader; road allows orily; tab.. «an, street piano, two gas ouiflta. chairs, etc.; make -_—____

■;;;;:'ral“. wT^a^'rlreillr^ Cl^„;i’?e.*A“c'‘- MOBTOAOI®. P.>B SAI^T^e four-reol feature, -m. Gunmen or ,1 .iti.d ttu.lHdlle; make me propiMltlon: will not jnuHlrld W Va eei-t-n.. vienerai i/eiiTery. lauaiii me. is. s,._ ^ condlUon; also Motlograph Mor-

our Son. HInU on iiage ». The CIBOf8 TKNT8 FOB SALK CHEAP-Polrt. rtak* Addresa BOBKBT HA.NSaN.

<mw. _ put.Ustiers wImm- aililrtssea are glTen therein will send dirui leaU; wUl buy tenu. PEABL VAN, Nortli- ___

Ii-X^K 1 MAIAiNK iriyliig Flslil The high dl»er, f""* ‘Tn**^n‘*l. "** *“"* _ f^*B 8ALB-A few high-grade banjoa at a bargala.

..atlnir -im i^ltal m.d -«* ?>«• TiMuIb^.W,.“™- Fl^XTBIC OTAGB ETPfXrra-^uda, ripples ^ ^ »*«»

l^a-.- f'lr leie-iilght standa, outfit ucw. BOX 42

MtOi-lis. Ohio. _

4,««t In |iri»lui4ng imwl sensational water ar« , _ -e, l.*l«sT act will iswimand at $1.000 00 pir PIAMST -AU rlas«w of mualc; solo. Taudeville. ,“T- k *^V“ SAL^Pllm of all Wnda; comedy, drama.

iwn be workol all year round. Indoors and out: iMiSurea: tight reailrr: goal double stage; atrlctly re- llfllil'ihfa’ thoroughly Inspected and /ao' to nnalmw alwut $1.2oo iio: you funilah capital liable; loiwte or road. GI-kyBIlK BAKlilHUlllll. 512 ^•'Ajlghta. oilTette, ^uuch, reflertor and strip UghU. rraoeated; $2.50 to $6.00 per reel; all hare posten;

^1, te.Md we haso all winter to frame will \V. iVvichtrev AUanta Ga ais Manda. machlnea repaired and exchanged: beat for the money; write for Hat today; th^ iiid lielp iMillil. " sw._i ...p sii.sii. aaranii —T;:—Tt-'---electro medianlcal ihowa built: poaliig alldea, stere- won't last long LEWIS FILM COMPANY Kala- sig.. .‘I"'rjU In It, Miiiriev beeiimes mT p JI-t-VIST A.\l» OKl’MMEB Drummer baa all ef- optlcons. carbons, colors and lenses at manufacturers’ maaoo, Mich. «i. «... aft^ whl.ft art In Ita MttUrty beoit« my f„s, diwibles rl.-lln; has nice repertoire of music; prlcea. CHJiS. NEWTON, 305 West 15th St., New- -

i;::::':;,- our, ; b..t of referettce.. D. Y<wl._Cla._ F1>B SALk>-A Dentxel 35-se.t Carou^l. wlU.

r-sr,.. ntu1^n.a^o. for P^Uculara_-nW- Ni;:u\,at..m: 15 years' experi;^;

"lkI.I PAKTVPB WAVrmy-r.w mrtlon picture •’.vnerti L^l erSmS^. and plejity Machine, $50. BEBNABD FISCHEB. Mobile, Ala

•1 w an.l .smieil, must pla, piano and sing on the > ■ r.. »>>. <.eneral I«ellTen^_^._LouU. Mo.- cxolusire rights srlth picture for Ixiuislani. Texas, r.,T voiB rnsina svn txi,.-t-c.-.o stage * lllasirainl sung; will pa, half of what tli.Te PIAM.ST- fUiiertmcsd In picture plajlng, orchestra. Arlaisia and New Mexiio: only used 2 months; rea- wi-.'.}. 1,,,7 EQLIP- l, lUen h. Write to H W. BlH»H<MJ»T. I»enhain, e«c.; vniu,.! like [s-ltlon. Ml.^vH ELlZAIH-rTH SI- wmi for se.Ung. other business. Address W. W. ii

il:'^.'. ___«'»'>• N. 16th -St . n. Ibslge, Iowa._ CL.1KKE. Box 120, Alexandria, La._ ^)8 V B^VGTON,

PIANIST' XeeiLs position; 15 years’ experience; PyUTlTtE Fll-MS FOB S.\LB—The 5-ree

fiwsila Bodeo- ITie Great .Amerlcwa Bound-

stage r lllasiraieil song; will pa, half of what tlnre PIANI.ST- lUiiertencsd In picture plajlng, orchestra. 1. Iskeo in Write to H. W. BlH»H<MJ»T. Itenhara, e«c.; wnmd like [swillun. MI.S.H ELlZABI-rrH Sl- M’!iti.-s..'s • AIir.N, 616 N. 16th St., tY. iHslge. Iowa.

—— — ... p e ii ir*u PI.WI.'^T .\T I,IBEBT5 -rp In all lliiee; douule LtDV PAUTN'IIR WKNT>J>--ror mller skating stage, band. callhHw; lutig 1 xperierost; Kdn qul-x. FILMS FOB SALE—Two Orphans. .Sell. maXe. 3

..s“\‘i.'te ig^riielghi. •'L-'il’ l'fr'BEUJVK'r. "Gwie:.! "DeirT;n7“‘BulTalo; re^U." nke* ne‘w.‘'‘ks. of "paper;" l-3-8-sh5t poatm. wslir^^i'. will s- retunosl WILLIAM MOi'FLTT. 2» n«lmont v.,, York._l9o.o«; Zlgom.r »». Nick Carter, 3 reels coo- Th™, Lill-i^’ miS'lne 1? liu in. im•

SI, W.r.vster. Mass._ PlA.NIST-La.D, wlshe. p«dtlon; experienced In or- «?.4’”det^'l^' J^'^t/<»**bU — ch«.tra work: theater preferred. Address PlanUt, .1' nh^ ^mee '.argf travelers' down cages. DLTROIT BJBD

I'.Unl Arena (General Deliver,), Cal. 1-3-sheet ^STORE, Detroit, MU*. ,-- btnner. eiectrotype for heraldi. 1.5.00: Jamai rater- _;_;_ riAMST-A-l (4a^Ut for orch«tr». »*udt^lUe. ,A)n. deiectlfe. 3 good cofidltion. 2,800 feet paper. uap., xmvivo Pir-rrnF

('•tiarK or piiturr*; brng experlt-ooe; can lraa«ap<iaf. i.3.»heel jx-^tern. 125.00. All gfiods ahlpped aubject .f # ^ n-ad al ^ight. arrangf and dirwl. A. H. HUFFMAN, to examination where a depoalt la made to coTer ^ iV*‘feaUjre films la-



iv-ri uv <Tu .l.wws>..llf.s mv atlenllnn will wors; metier preieireu. AUOress I'lanisl, itTHLK I\TLR1>TS deman.l allrti wl 1 (General Delivery), Cal.

w-i .ir l<aiw lu, talkliig disi«. shrrlo<-k Holmes and--. FatiUly " four beautiful, highly Intelllgeiit Russian Pl.kNIST—A-1 p4anUt for orcheatn, vaudeville. Itsmstlitui Sl.rtks-k sa,s tingle, compound or sen- cwtiaret or ptrtures; baig experience; can tranipuse. trices of had -Umn w.inls; commainla another, who read at sight, arrange and direct. A. H. Hl'FFMAN, ,Mr,s l.un. -H'-utes entreat, nsiveyed by his mate 1211 E tirey. Igwilsrl.le. K,'._ _

In ‘l*g laisguage. ahlrh U giTeii to her w1th<wt hla iMAMJ^T-Ai iHHTty. 4X.«^IK W'UKfXlHt. 524 lnp»w!»^Ur. ihi:^ ilrfmai^tmtliig that not only do they w summit St., M«<inie. \VU.

Idlw'm g*"ilh“i»!*h“‘rtt.rt'; J^.ioe"!?^- PIAMST-AI llberi,; .-x^-rience,! in all lln^ mar-

innftc IW,. I,al aiSmal l*en.snet.a. adapted foe rj*;^ •'"* »"*‘'li'^ “■ vau.lrrlile. unesjuaUsl as altrasllve sUD show Pw 1 l.AMST. care Itui 5.h)._t,reensboB>. N._C.

fii; letai;. s.M’es* DK F. M .sToXE, Odd Fellows' PI.ANIST wanu engagi-roent; stock company, one Tenu-lr -Akron Ohio. piece or pictures; long experttsicr; strictly reliable.

-_—-— imiderale salary. fUtSEST GRO.NFMEYIA. 43 PAKTVKR w anted For Tlie Zayno Sl-wv: a Luide St.. Ibwinfi, klase. yoR saLK Two pieces side wall. 85 feet each

girl slew, plavtng fairs: have outfit cimfArIr. even- J'l.AXt, FLAYER AND DBI'AiMER -All effects: 1» feet hlgti. $3o: Blazing the Trail. 2-reel Bls«i Uilr.g new $250 tiuTs ba-f Interest. Address as frt- cisicerl xv.igSione; rxp*-rience. reference; man $5''; Taft In Panama. Sellg. $15: Elected, Alta., $S lows tliiis-ewa Falls. Wls. to S^ 4 . \Aaterl».. iH SICIANS. Box IIT. Wlndimter, Ohio. J W HolM’ER. Coming. N. Y.

BuiTrs wrl^B- F-BISHOP. Ml OUve. ,11.

FILM^Slngle -U; comedlta and dramas; ahm fore^s;‘’‘?rr.r"Jii'i'^h.r^^

IMAMST—At lltMTty; .•xpirti*n<v6l in all mar- T?A*^/kiS'^Viv?^ i*??i v?^ si 15x24; .Model B and leader gas outfit: for rttii man: 44rf>er and reliable; >oln at once; write or ^ ol' UO-OI LRATI> t, 1331 >ine or 24x4o white tent, u.aed 10 days; eiectrle wire IMANIST, rare Box 520, trrwnsbom. N. C. ''* • I nliaaeipnia, i a. light plant, wiring, aocketa, globea, fuse*, compensarc.

PIANIST wanu en,arm^;-„ock c^n,; kILMS FtyB SCALE $3.oo reel up; al.w, feature, iVe? ,^ri^i"^”•wha*{‘^"oi^^^

™':7ee.u ‘’irrr- ''"pRN;-??'"rR..Ns'?A'?rY,^ li “ low prices. BOX 417. Montpelier. Vt._ FILM EXCH.AXGE. 812 Locust It. OwinWi,. Ky

light plant, wiring, aocketa, globea. fuse*, compensarc. rheoatata, stage telephones, light dimmer!i; 500 reels

FoR SAL& Two pie<*e* fUde wall, 85 feet each, li» f(^ hlgti. 83o; Blaxing the Trail, 2-reel Bison,

W.4 t ' St4 ^ .M«4ir«ir. WK. to H$t>t. 11; Augustas LalwniTh llra'tf Pam to foll^. Write or >o4n me.


I-'roo “At Liherty” ads are only granted to those \ par' is-w M. the niad: prtfer a pr-fessl-eia.. but will j., ici ITN.l._♦ Uke a g.«! aman-ur l HAS S .STANL>:Y. General Z who SCIKI IFeSh COOV eVeFV WeeK. I JO llOt aSk IIS tO 1 UIl I Delivery. R.«t>oke, Aa. ^ .*** ♦

PARTNER WANTUt I want a gu-1 young majtl- J ‘111 ad twlce. 11 IS USeleSS. t

rtti. u> -k) magi-' In vaudeville art: muvt h, clever; T ... ... _ a I.-I tnis.r, <ir rqulimenl re<iulrrd. but you mu«t have ♦ >' e lllVlte aS niallV TepetltlOIlS aS (leSlTed, l)llt ^ oil ? thf »ia'''.g qualllles. I have plrciD equipment and ♦ * * * 7

cu-imVu.'Xo. ; niiist send fresh copy every week. We won’t have man- I •ARTvvK wANTFjs t:xrtp<i.wiai owmriunity for 1 am'Fs writiiii; to dead addresses. i I. 'k.‘ ««<uat. with fine thi»u4ond dolUra ca-ah. to ▲ ^ ^ ^

:‘J:'-AV'';; ♦ Your copy jrets you one insertion. To obtain an- t PARTVl'K WAN’TFJ^ l!Xrrpthwi*l «iwoclunlfy for

BUi. 'k.‘ ««<uat. with fine thi»u4ond dolUra caCi. to Act a« trF«« .n r mad tfKir musical onm^ly uipifneno* utiT • g'Mfl «alan and thtnl intrct^. money

Mg pn>fl*« awkurt^. quli% ftriion ni ^aiary

leaks THUATKH SUFI’LY (N> always have on hand !«»nk» slightly u.4e<l pUiure mactdiiea, -seats, etc., at bargain prl<'ea. 5<»9 (tie.atimt St., St. Mol

M«»llo\ PltTIRK MAUHINK Power* No. 5, complete, with rewln-ier, lenses, etc., in perfect cc4jdl- tlmi; $»i5.U0. ftenl -bUbjeet to exaniinaihNi. i>r will ex- f*»'ang»» for religiou-s feature films. MARTIN FRED- FaiICK3, 2017 North Twelfth 31.. rhiladelplua. Pa

M. P. MACHINES, $10.00 up; gas outfits, up: Model B and burner. $'S.ihi; Miles $5».00 new ec<in<»miaer, $25.(mi; the fine 10x13 drop curtalna» $12.<M»; earblde, <»Xf»fie. ether, limes, condensers aid supplies: liaLs, stan4». KRKI> L. ?sMITH. Amsterdam, New Y'l^rk.

MUST HAVE MONEY QUIUK -Will sell aiy part of my theater, operateil only 3 nvHiths, and .<>ro‘<i to close thnnigh p<w>r business: Power's 8,4. with loop seller, $125; Simplex. $l4u; tlve-ply i»pera chairs, 75c; h’*T. Wayne is»nH>en‘*arc, $3o: inai booth, uinlerwrlters* iitspe^iion, $25; lAt'elh* flaming arc lampd, $50 pair: all gi<o$Ls giiarantetsl 9hh1 as new ; will ship subject to lnMss*tlon. GLEN .\LFR1-U>, 2110A tHive Street, St. Louis. Mo. Mg pn>fP« awkured. quiiw arUon ni wary ^ , •ciii ** * 41^^'

i«’';i:wr.uu.:.w;'m.‘r;:;v,^^^^ other, fresh copy insunnjr fresh address is imperative, t -^-^gin^.^iT^ The classified department closes Thursday of each

►A'NAMO. 30 good rce;» for horstw or good auto. BDX

I’ART'ER AVANTUv -Wllh $:5« to $l.*»>«. to i , mltrgc Mgh.class niml show that haa nrtinl $:iMi , to $• ■• ankD at fairs, prvfrr young mafTt«sl nan. to . help irz: agr buslucaa. i^rl or Irrturr; wife to sell ^ OrtrU; bustiiraa to br tiiowpmtrd; have $5.(>0<> In- vcatnl any'SH* Invrvtliig glv«i arcurtty If drslrr,!. A.l.lrw.s G<«>D (H’lNvRTl'.xm'. car* Billboard. (Yn- dnizU. iihhv .■

SAXoI'HisNE FL.AYf3l8 WANTEls To Rkii quar- $Y Ikalgr. Iowa Irttc -Sir b a.-kfa.w. tao straights Ml'BK'LVN. 328 tv sAI—risno apr-ng * . Indianapolis. In<L all rtTorts: lair* mwrtrtrr of music; unl»;

__ I or vaudrvtllr. JTLANK B.ARNLLL. 224 1A- Fourth, WANTHV FARTNER, griCK-Wllh few hundrvsl, w Va. __

to buy half Intsrwu In big male right feature. 5 sny> PI ANO nJAYEB—BeUa. real^ f w 4 mate, .ant party to tak« same on road. uom-

01J> TRUNKS—Strong trunJu, cheep trunks, fibtw truiiXa; all makiw and sUe?4. '*0’cli>Pi^’' fiber trunks, light weight, t'Xtra strong; also bar. costume, trap, basA drum, wanRohe, M. P. trunlLs. 1 box. sell and

__ . make all and every kind of trunk; always 2»M) to 3#0 on hand. Write “MYERS." TYie Old lUdiable Trunk

FIAND FUAYER -LaAv; A. F. of M ; wlshe* pool- Ft»R SALE—One Edison moring pirturr machine. Ylaker and Dealer. 314-318 X. Tenth SI.. lYilUdsi- tl<m In nawliig plrture theater: can furnish reference. 1812 model: besxi u.ved about 6 monlhs: 10 doaeii phla. l*a. Say what you want. Bargains always. A.idrraa MISS MARY .N1F.I.C4E.N. 5u6 a 2l)th S4., folding chair*, been used 6i> lUys: machine In oper*- No junk, no Ilvw. Sare thla « yZIi-T i™.. lion, but will ship at once; must »ell; first check —- - „ w-'o;- . _ K-ii. ..UwOwsn. chtiwew a^d f'N 8150 00 wts the entire outfit: okrbons. reeU and lYvRTABLE KNIFE R.A('K AND ’rEN^-Wlth por-

li' rSrturlx “»*» f"*- Bt>X 119, Stlllmore. Ga. Uble frame, complete. rea.D to set up: cheap If taken ^ ■' a aa 1 m ■■ gt OHiv. .AL-w d<>ll rsi'k, use<l oni'^, Itrge hood, with

Fi>R SALE—TriTellng outfit, assembled for the road. Mde w4ngs. first-class cntidltlon; all Mg bargains. C. but *ner^ used; rebuilt Power's $ machine and rfa**<>- | E E40AN. White Hall, Ill. stxt. recoainiler new: lOo fret stage cable, Taylor rt^a. f'W 4 rUa'teft wan? oam to*\^ke TR*4P HRUMMER .4NI> PLANO PIATEB BeUs, ivmalntler new; Irto feet stage cable, Taylor

a« V have Mh^r buSne^^^W^ W*^ tiARKE, xyleg»hoi»e; full lUie tr^ trunk, mechanism carrying case, portable galTariaed Ua Awitdrts iT^ nJiBivt.. iKW ^ A. F. of M. 500 elfcirtc roll aiT<en and sheath: $2«>0.00 cash.

— * * Maple Rew, Ukhart, Ind._or will sell separate. L. E MePHER^N, 37 Su. WTRLITZER PIANI!«T—I>e*lreii flrst-cla.** engage- Wabash .Are., Chicago. WANTKlv !,ady partner for athletic rau^ierille act: Ml RL1TZ>:R PIAMi*T-IV*lrea nrstj-iasa en*^

eipwnen.w unnt^nrwwary. but mxist be ationg and well ment; clamacal and Y\Ii built ttiYH.fsit •qgawtunlty fur right party. H where; reliable. MXRLITZER, mklboard. New York.

^i>B..DA. l.a tlrang*. Trk._ POST CARDS.

aaavTED lr<*i liwrti Isdv. as a partner for a twe- AdvartlMaiaati arltkaut filtplay. aafiar tfela ktafilat. ngi ia~i •tu-lniu, variety novrlt) a<-t. prrfrmuT glvm Sa P*r ward. w a ui.e la.|>. n.k .wrr $ ft 1 In. tall; weight not — evT it» |i,s . and if ai,sl figure, must be .-apable of

trunk, mechanism ckrrylng case, portable galrariaed H.AA'E TWO Hl'NDRED IM)LL.AR8- -Theater ihair* booth, electric roll w-reen and sheath: $'2on.00 cash, sold: stock scattered over Eastern States. EMPIRE or will sell separate. L. E. MePHERSON, 37 So. SEAT fiXCH-A-NGE. Owning. N. Y. New York of- IVabasta .Are., Chicago. Hce, Room 510, 1400 Broadway.

Fi>R a.ALE—Two military band organs, psper 8E<?ONT>-H.A.ND MOVING FUTURE 5LACH1NES playrvl, with drum attachments: suitable for skstl.ig —Edison, $65.00; one newD outfitted. $9i).00: an« rinks, carousels, etc.; .A-1 condition, and bargains. Bdeiigraph. $90.00, all complete; 50 reels film for RDX 271. layria. Ohio. sale. $5 F) per reel. MAYER SILVERMAN. 105 Itb - Are., Plttaburgh, Pa.

PlAR SALE- vine tialr Dnx, $20.00; 1 pair vrild-

•we, n» I.w and r..l fliure m.-i iL Jihi. rf ..vs-v- D..»T i-swiva v«. heauiiful tasteful 1 leopard cat (extra fine), $20.00; 1 TWENTY REELS FINE FILM to exchange or aeU h-‘idlig 135 ’ns. with Viul ss^^ s^Ti - any Inl- ***'' *owr*. $16.00: I pair coat! mundLs, $18.00; cheap; single and dissolving stereoptloon maohloes an s.J. will ow2rt •"*'* ^ ' CTvyote. $3.00; I grey fox. $5 00; 1 armadillo. $200; and leTeral high-grade moUon picture machlnea at •g- brig'll and Hal. TAU, FRINTINO AXE. Moncaaen. Pk.- I oilorlcsa skunk. $2.50; 1 Mexican eagle. $5.00; 3 half regular price; we will accept old machlnea In

Je. SI >.*n A.Mm g iT^ N.wrttv' Ariisi DOIMTIMfS ""**• * 85 00; 1 pair lino badger*. $10.00; 1 g,xsl condition for high-grade new machlnea of aw t ^ iwifas. ii, wiU lai. kaadlaa '«»'• * •lUwt.w*. 4 and 5 feet, the two. mUe: get our bargain llsta. NATIONAL EMPLOY- M.. i ,1 “ *’ witkatrt dliplky. ■••ar tfcia kaadlag. ^O: 1 iguanas. $2KO; 1 snowy heron (eery rare). mylnT COMPANY. Duluth. Minn.

^ _3e par ward._„„.m); l clappersll. $5.oo; will sell abore together for

— _ f*lNF PRINTING—50g bualn<w or proffatlona) $lh0 00; $5rt.«>0 with oi>1*r, halan^^ C. O. D. J. D.

WtNTu, A partner that Is willing to InTe.! cords. ‘$1.00, ^ fjol Trx. » • - n. an Ut> k, .Ute trardlng me,llc4ne ah.wv. No delay; we want your bU; cash. aamplee free. CALL

JV tre*.urre w,d share half and half, at least PRINTING CO.. Moneaien. Pa._ I caa he male between now and ChrlsUiMs trau o.e lii'minuiil. but yiwi must travel with the •-■•nw . Aii'srr by mall onlv, to V V >AHA\V. csre lallverv, Maawi. Mich.

AAA.NTm A partner with eaplial to elage an aa- Vircl „|,TVSS. Addreaa O. A. WIIDKR. 1(4 Johnaoo ,^,0,;. ht Alllwaukte, WU. (VUsrti

'' A\T13» -|.a.D trapeae performer; must be a fatl ***',1'^ ". wiliiig w.wkrt; no chaarr waiilr'l; g'»»l ikToe-

t ''O. stale age. height and wrlghl; send photo. a** r rvrun'rtl Addrnu TRAPUK PF.R- "•"« ^ ‘R'llH. care Billboard Pub. t\». Cincinnati. Ohio.

' "I \G I M.Y FaHTNKK AVANTID F.w Roman _

■nvr I'BivTixn_800 builnetia or proteaaionai wim or<;-r. owisu.t w. s>. ». 1/. TAA'O-REIX- FEATURE FIL.M Championship bnll . ..nv: ii DO mwt oald' heat bristol: distinctive wort WHITE 2812 E A*. Galveston, Tex. tight of the world. Spain rs. Mexico; 'vlthout doubt

^^;ii -;«nt your" b^rtl*; sample, free. CALL-the m«t ,«,».tion.l feature In rmslon picture*; 10 nlT*.’ i’HINTINO CO Mormien. Pa. FOR EALB-Morlng picture machine. 10 reels of bula fought to death. 15 horses were klllol; splen^lld

'll 1*^ —^^---8'™. >1 lengths of blue seats. 1 banjo, 3 tents. lights; L*- traveling tent show: sell cheap If taken at oni-o. sVh ,72 ROLLER SKATER. the aNwe like new and win be sold cheap. CH.ARLES .Addnw* E S. PAYNE. Seventh Avenue Hotel, Cln-

SHAW. At tlkarty Advarih^aiaata. withaul dittlay, uadac H. Ul l&E Beading. Pa._dnnatl. Ohio. —

-tkj^h,a^._ara »«kllak.d_f^ - 1y^AL$>-Three stvond handed Tenplnnett Bowl- ^ W.ACUIN SHOW Complete: 2


pAkt #,v.i lajku'^ an. nu luaii sFaiuirr »v*wess... ..- __ \l\K Fw. AKUN, I’Mlnumt, N. Y. All UnU lu'w thW y»-ar; whI mxiiy cai4>r ---- I — Wl, numvrouA U> Tlit*** h«»rav^ xie young xnd

FOR SAIJC- Paper ftir Uie plc4un*a Fti.^ the Mangor .4ound. »erMlil!>g in A*1 aia;»»»: on*l $?.S»0, I*n<rrrv4l, atatf age. hrlglit. nrlghl A4v#rtU#»#iif4 **'*'•?! ***^ ****^*"** I to the tYiifW and HagenlHvk Wallat'v ('Innw, fn'm I take* it all if .'«»ld at iuky Addresn all null U>

' tg tni-pv. dd-iiii {•iia»i$$. %«in ntiini. nm%i hdn Ailtiffm hi)\ u»5, \»gnit A.iain«. Ml.h

•_ I t« 24 .‘.tie Aht*e<!»: paii^T in mnAlltkin. For | \\\ NKKLING, Alg«*rra. !»»«*

.^'n*^^"TION _ ThI* further InfivinatUai adiin'*!! JOHN DANIKL30N, 16 - — ■ »rar’A the Ih»! yi*t iirt in loiu* with "■ « Ja^’k-'ViiTllle, Fla.

im at iMuv fur «*ur IBi* premium priUHiaitlon. We —————— guaraiitiN' mir g««KU to vll or take bark un^tUtl gniMl*. Ft>R MiKlon piiHure *t

•’•ANO PLAYERS. Us «l I'liiT fov <«ir live pretnliim pevSHwItlon W At I ik.p,., as -.1 ....... . guaranlee tMir giawls to sell or lake hack tins«»ltl tav-.l'

DU hasklM **4 r* il**':*'' "*'•' Write l-slav for full |>arH.-ular», CANFIEIJv MFC _ tSH hsi^l*,. a,, fr»« M tkafts. f«>. Slg,-1 Slnvt. tltlcago. 111. _

' s'econd-hand show proper-h r..»eT Are. Huiwrior, Wls. FOR SALE.

' 1 I'l ANIhTK - Cue idcturea an\l play vau'levllle Advertlisweata wllkaul diaklay. uadae tfcia haadlat Ml-S STFViaiS. Mminds, HI _ _ _ __la aw w«ed__

A : lU A\t» FL.AYEH and DHIMMFK - With hells AFRICAN DIP-AVIth lank. In ptTfert oondltlm

SINGERS. at Llkrtty Advaethsavaat*. wHkaut ditkiay. uadae

tkls fceadlat. art aubihktd tr»* af efcarg,.

.... r.w .s.sii DHIMMFK - With helU I imi ,'iui ...... ... ....—- - - — ■,-. ..- --, II .■ff.s'ts HARRY F.AHHKNDOHF, 46 Btr.l f .doo. .*»! $.Mi (>n three monlhs agiv A. C. PtVTTS, I mitst ehaiige reels; will sell cheap IVnuaiient ad- I

giiaraiilee iMir g.».ls to sell or like hack unsold gcsls. FOR EAUF Motion plrture supplies: lYiant-nvcopc. I tkls fceadlat. art aubihktd tr»* af efcarg,. Write I.slav for full i>arH.-ular», CANFIEIJv MFC. portable pro)ectliig madiliie. onD use,l f.-w time*, cost (A> f.e. Slg,.l Stnvt. tlilcmro. 111. $100.(8>. will sell for $40.(4; m*,*lne will be sod| -Jt.flr -- - -- - subject to examlnatlun to first buyer sending ten- ■ voice; can deHvee the gi*>ls. vamlevllle. Ticket? eecQND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY .lollar bin insuring payment of extwessage. SMALL- Y«. F.DW.ABJ> STEAl SS. Be»t Tliestre. Blnuing- " eno AAI F WOOD nUM IX>R1’. 175 Fifth Ave., .New York. ham, .Ala.__—

. SSI S..SI - I ENC..AGI3IF.NT WANTEIV Baritone .singer; Join Adv*rtli*«f*U wltka^ dhglmt. uagar laia nataiag »>r scale -Twenty ns'ls; rtmusUes. drams.v. West- I quartette iwi road or sii.g Illustrated songs for .small _'* ward_mi*. In goo>l running eondltl.m; or exchange feel vau.levlUe theater: lieet nf nfiTence*: Uiket. ED-

AFKICAN DIP-AVIth lank. In p,Tfert oon.lltlcn. gcvnl reeb; play the »anu- route twice a )e*r and [ ^Y-^jUj sTEAUSS, Best Theater. Birmingham. -Ala.

si.vivlivhas,. Park, l\Miry la-ajid. N. Y. drew*. CHAS. ctHINS. I nadllla, N. Y. tCoutinued on page 67.)

I 1|! I.


64 X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

DIRECTORY AdvertlcrmeDta not exceeding one line Id

laotctb will be pubUebed. properly clualBed, In (Mil dirertory, at the rate of $10 per year <S2 •■aues), provided they are of an acceptable ■nanre. Price loclndea one year'a anhacrlptlon to The Billboard.

Bach additional line or additional clasaiflca* ttoD, without lubtierlptlon, $7.50 per annum.

One line will be allowed to advertiaera free a( ctarge for each $100 worth of apace need •arlog the year.

Tlitt directory la revised and corrected weekly, ehnngcs in Arm names and addreases being re- carded as soon as received.

advertisi'ng novelties.

ROGERS,THURMAN CO. tood for Cstalr« nf NovelUea and leweliy. QUICK

UO.NKT-MAKFJUS. 6 So. Wabash. Oiloano.

K. Shore Co., 237-241 W. Madison st., Chicago. Singer Bros., 62 Bowery, New York City,

ADVERTISING STICKERS. Milwaukee Label and Seal Co., Milwaukee, Wls.

AERONAUTS. Belmont Sisters, Reed City, Mich. Ooiwtby De Vonda, Monroe, Wls. Henry Pbelpa, Colt ave. and Conrad at.. Grand

Rapids, Mich. St. Clair Girls, Muskegon, Mich. ^%om(»son Bros.* BalWK>nlng Co., Aurora, Ill.

AEROPLANES. Advertising, 3508 Mcl^ean are., Chicago. American Aeroplane Exhibition Co., Humboldt,

Tenn. Ae Curtiss Exhibition Co., nammondsport,

N. T, Thoma-< Bros.’ Aeroplane Co., Bath, N. Y.

AERIAL ADVERTISING. Brazel Novelty Mfg. Co., 1700 Ella st., Cin’tl. Sllae J. Conyne, .3.’10e Mcl^ean ave., Chicago.

AFRICAN DIPS AND SAPPHO TIPS. Mexican Armadillo Curio Co., 160 North Fifth

ave., Chicago.

AMUSEMENT DEVICES. Wm. H. Oesterle Amusement Co., 500 Fifth

ave . New York City. Bit Bridge Co., Roodbouse, III. Hersclell Si>llitnan Co., No. Tonawanda, N. Y. International Submarine Co., New Y'ork 1 beater

Bldg., New York City. Novelty Machine Co., 2 Rector st., N. Y. C. O. W Parker, I.eavenworth, Kan. Play Ball Machine Co., Aurora, III. The A. J. Smith Mfg. Co., 8247 W. Van Buren

at., Chicago. O. 8. T. A A. Co., 229 N. Desplalnea st., Ch'go.

ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Bartels Co.. 42 Cortland st., N. Y. 0. Iri E. Bennett, 500 .V)4 Sooth Ninth st., Cam

hridge, O. Oarl Hagcnbeck. Stelllgen, near Hamburg;

American Representative, C. A. Stephan, 7ioo Garden, Cincinnati, O,

IAnvrO(*d H. Flint, Norlfi Waterford, Me. B. H. Heger, 1917 San Pablo ave., Oakland, Cal. Horne's Eoo Arena. Kansas City, Mo. Wm. Mackensen, Yardley, Pa. Lonls Rube, 248 Grand at.. New York City.

ANIMALS. BIRDS AND SNAKES. Broadway Pet Dog Palace, 229 W. 60th at..

New York City. Detroit Bird Store, 218 'Hilrd at., Detroit, Mich. P. Haecker. ChrlaHne, Tex.


ANIMALS (Sea Lions). H. A. Rogers, 812 State at.. Santa Barbara, Oal.

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Novelty Slide On.. 67 W. 2Sd at., N. Y. C. Bong Slide Service, 391 Sixth ave., N. Y. C.

ARC LAMPS AND CARBONS. Ohaa. t.. Kiewert Co., 114 Huron at., Mihvankee.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. ArtlOclsl Floral Co., 1111 Geary st., San Fran-

claco. Cal. Botanical Decorating Co., 504 Sonth Fifth nve..

New York City.


Boeman A Landla Co., 417 S. Clinton at., Obl- eago.

O. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 80 Pearl at., Boaton. Maaa.

AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER. Thomaa A. Edlaoo, Inc. Orange, N. J. J. H. Hallberg, 36 E. 2M at., N. Y. C. N. Power, 90 Gold at.. New York City.


A. Beml, 216 N. 20th at.. New York City. Berry Wood Plano Player Co.. Kanaaa City. N. Tonawanda Moa. Init. Wka., N. Tonawanda.

N. Y. M Welle k Sons. 273 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Bndolpb Wnriltzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. De Moulin Bros. & Co.. De[>t. 11. Greenville, 111. George Ryau, 182 E. 124th at.. New York City.

BADGES, BUTTONS. ETC. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land, O. Wendell A Greenwood Co., 122 So. Fourth at.,

MlnneaiHdia, Minn.

BADGES, FLAGS AND BANNERS. Bent k Buab, 338 Washington, Boston, Mans.

BALLOONS. (Hot Air.)

Northwestern Balloon Co., 2405 Clybourn ave., Ctilcago.

O. 8. T. k A. Co., 229 N. Desplalnea at., Chi¬ cago.

BALL THROWING GAMES. Play Ball Machine Co., Anrora, III. Sycamore NovePy Co.. 1326 Sycamora st., Cin’tl

BAND INSTRUMENTS. De Moulin Bros, k Co., Dept. 12, Greenville, Ill. V. Welle k Sons. 278 Fifth ave.. N. Y. C. Rndolpb Wnriltzer Oo., Cincinnati and Chicago.

BANNERS. Baker k Lockwood, 7th k Wyandotte at*., K.

C.. Mo. Wm. T. Lee, 1816 N. Halated at., Chicago. Tucker Duck k Bubber Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. D. 8. T. k A. Co.. 229 N. Desplalnea at., Chi¬


Henry Meyerboff, 140 W. 42d at., N. Y. City. Morria k Fell, 1493 Broadway, New York City. Richard Pltrot, 47 W. 26th at.. New York City. M. Scott, Paine Agency, Inc., 145 W. 45th st.

New York (31ty. United Booking OSce, Palace Theater Bldg.,

New York City.

BOOK STRIP TICKETS. Weldon, William k Lick, Ft. Smith, Ark.


Newman Mfg. Co., 717-721 Sycamore, Ciorlanatl.

BRASS RAILINGS, SIGNS, ETC. Newman Mfg. Co., 717-721 Sycamore, Cincinnati.

BURLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIES. Columbia Amusement Co., Colnmbia Ylieater

Bldg., New York City. Progreeaive Circuit, 1510 Times Bldg., N. T. C.

BURNT CORK. Clias. Meyers, 101 E. 18th at.. New York City. M. Stein Cktametic Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. C.

CALCIUM LIGHT. (Ox-Hydrogen Gas Maanfsaturen.)

Capital Hercbandise Co., 4406 S. Dearborn ad., Chicago, IIL

Cincinnati Calcium Light Co., 106 Fourth at., Cincinnati, O.

Dearborn Novelty Co., 219 Dearborn at., Chicago. Erker Bros., 604 Olive at.. St. liOttls, Mo. St. Lonia Calcium Co., 616 Elm at., St. Louis. Twin City Calcium Co.. 2416 University ave.,

8. E., Mluneapolla, Minn.

CALLIOPES. George Kratt, EvauavlHe Ind. T. J. Nichols, Pearl and Ludlow ata., CinciuDatl.

CAMERAS. American Cinematograph Co., Chicago.

CANDY FLOSS MACHINES. (Eleotrlo and Hand Power.)

CANES AND WHIPS. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland. O. Coe. Yonge k Co., 905 Lucai ave., St. Lonls.

CLOWN WHITE. C%aa. Meyers. 101 E. ISth at.. New York City. M. Stein Coametlc Oo.. 120 W. Slat at., N. Y. C.

COASTER CARS. Phlla. Toboggan Co., ISO E. Duval at., Ptatla.

COASTER DIPS. W. P. Shaw Co., 1279 Coney Island ave., Brook¬

lyn, N. Y. COLD CREAM.

M. Stein Coametlc Oo.. 120 W. Slat nt.. N. Y.C.

COMPENSARCS. FI. Wayne Electric Worki, Ft. Wayne, Ind.

CONES. A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan at., Toledo, 0. Electra Ice Cream Cone Co., 354 Elm at., Buf¬


Lanier k Drieebach, 246 Butler at., Cincinnati.

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. A. T. Dieti, 127 Michigan at., Toledo, O. W*. Z. Loug, 172 High at., SprlngCeld, O.


Carnival Coetume Co., Milwaukee. Holiday Novelty Co., 27 E. 4th at., N. Y. City. Rudolph Bros., 19 N. 5th zt., Philadelphia, Pa. Singer Bros., 62 Bowery, New York City.

CORN POPPERS. C. E. Dellenbarger Co., 627 W, Jackeoo Blvd.,

Chicago, 111. W. Z. Lung. 172 High zt., Sprtngeeld, O.

COSMETICS. (Eye-brow Peneila. Fzoe Powder, eto.)

Chae. Meyer. 101 W. 13th zt., New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31zt zt.. N. Y. C.

COSTUMER. Miller, 236 So. lltb zt., Phllxdelpbli, Pa.

COSTUMES. Carnival Costume Co., 267 W. Water it., Mil¬

waukee, Wlz. FVltz Scfaoultz Co.. 19 21 W. Lake at.. Chicago.

CRISPETTE PRESSES. C. E. Dellenbarger Co., 627 W. Jackson Blvd..


CUSHION COVERS. Rudolph Brot 19 N. 5tb at., Pblla<Ielpbla. Pa.

dancing mats. D. W. Goodwin, 91 Willow at., Lynn. Maas.

ELECTRIC LIGHTING OUTFITS. (Flxtares and Reteotora far Direct er Indlreot

lUnminatle*.) Charles A. Strelinger Co., Detroit, Mich.

ELECTRIC MINIATURE RAILWAY. W. F. Mangels Oo., Coney Island. N. Y.

ELECTRIC MOTOR CHAIRS. Electric Motor Chair Co., 2025 Michigan ave..


ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. J. C. Deagan, Berleau and K. Ravenawood Park

avea., Chicago. J. P. Seeburg, ITilcago.

ELECTRIC PIANOS (Socond-hand). J. F. Herman, 1420 Pa. ave., Waahlngtoo, D. C.


W. H. Gungb, Syracuse, N. Y. G. A. Trahan Co., Inc., Coboea, N. Y.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. Universal Elec. Stage Lighting Co., 420 W. 50th

at.. New York City.

EYE BROW PENCILS. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 3Iat. N. T. C.

FACE POWDER. M. Stein Coametlc Co.. I’JO W. Slat. N. T. C,

FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES. F. M. Barnes, 36 S. State at., Cbicagu.

FAIR GROUNDS GOODS. Slack Mfg. Co., 337 W. Madison at., Chicago

FEATHER FLOWERS. DeWitt Siatera, Grand Rlvd. and East Prairie

ave.. Battle Creek, Mich.

FEATURE FILMS. Abo Feature F'llm Co., 229 Erie at.. Cbicagu. A. Mllukhurn, 110 W. Kortledh at., N. Y. C. All-Star Features, ’220 W. 42d at.,- N. Y. C. Blache Featurea, loc., Kurt Lee, N. J. Buawortb, Inc., 110 W. 40tb at.. New Y»rk City. Canadian l<ioa<»pe Co., 220 W, 42d at., N. Y. C. Colonial Ylotlun Picture Cu., 16 E. 41at at..

New Y’ork City. Coninierclal Motion Picture Co.. 220 W. Furty-

M-eiitirt at.. New Y'lirk City. Criterion Feature Film Mfg. Co., 110 Weet

Fortieth at.. New Y’ork City. Eclair Co., 225 W. 42d at.. New York City. Eclectic Film Co., 110 W. 4t)th at.. N. Y. C. Eannay Film Co., 1st Nat'l Kk. Bldg., Chicago Famous Players Film Cu., 213 W, Twenty-sixth

at.. New Y’ork City. Feature Him Sales Co., Ltd., 168 W Wash

liigton et., CbIca.'O. Film Attractlvioa. 145 W. 4.%th at.. N. Y. C. (iaumout Co., 110 W. 40lh at.. New Y'ork City. General Feature Film Co., Powers' Bldg., Chl-

cagu. Great Northern Specially Feature Film Co.,

700«>ln Bldg., New York City Itala Film Co., 220 W. 42d at.. New York City. Jungle Film Co., 1600 Broadway, N. Y’. C. Kenned.v Featurea, Inc., 110 W. Fortletk at..

New York City. Jeaae laaky Co., 1472 Broadway, N. Y. C. Life Photo Co., 102 W. lOlat •*.. N. Y. C. Motion Drama Co., 220 W. 42d at., N. Y. C. Mundatnk Featurea. 1460 Broadway, N. Y. C. liswia Pennant Peaturve, 220 W*. 42d at., N.Y.C. Se'.lg Polyscope Co., Chicago. The Napoleon Feature Film Oo., 66 W. Waafe-

ington at., Chicago. Hie Big Feature Film Co., 1600 Broadway, New

Y'ork City. The United Kingdom Film Oo., London. England. Union Featnree. 226 W, 43d at.. New York City. Univerul Film Mfg. Co., Forty-eighth and

Broadway, New Y'ork City. Victory Co., 220 W. 43d at.. New York City. World Special Film Company, 110 W. 40th at..

New York City.

FEATURE LECTURE SLIDES. W. UndMy Gordon. 306 W. 84th at., N. Y. 0.

FERRIS WHEELS. Ell Bridge Ce.. Box 14.1 Roodbonae, HI. W. P. Shaw Co., 1279 Ooney Island ave., Brook¬

lyn. N. Y.

FESTOONING. Chicago Flag and Decorating Co., 1354 Wabash

ave., Chicago, III. National Tlmoe Mfg. Co., 306 Bergen SL,

Brooklyn, N. Y. FILMS.

(XaBnfaetnrcra, Dealers in and Xental Bureani.) American Film Brokem, • W. 14tb at.. N. Y. O. Chicago M P. Supply 0>., 588 8. Dearborn at.,

Chicago, III. Commercial Motion Picture Oo., 230 W. FVirty-

aecond if.. New York City. Davis Film Exchange Co.. Watertown, Wla. Dixie Film Exchange, Gwenaburo. Ky. Exhlbltora' Film Exchange, 173 W. Washington

at., Chicago, III. Feature Film Co.. 27 E 7»h at.. St. Panl. Minn. General Fixture Film Co., Powers' Bldg., Obi-

cago. III. General Film Co.. 200 Fifth ave.. N. Y. City Onnby Bros., 145 W. 46th at.. New York (Sty. L. Hetz, .102 E. 23d at.. Now York Hty. David Horsley, 1600 Broadway, New York City. Independent Film Eirtiange, 53 8. DearN>m at.,

Chicago, III. International Film Traderi, 8 W, Fourteenth

at.. New York (Tty. laiemmie Film Service, 204 W. Iske st., dd-

cago; Mlnnetpolla, Omaha, lies Molnee. Murphy. C. J.. Elyria, O. Mntnal Film Co.. New York City. Regal Film Co., 381 Sixth ave.. New York City. Renfax Miialcai Motion Pictures. 110 West

Fortieth at.. New York City. Univeraal Klim Mfg. C« . Forty-eighth and

Broadway, New York City. VitaTraph Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Western Film Brokers, 37 H. Wabaab ave., Chl-

eago. 111.

FILM CASES. P. C. Murphy Trnnk Co., St. I4>ula. Mo.

FILM MANUFACTURERS. tndnatrlal Moving I’lcliire Co., 223 W. Erie at.,

Chlrago, III.

FILM TITLES, PRINTING. ETC. flnnhy Hrini., 14ft W. 4*ftth nt., N>w York rity.


The Anll|iyp>a Co.. 17« Gn-en et.. N. T. C.

FIREWORKS. A. L. Doe Flre«-orka Co., Clnrlnoall. 0 llitt Fireworks Co., Columbia Statlun, Seattls,


► ■ss^^x-s^-s-s-t

$10:22 A YEAR (in advance)

Will put your name and address under any one headiu"

that you elect in this Trades Directory for 52 issues.

Practically all professional people consult this de¬

partment once or twice a week.

If you want their trade there is no cheaper or more

effective way of asking for it than ordering in your name

and address.

You are losing business ever\’ week that you re¬

main out. -A A-A ► AAA A A A A A AAA A-A-A-* AAAAAAAAA A-A-A A A-A A A A A

tre A S< NfW V0»lt

catalocuC fate

Naaelln BroA., 82 Atlantic ave., Boaton. Maaa. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land. O. Rudolph Brae., 19 N. 5th et., Philadelphia, Pa. S. Seboen k Sou, 00 Ann at.. New York City. Shryock-Todd &>., 824 N. Stb et.. St. Lonls, Mo. N. Shore Co., 287-241 W. Madieon At.. Chicago. Singer Broe., 82 Bowery, New York (^ty.

CARBIDE LIGHTS. Mllbnrn Carbide Light, Baltimore. Md.


D. C. Humphreys Co., 913 Arch at., Philadelphia. U. S. T. k A. Oo., 229 N. Deaplalnes at., Chi¬


Wm. H. Dentxel, 3635 Germantown ave., Fbila- delpbia. Pa.

Herachell-Spillman Co., North Tonawanda. N. Y. W. F. MangeU Co.. Coney Island, N. Y. C. W. Parker. Leavenworth and Abilene, Kan. Phlla. Toboggan Oo., 130 E. Duval at., Phlla.

CAROUSEL BUILDER. Marcus C. Illiuns, Coney Island, N. Y.

CARS (R. R.) Arme Palace Horae Car Co., Room 604 , 332 8.

Mirblgan ave., Chlrago. Soothern Iruo k Equipment Co., Atlanta, Ga. Venice Transportation Co., St. I»aia. Mo.

CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS Helmet Co., Inc., 1021 Rroedway, Cincinnati, O. Maple l.eaf Che^nr Gum Co., Detroit. Mich. Royal Gum Co., Toledo, O. Toledo Chealng Gum Co., 404 Jackson at., To¬

ledo, O. CIGARS.

I»nls Denebe’.m k Srtna, 1224 Oak at., K. C., Mo.

CIRCLE SWINGS AND FROLICS. Novelty Machine Co., 2 Rector ot., N. Y. City.

CIRCUS SEATS. (Vaw and Second Hand.)

Baker k Lockwood, 7th A Wyandotte sts., K. C., Mo.

U. S. T. k A. Co., 229 N. Desplalnea at., Chi cago.

CIRCUS WAGONS. (Cagaa, Dens and Band Chariots.)

Begga Wagon Co., Kanaae (^ty. Mo. Sullivan k Eagle, 15 Canal at.. Pern, Ind.

DECORATIONS. Baker k Lockwood, 7th k Wyandotte its., K

C.. Mo.


American Decorating Co., 1405 B. Irving Park Blvd.. Chicago.

Botanical Decorating Co., 604 Stb ave^ Chicago. G. A. Trahan Oo., Inc., Cohoea, N. T.

DETECTIVE AGENCIES. National Detective Agency. All branches of

detective work, 642 Pacl6e Bldg., San Fran cisco.

DIAMONDS. I/oftis Bros, k Co., 108 No. State at., Chicago. Remob Jewelry Co., Washington ave., St. Louis

DISINFECTANTS. Fliltoti Bag k Cotton Mllla, New York, St

Lonls, New Orleans, Atlanta and Dallas, 't'ex

DOLL RACKS. Ilerachell-Splllman, No. Tonawanda. N. Y.

DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS. IjouIs Amberg, 82 Union Stj., New York City. Dominion Toy Mfg. t’o., 161 Queen at., Toronto,

Ont., Canada. H. C. Evans k Co., 75 W. Van Buren at., Chi

cago. Fair Amusement Co., 142 Fifth ave , N. Y. City Fhir A Carnival Supply Co., 383 W. Broadway

New York City. A. II. Ilendler A Co., 1061 Market at., Ran

Francisco. Holiday Novelty Co., 27 E 4th at., N. Y. City, E. J. Ilorwman, 376 Knwdway. New York City Ideal Novelty A Toy Co., 468 llniedway, N.Y.i Mexican Armadillo Curio Co.. 100 .N. Fifth ave

(Hilcago, III. New Toy Mfg. Co., 28 W. 20th at . N. Y. C, SctK»n A Sarkady, 10 W. 18lh »t., N. Y. City Singer Broa., 82 ftiwery, New York Cllv. Tip Top Toy Co.. 2'20 W. 19th at., N. Y. City

DRAMATIC SCHOOLS. Davies Sch/ol of Dramatie Art, (Ircliestra IIill,

Chieago, III.

DRAMATIC SKETCHES. 0)h>nlal Amiioement Co., Colonial Theater, Bldg

IVxUm, Mona.

ELECTRICAL ECONOMIZERS. Vlodex Electric Mfg. Co., Aun>ra, III.

ELECTRIC FANS. J. n. Hillberg, 36 E. 23d at., New York City.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Xtte Billboard 65

Inl.TiiJillontl Mn-work* Co., 192 Bojrd Jar rtiy, S. J.

MARTIN’S FIREWORKS 0 B»« ••3^_K«a»u CWy, M>.

Ktri-worka Co., C'lilraKo aud Jaraay CIO. *1. Knrniha ic Co., Mira. Klr*-w«rka Ilia

ul.iiK lioirniaD at.. Mmoi. N«w York. NonII iiiKTiian Ulajilaj Klraworka Co., lUwan

61' t outral .Natl. Hauk Bldf ., Ht. liouU, Uo. rain Uroworka Ulaiilay Co., Woolwortti Bldf.,

N. .. York, aiMl 13J(J Wabaab ava., Chicago. WrliraMl KlrVworka <'o., Kraaklyr. Park, III.'ii'K KIrcworka Co., Ixai Aogelea and Ban

Kraiii'lai'o, Cal. FLAGS. Hag Mfg. Co., Kaaton, Pa. •iki-r A l.o«-k».«><l. 7th A Wjraudottc, K. C.. Mo. Oblrag' Klag A Iiocoratlng Co., 1354 Wabaab

»TC.. <'hlc.'»<o. Ill, M Mik'cc A Siiii. luc., 147 Fulton at.. N. T. C. ■rboi Co-. 214 Waalilnaton at.. New York City 0 ? T. A A. Co., 'SJU N. Ucaplalnca at., Chl-

FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. M U Sihluctcr. yj;. W. IlUnola at., Chicago,

FOREIGN SCHOOL OF DANCING. Tlllpr SchiaiU of Iiaiiring, lAI CTiarlug Uuad and

lime GroTC, Manchcatrr, England

FOUNTAIN PENS. *»Tk Bn-a . 5'.1* .VW Bi^>adway. New York City. B. A Brown A Bon, 2o'i Alder at., Portland,

Ore. Ira Barnett. 61 Beckman at.. New York City. Jtniea Kelley. lM-23 Ann at.. New York City.

GAMING DEVICES. B. C. Erana A Co., 75 W. Van Buren at, Ch'go

GASOLINE BURNERS. W T. I/iDg, 172 High at.. Biiringfleld, O.

GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES. Laoi-aater Clawi Co... I.aocaater, O.

GREASE-PAINTS. ETC. (Kake-up Boaea. Cold Cream, Etc.)

The Heat Co. (Cherryola and Kubyllp) Bochea- ter. N. Y'.

K. Stein Coatnetlc Co., 120 W. Slat at.. N.Y'.C. Eander Br>a.. Inc., 113 W. 4Hth at.. N. T. C.

GREASE ROUGE. The Heaa Co. (Cherryola and Uubyllp) Rochea

ter. N. Y. i

HALFTONE LETTERHEADS. Clay Cent! r Engraving Co., Clay Center. Kan

HEAVY WAGON A. TRUCK GEARS. The Akrm Sella Co., Akron. 0. j

HOTELS. 1 Brand Opera Huuae H.>tel. European, William

bprlnka. iiroi>.. Toronto, Can.

HYPNOTIC INSTRUCTION. M. D. Betta, Station Q, Jackaon, Mich.

ILLUSIONS. •arrala I,e Roy Co., .52 Hatton (tirden. L'Uidoo.

INCANDESCENT LIGHTS. Safety Electric Co., 15 Michigan are., Chicago. Security Electric Lamp O)., 12-14 S Jetferaon

at.. (Thlcagv), III.


INDIAN BLOOD MEDICINES. Idaho Native Herb Co., Boiae, Idaho.


Blltmore lYancIng Studio, IS E. 43d at.. If. T. C.

INVISIBLE FORTUNE WRITERS. S. Bower, 117 Harman at., Brooklyn, N. T.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Morimura Broa. 544 Broadway, New Y'ork City. Mogt, Momonl A Co.. 11 Barclay at., N. T. C. Taklto, Ogawa A Co., S27-S1 W. Madtaon at.,

Alcago, Ill. JEWELRY.

(Far Btaga Van.) Altbarh A Boaenaon. 206 W, Madlaon at., Ch'gO- Ona. Tonge A Co., B05 Lncaa ava.. 8t. Loula. Holman A Alter. ITS W. Madlaon at., Chicago. Shry-M-k Todd 0>.. S24 N. Eighth at.. St. I»nla. N. Shore r<k.. 237 241 W Madlaon at.. Chicago. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, New York City.

JOKES. TV Magic Sbfip. 32 N 13th at.. Phlla.; Pa.

JUGGLERS’ 'GOODS. Edward Van Wyack. 1646 Pullen aee.. Cincinnati

KNIVES. aeveland fane Co. CleTeland. O. Shryock To.ld Co.. 824 N. Eighth at.. St Ie>nla. N. Bhure <'o.. 237 241 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. Singer Br<Hi.. 82* Ih.werT. New York City. WaUbaum Cntlery Co.. 10 8. Fifth are.. Ch’go.

LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. J. M. Naugbtun Co.. Hotel Mayer Bldg.. Peoria,


LEATHER NOVELTY GOODS. Fine Art Novrlty Co.. .30 W. Adama at.. Ch’go.

LIGHTS. (Beacona. Torehet for Oircaaoa and Tant Showa.) Bol^ A Weycr, 123 S Center ave,, Chicago. Ill. J- Frankcl, Gaaollnr Mantcla, ‘224 N. 6th at.,

Oilrag.., III. IJttl,. Wonder Light (V.. Terre llante, Ind Peerle«« Light Co., manufacturer* of mantel*

for g**..|lne lighting. Chicago, III. ^ s T A A (».. 2'.’1» N. lYeaplalnca at.. Chicago. Wlndh..r«t A Co , l«M liM N. 12th at.. St. Loula.

LIQUID MAKE-UP. The I|e>« Co. (Y'mithful Tint). Boebcater. N. T.

LIQUID VENDING MACHINES. Uuuld Vending Machine Co.. 52 YVoodward ave.,

I>etn.|t. Mich

. MAGIC GOODS. S B.'Wer. 117 Harman at., Brooklyn. N. T. V- J 164 North Clark ef . Chicago. Ill. TJ8- M«glc Shop. .32 N 1.3lh at.. Phlla., Pa. ^Tie Oak* Magical (o., Owhkoah, WU, Keail A Covert. 81» E 4.3d at., Chicago. Ill * H'.fertwrg. 1.31 w Ontario at.. Chicago.

V' at A Co., lino Filbert at.. Ifilladelphla. Pa.

_ mail order SUPPLY.

mail DEALERS’ WHOLESALE HOU tr’. ♦'•hihig and Tear'a Mailing Karr L'^’ 574 Sewta Oaarbam St., Clilaat*.

manufacturers mechanical amusement devices.

Van Buren at.. ludlana|H>|la, Ind.

Armitage A Guinn, Spiingellle. N. Y. iCIl Brlilgo Co., K'judhuuae, III. tkerchell .Spillman Co.. .No. Tenawanda, N. Y. W. F. Maugela Co., Coney Iiland, N. Y.' C. W. Parker, l.eav«nworth, Kan. .foeelty Machine Co., 2 Bentor at., N. Y. C. Park Engineering Co., 30 (Church at., N. Y. C. Ihe A. J. Smith Mfg. Co., 3247 W. Van Burea

It., Chicago, Ill. , Thuratun Walti Bide Co., 16<I0 Broadway. New

Y'lrk City care L'niverwal nim Co. W’urflleln, 208 N. Second at., Philadelphia.

masks. (Xaaquarada, Theatrieal, CamiTal.)

Kllpi>ert. 46 C<a>|ier Square. New York

MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS. I»lek A Fltxgerald. 20 Ann at., N. Y. City. B. L. Jenne, Box 32, Indianapolis, Ind. Miller, 821 IxMigacre Bldg., N. Y. City. Clyde Pblllipa, Fort Thomas, Ky. ilr*. .Mary Thayer, Providence, R. I.

MERRY-GO-ROUNDS. llerachell .Spillman Co., No. Tenawanda, N. Y. C. W. Parker, I>-avenwortb, Kan.


A. Bernl, 216 W. 20th at.. New York City. J. Krejcl A Son. 1649 Barnes at., Baltimore, Md. I.yon A Healy, 202 .S. Wabaab ave., Chicago, IlL North Timawanda Muaicil Instrument Works,

North Tonawanda, N. Y’. M. Welte A Son*. 273 Fifth are.. N. T. C. Hudolpb Wurlitzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago.

M. P. ELEC. LIGHTS OUTFIT. Hetolt Engine Work-*. I>etrolt. Mich. Chaw. A. Strellnger. Detroit. Mich.


B. B. Abraham*. 222 South at.. Philadelphia. FY-ancla Bannerman. .301 Broadway, N. Y. C.

MOV. PIC. THEATER CURTAINS. American Tlieat'r Curtain Co., U»S N. Main at.,

St. I»ula, Ylo. ,

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. American F3Im Brokers, 5 W. 14th at.. N. Y. C. .Ymuaeroent Supply Co., 163B North Rfth are.,

Chicago. III.

8. Pelffer, 1368 Broadway, New York City. J. P. Seeturg piauo Co. Chicago. -M. Welte A Sons. 273 I'3fth ave., N. Y. C. Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., CinciuDati and Chicago.


Carl Fischer, 50 Cooper Square, N. Y. C. Charles K. Ilarrla, Cqluubia Theater Bldg.,

New York City. Shapiro, Kernatein A Co., 1416 Broadway, New

York City. Jerome H. Kemlck, 221 W. 46th at. N. T. C. Harry Von Tllzer Muaic Pub. Co., 125 W. 43d

at.. New York City. Win Von Tilzer. 145 W. 4.3th at.. N. Y. C. Watera-m. Berlin A Snyder, Strand Theater,

New York City.

NOSE PUTTY. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31it at., N.Y.C.

NOVELTIES. Ira Barnett, 61 Beekman at.. New York City, l^rk Bros., 529 Broadway, New York City. Coe, Yonge A Co., 906 Lncaa ave., St. Lonla, L. Eisensteln A Co., 44 Ann at.. New York City. Fine Art Novelty Co., .39 W. Adame at., Chicago. Flacber Broa. A Co., Newark, N. J. M. Gerber, 7‘29 .South at.. Philadelphia. Gordon A Morrison, 199-201 East Yladison at.,

Chicago, 111.

Ed Hahn. 358 W. Madison at., Chicago. A. H. Hendler A Co., 1061 Ylarket at.. San

Francisco. James Kelley. 21 Ann st.. New York City. Lancaster Glass Co., Lancaster. 0. Nade! A Shimmel. 132 Park Row. N. Y. City. I.. Keiss A Co., 325 Park Row, N. Y. City. Rudolph Bros.. 19 N 5th st. Philadelphia. Pa. Schoen A Sarkady, 10 W. 18th at., N. Y. City. N. Shure Co.. 237 241 W. .Madison st., Chicago. Singer Bros.,'82 Bowery. New York City. .Son Broa. A Co., 849 Mission st.. Saa Francisco. Ludwig Steinberg. 112 Grand at.. N. Y. City Webh-Freysrtilag Merc. Co.. Kansat City, Mo.

PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES. S. Catanzaro A Sons, luc., Peuu ave. A 22d at.,

Pittsburgh, Pa.

PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES. Klngery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, 0.

PEARL NOVELTIES. Pearl City Novelty Co., 317 W. Front at., Moa-

catlne, la.

PENNANTS. Chicago Flag A Decorating Co., 1354 WabaaA

ave., C3ilcago, Ill. Ellery Mfg. Co., 585 Market at., San Frandaco. line Art Novelty Co., 39 W. Adams at., Chicago. lAogrock Bros., 35 Ormond Place, N. Y. City. Holiday Novelty Mfg. Oo., ’27 B. 4th at.. N.Y.O. National Pennant Co., Palmyra, Pa. M. Newman, SS3 Market st., San Francisco. Kudolpb Bros., 18 N. 5th st., Philadelphia, Pa. N. Share Co., 237-241 W. Madison at., Chicago. F. Stemthal, 358 Vf. Madison at., (Chicago.



LOS ANOIXES, CALIF.. 107 North Spring Strast: SE.4TTLfc. wash., 2is 2nd Avajiue, South.

Fine Art Novelty Co., 39 W. Adama st., Oh’fo. Mexican Armadillo Curio Co., 160 N. Fifth ave.,

(Chicago, Ill. Fine Art Novelty O)., 39 W. Adams st., Ch’go. A. H. Hendler A Co., 1061 Market at., Saa

Frandaco. Ia Crosse Pennant Co., Ia Crosse, Wla. lAngruck Bros., 35 Ormond Place, N. Y. (Mty. Jlexlcan Armadillo Curio Co., 160 N. Fifth ava.,

Chicago. 111. PaciOc Pennant A Novelty Co., 244 New High,

Iam Angeles, Cal. Tboen’s Pennant Factory, 32 S. Sixth at., Ula-

neapolis, Minn. D. S. T. A A. Co.. 229 N. Desplalnea st., Ch’go.

PHOTOGRAPHER. Commercial Pliot"grapblo Co., 115 Brady at.,

Daventsitt. la. C. A. Meyers. 927 Market st., San Francisco, 0*1 Y'oung A Carl, 7th A Vine »ts., CMndnnatl, 0.

PHOTO BUTTON CAMERAS. American .Minute I’boto Co., 2214 Ogden ave.,

Chicago, Ill. Benson Camera Co., 23 Delancey st., N. Y. O. Chicago Ferrotype Co., Ferrotype Bldg., Chicago. Interuati >nal Metal and Ferrotype Co., 12*23 W.

Twelfth at., Chicago, Ill. N. T. Ferrotype Co., 1126 S. Halated, Chicago.

PHOTO MACHINES (Automatic). Cnlted Vending Machine Co., Lock Box 376, 3t*-

tlon H. Cleveland. O.

PILLOW TOPS. DeMar Mfg. Co., Ine., 107 Oak st., Buffalo. N.T. Eder Mfg. Co., 712 Sycamore st., Mllwankso,

Wla. L. K. Engeliu,in. 18 W. 17th at.. New Y'ork City. U. C. Evans A Co., 75 W. Van Buren at., Oh^

cago, II. Fair Amusement Co.. 142 Fifth ave., N. Y. O. lAngTock Bros., 35 Ormond Place., N. Y. City. New Toy Mfg. Co., 28 W. 20rh at., N. Y. 0. Jos. Both .Mfg. Co., 57 E. 11th it., N. Y. C. Schoen A Sarkady, 10 W. 18tb at., N. Y. C. N. Sbnre Co., 237-41 W. Madlaon at., Chicaga^ O. VY’. Stivers A Co., New York City. Tip Top Toy Co., 2’20 W. 19th at., N. Y. C.



28 Wsal aotk Strsst. New Ysrk City.


DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS. Acme Toy Mfg. Co., 162 Bleecker et., N. Y. O. Carnival Nov. 4 Toy Oo., 99 B. l»th at., W.T.O.

FAIR AMUSEMENT CO. ■42 Fifth Avaausv aar. Itth M., New Yarh CBy.

Fair Amusement Oo., 142 Fifth ave., N. T. O. Fair 4 Carnival Supply Co., 388 W. Broadway,

New York City. R. Fleiacher A Co., Inc., 55 Wafker at., N.T.O. Holiday Novelty Co., 27 K. 4th et., N. Y. City. Mexican Armadillo Carlo Oo., 160 N. Fifth ava.,

Chicago, HI. _

NEW TOY MFG. CO. 2S Wart 20th Streat. New Yerfe C^.

New Toy Mfg. Co.. 28 W. 20th at., N. Y. C. P<Mitxer Toy Mfg. Co., 69-71 Wooeter at., N.Y.O.

JOSEPH ROTH MFG. CO.] 57-59 East lltk Street. New Yert City.

Rudolph Bros., 19 N. 5th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Schoen A Sarkady. 10 W. 18th sL. N. Y. C. Shapiro A Karr, 3^ South st., Phlla. N. Shure Co., 237-241 W. Madison »t., Chicago. D. S. T. A A. Oo., 2’2» N. Desplalnea et., Ch’go. Singer Bros.. 82 ^wery;- New York City.

TIP TOP TOY, CO. 220 Wert 19th St., New York CRy. _

Ti? Top Toy Co., 220 W. 19tli at., N. Y. 0.

POPCORN. Dlrnberger Popcorn (^., 135 Seneca at., BnSalo,

N. Y. POPPING CORN (The Grain).

Bradshaw Co., 286 Greenwich at.. New York.

POPCORN MACHINES. O. E. Dellenbarger Co., 627 W. Jackson Bled.,

Chicago, III. W. Z. Long. 172 High at.. Sprlngheld, 0.

POPCORN POPPERS. C. E. Dellenbarger Co., 627 W. Jackaon BIvtL,

Chicago, III. Klngery Mfg. Co.. (Inclnnatl, O.

PORCUPINES. IJnwood H. Flint, North Waterford. Me.

PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS. EU Bridge Co., Roudbouae, 111.


Trsmlll Portable Skating Blnk Oo.. 1323 Agnsa at., Kansas City, Mo.

(Continued on page 66.)

This Issue Has

675,000 READERS, almost three-(|uarters of a million.

If a daily paper that sells for one cent can lay claim

to five readers for every copy circulated, then a period¬

ical puhlication that sells for 15 cts., as does this issue

of THE BILLBOARD, is safely within the probabilities

ill claiming fifteen readers for each copy.

As a matter of fact we know of thousands of copies

that go to the public libraries and agencies that are each

scanned weekly by no less than a hundred readers.

Your name and address in this department for $10

a year. Can you beat it? It is the greatest bargain in

advertising ever offered.

Atlaa Moving Picture C\>., Room 280, 506 So. Dearborn at., Chicago, Jll.

Davla Film Exchange Co.. Watertown, Wla. Dearborn Novelty Co., 537 S. Dearborn at., Chi¬

cago, HI. Thoe. A. E»ll*<'n. Inc.. 10 Fifth ave.. New York

City, and Orange, N. J. Entrii>rl*e Optical Mfg. Co., 570 W. Randolph

It.. Chicago). 111. Exhibitor*’ Film Exchtnge. 172 W. Waahlngton

at.. Chicago, 111. Htrbach A Co., 112 N. 9th at., Phlla., Pa. lAemmle Film Service. 204 W. Lake at., Chi¬

cago; Mlnneapolla; Omaha; Dea Moines. lieara’ Theater Supply Co., 509 Cheatnut at.,

St. loula. Mo. Moore Hubbell A Co., Ma*<vnle Temple. Chicago. N. Power Oo.. 90 G«ild at.. New York City. I’reclalon Machine Co.. .317 E. 34th at., N. Y. C. Eb»Third Schneider, 219 Second ave., N. T. C. Cha*. M. Stebblna, 10’2S Main at.. Kanaaa City.

MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES. American C4nemab>g''*Pl> ('o-. 617 Jackaon Blvd.,

Chicago, III. Chaa. H. Bennett. .V> N 9th at.. Phlla., Pa.

MUSIC ARRANGERS. William ateemann, 1204 Vine at., Cincinnati. William Mayer. 35 Pike at.. Covington. Ky. Ruir< ne PSatr.mann. Broadway and 39th at.. New

York City.

MUSICAL GLASSES. A. Braunelsa, 1012 Napier ave., Richmond Hill,

N. Y.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Coliimbiia Pinno ''o., Columbua, O. J. C. Deagan, Berteau and Ra*t Ravenawood

Park avea.. Chicago.

CARL FISCHER Hrailduanera 6nr ererrthlng In Miiaic- fYitalog free.

44-54 Ceaaar Seuare. New York.

TTmn^TTp^Orga^CoT^hi^^omtl^RearCr^atT Chicago, III.

Ixwita B. MaleckI 4 Co., 337 Wabaih ave., Chicago,

K II Ma.vland 4 Son, 54 Willoughby it., Brooklyn. N. Y.

North Tonawanda Mnalcal Inatrument Worka, North 'IVinawanda, N. Y.


HIPP, DIDISHEIM & BRO. 54 Maldea Lane. Ntw Yark City.

OPERA CHAIRS. American Seating 0>., 14 E. Jackaon Blvd-, Chi¬

cago. III. Camle-Ooudie Mfg. Co., 307 Delaware at., Kan¬

sas City. Mo. Hardesty .Mfg. Co., Canal Dover, O. Lears’ Theater Supply Co., 509 Chestnut at.,

St. Louis. Mo. Peter A Volx. Arlington Heights, Ill. Steel Furniture Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. E H. Stafford Mfg. Oo., Chicago, 111. Wisconsin Seating Co.. New London, Wla.

ORANGEADE. Charles Orangeade Co.. Garffeld Sta., Cblcago. The Corner Co., 303 Maryland at.. Buffalo, N. Y. Chaa. T. Morrissey Co., 4417 Madison st.. Ch’go.

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. C. F. Bath, Abilene, Kan. A. Bernl. 216 W. 20th at.. New York City. l.yon A Healy, 20*2 S. Wabaab ave., Chicago. O. Mina. 2 F1r»t at.. New Y'ork City. John Yluxxio A Son. 178 Park Row, N. T. C. Niagara Musical Inst. Co., N. Tonawanda. N. T. North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works,

No. Tonawanda, N. Y. M. Welte A Stma, 273 Fifth ave., N. Y. C. Rudolph Wnrlltaer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

PADDLE WHEELS. E. M. Davis Soap Co., 2*22 No. Desplalnea at.,

Chicago, HI. H. C. E«ana A Co., 75 W. Van Buren at., Ch’go. E. J. Horsman Co.. 367 Broadway, N. Y. C. A. J. Kemplen 4 Co., St. Paul, Minn. Keman Mfg. Oo.. 115 S. Dearborn at., Chicago. Slack Mfg. Co.. 337 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. A. J. Smith. Mfg. Co., 3247 W. Van Buren at.,

Chicago, III. Tip Tt>p Toy Co.. 220 W. 19th at.. N. Y. City. C. S. T. 4 A. Co., 229 N. Desplalnea at., (Ti’go.

PARASOLS. Frankford Broa.. 9<*6 Pilliert at., Philadelphia.

PATENTS SECURED, victor J. Evans 4 Co., WaaUiigtOD, D. 0.

66 Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

DIRECTORY iCuntinued from paice 6o.)

POST CARD MACHINES. CblrafTo Kfrrutj'iie Co., CougreM and Leffltn tti.,

Otiloico. Ill. Da.rdark Spodaltj Oo., Daydark Bldg., St. Loola.


SKATES. THEATER SUPPLIES. WHALE DIVES. “bIT Chliag0*‘l*l' Wathlngton Cln-atuot at.. St. I*. Co.. 11>7» Cour, UUml ar,.. Br.„k

M. C. nl»*y. Richmond. Ind. THPATPR TICKPTQ

^ (Boll and iTeL" J seat cL®p;,n.1 _ WHEEL BIRDS. at.. Chicago, in. .tnacR Ticket Co.. 154 K. Erie at.. Otilrago, Ill. \A/BJ DA DTTI D r\

SLOT MACHINES. THEATRICAL COSTUMES. « (Manufacturera and Daalera In.) W. Adler. HWi W. IWth at.. New York Clt.T. «-44 Carllaad Strati. NEW YORK CITY

Brnnawirk Co.. ludll Bare at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Eaves Coatiime Co.. 1*28 W. 41at at.. N. Y City

Diamond Novelty Co.. Schenectady. N. Y. New York INwiume O*.. 14<> Dearborn at.. Cirgo

(Manufacturera and Dealer! In.) Brnnawirk Cs.. KViU Bare at., Philadelphia, Pa. Diamond Novelty Co.. Schenectady. N. Y. National Vending Mach. Co., MInneapolia, Minn. Perfection Novelty CV).. 842 N. Ninth at., Phila.


WM. BARTELS CO., 4J-44 Carllaad Street. NEW YORK CITY.

Jameatown Ferrotype Co., 1128 8. Ilalated at.. Perfection Novelty 842 N. Ninth at., Phila. tHPATRICAL Cfl^TlIMPR f^ennH Chicago 111 Bloan Nov. ft Mfg. Co., 9th A Ogden ata., Phila. • ntM 1 I-IIUAU t.Uo I UlVIbs (OftCOnd*

8tar Mtchlne and Supply Co., 718 So. TtS Vending Machine Oo., Cleveland. O. hand). *-- Andrew*. 5D6 SE>uth State Pt., Chicago 111. at., FhlUdeIpbia, Pa.

PRINTERS. (Of Pictorial Poatera, Big-Typa Stand!, Stream-

ara, Etc.) American Show Print Oo., Milwaukee, Wla.


Dunaldaon Litho. Co., Newport. Ky. . __ „ , ^ „ . .In Hennegan A Co.. Sll Genesee bivd.. Cinclmmll. S^^e Oo.. San Antonio. T«* Bobert Wllmana, 708 Commerce at.. Dallnn, Tex. Brojwnavllle Snake Farm. Box 275, Bro

exhibit Supply Co.. 542 S. Dearborn at., Chicago * »*ch». 343 N. Hark at.. Chicago, Ill

SLUM AND PLASH DODDS THEATRICAL COSTUMES & WIGS Ban liVe^^!.efm';'?2»^^v^!w.y®S.°Y°®6lty

SNAKE DEALERS. A. Fueger. 52I Walnut at.. St. lioula. Mo.

New York INwiume C**.. 140 I>earb>>rn at.. Ch’go WHEELMEN'S CANDY. Mra. I,. Sclieuer. 924 South at.. PhlUdel|>hla. The T.airalne Coufecthmery Co., 231 Cauaeway


.tndrewa. 5(18 South State at.. Chicago 111. W. Bx-row A Son. 225 Dearborn at., Chicago. Starr A Sacha. 343 N. Hark at.. Chlraao. III. A M Much A Co.. 119 N. 9tli at., IMiira.. pa.

PRIZES. (Yaaaa China. Bteina. Ete.)

ralker A Stem Co., 124 ^ Lake at., OhlcMO-

Brownsville Snake Farm, Box 275, BrownavIIle, Tex.

W. A. Snake King, BrownavIIle. Tex. W. Odell Learn, ^n Antonio, Teg.


THEATRICAL COSTUMES & WIGS. • Chicag(j r<*Mme Workt. 143 North Dearborn nucker A Ahrena. 188 W. 48th at.. N. Y, City.

•t^ ihU*»yo liL , . . Th** Wlggery, JiO 84>. 8t*te •!., Chicago. Ul. A. Fueger. 521 Walnut at.. St. Loult. Mo. Zauder Broa., Inc.. 115 W. 48th at., N. Y. C.


W Waller TO Plrlf'Shipley, Kanaaa City. Mo., America's W. Waller, 79 City Road, London. largrat manufacturera. Catalog free,


PUNCH BOARD AS80RTM ENT8 AND Wm, W. DeUnej. 117 park Row, N. T. City. I *^*''*^**“ Expert, 817 0>I, ave., Biwtou. Maas. Carl nagenbrek. S. A. 8tt‘l>haD, Amertcao Agt.,

Wn. a SONG BOOK PUBLISHERS. I Bi^^n-Weller Co.. 837 W. MAdiaon et.. OM- g 32 ^ |

V>alr A Carnival Supply C«., 283 W. Broadway, SONG SLIDES. New York City, /Vat ninatMtAkd) Haavc \

H^aman A A**" Co.. 179 N^^dl^ at., Ohlcago Song SUde Exchange. 37 South Wabash The J. • Hoodwln Co.. 2949 W• Van Bums avn CAicaxo 111.

Brack man-Weller (^., 837 W. Madlaon ad., Ohl- (iago. 111.

PAIr A Carnival Supply Co., 283 W. Broadway, New York City.

THEATRICAL HATS (Mad. to Ord.r) rVu"."2TGrViu. -t.. New York city.

111 . 1*1- Laemmle Film 8ervlce. 204 W. Lake at.. Cbl-

Moe t*^n A Co.. 887-39 W. Madtaon at., CM- oago- Minneapolis, Omaha. Des Moines. ***?• *•'- _ . ^ ^ „ Moore-Hnbbell A Oo.. Masonic Temple. Chicago.

Llt^^Mwa " SOUVENIR WHIPS AND PENNANTS Watting Mfg. Co., Jackson Bird., Obleago. Advniica Whip Oo., Westfield. Mass. O. 8. T. A A. Co., 229 N. Deaplalnea at., Oh’fo. ftPANCLFA

AI. Fluegelman. 884 Eighth ave, near ywty- second at.. New York City.


J. M. Leavitt A Co.. 714 Eighth ave.. New York City. Oldest house in this line in the United States. Eatabltsbed in 1878.

Bichard Guthmann Scenery Studios, 1814 Ix>omls Place, (Hilcago, Ill.


QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES. Bittelmeyer Printing Works, 1831-38 Vine sC.

dDdonatl, 0.

ROLL TICKETS. Dooaldaon Litho. Co., Newport, Ky. National Ticket Co., Shamokln, Pa. Boyal Ticket Oo., Shamokln, Pa.

ROUGE. The Heea Co., Boebeater, N. T. M. Stein Cosmetic Oo., 120 W. Slat aL, N.T.O.

SAFETY RAZORS. Barham Safety Razor Co., 84 Murray at., N.T.O.

SCENERY. O. L. Story Scenic Co., Somerville Sta., Boaton.


Vred Wilkins A Bro., 27-35 Duke at., Liverpool.

SCENIC PAINTERS. (And Dealers la Soenery, Etc.)

M. Armbruvler A Suns, 249 Front at.. Columbua, Ohio.

IWe Wm. Berk A Sons Co.. Cincinnati. O. Enkeboll Art Co., 53US N. 27th at., Omaha. Neb. Frank M. Green Scenic Oo., 44JS Fifth at., Louia-

vlUe. K.T.

Advaiica Whip Oo., Westfield. Mass. 1 iwrxt 1 eDAair>l eo Amusement Sales Oo.. (Kddberg Bklg , 995 **^^''*'*^^** Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich,

hrthnr B. Alb-rtla Oo., 7 Fulton at., Brooklyn. H. V. Bright. Pmapect RMg., CleveUnd, O N. T. R. H. Langslow (>>., RoebMter, N. Y.


XYLOPHONE. J. 8. Deagan, Berteau and E. Ravenswood Park

avea., oLlrago. 111.

MusicianslWanted Oomet*. Barttonva and Uoma. SUta mpevltnn; and must lain on wire.

VIC ESLICK, BaaCaiatttr Warl4 at Hsait Shsara, Oat Msiast, la.

wask Aufutl SI.

SIEGMAN db WEIL _IS A 2S East 27th St., Haw Yart._

SPIRIT GUM. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. T. C.


R. H. Langslow (>>., Roeb^ter, N. Y.

TICKET PRINTERS. Anaell Ticket Ce.. 154-158 E. Erie at., Chicago. Arcus Ticket Co., 412 S. Dearborn at.. Chicago. National Ticket Co.. Sbamukin, Pa. Royal Ticket ()o.. Shamokln. Pa. Trimount Dreaa. Albany at., Boaton. Maaa. Weldon, Wllllima A Lick. Ft. Smith, Ark.

Arthur B. Albertla Co.. 7 Fulton at.. Brooklyn. I '*f*k**^^**T'*"^ ^*****!i o»v'h«atri; ux

Colored Musicians And Pnformen wanted quick. Good white (tnva*- man. Billie Jonea. write. Addreat F. C. HUNT¬ INGTON, Hot>r. Ark.

H. C. Evtna A Oo., 75 W. Van Buren at.. Chl'go o.ntn., a M-ttern Co Grant ave' and P.wi nlxhla and one mailnre, cnltege town; ex.-elleet a. C. Hunt A Oo.. 160 N. Fifth ave.. Chicago. Grant ave. and Poat llliDols Sporting Gooda Oo.. 160 N. 6th at.. Ch'go • »aP _ (Kwn about September 20U>. MANAGFJi Ml^io- Keraan Mfg. <3o., 115 So. Dearborn at.. Chicago. THEATRICAL TIGHTS AND SVMMCTRICALt. Rl.iL I'PtJLA HOUSE. Valparaixo. ind_

STAGE HARDWARE. J. R. Clancy, 1000 W. Belden ave.. Syraense,

N Y. A. W. Oeratner Co.. 634 8th ave., N. T. City.

STAGE JEWELRY. Arthur B. Albertis Co., 7 Fulton at., Brooklyn.

N. Y._

SIEGMAN db WEIL _H A 24 East tTtli St., Naw Yart._


LEOTAROE AND ALL KNIT GOODS. ^ w Oantnee A Mattem Ox. Grant Avs. and Poat 8L, - WANTED! -

San Francbco. I DBOilLiToR Would like to hear from C. E. Mc- Oirnell or (Tieeter Harden Addreva N.iT'L ITAO DEC. «).. in: Norton. Kai <a« Otj. Mo SIEGMAN db WEIL DBC. QQ.. m: Norion. Kai MX City. Mo

II A 20 EaR 27tll St., Naw Yart. ANSWER QUICK Slate all tlixt letter WANTED —Medicine I'riforiDen; UDmeellan that diatiff* «■>£!

Oaiitner A Mattem Co.. Grant ave. and Post and iokn and can xtay -'‘•lat^ Brat-rife^ at San Franclaco Laig seajum. W.ANTEtx-ioona Lady llano llayer

’ -v-z-vw n*. . mat teadx and fakex; no flirt need apply. Saiary TOY BALLOONS- cuod. iRien Moiday. September 14, 1*14. .AddrvM

Fanltleaa Rubber Co., Athland, O. DR. WM Ml-XRosE. Box 5, Luvetne^^^Aix^^^^^^

Eagle Rubber Co., AahUnd, O.

John Herfurtb. 2183 Boone at.. Cincinnati. O. Bros.. 240 W. 60th at.. New Y<»k City. I ^ Hahm »8 i^^diaon^t.. ^Icago Ill. ^ ^ Viollnlit. expeclrpce in all '![**='*** ^ TXv. Uw.r..n..^w .,,.1 %i..wz.> eTAAC eu/NCe I **"r*'^t ■t-* mualc dMtre chance of nwltlon: bent referemw*. H The MyerS'Carey Studioa. Fourth and Market

ata.. Steubenville, O. The New York Studios, 1001 Times Bldg.,N.T.C. •chnell's Scenic Studlog, 581 S. High at., &>-

Nimbus, O. •oamtn A Laudia Co., 417 8. Clinton at., Chl'go. Rt. Lout* Float A Scenic 0>., 613 Elm at., St. . Lonls. Mo. ■yraruae Scenic Co.. 906 E. Fayette at, Syra¬

cuse. N. Y

STAGE SHOES. Francisco. Canmeyer, 8th ave. and 20th at., N. Y. Oty. I Lloyd .Martin. 1807 Young at.. Cincinnati, 0. J. Olasabeig, New York. ' *'—-- - Neely Bros., 729 W. Madison at., Chicago. Shoe Craft Shop, 27 W. 38th at.. N. Y. City.


Massillon Rubtier Oo.. Massillon, 0. Naaella br«.. 32 Atlantic tve., Boaton. Mass. O. Nervtone. 448 N. Franklin at.. Chicago, III. George .4 Piturel. 470 FNmrth ave.. N. 1. City. Ruiiolph Bros., 19 N. 5tb at.. Philadelphia, Pa.

miniic; dvalre change at poailloo: brat rrCcrrvHve. H GK.AAE. orchretra Ltadcr, oars Lyric ThraUe, Eac

i Ulty. Iowa. _

j A-1 Hand Balancer and I Gymnast

Chaa. M. Stebbins. 1028 Main at.. Kansas (Mty. n Shore Co.. 237 241 W. Madison at. Chicago. would like io Join act or exiwrlfviced undepux rler.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. Toomey A Volland Scenic Co.. 2312 Market at., I J. A A. Axlx, 148 Wellington at., Toronto. Can

Bt. Izoula, Mo. E. Bloch Mercantile Co.. 241-2'U Market at. Bt. izoula. Mo. 0. B. T. A A. Co.. 220 N. DeapUinea at., Chicago

SCENIC RAILWAYS. W. F MangeU Co.. Onney Island. N. Y.


E. Bloch Mercantile Co.. 241-243 Market at., San Francisco.

Berk Bn*.. 529 Bmadwxy. New York City. Brackman-Weiler Co., 337 W. Madison at., Chi¬

cago. III. H. A. Brown A Son. 252 Alder at.. Portland, Ore

M. Gerber, .729 South at.. PbiUdelphla. Pa.

Shrvock Todd Co.. 824 N. 8th at.. St. Izonla, Mo. Young man. 123 lh«.; goat appiarance and habl'x: «d- Slnger Bros.. 82 Rowery. New York Llty. ' uraied: amairur. but not twginnrr. l»o alack wire.

XR A N CPfNR M P RQ '' 111 aend particular* and pliotue. F. Rt S-^LLL. I nAmarUKIVl triS. ^ Keerney. Neb._

Thomas A. Edison. Inc.. Orange, N. J. TRiriCC MArif' CTr wanted a Piano IlaLver for Motion Picture and

I nilpfNO, IW AsalU, C. I Lp. Vaudwllle l>ian>ai1>, on the road, kluat be aober ar.d

Martinka A Co., 493 Sixth ave., N. Y. (Tlty. reliable. Drunkard* IH out without notice. State a. 1 TRIlPawe in But letter. Addreaa JAR. P. STE.NS(>N, 11* I nun AD. WllUam St.. Bath. N. Y.

At liberty, Geo. Parento Cif.f rn.^ rt EtTnaUn*!'3m'West Madlaon at.. Chicago. III. WHUam^Ball'lnc.. 145 W 45th at., N. T, City. 1 T^bl*'*A*7"^a<kwd*'?trII|****lai!^^^ tT»#c»nt Citv Film Lxctiauge. IS20 Perdido St.. Vr.w XMf^ fV\ ov u* afh atVYr _ ^ land Table Art, liarkwarU I»ri<>a. ttaiia

__ TURNSTILES. ,1^'tSl-J'-.K-

E. M. Davis Soap Co., 220-224 No. Desplaines I B. B. A B. Trunk Co., 447 Wood at.. Pittsburg, at.. Chicago, IlL I Itie Hartmann Tmnk Co., New York, Chicago.

SECOND-HAND GOWNS. Barnett. 503 So. State at., Chicago, III.


Itie Hartmann Tmnk Co., New York, Chicago. Herbert A MetiM-l. 698 Waah. ave., St. Loula. P. C. Murphy Trunk Co.. St. Louis, M(x

Qorden A Morrlsoo, 199-201 East Madison at., I C. A. TayK>r Tmnk Works. 35 E. Randolplk at.. Chicago. HI.

Dlxla Film Exchange, Owensboro, Ky. Janies Kelley. 21 Ann st.. New York City.

Newmsn Mfg. 0>.. 841 Woodlsnd ave., Cleve- I H. V. Bright. Prospect Bldg., Cleveland. O.

U. B. T. A A. Oo.. 229 N. Desplaines sL, Chicago Langrock Broa. 35 Ormond PlifW. N. Y. City SECTIONAL BUILDING. tievin Bms.. Terre Haute. Ind.

(Motriea, Rinka and Dance Kalla.) Newman Mfg. Oo., 841 Woodland ave., Cleve B. L. Kenyon 482 Albert at.. Waukesha, Wla. land. O. _

QPI p Ql ftviaic- DiAajcxo Pierce Chemical Oo., Pierce Bldg., Obleago, 111 _ SfeUP-Fl-AYING PIANOS. L. A Co.. 325 W. Madison at., Chicago Beery-Wood Plano Player Oo.. Kanaaa City. Mo. Rudolph Bma. 19 N. 6th at.. Philadelphia. Pa Brunswick Co.. IU39 Race at.. PbiUdelpbU, Pa. Sadler A Co., 782 Mlaaion at.. San Franciaco.

(R-giatrnag and Ooin-ControUsd.) < Amusement Sales Co.. 995 Woodwnrd are.. De- p,

irolt. Mich

Good wanlmbe and apt*ratua For rtreo*. ‘XGilval and vaudevlU* ahuws. GEG. PARENTg, Nortli ITn*

land, O. pierce Chemical Co.. Pierce Bldg., CbliMgo. Ill.

H. lAugalow CO.. Roebeater, N. Y.

UMBRELLAS. L. Relaa A Co.. 325 W. Madison at., Chicago. _ .To . . olo iw Mmlcal n Rud.dph Bros. 19 N. 6th at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Frankford Bma.. Broad and Poplar ata.. Phila.. TKiri. Grm.flald. (ihlo - - _ _ e . Pennsylvania.

AT LIBERTY—BILLY DORON rTiaraclevi and General Butlnraa Also Sfiei lallleS. Dramatic or Musical rtomedy. Reliable managetx

Knickerbocker Hand Sewing MidUne Co., 8 B. •iourteentb at.. New York City.

SHETLAND PONIES. Flunk P Healy, Bedford. la.

SHOOTING GALLERIES. Boat Shoot. Gal.. 62 Woodward. Detroit, Mich. Otaaaond Novelty Oo.. Schenectady, N. Y. B. B. Hippie. 809 Vine at.. Philadelphia. Pa.

We!abanm Cutlery Co.. 19 So. 5th are., Chicago

STRIKING MACHINE MFR8. M W. Anaterburg. H->m«T, Mich. A. J. Smith Mfg. Oo., 3247 Tan Buren at., Chi¬

cago. III..

STRIKER MANUFACTURER. HerscbeJI Spillman. North lYinawanda, N. Y.


VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES. Ben Hobson, 1590 Amsterdam are., N. Y. City.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. P. M. Barnes. 38 8. State at., Cbloago, HI. Tbeo. Hamlin. MlnneapnlU, Minn Jones, Ltnick A Schaefer. 110 8. State at., Chi¬

cago. III. Sullivin A Cnaldlne Circuit. New York City.

E B. Hoffman A Son, 3817 8. Irving ava.,‘ Chi- „ , , *- o-leiLT voii Wre.-h rwe^iv uleh *'"'**^ Bfa-klng OiBcex. 1493 Broadway. N. Y. C. engo, iiu Pro»- J- F. Bartier. 70(4 Brush at.. Detroit. Mich vUeatem Vandovlllo Managers' Aaan., Chicago.

F. Mangelf, Coney laland, N. Y. VAUDEVILLE AGENTS (Amurican).

AT UBEKTY. A-l Trap Irrumnwr; tynpanl, druma. belta, xvlO" phone; A. P of M.; expwlwirecl In all ""T.- 'J’rf'JJ' moorrl. dance, etc.; locatkm only. CUAS. KRAMER, port Htcllacnnm. Waxhlngtou._

WANTED rVmcMiilana and Shows Big crowd*. (W Three big day*. Held at WI-XT BRANCH. MIITi^.

* V *'*• '*‘‘*'’‘'**“'* Wslk. Coney American Tent A Awning Co.. 807 Washington J. H. Alot. Orpbeum Theater Bldg.. Montreal. 1 ««/■***■ «. 7. », Addn** H J. MARSH. Scevriary- - ‘Swo, S. 1. I Vz.rVk UInnnannIla UInn I Ckiekse r-an C. W. Parker. Leavenworth. Kan. 15ie A. J. Smith Mfg. Co.. 3247 W. Van Buren

St., (Chicago. Wm. WurfBeln. 208 N. Second at.. Philadelphia.

ave.. North Minnrwpolis, Minn Baker A I>>rkwood. Seventh and Wyandotte ata.

Kan/as City. Mo. George B. Carpenter A Oo.. CThIcwgo. Ill. Cleveland Tent A Awning Co.. Cleveland. O.

SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS Columhnt Tent A Awning 0>.. Oolumboa, O.

Quebec, Can. E J. Hamxn. 121 Franklin at., Buffal*. N. Y. Oe-Tge W. Malone, 42 Campau Blvd., Detroit.


VAUDEVILLE (Mail Instructions).

AND LITHOGRAPHERS. Ackerman-Quigley Co., 115 W. Fifth at., Kan¬

sas City. Mo. Plan-1 Show Print and Engraving House. Chat¬

ham. Ont., Can.


carnle Gondle Co.. »t7 Delaware at.. Kaiaas Frederic I-a Delle, Station O. Jackaon. Mich

- WANTED I— I>Hireaali>n* and I tidrpeiidciit Attracilona for I’lhe •* lIumlKildt TrI-Ctounty Fair. Ilumbolilt, Trnn., 14. 17, 18. 1» -Vo oanilial company wanted. Have Mem fio IbMuid and FevrU WHieel Ground* (ritmn two bl<i-k* eg buaineaa purllun of city. Addrvaa C- W-

Clty. Mo riouBherty Broa.’ Tent Oo.. 199 South Main at.

St. l/aila. Mo. Fulton Bag A Cott-m Mllla. New York, 8t. Loirla.

New Griean*. Atlanta and Dallas, Tex. J. C. Go«a A Co . Derrolt. Mich


Typhoon Fan Co,. 1544 Broadway, N. Y. (!1ty. I wni gfH rheap line lot of Dna*. 18x32, water ccl<w VOICE CULTURE painted Garden. Street. H<irta<Hi. Interior,

Monroe Tl.eatrlcal Sct.„, Chlcago.-III, r.m'rnry."^$"1:1. n«.he"’M''*V'lt*;tle;r‘*r; .xa.n-'

p;T’"i>U'.7;io ur?che“i^ w:72^*^ 'n:,ll;:Mpi.^ii^‘^•v^ WATCHES.

Plagg Watch Co., 185 Trem'nl at.. B abm. Maaa * MtW SOUVENIR FOR SALE Fut I'anan^ Holaman A Alter. 179 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. »)'lon "1,1 «-ll a. fa.1 a* )<>« can

N. Shore f>i., 237 241 W. Madlaon at. Chicago ' •«.T';.. u...... u~.. oo V.o-W cxv. G CRITTK.NDEV. Auhlatnl. (Milo.

Nelson Supply, tl4 E. 4th at.. So. B<*ton, Maaa. The Kunkely T. A A. -'o.. 183 South at..N._T.C. einp &l-in\A/ DAIKITIbirtfi '• Magee A Son. Ine.._147 Fulton at . N. .V. C. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS.

Enkeboll Art Co.. 5395 N. 2Ttb at., Omaha, Neb. Mtirrwv A Co. Inc.. 825 W. Fulton at . Chicago, flehm "y>.. 214 Waahlngfon »t.. New York Citv.

E. J. Hayden A Co.. Ids B'way. Rnaiklyn. N. Y. Th.-mnaon A Vandtveer 816 l•(•arI at Cincinnati Flagg Watch Co., 185 Trem'nl at.. B *»on. Maaa A NEW SOUVEN Nlcbola Co.. Lake View. W«rce,ter. Maaa. inick A Rorhl-r (^o Sn.'lth Ark HoUman A Alter. 179 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. "1-1 *eM Anatln Rowell. 1215 Fifth ave.. Pittahurg. Pa. „ V ft A Go ap* N. Deaplalnea at..'ctilcago N. Shore f>i., 237 241 W. Midliuio at. Chicago ' J. U. Tachudl. 728 S. Second »t.. St. Izoula. Mo. ’ ” * * ^ Singer Bro*., 82 Bowery. New Y«rk (Tty *’ ( RITTK.MrKV O. S. T. A A. Co.. 229 N. D<-apltlnea at., Chicago


TENTS TO RENT. The Kunkelv T A A. Co.. 183 South at..N Y C M Mazee A S-.n. Inc.. 147 Fulton at.. N. V C

United Watch Co., No. 5 Wahaali ave., Chicago.

WATCH MANUFACTURERS. 9 I KbARA B.K9. I Rfthmi'o.. 214 Wa*hlnrton at.. New York Citv.

Behm Oo., 214 Waahiugt'>n at.. New York City. | C. 8. T. A A. Co.. 229 N. Ireinilalnee at., Chicago


214 Wa*hlnrton at.. New York (Ttv. 1 Hliip Dldl*helm A Bro., 54 Malden lAoe, New i>rtle Ma<-lilne an

IaRGAINS 4(1 fl H S Mem flo Hound. A I. v»ni4»le(e, running. $*•'(( t a-h: W 7. L. new '-T1*-

'-aa-wn (HidK. Eli*> caOi. al Park, M'advlllr, i’a.

YOL’.\<i liAX>V—19; brunHte: 5 ft. 3H: 135 lbs.

Editor The Billboard: „ I For years and years and years managers have been advertising J

for actors and actresses and. out of the applications received, answer- i

ing a few that seemed most promising. ♦ The remainder went unacknowledged. The writers were abso- ^

lutely ignored. Silence, said the managers, was to be considered «

“nothing doing." _ __ I Since the introduction of your free "At Liberty cards the shoe I

is on the other foot Actors receive scads of letters and are handing * the same treatment back to managers. They write for the nearest or ♦ best time offered and tear the rest of the letters up. f

And managers don’t like it a little bit. I have heard a fine roar ♦

emitted by several. w ▼ While it’s human nature. I want to urge upon brother artists 4

that it is not the wise course to take. Courtesy demands that every J

offer be acknowledged. ♦ Let’s heap coals of fire on their heads by answering every letter 4

received. . w.. ♦ Please print this in vour vaudeville department and oblige. 4

AN ACTOR. ♦ A-l TKNoa—i.'»n nuidte better than two octaren

rRIN(’»»a rOflNUAH—Orlmtal iWincer; for olubo. •tao-. wnokm. rtr.. In North and South Pahota, Nehraaka and the MUhlle Wrat. T. O. MINOR. Mar.. Oftieral IVllTery, Sioux City, Iowa.

1: tKtCTIW}<;‘oc>MKl>IKR. OENKRAL mmiNKRS '*bl« maiiaaeta; hare trripla; aalarr low. JACK 'I»1. 1I»K1_K. 57Ui, flereland. Ohio._

"AIUtTm COMEDIAN-Join on wiro; alnita 111 'J**'*?’ "hlMlaa: 5 feet 4li: anawec quick.

miNCBSa MAZKI.I4A—Open for all enaaaraienta; Eciptlan claialcal dancer. Addiraa 4S40 OoCtaae Qrorr,

dASSIFlED ADS. (Contluned from page 63.)

I^AKAtTrER WOMAN—Would like part Id mu* alcai oeniedy or raudenile. Addreaa IDA JKWELL, pare Billboard. Cliidnnatl,

* CHArLes (lATLOR. greateat of all hand halanitem. gymoaaU, equlllbrlaU; at IKwfty for rauderiae: Eaat- em ageiiU. make your waiiu knowiw I>rmanant addreaa. Ttig ITih St., Detroit. Mich._

COMEDIA.N—Can dellrer Jhe gooda Irtah, Dutab, black vieclaltlea; wardrobe and eipetience; mualcal ooenedy preferred. 8. A. JOH.VSO.N, Mertcna. Texaa.

COMEItlAN AND WIPB-Wlfe'worka acU; change for week; < noeelty a<Sa: dtiglng and Ulking. Tlcketal Yea THE ITtANKLINS. Adama, Tenn.

PBODUCER — German cocnedlan; hare mualoal oomedy preferred, a A. JOHNSO.N, klertcns, Texaa ahowa; wife, flrat-claaa chorus girl; real managers, write. CARL MILLS^Geuerai DeUrery, Delaware. O.

SINGERS—All the rery latest aonga are listed In our Song HlnU on page 13. If you will write the Tsrtoua pubUahera, wboee addreaaes are also glren In the same column, on a theater letterhead, and men¬ tion TUB BILLBOARD, they will send you profea- ■ional copies free of oharge. __

STRO.NO NOVELTY PERTORMER — Cha-aater ■Inglng. talking apedaltles; strong rolce; Ululated songs; idano player, gooil faker; change for one week. CHAR. AR.NOLDA. Mllaca, Minn.

I.K10 SINGER-Will Join any rellabis staging act; en.M fiet IhH: age 33. TIrkelf Yea Addriwt MK iMIJ.HMS. it W. Chicago Ara, Ctilc-ago, Ill.

SlMlI’K.'t All the rery latest songs ars Hated In n r xe« llluia on page 13. If you will write the ran publlalnra. whose addrisacs are ala> glren In tj, .jw column, on a theater lettarhrad, and m«n- u'o- rilK KII.IJIOARD. they will send you profes-

aioia •fl’W charge. _

"Thow and poster printers. aeinrllMaieats wltkeut ditglay. uadar this kaadlag,

la dar ward.

A-iHTON SHOW I'Rl.VP, D.-trolt.

COMEDIAN—With acrlpta; eober and reliable; must hare a ticket. Addreaa Comedian, Box 93, Dublin, Georgia.

COMICAL M.AGICIAN—Fine line <j apparatus; tlO per week, R. K. and hotel, for sure pay; must bare Uoket. E y. I.AROCK, MUlun. Vt._

n':MALK IMriOlHONATOR—Good make-up; like to Join stork or rsudfrllle for speaking parts. Ray¬ mond, of MIm Prttlmau Co., please write. EARLE B. MONROE. 30U E Carpenter «t., Hprlngfeld. IIL

TATI»E TRIO—Chta. and Bertha, renaUIe com¬ edy duo; Carrie, ballads; singles, doubles and trios; Address General Dellrery, Pittsburg, Pa.

THE CHESTERS—Magic, Illusions; feature Asrah Illusion; hare machine and film; straight In sets; useful, sober, reliable; Join at once. HARRY CHES¬ TER. IBUboanLOilcago. _

THE GRllAT MARVEL HANDCl'FF KI.NO—I do the rlrer Jump as free ad; salary your limit; tickets. Address \VM. J. SATCHELL. 196 Mantou Are., Proeldence, R I. _ (TKTISS. Ktllds. Ohio.

SKETCHES. A4>enlM«tnts wRheut display, uadsr tkU kaadlpi,

3a par ward.

A wrUEVllJK ACT roR II—Id parodlta. I CISBWU rtrltsll.«>s. I Mutiulogs. and sketob for two males - professional stuff- lor II. HIUIB MONA- H.4N. Vaudeetlle Authpr, Brockton, Maas.

»>rR CU BS OR BrRlJTSQCB—Utile Patty, the Girl In. Red, In her Ortrntal or Hula Hula dances; roatumes superb. 1191 Sheflle.d St., N. S., ITtta- burgh,_Pst__ _ _

FOR TAB.. MCRICAL COHraiY OB KID ACT— Soup and danoe aitlat, lead numbers; 5 feet 3; 115 pounds; age 33. U>L'1S "KID" TROW. 4 Central Are., Burlington, Vt._

GRACEFTL, good-looking, claaslcai or solo dancer at liberty; great fsdsl exprevdon, clerer and reliable; burlesque, musical oomedy, etc. M. L. B., care Bill¬ board, cindnoatl. _ _ _

HARKY~L. HOWARD—Premier aerlallst. single Irapeae; open for hlgh-claat Tiuderllle; nickel-plated apparatus, wardrobe first-class. Address General De- U»orT._Wa»erly,_N. Y. _

HEAVY AND LIGHTWEIGHT BALANCER—SWrong chin and nose work; sensational and original; big frature; minstrel or Tsuderll.e;- park and fair at¬ traction. W. c. CUMMINGS, 349 Moiiticello Ave.. Norfolk, ^'a^_

JAl^SON A PATRICK—Ringer, ballads and rags, and Dollnlst; musical cncnctly only; can Jump any¬ where reasonable. Russell House. Emerson, Mao.,


"THE OBIGI.NAL FU^RETTV—In her original Oriental, Snake and Hula Hula dsndng: open for clubs, burlesque; box office attraction. 35U No. Frink- lyn St.. ITilladelphU. I’a._

THE WARDS—Versatile performers; change for week; medicine shows write; hare 30 reels film and picture machine; state salary; tickets. Frankford. Mii-hlgan.

TWO MUSICAL GORDONS—Soloists and duriLsts; comedy musical sketch ibrsse); M. A F. for Tsude- rille; one piece; both double stage; man band leader. General PellTery, Carthage. Mo._

'vaudeville and MFJHCnNE PERFORMFJl— Change for 6 nights; hot blackface oomedy or any place In acts; state salary and all. OOklEDIAN, General DellTery, Bay City, Mich._


asrarilwiatals wltkaat display, aader IkH kaadlag. 3a par «rard.

.coats. M.tKK WILAT YOU SELL—33 great mi: ufacturlng plans and hundrnls of other ottpur- tu' lii'i sent for 10 omta AGE.NTS’ INFORMATION t'ti. Til Madison SL, Ctdcagu.

NTREimil-NT AND FAIR MEN WANTED—Just out, lire wire se.ler. Writ# W. C. TOMLINSON,

Buibr. Ind.

SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS WANTED. AStmllssaisntt wtkeut display, uadsr Ibis kaadlag,

Sa gar ward.

VERSATILE TEAM—Man. srtfe; comedian, sou- brette. singles, doubles for week; wife, feature dancer; both lead numbers: tabloid, musical comedy; reliable managers only. BOX 4T, Marshalltown. Iowa.

WILL F. LA3I.SON—Character, some hearies; age 31: 5 feet 11; wardrobe; experience: have black art sp^alty; change 3 nights or week. Tldietf Yes.

Omer. Mich.

Y’OUNG JIAN wsnts engagement In yauderille or burleaqie: hare good rolce and can put the songs orer. BE.N KRAMER, 1,4m) E. Lombard S3t., BalUmcre.

Maryland. _

JEANE, The Dancing Girl, wsnta to Join burleaque or musical show; frature classic or sensational dsneew: do tones and psrta. Ticket. JEANE, Melba

■ Ft. Worth. Texas.

JUGGLint A.ND CONTORTIONIST—For rauderllle, falra or good Indoor show; also do magic turn. Addreaa HARRY BLSCHoFT, care Selbel Bnoa Show, Waterlosm, Wla__

JUVENILES AXD UGHT COMEDY—For rsuderille act or one-night; can direct: hire rauderiUe^rlpta. JOE ROSE. 34 Bailie St., Hamilton. Ont., Canada.

MR LIVE oN>:!--Do you want to make 94c to a 5c Investment f You can do It eaay—not Just orce, but Disoy, many tlnun. Work the street fain, carnl- ri... tomr-opalngs. R F. D. routea, etc.; creryone Is s prospret; abao.utrly no experienca nardrd— iusi s .Mrr to make nsore money than you crer made brime In your Ufe Is sll you need. For furthv par- Ilculsrt rraanllng the most liberal and produUile of¬ fer eter, address F.AItM LIFE. DegR. S, Spen¬

cer. 1: Uans.

YOUNG 3I.AN—25; female Impersonator; rauderllle or Block; speaking parts only; good make-up. Ray¬ mond Smith, of Miss PetUcoats, write. KARL IL- LINGTO.N, 300 H. Carpenter St., Springfield. IIL

THEATER WANTED. ASssriistaisatt sritkeul Plsplar. uadsr Ibis hsaglag,

3a par ward.

THE-ATER W.AVra)—An expartenord thealer man ds'.rn to rml or lease rauderlUe or picture theater, equ.poed. In Central States; tosm of Un thousand <v nurr. G. KANCK, Esnfirsas Theater, Central Are., India: spells, Ibd.

USED COSTUMES FOR SALE. ASrtrilisaeals srttkaut display, uudar tfeh kaadlat,

la par ward.

iAtklFICX ILNTIEK STOCK af ptufsnlenal poota wigs, cuatumeu and eoenesly Muff, new and used make lyr tn offer. MRR CARl. WILL. Id3 Tenth St. Oakland. CaL

!t»:t <i.M» UA.ND GOWNS—Stage and airuM: fun and fur ooata BARNVTT. Ml R Stata St. Clileago

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. Airertlseaitats wttkaut display, padar tkla kaadlag,

3a par ward.

SEND FiiR LIST OF B(M>KINO AUE.NTS. MAN¬ AGERS AXD KJii'lU-S):.\TATlVE»—The Beferen.-e Gi. ie coDUliis 438 names and addrewaau, 14 tbest- rlrsl ilrcuiu and 440 uunr« of Ibeaien and ctUra. ■ns.y with>rs' naura; also IIM of 331 amuse- mri,'. trUsu. While we bate used spacial cetrs In compiling Uie Umj. chaiigvw in names and addreaaes s.-e osuiantly being made, by reason of reenaoals, pr.r -ut (< business or change In firm. Tberefore wa do not guarantee all names and aitdirasew to be s'woluteo' rurreot l“rtce, only lOr. CHURt*U PRINTING tx».. 25 Opera Place, Clnrinnatl, O.

WANTED. Adrsiilsssieats witkaut display, uudar Ibis hsadlup,

3s per word.

WANTED TO RENT—Orchestrion for skating rink. Oidober 1st to .April 1st Address C. O. ST.AHLMAN. Bluefleld, W. Va.

WANTED TO BUY. Adrsrtlsamsuts wRhsut display, uadsr this htadlag

2s per werd.

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. At LIberiy AdvMdissaisals. wltkaat display, sadsr tbis

kstdiap, art publlaksd frsa at tharpt.

CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL. By peapit who bars nst compiled with our rsqulrs-

ments by isndinf. program or rolerence.

-AhlATEUR WITH o.NE H.A.NIn—Has mualcal iierel- tlee; would like to join side show; aend ticket A. SM.ART, 19» Harriaoii Are., BcsUiii, lisa*.

YoI.'.NO MAN—25; wishes position with opportu¬ nity of leaniing wild animal training; will do book¬ keeping or steiiograpliy; correepondence aollclted. DES- 1*KRA1>0, Bil.board, ClnclniiaU.

DRAMATIC ARTISTS. By geopIt wha hava not cempllod with our rsouiro

ments by lendlnp propnm or rsferenco.

•AM.ATKUK—Of ability, deslrea position; dramatic school graduaie; excellent recommendation; quick study; sober; wlilliig to make myself generally useful. .AL NLAHLER, Billboard, 8t. Louis, Mo.

Vor.NG M.AN—17; desires position with stock tmn- pany; others considered: can play comedy parts; state all In first. W. P. HEDKIUK. JR, lull Fatherland St., Xaabvllle, Tenn._

MISCELLANEOUS. By people who have not complied with our roqulro-

meots by tendini program or relereneo.

1 WA.N'T A POSITIO.N at anything In the show baslneaa; age 19; height 5 ft. 4 In. D. I. HV- l.NGSTO.N, -Newark Valley, .N. Y.

MOTION PICTURE ARTISTS. By geopio whp bavo not eompllod with pur rotuiro

msnts by lendlnf program oir rotoroneo.

very active; ride, swim, drive car, motomycle or lo comotlve; wishes engagement with film company. 3IIS! EAME8, Box 696, Hammond, La

YOUNG MAN—19. wants position with a good mo tloo picture company, will do auytlilng to start HUGH F. ANDREWS, 930 Pearl Hive Ava, Me Comb, 3Uss. _

YOU.NG .ALA.N-31; welghTT"125;'Yelght~s'^T 6H good appearance: •■ollego education; wlshea lioelllm with motion picture or vaudeville compauy, A B mVELY. 1114 9lh Ave.. Altoona, Pa_

YOl. NG WtiM-AN—Good appearance; wanta posi tloo with motion picture company; some ewperlenee willing to do aavUilng; good on comedy. H, gBA Ham, 29«v4 Park Ave.. Kansas Oty, Mo.

YOUNG M.A.N—Wants position with moving picture company to leam to be actor; will work cheap. Gi>» W1LLIA31 31(>.\Rt)E. Brookvllle, Ind.

MUSICIANS. By gsegis whs hava n«4 eomglled with eur rtquirt-

msslt by sanding progrnm sr raftrenes.

.AM.ATEl R CORNCTIST—Wsnts posltloo with smill show; can play anything with a few rehearsals; ticket If far. Addrves RtKiEK W1U.I.A31S. Aletter. Ga.

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. ~ By geagla wha hava nst eamgiltd witn eur ruuuirt _ «•"<» by sanding gregram m rtfsrtnse

excellent tone, strong vidce; would like position wl muslcnl compnav. R H. STEVENSO.N, 127 Ubn St., Grand Rapids, Mich._

.AM.ATEUBt—Twenty years of age; for stock vaudeville: will work for expenses until leainevl: ” .. • tiTIS BARWIOK. Cordele, Ga.

TtVt> SIlfTER.S—16 and 20; take parts; woulil consider an.vtbliig; have had some experience. Ad¬ dress HAZEL McMAHtiN, General Delivery, Mem- phU. Tenn.

WAN'ntik—Motion picture machines; Power’s or Edison preferred; send full description and lowest cash price. NATIONAL EMPUEfMENT CO.. Duluth. Minn.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

A 1 8LAUK WIRE AND COMEDY JUliUl.lNU AtTs Sober and reliable: gvwd Irish Ip acts. GKO. ^A.nt. Haaletofi.J’a.__

A-l STKAltillT MAN Excellent voice. Two cho¬ rus gtrlv; will Join musical tabloid; wire beat aa^aiy hill sud single. Tlckeul Yea. Would-bea. save

M ._Mansnr^ld^La^_

A 1 Msndollnlst. banJoUt. gultatlM, dan- play small parts; prefer cumtdy; Put on gool

*V*’ If far. salary reammablt. C. J. •fll l.lJt, 6]:i Third Ave., Altoona, 1%

A gay, mw»l. great, gUeful, genuine, glorious. »t> «(ul. gladsiDie and diararirrlsllcally artistic al- im. Ml.1,1' kIKI, dawlc Oriental Dinaruie. 767

. •■hlla.lrli)lila,__Pa_

'll I'llENG L.A -ditnese magician and liluston- . ‘■lubs or church work Ad<lriae care id

I o." sisllim Y, N.-W York lily. _

Al.t Rmin.A. illndoo wiaidcr worker; tgien lor 'fC'.'ments In thu vliUdly. Hubs a spwialty. 1311 LS': Nvuce Hi.. .Ssaltlr. Wash.

Arm ITIU .HHOWH, TAKE NOTIUEI- Bobble Hsr- lesihi'Twelglil etisiuivliin of the Huulh, iqwn

iract Inr boxing. Geiirrtl Delivery. Metu(>lits,

'1 i.llIKUTV A flrst-riass hypiuklc subject; can «vi .M** siane fnira isirTcwpondmce, school. D. K. 8N1.I HyioN. W 510 2d Ave.. Hpoksiir, Wash._

at l.lHi;UTY--fUn«ig man: Ihe best of wardrolie, e- -, etc ; will J<4ii anytliliig that pavs; musl have

■ STRONG M.^X, Box 93. Dublin, Ga.

•' r. UiiMEDIAN Fake drums, afterpiece; spe- ,, , V.****'^' *1* (Ml wiek; ticket If over SOU mtlia

BI TTIMER, 414 CharlUm, K.. Ravaimah.

I TIFtiL."<XKVai (HIIJ)' AITRERH .Agr 10.

lady—Would like lo Jo4n recognlxed-act: stoA «- prtienre: fine soprano voice; classical dancing. Imlla- Soni! M1S,S M. G. HOUGHTON. 491 High St., Mor-

gantowm, W V*- __

' lb rot comedy FOUR—Open for any * trial Is all we ask: A-l harmotiy quartette. MGR J.At'K SIMO.N. 39 Bowery St., Akron. Ohio. _

'lELAND 8. OONARROE. singing and taking bUcka Irti^, Wd: m«p<Uclne or ▼•odetllle: Join on wire; Mata salary. Addreaa Colfax. Indiana_

~LEW (XINX.'b F. comedian; red-hot act worker; put them on; plesity of single*. Marie Conn, works acts and a few doubles. L17W CONN, Weal Jeffitssn,


"man with PICTURE MAUHIXF. ANT) FILM— Imdy piano player: vrork In acts: state limit; must have tli-kels. Address LEWIS KIGGIXS. DeLamere.

.North Dakou.

MAN AND AAnFB- Change for week: both upln

scu: black and straight, novelty acU: medicine show. Tlcketsf Yea. JOE I^ANKLIN,

Adams. Tenn._;_

yLaN and WIFE—Magician and riiigrr; apparatus the swrllrsl; change for wes-k. KING FELTON, North

Branch. Mich._. _-

“kT.ARVlH.oUS FREMSTADS — World's youngest sprctacsiUr lllaslontsU (bar nonel, featuring the m-iwt hsffilng war luvslery; vaudevl.le or burlesque. FRI-M- 8TADS. 30 WcUswne St., Xi-w Beilfonl. Mass._

"monkey TR-AINKR—Rillsble and sober: break anything for vaiiilevUle: mis,, w.wk props: state all In first leiler. ROBT. SCHEI.T. 422 Wvet DlvL-don St.,

iTilcatm. HI. . _ _ _

'musical AtT—nay harp, do pantomime: prefer n-st-elass musical e.wnr*ny. K.ARI, VON OBKHl.IKN. General Dellverv, Ulevelan.l._t>tdo.__

'musical TV.AM I-acly and gent, that osn change for week program; ean Join sav>any; work In all seta. MUSICAL COLLINS, Grant, 3flch.

NOVELTY COMBINATION VAUDEVILIJ- AtT— Introducing the pretty l.lvl, entitled "Pastimes In a Gnwy Camp.” prem-ntlng violin solos, tinging, equlll- brtstlc Munis, pantomimic comedy. THE BAK- NKUsS, ivklahoina City. Okli.

PARISIENNK NOVELTY- Sesisatlontl disrobing and Oriental .lancing a<i: open for burlesque, clubs, smokers: no fairs («r candvala AtLI.E. Fiji, 767 N. J3d St.. ITillailelpbla. Pa.

FlIAf—Pirts of destroyed Passlisi nay. also 8cm- snn and Drlllah. hand ooored. THE LONTION PIC¬ TURE SHOW. Xewburg, W. Va.

HORIZONT.AL B.AR, either bran or nickel-plate. Lf:B K. MILU-:R. Xewtoo, .N. J.

lU.USIONS ANT) VELVET DROP—Aga, Disap¬ pearing .Aga. Substitution or others. LEW DE VOBL De Scio Hotel. Mansfield. Ohio.

LABOR DAY UELFJIRATION—"Echoes From the Union." great Labor Day song. Just ouL JOHN T. HALL ilUSIC PUBUSHINO CO., New York.

LONG-RANGE SHOOTING GALLERY—Must be a bargain: send full descrriptlun. CHAS. lYARTER SNYDER, Charleston, IIL

MIIJ.S O. K. and Liberty Bell Counter Haciilne-s. C. J.ARI* Omaha. Neb.

STKJl»)lTICON WANTED—Gas-electric, eomp’.ete outfit; goo.1 order. J. R. PMlEN. Naslivllle, Tenn.

WANT TO Bl'Y—I want to buy a good three-reel Western drama at cuiec. Get busy, am out to deal. MAT SULTZBAUGH, 671 E llbth St.. (Teveland, O.

WANT TO Pl’Y-An Indian head .Iresa. MAT SULTZBAUGH. 571 E. llSth SL, Cleveland, O.

WANT—Black top, about 30x70, cheap for cash, or will trade Ilglit plant engine. DOYLE. 3U9 Nsiwau BulMIng, Denver, Col.

W.ANTED- Six-ond-hand skating rink orgsn, mu-st be In good ooniUtloii; give full description and price In answer to this ad. ELLIOTT E. BROOKS. FSwI- ericksburg, Va.

W.ANTED TO BUY—'Ths one-reel Cowboy Sports and Psallmt's (Sellg make). W. W. CLARKE. Box 130, .Alexandria. La.

WA.NTKD TO BUT—35 Oallle*wa. for cash. Apply STAR AMUSEMENT OO.. Blverrlew Park. Chloairix

Young AIAN—5 fU 6; would Uke to Join musical i-omedy or minstrel company as comedian; A-l elii - triclsn. with experience: reliable: ticket. M TRIT- TlUsBACH, R Xa 6, lUston, Pa. _

Y’OU.NG MAN'--Gcod appearance; wsnts iwsltlon with slock cisupsny or vaudevUle sketch: 5 fe.-t U 129 pounds. LEO McDO.VAU). 1601 E 49th St X. E, Cleveland. Ohio._

YOUNG M.AN—18; wants engagement with vaude¬ ville. school or road company; gisxi appearance' lltt’.,- experleiiee. FRANCIS DoR.N. 93 Maple Ave., Hai;- ford. Onnn._

YOUNG M.AN—IS; with some knowledge of esi-apei and Illusions: desires to work or a«slst In magic or Mluslon. M. St'HWARTZ. 241 Windsor SL, Hartford, tYvnnectIcut._

Y'OUNG M.AN—22; would like position In vaudeville sketch or road civnvpany. Inexperienced: lan sing: willing to work and learn. E B. SAflTH, General Delivery, Peoria, Ill.

YOUNG M.AN—21; some experience; »ajit« to join vaudeville sketch nr dramatic company; good appear¬ ance: height 5 feet lo. m>WABl> ALLEN, 1413 E 16th St., Kansas City. Mo.

Thurston Co. Fair OCTOBER 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1914.

W.ANTS Trained Anlznat Shows, Minstrels, etc., on percentage. lYee .AcU booked. No Carnival wanted No exclusive nrlvllegi-s let.

1. V. HUNTAMER. Secy., OlyaiMa. Waahlnfton.

WANTED street Fair, CWLUYTBIANA, O., September 17-19. Bides. Shows and all clean, new Oncessliais- Whnc.s sold to highest bidder. No oooche shows or gsm- biers need waste carfare or stamp*. Free .Acts write. Want two good ones. H. E GARRETT, Manager.

DOY'—15: wants engagement: blackface^ bell boy. Scotcli or German; can sing and danoe; ticket over one hundml miles. l-acVEST KYLE, 7u3 West 21»t St., Texarkana, Tex.

THE GRF_AT It)FJlI-()-GRAI’H—Animated poem. "The Face Upon Ihe Barroom Floor;" prefer muUixi picture traveling show or one-nlgbter. C. B. K. 777 Gray Ave.. Detroit, Mlth._

Amateurs aad Besinners Tha foUowint adTartiaamanU aia from Artlato

who frankly dUclaim long oxporionoo. They will bo found willing,

obliging and reaaonable.

ACROBATS. By people who have not compiled with our reqtiirs-

mcata by sandinp program or reference.

Trapeze l*EKiX>HMER-—Amateur; age 17; would Uke to join reUable stiow for rest of season. Ticket! Yes. RILEY K. ilATTUEW.S, 866 Liberty St., Wln- ston-Salan. N. C



68 X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

I [


lUiMCcn Md pcrfonncn tn ratwcifuUT raqucMed to oootilbau thdr data to tlila dvartoMnL BouUa Mat nacti na BUltiaard not later than FTldaj of aadi weak to loaure pubUoatlon

na BUlUiard forwarda all maU for proraaalaoala fraa oT efaarn. Maaaban of uia praftaitan an Inrltad. ^Ua ao Ilia road, to hara tbalr mall addnoaed In oat* of Tita BUDManl. and U will ba forwaidad prawUr.


Telejirams inquiring for rout** not fivoo in theao columna will bo ignored Mideaa answers are prepaid.

When no date is given the week of Sept. 7*12 is to be supplied.

Abbott A Brooka tOrphanm) N. T. C. 8-S. Aoina Four (Pantaftea) Spokane; (Pantagea)

Seattle 7-12.

FELIX ADLER Aft Beautital tlmperial) Vancouver, B. C., 7-#;

(Victoria* Victoria 1012. Adair A Adair (Orpheiim) St. Panl; (Orpbeam)

Duluth 7-12.

ADOLPH A RAYMOHD •Tba OnaaT’ and '“nia Walter."

Adair. Kdith A Eddie (Fontaine Ferry Park) lioularille; (Orpbeuin) Memphia 712.

Adelaide A IliiRliea (Orpbeum) Brooklyn 7-12. Adler A Arllne (Temidei Detroit 7-12. Adolph A Raymond (Victoria) Philadelphia.

UaiUDE and 1.1. HUGHES Dtractlon it. S. Benthaaa.

Ahearn. Cliaa.. A Co. (Imperial) Vancouver, B. C., 7-9; (Victoria) Victoria 10-12.

Ahem. ARnes, Co. (Fair) Kokomo. Ind. Alco Trbi (Orplieum) Minneapolia; (Orpheum)

Duluth 7-12.


Alexander Knw. (.Majestic) Chicago; (Columbia) St. lioula 7 12.

Alexander Kids (Shiit>ert) Utica, N. V.; (Kelth’at 7 12.

Alexander A S<'o(t (Orpheum) Se.attle; (Or¬ pheum) Portland 712.

ALETHEIA —w playlna United Time. Pannaoeot addroa, TBX AIJ^HEIAV, Boatoo. Maaa.

Aliaky’a llawaliaiie iPantaRea) Calgary, Can.; (Pantagea) Oreat Falla. Mont., 7-12.

Allman. Jack (.Sliubert) Brooklyn .1-5. Alvin, Peter H. (Coiiimliia | St. Lonia 7-12. Alvin A Kenny (KmiiresH) Cincinnati. Alvord. Wiihur A Diinean (B»>»ton) tjoag Peach,

Cal., 3-6; (Republic) I»a Angeles 7-12.

Alexander and Scott "Ilia Bora From Virginia.”

Ambler Broe. (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. Ame<tlu (PantHgea) San Diego, C^I. American Dantera. Six (Imperial) Vancouver, B.

C.; (Orplieumi Seattle 7 12. American Newale^ya (Quartette (Pantagea) Salt

L,ake City. Amoraa A .Mulvev (Empress) CTucinoati.

A IVI e: D 1 o The Acme of Plano Aooordloolat.

Beafead Solid. Dlrectlao Sthallmaon Brolhara.

Anderaon. Leonard. A Co. (Majestic) Houaton, Tex.; (Majeatic) San Antonio 7-12.

Anderaon A Evana (Orpheum) N. Y. C. S-5, Anger, Ixm (Keith'a) Birmingham, Ala. Antrim A Vale (Pantagea) Portland. Ore. Arhuckle. Maclyn. A 0>. (Palace) Chicago; (Co¬

lumbia) St. Louis 7-12.

ARCO BRDS. SusRM Athletes.

Arco Bros. (Garrick) Wilmington, Del. Ardath. F. J., A Co. (Temple) Rocheeter, N.

N.; (Shea’s) Buffalo 7-12. Ardell. Franklyn. A 0>. (Orpheum) Brooklyn;

(Orpbeum) Montreal. Can., 7-12. Aniiatrong A Clark (New Brighton) Brooklyn

7-12. _


Seehed SoRd 0. B. a Dir. Thoe. J. Fltapatrlck.

Armstrong A Manly (Orpheum) Ogden, Utah, 3-5; (Empress) Salt Lake City 7-12.

Arnaut Bros. (Maryland) Baltimore. Amo A Stlrkney (Bijou) Brooklyn 3-5. Arnold. Ainsworth. A Co. (Orpbeum) Montreal,

Can.; (Dominion) Ottawa 7-12.

THREE ARTHURS DtreeUas Chaa. Btarbsucr.

Aabley A Canfield (Sherman Grand) Calgary, Can., 3-5,

Aaoria, Emette, A Oo. (Spreckel’a) San Diego. CaL. 7-12.


Austin, Dare, A Co. (Bhnbert) Brooklyn 8-6. Australian Woodeboppers (Orpheum) Omaha,

Neb.; (Orpbeum) Dm Molnea 7-12.

ilYon Comedy Four DtawcHao Mag Hail

Auto Bandit (DeUncey St.) N. Y. C. 8-5. Aveling A Lloyd (Orpbeam) Vancouver, B. C.;

(Empreas) Tacoma. Waidi., 7-12. Avon Comedy Fonr (Orpbeum) San Francisco 7-

12. Bachman, Cbas., A Co. (Empress) Kansas (Mty,

Mo. Bagby. Sergt. (Maryland) Baltimore; (Keith’s)

Washington 7-12. Baker, Ward (Keith’a) Boston; (Keith’s) Provi¬

dence 7-12.

BAHKDFF and GIRLIE FaaMng Show. Itl4: Winter Oerdi.

Bamberg, Tbeo. (Empress) Spokane; (EmpreM) Seattle 7-12.

Bannister, Joe. A Co. (Star Hippodrome) Chi¬ cago 3-.'i.

Barnard. Sophie (Keith’a) Birmingham, Ala. Barnes A Robinson (Orpheum) N. Y. C. 8-S. Barry A Wolford (Majewtio) Milwaukee 7-12. Bartee, Al. O. (Tulane) Oakdale, La.. Indef.

HIAURICE BARRETT With Potash and PavtautUr.

Bartellia, Two (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex.; (Ma¬ jestic) Dallaa 7-12.

Barth. Lee (Orpheum) Sioux City, la., 7-12. Bates. Shirley, A Co. (Colonial) Norfolk, Vi.,

7-9; (Lyric) Richmond 10-12. Baxter, King (Parra’s) Bakersfield, Cal., 2-5. Beauties. The (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orpbeum)

Portland 7-12. Beanty Is Only Skin Deep (Palace) Chicago;

(Majestic) Milwaukee 7-12.

SAM BARTDR Beaux Arts (Alhambra) N. Y. C.; (BuMiwlck)

Brooklyn 7-12. Beers, Leo (Delancey St.) N. Y. C.. 8-S. Bell Trio (Pautages) Great Falla, Hoot.; (Pan-

tiges) Spokane, Wash., 7-12. Bell-Thaaer Trio (Celeron Park) Jamestown, N.

Y.; (Lakeside Park) Akron, O., 7-12. Belle A Jones (Pontages) Loa Angeles.


BEAUMONT and ARNOLD Doited Ttow. Dlnetloo HoRla A FtIL

Bendix Players (Orpbeam) St. Panl; (Orpheum) Duluth 7-12.

Bennett, Mr. A Mrs. Everett (Apollo) Janesville, Wla., 3-5.

Bennett. Murray (Greeley Square) N. Y. C. 8-5. Benton. Fremont. A Co. (Dominion) Ottawa,

Can.' B4>resford. Harry, A Co. (Keith’s) Cleveland;

(Keith’a) Boston 7-12. Berg Bros. (Bernard’s) Chatham, England. 7-12;

(Hippodrome) Norwich 14-19; (Hippodrome) Ipswich 21-26.

VALERIE BER6ERE Bergen, AlfreJ (Majeatic) Chicago. Bergere Valerie, A Co. (Henderson’s) Coney

Island. N. y.. 7-12. Berks, Steffy ((Jarrlck) Wilmington, Del. Bernard A Harrington (MrVIrker’s) (%lcago. Berra, Mabel (Shea’s) Buffalo 7-12. Bessie’s Cockatoos (Miles) Detroit. Between Trains (Empreas) Ixm Angetea; (Or¬

pheum) Ogden, Utah 10-12. Between Eight and Nina (Liberty) Brooklyn

8 5. Blekel A Watson (Keith's) Cleveland; (Keith's)

Indianapolis 7-12.

Big Jim (Orpbeum) Boston 8-5. Bingham. Amelia, A Co. (Keith's) Blrmlngbani,

Ala.; (liuahwlck) Brooklyn 7-12.

THE BERREHS Noealty Muatoal Suiprlsa DlrtaUca Mas Hail.

Bliins A Bert (Oridieum) Seattle. Bison City Four (Ilammarrteiu’a) N. T. C. Black A Wlilti- (American) Chicago 8 5. Blackwell, George (Vaudeville) Plattsburg, N.

Y.; (Vaudeville).


DlraaCtoo Jeoals Jaenha.

Blondya, Three (Majestic) San Antonio. Tea. liobbe-Dale A Oi. (American) Chicago 8-5. Bogart A Nelaon (Simprema) St. Paul. Boiaea, Sensatlooal (Tivoli) Sydney, Auatralia,

7-Oct. 8. Boland A Holts (Orpbeum) Seattle; (Orpheum)

Portland 7-12. Bonconl, Maleta (Orpbeum) Minneapolia. Bond A Caasen (Colonial) Norfolk. Va., 7-9;

(I.yrlc) Richmond 10-12. Boothly A Everdeen (Temple) Hamilton, Can.;

(Dominion) Ottawa 7-12.


BDRDEHftSHRHHDH Boranl A Nevara (Majeatic) Chicago 7-12. Bouncer, Billy (Temple) Hamilton, Can.; (Or¬

pbeum) Montreal 7-12. Bower of Melody (Boulevard) N. T. C. 8-5. Boyle A Braill (Shubert) Dtlca. N. Y.; (Or¬

pheum) Montreal, Can., 7-12. Brady A Mahoney (Miles) Detroit. Brads, The (Keith’s) Columbui; (Keith’s) Cin¬

cinnati 7-12. Breen, Harry (Orpbeum) Omaba. Neb.; (Or¬

pheum) St. Paul 7-12.


Brice A King (Majestic) Milwaukee. Brice, Fannie (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Colonial)

N. Y. C. 7-12. Bride Shop (Orpbeum) Htrriahurg, Pa.; (Keith’s)

Philadelphia 7-12. Briscoe, Olive (Pantagea) Loa Angeles.

Broadway Love (Empresa) San Frandaco; (Em¬ press) Sacramento 7-12.

r.ruckman. Jas. (Pantagea) Portland. Ore. Bronson A Baldwin (Shubert) Utica, N. Y.

FRED Hd MINITA BRAD UgL C A. PnodMit. Patoas Bldg.. Waw TwB.

Brooks A Bowen (Shea’s; Toronto, Can.; (Co¬ lumbia) Grand Rapids, Mich., 7-12.

Brower, Walter (Empress) Ix>a Angeles; (Or¬ pbeum) Ogden, Utah. 10-12.

Brown A Rorbelle (Ootumbla) Ht. IxhiIs 7-12. Brownies. Three (Empress) San Frandaco; (Em¬

preas) Sacramento 7-12. Bruch. Fritz A Lucy (Temple) Rochester;

(Keith’s) Washington 7-12.

LEW BRICE Buexiaa With Bebubart’s Wlotar Oardan Bhow.

New Task.

Bryan, Harold (Shubert) Utica, N. Y., 7-12. Burnham A Irwin (Orpbeum) Minneapolia; (Or¬

pbeum) Duluth 7-12. Burke, John A Mae (Orpheum) Salt I.«ke City;

(Ori^eiiml Denver 7-12. Burke A McDonald (New Brighton) Brighton

Beach. N. T. Burkhart A White (Imperial) Vancouver, B. C.;

(Orpbenm) Seattle 7-12.


Brooks: Bowen Buma A Lynn (Orpbeam) Montreal, Can.; (Do¬

minion) Ottawa 7-12. Bums A Klasen (Majeatic) Dallaa, T>‘z.; (Ma¬

jestic; IPHiaton 7-12. Buma A Pulton (Orpheum) Halt L«ke City; (Or¬

pbeum; Denver 7-12.


BURNS and FULTON Diraelkm Max BarL

Rums, Kilmer A Grady (Grand) byracuae, N. Y.; (Keith’s) aeveUnd 7-12.

Burton A l.eriier (Kmpresw) Sacramento, Cal.; (Kiiifiresa; |.oa Angeles 7 12.

Burton, llaliii A Cantwell (Empress) Taceni t. Wash.; (|iresa; Portland. Ore., 7-12.

Bush A Shapiro (IKdauccy St.) N. Y. C. 3.1. Bii.'se’s Ii<'gs (Palace) Hartford, C<>nn., 3 Ilyal A Karla (Temple) Hamilton, Can.; (.\).

banibrai N. Y. C. 7-12. Cabaret Trio (Kinpresa) Cincinnati. Caltes Bros. (Babcock) Blllliiga, Mont., 2 3;

(Empreas) Butte 7-12.


CAMERON and O’CONNOR ‘’iNrad and flrsd." DtrseUan Haz Hait.

Cameron, DeVitI A Co. (Miles) Clevelaud. ('snarls A ('leo (American) Chicago 8 5. Cannon, Helen (Maryland) Baltimore 7-ie. Cantwell A Walker (Majeatic) Ft. Worth, Tex.;

(Majestic) Dallas 7-12. Carle, Wllliauis. A Co. (Palace) N. Y. C.;

(Grand) IMttaburg 7-12. Carleton A Davis (Keith'a) Birmingham. Ala. Carlisle, Gertie, A Co. (Empress) Log Angeles;

(Oriibeum) Ogden, Utah, 10-12.



Csrloa Bros. (Orpbeum) Seattle; (Orpheum) Portland 7-12.

Carltoua, Two (Keith’a) Waablngton 7-12. Carroll, Harry (ilammeratsln’s) N. Y. C. 7 12. Carter, Ulias.. (\>. (Pantagea) San Francisco;

(Pantagesi Oakland 7-12. Cartmell A llarrla (Orpbenm) Minneapolia; (Or¬

pheum) Slonx City 7-12. Carua A Randall (Majeatic) Chicago; (Keith’s)

Cleveland 712.

LEO CARRILLO b louts Oipbsaa Btosun. KMIb’a Orault and


Catalano A Delaney (Colonial) N. Y. C. 7 12. Caupollran, Chief (Sherman Grand) Calgary,

tlan.. 3 5. Chandler, Anna (Alhambra) N. T. C. Chase A La Tour (Pantagea) Tacoma, Wash.;

(Pantagea) 1‘urtUnd, Ore.. 7-12. Cbeerliert's Manchurians (Orpbeum) Memphis;

(Orplieuiu) New Orleans 7-12. Chip A Marble (New Brighton (Brooklyn 7-12. Cbriatensen (Empress) IH>rtIand. Ore.


CASETTA and LESTORA WlOi Nopttma't Oardan «f living Wafum

Booksd Solid on United lima.

Clark A McCullough (Keith’s) 0>lumbus; (Grand) Pittsburg 7-12.

Clark A Verdi (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; (Or¬ pbeum) Denver 7-12.

Cleveland. C. A M. (Yonge St.) Toixmto. Can. Clintons. Novelty (Dominion) Ottawa, Can.;

(Temple) Hamilton 7-12. Coskley. Hanrey A Diinlevy (Forsythe) Atlanta.

Gi.; (Orpheum; JackaonviUe, Fla., 7-9.

Anna Chandler In Just a Frir Original Ideas Dir. Jack (nirtla

Oigart, Gertrude (Orpbeum) N. Y. C.. 3-5. Oglilaii, (iertrude, A Co. (Orpheum) Duluth 7-

12. Cole A Denahy (Orpheum) Oakland, ('al.. 7 I2. Ckdiegians, Four (Forsythe) Atlanta, Oa.; (Or-

plieum) Birmlugham, Ala., 7-12. Collina A Hart (Alhambra) N. Y. C.; (Poll)

Scranton, Pa.. 7-12. 0>lonial Daya (Temple) Rochester; (Shea's) Buf¬

falo 7-12.

Clark and Barf maa Olr. Jatos LaiWy. laaigacia nsalar Bldg-, N- T. HW-

Colter A Boulden I Bush wick) Brooklyn. Comfort A King (Keith’a; Cincinnati 7 12. l\>nllii. Steele A Carr (Majestic; Chicago 7 12. (.’onlln. Rsy (Orpheum) Salt I-uke City; (Or-

pheu(n| llenver 7 12. Connolly A Wenrlcb (Bnshwick) Rroithlyn 7-12. Connolly, Jane A Co. (Shea’s) Buffalo; (Shea’s)

Toronto. Can., 7-12. Conroy. John F. (Bushwlck; Brooklyn; (Cobmlal)

N. Y. C. » 12.

COL.UNS and HART "Original Two Strong Men." Booked BoUd an 0.

B. O. and Orpbsua OIreuU. _

Consul A Betty (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Ma¬ jestic) Chicago 7 12.

CiNigan A Cox (Pantagea) Vanconrer, B. O.; (Pantagea) Victoria 712.

('<M>k A Rolhert (Lincoln Square) N. Y. C.. 3-5. C<s>k A Steveus (Knlckertsx’ker) Pbllailclpbta

8 5. C«sHsT, Harry, A C.>. (Keith’a) Boston. r<si|ier A RI(wrdo (Pantagea) Salt I-ake City.

Conlin and Steele Trio "Folllro of Vaudeville.’’ Dir. Tbo. FItJgwtiick.

(’<»>|ier. J<w A I-ew (lm|>eiisl) Vantxaiver, B. C.. 79; (Vln-rU) Vlct<»rla 10 12.

Cotwiand. I-ea (Empress) Sacramento, Cs1-i (Ki;ipreaa; Ixsi Angeles 7 12.

Corlwlt. Sheppard A Donovan (Orpheum) I’es MoDi.mi, la.; (Orjiheunt) Oinslia. Neb., 7 13-

Corelli A Gillette (Keith’s) Toledo; (Colonial) Erie, Pa.. 712.


HARRY COOPER In VsudtwIUe. Awdsted by (liaa. Haodarano-

Offlo A Dentta (Temple) K,>cbester; (Maryland) Baltimore 7-12.

Cornelia (lorley tv> (Pantagea) Hisiksne; (I’so tagea) Seattle 7-12.






SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. T li e Billboard 69

r..rriillnl'ii Aulnmlii (Orphvum) Salt Lake Clt/; lOrphfUui) iH-nvor 7 12.

(.,wl».T Mliiatrela (Kelth’a» ProTldenPe 712. CraMfonl & linnlt-rlrk tUuculo ilquare) N. Y.

C. 3^. ■


IMmiton Janx* Plunkett.

frt-Mi.v A Itayne (Temple) l>ctr)it; (Temple) ll,Hlie«l<T 7 12.

< rlmlnal. Tin- (Kmpreaa) Hacramento. Cal.; (I/O* .tiiK'-l'-a 7 12.

4'- (i-rlun Trio lAiin-rIran) N. C., S 8. « r-iiln .'lorrla ((irpiK-iiiiii \Vlnnli>c«. Can.; (Or-

plii-iiiiil llftflni 7 P; (Sberman (Iraml) Cal- uarv HI 12.

Crom-'h & Wfloh (Keltira) WaaliliiBton; (lioyal) .N. Y. C. 7 12.

SAM J. CURTIS CO. lu (k>od-by. Huya. by Junle UeOee.

(m Cnlted Time. RepreawitaMTe. Pane Hudbe

friwell. l;.»r.t l-'roat iVainlevllle) San Joae. Cal., 4 S; (Oriibeiiml Sau Krain-laeo 7 12,

t'nllei'i. I ini<-< (Orpbeimi) St. Paul; (Majeatlc) Mll«.iuk«-e 7 12.

4'iiiiimliixa & tilad.vliiKa (OriAieum) Urooklyo

CartU. Julia (llu-bwlek) nnwklyn; (Horal) S. Y <• 7 12.

Ii ArvlIle Jeannette. Montreal, Canada, Indef. m-VimellH A l)aven|>ort (llaminerateln'a) N. Y.

(V 7 12.

D'A-L-Ea"iiB-0’Y-L-E m-tioe. Harry (Sberman Orand) Calfary, Can.,

.T-R. mToKKi. lioulae (FantaKea) Oakland, Oal.;

iPautareH) l>oa Amielea 7 12. IieOarmo, Alice (Shubert) Utica. N. Y.; (Or-

(ibeum) Harrlaburg. Pa.. 7-12. I>e<:r«>.aart, Fraocea (Orpbeum) Salt Lake City,

T 12 I>ellavon A Mee (Palace) Chicago; (Columbia)

St. I»>uia 7 12. l>eI.aRoae. Marga (Orpheum) Winnipeg, (^n.;

(Orptieura) I>ea M-dnea 7 12. l>eI.e<>o A Darlea (Orplietim) San rranclaco; (Or¬

pbeum ( San Diego 7 12.

HARRY de: coe: no Man with the Tablea and Chain.

Addraaa Alf. T. Wilton.

Iiel.lale A Vernon (MIleal Detroit. DeDuig. Maldie (Pantageal San Diego, Cal. l>eD>iia. Dick (Rmpreaal Tacoma, Waab.; (Em-

pn-aa) IHirtland. Ore., 712. l><'Mar, Grace (llammerateln'a) N. Y. C. DeMiclielle Broa. (Ilenderoon'a) Coney laland,

.N. Y. I>e.>--helle. Dorothy, A Co. (Keitb'a) Toledo, 0.,

7 12. DeS'-rria, Henrietta (Orpbeuml Brooklyn. l>eViDe A Willlama (Keitb'a) Clereland;

(Keitb'a) Toledo 7-12. lieVole Trio (New Brighton) Brooklyn 7-12. I'eViiy, Faber A Co. (Orpbeum) Vanconrer. B.

C.; (FUijpreaal Tacoma. Waab.. 7-12. tb-Voy, Eiumett, A Co. (Alhambra) N. Y. C.


JuKsling 'De Lisle Bookad Solid on Umw CbmlL

Dailey. Robt. T., A Co. (New Brighton) Brook¬ lyn 7-12.

Hairy Maida iroliimbla) Br-oklyn R-.i. Dakota. Jack, A Co. )Wallace) Peru. Ind.. 3-3. Hair, .AriX'ld. A Co. (Orpbcur.i) Sin Kranciaco 7-

12. I'aly, Vlnle (Orpheum) l>>a Angelea; (Orpheum)

San Hleco 7 12. l>are Rnw. (Il|)i>ni Savannah. Oa.. 7-12. Harraa Br»a. (Kelth'a) Bieton 7 12. Darla. Ktbel. (>>. (Pantagea) .Seattle; (Pantagea)

Vauc«u»er. B. C.. 7 12. IhivU A Mattlewa (McVIcker'a) Chicago. Darla. Die Will (Orpbeuml D>aton .IS Dir. G.a) W.. A 0«. (.Majeatlc) Ft. Worth.

Tel.: iMaJeatlcl t>allaa 7-12. D-ane'a Fanc.r I’bantnma (Emf-ie**) Seattle;

(Orpbeum) Vanconrer, B. C., 7-12.

D E I R O Wjtld'a Original Maaire Plano AaeardlooM.

HlrecSlon Max Hart.

t><^, p.en. A Co. (Orpheum) Sioux City, la.,

I>eIai>bone (Fulton) Brooklyn S 8. tielmar A Ih-lmar (Mateatic) San Antonio, Tex.;

I Majeatlc) Waco 7 12. ' Helni-re A l^ee (Pantagea) l.oa Angeleaf (Pan-

la geai Han Diego 7 12 t'elniore A Light (Y'onge St.) TN'r"nto, Can. Deiiiareal A Cliahot iKeltti'al Birmingham; Ala.,

7 12. t)i-lt4in. Maraena A IVltnn (Orpheiiml Brooklyn;

(Kelth'a) Prnrldenre 7 12. D-nilng. J.a*. A Co. (Serenth Are 1 N. Y. C.,

3 D-inoiit, Rid t. (Ondieiinil Rraaaklrn 7 12. Iierkln'a Aniniala (Keitb'a) Columhua; (Kelth'a)

( Inrlnnatl 7 12. Hlaimmd A llrennan (Orplienm) Rrooklrn:

(R.iyali X Y. C. 7 12. Hi.iniond llealrb-e A (%> (Cailonlall Chicago 3 5.

DERIIN'S 006 IRO MONKET PAITOMIME Rooked Solid on Orphma Otnadt

HlrarXInn TYtoa. J flt^rntrlcA

Hlrkliiai>n. Riilie (Orldieuml Winnipeg. (Hin.; (Orpheum I Regina 7 9; (Sherman Grand) Cal- k- iry 10 12

1) ero iMaJe-llc) Hoiiatiin, Tex.; (Majeatlc) San tiit'iiiln 7 12.

Hivlii .(T. |,|„ lOrpheiini) Regina, ('an.. 7 9; •Slieriiian Craiid) Cnlgarr lO I'J.

Dixie A \i>rd«(riini Co. (Kelth'a) Rnaton. H x*in A Htxim (Mllea) t'leri-land H-.llr'a Ddl iPxnla.'ea) Han Franclaeo 7 12. H.oiie, la>riia iFentaliie Kerrr Park) l/inlarllle. Hiiree Marie (Temple) D-tiadt; (Temple) Ro-

• heat.T 7 12 Hiilxtiti A <bird<in (kiidlturluml Sxn Bernanlino,

Cal . T *1 I Iteiuilillel le>a .kngelea 7 12. HiiFiir Trio iCarrIek) Wilmington. !»el.. 7 12. HnITei. Rriiee, A Co, (Oridieiim) Jackaonrllle.

Ha.. 7 12.

Diiffln Redcap Troupe (Kelth'a) Philadelphia. Duffy A lioreiix (Vauderllle) San Joae, Oal,, 4-

6; (Orpheum) Iam Angelea 7-12. Duuedin Duo (Orpbeum) N. Y. C. 3-8.


Diinfec. Joaephliie (Orpbeum) Oakland, Cal.; (Orpheum) Sacramento 7-8; (Yosemlte) Stock- ton U 10; (Vaudeville) San Joae 11-12.

Diinbae A Turner (Palace) Hartford, Conn., 3-5. Dunedin, Qm-t-nie (Keitb'a) Waahington. Duiimore, Eveleen (Kelth'a) Roaton. iHiuvette Troupe (White City Hippodrome) Chi¬

cago. Durkin, Kathryn (lnii>erial) Vancourer, B. C.,

7 9; (VHtorla) Victoria 10 12. Dupree. Miuuie, A Co. (Forsythe) Atlanta, Ga.,

7-12. Duprex, Fred (Tivoli) Abenleen. Scotland 7-12;

(Hippodrome) Preston, Kngland 14-19; (Pal¬ ace) l.ondoD 21-20.

Dupree A Iiujiree (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) Rochester 7-12.

Dyer, Hubert, A Co. (Columbia) St. Louia; (Or- pheum) Mempliia 7-12.

Earl A Curtis (Unique) Minneapolis; (Empres-s) St. Paul 7-12.

RALPH EDWARDS Tbs Slngtr Da Luxti

Earle, Emily (Hamroerstein's) N. Y. C. Early A Laigbt (Pantagea) Spokane; (Pan¬

tagea) Seattle 7-12.


booked Solid on n. B. Ok Tlaa.

Eastman, Mel (Lyric) Hoboken, N. J., 3-3. FMwardt Broa. (.Mllea) Detroit. Elewyn, Mr. A Mra. Dave, A Co. (Empress)

Seattle; (Empreai) Vancouver, B. C., 7-12.


ELINORE and WILLIAMS BooAed SoUd D. B. O. Dir. Bany

Elinore A Williams (Keith's) (Majestic) Chicago 7-12.


Farrell. Jack, A Co. (Shubert) Dtlca, N. T.j (Temple) Hamilton, Can.. 7-12.

Felix A Barry Girls (Hxmmerateln’s) N. Y. C. 7-12.

Fenton. Marie (Orpheum) Minneapolis 7-12. Ferguson, Dave (Bljon) Brooklyn 3-5.

Bert Fitzsibbon CooJcal.

Fields A Warren (Keith's) Boston 7-12. F'iiilay, B"b. and Girls (Star Hippodrome) dil-

e-igo 3 5. Finn A Finn (Imperial) Vancouver, B. C.; (Or-

plieum) Seattle 7-12.

LEW FITZGIBBDN Xylophonlcal.

Fishing (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, N. Y. Fitzgibbons, Bert (Grand) Pittsburg 7-12. Fixing the Furnace (Columbia) Grand Rapids,

Mich., 7-12.


YANCSI DOLLY Flalg A Bell (Vaudeville) St. IjOuIs. Flanagan A Edwards (Keith’s) Cleveland;

(Keith's) Cincinnati 7-12. Fletcher, Isabel. A Co. (Pantagea) Winnipeg,

Can.; (I’antages) Edmonton 7-12.

EDDIE FOY And the Seven little Tart.

Fletcher, Chas. I^eonard (Mllea) Cleveland. Floro, Prince (Maryland) Baltimore; (Forsythe)

Atlanta, Ga., 7-12. Flynn, Kitty (Orpbeum) Ogden, Utah, 3-5; (Em¬

press) Salt Lake City 7-12.


Fogarty. FVank (Orpheum) Brooklyn 7-12. Ford A Hewitt (Fontaine Ferry Park) LoulaviUe.


We publish all routes that we are permitted to.

If the route you desire does not appear in our columns be assured that we have it not or that we are enjoined from publishing it.

If we have it and are enjoined from publishing it no consideration will tempt us to disclose a single stand upon it.

SO DON’T ASK US. It will be quite useless.

We will relay a wire at our own expense in case of death, illness or grave emergency, but


F.llla. Harry .K. (Grand) Syracuse. N. Y.. 7-12. F;ilin»ns. Three (Bushwick) Brooklyn 7-12.

MARY ELIZABETH Dlrectton Mas Hart.

F;1 Rey Sisters (Orplteiim) Des Moines, la., 7-12 FMwival A Snow (Pantagea) Winnipeg. Can.

(Pantagea) FMmonton 7-12. Emmett, Eugene, A Co. (Empress) St. Paul.

HARRY A. ELLIS Ibst BfUHsnt Ttnor.

Emmett. Mr. A Mrs. Hugh (Orpheum) Memphis; (Orpheum) New Orleans 7-12.

Fimpire Comedy FHur (Majeatlc) Milwaukee; (Ramona Parki Grand Rapids, Mich., 7-12.


lot— El REY SISTERS —Klaire Finglfkh, Harry. A 0>. (Bijou) Brooklyn 3-5. Flngltah I’ony Ballet (Bijou) Brxwklyn 3-6. Finrlco (Ijrric) Richmond. Va., 7 9; (Colonial)

Norfolk 10 12. Ental. Ora (Vaudeville) St. Louis. F;rgottl A Lilliputians (St. James) Boston 8-5.

ERNIE and ERNIE Tbrss Fret of CbBeitF.

Ibe Menr Mnnooedr tod the Gssnsa Olrl.

Eai>e A Paul (Empre-iS) Hacramento. Csl.; (Em¬ press) IxMi Angeles 7-12.

F^ugene Trio (Orpheum) IVa Moln(-s, la.; (Or- l>heui>i) Omaha. Neh.. 7 12.

Flverest's (Hlpiaalrome Palace) Cbicago 7-12.

THE FARBER GIRLS tMtO Rottetslnafs. DtrseUoo Caaar Afsotv.

Fair Co Fills (Psntsges) -Tscoma. Wash.; (Psn- tsges) IVrt'snd. Ore.. 7 12.

F'aul'Ui's Athletes (Empress) CTilctgo 3 5.

Fisher and Green •Tint PARTNEaUk-

F'arber Girls (Royal) N. Y. C. 7 12.

F'ord. Bert'e (Orpbeum) Salt Lake City; (Or¬ pheum) Denver 7-12.

Ford. Max & Mabel (Keith's) Philadelphia 7-12. F'ord’a, Fid. Review (Yonge St.) Toronto, Can. F'oster, Bill (Keith's) Philadelphia.


MR. F. B. CARMAN lod MR. J. FOX Orpheum CInulL

F'oy, Eddie. & Family (Royal) N. Y. C. 7-12. FTancia. Kitty, A Co. (Babcock) Billings, Mont.,

2-3: (Fluipreas) Butte 7-12. FYawIeigb A Hunt (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.;

(Majestic) Houston 7-12. Frederick A Venita (Hammerstein's) N. Y. C.



FREEMAN and DUNHAM Dir. Frank Bohm.

Frey. Henry (IJncoln 8<|uarel X. Y. C. 3-5. F'riganxa Trixie (Orpheum) Salt Lake City (Or-

plieuiii) Denver 7 12. Flin in the Baths (Empreys) Tacoma. Waab.;

(Empress) Portland. Ore.. 7-12. Gallsgber A Carlin (Keith's) Washington;

(Bushwick) Brooklyn 7-12.

EDWIN GEORGE Almost a Juxxlrr. Dtr. Ed. S. Keller.

Garden, Oils A IJly (Empress) St. Paul; (Em¬ press) Salt Lake City 7-12.

Ganiner. Grant (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. Gardiner Trio (Orpheum) Salt Igike City 7-12. Geiger. J.ihn (Mnjestic) Chicago 7 12. Ge>'rges, Two (Star Hippodrome) Chicago 3-5.

SAM GILDER r. B. O. Tlnio. Direction Harry Rapf.

George. Edwin (Orpheum) Brookhn; (Kelth'st Washington 7 12.

Ge<>rgetle (Columbia) Grand Rapids, Mich., 7-12. Gibson, Jack A Jessie (Pi.ntages) San Diego,

Cal. Gilllngwnter, Claude (Sherman Grand) Calgary,

Can., 3 5.

Gillette's Monkeys (Hammerstein’s) N. T. C.

PAUL GORDON "Tbs Wlrs Wonder.” Orpheum drcuiC Opening

Europe again. SefXember.

Girard, Gilbert (Pantagea) Vancouver, B. C.; (Pantages) Vlch(ria 7-12.

Godfrey A Henderson (Pantagea) San Diego, Cal.

Bernard Granville starred by A. H. Woods.

Golden, Claude (Orpheum) Du’ ..u. Minn.; (Or¬ pheum) Wiuiiiiieg, Can., 71g.

Golden Troupe (Hammerstein’s) N. Y. C. 7-12. Gulden A West (Fimpress) Graud Rapids, Mich..

3 5.

Gordon Bros. A Kangaroo (New Brighton) Brighton Beach, N. Y.; (F’air) Worctster, .Maas., 7-12.



Danaeuis Modems. NEW YORK CITY.

Gordone, Robbie (Hammerstein's) N. Y. C. T-12. Gormley A Caffery (Imperial) Vancouver, B.

C.; (Orpheum) Seattle 7-12. Goiilding, Alf., Trio (Pantagea) Winnipeg, Can.;

(Pantages) Edmonton 7-12. Grant A Hoag (Imperial)' Vancouver, B. C.;

(Orpbeum) Seattle 7-12. Grapewin, Chas., A Co. (Orpbeum) Brooklyn

7-12. Gray A Peters (Pantagea) Spokane; (Pantages)

Seattle 7-12.

Miss Robbie Gordone Playing United Time. Dir. Max Hxit.

Gray A Graham (Unique) Minneapolis; (Em¬ press) St. Paul 7-12.

Gray, Mary (Majeatlc) San Antonio, Tex. Grazers, The (SUorman Grand) Calgary, Can.,

3-5. Green A Parker (Seventh Ave.) N. Y. C. 3-6. Grey of the Dawn (L.vric) H<d)oken, N. J., 8-6. Gwynn A Goasette (Greeley Square) N. Y, C.

3 5. Gypsy Countess (Delancey St.) N. Y. C. 3-6. Haines. Robt. T., A Co. (Keith's) Philadelphia;

(Orpheum) Montreal, Can., 7-12.

HAGER db GOODWIN Tbe "I'm Off to War Bora”

Hal A Frances (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. Hale A Hearty (Euifiress) Chicago 3-5. Hallen A Hunter (Shea’s) Toronto. Can. Hallen A Burt (Pantages) San F'rancisco; (Pan¬

tages) Oakland 7-12.

Billy “Swede” Hall with Jennie Oalbom and Horace WesUm.

Hamilton A Barnes (Keith's) I'hiladelphia 7-12. Hammer A Pritchard (National) X. Y. C- 3-6. Haney A I>'ng (l’<di’s) Wllkea-Barre, Pa. Hanson, Alice. A Co. (Empress) Spokane; (Em¬

press) Seattle 7-12. Hartys, Three (Fiinpress) Denver; (Empress)

Kansas City 7-12.

Marie and Billy Hart In "Ibe Clrcua Olrl.” Dlrectton James E. Plunkett.

Harlan. Chas., A Co. (National) X. Y. C. 8-5. Harrison, F'red (.Aixdlo) Janesville, iVis.. 3-5. Hart. AI. A Co. (Orpheum i Easton, i’a., 7 9;

(Orpbeum) Allentown 10-12. Hartley A I’ecan (Shuberti Brooklyn 3-5. Ilart, Marie A Billy (Vaudeville) San Jose, Cal.,

4 5; (Or|>heum) i.s>8 Angeles 7 12.

4-HARVEYS-4 Hart’s Sl.x Steppers (Palace) Chicago; ((k>Ium-

bla) St. Lulls 7-12. Hartman A Varady (.Maryland) Baltimore;

(Temple) Detroit 7-12. IlawtlKirne A Iiiglis (Keith’s) Providence 7-12. Hswttiorne, Hilda (New Brighton) Brooklyn


Edmond Hayes & Co. Ibe nano Morsrs. booked SoUd on U. B. O. TlaM.

Hayden, Burton A Hayden (American) Chicago 3-5.

Hava A Hays (Alrdome) Brownwood. Tex., 3 5. Hayes, Ed, A (jo. (Orpbeuml I»s Angeles; (ur-

pheum) San Diego 7-12. Hayward-Stafford Co. (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal.;

(Orpheum) San Joae 7-12.


Heath A Millersbip (Keith’s) Columbus 7-12. Hedders. Three (Temple) Detroit; (Temple)

R.icliester 7-12. Hendler. Herschel, A Co. (Colonial) Norfolk,

Va.. 7-9; (Lyric) Richmond 10-12. Hendrick's Belie Isle Co. (Pantages) Salt Ijike



Hedges Bros, and Jacobson APOLLO GRILL. ATLANTIC CITY.

Henry A FVancls (Henderson's) Coney IsIan<I. X. Y.

Henry A Ilsrrlson (Pantages) Calgary, Can.; (Pantages) Great Falls, Mont.. 7-12.

HENRY AND ADELAIDE Clasoy Entertainers of Snnf and Daooaa

Dtrertlon Aaran Kessler.

Ileras A Preston (Pantages) Tacoma. Waal (Pantagos) Portland, Ore,, 7 12.

Mal<lii of Mlimirrliir Wluulpf>g, Can. tl'aiitagrat K<lnH>ii(<>ii 7 rj.

Majrallc Mualral Kinir M>r|ili<>uin) Ogdvn, 3 A; (Kiuprraa) Salt (llj 7 12.

iKiilton) Itnatkljrn SB.

Llhh.r A Karton (Orpbpum) Omaha, phfurn) Sluux City, la., 7-12.

Kallkoa, David (lx>ew'a) New RtK'beUa, N. Y., 3 6.

Kaliiifr A Krowo (Or|4irum) Wlnnl|>rK, Can.; lOriiliPUiii) Ite^lua 7 1); (Sbrrmau Uraud) Cal¬ gary 10-12.

Kaniuiervr A Howland (Orpbeiini) Boaton 8-6. Kaufman Kn>a Mlrt>b«‘uni| Omaha. Nrli., 7 12. Tliror Flying (I’aiitagpMi Oakland, Cal.;

(I’antagoa) l.o8 Angoloa 7 12. Koeuan, F'rank, A (o. (Majoatlr) Dallaa, Trx.;

(Majeatir) llouaton 7-12. Kelly A Catllii <i*antagea) Spokane; (Pantagea)

SoMltle 7 12.

Hermann, Mme. (Kelth’a) Philadelphia 7 12. Herne. Chryatal, A Co. (Orpbeum) Salt l.ake

City 7-12. He. .She A A Piano (Palace) Hartford, Conn.,

:t 5. Heea Slatera (Orplieum) Oakland, Cal.; (Orphe-

nin) Sacramento 7-8; (Yoaeoilte) Stockton 9- 10; (Vaudeville) Han Joae 11-12.

MISS LIETZEL Making (PhmI .. . _ . ... Malvern Couik|ura iKiupreaa) Halt l.ake City. Maug A Snyder (Alhaiiitira | N. Y. 1. 7 12. .Margareta, Tao (Kcltb'a) Ilonton 7-12. Idnd llrotbera (The) Vlaalla. Cal.. 2-5; (.kaliby'a

Hanford 6 8; (Parra'a) Itakeiaflcld 8 l-’t.

Carl McCulloush HILL’S SOCIETY CIRCUS Poniea, Dnca. Monkrya, Mulea

Addrvaa TTie Billboard, New York City. IMredloa Alf T. Wilton World'a Oreattal Ragtime XylophooM.

Rooked Solid I>lr Weber A rvaiia .Mara, Uancliig (CoPnilal) N. Y. C. 7 12. .Martelle t Palace) t birago. Martha Slatera (Teinide) Itocheater; (Orpheum)

Montreal, Can., 7 12. Martin. II. K. (Oniheiiiu) Dea Motnea, la. Martina. Flying (Kelth'a) Waahlugton 7 12.

Hickey Broi., Three (Orplieum) San Franciaco; iorpheunii Oakland 7-12.

HiggiiiK. Iidin tOri’henni) Snlt I.«ke City 7-12. Hlldeti’andt t.McVlcker’o) Chicago. Hill A Whittaker tOrpheum) l>ea Hoinea, la.

Kimberly and Mohr I.lnk, Hilly. Co. (Pantagea) Calgary, Can.; (Pan- lagea) (Sreat Falla, M'Hit., 7-12.

l.lon'a Bride. The (Pantagea) San Franctaco; (Paiit.agea) Oekland 7 12.

l,|oyd, Hugh, A Co. (Ori>heum) Boaton 8 6.

A Story In Rhyme and Bong

Kelly, Walter C. (Kelth’a) Pbiltdelphla; (Co- lumbla) Orand Rapida 7-12,

Kelaey, Joe (St. Jauiea) Boaton 3-5. Kennedya, Dancing (Fulton) Rriadilyn 3-6. Kenney A Hollia (St. Jauiea) Boaton 3-5. Keno A Mayne (Hamiueratein’a) N. Y. C. Kernan. Waltera A (Palace) Hartford,

C-onii . 3-6. Klda From School, Three (American) N. Y. C.

3-5 Kldilterly A Mohr (Orpheum) Dea Molnea, la.;

(Orpheumi Sioux City 7-12. Kingdoai of Dreaiiia (Pautagea) Six'kane; (Pan-

tigea) Seattle 7-12. Kingaton, Cheater (Pantagea) Seattle; (Pan-

tages) Vancouver, B. C., 7-12. Kirk A Fogarty (Kelth’a) I.owell, Maaa.;

(Kelth'aI Providence, R. I., 7-12.

McOEYITT, KELLEY lid IRENE LUCEY DlrecUim Them. FKapadlrn Playing Cnltod Tima. 'Origtoal and Only Dlamand Jugglam." Palantai)

In P. 8. A. Forelgji Paitriu Pending _ Matinee Clrla (()r|ihi'U(ii) Sau Franclao); (Or-

phciim) (laklaud 7 12. Matthews, Shayiie A Co. (Orpheum) Omaha,

.Net).; (()rpheu(u) l>es Moines 7 12. Maxine Bma. A Itohby (Shea’s) Toronto, Can.;

(Teui|ile) lietndt, Mich., 7 12. Mav A KlldrKT (Pantagea) Oaklantl, Cal.; (Pan-

tageo) Angeles 7 12.

Hines A Fox (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal., 31- S«-iit. 12.

Hli)p<Klronie Four (Empress) St. Paul. Hoey A I>ee (Temple) Rochester; (Dominion)

Ottawa, Can., 7-12. (:<-rtniile (Palace) Chicago 7-12.

Lockett A Waldron (Orplieum) Duluth; (Orjibe- um) Wlnui|H-g. Can., 7-12.

Ixickhart A Ix-ddy (Pantagea) Etinionton, Can.; (Paiitigca) Calgary 7-12.

Lockett and Waldron HELEN MAURICE IDA


Haylngt In Songs. DtreKlao Oane Hnghaa liO|>ex A bopi'X (New Brighton) Brighton Beach,

N. Y. I.oreltaa, Three (MIleal Detroit. lA)DlBe’t Monkey Cabaret (Haoimerateln’i) S. Y

C. 7-12.

Holden. Oreat (Pallaade Park) Palisade, N. J. llolland. Virginia (Ori)heum) Boaton 3-5. IlolnieK A KIley (Empress) Grand Rapids,

Mleh.. 3.’). Honey Girls (Temple) Hamilton. Can. Hornbock Bros. (Sobmer Park) Montreal, Can.

Ethil—KIRK AND FOGARTY-Bill| Bright Blla of Variety.

Hooked Solid P. B. O. Dir. Max Hay< Mayo A Tulle (Sbubert) L’tlca. N. Y., 7-12. Maye A .\ddla (Kni|>rraal Chicago .3-6. Meehan’s Doga (Ori>beum) Mlnueapolls; (Orpba-

umi St. Pant 7-12. Melalerkingera (Shea's) Tor\>nto, Can.; (Tant-

pie) Detroit. Mich.. 7 12. Mrltnl Truubadourt (Majestic) Sin Antonio,



LORRAINE and BURKS DlrscUon Will OSttna. Lnodem, Ingland.

Kitner, Uaynea A Montgomery (Pantagea)* Ta¬ coma. Wash.; (Pantagea) Portland, Ore., 7 12.

Knapp A Comalla (Bijou) Battle Creek. Mich., 3-5; (Bijou) Bay City 7-9; (Jeffers) Saginaw 10-12.

Koruau. Fred (Orpheum) Salt Lake City 7-12. Kramer A Morton (Orpheum) Omaha. Neb.; (Ur-

phoum) MinneapoUa 7-12. Kramer A Rohr (Fontaine F)‘rry Park )Lot(js-

vllle; ((*oluuibia) St. IXNila 7-12. Kramer A PaltiHon (Inijierlal) Vancouver, B. C.,

7 9; (Victoria) Victoria 10-12. Kramo Bros. (Fair) Windsor, Canada; (Fair)

Worttiington. Minn., 7-12. Kraxy Kids, Nine (Empress) IV>rtland, Ore. Kronold. Hans (Orpheum) Dea Molnea, la. LaDe^Mlima (Empress) Salt Lake City. I^elloen A Dupree (Henderaon’a) Coney Island.

ScDtrish Ventriloquist Dir. Morris and TaO. Love A Wilbur (PauUgea) Vancouver,

(Pantagea) Victoria 7-12. I>ove In the Suborba (Poll) Scranton, Pa Love In a Sanitarium (Kalckert><>cker)

delpbla 3-8._

Howard. Great (Rushwlck) Brooklyn; (Kelth’a) PbiUdelpAla 7-12.

Howard. l;d. Co. (Pantagea) San Francdsco; (Pentages) Oakland 7-12.

Howard Chaa.. A Co. (Orpheum) Memphia; (Or¬ pheum) New Orleans 7-12.

, 7-12. Pblla-



LORRAINE and DUDLEY DlrveOon Max Bart

Melrose. Bert (Maryland) Baltimore 7-12. Melville A Higgins (Alhambra) N. V. C.; (Bnab-

wlck) Bnwklyn 7-12. Mendelaobn Four (Colnmbla) Grand Biplda,

Mich.. 7-12. Mennetti A Sldello (iCmpreasi Loa Angeles;

(Ort>beum) Ogden. Ctah. 10-12, Mercr^ea (Orpheum) Brooklyn.


ADD HOYT’S MINSTRELS Booked Solid U. B. O. Tima. Loyal, Sylvia, A Partner (Sbubert) Utica, N. Y.;

(Colonial) N. Y. C. 7-12. Uvdell. K. gcrH A L>dell (Orpheum) Wlnnll>eg,

('an.. 7 12. Lyres, Three (Keith’s) Columbus; (Keith’s) In-

dianaiHdis 7-12. McRana. Juggling (Grandl Pltt-tnrg 7-12. McBana. The (Fontaine Ferry Park) Loulavllle. McCay, Wlnaor (Orpheum) Brovvklyn 7-12.

Howard A McCane (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.; (Majeatic) Dallaa 7 12.

Hoyt’s Minstrels (Enipress) San Frandaco; (Empreaa) Sacramento 7-12.

Hoyt A Warden (.McVicker’*) Chicafi'b. Hughes, M(w. Gene, A Co. (BuKbwick) Brooklyn;

(Iloyal) N. Y. C. 7 12. Hunting. I-ou A M<dlie (Dominion) Ottawa, Can.

MELNOTTE TWINS Hongs, Larva and Oraeva

I>‘Mars. F'lyliig (Hamnirrstein’a) N. Y. C. LaPtano. Fred, Belvldere. Ill., tndef. ijiToy Bros. (Alhambra) N. Y. C. I.Ai Mon Kim (Orpheum) Salt I.,ake City 7-12.


MACK and WILLIAMS Original, Henaatloual Stalrca«a Daoerra.

Meredith A .Hn<'<«er (Empress) C>netiinat1. Merrill A Otto iOrpheum) San Francisco 31-

Sept. 12. Ml rry Kldr Five (Pvlace) Hertford. Conn.. 8 5, Mctrettls FYv^ (Sherman Grand) Calgary, Can.,

3 5. Meiither, Ikirothy (Columbia) St. Ix>uia; (Or-

|4ieum) Memphis 7 12. Miller A I..vle« >Orpheum) San Francisco; (Or¬

pheum) Oakland 7-12.



PRINCE LAI MON KIM Tha Noted Chlneaa Tenor,

booked Solid U. B. O. Tims.

McClure A D<dly (Empreaa( Butte, Mont.; (Em preRS) Spokane, Waah., 7-12.

McC(Niuell A Simpson (Majestic) Dallaa. Tex.; (Majestic) Houston 7-12.

McDermott A Wallace (EmpreRR) Lo* Angele*; (Oryibeum) Ogden, Utah, 10-12.

IIiKKer A ItoRR (Harris) Pittsburgh. Hunting A I'rinci* (.MajeRtlc) CThlcago. Iliirat Brandon, A Co. (Maryland) Baltimore

7 12. Hiitchlaon. F>1. U., OgdenRhnrg, N. Y.. 1-4. liutchinRon, Wllla.-d, Co. (Pantagea) Portland,

Ore. Idiniaa, Tmnpe (Orptieum) Duluth.

La(iil>ert A Ball (Ruahwick) Brooklyn; (New Brighton) Brighton Beach. N. Y., 7-12.

I.ain|ie. Win.. A Co. (Empress) Salt Lake City.

MERCEDES Lancton, Lucier ft Co

Assisted by Eddie ABeo. "Heapa o( Hilarity.** Dtreevlrai Weber A Brans.

Miller, Parker A Sela (Pantagea) Seattle; (Pam- tiigea) Vancouver. B. C.. 7 12.

Miller, Allen. A Co. (Empress) Spokane; (lei> (ireRs) Seattle 7-12.

Miller, .Luna, A Co. (Majestic) Dallas, Tax.; (Majestic) Houston 7 12.

.Miller A Vincent (Ondiru(nl Mlnnei|iollii 7-12. Mlloa. F'our (Majestic) Dallaa, Tex.; (Mtjestlcj

Houston 7 12. Milton A l> Hislers (F>>raytbe) Atlanta.

Ga.; (Keith’s) Birmingham. Ala.. T-I2.

McDermott, Billy (Grand) Syracuse, N. Y.; (Orpheiiii'.l IlarrlHburg. Pa., 7-12.

McDevitt. Kelly A I.nrie (Maryland) Baltimore. McFarland. Marie, A Co. (New Brighton) Brook¬

lyn 7-12.

rvireetlon FYank Bobm Lancton, Lucier A Co. (Orpheum) Duluth; (Or¬

pheum) St. Paul 7-12. I-ane A O’Donnell (Kelth’a) Cleveland; (Colum¬

bia) Grand Rapids 7-12.

Ideal (Dominion) Ottawa, Can.; (Temple) Ham¬ ilton 7-12.

Imboff. Conn A Coreene (Columbia) St. Louis; (.Majestic) .Milwaukee 7-12.

Imfierial 0|>er(( Co. (Pantagea) San Diego, Cal. Ingalls A DutSeld CBoatonI Long Beach, Cal.,


LANE AND O^DONNELL TTie Lunatic Tumbleta. "Looping the Bumpw'

Dir. Jaa. B. Plunkett IHrvetlon Paul Durand. ROGER HUGH H. MARCELLE

mhoff, Conn and Coreene "Surgeon Louder. D. S. A.**

McGinn, Francis, A Co. (Orpheum) San Fran¬ cisco 31-Sept. 12.

McGtnnia Bros. (Knickerbocker) PbtUdeIpbla 3-6

McGoodf, Chat., A 0>. (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can.

Langdona, The (Colonial) N. Y’. C. 7-12. Largay A Snee (Orpheum) JackaonviUe, Fla.

7-9. Laurie A Aleen (Orpheum) Van(s>nver, B. C.

(Empreaa) Tacoma, Wash.. 7-12.


MILLER and VINCENT Aak Ham Fitagarald. Inman, Billy, A Co. (Empress) Portland, Ore.

Innea« A Kyau (Forest I’ark Highlands) St. Louis; (Fontaine Ferry Park) I>>ulsville 7-12.

Irwin A Herxog (Empress) Seattle; (Empress) Vancouver. B, C., 712.

Iame<l (Orfibeum) Seattle; (Orpbenm) Portland 7 12.

It Can Be Done (Alhambra) N. Y. C.; (CiHonlal) N. Y. C. 7 12.

Jackson Family (Rmpreas) Sacramento, Cal.; (Einprem) Lot Angeles 7-12.

Mlnitrel Kiddles (Empreaa) Detxaar; (BmprusaF Kansas City 7-12.

Monarch Comedy Four (Oipbenm) Vanroargr, R. C.; (Bmpreaa) Tacoma, Wash., 7-12.

Montgomery, Marahall (Ksith’a) Toledo; (Kelth’a) Clerrland 7-12.

Montgomery A Moore (Henderson’s) Cboey Island. N. Y.

Lawn Party (Keith’s) Cleveland; (Keith’s) In- dianapolla 7-12.

Laypo A Benjamin (Empress) Seattle; (Or¬ pheum) Vancouver, B. C., 7-12.

MeInbMh A Musical Maids (McVIcker'a) Chi¬ cago 3-5.

McKay A Ardine (Majestic) Chicago; (Majestic) Milwaukee 7-12.

McKinley, Nell (Empress) Bntte, Mont.; (Em¬ press) Spokane, Wash., 7-12. Stewart G. Jacksoe

I'lwn))# Ty>ad l^vkr's "RmI Heads '* "World’s Orrataal Anlaal Impataanator.**

National Aophltbcaur. Sydney. Australia.

Jacka<>n, Joe (Keith’s) Providence 7-12. James. Waller (Lyric) Richmond, Va., 3-5;

(Keith’s) Birmingham, Ala., 7-12. Jtrrow (Haminerateln’s) N. Y. C.; (Grand)

Syracuse 7 12. JarvU A HarriS‘>n (Keith's) Indianaoolia 7-12. JefTerson. Jos., A Co. (Orpheum) Minneapolia. Jeter A U^tgers (Flmiiresa) Portland, Ore. Jewell s Manikins (Pontages) Salt Imke ('Ity. Jobnaon, Great (Academy) Fall River, Maaa.,

3 .1._

Leach. Helen. Wallin Trio (Domluion) Ottawa, ClgS.| (Teinple) Hamilton T-12.

Lebrun A Gels (MajeatiC) Houston, Tea.; (Ma¬ jestic) San Antonio 7-12.

The Balancing Roy on the Chain and TaMaa. Dir. Ham Fltagrrald.

.Montrose A Sydell (Babcock) Bllllnga, Mont. 2 3; (Empress) Butte T-12.

Moore A Y'atea (Majestic) Milwaukee. M's>re, Pony, On. (Pantagea) Vancouver, B. C.

(Pantagea) Victoria 7*12. .Mieire A l.lttli-neld (Or|ibeuni) Wlnnl|>eg, Can.

McLellan A Carson (Buabwlck) Bnmkbn; (Royal) N. Y. C. 7 12.

McMahon, Diiniend A Clemence (Colombia) bt. Umlt; (Orpheum) Memphis 7-12.

McMillan. Lida, A Co. ).MIlen) Detroit. Buabwlck. Brooklyn, N. T., Aug. SI. Dir. Max Hart

Ledegar. Chaa. (Greeley Square) N. Y. C. 3-6. I-effel Trio (Kelth’a) Philadelphia 7-12 Leigbtona. Three (Temple) Detroit; (Temple)

Rocheater 7-12. One-Half of the Faaxaia Empire (Tty Quartette.

Booked Solid V. H. O. Itir. Ham niag>vaJd. Harmony at Boas. Pennnal Rep, Joe Raymond; Dir., J. R. Plunkett ripeeatle Blaekftee CVnedlan McNallya, P>*ur (Kelth’a) Birmingham, Ala.,

7 12. .Me.Vamara. Te<My, Co. (Pantagea) FMmootoo,

Can ; tpantnges) Cnicary 7 12. •MaeFarland, Geo. irol<intal) N. C. 7 12

Mori Br-m., Three (Bmpreaa) Spokane; (Kmpresa) Seattle 7 12.

Morrell, Frank (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. Morris A lleaalrv (lliheork) Billings, Moot..

2 3; (Finipreasi Itutia 7*12. Morris, FMlda (Knltk’s) Toledo. Morria. Nina. A ( o, (Lyric) UIcbmond, Va., 35;

IColoiilali Erie, Pa., 7-12.

Johnston. Johnny. A Co. (Majestic) (Chicago. Jolly A Wild (Empresa) Spokane; (Empreaa!

Seattle 7 12. Jones ,1: Sylvester (Orp'ieiim) San Francisco 7-

Origlnal Iron Jaw Sensation. I*ro(«ot«d by tbs Pat¬ ent law or tha C. S.


McBride and Cavanaugh Pratursd with A1 Von Tllasr'a Honsy Girls

Jordans. Tlirec Juggling (Electric Park) Water¬ loo. la.; (Fimpresa) Dea Moines 10-12.

Jordon Girls (Shea’sl Toronto. Can. Juliet (Shea’s) Buffalo; (Shea’s) Toronto, Can.

7-12. Juveniles. Musical (Pantages) Great Falla,

Mont.; (Paiitagps) Sis'kane, Wash.. 7-12. Kclivaiiia (Orphemn) Omaha. Neb.. 7 12.

l>citxel A Jeanette (Orplieiini) Meinpliis; (Or- pheOm) New Orleans 7-12.

lieoii A Adeline Slaters (Pintage<*) Winnipeg, Can.; (Pantagea) FMmonton 7-12

l>eon A Co. (Kelth’a) Waabington 7-12.


IIIG ANlt LI1TLR CASINO bonked Solid on la*ew (Trrull. Dir., Irving rtwmw

Mack A Ellis lOrpItenni) St. Paul; lOrpheijni) Duluth 7-12.

Mack, (lira.. A Co (Keith’s) Philadelphia 7 12 Mack A Orth (Grand) Plttahiirg 7-12.


KENO and GREEN Dlrertlon Joe Pincua. Casey Agenor.

Morrow Wtn., A-Co. (Kinpreas) Portland, 1 Morion A Austin IHItea’ai Toronto, Can., Morion, Jaa. J. lOridieunii M'Hitreal. Can., Motion, Sain (Cotuulal) Erie pa., 7-12. Midoring f llauiineratelii’ai N. Y. C. 7 12. Mor.arla Tlia 1 Vaudeville) San Joae, Cal., Moxarls, The, (Orpheum) Sacramento, Cal.


McCORMACK and IRVING ■Briwwn Decfca" Frtr Ed S. Kellvv.

Leonard A Lonle (American) N. T. I.,eater Trio (Orpheum) Boston 3-5. Levy, Bert (Keith’s) Cleveland 7-12.

Kallch, Bertha, A Co. (Orpheum) Loa Angeles; 81-8ept. 12.

Mack A 'Walker (Inqierlil) Vanivniver, 79; (Vlctirr'i) Victoria 10 12.


SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Tlie Bl'llboard 71

MuIbHlI. iJiHll*-. * r«. Han Frao- . 7 12.


IKr Alf T Wllum.

llulU'ir. Kmiik (Fulton) llro<>kl.iB 3^-_ Million A CooKHii (’IViniil*-) U.K-bf*l»r; (Kvlth’d

I'li.lmlylplilm 7 12._

Ed. Morton I>l'f<(l<«i JmnI* Jtrab* r«( otan («

>lur|>li)r A Fol^y »Kiii|ir<-»«) Mub(.; (Km

prf^^l |(iii»k«B^. 7-12. Miiriiliy. S<-ii«l*>r Kr«ii<-1» (Kuiiirrim) Hcittlo;

lOnliTBBil V»i»foov»r. It. r., 7 12.

rarlllo A Krabito (Oriiheuiu) Bruokljrn; (Mary- laiHl) llBltluiore 712.

I’arla Urt^ii (J'antaKCN) Han Franciaco 712. I'aHky A Trnuliil I llamnxratPiu’a) N. Y. C. I'atrirolo, AiiKfb) (.\fa)e»tic) Mllwauk«<';

iKrIth'a) Oiliiiubiia 7-12. I*atrlr<ila A M)«*rB iKnIqw) MIoDrapuIla; (Km-

(ircHB) Ht. I'aul 7 12.

PAMAHASIKA’S PETS KiluraiMf BIrdi, iKict, Mofiktya and Caia.

I'rrmaiinit Addrcaa, 3327 North 6lh SC. Hhlla., Pa

I•ayln‘. Nina (SfTfUth Atp. ) N. Y. C. 3 6. I*a} tuu, (Virar, A Co. (ilaiii[nrr«t<‘ln'a) N. Y. C. Ivklu'a .Myatfrloa (Koitb'a) I’rovldeore 7-12. l'•-ll<•ll<•r A Co. ( IViiiiilo) liiiiilltoD, Can.; (Or-

libruBi) tfr«i|Aila. Tonn., 7 12. ■ ■•-rirra ».xirii.. (Sbiilmrt) Utica, N. Y.. 7 12. IVrkliM A (irihaoiii (Kruwn'a Airdouic) I'urcell,


.\lili '< C<N k.<t"o« iVIclorlai (Xta-lcaluu, S C., 7 K il<l)oiii .Savaimah, tia. 10 12. Mflo- llli'l iKr'th'ai Pbiladripbla; (Oriibciini)

llarri'hiiri; 7 12.

Elizabeth M. Murrai IMrmloa Air T Wlltaa

Nader ir iit.irml Han FYauiiacu; iPaDtagrai

Oak .>»•• 7 12


IVf. FERRARI Pmtlrr naiaic and Madam Daneva Par Elaallanaa

Nrmba Jtl* iWlllr ('Ity Hilipodnou l Chicago. .Nana iKritb’ai Hlrailnehain. Ala.. 7-12. Natallr A FVirart lOr|i|irani i Oakland. CaU; (Or-

pb>nmi Hacrainrnto 7 N; lYoarniltr) Htocktoa 3 lo; (VaudcTlIIri Han Joor 11-12.

JULIA NASH A. CO. Praaaiiiliil "Bar Flrat Oaaa~

Bookad HoUd C M Blanchard. Mgr

Naiarru, Nat. A ('« iMaJ.-atlci ilouattiu.' Trx.; iMajr>tlci Han Antonio 7 12.

N'rhrr A Kapprl |T>-iii|'Ir> Hamilton. Can Srptuiir'a ilanirn it'olumlla) Ht. Louis; (Or-

lihruni I Mnupbls 712. Nri'tnnr'a Nvinjiha lOn’hriim) Vancoorrr. B. C.;

iKmi'r»-»a( Tacoma. Wash., 7-12.



By (Nto T. JotiiiMm. Dir. Urtir Uughca

NctIds a Krwond (Or|ibruuii McuipbU; (Urpbr uii. I Nr« Orleans 7-12.

Nrwth.ff A I’hrlpa iKcitii’ai Waablnstnn. N>«'|Mirt A Htirk iKiiiprraa) Kan.aa Clt.r, Me. H otrr. iMIIr.l Clrvrland. N'-li 11 Nr- n Ti.'iii'r (M -Vlikrr'at Clilcairo. Nick's Skating Olrla (llammrratrin'ai N. Y’. C.

AL. BUTTLE lYia larrmt Blngla Muaira] Act la VaodMlla

Night llawka. The (I'ahtagi-si Victoria. B. C.; cl'antigr.l Taconia. \Vt»h.. 7 12.

N-rth. Frank, A Co. iOn>bruml Winnipeg. Can.j lOipbrnmi Krgina 7 B; (Hbcruiao Grand) Cal gar* 10-12.

Kortblanr A Ward (Majeatic) liouaton. Tax.; iMaJratlC) Han Antonio 7-12.

N .Mralral lOrphriiml Ilrtrolt 7 12 O'Brlrn. llaTrl A Co. (Urpbrum) I»a Angrlra

SI Sept. 12.

0 BRIER. MVEL & CB. O’Mrrni. Joair |Or|ibruinl Montreal. Can.;

(Grand) l*ttt«burg, Ta., 7-12. OakUiKi. Wll!, A Co. (Orpheuro) Minneapolis 7-

D.kland Sl.lrra lC<>|tinilila) Ht. loula 7-12. Dakler. Hllrera (Tantages) Great Falls, Moot.;

(I'antagra) Hpokane Wash., 7-12

Four OnottI Sisters

PIETRO acknowledged ORIGINAi


Ormnist Hprrtallats Dtr. Bd B. KalMr

DdUa (Orpbeum) St. Paul; (Orpheum) Omaha, ^eh.. 7 12.

Old H<ddlrr Fiddler* (Temple! Rocheater 7 12. Olympic Trio iKhea's) Buffalo; (Sbea'i) ToP>n

to. Can. 7-12.

OS-KO-MON Itirerrton Noman Jeffriaa

0"ri. IirlU (Coliimblal Grand Itapids, Mlcb., 7 12. • •rr A DeCnata I Majestic) Chicago; (Temple)

I'l'lr.dt 7 12. O"'. A o»er (Oridieiiin) Hloux City la.; (Or-

IdiMiini St Paul 7 12. A Nrwtan (Coliiiiibla) ItroiAlyn R 6.

HELEN PACE 'll)* Pndaraludy." DIraettnn M. B BtmIhaB

I (.'frr. Iliirti'ii A llrown iPantagr*) Victoria, P C • iPa'ntiKpa) Tacoma. Wash , 7-12.

I idriilirrg’* linra lOrpliriim) l.oa Angrlra; (Or- ido iiiii I San Diego 7 12.

EMIL PALLENBERG Pallanbarg'a Bears. Ombmaa rinailL

Porter A HolUran (Koraytbe) Atlanta. Ga-. 7-12. Pvaty, Cba*. K. (Orpbeum i Ixjb Angeles; (Or-

(iliriim) Omaba. Neb., 7 IB. lV>«ell. Rutb (Babcock) BIlliDga, Mont., 2-3;

(lUnpreas) Butte 7-12. Prellr'a Doga (Majestic) liouaton, Tex.; (Ma-

Jeatlc) Hau Autunlo 7-12. Prlmiaoe FVyur iMarylaiid) Baltimore; (Garrick)

Wilmington 7-12.

POTTS BROS. A CO. Playing &>gland. Iraland and Bmtland.

Prlnrr A Iteerle (Paotagra) IVlunlpcf;, Can.. 7 12.

Pruut. ITra (Eiuprrsa) Hrattle; lOrptieum) V.iu conver. B. C.. 7 12.

Pruitt. Bill (Columbia) St. I»ais; (PaLK-e) Cblcagi) 7 12.

Punch. The (Natlonali N. Y. C. 3 6. (Jiiick. Billy (Greeley Sijuare) N. Y' C. S-.Y. (Quinlan A Itichar-I* •Pantages) Victoria, B. C.;

iPiiiitngr*i T*i*'tiia. Wanh.. 7-12.

THE RATHSKELLER TRIO Uagtiiiir Trio il iiii|(iei Ib-troit; (New Htandarli

Pblladrlpbia 7-12. Hajab, Prim-esa (Orvbeum< Meiupbia; (Oriitieum)

New Orleaua 7 12. Ilaltou A IjiTour (Kmpre**! Hacramrnto, Cal.;

' P.Mipres*! Iyi« .kngrlea 7-12.


RAYMOND and BAIN 'Locked Ouk" Dlrectkm Morns A FVt

Kandalls, Tbe (Orjibeum) I>ea Moinei, la.; (Or- |ueum) Sioux City 7-12.

Kavenocroft. Charlotte iKeith's) Cincinnati 7-12. Ba.r A Hilliard (Keith's) Boston 7-12. Karniond. Edith, A Co. iDelmncey St.) N. Y.

C. 3-5. Raymond. Ruby, A Co. (iTric) Ricbmond. Va..

7-0; (Colonial) Chlcage 10-12.

CHRIS RICHARDS Ei.g'-lab Eccentric Comadlan.

Rayno'a Dogs (Tem(ile) Rochester 7-12. Kecklelaa 'Irlo (KnlckerbiH-keri I'hiladelphla

S-6 Rolford A Wlncbeater (R<'ckaway Beach) Far

Kockawry^, N. Y.; (Alhambra) N. Y. C. 7-12. RetlbeaiU. The (Orpheum) Minneapolis 7-l'3. Keed Bnn. (Palace) Chicago; (Keith's) Toledo

7 12.

DOROTHY RIGHMONDand GO. Reilly, Cliaa., Co. (Pantagea) Ixw Angeles;

(Pant-ges) San Diego 7 12. Rrllowr (Temple) Rochester. KeUner A tjorea (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orpheum)

Portland 7-12. Reid Staler* (Pantagea) San Franclaco 7-12. Renards. Three (Pallaide Park) Palisade. N. J Key Billy K. •(Y'andcTlIle) Wolfe Clt.r. Tex. Iteynold* A IViiiegan (Majeatlc) Chicago.

lONN C. RICE and SALLY COHEN In "Mary and John.”

Rice Sully A Scott tSbea'a) Buffalo 7-12. BIcli'anI*. c«»^rla. (AMiambra) N. Y. C. 7-12. IHrbant*. Great (Keith's! Philadelphia.<'n. Bruce. A Co. (Panlage*) Wlnnl|>eg

Can., 7-12. . Richmond A Mann (Greeley S»joarel N. Y. C.




Rlroll, Caeser (Serentb Are.) N. Y. C.. 3-6. Roach A McCurdy (Keith's) Columbus 7-12. Kotina, Walter F. (Pantagea) San Francisco;

(Pantagea) Oakland 7-12. Roblnaon'a F.lepb inta (.McVlcker’a) Chicago, koblnaoii. j(ll) (American) Chicago 3-5. R.ycheater, Claire (Temple) Rochester; (Mary¬

land) Baltimore 7-12. Hoeders, Ktonr (Grand) Syracuse. N. Y.; (Or-

lAietim) Br»K>klyn 7-12. Boehm's Athletic Girls (Sfaubert) Utica, N. Y'.,

7 12. I{(.gers, Will (Vaoderllle) Han Jose, Cal., 4-5;

lOrpheiini) Ix>s Angeles 7-12. Itollo A Kajioli (Henderson's) C.)ney Island, N.

Y.. 7-12.

ROONEY and 0EN1 Bo<*«l Ho-).l P. b O. and Orpbeum Touis.

IPdlo, Tbe Limit (Fair) Grand Rapids, Mich., 27; (Fair) Flora, Ill.. 9 11.

Koiiiaine A Orr (Kinpress) Butte, Mont.; (Em¬ press) .Spokane, Wash., 7-12.

Romeo Tbe Great (Palace) Chicago. Honair A WanI IF:mpress) Denver; (Empreii.'O

Kansas City 7-12. R(»uey A Bent (Henderson's) Coney Island,

N. Y. Rosaire A Preroat (Oi^benm) Ogden, Utah, 3-5;

(Empress) Salt Lake City 7-12.

RUTH ROVE Pelneeas of Ragtime Direction Barry Weoet

Kosaires, Tbe (Ramona Park) Grand Rapids, Mleh., 7-12.

■(•mdell Singers (Pantagea) Edmonton, Can.; (Pantagea) Calgary 7-12.

Rnae, Estelle (Empress) San Francisco; (Hin- press) Hacramrnto 7-12.

Roae. Harry (Tlonlevanl) N. Y. C. 3-5. Rose A M<etn (E(Dpress) Hpokane; (Bmprrs*)

Seattle 7-12. Ross A F'enton Players (OiY>benm) Ogden. Utah,

3-5; (Empress) Salt Lake City 7-12.

RYAN and LEE Dirertinti Gene Hugb<«

Bos*. E<ldie (Mar.rlantl) Baltimore. IP-i’get. AlN-rte (Palace) (Chicago 7-l'2. Koyce, Ray L. (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Majes

ticl Houston 7-12. Rozella A U zell* (Pantagea) Victoria, B. C.;

(Pantages) Tacsima. Wash.. 7 12. Rutan's Hone Bird* (Grand) Syracuse. N. Kyan A Lee (Keith's) Washington 7-12. Byaii A Tierney (Alhambra) N. Y. C.; (Royalp

N. V. C. 7 12. Salon Singers (Keith'* i Cincinnati 7-12. Salvaggi*. lx** (Drpheu(n) Duluth; (Orphenm)

Wlnnlp<*g. Can., 7-12.

Mr. and Mrs. Chick Sale (MISS MARIE BISHOP)

mpbeum Ctrcult. Dtrectlon Ed S Keller

Samuels, Ray (Maryland) Baltimore; (Keith's) W'ashingtpin 7-12.

Ssns A Ssns (Empress) Salt lAke City. Ssntiey, Jos., A (>>. (Alhambra) N. Y. C. S:<ran<*(f (.Alhambra) N. Y. C. Hsnnilers A Van Knnts (Pantagea) Edmonton,

Cm : (Psntiges) Calgary 7 12. Savoy* A Co. (Seventh Ave.) N. Y’. C. 3-5.

Siemens, Fredericka, A Co. (Orpheum i Winni¬ peg, Can.; (Orpbenin) Kegiua 7-H; (Sherman Grand) Calgary 1012.

S(Dith, Irene A Bobby (Majestic) Milwajkee; (Palace) Chicag.v 7-12.

Smith, Cook A Brandon (Dominion) ((ttawa. Call.; (Te(uple) Haniilton 7-12.

HiioWili-n, i;i|i-ij«- (Orphenni) St. Paul 7 12. , Society, Six, Dancers l.McVicker's) Chicago.

Irene ft Bobbie Smith Dir. Ed S. Keller

Solis Bros.. lYiur (Pantages) Portland. Ore. Song Birds, The (Maje!*tic) Ft. Worm, lex.;

(.Majetic) Dallas 7 12. Sousas. The (Vaudeville) St. Louis, indef. Splseell Bros. A Mack (Keith's) Wasblngton. Standard Bros. (Pantaces) Salt Lake City. Stanley, Aileen (Onihenm) Sun Francisco; (Or-,

pbeum) Sacramento 7 8; (Yoseiuite) Stockton li 111; (Vaudeville) .San Jose 11-12.

Stan!e.v. Stan. Trio (Iiii|>erial) Vanc<-uver, B. C., 7-9; I Victoria) Victoria 10 IC.



Stanley's Keininary Girls (Pantages) Portland, Ore.

Stantons. The (Empress) Rt. I'aul. Steinhler, Hallie, A Brother (Empress) Grand

Kaphls. .Mich., 3-5. Stephens. Paul ' iF.nipresa) Isis Auge'.es: (Or¬

pbeum) Ogden. Utah. 10-12. Stepp. Gooilricb A King (Palace) Chicago; (Co¬

lonial) Elrle. Pa.. 7-1^. • Stevens, Ix*ona (OripheiKu) Sh'nx City, la. Stevens. Kilwriu (Majestic) Milwaukee; (Keith's)

Cleveland 7-12.

EDWIH STEVERS xmlsted by Tina - Manhall. Playing United TIim*

Stevens. lainder, A Co. (Pantageo) W.nnlpeg, Can., 7-l‘2.

Stewart A Oakln (Lincoln Squarei N. Y’. C. 3 5.

Ht'ndel Br<*.. Thr**e (Palace) Chichgo * l". Sully Family (Orpueum) Brooklyn. Sutton. Jlcintyre A Sutton (Keith's) Philadel-'

phia; (Keith's) Boston 7-12,

WILBUR C. SWEATMAN Raplme CUrtneUst. Addcns 251 W. 143d St.. New

• York atj.

Swan (llr|>lieiim) Vancouver, B. C.; (Empress) Tacoma. Wasli.. 7 12.

.Swor A .Mack (Urplieiiiu) St. Paul; (Orpheum) Diiliitli 7 12. ,

Sylvia I lli|.|~'ilronie) ^t. Ixiiiis; (Uiiiiiressi Dos .M'diios, la.. 7 12.

TaJs.r A Green iN'atl. nal) N. Y C. .I .5. Ti.vkir \- .Arnold (Paiitugi-si Se.altle; iP.iiitages)

Vaiii'ouier. B. C., 7 12.

3 - Travilla Bros DIAECTION ALF. T. WILTON.

Telegraph Four iShiiliert) 3-5. Telephone Tangle (Orpheum) .Montreal, Can. Terris, Clias.. A Co. iC' loniali Cliic,ig<> .1-5. Titanic (I’.-in (ages) Eilnioutou, Can.; (Pantages)

Calgary 7 12. Tbey-Y'au Da tFmi[iress) San FTauciseo; lE:a-

pri-ss) Sacraiio'iito 7-12.

Maurice Samuels SOPHIE TUCKER

niat Wblatllng Pair. Dirertlan Aaron Kmalm

King, Jnlle. A Co. (Pant.vgea) Oakland. Cal.; Il‘an1age*l Ixw Angeles 7 12.

Ring Rlanche. A Co. (Grand) Syracuse. N. Y. Kina' Blanche. A Co. (.Majestic) Chicago 7-12.

CUHE lOCHESTEII Phcnomriifil Soprano*Barl(one

IVxAed Solid U. B. O.

I I'D'r Duo iKelth’a) Toledo; (Kelth'a) Co- | Hlval Detn tlTes (lioew'*) New RiMhelle, N. Y.. Iuinliiia'7 12. I 3 6.

n "A Day at ElU* laland.” Dtreetton Harry Plncua.

Savoy A Brennan (Empress) Denver; (Empress) Kansas City 7-12.

Si'hsrf A Kamser (Hennings Park) Louisville, indef.

Schiller's Mnsicsl Five (Pantages) Tacoma. Wasli.; (Pantages) Portlaml. Ore.. 7 12.

School Playground (Keitti'si Boston 7-12. SclKxil Days (Unique) Minneapolis; (iXiipresai

St. Paul 7-12.

RAY SAMUELS U. B. O. and Orpiieum Clrc«itL

Hch^vol Days (Cohmial) Chicago 3-5. St*ebacka, The (Orpbeum) Sioux City, la.; (Or¬

pbeum i Minneapolia 7-12. Selma, Norma (Hammeratain’a) N. T, C. Sevier A James (Vandeyille) (neyelaud. Shank. Mayor Lew (Amertran) N. Y'. C. 3-6. Sharp A Turek (Majestic) Milwaukee 7-12.


SEBASTIAN and BENTLY Jarrtln De Dinse, New York.

Shcraian. V*n A Hyman (Forsythe) .Atlanta, Ga.; (Keith’s) Rirmlngliam, Ala.. 7-12.

Shilling. Wni., Co. (Pantages) Falls, Mont.; (Pantagi**) Hpokane. Wash.. 7-12.

Shirlevs, Musical (Parra's) Bakersfleld, Cal.. 2^.'

Sliiiler. Josaie, Co. (Pantages) Oakland, Cal.; (Pantages) Ixw Angeles 7-12.

Shone. Hcrmtne, A Co. (Imperial) VanconveT. B. C.; (Orpheum) Seattle 7-12.

EVA SHIRLEY lYie Youngest Prims Donna In VtudsTllls.

Booked Solid on U. B. O. Time.

Should a Woman Tell (New Brighton) Brighton Bosch N. Y'.

Shrlner A- Rlchsnl* 1 Empress i Butte, Mont.; iFmpn'ss) Sisikane Wasli.. 7 12.

Sidelight* (Eiiipreasi Cineinnati. Sig*bee*a Dogs (Rnipreasi Portland, Ore. SlIN-r A North (Pantages) Great Fall*. Mont.;

(Pantages) Spokane. Wash.. 7 12. Slmma. Wlllanl. A Co. illamnierstein'a) N. Y’. C. Sim*. Rouble (Y'onge St.) Toronto, Can.

LOUIS SIMOH tn the New Peralan Garden

Slavman .AH’* Arabs (Empresai Grand Rapid*. Mich.. 8-5.

The Mary Garden of Ragtime, and Frank Westpbsl.

Tboiiia* A Hall (Orpheum) Ixi* Angeles; (Or¬ pbeum l San Diego 7-12.

Thomson, Harry (Unique) .Miuneapidis; .Em¬ press) St. Paul 7-12.

Thomson, Chas. (Grand) Syracuse, N. Y.; (Keith's) Clevelsnd 7-12.

TAYLOR ft ARNOLD Pastagss Cliwult. DIrsstlos iAS. B. MeKDWEN.

Thornton, Jas. A Ronnie (Ramona Park) Grand Rapids, Mich., 7-12.

Through the SkyllgAit (Emures.*) Butte. Mont.; (Empress) Spokane, Wash., 7-12.

Timherg, Herman iDrpheam) Meiupbis, Tenn., 7-12.

Tint. AL (Miles) Minneapolis; (Empress) St. Paul 7-12.

Todd Nords (Empresai Denver; (Empres*) Kan¬ sas City 7-12.

THETURHERS Orpheum Circuit. Dtrectlon Berrard Purk*

Todesca A Todesca (White City Hiiipodpomel tTiicago.

Togan A Geneva (Pantages) Winnipeg-, Can., 7 12.

Toll. E. (Howard) Boston. Trawy, Stone A Spenk (Temple/ Detroit; (Tem¬

ple) Rochester 7 12. Trjiis-Atlsrtlc Trio (Vaudeville> San Jose, Oal.,

4-5: (Orjiheiim) Los Angeles 7-r2. Trayilla Bros. A Seal (Majestic) Chicago.


Plaving Pnlled Time. Dtr. Gene Bturbrn

Trovato (Ori>heiimi Diiiaba, N*-l>.: (Dniheufti) Moiix City. la.. 7 12.

Tsmla. Hairy i liii|>erial) Vani'oiner. B. C.; (Or- idit'iiin) Seattle 7 12.

Turners, The (Keith’s) (teyelsn.1: (Keith's) In¬ dianapolis 7-12.

Tuscan,> Bros. (Biishwickl Br<»; (Roys!) N. Y. C. 7-12.

Typos. Three (Ditihenni) Slonv U ty, la.; (Dr- (.lieiim) Winniiieg. ('an., 7

Us'-er. Claude A Kanni** (M.ajestle) CTiicago 7- 1'2.

Van Bergen, Martin (Orpheum) St. Paul 7-12.

72 SEPTEMBER S, 1914. Ttie Billboard

SOZODONT \Vtifn Orandm* wu younx. the uaed ROEODONT

I tvauM It wu beat

ror over etxty y(«n the ROZODONT foiki hare knn* fa<l« and drotlfrtce* oame and ctv

Aim) while StiEODONT hai been kept thonmchly •breast of the laleat knowledce. It baa alwan been made to accompUsh but one puipoae—absolute mouth rhantUieaa.

You would not wash your hands or faoe with • 'ids, Hiemlrals or druca—why attfinpt to dean the I rtSisbIe (iiamd of your teeth or the delicate Ua- s.ies dr your mouth with tliemf

I'se RliEolNtNT. the only modem dentlMee that has been tested by time—and be on the safe side.

Ituy KOEttlHtNT tislay, while the matter la In t'sir mhid. and atart the habit that hta no regreta


%’andliiofr 4 Ixtnle (GaiTirk) WilmiDftoii, Del.; (Porsythe) Atlanta. Qa., 7-U.

VSNDINOFFand LOUIE Norelty Palntcn. Ddnc OU Oolora.

DU. Paul Durand.

Vaofled (Pantagea) San Pranclaco 7-12.

Ed Vinton and Buster Bookad SoUd on U. B. O. Tima DU. UorrU * Ml

\ .in O^'fre (Airdome) Sbelbtna, Mo. Vergea. Nick, A Co. (Ilenderaon’a)

iKland, N. y.

VOLANT ■The PlTltif Plano." Direction Oena Huahsa

Vernon. Hope (Dominion) Ottawa. Can.; (Tern- plot Hamilton 7-12.

Vestoff Trio (Pantages) Calgary. Can.; (Pan- tages) Ureat Palla, Mont., 7-12.


luat written by Jaaaes Madlaoo. Indndlaa "Irandna Around." "PooUng Anund.’ "Mlao You Moat of Alt." "DeeU U) Own H<ae Town." "Thla U the Ufe." "JViUoM Them Aiuund." "By the Sea." do., do.



Omtenta IrtHude It great monohiguei. • aronderTul aria for tiro mala and T aed for malo and female (the real gooda). !• broad- new pamdla. I Up-top mlnatrel Bid paim. a dde-apUttliig tabloid fiice. balda bu- dreda of original gaga, sidewalk Mta. do. MADIBD.VH Bl'DGKT No. It oosU ONB IMtULAB per copy. Back laua out of print, eioept Na 14. price. $1, or BudgeU 14 and It togrther. Nde my new addrem.


Prim d Pandia aleas. SBe.

Martin Van Bergen Orpheum Tour. I>Uectloa Hanr F. Webea

WlUlamt A Darrell CPullon) Brooklyn 8A. Wtlllaius. tiuo (Tenifilel Detroit.


WILL.IA.R4S and RANKIN Addrem Billboard. New York.

Williams A (HUmtI (Aradeiny) lIulTalo; (k'aia- lly) KiKhester 7 12.

Willlauis A Wolfus iColumbla) St. I/mls. Wiloun A Wilson (BsboiM-k) Ullllugs. Mont.,

2-3; (Kniprets) Butte 7-12. Wilson Bros. (Kmpress) Grand Uspids, MIrb.,

.3-6. Wilwm. Grace (Keitb’si lndlina|iolls 7-12.

WILLIAMS and WOLFUS "Aimed a Pianist."

Booked Solid on U. B. O. ‘nme.

Wilson, KIley (Orpheum) Altoona, Pa.. 7-9; (Colonial) Johnstown 10-12.

Wilson. Doris. A (\>. (('“lumbla) St. Isiuls 7-12. WilS4>n, Frank (On>l>euni) San Prands<e> 7 12. Winch A PtMTC (Pantsges) Vancouver, B. C.;

(Psntsges) VIrtorla 7-12. Winkler. Jack. Trio (Majestic) Wsterlod. Is.;

(Or|>beuni) Racine. Wla.. 7-12. Winning Widows (Kmpress) Tacoma, Wash.;

(Kuiprew) I’ortUnd, Ore.. 7-13.

Vinton A Buster (Temple) Hamilton, Can.; (AT hanibrsi N. Y, C. 7-12.

Violin Uesutiea, FVe (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. M

Walter VanBrunt DlncUoo Msx Bait.

Violinsky (Onibeum) Memphis; (Orpheum) New Orlesns 7-12.

Voekler Mr. A Mrs., A Co. (Sbea'a) Toronto, Can.. 7-12.


VAN HOVEN 13is Dippy Mad MagUtan.

V.iliinteers. The (Keith's) IndlanspoUs 7-12. Von Cello (Palisade Park) Palisade. N. J.

VAN and SCHENK The Pennant-Winning Battocy of Hongland. DU.

Bd R. Keller.

Jack Wilson A Co. Booked SoUd on U. B. O. TImo.

Winter, Winona (Keith's) Washington; (Orphs- um) Brooklyn 7-12.

Wolgas A Girlie .Bbiibert) BnMklyn S-3. Woe^. Maurice (Keith's) Boston. Wood A Wyde (Keith's) Clereltnd 7-12. Wood, Britt (Otpbenm) Blonx (Mty, la.; (Or-

pbeum) Omaha. Neb., 7-12.


WINSCH and POORE 'No Trespassing.' DUsdloo Oena BaAsa.

WoiHl's Animals (Pantsges) Tlctorta, B. C.; (Pantages) Tacoma. Wash.. 712.

Woodroin A Livingston (Orpheum) Des Moines, la.. 7-12.

Woodward. Fred. Co. (Pantages) Loa Angeles; (T-sntsges) Diego 7-12.

Work A Play (Pintageuil Calgary, (^n.; (Pan tages) Great Falls, Mont., 7-12.


Cincinnati School of Expression

CREENWODD BLOO.. (tk sad Vlas. 2mh Yt«r brgliu Scplnntier 14 Curaplele I'ngraaluiisl I'uursa srllb

lEAKI. 1.. niKT/. ISisge IHrnrlor .Ubiicum insysn. Vlugraph

Gn.. Uebler A l\i.. e4c.| EVENING CLABBEB.

.'all or arod tar catalog.

Von Tllzer A Nord (Maryland) Baltimore; (Al¬ hambra) N. Y. C. 7-12

Waldemeer, Ynnngs A Jacobs (Orphenra) San Francisco 31-Sept. 12.

Wallace A Hattleld (American) N. Y. C. 8-6.

WAIMAN Wallace, Bruce (Empress) San Pranclaco; (Em¬

press | Sacramento 7-12. Walters David, A Co. (Majestic) San Antonio,

Tex. Wanda (Miles) Cleveland. Warner A Palmer (Kmpreaa) Tacoma, Wash.;

(Empress) Portland, oire., 7-12.

MAGIC r«t«Jficue, on eartlL lOe.

aptMiratiiR. Tnimpt ahipmenU. tlon vuaruiir<t**t A<^a, liijpr TIcr. Htaiicuff

M ri<i it^illiiK A4»d up’to-the-minuU wort 4^ all d.wfTlprinn

CHICAGO MAGIC CO.. 0«pt. D, 72 W. AdAia« StrMt. CliloM>l HI.

Cirl Kittlar Wi| Ci. U/ IIN&>

buooeaaoa It ■

Hfi.Hipnir Wl| Cl. I G S

TVenty-Bva yabib lha laaA' era In TlieatJtoBl and Btroat Wigs (Und for Bnml tl- luuatod OatBlagns pNb-

Uahfd. Oapt. T, M Waaklaftm BL, ObItaBB. liliaala.

New York Costume Co. Mail orders promptly fiUad.

Send for Catalogue C. am«al PUra Olam Bpaigil kttamtm.

140 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, III

Ward, Bell and Ward Cnder The White Top. Featuring Adelaida M. BeD.

MAY WIRTN And WniTH FAMILY. Alhtmbro. PaiM.

Wormwood's Animals (Empress) 8t. Panl. Wright. Owen (National) N. Y. C. 3-3. Wright. Major. A Dancing Buga (Apollo) Janes¬

ville, Wla.. 8-5. Wrong Prom the Start (Orpheum) Slonx City,

la.; (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.. 7-12. Xllre. E. E . A Co. (Ynnge St.) Toronto, Can. York Trio (Pantages) Winnipeg. Can.. 7-12. Young. Ollle. A April (Majestic) Sioog Falla,

S. Dak.; (Metropolitan) Watertown 7-12.

THE YOUHGCRS^s DiraeUau Thoa. Flt^ttilck.

Ward. Bell A Ward (Orphenm) Los Angeles; (Orpheum) San Diego 7-12.

WartI A Cullen (Orplicnni) Dea Moines, la,, 7-12. Warner A Corbett (.Miles) Cleveland. Waters, Tom iF.mpresa) Salt Lake City. Water IJlies. Six (Poll) Scranton, Pa.. 7-12. Webb A Bums (Henderson's) Coney Island, N.

Y.. 7 12.

NAT M. WILLS Ths Happy Tramp.

Vandrvtlle. TTnlted Time.

WelMT A DeWofle (Keith's) ITovidence 7-12. Wel>er, Chas. (Mar.vland) Baltimore 7-12. Weleh Joe tKockaway Beach) Par Bockaway,

N. Y. Wentworth. Vesta A Teddy (Busbvrick) BrookLvn

7 12. Wevper Ane>ras Troupe (Sbea'a) Toivinto, Can.;

(Grand) S.vrscnse 7-12. We^t A Bo.vd (Orpheum) Montreal. Can.

Vonngera. The (Keith's) Indianapolis 7-12. Yoiingatera. Five Merry (Orpheum) N. Y. C.

3-5. Yule. Chas.. A Co. (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.;

(OrjiUenm) St. Paul 7-12. Yvette (Matestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.; (Majestic)

Dallas 7-12. Zada. All (The Oaks) Portland, Ore.. Indef.

LEO ZARRELL TRIO "Beau Brummel Acrohata"

Hocked SoUd I! B O Tlaie [Hr. Max Bays

Zatrell. Le-'). Trio (Majestic) Mllwaakee; (Ma- testlc) Chlcairo 7-12.

Zazelle, Herman, A On. (Orpheom) Salt Laka City 7-12.

Zee Kell. Frank (Imperial) Pittsburgh.

WEBER and WILSON Dancing Stan, lata of Vale Burmtt Od.

West. Mae {Maje“tlcj Houston, Tex.; (Majestic) Antonio 7-12.

Weston A I>>on (Keith's) Boston; (Maryland) Baltimore 7-12.

Weston. Willie. A Co. (Orpheum) Montreal, ( an.; (Shea's) Buffalo, N. Y.. 7-12.

Weston. I.ucy (Orpheum) Montreal. Can. Weston A Clair (Sherman Grand) Calgary, Can.,

rt-.'i. Wharrv l.ewls Quintette (Orpheum) Ixm Angelea

31 S«-pt. 12.

H.M.ZMELLftCO. Ventoe. Cal., for the ttummie.

Zelaya (Rbubert) Brooklyn 3 5. Zenita: 2hO.> Alta Vista Terrace. Chicago. lnd'*f. Zenola (SavoV) Hamilton, Canada; (Cadillac)

Detroit. .Mleh.. 7-12. Zerados. Aerial (Fair) Olney. Ill.; (Vaudeville)

St. Is.uls. 3lo.. 7 12.

TABLW^ Pej>per Musical Comedv Co., H. 1,. Pepper, mgr.;

(Cryatal) Texas City. Tex., indef.


BEN WELCH And Hla Own Show.

XricR Cards AT

W tiolesale Also a comp rte Line of Ija-apea Magical tpparatua

and Narcltlw.


Xtie IVfsglc Sthop 32 N. I3tti Street. PHILADELPHIA. PA.

HOROSCOPES PHntad Fsrtamea, It par l.BBB: Future Ftwtoa, rlMble and Invlalbla. S? per l.OOa. Palmists and Iter- tune Ttellse' Supplies Stamp for Sample J. LEDOUX. 16* Haai- ban Aeaaaa. Braaktya. N. V.

Wheeler A Wilson (.Mar.rland) Baltimore 7-12. When Ir Strikes Home (Oriibeumi N. Y. C. 3-6. When We Grow rp (St. James) Boston 3-.'). Whitn-.v's Operatic India (Forest Park High¬

lands) St. ixnils. White Husstra, Nine (New Brighton) Brooklyn

7 12. White A Jason (Otphenm) Duluth; (Orpbenm)

Wlnni|>eg. Can.. 7 12. Wide (Empress) Grand Rapids. Mich., 3 5.

sAMMY-UfESTOH & Bonked RoHd on Onthenn* fYeeirlt

If you see It la The Billbeard, tell them m.

Wilks. Monte. 712 Jersey at.. Quincy, 111., liidet Will A Bundy (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal.; (Or¬

phenm) Seeremento 7-*; (Y.iaemlte) Stock ton 9 10: (Vaudeville) San Jose 11-12.

Wills A Hasaan (Keith's) Boston. Wills. Nat M. (Kuahwirk) Br<>oklyn; (Colonial)

N V r 7 12. W.lleiistein A Freeby (Keith's) Toledo 712.

Alma. Where I>o 3’oo IJve. E. C. Roekwell, mgr.; Blue Earth, Minn.. 3; Algona, la., 4; 5; Hampton 7; Perry 9.

Alias Jimmy Valentine (Jones A Oane'a) R. J. Kailow, mgr . Rantoul, III., 4; Ilhsxnlngton 5; Kr*rlng6elil 5; L'rhana 7; Puutlac II; Ke- wanee 16.

Along CaDie Ruth (Heory W Savage's); (I'ly- m util) Boston. Aug. 31, )n<ler

Annie l,aurle (Rowland Clifford A Gtsklll Mac- Vltt) a) Win. Leiiile. mgr.; BhK>mlDZton, III., 4 S(>riiig5e|d 5; (American) Ht. Isiuls, Mo., « 12.

Arllsa, (;eo.. In Disraeli (The l.lehler f .i.'a) MaiM-liesti-r. N. H.. 3; Worcester. Maas., 4 Ilaiiiilton. Ont , Can., 7; I..onilon 8; I'eteihoru 9; Kingston 10; Ottawa 11-12.

lii'aiitlfiil Adventure ((has. Krohman'a): Htam- f'.rd. Conn.. 2; (Lyeeiim) N. Y. C. Indef.

Bllitdiiesa of Virtue (Dave I/cwla, Inr.), Frank Hurst, ingr.: Plttstuirg. Pa., 31 Hept. .'i; Al' t'Nma 7 9; J'dinstown 1012.

Bringing fp Fatlier (Gna Hlll'a No. |). Chas Foreman, nigr.: Port Jervis, N. V , 14; Mid¬ dletown 13.

Bringing Tp Fatlier (Gna IllH a No. 2), Cliaa II. Vale, mgr.: Fre«-lsdd. N. J.. 3; Perth Am ls>y 4; I’lalnneld 5; Reading, Pa., 7 9; Tren ton. N. J.. 10 12

Bringing I'p Father (Gna Hlll'a No. 3), Arelile MeKeiiale, mgr.: Stamford. I'or.n., 12; Haver- straw, N. Y., 14; Pouglikeepale 15.

Burke. Billie (Chat. Fruhroan't): Long Branch, N. J.. 11-12.

Call of the Cnmtierlaiids (Gaaklll A MarVlt- t.v's): Kansas Cltj', Mo.. 1-5: Kt. Joseph 6 9; IVa M'liiea. la.. 1011; West IJlierty 12

Csllliig of D.tP Mstthews (Gaskin A MacVlt- ty'sl; Cimlwla, WIs., 2; Portsge 3; Stoughton 4; Fllklmrn 5; Kemwlia 7; Burlington H; Bel- vidcre. III., 9; Sycamore 10; Sterling II; l'r«-c)i«>rt 12.

Calling of Dan Mattliewa (Gaaklll A MacVlt- t.i'al: Adrian. Mhh., 3: 3'e<-uniaeb 4; l/tnalng 6; Battle Cieek 0: KalamaaiHi 7; Charlotts K; Flint 9; Port Hiiruu 10; Saginaw 11-12.

Camille iGcrtrude Ewing), Wm. N. Smith, mgr.: HaTrtsuiiTlIlr, M»., 3; Butler 4; Pleaa- antuD, Kan., 5; Mulhwrry 6; laikwoml. Mo., 7: A«b Grove H; Muiintalii Grove 9; West Plains 10; Thayer II; Poplar Bluffs 12.

Candy Shop iR's'k A Fnllon). K. M. Bunch, mgr.: S<>atlle, Waah.. .30 Sept. .%; Bellingham 6; Van¬ couver. B. C.. Can.. 7 9; Victoria 10 11; Ta¬ coma 12.

Carle. Richard. A Hattie Williams (Cbas. Frob- man'a): (Palace) N. Y. C. 81-bept. 6; (Grand O. il.) PHtaburg 7-12.

Clarke, Harry Cktroon, A Margaret Dale Owen; London, Eng., 3'Sept. 5.

C<Mifeasl«>n. Tbe. Frank C. Rboadea. mgr.: Day- ton, O.. 30-8ept. 5: (Walnnt) Cincinnati 6-12.

Cordelia Blossom (Klaw A Erlattger's): (Gaiety) N. Y. C. Aug. 31. indef.

Daddy Ijodc Legs (with Ruth Cbatterton), Hen¬ ry Miller, mgr.: (I“owera) Chicago, ind'f.

Dancing Durttesa, Merors. Sbubert, mgrs.: (Ca- aliui) N. Y. C., Indef.

Don't Lie to Yonr Wife (Primroac A McGIllin'a A): Elkader, la.. 8-4.

Don't Lie to Yonr Wife (Primrose A McGtUan'a Bi: Falitory, HI.. 3; Moline 6.

Drew, (Cbas. Frobman's): (Empire) N. Y. C. 7. Indef.

Dummy, 'The. Play Prodocing Co., mgra.: (Ilud- ai>n) N. Y". C., Indef.

Excuse Me: Toronto 7-12. For tbe Ixve of Mike. John NItAolson, mgr.t

(Irap<>rtal) Chicago M4)ept. 6. Follies of 1914. F. Zlegfr)d Jr., mgr.; (New

Amsterdam I N. Y'. C., Indef. Forty Five Minutes from Broadway (Corlnnet.

Fred Mayer, mgr.; Greenville, pa.. 3; Ash¬ tabula. t)., 4; Ann Arbor. Mleh., 5' i*oiitlac 6; Saginaw 7; Bay City R; Port Huron 9; Jackson 10; Battle (jreek II; Kalamaaoo 12; Benton Harbor 13.

Gilbert A Sulllran Featlral Co.: Salt Lake City, Utah, 1-4; San Francisco, (al., 7-19.

Girl He t'ouldn t Buy. G. E. Wee. mgr.; Tower City. Pa., 3; Wllllamstown 4; Lancaster 5; York 7.

He Comes I'p Smiling (A. II. Woods'): Phila¬ delphia 2. Indef.

High Coat of lAirlng (A. H. Woods'): (Repnh- lie) N. Y. C., Indef.

High Jinks. Arthur Hammeratrln, mgr.: B"a ton. Indef.

Hltcheoek. Karroond. In The Beauty Shop: T«»- I ronto 31 Sfpt. 5. I HisIge, Wm ) 1 ee ShuherCa): Boston. Indef.

Innocent. A. II W<«»ds. mgr.: N. 3". (.. Indef. It Pa.vs To Advertise (Cohan A Harris'):

(C4>kan'a) N. Y. C.. 7. Indef. Joseph anil Ilia Brethren (The IJetler Co.'a):

I .tuditorhim) Chicago, Indef. Klaniet (Klaw A Erlanger llarrls-n Grey

Flake's); Toronti 7 12.

Kitty MacKay, Wm. Elliott, mgr.: (Comedy) N. Y. C.. Indef.

Lion A the Mouse, Geo. H. Bnbb. mgr.; VIeka hurg. Midi.. 8; Caaaojsdls 4; .Michigan CIt.v. Ind., 5: Knox 7; S.vraciiae 8; Cromwell 9; Albion 10: Auburn II; Cbnruhuaco 12.

IJttle l>>st Sister, J J. Bernero. nigr.; Detroit, Mich.. 30 Sept. 5; ToleiV.. O., 6 12.

Mlssioirl Girl (Merle Nortim'a Northernl; La- <9>ra. la.. 3; Newton 4; Dallas Center 5; tJulh- rle Onter 7; F.arlham •*; New Virginia 9: I’ronilae City 10; I.amonl II; l^rnox 14.

Missouri Girl (Merle Norton’s Western); )VI- nons, Minn., 7: Plalnvlew 14.

Missouri Gtrl (Merle Norton's Eastern): S.Tca- more. Ill . IS; Michigan City, Ind.. 19.

Mo<lel Mild. Phllln Bsrtholoinae. mgr.: (Ma- jestlet Boston Indef.

Mrs Wlgga of the Cabbage Patch: (Walnut) Cincinnati 30 Sept. 6.

Mult A Jeff In Mexico (Glia Hlll'a No. 1). J<M. I'cttenglll, nigr.; Newhtirg. N. Y.. 7; Kingston S; Hudson 9; KliMtieth. N, J . 10 12.

Mult A Jeff tp Mexico (Gna HIH's No. 2), Cliarles Williams, mgr.; Hawkinavllle, Gt., 3; F*l lagers Id 4; Amerlciis 5; Alhtuy 7. Eiifaiila. Ala. S; Montgomery 9; Selma 10; Meridian. Miss. II; Mobile. Ala.. 12

3liilf A Jeff In Mexico iGiia Hlll'a No. 81, Grlf Wllllania, mgr : Wllkea Itarre, Pa.. 10; Pitts Ion II: Scranton 12.

Mult A Jeff In Mexico (Glia Hlll'a No. 4). Harry Hill, mgr • Easton. Pa.. 8; Ho. Bethlehem 4: I’oltavltle 5; pottstown 6; Phoeiilxvlllc s. West Clieatcr 9; Hanover 10; Csilunihia II; Y.rrk 12.

G'llsra. F3»ke. In Jack's Bomance (Augustus

I'lt'oi's Jr.): Mlniica|H>lls, Minn., 30 .Seiit. St I'aiil r. 12

Ole Sasiisoii Co,. Martin Bowers mgr.; Ml lloreh. Wla. 3; Barneveld 4 Blanehanlvllle r>; Brmihead 7: DeForeat S; Poyiiette 9, Ox ford lO; Band'dph II; Tomah 12.

Omar, the Tenimaker (Tiilly A Buckland'a): Winnipeg, Man.. Can., Sl-Srt'f. 8-

WIG 1U«1 lUlrsKlllr etrli

ftfkr and 11: iJDdv’ft Wig. II "P Impfirt tl jrd*. Walr,5<w* <^nilVAl dr>a. Sl^ up (^Uiog fm* KMppuH. mtr^ 44 CM9*f tguart. N«« Vark.

SEPTEMBER 9, 1914. X ti e Billboard 73

(till- <llrl tu ■ Mllllou; (I.t Halle) Chicago (I, liKler.

Wiiinaii’a Mfe (Howland h CIKTurd’a): iNatloual) ( lilcagu 30 9.

(Ill Trial (Cohan h liarria’): (CaudliT) N. Y. ( Iiulcf.

I'aililru, Harah. In The Utile Hhepherd of Har- lialii How (United I’lajr Co.’a): Kaukak(«, 111., 5; l‘e.>rla A H; I'rlucelon 8; Kewwuce 10; si.Nkinoutb 11; Joliet 12.

Cilr of Hixea. II II. Kraaee, mgr.: (liungarrei N. Y. C.. Indef.

Ualr of sixea. II. II. Praxee, mgr.; (CortI Chicago. Indef.

1‘aaaliig Hhowr of 1014, .Meaara. Hhabert, mgra.: I Winter (Jarden) N. V. C., Indef.

I’e. k’a Had Hojr <( ohwral'a). II. J. Wallace, mgr.; Heuaon. Minn., 8; Morrta 4: Herman 9; Wahi>etuii, N. I>.. 7: Fergua Falla, Minn.,

Wadena tt: Ugema 10; Mclntoab It. I’eg o’ My Heart (Ollxer Moroaru'ai; Toronto

314let>l. 3. I‘rg o' My Heart, with Klaa Ityaa (Ollter Mo-

nMco'tl; (Manhattan O. 11.) N. Y. C., Indef. IVg o’ My Heart, with Peggy O’Nell (Oliver

Murvwo^’al: ((iarrlcki Chicago. Indef, isdiy of the Clr< ua, Wela 4c Moxon. mgra.;

Creelifleld. Maaa . 8; Hennington. Vt . 4; Merhlen. Conn.. 9; Philadelphia. Pa.. 7 12.

INitaah M Perlmutter (A. 11. Wuoda’): (Cohau’a) > Y. C.. Indef.

INdaah A Perlmutlee (A. H. Wooda’): (Olym¬ pic) Chicago. Indef

Prince of Pll•eM. perr.x J. Kelly, mgr Hyracua*. N. Y . 31 Sept 5; iM-trdf, Mloh . 7 12

Prince of Tonight; (Victoria) Chicago lo Sept. 9. Kehecca of Kiinnyhitaik Farm (Leffler Hratton

(Vi.’ai; Pateraon. N. J. 7 12. Rottn-n. May. In Martha Hy tlo-L:;. Buffalo

31 Sept. 9. Rasdervn. Julia Donald Brian J<«. Cawtiorn, In

The (ilr: From Utah (Chaa. Fr<>tinian'ai: (Knl kerl«»keri N. Y C . Ang 24. Indef.

Bari (Henry W. Satigr’a Weatem i . (ColiUilal) melon. Aug 24 Indef

Bri>(rml>er Morn ilh>wland * ClIff Td'a Circuit). I»a»e Seytwur. mgr.; Peoria, 111.. 4 9; (Crown) Chicago (1-12.

Bepteiiiler M 'Cn (Howland A Cllfford'a Central) Fre<l lai.iglaa. mgr. Aurora. HI.. 8: Wauke¬ gan 4 Waukeaha 3, Kankakee 4, Indlanapulla, Ind . 7 12.

Bei>teml>er Morn (Howland A (Tifford’a raaternl Will Klliv>. mgr.; Bay City. Mich . II 12

Brten lloiira In New York. O K Wee. mgr.; Berwick. Pa.. 3; .kahland 4; (llrardcrille 9; l*ttti>ton 7; Milton h: Canton ».

Bhepberd <>f tl.e Hllla (Caaklll A MacVltty’al: Boxe.aan. Mont . 3; Butte 4: Anaconda 5; (•real P.illa A; Helena 7; Ulaa<iula N, Wallace, Id. 9: Spokane Waab., 10; I.ew'.aton, Id., 11; M'alla Walla. Waab., 12.

Shepherd of the Hllla 'laaklll A MarVItty’a); (Ireeii Ba.r. Wla.. 8- Sturgeon Bay 4; Manl- tow'..- 9: Sliela-ygan A; onhk<wh 7; Prlncetown N. Cambria 9; Portage 10; Etanavllle 11; Clin¬ ton 12.

Bhorey, F.tbel May. C. R. Bhorey. mgr.: Dexter, Me. ,19. (;ullf>rd 7 9; Monaon 1012.

Hlieohe.d of t^e Hllla (F.aatern), laiula Orelner, mgr. Worceator, Ylaaa., 8; Palmer 4; SprIngAeld 9: Wiavnancket. R. I., 7-8; Holy¬ oke, Maaa.. 9; G'eetifleld 10; Ylancbeater, N. 11.. ;i 12.

Spemlthrlft (Prlmroae A McOllIan’i A): Port¬ age. Wla.. 4; Oigjkrudi A.

Spendthrift (Primroa*- A MctJlllan’a B): Colum- liiia Wla . 1; Tonah 9.

S|iendthrlft. The. O K Wee. mgr.- Tupper lAke. N. Y' , 8; Ctiateaugay 4; Plattahurg 9; Ottawa. Ont . Can , 7 S; Renfrewr a.

Bunny .m.nth J C R'‘ckwell. mgr ; Norfolk. N Y'. 3: Waddlngton 4; Norwood 9; Claytop 7: i;4nano<|ue. Ont . Can., A; Athena 9: Car¬ dinal 10; Morrlaluirg II; CheaterTllle 12.

Sylria Buna Away (Wm. A. Brady’a); (Play- houae) N. Y. C., Indef.

That Printer of Cdell a (Ciaaklll A MacVItty’a): Mt. Horeb, Wla. 3; Richland Center 4; Prairie dn Chlen 9; ISibmiiie. la., 4: ImCroaae. Wla.. 7. Mancheater. la.. 8; Strawberry Point 9; llofiklnton 10; Montlcello II; Elgin 12

TTiIrd Party. F. Ray Comatock, mgr.; (Shnbcrt) N- Y. C.. Indef.

Tl.iiraton. Magician. Jack Jonea. mgr ; Spring- Aeld. Maaa.. 7 9; Worceeter 1012; Prorldence, R I.. 14.

TlidHng tlie Winner (Jon. Brooka'l; Toledo. O., 4; (Blackatone) Chlrago A. Indef.

Tipping the Winner: (Blarkntoon) (Chicago 81, Indef.

’Delay (Wm. A. Brady’a): N. T. C. 5. Indef. Toi» Many Onoka (Wm. A. Brady’a Ooaat):

(C«wtl San Francl«-<o 23 Sept. 5; Oakland 4- Toi> Many Conka. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: (S9th

St.) N. Y. C.. Indef. 12.

Town Fool. Harry Green, mgr.; F.Ilaherry. Mo., 1; Barry. Ill . 4; New Canton 9; GriggaylHe 7 Chanin 8; Ipara 9; Aron 10: Rnahyllle 12.

Trafllc, TYie; (Crown) Chicago SO Sept. 9 Twin Beda. Wm. Ilarrta, Jr., mgr.; (Fulton)

N. Y. r.. Indef. I t*cle Tom’a Cabin (Kibble A Martin’a), Wm.

Kibble, mgr.: Jameatnwn. N. Y.. 8: Ilornell 4: 9; Utica 7 9; Schenectady 9.10; Troy 1112.

Under Coyer (Si-lwyn A Oo.'a): (Grand O. H.l Chicago. Indef.

Under Coyer (Melwyn A Co.'a): (0>rt) N, T. C., Indef.

Vliton. Myrtle. Co.. II. p. lUilmer. mgr.: Cen- teal City, la.. 31 Sept A; Wllllamabnrg 810.

Virginian (Jonea A ('raiie’a No. l),.rhaa. A. Franklyn. mgr : Trarerae (Tty. Mich.. 8; Frankfort | Oillllac 9; Manl«(ee 4; Uudlng- ton 7: Big Rapida 9; Sparta 10.

Virginian (Jonea A Oanc’a No. 21. Alex Story, mgr Ulierty. Ind.. 11; (le-rgcb>wn, O., 12. (Jonea A Crane'a No. .1). A H. Slier- w<»«d. mgr • WanrHiiiia, la.. 4; Marahalltown A Waterloo 7; Preaton. Minn., 9; Oramt Meadow 12

What llapiiencd at 22 (John C. Flaher’a): (Ilar- rlai N Y. C . Indef.

Where fbe Trail Dlrldea (Primrone A McGH- lan’a); Burlington, la. 4; I'aeenprrrt 5; Rock laland HI . n

Wlitlp (hr t-iijr Hleepn (Rowland A Cllffard’a), C H MrKInney. mgr ; CydunibHa, O., 31 Sept. 9; I’lMahiirg. Pa., 7 12.

Wild data (('oiiiatiick A Geaf’ac Boabvn 7. tndef. Within the (Margaret lllington) Ra(TaIo

31 Sept. 9 WKhlnaiho (American Play Co.’a): PtotI-

dence, B. I, 81 Sept. 9. Whip. The; Bt. Paul, Minn., 81 Bept. B. Yellow Ttrkrt; (Powera) Chicago 7, Indef.

STOCK A REPERTOIRB IlDhika gt'a-k Co., Jack BivMtka, mgr.; .Spring

Ureen. Wla.. 31 Hept. C; BloomlngWu 7-«J. Bryant, Billy, Co., Sam l;r>aut mgr.: Mont-

2'iin ry, W. Va . 31 Sept. 5. ’ Byera. Fred, St<Hk C<>,. Freil A. By-'- -v.'

Weyauwega. IVia., 2 9; NeilUvIIle i 12. Earle stock Co., L. A. Earle, mgr.; Portland,

Ind.. 31 Kept. 9; Bucyrua O., 7-12 Foraherg, Edwin, Playera, Edwin Foraberg,

mgr: (OrphaumJ Newark. N. J., Aug. 81, Indef.

Gejer Stock Co.. Chaa. Geyer mgr.: Muakogoe, Ok., 24^pt. 8.

Gllaoa Braddeld Stock Oo.; I-awton, Ok.. 30- Hept. 9.

Oordinler Bria.’ Stock Oo.. Clyde II. Gordinler, mgr.: Sberrard, HI., SO-Sept. 8; Heynolda 7 12.

Hawk. Earl. Big Stock Co.. Earl Hawk. mgr.. (Yanng't Garden) Terr* Haute, Ind., Aug. 31. Indef.

Ilayea. Gordon. Stock Co.: Jennlnga, La.. 1-7. Hiiutlngton. Wright. Playera. Wright Hnntlng-

ton. mgr : (.Sbubert) St. Paul Minn.. Inrt.f. lm|>eriil Stock 0>.. Ratbburn A Hempel mgra.:

Spring njll. Kan.. l-S. Ke.-ue. Uirtalne, A Aaaociate Playera, Grand

Pneluciug Co., mgra.: Sioux City, la.. :il- Sept. 4.

King Hater Stock Co.; Koaae, Tex., 31-8ept. 9. King Harer Stuck Co., H. Hayeratock mgr.:

Tle.niton. Tex., 3 9; Wortham 7 0; Richland 10 12.

I.aR"y Sto< k Co.. Harry LaRay, mgr.: Foatoria. ()., Indef.

l»i,K. Frank K.. St<>«k Co.. Frank E. I»ng, mgr.: PlatteviUe. Wla.. 31 Sept. 9; Oecorab, Ii.. 7 r2.

Lynn. Jack. Stock Co., Adam W. Friend, mgr.: (Foreat I-ake Park) Palmer, .Maaa., 24-Sept. 5.

M —cley B i.a,- .--tock Co.. H. P. Moaeley, mgr,: Okmulgee, Ok.. 30-8ept. 12.

Pearl Stock Co.. A. A. Wetater, mgr.; (Vallx- m«nt Park I Williamiiport, Pa.. Indef.

Rbdiardaon Stock Co., Enaley Barbour, mgr.; Independence, Kan., 30 Sept. 5; Bartleayllle, Ok.. 4 12.

.sbortell Stock C«. No. 2. Walter Gridley, mgr.: Bangall. N. Y . I S; Warner 9 15.

Vandyke A Eaton Co.. F. Mack, mgr.; St. J- «*-|.h. .Mo.. Indef.

VanHyke A Eaton Co., C. Mack, mgr.: Dep Moluea, la.. Indef.

Wallace. Cheater. Plajera. Cheater Wallace,; Aabtabula, O.. Indef.

Worth. J.Mephinc. Playera. Howard R. Hall, mgr ; Dubuque. la., indef.

BURLESQUE . PROGRESSIVE CIRCUIT. Blg^Rcrlew; Lay-off 31 Sept. 5; Minneapolia 7-

B^«adway Relies (J<te Oppenheimer’a); (Lyceum) Toledo 31-8ept. 2; Akrv>n 3 5; (Empire) Clere- laml 7 12.

Charming Wldcwa (Sam I>erey’a), Hal M. Sel- hy. mg'.: (Majestic) Evanavllle 31-Sept. 2; (.Majeatic) Indlanapolia 3-5; (Gayety) St. U>ula 7 12.

Daiktown Follies: (Gayety) St. Loni* 31-Sept. 9; Kxnaaa City 7-12.

Dr«'wden DoIIj (Ma.y Ward’a). Sim K. Lewia, mgr.; (Garden) Ruffalo 31-Sept. 5; (Star) To- rt>nto 7-12.

Dupre'a, Jeanette. Big Sh"W-, Jeanette Dupre, mgr.. N. Y’. C. 31-Sept. 5: (Trocadeto) Phil¬ adelphia 7-12.

Fa«cln.-tlng Bl«nriea (Roy Crawford'a): (Club) Milwaukee 81Sept. 5: (American Music Hall) Chicago 7-12.

Ff>1Hea of Pleaanre, Rube Bernstein, mgr.: (Star) Toronto 31-Sept. 5; (Savoy) Hamilton 7)2.

Froliquea of 1914 (Jean Bedlnl’s): (Olympic) ('Inoinnatl 80 Sept. 5; (Sbuberfa Masonic) Uuiiartlle 7-12.

Hello l•ari«; (Englewood) Chicigo Sl-Sept. 5; (O)yinplc) Cincinnati 7-12.

High Ufe Girls. Frank Calder, mgr.: (Empire) PIttafleld SI Sept. 2; (Empire) Holyoke 3-5; Boatfm 7-12

Ho'ty Tolty; (People’*) Philadelphia 31 Sept. 5; (I*Toepect) N. Y’. C. 7 12.

I.ew-ls. .Antly, and Hie International Girls, S«m Ilyama. mgr.; (Shuhert’a Masonic) I-onlsTlIle 31-8«'Pt. 5; (Majestic) Eyanavllle 7-9; (Ma¬ jestic) Indianapolis 10-12.

Loveltnd Girls: (Stir) St. Paul 31-Sept. 6; ((Tub) Mllw-snkee 7-12.

Maids of the Orient- Pittsburg 31-8ept. 5; (Peo¬ ple’s! Pblladeipbla 7-12.

Merry Burlesquera (Richy Oalg’a); Boston 31- Bept, 5: (Kycn) Uvnn 7 12.

Mischief Makers (Jean Beditil's); (Haymarket) I’hicago 31 Sept. 5; (Lyceum) Toledo 7-9; Akmn 1()-12.

Moiu-lsh Maids (Sim Williams’); (Clnb) Roch¬ ester 31-t*ept. 9; (Gsrden) Bulfalo 7-12.

Moulin Rongc Girls (Jack Sutter’s): (Savoy) Hamilton. Ont., Sl-Sept. 5; (Cadillac) De¬ troit 7 12

Pajama Olrla- (American M(uic Hall) Ciilcago ;ll Sci>t. 5: (Haymarket) Chicago 7-12.

Pr«'gress|ye Girls (Jsck R.rid’a): Kansas City 31 Sept. 5: (.American Mnslc r.all) Omaha 7- 12.

September Mornt((g Obwle.r (O. T. CrawB'r>rs): (Empire) Cleveland 31 S?pt. 5; Irittsburg 7- 12

Tango Oirls (Chaa. Taylor’s): Wilkes-Barre. Pa., .31 Sept 2; Elmira. S. Y’.. 3 5: (Hub) Roch- eater 7 12.

Trill to Paris (Ilavv C. T.ewls’); (Proepect) N. Y. C. 31 Sept. 9; Troy 7 9: (Van Curler) Schenectady 10 12.

Winners. The (Snit*. Moore A Si-snlon’s): Troy 31 Sept. 2: (Vrn Curler) Schenectady 3-5; I Empire) PIttafleld 7 9; (Empire) Holyoke

I 10 12.

• COLUMBIA CIRCUIT. (Principal.)

•American Bcantles (B. E Fi'rrester’s), Ixuiis F.iHtteln. mgr.; (Empire) .Albany 3I-Sept. 2; (Grand) Martfonl 3 9; (G.ayetv) Boston 7 12.

Beauty I’araile. K<I. Scliaefej-. mgr.; Philsldel |>hla 31 Sept. 5; (Kinplre) Hoboken 7 12.

Behnian Show. Jack Singer, mgr.; (Gayety) Milwaukee 31 Sept. 9; Chicago 7-12.

Big Jubilee Jas. WeediU). mgr.: (Empire) Newark 31 Sei't. 9; Phlladelpbta 7-12

Bon Ton Girls. F'rsnk Me.Meer. mgr.; (Gayety) iMlnnea|<»lls 31 Si'pt. 9; (Grand O. H.) St. Paul 7 12.

Bowery Bnrlesvpier* Bob Cohen, mgr.: (Empire) • ’•'"adelphla, 31 Sept. 5; (Palace) Baltimore T-1*.

Can)Btl'>n Beauties, Sam Robinson, mgr.: (Gayety) Kauaaa City 8I-Sept. 9; (Gayety) On)aha 7-18.

College Girls, Harry Hedges, mgr.: (Gayety) Toronto 3I-Sept. 9; (Gayety) Buffalo 7-1‘J.

Dre-)inland lIurleixiuerB. Bob Travers, mgr.: t<ir|)heum) Patersou 31 Sept. 9; (Empire) Newark 7-12.

Folliea of the Day, John McNamara, mgr.: (Gayety) Washington 31-Sept. 3; Pittsburg 7-12.

Gaiety Girls, Bob Simmons, mgr.: (Gayety) Omaha 31-Sept. 5; lay-olf 7-12.

Gay New Yorkers, Jack Goldenberg, mgr.: Worcester, Mass., 31-Sept. 2; Briilgeport 3-9; (Columbia) N. Y’. C. 7-12,

Ginger Girls, E. W. Chipman, mgr.; lay-off 31-Kept. 5: (Gayety) Mlnnesisdia T-12.

Girl* From Happyland (Empire) Toledo, ll-Sept. 9; Chicago 7-12.

Girls of the Gay White. Dave Gordon, mgr.: ((Columbia) Chicago Sl-Sept. 9; (Gayety) De¬ troit 7-12.

Girls of the Moulin R'>nge. Manny Roaentbal, u>gr.: Pittsburg 31-Sei>t. 5; (Empire) Cleve¬ land 7-12.

Globe Trotters, Wash Martin, mgr.: (Colum¬ bia) N. Y. C.. 31-Sept. 5; (Casino) Brook¬ lyn 7-12.

Golden Crooks. Jas. Fulton, mgr.; (lliirflg A Beamon’S) N. Y. C. 31-Sept. 9: PblladelphlA 7-r8.

Gypsy Maids, Will V. Jennings, mgr.; lay-off 11-Sept. 9; (Westminster) Providence 7-12.

Hastings, Harry. Big Show, Ed Daley, mgr.: (Gayety Cincinnati 30-Sept. 9; (Empire) Toledo 7-12.

Happy WIdcjwB. Wm. Fennessy. mgr.: (Gaiety) Brooklyn 31-Sept. 5; (Grand) Hartford 7-9; (Empire) Albany 10-12.

Honeymoon Girls: (Star) Cleveland 31-Sef)t. 5; (Gayety) Cincinnati 7-12.

Howe’s Ig>vemakers, H. C. Dltmas. mgr.: (Grand O. H.) St. Paul 31Sept. 5; (Gayety) Milwaukee 7-12.

Lll)erty Girls. Alex Gorman, mgr.: (Westmin¬ ster) Providence 31-Sept. 5; (Gaiety) Brook¬ lyn 7-12.

Marion’s. Dave. Own Show, Ixzy Orotx, mgr.: (Corinthian) Rochester 31-Sept. 5; (Bastable) Syracuse 7-9; (Lumberg) Utica 10-12.

Milllon-oIIar Dolls. Ira Miller, mgr.: (Prin¬ cess) 8t. Louis 31-Sept. 5; (Gayety) Kansas City 7-12.

Prixe Winners. .Arthur Pearson, mgr.: (Gayety) Buffalo 31-Sept. 5; (Corinthian) Rochester 7-12.

Reeves’. -Al. Beauty Sliow, .A1 Reeves, mgr.; (Casino) Brooklyn 3i-Sept. 5: (Hurtig A Sea- mon’s) N. Y. C. 7-12.

R<«eland Girl* (J. E. Cooper’s), Walter Graves, mgr.: (Miner’s Bronx) N. Y. C., '51-Sept. 9: (Orpbenm) Paterson 7-12.

Rosey Posey Girls (Pete Clark’s) Albany 31- Sept. 2; Hartford 3-9; (Bronx) N. Y. C. 7-12.

Social Maids, Jake Lieberman, mgr.: (Star & Garter) Cbicago 31-Sept. 5; (Princess) St. Louis 7-12.

Star A Garter Show. Phil Isaac, mgr.: (Gaiety) Boston 31-Sept. 9: (Worcester) Worcester 7-9; (Park) Bridgeport 10-12.

Sydell’s. Rose. Show. Harry Thompson, mgr.; (Gayety) Detroit 31-Sept. 9; (Gayety) To¬ ronto 7-12.

Trocaderos (Chaa. Waldron’s), CTalvln C. No¬ ble. mgr.: (Bastable) Syracuse 31-Sept. 2; (Lumberg) Utica 3-5; (Ga.vety) Montreal 7-12.

Watson Sisters Co. (Max Spiegel’s). Ge<'. Belf- rage. mgr.; (Empire) Hoboken 31-Sept. 5: (Empire) Brooklyn 7-12.

Watson’s, Billy “Beef” Show. Lew Watson, mgr.: (Gayetv) Montreal Sl-Sept. 5: lEm- plre) Albany '7 9; (Grand) Hartford 10-12.

Welch’s. Ben. Own Show. Harry Shapiro, mgr.: (I’alace) Baltimore 31-Sept. 5: (Gayety) Washington 7-12.

Winning Widows, L. Gilbert, mgr.: (Empire) Broolilyn 31-Sept. 5: lay-off 7-12.


Auto Girls. Teddy Simonds, mgr.; (Bijou) Richmond, V*., 31-Sept. 5; (.Academy) Nor¬ folk 7-12.

Beauty, Y'outh A Polly. Lew Stark, mgr.: (Dau¬ phin) New Orleans 31 Sept. 5; (Bijou) Bir¬ mingham 7-12.

Big ^nsation Co.. Morris Wainstock, mgr.: (Star) Brooklyn 31-Sept. 5.

Big Revue. Henry D. Dixon, mgr.: (.Academy) Norfolk. Va., 31-Sept. 5; (Gayety) Philadel¬ phia 7-12.

Blue Ribbons. Harry Rose, mgr.: (Century) Kansas (Tty Sl-Sept. 5: (lay-off) 7-12.

Boliemltn Bnrlesquers: (Grand) Boston 31-Sept. 5: (Star) Brooklyn 7-12.

Broadway Girls; (Theatrical Operating Co.’a) Bob Gordon, mgr.: (Grand) Trenton, N. J., 31Sept. 5; (Gayety) Brooklyn 7-12.

Cabaret Girls. Frank Freeman, mgr.: (Olympic) N. Y. O., 31 Sept, 9; (Gayety) Baltimore 7- 12.

Cherrr Blossoms; (Layoff) 31-Sept. 5; Pa. Cir¬ cuit 7-12.

Cltr Sports. R. E. Patten, mgr.: Pa. Circuit 31- Sept. 9: (Olympic) N. Y. C. 7-12.

Cltv Belles. Joe Howard, mgr.; (Polly) De¬ troit 31-8ept. 5; (Lay-off) 7-12.

Oackerjacks. Bob Mills, mgr.: (Gayety) Phila¬ delphia 31 Sept. 9: (Grand) Trenton 7-12.

fVIly Durlesqners. Hugh Sbutt, mgr.: (Bncking- bam) Lonisville 31-Sept. 5; Evansville (Sun¬ day); Indianapolis 4-12.

French Models. Dick Zeisler, mgr.; Sprlngfleld, Mass., Sl'Sept. 2: Waterbury, Conn., 3-5; (Howard) Bvwton 7-12.

Garden of Girls. louU Gerard, mgr.: (Howard) Boston 31-Sept. 5; (Grand O. H.) Boston 7-12.

Gay Widows, Ixuils Oberworth. mgr.: (Standard) St. louis 31-Sept. 5; (Century) Kansas City 7-12.

Gay Morning Glories. Jack Gllnes. mgr.: (Lay¬ off) 31-Sopt. 6: (Lyric) Memphis 7-12.

Girls of the Follies (Casino) Chicago Ang. 31- Sept. 9; (Standard) Cincinnati 7-12.

Heart Charmers, Dave Gnran. mgr.: (Bijou) Birmingham 31-Sept. 5; Atlanta 7-12.

High Rollers, Joe Roble, mgr.: (Gayety) Brotvk- lyn 31 Sept. 9; (Murray Hill) N. Y. C. 7 12.

Miner’s Boheailans. .Al Uibln, mgr.: (Grand D. H.) Boston 31 Sept. 5; (Star) Brooklyn 7-12.

Mull's. Eva. Show. I/ewls Talbot, mgr.; (Bijou) Evanavllle 30; Indianapolis 1-9.

Oriental Bnries.juers. Dan Gnggenhelmer. mgr.: Btnghanitop. N. Y’.. 31-Sept. 2; Erie, Pa., 3-9; (Grand O. H.) Cleveland 7-12.

Tango Queens: (Lay off) Sl Sept. 9; (Standard) St. Ia»)ls 7-l‘2.

Taxi Girls (Murray Hill) New Y'ork .3l-Sept. 5. Tempt-rs. The (Standard) Cincinnati 30 Sept.

9; (l.iy-olTi 7-12. Trans Atlantlcs. Frank TJvlngston. mgr.: (Lyric)

Memphis Tenn.. 31-Sept. 9; (Dauphine) New Orleant S^L IS.

Flash Lil^e Genuine

DjamondS m i/m dtt cMi- m aouo oou> uko*

Buy the Barodafora D'laiMnd^ It lAthe kton^ ailt»Ktond Ata pncM vHuti

^11 moopy. Ad DciDAll.* ktone with iMtiDc Are An«| brillMADry Yah Mukt it U»

■paiHV kkkFkPiACA It. •• th«»AWii4A •! bkv* ItOft. Caat* WIOTK POH CATALUG TTYOAV ~

—»OPJI CO.* BOlp. 10 tccc Mmm0

4 S12S IVfADE:

Is the record in one day with as “Isvltlbl* Fertuae ttfrRsr*”

"Magls Wands,” "Nsw Mtgla Glsss Tube,” "Orjmr daam" ete. Invlalbla Resdlnis In moat Isa* gusfea. Illustrated ctrculsr sad .ample readings free. S. BOItfCR.

17 Harsiea St. BrssUyn. N. V.


Wire address quick where wire will reach you. JAKE ROSENTHAL. Dubugus, la.

WANTED—A lint-class Inside Lecturer and Outside Grinder. State age. height, weight, salary and all porHculan in fimt letter. No railroad fare advanoxt, Ftfat fair, Hartford, Conn. Address C. A. LEE, Gen¬ eral Delivery, Hartford, Conn.

PLANTATION PEOPLE WANTED B. A O. Leader, Stage Director, people that dOUMa B. A S. preferred. CAn UM good Team, abo /ood Dancer. Will open In Indianapolis, Ind., at titate Fair. All winter's work to right people. Adtliwa HA.NAGER Pl.A.KTA’nON SHOW, ear* Tom W Al¬ len Shows. Bloomington, Ul., September lat to 6th; Indianapolis, Ind., care State Fair, September Tth to IJth.


Good, live Agent that can post; abo Slnglnf and TalUng (Town. Long season South. Answet t'o Sperryville, Va.

Whirl of Mirth, W. J. Bentley, mgr.- (Bijoiii Nashville, Tenn., 31-Sept. 5; Louiaville 7-12.

Yankee Do^le GiiJs. Sol Meyers, mgr: (Gay- ety) Baltimore sVSept. 6; Richmond 7-12.

Zullah’s Own Show, .lohnny Eckbardt, mgr.: (I.yric) .Atlant.i, Ga., 31-Sept. 5; (Bijmi) Nashville 7 18.

BANDS & ORCHESTRAS .Vbriizzi's Royal Italian Baud, Pasqaale IliNolT

dir.; Central States Slsiws, eu route. .. Apollo Ladies’ Orchestra, Dr. S. Hamilton Behl

I'inuer, nnr.'.: i Frontenac liiu) Frouteuari Minn., indef.

Canterbury’s Baud, H. W. Canterbury, dlr.j Evans’ Greater Shows, eii route. •

Cavallo’s Band, 1’. \. Cavallo, mgr.: (Forest Park Highlandi) st. I.oiiis, .Mo., indef.

Chenette’s Concert Rand: B. R. Parker Sh'itvs; cn route.

Clifford’s Military Band. S. ('lifford, lugr.i Great Northwestern Shows, en route. ,

Colasanii. Ram. .it Hi- lm|>eriul Baud; Keids- ville. N. C., 31-hept.

Conti’s Royal Band. Sam Conti, mgr.: Titusville, Pa.. 31 ."i.

Currie’s. Marry S.. Concert Orohestra; lY-ank Maurv’- SIhpw. en route.

Doti’s. Paul R.. Band: 280 Mott st., N. Y. (’., indef.

Drab A Mack’s Orcbe-tra: (Grand) MouihU, HI., indef.

D'Urbano’s Band. Luigi H’Urbano, dir.: ( boro Beach Park) Toronto, Ont., Can., May 14-Sept. 14.

Ewing's Zouave Baml. \V. M. Ewing, ingr.: Waseca, Minn., l-.'>; Streator, Ill.. iM-l.

Gregg’s Imperial Orchestra. Turner W. Gregg, dir.; (Colonial) Lexington, Ky.. indef.

International Ladies’ Baml. Charles W. Goetz, mgr.; Washburn Shows, en route.

Krjl A Ills Band. Bohumir Kryl. dir.: DeKalb, 111., 3; Roekford 4.

Kyes’ Concert Band, H. D. Kyes. dir.: Wheeler Bros,’ Shows, en poite.

Lorenzo’s Band, Prof. Frank I.orenzo. dir.: Todi) A Paul Show, en route.

MeSparron’s Band, G. C. Smith, mgr.: Ella- Sha Oo., en route.

Natiello A Hl<* Band. ITrnesto Natlello. dir. i IPontaine Ferry Parki Umlsvlile. Ky.. Indef.:

Newberry’s Band A On-bestr*. Earl P. News berry, mgr.: (Penobseot Inn) Detroit. Mich., indef. .

Padiiano’s Famous Band, Michael Paduano, dir.; Moss Bros.’ Shows, en route.

Philippini’s, Don, Band. Madame Suzann lj‘U- mann, gen. mgr.: (Electric Park) Kansi* City. Mo., 9 Sept. 5.

I Royal Venetian Band, H. W. Ijimbiase, mgr.: (Brandywine Springs Park) Wilmington, Del.. Indef.

Schilling, Jaccb J., ami Ilia Prize Orche-ptra,' Jacob J. ScbiUlng, dir.; i Fontaine Ferry. Park) Louisville, Ky., indef.

Shugart’s Orchestra. Kobt. Schugart, dir.: Star-, chi Flats, KnoxTille. Tenn., indef.

Spica’s Royal Venice Band: 329 E. 12th st , N.< Y. O., Indef. •

Storm’s Band, Chaa. W. Storm, dir.: Prank-; fort, Ky., 1-4; Springfield 8-11.

Sturgis’, Harry. Concert Band. Harry Stnrgl*. dir.; SIg. Sautelle Shows, en route. •

Valle’s Band, M. Valle, mgr.: Wm. Guusq Shows, on route 1

Watera’ Concert Band. Prof. FY-ed E. Water*,: dir.; A. B. .Miller Shows, en route.

MINSTREL Big City Minstrels (John W. Vogel’s): Irontoii.

O.. 3; IVirtsmonth 4: Hillsboro 5; Zanesvlllo 7: Cadiz 8; Steubenville 9; Waynesburg, Pa..' 10; Donora 11; Monessen 12.

Down in Dixie .Minstrels. W. A. Thomas, mgr.: Cliipi>ewa Palls, WIs.. .Il-Sept. 4; New .\nhiirn 5-4: Cameron 7; Haugen 8; Rice Lake 9-111

Evans’, Gt>o., Honey Boy Minstrels, Daniel Sh‘-aJ mgr.: Geneva N. Y., 3; Rochester 4-.9; Cleve-, land. <).. 7-12. t

Field, Al O.. Greater Minstrels, Bdw. Con.anl. mgr.: Columbus, O.. 31Sept. 5; louisvillcj Kv., 7-8; Izpvington 9; Chattanooga. Tena.; Ifi; Knoxville 11; Asheville. N. C.. 12 :

Marlow’s Minstrels (Jones A Crane’s). Normaif Hanley, mgr.: Burlington. Wl*., 17; Madiz •on 20.



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Our Loop Setter keeps the film always in motion, the lower loop is main¬ tained automatically and dark screens are impossible.

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'immmmim 'liiimiiii.

The FauiDiii IMijrrnt hive <ihtaiiie<t permiaHion

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tae renliitio ia»»er» of the film. Tlie play In- cluilea a tender love element, together with aen-

aatlonal liicitlenta ai\fl a big rare track rllmaa.

Thla la a ia)werfiil drama of mcalern times by Baniilater Merwin, and tells of a foreign power

that attempts to surprise England with a fleet of warships. It Is a stirring tale, prodnced in co-operation with the British Government,

and the British Army and Navy, nnder the direction of Harold Shaw, who, it wrlll be re¬ membered, was one of the very snccessfnl di¬ rectors of the Imp Company, and left here some

time ago to produce for the liondon Film Com¬ pany, who have made this feature. He also directed The House of Temperly for this con¬ cern.

England's Menace proved a fitting attraction for the Million Dollar Theater, and the fre-

(iueiit and enthusiastic applause of the audi¬

ence demonstrated Its appreciation of the merits of this photoplay.


New York,, Aug. 26.—David Horsley has en¬ gaged Mile. Valkyrien, one of Eurof>e’s most celebrated motion picture actresses, for fhe Centaur Film Company, of Bayonne, and it Is expected that a special brand of reOned comedy pictures will be Inaugurated, to be known as fhe Baroness Filma, featuring this Star. This brand will be included in the program of seven comedies- a week, to be made at the Centaur studios as recently announced In The Billboard.

Mile. Valkyrien, who is but twenty-one years old. Is the wife of Baron Hrolf von Wits, an inventor and lieutenant in the Royal Danish Navy, and has appeared with much success In prorluctiona of the leading picture concerns of Denmark and Germany, Including the Great Northern and the Danish Blograph.

At the time of her marrlege Mile. Valkyrien gave up her professional career and accompanle.l her husband to New York last June, believing then that she h.-Kl quit the stage forever, but like- many another pers«>n. of rank. Isdh in and out of the profession, the Baisuiess’ plans were changed entirely by the war In Europe.

COSMOFOTOFILM'g POWERFUL DRAJfA. FineCatt Selected .for Film Ver¬ son of James A. Herne's Famous Drama of "Down

East’* Folks

New Y’ork, Aug. 27.—England's Menace, a

three part war drama, now being exploited by the Csismofotofllro Cum|>any and appearing at one of the feature attractions at the Strand Theater this week, baa created quite a stir among the trade.

New York. .\iig. 26.—The .kit Star Feature CoriMH-atlon will produce Hbore Acres, the great drama of plain Down East folk, which oat teen Imniortalited by tbe author and character actor, James A. lierue.

Ad unuaoilly strong cast la offered. Charles A MlevensoD, tbe well kDi>wn American actor, a|>|>ears In the role of Nathaniel Berry; Wil¬

liam KIley Hatch, tbe stage favorite, wImmc

Work In previous AIl-Btar productions will be renienilM-red, will play tbe part of Martin Ih-rry, the e»-centrlc character; Conway Sear'.e, the Broadway leading man, is cast at "Sam"; K J. Coourllry, another well-known stage fav'rli,. anil one of .kmerlcs's leading char¬

acter actors, apiwars as "Blake"; Violet Hor¬ ner, formerly with the Imp, Reliance, Btu- griph and Vltagrapb companies, will pliy

"Heen." and little Madge Evans, who has I».i-ed for nearly every artist of note In tbe World, will imrtray the role of "Mildred." othe-n of the cn«t . are: I’hlbp Trauli. a» Bob"; Harry Knowles, as Capl. IVu, and Mrs. Fvsns

The play 1« b»ing prsliiced under the personal su;icrvi«li>n of Jotin H. Pratt, who it now at I'l'K-k island with his company, where aft^r ar-angenients had l>een made the entire laland ws« turneil over to the .kll-Btar Company.

Willism .K. Thompson Is In charge of tue camera, with but two assistants, and Grarce Klclne is master of properties



New Y'ork, .\iig. 26.—Practically evervonc who

had lu'en in any way asMwinted with Charles ,1. Hite during his meteoric career In the motion picture industry, attendi-il his funenil in New R.-whelle, which was held at his home yesteriLiy

afternoon. The Rev. Caitedy, of tile New Rochelle Epl-*

copal Cliunki. ottlciated at tlie services.

In one of the rooms of the Hite home there were packed banks upon b.anks of llowers. The morst artistic floral offering' was one sent by

tbe players of the Tliaiilioiwi r Company. This representeil a large curtain of white roses, drawn about three quarters clown, on which was written the words "The l.asb. .\ct."

The studio has practically closed down teni- Iiorarll.v, and cver.vone nlsi knew .Mr. Hite

Is mourning his loss. '


New York, .kng 2.';. Ttie famous racing play.

H s l.sst ladlar, wit'a Its author. David Hlgglm . ■in t 'e r.'.i orlg'nally crested by blm. will lie pn-srrfisl in tnollqti picture form by the Famous

Plsye's F.'m Coni|riny. and Is Dow in the course

of production. The play is iierhaiHi the m.>st thrilling of Ifs

kind, ami the success of the •rlg'nal pr««lurtlon

W.1S So decisive an,| notable that tbe title of the play has iN-come a by wor.l In racing circles, and for msnv years ■ "David Hlggnis" has tieen

is ninemiy accepted ss representing tie list doi- kr In i-ne's po«sowslen

The film version of the play w 11 glee ■ k'liiipsc Into the Kentucky li me of Riesn<>r Ir'wns where e» J<h key Bratton Introdncsm I.ln • n. and w<eiw, wins ami eventually lowes

Flesmir. and later proves tbe Instrument of her fstl.e''s ilnanclal min. After the rwsi stress of tlie St TV is deielofc.t and overcome, Brattofl

and Eiesnor between wh«m a mutual attachment has sprung n,. and who win a signal victory

oicr t e common dangers that threstene.1. agree t< finish life's race togetlier and the story ter¬ minates In a thoroughly happy manner.


Pittsburg. P.I.. Aug. .71.—,\1 \V. Cross. wtM’m it Is said everyVsly in the the.vtrlcal business knows, is now a Pittsbiirger. He has

located here as resident manager of the Hiid^ son Feature Film Co., with offices at .’i17 l.yceuni

Building. Offices were o|)ened here during the past week. Mr. Cross is also representing the Giis Hill N'onpariel Corporation, which is also

showing a-nuifitier of four and five reel fe.itures.


New York. Aug. 26.—Claire Whitney, tlie

popiilai leading womsn of the Blache Fea¬ tures, has resigned from the Fort Oompuny,

iiml Is at liberty. Miss Whitney has Just completed a temporary

vaudeville engagement in Iktgar Allen Wolff'a playlet. A Little Mother. In which she appeared

at the Brighton Beadi Music Hall. An offer of the Eclair Company was refused by Miss Whit¬ ney because of the illness of her mother.

Tbs rise ct a dtstrrlng fellow La a supremo gratification to every film brother. That Is why Frank "Energy" Holliday's pengress to the head of his own firm has met such general approbation—his gorsi felknrshlp and desiTredness Frank mined out In the motion picture game In Fi-bruoiy of 1912. a.a esl- llnr of li,> Cauimail Wiskly. which later Iwanie Identified as the Mutual Weakly. Not content with the duties of this department akme, he beeame the backlHme of the Gaumnnt FV-ature Bales Department os well and in addtttm^ iltd issislderable mad work Of course, an all-round man soon gravitates at the bead or his own •aunpony Thus It is that we tneloy hall Frink E. Holliday as pr.wldent of the Bon-Roy Fl.m <>> , with a higtdy nhslmi plant at WtMXlslde, L. I.



4-Kilow<Ut Direct-ConnecteJ Outfit


Lighting Set Now made in sizes 2 to lO-kilo- watt, either direct-connected, or L)elted, as desired.

The Chas.A.StrelingerCo. Box B—3,



Ohlctifo, Anr. M. —Th»r» I* ■ AmI of ■rtlTitj' Di<nirr«to<1 In tbo RoUk dudln* boro.

Oiloa Wtrron i« In rhloiKo, ind baa taanod a rail for 2.'i0 dratnatlo porformora. Offlolala at tbo rttBfr of tho ScliK Polyao-if^ Co. aaM that

at proaont tlma ttioj illfl not raro to flTo ont

anj dotallod information, bat that tboj intonS puttinc out a blx produrtlon.


The Newman Mf«. Co., mannfartarora of braa, framoa, ralllnaa, oaaeU, ete., row>rt that Miolr

throo planta, l.watod In Clnrlnnatl, Cbloaao ami Now York City, aro rnnnina fall raparliy and that boalneea in Konoral U aory c'loil wllh tlieni. In addition to tbia, tboir men on tbo road ro-

port an oneonrakltif outbeik for the fall ind winter baalnenn.

Hid J. Newman, Heeretary, ataten that the Weatorn, Central and boutborn Htatoa aro ahow- Inir marked Improroment In oondlllonn rlcbt

alone, and to'lloaea that tho Raatem and N< w Rneland Htatoa will rome aloiia In dito lime. Mr. Newman haa a wide aeipialntane* amone

Mioater ownora and wiya Ibat the majority of

thorn aro of tho opinion that bnalnoaa with the moTltie pirtnro boaaoa will nhow a eroat Im pnoaemont tbia fall.

300 FEATURES NOW And wn are addine on* omr day.

UK.VTAL nuiryai thk uiwemt.

WrIU or wlrn for bookliic.


WANTED Ilia raudaetlla or morlna plrtura Tifit Hbow, aidld week. HraMranlxv 111 tSoO.M. Alao oUiW Riiowa a Id HmHwaalima KIIWI.N X. MIMIRK. Hoo- rWary Pair, Ailalrrlllr, Ky.


houses must have the l>est liKhts possible—to secure projjer, satis¬ fying results. Wise managers from coast to coast are using our dejjendable generating sets, and avoiding all disappoint ment. The set for you to use this winter is the

t.B»c»U««(Mi4tsi 911 I.M3Mrs MMr .N.Y.

Brush Electric LIBERTY MOTION PICTURE COMPANY, Hermao Street. Germaatown* Phila.B Pa«


A NKW HIGH CLASS SERVICE 28 KccU Weekly l•2•.) Reela All Keaiurea Comedy, Drama, etc.



New York. Au*. 25.—The old original Cnl- veraal City will aoon be a thing of the paat. aa the work of removing the “City” from Ita .temporary loeation a few mllea outalde of Holly- wochl. Cal., to it* permanent alte on the new

ranch, la going forward with a mab. The two mllea of mountain roada to the new

ranch are rough and ratted, and the work of tranaport;itk«n la particularly heavy, but every-

j one about the randi. from Wallace Kerrigan,

who baa the w»rk In charge, down to "Cliarlle.” the Vnlversal elephant, la working dillgantly, 1 and although the actual work of teariug down and moving kaa been under wray leaa than a week, practically everything haa been trana-

ferred, and many of the bnlldinga re-erected on the new alte under the anpervlalon of WllUam

Homley. The removal of the goo offered intenae excite¬

ment to everyone aroand the ranch, eapecially to Mr. Kerrigan and to Jamea Bamea. the bead animal trainer. IJona, tigers, leopards, coyotes, bears, wolves and a hundred other animals were loaded upon trucks and wagons and driven growling and roaring along the canyon road to the new city.

Cages and pens for the onimala bare already

been built, and most of them are occupied, aa

well aa box-stalls for the English saddle stock, together with corrals for the boavier draft ani- mols, and hay barns stand finished and partly Blled with bales. Several of the bnlldinga are

now completed, and fnandxtk/na of the otbera well under way. Concrete Boored baths and lavatories, well lighted living rooms, running

wafer, electricity and other m'xlepn Improve- ments arc lieing installed, and needless to

I say f-e I'nIverssI folk are overjoyed and anx- ionsly waiting for orders to move In.

Montreal. Anr. 26.—To supply a bmg-felt

need In tba xrMtem reaMettlal area of M<>n treal, a new combination vaudeTlIle-pbotopIay theater la to be erected in that section at an estimated cost of $150,000. Dr. A. P. Shipp. Maurice Wolff. Geo. A. Robinson and J. B.

HvnsIrwa are behind the project and have or¬ ganised the Montreal Amnsenicut Co.., capItaUxed at $500,000. The butlding srill be

■kslem tbrouxbont, the plant for which also

I provide stores and ofllcea.

SPECIAL “POPULAR" FEATl'RES — Hi|^-ClaAF Plays, now ruiminj; as Lroaclu’ay Successt^ w'ith oripfinaJ all-star casts, will be released in conjunction with "Popular” Program — also recent |>lays of well-known authors.

Authors Receive $100 to $1,000 Weekly— In selecting Aathors. only me,i of known ability are engaged — those who have

.established a reputation as creators of ''quality” productions for the s|ieaking stage and silent drama

Directors Receive $200 to $1,000 Weekiv— In mAkmjr our selection oi Directork for the vanous brands, it haa been our aim to procure only hifrh*clas8 nien w hobe efficiency has been established by past success

Actors Receive $100 to $1,000 Weekly— The Casts will be made up of men and women who are widely known in the the- atrical held and whose ability in isirtraying "types” hall sUm|ied them as l«ader> m their iwofesuion. Actors are engaged on yearly basis—S2 weeks solid, no lay-off



New York. Aug. 26.--<ieorge T. Ames, well

known in tlic exebange biiaincsa and formerly with the General Film Exebange, la aeverliig bis prcM'nt connections with the Mutual Film Exchange to become aaalatant general manager of the International Education l.cague, aa well

aa general manager of a iub c<'r|M>ration known

as the Church and Rcbiiol Service Bureau.

I It Is reported tbnt this corporation will make ' educational and historical flinia, as well as mar¬

ket them, and within a few months the concern will have Its own companies In tlia Oeld all

over the world.

Chlcgo. Aug. 26—John H. Biinte, general

aalea manager of the Seeburg Piano Company, recently returned from a two weeks' Sshing trip to Anoquebay lAke, tA'la.. and haa been telling such glowing tales of the good times he

bad and the Sue eats and the big Ssh be caoght that everyone In the place has canxbt the fever. They have arranged for all of them to go up and stay over Sunday and I.abor Day. Inclnded in the party will toe John H. Bnnte, P. Wiggins. O. Nelaon. A. lArsen. A. Biendner,

Chae. Hoebseb. C. Reddick, P. BnchlaakI and Mr. Westphelan. All are connected with the

Scabnrg Plano Company.






A ruLL "SliVN L'sit or


SUPPLIES ot rvcfb UctoctiplH.n At loxsitol p«ut% r hah*

supf>lKs f.'F rY«r\ kind of mashinr anj mrr the

ttnlb firm m *hr I S that lh.t till >i»ur

urdrrA iomptrtc Prompt Shipment^ Mf ftMwl«

KuarantrrJ V* rite fur c.«taiog a.Hl l*ruc 1 >bi


*The name and fame of ^Liberty* will circle the globe."

"Onr plant is a surprise for filmdom"—

In our laboratories the capacity for outside printing is

unlimited —‘The experienced heads of our depart¬

ments know tbe process of flawless photography^

A trial order will assure you.”—


Modem in every respect—


A company of compcteni players are at present ahsorlied in a niiniljer of Feature Multiple Reel Photoplays that will l>e handled by “The .A. H. Sawyer Co.,“ who have e.xchauges in all the prin¬ cipal cities of the United^States.

SEPTEMBER 6, 1914.



For photo-Htudiq work.

1 f .Same outfit op«Tut(*« on L lM)th Alt)>rnat«‘ and Dirert

curn-nt. From 7.i0 to I,.jOO watta; from to y,(K)0 can¬ dle power.

Type A—1,500 candle pow’er.


son 00 ^ «|r f (W CHICAGO, ILL.

/■ Complete with lamp fl aa bliown in cut.

Territorj* opcui to .Agents.

ELECTRIC SERVICE SALES ^ Room 600, 17 I. Wibith An..


PERFECTS ■ CALCIUM LIGHT Produces Powerful Light

at Mtnhnum Cost!

Animated Songs

Motion Pictures

That Move to the Rhythm

of Song

Imperial Motion Picture Co, of New York, Inc.

1476 Broadway,


lUrtfonl, C-.nn., Aur. 25.—The 8Ur Photo- l>Uy Theater, oae of the AtlaH Tbeatem Com- paDja’ lutereatM, uiieoed Auauat 20, the follow-

Intf oltteiala of the Atlaa Couiftan; being present;

Prealdeut E. T. Smith and wife, J. P. Caplea, Jaa. K. and Joa. T. IKmoran, of the New York idBoe; H. L. lIcElroj, treasurer; A. 8bea, sec¬

retary; Judge J. C. Cleary, general counsel for

the company. A twcire piece orchestra, of alilah Francis W. 8utberland is leader, will be regularly carried by the bouse. O. R. Farrar will be manager, and Paul Uulick. of New York, general press representatlre.


New York, Aug. 2.'i.—Larlyle Blackwell and

luemlM-rs of the difrer»-nt motion picture conc>Tns located on the ontsklrts of Los Angeles ir.d

Tlclnlty motored to Kdendale to iDs|«ct tiic studio, of the Favorite Plajers Film Company,

of which t'arlyle Blackwell is President.

The studios, which are considered the fln< »t In California, and whitli Mr. Blackwell designed and iMTSoiially superrised the construction of.

met with Instant at.proral from all guests, who highly prais<-d bis new plant.

The studios consist of two buildings forty fe^t high and are built of concrete and brick, which

, make them absolutely fireproof.

I Tlie e<|uipinent is giodern in every detail, and

tile plant has a capacity of making 5O.0U0 feet of reel weekly, it is said.

After completing the tour of inspection, Mr. Blackwell and his gnests motored back to Los

Angeles, wtiere an elaborate loncb<.on was served j at TortonPs Kestaurant. I All featsres of this company will be relcs'.e.l

1 thr.uigh the Alco FMin Comiiany, of which Al I I.lchtiuan, formerly sales manager of the Famous

Players, is l*resident.

AFTER the ball OPENS.

New York. .Aug. 2d.—After the Ball, the j Charles K. Harris song hit of some twenty-five

years ago, which was produced in motion pic¬ ture form by William Stiner, of the Pboto Drama Co., opene<l in several cities on Mon¬

day. August 24. I. e., Syracuse. Troy and El¬ mira. N. Y., and Scranbm and .Allentown. Pa.

It is understood that this picture will be shewn at one of the Broadway bouses in the near future. It is also planned to show this production in large legitimate bouses in Boston.

Chicago, Philadelphia and St. Louis.

General Feature FilmCo. Biggest Buyers of Independent Fedt-

tures for Illinois and V'isconsin.

6 S. ffabaili Aw., 3rd Flaor, iailara Bldg. CHICAGO, ILL.


• BMfra—fwl m bwiaiMif !• Jual i ’ Its lu pewAta arw fw

rati't r*ll toBfl rour pKat. . te MO fiHi Mprp MU* Afpm.

rr%»m Map Ur our /Wn amd

_ ATUM ytCTVI CO. _Waam^ LWeMrtillt..ChkwCPjlL'

shipped on time

ROLL TICKETS lumbering guaranteed I WHt» Urn Mmir aamplmm mmtl ertrmm


DRUMMERS Sand far Our Oataloe nu’s All

Mil It OaUMMISr SUPPLY CO.. M13-1J W. 22d St., Ckleaae, III.


The Lion ef Venice, George Klelne'a apectacn- lar ail-part story of Venice, is now ready for release through the various Kleine oOces. Tbli

is the first production of the new Photo-Drama Producing Company of Toris, Italy, in which

Mr. Kleins it interested. The Lion of Venice was made at Venice, Italy, last winter, under

-Mr. Kleine's pefsoaal directioai, and, among other splendid features, reproduces a naval iMt tie between Venetisn, Turkish and pirate fleets of the early flfteenth century. The quaint cos¬

tumes and the pleasiug views ef Venice lend a pretty touch of color to the stary.


New York, Aug. 27.—Among the interesting

events pictured for the Universal Animated Wertdy No. 129, which was released yesterday, are scenes showing the last review by Kaieer W’llhelm, of Germany's crack troops, which are

now proving their worth on the field of battle. Other icenea in conneotion with the Enropiaaii

war have been secured for this release, together with views concerning many local and foreign bapi>enings with which the newspapers have

biwn dealing at length.


Minneapolis, Ang. 28.—^Tbe new Saxe Thea¬

ter, oi<erated by Saxe Bros., at present cgwrat- ing the I.yric Theater of Minneapolis, will be «n>eoed Saturday, September 5. It will be de¬ voted to nK'tion pictures, the same as the I.yric Theater. The cost of bnlldlng and equip¬ ment Is aNmt $1.50,000. The theater seats l,t<00 peojile and has three pipe organs, two In front and one In the rear, all operated fn>m

the same keybi.anl. Thos. Saxe, of Milwaukee, will give persi>nal attention to the 0|>enlng.


Chicago. Aug. 27.—The Desrls'rn Novelty Company have o|>encd a Him exchange and sup¬ ply house under the name of the Monarch Film Service at 22S I’nlon avenue, Moinphls, Tenn.,

where they will occupy tlie entire building, a one stoiy structure. Tlie bnslness will he under the personal sii|>ervislnn of Joseph M. Bernstein. Mr. Bernstein said that he Is now supplying

about III theaters In and aronml Memphis, and states that he Us-ks forward to a gisHl industrial

Otis Turner, dean of mothm picture direc¬

tors, and who Is In charge of the directing of fniversal Special Features, was a visitor in New

I York last week.


A SOOiOLOGICAL MASTERPIECE. Praturliig W.M. G.AHWiXtU and VIVl.A.N UlUU. with full esat of Stan,

lender (llrrrtiuu of sydnev Ayrvs. RELEASE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER tSth, Ifilt.

Americin Beauty Filins Featuring MAitUABlTA FISCHEK and UAHRY I’OLLAillt, the K.(«t

popular photoplay .dan. stcptemti.r Sth—•IHK Ml»THJiKLKS.S KIDS. ’ SeplemPer 15th—"TIIK t>NLY \VAA\"


<THE MIRROR'’ The Velltd Woman in the Sodity Clide.

Foaturiiig WINNIFHUD tilU'lUVWtyoD and KD. CUXL-N. L’lnier dirodloii of Henry Otta




“RICHELIEU” That Tundetful film spectada has been placed on the regular program aa a

101 Bison. RELEASED SIOTTaiBER 2«th. The honest profit that the Universal iTllm Manufacturing Compatiy and the

exchanges are enUtled to wlU be sacrificed and given to you, aa a gift, to help «au start your fall huainesa oft righL _

Ten thousand Universal exhibitors will save the extra $9.00 "BJOHELIEU would have charged Iheiu. .... . .

You can save part of the $50,000 if you gH busy at once and take advantage ef the Universal oo-operaUve plan. Book ••RlUllELlEU’' as early and as long as possible.


Rsleaied Wsak si SEPTEMBER 7th. VICTOR—"LITTLE MEG AND I." -A sea drama with Warren Kerrigan. ||gp_"THE SILENT VALLEY." A two-rad King lUggut emotltnal drama. GOLD SEAL—••TREY O' HBABTS.” Na 6—"THE CTIACK O’ DOOM.” A

punch In eveiy inch. ECLAIR—"BOY.” A powerful two-reel drama. REX—"HELPIXO MtiTHER.” Three-red dramatic maaleTplecc.

VICTOR—"A MYSTERIOUS MTSTERY.” T»o-retl drama lOl BISON—"OUR ENEMIES’ Sl’Y.” Three-red mUltary drama, with Mario

WalcaW and Wm. CXiffocxL


Rsleased Week tf Seatesibsr 28th.

In which King Baggot plays ten distinctive part»--two wonun aid eight nun. No one else In the cast. The greatest novelty ever put on a peogran' King Bag- fut't moM wonderful offering -A positive crowd-getter.




Send for Samples, and Prices


X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. 78


C'lilcjKU. Auk. •.’7.—rl>T. i;<H)rge A. I»orii«?jr, of tti« Df|>artiu<‘iit 4if Aiitlir<>|M>l<>g.T at tlie KielJ MUH«4Uin. loft CUiraKo Saturday uigbt fur a tour of tlie (trlotit. Ai'ouiiiiiaa.vitiK Uiiu waa t'barlra

Kautmau. au exjiort ramora mau, and II. Wil¬ liam Menke, an autiiority ou still and color pbut<iKru|>by. TUr party left with $12,000 worth of pbotograpbic material, inoluding IfiO.iNa) f«H*t of moving picture film. The trip

will be financed by tlie Unitod Pboto-l’laya Co., and will extend over a iteri'M of 14 niuntba. Tlie party nails from San Pranciaco on the 2S>tb,

bound for Yukobnma. After three weeks in Japan they will sail Tor -Cfaina.


New York, Aug. 26.—1). Kieaerstein, of the

Pcature Piiot.>play Co., baa juat returned from Eiiroiie on the S. S. Virginia. He came by way of Canada, and wan in 9t. Petersburg when Germany declanil war on Russia, and was

successful in getting moving pictures of the acenea in St. Petersburg at that time.

tVom St. Petersburg he went to Berlin, where be was successful in getting pictures of the war

demonatrations in that city. Prom Berlin, Mr. Kieserstein Journeyed to I/mdon, where tbings bad progressi>d to a war point, and also secured war activities there.

Among these pictures are scenes showing the laying of mines In ttie Baltic Sea, troops em¬ barking on transports, etc. These pictures have

4>een held up by the authorities on the other side until they are “censored,” and Mr. Kieser¬ stein was unable to bring them back with him. They are to be released under the titles of R^randi-d Anierican.s in Europe and The European

War Day By Day. The latter picture will be about 3.INI0 feet In length, and will be released by the Feature Photoplay Co.

Mr. Kieserstein was forced, with many other people who were able to pay first-class passage,

to come over in the steerage, but be was glad to get back, no matter which way he came.


New York. Aug. 26.—Karl Pox, who baa been with the .Mutual forces on the Pacific Coaat un¬ der tlie direction of D. W. Grifflth for some time, h'ts resigned his position and returned to New Y< rk. lie will announce later, in The Bill¬ board, his new connections.


New York. Aug. 26.—Many of the well-known writers of the day are being rounded up by the Universal Film Manufacturing Company for the exclui4ve motion picture rights to their best works.

Already the Universal has pictured stories from auiti prominent authors as -knoie Fellows JohnaMne, George Gibbs and Eugene Manlove Rbo<les. More stories are coming from these

writers and from others, such as Campbell

MacCuIlough. the magaaine writer; Molly Elliot Seawell, author of many published novels; Geo. Bronson Howard, Bruno Lessing, Louis Joseph Vance. Clara Ixiutae Burnham, and others. Stories by O. Henry and Jaquea Ftitrelle, big writers, who are uow dead, have also found a place on the Unlvemal program.

Arthur .Stringer, author of The Case of Cberry Piircelle. and the first living American author with wliom the Ectair-tlniveraal Company con¬ tracted for the production of his stories In photo¬ play form, is now personally supervising the direction of Secret Agent, which was featun-d In The Saturday Evening Post.


Mr. Wilson la a member of the Ohio Board of Ceuaors. baring been appointed to fill the va$an(7 causol by the realgnaUon of Jamra Maddux. Ha l.s also treasurer of the Motion Picture ExhlMtoti* Is-ague of Atu-rloa, and aetretar; of the Uho Stata bra.'i,di of that organlaation.

Well, here we arc again. ass

It if a fine time of the year to bring out a apecial iaaue—1 don't think.

IbMith Tarkliigton, author of PruriHi; Misa

Gatea, welt known to the readers of to<lay's

Iwat magaaiues; Eugene Maulove Khodcs, wh,N„.

Scaleti Ordera waa featured In The Saturday Evening Itist and adaiitetl to the screen by tlie rniverssl's Victor company; William .Macis-o.i

Italiw, whose books stand high among tlie “best

sidlers;” Tltomaa \V, I.awaoo and others, have hes'ii sigiH-d up, amt a large force of comiietent readers in the aceiiarlo de|iartiueut are con

staiitly kept busy going over the beat work of these authors, picking out those which leud themselves well to pictures.

Where poswible, these suthors ssslst either In an active or sdvlwiry way, in the production

of their stories. This often helps the directors

and actors to get the author's viewpoint sml some of the delleate suggestkina in scenic sr- rangeuieiils that might otherwise te mlssesl.

1'be I'ulveraal reallxes that not every story that appears in magaaiues or book form is adaptable to the screen, and promises that every story they release along the above lines will have something else besides the author's name

to attract and bold.


The moving picture game Is shot to pieces. It always Is In the dog days, and besides, right

now the manufacturers have their Euroiiean markets cut off; Trigger has the Exhibitors' League

under his thumb again, and oo one has bad time to recover from bis vacation.

* * *

1 repeat It—it's a fine time to bring oat a special Hecb der Kaiser! No matter how

muefa you admire his nerve, your opinion of bis Judgment can only be expressed with dots,

dashes and asterisks. a • •

But even at that, I would rather

Be back at the grind -feeling blue—

Than working m.vself all a lather,

Propelling a darned old canoe.

• • •

Vacationa are not what they used to be. Like the pies that mother made, they are

numbered with the memories of the past.

s s s

We have Improved upon them. The old kind were too slow, too restful and too simple.

» • •

'nils is a speedier and a wiser age. We can spend more money in a day on vacation now

than the whole ocUng used to cost. s • s

Of coarse, we have to work harder In order to do It, bat think of the added spar tt gives

us when we get back to business sod tackle the Job of building up the depleted bank biUnce. • • •

Yea, this is the life and this la the age.

We revel In strife and float the sage.

• • •

Give us quick action—more speed. » • •

Buffalo, N. Aug. 25.—Tlie 8hea Amuse- ment Company o|>ens the new lllpp<Hironie Thea¬ ter on Main street, near Ciiipiiews. Buffalo, oo Saturday, August 20. A. R. Sherry will be manager. Michael Shea, bead of tbs compssj, Is a pioneer vaudeville promoter and has Inilt theaters In Buffalo. Tironto and other citits. The Hippodrome and site have cost sevstal hundred thousand dollars. It la Buffalo's lirgast pliybonse and seats 8.000. HIgb class moving pictures and opera singers will be featuiwd. The prices will be 10 to 60 rents. There will be a A30.000 pipe organ snd sn .18 piece orchestra Manager Sherry's staff will be: Isidore Muoss, assistant manager; John Carr, treasurer; R-H)- ert Evers, stage manager; Emmett Lndlcbe, director of orchestra. It Is annonoced that the Hippodrome will have an exclusiva showing of Psrimonnt moving picture features In Buf¬ falo.


An extensive series of moving pictures are

being taken to advertise Western snd Niwibem Michigan under the su|iervlsloo of Secretary

John L. Gibson, of the Western Michigan D- vektpment Bureau. Views of towns, the fine toads In Northern and Western Michigan, the

rich agricnitnrsi territory, the great fruit orchards and the indnstries of the cities will be shown on the films. Special attention will also be shown to the shipping indnstry, both by

lake and rail.

But wouldn't It be a great ''comicaliky''

To find we're not smart bat merely amart aleckyl

* * *

A distingaished member of the United States Senate a few weeks since impressively ob¬

served; "Every step of human progress is the abandonment or condemnation of that which

went before." ass

Doubtless the galleries reverberated with rapturous applause, for that wwt of thing is

considered great stuff and goes big today.



Despite repeated publlsbed notices that Georgs Klelne is not in the market for srensrioa, msn- nscripts cntlnne to arrive st th* Chicago snd

New York offices of that concern In large quan¬ tities. George Klelne is an Importer of motion pictures and does not msnnfacture on this aids

of the Atlantic, insofar as regalar scenarios are concerned. All Klelne < Bices have been rc- tnmlng to writers a considerable quantity of

such mall

True, It peeves men like John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegte, F. A. Vsnderllp and John

Wannamaker, but they are a bnneh of back numbers, who no huiger connt, and their mild

protestationx are considered so much senile gibbering. • • s

A real belch like the following from Dr. H. B. IlntcblDa, president of the University of

Michigan, is considered an awful malapropism:

Dr. Hutchins said: "We are again In the nncertain field of experiment, where apparently

DO proposition it too absord to receive recognition, if It It only in tbe name of progress and

labeled as a remedy for some public ill. Tbe general resnit of It all Is to impose on tbe

people duties and obligations for which tbe vast majority are in no way prepared, either by


Mempfala. Tenn.. Ang. 26.—Two new motion picture theaters are under construction una

for the Majestic Amusement Co., owners of three Majestic and two Empire theaters, will mat $75.(100. It will seat 1.400. Another, fiw

which tlie rootract has Just been let, will cost $.75,000. and will seat 800. It Is being built

for the Photoplay Company.

training or by temperament.

"While I believe most thoroughly In tbe plaiu people, their loyalty and patriotism, their

desire for tbe right, and in tbe wisdom of their decisions where they are fitted by temfierameot,

experience and Instruction to decide, yet I recognise there are some quesdons, that, because

of their technical and professional character, tbe peojile can never be fitted to consider wisely

and decide Intelligently and consistently. Generally, witbout Instruction and wise leadership, tbe people are sure In these new fields to mske grave and far-reaching mistakes ”

• • •

I^et tbe people rule -esi>eclally tbe young. Impressionable and esslty led people. The business

man is too busy. He bat bit business, and finds that sufficiently eugrottting to oerupy all of bU time and attention.

• • •

He can not be expected to interest himself In politics or In shaping public o|iliilon. It would be most unreasonable—a great hardship

• • •

So seers of one and twenty.

Write stuff that's simply great; And thus tbe yellow papers

Control the ship of state. • • •

It It quite true that the business min contrrds the yellow pi|>ers through his advertising appropriation, but pshaw! be s too much iuteresteil In the rise in tbe price of carbons to exercise It.

• • •

Tliey say there're good times eomlng, hut you'll have to whow me. There Is no possible

chance for permanent ImpruTenient In business until business men develop some spunk and spine, snd recognize tbe Importance of getting Into tlie game, and helping to shape public

opinion. ass

As soon as tills artificial prosiierity, due to the war, lieglns to wane, the txm wiaerB will

band business men another wallop, and it will serve them bally well right. • as

I am ifrald that we are going to have a bit of a boom aoon, bnt It won't last.


Mr. BsUnlrk Is rios prsstdivil snd general rnsn- agar gf ths World mni Co.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Tile Billboard 79




.LLLuSTrAj'TVTrn /«■■■■, 1 I □JijijJVJjr.LjrjiiiciiuU- *=in5=^ Ix'B!!!!!!!^ iiEi


Ihe ox}iil)itor may now count upon a Feature Film of distinction every week,

Hy the combination under the AIco Banner of the strongest and most distinguished creators of motion pictures a great production is within reach for regular booking.

Hereafter these greatest of manufacturers will release exclusively through Alco:—

All-Star Feature Corporation

California Motion Picture Corporation

Popular Plays and Players, Inc.

Favorite Players Film Company

Excelsior Feature Film Company

First Release October 5th and One Every Week Thereafter.

Oct. 5 -Ethel Barrymore in “THE NIGHTINGALE” By Augustus Th»)inas. I*ro»liiml by All-Star I’eature Corp.

Oct. 12-Andrew Mack in “THE ILAGGED EARL” By (irattan Donnelly. I’rtKluceil by Popular Plays ami Players, Inc.

Oct. 19—Beatriz Michelena and House Peters in “SALOMY JANE” By Paul Amistrong. Pnxlucetl by California M. P. Corp.

Oct. 26 Carlyle Blackwell in “THE KEY TO YESTERDAY” By Charles Neville Buck. Protlucetl by Favorite Players Film Co.

Nov. 2—Octavia Handworth in “THE PATH FORBIDDEN” By John B. Hymer. Proiliiced by Excelsior Feature Film Co.

Nov. 9-Digby Bell in “THE EDUCATION OF MR. PIPP” By .\ugustus Thomas. Protlucetl by All-Star Feature Corp.

Nov. 16 -Beatriz Michelena and House Peters in “MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH”

By .Mice Hegan Uict* ami .\nnt* Crawfonl Flexner. Prtxlucetl by California M. P. Corp.

Nov. 23—Jacob P. Adler in “MICHAEL STROGOFF” By Jules Verne. Prtxlucetl by Popular Plays ami Players, Inc.

Nov. 30—Carlyle Blackwell in “THE MAN WHO COULD NOT LOSE” [By Kichanl llanling Davis. Prtxluctxl by Favorite Players Film Co.

Kxchaugps arc now being established in the principal cities of America. Applications for service will be considered in the order of their receipt.


You Will Welcome Our Policy

. units

We Will Welcome Youn Support



The Productions of the Famous Players Film Comvanyy Jesse L Lasky Feature Play Company^ and Bosivorthy /nc., constitute the Paramount Program.

Papamourit Publicity tWE \ —Paramouni vi^NlNG POST \ . ' Campaign—a doable page spread in the Sepi

This will be followed monthly by full pa^fes.

The I’ost is unijiu'stioimblv the most valuable mrlium thru whicli the mes- siuie of Paramount can be convev«l to the public. The issue in which this double page spreail apjH'ars h;Ls a cir- cidation of appmxintatelv two million and^'a quarter.^so it is sa^e to say this announcement will be rca<l by at least ten ,million (10.000,001)) |H*ople—one out of everj- ten in the Uniteil States!

Do you realize what this means to Paramount Kxhibiti»rs?—aisl it is only part of the Paramount l*ublicity

Campaign; note the illustration under the woi^ Paramount on the left hand Satimlay Kvening Post page—that is a repnxiuction of the beautifully col¬ ored 2 l-8li«»t Poster now appearing on the billboaids m over live hundrol cities.

Piiramount is not promlslatf — Paramount is now cuaductlo^ a gigantic ailvertisiitg campaign that will cause hundre<ls of thousands, yes millions, of {leople, who can alTonl to pay ten, fifteen, twenty-five and even fifty cents, to look for the house showing the Paramount Tranle-Mark.

Aufunt &1U the rammu Pluen nim Co. will fcImm "loet PumJlae.** with H. B. Wemt-r as the alar; SrtHentbfr 3rd Uosworth, Inc.. wlU relcaie "Odraaej of Uie North." with Hobart Boawunh aa the atar; SriSciDhcr Tlh Jfwae L. laakr Fratura Plar Oo. will iviraae "The Vlrstnlan." with Iruatln Famum aa the atar— IhU inetel)' ludloatea Iba QUAUTY of the Paramount lYocram.

Write immediately to your nearest Paramount Exchange. It will be

your first step in the direction of GREATER prosperity

and assured success.

I ^PidureS^i orj « WEST FORTIETH ^


Make Your Lobby Display Attractive DEAGAN


There la nothing more fhadLuatlng to the public than a bright braia frame le dlaplajr rour photoa or Soatera.

We make Lobby and Theater Flxturea and Braaa Eaila of e»OT deacriptlon.

Write far Catalag.

ter, Stoughton, Wia.; E. H. Duffy, of ttie E. H. Duffy Feature Film Co., El Paao, Tel.; W. Each, Piiuceat Theater, I..a[>orte, Ind.; D. H.

Beaton, Court Theater, Kankakee, III.; Mr. Meiater, Vaudette Theater, Milwaukee, Wla.,

and J. H. Margolea and N. Blumberg of the

ConaoUdated Feature Film Serrlce, Milwaukee.

Tom Palmer of the Buokitn Theater, Elkhart. Ind., haa opened hia teaaon with a houae that eowt I'JOO.OOO. He will play road ahowi, with featnrea for dark ntghta.

Irtt^h moTing picturea, abowing the Dublin maaaaere, the Iriah VoIunte<‘ra at Klllamey and

the John E. B'timoud parade, will be a feature of the annual picnic of the United Celtic Amert- can Socletlet of Chlcugo in Brandt'a Park, Sun¬ day, September 8.

Among the Ttaanbouser playera who paaaed

through Chicago Monday on their way to Yal

lowatoue Park were Mignon Andemoo and Morria Foster. The park la to fumiab tlie aettiuga for a big pieture of the near future.

After a month’a atay at Mt. Clemena, Mich.. William Bechtel of the Kdiaon Company bat

returned to the atudioa.

Wallace Beery, who haa created ao many laugba aa Kweedle, la reported to haae refiiaed ■ very tempting offer iiia<le ty one of the big

managera in .New York to appear In vtudeTiile.

The manager wrote Mr. Beery tbit be tlioiiglit hia ebaraeterlEition of Swee<lle waa .me of the funnleat be had ever aeen.

The Globe Theater on South Walitxti

Chicago, Aug. 26.—Charlet Werner of St.

Louia waa secured by Harry Weiaa, diatrict ma.i- ager of the World Film Corporation, at man¬

ager for the St. Louia office of hia company. Mr. Werner will take charge September 5.

W. J. Raicbe, Ljric Theater, Ylarinetta, Wia..

has dia|K>aed of tiia drug huainesa and la now

davotlng all bit time to hit theatrical enter- priaea. Tbete include the Lyric and the Cocy

Tbeatera of Marinette.

By B|>eeial invitation from Harry Weiaa, the

Chief of Police, aeveral newapaper men and clergymen of various deuominatioDB viewed a

tpecial run of The Lure at Joliet. Their decl- aioD was that, although the story waa atralglit from tile shoulder and to the point, it told the truth, and the clergymen have decided to preach aermout on tbit subject next Sunday and will

have the fllmi run Auguat 31.

Jamea Plame is now connected with the Pa- mout Players Film Corporation at road repre-


Sam Norville, tpecial aaleaman from the Minneapolit office of tbe World Film Corporation,

baa been went to tbe Coaat.

L. J. S<-lxDick, general manager of the World

Film Corporation, ia due to arrive In Chicago within tbe next week or ten days.

It. S. Hopper baa Juat opened bis new theater.

The Alhambra, at Freeimrt, III. The house baa a seating eaftacity of l.lNai. Tbit makes

two theaters for Mr. Hopper in Freepf)rt.

11. J. Rosenberg is now connected with tbe G. & G. F'eature Film Company as traveling representative.

R. C. Fox baa entered tbe feature Him arena under the name of tbe Fox Features, with of

fleet in tbe Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn.

Harry I.ewia of tbe Feature Film Sales Com¬ pany, who has been in Berlin. Germany, for ttie past two years, has returned to Chleagu. Mr. Lewis baa not announced any definite plana for

tbe future.

Among those who visited the Cbieag.> office of the World Film Corporation thia week were:

Tom Palmer, Bucklin Theater, Elkhart, Ind.; J. J. lliuew. Auditorium Theater, South Bend,

Ind.; A. W. Roth, Grand Theater, Joliet, III.;

Higgins and Biekwell, Marion Theater, Iron Mountain, Mich.; A. H. Skibeck, Princess Tbea-

717-721 Syataisrt St.. CINCINNATI. OHIO.

Branch Factories: ISI-ltS Faurth Ave., New

Yark City. IM-F W. LAka St.. Chi-


Feature and Single Reels CHEAP

Sh—TWO, ‘■tree and Four Beola—M $25.00 each. Send for LlaL

100 Mngla Beela Fall RtalA tl.OO mA. BARNEY FEATURE FILM BROKERS,

rd FI. Malian BlOt.. Chlaaoo. I«


Writs for paitloulaiB.



From the Manser to the Cross

$flotoplapta)rigf)t£i ScMiarloa comctHl. rerUed. tjpod and plaoad on nurkvC PloU cflUrliMS. and no^eU. atorlc^ and td^ •ulubit for pboloplart pUoed in foim Onri^nd- enoi Invited.

Eex Itttrarp l^urrau 57 Slotktoa Blraat. Braaklya. N. Y.

For KenlucKy

Five BeeU. Half of State aUll clear. Picture* good for yean. A bargain. Cost $1,500.00. Film In good oondltloii. Address arm. _ Mayavilla, Ky.

avenue baa lieen leased for a nnmlM-r of years by the fhieago rlaaa of the International Bible Ktii- denta’ Association and will now he known aa the I. B. 8. A. Temple. It baa lieen reiiioileird and re<le<Mrated. Twice dally, romnieneing Ri-p-

teiiilter 6. Creation will be shown free to the public. Thia la Pastor Uiiaaeira preaentatlon of the Bible, in moving pletiirea, that had aurb

a long run at the Auditorium last apring.

Twenty five out of 23.1 appileanta for the |>n*i-

tlon of moving picture censor passed the civil

service examination, according to the llata iXMit-

e<l by the Civil Hervire Coininlaiion In tlie City

Halt. Ten will |>e elsMien from the tneiiiy-Bve

Buceeaaful appIleauU to form tbe Board of Cen-

w>ra, wbleb will paaa on tbe plrtur<‘a before

they can be abown in Chicago.

We Buy and Sell Second-Hand

Moving Picture Machines and Films


%Ve Buy, Sell and Rent Maosod-Hand Picture Machlnas, Fllma and CbMix

THEATRE BROKERAGE EXCHANGE, 44B B. Dtvhara BL, Raoa $7$. Chltats. IN.



R siivfMRDniaiA/iiiGa)..a i«y*ooA*fd Mom

143145 WE5T40II. .irBErT

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. The Billboard 81


_^_ 1

general film CO.—release DAYS.

M u'U}Kal^ui, ^IlK VltaKraiib. .

Tu»ailaj—Bdiaon. Ei«anay. Kalrm, 0«>. Klein*. Lubtn. ilellea. Path*. 8*11*. VIU- cripb.

Wedneadajr—Edlaon. Eaaanay, Kalem, l.o- ■ bln. M*ll**, Palb*. 8*lig. Vltagraph.

Tborwiay—Bl<>«raph, Kaaauay, Uibiu, Ma¬ lle*. 8*11*. Vltairapb.

friday_Kdliw>n, Eaaauay, k*l*m, I.ubln, Sell*. Vltagrapb.

Saturday—Hl<>«y»I'b. Bdl»<>n. Entaiiay, Ka- lem. liUbln. Sell*. Vltafraph.


^^*^ir*ndo1yn. tb* 8*wln*-M*cbln* Olrl (cunirdy) (apllt real) . BOT

37—8e«rcb, tb* HrlantlBc D«t*«tlTc (cocn- adyl (apHt r**l> . 4#3

SB—A Bit of Unman Drlftwvaid (draoia) (two raala) ..10B2


1—Tb« Man Wbo Paid (drama) .... S—Tb* Meal TTckat tcumady ilrauia).... VW t—Tb* Man and tb* Maatrr (drama)... .lUUU b—Tbry WuuUI Bandit* Be lcom*<ly) tapllt

r**l) 582 8—Tbr Uaadly Tbarout (comedy) (apllt real) .418 !

10—Tb* Cnodamnlu* Hand (drama) .luul i 13—Tb* MlX'Up at Murpby'a (romady) I

(apllt real) .818 13— Cnriii* Mr. Uoudbi^rt (comedy) miillt I

raol) .S82 15—Tti* IXatrlct Attorney'* Burglar I

(drama) .1001 17— Tim, tb* Terror (romady) (apllt real). 504 i IT—A Gam* of Kraeac-Unt (comedy) (apllt j

rr*l) .434 30— Tb* Smuggler'* Wife (drama). IWU 33— A Uyi>«y TalUman (drama) . 087 34— Til* Man From tb* Paat (drama).OIK) 37—Tb* Terrible lanaoo (drama) . 090 39—Spendin: It Quirk (romady) (apllt real) 483 39—8a«rba'.l, a Grand Old (Jam* (romaily)

(split real) . 5T8 31— The ciunterfaiter's Daughter (drama) OOs


3—Tb* Cbief'* I/OT* Affair (oimady) (split reel) . .Vll

3—1*)»* «Dd Hash (romady) (apllt reel).. 4!*.( S—Pir tb* Causa (drama).I<>o0 7—l/>Te. l.<iot and|U<>T (rorotdyt (split

real) . 4;i4 7— Blualieard tli* SeiH.nd (c«>me<ly) (spilt

real) . 8— Tlie Cricket on the Hearth (drama)

(two reels) . 2(iIH 10—Tlie New Reporter (drama) .1000 12—TL* Secret Neat (comedy (Irama) .... 099

zsnox. Jaly—

*1—A Canine Blrai (comedy).1000 18— Tb* Myatary of tb* Loat Stradlrarlu*

(drama) .;.lOOO 19— -8nm*thlnx to a Door (eomady).1000 31—Tb* Stuff That Dream Are Made of

(comedy) (two raala) .2000 Anguat—

1—Farmer Rodney'* Daughter (drama). .1000 3— A Tango Spree (rome<ly) .lOoO 4— Tb* I.|TiBg Dead (drama).1000

5— A Change of Ruainea* (comedy) (split . wel) . 450 6— Faint Heart Ne'er Won Fair Lady

(comedy) (split reel) .550 Tne President's Special (drama) (two reel*) .2000

5—*lbe Touch of Nature (comedy) .1000 10—All for a Tootb (comedy) .lOoo *■—A Tale of 01,1 Tiir*<in (drama).1000 J*—Andy I..earns to Swim (come<ly).1000 14— The One Wbo Ixired Him Best (drams)

(two reels) .2000 15 While the Tide Was Rising (d-ama). . 1000 1*—Tlie Adrenture of the Plrk(>ocket

(omieily) .1000 J5—the Aid of a Film (drama).1000 19—The Old Fire Horse (comedy).1000 jj[~1br01M«l Kidd (rome<ly) (two reels).'3000 33—In IJen of Damages (drama).1000 U-NrsMy • Wl.W (comedy)..1000 35 Ttie Mystery of the Octagonal Room

(drama) .1000 *~'*'be Hoiit)) African Mines (scenic)

(split reel) . 450 "—Busier and HI* Ooat (comedy) (split

reel) . HIO !8 The Birth of the Star Spangled Banner

(drama) (two reels) .3000 ™ Treasure Trove (drama) ..1000 *1 The Buxom Country luisa (come*ly)... 1000

8eptt-m)>er_ 1—Tbs New York I’ollee Department (car¬

nival) (topical) .1000 * A Village Scandal (comedyI.pslO ’""he Viking Queen (drama) (two r»-el*)300o ^ Heart* of tt)e l^irest (drama).tOOO I ~ Absent Minded Cupid (eomed.v)_1000 h—The Itllnd Fiddler (drama).1000 »-(5e|tlne Andy* Ooat (comedy).1000

]'~I'*''e Valne (drama) (two reel*).'JOOO Potter's Wife (drama).1000

l4-0ener*U of the Putnre (topical) (apllt . 525

It Buster Rrown on the Care and Treat- "’'bt of floats (comedy) (split reel) 5V)

■' Makln* a fonvert (ediic.).lOrtP to ^ Snmmer Resort Idvll (eomed.v).1000

io (drsms) (two re<-ls).20oo Of is!" ' ''Ibdirstlon (drama).lOOo

T«e Adventure of the Haatv Eloi>ement (e.»medy) . lOOo

Tl)e iiImo Covote clierrv Crop (drama). 1000 oo No nnu (cotoimIt) .1000 *•> r.raml Ojiera In Rnhevllle (comedy) — 'fwo rceta) .opop * Twins and Troutile (cornedv) .1000 sT Pound feomedv).1000 ■O' The Myatery of the Olasa Tithea

'Ofema) .1000

80—Buater Brown Get* the Worst of It tcomedyj (apllt reel). 650

SO—lu a Probibltiuu Town (comedy) (apHt reel) . 500

E88AMAT. July—

37— Sweedle and the Lord (comedy). 38— A Clash ot V'lrtus* (drama) . 30—^'i'he Fable of the Couiiu* Cbamploo

Wbo Was Delayed (cvm^y). 80— Snakevllle’s lh»uie Guard (comedy)... 81— The Keventb Prelude (drama) (epecial)

(two reels) . Aufuat—

1—'Hie S<)uatter'a Gal (drama). S—In and Out (comedy).1000 4— Her 't rip to New Vark (comedy).1000 5— The Fable of tbe Busy Business ^y

and tbe Dro|>pers In (comedy).1000 8—Slippery 8ilm'* Dlleuima (coui^y).... louu 1—The Motor Buccaneer* (drama) (two

reel*) .2000 8—Broncho Billy'* Fatal Joke (dram*).. 1000

10—Topay-Turvy Sweedle (comedy).1000 1|—Slopping tbe Limited (comedy-drama). lOOO IJ—The Fable of tbe Maneuver* of J<»el

and Father's Second Time on Earth (comedy) .lOoo

13— 81li>pery Slim and Hia Tombstone (comedy) .1000

14— A Gentleman of Leisure (drama) (two reel*) .2000

15— Broncho Billy Wins Out (drama).1000 17— Sweedle and tbe Double Exposure (com¬

edy) .1000 18— The Black Signal (drama).1000 10—Tbe Two Slandolln Players and the

Willing Performer (comedy).1000 30—Slippery Slim and tbe Claim Agent

I (come<ly) .lOOO • 31—The Masked Wrestler (drama) (two

I reel*) 2000 ——Broncho Billy's Wild Ride (drama)_M)00

I ——Ambushed (drama) (three reels)..TOOO I 34—Sweedle Springs a Surprise (comedy).. 1000

'35—Two Men Who Waited (drama) .1000 I 38—The Difference Between I.eamliig and

I-earnIn* How (come<ly) .lOOo 37—Sll(>pery Slim and tbe Fortune Teller

(comedy) .1000 28— Seen Sealed Orders (Irama) (two

I reel*) 2000 29— Broncho Billy's Indian Romance (dra¬

ma) .1000 81—lA>ve and Sod* (comedy).lOOO

September— 1— No. 28, Diplomat (drama).1000 2— Tbe Regular Beanery and the Peachy

Newcomer (comedy) .1000 8—When Macbeth Came to Snakeville

(comedy) .1000 4—Under Royal Patronage (drama) (two I reels) 2000 •5—Bronebo Billy, the Vagabond (dram* 1.10(V> 7—Wlien Knights Were Bold (conje<ly) .1000 8—Bill's Boy (drama) .1000 9—The Honeymoon That Tried to Come

Back (comedy) .1000 10—SnakevHle'a Most Popular laidy (com¬

edy) .1000 11—The. DevU'a Signature (drama) (two

reels) .2000 12—Broncho Billy—A Friend In Need (dra¬

ma) . .1000


July— 27—The IdentiScation (drama) (two reels)2000 28—The Man With the Glove (drama).1000 29—The Indian Agent (dramb) (two reel*)20(X) 81—The Deadly Battle at HIcksville (otm-

edy) .1000 Angnst—

1—The Ijid FVom Old Ireland (drama). .1000 8—^The Vampire's Trail (drama) (two

reela) .2000 4—The Chief of Police (drama).1000 5—The Operator at Black Rock (drama)

(two reels) .2000 7—Don't Monkey With the Buxx Saw

(comedy) .1000 8—Orey Eagle's Revenge (drama) .1000

10—^The Rajth'a Vow (drama) (two reels).3000 11—Old Man Higginbotham's Daughter

(drama) .1()00 12—At the End of the Rope (drama) (two

reels) .2000 14—A Substitute for Pants (comeily).1000 1.5—Near Death's Door (drama) .1000 17—^Tbe Old Army Coat (drama) (two

reeln) .2000 IS—The Storm at Sea (drama).1000 19—Tile Bond Eternal (drama) (two reel*12000 21—Sherlock Ibinehead (comedy).1000 22—Kidnaped hv Indians (drama).1000

, 24—The Primitive Instinct (drama) (two reels) .1000

25—The Connterfelter's Plot (drama).1000 ' 28—The Cave of Death (drsma) (two reels)'JOiVl

28—When Men Wear Skirts (eome^ly).1000 29—The Car of Desth (drama).1000 81—The Brand (drama) (two reels).'2000

September— 1—The Hand ,vf Fate (drama).1000 2—The Oil Well Conspiracy (drama) (two

reels) .2OO0 4—The Winking Ziiln (eomeily) .1000 5—T1v> Gambler's Reformation (drama).. 10(10 7—The Devil's Dsnssnt (drama) (two

reels* .2000 8—A Mother's Atonement (d-ama) .1000 9—The Fuse of Devth (dr.inial (two

reels) .2000 11 —n.vm. the Lineman (eomeily) .1000 12--The Path to Ruin (drama) .1000

OEO. KLEIKE. July— 21—^The Stronger Tie (drama) (Clues) (two

reels) . 28—In Temptation's Tolls (drama) (Clnes)

(two reels) . August —

4—When Wsr Threatens (drama) (Clnes) (two reels) .

tl—The Forbidden Trail (drama) (Cello) (two reel*) .

18—When the Beacon Failed (fines) (drama) (two reela) .

2.7—To Forgive, Divine (drama) (Clnea) (two reels) .

LITBUr. July—

38—Tbe Question and Answer Man (com¬ edy) .1000

29— The Lure of the Car Wheels (drama) (two reels) .2000

30— Three Men and a Woman (drama) (two reels) ^.2000

31— Within the Noose (drama).1U(M August—

1—She Gave Him a Rose (comedy) (apllt reel) 400

I— Tile Rise of the Johnsons (comedy) (split reel) .800

4—A Fatal Card (comedy) (apllt reel).. 400 4—He Woke Up In Time (comedy) (split

reel) 800 6—^Tbe Man With a Future (drama) (two

reels) .2000 6— A Daughter of Eve (comedy-drama)

(two reels) .2000 7— A Siren of tbe Desert (drama).1000 8— lx>ve and Flames (eomeily).1006

11—He Wanted Work (comedy) (apllt reel) .400

11— The Cook Next Door (comedy) (spilt reel) .800

12— ^The Downward Path (drama) (two reels) .2000

13— The Heart Rebelllou* (drama) (two reela) .2000

14— I-atIn Blood (drama) .1000 15— They Bought a Boat (comply) (apllt

reel) 400 15—Tlie Puncture-Proof Sock Man (comedy)

(split reel) . 800 18— Back to the Farm (comedy).1000 19— Tbe Dreamer (drama) (two reels)... .2000 20— His Brother'* Blood (drama) (two

reels) .2000 21— The Ixive of Oro San (drama).1000 ‘J'i—Sometimes It Works (comedy) (split

reel) .-.400 22— Makln't .Auntie Welcome (comedy)

(split reel) . 800 25—The Widow and the Twins (comedy)

(spHt reel).400 2.5—The l.ucky Rube (eomeily) (split reel) 600 28—The .Attorney's Decision (drama) (two

reels) .2000 27— ^Tlie Aggreaaor (drama) (two reel*)..2000 28— The Better Man (drama).1000 29— The Kid'a Nap (comedy).1000

September— 1—Never Too Old (co.neily) (split reel).. 400 1— The Green Alarm (comedy) (split reel) «0<> 2— Bv Wliose Hand (drama) (two reels). .2(Ki0 3— Tiie Face in the Crowd (drama) (two

reels) .2')00

4— The Shell of Life (driiiia) .lOOO 5— A Fool There Was (eomeily ( .1000 8— The Belle of Breweryvllle leoniedy) ..lOOO 9— As We Forgive Those (drama) (two

reels) .2000 10— On Lonesome Mountain (drama) (two

reela) .2000 II— Squaring the Triangle (drama) .1000 12—He Nearly Won Out (eomeily) (split

reel) . 400 12— Too Many Aunts (comedy) (split reell 600 15—Rastua Knew It W'asn't (comedy)

(split reel) . 400 15—She Made Herself Beautiful (comedy)

(split reel) .600 18—The Twin Brothers Vaa Zandt (drama)

(two reels) .20f)0 17— The Double Life (drama) (two reels).2000 18— For Repairs (drama) .1000 19— Pics Are Lucky (eomeily) (split reel) 400 19_The German Band (eomeily) (split reel) 600


July— 80—The Trouserleas Policeman, (comedy). 31—Music Hath Cbarma (comedy).

August— 1—Honor Redeemed (drama) (two reels) 4—^The Family Outing (eom^y (split

reel) . 4— Easy Come. Eaey Go (eomeily) (apllt

reel) . 5— A Mother's Error (drama) . 8—The Shield of Innocence (drama) (two

reels) . T—A Matrimonial Advertisement (comedy) 8—Gratitude (drama) (two reels).

11— Burglar Alarm (comedy) . 12— Sinews of the Dead (drama) . 13— A King by Force (comedy) . 13— ^The Biltmore Diamond (drama) (two

reels) . IS—Voice of the Bell* (drama) (two reels) 18— A Slight Mistake (comedy i . 19— Children of Fatality (comedy). 20— A Surprising Encounter (eomed.v) (si>llt

reel) . 20—A Mason's New Assistant (comedy*

(split reel) . 20—^The BuIItralner’a Revenge (drama)

(two reels) . 22—The Tell-Tsle Photograph (drama).... 25—riromnstantlal Evldepoe (eomeily) ... 27—The Elopement of El'ia (eomeily) ... 27—The Man Who Smiled (conieilyl (two

reels) .


27—The Hosts of the Sea (educational) (split reel) .

27— Coffee Cultivation, Santos, S. A. (In¬ dustrial) (split reel) .

28— The Straits of Bonifacio, Sardinia (travel) (spilt reel) .

2S -Hemp Throwing. New Zealand (In¬ dustrial) (split reel) .

29— Pa the'* Weekly No. 47 (news) .

August— 8—Picturesque Gagry (Russia) (scenic)

(split reel) . 8—The Russian Zoo (Oskanla-Nova (educ.)

(spilt reel) . 4—Training Army Doga (Sweden) (educ.)

(apllt reel) . 4— A Basque Wedding (topical) (spilt

reel) . 5— Pathe's Weekly No. 48 (news) .

10—From Grenoble to Aix Lea Bains (scenic) (apllt reel) .

10— ^I'yplcal Ruasian Dances (topical) (sp-lt reel) .

11— T.*'e Art of the Furrier (educ.) (apllt reel) .

11—Iron and Steel Industry (^mbay) (educ.) (spilt reel) .

^—Pathe'a Weekly No. 49 (news) . 17—Dakar (French West Africa) (acenlc)

(split reel) . 17— Military 'lYalned Dogs (Belgium) (top¬

ical) (Split reel) . 18— Cairo, Capital of Egypt (scenic) (apllt

reel) . 18— Uriage and Vicinity (scenic) (split

reel) . 19— Pathe's Weekly No. 50 (news). 24—Pathe's Dally News No. 515 (news* 24— Edible Fishes of tbe English Channel

(educ.) . 25— Rapids atvl Falls at Tnmiljen (scenic)

(split reel) . 25—Picturesque France. Lower Brittany

(sceuic) (split reel) . 25— From Havre to Bue by Hydro-Aero¬

plane (scenic) (split reel) . 26— Pathe's Dally News No. 54 (news) ..

SEUO. July— 37— A Flve-Hundred-Dollar Kiss (comeily-

(drama) (two reels) ...2000 27— ^Hearat-Belig Newa Pictorial (news)..1000 38— Muff (drama) .1000 29— ^The Mother Heart (drama) (two reela)3000 30— Hearsl-tlelig News Pictorial (news)..1000 81—When the Cook Fell HI (comedy).1000

August— I— Love vs. Pride (drama) ...’.1000 8—Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial (news).. .1000 8—Etienne of tbe Glad Heart (drama)

(two reell) .3000 4— ^Tiie Ordeal (drama) .1000 5— ^The Reporter on the Case (drama).. .1000 6— Hearst-8elig News Pictorial (news)..1000 7— The Skull and the Crown (comedy). .1000 8— Carmelita'a Revenge (drama).1000

10—Hearst-Sellf News Pictorial (news).. 1000 10— WllUe (comedy-drama) (two reels).3000 11— The Jangle Samaritan (drama).1000 12— ^Tbe Family Record (drama) .1000 18—Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial (news)..1000 14—Meller Drammer (comedy) (split reel) 14— The Day of the Dog (eomeily) (spilt

reel) . 15— Nan's Victory (drama) .1000 17—The Speck on the Wall (drama) (two

reels) .3000 17— Hearst-Bellg New* Pictorial (news). .1000 18— If at First Tou Don’t Succeed (com¬

edy-drama) .1000 19— When a Woman's 40 (drama) (two

reels) .2000 20— Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial (news)..1000 21— ^The Reveler (comedy) .1000 22— What Became of Jane? (drama).1000 34—The White Mouse (drama) (two reels)2000 24— Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial (news).. 1000 25— ^The Sealed Oasis (drama).1000 28— ^The Incision of Jim O'Farrell (drama)IOOO 27— Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial (new*)..1000 28— A Low Financier (comedy) (split

reel) . 28— Breaking Into Jail (comedy) (split

reel) ... 29— Tbe Harbor of l3>ve (drama).1000 29—Chip of the Flying "D” (comedy)

(three reels) .8000 31— Who Killed George Grave*7 (drama)

(two reels) .2000 31—Hearst-Sellg New* Pictorial (news)..1000

September— 1— Life’s Onclble (drama) . 2— To Be Called For (eomeily) . 3— Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial (news) .. 4— The House That Went Crary (comedy) 5— Pawn Ticket 913 (comedy) .


27— His Kid Sister (comedy) .1000 28— John Ranee, Gentleman (drama) (two

reels) .2000 29— oncer Kate (comedy) .1000 .30—^Tbe Greater Motive (drama) .1000 31—Private Bunny (comedy) .1000

August— 1—Tbe Violin of SfSlenr (drama) (two

reels) .2000 3— Detective and Matchmaker (comedy-

drama) .1000 4— Warfare in the Sklea (drama) (two

reels) .3080 5— Second Sight (comedy) .1000 6— Jlemoriee In Men’* Sonia (drama) (two

reels) .2000 7— The I/Ocked House (eomed.v) .1000 8— The House on the Hill (drama) (two

reels) .2000 10—^Thnmgh Life’s Window (drama, .1000 II— David Garrick (comedy-drama) (two

reels) .2000 12—The New Stenographer (comedy).1000 IS—The Horse Thief (drama) .1000 14— Polishing I’p (comedy) .1000 15— Wheat and Tarea (drama) (two reels).2000 17— Private Dennis Hogan (drama).1000 18— An Innocent Delilah -drama) two

reels) .2000 19— ^Taken by Storm (comedy-drama)... .1000 20— ^The Woe# of a Waltresa (drama).1000 21— ^The Honeymooners (comedy) . 1000 22— TJly of the Valley (drama) (two reel8)2000 24— Ward’s Claim (drama) .1000 25— Rainy, The IJon-Klller (comedy) (two

reels) .2000 26— Josle'a Declaration of Independence

(comedy) .1600 27— ^The MysterVons Ixsiger (drama).1000 28— Such a Hunter (comedy).1000 29— Jiisle’a Coney Island Nightmare (com¬

edy) (two reels) .2000 31—The Wrong Flat (eomeily) .1000

Senteinber— 1— The Hidden I>*tteTs (drama) (two

reela) .2000 2— Tlie Cord (oonieil.v) .1000 .3—The I’piier Hand (drama) .1000 4—The Barrel Organ (coijiedv) .1000 6--Too*Mui-h I’ncle (conieily) (two reels) .2000

r<^Iii) .‘ ?9—IKm^h It F'ikI Klxlit (•Imtni). 31—All uD Arrvunt of ■ Jug (comedy)...'

AiieuHt— 3—At the Knd of a Perfect Day (drama)

(two reeU) .! 3—The Widow (drama) .

10--The Trap (drama) (two reela). 12—The Butterfly (drama) .

•The I’olo (Tiamphma (comedy) . -The WiMiliix of Beasle Bumpicin (com¬

edy) . IKt- -Wlfey'a Rii«y Day (comedy) . ■The Thl-d Party (comedy) . -Ttiat’a Fair Rmmxh (comedy) . -Her Twin Bmther (comedy) .

hat llai>pened to Schiilti (comedy).

PRINCESS. July— 24—Caralry at Ft. llyer, Va. (aceulc)

(aidlt reel) . 24~ llarreetliix Ice (aceiilc) (aidlt reel).. 31—1'he Target of IteMtIiiy (drama).

Aiigiiet— 7—Her Duty (drama).



Monday—Imp, Sterling, Victor. Tuesday—Cryatal. Gold Seal. Untrersal Ike. Wedueaday—Animated Weekly, Eclair, Jok¬

er, Neator. Tliuraday—Imp, Rex, Sterling. iFriday—Neator, Powera, Victor. Saturday—Biaon, Joker. Sunday—Eclair. Frontier, Bex.


22— Animated Weekly (newa) . 29— Animated Weekly (newa) .

Auguat— o—Animated Weekly (newa) .

12—Animated Weekly (newa) . 19—Animated Weekly (newa) . 2S—Animated Weekly (newa) .

September— 2—Animated Weekly (newa) . 9—Animated Weekly (newa) .

16—Animated Weekly (newa) . 2.3—Animated Weekly (newa) ... 30— Animated Weekly (newa) .

BISON. July—

23— Olana of the South Seaa (drama) (two reela) .

Auguat— I— Tribal War In the Sontb Seaa (drama)

(two reela) . 8—Reacued by WIreleaa (drama) (two

reela) .. IS—The Oubliette (drama) (three reela).. 22—The Lure of the Getalia (drama) (two

reela) . 29—Law of the Lumberjack (drama) (two

reela) . Septemlier—

5— The Return of the Twlna' Double (drama) (three reela) .

12—The phantom Light (drama) (two reela)


2S—Their Parenta' Klda (comedy) (apllt reelI .

28— Cliarley'a Toothache (com^y) (apllt reel) .

Auguat— 4—Some cop (comedy).

II— Some Cwka (come<lyl (apllt reel). 11— Willle’a DIagiilae (comedy) (apllt reel) 18— Vlvlan’a Beat Fellow (comedy). 2S—Barrelei) (comedy) (aplit reel). 25— Baahful pen (comedy) (apllt reel)....

September— 1— A Seaalde Flirt (comedy) . 8—Tlie Bachi-1 ir’a llouaekeeper (remedy)

(apllt reel) ... 8— Waa He a Hero? (comedy) (apllt reel)


26 —When Death Rode the Engine (drama) 29— Tlie Dujpe (drama) ttwo reela).

Auguat — 2— In the Daya of Old (drama). 6— Firelight (drama) (two reela). 9^—.'Damlight (drama) .

12— TTic price paid (drama) (two reela).. lA—-A Pearl of Great Price (drama). 19— Branarord in Arcadia (drama) (three

r(^la . 23—1'lie Miracle (drama) . 26— 13ie Character Woman (drama) (two

reela) . 30— McMjuite Pete'a Fortune (drama).

September— 2—The Jackpot Club (drama) (two reela) 6—No Sh-iw for the Chauffenr (cMmedy). 9— Boy (drama) (two reela).

13— For Hla Father'a Life (drama).


19—The Kanger'a Reward (drama) 2*t—When Memory Recalla (drama).

Auguat— 2—The Mind'a Awakening (drama). 9—A Fia>ntler Romance (drama)...

16—Memories of Years Ago (drama). 23—n)e Strange Signal (drama) .... 80—The Janitor's Sun (drama) ....

September— 6—Pixler Arizona Skle« (drama).

13—The Scarecrow's Secret (drama).


2)^—The Love Vlctorlona (allegorical dra¬ ma) (thre reels) .

Auguat— 4—The Trey o' Hearta—Series No. 1

(drama) (three reela) .. 11—The Trey o' Hearta—Series No. 2

(drama) two reels) . 18—The Trey o' Hearts—Series No. 8

(drama) two reela) . 25—The Trey o’ Hearta-^eriea No. 4

(drama) two reels) . September—

1—The Trey o' Hearts—Series No. 5 (drama) (two imels) .

8—Tile Trey o’ Hearta—Series No. 6 (drama) (two reels) .

IMP. July— 27—When Romance Came to Anne (drama)

(two reels) . 80—^The L'niversal Boy—^riet No. 2.

Angust— 3—Ihe Fislier Maid (drama) . 6— When the Heart Calls (drama) (two

reela) . 10—In .\11 Things Moderation (drama) (two

reela) . 13—t'nlveraal Boy—Series No. 8. 17—Love’s Refrajn (drama) . 20—On the High Seaa (drama) (two reels) 24—Jim Webb, Senator (drama) three

re»'l8) . 27—Cnlveraal Boy—Series No. 4. 31—Mr. Burglar, M. D. (drama).

Soptemher— 8—Teuir)e>t and Sunshine (drama) (two

nela) . 7— The Silent Valley (drama) (two reels)

10—L'niversal Boy No. 5.

22—The Diamond Nippers (comedy) . 36—^Tbe Little Autogomoblle (comedy).. 29—Well! Well! ((x>medy) .

September— 2—FaW)er’a Bride (comedy). .5—Oh! What's the Use? O-omedy). 9—Beau and Hobo (comedy).

12—Jam and Jealousy (comedy).


29—An Indian Eclipse (drama). 31—Maggie's Honest Lover (comedy)....

August— 5—For Old Times' Sake (drama) . 7—Detective Dan Cupid (comedy) .

12—38 Calibre Friendship (drama) . 14—On Rugged Sbo’^ (drama) . 19—The Creeping Fiame (drama) . 21—A Lucky Deception (comedy) (two

reels) . 26—A Miner's Romance (drama). 28—For Love or Money (comedy) .

September— 2—The Foreman’s Treachery (drama).. 4—A Baty Did It (comedD. 9—A Daughter of the Plains (drama)...

11—Feeding the Kitty (comedy).

POWERS. July— 24—Adventure of the Nimble Dollar (drama) 24—Kate Watecs of the Secret Service

(drama) (two reela) . 81—^The Tangle (comedy) .

August— 7—The Msn of Her Choice (drama) ....

14—The Barnstormers (comedy). 21—The Divorcee (drama) . 28—Thia It the Life (comedy) .

Septemtter— 4—^The Storm Bird (drams).

11— Angel of the Camp (drama). REX.

July— 16—The Sob Slaters (drama) (two reels).. 19— Out of the Dark (drama) . 23—At the Foot of the Stairs (drama).. 26— An Awkward Cinderella (comedy-

dramal . 34)—Circle 17 (drama) (two reels).

August— 2— .Behind the Veil (drama) . 9— A Midnight Vlaltor (drama) .

13—Through the Flames (drama) (two reela) .

16— Tlie Hedge Between (drama) . 20— A Bowl of Rosea (dramai . 23— The Hole In the Garden Wall (drama) 27— A Unto Herself (drama) (two

reels) . 30— Out of the Depths (drama) .

September— 3— Daisies tdrama) . 6—The Booh'a Nemesis (comedv) .

10— Helping Mother (drama) (throe reels). 12— Her Bounty (drama) .


27—A Wild Ride (comedy) . 3V—Troublesome Pets (comedy) .

Auguat— 3—.4 Race for Life (comedy) . 6— .\ Dramatic Mistake (comedy) .

10—A Strong .4(Tair (com^y) . 13— At Three O'clock (comedy) . 17— Ixist in the Studio (come<ly) . 20—His Wife's Flirtation (comedy) . 24— A Rural Affair (comedy) . 27— Snookee'a Diagnlae (comeily) . 31— The Tale of a Hat (comedy).

September— 3— A Bogus Baron (comedy) . 7— The Broken Doll (comedy).

10— Trapped in a Closet (comedy;.


28— Universal Ike, Jr., In Hla City Elope¬ ment (cometly) .

Auguat— 4— Universal Ike, Jr.’a. Legacy (comedy)

11— Universal Ike. Jr., In the Dangers of a Great City (comedy) .

18— Universal Ike, Jr., on Hla Houeymoon (comedy) .

25— Cnlveraal Ike, Jr., at the Dance of the L. O. (comedy) (split reel)).

25—Turtle Traits (educ.) (apllt reel).... September—

I— Universal Ike. Jr.’a FVirtane (comedy) 8— Cnlveraal Ike, Jr., Nearly Gets Married

(comedy) .


31—The Mad Man’s Ward (drama) (two reels) .

Auguat— 3— .Man and His Brother (drama). 7—The Coast Guard's Bride (drama) (two

reela) . 10—Simple Faith (drama) . 14—Honor of the Humble (drama; (two

reels) . 17—Weights and Measures (drama) (two

reels) . 21—Tlie slavey'll Romance (drama). 2-1—There Is a Destiny (drama). 28—Counterfeiters (dramat (two reels)... 31—The Man From Nowhere (drama) (two

n^els) . September—

4— The Derelict and the Man (drama) (two reels) .

7—IJttle Meg and I (drama). II— A Mysterious Mystery (drama) (two

reels) .


Monday—American, Keystone Reliance. Tuesday—Beauty, Majestic. Thanliouaer. Wednesday—American, Broncho. Reliance. IhunHlay—Domino, Keystone, Mutual Wiek-

ly. Friday—Kay-Dee, Princess, Reliance. Saturday—Keystone. Reliance. Royal. Sunday—Komic, Majeatic, Tbanbouser.


27—The Broken Barrier (drama) (two

19—Their Worldly Oo««l8 (drama).1000 24— Louvertiug Dad (drama) (two reela)..2UUU 26—Lodging fur a Night (drama).lOOU 28—The Song of the Sea Shell (drama I... lOOU 81—The Aftermath (dramai (two leeU)..20(8)

4epteuiher— 2—13ie Wrong Blrda (comedy).1000 7—Lida (dramai (two reela).2000 9—Break, break. Break (drama).10(8;

14— The Cocoon and the Butterfly (drama; (two reida) .2000

(6—Tlie Mirror (dramai .1000 21— Tlie Redemption of a Pal (drama) (two

(two reels) .2000 2:i—His Faith In Iliinisnity (drLma) ,...1000 25— Tlie Brothers (drama) .1000

BEAUTY. Inly— 28— A Mid Summer Love Tangle (drama). 1000

August— 4— A Susiiended Ceremony (comedy drama)100ii

11— Suzanua's New Suit (comedy-drama). .1000 18— The Sileuce of John Gordon (drama). .1000 25— Susie's New Shoes (comedy-drama)... 1000

September— 1— A Modern Othello (comedy i.10(¥) 5— The Motherless Klda (comedy-drama). 1000

15— The Only Way (drama) .1000

BRONCHO. Inly— 22— Shorty and the Arldvllla Terror (com¬

edy) (two reela I . 29— The Long Feud (drama) (two reela)..

August— 5— Jim Regan's Last Raid (drama) (two

reels) . 12— Slmrty and the Fortune Teller (comedy-

drama) (two reela) . 19— The Robbery at Pine River (drama)

(two reels) . 26— The Sheriff's Slater (drama) (two reela)

September— 2— When Amerloa Was Young (drama)

(two reels) .

DOMINO. Inly— 80—The Curse of Caste (dramai (two

reela) . August—

6— The Thunderbolt (drama) (two reels) 13— A Romance of the Sawdust King (dra¬

ma) (two reela) . 20— Tlie Defaulter (drama) (two reels).... 27— The Village 'Neath the Sea tdrama)

(two reels) . September—

3— The Silver Bell (drama) (two reela)

KAY-BEE. July— 31—An Eleventh Hour Reformation (drama)

(two reels) . August—

7— The Gangsters and the Girl (drama) itwo re«’Ui .

14— The Stigma (drama) Itwo reels). 21— The Winning of Denise (drama) (two

reels) . 28— Tlie Old Love’s Beat (drama) (two

reelsi . September—

4— Slacked Cards (drama) (two reels) ..


25— The Great Toe Mystery (comedy).... 27—Siddlers at Mlsfurtone (comedy).

August— 1— The Property Man (comed.v) (two reels) 6—A New York Girl (comedy) (two reela) 8— A Coat’s Tile (comedy).

to—The Face on the Barroom Floor (rome<lyl .

1.3—Recreation (comedy) (apllt reel). 15— The Yosemite (ecenic) (apllt reel)... 15— Sneh a Cook (comedy). 17— That MlnMrel Man (comedy) . 26— Those Country Kids (comedy). 22— Caiiglit In a Fine (cmeily) . 24—iFstty’a Gift (comedy) .

KOMIC. July—

19—Bill No. 2 (comedy). 26—Leave It to Smiley (comedy).

Angust— 2— Bill Takes a Otrl to Lunch—Never

Again (comedvI . 9— Ethel’s Teacher (comedy).

16— Bill Saves tbe Day (comedy). 23— A Ph.vsical Cniture Romance (comedy) 30—Rill No. 5 (comedy) .

September— 0—Tbe Mas<-ot (comedy) .


26—Tbe Mystery of the Hindoo Image (drama) (two reela) .

28—Dowd by tbe Sounding Sea (drama).,. August—

2—Moonsbine Alolly (dramai. 4—Tbe Idiot (drama) . 9—Tbe Tavern of Tragedy (drama) (two

reels) . 11—Tbe Saving Flame (drama). 16—Her Mother's Necklace (drama) (two

reela) . 18— Tbe Inner Conselenee (drama). 21—A Leaeon In Merbanlcs (drama). 23—Tbe Second Mrs. Roebuck (drama)

(two reelsi .. 2.1—Granny (drama) . 36—Frenchy (drama) (two reels).

September— 1—The .Milk 4’ed Boy (coror-dy-drams) ... 6—For Those I'niiorii (drama) (two reida)

July— 23—Mutual .30—Mutual

August— 6—.Mutual

1.3—Mutual 20—Mutual '27—.Mutual

Septemlier— 3 —Mutual

10—M iiliial 17—Mutual oa_\i..t...i


Weekly No. 82 (news) Weekly No. 83 (news)

Weekly No. 84 (ne«s) Weekly No. 8.1 Inemsl Weekly No. 86 (news) Weekly No. 87 (newal

Weekly No. 80 (newa) Weekly No, ISI (newel Weekly No. 91 (newal U'.-lil. Vn U‘l

21—3'he Belle of the School (comeily drama) ••8—Tlie Keeper of the Light (drama).

September— 4 Ills WInoIng Way (cunieuy; .


‘Ji—The Saving of Young Andersuu (drama; (two reels) .

27—Our Mutual Girl No. '28 (newa). '29—The Sherill'a I'rleuuer (drama).

August— 1— Ihe Gunman (drama) (two reels).... 5—laiy aud Ills Rival (comedy). 7— Uu tbe Bonier (drama). 8— The Bank Burglar's Fate (drama)

(two reelsi . 10—Our Mutual Girt No. 30. 1'2—So Shines a Good IK-eil (drama). IS—The Wagon of IVath (drama) (two

reelai . 17-Our Mutual Girl No. 81... 19— Izty Gets the Wrong Buttle (coiueilyi ‘22—For the luiit Edition (drama) (two

reelsi . 24— Our Mutual Girl No. 82. 20— The Stolen Ore (drama). 29—Through the Dark (drsmai (two reels; 81—Our Mutual Girl No. 33 .

September— 2— The Miner's Baby (dranui) . 4— Turned iVick (drama) . 5— In the Nick of Time (drama) (two

reels) .

ROYAL. July— * 25— MIlllDg tbe Mllltut (comedy) (epUt

reel) . 25—Servants Superseded (comedy) (split

reel) ... August—

1— The Baker Street Mystery (comedy).. 8—Hinging the I'baugts (comedy) (apllt

reelI . 8— MIm Gladys' VacatioD (comeily; (split

reelI . 15— Tuidd Dances a Tango (comeily). 22— Hla l2)ng I>oat Friend (comedy). 29—A Run for Hla Money (comedy).

September— 5— O’FIaiiagcn’a Luck (come<Iy) .

THANHOUBER. July— 28^The Messenger of Destb (drsma) (twis

pxrta) . August—

2— The ButterOy Bug (comedy). 4—Tbe Guiding Hand (drsma) (two parts; 9— The Telltale Star (conieil.vt.

11—Stronger Than Death (drama) (twie reels) .

14—In Perll’a Path (drams). 16— Her Big Brother (comedy). 16—Mcf am Plays Fste (drsmsi itwo reels; 23— A Dog’s Good Di-ed (dramai. 2.1—fonaelence (drama) (two reels). SO—Arty, the Artist (comedy).

September— 2—A Mother's Cholee (drsma) (two reels; 6— Little Mlrchlef (comedy; .


GAUMONT. February—

26—A Tiff—and After (comedy) (apllt reel) .

26—Sanana Land (scenic) (split reel).

LUX. June—

12—A Family Feud (comedy) (split reell.. 12—View of Ibe AI|>a (aceoic) (apllt reel) 19—The Newlyweds (comeily) . 26—A Day's Outing (ciMueily) (at>llt reel) 26—The. lelepbooe Oi>erat<w (comedy)

(apllt reel) . ,



—Tbe Corsair (drama) (four ree'.a). —Cotooel Heeaa IJar (explorer cartoon)

(comeily) . —Whiskers (comedy) . —^Tbe Boundary Rider (drama) (flva

reels) . —Tbe Masked Motive (drama) (five reels) —Perils of Pauline No. 11 (aerial) (tav>

reela) . —Get Out and Get Under (comedy). —All Is)ve Excelling (drama) (tbreo

reels) . —^Tbe Siren (drama) (flva reels) . *


10—The Oath of a Viking (drama) (Ihri-e reels; .

19—'ITie Next in Commaml (drama) (four reels) .

26—Tbe Film Detective (dramai (f<Mir reels) .

September— 5—Tbe Poison Pool (drama) (flve reels)..

RAMO. April—The Claws of Greed (drama) (three

reels) . May—^Through Danle'a Flames (drama)

(four reela) . June—Tliou Shalt Not (drama) (four reels) July—This Is tbe tJfe (ciMneily) (three

reels) . Aug.—^Tbe Toll of Crime (drama) (four

reels) -

....BAK6AIIS IN FILMS AND S0N6 SLIDES... lUrls Film, elegant cotidltlon. $7.00 per reel aisd

up: lao Hrie Hong Hlldet. perfect comhUnn. II M ^ art* with Hmd pmtal ff# Uat*. Good Him Hervire fundahed at loweet prlem In the Mouth ^uppllra. Itargalna In new and aecand-hand M Ma/diliira and Gap Making iHjtflta. Marhlnf* and nutflU of all klnda bought. Vt"hat have rout P O. R(»x nrt. New Grleana. U.

19—raaa Kej No. 2 (comedj)... 17—Falae Goda tdraiuat (two reela).2090 1 14^A Itural Eouiauce (roiuedr)*


frw g ^ t r-mm. — .— I



AtiiC -I' •*“" ""*• ImtoTtant lul•l•>lll till* week wan lli«r alKiiliig «f

liy Aar<*ii J<*iiea, |ircal(lriil tit tlie

iili’k A Si-liai-f«*r fulM-prlaaa, aiwl

L«r. prralilriit of tin* Kauioua IMuyori lany; Saiiiin-1 (Johltlali. general liiaii-

Je»Ke I.. Ijakjr Feature Play Cilm-

\V. W. ll<Mlgklnaoii, prealileiit of llie Pleturea (V>rp<>ratlon, whereby Aaron

irea, for hla enter|irlHa«, the flrat y feature# pnalui'etl by the uainetl

for t'hleago. pf the feature# to be itlaplayed in

ill l>e II. It. Warner, In Ixwt.Para- will be houaeil at the Studebaker MU'bUan boulevard for an Inileflnlte

lie announrenieiit that till# feature

Irt* aeen at the Htudel»aker Theater It all rumored report* eonoerning the

•Wliat wa* to lieconie of the Stude- ater?" Till* houae will atill be re- the Jonea, I.lnirk A Schaefer euter-

helr feature Him bouae.




Clilcigo. Aug. 27.—The flrat run of the Indian War pleturea. pro luceil by the Iluffalo Hill Hla-

frlc Picture Co., of thin city, waa aeeu In the eiLlhition laom of the Eaaauay Co. In the Flrat National Bank Hulldiug laat Weilue#<lay after¬

noon. They are la-yind a doubt the greateat war

pleturea that have even been produced, for the almple reaaon that the playera who took part <D the maaalvc proiluction numbered Into the

tlioua-anila. and anamg them were many of the prominent men whoae name* api>ear In blatory

at baUng taken part In tne wara of the Indian upHtinga. Among thoae famout In military cir¬ cle# of the fnlted State* Army are: Od. Wm.

F. Cody (Buffale Hllll, Brigadier tJeneral Frank tSeceral Marian P. Maua, and C"|poel H. C. Sickle*, appeared many famoo* rbleft,

alto recorded State* Meaalth Craa*





Prepared with the co-ot)eration of the British Army and Navy .\utiiorities as a warning to their country, “B\(jL.\M)’S MEN.ACE” is hound to stir the imagination of the most unpatriotic individual, and will teach a powerful lesson of the necessity for preparedness on the part of the United States.

"One of the most dramatic and timely pictures that I have ever shown"-"A BIG SUCCESS."

—S. L. Rothapfel, Mgr. "STRAND" Theatre, New York.

"The feature is only part of the big section of the Strand show — 'ENGLAND'S MENACE'-a War Story—is FAR MORE MEMORABLE. It is a tale of a Foreign Power planning to surprise England with the descent of a Fleet of Dreadnaughts. Two fine English children who have an amateur wireless station catch one of the Enemy's despatches and after a wonderful motorcycle run get it to the Prime Minister. He awakens England and turns back the foe. The battleship pictures are impressively suggestive of present events, and the romantic side of the picture is handled with equal skill. Obtaining such a 'worth-while' film from a market already over¬ supplied with trashy, alleged 'War Features' was a triumph for the 'Stfand'."—New York Sun.



Urnpral Nrlaon A. Mlirt. Italdwln. Itrlgadirr

(Trnrral Cbarlrs King Among th# r*<l men

wbu*e namea are

In the Hlatory of tbe Cnlted

Chief Shorl Bull. Chief Medicine Man. Ar'^tle and Cblef Jack Red Cloud

were among tbo'e that appeared In the pr'-

durtiOD. The flr»t two reel* diaplay the working* of

Col. Wm. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) a* a Govern meat acont. who created a r.atkiual name by being vlcttr In a penonal encounter with tbe

renegade chief, who*e name apread terror tbr.ugb the Weat—Tall Bull of tbe Cut off Band of Ogallalaa It alao dlspUys the wonder working* of the fimoua acout In prnaerutlng the

Indian band* fr».m )<>lnlng, by dlaroverlng tnelr whereibotita and reporting to the army head¬

quarter# »>efi>re the Indian* could be on the move. The battle* of three campaign* are

tbown. with irinute detail* of trailing, Bndlitg *nd Rghtliig In the ne<t «n«| White conteat for « C'mtinent. The aii'Toundlnga of tlieae flgbta ire the very ground# upon which the f#Mi-!i# Indian battle* were fought. The Battle of

Summit Spring*, fought In ISAP; the Battle of

War Bennett Creek, f<mght In lS7fl, and the I-aat Indian Rehelllon of ISOO ISPl, are all dlapI*Tcd. ThMiighont tlie running of the picture# Is seen

the. great aou'.t wvirk accompllahed by Buffalo BPl In the e.irly diy«. There are alao alw'wn

battle acenea from Wonnded Knee and the Mla- ■l«n, aotive skirmlahea around tbe iDdian'a Gib¬ raltar- th«- I.anda." and the flnal aiir-

ren.ler and peace pow wow after .TOO year* of continual warfare between the White and Bed nivn.

The prainring of pl-turea of thl* kind will be

few au<l far between. Probalily never again will It be poaalble that a production of thl* klrut will ever lie atagml or the prominent men ar.t ti.e vast bialy of Indians and .Lmericaa aoldlc'* e-er again he brought together

The photography la perfect. Actb'n through¬ out t 'c entire running Is blood' curdling, aiwl taking It all Into one It I* the greateat pwwluc- tl'in that baa ever be.-rn attempted.

World’s Tower Building West 40th Street, New York,

You Throw Your Money Away

Has your operator declared War on your old worn out machine?

The 1914 Model MOTIOGRAPH will make PEACE with the Operator and S.AVE MONEY for the E.vhibitor.


When you pay big prices for new film and piolect It on a worn-out machine.

You can not expect atrady. clear and fllckerleaa plo- turr# from an old-style projector.

Perfect projection can only be obtained by a flral-Haaa machine. We are dlalrtbulors i-f the Monograph, lYiweta, Simplex and Kdlson Mardiliiea ajiil Genuine R>palr Parts and SuppUe*.

We aell for cash or on e*«y payments. Write today for our plan. Catalog Free.

littlest rebel booked only by O. k 0. AMUSEMENT SUPPLY COMPANY. 160 N*. Fifth Avenue. Cli '•ago. Aug. 28. —In the Augiiat 29 laaue

lie Billboard, under the heading. Camera er, there la an Item saying that G. II. "lea and N. J. Blumherg, of the Con- il*"! I'eitnre Film Company, Milwaukee,

hanilllng The IJttleat Hetiel In that terrl- This Information waa given TYie Blll- repreeenlatlte by Mr. Blumlx'rg. Pliotoplay I’rodiietlona Ilelea<lng Com

win* own this feature, aay that the alxive ■»y la iM't handling The Uttleat Bebel In aiikee nn<l want It emphatically under-

Ihat The IJttleat Beliel la tielng rele*«e<l I* territory through the G. A (I. Feature Coinpany, fum powers Building, Chicago.

The (1. A (J. have their own men on '■ad and are plaring all order* through the go "fll.-e They aay that atiwlea to the

that some other exchange wa* laaiklng feature has ean#e<l them a great deal of lance.

Spiciil -Motlon Picture Machine-Btriiint Opllgnph No. 4. $20.00; Lubln Marrel. $40.00; Model B Gas Outfit, $15.00: Special Film Cement. 5c o#.: T5c Ib.; French Oondenaers, T5c. LCBI.N REPAIR PARTS. SIPPLIES. SPECIAL DESt'RIlTIVK PRICE LIST ITON RIXH’EST.

CHAS. H. BENNETT, so North Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.

FEATURE FILM FOR SALE Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Condition aam« *a new: plenty of paijer and banner, three reel*. $150.0'1. reeU. $2<a>. Wage Eamere. Condition eame aa new; plenty of paper and banner, thre# reela, $150.00. nt and Pendulum. Good condition: plenty of pa¬ per. three reela, $125.00. Pendleton Round-Cp. Good oaidllliai: plenty nf mounted paper, three reels, $125.tMl. Hr. Gar El-Hamm*. Good condition; plenty Ilf mounted paper, three reela. $50.00. Rlngle reel# from $3.50 up. Write for HaL MEMPHIS FILM EXCTLYNGE, 12S Poplar Street, Mcanphla. Tenn.



Tnnre l,nwrrni'e, who haa lM*r>n playing

' with the I'nlvrraal Victor Comi>any for ■ *«t Tear, ha* now rnmpleteit her contract. "Ill announce her future plana later, thro'igh nillhoard.


With a full line of lirraUU and Klldea, Cuta. 1. 3. 6. 6 and 24-aheet Pkwlera, lii four rolora. and a nwipMe

act of Lobby INaplay Photo# Wlr* or writ* for terriioty now.




Xl^e Billl3oar€l SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.



Form Organization

of reTltHng tbom: Arthur Smallwood, A. II. IVaror KIukkIo;, who baa ao aucfraafiilljr dl- VICH0LA8 POWER BUST, Sawyor, Wui. Fox, Edward Boakam aud L. rtM'tod many photoplay iiiaaior|ilo<'(«. bad on- -

Sobcnick. tire chariie of the dlre<-tlon of tbia plrturw. It Now York, AuKUst 1*7.—The Nlcbolaa Tower After aeo'ptinj; the realKnation of the tern- baa o|ieueil In many parla of the country with Company, mauufarturera of the faUMais t\

porary olUcera of the orKanlxatlou, the followr- (treat aueeeaa aud the tlrat alaiwinx lu New prujeelor. alwaya wide awake to the altuatlou, iu(t were unauimoualy elected to bold olllce: York Oty will be at Tn>ctor’a Fifth Avenue have taken advautaxe of tbe Mouth Aaierlcau I'reaident, William Fox, of tbe lUix Office At- Theater, bo«inuliHf week of Septeml>er 21. Oln, condition due to tbe Kuro|>eao war.

tractlona Co. and tlie t5r**ater N. Y’. Film It la lnt**reatlnx to note tliat mualc pub i*ractlcally all projectliia machluea aril fllma


17 171 JO ‘J tractlona Co. and tlie tJr»‘ater N. Y. Film \VllllAm rOX bllcCtCO P residcalt Keutal Co.; firat Tlo«‘-preaideut, A. II. Sawyer,

tire charce of the dlreitlon of tbia picture. It New York, Auauat 27.—The Nlcbolaa Tower baa 0|>eued In many parta i*f the c«'uutry with Company, manufarturera of tbe fanMais CA

great aucceaa aud the tlrat almwlna lu New projector, alwaya wide awake to tbe altuatlou.

01m condition due to tbe Kuro|>eao war.

l*ractlcally all projecllnx machinea acd flinia llabera all over New York, noting tbe aucceaa mod In Mouth America were made in Ei

of the National Independent ,t.- sh;.ar,‘:^7he‘^u=x crrtburvrlraF

Motion Picture Board of '*• Herbhclmer, ItallKta Amuaemeiit _ , Co.; fourth Tice-firealdeut, B. K. BimU-rg, of 1 rade Hie Sclmyler Theater; flfth Tioe-preaident, 11. 8.

- Schwab, of tbe Electric Supply Company, i'bil

New York. Aug. 3l.-ln reaponae to William i tn-asurcr, Winfred Shear, of tbe Box

rox'a app.-al to the motion picture Intereata who Attraction, Co., and aecretary, Jeaae J. are lnde,K.ndent of tbe «)-called tru,t. for a of tbe I.ife Thoto Mlm Corporation.

get together meeting, aome fifty film men In and about New York, repreaeutiug every branch •‘’‘"‘•K';* »“ »'• y**" of the buKlneHa. gathered at the Hotel McAlpin y***”

on Saturday morning laat, where wonderful progrcaa waa evidenced in tbe formation of a Board of Trade, wbicfa was enthusiastically

endorsed by all present.

William Fox, of the Bog Office Attractions

of A. 11. Sawyer, Inc.; second vice-president, of ***' photoplay, .\fler the Ball, plcturla«‘il by owing to the present crisis there all com- J. -M. Shear, of the Solax Co.; third vlce-i>real- Thoto Braiiia Company, are trying to fol- nmni,.,(jon has been atiiiped aud the Nicholas

dent. II. M. Ilerkbeimer, BallKta Amusement ** *• undemtiaal that the Thoto C«>m|>any have aeen the wonderful op- Co.; fourth Tice-firesldeut, B. K. BimUrg, of Brama Coim>any paid emirnKius sum to Chas. ll,, American manufacturer to

I he Schuyler Theater; flfth vice-president, II. 8. *'• Harris for the photoplay rights to this song advantage of this condition aud are al-

Scbwab, of tbe Electric Supply Company. Thil ready receiving orders from this field,

adelphia; tn-asurcr. Winfred Shear, of the Box wawaisnnvp witwrim-r **''*‘’ ’*** Export Department. Office Attractions Co., and aecretary, Jesse J. rAMAMOuai. ruMLii/iix. away on bis vacation, waa called

(ioldlierg, of the I.ife Thoto Film Corporation. ,. . . .J I”... back hurriedly to take care of the Increase of The original rc-olutlou for five director, was »•'« -''ert sing cam j,,„„ment.

Itmuged to nine, to serve three f<^ one year. /‘-f th. new •••ranount ,u„l-ard has alao foreseen the poaalbll. Tictures Trogram the first step of which, has ..... ... e-^s-ioo

three for two years and three for three years. ^ IMea for the motion picture game ia these

and A. II. Sawyer. 1 S^Uulck and H. M. Herk^ acquainting tbe general pub- “<•:*>• an active campaign ho.mer were elected directors for a term of Paramount, as nseil fahlbUor. In South and Central Amerl-

one year, the others to U- elected at a later company, stands for. •* *» Australia,

met ting. ... . The first advertisement in The Satunlay--


New Y'ork. .Ciig. 2M.—.C big advertising cam paign has he<-n planned ftH* tlie new Paramount Tictures Trogram the first step of which, has

rhere wonderful 1- SeUulck and H. M. Herk formation of a holmer were elected directors for a term of

enthusiastically y*'*''- « ‘•“‘f me*‘tlng. The Satunlay

As Is uoticeaMe, everything bad been prepared .. ... k.. k. s-h..!* William Fox. of the Bog Office Attractions , ,„Hetine and through followed by whole

Co was elected temnorarv chairman of the J, meeting, ""d t ro g jn jjj, pai>er. explaining tbe differ WHS eieciea umporarj cuairman oi \av cbarice everything waa .. , - .. h^.^cMhai i.v


Walter SammU, secretary- I accompllahed with harmony and dispatch. ent aidea of the baviietl by ex tensive us^ of billboard poatera and by cam

Mr. Fox ojiened the meeting with a stirring independent Motion rioture Hoard of Trade han in other leadlna nianzluea In a«kliti«m h, in which he explained the necemdty of „,e„.her.hl,. ^^ "^0,1,7’

a^e organliatlon of representative show i«g of the ImiM.rtani nianaganient of the Paramount TUrtures eu H ami brielly cited the facts <>)n(^rii ng hU ,nde,>end<nt producers, to miy mdldi.g of the to assume that their giinouDCement fight against the Motion 1 1( tiire 1 at nts Co. and cxhllit .i .. and the following ^.[u ^ rp.j b,. ,b.iut lO.OOO.tkai people, or one His .ddnss ma.le an effective upon

ties.- present, and on com liistoii was given a

roualng applause. furthering the organlxation. wtiich -Mr. Fox and Attorney Kogers, of Itogers & Rogers, who ass<s'lates have taken many a ilay to bring

<Iass of men who have taken active part In mention the publicity that will be given by furthering the organlxation. wtiicb -Mr. Fox and the trade pa|>ers. |M>eting and magaitnea.

l>een handling tlie legal afTairs of Mr. Fox I existence. Tbe Taramount’a apiH'al la Dot only to the

people who are already attemling the better

iiHied by ex- Norman Hapc<s>d, who la In England, sends and by cam tbe foMowing editorial to Harper's Weekly: I, In aildltion That the I'nlted Ktatea will have the ad¬

vantage of a sharp business Imhhd aoon, Is tbe ount Pictures general well-luformetl opinion In England. The aiinnuDCement Immedlite disadvantages—such ss the loss of yeople, or one customs revenae, the dislocation of the world's states, not to Unances, toe Interruption of certain customary be given by shipments to Hweign countries, are understood—

gailnea. but it Is felt that by late autumn we shall be only to the * upon to do ao much new work for tlie

Lg tlie better. jbat the resulting stimnlatHm bi our In- ) may now be I j,, etiorns'us. Everywhere one meets in connection with his war on the M. T. I ateuts ximsc fin-sent were; Geo. K. R>dands, Rolands I kind of theaters, but to those who may now be I j,, euorns-us

Co., folUiwed the Utters speech with another p,.st„i.p Film Co.; Howard E. Spaulding. Tara-| attending the ‘'movlea'' but wlm would like I .» Impressive address on three roiiditioiis which he mount Tictures Corporation; Edward Boakam said would deteriiiine Mie future of this hiisi

ness. 1. e., the form which the Clayton Anti- j j{|,ear. SoUx Co.; H. M. Scott.

Trust Bill and Trades C<iinmlsslon Bill will as sterling Camera .1: Film Co.; A. H. Sawyer, sume when finally ado|ited; result of the saw.ver, liic.; Mark M. Dlntenfaiwi, Victor there will always be ‘'The Movie" for a cer present suit liy the Govermeiit against the Mo- p Holliday. Bon Ray Film Co.; L. J. tain class of people, a majorl'y erf pe<vple would tlon Picture Patents Co., the lie-ensed manufac- )j,.ijnick and B. .V. Busch, World Film Corpora- rather see a standard play, well filmed, than tiin-rs and tlie General Film Co. and the form pbsries H. Steiner' Eagle Feature Film attend any other kind of iicrformaiice.

•H‘‘nding the "movlea' but wlm would like American with envy as mount Tictures Corporation; Edward Roskam to be entertained by more elevating plays than |,,pmglng to a country for which destlnv Just and Jesse J. GoUIlH-rg, I.ife Thoto Film Corpora- those now being shown In their Individual lo- seems to be at work, tlon; J. M. Shear, Solax Co.; H. M. Scott, calities. It is the liellef of the Paramount Sterling Camera .1: Film Co.: A. H. Sawyer, llctures Cor|s«ratlon that wlille It may be true

tlon Tlcturi- Patents Co., the licensed manufac- tiin-rs and tlie General F'ilm Co. and the form


New Y'ork, Aug. 27.—The Popular Photo Plays Corporation, who will release a program of 2S

reels weekly, cvDSirtlog of one, two and three- reel dramas and comedies, have annisinred that they will only engage high class men for the

production of their releases, and will accordingly

of the decris-. If the tJoveriiinent ia successful, . Arthur N. Smallwood, Smallwood Film Co.; ' reels weekly, evDSirttog of one, two and three- and last, the aliility of the Indeiiendent maun- Friedman. Playgoers F'ilm Co.; H. M. Herk LIFE PHOTOS LATEST RELEASE. jjann* gud comedies, have annoUDced that

factun-rs ami exchange men to unite for their belmer. Balboa Feature F'ilm Co.; Percy R. ' they will only engage high class men for the coiiinion Interest. Mr. Rogers 8|>oke with power Weinlck. Manhattan Feature F'ilm Co.; Eugene New York, Aug. 2!>. The next release of production of their releases, and will accordingly and precision, driving tbe Importance of his piiiiore. Illustrative .kniuscment Co.; Sam H. 1*** Life Photo FTlm (onioratlon, Cipt. Swift, pgy high prices for tJie services of such men.

remarks with much force. Trigger; E. Peter, Texas Film Corporation; Pkfts, will be given a private exhibition Authors are to receive from 1100 to $1,000 Foll.iwlng Mr. Rogers' address, various film j. Bcardmore and S. M. Gardenhelm. •* American Theater. 42d street snd fitb areekly. Only men of known ability will be en-

men In the meeting arose and addressed the oreater N. Y'. Film Rental Co.; L. E. Replngh. avenue, Wednesday, Septembi-r 2. 1014, at 10 ggjfpd Directors whose efficiency has been es-

•sscnitilage, among whom were Jesse J. Gold- standard Film Co.; Eberhsrd Schneider, Ger- *.m. tablisbed by past success are engaged at $Si0 berg, secretary of the I.ife I'lioto Film Corpora nian-.4mcricaii Clnemapigrapli; FVank L. Dear. Capt. Swift Is adapteil from the stage play j,, $1,0<i0 weekly, while act'-rs are to receive tlon; H. M. Herklielmer, of the Balboa Feature ,,,,y . j j;. Monroe, F. A C. *“d book written by C. Hadden Chambers, and g, ow weekly. The casts will be

Film Co.; Etierhard Schneider, of the German- piim Co.; W. I.andan. 1,. & B. Amusement ** said to be a idioto-drama of unuaiial merit, made up of men and wromen who are widely American Cinematograph, all eiieaking In en- Bauerfreund. Mislel Theater; W. H. Invitatl.m» to the [irlvate showing have liei-n gm.wn In the theatrical field aud wliose aldllty

thnslastlc endorsement on the matter In qiies ij„,on Hitimslrome: Charles A. Giinhy. Gunhv ' ‘ " ' ‘ ' “

Film Co.; Etierhard Schneider, of the German- piim Co.; W. A. lAiidan. 1,. & B. Amusement ** said to be a idioto-drama of unuaiial merit, made up of men and wromen who are widely American Cinematograph, all siieaking in en- Bauerfreund. Mislel Theater; W. H. Invitation* to the [irlvate showing have liei-n gm.wn In the theatrical field aud wliose sldllty thnslastlc endorsement on the matter In qiies ijnton. Hipisslrome; Charles A. Giinhy. Gunhy "ent to State right buyers, exhibitors aud ex- portraying "types" baa stampe.1 them aa

tlon- Brothers; J. A. Is-Koy, Acme Exchange; J. W. change men tbrougliout the country, aud It Is i^jders In their profeaslon. Actors are engaged A c-rtlfl.ate of Incoriswation. which had al- ostrow, Niagara Feature F'ilm Co.; D. H

n-ady Ihs-ii fll-d, with officers to be reappointed Turner. Alaska Co.; Ben H. Zew, Jack Loeb at this meeting, was read ami accepted, sub- j Allen. Paul M. Prince. Prince Film lAb

ex|ie<'ted that a large ami repreiwutative gath¬ ering will te present.

at tills meeting, was read ami accepted, bud- Allen. Paul M. Prince, Prince Film lAb- The cutting and assembling of tbe pictures. Jei-t to amendment, under the title of the Na- oratory; Charles Perb, Box Office Attractions which, aa with all other rdeasea of tlie Life tional Indepciideiit Motion Picture Board of . jj^ p Applebaum, Eastern Feature Film lYioto Film Corporation, ia under the dln-ctlon j Trade, Inc. C„ ,’ me.. Maurice Fox. Fox Amusement Co.; Hs president. Edward M. Roskam. ia com-I

After spisiinting a Ways and Means Commit- jj yi'ennlck. T. G. Priolean. George E. Gronaro, tee and a committei- to look over the B.v-Iaws. parls. I. Hosenhliih. G. N. Film Co.;

which had already teen pi^pared to act upon. jame. Carlcton, Cirleton Enterprisea; C. E.

After apisiinting a Ways and Means Commit¬

tee snd a comniittei- to look over the B.v-Iaws.

which had slread.v teen pi^pared to act upon, tlie meeting adjourned for InncAieon.

At about three o’clock the meeting was re opened. Two smeiiilinents to the By-Laws re¬

garding tbe eligibility of members were passed

wbich involved tlie admission to the organisation of manufacturers of applianc<-s and foreign mem

bers wIk- bad D-i local office.

on yearly baals. 32 wf-eka solid, no lay-off, which la the dream of every "legit" player.


pleted. and tbe negative Is pronounced t-> be Chicago, .%ug. 'JO. -Hag.'erty's Buffet, in tbe

tbe most perfect negative ever made. heart of tbe Randolph Street Rialto, la aald to

James Carlcton Carleton Enterprisea; C. E. Hxtra endeavor baa been put into tbe tinting bare at last snccnmlied to tbe bigb rent bogey Corwin. H. M. Ilerkbeimer Balb-ia Feature >nd toning of tbe posttive prints, and this, to- and la to be remodeled; then torned Into a mov- Film Co.; James Hoff, of The Moving Picture gether with the story ind enacted by tbe usual Ing picture theater. The new bouse will test WorW. and P J. Sclimid, of The Billboard. excellent cast, should prove a delightful enter- three bnmlred people and will be operated coo

___ taiument. tlnoonaly. Sclimid, of Tbe Billboard. three bnmlred people and will be operated coo



New York. .\ng. 2>*.—-Bill Steiner and Jim After discussing two motions regarding dues, Maher, of the Photo Drams Company, are offer-

It was passod that the fees would be as follows; their now famous proiluctloD, After the Exhibitors, $10 for tbe main theater and $2..10 Ball, to theater managers. for each additional boose; manufacturers, $100 This la adapted from the Chaa. K. Harrit' for tlie main plant, with $5 for each additional gong success by tbe same title, which la coo- factory; exchsngemeo. $100 for the principal ceded to be the greatest song bit ever published.


I want to be used for Moving !*irtnrps. Who Wants Me? .Address FUNNY, care The iiilllNiard, Cincinnati, Ohio.

exchange and $.1 for each branch office. Herbert Kelcey and Effle Shannon, famous Tbe Bt-Iaws, as prepared, were accepted the world over and who appeared In David Be-

with the two amendments, and the following lasco’a triumph. Years of Discretion, are seen committee was elected to take op the matter at their beat In this production.

Eastman Perforated Negative HKIHKST r.R.\I)K /'OWc I’KU O L/rA .\BSOI.l TKI.Y STOC K Cl AUAXTKr.I) FOOT ) FKK.SH

INDUSTRIAL MOVING PICTURE CO.. 223-233 West Erie Strut, Chlcigo. Illliois.

I i i



Founded Upon the Celebrated Novel by the Late Baroness Bertha \'on Siittner.

Depicting the Horrors of War With Startiing Reaiism!! Unanimously Praised By All Who Have Seen It. The Most Thrilling Production Ever Staged.




SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. Ttie Billboard 85






Contains the only authentic and up-to-date mailing lists of exhibitors, manufacturers, players—everything you want to know.

Over 50,000 names alone in our mailing list

Our Directory is consulted all over the World. It is the ‘‘bible” of the Motion Picture Industry.

We have spent thousands of dollars alone to compile the data.



Advertising Rates* SIOO.OO a Pa^e. Directory, $5.00 a Volume.

Published Semi-Annually.

Write for further particulars, especially for information relating to our “Daily Motion Picture and Theatre Bulletin,” which we send free to our advertisers. It gives you daily information of all theatres to be built or in course of construction, lists of theatres about to be or are being remodeled, business changes, financial matters, etc.

This Directory is indispensable to all those directly or remotely identified with the motion picture industry.

Write, wire or ask our representative to call.


812 Fitzgerald Building 1520 Transportation Bld^. 'IVloplioiK' HrvMiYt "m.S Telephone Harrison loOO




Arcus Ticket €) 633 piymouth ckhkwo

Good Light Means Big Crowds

^ Music Publishers are glad to mail pro¬ fessional copies of their Leading Publica¬ tions for use in Moving Picture Houses.

^ By mentioning The Billboard in mak¬ ing requests. you will have Prompt and Particular A^ttention paid to your com¬ munications.

^ Write on Theatre Letterheads when¬ ever possible; or upon stationery that will identify you as legitimately, entitled to consideration.

^ See The Billboard’s Song Hints on Page 12 of this issue. There may be ex¬ ceptions, but the great majority of Music Publishers seek the Co-operation of Mov¬ ing Picture Exhibitors.



for everTthing in th* MOTION PICTURE lino

Send for Cntalog No. M.




Alco Film Corp. To Release One a Week, Commencing Octo¬

ber 5—Atsco Company Absorbed

N^w York. Aug. 27.—The program fever baa takeo the trade by storm and annoiinormenta of

combines are rioaely folk>wing one another. An¬ other strong combination of producers baa been announce this week from the offices of the

Alco Film Corporation, which has been reorgau-

Ited with a capital of ll.SOO.OOO.

Five well'kDOWD prodm-era have been signed

up to release tlirnigb the Alco Corporatloo, namely, the All-Star Feature Coririratlon. tlie California Motion Picture Corporation, Popuiar Plays and Players, Inc., the Favorite Playera

Film Company and the Kxceltlur Featnre Film Company. These prodncers, with exception of the Favorite Players Film Company, who have Just organised, have shown by the high quality of their various reletaea that they are im¬

portant factors In the Beld and the output of such an aggregation of producers B|>eaks well (or the success of the ne«' program.

Kxrh.inges are being eatablisbed In the prin¬ cipal cities «r the United States, and it is ex-

I'ected that twenty offices will be opened before tlie date of the first release, which Is October S. These exchanges are being established In conjunction n-ith exhibitors of first-class bouses,

Ibua bringing together ail the factors of the hnsiDesa.

The Alc.i

Bsoond-Hand Goods of QnalMy, IfoUsn Pletars Ifa- efclnss, BunopUcons, Slides and Films of all ds- awlptloos, Caielum Gas Making Outflla. OtoBo, Sup¬ plies and Parts for all Maehlnea. Used gooda nantad at all llmea, Send far Ifilt Oatalogna













P I C T U R E it


FOE PICTUEE SHOWS, with keyboard. tlM W I1T5: Orchmwloa Planoa, aEh plpea. tlSg; tt-nau Playeta. tdd. AU guareatead la firal-claaa werktag order: muat bo sold to class sut plana buEnaaa Bend for eliculan.


I4M Ps. Am.. WASMIM8T0N. D. a

Daily Features “THE WONDER OF THEM ALL.”

Get complete information on it by Eddressinif o Film Corporation baa alao absorbed the .Vtsco Company, ahicb will be run under its oan name as a subsidiary company. Through this acquisition the exhibitor will l>e able to get everything in the way of supplies (n'm the

Alco exchanges at a big reduction.

The releases for two months, beginning Oc¬

tober 5, have been announced, and many prom- iuoiit legitimate and motion picture stars ap¬ pear in tlie line-up, including Ethel Barrymore. Andrew Mack, Jacob I'. Adler, Beatrix M'che-

leii.a. Carly’e Blackwell, Octavia HandwortU and Idgby Bell. The first release to be put out by tlie Alco will be an .Lll-Star production. The Nightingale, by Augustus TIsKiiet, featuring Ethel Barrymore.

Tlie plan of the .\I?o Film Corporathin. which

was Inaugurated by .\1 Licotman, former salea manager cf the Kansuis I’layera, and m’w the

active head of the .Ll'a) O'rporatlon, ia to or¬ ganize a circuit of the largest picture theatera in the country, one in each of the largest cities of the United States. These theaters will bo,ik one high-class feature a week through tlie Alc«.

fiT shlch tiie theater will pay the highest jiistifleil and possible price, in r« turn for which

the Alco nim Corporation will rive tliese re- aiMMtlve tlieaters exclusive privileges in their

^ cities ( T a certain period.

In this way the tlieater will be able to charge a higher price of admission than has

heretofore been witliln the range of tlie ex¬ hibitor, and witl-out fear that after pursuing a complete advertising campaign for the picture a competing exhibitor can obtain the same film within a short time thereafter and reap the profits of the other’s enterprise. After a week's

run tlie film will ned lie shown in the city fur

six nsmtht, during which time the film will play the smaller towns throughout the country dlatrlb'ited from the .alco exchanges.

The new organization will move (pom tlielr of¬ fices in the HeidellK-rg Bul'ding to 21H West

Forty-second rtreet. tlie latter part of this week, where thev »-IIl occupy the entire building with the .atsco Company.

The offiiers of the Corporatlop are Walter , Hoff Seely, president; Al vice preal- ' ‘'ent and general manager; EdnsusI Koein, sec¬

ond vl'-e president; Wm. Slevers, tressurer; Wm. H. Wright, secretary, with tlie following direc¬ tors. I,,. ijiBTence Welier, James J. Hellly, Siiniuel Newlsuis*. and Itotiert T. Kane.

Mr. I.ichtnian’s Idea in crnnectlon with the Alco organization has crcalei] conalderaldc talk

in film clr'lea and the fa't that he has secured a collection of the foremost prstiicera. offeilng

as they do sn attractive pr<.grani Including proiiilncnt stars, authors and nihje<-ta, would

Indlcat.- that the iisr-ra of tlie Ali-o Service will is* getting at least as gisd as tlicre can l>e lisd.

I.P. SEEBURG PIANO CO., Manutactureis RtpuMIs Bsildhii, 2M 8. STATE STREET, CHICAGO. ILL.

IVir mL Guaraotatsl boodtUoa. O. J. MUEPHT, Byrla. Oho.

OWNER FORCED TO SELL Power's Machine, complete; Miwa Psrtable Astieatos Booth, Leader Gas Maker, with tMimer; lO.MO fret L'llm; IlS'i.vfi. Uuli-k, tf you are looking for bar- gabi. B. t>. WCTMliRE. 2 I’ark Square. Bvsion

fcflO AU of tha bMt Indcpendool makes at nims, with Poaun, for sals at a aacftOea. from S2.S0 and up. Write quick for IkTfe HW. TbM art going faeu DAVENPORT FILM EXCHANGE. Davsaggrt. lasm.

200 FILMS FOR SALE 14.00 and IS.OO per reel; poaters ic each. On* Pnw- ata N'& (. tecond-hand, $125.00. (toe Powrr'a No. 5, aacaid-band. $75.00. Trnns: ISK with order, bal¬ ance C n. n line Edison Exhibition Model, $*5 00. ECONOMY FILM CO., 105 4tb Avs.. PIttibMfb. Pa.

WANTED FOR CASH Mising Picture Mavblnes. Flima, Trnta. Oialrs. etc. Muring ITiXurr Suppllra bought and aold. WlLJ.l.tM L. T.XMMK, 41$ Naiarre Bldg.. tU. Loul.s, Mo.

FEATURE SETS FOR TRAVELING SHOWMEN- Ufe of Martin, Jo.lrt PnilienUary. Abraham UiKxiln, The l*aiek>ii Play, Life la the Circus Tent. Battle Against the tUums, Ktsnan L>ungrun to (Trtl Idbrrty. White Slsre Clrls of Anuriis. Ilixi-ltur. Ufa at Christ, Child l-alKir, Sing King PrtMin, Itore Itihis les-turr, Walfe IJfr and Street Srt-nrs m the Under¬ world Ilf Chicago. Cigarette and ivnig AddhXIona l.lghta and Wiaitowa uf a Crest tTty, The Mornun Mcnacr, Illack Hand Hsiidlts, SrlrilualL<aa Ma- rblnrs. Chtakigur. WM UyllYI) CLARK. Milan. lU.

WANT TO BUY Mising Picture Machine and Elertrlo light Plant, Flima. Stale a.l In first. Will pay caeh. Must bs bargain. £NU McAEATON, Usnstal L>ellr«T. Omaha, Nct>.

BIO BASGAINS FOR SUMMER PROGRAMS. Big shipment at up-to-dats SIngla Reela and EVa-

turea juat reottred; Irrama, Omady and Weoteni. Witt oell Of eifbange Write today

GENERAL FILM BROKERS. 117 W. Waaklaglsa 81.. Chlaagg. lit.


l-'i-.'l-l-Kfol SiihjiH-td lit Harifiiin I’riccs.

IIiti-’h your t)|i|K>rttinily. S'liil for list.


.’07 W. Ntrert, .Next York City

(iiir l{ffcrciiff: 'I'lic llilUHmnl’s New Yitrk OHiff.


EstabllshMd 1871 OiTsm ADfl Hytlmcpfi (Im funilfthrd In tAiik* Ktrrfocillcnft and Mn^lnf int^urv Mavhlnv*. AU tirtl^n 111 any |*aft tif lh$« riiU«l Hialf* pmmidly. Al**! Oiltitim Uiinirta. KiiMHf TuMitCe Oim1«u*lna l.eii*4*Ag Uiiw PtiM lU. <Malln anti K<vU TIt krU fur ^alr. SIS Elm SIraal. St. LouU. M#.. U. S. A. _

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. The Billboard 87

ASSORTMENT No. 12.*) oonumtu of 1 (iOO-hole (Joml Luck Punch Boan!, ASSORTMENT No. 130 consists of 1 tiOO-hole'Good Luck Punch Boanl, Ukr a punch; tt leatlicr-hncd Traveling Bags, assortment #to. CA ® punch; 12 High-Grade Premiums, assortment com- cA complete----^lO.DU plete--- ^1*F. dll

Sen<l n*mittance hv P. O. or Kxnress Money Onlers only. 25% must accompany all C. O. D. orders. Money refunde<l on any assortment that is unsatisfactory if ((oods are returmsl wit^im 3 days. We also manufacture all styles and sizes of Punch Boards. Get on our mailing list for our new as.sortments. They are big money-makers.

B. A. WITHEY, 222 N. State St. (Phoie, Ceitril 7776), CHICAGO, ILL.


KELLEY CAN’T BE BEAT bBsiAls P«». SisriftlUai (tf all Idnda OatalafiM

fr«. aod t onmelMa fair Hat.

KELLEY, Tke Speciilt| King, }|.n All stmt. NEW YORK CITY.


full uMiniDnit ut Suppllea. i Wire Hiadi, K«a(M NoielUM, ' Jiwrlry aiitl all ibi latret Sa>- , rltl,-* fiir mall order trtdr. fain ail.I nr<iorlr Writ* tur l atalocuei ' JEWEL BEAD NOVELTY CO.. | m N. Ovarbiri St., Calca«i. I lllliaH. !

GET THE BIG MONEY-MAKER the sreatest lauoh prooucer


D»lP raqulred to orrrata. two. •». loilo, (ortrlnc Niow aod banom. prawa thr

««>*». A winner. CaU, wrtu • the wh. h. OESTERK auvsemxnt w. Norili B«a,Si, L. L


OPENER AND KNIFE HaRPENER. Wonderful mom-v tnakei.

Also otiicr ^tylfs. Saiiiple I.h-


335 Hn.adwuv,_Xew York, .\. Y.

happy hi HUBBARD •lUi Ih». IN.?”’ST.*”*” l»u. en route I'lni.T ^'•**'*- 'VanU Kiviule lmprr^iiiatt«r,

I'lra tlhw panii.r In Xrw Ondi.nail Addrrea care The RllllMiaTd.

AGENTS Kiir llai'A-o-.Vec Onllar ^ Hutlon., $2.1 ,o $5ii a wc-fe mail. / • W huatlmt; llghlnltig rhABtfr;

' ^ T * t^rritl to III nri'li; arlUtlc tlnUfiiw Pfofti *4-- s ”‘»*nai» goM finlah; Ami p»f orut Mernw* K.V to f<*r two aamplea aiut prim,

s V u l» ua.tY, lUa 6T2,

r,ci T 1 ■ ^OOfl-A BLOCKS, no ... hi '"’I. Ainillcd Kor Iln.s>!a Illiirk.. 11^1* xii* »ainplc. AI.KKHT TAYUlK. U-lLlr.."*' Oilcwau. 11.,_



PflprnDM"'"" ■ Ul UUnil GREENWICH ST..


CarniYal Caravans A D. Murry (Red Momy) baa taken charge

or A. O. Kdtcbford’a Equine Circoi front.

Fig weepa are on: Donald Fame worth (The KaniTf Kid) haa Jolne<l the Frank P. Spellman Clrru. and Wild Weet'Showa, while Miaa Be- • tricr IJeYo.ung the aquatic atar, remalna with the Kice A D«re Water Show. Too bad they mu.t .pllt tbua. The young ruuple are engaged.

A little learning may be a dangemoa thing.' but If It waa obtained In *he acboo! of experience It wll! come in baiHty aometime. aomewbere.

ll. r. Weiat and J. W. Kelly, the noted cider flunkies, are on' the }ob at the fair thia wt.iek.

Hr the looka of Frank Spellman'a top he mi|.t Intend to eorer San Juan with it during the Insular Fair.

\V J. McChuid baa left the Rice t Dore cook- h ii*«' and Joined the Spellman Wild Weet and t'lrriia. The following performers Joined the Frank P. SiH' Show at Clereland and algned up for the South American tour: Marie iHiidd' M rrls. rough rider; Agnea Coughlin, triili rWer: Edna Sn<>w (Prairie LIU), fancy rider; Erney Morrow (.\ria<'na Erny). fancy riKr. It P. Harvey 1. aupplyin- the light fv*r ti.e big toi?.

Flackie Kins, of Coney Island lainch Sliopa, aaj s that j eople ilon't eat like they uaed to.

You may break, you may shatter the cage If yi>u will, but the si-ent of cat animals will cling to it atill.

I,et'a hear from the “Ulrl Show" hrothera. Fre,I Sheldon, Harry Unville and "Hot foot" Murph.v.

Have you heard Jimmy Chadwick pull bla "Yak a Molly Yum a I.a" bally hoo on the (Jlrl tn Yellow frmtl They tell .Ml it’a the stuff and la getting the coin.

I’m IV' Jtdiier.'but 1 cannot help respei’ting II e Jndsiiieiit an'l Intelligence of the man who hales the same fellow that I do.

It Is runv'red here that I.ew Rarkenstoe S4|uatte>l on the Kd In I>aven|v>rt. la., and re¬ fused to be nvive,! by the World at Home Com pany.

Con. T. Kenneil.r spent Friday at the Forest City Fair. Most of tils time was put In viaiting Illiv A I» ire s ^Midw ay.

FtM'nuse ho ts calloil "Shorty" It diios not necess.irily f- How that he was hnxight up on (smdensed milk. Siouetimes It is due to an early predilection Rir cigarettes.

Fill Rice will Jump h!s show a million miles for a go<vl date. He simply does not con¬ sider mileage.

.Lnd sometimes yon And a bright crack In a country weekly a* witness flie ^dlow■lIqJ:. "One may now ride In a hydro aeroplane for $10 Haring the ten si«'t la thrilling enough for us." I —IVilhan (.Ms.) News. j

IteniiT Krause's bunch are with us this week ' ovhlldllng lust across tlie river from Cincinnati , in Nc»|virl. Many of the faithful will wor- i slilp at tile ahriiie. I

('orliicton's (Ky.) Centennial will hr ng a lot of IliMloultis to Cincinnati September The lllllls>ar<l wilt keep open house ti nt week.

J. E. Htv'ver has close<I with the l.lltlejohn Shows, and la riinnini an Indcprinlont long- range gallery In FIrmInghani. .Ma. Ho advises that tltMi. K. Osterllng is In Talladega, .Mn . and exi>ecta to take out a new show. Rest luck to both of you.

R. M. Hart will spend the winter In Tonla vllle. After the closing of his shows in July, Hob played the fain and claims that he man-

If there are bigger and fla-4iler and better made doJIa on the market than the ones we manufacture we hare yet to see them. • • •

The fact that we hold our customers from one year's end to the other Is proof'enough that we are the leaders in the line. Here's our Jockey Boy—all of the other nunufactiirers have cogded It, but they can never make ILs equal. tA'hy not get a sample?

JOCKEY BOY has two-color (Ximblnatlon riding suit, with knee-high patent leather boote and two-colored cap. Just as you see them on the trank.

JOCKEY GIRL him two-color combination blouse and allk riding sJdrt and a real ribbon‘bow In her pretty hair.

kVe also maJie the following:




$1.25 win get you any sample you want Shipments guaranteed the same day order is received. 25% depoali required on all oruers, balance C. O. D. Illustrated cat¬ alogue free.

Manufacturers who want our samples to copy from may have them direct

lOSEPN ROTH MFC. CO. Local and Long Distance Telephones, Stuyvesant 2972.

NEW YORK OFFICE AND FACTORY—57-59 East lltk Street.

CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVE—Mexican Ariaadtila Ca¬ rlo Ca., 164 North Sth Aw.


TAKE NOTICE Ttirvw Awiy your IVlt and Le#Ujer

I*ilIoNV9 and grt

JAPARESE SILK Pillow Covers, 20i20 inches FSegantly embroidered with rich gold bullion (uid with backs sewe<l on, all ready for use, ' Bend one dollar for sample and you will M* astonlstusl.

.A.S these Pillows are very light welglit IheY * will save you lots of money on express charges.

Alsu Vase and (Vilna Beu.

FAIR WORKERS The Best Flash Liglit

SHOOTS SNAKE Made of oer.uYold. B<xl>’ oovtfred with

Imitation alltgator skin. MetAl nickci platetl: sia«*. mx4H iiu'htNi. Al^n Ktxiaks with rvA\ siinots snakes $9.Oil p*T grrew. Send IBc for sample. We also have many other new Novelties. Write for cauUogue.

M06I. MOMONOI & CO., 25 Barclay Street, New York.


Stewartalown, Da., N'ew Fair Groumls, 9eg>t 9, 10. 11, night and day. New Freedom,Sept. 23. 24, 25. night and day. Fairfax County Fair. Fairfax. Va.. (Vt 14. 15. 16. Tils to the wot where every one agvnda big money and vtslU everything. SL Mary's tkiunty Fair. Leonxrdtoum, M^, 27. .S, 29. P.wty free 4ttrac- tlooi to drew the m>wd!i. JOHN T McCAW.lN. Conc*«al,>n Mansgi'r, 123 K BalUmore St., Baltimore, MO. Free AttreoUona writrv Can also us* (Deras Otrli.

Xtie Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

•fed to ■oak enough to keep the winter wolf frooi Itowling too knid.

The only world war that All would welcome would be one in which all the kickera on earth were arrayed against all the knockera.

Harry B. Poole, of the l''uKter Amusement Co., wrltea All that he thinka he ia playing a eery live oue theM- in Kle|>hant Butte Dam, N. M. Fifteen huiHtred on the payroll and DO place else to K|ien<l their dough. Best tu you, Harry.

Owing to a had drawliead, the World at Home train was eomftelled to atop at Flk Point, B. I)., whiie en route from iSioux Palis 8. !>., to Uaveuiiort, la. Victor l<jslick, band director with the abow', raila Flk Pdnt home, and be was accused b,v the rest of the folks of causing the stop so that home folks could see the Dia.:nitude of the aggn-gatiou lie ia with this •eaaoo.

Joseph H. Mayer is handling the advance and preas work for .Meyerhoff's liapiiy Bi rt Baker Autoisdo Team, which is roundin:; the corners of the fair dst«-H in New York State right now. Best to you, Jo*-; that outd'ior work ought to mean much to your health and long life.

What th< guy who whines almut Ills h.ird luck needs is a nun siw<| dose of vertebral tovigorator.

Clyde W. Cass and O. J. Rice—We hear you are going into the ismceMiioo business. Good luck to you isith. You SIS- placed right with

• the liberty Bbowa.

Ceo. F. Dorman —What about the circus we 'heard you were going to take ont? Why are ‘you buying so many cars?'a have it •traight.

Doc Danville—l*o you remember the wire you sent to l.ew Nichols at Outer, Tex., in the winter of Ibtio. in regard to that picture?

, If Mias Opportunity were to look some people ,atralgbt In tlie eye and deliberately wink, the aaid S. P. would beat it. thinking she was a siren trying to snare them.

Ed 8. Gilpin la a real booster for the Famous 'liberty Bhowa; be la with it and for it.

' The Blue Ribbon Shows had two of their abows closed at their Ellaatielh (N. J^.) stand— Madam Frlede’s Dancers and Water Venus. The

,action of the Mice was not popular, la those \ who saw these slurwa criticised the judgment of the police in not permitting them to co«-

. tinue.

A TIP—Notliiin: is so psychologically attractive to the average hiiiiisn h«-ing as a pro|>oeition which ofTera something for nothing.

Doc Graham, formerly with the Great Pat¬ terson Shows, paid the O. Is Adams Shows a Tlait at Staunton. Va. He U bandUng a

•State-right featnre film.

Geo. W. Westerman—Twenty eight in the plant sounds rattier bis;, hut still you ought to know. Will have a hsik when you hit N'W port. Ky. Some nut. eh. <.bs>rge?

Ifa the man iM-hinil the eiiterpriiw- that makes -It a howling siics-ess or a whining failure.

llow will yon siiend the long winter evenings? Profitably or unprofltalil.v?

We anxloiisl.v look forward to the time when Tom Allen is on the ticket for Governor of the State of Illinois.

If it keeps up. we’ll have eisoigli motordroiii. Iumls‘r to buihi a few negro shacks in the South, and ivst for evermo'C.

Johnnie Esmond kn*»ws a f«*w' tilings aliout the keepti.g of a hound ^oip. Ilo should, by tills time, at least.

We marvel at the work of flni* tittle fell-iw, B.vruey Nelson,

Y'es. It’s done a siiiiiiiter kitclieii aiiiP'Xed

to the craiy hou.»e.

The time has arriied when Red Murray and . Frank Perkins sitoiild be stepping tiack home

Why hesitate, loys. tin- is>ss halls you welcome.

Pay more atti-nfiou to the oimowilion of bad weather In the s(»riiig than oppowition of ttie other show, and yioi will get along more satis faetorily.

. T<» OI.D BII.I.? B'tVS .ST.AFF

By Mort n Westcitt

As I roam liere and there. Ere my >-urnevings end.

'May 1 always ftn<l frlemls just as true; jMay I»ame Fortune .u kindness my daily path

fiend 'To a buncli of goo,| feil-’ws like yi,u.

In this life I have found Tliat we get what we give. We are done to. f.Tws'fh is wre ikj. So my prayer ia fliat .1 may live while I live With a bunch of good fellows like y •«

There's a glint in your eye. ’There's a eiaap in your band. There's a tone In your voice always new; I think Paradise must lie Sioiie sort of a laihl With a bunch of gissl fellow* like .vou.

Here’a a pledge to your health. To your Jo.v, your suisess. For the folk of yoiir kind are t-s* few. There !• something to hearten, to gla<l>leD. to

bless. Id a bunch of good fellows like you.

So I pledge you again, ami can only say thla. And It springs from a sentiment true; I aball alwa.vs regret Every bonr I must miss From a bunch of go<vl fellows like you.


C. M. DAVIS, Prsaifiaat.

Lucky 'Icerm Oomblaatlon in display case. Each artlcla full drug store alae. Actual siae of box. 6xiJ\ In. Dniy ons Winner of our 37 VarletJea for agenu.

SEE HERE WHAT THE CONTENTS ARE Trlasta Slala Raaiavar Soap .SO.IO Priaaaat Baratad Talcuai .1$ Madea Trial* EatrasI Parfuait.St Paarl OaatNriea Taath Saaa.IS Glyeariaa aad Battaraiilk Soaa.It Plac Atal* Craaai Saaa. JS Made* Shsaiaa* Hair Taak.M Made* Catlda Saap.23 Eaiareu Cocoaiber Craaai.$t My Lady Tar tar Shaapaaiaf.2S EaareM Fas* Pawdtr.St



IKTFNI lo-K"'vh'-.v? Liu I Eni 1"^. *•“ 'O -eld ot« Ud ,od ..n'l Oiv] **RFt*t«a another piopodlkm as big at I'M A UVK -- ''■HE MYSyUJi’. I ADVliRTIBK. and I hook w wiib the beat agnils in the country. With the aalatancr <d ihMe ui'w

■ I ^ * ‘>™AND for THe'dvT'iS ■F . - W ESTAHUSHKII. and I waul .luu lu lelu me nuso ih.. .. V." m _ »-X»'MIENt'K Rfigi IKED EASY, PIJCAhJinT^WuRK No m.i^^ >■_ —~ •"--"hat your busliieaa may be. I can uie you if you are a UVE WIRE and

* H» ''TU;R. You'II find me wotthy of thriiame my iMVirilibirt Wf deal DAVIS.- I've been thSiS

“'*1 myaelf and I know all alwul It. Just to give you au lika of the claia of goods 1 have. I'm ahoalng my Combination Boa


WOfITH TO OCLL FOR II.M. COSTS YOU ONLY 10^ Ju«t ctf» It "th* 0000 ower" and vtaat 4 irfaal* of a propoalUao U

wmmamm fEH^ooxES daily means $5 profit. f Mae*d box.’Sx*5\ -i ‘*** «“•«*“• •“<* «f U»* big LCfSIT

weenm. ^Sf»BB B | TUe my Up and write oulek. I va fust aurled a contmd with ONTENTS ARE L W I U ■ I worth of prlaea. GET YOl'BB. REJiKMByX. thU U liwt the r A I II II ' Ume of year when toilet artldea sell like wild Bra. .'* tttta ^ WORD TO THE WISE SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT. .i. When you ahow your cualomer this gorgeous case, the array of fine tolM goods wUI damle .Ti her eye. and when at the end of your spiel you autc the low pclcs of tl.OO for all this, the .ij dollar li yours.

*71 This Outfit, as shown above, cover padded with purple doth, St.33. expreaa prepaid. .« QUANTITY PRICE TO A6ENTS. Ste EACH.

Ist SPECIAL OFFER-WIII Mad 12 Saxo* aad Saaiplo Cam lar

. 'S E. M. DAVIS, PPBsidBnt

I DAVIS SOAP CO. „. 0.??!^??: IXIcin., .u.

iT ■ auTTitwiuim

Tatal Valwt.$3.35



tccompllab^ another of pr^okotiDK which !

By Tennessee Amusement COMPANY

One grind or |ilaiform show. Can place palmistry, hoop-la, glass wheel or fish pond. Have cook house complete that 1 will let out on percentage or sell privilege. Can use a fpw colored muNicians; those doubling stage preferred Can place man and wife for legitimate conceSvSions; aUo lady for candy wheel and one more with strong voic« to be featured with plantation show. .Vrtekia. Miss., week of .\ug, 31; Reform, .\la.. Sept. fi. Mamie, Harry .Newton and Clover HrooLs, wire me. 'll. S. SWICKKT, Mgr.


BANT .SHGWS 1>F ALL KINDS. Prlv-.lcgra of every dmcriplion. Fi-rrl* Wheel, (mwu Wave and Mutoidnime. All «| slreK.v Big dodiigv day and ntghL Minn, all vrorkliig and all payday, entne on llnme Week to draw from and a.lrertl»cd like a circu*. WANT SHOWS FOB SOl’THI'^tN Tot’R. Aditrvm

WILL H. WEIOER. SaorMary Baard *f Trada, Baa 55, Caaltaa, Ohla.

Wanted-For Great International Shows-Wsnted A xuud. live WIRE .M,T or TRAIT'aE. for Free AUrarSion. Al*» two go<i.l SHOWS. Alao gnod LUFJiKR

for IMU. AU Und* legitimate (XyNt'ESHlONS. Abllme, Kaiima, »erk Auguai 30-8eplrmber 5; Klngflaher, Ukla-. and nijd. Ufcla. Ut billow. Addreaa aa above.

Col. Lagg’s Greater Shows (tan plane Platform. Serm-ln-dtie or any Mrwu?-<'^rUng Sl.ow. WAXTTUy M'dnnlrome or Ferrl.v Wheel to jolii at mine. Ol>NCF>M<I<a.V»-leing-Bange MiorAIng fkileo', Va»e Wheel. Knife Bark or any cleau <a>nm- Nona BmU^vllle, Pa., Uita week. Yea, we atay out all winter.

Wanted To Book .Vnv ?Vo .klereavt H -S. Jumplng-Hor>e Carouael and other amuM-mt-nt, with firvl cla,. carnival oanpany. Aim .pen for fair* and celebraUorui. A1m> have Ballrmi (Mtflt with lady rider. Aildrem


Wanted - Carroll & Landes Shows-Wanted Two Strong Bally Bliowa Following roturwalnna open: HIgti Striker, Doll Ba/k. Conk Houv, Buby Glam. Nnrelty StnnUng GaUrn. Spot - the-Kpot and Photo Uallen'. I.A Plata, Mo., week Aug. 3«; MarocUna. 5lo . week SegS Cth. Addrma

al. L. L.^NDEIS, Secretary


of our ifanips wore hhip|Nxi to Host* (ianieiit,, Jamaica, Hr. Wfht Intiit*s. Idst week The CABARET GIRL was one of them.

Flgur* la feet high, drmsed and painted true to life When ba.I atrlkea top of bead, obe turn* over back- wariM ohowlng undeexSothM. •Nothhig obytrUonable. NS weight, 85 pound". $78, oue- half c^. balance C. O. D. SVCAMORE NOVELTY CO..

I33< Syeaoiart Straot, Ciaclaaatl. 0.

tlgan. Gum, SluffnI Cau, tic. t'atalug free.

deoervew aome recognItioD. After fixing np Ea<t . St. I.ouia for tile l.uiia SbowH. in the heart of tile city, op|e>aite the I'oat Oltlce. at the la,» iiiinute the Mayvir refiiwed to give bia oignoture. Not l>eliig put aalde no eaaily, Sanger gatli ered together the whole regiment of Boy 8iv>ut». took them to the City Hall before the Mayor. Iiad a meeting, and. although It wa* 12 o'clock midnight, the contract waa signed before the mob left the council <1iaml>er. The remilt wa« that the Iomw Kliow". even iDeludlug two day. rain, had one of the beat week* of carnival biiNiiiemi. _

Some talker* are Ju*t a* anxioiu. to talk when they *lii>uld aa a fog horn 1* to bl"W oo a clear night.

Johnny J. June* -What i« the correct »i** for an animal front and what «h«uld the length of a *teel flat be? Johnny, yvm are a pioneer animal .how and ateel show car owner, that 1. why we a.k.

The Con T. Keunexty Show, are now cUm<’<1 ty the press with the Jameatown and I*au American Ex|io*ltlon Midway., and the comparl i* Just, aa the Kennexly peojde h*ve m"*" ahow. than either. Twenty-two iih"W». be .Ide riding device*. Home show that, going Into Toronto and East fi>r the fairs.

Davy Cohen, one doe* not lie down and roll a Maratlion.

If we were to erect a monument for ttio*. who lost their bank roll thl* *eaa<>n. we cer tainly would have Home row on the slab.

“Iley, ml*ter, can I get Kome pawM*«?" called a man. sticking hi* bead into the office, wag'** d<«ir of tile Worlil at Home Shiw.,

“Pa*M».? What for?" a*ke<l Hatch. "Why. to get Into ttie show.; the bdler.

won’t leave me In wltlKsit pa»«e».” repllcil the Dative.

"But wily sliould I give you pa*"*-.?" I'cf .l.ti.l liRteh. •

"Well, your team waa getting *h<.l , black.inith »hoi> and I got the duster and .cP' the file* .iff. Ain't that worth pa»»ea?"

H< me Bedouin* laugh at healtliy. prwiMT""*' kokiiig farmer* and thereby conceal their envy

I’a|*r napkin* were the m«*t useful •rtlclc* .during the cneRgenicnt of tlie Illce A l•■’r•' ‘ *' nival at Norwalk, G

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. The Billboard 89


Br ••L»rry.”

Th.- r sl.T of tin- coiiii'miy I* an followi. I I liavii.. U1«I1*K«T ana K<*u«Tal ageut; Mri*. u.liollo l>avi». trraxiirer; lUrt.iU. olo. Siiiaii aii.l uia.lor of IraujiK.rlatloii; lierry n i>ark<'r HraliionI » fcrrl* aliofl. Nod rn«.loin iimMauor; l>avla’ L«ui{liland. Wm Orel ui'aiia«or. luvia’ Wort Slo.w. lioorao Han ■,n owuiiaror. lu in 1. Kolix Moaj a. iiiaii»aor.

\'l wiiii *>*• Joinod at Wia. In 'adiUtioii »o liave n.o'.

(kjrnoll and Sliorly Cockrau with tlvo atoro- and Mr» HavU. toinplo of raluuatry.

Tho r<'in|iBiiy baa had tbroo county faira In a nia ainl oiorylHxly in aiiillliiK

Tliia ».i-k »o aro at llanard. Ill., playln aiNlor tho au'idioa of tho Harvard Marine Hand, rroni tho h-oka of tniUBH. It will bo a k«od one


By Btn H. Klein.

Tho »ritor. after a ploaNaiit imjourii of two le^kx rt'turuotl t4> Llik^Milcr, IimI., i tail lii Itlail to ro|Hirt that biiaiiiOBa oponod flue boro doNpite tho fact that l.lgoiilor la a aiuall town H'woior, thoro In a aploiidid aiirrouud Ina ivoniiriiilty and ovory day aiiiro tho o|h'Ii- lag baa more than doubled ItKoIf, and with |uo,t wratlior tlio bilauio of tho wook. tbla uuabt to tiiru out to he one of the aeaaon’a boat Wl‘.*k^.

a lloKalh. III., a«l Haujnioud. Ind., wore both [ record Uioikoia. and evoryoBo la Wearing tt.e I aoiile that won't come olT. ami with Uoabeu. F Iial. <#nlr wooki. aii.l the big .MlaligWaka Home- ’ O’Uiln.: and l .dohrati' n to follow It Ik really

bard to iiro.llct Juat what everytiue will buy wllh the money.

Two new abowK aro now In the courae of con- atriiiMioii. and will no doubt be In roadinoKK for the Brat fair date, which la only a few day a off

Tne abowa IW’W conalat of three riding de Ticea. nine pay attiaetioiia. three free acta ainl about twenty-dive coneeaeiona, and are traua ported in teii cara. The line up followa: Hix 00 k I'o.'a Motordrome, with Sehmlilt. Hobiali tod C'ri'Uae. rldera, and Sehellonliorger. aux.lar.i rider and utwner. Miirphy'a Iluay City and ferria wheel. Sullivan'a 'I atigo (Hrla and I’rln- e<«a Haiuar, .treble 1‘arker’a Athletic Show, Volliner'a Si\H»d Ikiya, Stiiinp'a .Malnd SImiw, ADdera<iii'a tieeaii Show. Stokea’ Monkey Men, Fubt'a ocean wave, Darker A Tletaworth'a iamplng borae carousel. I'rof. John Zeiiga'a Kxi-elahir t'oneert llainl, Martin's high diving doga and tie feature free act, I’rof. -Vlex IV'niaa. strong man. . Official ataff: Morria .Miller, general manager: Ran II Klein, biiaiueaa manager and treasurer; Cliarlea Harkinaon, general agent; W. It. Stump and R. <1 I’lilllipa, promoters and contest meu; Frank Martin iSniitty) master of transiMirta tkio; William Kiainti. ani>erlntrndent of lot. with two aaaiatauta; K. Schoellenberger, offleiaf tasouncer.


Manager Miller waa In Chicago last week on buaiaea*. and Ineidentally made a tilp t. tne yards if Hotchkiss A Hlue; don't know Juat wbat it coming off, but Us ka like we migbt add another car to the train.

liouia >'ink left tbia week to make the To- roobi Fair. Oh, no, Ismie dht iHd take the tsin- rcaaioni with him. Mra. nnk la looking after the buainesa during bit abaenee.

J. y. Murpliy and wife, of Busy City fame, who have l»eu with the Smith Ori-ater Snow a for the past nine years, hdned at I.igonier, lod.. with the "City" ferria wheel and palul latry.

Haney TIetsworth made hla first trip borne (Sew Kensington, I’a.l last week t« see Mra T.

"Jimmy" Murphy went to Cbleago today (the 27tbi to purebaae a new car to auppinnt tke Kingston, which Jimmy la too amall.

J A. Sullivan (StillyI baa Just complrte.1 bla Thug,, Show, and It ia getting a g<Hid start tkia week. This la the second show be baa built and o|iened since Joining In the spring.



Joliet. HI., Aiig. 2A.—I.aat week, at Madison. Wla., to our usual business tblg), we bad one ralby day. a:.d It was tlie third day fUlt aeawm

we have lost. If there ever was a show Ibtt lust Its ’'Jliix" at the beginning of the actaoD. It sure was tfcls one.

Thli week, at Joliet, under the Ragles, and If the flrst night foreeaats the buidneaa for the ***k. We are In for aome more Alien luck.

Quite a few of the show folks are rlaltlng Chlragu this wei-k.

This will be our last stand near Chicago, and ereryoi),, |p baiklng for talent to strengthen Ikelf res|ie<'tive shows for the fair aeason. Wtien we leave J.dlet. there will lie all of the old flees and a lot of new ones. Well, here's hoping •hit tliey will not bring ■ ••Jinx" along We rin get along uU-ely without one.

Bkaoiiitixti.n. HI., next week.


By Raymond E. Elder.

As I write this article, I cm only wish Out sveryone could see the wonderful view that I have fr.iin our oltlee wagon window. In the n^'groniid |a the eelehriled t'olnmhli Ulver. where all Hi,. aaliiMin eoiiie from; across the fiver In III). Weiiitiiiee Valley lies thonsands "I «ere« .,f Irrigated orelianls. fairly hn'sking under tlieir burden of fruit, with a liaekground of iM-anliriit inoiuit.ains. W'c are playing here* under tile aiisjileea of the lleaimrldea Fair .\as.»- *",***'” and it la a flue eoininiltee. P. P. •ids, the manager, with hla aide aast«tant. Mr.

Mradi ii. niake a line eoiiiMnatlon to play under. All iiii'iiiliers of thia company have been treated fnyilly here, and an I write this It la hard t" •ell wbethi.r tills Is an oltlee wagon wltli a lriili.ll e.niipaiiy op all ofllce In a fruit coin miaal.di hniiae; oiir frienda have llterallv tilled n with la.x,, ,,r fruit, and 1 for one can not "S'k an Hp|>le In the face.

ll'i«liieHa haa tieeii very goo<|. We wen* ad *erl,M.i| f,.r a hundred inllea aroiilnl, and every- •ss^^^^o^njon^



30x20x60. PACKS


40x22x82 IN.








The sweet tone of our Air (llllope* will draw the crowds and hold them, .itnuill and light rinaigh for road use. A bally-hoo with dignity, one that the people will a(>pre<-iate. I’.ajs loud or soft. Can be used for inside or outside work. Great thing for feature picture men. Immediate shipments and low prlees. Fiwm SSOC.OU up.



lu direct coutrant to the al>ove, here ia of lUe saaUeat paita of the tth«j>Auiau'8 life, of tile tiagedicH mat ib part of tue game. 'A liojjeiesb uiaLi wiiu au aching heart, working

faithiully amid tiie glare and glitter to ainuav tne puoliC, Uas* ijuoi.c, Ukb by ngul of nvaio

yeais oi coni*nuousi »crv*ce ab a public cwsAv. L44.*Aer auu showman.

1 t.e hand of death hovering over Mth. Celia Sebuntaiu, wuo foriueily rotie Vann, the Arabian btuiiion vvitu lUib company. A wire waa received yesterday truuj l aoiu, t\an., lue winter quarters uf the Ureal i'atl*thou ^jiiiowb. btaixUg that Mrs*. Sehabtain was Hiuaiug faat and could only live a lew da^s. Many heartb were ueavy

ua>, aa .\Irb. Sebasiatu haH endeared heriK*lf to every member of this aggregation. Here li an iu.'htaui'e in real life wiiere duty has* called and work inubt go on whetUer there i» heart aufffr* mg or not. liomeo Sebantain, e<iuebtriau director w*iu ruiiei'bou’fii Trained Wild Animal 2>bow ana Ciicua, w»il Work all of Uia acta tonight. Momentarily he will be expecting a telegram telling him that Uls helpmate ia dead. The two have been lelore the public fur mauy years. Mra. i)eha>tain wan for yearn with the Haruusi Show. Both have performed before the ahow- going public in almost every part of me civu- ized world. Mrs. Celia lierr>, mother of Mra. Sebastaiu, ia with her daughter at the home ou the TatteriAju farm. .Viib. Berry ia one of ttie oldest performers alive, she being nearly bU yearb of age. l>^tterb addreHbed to her tt l*aola, Kan., care The i*attcrbou VVTuter iduar* tera. will cheer her.

The committee in charge of the Golden Jubi¬ lee Celebration at Great Kails, Mont., claim tnat they expend nearly |;iu,UU0 in advertibiog and decoratioub, and tbe management of tie Great Patterson Shows believe e>ery word. The vast crowds proved couclu^^vely that the advjr- tibiiig had been well looked after, and it the most beautifully decorated city that the writer has ever seen. The .shows were loi*ated to giHMi advantage, and to make a long st^y .short, it was the banner week of the season ttjt this organization. «


Motordrome and Ferris Wheel To join for Fair Circuit. Wire, don’t write.

GREAT ARGYLE SHOWS. This week, Staunton, Va. Next week, Galax, Va.

Want Italian Musicians M'ant two Ktronc Italian aartnrt and Bam. for ('.RELI..A'B BAND. WITH LITTUEJOHN’S CNITED SHOWS. Long •ra.'wn Suuth. Wlrr at oner; no tla»r for ourreopondmer. Would like to bear from John Malxone, Stef fanii and krtaroL Addrma

PROFESSOR ROCCO GRELLA, ARRaiachia, Va., wu«k •( Auvu$t 31.

Tents to Rent' iFOR ALL PURPOSES.

MAGEE A SON, 147 Fulton St., N,w York City.

WANTED Kxp.'vlenoed Wigiai Show Aanil, BIUpuKlerv, tynrglrls, Ktraight lidere with concert turn preferred. Cornet and <aii«e MuKlt-ianK. Aim man to irfair c«nva.H. .Aiulrew Halley, Floyd Trover, Shorty Ashdown, wire.

I. X. L. RANCH AND HARRIS SHOWS. CJtvMaad. Va., Friday; Daate, Saturday; CaxtIrwMd, Muaday,

WANTED Ham IHumnue, TnunNme and (Xwnii, for .Ana-rlcan Band; Comedian and Talker, Managtr for Tango Sbomr. C.AN rt..kCK any SIumt or tniu*iwfdtNi that <l«ww luk cmtflh’i. GREAT CLIFTON-KELLEY SHOWS, tkla wuak DIaua, III.; wt^ SaRtaaibar 7, Narthara llllaolt Day and Nlfht Fair. We play Trl-County Day and Night Fair. Slknuni. Mo., and some ol the b*»t Southern FUrs.

WANXED Pall Leading Man, Tall Heavy Man. Comedian and Sonbretle s|H*eialties. Mnsieians for band and orebestra. Year’s work.




IHhux Miuiday, SvfSembtT T. F'.AIH M.VN.AfifTKS, NtITieK- Have some ofan time after September 21. Don' pay any attention to the knockcra. Nobody knoefca a ilead one. Have eight flrst-c'.a.m Shows, Motordrome and

two Bldera. Addrasa

HERBERT A. KLINE, Car* Stat* Fair, Syracuse, N. Y.



The Arena, Zeidiiiaii and I’ullie Shuwa aJtVd been doing well aruuitd the stacks in .Westmu 1 euusylvauia for the past few weeks, and tfliu week are at Verona, I’a. i

Ou account of experiencing considerable (Sf- liculty in getting large lots, the uiauageuikut has decided to play I'cnusylvanla fairs with a part of the aggregation. ,

TUere will remain with tbe No. 1 Compaq: Frank Shaffer's motordrotue, J. s<-heiuguld'a merry-go-rouud, i’ollie and Zeidman'a ferlia wheel. Huff's merry widow swings C. W. Buck's tcu-iu oue, featuring Madame DuBaWy and Capt. Nicu; F'errari's Temple of Mystety, Battling Schultz’s Uoiuau arena, I’riticess Wgi- uetta and her troupe of Oriental dancers, I'tOf. Huff's Dog and I’otiy Circus and Duukel'i Mexi¬ can Village.

Wm. Zeidmau has personal charge of the No. 2 contingent, playing the Butler |l’a.) F’atr this week. Sbowa, etc., on the No. 2 Company In¬ clude Montana Belle’s Wild West, Jolly Elina (fat lady), W. J. Rayiner's photo gallery and J. E. Hosmer’s concessions. •

11. J. I’ollie, in charge of tbe advance, an- nouoces that the show will go South this fall, and that be already has tbe route well in hand; also that he expei-ts to combine tbe best fea¬ tures of the two compauics for the Southcin tour.


The World’s Fair Shows, C. Guy Dodson, mauager, have Just closed oue of tbe most suc¬ cessful fair dates in Iowa, at Alta. Mr. Sievers, secretary of the fair, is oue of the best all¬ round good fellows we have ever met. Thurs¬ day, the big day, had 8,4(IU paid admissions, and ‘‘Very one a spender.

Au addition to our company is tbe little Italian midget, I’rince Napoleon. He has a very neat frame-up, and plays to larger crowds tlian any other attraction on the midway. Andy Carbonne is manager; C. -M. Harrlng, talker and agent; .Mrs. C. -M. Ilariing, ticket seUet and treasurer.

Roy (Tex.) Wbeelock and wife, with eat rack and program privileges, Joln<^ recently, and are doing nicely.

We are playing Sheldon, la., this week, with Rock Rapids and Algona to follow. We have also clos^ contracts to fnrnlab tbe attractions at tbe Trail of tbe Sioux (T. O. T. 8.), at Sioux City, September 21.26.

An accident that rosy result fatally happened In Alta last week, when tbe platform of tbe Fairy-ln-tbe-Well Show gave way, precipitating llfteen people to the ground, all landing on one of tbe danc«rs, injuring her considerably. Others received only a few brnisea and scratebes.

The weather has been in our favor, and all are looking to a very prosperous fair season.


The Walter Savidge Amusement Compan.v Is in its thirteenth week, at Stuart. Neb., this week, and has enjoyed good business all summer. The company goes from here to Gordon, Neb., starting a series of fairs, running to the middle of October.

The Walter Savidge Dramatic Co., the big feature attraction, still proves to be the main drawing card. In tbe cast are; Leonard Goode, stage director; Ethel Hutton Goode and Delbert McDermid, leads; Al. C. and May Wilson, F-rltz Adams, FTank J. Estes and Hazel Flint.

Following is the line-np of the twelve-piece concert band under tbe direction of L. Biggins: A. L. Biggins and Herbert Barnbouse. solo cornets; Earl (Buster) Brown, first cornet; Robt. Morrison and Kslph Bobnert. clarinets; Carl J. I’eterson and H. A. I.indsley, b.irns; Jas. Ballard, trombone; John I. Freeman, bari¬ tone; Tom Henry, baw; Tommy Tibtlts and K. E. Doinan, drums.

The Savidge Bros., of Sioux Cit.v. are also with the I'omp.vny. Prof. Mat Savidge makes daily flights in his bipl.vne.

Harry Schlorff Is again with the company this season as assistant manager, and also has several conoesshms.

The Carrier Troupe of .Aeriallsts inrinding Bert Deino and A. .Ldalr. and Prof. Carrier, foot Juggler, are the free acts.

I.eonard Goode and Walter S.avidge are mak¬ ing the Junfps across tbe country in their

(O’ntliiueil on page O'J.)

90 Xtie Olllboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914,

325-331 W. Madison Sr., CHICAGO. ILL


WHITE STONE MEN! Adams’ Grpitor Ez|>osltinn Shows, Otis I..

Adams, iiiBr.: Heidsvill*', > C.. ai S, Alien. Tom W., Shows, Tom W. Allen, mgr.:

IlloominKton, III., ,31 .So]it. .I, Baldwin 6i Stons Amusement Co., W. T Stone,

mitr.: Marion, Va.. 1-5; Oak Hill, \V. Va„


Barkoot, K. O., Shows, K. (5. Bark<s>t, inicr.: WbitiiiK. Ind., 31-Se|)t. 5; Cunnersrille 712.

Blur Itibbon Shows, llarr,T six, i;ru. mcr.: Bristol, I’a.. Sl-Srpt. 5; WasbiiiKton, I>, I,, ^ DO NOT BE DECEIVED.

DONLEY PINS, STUDS and EARRINGS the only famous Bird and Pendant lirand.the

~ old reliable goods of quality, with our Special ^ ^ Cut Stones and our Superior Finish. We REOISTKRED , J . J •. I <**1

in o. 8. pautit omo*. niouiit on cards stamped with our Trade Mark—a far simile here shown. Note the I). & Co. on the jiend- ant, also registered in U.S. Patent Othce, printed below. If your johlicr does not have them, write us. We will send you the ad¬ dress of jobbers in your vicinity who handle these goods. They are the best.

Bruce Greater Shows. J. H. Bruce, mi;r,; Marion, Va., Sl-iflapt. 5.

BrundsKe, 8. \V., Show a. S. W. Briindaee, mitr.: Council Bluffs, la.. .31 Sept. 5; Sallna, Kan.. 7 12.

Butler’a Overland Shews. B. B. Butler, rnsr.: I’lckerinirton. O.. Sl Sept. 5.

Camptell's United Slsiwra, II. W. Campbell, mxr.: Rock.vford. Col., SI Sept. 5.

Capital City Amusement Co.. I.ew Hoffman, mxr.: Aberdeen, S. D., 31-Sept. 5; Mllbank 7-12.

Carolina Amuaement Co.; Lake City, S. C.. 31-Sept. .3; Ijimar 7 12.

Carmll-I.aDdea Carnival Co., H. I., Carroll, mjr.: I-al’lata. Mo., 1-8.

Central States Shows, 3. T. Tinfold. mgr.; Cleve¬ land. Va.. 31-Sept. 5.

Cllfton-Kelley Shows L. C. Kellry, mgr.: Dixon. Ill.. Sl-Scpt. 5: Streator 7-12.

Comet Amusement C<'.. J. K. Calkins, mgr. : Iiuqiiiiln. Ill . 7-12

Corey Bros.' Shows, F. D. Corey, mgr.: Red Lake Palls, Minn.. 31'Sept. 5.

Davis Csmivsl .Attrsetions. I„ J. Dsvis. mgr.: West Chleago. III., 31 Sept. .3.

D<>hmvi<u A>niiM<-ment C«.. II. D, Didirman, mgr.; Anthon. Is.. 31 Sept. 5: Moville 7 12.

PeKivko Bros.' Shows. Jesn DeKreko, mgr.: Pecos. Tex.. 16; Midlind 8-14.

Evans, Ed. A . Greater Slsma. E<l. A. Evana. mgr.; Onagv, Kan., 31 Sept 5; IDiwrence 7-12.

Ferari. Jos. G.. Greater Exp-vaitlon Shows, Jos. G. Ferari. mgr.: West Cheater, Pa., Jl-Seait. 5; Pboenixville 7-12.

Foley ic Burk Showa. E. M. Burk, mgr: Santa Bosa. Cal., 31-Sept. 5; Sacramento I2 '2«l.

Gause, Wm.. Shows. Wm. Uaiiae, mgr.T Reus- B«-laer. Ind.. 31-Sept. 6: Rochester T-T?,

Goodcll Shows, C. M. Qoodell, mgr,: >(10.10. HI.. 31-Sept. 5.

Great .American Shows, Morris Miller, mgr.: Goshen. Ind.. 31-8<‘pt 5; MIttaswsks 712.

Greit Argyle Shows: Staunton, Va.. 31 Sept. 3; Galax 7 12

Great Enropein Shows. Wm. Kanell. mgr.: Olive Hill. Ky.. 31 Kept. 6.

Great Internatioual Shows, A. H. Brown, mgr.: Atilene, Kan.. 31-Se|it. 5.

Great Nortliwestern Shows. F. (>. FIsek mgr.: Delaware. O.. 31 Sept. 5; Marion 7. ’

Great Southern Shows. Wm. T. Harrington. mgr.: Marshall. Ill.. 31-Sept. 5.

Great Patterson Shows, Jas. Pattensm, mgr.; Vancouver, B. C-l Can., 3-12.

Greater Sbeesleg.Shows. J; M. Sli<-ealey. mgr: Bardi-town. KJ., 31 Sept. .3: SpringBeld 7-12.

Hampton's Gntat Empire Shows. H. E. Van Gorder. mgr.l New Eagle, pa., 31 Sept. 5: Meversdale 7-12.

Hamlin's United Shows. J. A. Hamlin, mgr.: 3'oungstown. O.. 31-Sept. .3.

Hunter. Harry, Shows. Harry C. Hunter, mgr.: Jrdwfstown. Pa.. 31'8ept. .3; Alt<s>ni 7 12.

Interstate Amusement Co.: Vlrden. HI.. 31- Sept. 5.

Isler Amusement Co.. I/>nis Isler mgr.; (hip- man. Kan.. 1-7; Morganvllle 10-12.

Jones, Johnny J., Exposition SlM'Ws, Johnny J. Jones, mgr; Philadelphia. Pa., 31 Sc|it. 12.

PADDLE WHEEL MEN. TAKE NDTICE-If rou ever had a chance to make money It U with these hand-painted l3IIo«i, In assneled colored felt Slse, 14x24 Inches, and laced with rral leather No ona has ever dared to make such a beautiful, flashy pil¬ low at this price. They are worth a dollar each is you. but our price to BIUJtOAKIi ilE.\l»13l.S ON'LT Is ISO per luo. We iWy another manufacluiTT te dupileatr these for even twice the miry. and. KE- UKMKIIl. THEY ARE HAND PAI.VTHI Sinfle samp.ea. TSc. Twelve aworted samples. •>) as. No post cards answered- we miaii business. You don't

DONLEY & CO., Mfg. Jewelers, Providence, R. I


Dunkirk, N.Y., Harvest, Old Fashion Farmers’ Fair on the Streets, Sept. 14 to 19.

M.fltO.OO IN PRIZES, 20 Bands, Aeroplanes, 10 Big Free Acta. All attractions fumUhed by RCTHKRfYtRD GB.KATKII SHOWS. CAN PLACE one or two Shows for the above dates. Also a few more Legitimate Oxi-

oMstona. Addrew as per routr. IRV. J. POLACK, Maaagar, August 3lst, Buffala, N. Y.; Segtembar 7. Buffala, N. Y.

One (>H-ft. PRIVATE CAR, steel wheels, six-wheel trucks; pass M. C. B. on all roads. Car has large oflice end, two large staterooms, three small; large kitchen and bath room. Also one CO.NDERMAX FER¬ RIS WHEEL, in first-class condition, and one CIRCLE W.AVE, witiiout organ.

E W. NE/tHER, P. 0. Box 9B7, - • Xtlanla, Georgia OLD GLORY SOLID LEATHER.

Tlnwe iniliwi, ate solid leutlier. front and back, hand palntnl, and all four al.k-a neatly laerd with genuine leather tl.ivigs. Great flasii and grasl In tnir Htale, County or Oty. Twenty-four dewlgn*. In- cluiiliig liathlng Girls, Canoe Girls. H«-ptemt»er Moms, Indian lleails. etc. Ordrr quickly—they are rlegint and surprising values. Price, IITO per Ivo: 114 5* ixr dtarn Sample, parcel post peipald, 01 T'., it asuwted sanipl.s, lid jo. tS% deposit require.! with all onlers, iwlanew C. G I*. Jolibm and bit qosu- tity usrra, write.

At tliese prlrea we can not carry on a lot eg c-vc- respiHidriicv, so will not be able In aiiswiv pwt iwrds. Here are the piclurrs and here are Uie p 1 -w It'a up to you.


Art Leather Pllleset aad Table Cavara, Fall GnadL

Moaeaaias aad Navalltat,

20 W. 17lti St.. NEW VOKK.






CAN lUkCK One or two meritorious Shows with neat frame-up, for thla big event and balance ot aewaon.

(Tw. we are goli-.g South.I CAN n.A(^E all legitimate Concosalona. (No WTieels, except Bewr Wheel, now

ope’O I All addnws MORRIS MILLER. Gaaaral Maaaier, Gathea, lad., week August 31-Sagt. 3; Mishawaka,

led . week September 7-12. _

SENSATIONAL HIGH DIVERS. Third eeaaiiii with the Johnny J. Jonea Shnvn.

Juvenal's Stadium Shows. J. M. Juvenal, mgr.: Franklin, Ky., 3I-8e|i|.

Keen A Sblppy .Mislel Mion's, Keen A Shippy, mgra.: Girardville, Ca. 31 Sept. .3.

Kennedy, Con T.. S1h»«h. Con T. Kennedy, mgr.; Toronto. Ont., Can., 31 Sei>t 12.

Keppler iHi.'W-a, c. J. Kepider, mgr.: Nevada, Mo.. 31 Sept. .3.

Ktliie, Jack. SIhiws lEnsteriiit Carrolltowii, I'a,, 31 Sept. .3.

Krause Greater Shows, lien Krause, mgr.: New- IMirt. Ky., 31 Seid. .3.

I.arhnian A l ewis ( arnival Co..' I.schman A I.ewls. mgrs.; Illalr. tik.. 31 Si-pt. .3.

Lange's MikI<-1 Sliows: Junction City, Ky.. Rl- Sepl. .3.

(g-ggett Ainuseiiieiit Co.. C. It. Leggett, mgr.; Mocksville, N. ('.. 31 Sr-pt. .3; Newton 7 12.

L~>iisr<I ... Co., J. Swni I.«.onard, mgr.; Itrldgeisut. Tex., 31 Sept. f..

Liberty Shows, Geo. F. Itorniaii, nigr.: Tar¬ (’.. 31 Sept. .3.

I>>sm, J. Geo., Kx|K>sltion Slstwa, J. Ge.r. I/km. mgr.; Earl. .3rk.. 31801.1. .3; M.-Gee 7 12.

McAllister M.slel SlKiws D. It. McAllister, mgr.: Gridley, Cal., 2 6.

McMahon Shows. C. A. McMahon, mgr.: Charles City, la.. 16.

Macy’a Olympic Showa, J. A. Mary, mgr.: Holla, .Mo., 31 Sejit. .3; I>eban'>n "-12.

Maiia. A. V., Greater Sh.iws. A. V. .Vlana, gen mgr.: 1‘oitsvlllc ps., io 10.


Eiperienced Candy Bulchei A few more SHOWS that will not conflict with what we now have. Raprclally want a Motordrome. PAN I'lACE Knife Rack and Long Range ShotWlng Gallery. Address OTTO CIE8LER, Maaater, VIrdaa, III., Auf. 31-Septeaibar 3; Vanin. HI. (FIreman't JuWIta), Se^ember 7-12. Uoo<l (vniiIictii territory to follow

Musicians Wanted for Allman Bros Big American Shows

To run Canity Ktan.l on pen'nilage. ilu«l he miwiej fetter. .No Jlp, siVt or slKWt cake In-n- wiwk with a rrpulal.le show. Wire UtltlK M* Hii-li Hill, Mo, wnA of Aug. 31; lainiar. Mo, Hi-pt. 7

For I«,g season South. Baritone. Tramhone, Clomet and Tuba., Addreaa L. CLAUDE MVER8, cart Allmaa Brna.' Shows, Lovalaad, Col., week of Auiutl 31; Bouldtr, Col., weak of Saptembor 7.

Tnils, Baby I*tanns, Hand iH-gans. IlakiT Tor- hr*- I'nsMura lanusi. Megaidnsics. Fog Homs, ami I-’'* of stuff 8EXI» FYlR FKI-X IIAHGAIN IHhHvI.I-T R. H. ARMBRU8TER MFO. CO.. tprIoiAsId. Illlssla WANTED

- rOR LtAtt - MmlH Rl«ik and iiawMiig AUrra. fully equl|ifw«i ulatimi, mai'l wrlt^ unlraa you ha»e f to Invent. W. K. AINI'IUIH. U<mtprll«r. Indl.

Motorcycle riders with machines. Can place you any time. Write or wire quick. HATCH DROME COMPANY, INC., 109 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA

T ti e Billboard 91

our ctunjiMlUini. wlii> vilsh thry fol owed our So HK- \VAR>; aiul bo WI.-^R \\> carry a full lino of Kalr aid ( ar- nlval i;oo»L«. aid till onlcrs the name day as wo rnoiyo th«m.


(\ divoolt roqulroil on all 0. (>. 1*. irrdors.)

outiiio 711’. Sohleborl .SIhiws. Jo». Schleberl. mgr.; rortUiul.

I ml.. Hl-Sopt. 5. fet. I.ouia Amuaeiufnt Co., E. \V. Weaver, mgr.:

I’ikovlllo, Ky.. 3rJ<«*iit. 5; l•rp|‘t<•usllllrg 7 I'J Smith iJroator .Sliows. C. Siiiith, mgr.: Nor¬

walk. O.. 31 Sept. 3. Soiithe.D ADiuMenioDt Co., lion C. SteTenaon,

mgr : Mineral Wella. Tex., 31-Sept. 5.

of r llaala


K.G.Barkoot World’s Greatest Shows WANT FOR-

Oxford Free Fair .Sfpt. 14 to 19a laciusivc.

Attractions Wanted. Address (\ C. Xeal, Secretary,

< heford, < >hio.

Morrill County Fair BRIDGEPORT, NEBR.

S«pt. 23. 24, 25.

(WlTASKiNS A.\l> ATTRAfTlOXS WAXTlUt, f.» pii.1. lire Kalr Write to tUX'KCTAKY MOR¬ RILL (VM'.STY EAIK. llrtdr-purt, Nrii.


Maxwf-ll t'arulral Oo., I'ayue A Ettenger, mgra.: Kcm kland loike. Congera, X. V., 3-lit.

.Melropulltaii Showa, c. E. Rarlleld, mgr.: Au¬ rora. 1ml., 31-Sept. .■»; CkrrolltoB. Ky., 7-12.

Metnvulitaii Greater Shows, Boom ii Tice, loc., lugm.: ilt. Vernon. X. Y., 31-Sept. 3.

Mlller'a, B., Greater Sbow^^ A. B. Miller, mgr.; .Marquette .Mlidt., tJV Iruu Itiver 7-9; riyiiL.iith. WlH.. 10 12. W

Xsrder’a iire.ner Sliow-i. Ngp Xarder, mgr.: Shine), Veil.. 31-Sept. 5.

Xoxiur. IlipiHNlrome Shows, I^e Xoxon, mgr.: I'lifloii I-V»rge, Va.. Sl-Sepnp- **

I’arker. G O., CarnlTal LVk; O. Parker, mgr.: .M ilone. Tex., 31 Sept. MfKVhltiiey 7 12.

Peerlenw Xiki Shows, C. K. "Mltohcll. mgr.: mgr.: .M Gone. Tex., 31 Sept. agWYhltiiey 7 12.

Peerless Xiki Shows, C. K. "Mltohcll. mgr.: Akr ui. U.. 31 Sept. 3.

Pollow & McClellan Caruiral Co.. C. M. Pollow, mgr. ; lo| [leuish. Wash., 2-6; liaylon 9-12.

llaglaiiU, John I.., Shows, John 1.. Kagland, mgr : Harrisburg, 111.. 1-5.

Ulr«- A pore Water CarnlTal. Harry Dore, mgr.: I'oliiiuhux, It., 31-Se|it. -1; Klchiiiond. Inil., 7 12.

Hogers' Greater Ste>ws, J. Rogers, mgr.; Rich uioinl. Ky.. 31-Sept. 5.

Rutbi-rford Greater Shows. Iry. J. Polack, mgr.: RufTalo, X. Y.. 31 Sept. 5.

Sarhige, Walter. .Amusement Co., Walter Kari.I.’e invr- G.^nlon Vuh .1 - Val.

WANTED QUICK Bkrrls Rldrr tor mj Loop-Uie-Loop Resolrlng Globe Art. Wet and la<f> rider prWarml. Must be young ^ CQurigrtMu. special Rider for Loop-the-lamp ^ iwgBgrtnrni .fll partlisilan niat letter t'M.VK lUiEHR. Mtuagrr Three Roebn, care The BlUb-iard. -V<w York City.

•THE STUTTGART FAIR ASSOCIATION win lu .Annual-Talr Itetober JTih to SOth. Inelu- «w. rat further pgriioulara. wrttr A. W. HARPER, •hawaiT. Stuligart, Ark.


AT SPRAY. N. C.. OCTOtCR 21-14. 1914. ***t*xRou Mrti, Meiry-Go-Round and ail amusanenta

C. p. RoBERTSDX, aecmary.

. « WANTED. A niat-ClSM Plantation Show, with gnml cnatuoMw;

W e’lht people. C. F. BtWiTH. Ulcfearlllr, Ohio.

COUNTY FAIR BW SPWNGS. TU . Septeanber II. 16. II and II.

Go-Round and PVrrla Wheel »ante«L lepoaaloeia for sale. I. E SM.1TH.


HORSE SHOWiit HOME COMING TwV*.*'"*'*.’ ••-OCT. I. iw Mg days Ppee Street Attractions wanted. Tor

an l tnractl<wa addrsM M. B. SMITH. Secy.

. WAXTED. . MerchanU- iMinlTal. at TRGT, IXD..

Show*, ones "Ill trt the mnieat Wa.VT one Vauderllle. one

nlTli" »*>«nl-, Horae Show, and Shows praterled. Liberal contract, rtrat

jrairai In fire years. Write quick to L. T. BRt>WX. ^ Mooes laslge. Tell tlty. Ind. Jack Bristol,

lO to 2Sc w'Tl?* Tv-Midway Altracllona for the Pe j4 B'Mr. Hernando. Mlaa.. Sepinnbar 22. 22,

Adilnaa T. P. FLlx.v, gecretary.

aIIHLIII.*.'*?*!"* "B*® TMItl tMa'u"**“* *9iow liana for sals reason-

hind at AitraiHkMi and furTtlAh Thl>nKl\,iT,.""‘ AMPSKMKVr IDNSTRI C-

Box 11. StaUon E, Brooklyn.

.Vrtesla, Miss., 31-Sept. 5. Thornton's Showa. Prank Thornton, mgr.; Boll-

rar. Mo., 31Sept. 5. Transruntiiiental Showa: Carey, O.. 81-Sept. .5. rnlrersal Amusement Co., W. Linn, mgr.; Fond

du Wls.. 1-5. WaMiburn'a Mighty Slldway Showa, I.eon W.

Washburn.' mgr.: Montreal, Que., Can.. 3-12. West<s*tt SlKiwa. M. B. Westcott, mgr.: To¬

ledo. 7-12. Whitney Shows. P, Whitney, mgr.: Atlanta.

HI.. 31-S<iit. 5: Jacksonrllle 7-12. World At IbHiie Sh.iws. Jaa. T. Clyde, mgr.:.

Pea Moines, la., 24-sept. 5: St. i'aul. Ylinn., 7-12.

Wo'tham. C. A.. Shows, C. A. Wortham, mgr.: Kankakee, Ill., 31-Sept. 3; Detroit, Mich.. 7-lS.

5--.. oi- In trunk; also « ^Iioie set <4 I'atheilral Tube tYilipca. with

fmS »I' •'ompirte In trunk; licedy make per- **** Hi*prano SarruDu|>h«T^. * pitch.

iTVri'i./“il^' TWBVTICTH Twi. N'y“ ‘'"•MPAXT. UI3 Broadway, New


rteeii ino,,lj„ show. Send In V. A. YUPiai. Wellman. Iowa. R. R.

TEMTS—All Sizes in Stock ^^£^£_A_80N. 147 Fultea tt,, Naw Yert qty.

'• >00 :*a It la Tht Blllkeard. tall thtm as.

Whips, S2.25 to $5.50 psr gross.

U. S. A. STOCK PENNANTS, PADDLE WHEEL,, \ I 15x36 laches, $9.00 par lOU. 120 Nunbart, '.it ^

$9.50 Each. 6,;.

IT’S TRUE THAT WAR IS HELL^f*# BI T f« R SHIPMirsTS ARE. AS F-V1:R. PROMPT. ■' $11.00 to 513.00 Derrs.



HOW DO WE DO IT Ju<a bjr liMthiitg ahead U all. W> did (»ur biO'ing Ahen the

hiLvii fE wa-e and you !»till have a chaiuv to do t'e

DROME COMPANIES Hatch Drome Co. No. 1, Geo. Rollins, mgr.:

IJm-tMic, Que., Can., 31-Sept. 3. Hatrb Drome Co. No. 2. W. A. Sanges. mgr.;

Kenton, O., 24-29: Grand Rapids, Mich., 31- Sept. ,5; Indiana. Pa., 7-12.

Hatrb Drome Co. No. 3, Wm. Schell, mgr.: Wilmington, Del., 7-12.

Ilatrh Drome Co. So. 4. Will Jones, mgr.: To¬ ronto. Out.. Can., 29'Sept. 12.

Hatch Drome Co. No. 5, H. Hunter, mgr.: I*r<-ie]iie Isle, Me., 31 Sept. 3.

Hatch Drome Co. No. R, Sam Dayia. •ngr.: t)u<-bec. Qiir. Can.. 31 Sept. 3.

Hatcii Drome Co. No. 7. O. A. Tanner, mgr.: Ka*tnn, Md.. 31-Se|)t. B.

Hatch Drome Co. No. 8. L. Easton, mgr.: Hart¬ ford. Conn., 712.

Hatch Drome Co. No. 9. Frank Bennett, mgr.: Gm-re. N. Y.. Sl-Sept. 5.

Hatch Dwwne Co. No. 10. Harry Hogue, mgr.: 0»ego X. Y'., 31-Sept. 5.

Hatch Drome Co. No. 11. Geo. Mill*, mgr.: Vtneonver, B. C.. Can.. 3-12.

Hatch Drome Co. No. 13. Geo. Acker, mgr.: Kt>e.t*viHe. Wl*., .11 Sept. .1

Hatch Dr^ime Co. No. 14. Ed. Slllea. mg'.: Burlington, Vt., 31 Sept. 3.


fAdditions And Corrections).

Dainty Maid*. Arthur I antng, mgr.: (Cadlllaci Detroit .11 Si'Pt. 5; (Englewiiod) Chicago 7 12.

Ihipre. Je.inctte. Show', Geo. Dupre, mgr.; (COUnE’TIM.N) Lowell. Mas*., 31 Sept. 2; Holyoke .1 .-I.

Held* and Field*. In Paris. W. A. EllU. mgr.: (Pl*.«iw.t) X. Y. <’ 31 Sept B

Girl* Friw J >vlan.l. Dan .Mack, mgr.: licwlaton. Me.. .11 Sept. B.

High Life Girl*. Prank Calder. mgr.. tCOR- UErTlliNl tTro'-aderol Philadelphia 31- .S,.|.f. .5.

Merry Bnrlea.pier*. Itlohy W. ('ralg. mgr.: (I’OUIIH'TKINI Troy. X Y.. 31 Sept. 2: (Vam'nrlerl Si-ben<M tady 3 5; l-cwell. Mas*., 7 9; 11 Hoke 10 12

Monte Ciirh Girl* Tom D. Snillvan, mgr.: trinhl Milwaukee 31 Sept. 5; lAmerlran Mn»lc Halil Cli'cago . 7 12.

Pa**liig Hex low of 1914. Joe la'vHt. mgr. • iSliirl .Kt. I’.inl .11 .Sept. 5; ll'liibt Milwaukee*'**lre Girl*. O T. Crawford, mgr.: iCOlf- 'in novi Lax off :il Sopt. B.

Wlnnor*. The. Sum How.xrl, mgr.: (COUIIEC- TIliVi (I.xniu I.ynn, Ma**., 31 Sx-pt. 5; IV-o- ton 7 12.

R. W. A B. PARASOLS, Tho Largo Sira, Par Doxea. $l.f3.

AIR BALLOONS. $2.50 to $4.00 gar Gras*. GAS BALLOONS.

$3.00 to $5.25 gor Gross.




WE bare prepared for our euMooera—old and new, and for the trade in general—g brand new

RE:D. white and BEUE Illustrated SRieet, deocrlblnf all the latest and moat exelualye No*- Mtles. Stuffed Toys. Felt Flllow Owera and Paddle WTheel Good*. Our price* and goods arlll aund oompaiison with any In the bual- neM. OonGnee youiself by aeodinc today for the

RED. WHITE and BLUB labcet) to__ .

RUDOLPH BROS., 19 N. 5ik St.. Pkiladilphia, Pa.

Blue Ribbon Shows, Inc. Wanted for Washington, D. C., Big Moose Celebration

15th and H Straat* One or two First-Class Money-Getting Showa Oan place Spot-the-Spot, Keg Game. Knife Rack. Case Ra.-k, Photo GaUery or any good, lagiUmate conceaxlona PoiUUTely no graft tolerated with the Bme Ribbon Shox»s Cut also plaoe good Plantation peopla Long season. South. Ftollowlng people write or wire; CBarles tW, Rich Brown. Joe l>oaka Opening for good "Ten-ln-Ontx" Address aa i>er route.

HARRY BIX. xMek Aug. SI, Briatel, Pa.; wsMt 8**t. 7, WaakisgtM. D. C.

P. 8.—CAn plAoe flrat-elaas AnMTlcan Baritone and CVimK to cailarge band.

WANTED FOR BIG 4FRIAL ACT, young lady not over pountls; one that can do jfooil plunges- .-Xtltlress .\KK1.\L -ACT, Billboard, Sjin Knincisco Cal.

b'a” T4-FT. PRIVATE CAR bargVin wide Tcatlbulea. steel plttforma, 6-wheel timcka. steel whe«l*. RIGHT OUT OF PASSENGER SERVUTIk NEVER USED IN SHOW BUSINESS- Sleeps and feeds 54 people; two swell room.*, kllrhen. etc.; bedding.

NEWLY PAINTED. f JUST OVERHAULED. IX. 1 YEAR AGO, $4,000. Bring the ktoney: tt'a g pick-up. Won't lease

G. FAITH ADAMS. 4714 Mlchltjan Aye.,_CHICAGO. ILL.



COVINGTON CENTENNIAL JUBILEE Free On tlie Streets of Covington, Kentucky, Week of September 14-19

Two More Up-to-Date Shows—Two Platform Shows—Auto or Motordrome—Also Legitimate Concessions of All Kinds CAN PLACE TWO HIGH-CLASS FREE ATTRACTIONS AT ONCE-"YOU MUST ACT QUICK”

Idilress K. S. BARKOOT, as per route, Wliiting, Ind., Week August 31. Concessiuns, address F. C. TURREU, 503 Madison A«e., Covington, K r.


/' A A

<L h\


ALWAYS I\JEW AIMD DIEFEREIMX This is different from any toy advi^rtiseiin nt you hav.- « \er s'en—it sti.uil.l I..- liecaus.- .uir dolls are diiit i. iit

ality in the manufacture of our dolls as \v<- do in tin- prepar.tiion of out advi iiisinn and li\ this we iiu-an that if w chan<lisc than some other linns are offerinn yon wc uouhi ^ro out of husiiiess.

We are not workiliK for motpy aloin w (> taki a ^reat deal of priile m the uo.els we turn out—and that is wh>' there wrinkled or melted heads in our shipments. To make a lont; store short w < do unto \ou as we wnuld want \ou to do unto us



We exercise the saim orittin'- ouhln t ofler \iiu hitter iipt-

on .voiir statu 'op Itenis - t ii•

St ulf

that you are ashatned i.f Ti looks

't that hrains and moiu e i .m make

U have seen. We al.'O lU.lllYl I .e t ii 11;

T>on't let cheap merchandise stand hetween you and a hiu fair husiness. I lon't put do 'like a hi^ \ ear for the fairs and you owe it to \o'urself to >ret all there is out of it h\ usinn Ti|

—and the heatit.v of it is that they cost no more hut in fact are e\en cheaper than some of tin miserald the following;


si:.\ii |■<ll; .s.\.\iiM.Ks \(tw \\ iiii.i: rr i.^ l uiisii i.\ ^ .Mix'll.

All samples, S1.2.a, except samples of laU-cli ic - l-X ed Tedd\ r.ears. which ari $1 a*'. Wh\\jjot ~it down mov atjd write for |>i ice;

XIF* XOF» XOY CO. PIlOIM*, (.’IicNini

CliIC.VGO Ol’I'IC'K—<121 West I'lilloii Slr<‘«‘t.

Watch for our other new hranelu's. l.os .Nmi' ha

IS7 220 W. loth iSt., New YorR S\\ I'll \ N CIM < > tll'I'ICIi—I loads-1 *eil, ( oi'iHirai ion, 7(i!l Mission

t'al.. and Portland, < ire , miw in coins, ,,i , .nsiimiion. :•


iCentiniieil from pane 8S>. 1

: tourtna car*. Mr. Goodr Imy'Iiik purciinsisl a new i oiM> a few K'reka aKo. • Joe Stanley haa rharitr of the PlY.-lll-One.

, and, aa uaiiai. i« frrtt'.ni; hia sharp of the biiat neaa. Fat aafa hr la Koin^ to hare a nire big bank roll Krourhetl hr the end of the a<‘aa<)ii.

• Tile tSertriHle Hliow, anuther of the feature I attraetiona, ia plarlDi; to flne btisineaa every I week. Rihite Erwin ia workinc un the front. ' The iRiow expi rieneed a hlith wind Monday ■ nlfht. tlie iTth. and it waa the c<Nid w<)rk on

Y the part of ■‘Sei’tty" Watkina. boaa eonvaaman, that aareal the !>iE to|i from eoinE down.

I Cropa are UnklnE fine in thla aeetion of the • e.>nntry. and ever.vone la lookinc forward to * ; record-break inn fiialnesa tUla fall.


Irreapei’fire of rejairta from aome other

I tented enterpriaes <a,mpIain4nE of hard times I and poor busineaa, the G'eat Clifton-Kelley ; Sbowa are playinE spots where earniTsls hare • not been overdone, and in oonaeqiieni'e reaulta

are moat Eratifylny both to allows and con- V ceasUir.s The f;,ct that Freeport. Ill., had not n been shown for two years waa a material bene- . fit to tMa orEanizatloB. NiEhtly the midway I waa iiaeked with aiirEiuE niasees of liumanity,

who apent their money freely. Swarti'a auto- dr>me cleaned up. while Eller's Trained Animal Show. Dixieland Mlnatrels. Wtsletsky’a Panama Canal and the atnaller allows and Hdes did a comparately bin hualneas. Conceaslons fared well. Frnnk .Mien claimed tlie bicseat week on dolla he ever had.

AmonE the many <vinceasionera connected with this outfit that claim “Thla la the IJfe.” is the Eenial Frank .tllen with an artistic candy wheel and a novelly-arranEed tanEo doll store. Frank la alily assistetl by Iten Roberta. Ethel Cross. Howard Trainer and Hal Cotton.

Salisbury Dill, as he Is known from Ooaat to Coast. Is thdnr s<>roe business with bis apot- the spot jidnt. Itill has a host of friends, ea|>e cially back East, that will be rlad to hear be Is with, for it and satisfied with toe surround- tnes.

Mrs. J. C. Woiletsky Is more than a popular Udy In every town. Her mitt camn foyer ia the restins (dace for wattinE ciiatomera before they are uslMTetl Into the Oriental (lalmlatry store by an a-jent. .All that money, brains and experience can lend toward C'luippins an at tractive store Is noticeable In the frame up naed by Mrs. J. c.

A. B. Mitchell, erstwhile promoter for the Great Cliflon-Kelley Shows for four years, has deserted the advance ranks ainl eqiilp|>ed a novelty ahnotinE Esllery. Mitch la doinE ■ nice business and says no more aEcnt work for him However, we note he ia The ItilihoanI azeot, so he la not entirely away from aaent work

J. D. Sweeney'a pillow b.p ami Juice Joint' are recelirlnE their portion of the hns.nesa. J. It la rellered of a deal of w.irk and worry by bis ebarmioE wife and brother frank.

Sam Brown's automatic race track la a stroDE bally for the linEerinE folks, and Sam claims be never made as much money before in hla life. If clothes and dUmonds represent

Philadelphia^ Pa., ! Week of September 7


WAIITED--Shows on Percentase-- and Concessions

Report to HENRY' MEY'RRHtiFF on grounds, or wire offler.

HENRY MEYERHOFF, INC., I4« Waal 424 Strsat, Teltvhone, 1423 Bryant.


New Yark CHy.

Hampton’s Great Empire Shows WANTEI>—Fy>r Mcymdale, Pa., Fair and later: Shosrs of all kinds. MTU fumldi complete outfit for

Platfomi Show. Want Ooncewslotia af all kinds. Can place a few lOc Starrs Want a Cnotaat and Proaram Han. Address HAMPTON'S GREAT EMPIRE SHOWS. H. E. Vaa Gardtr. M|r. Week Auf. 31, .New Kasle. Pa.; week 8,pt. T. lleyeradale Fair, Meyrradale, Ps


W VNTO)—Sbowa. Petrla Wheel, Ocean Wave and all lealUinate oonMalotia. All wheels to here. Write or wire quick. OSCAR N. TNIAS. WaaMaflea. Mitamiri.

WANTED FOR HOLTON, KAN., BIG FAIR Septemtper 28 to October 3

M<Trj’-l»o-Roun<l, EtxHl, oli-aii Shows, clt-an (’onccssioris ami a ft*w Krtt* .Attraftitins. TVf furnish tht* cniwd; you furnish the ainiiM'iiiPtit. L. S. SHAW, Secretary.


SeptemtieT 22. 23. 24. ATTRArTIONR AND CONClWRIDNH f»P AU, KIVDR. exceptlna Rwinta Held nn tiis main street. In heart of town. If ysi want amney, bays, thla la a annl alnp Will aril rxdualrr. Write, or wire to J. E, GOODING, Caaeeailaa Maaaaar, M7 Areatc, CtmtaaS, Okla.

Smotordrome Shows, Rides, Concessions, for Suburban Street Carnival

I Conducted by Eagles S«pt. 19 to Sapt. 27, inclusivo.

Alan MKRHY GO-IMK ND, CmifetU, WtieeU, lit Hhnwa. FKKRIR WHKU,, Doc and Pony Rhow, |v>ttuna Teller. St.otAlnf Gallery, Hlfh Striker. Kal.orma, Knife Hark. Hoop La. (TrrlliiE Ware, Freak Hlinw, Ira (Team, Onnka and l.uiicli Sianda. Afrlraii Ih.larr and IH|w. Wn-ai lug Hlinw To be li-l.l nn ihe MAI.N itTRKirr, FYliU-XT park, HJ.. AdviytlwYl In and sound Forrat Park and iTiliac", for ten mller, Addiua

C. 0. WESTCOULT, Caraival Haadauarlwt, Fsraat Park. III.

WANTED—CHORUS GIRLS T< at can l>wd numtierv Iprefer conn abouler or rag alriEeri. GIre IJCAtT acc, hrlght, arelElil, lowest raltry tirri hsiK All areefc Manda. Tlilnl .un-eaWul aeiouii (lablotd).

RKN TOY H Ml BK'AL GOMUrV fio., Uoniell. T.. Aucu.<>t 31; UrtiUord, Pa.. Swtemher T.

I nm erlty, Sam ami hU wife are g'^al ex- amplea.

I. C. Sutton, with a bell board, waumpur cats and buckle bm-k; F. B. Patter ami R. L. tireenlg's poatal gallery; Bill Weat and Bd Marks' c<M>kh<>uae. I. D. Geyer's crlapettea. aad Harry Marts with his high striker are enjoy¬ ing good retuma.

Tbe remainder of the conceaaionera are do¬ ing a giSNl tiiiaineaa. and aquawka. nnfr:endl7

feellnga ami rema>ka of hard times are na- known on tbe I'llfton-Kelley "Great White Way."


The Xa«hville Amiiaemenr Oompanv hta heea playing tbe coal diatrict of Weat V'lrglnia for the paat five weeka to Mg buainesr. B omer thla week.

Tbe line-up follows; Plantatloi Show, Thna. Detrlck, manager; 'Blackle on the fnmt; .Y-ia-l Show, W. I.. Odle. manager: Athletic Show, C. C. Carlyle, manager; Illusion Show. Thos. Detrlck: Parker t'aronael. Henry Nlrledaa; pil¬ low lop and knife rack. Madam Ada Reed; tail camp. Madam Ana: boopla. Mr. Butler; Juice

Joint. Prof. ManMIeld; pick-ont. Mill Rc^: glaas hou'e, Bertha Kaae; novelties. Wm. Kel¬ ley: candy wheel. Mrs. Thoa. Detrlck; laaKll* dogs and teddy beam. Harry Fraser; cliewtag gum wheel, Mra. ('. C. Carlyle; cat rack. Mlaa May Star: Japanese atrinc game. 'Mi*» .Annie Belle Diitall; alSNitlng gallery, high striker, hall game. C. C. Carlyle.

The alxiw Ims two im>re weeka In Weat A'ir- ginla. ami will tlien play Kentucky ani Tea- neanee fair.

Kxe4 ntlve staff: Tlioa Dctrch. manater; Harry Wright, aec-etary and general anmnirn'er: Mr. Browning, advance agent; Pearl Shlld. trainmaater; Tommie Allen, hit manager I'ad Savage, queen conleat promoter; Harry WrIghL

The Billlroard agent.


The spieler waa aiiemllng a few daya at home.

"Dad." inquired bia small son. "what la »i equinox T"

"Don't yon know what an equinox la?" ai't*'" tcred the parent. "I’m surprised. What do yoa go to school for? An eqiiimig. my son. la aa

animal—a mythical animal. It la deacrlbcil la til mytholngici, even the elementary one«^ lie-

tiirea of It are very common. In the Engllaa

arms a lion la the supporter on one aide and la

e<|ulmix on the other. "Thla mythological tieaat la half horae. halt

ox. The name is derived from the I.atin 'equine

and 'ox.' "I wonder they wouldn't teach boja aoniethlif

useful. Tlie acboola are rotten Dowad.iy"”


Tbe Metropolitan Shows play their flr«t f»>f

at tlrecnvllle. <».. Aiignat 21 . Hen Holmes' Wild Weat Show waa ahlM

at tlreenvllle. making fiuirteen paid alt'acll"'*- Manager Bartlelil relebrateil hla blrthOW

Angnat 12 In St. Marya. t). 'The comiuinv aented him with a hand'ome diamond pin ••• waa also the recipient of aeveral other preaem . Including a "pair of diamond cuff buttona ana a


Conventions and Fairs <i«iiiliie Irathrr book, with IntncliancMblo wrltlnc pail til •i-Mitrr, wllh any of the foltowtng emblenu: Mamaitr, I. (t. <>. K.. Kaile, Klk, Mnutw, K. o( I’., K of r.. \V »». W.. B. L. K. * E., B. R. T.. Jr. i>. A. M. amt Shrliiers. I'rtce, $7.50 per ituarii. Sample, wttli indiTtdual name atamped In (old, $1.00; without name, 75c.

E. \V. Weaver, niauajer of the St. Lnula Aoiuneuieot Co., was a welixtme visitor at Uiituo ('.IT. Ih'C. .(ukuit 18. lie was present at a bao<|urt «l*en a eommltlee of KIks from (Jreen- ville, (I . by the followlnx KIks of the Metropol¬ itan: l>oc Barlleld, Tom ilassan. Jack W’amhaw, Howard Benson and Roy Carey. They re|M>rt an en>>Table time, and expect to add Harley Foster to their list next week In areenvllle.

C. Poplin tlllpmlnol. the free act. U ereatiiiK quite a sensation with his art on the hlfh wire.

Harry Kamisb, csintractinx ayeut. iia« the rompanv booked until (he middle of October. Siitue bustler.

Dr. E. M. Phelps of ^sbur.v Park, N. J., s.s- ler of Mrs. C. E. Hatih-ld. visited us at st Marys. (>,


We played Ramesboso. Pa., AuKUst 10-13, aader the FIrenmi. and business was very good, there being excepaionallj; large crowds in st- tesdanre. There was no tronble of any kind, and the ritUenii and show people mingled freely, and one grand week was enjoyed by all. Bnd. John and Jack Behan cleanerl up with their pillow lops. Dutch aud Shorty did big on vases. The parasol wheel, managed by .Mrs. Bucklin, also did a nice business. There's a reason. Red tlerlier says a few more like BarnesNiro la all be wants.

Bobby McDonald, our esteemed Stcotrh bag¬ piper Id the Seven in One SIsiw, has put on an Ehigllsb game (|>ep 'em in), and. believe roe. toys. It is some winner. Bobby says it wst like getting money from home in Barnesltorw.

Another ailditlon to the show is the Billy Lorre Circus and Vaudeville Show, carrying seventeen |ie<q>lr. Mr. ls>rre has been sick and nnible to work for some time, but wxpects to be able to get in harness soon.

Manager Jennings, of the moti drome, is now •porting a new hat, which proves that tlie motordrome is getting the coin. Oh, yes, he Joined the club.

bam Nagata opened a big twenty-foot flower Joint besides his vase wheel. Tom Antony Is chief gardener and sales agent.

E. W McFadden's brother and sister In law Joined in Bamesboro, and took charge of the EH ferrls wheel.

Gormer Thomas, who was hurt the other week It atm In the b<wpltil. nod Mr. MePadden in tparing no expenae to get him well again.

Other ahowa getting their share of the coin •re: Jim Eskew's Wild West. BertInI'a lAugh- lAbd, Monre'a Three-In One. featuring Happy Emma and Hunter's Seven-in-One.

Becretarv Arlington left recently, and all ex¬ pressed regret at hla deiiarture.

Patton, pp., waa playv^ last week to a very mce bDainesa. and thia week It la Creason, with the big Johnstown fair to follow.


By Raymond D. Xinamore.

Newton, III., Aug. 27.—Jasper County Fair, ^b^ittractions furnished by Hariington'a Great mmroem Shows |a going to be a good one. as lo.isfl pe.ip|o passed throngh the gates Wednes¬ day and we expeet the amount to double the ISM three days. It started to rain Tuesday

J^tyll'lng was ekwed. The Tessle Show did Joe biggest business of all on the opening da.r

Marshall's Plantation ran a close second w. T Harrington, general manager, to.ik a

*“ E'hlcago. St. Louis and CIn elonatl. returning Monday.

Tiihjiln joln^ th^ »bow at FlBnc- •vn. III., with tiU pillow wh^l. Oeor*# ha*

M ii^at a roDoMlon a« waa errr on a carnUal ttiQiraj.

.-1!'"'’/ hdd the doll wheel, and it la •»r» framed swell.

^ Merger, general agent, is out after me more fairs, and yog can mark It down that n he will have all he went after.

Ill 'ed»e here Sunday for Marshall. wL'v '"’ je we show on the streets for one

e»«. under the auspices of the busincsk men.


*y L. W. Trowbridge.

5 * Shows arrlve.1 same "** •"** business the

idf- Nothing unusual hai>p«-Ded at this ent"^ • "**■' business was enjoye.1 the

12. -flayed a spilt I ' »»*’• *hai Mr. Napier de

crfHllt fdor ^xerclalDjc au<*h jrooil JimIx*

Heidqvirtirs for tin only Original

7 ini Write fur samples to<lay.




Grand Moose Celebrationy Pottsvilley Pa.y September 10 to 19 2—Big SalurHayt—2 4 Pays—$200,000 SalarlcB Paid

The hinK(\st event in Pnltsville since CentenniEil Week two years ajio. 700 Moose boosting. Visiting lodges nightly. Hand ('oneerts. SotMt.OO in prizes; Popularity Contest now in progress; billed for 50 miles around. (Dates changed from August to Septemlw'r in order to make greater preparations.) Hest show town in Penni-vlvania. Will be largest Carnival in the state this year. WANTED—('lean, moral Shows on libend percentEige basis. Motordrome, Ten-in-One, Fivc-in-One, Dog and Pony Show, Working World, Diving (lirls. Trip to Mars, Platform Shows and any clean, money-getting attraction. Merry-tm- Uoimd and Ferris Wheel; those wlio wrote before write Jigain. Concessions come on (must be clean and legitimate). All (Con¬ cessions Sl5.(Mh Wheels sold. Some good ones to follow, .‘\ddress

V. MAUS, Mgr. A. V. Maus Greater AmuBement Co, ... 4948 Brown Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

453 Broom Sirooi,

meut in making it au, aa the towu la rather amall.

ItjwliaN, Wy.. .Aug. U IB.—.After a atrehu- ^ uua night cn the road, ne arrived here, and the pnat|>eeta for getting iieuiey were very j bright. True to preilletiona, the allow In gen- i era! did a niee buaiueaa. We reiiiaiiied Sunday * and bad <iuite an afleriimiu play. j

Ijirauiie. Wy., .Aug. IT-—.—ilwing to the ‘ prejiiilice of the reaidenta of thia city agalnat i the Cheyenne people aiiil their refuaal to at- 1 tend the Frontier Daya’ Celehr.ition. we enjoyed j an excellent buaiueas the wlede week, idajtng f uinler the aiiaidcea . f .Aerie No. «o\. hYatemal Order of blaglea. Hie writer, together with several other members of the company, became "bints'* at this atand. .A ret-rpthm waa givea i the ladies sad geiitleuwa of tlie emnpany hefoe leaving, and an exeellent time waa eiijoysd. With deep regret we learned of the andilea , death of .Mra. E. L. Willlama. wife of Mr. W’illiama, our eoiitractiiig agent. It will be , rrmemliered by the many frienila and ac~ gualntaueea on thia show aa weH as on Cam|a- ,

, bell's I’tiltetl Shows, what a dear woman .Mrs. Willl.ams waa. alwaya reiuly with a help¬ ing hand. .A beautiful wreath waa sent to her ,

. bier from the petqile on the sIhpw. Sterling. Col.. .Aug. 2t-‘JI).—.Arrived bera

O. K., and have iloiie an exeellent busineaa, altlioiigh we feel the eeinpeiitien of the .All- iiianii Showa wiialderably, aa they have been in our imiueiliate vicinity for some time. It haa lieeii tpiite usual to meet them on our wav to towns, but it la a friemlly rivalry, and thoroughly eiiJoye<l hy as l wo new abows have joned iia, making a total of twelve paid attraetloiia. I^ie Iw-i pew ale-wa are I’rofeasor - I.eater’a Magic I’antomime and F. E. Bur- naigh'a Roman Stailiiim. Forgot to mention that while in Laramie our general manager, M. J. (MIek)) .Metie*-. with .1 party of frlendw, went over fii Cheyenne and pahl the .Allmann Showa a vl«it. and were Mirdially received.

\V. E. T'uiiison la barreil from uaing our ad- vertiaing (sdumna until he either returns $18 iMW'k-and trana. wired him by tlie Southern Aninaerariiit Oimpany, or offers a mighty good reason why be should not.

We are going to Invoke the aid of the post- offlee against chronic offenders of this rlass, wlio, when barred under one name, assume an¬ other.

They have a right, of course, to trim whom they <-an. but they have no right to make na a party to their dirty work AND THEY SHAXJs NOT—WITH l.Ml’UNITY.

No. 3('5—$16.5U per gross; sample, 15o No. 30b—$21.00 per gniHs: aainple, JOo No. 301—$19.30 per gneut, .sample, 18c


Ne. 311.



By Goah.


Tlie Side Show was struck by a storm In , White City. (Tbicago, Sunday, .August 2.'t. and badly damaged. However, it waa ready for the afteriKain performance the next day at ■ Evanston.

:Frank Grodigntt made a flying trip home from Chicago, returning to the show at Evanston.

Mrs. L. Baker was a welcome visitor at Chicago.

Brown, "the King of Trunk Mysteries.’* . spent a most enjoyable Sunday in Chicago, as well as Hilda.

Mrs, G. V. Connor la kept quite busy enter- taiihng friends since her return, and we are all glad to know that she is Improving each day.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warren were visitors at (Thlcago.

Daisy Sears and Marie, the English fat girl, were presented with a rubber medal for their braveness in Evanston. They captured a gopher.

While in Chicago Capt. Claude was presented with a suit and rain coat fniiii one of the tailoring ivimpanies of the Windy City.

Abby—What’s the latest from Imndon ?

Bow Canvastnan, at once; also bowses for other departments. Address THOR. F. WIUIKM.ANN’. Toom RivtT, N. J., Sags. S, Mt. Holly. 4; I’rlnccton, 5; Bristol, Pa., 7; CJifstertosni, Md., 8; Dover, Del., 9; Oimbridge, MJ., 10._,

ELEPHANT TRAINER WANTED Man to break and work smallest ehiphant In this country. Play vaudeville this winter. Mu-st be flrst-cliss trsliirr and tellable. State full particulars first letter. Address

WARREN B. IRONS, cert Hagesbsek-Wallses CIrous. aa per reuta la Billboard.


Beamon and Wlls<«i, novelty artists. Joine*! tlie Bull M<x>se Staiujiede Wild West and Vandeville Company last week.

We had one of the nwHise die the other day. .Acker and -Acker, musical sketcli. artists, are

having several new Instninieiits made. Mae Collins, singing and dancing s<'iihrette,

is making quite a hit with her Hull Mooee Tango Dance, written esjiecially for her by M. -A. Acker; also a new hesitation wait*. ITie Staniqieile Hesitation.

'The slw>w will close the tenting season about October 31. and then go into oiiera bouse, open¬ ing at .Altamont. Ill.

Kit Carson Buffalo Ranch Wild West Shows


FAIR TREATMENT Wc have r«e«iv«l many rxprrsMlons of thanks and compliments beoau-se our ru-aomers found

Uiat we were not tiie kind of a Arm to boost prices at this time. It would mean more money for us, ig (Murse. but tlihi Ann iv built on the rocks of fair treatment, and for that iracon we will ixmtlnue lo sell our iiMTclianiH.xe at the present pilces until Incrraaed cost of raw material FttBlTCS us to iiiekH an advance.

INNOVATION BABIES. <>ur Innovallon Babies are all composition and a wonderful fla,sh. (Ju-st like the $.5.00 and

$B.00 apiece Imported kind.) All of our dolls are made with uiibrtakable oompositloii head and

It ha.v been said that nothing will ever be made to equal our Innovation Babies, and It Is true that no other maiiufa^-turer will be al>le lo duplicate them. But here Is another one of our newest Items that will create the same sensation a.s is now being caused by the Innovation Babies.

"Babew** Is all composition and a little darling from the word go. She la seventeen inches long, made en¬ tirely of composition, and has movable arms. She will even stand unsupported on her dear little idnk feet. Assorted colored ribbons are tied around their chubby fat hips to save them embarrassment, but otherwise their plump, dimpled bodies are nake<l. Put them on your stands and you will see bow quickly they win their way into ths hearts of the people who buy the paddles.

This Is also the right place for you to buy




onleri. bftltnce C, O. D. Samples o( mdj of our items sent C. O. D. upon re<]uest.

Fair Amusement Company

X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

-TT __mT 'Knamer, mpcea , ^ B ly 1 ■ ■ gV I.aBelle. Pearl H I . ■ HI H^K I.aPr*n<.-e, .Adeline

■ ■ H 1 ■ - H '-^• Mjmi l^iKram-e, Harriett I^aMarre. ixdlle

, ,, MjiPearl. Mra. R.

Tha B.liboard’a letu'r forwarding sorvico IS unoqualed for ^romptnoss. i^vere! Umise Havo yo\fr mail addressed irf-epr care, ijiVern', Rn-ijrn and keep us supplied with your route. laVetta, Trixie J.

All mail advertised in this list Is bo* ing held at the publication ofhce, Cin- uthei ^G. oinnati, O., Inless otherwise indicated i^q^, 'May by the characters * (New York), ** laoc.' Catberina (Chicago), (St. Louis), S. (San i.a«tber. Mr*. Carl

'5 . I^Itella, Mary Francisco). a ,, j r . ac I^eBoy, Glatfya

Remaining uncalled for at our office Norma up to last Monday noon. Please make Dixie forwarding requests on postal cards i.e<>oar(i. May -nlw I.eutitia. Belle

l.e«'la, Kstberlne

••Poole. Pegfy Pratt. Mra. C. C. Prebin, Mrs. Babe

, PreMswall, Katbriue Pn-ttyman. Mra. J. M.

Admire, James C. Aliiert. l.ew Aibricbt. C. r. Aleom. J. \V. .VMo Broa.

••■IVlui-ebHi, Marie J. I Alerse, Joe Baba, Madam Bajab, Mrs. A. Baiikin, Mra. B. R. •BauaoD, Mrs. Geo. Bai>ui>ort, Miss N. Ba.r, Mrs. II. B. •Ba.rmoiid, Mrs. Al Beed, Mrs. Viola Beese, l.illlaa Bene, Irene Iteiinia, Miea J. Bevee, Fay L. Ilicb. Antirey Bicker, Kva Roberta, l.lasie Boberls, Mra. Rams •Bobinaon. Frances •Boblnaon. Hattie

l.lrinKston, Mra. Cora RM><', Mms.

Parcels In Clnalnnatl. Ohloaeo and St. Louis aOces, and aauiuiits due:

l^ockwood, Mae Bnae. Mra. Btbel Loetmaak, Mra. A. R. *Roee, Rosalie

Bubsnk. Ray lOa

Oameton, Oaacy So

Frank, N. A. 10s •••rrankle. Mike So

Bennr, Wm. H 4c

Keaknr. Jlmmls Sc

I.adelle, B. Sc

McNutt, Louis 3e

Nelaon, E. U Sc

Pollard, Ueory J. 3c

•Ufton. Miss H. Isobar, Mrs. Harry •pollay, Maud l.on(, Frankie •laiteene. Bts laMiii, Mrs. Fred L. *.*IJ>TS, Ions

Ri>y, Mlaa Rtllts I Itoiclle, Madam •Rubens. Letty Kuaaell, Bljon Sanford, Myrtle Santa fur, Dsssle Saunders, Mrs. BilUs

l.iiminain, Betty B. Saunders, Jessie


Ada, Madam Adaiua, at las Cora Adams, Aoness Adkins, Berths

•Denitine, Anns Dewey, Mias •••UiTS Dixon, Mrs. Jos

I.uial. Virginia I.urolj, Mra. Gene Lyons. IJIIian Lyons, Etta Lytell Floss

Schiiliert. Elate Seaman. Juanita •Sbaffer. IJIllan Sliaw, i.ydea Sbensan. Lottie

Alexander, I'baa. Alexander. L. V. .Clex's A Soball Allejia. Vito Alleyer, A. O. Allen, Arthur H. Allen. F. T. •Allen. Max Allen, Max Allen. .Srtbur Allen, sum ••Allison. A. .Vlliaou. H. C. .Vlmont. A. Alpine, Mablon Alatead, Jack Alverton. Will AWln, R. S. Ammons, C. C. Anderson. Bert ••Anderson, Pan) W. Anderson, Jack Andersiin, Edward Andrews, J. H. .\ndrews. Emanacl .Vnsley. Oeorse Applehaus. Geo. AryenbriKbt. Roy Armatronf, Arery Arnold, 8. C. •Arnold, Oeo. .\moM. ^caay Bill

•Alcbob. Mrs. Harold Isisaett. Mrs. 1>. F. Allen, Mra. Florence •Driscoll, Mra. Em'.'y Allen. Katbeiine Amlin, Mlaa Trixie •'AusilB, MarBsrst •Archer, Kathryn Amelia, yueen Akbury, Mlaa Fanny •Asai.hi, Mildred Aubrey, Mildred Aurelia. Mlaa (Jueen Avery, Miss Mary •Bicbard, Valeris •NBailey, Rita Baker. Mrs. H. A. •Banliiard, Mrs. D. Banks, Mra. Emma Barber, Anna L. Barnes, Mrs. Elsie Barnett, Miss Mt:ie Barry. Mra. Vlrclnla

DuVal), Dolly iMDuroi, Annie Bell •txlNsrUs, Pama •Ki Kay Slaters Electra, Mile. ••Elsie Little Emery, Irens KniKM'iler, Mrs. Sam Eskew, Mrs. Dolly Ksies, Gretta l-Mtridite, Mrs. Ru:b ttta. Baly Evans, .Miss Tbelma Kraus, Nellie Eylwsrd. Mrs. J. J. Faircblld, Miss Be'le Kay, Essie ••Fay, Essie •Fey. Frsm-es

McCarthy, Mra. Sels'is Sherwood, Ollls M. ••Mrt'oonell. Mildred Bhields, Pearl McS'unly. Mrs. Julie .Shirley, May McDaw, Era Shulan. Madam 0. McDonald. I,ens Sine, Maude McFarland, Mra. Rtb“l •Smilerta distera McGee. Marie ••Smith, Tetsis ••McLsthsn. Anna Belle Smith. Mrs. Web McWilliams. Blanche Smithy, Elma

A. Merton Bo

•Madden. Dot Maher, MVs. Phil Mansean, Hsael •Mansfield. I^ela Markle. Mra. Fred •Martin, F'lorence Martyne, Helen

Snider, Mrs. Mari;ie Soutberiand, Rnth •Southern, Vlrclnla Speck. Mrs. Cora Sjiencer, Vlrflnia Sopowl. Mrs. Ida •••St. CUlr. Jnlia

.^rnoldasilllii' Great •••ArrsiKith. Will Artbnr.'llr A. Mertoi AshdoveMpy. H. Atkin. jH|k

Aushe,^|in C. Ausur.^KA. Anil. r. Anstin.HP> Austin Sm.' Shows

Beneck, Harry Benjamin. E. R. iLnuett, Billie I'.eniiett, Jack Bennett. .\. I,. (Dr.) P.cniiett, K. 1,. Benson. 11. Cline Bentley, Robert Berger, Bud Bernard, Bay •• Kernsrdn, original Bemstlne, Darld D. Bice, Clarence E. Biciase, lioc 11. P. Blckele. C. H. •Biddle, FtmI Blgley. Jess Bilklss. Hsrry K. BUI. .Nebraska Bill. ISN* BUIliiES, John Billings, Sandy Bingan. Mr. Bird, Harry M. Btrkery, Edward 1.. Black. Higgins Blackford. Harry Blske. Tbomaa ••Blaney, Cbarlea K. Blankenship, G. V. ••Rlee. Mike Bliss. S. A •Blondeli. Eddie Bloom. Max Blue. C. C. Bine. John (KidI Blidier. Harry I.. Bode, Unxls Bodlne. C. W ••B.<dklna W. 8.

Ibgter, Ceell R. Bonavita, Capt. Boncnlager, Roy •Hooker. Johnny Bosley, J. B. •Roatonlana, The Boswell, D. E. Boswell. Henry •Boswell. C. D.

AnstrsUan Boy Scouts Bowen. J. M. ••Avollon Troupe Ayres. R. W. •Katnwk. Oscar Bachmann E. B. Bagby. DeWltt

•••Bowen. Berl Bowers. Ell B«wn. W. J. Boyce, Beg Boyd. Larry

••Bartini, Mrs. Jack W. Fields, Evelyn •••Baskina, Mra. Knby Fiseber. Mra. Ludwig •Belew. Mra. HoaaUe •Fix. Mile. Bell. Miss Babe •Ben. Mrs. M. Itell, Mist Grace Belmont, Mrs. Marie Florette

•••Haig. Mrs. Z. Gas •••Flaneray, Mlaa K. ••Kloreni. Trio

SAVE a cent in postaeje and consult our convenience

at one and the same time when you arc writing for

mail by writing on

Rcnham, Blanche •Ford. Mlaa Gene Benns, Miss Dorothy Ford, Miss Ullian Berg. Josephine E. A. F<siter. Irene Bernard, Mrs. Millie Foster, I.«ona liertini. Miss Hilda •Frailer, Lillian Reritino, Ethel Freeman Trou|>e, EiitUh Reverie. Mrs. Chai Freund. Mrs IV> .oi.v i

A Postal Card Beverle. Mrs. Cbaa. ••Biehl, Grace Bingham, Anna R. BIrt. Mias Olive Blsbo|>, Mrs. J. Blair, Mrs. Brent Clake, Etta Louise Blits, Mra. IxHilae nioomers, Boston Boldnan, Miss Ella Boetle, Mra. Shady ••Bradley, Berttke ••Brent Frances Brock, Sadie Brrsiks. Mrs. Barney ••Brown, Elsie

t reund, Mrs. Do.uthy •Frey, Mra. James P. Kuswo, Princess ••Gains, Elsie Gallaglier, Mra. Jake (iartwalte, Mrs. HJatow, Bay flesry, Hilda ••Geh. Miss Geraldine, Dorothy Gerond, .Mrs. A. Geyer, Mra. Chaa.' Gi'ler, Miss Belle Gllky. Ethel Olenroy, Mrs. Mand Glick, Mrs. Wm.

Brown. Grace Wilbur Glover. Mra. W. M. Buchan, Florence E. Goerss, Mrs. NMtie Buchanan, Mrs. Nellie **Good. Miss Florenee •••Bumen. Mamie ‘Goodalle. Eva Burkett, Mra. C. Gordon, .Miss Belle •Burns, Frankie fSordon. Miss Nettle ••Borne, B«esl» (Jordon. Migg Blanch Onmeron. Mias Eleanor ‘Gordon. Blanche Camille. Mias Grant. Misg Dotba Campbell, Mrs M. Graves, Mias Joy

You need not enclose stamps. It is not necessary.


POSTAL THUS: Mail Forwarding Service, The Rill-

board, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Letters are held one month after advertising when,

if they have not been inquired for, they are returned

to the dead letter office.

••Mathews. Mrs, L. 8. St. Claire, Mrs. Bessie ‘Btlley A Mitchell Matthews, Mrs. Belie St. Martin, Milllcent Baird, Carl

Otunpbell. Mrs. Jack Centour, Catherine Cardie, Georgia Cardona Mrs. John Carlo. Madam Cassidy, Mias Mae •Catlln. Margie Cavanaugh, Etta

Gray, Peurl •Green. Ethel Rntb Greenburg, Jack

Mlaa Goldie Gnik Mlm Meble llarrla. Edith Harrison. Helen •Hartman, Ellle

Chambers, Mrs. Mittle Gartman, Mrs. Effle Chanard, Misg T. G*rtt. .Mlag Blanche •d’kAmA _

Manitby. Mra. Etta May, Grace ••Meynord, EflBe Medina, Malaee Melville. Alice Melvin. Lillian Mae Merdith, liMith Merlditb. Lena Meyers, Etta •Milbam, Helen Miller, Edna ••Mlttinger. Mra. A

•Hartung. Katherine •Harvey, Mrs. Harry

••Haynee. Alice Mi,,, Bertie Herman. Mlaa Narrah Hickox. Miiign

•<*b«P4*. Byrd •Martunir, Katbertne Moran. Mra. Ed Cheater. Mlaa Fera ••Harrey, Mrs. Harry Chriatman. Madam ••Haynee. Alice ^ Clark:, Myrtle H«.f». Mils. Bertie tils'*'/’ *'ir Clerk, .Mrs. Roee Hermen. Mlaa Ntrrah CUrk, Mias P.arl Hickox. MUUn «“!,! ’ ^ni OUrk, Mlaa IJly •Hinton. Mre. Oeo W S® ** t . v •Clark, UlUtn •fLd.aon. Floren^' ' (SKlarke. Mrs. Mtrgety Hoffman, Mlaa Marie ^^xebetb CUyton. Zella H.dmea. Madam ••Cleary. Mrs. I>>Ia H<«Ie.v. Mlaa Blanche iohil”''

(Tomi Hoamer. Helen S??,. Clem^ta. Mra. ITarle '•"’'erd. Mlaa May i'hil Mr, nillv Cxiby, Madam Howe. Mra. Bemle vIki-’ OdIJna. Mrs Belle H«we. Mrs. Irma ’ttMAitv-.t ••Oolaton, Mra. M. Hrlca. Mlaa Emma Connellc, Kittv G"ff. Mra. D. A. If***** ConneriL Mrs. '‘i Hnfcli..sen. Mrs. Eva ^w'gid * M™ •'kwnera. Ix>tt1e •Ingalls. Mary h Conway. Mlaa Bobble yn««lla. May I*pr;.**7>,2;rir’ •••Cook. Margaret •••Ingle. Mra. Mae 'Hel^ •-'o.tello Billie •'rring. Hnddle Crawford. \nes Eve Jeeoba. Mre. Dorothy p.Vk ” Mrs G P Cmwejl, Mra. Star Jacqueg. Mrs. Cyreni, Madam Johnaon. Mlag J. d. ip.I7’ i

Montgomery, Ruby C. Tbomaa. Alice [oren. Mrs. Ed Tbomaa, Mra. Ida

'Stanaell. Ulllan Baird, Kenneth Stephens, Mae ••BalU, Jack Stewart, Mamie Beker, Geo. .M. •Stewart. Claudia Baker. I^eonard Stilling. Mra. Fred Beker. Jamea J. Stlrk, Irene Beker. Beverly Stull, Myrtle •Btlcom, Earl J. Tag,:art. Kittle •Baldwin. Guy ••Tantlinger, Mra. •Baldwin, Johnnie

B. V. Baldwin, Geo. A. Taylor, Lea " ’ Baldwin. Eddie Temple. Nellie Ballantyne. C. O. Tbomaa, Alice Bane. B. C. Thomas, Mrs. Ida Bangoa. A. F. Tikompaon, Marguerite •Bannelle, Henry Q. Trafton, Mra. F. H. Trooper, Trixie Trout. Madaline ••True, Sally L'ldike, Alme Valdir Ststera

Banner. Frank Bannister, Lyda Kauulsler, Jack •Bannock. M. •Banvard. FYed •Banvards, The

•Murray, EllxabeUi •Murrell. Mary Nansetta, I.essle Ness, Sophie Nick, Belle Noble, Mrs. Billy Noble. Alice Noe. Winifred ••O'Connor, lx>ttle •Orr, Marlon Grace

Venerable. Mlaa WilUe ^ipf, Ix>nis H.

Conway, Miss Bobble • ••Cook. Margaret ••'ostello Billie Crawford. Mfas Eva Cmwell, Mrs. Star Cyrenk, Madam D'4rvine. Millie Pat J'lanita. Princeaa Daly, Sophie Dane. Victoria Davidson. MIm Ray Davis, IJIIian DeHagen, Mlaa Dk'I.arsb, T>eDore Deteon. Jesae •••DeRoode, Mre.

Julian, Linda, J Jnndt. Miss Its Raroma Keene. Mra. Al. •••Keetch. Sybil Kellv. Mrs. Ada •Kell.r, Mae ••Keasp, Grace

••Page, Georgia Page, Helen ••Palmer Ethel Parker, Mra. G. P. Parks, Maud •Parr. Lula Parrott. Mrs. Ulllan Peterson, Mrs. L. 1. Pbllllpa. Altba ••Phlllyle. Helen J. Pike, <'arey L.

Vernon, Dorothy ••Barber. A. E. Vlikcent. Hath Barber. Chea. Volga. Madam Bardell. Harry Waldron. Bannie •Baring. Herbert J. Walk, Mm. Wm. Barnell. C. Eug-ue Wallace, Hope Barnette, W K. Warren. I.ueille •Barney. E. B. Wkds-r, Babe Batvru. T«^ Weiner, Elver •WeiiH-r. IJIIian •Weat. Irene Barrett. Clyde Weaton. (Jlorie *■' , HTilte Grace Bartbolemcw. A. J. Wlllleme. Erma Wllllema, Mre. Carl Williame, Myrtle /**“*/• o* (S) Wilson, Miss Grace “•“•••ber French

Boyu, Cbaa. M. Brady, Jeinet ••Branbury, John Bransfield, Tom Brant. C. H. Bratcher. 1. N. Brebany, Jack Breuihy, Harry •Brenner, Mas Brewer. T. E. Brldwell, C. C. •Broneoa, Percy Br(s>kheart. Emeat L. Brown Buater Brown, Will Brown. Clarence F, Brown. J. L. •Itpiwn. Walter H. IS|Brown A I.«tter •Brown, James Bniwn, John Brown, Jones Brown, SiMioney Brow Ike, George Browiie A Deaton Brown's Tenneetee

(snares. Victor Cardona, John Cardona, Capt. ••Carl, Frakia Carney, Frank •Carpenter, B. Carr Trio Camd. Ion •Carroll. Bob •••larpili. k» m Carson A Campbell ••tarter. Jacs Cary, Frank Case, E. H. Cavanaugh. Will Cavara. Mr. ChadwK-k. Jimmie C. Chamlera. John T. ••ChampkiD. Jack Chapaton, Jerry Chapman, Burt (ha|imaii, Fri'derick t harlton. Percy Charlton. 1*. Chase, Fred Cbaunee, C. Cheiielte. Clare Cherry, Jim Cherry. Wm. C. •Cheater B. Chtdeater. Wm. J. Cbtewell, Joe ITkriatenaen. Uw ••Chrlatle Show Cbrlstoffel, Eugen Chrlato|>ber. Maniey Christy. G. W. ***i hrlswell, Lewie CUlr. Carl Clincey. Pat Clare, I.ealle CUrk. Brad CUrk, Edward A. Clark. J. J. CUrk. W E. ••Clark. James CUrk. Geo. •« tark. Geo. Clarke, James D. •CUytoo, Capt. Cbaa. Clayton. Capt. Chaa. Clements. Hugh F. tIeveUikd John •Coatee, W. W. •Cohnrn Bew (Jobum. 8. W. •••f.iburtk. ». w Cochran W. Shorty

> Cokly. Al I CoOleld. Jack

< CogtiUn. HarUn > ••Cohn, Ben > Cole. Harry C. > Cole, Jean > Coleman. W. P. > Collins. Willard > Collins. Fred > Collins, .Musical > Collier, Chat. I Collier, Frank T. , Comet Amuse. Co. , Commercial Amuse. O , Compton. Frank , •Compton, C. , Comstock, Henry , Comstock. O'Neil , *Condon. James , ••Coodoo. Tom

Conklin. Fred , Conkllng. Will

Connell, Connell. A. Q. Connelly, J. FrancU Conners. J. Q.

' Connolly, J. E. ’ Connor. Malette

' * Connor, C. Sf ' ’ Oonttnental 8tkowa " vvCook. J. U (Kid)

(ook. Otto ‘ ’ Cook. Steven J. ‘ ’ Cooksey. I.eroy ' 1 Cooksey, Hoy ' > •Cool. John A. U- Cooley A Pell _ ‘Ckioley. James

•Cooper, L. Coikper.. Uslle A. Cooper, fhas. • ••• Henry •C«M>i«er. T. r. Coa|>er, Eddie Corbk'tt. TIshi. M. t'oraon. Charles M. Cossack, Alexander Costello, H. B. Costello, Jean Cottrell, Sam Cousins. Jack Cowing, M. .S. Cox. Percy ••Cox. Wm. Craig, Hamid Crandell. Harold E. ••Crane r\ cling Crane A Mensey Craw ford, f araon F. Crawfortl. Harry Crescent Amuse. Co. •Crommle. F Cross, Frank ••Crouch. Fred

Davis, Indian Joe DavU, Jake •Davis, t has. A. Devla, Geo. A. * •Davis, Saiu J. DavkI.y, C. 11. ••Dawson, 8. M. Dawauu. Win. Day, Johnnie IkeCora. Walter ••iHrCora. Walter ••UeForeat, J. 8. Iketimat, G. DeOroote. Ed ••Dellaven, Klvikmond Dellaven. Richmond UeMusaey, William Del'aul, BotH-rt •UeScblelds, prof. ••IkeVaua. Jack IteVore. Harry K Dean, C. W. Ikeaii, Harry Dearthi, The Decker. D. E. Deicken, Henry A. l>ela|iurte, Wm. Dell, James DelnHint, Fred A. ••DeUaru. E. •Dvuiaieal, B. B. •Ikennison, John Derringer. It. hnara •Uerattne, C. k •••|leste*ii. Mr IVtter, Fred B. Devil, Herb K. Devere. George Itlckerman, Doe DlckloaiUi, Biiba Dl<-hai>a. Arhona^^ ••DIrkeou. U. •Ulruer, Joe JlfiL ••Dlrrlcka, Ncll^JK’ IMiger. Harold Dillingham, Dlliiiiitham, W •Dillingham W. nillOB J.iha !• ' Dillon. John h ' Diver. Van O. >4 •IMx. J H -ft Dixon, Frank C. Dixon, J. W. Dobhert. John Dockerill. K. H. Dodson, Art. Doherty. Cmmerou W. Dobono. Cbaa. tSIlm) Dominion Amuse. Co. Doodeward. Joe Dore. Walter ••D.)ty, K. K. Doogan, W. ■. Douglas. Thomas •Douglas, Tommy Douglas. Prof. B. L. Dove, Roy I>ow. John Downard A Downard ••Downen. L. «a. Downing, Will

Oo. ‘Doyer. Joe Doyle, Ralph Itoyle. Ed Drouillon. Frank DuVell, Grant Duemw, Tote Dames, H. T. •Dunbar. Mr Dunlap. W. W. •Donlap, C. « ••Dunn. Bill A Johnnie

I •Dunn. CbarlU •Dupree, Oeo Dnrrett Dave Duval. Herbert Dye, I'erry Eagle, Oscar Twe Earl. Albert EaatwMid. Clarence l-^ldle. PhlUn Edgar. K. H. Edmonds A IJiVella Eilmunda A Tayiu Edson, James Rdium. Rotit. R. Edwsrda. Joe Irwin •Edwsrds. Ed Edwards. J. E. Kiiwerds. Wm Eblers. E. A. Elsenberg. Alliert Ellett. Charles Ellis. George E. ••Ellsworth. H. H. Ellsworth, Pete RUwortb, Doe Emerson Sam H. End, Joe Englaad, Jack Kngstndn, J. H. Edo. Jack Erie A Nora Erickson. C. L. Erwin, Charles A. Esele. Frank Esmond. John Rvsnt. Al 8.

o. Evans, Eugene Evers. Hen Eyck. Waller Ten KjTwsrd, J. J. KabbrI. ,\lcx Fslicy. Jsrk •Fsirchlld A Ginlfrey

Woods, Mra. J. L. •W<aids, Mildred

•Rsrtbolomww. Charles •Burgess, Harry •Rascom, H. K. Bnrne, Amoe 8. •Raaaay. HIg U Burns, John BauscherFreneb linriia, Fred M

Amass. Co. Burt, Frank W.

Ilrowns Tennessee Crnni, T. M. KabbrI. ,\lcx Mlnsta. Cnniinlugs, Marstuli Fslicy. Jack

Brownie, Leon Ciimmlnrs, E. C. •Fsirchlld A tJiHlfre Briii-e. Edgar t tinningliain, Thom is F Fslrley, Noble Bruiike. Fred W. funnlnghsm. Bob A Fsrney Hilly lliichnilller. Fat Daisy Farnsworth Donald BiiLer. Harry •Ciu.ero Edward V. Farrell. Billy ••Biiinm. L, J. Currie. Hsrrv Fay. 11 IL Burbank. Bay ••CiirtU. James •Fa.r, Bobble •Burbo, Doe Curtis. Gray Fedmsn f'rsiik •Burch. Bobble Curtis. Howard Felgsr. Clark B. Burgess. W. H. •CnrtUs. Walter D Kellman. W F. •Burgesi. Harry Cnaliman. Jack Ferguson. Billy

Be A nos, Tlie

Woollen. Mrs. teOrSDd Wright. Mrs. H. J. *‘*'•5^ Z.-msr. Madam Pe.chmore J. C


Ml.ik Kennedy, Ethel IVelardlan. Trixie Kennedy. Mre. W. H. l>cgn. Rose Dean, Haxel Delmare, B^bte

Kenniaon RUtere Renter. Hattie King. Francia

Deiigler, Miss Mlnnlu *tloC. Eehnu Oenaotore SUtera KIrbey, Florence

Abby, Jerome Able, Will •Able. Will Abrami, 8. H. Adair, Frank Adams, Babe Adams, R.

Adams, J. F. Adams, Sam T. Adams, Albert Adame. Jae. Addington, Bobt. Addison. E. H. Adeli, Lyman

Reamer. .Vlllcg 8. ••Iteardmoro, J. C. Becker. l.«nnle ••Beckman. Fred Ib-ckwitb. B. L. Bell J. Ross •Bell. Joe Bell, Peal Belmont, Clem Belmont, Raymond •Belmont, Raymond

Bnah, Albert lliitlcr, Jessie B.vera. John F. •Rynin A Mngdon Caddlnston, Blackle Cain. Harry Celeries, Ham Caldwell, Ham C. Caldwell, A R. Calkins J. r. Call Is. Joe •Camnhell, W. B. Campliell, C. E.. Caniphell, Cirl E. Campbell, Jiniet W.

Dally, tllcii Dais, Oe<i Dale, Robert Dalton A Gelat Dalvine. H. W. •Daly, Thomas Daly W Dane. Oscar Daniels. C. R. Danlela. Burley ••Danker, W. P •Darling, Prof. Frol Darling IVed ••Daugtu-riy. J T>aven|K>rt. C. M. David. Frank D. riavU. Han* J, DavU, Eddie (Photo) lUvU, Thomas

Fay. 11 II. •Fa.r, Bobble Fedmsn. F’raiik Felgar. Clark B. Kellman, W F. Ferguson. Billy •Ferner, I.eo Kleldbar. Al ••FTfe. Beglnald Mnlcv Albert Klnner. M. I~ nimey. C W FT reman Amuse. Oo. Firey. James Flrey. L. W. ••First Ic-e Fischer, Charlie Fisher. K<1 FItcheft A Nornun FttipatrIca. J. H. FlcefW<HML M I.. Flemings, Will netcher. Robert Pletnber, Jamea Flint, E. C.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. X ti e Billboard

Flint Uno. I. • Fioivlle • •tToTd. W. Aubrej

J. Kraiifl* •loair. 1*1'a

V Tboi. B. r..r.i.‘ II. r. K'T.l. W. W. Koril Vic I'.iri'uito, Bert F'fC't. Arthur •K'>rri’»t, A. K'*tcr, Ftauk 8. t'tmler, T. <’.

u r. F<>^t<■r • K. U. Show i-'uvrlcr, B. E. Foy. Merry F.ii A Maxwell Fraui-ea. Oeo. Fralicla. John L. Frank, S. A. • •Frank. Alrln ••Iraukel. Faol l-'rankllD. H. H. Friuklin. T. E. Fraukima, The •Fraaer, John B. Fraiher, Ent* •Frolerick, J. M. Fr'-e'liiiau. Irk Friea, Sam F*rlta. ilny O. yrai. II. E. Fuller, E«lw. E. Furainer, .Mr. (labrlel. la-Koy (laxe. Harry dale. Ueorce Oalllxan. Jauiea •dallo. Fortune •GalTln, Jamea A. ••dalrln, Jamea A. Oant, Kobert Q. Garmon. Eddie Garrett. Boy Garrio'n, W. L. tiaraluetti Family tiartlaiid. Barney Gary, Frank ••Gatea. M. •Gataia Geo. Geary.

• Gentry, Wm. Georite, F. B. German. BIrbard •Gerner, Fred **Glbaon. Fred •GIbaoo, Ted •Ulbaod, John L. Gierdlny C. A. Gilbert WlUlam UIHeatde, D. U. Gillette. Homer Gilmore, Eddie Gll»on. O. A. •Gladstone, 8am Gllrk. Ia»u Goetie. Joe Golden. F E. G'ddiuf Jt Keatins Gollenateln. J. B. Gnodaian, Max ••GoNtinan. F. •'hio.lirln. Mart Gord-m, Paul *<.oaney, B. J. <Joaid. F. V. Gowdy. Harry ••Graham. ••I>oc'* Graham, Vic Graham. Geo. C. Grandl. B<*t. ••Grant. B. V. <'»rant. E Grarea. Earl Gray. Bee Ho •Gref.>ry. Gilbert GrecaiHi. W. H. Gn-eii. .Marrtn Green. A. L. G^■ellh^allsh. Jack Gb-er. Kobert Griflin. Uent. GrlBo. D. J. Grlinth, I..>ule GrlBltb, O. B. Grikif. Wallace Grl»a.Mi A Adair ••Gb'Ter. B. Oroveo Bert W. •••Grnbba. C. W. Giilnter I_ c. ••Hack. Billy Uackenacbmldt. KM Hackley. sam Hadley. Doc Haran. B.d>bT Htreman, C. 8. llax.T, w .M. Hahn, Jack Hall, Harvey Hal.. Jack Haley, W. 8. Hall W. A. Hall. Kay J. Hall Prof i» •••Hall Georye

Ha) don, Fllfr llayea, 'Jum llayea, t'larence llayea. Jamea llayuea, Fred Hencox, B. 1*. **lleaia, rrana Heath, Boae Heck, K. it. Ileluta, Jack ••HelUiian, Maflclan ••Hemmer, J. G. ••Hemetreet. Lloyd Heuderaon, L. B. Herb, Arnold llerlert. Alec llerxina. J. F. Healer, L. •Ileuman. Frank Htckey, John HIcka, J. I.. lIlKlClua. Jamea J. lIlKhauiltti, Chia. Hildebrand, J. C. Hill, Arthur •Hill, U. 8. ••mu, Murray K. ••Itiialuger, Alv.n lllutou. Geo. W. lllb'u. Kobert llohba, Lelloy llolTmau,' Hare Hoffman, Ed *ii.>iOrr, Edward ll.dderiiciai, George Holi'lay, Jack Holland. William Holliday, Walter lluluiea. ITarence Hoiineua, William E. ••HoikI, Obaa. A. Hoover. Hurt Hoiie. VV. 1*. Ilopkina, Bert llopiier. Cbaa. •Hurubrook. Earl G. lloriou. Will •Howard, Baltlm/ce Howard, Harry Howard. Jack HowanI, Frank L. Howard, I.«e •Howard, Guj Howe. H. C. •niowell. Mr. ••Howell, R. li. •Ho.)er. Haul Hoyle. Harry

• llll•l•ar■l. Happy Huber. Jack IIudauD, Walter HiiKKlua Jeaale Hiiyo. Harry lliiiuphnea. Harry Hunt. William Hunt. B. M. Hunt, Harry lluiitlUKton, F. t*. Hurt, Jamea •Huabaud. Loftua lliilrlimeoli. Jack llyalt. U B. •Ice. Wm. irvliik, Keith •labom, Oornett Jacoba. Fred Jackaon. Leon Jackaon, E<lwin Jackaon, Oral Jackaon. Frank Jackaon, A. W. •Jacquea, W. A. ••Jacoba, Hariy T. •laiiieraon K. Jamea. HarBe K JaAiea A Jonea Jameauii, Geo. W’. Jaiix. Hutch

' JeuklDa, Freil ••Jewel (Doc) Johuwoii. Karl Jobnaou. Jamea Johiia.>n. Arthur Johimui, G. J. Johaaon, John H. Jobnwon. A. U. Jolinaon, I.ew E. Joiinaon, Wm. W. Jobuaon, Fred it. Johnaon. W. Q. Jonea. A. K. Jonea, William E. •tooea. rnrtla A. Jonea. Ben Jonea. J. ff. J'vrdan. Tom Joy, Tom Jo.v. Boyd P. Jielxe, Larry Jiimi. Frank It. Kalwr, Gna Kalherx. K. M. ••Karaer. H. G. •Kaaliluia •••beatinit. F. J. Keelor, Jack Ke.t.-h. E, H.

••I aForge, Jack Maddox, Archla Nelaon, H. C. Bell Jobn L. 8 Lai-ranee, E. J. ••.MaUer. Tom A. J. i.eKI, E. W. S I ,a Fra nee, Paul •Main, Blickle ••■Nelaou, Albert Re.da. Cycling S La.Moiitea, Two •Main. W. A. ••Neiaou, Claude Kellly, Mel 8 laiNotre, Cbarlea .Malette Ed Nelson, W. H. Reiiiharil. Walter H. • La Pearl, J. C. Malle, Esiiard Nemo, Woiigo Reiaiche, A. E. •; luiPrI, SI Mallone A Montgomery Newman. James B. Reiiiiuan, John • I,aKeaiie. Harry .Maloney, Joe Nieraeieau, Wallace Ri'.a, Wallie S ••lai Salle, Ed .Maloney, B. ••Nlcoii Keiiiiiigtoii. Altert >

1 I^Afayette, Arthur B., Malorye, TboiMUi 1 Noble, Oscar C. lefUllOU, Bin S Jr. .Manola Family Noble A UriM'ka Reno, P. .S

Lake. Fred Maiiolo, M. Norman, Freak Reno, Geo. h laimb, F. 8. •Mautell, Weetley North, Cliaa. D. •UflKf, ’a. IjiiHlor. Prof. Harry Mairiiael. Paul Northlngton, Mr. Rensilig, Herman • Ijiue. S. H. Marco, Fred Nugents The ••Keuz.;, Frank 8 l-aue. Earle Marcotte, Homer Nunn. Harry Kei»mes A Counderlt •I,aue. Hal ■M arena O’Donnell, Chas. Reynolda, J"hu V. S l-auea, D. .Marine Stephen •O’Hara, Joe Kcyiiolda, Raymond S I.aiigiloiia, The Marlon Frank U’Harra, Earl ••Rhelnfraiik. G. C. S Lankford. Howard Markle, W. B. O'Malley, Steve Rlioadea, Vf, S. 8 Lauo, Bert Marko (.Magician) •Ogden, Jack •Ithouo. Major S •I.araiDa Marks, Wm. B. ••Ogden A Benson •Klee, Sam l-aring, Tex. Marr. Jobn Weriey OLver. Prentice •Richards, Dick E. • lairke, I.«oDard Marsiiall, I.eon •Oliver, Tboe. Richardson, J. E. H iJiudenlale, ( nrley H M Oiiri, Arciile Richey C. At. 8 •Ijiutber, John •Vlaaoii, Alfred •••Orgunia. John Richmond, Vin S Ijvelle, George F. •Maiwm. Hiratn V, Orr, J. .M. Ricker, Geo. 8 I.ayrue, BllUe Maatert, Joe Orton Bros.’ Circus Ridge, Frank 8 Lawinger R. Mathles, Fred L. Osborne, Fred E. Kigo (Harpist) Lawrence, G. .Matlmt, A. Paul Owens Jack Ring, Leslie Brown Lawrence. !><« -Maur, Geo. Pabst, Ed RH'Py. Lewis 8 I.awaun, H. C. Max. Mike ••I’aden A Reed Rivers A Rivers 1 ayuiaii Frank E. Mavnes. H. F. Page. Kobert ••Robbins, M. B. Ijixella, Wilber Mayor. Edgar Palettea, Four •Kobbina. Chaa. I-eMore, Bob Mazetta, Jack Palmijuist. George ••Roberts. Lc LeNolr, Juggling Mazzsferru. tiuiseppe Panama Med. Co. Rotierts, Jos. l.eRoy, Chaa. .M each 11 III. Homer I’aiigborn, Doc Roberts. J. H. Leach; Carl .Meanle, Bod Park. Prof. Joe. •Roberts, Dan •••I>ee, Jamea •Meekiug, rrtta Parker A Palmer Roberta, Jim •••Lee. I’op C. Geo. .Mislina. Angel •Parker, R. W. ••Robertson, Theo. • Lee. nick •Meban. Billy Parks, Clyde A. Robinson 0. A. I^unnon, W, R. Melanson, Jack Parr, Joe Robinson, Jobn (Omaha) *I.emlng, S. 8. Melburn, Bert ’’Gone” ParrlA A DeLue KoMnsun. Reginald •I>eDDOx, William Mell. Lloyd H. 1 Patricks Franciaco & W. RobinsoD. Robert 1 I-entlni. Frank • Melrods, Tom X. Patrick, Jerome Robinson, E. H. Leon. Dr. L. L. Melton. Ikioa. Pattereon, E. Robinson A. E. Leonard, Jack Melville, Gean •Patterson. John Robinson, Bert Leater, L. Melville, Jana Patton. Robt. • Robinson, Cbaa. J.everett. O 0. •Menola, Engena •Paul Walter ••Robinson, B. I^TTine. Willie Menora, Tha •Pauline, J. B. Robison, Theo. Levine, .Mike ••Merrihew. Albert J. Peak Joe. K'H'kett, Jas. Lewis I.oula Merrlman. Biliv Pearse. Earl Rodgers. Oeo. Lewis. Harry R. Mervln, Harold Peck. Orville Roe, Hank iSILewIt. Dan Me.ver, Carl Peck. G. K. Rolley, Joe Lewman. I.afe Meyera, Geo. •I’eck. James l(<uliiiaon. Will IJcblenateln, Mr. •Meyers, W. K. Peeler. B. M. Roma. Ralph ••Lletert Samuel Midkiff Ellis Pell. R. B. Rose. W. J. Lleblang, N. P. Mikela. Ira ••Peltz Herman Rose. Harry IJlIetaa, The Miles. Roy Pendleton, Paul ••Rosenthals, The Llndell. I,. V. Miller. Abe Pendleton. Jack Ross. Musical Cbaa. Lindsay. Ed Miller, Carle ••Perry. E. H. •Rosa. Walter •link, Billy Miller. Fred •Pester. L. C. Rossman. Morris

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X Also vou will be soared the trouble and delay in- ♦

t cident to waiting until your letters are advertised and ;;

^ then writing for them. i ► 11 1

Shirley, Tom tSIVan & Heverne Shlvera, Don Veda A (Julntarouw Shlvera, W. A. Veda, Wiibur Shoberg, Herman Veiiiiiau, Hoc •Shooting bavagea Veleto •Short, Joe •Verde. L. G. •Short, John •Verde. G. Monte Shout, J. W. Verne & Edwards Shropshire. Jas. Vevea, Ernest Shumate, J. K. Vlolett. .\1. B. .Shumate, Jack Virgil, B. siiliuy, Tom H. ••Vou lUeer, Julea oioiiey, H. E. •Vrude, Luula Monte

••Siebert, T. L. W’achtel, Wm. F. Sikes, Denver Bussell •Wachter, sigmuud ••Sliver, Chan. •VVaiuwright, Arthur Silverhill Itireader Co. Weiae, L. B. Simiuoiia, Baby Jim ••Walker, Karl Simuiuus, Crlss Wall. Ualph Simmons. Norman L. •Wallace, Billy Sitich. Sam Wallace, Bruce Sieet, Charlie Waller, T. 8. ••Small, W. B. Wallick. Frank G. Suiiletta, Anaelo Walner. Carl Smith. Capt. G. W. Walters, Tom Rube Smith, llerlierl Wallers & l,eMoina Smith. Ed H. Walton. P. O. Smith. J. S. Walworth, Ohio Smith, J. N. Ward. Geo. .M. Smith, John B. Warner, Henry C. Siiow_ Jack Warner, Walter ••Snyder. E. D. Warren, Hal Suleman, Theo. Warwick, A. •••Sommers. Chas. Watson. John Soreaou, 11. Weaver^ Billy Suuinwiealern Adv. Co. Webb, Harry E. Sperl, Chaa. G. •VVebh. Harry E. Spring, Tony Webba, Yo<lellnf S'lringer, W. H. Weddlugton, Lew •Sqiiirra, Harry Wegmau, Barney Staab, .Adam Weick. Kasper ••Stadium .iiotordrome Weinberg, Joe

Small, W. B.

•Sommers. Chas.

•Stanley, Bud •Stanley, W.

•Starr. Harry ••Starr. E. Stater, Geo. •sieele, Joe. F. •Steinberg, Teddy Steiner, M. J. ••Stenburg, W’m. Stern. Spot ••Stevens, H. Stevens, Stanley Stevens, ^ank Stevens, Harry A.

SUer, Eissle

•St's-kton. Louie ••Whyte. C. ••Stoddard. Boy Widuian. Charley Sbaldard, Harry Wiggiii!*, Ib-ury Stokes, C. W. Wiggins, Wm. L. Stokes, Okla. Lee Wilbur, Jugjling Stokke. H. Jf. Wilks. J. O. Stone. Abe Wlllert, H. Stout, James Wllletta, Chas. Stoutenbnrg, Fred C. Wiliams. Walter Straight. Harvey (Zip) WUliamg. Earl

Weisaug. Joe J. Weiss, Herschell C. Welst, H. C. ••Welch. U. Welch, Bs^e Wellington, Edw. E. Welltnan, George Wellman & Ko.«e Wells Happy ••Wells, Hick B. WeiMlel. Otto West. J. W. ••Western, W. J. Wesitleld, Edw. Wheeler, H. 0. •Whitaker. P. S. White, Stephen H. White, P. C.

•White, John Whlteorow, E. Whlteorow. Charley Whitely. J. W. Whltneld, Banka Whitney’!, operatic

Holla ••Whyte. C. Widuian, Charley Wiggins, Ib-ury Wiggins, Wm. L. Wilbur, Juggling Wilks. J. O. Wlllert. H. WllletU, Chat.

Linsley, Walter Linton. Hank IJiivIlle, A. W Little. Curtis E. Little Joe’s Cv. •IJttleioD, Prof. W. •IJvtngstou at Van •Is)ck, Charley I.ogan, JItn Lohse, Henry •liOin^riU, kliM.

L>ng. F. Vf. 1 oiigwell, H. J. I.ooa. Wm. K. Isiranti, Dave ••lA>rena. T. Isirraye, Edward •1/orralne & Hadley Louis. Slats ••lAiult, Harry •ts'uls, Harry Isive, Ralph Ijowe, Edward l.iicas. Wm. 8. Lynch. IrLsb Jack l.yone. Tommy I.yons, Arthur

Miller. Geo. Milb’r, Harrv- Rube Miller Nathan Miller Family Miller, Jack •.Miller Mros. Milligan Mr. Mills, Harry H. .Millson. C. E. MUniars, The Mitchell. W. J. Mitchell, Cbaa. •Mix. 0. F. Monette, Art Monhan. Cheater Slontgomer.v. David C. •M'ssly, L, E. Al'svn. Howard J. •M'sio Malden Co- Mooney, Wm. B. .Moore, Kapten Jim ••MiH>re, Tom Moore, Harlan H. Meore. C. A. .Misirefleld. John W. More<bK-k A Watson Morgan. J. Hong.

,,, (I’oiirom) Kclh'y, Ksy llsmb>irg, Phil Kelley. Georgs

•.MacDonald. H. Carr Morlta Frank

HinilHon. WalUr« lltrnllt'bn. <ttYr«1on llatnlltiin. •lUfiUlttm Gfvo. jj, •ll-imllton Janiea Hanimerateln, Kt’ J1.. Walter llsiiley, luiwrenc* Msnover, E. R •Hs-ada, 8. •'srey. K C. •Ilsriier. Gl'bert •ll'rrls It Hliier llrrrl. IUr„i,i'

11* rinan Htrr'.. p,r,,y l lvrris AI F.

s-rls, WIHU "»frU. Fre.1

K.ldle llirrlson. rhas, R. llirrUoii, ClirtU I ■rrUnn. Hugh f •lart. Kot '[•M.r Waller

srweli. K. W. o«* ('bnek Ilsskell V. C.

1 Bflon iliiEaitn. T. Mlsstinga,' Billy

Kelly Bros ’ Showa belly, B. 3. Kellv A Kneeland Kelly. E. A. Kelly, Earl Kemp. J. T. Keiidsll .Artiiiir V Keiined.r, Janiea Keuiie<ly. H. S. Kennedy, C. C. Kenney, John •• eiiney, Janiea Keiino. Fred Kesfera. Aerial Kidd. |_ H, Kidd Dramatic Co. Kimball Dixie (Jack) King. Adam P. King. Jack lleiiis>corl!i K'nnle K It Show KItpiM'l. Chiihhy KiilgAit. Waller Knight I.eiile Knock. Harry Kuotf. ( haa Korte, C. H. •Kramer, Joo Krsnier. Oeo. Kps'ner. H A. Kogip. Dave. Kyla. C. W.

Ilsverafock. IT. C. I aBerta. OHi naverafnrk, H. C. I a BovteaiiX. Ilsn kills. Bob, rt laComa,

Maelj>aii. Jack MarI.eau, John J, Mc.\h«'. I.oula Mc.Adams, Doc McBetb n. C. McCormick, J. P. McC’oy, T. E. ••McA’oy, lasMiard •McCrary, McDonald. Thos. McDonald. Mack \ii •■oiiNiii A /.unn McIVinough. N. J. ••McFbB, Mr. McFarland. A. J. •McGralb. C. A. McGraw, Max Mcllall. W. J. McIntyre. 11. C. McKelvey, Gordon McKensle. Erneat McKInne.T, A. R. Vcl aren Jack Mclaughlln, Togo McLeod. John Scotty •McI Inn. C. A McMakln. Fre<l M. McMillan. G. J. McMillan, Joa. McNeal A McNeal (SlMcN’erneT Edw. McNiit. Lewis Mace. I,. P. Macenile. Neal Macy, Dick Mark A Bennett

Morrell. Doc A. L. Morris. Chester Morris. Henry •Morris, C. 0. Morrlsh, Chnek Morrison, Walter Morrison. Chas. Morrissey. John Morton. Jerry .M'irton. Philip Morton A Byron •Vforton Wade.L. •M'W*. 8. Mossinan Billie Motto J. F. Mullen. Ed Mullins. Johnny Miinlad, S. Murdock. Buddy •’•Murphy. Prof. Robt, Miirpby. J. F. Murphy. Rsy V, Murphy, A. S. • Murrav A Ward •Murray, John Murray, Gordon Mvers. Edgar M.vera, Kidney Myers, Jack •• \ade*'uiHit T eon

Naill A Mattiewa •Needles. Henry Ni’ir. Wm. F. Ne*l»<n. Doc J. I. Nelson. fXias. Nelson, Tom

Peters, Chas. Phelps, Henry A. Pheipa, Edwin Phillips, James ••Phillips, H. S. Plarr. "Barney •Pickles, Jack •Pierson, Gillie I’lppin, Engene T’irrl. Antonio PItcock. James Plsgemann, Bob •Plant. Vie 8 Plunkett. Marlow Poland, Joe Polish K. Polk, Jack Follow. C. W. Polskv. Naden Pommler Bros. Pool, Geo. ••Pwle, Fred Poi'e. .kiignst Po’'lin. C. P. Porter, Edward Potter, Harry B. Poulter A Welsh Co. Powell. Geo. Powell, Harry K. Pratt. T. S. Prendergast. J. T. Prentiss. Park I’rlee. Jack A Mabel Price, E. A. Prlfti, Reno •Prior. Harris H. ••Proctor. C. F. Prothers. Thos. n. ••vie. Currie 8. Qiiigzle, John Qiiinlsn. Joe •ijulntano’s Band Kamago, Orben Ramsey. II. A. •Kamond. Great

Kamsden, Wm. Kaiidolph. James W. I’.iigcr n. C ••Rankin. Red ItapiKirt. Ben I. Baser, Carl Ba.r. E. •hayniond, A1 •Raymond. T,ew Red Fox. Chief Ke<1enbaugh. Harry Reed. C. 8. Reed, Frank Reed. William Reetl, Geo. R'-eae. J. P. ••Reeses. IT. Reeves. Dick •Reevea, At

Roth. Sam Teinor. L. S. Roth. Robt. F. Terrell, Zack ••Kott, Robt. R. Terrell. Albert Rouclera. The Teters. Tol. Rowe, H. 8. •Thayer, Steve Roy, Richmond •Thilman. I.ewl» •Royal, Vie B. Thomas, Jas. J. Royse. Harry Thomas, Iiouis Ror.ell Show- •Thomas, Charlii Russell. John A. Thomas, W. M. Russell. Robt. L. Tbomaa, H. Sf. Ruth. Scott Thompson, Curly Ryan. John Thompson, Dana Sab'.een. Carl. Thompson, Perrj Sahr, John, Jr. •••Thom. W C. •Sander, A. B. Thrush Herbie banders. W. C. Thurston W". E Sanders A Dakota Max Timmons. Wm.

Streed, Mack Striker. Otto Strong, Billy Stubbs. G. L. Sullivan, Joe Swack, Jubn Swain. Tom Baldy •Swoor, Bert Sylow. H. ••S.vlra, Gee. •Tatall, Mr. Tate, Western Ta.vlor, Doc Teinor. L. S. Terrell, Zack Terrell. .Albert Teters. Tol. •Thayer, Steve •Thilman. I.ewia D. Tbomas, Jas. J. Thomas, liouis •Thomas, Cbarlie Thomas, W. M. Tbomaa, H. M. Thompson, Curly Thompson, Dana Thompson, Perry •••Thom. W C. Thrush. Herbie Thurston. W. E.

•Singer, Harry Sassmatl W. A. Saunders. Bion Saupp, Jobd C. Ssvidges, Shooting Sawyer, Roscoe Sa.vles. .Art J. Scarlett. C. E. Schieberl. Jos. Sohijilliti. Jobn Schmidt, Max Harry Schro.r. J. C. Schultz, Fred Sohwarti, H. ••Simtt, Harry Scott, John M. Srrugga. John •SesN-rt, .Alex ••Seaver. V. C. S'-fton. Earle M. Segura. A. Seibert, T. T,. Selby, Hal M. Self, Frank S'lsor. Sodv Senfer. .lack Soml. John ••Sexton. Harry Shafer. John \V. Shafer. Curly Shanks’ Vaude. Show Shannon. E. W. Sharp. Curly Shaw. ILsrry Shaw', Saib>r Shaw. Thus. W. Shea. Shorty Shearer, Wm. Sheflln, J. C. Sheldon. M. E. Shelt'in, B. Sherman, David Sherman. Harry B. SherwoiTd Robt. Shields, Jack Shipley, Jamea

Tine, W. W. Todd. T. J. Todd, J. B. Todd. Charlie Toledo A Burton •Tompktna. O'l Top. Topa A Topay ••’Toasel. H. Townaend, Chick •Travers, Wm J, •Travilla Broa. Trimble, J. Q Trip to Mara Tronten. W. J. •Tnley. Frank •Tnlly. W J Turner. Cass M. ••Turner. Curly Turner A Johnson Tamer, Bud Turnera. The •Turners. The Tiirnman. L. S. •f'laerea * 1 ji Port I’llman. Simon •Valenteen. AI. Valenzlo. larry ••VaPntino Geo. Hoven Van Oradel, C. M. Van. PMIt Kmple Van. Billy R.

Williauia. Jack G. Williama, Elddle WilllanM, Howard Williiighaiu J. C. Willia, Jobn A. Wilson. Walter WiUon, Archla > Wllaon, Drew Wllaon, Tug S. Wllaon. Joe B. Wiiaon, Frederick •••Wllaon, Homar Wllaon, Hugh J. Wiiaon, Jack •Wllaon. George Wilton, John 3. Winea. Ralph W’lngert. H. W. Wlnklebake, Carl Wire. Sydney Wiaeinan. Prof. F. Wltey, G. 1). Wolff. A. 1.. \ W’olfortJ, Prof. Henry Woodall. W. n. Woodall. Billy Woodall. Gua Woodall. Jimmie Woodley, W. A. •Woods. Frank • •Woodaon. W. T Woodward. Clarenee Woodward. Harry A. Woolf, Bob Woolfafein, Barnett ••Woolsen. Wm. L. 8- ••Worden. Geo. Worl, Hanlln Wortman, Roy * ■ Wren. \V. G. •Wright, Sam Wrlglit, Frank Wright. W D. Wright. E. E. Wright. Othel Wratt, Geo. Wylie. Jack Yarborough, E.

Garland Toshida. Kojlro Young. W. E. Y'oiing. It. B. Young. .Tohn Yonng. Sam Zapf. Ia>u H. Zarllngtona. The Z.irlington Frank Zeneiav, Robt Zerado. Harry Zevi. Marion Zeville. John •••Zlnka. Joa.


WANTKD -A got'ti opAMilnji Attricllon for earl.T In pltnitv of oprn iJmr WA\TKI>“-Attrtc-

iliwi for \fw. 27ih: tlAo Vaudrrille Aft» and F>ature Mima. Want attraction for w«*k ci( 14th, blf (Ylniinal (\»urt wtvk.

DALY’S ARCADE, BALTIMORE. MD. Optai for the sewsoo of 1914-15 to Hlgh-Clasa l*lt and Store Slums, Write WILLIAM H DALY. IIIS Pennaylvaiila Ave.. Baltimore, Md.

This Marvelous Free Fea ture Act Always Draws

Wonderful Crowds.




A ruoior ba. txfn art afloat to tlir rlTr^'t that tlir entl;-r 101 Wild Wrat rrauiiir«l full ojirra- tluua at tlir .\iiKlo-Auirriran E!\|aHiltl<>ti In lam- dou. Thia. bowrxor. ia ta>t tlir oaM-, for all tlir Indlanr liavr bwii rrliiriird to thia I'oiiutr}, aouir of tiir alatw iior-a*. laiiiiiiiatitlii*'ril f«ir liattlr liar, wlilU* morPSi niriiilirra of tlir alH>w lirxr aiK'crr'li'tl in ulittinlnx Imllvldual |iaa».ai:r iMi-k to lliia alilr. Ilonrirr, tlirrr *irrr riiourh Irft to Ki'o a Trry rmlitalilr riitrrtailiniriit ab'iix the urlKiuul WIKI Wrat lirira. It wai thrar who rriiMiiitsI in Kiialaiid that liivr Imo-i- |•lltlilla on thr allwlili h ruiu>if I'oiifiia*-,! with the < riitinal AiibIo Aiiirrlcaii rrxKlui tool li t rxru they arr t«i rrturii

In k Irtlrr from J. C. Miller. Tin llllltaiard la Bill'll |i,iaHi'«ai'i|i of tor f.>Ilowiii|c drtalla.

■•Wlirn the war waa dn'Iarril the KiiKilab (toirriiiiiriit t'aik over tlir horara. aa'i'riiiA uiam a aatiafai'tory pri'-r with Eark Miller, and pay- iiiT for them .Vt that time they tm>k forty liend, le^viiii,' the baiauir with the ahi<« ootll needed. Tory hair bern ahowinc whilr waitiiiB for a rliaiu-e to aall for home Thirty aailrd Wedneailay. and the balance will follow Hep- tember 10."


It not only drawa, 'hut it Mitrrtaiiis: it coiitaina many urittiiial feata that Irolutura dare not attrmDt. Ituay naarly entire aeaaiai playing RllTl'R.V mgagemciita. Just played three BiiTrKN engagemnits in three oonaiv- utlTe weeks. ITiey are JEWTlLd. CITY, KANSAS, week of August Bth; OIMAN'CUE, OKLA., week of August Kth. and NllWTlN. ILL., week of August 23d. They all pronounce thU the greatest attraction they trrr played, bar none.

Leff are's Mammoth Spiral Tower Act. ParaiaBast Addrau. LIONEL LEGARE, BMhlaheai, Pa.; Ea Reuta addraat, week Aujuat 30, Waasau,

Wia.; weak Septeaibar 6, East Jardaa, Mich.; araak Sspt. 13, Carthaga, III. PENNSYLVANIA.

MECNANICRRURG. Psgulatlaa i 100 J J MIUJCISKN. llanaTr ’

rraiikUn Hali: capsrtty dOV; atage. Right mllas vNith of Harnat>urg Cnnd loim for good ^oea la tweak luaipa betaten Plttaburg and I’hllaitelidila. Belleville Centennial

Belleyiller Illinois

One week, commencing Monday, September 14 101 BAMCH BULLETIH.

By Jog. Lewis.

I’revloua to playing While City, ChKago. all were aiixioiia to be In thr Windy City. We arrived at early morn and gave a long parade. The iiiatincr waa only fairly attendr,!. while at thr night show there waa a ,ivrm>>w. Mun day waa thr kiiock.iut. rain. rain. rain, until thr arena waa over a f«Hit in mud. 'I'br aight of the iirrforiiirra after the night slew will never be forg,>ttrn.

Kvaiiaton. III., waa the following stand, ay riving there late. However, thr para.Ir waa put on and the matinee started at 'E:3<>. Busi- neag, big.

Mrs. Claire I.ewlB will remain with the show until the close of the aeaaon. .L regular | cowgirl, yes ma-ani. Maytie next aeaa,,u. you can’t tell.

Guy Taiititnger and wife were Waitora at Chicago. Guy la a brother to our eminent arena director.

Tex Cis'per. with the Young Buffalo Show* up to tile time of their chiMiig. waa on the lot at South Beuil. Ind. He departe,! for New Y'ork to loin the R.'und l'p Oimpany for an¬ other aeaaon.

Cliarlea Uingling waa a vialt.T at Evanston. Ill

Hal IjiIVte waa a vlalt-ir at Chicago. _ Hal ia treaaiin-r of the Gentry Bros.’ Simw No. 1.

Brad Coleman, manager of tlie Sunnv South Floating Theater, waa the gueat of B-y &1I at White City.

Did you a«*e the new lid on Louie! One of the Homer Wilson blackbirda.

You should have aeen Tommy KIman at Evanaton when be sat d-'wn at the table.

J. C. Miller haa enlarged the show bv adding twenty-flve more Indians. Some war dances.

William Carver, formerly ticket seller of the Barnum A Bailey Sbuw, waa a visitor at Evanaton.

Grover Shiilts made a swell ride at South Rend on Hightower. Thia borae ia one of the bad onea.

Billy I’reacott !• now riding broncboa. I..eRoy Scott—Drop oa a line. The .Smith Slaters are ImiiruTing ntiely In

One hundredth year anniversary. Hi^^est celebration ever held in Southern Illinois, on the main streets; $2o,0()0 ex¬ pended for parades, paijjeants, bands, free acts and amuse¬ ments. Something; doinj; day and ni«;ht. Promoted and advertised for two hundred miles. Special rates on all interurban and steam roads. All the U-j^itimate coneessions for sale. Address WM. B. JARVUS. Manager of CoBCessions,

Bell«vill«, Illinois.

WANTED AT ONCE MiLvidan* to form new band and archrxlra. able to handle standard music, and join on wlrr, slate all iu first. Tlilrty and thlrU-Bre dollan munth. board, milform. medical can-; work prrmajient. .No tlckru. no bouaers. B.X.VDMASTKK, Nat'l tkiidl,'n' lliime. Tmniwam-.

ATTENTION. TABLOID! Wo want you at the •I'uimif' Thc«l<T. CYrwtoii.

Iowa. Stay as long as you can make goad. Write, wire or ph<aie fur date* IHiiaton klallou O.. B. A U INipulation. g.UUV. M'stlitg eapac.'iy. gou. (hwid ■bow town and an elegant louatioii. huiue to wtvk in We b<uk wily on per cent. UCKLBl'RT. BKNStlN A IICRLBCRT. Mgri. Devak and Nelson Shows



W. A. Eilir'i !•« Orluit Colond MiRitrils IUm inRjrtiw. band 4iid orebMtra. bat Rtxxmnodft* tluiM; claM«. K. O. Usndcnoii. write or wire. AblUtir. 8«fM. 4; JuiicUoo OUr, Lindsburt. 7; R: Uuidneton. t; Greot Bttd. 19; 4J KMr.*Af CMAS. t. BOWBN. Mfr. _

WaJitcd two or three-alM'east merry-go-round. Will make a good proposition to any one wanting to join a good, reliable company. Wanted, colored performers for our plantation. Come where you get your money every week. Can place a few more legitimate conces¬ sions. A few good talkers. We have five big Southern fairs booked. Wire or come on. (Jeorge Mathews, wire. .Address all communica¬ tions to FHOSTBURG, MD.

Rtwa C^anTSkman and Drlvw for ml two-oar show. Must k« tobrr and reliable. WILLIAM TODD RNOW. Rmtlr: Week August Slat. WcDdall. N. L'.

WANTED—K! Srnd pbuCa and kowiwl salary for ooa werk. MAN- Atiia B. r. KEITH’S BUn’UDROSfJL L'lrvriaud. Ohln.

WANTED Blllpoatm and Bannmnm. for Hun Broa.* Aitvanes (%.' Addn-m J. L tU’RlNGI'». BaAMvtUr. .N. C. SrVtrotMr 4, BurUngUm S; UtlAbura. T; HrUna. A

VIOLINIST LEADER Exptrlmofd all llnra. fine Ubmiy: at liberty Ckrt I; Incatlnn: vaudeville or pinurra. AdiRwas VIoLlN'iaT BLAN’D'S DRCH . can Hlllkoard. CliuAnnaU. U

WANTED STREET PERFORMER Playing Banjo or Guitar. Open about Brp'. Roth. In Gklahuma. Work 4,1 wlnltr. l’(«maiMi,t addma. DB J K Iir.vr»3l. goT Klgar Aw.. ICRIiigliain. IIL P. M R. B Lewis. rKum tbs aaouey I advanced you —.NOW.


W* are now playing reunions and falr« In Mia aonrl, and this being our flrvt wawm in the State, biialneas ao far haa lieen giMal.

Kapp Greene, a former bron<-o hiiater ,»n this allow, la now running ■ Wild W’eat of hla own. playing fair* In Western Texa«. (Sreen waa on this alv'W for several yeara, and waa feature,! la the world’a eliampion bronco blister of his age. having Joined Itiis outfit as a ridir at the age of Dairteen years.

We have |ii«t learned that Bud Welw-r, the famous bad bull, owni-,! bv the Bonne and Dan- l,-ls Wild West Show, died In Dklahoma. having been p,ylnoned. We were all sorry to hear of It, aa old •’Bud’’ was with oiir oiitflt part of one seaaon. and for a burking bull, we all to,)k our bats off to It

We are b^siked to play the Appleton City. Mo.. Fair. August ’.’n’Jk; Deepwater Harvest Plrnle, s,i,temt>er 7 I, and Montrose Fair, SeptemlM-r Ifl-


Musical Art. H. and D Blackface CVimedlan. Juggling Act, arul any grasl .NovWty Acta, llanlal Uiat sln^ Ibaiaen and fiMirfluabm, •lon't anawiT. If you can not deliver the real g'niv, we ilon’t want you. Htala lowi'sl salary We pay all an,l live on our own pri¬ vate ear, playing theatres. Arts must rbange nan- pleteiy for l»o ntghta. llpen winter siaami near Mlii- neatadla. tirtoiwr Isl (’IIKI.STY’H BIG HH’i’G- DB4I3IK BlIGW, Whitehall. Misitana. _

Norwalk, Ohio, till Sept. 3rd


Sig Sautelle’s Nine Big Shows WANTED Trap Drummer, for ’’(He Peterssi’’ do ; liaig wawMi, mJary. IIR.OO and B B fare. Must Join on wire. Rellaide iVangiaiiy. B. I.ICWIH. Manager. GUman. Sept. 1; Roberts. 3; Glbaoo City, 4. Hay- bnsAi, S. all IKlnota Feature A<-1 and ten Clowns. Double Somersauit Leapi-r, Man to do Punch, klagic and lnsl,ie Lrcturlng for

«de Sbrw. Addrem L. D. THILMAN.

WANTED FOR BIG SHOW BAND Aalstant Solo Comet, Tmmbotie, Tuba, low pitch. (Mhera write.

HARRY STURGEON. Ban<i Mastar, Baleavlllc, lad., Segtember 3; Lasnwaoavllla. 4; Osgsod, 3; Brewaalewn, 7; Lsegaalac, I.


llrirvital Daiwvr aii«l Hideter; prefer man and wifa HATTIF iXilJ.INH. rare To<ld A Paul tUn»t, HraJ- f<ir,l, Ind. _

By L. B. (Dick) Oreenhaw,

The Perkins A Berg Big Tent Shows have been meeting with mueh aiiceess through the Mbidle West and are now In Kansas, headed for tile laml of ‘‘snack joints.” After burning and bUiwlng drrwn. we are atlll gefting the "jark." Gld Bltlylsiy la always welcome to our camp. For the concert w,, are carrying a company of aflileles, well known to the pro¬ fession. Jack r.mnora la meeting all egnera In the heavyweight class at wrestling, and Karl Behee la meeting aTY llghtweigtita.

We are bombarding the timber wolves of Kansas with a raster as f.dlowa; Perkins A Berg, sole owners; Jack Oonnora, manager; L. B. Gr,-enhaw, general krent; Karl Behee, equestrian director and ofllelal announcer; Prof. Jjt'la Hewett. bandmaster; Keno Tr,iiip«, aero bats and wire walkers; Curley Broa., double

WANT QUICK XIusi<*l tVnneily People, SIralghI Man, l*rtis'lpBl twgiraiio. Ji-w C.HUisUaii, Classy Hliigliui A,-t. tliorua Glrla KveoUsly must be real stiii^ (kale age. hrtgtit, wdglil and vi-ry lowest ta,aiy, llr»l letter ,le,idi« all Must join mi wire; not a mianevd to lisie DK IdiBH MAStH'tai.IDjnW, Auilllorlum.

iXaiiiersvIlle, Indiana. _

JACK F. GOODWIN FOR SALE—H.-8. ilith Cmtury Merry-Go-Bound for sale cheap, as I hsve two mtctilnea. Clan see ma¬ chine running at Bed t>ak, la., Hept. 4 and 5; rtrad- tlyvllle, la. Sept. 9. 10. 11. I*rlc». 1800 for quick sale. WAYNK HALE, Lenox, Icwa

FOR SALE—I.argn Peanut and Popenm Wagon, aiae 4Vkx9H fut-t. In goo>l oondltion, newly painted; a splendid wagon for making Fairs. Price $260.00, If sold at once. L. J. HAIGHT, Ashland, Ashland CV, Ohio.


Gsisible id playliig leails nr heevtra; ean dirert. dress (ietii'TSl Delivery, Charliwton, W. Va

1 •1

I ‘ j 96 Xtie Billboard



T ti e Billboard 97



OPEN TIME Directory of Combination

Theaters and Opera Houso: AilrFftlMtocnU U> ooavf Ui* of thn* artu

tlnm will IH) Inirrled In thU column ill mootlit (21 Inwriloiuil, IncluilliK all moiilha' aubacrliillan to Tlir fHlliMiard. for only 15.00. ALL ORJiKHS TO BF aiN oMI’A.MKI* HY CASH. AM» .\KW OOIM (HATI’XI n'H.N'IKIlRIt FJtCH WKtX, tndlcatlnf o|Mi clalri for thirty days ahrad. In crmt new miw la not rrcrlrial by Saturday mnmlnf rach wcel t.l will ba Irft out. and no credit allowed for tb. ofnlaalon. _ _ __

EAGLE LAKE—(Paallnia Tbtalar) S.p( 3, 4. S. a. ». lU. II. 12. 14. 15. I«. 17. IK. m. 21. 22.

B. ;4 25. a«. 2K. 20. 30; lAt. I, 2. 3. 5, 6. 7, S.

___ OREGON^_ ~HEPPNER—(Star Thaatar; J. B. Soarta, Mf'.)-

2. 4. 5. 7. ». 0. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 1» 21. 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26. 28. 20. 3o; Ort. 1. 2. 3.


vniiTim BHi

Georgia Fair Motordrome and Good Paid Shows

Write to 6. W. WOODRUFF, Wiader, 6a.

-PRINTING- Your Kind!

Tkin't QuRe a Olflertaea la Prlatiaf! QuMa a Olf- feraaea In Priea. Taa!

If you uae Hrralila. iWie-Slicet Type. Half Sheeta. Window Carda. Ta<-k t'anla. iKaUm. Tl.-lu-i!.. or any

■other type pelntln*. write ua. Theee’a quality l.ere at tbe n*ht prtro and quick arrrlce.

The McEWEN PRESS Weverly, !>Jew York

YOUNG MARRIED MAN A»rd 10; njwwt sifn and Show Writer, dealrea «ra*t,t padtlon aa aorh with a Hrt-ult at Motion llc- ture iw taudeellle houaea aflar .S<nHeml>rr 10. Ilaa Cianplrte outSl iie.'eaaan. Incluillna an alrbruafe Tlioc- ouitily eiperlmced and not a drinker. Will looate anywhere. Salary to be cumaMi.suraie with the ralue i»«1ted. ‘nxiroulhly rxprrlmord and wllllnc to fire drai.inMratlan. Addnaa 1*. M U.5ZU.. Bl.lboard •Khe. tTileaao.



Thta will be a clean-up; blc eicurainna dally: Ckmcew- atoeia and Shawm wanted Conceiadat^a. $16.00. Ad- dn». M.4XWEU. CAILMVAL «».. tYwiaerm. .V. Y.

c— have a look MRBON-CMERV fair. BEPT. 24. 25 aad 26.

c/ all klnda. Paddle Wheels. Klah Pbnda. nek mtta. Yea. exHualeea to right penplek Shoarm enib fiaid fmnu that can delleer the go^ will get

•“ hlatory. Addrna AB- THI K J LKK. Pive. t’tAh.

FOR BALE. taalrng Hhraua Monkey, welglia 22 pou..da. good nea.ih Hate large ahow. can not run IKalgtrg Mon¬ key l.eieeaalnn $25 i« taken It; $10.00 down, bal-

' '* •» W'M «A1 sr. week Aug 31. Rennae-

** * T. |lochf«trr. Ind., o«fe

for sale Uglity ptecea Wardndie f.w Tab or Mual.wl Ownnly. 7 changra; all dean, naahy giaala. ntai fvi iMt takea aamr. WYI. K lif>>KliK. 510

K. \\ , Wuhingtoii, |>. C.

for sale at a bargain t'.unpMc Two «1ar l^amallc Tent Sh.we Outnt: Itig 70-ft. IMnliig and coring, all ,ia,er„wn Car. ful.y equlppe.! and fur- niwi'.l to a.e-otnmialale 26 pe<H>le: alj nhwl Irueba. ^!r v^***!: Wf TtA-ft. civiMrxnl \\tigs%gr Ow. md •nn Bill,. ibiMin. Urcf crllar full length, whwK

iifw.y $iv«ertiaul«<il and palnti^l thU ararion. .N>w. ^

ThiI. e««m1 mtktltlim: fU'tU. mivurnr, mtigi* Hr: tlK$ i(»i« ,< new n»vtltT play*, with

.41 hand siiow mm on thr roBil, fWdng Cmmm) n*aAim f<ir atdUiig Maila fnough;

a farm. w1«li t4> irtln* ThU idmw U an $»»d. rHUi»iia, wia|| thonmgtiljr mtal>;UI)<*d mni\f9-

with an mvtabU r<»putatlon. Pay t» Itii HlIgatP Atldm^ Hit] rAUe.\H.\N I>R.\MATIt'

iw n*ntr: tWax. Ill . T. A and •; v» 'Vatwka. 111., ^'•lr

.shk 14 to |». ikTmanHit adtlnwa. ?Vm2ra, Ma

rOR SALE UtiYing. Si»mrr%autt. High IMvlng Trlfk w- a..**”* twit Mi-rn (So KitniuU. K Swing, 'ywx I.g Wiwl.l. fm-rt liimnd Trip >V\NT>n> a*!.- Ijghl IMant. Itlark Trgt. Mlm^ PIUaP IIAKHY

tirata. Ihi.

PLl SH ItKOP.S ClIKAI* and Atknaid hand, all mlnm and Ma**i« Slu>w

ou amling. muM aril Wrtte or wire laAPH SMITH, Mtwt 4«th St., wNcm V«wk tTiy.

4 . a LIBERTY. M clam l*lanUt tmaiil, dtwirlng |M$«lilon with flr^t-

•Iaii4’w «w thrattf iin'Iuwtra: will )«*ln on wire, !»e itn4».wlra wmk Adtln-aa K. WAI.TtNV. Sac

. Iowa.

TENTS TO RENT *• MAGEE A SON, 147 Fultaa 84., New Vark C«y.

trapMcc aud Koiuaa riiiga; Coiiiph'k Troui)*, acro¬ bat.. barrel Jumper, and vauiU-ia; Lverett Naab, Hying tidipcze; Perkin, aud llerg, battle- .1 and club mauipulator.; Ibe St, llilloUR. ca.ting and return act; Karl Itnbee aud bpether, SpaiiiHb web and burizuutal bare; 'iUe Augia- tiuea, etjueHtrlau..

While Hittlug around the car reading the war new. Ktdiee meutloued the mobilization of the French and lieriuau armies oh tbe battle Arid of Waterloo. Jack Counors. Kitting iu a corucr, auddciily woke up and remarked: “Wa¬ terloo! Waterloo! 'L. let's go Isouth; we dou't want to get arouiul Iowa. a. it la t<H> late iu the hea.oh to Htart tlglitiiig with .uowhall..'' So. taking the tip from Lonuora. we are headed for the Land of CuttoiilleldH.


The Frauk A. liobbiu. Show, are being iug meiiled iu all departmeut. fur a loug ouuih‘.ru tour.

liuriug the past week several new act. have iMt'ii added to the big mIhiw, amoug tliiiu heiug Hie Ih-Oro Troupe, made up of alx people, wL'» put on a cainiug net. Tlie trouiie had a very Huece.Kful Hiimmer waMUi. playiug parka ou the I'liited time.

Ilii.iiieH. with the ahow la very goml. Iu tl.e early epriiig the iiidiietrial seetiou of the Cast proved very go,Ml. and tbe alnw can bua.i u* four tiiruawaye and many capacity daya. An¬ other fact that the allow 1. proud of ia that it |oat only line (lerforniance thia eeanou, and but one laat HeaHuii. At Itowle.burg, W. Va.. on account of a very heavy rain, a loug haul and a long run to Weatou. W. Va., Mr. Uob- biiiM decideil tu give but one performance.

Arrived at Weatoii early, and. cou.idt ring t'lct It had three other abowa early iu the e;iiing, buaiiie-ai at both performaui-ea waa plea.iug.

-Mm. y'rank HobMiia celebrated her hirtli- day at ('haiiilH-r.liiirg. Pa., Miiiday. August Id. and received many valuable preHeut..

Among the new additi n. to tbe ar» He.!. SeilMTI and Ine iKille. J.o- t'onl.l . II. Holt, Pete Cohen. The St. Clairs and M. Dalton'. Troupe of Monkey..


The Boytngton Wild We-t Show U doing fine bu.iiiea-, aud Uncle Dan Koyingtou. who wa. traiiHT on the Itil llaneh Wild West for a Duuitier of year., ha. hi. six iiiiiU-a iu fine abaiM'.

Aira. Dan, with her i.'Uie. and dog., i.. getting tier share of applaune.

Cha«. Il.ekiiey with hi. new saddle; Madam Sadie, with her menage lior-e. and to-o. Krautn. with hi. trick riding aiul pi|i.- apiniiiug, are also doing well.

Hie .how is working South, and exjiect. to .tay out late this aea*'!!.

Uncle Dan. together with l.yman II. Dunn, hi. a.aistant, send their kindest regards to all friends.


Texas Bud (P. J. Snelli ia playing in Texas and tlklaboiiia tu very go,)d busiuess, putting on tbe repri.liictiou of Texas in tlie Days uf ’-tu, and carrying a PJ14 model motordrome, with three rider*. Huy Aleaebum it said to have broken the siM-ed record at AlcKinuty, Tex., utklhg sue mile in 47 seconds.

We played the reunion at Sherman. Tex., wliicb proved the banner stand of tbe season.

Bonham, Tex., was played week of August 1&-20, aud last week It wav tbe Corn Carmval, Cadilo. Ok. TburtHT. Tex., will be played labor Day week.

Tbe roster follows; Texas Bud, manager; Misa Cook, tickets; Bugger Red. Jr., chief of cow¬ boys; Slim Gillian, candy kid; Alkali Pete, I.iitber lee. Indian Ilave. Mexican Tom, Snell Doggett, 1. C. Calloway, Wm. Hper. Wild Horse Charley and Bud Brandon, cowboys; motordrome. .Veal Hampton, manager; A. 11. McCoy, tickets; I,. C. Townley, talker; Neal Hampton. Roy Meachum and E. K Yagla, riders; H. Wilson, in charge of working men. with six assistants.


By Hay 'West.

The Great Keystone Show has been in North Carolina three week*, and. although we did ti it have any turniway business, we bad good crowds, both In the afternoons and eyenlnga. Tlie slde-idiow In some town* bad to give four i4h>ws dallv to accomm.ulate the crowds.

We have adile<1 a den of snakes to «ur aide- show. Geo. Norman la making the oyiecing*. while I>an Wheeler does the Inside lecturing.

Harrell and Nilson have adde.1 quite a fr*' new tricks to their acrobatic act since the show op6*n«M!. I

Maiisgcg IVick It breaking In a new rid¬ ing dog.

Our free attraetlon Is Cap H. G. Rlyth. nreak lug glass halls with a-.4 4 ealllH-r revolver.


Gis.rge H Topplcr. known In the circus and Wild West game as Bronolio George, bucking rider and roin-r, and Miss Bett.v Wehlier. of It.irtf'Td Conn., are stiglng some new Western vaudeville acts, entitled Wild West IJvliig Pic tuns. They stale that such a thing has never Nm'II tiefore Hie piildlc. aivl thst It slioiihl pn*ve a cre.1t sueeess. They eviHVt to ls>ok for vaude vllle aliuit Septemlier 24. There will lie four III the (s.inpany.

The largest crowd that ever attended a cir¬ rus In Fort Ikslge. Ia.. was cut Saturday. Au¬ gust '22, to witness the Kiligitng S.iows, .After the grand stand aiiil blues were fllle.l. additional H«H tt.'iis wen> laid on the blues, but even at that •inlers had to Iw sent to the ticket wagon to cease sellliig any more tickets. The sections wen- iM'liig a.Ided to the blues, and many hun- dnsN sow the iH-rforniaiiie fnuii the hip|iodrv'me track.

J M Pllek closed with the Wyoming Bill Wild West and Is now at Newark. N. J.. 1> iv i.g new horses, etc. He will play Southern fairs with his Boman Hlpi>odrome and Congicss of Boiigli llldcr*. carrying ten horses, sty ct.ali-y men and four eowlsiys and glrla. He ills;>ofed of ten of his old horses to J. A. Barton.

It Is rejsirted that the Sparks Circus and Mighty Haag Sliow pUy day and date at Wades

' boro. N. C.



This cut shows our latest creation. "TEMPTATION.” Soma class, eh 7

Forty othiT designs—AIJ, G(K»D. Indian Heads, Girl Hiads. Dog. Horse. Tiger, Elk. Aloose, U. S. n*g and our FAMOUS “NUDE AND NAUGHTY” numbers.

I*riceA; I*lIIowa, $18 a dozen; Hangers, $15 a doizea. Twelve-piece Sample Assortn«-nt for $16. or 6 pteoe


ART LEATHER MFG. CO. IS W. Swaa St.. Buffalo. N. V.



WESTCOTT SHOWS have e.xelii.sive contracts for both places. Would like to hear from shows and concessions for aliove dates. Can place {Food Wild West Show. Thirty thousand {Fuarantced Toledo, La¬ bor Day. Toledo opens Sept. 7th; Milwaukee, 14th. .Address

M. B. WESTCOTT, Angola,Ind., week August 31 *t.

^ PADDLE WHEELS ^ Nos. 1 to 60, $8.00; 1 to 120, $10.00.

j. DOLL RACKS—!?20.00 up—.">0 other .Amuseinert Devices. ^ Send for prices nn Doll.s Benrs Dojis, etc



Dept. B. IIS S. Dearborn St., Cblcago, Ill.

WANTED Good, clean Showa. alao Motordrome, for the STROUDSBURG, PA., FAIR, open day and night, .Septemha 7-11. NAZARETH PA., foRowa Stroudabtug alxteen miles dUtanL Will give 70%. Wire for partlcuiwrk.

W. M. BURNETT, Secy.

WANTED—QUICK One More First-Class Show

Starting Minnesota State Fair. Season booked solid. We furnish elaborate front, stage and top if necessaiy. .\ddress quick,

THE WORLD AT HOME, As jH'r route: Iowa State Fair, Des Moines, Iowa, until St-pt. 3; Minnesota State

Fair, Ham line. Sept. 7-12.


Baker, Billie; McAleeter. Ok., 6-7. Byer*. Frol, Stock Co., Fred A. Byers, mgr.;

Wey.tuwega. Wis., 2.'); NeilUvllle 7-12. Coyle's Museum. E. R. Coyle, mgr.: Austin,

Slliin., ;H Sept. 5: Waverly. Ia.. 7-12. Erwfii. J. 11.. Tp'utwidours. Gee. I. Heiidersen.

mgr.: Savannah, Temi.. .1-5; Olivebill 7-!>. Ksiliman's. J. 11.. Circus: Ntrten. P. E. I., S;

Harvey t>; Vanct'Kire, Me.. 10; CuniPerl.tud Mills II 12.

KIrbv's Novelty Sens.-itlon Sh.>vv. A. Kirby. mgr.: Ml. Auburn. I.t., ,11 Sei>t. 5

laPlaiio, Frel; (.Xnwiiia) Rutte. Meiit., 31- zU'i.t. 5.

laTeiia's Cireus: Greenfield. Mass., .1; North .\d.aiiis 4' Pitt-fieM 5; Huilsen. N. Y.. 7; Cat-kill S; Kingston !i; Newburgh 10; Moup>e 11; Siirr.Tn 12.

.MePall's Traiiusl Show; Columbus Jet.. la., .11 Sept. .5; Vinton 7 12.

Pair of Sixes iWesienii. H. H. I'h-azee. mgr.: Poughkeepsie. N. Y'.. 3; Klyria. (>., 4; .Moline, III.. 0: Diiveniavrt. la.. 7; Ottumwa S: Onialia, j Nell., 9 10; Grand Island 11; Chejeniie, Wy., 12.

P.ilr <f Sixes tKasternl. H. H. Frazee. mgr.: Wilkes Barre. Pa., .".A; Seranbm 7; Maiich Chunk S; So. B.'thlehem !1; Eastern 10; .\llen- t' wn H; lainciister 12.

Uiplev s. vie*'. W , 'lent Sliow: (COHUFA'TION) Klli.ivvog, N. Y.. 3 .'.; ItUsigett .Mills 7 9.

Way Down Past: Stevens Point. Wis.. .1: ,\p- piet'Ui 4: .M.(diH.>n t>; Witertown 7: Green Bav 9; Merrill 10; Grand Bapids 11; Osh- k.'sh i:i.

Whevder Bp'*.’ Shows; Havre de Grace, Md.. .'i; Newark. I*el., 4: Millington, Md.. 5; Harringtivn. IVl., 7; lyowes S; Shelbyvllle 9.

Yankee Kidilnson Circus: Sterling. Kan., 3; Harjier 4: .kshland .%.

Zenora. prlm-esa. Geo. K. Sharp, mgr.: (Fair' Wlih'iia. Minn.. 1-5; (Fair) Durand, Wis.. 7 12.

TATTOO MARKS REMOVED Nias Daya—Safa—Sur*—No Sears.

Wonderful new preparation, dl.<kx>Tered r by famous German chnnLst. Has ro- X moved hundreds of erabarras.xliig. ugly ® marks. Will remove yours In t

days—no pain—no dlsevmfort— DO loss of time from work. Is'ovea skin like ties*. Don't suffer your whole life from a moroent'a youthful folly. Have your tat¬ too marks removed right now.

Results Abaolutaly Guaraatesg. CVanplete outfit on.y $5.00. Sat- i.vfai-tlon Ruaraziteed or motiey back. Details on request.

ESSENBEE COMPANY. 2150 RIoc Strxwt. Chicago. III.

VAUD. PIANIST Cnlon; sober; last eight years with best Ihttsburg. Pa., theatres. Desire to locate In small dty. Address or wlrw PIANIST, 415 S. Clay, HopklnsvUIo. Ky. P. R No. I am only visiting here.

ai$vi league: AT LIllKRTY SKITlAfHKR 7lh; Singing and Dand.-ig Irish Osnedtan: change for week; up In acts. Adilreia KoHexvmmon, Mieh4gan.

AT LIBERTY-SHEI.IJTY AND if.kCK, Versatll* Specialty .Xrtl.'Us, man and wife; Mngles, doubles, change for week: soubrette. Ingenues, comedian, ebar- aelers, general bavliuss, pirxlinx'r; nr anare drum In band; slglit reader. Ibgiilar troupers. Don't need ticket If you are pliable. Write or wire Fulton, Ky., until after Septeml>er 9th. _

at LIBERTY AFTER SEPT. 1ST. Man for hearlis and gexierai bu.sln<*s. Woman for Jn- renlUs and speelaltlee. Wanirobe and experience. Stock or R.'tv. Tickets If too far. J. WILLIAMS, .-are 1214 Hemphill St.. Ft. Worth. Tex.

If you see It la The Billboard. tv4l the* ao.




SEPTEMBER 5, 1914.

PITTSBURG OLD HOME WEEK. This will 1)0 the greatest celebration ever held in the State of Pennsylvania. 1,000,000 PEOPLE. $20,000 WORTH OF FREE ACTS. 50 bands. $5,000 worth of fire works on the river front. Can place a few more first-class shows and legitimate concessions. .Also in need of a few

more high-class FREE ACTS; WATER ACTS preferred. Wanted, ten Punch and Judy men, ten magicians privileged to sell whistles and tricks.

Address all communications to

JAMES GEARY, Amusement Director, care of Polack Booking Exchange, 518-519 Lyceum Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa.


b I6 ' I8

Kiertro Gold PUted, Hutitliig Cam. engravlfigs, with T-Jeweled AmericAR

Nickel MovemetiU, Stem Wind and Stem Set. Kicelleiit Watohea for Preraiuina. Enoloae poRtage when ordartnf aaople.





P»Hi. In > '24-Inoil milt Can b« *et up In two

mlnutos. Junt tbo thing for the Falrt. I’lddle niieeU

of teen' dowcTtpitoii, Spiiidlts, Drop Casef, Bird ''ages,

Mdve Btrlkrra.





and TIME


Priea, $2.00 par Grpu. BERK BROS., 529 BrMdway, New VtrA City.


Great for Falra and Oarnirala. Beau Popcorn—V parkage onou le. Samfdca lUc. and partlculan. Ma¬ rine and Inutrurtlotia, $7.50 prepaid. Inriudtng "(Vnine In Gandy Making" Beat piWialtlon In the country today. .

CORNEAU & CO., 950 Na. Parktida. Ckieaoo. III.

Cats, Dogs & Monkeys For the new 4 game. NATL'KAl, AS LIFE. Ooarmn* teed not to break.

U.TSCHUDI 72$ S. SecMd Street,




H \NTEn—PARTNER with $500 00. In Ckrnlral rompany going South.

BATCH, care Billboard, CltKdnnatl. O.

TENTS--A11 Sizes in Stock M. MAGEE L SON, 147 FuHaa Si.. New York City.

MISCELLANEOUS Almond, Jethro, Show, Jethro Almoml, uigr..

Mouroe, N. C., 31-Sept. 6. Baker'a, Bert, Auto polo I'lajera: Gre»-ue, N. Y..

31-Sept. 5. Baruuiu, I'rof. J. H.: Clarklake, Mich.. 3l-

S<vt. 5. Bragg Ac Bragg Sliow, Gea. M. Bragg, uigr.i

Ml. n.) Rapid rit.T. Mich., 3-5. Callabau Dramatic Co.; Atlanta, III., tl-Scpt. .5. Curloa A( KVigg Slbowe: Vauoouver, Waah., 30-

Sept. 5. Co.vle'a Muaeum. E. R. Coyle, mgr.: Austin,

Minp., 31-Sept. 5. Daniel. B. A.: Coral. Mich.. 2-12. Demiug. Lawrence. Theater Co. Lawrence Dem

ing, mgr.: Rook Rapida. la., 31-Sept. 5. Uilpiu'w Hypnotic Coined.v Co., J. H. Gilpin.

mgr.; Minneapotia, Minn., indef. Great Dillard Show. Edw. L. Alexander, mgr.:

.Mankato. Minn., 31-Sept. 5; Winona 6-12. Jenninga' Show to.; Ballinger, Tex.. 31-Sept. 5. IjlRoae Electric FYiuntain. Flrf & Water Siiec-

t.iele. tjeo. LaRoee, mgr.: Buffalo, S. T., i 31 .Sept. 5 ,

Lingerman, Samuel & Lucy: (Hollywood Park) RoaavlUe. Baltimore, Md., Indef.

Loreiia. Dr. Geo. Henry: Vancouver, B. C., C.m.. 27 Sept. 5; Victoria 7-17.

I.iiken'*, Harry, Wild Animal Show: Baxter SprlngB, Kan.. 31-Sep|. 5; Burlington 7-12.

Mack, Aemnaut J.ihnny. Co. 1. Johnny Mack, mgr.: (Fairi Red Lion, Pa., 2-5; (Fair) Salu bury. Conn.. 7: (Fair) Mt. Kiaco, N. Y., 9-12.

Mack. Aeronaut Johnny, Co. 2, Mra. Jobnn.v Mack, mgr.; (Fair) Dongan Hill*. N. Y., 2-7; (Key Celebration) Baltimore, Md.. 12.

Mann Rpoa. & Todd Vaudeville Show; Brown wood. Tex., 2S-Sopt. 4; Balliugor 5-12.

MeFall'a Trained .\nimal Show: Columbus Jet., la., 31-Sept. 5.

Miller’s. Prof., Medicine Show: Clover Creek, Ps.. 31 Sept. .V

M.vsterl.uis Smith Co.. .Albert P. Smith, mgr.i Elmo. Mo.. 3; Rsvenwood 4-5; Parnell 7-S; Sheridan 9-10; Forewt City 11; Oregon 12.

Rieton’s Big Miow. Prof. Ricton, mgr.; Somer M*t. O., 31 Sept. 7.

Ripley’s. Geo. \v.. Tent Show. Geo. W. Ripley, mgr.: MeGrsw, N. Y., 31-Sept. 5.

Sanna Hypnotic Comedy Co.: Minneapolis, Minn., indef.

Texas Bud’s Texas In the Days of '49; Thiirber, Tex.. 7-12.

Texas Tom’s Overland Shows J. T. Parker A Son. nigrs.: Moreland. Ala., 3; Peaks Bill 4; Donhle Sjirlngs 5.

Thompson’s, Frank H.. Tent Show; Pearl City, m., 1-5.

Williams. Dad. Musical Comedy Co.; (Garden I ■Alrdonipi tlklalKima Cltv. Ok.. l"de'. I

Wo.u1wsrd's. Harrv A.. Picture A Vaudeville I Co.; I.elsnd. Mich.. 31-Sept. 5: Empire 6-11.

Wright’s. C. A., Trained Dog Show: Pawl**t. Vt.. 3 .5.

Zayno's Sh-Mr Co.; Chinpewa Falls, Wls., 31- Sept. 4: Waterloo 7: Monroe 8-12.

CIRCUS AND WILD WEST Barnes. .41. G.; North Vernon. Ind.. 3; Seymour

4; Mitchell ."i; Washington 6; Ijiwrence, III., «; Mt. Carmel 9; Graytvllle 10; Carmi 11; Harrisburg 12.

Barniim A Bailey; Napa, Cal., 3; Oakland 4; S'n Francisco HT,

notson-Ciirtis Shows; Carey, O.. 1-3. Ely. Geo. S.; Bronte. Tex.. 3. E«'’hmsn. J. H ; Mnrrav River P. E. T. 3;

V.-mon 4; Hunter River Bridge 5; Polnte du tTiene, X, B.. 6 7.

Gentry Bros. No. 1; Franklin Ind., 3; Danville, III.. 4.

Oollmar Bpo«.; Monona Is.. 3; Montleello 4; Tsma 5- Webster City 7; Fddora 8.

Hang, Mlght.y; Georgetown. Ilel., 9. Haag Mlgtitv; Womolsdorf. Pa., 3; Coateavllle

4; West Gr.ive .5. Hagenhr-ek WvlIace; Sedvlla. Mo.. 3; Nevada 4;

Clinton 5; Snrlngtlelrt 7: Carthage R; Joplin 9; Pittsburg. Kan.. 10; Channte It: Tjiwrenee 12.

Happy Rill; Eureka. Tex.. 3; Rtreetman 5; Klr- vln 7; Fairfield 8; IJma 9; Butler 1’; Tueker 12.

Jones Brow. A W'lson; Cherrvvsle. Kan.. 3; In- dependenee 4- Caner .5; Bartlesville, Ok.. 7;

J Tulsa k; Muskogee 9. K’t Cs'-son Piiffslo Baneh; Tome River, N. f.,

3; Mt. Hollv 4: Prlneeton 5 I.aTena; Greenffeld. Maas.. 3; North Adams 4;

ix.t.f.t.t r. I peVr PHI; Britton. Ok.. 3: Piedmont 4;

Yukon 5. c Miller A Arlington’s 101 Ranch; Vin-

eennea Ind.. 3: Worthington 4; Indlanap<dla I TxmisvHle. K.v., 7. * Oklahoma Baneh. Major C. F. Rhodes mgr.:

(T.nna Park) Coney laltnd. N. Y.. Indef PeeVIns A Berg; Claremore Ok.. 3; Inola 4;

* FT. Glhwon Ti: Manadeld. Ark., 9. RIngling Brow.; Janesville. Wls.. 3; Poekt.>cd.

* III.. 4- Sterling .I- Peoria "■ Canton «: Galea. I burg 9; Qulney 10; Mteomh 11; Jaek>nnvil|e

12 - Robhina. Frank A ; Duriiln W. Va.. 3; Marlliig-

ton 4; Roneeverte 5. .Sintelle. Rig.; Batesville. Ind . 3; T awreneevllle

4; Osgood 5' Rrown«fown 7- I w.go tee 8; , Olnev HI.. 9; Flora lO; Fairfield 11: En- '• 6eld 12.

SeMw Flot...Bnfralo RIU (tt'm«elf); JaeV.ou. ■ Mich. 3; T.anslng 4; SatrInaw .5; TW-troit T;

Toledo. O.. 8; Cleveland 9 10; Akron II; Canton 12.

■ Sliver Family: Edmore. Mleh,. 3; Blverdrle 4; Crvatal 5.

Sparka* CIrclevlIle. O . 3- Iropfon 4: William. son. W. Va. 5- BliieOe'd 7

Sfr-rptfa Showa fj S. Stsrrett mgr.; F’-epltm Jet vt.. 31 Sept. K; I>-w|aton M-.. 7 1"

> Tacokina; Medfoed N. J.. 3- Perl’u 4 WII- Pamstown .*;• Glaaaboro 7- Fimer s- Wreidk-

'■ town 9; Swedealioro 11; Penna Grove 12.




"BtFTAMCAL FLOBAL PARADE BOOK.” Thle hook aantolne $0 pages of detlgna uid daaatpUaci. also tells you boat te m- ganlsw • Flonl Psrsde.

Fiiois BotiDicil Fionl Sheitiag ... 75c CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Say selar. Par gma.$2.$$ SNOWBALLS, aay ts4tr. far grata. 2.50 CARNATIONS, aay seter. Par grata. 1.1$ JAPANESE WISTERIA. Par lOS.$.$$

All colm or tlnud kt ««-»» prloe. All other Ooarert and deooraUva aaaurteia proparUooatrly Ines- pa^vt in terga or small quanMtlea.

The Botanical Decorating Co. 604 S. Fiftli Avsnue, CHICAGO



PILLDW CASES FTerybodr wtnU ora. Made troa the original Otga

of all natlona. In beautiful roiora anO trttanird with amirtnl satin rtbhaai.


Saaipit. Prepaid. 2$c. Smd fur our lattel ('atalogtie </ Canm and Notrlltaa.

I. EISENSTEIN & CO. 44 Ann Str««t, N«w York City






I ,—_diluil-. ' i_axe:st in


I V- y SEPTIMDER MORN SQUIRT RING — la mm as a tingrr

'»JaTIL ^ T' \\ ■ ' rtng. Water ta squirted through AyiTY W r^'- Riurt from a rubber ball

// held In the hand. $7.20 Grata. ^nlll \ TANGO TASLE-8omc«hlng near,

////AI I Hater and amualiig. A fast lOo

JR. snapping pencil —a triHi ~ Lrr? ^ *4* ■artel pwKdl. which wrape Ina

' ~ J nngera of any one that Him to write with IL $7.2t Grata.

--—- I KISSING FOB-ThU Is a watch fob cnnulning tm Badalllon beads Wheti rwin It ihowa tm oaons kliaing. $14.4$ Grata. RUBBER DAGGER—An tmltatlon daager, wada of rubbta. A fast 15c aallrr. $14.40 Grata.

Hampira of the ahowe mafled for lae. :<ia C. O. U. orders withunt dfwoait. Betedm nuaweooa near onm. our Una oonHate of oatr a hundrad Trirh and Jnka Naaaltlaa tliat pay an

average of 200% profit and ata mpaclalljt adag4ed for Fair Oraund or Oamlvtl sale. Write fer our catalog

S. S. ADA.VIS CO.a Plainfield. N. «l.



4-DAYS--4 OCT. 7-8-9-10 4-NI6HTS-4 A brllUant WThlte Way, mtendlng from Rute WreH to Um Iteke, Unrd with ICahIMt Booth, and Ooiiceaaiuiis


RALK. Addrem

I. C. GREENBURG. Chalrataa Caralwl Canailtlaa, 4M aad Draxet Baulavard, (telaaga. III.


FerrU Whfwi. kfiioadramr, B> mra and IkMiraBainna of all kinds, eaoeptlng WhrHa. Many more gia>l

te toltow. Wa never iloaa. COL. LAGBT GREATER SHOWS. Baatteyvllla. Pa., Aiigwtt ll-Saptawher 5.


SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. X)ie Billboard

Clubs! Pool Rooms!

Bowling Alleys!

Get your orders in now

if you wish to enjoy the

amazing financial re¬

turns that were the sea¬

son’s sensation at Atlan¬

tic City, Coney Island

and other prominent re¬

sorts on the Atlantic

and Pacific coasts.

SKEE-BALL A new and fascinating game of skill

which is an assured success.

The automatic coin

device eliminates the

expense of an opera¬

tor. The automatic

scoring device attracts

the crowd. And the

fascination of the

game holds them. It

is easy to play, but

hard to beat.

Write for Booklet.

THE J. D. ESTE CO. Owners and Distributors

1534 Sansom Street, - Philadelphia, Pa.

Gus Hiirs Theatre Guide Newspaper Directory and Gazetteer of Railroads, Express Companies, Bill¬

posters, Motion Picture Houses and Exchanges, Bookinfi Agents and Producing Managers.


The list of theatres of the U. S. and Canada is the most complete ever compiled.


J2.00 and I’arcrl I’ostajjc

Wciuld, 44-oz.s.

It gives the name of the theatre. It gives the name of the manager. If gives the name of the booking agent. It gives the billing required. It gives the names of the railroads. It gives the names of the express companies. It gives the names of the hotels. It gives the names of the newspapers.


$2.00 and Parcel Postage.

Weight, 44-o/s.



GUS HILL, Do It Now. Address





^ —A Photo Drama which, for intensity of human interest, marks a new epoch ^ in Photo Plays.

? —Every foot of the six reels a Feature, staged with careful attention to the ^ minutest detail.

5 —Nothing is left to the imagination. Every turn of the film discloses a c laugh, a tear or a heart throb, and includes the most Genuine Death Defy- ^ ing Sensation ever attempted in motion pictures.


Managers, we have the biggest hit of the year in photoplays. See it before booking it.

\ 5!' //L WILL ?0u HAt.iNG TERMS. ^MLL CGN- : . territory to the