state - eBlack Champaign-Urbana


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Transcript of state - eBlack Champaign-Urbana

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 12, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17

!'I:e.... from your town tn&7 lIot be l" There t1l 4ll• J.a:per a!lortacc. 0;0 do nDt blame )'our asent.

ALTON, ILL. ~tllla Alta lIo_r4 and RalPh 1I1OOTO

"'''r marrIed b)' n ... ·. J... Gray at tbe "ome ot the brld,,'s J)IU""IIU. JIIr. and "It'll. Andr.,... Jlo\\ard. nl' Elisabeth ~t. "tra. Fnncla :.tot .. n of KanllA9 ,-.t)' wll\ <'01I<lU .... t a .e .. l..,. ot .. ..,\ Iva I ", .... Uns.. at )If>dd Cba,,¥1 A.. :II. F_ ,·hur"h. Tb.. mlaslonary ral!~' hf'ld at < '''mpb"n chapel !.ut :;UIl4:l~' "'h a J:Tan<1 i!lU<'C8II. )lr~.':;' K. nobln,;yn or :-:t. Lout,., waa th,.. prineJpal ,ftfIC-'l.kN·. :\!r anll M ..... O""Jlr Pranklln nr 1.\rlle l't • entertained JlI!v. an\! lIM!. R n. .lon .. " and lilt'. "nil lItrtl. C. Ii: ltobln­:-oon at dlnnflor.. Thom.a. nowmnn of !'1.rlnsj\~ld 6p~nt a r .... • day. I"'r" tbls w .... k at Ihe l>edalCle of 111. moth'-T. ;lIn;. Oo ... man. "'ho Is ill. ::\tl1l. J.:\'& el ... rlt·~. "'=I:"U .. " has L .... n \'Iollln& In l:",t !'t. 1Aul~. Th" 1"UpUs of the J)ou&;IA~ .. .. eh""l dlr~('ted by their principal. )t1'1\ :-:adlt' Coates. 1:1"' ... splondld pro,;ra.m .. I Ut.. ..ehool }OTlda~·. JalllCII Craw­(nrd II." ""fff!re4 another i1trOke of ,,,,ral,'IIlo. :Moth",. DI)",rn .. n <"OnUnu~" iii at b"" re"ldf'n<'6 on Sixth St. :'drs. 1:"4 Charl"'l "ad a" 1,.,1' GUNlts for >Uf'­l l f'r Sunday Rc-,,·. and )trs. ~. n. Jnnes. :lIn>. z..c,1I", ..u-bu<,ldc a!lft chIlUf<'n 1.lIve a:one tu Sl. Loul. to r6id .. with her (athl'\". Cam1"hell chal, .. 1 will Tt·mll'l' ..

r~~Fr"!:':.u~n hO:~~d~;" :\l~~~r'~3~")'~! " .. nlor choir ,,1 North Alton A. M. F.:. "hureh ,,-a\'e ala".,. "O<'la\ "n their

~~~rr~' l;i~ T~;~a);;u'~~; c~r~:tu~~J:. Ohio. '\'IFIt<l<l 1>\ .. mother. M ..... lAu .... runl~. :!II,.,. Samu"l~. who has Leen out of the eltl' ror .om .. Uml.'. bas re­lurn.-d home. The lluwlc Sludy dub Is ' ..... parln .. tor lu, clo,,:n;; ."" ... clUlI '''1' • h ...... '''<on .... ·hl,.h will h.. hl':M at ('''mpl>ell chal'el ::'Ia)·:;.'. :l1I~. Hattie H01>ln.on, Tlrl'S"llIl'nt. f'rt'~~II')' COllI ... ' h ... I'N,n al1polntt'<l j.:ln!t('>r ()f Ute city hall under tl'e ne,,· mlll·or.

HODGS'S PA1'!K, ILL. Lillian Parm. the amlet<'d dau!;htl!'1'

"r and :\1",. York J>arm. c1IM :fi. Hn- fun~Tal "'all h~ld lit the home and ...... conduct"" by \be a..v. Ste· I'h .. n John..,n and tbe R .. ". R. C1a)'ton. Till!! tlror;n.m rendered l..~' llrs. Julia. John1501f at 1i"'lI~uaky WlI" nne. QUite II number frnm Hodl:t\8 Park Attcnd~d 1h~ l'"'J:nlm at Sandual<)·. :!>[!ss I.ln· ,,*~'. on .. ot the hleh schOOl teachers or <'::lIra school. ,,"nil O,e J:uest of ;lIt'S. jo'. n \Ylniamff with 11,,1' daul;ht"ra. ;\11"'~;' Fann.e and Anni". Th" sl<'k /l,.., \\" .,.I .. y Saulld""" and :!IIr... ]10&.', Owen. /)1'. R. !'>t. Younl: ot callro wn~ (· ... lIed 10 :!IIrs. RoSl\ O",·en. :I!M;. F.:U.el Smltll or cairo " ...... the guN<I of lH'r m?ther. )!no. lola ·Wad... l\!I""~.. Wllilo Hazel I .... nh: anf1 EI>~lc :'.ta" Wade w"re Calm "I~ltora two "' .... k... l1t ... Susie CoUlns W8S In cairo "everlll d'4)'9 on buslne~",. Th .. &". A, Po. M.tchel " .. Id hi. r~­l"r ."1''''0,. Sunda)' at tl\e F. W, D. ,'hureh. 'I'll(' HM·. J. F. JohMon at ea eh". S. J ohnbOlI n t fjmdusky.

Thn AUut'Ii"e~r.::>II~'i:id .. 1'<'d Ita dos. In« ,;ro;-ram at the ~UlT !llt'l),t"r 1-'1'1-d .. ,· nleht. 1\<:'\'. :llcYaU, former putor 4)t'-the A.,. ~,. E. dlurr-h, '\-'s llrefl6l1t. :.tls. Cl.urclull. f """It .. r of Dour:1aJIs ~"hool at :MuTt>hraboro. lIntl H~nrlelta and EdW1l.1'd '\"OO4s (lr Clu'bondal .. weT" ,·Jelto..... Pre .. ldln~ :I-:I<I.r J. n. Smith ,..all .. ,18110r at l'h .. home of )Ir. an,1 lll"ll. Rlrharri Anrdlrtlng. ~Irs. Annt .. ArJn'tron&: has retllrn"d 1,"me frnm ,"atro. ,,·here 6h~ spf·nt a tc:w. Oa,"e:. ::'11>11 nut It Jones and 1", .. I.,r '\ :tu/lnn w~"t to )\arion and ","re nl>UT1~d Sat­urd .. ,· "'m )1t'D:lnlcl 'was tak,," to n;&ni"j" 'h""pltal. :':41'1< ):cru('lIard"on i8 r.'l)orted to lte Snl"rO\·lns; at IJot ~l~"h,c!.;.. Ark


:.trs. Jennie Joh","o" afl~r 4"I'rnlllnt; n ", .. "k8 u the bedsle of hill' mOlh .. r. :\111'. JOHI!»hln" ltayford, has r~tum~1 to h .. 1' hom .. In Soulh Dend. Ind. :'.lr8. Ta)'lor CISCO wu ('a\Jed to :\IInne· apoll ... ;)lInn .• on aC<'Ount of Ute IIJn"SK .tr h~r slllt"... Dr. E. G. CO"lnj;ton or uo r ... ~t ;r.laTk~t St. ''''i11 b~l\ln ",,:ten· sl\'(' ImI'TO\,.,mt'ntB on hili re$:ldl'n .. e the "omln!; , .. !~". The .. te"orll~",. l.oard or !~~;~~~~~~r"~Aft.,iiC !.oit"~·oik~O~.!'~~ .. ('rt." :!IIrll. :>:3nlll" Hall~)' "all In

~~~~fB'iJt O/~~IO~n~~:,:n:~n~.r~~~ tory r-tr()rt~ llut on hy the .. tn\\"11r"~tos(,,!i" (In T~mm"ndatlon or J. S. Cla:.,,,n. o1lrl'ctor or th~ Colore" Cltl:en5' btl· rr.u, 1h(" follo".in~ aPJl()fntmcn1~ lu~"t' ht>t?n nude by' the n~W" mlilyor and dty ('Ounell: JIUl\tOt, city hall. Jophua W. IUn!: .. nan: day patrol drh· .. r. Dan

t.c:1:;,~~n:a~F..~!.Jt"t':.~Id.,~;::' ~;h;~~ll;; park. WIIII~ Slf'aJ'le~. Th .. :'dl~s~ .. )IU· I .. r and l!udolph Stc .. rle~ .. nterralne.1 Ihe Just {;. club and a t~w alii'" triend" on FrUIA,· t"·t'nlnl:' at the hnn\~ I of ]'Irs. G~o. Mill",. no ",Orlh Pralrl,,'

~~.~I:r~~' 2tnu:~J: ~fo'n~~ L'i';h~ ~;: rreshtnt"ntR w("'re Pler,·ed. )t1'8 • .t\lnnnda I ('\. Thoma~ was )'0.t~BS to tho me-m· I"". (If Ib~ ProCl'<'B"lve club Thursday .tlemoon at her home In Normal. Atl.-, the buslne ... of UW mectllllr ",. con· cluded t "'0 .. "nl.,.ts followed In whIch ].tl1I. Joc. G CO\'lnl:'ton was Ihe wlnn"r. A lun"h"';n "al; F~r\·<'d. :!IIrs.:N. J, jf('ndl.'r..on w.~ honor I;Ut'IIt. ;\In;. Ar­thur .1. ]J~ndrrson haR returned to her hom.. :tfl",. und~r,,61n.. lin op.ratlon fo~ r.-mn,·!!1 ... t tonllllll. ;\1111. :><:annlp lsallc)' Itad "" dinner ll'Ieat. sun.".~· M.,.. 1'"",,1 Anderson and :111'''. .'nll:1. !'>''''!'''. lIt" Pearl AnMrsoll ,,111 I""vc "Jlorlh· lor raNd .. nA. Cal.. to Le J:one !n,lrflilit"I)·. !II,.,.. l,otUo CO"'Ua spI'nt IU.'\"t!ral riaYR In J:lfl(Attur' last wt'ek ,~IE:It .. In" r('lnth'"'' an" frl .. nfls. llr, "0.1 l\Ir" o.\\~!1 l<mlth and .!II,.,. I."n& ~wrp~on ancl ':'10"1"0" !'olln compo" .. 1 a party mOlorWl!" to D~atur last SUnday. He". C. "'. Ilmllh "lIen! 1\,." da) s In nt:-~:~~~a"';'I~':;'~~~ !rt~!"":?~ ~{r'0'i~' chur"h. Is critical I)' III at his hnmp In ~nnllal. n,.v_ P. w~ ."ldJs or De .. C'Atut' I'l'(>nt 'TlturSitlAy !n thf" <-it,.... lib;:$; ::'I:ltt I" T'I\'lne <>r Cbl~~</:o I" the :u~st

~t :'1r;;b;l~m~;tfc''101rtt e1~~S\.:;'t:n:~~ t"rt .. ln~<I }o'rlda,. by lIT ... I::dlth lIa .... l«1 at the hom" ot "..,. ~!.t .. r. :11111. Gtr. trod" Barn~!t ill !'orm:ll. The \\'/lyman ('hap(\') stcwAnh's:-a: It(la.r.l met ;.t,. th~ ),,'m. or !>1,.,.. ;l1"r&,uct \\'}che I~st ""('tInesda,.· .a1t .... Tnoon~

PONTIAC, 11.'1.. l~h "·o1'd of Falrbur)' W&" ,Isilin&;

rrienlls hf"l" .... ltontl!ty~ ~trXi('>1 of F·(Jr .. r.·st motored to Pontiac ~unda)·. ;\lrs. ~I .. r)· Orl"l'on nf BloomlnJ;ton ",WI\! I,u't Sund~y with ht'T Ilul;hand. ;\loop Url~50n Th .. n .. ,\,. A. ,\. Lo\\T)' and "'If" ""lIed o.i tile Re\', Hell!;' Slmnn" of No .. m.:\1 135t Sund:!.}'. Tha Rt·,·. Simon" h3" be .. n "~T~' fe .. bl" fOT the p:<H ~ix montllS. :!IIT~. Cia.... DnJd~n rltu ..... '<1 home from Sl.rlnsf\eld l:IRlu~· d.'I." mominll', \\heTI' Illlt' has heen (Ill' pC\'I:rol \\'''~ks lUi Iht! 1:'1le~t or frl .. nd. Rnd rellltlv.os. C. "t. 1.0 .... '1')' pr>"nt sev­ernl bours In Bloomlnbton last f;lInda~·. "'ort! "",,,"d from 8"rln.::II"I" rennll}' of the d"nth of WiIll:lm Well­ard,;ou. ""ho '\\'as f"onflnl"4! to fln,~ (if th., hO"Pltnl.. tllere for trNlIm .. nl. ;\11'.

ff:rnh~~d~~ia~-as ":r~;~~7!,~_~ni~;~C~t~ t::! w:J.S emplo)'ed fo .. mOT" than 20 \·~ars. iiiI' ,\\'Ife anli daull'ltt~r pr"cclled him In de~th only n t~!\\· monlhB IY:0. Sun­·to,." was quarterly" mf'-~ttng da)· a.t n, tll .. l A. ;\r. }~. (·hur"l. :tIll! the cOr:\<'r­ct01I\,,· nf the rcmodt'lPt.l church W:l,S a1,.;:0 laid lhat t1a~. 1'11 .. Re\·. J. n. ~~,1~ ... rrf"~lfllnlt .. ·tller or ~flrjnft'neld. \ .... all JU .'s;­ent as \\tell n1'; ,IIOe\'craJ '\'lFiUng lnin .. 1.1.~T'" The men:ve,,, ot the "hur"h !)reiUlfPd !l l)nsk('t dlnnl·r at l!!::':D RO :Il:lt aU ""uld r .. maln until th .. "frrr· 100n fo;~t"\1e~~ ~fr~. .Addle Ca~C!cn it t.~ t"~l'n b!l the sie-k l1~t for 1tr.,·f\r:t1 d:"r\~. • "1\'" m~mhcr" (of tho tt'nrher tnlnlnS' -I:u;' tOO" tile "xllmlnatlon on the Llr.' ,f C'hrif:t hy ~talkcT TUt'~(lny ('\,(;n1ntt • t n"th~1 A. ::.r. g. cbllrrh prepaMUory .0 attending- the annual Sundny Rr.hMI :on""nllon ..... hlt'h convent's In Cham­~1I11m In June. T'hc Re\,. A. A. Lowry -onoluctt>d ~~n1"c. nt Fairbury I"~t ;:'nnclay morning and r.turned home f·>!" ,,·('nit.,; ~"r\'I"e". Wlllilim Cash has tak .. n !l po~ltl(>n at Dreamland PlIrk.

DECATUR, ILL. .:r ..... ('h'le I""",,.., of DpC<ltur wUl s"'"

.. h<lnQIl .. t on th .. p,· .. n!1I1;' of lla)' 10. The It·.iu:ue h:Ul !In''4n~f tt to ha\'~ as

~nrn~I:~~~T':~It'h:;:.~~~r,in~ C;~!;~~~r*;'nnri I1tt.'l"a.J""· 1lNlt:T:'nn ""ill bp rt':'ndor('f'l )1')­Ill" "",('r,'d (;'"Ir or t h(' )Ietho<! iot I")'urt,h, \\~aJt('r P. Carter \\Ill )('a"e Du .. I'ut ur on th.., 14th in:o;t. f<lr "he summ~r. Th,.. t4'udl"r:F:'" fn,;titut,p of t!J(~ Slu"lng-11,,1<1 til.: 1'i .. t "hi ('on\'eoe h~r" tllis "'''''k at Antioch nalJCl't ,,!lurch. lira. Cowan. dd(!:tt sb.h·r or !\lr~" !ttf'Uuck. \\"u, In the cI:l' Sund"y "isltlnn nmon" rt·l ... th·"~ and rrl~nl!': TIle hod, or Xlr ... CIII'~ •• lin 0111 r"sld~nt of D~C3tur. \":'Hi brouJ!ht hom,... Sunday for uurfal .. Fh., dl~l In ("hie",::" I"~t Pri'loy. lil." n .. r...tlrline l:r..l\"~ ~I.rlngfle!d. nt. Itt In til .. ('It\, ~p'ndj",:: tile w"ek-pnd with ~1I~~' (i""tKIIl l.eftll'tt. Til.. nt'\'. lil'. l.~.tor vr Antioch Ba!>tist rlmrch. t'n·~("'h(·tl 10 nn ft\',prnOW audl­"n('/! Sunlla, "'·~nlnl:. :\11'. )1('Grcgory h!l'lo I>""n ',ulte bu~,' during the f'an month .:~ttint: thl old L()('"() tn Jll:hape tot" t1l4'l> 1.!lhn!-· t-:umrnftr da"~8 nhea.L ~Ionday. :lla}" 1. unfl"r tht' auspice. of I,.anhc." loci.:". K. or P .. a c1anee "'a.q !;h"~ft In Tr"v('r hn1l, A "ery Jar&:"e as­F~mLb~ 'Or .fnOi"cre; were on hand. MNI CMTie ",.11(' Turn .. r. \\ho was .. .onflned to he!' rNlms for a. w~k or mOTf"'. h ahlr to up :lG1\in and 15 at ... It'ndinJ: l, .. r mnnirullnr: hUf.tfn~FIt. t"aJ­"In {;8rdner h"" h'-~n appointed a member or Ih~ d"I,arlment or hl'ttlth of lll'r.atur an"" toWn~.hllt~ Amon,:: 1 he (trnmin('rlt "(lU;lI: mtn pt"~spnt ;\ l t h~ for"IIU'l1 :tfTnlr on lh~ t'\'flnlns: nf the! 111. "'as I'r. r,,,rald (;O\·!n.::lon. l~ll)orn­ln~ofl. 111. ~H~~ D!'Lori~ L~(". nl\~""r­e-Ide drh~(I. nt.<'at1Jr. Sl .... ~f1t tll~ ''f'cf'k .. ,.nd 'n <:h1<:"".,. 1lI. Til" 1: .. ,·. 't"'. !'mlth. n:O<JIIlhu:ton. m .. WIIS In to\\'n Thurl'day <or thl" ....... 1; In tl,,· interest nf (Jr$:4Inizini!' a h1'"311("h ot t·. D. F4 ami ":. ~1. 'T. Th" young ml~ses of town

~~::t~;tll'i;!l~~n".!'o~d~J::'tllhi,l(>r~~~~~~ 1("1~~. :\fuf'h in'tf'rf'st IR twin,:: manl"" f't"i=t("otJ. Ther~ '''·In he- 1hrf'e pt1zPN gh·~n t\\:l\--:4"J11~~ H('J:~r~ "..Ih'er. S!:i lad:'~ 1;01<1 watell, un'} a U;; Gllette r:iZrtr.

CARBONDALE. ILL. Lhnmcn AmOUTfiUX or f:t I...oui~ '"ap ...

rooT<'d at til.- Pree \ViII ... hur,.b lla\' :; In It vcr.l11 rt'Cltn1. ~lr'. I·;,-n T;:n,lor "·IHlIlms. '\\ht. tt:'ftt.'"h(>F- at f·\'ult('r\:Ul~. ~Ju nt the '\'N"lt .·nd ,\'Itlt ht r moth"f," l!rN J~I!t)· Ttl~lor. ltrF Zutn ."\tldn~ "1It'nt the 11,.,1 Qf Ih .. \\'. ~k In St. Louis

~::,'C;;I:iu'r ):;:;Ul' J~~ ;:~!:r· w~~~f) h~~ '!!ludtto" I~ 81.. J..tluJf::. ''!IIi "Jsttin~ hf'1" "aughler" of Ihe rill'. ;llr". J<>hn Gr('~r .In.! F. B 1l0\\'~rs ;\Irs. !1atlle l-:n.::­h:-h is ,l:"it In;; lwr mutll#~r .;1 nd f.unl1\.· ,,1 J"",~plll". :lin; '\\'. H. "·OM". l'rlnr!plI! of : hp "fI u,.k~ srhool <'of Colli. d"~"'1 " stll'''<'1<!'fu! ""floo! ~·~.'r 1·'1'1· 41ay. :\Ia\' 4. wi1h a 1.~t,.·. :,\1l~1I;. Izctta :-::mUh ~1"l"nt a tf~W da~'s with '!\Ir .. anfl :\.I,." F. 1.\ J .. ,.I".on. ..n l'om" to 'h~r hom.. ill ("hlt'al:(l. aft". dOSing her Frhool WMIi at PitU.hutl;;. :lIl's.:M. l. nO,,15 haN T"turn",1 from a vI-It wltll frf""uds ttl :\1aur:it'J 1\Uliis Fannie f::ar­"in. :I I"acht'r In tb .. l'llana. ",('11001. ~p •• l'1~ 1hl~ \,"('t-k (-Tilt ,tlJ:!Uns: hftr eJ:tf;::!­nwt(t. :'11~!'t F:dn2 ~imlu~on. :lfcsdaru(lS' ,\n"l .. "·i~""n. IlIl:'l<In", ::'!cCaU I<lId Da­\'l~ \\~rf" hO!':tM;St"S :at .:t mh;:("('l1nn@-nu!' ~lIV\\"" I)Ompllmcntal")' to :llnI. Thomaa .1:':. lJliIye~

MOUNDS. ILL. Mrs. lotILT)' (laUe)' hu b .... n "I"tUn"

""· .... alld frlen,l .. In lIlS"iJ!81Iltll nn.1

r~",,::orhe T:I~~' u;;.rIi' T~~arj~~lor a~~:;~ "Ionary "oc1"t~· or f;t. Paul A. :\1. E. .. hureh .. • .. r .. thl! GUeSIR or l!l~s Con­.. u"lIa ll.ushlna:: l1!;!t Thur;zd::l3' atler­noon. Mr~ Julia ':'1IIn .. r ,·I.lte<1 rela­th· ..... n.1 1rl<-lId" In Tupoln ulld 0<.,.­lom<, :\11... :!II..... WarnNa )Iath~\\'" of {'"r"ontill/I! .an,1 ~I.~. I~nll 1'3,k8 o( ~'''II'' III., are \'1~1t!nl: fricn<1s In t;tIlth <'Illwel. H. hau"o:n ll. quilt' "Irk In ~'.rth Mountls. :\lr!:t !\1t'U~f.:a lU~·thQ 1.­"Irk \\ Ith Inllu('n7..:1. The" ;llahel :tnll ."''''fn Hajlt.~'" ar~ v,~ltlng tclaH\'08 In 1>1. l.oul~. ~Io. (;rantl )Iaoler J. !'I. :-lIon" of CnlTo, III.. m .. d" un omel"J to th .. IJ. fl. F. cn::anluUon here FrldllY nhtht. Thomu Cr .. ~ •• wlm haa b.-in 'M"rkJns;- in C't·f}tl.tllll~ hH~ re* turnfld hom"'~ John Ttry"lor ,'l!-l\hd ... ~J­atl\()" In Mayfll'lt1, K,,, 'a~t "'~c". 'I'll"

~.;'u,:!{~~r::~~ ~~J:'i' ~~;;;d~r n;;I~'('~~lrg a mUBt~a.l and ltt"I1lTY 1,ro;nlm r.e-u-

~;!:~nrk a~uJ~i...:1\~~d!~('~I~!:}:\'::tl~~~ talnmen<. n"\no.&:o.1 h~' MI." Sarah Clark. Th" annual 8~rmon of the 0<1,1 }<· .. llo,,"l!I will ho h!'ld al Hal~m Fr .. " !.Ia,.Ii't chut'("h. Xorth MOllnd~. Sunda)!

':IP~C~~.)~I~;' ~f n:j:i,:i!~b~:3'Tr~~~ l~?:~ heen "ssl.'in~ 111~ It~,·. J. J I. !'orl" In rev"·"l ~,.n·J~c.. ;llrp, GRlie Ta&:­PU Rnd !In.!>}, ,prj. aister and nl'!!,'!! of lin. I.ul'" H:"nnt.on, of CI"\·elan<l. MI" •. , h"v;, Join.,,, Ih~lr lIu.bnnd and talh!!r and "'1'«('/ to mali.. )loundR their htlm,·, :'II •• :tnd ~ITS. ';1I~' Darker hs v/!t pU.rch~!+ ... d ... f,·OZ~· «()Ull{\". lIra. !tohlrdl. llurton Rn,l " ~"m, ... n)' or }'ounc work("rs <l1.trlbutf>d "(;0 to Chu .... " .. tal;" In k .. ~plnr: ,,·lth th .. rp-1I.:loU8 Jlwakrnlna:: 10 !\Iounrl". The K. <>f P. alld COUl"l nf C"lnnth .. ob""T\'~d annual Ih:lnl<sl;l\'lnq 6"r'\'!e~!I lit St • Jr,hn'~ "hutl'll Sunday after­noon. A "t!r)" Intt'n'.6llilg ttrogram or mUldcaJ an.l Jitprary altainmt"nt was r('nd"rt'ri. Th .. n .. ,·. Gatianll 'VIIIIAms ha..~ r~tumt'fl to the ellY after a "Islt In St. Louis, )1[0.

CENTRALIA. ILL. I lIn;. }Jar .. ey I ... nk" Ilnll daut::hter •.

~ltJttnita. ar~ '\'llli1in:: for ""c\'.·ral .t3.)11 in K~n~a" r.ity~ ~rn,. u'Uh ht'r uunt .. I ltT:' ("atTic Rlchnt·daaon. Henry C:rl!'Sby M ~~I,·I". 111 .. Pj'lUI\ ~"l'lda .. with hi" hroth~r anti ~I~tcr. A IlIrtl"I .. \· lIAr.,' of ::0 ~U('l:itr; wa~ J;lvcn In honor ot Eul:l. XtC"klt:~" 4!+'l XHrth 1 ~nlon jo\t. llrs. l:th,,1 lI~ .. rn .. Is "I~lIlnl! rpIAt"·~.. In l't. 1,Ilut... .!IU..... Goldin ;\kGlnnia IInlf Pjnku.~:, .. J:\*~rJl \\£-r~ ln3rrh"t nt the hl)tnr f;t the "ride- Thur}ltl:t~ u11:1n. )In)' :1. Thtolo· It-:'t for ~t~ LouiJoi F'Tj~hlV "lor­dan ~.monpr lS vl:tHin;: in llu'rph\,!'l:" horo. I ~1II1 Colf'mall I~ \ 1~ltin!: m ·I'\t. l .. ou'". Ttlurl Skhul~r. "ho tUI~ h("('u III. j" Imp",wln;t. 1'''rt~r PM'! 01 the !Ulno!~ e .. ntml railroad Irft for Yellow­stone park lIonday night.

GFIAND CHAIN. ILL. )JosrlAm~s J<'nnl" W"~hum. ~!:lt'1311

:lkCI .. lb.r.d. COT:! Btann/\" on,l ~Il" Slime ~tcCI('II:1n,l \\'( nt with "-r<'ri ~lc­\I .. lIonr! ill Il!~ touri,,!: car 10 :Mollnd (,"lh· \\"Nln"'Eflu,.~.. :\Ir~, ltcna C)(!,lnons sapot that h('r hrotll(o:r. ' .. tltlp f!obin~(\II, \\ Ito hud " 1"lml}'II" "Irnke ... tN" wceks a,'". I" Ir:wrfwlng "U:.:hth-. :!IIf'S.)1. ;\1. f!.tn:;~"'m_ \\ hil bo.1.... tau~ht nn 'h:ht monlh~' .. t·IUinl •• ·t~lPfl (\tlt fur ..-:u:::s;lon Frma~ .. l;\· ... ~rf'tt 1,"arnl.:!T or lA"\'ln~s wa.s in 1l1l~ vin.;:t' ('n Jo'd:Jft'· Jatot \\(>"1(. \'1:-" itlH~ t!h' t·fJmmt'ncrmr.nt ~"(,,<rt..'i~<"~ or Puut ... "\r t'('h()ol~ Charllf' Jor(lan $f,t'\'f'd ('In t tw· tl(-tlt jury for thr r.Ounl\' ('Ourt t11\"' l:t~t two we(\kft. JoP Urnwni .. ·,. 1I1~,'''s ur :l1<,rmet \lsI:r.l hi" an,1 :'II..,;. ~l:u'-' a Uopp~::t (amih· la::;.t '\'~r>1... )l~ J. (""rc\..:II:%luld "bdt('!fl' In our''\.·Jn.t~'' h:Jf' tI;t~· Iafit w('(-k atn(\: n.C\· •• lnhn t ~rt".~~l;ulfl ,.!It'II,IM! the count.· courl durin" Ihe .t·s~1on. Dirk '\"R"'hum hal) bu .. in."'s8 In :~lour..1 Ct.ty durln~ the ("QUTt h rnl.

MOLINE. ILL. Bark"r of ;llrtlin .. Im\'" a part)'

(or h~r husband l:t::;.t \\ .. t.)tlru ... ~dn.y {'\'4J .. nin". Thp -'\rt :md Stud... ..tull ,,{ )'(,nn~ mt.'t at the r('-~htr-nc-e: Ht )tr.s 1:'1)" Brnwn )Ir,.. :lrar~' Bud,,!;- w,,~ tho ~.o"t uf ::'Jr~. It. ll. ::;.I\I"s an,l ~!r •. '~h"rl"g ::.tOR" :II .... '\II~" ("..,IiI~n /s lit. .Mrs. 1l0bert8 Whltn"ld Is ill.

OLMSTEAD, ILL. The Re\·. IAl~ !l1I1I~.· It ... d .. ~ .. <l a r'"

\'th"!ll fit th~ .A. :\1. ]~ dU1t'ch with fh-tl. :"Iditlon~ tn the church. The n~\'. ::IIil· l¥t wa,;: as~I~V~cl wah 1\\';)- rV;lflgelhus. th .. It~\'. Ylnernt nnd ",\CP. Il! l.ltll~ Hock. Ark. ~tN', l;;mmh Haws.,u ha~ '1'ItIml!d hom.. 8!t~r hO\'lng "]0'1',1 " t'u«"('t-Hsful term of sC'hool nt ..... or(l~r I

Yit!'w. ;Inn Dollie Rollln""n "r HI('>om' ! Inl:\on Is at Ihe t>L'tlsldn of ", r Ilroth~r. , I.e'" Roblnaon. ,,110 I.. " .... Ill. :lU,," I C~·ntlll .. Senior Ja Fomewl"'t ImllTo"~d Ilt this "'ThIng. Will Or .... n lIa. rt'· tt:m.d from Ihe "'"pH,.:\I wh<:r .. h~ ha< bf'en fot' ~e\·ernt \\"flek~ 1tutreriPIlt' troll", r:un~hot wounds. OImst .. ad .nil I.e," m" .. made a nle ... o;ho\\'p.g In Ihe ('i;;ht!l j!Tad~ examination. Th~ ~ue~~".rlll ..-3ndl.lates ,vere Robert Gordan" John T!l.vl~~". )f:ark Brown* E\~f!rHt Fa.r,noT, !'~i1:t !..r\\·!s I\nd Oli .. s~n 1"ollnl!'. :l1I-s n"~a '\"rl~ht and Odl.. V,v,- w~re gu .. ~l,. or :.TiM!: }In 1110 Da\\'~cn. Olm· .tend bun team fl~(catrd tho LeVIngs team 3 to ! rl'tentl). ...

U1'!6ANA. ILL. Xnthan nol"~ was ('all~<l h. 1."I11<'llJ::o

to the hcrl~i("!e I)C hi:; nf ... r-~ • .ltr~. 1)or ...

~tl\lt~' ;;:t,~~0h!;~~\hsie~~ i::i ~~l~i:~·i~h;;~: "frs. 1..< norl' Hornl.u(Okl" W~8 "ut1>rl~"'1 h\" frfr-nd!t ~lfillt1.,,· nichl ~n llonor nt hf.r hfrth,ln}"'. ~Jr$: .J, ~ter~ln'(lo~' is ~on­!ln~d til h"" hom •• with IlIn .... " ::'1,.,.,. Liule navis or Srrln!:I'I~lrl and <,hit· ""'n :IT" \'I$itln~ hi'T mnt'h.-!'. )frs. X":lnC'y" IIj1rrt~. :\frR. I::ua;'('nfa Henlt.~' f!l 1tkk •

MARION, ILL. :'11 s. a. 'Yo l!ohlntinl1 an,1 d ... u~htpr •

Et1na. ha"\'~ leturnert from ,hn cxt .... nd('4) vIsit 'n Chl"All'O. Til .. Re,·. ~t ... 1):1\'1-Flln or ('",rhondal" I"Ntched .'It In .. A. If. E. ('hur~h 1>1Inda)·. )Tr. nntl lin;. A. ,\. ;\Icrlwl':tlher. Ihe ''1; Rerth1 "nd Ruth It''riw~3rh''r ,·I"lt .. d frl,,",I. In p,.wmnJne Sunfltl)... !\h\ nurl lin;. P.I(OhaT'\ TOll"}' "'cr~ ("011' "I~Hor~ ~un­d:t,·. )11." I.ell" Sm/rh was :t "arbon' .Ial .. vl~itor. ::111·8 Anna Walk"r on·"'tl " httnr.1l of :'\larlnnlt.ts Sun­dIU·. Tht)~f\ llf"'~(or1t \\'l'r~ :,\lt~~ n. V • Clm.vls. the )lIss"s Grn<.'e T,.ney. nIm­pt(' Dt'itn. l.oi=, nnd \'lndnlu ~lif"e:-:t'~ "titl .Jnhu ComblOt nUll .. \U .... ,.. ,,"hitf'. Ther" ".",. !l. C3rnl\'al gi\'('n II}: tI, .. P.wl PUn .... T ~I"" Ilt Ihl' nOuI!IJl~~ Mhonl. l!oma.nJ \\"imarn~ •• 1ohn (jnhf'rt~ llrf;. n. ,..~ ella,,·}!;: :tnt! (; Tn-of-'" ('RII~l on the :llIs~"" 1 ... 1" an,1 Ylr:lnla 1'1'~(,E'" 'The I!.",. "'i11 .1. l':mith cal'· rled on 'Iuarlerh' Jnpctin:: al the A. '-f .F.:. ",llUrch !Juntl"~·. Th~ Re\·. '-fr. Reddick and 1,~opl .. 01 Drwmnln" "'PTe pre!'~nt In the "fletnoon \VllfrPfI Thompson :lIId Tllorn,,~ AII!!n \\,pr~ ltarJon , .. tflllO.,. ).111';": .I\llr!!,. f;larl\ wa,s an out ... or-tO'\\-n ,,'I!Ottor ~.:lttlr.l!l,"_ 7h.'" flunbf:!!m c1uh met lit Ill,' hom": nr ~Ir. an<t lIn<. f';hns. Hlitleli!:" Satut'!l~y. Susan Stlee~p rnll(>t1 on :\tr~. F;U7.3-helh Porter Sunda~·. ;.\IISH 1.. .. 1" Sp,,<,sc :tnd O~car F.nstOll (,lIlIe,1 ,.n ;.\\1,. Dim· Ill" It"an. .Jack n~n .. \'I~lt~d )Ir. and ::IT,.,.. F. (;I"mln" nf Pltt~).nrl:'. Ill. ;llr ... I.l:t,<ift"ll ()f CarhOhtb1,• !---PNH thl' WlOt·k­~ntl in thiR eU,· . .a1~H .. \nrnn :::mhh c( CUlTI .. r :1fI11". ;llrl'. ("a5~~' (;"c lIa" r"· luTH",1 to ;\Iarl(>n from a "hort "Islt In <:,u .... icr :11111". Th" t<ewln{:, ,.Irc)., .::i\ve a haaar last ,\\'p.l'k ,\"ith much !'ueC('S!Il, 'Tb.- rany SUnri,,)· turn ... l Ollt 10 he r,,,·· orllbl... T'h .. :IIil'se., H.II ~"II.iI Oil ;lU", nU!,,~lo-l1 Garc.1nf'r. Jam<"H '\·l11iam~ ,'(s .. hf"d th~ homp t)i lH!I\!'t t:mr('o Tun"'\." Sal\lrda~' "'·~nln/.l. .10hn I~omh .... .:Ind ~Ist"r. r.udl., Grimth. clllI~d on th .. SPf'-C'::;1" ~ititel1' Saturflay ('-,·enln!:'. )tr. and :!II ..... A. A. :'Ir~rl"·,,ath .. r .. nllpil at the home ot Mr. anti .!Ilr~. Pet .. " :'.r"rl. ","ather. Th .. )11158"" lAls :ind '\'11'­"Inl:t l"[lt''''~ called 011 lhl'l' Oalll" Hill f'undtl)'. ::\fr.5~ D. v. C"'h:'I'i'l1t r;tl1" on ltr. ~nil ll ..... lIoward Uaru('tt Sun.lay cvpnlng.

CARRIER MILLS, ILl.. The ne ...... )fr. Patton of Kcnlu,.ky

ft3\·f~ ,a If!:t'tnra and 1Jr(,:J~h(lll at tho A. ~r. E. church. The ent"rt.alnment. "I\'cn h~' tho Iltewarde.\lS boar.l and b,· the ::'fa:s<>n8 "ere boUI IIllCCPS'''S. ltrli.

NEWS Alark of Tl!nne"SM I, here. th., t::ue!lt or :Ifr. and ~I"" Davl~. ;\Ir ... nd :.I. ..... Emmet And .. rson. :lIT' Addle Oa.rdlner llnd lflss 1-;II:tabt'11t I'ortcr ~nll ... (1 on lirs. :\lcDanJ(.'I. Quit" A r"w lIarrls·

1~u;;. 1'''Tg~e ;~·:~;rd·!:,~o~~a!.'d ~~r;'~! A. ;It. E. r.hllreh will glv" a bari>ereuQ III tM.:\fcDali/el park lIfny 12. Tho:· '· .. ar·"ld daught" .. of ~t ... and )1ra, Jake ltou,,~ dl~d t",,<,nth''j lIr". C~lIa neuon Iln,l daueht!'r. B"",rl~". w~rll lIarrl,,· bul'l;' "hmors re .. "ntly. ."Iber! UU1l8ell hUH returnl'd (rom 1·1nk~ud,[. Ill,. where no hall hct'u vlsttin,; hiS l)arents. llr. find llrs. Curtis flus"cll.

ROCKFORD, ILL. F.!hel Mildrerl flbk., .. ad Samuel

("onway were mllrrioo al the A. !II. E. dlllr<'" hr tb" ~\'. O. C. 1I0ld April ~S. .J\ r,('r (lip. wcdrtlng a receptIon WIIS h~'d Ilt th,. hfl'hl at th-c home of )ns~ :\tantlt> )tohln~nl1~ thf' llrhlt·'s 1\ tint. hl l<"III()n St. Tn" N . .\ .• \. C. 1'. dr]\'c "III "p"n on tb" thlr') SU:'IdIlY In :'Iay. It .~ hftpcd thut aU \\ 111 re~rond u.nlt

~fJI'<!~ ~~k"F~W";,:.lrls~. " u~~i-';:~~ntll~~l tWel'llUon "I SI. Anlhony hO"llllal. The /;lr KnlS'llts had their nnnulil sermon nt "lIgrhn l{"sl naptlst church Sundn) .. ::\Ia~' G. lfl,.~ UlAnd, Smith of Chlcogo IR hl'r .. "lslll,,!: her moth!!r and friend!!. 111..... 1>1. Donl.y Co()k ha~ ... turn",l hom~ f.rom ChtC"..a::o. G. t.:. Holt b Iml>rO\'hu,. fie hart an nltaek (If J:TII'. The A. ll. 1':. chureh cllolr \\'111 Ilr(J<lucc "Quf'en £:ilher" ~".,n. mil Oarr"ll I~ mueh Impro,·eel. :\lr5. Sus"il Jt~"ln~on of ]{nowltoll !it. II< ubi" to be <llll hJ~llln. ;llr. A!lt'IIl), Jt(>S$ I~ "hlc 10 reo tiume her tlUtJt8 II" li!'C',drl,.nt of the C"!'\"ic n.u! ~r,f'i"il) (""uh, :\11". ;tn(t l-trs. ,lam,,! Dochl~r of ~03G lIt .. lro~n RI •• I'~m n day III HroJoit. \\''''. Tht'}·" (!l'f! II", :::UN.L .. H( :II ... \\'III1"m UQnd In (,ar,l­n~'r A\'·(!Iw Th., Xonl'hreU dub mct at til" hnm~ of :llrs. Jam .. " :\1. Poehl .. r )hl}' 2. .<\ bout 20 m~rnbet~ anll four RUC!'tt:s w(\"r.· l·r~!l(!nt. ltr~. Sadie '.I,turn Itt imtlT&>\·tnc; In h-er C)~ :sight ~fls" Gerl!l.tln., will ''''''n I", hOnl~ from .. ,'hool. Sho! i~ I!tudyln.: music In IIl1aea, !' •••

BROOKPORT, ILL. Thl' n~,·. J. II. Smith w"" Ilre ... nl nt

hi~ thlt.1 'Iuarlerl)' ml'etlnll' l-'rlda~' night. l1rs:, U .. uJ,. 1"ul"~ Ruet motlu.-f \\"~re in ll(,h'hllolbt TUt'~d!\\' on bUl:;l­""OK. :'11." ;II",,· \vt""'I"r of )1 fUOI'o­II" .. "pnt 'I r",,· d:t}'~ "I"itlns :'II$~ It. \'. ~lIn~. !\lr~ and ltr.p ~ta('.' C'UPI1:i WCTf] P:uiut':lh ,·S~Htt~Tl'Ii ~l()n"u,..~ n. tti~hotl "n,1 wlf., or !toun.1 1-i:nnh "Ilt'nt the w"rk'"n,1 with Ihelr l'ar"IIt". ;\Jr .... Iosln :'Ito!)rc and nI~e~. 1II1nnle. ~11{'ft[ Tlmrs­d.1Y in :\{('tf'HIH)US. A flTog:rnm. \\";:l::C

I:I\'en Tu~"'lu)' n'~ht I1t Ihe O<l,! F~I­\<I\\'t< hall loy 1,lnco!n .. ,h,,,,I. The!!" to cnulu.utfl- \\ere the :\(1)8('1-M ftuhy Sht"" ton. Lllllnn ~eenchl on.l Ih'atrkl' ~mllh. :lIra :II. L. \lll\leh~rty hilS en­I~Tl'<1 th'l Wept Kenlucky ,·nlll'J:O. :Miss

r~~~~ ".ll ('~;~::\~~!-!o~~~~~~t~~It'I~ft h~~ \\"(~dne-sday (or C!lrbondHlc to ('uter th~ !\ornlul. aft,'r l"achlnl( " puccepsful term. ~Ir" .• 10"1,, ('lark. of Carholld"le "Ut; hi tho cay "\ r~ftiu&:" (rl~nd!i. ;)lrs. Dr. Hulh .. ~· lUl..t t1au~hu~r wtore- ovcr to Ihe clo~III" c.x"rcls", of Lincoln ~ehool.

MOUND CITY, ILl.. Thr FirM J.-r,,~ Illll,ti.t "hur<'h h~ld

tttt fJUnrl~rh! m~('t-Ung lim) ~lln/tn~~ IOchMI ('uU\'t>lttfon 'IttC-. C"onv(,lIln~ J'u): 4 t., ~ ]t ..... ~I. A. Jon(,5. moderll\nr. J.ce lIarrlMn ::I1Itl'hPlI or Han:""ur" !~ ,·I .. lllng hi" hr('>lher. W~n,h'lI ;\'ih'h· ~n. llls.!'C ("1,"'Un. Ur,-ant 01' t 'ulrfl }Of)f'nt

'1"I~;r:,~·,cnd~;I~!h I~N{~"t'~\.~~;;;: "~;I l!~~~ nrtt'luh'd tt,~ '''illl\'('ntlnn la-'r<- .:'Ila\· ... ),lr..: :-:arnh .. \H~n .. aul (hUtlr("n- or 1i;:~~',;'t~::" Slrl~AI'~~~';'~~~' J~::J.:i';7ro~~n cJ:ij \h::s Emma, t "h'tnons nnd C:u!t)S tHe.,. .lr .. mhtdri·t.! tn Cnirl) Tho~c ,,:t-k ltt'!4da.m(,K J;:mma J:ttnr:-}', J .. Ul').' Wlrth"m. C~"r~e Ltuaer an.1 ('harh'" Turnt·r. ::\1 r~. nob l!nh"rts~ \\ lin haR hpcn untlr-r tl1c (,"3Tf' of til\!' dor.-tor tn P~N'. "~nn .• fOf th" Ila~~ tWo month::., 1"11' r~turn' .. 1 110m~ mUCh Imllrov~l.

JACKSONVILLE. ILL. ;II,.,.. "'nna LlIII:U'<I is ~lcl'. The "ntUl('od uTh", Third n~~r""f\:· \\'a~ lli('lE:f'fllpd hv )Irs. Clot(\lIa Tn~·I .. r "I :If!. !':ll1(lr~' Dnl'tist church. Hen,,' 1'and~' i" n"I{:h Im!lro""d. 1. .... 11~ Dup:an uu·t wit It a t(~vet~ uccldpnt r(>("-en Uv. Ilia I" now ImpTo\'h"". ~II~~ r.\leUl" Wlltts \\"" a wCI'k'''tIIl '1~lt()r. :llrs I"'arl lll'!:hlln Kina:: h". r"tllrn~<1 to her hmu~ In 'lldJ:\n., .luhn l)unn arltl Jt)s. "WO. Conwlt).' W.\l"f· wf, •• k .. ,·td \'i~ll()r~ :'Ir •. I .. -8. llollt!!Oml'r;- I"

~ ;~!i!nf>uJ:nnCJtl:~r~1:~~ l~J. Al't1~,~ }:~~!: nt'r "wo:1t1F of Pitll"'ti(l-ld. tn, '\\.·a~ :\ ,·it;;j .. 11}t" at th.' hOl'Uu Qr lu!ol !'"I~h~r. :\Ir:.: ,,"~,. Jlolli,,' :'I~ I .... nni" 1'1:lt" :tfl.! d.t.ughtcr. Josephin~. an~ hnpfovhlK, MTF. !-: . .T. nlu~ and :\,11 <to L..'1Ut.\ J..:.t­f"~''''I'' "./1 (or O .. ,'Rlur. III. to alt .. nrl th,... !In nllo.l 1 cnnVt'utlnll of th~ HaPti:-.t ~und:i~" firilools. lloraf'c''' )hlt:t""l Ir-ft fnr p •. !t",,1t~ lll~h~ A numl~'~r of :,>:tlum: l·t'CP'4" motorrtl o\·cr from ;';prlmdh·l,1.. 1'1.. 1/\ nttcnd a <Inn .. " :It !lo,·I." 'mH. Th,. Kni!!llt!( or p~ ultns nunual ~ .. r .. nt_ 11 w.tzt IH"t·.lrh",O :It "'r. l·!ml')l"~- n:1.}l­II!4t ("hUTch f.;undn).· hy thc· Itt·, .... H"nty Srwwllf II. ltrlt~y Jtlhn~nn nntl "lr:-: ;:l~~t· h:;;~r:l>~:llfb:t~tl~~~~~, I~S!4'ld~'t:~r th~ir father. Alhort Hrowtl. in ~_ Gnl­t ..... ,\'·P. Eug~n,.. !''IHh,' h:uo nrc""It'd II l,o~ltlon lit Iht! n~.gc ... :'IIQ'nr Co ;II",. !Iran' Hank" .of P,·orIR. III.. w'" f'..nlifl" to the i·ln" on lu",.'ount nr th~ i:1nc"N e>r h~,. m<llli"r. ;I!r~. FAnnlc TRt". ~Hl'} ~I,t<:r. :\11'.. .T. W. AII,'n. )!rs .tuHa Campbt."ll of I.os .t'nJ;f'It .. ~. ,"al.. w:t!; a ,·i .. ltor ;;It th,. honlc f~r :\It!l \\"m. nrbtf·o~ h\ S. I~o!! ... i()u .. c-() RI, \\*n1. "'iI""n anll Cha~. Caines an,1 )Ir". :\ona ~tcnnnle)~ w;.re r~ent "iqlh\r~ fa( tho b.r.m~ (".r lfr1lt . .TlI!m,·s 1\1('1"\an­I.I~ nnl! :'rro. Wm nnll!!!ns A num­her of lacl,son\·,I1.· """Id" uu"n'! ... ! the ~pfl:J.kSnJ! 1n .~nrfn!'flA!(l lw Con&::"ri':-i~­man Vy<'r. ;\lr~. :\r.1.ddlnf'~ C"'orhln wa .. a rl'cl"'nt vi~ftor with hltr t!1"an(lmothfllr. :lJ~~. CI~rn lloo,,'. In S. Cia)' l't. 1.('>. J"o)" Hon.· ha~ return~d to ht~ llorne III ("'hk"".... The fun~1':ll of :llr". Clara C:u·ter was hf"hl froln Gillhnm·!': funil.'!'fnl hom .. Thurs(1n\·. th .. }~r·'· H. II.' I).'wltt offidatlng. ;l1I~~ Cora ~1"II"ry was :I ,·",ltor In l'prln!;'l'Iel<l recenlly.

KANKAKEE. ILL, ;ltrs. Sophia Jtflml~t. SSt S. S~hu~'lcr

A,"I'., has b('~n ('onnnc-d '0 h13r hefl more Ihun n week. .Tohnnlo Hunt .. r ha~ h,,~n very .kk at hiM hnme. :It,.,.. lllnnl" Ogh·trf>l' 'h:l!o: hpcn '~f"r,.. tn At hflr hnmf'! on N. ·WIl<lwoo,l. but i~ Imptn"ing l!IQw, Iy. ;lfr~ Smith tlr Chi,,,,,,,, I" In 0111" riO; nhllin on hUf\:lneF"t"'. .Mrf':. f'ear1 Hr:Htt('rd of f'luftuo1n i...: ,~(~iti1u: her mother. :\f .. ". Ellis "·inll!:"!. Jim "elll" left tor RolI\'nr. T"nn.. to \'islt his mother. 'The Re\·. :'1 .• 1 .. lnhn.on. pa" tnt' or the ~hl1oh 13:lptt~t rhllr~h:. I~ tH-rl> l1r(lflnrin~ tor the- l,it!" ralh.· whi("h '" planned (or Ih .. "c(,nnd !'Ilnfl"~' In :\1:1\'. "'In~:nn Drnwn of CI,'\'<'lan'l ". h .. rt. '-l~itm~ bi!'l "\" Ue. who wa~ ~t:nnetl h.,.. n 1<,,,, mnnlbs 111;0.

ELK V IUE. ILL. A. D. Tbompl'on m<ldl' a "llsln('~" trip

to Duquoin 1"5t "'('Alt. :.'III". Hallie )'lcl(fnnte nf Carhnll'llRlp WR~ here* r:h.! I'(U"'t or ;\Ir. :Inri ~Ir~. J-1. P. ("I,,"·. hTO'Jk. :It ..... Xel{l. ;llurrn)' (If Dun!!l)ln ~j)r-rll Monda~" tUlir~. I~fonf'l Park of

~1:U~:'!:.~~ ~,\~~~r~~J.e~rr~a~u:~afi~~~ Jr.. or Duquoin spent SW\dG.)· here.,

R;~~ ~~~I1~::.'l!wrr.,e~i ~~:1~pl:!.1~~I~-'!: lz"Ua. Dcwlu ma«1d a oU$!n<.'"" trll' to :'Ilurllhl·sboro. 'Mlss Ednn Terrell was .. Duquoin shot,p"r ThurMay. :ltr. nn,l :'1..". ·n.nJ. ·Wllllllm. of '\'anl. 111" '"'''' h"rI' vlti!tln~ I""t week. fteuben llurk· hnller was In Ho.llItla)·sboru on bUlI\­neS9. Richard 'V.·bl> or Duquoin Wat< here ,·",IUng r(!ccnU~·.

, CHAMPAIQN. ILL • ;!'luleT RU8Sdl :Ne:ibllt. who tr.I.s h~ ... n

In ChlClllI:o uuder the C!lTO o( Dr. GU""

g'lo:::"~~r:~n~':."d 1\~~I~~t~~fI1" Ilh;:'\~~ purehnset\ n~'\' ("Ar". ~Ir". Ccnt~nlll,,1 N()I!IOn, :~3S ;lIon 1""" A \'e.. Detroll. !\-11c'h.,. \\a!-1i tho gUt.:~t of iller :)lst~r. llf~fII Ji:mnlll Stoo. Jast wed:. )Ir~ EU;z;,heth Bra,lIov I~ visltmg r~l:\tI'· .. " In SI. Loul~. llr~. Annh. John."n. \\Ife of "'lUle JOhn"OIi •• lled at Ille COUll I)' hosllitlil I""l Th .. r~riay or ~t.,m",ch trnuh)(-. )t:aRtf\f'" lIHrr\.- n:.rf\s J~ :u~rl-01l~!)' m. :II.... macki .. WIIII~ or Chl­I·KgQ j~ \·i:-.1tint: h~·r mf)lhcr. ~Jn;. ita­chatel llarn"'''. 4G~ g. I::Ul'"t~k~l Sl~ ltr. and ltrs. Pi~kc'n~ nntl fumih\ ncront ... pllnle,1 hy lIt'". Earl WIIUam~. lll~"

~~(fU;!~n l\1~~I~~~~'~~:>t<~r~fJI t;:ul\~":J;W~~ lll.. W .. dnesdll,· "Wllln~ to \'I~lt )\j~" n.lle Stone. P .• J. Care~' ""'" coiled to l'~"rla 1.,,( Salurdll~' lJy tho lI!u<ss uf his sl~ter. llrt'. Ann "f\nd~rsott"

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 19, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17

ILLINOIS ST,ATE NEWS Here,. Rod,,"r!!I who "",s accldl!ntally killed In"t 'rhur""a)" "hila at "ork on tho I. C. rip trl\cks. "aa burlC\l from PH!:"lm C. !II J:' cllurclJ Wf'dnt'JIda}. It",. p. C Ria, k officlatlna;. )I.~ l:lI"n Hal.,. of 1\13. :';orth Third SI. I" III at he .. hom ... ttu1'l'.rlng trom II. parahtlc stroke The "!o'ea-, of the I.tttl"­t~rn5' gI\{'" und~r Ih" I"ad .. r"hlp of W. &. Officer at I.I"l'Oln high 8chool la~t J.'r!day nJ.:llt and repeated :'10n­dB)' %l1,::ht \':.1I.'a sU,...,.,,,,,, The pr.,.,~~ \\ 1\1 110 to Ilolp local ~rls ,,110 ar .. a "ay In "chaol and til" \~ "men a Stale fffl­...... Uon. "hlch m"~u 1I .. ,e In AUgUHt. J-'I"cd .l!Mrl~on I. III at his 110m". Jjtlnd A'\C~. 31r Ii A.\; M'. the new dlflltrl{'t lIIanA~r <>r (hp' I.lhert)· I.If" Insuran,·" .. "'mpan~. lib r""~nth marrlt'd to )fI~. \"1\'I:1n ClarkS<ltt. It t~a<:lI~r III 11I~ 1::11:'­bondal" lIell .... I. Th") \\1\1 res .. l" In

~I~:; ';!:,;iu..ic'~~~i :A!r c\\:~. IJJlU'~~lt~~~~: ,,,,,'e nn <>.."""'I,,nt prOg1"l\m r"l'elltly al lhe Bond AH. brl\uert The hand will h~ in 110!tlllon to rend~f' '\ aJuaMe scn .. IcC to tbe public tilla aelU!on.,

CARBONDALE. II.L. Th~ c,'lIlmullll\ "lub h"lll thE'lr r"/:11-

ELKVILLE. ILL, 1.11 1n .... I"1: Tn. -<I •• }', :I!n~ Ii>. ;\In; F. tJ)-n1#1.n not-til k is \ ."lung til :\11"trnp. H lin "SItU. 'h~!.S .. \ralnluu llcCrat'k(tn

oU" for " .. InMn"lt .. 11m., :l1I~~ lila '11111 ;.\Ir .. \"1\'1,10 U")ClI bad char.:e of lJani:; or \. ·arhulIl1~tte \\:l~ l:}G;itinb, hc-re tti" eoultnUlltt, ;to'ilUgUlI; at the dbstrl..:t l .. ~t '\\e'<1< :Ill'. an<l ;\!re II n. ,,'iI- m"Nlnl: M SI,nrla 111. ~r:1)' l~. The UJlnl~ "Jll~rT!ljn"d t)l~ir nl(i'( It! ft'nm ')h"''''l~S ll!lt'>\· Hi nfro GeneVA BO\\(I"t1i !\1Ut"l1b\!IOI'IOru 1 t'!o::[ "\.\~k )trJ; Emtna 'l\ Ian ("rlP~s ~.n'! ltalil~J 3IcCrarkf'D Smith • .lJj"l'" ."'}oTn tiHTIleT. nuh~ t) HUl"k- \.f rc Pu-.:st!i (){ (rl( nd5 .It De\\ maine h"It,·!" an.1 ., ,u.:ht, r atl<n.'.-,l 111,' I •. of )!r~. Hatlle l:tJ~I,"h h,,~ returnEd (roM I' turn!)llt In Duquoin Luth, r <.:'13:;'- It \ !sIt "Ith her lIliltht'r at J."""" Ill.· hro"k ent hun if) 1 h~ nlhl(t :,\lonI1120' nc'-rt CratJn\ l!1l 0" l."hJ~aJ;o \\·:18 ~~aHt d

~l~~~~~-d Pa;~.~: 1~~~~~L:E'd!itJ:;~~C :'~ti ~~:)tJ:::r.Olh~:~idf)U(~;"f.i\\~rl~ ~ta~liak:!n~~ J#"Ula :"'nn •• '\\,:,.. \nsJtJn..r jn Duquoin. ')lrs .. 1 H_ lU,;t!1n~ i~ vllo;.llint;" frh'nds

~!;": l~~:!~~;~l:~·~l~\Yt~!,~~i~ d~;: '~J~!i ~\ .~tri~ :l~dc.T~:~~~tl~h!:e:k:~~cl t!"~~:

~:;;l;h~i~'~~<1 ;~:::l J Thn:'~~I;a~~e~;;;1: ~V' tIl 11\~d",\~i:-:~.;~n'il~thK~\1~ ~r~~: :Iolt1' J<>hn l:ddin"I"n nn.l .Iaushter of I I.I'UI~ .. nd :I!r~ 1 •• ,\ I~ "1111 ,hlld,.el!

~urmt~ Tr1t (!o mru\e R lJuc hl(""',,", trip 10 1 .l~ 1 f'tunlt d hump !lfl~r- (tn!o<tIlC he-t '!\1url'hy-slmro'" !\tr~ lta;:a:le ("In, hrook. ~. hOo.l \\ilrk .1 t 1'1 urli"' lIu Rndu:'r llr<; l, T l'ark~ an<l :Iotls~ :lhT11c .·~rr .. l1l'\ .\ enn, I. \1.Uln:;: r.·lath ..... ~nd motor~d to Halli.l:., hOhl ~t~ J'rnnklf' fn(>ltti!-; .It llrnnkporl .tn.1 '·l1ion'\ ilk "tlllaTn" Of '\~J\rtl t::p("nt ~unc1 .. l'\· .·'~nlnl: .\tl hll If'nl"<:: 'UIfJ l1i~,. l"']ot"£>tle,\ ~r:tn hf"re F .. 1'~ '\V"!I;t ""11"'nt a fop\\' hour!!: In ~If" -It" t. r ~llU 1)l\\~ rp~i'::l(J1,.t't1 ;11 tll~ IlU'll1nin Sun<i,1' U<'nT\ ("halllhll~~ "0.1 l". J ~. t. fur the 1OII.I·<prllll; term ,!\1rf\ .. )t;ar\'- t;tnit.h l1ultQrf".d to J)u(lIlCJin .-"t .... lr..,ta Pf'"ltt ,,, ... 11 JlU<lUnln ~1t"1'- • GRANO CHAIN. ILL. 1 ..... Thu","a, :It I' :m" !It.... f: n :IT.,tI .. 1 ,-!lorl"He Curti .... "h... ha"

l.::;oa'.~"lus"::h"~d.,.l;'ro.l> Cla:-l.n:'ook Ino"ort.-d 1 (> U "".rif\U ... I~ 1'1. l~ mudJ hllprf)\,*' .. ,,~ "''''''J' ~t~ :\1 :\1 J:'ln"'fltn hnh;.h~d 11 l" :sdl~ ul

URSA-IItA. 11.1.. ~! ........ t·lH uf 1.. ,;ht months Itt ft\ \\ lth III .rked ~UC(,I:;'" TIll r\: \ ... ·r ..... \\\0 .:ratl ..

'::\lnt. Sam ~tCHUtlf'\' W:Ut t"a.,tlM til u th.:~. '-h~!"E:'~ T''''lu3 and CaUle. Clem-J)an\"iUc> to thoC tl«1!lttf4:' fir hlp n~£"h~\\ It"'fillt ::\lro.; 1:11.·n \\ lnt:lnl~ \\hn haM ~tr Lrt:J:'InS. ,\ho is nt ~h ~ J;UZ;\ "'Pt lit tile \\ wtt·r 1.111,::~h·:\t "reflv '''","attor ifi \t)nHn("tl to hr-r t,urne,,"lth \nIJUJ.! f'. t .. \\u.~"". hit' rcturnt·.t home' IUl1M1111' ').1,. ;J.I~~t ~tr. Gu~ HornhUI klt-.I :'.1~ :->aUh YOHnt; luto;;; .lIro r~tur1\ ... d ='1r Ilnd ;\Ir- 1.<1 Broom }lr nnd )lro !r .. m lllu,11l1In:::t.)n _\lh<ftB. 1h" lillie h·hmltpl YAllhf'lpr n1tendf'rt 11lf" h r' ~':l1.Ilthtel <'f l1rc '\"'ouns: '\hn "as \11 d Ff'rtTlftn in Dan\'ltlp .sund3\ !\lrs .. \lv(" ... h"Tt tinle :\J!ft h~t~ jml1rU\ed llrs Jl("M'\: Rnd J:randFon. L' 1«,,\?a lhtEl'. J;mUl ~tH et Ihtc hCl"n qUite ~lc' k (or l 'u"tt«'4 throu,::b 1h~ dt\' ~tl1t1rda, pn 'l;um,,. .ami". Itt''''' dau~h.t. r~ Z\1ftC:.. J~.lna r-outflo tn !\lImn, T4"-nn. l~,l Ht.HII ... ·\ '~(t ~u t f to. I ... nfo,' :tt b( r ht IIF1 ,(110 )t~ (or :O;t. l .• nul! 141 join 111S \\ Itf:'. \\ ho 15 J(,Fste Gr:'lt1t Hf L(I-' UlJ:'S hafl hu'!::l1l(' ..... '.fll!n:: her bro1.1ur ltt :t:\l~ llntJ:*ln ~t Ul '"ur \'1l,1C,. It.~tt1th l"nd~ ltf'u(" "1l'1' T,n. f'ctlrson. 1.1Il1" 1".", tnr. _\nllle " .... m.'.' 1,.1 lns r.llUl" :It l .... ,ln". n .. n ... PI'lt\rartl )ll'fl e. :'-1..".."l&n.l :m<l The l!(\', _\lltns""rth I~ 'I\Ued "81'""­}tarn Rirks Attcnd~d t11 .. A 1'" IItcrrnf)n tor at. tht~ rr~~ '\"111 (hur,-...h The Rc\-.. In )1"",111 .. lIunda'. 'l'11" 1..,,,11<.,. In- I",,, ;lTiller nr C~rrl .. r lllll~ flU .. ,1 hI" duc;trlnl duh \\alll ("ntf"rtaJnf"I' lit th~ r.'~ulllr npIKIlnUnl'nt nt Olmstead th~ h(\U1f" f.f Mrs Pau]jn" 1"' 'Thur~.. "trot Sundi\'\ Thf> Ri'\ John Cr('l."laud .tn, 4"'f'ntn~ :t.1rl<l: LIL-ip rJ.a\:'~ ha~ t' .. f h<i I hu~lnf'-~" in lhi" .--It':. ..?-11"1t. '1n.r;:-d.n tUI n('ti tt') hP!" hnn\(\' in ~llrnt;;nfl};1 )1.-'" II lld."!lsr,p an,) I!t ht'\rt. 1\~ r llut:Ii."1nd \, no .1f>lItJna :"1 el ... inS(i') l~ft tot' Fcrn\\:oC\t}. h:\\. 1)(('" \\fth lhe mflth('T nf )lrs :\h~ .. :Iotl"'~. for a 1"", d,,} 'I' ,·Isll. /. ll1r" ~lr" I:".... Park·');'. rnr some

MOUNDs. 11..1... m"nth~. ba\c g,,"~ Qlm.\"ad.

:\lr! C"tTI" l.t'~ lllUlllltnn w ...... "U .. ,1 I CAIRO. ILL. to ~1_rlnl:nI!!'M: 13111. '\\f>f''k O~l '::H..: ount of' Thf'l n,.,,· 1 S. StOfU.". S G. ma.-tpl'

part In th" 60. 100. 200 and 400 > aril dashu and relay race ot til" mID Eight m~ct Saturdny at .:Ilolin... R"... .\1 .. ,-

~~~':t ~~I;.'\~!,:nc~:'!~::'\~~fJ~~ta~; ,,~~c The nlOrntnJ:' ,lIolr and flundll) """<><:.\ "f .\I!"n .. 'hnl'el A, "1 •• :. ~hurch "III

f~\·).;~'; enci~~'~t~rr..N:~!~~tr:: ~~;~ char>el ;\,a) :0. "I,.,. :'l'lrr;tlcrlte }o'lem­minI: ,,111 dlreet th" prosram for the

~\.~)~~~~~: c~t~1, r!~rl~rf!J~n "J1f::,W;i~~~ I:mlll ll"lher 8 dl\~ nl '\1l~11 ch"l.d :llr~. lOu""" JoltnFnn .. nlerl"ln",l tI,e T. C, of tn •. :;~contl !.Ialltl'" ehllrell i"rld,,:!, :'lrR, J IUf;(On cult.."nnSned In honor ur ll~r lIusu..nd·s I>lnlltlal TuesdR),

COULTERVILLE. 11.1.. _ :\1. "'ld :\11'3 liB milton of :>loun.19

liN UIJ II", l-::aSlern SI ... r h('.e llUlt S'U­urd'lY. About 20 from Sparta "~~IK1~d them. ,,1-0 .:II.... ItNdlng rrom DU'luoln. Ther .. ""re 19 tal<e" In t>e"e~' :ltaure ,tnt! Tt:rn: SuUhan \;;Cl"C SI"artD ,lshors ln~t "e'~k ElII" AUSIIlI "as IIIken to Ilnrn~s hOsPllal laBt 1-'rI4a). ll"" llar­",al'!!! .\ uslln and daughter. Hertle I.eC'. arc 5lck~ ltc\: .. flro\\ n of Sc Louts 1!1 hero .. arn Inl: on re\I\"31 m~~tlf1g!l at ltc •• Pannell s <'hurch. J~551" Uell mnde a trln to Kentucl<y 13S1 ,,,,eli. ;.\Irs

1::::., ~~~:\:~=lt~~C~~I~~~ni~~lsb:~t ,\~~: B.!t hla \\Ire. :'Irs Della. "as ,er~ sl. k :II,..,. !\"lttt~ Pam~llll mother or 5t.. Luuls Is here" 1.11Ift'".

JOLIET, ILL. .llls.r.. Ellzabelh Carrlo,::lnn. "'JIlin

;'TlIe anti llall<'l Pauline Kle(r lIUendNl til" n"lIul1l Joll<'t 111 lit a .. ,,' !;ruI'luel '::""" l •• ~l Salunl.:,,· e"'!llu,;­In th(' high .~hool <:nfetcrln. Tlle :,>tl\r" • lu" Is the Jun!or-".mo!" girls' dull an.1 has n mern!"'rsl'/I' ar 1(J1) 'tit.,.'! thre<! Fenlotl! arc l:,C on" Rlic.:e m .. mhers of the or,;nnlz,nlon. ltH"'ptlon """ "l"en Itt the home v( llrl' MarIe JlttntlN, D(l~l,L"lln~s Sl... ""Mln(l5da.~· c\elllng, :\18, !:t .. In honor nr her marrlDJ;:e to our d(I'Ul~' $11~rltr. Va' ", ;l1""d. The ("C­lli".:- \:\~!1; "l'<-nt w~r)· lllf'UBllath\ after \\ hteh a :!b: .. C()urf:.(\ 1uncheon \\:\s ser\"t d. '.)0 one of our lCluUng c:ttercu.~ \\"n1tl'-t u,n. Tho,"" In nttclulnll<c "ere :II., I1n" :1.1,.,. !luke Wnlkln~. llr !In,1 ;.\It. !'t fttt Hajtln.u :!\tMl JtlllWft C tr'T'ingtnn. :lInt Hoh :lla8on lfrK John :'ole:!l) Tit" ('tUt-O(-tO\\n ~U(st1i ,",erc H.e\, .. lh\h(>r~ :l11"l" ;.\I,,"e nll.1 ,,!('"~, :l1i~~ ::I1.t:I:luc lJu~e. of .. \urHnt nUll .Alphnnzo :\tmHla\· nf ll!~sour! 'I'll .. u",· !; .1. \\ .Uiams or Toppka. I{an.. I" 'Ishln;:; frl"'"l~ In the cll\ :llrs Durrls or Ollison Cit, Is \"I.::1tin,:: h('r dnu~ht,~r. ::Mrs. ~Omnl~r" ~me. an,1 ::'1rs J I' e"''lleQ "I~ .lal'~ ~lathe\\ g; of ~\urorn \\,35 the JtUtt9t o{ :ltrll .AU('c lIteH'n'''n Snn!la, !lIn\'" " Charles :l1"rrh,~ath"r nn,1 '\lr~. !tuth. ,,1 l'.'lduc::>h. K). :>r~ ,I-lUng their hrothf>r Andtp,,· llf!rrh\u\UH'r lintl ,.Ife. lIulah ;\lr~ Uanlel ,,1811(>9 , \ .. '" I""" 10 lIelp her "lth the Old .. olk::;: h".m~9

day afteTnoon. lItns. Emma Moss ca.lIed on 111'. and lItns. n. A. Ton~ Wednes­day e, enlna; lUss Maude l'orter has returned til :llarlon attnr II abort "Isil

~~\Il;;.,r~~':tda~". M~~Y:~ X;~~i~~,.or:l~~~~~'~ ll!ss Dlmr>le ll~an ,lsh .. 1 h"r tath;'r In Glllnlla. III John:\1 Gilbert enlled on :II,.." Corinne StrcNs Frida) IIb:ht. :\\1". Bl.,u:kbul'll. "ho hn$ b~(n ,Iallln;; III llarlon for the paflt r~Vt ,\~(lt'k3. has returned to Dan, I!I~ Th" :lTI"~e" Ber­tha nnd nuth )1"1'1'1" ether .aU .. ,1 "n lit .. an.[ .llu A. II. ~arrtwNher Thur .. hl:!' )Uo" Lois If Sl..,e~" c"Iln"d on nUdoll'h Garrison In Il LII>~rl~ Wedn~l<,lav ('ve· nlnlt .:11M' R. A Tnnc), <alle.1 011 llr~. Su~:>n HI'~es" ~'rldn~' ~lI." Olln"l" I U~Hn <:af(clf f"n ... '\ttflt' Lnfs Sl~(,,,,sf' Stlt .. urdl!) cHnln". 'Til.. Ep"ortl. league 111 .. 1 .tt Ih" home of llr. a",1 :llrs John

~~;'!~l!h~~on\~~~ :,gi'[~rlfnr \'~I[~;g~n~f w~d, Jel< (l3rn~tt of MI'Cut til" "eek-cnd In llarlun ~()I>\c ~'lo'<l 1\ m""h~r nf til" (' ~t. E "".I<et 10,,\1 tl'".Im. \\as In )1. .. 1011 atlellflln!! lit" t'Utle track meet f:Il\Urdil\. ~U~!'i flal!!\ Hili h, on the old, ""t. G. Wtlll,lms ha!lll D\OYN] hi~ (ntuil)- into tho hun­",tlo" III S. Lllli'rl)" 5t The :\!ls'''~ l,o\~ nlHl '·If1:inta SI'et:vC nn!l (Win ... - Ton('\; \\t;re ,"t .. o"·1tW.;u '\t~lt()Js :;unlla\:. nl~*J lll~. ).",era \\'lIIlltmH 'I hI! hali !!am" ll(',,\ct'tl COltl. Ill .. anlt ll.lrlon resulted In \"Iclor~' ror Ib~ ColI" TI;;cr~ Quite " nllmh",. <It .:Ir.,rlollit,," ""I'SIII,,,:·,, In l){'wm.tine Sunfl.H," It b@lng tb~ cele ...

~:;v,~:!!:' <l~;' t~~n~I::;I~I"':o":!~U!; nnd St.

CHAMPAIGN. ILL. O. C G .. tdau "8$ "lleraloo on for

llppendldtlu at the Connt)" "os!>lt .. ! II,§ con,IIU(ln 1'1 r"Hlnthlo )Ir. lII'Hl llrl' AHon llcN~"r art' 'he prom1 par­..nt~ of " hah~' \)0.... ::Ilrfl Clam :ltc­Curd)' or l~Gl ~. (Jlnrk St, Chlca!'o. W1UI " CMmp."\hm ,1<1101". lh~ 1l:""~L of l1t"r d:l'u,:::-hLt!r Jot h~A A R. ~l('Cllrdy'. :\. ""phomor" ~t Iho I'oh C,""it}' of( IIImol •• ThA np\" ntrr,· Thomas 'H'~ call~d 10

~rs:l'!,ht~~rkIO :\\'i;.~tJ;It'~t il~.cJ;~'j;in n~~: t()r~rt to D:un:ll1co and \\'as the t:u~l't ot )lr!il renT1 Pal- np "trill Corrin!! I...on~ rctllrnerl homp- frorn AUrora. ill. \\hetp

<htl \ 18lte.l "It'k r,,\\,,"5. :llr" Allee Snlln,lct". I~ 'Qr" 111 lIM!. Frank Er-

~~dt di~~eh~~:~'ril~I~"rrl~l~:" ~~~~c~rl~~ r;,."CII antI dnu",llf<>r. Idl\ :'I~fl Gr'~n.

~~~~<;:I ~~e r~f~'tl~:'°t s'"net~;;:lt!t:· fnr"ll~~ i11nnnIID1l' tnc! • to .. IsH relnth e~ Hou-nhnlol of Ruth :Xo" :~.~ .md ~96 hArl thf'lr nnnunl -!"rmf\n rrenl'bNl nl ;;:.Iem BnrHAt .. hurell. the n~\' R, A.

:~~~(~"~O O~~~~~"(I! t!:il~~~ Ir:~~~r ~}: "n~ tnk~n ~t"ltlcnh 111 \\hl1u In Dl\n ... l1I" '·.Itl .. his mother.


\!, .. ,Jln<'t''' ..,r I,er hrolh. r. ll<hlll Jo'", tor 1 r: F & ~ )t. or • m~<l .. hl~ alll'unl "(rn4'\n a('" .. uml~anfM her. lt~ Flf~r- '\ fc;:lt to th<." lnrtJ:( q :twl H·tuf\I.·!; of the ;pn#h t"lltl1Cl an.! n,..len hR.,\.,. rf'turnl '1'1 I "\' :\h"'!" l.f"na Tn)l()'r or 20th St. 1'<:1: 1"0111 )lnHlsotl '\\ ht"Tf\ tl1~ fllnntr at-

j :JHc to he: fllll ;tfHr n .::e\·~r-c: Rttack

1('<n,I(.(1 h( t 1,ro-th('r~ \\110 \\a~ Ill. !\-1r .! pOf'UmOtli:t Thf' t. a~h(\'NI ()f the:!' AT\41 '1rfo>- ~ .. \1hC(1n nt Cllnt(Jll~ h,':,;., :--unln.1'" htuhHnr f"'njo\f'IJ a '\:\\ry 111 .. :1111-"1."'''' 1\ f. \t ":t,~ In til ... ~ lt~" \\lIn .... 4l>U .tnl 4 \,"nm,: at :\ ~lumb't!r party Friday ".tu·(O t ... '~lllrnUR. 1h('-ir fUIUl'e- hom(" j nh::ht In 1h~ hf>3Uttful nntl sp...,e'ou$ J.tnU:Ui: (:hl!lt~ ,'!II In TOJ,plia. ~tll!. at ht.tu", of ~11 s C 0 Le\\lQ. ljI:2 l::!th St 11.. 1" ... lflh1~ n( hS~ iIOiFl1cr.. John" hnd~ Th"",,,. 11 .. ~IIt(~. '\t rl' 'the :\lIsc:C'!! nose ftf lwJ'unlll\ol." f1~nt a f~ w ho-ur:c b* r~ an,t l..It% ti .. til Llnrlsa,. )t\rn ~(nltJ ] t .. ..,,,\ • h roult' 1n- KnUfIi!l.-t l1~otc1ames Xrl1lc l':tlrnt J. l .. ula. ~ rOunt< 1 .. '\ ,II.\­:,\1 Iff "·1 T :\1, l·t'l. It I~.\h'n!'olln John "'\'tl~j~ "\,«tJU~ 1:('':1\0,\#'l'" ):;UUl!t r.ol~nm.n. Hnhm ..... ,..., ~ ~lIhl JH1tn l1","'''an .,He-IIt" ..... ' lltnnlr l~lFiton J:U7.:theth., .. CJa'lon \r· ""h"~ III ,,'\n::: In Fullon 1a"t Sun<!a)·. mint. ... l ... ·wl~. )1",:-.lalelle It"'n"lu~ and )", ....... q lta~~uo R. nnd )Jt>rnh:e ~t .. ",-ct or 1:rn ... \\"'(l(;tl- E\~atlgeh5t Jte\ • .l. H Xt \\Af'k ~ nrIP ,\!qU"l(! ,:\Ir. tt,nt! I .... 'mmlffl~ l~n"toT .,r p.('>_:u .. ...,.!ul flf'J;t JL'1p­:\1-" L. t ~l e'( tau.' t'"nC"lr ..\rthur~ O. J 11li:t ,~hurdl. of Hc.a.umont. Ark. has '.:\1. i,-Ulu', ''It ,-'u't1dl)f\\K)rn hns l.een In d~ls~l ~ \\on ,.ut.~ f't'.",ruJ f''C\hnl at )eft 1h" • '" \1, l"'lS\ ~".f'("k ~he t:arltl,;a\ I "tl.duh n 1Jl11c:t i hllt"(h. the Rc,\". J ... $t1 , :lIr" I\t~\\ A 1a,...:" ., hrll\\l\ fTcml \\ fI.a\".'r l\.1c::lor 'fhi' Jt(>-\ .. lJ t. ..... se\\Plt 114~r ... 11mr.- 1.1\ t:' "uin,; llr!" L ..... \ Str~ ... t his Tl tunlt,l (ronl ':\ltmtllds. TC'un .. "n,e a n~hhl" ,."rt~ 1-'1";.1", III honor "h"'r~ II" '11\'111 .\ fortnlJ;bt \\llll 1,ls ... t h(>r I'll' <I ;'\Ii~s }lnrjorl" )lartln family an'l "I<n ronductcd 1\ r",lvnl flhnl~II"'d in f"Alr-n- 11\ut"Stl:t;.c :\1r!; lr('tle mt.-etlnJ! 'Tilt"" l~~' ~ E ,A Bntt 'l:; in .~!:u k:: h:t4;( lion "'Ii h th~ lla~l "f'I'('K ~I l~uffl l10. ul\dpr carl' or R ~tl~d;\l ... Thlle: J"'ln ... nn (11 Ja( k1'O:n. '\lkh. \l:i.t... bt fur thto;wt tr-ouhle. ne )':\5 b"'r-n ~~1 In Hit' j ih Jai't WM'k ant' WJUt tlle thf r~ for nH,r<", th:tn. tw'() ,\eclat )lrft ,. .... "1 or hi> •• lI~tn :\lrF I"·n ....... ·~'l.rl< 1.1. ""I~ ,,-,,»10 of ~lgt St. Is visiting 11,,\ '-1rf! 1 'h \ 1,1\\", .. 1 ... f:1U 11: Saturl!a, :uut r(l-I:lth~s In lJt"lf'n 1. Arl[ )1~_ Bled!; lIP !-\uudJI\ llt T" th .... .,-p'tw~t of lt1"'!"l ~toUI.· \\.(X i'J)uuhlh'tt d&r(-<.:tQr nt th~ (,.t111h Thomn~ :lIt" "nd :1.11"lI J.,hn !ltcDa,l.l 1 ... 1YI"!"\U1 ,11",.l<'t or Ih~ ~ntlon,,1 Bal'­"If'rt ,nl Pt'flrla 1af't \'\~k on Lu'Sinc--sft Ht-:t (:(It)' (>tlt·(V,~ "omau'"s "\u:dlinn". h>-· 'ltt"F ~h):UIt.' T;.un\as 'I<'t~ ilcr nld I :\1r~ 1.~"'lrt1fl~ l{llSb or n, ~ "totn~N. hl)1'111\ ttl Clinton .. A)' hl"t ,\\~('Ilt AlIMl lo\\,a,. :"\1r,;: L()\\~ :\I('G,..,... nftC!r a }t1l all;­('l(\n11 IN: on the road ugaiu 4tH"r pc\:" Aut '15ft In l'iulu('";th. l(~ •• ha!l; rcturnt-d" "rnl dn\:fif, nf 1l1nr~8~ l:f)wt\nl "".lfl1:tt""l hfttl,(' "flit> p,.·n'i:lnR nntl ehurtt;: he-II h,.~ rf'itUr11~ f.-om <1utfpnrt.,. ltipt-. l!lf· t ... aJloual tJtan)I.."rh lng fj~f"\ rc{'t!i; on "''''rp ht"rf' ha~ b~c'~n to 't't~t th,. (lust j:;\U14!in.)I" fj~ «il ltt )tqrlah I~}ust lnllnth lotm 11 ltO\\"1.1 flpcnt t1\(' J .\-t .. hurdl l~ath1"'"r J'l ,:IohnSO>:l dcU"er,"fl \\'M"'k in St~ )..nlJls H1C' 1=\J('~t t,r hl~ 8011 lli(l"':t nnou nn" Sir J'-tll,::ht H.(."kIs :t~l.~ ant\ tamll'·. Th .... Odd l",...llo'\\!t h(>M th,lr ,:ts m tstt.r nf ccr. monit ~ "'ule :\lnrF-!'& .nnunl thRnkll:llth'tni;' w\frp at u·(\' ~:t .. ll#JttJ .. , 1.1tham \'.'t~ n.Uendms: ;c (";1:-nJ-11'''\ HUt rrM" B."l1Ulf;' t"7illrcn T}h.~ It,.,~. \1ft Thurw14t\ nh::ht UH~ hurglars c-u­Tho'll; n.nlu.ton dd)\ {'rt"tl l hf' F("rnlUn 1<. Tf'd hf r It()m.lo ttt :":lD Poplar St :In.! ~l .1"lIn n .. pu-t ,hur .. h l>ltll1l~",l ~7 l:t~t trn k 'l'l lwr t!oUu's "n<l a fur "oat ~unrt l\ :\nll TU~ilp.\~ ~'t nin~ a;:l\:~ a Th~", l\ ,"r," (auJ, lH :\lo1JnI'Js Clly IT)" r~pp4tt~n· in lu)t10l Qf tho tiP",· Jllcm- in~ to ',11"11 tlH!' IlrC-s.IIt(~ ~ld are bc~ng bPn; of thl' rl\urch. n",· ~ \\' Xnr- held In , .. U tot' tllo ",mnd jur)'.

'!'hi' TII'I'T'. I> .. " .. hnll t~nm r,( Ihl .... 1", ,1' ('nll'd the l'tnr. of,·m". III. he." 111 ~ game Sutlrln \ Th~ Ft or~ \\ as I.! to ~ :\fhtR "Th('tmn J!1( k«:o!.\ hn!14 Tit .. turrH, .. l to IV·'r ""s.:hoo1 \\ork h~Te nftt"'r ht.lflt: \11 for J;t,c\"f'n .lll'l;q 7h£' K. "f P. h_fl~#\ antl lhf' (;OUtt -of ("'aJanfl·",. x~\ -ft. 11:111 their nnnunl llln t"k~~h tnt: ';:l'r\:­ie ... nt the ~('!c()nfl D;tJ1U~t dlUf( 11 ~tln-

~~~~~. IT.l~e :r:~{'l;-;~ i~~I\:~~n~~n)Jt J~~~~; I

man' i" p ... tor E C 1I"I11II1"n was --In ('oull"r'·III .. "n l'u<,n~'8 13"t SlIn.lay. ALTON. ILL. Hugo ChllmhU-ct '\;1" In the tll'l'ftne'rn ~tf'!IJ Ilor::"l Ln\\r, (\r )Iaurln A'\fo .n~ l'lart nr th(' R:atf" la!lOt 'U,'e-ck (ttl hu-lnf'Il" in latned th~ fo\lfl\\.luC" ~u\''"'\~ at dinner Th~ )1011"'" (,IJ l':lrn Rt~ fl\\]H~d \., 1. .. l1h ('If Thursdino: .llr. :tnrJ ltrM 'n:ian ~tf'anli,. 1"1. "'111", lod"" X .. r.ll. F nn" .\ M. :llr~ J.llIt"\n ':""\I~. :l1I~~ Y'rmm d~",tro\M It\ nrt~ laftt \\C"f"'k. \\.\R full;.· lit 311" Hf l."ll1C'".tt:t, ~tll!1 :\tr~ Al ""Uker. influrM tl1rn-ul'!h th'" HnmUton iU!IIuYant"I" 1'on fir ~t 1..(,UI~ lUCf1il Thfl'lm.,·, ..Jack~ R$:(\nrl" !'t hl'IT ~\ .:\1 r; I hUT("h \\ n' l ~n. \\ fw f5 .lttf'ucil1lJ!' :\:ormOll to.on."~(" at t"t mud~1 it::;: '_lnMln;: In .. ii'\\: \\~f'h·. ~()f1nnt Ill. "'Ill ut the l,c('k"cwl \\lUh R('\ J .. It !'\n th d(l~~" lit,. rf'\h~,t ),aQt ! 11Ct' anottlh:r. :\lr-: '\;:;Hh.l .1;H 1 .. :, .11. e,r "M"k !\tr.: 1 .. 1U"\· SInUh. 1U1UI t)Cf>n In! !'lxth _"'t~ Th,' 1"'(:\ 1\a.1 tn. cltnt;'s h('tn~ ]o'"'uUnn ~e\;,,"nu tl:t"",. t11'" J!Ut"Sl of het condu{'t~d at Xr.rth Ann-It .. \. :\1 £ nl01brr lA t (>\ forv hny·,-.hold l>P. a. chur(""h 11'\; )Ir~ l""an~iR :\lot~n nr l~~n ... Tt"adf"'r of th~ "·.or1-l PI f1t'4 Htc-~t \Yct"-kh, lu("k)· lu:hu: lntge t ,- att{,Ild~d and th .. 1)I'f<'n<l". l..<'.~\ .. ~ nur order with I11U. h hlt~re~t .s hclllll' manlf('sHd. The the :t,:-. n<'r. 3(>9 l:lm l'lt. HI'" .J, ,t ll.mrlr>lllh ls 1'3511>l". Tht.'

rail ... at \.:1'1" r .\lIo".A ;\\ I;. ch\tr\'h EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL.. h .. t ~u ... I .. } "as a ","fld ~Il(" e~~ Th"

)1I"~ ~Ia.nlln Youn&!" or l:n~\ !<t l..oul~. U,,· ? nUl"tofl.l'r.·.l<I;ed a ~1)l~ntlld oer­""l~o 1s a a:;r •. ulunte or ~ \ .. &. ~t col- nllin and 1h .. I. n ~_ turn'd out (n_,. ]rl:(" ''''.5 "111t("th~ u,arn,':" ti') nC)h~rt I ttQd~ !',[lt~\ )!f" P .. Gr.,\· l~ I"ilStOr. ,:\It"" <:of Chlc.'l.Ao. n I'r.\.!luat<' or X.,,,' ",,<I llr~ 1I.",.,.",on P('rr~' bad a .. Iht'l.

f;ri~a,~m~~~:l~~ ~~e~~el~t'hl~n~~m~~ ~r~~t~ rf~ ~1~~~~~ dTth~('c~i~e...!JC\\~~L~~ trill for ~"h 1 .. 1< .... "il,. Ttw,· "U, T("- :ttl'S l"u1t~· tint. In('t I\t lhf! rc!o>ldcn(fl of ,.112 .... In CJllf"'4"Jgt'i. SU),rlN,· \\:t~ 'lU:ll"tl't ~ :\1t~~ ":tt.:t Hnit'lan ~t"Hdlt'\· aftcnl~n h' tn~Nln", "t lIcth('I.\ II r::' l'hur,." :'olr ... 1:<11111 T,n", Htet' 1M or :llolln<'. 11\ ::\In,lu.ult n..l\ 1 "- Unt1f1nhlh .\( ),;ol"th \\111 J'd,f· R r1"' hal of \ocal nluMt~ at :\l1nn ]'r .... at laNl .at 11 3.~ nl !lnd it("\ eamt)l'H U f hap('l ·ru('~d.a'\ c\:<'l1iDJ;. :\Ia.,,; 1>n\.1' or Rt Jtlhn A lol r.; ~t()n i"hur..:h :~. :u;C;.I~l4"d h)· l!)( tulf"'t\t )1r!" St('\\ .... »rfl-"('"h~ at !'! l' In '~hC' ::un"'s20" 1Wlto(ll pn Is Ilr" suj~ut •• , thf' ~t3te F'~doration ~AOIt fH'~r .... ftl«"rl h-,\. Prinrlr!1t ~1 \- t .. u... ni Colnr. _1 "ornall'~ t"lults .)1r,; ~ta",~ r~" ltf'\,~ J " .. l':.ruldn1Jlh HfUl l"r..-"h'1hlK a;:" .. ("'uM or lflJ,:-hhlntl .. \\1" h;(s h."C!) l"'l~.'r ,,«nrc:,.. , nrown of :-:l\"Jn~nf"'l.l.. l "uan"""", to hf T hon~ b\ UJnc:,.~ :\lr~

1:\., "11 lrbs. t \an.,:diNt. I. ft ror J:l!'"t .... t Lull' .... tH turn nut- \\'l1h iu:r order.

'.111 lot e~ \~ drtUing !l ("urnl'an\ nf 14tlil"" rur .tU t XbU;l1ioll ;1[ "'rf)\'~·8 han ~H t hC' n. ~\r fut'Ut'{' U"hctt J...-n\T} n1.:H10 • 11\ In,;- Irlp to Chi .... '" ~ll.s Or"h~ n lxI, r i~ !;pt'ntUuJ: the '\\e. k~enfl at \\ •• nd ~r.·tfon Th,. nletnhf f!"; "I! the J\ :\t 1; (hun h :1t ]t('lck,· "'''"tlrk ('XfH:\-rr t~ I a' .. 11 ... lr dlUn h Illllsh~d h' rail llr­\1 \\ Ill"t r"'lln (Ir ~t I,.,..)ul-.l. \, lin II In

l.u.. n \ ISlllfl~ :\1r!ol: l.,,'lhnn c;r-.n(~ .. ha!'l rt~turu(ld tn hf r hom" Tit".. Jte\ .... *tntl ~ln: Tfnswl ut 1.,..\1 lnf'rl ~p"nt a fl"'\­.1t\S in tit. 11t\ \tsltltlJ: TPlntl1.('i'ot; '\11' •• nt1 )1rt: f'~·.u,tt ~ n( ;"UIO;P-imr-l ha\:e nv·'\~l t.1 \ 11' nl;)1 ... " It tlh~tr hmne

~:~ ~,,~.t J:'~~i{js :\!r:ltt~tt,nr~, r~~J~~;'!t,!f~ ,n.· Tl\) dn .. )\ c u\cr lit llrs.. GJJlJs~ flm,h;h,'"lli. r.

GALESGURG. ILt.. :1\"" t.!:: f:t on" or (',,1.0 i. ,I~ltlnl:

II<'r ~I·t~r-fn-l~"·. )1"" )Ipllntln J)"nnld. ~nn ·f'h{ l1flfl(>rn Prtt,;('tlla J."anc,· \\·ork t.luh"'. ntcr\atncrJ It; mllthfonl tn hnnnt 01 l1nt1,. r t: t1:t\ " ........ In(s(l;n at th~ homto • r~I"" 'Iinnl .. ' 1('11 .. , rH~k the flltlil' {, I Ilrl, :ne h"r~~ or :'-lrl'. IIlne Calhn • .r,·"n~4 ,,:3-. l!k'tli\ i\n neN)unt or the In • (a1th HI· the O\\"l1pr l~ lUlp~ artt1 (nnl1h tune 1nt)'\f'rI to 77;; \\-f·,;;t FJn! !'I I.lll:~ne WII",On1:,r Is U ... • 0" n ... r of I KIn" tourln!' <'lU· "'The III tll"nth~ flld

1 .... 1>' or :11'. all.l )t,.,. .1"lm \\ t>1c-.>me p,a"':;("d .n\:a> \\"'t!"flnt'!tda, nftf'rnoon t .. \'ltl.~ S"usAn C':dlch s f~ tiie four~p("nth I hUll (.tl ,\ htlm 10 ny." lh inf: Burtal '-'hI,,} 1n 1.,"\\0(·01 )'tsd~tll~ ~f()IlI" ,'t,,, :tnd ;\la" .lackson alt('nd<'d tht' \\' C T. " In'tltut., ."\\ Abl"&Jon Thunday. Eus;eno W"'"ona ,,111 Wo

BROOKPORT. ILL. Th~ Grllnd Unlt"d Qni~r Of 0,1.1 1"('1-

1m'. and H<.)Ils('llold or Ruth h.:-I<I thNr "nnu~\ ~ermOll II.t the Beth"J.\ :\1 F: • htlr' h \\ hlTh "aM prpa('b"d h, the Re, ". H. !I~.lIe.... PI'I('r Pa"'hal It nol­.1< nt or thl~ ... 1\'. ,11M :\I"~ U nt the 110m" nr his daul!'hle .. In Patlue tho J(, :\!I'" ll('r!h" nr.,ant ""d ~Ir," [le",.I" ,,"II-(Oll 'Hre Pl\ducall. };,. ,I-11M. l ... f'WI~ 'TurlF-l'. Ua,., ,1\11(1)0 nnd l..eon m. "n!! left far Jndlnn3r>fll\~ Ind. "h"re they h:n e l1I'<'n pmplo,· .. <l :ltM :ltarl" !)."lul:h .. rt) nll~ndt>d the :Nnrm"l at Carbondal". ~'lIn Wh .. C'I .. r of Tlum· boldt, Tenn. I~ ,"j~itl .. " hls ,lausllt<'t· •• lfn;. Joh,,-on and "Irs Stewart )Ir~. l'-~It)f"nc ... Crim~ pa!lt.t;(!rl th"l)lI~h thp cit,.· f'n rontf" to her hOR1~ In C"arbt1lHl:tlf! )Irl' J. :lln(>.e \\ ... ~ In I'allucah K\". r~­<",,"I h'. The ~nt('rtRlnmC1lt I\! tit .. Od.l l-"''''Uow iIC lUtU \\"fI.!; R fl:ll<"t ~S" Tho"~" hn nU<'nill'd the hllnquN Frida" nlll:ht I'h "n 11\ lit .. Pnul'ht<'r Elk~ of :'INrop­oll~ "~r(': )Ir. I\nd llr- T. 1". KIIII:. )1 ••• )'Iora R~II ;.\Ir" Pc~tl SI"".Ir! and :>1"" ~"In ~Im.. "t,.,. .\ nn 'l'horr \\ '1\ l<'!n·c (,,1" Fulton. K"\- to h(>c :It th(! h4"\l­~lde nr h~r <law;ht",. Dina llr~ Em­ma f'hal'ch.;\ "7l" rolkd 'n f'adllrnn '0 "tI~nd the fttneral flf ner h .. -ban,) Th" Rev. ·W. ;\1 Ib.dl .. )· "aR (',,11 .. <1 10 at­lend the funernl of the R~\' Stmone

MM1ION,lt.t... ~I"" ran' ,,-mlnm" (;ef'-H:I'" ,'1-1,('<1

)1 .... H"ltl~ ~(\rtO" S;un<1:n Thr R"I1-!lot 'olm~ folk,. 11."3"'" nn cnt<:rlnlnmf'n). 'H"l prol:r:l.t!'t SAturdaY nl"ht )tr~ It '\.. C1::ltucQ I~ \c:lIfl'(?rin~ '''4\-t\· TT11Jl'h wit't n. !Qnr:&lnNl nnktf' lfr~ ~mfth f11:ntlh'\r or tlw nroprtf"-tor or the l~,t,npttc (,:Jr· I~ ,1 .. 11101:' h~r ""n. J. ,\ !::mltb lfl~' Ann '\"'nlkpr ,\"i,oc::hNl ~ll",~ r.rnri' Ton(>\' "Mn. ~ln,; ntt::ht.. :\II-.:q H('Itl~p, cH SilmnlS ann Ardde Jon<--~ 1'1"''!1:: .... (1 Illroll);h "Iarlnn Tbllr.t!Il' "1'1 th"lr "'" trl thp. ~ormnn lnf:ttttute- :1t ("arhnnclal'" Th~ u .. ,- W H sp""c., '1~11"'1 ~Ir nn 1 ,)I~ '\·.lll\"T \\ ho lu\\: f' f(·(·,..ntl}' (Omfl hrTf> from ron1alln. Th" 1\ .. , J II !1.mlth ttnd th ... Rp,·. \\"'_ If ~nN''';'' Wf'rp< .lntf'-rt:tfttt"" at tll~ hmn(l f'( ~lr nnrJ '\INt r1f'"mollfl~on. l'1:ao;;t llh ,I ("".4ft l..o~n ,lro\<- thp~np,. \\ .. It Snco ... ,tr;· "fui ()Iher!; ll) Dewnulin~ SllndR~~ fl. r.~ \\"Ilh~m'" ,1.1t",1 ll,.. nat.)· 11111 llr 1'1 Inti. Ille G O. () 1- :II nr ,\ hn~ n lurn",1 tn "I arion The :111"""" nprlh~ :tn.l Ruth ~lcrrl""lh~r <>nt('rtaln<',l 111<: P-~uI lA\\T(IInCr nunhar <!Itth ~Rtuf~l:t\· "" nln!:' ~tr K"" tie'. n 0 nf t! ;.t 'Y of ,\. ,,3R In :llarl.," laFt " .. "I< .. John " .... GUh"rt ('1\11"0 t)ft l.h~ Ff1("f"IIl:., 1.:11<t~r!lt 'Yf!11n~.-t\:n !\11~c AdellI'" ClAt'kf\ :\I"".r~ J'lbn ("om1>"8 ,mil \!Ii" Whit'; r .. 'l1Jf'd f'l"n lll~:;; r .. ol~ SJl4'-P~f' SunrJJJ\ .. a}!Ii:') tb'" ~US~~R GrRC~ Ton('"y anti 1n(>-7; G:J;inttfr lrr~ SU!<an SP!tcsp 1f' an Ih~ "kk lI~t thl~ """I( lliss 7. .. IR 1'a\·toll mUoo on ;\Il"~ Gra ... ~ Tnn~' Frida, e, e­nlnl:' Al\mn Smith ha" \,Plurncd 'to hl~ home In rnrrlel' Min" .. rt .. r " ~hort ,I-It In llarion G ".~ norl::::f!t~ (311efl on th .... R~'. ". }t. Stl~ese Sund:n. Th" fla •• t ... or Ih .. nanUn .. hurrlt. tht He,'. ~Ir Pa\ t~_ prl"Ac!IM Ihp raU'~ ""'rmnn a[ II,,, A.;\I E. church :!lunda} ll!s~ I,cl, Speeae "alled on MI$IS Rutledge Salur-

Vln:=-Inla L(' (liNt It ttl .... hOl1lt- or hM" rn(1t\acr. ')1reo: Cath{'rln.~ \\·U'9:01l N. f) lk ~f. ~.itrrrtl"v~ l1:1'\ I.! 'fr .tn,) )rr~ PIn 1",,,,· Ervin. t11~ n"" ". \\ I!dr1~<1 couple. lUl'\,·fl T ... tllrn~il rT'f~t11 S1 Lf')l,IIIoI. :'1... )Ir- Wnll'lI 1.0\01" Ipn tor It.,,· I I"~' 'l'en" t" \ !~It h .. r rnnth~r. ;\1,.". Hflhf'rt lA("\.~ )tr~. l#llJlntt Hf'Nt '''(\r .. r~ll ha. ""llIrn(l1 to In.1I3n~l,o!l~. In.1 I nftf'Or :;:p~ndtnJ.:" ~p'f'"r .... 1 \\f'f'ks ,-.:ith nf'r mnth~r. ::\rr~ fr'hn nf'l'd 3frfl Ruh,· ~kinn(!or hn,:; left for Hrttn~\' felt ft~1 to ;111. rul tll~ /!rnduntfnn of h~r tlat1t!ht~r. l'.U~~ l..("(lta Skrnnpr. trnnt tht' Sd,h.'n InOC:lltutf" thl\r~ ~Uc:~ r.run1tlf' Harrbmn. ,\110 hns h,.f>U '\ I r\ HI. fe;: Te-ported Im­l'rOt Inl: :\[ro 1" ... rl Forrl hn ~ 1J~"n III hut I~ able to "I' out Dgaln :Xu!'pnt (,,~Inwa'·. an ""-s,,lrll~,. fit lh" "orld I "nt". has b~en ,.~,.y III. but Is report".:! l)~tter ..

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 26, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17

ILLINOIS STATE NEWS MOLINE, ILL, I "I" PI ...... "n Wll~ .. allM to Ih" ""tlsld~ of

ltns, All .... G<>ld .. n h ... h...,n r",mav<'<! h.r f~ther, who was strlck .. n with to th"" lJt')t'tle of ht'f fllth.ot"r. BI'3t"h Jl~'~. us~C'plt","};y a wf'f'k ,01;0. ~lrlof. .. .. annie ).lrs. };manurl (jnrnt"" (*f Pitt"lourJ;h. • ·~"·1or«1. ',nt" or thn old rcsah.-nt" or ra.~ i~ "'lSltin,: h",'r l"31"f'!.tr:. l'r. and Ihllt ('it) ... WAs lllKrT!t"d SUhtla3" ~n'!UlnK. .llT,.. ~h .. hon. Tb .. ha::atlT giVf'n b~' thl* ~t.n)· r.. t~ \\". :'.1. Cart~r. onh' l~'n· Art and :-;tud~' .~Jub Tburtoduy «'t\'t·nln;.;- ht!'f'fi of th(\' fAfnllv ,""cr., ... rt<'!f,(·n~ )lr. '\'"as n. .1l('("e~~. lmth fln"'nrt2tth~ and "r.. at1d :Un~ .. \\"inst(m. Toledo. c..'hiu. were: rlally ,,\fl"C. ""Hi',. .lttt"'kf:ton du"cS. Sho>! hqln~ n. t('w days "hdtlng- mother and )~a\''''~ her fI.r~nl •• :llr .• tn' ltrs. I'mlth. rrl<:n<le. Tbe)' lett ";unda)', !'itay 13, a 1IIIIIer lind n hO~l fit frl~nd. to mnu,," rur TolMla. nr. A. J.. 1-'trulit'r. Dan­hN" lOh-tt.. 1\lr. and :\lr:-1. ~"lh(·rt ~tt';)hcn~ 't"il!cfs mmt l1Tomlnent dt'nUst~ \\'8S in (If lJ,*!' ~loltlf"S. Jnw:t. rH.~!II('(l throuctl the dey durin.: the "'f'"t'~ endiD~ )tav la ... r~ "'0 mutt" to .·:. ... st .\1oUnp- tt) "''''1\ 11:: attendiu.-: the ll~.tislons ot the )IUnol~ "Ir, Sl"l'h~n8' lU"th, r. "Irs. AI ... .:ander. l:it.'\te l ... ntal ",,,,,o.:lallon, which m,,' II ;"'nrt:~ Proctor nwt \vlth an t\t"f"It1.t"n, hof'r.... l)urilll: his ~t:l\· he "\118 the- ~U(lfi.t I"llltlnt:' ~'\ ftnJ:C'T" 1Iiit"""erf"ly. l"rnr. llOhln-1 i.t h'~ cta.Amatu~ Olc .. :lnr.l. ..-\t '" n:· ~"n js In \.h .. ,.1.,. nn .. "J~lt to his wlf,'. .,ent meetln" "f lh" Goldl'n n .. l1 loo.l~e. :lIre. Chanll nkhi~. ThnmJt" T:.rk all" II;· 'C, O. O. F .• "r. I't .. j<h"n D. J>uncan 1 rot her. )Ir. Riehl .. , ar .. Ill. :II..,.. Roh. I ",a~ ,,1e<::ted G1'3nd lodge r .. lI .... ~ntall\·oI! (rHn& U'bUne-ld .nd !!Ihn. ,y;t1tt"r. arp to IUten~ U.e 1''i!'»lon~"ln J.;a.=it st. Louis tmJlrC'l,1nl;. ~eu·ft of th .... fieath or l'"ruf. JO Au£'Ust . ri~ld6r nroU'll waf'. r4.-<'~l\·rd in ~IHHth~ I --",11h d~~p",," r~gr"t. .'11'. al1d :'olro. -.:, JOPPA. ILl... .11.. :110 •• and '"Oil ,·I.II"d l1"r moth.r. Ill .... Gustavla ";mltll an" :111.~ Jr •• le ,t,.,.. .'harlefl A1 .. ond..... 111 1-:"", "I". I Clay"",,1 left for fl •• ud ell",lll. The lin... ~lp.:;rft. =-OT.nan Hunt~r, Ha)-, R.·,', S. C8ldwrll "n.1 Ihe II",·, J. John­rnond ("oak and Rtlhf'M \\";'lit.:uu!; .It 1-\(ln aUfond",l tlie quarterly m~~tlnl: In 1'~lmyr .. , :110 .• ".,.., In the ~II" al Ihe Cltlr". m. Til" t:,·\", !". II. l'l"ultt lill"J h01t:O of YnUmtr ~1o~~. !\lr~. Rt'sa I tlh' pull'l1t a1 Ch,Vot'r J .. ~2t,f ("hUTch !su:, ... ~'o~~ And hU!"iland I1ft'-''" mn"4'(1 to ()n~ dR.)'. A lnunlwr of Joppa. l)e,)t'1~ suo­or lkach ::'la:>:I .. ·" rellldf>n ...... 10th A ,'P, t'>red t" ll,,"ndl<. m.. to nu"nd I he and ~l.t:<:, f:UI:t'"n.· Brad,ha\\" ..... h,' l.nl1tlzlnJ:' (If tb,· }!,"'. C. ,,', ~nnn"n. 1.,." hpf'n III for ~t'me time. j6 Improv. Ott. ~kaI:G~ !;l'~nt Sunda, with his tn; rapidly. ~~5U~r,

LINCOLN. ILl... Th4'l' ~untJa~' ~4"hnoJ nr rhp ~~. !d. £. I

f'hurr-h C::"i\"f! a rarnlval Thur,.d:n· ","fI!> ...

nln.: \"h\r'h ~'as: f"tJ(,~·"lltsful Thi! Gore I dull m~t at tll'" hoJUf" or )lrH. Ht'n Fonn .... n 1"'kl" l'1t. :>l~. Warren r:;hl>~ "'nt~natnt'!'tJ the I. ... '\dtc"· ~()ri"l Hm .. r' rlul> at h"r h"m~ on ~Inth St. Thp .:-hllrl"h JlT!pr(w~m(!nt (+1u1- $!:\\".~ an Ie .. ... rMm .... elnl I'r,<!,,,' "\·N,lnr:. Til" n .. \". :.1. J. ~'URTt. Pilstor nt tJl~ Sect.'Hd : nn'Ptl~t d1Uft·h. h~f; rt·tUTtlN' from' :'\1nn-anna. 1\ItU~.t \\·h('t·~ he hWH h{\.m: vl_ltlng hl~ moth"r who h". h.· .. n ~uf·1 r .. nn~ from nn nU!\ck or Influpn:t3. A 14'. party was Jrh·.·n in 110nor of lti~s Jua.nlUl Jnne. of n""Jttur, ",h.., ~I'''nl th .. we"k."nd ,'\"Itl,,!: In L!ne"ln.

'1f1'. Ann!f" ("'1.:-"1 k h:4ll rf'turnl"fl hom~ 1rllm II lwn \\' .... 'k~· "l!':lt in Uopktns­\'11!~. K~·. ;\1('. "n.1 )Ir •. ", .. I 13,.,..11"" "PUtMH"l1 hnt'ltt' llonlt.nv (ynnl :o;\." 1/,\li:-;. ~l;\mf''' In.''l~c,;nn ... nlprt.tinNl n rpw f'rJt"niltt TUPlIldO:l\ nt~ht hl honor ('If hi~ 'wif","p{ hln].,la~-. )lr. *hwk~rn I,r~$ent("" llil!. wl:f~ wl:h a h"';iuttful plano_ ltT::;. Annr I"'h..:'UHU'''r. :Mr,... lI:.tlli'" \\Wt,nl" aud l'1f'1'I. E,U:qhpth :,nl1th 'H1('ut la~t Th1U'9-riA>" ill llallOO'n, 1.ltll .. ,',·n"lI .. Ja.'I<­floil is rllnflnt."d toO her hnnh! ,~.dth H1-"""14. Llttl,. 1-:t(tIH"r n.:tkrr 1m!' the nH·.;:u .. (f't-:. ~h'" LitU", l'.·lIrtnr :nld l't"~. t.ul;t ~1r:nan(')" ~J~{'>I:t laf;t ~nnlb:'o h\ f\al1"n\f~ ut thp h('(l"id~ ()r tb~· 1:IHf'T'F tlf"'phr-w, :\1rl' •. ,"n" r!f:td( i-I'tl·l t1aw::h';i':­J"-:"I tnr th ... tr tutu,.... hn",,, 'n .. \Jton !\ttln"n~.. )lf1ll. FA Ht':u\1.'~·. ni't'~("h"l .1\lHlf'f!lltn nnd llr!'l. ElIz:t ''''.anado'r' "r~ on II". ~Irk 111'1. )1.... 11nlll., "lnT1ln '~:!!lUf'ft ~n ('-him;;t1 th~ ra!'f W""f-lc: .Tamf's !\11trlu"'U ll~t:! start"''' work nn his nt"w

.!:r;:-n ....

DECATUR. ILL ~lT'. T ..... U .. nA KIn!:. :no l'prl::1lt St .•

WJlfll .... allM to FUomntnC1nn :'::uno&i-' to A1t("-nit ,hA 1'nn#'rnJ ft( th~ n.1!'\~. ~lmn\S. nn :u ..... ·(} n\~n:~lt·:', r::H~H wirl'-h' knl)WU 111,..~."rh"'·,' 1'1 !!!r.n~ l'lml"~ :·lr~. C;~r ..

ELGIN, ILL, llr.. narry ('orb~1t and!~

\\,h.~·h·r are III. :llr. "".1 )lr~. rlifTor.l .'\~lam't. the l't(',,". :In,l )lr~. J'trO\\!1 and :\Tr {";tT'~"'o t)f Aur,j.!'""t. nn41 :\tT'!ol, P:th;y .\n(l. r~ln (.f :\hnn.·!l.'JH~ tnl1tor.,.l twrt. :lr~l' !4lU'ot 1111- (o\,-'-nlnJ!' \\,;th :\1r. r.tl41 ··1:-..... t •. )1. )tl1('11 .. 11. ;.tr~ .• \~n.:~ l"'Il_ ~1\;"" r(>\Hrnf'.\ '::om.· ;.ftf'r "i,nin~~r('l­nth·.~~. Olin ;'\:·,Trrn ... s mNuT'J>t1 fro", ("hlt.:a,:::o :\1111 \(mk .Unupr \\,H1. 111.9 :tunt :"tT~. rl:tt:1. It(~l1"'\,+. ':'H"("(!mlH'tnir,J by :l1~~. AI1"'''lln~ ~""r~" lIml family. ;':lu:('n~ ""hcd ... , ... nd 1';,mf!y \"I~jt("~l in CI'k'l:o.

ORAND CHAIN, ILL. l:IIJnh h,,·I. or r"rrl"r ~HlIq wn~ In

til(" dh" vlf§ltinh' th .. n("\, . .!olln C"r('\~!1'''' l:1.~iL lJ<'Jnnary Ruth-r uf "It. ZhUl '\\'a.~ In 111~· dh' •• F) l·tl~ln~!".. I ... ·nnartl H"'p"~ r· .. , ~l ).!d·'h ... Uatvl :ulIl lh.- l!!"~I'''' ~:tml~ :"l"(,'"ll"llntlft :U'Ht .~rtit'- Clt"monlt mt'Hor..-rl ~., ~1(\1U;.f (",ft~·. :\tr,:. ::.1:T~1.h )1:1\'1:4 or 1.1·vlnt:'~ w,a:-; in rlur vill:u;,·. )In,. l~Jlln\" ~trf"(.'t ha~ tW'('n ·dt"'k; fur 1hl" lH1if :1':e cl:l~·:t:: ,.:111 lIt·,· ~·hi!tlr·\n :11'\11 t!rztnd?,h!l­rirt·u «.\rf~ (,:ll1 .... ,l 10 ht'r l~~ldc. Th-:')o* nrc· "lr~. ~:llJk F!"nol. with h(\1" ,b1U:h .. I ... ,.,.. Ill .. )!l",·e. AI"I1a. \""Imn and Yt·.­tPT. of P(·rht:. :In!1 1\.11" Unhht('> 1l ... ,"oJt. whn ~s makhu:: Ius lunnt} in Ha.!:Tbhu~. J I. .·trtl'll"(,'.·d in the mir.~ th .... !"~. ~l~ll;('r f!nuly ),.t" im.,ro"f'll P"'t('T r::r.'· .. nt (·t r··rk<l, (",.t1l ... ·1 fltl ,,'Tr~. Emil\' ~U",·- t. Mr~. • ... /")!... Br-'innnnl Wk.!= tt~ 'C.W"n. 1'1"'(.11. ( ... h;tr! ..... ~ \Y. J:ansom . f =''If'\lnjl~ hl~h ~~"nf)Ol \"hdt('It hi~ l'arrllts ;tr.,l ,"'!:.Ilr ... " , ... ;t h hi~ ntnt hAr t!'\ ~Jountt ri~y. ~ h ... ,.· ,,'rrf'l ;.(" nmp:infr.(l h ... · lll-:1 ltny p, H~wkin~. (·nun~r ~t1Jlf;'rlfUt>nt1 .. en!.. 1.. Ed"'arw., the I1hOtO&;TaplIer,

CAIRO. ILL, , The Yat(>s \\·omnu·s eluh nu~·t l:1~t

'Thur1idn~· ~f1t"'mooll at the h!·~itl~f1cO of ;\1.". :\1. H1~d.o", :Mrs. Alke Pllyne wa~ .r-Ie-ctl'd d(·lf1gale to t~pr-e~t'nt the ('1t1h at th.. dt"!;lrlc.-t ("onvcntlon whleh L'''n\'en~s at iSl'l<rta. "'t"r whleh <l"lnt~· lu"C'h~on and retr~Ahm,=ntft \V~r~ ~en.·f'ri. "lrM, UUlh .. lIulletl left Intit w"ck on a ,'I.It. stopping ... 1 St, Lou Is, Pay­ton lltlc\ \\ e-Ht \"tr'J.:lnla. ).Uss XOIl!a I!<m.lura.nt of the ~1I:hth .,-rnd" and )Ils~ ~rtle Gr ... en or the .sixth ","Tatle won ~Ih'('r 10ll"tal, .0 th4"> ~pdltnl=: cOnte.n: as: th~ st·t'onu lIeat :-lJeUcrs of Alexan. lJer cnunty. 'fhe funeral ()f "Itg~ Olh·er "as held Saturd"y Itt 1:lh BapUSl church, or "hl~h ah& ""'I' a member, H~\·. I'olk ,,!Uclat!.'!!, l:ih~ Will> th" mother of llr". 111ll. )1 rn. Jolin", Young of ..-Ie,·eland Is In th.' dt\· \·Is· !lfnr: her pnr~nt8. He". and llr". l·aYIl~. ll,.". Floren"" SCOtt 19 ",ertHusly III III St. lln~"s Intlrmar)". :'Ill'S. 5!1.m Ill.hol' ""lUI <'IIU.,.) to Ja.:k$On. Tenn.. on ae­.. "un! af the mnes~ ot h. r father. llnr­tin Fowlke. .. or Chlc"f!o ",nll In lil'! city ),Il~t Thursd:LY. havllH;: AC'I..·0V:V3ut",u the feJ1:1 .... i'ns ot b!!Il moHu~r tG n,'ersburc. T(·nn.~ tor burial. ~\Jrs. CarolCnt! Jat'k­:tim entt'rtntn"',l TUt.'M~a\· "V'l'UII1I: at her r .. "ld~nce In lIonor or 'her (ra'ncl, :11 rs. Johnny Y.oun,:;. llrs. Annie ThollU'5 has relurn"" rram her ... I~II In I'ulton. Ky. The Odd F .. Uowll nn.\ ltouR"bol<l of ltutl~ held th~!r annual ""Tm<;n Sunda,' :\l "am Chap .. 1 A. )(. l-:' "huT(·h. It~'·. C. M. KUfiX tlelh·er~t1 the sermon awl Wm. :llIlIer a"t~tl a~ master of ccr~· monl"s.

GALESBURC,. ILL. :111', and :lIra. OU~ II. l:ite .... ard Are

\'lslllng rcl:ltlwR In Fr:\Ilklill and :O;~W I • .,ndon, ;.\10. .Mrs. Jessie Tlnal"l' I<fl Thu!'sda)'" c\'cnlnJ: to "isft b~r mothl", J.n ~~W Londnn. ltn. "Ioth('t"~ d:t,.~ wns ("~I~hrat(ld :u .. \IJe-n dlaJld Sut:day Inornlug under the ;tU~llh~ll,.·s nf thl! A. !II. E. <'I.olr. !llrti. llIand,,, l::as!~:r. <II. r~strt!ss. :\Srs. Anita. ""-Gill flirt'ctt!'ll the c\'c-nJna llr(lf:ram unr)~r the ;Ht51.k(>M n! (h~ ProtT~!:)sh"t~ "-ntJtE'n·s c1ulJ. !\htli. 1'~Vli~ ~()!o!non. prenldl·nt. Th~ G. V. 0. 01 C;>. F. h~ld their thank"""'ln!;" sn· IIton ~unrlay atternMn at 1hc- ~l~('I'lnd J.Japtie;t t'hurt'h~ Rt'''', C. )t. \l'd,~t"r W~1..~ hi l·h.lrgl~. a!i~bH('!1 h,.- nt~\'~ l·mtcr .. \\'(i(q atHI I~"\~. Ht>n.lcr:mu. The nth-nIl. ;. fWt· \HiM; 1 h\! !arl$l"M in vrnrs. 1 B P. O. Eo W, inltlate,l tour' or th .. illl';'"'' ~lin!'trt!'J:-i "rUt·sda)· ~\"enhl~. Ja~ Uur·,., J:"'~~ luui Ptli!ll Jus h<::lutltul home on ~lulherr~' St. J. T. HamhUn \. r,,­,Ilodpltnl:' hi" pr"l'0rty Ott \\'rBt Sim· mons ~!. ~lrs. :\If'):tIC' nutlrr t'lllt>T­tllln"''' the 'fhh"lIJ\! Cfn'!L'" J.'"'rhJn\·. Til". He" lIh'~ duh b"!1\ n 5u""c:;sful ell I! m,,'(.;ttn,: TU(l.1'(Ja,- ;ll the home of th~· prt!sf(1C"nt .. F!nne\". John Britto1l Pi rt-4c('or:tthu: :\lId ..... llnltng hlfIl hUU~t~~ ("In 'V(>st )1rH_)ks ~t. ""le J;;lks· h.-U. h~!fl HI lh~! arlnorj.' Thuf:-:tlay night. was ;l.

"oc-JaJ and flnnncla 1 ~ucee.!os~


and M, Y. LUCA •• .Jr, The two-night bazaar a.t the St. Paul DapU" chnrcb wn::> a financial !,ueCes.s. ".rIm lli~seM r .. Uf'Y and .... annie Tl1rnp.r. l~O:; "\tarkut.

,\\('rc hnst .... '.\!i{'~ In the U(lom~· Study Ituh. ;\trll. ltaut1., H"yne~ ,,"as olt''l''tt'd IU'~'" dt:ut: llifS l .. ur,~.. 'rumer. \"lec t1resl .. th::nt; ~tr5. ="llldred ~herrod .. trt·n~urf:r'. nnd :lH.s FAnnia Turll~r. ""purlrr, Tho Rt.·'"' L :i. :-:IOn(!. )Hll'tIOr DC the .. \. )1. .. ,;, c-hUfeh In Cairo. \\"!l:4 hf\re la9t Wf>"k un husln"s,. for th" I:. n. 1-'. lmlll'" W. w. r:uchanan "nu !!:on. \\"UUnl11. \Ve-r{\ tn ~.rlwarcl,.,'llIe gUlld~y. )Irs. Fltnnh' Bland <lilt! nl"ce. ~ti.,. lInule :5l1od<l. ~l,ent Sunday In ~'\.~ard"\'illfi vtr:ttlnJ· !II ... BIantl·s mothflr. The He\'. '\". J: OIl\'~r, pastor of (he A. :'1. }-;. .. hurch In I::lk\'III,·. ill .. WitS lit Ih .. ellv to 11('" I:lft hroth"r, Cbnrl<'~ OI!\·.T who I~ Ill. Fret} !!rJU. :!'!ion nf J. ~l. Sampsou. tli .. d :l1","la)" nrler """oral months' 11\, ncP". Th., y, :II. t:. .\. 10,,,,1\. un<ler the man3j:;"lIlenl or w, W, BlIrhan3n. nUeil -An .. n~n;:t.~t"mnt In n··Jh.·,-111f'"'. Ilt. Satur­d." .. nb:ht. )1. v. J..uf'a~ \\'t.·ut (I') S,lrlng .. t1pld t ttl.. 'V€'dn{'sd:n· Sri a dt·l~sate !o the Ej<'ctoraJ cOllw:e (rom ,si. Lukc·s A. )1. K cburch, Thp ne\' .• J. It, 110"­... ·11. I'a""<>< 01 St. !.uk,,·s A. )1. I: . '·hurrh. \'I<II,d In S"rlnst1~ld. Ill,. nn.1 J''1;u:\.'JJJe lm"t w~~k. ,:\,f,.,. 1.1U"iU •• \\~1t r­klns 15 In Hot H\l~in~~ • .\~k .. wlJere "II" \\'Ul spend 8f"\"t~r:.! ulOnth", for hn" IIf·aJth, llr, :111'1",,,.,, DC =-. 14th SL ",.to hOste ... to Ih .. L:1dlcs' Birlhd:tj' J;oclal club )Ia), 1(-.

JACKSONVILLE. ILL, Thn!!~ who auenct',l th" funrral ut

Alben Drown Thursuas W(,f'e :\lr~ o.n.1 :\trs. ,,'-m. He~9£'. llahht Hulton. OUvia J6hn."n and F:lllnie ;IIo<><h' Of !:it. LQui •. Dennis :lta~on t. ,·l.lting Willi his nvr:hf·r. ,:\lrfi. Fa.nn1e Jordan tn :-;:or~h c:ux St. lIr. :\lason has hC'r.n Inatin$! hlo hom" In Phlln.l"h)h,a. The 4-ycar· (·M son of ~Ir . .:unJ :\lrs. Pt':09 Porter tltt.~d ThunHlny at th~ Pa5Soi.\VatH. hm~" pilat ~trs. \\'!UtB !-lanOe I!ctu! or l~u.n .. 1"8 s 1s n vjsltor JIrre. )Irs. J .Ieta, Tins ... 1<,,.-. formorl), 1)( thlll dl.\'. <lie" Thurs­da~' In I.ou 1' ... 1 lie, ~Ir" ;\1'11;"1,, !toss ot ~Ia)"fleld. Ky .• leCt :llnnda,· for ;;1. l .. l)uhs nfter n !hon \'iait with hl'r sl~M t~r. )lrs. 1... It ~Iontgomcry. Cf}nnl~ (·Imw .. ~y. \\·m. ~On\\ .. 1.\· HoHl1 ~liss 1 .. nuhi'1 • 'onwky or l'<'orta ~liifl J. \V. conway. 5r •• motored tif) thh, elf)' ~aturday fur a, yl.ll with !lIt. amI :llr... 1-'. C. llus~. 'fhe DlIIlunl thnnl,"gl~ir.g Ih~T\'lCes and ,·xcrr.I,.·s w~re h~lu at the Grand Opera

~~~,'g'n ~~I~~~~~~tii~~:Osprl~!;il~~~~ ':~!~.: :\1nnu.-I n:'adah'fJ. Jla\'M ~hort. nl:\stcr (·r c\!t'~n\Uut<"s. The :-:':H:T"'~l €."vn,,·c:-t ~1\'c1\ Itt the Grancl 0lwrn hntt.s\.~ ~U'h)n.y nlt;ht u""t'r tho!' aUSlllt:,:S or ;:\1 r. anfl )tr!'. 1m \'Itt :O;hort - was n. grAll.' su~~s~. Hcnry l'o\\,Cnt '\\·us :L. vtsitor tn Ha:1 ~ nit\o,,]. :\(u.. ftCcntl)". "rhl" Cpntenary club of lIcC.ahe :II. E. "hurch hl'I.) " HHHtlns- llt tht,\ churCh Thur~da ... •· !\1r3. .M:I,:;"I" llllllnt" "n,l )lr8. ",,101;,:, .... 01" \\,(\t"~ ,,*aJh'c1 H; ~lt'Klttrh:k. :\10 •• on n .. • .. ("ount uC Ulnt'~!i nt tiwir moch-c-r. \\·ilf,1 WIIH rued,",,,, "r the 'I"ath nf Y"rk IInll In Chh.-ago* a (ormer res1.lknl ot this dty. Th~ (Uflcr:lt hi _\Ihert lJrown was hdtl Thurs')"," nt 1I.,thd A. ~r. ~:. d.urt"h. ltc'" It. ! l. Unddc\, of11clalln:;. llr~. ~fahh.1 t;"~ J. ... !ut-d I!U\'~ n z.mprwr at ht"r hom\~ 'Tut"~dn.y ·(nf the h~n('nt or the

~~~\~~~C'I~~ l·[io~~~~ ~~ 1I!;~t i~flt ~~n ~:rf1:~;: :ur Ilis hOI1l~ in l'\,.:troit. :\tr~. :Uatvlc Jnhu!<on and \", "". Jl.('(>s of St. I..uurs Ht.·rp l11arripd ThurstJay Ilislht hy Uc\,.

!!ir;le.Pt~~~~ltti"Jtrl~;' ~:IJI~ll :t,.~~J~Y l~:;"~ sin-narl' $ocicty nt th"! parsrmuge re~ t.~t"nth·. Th\" Cn.UllUtuHty ("holr tltt(h.oT" the .1iT'('cthul nt f'rnf ..:. t L Frfl'I'mnn r("nrl"'f~il (;'x __ 't"lttl'nt music at th,.. Grand Ollcra hUll:''t-. )tr~. ~lnr;;:lrt·t F'numlC'rs at thtl '1":1110, ~tr~. J.:. H. 1 .. "n'C" !t·;tdor. ;.\1.-... Sllrnh llh-e ami :I'trs. X, J. t;tUt} ~ut"'l·tainf"tI It ft"w of tb-plr fritnoJl at a !unchtOn In hOl\or or llr. :\llll :\fr1t. Jam~s flto\t"o. )Jr. n.n.1 )rr~. SmIth of SprinJ;l1t!ld an.l ~!i., I':,""". :;mlth of C!onnllna;:ftm. :'.'tf;. l:arln. Johnson III tluit.· ill at iH'r Ill,me. )tnrton .. .\ v~. R<,\f.

l;i! i }~r J ~~~:~~fiL~S't~.s\\:~~!i~':~:t ,I;'; ~~l)~t~~ "keto",,1 ("oU"I("" :II, •. 1_ U. )l"nt~om' f'f.\'" m:tll(" n ~hort \'l:l'll tn SprinlHldd. l.J(~(·t1[Ul· .and -(,h;tm~:'ihrt,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jun 2, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17--------=-----~-~==~~~======~====================================~~======================================


Tltl" l1ntmlU"~~~ rtr Ganlma 4'llnl\tflr 4'\f ~l:pha Knl\pa Altlha ~f)r(1r1t30 '\\~ r~ ceUJ:htfull\ <'Olel'!"in",1 at." t\\O-CO\1""" hronkf~.l :.\1 'It 1\(01" fi rla\ :.\1:n 1:; :1t 10 It 1 II... ,. fa 11lH>:S" ht""~~ 40i\:: f ~tou~htou Sl Th,p T".atrotl("~" ,q llT('~"nt '\4.!T'P llt"fl l:llzal-l"'th ,\ nldfln :\1T~ l\lad;;<l ~hc,,'er lit"" C ,I Jmdnn 1I1r. I:.l\\ard nenton :::.lrll n l~ no" .. n }.,.. <"~cn "Xi<'h<>lMII and m<'ml.<'I", or lhp. 5Oro-rlt): prf'srnt ~ere :\1ifiS !\lar­".,.,."t "nkln~ :.n.!! .\lic" :or..ah. 0. ~Irs ... ~I) l'oJ'l' JltH'I :\11">' l:rn,,"_ Hlt(l ~tI~~ "\ ..... a l'):trri!l;b or C'blr..u:::n if( :t. "N k~lld 1':'" t ;n; ti, .. home of I" r aunt "Irs C. .. tfltdal' !\ll~K lllnndli'l 11 .... nlUtnu and .... 1h r nt~s~ 'Hi D:nn: lila :nrc \ ls,lttn;; (InrUur the bJt't't"fI("h(lb1.!IIU~ '\\t ... k ... end lit thl' honl~ of :\11s.~ '1t,:::inl.3 S.nnh ~ :\1 1)\1 !'t 1 l"han I "lIt ~1'lMt ,\ 1 .. \\.11 rhllrlf'~ ,\lund): :\1)(1 n~,:ln:;ld \\ \ 11 1, "r I nl'" l'-! • tll-, \\ 4"1 k-t'nrJ:

DANVILLE ILL :IT.. B""l~r. "\lr Halfa!',..- Ill.. drw::­

:::j~4 Dr nJ'l~ hd.7" anrI Ill" Fntzt~r n1f)-1<1,,,\ !',,,,,,nt!, 11) I ..... UI~';n" K. It attelld 1h .. d<'rJl\ lH..s C .. .,..lw. "11-IInm" or Cbampallm "I .... nt S.lIltlny III Dam 111.' .md att .. ndt d tI,p "T()flipr ~ dn, p·o/trnrn at ,h .. ""('t)ud n.~ptlst .. hurch Tho :\Iodtrn 1'1'\",.11\3 fnir that '''I~! ,"'''n at (he Compan' Lannan Tlrlll'l<­j!}, nnd Friotn: ua~ quitE" a $l'U~~.I;!t ~lrs. .Jolln J,e,\ IS "on lIM't llrl:r:.. It h. auUful quilt 'Ifr. manch" Fernnd. I ~e:t of to\\ pl~ :lIn:. 3"une Roblncon thlr,l 3 ~ .. t of "be"!" and ~tolhcr Csr­.,.. (""t , pr\%€' Thr- 1\tTair \.\":l~ (""'11-1lll"'v-d \il mtf!Te~t fif tbf' Fl;lIIwnd RaJ't

I"'t ... huy ... h )n<~ Rlallohe Ham,lIn" nd I.ln,d T3'\'!4)r ",!II he AmOnl" II,.., :r,.lU~l "" ..,f II., Ihnt III@ hIgh ~h"(}1 I ["ale :\1<:1'01. Ittl('n<l",1 the Kalllla an­.ual prem at ChampalJ;1l.

from :orcI{lttrlek :\It! "her$ the)' ~cnt to aUI)nll tho funeral or their mothel". ltr8 Pannell Funcral sen iees ""ro belli fo .. Alhert [lrn\~ n ThurSda~ from Hdhel , M E <I ..... "h. till) n", n 11 Ih.~kl"y OmCIKling 'l:holl(! ,,110 ntl~"d­td front OUt of to\\ll \\:er( l(r and :'tITS neen~ .1.t1"5 1 ann. :lJoOlh, AI",13 Jolm."" 111111 ~lllbl., Hatt ..... ... t'SI Loul-, llo ltns :lInn Sl)t!rtcer IS sun n J' l'" (lent at rhe k",,,, llf'ltnc ftnnitnrlum llr.. )1111",;,,1".:01 8I1un'\"1"1I lctt reccnll~ tor Chi ... go alld olher 1.00nh, Tile Fri­dn> Art dUI, "n~ ent"rtnln,d h} "Ir~ !-' C ltuse .mil mother .Mr.. Boll ~III.". :a th,. home of the former III S {'In, A,,, "m Con\\a~ CO"""' Sull­(ort1. l.oul8t;l' Con\\u:, or ~~ort.n 111. ",TO ,\qilO"s Mrs :llarlllh Johnson I- quite III at t.he X", Home ~anl­tnrlutll Th" IIp\ Hllri :\lrs G "W Brr"'l1 of HI,rlnsllel.1 ,ore \\<"'.!s-~hd ,1"­ltar~ J II ('011\\," ot S]'rlnglleld "as a "e~k-~nrl 'IHI! flr lU our 'II~ The /1"1,1I9t State CouI"yees "III <",,,~n~ he'., Tu,,~da~ at lit Emon BuN\"t chur~h Chest~r DrO<lks of Peori" "I",m a fe\\ dn~~ 1n the Cl'Jl .. ha"\ tng r--ul'l"nt>d

~~~n i-~~n~\in~~A~,':.. ~:,,:n~mo}~\,~, I"'sle~ I. tt for l..ouls~ Ill... I~) llr~ l!;ugenC H l'\flcu l(Oft recenth: for LouIN­\·m, to \(sit ,,!tb h"r d m&ht~r" tile lUwes l"ath~.ln" an,l 01 "bll lla)d,m

URBANA. ILL. lIT. If r ""lis of IHO \\"' Chur,,1t

St '''RSc ltnst(!~s t<l a part3 III hono. or :"\Ir~ ". J, P"U) or Chlc:tgo ,,100 Is dlrlc!iJ1J.;" HIe chorus ttt 5n \ok~s n 1111 \\ut !".lng durInr; the ,.tat(\ contention h~rC' June'" to H The lIen H t"'rlMH dull mC1 "Hh J Inll Jnd.son J;fl lIre'", Is confined to his home \\1th !line"" 1\ , I •• gglns or Indianapolis F)'CUt the t\ ""k-elld ,,!tit hi. sl~t"r. lUrn C Il!l~ Ricks of Cham" \I~n St Lillie Pl~S­Ion KIll/; /1:«'1 the mea"les lIn; .10· ""I)hlll~ ~lmmonN Dr Des :Hollies. to,,, I 1. ,\sll\ng hex moth"r nnd ,,"II .nl< 1111 the ~lptist (."flulendon uhHo I!.nt"\'" ThO!ii. \\:hfl grnd" iAe(l from the Urh In 1 1"1%11 s'~()O! (hi" '<!1r tr~ ~rr.'cs l"I'r\ ~Inrplan\l "f,,, Loul~" Scott amI It." Smith and Carlle Burlon I.iltl~'"" ~ttn. Jat kSOll \\ no i~ confhH d to h. r T Ofnt) \\itl' tiln.(lo~q f!<.t ~ro\\h 1I11f)rO" m...: ~t~ J ... uwr:t. Honh1h kif h ft rCf"Cnth ((;r t 1\ n 'tee-k~f \:Isit '~lth her nloth~t In I'ro\Jdcncc. 1'-\


numbers Th" Three C cillb gavlI \lo ann"al dancing part~ at Fraternity hall un 'llJursdu. ~'en!n'" All orchestra ot ;;~flcl~I~~e.s refr~~~:~;~~~~urt~~~~~t fll~~~~d Out-O(-Io"u J:ueflls "~re ~lr nn<1 llrs­F.d l,otunl ('if ~prlng1h.' h1 and ltr~ C:.trll.'r or Cllmnn :orr" M ,lIel t.:I~,,, !;.n5 returned f.rotn ~Unne.fll1oll~. \\: hel ~ she "n~ c:uUld 10 the ht{l~hlc nr her sblter \\ ho \If l~ til Tilt· Ponu:~tlc .Art eluh J;n\l!' Jl. rCf'f"t),tSlUl lit th~ home ot 11s prpsulentt Mr~ John R. FrJoT(l 1:0i'; S }o:;u~t St. (Ul SunddJ l(t~rnO{Jn frolll • to 730 Ju honor DI :\frs l-:lHUI Hle\\.:­

art tu" hleh (ed~rnled clllh Ol~"'h"rs 1\ l:rfl l!'l\ 11m! On Sundn~ ov~rdnl-:' 4 t \\"Ul m,UI cl1flfJi!'1 :lIN'! l"(llUI Ste\\:urt d~­Ih eyed llll ad'lrc ... ~ I<> " (" pa"it) "udl­I'nce The U Il )0' 1I11!1 S ~I T or""'" JUt" theIr IInnual "<'rlllo,, fit 11ll>­'lIunl ChrlUlln < hurch :lfa, t. on M,,"da~ ~([erll""" ~hs (I!lHr n~l'O!l t)( II {,h ingsioll St. Nl! t rlMne" In hon"f or :lIN< ",1\th St<""r! :'lUll "Ir~ S II {lIIl!;Ort lIr" E (i CO\ Ington en­tertained Iho T'l'ol!ruMln, clllb Ul<!mhcrS and their hushands "I~o ,L r." otilel rrlends on llolHllI} '" cning at thll home or !\lr nne! ~trN G \V Thomn'M. In honor of tlwir \ IsitoNt, ~Irs ~t~\ .. :trt "'lid ~Irs (,]h80n ;\lrll I me Hen ler­~o 1 ,\n~ hO!oH.ess tn the tn~n\'hflr~ of thil l)orne:uic Art club nt Its lnectlng' Oil .... ridav afternoon At the 'onclus\nn or ltU8I1H.::""S n fleUrl()us Inneh\!Ol1 , .. lS ~er\(>d A t\rosr~~he nlutoring pnrtj: IoU!; shell on Sn.turfll\: ~;;cnlng nmk­

Ing m"n~ stop" nl Ih" homes 01 mem­ld~r!!' or the rm.t'hi fot" refreshments Rnll nluslc and spt\mhu£:, a IUOSt i"njo~ alll(i C\ L'ntn{: 'fhis eveut nus In bonot" of 11If.! 'lsitors

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSZ L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Jul 18, 1914; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 6


The Latest News from Jackson- i

ville, Decatur, Peoria, Braid·: wood, Torino and Other Illi-nois Towns. .

(Dy Z. L. Dreedlo\·e.)

Champaign. Ill.. July H.-Sunday brought to a close the. sixth anoual district contention oC the Wood River Sunday school convenUon. wblch ad, Journed to meet the first Tuesday be­fore tbe second Sunday in July. 1915. in Ihe Zion Church in Sprlngfteld. The convention just closed In every way met the expectations or the members both as to attendance as well as spir­itual enthusiasm. Rev. J. lL Owens, pastor or Salem Baptist Church, was made a lite member of the con\·entlon. Collections throughout the convention Wllf'6 \'ery liberal, and tbe dining de­partment, which was a speCial feature or the 1\·eek, was liberally patronized.

here In tbe Interest ot tbe Forum. a paper printed In SprIngfield. • • • Miss Eddie Westley of Lincoln attend· ed the convention. • • • Miss l'IIary B. of Springfield was a dele­gate to tb6 convention. .. • • s. 1.. Death', gr&nd lecturer ot tbe K. P's. of' this state, Is attending tbe Uniform Rank ot the K. ot P·s. session being held In Evanston this week. • • • Afr. Frank Coleman was a delegate from the CourV0f' Colanthae to tbe K. of P's. s8sslon In Evanston. • • • Dr. H. E. Hown was called to Dan\·l1Ie Tuesday on professional business. • • • Frederick O. E,·ans ot LaCay· ette. Ind .. ! supreme master of tbe P. K. O. W's.; was In the city Sunday. • • • C. E. Phillips of Monticello, grand deputy organizer ot the P. K. O. W·s., was In the cltr Sunday.

• • • All tbe services Sunday were usually well attended. Rev. E. H. Fletcher of Evanston was in cbarge, of the Sunday scbool and Mrs. Mc· Kinzie ot East SL Louis held the re·' view. Rev. D. E. Shields of East St. Louis occupied the pulpit In the morn· ·fng and preacbed to a large congrega· tion on the subject ot "Defence~ "The Lord is tbe strength of my lite. Whom shall I tear?" At 2:30 o'clock a me· morlal service was conducted by Rev. Fletcher ot Evan8ton In which each i pastor present ga\·e a list or those who' had died in his congregation during, tbe past year. At 3 o'clock the tol·, lowing program was rendered; Vocal: 8010, Miss Jennie Woods, Ohampalgn; i paper. )\frs. E. T. Dean, ChaDlpalgn: I \"ocal s010, Miss Hattie McTier. Spring· Held; instrumental duet. 1\Ir. and Mrs. H. A. Ta)·lor, Champaign; vocal solo. 1\1lss Florence Pamplin. Danville; dro'l malic reading. :\Ilss Georgia Os by, Sllrlngfteld; vocal solo. Mrs. Jennie I

Cha\·ls, Champaign; reading, Mrs, Me· I Kinzie, East St. Louis. • • • "Every I man and ,,"oman In this country call i be sometlling If tb~w will," were the 'I

words of Re\ .. E. H. Borden ill opening the rorty"sixth annual session .of tbe'! \Vood Rh·er Sunday school convention! Thursday morning in Salem Bapti.!;t I

Church. attended br some or the mOEt i noted men and WOrnI'D In the state and 8om~ o.t the best trained young IH!OII\c. i The men and women who ha,"e been de,"oUng' years for tile moral, intel·, lectual and spiritual uplift of the race were In session here ali las 1 Weel, be· ginning l':ith Tuesday. • "' • ~1 rs. S. I •. Beatty entertained at a 0 o·clock dinner Thursday In honor of Re' .. K H. Fletcher and son ot Evanston. Thos(! present were ~lrs. E. \V. Owens and Miss Bell nutler of Paris, Mr. ,"'red Orenuorf of Lincoln and !\Iiss :\1lnnic' Folks ot Sidna)·. A sillendid time was enjoyed. • • • Miss G. ~1. SaundeM: of Springfteld \·jslted ;\Irs. :\-lillie Brad· ley last week and attended the Baptist convention. ,. • • ;\Iisses Eulalia Osby and Georgia Osby left for Sllring· field, their home. ~Ionday eVl'ulng lIy the war of the interurban. very IlIlwh elated o\·er the hospitality shown them by the Champaign Ileople. ;\liss GeorgIa was a delegate to the conven· tlon. while )tlss Eulalia Osby was

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PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSZ L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Sep 19, 1914; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 2

PRAIRIE STATE EVENTS The Latc,t News from Jackson­

'rille, Decatur, Peoria, Braid· wood, Torino and Other Ilti· IlOia Towaa.

Champaign, III.

By Z. L, Breedlove.

Champaign. 111.. Sept. 18.-A. ),1. E. : church: September 13 Miss Alice Moore, mistress of ceremonies; song

I by the cbofr; scrlpturtl reading, Rev.


H. Simons. paslor; anthem, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," choir; paper.

: "Education," Z. L. Breedlove; vocal ,solo. "The Robe lfy lIother Wore," Miss Maud Mlleam; paper. "History and Doings at Wflberforce," !\flss Rutb Woodruff; paper, "DomE'stic Educa­catloll," lIrs, Carine Green. • • • Mr. t. Von Dinger, formerly of In· dianapolls, has come to this cfty to take a pOsition as manager of the Nobby Tailors clothing store. • • • Mrs. Alice Breedlo\'e and Mrs. Lula Tate returned home Monday morning from Cincinnati. Ohio, where they vis· ited (riends. • • • Salem Baptist church: Sunday school was wen at· tended. The weekly meeting of the ';'win City Dible Class No. 5 was a banner dass In attendance. Class No. 1 was 11 banner class in collections. The O. V. P. U. meeting at 6:36 p. m, was well attended, the subject being "Education," led by llrs. I ... B. John­son. The pastor bas returned from a sbort vacation trip, A report of the llessenger from the Wood River As, sociation diamond jubilee. beld In AI-I tOIl. was made by Deacon Roey. • • • llrs. M. L. Nickens of Mal· I

toon came home to Champaign to spend the winter. • • • llrs. Dell Morris. who has been sick, is slowly I improving. • • • There was a lit· . tle girl born to Mr. and llrs. Brent i

Newson }londay, Sept. 7, but died I

Thursday evening. • • • There was a line boy born to Mr. and :'III'S. Williams, 802 N. Poplar street. • • ,. llrs. John Beatty has returned home after a two weeks' visit with her par· ' ents at Mazies Lakl', Ky. ,. llrs, Eliza Wood and little Woodside Wood of 703 No Elm street spent se\'· eral days in Peoria. the guest of },Ir. and :\lrs. Robert Gibbons. '" '" • When you want any furniture repaired see Mr. Fess Currey at F. J. Jordan's barber snop. in the basement. 31 Main i

all'eet. By giving this man a trial you will help and give courage to the race. • • '" Miss Ellie Cameron of Birmingham. Ala., who has been \'is· I lUng (riends In this city. was sudden­ly called home Tuesday on account i

of the illness of her mother, Decatur. Ill., gept. IS.-Decatur I

Afro·American people are going for- I

Ward. This Is a promising tOWI1. Our I people are brAnching out into busi. I

nessel.'!. .. ,. ,. ,(\fr. David Hunt's place promises to be a credit to Deca­tur, .rust watch Hunt's place a few months bence. • • '" Decatur is proud of H. Singleton, a man who bas made a success in the restaurant bUsiness. ,. ,. • The town is "really" on a boom, Se\'eral big buildings, givIng large employment. are being erected, .. ... • The De­fender can be had at David Hunt's place. • • • Decatur has fo.ur Afro·"\meri<.'an mail carriers. one gro­cer)' Etore and two up-ta-date restall' rants. • • .. The "Brownies" base­ball team did good work this year and advertised the city to good admntage. • • .. There are two Afro-American men employed at the court bouse. C. Johnson and H. Stringer, .. • ,. 3£y. but )IcKlnler ·Pryor and those other "kids" wellt wild m'er monkeys. Ringlings' show was here this week. you SE'c.

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PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Sep 26, 1914; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 7

"RAIRIE\TATE EVENTS 1\eJ Lateat Newt from JacksoD·1

.ute, Decatur. Peoria. Braid· wood, Torino and Other Illi· Dois Towns.

Champaign, Ill., Sept. 25.-Grand Temple omcera Pilgrim Sistera oC the' Holy Crosa: Nettle J. Davis, Grand Mother Superior. Fort Wayne, Ind.; i Eva T. Deane. Paat G. M. S. and D. S. M. S .• Champaign, III.; Amanda Jack· I aon, Grand Sister Superior. Lafayette •. Ind.; Callie Cleveland. Grand JIlgh I Priestess, Indianapolis, Ind.; Ary Car· i ter, Grnnd Secretary. Champaign, 111':.1 Frances Xewby, Grand Treasurer. i DanVille, 111.; Ida Cnrter. Grand Ser· i genot·nt·Arms, Champaign, Ill.; .Mary! Clay, Grand lfeBsenger, Indianapolis, I

Ind.: Carrie Vance. Grand !Ierald. Dan· . Ville, Ill.; Nellie HobcrtR. Grand· turer, Danville, III.; Carrie Taylor.' Orand Organizer, IA,fayctte, Ind.; Ada West, Grand Inner Gllard. Gary. Ind.; Ada Gains, Grand Outer Guard, Indian· ' "polia, Ind.: S. J. n. Peters, Grand Fatber AdViser, Jo'ort Wayne, Ind.; Dr. ' O. L. nallengcr, Orund lledlcal 01-rector, Indian: poll>!. Ind.; }o'annie Col· ley, Caplai" ot the Drill Team. Dan· ville. 111.: Grand Lodge Trlllec:;: l.Oll· ana Riley. cualrman; Ida. HIggs. Hal· tlfl Carey. • • • Miss ~Iary A. White nnd !\Tr. Fred Grlflln wcr{' mar· rled Sundny afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the homp. of her mother, Mrll. ,,;lIn White, 603 North Poplar street, in the pres. nec of sixty guests. The cerc­mony wal! Il£'rformcd by nev. J. ~I. Owens, Jm~tor of Salem naptisl chureh. lll~s !\lny Koollrll served as brldellmnhl nnd Mr. Henry Wllliamll I

aB bellt 1IIan. H('frcsbmcntll, consisl' Ing or Ilr(!t;HCd ehkken. utllITed oll\·e~.

uread lind butter sandwiches, ice cream and oak!l were SCTYi'd. llr. and ;\Irll. nriflln were the reCipients of many b,·uulirlll presentB. The yonnl; couple will r"sl!le~ at 111l1h ;':orlh liar· ket litreI'!. • • • ~attlrday evenine Ilt the hOllle or Mrf!. William llorrlll, IIO~~ :-;orth !\larkct Rlrel!t, the lIouse· hold of ((uth .Ko. 23,1) ga\'c the bride· to·be, who I,; Ii presiding ofllcpr. n re· cl'lllion. She was presl'lltC'd with a WOller sHl, paIr of white blank!·!::! nOlI bl!dsprl':1I1. It'ril'llds prl'~1'111I:d lIer her wilb linen. tabll' :tnd kitchl'll warl' !lnd brie·a·brae. I, Jmu .. llOhl ::-';0. 1~ltl

prpsentc.1 11 bl'allliful table cloth. Icc cream and cake were served to tWl;n· {)··lIve guests. The gUe::!!!:! of IIOllor we,'e Hev. and ~Irll. Simon and He\· . • T. AI. Owenll. .... .. A. :\1. 1':. churCh-In the morning Re\,. Simon

. !lpoke 011 "The Church lIIust 1(('('p In Touch with JI'SIIS." Sunday school had an nUf'udance of elghtY·lll'vl'n. Tbe presiding eld<lf. Hev. A. T. Jack· son. preached In the I'.cnlng: the sub· ject ot the Ilermon was "God's I.on~." • :\1 i~s Clara GibbonI' of Peo, ria Is lu're vh;itlng her cOUllln, llr~. Harvey King, at h",r t'l>sidence. .0:1 N. Elm street. • .. .. llr. David Dean was call1'd to Tipton\'lIIe. Tellll., laut " .. eck on lila account or the 111· tlCdS ot his sister. .. • • DOlI't for· get The Cltlcligo Defender Is on sale at 32 N. Hlckcry street. Get one and keep po!\ted on the Ilro:;ress of the race. • • .. :llr. Arthur :lloss Is ntterding the nulldlng l.abor Interna· tlonul 1'1)01)11"11 1'n[ou of .\mroricn can· V('UHOD IIJat js b{~j1)g bl'Jd jn 51. 1.0uls, I

Mo. .

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PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSZ L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Oct 17, 1914; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 7

PRAlIIE STATE EVENTS The Latest News from JuJatoa.

.we. Decatur. Peoria. Braid­wood, Torino and Otbu Iln­noi. To ....

(By Z. L. Breedlove.)

Champaign, m., Oct. lS.-Ex.con· gressman McKinley Is In the lead In the race for Congress in this district. The Colored vote Is coming to the sup. port ot his candidacy. Two years ago a grcat many Afro-American men went over to the Progressive party and voted for Roosevelt. They are beginning to waver In their support of the Roose· velt program and will be likely to sup. port Congressman McKinley and the I

Republican ticket if they see a chance' of getting fair treatment at the hands of their old political friends.

I am strongly In favor of the elec· tlon of the Hon. W. B. McKinley be­cause I don't beHeve that the Colored people of this district If they are look· Ing for their own Interest could make a mistake on November 3 by not only "oUng for :\lcKlnh~)' but tor tbe whole Republican licket.

A. M. E. Church. Rev ~ Jameson, the new pastor,

preached at both morning and e\'cnlng ser\'ices Sunday, In tbe morning be spoke on the subject: "Pressing ,For· ward" to a large congregation, Sun· day school In the evening had a good attendance,

In the evening sermon Christians were compared to lighted candles.

ReY, and Mrs. Simon expect to leave Oct. 20 for Decatur, where Rey, stmon wlll'take up bls new pastorate,

Mr. Gus Dixon went to Decatur Mon· day to attend a session of the grand lodge or "'asons. Mr. Dixon was a delegate. f

Insure yourseU against sickness and accident. The Home Protective Asso­ciation, ofllce 32 N. Hickory street.

illinois University Sorority. The AIIlba Kappa Borority at tbe

Unh'ersity of Illinois elected tbe (a)· lowing omcers for this year: Presi­dent. Selma Beck; Vice-president, Edith Etevens: secretary, Emma Bal­lenger; treasurer, Helen Steyens. The following roung women were made pledges into this sorority last week: Misses !\llriam Curtis, Felicia Stevens, Franc('s Woods, Dawn Ca'-sey Ilnd Lu~ clle Sharp of st. Louis, !\llss Hazel Alexander oC Indlanal)olis, ~llss llary Gaines of Broadlands, m., ami Misses Emma Phillips and Anna Jackson of Champaign, III.

The Champaign high school opened Its doors October 7 with the largest numher of students ever enrolled. Tbefl~ were 030 in all, 50 oC them belDg Colon-d. the largl'st number of Colored students e\'(>T (,lJrol\ed in the high s('hool at olle time,

Mrs. G('orge Perllon. who has he{'n in the hospital for abollt a weel" is at h~r home now slowly imlwO\'lng.

:\Irs, Daisy D. Patton, proprietress, and Miss Stella Thorntoll. cashier of the ("olonial Lunch Room, "jslted in Homer. Ill .. Sunday. I -PrldC' of Champaign Xo. 5. Inl('rn3' tiona) Order of 1:? meets lit Carey's hall {"cry s('('ond and fourth Thurs· day. lIrs, Laura Ackleon. bigh priest· I ess.

Afl'O·Ameri('nn Republican \'01('1'5 h('ld a nweting Wednesday evening at 11: :So \\'nIIllH street for the purpose or organizing a pcrmanent Rellubllcan club.

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PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Nov 28, 1914; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 5

The LateR NeW. from Jackaoft<o .we. Decatur, Pe<!ria. Braid­wood, Torino ud Other lUi .. aoia ToWDL

ChamDalon. III.

Champaign, m., ·Nov. 27. - Mrs. Tlsue l\fongomery entertained a num­ber ot friends at a party Wednesday evening at the residence of Mrs. L. H. Kirk. 409 East Vine street. In honor of Mrs. Arthur Wade of Paducah, Ky., who is here visiting. Whist and dan­cing were among the main features. nussian tea was ser .... ed. Everyone ra- ! ported a very good time. • • • MiSS Nellle Donell of Kansas City, 1110., is visiting friends here. • • • Mrs. John Woods and Mrs. 1\1Innle Johnson left Saturday for IndlnnapoUs to spl"nd Thanksgiving with .Mrs. Anna. Carol­tin, 513 West North stret~t:· • • Mr. S. A. Johnson left Monday evenhlg for St. Louis, Mo .• to see his uncle. Mr. Thoma's Boykin, who is sick.

A. M. E. Church. 'fhe sermon used by the Ilastor at

the morning hOllr was on "Service He­warded:' The thought brought put by the pastor was that we owe It to our I fellow lpeu to reudor the best sel'vico I our body nnd mind are callable of. On this dellends OUI' re\~ard here and I

hereMlcr. The sel'\'jces throughout· thH day were well uttenued. He\', JIIIllCSOIl \1sod fOI' his (~\'olling subject "The Iteligioll of Our "'Htllers Is Sulli· clent for OUl' Children."

Salem Baptist. Ho\'. J, M. O\\'l!ns, the pastol',

preached' in the morning on "l·'alth nnd Works:' James iI. 26, 'I'he text: I "l~ol' as tho body' without wOI'ks is d(!utl also." "The Good Shellhcl'd"! was talum ror his sermon theme in I the e\'ellillg. "Christ is the door 1>l' i which all must cnter. One must fol- I

low His teachings and walk in His foot steps to enter eternal life."

• .. )fr. and Mrs. }i;arl Munn gllve a )lnrly in honor of Mrs. Infleece Thompson l"riday evening at their res' Idence, 602 }i;ast White street. .... • 1'1Ie Freeman an(l Chicago Defender 011 sale nt 32· North Hickory street by Breedlove & .Co.'s News Agency. I

Jacksonville, III. JackSOllyllle, Ill.. No\'. :n.-l\Uss

Lellora. Kcnllibrew left last Saturday !light for Detroit. Mich.. for a visit with her motber. * • .. 1\1;'. Edward :\tnllory and Charles Starks are serv­lug on the jury during this term of court; also Jerry Rollins. * • • The Young :Married People's Clu1> met at the residence of Mr. \VnIter Putterson lust week and completed the organi­zation for a pleasure club. Ilefresh­menls were served. Tile next meet­ing will be with Mr. nnd Mrs. Taylor. on South Clay avenue ... ,. .. .Mr. and :\Irs. Thomas nobinson nnd ,duughter Corena lert Wednesday morning for Duluth. Minn .• where they will make their future bome. Mrs. nobinson" ex­}lects to· stol> over in Chicago a rew weeks for a vIsit. .. • .. Mr. William Maddox has returned [I'om Chlcngo. where he spent the week-end all busi­ness. • .. • 'J'be ZOlIR\'C Gir)s gave a Sl1llller Thursday night at l\It, Emory Baptist Church. l\1iss Clara Davis was chairmall of lhe Sill/riel'. 1'he young Indies are raising money for the pille organ recently put in the church. • • .. . Miss llargarct DeWitt •. Jessle Allen, :;\[acoll Saunders !lnd Olllc Mac){ spent Sunday in Gre~nflelrl, the ClleRts nr the Burghardt family. They made the trill in Ollle lIack's Buick car. • • .. ;\Iiss Lora Logan of Springfield spcnt Saturday and Sunday here. the guest of .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jordon on South Mau\'nislerre street. Miss Logan Is a Poro scalp sllecinlist and was in the (!ity for that Jlutl)Ose. .. .. • l\Iallorr brothers. l~ranl{ and Edward :Mallory, J .... Arm ;\Iallory alld H. }i;ugene Nas­by drove to· Springfield Sunday aCter­noon ill Mallory brothers' Overland car. • • .. Mr. \Valter Patterson and Thomas Waggoner will gh"e a 'Thalll,s­gl\·ing 1>al1 at Company L Armory hall Thanl,sgi\'illg 1Ilght. Thomas Wag­goner's orchestra will lilay. A grand lillie is anticipated. • • .. l\Iiss Ella Ho1>hlsOIl ollened a delicatessen on West !\forgan street Saturday. She is prepared to serve theater parties. etc. When in the city visit her place of business. '" * • .Mrs. Samuel John­son entertained informally the mem­bers of the Pleasant Hour Club and their friellds at a 7 o'clock dinner Fri· day evenin{;. All present enjoyed a Ille~sallt evening.

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PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSZ L Breedlove Special to Chicago DefenderThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Dec 19, 1914; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 6

PRAIRIE STATE EVENTS I The Latest News from Jackson­

ville, Decat~r. Peoria, Braid­wood, Torino and Other!. Illi­nois Towns.

By Z. L. Breedlove. (Special to Chicago Defender.)

€hampalgn, Ill., Dec. IS.-Mrs. Ger· trude Matthews and Mrs. 1\1. L. ,NIck­ens, two well·known lind highly reo spected citizens of this city, have pur­chased the l\lajestic Theater, located at 79 gnst Main street, from l\fr. Fred Wllilmeier (white). They opened for Ule first time Monday. December 14, with three shows daily. matinee from 2 to 0 anel evening from 7 to 10:30.

IUrs. l\Iatthews and Mrs. Nickens have bought this theater especially for colored people, as the colored people are jim crowed at all of tbe other theaters. Why not come to one of your own and pay the money into the race where there is some chance of YOUI' getting it bacl. indirectly rather than spend it somewhere that your money • .is not appreciated f . . If the ;a~e wm,jl~st silci\v their race

pride and go to this theater, which is a. credit to the colored people of Ule twin cities, not only to the colored people here but to the COlored people in central Illinois, we as a race would be benefited and would tbus show our contempt for the injustice that is so often put over on us. '"

Mrs. Matthews is a member of the Ea!~tern l:>tal' lodge and Mrs. Nickens Is a member of the PIHgrim Sisters of the Holy Cross, a lodge that believes in race pride and race patriotism. Now is the· time for all Pilgrinl Sisters and Pilgrim Knights to, show it by boost· ing tMs new enterprise.

Everyone Is cordially Invited to at· 'tend and give your hearty co-operation in attendance and good order. I at· tended Monday afternoon. I was just as well entertained as if I had gone to some of tue other theaters, becnuse they Ilaye some very good pictures to be their first. to S110W, and I highly recommend tbe theater to be first' class in every respect.

l\liss Nora Neal or Anna, Ill., niece of Mr. Nathan Dyer, is here visiting Mrs. Charlie l\Iartinson. Miss lvndell Rogan of Decatur gave a plano recital }I'riday, December 11, which was very milch allrpeciated by the audience.

Program' WitS as follows: Song, Illi· nois, by audience; reading, l\Irs. 1. B. Thompson, (n) Wltcbes' Dance, Pag· anini; (b) To a 'Water Lily, l\IcDow· ell; (c) Valse Brilliant, Chopin, Miss Rogan; vocal solo, :Mlss Alice :i\Ioore; violin 5010, "Ir. E. H. Simpson; piano, (a) Prelude. Rachamoff; (b) Moon­light Son'ata, Beethoven. nliss Ro· gan; (a) Valse Serenade (left band alone); (b) etude in form of Valse Chopin, :mss Rogan.

A. M. E. Church. Sunday school had an a\'erage at·

tendance. The subject of the sermon Sunday morning WaS "Wasted Oppor­tunities," talten from 1 Kings. 20;40, that too much of our time is lost in non·essentials where it s\ould be spent in soul-saving.

Rev. Jamesian spoke in the evening on "Power to Do Human Impossibili· ties," taken from St. Luke 20: 43, "Whatever it takes to bring men into the kingdom, we ought to do it, whether it is feeding one of the mul-titude." .

Rev; Whitsitt. pastor of, the C. M. E. Church, corner of Fifth and Fremont streets, returned from confer­ance, which was held at Cairo, m. Rev. Wbitsitt carried in the third best report in the conference.

Salem Church. The pastor, J. 1\1. Owens. being' in

Iowa assisting in revival, Rev. D. C. Jones occupied the pulpit in the morn­ing at 11 when he preaclied Qn, "Take heed, ye that think ye stand; lest ya fall:' and in the evening his sermon was on "Follow Me."

,The Sunday school is preparing to present a play . "The Greatest Day in the Year," on the evening of December 24th. Thera ,wlll also be a Christmas tree and Santa Claus. ,. ,

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PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSZ L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Mar 20, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 6

PRAIRIE STATE EVENTS' The Latest News from Jackson­

ville. Decatur/ Peoria, Braid­wood, Torino and Other Illi-nois Towns. .

ay iI:. 1.. Breedlove. Champaign, Ill" !\larch 19,-lt is hoped

that the 8<;1100113, churches, secret 50-cietiey, .Ieagues and all oUler Negro 01'­Irniliiatlons. as already advised, will take the lead co-operating in this movement to secure better health for our people. Health topics will be discussed Ilt the next regular meeting of the Champalsn Local Negro Business League. (Signed) Chns. E, Phillips. President; Z, L. Breed­love, Sccrclar~'; Dr. H, E. Rowan. Chair­man l::l'ccuti\'C Committee, '

What to Do During Clean-Up Week • . 1. :\Iovc out and burn up all \lnnceeS­

sary ruhblsh and all unused old clothing 'nnd w .. "le. :lIO\'e. dust nnd c1enn well all pictures, furniture, drapery, carpetinll'. bedding, clothing, cooking utcnells and 1111 household ware, As far as possible, takc nll the furnishlnS::l or Ule house Into the open all' and sun thorn all day, It the !lay set aside (or cleaning up Is

,cloudy. or rainy. do thil! 011 the Ilext, bright day.

2, Brush down the walls and ceilings or all rooms; scrub and clean thoroughl)' all the Hoors and woodwork of the hOUIIO, In seruhhlng the 1100rs, IISC ~trollg l~'c and hot watCl'; In cleaning furniture and Il3in\ed WOodwork, uso wurm wate" antl good soap, Do not Ulie 1)'0 on an}'thillj; that Is painted,

:1, Paint O!' whitewash the walls, cell· Ings anll WOOclWOl'k, Then thoroughly elr)" all' lind sun OVC!'>' room, espcclally the he,lroom8,

4. Give careful ultention to the (I'oin and hack ~'ar<ls aIHI nntll.!!' the loulI:<cs. us these menacc the h(:lllih a !HI comCort oC your family Il!'I lung as they remain un­tidy, SCl'nlle ofr the \\'01'11 Stl1'rncc dirt, le\'cl the walkwa)'s and Imlnt ,," whlt.,­wltsh the fence" and hou!!e, 11\ white­wltshing, USc 1.lcllt~· of good lime; to It()<1p the whitewash from rubhlng 00', alhl 011" (IUllrl of sail to live gallonli of whit,,· wash.

5, Hellalr the IIlahle, the harn and the henhouse. \\'hltewIlsh them Itlld ~cc thnt no IiIth remaIn" In .. whlch JIles CIIII uTec.l,

G, Lool_ lifter the "Ilrings and wclls nud make !lallitary the outhouse!5 at churches.

A. M. E. Church. 'rite subje<!t taltet) by Hc\'. ,Iameson. the

Ilastor, In the morning was "!'::qlerlmental rteliglon," The evening subject wns "Hu­man Hnce Course,"

C, M. E. Church. He\', "', 'I" 'Vllltsltl preached in the

morning on "'rhe I.lght of the \Vorld," Snnday school was weI! attended. TIll! pnstor Ilpoke In the eVClilnJ:{ on "Yil Shull j,'lud a Hest (or '-our Soul."

Salem Baptist. Hc\,. Dennl~ BIlOltc Itl the morning on

""!Hl 1Nom\Cl'Cul Name," delileting tho \\'ollIlerfulnellS of Chl'l~t. The Iluhjeet or Hc\', Dennis' sel'lnOIl In the cvenlng was "The Blood."

:\11': and ,,!t's, "'1Il Hlnckhurll or CRnlon are he"e, vi::>lting :llIss ,les~ie ,Jordon III h",' I'"aldenec, lOt North ~rnl'ket street, • • • ~Ir, Arthur Williams of J.lO~ Wc~t Hill street, Urhana, Ill.. ent.~rllllllc(1 his moth!>.' )'Im'('h 4. which WIIS h!>r 7;;lh hlr!lula: .. , A few oM friends el\­joyed thclll~eh'ell in the sUJlcl'luth'c de­~ree. She .. "eeh'ed ('ol1!-(l'!ttulations from \'a,'lom; parts of the COllnt.·~·, alilong them being from her daughlel', :'liss :Ml1vinc \\'llliams of Eulle, ;llonl. ).\1'8, "'11-Iiams Is VCl')t active n t l his n~c: • • • The SlluaTe Chlh gllve its ill'S! dance at the Elks' Al1ditol'lum 'rhursda~' c\,enlm:, llarch H. Johnson's orchcstra p)n)"cd twenty numbers, .\ hanquet was scrved at 11:30 o'doel.. Out-of-town guests were: :Mlss Coza .Cha\'ls, l~tIlc Chavis ll1ld :lliss Smith fl'om'Tl1!;;coln, Evcry­one enjo~'ert thellls"I\'e" splcndldl~', • • • :'11', Frcd J.uwlll ga\'c n )lart~' for hili daughter, Elhmbcth Lewis, on ::\Infch 10, this helng hCI' 12th hll'thday, The hOllse \\'lIS decorate,1 witl: Ilink allIl white car­natium;, ,\hOllt fifteen were pre"ent. The)· l"eINlrh'(l nn t!ujoyablc e\"cning ..... lll ...... \da iliaci, and :'Irs. ~rattle BDl· Iln~',r left T\l(,!~tl,,~·, ::\Iurch 16, to lSl',end n wcel~ gllest~ of lliS!l Ada f3lnci,'s hrothel', ::\Ir, Hush .\1Hler~on .••• :\11'. P. J, Cnre~' I'11(:llt SUlHlay In Peorin Yi~itlng hili ~Is­tcr, )'In.;. Anllcr~on .••• 'llrs. I,ur}c Stellhe~ is \'ll!ltlll;{ her slp;ler Bud llIo11H!!' in Chh:a~o .. • • ,. 1)0 not for;at to get The Chicago Defeno!'!' at ;.20 l>:orth 1-lIck-ury street. • 11 • 'rh(: 'Ie,,· liunan lrotoi, that Is snld to he liccond tll 1101)e ill this ll:lrt of {hn I!tnte, ol.ened ,UI' Thursday for uuslnc!'s w!lll rnce wllltcNl.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSA GirardThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Aug 28, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 3 ,

PRAIRiE STATE EVENTS i fbe Latest News From Jackson­

Tille; Decatur, Peoria, Braid­wood, Torino and Other Illinois Towns.

By A~ Girard.

Peorl ... Ill •• Aug. 27.-llr ... L. Hibbs 01 Chumllnlgn, lJJ., Is tim H'ucst of ~Ir.9. "l~rnrnhons ot 213 ~(p.!r nvc.:nu'\!. • • • 1\trs. \VnUon or lOB Sixth avenue with her threo thUuren i:l Kpendlnb' n fow weeks in Go.ll!sburr; and Kewanee. IJt .. • • ;.'Iis!:J Geof'Gia. SU'iCt of .ltc:h:«!nzfc. l.'cnn .• ht vlilllUnV her molhcr • .)trs. 'l"rcm­belts, ot ~l:{ !\tycr avenue. • • • :\Ir~. ilcnry Pt:rry "pent '''-'it wccl~ in ]:;U:1t 1 ... orla. Sho SIll''' sho "p()nt IL dellghtful

~ tIme at the home or :Ur. and :\r"I':I. J L Gmson. .. • • ~Jr.~. GrllCf; ~fann nml !'!on of Sprln,.;f1eld, 111., is the s;ucst of Mrs. l\fnulo Hailt(:s un Handolph street. • • • )Ir. nne.( Mrs. J-J, GlIIsQn were plCllsant .:allcrs Sunday cvcuJng nt the rcshlence of ~Il', and )11'8. Anun:w Bonn on DouulaH sll'cot. • • • lhH.ltllJ\ Ell" wurdH of 620 HutJer street vms n. rJloHH­nnt caller on ~Ir... A. n. Ak-CullotiHh 'fhurNduy. • • • !\1I~N F. Baine-a und Mr. Hnlnes. Jr •• were caUcrM nt tho resi­dencH (Jf :VI r~. Henry l'en}, nutl .. \lnt. C. II. flutlon. 8(13 Seventh tlV(!I1UH, ono even­ing l:lst \\,,!"(!1c. • • • j\[h;~ GJat1y~ l~ge 'WHf'I ho:!tt~s.'i to the Nil n(.'~lJcrf.l.ndu(:n Club at it:): last tlN:ial mt:otln..r. .A IJurrl1t sup­per WII:tt' C!tJjnS'l!(1 Il3' lell of Ow nlemlJers. • • • .'Us~ J~Jof!-tlo Unite>" ,;avc u the .. ' .uter pur,-ty al tl\u Apnlto in honor fir her I cow'ilu. ~I I!:,l"!i He-rf,,!nJec )(culock. 'fhosu enjoying tho play were the M i~~ctl \\'arm lJ('l(lII. SmmlHH! Butler, Glm]ys Pn"u, .Jed-Nle HaUt!y and MJss MtHHock. • • .. I

1\U~~ HHznnnc: Hutler cntl..!rlHlnml ucJh~llt­fuH), nt hi;!' (:oIlHtry homo on liH~t 'J'hurii­dfll-' wIth :L thHidoUR cOlmh'Y dinner, '1'h~ ~uc~t:i were the ':\[l~SC3 GladYH 1'agu, '''·ltnn Bettin aud Georgia J[urrt!Son.. .I'" Ii:njoyc<l thl.! t~"·(\niJlJ;. • • .. Mr, and )'lrR C. lL gal'tou or 803 Scv~nth Ilvcnue left IH~t ~aturdl'\y nven1ns lUi' an r:xlcmt~ ctl trip Ihruul1h tho Ell.t.

By Jenle All,".·ill". III.. Augu~t 27._:l[js~

~fuudn {* •• ,\111":11 haH- I'c:lurncu lo hor hmfm nt ~Ioulltl Sifln J-:"arm after helot-;' u path:nt ttl lfit: 11m"" ~nHnrlum. • • • ·J.'hc Brotherhood <if .,\it. Bmory Baptls.t Chun~h HI\.~t in theh' AugU!il llH.:CtiUl,;' htst "l'lll'stJay evening at the church. Hev. Cusic dclivf..!fl'U the alldrcss of lho· evc~ nfng-, which \\,:IS Of} uBrnUwrbood.'" Mrs. l'!dwllnl ~l"lltll'Y havQ twa (:xl."cllcnt l)iuno seh!~lion~. \\'hich were gl'l.~a.Lly enjoyed. 1\lr~. l!!IH!;J '~[oorQ ,l;tlVC n rending. ~rho rc(rC'shtnm&ts wt!ru hI cl!acI{u of JnfHl~S S<:ou, Simeon l·'nucet am. &unuct John .. son, ••• :\oJrs. Arthur \\'alson ant' bn,by l:!Hy.nbclh have rcturucu from n. vIsit to Hannllm.! nnd Now l.ondon. :lIt>, ••• Mr. \Villinlll Hobcrts DC Hannih:l} has re .. turned houw lI'ctcr :t. very pkasnnt \'fsll with ·Mr."!. L. L. Kl.!'nnlbrcw of the \Va)' SIde lnn .••• Mrs. Guy "'ashlngton or Decatur mu.l :.'.frs.. RUle l~u\\'nr'tlli o( St. JAlUSR urc UIQ GUt.:!its Q( th4Jir nlolh~r, .l{rR. :'\(OOl'f! of (:oltT~1,. avcnnu, Hnd othCl' reIn.­tives. • • • i\USM ·Alico l\Ioorc !lus rc­till'ned to Chlc:1ijo nnel' n. vhdt with r'cltt~ Uvcs ..... He\', ~, 1.1. Scruggs anu Hcv. .1. \V. Mmu! h:avc returned from S}lriug­ncld~ I;cv. ScruJ.;r;s wont to :u ...... I$t In un ,~{)fdjnntlon .,I.;,~ .. vlcl,~, ... '" Dr, A. JI. K(!I\ni­:~:ew lert ~nlurduy nh;ht for Ch1cagn to attend tho National .:\l¢'dlc:ll Convention. • • • 1\1 [:58 Evu 'l·rfplctt rcturnctl to her home in ,,"itUi!tlCb". lInn .• nfter n. vi!iit with hcr hrother nnd s1:;tcr~in-ln.w1 Mr. and ?tIre. \\rillll\tll *rriplclt of South 'Vest st.reet. She :ilOVpctl over a. day In Chl~ eRgo beroN: returnIn,.; home. • • " )'Irs. John Dunn Is vi!!llling- relntlves 1n Chh:u.,;o nnd nUendin~ the Exposition~ • • • Among tht~ sick thhi week nrc ThoinllS Alh.m. Mllls Irene CmUI}UcU* !Ur.s. \\:"lUianl "'tortou 1\1\d Leona Branumn. • • ... rrhe Social Domnst!" Cluh met with )Irs. 'rhomn!-l l'Hl'kcr fin PInt.! Btrcct I·'ridny af­ternoon. On account or the weather only n. few wen: able to ultcnd. AHcr the bmslnass tl program was rendered, after ''''hich dclfcinu~ r'-!Cresllmcnts WQrn served. :\lrs. P:lrker was nsst.:;teti by Mr .•. Chnrl". JlIcl"on. ~lrs. J,~cob Dosia :'lnd ~fr::. Cude-lia Taylor. 'rhe next rt!j:!'­ulnr tuccUnJ.; wlll be wit.h ?lr~. :Uury gob~ Immn .... ,., {'lllrl Franklin ~lr. arri\'~(l In the city ::\londay aft(!rnnon f,'om New York. when! h(! hn!i lIcen ::;pem.llnl; the xumm~r. He wBI> with lib .J;"rnntl­mother. :\II'!3. Charh~l; !Shnrp, nn(1 r<:mllme hIs SLUflieSi: nt .JciflJnon f:;choo1. •• ,. Bth.\'ut'll ~\l(lt"\l·c. Jfl.dt~on\'il1l}'H only .t\f1'0-Ame-rlcan rtellkenmn. left Sunrlny morning

.. for Chic'a~o to ntl(,tHI trol' (r~xpo~ttiHn, • fi • :\lr. :md ?\tra. Henry Smith and dnughtc·t' ~lIhlrt.!t1 have heC'n vb,IUng ,·ela. th'es in \\"I!Jhwille. :'\(0, .... "llr~. lh'onks nnd ~r ... mhlauJ.;'hlcr Anna Mtlllnry h. .. ,\\'c­

rcturnl!cl from a two '''''\!clts' "J!'iit wilh r(!latl"'t~s in Peoria nnd olher lioints .••• MI'8. )·:.lw3nl lrallor~~ left \VcdncsuHl" morning for Chicago to ottenll lh" J~~xpo~ Millon and to look nftcr her n1ltskaI int-.;r­!4. • • • . .\irs. \VHlltuo Blue llicd nt h0r residence nn F:lw ::str'cct Sunday nfle-l'­noon at t;:lU o't,.'lo\'k. lIner an Illness or three weeks. H(!(ol't) lIl!r nHlJ'riagc she wns Mh;s ~~~lIte Norton, rC.:-lhUng ;tl '\l'"av_ crl)·. 111. Shv waH hnrn in l:owthh~ Green, ~\lo .• ?lTny 17. 18:15, and W:1~ unHlJt! in mnr­J'iag:a tp \\'itllam glue or this city ~ta)' !!. lu~1. SJ\e i.i $ur\'h·.~d h)' htW parcnt,o;;, three chtidruu-\\'ilti:UH t Jr., Vh:jnn and Nnpoleon LcsHc: the foll()wln~ hrotht.:!t's! H. B. };ol'lon of I..awr!..~ncc\·mc-. V~\.: n. l!1. null John H. of Lhio city. 'rhe flll\Ct'a1 ,,,,UI l,e held \\rednesday afternoon .at the

- Si~cond' nil ,)llst ChUff!h. • .. • l'!dwnrd ':\Ta)tlJi")', ,11',. Is \"\1<i\t1n~ )lr. nnll ~rrs. Cnry In Pit t::lflch.l fo,' a few days. • • • Jahn Dunn and Aianzn ~\{oslcy left :\10n .. tln>- night for Chicago in Mr. KcnHiurc\\"~ Studeltnl"l~r. • • • )e[rs. 'Frntl EdwnnIs or CUrI'ollton Is the -J:;uest of her mother.

(Myrtle Clark.) JoHcl. m .. Au!':. 27.-)11"" ['carl 1I01l1dn;­

And \\:'"nltcr ,Johnson were quietlr nmn'ied :It the hOlne Qf )11'. nnd )In'. L. SImmon."" A\lcu~t 21. Pl'he!"c wore tln attendant.s nnd onl~' the hnmcdiatc family were PI'(~X­cut. nev. M:t~HIl olHdntecl. ...\iter thO' cer(!lnnny )'h'~, .simmt.>n~ ~t:I'\"('d lunelw(11l . .. • • 'l'h\! fih)'Hi~ \\'h~:ttle~' Chnr1ty f:Juh waR entertain£!d by 7l1n:. :Uary Brown nt her home In ~l:umim:dlll~ TUt!sdu)' (!\'C'n w

fn~. FoHowjn~ Lusin,:ss Illccting liJ.;ht rcfrt::-thtm~nt~ Wt:rc ~l:I'\'c,1. • .. .. Miss neUOCI...~;t Dbhmnn cnlul'lHintd ntJout tv,,'cn­b"-two of her fricnd;-i ut u birthduy j'wlQUI~r rO.1sl·· n t t.he home of ")'lr~ . .Anno.\ CromweH I"~t c\'cnim;. r.rhe hours W<lre from S to 11. Dancing was the fc:ttul'c of the (!\'cnlnt;. • • • Lflf'{t Snlt1l'Uny nne-rnonn Mrs. P. JOhf1S011 received t.he dmreh aid ~delY al her home un Hohhs {l\"cnue. 'l\')<1a)' ~tn"", Otrl"Cd l'ec~h'Hs the­club. ... SUHlltlS. AHb'Ust 22. Wt\S

the lnst qunrterly mCctinl~ tn be IH~ld itt the A. ~l. l~. Chun:h bcfor-.- the nnn\u\l £onforencc nn<l the St~I'\'lcC3 were well attended. In the nflcrlwon V"c lind the plonsuro of heRring ne\". Dr. Cook. anu in the e .... uolll,..; Re\", Curter ()[ Chtt.:ago tle­Ih'ercd n, uc.autlful Ret'Inon which 'Wns made more eh"t«·.uenl by n. beauUful ~olo.. Rev. Unu or Lockport ·wns nn nttC!uda..nt. • • • )(ollday c\'Qnlng :titer the qUilr­tcrly con(oretlco refreshments were sCl'vcd hy the Indies of Brown"s Ch;'\pet • *' • nuv. J. "fhom:ls prenchcd Sundu.y at. the HapUf;t Chnreh in Or(lgon, Ill. • • • Th~ Second Baptlst Church'. pulpit wa" occupied b,r Hev, Browning. There WUH :I. lurt;c el)ogrcgntion. Both the pnstor nnd the conb"l'C'go.tlon were well pJenscrl! with OIh) nnothor. • • • 'romorrow nt 3 p. m. all nrc invited to attend the mls~ slann!')" nnd educnlionnl rnBy at Drown's Chapel A. )f. E" Cnureh. .A pustor from Bl'aidwood will ontdate. • AI • l\trs. Da~15 nnd dnughter or Chicngo werc the guests of Rev, nnd l[rs. Saunders. • • • Mrs. Nathaniel Grtfgory ond daughter nro

., spendinG' their vncatlon with relatives anti !rlend~ !n Fond du Lnc. Wis. • • • Mrs. Ynncy or Knnsns CILy. l[o .• I. vlslL-

'"I log hot'" dnughlcft Mrs. \V'nlter Johnson. the newlywed .••• Mrs. Lillian Dyer, Mrs. Josle JOSllp nnd Mrs. Albert ... Wilson allended the exhibition lhe early part or the week. • • • lIlrs. Hlte and grand­son. who havo been the. guests ot )lCl'" dnugbter, ;:I.frs. :'\fn.ry Dn\'i~~ hnve re­"turned to their home. • • • Whll" motoring Mr. Henry ~!nrl!n of Cleveland nvenue met with 11 serious necldcnt which couGned him to Ills bcu. • • • Mrs . .John Pntton received Injuries which con­fined her to her home,. • • • :Mr. E~ C. Dishman. :i\lr. J~ Stevenson j Sr., ~les ... dnnH~'s Nnthnnicl nichnrdson n.nd EmmlL J. Smltll nrc Indisposed.

(By Curti. I.. MOore.) Decatur, lIl.. Aur;. 27.-0uy 'Vasllln!:­

ton of 618 Greenwood avenue took u. fly­Inc trip to Jack$onville last Sunday 10 meet his wile, who had been there \,1.· iUne her mothor the past week. Both returned Sunday evening. • • • .Mrs. Pearsall nnd "on nre In the Windy Cily visiting friends. • • • ltrs. Mary Hurl)' or 630' Greenwood and lIIrs. N .... l>y or 640 {Jreenwood left (or ChlCl1go Snturdny -mornIng to he gone n. few days. • • • 1>[ •• Dn .... ltt O'NeJ1I. Who bas heen nbsent from the city for two or tbree yenrs. made his appearanee very suddenly last week. Same certain one seemed to be .very much ILt his arrlvel, tbough ·1hey pretend not. • • • lIfr. Hugh

.. ' Singleton opened up his new cafe Inst Z"lSa.turday noon with a full force. Very ii~:~iI.eju:lY.. . a!1 . the old help respqnded to roll ~<le.all. ;..Th8~S!ngl ton CAfl).!. the linen ·000

·ll~k<tt:.;b .Jk~~l!or;..t~~. ~a!-. ~;:",; .... 'SJ .$.~~:!:"''.;':.''r'-..

nCBS, and, again. !t is uon the square." • • • MTO. Henrietta EUlott of 508 South Church street left tho' city last Su.turday {or PariS, Ill,. 10 visit her sia­ter-ln-IIl,.. Mrs. K<>olll1 ElUott; thence to Chlcaso to visit her sister, Mr~. Addle Brooks. and Mr. Ln.w Pa.tton. • • • lIlrs. Fleeln 'l'hompson oC North Monroe .treet hos been confined to the hou •• for 11 week or '0. Sb" is now much !letter and l\.'as out with us Sunday.. • The churches had their usual lIervk-c!'J Sunday. The St. Peter's A ... M. E. Church Wu.s well nttcndeu at both the' mornIng nnd cvenlng services. Hev. lJ. Simons fl1Jud the pulpit. ,. • • ·rhc Anlll.oeh BII{.Itist hud u. vcry Calr congregation for both services. nOv. J. A. Crlckclt filled thl!" pulpit. • • • '.rhe Church of the !.Ivlng God b~d mornlne nnll night scrv­lccs. Hev. J/cn<l~rshot. elder.

ley E. 5, 51", •• i Sycamore. JJI,~ Aug. 2i.-Allost1o O. \\'.

Flowers ltnd hiR c1clcgutcs left here for ChlcaJ;o \\~cunC~dD.Yl Augu~t 25. to nt­tend the ,Kixtccnth nnnual conference of tho hrnc) of God Church, "t. H. A" nt 4!JJO Fcur.ral straet. ChloHgO, 3.t !f:!W u'dn<:k fl·hursduy. )\UgU3l 26. The npos~ lle Is ~XI)cctillg u. hlrKu d\!'feyn.tion from un his churches, and nil the cill:tQnH of (;hl<"HgO nrc cordlalh' invited to this COll­rt!t'(HlCC~ • .. .. ..;.\I ... \V. J. Jack>;on ntld chum. ,:\lr. H. B. J)a.v18~ w{tJ"c in Chlcugo Uil~ Wi..!cJ{ ultcnuim; tho em:a.ncipa.tlon (:,·!ldJralloll al the C(lJi~H,!Um~ ..... \It's. "lc,ulow."J Qr JolJot Is here visiting her du.ugliler, Mrs. \V. J .. 1nclt!;oo. • ,.' • llt-s, B. );. Shn~ nud MiF;~ FAnnie Cold .. man rHQ lootdng over the slg-ht!'l n! Chl~ c:u;o. Detroit. l\Ilch.~ nnd Cunndn. this week. N'o Ill:W3 r .. om them )'ct, so they bo cnJoylng themselves, • • • etw.rft:y ~iru8 and Bert \Vest h:lv€! 10lt tho ell;' for Ilumboltlt, T"nn., alld Chl­cnun. • • • :\Ir. \Vm Dny :utd :\fr. E. H. B,'nol~R nrt! gOhH; to ~cw York In :\Ir_ Uny·.N: :\litehcU. and 1\.11'. Hert \Vest and ~(r. James .... VllHams wHl necompnn)' them (rom ChJcugo, 1Il.

(By J. R. Hicks.) Slruntor. Ill., Aug. 27.-~lrs. J. E. Hob­

son anti d:luJ;ht~t", Mrs~ D~ 'V. P(U'klns ot tf"(')pe'kn. Kiln., nrc here visiting rcln.­H\,~H- antI rricmJs. ~lra. GH~tm. mother of .\h·1i. Hohsun. !s makIng thluJ{s pleas­alit for h~1" d.uIghlct' and grnwldnughler while t hey are IH~rc. • • t .Mrs. Cora . 11aio I. On the slcl' lI.t. • • • Pauline }oinuHI)(.'tlJ nn.d her sllilcr toOk tUnncr with Ule Sprouls girls Rumlay •••• l'.lr. and :\Jr!i, C~rtt)r SJ)I'oub ;uu.l their ::;on Oliit~ c:lltt~rlalned )'frM. Doul1n at tlle homo ot :'.lrs. Hull with In~tt'umc:ntal solos nnd "iolln music •••• The lnwn soda.} at the 1·4'J.J"f~n('"Q: or ltrs. ~In.ry i'lnrtin last Wed .. IIcfidf\~· c\'cning wns quite n »ucccss. Tho N<lt!lal W:1R given fiji' the hen~nt 01 Har­mony 110\l!';choltl or Huth No. 4r;"S. COln­fnlt h'C. ~lr5. F.li1.nhcth Shelton. chl\lrmnn; ~tami(! Johnson :\n,1 Lb:7.ic CarJ)cnt.u1' •••• .lla:-.tcf· 'l'homnH .lunlus. whflo pln)'lng. :l<<:lcl" .. tnl1y hurt his Ie!':. hut Is able to bE np at this writlflg .••• Mr. Lloyd nla nk, whiJo workingt sCl"lousl)" cut his lhumh •••• Mr:i. Hattie 1.'homns. is In­<li"l'o"o<1. • • • ~Ir.. MInnie E. W!lCord ret.urned home Fl'ltlay c ... ·cning from ROCK l~[and, whcre Rho has heen .nttendlng the grantl scs"lon or tho Ea:::tcrn SlaT. • ... )fnstcr 0\1)1 Powell Is on the sick list. • • • :llr. Aillcrt Webb ot Monroe, ~Io .• is hOr<) "i~ltlng Mrs. A<lIlic Lewls, • • " ~fra, .rerr~,.. :\101'1"18. formerly Miss DulL'\. Smit.h~ \\'as entertained by ~tr. amI ~rrs. E1Its al Il r.: o'clock dinner Sunda.y (., j\Irs. :\torris ~'as ce1ebrating Ilcr twcnt),-sccollli blrthllay •••• Mrs. Siena \\'"b.t~r returned horne Saturday. • • • "Irs. Nelll\l ItQhinson lert FrIday fot'" Princeton. Ht. to vh;it. rclntlv4)s anti friends. • • • RcV'. J. 1.1, Snundc['!J l1rcnchc{l n ~pccJn.l sc.rlnon Sunday cve~ nlng. SuhJectJ "The 'Vngcs of Sin Is O(.·ath. hut the Girt ot Cod Is Elernnl l~jfc.·· 'l'he sermon 'wns ,,·cil d<tlivcrtHl :'tnt! Instructive and toolt somo cctcct on the party that the sermon preached. • • * Rev. n. 1;>. \Vnns. who hns bcen bothered with that awful disease. :l~thmat for about three nlOnths, is not improvlnt.!" vel'}, much. The doctors htlva ,,,h'lscd him thnt tllcrc enn be II(} rcllct (or his trouhle- unlesa he returns to Tenr1C'~~ce" where he wn.s located be .. (Ol'e coming to Streator, • .. • J. G. J)clllnr;cr preached for nov. Wallo Sun­!lay cn.-nlng. • • • ::'fIr. ntHl )trs, Pete p{lWCn entertained n few Criend.s 'rhurs­dny c-vening: In honor of l\lm.C. Cecil \\"ntls. '.rhe (!venin.g was spent in mu­'lic.d entertaInment. ~lr. nnd Mrs. 1'0\\'011 S:lng a duct, :\lm~. \\'atts sanl;' several ;H':lllllfUI ~ol()S, nft(>r which :lJrs. powell :':(>l'\'I~d :\ flninty twowcollr~e luncheon. .... "Yr. u.ntl Mrs, .rohn P:tiMe on SUI1-,lny evening celehrated the twenty-sixth 1IU11w~rHal'l" of their wc{llling~ "rhe CVi!'­,ling w:u; ~Jl(:nt ill vo~at and instrumental illU:;ic. i;:lmCs, etc. ~lr. and :tIn. Prttge n::ccht-ed mall}, prctl:.· g1fl~. 'I'he gue1lt:s present :tt the Sunda)" ovcnlllS" fcstivi­lim~ indudc'll these ,I"~erson~: l(r. and :'I.h·iJ. C~hri~1 F:llis. hrolher :tnd sister-ln­.,,, ... of ~lrs. PaIge; ;\lr. anll Mrs. Wrn. Tllonms. :\fr~. AlInle: PIerce. l\!rsk J. C. :;'unninnJmm. ;\Ir~. Gertrude Wi11bms and nl"~ .Anthonr 'Vhite .••• ·Mr. and 1\lrs. :;nIH'iel EHi~ wero ~l\I"Jlrlsed Rundny Horning hy nhont h\"cnly of th(!ir frlc-nds B honox' or their second w(>t1ding nnni~ j,·enlnr,.,~ ~\lrs. Ellis .rose to the occasion lu(l !i(ot"veu ntl clahorntc three-course (lin­:1Cr. ,. ... )tr~ Gnbrlcl Ems nnd ~Irs. :::!cci1 'V'att~ nre slag:tng a. nrst~clnss minstrel. "'c l·mow it will he a Jtood )11(" hcc.,use ::\11". Ellis and Mrs. Watts floth ate fenl performer,;. * •• Mr, J. It. ni<-kR? :U;I~nt for '1'ho Defender. returned (WIllC Sunday from Hunls\·it!e j 1t!o.t nnd n:port.~ of lltwlng n fine time. but thnt thcl" are gcltlng plenty of min in Mis­sourl.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

PRAIRIE STATE EVENTSJessie WebbThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Oct 7, 1916; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 6 or" .~ -----

// /-...• 1_': ""'''_ . ".:r.rr'i. U" ... a-Hale has.been

... ~" .. , NOTfCE

'Owiril to the rapid incr.aI. of Tho Chloa,o Otf.nd.,... circulation and tho nec."ity of ". reachlnll tho poople not later than Saturaay, It I, n.ceasary that corra,pondante a.. that new. matter

will !tceomplmy ltlSi E. Weaver to ~ doam. Ohio, and I Greemillle. :\lIas • Leslie Williams rob ed .!llra. :S' Strop home laRt week. • ltr. nnd 11rll. T.· , MeDonald are building a heautlful horne. o Oregor)"" orchestra. entertained at. a ball laat nlKhl at Co-operative ball • :'11m, E\'a Foster attended her (&ther's tlllll'ral In Peoria, • !III'S. T. Jo"lemlng III cOllllne'" to her bed. • Lee' pryor was culled to A lahllma. where his IMher is d :;In". ~ ;\J MI, Sl'l VIa. Hayes died In Lock­"ort Inst week .• ;l1I .. s )Ierrlmon of Chl­~'fIl::O was the KUt>st of :'III'. nnd llrs. 'V. nanHtJn'. !:lhe was highly entertained While hert' .• Rev. n. P. ;'!addox pl'elll!hed uu lntcrl!sllng scrmon .Ilt Brown's Chapel Sunday night, • While attending the A. ll. I~. Contt'l'ence at InllUtution,,1 Church :\II·H. ,I. P. Coates and daughter, ;I[rs. \\', :'\Iaddox, w .... e t'ntE'rtnJned .Ill dinner by :'IlrH. M. IInrtel' and :'III'S, ,\. :!icott.

on the 'SICK" IlIit, but 18 much better at this writIng. • .101r. Dnd l\frs, . Robert Glenn are the proud parents ot a baby girl, }loth the bab)' and mother nre dolnl!: Hne. • !\trl. J.ennl". who has been sick for so long, Ie very low at present • • \\frl!, HUlda Barnetlehaa he en awfully slclc. hul I. Bome helter, • Mr. Carter Sproubs accidentally hurt his toot last week. • flc\·. T. C. }o"emlng tilled the pulpit Sundar at the Second 8&ptllll .. hurt'h and preached two soul·sllrrlng >lormons. • Mrs. Jo:me SproulC!'s has been Indisposed. • lIra. Anna Bro ..... n·s little dauctuer, Gt'ne\'le\'e, who hnd the In­tanill .. parah'sls, Is out nJ:llln and look­Ing IInC!.

reiiahes UI TUHday., •

~ By "e •• i. Webb Canton, JlI., Oct, 6.-;\lrs, Rile Plcltett

and 80n Lawl'enee Ictt 'Chul'I,da)' tor 8. vI.1t In ChampalKn, III~ with rolallve .. and (rlends. • ;\1 rs, J cllsle Pierce I1n.1 daughter, Dnra Let', and Hillter, lUllS lo'rancea }o'o.ner. wel'e culled La Peoria Jo'rhlRY on account ur their grandfather'li death. ?tlrll, Pierce will return hom" Monda.)'. • !\Irs. I~mma Webh villi Ie'] In St. David Nntnrdn.y and :o.londll)', • I !<.Ir • .James (,et!k!< III mnklng hlH home tor the wlnler In Dllnrermllvl) with :>lr, and )IrK, Saul Davh., • :llIsll Jellsl" Pickett retUrned home Thunllity rrom ChIcago, • :>rrll. J. )1. Gilbert nnd Mrlt. Dollie Rhodllll vlsltr.d with ;\11', ami :\Irll. WllIIRm Lums Sunday. • )Ir. und "Iu. Charlcs Burv;ells v;:L\'e It \\'einle '''''':It Fl'lday evening In honor fir ;'IIIs8 1,010. Pickett before ht'r deilllrlUro tor 'r u"kc­gee, • lIm. Allee TnylOl' :lllli nIece, AIUls .... arlo Jnckson, attended the morn­Ing !It'rvlccs In Camnll HUllt}!LY. • Re­Vlvl\l meeting will ~tart III ;\Jt, Cnrmel BapUlIl church )'I .. nd;l)' night. Ro,·. I ~ar­ter of SlIrl/lgllehl will 1111 ve the lIt'rvlct's In ch~'" • C"rl pIckell III lljc ownl', or I\, nllw rOAdllter "nr. • .\11'. Henry HODller. w\lo got "hot ill tile knee It tew weeks RgO, III not restln!: 1;(1 I\'ell this week.

By E, A. Tooke CIllcago HeIght". III.. Vel. 6.-:11",.

Rmlllmontl. 32G 1~8Bt 16th slreet, W:lJl se-Hnllldll~'lloro, Ill,. ON. S.-Rev, Arm. rll)u>lly ill' It rew tillY!; I)ast. hut nt pr .. s-

8[Clld. IlIilHor of Ihe :lit, Zion Bupt/llt I'nt \>1 a hit· 10 I1"rrurm h(.r househr.Jld Church. HIIM hi!; r(!gulur Ilppolntml'nt dllll"l1 oguin. .. ~1l'l<. Rf'(,Nl nn.l iIIrs, h(,Te Humlny .• ;111". )Ialttc :llc,\III~("1' J)1':IJ)('r, 14'" Firth u\·,>nue. returned from Walls met with lUI accident Sunda)' by tllt·it \'hlll of three Wt.'C\(!I uuratlon to f"lIln~ down ,;talrs ,It hel' hnmc. hurtiotr 'rnl('<io. HIII'inl;fleld and other points in her h(,lId nnd arms, but not sel'iousl), .• "hl .. , llr", Tll"!r.1' I!! still lIurt .. rlng from MIslit's T'lnkey "'I£ncc lIud li:lla Jones. " HP\'t'1'(' un''''k or henrI trouble, • :'III'. C'dalt'. III .. ylldted frlendll here Sunda.y )1(11'1'" IIrltnd.m. 3221 Cenlrlll 11 \'I'nue. ..nornnon b"lwet'n trnln •.• llrs. l,conora Ck\'~I"nd, "hln, Is nurllctlng 'lillie II bit GrllY .",<1 Iwo chlldrt'n. 'Villard nnl' M illl(,I",,,1 1111 1';0111 Il1lh "U'''I'I now h)' 7..01101, of '':nst St, l,(luls, \'I"lt,," her par. his phNII,ml'lllll 'I"s:eril)' In IH)'lng en Ill, ;\11'. and :\11'8. 1'0)'lOn Sm~·th. Th .. ~· tI ... "e S-I'nnnd llIl\'lng hrlck .• ;lleMsrK. only III'"nt It rt'w <Iny .... ,\mlre\\' Thump- BTonks. I:ollln~ 111111 ,1I'llp!! \'lsUed Chl-110". "Oil of A, I). 'l"hOlIll'80n. of J.:lk!\,Up. CIIJ:" ;\I .. lld,,>· nighl .• !lIrN. '\'c'\llnn, 1505 wnll hrollJlhl h.:!!'" .\Iontln)' flIght from ('nlnn 1f\'.-nUI', Imu'" " 'b'lng 11'111 ... $It: I.nuls, lIo .. rur Imrla!. • Ben '\Ic- Chit'lI!;'n ;\Iond"y mol'nlllg lin hUMin""". -Allllner "fIll Alherl 8pell.l''' mo\'cd II. crol .\1 ... 1. "<IIul>" "",I d'lIl1;hlt.'l', 1.l>uhlr.·. 92 ;'ht'd (,.,r Tom .\leAlilsll'I· TUI'~d:ty, • Jo:asl 2~th 1111·" .... ,'111110-<1 (rl.m"s In Jnl· I.Htle ,\Ylhur ,,'I"<nn. \\'hu wns III some It'l lalll \l'N!II. \\'hll .. Iher .. ~Ir!l, l:nlllhl! lime IIlto, h. \\'ell ngllin. \\'a" \>Ikell ill >'IIIIIIo'nl)' anel 1\1111 lQ 1'("

turn 10 t'hJrngu J.{pJghtx, ..,\t I)rt,,.~nt Hht· : By Jest;., All,,". ll~ c"m·lIll'lIl'im:;. • MI!llI ;\lnrg:tI'Pl BlIrl,,'''.

Jncksol\ville, III .. oct. G.-The home 0,;:0;",\' 1.,,",lon. )}";' 1;& "h!lll?lI' :\11' •• ,!nd .\/r. /lllli .\11'11. I'" C, .\11I"c wall tha "cenc ~lrl'. ll<;)/lI1I1. InOn t"nlr", n"'nll(,_. ,.11'. ue n \'(lry l"eulIanl I,urll' .\Ionelll)' e,'en- C. II. "'111"; Rnd his mother, :\\rn. '."me­InC' when .. nllmb,.r ot ~'ollnl: people t'1I- Iy, ""1' lit hOIllt' \0 theIr man)' fl'l(>lId .. at

Buda. III .• Oct. 6,-;lrr. Ignol! .lone5 tt'rinJlletl III honor at \Valler I.'\ln;eson H.I~ F~flh a,""nllt',: Mrs. ,\111'1' lIa\\,· an(l ~fr. W. Or('Cn Glvetls vlllite,l :ien- lind Rulph Jaeh"'Jn ot Chlcngo. ,Vhlst killS. I· ... ·t l-It'ull. I~an .. who h"" "f'(,11 donvllle, 111 .• laat week. • 'I'h"re I" a .. ".1 dancing wus enjoyed unlll n laiC \'Ishlng 1lt'1' dllllghlt'r. :'lIn'. .\I'lry greal mnllY mell working on the t'leelrlc hour, :Irter which lunch \\'~~ !l~rvell.. \\'I'lght, 3330 ~'Or("" .\\,('oue,. Chlc;t!(o. rOflot'l bere nellT Princelon, Ill, ~ ;III', .~, ~ I f)'1 II UI Ii and llrll. M Innll! Smith "l!'!ltt'd St'udon- 'rhe Wl'lIt Sltle At·t Club el('('Ied thl' rol· W;ll< I Ie jtUl'llt n • rH. :l" '\lWII.

III I lOWing "mcers Illllt "'rldny lit the home Ifil3 IInnQver lilret'1. !;lle wos ,,""mn· ville thlll wc"I(. • lil', A. SII van 5 on of !llr,;. Jl\m('~ Mt'\)Ilnl,.II\'. l'rAuldenl. Imolt'd h~' her dallv;hler. ;\\1';1. "awkin"

. the sick list. • ;\IT. :11111 llr8, :llne- ~n I ( Il I I 1 I I WllllamK. I'rlnc(lton. hll\'" fnturllj'ti from Mrs. Jamt's ;llcDllnlel: \'lcc.prI1Hldcnt. rit'o!ms th" It .. II.CW.() .. \"" t!lllt II Ie· SPI'ln"lIollI, Ill" wht'rc I hey were \'I:<lt- )lIsI1 Y.enobln. M\I~e; second \'Ice-presl- Ing entt'fln'nt'<I 11l\'lsbl), hy hel' - 11111111'

., dpnt. )Ir". Rmmll \\'Illiams; lIt'cretlll'\', rl'lt'nd>;. 15l1e l'eturn" 10 her hume In Ing )Ir:l, "lar:;h.:I, MIHS Mltr!.(nr,:l De'Vltl; 11,,"\,,(nnl secr~- Fun ~cOII ne,.;t week, • ll\!\·. ,f. I!;,

By B. F. KM'.e tary, lITS. 1-'. C. lluse: treaaurer. llr~. P"lntt· .. , Ihe I>"slor of Ihl! Shiloh F.IIII'­Cluu., nrflnilm; chnplln, ;'Ill'll. H. H, ll"t (,hutch, I\'as unllhll1 to 1111 his I'ul-

-Duquoin III .. Oct. G. - :\1 h.!< Anlllllde DeWitt. '. :'III'", II. II. DeWitt 8rrl\'t':1 pit I"". HllndllY 011 I\ceUUIll of iIlne>lli. ThomM Is' nttendlng lhe Normnl In CR.!'- I"'lne from Glltlltt'n; Tenn.. ·,ruesda)'. tic III lm\lr,,\'IIl!l', bon"'nlc, Hhl! leCt hUll Sunday. til" 2311. She hroll"ht Iwr mother, :III'S. 'VIII Is, In eompan}' with :lIr. I.uther Halt":r, • wll" hall lJt'cn III \loor health. ;\lrs. \YII- By Robert Jackson Jr. ~Irll. Lur!el" Lee has 1I\0l'cd 1'0 Robin~on liN ",HI mnk" It .. r home wIll, lira, SJll'lnglle:d. Ill.. Oct. ~.-I.'npl. Jeff 10 work In one of the holt'llI. • :'Ill's. 1),,\\'111.· ;\11;18 :l11Il:ie W>Ii .. rll, o( [).'In- l:1t'rflln;!n nnd VII'cmun 1It'1II'), l'lundel'lI RebeccIL llorMl<, nobln.nn, \'1~lte,1 here \'lIIc \\'fI~ cnlll.'tI 1tt'1'(I '1'ul.'lItla.l· on nc- were (,,"1111 nOI gullty "r negligence while Inst week. • Rev. S. II, l'nllU nnd ReI'. 1'011111 of Ihe death ot her lind". \VlIIllI ull tIUl>' Insl wt!elt hl' Iht! cl\'ll "1l1'\'lce 1. 'V. Wlnslnn lIu('oded Ihe :'IlonnlOlh'" l:'tolle, • 'rhe (ollowln,; rt'lut\\'c" ",pre comll1l~"io" at IL 11,,6.'11011 held last wC!ek. Bapll!!t AII,mcoutloll, ,,"hldl mel In Cnlp. IlI'rc tn :Iltelld Wo runeml or lbt'ir sb,- '1'11(, men weTt! orllerC!<i relnstaled. lh', • . Rt"', Prllill w"" ,,11),,1('11 \,It'1} llIoIINII- 11'1'. ~Ir". ll:.mlt' .fo"(',, Steward: llrH, SCI'l',!;glll 1111,1 :'lit'. !-landel'!! wert' ullegt',1 [01' oi :,i'II,'IKter" an'I 1)o"II<'on,,' tin·IIIn. Alire iiii'll"" and E:lllll'r J .. nt.'l~, f:hl""I;O; In hlWIl <tr\"l'n 1\ tcalll .. ,\ <'10><" til <L tire Re'-, :\II'. \\'hilltllll \\'a!! ,'ll'l·11.'1I dlstriCI iSlllle JOlles alld c\,mgillt'r, lIell'". SI. tlUll the h\'r:jClI \\'"I't' burned. 'I'll(' Iwi­mlaslunnr}', • ;Ill'. 1'''1'1 I"onl nnd :III'. 1.011111.' The Fourth \Vnrd CII'I" Il'n\'t' nn d('nee \\'u~ he'Lt',1 ,,,"na tim" 111l0 •• 1.lf" Mllrlon Crlltl'l./l{</<I. Ill''' Stllml"r.l Oil uY"tcr "111'1)"1' at Ihe Secllnd B"I'th,t >!('ntenCe In Ihe \leultt'nlhu',- \\'nll tho Men. were here thi>< \\'('ek on 11II>llnus. ..... Ghurell Thurs"a~' nl"hl. ;\Ir". C. II. IICIl:I11}' ~h'l!lI 10 ,\rlhlll' I'II'OWII ill' .Iudge Cbnrlt!9 1''nITI" Ipft thh' \\'e"k on s\leelul' lo're<'mnn ,,-,.s <:hnlrmllll .• "-1111 .. Stone ,/II"W" .\ •• :relshl .. ". Sentt'lIct' \\'llS Im­hlllllnel1 tOl' llllJt'Mic 1,,,,,,,1 .. r the ;S, IT. dl .. II :\Iontlny mllrnln!\, nt 6:30 lit the 1'1'111- pose!1 ,'n lIl'own In the l'r~MCl\ct' I,l :'11''1. ,v. or ,\, • M .. :<. ,'e,,~11) W"bb Is !n dl'IW" or hili "IMe,', }'Irll, Bt'llc Robert... Crowl,,)', wife of Ihe slurt'r's \·!etim .• HUlltlllllton, '1't'nn., l'lsltllll\' Il ... r r"ther, :t~~ Shllrl)1.' "Ired, ailer 1111 Illness of M"" . .\I"rgurel lit'II),. molhet· nr Uobel'l Jame .. Hell, • 'rbrulll';h lhe Inlltrnmen- Kc\'ernl wt'ell';' fol\owhl!l' :11\ "fI('rnliOIl, 0lJnnhlll, who Ih'"" n milt' nnll n hnlf tall", of Mrs. A. I •• ,\ndel'>lnn -nnd llr. Ht' Is sur\'i\-cd Iw his wife, "e,'en chil- soulh\\'e~t. Willi Ilurled wccl\. 1"lInen,l \V. -I .. SU!Wltl't, the ~\, I'alll I1allt!st Ilren ';mt! the follnwlng "illtel'~: :'>Irs. sen'lces were heid :ll SI. l'"ul'" :\1. 1-:. Chlll'ch hll8 paid rn .. the nl'''' plano Mil. B<,Ue nohl'rt:; nnd :.trl!. Thomas Allen, chu"ch. He\·. llenJamin .I"hlumn ortlclat­eOlll of $26;'.1I:!. ~Ir!l. Anlle"""n ,1e~er\'e" aillo hi!! mnthor. :\Irll, :;ulIle. l"\lneral Ing. Illt~rmenl \\'115 In Oak Ridge cPllIe­much credll Cor h('1' unllrlng ell'ol'!", • ~l'r\'I('e>l w('ro heltl :;ulld;I)' aftrrlloon at tel',· .• 1"IIIIt'I'1I1 sl'l'\'lee .. COl' :III''', Ht'b"",­Mr, Wl\rren Hobert" ill ill St. l.olltS. :Ita.: lite Ut'thel Chlln:ll. in dUlrs;e oC the IIA"'· cn. Uo\\'m'III, !III yt'nN< old, who ,lit'd )100-• Thera has becn It .w'.\' .... Okl"." .. In· 101'. R"\', Cart .. r. Intel'll)t'llt \I'll" In the 'lay, \\'el'e held III Gruee :'II, K church. RUllled In the SI, Puul Church .• o .. orlfl!.' Jackli,,\\\'\IIt' "emetery, " .\11'''. RIll\. !:ltun- He\'. W. I". \\'all,el' olllcialil1S. Illlr.l·mel1t Drystl",le hn... bccn nominated nn the' 1 Cm'd. Pt'orlu. und :Ill'S, Jane llullOll, God-Republican tlckel for e(l\"onl', of Perr)' rre~', wCI'e cnlled IU'rc all Reeount oe the WAS III O:.k Rldg-e celllctt'r~· ... Mrs, Cora COllllt}', •. Mrs. I,tlcile Hnrrl" :llld bflby' 1<1.'1'101111 IIlnt'ss or Ihelr hrother, H. C. Gaines \\'IIUs. Ilg"ll ~~, <lied lit lilt' I·t'sl­laft SundRY night Cor Atlantu. Go. .. to! :'1111101'):. • Ralph Spencer or Grlnnt'll. dence ot ~I .. ". i'lerman Wilsnn Sundny. vl/!Il hel' pRJ'en I II. • lll'. JtJhn T':III-: Iowa. Ill. vll.IUnK relnl\\'(,l1 herc. ~Ir. Oct. 1. l"oncrul sen'iccs \\'el'e ht'ld '1'"",,,-

0(, I S I I I I I Cli d drlS at Iht' resldt'llce. 1·;I"er J, !lnnsen of . nnon, SI. ,101m",. whn hns I,een 1I1ck ,pe""er '\1111 ,,,en \. s I III{ 11 I I':lgO ;In the SC\'cntll Dill' Ad\·cnti .. t ell'well ur-"om~. tlllll!, I .. "("IIOI'It'(1 !'onle hl'uel'., ~prlllg;fi,:ld, * )I\ss ,"rance:; Rohn Ili'ft ticlatlng. inl<!rmcnt WI\S lit link Hltlj,(1: ,.isbier l':ugene Trict' CAm" II,> (rom I Sillllrda~ nflerrlollll for 1 ... "lngton, Tenn. cemt'h,rr .• 1>1'. l'l'lce pertormed nn opel'­

I!' Sunday 10 \'I"lt r"hlth·('~. • Mr.' en .. u "hllt with rclatl,·e~. !l1I!!1I Bohn ". tlon I'lut "'(,l1k nn.1 rt'lIe;'ed '\1I~s CIt:lr-DUllcan. r,:,.rbondalt'. Clime up Slin-' \\'111 perhaps retllrn nboul Xu\'cmbl!r l." 0 ..

• , :IoUss '1.':1111 .1Immet:'lon, Emu :5\,' • Rc\,. 0, C. "ln50n or ,\llOO WM c(llIcrt lotte ('m'r of her le£t eyt'. She Is duing ~, III heTI'. tht' I.fIlt'St nf r .. lntl,·!"". .1 hc~ Slltnrdny on a<!coont or the IIIlIe"5 nlcel)' at 1,,,.( I·CIIOI'I" •• Mr, Harmun o( 'VllIlnm f;lol,ltm or Colp " .. "pht'\\' or hi" unclt>. H, C. :lh,llor,.· Llmorn S. SIl"ent(!(!nth SII'ee! I" stili nn the ~Ick _ ~'lIl1nin SIC\'pn!<Dn of RI, John!', POllntaln. Siella \\'I,d(lell nlll! I..t.>wls 1i~1.· llr. and ~ll's. I.cnnrd 'n'lel' wel'e tlng ht're, PItts left 8ntllrll'l}' a(lerl\OOn fur GeorKe tile I:'lIe9111 of }'Irs. JOfmUtl Douglas dllr­

B. Smith Colh>ge :It SedaUn, :'110" wh~re Ing f"l .. we .. k .• '\Ir. C. Hutchl"" \'Islt<><l tlle~' will :tt[lmti scheol thts ~·ellr .• 1[1.... :'Ilrs. King. 1128 S, Pnll!!llt'h.l su·t'et. :;nt­.m .. Oct. 6.-'rhp !';l'eontl Bapl\!'l J"s1!lt' .\11,,11 "ppnt Sunda:; In Cnrrnl!tOll, "rdn)' •• :'I!is~ :llaggle Rider I~ \'h<ltlng

had n 1I1>I"ndid ('ongrl"gmlon 1111 the guest or :\fr. nnd :llrs. Richard Clark. frIends In Deeutur lind P",'rln this week. d .. ~·. Th"I'!" wl're three Joiller ... ;\11'8. r,IWnll Plant lind )Irs. F, C, llu'!e • '1'be Misses Herthll nnd Alma HIder 'liritlllll ,,'" w,,11 as the tltlllnclnl ,,(,' th.. "Ye\led- Prophet" In St. or Peoria :Ire \'1"lthl!; theh- mOlnel', :\h·~.

r,rowllll{. The !>l"ollram ,r!'n· (,nil I!; TIIP>ld.'l)' •• .\Irs. F.. C.Hleks o( (;t'o, Price .• The n,'ger \\'JIIlam Slngcr" e ,'Ollng ,ump'e at the r.Yt't'um Cl I... t hi'" d t n \"111' l' I \' ,ck I\.'UI; \\'('11 rendered, The I call' wa~ n tee ty ,~at\lr AS' nnll 0 ogur ,. IIlms ,1\ \'~l'S '. ga\'(' a ,'c-

Sunda,' III the Intt'reAlof 'WCstern Col- ellnl nt the ~1",;olllc lIa\l We!lnllsclnr !lice Dunbar r,ltt>r"r~' Socl"t,' I,'!:e. Sht' sl)ol:e ot .\it, Emory. Churcll e\'enlng, which wnil weli ;\ttcm\~(l. Mls!!e!!

:llIss Helen Wllllllm~ On S d I , I ] I I Vhi I'Imlng. O;\loullt Olh'c Church lin ,1), morn n!:' nnl at t Ie Second l'Iap. }o;ululin Ol'lby fllIll t' fIone \ Ie ~:ert! over tho return of their Pl1 A- list Church !"undn)' e\'t'nlng. ,. ~Ii"s Xora ushers,· :llrs, ltollcY, Chicago. was the

1" rolle!1 n.wa~· on Rccount of Stnnrord of Penrl:\ was here S\IIl,ll\}' to gUll"" of be" 1Ill1lcr. :'>lrs. Jou )'lorg:1\1, Ie." rl.'cel\'t'd thl'!"t' cornmunl- set' her IIncl .. , It. C. :1111.1101')'. Who I!! very <llIrlng fall' week •• )Uss Ethel Sln~lelon

III. • ::Ilrs, Roh('rt Ackln !'f.!turnerl to her I'lltertaillcd It lIumller or her }'O,I/IG :>11111111)' •• RrO\\,H Chanel A. home In St. t.ouiR !';unday.aftt'r_n very fl'ieml" Ilt hel' home 1·'I·ida)· e'·Qnin!; .. ' 'eb Is glnd [0 welcome ne\-, Illeas,mt·,·isll·wllh relMiv~s here ... :lIrs. ,~I\s" Uonnlc Uoln!!, Hull ... III .. wos thu 1Iler .. /In(,k for another 'oon- \ I I b ! - 0

r, • Mr~. :'>1('~'er8 \\'11\ ell let'- ,c<!l .l\'111< e ore -ht'r. m:lrrlage :l1I~" guest ot· ;lINt, Lt'(1n Ste"ens last w .. "k. Iyllill 'Yheallt')' Chnrlt~' Cluh Bl'tisle Corbin.' Rev, cnr. ter, !lalltor. ot I ~ Messl'>l. ('l.1nH. EIIIH !llltl Price ~mllh Itel' nom!!-. Soutb Desplalnes the Tlcthel ,~. :\1. E. Chllr~h, i .. nttendinv; sponl Sunda)'!n DIIClltUr. ~. E, ,T, Hmlth !tlltl ltrll. \\'11_ the :'I1t'lllod'9t. conft'rence at Sparta, lIL . --n1 \\'111 N'lu'l!'!ient the King's . . By Frank Robinson ~l tilt' session 'n Chlcngo. • ._ By J. R. Hicks Rockford, Ill,; 0<,1. 6.-:111'8. \\' •• 1. 1':111-rnlth, lfI'H.Wm. Ransom nnd .' Sirpalol', III.. Oct. . 6 • .,...Re\'.- 1'. . A. rlilge and "on \\,lIilalll ',",I her ;;1~t\!I" wn bflli/ltht n. hed Ht Slh'['r Orel'n. pastorot th" A, :\1. ],::, church. ~fl,!' TIlnnl'il(, Dc Prlt'"t. ,,'ent to SIl­lal tor the KlnK's ()lllIl{ilters. I,,(t lallt '.1'1I119111!.)' for SplIl'tn 10 attend "'11\11" for 1\ wCl.'k·s \·Ish. :lit·". 1·:,I\\';lr<1 ,~n t:uhll~' were "nler- tho conference. "'e hOlle the Hisholl Harrl" wll\ Join tla,m- 10 ,;pclld th" \\'~ek leI' In' '~Ir", Snllle Her .. k,· will return R,,\'. 'Orepn back tn 81l't.'Iltor. end, The)' will "bilt ;\11'. anti ;\Ir:!. John ~kIIOl:t I; '[JnpaI'I{l1r for it,' lh', .I. G • .I"lInllon of llolllllouth wns enlhollll, ~ Re\', P. :'It. I.c"'!!, hpl(1 ",'C' . 'tIlt' Jlartlt'H hlti'rel<led in t?,ur ell)' lnHt week tbo gue"t of llr, dal s(,I'\''''''A last nlJi:hl In onler 10 rail'e rn('k",," "fill :'Itr. ,,· .. It .. I·i Rnd Mrs. Ooolln. !lnll ;lrr~, Hall. • \\1.... IL definite slim of mOI\,.,Y_ An excl'lIcnt

\'Iola .lohnll"n I" ahle to: .leRnnelto Bl'ytlnt has stn.!'l,," Iho gilhool program \l'a~ ~ln:n, ;'1I~s I"mnels. noll­lr~e III hpJ\UI~' ('lIl1l1rp nt i ngnln. All lho.qe !hlll were not ahlc to Inp.on an.l :'11'1'. (!hnl'l('x I.I'!" !lnng A :hl(,:1",o .• ~!ls~ Pf'arl Set- i ItO to school wht'n they WIlI'C young numb~r of I' .. etl~· .Jnel.. Tht' Tu"',,~gt'e -{I In hpl' rormt'r home in! hn\'(1 th"ol'Portnnlty nnw to gel an ed. hl,,-" glI\'t' 1;t'\'" .. ,,1 '5,,1('('llon!-, ;\Ir. Isnlle 'I',\' I.indse)· is \'Ialting In llcation. The l'ounll' Ilco"le "'''ould Inke Wllllnlll~(1n ",We II fine n,hh·<'~~. • TIIt~ _ r. • :Milue Beuill.b 1\'ILI- ,arl\'nnhl(l:e of Ihl~ ol'llorlunill', • :'lUllS ~I1"1\t.>1I l'randR nnr} Ir":1t' .\tC'~lillll ":111\"

'<1 frum r'('nlucll)·. • ;\lls" Mnndy lloure. the dnughtcr oC ;,1..... frAm I'ellills. lin .. ~Iondll~·. Thel!' I,,'nlh. C.,. Lnckllorl, retllrner!, Bnllards. from I"orl \\'lIyno, I"d., hi her\! 1'1'1<, \Valt'!!' )Ic:'llilln ... nme with them. \'isll ill Rnc" IlIlnnd, til.. \'Islting her mother, • :lIIlIlI :'la"lo \\'nl. Th"y \\'111 m:lk" Ihell- I'ome ht'Tf' "'llh lo,,"a. • :'Ill",,,, Cornl'lIll Ince, I··ort 'VnYnl'!. Is heTI' "l;;lIlnl\' h"r tllIlll' hr(llh",', • lIT .... !':II" Hnn-I" hlls

,I frlradll In ,'hl<-nso. • mother, llrH. B'lllllrd, • llr!!. Gertrude be!!n real>polntl!d janilTNls or OOe or lilt' ~I' lind ~Ii"" n •• In(·k!'on \Vlllinmll l'cturn('u home rrom ,lollt'1 blln publle ,,,-hooll! b,' tho hORrd of eduC'lI-

_ .. :::!._- 'iol\. Tll~ n)lJ11)1I1ttnenl Wil!; nU\dp. on hpr pre\'lolIs good rlle"l"d. • Rc,·. P. :II. l_ewl" \\"1>'1 returned to Ihe Ror.-l<tnr{\ "harge \l)' flishol' ('oppl"". Thl" will mftke It l.nsslblo for blm to ~omilielu hlK work "f hulldlng It new church. The grolllln II' broken al\'\ the new \)\\II<llnl; will he 1'1.'1\<1)" ,Inn. I,· The Xonl'lIroli 1~11lh held a' llperlal me"Uni: \\'\lh tile I)rcsldent, ;111'''', .rame!! Scoll. TlIm;du)' IWl'ning. • A nllmb!!!' I)Q'·,. h""o 11\ the "Il~t \\'t>el;. :\'rs.'\ "'IlL nob/lIsnn, 31 rl', !'\nmllo\ Hodg@1\ nnd ~:slh()r Ro\)ln~on ..• \\'(;1'11 <'omes (rom ~rrl'l, S, B"I"ne" thllt "nO! III "till In the enst. • !It 1', l1um­phre\' Bow!!n l'Il1"nt Ihe \\,!!ck-t'nd In • 'hlclI!\,o. H.. was till! ~lIest of lh'. I' .. A. Hnrnett, l"t'cret;.ry .. r tilt' Chlcaso Tu!'kt'gee ':hlh. • llrs. Eillt< Rohlll:;~," nn.l dllllP:llI rr F.llr-f'. \\'lIh ,,11'9. \Vlt", , I"dt for P\lI~ ... tlIe Tu""dny, where they will mokl' tllt'lr futurc Ilf>me.

Peoria. III .. Ocl, 6,-01'. \\'. It, II;,rpf)1' tll!'llnl'II'1l Ihl" IIr" Insl ,,·r.ek Mid hi" lo,,~ wl\l 00 .\et'I'Y fl'\I h!>' hlR mallY Cricn.,!!: nnd 1'(.>1fltl1'p.s. Out·,,(·tnwn rel:ll"'t''' wh,,' !lUende<1 the ",,,,I fllnr.I·I\! \""'\'!ce", 1\\; \\'nrd f:hnpN Saturday wrre :'Ilr. Sal>", ford IIKrp~I·. ;\1 ... Ahe lIlLI'pcr, lit'. 1\".1' llr". l~d\\'n .. dll. !III" nnd i\lrR. Hilmer. :\!I'll. ,I, Mlcorn 1I1l11 :\fr". C. Lo\'t', Pl'lend~ oUI .,f 10w\I wer" llr, ,\I Hleh-' sretson fir Galesburg. :'III'S. ,J. Pierce "r Cnnton. 1\1., nnll ;\Ir. and :\!rs. \\'II:"m Hr Hn\·anll. m. • Mrs. Ell ... Jonet< of Fourth ,,{reet hn" returned fl'om he I' home III lllsslssippi. where ahe ~'ll;ltl!cl hel' !l1~1( fllther. Sa,'11 Rnce pcople (\I'e leIL\'ln~ there lind going to Arknnllns becnuse oC ('conomlc conl11110118, • MI'. A. Hughe!l~ ll~= Stnle >!treat. Is sIck At his home, • 'I'ht' 6th birthday or ;\115.'1 Dorrlll Booze wos ch"erflllly eelehrnte,l IlLlIt· week Ity the young people. ami llr. nnd !Itt ... Iloozc nt their reJIblenet', 201 E>, OhmdnJe. :\lJss Dorris lloozt' reeeh'ed mRny pres· 'm,", Th .. grnnd ",'Lrty cl"sed with R thc­ntcr 'l)lIrt)" for llle Bmall - tolks, chaper­oned hl' MM<, !\t, Booze. All expressed tht'msel\'cs II.Ij !ul\'ln;r hll.,1 n nne lime, • :llrs. l'\, Rurns of WnRhlngtnn. D. C .. 15 ad\'ocnllng n unh' Colored 'V_ y, e. ,\ .. RO h(' n boosler fnl' nne'!n Peorl:l. • ~I\'~. Blinks or llh'Qlsslp,,1 expres.~es her­!leI! ns 11:1\'101'(':\ I.l'rnne1 sln.y In our cIty and esp.cefnl/:,- Plt;naed ,,·!th wnm of the ChIli!', • TIle lITand l\'etlnlng or Mr, ,T, E. p.)\\,erR. omeer. or the A, ;II. E, chllrch: will Inke IlIac" ut Ihe church· Ocl .. I •• You are cordinlly !In'lIed, (Somll nlralr.) • !lIr. an,l :111'''. o. S:,nw enterwlned "lr. Chllrley .Powell. oj' ,Sp'rlngtlt'ltl; m.. IMt Sunda)· •. • "h'p. Pert·y of S.we"th str<!et hUll returned -from' Xo-rtb ·Polnt.!· )nell:, nutl I", mnkhl!1' IlrepllTAtionR to "ritertaln thp, "'omen's Aid In tbe. nt'ar futllre.· • ~l-S. t'err)': e~ter,tall)ed -lIIr. nml ~rrs.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

PRAiRIE. STATE EV.ENTS CDntl,,~ed·. from pall' .I~ht ! :'

:;Ichols bt ";ebrlUka last Sunday with a I delightful dinner •• ·J.'he mllny tl'hmds are I delllrhted to Jearn that ~lrs. Captain 1. C. Harper Is hOme trom the hollpltal and: getting along nicely. • The agent, 1\1. Hanllbeo·. reels that· he Is exprellslng! the feelings of the friends In gencl'al of the Harper family when he Bays lbe frlenda eal'ne9t1y sympathize with lIald' family because at tile 8alllle99 that has surrounded It during the Pltst weeks, • ~Ir. Hanllbery III also agt.llt for "'l'he ('rlsh.... 110 lll!e him early If you de8lr" the NO\'ember 18Hue. Call ;l;laln 24U. -~II·/;. Carp('nter and two IJaughterll of Street or. lJI.. are making th"lf home wltn !\lr8, Carpenter's brolher. John Whlto of Smith IItreet, • Great meetlngll have begun In Mt. Zion UnpUlIt church. Jla\'e you nttended'!

By N. B. Gain •• Bloomington, III .• Oct. d.-!lUIIH Beulah

liltcholl lett '1'ue"day tor AUBtin. ·fe:<., whC!ro she will assume the duties of pro· tcsllor at music In the Samuel HOU8tl.lll College •• 'rhe Progrt'lIsh'c Club met III Mrs. Walluce Walkf'r·,.. 911 \\'. ~'ront street. Thurslla)' nflernooll In blenllllli bllSin"I'K !leSSlon urad election ot olhccn. as r()lI!Jw~: Prcsio''''t, 1,11'11. Richmoll.I liolley; vicl! rJr~siuent, )lrs. G. C. lIlIcil­ell; sccretan', _\Irs. 1·'. 0. WychO; :lIISllIl­anl secretary. ~lrll. 1>. Ure/.t; trf'U!lurcr. Mrs. E. U, COVington. and :\lrs. l.!ha.rit!b Lewis challlaill. • The "J::lght Wack Dots," pia) lUg at the :\laJestic this week. have h"~11 eUlt:rtalnell while here Ul 111.-..1. Emily \\"IINull'li 011 SOlllll t::1I~t IItreet. • 'rite Wom,w'K l.!luh mIn Thun.tluy uftl:r­noun Ilt :,Irs. G~c)rll'<j Wallhlngtun'" UII Unit atreel, at which lime lIlI2I8 Izene Cl"ol\'del' I)rcalrled. and an Interest:n!: afternoon WUH s)lent .• lira. ~rncst Cal­houn. :'011611 C;ulllce ClllhulIlI and Mrt;. A. Slarks were elected members. The club ml't :It lfrs. J<lHle Johnson'". ~08 South Oak Inrect. 'l'hur:.dnr nflcl'noon .• B!ch· ard l'lIlhoun. whu for Home months hUli bean \II al his home on ::(llIth J'mlrse atrcct. Is lIIuch impro\·p.d. - Hohert !llcuu­ertls went on one ot his wild "I'clls and ellder! UI' In police COUl'l with It line uf $9.8u. • :'II rll. Greell IInri ~I rs. Portee I('tt tor De"atUI' to \'Islt f,·lell<ls .• lll118 Grnce !II. "'om\:1 hn:! cntl'red the O. n. Skinner School uC Vmmatlc Art and E"prcHlIlon. • Glee Sloncr of Holder. III.. was In lown Tuesday 6\·clllng •• Hsn)" Bell I .. "Isltlng his fRmll~' 'WO" SundllY .• lURK Victory l'll'ld WII" "Isiling hor mOlhe. over SUllday al BenJamim.vlll... III. • Then! wall II grand rally al th" !lit. Pls­guh UapUlil l'hur('h and raised ~6;.S5. ' lIlr. allrl ~lrR. AI !\athan. \\'. llollroe slreel. arl' the pnrl'lIls ot :t line hny b01'1I la9t Sunduy e\'ellins til ;:30. • Alex Pul­Illrd will l'n\'e :'Iollllay night for !;I. Louis. lIlo .. III "Isil his .laughll?l". • The lot at Iho I'ocil1l cenl".· la helng ! 1','('1 ",I up ill 1;0"d shapl'. - ~1i';N I-:h'!ra In'ing I'uulk will gh'e a r('cllnl "',,". OCL 11. at lli. Plss-nh Baptist chul·ch.

By Arthur H. Monroe FI·eelloz·t. 111., G.-OUl ,.t lhe ~50

Illhort:"nl lhal eanll, U\' from Lunlsiana anll "1i,'~s:;iJlI'I lhrl:e momhs /I go. em­ploye.! hl' the lIIill(.I:; C(,lIIml, six of th"m ",fl ;\Ionda)' to ~et t"e'" fllllllllcs IIIHI relurll lu mal;o ~'r"('IJnrt lhlll!' fu· ture hume. • :';\II:c1a;' e\'cnlu!; He\·. :11. JOSC'iJh Scgun (,If ~.IonU;t'mcr~·t Ala .• 11I',·lIehe.1 a powerful ~,,":nnn lit the Oal, Uill Ual'Ust Church .• 'fhe WiIIln:; W"rll­ers' cluh was ellt(','luhw;1 la:;1 :\lond,,;' e\-enlng by :,1,·. l". ~ayl(:s. 'i~ ().-in tilrt.'C't. • :'Ir. T. \\'lIson of ;-;cw fJI·I"'"zl'. 1..11 .. nrrh'eel here In Nt night. lIe I:; now (>111-I'loy<'c1 al Ihe I;econd =,",n!l"r,al O""lt. ' llr. F'red D. \\'(>Ieh of :\shc\·liIe. X ... : .. spent lWO day" h. Ihe Cll)' la!)t \\"eel •.• :lleH~r~. J. P. Hili. '}'. K. :"mlth, ,\. A. Kell('y and :'1. '1'1:(11111); nf l'Iul'''''IIIP. la .. were III tht' "Ill' I;lst w'.'ek on IJUshH,sl1 .• Thl! IItt!e .Inng!),,·,. ".f )Ir. :lIltl :lI,·s .. 1. \Vrlghl. Sl \\"lIou,' t;trecl. uuderwf'lIt an opern linn lall't wf'(ok (In he .. eyes. ' :\JI'~. Wllllnm". :'Ilr"- W. K. [1I,;r,,, .• "r~. Il. I. \\"I/:!.·,', :'Ill'. and ;\Irs. I~. l5tanllnrd are 011 the ~i('k list. • :ll!s" R SI:"ulard \'15-lied wi, h trl~nd~ "t:it w(,('I< ill HocltConl. • :\lr. }>nul !'.mllh nf nntokfronl ,·I~II .. t1 last weck wllh fri~ll(i5 III Ihe clly .• :III'. Alfred Ilcndrf'xson mutOTt'" to Dlxoll Insl \\"~ek .• The nlllumn ntll "art)· that was gh'ell l:tsl I"r!dll~' nIght nt lhe hemle of :III .. " EllOlcl! n. Gastnn ily a grollp oC yom:g people was dell~htrul, • Thos~ present were ~Iss C •• 10hn~on, )1I~8 E­OU'II('y. lll58 r.. A. Xun!e)". :.1155 MeGer­r::. :llrR. A. I •. ,\herllathy, :llr. 1'rlc,' Co,)per. P. Cnrter. "". 1I1l~·ncs. H. "-. Fostcr. S. SlmR. E. Tipler and the wrlt­ez·. :,Iusic was turnl:!hetl b}' llr. A. Aber­unthy and :'1 ... Fmnk J. Burkharl.

C"f'ntmlla, 111 .. (let. G.-Tho" .. who de· H\I'O \0 read the 0, tencler cA'1 at ~50 :-:

! Popl'lr fltrcct .• i\!r. G. Hfc~:man n'f~! ;~;l\"C ro,· ""h'l~"Y nental Cene",e Oct

'6 •• :lrrl<. J ula D:I\'ls, who has iust bl­eome a hrldl.: a few days al;O, Il< vcry III I· !\Irs. Jnm"" ('ockerhlln Is very III .•

lIIrs. Xettle Scott hael the m!~rllrtune t .. , 8\ rllie her eye ar;a InM a plpee at wood

I She Is qultc III. • ~Ir. L. Gill at Mexlcu Is here to spend his ""catlon with hl~ parents. llr. allfl l!rs. Prince Gill .• Mr.

,Ben Vernon Is l<tlll on the Rick list. • 'Ilrrs. Jnne TnylC!r Is sick •• Rev. Chavlf'

18 \'C!ry III. Rc\·. In<:kson ot the A. ll. E.

I Fethel church IR nttendlng the confer­~ncc at Cnrbondale .• IIIrs. Cynthia Fer· gUllon Is \'ery III.

Wnukt''l'lln. III .. Oct. 6.-ne!'slo Taver , hns A line hlg 4-wl'eks-old girl. • Re\'. '·W. F. Shelton ot Detro!t. :'Uch.. Wll~ wplcomed In "'aukel"nn. where he Is to he pa"tor at ,\. )1. E. church. • lrts~ norothy Covlnf:lOn "pent SundR}' In Zion Cit)· with trlends. • If!s,,f''' Rer­nndlno Franclell and !llInmE'tte Wnlt of Evan8ton sp<'nt SUllda~' e\'enlng with ElIzn.bclh and Gussie Tarver. • }oils" Gerlrude O'X":11 oC no~ton 18 \'Isltlng hE'r ralher nnd mothE'r nt ~07 nrnwnln~ a\',,­nllC!. • lll"l1 Frnnres Ulsh nf F.\·am!lon spent Sunday with lllss O·X .. al. :\Ir. Dunn tllklnll: Ihl'lO tin 3n nuto trip t(> Zion C!l~ .. wherl' lhey \'Isll"d :llIs~ XIl'k. ('rI,on. who has been \'Isltln" J..exlngtnn. I{~·. • Earl CO\'lnltlon spent Sunda)' In J{E'nosha. \VII<. • llr. "'hlto la homE' from the hospital. where he hu. .. been sufferln!; from blood polllOn. • llrs. S. JaC'kson nnd :III'!'. Ella Simmons spent Hnturllny nnd Runday In Gnry, Incl., \'I!.,­IlinK (rll'nIl8. - llrs. Ike I;'rankllll und ~"n \'islted E\'anslon Saturday nnel Sun­dll)·.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Article 4 -- No TitleThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Oct 14, 1916; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 8

1\fr. J. n. Hicks I~rt Monday o"~r tha Wabash Cor Cbampalgn as a. delegate to represent Golden Light Lodge, No. 76, I", A. M .. ot which he Is Master. • :'dr. Joe Barna lett Thursda.y for Jollet, • :\Ir. William Thomas a.nd Mr, WIllie Hrowri made a flying trip to Chicago Sunday, • Rev, T, A. Evane of 0&1')', Ind" was In our city lut we~k,


for twn years. "Vather SlmoDs," as hI! Is commonly called. III one of the val­

,rlarchll of the ",Iethodlst 'church, ha\'ln;; been II. member ot the illinois conference

I tor the past torty years, • Re\', A. D, Y~ager sent In his resignation as meM-ber ot the A. ~f, E. conferonce. • Ro\'. :/, 1". Prettyman of Danville, Ill., has been sent to Normal A. :'1, E. church and also tho church at Clinton, • Every Rllce church or this city haa had a change of pastors In the put year, • The omcers oC tho ~It. Plegah Baptist Church have been successful In making the desired loan on the new church properly oufficlenl. to meet all requlre­IDents. The loan has been COD8ummat­ed during the past week and the work no,,' on the church will be pushed to completion without turlher delay. The splendid achle\'ements or the church and ItA members up to this time are desen'­IllG of much praJlle, The ProlP'esslve ClubR wll1 meet at the home ot lira, Lettie Cowan on South Prairie street Thursday otternoon, at wblch time "Lit­erary day" will be observed. • ~Irs. Jo', D. Wl'c~e ha:! been "lslUng Cle\'eland, Ohio, sovl'ral weeks, snd returned home by wa)' of SI, I.ouls, stopped and vlsilod her dnughte,', Alberta W~·che-Hoagl:l.nd, tor u',J.e'" dll),s and hrought the news of the A, !\I. t;, conferenCe, "'hlch was held III Hpal'tn, III .• Thc \\'omo.n'lI Club was entertalnell last 'fhur15day afternoun by llrs, Jmlle Juhnson on S. Oak strcet. llrs, !llan' BU,'loll pl'eslded and the aft­ernoon wnll pleasantly spent In social Illlel'I:l)urse. • :\lIss Cornelia Clark or thlM city Ililli :\Ir, Alhert Stoner ot Hold­eI' \\'~r" united III marrlnge at 8 p. m, at tI", home of the hrlllc'" p:orell\.-, !lfr, and llrs. William Clarl,e, to:' r:. Tn.rlor stre~t, • fie,'. H. I I. (abson of Union [lapllsl church ofllclalcd at the cerc­mony. • A .. nrgum<.'nl O\'e.· n $; "oaral hili re!lulted In 11 cutting and shooting afrra)' Oct. 5, ahout ~ II, m" on :0.:, !lJur­ris n\'(,.,ue. In which Iho pl'lnep'IIM wO'rc Isaac \\'ea\'<.'r und Hoy Whllc. holll Hacl' I't'sltlenls.

of Th., nd the

.. rwvpl. not • ,t is n.ceuuy thet

.) that n.w. matter ay.,

.rt Jllek.on Jr, II., Oct, 13,-Veredlth -old dauchler of Mr. and East Kanslla street, dIed

," at 3: 30 o'clock at the Ie ..,aa burled Tuesday ,t O\'ove Baptist chUrch, appeUe omclllUng. • !llrs, 'd daughter, Alberta, and ''lgeUlit ot Chicago, con-

e Old-Time :'olethodlst "Ing on 8. revival at their

th and Cook ~treel!l, \rown, pastor, • Grace

'Ing a CIlrnl\'a1, cor-Stuart streetll, be-

10 10 Oct. U. Rev. , St. PaUl' .. A. :'1,

In the afternoon a. m. A. King,

8th IItreet, died HI\e .... as found

,d, however, b.en trouble tu" aome

lousekeep~r to!' "', 'uy II.l the lime. lIer 'ned nnll they cnme

Cln rkll\'IIII', :11o" ~alllrd"y, Oct, •. eorta logt \\'~el'. 'Ing these ~'oun\: eorla, yon can't

a."nrd is "c:-a7..)··' ,linO\\'1I I.iradl'

1111 doors, • .\ 'f'U nnd women 'amlnatlotl last ,)' hilS retll!'lll,d

In Chl(,lIgo .• "e at IO~ :co. 8th

:\ft. "ernon, m., Oct. 13.-lIlra. Pearl i WHuPH and tamlly lett l8.8t Thursday' tor Decatur, where they will make their I luture home. Her mother, Mrs. lo'anny, StaclUl, accompanied h~r. • :\fr. Char-I lie RUIter of Jappa. made a short visit to trtenda Sunday. • llla8 Deborah I Bernard of :\Ietropolls, who has heen v.IUne frlenda for the IMt two weeks,l lett tor her hom~ lfonda}·. • Willie I Washington Jr, WliS In St. Louis Sun­day. • JameR Overton bas returned home trom Sha.wneelown, where he haa' been employed for Ihe last few monUls, ' • Those on tne sick Ilat this week are: I !>{rs. l{attle Howard, Mrs. Georgie H"~- ! ton and Mrs. Wllaon Hili. • Everyone Is looking forward with great Intereet to Ibe bll[ rally to be held at the C, 1\1, Eo ' church next Sunday. A blU't'el of nour: will lie a warded 10 the one who raises Iho large~t amount of money over $25. • You are Invited to be present at Shiloh, Oaptlst Sunday school school next Sun- I day morning. I

Peoria, 111". 0('\. 13,-The wedding of: ~Ir . .1. E. Powers Oct, 1& will lie SlrlCtl)'1 nn In\'ltation affair, • !llIss Helen White of SprlngOeld, III" was the guest of :lllslI Franct'fl Jlaynes last Sunday. ·1 The :o.:allon .. 1 AssoC'l"Uon for tho .... d­\'nncement of Color"d People held an IlIlerestlng meeting Sunday at tho hOIll') ot :\1 rs. Dr. Cotton, • :\lr8. E, :0.:, Stan­ford wn~ called to JacksonvlJle, m,. on Recount of the sickness of her brother, :llr, II. C. !llall"ry, • !llIss :o.:or8o Stan­C<1rd wns at Ja,cksonvllle, Ill" to visit the sick Sunday Wl'ek, • :\11'. r. lIawkln~ has mO\'ed to 233 Plno street, • Til .. rp\'ival lIen'icf'S at !Ill, Zion Hap­tI~t chur<'h have bl'lln a 8uccess, quite a C~w ha\'lng lI~om" members of Ihl! .. hur"h, • The Home ~1I~slonnry so­('Iety of Ihe church met Inst Thursday nnd I .. ""Ing great work, • Mr, Bro,,'n ,,( Chkago 1M herr. !'XI,,!ctln,; 10 locnte all ullIlerlllkln~ e14tabllshment, which will !:reatly Imlll'O\'e said "uslne~" among Ihe nne~ I.cople of p~orla. • The bo"" ,,( Comp;uw 1-: arc "xl'ected home about

·r. and ~Ir~. Oct. II or 1~. It would be a line thin,; I Irlllll HI. If we could and would show our appre­

... u'·t-lled l'tntinn tnr thp. hoy~ u"ho hlL\'e ~oJ)e 'lI~hter, I .. ll .. "k" and made (;00<\ by gI,'lug Ihem I .. nt at n grand welcome rCl'eJltlon. • !llrs. Rl'v.

" ~Ir, June" i" making I. Yf'ry extensive \·IM.t 'n,le- In 11,1' I'asl and I~ ha\'lnl\' n: greRl timp..

r1 .. " Vrlends \\'111 h" !;Iaal 1(1 \,,'eleome h"r I le":1 haek 10 h .. gln tho IIflh-YE'ar work with

• hf'r Illlsband, • The PPM", "'omen's I,. ,'llIh he III its re3111nr meeting Thursday.

1\('0(1 '.<:1. ;" al thr hnmc ot "Irs. B(OUe IIl1ghc>;. Ih .. 9~!! ~1:aIP slr.'er. 'fhe n,·th'e ml'mhpl''; I ;,,'. are s.howing lnu~h interest and it 5hoUI,l -·re hl"\ or SIJ(,f"iul tnt('lr,.~t to c\"er'·one to

,'. 1<1\0"" ot the ci\'lu work umlel' Uie ulrec-r tllln ot ~In;. Pr. ,J. H. ~ht'phprd. The'

.,:unt- \'V.ork is ,Ocr)' ~)·stcmaticall)· carried 011. 11 i'" ;',l1l1y- 'I'hl' -cl"" I)ropt-rty on Globe slrcet i~

IIJI'~' IhlN ~'E:"r,· beln,; 'rel'llirl'd, S~ .. Ihe work. th~n ""It . ..;'. IIrrl\· ... 1 here S" t - y"ur~f'I{ Is the work wort h while to be

(lC l\\'" \\'I'(·kl'. • :\Ir!l, nne uf the \\'omen's club, llrs. A. A. IITil'prJ h"oll' \\'N1n .. ",lay l"('oll, ,,~~rptnr~'. • 'rhe A, n. C, cluh

.,{f,'h., where "he "pent held It:. tlrst ml'('tlng Inst week Imd the I,l!' nl~o \'Isited n ("". clays (lfI1C'prs w~rt! CI(""lC'U. ~ome~ or offi("~n 'nll'lt \'Ir~s of l:iprlugf\l'ld \';111 appear nl'XI week. • There wll1. :11,,1 !ltoJldny In Ihe rlly he II. RrlJ,n'l ('nt('I'lalnmenl nnd ball given I te anti nth~r relntlvl'M. • bot "~"m(l:ar:~'· I, Hall, Oct, n, hy :'Ilr. 'lI1d ~I"r"h"tll~ playp,1 a ~In"nln"" y,'11 al'p cordially In\1ted. Sumlny at :\il'h()ls park.

; .iu~ Pn'~t(>ll and .I(,ops of By E. A, Tooke . The ""nre wn" :t to :! In Chicat;o Jleij;hts, III" Oct. 13,-:\fr, and ,.\11 !oItllr~. !o'l\lulny will he :\Ir!', 1.-:. J. Drake of Ihe ChIcago Heights

Ihe l't>Tle~. ..\ larg .. crowd Coulltr)' Clulo Itre among our many new ttl. o\lpxallrlf!r oC 8('1'lngtl('1c1 ,,"trons who enjoy reading the Chicago .• Mr. I .. M .... k" uf ;\temphls, Detender, • :\Irs, Ueredllh, 96 E, :!6th ~,\"'~\ltf'1i " position in the !;treet, ac"ompnnle<l hl' her son Harry

.HI,,!' of \\'llilnn> .1. Gray in I1ml daughter :.tnrguerlte, \'Isited Chlca-] tUlu:I"., " A numher "'( ~'onng go ~ll)n<la)'. • We now ha\'e two barher 'n I)llrty lit Ih .. hornl'! or !lfifts shop". mnltlng n tota.l of three barber' .anlhr~w Th1(rs<lny night, Dan- """).os in Chicago ilelghts, • Mrs. Green,l nj'-'~'f'rI until n Intt> hClur. after t!lO n-IC~ ot tho pClpulnt' ball playpr, Joe I reshm"nt~ WNt' .e\'\'/Y.I. • ~Ir~. l'l'e~n,. mallllgel' of the Chicago Giants, Witt .... ",. ,1"tal"l'll Rt home IS \'islling her molher, IIIrl<. Donegan i

,I aC('Ollllt of IIIne"9 .• H. C, liiH Flflh avenue .• :\lr. and ~Irs, J, H: ~t ill r"l1l"in~ "ery II)\\' at his Xaplpl' ha\'e moved from :!S8 K 16th!

:0 SOlllh ~Inln str('('1, • !\I1'~. Jndy lItreet. • I,oul" \Yoodlord scems to have hllil .h" ml.rorlulle \0 fall I~st joined 111111<11< with Dame ~Jh.fol'tune her­

nd sprain hrr ankh'. • Miss Josle' selC. Xlit helng conlcnt.,,1 nt knowing f "',,\'crl), arrl\'('<1 her" F'rlrla~' to I th.Rt h~ h:,,1 recently h .. d " smash-up e \)eal~lde of :l1ul. CI'"rlelO Dally" \\,Ith IllS nuto, some thl .. C slole his \'e"t, to "et'll In Ihe I;;,~pilal se\'Pornl' conlalnlng \,nlun.blo papers. n wutch and

~s .• Dr. E. I" Srrllft~s I"tt T\le~dl\~·1 dinmond "tud .• ~It'. I3lanclmrd's moth­llllcon, !llo" "" a bu"h,I"" \'ll<lt. He i or-In-Ia'l\' Is milch Impro\'ed al present,

alllo vbdt his wife "lid l\ memher' She came nellr being o\'ercome with ga8 'I"\,facull~', and his daughter, Bl'r- recently .• If yoU miss YOUI' Defender,

:111 .J""'lullent at "'r~tel'l1 "'ollI'KI'. .' just l'e~~~ber that you can nlways get ~IIIU "",I"''''\,irC'le nf Ihe Seoond Bap-' une ,,~ _IS E. 16th "~reet, • Re\', Rlch­

.liMo '{",'\l' 1'''''' n ,"upper ,1\ the church i ardsnn Is the ne,,' pas lor ot tho A, :\1. b:. 4;)n1lU '1"IIJ,IJIl i church here .• The :\Iessrll. Price ho.v~ '4 0'1,\\ 'P."I}I·I i __ mo\'od from 16U Portland n\'enlle to ,\\ '8, :~U"!-, "J R Hick 1613 I-Iono\'el' 81a·eel. 0 R~member that

\~.ct: J3,-~\lrs. :\(atUe the lJl!Cendl'1' h. C, 0, ~. • !llr, Ramser led Ihe,Joun!; men at a. III stll! on th". slc,k I!~~, Of all tho old­, Thursday e"PIllng. l'!te ,limpr" ~Ir, "lIe~, 10 __ 5th R\'enue. lal(e6

, e"enlng w(Ore game!' and Ihe palm with ~6 rent's of continuous ,\Il elnhor:l\t' II Inn",' 'IVa" seI'\'ed rt'"ldenr.e In Ihi!! city. II~ speaks the

J clock, .\\1 repol't havln,; had a ! \'arlous torf'l,n languagell nuently. • ,Ime, • ~Ir~, l..colll\ PIl;;O was ""~.' ,~frll, IIpttl~ "'nre haS returned home I".t week. hilt Is heUtr, • ~Ir". Crom It vls.t 'I\'lth relativeR and Crlend ..

~. Pagp Ii, "" Ihe slrk lI_t. ltrs. lin :llIssoul1 an<l southern I11lnol,.. u Williams enlertainer! ;\11'. nnd ~t'8. 1 ,II I"ox nt dinner 13~t Thursdny.. Bloomington, Ill" Oct, 13.-1Ir, and ~, ~lI!lIe Jol\O~on of Dllnvllle wa... In . 1011'S. Thomas G. Morgnn, 404 W. Oakland r c\l~' laM w('elc \'Isltlng relath'es and I a\'enue, entertained their dnughters, endp. • :\tr, amI ~tr~. Keefer DavIs! Helen nnd Irene, twins, at Il blrlhday e golnl; to 11'I"'e Tue9day tOl' Chlcngo, I ~t'ty Saturday afternoon, There were 25 hrre the), will makf' It Ihelr fUlure . htUe ones present. The ebJect of thl. ,mI'. • ~I." Jam"s Hnle, one of our; partl' was to ol'ganlze' an auxiliary to Rrllng ,'hourtpur", I" lfolng to drive a ~ the ""oman's Club .• Mr. anll :\Irs, Har-

,sr.-~r' '~'u-"ra for the Johnson Tran~Ct'r 'rlf,on F10rllnce of ~Iolton street a,'e the ,mll:l.m'. • ~Ir", !II, J, Lemml .. , wh" ! par"nts ot ... nne bo)' born "-rldny morn­ni! heen .i<'l, 110 long, ;'1 vO'r~· lPw. • !ng at 10 o'clocl,. ~Iotllel' an<l haby are h, J. G. ,rohn!lon. ~Ionmuuth. III.: al"" . doing tin .. , • RO','. Henn' Simono has Ir. ,rohn \\'"hh. dro\'c /l. "c\'en-pasSl'nger been Bent b)' Bishop <..'Oilphl as P8.8-Itl' to l'llrealnr, the 1;1:('st" oC ;\fl~s Ha.I- '101' or the A, :II. E, church of thl!! city P. Doolin and ;\Ir!!. IInll. • ~Ir. Cl:uldo Cor the ensuing year. H,,\", Simon" comes annal' leCt la.t !lIllnaiay (or Joliet. • here from Decatur. "'Here he hos been

By Arthur H. Monroe F'reCflGI·t. 111.. Oct. 13.,-lll·>, '''01. I':.

Hall rl!tIll'lIccI last \\'el.hll!~'lay c\'enlnl: from a fi\'e week,,' visit III l'nnlcs Mill", III" nnd oth ... · points 801llh with 1',,1 .. -th'es nntl frl('nelR .• :Ill''', chri~tlna J01111-90n and lie.' litt!" <laughler :'ollargn"'" rc­turned 13,;t wcek from " Ih"(Oe Vo' .. '<!k,,· \'llIlt In (,hl(,ll!;,O \\'lth f"i<.'n,l" allil "ela­th'es, • !III', ami ~Irs. Hyln'ster l,ester .. C Chlca~\I arC' l:\\e~l!\ lit' ~lls" J':lIn 0",,­Ipy, ~5 Adl'lIle:'t st ... ,et, • ~tr. Uf'lh(,I'1 l.t'"e I·CC~r.tly .. e\urn~,l from n th'"l"{, we('ks' \'islt with hi" moth('.· and f.-lf'n,ls III ll"xlc,', ~I<., • All" H"."I, B('IIIlt. \\,i>< .. was Ihe I(lIl'st ot ~lt·, "n<l ~lr~. ~lark Clltrk :;allll"la)· •• \\'. 11.,\\,<1,," ancl !llr, 'Villiam", Hnc1<COI'd, "Ilenl SMIll'<lay in th .. cll~' \'Isltlng wllh rrlen,I". • :'11"" Cor<lplla I'. .rohn""n "I"'nl !'1111r1a,\' In Rocl,f(I.·,1 \'isitllll( with rl'l"n"~. • Ite\', G. :-;. "inJ: mnth~ a f1yln/:, trill to "hl­ca!;o las I w('ck .• Johll 11. ~hlllel'. Ill'O­prielor of Ihc Lilli .. Co7.~· 13at·h ... · Rhop, lett la!lt w~ .. I, (0" Dr.t mit, !llIch .. nn hllsl. ness . .., A. H. :'\JonJ"nc \\'nH 111 Rrlckrurd fliRt w(,ph on hll!"h1f'''~fO .• 'Vltlie Hon'fle!'" ,'IRIIO'<I In (, .. I"Mt ,ve"k with fri~nrl", • "'lIlie 'WrIJ;ht, llockCnrd, was the gue"t of hl~ p"rent~ 111.1 \\'O'('k .• )II.R n""trlct' A. :o.:unley, p, Carll'r anrl A, II. ~Ionroe were the !;uesh; al dinner wltlt ~lrll, G~n. l.... Cunnlnglmm lu~t ~tlnrlu~· .• lfr. nnd ~Ir., Tom Ta.ul\1'1' s)l(Onl !o\lIn,\ay In Rockford \'I:.lIlng with frl~nIlM.· H. Thnm"s was th" (l'ue"t oC his IIllcle, Som Hollgea ot IlockCol'd, SUnda)', • ~h'. Uen­derson mOlllr,," I" Dixon II1~t "'ellnes­'In~' e\'enln/:, • :lit'S. nIalleh J. '''Iglel', "'ho has "ern contlne,l 10 her home nl lO~ 5prln~ :;trert fOI' t\\'o "'E'l'k~, w~s rl'mo"e<l tf) the ~r. FrnnclA hospital Frl­,1 a)', where sh(O i" <1olng nicely, • Geo, r.unnln",ham I" <101 nJ: nlct'h' al the Freo-PfOrt n''IIpral Il!lnllltnl. • The Oak 11111 Raptlst cllllrr.h WII" wel\ attcnlie" at all ser\'lc('" !;unrlny, The Rp\', G, So King nt ~;ew nrlC":tn~. I"."t.. prenche-d from th~ :lSth chaJltPr of Jnb, Oth \·PI',"C. 'I'he R~\', Jos<'ph !'I'gon of :\!ontgomer~', ,\Ja .. m,,,11' n Rhort talk to the TUblco cia"". 'rll(' snllg re .. ltal waR thnt'oughly I'njo~''''1 ,".<1 a~\­Ilrrclnt('il I,~' tho.p I"·",,enl. The partlM' p1nl", "'m. P. Pete.',-on, \Vlllie l!a~'n(''', Frank J. Ourlthnrt. Julhll< R. [If:llr, B. r.. Xorm;lll anrl A, H, ~Iouroe pl'rCormeal \'(' •. )' cr"'l!tahl~' nn<l turnlsheri nn hour "r "nngs \\,,,11 worth hearing, • The \\'1\1-Inl< "'orl'"r''' ('.I,uh met a.t 74 Orrin slreet amI ,,'ere entertained hy D, ~'. Foster, • ~Ir. Yun ~lcGeo and MIRa Luln John­son wl'ro 'luletly married Sllturda),. • Van Carwell, RoCkford, Ill,. ,,'as the guest oC !lliss Doroth)' B, LIpscomb Sun­da)',

.1011('1, ru, Oct. n.-The Paul Dunhar Club of the' Second Baptist church ga "e a Rocl .. ! In Ibe basement of the church Thllrsday night, and tJley &re preparing tor a joll~' time. The Stlnda.~' C\'enlng L~'ceum was largely attended. The "pe­('Ial Molo" and pa(lers were aho\'~ the 1I\'emgl'. Tho omcera of the cburch are redccoratln!: the hUseoml'nt. Tho church Aid heIr] I. "ery IIU('O~tlll bnkery Rtlle lal't Salllrda~' e,'enlng, and in th .. aft .. r­noon they Rlpt with !lfrs, l..ewls or ~raJ1-llill~dnle, Re". 11, p, Mnddox filled the pulpit of St'Cond Baptist ('hul'ch Snnday e\'(Ol\ln", and it '\Tas enJ"yed \cl'ry much, :\Iany atrangers "'I're nOlpd in Ihe con­grl'!:atlon, bolh at tho morning and e\'l.'n­Ing aer\'lc~s, • Rc", J. ;\1. !lfason, !llount O\l\'e churCh, preached a strong lIermon SundlloY morning nt 11:45, llrs, Pearl Pinkston, whu hns "e~n unable to play tor the ('hoi I' for ~c""ral ".-eeks on R c­COllnt of her mOlher being Ill, was out Sunday, • Re\', p, W, \\'llIls, Kauaa.B City, occupIed !llount Olive pulpit Sun­day evening Rnd delh'ered an e:<celll'nl sermon. • :\Irs. Lur.y Burrell ~ang n touching solo, 0 The ml'mbers ot ~Iount OIh'e Slln<la~' IIchool are planning for their Call bllz;lar, whIch \\'111 lJegln Oct. 25 anll lallt until the ~7th. Tho .. " In ('harge arc llrs. X. J. Wells, Mrs, F" T. :I[""on, !'oJrs. Lillian Burrell, :lIra, Dollie Thomas, ?oIrs. :o.:ora CarleI', Mrs, nettie Smith !llnl, Minnie Adama and ~Uss p('url 'XorwoOd, A rro!mlRl will be ren­dered each e\'enln". with the assl~lance nt the younG mell's orch(,lItr:l. • The Women's Home and ~'''rt'lgn !l1i~slon Circle will ha\'e n foreign mlllsion rall~' tomorrow. • !lIr, Howard Col"man Was Cound lInconscious on the F.., J, & E. tMLcks In Normalltown, III" and brought to Joliet. wherc he dler! In $\I\'e,r CraNS hospital Tuesdnl' morning. Oct, 3, The body was turned o\'c~ 10 David Meadc. nn f'mploye of the E" J. 8.: E. Co., \\'ho trt"d to find his rel"U"es, Mr. ~Iead .. found an en\,elope In the dead mll.n's coat po('ket with t\'o'O addresses written 011 It, one In Aurora Ilnd the other In "'ashlnglon, 0, C, Oping near Aurora, he 'I\'ont to the address anll tound that tho mun hall 1I\'e<1 lhere, and that he had Il sistoI' in WashIngton, D. C., so he sent a telegram to ~I1'l!. Annie C. !llal;all e.nd found the dea.d man's sister. who later came to Joliet 10 claim the bod\', When she Ilrrlved here the corpse had been laid away temporartl)', antI Mrs. lfakall wll\ return In a. month and take the remains 10 "'n.llhlngton. • While :'f1'8, Hili was In Chkago she was hlghl)' en­tertained by :\Ir. and :\(rs. Joseph An­derson 526' Federal street. • !lUss ('ar-60n Is vhlltlng with her aunt, :'11'5, Vir­ginia Smith .• ~lr8. J, S, Johnson 11.1-tended the King's Da.ughters' conven­tion, • Raymond )Iagl'uder "Islted his mother last "'cek, • ;\Ic9srs. Jllmcs Da~', Silas "fcyel'S 6nd Thomns D. "JcDonald attended lhe !>llUIonlc Grand Lodge. • !llrs, Harrill anll dnughter were guests ot l'ra. Benja~'Jln Smith, • 1\Irs. Anna Lambert, 4016 State street, vlsltecl old

'frtcnels and acqua.lnlances In Joliet last : Sunday .• lIIrs. R. Henr~' and 1\11'8, :'of. I D)'er spent i'lunday In Aurora as the , guests o! ~fr6. J ;\fathews,. lIfr, R. D. 'Badger wns a Joliet ,'Isltor Sunda\' •

I ~lrR. ~'m. Abernathy lind lIons were' In Chicago shopping, -- .

i By p, H, Harris Ln Grange, JIIoo Oct, 13,-The Second I

Baptlot chUrch held Its annual rally last I Sunday, Re\', 0, W, Green, pastor, preached at Ihe morning and e\'enlng sen'lces. Re\'. B. J. PrlcI!, 111. D .. D. Doo pastor ot Provident Baptist eburch, preached 80t 3 p. m. They reallzp.d $230. trom the elfort, which will be applied on' tho Indehtedne!ls ot the church. Quite, II 'lumber or the members of Provident, Raptlst church were present and allsl"led In tho rall)', • Mr, Alec Carll!!le, Hobson I Cit)" Ala., Is Visiting his nephew, ;\II',.

. , Co.npnued on ,,-ge nine I

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PRAIRIE STATE EVENTS Continued from eighth p:1ge

\Vl\lInm Carlisle oC SawYl'r a,'enue, Hob­son City I" a town owned nnd l'ontrolled b)' Colored peo);le, • The sel'vlc(>s nt the A, :\1. E, church were wcll all ended last Sunday, Re,', :\1. J, :\lcCracken, the I ne"'ly appointe:! presiding elder or the Keokuk district. unexpectedly ('ame In and preached Itt th .. e\'"nlllg ~er\'lce, On account or the pre"ldlng el~cr't; "1,,lt not I beIng expecled. he dill not ndmlnlstl'r I thl' Lord'" Supper untn Tuesday e\'enlng. at which time he hold the quartel)' con­ference, • :\1 rl!, E, Allen oC PIttsburg. Pa.. and her :;un, Gerald l': .. nrc ,'I"itlns her sl,;t"r. :\Irs. Addle Sl~co of Dlufr av­enue, • He"h'al ser,'lces will begin al the Second BUJltist church tomorrow, • 'file Defender can be had evcry Snturdos Crum Re,', p, H, Lewis, 10 Sawyer ave­nue, Phone 16~6,

Kewanee. III .. Oct. 13.-Tho Wllllnms Jubilee Singerll packed the Orand Ihe­aUr 011 the 2nd, • The opening oC the new $150.1)00 hotel IIt"t Saturday ,,"en­Ing attracted a great number ot our people to the downtown uilltrlct. Tile banquet was sp",'ell h)' a numher of Rac/! men fn.m ('hampalgn. • It,,\', Scott or Galcshurg Kpent a few <II1Ys In our city ns the guest IIr He\', I'cnlcl" • ;\11'8, Pearl Penlr.l, I{'fl ,I;:,,,,'a/!ee last Thnl'lI­dny for :\luht"lI. WRHh,. wh('re she will M(1t'nf. the I;rCnrCl" po.'t of the winler. nil \\'I'rlIH'sda)' nlghl Io~fnre ;\Ir~, PenIck cJcpartl',t a "CC~I.t1nn waH l('nl1l'rp(l hel' hy the La <1 iC:i' ~E"win;; f ·h·clc.~ of thl! Hec­nnd Baplillt church, • Itt'\', :\Ir-. :\Inlny and fnmlly or till' A, ;\1. I;;, ('hurch arc welcompd to our ('lty, • Hc,', :\h', PenIck oC th(' HecO!HI BIII.ti~t chuI'('h will I"a"e Cot' ,\ltlln :\Innllay, ",h('rl' hI' Is ~cI"'rlulcti to speak Io('fore the IIIInul8 Haptist Stllte t'oll,'enllnn (while), • :\11', Ika Ball~' has Pljrl'hase,1 :I line hOI'~e nnd hug"y, • He\" :\1",II"nn \\'11" In the city h'''l week, • :\In., IIItH!. whll h:lM SIlent thl' snmmer hpre wllh hl'1' "on. H, \y, Hnh"I'III. I" 1':;­pcrtPfl tn !t':I\'e (fll' B .. own~\"I1I<.·1 Tenn., the lattel' part of tlH' \\'e('k,

By Frank Robinson Rockford. III .. (,,~t. 13,-:\11', an(1 :\Ir", 1

Snm Horl;;e" 11:l\'/, op(,lIed nil U(l-to-tl:lte Or"t clas!! relllnUJ'ant nn 1;;lm street, • \\'. I., rOl( h:l" h""11 III thr. past wc"k, • :\Ir, an,l :\Ir!!, I'homa" TentH'1' flf Free-, (lnrt ,'1,,11('(1 :\11''', nOllton 1'0",,,11 (I"cr ~ Sunda)', • :'11', Henry l1arl'l'tt. a,q dele­!:nle of Ihp local lOll!:" ami :\11', Amos, Tucker nI'l' In ,'hamI'31J;n n\tpnlllng the, :'la80nlc (irau,1 I.nllJ;I', • :'Irs, J"hn floh-' In"on :'''HI IlnllJ!!ltpl' 1111'7. \'1,,111'11 In r:hl­cnt;'n thC' pa~l W('I·k .• Ln. \·t·1"IH~ Tucl«~r. 2-\,I!:lr-nl'l !!On or :\11', nnll :\Irs, Bert ".,if'k"'J". fliN) nrl"J' on Cll'f"rntinn fur ("on­ceI' Rnwrday, I·'unl'ml "1'1 .... "''''. wt'r{' heM at Ihe hnmp, :\I:lny h~aUllr"l Oor'al or­ferin"lI hpsIlnk<, tlw srmllllthy of fl'lenrls nnll r~lalh'I'~, :\11'11, :\lInnl<, Thomas <If Frp<,pnl't wnf< pl'('sI'nt. • :\11"" E,lna De Prll' .. t of Chle,,!:o sJwnl n fpw Ilays with hpr ,,1l'I(>r. :\11'$;, \\', J, Ethrl'II:(·. "t Sa­"nnn, • Thl' liou"I'hold of Jluth "(lOn,,­orerl a .. nclal 1\1ll1 (Inn~p. at K, nf p, hall Tuesllny nlJ;hr, It wnM II. !:rnllfl succe .. s, :\Iany (':lme out for the occasion,

Altnn, III., nrt, I~, - Thl! Rp(lU"nelln I. .. n",,(' ,'I"h will holrl It ma~s Ill"etlng nrt,' Ir., l.a\\,)'l'r ('Iantnn of Sprlnglleld lind othl'r .. will ~pl'al<. • HI"', IInrl ;\lr5, Gporgp OrowlI ha "I' rl'lIIrnpII 10 the ~It)· nHer ~f\\'rnll WPf"k!-=' nh~(\n('f'. nttr.ndlng Ihl' rnnfer"n~(' III ~parla anll Visiting In Chicago an.l ntiH'r l'lf')lnt~. • 'rhp. Saw­In!: (,hI" ho" h('gun lis fall \\'ork. Ilnd many :ll'e atl('nrllnf:', The~' meet ",'ery T"""rlny nttprnonn nt Crow',. lInll. • Hp.,', ,T, \y, Tiff, form('r pa"tor nr !\Iodel rhnppl. h"" hl'I'n sl'nt to En.ql st. Louis, • :\11''', Fidelia O"I('shy hns returned to the .. it~' nft('r ~prnrllnlt Be"eral da¥. with her sister In :\ll<'hlglln,

By Helen Antry f'arohnndnl", 111., Ort, 13,-1\frR, .Tolan

Wpklt :Inri Caml\~' I('rl, Cnl' Toledo. Ohio. \\'hl'rp th~~' wlll remllin for Ihl! winter, • A large numher of (,ahondale peoplo ,'Islled th" \'1'11 of Prophet!! In St, LouIs Iltst ",e('k, Among thnsp att(>ndlng were llll'sl'" 7.ula Atkin,., AliI'I' Houllnll,l. :'Ir, Alltert Bns5. 1111''', ('ora Algee and Emma SI.arl< .. :\Illl llr, anll :'Irll, Sykes, • llr, E,'erell flean Is no\\' agent fOl' the De­fl'nder, lakIng Ihe I'la<'e of !II aster N{'I­Ron !llonon. who will h,'a,"p for Chil'lI!,:o to mnke hl~ hOllll', • :\11', Cornelius Rohill"on Rrent SlInda~' In Centralia ,'Is­Iting :\1155 )o~thf<l Bunch. • :\Irs, Kitty Taylor Is ,'Isltlng relath'p.s and frIends In St, Loul!!, • 'rhe famous .1ubllce ~Inger!l of Rogl'r ,,'lIl1amR L·nh'er~It)· made quite Il hit In our town last Thurs­day nl~ht at HOl'k Jill! Baptist Church. wh{'re th('l' rend('r('rj /I. grand mURlcal concI'rt that shall Inng he reml'mbere<l by Ihe Inrge numb('r of citizens that were present,

By Nora Turnage Gibson f'lt~'. Ill .. Oct, 13,-fle,', E,lwar<1

KIng. aftel' aU('ndlng the conference In Sparta. Is "J,;lIlng his mol her and rrlend!! In :If.,und City and will 1111 his pulpit In Gibson nct. 15, • "'lIlie I"lpl<1s Il'ft Sunday morning tor l\'ash\'III1'. Telln .. whpre hl' will rl'SIIme hili stnrll{,11 at Ihe unh'('rslty, • :\Irs, I,ula Thomas Ipet Sunday for II few wreks' \'islt with I'ehl­tl\'cR nnd frIends In Trenton. Ky, • :\lIs8 Dirt hen and Iren(' 1,lnll lind ",ora Tul'­nsge sJll'nt Sundn)'. Ocl. I. '''lth thl' Ward famll~' in the countl')' 10 mllcs I'outh of GIbson.

By G. B. Bllrnett Jr DuquoIn. 111" Oct. 13.-:\lr, B. F, {(I'I'­

st'e. lornl ngent of tht' Deft'mler. II! 1II with the tonsllltls, lie Is rapl,II~' Im­pnl\'lng, • :llr, John Simmons has rr­turned from 0 rl'W \\'eeks' ,'acatlon In the "outh, • :llrR, ;>;1'1111' Blhhs of Ct'n, trolla. III .. "lsit('(1 her ~1~ler. :\Irs, :\IIlr)' Wilson of thlA clt~'. Hundn~', • :\lIs~('s Ella nud :\lah('1 Johnson or Centralln. III .. "Isitrll lliss H<,ll'n Dt'mpnt Sunday, • :III', lIarle~" Huntl'r Is visiting In Chl­csgo. TIl,. this week, • :\11', :\Ielvln While ha. .. gone In Dl'lroll. ;\1I .. h,. for a few days. • :llr!!, Hnmh 1.0,'1' and nl('ce. Sarnh Glllinn. n.ttenderl the ,"I'llI'd Prophet carnh'al III St. LolllR Tursdny, ! :\Ir, Ollie "'liMn nlsn a\t{'ndl'd thl' V, 1', carnh'al this week, • :\11', J<'''n Klnc:lnnon of St. .Tohns, who has h{'en critIcally Ill. III seen once again nn our streets, • :'Ir, Anderson Thoma!'. ollr young motorist. was palnfull~' Injur'rI when his big Cad ilia" o\,erturnec1, last Sunday. He 1:< rapidly Improving, • The Roger "'II IIams linh'erslty Juhllt'e Singen; entertained a pucked hOllSI' ot Duquoin's brst white anrl colored clt!-7.('n" on 'WednesdllY nlsht. The pnter­talnml'nl "'as a Sll('ceRS In every way, • The funeml of Ilttle ;\llIry flo\)('rtll \\':19 held at the St, Paul RallU"t church Frlda~' nftprtloon. Rc\,. J. W. Hnrrlll ot­flclntln~, • llr, t:harle,; I,'arrls mnde a flying trip to SprlngOeld, 111,. last week, • ~Irs, Jp~sll' Bonner "'as ('nll{'d to th., hedslrle of her aUllt In Danville ~ttnday. • :III'S, Georle CummIng,; of Chll'ago was called here h)' the (Ieath of "Iary Ro" .. rt~, • :\11"51'1' Elsie and Hat tie KIII('annon spl'nt ~atltrda)' and Sunday In Sparta. • :\liss Dorothy Per.;on en­t('rpd U(lnn her ditties of tcacher ot the Plnkney\'l\le school this week, • :\Ir, Alhert \"ntson. Julian Jones. Geol'!;'{' Smith anll George Campbell of Dew­maine. III,. motored to our ('it)' one day this week, • ~fr, Perr)' D('an. after sel'pral months' stay' In Sprlngllelt1. Is IIgaln In our mlilst. • l1186 l.coln Stev­enson I" IIpendlll!: a few uay,; In Col(l, III, • !lU6S A nnll' Young. one ot the lendln!: youn~ Indl(,8 of this commit nIb'. rllcd after Il few days' IIInpss at Pulaski. III .. whl're she wns teachlnll' In the puh­III' !'('hool~, Her Rister Cecelln was nt hpr bcdslde at the time of her dl'ath, The (ltneral ,,1'1"\'I('e8 \\'ere held at the A, ~r. E, ZIon church 'Ycdnesda)'. Oct. 1 J. flev, T, A, :\Ioore wl1\ conduct the sl'l'\'lc<,,,, • Mr, Joe Bell Jr,' dl'pllrt(>d for Atkinson collego at MadIsonville, Ky., Tuesday mornIng,

Aurora. III" Oct, l3.-The oYllter sup­POI' at St. John's A. 1If. E, church'Thurs­day night was well attended. • !\lIS8 flossie Plltterson has slopped school on il.ccount of 111 health, • lira, Mary Waall­Ington, mother of Mrs. E, A. Hall, re­turned Saturdny from /I. O,'e weekll' visit with .frlends In Chlcn~o. • A group of young people met at thOi home of Mrs. Isabelle Hall lIIonday, 0i;9' to ~r an!;e for a ThnnksglvlnR' pr gram the

"~~BaPt18t church. mT>'" ,re ~nd a 8'ocl~1 I' ' ,


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THE PRAIRIE STATEThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Nov 17, 1917; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 7


'CbalJl&>alln. III ... Nov. 16.~Brawer', unlled In marrIage S/l.turday, Nov. 3, at tamou .. band will !!'Ive II. ahow and.. l{wnllton, Mo. loll'. Allen, formerl, ~­dance Thursday. No\'. ~2, at thf! North aided here. • :Mrs. John McCree /lnd Imperial Hall. • ;\11'11. Anthony JohnsOIl lIau&llter Tllora. returned to theIr home I. IU at her rc!;ldence, 356 Not·th Hlek- Ilt Omaha, Neb .• atter a. month's vlelt ory llU'eel. • Mil ... Leota Da .... ls. ehlelll'o, with relatlvu an4 trlen(lll. • 'l'UO Idle III vlllltlnif het' cousin, lIUslI Beatrice Hour Whist Club met Thuraday even­O,I.Y. 0 :'11'''. Harry C. Htne. vllltted In.: witI') 11(1'. ~nd Mre, William Briscoe bls aunt, ~h·~. MMtia trlneh, In ChlcllSo. at thO llama of Mr.' and Mre. F. C. Wblle thel'e ho visited MIR!! Ruth Jack- Muae. Mrs. F. C. :\fuJIfI receh'ed the lon, Who I~ attcndlng l'ro,'ldent hos· ftrbt Illdh:e' prh;e And Ml'1!. J<,>hll Eallley IIltal, Mtudylllll to be II. nursl'. • M .... the booby •. Of the .enUemen. Ollcal Elt. nUn willi twle4 to f.:llh:aao tllhl Williams rectJved the lirst XlI'j:;:e Rna

'~eek on acount ot tllo IIInesK of her John Eagley the booby. The guests "" .Aul)bter, Milley :'.rttellell .• Tho Chi- of the club ·were: :'.11'1/. lAura. Allen, '\lako Defends,' llol 01\ I<..te II.t B"eedlove Mr¥. )\fllry 1ll. BII.lIkll, Jllnll' Dameron New .. '!OI;npany. 6:1 Columttlll. avenue. IUld W. Pendlelon. • Mucon F. Saundlm!

r Bell lulol/hooo 11150. Delivery Ilervlce lett 'l'ueHda)' morning tOl' Chicago. , to ony part of the Twin CIlIEoH. • Claude where ha haa accepted II. position, ~ITs.

Cra~ dau,btens,f)t Flit WUaon., RVO,[:M. i/, ,C&IlIPln:11 jO.lIrcaI4en~.,~ ~r.~.Il-I' QI\ evenin .. party Saturda.y at'tb.'bomll ;&'0. wu here &tul'day •.• ·Mr. 8.11,4'Mls. ' qt Mrs. Fred Fo)'. The out ", town, 'Thomas Stone and lOn, ot J'elltu~kY , sueat was a,bllec" Bu"by, St; Loul.. 'were bfjrtt SaturlJu •• 11'. COI'Dllt 10 UI. , • Mns. Beujfle VlntPf •• c:lJlc •• "Ifu • .C. Browll ts ImprQvillll'. • 'llho .lIll ot here vIsiting Mr, and 1'011'1$, ~o. 'Vlck- Rev. J. W. Fltz died Monday and V>,lll en .. W. Sawyer lit. • RIIV. Nelson Field. burled Friday. • Mrs. Fannie Rodsel\ LIncoln. W •• here 8\1n4~:r lind preached has retllrned trom OAlro. • EI.le, ItlUe at "lItloch B~vtlllt ~h\lr(!h. • Prot. John '<1auf.htel' ot 1\ ....... nil Mr.. D. BoI, Cole, Whitt. sprlngneJd. WIllS hQr. f.junl1ay.· III it • • MOl. Irllne CllUk Willi blre TUIII!. Mrs. Bertl'.a. liamlltr,u. tata.yette. Ind., day nlQ'ht to attend the comedy' '" tI~o II here vlllltifli Mre.· Barf)" John~Qn, S. M. T; hall. .. Mle., Uary· L.' Andal" N. ChurQn a~. 9 CIUTQr4 Hurna and l't~r. 80n ot CQlr~ attended tbft· comedy lallt Perry of Sprll1&,fielil 'We~ 'here .• Mrs. ~ue6day. • :LIttle John Hope Is Ill. •. Ella Dean ,Taclt.on, EllI~bCltb '13lu., Otto .Clark W&8' summoned home Frl­wllro In l3loomlnllton a.ttendl!). toe day. )lr~. Ale.andel' III stili Ill. Stvwar(leSIlt6 convlntloll ot the J\. ~. ~ E. ehurQh. .. 1011'11. Anda. Owens. Weat Freeport. Ill .. Nov. U.~WlIliam Pe. Donatu(", WWI ca1l,,4 to Col\lnavlllo (In teroon and Wluy I1ow<ltn vl.lted Camp account of hel' f .. tl1er, Cparl'lI Slnr:le- Ol'l!.nt Sllnday. • W. 1'. JOne.s, ~ntoll. ton, ml!ettng 'WIth II- very ll&lIltul accl. Mill! .. ,.' vlr;ltlnll' frlendB this wOtIk. • lient. • Mrs. Mag"ie Wlnn Is Oil th" MilS Helen Walker Qf Kanlllll City slolc. list. • Mn. v.nnle WOll4fork I, spent tlJlodaYa laKt we.~ v'-ltln., wltb' packing UP prtparlnll' to l~vlI o.catllr relatlves. • Willlam E. Hall And .1\. for St. Loul., Mo. II. 'Monroe were ill Rockford 'futlsday.

Scott hll8 ben 011 the .. Ick UMt. hut I. Saunders wlll leave tile lu.ttor part of now Improving. • Tho c!\oh' of Octllel the week. and they will malic thell' A. M. E, church hnve reoolved thcil- future hOIllO In the Windy Ctt)'. • Mrs. new robell an .. wore ~hl!m rof the nret McKey of Chicago hi visiting at the time lust ~undllY mornillg. • The holllil Qt 1>11'11. C. M, Sllarpe. )\frl. life. •'hIIlLtheu. Lyceum held It II Ke)' WIlS caUecJ here 1'>1' account of the Cltlcaro Height!!. 111., Nov, 1O.-l>frJl.

• l\,nu EllIe.bath ParMI' ot 0.1'1'11111 Mills. who spent three montbs' vaoa­tlon with Mr. and M'TII. W. El. Hall. lett laat week for her )lome •• Altrecj. Hern­Qon ot Dixon bllll returned. * Rev. A. Madison. Kewanee, Ill., prellchad & soul·sUrrlng- sermon last Sunde.y night at the St. ,Paul Baptist church. • Tile A. M. Fl. Church had It. tlrst quarterly meeting last Sunday with Presiding Elder HIgglnrt In Chal'8'e. ' The Rev. W. Blackman spent t:lunl\ay in Rockford. , Will HU8tOll, 35 Crocket strset, Is at thl! Rockford gaa plant. • The W. W. Club n10t Monday nIght at 186 Mechanlo IItreet at Mrs. Joe M. lI-l'ed!nston'rl •• Defende .. on sale every Saturday at tho "Dixie."

monthly me!!Unlf J.i'rldIlY nlsl)t und tile death or Mr •. mea Smith •• Fun~ral Mamie Brow. 'Mra. HetUe ,r'\lIr Ilnd tollowlng program Walt NlllIler('; Son~ 1If>I''I'11le'1I fill' Umm/II Cor-l1ln wera held Mills Wardnl!Jder Da'P1jp 1IDUed the tDr­by lho I.Y<:lIum; pl·aver. nc~·. Town. Iih.ndllY aftl\.-noon at :\Io\lnt Emlll'y mer's IIllllba'l1Q, C. ~ro"n. who Is In IIflnd: \'ooal 8010. MISK Bl'ld/{ClM: palHlr, Bl'lltblt churell. In chargll at the paa. Rockford trn.lnlng ""mI'. IMt Sunday. Ml .... Marll'u!lrito .Iones; "Ho'tv to I(eop tor, Rev. E, L. SCl"Ull'Il'a. • GIY!le Leroy • :'%1'11. W. T. Mlla.n. 1$l6 EMt End, Is Well III Willte!"," D,,, H. E, Rowan: GlIu •• Des. r.roillta, Jowa •. Villl be here Impl·ovlnll'. • Llt~' Master KI)l\ueth parllamentary 111'111. ,\, U. LI'c: joul'nal! In a plano reoltal Nov. 3D, at the S()C- Vall was III lor a. fe'lll' days lut week. eeell Pope. Thtl Lyceum alao' hela onl1 }laptU't cllllroll. under the 1111- • A. L. Wl4tson WQ Itctlt home a. few Its lleml-I~llllal election or oll1cel'H. The 811lcea at the lloUII\3hold ot Ruth No. da.y" from hie w<lrk b~ maUII last following' Wr.I'O t'lected: Pr811ldent, T. a9t. Mt·, Glas" will be a,ilijlsted by local week .• :I.!rlS. Mamie Por~\ll', Kewanee. H. JnckKolI: vlcn president. K E. tQlftllt. • 1I11·1!. Lewlo and nCllllcw. III.,' I, residing with bill' huabll.ncS at Campbell; lI~colld vice p"osllent,lIta1'le Goorgo OouII1&ll Triplett, of Greenwood. 1610 Union IItretlt. • Rev, T. a.Gard­Dyer; tlOCrChll')". Clarll HhaITnor: 1"'- lflas., ttre the guoetll ot )Irll. Lowis' nel', who hls a4drll" Il8 33C1 Hllilant I<CIlI'ctlU'Y, MrH. ao~le Davm: qlster, !'>fr~. Wl\lh~11l Triplett. • Cl}'de Pralrle.lI.vel'ue. Cilioall'o. did flilt havlI correspondl\1g 1<0l:rotal"Y. ;\Ir". Alice Lee Jackson lcft tor Chteallro IIIondll.Y morn- very muct. 8UeCOliS In leading the meI'Q­Pope; parllamllntllrlan, 0,·. U. E. Row- Ing to el'1ter Moler Cotlere. * Tbe Lo.- b~rs ot Shiloh BallUlt (,lhur;::h to the an; edlt'Jr, HalT), UlhIls; Qs.l"tant elt- cUes' Friday Art Club met FrIday art- clly hQ.1I as wall expected 1))' hill q;entf$ Danville, Ill., Nov. 16.-Thursday the Itor. Ed.,a. Wllllon: musical director. ernQon wIth Mrs. George Harris and lllllt 8und!l.Y· • TbB pla.y and concert YOUl~g lrtll.tron$· ';lea.dlnll' Circle met lil. H. !:lcoH; planlilt. :\fury Glllne~. • Mlsll Clemma Herald at the homl1 ot given by A. M. E. ehurch 10JIt Satur- I h -r B b B II J h Ha.rold (lray. whC) Ie !!mployed at the the tormer .• Miss .Josephlnc W'Il/ldle. <lay oysnlnS' WIUl Il. lIuocess •• The alec- W t .. rs. a.r ara ay 8, 0 IlS0n Unlvcl'Rlly of !IIlnols, left l'''l'lday night llis~ Mazy RobertI!. Willie AUen and trio lights wilieh hav/t been tnatl\.\led "threet,' • The I,PhIUlMtOr'1I HAldh of .A41en for Sprlr,glldd. [II., where he took the W. Pendleton motored to Sprlnll;lleld at Shiloh Baptist churcb Ilro II. STeat c aile met W I'll. ug es. \VO IUlnolK stutc "IvU servIce c~llmlnaUon. Sunday evening In '!It", Allen's '!IlcFsr- lmprovsmon~. Rov. W~ .. vor. who 110n- flew memwbel'!!, Mrs. l>fcDemltt nnd MT~8 . • Tile Bal'uCIl clat!M of Bct/ml A. :\1. E. Innd ~Ix cm· .• WilHam Maddock Is 1m- tlucted sel'Vices Sunday. oreated qUite Eunice ebllter, were added.· ,.Il Sund .. }' 3"h(lol had the I .. election nnd proving .• Miss Yun Rllnkln. heatl nllr~c nn ImprcsHlon on tbe congregation .• A plil.te supper at lIIn. Amy Robinson's Infllullatl'H1 -ot offlocrs latit Sunday. at the 'ew Home Sanitarium. lH vl3lt- number ()f l'ellidentli. conlll.tlllg ~,1\.II'. last Thursday lJ~' the Plann ctub of Thc followll1g omears wero Inst.llled: fnll' ,rlend" In Chicago. 0 Fllm'cal lI"t·V· und Ml'u. A. 1... Wa.tson. dllou.hlllr. lind Allen ehapel was a. :S\lCCf:l!8. • Rev. Prc.~ldellt. H:1rold (irt~y; ""lIt vice pres- Ie,,!! tor 1If1~~ J~lel1ora Lynch wore h~ld others, ultended tho celebmtlon ot UI. Prett),mll.n Is ill I1t the Soldlel'll' Home. Idcnt. ,\rtlllli' Wood1'u!'; Mcontl "Ice lI!on<Ji\)' urter'noon at 1I1oUllt Emory 40th anniVersary WhIch was held In • l~ev. Lee Mattoon hI much Improved. p,·cslu(mt. l~, H. Scott; thlnl vice lU'es- DUI)tist church, in ,,1!l1r~'" of tho pa~· ChicaGO at Bethel A. M. l~, churcb In Sunday Rev. :.tanuel, ot Sprlm:Oeld. Ident, Cecil T'O[lO; fourlh \·Ic,· lJrcllldent. tOl" the He". ~;. L. Hemg(!9. Mis. honor of Rev. Dr. Cook. l,reached ~t S!)cond Bg.pUllt church. ~ I~lmcl' 1h'IlWIl;. firth "Ice j)1',,~jllent, Ray Lyneh Imffercd :I. year. Sht'> died at the The dlrlhsr to be .'vlln at Allen chapel 1111''' .. ; .. e"r~!m·)·. 11, \V<>ltsl<:,r; t"Rehor. eltr'" age of 1 ~ ynnrs. on Th!l.JlksgiV Inll' . by llle Palltor's Aid A. R. Lt·!); :tHMi"tiUlt tea"h~\', RIl". A. _ Cenh·o.lIa.. III., NoV. lIl.-Mrs. Edna und the cllnta.t& at night by Mrs. T .• Tack,.,," .• The"., (HO no", 0,,(, POI'- Uocld'ord. Ill,. Nov, lB.-The new Brallley died Nov. 8 and was burled La.ura Lee and com"any will 1>0 p.lI'l'eat !lOnR "'1l1,ln,'c" at the Uni\'crHlty of $12,000 A. ~r. N. church wa" de<tlcatell Sunday afternoon trom the Second event. • Sunday Rev, S, B. Jone8 a.nd 1I1Inol>!. 'I lallt Sunday. BIshop Collim •• Pr"~ldlng IlIWtlst ohurcll. Sbe leavclI a lIulI- '1;'Ite. were entertained by Mr. and Mrll.

• Jo:liler Higgins lind prtstors ot local b~nd and mother to mourn her lopa.· M. O. WebBI~r •• TlVo Instltutlol\t •• thll·IIl". Ill., l"o\,. le.-MI·. and whlta ohurciws w"re prest'nt. Beaut!- MI', and Mrs . .Anderson. ChampaIgn, Young ·Mon's Lyceum nnd tho ChU­

Mr!>, IIcon :;aundars "ntlll'!'lined II fill music WIlr; rendr.rcd b~' a vested III.. Ilro here visiting their mother, dren's Home. with Mrs. J.aurn Lee and numlle!' or f!'i<'Jld~ :'Ilondny evaning at clHllr. Ml'~, Je8s!e nobln"on. director. Mrs. Bunch. , MItiS Adeline Leake ot Mr. Thompson. founders. are progre",,,­the ""sldl'nc~ n' "II'. ItIHI "ll'S, C. n, • \Valtflr Rnbln~on Bon "r Amo" and Der..atur Is here ttlls week, • 1oIrs. A. ,Ing. FI't'cmllu in 1I0nol' of :\Irs io:,ullulcr'" S R tol " r II 'I '1'. Grimll Idt tor 8t. I,ouls this ", .. ek --muthel'. Mrs, ,10hn McCr",,' of Omaha, u~lln 0 IIs.on, ,\1(',1 Illst 'I' (a:;. ilM 1'10 Visit her brotber, • !\fme. COle-Tnt-: Ullin, IlL. Nov. 1S.-Rev. Hunter Neb \\'l\i"t "':.Ill onJoy,,,1 .1ul'lllH Iho I;~other. Adrl.ln lltlhlnson, IInrl uncie. bot and husband will give n recital at I was Hllnt to UlIln by Dlshop .lameson eVC'llin:.:-, ;\!r~. John l':aslcy 1'1',,('1\·,>(1 I': Iwar~ !to~inso~. It 10th . 10fH ~t;1caso~ ; Ih" Franklin school audItorium Thurs- I to paslor a.t the C. M. £. church this thp. I1r.! lalll,'s' prizc ;lnd JIf,.", 'VlIllam came tlI e or t 1(' unera • un a)f, day evening, • Mrs. Ed Norwood 13 conference year. The eX-l)nstor. Rev. Trir,l('lll'N,ch'Nl th" booby. tit Ih" gen· ,\11 Items gh'en to the rCI,orterund bette". • Mrs. W. J, Crawtord Is re- C. Ii. Wilson. was sent to Mounds, • tlt'm(!ll. ('. II. IC,'p(>man l'e,~('i\''''1 the nl~ affnlrs which come to the knowl· hear"lng the children for :t. patrlotio Rev N N Oaldwell Harrlshurg vls-1"'81 1,,'17.(> !In,l 'l'hllmaH n"loh"on the 1'('l::e of tilt! ",'pnrtol' are !lent II'! as prllgram at Calloway's hall. • MisS 'ted' In 'Ullin last we'ek en route 'home bO(Jh~·. • Claud" Hammond. Bowling ncw" each we('k. • lIIrs. Frances" hitI': Pal".henll1 Tal'lnr gave a surpl'lae party irolll St LoUis He \V1l8 guest ilt dll\­GI·Cell. ~rll .. antI :\[rs. gila ,\!tell were of \3('I\·1.d"1'6 was a. Sunoay \'1~lto; •• , for her little chum. Nona 1I)'nNI. Sat- nor Tt\1.;r~dIlY a.t the hOlJle of :Mr. and

, Mrs. RII.s n~blnaon al1d duughter l-.lIsc urduy. • ~fl'. and Mrs. Thomns Cal- Mrs, Oeo. Shanklin. * A piny will be or Arpin, \\ bl" a1'a vlsltlng 1\Irs. Rob. loway's little grandson fa sick. • Mrll. 'ven by the pupils of the 'Vest Side In~on'll m"~hcr. :'tIn. Gcort;e Winn. • C. 1'1. Rallel', &~O North Loeust !ltrllet, ~~liOOI Wedncs"ay • Lonnl .. Hytower lfr". Anna Hall nr\(1 clnullhtr:r Helen a.l·e leaves Sunday mOl'nlnlJ" for Na9hvllJe. 111m' :\I1~ses Da~lc UIlII Pulliakl. and \',ISlting here.;' ~h~~_:Lulll Sweot elltel'- Telln., to visit relatIves WId friends,· Iva NOI'~CIJ. Mound City: were visitors t..lnllt! tho L.dlcs ::.ocml club at the Thl'! ladlos of Centralia rea.dlly sIgned ht're Sf\.turday .• :'Usa lAverne Thorl'o, "'lme of llrs. Jame~ Dl;lmllOd Inat th~ pilldgc of tood consen·at!oll. • Rev. :'.Io~nd City spent the week-end w th '1'uesd:t.y e\·en!ll~ .• Tho UtO!lIlln cluh W. H. Cartel' of the Sccon~ Baptist hOt' parents:. Harry pnlme~. St. Louis, met o.t the Phoenix Inn Wedl)eSday church ndmlnlstel'ed the Lord s Snpp"er Is visiting his elster. Mrs. Mary \Val­nlgllt. Aln!lworth .\ltkClIli an(1 r.ouls' Suuday evening In their new Individual ton • C Kelley transacted business In , "II"t~n ,were hosts. • Leroy Brown, W. communion 50t. • Dethel A. :'II. E, ::\tounn Cit), Saturday •• The Petender: ,T. '~iII;:lmOl. M,·. Clayton. M.·. SmIth church will s~r\''' dinner Thanksqlvlng Is now handled by :\flss Yersle Gunl· of the Bockford Tnskegee QUintette. day:\t Calloway's hall, and will also ncr •• Tllll I:Itork vl;tted Mr, and Mrs.' ha\'e "Olll! to DOli ton and w1H arran go render a program that evening. Henry Terrel Monday. • Mrs. Amel' Co,, concerts th"re and Cl<,'dct to wprk '!Ifathls Brownville •. Tenn" Is \'!sltlng out 11 route thut will C!lUlIS their a.r- ~fetro;>olls, 111., Nov. l6.-Mrs. Adol- her daughter. Mrs. ,T; ·Woods. ri\"!ll in th ... spring .• George Partner. pllos Henry visited In Paducah. Ky .• Herbe!'t Allen and noland Smith ot Inllt week. • The Lildies' Aid held a ~aml' Grant were visitors Sunda.y. • mf'etlng at the residence ot lfl's. G. E. ll!"~ Estelle Hurrimcton and WeAley Masterson }<·rlday.- Simmons McCrary, Th6U!J were marrll'd ::'lunda.y afternoon IJroolqlOrt, m., vislttd h~re lust week. at tho home of the brilie'" alster. Mrs. • l\1I~~es Mac a.nd Anna Roberts vls­F,'p'l Payne, by Re,·. P. M. Lewis. They Itp.d In Paducah. Ky., I:laturdo.y, ~ Pre­will malee their home at 2007 Green vldlng F;ht1'r fie\'n 51'des held tlrst slreet. • L. P. :.'IIol'l'OW (If Chicago WJlS Quarterly meN!ng sillce conference at here \i'ijt we~l< loo!<lug o\·e,· the pros- St. Pa.ul A. ,,1. E. church Sunday. • pects f.w bUHlnosa OPl'orlUnitlel! tOl' our lilt·. and ;.\trs. T. 1'. King. Unionville,. !leopl" here (', by tlle location of 111 .. wer!! In the city SundlloY. • til,·, Camp Grant, • :'Irrs. Ge()rge Bueltncr ::-tacCol'k was In Paducah, Ky., last and d:t.\I~:ht"r Allne of ;';fadison. Wis., woe) •• • Mrl;. Laura. 'rumbs and Ta.ylor \'Islteu !lfrs. Ad('l1a :\1. RoSll ove., Sun- Slnlls ar .. in C\1!cago. Ill .• for a tow day. (iay". ~ Doyd )lcCalle and !tiles },'Ior·

Shawneetown. IlL. N01'. IS.-Mrs. Sophia Cantrell is IIlcl •• • !IUs" Allie :'Ifac nt'ekman. who hall been !lIck In Terre Halltc, Ind .• came home Sunday, nccompnnlod by 1\(>1" uncle, Th05. Gm­ham. • \Vm. Barg<'r or :\rt. Vernon. fl'd.. spent the week end visiting his nicc", ~rr ... Ca.lvln Colleld. While here he united with the A. 1\£. E. church •• :\fr. and :'1fT"', CaWln Golleld, ]\frs. Car. ric Cnsey. l\lIs!J D. \V<'al'er. 'Wm. Bar­ger ot :'.!t. Vernon and ''''m. Ba.rger Jr. 'ment Suntla;;' afternoon at Gold Hili. • !<Ir, ::t nd !\[I'~. mmer WlI!!on lost theIr infant ,.1 .. 1 last week, • !\Irs. :'Inggle Brown left Satmdu.y uitcr a. visIt with her daughter. 1\1,·s. Rlm<:>r Wllsolj. • Mrs. Bessie CoI1P.I<1 f'ntertu.lned I\t 5 o'clocl, dlnn~r Friday, Re\·s. H. Shontz, A. Baker. D. N .. !lhUl", ''''Ill. Barser St·., :'lfl's. M. J. Aillm and :'.USB D. 'Vea""r. • Re •. H. Shunlll lett tor his hOlJ)e In Henderson llrt~" a. VCI'y !luecc"srul "c­vival m"<>llnll' 11 t Free !la-Ilt/st church, • :\11'. amI Mrs. Burton Higgins lett hlst weak to)' indIana. Jiarbor, fad., wnllre tlley will re/ilde Inilefinltely. .. 1II1ss D. :II. \Ven.Vl'r lHIS been acting principal oi the Dllllbllr 6enool for the pant week. • !lev. l'l'uit or Duquoin !tiled Ills rellul'l.l· da¥ hllre Inst Sunday. • Robert C(llo and N. Woo(Unrd ot J(:elltlleky v/qited I,"l'{l Sunday. ~ OU\­ers !lHlpl·talni;lI~ tor th~ fl1'enchllrll wen: fl, .T. StnD'''!!, :\fvII. Anllie Coflol4. l\Jrll, 1". Ci. ntnlmlH. i\In;. G. \V. t?{)ftman IHld ~I fl!. Minnie Pa.yne. • Juanlt~ SUggH. B1acl(bul'n, Ky., who hn" !lecn In LouiKVlll .. , 1>1 agalu enrolled I\.s a pupil "t Dunbm·.

Dt:'catllr. llI .. 'KO\·. IG.-!lIr. nn4 ~[rH. n(>l'bel't Hurley. who h:wp \leen III «;:111. C'Il::;O. h,wc returned. • Uu.niet Pryol·. C.,lumlJia, :Mn .• ill here vlsilhul' his <laught" •• lIr ... ,\IIe<! <.'111.1>, • M'I·". :lta)'­b~Hc 'Vl'ilc. Detroit. Mich.. matle a trill to De,etltu,· Satu,·da.,·. G i\lrs. Lou!:'; J.o:arnpst. Oldahonltl. j" here on huul· n";;;; .•• lIm"r""11 Young. wh6 has bt:'en

I vcry r;id •• i:; ht-ller .• lAlIlI~", l'tl!ldrerJ ,lUlII l'uu~IIl" :.'Ilarhlcg. Nanr;. Bell Imd

el ce Renfro silent SundaY In the coun­try. • Mr ... Nallcy J()nes Is tndlliPQsed thl" week .• WIllis Jones WIlS a Padu­call IIhoPllel' Saturd"y. ~ Miss Anna Robert.. 0ntertl<lned h"l' lIohool pupils with 1\ pu.rty Vrldny aftornoon at her rel!iclencll. • l\H~1I Nancy Crlppena Is much Improved at this wrltln\T. • ReV. C, C, Phillips ot Golconda, III., wall In the city last week attending the execu­tive bOiud. > Doc ~omnll continues to bo very sick. • '.rhe Boy Scouts are planning a concert Cor the near future,

Wa.tsoka. III.. Nov.· lB.-MIllS Ruby WIllis of Alml spont Sunday with the Gllthard t:lmll)l. • F"ed Lewis, Fay­ette Iowa' Fl'ttnl( Sheppard, Chletl8<l; Mr.' and :!ofts. Major Brown. Chicago';' :Ill'. aad "Irs. Curt Bell. Amell. and l.·.·ank Bell qt Paplnea.u and Joe Ma.ln-1',,1, Terro Ha.ute. attended til,,· fUneral or little lI1atlon, the Infant daughter ot :Ill". and :.'I1,l's. Charles Bell on ThurR­<la~·. who dll'd on 'l'uesday morning Qt parltonltls. .. James Morris nlotorcd to Pa.pineau r··riday afternoon In com­pany with MiSS NQ\';). Bell Il.ncJ Mr. I'Ted Leins. - Mrs. Ama.nda. !\1qrds, who haa been confmed to he.' homo with pneumonIa, 15 ImllfOvlllg slowly, • ;)11-. atHl ~lr5. Artlllll' WlIson and tamily. Fu~'ctte, Iowa, moved tll!"lr hOllsehold ;:ood>l (ll) -,tondliy and lll"O residing 011 tho, (ieonr" Alhand .. tal·m. one and a halt'mlles ea8~ pf tOWII. • ::\lr/l. Mary Johnson hI itrtltrOVillg' alter a. slight m­m:8~. .. Mr. Ilond ;\Irs. SIllll Gowen 11.1\(1 f<unBy v,",tcu ".Aulltje Pierce" at 0na.rl>0 lallt ~ljl1aa¥. • MIHB Doris ;U on'l" received I~ 119W IIIAno Il!! a birthday I;I!t frQlllo \I~r ta.tlltr last WIlPk. • ,\Irs. Cecile llr3'ant visited ,'elaUves In J...;lfttYt:ltle. 11'1<1.

l'.:ruit St. Louip, IH., Nov, 16,.,.,..,.'):'11. Lincoln high !lct.ool alld FrIKt DolUl" las high school ,(It ColumbIa. Mo .. wll\ pIny their annual tOQ~\)Q.u .. "mit Sa.t­urday ~fl\lrIlOjln Ilt K:vII"11 pIU'~. • Ar· sene ao~'kl!i, tormerl)' fJl tlilil ell),. who hits been in thn meat Inspection bu­re~ Qf ;>.nimal in<tUJItrY 9.t Chicago. hill! bN"Il 'dlaft(ld ai1d now Ie In tfQ.lnillll' at Camp Grllnt. • A mlJI!1! me,tlm[ WAAJ hel,l Sunday at St, John's. (!l\lJrch 1.0 di5CUIII'I and devIse tn81Ul1!I (<'If the tennent of the llcup\e. • Ollr peollle yoted last Tilollday aUn()st to ~ lmlt In (""or ot the commission (arm .ur ROV­("rnment. • The Defender enn be had Ilt !<lIllr.f'a, 1811 :(:land ;t"'@QIIOj IIl101ll.\ llrldgt\ 570-W, Jamep :alalJ~ will de­liver the Defellderto In'AlIl parl Ill' the city. • Mlsa0s 4l1ee ilnd Qilldyt LucaN !l.nd An:Qa. BoykIn .ave II- Hal­loween party at th~ re81~cmce of 14111s Boykin, 1'11 UOl1d II.Vllnue. The rooms, were deeorate<\ in llllJ!owellD style. • Wm. C\lmmlnlf8 hall lone to Chnil~s­town. Miss., to· vlalt Ills !ll<ltber, • SI· mon Tboms.s al\d MIS, Mary FIelder wcrQ ma.rrled on Nov. "1\ II.t the relll­dcnee of' Mr.lI. ~ary,~.·~Cummlng8, 1~26 Mark,t JlVellU'.' ",

f\{pnqioutb, II!., NQV, 18,-~II'II. QeD. I>"a"mer IUlel ".11111 'Dpl'OtllY Bell. .l'fI vls­Itlnll' In ChlC$lI'o.,. Quarterly Jnll&tlng ser,'IC;etI wef~ comtu{.ltp4 a~ St, ,TlUllee' A. ~{. E. "\lurch IiIlmlla.y \1)' RflV. O!'-r­rl~(ln, Oql~abllf" IUIl~'~tel'\ b)' JeIlV.;s •. N. 'NcCracken, Chicago. Special IJlU-: sic WOJI rendered by, the ehol\,. About 25 PolOpl" of Gallitil;i.irg_ttend4lQ quar­ter", .In.~tlQ' lIorvlceII .t St. JlWle,' t\.. ,

~Q;II~~:~~ ~~I~d~\l~~~vfv:l::::~'1 Ices .at Glllv~~ Bt\pt!lItcltlU'IlIl' ,thla. week. ..• , Mrs. LoIll1lU1 .. bel hI !lIck, .; CbarlQf Sklllller. J;>,Ofia, ~., liltte tor' "'l.h:!JII.ftlJI4o., aLloy· • .~r', B.\!\l)ClhO .Wllk i don hOIl closed bel' re!lta.u~t \In.' 1« .. 1'­ket place ,on' ac:Co\lut. of: tile IUness ot 'bel' raUler" Mr. ,pr194lo

)io~nde cnY.J.\I~~ov. li,-Tbe. ~n. {erClllel' '1)1: UllIFt"'~ ~RtlJJt ollurQh wp.a h"td here I".t we,k, - Iofr. B.elllhlo III IlJlprovIJtIl',·~,MJ'tI, 0I\l10 cpme(t mlUle lI. trip, to . Co.lro ,Sllturdny 1)101'l1ln... M'n" RobllX'ta "eturne!! h~etrIlM" vlBit 11l.~'l:cinn~!Iee last SqudDY; ·'cThe Peartllns~ clUb met with All'll.. J.' W, Ware last We aesday. ,The next meet­I" wlll be wi h Mns. Co L. Rt_ Mrs.


. :\!ollnds. III.. No\·. 18.-Mrl1. Sadie ;).{arttn or South Elm litreet Is Ill. • !<Ulill Marie !\tcDavid III Ill, • Rev. WIl­Eon. formerly of Ullin, Who has been usslgned to tho pastor".lge of the C. M. E. ohurch, Willi present Sunela)' lind d"llver~d bis InlUal sermon. HI" fam­Ily 'viii mQ,'e /!(1J'(l SOOI1 ... The DUflbuI' Club WI\S entertained by :'Ir~. Dovlo :\fcDavlcl Batm'day aflcl'noon. • T. C. Ihll. Po,·t Clln(!]n. Ohio. wils a recent visItor In ""Qund". • N. C. Buren ot Detroit •. Mlch •• was here a few days "I.itlng rell!.tlvea and . friends. Ha has been called to tile colors. ~ n. ·W. Eng­land was re·elected juetiCEl of the peace. • :\Irs. At. Ward ot Elm street has I'etufnetl after an extended 'Visit in the !louth,

:!IH. Vernon, Ill .• No\'. Itl.-:llr. anti :lfrs. Bell, Dallvllle. aro expecting to lo­cate here. 0 Albert Cjuter Is in Chi· cago. * Mrs. Susie Bell hns returned from :t. visit to Kentucky. • Mesdames R. Helms and Roselta George have .. e­turned tram St. LOllill. • He,'. S. S. Landers Is })astor !]f C. !'-1. E. church tor thts yt.-al·. H~ nnd his )'Tlcmbers arc cxpectlng to do II. great ,york thIs yeB.!'.,

Ea."t MOline, 111., NoV. I6.-Lollle Taylor leH Molln~ SUn<la), for his home in I'ernwood. !lH~~. • )frs. A. L. Larun's bahy died. • Rev. Sanders preachc{l at .he· Bapt!5t church Sundns. • :\Irs. J.\n~ Al\dersoJ1 and Mrs. JOSie E. Callom \'I~lte(\ In Davenport Monda.y.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

PRAIRIE STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Sep 28, 1918; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 14

PRAIRIE STATE NEWS for PeorJa tc . ~ ...... '-"' .. Ma.ttoon, Ill., Sept. 27.-Mrs. I.I1I!e

Garrett and da.ughttr, Georgia, who have been vhdUng the tonner's brother. P. J. BeasUy, and family ot 1812 Cham­palgn, ha,ve returned home In I".trls, Tenn .• Mrs. Arthur Anderson I~ visit­ing In Tuscola, • Mr. and lll"8. Georga Smith entertained at dinner SUllday at iheir home, 1801 Piatt; tot" 'K;;\~: 'ari~i Mfa. 1... E. Christy.·· Mrl!. Mlnervl\ Houston, Champaign. and little Miss O~e\la Persuna returned home laf!t l'oIol.lday atter visttlnc rela.tlves. • Wrlll'ht Elllott, Chll.mpalgn, retUrned bome Friday attar being" the guest of hIs sIsters, lIrs, A. J. Barnett and ;\Irs. Ja.mes Butl&r. • ReV. H. C. Burton. Spa.rta, III., passed through here nnd vIsited frIends.

Cisco has received word fl'om his >lun, I, and R, E. Brown motored trom St. week.· MISe La. Verne Sharp was VIS-II<lSt Saturday to bid 1\11'8. Lo\'e Itood- ~,Vern Reed entertained Rev. E, H'lllett TueedllY afternoon G. W. elsco, that he lett tor oYet'seus Louis to spend the week-end with the Iling with her parents last week. • A by .• :'.11'8. Raldl!! llayberry is visiting Borden at dinner 'j'u{!sday B\'enillg, • attend conference. Sept. 2 .• ~Ir. J. G. Scott of St. Paul. ~Hsgelf Johnson, South '.i'own. • A ban- number at people tram other cIties relatives and friends in Danvlll.,. Ill.' ~lrs. Joseph ~lood)' and daughter -----------------­:lllnn .. spent the week end here .• A quet will be gIven Tuesda.y evening at were here to tho rally and 1.!aptlzlng :l1\8S HattIe Bniley ut Murray, Ky., Cbarlutte are \'Islting relatives in J r!!Cllption was given Saturday evening tho Second Baptist church In honor ot at the !IT. B. church Sunday •• Rev. sister o{ !III'S. Beulah Albrlttoll, is l{entucl,y. • At the Humorous pr.;-at the home ot IItrs. H. Evant! In honor, the drafted bO)'!!1 who will leave tor F, 'V. 'Wllliams preached at the C. M. I "pending a few days In the city en gram gl\'el\ :ll Cl'Uce A. !I\. K church, oC l!:\,crett Evnns "'ho leaves Sunday. Camp Gl'lUlt Thursday. • !I!r. and !III'S. E. Church Sunday. • Harry Palmer, I route to Chicago. !Ill'. and 1111'S. Albrit- special commC\nt wus g1\'!'l1 tile D. S'I fo\' enmp. • Clarence Mosb), end John! Sidney BureU lost their infant daugh- Detroit, !lllch .• wa,a here last week. ton expect to spend their vacation In S. quartette, composed of !llislles Allen'l l'~ans were St. Louis visitors thls tel' • John Valson has -- thE> Windy. City .• Mrs. Beulah Cobb Is Maybelle Porter. Ethel DIsh"",. Viola week. • ;\Irs. Alonzo English accom- I joined tbe .A. M. E. Zion church, • The I Jacksonville, Ill., ~pt. !!7.-::>'Irs. Hat- In tbe city visiting friends. • Mrs. John Neal and MIl~'belle Adam .. , and the I panled her brotber, E\'erett Evans. to I A. M. E. Zion chul'Ch re.leed $85 at thell'

l tie Wilbourn was hostess to a. dinner TIlylor and guest spent llU1t Tuesday I~l l'eadlngs by Mrs. Ramah Green and

St. I.ouls Sunday evenIng. ,rally Su.nday. • R'&\'V J F. W11llams, party In honor ot Rev. J. H •. Flsher, Cairo shopping .• Mr. a.nd Alrs. J, '1. Berthlne and Irenl! King. • ~lr. and! _ i presIding elder ot the A. M. E. Zion 1 pastor ot Bethel churCh, • The 1nvln- WillIams entertained Re\'. J. W. ,,1ley !\Irs. Henry RlIdclitre entertained .Mr.

Champaign III Sept 24 -Re\' D IOhUrCh, prfla.ehed heu Sunday. • Mrs .. clble Concert Co. gave a splendid mu· and wlte at supper Friday. • Russell Sime. who Is soon to lea\'e to" :lfitch 11 Detroit inch held'hls fourth Laura. Leake attended the Baptist As- ~ slca.le at the Mt. EmoTY Baptist church Thomas Cr{)8S of IndIanapolis, Ind.. training at Rockford, Ill., at dinner. ; !la.rt:rJ·' meeu'n

4 at' th& C :\1 E soclatlon last week, which was held at· Thursda.y.· Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. J ... who ha.a recenUy been called to service, Sunday. • Quite a number of P,d'l"

~hUI'Ch ~unda¥. :i'; Novella. Fene):, 'De: I Duquoin and was re-elec~d prealdent. Scruggs and daughter Bernice were spent a tew days bero viSiting hit; people attended the I::mat1<'ipaUHn catur Alu Is \·tsitlng lira Nesbit -I of tbo missionary socloty. II1rs. John' tho guests of M:nt. Mary Ha.tthman Patents, Mr, and Mrs. Homer Williams, celebrutlon In Tel're Haute the ~3!'d. * Hev 's lJ" 1Iall Eva T • De~~ and im Webb, McComb City, MlslI., has gone and mother, :ltra. Waggoner, at sup- a.nd otlier relatives and friends. • 1\IIss ::'1I5s r'lorence Anderson of Lost Creel<. ' carter 'I;a~'e returned trom St. r..ouls,l to Gary, Ind.; to Visit her daughter. per last weck. • ::'lIs8 Luclel Wa.tts, Zenobia. Carr was tho week-end guest Ind .. ~·U.B II. Sunday visitor .• lloward

Danville, nl.. Sept. 27.-Rev. Y. J, where t/ley uttended the state national' 111m. Martin. lIflss lie Shorod Is bet- Pittsfield, accepted a. position here, of her mother. Reed and Herman Holman ot Dan-Gamble and tllmlly lett Friday tor Elk- convention, * Earl Cartel' hilS l'eturnoJd tor. While here she 1s stopping with her \'1110 were Sunday guests ot 'Miss Ethel hart. Ind., where be has charge or a from St. Loul~, !llo. • l/I'. and !llrs. II -- alster. Mrs. Jerome Rollins. • Re\', B. Elgin, III., Sept. :!7.-Mlss .Mary Bishop und Ylola Neal. • Tho Eme.nci-church. • Mrs. Barnoy Jackson re-. Tom Pearson, Springfield, and !\fr. and Mound City, Ill., Sept. 21.-:Ur. and P:.E. Gales, Evanston, HUed the pul- Washington ot Detroit Is hl"re owing pation celebration wn.s held at the Call' turned Tuesday tram Camp Grant., ~lrs. Xormal PeVllon. Chicago, are vls- I ;\trs. Guy Bar.ker, Mounds, attended Pit Sunday at "ft. Emol'Y. He came at to the Illness ot hel' IIlstt-l'. Mrs. Car· ground!:: at Terre Haute, Ind .. :\tondaY. where ehe visited her husband, "'ho itlng theIr brothel'. George Pearllon. ": services here l5~mday at the A. !II. E. the requosl ot the pulpit ~ommlttee to ri& Pride .• l1l's. r::mma :\lItchel, :'III'S, Sept. 23, The following Paris people lett the 9th tor overseas .• !l111.s Ruth Ed R\le~' is \'ery ill. • .Toe Belle.!, ehurch. - ;\11'5. Emma Kay attended the sue.ceed the Re,·. E, L. Scruggs, who ..... nno. Radford nnd ;\11":;. Vmey alld attended: llr. all,1 Mrs. Donald Brown Lee I'eturned home So.turday from Pulaski. III., Is \'18Itin,'; friends in ,., reception at Mounds iUonday evening. resigned a.s. paator tD accept a call Hev. J. L. VIlley, pastor ot th" ),.. l\I. and ,;on. Donald '1' •• ~lrs. Allen, llary Champo.lrm. Where she \'jslted h'it-nds Champnlgn .• \VllIle BuUer. :Mattoon,1 • All'S. Cora 1,o,'e lett tor Chicago to from the Second Baptist ehur<!h at E. church, attend(;d the conference In Thomas. Bett~· Easters. Pettlf"Td, Ed­tOl' ~en daYS .• Eucene Roberts ot Chi- , was hC!l'I; \'16itlng his wife. lfl·S. Mae .Ioln hel' husband. • MI'fI, Ely Brock is Jefferson City, Mo, • !III's. John King Evanston. " E. !If. ::I11tchel is working ward King. B('rtha Ularlton. Troy Pol'-("a,t;;o \·Ialt'!.) his m.lther, Ml's. William Butler I. ,n. • Mrs. Catherine Brown Is better.· arrived home week atter several In \Vlsconsln .• :\1Is.~ Vena Dixon and tel'. :'IllHses Hasel Pettiford, Irene King, Bess, a.nd hl~ cO\lsln, !'oll·s. Charles i • li..\ big trolle~' party was given Monday weoks' vJ~lt with her son and daugh- son, John, are making their home with I 13catri<?<.> \\·hiue,l. Hazel Allen . .May-Huffma.n. l~rldl<l' alld Snt.mlay. "Rev. P I 111 S t .,- -~trs Alice:. loy the V, U. F. lodge. • Mrs. Ada B. t1!lr-ln-law, !III'. and )1rs. Carl King. the tormor's moth..,!', Mrs. "'Innle I hell ... Adams. Ethel Bishop, Russell, O. L. MI!chell, who con.luct~(l bel'vices 1 ;'nllif,r a~ d~'u h~.ft.· J ~~eti;" ';r :'11011' , ,::me has returned from Gary, Ind. • Decatur. • Mrs. E. D. Hayden was Dixon. - Daniel Harding, Olh'er Rims and Tro)' Porter, Jr. • Miss Mary the tll·~t plOrt ot the wcel( at E11I~on·:i. '. t a ~ h . g ' .• " d Jette 'ft'om: lliss Grace Meeks and brother and called to Louisiana., Mo., Saturda.y, on Wheeler and ;\1158 Georgie Anna.l. Gra~' has gOlle to D"lrolt tor '" Visit Cllapel 1m Friday rot' C'hllmpaign .' SOil S ree. at£' recel\e. a., r . ~Ir~. Owen were l"JI'itors here 'from account of the death of her aunt. ;\11'8. Luckett spent Sunday In AUrora. " with her s\stcr • I":C\·. Il:dv,'ard King M,..,. l1'arney Jackson leet the 16th tor i til",,· :'011 and lJroth.::" III ".ran.cll, at:-II'UlaSkl Sunday. • :llI·s. £:Inblc,' "ur:! Peggic Brown ot Chicago. ::Iflssel! lIl·s. !\Iaude Kerney of Chl('ago was an . -------8ha.wnootown. cl\lled there by the Ill- i yo~nclllf stlll\~ 1!\II'" nT\1 .coJP~)r:~ ,~h's.Sea.lty Were visitors here Bunda)'. Cathenne and Glad)'s lett Saturdny Elgin \·Ipltol·. • \-an Blhbs, Fred Adams. 1>986 or her mother .• The box soci:t1 .. 11 ?n ... ,miLl .• '.lS. an,~i' He\·. Jones pI'cached In Cairo. Sun- evening to attend th" Cuneral.· ;\lrs. Mrs. Florida ProctH Slid 11ls:I Amelia ~I\'en at the- Fr{'" Ballti,t church the i 1l.1~IH"S e!lterl~lln7'1 :llr;. :111,1 ~1l~ .•. day •• IMm Chamblls!', Dalwllie. is William Jones died Wedne!'>day atter John:<;on were Aurora ,'lsHurs. • ;"11"9. I:?th was Quite slIccessful " ThC' mar- I [(·nr.'· Perry. 'I he In\ .,1<.1101" ,.on-I: hen' .• Rev, Cole left Monday for the. an Illness ot several weeks' duration. Carrie Pride and ~Irs. Hick!'. whu are t·lage of llllls Grace :\(c;\lahon Rnd ,·;-r.t company w\:ich "1'~t"tr('~I, al. \\ ar:1

1 conference. • Mr. Linsley and Norvel Funeral services were held Io'rlday at confined at St .. Josellh·" ho>!pltal. are

Ted O. ('ha"IH, hoth or this city, WIIS t I .. q,el ,\. )! ..... chm ell p' "~f'ntNI a., and Strayhorn were here Sunday. • lit. Emory, ot whIch the deceased wa.s . Improving .• Herman Howard or luw ... IIt'rformorl at Clwlng!on. Ind., lnst splendid nlUSI(!<iI(,ol1cl'~t to a ]ar~e and: ;'Iliss Vlv\an a. SmUh WIiS a Cairo vls- II.. memher. The services were In., Is maklnll" his home with ;\lI·e. lIa ~eVl" week. • ;\Ial"rlecl FI'lday. Rept. 13, Mrs. a,PllrecilHlve ,1udlE'lIce. :llr .• 1. \\. :11<:- i itor last wt'ek. * ll\s9 Snob!1\. 'Vaters charge of Rev. E. L. S()rugg~, asslstelJ I; some. • ;\Tr!\. lJa Xewsnme. :\11'8. RIch-St"lIa Rap!':r and \\'iIliam P,us'lnl< • Ull""~h .• tit" n .. r<'lhlt!r nl':,"Il!. IS IllI', and ~I1Es Christine Chamblltls of by Revs. H. H. DeWitt. ;\lllse and:, ard Smith. ;\!iHl' l;ummel"I' .. nd ,\1/ss both or thl" eltv .• Thlrtv-l'lght I"epr~- pno\·lns. Re\·. ano !llrs. (,. d. Hraull :\{ound~ wero "18ItOT3 here. " H. H. or :lJackl'. • :'Ifis!'! Blanche ~lallory l(>f{ II: \Vllllam" attend",1 the war expn~it!on "antatlve \\'om~n ml't j''rldny at 3" w('re entcrtaine.1 ,~t " .lInn"r hr :"fr' l I:. held I1mh day exercises Sunday. Saturday mornIng for Elk\"IlII', where In Chit'ltRO. • ~Ir". :\ll'rUe .lol\lI".,n anfl r:oIleg"C strpPt and or"ani7. .... 1 tI R,'t! ;In.1 ~Ir ... ~ha$ .. I·r(' ... man .. A]so ;\Ir.' ;O:ep_t. ~:;. at the Taberlll.n hall. Rev. she has accepted a ~ositlon In the pub" I: son Apellt a week with t·p.lath·lls In ('ross IInlt., WIt.h :\Irs. W. C. Rankin. a I ,m,l :l.lr6; r,has. :-;~llln:r .. Rp,: ~.I!rl ~'rs'l D .•• 1. COh'. deli\"ered a. tine nrl~r",s5. * IIc BC~o~IB. • Wilham V\'l1l1ams and, Aurora .•. John .lohn~nn. .It·., !;pellt represent;] !l\'e ror th... AmPrkall nrel I :'I': G. ::-; e",man :1 <'Siding U<I<:'I H •. :'Itr. and III s. Pearl Head and t.hlldren John I' r) e were called here from Chi - :1 Sunday In Aurora. (:ross, In charge. Th" r"lIowil1ll' "r ~ . \\. Jnmle!;on IlIHI 1.("'. Braun will at- were vIsitors." Pat!lotic meeting W&I! cago to attend the funeral of tbelr aunt 'i lierl"s were elecl"'!: Thp ("llu\\'\n.,; nt- !eJ1<l, the .annual conferen!'" In I'll' h"l,! I· held at th,! lInin I::ltreet church Sun-. and grandmother. lITs. WIlliam Jones. I Paris, m., Sept. 2,,-:ltrs, i::dna Ar~ J.Rura Lt'Oe; s('cr~tar~·. ~Irs. Kalh"rine In Iwal)s!on. Ill. • Re\'. PI', n .. H"e (h clay e\·enll1j,t .• :Ill'. Arthur made a trIp • R!I\". E. L. Scruggs left Monday for:! tist of Indilinapolia. wn..~ in th .. city. Ellison; treasurer. 1\1I·s. Hatti!! Rohln- the ::II. \' •. churt'h hall rpturnf>oI from to Birds ;\1111. Mo., Monday. ~Ionmouth. • Edward Mallory is stili h the guellt of ;\Irs. :\Iul'}' Rus~cll. • :\1I5!oo "on: chah'man ot sowing. :llr~. I':arah St. Loull', where he \\"a" rnllllned In a I -- Ill. II Irene Evans has returned from a "Islt Jo-el'guson: chairman ot knitting. :\[rs. hollpltal for tM'l1l1nf!nt. • ;lit:", Or, C'art- Metropolis. III.. Sept. 2'.-~tlss . with her parents at Ta~·IOl"\·ll!e. • Re\·. Hattil! Rollinson. • Mr. and llrs. Ray righl. w~n'ha~ he;n h~r va- !; lIaude Porter spent the week end with Danville. III., Sept. 27.--Mra. J. H.' E. H. Borden. pastor ot Li\"e Oak Hap· Morris 'If Alld"r~on, Ilvl .. "n(\ )Ir. and call"n ",!th relathcf: In the south. willi her parents .• AleltllJlder Yeargin ot Greenleaf was called to Duquoin Sun- tlst churCh ot Beaumonl. Tex., one of MI'!!. Walter lYorris of till" city drove to r('1\IrIl to PE'orja, next we .. k. • Mrs··1 Xashville, Tenn., visited his alster, day by the death of her brother-In-; the most. inlluentlal chul"che,; or ('n\. Potomac Sunds)', wher" Ihe)' "pent the l"rands ;'.Iurrell, ""Ite of Cbaplaln llur-il ,\11'1'. George Ghant. • ~1I8s Wilma law, Mr. Klncanon. • Mrs. Lewis MI1-' nred worFhlpers in the Lune Star "·. day with their parents. ,\11', and !\trl", rell. lef! to a.ttend !OchoOI at Howard I Houston ot Choa.t, III., visited AIrs. IeI' has returned from Crawfords"'lIIe, spent tl. few /1ays 111 the cIty. '''hll(· Morris. • ;'Irs. Ray Morris. who has J;nh·er"lt~·. "'RFhlngton. D, C:. • !'olrs.; Mayes last week. • Maceo Sta.lls via- Ind., where she was called by the sud- here he preached t(, his former par­been vl,ltlng relatives and friends tor (,ha~ll"s Fr('eman, lQO Jackson street. I.ited In Duquoin this week • nev. I. den llIness and deILth ot her mother. iahloner!l at llle S~con<l BalJtlst chUl·ch. "evernl day!'. wa:; jolnP.I"I by her hus- I~ Visiting ;\{rl<. R08a Hoard. G. W. C. i S. Slone and wlte leit the elty Tuea- Mrs; R(.llie Ma.y. • George R. Morrison. Re\'. Bordo:>n wall !"'eatly !1ppr('('latefl band Sunday. The)' both returned to & te. n. P .• in East f't. Louis, Ill .• ' day to attend A. :\1. E. conference In SOl Johnson street. was crushed by a as a mln!ster while paslor here br all their home in Anderson, Ind .. ~unday Wm. Rpl'\'es alld ~Us" Clara. Gibbons: Peoria. • Little Charlie GriggS ls atlll filII of rOck In the mIne Tueeda.y, Sept. the citizens. From point. <>f organizs­nll!(ht .• Re\·. W. Pili, pastor of the we rIO quietly married on I,,"t Tuesday jlmprO\'lng . • Larry Rodgers ot Pa- 17. and died one, hour a.nd flv ... minlltes lion In Beaumont. hi" ilt the mother Pree Baptfst church, who I" Indl~pos .. d. ('\·('ning.· ;\lIs5 8f'8"le aralln. who lias I ducah spent the week end with his later. lie Is survived by his wite, llrs. Church. In the chur('h a rllills In Rf'd left for hili home, Terre Haut~, Ind.. heen spelldlng a few ""eeks In Peoria.· wife In this city, • Prof ...... P. Smltll "Florence Morrison, whom he married Cross nundng is crmd\IC'!e{\, "'1tI1 spe" Monday. • There will be a. 1'all)' given retllrnf'd to her h,)me In ChIcago. " ill lmproylng. • !\IrE. ::<.lattle Fossle less than a Year ago, and one daughter clal ernpha~is on lhe '~olored rnall'~ at Ellison Chapel Sunday, Sept. 22. * The Illinois annual conference- will con- I spent Thursdll)' In Paducah. • Mrs. by a (orTner marriage. quota. In war acti"t'ith,.!' .• Troy Porte.;;. ClUb No. : will glvA an entertainment vene In Peoria at ~\'8rd Chapel on next lilnnle Newf'1I i\nd grandson. Laurence __ 1 Sr., was a huslness CallE'f In ,'erre at the Free Baptist churCh Saturday, Wednesday at !I:XII. "Rt~ht'p I,. J. Cap- 'Buchanan. vil.'itcd In Paducah last , i.,[aute, Wednesday .• Mr~. 'WilI Porter Rep!. 21. and nn Sunrlal .... the :2d, will pin ",'Ill preside. Ite'·. George ..... ; week. • )lr". Xarcll\s Laur<'y Is back "W~tsek~ lit.. Sept, 2'7.-MTB, Boll hili! retllrned trom a vlsft In Chlca~o. • hold a rally at the church. * Mrs, J. Bro .... n. the pastor. and his meombers. tram ht'f ,'Isit in ChiCall"o. • The A. Gllilith ~as called to Ka.nkakee last )Irs. Wm. Manuel of Terre Haute was n', Waller entertalnf'd lI. few friends ha\'" arranger:! for a splendid atrail' ;\1. K chuft'h t'holr will render " week on a.ccount of the serIous Ulneas I the guest ot MIss Teorla Elliott ""ed­Tuesday evrmlng at h~t' home in honor during tl:!e 'I"eek. • James Fint'll save il musical prc'lnam Sunday night. • A ff ~~er motb~~ :!£,' I~~:eenel~ w~o nesday and Thursday. - )11'. and ~rrs. ot her so)n Leon's tltteenth birthday an- a cham!,agne "upper to man\' of hi,' furpnll(' handkp.l'('hlef shower was s I years o. zr~ ... on an W e nlversary .• :\1arrled, Saturday. Sept. trit'nds at thl' home ot :\11'. and llrp. ,I gh'en Wednl'!~da)" nl!<ht In honor of Wer& .visltors at Dan,me last Wednes-H. 1918, Miss Josephl"" (,olem~n an" ('has. Barton ot 5th !ltre;>L • ~rr!l Roll" 'I :.liss I)'ora Rod!!er.;. day. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Gowen with, Theodore Paris both of lhls cltl', !'r~ of Alab m I I P I '1' I I' I, "Irs. Emma. Roberts and two children

, ,a 11 S n· et'J' a \ s t .If: S 21-8 30 t as guests motored to Gilman and at . her relntlves, lYr. and !llrs. :ltanstield Ii Galesbllrll'. Ill.. ept. . ept. • a. tended a picniC Jast Friday and the~

JereeY\'llle, m .. Sept. ~'.-)lrs. R. A. Booze. • Re~'. lind !III'S. If. G. Xewman i' Armory. Colonel R. C. Simmons will tn On 0 !\Irs Roberts' tonner homl' Cisco ~nd so~ returned from :-;oko- or Fayette str<'et. hayl' little Walte,. ,; Ie.ct"re under the auspices ~r the om: • !llI.ind 'Mr;, Arthur WlIson wer~ mill Fr,day eHnlng, attel' spendll1g a Hayden to rear .• D\', A. J. ('are\' anl\ :' nlhpC'a Camp Fire G,Irl!!l. ) adame Es , d dl ts t M d M very I'leasant three weeks with her I PresIding Elder Wilson ot Chicago '1\'111 .~ l .. lIe Bo]der ""Ill dm1ct a chorus of ~~nk ~~ ~ne~ ~es ~ rM~n Lilli rSt parents, ~lr. and ::III'S. E. n-i1son. "I ~rrl\"e In Peoria next tlleek • ltlss~: fifty voices .• ;\[rs. Cora K:ng under· L C ,OIT S. • r!l~ It uaa. M C S °h Mrs. Jenny Whitesides of the west side GertrUde Banks of Stat ... ~t~eet gayI'; went an operation at St. :MAry's Hos- G awrence c~n.y ~ e

t 1 ~Il. tia •

spent Thursday at the home ~f ~lr. a. blrtMa.y· "party to seveMiJ' of her ': pltal.. :\lrs. llyra Hardin Is Impro\': ()~:~~~e08«we:Trla:sl~ng ~ertWd~en. a.nd :"IIrs, J. Klr.g on East ::;I,ruce friends at the home ot ~Irs Horton 'ling. ::-lr8. Lottie Fisher gave. a bas I' I Chi H I hte • M nd M II street • :III'S 4.lon~o Engli~h of ("ar- . la t S d . f .:-" ket pIcniC for the children tAking" part. eli n cago e g. 1', a r . bonda'le III 'a:rrtv;d Frida" mornln 1 s • un a~ a Io'rnroon. ,Irs. Cecelia.: In the tarewell program for Rev. Gar- CUfford Brady are residing In Mrs, Har-to spend a 'few da}'s with ~r mothe;' . ~::~~~h~~ ~~~m~~~~nY~n~~~:(' \'!9~!~ rison, • The ImperIal QUartette ot tho ;e~ wa~de:,'s IP~~pe~? o~~~Wle ~treet. l\1rl!'. H. ~\·ans .• F.dward Brown and, HI' d ~i ... c . • ." Second Baptist Church received msny ues aJ n g • rs •• e e ones, Amos Fairtax, . ""ho are at Camp Up- t!.:~; s 'i.~ • rs I·annle. AI~xander compliments to,' the sInging Ilt thl' ;\{rs. Morgan ot Chicago, Mrs. Dave ton :-; \" el>'j)ect to sail overseas soon unit rl In mArrIagE' h~ RE". G. ·\·1 communIty sinG" Sunda,\' at th.\ A.r- Bell of St. Louis. !\fa .. came to VisIt • E;e~ett' E"ans will Sunday l1r~wn. nt Ward chapel no lal'! W .. <inp~· . mon: .• Mrs. J. E. Calendar and ram- Mr. and ~Irs. DavId Johnson and Mrs.

I teD j I "G A . da~ "H!'nln~. lIr. "nr! ;\fr •. Hart,s will Ill\" of E !llollne are making Galesburg Wale.s Vi oodard for several days. • eve~ ngo or amp 0 t;'e. a. ., lH'cnm1"any .:\lr~ . .r .. nnle Woods"n t" I tll('ir . h,~';e .• ::-lrs. Jesse Wilder Is :\lr9. Ida Grll'flth returned from Culver,

Calij'n~nIA. ~':-rrl h,,~ b"en rec .. ,,· .. 1i \'isltln,. In Chicallo. She expects to Ind.. tho IIrst of last week. • Mrs. Em­hel'e that Fred ,.famllton, who went tn Visit the Defender offlcllr While there. rna Robe-rts and two cbildren returned camp ~ tl'W ",:!'"ks afl''', 111 cnnfln~d in • :'>Irs. I.l1Ile ""nder and Ron. Bennie Tuesday afternoon to Chicago. after Ii hospital At I amp Grant. anQ William. accompanied by ;\11'8. which, with little Esther and Ethel

SeJ!,:el n'lIder. are in Gillesburg In the Roberts. the~' wll! join Georll'l! Roberts .Terseyville. 111.. Rept. 27 -)11'9. R. A. ,>re~t or an a.rtlficlal If'g tOI' Benj.· at Charleston. W. Va, • Mrs. Sarah

Cisco and ~on TPturned trom !'okomis )!rs. James Wagoner and son Eugene Gowens entertained at dInner Thul'8-after II. vel"}, pleal'lllnt three wAek!! with bae returned from a three we('k~' \'I~it dal' in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sam her parents. :\11'. and lrr~. E. '0\'11 son. • 'in Keokuk, • Mrl'. ;\folll& Cr!'w 16 Sllt- Gowens and J. C. Morris. • Mr1l. Nelli ... :\"'5. Alonzo En~li~h was the guest but' tl"l'lm< with an infected arm .• Mrs. Jones will "Ielt ~lr8. Rhetta. Bass at week tlf he.' mother. :\Irs. Hart'let i Ina Holman Il! I<ul'ferlng from polson' BeaV'CI'\'!\1e for a week. Evans, Xorlh "·a~hl'1gtr'n. • E\·I'l·c-tt i lng .• Rev. and l-Irs. Garrison rf-ceh'ed Evan!' lell Sunday, :>l!I.I. H •• for Camp Jllany lind valuable glftl! from frltndlt Dodge. IO'l\·a. < A 1 N:l?pU"n WtlS gIven' hetore leaving tor conf')rence .• lIe­last week at the hume of ;\Irs. !-I. I linda Dunhar· Club Is reol'ganlzlng for EVlln~ In honor nf her ~"n. Everett fall and winter work. " Mra. Lillie Evans, who left Sunday for camp. • Allen h8.$ returned from Des ;\Iolnes J. G. Scott of St. PUIII. :\OIlnn .. slIent after spenolng a week with her hus" last week end h .. re .• :llr~. Alnnzo Eng- band before he left for the eoast. • lis!. accompanied her brother, E:n.~rett ::lIn. Cltrrle W .. lIs and M1'8. Mollie Evans, to St. Louis Sunday. • Clarence 1 Cre· .... entl"ftal::ed Re\'. S. B. Moore at :.rosby and John Bro ..... n were St. Loul!! I RUppel' Tuesday. • Prine& Hall (}rand \'jfiitor" lAst week .• ;\fiss Greta Jack - 1 L.o(\~e F. anti A. M. will hold It,. fltty­~on of AI'''n Is spending the week end I sf'conn convocatIon at Washington wIth hl'r p'J'!lndmother, :\!1"9. H. Burt, • I Hall with W. IJ. Darrow Lodge Xo. 10

!III'. and ~Ir~. It. A. Cisco and SClII are' Oct. 8, 9 and HI. "lslUng th" former'" aunt In 8 p rlng -, -_ tlp.ld, 111. • The :l.losby and Flro~n fam- Cllln. Ill., Sept. 27.-Rev. C. H. WIl-IlIe" were \'Iallors In Godfre:; thIS week. son was here last 'I\'&ek .• :\Irs. Frank

Allen and daughter returned from Ca.tro. tn., Sept. 2i.-~Irs. Louise Chicago nnd other northern cltlcs .•

Carlyle of Paducah. Ky .. is \·Isiling he-r !I!aster Tileodore Harris suffered a se­sister. lfrs. :'I!artha lIarrlson. • :111'1". \'ere accident by getting his a.rm Dettle Jordan has ret.urned from a.' broken at the bo)'; factory. • :Mlss Pearl \'[9It In Paducah. • "frs. Lula Durrah Xorval, th& primar~' teache-r, and Oran is III at her home on 2Sth sU·cet .• A[rs. Shanklin were the guests ot r.l'rs. !;la.dle Durrah Is sick. • G. "\V. Bennet Frank Allen Sunday. • Rev. Fisher ot !!Jld "{iss Emma Peoples were married CairO was here Sunda,y. • Mrll. Belle at Wlcklll'Ce, Ky., Sept. H. • :III'S, lfln- Bell was In Cairo Sa.turday, • Miss nie Adams, Jackson, Tenn., Is the Pearl Norval, the primary teacher, III guest ot her hrothi'r, Hev. F. Bomer.' stoppin!;: at the home of Mrs. William ~lIss Ruby !\Iilliner, Toledo, Ohio, has Caldwell, • Mrs. :\1ollle Cherry Lev;!" returned after \'!sltlllg :'III'S. Mollie dlcd at her home Sept. 23. Funeral Coleman .• ;\Irs. Heard. Helena. A,rk.. services conducted by Rev. Banks at Is visiting hel' brother, ftev. F, Bomar. I the "t. E. Church. • Mrs. Fre4 Meals • Handy H!1J and son. l!asler Walter. wu the guest ot MIs8 Inez Harris last have returned from St. Louis. * Ed Boekln ot Birds Point. iUo .• was a Ca!ro \'Isltor Saturda.y. • WIlliam Hamilton. electrician, Charleston. Mo., spent Sat-urday here. • :lnss Aza.lla Dumas ill teachlnll' In Carmi, III. • MIss Ida Cu-ter. Champa.lgn. III., Is vl8ltln~ her sIster. Mrs. Mattle Stewart. • Re\'. and l\Jrs. T. A. Head are ,,1sltln&, In Fred-erlckBtown. Mo. • Rev. \V. O. Emory returned trom St. LouIs Sunda.y.

Centl"llJla., m., Sept. 27 -A good pro­gram was rendered at the Second Bap­tist church Monda.y evening under the aUspices of the La.dies' Mls.lonary So­ciety. • ReV. Joseph Johnson, pastor ot Bethel A, M, E. church, preached his farewell sermon Sunday evening. • lfrs, Anna. Pa.trick has returned from Chicago. • Mlaaes Lethia Freeman. MY­rene Cuey, Irma Dixon, llr. Glov('r

Rockford. 111., Sept. n.-Amos Roh. In!!on returned from a week's visit .n ChIcago with his brothel'. Edv;ard Rob~'l, and his l:Ion, Adilan Robinson. • Rev. C, :\T. J..ewls ot the A. :\f. E. churcl' attended the confeience at Evanston the. past weolf;. • Tbe HOUA",. hold ot Ruth «ave a sCldal and supper at the horr" ot Mrs. W_ S. DePriest l"'rlda~' e""nlng. • ~frs. John Robinson has returned trom an (·,.tended \'Islt to Spl·lngfield. III. !'ofrs. Gertie "fill!!. her sIster. of CJllcago, accompanied her home. • Mrs. !>Iartha Smith Is spending the week In Chicago. • Mrs. Sa.muel ReveUs and BOn Ralph spent the week In '::;~!cago. • Harry Blakley, ono ot "our" boy" a.t Camp Grant, Un­derwent an operation at the base hos. pltal last week. and is improlng nlccly.

"Mounds, III .. Sept. 2i.-Mesdames Ar­nIta. Hampton and Xa\'le B~rh8.m spent a tew days In :Mounds the guests ot :r.lra. John Ta.ylor. • Mrs, Lulu Ken­nison had the mlstortune to Ilp1'1ltn bel' ankle. - Rev. J. W. Riley and wife were dInner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Watter. BOn last week. - ]l.fr8. Cora. Love and Miss SUllIe Harrlaon departf!(J tor their new homell I.n ChiCll.l;o lut Sja.tur­day. • Miss Madallne Calander, one ot th& tea.chers of Cairo, wae In the City

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PRAIRIE STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Feb 21, 1920; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 14

PRAIRIE STATE NEWS Cbampaiwn, Ill .. Feb. 2D.-l\1!90 Ruth Cairo, Ill., Feb. 20.-A large number

.n:etulon'dled lllllt Saturda)' night at of ex-soldier:! who I!el"l'ed In the U, S. tli~1 ago ot 22 years at the home of bel'l foroe!! durlne the grea t Wlil' met at tho :pOfents, Rev. and lIfrs. A. T. Jackson, SUmner high school Tuesday and 01'­Ii/)7 E~8t Vine street. • Wesle), Price' ganlzed a Cairo l'Ol'!l or tho AmerlC\ID a!1d Ella Prince ot Dallvnre were In I Legion. Temporary oltleerll were tlls <:'i'tl( tast wee". • Henry Hines and elected and the boys' werc s8rvt'd re­;1, .;S, F'tnch ot Chicago were visiting I tl'etihment~ b;' the Yate" Women'a til. t!lii.Jn~algn laat week, • lIfra, Var- Clllb. • Mrs. Lloyd 1':. Martin of Chl­n/rdb ",iul bperllt~d on last w~ek tOI' cago hall been In tho cl ty duo to the apt>t:ndjcltls. Sbe 11'I eerfouel)' tTl. • I IIIn(l"" ot Iter slslel. :\1..." William lIf. lifts .. Butler and daughter, Ophelia,l Wheeler. • Alexander Leech, an' old were In Maltoon laBt week. • Mrs. 01- I resldont ot this city, ))II_ed away at ll~ nodgere and motJler are In Aurora. ~ his home Silturduy, (o'eb. G. • At Mt. • Little 1>fIldrad Loong Is very III with! Moriah naptlst ehUl'clt sunday Rcv. E. 'lIneumonln, • Mrs. Huston and daugh~ VIr. Tsaile of the national n. 1', P. U. ter. liable, attended thll funeral ot her I board ot N'"shvllle !~ctured on "The .llIt~f, SacIlo. Ellen, at Mattoon last PhysIcal Haslll of' <"hamcte ... " • Mrs,

MetrOpOlis, m .• Sept, 21).-1\[rs, Pollio McKane is \'ery !lIck !!.t thIs wl'itln&'. • l\l,.". VictOrine Ma)'s altd· Terrel Lyons lett tho cit)!' last week tot' Chi­cago. where they WlII r:ealde. • M.188 Graco Mayberry apent the week-ond In 'Paducah. KY, • !Ilrs.· Ida Ham. Brookport. 111 •• was pronounced Inaanl> last. week and was escorted to Anna. Ill" by the sherlt'f and Mm. Graele Williamson. • Mrs .. }follle Claybrooke Is \'ery .111: her daughters, l>lesclllm~ Lena Phillips ot Centralia; Emma. Simmons or Chicago, Lizzie O'Neil. Pearl' Carter 'and son. Hany Lytton of St. Louis. Mo .. are at her bedside. • Ill"". Beatrice l'arbougl) of Brook:­port. nt,. was In the city Wednesday, • He\', S. B. Jones and wife were· en. tertalned at dinner Sunday b~' :Mr. lind Mrs. Henry Tlnllley. • T. p, King of UnlOnvlUe, TIl., ·wn.s a \'llIl(or In the clt~' Thursday. .., Alonzo Donlow, Brookport. lit .. was the gtllVit of Mr. and M"", G. 'V'. 1..onll'; 106\, week. • The members' ot the Fll'llt Baptiat Church, III their fe<iarnt\on rally Sunday. w\Il'e successful 111 ra.lslng the sum of UI5.00. An after·collect(on of $10.50 wau g!\'en to a.n a!:ed member of the church In tho p<,nron ot Mrs; Nita Cnse)'. • :'frs. Mary Brown wall Indisposed this week. • After .. fow days' Illness Bert Jen­kins dlt'd Ht hill resldenC'c on Vienna sl .... et. We regret his death. • A. N. Cork "'0.0 a PaduC!th "lAltol' Tuesda.r. • I~dlr.\r Orrlns'ton ", .. nt to St. Louis ?lion day to see his sisler, :!.fra. Rhoda Ellis, Who Wall \"6l'y Sick, n.nd the Had n(''Nt'! reached the city Thursday "r her death. Re,', Thomns Morris had charge of tbe sen'leeR at Antioch Daptist Churc:h,:o' Messrs. "'llIlam Smltll, W . ,\. Sln~lllpn. IIh!ll<iames Mabel Dul1ce. Love Renfro, Ireno Ha)'lles and Misses :'lae and' Anna. 'Robert .. , Blanch Uayes and Jewel Long IlUended lhe counh' tellchers' meeting Saturday. • Rold HIII;hc9 was IndlsP06e,1 last week. • l.ittle· EtllI! Rc<?dcr I" R. ,-Icllm ot In­ftuenza. We tNlst she will be I>c~ter 800n .• MINH Coleste Jenl<lu!! ot Mlch­I~:tn at tended tho til nenll or her fath"... Bert .T(!nkln ... - :'.'1'9. Georgia Ann Mllrtln cntertilinod tile Peaceful Rest Cluu or st. Pnul ,\. :'If. ~~. church nt her resldl'nco on Pearl stroet WednesdaY e\,onlng.

Jacksol!vllla, IiI., Feb. 21l.-Newton Mitchell. while wotkins- at the now high /!chool' buUdlng, waa caugbt un· der a falling tree and InJul'll'd .!!everel)· He w:!s removed to Patl!!ava.nt Hos­pital for treatment. • 1\[",. Jennie Bra­nom, who Is u patient at the HomE Sw>ltarlum, Is reeo"el'lng nicely frolIC an operation reCOnU)' performed.' Miss Arra. Mn.1lory hns recovered frott a 8O\'erc attack or lonsllltls. • Mise Glad~'s Hayden la confined to her homE with an attnck ot the "flu." • McKin­ley \Vrlght was called' to Frankfort, Mo,. by the Illness ot his brother. Em­mett, • Hanison Hobbs Is In Cblcago on account of IllneSS In his family. • Mm, Ada. Hobbll was el(peetad In, the etty 'Thursday trom LoUisiana. Mo. -JulluB Rice, who haa been' In fa\l1ng health tor some time, \& reported very III llt hli1 home or; N. "Test. street. • 1\[1"3. MoUle Turner Is Itn).lro\'lng. • Mr. and MN!. John Thompson of Decatur nrc tllc happ}' parents of !l. baby slrl. Mrs. Thompson, who Is a Sister at Mra. Ada Cooper of this city, Is 'better re­membered as :MIss Oro. Glass. • Jolln Easley was a buslneslI visitor In Spt!ngfleld Tucsday, • 'rho ~tt, Emory Chorus Choir held Its reJ;tllar' buslneS8 meeting with Mr, &lId afrs. C. U. liTee· man 'Tuesday e,·enine. Alter th. trnnsacllon of buslncSB the followil18 Program was gIven: selo, Mr. Free· man; papor, Mr~. Sharp, com:>Umen­tary to the memberR of the choir: res,lIng; Miss WfUevo MIljors. A guessing contest (ollowod In WhiCh Mrli. Sh.lU"p ~Ived the prize. Th" mcetlng adjourned to meet n«xt month wllh Mrs, Harmon and Earl J:o'nmklln. • , The choir at tbO Second Bapti8t Church was entertained by Mrs. Luthel Johnson ,.fonday ovenlng, Atter the election of ·officers and trn.n'lacLlon oj routine busIness the hosh!fiI.!i' served retreshmenta. • Mlli$ Lucille King wa. shot and killed Friday atternoon b" Zcnnlo Ritchie. The couple hilS hac frc(IUent Quarrels lately and the tlhoot· Ing wn~ the culmination of thr.ose tl'OU' biNI. Ritchie gave IlImsc!t liP to thc poliCe! and It! now il. prisoner at tb. pollco atatlon. 0 Samuel Harris 01 Sprlmrn(!ld WEill a ""cek-cnd vlsUor in the city. • Mrs, Clnudc Burchlll'dt of Greenfield dl"d at hl'r home Monda} aIter a bril'f lIlnCSli. Sho loa\'ell n. hllll­hnnd. three children and lIum .. rou~ other rolativI!s and friends, • ltrs. I'an· ilia HOU5" 1/1 "en' III at her home on \V"gt IIlroet. • Mlss"11 Hnyden. Mallory U"ocll !\follnts and Scott HuUhmall >tp • peared on tho program at the Can· NcrvalOry Recital luat Thun.da.y. 0 The lad!"" of tho W('st Side Art Cillb me, Vriday afternoon at tho home of :\!rs \\'11 lis. Six new members wern added to the cluh's roll. Mrs. Hohbll ot IAIIJ' is,ana. was n. guest of thc cluh. ;\oll's l..cnnle Meadow!! had 1l most "'x€'(lll~nj crl!le't< report. Arter the lJusln""r. ~('S' ~lCJn a dehelouH rcpa .. t wa... .." ... \,<,<.1 Mrs. Willis wall assisted b}' ;'lrs. Blrd;( Wagl;onc.·. The clut> acl,foumcd te meot Veb. 27 with Mrs. Amelia 15harp. who will bn a~slstell by Melll!,,'ne, Corbin Meadows nnd Ailsa Clan.. Pav;" • The ladies ot the T. A Whist Clllt !'ntl!rlalnCll theIr /JusbanUR at whl". Thursday evornng at thf! homo at i\Ir nne! ::II rs. '1'h03. Holli nsoll. Prlzes We", ,,"on by ;\1rs, G. 'V. Coopel'. flrel, "lid Mrs. Lennie Mcadows, boob)'. The gentleme~'" prizes wero won by WIlli; Alhm, first, and 11k ;I\ontgomen'. booby, E .. cellent retreshm"nts brought to II. close a "e~y delightful ovctllng.

attack ot P!UlUmonla., Is much Im-l Robinson Is III ut St . .Anthony's :108- 'I the Han-Ison school for the cnterta.ln" proved. • The North Shore Co-opere.- pltlll.· Bernard T. Ju,binson ,Tr. eel-I ment or the Parents·Teachere' A8S0~ tb'e store's banquet to be held 011 the ebraled' hIs IIfth birthday SaturdaY' elation. • :'I1l's, IdlL .1011011 "elumed 'to !Oth Inst. Is to help enlarge its space. aCtemoon' with n; tew or hIs frIends. IndIanapolis aftel' lL ,,15ft· with hor' • 11(1', and :'Itrs, Ro)" Watkins ha\e -. I brOil"!!'. l~e Oakley, 114 Jackson street. started housekeeping at 21S Spl'ins; I Or:npd ChlLln. III.. !-'eb. 20.-Last • Mrs .• Joseph Dunmoro 'Of 6()7 Mat. street. * Olll!at Harris and MIS'S ::IIur)' Tuesdlly :'I["s, :1tfll.ry ;\[, Hansom was thews street Is all tile sick list, .. i\!t·s, < Hopkins werl) quietly married lust I taken sick \\1th tho flU bUt· III Impro\" P. \V. Walburg WIlS laken to St. F)'un­week. • Mrs. Somerville of Chicago 11Ig •• Alberto. nnd Eml"rnla Young ot cia hospital \'ery iII'·wlth pnellmoni". ,. spent Thursday with her niece. !lfrs. L""lngs called on the Ransom family The Girls' Sewing Club WI"; organized loa Franklin. - Miss Bradley at RD.; Saturday IlvlmlnJ; nnd lett on No.9, Saturday afternoon, 'Feb. 7, 1920. Tell \'enswoo!l WI.>! a weelt end ,·\sltol'. • Norvel Stovall of 1 .. e\'lng5 calle't\ on girls were l,rcllcnt and plana we:.; made The ProtrelSSl\'e club's next meeti1lg his Uncle Carter's fainUy Saturlla~'. for ll. pia)' In tbe neal' tuture. OltlCCI'S will be held Mareh 4. Jlliectlen of om· Also He". John Washum called just ,we." elected also. Preddent. l.uclle eel'S. We expect membere to be pres- atter retumlng (rom tho vearl), meet'- I ea.ln; "lee president, Jrene Hen .. y; onto Delinquent members pleaae sec the lng, 0 .Jo~t!pll Lewis and Lonnie Grlgs- l!ocretar~·. Claudia Banks; assistAnt seeretary, U. S. Da.vis. by or LC\'lhgs called to sec how MrS: I !U)CretnT}', Beatrice Henry; t .. e .... urer.

Tu..osdllY, ., Maggio Smith of St. LouiS was In lite Rallsorn. who Is til with the tIu, Was I Amelia. Hobson. Unity. Ill., Feb. 20.-Rc,·. J. H. mme progressing. Other viSitors 'I\'erc: Mrs. _______________ _

held services at :!\ft. Zion M, B, church Slime l<'lanol, Johnnie Johnson, Mrs, • __ I cit)' visiting her mother, Mrs. G.Crump, .,' '" • :'>frs, Fanny Williams ot Snndusky,

"'!lst·St. ~U18, lil., Feb. 20.-A recre- Ohio was In the "Ity to attend Ib" at'off ~ntel' has heen establ!8hed In fun,,;al of her \)rother-i~-Iaw. 0 X'um­thIs city by tho Young Women s Chrls< bered' with the 8:0:1" are Cle\'eland tlan· AlIII6c!ation tor the beneftt ot Bea.sle,' Jalnc! Henry Pear­the IrtdUstt'll/ol women and girls. The I SOil W~III Ford 'Rev William Parke bUUdl"!8' at Tenth and Broad""~y has and' John Gaull~ .• If ~'ou want your been' remOdeled and now furnIshes an I news published kindly notU'~' .'I.. M, Ideal plac. for ~n InstitutIon ot this Jackson, 8:!9 "treel, not later than

Sonday. • Rov. :.r. H. Smith, pr .. sldlng Ellen,. Mrs. Eliza Parker, elder or Cairo dIstrict, held quarterly .Mrs. Amanda Utley, Mrs. Frankl'll mel'Ung at St. James A. M. E. church Smith, Mis" Battle Parker, Miss Sallie Thun;da)' nlaht .• Mm. Julia Ingram.

kInd. Attrf!.otl~e surroundlnWII and Saturday. ['hone G16K. wl\:Olesomo recreatlon are provided Cor I the nlfl'mbers. '1'hey arC ot'feted tbe

Clara Coolc Rllthie Wallace and 1111'8. McClelland nnd Jo'rank Smith. Mrs. Jo· Francis I..'1tho.m us Indisposed .• A. C. sI>phlnc' Pllrker. lo"lorenel) Brown ani! Jehn"o!) Is sOl'\1n8' on the petit jill')' Frcd neynolds. All brought words at tht .. week In clrcu!t court. • The W. encourngemelh to l\olr~. Rcnsom and I :0.1. :U. S. of at. Jam .. s A. M. Eo church IIhe \s Impro,'lng raplrny and In n tew Illet at M).·ra. Jnhnson's W"dnesday dal's .... II! be back at her pOSt of duty I!velling. The society will give a. rE!- in the SChool room. • l\lr:;. r.Iarla. Hope cital and enten.alnm('nt Feb. ZIt • Th.. Is also II. nu victim. but Is reported churCh trial of the .Io"ree ,VIII Baptist much heUer. use ot bright. chesrful I'estrooms, sew- Duquoin, III.. ~'eb. 20.-!\(a"tcr l';!mer

jnjf·ri.oma, r<'lIdln;o-rooms, showers, I o.,an, >\I. 1. Mattie ReddiCk, !'lddle 'aundry. gymnasll!Ill !l-nd outdoor ree- I Goodgaln. Mrs. Belisle l·urner. :tIr. and rea.t[on. The gll'ls AI'e permitted the illrll. Luther, Ba.xtel'. :III'S. Je .... le Ves­use rot. tll~ kitchen. whero they C!lln !pl and Mr'li. Be1l Smith a>"o a 1\ on tho :prepare retl'eshments In the evenlnglJ slele Il>lt. • James E, Johnson, S26 West or' mnke fuc!ga, Tlfey have a. b"llutlful 'Parlt "lreet. WUs tho hOSI or a party J'f/!lopt!on room In which they' m!\y re- glv~n In hOll01' of alx Ia.dle .. i"om' St. eel"o c!om!>any and enterta!n. The ed- [.ouls, Mo., Friday. Feb. 13. • Charllo ueaUonal. ehl.tI8()!I orrered Include Bible I and Derb)' Oeorge were called hotn,a on at tidy. Fl:ench, h01ll1l economic .. , gen- account of lJIness of their fnther, • ,,:41 culture. ethIcs. 1\r8t !ltd and prllc~ .Tames GeorS'f.', Itl Lewisburg. Tcnn. • tIcal nursing. citizenship. social hy-. :ltr, lind Mrs. Carl Co iii nil lett Sundny clone, d~amatlell and public spea king, (0" nc ..... malne. • .\ Illr~e and apprecta­IIlaln 8e .... lng. domestic art, gymnastics! U\'8 audience attended tho musical and muslo. Vesper'servleeoi are held given b~' the Odd [.'ellows at St, Paul on Sundny dternoon at 4 o'clo<lk. The' RllPllut churCh, F'eh. 12, WilIl,.m !\filler formal openlnlr ot the center wa!! held' ot Cairo beinG' the ISrcl\kf!r of th" al'e­Jan. 24, to 26 Inclusl\·e. On Ihe e\'e· ning. • !\frs. !\tnry Bell. Mr... BeWe nlng ot Jan. 24 a lormal receptlon was 1IIcCurd)' and Mis!! lA!onn. Harris ",'ore -,"'an, al whIch tlmn limnbel's at the I\'II(!S!'; of lITlss ;)!arl' Sima Thurn­A'Ue:stlJ Inspected the \)ulldlng. iUus- da)'. • ;\{I". and :.\1rs. Wado n.unsey leal numberS and • '"'3d1n;s were Ten- nrc the PI'oud pal'( .tll of tI. bauy Girl. dered by 60me at the elty's best tnlent. , The motll .. r and child nrc doIng llIeely. DlIdlealory.oer,-Ief's were h~ld on S'II'I- ' * n ... ", Fl. Z. Hllnt waR In Cairo on lla3', Jan. 25, at • p. m, Addresses bll!linl'sa thl~ WMk •• D!'trnoier tnr sale were madt) by I't'prcsenlati"("l! ot 80- lI.t 1fT"', Ethel Reddick, 3()~ South 'Val­dal all'encles of the city. l[usie was I)ut street. under the direction at Miss Dal"y O. Westhrook, 'supervfsor ot music ot 1I ,Incoln hIgh ~chool. O'rl,q' stunt night wal! observed !lfonllay. .Tall. ~6, .:tnd , .... IOllll forms of recreation "'ore In­<'Iulgocd In. Thl> citizens I'Xpres!!l!d th"mselves a.!l be!n,; h(ghly "!d and extremely well "leased with tho at­tracllvllnelB ot the center. ""hlch I.' the enly place sh'e-n to the lI~e ot Colored women In lho cit)·. The membor"h!p drive la no'" in pro"rcu;!! and Is meet­fng with gTCll.t SUCCOIU. ~(I"" E~thcr E. Fulk!!, who ""&8 formerly Instructor ot physIcal training In the I :I>1le .Bcnools of Charleston, W. Va .. camc to East St. T..auia la"t· March and now hall tbe worl< \. charge. lUllS Fulks Ua.ll'led at tho natlollll.l board of tho T, W. C, A. In ~c,,' York CIt)'. MillS Olivo E. Johnson. her assistant. com~~ from PIttsbUrgh. '[>11.. and formeI'll' taught at TUlkeKee, lila. 'rhe center "'fl. atarted by tbe ":ar ""ork council at the natlolJlll boa"11 of th" 1'. W. C. 11. .• hut 1$ no ... under th~ I"'Pt'r\'ls\oll of the local organl,..atlon, which llas pllldged Its sUPport for the coming year.

:.\lound CIU', m., Fob. :?O,-lIfrs. !lelle 1"",.118. 1tI.. Feb, 20 ... -:'Illss Bobbio Chenault and nU>I~I", Oreel" hu\'o ro·

Roberts Is sick al hel' home In Mound.. turned from D)'cr, Tenn.. wl ..... o Ih,')' • ,Iume~ Crldcl' Is Up. art'll" n sertous attl'nded tho runeral or Wllllo D. Mar­iIIne,,/! •• lUlU! La"crno Kimbto ha.s nc- shall. • ,\mona; tho !llek la"t woek ""pled :t pOSition In W'e"t Frunktort. were Bookor T. and G,'nIJ\·R. W·o.shlng­Ill, • :\tnf. Cornellu .. 'Ylinn an,l Bertha ton. Anthon;' Taylor. Mlllio Williams, Stubblefteld ot' Cairo vl"Uml their par- f;lIn r~ .. n('. Mr. and Mrs. B. Eclm(mds. entll. lIIr. ,md :lfrs. I'ealc • Mr. Brown :'.{ar)· W"'lcll. :>I"nl snd Pula Williams. or Chie-olgo ,'!sited (rland!! " .... ra this ,\ IIco H""ry, r':atharfne Brown. Alex week .• Miss f.ol:. Uuwons of Ullln ill Carr and famll}', also Mr. JOe Drns<lrll. vhftlnl> :111511 (;ozetle Thorp. • 1\11"" • JuliUS Bl~' of Freeport. m .• ·slId lIIrs. (,"11l'lsHn" Cl1ambh/is at :I[oundti Ila", F'llIh",. of Marlon On! at tho bedside be"n 111l1n;; the vaca.ney or ~lltls:R.o!>· of Mrs. Hu"an Heron. 'n'ho Is "Cl':\o' "Iek. ertll .• Mis.; Earn Brlstb'" lind Antoln- • :'Itr. lind Mrs. 1l'vin .Tones hnll a tine l'Ue Thor" tllwe bee" Indls- bab)' girl. • John WllItner of :\iuncle. po~ed •• Mrs. Amnnd .. .Jones ill "'er;' Ind .• I,. at the Ilc(f"lde of hl~ mother. III at thi!! writing .at the homo of her ~l",. l':lIzabuth "'hltner • OrdeU Shnp­ncphc'l\', Hermall Hall. • MillS !·'!oTcnce /ltd and GerlMlde Prld!) were mar~le(\ \l'lri,,,,r or Mounu Cit;· I" ~omewhat In- hy Rev. I. Ronderson Wednesday. John dhnlosed at the home of hOI' parents. Fitzpatrick a nil Della Thorpe ""ere • Henry Harp"r and \\-alter Clemons married TUE!li(Ja)'. • MNI. ~fllrr \"eath­'ind f"rancl" Clernon~ visited friends erford entertained Mr. Floyd Cross­h~re, • Thos. llllt"lwr. Cbarlio ,{,horp fandll or 13011.7.. Ill •• Wcdnesda~·. • Ml'l!. fl.l\d 'l.'re\'or io'!cldk are working In Annie ClaYllool Is "islting hor father :\lolln<16, • McKinl,,)' Buller hus ae- In Gary, lnd • !\flM DUs Kennlsron cepted a position In Cairo.· Enlo and Annie nice am better. • Mrs. Dora l~lem.,ns was In town on huslnes" thi,. lI!cC .. ay has gone to Cloveland. Ohio, we('k. • n",·. Dannie Vl IBon. of lift. to the hedslde of her husband. • )(r". Ycrnon preached here 1:t8t Sundar.. Jam .. " :Vowlen and 111'(1 . .las. Gorden

Altona.. Ill .. fo-ei;. ~O.·-Earl Curtis ... ·as ;\[r~. ,\rtie Srn<ltor,' hn!l returned from nre Improvm"". • ~lrs, John Nowlcn Mattoon, Ill., Feb. ZO.-The Yalcntfnc in Alton Wednp.9dn,· to sec hill friends ?Iermlnt. • ;UIsse'l' Wllllo und (o'l1ome I :!nd I.llla Bohlll "'ere Cairo shoppers 60clal sl1l'on by the stewardes:;e$ ot the and relat!\'l!e •• Mrg Xorll. ltc!:lro)' Crider entertained !IUs" C02etlc TboTP Illst "I",'k. • Mra. f •• Steel", C. C. ncn- .\, lit. I';. Church on Thursday IJI til. __ 'all burled Thursday morning (rQIll tbe Sunday afternoon, d~rson, I,. Mosley and !lev. O. H('n- baSement or the church "'us <tlute II.

Cllthedral; when" requiem mas" was d"r~/)n Ilttended quarterll' meetlns!n tiuceess,. FtC\' .• J, .\, Sherman, pastor .aId by nev. Father Costello. Tntl'r- Greenfield, TIl. Fcb. ~(l.-lrr", W. Culro 11I5t we~k. • Any OTIO h,n-Ing ot the /I, ::'Y. J\:. Church. is ablo to be m£'nt was In Oreenwood cemetery. ·1 CI:uul(! Bu~hardt died III ber homo news (or the O.!tt'nder call phone No. aU! all'llln, alter (I. brle! !lIness .• "".". Miss Minnie Cann,," IR In tbe cit:.' "'Is- :lfondal' morning at 10:30 o·Clot. of ~:I .• Thl: Church ,\ld Club of tho Arthur ,\nde",on. who hall been cOn­Itlng her mother LInd friem:_ She still I qUIck consumption. The d<'<lcalled!\ad A.:'If. I!:. Chur-ch mel Ilt Mrs. Bettlo fined to 11<'r homo for the PIlat threo Ih'('I1 In '1'en'e !~aut... Ind.· Vivian I bClln III only a 3hort tllll". tho end I D"«s,lcl!'s :llonday. President. Mrs. "'~eks WIth Influeny.a, Is Impro\,iu!l' .• M .. any Iliade a flyin:; 11'11' to 1,,, .. 1,,1111" t!omillg ralhel' une"';>e~t"rll)·. !\[rs: nlllsdeU; elf!rk. Ada B. Ellis .• Mudame Clla ... llltchell III vlslHnlt In Jndianapo-b"t ,,·ook. • Blrt ,\\'alkel' ..... as in tho I I:lurghard~ ",UII Ihe daugilte,- ot John Hurd: T'·nlrfnx. sang at tho A, '!If. B. lis .... ith relatives. • Mr~. Bd. l-;[iJott. city last ... ·cek trom Cblcago on lome I 'lO<1 1':Uen $uu>l<ler" ot Hunnibal ::ih,) ~hureh Tuc~.lalo' nlsht to a Inrge :\lIdl- wlte or £d. to:1II0lt, died al her horno Important bU$lr,e$(: .•• \. fine boy ,..a" I wns united In mlltrlnge to \v. C'laude ence. RI>\,. \\-ar,bington, pastor. • The on \\'ednesday, Feb. 4. aCtcr un 1IIne:<" horn to !';fr. and ;)tl'S, Chnrl!~ ~Ic- Burghardt In 1910. Mrs. tlurbhar,lt Is HoS' DIggers Club entertnlned tha of pneumonia. Mrs. ElIIolt was for­Collough I?rld.,y mfrnlng..· .\Ibert survh'ed Ill' II. husband. tliree children. :Mounds ;\Ildnlght Club to a throo mer/}- Miss Sadie ~. Clayborne. former ThrOUKhrn .. rtln ot St. Lou.s has fe- William II·t·llnkUn. >lgo 8; "-redo. Adcll. eout'so luncheon Mond"y niGht, ,resident ot She!by\'III~. but now of ill-turlled to Alton ~t his !l.Qnle job, ba'-I ag(J :l. and :\Iar), Ellen, age -I weckll.' -- I dl.nnapolls. • HI:!\'. and "lrs. J ..... Sher-bering at Jim :O;orrull's barbel' shop. 'l.'ho d('cI'a"ed wall ::l6 yellr>! S months LoveJOY. III .. Feb, ~!).-;\{rs, EUn 01,·_ nllln ontertalned at R. banqllr.t on Wed­He III out asaln trom .... long sIck >!pel!, and 18 dUY5 old <It the time of her ao- on" of thlli eil)' arrh'ed from Cnrhon- tiel/day night in lll" oasement or the

m!~(' t<'lIneral ser\'lces were Mid Sun· dlllct. m., tile 7th with hoI' daughter. 1,\. M. 8. Church, which was beautifUl-:'l<eU'opoll!. 1ll .. {·'cb. ~O.-!\Uss Hazel da) atternooll a.t 1: ~O o'clock at 1,'Irat Mrs, Inez t'"aln" who h~ b~1l vcrY Iy uceorated COt the oc .. .as!on. It wne

Howard epent the week-end "'Ith her :lor. r~, church. In ehllTgc or tbe pUdlor, 11/ with pneumonia, but \\'ho is now I thl'! hlrlhday at both He\', and :III'S parents at Joppu.. • ne,-. , .... H. Bar- .:e\·. Henet)'. Interment ""a8 mnde. In much Impro\·ed .• Re\,. ['ather Trelill- Sl'tcrman.· EJd. glllott. "ho has been nett flu returned from Toulu, Ky. • the Oakwood cemetery. The pallbeur- way Is stili conllned to hj~ bed .• !\Irs. conllncd to tbe home o('hls siSler with Quarterly meetlng was held at St. "r5 ... · ... re Dr, S. •• McDonald. C. H. 1.. '1'. GrlfHn, wl(e of the Defonder a lIevero cold. Is able to be out ugam. PaUl A. M. E. chUleh l"at t:jundal·. BUI'ghllrdt, C. to:. 'VallIeI' ano F"ed :r.;d- agenl. hUJJ instnlled herself as head lte\'. RI!ddlclt or Brooltport prenched.! wnrd". Tl.ose who uttended th .. fu- I cIeri:. in lIe .. husband's (:,'CI' growing • ~tr8. Mar)' Blackwell, artel' a few ncral from a dlstllnce were :111'. and 1 huslnes1". • The Sons and DaUghters dll)\'I' vIsit in the cIty: has returned ".{r", r:. E, Walle!!l'. Zion CIt;·: M1sses 10f Golden Cato IAdS'e No. 10 held their tu hC'r hom<' In Cltl'bondale. • ~I1~s \'Ii.n. l'rHnces alld Alln!e Saunders, Hannloal; Installation lit the reSidence of ;\Indam Hughe .. has b",n blllh'J)08ed. • 'l.'he I Ed",,,rd Suunders, Seattle, ""nllh.; DI" Savannah Jameson, Second street. lItrs. Church Federation ot the Fh'lIt aap- S. 1';. :\tcDonald, Bushnell, 1''Tc,/ r~d- I Suann Vau;;hn worth, founder pre-tlKt el1ureb Convened lu ita Cfllarte"Iy I wllr,J8 lind Locl,,1 IllulI.c. Carrollton; sidctl, , , t',-,Iy Saturday and Sunda)·. Pror '\'. )!f~. ~1'U"y E. Bnnlt~, ~Int. John Kns- , _ _\. 8In/:leton. president. All Intc .. est- Icy, :\Ir ... Louise Wright. Jo.ckllOllvlllc:' lillln, W .• J.·eb. 20.-R(H', :\lcCnlley 1:11;' program was arrunged (0 .. the I Mrs, Arthur MIlI(1r, ,f. !lIIIler, Alton: lof Cnlro was hero Sunday und filled afternoon, and'Rev. T. ;l.j, Moses. lhe ~ISS JuUa Ballenger, Woods; :'>frs. Jel't I hi" regular POllt llt tho Free Baptist ) .... "'ly elected pastor, p"caehed morll-, 1,lul;. Jers' .-vUle. ehureh. • Charlie Shanklin \'i~ltcd at tllll' and e\ell!ng .• Jullu!! Jones Is I --- . 'holne Sunda;', • Ill ..... Templo Meals ,ouch Impr(H·cd. • Mn;. W. H. Mans- I .spr.nglleld, HI., I'cb. ~(j,-J.Irs. Goldie waa Called to Calro on tho account n( :fleld or Chicago and !lll's, I. \V. BIlI<er I Brown, wire of Robcl·t Brown, 1030 ,tho illrte"s 'of her daughter .• Mr. WVIlS or Padueab, KY., were the guests ot South 15th stroot, ",110 had suftercd In- ,bas mon,d to Centra.lla •• Sell Caldwell 'ZI1l;ls :llaud Port<:r laat lVe,,11. • 'I'll ... [tensely tor ~e\'enll wcells, died Feb. H, has tlliten a l)Osltion In r'uturoJ City. fune,·a.J I<{'rvlcelf of Everett Hoilge. a. }O'un')rllJ was held 'l.'u""daY. Rov. G. W. :. Mr~. C. H. Kelley was called to Car­tiP/eudld y'oung man of our clly. we,'.., Jones. ns a request ot the <l1'eca5"d bc- bOn<laln on necount or the Illness or holel at St. Puul A. :\1. E, ehurob gal- lO'1'e IlI!I' doath, prca..:hNJ the funcral her !lunt .• P.ortha Bowen WitS here uarday atternoon. Hev. S. IJ. Jones serm,on. • quarterly mCt!ting at OrllC(l . visitmg her mother Inst w""I;, • :\f, ulllcl&t1ng. • Le"tl'r ,,'ollsl!! und li:rllie )'f. e;. church Illllt Sunday wae 0. suc- John~on is Ill. • :\frs. J. W, 8tovIIII Is l;h"nnoll 1l11\'C rel",'n"d (rom Cht"ago'lce~~. dellpite tll" S8,'cr" cold weather. here. "lsiting her duulihter. Mrs. Will", • (leon~o Calhoun I" .p""dlng th<' ",,,,,It At ~ p. m. Rc\,. Shaw pretlehed (or the \Vyns. ~ Howard Edmond and ~11ss crl.d In Poorla, • All !t,hll·@"Ung Illeet- dIstrict superintendent. • Mrs. Jamet! Clnra Roger,; ... ore 'Iuletl~' marrilld at In;.: of th~ 81/\'('r t ar Club \Vas held ,\dam:; was called tn Chicago Sum/ay Ih*! homp of the hrfde's parants, • ;\!t·S. III tho home of slrll. I.arl·v Rod"ers Ion account ·of the d"nth ot her sister. Opal JUhnaon I.; sick. • .Mrs. O. JAckson !.I(lnday e\l'i!lling. • )11'. nnd itT". It~nry 1 ~Ira. J<lme~ ,\d~n"l. Sh? r!!turnl!d "I!dted at her home III C"rbol1dtllo :;lIn-1100"0 heen ""ry !lleI" but \)oth I homo hurriedly Sunday nu;ht on ,Ie- dl\r. ure IIIlW cOtlvale9CelH, The Oriental, ;oun~ of tlle Illness ot hm: figI'll r".thcr

l[onmollth, til .. Feb. ~O.-;\iI~s Cella. Cool< Is Impl·u,·jng. 0 ~lr". llary Ne,l llr. l"loyd flnd Mr. Evans are un ubI; to be Up •• Gcol'ge Neil I. on thl! sick list, • Samuel \Va.lers Sr. returned iast e"oning (rom Kol<orno, Ind.. from a \'jsH with his SOn nnd daughter .•. r. W. Wallllce Is seiling out hIs gro('.,r~· slore and market and e"peeu; It> gO Ot' his (arm in Atarch .• C:I!:ln 'Wullace IS Oil the '''ck list. • C. I,. I!:\,a.n" haa re­turned to IllS home .n I{:tU"pcll, Mont. aner \'!sltlng hIs cousin ~everal ",e('ks. • Gronvllle Cooper Is on tho sick list. • Re\,. Kenned)' prcar:ohed at Calvan° BapUsl church Sunday. • Miss Odell Macu,.lmy or P~orla. III .. waEl In tho 011 y \'I~ltlng :llIss ;llnrJorle Ford .• 'Mrs. S. P. lln"pins ontcrto.lnecl a.t din nor SUllda)' Poe", Rnmson or Burlington, Iowa, flml lI-frli. I •. T. :'.Ioorl', • !\Ira. Kelly and little I$on lir" \'ery til .• Hmn .. r Don'ulng of Cednr Rapid". Iowa. is !Ii at lhe home of his Ilarcnts, ;'fr. nnd llrs. Wm. Downing, and th"y are boCh on the ~lck 1I1tt. • 1-I0Im:-r Howard I" \'cry sick. • :Mlss Yalm!!. Doss i~ home \'i~iUng her fIlother, :I[rs. Emma Small. and brother, LOllIs Pos .... L, C. l::limllls ;" able to be out "gain .• :I{r. and :llrs. '\'!lson Humphrey are heltE'r and, nblo to bt! out. ...

memberll was ended Wednesday by the circuIt court In favor or tho original side. • H:ul')' K~'l('s of I"t. \Vorth, Kiln .• Is "Isltlng his paronts, Mr, :u1d Mr". Tobe Kyles,

Rockford, Ill .. Feb, 20.-Thc 'Young :Men's Pr.l;resslvn League cntertalned at the home of f,. D, Debrn F'rlday evening In honor of Mrs. l~errol San­tee of Chlengo. wbo Is IL guest at Mrs • .r, Tt. FalrJ .. ~,. • Sunday was quarterly ml)~tlng day at Allen Chapel. Sen'lces ,",'ere held mornln!l'; nftemoon and "ve­ninI\' b~' P. g. F:ldcr J1lgmns. • Mrs. Adelia ;\f. nos" entertained the After­noon Art Club Friday, • Mrs. Jeslle

.\pro" and UQml1lt Drill, ulldel' til! dl-' . In. and ~lrs. nuflls. i"("l~on, 1\nrth ,Ioppa, IIi .. F.~b. eO.-Tho sCl'vlces Ilt ,· .. elion of M!ti" ;.\1.le Robel·ls. at ::il.l ;::('cond ll~rce" !lra 1,11.. OIlW't ",·".h, nock HIli Uapu"t Church \""e lar1:(,J~· 'Paul ,\. )L. !-:. church Frlu", night. lng-ton, '\ hi' hlls been ,II. has. rCllumcd "U"nded Sundtly. n,,,,, .. r.. Cole 1I11ed '\1111.3 Iluito It suceells •• Cllptnln n. H. hl~ "ark. ,\!be:~ MI!~k hns be~n sn_ the pulpit. • 'l'h" r~ .. dlc~· Al<l met nt Durke attlv~Ll III I',e cit,· :lulHlay 0 ilcltcd \») neL !:l,ay. ,,110 is now eon- 111o r"~idenco or lirl!. Ollie A!!el' ;\-Ion-

I I 11 ., d '. ',lllcLing n rev!.·al nt AitOn, LO coml! <In'' "vAnln' nttpr \"Illell tl h II t , s,t 1 5 """,0 an daught,el'. ~frs. Leah I,Jo"'1 alld·,,,( III tile "IIOI'U". M.. ,. - S.· 'v o~ ""5 n d ttl ed R S B , dIn" ~ . Il"rvcd u very dainlY rePaslo • The ,ee en ~r a n cv.; .• ones !In ~teck ..... 111 lend hil< assistance It h~' ~uPller given by th" Tribe of neubr:n '" I~e, Rill, ~ H. Smith "-nd :Mlss T:wrA. can \)11Ii opportunity to gel a.wa~· from w"" a. grand "ucce ...... lr .. 1". a~lIe RQlllferll al \n,.(:\· 1I0n!lny. • !>fl'l'. P.ulh 'lit .. slate hou!<e "'here he Is empIo"ell, Field'! detlarted for Chicago Heights DO!lI~:w. and lIlH" Jew.el Lona , or I ,. Colonel Dunea!) WII,; placed on' tho ::;'Inday morning .• Mr. Hard,' mad!! It 13roo .. port lipent the w ellk -en!l '" Itll '·ommltl .. e of "time lind place" at thO" ' their parenis. ll1'. and ~-!1'R. C. '''. fI.lIlccitl LI.131l'lIe con\I'ntlon held in ("hi:: business trIp to :lr~lropolis 'Ratllrda~', Long, • The (\ineral se.""lce t~r MrH I c:,gO last we<'l,. • Quarteill' meeting' • :\!!ss Hazel Howar,1 spent tho wMI<­D. Tertcl 1,)'Onfl. who d.ed In Cllkaso 1"'111 be held at !'It Puul's'" :\r E' end whh her par"n!s. ~tr. nnd Mr... ~Uel:ldu}', W'\S MId ~t r:t. f"lul .\. ~!. 'F.J, ehuT('h F<,b.· 21~~2. " 'rh" BlI~l~cs'; Ottoway HawnI'd. • 31rs. Clam and ch""ch ThuI·"daY U .crn60n, Rev. S. U'\Lensue .... 111 render thc program :tt the Berlhn :SlY ar<) quito Sick at this writ· Jane.. offi.clllttns-.· Mr... ~flnn~rvlil I.:ultura Club the Sunday In l\f'lIrch, Ing.· ;\Ir~. L:l.lIra Bradley 'l\'as Injured F'ot .. man. hirSH' N' . Maud $he!b,' ot . __ : Tuesday by 11. faillllg telegraph post,

I~lgin. HI.. 1""b. 20.-J. Haner of ChlCltgo ,,&S all }';Igln "/Kltnr .• :'II"" J. l)a "is 'll1d .\lrH. !lallin f\rOWII or C.hlcalio \'lull«,1 rel;,I''','s.· Hallie nrown left. ror the Haf'ine. 'Vis., qoar· tnrl), m~Vllng. which will be h(lld at St • .James ,\. :'It. K ellureh I"!!!). ~~ r~J\'t,) fcast Ilt 11 U. m., and sat'ramen\ at :l p. m.. cnllductl'd by Rev. ,r. L. Hlg{;it,8 .• M'lls Amelia ,hlhno:ot1 of Au· rOr:> ,·\",tl:'.j h"r relatl""'" • ;\Ir;!;. Ag­nCR l.'pshaw lin" rC:lurnt<d to her Ilome I in H'>t:klord. v :.rrs. P(>ll~' \\'eb~loT Is "i~ltfnll' Aurora relath''''~' • Chudlo Cor­belt has returned to HU(,lllC, \I'ls.

l!nrlon. Ky.: Henry 81",1 b)' of Sal"~l. Hoop,,~ton. III.. !-'ell. ~O,-The Worn- ~ :llllton Crisler, deacon or !tocl' Hill Gnlcahllrg. III .. T"cu, ~(l.·-IAttJe Miss Ky.. and Tom Hllgh~!l at Dotrolt'

l an'!! Glub (,lIterla!ncd with an e,;cel- Baptist Church. died' YOry aullduIII)' nub)' Sklnn<l'!' <'nlertnln<:,1 111 of hoI'

:\Uch., '!-ucnded the tUI1Eral or !i:w,..,tt I .. nt pro;;"l\m In honOt· of T,lncoln'" Saturru,y ·!itornlng. In him Joppa. hn>1 fr!~i1t1~ ill 8. parly lil:!t weol,. The e\'c­UOd~f), Su.tUrday •• ;\In'. Lavau't Hog- birthday 'Thuradnv :It the home of Ill!)' lOti I tl. \'alliable c!tlzl!n and {althful nlnl<' -"'0" hpent ,n dancing ,md !:umes. era lett tho city Sunda)' tor (,h.lengo to l'''~~ident, lIrll, D A. Smith .• lUssl chorch ..... orker. 1 • M, H Marlc DunwllY ,,'lIlle,' has re-lie III the bedslde .• ot hili' sletnl'. "ira. Helen \Voodard of RIlnklo "'8 s In the Peoria HI 10:;;- "0 -:"0' J . lurnpd rrom :'ollchlglln. '1ft'!!· tho death 13l.'at·lce. Rodgerll. lIIr". lhtltle II",\'· I:lty '1'hursda:r • lIrs, Gr:lcc Gee Ilna I H"nr~' Shlllpp~rd. fQ\: :I';li~1il l~6 IC\:~r,~~ i of h('1' mother. ~ ~"Ck"r . B~.If"rd is ar(l .Is able to bo OJt all!!in atl~r an mOlh",·, :lfr~, DalBY l'oru,," and ~1ar· pln·,jeb n or Peorln dlod lasl Til 'd';" hnmc from Ill" hospnal. l)ut IS .,t,1l eon­l11n",,:! ot tbree wc(Oks. • .:drs. \i erl;l~ /ihall Millel', 1)all\'ilI<', were here Sal-l mor·nlllg. 0/0'01' two;,ty years or P~,o'~"1 til hi". be!l .. ' "'1'''. Har,!1d pruitt POrtH "pellt th". "Q~k,"I" .. t hOOle. urdll~' to furnl~h music with the "Bur- Dr. Shepperd hllll practiced .nledleille hi ~u:r,.cr~nt; W'~!I, rh{,u':'l."tlijn~ .and ReI'. ;-l. Ii:! A!cCtllllcy I~ Rhlo 10 be Ollt ton'H Glngcr Jazz Orcbestra" at nllr~ ( d d' pillur.s lIn, h.1 l-;outi) 's imp.o\lnIO u"alll utl(,' )111 iIIm'!;U or a fuw "\·~cl'~' • I tOll'~ h~ll .• ~fn ••• r6. "0" ,\~tl<. t. ,'IIlI- \"re ton a",lulse qlllte IL (OI·t\ll)e. Th" * ,,' . '1; " I', I"~ 'd h ' .. ~ ~ ~ .... ,. "".,,, funeral service/! werll,conducted at the , .. rs. '. r.; l,c ta.r ... Ml ,<nn nu,," tnI'. 0001'/(" '\"hellier. who tor tho PUll; fo\\' vln Cruce. Ralph Artlsl. .\. M. K Church by !tll\'. O. A. Bro .... n. BC8~1t'. al'~. mlPr:'\'mg ;l~te~ ~ll.vlng the months has be ... " u £1 ... " the trl.''' mf)n,t ,i'reeniatl. :\forrfs "'rUbt. a1.telld"d "I n. IIn'long. frIend, Dr. fiheppcrd re- Inftuell?ll, . :!.lr. and Mr~. ( has. ,\mlcr. "r physlelalls at Chicago, r'lturned t~ dancQ In Dal1\'1110 Mondn.),. • ;\fr. and I c('h'od his education nt Howard Unl. :!'on "ntertll.,ne,l lit Sund"~ tllnn .. r H,,\,. tho elll' last wcek mUch ImproV(ld. Mrs. Dorsa~' bavc been !ll!l:hlly l"dI8- \·ersity. He IN.VQS a w!dl)w o.1'\d two land MI'><, G!lrr,~on. ~fr a!,d llr" Hiram M .. l<. N'o,""u. Lowr)' III r"\lort~d bc~t,r po~ed for sln'eral dl1)~. • Til" 1\ 'n'~' SOfl~ and un ag-cd mother. )1c:GIl1 • .I\lIM 1·lor .. ne(l l'lelclwr, Hillen t\II" 'I\'oek, • Mrs. J. W. (lasilin Y' led day program w.der.the dlrectlnn or th" i Brrallt "nd ;\lrl<. Hal'rl"l Pruitt. • her pa.r<'l'!ts tn l'l?-<!'lcah, }(Y. IIl~t 'Yeck. supet!tft~nl, RaYlIlond Green .... ·UIl '·' ~ltlll!. m .. l'-cb. ~O"-.RQ\'. WIl1. The Imperial .1uhil('o SinHr.r~ were nn-• .Mn. 2ia~ey CrlPpens is ablo tn. be !riven Frida)' nIght at the home ot ::.rrs'lli}tdlC'Y of CentralJa. m., Willi her/) " tcrlalnetl at luncheoll hy :\Iabel vut apln. Rev. Thomtl!l Morris. pas- Mar,· Gr .. en ~ WIlliam Hull was It '''''' dll.~·s lli"t week. Be Idl foJ' 1\ Davis, Tile "fternoon wa" spent In tor ot Antlocb Bapt:llt cbureh, ',!.hold- Sundall ",lllitor III Da.m·1lI0. • Raymond "~tl~ or meetings !It tbe" M g dlscussln .. mu,,:c. the "om in!'; al·t .• Inti' a. rcwi\'al at his church. • :'zr),- Orccn hu" rcturn~,1 trom Terro Haute' churCh at HIlT.rIl.burg ... ;>,Irs. '8. TI\'< ~he '1'hlrnblc ,?lrr.l~ or th(' Secund Rap-bod~' III InvIted \0 .• ttend. • D. L. Tnn- Illld \'Incennes Ind 1M haG returned from tho medical church .... '11 hold !t~ 1\'lI\ulll bU7.n.,ar dry continues to be IndlspOlied. • Tho' lr"atment at tho Cairo ho~pltnl under fhp. second week In :'Ilny-l1th. Ltlt membllr. of the (O'lrllt Ba.ptiat chureh Grand To ... ·er. 1ll.cF'~b. 30,--,(,h" Aub~ 1.) ". 'f '-'lid .. " J I C' 'and 13th :'Ifrs Alac C~tll" f!r""'nc beld d "aId t6 uoe'- '" at tho PUSO·I". e ' .' r.. '. .. e s. ,.e". 0 In rOSS-I' ..• .. . - ',..,

- ¥ ~ V ~ ....... • lie schools und ,chur('hell were .. Inned land at Grand Chain. 111" ..... ·as hero pr~sldent.· '1 h(l Imperia' .Juhll('e /-llng-Sll.turd:)' eVening with l5ucceslitul ro- last 1.VodnesdllJo" Uy ord~r ", thQ boa.rd this WCt'k In :search or il bome In th's NU cntcrt!1.lncd n .. rnv;dcd hOll~'" ~ t the

t'oillt!':. I"d~~~·. !'. J~FI~t~ocD.oi~tolnhu:: °cthhealth on lteeOU1\t o( the lin .• !\Ir.j cit)' .• Mn •.. \<ldle Tabron IN \1SIUllg l Second BlIp\i~t church Feb. Ill, • ~Ia~-

Uv w ~ .. ~"" • arIeS Watts nnd wife are Ill, • John \ rrlends 111 T",·tc RnuLe. Cnd .• Mrs. H.' t~!· l<,ugel1c \Va!:'oot'r is n:)I,,' tn be PUfohll.sed, a new (.r. - Prot. " D. Bin'll!, Sr .. Is In McLeamsboro nttrnrJ. O. Floyd '''IS called to her .(ek mClthl'r I nround tllC hnll~e afier threo WPt'ks' Alston Ie e!>nll~ed to hili bed, • Tbe IIlB' thf\oi tarewell '/uarterly meeting as "' rnula n"{mlls. Ilid • 311"s Sedal!a jllln .. "s. • 'Vm '1\'II"on Is Rufl<:'I'lng with If. M. O1ul:l '1\'88 entertnlned thl. ""ee)!, .. delePte. • Clinton Galn!'s of Dew- :'Itr[)allll'l. ..... h(l hal< bccn attending gaMr/tI~ .• "trl<. I<:IIZ<l l..olmn h:lH "". by llisl U4ry Wh~oler, • The Ladles', mnlnes' \'Jaited hla 11.0th .. ,·. "1 ... (·:lrrl., ~choul at "·,lberrorce. 'Oblo, hall re-I t:('I\''''' a letter from thl! state flr"~ldellt J\ld or St. Paul A. M. E. cburch met (}alnes, Saturdny. • 3frs. Addle John. turned h01lla to,' :In Indc[lnlto per:oil. of 11,,) l<-cd~r"t"m "aylng Ihllt ('hurch with MIIIII Maull Port .... r Friday attet'- aon ot :'IfuT'»hv500ro i .. lsltf'd her "I,,!e~ --! <lIGlb:" to fcd~rat(', noon. • !:fr1I. 1.oulll& B1.·, ""ho has been Saturda~' and ·Sund:t.1. • Ph)UII Hinton, Joil~l. I II .. F"h. ~O.- ~It·". l.:n'lna Hltl'- __ atto. ,11nt,; th .. b .. deld" r Ell Cllmpbell, and son 1..08""ro nmd" n h'.lslne-siS trip I r;~. ~~,~ ·La Stille ~h·r:et. (·!llen"n. I~ \ \\·",.l<"~an, Ill .. I-'pu. ~, ••.• Ik .. I-I'nnl.­retl/nlect to .'cr bou;e Ilt lUounillil last to Murphysboro cO turdut'. • ;\[rS: ~ct'IOtlsl:,' III .. t tho !to",., or her deu:;I;. I !In i" a l .: •. '" I't "1,,-0 .• PO)t!!"~ ,.r h; .•

, ...... . 1'I00ll;.er '8 Improving. • , IeI'. 'JLlllc~. ' :"I~. IJCJ~,~ l·Co\\ ... n. uher an

- , ..- , Pooria. III., Yeb. 20.-Tho PaRlel Bu.­

ton Relief Corps met at tho home of Mn •. il-Ine Rur( Mondll)' nisht. • O •• T, Reading. who lias heen very Ill. is much Improved. • 1I1r... :l\Jayme Gmy of Cleveland spent Friday and Satol'­dal; the guests ot hor brother, 1\lr, Booze. • Tho Chotnl Club met at tIIs home of Mrs. lIaker Frldll.Y evening. • Thl! 1.llac Club ga" .. their annual mld'l\'lnler part)' at the home et 'Mr. and 1\1rs. lloustoll Monday night. • Ronry Hnrrlson le[L for Hot Sprlng8, whero he 'will spend """eral weeks .• M!lIs Fay Harper nnd William Lewis will glvo n pla.y Tut'sday evening at

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PRAIRIE STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Sep 25, 1920; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 12

.. .. " . Galesburg ,DL;" sept. .1I4.-Meadamet! BannahSht..;;; and Gmce' Webb and MII!8 Julia: .Webb entertalned I ding ·brCa:k!Ut', lIt honor,' at·· Hr.' a.nd Mrs. WOJter:Webb; ,.' r.1ri.' , :Naggie Oolema.n.ot·:B.Uaow1· I. vlsiUng. rela.~ i ·Uveli·Ill.~our city. ~'Mr. and·MM. Wm.,

Jackson entertained' a.t' "eupper~ in' honor ot· Rev.' T. Jr MUShaIL. *.1>1r.

'and Mrs .. Walker.' BMsett,: Mesdames Coleman, and:. Jackson'" and ,children. Bob 'ReedrMr.?/iDd.MmJl«cBrJde, ,Airs.-, Hattle Duke and'son G!enn, and, Mrs •

• Susle. MUrril.y,'spent' l!oundaY,.a.t tbe ,borne or'Mr.,and',Mr8. Hen17 Harmon. i,- Airs: Lollt,Benton.iB\on 'I}. buslD~8 'trlp,to JoUet,Chlcago .and' Cleveland. ,,~, Mm. Tcnll. Crawford has returned . to 1

'Peoria. after: :vtsiting her' 'grO,ndson, ,Young Nelaon Jr. • A reception was I,

tendered lIlr. and Ml'8. WiLlter Wcbb i at the bome'ot his mother Thursday, evening. Tho' house wus" beautlfully : decorated 'In yellow,' IUld white; ;;4' 'guests were seated at· tables. The 'couple received many ulicCul a.nd beau­tiful gifts. Mrs. Hanna.1l Shorts, Mrs.

'Gmce 'Webb II.I1d" Mlsa 'Julin. \Vebb 'were host'esses. * Officer J. H. Wash­Ington Is able. to be out after several days in St. AlIul"S hospital. ,. 1\11'. and

,;"lIB. John Allen and tamllymotored to Roek.Jsland In their new Stude­baker c.ltr .. • Mrs." Covine Colema.n ha.s returned aCter a. month's Visit in Ke­wanee. -. Miss -Butler or Peoria. was a. vial tor. • Re,·. Hicks of Virginia visited his friends, Mr. und' Mrs. Eu~ gene Lown', and l)reaChed a t Second Balltist chureh Sunday. • 1\11'13 •. Earl ?lcG!l1 and· daughter 130ntl1 are vh;it­Ing In ¥lslIl1uri.


Watseka •. 1lI.. ,Sept, 24.-Mlss Ida. recently. * "Us/$ :'faurita .10'. KlnS' has Greenley. of, Ka.nkakee spent SUndILY. rnturned' Crom a tew wee Ius' vhilt' in With her sister. Mrs. Bell Griffith. and St. U>uls and \Vobster Grove. lIlo. • family •• lItMter Fred .Loujs returned lIlr. and lIfrs . .Tohn \V.' Evan.!, lIlr. and' to his home In Champalgn Monday to !Ifrs; R, Glenn Evans a.nd RobQrl Pier­a.ttend school, after a weelt's visit with son motored here from, Decatur and the Sam" Go)Ven {ami!:y. " lIlrs. CeCile srJcn.t n. few, days wIth Mr. and ~Ira.

: Duquoin,· Sep~ 24.-Mre. DeUa "Ha)'­dell, who hAS been vlaltlng bel' lion III Flint. Mich .• stopped 0\'01' and spcnt a fe\'I ]IOUr-s with friencls and l'elaUves en route to Jaclison. Miss;, 'Ilccolnvnnicd by ll"lr duugllter. ~tr7h' Enrctta rlandlnan 0, r 8t •. LOUis. • Mrs. uther llaxtor h"" return .. d homE; -from "'ormaJ. lU ... where sho at­tended the summer nOMn"!. • lit ... · an:1 ~rl!. John Moody of Cleveland, Ohio. weI''' 'her" "llIltlng, friends and relatives. • 1111'''. ~alt\e Davison .and daughter h!wo re­tltrned to thelF~homo In St. Louis; • :o.lIs" trona Springs. MM<. !l1:.tudo Ahl!l'natl~ 'an:1 children returned to st. l .. ouls, :lfo,. after a two '''eoks' vil'lit with IIII'. and ,;\1.,.. R. C. Sprlnj,'s.,· Mrs. Loular S. Ulack n. .... turned to her'/lome In ·IndlanllpoU •• aft.'!' a two weeks' visit. • Mrs. Della Dmu· ford. Cardella Glrkle)', "Ir. DerbY .. GeorJ(c and Phonlc9 'I'homtu! al'e I'\Ck, • !-tn! • .A. L. Anderson has returned from GaleAburg. where she attended the' State' }<'ooeNltion' ot '. Colored Women's Club ... ' '. Ollarl .... Fru-rl" has .opened 11 ,&'I'o"el')l' store on North ~a"le I'tref!t. formerly OCClIlJlcd by Mrs. Maliidn. Bolan. • Mrs. lILllltie Red­tlick .md sou" nave !'Cttlrncf\ from GarY, Ind .. where they visited rela.tiYcs. • ;:I[m. Mnrla 'Vlnalon Is ,·lsIUnl,. at her former hotao In Leighton. Ala: • Mm. O('orgie Hawkins lis.;; returned from Alallanul. • 1\11'5. Sallie J ones has returned £,1'001 Oakohl. Ala •• 1111'S. Lettie Huddlt'son has l'etunH~d [rom Gary. Ind .. accompanied by her daughter-In-hw, lItrs. Ellen' lIuddle-son. '

, WlIson . daughter. Mary Irelle, of Johrl A. Evans on E. E.\:f!hange street. . Cit: sunday, . with Robt. • Vim. and, J os. Heinmnull nnd mather G~ z; • ·":r.trs. Inez Dlck- . at Godfrey' wert) visitors Frhlay. Itt the

visIted her sIster, Jersey county {nil' •• Mr. Ilnd l\lrs, Lln­and famlly, , Sunday. coin Freemall lind daukhter of God,

' entertwned her . frey spent 'l'hursuay and h"rlday here from ChIcago, this 1 the gUC8U; of lIlrs. Freeman's mother;

'~'''H'''i'lOln'' . ot Mr. and Mr~., * Mr. and :Mm"Amos BrOWl1 and ~Ir. RIChlll',f.'" the- former '11 I and 1\1rs. Jail. Waddle were Sllring-field

- Mr. '''I'd 1\11'''' ,'isitoni recently. • :'Ilrs. Sal'all Jones fair VIsitors of i and brothel' of Carrollton were vl~itOl'S

a.lso ~Irs., Wood- hero Thursday ... :\[rs. CYnthia Brown Ral1kln, IlI~ • Mr. alld daushter, :.\ks. Guo;slo Brown of

·"'r ... tt.,,,~ of ~Iomenl!e. St. LoUis. spent last weilit with Mr. Garr!ltt were I ID,d Mrs. JamC>! Waddle. - 1I1l.o;s .ASIHha.

SteWart I Ja,ckson of Alton "pent Sunday with :Mr. and 1 Mrs. Jefferson Ring. • Mr. a.nd l\lrll.

and Satur-' Rohert 'May of Alton 'were S'tIestll re­way horne 1 eenUy of Mr. and Mrs. R., A. Cisco .•

Mrs. Artist :\lrs. Alonza English of Carbondale is Dick Smith the guest ot her mother, Mrs. Hnrrlet

Elein, Sept. !?·l.-!ltnl, A. Downs and lIttl" Russell ,\lle~, IlILve returned from !I. visit In Duluth. • Mr., nnd. 1Ifr". 0115 Smith of ChlcM(O have moi'cd to Elgin .• T"wel'no Xewsome "I, .. nl I. few du.ys in Roel,forll •• ::-'1\,..; Vivian l,aw80n ha" reo turned from Chica~,;o* • :\lrs~ .. \. ..~(la.nlS, 1I1rs. P. Rold. :III'S. C, Allen. J)e"'eY MlIlt'!' and R. Drown of Aurorll. Wert' 1~lgln yls· Itors last weel", • ,Tile 'bllrnln~ o( tile mQrtga!;". condncteli by n",", Mc\Vl1Iiam3, was held Sun,dnY fit the S(!cond nfil.ust Church_ • Mr" •. r. 1 •. Viney Il"-~ r!!tllruml from Altrin. 1I1. • :Mrs, It{)J<~ Hoosi~r and dllughh,r and l\tlss \'101.'1 ""miam~ of Chi­"ago nre \'1~ltIng lIr. alld 1\1 ..... S. :';mllh. • Mr.!. S. Hu.r(lln~ an.l children have re­turned f!"Om Oalt Park, Ill, • litis .. ,,,.,b­;Iter ·of Chicago. is ,\·I.ltlng l\1r". E. New­some .• Clarence .Johnson. ChRrles Cor­hell. ~gen" and Oliver \\'h<lelcr wcre. III Chl('A'tgO. • illr. priggs aml G. Dele'" of ])a,·C'nport t Iowa. ''\~crc' h"1gfn ,,'{short;. • G. lIf, lIt1tcheU w!\S nl~o In Chi eRgo,

and Mrs. Ike :\l:tn- EVIlIlIi, on N. 'Vllshlngton st. • Mrs. mqtored to the trur A. B. ThomM of 'Webster Gro\'e, :\fo.,

Were S'tIests of the Gowen left tor her home Saturday aIter a ton tamllle·s .. ·'Mrs. Rosebud Wllson or day visit witb her {ather. Jefferson FaYottc~ Iowa. and children are visit- King.· Charles N. Hutchison, Sprlng­tng her parents, Mr. a.nd ?tIl'S. FDnnk tield, ill., spent tho week end here, the Morris;' on Camp avenue. • Dan Wood- guest of ;\lJss :\la.urita r'~ King. • Er­aI'd . at Rankin attended the talr. • nest Curtis a.nd Hallie Jones of Car-1\Uss,Gertrude Wllllon ot ChIcago spent roll tan spent, Sunday in the city. -,the week-end witb ner parents •• Law- Amos l"alrfax, Edward and Rlcbard yer C. P. Howard at Des Moines, en, Browa were Sunduy visltom in Car-

, route to Wr.ahington, D. C.. and his romon, lQe guests ot friends. " Mr. . 'Work as lL.;t~ .. "tor· a.t HnmPton Inl3U-

1 and .M ..... Bert La. Vell of Carrollton

tute. Va.. ar 'of Sunday with Mr. and I were visitors here Thursday. .. Frank Mrs.i RIchard Morris. • S. N. Gowen ThUrman and' '\Vm. Patton, St. Louis. altd :1. C. Morris motored to Remlng-' wero guests here last ",,,ok of Mr. und ton, Ind .• TuesdaY. • Earl Smith and ::lIra. James '\V'a,ddl" ... Mrl!. Stolln.Mo3-Chauncey Freeman ot Hoolleijton were by o( Alton spenL Tbul'l;duy 'at the Sunday. Visitors of. Roseoe Morris. .., homo"of ::lIn;. Clllrenee lI{osbr •• lVIlsses !\Irs.,Couslns or Danville, Mrs. Byrd ot,: 'Ada. and Lucille fs ..... " of Carrollton Springfield and Mrs. ,\Vlnstoll. with the: and B. Darbey and Miss Emily Dar­Hoopesto~lteB, were county tatr vis- ot Godfrey were visitors' at the Jersey !tors FrldB.y. coUnly fall' Thursday. • Abc Kirk of

) , Carrollton was a business visitor hore Mount Verno~, nt., Sept. 24.-lliss last \¥oek.

,A.Jmka. C~rawaY!th' °bteSt'SILot UrIS l\Bf~8nt:;!lhl~ JOliet, m., Sept. 24.-Rev. D. E­wee -en.... w I' G e, ,.1'. .." ~ Butler, al!slsted by Rov. Felltimun. Blanton. • 1\.11'8. Irene Bruce of''Buft'nlo, preached his last se~mon to the Brown N. y,. was the guest of'· her parents,' Chapel A. ..1. E. congrega.tion, for he

. Rev. and Mrs.' Richards, last weele. lert for conference •• Re". B. P. :\Iad-Mrs. Bruce left Saturday' evenJng for dox lmod Mt. Olivet BllpUst church

, Chicago .. • Sunday was quarterly meet~ i pulpit 111.",1: SundaY. • &w. Brooks of . Ing day at the C. M. E. ·Church. Rev. Sarah Chapel C. 1\[. E. elnirch wlll , S.S. Lander, P. E..lield his fourth and deUvor his,la:;t sermon iomorrow.aft-last Quarter. • 1\Irs. Rosie Jlnnor and emoon" tor he" for conference. children, Forest. Jr, and. Frefdll. Mae., * Tomorrow night the congrel;atlon or nre, the gu.ests of her sister. :Mrs. R. Second Baptist churcli will hear Rev Helm •• , 1\lrs. Be,tty. Wilkerson' was in i S. J. WJI1iarns' Jut sermon beioro his Chicago 1ast week. • Shelby RIchards I departure tot" Topeka, Kan. • Mr. and

.. ~d. Mrs. ',Givens ot Pr~vjdence, KY., Mrs. C. F. Eaker, accompanied by were in the city In the CitY.. last week. C. Wilkeson n.nd Wilson H.' Roberts, • The, communit~, Club Observ, cd Labor I motored to Chlcugo in tholr new Es,sex day with a picnic 8.t the reservoir. Th~ car to' spend Sun,ln"v with Mrs. G. day;'Ro'RS spent in games and fishing. 'I Gardner of. l7M' South State street. .. l'Te:ematl., Barnhill of .Champalgn Is in Mrs, :Merritt Is visiting in. Indiannp­the cltY.:- ,l'>lIsIICS Mallssa and Gracey I olis, Ind., and St. Louis, 1\10, • Mrs.

, Bradley , have returned from Provi- I Florence Shaw Is attending the Poro ' dcrice. KY •• after a few weeks' visit .• I college In St. Louis, lira. -:Ill'S. W. J. B .. Wllson. who spent the summer: D. Davidson and Mrs. J, Ii. Johnson In, Minn., Is homo again.' have returned from Ncw York, Where • Miss ClaudIne Tbomws of Chicago. I Mrs. Davidson attended the B. M. C.

,wba:bws been vll/lUnS' her aunt. :\11'8. i • The members and friends of Erown 1... Bruin, has returned to her home. • I rendered an excellent program last Miss Arizona. Pitts Is home a.fter, sov- : :Monday evening t£.or the conference era1 dn,ys' VIsiting In St. Louis ... Abe clalm benefit. Riley of Terre Haute. Ind .• v1sit.ed his' famt,lY here laSt week. Mounds, Ill., Sept. 24.-H. Herman

. COYle of Detroit; ltlch., Is vlsltln!;, his .Jackson\·lIIe. I11.~ Sept. 24.-Dr, A. H. mother and sisters. ~rra. Hutchlnson

Kennlebraw returned from a three: and Mesdames S. 'WlIlfams and C. weeks' '\'!lention triP, which 1\'ru! mnde Rushing,· Mr. and :!'ofrs. Chas. Mitch.' by ,Ilutomobile. Dr. Kenniebrew 'was um of Detrolt aro visltlnS' :o.frs. E.' aceompanledby John Dunn, with Ford 1\1",<;on nnd trlends. • WJ/l BmnsCord

-Tripplet.t as chauffeur. "' :Mrs. !\tamle ~ment ten clays In the East, VIsiting Oggs,llnd da.ughters of St. Louis, 1\10., l3ILltimore :lnd Washington. D. C •• are "!sltlng Mt'. an4 lIrs. A. J. Jo:.cs :lIrs. Hast;· Gardner of East St. Louis of S(luthFayette street .• Rc\'. H. H. is the guest of friends in our r:lty, De,\\'itt, .1\lrs. Ems Moore :'lnd :lIr. and * Miss Lovls Bell ot Pulaski, was In

"Mrs. DtW!d Duncan atter..ded the Wood our city Saturday. visiting her sIster. Rlver"Baptist AssoCiation held In ~e- !lUllS Dovla. • Col. Marshall of ChlealtQ orla. lnst ·week.' • :\1rs. Luther BlIndy spoke to 'the Republlcnns of 1I1ounds 'has gone to' Chicago, In .• and. Gary; Saturda.y ... Chlet 1... W, Finne\' has Ind., . to' visit rcIIl.Uves .• • Quarterl~', heen In. ,our city thtl past t\'eek and.

:meeting' was held at Bethel A. M~ E. WIIS the guest of :Mr. and :lfrs. James Churcll, SundaY. with ReV. Brown, of. Childs, • 'VIlI Bronstord Is spending ,Bloomington,. IlL, In charge at, serv-' ilie week-end In St. Louis. • Herman Ices. and Rev., Fischer deJh'ered his. CoYle of 'DetroH fs visiting his mother· sermon before lcn.ving for CO,n-. and 'sisters .• , Mrs. Marthn Glenn has

'terence. • Mrs. !;.onum. I-.. ta)·oUe Is, m. :ret!-,rn,,!d '(rom' St. Mary's HosPltRl, : ChIcnS'O. 'Ill., ".isitJng her IInu!\,hte,r. ·,1'.:hel'e shc ha.d. a successful operation. Elnora:' • The musicale giVen b:;: lUl!J!Ies-l • *.; l'o,~r.s. ::Iln.rUln.: F<;lllslllls and c~!ldren 'Catherlne and' Gladys, ~a.}'deA·~'A,r!2na:,hp,\·e returned from ChJc:1!;O, "where

! Mallory 'and Fra,!cls L~nch., -q~~el'?th,e, ;*11;0')1. have visited friends the Jast week. 'dlroot!onof :Ills!! Clara Da\!I~,;·a~<l\·t.~.: , .... ,R~l:. :G .. W. retu:ncd ft'om :Emory ChurchFrl.daynl.l~ht.·,'v;t~IiJ~l.9te, IndI~.n,!-pohs,""h~e ,be', ,attended the ',;: I !>-ltcce,ss,' • 'Re~~~orJ(e M,I¥!?~l pf; !N',nUor\n.J ,Baptist cq,nyentloa. • :\I iss 'J"ltck!ion' Miss. Is a visitor at the,bomej MOllie "Edna 'Johns. and 'Mrs, Hattie of'liilr'liiuikilrs; EllIli l\l,oi?re.';~ 'l\llss, Blcl<;,s' are, ~n ~1he 'slck"lIst' a!1d much Gni":e l\foore 'spent last -'l'!!ek In J?t.!al'J~;: Improved •. :- '. . ' Ill .. , aI, gUest" ot ·,hls. ·aun~'. ;Mrs;., Ella., ".',',' Stanfol'd~ .•. : MISII.,Qla,d'ys;(Harden .has entei~ the summer. lJ1I;h:;s.ct;!:01In:S.t:: LOuis, <Mo., . to CI),e~~q!,:.~u.sI,I}~.~ ,~~~Elle.: .~' ", .... >;~\ "" / BI'ail:~~m,,-a.r'd

Centrn.lIa.· Sept. 3,!.-Herman Bibb. who died IlI.lIt week. ,i'as buried from the Second Baptist Church. • I.eo I,l)ng Is dead. Mr. l..on!!, wag n Itoyal Arch MlU'un. • llis>! Xorth of CbaUanooga, Tenn .. Imd lllis/! D.I'lton of Ohio nrc the n<>W t""ch­'11''' •• S. ... lne ,,,rtF-ht's slst<lr WitS "hot and Inst.'tntiy kllll'<i hy Iler husband. • lUI'. Burwell and wi!" left 'a~t weck for Flor­Ida to "Islt relat!\'cR, • Mr. and lIIr~. Louts Colt:man Brent T.abor rta)' In Mount "emon. ' lIU" .. Adelne I.eak I~ 8[1<'n<1lnl\' n few d"~'5 In St. 1.01115. ' Herbert nogers of Cham!ll~I!;!l Is .vlsltlng relaU\·i!s.

. -T' Aurora. III., Sept. 2-4.-Mr. and Mrs.

Grandville Durham are ihn parents of a baby boy, • JIiS9 Adelaide Jloom hall ,;ont" to St. Paul to "Idt·"8 ... l\1n;. Alma. Scutt of Oak p",.k '" vls!tln~ friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A,lums enterta,ln",! In honor of Mr. find 1\Irs. PIlIII Rmd. Miss WaRhlngton also entertnlnc[1 for t1l2 Reid:; and Cor lI[l's. l\t1no~ of Chicago. ltlss Jacobs hru; rcturned to her duties 'l.1 the Rialto after It two weeks' vacation .• Master Olh'er Crawford won the flrnt prize ami Marlon Coopcr tlte secoud 1n the baby contcst.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

PRAIRIE STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Jan 8, 1921; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 7


'W~oopeaton. Ill.. Jan. 7.-Earl Smith, or n~F theen attending the Unlvendty

n~ s at Champalgn, is bome wn~ the hOlidays. • Miss Pearl tb Olo and Lula. Lucas are vlslUng

e r parents in Rankl T" to 'return t G n. ..ey expect • lit ° ary, Ind .• In a few days. t 88 Marguf):ite- SmtY1 It:.R SlAmi:.q ~,'" :WilaY8' vIsit In Champalgn •• in J. AdaJns and baby l1l'e vlslt­liT: rclatives In Crawtordsvillo. Ind. •

11'& Emma lWtchell ot erav.1'ordsv'lUe. !!~ III viSiting In tho family of Mr. t ,MI'!!. D, A. Smith. • Ben Howell i~ ~d~ng the holidays at his home tb v Ie. • Ollio Woodard wa.s In

e city SatUrday en route to visit his PlU'enta at Rankln. - Clltrord Rockhold ~~ Saturday to spend- tho holida.ys

relatives in Jametilown Ohio • =~~ the, relatives who att~nded the Ar ~ reunion at Mr. and llr!!. :T. C. t tist 8 home Sunday Wero Dalsv Por­J!w Grace Gee. :Madge GeE>. «''red Gee. e ey Gee. Danville; O'!orge Gee, M.0osee. Mont •• and John Geo Carrier Hills, 111. • Tho lfisslonary B~nd. llr8. so~t GrBedn. Jl.'"ellident, were able to X un s, and donated a lovely

, ~ mila basket to Chas, EVanI' .• Chaun­ey Freeman III home (roln W,ltM!!ka

~Ilendlng the holidays. • Jes!'e lX,Lt. hews W9.8 a caller In Dan"iII" I"rhlay.

a commission eOnven -, Henry Sadberry spent ~~ In Colp, Ill. ! Mrs. ::o.tnrthahsinlth. wllo WIl8 :c:alJed toIWOrdhas"b'e~ l'.e~lv~ of the seriouR III-I day. Dee. 3J'Jl' ~e CO~ • l\Irs. AnnIe Robertson of Peoria III' Chicago by t e' Illness of her Ilillter, Mrll. neSB' of Rev. J. H. Gani!!on of Keokuk. Duncans lUIS n' t 'It.'., - "Jelllng Mrs. JesSie VeliseL • l'ollall SadIe 'Jamos Ho,t;ors, ["·tumed Inst c\'cnlnG' and • Jollnl'on'8 rllIItaurnnt has added l\ {ulll

\t\~homl~h aSb~IL.~~~t,<~:'·iY. LGollvluem •• l.!'trev.ISc'UhnagrllehOThr oamunr:t.onHr'ls8'v!SJIOtO_ : reportcdd ~~n::'Altl°!;IC6'~S8 IInpro\,lng.,· :.tlslI Iltock ot grorcrlfS 10 their bu"'ln~l'J. 0 I .. ~ ,.- .. Gerlru ~ ... ~.::~. " Hurnl streot. WUI The P. W. and the P. ,V. Clubs wlJ!h to j

ordored IIcnt tG "tor thu Ing In Chicago .• Mig Mnl' 8'Slmpl!On Is married 10 .. m. 'V. Cool~y at Lhe A.!\t. thank the' Chamber ot COmmi,rC~ for I Insane at Jal! :, 'U'" IlV. O. C. viII lUng In Rlclwlew. • l\4rJJ. EIIIIl Moore E. pnrsonR!:,e Monda)'. Dec. 27th. and left their lIubstantlal cheek In <U!!<I!lUng them Thomas, to th ''; 0 .e. Macon, leCt recently tor Lake'Helena, Fla. 'TUCS(JIl.y fo.r.. :'t\nlwllukee. 'VI&:, where th6Y to entertain, C, o. J .. of the Sth. • The s,ec-, Mo.. prea S e"",COlllUlkatlon of I will nJake .... t'r ht>lne. B0l11 of the )'Oung ,ond Daptlllt and Allen Chapel Churches Eighth a trilete; BapUitChurch --- pcol'lo WCTC Vcr)' POpular, .t\nd will be j' stnrted their union revival lIorvlcoo ~lon' Jan .. at 1:45 p,' In. DOctol"!!'l'bomas Is Carbondale. DL, .Jan. 7.-MnI. M. .J. missed by aU Who knew them. day, .Jan. 3. aver.,. wortIIY clel'tYQi .. ~ .. \i!1io' Is held AUen IIPOQt the Cbrlatmaa hoUda)"1< In t -In hIgh esteem by, tbe"cfiUfch . and its ChIcagO, the gUllSt of Mrs, Belle Kelley , '" pastor • The SOclal Center,)'AlIII6clatlon nnd her 80n, Dr. T. A. HoUand, .... ho III GalesbUrG". Ill,. Jun. 7.-Mr. nnd f.tnl. ot Quln.:. bOld' a .re&'IUat>rfmeeting In !n a. hospital r('CovorlnG" from. Illness. • Solomon l!:dWfll'U!i celehrated their "flth I Eighth Slreet Baptist, ChWl~:'Thul'!!day rho tollowlng teachers or Altucka School ,,".,tldlng tllln" ",',,11 rr J)e€'. 2~d III tllS I night Jan. 6th. ,This la:the,orsanlmtlon IIp'!nt their Chrlstmlls vacntlon at their l10mc or lhe~r <111llghl,cr, llI'B. S. ... l:Je An. whIch a few weelm Q.gO";.UQ<:eed~-d In 1 respeetlvo homen: ML~s Gerhardt, Frnnk- <lc",on. on \\ OH 1(110" ::Itr""t. Tho hoose railltng $10,0(10 gIven b)' the'lcolored clll. I U~. lifo.: Miss Mabry, Brownville, T"nn.: Will< bt'llutltully df'c"mled [or the 00<:1\­zens of 'QuincY under ',the' .. ll!ILdershlp Of' Mn 1&6 Simpson. Chicago; MIIlII }lamllton., slon. IItoUl S(I s:uel't.'I "'~re pres<ent nnd Prot. nnd ;III'S. A. E. Malorui'·Of:St. Loulli. o('n""lIIo, Afo •• nod Mlsa \Veaver, Du-' a u:<inl~', tbn'(>'<!oul'l>e IUI~I(,on WIlS • Frank Turpin o~ La. GTaIl/:e.\Mo., ppent qUlcm, nl. • Mlslf Groce Boyd, who :. l'IerVI''': Tho eoullle w"re w«U remem. two daYll In <!ulncy last~'weeli: with his teaches at E!lRt Crownlett. opcnt Chrlst- I hcl'!'d In "ol~ by UHlir fnw!l)' a.nd (,lentil<. Sister. ;III'S. Su~n, Parker,':-,'and other m~ at her home !lnd hlu) ns her gUej;( • Slxte~n r,,!nlll(;s \\'(,1" r"mtm.i:>;U-.:ld by

'friends. Mr. Turplrr 19 'a:, substantial cit. Clarence Cannom ot St. J.oUI9 •• Mr. and ScbM(,mu"rt;" f"'~1.l fIIarl'o.!t lh1(1Ugh the t'Zen of t .. Gronge· and'~kI .promlnently lUm. Jame.H CbuU.on entertllined Wed-: l'rO;;n;;."lve \\·Im".:"·,, «;'uh nl Xmaa: connected with tho ehureh :work' of Um.t IIcsday c\'enlng about 30 In honor of !.lIl1s tilnl', ,"'11\, IAla n ... nton wn" Ii n~1\"en.' cIU· .• Re'·. J. H, Powers.J)48tar:o( '\\'ay- BOYd nn,1 "!'Ilr. Connors. ' ~tim; I.izzi" port .,.'lillor, • :\I1'!\. l,:nun:, Carter at. I mall Chapel A, It. E. Church, 18'succ~cd. Mae Sisson 01 Gr:lIld Tower wu.~ UI" lctlu('d lho 1l01rlen W(;ddil1C of 1.Ir, and I Ing well '\\'Ith thl~, his ':I!rst churCh. guest o( :'>119" nenfro the IIUlt week. '\';'Irs. J~1I11'l1 of !Iloilo.·, 11..,<,. :li' .• .\1r. and I Brothnr PoWi!M! and his '·wlte oro hurd Miss Pllarl Boyd Is home nitc!' spending' llr.>. l'.1U·1 flri\ulf')' ant! "on, Jack. 8Iu!nt I and faithful wor1<,ers, wha a\'e'o!olng , much snClveral months In Moline .• MI&.''I DiLl,,)· Xrn:w with r~!nll\'(",'i ,,, Ollr city. • O%'-gotlcl (or thoso rellcb.,d through their ac· entro anu Sl1m Syl(cs wern the I,'UC!4!9 "lIIn Wilder. H.rmcrl}' .,r our city WitS tlvltles ' ' , of !'oIl'. and ::o.trs. Prunk IJ. J'IlCk,;ol1 for, unl"·" In mat":,,;,;,, to ;\115,. :lnns. \\"Ildll

• , '-- ':,'," ChrllltmRs dinner .• Alronl!(> L.a VI~rne of 1,,\11;1. Doc. IS. • Palmer ;\IUYWeAlitcr I Joliet Ill. Jan. 1.-The!.uParlor Con- nn.1 Velmll ',"oodll sl'~nt :I /.m' <l:lya In anti ;\11,,, b~tln Haylel' 01 ~rrlilgll"ld were

cert" lI'old III tho home ot ThollUlli amt St, LOUis "lsltlnG' their all'l"r lind aunt.' lll(' I;U .. Ilf~ of till' :'I""uam"" K"HI ,lohn­Leonard Dau~bCTty Willi well atendecl • I 1.11", am) Mm. liornull Boon" nll/J 'rh~o- !'Or. and lloldh; :llayw<",tlwr. :'11"5. May­Francis Foster anent the weok-end 'l'\1th I tlore Xor\,f'I} haw: rt'lurn"'l (rom iIIum-, wcalher .,ntcrlnlnoll at Xrn,,-'J dlnn~r In her rents.· 1'111', and 'Mrs. Herbert ot, mers\'IlI~, ;:-.;. J .• llr. nntl :lfm. Lc.t;llo, t/Jlllr honor. • llrs, Tllllo WnUama 10 ChiC::' 0 sprnt ChrflllmR8 with f)Irll Jill, I Cubic or ~lol1no spent Chll~lmall nt the, suff"rlng With la grll.p". • Ml'fs. Leona :-;'lchor. • :'Illss Lottie Merrlweatl1e~ left ~ home or :\11"9. Cuhl"',, par,·ntH. :'Ill'. a"d ,I Hhn"cl"" I~ 'mt a(I",· I",,"in.,; tonsl1ltu ••• XIIW Year' Wllh ChlcugO relattve" lind I 31111. Jop' ::s'o!"\>eU.· liT. CUIII" rl'\ urn"d :. :\1I1'!! I"mnel!! lIerry of SII"('ILtor spenl the il'lend" '. lll'S. Hlto of Chicago vISIl.'d ~ IInm.) New Yc.'l.f"'S (lay .• lohn Hi"lm.:>fI. I holldnss witll It<'r r!llllll~·. • ,Mil'S Albl1rtn. l! 14 C F Ihker • :!otra', 'VardeU has' who hnl4 be"n III Jackson. ,\tkh,. for "~\" I an.1 1>a \'1<1 Derry or t;,,!'y WI,re trome for I n.ilirlll'd to c'hlca~ after', spchdlnll' the i t;1'?,1 ~onlh!j Is homo "1:R.hL • ;\1 ... :. :\101· • Xrnuli. = 1I1r. uo.1 :\11'1<. Llnd",,:;- ot l'<'orla

W h Ilda~'H with hcl' coualn. Mrs Ida I I.e 0 COnnora hnd :J.Il her KUP.l1l uurlt.1:' "!"'III ).:IlIUfI with :'otr!'!. :1olnllhJa. Grcnn • Ezrnat~~. Ill" Ja.P. 7.-:\tr. and ::o.frs "'~eh~I"'. lUs Lotlle :\relTl ..... ealh~r lett II the hoUdll),!! lH'r I>I"t"I"8, :'lrn. Rlall" .. ",I ;\11'. :ttl!l :.\11"11. fi(m"unln ;\lnrlln ';00 ~gO I man RhPent tho hollda)'R In (:hl; (or Ill;;' 1I0utll (or an indellnlto st.'lY. • rlr;-ughtcr of Kh·t:.!J. Ky" (.nd :\lr;,;, 1,;7.7.le ar.' \,1~111~1J; his rnotlo~r. :\\r", ':raco W(:bb.

v s nl:; t elr chllrlrp.n .•• lacle Stc,'- "I 11 lind,. Klttrl"l1 of F rt l!AdJ I ·''.,ylor nr l.oda. 111. • ::o.lls!I Bland:c • "h". \ 1"'(>fIlll'd of Chlcngo was :~~on ~{J Chicago IIp''nt Xmn:l wilh hill I i ~\~a . '::19 gUClit or MrlI., f\'ory du~~ii HaYes \\'51-" th!' g~l('st or 1110 llcCrack.'1l'·~l of ~Irll. I'RUlll\! D:\\'JJI for "mas. :.r cr. , I'll. Dill! ;\forrlR un.1 (amlly .' 0, ell I~lma" holldavs • M 'B II n k I s\J;tcrs !>;f!W ') 1':Lr II IhL~' and Nunrlay on, 1.,1",,,,1:11\(1 Ilar\"H\' or ehlrnl:'O h;u, re­M~n IAu~ ot Chit'll!,;o and lIt:nr}' Wllrd' 0( ~i"ls' ~~rloll"l;' III • iij,~ Ja::iJs ;nll;~lll~ her WilY bll.,k 10 hur "choo/ al .\I"trollo- .• lurn,;d IIflr:r 1>1"",dilll;' II;,' hohd:t}'11 "'Ith ~e 9 t InOI(}rcll through Wal:il'k'l . abl~' to h.· out :linin' • Mr and 1\11'8 \Is,' ~nl!l! D;tlsy tlcn{ro and !'I.,\m Sykes:j hi,; broth"r :lIul wir('. :\1 ... UIII) :\Irll. l\1u.x :\I;:,.en!rY •• en roule 10 tilt, 'aU.!r·" "om';,'. 1~lbllrt' Jenkhl!'l spent xinaa, in' Ohio wlU; I SI .... nl ;';uw·s day 11.1101 Sunday 11111 IInl"'\'o),. • !.!,,'.'renco Fletcher hall re.' ~th 8 ale Brady "I~ltcd hllr mother and ""'tlv"~ • :'Ilrn. :\L L Clarke'spent the :\{"tropolll'. the gUNlt of 1111'. :tlld llr!'l.:; lnrnoo to Chicago a(ler Hpendln!: XnuLII Ins e~{e 3.hth"!:1 at Tarr" flautl'. In.!.. lIur· ~~c'ok-('nd hi Chlcn.go·a11 guellt of Mrs. Boyd ~ICC!aln. • llrs. C. A. Hay spent 1i. with .hls (nmll)'. • Callt. ltoy Tisdell ot GO le olldaYH. • ~lIl<Jrl>.1 a till Sarah p. 'lUI" I Patton former widow ot tt(l\' S several da)1I In Chlc.3ll'o. the auest of her 'I' Co. K. Peorlu, nttcndt"d the reCeption at !II rven were \Vcdnl'''uay ' .. !!,Itor" .,·lIh Ii' .rohnllo~ . • . brOlher nnd friends. • Prot. and :111'11. W'I the armory "h'cn by lhe Progre!!slve e 1'11'1 1;12.2.10 flrndy. • Cliffor.1 Brady Ill' . D. Lo~1s Hllcnt tht! wc(!k-eml "'Itll :\11". Women's and the Phylll'l \Vhes.tllI)' ClubB mp o)ed wllh Iht! ;lIorri" h"'lthers. • and Mrs. 'Villi am a af Ha.lI1dayboro, III honor ot Co. I{ ot Iho lllh Re;:lment.

Chall. and .:\nllrew Coth:.rd ,'UO!!I- 81. .Iohnll, m .• JtIJl. 1.-Wmtam Cox __ :. J\bout 260 were In n\tendance. Addrclisell day with OH:"'Jrnf' and ll"rrts Gor\",'" • 'y~nl 10 51. Louis on bUlilness tor tho Rockford. 111.. Jan, 7.-'1I[ro, Jnhn Fnlr. ,l We:f(! made b)' Iho 11",". l\tl1.)'or nawkln. Our school Xma" "al'atloll WiLn ., l' .: k gonthern illinois ,Untlort.ll.klng 'COmllltnY. loy of 328 Edwnro1l4 "Ireel and h"r slsler.!1 "on. Hev. ThomaR ot Allen Chapel, Hev. to enjoy the hOlid l\" "('a.~on '. F;:,.~kil • Jllm"s Connell Is out Illl:lIJn a.fter beln!;" Mm. Barton. rolurncd to Tlockford nttt'r .. Haston ot Second Baptist Church and Morris plaY·~d haHk.~lb··lli 'UI "'ibR~'; l'iI~ o:onllll('11 (0 his bed for II. tew weeks. • It "hIlt to Kansas City (or thE> holld3YB •• " Cnpfaln '1'lIrdell of Co, l\:, 8th I1l1glrnent. • with the Wa.U",k';' l;'a~ r,.c"n~h: • :\Ir? ' W .. art! t;lau til flce )frs, John, Wobb Ollt Amanda :o.lor,..n Is Ih'II ... "'jlh "~'i!h' I' "r ,at;.,r I. rew weeks ot mnt!S8. • Mrs. 80ns at present." . ., : NIIIIUcI I''!'rton and ;\(I"s611 LUlian Cox

__ r \\",'111 1<> t:enfr:t.lla. reel·nUy. '. Benjamin Q' , 1\1 J' - 'an,l ~\Jf .... ,1 Barton w"rc the gtlCl!IU or

ert.sumcj' :\1' '. ,m. !.-Pro!. I:, A. n"h. I t I"'ir purent,. :1ft·. IUI.I :l1ra. Samuel Bllr- , 1111 ~..n·T· '"ll Anna Sfmlh alt.'nth,,! Uh' j (on Chri~tfI\(IS, I

nORl cacher.s" A~tU)ciation t)l(·(·f,.tfn·" in i ___ _ Springfield. 111.. Wedn',,,,,"'}' anol '·h,':,."., Duquoin, III" Jail. ".-Mr. and Mrs. day of I~l!t ,~\':~k~ :'IIiH>l ;i:umh ~lIIith.1 Wlllt.,r !;:YI~ are \'lllltlllt: In Uodll'es Parlt. ~eaChlng In E •• Sl. !:it, 1.011'''. :<"('0"'1''''1;<'111 III, • ~h~" nelln :\lcC,,1I spent the hOli-

er slRter 10 Sprlngl"·III, • On in\'il,,-' dll\·,. ill C:dro .• He('ce Springs Is vlsltlnl; : tlon from n\,,'. H. ::-:. :\lurr.'II. p",,'or 1')(: !II' fla,..,', Ind, • :.\11'1< .• \!lalldo Baxter ami; E~ghth and 'I-:Im Strc.H!< \ ·!lurell.: ::0.11", \·I"t.,t Harton arc "Isttlng In Chi.' ttl et cPlllltor anti Dlo:mh"rH of l'llllm Bap- i ~':I!lO. Ill,' .Iohn. Ross spont the holldJlYfl;

9 hurch. In :l body. :tt:l!mh~1 th" an-I;n Knox,'llle. Tenn .• Hol1l'Y Brown, ot. ~U"'l bURlne:s9 m .. etlng of I';il!hlh an.1 Elm !>""'mainc Is vwUing :Urs. John ROIIB •• ~

(recb, Church, Dct'. :::'. The ronlll "''''' )11', and llrn, Drew)' LcwliJ spent Xmas " ftlled wllh member:! anti. vlHitor!; while III ;11:11'1"11. m .• "rO:l!L1~' Turner III vl!lll­~e reporl:! (or the Y'1ar "'"r .. heloo; made. rll!l: III llllllnllllpolis. Ind. ' MnI. Larkle I '1 ho m~mhers <:ollsio<-r the ~car 1:1:;0 11 I"'r~oll hn:; rctlll'n<:d from ::s'ew York City. very vrClSJl"rOU>l ll<lrlo.1 in tht! I'hun:h's ;\Ir~, )Iatlle 0:'\'11I nntl dnut;hter, 'Yyan-r~tory. It,,\,. R ;:-.;. :\lurr.·l1 h .. :; 110",'" "Itta ~11I'1Il XII'Il11 here •• Zltrs. Geno\"al

e PlUlt~r ,lUring 11\1' IJa~{ fOlln""n Ituunlr'''' or \101 Sprllll;lI. Ark,. and ;\Irll. tl}0nths. :\Irs. 1)1)"" Dun"'''lIll .. ( ~~5 liar!.',;: Ilunt.,r of ChlclL~o are \'Isltlns­:\orth I Hh slr".!t WI':; ,wl;':'!!1 ill""1)1; h)' ;\11'" !-'rafl<'l'S Uunter. • Mr. and ~lrs.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

THE PRAIRIE STATEThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 28, 1921; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 14


I All Prairie State news mu'st reach , this office I:;y TUeliday "Don to insure I ""blieation,

ltc'·. Chal'man h .. ld hj,. lirs\ '1uart"rly m" .. tln~ "I Ih.. ..... ::II. Po. Yolon clun"h ~un.<la) .. , ,\ monJ;" Ih .. hh;" schof)\ grAd, 1IatNt 1hi:"t ~:~aJ" will Ill;'" ;\ti!o!~s t.ouit't'! Helnt ""q . lInn" Hl1Illh. CaUowur untl I!" .. ~t,," o{ <~('ntn"ja m,,\oT('f1 ,Iown Sunday ~ .. "'I(·,,tli ·of.. It. " .. \rn. "trs. Jtary Carlt"l'~ Hiatt" Ii"\~nlrcr: ~r thf! 0 .. &. lot. hal; ,.,.wrnNi horn... artf't" "I11IIKtnl:' """.,ral "tl!<'i.11 ,'h,irs, n",·. S. S."I",n, df'r. 1', K nr th" Ch"ml'ai!;n rlislrir.t. I. In Ih~ city.

C,'esb<lrQ. III. . '''. R.u.;!t",n n,·I"r.\·. a "p,·.-n-pounll

1'f:'lln~~~ WCiS l'W'\~n 1"" :.,,.. anf! ,,'r!', I~l­":,,1"'1 n"rt:':. =-Iay 10 ::'Iolh"r lind "hil<l a,." doin" .... '''''... !ltn . .'\nna \\':.11,.., .. ,,( 'MnnmtJuth '1e-tn"':d··f'at.Urd2~· at the hfim'" nr )11m", ~~I"ll" DoMeli'· ,,·~d :'>1 .. " e~tlin .(;rH"J) la~., 'w'rk~ ~,~. t.-;"·n~'rtll '\"".al"" 10"''' ~ul>mitt"i1 In an "1>~rati""tI in·.· l'1., !\la,.~,'~ hO>'1"i'31 I.s~ ,,',.,1<, :ltl'S. l-;fla· "·lUianu; was ""l,p{'tpd t.Jr-p;u"-;:mr-nt ehkl"­lam at 'thp. ',t, C';. ~,,~ 1':. .• :(\n"'4'ntj~n", ant!

'--. )'1rl'i I~n'lma ~::-~rhs'''' u-as .... If:rtpo na­linnal- d~~li·f:8t.\~ 'Sin.,. hId z,.()\di~"n; '\\'.r,.a #tnt.,.rt.ain.~· .. "fct '1:11* lH'Im.,. "f ~1T:;I. ,.t(\l!i~ nutl~r. 'Th~ 1~'·K."1"·'" '\''''''nwn ... ~n: .. (! ."' .... ·"d m,,"t~ At AII ... ,.Ch~f'''1 durin!: 111 .. f •• A.. n . ..,nl-aml'T'I't'ttt. Th~l~ \W't4'l 't\ .... U l""'af'!.f'tl lo\ith f'('.}i\1ttS. !..lrs;. Jf)hn W,n'" 1,1,." ~.'nM ~n H"'I'- ("r".}tID 1141r-lnt' :.t .n;: }-'"IT;:'. 't>'r ..... h!tT 1A"'M:"k. llr. Ri1.a~ \\ • .,tM1~­,,·.n FHJrt ~ ll .... rj ... ~ f"ff 1..-rt1lr*"'S on 1.""alth -find "~"J:lf-tW ~tt th.,.. t)l'f'i' 11.",,,. ("1uh Tuf's"

'--11 ... ,." . • ,\·rnitu;. l:v4'f"y(')n#l i~ in"-ttf'-d t(l lIu ... ntl 1'h ... IN":ur,p. :Mn;.. Annll l.¥al1ar ... "f )1f'ltnnriut1l+_ ;t;!'"nl for 'th~ etn"· .. r l ...... at ""'f,iJranf"f" ... 4'J '. 'fl14 .Film,. AA1iC"t11nr: an" ~"111"\." .TU1n~ \I' "nur rtt,.- la$"; W"lf'''k. Thf' Ilil.l,. "'.Ia,." in 1h.-. Sunifay Fl"ht'u',; 1)1 til.' S-~lt"'ncn-1 "allnFl ~hut"'r'JI is' t't"'c~~'!!t;; ,.~t:\~ in1 ... T .... f:ttr c:' "".n ,,"fYi. 1W'·t:ntnfl :ft

f'nflmtt'T ann PT'ljfl.Y 1 h'" 'Riht~ ~tud~· ",th us":'

t:;.~a n~ Chai.,. 111. Y", R~HM '~r"~~I"n<l :lY .. Cl.,tllln<l.

9;:1"'- (\f JRmr'1"* .. ~·hll"j. }la~ bPf"'n '\.'f'~. FH"J,t tnT ,..r.m • '\\'~'k1= '~"Jth_.1~1'hnid ff'\'·"T~ d)N1 [Jon 111".. 11:~11t I'lf ~Sas' 'l'~. H~r, tunc-ra 1 '\\'Af' J.rt>;lt·h.~fl 1.,,- Jt+>\" J('Ihn .. ,-r~1;"r-., 1)f 'r:"'..arr,,.r ;\'iU~ l".'kt BundA,.... :::h~' ·1·.:~'·f"10 ,. InvtnJ: hllllh~nlJ an<! 1h""~ ,,1I11tl,...n';· a 1810.'T .and 1n~thf"rt \trothc-r and ~i£\{'l"R. A la~,'" numhr-1" fif T4':lati"·~s :tnd a bo.!-"t I)f 1nC·nt!ioi "'0 -mfuu"n hf"f" lns.~. Fathf"t' T"rif'~.-'Pit.M )1.·1'l"nrf')U:;: A 1tl-<ift last ·wIN··k. li .. ('all.'d "" Ih" I'r.h""l th"r" and h~~ 1h,. fI)~1I~.;ln·;' '()( .. ,h.(·in;t: 1ft f"flmpa!l)i" v"ith T'r.,f, lolmglpt ... "~Tl" hi'" {"""it)' of tN.<'h"",, n ... ·.·, Jnlm" W. \V .. "htlm prl'llrh ... ...-! at h;~ ~"jU1Tt"l\ .. tb4' !Iolornin;;: $(:lr. t:o.Ft ":un~R.)·. 11rs. Klnnl'a~, ''L 1;,.-,,,. ,,'·n. J"~'·l'h. anll dau;;ln.r. Ella. ",r J~'\.'+nJ:'$.. ,,'(·r,. .. "'Uf'\~S I\t" nUbt. '!!4<C1'!>' '-1. f'-'lr"''''tll. I"l';!. ,......,1<. '-1!j;S

''M"hd'l!and (>f RI. Lonl!" II< fin,,' at lI_ "" " 'isit II) h"1' fath .... antl "'111" ..... l;nh·,.". AT"hl" UaM" .... 1m b"ll It ~ .. rnlW"'\l . :I"",,"" m~at. in"!'<'ctllr "r til .. ... ou .... · in ·fa .. 1..olli ... til hom" <>n " ,· .. ",,1\on \c'iIli':il1J: his. f"'h~r an" moth".. n .. will r.·main hoin .. l'O .... ihh· .......... It. nl> .. loll .... nn !ltr. and '. :1>1 .... , ("'.art'" n. 'H. RJon,.,m.'t f'un<l~)' (""Art ... ,.. n, H. '1!an2'f'm tnr,k a l'-,,.t~.. or .. nnsi,lin:: nr 'lit .. f"I1.,,.,,,,: 1n Olml<l""d in .hill! '-U! nnb~rt nop" anti w1f". 'FIltli",.]>.;"" •• 1""*'1'Ih ! ... "ill anil llrs, Mlan' !Ii. Ranlltlm. 1"A .... artl CUT1ip. MIl <'If ::'1n;. l'1Iarln!t .. ,. cf 1::111'-<1/':0. ""liS 1<1I1N1 In a ""n"1'I,,\ml .,.,;tdinl: 'hat Ih.' Ruill\­in::: Wt'~kfnp: <'fl. "''1IS t-t'llrins:.di\wn l ... m y';:iolt. l",~ ,~ t"3\lJ:hl U'hd~r AAmf" .. ~i"a\.'1· 1><-ums and il>lurNl "" l"'tl\~· tllat .~ diM ~htIMl!I' ""in" .. "mov.'d lo,b" htllq'lttal. !If,... .• T""nj~ Wa,,!mm. his ~1~_

. ~ 'tf'!t'. ~I\nt to et'ii<-aH'() 1:t.S! ~Utlda.,.· it) '·i1Oit 'hIm •. -nu-.-... ".,ulnad" ... r 1'"",,."""""" lrlnlnr'N'! . ""WIt 1.0 O\m,..~ .. t\ ~unrl,,,, nil;ht to 'tl\'PT",i\'jI1 ht>inc t:nntl""tMi l>~' n.,,,,,. '''. C. J1i'f)""1\ and R. ,~. Frao;'''r. Dr . ..t8 .. k U·a.."<! h.'ld·1'Il"in""~ :a P .. rks .,11 "jr.ltit, .. Iar. ,,,,, .. k, Tlr."Willllim H. Y'>!ld .. <>t Qno Paid " l'I'Or""";(ln:aJ. '\"'\1';' 1." 'the family of n....-, J ..... " CrosSianc. JIUIt ....... k. .

, M~tropells; Ill.":· l.aur.. H'.I\·'l,j(lMn Is m at hf>r

h(lm~. 1.119 \\";·El"lnh mre"l. :11..,.-, Es­'"!('l1a Pr)"or and st:t:Uor. ltN!. Jfl.nni't'! J..."os .. ,,,,.. w..,." T'a,hlr.;,h. ttl'.;,· \'Itii:,,", Tllu,.,.· (!ay~ ltn!o" 1!4. Thp rrco~hman. ~htS-S nf (lun\",r H,.:b schonl It'l"~ a ""daL "n. V"Tt3jnmf'nt \\"f'dn,.t'(la~:· at th..s rr51'" lion." nf =-Ir. anll )1,.,., H"yd )h'C..n .. , till:! W""I P"~l'l ~tr,.,1. ,rr", Ruth

. .1f»)"" of"mdal~. 1\(.. IInl1 mottlt'!' :\l"";'l::li",,""lb Orin!!,,,n. (It Cha"'l,a;I'n. 111. .. rf·1umed !.\(lm~ :,londay 1\tt~f" 1'~"'n(l" in: a f".... dan ..... i5'lInl: fr!<'n,ls. :MIl'!' !:·ran";.. Em:\u,l\ is ~ndlnl: a r."" dal-S; ·_'Vimun~ frj("nrls af\d, ,~"l"lh·~~ in l",,~uPan, K~·. ::It,.,..,I+· ~it1gl~· ... n an" moth"r. '1rs, ~alh... O"I>.!'oti. r~-111mt"d hnrnl'io '\\-~t1nt·,:qJa~· afti"T a f~w .-13:'''''"' "·'sit Witb fr'~ndt4- anr) r~l"'h·-.?l' in $.mithprlanll. K,·. :lolrl!. ~tnhl" Jturk .. nf .. 507 \\-, 10th 5t;. .... ' Is abl" tn h~ "I' aft""'" fibnrt ilInes"," TIl .. TWP l1llelh C'€ntUrY "C'I~. ("!ut. J:a''"a a s"dal f":lt-er .. tainmpn-: :,Y<mday. at the rf'Fldrllce of :'>1"". O'"1'hotra 1':mbl')' •. ~IO \\'". "i"nna "'n·p,. TIl" Cairn ~Iarj:; ","$I, !o(i'lT'Dpolih l'13~'rd hUl'<'tJall at :-:,-:,'(>11 ... "park. tn,' ><I'""" b~inl: l~ '1'1 4 ,n ra"or (if )f-etro,,<>Us. ::'lif'S Ir~n .. HaTTi .. of l'adU4'a!l. K}'" Is' in til,. l'il~' ... llwim:: h..,,. unCI ... l'iamHar­ril<. and fnmH~·. Roy (~op"nin" of '~()II's. 111.,,'$ th ... 1'1I .... t or :MI'. and !\tr~, Ha'TY H"ll:h~·,· .l.ust~r HalTi~ Clinton l-'''wl~r, (,,:harlf"s 15a.b~U(l~ of PaduC".h. l~)'u ,,,',-"'r.: in "'.h .. " dt'\.~ '\\"'(otiftt':sda)", 1G att".nd th(! ",""13\ gh!"'n I}y {h~'.fl"'~tlm'!n <:la3l'. ::I~r8. :'I" ... <;f" ttlw,\" and ·"'hI1ll1'.'n of 1~dur4h. K,. ..... ,.·isjtl'oG h~f' n\l)t1lf--r. ;\t~. :"annj,. n"l"'r";' ;lIn'. n'l('h,,1 ('hur~h I~ft Sat",..l:.)' fnr Chi .... '''. tll .• '" .. i ... 11 h"r "on. nufu .. Cfnm'h, ... ·110 '" in til" hn$l'Ila\ at ]o::Jg;". 1'11" n",', B. I'rir" of T.·n" .. _· ... ,·i"i1.,d Dunbar Hi"ll ""hool Frida)"' And po ..... " \"~I'")' inll'T .. shn~ lalk toO ttl.; OO""!i' and ~irb. H~ is the ;.t\'~$'. or ..,..,r. "'. A: f;in",l~ton. :\lrs, £I .. " r:nnq:;,I.or af Arh:;(\ntt :'1:""1,\,,(10.., in t.h~ I",t¥ to jo;q It .. r hu"l.;,.nd ..-h ... hils .tw.-n h"." fnr a r ...... WH-k", ",.. Brook .. ""n.· .!.in­,,"tn ~"h",,1 rj",,"d llf\}' IZ "'"Ith t".., ",,"adua: .. ~ (r(lm Ih ... .,I;;hth 1:1'<1<1." ;In"".,; FUm :-:'. \\,11 .. )' and Ruby "'o.,l~s, :ltr.;, l~lI""l ... th C. Al~l.,n. I'rln .. ll'al: lin; .J':~i .... ,_haw. a~b:it_nt ..

Mt. Vernon. Ill. :llrI', GNIl'",ia l'I.iuf'r nf C'hamPIIII;n is

&t 111" 1",tl"jd" of 11Pr moth,. ... ':Ill''', t·,ttt~"'r. lIn;;. 1:. Ht>lrn UUd('TW!'r1t an "l""'Mi'''' at ,I", l'Xn,\lan "ll"~l'i1.a1 !';at. uida)' .·~·(trdnA ... · if(lf' cond[lintl is r~­l>onMi illlpri>"i",,; )1,.. and Mrs. ll"d· J:"alilw lia mn'" am! tamll,· of C"tltn". '\,~i\tc! tU·i~ in t1\(' .. it~~. - J.:.ail" fJ. P~t'M.ln "'as In Camd. 111. Thumlll,·· .,.$ 1tU"SI ... r fripnil .. , Th .. Hoo1<er T: Wa"hint:\.m fl('ho<>l "ill hold (h.-Ir .... m""'n...,m .. nt .," .. ..,i"' .. Ju."e ! at Ill<> '(':orlnthian Bap " U .. t. <"hurd.. TIl .... 1I::hll> ,:MId" ~" • ... t"8 a1'<': :lfi_ .'\11" .. Rtot'rY. "'n:"I"'1a 11a1l.)'II, .Luelle Carter and Damon B"ae.

I>l"lInds. III .. Th... ~Ol'l1{lm(lr~ datts or l'nurllRM

High "cf""'ol ... nt,,rIAinpd 'n a I'II'U/:lhtful I'''rt~· at GI.'nn's ,han T1IUn<r.:IIY numt. ~tudenl J,:1IMlUi f'roul· .. the 1..0,,"('-,0)· ",nit ~',rnn+'r llit:h ~l"hno1..~ ·or. ltounrt '.Itt) .. a nn 4~afro. t~~)o.1h ..... t h~f·l>·. ('flapernn~d b~" Princittal~ '-a:rlor 4tnd .:astf!r~ ntt~nwPd the "If"ir. This W"" Ihe prJz,· winnl"" t""la..'""8 on Ta..: day and ""on th\s t'M"· ... U"g" th~r{·h'·. )ltl~~ 1')0"1" =-1. !len Is tlir...,lr_ He" Ihls <'fa"". Th~~. ll. 1':>1. U;· H,. 1": .. ami ju",'nll.< .. I" .... or fift)' ,,·ld,"h -"";if!: ~"(!'ntly Ins(ituleft~ ..,h-s.."l"'vM tlmll1<m:iririj::··",·""ir' ... l' at ~t, 1'"", A. )1. E. cl.u .... h ~und")"'· ;'1 ..... , ~:'!Ill"rll" \\'"t. kins. _ nalt/.nal l.rin<,,~s.-4 f._r f~fr.,. P ........ ti<'II .... I.'" in to ... " ..... -1<. ... ".. J:.." •• J. \\', \"U"y 1' .... """"'1 th" "'!rln,,".·' ;\tll!~ l",.~ia fWU. ,,'110 i~ att~tul1n~ Hummr,J· l1"rlWllat (" .. rhondat .. , >'i'{!lH Hunda\' in th., dt~·. 'I'he ':outhern TIllnnlll DI •• triM: "Ff!df"Tation t."'onVt."Dt'1'\ 1tl t::".&l.1rtl Nat ... ul"d~~~ and ~n~<' d~l(iJ.:ftt(,R nnd nH~m. ht"rN'-r.f ,th(l \\""nJ11an·~ (.hl,ortunU)~ .,n" O()uJ:J.lss"-P.arl\'nt-T ... :u·ht·rs' f~luhs _lit ... t"n41f~d th." irtt4"t'(':itin~ :i(·n~t('es. !\lr1t 1-:t t:it J.a-rkson nf f~a rhon(fit I.... 1\~ho n ... ('t.wfU~(.'<I ;. :-;U(.'CP:-:;:t(tH·' ,t.,(>JIOtJ.r ltt'&r .a" Ullin. ~·i~il".J ... ith .\31 .. " Sarod. Clark "n ,nul ... " Ih" <11~trll'\ 'n"et\nlf."'·;Jodl~ It.-II "ml 13mll,' ,,( l·ul.:,~kl <lro''(l down in th.;oJr (-;tr <intI :<ltt~nrl ... d annual ~"r\"it .. ,·s nf th,~ I;. R ..... :8. ni~\~. J. _\V. ""'ile'\' fflndncteo fC'rvice>!; hI Zinn ~11t1· <I~~': !norni,,/:, "till "al'ti>: .. d ,. la".., ('I."", .

Carbonda Ie. III. Communit~· Club ,;1 ... • .... ,. ha:aal' at

Altu~ks :;<,hf)o\ lI1>ty :'. :Ill ..... Dai",· '\-''In·',r. "halrman. :ll .. st1am~w·· .It. , .... MfI ... n ... ~lon \\'lI!lam", BUll Ja"I(RoII;' l1<'rlh.. ~"ou •• \nna Willi<lTl. ll~n"I"'.", \\""",1 ... \'"rna :;h"l'har<\ a"d :l1i~" l)al~~' It"nf ... attend .... Oislrict Fcrl"ratl"n ,,' ("ait'>. ,)oJa)' :t. )Ir,,_ I-:Ull J' ... t;""n w"" .. " ... t .... ·!im "ic".pT""-;'I<'''l. :II .... Wucm,;, .-hainnan of""" .. y5. and n,ean~. and lttti~ l l ai:;}o' It.·"!m. ~ ~ert~lur)o. )Uss p.1 \\"''!'.Jl\''lP.r sfl~nt th~ w~k_",«"nc1 fn flu .. ' tlttoiTi. "1i~ Dah:;Y Rf'nfTO '''''~4'', r(h~I('>("C • .. tI to h"r ~"v~nlh I"r", ;tl :\horl'h~'s" I'<'TO as teach"r \n r't'ul!l"~ ~choo\.

Joliet. III • . :\11'8, W\1iUI.ld "f W3~h'n~lnn. TI. C ••

"1'i>1<I' to a 10.,.",,, "udi~n"" at ~It. ()1I\"~t I

!;,t~'t.'" ~~~';~~l~IOrr~~~a~U:.·I~.: I Wro~~"l(\!h~~ ~: r[~·i;f~l"n~:~:m;:.t;;.~ i A. Flirpin~ ... nt.".talnMi till' .l,;'j T"nn .. ,·tub of Chi~al:''' at to~r nom" III .0:; Columhia ~tf'N·!:t. ll!'K ~cott Rug-. \an Jr. i~ "\~\Unf.'; h4'-1" ~t!il~(>t" \n GaTO:. Inrl. Th" Re .... and ~In<. ('harl .. ~ (Ucll, I ~rd,F .. )or .... ort "·a:rn(~. rnd .. l''llf'nt tnn ",,,.,I>-"nd "'ith llr. and M ..... O. C. I>on­n~lh·. ;'7~'" ~nuth C:hl .. ago Str~N. Wll­!iam 8mitll' is ~or!ou"l\' III "'I,h f'nl'u'j m""ia. .\Irs. nosa :llidcll<'ton. is Indis' I'nNNl, '.

• Centrali~. III.. ".

l"'.T~ ~"~J~'l!":d °lh.N;e ,,~~~~r ;~ui~~ I Sund,,~· ,tt til" .\. ;\1. K 701,," r.hurch. tw""~ l"'aJ.~n~ oftIciated. fii'n. Hearn. 51'· I' .. d"t"nd ... n~ .nf til" !'tt-U,t'I A. ,\1. /0;. SUlhl:.}'"-: ,~hf)l)l.. is "uhf< a succ":;sful "'orlu·r. llr~- __ \. 1". ti:riflin ;:tnt:!' '}cor~e Brol,"drr lnott,r"" H. ~1~:n. 1\1.. on husilltos"... \\~(-f1nf·:-t1J1"·~, ~ " .. ~ ) I. Turner I .Ir.,·!>, HUl1l1ielltl llarl<hal1. lin" nth,,1'S \f'rt fl)1" \:'alro on bu~\nt~~S lotSL, .~atur'" da,* ~,..ening~ Mrs. r:arTetl IN~t\ir~n· .. !ilt. ~h .. ~"ond napti~l "hur.:" Ia~t l'undn)' nn tlh'~ "~OrPh;ln Unn'H'." l'r~ "nd .It,1n;. Ell" Q'X~al bl1"" 1'",.",1",,, .. .,, ... N\~ll\~'" I'la"" on l.::Jm >'1"""1. )1rl'. lrvln Cal­l"'''n bas T<'lUrnNl from ObIon •. where :-he ha.i h!·.·n "':·dtin~ r,'J;1t:it.·"~.i. ':\:t-";. :nary ~I""i"on ·of S!.nrta. til" 1.1' In th .. .-iU' ";slIinl'; h"r "lilUJl:"lll~r, :.Ir. and =-lrs. l"rMiii' D. Johns.)n;.·:»lr. a(l'1 ,:'.1111. Xlxoll and tI, .. ir 5i!>[{". .'Ir. Il nlf llrs'l ,,·nklr,sllu a.·f' :if! ~\n rito, ..,idl-'-::,Jlsl. .'\1.,,_ Wyanp',; dalll:ht"r fl"nm !l:'a·"h •. vilt .. ·• T4"'tln... has Tt'>tnmpd !lOml' frQm

~m~1 R;~'. ~l!:~:!'r It: a ~'!;~,W~~ WI' ~~~ nua]'.J'r-sslr.m of -tnl" Gr-nl'ral :\.H.s,dtJn:It·~," n .. lt~ltst Ass(;CialioJl nt Jl1inhi~ ~ t ~.:,~' .. ""stOll. III.' n"" •• And,,", fillt>d the 1'"1-

:.\1: ~~~~~y ~~1~: -~~:~~!'~~~~r~:;~r ~~;t,r~ lIrN;i<l.-nt n{ tb., 5 .. "",,,\ ''''1'1\11<1. o:h()lr. l-tr& )t.- ~ayborn. a lWR.:ram W~UL l'~n .. "-:,....,. ",,. thRnkR:'"jn" l'f't'm<)n of TI'" ll~.,.( .. rl<,ull· Ten "'jIs l'r .. " ... nM 1I:r R.> ...... I'"yn.. at (hI! B4'th"l IlaI'U,." cl\ut<'h Snnda~" at !!:3fl. Si~t"r f..aura IJak~ att'!nq .. d the annual lIcss1<>n at Evans" (on. m.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

THE PRAIRIE STATEThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Oct 22, 1921; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 14


Champaign. til .. l!t(-h-..a·,J 1 ~l.rt..1t ~ ::I.~' llkk"r'" !root r.,\ .. t ~

! :llt,l )'h~~!.- .. ·l.l~·hn ••• k. )·:lk:a'J!h·. , Ill .. \\f-r .. • h"""'ll~' U!Ur"fJ 1tl tn:.t,·.n:,J1J)" 11;.:-1 llon.lay hh:ht :tf tit,· hn,lt"-g 1\"1'1'-'

ill I:lk, :11.,. HI. I •. X .• I,,'l<" allil ll. .\. I. 'r,mol.·,· 1.·11 :'I1 •• n.I,<\· Ill\: !o I C",' 1·:a;<I

; ~'~':"}"(;;'~l~.j!'.~l·· ~~J~1~1··!~;:t_.~::.;:/·tl1Jttlt·:t~;t·i~·U:'·i·[; 1·u.,~tlar. ~1n ... ll;I.lh·'~h }-c"'.:-h.·r Hf ltall .. 1:-. .. 1\\-111.,. 1\,).',. i:-: Vt.·utHlJ! h'l'" .l.,ul:htt"r~

1!~~'l~n~1a\~~ __ !.~~!~~~t~l:::i' (~:;UI~.l;·t ~~~:',i4~~~ II:' Ih., Burn",,,,, 1>('>I.lta[. "Iddll \\·in.l­lit-Itt .. .l.,hn l",.·kt\n.,. .\nu.& U. ,-ha\.·trt. I."rllh' 11111'11.-11 :1Il" .\1 is" •• .. nlh·1I :-=h.41.},.'lu"t/.I'.< •• h. )l,.tthhU la:--.t ~ulld:f.).·~ )luth'"r Uu;.;-h.·~ '"ltUtlUUt';i \"'r>' ,U. Th •• juuiflT hu-t bt"nt"I' ut~'f'a"kau t'la~s (ut.·I·:'a\n,.1 th,' u:H\.·.·,~H\· :,,,., hls.:h N'h,w.t stUtlt\ut:t At a r",-.",tiun hu .. t :-:at .. ur,l"y. . ni.;hl. 1'10.·' 'h;ulIl'aj!{n III/:!t ~dl" .. 1 rh·t •• ~·t·Hr fnHtl'~lll p,_*t,ttl \\'H~ t.rpk. u f.r:--t :, .. ttuniav It\· '!ht' u.,k I'dr-k h·.un •• ( • ·11:.-:l":u. ~ll'.loi: lIUn.· n_·ash·\~ o.r o;ary. 11\.1.. i.. ,·Isuin .. hI CI .. • 11"111" .. ( lh·r !'>I~h-r. llr:" 1..'"t,1: •• :rtd'·...·r 1I1I1:1I.·s ,!i ••• \ :'I!..!ltlay nh.ruill~ at I u't h"'k, ·rh.· l ..... iy \\":.:01 Htk .. ·n tH '''h:lt'h·,..tttu. 111.. h.r hudal. ~h~· h·a'·'~~ un.· ~talu.:hh'r. !\1i!"'~ ftutia lhl".ht·"'. t·· Illuurn h.'r (1'·1ui:':'4°. f!."\·, H .• \. tJay,t.'n III ""n.hl.:tln~ a I·.·d,·,,! at I·.or/s. III,

Ga resburll. III. H."'. I·:. II .• ;.», .. " I" :.1.1.· tt.. 1111 his

pul,.it afr4'r !'o,"\"f'r...1 ,\4,·t·.~k~· iUU.·f{.41. l1iss ;-:,·.I •• 1Ia )ti.·lt'1'~ ,tn,l :\tr .. t*rahtr.·." \\,f'lC"

uu:tt·,l \u nt',t"na.:,· la~t w··.·\" itt ""1\­Il.":tl"n!i!'-. \\",,."1. ha!'" h ..... ·u :-.... ·.·'\",·.1 tn •• ur ,·tt)· 4'( t h·~ _1.'aU, .,( .\S .. ",. fI .. I.·n • ~t'!"~I·r. :.dlnt otf 1h.· :\h~!'4l.:unt·~ F •• uui.· .1~hol.~,Jt. ~.ntl • -"rin" '·, ... ·luaU. llrto:, lita A~.'t'" j" "uff"rilil; with l\I.·"rl~Y. Ilall~' ~\I'H'ay. \ ,.,1. ~:,}. ;,1 :-:.'\'00-1 f\;ar.ti:;-.t • "'hurt'h, \\-~ 1,(tS"· t.t .'M11t·*'l tA1T .1,·hL 1~ht~ StHl,h.r :'.'hnu,1 \lill tih-H rall)~ =tS !t .·'l,.·.·l~ tt, h' ••. t'\',·r lit·· t-,p in .'IU'ul! ... 1U'-Ut t._r Ull·IUL(·t~ t ·(jUt·~ .tlhi :-1'··ntl tIt,· tI4ot~' 'wifh us, .1,.hn~ •• h ,\: .h.,hu~·in. t'f-S­t.I!2l"'ant .:In.l J.;rV\·.·r~ •• ll·.~ lluttlhtt~ atl i.\.).hti,." tu 1 .. • :tl.I.· It. .t\:,'uUUUo-iZl1., Ih.·ir 1.",.ln.·,,,, lIalli.· \\·lI1i:<I ... , II"" lu:ute ru'''u fur a (un Jhh~ ,., ftr(k~~ri~:. :In~t C<.-;:i,·\·thttl:-.

JerseyvIlle. III. Mr. ..n.. ')lr". V~· .. r \\":.." .... 11 •• f

nhJulnillJ.:lun. Itt, r,-ttlrlu·.t ~H tb·-st"' h4·t11.~ _ .. tt..-r slh·tuUuJ.:, a f.-\\' (ht\'~ .tl th·­h"m.- of :'<11'. awl ;\\r". H. ,\. '·i".,., anlt f~t.tlul).. ~U~~ .. '.,rd ... Ua J-.'th'!-' at"J h~ur.

~:~:;;~l:I;rd:I';~ml ":~ l .\;~:>II 'lal~~.~·'·11 ):\I;:f:~ lo~' til" I'. (\( I. al II .. · I, .• ·f ,'. hall. 1~hn~d ,\ .,0 \""Ut houltl 'h·n." '-hUf:-O ~ ,I",r to' ;ttt.·w! th., t;r.·~·n.· ,"uunt"- (;,ir .It ";11'",'1111)11. Ill. ""T": :llr. :llhl :\\1'''. .. latn.·, .. \\ ..... ,I.Ih\ Sih,;.; \'''ilh.l1tll'. Th., .. -(hart" \\ :iIlAt~f'~ )Ir.:-:. t,":,rn.. l.(h·k\\'()htt .. \; ..... 1",;~ • "Hot" •• and ':11.':-01,:. 11r ';tlttJ ~lrs. • l~".· •• r \''' ... I'hoU ut IU, .. ,luiru.:h,n ;tu.1 ':\Ir:-.. .. '('ff4 orson Kin&:. lti.·It ... r.1 Hlh\~'n \\.Jt' ,it

tt(wl!;'.':· '\·f~itr.r ~uufh,~. ~lL", \ .. lllian Eitst Moline. III. 1·!:Il ... ·hi\J r.,turn.·.! h. 1I··r h"I1'" In

:'. I~. l\~.ltt ••• :a:: I:::h ... tn·,:~* rrtuTnf,d U.ti~httln. ttl.. lRt-.t \\,,···1\ .,ft.·t- ~HH"u'litl": lh.- ) ,It th •• Ht.,uth fi'f,Ut ;t 1\\'t· .. d;.."\' n \\·.-t"; as th'· ~IS .. ·:--.t l.f hf'r ~i~t'''I·. llr"",_ :-::.;..y .u 1'~"'.UI:-:tHtl~ tiL lit· \\a!04 it tli'""\':" .. \tU(l:"= 1*(4jrr .... X. :\1L ;,n') ltr~ l .. iu.-t.ln J.!.ttt- 1 •• t',.~ hr"twi III.h:.·~ ""r.h"t' :.r Fr.·.·tnan auwl .1 ...... U.~i!!n\an ~.i· :\1,,,1\ ill·". ;\ "l'.~ '!"\", ~,. *r."'Uh"· th·U\·~t.·,1 111.. Jnf;h.r,~.l h··r., ~\tfliJa~.· au,S \\·.'rt~ ';11. ';'ttt.h·.-~~ .;,..1 ttl." ~1t. Zit.n H."tti~l: gu.·~,!'o ~Ir the", h,)tn ... (If :\lr::. X:~U'·Y "hUl',~h. )lr:o:. ,.;\tl"I1'..!\\· J.'nliin!'l 1\11:$ h •. ".:n )ttt!'-\.~" ~lr:-. H. H.· • ·hun-hlll ·~f t:rh:h .. ill. l toOn Wa~ 1h.· &:Ut~:-l Hf h4'r '!;nt~htt~r~ ~(rti.

Atnu6", '· ..... irf .. :\ ... l~.·\·~· fh&v~ 1;,,,,, \\· ... ~·k~ Kew""ne'f!'. III. . .Mf~s B.t .. u·k~ I··\.irf.a~ l"'i'" th·& ;:Ut"""'t ttt'.

Til\.. ::"'.·.\Urt H.ll,!l!"'( "ht .. r,·b h.ut .. : 'H·r ~ill'h·-r_ )tf":'. l.iTH, .. ilt l+"l'f:~"nlt:tn. :tt: ;:r •. :u n~\'i\Hl II,,·.-tltl':. H.·\·. \\"',Ih:,nl !\{~I\"lnf". J:U!'r'/"H> .:i!H·" .tu.i 4'r."ht.'~tr •• ~~,.\~!y ,\1 .·ar~"'.n.t.I!.'i lilts 1l1,;.'n t*rt·;tf·h.. l~taY"fl tor :1 ·!:tn,:t.~ &:lv."n ilt I~art._",. 11l ... lU;': t:Y\'f'\· lu;;ht ~ith"· .,'\·h.!tt .... ::. T\\"'l\'c :--iltUrt(a.~" nh;ht. ~\IUJ:o-:. w. t",,, .I,hi.',1 tu tll.~ '"hllr,·h~ H:11'''' ti"'llI~ Will I .. ~ at ~ ,,','Iv"', ". Ill.; :-l\ll\ll"~" Sparta. III. :-t h.",.!l !.;:~\\ ;&. 111.: lt~drnil1J..: \'\'ttfshii'. 11 ~ti~s nrn."~ H,·aufultl tl"!' r(ltl1rn~d ..... I"'.k. Itu(u!' 1.lltl.· \,.·ol tto " ..... rla.: hom .. afl"r 'h,,"'ra\ w.' .. k;<· "Islt with h"r In .. tf. tak." thl\ It.,rh,'f'·:-: .::\-aulinat1nn. I hr,.lh,·r., Jfo\"\~n U.·;,U!f'P'9 (tf t ·hi.·lt:;:.o •. "Ir. :lnd llr,.:. II. .:. "ullalto· :.r.c the III. :'Ih~s an.1 :'Ilr". :'IlnT.I .. ,:\; "'1"'111 pH.lId I':UdU:< (.f II L •• hy t.:irl. II :'Il •• nola)' In ~t. [.(lui" ;<hOI'I.inl:. ~fr. an.!

:'Ilr~. lI.if·p,·r 1,'(1 ~_.tU\·,l:.'· nll!hl r .. , \'\I;aukegO\n. Ill. 1I1nnm&:ham. ,\la. Tt,,, 1-:.1 .. 11 1~'I"i"t

:.\\1">'. \\'. 11. ·r •. ;t.·,.. .·nl.·rtltllled \\'.>.1,' "hun-Il n'I"I"r';ll ,"",.1<: ltt Ih.· X·'\\· ".'!'>fl.'-~" ('\'."'f\1I.1:: ~It tth'" f', ... ~\dt\np.~ i'l" !\tn\~ I "('l't~ H:.,!tfsr .'hur."h ~nrHla .. \.'. Th,· l;r","rt l';t\'I~';~ ~l:: :-;. t ·':'IUlU~· ,,·,"'L l·~,h·n B;q,U!'-t :'I\\\·tn~ ~ "irt$),. ltH"t ut th,~ ~\n~ .• nl= thtt~.'" I'r.~~.'t\t ,\*;r.": ..lh· .. a.u.! hft~U •.• of!'-. IIhuj;'$' ':\f;l~·h.·n :tn,f .,u :"I~. !!n' .. -n ';n;' .. fi.t1. :\h-. ;.,1*t .).Ir:" I rnJ"y;.hJ~~ d:t~- "':'>0 ~th·ur. llj.:-:~ Htlu·J .t:l"k:oo .. u, :\lr..:. Fr.i n~ J 'nn,'.iU .. )tr. ~tul .• :", ir,Hll)' 1:oit~ rettU"lli·.' lV·Ht." (t'lltrt a 10-~Jr!-_ H,"n,-y l!ldli.·, :\1j:.:!,-\·~ \\"htt,-" ,".-n."('> lia!o- \" \\'ith l'(·t .... th' .. !; itt l"'hh;a:;:o. "n.j Ilra.II,!)· <'II' o·"il',,~ •• : :'Ill"" l:;ntil~"

;i!l;jl~!;.!:::~;J~~~I{)ly :\i .. ~::/Ii~i~~.antt. ('~l: in.',·. \\. o'll;e"~;lli~·I(!I~~~tun. '1',').:\10. Ji;,!'1"I;o.. ttl .'tI~lnt~i. ~'a ... ha .... (' •• 111." tlt"ru! PTe:h'h~tI ~(·'\·~-r~lt nh.:hl:: {~'f' th,' H.~\'. \\~" I.' !tv,. with .h"r !II(.til.:r. :'<Ir" .• 1. I''')'I\''.! H. ,':Irt;r llr.·. ,.1 ..... ('1',,0'\,\1:<11\ "IlII'r ;a~ ~. t,\'ul11\· zot'r.·t't. ·rh .. $ lt4'\·. II I': j tain4!t{ ;\fr ..... \\"Uh:"o If., .... n ... :.t flinn.'r J.'hll~""1 o.t Trim:\' ,\. It. K "';ul'd,'lm"I ~lIn.tay. :'Iii"!' "·illi.- H. Ta.)I"r ... I!t·t-­lolt for tll,- .,lIIl1la! .·'.nf.·r.m.·.· whh:h! 1"ln.",1 ::9 .. ! h.;r ( .. kn.t" :01 iI l.inh.llI' \·(.n\'~n.·.:\ in (·lH~·:.U:.o ~t '\~a) sn~u l'urt~· '''hnno(la~· t,,\*\·nn ... :~ .Iitnnl\~ Jun_'"!4 1:lia\l~I. I has r,·!utn.·<! .. rl,·r !-",·.·raf ol"~'" uut .,(

, town! 1t,,\ .. ;\1t~I'~"t. hlUI :t ·ru.·~_la~· Uh·I~1" E'R!n. HI. ' lu,;;: lit H.'IIt,'1 Hal'l i.,' dlllr ... lI, lll·".

Til .. t,.I!uwln..: f''''I .. r, f>t1;"iatt'<1 at' \'''n:a In.:ram .. ·f· ·"rinlh. ;\lIss.. II'­Ih •. :' •• "n'\ Jj.q'll"t <'I.urdt: It •. ,'. ;\t(>or~. : "I..;itinl:' 11 .. 1' ,..1,,1.·r. :'oti~" :'olina \\'alsnll, 1: •• \ .. \\ ... V. t:utHh .. H .• ·\~. (*. It, H.'1ttt,~r· I tur ;,n int!.·fi:H',· 1)"ritHI, J. I'. Ijr.·:.:nr~: t4"'n .. kll o( ,-hh~~i:':" " .lr,hu.:-c·,n .1%\11' hf 1 i\l,)\1(,in. 111.~ :-.I···nt ~un.tay h.·r .... i:tt:tll~' ",,,.t:r;. <lay III ;"lIk,":-'. llr;j. ~ :'Ifr~ .. 1. ~. lIunnj('utt h'.~ rdurn~'.1 aft"r

i:;:~~~: ~:~h 'I;~:;! r:.~;:;~~;:.~~~·'·ll:~ U:: l!ll~,';:i'~ ! ~~;~~'\i::~.\ ~;:;~·I~;I.l I 'fi." kTh~'i ~lt .• \!:.·,\. ~ 'l\;;~ til;::. .1 .. m,·s Br."\k~. ll.. l'unt·,uI ,tn.11 Cart,·1' llil 1I111i,.,tO!'NI. Llr. 11.. Y. "IIIUn )Ir~. 'I;.H!': Io\:.-.;':-n(:~~ attf"nd,",l .. Jl.Jr.y i a.n.l t;~'r.;:"" )l~utHft·r .. Jr*. motor~d tu In '.;I,·nll !-'!!"I\ j:;;\'cn l.y lh.- \\'It;1I X""t l,uo111<'In. III .• l"illn.IIl~·. f ·:utl. H_ •• \' •• 1. :-;;. H:-ot..\k .. 'uf:. It;u.tor h(' II •• : ~!. _I"m"!; .\. )1. E. ,'!lurch dfJI"'ti, Oniilt'QJI. Ill. I:i,. r('I'Ort for th.: "C thOll ;'.:ar It,,: n....... Rf'n!'on (If SI·rlnc:flnlt1. 1lI .. " .. 5 here. I ;'~::;in~~ ~\\f~l.le l~{~!\:ii~:{ ('lwrl~~·'I~"~~'1~f.

Clinton. Ill. , ",,"nl ~un,lay With h"r .Inlll(hl"r. !\Tr~. Ch"!'t('r Uurn.·t!. \\'lIn has b.',," Nn- ("ralil'. :'Ill'''. Hunt'" 110111'.> "" P0l11ar

I,!"}",,l ttS 1:.11 •• :' (,'r \\'111. ::'11,,\·'·r". ha" str.~.·t WII!I hurn/'t\ :'11 "n <1:1 v. Thl' It.·,'. 1''''''I~n''d al1'\ I~ n .. w "lUI'I ... y.·,1 l.~· fl. H IIu,::!;",,, will I.rearll hI,,' \;\>'\ :Sl·rtn.'" ""r.l1t:: (""i1"I. Thmlla" \\':I",~()fI"r 114 111-(" \\'('l\n(''''\;'Y ,.\·.>"Inl:. ~lrs. fial'all •. t11t.~"')'4*il .\~ '"r.,,.=-"(~r f •• r \\ .. U\. ~h.'\-I'r~ !It ~.atn!l i!¢ n\lr~ina:: in ltut.·k' .. ) .... '.r.' ... ·nt. /I"!'l'I!;~·. Ih.· lin,,· .I"u/:bt.·r uf ::\11'. :H,<1 ')Ir .... '\l'lhur •• .. '·ill!:t .. n. i-- Ill1- Gt'itnd ChaIn, 111. Jt~('I\'iu~. j·"r;,nk If;i!( .• \, .. hct .. ":lUl." to !\tr~. Adrtl ... I!juwn Jt.irt'f\T of (\lm ... (~!ir;{("tl .( !\l~(,!"t rjul." :.t;.:,). {.mp:n) ,\.1 J#y ~1 ~a.i "*41:!'t tilt· r:Ht .. ~t '"f fl.t" Itan:.r·"'rn .. 0,1 ''''n.~ t'lf th.~ 14",(".t1 J.!;I!";tl:::'.s~ nl~·!'ot.".tiuu!'ll~·' l'arkl'T t'itnlihl':4 Jo"rl.1av. ~anHh·t ll(>n 1-i.'f'( ("lintort. un.t :1l~.1 Hnt! ,.f )'lr6 Itur ... ri(~'k:t \\~n~ h*:rt~ :. ~hfn:t lh':-iful ln1'>t \",.1\1( n-:u'!"i ~uits. Th,~~' t,r,tl! n"t'Ul'i~tt th.} , It)f.kU'u.: :tftf-r hi,.; r::'I'411-1\ ,.rr .. h",O[:A. "trf'l ;0.. .. Itt.· ,(\f'Jtu :It. ~ff':;. J. t.t. \'''~tt(f'''S. )tr'l .!n-hn ("r-t.~!'l:tnd nn,) ~r.n .. H~:r{1.. \\"~lt t" :.u.l l-lr!'->_ :-:an(ord of ~ntl!h \\·i~rnins:t ... n: ~L t.ouh .. l:u~t w.·(·k. IU~lnt! :..umul(,n.·tl •• f" rUick::u.: th.~ir Jh')ltlf,!" ira t"lint"tl. I,.uf.; tn thf'- hf.~t~itl.· ~f ht)r b()n-l~-hl\\:. t·n··'·\ 1':0::'" wat' tll'll!:h"·~. '~(:"II;'! :'h"!lo~', Turn·-r (,rorr I~ 1'1111 .... Hlln···1 l(o hl~ wifi' :4(l.1 :-ottn 11;,,·,· z,.·tt.:-n,",f (rnn: J'''f\.~t ll,,,,t;,:.', la .• tt\ t:H.k.: tht<!ir ftnutt! h()sn.~. 1-)1113 ~I •• ~" Ih.· lill!t· .luul;lIu·r ot :.Ir. land ~1J':'. II. H. nunn"'". WIll I,,·..:ill r.ltl~l.: h'!'o~,'m~ ft"nn1 ;\lr~, ''"'inh;t ,"'art.}r tfli~ ",.,,·k. The t·tU··rt.:.tHUlh·nt at l!r'\~_ .1''Iu4'-!>- ~:ttuflhl)~ t:\ .. uin~ \\'.&S d ~th,"'t..··"*:-:;~ wHh :\Ir". ~! O·X.·"I dli.·, ",d··".!;",,·. :'Ilrs. Th.· ... ,\';,,,hlt:!;11'I1I b HlU'Jnj: th" .. irk ;. t I hi,. '",rit mI;'. )1 r~. \\'i!!"(}11 J':><1~3 i~ .":xf ... ·l·tin.: tn It.-at't'' fffr 11;ur.nlhUtl.. lnd,. ~h(ltt!~·, '\·(·::.:l.·~" l~rHfUi!'i'· }m~ Tl."'luru."#) fr<'Ul a \'ll'it Ihrollll'lI til .. l:'Cluth. ~ti:.. H,·aul.. lIn •• nl .)C Th(lml'kins '1\';111 It l::h;t'lltn~ton \~i:-'it(Jr la:-t '\\'et'~~ ~tr ... \\ .... k ... r. U~.· ')<fn, .f:::~Ut. ""t:.-nt th~ \.\·~~ic IrNllin:: I ...... '''Murn'-f:; and T<'(urn ... 1 to It;f"-'Utilll:'_-'l ~;'lurd;,~" f·\'~·nfnJ;~ '{i·nry ,,'i\li:'Ill" :011,1 Cut'n .. liu5 1 •• '<' w.;re "oal.!'!! I.) till tit'dr I'I: .... '!" ill th,' <'11011' ~uTlllay (.n a""ount (j{ iIln"!-". hilt We ""pt· tlw>, wll\ It'! a hi.! to atl"I1.1 th~ Inl~!llonllry "lll'l"'" ll.)n.!a\· ,,\','nill';;:. II;.. ha. I'atl,..r!n<> and ;'lary •• laushv.·fS of :'llro :,n.t )Ir~ .• L i-:. lJ(,(Jr .... ha\~e~ :;\.\'('f{~ f~,,:d~ . • 1 •• 1:(\ 111I1.har.l. wh') hal! 1.~.·1'1 III tor ... ·\'"r:tl .Iay~. Is 31>10, t.) h" ()tlt. i'~,ck l-:Iy. :.",,..S:-:t:tnt !urt'nl:lU ('Jf :,t4",·l t::tns::. _lNJnt Ih ... w.·.·k •. ·not ill :::-t, i.uui". "j<:>I"1 ("ar:.· .. wl\l 1.I'<::in l ... r ,"usl,! .:bo!'s o( H l,uI>Il" in I.ill.: .. !n f:aturd;,!", /)('1. :::. Th" ~1i$~inn:u'~" :;rjc±etv h:t~ c\·~r,:()nt··s hit'at \\"h:h{l-~ tvr U,.· tlU."'(~.·~.!i of It:-c :-:t11l1 l (!r. )"I",,,!:,::, I)~t. I:. ~lrl'. A;:lIo-s \\'illlam!i. llr.~!'Oitlt·ut; ~hirh',. .. 1.4'.·. tr~';lSUr('r: '·tolr-t C'art.'r. s~·l;rt" .. , T1J.)r(~ .lr,) !",!\"~rnJ .!x ... Pt·,-tiu~ to .1tt""l1d lh~ ~i~nllat COnri'rf:nc~ .It 17htllnr;111lIllh.- w.· .. k of 1).'1. ::4. liT!!. \\·iItjc r"Tt.·, ;,n.1 .lau"hl'·1' ar~ "~I'.·ct. It:S 1(, .... ,~it r('\ativ"" in :51, I.nuls "(JOn. ;\1 ... ",,,I!!. r:urn.:liu!; 1 •• '" "nt<·tI«ln<!d :'III'. :,,'d :'>lT~. \\'"It"r C:lrl.·" Illst Ratur­da~' ~t " "'lllIrl'" slIl'p':r. C:lh'in !\:.elly anti 1.f'!Vnar.1 I' .. ~.· m<otnred to CHilton I; .. ;jt "'~"k (rom I.',·('.ttllr.

Mt. Vernon, III. n~,·. anti ')lr!t. H. I'. \\';tl'hinr:lon of

1,,>,·:lIur. III .• :'!'f! ill the dfy ~'ll!ltllll; fri'·n.Il<. It.-\,. ulI.1 :'I!r~. Uu\;",!! ar.· In "::1"1 ~t. V,ul!' ;tlh:n,lim; th,' s"ncrltl "'"fuf.'p4l!ll.·.~ 1,'( till! C. ~J. g, r.hnrch. :'lJr" "n.1 :'<Ir". ,'II"'r! \\·al~ .. n .. r·· tht! PToud 1' .. 1'.· .. ,,; of :1 I.:.hy ,""y. Th~ Corn, t:Hltl~tlo' C~lutf h~ 1his (·ity \vas v,·:-y ~ut!­... ·.st'lul ill .. hlllinllll'; :s Min.1 ,,,,,",,!<>n for ;:\11'''. H"I.kin!' for thili ,·it},. )11,,;; Ari­x .. rut ]'itt~ 1·1 lhi~ t'U:t"'. \\'hn is Yi:iitin; Ht ~:. I..f.n1~. I~ ,..otu1rtt"tl ill. .).1i~~ Upr ... "J.,.~ Si,uJ>}.,.n. ,,·ho ~tt.1i.lte,t ttH' V'. 1)-,. in ~t. Lont}t. r,·luf.h·d hhlue l;tst \,'.:pk, 1·:,1\\" •• ,_1 ::ytl.'!'!'. 'whf) 1uu: lu~pn ill "((Ir ~~tf11'~ titnf". l.t' p-,uJl'l ... 'l J"\H~h hnllrO\·t.~1. ;I)r". (.lh···r \\Omi:,ms l.r thi.. city ill "Ilff"rill!: wit h ;. "I.rail ... d ankl.,. ~tlS9 :'II:. rtl.· :-llllil It. wit.. has I""'n .... is\tln;: in :'t. J."ui~ f(-r ~"nl.: t.iuI'''. ha:-; r(·t11rn.·rl ""Ill" :'Ill'. \\'11"'.11 :.11<1 :'tli:-!' I..;.um \\'i1halll" "':1", unilo'ol In nll1triannn\' 8at. unl:\~'. • .... t. 1:;. \\·.·.Idl .. '" W:,:< h~\tJ In I·:.a,"t :;1. I."'HI', 111. "·h.·~· Trlurnrd hom., ~:t.l\1Tfl ... ~· :,ft.-rth~ •• n :In,l \\·"r~ rrl\,4tU)· '·nt-·rl:.!n!"1 lit th.! Iori.j'''l\ h()m~. •

Mounds. III. :\ft<:. \\·:11Ir.t'{· .\ 11.,111"11 h;.:> r<-turn'~d

frum l't. "Ian'" 1.· .. !'I'jt;,1. Cain>. 111.. \\ h-:.r •• ~h.~ uu,I.·rw··tl1 .a :-.U~ht pll"'ra.ti()n~ :\In-i. ).lat'tha ';I·\un h;J!-, n·t"ov"r.·d from Ott· I·\h.·r:.t:un .:-:h.· un,!(\'rw(\"f.t ~,t t1\.· 1I.)~i.i!;lt III .... lir ... Ill. :~lr~, .lhs.'tt" <":'arr •• f Cairo :wd :'Ili~l' E~h·np. Theml;" or

Jacksonllille. III. ;\11·.·. !l1:'r~' j·II(·;. "".1 :'II,.,.. ,\/lttl< !t·l .... l

\, t~r.· ho:--t.·:i~.-~ hl tb.> n;.·ul~,··rs t.! th,· \\ •• ~~f S", .... \11 ,·1uh F'rll.!;, \" ;f (t"rn'J"n .H th •• r.· .• it'.·n .... '· III ~\Ir)'ol, "Jtl.!,", "l .. us \\"',·r.~ .·utH!ll.,t.p->,1 r'H~ ~l h:'~;'.If· th ltf~ 1·.·1,l .tf l11. J·:Jnt ... r~· .:hur,·h t,h,tuh,'r :'-:-. f)'h." atttllw,l :--e·nu.·u \\~itS .1'~1i\',·r.·fl l;y f! .... \., 1I, ... klt-y :I! It"IiI"1 A. !II. I;. I'llllrd, ~und.,~ :t!tt·ru .... tt. )Ir. :,1'.1 .llr~. \\·il1-I;HU ..... lu:Sa}os }JI"-'~ r.·Uu·'h·.J IttJUl ;' l'l.·;'~:HI1 C"'t, \,· .... :k,.: \'l~it ",\til n·h,tj\,.·~ in .·hit·:t;': .. ~ :_'r. hn.1 ;\'r~, .fauh,·!1\ ~i--:itt .~u1t·t't;dt.;.1 Ih •• :\tL l·;utttr\· ,";,HS'UN "huir TU.':-od.t.v llov.·uin;.: it: tilf·ir r~!'ot .. ,1,"1,.,#" ut :.: J";n~folu:-:"" ~trt· .. ·t _ ~11'!'i . .It·hu\Ptl~~ ;\lr . ..;, 1-:,I\\" .. nl :\t ,,4: ,r.· Hhd ~tr"'. ~uu\\d"11 \\'·r .... s·.·.·.~i\-.··tl a .... nt'\" ttl,'us" h.»r:-o:, .. \ (!f·r r.·culnr THulin,. I.f l·u~hh·!'.i14 fl. tkluU!" r.·it.·:oh'u.·ltt~ w.r.· !kr\" .... 1 h;.· th.· h('~t+ !,::f"~~. ~!r!'- ~ •• Utll.·r t ;':41.·" h~,!'<C .·.·t uru~'il tt'lfnl :-=t. l.huih. ;\l~·. H·,\. :-:. ' ••. :'\t!tnuf" nt ~s\riH~th·hl. In .... \\~'!'I ... hu!'u'.·.«ts \.'l~itt'll' in rh.- ,,·it: .. ~ ,Mrtrulay.

ChilftlJ)algl'l. III. :t1r. :.nrl ~Tr:,. 1 t41: r,.·1 ,:r.4 '" are tl· ...

I'r/'Iull'"rt'nt" .. f ... lill" 1 ... I"··l;'lrl. :'lr!O. Fh.r.·fl(~ro t.'"rinl .,r .. -Hrlu~t1.h.l.·. tt1.. \'1:-.11.,,1 h.·r :.ha.·r~ ~h:-:, ~\hl~" :,jur*,l:tn.l. t •• ~t ~·t\.·~. ~rh.~ !nt {,or 'H',·u1J~paui,·'1 tl.!l" h",,·"'i ttl' ·:.rl,,.nl!ul.', .:.nd ~J Itnl th .. r." th Hl ..... mli.·ltJ. III. . lim·".·.· 1..,111; i,.. ""n' • I!. !'oJr. :In.1 ~Ir,;. .\. Tb''11 o( l-'<'Irl !"\.~nU5 )\;.n." ar~ Inaklns; thi·i'r\\.' wilh tlwlr >,1'11. ,1<.1 ... ·ri,.oll. !'t.H I·:: •. ·t ]."p-n:l',nt ~tr.-·,·t. ~1r::-., .. \a.;n.~ .. it"'!' m:u1.~ " t:yift,: tril' 10 r' .. I,\'i!I". Ill .. la~l !-'rl· .Ia~· "",I r,,"nn.·.1 ~"II'I;q)'. :'o1T. an.1 :'Ilrl'-. Willi" Hut!t\r m"I"fO'.1 I" I'-h •• m, t .... i;.:u lThUl ltatt(u',,, l.t"-t :-;un.lay. lfT'~. I~ .. \. II:.:.·.·,. i!> ,"'r}' ill with "rip. :'fr"'. 1':\:' T. I '-.?l'U. t-tr.1~· u\l~~ion"ry. t~ tn ~1'r;t1i!'th~lt! n1.~\·.. ~lr~. t!'oat .. ·H: .. :-;",.:"tu

:~l\Z~~t.!-j~~;~~ ?:':~:r ·'V:.~\~'i:I~~,t~~lUt::~f~~ ·hl~ th." .. nUn1"· hh:--"ital la!-ot J"t"itla~-. Th~' h~tl,)· t'O:Hf'toot ,·'u,t.. ... l lit ::"I,ltJl B:,ptJ:-;l t'tlllf""· nl~hl. llr:-.• \ i,lI. ;\1," ~;"" !i·f! 1M' \\·"ll'rIO'>. I .... h' ;,11"11·1 h". ~i<'k l'Iau;;hll·r.

Metropolis. Ill. :llrl<, 1 •• 1\· .... 1" Tn.n:!ur :\l"cm!ll':lnlp..1

h<·r tIInth .. r. ;\1t'~ •• -\Imi.· ;\1".,1"'. tn (·ht· ,·;t':H_ wht·rt- !'th.· win hOi"'''' h('r ""y,",s tn·at.·.l. :'III'. an.1 ~Ir~. ~"1I11l"1 .I .. r·lan. :'>Ir. lIlI'! :'Ilr",. J .... It:.nn lIlI·1 ;.\r~. .\. J~flC':'fl .. ( l'"uh. '~y... ntt)\oT"cl If) ~1t.trt~lt<'lH~ :-;UfHhtY =ttul ~lwnt th~ fl;l~' "I.itin~ (ri"llIb. Arthur l'alst,,11 Kn-i \\'l1!ialll Vos,;il M tI"rri!, vil'lt, in", \\'talllm J .. ~,;it· ;;e .. 1 wit.·. "loIrth· .1:1)' 1.;.rIY waS ):i""n la:-! Thur""I,,)' nh:llt at tht" "',m.· IIi AmurOlle It(,hin­~hn in hnn()r t,f H:.~"\ .. ntl t .. :~rhus~. I -:t\·tll .!:.mb,"". "ir., all,1 ,·hllllr,·n. l,wl :.ti~" ( .... arttwll:. ~an;e-nl nf 1tlU (tnllnt::t·.n. l~l.. aI'/' \'I~it In~ I he r"rnh'r'" h,nll ... l'. 11.· .. 1·::.. Jami.""n. lIn.1 fllmlly. 1~.jj::"1' .;.1.1.,. \\"h,. l~ nll(~ut t(1 1(j.H~ his .,)·"h

"kIll. l« t:4kin~ tre"llIh:nt ill I', •• lm:ah. I"~·. :'II: .. ·..,) l'tallil .. ·ft :;ul1uay for SI. I.IIuls. llo.

Oeca tVI'. Ill • .\Horn"~· ''''I.-Ito'rlle>ll. ('omlnantlf'r nt

(t.-f\rcf" • :n .. t- ,"o:-t, Amt·rt,:·:.n 14.·J:'ion. W'l~ in ttl ... t.·ilv durint: tht· :-:t:tv- ..... n .. ",·nli .. n ;.n,1 \\::1;< lit,. :':\I.·,t '.or Ih .. Barr)' \\".lrth·l.t 1',':-ot. ~o. 7':':-;. Il.~v~ \\·t'W~l~ Itt ""\0'0111'0. 1.l!nd (·\'an!!,.·li~t. waf! In th,' "ity :::u"ttay. ~un(lay. f\t·t.-Iwr' !f. )'1r:<. .1. :-:l"n!!'htr·r·.~ \o('lIutHul hl:>l::.· .m :'Il" .. lon :--rr,' •• t W.Q.S th.~ ,.r.·n,· ()! a ':;01t::\ (-I-\";-ot.

~II~!< Alia Tat ... \U ... 111lInl!lI.n. III.. Wall :n 1Iu.· t"it~' .. tt.·f\ilin..: :h.~ t.~")n\*{~ntion. :\" .lan.·.·" will 10" 1:1\'o'n IlI1d",r Ill<' aul'-

C;arbondAle. III. 11t-nry St·r.u Itf :4J'rllu:;!t.·I,1 Li !'<}'l.-.nllinl!

,h.: w.· ... lt .. cnd ht II,'Jn'!.·. ,.lr. ",1141 l.1r:i U.~nr~ ~"utt's hun: .. ·.\'a~ fl,,· ~·.·nt.·r (ti .1 \"t-t-;· jnlly }.tUt,·h nf Yuuna,: .. •• •• t.!·· !,,-,u'~U'):fU: f hu \\ .~fl"1; ·t·'ifl "1f;) t Itt .. jr ~1!11H:ht.~r, :\l.r . .: EarLh Autn.·. 'n'h: ;'.lr!Y • H\..·hJt)iu~ :\lt~,:, J:u11"""I"t \\" ... r Hf ,. ... n· fi.·:--. .... i ..... Ii:." ... ) H\i .. ~"'· .. i :\lUU1 .... ·,"t.t. ~IH) I.t\!;t .\U~i}· tli .·:.,1";" • .,d .. 1.· .. '.'(t tii.· :'.~'l~t hnUh; ht ;Jtl,"u.J !t It:u·~)J.·'Jn h' :'S;t.ri.,n# 111.. ~i"~·.-n I.y t!!'~ 111''1;:-('-., .... : ~ j ... t ·r. ~tr ... .I t". Jfdu'sHn~ • urtll.Jirn.-n!:.c\" eft h.,·, hutl!" ... J:u.·~;t' (;"4.'U lH ... ~.,uri ;.n,1 1",,,::., ~tUl"):i.Y fh ... I ... ny J)'"tf',r#~l •• \, .. r :f. :'\ .... \\: I'. nt~un tit Itl." t'l autuut t·,.untl~r h,.Ul .. Hi .Mr~, II. .... I-:tll,... wh,·r.· !h ... ·aH J·n .. jfr.Jy .. • .. l an (\t4l .. ! .. sjdv~ l'hi"~i'n 'I:nn • .'r~

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THE PRAIRIE STATEThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Dec 3, 1921; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 14

THE PRAIRIE STATE AU Pr tide St.lteo neWs UHHl\ reach 21'1" Orflce b" Tuesd,t:l ,'loon to lIu,.re pt.bllcilUoo

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

THE PRAIRIE STATEThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jul 22, 1922; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


Clinton. III.

NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS All ne_ ahOllld ••• ch thl. ..tllce

not later than. Mond." mornlnD of •• eh week, Cop" received after tim. ",ay not allP"''' IIntli tb. fol­IDwlng "uk.

Coultervlll... til.

I.)~!ri~· 1!IK~~!."i\\,~~;~I:laIW.~ ~::!t s'~'!r"~~~

"-_._-- -

churc:h of BrookpOrt. III., la expected In QuIncy to 8upply tlle r.ulpit of l!:1"htb Ind Elms IIttl!elti Slipt It church July \!~ ... ldndJ .... I!_130. Mr. and !\If" •• Ull""r

• f! on.·....". y 'oun" and Alls" BeHle EarlY It. llr. Younar II car motored to PalmYrjt, llo .• July U. wher. thOY ap",,~ ,t.he day wIth (rl .. nd. elatly" •• Mrs. :I>U,..II IIl1nl,.hr~y of l\:orth Ninth ,street left July 11 r 1"",,0. where Ishe will I3l>end two weeks with rclati.-cs ;Ilntl friellus. Sho e"pcctlJ her Ilau!:ht~rs trorn Detroit. ;\lIeh" to meet bet In

,Chicago. !It ..... Jlnmphre)' III not 110n­:nllely decidert on going on to Detroit 'wllh her dllllgbters on their .relurn trip ,home {rom (."hleago, The lItorgan prop· ,.erty on Vln" atr~8t jU8t "lUIt ot 20th street was Mold to amea Henr)' the

ClUlt wC!ek. Thl" PTop~r',. '~a8 aold \0 .",ten lbe clolling of "n el'ata I<lft by

Mr. Morgan. who died .. everal montha 'allo. Jam"" U. TUellard .... n and lIlrs, Cora Summ('J'S, Who haye both \Lved In Quincy Pr1I.CUCl\lly nil their "Vell •. w"[" untted In marrinlJOl July It at T Ivm. n the parfIDMg" oC Eighth and Elm

~\:':::. :.:'.fll~tr~~u~:;'c;'ol~'f.0n :.t~~li Wern tho wltnesQc" 10 th" marring". Captain Silmllel U. Shumliller, com· "u,"de .. of Company K. 8th Inf., 111 N. G .• I" pUUIn,; Ihe .IIen or hl!J.~ommand ,hroulA .. alilt IU'1\etlee road IlIarcb "'lIh the aim of hardening ,hem for tbe comlnll' eneampment In Camp Or""I. 1{I>clIfonl. 111 .. July 22 to AU!;,"'I! 6. Nut ,onl)' are the men· drlllM twice a. wee\( Qn week nlI;htH In the armory. but Sun­dar. Jllly !'. tMy were tallen out on a long road march. The eomp\ln)' I" up to tI'e rQqlllred Rlrcn!;th and III line SI,lrlt. Cltl>t. Shumaker helle"ell t1mt the or­... nl'&4\1oh Is , ... ~II Ilrepa~f!d for· any cmercenlW ~uvlcn. Prof. n. A. Rob"rts hll" been Ilppol"ted loenl """lit tor the 1,Iherty Ure Im",raneo Comtmny of Chl­.... «0. :\1111. Ruth Brown Nell or 71. ":nrth Z'~!l IIlreet I('ft IUllt week to be with h",. hl1ftban. Dew.y Nell. In IJloomlngton. Ill. 'I' is work ennush (or every tnan in < lo hu,'"c " .:00II Job.· 'rhe Slate }I E,np" .... mf'nt hur~ft.u h~ gh:lng out the relJOrt tlUtt "nolll!'11 Illlm "unnul be tOllnrl to till Ihe or<l""" (or bundK ..... n.lnn (rom large contractoMl and (rmn ownctt< of r"rmR. Sn t1dMtor)' "allc~ &1"0 hclng I.a 111 10 nil. There ar., da\1)' .:ails fur women In do work, ;\1N!, G. W. Urown I" mnk­Ing e1<t"n!ll.-c rellnl... An.1 Improve­Jur.nUI on her home ,.ro,lerty. a~~ l~'m tilrf"ct.

carbondale, .III. A IklUUy r(!'unlou 'tras lipId Hl the

11t.tllH~ tJr \\ .. ~ It. \\'oodt; JlIl~' t to S ~llld \\.:t~ a v<'r~' '·lIjo)':\"I .. ,,(faIT. It mll"'\ lOt:'1~tht'r UH:tnIH.·n; ur the '\'oodH (:cmU~\.·, tcome of' whom ue'~~l" Intot h~rur\! .. nd man)' had lint fiC'OO C'"iu.:h othN· for 1\\'C'U~' >:~nr!<. 0'11 Jul.\' 4th t hp funlil)' dlnhN" "'ll11 titlr\'Nl till Utf" la,wn [tl 4: rcilltl\"e~. (t.. th~ IIUI.· f\vlll • \0 U 1) ... nt .• th~rr 'WIt:; __ hirttu!a.: ... I'urty In honor of III" tr.lh hlrlh.lal· or ;1tI"" Jlt'llrjptlll C. WOll<lll. 'twPUI)·.fiv,. YO""~ ludlc~ "'pro; '>I'''$<'nl, On lhe e\'""ill:; o( Ill" nth. (rottl -; to II. Willi CI~NI .. r~t.'('I,Utltl to mcrp than it hUlIfJre,l r"cmlf'_ ·rlu- f\nt" r:;uPl!ts were ),1 .. , Ituth ,\ndN·~. ;\Ir .... 1<1 !llrH. OIt,,"1 C,,"rland, ~II~.I''' 1'1& .. n\l !tilth ,,'00'16. "~d. Bi'rt :utd "'"nrl1l:tn :-:tricklhl. John ('rol'''''''' ~Ir~. Or.. lI.rrb and Clt""e. ull nf 51. Loul~. )tn.; ;\1.1'. lIenT)· 1I .. ,·p" or (-hic:1I:"~ )1",. 1,Atp f'Rfchnlati fUllJ (:M>n:;e 1\:.,11)' of Mound~. Ill.: ;11\'1'. ,::<lIth Dran of \luQII(\th, ;\1,.,., IIn\tie .1t"tIlr,; nnd dnucht('r of Orant;r. "e~;l8; llr. nnll ;\If". U .. TTly Smith nf iCnn""" elty. ;l1f).: ~Ir... 1'11),111. flra"l<llcltl of ('IlI)t' <:li.,.rd~"II. ;\10.: "' ..... :'I1:lr, IIlm­Ill""" nnd 100nl< ... r Pllehl". C-:ol ... : :\1 .... Itad.,,1 Whit" and "It~~ Artcnl~ Dooo~ of Sparta. All IIl"'e returned to th .. IT Ito"""" .

;\1I~s nully "'ichol~ I" "'KltlnA' In Chl­..... :;". ;\lr5, 1100':" of :l1~trof)(\1I8 I" ,'1,,· Illng h(,1 118Ur;III ...... :lIn<. Berti., Hay<,s IInll famlly. :'ItIl! ... s 1.01. "nl1 Url.n .Antry anI! :llr ... Whnrf will I"n\'" loon for New :\IIl.lrlll. ;\to. ely.l" I\ur"~tt "r St. l.oul .. W83 thf' "Uf'st of !lTl'H :\laude PorI..... :\11'. an" )1,.,.. Junon llnlonc. Pmr. ),,,,,,1 .. o( llnnnil> .. ,I. ;110.: llr. 11011· win and :IliR~ II. lIuII'I11'9 nrotor~<l frOm ~t" l.olll~ nllt! \\"~r" "il",!ls nf ;\lrll. I.&.U­fa Coo.~r anfl mother. t,1ohlrn l ..... at "Iuh h .. f" It wel!:ht ,.,.t1~. "nrl h3,.k~t dInner July 16. )1 r. llno .... !' of Coil' wall It week-I'nd gu .. ~t of ~Ir!!. Gett hl Dt'nnla<,n. lIn.. Frank Bnw~r waa

rttll\.·. (;nr~~ who heR tlnilllilffl a two' ,,· ... ·t\k,.· canl1Jaign at D4!\"Utu:r. \\";tt' the.! ;1I<'tn I • .,t w~k of lfr •• tt"S !\fr ... <0"011;0 ~:;.J"·"Mls. Til" IillJrk "jslled tile 110"'0 o( ~t ... and '!II ..... t;0lumbu8 Dnhogr, la,,\ "'".k an~ l.,n a nIne-pound ulrl. !ltoth­or .... " IIttl .. ,'Iolet are .Ioln!; nlc~I~·. lIn<, (";I)'dp Thoma" IR Vef)' III III I hiM "Tithltf. /I ~nt')· WHlla ms I .. OUl "r ti,,, dty oil" ",''f':;. Rurn. 10 )'tr. "lUi llr~. Jp"rt.h WilUam". " baby J:lrl. Gn· ff'nUnRt~'y ... the hal,y only ... ll\'i"fl a r~\\" hOllrN. lout 1'1,.,.. 'Vllllalll9 \ .. rioln\! "Ie"­I~'. II. Ura,,"n >iI",nt thn w('cK-('n.1 III !-ll. 1.0III!'. Aloe Chlpck anll t;\'~r.-t

\lert Costly lU'COnll",nleel tltcm. llln­nIne Jon,," and KlltllL'Tlno William" ~I""nt the w",,-k "n.1 In Coull"r ... iII~, Jo., I~II "l1<'nt Ihr w"",k .,nd In Coull.,"'I11 .... lin;. U.,rlh .. !Smith 'lied I",t .'rllltl)·. lShe l~a \'.C!~ K hut;hand. (OUT llaughu~rtt. tWO f'''n'' :mel three alep·d.lI<ir"n. They took her 1O{>lly ti> t-'rCiltrl~k .. towl< for j.urillol. ll..... I.ul.. HIIII.o;. )\rl$. .Icllnl" \,I"i'l .. nli Mrl'. M"lIgl~ WIIII .. nls w .. nl

J\~!ll~tl~~t~~:~{' :~l;;~eI~f~~~k~!ol\~n"I;::~!! ~U'l' In JRcksoll. It... M .... , lol .. ".:I .. \\'11· Hunl~ NJ~n'l Sunday In St. l .. ou\M. ttl)hl. t'arn~~' .. n,1 ",If" motor~d to !SI. !.unbs Ia.~\ ;),11)11"")'. Haro!.1 Hal'l .. spent last w""k In <lila rIa. ~lr. an,l liN. Austin nnt! .tau~hler .-i"ltL~l ;\tr. I\n.l :lIra, G~o, Laws In lit .. ~ountrl' 1..,.\ week.

~~~~e~iu,~? ~~m!M:-: ~~~~:,.~~~~~U~I\~~ WQ~ Q","nl~r.d hy Aaron :M"lon~. pr,,~r·

i~~~~t.\~~~~:i ";:;!L!~:. )~::I u.~~ Annlt "" ~tt1dent"~ f\ros:nam \\-d~ ,""n.1 .. r",1 al R<>II",I .\. ~1. 1':. "ltur..,11 '"lIt WM hlll"I~' ~l)l'rpt'\nl~lf. Til" 'IIell II~I 1" .. 1",1"9 C1\3rll .. ~11"rk~. j,;tl ;\IIUI!r, ').Irl<. CArrl/! A .. h ...... fI nn,1 l' ...... 1. IIljr. ,,11I~. n~,·. w, W'".~I all,l wIfe "nt~r, li1llultd th .... tm"r{wprnent dL!' ThUB .. ":Ii'". llrs. n .. t .... , ttn,,-d Connt'T if' 'tts.U_

!r'::f. n h~f.'II"'I~~~ l;~t ;;~~ .. ,i'~':I\~1 ~~i ;s!~~\;:: ",hl'r., lie anenlki1 the fllneral Dr " r.-lat\ve.

~~h~lnl~II;J:~: . ~l:~'l"';;' .. i,:-~r('fir')fl~ • 101,. to he III work :l1:'II1n. )11'11. \\-.... 11'1' t'r<>nll~<' will ka"p n""t "'''''k for :.n rxl('nMd ''"<It 'n th .. :;..,,111. :;"10"'0" noollof" ha .. r('turn~] frOltl R ,·hdt in Inrll.n8",,1I~. :lIn<. Ito",' WIIFon I",!" .. ·1;11:11"'" bt'r 1", .. llIon R" rnler<!l'S at 11", I. C. mf .. , TllOntl." TII1~l ... )· ""8 ill It:!'­,·ana la,.t w~~k on hu~ineo::;.

La-.encevllle. III Charl~s Barn.,.. "'!!Imed to hi .. bon",

In (."111<-"1;1) 't'h"r~d"y, ;\lrH. lIY1l1tfl> \\'1I60n "r ;'; .. bm.k.~ I" "Il'itlng In Law­r",n"""Ill" alit! f'lnksUdl wllh r"lall'·"6. CI"""n"" A"arn .. , Jr •• Is ~kk .. "If .. , )11'8. nl'l",c,,", ~lItch(>U. lip'. ,\I minI \·an· rrf'zn"p h:t~ tJ.enn yet,.. ill. hln ts, lund, ""'If'r. "n" lin', .100 ).t\lchelt l,,~t their ill!::.nt Fun Sunrt;I;~'" n1l1"Iul \Vna: h .. ld In ,'urt". ~ .. mf!t"r>·. Til" ~nt"f' 1atinnt~.:'nt ---nn\ntiH~ 'wuf t:i":~ It t-uf)lw,r ~t the hal\ f!atur<la)' 4!'\"l'lIhu:. Qult":t number rrom her" att(' .. <lMl till' '1".r-1'-fIY .flnrerence at I'lnlQllarr ~Ionlfa" cW_V -

Decatur, Ill. )!lijS r.;lad~·lI l..oron" B:.rIIQU I~ spelld­

In; II. few w~k. .. wllh It •• sranGm,.thcr. l1r". I':' Il:1rnetl. he lila Iloon. :\la.tcr Julian W. tilleJl Wall n~r"'c"hl)' .. u ... j.rl ..... 1 ll .. nAA)' mnrnlllS. llrs. (;lad)'3 GilI'>! "I"'nt th" " .. "Ie ond in CI\I..,,,!;\) It"". II. '>ore had "hllrgp "r th" so:r\,lc.,,.j ill Anllodt Bllptll!t ebur<'h :>untla)·. July

;:i'ub.Tb~tI~~1l11~ It~:'13~;nlf.~·d JI~:IJl~~ Til... ro\1hwlng •. repnn <>d ,,"'1<. ar., much II,.tt ... r~ llrFo. RoblnM~. :\1rl'_ T;!)Uafcrro ~ nd lIn;. \·,mdyk". )' r". B. .".. Cou.q. "lnR b",l '"' gI'L"'t for IUII"h""n !lunday ~Ir .. , '-'''011':1" IAw""n. !"!tJd. m, Dr_ f;, Pun~t1n waH I*tMJrk 1.,- all) auto­mohUe TIIU"""a)', lleln!, "liGhtly Inju, ... !. T"".~· f~otUn:i it; Jo;pemliuJ: the "umm~r In ~lkhII'Kn ... CN>m)lRnlrd loy lIT. I\~n. If''!-'. A~ ::';l~,· ... nJWln stnd daughter p.'1~'fI throu/:h lJ<>e'Atur ;l1<mday en route It> I~rl~. 111 .. to attent! Ihe Gml1c1 10/l~f!. K.. P. ~11"!'I:. ll..'lf'dn t!t' "xJ~thu: h~r nlrre frotn :-;~W Url(!'aht'l. lAt.. 'n a rr\\" .1"yl', ll,.,.. "nn!e Uronn"r will , • ., tit" u.,.·atur<, Grand Iod.;:e rel.r ..... ml"th:(! In l<prlll\:I\ .. ld IllIrlnl: A 1I1!'L~t 'If U, n. P ... J. (~. I~nrs will join hl~ wlr., bl "'",,h­In"lon D. t;.. In .I\"I; .. ~t. 'rho ')'.oetor will ltl~o :t1t~n,l the ;';~I\(mal ~fHllr'll :n,"t\d;ltl"'n~ Whkh ""in· f"f)n,·~f'l;(i' in W,,~b1hl!l"n. :'h· ... nd )In: R. \~. 1!,,\IIns rf\1urn ... i iron. i'''~lr \·:J~;..tion ~\lndUY. which w,." ","'ttl In CII'\·'13n.l. fl. )fr_ lu,d :1>,1''', :;II,llh Ifn,1 I'""II\' .,r B1",.m­'ncton fC'Jrf:nt :\tlfutny tn I)';ctltur,. l1rs l;oJturx 1':hu: ,.ntl>rlH.inrd with R "'I~ .~,,' ....... \i"''''t \~odn.,,;dA)·. SI<!JIhe" O. l)uIII':ln. detltl~t, will 1""'I'e Ih" <!Ity on

~~~!:~t .~J~~~ 1}3~U tl~ __ ,~ lA~ U.mO~~h~ P.. I.. ";I.rlnll'llcl~. aft.'r wlllrlt· II.. Is

~~_n~il!: :<snr;Cj~r::,~e~1 :.~~~ ~~.;: UU& f'ntertatnro ""edn",..dn,\" in hl.tUor "r th"lr .'"I<'r. )tn. UJ~del '\'11","1<)" Gn"". 'If WaShlnr;I"... I~. C. """I"r. "'er~ IMI" tor :llr. '''If' :.t .... v C. 1;;11101. ~tr ... nd l1nt. Whp.!!lley. llls5"" Gnrun~r.

~~!Flr~",,~~:'!j!~~l~;'r~I,*~~~I:::'~. lW:~~ Illt''IIM unrl liurd}". ~I\,,, Alb~rla J<on~~ i~ .. """dim: tI." ~"mm"" In Lafa"IlU", Inll. A~·pry :lIcQuorlhe hIlS !:nrcltll"~d

~y~t ~1~~lle,!i~~dS~i';; ~i. I'::;;: finl.,j It .• hi" room f"r p.~.t 11ft c('n d,,)'~. lUllon f'rYf)r, lI~<'O.t\pllnled· by, n 1I'lm.

:~;.'i,:::!;t~~~u~~~: ~~ltl.;-tbl~~hil:~h:.!l: "hrtltlon or Len:r.S.. Toung. Clinrl~" ~undeTP r4!lumed from a vistt to the ~(.ulhland. llr. lin" ;:1.11'11. Rile)' .lllekson motored to l',""rla in llr. .)nek""n·" ~!~~in,.s.lnlJ.1c'ti~~g:'r·jll~s ~TltndinJ; Ills

--"'" Monmouth. III.

lIi~~i~1~~~~1~1~~ .. ~I.~~~ i~~"F!:~1 \~I~l illn" at lite home of lllF. ;\Iarl .. I'!"nn)·. ""UI~ li:lfhlh. "lr.",I; 811 .... ,. ~lIra. T" ... •

r1~ ~~ntl~~' ~,,~hn~"J~i!.<13~h"~~I':('~W,i ~1rt!. J .. rr.- \\·"IIa'·<1. who ... " .. nU" ro­lurne<l from Callfornill. a.e moving inlO lht"ir horne on HntUb Sf!' .. "unll .trc~t. )'lrg. Smd., ).!cWll1lnll\O!. wllo h"" "'....,n tlufto :oft:k6 '1\' I)f!f v:.... A nun'thCT or out·of·town folks tram BurllnGlon tlnll '.;"I~ .. hllr{; IIotlCOII.,,1 Ih.. clanre given July 4 Iov th", ,olinI\' )I~n'ti club. I!,'­

i ron :\.~wiion iN (lrr on hi~ :;U1t\UNr "Ad, ...

I ~:~~. ~io~' .;~o~~~U~~Jr~I::tld~~Ir,I\~, I h!!- brotlwr. .1. T_ t"coflles ret'~i'\"'€'d wonl "f UtI!! ~rl()us lUnMtIt of hiM hTOUl\~r .. l~ 1.1, 1""(\1\1(:'8. or ~ntUe~ \\"a8h. )10111'1 TNnpl" ;';0. Si. ~. ;)t. T,. h .. I<1 lIfO r"gtlh,r monthl): "'.,.,lIn,.. July 10. )1 .... I"lOr.",cc

~\~~:m;'~m"~f ~:~i~~~eJ~~, 'i:r~I)~I~d'i~: Ih" '·ll ...... UC>U ",lib bioi o:ra .. dmotll", .. )lr.<. F. lt~nfroW. :'1 ..... J~nnl .. 1I11f1linK anil ,I"""ht.,,.. Jlnrt~n.". I .. rt (0\' Oa,'ell' pMl, Iowa, Sund",·. wbe.-.. lh"" wit. mako their ("lUre homll. ~tl'. Hanllng lIaR \ .... 'n workln" In DIl",!nllOrt for the P""t four monU, ...

, Metropoll" III • Williltlll !;ll1lth. whn \.. allen.lin!!

"lInllner F\!I,!)()I In I'tl(lucah, 1\:), .. slIt-nl the week "n.! 111 ""Ill.,. !>II'II. Jnreln J hl1bce auft ChlUlthtCnt ",ere rAum.,tlh \.'b'hors la,;t wt."'l'k. '"N-n!'1J L)'onn n. .....

:~~n~ ,~~~~11~~~ft711~ur~ID~,:r~~&.~I,eti:.~ ~.\~~·rc~: l!:nn~,,,;, 1~~~:~~r f~ +!~~~ ... U;,\',~~~~ Iii' .will loin hili ..-it". who I. rcloorled

l:,c~dt~~ .• ~~.~C'ne;'nfl!,~~l:~. \'~~~r':r. of Wa"hlngwn Str.,,,t GallUst "!\ur,'\1 of 1 ",.h"'IIII. /111 ... 1 Ille llltll.l\,. II! lI'e Antl­""11 DallUKt "''''r<:11 t;\II\d .. ~'. :lU"" t::tlie Ik·.~Ip.r lett B!lndn~' Ill(lrnlnlt for (;111'>"1 hlfl.. ,..hi'r .. sl,e will ")l,m<l tile .. unt­tu~r \vhh her Z'igter" !\oft'!!. Upor;::\a I

Smith. K 1). :llorantl ..... 1 ~IIHS 1.11- :

;;~:::~:; ~~. ~g~,~~~~ l~~, ~';.r~,,~: ~I~~l~ i ':011' and l.o}," rdurllNl 'Tllun;t!IlY frO.n ' W~'omlnj(, . ;\1,.. Vlllt COI'''nlll~ I·'rt'

'Thllr1!tla)' IItOmhl': for (,h!l':\I:'" \\"",re I ~h •• will join her husband. :'1,", 8"1\1,, nol~oll Is ,'I"lIlnl:; In I·a.l".:,,". Ky. )U'ft

I R:usic Turn~r iN rpportf'() 80into\,,-nat bet­ter. :Ill"" ;:I.11I!;Rlc Ilrow" or Cull)". 111.. r('tut'nf~d 10 rice- home .'l"hur~d.:1Y aft~r "i~ltllIl; wilh ;\Ira. Vito. Copening. ~lr~. Billth Oarllc!! "pent llle week visiting In I'lIducah ..... i;>.

J 1 Galesburg, III. ll..... Hick .. t.::.":;I .. ",I·sud" .. nl, S1In- D<trS<")' Sin."Ghter .IS "I:iI!lIIF lois un-

dn~' afternoon. llrM. ;\h'Donllld I~ ~lin! C!~ in I.olds,me. l(~, Mnt. ~aJlnle A!. "kll. P""'mond Horde ,\'II,. shot In Ibe. "".Iml .. r I. 'Iull/! III It, th., C01I"~~ flnt<"r "n.l )l1l'If PnnHY C .. le wttK ~ltot I 1t""I.llal,. TII~ Liberty I.i.fe (nsulUlI"o In thl:" 41rtn. 'St"ither are ~(Iorl()n~h· hurt. (''''1I1U111~ lmlt egti11JUsh~d •• \. ~rall{"h or· OW""" lInw"TTI I"tt (or Unlon"l\l., to Ii,'" In th~ ell)' .wlth l •. (., ''1etche .. ,'1 .. 11 111" 'rlend" nnd rebth''''', :\tr~. It.ul Dr. S. S. \\ ood I" .,,, .. mlnl'!' tor i.lule Crlt<lp.r I" maklnl;' \trr fnture th~ cQn\1'"ny. TIlt! PTOt;r~fiSl\'e. Wom­h"m~ In Glliephur:t. TIll:! R/!v. J!tm~ft "n It cllll, mel with lin<. Eva l>!liomoo 11, sl:tmllft ldt "",.uTTlay t" "n~nd It h.~t w,,~k, :l1rs. :.I .. rl! .. ~rlt" F INnlll'; fmwnll In T'ulo,,'U. Will llcl)o"ll.14 I! nn<1 llr ... Su .... n Allen left July :0 for b~r., vl .. 1Un" hip ~Ick mol h~r. .1 ... lIn " ,·.",,,tlon 011 lhe I"ke~. where )lr.

~:.!t".'i~:I~':I:t 1:l'.:m:,o~'!,~~"Y after .. .~I::,m'r.~og~~Ss~~k\~l';,'::~." n:1~b s;;r~~r~ :II,.... )\.-1)'00,,1<1 I. ~1I11 nn Ih" ~'rk will he held lit (,(ncotn park· .Iuly ~j.

\lPt. ru.),mnnll llnrda I" Iml> ..... \'ln~ from Thl' O"'('ns "!emorllli ruhle "laRK met 1.1.. oh'l' Illll:(~r .. nd ;\11... ""1'1")' ColO wltll .liT". ,VIIHam ""'HI~Y 'l"hllrl!llIlY. I~ In'l"n .. ln!; wlllt ll~r .. hOI ·arm. Ott". Hev. H. Thom:, .. \IllS clt ... r!;" or the

::"\-~~k .. -:tth ah'i~''';~I~ft~ }~~lIl'1(~I:~~'::' !M~:~';\'[I~tl'~;I~~ 1~!::'~~II~t .~~~:;rI6~~"~ili .1, II. ~tam)l' left !'lItlltllllY rror 1'1l11l"kl. kInd')' huntl Ihelr nante .. III .\Ir ... \)a"III 111. )U"I' t.lIIl' Jon,,~ Iuus l....,n ,,1,,1<. hut nr lin<. Gre\\'.,Ii .. " or til" U. iR ImpTO\·ln". ,\. It. will hold It. lawl1 ~ucml <It the

Quhu;y. III. (;"1'1. !; .. nlll~1 1\, SlIumllVr, with CD.

1\:. F.!ght!1 Infnnt",,·, Hllnolf< nathml<t I:.tnrd. e:<tl!N.'h. til leave {('II' Call1)l Gl'llnt. ROt·kfntr]. July :~. }l., will not I,,, hf)nlo "nlll al>nu! .'1"l:"~". II."" .J, U. lie-

~~~ ri;lIi~1 ~~l~I~~:l,~; :;~~" I~;'~i :;~~!~ ,,,,,,tift .:hllrdl July :!~ " ... 1 311. "'ill pr ... n.~h In ttU" f;~l)tut BitljtiSt dHITCh. C .. nl •. m~ ~Io.. Jul}- !!:.: r'.-.rk .A'·CUllP. l!tel.ll~t chl1rc:h. Puhn)'T1t .. l10 .• J\llv :!t:. 11M l.al1nmlt" ~ln ... 11111 ::., Whlie In Q"llIc~' I,,, willl.~ Ih" /:1I-Nt of i)r. anrl :II..... n. ;-:, :o.lnrr"U •. After "I",nll'n", ..",,"",1 <lay" In n"n~lII~ an" otll~r I~lctf·f!:. ,)fl"fC. ThnnUtll ~lonrt:tY ,.~turne~) hOlll') .J"I~' H. Dr. (t, N. :11" ...... 11 will tt.'AVf' (hI'- ('ft~· Jul~~ :!! \\'Uh en. " ~.nfJ ,.·111 he In tl'1<lnln~ willi OtJ •• r m~mh~." "f til.. con'l",n).' oll.lnt< tI... I"'rlorl of tl,,· ~!leam"I1I"'nl. TI." bultlllnl; OP~fIl­tlnn" of Vnlnn R .. pll~1 .'bureh "0 alta In ~n 'I~u.):ed. lH"s E"alln" AIlK­r:nNl. who i:-: at M"r.~(;nl tnilklns:: he-r h.,mo "'1Ih !IT .... B. :'1:. :o.rllrrllll '" tho T"t1"!4On;tJ%e. tc,tM-nt fh.,. ita,.; iQ t...a"t-:lns:~ .. :\\0.. .1ul:.- l~. :\11.. 1.<!!Ina -'We!.h will 11'1t"" JlIl" ~3 (fl. Chl~Al::o 'ttI'l Ihrn 10 UnN'>It,. :-:eh .• wher ... "h .. wl1\ rf!m"ln UIIIII !l" 1 with her "i._(" .. :II .... :\\ .. 111 .. r:r .. ~n JU .... will' he nrg3';I~l or Ihe "hur<:h until .1\11 .. " Fran""" ROhln­""n rl'!ltM1' fron..! NnTmAl, '''ortl "'''II t .. "eh·~" Mlrl:.- Kllnd",- nlornlne. .lul~· 111. frllm .lohn t, Mn!or. th"" In I':hl­.... !;o. RllnOundnl': Ihat h" nn" hIs t .. m­II~·. ",1,,, It." II)1IrlnR throllRh t"'ree. "t .. tet:. l1Iinol". :lUr.hIClRn nn" Indiana. ha.1 rf'nehod thllt c't~·. '\"h" ",xprIlU"" "ommftl .. ~ rtf til.. Quln~~' )f!nIFlprlal M~sr:>etatlon h .. 1/1 \t~ nr .. t mr.etlnc :lIon. "11~', .T1I1,· 1t), In "l/, "ltul>, or <:,I'ntnl ",,01181 ehuT<'h (While). R~\·. n. V. ~t~lt:l' !F th~ t\r~sliltnl. nr. A. ~. lln.­r--11 I .. th .. vlcc-preFldent and ft..... W C. Ha"u,", Is the ,.ecr~ta.,..-tr .. a .. unr: ~f... an~ :lit". Wl1lrun n. Humphr!!" hr 1,::( ;';ortl, WhittleI' Flre"l. St. Lout .. , :110 .. arc lhe J:ue~t" of llr. And :'of..,.. Solomon Hl1mllhr"y or !:t3 XOrlh F.h:hlh "' ..... t of tlll~ elty. ·W. n. Ullnll'hr"}' I. " ·hrothpr of :;"Iomon llumnhr!!>\' ~i;::~t. t .. n day" wll\ 11ft blll!nt In Ih'ls

The Re\·. J. B. lleCrta.,.· of ·M"tropo­II.. m.. the .... lOr" of Liberty l!apu.t

home or ~Ir><. lllltl1<I,,·'Crawrortl July :>;, All toad .. 1.",1 10 Llnenl .. park .\u­J:u~t I. Dr~1IlI Ul' ~'onr c:tr· and ra\l In lin". Von" I ... II ."a~l:<'r. :'111'''- HA~ry (lwen" of Ottumwa hUll tull"n Phyllis John."" (rolll 1 h.. A .. tiod.iI<!d CharIty !lon.e 10 II,·" with ber. You· Ill''' In­\'lIc,1 In t:tkl! Ilart In thl! 1'1tT'.tde\ .:onl'"st'" 01 'be offidal hoard' of Ih" !'foe"n.1 Jl;'I,t\:;t .-\Iurch TIl" ... lay. Aile f;:'U!it L The )tarnflc leJt\.·~N the C'hu'tl..~h ,,1 11 ;1. m. f'rl~~s will I", aWar<h,d ffOr tl.e I>l'_t de<1Or'dt"" :>."I"mollnf', be~l 'IN'o .... t~II hIm'" and 1>111'1:)', "~~t d~c­" .... L'!d hoy'" wheel. Anti ;..h,·st charact"r r"pr<'Sl!nt",1 by ,lr""" for th" I:'lrt~. Plentll oC ~l'ort8 .. nil ~q(l4\ thlnr::p tn .... t nn tile l:Toun<l~, tr,,~ r<lr .. II. l;ol1le '1IIt! hl\ve the II ... " or )·" .. r IIt('. llr ... nil ~I..,.. A. L. llarl.eT. ~Ir". A<lna 1I .. rl'"r ttntl ltne {;al1ln Gr(Ol!n~ nlO(nf'<!t1 to ;\lo,,1l\outh f;undllY In Mllal{ of the ·of­llel .. 1 hond·". IIlenle 'I'1I1'5<11\Y. AUI;I!~l I. '\"he "I,,"dnm~'" ~annl" ,,'II!'If:her a",1 ~""I\II aflhnton "nlprt"in .. ,l .. t .. {.nlr­",1Irse din" .... 'FrlriHY In lmnor of­r'nc" FiNcher. th,. )1l!l<.lam .. " llnON nn.l .Adelat.11I T'olb' of Chl"",;o. nrv. and :\Ir". E. n. G"~lnn. R"". H. TllDltI­,/ .. ~"d )lr :tlld lIt>!. n. a. }O·letch~r. Tit" n"" 111\'" rill"" ","s "nlertAI"",l TU"Sfb.y c ... ·,..nlni! h]l' Chfl lh'\!l"Atn~~ 31n .. lindu Don:.l.lool1 "tit! FannIe ;rack .... n.

/I. livelY 1.124 In tereatlnc meetla&, was l1eld.; , __

. Pontiac, III.

1l01:f:rT:. ~:::a~~!. ha.:. O~:,~d ::.11:; street .. nd III enJo),lng .. coo4 bu"ln ..... ~Ir. Kirk. employee at Ille Golf lin"'" was avlsltor In CbkBCD SundAY. Rich­ Jackaon .pent Munday WIOI friends In Pontiac. 'VIIII .. In niehanlilon I" 101-Provln.8' alowly. "II'. "lid >'n!. Clar­ence Tinsley gave a (lIn ncr p,uty Sun· dliY 10 .. nutnber DC tll"lr (rfends, It belnll: (hell' tenth weddl,,~ .nnl .. " ..... Q·. Rev. James DUIar<1 of Braidwood OCo

cUllleel the ,11111.11 at th'! Second Imp· 11",- church l>'Unday. Ib!v. Wanl n. JIt),ne" waR In Str""lor Sund"y. Mo.., 01'1__ lIJn!nt Sunday in Bloomington. ),1 rll. M"rle )'I .. huron. preeldent of the stewanle .... e .. • bOard at the A. M. E.

. cbur .. h. 1:1l"0'" .. ~I .. I Tbllrsday ''''en· In!; tor th" benellt of the "ttwarda. whleh "'''8 ",ell .It.,nd .. d and· onJoyed by all.l'resl!nt. J.~ota Urlsaon. 01 Joliet 1ft sve"d'n!: a few days wltll bel' ""I'­~ntt<. and "'lrM.· X. Grisson. Lee Son.ervllle of Jolltt .... all aU"rultnlJ to buldnellll matters In Pontiac Mon<1.ay. Bethel A. :\1. E. chllrch or Pontlllc and BetMI A. M. E. church of Strealo ... will bold thellr fourth quarterly mtttlnr;· Jointly at Slreator Sund8.)r. AUlrust 6, '"lIt "njo)' n union servt"... Tbe Pon' Ilao membo11lhlll \t11\. malle tile lrtp lO Sueator In automobile".

Monmouth. m. MM!. ;)larl6 ~lort's and ~Ir". hi .. Bur·

cesa. who ba,,"o bll!c!n vislUIIG re1.atlvea and trlend" In lItlssourl. ha\'" return"d home. 1'>1..... 'VIIUam ·navl.. South D HlTeet. wbo '8 employed at tile larI:eat dry &00411 a!ore In lllonmoulh, Slarlet! on " two weekll' vacation Monda)' momlnr;. She tVUI visit lIer Calher •. lUke .I .. "kllon, and her •• Ist.... .'Itr •. Tn"y Thomp80n af LouI8"lIle, Ky .• her old hom", ~''''. Noanna. Watfllln of JaCIl1'OlIvl1lt', who hall btl!!n vltlltlnlf relath'elS her~. left Saturday morning ror New l.ondon. Mo, Emm"tt I!'. Bllr-11.,11 "'all ""lied to ~tllI.ourl on account I of the ""IlUI of hili lI.unt. C. J. ~IQI'f!ll<t _" called to '>alm)'l'>1. :110 .. on account of the d .... th of hiM Bister. lIarrl~on· Por,l hall pllrchBK~d n Dort ear. Dave I \V~bb I" III ilL hili home on !;louth ,\ 5lreel. Mrs. Alina ·C. Wallace I~ VllJlt­iu!; her til~t'!r. Mra. 11. l{cUc)' or I wHukee. She wilt .. llIo vlalt at Id!&­wit'J. 1II1<h ... wb~re :ltr~. Kelley hall 1\ " .. lta,;e, lIl'. and Ollt& Harper anll

:~'~I~~::;Ir:n:~~~~d ~~:lhlo~~~i~"su:~ dll.}· "net attended the m_ln,; church ""n·ic." III St. Jam.,,' A. l'>t. E. Church. :llr. Burl(""" an,l :II,.. "nd 1Ilrs. Comba of (;al~"hurl( motored to !\Ion mouth l'aturda)·. II ember. of St. James' A. ),1. P.. chllrch are l'1'eJlltrlnll' for their annll~1 p":nlc thh. ",onlh. :II .... 1IoilY "n,1 !ltrs. :lttll~r ror Chl""co and Mr. 1l,,11 llro. I'r<' .. l!)n Wallacp-. Mr •• GIIOI1C" FI .. I .. h(\r. ,'''m WAt<!1'll an.l Lauren~'e FI,,\.-I'''r nC (ll'l'~sl'lIrl':· "I Kite" at thp. home t>t ~IIM :'I11«ml .. Tlnnel on South [> ~I,.".,t Jo'rlday.

MOllnda. III. . lU". 8I'1\nl<-l<. 1\ ,,"rae of !-temp"I ••

T..-nn., anll .Ioter "f ~rrB. l.eoou" '\\'11-II'Hlln, I" ,'INltln!, In t he ell),. .Mr. .lId )1"". Rl\lel~b Tarll''' \'Il'lted OaT>'. Ind .. "".1 I.'hl 'U&'O, Ill •• tI,., I'IJ"t wc~k. Th<'~'

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Apr 14, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


CHICAGO HEICHTS. ILL. W J "'Tl{'n"fltt tl'; 4:il1fff'rlnt:' from nf"u

ral)!,l:l :\Ir~ I}h \ 1 h"'rc::on l):\!': Ollt nf: 1 In , ltina: hi')U~~ (.NT1!1 \\ U11:uu 1.:""lh:

I {)r i2fi_ A~tu,tn ~t f<.; nr.p-o\int.:: r:ltHJlh

NEW tending the SIT A. at Carbondal~ III "ere Mrlf Ern~5t1ne Cole MI •• A,.:"I" Summer :lit. Lottie Leech, llrs Vir"''' Adnms, Father Johnson. Prot S It 1Iiss Z~nobl" Slnst~tcn. llrs Josle Ro~letr. ~lrs Ollie Onrr.t! and Miss V<lrb<ua. Punlap

ROCKFORO. ILl--"7'119 E.,.t.r !.ro!:rnm at the A :\1 E

church \~a" r~llderc<! \" the <hUdren "r th.: SundlH !'I:t:h0<11 at :t p tn F,Al5t~r !:Sundn\; nnd:tt S 0 ('lork Altui eh tllel choir r<::t]th htl :t splcndld jlfOnram Th.."\' R .. 'l: r;f:or~Q Holt '!o:i\ug one or hi~ ttH'lSt hoaull!1l1 solo. llr. .\'lell, nO"S cot­et.mlNI her blrlhcJ" \lInut ~q ladl.s \\t rc l'T'(>Ncnt "1"lH::' itp.\: \\ H. Jaek!imn 1'ISl4')r of the- T"IIg'rhn church \~~Ui ~lutttl su\.>(!t"~~ful \\Uh ht~ re;:i\: \1 mt'"t.'!tln;

MONMOUTH, Il-L :\1r~

CARRIER MILLS. ILL P.:!.}ph AU~n or .tur. 1\1. 51,cnt 0.

te" d:no "fth his mother :\1.. Maml .. AlI~n h~r~ PrQ( l~af'(ttnl"r nnll lrrs Jes."e H3mllton teacher~ of f~~.t f n,1 E;chool. anfl Pro! I mf'S nmt :\li"'~ ~fdt \ TfHln n( t ... "l.ko(':\ J(>\v nchool attended th"

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 15, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A2


111".. A. L. Andf'nlon. MillS Dala,. Wf'II""r and "fl'. and :'>1"". Ed Owens .. t !luQunln motor .. d to the dtv Fri­da,' ,,1I:::ht It' ,,{t"nd 111" Ua\lo"'Hn C"1 .. brtltlnn, R~\'. ,,', n. "naI'l h ... r/!'­(urn .. d (rom t1,~ ""nt .. renre of tho C. :'ot. F.. ..hurch which .. on,·ened at <"hllmt'nhm. Th.. "II,,~.... 1.4 .. 1.. Autn·. EMIl., 'llAe ,-\twat"r. "111:1 .. "an nur~n and "':umoUIIo l~'tlml'r "p.'ot th .. "·I' .. k~ end 'n St. Loul", J, H. SMtt bas re­turn"" to htll work at Snrlnd\f'ld attt'r

~fl~~!!nJ:Fi~~~"·n::',,!"f. ~:"~i!?" ri;.!':n .. nd M. :'leGee ... f ("..alro I'f'l'nt Tut',,"a:v ;;>\'''nlnl:" Itf'r.. ,,·lth fliend!!. ltl"s l.ola AUI\')' I" ~lI('ndfnJ: the ,. .. ~k ... nd fn 'Ou­quoin "'itll ::'>1"". A. l~ Andl'M'on. :'>Iur­r"," "'l1rrll\' was 1'11111'<1 1n hili hom" :It <,_n .. bul'l:'. Ky .• '\'edn"I't!Il~' on .tlC't'nunt (It u.~ dellth of Ills fath('r. ll"". Eddie Braybov 111 "I'''ndtnl: the .... ·('<!'k-.. nd at ''''I' bnme In ::;t. 1.oulll. :'11'l'1. '\". 11. Wn04a '!I'U III thh. -..'I':"k !lnd aWIl,' from btl' IIt'hool <'Iut\P.. at Colp. llany a:radual('1' of tI ... T.· ... cher.o· eoll.·!:'e ", .. re ba(,K Frlda\' ond !':ntllm:l)' for the homc('om!n':. _'monlt th()l!./!' In nlt"nd­.n,.~ ,,· .. r.. :Ills!!"" l~\'n "nd r:":-'I't1 e Park!<. 'Olmple Bf-an, Arl .. n ThnmR~. La\'erne Tho", and ::.t .. btol l)ellum. The R I, :-:'. 1: . .!'l/)('Ial club .::\\',: a t'!'t'ep­Unn Frldn,· ('\'('nlne at :\ta;ionlc hnn In hnn"r .,f Ih" ,'I,,1\nl'!". ,,'. ,l\. ~inc:l,.­tlln, ar: .. nt tnr tI,,, l.n'''rt~' T.lf,. InlOur-1l· ... 'C .-nmt>an,·. "1'.-"t til .. ", .... k·contl In fh.. ...It,·. At~us flrf>Uks alld !\n!'~ Fannie 'RuP""1I nf C'lIltn wrl'e Il'U'!'Ftl' of :MllO~ Ju!a .4.tkl!:l!O f;und,w. The Cnm­Mlmll\' chib h--l" Its r","I}l\r mr .. tlnl!.' Tl;,·!',b\· nl Atfu('l!s III'honl ~Atuma\' ,,111 hI" ol •• l'r.·..., n .. tnl: d;,,'. lfnmlll~·.

~':r' nl;~I~~.: .,:~~~ f:o;r .. ~f~;;I~~ .. '1~'~J;~~.: fnt' Ill" h"n,,111 of th,. club bl'r,.,

DUQUOIN. ILL. )11'. F('M' .. ll. III!! I'onl'l. Chule.!!. Df'e

And Xat. and dall~ht .. r, llr,.. ~'nrv Turn,-r. ...·('nt tn .!'It. LOllt!! II11lt werle on Itc('ount nf th,. auth nf "fl'. F('r' r,.II'" dauaht .. r. ::'lrA. MattI .. Rol"n1tnn, :.1I"!l1'~ T'aulln.. C:"chran nnd Or11'nn Thnrr.:u'. F:1~!1r ~C"lt nnd lo·le .. t 011\,('1' nttl'nd.,,, n r"e('ptlon In Cnrbnndn1e ,:1\'4''1'1 h~' "tudent nf !.h... S. r. X'. U. ';'rI<'Iay nlaht. A th,.atf'r T'arh' .... 'I\S s:\""n tnr the out-of-to\\'ll J:1)I!Stll SAt­l1ma\' nl!:ht. CIIII!'. Cain. ",ho I .. tt for 'W ('!Ii ~tat1nn. !'.tls!'.. :1 fl!'w dll~'s IUl'O. hR1< rl'tllrn('t\ "'!th hI!' f"mn~·. It('rman ~I""n!<tln nr C'lrvf'land I" ,",sltlnJ! his Fllr .. n,,, hI'"". n .. rht'rt R .. ddkk ha.!! 1'('­I urn"'" Itftpr 1, .. lnrr abll"nt mor .. than """aT', ~tln L. I.. AUln' of Cl\tbon­<'Iale. tl'A.r.h .. r of Attuelt .. 'IIehool, '1\'1 ... 1 th .. eu""t of "tn!'. A. l~ -'ntle",on Sun· d .. ~·, l\tr:.. ::'obr\' Yl1.ul;'hn or Falrm:mt. "'. Ya.. b. "!!'lUnl:' b('r moth~r. ~Tr. !'II hurn"r. Frf'd r:ardt'n('r. llr". l.b:r:I'! ("ra\,fon an.' ,,11't'. :\1alOon mntorf'd I" :M"unt '\"('fnon IlI1't w~l'k. ''''alter K~·I.­"nd "'jfe motor • .., 0\'''1' frnm ~I'arla I:'lln'b,'·. '\':<:'h !\tlll"r bad hi!' r""t jim· l'l)lav·d in nrownln~ hOFt'ltll\ ll\1~ ""."l< 1''11 ....... nllnf nt hl.-..:>d 1"'1~',"ln::, Th .. ....,nr .. HarkinII' .. ar "/4u:=bt tlr(' Sat~ tlrdll" nl!:'ht an,} ",a~ de!!lrtly .. d. r ... C. ~prhi~1' 18 stele.

CENTRALIA. ILL. )f.I!.ttle Allen left for hu home In

("hl('.a.:o rt:('ently after slH'ndlnl: two mnnth!' wIth h-r mother. lfr!!. Lh:zi'l f'nuth"rn. Ad .. Una GTI't:n hilS a Ford ('''UfW'. Ad .. Una ~r('<'n. H('nn' L<'ak ... ;Jr .. lInll TnI'll m"!"rfOt! to ::;ando\'3.1 l:1l't ·","e\t. "an P"rr,,11 and wlff' of f\t, 1,l)ul" !'l'''nt l" .. r.da~· Wllh ~tr, ant! )Ir!<. E;. 1""1'1',,11. !'oliO's 1..<>ls ~tason III tm­,'ro,1ng.

MOUNDS. ILL. )'Inc. (,)·ntbu. ::Itatnil' '1~II('d :\trl'l, Luln

',lnnl .. O:1, wilt) hal' I ... ~n ,.Ick nnd c"n­flnl"d t" ht>r .... .,. n. F. JoneR lIutr"rpd an InjUry to til, foot while I'It "'''Tk In the I. r. )'ar"" Jobn Thoma!'. an old

b~::~~ ~~ ~~~~!I'la~fl!' l~!I.J'~'~l'$at w:~ #-101'1\' hOllr. ::'fr". nixie liolm('" al,." "'Il"; unah'e 10 f!!';C'al'f! from th ... hou!<l'. ''''111'''' h:1" cam:ht fir.. d"wnsllllf'l'l lind 1",1'11f'd tht' sle"Jllne; In mat .. " u]",tllll1". llr1:'. \' .. rm~'I'~ (:'uffie-lTonre Is ("a .. hln!: .,.boo) J\! Kllrmak. John r:1.-nn. l11'1'. ~a!';\h ~I('lm an.l Xora an,1 Linn!" Gant I'I1"t"r.'.1 Tn ~t. I..nufll. l10. Chari .. ", f'lnlp,,"'n. AlI"n John:mn. nt-rll"rt - Polk lin., l'hl1 Rnl>: ""d ::'lur"hy~boro. :r.tI""'~ .. l,nll' H.urtnmn and ('ora Dl'h<> ..... r •. tur""d from R \'illit tl) J) .. :r(>lt, )1I('h. }.YI'lI. r ... aron Xn,,·I"n. dauj:ht"'r of ~lr. And !\frs, lil'nn' .)ohnson, <II ... , at th~

r;:~1~:rt\l':e;~~ut !fh;~O}~~:r:r~~'1: t~llt f;un<'ll'l" at pita!m nt',,1 Hal'tl"'t ... hurd •. th~ n";,'. G. w. Hili d .. 11\·,·rlnl;' tht' "fOr­mono The llllll~ht(·", 01 thf' Tab .. marl .. and Slllt .. rs ... 1 !.hI' "fYEI('rloll!! Tpn hltd f''har/!<I Of ttl .. 1.!'I!\,. BurIal "'1\.11 111 Df'f'ebll:TO"" .... m .. t;,n·. !'olrs, Lula ('hltllm'!O tll"'cl' tit In"'anapolllt, Ind .. III ,1 .. ltlnll: h(!>r. 7.ln nlTlt;f'lInan.· 'Rantff! .-!'lIcl,ulon of ""11thI'm ll! .. b"id It~ 1In.h Annllal ""PlI!"n nt T'11.:rlm Ra1'tl!'t (7hurrh Ih .. Plt!'t 'I\ ... ,.k, A Iltnr" df'll'n-11 on of mlnlet .. " Iltt .. n.'ltoNi :.trp. 'T. n .. an IIf .~hllmt'''II.n. ",tilt .. I.reflder.t

of the ,,'. ::'01. ~f. com·entlon. and man,. mlslllonary workers were prucnt. ltn. Julia lUlnt'r of Dhmche St. Is very ttl. :\1n<. "tarth. Fawler or Dresden. T"nn .• 1m" bun "Ialtinlt lIfOr dllulthter. )trll. Cllrll.Un .. Hllnter. :'11'11. t.Iz~I.! "'Inston h;ut he .. n ,·It<ltlng rfOlath'ell nnd friends In gharon. T .. nn, MIl'S Oplll!lIa D611 ha.s rNurn('d from II. "hdt In Indhlnapo\ls. In.i. Gu~' Uar1cl'r vb</t .. d his wife. Mrll. Hallie llArk('r. In ChICAgO, llr, and :\11'1'. :.t .. dl<>ck and :'fr. and !off!!. Jntlf!1I nf J'adu('ah. K)"" ,'lslI('d ;\11'. and llts. Ch,u·I .. ,; llunt.r !ut f'unda)·. )11 •• Ad~ "·an.hum III III. !'tIl'. Tutnn!:!!. an old .. 1117. .. n o( Xnrth :'>Ioun<ta,' dl .. d and w ..... burl~'d In lle«-hcrove c~mf't.-ry. He I,·a,·.·s a wife and ~ .. ,'eral clllldren, St. l' .. ul .\. ;\t. l-: . .:-hurch ga\'e n mll<cel­lnneous show(,T In lion or or th.. JlAlltor and wl(". th" Rev. Iln<1 :'1t". J.:dwAr<1 l>lng. ;\11'''. nadia :'11l)'bf'rr)' wall <,:I,\I"d 10 Jack,nn. T"nn .• on a('rnunt of the "I'rl<:>ul< IIIneslI or her motlH~r. ~tr!l, Lu~ dndl!. Toung I'1',-nt thl' we<lk,"nd 'I\'jth r .. lllth'''I' In l::lllll $t. IAUls. Til" Re'·. .John Robln"nn III condurtlnll( .. revh'al At hi .. I'''''toral" In r.dlth chapel. The rte,-. .J. H. Xorth has rtturn .. d to L'me ('haJ'l<!I C, :'>1. R .-t\urrh flOr the fifth year. ;\tMl. X'anr.y RUI!II'"l1 ot Cairo wnl!! .. :\1Ied h .. rll on ac('nunt of lh .... death of h('r lin ('Ie. Jolin Thoma!'. ~tr!!. l""te ",ue h>ls hN.·n ,·"dUns:- In Forl !tllldl­"on, fowa. ~TI.8 Luhlrdla Rrown. tNleh('r IIf '\',,1 1\ u.:. SP('1\t tbt! "·<lek.en<1

~r~ir. :'~it':i ~I~~. Yll~:~ns~:nt~'~h~e~~ ~~~ C~~to~' arod l~hft~j.;~~, \ift~hl:;d "I",nt I\t the C. :II. R con(cr­('nct.

EAST MOLINE. ILL. The R",'. T" K !\1("(:r('e hn!l r.'turnf'..!

h"me nfll'r ("onollelln:: :. 1'1'\'1\':11 In Chi­cago, :'>In:. Paull"e ;\lItrhel of ("hi('a,::o I", "\I'llinl\' hl'r !'lIster. ltrs, C';ttherin~ t:"IIIl'A. :;::a I:'" f:t. A .,,,lIr::htftll party "'I11l 1:1\· .. n in h'r hflnnr Th"r~rlay nlt:ht, .T ... hn 1'h"l\lam anr1 HUl:'h Be\'I~' ." In­dh\naJ'l<l!t~. tnll .• at' .. "'I~ltlng bt'rc. ;\Irs, B(''''l'j<:, ;:'liI\r:or. :l1i 1::lh St .. ",,'a" rllll<,d ~o :.tounn!'O, JIl .. on ac ..... "nt of "erloul' 111-n~lI" "r h"\" ,.1,,1 .. 1". The cl)ncerl gl\'i'n ll,.. th~ .. hoir ThursdRY nlj:ht lH th,. i. :'f. C .• ~. wal' a :;:oreat "11 ... (' .. ,,1'. !'tfrll, Irene l:.aih, who !'I'ent lIeveral montbs In :O:ew Tor\{ and Pt'nn~~·lvania. has re­turn. P""rl I .... nard. 3~!I 12th SI" hI\!'

b!~~':.r;::d ;!r(\~~~~I\,~ou~~ff.n(,lI~f ;~: Quad-CIties ml!'t at the llonnt Zion Raptlsl church last Sunday. ;\11't'. Alice Rurton Walles recenU3' returned from (;.~ar Rapid". Iowa. where "he wall marrfl'd to lUnn",r WaltCR. Jr. lll'$. )1ar; Ue!l1tr nt :l.tus!':ltlne. 10 ... ·1\., Is vlll­Itlng her son and daul!'hter. n. I ... Jack_ ..on and lfn!. Hend"r WashInGton.

CARRIER MILLS. ILL. !'oURS Alm!'d!a ntac'kwell. daughter of

:)lIn<. Clem B1:Ick"'·1'1I. wa~ married to [..'1 "eme Drnok!' of SllrlnJ:field. Ill, The ne,·. F. R. f';trRUon. pltlnOr or A. !lot. I~. church. l)l!r(orml'd th .. c/'r~mon>·. ::Ill'. snd !'otl'!". llrooks l.-ft Saturda)' for ,sflrlngneld. 111.

METROPOLIS, ILL. The Re,-. )11'. lllnc!'. I\:lMor or the

First Baptl"t .. hllr"h. Is at.le to ~ at h!!! post again aft"r 1!I/'\'ernJ ", .. "ks· III· n~~!'. The n~\·. ~Ir. 1'1'11'" Is al~o with \1M for I4l10tlif'r )'N\r. lllll" 1~lIy.nh .. tlt n;~'!'il, :'1 n. 1~f'Qrl:la 11. Row.·n :'11J1 II. !\to DI\'ln!l or ('nll'o m.?ore'\ to ltl"r<>fI­nil!! tlO.1 w.'r .. th" I1lnl ... r I:lle~I" CIt ~Ir'" • ; ... nrs:!a TUI'III'r. 'rh" DUllt ... " ,,"hool l'f(,~ram "'lU' n "u('.· .. ,,~. ')U"!' Pai,,}' l..on:o ,,, nrh'lm:- her bte: Uulek .. a~. Prot. H. :s'. ~. (,lay lind !'.Ir. Wanl and llr. .Jnlln~on mot"rcd from ('nlro :md !'pI'nt tbp. 'w ..... k- ... n.1 111''''', WhUc hl'r/' thp), w .. re th .. eu .. !'!!! of ~.Ir~. r:"orl:la Turn"r, ~f:::d~;~~"ar :\Icffltt wlt,,1n the city lut

Mr, anl1 !\tr!'. nock Rohlnson of ::'111-.... auk ..... "h •.• I. :n til" ... lIy, llr~. I,ll· lIt! 1"""111 .. I" ... n Ib .. ~lr.k Iht. hut I~

ImprovlnJ:'. lIon_ J. F. Wllllon of "-ash-

!~~~~:I ~ ~i;e~:a~ Ini::: c~~v.an3u,;a~1 !,:prlngfl~I:f. III., and !Ilrs. Carrie Lee Hanlllton of Mounds, JII., Were spealt~ ('M< In thc (llty and county recf'nlly, Alph& Art club met at the ~re.ldence of )11'11. :.tary E. JonI'll Thul'$day "ft­ernoon. The 110<:111.\ s:\\'"n \I," the Ladl(!!!' "' .. deration club Frhlll}' niGht was n de­cided success. "'Ullam Croul\e or

~~;h:~n:r.~eIlDan~hr\~n~r~. tltl[r~~tto~tT; Porter hall been on the alck list. but III much ImprovfOd. Will Adams Ill! on thft sick llo.t. :Mm. lItar,;1.. JonI''' and :'1I11!! 1..,\·l\d:1. :.tarlln werf' Padurah " ... -Itors "·edn .. ~da)·. C. C. t'l\l1llpl' of Golconda Is In the c1h' "ilII1Inl:' rela­th·l's. llrs. Carrie 1 ... (' 'Hamillon mmle an omclal via It to .TepU.a chaptct, ~o. 14. O. ,,::. ::; .. Thurllda>' afl"rnoon, llr. anll ~tr ... Thoma" Kin" "nt .. rl:tinl!'d lit 6 o'C'lock dlnn'!r !'I/!'\'eral friends In honnr ot Hon. J, F. \\'l1l1on of "'n"hlnr:ton. D. C. Th. l"aRlor'!,! AId m('t with lIrl'. F..'U1l Crou,,€!! :'tond,\\, :trt .. rnoon. The 1..,dl .. ,,· Aid met :It ':\Ir"', n. S. OrrIn",· ton lIfonda)' nl~hl, The Inlltllllation or om<'ers was I.eld and the bulle!! pre­I'''nt~d tile hOStl!!!5 with II. beautiful prize.

JOLIET. ILL. Brown'" Chapt'l build In/:" cornmltlf"~

1I:1\\'e a I'I~'!(! 1Il\{'IW Thursday, :0:0.... G.

~~~l\efl~~lr~e~!,~IM. g~ec':.-t'!r. ~r;:.~n~~ D. Davidson and Mr,., Davl!! of OUn"'a f;t. are on the sick IIl1t. Brown's chnp .. 1 ",I."\onlln· 80cleu' met "'lIh "Ir!'. J. p, Coat II. :\(rs. !'dan' Hupcor or (ll\n'. In ... . FIlent lit tew aA)·. ,,·/th lim. J. P. C"at ... !". The Rev. T.. H. Johnllon 0( Chlcll':O t~ a""lsttnl: the Ile\·. O. \\'. William,. or ~H, 01\\'41 church In re ... h·al lIen'I('t'''' The hAptl!!mal f'en'lcl!'s wilt he held :0:01.'. 16.

SPRINGFIELD. ILL. Rohert t.. .Jnhnl'on of Rnllton ,,,all

n~lttn" !'olrs, Ada Smith Unllnnn thIs w~"k. The OoOdb:lr.!! haw! mo\, .. d Into tIl/'ll' new hom... The barn on th .. farm of .TIIII. "'. ::;mlth wall burn~1 thlll "' .... le. n. Bf'lJ::er flO ha\"lnl: his house remodell!d. 'YOI'd hall 'u~cn f"­cf'l\·td that Dan! .. l Smith of Gan', tnd .• mt't ",·tlb nn 3Ccltl('nt In the steel mill.

PONTIAC. ILL. R\'ebn :\torris of Detroit is , .. !~itin~

h"r moth~r, Mr... l.b:zl.. :MolTl!'. :0:. Haz,,1 ::;t. "'lI\lnm C'nsll mntnr"rl In ('hampRlen Sntnrda)' and Ilttend<'ll Ihp. TIIinnls-tnwa f()lllhRII came. Ca .. ,,;'! G""ri of !' .. "rla Is vlsitlnr:: II tp.w da"s \';tl> h"r !,arent!'. :'Ill'. anrl lin>. W~'lie Go"tj'. Th" (UIlf',"" I ~ .. n·lces ror the lalf' "fr~. Blh~ah"lh Rrlllllll ,,"cor .. ('on­d1l .. t ... 1 at th .. Sel'''n'' ll:1pt\"t ('llIIrl'h

rn';!;.a\i1!~er~~r o~\'C~\~~i:.;T~ .. ~;~t 'i:~;. "' .... I;.('n.1 "I!"ftln!; friend" her... .AI.

~~;,~tlln S!~~k~itr;.: ~~,I{~,t;~,e~~ort~{:r;;:~~ tnrl'tf tn Chleal:n !':un.lIlY. !'tIl'. an,l :lfM'. rattI''''' of nanvm .. att"nrll'd th .. tunl'ml of "Ir!'. E. Britton. n,,\'. \\'m. ",Rlk~r hAit retllmf'n to hi .. h:>mp. In C'olomdo 8nrlnl:'I', Cn!o. Xnthan Grls-5:1n. InjurM by It fRIl ""vera! dal'" arro. I" Imllro\·lnl:. Attnrney A. . .... T."wl')' !lP"nt lI!,,-pral hnu", 11'1 PI'I')"la "'(!.\r,e,,-1111,· nn hu!'lnl'lIl1. !'-Ir. Ann liT!'. nl:imar Pri .... of ntoomlnjt1.0Jl spent "'rlday her~ 01'1 hm:ln"1!I',

John Harbor motored to .lollet Sunday lIfl"",l)nn. AI"honso ::;trl~klln moton''' to Chl""!:''' Sun"I1)' with a num"er of hll' friend". l(r. Itnt! :.tN'. C1ar~nce Tln~I"'3' "'cnt to fltreRtor Tu(!>!'day to nU""d fhe run .. ral ot th~ late lIn. lloll1e Tln"le\'. ;>':atl'lnn r:rhl!~on. an old I1n(1 rt'JOpeet('(i rl!:!lluent or thll' city. W:tll 'lUt\rt~r.W ,.trlcken wIth paraly!'!!' ,,-pd­I'''fda:o: nnd I" cnnfln ... ' 10 hll' b('lI. Thr H .. ,·. Jam"" WAlk ... r of C:olnrarlo ::;l1rln.:" 1I1'l'nt Fl'vernl da.~·!1 tills we"k "Isltln", hln !'I~r('r, lfrR. if. C:. .Tonian, !'ofr ... lfnn" !otatmron I'I'''nt Sunday In O\\'Ij:ht "lfltlng wltb trlnn.1". Tht' :'Irn~oni.-10(11:" 1m"'! nn .. nl<!'rtnlnm"nt nl ned­m"n'~ )",,11 TUI'!Ida~' e\·l'ntnl:'.

MATTOON. ILL. )t1~ .. n .. rllll' ..... r:m" W!I!' :I ""pek-pnr'!

.,." .. ~t or ht'r .. 1",,,1'. ;\T\" .. f.(ll" r:r .. ~·. III (,1>:1r! .. ",on. :\Ir!'. nerth:1 Cart"r lIn!! r"llIrn".l frnm -':"wton. wher/' "h" WII" ":1IIt·" t." tllp \lin""!' o( h"r t\aIlJ;!hfp r. Mr!". ::;, n ... rll'kl'on. ltl', nn.l :\fr!<. (le(':!r I'ort"r ... n<1 "nn lind ;\f\!'F l.tll" Grll,' of ("bltTl('''!on ",pre \'I",ll"r!'! "I'r .. Thllr~dn)' .. ,'''nln!;. ;\II~" UnittI' !';mlth h~~ ri'­turn .. d rrt)1l1 It "I"lt "'!th r"l:lIl\'''" In !'mlth~\·I11",. l>~'. :\Ir ... K"nnl'th X"rMn nnf'1 cor." ~1tt:~('~ .T,o!l1d4\ and Ednta nrn\\~" nr <':1I:1rh'I',nn. :.111''' ..... r..,!~ :lnd R"'rnle .... r;r.:l~· nf Ihl" ('It, and HArry R""d or T':\rl" n,olor .. " to " .. rr<!' Halll ... Ino •• nn

sunda:r, Nov. 'MI"~II Loll and Berniece 1 m..n{ )In. I .. belle Rlwloy and Hr •. Ora:v II !.hIli elly IItnd 1411I:5e& Jeele and Jella e Barker. Edna Brown ot ChArlelllon were 1:UlIStS Mr, GUY Is hnprov1nc nicely. He JII ot Mrs. Onn Newton and Mrll. Arthur hflme from St. Joseph'lI hospital. Un. Portee at I\. IIlumber party In Charlellton I Mary Bynum, 70S E. Oa.kla.nd Ave •• has Saturday night. Nov. 1. 'Mrll. Harr)' , been !Iek In bl!d, but III Improving. lflliono Ilnd dau&hterL 611111111 Hattie I lira. Alonzo Dice has been sutterln.: Smith, havo gone to develalld, Ohio, 1 'I\'lth a. bad cold. The Just Us club hall

~«?!II ~~e l:u~~t~~e hl~~;nh;:.e~~~:. 3rX to~J~ 6~~rtl. ~ia~~:o~o~~ °f~~:' ~'t:; Ford. In Grayville. m., Sun4ay. 7>lIl1s &. big danee In Bloomlni:ton Friday. Ell:itAbeth Carter has gone to Steelton. Nov, 14. at. llelllorlal hall. l"a., (or an Indefinite IItay. Ch&.rlell I . --Fant ot Mount t>ulaskl wall a. a;uut or SANDUSKY, ILL. hls elster, Mr •• Charlell 'Wllllon, Thurs- ~ The Parent And Teacher.' club of I da)·. I DuRol1! hleh l!('hool met recently with

-- 1 Re,·. Ben J. Clayton, president. The: CAIRO. ILL. 'comlllittees mnde Ihelr renora. Tho'

A IAot'l:<!I del~" .. tlon or Dal'tlata rrom I fo.culty Is compo lied of Prot. Penn. 1

the lJapUst churchll of the city al\end~' nrtnclpal: lll51'1 Churchll1 of In.lInna. c.l Ih" Dh,lrlcl association mcetlnl:' In ftrst ulIlstant; lllss Johnson. Knnl':lIl lloundll. III .• lut week at the PII~rlm City. lIecon., nsslstant. Prof. Penn's IIN'{ Jlap!l/lt church. The Rev. J. 'V. I rathtr 1$ Impro\,lm:. Re\·. Pruitt, dill-, 11111 \\'a .. elechld Moderator. The Rev. tr":t millslonar)'. filled tho pulpIt Sun~ I~ A. Well"or or PeorIa. III .. former day al lIt. Tabor Misslonnry church. paslor of 11ft. llorlah Baptist church Prof. Penn and others motored to Car- , wa" In the dt)· last week on bUlllnesK.1 bondale Sunday. Rev. M •. M. DarreU. On\'ld \\'heeler of St. 1.oull1." sp!"nt who was appoInted pastor of Gr"nd II (('w da,'a In the city visiting r~latlV(,R. I TO"'er A. lIf. E, church. will llIotor CIUlord Wheeler a Cairo boy who h:1I; to town Sunda)·. lttu Johnson. teach-1.".'0 medlcRI c'ft!rk at the 'Vet~ran!l' : cr at DuBol1i IIllI:h. is I'rel'arlnj;' a. nro­h09pltal. Tuaket,::ee. lIaa resh:nell his: I:'ram to be r.-ndored TIIl\nksgh'lnll: 1,,,,,l\Ion and Is now !ltaUone.) at Nnlth- nh:ht, :\fr, Sprowl hRs purchased nn \'/11". T<!lIn. In the the%!;lcal seminary l1ulo truck .. or Roger 'VllIlams university. Ed I-·ree· mRn. well knoll'n barber. dropped ({('alii MARION. ILL. . Rt hilI resldellce. 3!1 Fourth St, !'>tondll.Y . :0.[1'1, Lhi;zlo nUt\ed!':'e Rnd baby ot· morning-. Funeral sel'\'lc('lI were con-. Sture!!'. l{y, , retUrned hOIll", aeCom­dueted at the residence Wednesday by I'anled by ber mother and !Ill's. Minnie the n .. v. R S. BrItt, Tho runeral of I Kilgore. who m"tored Ihrou!':'lI to Stur­;\Irs, Tcmpl Vincent. who dIed "'rlday I .:Is. ltrs. :.taude Clarke nnd lIuMband at the reshlencl' ot her linn, ?>Ionroe motored 10 :.telrollOlIs. :'Irs.. llaltln Vlnct'nt. was held at the parlors of '''m. Robertson. who has been on the IIlck Donaldson undertaker. The Hev. lit. I list (or .5e\·or31 weeks, III slo"'ly Im-I~dwurds otltclated_._ . ~~\i~nfmpr~~~~I:. Gardner of W. Gent

GLENCOE, ILL. I SAVANNA ILL The . )'oun~ peaple. were entertaIned :'1. Martin has bel!~ serl~uslY lit at

Halloween night b~ a. masquern,le hIs home on ChlcaJ;o Ave :\thls Ruth lH,rly and dance at th" home of L. D. Carr s~nt a few dIU'" at' th~ hOllle of ;\pll.:r. Jef\'"l't'o~ ~t. )11'. nnd llrs. J'I her fllster. Mrs. JOIl l." .. ntherall. In this I, ~.nllth lit Gan. Ind .. llr. and Mrs, city. Hiram Dillard Iflfl to"'O nfter 10\'.11 nnr! ;\11', a,!rl llr~. RUllseli mo- I having- he!.'n accused ot Iltea1fn~ Clay ~~!~: !~e~~~n~~e lI~n~~ ~~:: ~. a~~, Plnson's r~ ... ol ... er. n"nn, ;\tnt\lson St. ;\Irs. ll'reeman of: ELKVILLE ILL Jlj) }lAndoll.lI st. hll:' rtumed from: Joo !'llmllsoll Dnd' Pet~~ Wllllam9 ~~J:I~f:not'~I~~e ~1~~e~,·asw1~'e~n!0 I~~~ I were llul'1.h~·l<~.oro vlldtors lallt \\'~ek. I'To\'r,1·. :'lIl1s Hilda Gordon ,\Imond and :'1, James wpre Elkville of G1l'ncee nnd Ilewarll llack of enll~rs la!!t "e..,k; Rev. Cato, palOt'!l' B\'Rn!<lon weI''' married III the home or I ethel A. ~I. 1-.. church. hllll, a lal'J:o 0( tbl! hrh'e. 356 WaKhlnll'ton St.. by I ~?n~egallon each ,Sunday .. Re.~. James ItI'\', WlI!lnn Saturuay. :O:ov. 8. Tho)' 1 errd1 And ~Ii,mll) are IhIOl:. In nu­recel\'(''' manv Il'lft!! TheY will r .. slde '111010. Harrs Vllllnm!l Is ml>\ Inlt Inlo III l-:,·:tnl<eon. ':'11'. a'nd llrs, Frtd Frt"'- i his ne,,' J:am,,/.'. WIII~am n. Ll.'wi!l. m:m. formerl ... of Rockford. Itt .. hll ... '" orlnel(lal or Allucks high .lIchool. Car­rNurnM tt) Gl~nc(le and ore lh'lnl!' at hO"'tRI~. v,lsl\e<1 Petcr '~IlUam.!I 1:I"t ~:::; lfadl"on St. A suecellSful hazaar Sunda), 1'. t •. Gmy ot W!lrd ,.as the "':I_ hclt! II" tlf .. 1 :HUes Aid and the ':;\lPse ot hIs brother. nohl·rt. at lIal­S~nda}' l<('hool ot tl;e A. :\(. K church l!dn)'I,?ro III~t SUnd:!.)'. ltrs. Sar:ah lit th .. lIome or ltrs. Carrie :'liIler. 433 :-:n~an;. t .. acher In St, John 1<chool. "as \\'ashll1~lon St. ~\I~l;~~.~. lI"rr~m~';,~·~or~~r. f'n~1 :'~~~S~~.:

LIBERTY, ILL. ~n:; ~:~ii~ri~~"'~!1 t1~~.'l e~~:~r1~n~~~ ~h:u ••. rl<l;.!~~~elu.I~"~nha~hhl~l.rlrS 4 ·!(~ •• r~~cr~ntIY~ . In Attllck." BehMl. Carhom\al ... "j"Ue,1 '" ~~.~~ ~~,~. • - h ~ Ii, ;\Ir. an.1 ;\11'11, Peter \\'lIIlnms lal't Sun-:;.!'11~~':trl~n1,e;7 l::t~:. g~rr~~Ch:~~[:;: day. llrs. r:rnce William". tea .. II.!r or ,'nnghan, Adell! S.,mlcrs. Julia John- ~?tl:~~~~t 't!';b!!·n.l

l:11' aUI~~d!~;"k~hO;\tll~~

~on >lnd Jl'sl'le Wollaec are on the .. Iek ;>.:;wma L~wl!!. teachln!: her thlr.\ term ~f:inn:rh:&c~~sCr~: }~~~~J~~a~c!:~~~' ~n: lit Itel'd school. III :tll'o attl'ndlng Ihl' horn and KIrkham "I'oke Saturday W~~~~I~' trnJ:~~~red C~~;';;lri~~~ b:;!e II\~f night III the U. U. or I", hall. The f;ntuTda~·. nellhen Burkhalter nllll ne\'. B. A. Mitchell WIlS at church BUl:cnI! ~tnnew:11I ,,·cr .. at th() Inllla-SundaY. lion In DU<luoln Saturday nll;lIt.

SYCAMORE, ILL. !'tIn. "c:'lielll of the Rockiord WhIte

Hol'$c Armv churcb wall In Sycamore \'Isltln!:", Reo\·. Ruller of Rockford was at the Bal'tiH church Sun.lay. The B. y, t·, l', held a box socia.l Saturdny nlt:ltt at th .. bome or :'lrs. Ro~c John­son.

CHAMPAIGN. ILL. The :reat southeast :m.!Jsourl and nll­

nols conrerence was held In thIs city

;'~~d~·e~~n.. D~~~fe l~u;iis C~'lrtt'af~i.~ HillS III "'P~n.lln!; It. rew da;'s with her r .. othf'r. Walter YounS" or Urbano, Ill. ~!rs. lfarv Baxton. who hll!! bpen At the b"de;ld() of her brother. S. B. Teslor. IIml ~llOte('. ;lHnen'a. Battles or "':-ash­"\lie, Tenn.. has returned home. :lfr. nnd }lrs. Joe Garland ent~rlalned In !'It "'I'ek In honor of !lfn. Lizzie Curll!!. )11'. Rod llr5. Sim Clrler and Eon, )(I'S. Rlanche Bolcs and "On. Wllllnm Wblte. motored to D~catur In. .. t Sunday to visit llr. nnd :\1N1. Enrl Carter. :\11'. lind :Ifr,.. Barl DIxon ot Ch/eilS'n lind von Wll~on were Chamllall:Tl \'llIltor" last w .. "k. William TOwnl'eml. Cordelia Wilson. O. C. G"rdan nOll ~am :lUII!!r IIrc lln the sick II!!.

BLOOMINGTON, ILL. :\11''' " T H"'nder!'on or ';OS E. :'Ilar­

k,,'t ~i.· ';ni;'rtillned the Woman'r, cluh at 1\('1' 110m" nn Thur>,day afternofln. ;\1I~1I CMa Taylor of ,\11Iton :md !otr!'. :Ila!'on PYf'r lit ClI:lmpalc-n ", .. re Guest.!! of thi' ('luh, TII<:' He"'. S, n. Jonps sp"nt ::;:.tunhl\' In Peoria. on hUllln('!'!'!;. llr. mill :lIT; Frl!'d D. Wyche IInr! ;\Irs. S. n. Jon~s h~rt '\'''dnll~day i>~' mO'lor for St. Loul .. to nttend tI ... concert at the Od('on. The J~I'\,. 11. W, Jilmillon. pre­sldln:: ctd('r. held '!uarterl)' meetIng F~r\'lc",' ;11 \\'ayman chal'~l ::lunda}'. ltrs. Jnhn It. I-"t)rd or 1 ~OG :<.'t l"t. "'as bol"te!,~ lal't Thursday aft('rno"n to tbe I'roJ;re"""'", club. :'1I!'1I Cora 'ra>'­lor of AII'ton. 111.. III th" gue"t o( her

:~~ei".;~rsOf ~~~I'm~·!y:;.inf.; o;l;;!~d'ln~l\~ ff'W day!'; with :.trs. A. J. Hender1!oll or ,m:; 1::. ~Iark('t SI, The Three C club m!!t last week with :ltr.<. ::.tartlla

~,,~~m~,~: ~~~s~'J;;W~~~e Sit~;~i!;~S ~~'~<i~ Rnsle Price and llrs, Lillian Ward, Othert'! l1re!'en't ~'t're ltrs. Lucy Cole-

JACKSONVILLE. ILL. !\frs. Gus ;>':a"'I»' was taken to the

:-:'ew Hnm .. !<llnitarlum. \'Iln' III. Mh. (:hll!<. Stark,; Is l\ flallent at Our ~;\\'Ior hn~plta\. ;\[1'11. ,Tohn Wheeler is " 'Patient at the l"assRvant hosl'ltal. :'11'11. llurtaker House Is III Itt tbe hnme ot bel" mother, :\11'9. Frnnk \\"clr. llrs. LRura ;\toorc II' Impro\,lnt:. ~rr!!. Laura ;>.:e150n !la!! r<'!urnt'd (rom Chkal!'o. "Irs, :"I\~'ml! 'Wllliams Is sick. :\Srl'l. HattIe '''"hurn Is III at her home. !\frs, ;-:ennl.. Rrlsco!! entf'rtalned the Tf'n ,,",I Three club "'ednrsday nft .. rnoon, Quarterly meetln!:' lI~n'\re!l were bc10l Ilt Betbel A, ::II. E. church Sundll~' with Pres""nt: BIdN' J. lI. Sld~l! pre­!'Ohllng. Re\·. R. H. Hackl"y III the pn~' lor. :O:orrlll H, Slurl,.. 4;1 E. 3bt St .. Ch(C'lIgo. was n wpek-pnd ... b,Uor at th .. homc of llrs. K C, Taylor. :I(lSII Vloln nlrdJ>;on~, lila,; '''atle. lind !\rl!'''!<TS, ~rnn and :O:nye" mntor",l from Snrlnl:­fleld nn.1 ",'ere I:UCI'ts of lfr. ana llr!'. O. ,,'. !lfon\J:omery. S, Clay A,·c .. on Thllrsdll)' nlllht. llrs. lIt'!'t"r Url)wn I~ Itt at the hnm.. or h~r I:rnndrlnul:htcr. ;\!rs. no:v 111ll, S. Chur .. 1. 51. :llrs. !llc­IntO!'h I" III. llr. nnd :!IINI. F, C. :\Iu,"" l'ntertnlnr.d at It .llnnl'r In honor of No!'.!·I!' H, Hl\rri!' nt Chl"'lI)to. :\11'. and !'ttr;; .• T('rom" nr.lIIn". lfr!!. I •. R l£ont-1:01'01''''' :lnt\ llr!". F. P. :'111,," motor!!'.! 10 Plttl'fl"M to "illit!', nollln!<' pal'­.:ont!'. :o:orrl!> H. Harrl!' (lr Chicago wAil n. dinner I:u .. "t nt Ih .. hom!' or ;\rr, nn.1 llr". ~. "'. :'fonll::om~n' S:lt­lIrrll1~'.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Feb 28, 1925; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A2

ILLINOIS STATE NEWS Kanaall Cit)· wer!) \'llIlltl;'" In our ~Ity rcclmtly with r~hlth·e. I\nll fMend!!. Ln­tont Jhl.rrl~ of Chicago Willi a w8e\t-end vil.itor In' 0111' cltv ',,:It we"',. :\lIs!! l~rnnce. Malnlle wnl!. Il wt'ek'''nd vi!llwr with h.,r llln\lwr lind "thcr relal"ocll amt (rlend", ::\11'6. 7.'.'Ilohln nrlllcl)e. who hall heen Ill. IK alol .. to .... nUl again. :\11''',

~:~il"h~~I,r;~f"nTlhc aN:~:lh!I\;~I~t:·t~~:.i MIII:~~te1~~~~'j~d Il~f tlS~ W~~lilll~~fI M~~: Tue.H11I)", :'11'11. nailS), }o·n ... ·ho:!1' "nter­tuln"d tile North \';1111 ('Iuh at hl.'r hom!! on I.urtllll !';t. \Vcdncllda)'. ,,'unural

~~~~,~ri, \\'~[; ~:~~~ .. ~':r ~11~~1t'1,:~ ~~ri~~ \\'!th hi. :tunl. Mr!l. William Tl'iplell un K \\" •• !'I 1'1. The (unenl' W,Il< Itt !';ecoud HUlllls' chur,·h. wit the It.·\ .. II. If. lJe­witt ulth·I:ltiIlJt. a!!~I .. t.·.1 h)' Ihl' It",,', n, H. lIack"')' Hlltl Ihe It.·\·. J"hn Kirk. HI" "hlll·r. :'>11".. • .. ·nnh· ""Ie-II .la(·kMon of L·urrnlron. !\\I"" .. IIn,1 ilia ~IIIY Jnckson t)( Ch il'n II". alii I IW" IIlml,.. !\Irll. Ultln"­hnrl) nnrl .\11'''. 1!""1t .lnt'k,,"n. and cOllilln. ;\1\",; ;\111"-1<· :-:au/lt\t·r~. Illtemieli. Orhor r..tath·"lI ,,"r\ I\'im; ;11'" hill lI\otl\l~r. :'>{rs. Hell(· .J;I('kll/}1I o( Ihlll ,·h~·. :tlld hrnU ... r. th·tltlli!!. 1\1\11 IIIIII\. :'>ltl!. ;\llI1nlt' TrlJ,lctt He \hi~ j'lt)', •

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jul 25, 1925; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A6


C;AIR,Q. ILl- ~;.i ~:h~~tr~t::t~~m·n":1:!t.rU:1~~ 1~::.,A~~:'~~ .. f1I~.'I" •. ·"'.'l':;t"."'O'!;~'f':S:;:.!~~ r:.?~::;~~ .t;;n.!~ Xj~~f~:4 ~i!d~ . AA>c1al at lh. ('l'\lltch "f'blltlof'.,. nll:ht. "h.1 )1)" •• :"'fOl;_"" ;\tc-r:m tnfItHt"4t In ~:S'::'\' ~.::tn ul::'\'~~~!U~h:; !r::~de~b:l::; ~=~:r;')' lf~ru~\ ';':s\;::~Tt:f~'!~~~:: !:t'!,~~:,~~N:,~~)I·ran"".,il';'~:"" '~~i,~; f~"::itt .. ~:'''!~n T~tcr:nr S. 1;1~'~:rnp1~ C£NTR-;:Z;A~ U.L~ ~~;i!';t:'''f\t.';·i, .. f:itJ~~~~ts;.ftL~~~iJ.;ft~ Cd" \\~. A. l<2limmlrr. n."bn"t (.i\karl,t. )tr. an4 lZn-. J"n't>lIl \~ .. ucjm ,,·tl1"'~.t §\l,t .• In \"1 .. lt t\". m"th .. r 'T.·f;l l";a,r":;',:un. )lr. aud !'.In. C. A. 10 \h.-Ir ho",~ In C'tlkilS;tf ~U.M;)·. IJt)\IIbr. :lr. nn.l )lMl.. A- ,i(>.",U ... te hot ...... )· iUtl! l1 ... }'Nf,ffl "'.4""" , .. tum,..,t M In CMm~4::J:l ttltJli .'H>k ~t!~nd'n ... lh. th"lr- h1'"'~ In UU'lu"ln I .. "" \&r .. ". ltl,." K. tlf 1~. 1:::""04 tw'ntUrtti. "l:oS('b -ron.. OM .. an n,..."nall tt( UUQUf'in. 111. .. j"""",, hll,.-u Tu~)' lnnrninlf. Wl1lbtQ cat. UtrouJth h ... ,,," :iutubT *'" t'tI'U'f> 1h 'n .. Iv.un k,. h.'tur''"''''' tt"lhS !\tUU4"II'. In4.. d1a.t:1.1.pQ!t.. Ind, lltll, :O:\I"!.'''''·r

~~I;:;: M 4Uuulu(1 Wu (unt:nll 9f h1a n~:Eh~~tli1rJF~z~h~~~~~:~ ROeK ISLAND ILl,. :~~ :~rb';:.~~~~ll:!:';: l~~~ht;.~-;;

l~~::;' I::;U: ~:~~~::J:. 1~:nS\; lS~ i t~~~·nJ~;~u!;" ·~:~.r:!~·" Oli\\:; ~~~~~.i~;~i:~n,~t;~~i~l:t I ~n~\·!~~~~s "~i!r:t~~ S~r!'d$['" ~It: ,·0iI. I. lArk fotld 1t~vplns: at ,~. 1(lC.n ~t. ~, .... '" U1\'k1 DrolA"n At'llt lAlon ellS JIA"e r •. tumt:t! fttor.J '~"ir "acatton In 1I.·I..tS.. Wl>. Thi"J' alton mvtdtc4 W • :n1+ _tIU'_ Tu~)'.. .)!h-s Uurvthf'''l f .... t1'fI'U\tl. 'tb9 st... l\"11 •• uk,...,,, ,\\'j",. ~ "h,~tlrtc 1"'1" J:t .. ,,4.",UJtbe:t'~ 11n. .tuUa St.-n'"r. ;"1: };:!cht.h Au', Sb6 ... " i;t\\" ..'nt Uu'rt:'" 1'TnCT.f'N>h,.'\rt ~'htt' ItH I. Itt th... "um. of lln. FAlt", :o'!.'IC"l\tt, 1'\:'1 htlt At"", .. ~loUn"'. July 1:-. "ft. .. ~.-..:ht cub met _t tlift hOmo .,~ ("b.,·",·.rr l..rwiJl. l~l l'tl\ A\'f',. Sun. «.H .,fh rnn('lJ. ~h:",. lo1:uy Wldl«,. Uf~ J:lt;hlh .\'\''"'' Is u:. Dpln ftom a 10m.: Illt ...... -... J •• htt t-:l.-:·t: ... lllion vt TlIIN'to • IJ..L1 •• W::Ut t4 .... " "t Tf Itl .Jut,. Il, ntch .. ;.,t;1 l~ur:11iIl .. WI; ""tth ~\'"ft. t. .1Ul t'n th ... I .. :c I~!_ lJIII".'" tiuldh. :ihd lob Wtst::u'" t:I~"~ Hu"h ;Jnd "'Ullln,, not:t.~

!tf·;i·~·;:h\.!il;~,'QI~;:~t ·~:!h~::t:~·" JACKSONVII.I.E. n .. L.

l:.t1, :\~t«,r .. • .. M"'ciJ at\tl nl..-£fl. '-11". ttutu l11'u\l,tI ot ,~ JI~'Ul.. a1''' vt"mfll: .Ut. l.l1ht )ff'!l" 10·" <,. •• lh'~ • .s. Cl~ ... \\#1. -;td"'tlt'''t t,"':m mut..,r ... 1 tn $h('bfoy .. .:"r.. W's. Th~ ,:t::J k'ltttpl.l !\apUilCt .& ... • .... u.Unn , .. )1"''' l-:tsl 'W~k at )1\. ":"'''1',).' u .• :.t1!i-t chW'coh. l"1'of. C. U.'", t.:lnq s·ta)"C'd At t:tll,mp..,tsm. in. t""'~Z'4!lr. llr~ and llrL John ~:":14L:t~h:r.. )lr". :tn_! "'M', ~,,)'Jl'lor. !'>h1'. ~td'.lrl-.1l.." ",n·t ~1h. T~t.o'l' tQo1(UU-OI hrt .. r .... ·"'nUr. lIlu :-;.a)"tN'. n1~ .,r ;\In<. l..4~r.s. lAftU't</ho. 'M~ • .:l ~tU '\ j".t..,. II .. t... .llr~, J'h"l'I1Jl: l"punc l'IJld t\-. ... ·r houlM" .. "\:;C")Ot. f..IUt .~~ tl .. r ... ·u .. m 'Ult! ,.IJtt.·r (It C.3toft UtT'1U'\iif:\U. -"I". .un-. .It.'1ntt:.. (;'1' .... "«11 t,)-t'll't;.ttt'" ""~ .. fwr., t'H'¥nuy \'~\unJ: tI.-1' .. tst.(. ~;::,nit~~:~: tt::-~~rh~~C);~ .. n\~·~t\ "St:! :O: •• uH.. :-;. t~n~ r, .. nJ:f>Ufli. r,-."t'htll ,,1 J","H, ... , .\. ~t •• :. church Sun4otr. n .. \t~ ~u.J )-ir'4.. J. n. S)"d ... COhdlU"'''-4 'Ul;aT" h'1':,\' Ta"cUnn 1Ik .. M'J,.... a.t lIottll.,1 A. ll. r:. • hu1'<"h ~uno13)'. :{'OniA 11. HUT'll : .. !t Tu_day t~r ~b!e-.1.$rfl Art!!r ~blt1t .. !

~;~!:~t~l~~~;h. ~;"':("'ht~~r:~~n..b~t;rt~~: n~lt' Mt hf'l.~ .. l 4\' It. }!. cohurc.b.

~ouND'5. tLL. !loth'.... It .. n~ ~H·!tl Uf'nhtnp KJ"t:.

a.~~. hq .. (., lA,..t :it, t..uu~ •• Ill. • ..,. ~ .... t:l~Ut U,·lr"j~'-. n .. ,,', an,1 l1Ml. f;d4 ,,:tt'>t I~!HO;-, 11 •• , lttl~Ut dUb ... ·.Ul (n~ t ... rt!llu""tt ,....I-tl~,. tllJ!ht lIr )tn. "-.. till "t ;t •. ut.t «"uy. !\lnol. t~Jt.TJr. f\k6 ttf :'olt.un,l t"t!}' "n'~n:i:lt"~t u numbtT- •• f r:u"l.~" 'tMU""'l.a-,.' 1\1. itt.. <;Jv,.. f..-rm. \h'"t hf '"ilIa l':.fth:~. J.ktJh~ ttl h<.tnur flt 11 hI \!h!C:U:<l. \1o)h. I_ ~lT"'" fl. K. tA"·~. lot , .. lum.-d t" h"'r hon~ .. Itl .·u110n. }{)" •• an"'r ~ "trA..""'nt "!l"h ""t,h hf'r chlhtn-n. t.u(",,- ~mttb. l1b> .. Tbl"ota l'h::r("1J' ftnl UUf.;~t lOlrrr",. :\1,.... c-..-r1tud ... Whit... \1.,.H~tl in J4r-kl\ol;ln. Tenn. .A t'h:U.lt2U'IU~ W" .. 1l 1:1~.'n I.y th40 O('n Stalu "!li'~ nt :O:l. l·~ul A. :\1 •• ~ t'JUan::h

!t.~n:\·f'~~~:t~·t·~~ .. 't~~~ .. ~~f !t!a~n.~~lr;;. '\1I't f.ur,I:,. t ..... , "'''''\(. )t,.,., tQdl", )\., .. l-tT~· ,....tum ... 1 {"um • "blt 1t1th he1' m\oU, .. r .. :vt Hth"'1' ,.....1:t.n~r'" lUttS (nrn.l. In J:td:..tln. 7."tu't. )1t ... ~ ... 'Ttl" Str--t ··f !Nt, lA.dte \""!T~ h ... r Ul'lca. 1A"f"

~r:?~~i;~~, ~;,r ):~ C~m~ l~v~

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSE H HAMILTONThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 5, 1928; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A9


By E. H, HAMILTON 28 Washinaton Ave.

D:II1\'III,', m .• lIlay- 4.-lIlr. and Mrl'. ]';!m"r Jon"" ""d lIl... and 111 rs. Clilt .lorllall vf ell,mol'ailln: lIl... anll 1I\..,..

ii::.i!:djQ~ti~d\·~t;~:~3Uji'r5~)\~~J~,~ t:;;;I~! "nd Dr., nnd :111'". .-\. I... Fraz!er here

~J~~1~ 5~~~d ,~;:~o~~~ ~~ 1:.~d~ii'~~lt,:?l~f ::'1 .. , nnd '\Irs. Samuel Uatey.

Dale ).;:lchol~.. tirenlan at ~o. ! staw

tion. rel.on<'d for duty Thur~_ay morn· Inl'" aftc; h""ing hMn nrc for n ",,,elt .ulTeMn!;, 1mm thTrult trO'uble.

Tit,· Socl,,) Equal "'eckly club mH 'Iul·~da)~ e\~t.·n1ntt 'at the hmne of llr~. "·IIII,.m CaMlI,,·..,.. ~. nobln .. ," St.

:lUI'S Stena ::'1~GI11 w,,~ It"Sh!~" to tbe ]..:tlses I'alre <,lub ilL her IlOm~ X. "-a:>hington A'Nl. ,A :.;oclal c"\'t,miug'" wu::; Flh:mL..

lIlin Zula. Hudgon, :lI ... an.1 1IIr ... Wlj· Jlmn Shl"lds, vlslt"d :llr. ami 1I1"~. Clif­fonl Hock.hold fn Hoopeston Thut~da)' e'·~nlng.

Th .. Jolly Tnw"n" dub Ir!\"e a quad. nJple surllrl:se llurt,,- ~lt the llomt! of ;:IIr. ane! llf". Jollll ·TU'-". r.l~ X. \'"r­mlllon St.. c"leb,-l.!lting thu bh'thdny Jlllnh~e""aJ"l" or )lr$. Nanic l .... "t t hu tn .. l\1n:.. H()l}(\ rftt'ker. Gcor:.:,~ )Iaugl'um a\nel J.~tll~lrd '\-rlght. ~ 1-:aetl rel~f>l"t!«l .0\·0 .... 1 bcnuUful .. tid 1Uleful 1"""eJlls .llld 8. vcr :nnjoyable e"'mln,; WillS £p"nt by all.

The dilnce gll'en by Gt.on::e l\I:lIl!;rulI\ at tbe neW attnory }"r14ay nt~ht "'n~ largely attended. there bl.'ing lat'~c dille­pUons pr"6<'nt from T"rre HaUl". 1n.l.: Paris, m.: Clla mpal5n, Ill., and Hoop­.. rstO\\"I1, Ill. :lIusic "'lUI (urai,hed by ::IIonUig'U"'. K",ntueky Serenader!l of L"xinstoll, It)·,

III ..... an:!. Phel"", a tnnner resident or this eltl'. has rt'turnell and :lcce!>led .. poFIUon at lI.e Worklllg '\I~n's car.'.

AttY-. ~ .. n. Allen W3-:I: ~bot'~n a. lRt!nt­Iler ot the judlciun'. cotlllnlltl!e or til" lJonrd of cnutlty ~Ul)(!.n'tFor:t. lla~t~r .\lexander ~I1tl'hdl. l~-Y""T'

Illd 'Ilr~aC'llcr. started 11 Ilrut\'u~I~ll Ine~tinlt at the n.,ptlst ehureh .,\ 4leolbetown Sun~la)". The meetin~ Uiii 1l"lnl:' In.rl:~IY lIuenOcd. as hay" 1.0.,,,,, those in Ule IS states 10 whlcb he .has }lreacbed.

.lIra. Beatrice Stoltes. who Silent. two '!Feelul In '.roledo. Ohio. the gu~ .. t or Nr ... Genne.ln. \'ihlte, ball returned ttl lIer home.

~!r. RI ... e.... .. memb<>.. of the Sol­cllel'l!' borne. t1l1'ough his attorllc~', J. lJ. Allen, baR rued suit for .Uvor"" trom ,.ls wire, J.~II" Ill"ers, on tho gr()unds vf <,xtr.:me and rel",ated cruelty. n" al· leges ahe showers blm with hrlck~ nml Clthf'or like l11Issetc; nntl heing a eri[llll\! lie Is unal.10 to "I'CallC. ~ Bessie llarr.St!'''' ttlt:*o:uJt~J ;:uiUv to bi""" "~n%:' drunk \\·hNl· arrah:n .... tl 1h·(0;'· .. ", .Iud;:k~ Sh:·b~rt in cit~· \:ou'tt :\tvtHla:r monlin,.: alul drew a tin+.! or $:; nnd ~·(':;t~.

I-;lwood D:l\·is. elmr::,,(1 wlll. drunl:en­tlf:<ss. '(\'u an ()ffcnch.r in J)(!]j('e ("ltt1tt ·J·IU"!iday nlornlng and 'W,,'-iii lIned ~r. nn~f' co~t~ ..

The rooming bou~e nt :H~12 X. "-3:,b­ing-ton A'"e"f w;:\: .. rnhkd lJ::lo" the l-oli('Q '\\~.:(lnf!sdH~· nJ~ht HtHl 111(1< f,vUuwin:;

i:~~k~~t f~~ u~~;;l::~.:i::h~~:~J~~i:tt!~~l~~! '\"U:;on~ LBlian )IHr~.~'-n. r:'alph Stt\\"entl'. earl ·rholnas.. \\-i1t",." P'.1,)me. Char](>!' ,,"riehl. Jh·ll l!i)nta;.:u~ tuul ~ianl";o. :JJ~aJe~ Je'sr'-' P.arh:aln, tllf! k(lcVt·r 1)( tlhi pIaee-. ~i~nt·tl w:ti\"'rH untt paid fine, and cosl:i> ;:unOulltillg lo .$SO. t~H:!lt of tbp. otbers dreW' lUW:4 of .$1(l ea~;h :ttu! .·n~ts~ ~e\'(Joral \\'I-reo una. lJle ttl l Jay .. "d wer" commiuP,1 to jail.

,Mj~g LfaonOl :.UooJ'e. l~. who Wag ar­rp~h'd :ointurl):l\' on a. Halt: \\'a.rnult ('hargin.: l'll'c .. ·i,y. was rt?l\':\:-;:t~fl {rHul .. ·u!<'t.odv when lint. Enumt Bea:d~)· .. whn lint! ,,:ill~ed Ilet Rrr .. st. lIotUI",1 We 110-Jir{l> that ..-lle,. llot IJro~~·cu[f> tht~

ft!;'~n~~~~i~:d '~~t~:~r~·a~!i~~ ~\~ai~~· :.;~ 1(Juntl by the )\OJice nt (tll> .ltoOft! girr . ..; born('-.

1·"lIc~ rn Ided tlle hOlllP of no)' Tipton. ~f,~ E .. l1n(USCJll SOL. t"arJ~" .sunday tU',rn­tt!;: nnel af'TcstNl 11 lH?I'FOflS. ThU'y g:t'\.~ their names a.." Ja.nw~ nU,f,gl·l1~ :,,10,::-; 'J"ijlwn. }o'o!<te .. Byrd. _\IOllzO Washln;;· 10". 1..,0 Tipton. Austill CMter. J. C. Hannon, Ed. Anl<le. Jolin .:;'ea\. .Mnr­o;urct Brown and l'rances Jackson. TIII-1 '>D, the 1l1l~S .. d k<!"l'et' or the llou"~, Wati lined ~.:a and costs. and the otbers, 1,lelldlng guilt~·. were fined S10 and casts 0" charsea or disorderly conduct.

OTTAWA, ILL. "I'l>e E.:'ue:ld}' club or the 1:nlon lll~­

Ilion "hUl'CIt. gave a. btl", eoclal which was a success. 'Ihe first l'rlze wa" f'i ..... n to ::;1i~1I llaxlne Da\·ls. :;econ·l l,rl>:" 'went to ::Itr~. James Ford nn,l third to lll~s P.lullne Saunders. The ll;",he~t priceS ,,,tid ror boxes "'"re by Jam~1! Ford. Mr. Buttler and ;;. Q. llitclldl, respectively,

DUQUOiN, ILL. :lrrs, .A. Partee has bet'n ~urr"l'lng

fr'.1Ju a. ~t.!' .... ')re ::lttQck or slcknes:;. )111'8 lb.-un 3-1:unu..:!r, pre.i:!:ldent of the l,;sher hoar dat tbe _-\. ::11. E. Zion chllrcll. /. ... "·0 .. ~oeinl Ilt the church lItonday. :'oIl'S. l-*'Hrl ltradford ~ntet'tnlned her s~ctlon "r tho Ca,'pt! Diem club wltll a lu",,11 HUI,day II.t 'ller residence. )Ilss GI:ldys 'l·runer nf!4;()ulpnn1ed IH:-r stster. llrli. linzel A.hcrMt of Chi"",,,,. Sunday night here. lli~s Gol<lla. Crawford won first I" the l>(>llularily ("ont,·,;I. :lU •• H""el Lnnllutll. second. 1.,,1<1 nt ttle 1.ln­c"lll SeIIO,,1 \Yedllc"Wt)' nlj:;ln. Tll~ $;l'ort}' g club cllt"l'lain"d l'rld:w nIght Itt the r."ddNIC#!! oC :\lr~ •• 1nfisle Hudflon. '"uldlLr lUlIl :-;yl\"c::!!ter Yest'el (mtertalned the YClun~ :\t('n·~ e.Hlununity :tnd SoclaJ I

club :t .. t tJl("ir Ti-:-iflenee Friday nb;llt~ A: nUlubt'r flf rt·vrl':-:t.·uutU\t'S of 1.1ncoln, llb:h fZehonT U!lfturt.·d tu Cairo. III ... 8at-: tlrd"y to aa.-nd the track lilld int~l1<Jc-: tual meet. llls;; I"IlIr:L !':Impson cnter- : tnined a fc'\~ fl·h . .>nds :tntI relatl,'es at Iler-


residence Sund:!)" (!\'t:ning. ,

CENTRALIA, ILL. i "\\'"ymnn Hrittoll "e Chi""!,,, Is nt the!

be.lslde or hi" wif .. , ,;\1"",. .I-~fIi" Pearl: BrItton, who i.f; iU at 1h~ hnme or h£l'r: fnf)th~T", )lr~~ Hen nick}:. 131 S. Pht .... St.: CI;tTt:ne(! ltiel(~ of St. Louis :-;I'~nt ~un ... : da~'" ,\\'jth his l~ar~·tlt~. 11r. and 11rs:. Hen 1

r:::-;;~Wh:!tl i~~~:~k. ri~lu;~\;~~~}\'i~::::L iil~~: l~r{:«lerkk ..f ... Tuumn ll~if(!1l ctmfined to: llf'r lted fvr 2"c,·ernJ dttyt-:. is able (I) be; til' a!!'aln. :llrs. \o'"Y Drown autl little: d;tughter. lla\·.~ rf#turncd fl'otn ChiCago.: Mrs. Gutf'ttn '~HUnnu; TC'turnPd t() h@'TI llfllfte in J';,,,ns"!Il<:, IntI .• lllst Tlmretlay.' I'h .. sl",nt s,,,"'ml r}")·... with 11+'1" ~Ick 111other. .llf~. )hH.!~i~'" Offutt. \\"'illfam' I{earn Ims r~·tllnl(:,' fronl (~hir·ago. ,\\lh.~rj", ll~ "iFftt~jl lli~ hn)thc:r l~'thN· .. whu i~ HI in the h1.J*'fti l~l1.

QUINCY, ILL. The t'ih'{>r !o\."iu~ 4.!Ul' whif·h was nf­

frrcrJ t~) 1h,' E-=.malay Sl'honl with th .. • 1 •• :::;t

!~:J:d~1 :~tt(~l'w;~:nl:~u~~t; ti?~r,~tJ~e:;r~Jt~l·;:~ "t!bool ::ul!d:t~·.. '("he CuiQlf lluJ,tifit. 1hougll It t'lmtl1 f'hurch. won out oyer all scllrools ... r Qllh,,'y, and is th" first Race ~hUIT'h HI Quincy l(, "f<'<:-h'e the

~:;COltl:~ ~~f8;:~lrh~\';~~t;e\~.~~r~~e!~~l~;~ :lIrs •• Tnnl"~ Sid!.'" fit nnnnl"al, ~to., III' in' the ~~it)· vi.shin:;- het" ~i".ter. lrn~. !\laggit~ .. 1011u1:011 and f:unlh- and hroUl­pro:;. Ite:nry.. {~nrll~!\. TonI. ))Jl'.!k nnd Carr. ~ht' is also nth'fH'liuS; 11lf~ \'\"ol11p.l1s day pro::r:01ll !It IJfth.·1 ,\. :\1. l~, <"hurel •• The So~Jal Hour tni'!t ;t1 tha home or llrs. ..-\lbt~rt .. h,hu:-.un )hmdav. TIm Standard He\'i,,\\, dub mel Ilt ill" llnme or llrf!. ~nphi~ .Jl1nnl!Qrl '\"t~due-suay. lITl'. Com 1I:,,·ri •• .\lr1'. Lona 'Vatts '''ltl J.lrli. F. r;~ )lfllul:n- '\·(.~nt to- KanFas Citv Salurd:l"~ to ," )lr14. ltndnh Jnhn~nri. 'who l~ HI. )1~. :'\l:l1n1U'~ J~ Vaughn, I'ullt'rlnt.ndem 'If tit" l'lrst Dnl'tl~t: church :mil nu,. .. •• ha~ h(!rn III Frank­ford. :.r ..... "Hondi"" ~lr.q. !';'lulr" Black-

",.,n, ,,'1,0 I~ III. The Knlj;ht HaWk dub I ~ f::,~ ~'I':::;IW~~I~I~ttl:'';r 1;~~.~~.f"f3?1~: 1011t Ft. FrIda,', and al ... (or ClltrorU llnt'J.!;!l\.. '\-hlat and dllJl.;hu: wart: th~ nU4!n features of thu t!~~nlng.. Ouest Ill'b:eB Were nwarded lit'!!, Hilda 1'111'son, Anron Brown a",1 !I!lss B.uth 1I1OQfe, Luncheon was Hern~d by tbe club nlCfn ... bel'S. lIl ..... Dn,·I. and llf, ll<m;,an wer" the Tt"dl.(t"Hs of hMUtlful ~Irt". Th(l~~ I're~t"nt wu., Mr. ana .:It .. s. Leon "'n8h­lUJ:tOIl. .llr. and :llrH. Aaron Brown. 11 .. , und llrs. Edg!lr llar .. I., lIT .lInll :II..". Fcrrll Parson. lIlr. ,,,,,I ~!..,. •• \ugus, t us HcndcT'Mon. )Us!'!C"!I Edith -"loon'. \'eltl~"(':l nJ\~~"tt. l'.;etlle COllins, -,\lr8. Th"lmll L"foe. ::o.lrs. H"len Gay. :111'10. Annett .. }t()l.ert •• JameN lrvlt",;. ,Iunluf

~~~me'::'~:~~I'o\l~i"'~~\"!~)~tlle~v~~~n;t dt~: t"lllu"('b Sunday and n llrgrnn1 \\"as ren .. ercd un(ier the dIrC"Cting of ltrs. llattie .:;'b"n. Tile junl()r choir and Menlor ch()lr of the FI..,.t Ball!l.t "hurt'h had !'(-m: st"f'\·l."es at the chu'rt"h RundfiY .. 1\h~~ and 1Ilrs. WllIhun .10hn"on arc tile Ilat'­"ltts of a baby Itirl nam .. d BFtU" Ann. ll ... lind :llr~, Arthur W~ld()n, llr. nnd llr... Un!!'h lIlIml)' nnd :\lr. all.t :llr~. l!nrth\ 11"l'lt.. motored to }{eolmk, lo\\'n. to attend the fun~ml oC :\lr. Clnybonl, 1i\~I,tather (If 1\1r. :'Ianl),. All clturcllt'S :lre making Pl"'llII.ratlon for !In,.le w~ek, .... hlch will begin tlie se~­ond wed< or :lIDY.


lI:~i~~iir:: fto .. ~~;~I~\·~!.ill!':.'~~g~~a~n I~ Inwsult. and was in HIII,lt.)ro lIJondny 1" tl.<I circuit court in an IndustrIal "'. mlllission en>!". On 'l'llursday of tlliM w/'"k Attorney A. "lorriM WillIams was en~ag.d in .. recel ... "rsJdp ,!11M InvolvIng the ""ttlln;- up ot Bome COlli minIng- tn­tu"sl"d and perfeeted .. settlement In the Bontman'" bank building- In St, Louis. .\ ttorn.w A. MorlT .. \\'lIllnrns at· t<lnded the "lInusl ""rlllon or Jewel .. oun~1I ~o. ~H; or th.. Knlll:hts and Dilughttr" of llonor at Ilnnnibal on tlte ~'!'th .. e .\J>MI. If.. WUII the prillcllml H)l'"kt]r. lie,'. "'"Iter Gray will. his !lnrl\' "r the. r"I'r~.~ntl"g the I':nlghts .:tnd "HaUlo;llh·r.i of Unn(lr of St .. Loui!" .. w .... " the guc.ts Olf the WIlliams hot"l (til· lhrc~ <lny:<. llr~. Delle Clerk of Qul! ... ~· 1'''c'''lIled the "", .. ddhl!; of l'''I{t\\"(.ts'· nt the l'nlnlf'r 1Iichool under tltt' au~plc"" (Ie the Pb~'llls '\'heatley etub Qr the Y. ,,'. C. A. Oil the 2fitl •• Six£), girl" took {lI1rt In the wedl1!ng and It; W1UI ",,,11 att"nd"d. The Douglnt's Community Got! club ga"e n got{ 50iree h,,1''' 1ut week, :\I,.,.. R. A. Dyrd hns r<1turned l10me from th" l'!t. John bos­)lltal. Miss \o'TlIm·"ne J()llIl~()n, who has b~,," IndlRposi-d at her home. I~ able to h_, (Jut. :\U:-tN Betolpe-y Brown sp~nt 1:\l;t Wt'(>k-t'ml in Ja~·ksou\"llIe vlfiltlnJ: fri •• ndM~ .\ f .. huru-r JJ;.t~ lJ,~.dl issued to tilt' F!mtner~(')u ltE'lluh1i{'nn league or :::nngRnlon enunt:r. with hendrtuarter, at

It~~r. J:!;;t~~~t~~lIjtl~;i .. 1'~!!!~ ti~~~,~~~~\!ii~~ h~rt lilckllliln Ilnd Chari"" S. J~nklns.

,COUl.TERVILLE. ILL. 'lljs~ Fannia Jones of :llutl,llyshoro.

Ill., Will' a ,,"\lest at th~ Itom" or )11'. atld ~tr::. l~Uis Au,Un ~lnUtlA~".. COnlUlodorc .\""In left "'t'dn .. !<day for Allon and Chi""g'" :llInlli" Ethel DIt Vis left last wl·ck. Corucliua "·yutt ,~ rel>ortett sick. )Ir>!. fll'rtle Helm liml ~on Rob"ft I...,,, Wf'rti p:lSNf'ngers: to St.. l .. oufF:.. .lUnule '\"yJi~ or ]'ndueuh. J~" ... + h. lnr.wlng' h:lt'k U~.'r,~. }trs. Huute '\-l1U~lIm; of "t..~nl'u'Y!­"mlla ntrh'cd h .. re In,.;t we.·k to visit Jh"f :o:Jtoh"r. )(rs. Laura .. \Ut.m." and rdath*eto: .. :.\Ir$ •• \llt>n m~L Iter In St. LHuis. ;:'Tr •. lInuit. :-::t. J:uu(os lI.r Sparta visited Ju~r nif~(·i~~ )lr~~ l#aum .Ant~nt and :llrs. Hattie \\'llltlllll$, :'\11'. 'ant! :.Ilrs. AlIlos "'!IUllms ~I"'nt S"lurdny In Silltftn shopping. 1-1,," .. 1<1 Dlu'do ~iletlt the week In Sparln.


lh;~~~:rt~~~.~'i~ !i~~~~h~~{iu::~"\l~}n~:~ ~l<'",.. ~tl' •. lllrdl .. GIII1"m. Th" Kandy l,id Klub was cntertlllne<l lit the home ui 'rh.,lmll and Carol Collins of l~. \'Ine ~t. ,\Ir~, C. C. Hollllllil has retllrned from h('r vl131t in tht:! southern state~ ..

~:i~~f~;!ill)~lt'\"~t~I~~~~~~I~~\~.i~irJ·!~i~~n~l~d ·rennt,,'~~ce_ l .. n.wrt'llce Speers has been conliUM In hit! bed U.e past week. Tile 1,ltf'l'nr~' ... Ub render"r1 a ,'pry plenslng program at the K. of P. 'hall. Prayer was lett by ne". 3.. 1-'. Jnlmsotl. H:.1. Hu~hf!s and Mrs. C. C. Holland had a pal"'''. lli'''t>8 Enrlene Speers, :llnb~1 .r on~s, Christina nnd IdlL :'II:l,lI:;r,n ~I\ng. Earl Green. l~ddle ned, Car()l Colllns und Uart;' lofcCll1in alBo &,a \." a sonlf.

JOLIET. ILl.. . ,Jfl's. Pocahoums Harrb of ;Yacon, ':'10., ",ml married to Gus Gordan Sun­.Iay a t the Second Baptist parsonage •. n,!\'. J. P. Sp!ve:r omcla.ted. Rev, S. A. DIl"&nllort and "-. A. Ave\')' of 1"11-/-"l'lnt Thtlltlst cllUrch. Chlcal'o, 'Were Ilt tile Second Ba.ptlst church Sunday, Ite,·. DaVenpOrt prenmed the bnl,tia­mAl l'ermoD. Ita\". J.P. Sph'ey Was prillcipal sp.aker at th~ nnnl­v{'r!l'ftry of Re,t. t. A. Thomns, lln:.tor of the S"'Cf)tld Rltl)\bt ... hur"lI. Evans' ton,!II. ::\11'8. 1.1:. :s'lclwls nC ;\Innlng­dnl .. Is Improving at St. JO'''ph ho.­{,ltll!. llr;. J"hn ;:h",,' of :'I{nnlngdar .. entertnltll'd hH Htlle nlec@. ~Iae .!-'Ior­"n~.' Link .... Saturday, t'elebrntlng her tenth hlrth,lny. About :ea' gue$ts wert: present. :'olr. !lnd )trs. Jl\m<'s Sln~lnir an.\ :.\11'. and M ..... .H. Cole motorell to Chicago Sunila}'. ~tfl'. Luc,' Barger diet) at her home on St. Luuls St: ~lon­day.

CAIRO, 11.1... Th" funprnl of ~frg. Ryr(lI" Slk@s.

wht) died ·rueftf1ny at hp.r homf', !!'50!J Comtuprclal ,,-\vn., ·wl\.i; Iwltl Thur:-;uny at ]o'lr"t Ba1JtI~t church. l~!h St. Hc\·. J. J. Oll..-e olliclat.'d. ~11"~. !:l!k~" wns well kno'A>-u and a. taJtbfuJ Incul!u:r or Ull~ Cll1lf('h. The rtma.ln" were taken tn s,,'" ;t.!ndrld, 110 .. for hurlal. She Joa"c~ a hn!'Obftud. Eugene Sike1l.. and other to mourn h~r lOllS. An Intel­leeL .. ,,1 And tl'llck meet Ilf the high ~d.ool" of this district wns 1>,,1<1 In thp. ('ity :-;nturdaY,:untler the l\USlIlces Of tIlt! Sumnpr high school. First )lrl1.~ Wf"nt ttl Cnrbon<11.It. :s~ctmfl to Dew ... maine nn.l third to f:lliro. TIle meeting w::t~ a !:re.:tl "ut":t:"f"':!4 nn"} wns lnrs:wly att~nt1NI. Th" tUlIel'll1 <of ~Ir$. lIlntto, Hnn~{'~ n m .. ·mhi!r of l11e 1-:m':itern St:u· It)rl~~ :tnf' Hn~ Itt C:tiru's ordt"~l ... irl7. • .olw. W,u;: IH,hl Thul'!'lda\· .nt fll(> t!tth St. 11:Qh. Ilbl, lte.,. • .J. J. 011.,.". QlI\clatin!,;.

PEORIA, ILL.. Th!! !';t. Paul Baptist church "'R,'e a

ralr In the Imrlor" of the .-hurel,. 011 ~lolI'ln)' the ~. A. A. C, I'. furnlsh"rl the f.rn~"nllll nnt1.-r the It~.u}(+rlihijl of H. n. Ami.. 0 .. Tu('",I,,>' til« Cl\'11 HillhlS l~~:1f.fue t)rf's('ntf'fi a. prnR'ra11l. the tlr('si ... U"lIt. I"'~ :\1. Summfl'rs:. helng the printot .. Iml "f.'Ilker, TM l'<'orlll Warblers ",n,'" ,H>,'ernl :rnu~lcnl ~flt~(ltiHns on '\"edne->: .. (')n Thur~fhl~~ .rtl(l~;re· HINI Cameron ,,-tl::'< t11~ chip! '1'0"1(,, .. ' "n<l "11 FrldM', I'lu",­in~ th... :dT,air. City ,Aitornpy Roh~rt CaYanau:!h W~I:S th~ lll'in'dpal s))<'"akf"s'. On Ttu"sdny +',\·l·t,itlt!' tltu ':recumseh ('Iah h,,1<1 thi> ,.~gui:lr sitUnr; or Ih" wloi"t to'lltrnRTn .. nt. The clInlnl:( hall (If til., lit, Zion B:'Plist "hurel!' Fourth nnd Spen­''',r SI$., "'as 11"11),, " .. ""rated with ma­r"',n and blnck :Ind orllnl:''' and hinck, the PMria hiI':II alid liantmi hlldl color~. on Prl,h1.3-" Evehing. ATJrU 27. ,.,V~ oe~n­tdnn WAs n. Jeap year Jlarty wh1ch \-'-:\5 rl,j"~''''l b~' t",,"ly collll)"" of Peorln =-·ouths: nnl} mnld~ns.. )len,hers of tht;' S. :\f. "J~. ~:'l\.~ n. ten )lmlriH,... c\·eniug. APIiI :!:t. "t th~ I.'omtllunlt~' .... nl('1'. 'I'll" h:H~keth:~tI. !II('n,.Si.U hplng C'I.-)sp.d. the £:irJs at the Sl"l~hhQrhoo(l hl)nft~ bnvft or~an-1~,,11 lUi outdoor \'ollryhnll team under tll(, nir..",tl"n of "!iSH I,a Ylda Sim)l"ol!. HiglLtf\c-n ,::-irls. or two learns. p1a,," e''\'(>T'\. Stlturtlny afternoon. :ltr. ;\I1d :!ifni, It P Aut!':!' motored to Sl'rlnl!.'fie)d. m. H. R. '.r001l1 .. 8 motnr.,d to S ... rlo/l:II"ld. .At­torney Sl.llnmpn made 1\ business trill to Chlcngo. "Irs. E"a Denn ot Chnm­)lnh:n. I,res!dent of the woman' .. dpl"arl­ll1N.L nf the :'Il!s"lon"r~' convention of til., ~tl1te of JlUnnl~. nd,lres •• d tI ... :ltl9-Fi rnul".· FO\.'iel:'"' of tll~ lit. ZltJn fluTlth;(

;i~~~~r~}~l~:Z:~~~:b D~lln~J)~~~:.r d~~~itJ~~~~~; ,,"pro In Chl""go during tho p,,~t wc"k­"1It1. They uUen.led the annual spring­tilt ""'" .,r the FrOI:'S club. or which Dr. L..,wls Is II member,

JOPPA.Il:t.. I '!Ilrs • .Tosle Fl)' Is confln~d to her be<1.

lh'''' LiIllall BraUJey of Chl",,!;o sp~m . a. Iew d:lYs her" with her mother-in- , law, ::.rr5. l~ .... ura. Dl'ttdle)'. :Mrs. Ver!:!" • 'Vade Is slowlv improving. :Mra •• \<1" BI)~t1(' nnd :llrs. LuCY Heste.. "t'em Rl\turtla~' "'Ith Mr... llnry Ann Crln. of r.itOatf!. :lfrs. ~rl" Leslben 18 able 1<! be out n!l"alu lI~tEr beirut conlll1e.\ to h~r rOom fout" ,,-·p.Qk~ with n. f'J'l:l"atnect knec, He,'. A. .J. Hest»r. wlf~ ,,,,iI I1I1UI:1Itl'''. A{la Bosti<-. "Pi'nt 8\1I\(\a,' 1111 lln!o~nf~ld .. Ky .. lSn:. nuh~" (;aruwJ\U SIlent HIe week-end nt llavfleld, K,·. 1IItl'. l..aura York and ;.\lr9. '1;\':\ llntitls were the I'11""t" of :llrs. Josle Sly SUlld,,\,. Hermnn Davis WI1" It metropolis \'Islto~ Friday. The Indies' aId met at til" h('IIIp. of :II ..... KAttie Howsrd JIoml, .... C'roekpt BOoker I. ~Ick. }<' ... Ion '-;al­don Is !Sick. SUIn Jonl:ln was a. me­tropolis visitor.

GALESBURG, ILL. The r~'ldles Soclnl eluh renrltr .. l "

llfo;:ram !';unda)' for the ,lHlllUtlt of ltc-\". t!. l'"Quug.. :\tr~. ..\nnie IJ-OluTa l'etel1i'OU ip fiick. ~an(l'f· Holm~l!. Torl1 Dlckl'l'son nlld \Vi>.t ;\l\nIlPn.l 'lfe Mil· "a/estlll( from Ih" infiuenza. llrl'. ,\gn~~ Ray I" vj~ltllllr her children In Texarkana, Texag. .!-·rank T"I~r lIn<l1 MI~s Lue)' Kimbrough "I''' now, ·lywedl!. lIrs. \\'1I80n nnd h"r daughter. lillie 'ltlss :lIMle lleConnlc. are back !rom Kansna City. 310.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSEVERIE BODDIEThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Mar 23, 1929; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A7

!.:'I.~ nil"

In:.t .. , ,"btl "' ..... ~ In t te ,· ... lteUy or UI-l e-l'.:Jk N'Om wh--re th~ Wtlm~n 1>",lt thf'ir ;p.1I~ •. It l!Ii th?utlbt " .. Ut c:l(!!U" Ut' the

rn~·~lj2" 'l":'IM,..l nil! Mtne nr ~,.'ht"llttr UJl.'1t'11 Frida,)' hleh: !u'td Il)O'k "h: men Inrn CU!otfloh.· An.\ tint'.! An dl"n::~!1 ot

Tt'fTt: ""n. ~i'~ 1'tnd f"b. .. t~ ",rill 1h(' nt~!'I !'I 1:%14"11 'Mlt"i"T"': nod dfl'O!'"it~l ,t:.;O l"l'Ieh to' CtlVfY!'" tine<' I1ntl ('l'jl'ltfl.

f.tACOMi. ti.t.. ,.fr. Mlo1 "fr!'\'. Rrn ... t 1'3: .. , ,,~i'OlTn'!\"

"lrd~llJ' n~= ... !l:mlth .. tn ... t ... r<"i\ ttl ),tqn .. rnnUlh ftn SIlUtb". S"'m 3fI"f!Mltf,.r. nr ..


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSJOHN N CRAWFORDThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Apr 13, 1929; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A5

STATE .tttut~ '.fit. ll3COtnb. m •• ll.,.. :: :mil :. Rei'·. J. s.. 1>11,\,,1 .. , th1l p3Jitor.· Nnteafl;,,: p13\ea u. cll¥'"'wWo Jl!Yh.-at Jlt:l.rtlng ,n aboUt two WH'h. Sat-S ...... ,. "1ll ~ Junlur chu~h da)-.: The mwn mns _tel be 'ftUnlt'4 lu t~ enning.. 311_ ThelmA Brooks f.:U.m:U:d to ('eoria utter .,lotntllnJ;' D. w~~k at 'I~,bum. In )fun ... mouth. ),11:. anti ltl'tl. Umt UUTt~n ahd

:";a~~r; ~::~~;{ t~::~~ 1~~.~ tl~:~~ nina' with ~t3\lVC1f fwd friend#.: lltj.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Aug 31, 1929; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A7


LACHIANGE. ILL. ~Tl"'l: .. '\dfh~ '"'f ''\~JPlc or l .• os. \nl:fll"'~,

('"ai ~ 4(.~nt :t r .. ,\ (1;,\ fi " .... tl1m: b.:-r .. ~u­.,,,.; llT..e- Hi<;'l:"frd Ford ~lnd )l,Qs.t\ 'f holUn-.: )lrl!: R 11 •• lo'hn:r;;;(ln At In.H:ln~ ::lnn'ls hI ,Isltuu: hf''r .. iste~.. ~tns r_ V"rn ~n<l ;\l!-S .\. "t Rol1!n"'. )tr ""d 'lr~ H E Forti anti 1:ltIl1l, ..r lIm-·>- ;\1rtll". P... Ford and fnm'h~ ~'1"~ lil" '1i)'~J'''''f ("01""60. )Irs n H .T'''ll1 .. 11 nf Indtonnl .... U"' .. l"'d .. nrc: "'llen,hnt:: '" oU'file Qf \\:f>ek" ;at CIl-a L(.)n1;l. \\ f~ :'lr'" :luc1 )lr~ 1 .. F .... FO!"d .;:pt"nt f=ur.~":,\ \1"nlnJ: n~s n~othf'r- III Ca~3. l..oma. \\ til:' .. 'rr~ AllIhonso )fc)!urnl\ "",nl )'lll'" n~'\ \\1th h"r n!E""c". ".trot: Fr~d~'rif'"k HUI. In C',k"l''' ;:IlIf" lk"trlre (,"""It ~.s r"'''u''Jlnc1 tr6"nn b~r bfttn(" !n ""h~t'r(\no&l~ ~)1'" :tJcn '\ 1~11-tf Itt r' .. nttH k~ lndt:1n:"t ;'nt1 l:1hnt .. :... ~Jr .. \ftc) ').lrs foam l~!",n\("k 112\4\ T'~tl.rnf':1 frnm a t:"tn 10 :\t.nn"'­"f'Al\'" '1t""1 IAutR: rum" h~t:: Tetunl,..~t from I!:~ndnl~:\ ,,"'eli III lflt{>\.\ fld :,\h ... h :'ITnt r'arn ~n)nh t- w~ndm$!" h~r '\ :'l("_'t_ 1i'-"n In }llt"hl!:':ln and h~t" ~nt\ Frank ~miPl Jr •• o;~ndth= 1'(\0 v.:-~E'k" at a 1 ...... '~· <;":'1."1171 In '\\"'I~, ""n,in

LINCOLN. ILL "ft." U-.lIinz ,\'nlI<P!''' "f 111~ !"~~('n I

~ •• l"i<t t"t.uT('oh '\, In }U\,\(' \MiT n4'-,o;t ') " lIng at lht" 11(lnl(> ~{ :\11"8 ,\ 11U tnl 1>11>"" n", )t:tuc\ John~"n ~l><'nt tile '" ~k at 1111" loedqldt· of h(l" t'atht:l tv"\:. '\' H B37.P " 1,,,,,101" ..,t ~t ,£Oh"'$ '1IUT~h in l<;mns;t\d<1 l"prlngt'ieil! tntr 'Ic..Olf)f!!l "rre J)Qc"k FOTt. ',"",,!lib G()ltl~ '\1 r "ltd "II">' (1",r\". l'nnt. }1'''I''f''.' and ),tfo-1\f1," ytof;"'. "It'!; O~(\rl!e T(;,\n!'Cend. i..~~ and Joe Fn,.tt"f' "u..- £ll~"\. n:t'\i~, ~'t- r.otnT1!:l:"l .. o\rUs and Ch:-lf1' J\ol)('"rtfl 5tT~ C;t"orJ! To\\. nswnd ltr!\ .. t,na HUt. ::\1 t"S no'\: RnLlnr-on nnd )'rl' td;\. f';, en!'; ",U "n'tor "1\ StaT"H:d n~k ~m\d.n: t(\ !'.p,pnfl th(S <1 n ~T~ ).h"Ttie ,\"=,Mr~n h.,d fflT' l1p r f\lln"~t" ~4, .... t_ \\"~lln"'l!:tIH'''' ". ~II'I.r am'! WlIllaltl n~1I .. f ~hl .. ~~ ... :\ll~s ("af('ll GnlnClt: ~f>nt U1P di'"\ nt h"'T n0me In Slltln!:lId'\ I,<t !'un'l,I~' \\ tth t-r mt')th~r. :\1"'0;;; Ca.dd1e'! (lome: The cl<'le list inc1uM. L3rkm Duncan. Jnn XOU!l' , Roy Cecil and John Tal'lot' Al· len Clwlel A. :M. E. church closed ..

'lfrs Elz. ... MD~;:J~k~~n ~~~rned to her I bOnle Sun<la,' from the 110sfutal aft~r t:nd~t"J:;:ol.n.: a mUl()r opl!r.:a.tion T.tOr-\. I f;~tell. Allt~rt Gr~~r t\ In!Xt d O'l>er. l:hJnh "lattln ;tn.<l Charl~s E-tell at-1""d .... 1 n ,lance In Paris 'l'mila' :'oIl'· I !h-dnh '\'\: !1Il:tms and .. hlldren :l.T~ ~I.!t- I in". rela.U", ... In )!l.snurl ;\1I5s )InT} H!\<1ld~, of Centrnlln Is slI.",lIng 1\ few d:nJll '\\lth hfr nunt lirs .. Bent"'\ OTher ~rr' C"n"~ Grace. Rev alld ~!rs, "-al­bce 'Wilko nnd )1- :tn<1 l{rs Ollie Smull. "nil d"u!l"hte:r \nnnh-lle of DC\\"lnalnc mn.le " trip h"r" to ~ISR their I't.;t('r nlHI hother-m-b". Re. 3nd ~Ir~_ P S Dick and famlh !\trs J::.~tel13. D"de ,,~s in eme nnaU ln~t \~e.k 3rt"r <,,,,,,<11n:; a d.. .. ~ In D"m lIle. 111 Jaeo\) F.~ldl Is reco'enn!! r:1pldl} The Dan­,me \ D C I>n.ehnn bMellan team 1".t n gan .. , '0 th" ",hlte Boosters of Ih.s <It,. )11' nnd :\Irs I.!Je Boll at­t"ltue<l a family reunion in Terre Haute, 1041 f;l·ndn, Sarnud Derrickson ls s.~-r:..lm~ n rew d.'l\: ~ with hi~ hrotlu;f m To\!rr~ 11 It.H: .... Incl :\tT!; lA(!h.erl a hUl, ni~cC ot Cb:l.nl1~a{~n ,\'io"ho flU h~cn "p""lin!;" n fe'" d:ns h"-" f"tu-ned llQm<e Sund3... Th4! $te-'Wal"f:l~s~ bo:trd of " ~t )~ <;:litlrch ~!\'\ ~ n. hox f-(J( tnt

"";mrstl;t.\ ).l:.o:s '-tar, H:'tdle}* of ("4>n­tr."lJ!l 15 spcntlln~ :\, ft;\.\ th'\:o;; , .. ith her aunt :tn.l eM slUt Mrs llenr\: Olil;('ot' n.nd lI€kn Ol\> cr.

CARSONDA\.E. ILL Re" :II A. Hunter. I'~st"r of noel<

HIli n~l>ti<t chur .. ". ,,"d f.lmih' 11:1' e returu~d from :1. t\\O-tt ('ek \ nratlon in .'n.\ ~t~\ut \:lucago The church :tntl I Its rr.~nlhtr.;lup or tlbt)ut ~Ix: hundT~d RTt: l'r'Ht~ 't\r their 'P,:u:;tor nnd 11tH !lC't.:CHn .. "l,.l"""nt~ "Ild p"lnts "ill> pride II) th" t. rJ::;e -:::,rfJup of , oun$! 1'.~opl(!> ~ hot;e hi.- I \trt!'14.t h\" b({':n ~fcur(',t o\.* hlS fnl~J."Ttt'''''·1 I ,- h 1."\ int! 1 Ui h .. l fin(> ~ro\lJl of '\ (unt: ih;Qple th,,"'" hn"\~ pr()\ed Ih,..t11s"h~s \\ortll\~ of hu:; lead,pr~hl~ nnd ettt~h n'l.Onth I tile JunIor Chureh clul> led the Itst In the lIn""dnZ t~l>ort. The Junior choir I h"" "dd .. d ""st. and int .. esl 1<1 the c-hurC'h fOcr\: kes T1\.. A )f ~: church of ,,1>i,,1\ u,,'_ )!r. ,,11< .. Is l",st"r I. t,;rn~rc!f~ho :tnd th.-."o nrc mo-,;tog' ot\ to-I "",d th" .:omllleU,," of In,,11' n~" ",lIur~h lirs Cro'~ and daughter J."n of C'hlcn;::t) '" c!"4! «:ltnn~r g\le~ts of ~tr a"d 11r3 1-' n .rn~k50n '<!'$ t:orl\. Ah'ce dn_' t\,f"n Dt'-hnnr nt'~ 'l~'ttnJ! 1r\end~ in Chic. aJ!o J()l\nnie Dn.\: ld4 0n is hmne on tu.( (1unt of th~ dNlth ~r hi~ mnth(!r .. fn .. 1.~\.\ lIff Conni- Porter D:l'\ IS nt Chi .. (:tl:t) \~ 'OhHUntt ber nlotnfl.T Llttlp. ,Alli11 af\ct "'\l':ln Haml\trm (If St Louis. llu rrt '\l~tting- tlu:"tr grnndfl:l.r(nt~ )It' .. nnd )Irs John Hnmllton VrM "nit llrs \\ 1111''''1 Br!)" n or ,£:".t St 1",0\11. III "To c .. ~ th(t dlnll(!r cu<:st. .... (If ~lr unt! ltrs 1.' Hnt-tllOn .... \lnd:t:~ f';t'\t)t:!f" ,\fcCrnkf>n 0; Y ....... troft. )Ut"'h. i~ '\ 1 •• t1n~ ht!S ~'!lttif"t1:t. ::\H"'''!''~ Arnullth f. nntl l-\::\t~ ... \rm(\nlt Fnc:h ... h. ;tnjl )Its. Ollie l....n\~ ton '\~ erfl l-':n" 11J ~ ... J;;'ln; E:nturt1.n~ to'\: pnlng 'FTt"d \"\ .n""". I" 'I.ltl,,« III Chlca~o )lIss \ (,-Tl"a. H:n ~~ hns bl ~n nppflfntp.d on thl' r-,-tllt'· of the A I tuck Kch,.>l J"s<e ria'.p~ n.nd )Irs. H~n.rtnh '\"'Mt.'111 hn.\:c h~~"'n npc')( Int{ d on tlw fa(ou1t~ of Her .. rll, to" tl>!tll' bfgll .. ~II()ot at Colli 111

SPRINGFIELD. ILL_ "l raul A '1 E cburch .. Jlr~

1Y,\nng tu t"f:lebrnte h~r ber Stitb "'0· nt'\ erSl\f;j: Sf>P1. '" to ~ An ela.llomt~ Jlro~Mlm ha~ 1 etlt nrn\flh"ed l:tf'nr,,.. 8e'g~r l~Ol S ltl':t:;1 tlied f aT},... Sat urday • Jnornin~ altt: r a l'r()1on;~!.l 111· ne~~ )trfi!' )hnni-e 11 t 1thn !-it;\itt re turned Inst \,,,.1t fn>n' 1>' ""It. \Hch '\h~re she spent !'Oe\t;nd da\s \l",unt: 'n:il.l\ b~t" daughter. l.c!;he .r\t"uucki+..: :;Ltt~"'led lite ':<:1",1 session of tit" U I~ and lJ I)C.-\ In han."" City. )1" )It. lJ A H .. r~lta" rd"rnt'd trom ~t Loul­)10, ,\: here lithe ..:allcd (tn nc("( 'Unt oC the s ... rlnn::r Illnc:!Ss (t{ her oQ fit-tOr. )[r..:t Id" ;\I<.'GIII Tile unlull pltnl" held nl lIunn I,ark \\ e(ln.",IR' •• \1.11<. U """.1 ,ory 5ucc.-o!ul n/tillr. Til" Sund ') schools partlelpatln!:: "erc 5t 1':1,,1 UnIon .&1(ltI6[. "'t. J"hn .\_ :II 1::. Zl~n H"'l,Ust and Calva", llar!ls! 111,h"1> A J_ Carey, presluln;:- la.holl or tl,. FOUrth E.f.I.copal dbtnct. \\as In tll~

~it~;tJ,i~,:trl:.n()D \\.~~ \~!r~g::~t,r I£';~~ nIl! \\ alle. lillS S. 11th 51 It; hnprD' In; after !I. ~er~ serloUt! IlInes.. S~nd f\e"~ to HI>\" "lOOt'e. '''""Tter :ltrs )I"r~ Do""n Jones l~ sem.u.h III In the Ilo'plU,l ,,\\~() )lr" Dora. \Vormb Dr };'I\,lIr.1 Allon anll tamil, nr" .1.ltln!; his l>a-en!"'!, )lr nnd lIt'!! Geon;c Allen ltt' a..nd ~'rfS GBtlrge Jt'n~!:$ and t,\mil~ (\t Ta*l()t"'dU~ ,\er~ \l~HtC)r9. (If ,.tr~ nnd ::.\rr.s Uo"\d Jan~s: Suuu:t,) :'Uss f;r.ll"t; 'f.mrrl\ of Alton. Ill. ~ntl Dr 'W II "III~'\ms ,,( iSt 1,<>ul., 'lIn. ar" vl.I\<"" ~lr aml JIIrs. Ll<nil JOMS or llj!~ E

"I~~e~~;'r" BarhQur o( Chic""" ""d :.. ; art, o( frlena. ~\"'nt ~"e "eek her" '!~Itln" the ~t"te fttlr 'loun" I1"rlJ"ur 'Ras born lind rear~tI here_ lion "I ham. If Jl:'trrt~nn nr ella.: H .. O ;.)..!'csI5tJ\nt nttnrnt'\ !;t.'n~ral, \\ :H:; n ,1,,1tor to the fair ! l!<t "o.k. 1:",- Ernest Halt or Cl~\I!tand 011[0. ,\: Hi a. '\ Isitor last """,It Hon J.lnl..,3 H .. emn!;ton of Clll· eago \\as a. ,hntnr to the M:at~ ftt 1

t J Chancy antI :'1. '1l1rnfr or p.:C"lur n:ere here durin;; faIr '"eek

TAYLORVILLE. ILL. n~\' 'F1~mln", Grm: nnd ,\!{e or LUcl!.·

1i"!,I. lit. "ere tct,d.r~d .. delightful i->utl.rl~O Thutsdn\. .AUI:' ~ "ht'n 1\ n\in\~l" of th.e T\}lot'.:11h· Sc'\t"lng drde ann frl.n is from LIt,110<1<1 anti llllls. bOro .... nt In(l>ir l\nn\(" Rc'\: ("r 1V \\ft.5 "i'>."\stflr of til." T:l\lor\lll\: chttrdl nlne 0- 1" l~n~ Tl", .. {flUO\'Oln%' Ul( tn­luer!S flom Tl)lonIU~ "crt*' pr+sent )lrs_ ;\1o.r" en.! .. r :lIn .\113 flank-. )lrs Cllalln'h I.e".s ~! rs. )l,,!'!gle Eeech~:-, ~lrs 0\1,111. CUft~r. :lIn. HL."\nchc Jon~ l<:enn, tll Tinsic'\". It'f''l 1 unk:t John'llon ftnd fit;ol':!!1! .J"ne5 111'1 daugh"," \ ",.In{'01lelti I,,~ie~ Jll'eent \\crc ::\lrs :\f Rn~n(\'id :\tn; lda GI"n'<)O'. ll." Florenr<! ,\11"" )Ir.s I .. '1urtI. Crock."tt )1 rs l ... ucUJtJ r f)hn~on, :'o\rs ~13h~1 HnU, llf' ),11" l:IlI~ ~n,l '.Irs. 'll\r) E" In!; t>f Peurl" ~lrs Callie \\'"lker anti ltrs :\t~r, II'''· ... or 1I11b-1 (rl> Thu I"" n socl .1.. J:h tn n t lbc l\OJllf"$ of ltrJ:t ... ).t!\l!t!le Ift"~rhpr :tnd )tr!lt n G H\lChf:~ "\\:(ot".~ tllutt "U( c~ ... sful .. \ \\elner rf\::\ .. t ,'\ ts y!h(>t1 it the llOm~ I·f :\11'<: l"r,·d SL:ott TUt )ttl l~ .Au..!' ~Q l .. ~'. T ;\{ J\l.I~. Im"t(>r or the r.""t ~l I. "hurch nt "hlt~rh'\'lll"lo 111 _ pren.chcd for Hel. Tm~lcy SunfJrl\ m(lrnm~ )trs ~t:ttle T\,omns of r:'d\\:atd.,\ tlie. ill., \\'I\S n. '\\\:flt~p.nd gU{'9t of n~\ tnd ~trE; ),t:\r<~. Tlnsl~' )h~s '\1ary Hft~s o{ HlU.l>oro Js Ih" I:,,~.t of ~Irs ;\ln~ c.'\r­Icr 1'1" .... 1 !':mllll <'I! ).It .. hll.,1.1 \\.IS the "t'ek ~n(l J:1,l(!!;t of deorg'" .T on4\'S of thiA <It)' "If" \rlr!'11 B \Ilk. :tnd sons ll",e return.-,l llO'n~ front 4. '\; ISlt in Tt nncs" fee :\tls! 'Una :\l:\~nn is ,jc:hu::.J.! In f"hlcnc.o llb.f~!:t'::: l.xah nnnks nn(i Naomi Uank;:: 'Wt:TC! \bJ1t()r~ in St f,.o\1i~~ ~tr" C .,; lIolllln<i bl'Pnt tl.o \\pek­~nd In' Chkago 'Ir~ II trl, ~1c\'l:thl nnd ).tt"c:. Ca.rt.~r .irc l'l):\kln= nil extenMd , In the Ens! Jflltn Uank>< Jr !~ hQ-rn~ :t!tC"'t" ~)~t\dlnJ!: ll\~ ,\:~1( a.tlon In 1,ltchllel.l Dr.. I ~ ford CO,rhf :tllll J.-"\W!I!oi)n hl\.'\ e bef'll d(,lln~ n .... hlcrah\:c llustn(''"'!; In thl!;, ~lt)'~ Dr I !'\t't~r hu'" or('n~d n. chlroptltlh1l onit..:(" Ptt!n~(!! c .,\1 tlle 1"1!})<Irl.('"t' :at r.4:J or notlf" t.(>-or;:j .1on"R Jr. H thcn~ is nn, nt \.\!4; lOU "Ish ~cnt t" 'l:h~ Chlc3Su D"fen.Jer

COULTERVILLE, ILL }Jn~(>lil P ') ne and llr nod :\\r< \m"~

"""UhafH!? Hlotor~ to SIMTt;\ Ins.t ~Ul\­d;r\l an(i t-lh nt the da't H::\t'tl~:): ~ltllth ,,\:.'no tf; !'tc:-k. l!t lttlh:n l~tt~t' at thas "ntinlf l .. Ul"" AUstin \\ f\N n p~S"'t~nJ!","r

KEWANEE ILL t .. f:J)llt1n Inst "'''\tlnb,. \lh!!1"1 {'o' \1\ Th~ U,.th~1 A ;:\1 1:: (hurt h hi"M th, l\tTl"'f"(\ hC!'TO lns-t '" tpk from lhdut: ttl

:"'urth t1UnT1"'f'h t.:'\lnr~ren('e Sunda,·. to '\isit his fatht?t Ih:rl ~o~tl\: l·t!t~ Au.': 17 The !:i>nnoY! "J~ pr(\tich~d b~ Qlmall l~fl 1 \st "i\oek H Ht..,ld Pa\:n{ll n" ""ld",11 nr M01ml0ulh 1JI The nnll :-:Inl\. Prl~¢ "'''t''f.1I t.. n"n~, Ill~ (ial('-.... lJ\lr~ rhotr Tolfndt<red the music laSt '\~i:dni'Sda~ l-:Itl1cr Smith nn.l \-\lfi" ~tr .. n.n,l )'irs F1"\'\d Curt,dght :tnr1 fa.m- ()f l;:nst ~t. L()ui~ tnvtor .. d llire ):\<.:t

Ih nTl" :'.Ir nnd llr. !l Crn"e" ~nd \\'~dM'Il:"" 1"",,- Bill J01les ""I "If~ ..:fln p~, mond or Canton 11J !Jt'f'nl (~l1t~J Jnot.orrd to fi.)u\rt:t last \\ e,ln#s. S:und:l'\ • u\ l',,~nn,.f' !.tr :\n.d )tr< 4a>*. l1.arold rHlrdu n.n41 ltl""" "aulm,· ("'\lrt\~rf;:-ht nnd ramih "\I!ttt~tl nt Ule r",09S a.e<,vrnl,anlcd Ib~Ul \\i1he ",,\n­h"",,, of ).!r lind ~I"" (,h"rl .. - RUm- deyson of Spart!\. \ 1<1((>d I",re la~t "Hk phrt'\ "it" .ntul ::\lrF Ct":\"~s :lnu «:eon )~t"S' JunH~ C trnc ...... retl1l"n~t1 h~)m~ hlst '!.:tltit1#'rt '\:11h )lr.t Grn\:eF""'r ;)tM' I '\ ~f-k aft .... r:\n .h~, nl~ t)C !o(~'~rH1 '\"'elc~ f"hrdl"'" llrn\'\n of l~ nrh \~. ::\lr llnd l:,hUc: Orr (,tttUt u1)\\:n from r l4tt ~t :'ttre "~rmH" nnd m(\tl1~r ~lr,. G('old~n l,.ouJS b~t ".-ek t ... ,.:t l'l indennh~h4 ."nd <nil Unroll) ~h{'rt('l" nlntot'('od ffon'll 10\ .. ;1. llul l(1h~$1 _.\Uh,,)~ '\"tlUnl1l';. :\I~ "''''hk;u:n f=lln(l,,\~ anli nre th/'- J:l14"'c:;t~ of ":ot;:e:1 '\~ tlH 1l\}iCt '\Hc'll 1"'ul1Unc !tOtooS 'lr Ol" t ~1r1' r:rnp-~t Tln1,p.~ j}! 11; .... :\· 11. c:t I :tnd Hnruld Hartl, ... til took in lhp. f 1ir ,"'flplI '''';otios rn(\V~:r" J h~r'" frt'\rn ·C.... at ~)l:U·t 1 l:lst ,\\:1>* 1,- Jot trnhl Pn, l\t~ .t'nd ti1":\nc:,p- III ;'" \i'qt his liat"t:u:. ... "1tr lr~n'} l"hl\1l!l~s \u;it~d th __ • f~ll%,,:lt ::;parta ~nJ ~lr~ Cd..-) ""':'ttt.. Ctlldl(lo Rru\!,; n r.! ~t Lvul", (';1,n,,,, h\': and -- I had befln fJ.l.( r t() the Sparta (:Hr ;lrul

BLOOMINGTON ILL "I'rnt "t.", ... tim .. "it" hom" (olk. ll~ ')tl"~ t\nd ~h!':; ("'link ~t""~n~ ).tr and ,. as en tout'" l)()t\le '" ~ff'~ ~Unni,.. Pn'!f\flo

llrf' Frank O~1'Inrtl: ... nnlt "-:1rrfn ~r"OT·' I ~ppnt 1\.\,; fl t' '" itt Sp \rta. :tttt"ndfl1&' tll(! n" chh~~1l: n'(')trtrf'cl '\(\"" Sntu..-da,\ 1., fair and \' i"::Ulft(;'

d:.",.t;o~·l:~~t;,,:,,\~. f;!~~~"11 ');.,,'::" It'i,t I MONMOUTH, ILL

~~~rh~~t~~Sl';t'i~~~~:"Ir:~~ 1r; s "i.~\,~~81 M ~;':C~;,ITiI~~~~.:ih*h::~~~~~t t'i'ir h~:~d l~a. Her"l..,.,.,," "Ir l"nd :Itt. ';"n1U~! :ltrs. ll:11l'1" Wallaca ha"e pureltu&~d a 1"1<lnn .. r r~lurMd heme from" plNu'nnt new Pontine .1" ;\!r n"'J ~Ir< J F. \1~lt "Ith hl~ hroth~r, Jim F-klnn.,., and I Croft an.d )'Ir, and )'h. L:r."r .. n~ .. l'~~' '\ If,. t.AIi"" f!C ).teCrt'nn ... !om,"'t'" l"f"{- ton mnttlTed tt. Iio\\:1inl fJr@~n K\. dint ,,{ 'Bl"~mlnl;t"n n,,'" of :\Unn~~l'. ,md "'Ill "Is<> ",0 to In·l1nn"""II .. ".f()T~ nl1~ hrQucht his: "If$' and 1\\:('1 dnu$;"h- th('\ re-tnrn nt..... nTH! :\Jr~. 1<. J t .... r!l' to "~lt hu. ,:o;.1c::tf'>t ~tr... Flo"~n("~ I S'ddall And l-t't' .. lnd ~t~ J T l'~"pte:!I!: f;"(,l"jt :\tr!!; ('!{>l'trurle Pi'Ji;UIJ'S ""'hit..' Ilntl antI son .Tun(or motnrt!(t tn GaI ... shurf! .t:u.U!hh"-t' J~,,·htne hf\\:e f\"h~d nt :\ITfI :Pc-Ol'J~s :ttlftcnreti ~ n th~ r r-Ogr:tm nh",,, fr"lll thr hllS!)lt"1. T>r "hlton at A )1. E ebureh In "relldlng Jun­f';:tnc:c;f'P fPiuOlt.:d tn u, ... I"h, 'Frldr"li 1('1:f' ~a'\'e ft. l,ta"o belcetion Oth("r!o; from

~:~rn~l~rl~~ 'l~~~r~tt'~,eA~~;n~e~p~~: ~~~l:nm;.~~~ -R~~ !~dk~:}"tJoC t~:.b~~~~ #'('0[,". l .. it1<.:'~ln B~ num if;:: ~tn1 (.:onfinbt') to :ond tlu. U' rh~ir. II Il "'*:'Ili:lce Rntl h.$ hl~ hp«] Thb Uffall' tof th~ .. -\mpt"l<"':tn !"mill nr('}l" "{ra A ha.1t1. .... t dinner \\:,,~ 1.<''::lf/n F"rtdrn nlF:ht. ~il '-hlltr park was ;:h.:en ftt ~.\l'\:ar\: €':l\\lrch Sun a prc,nounced .u~ce.. llra. Ka.therln!> da)·. P.ev. Siddall and 1!4~el'l\t of IllS StearIc:; Is stUl In Chicago, ,lIhere ISho members attendtd qlllU'terly m~t1n£ 111

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 2, 1929; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


In!;' lind l,r<'lmrlng the l'ar5onngu Cor l'aslur Hard .. and Ilunilr. lI;ho ,~erc .IS­!;Ignt!tt to 1(ockforll at the la~t COil-ference. )lrs • .l.aUnL LoWer)" It\iuher o(

!'>frs. )fnry IJarrl!l, Loulll Sims. Jo- 3Ir". I.HUan O .. zn. ~'Ii!led 1\\~I1Y last $>6\111 Croo:llllltnd, J. :BlIlI"r. !It·. and !\Ir!'. \\eek :11".1 ~as burled from Pilgrim Rest ,,', H ,-\lIderson motored to Cham- o.:hurch. He,', \V • .R.. Jackson ,.algn " • .,.lnt".!\dny, Oct. 1& to nUen,1 tho llfl!, .I::1b. Harrl", _ entertained the ACt"r­the 3:d nnnh'ers"ry of Debor.'lh chnl'- noOIl:Art clul! F rid;!.\' "(Iernoon, The ..... "'I' "r o. g. ~. CI\'\c nnd SUc'lLt dUll. h .. ld .t hu!'ln"""

Home Stark J;ll"C a par-I)' Frlll:l,'\IlIt'.·tlllll' ut 1I""k<1r \\ :II;hlll!;ton eCllh'r ~"elllnj:\' r Oct 18 In bOllOr Q( llr anil 'l'II""lluy e\,,,"II1~, 'l'he Uu~)' Ueo Art )ITS. Jack ynrl.orouCh, 3::4 Eo ~Iridh<on dub. l1l"s Jnnt')! Sea)', iloste»."l. ruel :It St. Those pr-e>lent \\ere lll:'. nnd !l11'I4. the center ThuT$da)' e\enlng, Th" 1). ClOYd. !'>1r. :tnt! :\tl'll. St.'lnt~y Cloyd, Booker \ .... ashlnltl."n 011'1 ilet1enes. Lu-!III'. and 'llr-!'. Van llcDOugal, lim !lla.:- ~il~h;~~~;llcl;~:~ ;~~~'tOft~~I~ r::t. t~~~~: gle JackSOn, Bert llurl L" 111\11 llr, I Th S 11 Sims. .A two-courlle }Ullc!lenn "as tl"nts Thllrsdll,) \>,,,n ns;. eOI'II 1\

So!md. A 'Very dellghtM e~enlnJi "'IUI i~~~ Pfi~e"ni~d~~e,\~e~i':~, ~It:ro't:"~~ SI'~~f;ert Petti lord left for ChlCll';o Frl- :!G )011111: 1I1en. J. it. FaIrley. I\lh l4er.

held tbeir IIIft.HIIlS: ,tt the center 011 dnl';' F, Cnutrell :md !Ills" Katie R. We.ln"".lay nlJ:ht. Eldrldgo Ollbert 18 Chlitl,·~~" \\ere \,ulllllel<l5 "lsHors In Ur- !'I;~i~~I:i:~~~: tO~I~n~I~~rr:~u~~eti~c 11;~~7r::' ba,1) .. l}nIFt·er~dn,'l'r'·urller. ;\11511 ""ul~ lIudlion Curtis Hobln"on nl1l1 Harry Tn.)' ,Ud

, '" - ""me U'l' dnllcillJ:'. /::,I\>nrd Gorulll an.l :tn.\ llr$ :'Iad:;e Rockhot.i Inlltored to "mnlt (;l":\lIt fUT'nil,hed \IIano nlllllhers. Chl('l\j;o Frhlay e\'enlng til attend the l"enn .. lh 8n".lel'lI ga\·., :tn 01'11;1111\1 I'oem \\'llher!orce-Tuskege" football galne. and BIllieI' lIo\\den tol<l Incld'lnt!l or his While In Chlcl'JI(O they "Iiere S\lIll'ltll of nip to En,:lnnd __ !th the Scouts. 11111'11 )11"" Ele:U!l! On vis. Oa)·nor. Curtis Ilohltl!;on 1\nd Fran I ••

"fl'. :tll.l llr5. "<m lJ. Dpl'lcr, Dr. IIntl !lUClal comlnlll('c. c.Ol'Iked an,l 5er\'c<l rl!' :\trs .\ L. Fra'lller :lml ;\tr, nnd "1m. £reShnll'IIl><. !II 1'8, C. H. Gorum. :\11;;" :r= • .1, JfnlflH'rB "erv In Chkllj:\'o :$lIt- Gerllldine llorum. !llrs. lrllM HnrrlS IUIII urdlLY to ""Itness the \VUberforce- )It'!! S. ite,·"lIs returue<J Illst week Crom Tu"ker;('e {""th~1I ~me. .m autolllobile tril' to SI.rlnglldd antI

!III'S I': II. Hllltltlton nntl 'Iaughter'.st Louis ;\ Illtllo\\'een I'arty III llI:mche, left Sun.lny 1I\0'Ml\1I~ tor ChI- ch3rge of 'tlle - Dook"r Washington Girl t:'ag.. for '" vl!!lt \~Ith rolath'cs and Helll'l"\'es ,,'1lI bit ~hen Ilt the Y. \\'. f:(emls. C A gym OCt .!!J for the DUlIear.


on W. Berrien St. The L'ullell or Fort Dlak"l.. circle or a, A. IL. g:L\'O lhelr luncheon ut lIrH. 3101110 Crews', S. \\'Cllt ~t, lh'll. l'eterlJolI of the tie ll\llnl h;\ll returned from ],'rnnkson, Tex., where 81m ~ hdted Iter sister, ){f!!, C.ltherlne \\'hom :Mrs. l'eten;on blld not lIeen for 30 :!'e::trs. All 011 sto"e was tit" C:1IU;(: .. ( :l tire at tho home of :\[1', and RlI-1101\.1\ L}'ons Thllrsdnv nlornlll~. ne"' • t. ,M"I':lInl!! '\:111 In tho clh' Tues'\n)". Tb() .\s l"lIU l.!ke It club 1t.'\(1 their IInullltl Hullnween .. Jo'rhln" o"enln;:, at the bomo or )Irs Anna )Jell, 'POll­ron chapter :';0. IS, O. Eo S., ,;a~e tbelr nnnuni Halloween t'lIlennlllm"nt },'rl<l.I)· oHmln!: in their hnll. )11', and .Mrs. Juhn ,,'elcolllo announoo tho marrlalCe of their Ita lighter. ll<>rlll Jenllltt to John Bradshaw oC l'eorln. the I<on 0' Hev. John llr:ulHhnw of IInnnlhnl, :110. )IM!. ;\Iollle Crlm' Willi iIIuner ~Ul!st :ltOIll};L;)' .. r ~tr 1\111\ :\In;, Ell Fisher. :\lr. and ;\frs. Burt "':H.hlngton ot l'eorln. \\er@ In tile cit.' fillnd.,~. ;\t1'll. Jesllie TInsley ""l' In Peoria Thur:ldn" on hushlellll ;\Irs. H:tzt!l RnmsE'''' nnd dall~hter, Otenl, ~lfI\. EUn \\'oods of Ch'c:t~o "pent Frldny with their aunt, "Irs, Jhh:mn I 1~letcbel', l{r!!. Wltllcm an.1 .roe J.o'le1<l>. ma.le Ul' the I'ar~·. :\llss 1>n1l1-In.:. (;u" .. hcrf:\' entertnlnclt nt a Wiener roosl "'{:.lne8iln~· e~elllnJl(, ;\tl'1l. .\d.\le G.,rnett ill vl"ltlnj: In Cllk:ngo. llrl'l. Eliza Skinner hns returw'd from Rock 1 .. la1ll1 :Mrs. 7.lnk of Hltlbur, 01110, srent Il few tla,'s \\!tlt her ulece. ;\Irli. .\1In.'l SlIoots. IJoorl:'e Wise hI\." been remo\!!'1 to his hOllllt from St. ;\Iar)'u hospltnl, ltrl< Alina Darber Is botter. 'Tllomas '''ntens 51', IRon the I'lck IIlIt. The H~e Ilh'e cluh lIlet 'I'uesd.\\,. e~e­I\lna.-: ,,!th ::\Ira. Ilhwkwe\l. 1t.l1)lllun.t I ~~Jl~i:~lqf>~~(li?;~"~~:::;f';llll~I':::S 1'o'lE\!:: I y, l:o\<)lI\ou. Tel. ~:;~O mue,

)Je~r" ~J'e!ld, J)"Bo". Hcmmjn~"a" :wd :\U"" 'I'"qor ntt.,nd"d tbe bnmkf,l~l !:1;.lu .... lll~ ghdl b~' the Council of Club:; ,It Altnn In l:nlon Bntlth't church. :ll!.ry :r1<t<:her, "irll, Eula Kines nll,l ~t"", l.ucy '\'~1I" :Ire Impru\'lng. Jobnnlo K"J;'lar. ~ .1. Jll"kJloU nnd ,:\1 ... ". Sar-Ill Jnckson nre Ill. Ho\·. 3'. E. Reddick llnd Ill!! I,rltle \\'111 bt> ttt tllo IlIlrsoU«S" aft"r uct. !!'i'. C,III GO.; J~ff"J'~on St. lor the l'cf('nder. lluasell DeBow, :l>lrs. H~ul-1·l'rl;' dll'd Oct.:O S"nll zal1 newII for 'I'1t... ("bl".IIt,. Defend\!\" t'l .:'oX"" Blltll" UteUow. roO\; Je1t'ersull St.. route 3.

J:~5"'~ '~"Icm:tll :'1Iltl n....,k.·r W:I-hlnlt­toll Junior trlnn;;I"" 1t. fare\\ell litu~ \\ Ith 1.ll'nl\· or cat:l ","It" 1':1\ en nt the ""c.! .. ' e~ni~t' for A. Tlld<~r. ,\ Ito lut" &one to Chlea!;o t .. ,\ork as cook In Il large 11051.\1111. nt thl' !;(X;lal center SM· urdnv I\I~ht \.1\' the U, U. O. O. "". )11' EAST MOLINE. 1l.I.., Tuelier ""a,; prel'enhHI "Ilh II. KUt I\S :. )\n> :>.1.trlhn ,::\ll1:\nll hCl!,.mC Ih!! hride

CENTRALIA, ILL. ::\1rs. Susie Saunders "<'nt to Chi,'ar:;o

t\ It It Itt I' daught"r, ')Irg. hln. f'rnncill

Il:~. J~'!i~r~;ll~('~o?~~~I!~'t n~ih:~~r 1:'lh,,1 cburch. ual' .su{'cesaCut. ~Irll. l:lI"",beth Allnln!! turned In the moM Il'''n,·}· nnu n:cehed tlrst prIze. )Inl. 1~Ql<i" ThomJl;'<>n \<on lSe .... nd. Tll!!.Ln­,Ues AIr! {or nethel Hal.U"t <'hurl;lI met ,"til ;\11'11. 1 ... "nl" Grv,olll. )Ir". Dillito "'''Iust.'" \ton fir!<l prlz~ In the g, ... ))e ,·c.nto'Nt nnd lIn<. lfnr~' Br.IJC:toll se<:'ond IkiresJim"m'" \\tl'\! ... ertf!<l. Uenry <:ald­\\eJ: I('rt for ~~hlcng .. to 'isil. relatl~('s .~nd [1'1 ...... " .;Ilrs. )Ian;nret I.cake is "Iek. Ell '\':tlk.·r of Chle.,!;,o sJlCnt Sun­da,' Iler~ d"It'"~ bls dau.:ht(!r. )Inhel nn,l AUtl!ntll. \\'11lker, Rubert Stao:ker Ism,

token oC Ute "IFIt rell'ard III \\ IIlell be IIf )tr .)Iatthe\\" Oct, ~l at Cnmbrtd::11 \\I\S held h)' hlH 1ol'oth"r Od.1 ],'{'llo"5. 'l·h.., Iorld:tl I>:trt... cOII"I"te,1 oC the

Jnfues Cnrler or "urorn Mltl 'S. T hrllle'" daulthtt!r, ~In,l \\'hlte; n hrotl!­Trutter or Chlcn~o 1'11Nlt Sund.l), with er alltl 1I1~ \\\Ce. llr. !lud )Ir!l. ThUlU:t1l Re,', and "'Irs. H. }<'. Dorl". IIlId rntrl,,\;;. lind II. cou>lln, !III'''. Lewis :\Cnr C R, G",'UIU entert.tllled Ilt .t Strntlth"r. Th ... }· motored tn. Ke"ltnee. illl'!io"" ... ;m I'arly. )fr. nlld )11''' J. n \\here 111('\' hnd ,1lnllO)r at lIl!! hon.e of I·'alrle'·, dall~ht('rl< Ha~ .. and 'r.ugenc IIn1l11l .. r l,rnther luul hili \\ICe, ~rr, nnd "'Ull,.mfl wcru BllIonj( tho~e l\ho 1lI1). ;\Irt!. Georg\.' 1' •• trl('k. The dedlclltion I .... leu. t(> Cb1cR11:O {ur the gam". '\'" II", f\{ Ibe rummunlt\· .... nter ''':lll heM Frl­\l erc born tn ;\1,.., 1lIl<1 llrs 9· Jep:('r~oll cl",·. ~Irl! ltenr~' V. Coenll /'It l:!tll 8t. "t St. Anthull.' II hOI' 1'1'1(111), )Ir~ Is '1<:ltitlj: hel' mother in :\(.ulrell, 311'. Arlntha. ~Iher I,. 111. I :m.1 ~It~ •• \Ilt!cr"'m h., ... c 1II11\'",1 to their

JOL J-ET ILL 11\»\' hume (In F(lurlll .\\,>. lIT'". 1"1' ... 1 , .' c:: rrOu;;lali!" I,. .. Iek. ~IM' I':I .. n ,\\"nlk .. r,

~frs Ruth ]l"at vC ~. Chil'ngo . ~ I' llrs Jll!IlIlIn J()lIllSOn allil I!oscoe John- , \\ IIh irl .. n"" nnd ri'l.ul\('s. c"lttbr •• h I I SOn arc ~l('k 1 her :!'th blrthda}' ~ulldlt), Oct. :!l'.". • __ «~ .. rrle Itlf») d ur Chlellgo. ,,1'Iler oC ~In; TORONTO, OHIO Real. ".tiS Itre.;:, nt. llr Mid :'\Jrs. 1. A " • Ro!'8 T"lunu~d (rom Tel''''' R('v. :\\1'. T~"\"~'er \\ Inefor.l 1'. Slwnnan <If Fc.!:tlmun Is ,,11'1:. l1~ .l-:uiutll. CQlllmn Steu!" 11\ Ill.· /: Ile all IlIk","slluJ: I .. dllr~ I I~ home from the h<)~I'Il,11. I~ .. \. \\'11- .It :I'm!! 11<,",lst • hurdl Itt th~ n 1. \lam l:lab~r \\flS mll>.;,l front nro,,!,'~ P. ti. SUI!,la-;. !te\'o H. II ,S,,\\\!\1 0.( I d'lwel ~nd hus gOlle III :\I.ullson. \\ Is 1~l)ulse. \\. ',I, Immcht'd \\ etlne"dIlJ. I ltc" Mr E\nn" Itt }II" lIuc\."ellSQr. 1t. Re", Hutdlln"on Ilf the ;\Iethodlst 1.lnk t~n. \\,." ghen at ;\it, Olhe church chufch.,( Steuh.'unlle nnd hili cOI1~re-I' Drllck 81111111 Is Imlll'm'llIf,:', J:I(lloird gat/on t\ III I.e here Suwl,,,, to !tell' "lilt Johnson or Chicago "slte.l his parent.... .l mlh' 'Til .. ,· c"'me :tf the request or lfr. and :.'Ifrs. ReruM·II,ll>hnson. .Ur nnd :,\Jr~ ,\nnle 1101hn". 'The trustt'es an,1 'oIl''' Ilt!'rnard Jobl\,.on molore,1 io ,le.II'IIJ1s i'lItt'flnlnec1 at Ihe !lonle of I

EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL hloOmlngton Dnptift church cone"rt n"I .. ·rt .!'llnne j.;nlurol:ty for the loul1"lnl: ;)fr" J;mlllallne Holme,; and lfr. Ran- \\ntl n. sueec~!I. :\11"$. CClrdle narg"t' re' fnn.!. "line. "'hlth"'ld and he. Glee club i

klnl' \\"re u·arrle.1 thl" \\~k. ltr. nltd IlIl'ned from n m"U:'r trh. It) ~1.rlngR .. ld shl!:er.J fir Jo:a .. t J,h'er(mu' "nt.·rl.lln~,1 l'rs. i'lIn;r h.1l1 :t,> their ):U"st tb,>!r ,,'U. )1:-5, Carollue It .. zh,r or Chlc,.!.:o :till! at til., T""t,t church O):E' ~!l. sin, Sldn~y l' .. rr~·, of Telluc!<sef.', H!l nt· :\11''' Clsln \\'''1'''' til .. ~Uttsts of .)Ir.:. Id.t He,' \\O{\,t ... OIl. I'astor. O.·t..:, the 'l~~:: :~rt};);~. l~~1'lroom~er~: ~Ichols 'of )tornill{:.lnle, Yt~;~~ .. ~I!'~~Hlih.~ ~~i\~~le11~'~ t~e Ift~i~~ lla\ i .. llanaler Ihlu' :lu,1 }'3.'11In" K .. , es DUQUOIN. ILL, mlly herE' to ral".., mOlle)' fOr chanty.' t"otM· .. d ,,1111 :Ill"" l'attie l-'owl~r to St. nnrn' "',11.:111\11 of J;lk~lll(' ua!l !lerl- llr". J~llIltm. nice of 'Pnducnl, K\' ,,!to I.<uls to nttend tile 1IICht juhll·!.:. bon· 1Iu, .. i). Injured ;\Ionday ,>l·.Nltll: "lIen he \I!;/ted h.'r nicce, l[r". H:u;<, I Griffin o( I ~~!~~" 1dh.a~;o.~~sJr:'I~~d'.!iIlPSuc~~~ar~·h~,nt'I~~~: III"t control of his car anti rnn InlO n Buffalo, 'S. )'., 1& noll' ,MUng her I

~ ~ .. ,r .... 1I1':ht post on )Inln St Ill> escnl'ed hrotloer. Jlle ~l:u\~el\ or 50S ,.. 'FIrth s:mm \~1I" rendered. WIIII:tm .Bel 'lid' and \ll'h It fE'.W' mln')r InJ:zrle", )trs. ::1111- St, Sh ... ,~111 le:l\e :;nlurd:t..... Shp. I,. I Bahy ~"all' are conl-al""clng at St. tired Fr:I7:I"'1' was mar. it'd In A.lollll\ :tl.''''/'Iml>lluled 1", her nlec('. llrll :r:uzn-I ll3.Q·s IIOJ'Vl t:"" Thomas nr this cit'·, )Irs. .lant~s CIM', I'eth. ;\tcC:lInpbell, and bab) of l'adu-

SVCA&'O"S:, ILL. W' Poplar St .. 'was bitten by II:. slna'k" cnh, I T ... n The effect" of tht! polson hl\\e mal e her -- I

The IItll .. band or 1Il1!;~lou;lrles hAd ilL :'\It's. S3r.'1h Lo~e has r<"turn~d from COLP. I L.L PTa)!!. nl<'etonl:; "'Itb 51"Ier Brldge\\, .. - the SOl,th. "'h,,re -110 lOpent the Inth'r :Ur amI l1rl' If. l". ,,'ebtl :tn,l !lrt''' I ters :'fol'ldny night. \\'hen they leCt llnrt or the summer. )Irs. il~s>l!lflleh~- f':,' .. rge "'0)1>10 Illotor<,d to Centralln !:un­she fell much b;>uer. James Orr :md .1'rry. ,110 ·,a .. nn~ II. re"ltlent" \ s ,1.1\' to nIlAnd the Installation ot J{j!\'. ;\Irs. \'Iola. Hrldge\\aters of L~trolt d,,· "·l~. 10 .. I"illnl!' frIend .. h'!re. 1:6 .... 1I,: n:r •. Braxtou In his ne,,· ,hur<'h. TIl' !ted l\r and )trl'. S ... ott Brldge\\,l'IterF. T. "PUllum ... \\hn hns been S~b. 1m. "lm'" tuurnallll'lIt heM Ilt H, 'T. n. !" I )11'. and )Irs "lon7:o Johnson and nIece. retu\ne~l le the ell}", \\'(';1nf'su"", nl::1tt \IllS t'On h)' the fresh'l • .\nOa .1en'erl~l>. motored to Ho('kfortl M-AL ILL • 1 111 In cl.I"s .lllsl: lUra. I.nn". Is \ ,,," In;:' ltnt. )tllry Carthen or Denton BartoOr NOR.. "II'. :In,l lIt'S. J.n~'l W.'hb, Quenti.l \h;lted he. sisters. )tr~. Sims :lnd !\lrl' Th~ homil comln!;' part,· .:!\'en Fllrln)' Green I" b~!!er. lirs. J01mep; Wright is I Leora )loore. llf', :>'Iotle~·. ~ho has Inenln~. Ocl lQ. at the home ot )11'. IE'Tl !lkk. lIe\' D 1... Tlrn)(ton lUlu "Ire been '\'Isltlnl: ber daUl;hter, "fn;. Arder And Mrs Fllm(>re H{'ndley 1).. tit!! :lnt' :\11''', F.lIzaheth Allams WlN here, I Simll. nnd )tr!'!. 1.eora .Moore. left f()r "Cl>lIeglate Tens." coeds of illinoIs dinner guesls of 3!r and .lfrs. A. I •• I ~,tlllnllh, omROe"~rtH\u\.mlnt~~:~, !.aesnn·i·nltDo~kd~fb· State Xormal unl"er!IIty was :l.n out- UnbltlAAII. )11"11, t:mma Allen Is imptn\,. • , "" "v-,," ~ iU standl.tur affair. The hailS!! l\-a!; decnr- In/:,. ~r. Dun"nn an,1 \\'Ullam Itolllnson. I Sllturday. !ltrs. E~3. Cald\\ell, mother :ued In the \tnlverslty colors, re.t and IJltRt master or lto'al ~Ing 1t)/fS'e 'So. S3. I aron!,b~'ltshlteerd' Ahlebtrer\~ulnodn:~o. m~fYssOflrAenue- 'It'hlte, Fifty couple" ""Pre pre!<ent 1\1\11 ~\ ere representnth es I.. l'rlno:!e 1l.lll

.ft , ;::. __ ... u~ the e"enln!:, "'II!' spent In dlln('ln~ nnd f;m.nd lodge, F, and A. If.. at Carbon· I ALUnkd!~ounb·llt)ofrrs·\\.!lhleal1gt"'-le _l!.r~bbha.rer~ ;_nt~ carll ptnylnr:. after which refreshments, dille. lll.s~ Hope J. Dunmore. most nn- ,

G ., on "" G .~ .,.. - CI!.rr.'ing out' the color I'('heme, were dent &mnlt matrnn of )Iost Ancient,

«Ialnt)· reCresllmllnls lIerved. ~trs. F.Jlen 1'1I01\lP50n of 2;111 St. I. sick nnd hus bpen tnken tu St.. "(lIrY'1I Inflrmllry, '1'h" Women's Guild of 51. :lUebael's Epl.­c',pal churcll entertal .. ed Tuclldny eve­ning at. tbe rector)". )11'8, Lottie Holden lett )lon(la~' e\enllllt for Toledo, Ohio. :\11"8 Info:!: Thomall left ~r(tnlht)· tor In­dlan:ulCl\s. IntI.. to accef't 1\ po!lldon as IIOI.kke'·I,,,r Bnd fltel'lf)l';nll,her. )frlJ. L)clilL 1IIae Jackson oC 23d SL I~ on the sick list.

r.tO\lI.lrg \\ ilb :\I. 1... lUd:ens, Re\,. Un,,­tleld III llll"tor ot the A. ll, E. churc!!

f: h~l~ J;~:.rny ~~nti~:r~a.:.'::~I:l;kw~ ~hllrl!h. J. D, Iill.wklM Is ilL I':hartelO i'nrker l.s lIi-.:\c. ;\tN.. Dertha. nllfnl I" IUl1trovin~, llr. nnd llrs, otto /tulI!lell :tr:d dnllgilh:r ~otlnn "pent Sundn.~ In ·.ful;Ct,la, Elllnh llaln"!lI nn 1 l.u.'a Es­tl)l1 lI:ft Inst w~k tor Sl Loali. Tlnsie I1urnette ot m ....... mlnll'ton Itllellt ,\bnrl:>;-' with ;\[I£s Zehlln V<l:rrlckllon. :o.hss HeI· I'n OINer lta~Q II. Halloween Tlnrt}· "'1'1-,In}'. Tbo .. e "re~~nt ""ere ltr. nnd )lr.,j. \V •• lter l'OIndl'ltt~r, :\11', :tOIl lll'l'. t;:lr. "c n P.o·.lllOn or 1,lma, ~tr". lIarr'l.'tl H:mluc. Mis" Ont Urecr. :\Iao:ard l:nh­\:mn, "·Inft.'d Oll~cl', nert ll .. nr~. Ar­thur Ltl\u'~', .\I\,ert Ol'eer, Charles 1::5-tdl and Cn!1rles OUve:",

SPAR'TA, ILL, F'lsler DOh" l.rt t.,:, C"Il' /':llill lInn­

C •• \·. It>!,·. u. lI"n.l<·r" .. " flC\ C'lll' lIlIelt lhe pull'll :It ",'re" lloll'Ust "hUro:u StIlulay. RIl\,. 1:'. n. J.o'runcll "ttend' ,I the flmeral o( lte'. l'anll.,'\ In Coulter­~Illc Sunda", Gllbl'rt Unlrets. te.\ch.r In Coulten Ille llulllll: !lehool, \M!t here ~nturdn.... ne'. SmIth of )letrol",lIs hllet! ui.. plIll'lt at Ne\" UOJhl Uaplist clmrcb 8U1 .. I.L}, lIt!' !llInll'1 JfH\f."" con­tII:"II,S 111 :.'Ill.: n.1 )lrN J.t'll"" \ .... \lson. :\lr1;. l:ertha lIe:IIIC.,r.' an·1 Ib ••• ll' !iarrls "I!'re 111 C,\r .... n<l:t!o 'rlllln;U \#< :\11'lI. ::Sue Dllnolrld"c Tetnrlwd lu.t \\"eit CrClIlt a dt<lt \11" Gr,."nt'IIl<!. r,\. llrll, ,,;,lIth Tt!t rlr cnl,·rUtlne.l Fr· .... :r Cor tbo Lene­hI. or her ~hllrch club.

MOUND CITY. ILL, lfr!t 1-"rtn1c~S Ltn~I ... a.)· h.\o,t rllturn., ,­

frQm St. Lou!!;. it.,.\,. Allen,,\\onll ,.e I j'!~i~ll st~I~1:~:r"1~ors~:~';i:~. "it~\:\~";. ~t I Km~ lit·ld ml~!<l<mllr\. nnll Pr()f~sISO)r J S· Tnhor "et.' Visitors o( the )Ialn St. F. B '{'hurch Sun'1.·w. :\11'. and llrs. Rohert John~')n ,,"re Cairo \,bltnMi :';atur<l:u·. Rt\·. ,\\lens\\<,.rth v.-a" the dInner l':'Uest of llf". :tnd '!Ifr.<. J. C. i'te"le and enmily 'The \\'oman'8 .>[1,­sion Circle clUb Ito,\'·" :11\ Intertainlllenl at the home of )In;. F.tnnl" Duncan's re~ldencc Saturda} e\'enlns,

CARBONDALE. ILL, The marring,> of ;\11 ... " Katl" !llur'1'l

:tnd L'I \T· ... n"c 'T. Yaull'hn HC !"~, I '1IIl~. lin, took place at the h.,m" of tit, 1.1'101"'5 I'arl;ntll fOn .)<'t, ~. Ilt !.311 p, III Thi! Cl'remon ... \\:1> I" rformc.1 hy R,,'· J. \Y. Wiley. pllstor or Ddhd A, ~I 1-: I·hurch. O\lt·"f·to\\11 ::u~~t" ""ere :\tI!'~ m.lneh,> !'mlth and GIt n 11:\\15 (or l"t. I ..... uls. lI", Jotr. and lIt'''. "auc:hn :I:" I now re"ldln)! at 41U Enr:lght A~"., St Louis. ;\tn.. )[1' \'ltm::hn Is emplOYed In 'I the ralhmy mnll s~rvlce •

Rf'v. P/l1:r'::nO~~!r~Ei'01~I'rhIS pulpit at Hopt!\\ell Baptist chlln·h. AUllek!; "cbeol, el~btb l\nd nlntb grnde~, J:a~" II. Halloween social In the g:ym. ltih

urday. Mrs. S:\lIie Knox of ChIcago llened. Gue~l .. !rom Champ,llIm. Ch,; Pl'lnce Hall !:!rand court, Heroines of I "lslled her moth~r. :\Irs, Eliza. ~m" .. r cago Decatur. l'eorl:t. SI'rin<;nehJ. Jericho, and .lInt. Junnlta Duncan, ~en­and Hobert Brld,;eWaters ,,·.re lUeflts QUln'ey and ~eokuk. 10w&, were pres- lor grand matrCln, l\,!ld E C, Hnmllton. of !>fr :lnd :Ill'S Hart)' Thornton, Jas, ent. worth... r:u>t grund '":ro5hu:t. from. Chl- I Caldwell and sister. Carrie. of Shab- -- ('ng .... Wl're dinner !;UI!S\.Jl of :\Irs. Allble honR. Oro\'e ,1~l!ed )h'B Anna Brldge- GA!.;ESBURG. ILL. IJ Hobln"on. !ltrs ~, I';. nro\\"n, !III'S. \~lLteNl. ,Ra,. OI)(h",,11 and Henr)' LU-, 'YounS' people'" 41:1>" Sundny. (\<'t !!O. O. Kenthlev. !lfr". Klnea,I ... lin;. , cas motored to Chknl:o Satutda~. !'>lr. :tt g .. cond Blwtllll churCh. ClItrf)rlt Lnckev :.'I[cCurtle. llrl! {'nltHne 'Holl.on. and ;\frs. Ucn!'l' Sims and children FI<'!t"ber '\\'1\11 <:halrlll:ttt. A 51,1(,lldICI llr!'. Lillie :.'I1I1Ier nnd "trll. 1). R. S)ke .. "1",nt Sunlln" In Clnc:.!::o. Luther All- pros-ram \\'as reml",red In the e'Vi'nlnl:. '~ere ~1I"!lt'" :.'III', nntl llr~. Garnehl ilerl'on nn<l 1,'!lU:uu 1m, !11M are,} to De- :\tr an.1 ::\{I'''. Charlie (;oo<'iI entert:llnetl 1.11\\1' 1\11.1 ~Ir. nnd llr". J:<1w.lnl I'rll!r­Kalh ... ,here ),11'. ",\11I1':r:.on had SOUle the Jom" F.I#ht nt n G o'dnck .lInll,·r .. on ne lIani~lHtI'll' \1~llcd (rlend!'f here Ilental ,~ork dOlle. Dr. Shnr" returnel] Sundnl' In hnnor of ~Ir". Jossle O"m- ).:Utlll,,·, llr. nnd lIn. \\'nlter RO!.!.'1 to Te:o:a!l lrond..,,\\· e\~nlng. lfr. :tnt! 111 .. of 'VII"llingtoll D. l". 'Tbe "'Wlnp; "011 I"ne mo,·>!.l to "hlll;J~ llr 1l1lll ~{n;, C .. lumhu5 And~n;o\l and chllliretl "'oTkllnt g:we l\ Halloween !!Iltertnln- ::\1 I'll. Ch:trle .. Fnh"rn 'lite rnn1;;ii,,:' their f)t ShnLbono. attended the tencne'NI' ment 'T\I"'~"lI" e\enlnJ:. f'ro!=rel'<he home ,,!th lit. ;\lcCI ... nllll, lfr". 't'.I)loT meeUn!l'.' Saturday. JOI;<l1I1> Dutrnls Is "oman'" dull met at the home of "In;, Balle\ Ilnd llf!!. ;\Iatt\<· O.l~n "'"r'" mar­sick. n .... ant Caldwell ot Chicago \ls- !lllIlhe Crew Tu ... ~IlRy acternoon. Qullt- rle.1 Inl't ',eek 111111 lin' .. mo\'e,l Inlo Ued here Sunda~'. :lotrs. Elizabetb Inl: wa ... the feMure of the :tft'lrnoun, th ... lr new home. Ite\', <':ole !IllS moved Caldwell Is In '\·bea.tou, !I{lslI Anna The \VUltns:: Worket'fl had a. I'llU meet- to llarion.

ELGIN. ILL. Vh·tnn Cro!!"" a CaIro tt"ncher. Is spend-lfembet't' or the !jltra Art dub ~n- In!': the week-e:ld here with her parents,

tertalned at 11 Hnllo\\e/ln paTt)· at tne and )11'5- Ro'~en. llrs. John Greer borne ot Mrs :;'[un' Wh"eler on Oct.:!2. !l.ttended tbe funeral DC Rev. l'nnnell ()f !'rlze .. ""ere $:I~"n tn ll%'8. Vern Allen. Coulter,llIe last. Sunda~. Harry Knot'C ::111'8. ::IU1drt!d Eerr~'. :\fr". "'Ian' '~hee!('r of Oregon ,~as the :::uest lif llr. an,l for the {'!1nnlest C1l!'IUflles. .i\ l'urprl!le ~t~. John Grt'er ::''1tufdny. The 1'111" llrthlla. ... part,· was c:ht!l in lIonnr o( tltTn nnll 'Youn!l' !lIen'" mLI~ <:Ias~es n. \\'. ilnrdlti'g on Oct. :!I, ltrt<. J:'lora of BNh,,1 .\, ~t. E. Suml:1\' I'chool en­Hunter, llr .... Carl n~~k\\lth. llr". )hl. t .. rtam"d "lib no ;:ct al.'lllIn\llt .. " !!O"jal 'ir",1 Rro:tdnnS'. enrl Corhl!U. Oh\'~r ,uUlla\' ~\"":n,:, OQ!.. 15 .'It the re"­\\'h"~ler and TII'HO""'" HlIlIler \H .. !l ':"n~e or :llr. untI ;\lrs. Jl~llry .!'til"'" I'"::''''' Out of tll\\ 1\ ;:ue!:'t .. "ere !II.. .\mor.- the intE'fl·~tln:: fen I ur~" '\:I~ '1 ..,no lr::'l!. f:mlth Richmond, lfr. IIn.1 c"r~ &-le""'lnl: cont<'st. (,nmlu,·tt',l h\' th., Mn la!1\l'Q Al'rin,:ton, :llr. nntl !ltr!'. ..l:\ss ad'·\ser. lh!'s J~nnette ['ark" Th;'in;!I Ihintcl' and Dr. !'hei!\ ... nil of Prize" '\\ere "on hl' !llI.lIt's 1.11,,113 lll':­Aurora ;\11' nnd lir... l:d\\,arll ~cw: Call :mlt l~r .. dn. :\tos<!h·. A nltttln!:, trll' "orne :\lr!<. "rnttle ~!'.rrr>n Rl\ll "Irs ,. an<1 lI;elner l'oa'Jt ,'a" lllanl'lt!d for Sat­\lIen' ;;l'ent ~und:\y In Chicago. l'trs. lmla)'. Oct. :!.1 D.'\lnt)· r(trllshml!nts ~13rtlla :\I\:Clure is III In '\\'he:lton. were s~r\'ed, Elnulr l"hr.Pllell nr Ril'-

Harris and Len Smith and Tom Grant Inl;' Wednesday e\'ening at !llIllS Mar- __ of Rockford "'ere here Sunday. Rev, rlett Snoot's. (lIrs. Irene Irvin is the CAIRO, ILL. B. H. Hunter visited his wife In Chi- new l"reelden. Rt''''. Toun!':' Tlrc:l.ched S('mt Rll n .. ,\,. for tll< Defender to

f:!Ovlsfi~ a~~~tA'nn\':r~~IJ>:e~~r;~: !~d Alj~~. c~~p~, ~I~~~:Y n~~~:rtnl~~~ f~~~r'::t;;i ii~ksC~;tl;;:;n~H8\\ !~II J:~ "'lIllam Shields and nephew!. Cllrtord. Tuesdn,' nh:h.t. "ho~e frllm out of the I 'Ield SUII<l:t" at HQ\'.'l1 ChllPel C )f. E 'Were h~re ::;unoll\·. R;\\'. :.Ingletan· <,Itl' wet'll lIM' -Settle ,Tenkln!'. K"n",~ l ,hul'('l1. Re\'. ~Ir Whltt~t' .. mt:'latinJ;. :tnlt friends /If E'tanston \'Isited the ,llIe' )Ir. nOft !lTr". 1:1Ia5 "·allace. :\lr. Hrr relllnhl'" wert' " .. nt I" :\1h'''\l'sllll'l rur :s'orth A~e. Ba\,tist ehut't:h. Send all and '''Ir'' I;I~\' '\"nllaC'!. llr. and '!Ilr,;. l.!ltlal .\nlt>nll' tho!!!' 'lIm atlcndt·t1 1Ir,' neWII il"fII.'< to ::11 X, S:1I:mn\(mlo St... ,fohn \\'a1la<:(> :\11'. a 11.1 lIn< J.m",,. \\',110 ... ("r,~· Inti 'ru"k ... ;;.·,> f .. otb .. llJ

)It/;. Lora. Thomt~ Tel. j,-55!). ~r~IC~n~lr",:~I.t.J.~I~v ';:ll:;.r:;,?r" ji~I1'::';;1 ' ~ii~~~e~.~ r~:~~:I~;l;:I~~';;~ ~\:~~ ~i'!~::~ l;~:':l~: ROCKFORD, ILL. 1;\11';. R. :r-. 1'.11 .. 11. "I,: :I1ul lIn: l!aN'h nlt\nl'.1 'YIIlI" "o<ll, n. J'·llkln!!. ~1I1\~e"

!llrs Th ""dore Gl'>",'r ,lIul snn. l~'\w- l'l.,ttth, ::1111''' "hlrtl~ "nll.t"" ,ttl<l t::luh'1' ~llIrg"r,>t [I. T\ leor IIn.1 nnwlTI" S\lnrl;", r"'II'~. hn\'1;. ~()Ile to "ldli he. jmrellts In \\':tUn .. e Of ll,.nmf)utll. !ltr, and ltr. \\ho ha~(l b"E'1I \.!'l\lnll' In l't, LoI!I", 'St'w Orlti!ans, ::III,,!; In.',; ltollin"on Is III F.d ..... lT'1 Urn\\n. Oene~l:t. Green, Hay lI0 .. b:u; r<'lllrn<'ll Ioome. l1\88 btl,l :l<cJlt101 nt:aln. }<'l1h-slx Girt Rellen'ell RrO\~n I.'pent .!'tunda)· In Rrrln:;fI<.'1d.' Hlnnk :md Tb"mtut 'T_ler "ere quietly of Dooker Wal'hinl':ton eenter had II. :\11'5. Annie renl;: :\1eGIU wnll h'JI.t~ss mllrrle(l Oct. H rtt UI>' hom.., of :\1",. 113rty nt the Y. \V. C. ,\. gym. in I'hat'j;to to AutUmn I,ell! ('Iub Thufl;da'" aftl'r- J.:,1In :\ln~' .TRck!!"n, lte\·. "II'. lIock· or the Uooker- ,,'ashlngton' Trl:lIlgle, noon. The l{odel'n Prb<cllla ('tub met In hull l'errorme,1 the cercmon~', !I[lss ltrs, J. n. Falrb)' ad"lsoT. The Se"clln with Susie lIurrle nnd with "Ir!!. Han- )1111'101'1 1.~e. "')10 hns heen 'Isltlng 11'1 club gll"\s mnde felt pocketbooks to nah 81'100111. JII"t ,\ Church duh f;a\'e Chlcl1j:o. ba" r<'tuMle,l homo. (':I\to Cit>' match the Imt:> m .. 'lde at a. pre".lous R 1unchelln at :\tNo Verla nutl''\''s 011 I,,,il:e ~o !!l. K. of 1'. ('f'It'nr.'ltl'd fhi'lr meeunlr, "flln Alice X .. lson (){ Rock- ,,< Brollk!! St. Thimble clrde Im"e :t. .1r.nulII 1",lIle_lomlnl':' ;\Ioml;.y e\ pnln!,:, (nrd ,allege Instructed tho r:lrls In de- luncheon Ilt :tTrs ;I'IIf\I<111 Cra" r"r,l'~ .\\1 .'x. "Ih:llt I'r(l~r;lIl1 \\,:1" r< nd"rNI amI slplnt: Ittld mnklng thl! pUl'Ses l\ml - ---

~~';~i('}~~;-.;e~~·r~~~~f'~~':-'g~~:ll~hi~~ 1 1,.\\"' of nnckf~tt'il ,ull~'~e ns~lslS in It 1I111h::!l!l for II" 1,I.hll .. s club. \\ hi. II Im»Ui I::\ch ;\1(,:\,1.1" lit Ihe • ~lIter. l/l', IIl1d .;\lr~. Fred n.l\is, !llr, alld lll'l'. It. I ... Smith. )11'. ,'lid :\II'~. noo~"\I,lt Dos­ter. Dr. a.nll !If:-II. It. S. Grunt an.1 daugllter. J:1I'IInl."th. r!,-ls, Lola H')Linson :lnd lion. lIerna.rd Jr •• !lU!'1I .Bernle( Roh_ Inson R. Amlre\\'~ Met ,\1I5s Geraldine Gorum attended tim Tuskegce-' ... nber~ (Clfee g;lme at Chica~", !llr,;. Lola Rob_ nl"on 'I':tll the ::u"st of ~!rl'. Ruth Han­nah :!.feCormlck for hr"akfa~t nt th" ChIn 'ChOU'. J:>mt" HUt;~nl'd ,II'. III 1m' ))"wim:, 'Tile 1'. lr .• \ .... Iul. or Booke\' "'::t8hmlCton ,·<);\It .. r, I-::tdt'ldge Gilbert, l'r~!lldt!nt. Is I'lr1ll1lln:; a !ina bnsk~tb:1.I1

l"~r.: ta.l"." ',f ..\11"n Cha!",l nr" .1E·an-

• __ le~', Tenn, nnd "Irs. Betti ... ,\\'II"on M MATTOON. u...L. I Soutb Dend. Iud. n!'e bert! "l,dt\nll:' their

Charl!.'!' E 'Pnllllp'" president f)t the mother, !\fT!. Bell.. Chapl'ell. who Is E Inte Re~eOt Corporation o! Sprln!:-' 111 owl)' Impro\"nlt .. C'er tWCl weeks' se<"l_ t\~id "Isiled l. t .. :\Ilckeru; en routll to I OtiS mnes"', 'The Cnrbondale BUlt BIII!­

'\'l'ntrnlla '~"line511;:\\'. :\11'. nnrI )[f!!. ketl hranch ('}u1o held II. '\er" Intere5\I~': Chari ... An\broc\,l ... r ("hamlql:~~ m"l'tlm:t Hnturdn\, nfiernO<ln at 1 ..

bome ~ t ls sponsor, lU.,. 4e:" .. ,\l4 I'llrks, an.1 completed Ita organization. 'Thtol'e weI''' 11 klddles prc",,,l\l and nlllnY., m"re are expected at tbe next meetln,,_ 'fhe m"mber .. or Betll(l A, It. E. chur~n. are pl"""ed 10 1.:.Lve kev, n.nll lin. V; I .. Icy back again. ~ -- ,

nun nObeit~?R~~':hht Se'" Tor~ ,lIrect';r of 1>ran~he!l tor the'S. A. ,\. c;. \. ga ... " n. :stlrrln~ nnd Interesting :111 .. dr~I!" Thursda.>' nl!:ht. Oct. 2~. at lIe. lY..o11 (~ll)tlst churcb. "'"urth and Sp .. n­cer SllI- He tlpoku ttt 1,.II1;th. On lh~ nr!j;ln "nnw,s". an.l :tchle~ements o~ th .. o~nnl~,tlon, VI' u:.J;nall·s 11I1<Irellll '\ ,us <llj .... It u'>' mmnt.erl' of both r:l.· .. s. :\[1'. uno! ·"W'. William S. Conway a.ntl Louis& motore,l to Chlca~ to ntleml the Tuskcl:ee-\\'Ubel'force fot)~­haU J;:tnle. Re'l:i\:al ser\:lcelf will 1M:'-:~~ \\ "dn(,.!Ida)'. Oct. ::0. at 51. Luke )1. "'" ,hurch. Ite ... ,lIr. )Iadd"n will be ;uio( "Isted bv nn ev:>.ngE<lIsl antl local pas­tors. I-'unernl sen!c;;s for the late J .. bn Sheck. ",b .. l'assed :tWl!.l( at the 110m" of hili dau;::bt"r. ;\Irs. Anna Baker. :!l!l S,,~"nth .\ \:e. \\ere held CroUI ::it. .roltn 1:'"t dmrch. SflVenlh and ~tnl .. SIS.. Fl'ld.t\' arterno(m, Oct, !::i. Du.."':al \\;IS In St.rllI~dllle cemf<ter)'. Senice!5 rur lhu late Thnnlas Johnson Were helt! Hun.I!,,·. I)<'t. :!U, at .ltol1m()utb, The e!)!leml of ~(r, Lmnkl!, ratb~r o( F_ D_". was held ::;aturdll.)', Oct. 19. at! .r •• ,·kson\'I11 .. , Ill. The E ... er,;reen Gardel1

~l~~ TI~~;'i~~ il:."'n!:~~~~':,'n:~craiJ: [lurln!; the business s\!!Islon the prc81-({"nt uutllned the study 1.rogr:ull for lh. winter. CoUI)\\ cd with a geneml dillcus­'>Ion un the JrrI)'~ Ing of hc)lllIe pl:ultK. rk, E, Ii'. 1.:0\l1.lIn. protnlnent dentist of: tlh' dl~'. mMHrelf tf> Chicago to aee tho Tw;kcll:'" .. -W'ilb .. r(r,rce J::;1m." lXrs. ~ra­d, rl.. Sh~.,lu;. )lIss ,,; JlI.,ne Crawfnrd. :\:r. DtI~al lind llr, Hooper mQlond t" SprIn~tleld. Ill. Sllndlt~', !Ill' Du\'al an,1 ,:\11', HooV"!I' ar..,. alto:mllng Bradle" In­IIl1rtrte.

;1\1 .. " t: .. nl'~n Dutler h~ll ."lS h.:r dinn"'!" guests :;lJnd IY ::1.11-:1 lhnnlc \,,"ylle nn.1 ll, >I""'';. \\ 1Ill,Im 1~lItll"r!ord and Dur­I,,'. Chariton o( lfal"\'ey.

~lr!l. S. 1... .. Io~",r bns returned t" ller- home In Gauslien. Aln. She lI:t'" !open "Isltlng "-frs. Anna Porch. )Irs. f'arl Hr"wll ~\'" .... far.,,,, .. 11 p.:l.rty In /1<'"01' IIf .l(r$. G!o\·e., Thl:t:; guests were present.

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Illinois STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Mar 6, 1943; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 23

CtlA!\1P ."IGN Miss Iny Brown of Gh!\·cland.

O~ is ".isitin;: her aunt ond uncle. 2>1:. and ~'Irs. Charles Brown. Mrs. A'.l;;tlstus Robertson of Tuskege~

.la. is 'I.·isiting her parents. Mr . • nd !\1rs. Ivory Wesley. Mrs. Van 'J no:npson is visiting in Chicago. ~1. Mary Jane Connell. daughter of the Al:::.rt Conn ells. was enter­t<> incd at a party before leaving J.~.~ Washington. J. C. where she ",,·m be employed as a Junior Clerk. Typist. Those prescnt were Misses Eleanor Neison. Estelle Nelson, Carrie Pope. Harriet Hines, Ernestine Hicks. Ann Haley. lvey Brown, and Mrs. '\.UguStU5 Robert­.un.

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Illinois STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Mar 13, 1943; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 23

CIIAMP."!GN :Mrs. C. W. Saunders wa~ hostess

to ±e Ladies Aid of the Mt. Olive B .. ptist church FridaJ ' Feb. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans received a leller trom their !on. S;:t. George l::\'i<nS. who is In Africa.

1\1in Op.hclia Sharps ot Detroit. lMi:h., was a recent \"'Hor of Mrs. Francis NeL"'On. ]I.. is.. Genevieve Easley, dllugbter 0: M~~ Lawrence McCoy. and CpJ.· Mars'" 1) Britt . • on or Mr. 'and Mrs. Jesse Britt. "'ere married recently in St. Louis.

The OmeGa fraternity Ravo a party for aU the fraternal I rothers nnd .. ir.ten on the UniVersity of lllinois CL'»J>US Friday. Feb. 26. .

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CHAMPAIGN, ILL.Z L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Oct 31, 1914; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 4


By Z. L. Breedlove.

Champaign, m.. Oct. 3~.-Protec, tioulats by thousands, preferring principles to men or patty names, voted two years ago for Th('odore Roose,'elt and for Progressive candl· dates for congress because of their betlef tbat William Howard Tart and Republlcan candldntes for con~ress

could not be elected, sn~'s tht· Can· I ton Register, Their great('st desire "·as. for their COUnIT)"s snke. to Ill" feat tbe men who stood for meaSllrf'S such as in the past hnd c\oIH.d mill!' I

and mines. I{)ft lahor unl:'mployt'd, and made the land IInprOSpl'rOIl!<, ThfJY cast their ballols Wlll'f(" In tlwir h(>. 11('1. they would most probahly l'ft(·rt some J::c;od. They \'oted against frl'e trade and for the enndldal('s Who seemed to them 10 haH' till' hl·ttpr chance. Now thE'se protf'clionil'h; !'l'1' thnt the Progressive pari}"!! \'lelOry ov~r the free trade DpnlOCrll!"Y is hOIlI' less-absolutl:'ly. Th('y s('(~ thal till' RcpubltclI.ll party ('\'('rywlll'rp l~ r('­uniting. ~rowln~ stron/!:l'r. Th.-), ppr.\ cpive that the Progressh'(' party is dlsappcarlng. t:l('!ctlon returns and r ... · ports of rpgistrotlonfl all th(' way frolll I !.lalne 10 California prove it, :

Thus Itl 1!IH. more consh;tpntly: I than thc" \'otpd the null :'>1001'(' tic·k ... 1 !

in 191 i. IIrot(>l'tionil'ls Ilrf'fl'rrinJ:; principles to any Imrlr fllllm'. IIl1d 1 tblnklng morl' of lIl('n!'llrl'S than of I

nll'n, will cll!';1 t1lf'ir :1111 j·frp£! t roul!'! I ,'ofes ror Hlf' I1I'{luhlll'an tieki>1. :\lnrl'; conslsteuti), lIud justillahly, IH'C<llll'1' i the:ir action two Y('nrs II~O was fOllnd, ; I'd onty 011 an lmprl'!'!'loll: w1l"r,·0\;;: now they han' a el'rtalllly, Thl'~'; tbought thl' nl'puhllt-Ilil )larly III"or·, ganlzed. as It was then. cOllld 1101 l'ar,' the eountry from fr('(' trade and fr .... trade's ron!'l'qUf'lIces. TIH'}, kno\\' tlmt tht~ Prop;rc:;sh'c party. 1Ill'lting' :Jway as the primary \'010 and otlU'r {'I .. {'· lion r(,lurils all prow'. ran nCl'oOlI.lil'h , nothing-nothinl!. that Is to Imy. I'X' :

I'ept!n~ what thf'}, Il'nsl del;if(" what the}' most drpad and dt'prl'cnt<,-atl' otlwr victory for til(> frN' I rade' llillr· . allty. Thus 11m fOf('I:'S of prolf'{'tioll reassl'mbt ... with n lIn:mlmit~· thal ludi ('al<'1; anolher :\fcl{lnl!'), l:1ntiI'Ji<if'.

A. M. E. Church. ThE' morning j;lIbj .. ct lJy thf' pa!'lc.r.

n('v. H, W . .lnmison, waR "'rhnUJ:!ht I~orce!!," empbasls hcillJr In Itl 1111011 1111' valul' of a !<ollud mind allli thl' allility . to think sH('cN'slv('ly, Tit ... f'V"'llill~

!!ubjel'l. "Th<, X<,xl :::11'11 in Hl'liI!ion:' . Wn!; IliSI'1I5H'd from t lIP vl<''''point !lr :. self'giYin", whirh. Ihe spl'aker said, was the supreme gift. Pnl it WI:' hn \'f' :

given ourselves for 5(,1'\'1<'(' WI' arC' lJllt dron('s in the f(·lIglous hin'.

Salem Baptist. The services throughout til!> I'llt irl'

dar wef(~ \\'1'11 nttendl'd. The pastor, ' R{'\,. J. ~1. Owens, spokl' in tllf> morn· . lng nt n o'clock on "The VallI(> of , the Soul." tbe n(>{'(ls!:ity of clirinlt for thc soul in preparation for etl'rnal Hte wuh God. At i:3IJ the sermon' was on the gospel feast to which God : tbe Fath(oor ('xtl'nds an In\'Uatlon to nil. D. F. Crushon 1('u the Il. Y. P. U. ; Nl:'xt Sunday morninJ: at 11 o'clo('1, . np\'. J. F. Ladelle of Llltl~ Hock, Ark .. : will opt'n a h-n·day rc\·j\'al.

The Dt·render rf'llTcs{,lItath'e wali in ne<'lltur :\IolHlar (,,,pning 011 polltil'al . bm:lness.

:'11'. Thol1la~ I'er!'on of :'lpringlh-hl "lslted his hrother hen·. )ok (;(>lIrg(' »prson. Sunday.

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CHAMPAIGN, ILL.Z L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Nov 14, 1914; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 2


By Z. L Breedlove.

Champaign. Ill., NO\·. ]3.-At the meeting of the business mell of Cham· paign. held Sunday cnming ill the "'In' sonic Hall, oflicers of the local branch of the National Negro Business League. of which Dr. Booker T. Wash· Ington is president. the ollIccrs elected were: C. E. Phillips, president; AI· bert Ellis, \'!ce-\Jresident; Z. 1 .... nree()· lo\'e. socl'otary; S. I •. Beatty, auditor; W. WillIams, treasurer. 'file object of the or.ganization is to better business CO'iluitions of the colored people.

A. l\f. E. Church. The morning subject by fie,'. H. W.

Jameson Was "The Objecth'e In Chris- i

tinnity:' The thought doveloped was I thnt We hnvo 110 permanency here-;­this is not our rest-and our loins must be kept girded. The e,-ening subject was "Stewardship." The speaker sait1 that. there was tlO such thing as absolute ownership and no fee simplo titles aud that we are our brotller~s keeller. Saturday evening tlle.cliorai rehearsal for the Christmas cantata.

Salem Baptist Church. A tempernnce program was gi¥en

by the Sunday school on Sunday un· tler the direction of ~lrs. E. T. Dean, sUllerinlencJent oC the temperance de· partmenl .of the school. A solo en· titlell "'Twl1s Rum That Spoiled ~t>­

Hoy" was sung by :\Iiss Alieo Baxter. A paper on "Doing Good" was read by :\Iiss Virginia Smith and an instru· mental solo was g!\'cn by !\Iiss Helen Johnson. Iti the morning the pastor preached on "The Way of Life"--and at night on "Nebuchadnezzer." Mrs. L. Crushsl!on. the president, was In charge of: the meeting of tbe n. Y. P .. U. '

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Champaign, Ill.Z L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Jan 23, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 4

Champaign, III. By Z. I ... Breedlove.

Cbampaign, nt, .Tan. 22.-A. M. Eo ellllrcli. l.loyd Douglas or the UnIver­sity Y. :\1. C. A. spolto in tIle morning on "Contrary 'Vinds."· He\, . .Jameson Is on n. Jacturo tour nnd will return from Detroit all Tuesdaj', Sunday school had an unusually largo attend· ance.

Mr. Sl. Elmo Brady. who nttends : the unh'ersitr, occupied the puljlit In i tho evening. spenking on "The Edu­ention of the Negro in lhe SOllth."

A musical program under the choir director, )lr. lU. H. ScoU, wus given in connection.

Salem Church-Services Sunday were fairly well attended. At 11 o'clock in the morning the pnstor, J. ,;\1. Owens, spoke 011 "Christian PUI:lty" and lit 7:30 In the ~vening ou "Walt OJ) the Lord." I

)Trs. Allna Case hns returned home nCter a short visit with Mrs. G. W. Phillips find ~lrs. Gladys Maples in Cedar Rapids, Iowa ..... 'I'he Majestic, the people's theater, will show the great thoroughfare of State street in Clli~ago in mO\'illg pictUres next weelt, It wl11 be quite a.treat to see lhls wonderful street In moving llic­tures. .. .. Head The Freeman and Chicago Defender and keep posted on what this rising race is doing. .. .. I 'l'he Knights of Pythlas lodge has leased tile third floor of the Lloyd building on Main street and have mo\'ed. 1Ilemb£:rs oC the lodge say It i was never In such fiourisbing condi­tion as at the present tlme and they are. looking forward to II. large In-; crease in membership in their new. quarters. .... ~Irs. 1. B. TllOmpSQJl, ' II. well known and highly respected, woman ill this city, has started a i movement among the colored womeT! to organize civics club to better the I conditions among the colored peop'le i generally. 1 think that Mrs. Thomp­son 1ms started a long needed move' ment in Champaign. Experience bas taught us that the women are mucl1 more nggressh'c ill asserting t1)1~

"rights of tbe race" than the men are.

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Champaign, Ill.Z L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Jan 30, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 6

Champaign, 111.

By Z. L. Breedlove.

Champaign, Ill., Jan. 29.-Tbe 1\1011-arch club, the leading social club of the twin cities, initiated into its club two members Friday evening, Jan. 15tll, tlie two llew members being Mr. L. R. Breedlove and 1\11'. William Mal­lory of this cit)". After the initiation bad been finished, luncheon was served at the chop suey parlors. The club has eleven active members. One or the members slaled < to the Defender reporter that the club was never in such a flourishing condition. The club's sixth annual dance will be held on the 25th of February instead of the 23d, as was stated in a recent issue of this paper. * * * The new Majestic theater gave its first vaude­ville show composed of home talent, Friday c,"ening, .lan. 22d. 1\1:1'. Bailey Hitl & Co. were present in the new strut, the smart set < comedy, which was played very nicely for amateurs. The house was rUled to the doors. I The program was as follows: OYer- I ture; Earnest & Less~ Hitl, singing and dancing; Donaldson & Walker Edwards, in a "Trip to New York" past and future.

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CHAMPAIGN, ILL.Z L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Feb 6, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 7


(By Z. L. Breedlove.)

',~::ti~:-te~'d~a~~~~i~~t~~~~'; .~~~f.~ Ridley' ElIlott and Mrs;· Addle 'Bo1wlbl-~1 were' happliY,'unlted iIf ,,;edlock., day evening, Jan: 2G,'byRev:'H., .Jameson at the parsonage. • • • 111B8 ; Madeline Calnnder, bas been 'Indls'· , )losed during the week. • •..• Mr. Harry Goins or Decatur was 'a ,;Js­[tor in the city Thursday. Jan. 28 . • , •• Following an Illness. which . instell about two years, !\Ilss Edna G. Riley died at the bOllle of her parents. Mr. nnd :\11'5. J. E. RIIl'r. at 1001 Nortll JO:Jm street, at 10:)0 p. m., Saturday. She was in third yeat· high' school when forc(>d to gh'o up on accoltnt or her illness. lUss Riley was born In Decatur 011 FI!b. 22, lSOa. {'omlng to this elly with hoI' ))al'cnls when nholl,t two ,years of age. Sho had reslde!1 here since. nesldes her parent!!. she is slII'v!\'ed by a sislel', lilldred ;l1I1.<:h(>lI. of Ibis city. She had been a mcmbcr of Bethel church silica t I\'ch'e years of age and \I'll!:! also It

memher of the .!unlor Philathen Class of that church. 'rhe foneml was hell1 from Bethel A. ;\1. E. church at 2:00 o'eloelt 'Vcdnm;dny nftcrnooll. Rc\,. H. \V. JallHlllon. 1'lI\slol' of the church. olllciatcd. Uurlal "'II!; at Hoselawn cemetcry. .. • .. ;\11'. I"ret! Clar was In Chicago ;\Iollday 011 buslnc8s.

Chaul))aigll, III.. Feb. 5.-Hc\' .• Jame­son took for his sermol! subject Sun· dar morning "Hungry Souls," nnd for the enming, "Worthwhile People." .. .. .. Salem Baptist ('hurch: nc\'o .1. ,\1. Owens preached Sunday mOl'lling 011 "How to "Jake lhe 'Vorld Belter," alld at 7:00 in tbe e\'oning all "The Coming of the King." ...... 'I'l1e Uni· form nank Social Club of DiogcnQs Lodge No.7, 1-i:llights of Pylhlas, held the second of n sel'ies of dances at the I-~Iks' :mditorlnm 'J'hul'sda~' enmins, .Jan. 28. ::\rr. and ::\ll's. Arthur :IIoss and Mr. amI lll·s .. John 1I0dge leu eighty couples ill the grand mal·ch. Visitors were )lresellt from Blooming.

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ChampaignZ L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Feb 13, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 7

Champ ... !gn. Bv Z. "L".Elreedlove.

ChampaIgn, Ill., li'cb. 12,-A. M. E, Chnrch.-"Rcligious Optimism" was the subject of "the momillg sermon, and ill the evet~ng the subject was "Pay the Price," " * * 1\Irs. Anna Case, who has been on the sick list for two weel,s at the home of hoI' sis· tel', "l\!t's. Andrew Jac!,soll, is reported somewhat betteI'. II< * * Mrs, Alollia Nelson is sick at Ule Burham lloSl)ital with lealHl,ge.or tlie heart.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Article 2 -- No TitleZ L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); May 1, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 4

(By Z. L. Breedlove.) u'llpail,"'lo 111.. April 30 . ...:..'l·hc man simply sits ami walts fur good to along, AIn't worth the breath that 'ould take To tell him hI! III wrollg'. Jood" aln't 'lIowln' round this \\Iorhl every fool to !;UP; you've !;ot to I'ut

.: see·cr.!! on' Au' 110 an' hunt it 1111. A, :lor. E, CI!!m;ll; Rev. H. 'W, ,Jalllic8011 siloke in the

morlling on "The lll\lJtism of the 1I0ly Ghost." "Movies" was the subject of thll evenln~ sermon. ::Imul:w school In the aftcrW)on \,taB largely allemie"'. At 4

.1V..\<lcf, -'ttl' tim aft<:!rnoon MIHS Kathryn . [chnson of New York, national Ilelt! agent for the Natlonnl ,\nsoclatloll fOT the ,\d­nncc",ent of Colored 1'''01'1", .ll,livered an.,! a.hlrelj.!! on "The DeveloJlment of 011-

\.Jl'1l/'lunitles." Clllcngo Defemlt·r I!! 011 sale hy Ul'eed-

lovu's COIlHolhlatctl News Agenc).. 10-


MCd at 90S N. Chnmllaign strcct. Set! the IIrm. allIl !:,et one lUl(l hecome wl~e.

C. )'T. E. ChUI'ell: Itev. ;,. \\T. Smith, :L local preacher.

preached In tho morning on "Appearing Beforo (;0<1." III the evening tho pastor,

e\·. \\". '1', \Vllitsitt's, subject wn~ "Who's I on .the Lonl's Shle." Sunday choat 'fas very largely "Hendel!. ~nlen~. Ualltj,;t Church:' ,

. r\,\,\: 3. !\{ Ihv(!nq -r:t'lplJ(I. In tJh'~ tnf ' .... '

Ini;'~~"h=-fl~~ ; ;os~eITI';;c;;;:~i::" 'rlle l~~ti;: !!rs' nnd Falher,,' Union held a mOllthl~' meeting In the afterllOOIl. 'rhe church had pfe\'lollsl)' chosen B. 1,'. C.-usholl aa \lre~ltlcl\t alBI Mrs. A, Cl'Ockett a:\ vice­\lr,,~ld~lIt. 'J'lIe rollo\,;11I1\' atltl!tional of· IiccrNwere elected: Secretn!'y. :'lrs. E. 'i'. Dean; assistant secretar)', Mrs. D . .lonc!!: t'orre~\lontllll~ secretary, :\\1'5. :I£. L. JOlles; treasurer, lIfrll. II. llnnill .

. An ~xccnc:nt IlrOgrnOl "'4\.8 given t.t tho meeting of the D"\lti~t lounl; I'eoplc'" Union. . Mis,. lIallie JOlle" 1\?11. • • • \\~oi;mll'~ SI'lf-lnlJ)rovement Clu~ g~~ "a Iy.lzaar at C:\I'cys Hall

_.FrI4t:~..'i. and Saturdnq. 'rile hazaar ,t-II; ulllqut!; 1II01lt of the thin!;" lIol,l was tHnhrohlel'Y \\'ork 1111(1 lhe work wns dune h)' the womell of the cluh. :III'S. "'illiam nrc-wcr will he banquete.} hy the members of th" club :IS she tool, In more rnoncy nt her booth thun nn~' other one. Thl.l cluh rcnll?ed n handsome !$Ultl of lIloney. 'rho 'Vomnn's Sr:lf -Improvement seems .to Ill! <loing moru 1:'00.1 UHln allY other organization In the '1'\\'ln ClUes. I hOIlO th:.t the other or!:'anlzatioll!! will tako notice nn!1 <10 something. :lIen I ap­peal to ynu :\5 men to walto UP nntl don't let tho women lead YOU in e\·C\·ylhln/.;'. • • • ~rr. St. 1~lmo Urad)', who Is takln/.;' post-srntluate In cheml!!tr)' hero nt the llnlverslt}', hn!! been rcccntl~· cleetc,\ a member of the Shl;ma Xl, " national sel­cntlfln ''',elch·, Ho also belongs to the i'hl I.'l.mbda Upsilon, another national chemlcnl society. MI', l'lt. r·!lmo nrad~' Is considered ono of the brightest "tu­.Ients of the Unlvcrslt~' of Illinol~ In chemlstr~', Irrespective or color. He is orten consulted hy the white stutlents. • • • The Junior Phllathea Sunda~' school cluss which Miss F..ltut \\'lIson is preshlenb of, W1l" entcrt:\\nc,\ b)' the president at her "Istef'" r""JclcllCC, :.rrs, n. !'.f. ~cntt. 109 Ellis "vcm .. '. Satur.ln)· flv'cnlng. TIe!rcshments were Il(ll·v.;,d. Ev­er)' p"e reported n ver!' nice tIme. • •• Dr, Lord l..ewls of Chlcngo was In the city last week on bu!;lne~N. He stayed at Mrs. F. N. Brown's residence, 106 Enst Clnrk street, while In til(! cit~, .• • • :.rrs. Lulu Tatc Is 111. • • • lIlr. 'WIll Snell Is sick. • • • :1.11118 B,lnn. Hinck iH COn­\'n.lesel !Ill'.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

SALEM BAPTIST CHURCHZ L BreedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); May 22, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 3


Champaign, Ill., May 21.-The Paris ventriloquist and his family band wltl sh'e a concert· at Salem Bapthlt church Saturday evening, May 22. under the auspIces or the Church Aid Club. They never fall to pleaso an audience, as their repertoire cont."!.lns many. old- time cavor­JJ£!.S AS well AS h!Al DovelUcL Everyone, young and old, should not (rul to attend this concert. especially those who are lovers oC-mush: .•.• • Chicago Defender on sale at BreedIO\'e's Consolidated News. located at 90S North Champaign street. Have race pride and get ono of these journals and rend of the progress oC your people.

A. M. E. CHURCH. Rev. Jameson chose for his subject Sun­

day morning "The Bright Side of Chris­tianity." ln the e\'enlng tho pulpit was filled by Rev. L. 1... Moore of Decatur, who preached on "What Think Ye ot Christ?" • • • At the close or the May fall' Friday evening Miss Om Thornhill" won tlrst prize In the pillow contest. Miss Edna Wilson second nnd M\ss Marie Beat­ty third prize. • • • Little 1\1lss ElIza.­beth Lewis was awarded first prize In n. similar contest over Miss Katie Fuller. I

who got second prize. • • • There were more colored girls In the Maypole dance I

that was held at the university during the Interscllolastlc than ever before. I hope that the colored students will con­tinue this until the race will be repre­sented In every feature that takes place during the Interscholastic. - • • Miss Emily Robinson, Odessa Wright and Miss Anna. Wells of Indianapolis were vls~ Itorl In Champa.lgn during the Inter­scholastic. • • • 1\Irs. Alexander and Mrs. Reck or IndianapOlis attended the May fair given at Bethel church May 13 and 14. • • • }lIas Bertha Ta.te, who has been sick at her rooms In the Tisdale flats, Is somewhat Improved.

SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. J. M. Owens preached at lilllsboro

on Sunday. In his absence Rev. John Rivers occupied the pulpit in the morn­Ing, taking as his subject "'Vhat Sha.ll I Do to De Saved?" In the evening Rev. D. C .• Tones preached on '~The Way to the Cross." • • • hlrs. I. B. Thompson' was ea.lled to Farmer City on account ot her slBter~ln-llI.w. Mrll. 'V. C. Blackburn. who Is sick.

THE C. M. E. CHURCH. , This church received 2,600 bricks dur~ ling Its brick shower that was held there ,last week. .


. Aurora, Ill.. May 21.-~Us8 C. Delpha Boger. the noted' contralto, who has been teaching In Orangeburg. S. C., will be' In the city on the 28th of this month. She wIll be the guest or her brother lienry at the commencement ot Tuske­gee Institute. • • • Dr. C. L. Agnew hilS as his guest his brother Abner from: Owensboro. Ky. He Is one ot the pros~! parous business men of that city, owning. nn undertllklng esta.bllshment there. • • • Ralph Douglas "'IlS an Elgin Visitor Sat­urday and Sunday. • • • Mrs: Amanda. liayes, proprietress of the Clover Lea.f, Is very 111 at her residence In Broad­way and will probably be removed. to the hospital to nndergo an operation. • • • Mrs. Marie Douglas entertained the Cul­ture Club at her home Friday. She proved a dellghtrul hostess. • • • Under the presidency of :Mrs. Rosa. Catlett the Willing 'Workers are aiming to aid Mrs. Eva liooper in her noble work. • • • Little Bernice Palmer was hostess at a bIrthday party given her by her mother In Oswego. All -the mUe ones' harl a. gloriously good time. • • • Mrs. Pearl Ed. warns Is visiting In Mendota, 111., this week. • • • Emanuel LaMar and aids have again tnken up the movement ot having a band In Aurora. Mr. L."!.1\Iar will be the director and James Moore manager. • ••• Mrs. Luckett of St. Charles Is sewing with lIlrs. Gus Hall thIs week. • • • Edward liall or Oregon,

I III., is .\'ISiUng In the surrounding clUes this week. • • • Chas. Taylor was the guest of Aurora (rlen(18 Sunday. • • .' Harold Martlenus was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MllIer Sunday.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Article 1 -- No TitleThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Jan 8, 1916; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 2

.J. .t the

.1 and :. King. guell ot

,ew hours ~ attorney ,lit Harrill ·'..;wlth his ··nlIG tho and Mns. arty was v.Tue9"


• \! .. who The

,gave Its y H~J.! New

.. Inclemeb,fY ot .. 111 crowd atten;'(.ecJ.

•• n Partah Is quite 1\1 ~uth West street.

RJU; Boger. la~.' 7 • .,-The meetlnA' or the WIllI Ito I unique Christmas 'UBe was tastefully decor­on's cOlors and Ilt 5 o'clock ...... a 'dellclous luncheon.

. • ..... ' eU, wa.s presented e:lllss bonbon dish

he!:.,!!lQ"Y, thnnks. . or~e wtllte. who held 0" Tllc.!fny

:V. owens omcllt­. • Mrs. Ada Ad­

Ith her pnren~ In . VI I e cPwd

·re wn8 a nrg 't h ';;'eetlng and .the,/!B ~

~t both the A. J';reh' o Third Raptlst_Id hY rlstmaa e

l xer~~I~~~aPtl"t

001 or t ,e Isllor. .tertalnln~ to .th. The the church. a. t.n-the Increase. . Mr.!. ·nftned to her ttnck of uttered anoth 1I11m1l of ,)wen!l aho« Sprh:gs nt. lofrs. p • • Dr. ¥a grlpp- nit spent

lotr. Llo nd trlends. Ir p:\re ~ his pro­rt pra of the YMr. 'l the nice Tnylor f lol a dhock to

he had been he A. M. E.

n Bo~er Frl-. 1 er sixty-sixth r.~ppreClntlon ror

I.' hem. She wns !" I hug-m!!-tlght ,( ard. • Jira. Ann/\ 1orcCul­. McCulloUl!:h. who tr. died December ~h -Doult1ns. stilet.

:e lIeld ~1d8)1' aft­J Chapel. Rev. S.

.• e leaves n hushnnd J mourn lIer death. irper. who ha~ been . mllnlsrn. hnll re-

'8sldlnl; Elder A. ast Sundny and el. • • • Com­'. Harper, eleeted anlza t10n ot tho

o Sliver Stn .. annual electton .lIowln': rewlts:

Mr. powers Is glass will give

J'lurch .January 3 Peoria branch Sunday tDec •• • • tolks on the

Rev. J. A. tor Ke­

Ivnl meet­o of Oak­

... ~ a,..:oues rf elved very Saturday. 0 ember 25.

1 fall on the I . 0 0 0

" ot the 600 bloc. South "to la verY III at tho ,wrlt­

• lIlrs. Alice Chase Of, 139 ~h street Is also very 111. "\' •

EIIIII la very 111 with In grippe writing. n. I. nlso Mr. Elder

• s of South Church street. • • 0

.era were ele~ted nt the regular church .etlng ot the Antioch Baptist Church\

.Or the -ensuing yenr. 0 0 0 lit ..... F1eetn Thompson mndo n nylng trip to St. Louis Inst week. • • • JIlrs. Luc~' Smith at South Main atreet started last Snturday • January 1, for Detroit, Mich., to vlalt her mother. '. 0 • :lIra. Blanch Postal of Chicago. alster or Mrs. Mllud Niskens. 18 In the elty viSiting the latter In the 200 block, North Decntur otreel. • • • Mrs. Tom Turner or ~16 South Church street met with 'lulle a ml.rortune laat week, losing SZ7.00 or her Chrlstmnll IIIlV­Ings ." • • Mrs. Ida B. Young, 1249 'V ~at Creen street. entertlllned Chrlfttmas d,h.. Gue~ts were ~Irs. Samh A. Bern­ni-d, )'.lls8 Ruth Yates, :llr. S. "'. Mor­gan and Rev. Curtis L. Moore. 0 • 0

1\[rs. !llolllo MeJlock ot 407 Enst Wllllnms atreet entertnlned New Year's day JIlrs. Sue IIfcrtendels. :llrs. nnlley. Mrs. Cook, l\(rft. F1cettl Thompson nnd others. The evening wna plewmntly .pent nnd nU en­jo)'ell themaelvrs. • 0 • Mr. and lIlrs. White, 904 S. Frnnklln. nnd their little niece, Lnke Eric. hns just returned rrom Newton. TIl .. wfler" tlley were vl.ltlng fill, mother ot Mr8. White. 0 0 0 lIlrs. Sndn Stew"rt or Gulick n\'cnue Is on the sick list. 0 0 0 Forrort. nro heln!'; mllde to .top the pla~' or "Th" nlrth or n ~&.tlon" here. which Is being n,l\'ertisl:ti" to play ror ono week. •

-Business the Na­met In oon. nt .. 1:' .vIs, \VCr'! np ...

Ilrl\·3.ta tier Of ·st the

'hleh . In 'w-


H:ll\,,­... rla Ray

~Cu •• 11".', r.. rJ. Kirk re .. o 0 ~Ir. Samuel ~'lIIlam. nnd

.,n A. "'lIIlnms or Shevllle. Ark., ere vlsltlnR' their brother. :\Ir. :\Iar-

.11 ,,'I11I:11n.. 0 0 0 ~Ir. 1':. n. Dlcker­.. .:>n. rctllrned to Chlc:tl<o nfter spending the hol101n),8 with hi. wife to resume his studies In In,,' at the Unh·erslt~· or Chi­CAgO. • • • ~llss Orn Thornhill. McLin Ross •. F.\smere Ma .. hall returned home Sunday nrter nttendlng the house party "Iven ~lI.s Ulnlla O"h~' In Sprln"f1elol. 0 0 I llrs. Nanora Hunt entertained S:\.lurdny In honor or :\fr •. Car nor Hnwklns at her r~sldencr.. r,O!! ~·hltc street. • • • :'Ir.. Belle Thompson dlefl "t the home of her ~on. Ed Hughes. GOS Grovp. 9treet. on Saturda), nl"ht. Jler mother and thrrc sons suntl\'c her. • •• wise man pn~'R hom:l"e to ·..,orth: /\ r(lol to weaHh. SI,le·.t_ ... the mnn who talks milch and say. little. 0 • 0 The Freeman or Chlca­'::0 Dc(>ndcr shoul(} be In c,oery Negro's hom{' In this clt~'. Hnve race prIde and patronl7.'! YOllr own paper. as you do white "npera .•• • Th~ PII"rlm Sisters h~ld n h!'ln'1uet "t Carey'" "1111 .lanuary 1. ••• :\Jrs. I{atle Vlne!:n!' at !;t. Louis nn,1 her two I'randsons vl.lted :'Ir •. Allie .10hnson and· relath'es recently. 0 • •

:'frs. Thurlry :lIeans and ehll<lrrn or AI­ton vl~It~<l ~Ir". C. I.. "'n~~ la~t week. o 0 • ~Irs. [,atle Brown. who has been In Oklahoma for two yrars. '\\'\11 op~n a drp~s-nlnklnJ: cstnhlfshment soon. as she hns retllrne.1 to OUr city. • '.' llreerl­lovc'~ Cnnsolldntcd Nrws Is now located at nos Champaign street .•• 0 ~Ir". ORCnr Y<':ltc~ of Ch;nlrstnn ~'ns In the cit)' Jnst week .• 0 • :l1I9s :lladllne Calanolrr. who I. no\\' tenchlnl' at Doul'lns Puhllc School Mound., vlolt<>d her aunt, :\Irs. H. "-. .lnmeson. recently.

By Mrs. Ella E .. ex. Rev. 'Wnrfleld fll~d hIs re!:Ulnr apllolnt­

mrnt Sunclny morning and e\'enlng and etellvered two ,:;oorl scrmon$l to n wen fln"I' hO\1taC! •••• :\lr. nnd ~tr9. Cor!"I'tlu9 Robinson nOlI dau"hter. Follen. left :lro,,­'laY ror New T.on,lon fOr a visit with :llrs. Rohln~on's mother and sister. • • • lII ... T. "'\'nll retumrd home SntuTlla)' rrom Bowling Green. where I'he hnd been ~nendlnJ; Xmns .... lth her mother. 0 • •

:llr. nnd IIlrs. ,\thel SmIth vl.lterl friends In Louisiana Chrhumns .••• Mr. Ben R:utrord nnd two Imlnd-chlldren. F.vel),n Jnck~on and Curtis Wllhurn. \·I.lttd hl~ dnuI'hters In Peoria, TIl. • • 0 Mr. Henry noston nnd Mrs. A. Y,mng Silent Chrlst­ma.s In New T~ondon with ~fr. Boston's brothers nn,1 had n merry time. • • 0 :\Ir •. Eulla Kellll entertMned her (nther dllrlnjr the holl.ln)'9. 0 • 0 :'Ir,.. Nnncy Rrlee Is on the sIck lIat. • • • Little MI." P>!arl nnd "elmn Essex are on the ale'!­list. but ore Improvln" .• • • The Rat In "'e~t Vanonlla Is rnpldly "olng up nnd Is nlmo~t ready tor oeCtlpnnt9 •••• Little Miss Clltlrr Kelley WaH the lucky girl In the doll contest.

By Marlon Swankl, Cairo, m .• Jnn. 7.-Mr. and ~tl'3. MIller

entertained nt home Sundny and several !'nIests "'ere present. • 0 • lIflss Georgia Creen ha!! gone to Cnrbondale. III.. to take up a course of study In the Stste Normal School. • 0 0 Mra. Lizzie Jones Is IItllI very til. 0 0 • IIIlss Myra V. Scott gave n ClIrd pnrty last week In bonor ot MI8s Myrtle Titus. n teaeher of the State Normal School or Frankrort, Ky., anI! IIIlss Dnlsy S. Hennington or Sprlngfteld.

George m. 0 0 • The NeighborhOod Club will 'nlton, meet the aecond T11Ul1Iday Afternoon I ..

or of .Jnnuary at I.ocust SchOOl buildIng. lofem­neet- bers nnd friends are urged to be present.

tiUC- • 0 • Mrs. Arfetta 1II111er hIlS returned any to the city after a. buslnesa trip with • • children to Geneva and Lincoln. 111. • 0 •

hn- lIIr. E. C. Hamilton entertained n num­rry ber of gentlemen frIends la8t Thursday

ot afternoon In honor or Dr. Julian Lewis m ot Chlcngo University. who hn!! been ,n llpendlng the holldny season with htll - parenti. Prof. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis. • 0 •

Mesdames A. A. lIIartln. Sr. nnd Jr., lInve been sick the put week. They aff greatly Impro\'ed nt thts writing. • • • IIfrs. Ethel Hudson Phelps ot Chlcngo I,. vlalling her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chilli. Hudson. • 0 • The Colonl:!1 ClUh gave a bAnquet Thursday. evenIng ror ~harlty. The committee. J. W. Cook, A. \. Mnrtln. .Jr.. Geo. Clark. arranl!:ed a ery pretty luncheon. • • 0 Dr. W. III. lelds' r .. other Is on the sick list. • 0 • 1e S. S. ot the First Baptist church eted their otllcera tor the ensuing

':ckrord. m., Jan. 7.-lIfrs. Walter 'ties and daughter, Sprlngfteld. vlslt­elallves .•• • Mrs. Albert Fields en; Ined Ilt dinner tor 111M!. Holmes. 0 0

Samuel Hodges cava n dinner t.mns. and Mrs. John Thomns. Rock­wns jruest. 0 0 0 Mr. nnd 1IIr!!. 'r DePriest and tamlly have set-

tllelr new hOjDe on Knowlton • 0 0 The race students at Rock­gh enjoyed themselves during the . There liTe mOre nt the high ,II year than ever berore, (

Railroad avenue and a home-cooked menl can be gotten at Mrs. Ealey'!!.

Lake Forest. lU .. Jan. 1.-:11189 Henriet_ ta Holland spent Christmas nt the home Of :llIft8 DalllY Ganaway •• • 0 IIIlsa Ma­tilda Jackson and Misa Cntherlne Scott entertnlned a numb"r of friends at dln­der Sunday •••• Mra. lol. Cannon apent the holidays ",UIt he. pnrenta. Mr. and :'11'8. .Jullnn Mathews. ~ 0 0 Mias .Juliet Mathews hns aa her week-end guest MI.s KathrYn TWiggs of Evnnaton .••• lIlrs. F. C. Young Is due much credit and Prals9 for her 8~rvlce to the Sunday school ChrIstmas e"erclses. The body of CllIls. Fletcher of Junction City, Kana .. was brOUght hero tor burIal. Ife Is sur­vIved by one 80n. Wm. Fletcher. or Chi­cago. nnd 1\ daul'hter. !ofrs. Frances Balt­

·,er or .Junction City.

'\ Mill M. S. Clark, ,JOliet. m.. Jnn. 7.-Speelal s"rvlce

whl' held during the week at Drown Ch~pel A. M. E. church. ••• Rev. BrC'(lkett. nsslsted by his wlte. conducted at the Mt. Olive Baptist church. o • 0 lIlrH. 101~ I.lnk. the newly-wed. had a reception nt her home Thuradny after­noon. • 0 • 1IIrs. Ell.. :llnson had aa her t:'Uellt durlnll' holldnya IIIrs. Lucy and LII­linn Durrell ot Chicago, her daughters, nnd !lfarlon 1If. Mason or JacksonvIlle. III. • • 0 Mr. .Joseph Cromwell apent a rew days Inst week In Omnhn, Neb. • • 0

ilfr. "'m. Tnlt Is In Ohio on a buslne&! trip .•• • :'>frs. Polk la the guest or her daughter, IIfrR. Henry \\fartln. Cleveland avenue. 0 0 • Mrs. Laurn McCloud was Ihe week-end A'Uest of relntlves. • • • :\II~. Cornelln Thornton wne In the city last week. • 0 0 Mr .. Scott Rnglln. Sr., has returned from Snnln Bnrbara. Cal ••• Drew BRrger nnd Miss Thallll Rag­lan spent Sundny In Chlcngo .• • • IIfrs. Paul PInkston Is orgnnlst nt lift. Olive church. • • 0 III..... Mary Fu"ua dIed at the home or her daughter. IIfrs. A. nholle~. Jnn. 3rd. • 0 • Mrs. Mnry Evnns pnssell awny at the home or her gmnd­daUGhter, lIlr". Lula Hnrrls. Dec. 319t.

Torino. III.. Jnn. 1.-:llr. nnd ~frs. Mn­IOn!! recelvcd.,.11. numh('r or callers New Year·s. 0 • 0 illrs. Ella ~'lIson or Wil­mette. III .. Is spending a few days vlslt­Inl; "'lIh lIlrs. Malone.

Pnrls. m .•. lnn. 7.-The K of P. lodl:e held nn election or omcer.. CommIttee report,. lodge In best shape In It. hl~tory. •• 0 ~'IIII"m :llorrls lett ror lIInttoon to r"'lIme hl~ dutl" •. 0 0 0 Lawyer Robert Tnylor. Sprlngnetd. "'ns In the dty \'Islt­In" rrlends. 0 • 0 June ~ll<ldleton. Terre IInute, I\'n~ In the city vl.ltlng his par­ents .••• lllsaes RNty Rently, Charlotte ~Iood~·. Deatrlce Whitted nn.1 )Iabel PlcJ(C'tt nttf'ndcd the Ilance In Terre lin ute. 0 0 • nep. S. R. ConleY preached ·t the Omcc A. 1\1. E. church .••• :\lrs.

Innle Stewart. Cnrml. I11 .. Is visiting her 'ther. lIlrs. Bishop. .

r· -I Jessie Allen. lck~lInvl\le. III. .. lnn. 7.-)lrs. Addison r 'lnd son nrc In Columbn~. )10 •• \'Is­:rl~n"9. 0 0 0 Mis. Cora Dune:!n nnd Fiorence Davis. LouIsiana. :'10 .• retnrnp<l 10 theIr home nlt"r vlslt-

'heir hrothrr-In-Iaw. Frank :llal\or)·. antl Mrs. nlchnnl CJnrk were the

,st" of ;\Ir". "Inr)' R.,\nk,. ·an.l ol:lnghter. IR~ Jc~::;lc .\lIrn .••• neve ~. J. ~rc­

Craken lind danl'hter. Orlenn. are In Chl-C:l,::oo .••• l\'llJInnl COOPI'T. n~l'ntlJr. 111..

: wns In thl' elt~· \'Isltln~ friends. • 0 0 :lIra. P. F. D"nl), left a rew days aR'O for Omaha. Xeh .. where "he will make hrr homp. with ~I~. Dr:ultorol (nee Cleota Dealy) .•• 0 :\1\.5 :lIcCree left tor To.­cnla. where ~he will be the ""est of Mrs. ="In)" .••• Dr. A. H. 'o{cnnfbrcw hps re­turned from Cnl"sbur~. 0 0 0 Mrs . .John r,lng I~ the guest ot her son, Cnrl King, Decatur.

J. R. HIckS . Streator. til.. Jan. 7.-:lrr. sn<1 M .....

Homl'r Gardener entertained Inst Tues,l"y evening nt Ihelr home In honor of IIlr. Snmuel Gordon. who has been here vis­Iting his hrother. Mr. Homer Gardener. Quite n tew )'oung men g:lthere<l nround the resth'e bOard nnd mRde merry drlnk­In~ their coll'ee and enjoying the good Ihlnl's to ent durIng a monologue ren­dered by Snmuel Gordon .• 0 0 Mrs. lII. :r. I..cmip. 15 very sick a t her home. • • • ~fr". 'Yillte of Olln\\'" \\'ns over Friday nIght to att"nd watch meet\nll'. 0 ••

~Irs. ,\ nnle Hicks \13.S been sick but Is >omp. betler nt this wrltln~. o. 0 Mr . William 'l'homa! Is confined to hi! bed with nn attack of pneumonill. We hope (or him n. speedy recovery. • • • ~trs . ~Ia)' )Iurphy Is Indisposed. • •• Dr. H. A. Cess or PeOria "'as the guest ot Mrs. Lee Ethel Vaughn Saturday nnd left tor his home Sunday evening .••• Lnst Frl­da~' night both churches held a watcil meellng. 0 • • The lailles or the A. M. E. church gnvc n surprise pnrty on Mrs. ~Inry !llartin ~Ionlla)' evening. this being MrS. :llartln's birthday. She was 53 yea.. otd. She recelve,l many useful presents. All enjoyed themselves won­derful1~·. At II. late hour nn elCcel1ent three-course luncheon wns served. • •• ~Irs. Jannle Hicks. received word that her niece. ~Irs. Annie Rucker. who left here to sllend Christmas at home. had tn "en s\lddenly III linil I. not nble to re­turn home. "'e hope ror her a speedy rreo\·ery .•• • The new yenr ball slven In Wood's Hnll by Hicks wns n grAnd hnll. one of the best this winter. And 'a" little Franklin Blanks Is some trnp ;iru;"mcr .• • • JIIrs. Lulu Fox Is slightly Indisposed. 0 • 0 !IIrs. Lee Elhel Vau!';hn left Tuesday for Sprlngtleltl to take "hnrge or her botel. • • • :\lr9. Samuel Oorolon. who hns been here visiting his hrother. was highly entertnlned by Mr • lnd Mrs. Ellis Chrlstmo9 Day. • • • Mr. urnhnm Is on the sick list. but Is conva­I~scent at this writing. 0 • 0 }otr. Samuel Cordon left Tuesdsy for his home In Conneaut, Ohio.

WAUKEGAN • By J. M. Simmons •

"'auke"nn. m., Jan. 7.-Mrs. Nellie Piper of Chicago, spent Sunday here v19-Illng her parents, Jlfr. and lItrs. Lovett. • 0 0 JIIr and Mrs. Lee Dodson and sis­ter. JIlr.: HarrIson. spent New Year's In Chicago .• 0 0 Mr. Albert Lee and family spent New Year's with relatives. 0 0 •

JIIrs. l. 111. Simmon spent NeW Year's In Chlcs!';o. 0 • 0 There was a very nice entertainment New Year's Eve at the Sherldnn Club. 0 • 0 Mr. lit • .Je!trey, who runs a cafe on South Oenesy atreet, wl\l leave soon to vlalt his daughter In St. Louis.

By, J. R. Moore. ' I 'n,. III.. Jan. 7.-ExerclseS In

the .EmanClpatlon, r mo-, I· ·rch···Jan. 1 were . arkable. ---.... ~ ' .. If" Ie 'Washtng . of 1459· .,,' cd a pa or eight I

'.. 2: •• '! .~tred

·9 ,t~

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Article 1 -- No TitleThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Jan 15, 1916; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 2

... Iorr:s I tcr hotel

.!l of Ruth .ly III!:ht.

.-~liss Mary hon1f; In Nc,v

. ,.Ieasant visit ur- \Valsan ••••

J Chicago Satur­on. Earl l"ranklln,

~~~~U~~'s~y~;~a~I~: !

• ~lIs8 h[arl;arct ume her duties at

t. J I. Ih!l.'c,·Jy and a (,~w days· Illness.

IcC reo lias reLllrne.<l a very pleasant visit

J. l\til3t. };hc wa~ also .ml !\Jrs. Guy "PnshlnJ.:'­• • • ~tlss GClIevlc\'c

.1\0 len last , .. 'iutl~r for Lln-rial hospital. Xow York Cit~·,

.!Ssful1y lutM~cd the J,rohaUon '~x­.• It(on nnd has taJ\f.:u IIJl tho rQgular

,'He of !:Itwly .••• :\ll~s :\Jazil! Hoherts. ~ gone to Danville Cor an irulcllnlto

'::1)", •• • ''''runk ,Mallnry cntertained ~lt 1:! o'clock lJreakfu!oIt 'l·hllrsllay IIlClrnlng lilts. Neil HIli of Chlca!:o, Mls~ :lIar}' BtU'ditt ot ~4~W LmHlon, :\10 .• ;\[(RR Arra Mullory :mcl 1I1r. ",u'l l-'r:lIIklin. Jr .••• :\frs, ~ell lUll malic a ,"crY fnt'~rcstlnJ.; tall( to the Llt~I'al'y f;ocltJty or ~It. i':I11-ory Haptlst church I"rida)' evening". tdl­IlIg of the "10'0111,,"." willi which she Is traveling. She "1'01", In tire hlgh(,Ht term:! oC JIlr. B~rt '\'illiulII". who I. onl} oC th" prlncll>nl Rtars or the CUII1PfiIW. l\lallory brnthel'!!: \\"(:I.I! rlrf~t;(!nt •••• :\tis~ '=:mma. Smith, D1ollrnlR/~tuII, SI"'IIt Sunday In tho cit)-, Lho hUt!~t of the ~pcnt'cl' family. • • • 'J'h~ SccOIlIl Baptist church choir nlet· In theIr rpJtular monthly hU!;illl's.'4 • n(,letillg' \\-'ith lliss .Jt":-:~ft~ AUNt. 'l'he fol­lowing ollle.·r" wer" ,·I,·"tl:" (or the yc" .. ; Prcfifdent, SIH'rlllan ~[tencl~I': \'Ice·pl'e~i­dent, C. Arthur COOI)('r: ~CCI'CUll·Y. ~l!s:-; JcssJQ Allen. trea.sul"cJ·. )Jr~. J:UllCS llc­Daniel: chorlst~rt Capt. C. H. F'rt!ornan; a~Histnnt chorist\~I', :\rr~. C Jr. Proeman. "j'he guest of tho choll' was )fr. John Spencer. Grinnell, In .••• rl;hc fullowlng hnyc retm'IIf"I' to their' home :tfter nttend­In!: th" funcral or t!rdr lIlother, :\1,.". I"ratu'ps :';pencer: Ilm'ilt!C' nntl 1 Jarve:." Spclleer. ,Ma:-:on Clt~.r. la.: :\Ofrs. Merlc:ll. Si,.;fred. In,; :.\Jrs. John 'l"aslor nnd Julia CUITY. f:rilll1cll, la.: ~tn~. "ictori:l. Bro' ... ·n nntI .MI·fl. J I ill. Chkap;o ...... On 'rue,!:,,1ay '~\'l'nillg', .1an. lS, ~lr. ~:lIn ~leh(}ls or the JacJ.\~on\·ilI(! nail~' .lflut"n:.1 .staff will gin} .st(1rt~lIptl(,OIl \'iew:; of Llw riot}" l...:uul. nlso leelure lIIult',' the nU:o;pieCR of the )tt. T!!ulOry naIltj~t Brotherhood, Admis:;lon frC"f'o •••• Ctu'U!i l:aymnntl and Wife, St. Pnll!. :\finn .• ure UhJ gt1('sts of rQ}ath·l.''::; • ··.tt frienels.

J-' By C. L. Jones. C:\!ro";~I~;: J:tn. I·I.-'Th~ :'01[. ~L )L Harl­

t1~t f'h11l'ch Is 4H1gaged in !'ewh'al ~I~n'-1r.I's. l~c\' .• r. 0, GrUHn Ilro:'achcd ~un ... fl;,,'. • •• "rhe s::oelal :mtertnill1l1cnt at th~ 2titll ~treet hall \\"Pllnesday wa~ a sucee~~ .•• • :\frs. Sallie r~ .Jones. De ... ('atll1'. i!-C In the ("it)' visitlng' her ~on and <1aught~r, :'I1rs. C, L, ,10IH'S. nnd ~Irs. 1,11"- r.t ..• I,~·';."t!lt!;,..-,!B!l'2_ .'Y~lInllt .d.l'ret.

"". XenJ f$; ngeJ.t for:1. local pu!\- I

lOll!;!! ..... 'rhe SUlu]ay school of M. n. church. 12th nntl ,\P;l;l1Ut was Im·J..!'ely nttcndcd ~:JI1IIa~~ .. aun GalisjJlc i:\ p!'uprfctor of n lu'ant on 15t11 street. • • •

' .. \nH-~ nllll l~nl'J .A1I~nsworth. " ';' fl. S .• !J·tJ,!i;'nr.nn year, aro ...... ~ , .. e -:"l,;eicnd,~r Snlurdays. •

L. 0. Thomas. !!11.J Poplar street. reports a gOOf1 year'~ husint~~~ •• ~ • The Busl ... ness ::\len's L('nguo hehl nlC'morlnl for the late r:ool<e:' 'I'. \\'ashillgton SUIlIlay at ~It. l\f. :\1. n. church Sun.',,}' .••• Cha~. Stokley. HII \\'ashin~ton avenue. has nron:m htmsl.:!'lt nn invcntor .••• Rev. .T. C. ~:Harl\5 Is p:u"tor of the F. !\f. Bap ... U~t ehul·cll ...... c, .l-loutJ!"omcr:.·. Calunl" \ru~, Ky., \\'a~ In the city last wcek.

(By M. L. Clark.) .Toliet, 111., Jan. H.-Last Sunday nev.

noldcn o~('upled the :::~co/l(1 i1al.tisl church IHllpil. Tomorrow w,~ will have the plea5tul'f! of henrfn~ 11,C!\-,. :\kCnll again. :\tn:;. CJayton or Chicag-o will ho the or ... J::nnist nnll till' choir win rplHII~r :1 };plen. did progrnnl ..... R("\'. 'V'. 1I. Saundl.."'rs ht'our.;ht the f'ocial .!'If!l·vices to fl clo~e Sun ... c1a~· c\'clllug-, ••• The rcvh'al nlectin~ at ~!t. 01\\'c church \\'~~ illtet'l'ulltp.ll hy He\,. Brock(·tt ""Ing cal!l,d to tho sick hed or his (htu~htel', .... Thl'! flr};t ntcctin~ of the T .. ,(II-:s· Church Aiel Society this yenr­was held n t the home of ~1 r;;. f",('wis last Saturday .u'terno(,n. , ••• Ahout fourt.-.en f.-if'nds gnthcrcd at lhn homo of ::\lr8, "'lIlIe While Williams 011 Jail. oj to helIl h,!r celllhrate hC"l" twontv-Rixth hlrtlula\' nnnh·'.:rsar,)·. 'I'he e"'cllh~lg was sppnt i~ (lancing' and rr.1l\lnlscln:;. :\frs. '\·ltlinms rl'cl'h'cI1 man}- prc:.;cnts. .A two-course blrth(3)" luncheon was served a.t the con-I elusion of the (lveninJ.:". A few out-of­to"~n ~u(>sts WC'rt! presp.nt. .:\Jusfc wag turnished h~· the colol'e(1 orche~tra. • • • :\[r. anrl :\11'.'1. :\tendOWN cntel'tailled nt n ["mil}' reunion nt her home In ~!annlng­dOl Ie. Thc ollt 6 of-to\\'n ~uests w~ro: 1\lr. a 11<1 :'Ilrs •. Tackson oC l"ycamorc. III .. :\Ir. nnd :\lnl. H:tine~ and Mi~s Ccct11a Creen of Ch!ca"o. • •• Mrs. :'!Innle Dyer Silent the w{"cJ{-e.ul In .Auror:L as the ~u~S't of 1\[r5. S, "f:lth'~w:i .••• )Ir!'t. :\Olary Davis left for Infliana Harbor l [n,l., where she will \'1~lt rur an In.lrOnlte Ipn"th of time . • • • :11"., • .Tanp. ~Iathe\\'s was the "ueRt of ~rr!? .Alice Stc\'ell!'Ooll .••• Th(! rumor Is that :\lr8. "'i11le \\'illiarns an" Elrner I(ing arc en~ngcd •••• Rev. ,T. Thomns l~ pr('nchin~ In Kanl{nl(cQ. • • • 1\liss Glatly:; "ylf.~r s}lt-nt the ,,' with the l;"cntrcs girls .••• z\'fiss Ncnl1y :\forc Is resting en~)-. after a $crious oIH~l"ation • ., * • Mr. a..-orgQ Harter anrl !'.fr.q,. Strol109 arc dan" .. rously 111. ••• :\Irs. l..Ink and l\[rs. .Janes are In<lispopec1. • • • E. C. Dishman, .To~ Ste\"en!llnn, .Tr., )[rs, A. Thamnp, ~[r8. J. S. Olilneum nnd r\lrs, Marla Willi:un" are slowiy improving in health. .

By J. Matthews. Vlke Forest. III., Jnn. H.-The B. Y.

p, U. Is stili lively and "ro~"crous under onr new Jlresld(mt. nrother nates. • • • JlIIS8 Henrietta Hollnnd, who 1l0W rcsldes in GJcncol:? vhc'ted frtt!'nds here Sundn.>', • • • :\Ir •. Chnrles Grny hns been con­fined to her hed the past wecl( with in grippe. • • • JIll •• Carrie :\Iatlhews, "'ho hna Ix!en ~pcn<lIn~ the holhlays with hcr parents, len \"cdne.t'lny nll:ht for r~turn to ~flllnenpo1l8, ~nnn •••• ~lIss .Tuliet lIIatthe\,'~ had liS guests on Sunday Misses Kathryn find :'IlIIdred Twiggs and Llliene Perrin of Evanston.

Ln Grange. III., Jan. J.I.-~fnJor S. G' Horde visited I..n Grnnge SlIllllny, Janu­ary 10. to orsnn!ze the 100)' scouts.

Aurorfi, III.. .Tan. 14.-!\[r9. Muse find daughter, lIInrle. ore ).ome ofter extend­ed out-of-town visits. • • • The mother of 1\Irs. John Durrlltts and Mrs. Rohort Bnrlree, :'Ifrs. BrldgetoT(\ or ~!issouri, has been viSiting with tllerr.'. during the holi­days. She has been coril\nlly entertained by friends, including l\lr~\ .Tohn !\[orton, who served n 12 o'cloclt\ breakfnst In ber honor. She visited De\Knlb Friday. • • • Those who have beeR, on the sick list nre lIfrs. Oscnr Grimes, \ :\[r8. '1'.'11. liam Moore. lIfrs. lIfary Palmcl\ and 1\[r9. Owens, All are ImprovIng. ncc~rdlng to report.. • • • IIfr. Andy Grees ')s added to the list of Defender subscrIbers .••• Rev. Gnles will be Installed as. "'e pns-tor of the Bnptlst Church 0)1 ," 'lry 6. • • • On Wednesday nlri 'ounll' men ot Wheaton entertair. o!les ot Aurora royally. • • • i of Cnlanthe .Installed its new 1 ._ day evening. • • !f .• lin .... \! 1 1B report6Cl ....... r7· 1II.-,.nut1:.~

r.. ~~-:.--==:.:.}'J'i;~:~l';~t~~~~~1~~ .~:-:!':~

.r. TAU Is :'fartln .Vcdllcsday whll~

Cre-en returned opcrvlllc, whcrc

... sick pnrcnt~.

len Thursday Islt her dau"h­

• !\Irs. ~!\n­·'Ist. • * • Sick but Is

.'ritlrtS. • • • i.llin~ bwns here

nCr fatlhcr Il/Ild .• 1\[, J.\ !-eml" .

• d Baptist!. Church , the I"'RtOi-. nlle<1 Jrnln~ an,) preacher! v. Hnggard preached

.\! g'ospel 8ermon Sun­wcre well pl""sed with I· *' :\Irs. Lizzie Carpen ..

LlnJ': dinner nrdder.tnlly i. • * • !\[rs, 1tfury :\Inr­

A: nt her home. • • • At . Chnreh Rev. P .. A. Green •

... <1 the pulllit morning lillrl' nnth sermons Were J;o~lIel ~er.

nnfl vcry instructive. Hc\', Green .np. "'~lrt mnn In the rh:ht 1.lnce .•••

~TrR S:urnn ~fnck. un Ilgl!d un.t rC!:olJcctcd citizen, died Ilt the home o( her slstel'­In-luw, !\[rR. no::n. Ford, on 'ruc~df\Y' night, Jnnuar,.· 4, at 9:30 o'clock, follow­InJl' 11 Riege of pneumonia nnd the grip.

Oltllwa. 111.. Jan. J.I.-~lr .• nll MrR. J4~~S Hf'!wes of Kcw~nco srl(~nt Christmn~ eve wltll ~Ir. nnd :lfrs. Jacobs. ~lr". Rnrrhvell and daughters, !.IlIIe anel IItlle Ho.n l"nl .. ,lIe, wcre tbe glle,t" of :\Ir. and Mrs. lInrry Jncohs. ~Ir~. Bnrd­well I~ thc mother oC Mrs. Jaeolrs .••• :lrr. Edward. who rcll and broke his leI; Chrl~tmns. Is not ImllrO\'in~ ovcrly rast, hut wpo hnpe to £.:(1) him out nguln soon.

• Re\·. lind :\Irs. J. M. Hnggard nre cnrr~'lng on n. \'cr).' !iur.c~Hsf1l1 TO ... \·fvnl. n~v. TttlJ;J;Ilnl Is ~ertntnh" :t gos­llPl prell~hpr. • • • :III'S. WIIRon is sll~htly indisposed.

Cairo. 111 .. Jan. H.-The nusln~s" :\fen'~ T .r.UJ!UC 11£11,1 Vf!I'~· npproprfntc nlcmorlnl sprvices for II", Inte Booker T. \Vn..h­illflton III :lit. :lrorenle naptl.t f:lmrch. Between four nnd five hl1ndrl'~l were proR­I'nt to lta)P honmge to the nckno\\"led~cil l":-:lfl(ll' of thl! rnca In ~plte of th~ !o;torm~~ w('ntllf~r. • • • lIn1'ri~on Cnl.lwell of '''hom:lI~on·R Renl1, 1\10 .• dlNl fit hf::; home nec'-"nlhf!r 2ft lIe lenveN two (laughter9. :1 !'Onn, thr(ln J,;'rmu1r.hthlren nnd othnr 1·"latl\·('" with a host oC Crleml" to lIlourn hi~ d .. nth. • • • ~[r~. Jlattlc n. ''''eng oC (,harnllnil!n was c:rll".l to the dty o\\'-11ll! tn 11)(~ 1l1n(!O~H or her l1n~10, ,!\fr. 'vtJ­Hnm \\PHtl. • .. • Th" Cnlro hranch of the National As"ociallon (or the Atl­"'lIl1n~nlt'nt :lIHI PI·ot.~ction or Colored I "'opl,' h""1 :t good nlf'!'f'tin~ at the Plrst Uapti!llt Church last we~k. ~i:( new nl\.!ln­bpI'S joil)(>(l and the pl'esh1enl or the as ... ~oriatil'\n I~ grf'ntly t!ncollrnE!N1. • • • .\ mom:' t he ~h"lc n t'~ )J (·~tla nw~ Lizzie 1'hol1lp",lI). Ello. '\'lIIlams, DeihL Bar­ker and ~\liss I!!uln. 'Vl1son.

By Z. L. Breedlove • (,hollll"';:;Il. III .. J"n. I·i.-Dr. P"rl'~'

of 111,11.\11:1. Ar·le.. :ld(11'PS:::N1 the follt~ of thl' Snicm n:lptisl Church :\Ionday even­in!.:', ... JC:lnl~tt(-". the 2-yenr 6 0ld tlnm:ht.·r of :lrr. "ml :'Irs. Uriah ~Iol'e­htlld, l:!O·t ""e:;;t c;'lCls :-;trcct. died SI1I1-,1;1\· mOl'nin~ fro1l1 Imcmnonia. • • • ),11:::. ' l..n1lrC)p iN now \'i::;itinJ: her mother. ~Irs. nessle ~rcKlnzl". In 0011-ing-. Ga. :\tr. Jaln(! . ..; CICIllOI1!'i :-:;pl~nt ChriJ;:tl1t:1s tn St, Louis '\'isiting :\11'. l.cwis Cloyd. • • • )'Ir, D. Jacohs, fnl'l!1~r'y o( j)(o(':thu·. h. now ttt 2.\ 'rayJor :.:tn~t-'t. ' • • :.\[I'!-1. C. n. Cru~hsllOW' of St. Lot1i~ 1:-; lu."I·t! \'I:\itin~ her dauch­tel'. ).[ .. ~. :'Iahel John~on. 401 East Fl'ee' ntnnt ~trt't~t. • • .. The u tlenlioll or the H,~puhlirnn:; i:; eall('(1 to f ... Y. Sht'r­Inan. candidate for 1H'PRident of the L'nitt!t1 State:-:. •• )'Ir. 1~. B, no~r et1h~rtuhwd )Jr. X. Dyer a~ n hanquet ut tho r£tstnurnnt on Oak street.

By Curtis L. Moore. ne .. "tlll·. 1\1.. .Ia". II.-Th.. churches

hall their 11:-: 1I:r I St.·I'\·k~·s last Sunrlay, 'I'll" :>1. )'ct.·,.·s ,\. ll. R Church hl'lt! I h"ir qU:lI'h'rly mf't~tillg-. l:e\' . .Jack~on. tlh' Jll'c::hling' elll .. t·, of Champaign, was the ~IH.'all.l.'l' fOI" the llay anll. a:i uS\lal, ;l"t'adh~tI t\\'u ~4J1I1 stil'I'in~ scrulOUS. TllI'n! wa~ Ollt! ;uhlitioll, .... The rC\'i\"lll 111t'\·tltl:~ at lilt! Church of thl! Living God is :.:n.\,·ill;; IIInl't~ intcl'l'sting each c\'cning-. .. • • .. \II'!!.. J.;ufu .. ·.!. lH~" 1""'0 •• nu..a, .'lJi,.;:" :\r.-r.r(~W, )Ir. "'hite and little Clem·n. Ilnlt. t Itt' uau;.;;htcr of ~li8s Cm' .. h1 Iioll of n('catl1r . .Ala" is in the city vi:;iting. ~'r.!-C. BlIf(lrtl Is the mother of :\1 iss Carrie I Jolt of ,:;·1 Xul,th 110111'0(' £trcat. • • • ~lis.s !';IYa Goins It:t~ l't.:'lUl'llcd flOln Hull, Ill .• where slle Ims been visiting r"latives. ..... :\11'. antI :\lrs, Bert Cousins, who 1\'''lIt ~oltlh lIurlll); the holidays to visit. thcir .... isit cut stH)rt nnll had to return soonel' than they ext'J~cte(l owing tn the fat.;l Lhat liLtle OOI'olhy :-':icltcns. ('011::111 or lll'5. COIJ~ills. who was with tfu"m. was tnk~n suddenly ilt. ••• I",lttle Th.~ol'a llcCl'f!\\' of ,Jadisoll\,illc who hit::; lIt','n \'i5:itil1g' in ne'~atllr fur sc\·era! llays h:'IS rctm'ncd homc .••• Pruf, ehas. I;-ant alief :\Ir. 10"ro!d Pant of lit. Pulaski were in tfw city last :\ll1nc1ay ..... :\Irs, )lnry \lurle)' allli ~!1'5. A<ltla Clal'k, 630 Gr.,en­wooll a\"cnll~. was in the capital cit~' la~t ~uuda,.· ath:IHliug' the funeral Qr theIr aUllt. )11':-; •• Julia nal'llcc, ••• Quite a. ",""1",1' of the Decatur ,.ecrple ;)1'0 stili 011 1 lat' f:ic.'lt Ji:'t with la :-;-I"ippe anll olh;'1' aillllt~nt~. T}lI.'~" are as follows: ),11'. "., II. Huhimmn~ wife and d:tu~htcr. IG6!! ='m'th Broadway: )'ll's. Ellen Dean .. Tack­!"on. :!f\O Spring stret!t; :\l1'g. Archie \Vonl. Houth Chnrdl ~tl"(~I.'t: :\lrs. Laura \\'at ... kin,:.;. (ir{!'~l1woo(l: :\Irs. .falllcs .Jacobs. il',f.3 \':e!"t ~t. LOlli:; i\\'en\w, HllIl ;\lrs. \'jllln :\liltoJl, South l1oy(l, .... :\1 ... Geo. Trice has II1n\'cd to his new horne. ,59 South .Jack~on, • • • Rev. I,. ~I. Antrim. , Il:I~tor of the First )f. I;;, Church of this eit).·. allli III'psidpnt of th~ If Association I COl' the AdvanCement or the Colored Pco­pIn." .\.;.pokn In !;tr'ong:est tel'm~ last SUI16

fJ:t~# l"'t'lIfll~ m:ainst the "Birth of a ~atl(JJI." .... ).U5S Gcor;.;lc Leila hns RC'"

e .. ptl~cJ a ,)o~ltinn as cnshler at )'Ir~ Dave Hunt's launclry m;Pllcy. ,\~c 1{now that ~1t~ will lualtc J!ood. • * • llrs. Carrie "·hftc Turner has mo\·ct.! to the ~OO 1,10('1,. Greenwood avenue. • • • ~Irs. \'ir~ie OlH'aI is thinldn,:;- very strongly of nlh'crtis!n::: Cor he .. husband. I)~\\'itt OI1~aI. \\"ho dlsnppearetl \'I~ry suddenly some ~ig-ht ,,'cot:'k~ ago •••• :\lr5. :\101110 :\ll'llock is prclmrlilg to Inove In the earl:.' :->prlng to her cottaS'c on Ra.ilroad rt\·cnue.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Article 1 -- No TitleJESSIE ALLENThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Jan 29, 1916; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 2

~ l)'I!'tnl'··l"::·"eJllI.":" I -

t ' Ii ' '11, :~ ~ to "tten~ !h' Ji> Counell and " .',".' ' ', ..... <! ,. II e 'dedfca .on ~ Sunday School i,I'$fA ',":" "'.' ':, ~';,; . ,:.~ orbulldlng,.. .. Emma 3. Cald. /.'.,," .<' ',51, '., "~'::. J·ac1r.j~ '''I!ICbl~ Lawa II our city 0. week ~. 'La't' N~~frQll1 --'''1 ' '. ting e r tI, 4(1S Main street ~,:~,. ~ UI " ~';;',..:.' ,;..I·D. Braid" iii ' Ibi, !l'ba Blackstone Cafe Is the pi nee t~

,I .. :" ¥iDe •. Decatw '~Ill: __ " 1'1& '. e luncheons. - • • Rev. F. A. Court-r ", wood TorinO v>;' 0U&QlIl scar IIlld .tlUlllly, who have been iii with

, ' " ' C. It f.ver. are doIng nicely. • • • Hr ... • ToWJU!. .' . but Is 1 ron haa been III0k tor some time ,__ mproved.

• ~a..m~· , BY i,,:n>__ at'! U.~~Obel't .:raokaonvll}e. I~:!..=!jIlI the gueat of

L. .:rones ot SprlD5" ••• MIll!! Lu. MISS .:ressle Allen ~~~dl':l'I' the guBBt of ele! Watta of Pit .... •• olllJlJL'·':r.tt88 her sleter, Mra. Jerome R eel l~ a three Maude L. Allen hilS relUJ: In Clarkll1tllle weekB' visIt with trlen e second Baptl.t Mo .• ., • ~rember8 .of. th.H ... 'rrt'iA tor n ..... Churcb, have "lW~ 111::;1;, In' ib: home coming Frl BY Ie<! pr4gram WIll chu reh parlors. A verY n cou1'!8 luncheon be given and a two tlve bOArd Of!tha uerved. • • • The .:teeD met at the of .lacksonvllle Civic L.4,!,,~y Monday eve: ftce or Dr. R. H. and La nlng. • • • Frank MallotY t li Uta Allen entertained their ~~eth:llpl- i tal te'ln. worker. atd·uppei~bL A lovet' M. E. Church Thar. ay DN 1 ~rcCrack supper W/lS served. R~6;.ugis . were lI.l"; en and Rev. E. 1M S •• v ,ervlccl! at guest. • < • The un...... h Bethol were well attended. !. et Pll.IItor,

>f C II n. d.lI~ef"" wo Very Rev. N. J. "c rae e 000" eehool beld able IU!rmons. Tile Sa , 23 •• tllelr annual election on JanuatYk a~6 ... Those on the Blck list this wee I ,;-r. Ndward Mallory, Albert FoUllta n, ra. IIh'ers. Mrs. Mary l1eU, and )lea P¥les. ••• 'the correspondent neglected Dto !lien· Uon In llUltweel\'.s Issue ot 'l'lle eCencler that Dr. A. H. Kennlbrew and Rev. J. W. Muse were the gueals of Rev; ~c. Cracken at tho supper Ialit weell. • Tho Chl,,;!go D<J.rend.r III on sale, by the correspondent at Mallory BrotherS Store, eIther phone ~36. • • •

By Z. L. BREEDLOVE. Champaign. ilL. Jnnuary %8.-A charity

ball will be given FebruatY 3 II t Elks' Audltorlum to. tho pUrPose of ~harlty under management oC the Woman S Self Improvement Club. • • • Tbe TwenUeth Century Temple I'o. i, Pilgrim SI.lers ot tlIe Holy CroBS, have submitted their seml.anllual rellort, elected and Installed otlleers [or the next sIx montbs. O. M. S. Mrs. A. Jackson. Latayette, !nd., ap­pointed "Srs. t:. T. Dean, proxy to Install officers .••• Mrs. L. A. Riley, P. IlL S. or TweflUeth Century No.5. Is plJlJ1nlng a Irlp for lbe IMG" to Danville. III. In Au· gust. • • • ,lIllss I. Carter I. In ParIs, llI .. vlaillng friends. • • • Mr .. 1:'. Griffin Is vlsltln" her mother In St. Louis. Mo. • • • Housoholtl ot Ruth No 2370 In­IItalled tile followinG officer. Wednesda.y e,'enlng, ;o.r. L. Ander.on. P. M. N, G,; C. Nesbitt, l\f. N. G.; E. Smith. W. R. . . .

By F O. nOBINSO~. Rockford. III.. January 28.-Mrs. M.

Anderson. wlr. ot Rev. AnderSOn of QUInn Chnpel or Chicago. I. vlsitlnlf relatives here. • • • Rc,·. Carter Hicks Pllssed away this week .• • • Harry Blakely, a chaulfeuf. neurly 105t his lICe when gas Overcame him In the garage where the ('ar W~8. • • • ~frs. Adelia Ross wilt reo tUrn to her home (rom the hospital Where she has been sulferln!! from a .. "ere at- 1

tack ot rheumatism. I . .. . . lly CURTIS L. MOORE.

li • • • Ston~~gell Park, III., ;January 28.-Rev • Ill. • :n~ wife are vlsltJng l\{urphYlIboro. gener ' Rev. J. W. Stovall will hold Churc~ conference at Free> Will Baptist ot th Februal7' 8. • • • The Children W~d 0 IIdhlgh sebool will have a. contest an ne ay.··. The U. B. F.g will give old entnrtalnment January 29. • • • The Rive fOlks ot tbe Methodist Church will .Slev a eoneel't .:ranuary 30. • • • Rev. Cb e .:rohnson preached at St. Poul's

urcn Sunday. • • • Mr. T. Campfield gave a leap year ball Saturday night.

• • • J I By M. CLARK.

nl 0 fReet. Ill.. January' :ag.-Sunday eve. th:g v. Fleming ot BrnJdwood OCt!upted hI Jolt. Olive pulpit. • • • On account of CI/llh water Saturday the Church Aid So­'Afe y Was postPOned. 0 •• l\lr. Kennedy fa or[.l .. wau the guest ot Mrs. Jones and I m y on Joliet .. treet. • • • Mr. J. Ham­'A~t IlIlld IIlr. J. Stevens a. short visit. ••• W· J. CarrIgan. Mr. C. JesllUp and Mr. t IlIIam Smith left Saturday for a trip o ChIcago On bUsiness. • • • Mra. V. ~:nlth left the city Tuesday. • •• Mr. S.

oore and lIlrs. B. Brooks were the rests of tbelr uncle. E. C. Disham and damlly. • • • IItrs. E. T. Mason spent the Bay In ChicaGO. • • • Miss F. Stevenson nlJent Sunday With ber mother an,l tam­ort· • • • R. l'Ifagruder was In the ell).'

Ursday. • • • 1'41', G. Harter died at hlB home, 129 High atree!, January 1 g al\!ter a slight IIIncSll. Funernl service at .t. Olive Church. . . . Lake Forest, lit, Jnn. zS.-;ms .. A. Bnx­

tser entertained !lUllS Thelma, Candlll Unduy afternoon. • • • Rev. Tompson

has returned tram n vlalt home. • • • lIfrs. lIf. JohnSon had ns her guest Sun­day her Sister, IIlrs. Brooks, ChIcago .•• 1\1.. C. MCIntOsh returned from a short trip to Centra lin, Ill.


I Carbondale. III .. Jan. 28.-1\[r8. C. Elder

eft for St. LOUis Sll.turdny. • • • 'AIrs. H. Parka I" visiting friends In st. LollIs. ~~o .... • • Mr. H. Vanter was In Centralia

cunesday. • • • 'Mr. 1... Clark Is visit. Ing In the city. • • • Mr. L. Dirdsollg .!>ent Saturday and Sunday out of the city.

Rlveralde. Ill .. ~8.-)rrs. Preston I Kemper returned today from Florellce, I Ala., where she burled her falher,

By lIf. SWANKS. Cairo, Ill., Jnn. 28.-111191 Z. McClain

resl"ned her position as teacher In the publle schools because of poor bealth ••• lIIr. N. Morrison died Monday and was burled 'Vednesdny from F. 'M. naptist church. • •• John Ii. Ford Is the owner oC the Ford CaCe. • • • N. Natham left the city \Vednesday on business. • • • Qeo. Carr. St. Louis. Is vIsiting his fllther In the city. • • • The' Association '\\'111 meet Feb. 2nd. • • • The l\IllUonDol!ar KIds will entertain Jnn. 31. • • • The members at the Trl­Cit>· Charltnble Aid and Orphans' Home SocIety are doIng exeellent work n!Ilong the poor. • • • Bnptlsmal servl<:e was beld Sunday at ?It. Morlal Baptist ehurch Sunday. tbe pastor, Rev. Bomar. beIng assisted by Rev. Griffin .••• The 'Vhlppoorwlll Club met Friday night at Harris B'I'()s .. 14th and \Valnut streets.

Lllydatc, Jan. 28.::T'he LUl'dale Im­provement Association held their regu­Illr meeting for the eleetlon of orncers Thursday evening. " 0 • Mr. and lIfrs. lII. Rhodes. 9350 State street, entertained Mr. and 1\Irs. Wm. Howard Friday even­Ing. • • • ~Ir. G. Jordan. Jackson, Tenn., arrived In the city Sunday, owing to the illness of his daughter, :bus. J. D. Trot­ter.

_iil-tur. 111., January =S,-The church· es gave their usual servIces last Sunday. • • • The Decatur branch of the N. A. A. C. P. held thClr Mnual meeUng last lIfonday night at the ,L !of. E. ChUrch. Officers were elected. • •• lIr. and l\(fl!. Guy Harris of Madison are In the city Visiting their soa "Uti daughter-in-law. Mr. and :lfrs. H. O. Hllrrls. also Mr. and Mrs. Lollis Stewurd of 305 East Colorado street. • • • JlIr. Henry Wetlock, iQ1 William slreet, will Ie,,,,,, tor th.. next sixty dILl'S as tfllin dlspat(!her {or the Wabash system. ••• Mr .... Anna Broner, lIlIss Grncle Call well nnd :lffsa Georgia. Lelia "'ere In Dam·llte laBt "'eek to at. tend the funeral or Mr. AI {red Bland. • • • We arc please!! to nnnounee !hI) marriage of 1I1r. Fred Raglin of this <:fty to Miss Jota. Ewing of 1II10polis. Ill. They Evanston, nl., Jan. 28.-The splendid

,wHl:.ret'lde, In Decatur ••• • The stork sermon at Ebenezer church last Sunday \'lslted "l}(r!'l .. and Mrs. H. O. Harris on was well attended and enj"yed by all. January 25 IilIId )p(t a line boy. • •• ••• lIfr. C. Hall la conllned to his bed lIfr •. Rnss ot Fl'\lnklln street has moved on account or Illness .••• (..tIst Sunday out ot the elty. 'She 'I'm spend a few afternoon there Was a very interesting' weeks In Chlcngo an'!i (rom U,ere will to leclure at the Y. lIf. C . .A. and nil who 80uth to live With l'Ier brothers. • • a I I d U 1 t tt d It J d It Mrs. ltattle Of G '0 GroDnw' ood In 10 P easure 0 a en en oye

, " to the utmost. • • • lIIr. nnd 4\lrs. Ral-avenue Is on the sick list at this writing. men of 1926 Abbery avenue wore host

DuquDln. Ill.. January 28.-1I[,s. Leona and hostess at an elaborate dinner last L:l.Inence, who has been visiting jher Sunda~·.'" 1Iliss Jessie Terry \VllIlum ~roth.r. Mr. Gorf]nn ConeU since Chl .... t- died Tuesday at the age of 25. She ",as. has returned to her~iiDmc In Oh~' leaves two children and a husband and ~~-.!-.ini~J. W. HarrIs t n. host of friends to mourn her loss.· •• St Louis has been called to pastor e Miss DUke Smith of 827 Forest avenue St. Paul Baptist Church. • • • I~ very sIck with pneumonia. • • • !>Irs. Callle Jackson received a m""sagc t C. 'V. Deon of 429 Madison strect toolt Freeport, III., of the death of b' suddenly III last Monday even In\:, but nt nephew James Johnson. 0 • • 'Mrs. Mat this writing Is very much Imprm'cd. • • da Moss has returned to her home The ChIcago Defender enn be bought at Springfield nrter vIsiting Mr. Albert R the Emllfson Street Y. lIf. C. A. All 'I

dick and wlCe. • • • Mrs. lIIary .Jackson news oC Importance must be sent to J. , of Mound elty Is vIsiting Rev. Bruner and R. Moore. 1028 Emerson street. Phone! wife .• • • "II'. BUrllesc Thompson, who 3018 Evnnston. was broullht home sIck (rom the Majestic J .... 5t Sunday 0. temarknble service wa3 I mines lrult week, is reported beller. • •• held nt the church at the close of the Aunt Patient 1{lnd <lIold Friday at Jilr evening service. The pastor cnlled the home (In North Walnut street. • • • i. congI'l!!;'ntlon down to the lecture rOom i De WIll Po" Is In Indianapolis attend I g nnd spent one hour In " speclnl ""rvlce. the MIners' Convenllon. Hit Is n de - '1Ifn;ny were present and promised to gale from Ihe Majestic local. • •• • mnke special efforts In winning men and Conlny and ,,'Ife are In town the gu s women ior Christ. Frldny n!ght has o[ tllelr ,laul;hter Mrs. Ora Taylor .• ~.'. Ileen set apart as Evnngellstlc NIght, ~1l"S D!1.rtllula Person has been teach! g The pastor will lead this service arter In the L.lncoln SCil()ol In Mrs. A. L. An - the class leaders have led their class. , 60n's plllee for the past week llnd s .... Quite a few splendid prOgI'ams are I ,ucce •• rul In Ihe work. • • • Mr. J being Ilrel,ared for the near future. 'rhe l\!.\lor~. who WlIS InJure.1 in the !lraJeiitkJ church wUl look forward to them with mines by a motor, I.s convalescent. • •• muell Interest. • •• The anniversary There are mor~ than forty homes wht exercise wilt consist ot good speeehes' rea,l Tho Defender each week •••• MrS. and singing lIfonday nIght, Feb. 14th,' F:Ul"h"lh Elhhn, who cam" to attend thE Dr. A. J. CnTey, Mrs. Bell Grllves, Wm. [email protected] of her lIOn, Mr. Willie Bibb", hal 1", Garnett nnd the pastor will be the returnf.d to her home In Chicago. < • '1 prlnc!pal speakers for the nlgllt. Bishop 1Ilrs. I'llrail Taylor of East St. LoUI" I' UO and Bishop J. Alhert Johnson Indl­Visiting her 5lsler. !I!rs. Ellen Oalo of St. cate that they will be present. The Jobns. Miss. • • • Miss Dnrthula Per!lOll banquet promises tD be n. great altair. I. spending a Cew duys In Dewmnlne with ••• There will be 110 admissIon fee to relative. and friends. • • • 1\[1'. Will the annIversary exerclse$. • • • 1\[ra.· was brought home from the :!"rtra- Jessie WIlliams. thn daughter of lIfrs. disc mtnes sIck. • •• 1I1rs. Stella Sandert Ellen Smith. one of the neaconncsscs 10 here from at. I..ouls attending the bed- ot the church, died Tuesday morning at 81<!e of her sick fa thel'. Mr. James San. 4 o'clock. • • • The city ot Evanston has ders. • • • Mr. Rohert FraZier and willi .. very large number of sick people. 1I10.t are the proud parents ot twIns who at" or the members or the cbureh are at tlIls lived on, Januar;' 23. • • • 1>[rs. Jessfe time convalescent. • • • The contest In Vessel' wenl to Cairo a few dnys ago on I ~he Sunday school continues to grow epedal business.. • • • We are ablo to 'f'1lth Interest. The meml'>ershlp nlso Is ,·.commend Beveral good widows 8hould ,n the Increase. Chairs had to be anybody desire 10 marry •• • • Mrs. Ocr- 1\rought from the audItorium last Sun­trudo Avlngton, who came over trom East thy to aCCommodate the sehool. • • • S~ L.mb to nlten.' the tuneral of h(~' '';atch Cor the contest. ~~!~. h~~~ Hattie Burnette. hll.8 reo' . .

Carbondale, til.. January 28.-Forest Clnrkson. the fourteen year old Bon of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Clarkson. was struck by n switch engine nnd ktUe<l. Funernl services werc conducted by Rev. Evans at the A. ,>1. E. Church. • • • It Was too baa the damsel on Green street dId not recognize the BOBton dudes' voleea over the wlrell. • • • The ladles of the Roelt. hllJ ~huTch or the sewing cIrcle gave a donation for James Powels Monday night at hi. home .••• Mable Breedlove the wife ot Dr. Breedlove ot st. Loul .. ar~lved In Ihls city Monday night to visit her alster-In·law. She Is on her way to Ar­kanooll.

• Streator. III., Jon. 28.-Mr. Williams

Veasy made a trip to l\{onmoUlh and re­turned all smiles. • • • Hrll. Minnie Oar­dener of 612 North IIllnol. .treet has been sick wIth the grip but Is mUch bet­ter at this writing. • • • lIfra Dora WI~k tett Friday tor R()ck Island. ••• w! have BOrne !leople who In81st on gettIng tlIe Tace popel's on credit ltut IlIlY In at!­vance for tM white dailies. AI! renders of The Defender can leam that tile tenns hereafter are 5 cents per week. pay 8S you receive the paper. • - • r.t1'8. &In Page wIshes, to know the Whereabouts ~ her brot.,er. Hr. Charles Ellis, last being heard of about two years ago In Min OIlOIis. PleaDe send Intormatlon to 1::­Eart LIvingston street, Streator, lit •• r Mr... Ella Peeple, who hall been III I Improving rapidly. • • • Miss ~ 8 Page 1.0.. been verY sIck With tOIl.9I!I!\ a • • • Mr. and Mra. Page have beeS. sick but are much better at t1ll, wrilln: • • • Mr.. Hattie WlIllBms, formerly l!Q • liaUle page. wlehes to know the ""he:: about' of Hr. Henry Brook, when I • heard .of being In Goodland, Ind. .:a; Mr. and MI'II. Williams GreenwOOd of (I ta wa are the very proud paren Is of a n~' babT girl whlcb came Monday, Janua'; ,1'1.~· ' , • .

.~ '. . . By A. GIRARD •

. ;Peot;la. TIl., .:ranuary n.-Rev. a a .rOllf preach": ~. wonderful Bel'lllon Ia$t Su ay evening at Ward Chapel, Re wltl .~~ Tuesday, February II, tor NlIShl'lJle.,~

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

KENTUCKY STATE NEWSLEE L BROWNThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jan 23, 1932; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 11


HARRODSBURG KY "!II 6S lhu T ' ... llson nurse at PT ce

}. n odnl ho Pltnl as elected pre d"nt o[ 111" Eduell lona1 c h of F rst ERr 1st church ne, S L, en a d xamlb bn\ft b~"n !ndlspo~ed TI c can ell ~ lS;ht services at A :II E churcl Sunil") condUcted. b) Rc <: L} en ar.d "Ite were nrr impre!Sl!h e lliss

STATE NEWS elllcted ol1\eErl tor 1&3% .Mrs J Z Clark wortby counselor Mr and Mrs. George McReYnolds W~ vIsIted b~ the formeI'. brotheN and IIlst"ra Geo ge lIIcReync>lds Is at II .;m tl e lick: lat !llrs V tu B .McReynoldl! of Cen r I Clt~ 'II\slled her brothers onr the ""ek end J 11 Smith and wlte \ II ted I er }larentll near Oreen ... Ilia

1\er home l\lrs Irene Sn Ith and l\trs Garth visIted In Madl&on~lIle Ky ).tl'3 Kina MIlUI Queen Heart JamM Parker II nd EngIne <;re~ \ .. ere "Inner guests of lit and "fl'a T W Shelton Mi5& ;~feln rao~::1~~ ~:n~'; collage Naah

LONDON KY Jol n Beatly ,~ns do\\n troln Corbin

TllesdAS Theo Gibson fa home fro n W1UIa.msburg lrtS8 Josle G bIllS wlll sOCln lea vo for Colu abu, Ohio. ltobert Beatty Is I nprovlng )1181 Bertha. Pot tn of narbour Ille ~ Uiited bel' aunt JI[NI Anna l\IcKeC! :Alra A B lIcK"e III !n1pro\ h;lg :lUss Lettle POleer \Vho bu been 1ak1n.:: treatment at Clneln natl OhIo has returned

MAYFIEI.D KY The s elo: are :ltra R05. Andr41 .....

lll.1I ll&r3 E 1'tluel lIra Dora. Oat 1 ;\Irs Lizzie 1:Iourgar 1 ::Illes Rosie Vanco ltrl' l\Ifnenll llil Bon knd Mrs Lal), .Prvor Mrs Fannie Tn ker Is rapidly' I pro Ing lIra Corn e Bomal':e leCt for Tnmms 111 Thurlldn.y She wu accompanied b Mrs EV4lyn 10 .~

~!~I h!,:t~~rn~o:~ ~!~ro~~turtt~h n~~! lin!r lew BaptIst mlnlllter and hIs cbolr ,,111 be the ,""lISt.. of,5t James.A M. E church Sunda;,. aftllt'nooR at a .. clock Sand ne~~ to "",rna l! WIU'd 32& Water 5t phone. 325

TRENTON KY SlInd .. )' .as comn Un on day at the

C .M E churth lIlJ;/i lla~.t!. J Lea ell Is Impro Inc 11~B J 1111.:M Hu ..

se I Is I ftl'roY IlS slo",,!> :!.tr and "lrll l\ilUam Buckner or Hopkln.111l" vere guests of hl1l brother d" ire Prof and :llro r .r :Buckner Sunda~ Choir rehe rsal ... as held at the hom .. at ~lrs Leoa Ford The Lacllea union mM at the homn of M.... ::Ulldle Cnler preal dent All ol1\"erg were ~e elected Tbe steward"" .. bOnrd met at the home ot Cista l:ta. All olflcErs were ra e eated Mrs Lucy Dlekln$on president :Ur. Lena C Ford "ecreta. y :UrI E~a Lea

ell treasure~ Alf.'xander Le&HIl ot ~,~~r~~e k~S ,,~~r{k,,~n o~u~I,:;.&::lI~rl~ll~t ~~" ~::~~~ or her daughter lIn Jo la

LEBANON KY lira ~Dnle Lee Is III at; 1 er 1 orne

on C ea\ er's A..~e. ;\11' and )[r" Law

~i:'~~eSftJ~~ft ~~ ~~s lO~I~lt~a!~'!i Chnrl" Smith were called to Louis ~tIIe Ky to attend tha funernl of Mr. ¥~r:l' sr~"k 1~1t:i1 n i~: O~0~~81S oya~~ nnd lIn Lee Smith at their home \I Cie\ emnd Oh 0 A t the dosl! of the se".lce at the \. ;)1 E ZI<>n eI urch Su dllJ' rno n ng Jan lU the congre

W\IY~n ~Il~e st~~~ llr\O~o ~~ar: .... ! "~re~t~l~na~~o~" t1t1

:d .J~tnlh~ 1I~~rll.'i!

9 Ore (\I hlte) SOme t me ngo na~ n ond o. orne happens to be tho 1 ek~ ()n~ o 1... ).t11h,r th6 n:J.tional benefit Agent nnd l\Ir a d :.\lnI JessIe Hardest) were In town Tue.dal" :ltf And :Urs Len.,. o\beU 1111. c> a. surprise party 1:\11' theIr SOn

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSEITHER M. PHILLIPSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Sep 12, 1936; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 8

ILLINOIS STATE ·NEWS SPRINGFIELD Springfield ,\,'ilh ~.Irs. Nellie Tate Wad­

dy. a :former resident olthis eily. BY,n~ii.~~.R ~~~~eiI~!;"I;~PS Mrs. Waddy was tbe house guest or Mrs.

SPRn;GFIELD. m.. Selpt. ll.-Mr.\ R. A. Bnd, And Mrs. W. 'E. Mitchell '\·i.~jted ChiC:l!!o. Andrew Willow Cork o( Brooklyn. :m attending the grcat East-West baseball employee ot the state. Who has been ""m<>- I sullenng !rom a severe head injury th!~r~n E~r,I~~~(>Y is "isllm&, ncr 01'0- reech'ed during Fair "'''''k in this

... tr~, Ida Hudson or Chicalto has been city is convalescing at his home. ''i~iting her brother. Lawson Franklin Samuel King: I'on of Re\·. ~ndMrs.

of ~~t~~m($ i., out o( town visiting Anthony.King. 1.M E. Capitol avenue. bis mother and brother. is leaving the city 10r Tuskegee. Ala .. Thoma.~ Autry oC Peoria is "isiting where he will enter Tuskegee InsU­

his aunt. Mrs. Franecs Thompson; ::'.frs. Alice Smith. his Ilrandmother of tule. 1111'. King is an accomplished Peoria 'was in the eity dunng fair pianist. week_ ;'frS. 1.. Shelber. and Children,!1

:'1r.. Edith Carpenter. 1305 Monroe d f-tteer.. left recently to accompany her L. Shclbert. Jr, .and Eileen. arc spen -t'\\'o nieces. the l\iis"c.~ .Chiu·lofte and lng an extended Vl:cation in Chicago. I Louise Whic. to their home in Phila- The citizens or Sprin::Ueld ,vere Cli-c:!elphia. Pa. They will ... -!Sit Niagara pecially delil;hted to wdeome the man~'1 Falls en route to their destination. 'the ~'isitors {rom all o,'cr IIl1nol~ "nd otl~\cr :.I~~es White have been sucsts of 1111'S. ,;tates Who attended the Illinois Statc. T. C. Ashurst and :Miss AIiC(! l\1cCoo Fair. Whenc\'cr ~'ou visit Sp;-incCield ·while in the cit~·. . be sure lind call The Odcnder reporter

The ''''hite family held a reunIOn and let us know you are here. Call find dinner Sunda;' at Bridge View Esther Phillips. 109 Wcst Laurel !;treet, lleaeh and also honored Prof. Harold telephonc, :i\Jain 61511. You may also 'White McCoo on the occasion or his sct your D"f~nder at this same address birthea\" Prof:. l>lcCo has been the or have it deli~'ered 10 ~'ou by the nev.'E­gt;est or his mother and sister 'Whi~e boy. Charles Phillips, Jr. News by hee and left ~ionda~' to r~ume. hIS Esther:!.t. Phillips. schooltl( mU!!ie instruction at Bir,:unl:-ham. Ala. He Is "'isitinJ; in Chlcaso CAIRO. ILL :prior to his journey !;outhward. :Mr:;. ChrL~1ine Braden I!a"c a buffct

Little Minerva Lo\'e Vaughn. 7-ycars- supper for the .Toll.\' Makers social club cld. living at 2G16 E. Stuart street, re- at her home on POj'lI:::r strc~t. nlC turned trom Bloomin!:ton where she Ca"alief 1>Jcn:~ club f:lWC a bir!hda)' spent the ... ·acation with her mother. party lit the Golden Li1~' night club ].tl'!'. Ophelia Smith. She \\ill return in honOr or Thoma!< Caldwell, Jack to her studies in the third !:rade next Griffin. ,\'al\cr Young and Eddie Guer-,,-eek. rin. '

Mrs. Bertha Liggins and sister. Phoe- Mrs. Louise Flakes i.. in Jack-'on. be Davis. left for .a two-week visit in Tenn .. \·is.Itin;: her aunl. Mr. and Mrs. I Charle"oi:< and Topinahee. Mich. They Thomas Green or 311 32nd ~trect are will "'-!sit n'1r. and Nrs. Ruby l\1itehell. vl.~lting h!::r parents in Charleston, Mo.

;\'1rs. ,V. H. Recd ot 911 North 13th Mrs. Clara HatfIeld returned from ~reet. who suUered from a ~lil!ht vlsitin):! in St. Louis. Mrs. Zenobia !;trtlke. recently. is impro''ing rapidly Williams and M,.~. Blanche Trice or and will !Soon be out asain. Battle Creek and Mrs. Willie Kin/! of

Geor!:e Wells is '\I'isltinll his nephew. Kalama:oo aft::r vi~itin;: in Kentucky R. C. Stapleton in Chieago. MiSS Aman- viSited their ~ister. Mrs. SylvC$ter da Wells is ... ·isltln;:: ,hcr $lister. 11<11'3. Ta~'lor of Conll avenue, News by John Stapleton in Glasco. Mo. George Lillard. I

1-Uss La Donne! Graves returned to R. S. Simmons "Lotted in the dt~· last I the city allcr "'L~itinlt ;at camp Glen cek Mrs EmmR Hayes and "rand'on Olive. Y. W. C. A. camp. near River- ~~turned from Dell'oit and Fli~t wh~re I t<m. Ill. she visited her daughter. Mrs. E\.al

MiSS Isabel Cleopatra Simmons re· Howard, Rev. Thomas W. JoncE. asslst­turned home after a month's vacation ant pastor or the First Ba:;>ti!'t church. in Chicago where she "isi'ed her reslsned after :!1 years' ~eT\'ice. I cousin. Miss Lorraine Westfield. Mr.;. K"tic Curren and MI~5 Alle;:.ra I'

lI1iss Lcah Blake. Chicago, 8-years- B. Jones returned from \'i5ltlng rela­Old. is ,·isiting her parents: Mr. and tlves in Jac;',:on and Duhlin. 'E. D. I

l\!rs. '\Vlillam Blake. who lIVe at 615 Rumn I.~ building a ne!W home. The II North Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Sih'er Lea! Church Aid soeicty ccle­::Slake fo,. the present arc residing in bra ltd its :!:jth annh'er.'a~· ?<Ionda~·.j Springfield \"hile l''1r. Blake Is employ- Mrs. Ruby John.on was lnJUft'd In an I ed at the state capitol buildin!!. ;\n.!; automobile ac:cidcnt. I ::Blake attends ~hool In Chicago where 1\1rs. Ellie Moody and ::randson or IIhe lives with h!::r ;:randmother. Chica!!o arc \'L~iljng IIlrs. Su~ie Slmp-

Miss Lois Mat Watson h3d as her son. 1I1r. and Mrs. Gus Morris of St. """celt-end ~uests her cousins. Mi;;;s Louis are \'isitine Mr. ~ml "irs • .Tohn, Nadine Greenwood. Mrs. Mabel Brown. Wade. :Mr. and :Mr,,_ Calvin Brown and, and an uncle. '1\1a\ Greenwood. and an, Miss Jessie L. O"crby motored to Ful-. aunt. l\!rs. Fannie Greenwood. all of ton and Union City. Sunday. I Streator. While the Greenwoods were: Mr. Simmons. Tbe Chlca!:o pefender herc. the)' visited 1\1r. and Mrs. Sam fn:ld al:lent. was a visitor in the city I \\"atts. ,,1.0 COUSins. i reC(!nth-. The prayer band h-.:.ld a:

:>''lrs. Brsise Isom. North 14th street'l !!fcssicn - at the! New Hope Free Baptist·: left the city for Kansa~ Cil~·. Mo .• where, church. Little MiSs Cllorle Helen ~~~h- I ~hll wit lbe employed at the home of; cr .... nd Ed Debao returned {rom "Isltln:; I 2>11'1'. H. C. Sttunkenbruck. I their aunt. MrS. Clane Cook.

::'.'lr~ • .,tildred O'B~'3nt left for ::'10n- I __ _ n>!>uth. Ill., to attend the Wood river I ULLIX. ILl •. association meetint: as a dele,;ate. Mr. and Mf.!'. Clcrenc(! Kclley. Mr."

The Standard Republican club had and Mri. Geor!:e Bailey lirld Henry its r~r;ular meeting Thursday. Scptcm- \i\,'ynns have returned from St. LO!lis. I pCI' .3. at the home of the president'j Mo .. where they visited the ronner's I' l\lrs. Helen Yokum. IO:!:! South lith d"ughle~. Mrs. Nettle Dukes .md Mr. Fucci., I.lrs. A. Works Is !eeret. .. ry of 1 and Mrs. Gay Carawa~·. A reunion the club. I dinner was ser'\'cd Sunday at the home

l\'I~S Ju~t!ne Bank~ Is atteneing the, of Mrs. Duke~. I 40th sC':!.,ion of the Woodrivcr Baptist I Little Rodgers returned for :-.s~ociation whiCh is convening at the schoo! aiter :i'l'cnding sl,,· weekS in St. ! Cal" .. t'Y Baptist cllurch in Monmouth. Loui.~."" guc-t or Gay Caraway, ~r. I

September 13. 51. Paul A. :i\f. E. church Re..... Ben Sheard and Rev. W. T., ",HI celebrate it. •. !l3rd anniversary. A Triplett attended the Mi~ister!' Confe,r­full day'!; program hall heen planned. cnce at Ihe Free Baptist church m D~. D. 1:. Webster is in ch3rge Of pro- Mounds. lll. I i!Tam arrangements. Re\,. J. H. Sydcs Mrs. Alice Gordon and little Delbert i~ l"l~tor. Caldwell visited in Caleidonia last

EUGene Woodson. '",ho i... attcndin::: week. f('hoo\ in Champai!:u. spent the week Rev. A. R. White and j:lranddaughtcr end with his family. n[ Cape Girardeau, Mo.. and Prof.

:Mr~. Deliah J,.aWll. Hannibal, Mo.. 1. Gro\'cr Hopkins were dinner guests was a visitor in Springfield during the or Mr. ·and Mrs) Frank Summers and E~ate Fall' Eli:po~ition. ,,·i:;1tlng. Mrs •• [amU)' Friday. ., Tull)· Bailey. E. Capitol avenue. Funeral !>ct'\'jccs were held Saturday

.lohn :11. Kemp. Jr., of Chics/!o. an ror Mrs. :Margaret Grundy of St. Loui:; ~:nployee at the state capitol building. at the Wynn::; Chapel C. M. E. church. is s\:endlng his .... acation with. bis par- A union· :supper was held at the enu and family in the Windy Cit)·. Wynns Chapel C. M. E. cllurch. Sat-:Mr. Kemp "ill confer with the leaders Llrday. . re.lati"e to the fall campaign. Mrs •• lohn Clay: Rev. 1ierbert Gill and

Mrs. Alice Breedlove 01 Clneinnati. Miss ~sic Davi:;·'are improving fOOm! mother 1:1£ Dr. Linen Breelove. prac- recent iUncs~cs. tieing phy~ician and ~urgclOn of Cin- The re'\l'ival at Bell Chapel M. .E. cinnati and Columbu.~. Ohio. spent c:hurch closed with ~uceess. It wa::; I several day;; lut week v.ith het' niece. conducted by Rev. A. R. White. ".111\ Mrs. Charles E.· Phillip!. 103 Wet Lau' the a~istant:e cf the pastQr, Rev. W'I rei £treet. .Mrs. Breedlove motored to M. Ross. .

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Article 5 -- No TitleZ L BruedloveThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); May 8, 1915; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 2

(By Z. L. BfUedlove'.)

Champaign. Ill., :\Iny 7.-!II!s.~ 1':athl'\' lIf •. Johnson, field lIRonl for the N!~tI'm'; I Association for the advancement q Colore.! People. organized' Il. bmnch oi that soclet~· at Dethel Afrlcnn ::'ITethodist !:Flsco)lnl Church on Tucsda>' {l\·ening.

fhe 01<1 Abolition nnd the New" was the suhjcct which :\lIss Johnson chosc, an.l so well was It hal1l11cd tlmt at Its conclusion twonty-seven persom! suh­scrlbe(1 to the constltntion aTul became memhers. The fOllowing 'olllcers wel'e chosen to serve 1111tl1 the regulnr election III Novembe'r: President, Dr.\H. E. Rownn; .... Ice preSident, Mrs. H. J. "'ells; secretary, :\Irs. I. B. Thoml)SOn; ;.\ISllitnnt seCl'etal'~:, F. K. Lewis; treasurcr; A. It. Rev. H. "'. .Jamcson. ,'lI. II 'Vhee!er, 'V. J. PrlllCe, :\11'5. ',J" E: JlIlneson, :,\h·R. L. A. Riley, Mrs. lialsy D. Patton were elected to serve i on the executive bon rd. 'rhe suppressIOn of Vice nnd crime, equal opportunity MIl rnlr pilly nro some of the objects sought by

he assoallltion, aomo ot tho prominent vhlto people of the Twin CIties joined, IInong them being Eugene Davenport Inti Dean :Margaret J. Kyle of the Unl­"milty ot Illinois. The following are llembers ot the local branch: C. 'V. Tay­:or, }<'. Skelton, Jo'. K. Lewis, Z. L. '3r!ledlove, Nathan Dyer, H. E. Stevens, 8. A. "'ells, lIfrs. :\tattle Dixon, Mrs. S. (b Edwards, 1111'S. Queen M. Penn)', Mrl!. l~. N. Brown anti lIlrs. Emma Patterson. t appeal to tho members of this organ­.'l.atlon to stanu lQgelher, lay aside your petty envious jealousy Ilnd stick to­gether; by so doing we can accolllplish something. Put Champaign on the map as ono of the l'lnce!! thnt do things. • • • :\11'. Earl :Mam. was recently Granted a feJlowsh!t1 In the AmerIcan School or Cor­I'CSI)Ontlencc locatold In Chlcngo. :Mr. :\!;\lln hns recently purchased tbe resi­dence located at 602 Enst White strcet that he occupies nt the prcsent. It Is loclIted In !l. white nclghllorhood. • • • 'l'he nccorder, a pnller tlcvotc(\ to thc worl( of the International organization ot Knight Tcntlliats, contl,llI~ in its current ISlSue (in article b!>, :\11'. Albert 11. Lee, grand cOllllnalltlel" of the oruer of IlIlnolll. 'rhe article relates to the natIonal con­"culion to be held III Chicago In August. 191G, When, the Illinois Commander), will Ul! host. '

A, M. E. Church. 'I'he lIubjcct of the morning sermOIl ill'

Ro\,. Jameson wal; "Our COlltrlhutlon to \Yorlil BettCl"mclll." In tho afternoon the pastor delln'l'ed the alll1ual serlllon to the Knights or P)'thllll; 1111(\ Indies' courts of D~catul', Dauville, \\'ostvJUc nnu Chntn­l'aign. 'rhl! turnout \\"1\'1. very well COil'

dueled. ahout 500 pe0111() hearln!:' the sermon. 'l'he Pilgrim l';:nlghls' First He!:l. mcnt Baml of Danville led 'he ]l:trade. A large number of Ull! memlJers of lhe ol·de,· tUI'I\cII out, Among the llt"Omlncnt guusts were Doctor and ;lit'S. n. C. Bus­tc,', and ;\Ir. Stew:trt or n"catllr drovo O\'cr In UHlir Hve-llassCl1scr automobiles.

Salem Baptist Church. Hev. J, l\I, Owenll ook IlS hill morning

sui?Jcct. "A FI)(e<l Heart." A COlllmulllon service In the aftcrnoon was conducted by tho pastor, The pa!!t'.)l' spolte on .. 1o'u'­ture l)un;~lul\ent" in the evening .••• :111'. :lnd :\Irs. B. E. l'aYlltJ of ~:ldll(!Y visit­ed :\Irs. Carrie l.eo at her residence, 701 South Wright street. • • .. '1'ho C. lIf. K CIHH'ch will have 1\ brick shower begin­ning )'Iny to, aml will ciosc :llny Ir., I':ver;- one Is asl{cd to bl'lug a brick. • • • :I\r!!. CatTle Lee was elcctc(1 organist of till) Salem Baptist Church recently.

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Dr. S. T. Clanton a VisitorThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Oct 14, 1916; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 3

Dr. S. "('. CI'li:l.t.QI;1. ... Dr. S. T. Clanton. pastor ot Salem

Baptist church. Champaign. m .. was in the cit)" this week and pnid the Df­fender omce So visit. He Is a gradun.te ot Divinity school. University of Ch~­t"'lgo. class 1883. and is dean of the

,.,Ioglcal 8c"'001. Macon. 1\10. He \V,m I 't the State Baptist cl)nYention ,of I

-I at Sf' Joseph and deliver In

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Marriage Announcement 1 -- No TitleThe Chicago Defender (Big Weekend Edition) (1905-1966); Oct 12, 1918; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 6

Engagement Announced Champaign. III,. Oct. ll.-The en­

A'agement 01 "frs, Lila B. Johnson and FAiward Benton was announced the 1st or October. to take place at the hnme of the bride, 908 Hickory street, Ocli' IS a 9 a. rft. '

The bride Is one of Champaign's st I

ht«JJty i'eSpt:Cted young matrons a Is qul~ .. a ChlJl'Ch wor~er and a lety, leader.· She has J1~ed In Cham gn , all ber' 11~ 'The ,",oom cornea 0 UB from Dec!atur. I1f., anel Ie at pr lIent I bol(1'N-'& veri'"d_pendabJe posit! n as' cllef In the' uJ\lverslty dl!ltriot a 18 :

I verY :capabJe.Mn: Matg.,.t.Ion ,a I rrt~nel 'ot the bride, wiD be·~tro, ofl honor. Thf' .wet1dlns- rnafQJi, ·:wlll e

, J)lI\.Y~, by Mlsa Helen ',John.~fi;. ~,:u ~ I

'te, ,t of the bPl~t', who la' !!,' t PIHa iii , 'Ii'~h' (he Cb .. mpilltnlt18~' 001;;1 .j\~\ 'fltty; fl''''JI'd.:.~ .. Ve ',1:/" . >' I14ked;

i Mr.a.'i·, 'Je>h'(l/lOh:fs 'very :",ell. . '# .. , In I 'I CbI~,O .alid EY1LnlllCln; Wh, ere tte· .• pent'! tbe past aunUJler, The·Rev.. o)f;'Ha1J'j'

i g;:r:t~fr,_Sale~ .. ;~lIt1~t 5f1.::?~i~~, 'j :.

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SALEM BAPTIST IS HOST TO U. OF ILLINOIS PUPILSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jun 1, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


CHAMPAIGN, III., May 31.-0ne I ot tbe most brllllant and elaborate atfal11! ot the eea.Bon WlUI given last Tuesday evening. May 21, In the dlnlnt room ot the Salem Baptist Church, when over one hundred members ot that church were host to the race students ot the Unlver­siti of Illlnois at a seml·formal reception.

The dining room was beautifully decorated with standing baskets ot fresh cut flowers and candles. The tables were arranged In· the torm ot a "U" with an "I" tn the center ot the "U" and decorated with orange and blue paper. Several orange and blue Greek letters hung trom the ceiling.

While the guests were enjo)flng their repast humorous selections were rendered by Mrs. L. Benton and Eldridge Long, and musIc was furtllshed by a quartet composed ot MIsses Luada H. Porter, Ruth HaY-' den, Eva. L. Taylor, and Marlon Johnson. I

Mrs. H.· J. Wells, Buperlntendent ot the Bible school, gave the wel- I

come. to whleh was response WIUI made by Mr. La,,'rence Wilson. The address ot the evening was deliver­ed by M. L. Porter, Jr., on: "Why UnIversity Students Should Go To Church." Final remarks were given by the pastor. Rev. J. J. Ollve. ,

This brllliant affair was brought' to a close by singing. "Hall to the Orange" and "God be with you 'till I

we meet again." i The committee In charge of the

aJralr and that served as host were Misses Marlon Johnson, Luada H. Porler, Ruth Hoyden, lIIr. Eldridge Long and M. L. Porter, Jr. MIss Johnson also acted as mistress Of I ceremonies.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

CHAMPAIGN, ILL.M L PORTER JrThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jul 27, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 20


502 E. CLARK ST. ClLU11.iAla3.:. lll., July 26..-13. l!O.

Payne for many years a. resident here, muved to Sidney last week. lir. Pasne who was 8. promin<lnt figure In church and civic. life. served as a. dea-

f~:Clle;~~~C;leve-;K~e:;:'d at u! ~·:;eY.; lJaptist Church. He bas a15~ held of­ficial position in the .llasonic. order.

A >,erles of meetings is in llrO!;rCSs at tb" lilt. Olive Baptist Church. The meetings arc being (."onducted by Rev. E. L. Smith of EVllnsvllle. Ind.

Funeral service of .Mrs. Hlte, mother: or 1I1rs. Hattie Anderson, and Bill and Earnest Hite of this elty. was held Tuesday at. the Salem Baptist Church. Dr. J. J. Olive ofHciated.

nl~I~leh;~ar~f,:tti~oo:ir ~~a;d~~~!~: I

.l1'>l. Carrie Carter. : An enjoya~le hay rIde was given

last Tuesday night by the Young: lI1issionary SocIety of the Salem Bap­tist Church.

A moonlight prl'.n1c 'W1Ul given Tues- I day night by the Free Will Baptist Church. Rev. Hamilton, pastor. I

Please send all news to 502 E. Clark street by Sunday.

Misses Helen SCR..:gS and Mable lUnor returned to tllelr home on Fri-

~iica~~e~h~:nt~:; ati~~~ed dt~~S 10:~ I annual convention of the I. A. C. G. :Miss Scaggs stopped at the Y.W.C.A while Miss Minor was the guest of lJr~. Mattie BRrker and da.ughters.

Miss June Willis of Alvin, Ill .• is the guest of Mr brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mac Willis of East ,,,'ashlngtoD St.

llisses Naomi Smith. Eva Taylor, and Emma. ruerndon returned to their

tfl::;isonb~~ti~l ~!e.~:~~~~:inls~~~ elation of Colored GIrls.' These girls ~topped at the Y.W.C.A. while )tiss

~:g:~~~ ~~ isu'thte ~~~lt~~;::sp~~I~~ ing secretary was elected secretary of the state for the ensuing year.

:Miss Helen SCllggS 15 local presi­dent. Miss Mable Minor Is local secretary and Miss Naomi Smith is local chanlaln.

Miss Anne Hamilton wa.s hostess When she entertained at a. party on l<aturdllY evening at the Idle Inn. :>I1Sll Hamilton Is one of toe FedeMlted GIrls and these girls were her guests. I

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jun 9, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17

ILLINOIS STATE N E W S 1M.... MrL Jlattle CUrrIn (nee Ben-nett) and babY have returned trom Mil_uk". Will. and ,..UI rnakll their fUlure hom'l ber.. Venett.. :Jack.on 111 frtt1ng along nicely at this writing

Brlgp of lCanIIu City. :lIo. IIlld her I ered lbe ILDnuaJ .,rmon to an enlhUlli­bl:Olhlll', Dr Feter Crawford of Chl- aulD audience. The PfO .... m. each eago Apent ]\{emotlal day with their night were aplendllS MI •• Emma Ea,rly mother and otber nlaUnll In Normal and 1>1.1.. Anna. Wallace were recent Glrtl.rd Covington gave a young peo- I vl.lto.... In Ch1oall'o Clinton Whee\6t pte II party at Fraternity ball on Tues-Ilen tor Detro!t.MIt;!; Tha nev Her day "v<lnlng Thtlre w<!re 83 'Y"ung Dian Gore of CQlumtlua Ohio. "reaehed p()opla preaont with lit.... COvflllltou at Mt. Emory BapUat church laGt Sun and 1I1rll a ,;; Thom8ll a. chaperon. I dllY The annuo.! thank.glvln .. service. The 'Ii Ictory club '''". enterta.lned on I or the 8 :1[, T and the UBii' wue :MDnday evenlnl: b)f IIIrs WIIU. Stel\rlcs h"ld at Beth .. 1 A.. lit E chnrch tho ot :F~ll Au A delightful lun~hcon nev R. H HaeRla:!" otnclllted Mrs:r

MARION ILL A Ilrth In, RUTI rise "nl! gh .. n th.

n. v " H !;p~ .... e. A far .. " .. II Sur­llT\se ,...ns g" pn ::'U.s AM!c ('lark. ,,.1\0 I--n, .. ft {-ttY' ~nrnlt\\ 1\("hool 1;oon ~tl" J~ n4"~ () r- tonf'lorlal artbtt '\'"8R ~an""'l 10 'l.rknn."s 10 'ho hl'd"l1~ of ~ troth *"r 'llrct B()o'kct' J~hn"on \\llS c:ule-l ,,, Al"hnma "n l1~count ot the d~atll of her ! .. tb"r

OUQUO'N ILL Th" 5;t raul Ral'tlFl "hurch dn .... d a

Mlf"c!('L!I::!\fuf tUf'!d ral4.;tn~ laflOt S:undl\'"i III ht l' r th6 conll,I"UOll or t11"lr church ""Illlng- Th.. H .. , Rot ~rt p non ,,,Ill,.) 1'".t - o' Ih~ First Bamlf't f"1 ur~b U 111' llrCS('1lt un 1 J1r"'acb~d rei h,lI hp n hOlIng ." J pra, ",g alonl\" " th otMr ,. ~rket" In tbe ehureh tha.t $1 000 "ould b~ ralMd hy thO c:loso or the service, \'Ibteb wou14

enable them to proceed at once "WIth tn~ ~e1r ~~':,,~:~~:f!~OrdT:~:" h:~o the completlon of the .:hureb build K .... dua.~ed tram the eighth grade Into Inll" Wben all the "lubs mad& tlnal re- Urbom& blgh sohool wer" lIladge ports foUowed by the trUsteell and the "\v he'ller G~ne-va Pennington EddIe paator "110 also had eha'lte or specla' Baker and Eddie Milan lItr. Ja.mea tunds tor tbe occasIon th.. Bum If Jack.on entertaIned :l1.s Ellen Camp Jl O!1 9& wa" announced the monc, be bOil at a 6 0 cloek dlnllDr ThuTllday

f1'nS,,::7td eii~aPr:~~ ~~OII{df!/l:it: ~~~:{:rd ~e~~~~ ~\r ~W: in~ all >tvon the table ~trs Campbell "Ill le"ve fioon for her

The grammar department ot the Lin new home In DNrolt Mleh LeslIe <leU"htcul n(8rnOOll Pllrt>, In hon"~ "r noblnso" lett to~ Loulelan!!. Mo.. to :lfra 5 H Glb~an at ROck I,dll"d &OJ IlUe"d the graduatinG" exerd8u ~ohn :'lrll Jackson Hot;an of Cblc"IfO on .... 1 Dunn Springfield III .. nd Cly"," Jack day The Woman II club met at t. e BOn gave a dane" at the Auto Inn on home ot !lira. ErnUl' lIt11"on The Po Deccratlon dal Otis WMts l~ft to,. mtstl,; Art club was ~ntertlllned b) :llono" Ohio Samuel Harrl .. waa ap Mrs MInnie Morris at her hom.. on pointed nlgbt patrolman Cecil John \Ve3t Elm 51. on FrIday Earl Ak""" Bon SlI!tnlne4 a fractured leg :.Ils. "Ito fo"m~rh r~slded In thl" clt~ dl(,d 10na Flddlcr was a \ Isltor at the bome In Chicago last Sun do.) The tuner:.l of the Rev and lIfrs. n H Hadll .. , ~r.<\ burial "m tak~ ploeG In Rockv! I~ Mrs.. !.tazlQ "faUO., an I lIIrs Harve~ Ind l/.e\ C Wand !-ofrs Smith I€{t I Col" ",~rQ cnlled to lIIeKhtrlc\C lito on Monilll~ for Roek.llla to attend the tn necount ot the Illness ot their mother

coin high 5Cl\oOI beld closing ""-ercla .. ,, Illt" spent Sa.tUtclay In Sprlnglleld at the St. Paul Baptist church Th!!! Iterschel Anderson Is visltlng hi. Lincoln high 8cbool ,,111 clo~.. this ",""1I1dllllrenta In Chicago lfts Pallllnl) month with thc~e g'Mldua.tes They are Flt"lIugb \\8.8 hostess to tho Industrial the lll"".,. PAullnQ Cockran Glady.. club Thursday evening FArris and Bernice Kunnnhan Friday --Jun" 1 cDmmencem~nt "xerclses wero COULTERVILLE ILL held In tho lIlaje~lle theat"r Prot C Monroe 0" ens lett tor 'Tennessee Ii: Smltl) MI"" Dal.:r "W ""~er and !ole. whel"e he will ,1.1t; The R". Wm dam" .. A 1.. And,,",on and .A.. 1.. lla.x Jones and ,\Ire ulurned home after ter are the .,Welent I "o.chult Th'! bac spending &&lOral day" In :lturpb) sboro cllloureate ""rmon was d"lIver<!il Sun- M.... Nina Price moved Into the Ed dB' :Mny '1 b. ~h" n .. , F W Aetork Clark hDuse. FIOt"nc., .Jone .. and Ger at thc ~ :II E cllUreh The Vincent aldlne silent 8".ernl da", In Coulter Cubs "hh.-h was organize-<! here a few ,me Corr"ne Drown Is In Duquoin '.e"ks tgo went III Zel"l~r IDst Sun ,lslllnir ~rr and 1\1r8 Joe Dell or Du da\ week and cro •• M 1>:).t5 "Ith the qUoin wero In Collltenllle :lfr8 Jolin ZeIgler hall team ("hlte) and" ere de 011\.,1' Is 111 Mrs Ell" Gler;horn "all teated 11 to 0 Th[s was their ftrftt a ,Isltot' here last "eek Ellis Aua garne ot the ualSQn Alela. Bradl". of tin Is ImprQ~lrnr at Barn"" hospital In Carhondale "all a "Islto~ here Judoon St Loul.

l~r;:.;. or oTafie;k'i[rid ~i~~p ,,~smit: a~~" ~nhl;:a.n~~~,. Bj300ts riha",:!,!:11 3_f~~~~y brother ot John Akera Mr and !l!r1 wood A~" 1\[",m" Baskett 2'1r. Stal" Earl 1..&,,18 lIav" pur"hi\!!l~d a no", ear 5t Dtl'Isy l<eUupp 3U7 1",S"II" St M.... Delmnr PrIce lea\ os June 9 for ",. L. Jackson 122 \V 3bt SI SUllie 13urllnRtOn r,ma ~fM!! I ettle Cowar.s .Tad:son 33%3 Dearborn St Walter relurn"l trom Sllrlnl:1\eld Whlls JohnllOn 33u8 IndIana A,. and \uatln Stpa.les returned frDm ChleagO I~"t Moo.... 46& E Ust St. all Of Chlcn.go Sunelay night "her" h" had j;Ona t') stopp"d at the horn" a( "r~!I GlMdorA atteml th.. funeral ot bls sister In law Hili on S Churcb St While attenl!lng­Mr8 Jay St~arlos Mrs Delmar Prlre the eonventlon at lilt. Emory ll:I.ptlst returned from Peoria ~her" sh~ (!om cburcb

Bro,.." die" !ofay 19 and wa" burl ... l Mrs Etta. Killion ot Centralia 'Willi the follo"ln!\' Monday His funeral "as here I .... t week tin buslnes. lin"" hel<l from the St. Paul Baptist cburcll Thelma Pa) ... " I~ft lut .,. eek with ber under the auspices ot the ... taaonlc or aunt :'Irs Etta 1<:lUlon'\ tor Centralta

<'r The R", C " Cole ometaled Sh" will he I:one about two week. :\II''' :lIra 1I!<,I, Inn Lo,"e Benlln., dl"" In L. .. ura Allen "ppnt last Saturday In Anna. nnd hcr bod)' "as brougltl here Sparta )Irs Ella Gl_shorn 'was a for burin). Th .. tunl'ral "as held from Spurta \'Isltor last ", .. "k Sh .. brought the .A. :'1 E. Zion chllrch :111"5 l..111le bel' stster's two children back wltb her Dart" ot !I!urph.sboro ,Islted ber lIUllard Clark Commodore Austin an" I roWer J H Cansler here for a few \VllIle :ron<!/! went to SI'llrta to tho ban 11"," :II,." no.,.u" Froner fl hOUAe "lUI game "\Vedne.eda, of last week EllI .. "nmJ le'e" iI .. stro",tl III flre recent!> AUstin I. getting along ;fllst tine "lnCe The I rOI crt~ carrlctl"" A \1",,1 he reu,tn_d home !rom Darnes hos­(jrlven In ,\ lam Heberer ("hlt<') ran pltal - Florence Jon ... "lUI a Coulter

~1~~·'l,a':°i!\.:~Itl1,~lr~ol:.,~I·lo~r'~';r 1I1rs Alice O .... y nnd H E Johnoon Iter t<nlto.; Archl" 'Vlliton llresentcd mot"r~d to L"ui.lnna lifo ThurBday his "It .. with a ne" tOUTing car ~I.I'. to attend th" funcral or nowllrd Seott Ruhy 'Watts "no has been <lult\> III Chae Gatn~s and a llsrty or trlend. I with Qulnsv 80re throat I!! much 1m ... ho wero motoring to Springfield III I pro.ed Mr" Luln. Jone" Roblm.!>n Ihe met with an nceh\ent by nnoth"r run I

I f ~· v k alt, was In the nlng Into th@m Datb car" "ere ba 11$ "nger 0 .,OW .. pr. dnmaged but no one ...... 8t'r! tn I city jured .... rles Corrlnn" f'.obln,on and

JOPPA ILL ~II.s :.table n()t~rrl$ two ot our hlRh

'''(or and InJuT"d little Edna Jone. N 'Ill.. visitor last 'Vet\n".da) John ,,~nth No bones w .... e I>rok"n The OIUvet 'U.8 a Sparta. visitor \V ednes .. ...,Ident OCCUlT"" In \V Park 8t D dali of last week and witnessed the ball Th"m"" of Chlca!i:'o \8 ~ laltlng In th" same

Mra R :r Humble departod thlll lIf~ s"hDnl grn.duates "ero t"nder~d a re I>f:t)' '1 he r~m"ln~ WCT" eo.rrl .. d to "opU"n at !leth"l A lit E chutch III I

"It... the guest of hi. daughter Flos "I" ,Vhen he relUMlS hom .. hi. <laugh 'er "III accompn.ny him Albert Scott of ,11 " cit> and !.U .... \;'108.1" Shanklin or Sl [.olll~!lto "ere mRrrl~1\ rr".nU>, In St. I..ouls )10 They \\ ill make th"lr h(lm~ In hIs cit. :II... Helen Peters ea> e a PaTty at Ih .. r~9!"~I"~" of Mr. Inne Po" ern In honor ot Mrs Hattle Kei~"r of O<>s :llolnl" Towa and :llrs. Ro", .. Cono,or o( Sprlngn~t<l Quite a numb .. ,. of ,...lathes or WHIIp. \'I;lI"ps and "I(e nf (ol)"t mOlorPcl bt"rf' this '\\ep1c tor a "ifl:it.. ~t4'>\ ~ Scott or "cst , llIe 1" her" Ihe J'u~,.t oC Ill" 1\ If,. and oth~l" r~lat.h es :\H~s D:ns\ "en:\,,pj :\I~.dam"" A 1.. An I~r~"n j;;tl.~1 Rell dick "nd A L. Baxter" r,. In "tt~n" anee at the W(Jnl~n s District F .. d .. rn Uon .,Iubs of Soutll,.rn lIllnol. ,hl"h met In CDlllt~,.,..\Ile Satu!"fl .. , :\1". l~ ~Il." Olllp Greef Is spending A r .. " <la \'; In lITurph,.l\Oro ,1.ltlng friends ~Irn O"h~lIa ,~n."n and son Arthu.. of Ita lI1da, .born "rent a day here on bus In,," "Irs np"~le Strntton 01 Elk\ il1~ "a..a .hopplng here Tecenth .. Irs Lh ,.Ie CDrt",. <If Inr'lianallDI!8 lrul I. ItHe the gtI ... t of her par~ntll, lIII: 8nj :llrs Scott Pleas.~nt

ELGIN, ILL !III''' :llan Col"m8n and grandaau~1I

ter nnd 0 M ~lItchcll aro III :IT,." 5;\lAle HardIng ".,.~ ""lIelt tl) Chi ..... ,::" o\\1nl';" to th" IlIn<~~ of hpr sister ltrs George Smith anti family mDtored u> Batavia EunIce lI[1tcbell attended tha tMnksgh Ing ACrmnn of the U B F & S lIf T J.A. Downs Ann .. Down" ODd S G Smith attended the funcral of L l':r :Johnson In Aurcra

URBANA ILL M,.,. Uriah Moreland gave II. rl':cep

tlon TllursdllY evening In honor o( her dau;:bter Flora wbo gradu .. tes from the Urbana hIgh "chao) H .. rman Jor dan Is "jaltlng In Chicago MMl :resina :lfc!{!nle) has returned fMm :.Iagnolla

E1.KVILLE ILL lItrs John D", enport and dau~hte ....

'Were In Carbondale III "\V F uU • .". ma<l" a busln""s trip out of town :lIot"Se Hunt Is Improving )Irs :lrag I>le CIoJ brook nnd aI.tllTS "ece Ham

I daHhoro 'Isltors !\IanI' from here at t"",led the dance at Carbondale I lzell GnTner WI1S In DuqUOin III n A Trl"e Is '181t1nlL In Cairo 10 Jock son CIa..-\ brook ror 0<>... :\Iolncs ro,,,. Is In the c n :'IIr UI I !.IrN Jolin Eddfn1r ton of li. .. U1da,sboro III "ere In the .:,Jt) lIflRS E If TrlC'l ''''s a. Dtt­qoln visitor rec~ntly lIr and l\frs Arthur Park Ifa "l! 0 bIrthday rartv fpr their It ttle 5-yen" old <laughter l' na :\Ir" ~ellle ThIJJnpllOn of St

I Loula Mo "as .. visitor hr.ra. Mr,. Co.lTl" 13laclt".n "as visiting In Ward III lilies Beulah CIa) hrook Dr Cham palen III Is ~pendl/lS" a few "e"ln h"re J P "ils''', has returned home nfter a trIll to St JA"ls .... 10 lIIrs '~!nnle Wrls-ht of 5prlDgHel! m 18 .cendlng a f"" "~ek" her .. at the bell "de ot her "\ster :llrs DetUe Cla)­brook lira bora Wharton spent n day In Duquoin, m

I The. R~' H C CII"brMk (laator of th".A :II Ii! church In W lnnlr~g lItanlloba Canada d~lIvred ... splendid SHmon h~re recenlb Me...... LQ .. nln and Hall " .. re >Ialton. here reeent\~ :lU"''le~ Lillian and Irene Thomas of Duquoin m "ere th.. guest" ot Mh ... Irene Smith Mrs Sumle Trlc" Is III Alhert Dabn,,) "a" a Carbonda.lo ,I. Itor 1I11.s Cella Henr< of HaIlWa", boro I1l~ v.."ru! here ,Ieltlng Inst Sundav "~enlng J R Grnbnn made a l rler tr II ,<> :llurpll) 51 Oro JII !lIrs CI'I"! Cunningham of Duquoin \\"R visiting "~re 1\(ls8 lIh.,.tle F crr,,11 sp~nt I~.t Frida' ""!!lIng In DuqUOIn ~frs ~Inl: gl .. '\llIlam~ and ehlldrrn ot '00; IIrd lll. spent n (C\V da.'\'3 \\ 1th her i'm,rents J P \\ IIson "as cut of t",'n ~1.ltI"g llrs Lu~lla nllrklli\lt~r and cll1ldren m1l<1e a I u~ln~" tr.p tn Hallhln}sboro Jnm1''' SI,me "n" ,h.ltl,,; In Duqu"ln "E'~l~\ John~on and Emmt!t ~a.nce m,o

Paducah I~) tor burial R J Humhle the pa~tor the nev II It Dewitt and W,,8 aceompllnled to Paducah hy"\V H conl:'"egatlon of the Seeond Bnpt!At Cobh 1'>lr5 :NannI. Dnvls :1ft. AnnIe church and po.8tor the ne~ n. H Crider lilTS BeSBle Johnoon !ItT" Hln lInel<!ey amI congregnt!on of nethel ule Dougl.... The nov J Johnson ro :-'Jondav even[ru:; An apl'T"1'rloto pTa turned ,h<>mo from rolnt f IN,,"nnt !.\tI granl was rendered !ltrs CloteUa. Ta' The ne, :.rr Doat; ot l'!\ducah K) lor Wll8 mistress o( ccrom"nles !loth Tench~d the annu .. 1 sermon for tile glrlH rocelved many us~tul presents

f!:dle~ Aid soclctv at Clo\cr Lent Ball .fohn Ea~ley has returned !rom ... ,hilt I tI.t church Mrs Gussie Crl \er has Wut~..oI~~~~~8 Klett a;;,~ ~~:'~tutl~}r I"teh moved to Padueah Ky "MrR reeentb Q.(t~r an elttended "Islt ",Ith ~tattl~ Atlamo relurne,} home !.[onday Illar aunt Miss Limo Moo,." Ilt Goltra I (rom I'ittsbnrgl!, IlL Little Lester L A,,, "Irs Stollil Stc",nrt waS a 'Hl'k Thoma.~ birthday part' \V en t ~ 1~ltnr "Ilh her mother Mrs Sarnh "'''!lIne was well nuended I mce of N W~st St The Itov R H

MONMOUTH ILL Unrklell ,1.He,l In Alton .. ntl St LOUIS Quartp!'ly meeting "as held at St Tu~",la, .• ~I.S Anra. "!.lnl1ory left Sat­

James A ~I E ehllrch lra.,.~ The lInin~ for prlllgtlcid III to take a !lev :\rr n .. nd .on or Galesburg I position In the r.lbert~ LIC" !" preached In the ~'iternnon TM Re, X'iTo~1,"",a:~ t;~~~h~~';4'r'~~1~m't;f: Tlmoth" Reeves )lr~.I,Ung "I<\e< ]lro Mrs .Aaron S""r of Columbia prlmchet\ mornIng "nd ~,enlng The I Mo hns heN' " ~ 1.lto .. at the lome colleellQn for the dav "as $101), lITlt" I or ~frs E<I .nr I :lrallory In s: Main ]\n"~lon"ry 80cl<'tY of lltt James go., C fit Scott H .!thmnn left fo" Chl,.ngo a memorlnl prfigram Tu".nn., C' cnlnlf Ellzal elh ·WIIUam. )I!tt tor Chlca",,, Th" It", !If D Dickson hn .. return-d IlIfr" lIIarlelta. :\Ioltley lett Cor Chtcago from hla ",cation Chas McGinnis of lfl"5 p;, It Chapp~IIG I~rt (or Clneln­Aledo Ol"'ot Sunday here '{'It'! Mls.eR nnti OhIo Saturrlny lfrs Ellnora La. I Illlnn 1Iinv !;tal' Ellen Irene Dlgg~ I (ayette Johnson ot ChlcalfO Is ,Isltl".. anil Dorotlw Jones we .. " Raee girls at her mother lIfrs rAura Lafavette or the grath atln!! clasa of th" :\[ol1mouth 1': Court St 1"10,,1 Scott of Chl~ago I il"!h II<"l\nl)\ "hleh III mberell ~4 pup\\" III I ...... Islt\nj:!" ",Ith hI. pllrents In N :lIIss D!!:!':" '~n$ an bonor slmlent mak Ing thn hlghe~t percentage In the c1nss and "as n"arl"d first pN1le "hleh "ns $15 Miss I nUnn Stnrr ,,11\ enter the ""mm"r school nt the StRt" Normal at Maeemb Mr. Jannlo Ford Mr" Anna (:hambers and MI.. O"ofgla Sbannon ont"rtlllnM In bonoT of thn Klrl. of the Ilf!ulullting class Thuf",}ay ,,"mlng at UH' home of tit" formcr m S Fifth St :lUllS Sh.~nnnn "ho I" a .tlldent of !\lonmouth coll"'A'e F::n:n toaf;ts to the girls of tlte cia." !ltr" E C reoples took "" I N' subject The Lncld.r ti( Fame Each of the cln"" ruponded A dnll1t~ 1\'0 course lunehNln "n.' ...."'ed at th" ,,108e :\tr an<1 ~rrs Elgie \\ nllac. nn I :l.l!s. :lIHtJe Walloce mo toced to G"I~.l>urg Sun Tn) a(ternoon Marlon Jones linn of Mr.. !tOS" Jon .. ' ~~g{\~\\~ ~1~\h~Hl\~e nft;r~~(t~~~~:;:; ""r,, taken to 1\[n<lIRon ~ I. hlg fur

r m"r ho!p'~ tor burial ,\ IUlng \Vorker GALESBURQ ILL club or Cahnr, B!\pt1.t "hurGh 8erve<l

tored to DUQ.uoin last ,,~ek

G H S assembly ""8 condueted I.v ~hr:z~h an~.:i~I'~e~~~~o~f:~P~~~ '(\ ti;0

I nine \ o'mg misses Tuesdll) mornln!: S 01 se..".l Esther (lay at their h:.l1 "hlch dId I:l:eat credit 10 th'" Race and Sunday The Mite lolls.lona1"\ socl"l~ the 0 H S 11l0s Ruby SkInner as nf St Tames A 1\r El church met It chairman hrolll:ht credit to the Rnce In t he home (J r ~f... JI[nrL" !':tok ~ I

I that I'o~!tlon ~I"" \\ Ilh an Instrumental FIfth A, e Mro Hlnneh '1\ ellon hll. "~lo :\11"" Fern Jackson \orn} 801o 1 .rrlm."d an I'lgllt room hou"" In S ~rr'!I Dorothy Britton Swing Lo" ThIrd 51. Commltters ha,,, heen ap Sweet Charlot (lr", ed Our pride In polnteil and arrangemonts nre beln,;

I felk lor.,. '" erwhelmlng the nudlence mAde to take enro o( the ,1Istrlct elln "[th the b~autl!ul pathos lu ber \olce ference an<l Sumln" schonl con,ention the lll.s(>s Florenc!' SmaUe~ lind Louise ( 1 \j; t Chi lJ tit "hi II Cart~r fl~lrI a. "ondereul trll ute to th.. ~on~~~e" ;:A" 9 n"t"~ (J~':;e~ ehurc1, h Ii S in ,oeal duet shm,log "hat !lfrs F A pQrter .. nterlalned In honor et!ucatlon hns done for the nae~ while of JUr anil !lfr" S .. nd} Clark of SL :lU"" Alberta Iiar~ton pro'cll the ora LIlul. :110 Tuccd3~ aft .. rallOn at bel' tOrl",,1 abllit} In recitation ne«)m home In S Third I;t Thoae present I nnlcd I" music. while the ~lfss"" ,,~re Dr Tlmoth) Ree."" tbe n"v and Alma '1\ Ilkln!! Gene'... Il'" d and Mrs C Z Williams lI!rs Mattie "lUI Frankie Tu.,,!n 10lned tho ~nl!re nun, Ie,. UlIhm Abel :llro Bert John­I ~""n the choru... Carr~ :l1e Back to 80n an<l .... Irs Emma C Pi>opl(!11 ~IIS8 Old "\1rgtnIR' The Race was :repre Claudine p,,, nc Is ,Isltlnlf In Aurora "~nt~<I In the IIUd/Ene" by lle6dames 1\Ir Ingram and 111. Golden of East Rertha. Jew"ll Sharp Fannie Jack""n MolIll" "-!r and ~lr$. Ro.~ Ha •• 150n or ('o~one Co! .. m"n no~:t Brltt"n lone Rock 1.lan<l motor"" to ~It>nmouth and

I Webb Carolina ',,"eUs lfollle Cre" the "Islted at tllo home of !.!r anad :Mrs "Usse" :Estell. Corte" Leta Berrl J"" Ell:lo lVallace S EIGhth St "II Donald.on Butler th .. n., J '" L Und"r\\ooo l[e .... r8 Tannp- Slnt- CAIRO ILl.

I ({Ord and Joseph :N<lvell :lfrs Ella ~Ir" Ernestine Cole an,l :lIra Helen Ste" .. rd entertnlned nt supper la$t Ta)lor "ere "allel to Cltlengo on IlC Thumdn. e. enln,; :ltr, Sharp til!! count or tile tic,lou. Illness of l!rs :lURse. Jewel! Donaldson and TlUtl~T or Annlo Jenkin. lirs Cora. Buchanan 1'a,.l< :110 nnd :lfr and :ltrs L .fe,.-"n "ho lla~ been n"arl~ bl!n<'l lelt fop of Ihl~ "It) Hen., Dunean or Burllng C\1leagn to r~eeh" treatment at onc of ton attended tile dance here (>n Decof'\ the ho"pitals ~lIe "ns :accompanle<l lion d"~ :'.frs Sarah Jane Greene De I v :llr" Jennie :Se)son :lUgS ''lillie Reese or 1I1ollne _lslted here reeentl, Al1dcrMn of 51. r ouls Is In the Eli Fisher and niece :lH"" ~rnry E"lng c\t\ ,j!lltlng. :It,.9 ?Ian Forbes and hI" :'II retuf'nfld fl""orn l\.an~as Cft' N:nn!ll (1 \ught~f' win "'(lend the summer in the

I !\nd Franklin C(}unt~ T"nn "h"e the) el1\ "lIh b~r mother '-Ir~ lIenr, "tt"" lell the burial nr their I roll or nnd Cl rlstma. Jag lIlel\. nne, "C Chicago father lrr~ rennIe 51"""rt C[ Chi came dO\\n to attend the !n"nduatlng

I""\,;"o ~ Islte<1 th" gr.:lle!; of her l'ttT'" t. ,.)(eteis"~ ef SumnGr I1lch ""h""l HI. ltr and Mrs :Johnn 0 nro1\ n Oil n~~ ,laughter ~r"n;arct lIIc:Klnn~' "a8 a oration <la' :1[\" :\!arl" H .. lm I~ memher or tl e class I Abe Felllt or St Ing In Our elh "Ir~ F.,a \\'ell'Ome .. n I (Juls :110 "Pent tl\e past ""ek tn HrtalnNl the P " <:illl last TlIeso'" the clty ~1.ltlng !lTrs Blorn ner llro"Wll :\1,." Emma Cnrter I"Ct on nn oltten led <>r aOth ~t rem'inR 8"rlou.h III II ... \ Is!! "fth he,. chili,.,," amI "I.ter III I crt C Ulank. has rpturnc 1 home from "rollne Chlmgo Deme,. antl Mlnlle"p :lteha,.r) lIle!lIenl 'chool Marlon lira!" ,,!Is 11fT an I :-'11'. ~lbert Ha1\ k n8 lire tin has returned trom tile Unl' erSlt> .. njo,lng- a 1"23 Pord tf)llrln,; ellt Mr of lIlIn"ls :Mrs C Bowman of St and Mrs Clla. Anderson an(! dang-hter LoUis lito I. tho ,::uost o( :'.In;. \1Ioc :\lr~ n ... trkp. Pruitt "I>ent II. r \\ .1"," Cook 2300 !'ark A.e !ltrs Geor,;l .. In "It. Pleasant the caT was ,1 .. hen I' Brando. has returned frnm:\1t Carmi :\1... \V IlIIum" :\1" and :\Ir. '\ IlIlnm 111 "here she hM been tenehing "oods of hew,," .... c311el\ on 1IIr and school Prof J C L~wIA I~ bom .. from ~trs Hiram :\irGIIt In~t \V edne.dn~ :lit Carmi [or the vacation RIchard :\(rs D1ancho E.1.Sle, ~ntertaln d th" Jaekson Illten Ie I the {unernl ... r hIs 1: C. lost Friday TMlst""s Aid "Ill nkc" In St Louis ).10 The S"",\n<; ",h" & picnic In J"n~ :lns~ Estell ~~'ileat"ftht~cre~~~~n~.r ,,~~i;:t f~~~'i~ iil~~:al>~\; ~f~~r S~~~~'t "'r::~~~;;s r"~ Battl.. Luth~r Da\ls former J or t'Ills home Dr and Mrs S S "(>(Iel8 and elt~ but now of SI Loulu "as In the <on SUns lett last !'laturdll) mOTnlng elt~ for a to" da} s :I!lss Cleta En for Chlea<;o where he ,,111 tnk .. a 'peelal nnt "h~sic"l tramlnF tench~r has ." course In SIIT/,:C., assisted by his "Uc tllrned to h~r homo In Jo»lIn Mo The at Provident hospital Ea.t"rn Star hAld 1t.'J nnnual serm<ln

__ Suntla~ night -!.\Inc 3 at tha 19th SI I3LOOMINGTON ILL Balltlst churcb Miss Dewitt Plummer

~rTll. Edllh Tiffin Stewart of :llollne I "ntertalned ,"tunla~ ~"~nlng "llh a president or the Illinois Federation at reception In honor or the r;raduating C W Cleft tbe city Tu(!sda, morn ct. .. ss of Sumn~r hl/(h sehoo\ and :I!<mnd lug ha~lng heen the guest Of ltrs E Cltv 111 C 1.. ''ih"el.r hns returned G Co~ Ington .. nd :\1:rs.. Oeo Thoma. (rom his trip to Tusko", .. , Clifford lIIJ1I Georgia Ford , .. rlgbt of Tol .... ,,, \Vheeler was a member of tho gtn,lunt Ohio "ho has he"n ,,181tiu!: her par Ing closs and returned borne with his enl.!< t!)r se,eral ".eks. returned to h" father home John Scrlvn"r of Chlrngo spent ""veral ria}s with hia PIIrents and erlends the p:\st "eek :lloses Patton "pent :Mpmorllli d .. , in Centralia 1II0 WillIam Gaston of Jollet Is ,'sltlrllr friends In Rloomlngton an I Nor,.". .. 1 Mrs I ula Calhoun of ChicH!!o ~r.nt .... lem01"lal dl ... hl'r" :I\TS 5", lila Jon"" or Cedar Rapids 10\\ n Is vlsitmg her nunt "Mrs Bmlh Wl1.,m 1\1,.,. Th"s

JACKSONVILLE, ILL 1\ln D"Ua. Triplett of lItashlolM1Il"

:1.11.... left tor her home alter an ex t~nl\ed \ IRlt "Ith her daught,,\' :llr5 Minnie Triplett. in S \Vest st. Last F rldav en<l<!<l the .e"S[on nt the O ... nera! ~lIsslonll" Baptist as""clltlon held nt '-It 1 mon 13"ptl~t church Dr "\V P WII~hlngton the tnOd~rator delh

Cox at. Fun.ral servl"... of HowanJ Scott. who died at the N_ Homo aan­lIaMum W8I"A held In Lolllalan.... MO Thunda,. Those ac"omllanying tho body wer" :Mrs. Jennlo Ro... lJlrdla ~gtt·DnEu~"~l:f,,~oblr';~~~~ t~a"j,': home In South Bend. Ind atter an ex­t"n~ vIsit with relatlveB and friend. lfra Ifont")'" Baakelt ha" returned trom

d Sprlngn"ld m ha,lng been call~ th~re on aceount of lho llIneu of her f"ther Augu.t .rohnson Mr and Mrs. Chas Burkhardt wer",-_~oek ead vlel tors wIth (hair m:>t"." Mra MarY Bankll

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jun 16, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


"l~:!d ~~~r\~h~~~~Ao:tn~: bruu:h N. A.. A.. C. P. ",IU b<t held on "fonda}' even In&'. Jllne U. at FtatE'rnlly haU- Th" tbne federated clubs of thl. ctt}'. \lie Woman'. clllb, the Jl'l'Inl" ll~· CIaln an4 th" DomeaUc Art, Join .. " In an Informal l't'Ce"tlon for th" national orpl1l.e,. Ure. Daisy E. Lampkin of Plttabur"I.. on ThllrBday afternoon at


\II. The Rev. J. W, .Jacob .... aa .. SL Loul., Mo .• viII lot' l'ecenUy. Sherman 1'lekSn. and famll), molor~d to 101at­loon rl'CenU,. M..... ,rernado, mother of William Yamado. I. "llllIn. In ChampallEn. Charlie Cllmpb .. U of ChI· e&go II "lalUne at the home of hts muUl6t' on E. Gro"e at. 1It:r8. Ma"· \'lIle }tellup of WaterloD. 10 ........ Tl~ltCl<t her mother. !\Ire. AtrIa McO .. e. r .. eent­ly and took her lIOn. Charlea Uellr7 • hom .. with het. lira. NApollna Manly Itft Cor her home In IlunUnc<lon. Tenn.

.. on .. ,,_Ina IU- Oacar 8)''' •• b .... pur­chued " t .. nn.' )'Ir. ..n4 ~tre. Cb.I.". }tunlOll' "nt"rtA1ned m. Co l1arnlltcn .. t elnn..,.. CharI., Cr<>M. wbo I... u.en .. Ick for .e)ln" tim_ ~ .... m. to be ;iiipiv\1Qi~ '!.1 •• ~ 1!~ .A:-~ Woods ot Carbondal .. &H ,,,.IUne thelrEJl&!L­.enUo ~r. and lISrs. C. cro~_ .' Garrett or CentralIa ..... In '\he city. A.. A .r.tart.1n sr p o. :U .. and W. H. Be&~i)' G T ~ 'In lb. cIt,., :Mt'a. Fannl.· ~ 'Marti,! ... T6rt11.. ttl vlelttl1&' I> 1Il.1N »1'11 .... ~ Qul.ll",., Too :n:~ G W Hlil attended \lie Slate Hapt,lIt 'oonmtlon at Cllampalp. "'U •• VI .. l.n SmIth. teacher In LO'·e.!o,. hla'b ..-lIool. pa.sed throuch the cltT" "n rout., to ,\\".t .. rloo. 1I..... Lue), hfll'U8 baa be<ln 111. lA" I. in lOt. Louis wltll bls nophew. Jobn Stnet. .... ho la III. :!Ifl .. ~ Llilian XL Del.l.p I. ...1.ltnll" ber uncle. .John D .... p. In Dyera.uurjf. )!,..... Lulu H<>ward 111 tiL %llr. iLnd )I,.... John 3.'It'D .. ,1d motored from r~rl ... "'s,lng frl .. nd. In sprfncllel<!.. LoV<'Joy aud St. Loul.. )tra. C. H.. ,\,\", la untnrtunate In havlnc ... ,·"..,Il' btU'l\ed her."U with hot 1.1.1'11. Mr, AIld :l\\r8. C :II! BO~·1dD.are In Ka.nllll. Cit' ..... It­ttl!; n-!rnda. Mt'II. F .... ".I" Rice II .. bflen Ill. '\"'all .. r ~ and ;')11 .... C\ota nryan ",ore married. 1.e,1 J. Coppin )11 .. -.. Ion ..... 1OOC1ety m""U .... ith ).1r8. Chris­tlno Hunt .. r. Club No. 1 .. r st. John'lI JJ.o."I~t church I(&Ve a .. upper at :.It1'1l. lI .. nnle Kinnison e. NapoleanU llU~lbl" Is In St. 1.oul. takIng a v-~ ... on. ... ..... C 1... Hamilton iLnd .John .-mOD re­'urn<!d s·rom Srll"lnl'neld. »n:...!.-~cl,,!~ Yo un!; ,·talled In XOMUal. G ........... -

JlleuJne talk to aoout eo women. While In th .. clty 3.'11'11. LampkIn ",aa the cuest o{ )Ir. and MnI. ,\Vyche. Mr.. LUUan Ste"eJUlon will motot' .oon to 141",,·lId.

~~m;~;Y:dh~rt~~ ~:;~~r.\.a~~lo:.; Mr. &n~E~~~YJ~I'.t~":';!-·ha". 1'41-NrIlI. Af)TlI.. Walton and 101... Rub, turn",d from Chlcaco \\, !IIr ... Enn. 'Vatta. On Wednu4a.,- aft"rnoon. at h"" bHn undar the CAt'e b( IIp .. claltet •• h .. r blllLutfrul count,,), home, .>Ira. l\!rll. lillrrlell Enll:lbh of Carbond.lo Everett.. Tho""", dell&htfllll)' enter- w.o.. It. r"c"nl cuest or her moth"r, Mu . tafned :a ladlea, .,.,mpllm"nta r1 to Mra. l1t.nle r:\'lUls. Mrs. Oliver Jl1ckson ot S. Ii. Glbaon of noek 1oIan.l. Some V .. rr I Alton .pent a dllY nc~ntly with l.u "-"",,Uenl l1Iu81c and dramatic readings' muther, btl'll. Burt. Mrs. Nellie Wells 'vet'e rondered. by the unl"ersltT atu- I of Alton spent laat Sunday \\'lIh her t1~nt.. A three-course lun~heon was: father. \Y. J. Kln~. ltlchar4 Brown Rerved. O. E. 8 .• cha,,,e"r .~o. i} h"l~ I was 11 St. Loula vlaUor ree"ntly. Mrs. ~t~ f!'n'~~':::~':."t I!~~u~ e~h. "Yt-:'v. Cynthl. Bro"'lI and Mrs. YouI1&' of at. B. n lfunter d~llyer~d the meftlA:t ... · ~;;;~ :'o~~ad':!~:. l{U~f::e~.f ~iw'!.~g ~':i ~ vcoal 11010 by Mrs. Clara ortgs 1', Jesso Little Ilnd }-;dwllrd nedmond at

all rendered, I St. Loul .. , Mo .• ara I{U"~ or rclaU'\"es. ALTON ILL 3.'Ira. Nanor ;\loa.b)' IS recUlleTl.tlnl' from

U~N' .Alton and Xorth' Alton A. M. I /lor recent IIIne88. . .

l.?r.~~~: ~~~nral~~~ ~td~r."~~~· f!PARTA. ILL.

CartT at Cn' ..... •• hnlf MondaT "TenlnJr Th .. Re\,. E. Ma.rtln ... nd Lafont clo8ed n IlImo!:' of h ... r ltusband'8' hlrthday. 11 ~ueces~ful revl"al laat Sunday e\'e-

:!lIt'll. DaLs)' LAml,ldn of l>Ittshurll:h d". H!ng. batltizlng four candldat"s. The J\".,rt'd a ~plendhl "ddr"" .. at the \Jnlon It.:,·. P. A. Hn .... haw <lell\'ered the nd­n&PttB~ church llonday e"~nlnl'. 11ln dr~.1 to th.. hlJfll Behool grnduntfng Thelma Ja"kllOn graduated from the cllU'S at Carrier !ltlll~ rfCQnUy. The R. Xonnal .cllool nl Norm"l, III" la.t A. !It. of Hern'llln lodge No. 21 saVe a ..... e .. k .. nd·wlllt ..... h In the city ~ch""I ... plcnlo l\I"y :3 II.nd.Llt" O. U. 0.,0. F. no"" Dell" Lowry will I~ ... \'" fu~: &;""'0 theIr plcnl~ ~f3:)1 !l0. M.,~dame5 Chlcalro FrldaT, June IS; to join her !<nrnb Dean, F mnclu Colli!''', ,\\lee hushand. who Is !'mplo,-t'd there. 1\1,.,.. Hanna nnd IIttl .. 1"''',,,ln lIanntl werc' S. n . .Jon"" I .. "I",ndlng 11 few days In ;\turllh~ ... horo RhollPN'" lallt FrIda)'. CaIro with rr1~nd". Mr .... Frnncl. (Oray Tho grtuluatlng <'xercIK"" of the S. T. "I~lted h~r .. Is tel' In St. 1.oul. Thu..,.· S. hIgh IIchool were held lut FridA)' da)', The UC\', and 'Mn<. Harewood, c\'enlnlr wilen 4S werl) given dlplomne.

""...,. 18 ablo to b .. out. •

S¥INGmLD, ILL. Albert :.1011;an and RoT SmIth ot Chl­

"'11;0 ",er" In lbe city r .. cently on bust­nM" and vI.ltt'd friend. and J''<lll. Dre~mtand Ganlen and park will aleo l'ollW, 1\ b ... eball llI'rk thl •• .......,n. 'V. A. Wa\tae.o of Chlcaa:o .poke here June 10 un<l~r thl! uulIPlc,.". ot tllo U. ?¥. 1. A. l1I~hoP Robert E. Jon •• or th .. :-Oft\\, Or· I~an~ area of th .. M. E. cllu",h .... 111 ,~,'\lvrr a l.,<!tllte herll! .t the Stilt" nrh-!;~nBl on June 14. Cue. 1\J. E. ohure IK pr .. parlng to build an""" .. dll'l .. e At 14th Ilnd Bro""D Stll. ::'II",. A.. R. Gar­T.l't\. 101& S. 11th St., "I&/(ed In PI.'e:l.j tur m. :MAY !l0. T. D. J."Uon an )Ir: 'Mosby ,i.ltt'd In Qulncl'. Ill •• tv-

~!~:fh.~~~;;3I:'rn~n~~I~~}:uioi'#.;rt:·I!~ rt;.~~e 1':~~1' )\;'~1~8" o~I~~Xo~c:;,ll~~~: "'<'o1nesda)' mornlnlr. A t,,~Umonlal Gleshorn. Dr. T}·ler. Clare"ce Hall I\n4 b~n<ltlt will he gl\'en the nc". S. D. T. Brown motoT<'d oyer to St. Loul. Jones at C.IIm"b,,\I chapel Thur.aay and l'1~llt 1\Iemorlol da)' with rel .. UvO& nl);hl • .Jun~ H. t.rlor to hi. In"lnl: for lind frlenl1.. The Spllrt ... Stars played Wlllo<'r{ .. I'<:f', where ho \e to addr,," the the li:n..t SL l.oul. Oh\nta .. two-d. .. )' ~Iud.n\~ of I"a~'Ile TheoIQI" .. al ~cm- ';('rl~s or bn.eball on lIIny :, nn,l ~O. Inary Sunday. "Une 11. lIr~ Vlrlrlp. Th~y "rllt the hill. each wlnnlnll" .. Tlnal,,)' IHt tor Wilberforce. Ohio, lIer gl\m". :.Itrs. Huli",,"'. niece C:u"n .. hom ... Sunda}' night. to ,mlo), the com- Jac)u.on, loft for Snnduaky,' m., to m .. ncetncnt t .. ~th·ltle8. The Rev. O<>orge .!tend the summer wllh relative" "nd 111'0\\'1'1, I'rellldin.: elder. hNd his third rd~l\d~. :.Ilr ... 1'. Jon .. ~ and )t,.,.. Mnttde qUllrterly m('etlnll' Itt Camphell d"lfI~1 Sh()r~8 we'" "e ... .,.ely Inju.ed whon Sunday, The R~v. .J. Handa!"h of their c.:t. pkldd~d nnd ""'n Into a dlleh. lIod .. 1 chat'el Ptt'3.clled the l!acramental 'I'hey lOre getllnl: alonlt nlcel)·. .T"~M "ennon. Til" Re~. G. Brc\\'~r ot Dan- Collin" tho H,,·car.olel lIOn or Frank "!IIn \\'&11 In th" city Tue,.dll~', en route Collins: III home from Ihe hospitAl to ChIcago. lfly n~aulah H. Br<>v:n, i wh .. re ho h .... '1 bern t"klnk t.""tmenl whO ha .. be"n In Columbus. Ohio, for a' for In'url"" r" .... "lv." when hn ,,"UK run )·.,.,r, wUJ rN urn to tho "lty and 1'41- I avo\" bv the mlnera' train Bishop 1.. .. urnI' bel' work as llrlnclpal of lbe CoppIn' left tor Philadelphia, l'a .. art .. r

C<:i!~~\" ,.[<!Clolldy, 809'" Eo Wuh!nG1on St ldt In ot \\'~ .. k In iiI .. brothf'r'" caJ' for' ArI:oonn wh'lre bft .. ..elts Iml'1'O\'e­m.,nt In his b ... ltll. :III .. , l\1.~l!lr .. t Wllkln~ arrh''''' homa ta_t "',,""k (rom Champa I""". wh.,r~ "hll ,:::r.a.du.t.-d fmm 'h" t:nh·('r.lly ot Illlncj\~. 'l'b~hnpl)!1\l11l '!.lann h". r.-turned home frOm I e Un -""~AIW of 1IIlnol ...... ·h .. r" be haa be<!n II. atullent fnr th" l>A~t (\'I'n y<'ars. An­d,..,,,, ~CDtt a woll-known man hp,e "m'!'I",':;'" In the houllp.hold of :!\tn. Tann';' wire at t.h41 tonnrr ","I'rnor, dl .. 1\ .u'ddpnl)· I .... t ~pl<. Co JI. Dt.,·le, ..... ho hu rom"lpt .. d hIs la'" coura" hI th .. Llnroln Coll"g" of La ..... wlU !"fkC tb~ eXAmlnatiun this· m<mtb. .. ns. ... Ian' Rollins. 11:t1 E. },~uon SL. who 11." 'M-en crltlcal\\- III for' tb .. past sIlt "'""ks I. ncn"I/I':rahh' ImpTo,·M. Hu dauI'lI; .. r. l!t.ft J',,",,o Rollin". haa been h"r" Rankalipe at th" Ded~lde of b"r tnoth .. r. Colon!!1 DunCAn I" In til'" cit)' tlll. month at bla po.t of duty In th .. oI'!I~. of ~b" "late "uP"rlnt .. ndent of

Dougtus .. d.ool. havln~ conducled """"Ice. at tho A. M. GRAND CHAIN. ILL. E. dmrck rec~ntly. Miss Amandn

Mrs. ](amrly "'all. IIls/er of Cart"l" ~Iurd~k.h:ul returned homo from 1o'ul·

~a~~ ~ntfe"'u.,[holt'I~I~~\"\';:I~:ln"~r~: ~~~;'r~~o",,~~:'o~e 1!;:a:.pentlo~~·e'lt!':i1; She left S"tul'llay mornlne to ~o to ::'Utcllrll Is Ill: ht'r dAucht ... '., .Mr... Dn.ha South .. rn, .Jad(5<)n. T~llli. The Re,\". .Jr8~" I'. l>rl~. putOI' at LexInGton. Tenn .• "am .. to "Jalt hI. daus:hter, !otr". If. :o.r. RanllOm. n. P. Washington of "'oun" CIIY ",mt' Ul' Ia"t ",,,,,It to .e" Itbout his "if". If., found h<,. mueh ImfC'o""t1. .!Ilrl'. Z.'rankle AII~n~"'orth aC(:(lml"ln!~d

r,UbIiC It1IIU'UcUolI In the capitol build· ng.


:!Ilrs. Jennie W .... hum to CaIro to .... Dr. J. .J. nendleman, Jo.eph .V, ... I ... "'ho II..... been In Clt'Telllnd. OhIo. (or. ..ome time. eame home A few dll~'!I ago

~~~n::' "~~~IIf.a~i~ll T:~~~~f~h~"h!: lI""n III for some weeks, I .. able to lit' up. Z,ln. Emily Str('~t, '\\'ho has hA.1 such " 8lef,e ot .'ekne.,. Is alo .... I)· 1m·

b~~lr.f·K~":k.M~~~ Nr~L,~~h~;:'~: lion of Mound!!, one of the blllh i'<~hool gradullt .. ". In ooml"lny wllh Non'el Sto\'all, came home In II. car with Prof. \\'. ltanoom. Grant IJa\'ls 1ft at a hos-1,ltal In Chleaco.

Th~ Rev. n. O. nurton and de of Spar~". Ill. moti'r"" hers lut ,..('ek an~ ",ere Ut" a;u!'~t. of lolr. a 114 :Mrs. ·W. M. D",,'ftL :!Ilt'Il. AlI~O!. 1If)'ef" of Colona do Is h" ... vl,ltlnll relaU\'efl and friends. lItrs. Annie F'THman "~!I a l)UQuoln ,,'Joltor, ::'1",. },t.~" CIlI.ybronk attenClf~ tho t'Ommf'no:pmt'nt eserd~es In DuQ",,'n. Don 'VllIam" I'l"'"t BUnda)' In An ...... Ul. F. P. We~t mail" " n)1ng trip to :..:t. l.tlUlt •• Mo. The )\ld~" LaUI"a Eddlng1:on nn" LPtha Nanee wert' Du-quoIn "haPT"''''' Il ... t .... t'f'lc. M,.,.. 1:"ta, CARRIER MILLS, IL.L. De,,1tt III til. and U..... Ed" .... rd I A lal1:'e ",""al' from this city Ilttendfld Sa "l'l" motoTPd to ColI'B •. }It.. Sunday. tho ball Il:"me at Ol'lly""n, _ Jll.. 1 .... 1 !ltn. Su"l .. v,'on<'lftn of vuqaoln ",en!! I Sunda,.. Frank MA~se)' of "Inc.ltn ... . '''Kltlnr: h .. re. !ltr~. Pearl 1)"",1It \s In I Ind., Is "(sltlng hie rou.ln. ARron DU'1Unln f"r an Incletlnlt .. IIlllY. J, U. Rltch",-. ;'!r. "n.! MI"!!. ~1('FRrl"nd of Graham W811 .... llIltll1&' In ,\'I'a,.d. ro. W.' (lalat!a, nI .. attended the BSlher day F 011\'"'' 18 "llItlne In ColJl.~. R. A.. ~"'I'\'!~" bere. ::'Ir. And :M.,.. n. 1:. A .... • 'I'i1co ma"e a hURln.," trll'_ to PaduCIO.b. I pry, Mr. and !llrll. Frank Cllnt;man And X,'. Llo".,1 ~>ark8 or lUl11dayabOro, Troy ILnd .. .....,n calle don :'olf' •• nd lira. tlI.. ::\11... Ol,helll\ !lle.Al1Iat.r of l!L Aaron Rltch"y. lliss 'It-eS/!!e }tarrls

-LOul .. )\fn., F. P. W"~l "nd :!I!ln 1':. ~I. and Earl Portl!r. who "Pent th. 8cllool Trice motored to Caroondale. Ill. urm tn Tu.lcel(llet Ala., are hom.. on

__ their v3c&tlon. l'ln. EU" CIRrk of SLOOMINClTON. IL1... Cmrlt'I'I:IlIe. Tenn .• Is her" the I;U .. 't or

The Rr\· .• nd :'11"Il. <:. W. fIrotth haTe :!I1r. and !\Irs. E. Da"b!. The Ih'U'heeue return .... ' from n"ck\·IlI~. Inll.. .....h"re ch'oo !lta.y 30 II)' th .. Boy Scouts .nd tbl!,. went to att"nd tho! tunen<l ot ttlelr bond boy" -.. a !!uce,,'" In spIte of thr .on.)n-1 ...... Enl .Aken. a.n(\ I!lnpllll'\Y; tnctem611t ,.,,,atheY'. Sunday. June 10. the R",·. Mr. Smith was requeBl .. d to' C!tll4r .. n·. dar. 8p.,..lal lIenrlcn wero pl'<'Rcb \lIf! funern! ."nnon. Th" I(1'1I.d-1 ileld at both church ... uatlnjlf StM'Cl""lI for Xorma.l "nl"eralty; -- . "tuncnt" took 1'1"e~ on ThuJ'!'.la" tn<lrn- i MOUND CITY, ILL.

~~.f,:;.:r d~:~~~Il.~lrgrl.!h~t~01~~~s r:r T:!i:: anXItl::t. J~·t~hIPf~~~t ~~~~ Sl'rlnllCnel.l. 1\1.11111 Th~lm. Jack .. on of (lilY rot' th~l,. \=Ioua homu a rter Il Allnn nnd Mis" np.ulah Brown of '\tIcc ... ~ful y .. ",,·s work. !Ill"" I.lule HIMmlngton. all of "'hlm ""Ill b<'l(ln the Lind"",. entenalnf!d IIlllt w.,.sll~.da)· "'''rk of ' .... chlng In the taU. L:1.~1 Sun- nfl .. moQn With 1\ IlrOl:Tpl\!I,h'" whl~t fl .• " mornlnl; At th .. lr homp, ::~1 S. l",rt)" In hon"r of l!lftS elct" Dry .... "f PrUlrle f;t" :ltr!l. Oth4!llo Gr .. Nt an.1 Joplin, :'010. The out-or ·tl),,"n guc~ts '!I11~R f;"roh 1',"'1" .... ntcrtaln<'o1 t~" fol-' "'ert~: ;Ill",,,. Lu:" Counls. lowlnllC nt lIrt.:>kf88t in lumor of ~I.". Amos. ::'Ina 8<"011. "'lila It,.,no\·er. I~f­l.ulu I':alhoan or ('h\cal;o an,' ~I ..... S. t!e \\'OIJd~. :'In. Alice n~att)· Arminta n. GlhllOn of nOt'k Ipland: lol ... ~".m .. " Lewis, BettI" Dondcmnl. AUlc I'n),I1". Calhoun. Oll,.on. CO"'l1n~ and ::'Ilr. an,1 Ch"rlolte :-Ion· .. l1~ or Cairo. :'1I!'i'es lUrf). DI"k li"Uy. Th" He\,. anT" )t.... RamI! Clark. Uo,'le nen.,. !.Ir". Grac", aM. J"n<'5 nr SI't'lngn"ld " .. "nt flul'S- t:lI1ble. Irena C,ark.. and Spann of day In th~ <'It)·, ... omln,; here to ,,·ltn .. ~" 1 :1>lound.. The nr.t prl"" """. Wall hy tbl! f:T'IIduatfon nr th .. lr dauI'htpr, FAith. I ;\Ul\.'l Belle and th.. boob)' h)' :ltnl.

.;:lIn< . .A,,, Ja"k"oll of Alton IA th" I 1.<>\\,1.. nerre~hment8 wero sen,,.d II)' ~"Ft of lin. I.. U. Anf'ol!. 1",lnl:' In I tlte h""t.~!. AnnUM) .. Is:hth grnd" con" llUNt(\3.flt.""#'" :\t the C"(lmrn~t'lcf"m('nt (,,~lPr-1 Jnt"nc<'mt'nt wa... .. hdlJ t .. ·rid .... ;, .. )tns ~n. ~l cl .. ~a <'f til., "raduatlnl{ clR ..... r th~ nnt- lhe court huU!ll!. 'I'h~Te w~r" "r\'en "crR!tY. or whfch her daull:ht.,..._ ThrlmB; IIrnduat" .. who w,'re: Willie M"y ;lb.· waR a. mrmh~T, :.ofr ... S. IL GII •• on ~ ,tIn. .... .. rule Alec", Ther~~a C!~mons, nOt'k lIner a plra~nt t"~. O"rth" I •. Skate ... Cloth. Calhoun. Jo· "'''''k~ '\'I"lt In th~ <1t,.. "':''' j Int'll ~) I ~eph Clark and 06<'.Ar DIII",ld"I... The h~. lIUl'han,1 on .'~ ...snr"',,}, hotb I"a, - ,.a('fl~r, ;\IIS3 :'11. Grc""hur)'. '\lok~ \'''T)' In~ on ThuT.flo) ror ("1'3mpIII,,n to at- I "'I'hl), of th~m and commended them 10 ,"nil th., J.laI'II't Sundny "Choo\ ('On,,('n., ~. Tidwell, who pr~s"nt .. d th. diplolllM. lion. :lIu. I.ullt ("..alhoun ct Cllle:IIP.: The R"v 0 It Hcn<lt'",on of ~lnin SI eft"r "n enJo''ahl .. "Ifilt wtth trien"., . "h ,... n' Irft fnr It('r hom" lIronday. "'lIUn h"r". I ,F"~" JlapU.t C ,urch deU,,,,.<,d t .. e) II -I .. , "'At. the K"""t of Mrs O.orl1ll~· 01...... Zero Wehb Ilnd J05l'ph 1 enn

""uttlnrtnn .Ahraham ~6tct·~n"on hIli. "-f'TC) bornn nn a vl~1t f()f" a ft!W day~ urdta""d ft ne'" l\1"""'~11 Cllr. Mr ... : \\'Itb th"lr parenl" and friend.. Th"y

fJ.ttl" Itu.1I "nl"rl"ln",1 28 I .. dl,,& 00: I,a"" r"lurned to th"'r re~pe"tI .. e pIll""" W'<'<In""d,n' nl'lt'moon In hnrlClr of ;\1 ..... , for the Bummer. Attome)' JC)hn Allpn S. H. Glbaon. A <\(!lIllhttul aft"mooa 01 Spat1.ll. 111 .. and IU~te Ch'~{ Grand \\'1Ift "P~nt In roll\·e,.,..,tlnn al)/I "two- lol.ntor FI"her or Lo~~Jo~' ",,,.e h<r" ('"un .. lunchf'On ,..a" ... ."...,. N"". 1)",. 1""1 Sun,lay .. nil af'~I~t .. d th" Knights mill' l'Me" I~ft f:l\tllrdllY tor BurllnJtton, lUIol Daur;ht ..... or Tabor In '''~'Inl:' th" 1m.... ....·h"r .... ho .... 111 rom .. ln about II. f'orn .. ,..,.,onll or Zion 'tm\'"I",'s' lI11~8'"n· month on bu"ln~~~. ~IMl. "annl. BaileY, ary n"pti~t cIIuTel>. The F..astHn Star 'I\'ho went ",. II .1~lcsat" from thl!! city ('hnpt!>r ~o. 41 bad lh"lr annual",·,.· io the I'It,,\\ ... rd .. ,,~ ""n~·pntlon whlcll mon prca('hNl Sunday. }'lny 3, at MaIn ""n"rn,,11 In }> .. rI~ nn Thursday anll St. Free Bnpth1t cIInrch. The R"v. O. Fr1dRY, rellame ",Ith ~h .. lIonor of hlt\" n. H~nd~r~on prt'at'hell lh" 8~rmon and fnl:' 1.;"'11 "1 ..... ,,,1 dl~trld prrsillent an" flM'lpture r<"lldlnR was ")1' the Rev. Ch"~. Rl.n p"cr ..'\" of the fln"n.,., commlt- S:<l:lt~. Woenc:lrll Mitchell I"rt fnr p". '''Il during tlie ..... "Inn. '-Ir. and lilt'S. uolt. !ltleh.. where h~ "'1\1 Join hl~ John n. Ford onICrI,,'nt'd on 'W"dn",,- l'~nn'~. ;ln~'''R "nnnl~ EIstnn and "~,, "\'"nlnl; In bon"r "r the R ..... anll EUubeth CIa}'!on ~J)~nt the an .... nooll 11.... Gt'''. J"ne8 and daU,.hter of "l!'ltln,; MIs. • ...,ule LInd",,), la.l Satur­Sprlnl:f\"l". Th...... l'l' ... ent were Dr, "a)'. 'l'b.. nnnuAI high ... hool ('0,"' lineS :.I .... F:. G. O,,1ngton. )11'. and NT... men('em<>nt ~eTm'>n wa~ pre".hed Ilt th,­n. "'. Thorn ..... "lr. and lin. E\'l'relt A.. !If.. E. "hurch bv 1110 R,,\·. ,.... II. Thnm.... And 111... F. P. Wyl'll", O'.!... There were 1,,·(, IrrAduat"... tit" "11,," llo1'oth. :'IcAlII..t"r. ~tr •• nRI~)' E. ~fln"" aWt'ndo)yn Chamlllllll<. Ltooda l ... mp'l<ln of rltl>lhuo:h. 1.,. .• and Mr. ,\"II~"n. A"I~ CIRrk. Charles JU('~. Jr .. an4 )1"" • .Y. S. C1ftxton. "11'1'. na!~y "nd 'VlllIe On .. "I. Prof. Bpn 11 :llo~­Jo':. !_,ml,ldn "f. rltl~hun::h. 1'.... 01'- llV of F-umner lIl!f!!. ".h""l of St. ·l..oul,,­I:Rn"'~r of tit .. :SaU"nftl A""""h,tl" .. of )to .• d.lIv~r~.1 the da~~ IIddr,'n. At­Colurt'd Wom"n. """k" nt a m<' .. dnl1', V'rnel' Alon~o Tltn!'ltl r .. turnt'd hom" In partk"lnrly til clull wnm .. n. at :Itt. }>I .. • Chicago nft"r "",·e ... ' I\n ..... b .. t" on ,,~. I\'Ilh I.lant!.{ ",,, .. d. on 'l'llu .. tla)· ~'·e· cnunt of the d"ath Of hi'; mOlh",.. ;IS"". ""n". ;\1......."lI:ln III a women o~ Emma Rnblneon nnd !,on nf C"lT. Ind., .. harm, po ........... ~mg .. "trong p"nonaYI!) arri"ed h~Te to attend th~ lrrA"ua 11(111 .. nd "I,nke "ntlmFI:u<tklllly and "neoar' or her "1~I.,r. In ... '!M'>tn "'\I "On. ~n ao:lncly to th .. ,,"'m"n In~!,r<'.t"" In .. lu~ FAmond~. one of the old clUZl'Il', who ~ork. h"r auhj""t IJ~lnll: Llttenlng tn. h... bern In poor hp31th for quite Il 't ocltl .. 01011 "'''re 1'"nd"1'M by :!It~. while, be('3~ d"!<pOndent. Arter hR ... -r .. ad f:mlth anlf l1..... Clara Grlg.IJ). tng left honie a IIMuh "'IlS mad .. nnd ~~j~:n.l\t'Ait ~~I!iru~~~iiz~~~ctlr;.~ tr.~ blft body w:tll found In ~"e Ohio rt'·cr. iall., ~Iarl"'n J"I'n"on _hOWM won<\orful !ltr. and ;\lrtI. John '\;'; 1\Il14m~ ~nt ... r­nloillt\" II nd Jl~oml"" fllr Utili young ar- .tRlnell th .. (IT,,"uatlon dll"" In honor of tllli 'llrli :'turnr .. t }("II,.. ",110 tf'lIchplI :'on~ .. Av!. Clark. All rerDrt " gnt)d In :\Iadi.on: came to th" cit)· to w1tn/!1!~ time. LIght rrfrcsbmenttl wero s~r.·pd Ih~ ,*3,h.atlon cf her coueln, ,MIllS hy the hosleM. Thplma .11lck"nn. "'rs. Ken" I .. "" .. nd­In" ,,"wrnl dAYS ~Ib " .. ,. Jl'lend, !lin. ;llarl<a('(>t ,\',·"h ... 'whlle h .. re. The nut m.·f"ttns:- u( th*'" Dlonmfngttln .. :-O;ormal

DANVILLE. ILl.. 'Mrs. Robert IlarrlMn, Jr., or Chleal;o

~t~bI,~rrura~~:r:~~ ~;!it::'t"rl:' ';!~~ :'111'''. RouPrt Hllm~on ot 6 E. CI:I\' St. I :Mm. Lula Ta\'lor an<1 a ""mpany or, fdend .. of A~·~hlr ... Ind .. hav" r~turned I hnme aft,,1' Iltt"n<llng tht' exeTcI.e" or' th<ll Danville hl~h .. chool gr:lduaUng I eln~s. Among th" graduate .. ""'" !II",. Lata Ta"lor'" ~on. Llo}'d !I[. Tavlor.

:'frs. ]lawlllns of th" Poro cnll"ge. st. , t.nutR. :'10.. I" .... 1~lthlir ::'lr. and )t,.,. : nc~ler. Dr. lind !lIrA. l"ra:r;If!T, '-fl'. nnd ' :'11'S. B&eler and dRuJl:hter, Aullta, lilt •. I .. \da Bloncll!!. llr8. Hawkins of St. Y.oul.. lto,. !>I'athanllll R..nller. Rob~rt PaU,I'1'1Ion. Dale Nichol! and EURene ~atteraon, .Jr., mnlored to Champal..-n 10 attend the forum at the C. lit. E. rhureh. Th .. LaI!lSe2 FaiTI.' cluh at­tended the llarty In ltooJ1<'''ton. m .• on Dero ... tlon da}' In honor or )11", lr:n'­I:1:ret Smith of nnope.ton, ,..ho "'Ill; th .. "nh' lerrl 10 llTa.d:JRt~ from the HoopPslon hlll:h ~rb""I. lll ... " Cecplla W III terns of Ch_mpalcn .pent Dl'<:Ora' lion da}' In Dan .... IIl" And a lIendl'd th(' llarty In Hooputon.

CHAMPAIGN. ILL. The alale con"entlon met at &llem

Baptist Churcll .erentl:tO. \11th a Isrye c!pl.r;atlon In attennan('!:' Sim­mons d .. livered olle or his wonderful "ddT8fJse~ Ilt th.. "p"nlm: .~'Flon. Prominent mlnlstctft from all parta oC the stat.. were In Itttf:ndanee. !I1rs. Vlrn T)'1Ion of Chft'al:'o ",alll:l. Cham· nsllm \1sltor recent})·. ;\11"" S .. dl. He/f.mon. Flora ;\!oteland. !ltRry Seoll. Carlo. Burton. Roy SmIth and CI~ment I.loyd ",er" graduated from the high 1 .. choole of the Twin Cl tie.. Deput)· I SherII'( Brown hall pUl'cha~ed a ne...­N&.IIh CN'. Joe Bro1nl and ;wIf. are

CENTRAI.IA. ILL. Xrs. ;\f.t:C1, UO\\'I\rd "pellt l:ut ", .. d­

n(eda,.. and Thur~dn)' shoppln,: In Chl~ ~al!O, !lIn. Inu Sl'ott Bnd <I~ullhter le(t fnr Chh'R'lo to ""end the 'UmntN'. F.:u­gene "pent ."v"rnl dll.)'. wllh hili ~Ister. )lr5. Annie :-;on~ood. The J.;a~l. "m Star 1011g... held theIr "nnllal 'hllnk~gh'lng ,,~n·!t:~R at the S<'cond rh'l.tlSt ('hurch Inst Bunda,... The scr­nlf>1l wa. preached hy the PRetor of the chur,-h. th" ltC\·. W. n. Caner. )115" ;lfin" ... ·" Flo,,"!>rs I"fl tor [ndtan31l(.II~. '"iI. 1:1St f'.ntlltdny to "p~nd II. few dars "(~!t1n!; rel .. U,'('.. ;\11"" Lole !If .. ~on

~r::u,,~~:'{t;m, t::''i.';;~~,!!',;. T~f,.~'::'JS ~lr". Arthur Fr~n%or of Cairo Rllcnd .. d Ihe I;rftdUlltluS' t'".rcl$cs here. Th,' "ARP'",1\tln' Six" jazl< ord",.trn play.,,, !l t Turner'" hull In honor of :Ills" LoI" :lta.80n. II. gmduate or C"ntr:llla h!~h .... hool nnd Min L~ota. Sklnn.r. a graduate of BrunswIck. Oa., high school.

ROCKFORD, ILL, !.fI~s Ad:a. CrlgmM I" In the' city pr~­

Po .... ln! for thl! l>Al;:eant, a hl.lorl",,1 ~"gro Pl'l'eltnt. A r"w memher. an·\ I rl~n<l" at the Ro". Q. I. Hold !:"\'e a l·irthday putl' for him Ilt the dmrch ThursdaT, May :11. 1I11S8 U<:r31dln" GormRn I. hom" 1ro". her .. chool. Th" H"u~ehold of nuth No. tna cntcrtalned Ih~lr district OmC('r, Sl~ter 1';11" Younl;,

~'~f:rtl~~U~~~hWJap~~n~:!! r~\~!"~r;;~ :'1 ... nn.1 !Ilrl'. ClarcnN Drok .. or D~l\'I· dere hn "0 moved to Rockford to In:1.k.;, 'hl" thp'r hom... !-Ir. and :'11'11. Jam"" Senlt., Gt~ Lucuet !>t .. ar., I"okln&, r"r· wan] to the hom("~(OnminS" u( tb\.'lr d::l1l.,::hter, who Is ntt:H1d:n~ fi{" :l.t \\'hc~ton eon,;!:". flhe l~ c"l.e~lel\ horn.' In ahout 'two wt:(!ok~. )lrlt. ,,In.tnt-~ Dor~ lin", 2039 :l1~lr .. "" SL. I" 111 with \0. grlpp". WilHam Bonlt of n"lnlt. \\,I~ .. "'1l8 here visiting his dnull'''l~r. :llr~. Jl!.mell Doshlle. :ltr~. Fco:u~J1n an"

~:~'t ~f;:~' ~~~I~:t'i~,;~;,~o~t::~d~r.lI:i; nend. Ind., who Is comIng hom .. from JI(\\\'1lf"d unl\· .. t,.lt~· tn ~tlNul ht..:r '"!I.("=' ~ Hon. lIIrs. ~la.rth" Smith Ill," h~~n III fot- a f(>\\" d.'l'''s. hut ifl nhJe to he out. Fred Cnrter ,viii ftnl~h hl~ school this June_

BROOKPORT. ILL. Th~ churd>""luhs or H." A. :It. 1;;.

('hurch held tllclr .."Il,· 8",,<13\'. ,luna :to Th'e n~\·. "'. )\. Prke or :\INrol'oll" .. nd memh",.,. atlcntll.'Cl the r:llly. ~rr~. Demby Carlle or G(ll!,~hur<; I~ .... i"ltln~

~~Jt~:;.~~~n h~~O clH~Jn l1gn~1~!~':t'.!i~/~~~r!~ ~rwnclln~ a l\''''~k wllh h<'1' !>rother. Cleo. T.tlrl"J·. llrs. Saul.. HnrrlB r~turn"d lIome trom East St. T.oul~, 111.. la~t ~1II"ln)·. ;\1158 Opal Llnd.!fey of pa­durah, J'~'., sp"nl :"4y ~Olh wltll llr~. J.... To. Sbrl~. J \'v HflYu. umJl"'rtllk.~r ('If Panurah. Ky., \~A;; In tile cit)· recently on h1t~lne!":-;. llr1i:. l ... uronn Dlak~ntort,." or "!etropollq ~p{,lIl f;unday wl\n her nll'Co, '-I!'Ii • .J. Daugherty.

MARION, ILL !Iot"s!lrl'. n!"rk\\·"n. T"\>n,,e and Col"

or Cam"l" ;\11lI~ w.rO! (:lIICr8 on :.U".~s I,ol" and '·(t/<llIla 8P"""8 IR"1 SnturdRy (:\w{'nln~~ Oscar Allen f<"turned hnTTlI:!' n!tt!r nn p.xt~nue·(' '"I!I,it with :,[r. nY'.' ~Ir". J:;<lgRf Martin. :llZr. Ycmon A,'" .. (,hl""l:o. 'I'hl' R",·. John lIolm<'s or Alnhnmn. will <'on II net a m .. etlng III th" A. :-t. E. clllIreh. th!> Rc'\". 'Y. H. SlweS., If' ptt.litnr. Carl Lom:r.n anfl f.lInUy'. thfl

Rp\·. Spee5~ and Sol .JohnMtl mode II. Ib'ln!': trip t6' Xo. 9, Dcwmalne. rocent­h'. :!Itl811 A.ldle Clnrk. the cl~rk.t :'11'. c. .. lhoun's ~tor" tor tho' pust elsht month ... r"tunted ttl ;\I()unll Cit>·.

LINCOLN, ILL. In ~plt" of tho rnln. R InTS" rrnwll

wltn ..... d the hacciliaurcate t;t .. \,I<,es nt the FI""t Pr".lwt~rllln ('hur"h In!<t Sun-

~~\'f.:~~:lnl{;'bp~n."~n':';C~':no~~ot~h" :!.~.~ hl"'h "~hool gr .. duatell. _ liaaler A. O\'cndortr nnd R. GO\'el1!! are amone th .. ll~ Junior high grnllu"te~. Th~ high 8('hoo1 commenN'ment wns ~onducted at th~ ~.,,,. Llnctlln lh"nl .. r h •• t Thurs· dn\' "''('nIn I!'. Dr. Xath:lnlc! Butlt'r •• f th" trnl\'eTI;\ty of Chlca!:o \\'38 un In­t~rl'iltlnR ~p~ak.,r. Th., Second WpU.t and A. )1. E. S.n\or Sund3)' school

f~ni~~,,~nj:i'e:l,: ~~j~!~~~ P~~I&~1".,1~ ('(·urt hou"" ,11", which .tood as a>rl:ll tn auf' 3~!"""'ln"ted pre8Id~nl. who practIced In,,, h"re. The n\lt ·of-

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jun 23, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 16


l"Hd mckman ... as taken Into Fort Oearborn 1041, ... No .. I D POE. \'Ii ~ or ChIcago ~Ii' and Mrs Fre<l HIckman IIJl'II\t Memorial dal In Chi caGo Mn M"t7 "h."lock announc ... Ihe mtUTla .. e or h~r daught",. Marie

COUL T£RVILLE ILl.. to John Renoue or Deloit. June 1 at her Willi. Jon". l"n tor :VeUolt. ).tleb hom. %001 Prlc.. St Mr and M<o

:Millard CIulla lett for carmi. !In Mlnkman entertalned for tbern. :I1agcta "JIll ...... and aon n .... old mo :Mra Ethel Dlake Con .... ay of Bdolt. tured .,\ er to Sparta and ''It.n .... ..d tho W!a earne (town to rebeartle v.1th th" 1>211 pnte. Dill Jotl"" John Ollver, .Al1"n Chapel Choral club Tllet aro Cht!n Oan'len and JollDtI1.. :!Itannln;; Jl1'aCtlcln" for Qu,""n btb... of attl'ndt'd the ball f:1UIIe F1=ce .... bleb thOL RQV Geo~e Rolt b dlroo Jon"" ....,.. a COUlltlT"llle ..... tter Cor- tor Th. Re~ Oeo"'8 Holt I' 1>I18tor of r"ne Bra .. ." r~turne<l home after Anen cnllpel clluTon and tll\. I. Ills lng ae ... eral " .. "lis 1n Dupuoln loin I ... t ,.eA" MI'L Ealt..tta. Conway (It 13 , Ella OI<:.1;born "'"lUI an out of loom "Is Drown A"e. Wall admItted to n.,.,l<fol'd ltor r~pU) ::Itr Soott of DUQ.uoln I h(llplt.a.l for an ol''' .... tlon She ,. th~ ,\Its lIoep In to'" n fte<!nt17 J po MO d .. ucbler of Mra Lub."\\ utbroolc. A 'Ih~ter and \\ m. Curti. 1m tor St- I !!Uri 11" ......... 1<I ..... n on:ll..... )1 Donk} Loul... ]\10. I Cook lut "".dnelda) " ..... nlnl[ Tlu,

B 13 A. club ..... s "nt"rlaln",1 by Mr" CARBONDA1.E, 1L.l.. A. T .. ,lor and :!IUu n ... "1 'TIn lor at

:In .. 11elen E>a Autry h ... returned their home In MontAgue 51. n~nk Gar )"><I1n" u.fler G'l'aduaUn.: from the nor re t ,,111 mako Chlcal:o his home. He mal l1eJ>,a.r1mcrot of lhe A. L State :t-.;or lIu o!,<,r:ed an atltl ... Ue club Mrs 1\1., mal at T<nn Mls~ E4na Ka~ haa from Fulton st. to "Impson left tor ller bome In Warren.· Dlc'kman SL. 1\1rs. Su~nn ltoblnson. 601 I u,,, ~I" to liJIend tho 8ummor Mia. Kno" Iton SL 1:< much Im,,·o\ ed In Waneh Jill""" of the Dou,lass hid. health. She j,1UJ been .. 10k almOllt .. "c\100\ at MetrOllOlI. "!"IlIt a 'e. cia)" I year :\{nI Le\<tfll :llooro ,,, llt SL. An til ,\;u ... t of!\trtl 1::!lubeth McCrack~n thon)" nens!,lt,,1 anI! I_ Imp"",lnl; :!.lra .",d fam I"," <:n roUte to her homo In I \\ E Mayfield 'I at St Anthon' hoa HlIl .. \",ro lo\l"" M .. be1 DeUum .pent pltal whete ahe "as operaled on by Dr " r< ...... t !':un<l"~ wlUt MI ... Anna AJI&n n. S Grant. :\trs nenn"!! Ooehln ot at Colp :'I1!n Loren. Damett "pent ~03r. Metro. St. b much Impro,.d In ~ H r ... 1 cI .. ) N .... the t:U •• t of )41 .. Ge hulth. n.~ .. How.,,..,, en MUls to her hom~ In :llattoon MI •• Gene' ... Bo .... ra I" I.,., Inl: tl,o last of the month to .p~nd tho T miutnder or the aummer at ColoraOo S"rln~a Colo. !II' and l1r&. ·WIW, B \I.,. h.... noturn.,4 trom & '\"Islt to ~h 11"011011" Th"y are I ..... vttllr tor S:hl­<'41;" to llpe:ld the eumltl"" l\4nI .... &rY On..,r of Sl. Louie made a. bu1Olnoat, trlj> tt, tI., elt} la.t "".,k. Tile Re" .... g. Hurton of Sl'ana. preach.,4 at the -~1 &. clturell. recentl,.

BROOKPORT, ILl... '!"he Child .. ,,".. day enr"I .. , .... _

rrndu<,d a.t the A.]\1 E eburcll M ... Alben l'ibelton "a~ eall~d to Padut:llh on account of the 4!uth of her broth~c.r Frnn1< ])unl:ll' ,.110 dIed at th" I bost>ltal ;)'lr Dunlap lea.,.". a wit. m. the. thr ... "hlldren and 1,..0 alsters lh!l fun~ru.l wn' 11 .. ld fwm tho Chrl. tlan "hur~ the Re. Mr lotartlp 0111

i'1~~';.~ !t.~s n.,':.ri:o;t~V~h':; "tv v." ....,. married Juna • "t !!,,, residence of the blidl'. par_nlll ..... r llnd !\1nt 1(, (11:" Jot neon 'The ceu :rnon~ " ... " I ,rl frned b} the n", '\ :!It lI"llle\ Out o! to .. .,. t:U"_ .... l'r() the H" \'\: lol Jonea and ... ire "t nUl> kln",1U.. K. a. 8feter or tbp bride :'lr~ And rson and 'llrs H=mon nIC lher an I • ""r ,,' th" croom 1 K. r~ilUl.!h!I'H Sf 1 \"jt~ n Cellulin or tho brW.. :\IT n nd ~1n1 And~r"on ni'<l J<l I. rna III '1<-lIn& St- .lI1etro.1'Olb ::lira , D~u .. h=J and lIS..... E".I .. 1 "uo::hf'rl' and children ........ paducnh ,1.ltor5 ~Irs Amanda T .. nner Thornp Ii n of CllI.rleatotl \'Ii ....... 1. '1eIUnl; ;r,laU' ... and tel/'nds In th. city SI>t" \\ II ,Ielt Ill'" fatber 0 J Tanner In l'aducau heron r .. tundn~ bam.

LINCOLN, ILL Mloll 1':.lh..,. Hummer who aubmltte4

to .. ton,,11 operation at th" St C1nra" ho~rrltal Is mn .. aleseln.. nicely Ro~ C .. "I' .... ho t. under Qu&rantlne for m .... ~1es at the bome af his uncle and :>.un!.. Mr and ;",r8 Wm Do}d 1ft in, pro"lna: 'ltra Emanuel Shaw I. on the sIck list thl. ".,,,k Ilol>ert Dent f"rm~r y of LIncoln who \'\"Us 0l.eral~d 0" recently 1s nO\\' at the !\:atlonal 501111" .. hom .. In lIIU ..... uk"e WI$. ~Tr and :\I,.,. Clltrorll Rntel ..... ood Dnd tlaul;hl~r Edith or Dan .. m" are lIl)end

i~f~t~~:" "a"~,i< J::,,~~I: i~~s \~~n'ist:~~~ and :llu John "hlt""ld .. Aeeornpanl"d th.. fOM1ler" sllll"r In lAW lIlr.,. :'ItllO O\erall on h .. r r~turn to hu home tn Chicago "hue they ,,111 .... maIn for a short tlmo Harry Roe,e. ot Dan '1110 motored to I.ln~oln on .. buslnen tnp D, ~r "nd nl"cl' :\11 ••

~~~r;. .. y ll~lOt~r"n~~O l'.fAIg~f.,o.~!th ';'il'!.. ~fary D,,',. has retum .. d frOm Kan"". Clt\ After an .. xt~ndPd \\1th her hroth .. - Dr 'tI: rn D) l'f Mr.. St<'''" -"Irhl~ and dnullhteT "I....-tlll lu"" re tum~d hum .. !lft T .""ndfnlt a fotln!::ht In QUiD .. ton ;end """'ral other Indiana ('ltI"" The R~, ~T J "tUllr! attended th" G"nt'rnI I'Ial't1st !;tate ro,", entlon In ('ham".I!:" I •• t ",..,.~Ic :11111 PaulIn" Sn\lus .."Iertaln"l " .. , ernl Petuabllr!l' :;u"sl~ nt h r ruraJ hom~ SUnda'l Th~\ '1:\ c>t,. aceompanJed ) \ her mother: !\fTN.. n~\ I~ :!\Ir an" ;\1,.. Tro, I., nn ot 1 Ikhart .. prnt .the w" .. k end In !II<' cit) 'Tile 1., .. 11 .. 9 Soclal Unur clut> ,,, •• rmallT <,n!"rtalnM at the hom" of :\1,"

~~~r:n~rI~T:' a~lf~lrla1~t~~~:l,L<>IUi.; btt~r (orm .... h In... Glorlll Ukkrnlln fit "'".Inldl~!d " .. re the gu .. suo ot ,\1\ .. r.lnihs J.'u'lua Sund... ~~Ir AnI! :n .... I ulh..,. (;aln .. s and dau!:hl .. r ha", de 1 ar!ed for llloonllnJ;lon "h"ro tbel ,,!II m .. kG Utelr tuturo home

MONMOUTH ILL ::I!rs S J \\ 1I11.m. ot "ol'~b Kltn

"ho haft I ~.n ~11r1l1"'1:" with her 1""lh<'r J \\ 1\ "IIJJ.Ce !:; Tllird SI ! as rc' tUMl~ ] nme ~tr nllr~~sl\ t" ahtp! tn iff" nt \\(j"'k :u.."'tl!n "lj~9 RNa. ''\(l-llth{Ors I'ntertal" ...... t a 4!lnn .. r dan"e Ilt h r hom.. !:; Fir.t!1t 6mrollm('ntln" :\h.'

;N~;n ~:~s ~i!\~O!r~O~r §:,:B\~~~~~ :\In 10ft ::'\:e\ pis nnd T~ntt<r St:lnforil fSturh"nUi or l"nox. olk;:r thoft "lU .... CB 1 lIIan lin 1 Harrl .. lt SJt'It. \ lei, Coli' m:l.n KRUIl'rln.. T,n lOT Urlle," !;Iltll1 I.,.,. Iln<l n"lph 1'.- Inr ~n .. Fl"r II~(>

nrown <>1 San Anwnlo T. ~,,~ /I tOTIIl~r '\1<lllUlO,uh I:lrl 10' I-Illnl: frl~nds here lll~~ J Ulilln Starr " .. nt .0 :\Incomb ,...-lter" ~h~ "Ill ~nt('r Stnt.... !'\or:n:1! TGJl~he"" Tralnlnll" .chool )flu Geor da na,1. I. (Iulte .. l<,k III h~r born" In E :\ tnth A\. lIIrs :\10111.. !;tr:mo;< or Smith Gro .. ., K) I~ \Isltlns- l"~ .~n lA!\\1. L StM1r.I!~ !; ThIrd '" \\ W cluh of St Jam~s 1>- :\f E

~!'A"~~ve a: .. nOT::~;;..,,~~teT::~~r:.~~t EWe WRllnc .. IB m3klnll' .,...:tenah" re Il. ... lrl"t Anl lmrro\'"emt:nt~ on hIs ; rOJ't'rt~ In!; Elr:h 11 <:r .... m ~rl Fo·" "39 "Iv n a "":r~I~ .. IInn-,. ou hIs ttln h Ilrtb ~iia ~~~~~Ui~ 1~~,. t~n:~alnl1'l;nl'E lt~~ 51 Ct,,\r At",1 of De"atur I~ ,Ioltlnl; .. lh his ,vIto at th .. !r E 1'1fth -"'"

~~:r"Mod'!iI'~'ht'l Ct~lIv:~'i;"prnV trml'f.s 1I"ld th~lr nnnu,,! tbank-sholns: s<'rmons at CaIr.LTT Dnlltt-t .. hurch

PONTIAC ILL 1.<'-..1~ ;Y"""'"""n "38 In ntoomlnl<lo"

B,:;;~~nf tt...~~ln::l·en 'i':'i'~r.:. ,,~s 8,.1".. ""n\ ~ntl n "r tn.. A ~1 E chu~ch of tl e Snrlns1lelll Ill.trlrt "hlrl1 eOll\: I'nt"Ct tn P~Tt-s "orkme:n ha'\ e N)mpltt~" th.. rounll"U, n nn<l la>ln:: (or tl .. <'<In .... "'" n or In the ba"~ment of D<'th~l .. :!IT F. cl1urrh l[1~s I ' .. , I." Fl.trh~r wnlluatt'd ttom th., Pon tiRe ,,,..-nHhl!. hll'h arhool 5h~ .... R~ a n ~ml tr of th" f:'lrb bask~t 1)11.1\ t~nm HatTY "ppm th~ "ceo< .. no1 ,,\til hla famIly lind ,.~tUtnf!d 10 J~Uet Th~ J .... A A. Lowry "as In Dloomln;ton Th., .. nt"rtalnment ~h"n bv lm I. A. nodlllnl.-t"" for the hf'netlt of B~tllel " II E Improvement fun t ""''' n ""nd ~ucee'8 and (!njo~cd h~ all pres ont \"Illlom Cash Ant'! Mo, .. GrI'Mn

TI~rS'e}D~~';'~~'~~ur~b~~:.r' ... ef:~::.;l~~ e:tr ;\f,.. !.fane "{,,huron .... 111 "nterUlln ot D~th<,l A :\t E <'hureh for the hen~ nt or t!le !ml'ro,em~nt funn n' th I hureb :llTr and "rno Adrll .. C"'.~ll

ont"rtaln'!6 Mrl Alice Peterson of ('hI ."(0 ~Ir" :!\r"rv Barlon and ~Ir "n 1 :.1.... t on BRrton or thIs city FA lfJI

~~~n!~,r.l';:l~,~s ah~~T:n~~~1 J~u~~.; ~:l.ra Dolden h"l' b""n Rick for s .. , .r31 <12) S TI," Re. CArter S/lrocl~ of SI'clltnr """ached at the Second Bap list churcll

COLP, ILL. nattle r..,,, Pca<'b"s dle<l r"~"nth' I1t

Ill.... hom'" M ht'r (a h{'r r"le" 1 ...... Rtt"r n pT(llon!:"/I IIIn~AA The. tnnrral

~;;;~~5 "Atb,,~ld n":)~~Yd?lI~~<lna~H=! r..-n,,'.,. l..8no ""re married r.""ntly :\t Ih.. home af th" h"14" CArTle Le .. Hnmllton clun m .. t Frlda.y "~enin~ At Ihe A :'It E. dlnln!: h.1I1 'lhlrk Jlkh 3rnl'On ha~ rNurned to not !';nrl""" Ark )lr anll :llno. Arthur .1, I'f(,H >n ",,. ])llnCtln .,,11 :'0''" :'If J Hull.on Are Rttflindlnc th(lo Run~ll'V J;:rh()t)l ("on5.tT<""'s In Jndlannfl< 1\0 1'111 :'I%r.l. E. Uolm"" nnd Yr" 1'1\" !l'IlhuFh \'\"~re In ':\tur rohnlboro ~h"pplng T"cpntly :\tr nn .. llrs Sam S, Ic"~ ha", .Ul th"lr I'tle~t ~TlR~ nuth ('a1d", .. I!. It arh"r In :\llIr , h,,1>MM ~h{> hA!'t retUM'1"'r" !tnmf" to "t Lngt. Und~n"k"r F n J" .. \;~on rot CftrbnndAl .. W11S In tl1" ~fh In II~ new 1><><1"" .... <!.an 'I'll .. n~, .I If HI~ cm" And "It" ~ro .. nt " d" '" hh :\t,. nnd !\tnt Sam S\ k<!s r .... ~nth' "!.Trs tn tl" \\ lI11a,n" Is 1I .. lon~h III At h~r hnm.. 1'1,,. n~, Joltn Smith of CA',O "I~trlrt I~ thA Jl:U~st of :11.,. an~ :lTrs Rieb"rd Arm"tton!:

BLOOMINGTON ILL The !::tewnrd~.~ bnnrd of W:wman \

:M E Chan-I hpld n m ... tln!:: I."t \\ ~d n .. ~".y nft"",,,,,n at the .. bu,-eh 'Th" r"""rt of thl! 1l~1 .. m.t llrl' ~nnnl" Ran",) to tho re(",pnt ste\\"a.Td~~~ (,nn '\ f*nlion at PaT'l~ III '~:"1~ 11'\:\-1" nnil Mmmend.,d :\!r "nil 'Tr.. J"hn C ,~mll.,n. of ~"'r.nal "r" th" J1r<>ud roar f"nt~ of n. ilnr ! ()'\,: wi'h:hlng- 1 ... pl)under rom lOt Brokttw hr>"pl a! :'Itr!!. Abta hnm St .. , tn-On lllt)"'~ l!nnrM ~t and her r:mn~'nn :\la"I... Jor""n

~;;:r:~,,~:f~f~ ;! ;r..~n'V%";le :\18" !l:nmu~l~ mll lea, e !loon 101' Rn .. "t~n.l.,d ,bit "llh frlen ... In r, .. n4n. Cit) ::ITo R01 L :-: .. th:\n 1\,.-.15tllnt bal:. t:fICl'man at the C. &, A. deI'ot I .... " <'I"t.. (>n .... ..ount of 11 bllOly I5Jlrnlned kn"... D" J; Ont'l' C" ... lngton has begun "~rv f'xt<lnkh .. Imll.o,,,m.n," on hl& r"'III"nce. E '\I"rlc .. ! "I. :\1,.,. T Illlan !l:t." pnllOn 4n~ F. O"kl:1.nd ""'" It' th.. m.tnbus of the TIctory club :II", A1 ~llthRn I. quIte 11I J S Clio< ton mit". ttll'~ to Pe<>M,. And !!prlnt<fleld cn bUIln".s )Ir and :If". Frl'd Ru_" "Ill 1";\ ..... Man In their ne..... Buld, for Atl4:ntle Cit .. to "I!~nd Ih~lr '"aeRUon Dr R D Dun"~n of D('ratur ,1altod !rl~nd~ here lIb. n~rnl"" PrI"., anti :llIps M~1ha R«n~ both t"""her. aro In th .. city to a tend th" -ummer ltrm tlt the unl"~r!lt' ThO!! T'Iom"'Ue Art dub ....... entut,"ned bv "11." J..oT'Ihle ~nthl\n at tlto lI"me of :\1,.. nob~rt !'i:lIthnn After the bllslneos of til­meeting n lIeJl,.I"u" two "OUroo lunch...,n ....... s Bene-<! The Ba"h~lor Bo ... Ka'!te a moot d .. lll:htf 1 t'!ane1nll: "un nt Frn temlt,. h~1I !If", Mary E Calln8 for med ... of Dloomtn!;ton or,..,nl.t or Jont's A !t. li: "hUT"h 5t. Loul" and th~ R"v W H Hartly nAAI~t.nnt """'lOr of tbe sam" .. .hureh "'er ... qulr.tlT m:tn! ... June' In St. Lout.. Mrs nardy Is th .. moth'!'r ot Mr- )hTtl .. '''&lton of 410 E. 0 .. 1I1an4 th!~ city :\f.... LIIu Ella Toung G W (] or tho HntlPfhold5 of Ruth or JlIlnol" "no'l iurl .. dlet on recent , ..... I"lted Bloom"""!On and while hl't. WIUI the InJPst of :'If.... O~I!" :'Ifftl '·01 W Wood St. "irs Co :Mo'l."3n :ltlUer of W J~son 5t. Wall hoot."" to the rnembt'fl!I ot the Woman 8 club lut 'l'h1lnl4a:r aftom.OOJ1.

SPARTA ILL 'I'l1o A :II E ehurch nb5e~.,tI Its

75th annh tTJ;.U' T"centl~ J)alphen ch"Iller 0 E S b~ld tbelT"r ca) ~Or\ Ic". a t th~ F "" B d urch :llf. Ell"" AURlln or Coulten 1110 \ 11111"" the

~~s File fl. f 8'" cf~:c~ ant.,~;.~~s~~ll~~h:l' "aft c"lI~d hOtne to the 1"".lile or his

0!'1~n ,,~o il'a~t~r. IV ~~~~::::,esll/id 1" Fr.1Zt~T motored to flu lunln in San 1 )r" I"t-nn'\:!t c.'lf' "'fr M("hec,:er And rul'lthcr in la.w: :\fn.n nuckner 1 '1otored 0\ cT tronl St J ..ouht un J l.l'"eTe til ,:u~at8 of L:lUTll lIorlon TIl~ !llllrllorl drl8 cnten!lln",l nt dlnn r r"eentl~ ~fr. Orlrnta II .:;h-" 1\ IIIlnnt :lluT ""~k ,,{ Stn,,,r,,r I ('onn ,,-:t. th" I, ... ~"t of Ills .. ou.ln Chu '\!ur"oek The ;:l1:trtn Stllrs Jnurn", "" '" I II" 1\ e r cent!) to pl'I} h.11 "Itlt tho te~m Ihere Til· Junior cltolr of Ihe A :\1 E church Ita(\ :. ,cry pl~"sant otltl h

., Tl'Ctntl) lIra C. P.nndlcs "OS chaperon

EAST ST LOUIS ILL l'rore~50rs n F. ""~hln«ton prfnot

l':l.1 • r th~ schOOl at lIlarlon :In<l C C Ion'" I'dn"'""I of the Echool At E<I wards'\:lUe ,..eNt ,ll!!tthts nt tl c Ounl:1 .chool :\In C"510n J3r~ .. nt of ChI ca~o who bne bt-en In tne e\t~ tor a fe," ,,,eel s ,!pltln!: 1 Cr br thor :-'fr Smith ot Tenlll", A", rl'lun,erl hom" accomJ18nled I, :\In, ThOR PhontlerH ,,110 "m be the house guMt (jf :llr. BMltnt tor t'~o ""eks TIle ,.orner slOU" In,lnl: of tl1., new 5t r31l1 IlR1> ll8t eburch Ilt 16th 5t '''"' non I A\e h lt1 on the flNit :sundn, in JUUA W1Ul fl ~pl"ndl<l su.,....,". The contrlhllUou for thp. aft~rnOqn and c'H:oning tot:Jled <I 4fill G3 TIle 10CJl1 commIttee of "om n of the F .. dnat~<i ClUbS ;\TC mnklnl:

1 U~fl pr .... t.arat,lon,.; (or lhl'o con\'nJ; con ,"nllon to I" htld In A,,~ust 'n tI". dl) :\Ira 1I D ~T""l~, of 191. lInr k(:t A~e \\'"8.2' hCt5tess to the 110m .... Stu h <:lub ~""enll~ The (,,;ocher" of r.llrfiold "chool Rtl'" n p"ogra.m "It II t1.elr pupil, at "t Paul B.,nt!st church on the night or J ID~ 16 Th" m~rn\ " .. of the BlrthdRl Social club "nlerlainl'd Ihelr busban Is nn 1 a !~\\" frl"nth nt th" hom .. ot :\!r:; F 1 ucn~ 1843 Bond A,.. 1II1ss Emma WI~' tench~r of :llrKln1", s~hnol. I. at her homo In Tlell""lIc Sh~ wag "a1J"ol thore by lh .. d .. ath ot her l.rNh.r :\Irs Lucille Watkln. r"llIrnl'd rrom Hot SI'rlnl:5 9rk \\hero .. he spent ae""ral ",,,k.

rf>sllnS' The 1I1\8".S Ada "n(l Ii nnnle Smltll t"!lehers of PIne lJlul't Ark am spending a t~", \\ ... k. In the cltl ~ sIting th<lr uncle Cllrl Smllh ~Irs 011\ e ><Iauctlter 0.,,11 Mrs Ruth "blt of :\11I",h) 5uvro III w"ro In the C\t~

l~sI~!~ti,u~~;I~IFncl¥rs A E~m'J°;::i<1~'I~( MOIIUtld III Is ~p.ndlnG tL f." "e"ks In the cllY vl.ltlnj! her mother ~Ir" "nlHe r.lln~r of 1739 :\lcCaslln A", I rlnc/llal ~t. \ LuCils WAS In Dellu ,me III to attend tho funeml of ~I19' \I Hey s brolbdf Ch",~I"g n '~aehI1l1'1 ton and E,h",.rd Washington of Do trolt Mlcb !lro n t the Leds!de of their ~lck mother

DECATUR ILL ~Irs. Minnie K.II~ Carr gil'" a T8

h' <rsal at her pUPil" al Odd F"Uo\u hnll The A M E ('hu~ch C'losel1 one of 115 most "nece""tul ralilo. In th" hi. t"r, ot th .. cl urch l!e, \\ "bhlnl<ton 1~ I astor :llrs Carolino Kellc) ,,110 has I ~~n \II tor tho laM \lIght months f~ ImpTo\ Inl: Th" Cl\ Ie l""guo 11,,1 I IU ,,1.<'Ilon :\fond"y ",cntng' In Oild Fello",. hall Donal Thompson ":IS "leet.11 ~"U rctaQ


prl:" on the cont""t usa:!' 'Th" Valu. o! the Blbl. In th" Publlo SclIoola • Th .. lie. Iihe hold a Melal Ilt tho home. of ~Ir" S Walker on :I1lell£pn Ave Inst Tlulsday "venln~ It "aM a. finan cial anu soclal success \\ alch tor tbe oponln&, or the ~el;:hborhoo'l 'ltore at 5ui \\ FIrst St The Rev C :II. \\ eb .tet occupIed Allen Chllpel pulpit last Sunday Oil ace. unt of the Illnes.. of tlh. pnalor Dr M"",lo.son ~I r9 '\L A aa.h I ••• porled III !llr8 1<111 ,\yers I~ indlsP<l8c 1 lIra Carotlne ,\ "Ila hIlS "Ut In parrlUf)t ftoore In her rC!lhlfl'nee •• lIen Chapel inS' day "Ill bo hold on SaturdtL) JUM 23 ~lr8 Th.odosl. Fmn~y "nterllllMd tho Thlmblo circle

HODGES PARK ILL Th~ U n F lQl,~ ~n" S ~l T tern

I'le of Commerce ~10 lall1 a vl .. lt 10 Dl,mnmul S Inare 10<1"" an \ Golnen 1 ~nr I"nml" 1'\0 S on their annual .e. mon illl} 1'1 0 lt~v Steph~n Johntit.>n

tit" "ertl On nt Sl JlI.tM$ '"

h.. relumod from Lafayotte lnd ",he~. ah" "ns caUe,t by tllo death ,,! II> rtlatlvo llrs OSC'll' Portee nntl Mrs ,\ .. thIlT lort.,,, or Chnrleston nttended tho funeral of :Mrs Sarah A~ch.r

CARRIER MILLS ILL :'If.. nml "Ir" ~terrl" el\th~ .. or :\Iarlon

nttentle:tl 8t"n len. .. hero Sunday e \!'nltlG and "pent thu 1l1!:llt \\ Ith Mr nnd Mrs It Olio} d 'rile :I1mes SI elton o( lCentucky ""ent the w".k "nd at tho horn., ot :ltr Ilnd Mrs I::d 13roo1<8 au! Idt for their 110m .. ~!onday ~l\.s Oen e"l. Tn, lor lett :llomlay ror C:ul andale t> attend NOrAl,,1 lllos Moltle Allon cam, home ~ntllr!.lny from Dte-n.tur to 1I1Hmd ada') ot' tv.:() o,tlu \\ It I ... L">\,l for Cnrbondnle to nneml ~orm:d The 0"riJO"U6 "hen 1.$ tbo 1" &: \. :\1 Son urdu:) l\ as n. SUCCC:iS ~und::Ll' '" as fit John" dnJ an 1 St Jam." lodso :>:0 s. \V IS nt Its best In re!lnllll FI ft' :I1ason~ "ere forme,} In lino of MIUr.h Itt the new :ll"."ul" hnll an 1 mnTel .. ,,1 to the Oal1l." nnptlst ~hurch led I y the> cll' Lrns. Lan I Th .. no. 1.. [l Mmer preachpt\ a "onllertul sermon ,Joo DorM or B~n' cr Dnm hl ma\c I Itls fnmlh u> 1111. elh 'md Is locat~"l In th" McDaniels pro} <>rty on Ro.llroo.d SI

CENTRALIA, ILL £,"11 KoJlJ and t"mlll hl1\o mO\~d

j lto thdr new 11(j:rn~ .,00 E Uov.:nrll St

II, th" onl) Colo",,' I:lrl to .. ,er I:r •• 111 ,,'e {rom Wo()nI !,,""ship hIgh BehYlI SIlo mn In n "1>lelltll<l r.~or(l for be 5elf In Il cfn8s ot 6S I:rndu3tl'S C nUg I or la 5 LOlli~e- A~~ \\lUI ~hot So.tllT lny niGht Jun 16 !It n IScnlc I} Casey Uro"n The picnic ,~:". c<,n )lI"t<'<\ by L. \~ oo.ltonl In EnSI Chh.:::>.~o U·'\;htl\. lIugh Is n the hQ~pl(al Hro .... n es cnVC<1 Tilo Du.II<:1 Ie,s of 'Tn!)crn". I" ~o 121 \\ ent to Han el; Sum[ay to 4t tond thefr ann" .. 1 sermon

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jul 7, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


WHEATON. ILL. Th" 1\""t :mnh'"nury nf Ib"" 1.lnoolo

romm',"l!, dub 11'4" cd .. brated Sun. d".,. • .lul;- 1. :it :l 1'. m .. 'It tI,,, S'''''lIll. napU", .. hurd,. TIl" dUh ......... on:an­'=~ II), ", ...... \1\,,, '\~ CUMb. ,\\,110 I. .. ,10\\'" t.rf>.~hlr.tlf,~ It fM. tJ.t! onl}" on.: "( lis ),11 .. 1 III ,nH'''ton.

.JOLIET. ILL. ;ltrs. .f"nnle Smith or (:11"111"'''1.

~W,!'.;; :\i~~IJ.~':.~";' ~!',~. "~;;'~~':"!I lb1~ dty .lln.-.ll ""11b "'r~, AIm""" ltlloll. .... ""1',' ... ,.r"TlUy. !\\I'1l, ':,1_l1:1Ir .. t ~'~r b. in ~tl\'~r ("f""'!" hl)",pltftl fnr a '<on d,,~'1I' n~.I\lnl .. nt. Amo"! lClon of 111" l·11h·p. .... II~· lor llllllol~ i. '1~lttllg hl~ llareut!t tor a ttwiltth. ~trtll. Jo.-'t'ant't!C l"u1'21. l .. n rr.r J"" ... Cit,· ,,, "1.eIl4 th" r.otlMh ',f Jlll~ wltll ""r \I,oth.,r. .:lo1",. J~mnm n"krr "e ;llnnon St. "·It~ It ... Is· Itor to Chlc"g" rp.·,·tlll)',

OALESBURO. ILL. O"'lnl:' to th<! f"f"n~~ b~at on ..Tunt>

~l ""m" or th~ \"1'1:'" .... {,,11M! to r"prDn,} 1., the can. Tho!'(\' ""bn c;tmlt mild" it fmce".,.. Til" In ... I('o>IO of AlI"n Chap.l are '"' ...... a'IIt .. !ul. Til .. little d;ou!I'ht"r ,,{ Flnr. .. r WlIllnmR o( Spr1nll1l<!l, :,. til" Inl".t nf 0l>1,1If! It,,,' Hn'ltil on "-. F.'n1~ I'L ",,.,.. l'nl .. Jnlln""n m.,t",..,d 1t) .Rl,rln~t"<l. Tbl" :\f .. ~sdamf"" AnUtltldR. Tn,'l,)l" of Chl,".ftf;:o awl J. ( .... 1011n80n flf !\fnnmol1th ,,~ .. r.\ t!llMltJI of ,!\in, ltac ..... atlln <t1r4"~nt' for ~"\""fllra1 l,Ohf'1ll. lIt'S. 1',111 .. "'!Illa'!!',, j" "1'''n'Un~ til .. ,,· .. rk In thO) I'mmtf" \\'Ith frlpndl;. "I..,.. "'{.l· II" \\'1'11" 6 .. \\" ,,111 r"I1 ....... ~nl t-'ort llla",,,l .. y .. lrr1 .. ;:.:". 9!!. toO. of O .• ~. R .• "t 111" naUoll21 enc.,m\'rnent lit. llll· "'auJ; .... in !'fopt!!m!> .. r. TI ... It .. \, •• lohn O. nJnN: .. ~"". ml~l<Ion:tn·. travf'lIn .. .. "Omrnn!on 10 P1"llClTI ]lTOOks. 011 :1 1."nr tn ~w~dt"n. !"Nlke nt AUpn C'l1:,p~1 1;."t $=una:1)" ~·\·.~ldnJ:'. Tbf' )tP\'. ~t nne or <",,11'''' m., Prt nellPd lh~ ..... enlnot ~<'l" mnn. 'wlth '11" n .. ,·. Co !II. "·f'1'1'It~t' ""nd4 r tlnl:' tn" ".'n1~'" Th,..,,,,,!> th" kInd"",.,. or Ch .... I,,!' And"""on. "I ..... !lflU')' "'U~"n "':If> IlII '''t .. n .... nt "t Alll1n r""pol lJI"I l'nnday. :'1"", r~1I1tl\ 11mn S!('wart l:::We a ~Itnt at _"II,·" '-ha".·1 Thu""",y, "tn.. SU!<3'" Allf'1l t"ndrr"d !l l'.....-pU"'. from S I.) 11 ,U 'WI' 11Omp. in ltnnnl" nf )trl!. ~t'!wnr'L )'lr. AtHt ltrll. Gr.~~· .,r ChICR~(J hll"(" T.·turn p 4 h"m" Rft.... "'\FltI"" tlI~1r .l~ul;ht .. r. "T .... , I~\':I. W .. lt.'Ol1'''' llr .... F\.1r"n .... liaTt'l. ~nl .. rtal""'1 tll .. Thl"" "1,. ('-Ir ... ~". 'tr. IT:trUn ""rrrtatnM t ..... T, ... 111",' .. lu1> lA,.\ Tu .. l<day. Til .. T'r"· 'RT~,.ftl\·p. "~nnHul·~ ... Iuh 111('1 ",Ith :llrq. f:,-. ~Hlnnu'm. T1u~ :\lI~~4\'R nuri ... ;:atht r:n,' Wr ...... me. (11(' If,,,,cSatU<'p Lolli" F'!Rh"'T~ ).taf' .. 1;.t,'"lc.ot1 ""d 'It''r1t'lHl#' t::,,'\\.,!"d~ wrr,po 1hp II:\U"$t1l of '-frlr. £"nro­!'llf' "~ ... ·11~ IUlI1 l1'-fllt,,· Wen,. CT'· ... 11.1

Et.KV1LLE. ILL. F",d "'a\1,, I" ... 1"llIn ... In F. .. anS\"lIle.

Tn". ~tr. an" ~fl"l'. ,,..\111... F~rr~1I "r rUfrortt mnlorP-d l\fore last w('f"k. -:\lr~. '7.~U IIp.\\1tt ij4: J~J. ~tl~,. A. lta!tnn ,.( rhlca~o ,~ ,N·u,Unt!" th~ ,-:tunm(Ot' '\\'lth llf»r ~rHlm.nt1J«l". ::.'!'1t. nf'hf\('(':l C'h:un-

~}I~~;l\"1l:'\II;t'j;." ~h;:r-YT~i(',,"~~~!Il:; n~: 'luoln "ho'fll'er !;atuT'I"~·. I"h:lI'. ra1!hm

:np"~l~;."t~'~ 1i:~;::::l:,~~re~1'i~:n,t~rt~ Tf'nf'l' }l:urkltaJtl:>r I~ "bit inC' t1H~ n(",.--:;'~~~Sn:;~m,I!~~it'~t Pf..~~~.a\~e!~~·i~ !7:;n=S~ \11<:' a ('w day" !n TerTP Ibut... I11d. :&.1 Say\"". the Nt""'''' HnUle "!"Kln­ney, n .. l",r Rmlth. "trIO. lIett!. Slm'fl~on r?:: \~~Ig,{~I'~~ ~,~I~l., t~ l.u~I" .. "" 11'111 nut or to\m. n. A. 'I'rloe an.t F;mmel X""ee "Were C.)1p "!~ltorn lUI ,,·~ek. .

DUQUOIN. ILL. Tb~ ~., :tnnuul cony~nUon t.t tho

Sund-ay ,af"hDoll' 11TH' JJ. ¥ .. l~. l~ .. ,\\"orl;,; of tI." Jo-:',\", :-.n. Oil\,,, .1blll'kl TtIP.t ,,~ j:t~ P;au]'!,; R'''l)tf~t ('huT<"h In 1hJ!I!" pSt}". lu'2inhlnq- W~ln,.1It13Y momtne.. .lun~· :ZOo r,,",lre ClalTJ' or tl.,~ I'll}' <Iip.\ In SDUlh n.n.l. In,l .. Jlln .. :J, lTl~ I ..... h· W,.I: hrlJ1frht hpre for hUfJ~l. the (,,"pr;t! b",'.u: ll.-Id fml\l n, .. !'It.. 1'"ul'" nR,.II., .. lIm"h. 'h" r: .. , .. r. 'n', Cnll' f'lIldall .. t:. l.ut!,e .. Clan:<' or ('I.k"ltn .. nt\ llrF. I.ul .. LnkO! flf Hplrnlt. )lI,·h ...... • .. r .. NlnPd h"r.' 10" the ,1 ... lIh Dr Ih .. lr \.rotl ... r. CnMlI~o: ClaTT)'. Otll,.rs whn aU"n""" th .. fll­"pral ...... r.' ~I"", Tl'H""" n .. l\ nn,t llr!<­l~Mh:l Ho~.. <If llt. lAul~, :\fo., an.l "II':'. AU"" "'()(\tl~ "r 1.0\\,<,]<>)".


lI~Ju~ .. o1jf!~. ~~;~,~I~fl1\"l1~~ ;~'~,r~;~ ~'::::' "~CQ~~~!!nl~ ~~m!"';:~!'·hl~ln.;;,.;~(! """. r:::d"'pll llaNe,·. ;\!r,.. "·':UII ... Coll!Tnan rPN.rtli :I delightful trll. to Colum"",., OhIo. lIn', ::l1a~' Tl~IJ .. \· ('<lntlm,':s ... ~t'Y plC'k :It \, .. r rI'Fl.!pnc-f! In £ltn ~t. The Re\·. :"r. ~tt)~kbTid~e nt "It .\'~rnnn N"""I! tlll:,.IIt;b tIl" dl)' .(In r(nr.~ tn hJ:'I mtnt!l: ... rlRJ tJutks. ~Jr.z* l~\.,. T. tlMn ." ('ham1'211m. TIl., Ft."!" l're .. ld~nt nf th., tnIF"nn,,", ""flartm .... '­of th" n.,,,tI.t .I"nnmlnaiton sl.~1It :t f··\1' d:tyS 1\;lh nn"I" :'IfrP,,,,"!' h~"lm: nCeCll1lpantrd hpr tl.l"" far from tlH' Ill}"

flnn:!.1 mr.·Un", III not ~I·yln"'p. ,'ric. ~tr". np\ll" :o.r"n",·ld Rnd lll.. ll"M .. lUl't"f'I> .-ptumed from n ,"(sit in ..... hh·~c:().

. 1::.1 ltolTmlln of r.hlr.a£'" III ... I~ltlm: hi" tnothrr. "lno. Uofl'm"n. "n,,~ 'l""rll

F~IU~r.l'~r1. r"~j';H~""~ .. ~rii" "j;~'I'~!"I!:n~~ 11t1uf"~ '.ult4"!' tit SI. .. ltlhn&oc; ,lay \\;:.~ ('p!"hral ... 1 1.y 1,11~' of II,,, Yall .. ~· look.' fthd the "th.r t't",ht 100""'" In U.I" ell". Irl('t "t !"!. 1':101 A. IT. 1':. "hu"ch j::lln­dlt,. "rt"","On. Til .. IIc\·. 3:. '\', 1l.'lIry Tlrf'..;lt.'h""l thll :tnn-un. !ltprmtln. I"':ran.l ltH!<o1f!'T Thom;},. S!uuul'-l:a of Chlc:U:~'11 "'4':4 l'N'".nt And Itad rh:lT.,.,. nf thl! I'nmpr­~tnn~ la\'"lnr: (Ir th~ rf>.ll.,'dr('d ehnrl·ll. Othi"r ,;t'1ind offiC('r£; "r~~nt w~r#!:! PAR". '~n,"1! It''~'''r A. .\. ::\1 nrtln. r: ...... ,,\ T..,I1 .. ur"r \\'. II. H.·alt~' "lid T':ts( Gr:m<l l ..... tllT~r Jo:. 1". IInhlllt<>lI. wh •• n(~t('1:1 aB lna .. tcr of ct"remf)u,.·. Tv.'"

~:~,:~~ T:;~~~t~·;'~r~I;~lnl~:;:l.j~~Jl~~~~~!;~ II"., of mltTrh tllrnu"ll the "II\,. Th.·

l~:if~·~~n 1~~:~~~~~;~l ~l~~*:"~~~\ n;.~:: f.r~hm('>uts: :It th.· fh).} }-"','UO\\"t-! J.r:U4J­in.l:'. Thp C"T.t.'f 110nn1('11 th~ ,· ... tl,·etlntl ot n::r. to til,. d.urcb. llor., Ih"" 1.,,1,0

l~""~;; .. P~:::.~';~~'~I 1~" .. t1':r :I:;~lr ,,~;~~ aU~lIlclou. 0.,.",.10"" "~er ht't.I Am!)na: .our peol.l~ til t)le hb.rn~· fir l1ounds. "t.,MllmcF S. K"nnhl~', 1:I':ln,1 matron or Ettrt>k... I'm ".1 "";JI'I"T, n. E. R. anol :llInnli) F.. nn:lc1 •• lITan,' \"". tUI'''r or Chj~ao:o, Ill .. "'''roo "m",,):, th .. "I""r.dal t:U.·~tfil In lhl' l"lt~ .. Sunday. 1.1>-(1-~lr<'et w",. In St. U.UIM l"~l Sunday.

~~;('ri~::,n~on~~rJ; ... e"~:tu~I~~' f:~~~ ,-lIdt with T(,\:lth't" nnll frl"'1<I. III l)l<' r"",I. lll"... :\1,.,.. ~l"rlh:t .Tohn"on w,,,. iu St. J .. Iluh-. :\11)". 'Y~llnJ\!tllO\\'4 ,·t:attlncr 1,l\r !l'lph'''r~ '\ lu') ~f4 t'tmfltH'" in nil" ht'H";'· "ltlli. )ll~p \; .. rtn,'J., Whit .. ,·I.II"d ::t'l lA'tut" last w,"\·'k. J. ll. Huwanl W3~ hi ("hi"""" last "'t'ck. 1_",'1 J, COhrln )IIN-

;~~~t~~ ~~l;~'~ \\l~~t"t,~r.\!~:~ .. -d ~t~p~l~: i H. "·Illl,,,,,,., thr,ald.'rtlly· \.,.""wn "~I .. ·l'rin .... ·t/,: ~h~11a ... • 11t ~un tl'ufff'-rhlg from 1h.,. f·«...,.'ts of a ~thl('cl '-.l-t.u. whtrh I ,.:h,o "u!ol1~hh'll :tl tier ~.!;t.'(! ... ( hu~tne~:c, !

WillII' Whltt\ .. I,1 .~ ~"·I'., Club ;Sn. 1 a:-.&"'" ;Ij ~u("'''~~fut hotl$'. ~'bl ~t th(' I

~+.~l4tt·nj'" oJ ;:\lr". l.u1n Howard Frld:,'t' .. Ii:ht. ~l,.,.. 11,,·1I .. nn.'k"r yl.lled h.r I 1>"'.tll ... ·". L""I" ,md llt!.rk Kay. In' ~prtnJ:ft.·l{t. 111, •• !lllfl '\\,is lIC't.'Ol'IlflBnlC111 ,"tme t.", IIt'T" 'Nlt'f'n1fr~ l\tr. nnd lfr~. Ka~'. "JI~9 Om" Thomp"on, whn 11,,:: 10''''11 'lllll" III ~In(' .. :11 .. <'10"" or !<eh"!>l'l is W''''I'' Iml'ro,":,,::. Th" ne,-. an.l llr" . .r. \\'. ,,·It,,~· m ... tnro-l to Snnrla. III .• t'll' " lind ,,1.It, !olr., 1'0\'\" 1l.,11 .\nilP".ol: ,

~':;:.i: WI~h~~'kA;;'dlr~':::ln5(l::~1' ~.~~: I !t>Tl'"on 1ft nUlnl-i"'rcd with. th,. sir'k. lIrs:; )I~,"'" "tNlI""k nf r'.:oc'h,,,,,h. I{:o: .• I'''''! .. r.ll1d matro" tlf th.. E.:o~t"m l'UlI' of' <;:"nlu('I"·. Ip ,·!~!t!n.. lIt'. an.I 1\1", I "'!h.a.r]~ ltunt~r at tl· ... 1r "uh1.11"h~lJ hom'f" :

;'!rh· .. .:'1i~~~ .. hii~..!.'!'('~r ~~:~ .. ~i';,~ 'l,':.~ i =::1!.t~:J~~t~-l"b"~U~~~~~, .. U~~~~ :\f~~~~;~! """ H·tl" C'lrl "r C'a~\"'''d''l''' W"TI! In ~ Ihe clt~' atlrn.ll"" tllA (u:ternl or t.he!r Jrr",,1 '''''',. llr". l-:O.h·. n. 'W. )o~""IRn.l· ""I! t:'''''I),. ::.:. HUttl\·l.· nnd family nnd' J:'lt"4'"\ Thf)mJl~Gn tnc.tort~l to ltt"tropo- I It.s SUnduy~ I

DECATUR. ILL, ! Til .. :!lew'n!; r\rcle "r Ant loch B'rtl!'t i

.-hUTC"h tltl>l In FP,,"l'hm ~t Jw:tutlful. Fnln·I .. ", l,ark Thur"'la~' "venlng .• 1ul)f ~ ~~ tlfr.n .. r \"'~~ ~ .. '"~~t At ';' n-("rH("k h, .. 1hh m\'1I11Ko'("!li. \Y .. w~rf" told th:.t .-1'01. 1. ... nt:'~ T.·'("~ #\~ t. ':HntlJll .. '\'U~ in 1h,~ dty a few }ltll.u'g bel""'f!'t!n lm11'l!"o 1h,.. I.,..,t "'etk. Th" prOr.,allt'lr I" an old I

resident or DeClllut. hn\'lniO finished ~.

CAIRO. ILL. Th ... m~IIlI.t>!'s ... r lh~ l,th St. n"l'lI.t

c:lmreh tt:nvc n. re"'fiptlon !\fnndn~t '€!,,·e­nl .... In hnnor of their p:t~I(lr. till' It,,\,. J. J. Oll'·~. \\'ho hns b~e" .. lertc4 presl· <lrn! of Ihe l!apU.t ,.tnt" ('on""nllon. 'I'll" ,wnll:.t "C).~ln" or tll ... dl~trlet !'lun, da" ~,.hM\ (,"II\'~ntlol\ or t\ •• A. ~I. I:. ~ni1l1:l"" ~t"h"oJ Wtl)<:;. b ... ld l"Rt wt't"k 'Ill F.1l'"YilI<,. 111. .1. I •. ~mpl." wa" reo "1 .. <'1,,.1 dl~trlt't ~lIp~rlnl~n<l .. nL Tho 1t~ ... 1. l". l"ton<' 1m!! ,."to.rl'"d from hl~ nn,,",,1 \'1~lt of the U, n. 1', l(>lll!'~g In til(. '\.!It". .J. D. It.,Knls:ht And lTn!. lAttlt! H:u·,·(!,,~ '\t~re rnarrh\d ThuNilida.v d",hl. :\I",.~. n .. Ton". of Alton, III., .. ft~r ~p~ndln!: " "'n' "Ic,,~nt \'\'It at {h\. .. r-o.ct1dent'o of' ltr!'f. \\ •. A .. Ptumm"'r. hall r~turned to h~r Iln",e. COl. 'n'. A. P'nmn'f'<t" made n In .. ~\n.~Slll trift to lt~m .. 1'1.,,,. T"nn .. In,,t we .. " In Ille Inter~.t of thl.' P~·thllln IIl1ndin<:'. The TCltnnln'i III "In. Cnra nbenRnon. "''h" (lI~d In ChlC'l!:'o. were btoll,;ht to Calm llnWt­dar. Rt't'"mllan'ed hy lI<'r hush.nd atlil \at".. tllk.,n to C!>lIrl".tnn. llo., for l.urllll. lItM!. Wlijlc Wnllnn, ""rom­nllnl .. " 1,)· her little dau"ht<'r. rpturn;',l """If' Rfter ~l.~ndln", a wpck ",Ith rela.· th'"'' III Chk"!,,,, The He,'. Tmt.1 or l"'M'lr!n \\-:\g 1n th~ .... tty !:tst ~'lt'td!l>· ('On

~~~~~ ... ;~on~( \ro~n s'~~nsi~~ntX'~. sc~,;;~ n" ... ~Io."" nf Xew 'nrk filled Illp 1\\;11)11 '\\·i·tluf'~fl:l\" .. ,·p.nlne for tlti' nf'l\~. J .• 1. l)lh·". ''In.; "I. 1;:' t't'}· .. Idt T,,~,,· .In\, fI.r :-.r~mphl~ tn "Ut'lltl th,. wccll!lnll' I.(·h.>r ('O",!n. )Uss .lohl1l1l ... Fr.'·e 1101>­tU!fI:t*'l. "'hfl wIn h~ nl:'\J"rl('«l tn tlr. Tho",_ H. W~tkIPl~. Cluh Xo. ~ nf the l:!th St. 1lIIptl~l "llnr~h ",,,,, ~n elltertalnment nt th" rI'P!dt!'nr" of :Mrs, l".1nnJa D.'l.t· tIes Fl'lda)' nl .. h=-t=-._~ __ _

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jul 14, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


l"rl'lr. Rell,. ""HUe .. , Waahlncton. D. C., I h" 1l1ltPl! :.utllOl' and wriler 811ok" here Itt Palmer .. ::!.C)(;I hul1<1tn& lUi), ]0. 1-'. Ii.. Wllklnll hlUl 'l"e'UmH lib w(\rk ",:1tl, ':he t:t.ntflli d.';t.,"tt1n'lf'-nt (,t luo.:.llth .'1.Itf!T an al.~n("e of .e."~en 2nnnUut~ c.. U~ ll&\18 '·f)T11P1N4'd the Jaw <""ftUt"l'e at tlttt J~ln .. {"'o11t ~one.:e or law ll-bt "~'k. utbh~"'fI: 1:. '\\\ (~1.\·rn .,t' ~It... '·>t'rl1.on took the :I:d d • .-:r .... In :M"neltk C'OII~l.ton· :-;0 .• 9. ~llrJ11:(;fir'jd~

GRAt~D CHA1N, ILL. :'Ifrll. ],mu", :dn~. :o.~"."on or 01tn11tud

\\;!:o' itt tJ~a· ,·HJ~~~· 1:1:ot \\'t'~k on ~u!fl­'}f\-.N~. :\1J:SJi .Aru,· 4,"";\:snons nnd n_l)* l ~'l'"\·l~ '''"'(''r .... m.:tn1t'lt Jul)· 4 . ....- RM". John '\'''~hllm U"d th., J,.."Ol l\t th<! horn" ~r 'h~ 1;':'1 ~I'm. '"";0 Itt'.'." and ,;r()()ft1 are r1%\etl4~1!'U: U1f'tr h"nt'}"Utoon :1.t l'OtU8 v.:It'll "':1 1'lttJ~~~r nnt\ n,Mh.~r.. TJu,,:\' b.,·e ~n kl'~thlln$: !':('tn~".-1 tll-.!tr tu)n~~"1nolJn 't'lt11

1.~~:1 h;~;'; J~r~~;c;~70~t a~~~~UtJ~~~ bc:t hitt 11.·A,1t.!\ fallcI.1 and he .... ')tnO ~hff'lf' to hI,.. 'wit..,.. !\11'~* ~:lh na"'hl_ )I"". 1."0 11. :mU,.r .. r Cartier )1111 ••

!',",;~i~ ;~ t:: 1ii;;1;~;'r~'; iT.~UW:;t ~~~: ihtY if: the rnnnth. ~,.·.t«' .. nn~s U3rl,.'tra _, 1lal< ... r. !llRI")· Jojlnsoll! HAt'!" ~f...,n~h4":T)" nnd :\lotlwr t.:ro~l:.tnd fit­f-t:1d~d th.- A. lof_ I':' ("hUrt'it. t.Hm,."t("~''ht. ~u:ac.R."·. "1f!"~ l::mH.\· ~tr(,l!t is flUll -eon ... 1mt"t 10 nM" '.,...i. F;.tlwt· JM'~~ P ... Pd.·e. ,~a~tnr in C'1'.30:(" .. f J .f,""1inl:t.,n c"jrcui~ (".une. !lomo for~,:t f4'\\" MYS' t'<'.5t b.ftt .... .,.,k. n" T('I,onA " Ht\-e~~ti{ul tI"'''l .. t hi .. ",'otk .. 1 hull,lIn.: <In tloNr dlUI'c!I. ~""d",'\\." 1'lnlth. 'Gf'~nt IU~k"iI\nn an~l wit". J. ll. '\'"no'llk., 3nd w.f~ "r Mound .. an~ lfrP. Jahn .. nrt I'J( l!uund ctn· tl.c" •• ) at "SPilt :.0 th~ Jtan~,-\n •• ':-"!,. Juh* .... x .. L. " .. Tn(llrH'"qn l,.aid 11,0& a .":lJl. J:r~·. John CrnJl"lan4 i'ltn\4"" iUht Ut,... ,·n!.p.~~" r4ll'pdrttr.g that a tt'nihlf! !-~or:n l,!:!:.l bl~\"t1 '(jn...,l a 1Iect,Hn of h~'S l~m ant" r.i-wnorh' .. 11 of hi" wl; .. n l thou 1,,,,, ~"n IihM~f'I(f" It .. 1ortun:t~~h· h:td his l ... n 0"<\ wh'!at I,,~ur"'" ).Ir.; .• h'Onl" "~It~hutn w~nt 10' f"t-P J ~r" ~1" .1. ""'Jlt~h'''' tm.n in <;811'0 };\!l1 '\\¥d~. ~hQ is un-l·n,,"!tu;. •

SPARTA, ILL. Rf!'\,". ~tolt(">l1 .. flf ~t. 1 .. Qu:~ 1Irt""~~"H'd

at th~ Ual'tiftt dl't.r("l\ lao;,t ::un,b:y. Ctut"nc" lln11 and )t1'. Jlro1\vn Ultl.t ... r.'>t! OYf!t'" from ::l. 1.nul" Jul)·.. "Jj#O ~!,arra StllrB FlavM 7.~i&lt..'T .. luly : ntHl :! aud "-('In both" 1:1'111,-1, A !-un1r\:\e- lH\rt,.· wa"s ,th"4IIn ft')r- \\' ill Ctlf'l\hy T:l .. ~~t:l~· <E'\,~" r..Ina:. 'Tho (1ovfu1tu; Wa)t !'p."n't tn ~rn4:~!1 .. "cl m"~lr. )11.,.. F. ~mt11l h··I<I .an oj)<.-ninlj Thu:'t"ll~)' at h,'r East I':u:, ."'~r.!. ),11,.. :'t""~' ~h!l!lnf':l :i.nl1 H:1.r-n(',1 "':4,1-... Iter l'nQtuT( t-O' ("' ..... lri>lHla.1.:3 ~unl'!a)' and "\"''!!'It(:d, f""h,R!. r .. Ufer. 'W110 is tth~ 110F­)'lhft1. n.,\:. ,l..:.r~"n\. :.n~ :\ (to\\, 1l .. (,JU1,,'~ , J'nt.l:ordi In c.."f)u1t(>t"\'Ul~ 1:1.:01 ~un.1:lY ;,!t!'1.t lu"'h! ("'#lmmllUi'lll !It'I'\11''~ .. at the B.""II1' U,.t e~urt"h. :.tiF~ ~""'{Jd i('ort fQr "r(:lt\pht~ Sund,,)-. ~\',~nrl" Hr.'fwD ot Cf,lul~en.'Ja.Q ~" l'he Rnt:~u (It J .... nnll" ~t. J3.m~ti blOt "' ..... 1<. '-1", ,,"·1 :.t .... 1I0,lon ,,"01 :'1 .. " :::brf'! nnlt ~ .... t~~ ::'amu~l. 'lnQ(4)rf'd to (~.'lrs ~:\~l!T..!".r.

CAl.ESI3Ua;{G. ILL. 1"':-. ~nd );ht.; .• ..:. :-: "'~.Ht1 :H~,i f'"~)n.

::1\"''''. h:\"~ rrturu.·d trn!n ("ht'''':tJ:ll .:h:r l"lhl lnonCh ."f "'('f..-:'hl.l "'f',r'k hl ~m'c"'n" :nt tlit' Pn"\'ld~nt lhl'!'ol'ital. ~lTjo:. '~f!n1""'T'r.~ t,)w{·n~. 411' Uthlm, .. 'n, :tnrt l·h'-Ut~ J.\h:ttto,:\ -:t.r6 ytl'11 1m:: Tdkti\','~ l1nil frl~ll~~ 1'n nt:r .·i1")·. ~.1r~. )1:111':.·' Al.'.1.-.rt-»1i. ~Ul'l ,lal!t:nt··r. E .. at: t.·.· '"ru .. itt; <lind )l'r. '\"!ni~m~ u;.nt~.r."d ht 11:,\'. .'UJl()f1", ~lr. ;tllt1 )oJP,-;. l'''r~"tJ ""i1U:l'Ut!i= :In-ri ,-bildren "'I'.·:1l .i'lh- " 1'1'\ lhnlhH:-1.'.n. :-'lr"" .;'nll4t ~tt-'HlI t'u,1 .btu:ht...-r. V~n11(1(o. ,frtrnt Juh' 4 1!1 l\."\\";'tJl.,·~. ).tr. an" :\iMl. l."d~rt 'JNl~in~ alhl ~lr. :;'Ild "'MI, r..hll'tl, liutt mott:'tr.·4 to norw:k l,.:~n.i oRnd ll:lv.')nlWl1"t .1-.11\.· .; an(l vi .. jh·Jl "1:"~.

~~~itt~tl~,..;\1'}n~ h1f.Jtl!r U~n11,1~~~i~:~~ 'O'f1 H~ JU,'f' <<'It:h Tu,..'it!;tV (":.'nine- at lIb; hnm~. m:: "0. Flr<.f ~t. 7fll: Thlmhl.- ,.1t'I"l.,- \\'",.. .. ·nt,,·rtatnflif.! hy )\t"jIl, ,fa"+ , .... tU:1 (';f'''~fhJ FrJt1S\,.· ('-\·t.ln'n~. I :,\lrll. " •• "fJ. Thoma!: ,.{ lUnne.3p.llhl 1~ I in 4'lut" ~J1)· hn lIur.ihl!'!Ir".

CAIRO, ILL • .0..,..,,4 It:ttr.nn ~t~ K4""nnpol,· ,",,"1'1

Gralll! u-<,tu,·." :'Tr~. n"""11 oi '~hlr"'::l1 I '~·~Te lu tnp mt , .. :,"t·. Ju ...... !:';. :\':1ti 111£1't tl~" lhr<N" ('h~l't~r:t' ~)r r:...."st .. ·rn :-: ..... -u: MfIUW'if:.. )touud 4:".H~ r.nd (:,a-o at I

tt... :'J"" .. nl~ halt }rI~s rlh,'U", Tit ". llnft Tf.""tumt'd !rnm l€:s1i:t· :;t. l.,.lUis .'hr.r.. bh') flu he..-n tfl'"f"htn&:,. !'.fr~. C";("'1t1;'fo V'a,."" .. .a<:tnr 1u,"" 11'ft 1,,,," PUI'1Il ...

E~:~aKi;·~}.~~~ '~}f~~iu~~('rll.~t~;;;::·fhfo~~ri, fJ<emh!"t'.JnI:r.. K't"', llr!W. ll~rtl_ ... Sanf\lr(1 I n! lW'ltb ~t. b:t; T~.~n·t·r, .. l :r(mt tU'r 1"­...... Na t!lr .... ~l'f;. :\10;: t:ft:L. IT .. ,n;'''''Mlnl 4'.: I· Huml'''11t. T~nn .. I. til .. ;;U~Ft nr ,.'r. ",,,!, )1 ..... J"ion llul!J; of l'",pl.-.r St. :.111', ~Hlt!r(\d n:lt U"'!c ""If "'\l1(~t~O':l. "n~,..~ 1..-

\,;;~:, .. ~jt~Tt~~lj~~;~ :\lEill:~~ :;}""~IJ~~~~; II $'uTlv(..t1 St."\t trr~l~'" 'f"i""lln"" ~('; 'vlfl\t l~.:I'T lHfJ!h~T. ,)1f!l. ll. 7}·1~r. )HFA L\h"lH~ ~ 1k"O,\\'11 "'9,.'.:1" .·,a,11efi t~l ~c 1,.nul!'ll .... n lif· ...

~'I:'fh~r.o~lr~~l(\ nl;';r~J;::s~!11W;::~~:lf ~J~;;' 1

"'\~.:lJt(T n{\:,d""~. (j!!\ Iln\l~ln!l; ~t,. It·(\. i :-::aturtt:t)~ (>\-".,\r.:; fror Tol"'''n. Oh1o.. r.,f'" A '!!""" '\\·*~kft· "'''':sft. )h·,;. ea'ff\U':"h"! JRrk~n It'ft Suud",,- tt) J-.1JrUd ~~"f"rnt· '\\"'~'(-k~ !n Ht"tr.l!t. llkh. Tb.~ .'c!t·t::ttl".::; 'f~\ t h~ ~T":anf! !o(,C!t!tltt of T~~ "f f"" ... '\\'hkh I ~n,~ .. nf!~ In l''''01:'i",. In .. Juh' 1';. la,'!," ~ ;:r:. ~al~t J;I~Jr,~.~r"n(~1d~·· ;;~~\'l:~~~#~ 1 l .. ·#>f""h~ H,nh,.rt G;'("l'"~D"t :.nd And'" HUt 'I·

~r.J;;'l'\n') t'ul~l:\'r' .. l .. nu!~ n:t'~.- and t-:-h:'rll~ J'~\\"f·rs f:;R\'''' A p:\rt~· Frhb,.·. J"unp at;.

. ~t thA l·N'hlf"n~"."! of ~f~. Thca(J t.·,y'·, Orl .. tt" lad,son nn<l .'rlhu .. :.r .• lor"'. ~nn •. fT' .• "fl~,p"~"'!h\ ... t1 %:" ... r th.~t~ lfttt,+ frl"lId. '''itl> a l'<mrt!l <.r Jul~· l,'n~'.

E(..KVILLE. ILL. ~~1r11. )iPlry" Smith :lull nrr.rr ~lRnl'"

," ltVYfm'I';S II' ll'·'1."mR.1n.'. In. 1f\'i'nT'~· ATlrY" ... r 0",1<>n. 0111". Itt" return~.l l1nm"'" :a.ft.-r ~l""'n~h1C! n f~\\' (llt"fI b"'r('.

Jt.arr,...- '~t;1!Hnm~ matt .... :\ hr1('r''' trtl' tot) ~f. t .. ~lulil4. ~t!", nY141 )!~, "':. :\T~ ("'h.:\m .. l"H~o;t :lTlfl rikllt::h1"l" Mlt"nt .1uh· -4 ill 1)u. t"Iu1lin. H:n"df~ J·;.tn\OtVhl .)( \*ilh rtfft~(·. lU .• m~'\t!I. a. l·')!fI:t...,··ss trill h··:-'\~ p·.·.·nt1y. "lr-!*. }l<-l.'t1-) .(~t::::.i~TDnli I~ it!. :'1fr. ~U'11 :I,,,,,, R. ,\. 'I'M .. ·' moV, ... <I In (""\;'. nl.. tn '\rltnel'l'!" tlt4 l'."f'!ball .... '7\1l~" 'Yt'!~n~ot;; ... 1

..,.~,. bt 1fw~r l1t:\\~ f'"ar. )fn;. $\l~lojS I "·r ..... ti'!1T1 of' J'uqun1n ,"h'lt'n;: h~r,,=,. Th~~; 1':-'\.. F. R. ~tT'~ttou ''Flltlont Sund:\:y in 1

"'1tt11!lYF~,"r"'. rtf. non \\"tllinm,;: nmq.· n h,,"'h~r-f'''' tril' 1(\ .\rma. In. :\tT:t ... tc.lnl I ll:\,'v-t't\f\vl'1. :t!Jcl .'~l.U';bt'··T lmhl~~ " hr~4'Io(· 'rln 10 01rh"nJ:, I". :'Ir. nn.! :'Y:!'I. 1:.) ~'-"JC1f :trIP .. ntrr1.:lfnlr.: l'!R 1,roth""r .. 1:n .. , In,;', '-fr, \".1,,,. of ,-n,sl,s1I'Pl. -.Tolm· '-":tf'T"rtt 1~:1~ J:fln., to thi' R. t. C. ho~nHftl: 1n T'"~dttr:lh~ 1\~". .t. U. n",h3m '\T:111 !\ ,",.~It •• .,.. ,1mt"r In HI\1li""~"'l"'t'<\, m, ~'1f11i ~Ml .. l<l\Rci;w ... n 't"a~ tn .. 'nTu\..· lU.. '~t"ltin~ ll""r "';!it~r. )t'N'. ~3.{n· ~mttb nn(} da1tr;:htf'T" ,\·oPr.-. in Duquoin ~ "L'!~Uh'~ T"'t'"ent\:l', l:unf''; $:;10fl~ 'W;\~ a~

~t-nf.tnwn '·I~ltot'. \\'. r. QlIver nf ('hlp, III.. "1'~nt :. r",,· .by" ~M''' t'e­~·-r.Uy~ ~1f11 ,r~cmf! c:'layh~~fl'k .3l'h] i pb;tf'-r 'W('!"e il:l.tl11\a"'Fl~.,rt) '\""lti1tnf"!llj ,..· ... 1'

~·""T\tly. ),n"'!11 1:'!. 'M~ Trh"1I\ FPf!nt a f~\l,' IlHu~ 'n Dc-nloin 1""Cf" .. ,.ntl!.... j

nOCK lSL.t..~D. ILL. T!:4S Junh"r ,.t1l",!Ilon~f'y ~of'i .. t)·· tJ! 1'11"

,,:\1"1:1nl~~" n:trl'~t dHl1'("h Jr.II\. ",,'i'ti\ :-'Ir". .l"sl!l'hln~ :.tnl".. b~t 'TUI!~<l:\~' t'<\· ... ntrt;:t. Th~ l.o!!\t\t .. ~· AiJ !lM'it)t~;o nf th~ :'ld;:lnl"y " .... !oUst dltm:J, mH , .. Ith :II.,.. Anna -:l1<:>nT". '~"t ·W"<ln".<l3.~· r1tM"n"''''' :'11-5 lTamm!p. ]l"b..,.".,n or

!!'~~;~~~O~~ R:\~';'n" !~T';:'~~:I~~. ,,~~: ",'II. ('" l{lth St. :I,M'. n~rtl'! r.n~h· ".,," In rH"".-"" ,,"be~ ... "h-:l ,,(tendnd th" -'"''t.n.t~ m':!'~'on.ry _ Mn.T'tP.t\'tt()n 'wbkh "n~M'I ,,,"t lIun,l!O'S'. Th" .. lit .. :;\!I~slon­tin· 1<""'''\'' ""0 II. I ......... r ...... "t ttl. l,,'mn <>f ~ir. ·"nd :\t,.,., "'nm \\',1I<np nf ""!'.lH~hl'" In. The ll1l~'t"'''·R _'f\. flt' U"':IiIY­In!itl .=l,;ur,·lJ m('t -"\\'hh t1,·' nt"'~ .. ~'f'r1 "~.~. " .. , (". 1:-\1n ThuTrday ""·,-nitie' • • ~uh·;' Thfl! "nC" Wh,..r Tou Can" dun ... r \Y,wm,n .. hllllrl "'1\1 ,;\\.<) n. m')(lTl­l;~M "I,.",r. n nd jny.r!i!e J'liy l~ on !!tllll A,'''' Tl!~ ne\', ,md :'IN'. In·l,, ""<l ~." 1l.":;,lltrr~. AI",,, nn<l )H1<1r",l. ?f'.l )1: •• l .. u,t·n •.• nn1,ln!llP)n 1l'1ntf"lrfl'tl to 1':-;-, ~l' ,llu-'. lIt.. lact ~a1 u~It,,~.'~,:

ELGIN. ILL. Jbntol" Arnnld J :ro\\"Jt ill f>criou61y ilL

~tr.t. 1l:az.-l T~nnut Smltb I" t1u~ glh·:!'t uf T<!!aU,· .. ". )In, Kllllo J()l1n~on And ni • ..,,, r<-tllrne<l to 0,1<'''':0. !oU.~ O"lfl~' John..,n 13 "i~tinlt In ltockford. the ~U"3t of l,,,r si~t.,rs. :'1[ ..... !llatU .. ~Io.­Ilu t-n1 tl'rtR:inf'1.1 n. IJ.(1~t of trli:'lltls Jlt h",r 1"*",it}"n{'(." 13~t w(lrk. "he ~'\rt c-luh (oflt~n"in"') at t1." Nsld"nce or ;)\r: an.l )Ir.. J .. D""I~ vt :"oulh l-.:I;.1n, :'Ir". TI.t'O'iosla Itludly 3n.1 ~u Ii ~myth., at­t~ntlcu tnt" fun<e-r:ll of t..t"!wis \\"(>elcr~ .Ada Ac,!."lms ffi,)tot<-d. to }·:!g:in tr~ .. t\ Aurr",ra l~="'t 't\'~f'"k~ PPl"t~:r HUl. J."!~:-4t! Brown alit! .t-;ar! C'or1wft nwlt,r,,"'i\ to I;',,"inp, \\"is .• l:t!'t w<""k. :'lIra. UatT), '.:orh"tt i. "Isllm:; III Chh::lgo Ihl~ \\'~ .. ~

CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILL. TlI~ 13th HlutlV('t'nry .If ::;hUoh naY''''

U~! f'hureh w"" :1 t;1"'I!'rtt s\\ece~. )1T .. \\"ttlla.c.-- l~ft 1 t"p<tnU,· for nQ~on. )1'1\11:01 •• ~~ft<'r ha\"h,~ '!CJl'l'nt" ~ ... \~er.H '\\~f!' .. ks !n t~.~ dt~· .3.S gU",sl vf ).trs. nt!lkdt. 1115 s~t.~:".

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jul 21, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17

ILLINOIS STATE NEWS ~u'''m .. tfli Ul Dr :Uur.ell !I1any I)f tl". eX .urviee m.n Dr Quincy ha,c re."hel tI fr IlIlnol" I onua monu)' 10 "urlll \\"T

BLOOMINCoTQN ILL Dr nnll !II,." Ii: G Co'ln!:'t"n no

F. ~{a.rket St an I !lIn< Geo '\\ Thor'lts ol ~orm:>.1 meltv!".l 10 \\ I I II 1<1 In 1 :II,.,. Emma "!il1~r or ~IO S Pml Ie s:t hOos r~t n d from n h .) \\ .. 1 S 810.) II Chic,,;;\) HCr d"u~h t rs Etta and Esther ~ III nm"ln n Cl ICll!;o the T .. sl ot the ~chool ~ act\. , on ::I!r and :\Irs Geo Bon.. lor m rh o! E.nn", iIIe Ind ha~ e mo~-<1 10 !lIs d" Tiel lire "to I pin!; ,. I 1 nrarll) l.\lth ~tr5 llone s ~l~ter tr"" El:n Do., i Ison \ll>orl Co"nor I ~

CHICAGO HEICHTS ILL l\Jr~ r:nm~r J" I ~~ I _en ,Is tln/f

Dr and ~Ir' '[ani" r~turnetl home to ~nh\llUl,ce '\\ ,. ~lr' Dettl JordR" II I~hant\ ""d fton "cr ... ,1.llM" ur :ltr on 1 :llr~ Pr"l;lm 'l'1I., .. nmc from In lIan" IlnrloOr Willi"", "lin, I. III Dt hl~ homr 1.36 r 0 ,... ~!rll L le 1'03 l-lttll \\ e Is Imp 0\ In.r

SPRINGFIELD ILL C1nren,,, 1 ... ",111< r:R"t R~l n(lJ~. !'It

lort tor 1 n 1 en!> 1< In nttond the !u M.r,,1 ot hb mother ~m(ln!: tho.~ al

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jul 28, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17

IL~INOIS STATE NEWS a bu.lnoso trip to Peoria where ~he haa slArted "cia.. Dr Pet •• CtaW­fer,\ and fnlnll~ or Chicago Mo "pend 10" n th .. ~ ""ells '''<::allon "III thu dui. tr,r" ll1.othcr III Normal Thl: 1 1"1)

AURORA, 11..1. St Jnhn A: A M E Sunflal ",("hoo

helol th~1r An nUB' picnic at {,hllh'l. park TburJ!.l~\ Jul> 19 :11« II ~I I "" Is an.1 Chlldr.n or Chlell"!) InnlOt~ I here to nLtend the Sunday .cheol II" nlc :\trs Annie HnlJlnsOn nnt\ t\\'o dl1l1(!hlCr!'l of Denton 1 lout or Mlch ,,:hr June ht"f'n '\isiting h('r orlster :\lnt ,,\tldle- Hl'*fI~C' ha\:c reutrn ..... l home-S. hnrles I arl ea and tlau~hter ~Us~ Ituth nnrh~(' ~ l.aM hI" mother In 1) "ton Oluo Inot wc~k

Mrs Anna 1 ohln50n nntl lire ,'.Itlnp; 'ir .. ~I.ter ~lr5 At\ lie It"c-., ~tls~ t lIcllC' run?y 1M s~rtOUt;;th' 111 nt I he !In.-lie of hor nlolhpl" '1'1 )iln l Sttllda) 9chl')Ql ~fln'\'l\-ntJ .. u \"'n~ hf'hl ttl I t hlcu,J!o The df:'lt~;\les from Aurot'<\ \\:l:rp :\trA (rn\:bt ~InI Bnrlt('t:' llr ... Jonk."n lll.R 1! 11 "I Har" \ It"th IInrl ce ::11~nml:1 i'''lt6r~()n \lfnltA I nHOTson Jas lortm:>.n un I JC8S1a JOHes

Jacksonville reople motored to PIU" Ileld III t. alten!} tbe runeral or ~18' Le-(o :\Ierrltt ht Itt ~ntu\tlA.Y condu~t~l ') the /te. Mr '1'<.11 <.or llcCal .. II Po church of lhlM t.:U'" \ nUn' of JJL("k­SOn\ tll~ pfoOt1le- Ulotort'tl to SllrlnlCfh:oI(] III t I nit' n 1 th" Il\nC~ ,::1\ en hy John Dunn ,,0<' CI}(I .. Jllckson at tbe !I.M& a.-eM I there !lfr ami "Ira F C ;\Iuse nnd HOn Frnnkle Mra n~Ue ~tn"e nnd dn l1~htpr :\tT~ 2:enolla Rrl",("f e- rna tore<l tn D,pt.rhlt :lJlrh tr. ,;hdt :\otT "ad ~lr" II"""~" ~Iu... of tbnt cit) Th~ It",\: 11108 ~\;rtt~gs c.t Jt!treT!tQr\, CIt) lIn f. rm~rl) tho> pa-tor of :\[1 Ernon: 1 AllUM. churC'h "AS If. w~ek ~nd \! 1~ltor hera nnd prta~hcd nt tbat church ~1I" I"~ lrr an.1 ~r.. Altle

~!fi:,t h1~ ~,,"t\~.rn;~rlR IF;~nk'r\~ :1~~il':.1 S EI <>v Sl ~[r~ \\ nl f(ohln"on and :\trft I<atl Rhorlc!IC. n.!4~I~tNt 11r8 nO~l I a.rk-r I rllA~ In on frUdnln;c the So chtl n lfllrsUc S'ch Ih t' dub at her hnme In Pint! St Hcfrc:oIluncnt.t! \\!cro sOl''''u:d

--; PONTIAC 11..1..

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Aug 11, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


BLOOMINGTON. ILL. :ltr8. LQu!,,, Ur."" of Chicago Is

spending II few dnys III tho dt~· thi> gueSt of :llr. tlml :llrs. It. liolly. ::Ilr~. Ureetl Inohlrcd tlpwn un Su.tun,lay. ~In!. OUvcr llenth·r~on And !lUUt; of Stater.

~~~i' )~~~ 1:\'·iJ.LO{i~n~~~~~~I!W ~J. ~~: ~I::rket St .. ·It,,,·o gon" \0 Chicago to "I.'t ",lath·.s. Dr. '1nd !It.,.. »~ter C:ranford anll tWO son~ t.wo 8U::itcr$ uf :\lrfL Cro.\\tord lire '\"hlltors at tho borne or !II ... nnd Mrs. Jerry Craw(oro! of :'. ::IIadlson St. The emertalnnl.,nl

returned to th~u- born" alt",. tile burial of his wl!e nnd ",oth~r nt :I1unc\ll. Ind. Jake ,\Ieo>: nnd children lett saturday night.., for lItUhurn, Ii;' •• wll~r" th .. chil­dren will viSit lh~lr grandmother (or a rfl'" 'Weeks. ::lItH. Horn Ice CahlwcU

t;u~f:ft:: I::r ~~~hes;.o:a~r,,~~ii~~O C!\~~ w.,l1. ::Itr. nnd :\Irs. Jllln~H 1Illmhl"ton lire thb proud p:lten!s of ii 12-pnulld hnhy I;lrl. Tbose on tho sick tlst ar,,: Hoy Yaushn and ltr.!'li. \''''annio Duncan. lIr". DUllean 18 Improl\"lng. The saf­n,on prell~b~<1 by ttle Ite,'. W!II L. Tay­\vr at tho A. ::II .~:. churCh Sunday wns b~aullrull:;' nnd wdl rend~red.

PONTIAC, ILl.. ~Ir. end lItrs. I_on nartoh moloud to

Odell last Sumlu)·. ;\Ir. und ~lrs. l!!. Coleman wt·ro In EI 1· ... 80 r<>centl)" on husln.·Sl<. Til" It.,,,. A. A. Lowr)' ,'01\' dUctc,1 ""r,·!".". at Fairbury lal<1 Sun­dot)· morning n.nd 1"f:turn;;od hon}(} tot' the c'· .. ninG" gervlce~. 'l'ho (>otcrlall!­ment 1:1".'1'1 at Dethel A. 31. g. church' rM:f'.utJy was n. S'rand RllCCt',!C5. They i~nllzed the Rum or Sr.2~ ~Ir~~ 1", A~ Hcddinston WaR rhlltl"nl;'U) of th~, cO-lll­nuttec on alTatutements. Clarence Tlnl.:le)·. who has het"n :fOpendlng- a two weeks· 'Vacation awn)" fr01n hls \\'()rlt nt the ~"tomco. has returned to work~ .'Ilr~. Kittle :\lcCI"I" of },'nlrburY at­tended tlle l>togt"am ,::I\'on by Williams Juhllee Slng~rs at the Chflut."1uqua re­cently. O;&\'ld Strlt'kllll. who Is em­\lloye,1 by the Chlcngo & Alton nall­rO:ld Co.. ""ent a fc,,' da.,." with hl~ (amlly here. As II re.ult 'of tile $iiOO <'!rIve put on by Ueth~1 A. "I. 1-:, church. the Rt1v. A.. .A. Lowry-ot Ilastor. nn ...

¥~O~n';.':.-;h:h~~lttl~lOilf~n!;;'~~~r\~,il:~n~tfti unpaid. ::Ifrs. L. A. rteddlngloll and :ltr5. !lerth;\ L. Lowry "'<'ro visitors In ntoomln(;IOn r.c~nU)·. 1':11 'Ward or Fairbury "pent 11 day In ]>ontlac "Islt­Inl:' with frlen'lo, Frank E. Harbor of Inonmlngtoll uttended the supper ",1"0'1'1 at Bethel ,\. !II. E. chllrch recently,

1:1"~n at l'ratemltv 111111 on FrIday eve- CHAMPAIGN, ILL. nln~ b)' the Chrfstlnll t:h:,!ch was:1 !ltrs. Lul.~ ClaTk and nIece. :lt1s~

URBANA. ILL, The nr,'. :\Ir. .Morgan 1m!' r('turnro

from n. W(\·M '\ ill Cairo. ,,!r£', f'en"rll U<>n.buckl.. ...Ilt~rtoln .. d :Ill'. !lnd :)1r~. JaIn~S J~ck!'on nnd the l:. ..... \"~ :-Ir. :-Iorlmn at dinner 1'''.('nth'. :-tr5. Unttt .. !lfcKlnl<,}" and .. hUdr .. n nr .. ,'1,,­'tlnll' In lndln"apolf,.. lnd. :-trs. l""ul"

?~a~I':;~ton~\~~n~l!'l~~l~ to)l~~tat~~l~~i~~~ .. Tolu·"'''fl rnotot".·iJ ll(>r~ from C'hk.tU!c,

:~~ )\.~~~t~ ~;~~~~~,;h\\~Jt;~~ ~~o~~;~ ;!!)~t°ll:~ s;;;liii\~II!~"l~!~~hlstl~llth~;: "11'1!. Ib",l~tt Holm..... In Chic".:.'. "'IlI!pm O!l\'('r I~ ... n til .. III·-k US!. !llr. llnd :\tr~ .... lobn'Snn of Chtc.·'U~t) ,\,\~pr(tel::­tertalut'd at hr"n'knu~t :11 the hHln." of )tr~. Cllllle m .. kF l'(.~ .. ntl~'. :-1,.,.. Lu­.cUl~ Pattf"aNlon anll <"11lMr(:-n of hullnn ..

tf~~$I11~d·j:l~k;n~·.!S~in~h~:;Ttn~~~b~~: Junior Honlhu~kle I. "I~ltln,:: trl<'nd,. in lJ .. trnlt. :lHrh. ~!!s. L""ra ('h(~'" cf (~at"llonl'!· 1" ,,;lFlt1n¢ hflT ,-~-nllR\n.

;~~s ,,~?~ai:;:.:'ie~,,:,.'\I:i~~,!~:~~~ .. .l~j;!',,: Ptl'ttflo%"S(';n. nf lnfUanapnU9. lUt!. 1','­~nUv. !\lrfl .. netU~ Strothf·rs It it lH:}"t S"urdn,' for !';}mrun. Pa., to "1,,lt, F.n Tl]ute h(llne .!"'hllt! wUl "-'$:Jl In CHlumbus. 0111". for a w(,~k. :.'-Ir. and !Ill'S. J.,rt ~f~"fnt(.\· t .... ,"<E' rfl.t'lTf\t'Ioll 1Tnm It ,;I!!th In Omn"". :~ .. b .. ani! Chl"",g". :'1,., n"t! ''It'B~ Jollnf;on hn\'~ Tt:turned to the"':­hom~ III Chlc.,,,.o, :lIn. Angelln. :'Ilor­ri" ha~ rotllrnp<) to I,er home In "lo"!I<I Ilft(%r 3. \\'el\k~s ,'(,:tit with.. 11f~r :umL lIll"" ClIllIe "Inr.hall.

SPFUNGFIELO. ILL. Co. I aud 1I.·, .. 1<iuarter~ Co. or tllo'

1:lghth 1I11nol .. :x ... Uotllll Guard left on AI.g. 3 for Calllp Grllnt. ltockford. lI\. wht'r~ tht'l" will t:"l'h.~.atnJ1 for two wl!€!kt-:.. :.~r. and lIr~. H .. "l'Tt Sins-teton ltaft July =(. for :XlaJ:nr.l I-nUs. :X. Y .• wheN tb{>y are \'1,ltllIl:'. ;\lr". ~1I,," Smith and S(>n <of I'corta W~tc "Isltors with relt\tl\'~. I",r" t~CCllU". !lirs. t;. 1... HO£H9 h,n Au!>. :; ror ,'illA Uldge and otber poillts tn southern UUnolsot whar~ she '\\111 "!stt relatS\·cs.

JOLIET. ILL. :I!en,bH8 or the ;\latron'" Soda I club

",','ru eJlt~Tt8111t..·.J at It. :.! o"rl'lcl\: lunch­' .... n at the hume (,f' !tolrs. l'earl P'iuk­MI'1l on "an Bur.-n St. The OUt-,,(­t(·wn J,!Ue!oltR \\'t>f,e lles.dalnes Dora 'nll!~ Imd Ada Truitt o! Atlanta.. tia. Th ..... r'! wa.~ .a htrthdR"'" s .. '1rt;>"" t;'h't'!n at th.. hOlne of ;\lias ·E\~cb·n Andenron. .,;\11 prJ ~.>nt t'(."PC'rt("{\ :Ul <"Hj()~'8bl~ time. U"""Ue uml Elizabeth Wa.r or ~t. LoUis ~t. left f'lr H(lllklnsvHlt.·. K~· .• .\ut;. 4. whert· th('~ ' .... 111 \ i:;lt l"t:1ath't-S .:u.d friends. 'tr~. ~ ::tHHe l"rJekh:trt antl "1 rs:. (~"lm:{lh(·U :trt~ '·t4·"1.· ... lit )'tr~ and ~lr<, lk.,' C. E,·an •. "uS :-'. Jnliet ;;t .. ""'/ "l~iers. llesdan .. ,,, WrIght and

:'!~.~~'::;:'·n ~~!~d~;~Y .J~i~tc31l~~'r~b:tso~ <"1,,\ ""mer In honor or th~lr "I",~r. 'Ir,. Hflv'tlloJol St~\'ens~ o( Dt.'n\"cr .. Colo. Tlw t....-.I;,r 8C"h"nlc \-\:uJ ~arrJ(>d (lut In lJlnk tm:.l ~rcen. A "\ t ry e-laborate

HOOGES PARK. ILL. IUIl<"h,,"n w,,~ ".·I'"I'.'d. .\ most enjoy-The Talh' Idven at f'andu"k,·. Iil .. on aHe time was sPent br all. 'I'h~ out­

.lu1\· ~9 ,,"as QuJtp :t flUCces!'I. Th.- 'I nf·{(1\nl gllt,\!otts \\~ere: lfr. AntI lirs. Afri~1I 11nn,·" he Zululand ,::a\'" an In- Hares of KentuckY, ;\rrs. ,,', ,,'IIl!allls t .. r .... tlll~ 1nlk :.t tlle F. , ....... n. ("hut('}' snd :.'-rrs. C. If. Parl~h or CbIt'Rgo. Sun'},,,' nll:ht. Rftrr whlC'b fh" n. ,', "fr. and .:.ur .... Hal',·s or K"ntu~ky are

~~~hP1)!:\r::~~b;'~ ~~~~::'~;;A~go'j,l~: jl~~i;;:f st1T~'lr~~I~t,~;!t<I~u~~}.;r.,s ':,':tt('~: '"i!'it..-d hI .. father. n. I~ lInJ:iOfi. and tnlnud at hf'r horn" lU.sscs Ina :Uac 1 .ruh,.," TJ'olRth-eFii :tt ]"utur~ City. Prl,...\ RUIs. :.I.:1e Df11ln lJntr<l. ""lUte !.l!li" <'h:unbE'" of t-"In" Cit,". T~:m,. ".,,~ TJF<!o.I(!. Hoh~rUl. Tisdal". Allene Jones I th.. trueFt t>f ")tT's. lsltl'"l1n Chamhers and "label PAuline 1~ls"," on .Jull" !!9 at nn<l "tb .... l·e1llth'·-lI. Mr~. !lta.n· Hllr- dlll,,<,r. "(iss 1113 :.'-lae Em ... "I~"" "nd r,l"-r. \ ... h-'l lla1't l>t.~n at .h~T mnth~r·s Jwuse gu~..5t or .:\1"'5. H~ut\1()n ColeN. l:fio.d:!llde at f'":dro_ 111.. ha"" Telun,~l '\'U~ guest of honor.. Th~ eVen Lng ut 'hl'\m~. ~1l~'" I.., l~!n~ay 0:' ).l<:tund City. Au;:,. :2 mnrkli tbfJ e\"ent or ..Tollel"x I In_. nnd ~tr,.. n(\ulall Pat'" of rat"o Jrrau41cst :-:o",inl function of the ~eason w.·r ... thO 1I11e~!~ or :'Iu. F»nnip Wd- "h\"b was ",Iwn loy ::Ilrs. J, S. "lcDon- I l!;m'~ Th. rnn,· 1It thp F. "'. n. alo! In th" ,.,.""pllon mum nr thi> Com- I ... hurt"b ("n Juh· :!!) '\'11210 quJt~ a ~rtr("ef;;!'I. munlty ('linter Jo the form of n I ThA InlM nn,ounl ,.,.1111'<1 w:." $140.15. ,,,,tlllon part" In h"nor of tDe thr.,,> Th~' :ft •• , .. A. P. "lit<"hen. l'''Ptor. Th;) r"""nl graduat.'" of Joliet """l!.bil> 11

n~'\" ...... F. :\tltrb.n nttentl .. d the qual" high school. F.llzMlcth C.~rrlr.&lOn. \\"11-l' rho ""'ctinl: of IhA 1'". ,,'. n, .. hUTCh 11. :lla.e Tisdale "".1 :.'-lnl>«1 l'aulln" lit .... a!ro. !llrs. Laur('tta ],,.1 ..... r l'lu- }{I!'er. 'the qU3drille ..... a" nt 10 o'dnck ql.*.f)in r~turnpt1 home ~unt'!:l.3" :J.n~ was and l\'1\!t led llS lh(! J,:;r3-duflt~5. Ahnut ~··('I"''t''!l'''anletl IJ~t the ""ftsscs Irene and :':5 of tho young 80ci:ll Silt ~\cr(' prcf'cnt F>lnllrhf" K,,*lr .. 'W1Hl '\\'Ul mal\'~ un un.., .:l.t. 11 o*("1ot'k when refre~lll"cnt \\ere llmltc<} "1"1t. sel'"l·ed.· :llrs. Walter Carrinston ('n-

unaln~d In honQr or tbe l~th hlrthi!a,' BROOKPORT, ILL, nr "I1ss "\1tn3 C'hnppel of ChI",,"'o, h~r

Pr('c!dln!1" 1:ldcr Smith ten for C<llp. "ou~ln. :-1I9s ('hal.p .. 1 hRa ho.", th., m. lR~t ,,"~~k "n~,. IloM!n!! hl~ la't hou~e gue.t of :-lrs. \\'nlt9r ~ ... rrlngton QH:\t't",rh" 'tnl + ~hIJr. Th~ T':.""\". ~l.. 11. fQr tWo ~·.:eks. llrs~ .1t .. :tsie Plereoe anfl llh'",!n~' nnd wlf" n( ('"rbondale m", dildren "PMt tho '\I,~k·pntl In \~hl­tMi'd to :he <'lty and aI'" "i'IUn!: r~la- cago. :-rr. and :.r,.". J"ne~ of lllutr ;::1. th·('I~. llistI) T .. f1U\FA Hplm fir )It. '·f'r~ ~rt' the l\roud parents nr :'l 11nhr ,(;irl. non.. Ill.. 9"cllmll:toied :\Us!J LouIR'~ lol,l"n .. .\.ng. 1. ,)1r, and )'Irs, Thomlu .. on :r;~rn .. u hom~ from ~otml11. R~Y of Slerling I'Mk are 1.he pl")ull parenl • :rohnson has T4·turncd lJnme from of a baoy 110Y. horn J"uly 25. "'r. nn~l .... !;,"',l. Tho It...... 1. :.1. "-a,,\lngt"n "Ir$. :-lnS9" Jon",. nrc tbe l,"rNw"d :nl'! "wif<" (If ]"I{" at11T -8T"'" in th~ dt~· llu:tcnhi nf an infant son. who '\'I,'n~ ,·I.alll!! ,."lath·N;. :-rr. :'In<l :I}<5. Sol,,- hur"'d !>Tonda)·. July ~Q. Th.. ::IIi<­ll!(}t lAni."l:::c. .a~~"'" yiFlt!nl!" frien.le. t. ,:jl.narY rnlon "WaR hf'oltl nt tIu! )tl. 'S'nl!'l SIms anii dnn~ht~'l" Hnot;l:c,\'{:lt.· I'lh\'\" ~·hur"'h all clay Thurslla"·9 Aug. ~. ). It f.,r ~t ]..0)111. to "tt~ni\ the .U.trIN I :'>Ir, and )Irs. Pn\'ld :-Ic'ld left S,,"dny. 11'0n<1 lo,h:.'. nit" Johnson enh'rtl1ln,.d I Aug. S. tor Indl.-mllpo1lp to att .. nd Ih" !\:H!I\~ l .. f')uf~" Jr~rrn ,vitb n l1artf' Jn1\t' t!n:'I'1tl ,..~ ... ~ion of the ~hdnM"". ~rrs. 'U"'. Tlh'~rla\' fA'\tcnlng. :drs. "M&r~* Fln"~t'rs ,\\-Iilian};.; antI :'olrf:. (". II. P'.:1rl!th~ thl! or ("",.!'""lIa1" \. In th~ <'It}' ,'Isltlt": ",,,,·,,1,, .,t :M~. e, ],'.' Dak.... 60~ E. N .. > .• T<'nlll" Lomax, Itoy lAmnx b~" :..tarl.)n St.. ,nol"rN1 (rllm Chl",,;;:o :0 1' .. l"r",·d hnrne from CUrb'm,lale. 'l"b', ,mend the r .. cent!on given In honor of r:~\'. nan,.-\ norgl.'I'S I<·(t I".t !l1on.JlI.)' :l1.s. St""~n lU"mos of J)en\'er, Cofo. for ~t. I.<)ul., )to, 1>1,.,.. 110 1'(',.. In., of C:"Jro Is "l~ltl"g morh"r. :ItT. an,l :llrs UtlTn" '1"',)(,0 tlntl family }.~,." m" .. ~n I" Inllla",,,'01I8. Ind. 1M> Sims nntt \\'ml~ If,,""!. I.·ft for Jni\f"nnr>nt!~. Ind ... foy nn ini\d\tl1tA stay. )lr!l. i",\11a. Cnlhl')!m ...r St. I.aul! I. In the rill' ,,·lsitinQ' r~:~t.iv~s.


MOUNOS, ILL. :lIn. UM'" Hili It"~ TClumr,i from n

.INI!;lItful "'I~lt "'l1h r~\ative8 amI tri"n,~~ in Lc:x'nJ;'ton~ Tenn. :\lr$. l .. ula III11chlr.F<m l~ s\,.l.. HrotJler Port", Is .r-1Jle to lH~ out aftf'r bl~ r('f'ctlt H1n!Sl !llr". l<ylvla Ward Tf'pOrIS .m "n,o).'ahl~ 'h· ... wt'eks' "I. It In ,'hlt'a"n. :-Ir •. Ito­J,!~ ata. Hruum Jm~ TN~o\·(>r.;.l frOID lIfo!" r'''''':lt illness. ~Irs. LuI:, Ill1l Is sick. )lnntl::J.Y. July ~n~ groulul 'was brn'kcn 1't.r the DC,\'" chttrch l~lscmc:-nt of I...ano:! ("hap4"l C~ lI~ 1':. C'burch. ~,.·{-a.mort! :O=t .. ,,",1 IIl:.n ... ne A ,'e. The followl,". took 1"'Tt: "-m. Stitt. chalrn",n ot the lTn,.te~ l.nan!: ~fm()n lI('Ci"a.ry and 1'au\ !lYlln..... ~t('w"rdR: ~Irs, Janie llan~tII". f: __ "cret;ln" 'teward('s.5~ 1,

J:rpat ~\lcce.". The piSS. Our ;lUnl.- .lohnlllpb.n Townsend. l~rt ,..,,,,,,nll)· tor t~r·~ \\'Ue"s Bonnet:- 1n '\\"hlcb Mrs~ J Padul"nh~ l'~·.t Jackson. lth~s" and New Alex lInrkel' I"ok the I,an or the mln- I Orleans. Ln. The Rev. ~lr. Dupe" 0(' i~t.r·s wU" and was capnbly Inter- I I,·,l\ananoIlR, Ind,. J~ In the e!lv. The 111,·t",1 and nil taking pnrt did \\,.<lli. :'Ir. I U~\'. :\lr. Crist <It DrtroLt. :\ndl .• was ,,"d 1>'<~. neuh"n llnllry 1~1t I'!'tllr.lay tbe Il"ue~t M the C. :II. g. church lnst t,,,. a "lolt "I,b r"lath',," I'll Kokomo. Sun"",', ~I,.". Cn11le N~wIOfl IIn.l Ind. TI'~~' \\'tII al$o "Iolt other r~)&· ifand(j8.tlglll~r. :'>Hss 'Villi" :Xl!wton, or ~~-:~. 1n )~n~~nd ;fis: !{~rJ:eHl":~3~~;~; 1;:-:of()hr~~·:;1; ~~~~··!\t'i-~e n~~f) £.q~glJo~~ ~I,,'ut the ,wok end I'll Glb.on Cny with Blglo\\'. 5al.m .Baptist rburoll ben­trl~nd~, ,'Melba. tbdr .J1\\lghter. ",110 I:al:ed In " bIll' l .. nt meetln!;. c"nd\l~te4 was Sick the !lrst 01 lh~ week. Is Im- hy lis pa~lor. thp Rc'\". It ...... Hn~·del\. pro,,'n.:-. l~Ol' !tush IMt SundRY "venlng ;\!\'s "tAl,.t l\:lIllet vl"lt~rl Grllll,j to take a p"sltlon III f'llringlleld. TIm BeRch. :Illch. r~('enth·. 'I'll .. It",·. A. 1"1<"'1<,.11 .. Art club mot I\t tile homo M L. Frost fin,l WI(... A. T. Smith nml )11'.. Grit"" "-Ullams. G03 fl. ;l1 .. ln St.. wIt.. lind da.ughter motorEd r .. m" :Xorm.1• I'rlda~: aH"rn~ol~. ~1", n,nd Hloomlnglon to thllt city re~"nr.Il'. l::ltn :llrs .. Ivlm R. Ford. 120 .. :s. l';as! St.. 1Iine naSion lIa8 r('tuYoo4 tre>m IndlJvt­ha,'C relurned from lhdr "ncatlull mo- 8f1olls. In".. wh~re she .. h.lte,1 lipr lorbll:" trill. Th.,~· "lslli'd polnls In "n~I". Thoma" Stewar.l. :-n~~ Carrl" Wi.""n.11l and ::IJ!cbll;lln.

Mis. :'!lI<~:;~I~~L~ ~~!ij,~'VlJle. Ill .• ha~ b"cn ".,Itlnl: !Ill'S. George Jobnsonl Oak !:it. She hilS h~en teaching .ch(lo In Tulsa, Okln... ll!~" Grace Hawkins ot 1'-~UU1C1~· is "I~IUtlg reL"lth.'ps hel'~. !I\I"8 )larf:.:trct Smith or".,. m .. Is \'Is!tln~ the }tublu8on sls'er~. :.'IlIss! aeney!c"e :X!c:mls. rutmerly or Dan, \" ill" an<1 a t .... ch"r hI II", schools 'It I f:,~~YQr l~\~~. \\t~~t:I1~.'t!ftfng:t.~~li~;"~~~~~ I'ar1, Bnd California.

ELGIN. ILL. !Ill'S, I.ulu Jvhnson ",,,I lIr. alld :II ...

ArtbUr Green altd D. \~-, HardIn!!" .. r Chicago visited rdntl'\'~s here. :111'0. rl:lra llcllnu a~companl"" her ""8ml­rt'wghtpr Ylnl:. of St. Louis back te> Chicago. ~Irs. "ntl "Irs. Roy Duke. ErnC9t Oulc" Rnd "1r. and :.lIt"'. ,Carl",. of -",-uror" motored here u.n,1 were the ~uest. <:It rclath·e~. llr. u.nd :ltrs. John .JOhnsoll. .11' .. "lid r'"nll~' motored to n"lo{t. "·I~. ;11..., '101a Wheeler un­df>nn"nt an Opl-fatlon (in h!"f thront. ~lfhlr"<1 and l'herm:," Hartling "!.It,,d I!ldr ulH"l~ am] flinlily in oak Park. "urrht!:t<m llalJ or st. Paul motor"d r]f}\\'n with his rnmily llntJ 'were J;UP.!H!+ or llis rnothcr. "'rs. :\!axc,.· Whl'~lt:'-r. t;;ldnra onli Allee :Xoreross nre visiting Ihdr gt"ltndll101.ber. :lITO. Ann Booley. Mr. Lawson. taUI;)r or nr~'ant Lawson.

;:'~~Ii:;~r1r.~e ~n fI~~~I"$ir~A;- l~~~~;"'~:; Ann Down.;;. the r..(.\~. J. ,'\+. Do\\"~l"E'n. MI'. Rnrl llro. "n,1 {amll:", Wyatt lIar,1Imr IS tl'" guest or lIl,. ~I"­: .. r. Atla A,lam. or Aurora. "Irs. :-Iu-

~~"e ~~nl:(>A. c:''P. '::'Cl~';:~sa":lt:l~~.e M'":. MOLINE, ILL.,

::III'''. ~Iarle lI"rl,er'~ hrolh<' •• Hugh Chern". nn(l f"'"ft.:d :::tP\\"a.r-t or nf)·thp­\'Ift mot"r"" to ll"lln~ and we,'., the I:uests or )1 ... and )lr". n:lrber. They left ea.rl}' S"turtla;' mornln!; (or nt~·t he­\'me. Ullgh CherrY, )Irs. "Inrlc Har­ Fred Stewart alld ~Irs. FannIe naHt~Y Wert:' J!'U{,folt!l It t the residence Q( :llrs. R. B. S<tllea nnd :\1.8. C. A. :110,,,. The lllslli"$ nrlen D.a\·'~t Con!Uanr:8 H:lrn"'~. l!r~. Sue n-radlp,,~ :in,l IJorothy Jane" are visiting' In Chi~"go.

CENTRALIA. ILL. I,lttle "tI,,~". )1 "b!e nnd Armlnta.

~\:,7l;:~ut:'t~ ~~!~"f,':tbi':'\Y~Yi;:; m~I<';~II~! mall. ;\Ii~. 1.0is :llason I~ visiting )\18" I::II>1;en!a lJMne~ In Chicago. Ill. F.:nle \tus:;cll and John 1'lal:l; of !tiplc:;, 1"'1111 •• are bere vlolllng r~II1t1'\"".. llr. .fl nd ltr9~ Eldn CurU9 and dangtr:ter .. ~1ar"'" .A1tf'n. Rre .in the city \"h::nlnc rriNldB and rel3.Uvfla...:\tr~~ .J .. II. llro\\'n .. r sr... l.ottls I. "Islttng :Ill'S. Lou Offert. ~In<. Ylctor Do",".,y left 101' Chl<'!tIlO "ncr spending ~e"'ral day" with her "".ther. "I,.. ':". ChrJ~t1nn. ~n.s R.~"h~l n"dl"~' b vloil'n/; h,.,. $!.ter. ~rrs. Jo.,na I,akt', In Deca!lIr. The It,.,·. ~!r. Ha'II~~' Is !tome \'1~l!In;:; hi. dllldten. Uo""rt ~lf.tlsleb!O;:;~n~r ~ftl<",."II~~n~,I! .. d~51~'~~ ~~~;;"f::'ln~S ril~~t! 1;'lh~:::: ~t~~r 1~1~i'n~~ ~.!an~~ WerCi:i-~:;f.~;., ~~f'·I';.Ili\,~~~~~ii~.~ ~)8r,.. Rush hii.~ rctnrn\,U home after

~~~::.jnl1l.~I~':ilk!r~~· ~~:~~g~l 1~\-I~J:;::''f."t Decatur. llr=-.... lnmf'\!-, ( .. ock ... ·nham BPJ..'nt Saturday 1111.1 """.1"" In Carbonll.-.le \,MUng :.\Irs. Etllth 1'011)'.

MARION. ILL. -" lfrs.. Amanrla Y~,ull})lJ lfns Te-tur.npd I after an extt:n,lt'i! · t£1 Ch.'\.'eln.nd and I 1I1IlwllukCt·. :llr, nn,1 )ll's. Carl L"gah ha\'e rNurll~,1 from UNroll. )lr5. 1toh~rtn I-'.c;r!, Is ."rlousl\· 111. )'1"". \\~fUte GO\'e-rru;r rrlurnptl (rom (;01-... "nrNt. :'Ir. an.! :lIN!. John R'llllsey CII­"'r:a\ne<1 ... host of youn;; PC"I)l" u.t their (lltug-hteT~S lJ1Tthrlaj-~ rmrt~·. ~lrs. Ii".-tth­"rlne Blnd,Lurn Is In :\I"tropolls. ::-!r~. John Dill wa~ railed hom~ heea U~e or lIln .. ~s of her siEler. :\Irs. :>.latH" :Xorth .!W:R f'l'turrH,'d (rom 'Peru. InlJ. lTr. lln~1 ~Irs, AllenSII'(H'lh are sojournIng hI East St. I.ouis. P.r\', J. lI. 'n,,"~ and wlr .. aI',· .. lsll.ln", I'll Arkansas willI his Wm. Saunders 15 In St. Lnuls hospital. :;'Irs .. ~tar~· JnckRon Is in th~ clt~~ '\"lsil­\nl: frl"ntl~. :.'-lIss~ II..rlin~. Isola an,l I .... ulf<e HOllgn I.ft for a \'Islt with !Ills. Joscnhlne :llcKlnnc), or "Iurphysboro.

::'!rs. fl. \V. St"M"r h!'lR r""el"pd lh'" l'It>w:!t 1hat ll<"r !'on. Hardj.~ 11. Ston~"'. (tf lnthnn:ll"n)t!ll;o lnd.. woul41 Inntnt' t.!'rnurh to th's C'lh' n .... xt ·u·"e-elt. Cnrl l.~p. wil" I" a ~tu<iAnt llt Ll~l!'l In­f\lIIUI('. J ... !!'c,""on C'lty. :.'-rn .• Is .p~nd-11'1;' hl~ "a~:ttk'n In llldlarutpoll •• Tnd. "Tn'f'~nn .. 1. YnhVatot llas T'('cehr~d 1'1 1!.'\'~l'f' hurn 011 hlR nrm nnd fs :h~!n~ "p,~"" h~' l'lr. Armp!>y, :>.tl~. t.II"llI., l ... il.nifl t1:t Iml1t"/'wh11S fli.r:"-'lr f-rt1m 11f1l'" TC­c.t'ut Hln'·f';~. ltr1". F.:a'uma He ... t .... ,. Is tm­~rn'·inl.t nkf'!h- and l~ nl110 10 ,\V.:llk now. ~l,,· I~ "''''''''ll''l:" to gO P.n~t ta "f~lt 'h,'r ~on~ U--rm!1u. w!I<J j!ll In 'YasnSnr;­v~n. )). C.

::I1.s, :-'ar"h .'I.. Cl1~nn. "'('ward" •• ' "oJ.~,1 MOUND CITY, ILL. :0;0, !'!: :llrfl. J,)uule ~('lfl"S. l'r~~l{ll'nt l-fr. nnd llr!". R ... \. Robert!" l\~I\T(' l"a.,tor·s .AM: ~trs. "tattle '\'"uUan\\1. (:'111(,,11 to Xt!whc-rn. T(>nn .• 0\1 :ng In :\lnt. ~cttie ,'''fl6hington. l1r.-shlrnt of tlh" <tl)ttth (.£ ~lr. l!olf~rb' rathel". :'.U:-:s "hOIt": John l'l<lrco. Jolm II. Uayes. :II K "rc~nherry "I'lt~d lin sis[~r.

~;~~'11,'!,~~r~':,1~~R~I\~~r~' ~~;'~~I~!\: ~\!~~; i;i..sC·b;g,;h~~r.:nti1~;' 1f,~<l1~ 1{".!J: ridJ:~ IlowRT'it Lunch~f"In 'W3S s~T\'t'(l 1·,. haa r-eturne-d to htr hom~. )lr~.

DECATUR. ILL, I.v :llrs. :Xettle ·W:tshlnf:!'Jn. R('\' .• 1. ""~r!ru.le lIooen" nr.<I dnu",hter Of Dc-"\'\.", hop~ f.'r the speedy rerll"uy or 11. :-';"rtll waS"r of ""t""monlell. trolt. :.'-!leh., ar.. ,·I.ltln!:" rrlcn<l~ her~

Artlmr lii~ll"lnR .. nd Pro DUII""n. who \"!n:1I ::Itu~k'wn.Jl+')' "''''' Injured In ... all,l will exten.} their "!5It In lIen.ler­tlr" ,,'1'1 ill" ,,1<"1, list. "1,.... TIr".le ''''at- tram <""1' a<,c1~"nt at ,-ma Hldg<>. ;:\TI.s ."n. Ky,. as the j:u".ts of ~!rs .• 101m kl.,,,, IR Iff! u.n<l uhont Itl:al" , :'ITf",es nmn 'I'homl'~on I. "I_ltlll!:" relath'l's ani! Ware. a. formpr re.lrtenl of thl" dt\". ::'<lInnlp. .\mand" nnd llorotby Belue friend.;n (,~dar R.~l.ltl". Iowa. 1>lr~. 1.. Th .. mll,.- :It tIle :-l:1ln 81. F, D. eh;!!',,:. Rn<! th~lr little I·roth"r • .J .. tr"r~on dln- ;\1. 8p. ... nn Is \'!~llhl'" in ,Ta,·I,son. T .. nn. \\.,,~ ,'cr;' BIICCel'Mul. Th" l'".tnts In tt':1.. n1"~ '\~tsH!,!l~ theIr gr:.niirttfttllt'r. ~1",,~ ...... IorenC'c TayJr:tr has rf!'co\"er('(l tuwn were present. ),tr:-. C. Cw Hcn-Mrs. ~. B. '\ tn~ton; In TU~t"ulnbln.. trmo her t"t'(!f"nt ltlne~5. )l!SE;. nn~ df.:rson is up :'Hraln ntlf>T nn iUne-ss nf , .. lh :In.A alad,,1 \a.nn)·k" h"~ "p- J.ln<l~oy or "I"u"d CIIl' was In til .. dty II:" month. ~b" I. ,I-ilh,,, In C:l1r,). fU"'nrd from s::.t. TA\Jis. wht'"!"t' Fhe ,.b':.. last '\\cek. )Uss Chrlf:tin" Charr..hl4'ss )otrs. Ern£:stine CQ1_". w!fc Qr the n~\'. !~{ ~ wit h r91arh'('<f(. lIr.!i'. :U:turl.p n'I""! h3.~ 11({>u ~t("k.. I!t.:\". \~:ilt"·y am1 \\ ifc I ""'. II. Cote. Wbo ha~ heen In Chkag" r"'rl! "f :'It~ml'hlq. Tenn •• Is ,'I.ltlng I",!, "n.1 :.Ir. nnd :-fr~. John ;lf~Da"ld re'l for th" P3St two mOllths wltb ller ~i"k \.)rnth·'t' anf1 f:lmth·. .. 'PUll !'t. (lc1ightfut ,·1~1t. to- Da,,"~on mnrher. has returned to her honl~.

::prln!! •• K;·. The 11art),> motl'lrt!d. ;\lr. :-Ir.. :.'-r J. Campbell. :Xora ~Inr:;an, 1111,1 :-Ir". I.e\" Gardner "i~IIP'1 ::II'Ill- ~.r:tb '''nshlm::loll nnd the Re\,. L .. \. "h!~ T,·nn. :.'-liss 1.<;{1>a y ... l\x of St. ('Inri, atlend .. d the quart".h· m"etfn<;c l.oui" ,Islt"d her rclatl\ ('9. ;ltrF • .Jennie wbll!h con"enr/! In Ca!ro .• :llr. owl Freeo:n" "n,1 family. :.\1 ... Clara Har- :llrs. L, W. '\Ya.hln",ton or :o.f"utl,.s rlf; fl"f l;:yansvUll'. lnd., hi 'the ~f"st of "'3.F~t:d thrnu;:l1 our f·it:-*. ;\fT. anti ,:\lr5i. hf"r moth .. ·r .. )Jrs. Prentls lUtche-m. !\lrs. Han ... " _J()hu~nn entt'Ttnin(!(l n number ~onl .. ChAmhllss :In.1 :\U"" G"~ndnllll'" or 1ih'"nrl~ Ilt tb .. lr l,ome In honor of aTe "lsl.tlll" !tolll"r (:h:llnhUss am! fa!n- :>n~!; t:'lor"n<~ Johnson. :ltr". ::I\al:~l" 11\' In :-';:u;u'·lll,·. T,·nn. :-lr •. John" 11- nm a.n,I cblldr(>n or Chl""J;o. FritnK lI .. m~ III ,·jslt1n!> In Chleaso. Dr. ,,'. S. Smith "nd !lIs daugllter ,md "on h,l"'~ Ualflw!n r~turn~t to St, l .. I)UiR Frlda~· .. ftt·r a ,'I"lt \\'lth E. C, lIa,niltoll and (amt?)·. :llr. HamUtQn R<,"L'Om(l"an'f'd him on thp nturn motor trip. :\1r". Id .. llel""ATole ha" Telurn .. d 10 hl'l" hom" I'll St. JAnis aft"r a l'len..~ant "!8It with hrr moll,.%". .:Itrs. CA1.h"rin" Hutchln-:;ion nn(l "1~lt"l S.. :'\::M\t1aln(>s Cart"ie Husblm; and Su'le ·Wllllam". :'Irs. "I:n-.!e .10Im>011 of Itt>dge" I'ark "fIcnl the weel< end with :lItrs. C. L. H:umlton.

COUL TER\lILLE. ILL. :.'-Irs. Janl" ('.nrne~· left )a~: w~.k for

ltUwauk""('".. ~lrs. F.mlly 1<C"sth- ttP~nt 9 .... e .... 1 weeks In TelTe ]J:lute. Ind .. "IFIUn!:" her mother and rnther. Amos WmHlms and .... if" motored to :r .... !II .• last 'We(lk. Thurman Grn"!!". Flor­enc" .Ton"5 nnd Hnrold n"rdn accom. Tl .... nl~d the'" On the way hack th~y

~~~~~ll::.'·e~,,-ahj~~sos l~ni(l:~A'h\~:mr.~ amI ~has. ::Il00r" motor"'l to si:.. Louis l"~t '''<'flnet'llay, ::'lu. Bcrry and gnlnd­ spent ~c .. eral d,,,'5 h"re \'Is­IUn", !llrs. neb<>~ "nil ramllv. "trs, r.hR9. ::'1""ro" and dnugbler. Ethel. and "'IllI,, .lon~s 1"lt last Thursda~' for DI1TI­"111 ... Ill. :1. T. F1GSd "'<IS ~"I!n In our town ... t",,· hours In~t w!!"k. Rt"·. C'hnne,.~s will!: aud Si .... tf.,.. nfrh~ed h~re ~t':::t W~t'k to 2'nHk~ thi~ th!lr" 1:0nli". 'I'll .. Su"d:l\' ""hMl <,o:wcnt!on mH here I nt th" F. \\C. D. church las: ,,· •• k and was larGely attended. A number trom Sputa aUende4.

n~t~~~~!nr.~lo~1r :W~~d is :r.~~~t!nl{n~~: ~ra. "lattl" .lolln/l{)l1 lett ~ec"nUy for lllmtingdon, Tenn., to attend to 1'0" sick muther. Grady Willlam~ or Hun'­lusdon. Tonn" Is Ibe ittue8l ur ilLs hrutilel'. Adln Williams. Tho Hev. .1. E. ,Anderson of Pan\·iUe Is conduct.lng n revl""l ut th" Church of Christ JII E. Vine St. ~I!S8 Ruth na>:tQII. wh"

~~~!:ee~\!~;sl~fl1 1'h:Jl[~~~II~~l.i Illi;,,~~ Kin!; ar" ".l\ tho Dick II"... Jack \Val­don Is seriously Ill. Th .. Re\". Arthur llcKee 115 comluctltlg 11 sertes of m("ct­Ings at :.\It. Olive church. :.\11' ... nd ~tr •. Thurmnn Thorns"me arc the prOUd

Jl:litc,.~~~ J~~~e b5~~~.~ofi\·a 1'. Deall and C. :Xesbltt I~rt Inst Monllay ror East St. I..ouIH. whero they \\'111 attend the grand seHsi<m of the Olld Fellows 111,,1 Ilousehold or nuth. ::Ilr ... JI€stpr Britt and chJJdrcn J~rt tor Huntlngdoih

~~;; ';~~ S':!h1i'?;i,n :-!~r n~l~~~~~: 1~{~ Were the gut'sts qf Mrs. Pete Cnry last week. ;111''', :-lInnlc Southland ha" reo turned from Cbicago, wht~re sho ,,-ts­lted r(l<lu.lh,oes. :\lrs. lIalt:y and S011, Stllllue). art! the suests of ltrs. Agnes Giles, 710 N. POllIa .. Ilt. Jacob J~II-

r,\~~Te °je';~Iif~;. 'iiW·~e~~~ 'Wi;. 1~t"y HlllI J ohllson lett Sa t u rda>' tor CIII­en go. where shu attended the re<"e)J­t Ion glyeu In honor of h .... ~\"ter, "11M' Ea~ter lIall. John Prltcharcl. hroth~r 01 :llrs. Lizzie Dmdley, 1. mnch Irn-

h~\·f,~~n ~~~rtln;a~!I;r~r~~(~r~{i~: J':;~ri f~~\~~dt~~e.CI)j~:u~*,\ ~,~~'i ~~~U;~; Butler nnd chlld!'''n or :MattOOll mo­tQrf11 hers last week. 1UT~. .JOAnn Da.vlson nnd I:randtluut;hler. :'>U.s Mar­gnret GIt'I'~e. h'ft tor Chtca!:o la.t Tue~dll~·. where th~y will "pend a. week with relall\'eS. ;\lIn Cu.lUe Dl'nke I .. rt tor TrclI!on. Tenn .. I'st }o·l'ltl",. lIJrs.

rlr~~n~~gPn~mr~?~ "~~: :~~fC~ll~!-~:l~ ousll" Injured. :l1I.~ Annll. Jackson. who has been teaching sehool at th., VIrginia ~orm"l. PctM'~hurl:. Yn .• Is tho guest or her moth~r. ~Irl<. A. T. Jael,,,on. 50j E. VI no St. Th\\'!d ll~an I .. (t tor his (onner homo In l:nlon CllY. Tenn.. to attend the b~dsld" o[ his hrnther who is flerlously 111.. )trtc. l .. 9.ura ~Il;lnlJ1ton Is on lh~ slf"l, h~t. Th .. Ite ... 1I1r, ,\nile"OIl nf Danville hns closed fi .lIrces.(ul r~"I\'al at the I~. VIne St. Cllllrch or Christ, :\!rs. nell !\farrIs an,1 :lIIs3 I.Hllan Cha.tman lHt ror Union Cit". T"n"., to visit r<'Ia.­IWeM. ~lrjl. \,'allor lIa11 Is vlsillns in J""k..oI\\·l\Ia. lll.

GALESBURG. ILL, !I!I~s :-IarceUa CohT1ln enlart"ln~d 12

rrlends In honor e>r Miss ~Inn:aret Stewart. th ... gll"st of "Irs, J. C. Tln"­l",·. nt'trc811m<'nts wer., slln""\ b" th"

I ! Hcss!p Green nnd I.cona Conran. Mr. and lIll'S. Ch1l8. ,\ndcrson an,l

daughter, Mn. BeatrIce Pruitt. /1.11.1 !lIT. ! 'VllIIama motored to ::lit. Pleasant on 'Wednesda.y to u.ttend Ihe Emanctplttlun celebration. ll.. Anderoon wae In

~~:'I>O J ~;.t!U' ~;~rN;let e~'k~~':ln~~enl~lf.; Alltumn L.·nt clnb Thuuday. T!le neo Rh'" club held u very l<UCc" •• rul BDcJal Tuesday at Iha hOll.e of D~ncon !llIl.s. The Ma.t'toQ$" dub €'ntertu..1ru~fl their

~~~~~~II ~~~~I~ ~I~n~r::t i!~~~lnlr:;~ enterla.lneli the 'frhlmble clt-cle Prhlay, ;\IN!. G.o. Thomas WIl9 ":lnod home by the \line.. of her nl.c.; an'! .. sever,,! 'w~ek!l In Gnlesburg on busln~~s.. Heo. Hrown an(1 :l.lrs. Leah I\:lng WeTe mar­ried !n.t week. They will make their homp. In CUnttin. Iowa.. :lItH. Jessie Thlfiley Is ultentllng Ih~ convention of :\lu.dam VvFaIkt!'r'g fralt" nre~lng n"sod­..tlon, lit .... Tin"l~y ,~m Visit C!II~,.!to on her WaY hnme. !llr.-nn(\ !llr •• ChaM. ~lurrM' of Omnha ,"n ,,1.llIng ;\11". nntl ~Irs. John Flnnl.'Y. ::11158 llMlrlc(: HnZel Is In Ihe hO~lIltnl serlllusly ill. ~lr8. Buckn<l. has retllrnOrl (ro", " trip to Keokuk. The He". A. :l.1>,,\I'''n of Ke-

r;.~n':!;,o~~n~idl~~fI e~7 t~~d m'~~l~~eda~~ hltl,U'dng of r:mdltlates. ;:.r .. lI. C. .l. Carter or ''''a.hlnctou "':I" caUp,1 tl') oUr city I>\' the llIn"8~ or Iter .i~t~r. llr •. )Ine Catlin Gre~n," R .. M. Cnllin .. r I ChlcIIIlO 1~ "Isltlng h!s "lster. ::11'8. ;l1ac Catlin Greene,

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Aug 18, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Sep 1, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 21


JACKSON~LE ILL litis. CatTle Lee Brinkman Is vis

lUng In Cl leago and lIlIen!, ... n ~! Iqs Etta lIIay Bmnnon Is alsa ,isltlng In Chicago ~tr and lIfrs ~atban Simms are motonnl!' to their hom" In De IYcr Colo after a brief ylslt "Itll .. elath es and frIends nere 'tbe furniture store ot Jobn ElUlley of W Morgan st. was .. lIghtl~ damaged by fire ~Irs Sarah RIce e d a number of her J oun" rida, In honor or ller niel:es avis and !lfr" Weld~ ot

lIfl' /lnd lIf,s no' Hili en tew of their friendll at

"Mat In llonor of their aunt lItrs cas sie lIr~lker of St Paul. lIfiss vl\ian Y~~~.~':t vlf'l!U¥faJt'lle a\l~I\ lIt~;rs L~ii: StanfOrd ot I eorla Iii ,[sited in tI e cit> "ah relati~e" and Cri('nds She "ellt from I el" to East St LoU s to at tend the !!t:lte red~rntlon 111'1<1 there :llrs 1 ~a Pinkett of Omaha Neb "as :\ recent ,Ialto!" In OUI' cit) "Ith h~r mother :llrs ,\, r Blue In S Clay A \ e ,U,." lieste .. Brown anti ~Irs cas lI\e Melker leet for Mexico lIoIo. l.o ..... lslL


d!r!l iej~ItYa:";~;:'e~ndfQ~'W:~rSb~;; Damon Giboney hus retul"t)ed after an extended \ lolt In Dan, Ule :lITS Anna H Giles of Chamlla'b'1l Is ~ 1"IUng her mother ~lrs Price The 1" society held a private picniC at tIl(! Highland parI'; last Thursday afternoon Quite

~et\'i:-!n~ned Q~~r .. ~9~ren\(~~ ~~ :lrrs W E Bell left last "eek (Of' flulte nn extended ~ IsH In Clnclnnall Cle~eJan<l Leldnglon an 1 Indianapolis. :IfI"ll. ~[al")' Anderson left Saturda~ tor Chleauo 'Mal")' Carter h"" retul"Oed artrr attendllll:' tile Eastern Star Iod&e and vl.IUna: relatiVes In ChIcago..

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Sep 8, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 19

ILLIN,OIS S·T AT'E 'N-~EWS -----~.. ' , -===~~'-~\=~=~~~=~=

~"~~ ... ,:~~~~ ... : I~L I e"enlng recently with their brother and 1111 In the dty, Tbe Community dub Sarab Reed ot Lafayette. Ind.. "llIter-ln-law. Mr.' and .Mrs.' Lewill I entertained lut, Thursday evenlnlr at

Is visiting her husband. Fred Reod. at SmIth of 19%2 Trendley Ave. !otrs. 'the home of Mra. WUllam Thomas In the home at N. D. Cra)·. 1404 E. CaP- HUDter of :lOth St. and Trendley AWl. I honor of the v1altorl'l of tbo cIty. Out­It.ll Ave. Mrs .Man' lUgan, 111 N. III seriously 111. Her eon oC-ChlcagO III!: 0Mf;:!O. wnN.l~esStl'I~, "·ue. .. ~I.",,_CblalnrllaonKalrnkd' 15th St.. has 'returned tram a visIt with her, Mrs. HUnter burled her nus- ... '" lie ...... ~ in Fulton. Mo., w.llere abe w.. the band on Aug. 2.. -:MhI. Mary WIllard ,MIIII Juanita. ames. .lIllIs Fannie Mae fI:\Ie&t of her parenti!. Mn. LucIlle and niece. lVm. Mollie Prau. of East i Peoples of Tiptonvllle II visiting' her l-'emmlnlr of Jaeklon. In.... \1til\ed Liverpool. Ohio. ,·Jslted )[ra. Wm.: mother, Mra. Peoples. Mn. J. L. Crav recentt)'o - Moody of liO!l Bond A",e. tor a few

Albert Meek . lett recently for Ran- pal's.. Mrs. Ceorglo Dln\\'lddlo of LOIt- BLOOMINGTON. 11..1... AS City. Kan.. 'I\'here he wUl attend 1nl:ton. Ky.. Is the guest of Mr. and. llr. and lira. Albert Cole8 at Chl­t.he annuat "flesslon of the N. A.. A: C. lfrs. J. ,V. liughel$. T!1om .. E. H8)I'el$ : eago lIPont the week-end In the city P. The Re"".· B. N. lturre}l of Quincy and Hnrt")' Ward motored to Carbon- visIting frtends. Tbey were enter­wu t!Jrouch the cIty en route to De· dnJo recently, F, A. Adams. Leroy talned while here at thEl homes of Mes­eatur to attend (he WQPd River' Hap· Olh·er. Ernest JacksOn and Thomas E, damell L1l1lan StevenllOn and Opal tJst aaaodatlon. The Rev. Mr: Manuel Hayes. dilltrlct manaBCr of the Liberty Moore. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Harry Campbell, len for Decatur to aUend the ',,"ood Life Insurance Co., motored to Cbl- Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and Mr. llh'er Ba~t!st assoclaUon. . OleO reec!ntly. Jones of Detroit motored from Danvllltl

Mra l:lr&:fe CUmmlnJ:1lt Decatur, to attend- the dance gIven by the ..... a visItor in th~ elty recenUy, W. JOLIET, ILL. Bachelor Bop. They were guests of D HodJ:e has returned from a ~ing The Rev. Mr. Gore. held a financial ?tIl'. and MrS. Clarence Stevenson. ~.: ~o ,lfs~r:UlnClgilca~ f'ut~ ... :~~ ~~ln{\.~tn:~la:e~~11 ~:';l~y.ebu.fg~ 1\!r, and Mrs. J. R. Ford. 1206 S. East Co W. Curtis left Saturday for Chl- Rev. J. S. Sph·e,. visited Chicago rc.- gt:rv~dRriclsit~~~ ~es:ee:~~°l.edM~~ caJ:'O. Mrs. :Mlnnlf' Wril:::ht WaR a \'Is- cent!)·. The Rflv. 1\lr. Shell of Chicago ~.!'dtbl\e(rlrs'hoJmO~nIAWTrolgehdtO.haO'\!h·elo,reatfUtrnere~ itor to the district c<.onference held and .!Iofrs. Mattie CAmeron were united ...... ~.. ,I, _ In St. Louis. :'fo.. lal't week. TM in marriage .-\ug. 30. Albert Dunham, de1!ghtful visit with Mrs. Wright's nev. and Mrs. SI11Ul of Crace )1. E. Jr.. and lleredlth and Roy Cardwell parents. Miss Edltb Jones Jeft on church attendl'!.'d tbe district con!t!\'-, have gone to Dela'''Iln, Wle., to ~nd I \"edMl!day for Springfield to .vlslt with

::;~ III sar~ul~~~t Thee~aysRa~~. ~~~~~~c;P~. ~~:: T'::~~~t JT~: I ~~~er,ar:f~~ !~1c:~e a!!1Jl ¥::ve c~gr CarmI. DI •• visiting ~s uncle. nf!r in honor of, b(>r departure for St. Centralia. where she will teach thlll

-- I LoUie. ?tlo., to Poro college.. Those, year. !tra. Malinda Smith, veteran JOPPA, ILt.. I present were: 1\fra. 'Bertha .TohlJson' club woman of tbe stato, returned on

Oten. Howard Is ,isltlnJlt his daugb- and son. Richard, Mrs. Ada Tremble Monday from the tederatlon meeting 'lOr In Chlcal:o. Ill.. )fs:s. Hasel Crlm. and lion. Alon%o. !lfrs. Meadows and at East: S1. Low. :MIss Dorothy l!astu Eddl" .Tohnson Is s!sltinlt his I lUllS !\.label P. Kiser. Dr. and Mrs. 'h;\":earlkaeurn' tW, l;l~.!.peAnrt..htIWe·owWa·elelak!e,VloSnltlnlf. aunt. 1\110. Lulu ..lohnM". In Sparta,. "'llUams motored recently to Nash- ..... 0 ~ ~ N. Ill. Edward B)-m IOnd wife leftH"rohn- ville. Tenn .. where he will attend the Prairie 81. has return&d to home, In day for Crsn" Chain. Jesse ute - Medical association, ~frs. Jessie Chicago IllS!! Lelan Morris who at-lson spent Sunday In '-Ietropo1!s. Ill. Pierce "'as In Chicago recently. tcnded the Illlnols Federation C. W,. C. R. J. Humble made a buslnclIS trip to at East St. Louis, was elected state Metropolis, Ill.. !!.fonda)". W. .H. . ROCKFORD. ILL. p!~lIarm,.teunrnta!dlan;"omMrsth· • D~!"oolldr RPIr.~ceer Cobb apent Sunday In Paducah, Ky.. Several Rockford people visited Chi. ha.. . ~ ,. c.. . with relath:es. James Taylor and ca&l'O the past week, ta1dn~ In tbe Baptist association held at Decatur .... ..-tfe are home The Re\', J. Elks' para"e. !Iofrll. Martha Smtth and last week. The families of Ceorge "'. Johnllon til attending tbe J. S'RYY d I t :\11 BI ch S Ith I Thomas and Dr. E. C. Covington mo­m~llnl!' In ~e\V lIf'ldrld, Mo, The ~. c~Y~a~~:' -MT:s l~nch mSmlthare"'lll tored to Starved Rock and spent Sun­S, Ca.ldwell preacheil at t~1l ...... _ •. teach school In ChtcaJ::O. She JlTad. day and'Labor day. Mrs. Fannie DuJt B. chu1"Ch last Sund"", Mrs, n.atle. uated from Chicago normal scbool. was hostee to -the members or the Howard ",'al'l ~alled H> the bedlltde or !ltlss DI:ll:Tscle Scott-Will rl'turned to Prolrl"esslve club Tbursday afternoon her .. l"ler. Julia. In Padul':Ih. K)'. \~!1eaton to college in September. at her home in Normal. Mrs. Dutl's

CARBONDALE. ILL. r~t!-d ~:~;r brn li{r~eIlPo~r:r:g:l~g;:co~~: ::~~ter:: ~!frcl~u:lVdlr;}:et.nd ct~~ William Roberson and family. )lr. III stutf,.1nll: medi("ine. :.nss EsteDa were: :-.nss Lena. 'Wilson ot Chicago

Clemons and family. !lnss Laura l":runl:lIt!l'n' is ~ettlnl: rea(\;\' to retnm and S. Ho\'\.-ard Covington. Mrs. Clara Brown. !lJr. and :MrH. 1-'_ Medlock and tn How.mi unh·prllily. ~II", .. Geraldine G I by h811 returned from a visit In llr. ~and )lrs.. W. \VlllK>n motm:;ed to G')\'crn "'ill rpturn to Ithaca, :-:. Y. C:;1~:go. The Domestic Art club met lfound City and C:rirn. )fr. \\ IIUam Thl" will be ::I.lIs11 Geraldine Go\"('rn's at the home of )trs. Eme Henderson. Gihbs and family lert for ltf'lrQPoll11 third :\>'ear In CO"" ell. l\lr. lind )frs. Th I meeting of the 'Voman's after two months' sta,., ,\it~ !Ill'. lind lfon:-an Walton and :!\frs. Od,,1Ia Ross cl t refI a~eld at the JoIo!rie of Miss Mrl'. C • .T. Ed\\-ardll. !!.In. Su!<l!' Ferrt'l mntored to the Irr.tnil sesllion that co"- E U Wgs lth 30- N St of Pulaski "lglted !!.frs. )ledlock. vI"n"d at D!'l'lltllr, m. ~Ir. and llr!'!. mma. I'll , ... ,

ELGIN. ILL. )Irs. Eun!et' Mltch .. U has ~tumpd

from St. Louis .and Troy. llo. :!>frs. Al;lles Upham, :0.11'6, Ruby Monroe and :\Irs. Am('lla. Rnbinson or Roekford mo­tored here and \'igltt'd tht'lr 1,ar(>ntll. Mrll. Mallp} Duke and !'oIl'S. lrpne Car­ter of Aurora. l\Jrs. Griffin CoI'kreIJ of Troy. Mo .• wall the ~u(>Sl of relalh'e" hert>. ~Jlss Gene""le"(j DI!,hmen of Da\'cnport is visiting her grandmother, lIn:. '\'Ida. 'Yhl'el('r. :l\!rs. Edw:ml ~ewsome .and Ln'erne ;:';ewsom~ are Ill, !<fr. and !IIrs. "'111 nutler molore.) 10 Rockford recent!;·. "'yatt Harding. Grace Bell. Ed Uoslf!')' and Daisy John­.on attended the fair In Aurora. )frs. CarrIe Pride III visiting in Dan'l.·II1~, III !\llllon ROfiS of Aurora. and wife .nd frhmds motored to Hlgin. S. L. :>mlth Is ill.

Re\'. J. J.C~I~~: ~;ri!dent of tb~ !>tate Baptist cO",'enUon and \'lee )Pesldent of the national BaPtist ~nn­rentlon: Re",·. E. D, Payne, Rev. ~ ea­'·er. Re\". Polk. ::'Jrs. Ella. James. :\In!. 'Jattie Bledsoe, llrs. Polk. Mrs. Robert Rodgers are delegates to the nationa.l 'ial1tlllt f'on"ention at. Los AnS'el~ Cal. \In!. llarv 1I1attison left Saturday for I.os ,\n~r::iell to "hiilt her son. l!:mmett \lattltion and wife, .:Ilrs. Ollie I. Car-

'~~,,~r~~~!?ra~ti~~~~e t~~bf.\~~~. rU: It. !l:ormal. Mrs. T. \\'. "'arrlek o( ;pringficlt! I" ylsitln.::t' friends 1n the ·jh·. !\h-s. J'::ttie I,. Cosby of Chicago ,,'in tb.. elly \,jsltlf4,':, relatl\'('fl lIn,1 ·rlends. MrN, E. 1.. "I."\: l!son left for ::-hl~o Tllur!lda:r, where she will 1'1,­naln at fhe bedside of·h(>r slster'oMrs. settle "-tnterl'. Mrs. Rtcharn 'oung mt! faml1\" ha"e reulrned from St. .ouls. where they f>Tlt!Ut their '\"a~­ion, "AIrs. Alice Pasne is ,-!.lilting In :t.. Louis an" CbII'.Ilgo. ;\fn<. Etta nack and :.'>111':. MabeU l"nlnklln It'lt ;aturda,\' for Chkago. !\'rs. Gertrude .fa:xweli of Peoria Is In the elty. tht' :neEt of b<-r sister. !>tn;. ]I. C: Blllnks. .. H. :Ford and famll)' are "!sltlng rela­Iv".s In Billings. 1I1ont. Douglas Amos. \'ho hasb ... n uttendlng the Unh·erslt.}·

~ot~!~~O~~d i:ls!:r"h~f~~t1.I:!i!l~1te~~1 ~t 1~U~~~~~!t~lalie~tAr:;e{\'lft~l~n~i :arl Col.. have r(>turned from ~outh len'd, Iud. !\trIO. C1a.retta. ::'leSpadclen of :hlClii:'o i8 in tile clW vlsiUn.:: part'nts nd other relatives. lIrs. Lacy Ond<"r­on and flon have returnt'd from ~ 'hilt in St. J.oUI5. \Vm. GrU1in an.1 .auJ;:hter. I-nn("es, of Detroit were Itl h.. cit)' attf:ndinl: the (utll'ral of hi" ,rother. The funeral or ~frs Carrl(' tOl'I'. who dl .. d TueHday at her r('!"I­.·n .... on ;J .. tt('l·son A",·c.· alter a "ro­m::;f'd Illness of sC'\'('t'al ,'".ars, was 1I"l<i ·hursda~·. Up\:, . .lone'! offiC'iating. She ! IIUM'I'\'OO h}' a hu .. band. Alex R()"~; dau~hter. 2'o1nt. Ran,·('\·ille. 1i!ln son. "'lIl1e flo!;s. :'tlrs. H. ~Iltrllll.

14 :!ll1t St.. has gonc 10 Ch:u·lo·l!tOIl. t".. to "I!Olt h;>r hro!hpr. l\ .. s.. .. rli. ·pann· . "i'oun~ and Singleton' motor ... .t I) ('htcago t., attt'nd til" 8toekbold!'rs' on"entlon of the Llhf!ny LICe Jnsur­nt't:' (:oml'an~' re"pntl}·. Mrs. caTTle atcrlst a\tt'ndell thp. funeral or hf!r

~::;, l~~~.t'~~T)~t~O~~1;(,II!1f~~ ~'l:~ ~'~d .,\·ed In s,ef' !.!l or her oellt·l.'ndants. If,·,,_ .1I1'~ UP"",'P!! ut \\'al!'hlntlnn, n. c.. i:; rt the <"it)' "h;ltin~ 111:1' rather and sis-1:1.

COULTERVILLE, ILL. :Mn. Cha!!. Monroe len last wc(>k tnr )anvlll~. l~lme Jo':('s. Harold BKrdo nd I~th('1 ltonror mOlo:-er! to Sparta 10 he carnh'al lS!lt wl'ek. 'Will Klvd llnd ImU~'motorl:d 0"(>1' to Sllarta. la8t :e(·k 10 the carn"·"I. John 01l,'cr II' ere ,·I"ltln,. his father. Anna. !<tay ou"s wall a raSISCIlJ:'<'r to Sparta last • eek. lIn<. ?tla!:I:lc 'YlllIamt! mO\'e<1 to ile I'lac... fo~n,;.y.h· 'ol'cupi .. d 1.~· Lee (elm, COInmodor6 AUbttn l .. tt lat;t :e~k fnr Chi";!go. wln're he 'will g1"'Il'!

\\·('('k. Mrs. Gf'O. rtust'e1 lI!t I .... ~t ,'f!(·k f"T KlInf'R:< Cit ....

EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL. l1rl<. Jcnnle .T('nkln", wife of Frank

rnklns: II< vilSltln~ In Cltic .. l:;o. )!r;l. ellnt!' :\kClalll tlf S"arta Is \"Icltln::: , Ih.., cit". lfrs. Emma Bates Is f)t:'ndin&l' the "'e("k "hlltlnl: In l'-ayette.

~O'~Jt:hl~o~t'BR~U!t ~~~I~("le~}~~ .ns Anrelel'. £:11.. to attend the Nn­ionsl OaTltlst ll:!'!'ot'lation. :'Ifn::. lUra [Uti tel' R",!\'cs of ("hh:ago 411 ,·("Itlng 11', lind ~Irl!. l1eo. W .. hh. }1'no. l"lrt!c foldl'n ot Cbl("ago. who sPent II. few II)'R In th .. dt~· "Isltlng ~fr. and 'Mrll. l·m. Ha'\"tles. left for Kansas CIt~·. 11:>" I.minn Turner (If Lf'bannn, m~ f)l;'nt :a 'WM:'k with hM' sl"t .. r. :Mn!. J. r, n. nrown, )U!'fI Ida Ct'e, Hadler 1 l.Inf'Oln ",("hoot r('turned to the i':Jt,.· rt'lm ber f'umm<t'r ,·ae.atlon In Ohio, 'he Re,·. llr. Tlick(>~·. the .-:reat healer

fd m~~~r;:,~iSi;'r i5tl::n~:~~I\'r ~ F~::!-~~

l..:'r,w H .. nd"l"l'on att .. ndoo thA I:rand I'P/lslon of El~tl'rn St~r at D('('atur. )Ir. and llrf'. Jamell Do~hin Rnil Mrs.

,Jaml:'s Poshl(>r. ",Hh ~frs. Bell Gllr­r"'tt motored to :!IJndl~nn. Inil .. anil to Ohio and over to Mllt'ln. Ky. l(rs. .TamplI Do!'hln vblfcd h"r old home In Hano\'er, Ind. :\Irll .. .tam(>s Scott Is

!!'.!:.~; t 1~'i!Jlr~;'edRJ~kfo~~thJln~~ia~a~'f::1 FlNll'hum rll .. d recently. lIMO, UlIIan OO7.:de I" on 'ho I'lek lI1't. Th" ladles or th .. A_ :\1. ti:. ...hurch are planning a chit-ken dinner thl' l''''Conil Sunday In Sel"tl'mber, R far",,,,· .. n dinner for thdr pastor, the nt'\·. G. r. Uott.

CHICAGO HEIGHTS lt~. !\Iealle Clark or !'t. I.ouls Is here

vllllting hpr son. Ha~'W'Ilrd Droc:hn. Hl!; ",'a!1af'e ~t. lUss Florence 1,"e and mother lE'ft the cit" tor a. l'11ort ~'l'u'n­tl.'lI. Frlei"!.1! In Chkll.J:"o He!l:hts are w;'lrtln~ to know the whereabouts of ~fn<. FannIe Marlin. Re\·. Ro'bl'rt C. '''ea ..... er. Plllltor or Pa~'nc A. !I(. E. church. ga"" a han'lllet In honor of the offl('e~. memhen; and friends r!f the church.

URBANA, ILL. Mrs. Nathan D,}'er and !!.Irs. Irene

Fort spent the past "'cek In Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown. lfr. and Mrs. ,lames Jackson and -!frs . .Jestlna llc­Kinl"), motored over to Springfield last

~~v~al~ .... ~IIWnsAjfrs~~~~~ °Jto1:~~~~ B"slin 81. lUllS ,"melta Stokes bas re-~~;:.ed t¥:t'[;f a!~{ils~~It1"fn he~bfc~n~ HE'IJ;hts, Jogn Clements Is vISiting ~n Indianapolis. H. Roberl.8 has returned to his home ,In !>lontJcelIo. Ga •• after

i1:!U~g' ~~ts !\¥~~t~~~ -ii-s. R~bder~j.OO~ ;And Eddie Jones motored to !<tattoon :'Ilonday to !'pend Labor day. lfrs. "'11-:rIam "-oods and children have returned 'home from a: month's \1111t In Peorla. :l\trs. Laura Hllmpston Rnd "'GUam 'Oliver are !';omewhat better at this ·"Tltin~. Aaron McHaney of Chlea~o :1", viSitinG' hi", grandparents. 1\lr. and :l\rrs, Sam )ldJanE"', Sr., on Elds st­'The Re\·. l.ollis Jonl's or NOlW :;\tadrld. :Mo.. Is I'pcndins a few days here.

MARION. ILL. Lal\T('nce Ransal! has returned from

'fl.n extf'nrif'd \'Islt with relatives In St. 'I.,,Quls. !!.Io. :'Ir. "Rnd :'Ifn;. Carl Logan :am! ttl·:ce returnE'd to St. Louis Satur-• rla'·. J, D. ~ortoll lind !'ollss E. .. ther 'l'ibone of Carrier "ll11s were married on Labor da~·. GN)n~e "'lIson'5 mother lfl;JSSel4 away recently.

WAUKEGAN, ILL. The R .. \", Charles C. Young, pal'tor of

1tht' Shiloh Bapti~t ,·hureh. has gone lto T..os- .-'ngples. Cali C •• on hin vaca.tion. l;,1{ .. rlln~ HOllklns 11",d ,'l.U!;. !!S. Henry :~tooro) died, Aug. !!!I.

EVANSTON. ILL. The :!\ten's club of lIt. Zion Baptist

church. recently organized. gave a l:Tand· public off"rinJit Friday evening, Aug. !!4. Prof. W. W. Fisher dell\'ered a wonderful address. subject. ";lUg-ra­tion of Nel:roes lo·rom the South." Dr. Reginald nest was master oC cere­monies. The omcers are: Ernest 1\L Akers. president: J. Wl:'atherall. seere· tar),. and "'. W. Hudson. treasur .. r. lUhs Marlon Johnson, 1325 N. WellS St.. Chicago. Is ",1sltlns )rlss Dorothy Johnson and parents. 1463 Elmwood Ave. !\flss Jennie Taylor. 1824 Hinman A\"e.. entertained last Thurllday i!'\"e· nlns In honor of :MIss 'Martha Taylor of Abbeville. S. C. :Mr. and Mrs. Jam~s FrYe. 1605 Dodge A\"e., are spending their \"acatlon In Kentucky visiting relative!! and friends. !\Ir. and Mrs. Edgar Smith. 811 Clark St., left :lron­day. Aug. 27. on a. tourlns trip through )Hehlgan and IdlewUd. Mich. J. F. Do~"l'IS of Atlanta Is the guest- of hili hrother. F. R. Downs. 705 Chleago Ave. ?ok!'. Charlel' Jackson. 1026 Chicago Ave.. and !\Irs. George Cannon. 1309 Emerson St.. lett a. tew days ago for rdlewlld. MIl'S Colendll. Blackshcar, 2329 Prairie A',e., has returned home from Atlanta. Ga., where she spent her vacaUon visiting- relatives and friends. Sbe reports a de~tfUl trip.

CENTRALIA. ILL. Ferrell D. Vincent of Duquoin was

the JtUest of Miss Leota Skinner Sun­~a)·. The Rev. Le\'! Coleman and wIfe of St. J.ouls were in lbe clly visiting relatives and friends Sunda)·. '-Irs. Bertha \\'Inston of Cleason. Tcnn., Is nero ,'Isltlng her sister. 1I1rs. T. A. Tay­lor. ::.'IIrs. Walk(>r Is In the city vlslt­in/: her son. WUlle "·:llker. The Rc\· • \V. H. Carter. pastor oC Second Baptist ~hurcb. Is confined to his bed. :.\(rs. l\fattle Franklin and son, Samson of

~n7~, i\~~·im=:l~t~~rSI~~~tlii~.f:[ !fr~: 1~11a Sr8!:ker and Mrs. Hadena. Coleman ,'Islted In Alton and St. Louis last ~·eek. ~llss Mar:; Franklin has re­turnoo to St, Louis aCter spend'ns the iummer wIth her grandmother, Mrs. S, f". Corneal. lUss ~I1nen'a 1-·1owerll 'llent thc week end In St. ,LoUiS.

ONARGA, ILL,' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cr-.l.lg motored

:0 Martinton MOnday to visit friendS, ~fn:. Nannle Moore Is seriously III at !h& home of her daughter, llr!!. W. H . lonel!. Her daull'Mers. :llrs, Dllila. Pat­;erson Dnd lft'll. I~tta Ellis of Chicago

. md her sister. :\lr8. r.aura Fields, and ~ieee. :lllss X. :u. Flultls oC Gib::on City lre at her hed!;lde. Mr. and ~Irl!. Let'

. lones Sllent Sunds" with llr. JOlles' 'hTents. .llr. and :!\lrs. \\'. H. Jonetj. \Irs. It:a.rgarct Scaggs is sick, LaCc ~caJ:"gs spent !5aturda;j.· and Sunda»" ill i.oda with his wife. .\rthuT Scaccs re­.urn(,<1 (0 !;is home In Detroit after

MT. VERNON, ILL. : 'Jlemlin!: a few weeks with his motht'r. ltrs. O""lIr Grooms anil family have 3arllie Rams has returned (rom lfleh­

lreturned ufter all extell!'h'e visit In !;un. :'IUs.'! Elnora Jones Is spending a l!Jammond, Ind. :'Itrs, :\UllIe Sla)·ton. ;i;';. 'K~~: S~I~s ~~n~Ur~rel: ;ehj~;g:i :~lrs. Aline \\Ollllalll.s and lUss Edna 'Ier former homo) III Kentucky. Conm<1 i~!::t:~ill~to~t ~~~'I~ r::;.~fh~rd :romCali'o:! ,ILlite has gone to Gihson City to work. Claudc Crooms of Chio:ago I ... In tbe elt,.- :Iorat'e lfer.edlth nnd rrlrmds spent se\'­visiting r"latl\·es. !lfr.!'. Addle Robln- ,~ral da)'s la:!l w(;Ck with his friends. ';on and dllugbters. :.\lattlt; and Lucille. ; ~~h.!~dr;;.;;'·:uI;s~·Ei~:;1"i§unJ!.~~·t:~~I: j~~.~ls;'\f!fl;;~~c\.~if'·~'lr~t~~e~o:~e~:;; • lC1" hu:;Lanll.

i;~::!~r. '\'i!f:j~g J~~jtall~;t~e~{lr~boD~~; DUQUOIN, ILL. 'rhonlal' has returned to !'t. Louis. She I )lrs, ElIllllbeth Barnett Is visiting her ;,\'as accomJlanled In' :'Iirs. ,\rI::olla l ;on, "'m. Llarnctt, In Chicago, l1rs.

~~l=m~~m.;:o~J::~nO;~oD~kJ~ ~s:,flft:~ I ' ~~~ell~n SC~Hl~~~ff~:.e t~f~~n h~~b~~~~ 1~p('nt I he !<!tmmp!" In )[ollne and Iowa. 1 )amS and SOil ha~'e returnoo home to is home. lJi:!'!O Duke was aecomp:mled 1I0U11<1 ell)'. ~trs. Sl1ms Is seriouslr lw her :;lsh·r-In-L'lw. lfrs. Ah'ln Duke. II. llrs. Hueston Lanum has heen 'd'illiam tlnd Albert Carter left Satur- . ~aned to Paris. Tenn.. becausc of 1Il­dav for Chic-ago. C('oree Xewcomb Is . wss. :MIs!: Blanche Kyle, who has heen !'''shth' in1liro\'C,~d, )11". and !!.fr!'. W.I.e /tueFt or her brother. 'Vl1lter Kyle • J~. n';lIe aI',· hom~ aft"r a ";8It In ~Qr :'>CV(:I'3! da)·s. has returned to her If\:cntucky. -1-Uss Louise JI(>lm and sls- lome In Cairo. Mrs. Laura. Roberts and 1t"rR ent('rtaln ... d with a wc<ldlns recep- ,Iau!:"htt'r. Cuol. Il'ft Sunday Cor. St. 1tlon Saturdav ev .. nlm;. 'Sept. 1. In :.oUIS to visit relative!!. ;lUss lX. Allen. II10nor or th"ir parentI'. !<!r. and MrR. ,vbo has heen "Isltlns- Mrs. l\lary A",'­lit. H('im. who were married III St. nglon. hall returned to her home In ;(.(lIIi9 on Au!:'. 30_ :\!rs. Helm "'as \lound CI1).'. Robert Blrlde)' and wife :~lr9. "\z:d" lYilliams. lJis~ Jel'sl\! ~'erQ, Centralia "Isllors 'Sunda~'. )lIss :na~'e!l of l~nlton. I'y.. I!I \"ll'ltinlO ber !i'rances Carut.hers, Who wae the guest Irtlot 11 (>1'. )Jrs. Prl"... ::\Ir. and )'Irl'. ,)f Dr. Lewis. hilS returned to ht:'r home :Rldmrill;nn and I<on. Bilh'. are the n Terre Halite. Re\·. D. T. Fox I<!"Ul'!<ts of tllelr part-uu:. IT:-. and lfrll. )reached In Centralia Sunday. Theo­'William Thomas. llr5. ~Io!<gl~ Trlc~ ,lore llerrill II' here. the I=uest ot his "If Batlle Cr~l'k. lUch.. lilt!! returnM : .ister. llrs, Henry f'atten;on. D. Vin­l!l()m~ aft!':r I'pendin!; th(' summcr with : ion and Roman Carter were SlInday I! .. ~r l'll:!<ter, lIrs. D. A. Alhrlttan. :MIss .• Isltors In Centralia. llrs. A. L_ An­.l\rmE:nthem: Ha)'es dt'lil=htfully ~nt('r· • lersQn. ~fi!,5CS Daisy ";eaycr. Hattie llalned at a hou!le part)' Prld:!y eVl'nln~ 3, Thomp~()n, Lillian Tholl.1as. EIIz.'l.­Jill honor t>f her slErtcr. lflss Clam. Kirk : 11'Ih Fronl'l" and CIl'mentine Jackson. .,r llarion 110 ,'Isltlng r(·latl\·"", In the '~ho attend .. (} the lVomen'" p"ederaterl dt)·. lIrl'. XdIle S;nlert of Champaign ,'om'''ntion III I-:;a!lt St. 1.0uls. ha\'e reo

afltor o( St. John'" A. If. E .... hurc~. nd h meetlnj: with wondt'rrul !lUC- _ ellR. llts. R. StO\'en50n nf 1700 nond .,·e. ellt~rtalnN'I with a. whist party In onor flf ~Irl'. PI':arl Powell of !!.furphyl'­nro. JlI. 'Thl' out-or-town J;lIests wl're r .. p<lame .. l':lIriif' ."dams and Clara :11<,­dams . .of l"blca&l'o. CE'rtrude na"I, o( .. n*,\·8. lTolll .. Pratt or East U'·l'rpool. hln. ltRr~' ,\Yllft"M. R,,!>eC"!':a. BnJls. AI­~rta C;ll"'\' :lnd RI,..bArn PArk"r nf St. ou!!'. )fI'JII. IJ. Dln11'C ot IS:lS :Market .,'f!. I" '\'hdtlnt:: r(>lllth'f'R In tht' South­m". !\Trl". J'f!Rrl Powell Rnd Ed. Jon'eS 'tllrneil to thf!lr hnm"s In ::.turph)'s­t'lM. an .. r "lldt!ne: :\lr!'. R. 8te"l'nFOn nr! uU"ndlnp' t.h.. Stat.. Ft'dl'ratlon. trl'. llan' .Tetll'l"Son. risughter and .. !'t"""'<..~1""".""''''''' ,., C:f T nnlc anttnt Oft

turned to the cit.)'. Robert Blrkleyand :Louls Moore. who have beenvlslUng Itt 'Colorado.. Calltornla and Louisiana. :bave !"J!turned home. ;.

CARRIER MILLS, ILL, Mrs. Pat Porter. who has been at-

~.n~~~~n ~~~,:rte'r!n:ls~~I\';'h?r Sister. Helen of st. Louis, and mother at Carmi, returned home Wednesday .. MIss Sedalia and Hosea. McDaniel ae· companied their nieces back to Chi­cago Saturday evening. Verlla and Viii· son Portee have returned home after a. Visit wltb their grandmother.

PULASKI, ILL. Sliney Bendenon of Chicago Is tbe

~eli. ten~~~s£tr~~ ~J:'arl:rLer:r:t Humboldt. Tenn.. Js the guest or her slster. Mrs. Robert Daniels, The Rev. L. ).f. Stockbridge held his fourth and last quarterly conCerence. Aug, 26-27. Mesdames Hattie Roberts and Cora E . Damon were In CaIro to visit the tor­mer's husband, who Is In St. Mary's hospital. Buft'erlng trom Injuries re­ceived In an automobile accident. 1\lrs. Ora B. Long of St. Louis was the

f~ae:~ ji~n~e~l:rei!o~le Mtfell a~~te~~ the teach era' institute at Mounds re­cantly. Miss Chrysanthea Damon. lIrs. Beulah Medlock and daughter. ::11I8S WUllo ,M. Medlock of St. Loula. 1\10.. are the I;ueats ot Mr, and Mrs. Robert Damon.

Mr, and !>lrs. Leslic Cuble of East 1IIoline and Mrs. Omelia B. Toomer of Kansas City. Kan., and Theodore Nor­vell ot Carbondale motored from Car· hondale to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Damon Tuesday. Aug. 28. Tbe house party gl\'en at the bome of lIrs. It. Damon In honor of :Mrs. Too­mer, Mrs. Matlock. Miss. l'fatloek. Mr. and ·l\IrS'. Cuble and J. T. Non'ell was well attended. Some Of the guests present were Sidney Henderson of Chicago, !\fJss Lo"le Bell, Miss Blaneo of Cairo, :\tn~. Delln. Lille, Mrs. Clenn and Miss Brown of Mounds. l\.tlss Bell Ilttended tcachers' Institute last week at ~(ound Cltl-'. !'olllls Lo\"la Hell left Tuesday for St. Louis. lJlss Devla Dell ot Mounds was up Thursday evening to see her parents. Mr. and lIr!!. Mack BelL !llls8 Chrysanthea. Damon, Mrs. Eulah Matlock and daughter. Willie Mao ot St. Louis are the guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Damon. Sldnc\' Henderson re­turnt¥i to Chicago Friday cycnlng after II. visit with his .parents. Mrs. 1\101111'1 Llpe Is reco ... erltl(; from a. sever/) Illness.

Mrs/ :r.?:~N~r.C~:~~orJl..;~d Prot. Charles 'V; andw\fp.. lIlrs. Ozella. nt­tl'uded the Teachers' Institute. lllr", Jennie. W'ashum and daughter, 1\Irs. Margie crossland. went to Menard to visit their lion and brother, Joo "\\'a"h· ~m, recently. ;\(rl'. Alma. l,"llIIams, ~aughter ot Seth Williams, of Cairo "'as a \'ll'Iltor In the city last Thursday. ~lr8. Essie "'llIIams _;\[ahel of Mound City was II. visitor In tbo city last week. ~le!<i1ames Corn. Brannum. Florence Brown ansi Cilia Henderson went 'tt) Port Clinton. Ohio. where they WE're the guests .. of relatives and (rlen<ts_ ~llsse5. Thelma. and Od(>l'llaYoung vis­'ted their uncle. Carter B. H .• and their ::-ousln, Otho Ransom. laRt week.

~11ft!rm;Ooun~s e~-::;In~ fr:;~s'w~~k~IOi~~e:. [dll. Slnr:lelon of Levings Will' In the :It)' on buslnesll last week. lIr9. lfag­de McClure left Cor Ohio last week :0 visit her brother. Frank Parker. 'fother Charlotte Curtis, who has been ;ery Ill, Is improving rapidly.


h;h{)nft~U'iia~\~",;;e e10unr~tnt~~g.m~i ~~ !6. Roy Sydes anll Mrs. ~rartha Sydes If Mount Vernon are In the cln- \'1811-ng Mr. and ::IIrs. Phlllip Su·mmers. 'Irs. Nina Bryant returned homc'from ' \found City. Ill. Misses Flom. and )dessa Wiley were Paducah. Ky., vls­tors last Monday. ~111111 .4.zella Sum­ners will return Wednesday to Cairo. 11., where sbe ha!! been employed to eReh school. A. B. Bryant ha.'! pur­!hased a new car. llrs. Arnb .. !Ia. • \'llshington has returned hom'" after

;rs1~~~ng M~:~·t'~~~rtl~e(t.~ssU::~lnfioo~~:

veJt 'Slm. and It.-I..; hauc~erty 3rnt

8:: ¥::~~.Ml~:l:- ¥Ilir:t~~~ crlm and brother are vlsltlng' their sistor, Mrs. Mar:; Fanner. The Rev, J':"B. McCrary ot Metropollll. m .• was In ,the city recently. Mrs. r.label Burkell and daughter, Bernice, of ~T~~~!~~e~~t~rc~ bere last Sunday.

DANViLLE ILL.-MI5IIea Thclma ani:[ VI\"lan Brown

have returned to their home III De· trolt, Mlch.1tks. Clara WebJlter !s

:1~;':lnill~le!l:~~l.::dB~~::!IV:t J~tr~rt~ Mich., nve a 'very delightful surprise birthday pllrty for bel' cousin;" Miss Magdalene Robinson, at the home ot lIlrs.. Anna Whitted. lillss Mildred Neal

~ft:'~~~~~~riilltllf:V~:I~ vl.ftl,r:: ~vf::; Blue, who bas been vlslUns Mrs, John· son on Oak St,. has returned to her hom,. In .T ..... 1t"onvlll... J11~

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

COMMON LAW WIFE FIRES GUN AT MATEThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Sep 22, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 1


"'I1II:lm 51"1'1, ::4 YN,rs oM, 3;31 T..anl!)e~' An~" 1I.,s ""riously ,,'ollnd, ed at Ill" ~01lth !'Oldc hm,pita) ,,'lib a hullet 111 his ll'ft lun~, He was IIh"t ThuI"!"ilay nlsht f'horth' :lft!'r 11 o'<'1"c-k h,· his {'''mmon law wll(>, ~1I"" Marie li:n'p, ::5, who h"" h('<'n his <'ompa n ion' for 11 monthf', aceordin~ to j';t«'('I, atld wh" !lhot him without Jlro",)(::atton, he ,,-'tId,

A pltlfu)l<tol'''' of threat.o;, nhu~(' and "asl attempt... to "ln~' him' dUI'ln~ hi" M~(){'lation ",Ith Miss H:.ys waS re­lated h~' :';1~I, acen"in:; the j:lrl, He 'had h('cn too gnod to hel', he Raid,

Gave Her Money

"'I make U& f!\'C~' w""I,-"-;;;;rd Ste<!l, "and all of it I ~:n'e to !llnrl ... But she 'WII!!n't ~-nU"IIi'd with m .. alone. There were "ther men: shl' wall ahrn}'" out with them !'Orne­,\\·hcre. J! I ~'omplalned she would I;'l't IIn,::'I.,-. Thrl'c times "hi' had me arrel't.ed-once In II !'tnTlh Is, Tenn., ..... ·here·l fir.<t m"t l:er, at;aln In E:u,-t lilt. Louis :In.l :I;nln In Chaml'aign, nl,

"FI\'e w('('''po :'11=0 ,,1,.:0 "It,,! nt me lwcaulit' I wanl<-'" 10 ~o out for a r .. ", mlnl1l,·", Tllllr~d"y nll:ht 1 W.1!'1

In bed willie she was entertaining threc mf'n. One of them was (;us Brown. 3731 Lanb'hw A\'c .. who :::ave her the mone)' 10 Illlrchase Ihe !flail order {:un which she ,::ot from ;\"('w Yorl" They were drlnkln!; .lIn<1 \'Qr:: nols;:.. I SOL uP. came to the room an,1 ('omplalnl'd of thc noise and :;he !'I'lzf>d her n'\'ol\'er and fir('d tlil-E'<' shots at me. One of the bullets wcnt Into my left breast,"

Woman Is Released A uthorltles at the hospltnl arc

doubtful of :;:tE'Cl's recO\'erT'- Aft(>r the shootln;; lUllS Hnys ;;:1.\"6 her.-elf up to the 8tnnlon A\'e. pollc~ ~he \\':1..'; later n:len.'!cd on hondo Her, relnlh'<-" lh'e at 11 1.;,'st Church Ht., r~ockford. III. Just hefore "he was released th(' ~Tl '\"rote':I. letter to !'Ileel he;;Slns 'forglv"n"lls and de­claring bel' lo\'e for him,

"l'lcal''' forJ:\ve \r.e :lIlrl dnn't have me bam:;('d for what r did," sbe wrnt(', "I would !'urr.-,. dNtth l>t"forc I would SO against you, 1'm aWI'ully worrIed: jli"t to thin" lhe onl}' man in the worM I 10\',' 1111" turned hi!' I,"ck on me and blll me Indicted, l tun ::;flrr.t·. ~OtT'~*. ~on;::·

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Sep 22, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A9

MOUNDS. ILL. :U~5. lI .. nl~ Co),mum 11M" r"lurnl'd

from It \.'itdt ~·ith I ... r aUlit In l·""ullon. :N;)'. ,'h" JU\'l'nfl" .,"",,1"111«'11[ of til" 1'. :\1. T. tods:" II!!I" it" atlllual plcni., "I UNh.~l Raturday .(~munr.,. Acc."Onl­,I:llflt4'11 h,.· thtJ ntolhrr fuatrotl!l th~ "hlhtrrn l"rt 1.)· tnJ.,kll and auloll COT 'Ii(' QUllflS:. :!IllS!< :Matti" 'Ta ...... ,. of

. :'\'>rfll :)! .. undt1 I" III "'Ith typhoid fc\,.,r. n. \\'. }<;"I'!land ,'I.lled Cbll.'l1l,allro anll ,·rt ... n:. ", ...... rn:J"'I' for hI" d"ulrltt"r·. "n­tran"'~1'''111 til.· UIV'\·enolt) •• ~u~ ChaJlt"1 c. )f. ,:;. .;burc/l held 'I rl~' m,,"I-irw f'ervtl ....... lalit ~urlda)·. '". Slock-

l'~ehJ':""f~::Il:r:"~~~~?':,t( II.!~~ ~UI .... ',.,. }<:. .·bur ... ' '\4':U, oli,; .. ,. ...... ..... l'tld.)· nigbt. TI,,· JunIor lIll .... lolllu-y ..... ·, .. I~· 1 .... 1 d,wo,::., of th., ml~hlon ""I:'; .nd ",,1" r .. (r.,..l1nl,·ntl'. It",·. G. W. tUII an.! wlf" are In ~t. l..oull.. n ..... 11111 liNd I_n ,,1.01, dllri;1!t th~ tllll." l ... '''"KII h,.~. l1'r&O J .. Ulil ~junl:i'ln rt":,J­I._nt...t )Iar)' R '~ "-ourl of ti", H~n'ult"Jlt Itf Jericho at the J:raud t-:t":;" ~!"n 1,('111 tn ~::llIc:t.:o bO't ",.-e\.:. It"v. 'T"~'IQr ,-ul'l...t th" t\uiplt at Plt,""n.

1;-;: fr':J!:;.' I:;:~la~d 1::<1 ~'i~'i;!-~ n~~Jl~ ~~~~~.~,.ft )r:;!~"};.n~a ":;\iT ... ::'II~::!~ Ut~:~ .nik(ortunl~ ",1' h.,·hu: her "Ti:el \, ... tell hrar..f'lct MUll a l'!\·t (\f ~nl J:la~~ tuu\'ttlen: '\11fJr~n fro.n1 h"r thunt!. t::. 1.... lfatntl­lon wati ('let 'h~t ,:::-azul Joshua ~t .. taC" "T1Ind .",Urt ,..·.~lotI """~hUy h"M III "11'_. ~!l,,"~ <:'1: ..... llun)'on I~ ,'llIft-.j".: Iwr "I><ta. ')Ir ... F. T,,~·l{!,..

URBANA. n.L. "-,~. l~\iJ!a'M"\h Br.~' ... ~· nf )1\0:1 :-:~

:\lat1" .. w A .... ·.. <.'nl .. ru.h.N! ll; tittt .. l:h'lt' :-::;und.'y AII .. IT .. ,-,n .. fronl ! to !t. in honor <>f h~r IIttl" Ill","'. ll" .... ,,1 Elt7"'~ 1.·lh 1l<>loh''''''' or ':"Ir<>. 111. lift. ... 1:,,11·

::::.~. h~;I~ ~~"';~~.H::;~!t:~~~'];~·ifoy,l~ lnJ: h,°r'("- ft'r tW4\' wr4"k:i. ~I"'in,l:ttdd n"~n,. 1.ruth ..... ;lItf l~. BJ"fW\m. dit-d nt hi,., It.,ru".. tn l,.~rl:t. r:41·fii~ Jf')n"~ .... "ti 1-;.1. r:t'9\l.:n Tnf)tf)r('(I'fl\""'r to Pt'OTla ~ut.da~: h, llHf~ hl"fh-ifdf" of tJu" IHUi"T~~ h,",ltht~r. ,,,'11Q t,. \'I'T'\ :'o14tk Mt.,.,.. .. 1 ... nt. M~"'~,,d I~ "1~It1"g 1",1' ~\Ft .. r. :lfr •.

~~ ~~.r:i~· ~hf!Cl~~~4)11t-1lit~;;'~'li~;T;;:~ 1 .... "''8 Hllml.>rtnll. It. Curry h .. ~ I'C­ttlrn .... ,,, ~lih.·auk ..... WI... ;\I ..... lMnl"~ U q nlblU4c.l- t"f!'r'P"'M'S th~ n.~l\.·'" or , hto' diPJltth ,nr ltf"r 111"ntl1f"r til T .... ""~ Haut'· ' .... ·,..nlly. )\n-.• :;etud \\'"''''ll",\." ~"N " •. ~ 'U"I~ hom(' Rft~ ... ·i:,;hin;:: ll.~r Jltoth,,'r In 1111"\111",,,,,,, T .. ,UI. !\Jr. nfl(l H. F. rA~·ne llff': 110W 1cP4!,: l'to1)"'! ill ttl ... l, np\\' 110m(\' Rt 1:11 .. Bf:~nt, ::-;t.

OCCATUR. ILl... ~, ..... !';alii .. (~I ... ny .. n'''''t.tnl''l with "

'1'-11"'" IttI" Frida" .111!('rn"':rIt In "l)nQr <>'I l\r~. Maml .. r.hlrll. :0.1 .. ><. ("Iwrlt 1"ft TU''''dflY fnT her 110111" h. Obi"., lIln;. fI"",,i.~ Hunt ,,, .. 1 "t ...... 1. ':. J.::11Is .. n­,. rIAl",,., wltl, a "aN Jla"~' la~t $:a!ur-

~;,hV8:5. j~h~~no'~lilf f!~;IJ:~~ "! T~nt ,-:t,.Unr hI Drn\\"ft!i\'fUoP_ I Pt"r"~· 1'.,Ul:h .. nof J::d",Jn :;II-n 1"(1 1o~ I';hl. ,·a.:" r-ntll·. :\tJ~~ t"tPrnk., StlgllPr

~t~n.J;rl1~T~:) 4~~~~rl~ ::[~~,.!,~'r\\V:~":a~ I"~~('nt \,i:-'l1or t(t ~hllf"~o. Arthur "Ig. ~nF. "nil "r 1'fr ... nil lilT!<. &ld .... HI::-

CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILL. )l~. \", Grf>(m o{ ~1!) !\lor,:an ~t. has

r{'t IItn('o(1 hnnw aft_·r ::iJl4=>ud1IU; lhr~~* \,.;,.".kM in )'lnurot'. l .. a. ~lr!'f,. h. l:'1em~ mllu: .Hnd :\h·~" .\. nur~,lry r:V\-C a lltlrt:.­~.t U11PIr hnJn"~ in ),\ulQr 0" n~\". Hn() j" \\"{'a\'of~", nt"', It. r*. \\"t<.a'\,:f'Or left ! \\-.. -dnf'M'htv fnt' ("onr."r~nt·c in thl! ('It,.: .. 11

It.',', T, c". T2)'l()r b. In C" ;tt ~ c("n~iu;: thr!onott H~lltn"t \:on'\·~I1"! II,,,,. I

ONARGA. ILL. I ,.tr~. _ '!'fttu,i" )tf\t)Tfto 1:-: ,'1'0'.,.. ill at tht'l

1m"\(''' ('( h('r htdf'!'I>t dausbtf'r.. )t"'~ ~IHM"" .Ton"~, nh otl ... r tWo 'Iau.:"­,~"". ",..... OpUs P:lt'''rMtl Hn~ )If<'., ).:"" 1~lIIs. hoth nr l."lr:ll"n. ar.· ''On­:"tt"ntty In al1i'·lIdallc'~ a( th('> hf'1'l:;:M:~ rtr II

,h .. ir ,"oUlt_. 10,,"'11 ... 1' "l\'lIh )11'>'. Moor"'''''' hrfltlu·rJ.: :tuft Rl::t".nc~ !lfj'l;~>,r ..... , ,1. e. I&Pd .T. J. Stolt('>i or .;hlraj:"; )I<'~'I rialn{"'~ l.aura 1:"i .... 1tl:t ... 1 ,;n'iw.m t~H).'. Mr:.. A. T. Jat·'k~1J of f"'hanlfQlt::11 .nul )\1.,.. .t. R n,"m t·f li'prirll:II~ld. i l'1"or. .\ .S. ..It'lI'l{~nl' r,{ N',..,\\, Orl"'nn~.' I~ • '\\'ap; ... t..-:,tft1" tn lh~ , .. \ty !a"t W(lo[\1t.:. ' Mr. lind ~f~. .1. ('. ~"'dfl!' :lJId ~t"".,

t,;~r·!i~';;~~m)l?:~of;\~ .. t~~, G~~::~ .. l~~~ i rh·,·d Jum'ofl._l",.. Satttrt!R!' IIU+'r \'I~tl­in!" J,pr ...... 'I"·!" .lOne! olher r~lalh.,,, I" Chi .... "... :\7",_ Katlr. Sanl~ Ila~ ar­rl\·.,d h"ml' "fl~r R ",'mth'R 'i~lt at h .. r forl1lC'r hom .. In I;: .. ntu .. ~·. Carl W"I­J3Nl I1Pp U! 1a,.( Sunda,.~ SInd )1nndB~· "illt hl~ f"ther. :llIs,.:>o. B. FI .. I"" r .. -lumed bom~ b'~1 'tI,· ... 'np.sday. Thn n",·. Mr. PI:!:"., .. r 1MlI pr"3t'h,," at th~ nal>tl~t "hurcl\"~l'nd~' ~'·('nlns~. ..J. C. CrwiJ: \\"'a,o a. ~~tor In C'hk-agn

l:.~\!';~~~" ~~:t.~~"i'l" ~·lIu~l';'...tb,:r., EAST MOi:iNE. ILL.

Til .. Rev. W. ;\1. 'Rat"" died wI ~t­"rdl'~' morning urt"r '" r"Il" "'''''kl' or ilIlI"'''. His 1'l'malnH "'"1''' bmulrbt tn l'prln~II"ld f'Jr burial. Sadl .. Xlnl'( "lid :\tadg"Une Fulton 11!'ft Wt Saturd,,)' to "nt"" school "t ~onnal univ" ... lIy.

CHAMPAIGN. 11.1.. . 'Tbn n .. ,'. K. Ji: • .Jnhn~on. who ba~

I~en ronduetln~ a 1'evll-.1 at the C. ;\1. E. c:fIurc:fl. l"ft FrIda)' rnr Clife:tJ:", !\tr.<. Nan<'}, Hani .. 1.1l>! flur-ehae"<l th" Wumbrlet- .pro1"'rl)- at ~. Fou~tb ~t: Tbe Rev. Bern' ThOmas re<Oelvcd word rectntly thllt the bank at On.....".a 111.,1 J.<.pn robbf'd. The Onanra Bnptl,.t church. Of whIch the Rl!'v. ltT. Thoma .. Is pastor. h" dlts buildIng funds III 0>1\ hank. A 1"0;" number 'of bn • .,. :In<f o:lrls 81'0 "n! .. rln:; hls:yitclJO<Il thl~ y('ar. ~I",. l\Iprridy Is "ery Ill. lIT. and :o.Jr.I.. l-::uter Hamflton el1tertalned about .~ ..

~~~1I :tf':3~ ~~r: l:~o~u~arG~vt~tf;

':IACJ<SONm1..E\ I L1,.. )1..... Glady~ HaydN. i\i [.ouI5\·I11,,;

K~·_. was a ,'151101" with ncr lIH.r<!nt:<. )11', and :ltTl!. Eu"ene Hayden or ~. J-'"y~tte :,.,. ::Ilt. l~n.ory Rapll~t ellnlr In Il.elr !,"Ilular bu~ln~68 m~etil\'; Tuc>'CIa)' nl.:~t with the Rp\· •• nen~· :-\u('IwdeJl J)re~Jding_ The cdlh,'ers e!("t't .. ~d tor thi} ~ni'ulng ~:C1lr are: JlJ"eHhtt'lIt .. ~Ir". Ed:' !\Io(>r~; dcc-pr""hlent. ;\1,.,.. I\~nry Snowd@n; secretan·. :111.8 Susl" L)-nch; ... sslstant :;ecretar)-. hlT .... .1:'=1\­.,n" "'''I"on: trea~urcl'. J. It, l;ctltt. "l'hl) ne~t mO"tin!: will he wltll ;;14 i ... Su.le Lyn.-i, In N. Sand>' l'lt. .!.II .... Corn I ::Itallory I" abl>! ttl """UIIIC her stlldl," at high Hcllool. beIng a. I.all""l in lb" :-;cw Uom" ISanltarlum. :It,.,.. Her""rt Ros!! 'of W. Jlnn.. St. lis Ill. I Mh.s"" Hurl .. }' of Chkas:o. who ba~ I.een \""'Itlns. wltll ::Iltll. Frances Rouse I <of E. .:I1<,,...:an St.. left recently COt t·1I1slleld. Gri~\'lUc nnd "th~r 'K.lnt~.

~~d~ "\i,!~I~I~~n~r':t~~~~'[I~'J~~~<;'II\\~: I 111 .• arc In th" clt,- .. tle,"t1ng tltt' h[,,:, , IiChuol. Th,,}, .. re at lhe hom" t)C ~I",.: .\. J. Jon..... In ::;. F, •. \·,·ttc St. :l1Is.~, "\"1",ll1la ('tol'll i!l ahlc- "h~ out 30111.1 lU!}s )taUlt .. Cnrh'rw()Q(1 l~·ft !;ntu1-duy:

~~:lr';!.I.'~ m:~~I{'4~'i:~iin:~~~~i\·h~~;~ r~:~! ml·rJ,.' ~Jr thiN, eltl-'. j )lr. nl'ld )frs. Jat:oh· 1Ia\h • . oC I~r Itlchartl~ I"t. left Frtd", ..

!t~: ~~~lt l~~,:;~~\~c;K~f '~lct~tll~:'lrA~;l~LU~I::! ;'\l!ti6 ,\ lI"e Seot! of ehl"a..:o is \·I~ltin;; 1

wlth lwr mothel'. )Jr .... Hannah llt!r-ri·' wealh"r .T"na~ or 1". Kosellls);o SI. llr. atld Mrs. !j':()l'I'!c Youne:. Jr .. h:lv,· r~-I lun",.1 home after an l:~t~",led "I~lt' III Chi",,!;... lll~s liable I,e" l1e!-'errls I h'f! SlLlurdR~' (or X"rllllLl. 11\ •• tn I"I'~I II" :, lr-J\cl',,'r',a <:OUO:p.. h.;t\'lng tn1ulUttl,~" from' the .Ta<:kson,·l\1e hlSh ~c:hool ill'" kl.... ['roC. :l1I.hatb .. St.,,,,art .or '~'iI­h"rror~ ... uni"~l'Shy \" ,·I.llln" witb 111~ I.",,.cnt~. llr. ~nd lin;. Jaeb SteW"rt of .-\rnelt "t. ::II n. ElIeno ... .l I .... fayclt" .1Qhn~on fir Chlt!allo Is "I$ltIn::r with h",· ",olher. ll"~. Toau..... I..aCu,ycl1c ,,( K c'ourt ~t_ Jamf'R ).taUlu.:w!) of ~"

~~a~~~t'l,~e~'''~T~l~''&':r~k~~~~r \~~:;l: ("'a eo ht ,-INitina; rclati\"e!C ftnrt fl'lend" 111' S. I-'"y"ue llt. llr>;. O. ,,'. 1'lIlIIe:; .. r Cairo_ III.. ",,,I S. J.'. l'illll~Y or Fprfn~fI~ld. 111 .. maloTt'<I to 0111' clt~· r.·­'f'~nlh' It~ l,fU,",..:1M of". ilnri )Jr:o:. A •• L .. Tnnr,t In' t'. t;"u~:.·ttc St. ~t()hn l:;:u;l(",~ III

}~~~ h~~l~~~~e ~~o ~'h.!i:~L~~'*C~'hi~~r,~ for 'thrrc nlOnthl'i in 'V'\!qu~tunsinJ;'. lll<-h .. I",.~ rrturned hom!'. 0111" illa,·k. ..... :t"l ~l "IH'f'l:""~ ~~r1!.ur '"'* • ..ol'('r ~'nft (::q1t. c. fL .... rc ... {"tt'Utn h! I hit: dty Inototl!ti to :;:1)rin~n.·h1. 111.. 10 1ak.· I,arL itl .fill tHO. rhl·~tnl thc·r4': whl··" \\ ttl (ufni:.:;h fIlu~1c for t!w ~t;..t.. rail'. Tht- fun.·r",l •• r .James J.1tH(!tCW::; .of f:. FajtP(t .. !'t. w::,,. b~hf frl)n1 thp. fomily 'reslc1~I1"e noon. In rh"r;:~ of t h" Hc,' n. H. lIad,­If"" •• *p:tnr o( HNhr\ .\. )1. I·::. ,"hurd,. H~st~ffl h".· th .. It.·,*. IIAnrz.·-8Ilnwd~11.

ljf;;~ni'd:1r l--;\;ow~~~~~:' l!?:~I~~~~~iU~~ill~: :'lHttb-eWN died 31 t ht' a-;:e of '0 yt"ar~. He !("a\""!i a wife .. 1::117.:1 .. \un :\J~ttlwt\=-'~ "ltd ,., ."n. n"ll .. ( M:.Ub"'·... F .. re,w.·l1 Intton· foI~T,.~1t~e-Fi (or I h" np,;o. lL 11. JI""ldr)' "r Helh,,' A ;II. J~ • .. !,,,,..,h weN hrld 1'IInU:ty. TlI .. II.·\, •• 1, W. Kirk. t1t~ n",·. !llr. 'I'<lf!". 1,8"lor or "tcf'.ah,,; thi! R~\·. If,.nn.· Snow<l\,II. l"'~tor of 3rt. l':.mnn,- 1l1IJ"I"~t chu"cTt. anti tll", n.,...\~* .:0:.:'011&;'1 \\*nddf'U :ISt'I:'ltH1 WiLh Uu" lll"Q"'1 );ram. -_ •

.' t.ONTI"C. Il.I... 'C. )fr~. Jone~. K"n!Ol~. i,. vl.llln" ",1111

llPr ""n.· tI~n"" R:>l.h. a',,1 (~mlb·. l-lr.' JUld'.)Jrs* Clare"":,, 'Tinl:!'.\~Y ·and lTr",u-nd ' .lIn-. .\rthuT lUl1cr wer~ Sunda>· gUQ~t6 or llr. and :\Ir,.. nan :\IcClaln. :\II,,~ nl1l1e I'~nn :.. .. 8 r"tur,,<d llPr" "fter a

, ~horl ,· In ru.n""~ Clt~·. "lIM Chrf". . tinJi. Jnn~". "'!to ha!' ~en !lIck (or the

P .... t ....... 1<. I" Imllft)"'n,, .lIre/y. ~fi." Barri,-it o;lrl .. klln has rctutn~.l front lIUchl@:8'" "'her" .. hI) ~llent bf'r sum­mer "-a"",lon. )Ir". Da\'ld Stricklin Is visiting witl> r,.I""ds In Delcvan. lIn<. J('~s[., :>0. Babb hn,; Tl!lurned home after BPl'ndlnll' Be"eral w"elcs In Joliet vlldt· ''''-: tri"nd~ lind r~Jath·e~. Cllclt .Tack­tWo and ,\YlIIlam 'W:>lker W"r" III Pl)n­tlac attendln!:. to bl1~lnc"". Th" Re ... A. A. Lowen.' "nll wire 1TIotor .. d to llenonk to "falt ,,·/tll (rl .. nds. lil'. and :\1rs. Clarence TIII.ley .notored to :\I ... !lonk to .I>~nd tbe w"ck.~nd. John :lloBely and Alrud Ca~sell werc In Fairbu!'}' recenUy. :\lIss Dal&)' Harhor. Ro<'l<tom. m.. Is \15111n;o with hoI' mQther. lin:. Atarl.. l!o!\uron. David .Tayne" ... "'~ to I .. a\,e In a to\" da~." for SprJ:1nt!eld. W"lter Jo""" of Db;", SIlent ~,,"eral da~'s h~re on bU!dn~,... .10hn Dold~n. who h .... been on the lIl .. k list. Is ImpTm·lng. .\llIlIonllO Stricklin Silent Sunday In Chicago.

CAIRO, ILL. lIl~ Verbena Dunlap. Marlon lTartln. day of their daullhter. lllq E,·ola.

B<>rn to ~tr. lUI" Mrs. Jessi .. Buckner an ell:ht-pound baby girl Tecenth·. W. W\. Gllrrett llna wife of )temphl .. ; Tenn~ TIllIte<! at the IlOma of their "OD IQld d .... l1bter. ~. and :Mr& Pere;; Larr)'. r~ntl)·_ ~ullie Buckner an-I I'On. ll". AlIce Sanders And ""n. rtalph. and 11 ..... Sarah Wl1!1On motored to Dt'c:atur and Bloomln,;ton recently. )11'$. Catherine Larry bad "" her I:Utsu for -dlnn"r last Sunday :I'll'. and llrg. Garrect,. ltrs. Bracll.w and the Re\, • .1. \\. Jaeob. 1Irs.. Kate Balley and :Mrs. A lice Sanders ~"e a wrprl;«> 11111'1), for 111,.,.. Sarah WII,.,n an1f :1(,.,.. l[atti., 1)1('II""n :It the -borne or lira. WllroJl SepL'" '

Ca~ol Cdle and ::'leKln\"y White leCt Frleln .. evenins fOT Champaign to enter !'he iJnlvenity I)f Ullnois. Leonar<! Bmldut1U'lt left Friday mOrnfng for WiI­\-erforce. Ohio."W "nter the u"h·erslry. lIt'S. Charlott .. :>Oo\'cll. ::lIIu lIcC.,. and .lUJJS RetiOn()'\~t'r sp~nt the ",·eek-e:nd !n. :\Iound Cit)·. the gIleSts of )11as Undo ~y. :'\.US5 lII1ldrl!d Amo!!. who spent a rew da)'Iioo"lsitlna;- her mother. hflll gO!l" to Sand Sprttl!l'S. Oklll., ",hve' "he win tueb In. th~ pubUc: sehool. ll..... ld. Prltchltt left ThUTSda)' for St. Louis to "Islt r"l:tlh'l!~ and ·frlends. llno.

I ('..atOlin. Jacl,r;on . has relurned from r .. tmlt Rnd Ch?\·eland. where $he l!J)ent

• lbe lIumlDet'. Alni. Bertha LalDPltln~ ;If


F.!it"s~et..;~[!<J,,,~<!4~nih'!"~l~~~ru~! day and !>undal· attending the State talr. I.e1'O,· Brown was married last w'!ek Whllp' In Decatur. 1II. Mr. Nobl~ dIed reeenU" art .. r 1\ prolonsed 1II0e ..... The fllnentl "('t'\,lee>t were helel from UnIon naptl~t "bUTCh. Ihe Re\·. S. C. "lanuel onl~Hl1h":. Int~rment wa~ In Caml' BUller. !l1\"" Trebbl.. 110ftnan dl .. d lallt -,\·.,e\<': Interment W3S at Oak Rid"" "prn<·t~r)·. Funeral sen'lces W('re held at }>Ie,,~ant Grove church.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Sep 29, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 19 = = '"' p

ILLINOIS STA.TE N.EW S : of DuquOIn III y1alUn. b~ UIOther, 14ra. EllIs Wlnfteld. l4riI. Kame Tur­

. ner of California Is via1~ In i.b.e eU,.· Slle I,. the gUNt of :r.&rIi: Sual. -Hill.

. o.:orell T. N uekotts left tor Bloomlng·

Q&'."."RU"". ,1..1... lI.tra. Butrle41 Newbl!nl Wbo has "'bhn i Tert'o!U .tt .... ded th~· &!lnua!. eont~l'I!tIc" i':..&1\Vln~:I~~rt ~~ ~~t~o~:~f 'rile n.ov.'.f.-W.-L.-·tlnd~..,d 111 t~ lSe\·"ra!. da,.. wlilt a II"Vu.! C&IIe In DImv1l1e. m,. of the .A. '!II- E. and two daueltere and IIOD lett Honday

fam1\)- au"n4a\ the annl ... "rur;r or th" of Ptleumon!.a, Is Impf'U ... ~ IIIOwl,.. eIIureb. Fred Dewitt has return"d fol:' NasllviUe, 'nul R..... Mr. A1f1X-~:....K.,"Donlclalorlm~u .... &I: .. 21":"Z.raBa.Ptbt. Fred SutLOn. baa ~ tufter with home alm e_dJu.c a fow mODthIs lu and"r ot K. okomo, Ind,. an~. lltUo ..... _...... _ y '"'' _. _ _~ Doo PNIOIlCed IIIJ1eas. KrL milia - Cbica,ca. l!nI. .l.eWIl! and lIOn of Du- daughter ar .... vialUnll' in tb. .,.t7 tOl' OlJ4ecm ... home frOm canton. _ere ah" -. .... hO haa been to'Ulinc In 0 t9 Quoln BlMInt a few days In the elt;;. a few4da:ra. Q~rg .. JIlIller ot :9OU\,aT. und_nt a ...,n..... oP<!r"'Uo... M..... Port Clinton &!Id other pla"""" arrtved WlIbrun CI.:rbrotlk ......... Jt. OUbondal" T~nn~ Is the cueat of his broth01' lAo Pearl WIIlIa"", .,nt ....... lnl'd tb" ThImble home .. t __ &an Homer Belta ,1attor reeentl:r. l!4r1.' W, M. D<>wltt !'lIllieI'. The Rev. Mr. sanders oi this .. 1 .... 1" ........ .ntl.... 101..-. A4ab Banw!r en- 01 Ol",,,tead had bualness Itl the cll,. hIUS relurnl!d hom.. after apencHq a city left for bla home In AJab4nla. lertalne4 the Ca.Uura dub recently, on .. evenltl&' recently. few weeks 'I1s1ll1l!: In tbe norlbern Robert CrIddle ot Chldl&'o III visiting )11'fl. CI.rrIe WeU. an<! AI ...... MaUl" 0'_ . -- I part of tb .. statl!. Eo WOQdl\n ,_ en· hls mother. )[ra. Armend .. r Forb •. attandeG the NAUonal G . .A. R.. en- MARTINTON and WATSEK .... 1U.. t01'tall)llIg hla BOil from I>M Moines. Mrs. Marie Saine of Cblcaco ",as the ... ..,pment In ,VlacOnIIln and en ront\)" MnI. Inn Dlckel'llOn. retumlnc trom 1-... Mrs. EllIe Tel1tlltrd waa In HaI- II\I..-.t ot lIer mother.ln·law. Mrs. ho~ 81.opped to attende the A. K. Eo a mGtor trip to (;b.arl ... ton and Cham· t!u:ral!oro sbopplne rt<!etltly. Mrs, 5"ln5. last Wednesday. <'Ol\r..nn~ at Of'l!:l.tet' Bethel dturcll3 palen. ""alted ate.. hou... Tbnreday BeUa, MoU .. ,.. tMch ... at )tltrphytlboro, ChlCAl;'o. Tbe lle,', Mr. Ulldern004 ana mth her 11181.".. :Mnr. llntIe Gowen. 111 •• aput th .. ",eelt·end mth her par- CENTRALIA. ILL, famll,. 81"".nt a da)' In Da,TUport ",1ll1 and f&lllll:r. wlu JohMon and alat"r,' enta' Mr. and lIlrll. B. 0. ClaJbl'OOL Mra. D. a Youne. lIlln WlUls Bn'-:w.. ·Cn4_0C>d·. brOtheT. T!\e)T mo· ~:rs. Teenan JOt1oes. ",otOred In tbelr -- ant and J. T, Walker ~ava "'turned lored .. t:1'US!I (1OunU}', Tbeo. Gr.,.,n. ne1ll' Che\'erolet .~n to Beavervllle. COLl> ILL. from Hacken .... ck. !IIlnn.. wh"r" theY hall rcturned ,., u.e l'OBtalllce aft~r and },larUntofl Sunday. lifT". Blancbe I 1Itra. SUKen .. Kea(!u!y entertained tbe "fellt the Bummer. lllra. Laura Leake. his "acatlon, John MeHwry I" In 51. :.\lorrls. .. ho b.ILa been .umm .. rlnI; ... ttl, Canie Lu Hamilton club FrIday eVb- :a rs. ClaudIa. Slmpaob ancl. Mrs. Elnora. ",err·.hospltal "eo; III. hi! Moden!. h"r mother ... d other relallvu at flu! nlng "'lth a t ... o·course luncheon. Mra. Bllrri& attended th.. ~tate association 1>n.flclllJao club entcrtalfted ]D CUIlf'l3 at l!.olnl!ll.. lo'tl'a la _etd hom'! soon. Huben. RUMen left In compa.n)" With In !II"tropoUs Ia.St week. HIss Adeline " I>olI: ~n)' rt!CeDtly. .AD "nJoyed Clifford Brady, "'ho ,. ernplo~ in ber IIlster Saturday for an eztended LI!al<e r;pent the weel<·tlnd In Chldl&'o t"flfY lnnch.... In p .... Wl:r t!ecoratt!<l Eyal28ton. lI"""t Sunday willi hla fatn-. Uip Eut. Mlu Anna. WlIIola. 1lt.ard. vIsiting. JIIlss Lois Muon haa relumid l-oxCl". The 1'''l:nln# .... 'u. SJ>I!.I>t 11)' 2U 11)' here. 1IIM1. E ... "n" ShepPll.rd and' ..... ho hlu been '\'\.sIUng her slaur. Mn. from Chlc:ago. wber .. ah" 8pent several lakin!!:. l"lrt In "on.::.. or rl!cltat.lons. dauchter. Gloria. returned to Cblc:ac<>! A. R.. GregorY. returned to Wllberforel! w~el<3 vlalun;r frl"nlts. Mn. 0014101 )I ..... JoIlnnl~ Kellt,. ........ Ute eIIannlnSl' afll!r .. nalt ber~ \ i unlversll3' Tuellda.l to l'et!Ume her WUllamll and hUt\band of Champa.rCn.

~:;:;!s. _~ .... ~!!ftf, f:C!'l.;~r r~ CHICAGO HEiOHTS. ILL. ~,~I<j!!v~'i~e"j-.~":vib!~n.~ri~~ ~i~ ~~rnll~iU;Fow~r::-~~ d~':.-:u-to Oil. cJIJ'. ~1'lI. Ella lAY. has returned Mrs. Jl~tle Weir IuuI arrived from daoy to ta,k" np th& ))Oslilon as IInper- "11:'. and Mra. Zebb l"otinberry and Uta. "til'" 1"'0 month~' \i_lt In Kanal!. lin, a 10nl: tolft- throuJ;b ~."., Yorl<. Atlan-: Int.enclellt of. the New Home sanla· 1::11,," Nash. )lr. and MI'a. Gal .. Nash n_ Britton I. alc:.k. !IIrs. Mance tie Clly. BroolLb'n. Coney taland. To- rlUlD. }on A. R. GregoO' I'ntl!TU\lned are vlslUns her 6later. !It .... , liarn' HOCU .. an" lIOn, U .. ri>fIrt" ha,· ...... turnrd ledo. CI4lvela:nd. Alu'on. MlchlC!-D CIty. at her home ~(onday "veninII' In honor Taylor. In Fteeport. III. lIT/!_ Albert trom £an_ where r.... aUomdl!d the South Jl.l!nd,._~.nJ: I'ort and LaPOrte.! of !.Stu lIalrd and MIss Gregory, Christian lIerv-ed I o'clock' dinner In (unl!r&l of lin "llllet'. "I .... Evan •. )11M Ind. :lIlr"' • ......-y Bradf<lrd Of Detrtllt.' -- honor of It .... n,' loIn. Ollnt Williams HelM ,,'1""'.. of Mln .. """ta 11.. reo 1tllch~ IB the 1Pl""1 or Mn. HettIe MOUNDs. ILL. ot Champalp. lll. . lumP<l aft .. r It pl_ol "llI'h ,,·Ith bpr Well'. Tb .. 1I."v, C. ,,'.,..V<'l' haa re- lIlnI. 11.. W. Eneland contlnuu on ' •• ...,n1l<. 111 r. Rnd ),t..... BT)'ant (lrle"uy. turned ftom tbe COnC"rl!llce "'lth ..... 1'nd: the Ik:k JIst. Mrs. Clara. SalI<ll"Itan Mrs. n.,. 'Wlld"r entcrta.lned .at ca:tdll A. 1\1. Ii:. chur"" aa bls ""rn .. charr:e. or nUll!. Tel'ln .. I" ",lllllln!!: her mol Mr. h. honor 0' Miu 1i"len WII8on. l.I...... A chn",," collrerenclll w .. s held lolon· I ltra. Dixie Homes. lin. Al"x 'Vard ",",nIC ·WI14..,. (o1I1 .. rtaillt!ti at cardll In day nlC'ht ..... hlcll 'WAll a 811<><:""". The. has been nUIDbenoo1 amOne the aIel<. honor or Mig Helen WiI..,n of MI .. - R..v. Thornlon C. Ta:rtor of Zion Ball::,· Tho> atewat'dellS bOard or St. l'8ul A. 1'1'''001& .. nli :.In. 8ertha .&Iou... ot tl8t ehurch r .. tumf'd 10 th .. clll' after· H. E. Olhu..:h p"e a 8upr,,,r In the Peorlll. :UPs \V..- Gleon ot Peoria attend th .. cou""nUOn In lAR Anltel'!f!,· "lIurch ba.tlement lIIonday n j;ht. John ...... th .. 'IN"," Clf 1IIn. Anna Shoutlo. Callt. M..-. L. Pltes made II brier vll!lt' a John.oft and Charl"""Slml,son wu .. ~r ..... d )1 ...... 'n. G. F'letchu. Mr. and to Champall:'D. nl. recentl,'. . In MUl'}lb7'ltioro Thursday and at-;\1..... JeI;"" Wtld .. .: Mr arId :llrf\ - t",nded an Inltlatl"n of the Elks. "UltO 1:1)"811 .... ShOOI ... , lIfr: and' !Il.... T"o.: , ONARQA, ILL. ! Chambllu. Charles PI="E>.' Grant I .. tton. !Ill ... llalpn "'lilIon. CommN!o.... 11 .... NlUlnle l\[oon~. C09, dt('(( at thn Blsk~morll and SlIm QulnlArd ...... on :;;hool.8 and Do ........ S1"uJ:ht .. r mOf"r"'" hOlDp. ot her dauEhtn. li ... , 1\1 .. nba a motor trip vlBltlne SL Lon!s. Snrln«­til ("..arthac" alId lUl'fl. JelU!<' Jonp.s. ~ntly. Sh .. , .... ves to mflU!,,' fldd a"d 0.1121:0. Mr. and lIlrS. Eu­\\'l1d ..... t .... rtalnl'd at 1 o'clock h,neh- her 10 .... tbn'~ dauch1ers. tbr~ broth- I:' ..... ~ iUee ar,,' ,181tlng r .. l ... tlv .. ~ "nil ""n 10 la.dl.,.,. In bonor of her .!Ilpler. eno. three el!!tel'fl and n.... gn,ndchll- rrlend" In T"no"NII"~ :'>tl'll. Jlmmlp. ;\'1186 U"l"n WlllIOn l'.lr and:.l... John <!ren. The fllneral tIC",lc"" v • .,re 11"ld Marab of tndl"napoll~. Ind .• I .. vl!\ltlnJ:: 1!t1!1ou ent"na!n..d )11'. :and M..". Frank ,,\ <JlblM!" Clt:r. ltn<. Anna JII .... and. (rl~nd" In the cltJ. Thoma. Evnna 't'\'l1wn .. t dln""r. XI'. and Jol ..... F.-nk 't'\. S. Scagp att .. ndNl thO' funl:raI of ~p~nt .. ('Ow da)'I'I In O>I"ago rf'<'enlly. Wl1ldflll .lind family and lSI"" ~le""" Mrs. Mao .... In Gibson City. lIIr. and l\f .... Austin Sprln,,, .. reporl" a dellgllt-1l.IU .... mOlored t" Quincy , Mn!. Cl~" M"rrl,.."ther mot"rl'd to tut nslt .... IUt r"lat{'·"!I .. nd rrt .. nds In

'l>lnI. Sallie AndH'llOn atlendpd Ill." t.'te city (rom Chleal:o. Ho"".rd Scott' ;IotUt'Tlly. Ky. Lev' J. COppin MI""lon­A. M. E. oomf",..,.,ce .lit Gr$ter Bethel of Chlc&l;o IIl'I!nt Jt. ...... ek-end !'~ the ar)" """Iel~' m .. t at the church Friday dlurell In CbIt:aG'o lul SIlP~~·. l\In. (:I,I".t of hl8 motll~r. Clinton Elmore. ..(ternoon. Through Ih" an81'1e:t!:I or ;\'lame And""",n and daulI'hl~, lI[ra. River Fo~t. spent ...... .,..k· .. nd with· tit" "le" ... rd~~8 bolLl'd or St. Paul A. M. Il..-trl"'I> PnlIIi !Itr1o HAnn"h S/I"rtll 1011_ ~tabel Jon"". 1>tr. and Mrs. Jon"" E. ehurell. )II'''. :\tarv "'iley " .. aft l>te­and u: WJJlwUs -moinT"d to Cbl~" I .. rt for Ut .. lr new 11~me tn St. Lout .... ''''!ItPd ",Ith a beautIful dre"" before and apf\bl Ute ... ""k,"nd at Greater ''In. The n",·. G. ,~. ]):.,,1 .. preach .. " her deJ>&l:turo for the "onf .. ",n,,". Til" ""'thel .. 'Th~ n .. ". &.nil' !'oT"". CarrI,..,n. hlB fl\.~11 """,,Oll al th .. A. !If. F.. n ..... J. W. ,,"1I .. y and Droth .... John l\I ..... Bla.nd and ;\1 ..... ;\lorton of Keokuk clal1reh. :.\1 ... and "ITfl. S, J Fll'lds and Rohln~on len for DanvlU" I'........s thto~h til" "'I)' lOatttr4ay .. n son LeR.rly ftlotorl'd: to Ona"FII. ami I " ... .,nlu~. Br"h<lp Curter Pfeach~d at rollte tn Chl",,!:o to "t"ond the A. 111 .!pent the day with Jl:r Fll'ldl! .. 181~1'. Lan .. ehap.1 C. It. F.. Chllt'ell Sunday. }~. ""nt .. ,.;........ J. II. 1IleHeJ:lr.r. """0 MI't!. J. C. CraIg. Mr. 1)uft and lion WllItam Branford visited hili fRlher -,..-d ...... ,. lII"nu)'. _" burled "'''d- motored l:rnm ChI"""" and "pent a few In Netvb,·rn. Tenn.. rt'C"ntly. Among ,.ftSday. U .. ] .... vea a ... 11" aile! brOthe .. houn! ... 1Ut It ..... I.Ibby S<:olt and f .. m- tho~ who attended Ih" Baptist <:on-1n <:'!>1<:I!.C0 .,nd "th~r T"I .. tl ... "" and' lb', lio..-ard Scott T<:tumed with' vention 1,\ ~letrol'Oll" wpre: "tesdameR frl .. ndl< ,n mourn hllt 10..... N«I""n then:t~ , Lula lr",,,,,pJl, ::If,!,",le Johnson and tbe "",Ite ftafl>lPd a" ... ~ at SI.. ),lllry'. hOB_ . n~", c. \V. !"nrrn .. nt. 1I1rs. Anna i.itaJ T .... OIda)' 1L1'1er an IIIn~!OI of ~eT- DECATUR. ILL. I Ruck~ ""s a_ :llnu .. d~ ... Isllo\, tbe ra~t ...... , ""· .... k... JI" lea,·e.!I lleve",! alllt"no Dr. ElIIII "ntcrtalnMl .. '!loat of Vo'~ek. lItn. Soro Chllmbll!lS contlnu .. " ,m" wOtlJerll to _ourn hi .. lOllS. In: friends at a atBa: party In honor of -"er)' III .. t her home On Front St. t"",,"nt .... 11" 1ft l\tontOe CItT:)[O ::11m Clyd., Olal\.... Robert ThomJ)Mn ....... I Pomll Do .... <ly Is III, Pearl FyI.... Is Louelli .. C. Bro ..... ;, of St.' Lovill I~ YI"I1~ entcrtJLlnC'd In hla home ",1lh a 6· vlslUng In ~ .. "I"'lIlf'. T,,"n. :IiI'''' \"er­Inc hn aunt. MrII. ;S. E. Mt:Ca,UoII. o'('lo<:k dlnn"r ~c:enUy In honol' or hIs nlca Cume Moore hlUl be .. n "Ieet~d a )'fr, And l\.Ira. Frank WlIldns ...... re tlJ.. 55lh blnh~~·. 'The gUf!!!U or tb<lO .. v~- t.,&Cher of the school at Forest '\ lew. .:1'_ .. 1. dlnnflr "r :Yr. and ltn.. John nlnp: ...... 1'.. :III'. llnd lIn. Guy Wallh· Min ,rosephlne HI1rr1~ and Jahn nrlttnn lallt "'"",k. !llIas Cold.. D. 11lJ;l-0"!.'. lolr. n.nd Mrs. ArthUr Slau~h-; Hulehl""n. who "'~r" marne,1 In Au· :;.~'th" ball a('Cl'pted .. ~Uon M tel', l-::d .... rd 8to'· .... I. "II'. o.nd Mrll. Roll·. J;u~t, expect to move to St. LouIe tor IIl1l14 In the nortl, I'llrt or th", cit)'. en Plereon. lItm. Jenn:r Bro,"', ~Ir.' Cuturc resld .. llee, I"n.nk ,,"lIldn" an4 family and 1>tlss anti MrIl. ThomAS .. nd lIOn Donald." --AI"e"" Brlttnn hav" r .. tumed .litter G\yde 01 ..... wa~ Ihe oUI·or-town GIl ... t. :1 . CAIRO, ILL. ,'I"'tln&:. In Quln"y and "Iclnlty. The Clyd" fila .. ll lett the <>Ity tor hie home I If\"S. Llz:r;le A~Cord. who Jaas been r.h .. m~r of Comml!l'('<l h&fl In~'ited tbe aft4lr nsltlnll: :llr. and !lire. GU1 Wash· . nO' Ill. Is much Ill1uro .. M. ){rs, Hltm' .... "men·. clnba thn.ur;h the ProJUl'S- tnllton. Dr, lllep!t,," Duncan Ie no,,' Ilton. ,,-and matron of the East"m ~I\'r ""omen'lI "lUb tn u'it., part In tl\e ahle to 'he UI' and out egaln aftollr his· Star. ""ent two dH)'!! In. the "lty tI,,, Knox "",unt)' home-corninC'. Th" IIIn...... n8.r'\·"~· 'Vhll(! lett fQr Detroit., Il.u~~t "r !Ifni. Novell. Mrs. Charl"ue "01,1,,1'" MatroN!' elub ......... ~nt"l'hllned "tiel}" )tTl' ..... nnle Robinson h ... re-· ";oven i~ attrndlng the nnnual conf~r­l>l" :.1,... ~"rI'-'! F\ .. mmlnlt Tu .. e· tum"" to her homp. afll!r 5h~ and her I en~e of the A. "L E. ehurch Ilt Dan­d...... AD Intl!rct<t1nr: rm>,n.m was hu"hand. FN-d RohlnllOn. "llent .. rew. ,iii" tills w .... ~. Sbe I .. al"o " t'l'l'Te' TPJltiere" and a ronn" ubII' talk On "'~ek~ In CMcaJ:o and ~e..., t'ork. nar' ' nnt. ... U'·" or the Fannl .. eOl'plnll lItI~, '''The lnftu .. nOl! of th.. Wife In the' "Id 'VU,lnJ!: It .. !! r"turne'Y tl> Bloom-II,,!onary "ocI .. ty. The Rev. ..n,1 "Irs. Hom"," II'd b'I" 1I1'111. Grlmn Tlte ... 111- In,;on arter "pendlnJ( tho ... "el<·end I. S. Stone nr<' attpndlng th .. conf.r­Uo ... "'f'1'e! "I"""'m<l8 C: B~tT" of he"., Th.. lUs ... " }look .. r !'t"ado"' ... II ('nee llt Danville. Mrs. Gu~sle J'll~k­ClnelnnaU, OhIo. .lohllson 0' lniJlan- "'1111" LarJuo. lJ!n White! ... nd Cramord $On "'il! l .. a\·" poon {nr !';1. Loul~. :.\io .. a.J)OIlt!, 1nd E"'a Welcome E ..... SOlo· fltok.." of W<>omln!'t,," wU;' Dc",,"lur I to l'~celv" medical Ir .. attn"nt. <leor",·' man a114 MolII" W«It. Cr~",·. The I d~ltal"!< l'O'CenUy. :\1",. "'. C. AII(!n.1 !'Ieatt oC I'll.. LouIs. l(o •• III In thl! .. !I~· membtera ar.. <:on~ld"";ns:- J"lnln~ the: , .. Ifp. or PT. 't', C. AII"'n. h"', arrh'l'd II yl.dtlnl: r~\lltl\·." and Irlend~. 'I'h., ff'duatlon. Mrs. Be5.~ '(>unum nt Ot. : In ttlP. <:Ity to make her futurn home. pLano rf'cltal Illven 18.111 Thursday "t tum_'p&AtIIld Ut,..,UCh the citY' .,n I 1111511 loIldJ:" I'henl'" att .. ,.,d('(( til .. St:ne .!lft. Monah Baptist e""r<"h h~' !If .... 1'Oute ,., Hon~ CIty ttl attend the' (air and e[lMlt II. we"k,"n<l In t<prlns:, . Aile .. nep"",,, H1ltTlIlOn (It WaRhlngton. flln,,",' of 11,,1" hroU, .. r. Nf!llllOn Whltl!. I field. Th" Rf!'L". I, lI. D. t\'a.~hill!lton.: D. c.. ... .. " l"rg('l, attend~". w)tr


~t~m"" CAM'I.. W.,lIl1 and lItollle 1''IU>tor or St. 1''-t<''''" .\. ~t. I~. church .. f(3rrtl<On l('a ... <lS Satur<2a.,. for aft­(",..,.. hav" retum .. d In tl\elr home preached bl!. farewell srnnon Sunday. In';nn. ",h"... IIh" ~1t1 1'''l5um'' hrr after vlalU"1: In MII .... ukee &!Id Chi- 'I after "'blch he: Idt for Ole annual ''<10'' dutle~ as leaeh .. r or "",,!,Ie In Ih .. pub· .. ...:n. "'h~", lbey w .. rl! hlghlv entpr' f~rencc. 31r. and "In<. Grant Taylor. lie ""IIools. :!Ifn<. Ida' CAlboun Is , .. Ioed by .... 1aU" ... an .. 4 friend... M..... "'",r<l fluryrl!'''''' when the "'",ldlnl'" of sprnd!nlt n ...... ok ,·,,,!tIns:- In HumbOldt. • ~'" ......... <>hll""tf!d .... hll'" In Chleaeo :ltfn l::dlth :I!"t1e}' "nd r..,,..,y Bre"'" Tenn.. ,,·!tlt II.... (:lIh .... r. Dr. Cl>op~r '"' th" :!I:atlonat IlIt"'rra.t'Jal 1".&ItUe. of ,,_ .. ol"mnl~ In tllelr home. tI,,,: and wife or Colun>ht1~. OhIo. aT!! In Ih., wblch "h .. Is a charter member, 'The ne\', It. .A. Cook perrormlnlO t1>e ~ue' .. It}· .... lllUn.:: Ihe n"... a"d :llrIl. 't'roI;re.sIl1.... WOm.,n'" .. tub ", .. t ..... Ith mon)" ''I''ea,.er. All tho del"tnt"s front thl$ l!o1.... A"""tta nuft' Tn .. ~da'T. EI,,<,lIt1n • __ <'It:f 'III'hl) .. Uended the 2" .. IIIIn .. 1 » .. n-<>r om~ .... !'tIlt...., :lUI folio ..... ' Pre!tl- WHEATON. ILL. Ust convention at lAs An/:~l<'6. Callr .• <,!pnt, :It"" l!l\'1o ""el",,m": ,'1M t>re5l. ,It ... CatTle T!lom .... Johnson I~rt 11 .. , have retllr""d. :II ..... Th.el< .. r Is "till .... nt. ~lIue WeU,,: """"'UO', Ito!U.. eft)' for N" .... OrIN"",,. La., ",bore :;h" l'" Ihe ~Iek 1101. :\(n;. ! ... tU~. DI~(ln ~ .... : treuu~, Hattl" Lane. and hall ~n a tl!uch"r at SlI'all;l,l 1'01. ~nt .. rtftln .. d the Tates Woman" cluh ... lIalnnan 'tIt'1L .... and mean .. C:Olllmltt<!l('~ lega for th .. JlIUIt t"·o )'ears, She I"", IABI Thursday at her TC81dlOnce 00 ll:\... Sololllon, "'TIl. nl .. ncl!", Ear.le}' tKNn the l:Uesl (If honor at .. nu!pber 26th St. ba.. Tetumed attt't '1I11t.1n~n 1Iam- ot oocJal functions durlnl: her I t ... o monl'!. Ind~ 3nrl Chle.'I:I>. • ra. Houah weeks' IllAy A lara; .. I:I'OUI' DC Whea- MATTOON. ILL. ::!..9i,Icas'_ ts "..,t!l~I .. a;u. ~1:.J.!..._'''_rlAl .. U11''11''. tonlt"" motnr<!<t to 1I'.)·camorp. 111.... Th.. ne... W. E. lIfa~lIeld ,",~nt tit n ... u ........ ""'... • ....... ft~ ..... ~ re'" days &1;0. wh~r" they enjo,·l'd Ibt . Danville Tu~"da!< In .. Hend lh" ('on·

hospitality ·or thoe good' peopl" theN. I f .. renee. !II1lt. Ollie Malone III abl.. to .IERSEVVILLE. ILL. !II"" <::atT1.f Jahn!tOn. with a part)' of b~ OUI "J:3.ln. "I .... • A. Barnett and

EII_rd Dro...,., Oalesbun;. 1\IIId ~IR rril!nda motore<1 to Olta"'" lit \\,~"". <nn. Elliott. M."" I""ne to r:hllnlp!lfgn mother .. 'V1u1t 'McenUS'. :Ur. and ::\1..-. tlrey -A'l!r" dellj;htfull" entertained at to makp th"lr home 'for th .. ,..Intpr, ,T A., »raftS en~lned a part~· or til" 110tD~ or lI"r I.roth..... .\nd",w' (lnlY t\\'" Rllc@ >:tud'm!.!! ent"red (bl> 1"'ond~ at dInner reeel\~.l' 1\1 ..... I':d- 'Thom .... for thr~f!l dn"",- Thpy vl!'tlt.,., . hleJt St"lInot her.. S .. pt. 4. noth nrp _rd !oY""bl'. Alton. vlelt .... at the Falr- Su." .. d Rock Illlrl, wlillr. tiler;'. i "ITI., l>tr. and :'of,.,.. .1. l". Cro"~h"\\". fax home 'tatr _II. Th" R ..... , IUld AI.... Carrl.. T. Jobnson I"ft S"pt ,;\1r. and arN<. Arthur Portee. :.\1 ... "n<l ~n. Lltt~. St. lAul~. 1I0~ h.,·t! re- 21 for Nl!w Orl"anl< La. Whore .. h'; "1..... Ch"rl"n )\ltcb.,11 8n.1 )Ir. and turn0,4 homl' .fteT vl.ltlnC at th .. 110m" will teach In Stnlg11t Mllpj;e. ;.. tnU~I- . )t ..... A. ,\rr;lp""",, 'Ire "tt~ndlnll' thft .,r John Brown. )tr. an" M1"II. Q!; ...... NIle Wa:J I:lvl'n und~r tbe aUFpkps of I'Onrer.,nc~ at D2n"llIo. ~fI." F.:llr:tlh~th Wadd .. U And .<ltl~. Blnomlngton. mo· Ih" UnreIn C'oll1munlt~' dub :;"pt. 10. ,('Artf'!' h~" retllm"d home fl'Ol\1 Cham­ItmId 40wn and llpent .... ",Mal "a)'& 'wlth "' ..... "'mnk !\:Illle n"n of Ihe \lPT'man 1''''l':n. whHIl "htl 'utd ':<:>" .. "mpI0),<,<1 :\Ir. and l.Il"t<. n. .A. C1~co. lI11 .. ft 1\lau· l'laptLct ChUTCh of Chlralf" r('ntt"red' (nr a fp,", "·~ek~. Til .. S .. eond n.'p!bt >ita KIll!:' hall; rMurned to fI.-hnol lit "~\'c .... 1 ",,10ft, a.,comJ'llnl~d 'hy :\1I~" (hllrch g'wp a. l'!wn <oclal at the hnme Normal. )t!'\ll. AmnII nrown h ... re· I"",nom Curti!!. "1 . .1; l'lIt"fot'd. mllyor "r ;\1,-,;. Rn.<a iikk"rs 'l'upsday .. llr.~. 'urnC'd from Gal .... bure. "'ller" ahe a'1l. of \\·h~ ... ton. "dt!t(,"~~d th~ "Iul>. <'om. It(lbln~on and .1"'Ul!htrNl. l\t.ldrp.l. th~ SUet! or ""1' "on. nan',,)' "'ood,, ,.1Imentlng th~ churrh. lira. n .. dford EHlk .. and Thelma.. of Lerna motored lin .ntl:~ 11111:h l'c~nol after l!Il"'nd. :01>4 ,,1m. )t<"Clure of Ell;in Rnd ::\1..". 10 lIfatlooll last !lrondny. 1nl:: the aun"""r In Alton. RIchard Ha~ ... """ nf Bata\'la tht'. --'Rto'I'm ..... a .... l'<llOt SI. l..oulfi vI.ltl>t. nlll~ ..... la In thl" "lty. The ,,'. W. So. I MURPHYSBORO, ILL, ::\tr. and :11..-. QuInn' Ademll an4 )t!ft .. ria.l dub mNltB f"'""" TuM«'lar ""enln/: )(lR~ n""tr/,," Russell, ('"Irl>. 111.. 1<1.. '\,,"11 .. .,.. n'I)II)t'NI UP C""fno."",/Uton .. t th" resld"n ... ", of litTS. A. J. T!1nnt"". ,.prnt 1\ w"'k-~n" AS _Ih~ ';ID""t of "rr. and "!~Itl'd 1r1~nd... "tTfl. """U", -.'1.1- n. Y. P. U. m~ .. tlnl;" at"!) hfold r .. oru. alu! )tr~. <""al" lle:Klnne~. :lfr. and Il)n. lI ..... nt It day ,,11" !lrr. and !II..... I""'" ""en' l'!unda,· '''·''n/n~. ltl"s ltT"l. I'rpd Ilar'it"r motnr .. " to <:'-3rr1 .. r .,. Eva.n.... n. A. cltoeo wu .. bl1s1ne8s "turl,,1 n. t:uru ... violinIst. I~ a etude"t lnll~ and sp"nl 'l0 ""~nlng wIth lir. "I,,\tor In Alton lW'.entlr. Th<l 11...... at the CoYII.-gl!" aca.d.".,.;, ; ~~~RJ~::';'n~!~ ... ~·i'~~ne';j.em'fl~n ~i.U~~ ~:::~ .• !II!!iI~:r'rt1~~~ ... ~{II! J~!;~':; STREATOR. ILL. Andrew',. h ... pllal and I .. dnlng nkely. tltroQJi'h tn their n,," Dod!;e tourtne car The ""n .... rt 1"1"~n llt Ute n~thd A. Loul" "'llll:tlll~ "'llS "",·er .. ly In'urt'd .... ronte to Jaek';onville. :1>1",. r.:llr.a: :'IY. E ... hurch ..... " lare"ly aU .. nd.,,). A I "'ben hr f~l\ from ll .• l'lIos .. t:ne~t' t .... ln. 1",,11 lItUTdy to "11OI1Inl: frlendll In St, .. ..amfulh· .... 1 .. "(('" pt'ol;ram w.a~ ar' n .. fp 111 St. "'ndre"" hn~p!t"l. HIli r..oUI~. lora ... ft .. r 1u..,lnl;" mad .. a.n ex- l"Itngl'd 'hIT anti Mr ... Homer ·Gam. I .. ,. ..... 11 cut <llf· MI." lIlarinn Alg .... ~d..Pd •• ~11r. ~}.:!'I·~.nM~_ .. nnlldl,,).t.ll .. "'·llnJ.; n"r or ",ir cit".. Mr~. William W .. lkl'T ,It. t'"ch"rlor Ontll:ln""l' "'\"llt ... , cwlth r.'·.... ,,_ ,_.~ r.,~ • ~ and ml'lth~r Ill"(! \'I"Ulnlt Itl IIJoomln!:"- ,J)'laUve9 n Carboncb... 1\..... IIlh In Chlr,..,go. Nr .• Ull'! }.tNl. Glen E", .. n~ ttln. \\'alt"r Jnhnoon "'aJ< married to . Taylor or Carbonc!alp. "'as a \'lsU4r an" Mr. and !II ..... ~. E\'&ua. I>ecatur. )11"" £vam;elllle ~ .. \\-y"r b)' the n"v. In ltul1lhysboro recentlr. t't!lunt~4 hom" afl"r Mlns the (:I,Ip~ts llr. ";lOylnr of the A.. 111, Eo ,,!l\Ircll.

~';,"d "~~~J ~~\~n:r j~~~~~.~: t~l:.~I:'o~c~r,·~m~:;,v~~y; .. ra~lc:I~~T. l\[rs. llatt~"OP:';;;m~~LhU8h .. nd and aId I1a.n'Olt'N>d ""d d .... shte,. Jeall hav" )tn<. ('arler !;I'folll1 11,,,. r<!'lurned home : daushter ;S" .... el and Mr.. Dora flo!>!n­.,.~tlln.ed to ";oltoml!! .. fler "I.rndlnll' aft .. r YI~ltlnJ: hl~ ~On "nd IOlst"T In l!tOn motored to Paduc .. h. Ky. :'\lr~. .... '~·ral d.~·" "1 .. ,, ~tr. and MT!<. CI""""I Toledo. Ohio. Laura "',,Iden nn" dfltlllhler Hel .. n len !lfr. and ~t.... JAm"'" ',,"addle etlt .. r· __ tor T"IIlar;kl. til .• to "I~lt th"lr son and talnl!d at dlnn~r In ho""r om ltr, :and· ENGLEWOOD. ILL. ,11,..,tb",., Eddie .robn~on reluml!d home 1h:... O_r "·"ddl~. B1OO11l11lpon. l'und,,,' of last ....... ,,1< being the Jallt ; from S.I'arlA. 111.. from a three ~~ks'

-- . Sahbath' at SL John'& A. )1. E. chut'(!h "Islt wll~ his aunt. :\11." Lulu Johnson. GRAND CHAIN, ILL. h"rore r"I1Onlns to tI,,,, annll,,1 con-' TlIe n.". J. J. John.on aT1'l~d home

TIt" Re". lItArtln Broth,,", I~ C'On- r .. rt!II<"'. the " ..... nln.,. -en-Ie,. "' .. s from tbo Southern IIl1no\ .. Yf!arly me",t­<'Iu"Ut1lf a .",·,,·,,1 ~t 1he :Mis~lonar)' muked by tho kln':II" and 1r1endl~' Ing. whIch COII\'ene<l at Carhondale. 111. chu ..... .II. !If,...,.. !lflnnl" G ... l"dn~r was .. Chrll!Uan ~olrlt :In'' r;'elln/: that lIa" I!enl'}' Bro\\'t\ l~ on the allel, 1I~t. Tt; .. '\1toltor h"r... Sh~ and )1 ..... Ida Slllgl~- IDng ex.\ .. ted In Ihls "ommunlty lJr hc,· .• Y. H. Starn"" dJl'!nt 11 t~ .. 'da~1I In'll of I...-'I1nj:'l< I .. tt for Chicago on E W l\'lIIlllm~ thl' J14Stor of Ho~ ,In Sandusky, 111.. %'<>ccntly. hu"'''I!"~ ILIIII ..... m ""end !'Ome time p;...,,1.Vt rt Ii'!l Id tid t The Ro'·. J, Johnson I'reached .. t th .. re .. 1110 "I"lllnl; ... ·IU\ relatiVe" and "" .. i_I" an CUT<'.. an 0 r en 0 . Eo" III Sunday Cecil Thorn .. " nml frl... Th 1" A T T'I f"''' "'" one),. artr. n "hon "eo ..... ·I"". ,.~. I ......... 'd 0 • "n •• I' .lOt. • ••• a~ or :I . <.'OnrpanlPd 11)' hla hIs eonJ;l'el;l'tlon.' ... 1(" ha'" takftn their aUllhtl!r. pal. <""otton Plant ..... rk., "'a~ •• ,1 .. ltor h"r"l cam .. 0\'''1' to 11l1cedonla (St John'S)' to tbe and dumb school at J"ck· and fir<l8,rhC'd mit' .. at lilt! MII<!<lonary to help the ~plp < """'1' hore TIt"" RM' I ..on ... l\le, lit. lIra. Julia lte:Goo4man "III1 .• rb. )Il.~. Thel ..... Young h .... lIone ""ro. H. Grlmn. r"r;"."rl\, o('HYde Pur{, I .. 1I11",!dln.; a few claYll wllh her Rister. 1" Chi,.."". "heN' .... e "ntt>red IIellOOI. hut recl!nlh' or De:I llolll"~ low .. ' Dr . M .... , Kate Howard. ,\ number of pee. :.\II .. ~ Ethel YClIlnt:. whl> finlahl'd her I!lr R. 110imenc,' a;'d M,;" I .... hella I "Ie motored to Metrof\Olls. !II., to at· , ..... ..,.""n· ""ur"~ of 1I1I~ tl'alnlnj; at r;';Men Or·AII"'rtai. canad" ali rrom th .. ,i lpnd the D88oclaUnn. ll"5. JOMle An­.' •• '1<~on'Y'ln.. IIlI't ~~ ... Inn. \.. 110_ .. n- Chi.,...., conft' . • hi ed wllh I' derson wall a guest Thur$day afte~· f"roo in Pro"'dent bOllT'lhlt for " .. r 51 ~obn'r; M:..onff' 0 \\~'aft hu "' !! 1I00n of :'\lr1l. OuMavl. Smith. Je~s'e ""ltrtl". f",. tll .. eomlng " .... l'lon. James turnl!d lIome a it,,;' '" ·,.wi at ""veroj'l C\3)'1>roo1< lind Est3. Halle .. h .. TO re· nlrllU<!""n dr' ..... to ::Ifound .. last g.t. ....4leb ",IU, rcIllU"es In Indlllna II ,. turned home from VI~nlla. tn. FatT~th 11"'1~r Prof •• ('harl .... 'W'. RanllOm. ac- Ind. St. John'" had a ..-ond"r(ul J"po:,£:1 CObb lefl f<lr PII.dl:i<JAh, Ky.. Ftlday. ;-;:~d"'i~d:l\~u:~·t ;~~I1~~~m.,,:,,':t .. t th" conference and ... 111 be t!1e $""" J\":a'".:'~ b;'o~~l1h~Ir;,..~~s ';'Iln'll~~ t~l~~~ "Ifill "'Ith ,I. lIt .. Da .... d a.lldtamP)' ,,·hll., !!~r .:~r~~eeI'!'~I;e~i bt!d (or a week ·'Witb typhoId rever. 111 lh .. cit)'. )11>'1' 0<1_ Young .... ·ho "pence;' G2:i, 'Th'rool' "I' lb' ted !Ill'll. Jone~ ot Grand nl"'t'l!'~. K}, .• I" II! altcndlm; " .... 11001 at CaIro. \' .. 4 ·ill"lr "6th. ma.nla& anni·"';n.a~," ¥hCI . "Islting tho ne'·. A. .1. Hester IIn.l t,er" \al't f;aturday. The Rev. Lee n. many -tr!cnd~ were"lIr,> ent t ,,' ho or wlfl.'. M..... Gertrude LIcht paRsed ';\tiller of (".alTil!r )tm~. lUlfItor <>f th.. to the Ol'CaSlon "'nd nt thelr° d .. ~rt~: throueh Joppa en route to ;\tetro~l.q. .~. :.1'. E. "hurdl 'of Olm .. t"ad. :preach4ld had eho..-er('d the brtdal pall' Wllh mue~ ilL. Tuesday. !Itt'S. :'\iaTS\" Cr"s~llln:l. hI" lareWI'll Rrnnl'ln the third Sunday, "U"er- In curnm"" b<!sld ... rna beau and !olother Andcnson p"""cd IhrOUlI;h " ..... J .. nnle Allo dl .. d In D<']rolt. Ulch.. tiM prel'~ntg. Dr, :.\to.loney I' nr., t' thIs cIty '1'buuday. ~""L 1~. I\!.Ta. lItattl.. :Soo,,"n an" 5t. Jo!tn'" ruI ft~ p:l~IO I·e thms f'i4" --I ... ,,'onn". '-'ot", .. nd little E .... ns and appolnirnent of D'sh"p c!p"ih e - SPRINGFIELD. ILL. ':\lIl<-b .. 11 Da'lt'F<>n """,,ompllnIPd h!r re- I. C. C. Champ lo(t recenU)' {or an ex. mnln. her" 1('>1' burl"l. Tllt" !'>O<>Jllln ..I0LIET, ILL. t~nded trip South going to poInts In f~tnll~' ~n\ ... I<',ort tln'll' In Cairo. l>Outhern '1'.,,, .. ,, an4 from thor" to 'Th .. n th"y .... tum ... 1 to DptrolL lira.. carl Co<>p<'r !~ III ,,·!th tl'phold (ev"t. lfn,-anll.. Cub&. The Greater Sprln~-

Illra. Houstou Col~ h~ returned trom ti .. Jd band 1>1II~1'd one day :It the 1111-· Loll AIt£"'I~l!. Cal. u. H. G.~t"n tI.IId nols state fall'. ::'1T1'. C, C. Roae 01 · !l1Tf',. Fannie .. 1:)1' Leo \\ ere married In St, Louis, lito.. If, TI.UI"g In th" city. I Gan. Ind .•• "I't. 11. ll,~s tnI': cal- A. "L Wllllamll Willi In Cbleago lut

I ~oun al,'d .r,v·o!> Leerl",ht w(>r" married .... e<l'k on bus!"""". )11'. llnd ~1rs. • epL 1 .. at 1!'C Jla~nal'e. ,,' :\ft, Olive Henry HoualOn ot PMrla w",... In the I:bllTCb. Ret. O. "'. \'t Ullams per- cit)' recenth' lltt .. n4lng the fall' Col fonn"" the ""l'f'mon~·. Brown'$ Cbapel HopkIns orP..orlll "'sited the ralr ro~ '-lIulonary soc\ .. t~ .. met with Mrs. C'cnU)', Tbe Rev. ta. C. ltanuel at. Coates. It..... Daniel :J?avill l~rt SepL t .. nd~d Ute Nationlll Ba.,tlst convention 15 for St. lA"l. 10 vlHlt rt'latl".~ .. and In Los AneeleR. Calif. The R~\'. ~[r. fn~nd".- SIo." ~a" not bcf'n to Ihls city J"n~~. the R(!,'. lit. Shaw nnd olher ~or about :I. ~"ars. A "art)' was r;lven Inlnll'tertl ot the t"Ity attcnd",ct the an-!'O!'pt. 13 In honnT of h",r d"\lUture. nual A. :Y. Eo conference at DanvllJo!

I llrs. Alml'rla. nhodell :and ,,~,.,.. W. M. r"""nU),. Mrf;. Carter. IU!! Eo Jelfer. no..-ard I .... tt ~lli. lS for 1,1II,,"ln and ron at.. attended tho anuual confer. ~prlna:1leltl, TIl. Re'·. O. W. Williams .. n.,,, at' Danville> rec:enUy. Mre. Su~le lS Indlap"",M. Wnllams-Rutledge. formerly of thta

ELKVILL.E, ILL. Abram GII.Tnn.· AlIUll"" ("rn~s and

"lb~.rt My~,..,. w('re ,'101101'1' in De",'­maln". m .• Sunda~.. :m.fl :.\lynll' 1" .....

,rell "''as II Duquoin \'I~ltor r"" .. nlly · Mrs. W, F. ..)11 .... ·, or ~oll.. lit, "pent 83.t\l1'4&)· an.! l'=unda~' In th~ elly. 1\(1', "lid !'lin. ~mlth amI :\It". l-:mma Sad­hert:r of Duquoin mOlorcd he~. R. A.

,TrIee ml'ltor~d to ('<;>'1' t"tct!n\l:f. Mr. lind lIrH. Robert ;';onh ot Duquoin .. nd coW'ln s or l\llA1tiourt ..... ,.. ,1sltoN< In the eltv rec~nU)'. James Billbrom "r 1'I"wrnarll" w .... a r"""nt \101tor bl'r", :'\flM BernI".. Kernanham uf DuquoIn was a "I~ltor In th .. dw SUndll'·. !I~ l .. tu ";ant.: "pent Sunday out of tot\-n' !II ..... ,,;~tll ... Murray or DUq"o!n .... i'" " 8unda~' '· ... ltot' he •• •. Ben :.\trAIi!Otpr or ('"hI<'lLl:<t. wIIo ill ,,1_IUnl:: hi.. pa...,nta III If .. llldll)·''boro. .,-all :\ "I~llor he~ t._ntl)'. RooII"~n Rllrkhall., .. mad .. " brit!f trip to Duq,uoln r~ntl:r, Tribute

cit)" now of ChlcalEO. " ... In the' <oit ... n·ctnUy a:nd attend .. d the state filIi-.

KANKAKEE. ILL, Th" Rel·. "t. J. John!'On. pastor of

Shllob Baptist cburelt. held Jt. re .. I, .. 1 m .. e-tlng for one w .. ek, whlC'h was I< ""CC"~S. ~I",. Cat"Oline SRn~K has Im­proved after a short Illness. 1\1rs. Sarah Dll\\'Ol'th f"l1 and hurt her leI::. but IA re)lortl'd beUer. M..... Llul~ HardiMon Is confined (0 her. bed With rheumatism. "Irs. H('len Smith was ea.rrled to Ut., Etnergene~' hCl!!pltlll .. nd O)lC1'1lted on for a tum"r, She Ia dolol't nkel)'. ll..... Laura W!lson Is In a. erltleal COllditlon at h~r home. suf. (pring will ..... btroke-of parat)·.I... )y"". :ltan' lU"k,. 1:< Impro"lng llner a f .. w ... ·Cek!l of IlIn ... s at lI~r home. :\Jlss Ann\.. ;IoTay H .. nUn!'()n Is lml'l'M'1l1g.

1~'7r;."ell~~W: .. ~ • .:f'~r:~ ,,\~tir~-N::' Kaude Roli"'ra. l!nI. Pearl Rn.dfonl.

ELGIN, ILL. M",. Anna. Lottuloul'Y, MIss lfel~o

alld :\tarnlce Johnson, Anna. po"",,., t::mmll liT/zebell and MI •• Ot>rothy {Celly &I'e on the sIck n.t. The l"~colld Bav' tl8t enureh "","vo .. harhecue and pro. """m JOost .... eelt. The n."". J. W. Dow­d'!n waa among Ih.. "peakers of tho e'..,nlll~. ..Irs. Anna Raol!or.1 hlUl re­turned fr<lm conference. lIfr... DO~!8 Jan<!U h,." returned to :.\Ioq;antown. W. Va.. atter buryinG' he!' mother. Pre.ton Jo!tn~on is In th" elty. th" I:\ICIlt <If hi .. parcnl-'l. Mrs. MaUln Mor­row has r~tllmCld f~om K .. ns ... Cit)'. Mo. IIlra. Angeline l\orcr",,". Chlca«o • was a recent I:\IfSt of h~r lD1>ther. lilts. _~nn Ba~ley.

ALTON;" ILL. • 'l'ho marrlaso on SePt. 24 (If !l1I~~

'1; lolet M"rl~ nlltchlnl!On. dauehler tIC l\fr . .lind !IIrs. Jo.eph .... HUlchlson, ITt UpJl'!r Alton to Chal'lps }lefTY W3s the ~ocl .. 1 e"ent of tho season Mis. MIn. nlo E. Hunt~r bas retUl'ned to the cll;­"ft~r an eXI~n,led "I~lt '''lIh frl.,nds In Cbkago. ;\1,.,. Mancil ~;'''''nH of I \YA15htngton A\o-~~ T'C"ccntlv h:ul to tpl"­mlnal" h"t hus'n~~" and' pl!>a""re trip to ChIc,,!;!> "nd 1I:J..~t ... " hOod' to Alton I on nccount "r th'" Illness or her lllls· hand. Arthur 1-;'.,.11... Mrs. CarrIe Br .... k .. nrldgn h .. R retut;l1rd fmm· nn "xtendM trIp· through 1111nol~. llr". nlllh \VlIllam" h". rnturnt'd to Chlcaco nfter ." vl~lt with r ... lnU","" and rrl~ncl"1 Jnlm Crnw(nrd r .. r~ntly rnn<le a n)'1 n~ trip 10 AlI<:>n' from Chka~o an.} I"" • l'E'tllmM R Her 1\ Rhort "I'Ilt here. ,10, ~"llh 1-;''I\n8. an tlld resident of Attnn an<l 0. trust .. " of the Union lb.ptl~t i -:hureh. ~u""'tlmh~ri 1'"""ntly 10 a IIn""r-1 In!: IlIn""". II., Ic,,,,eI't many friends anll relatives to mourn hIli death.

MOUND CITY, ILL, Zero \ ...... ''lenh ha~ r"turned hnm ..

from ."l<'k""nvlll~, 1-'la. lIe htou!<ht with hlm hI,. Ittlde. f"rmer!), l\Il~8 1311111I:b" Nnilce or Omaha. ~cb. lIlrs. JIt"k 01(,'.1' or ··St. l..oul~. JUo .• I .. ,·Is. Illn!; l1~r mother and sister. Mrl!. Gunn anI! l\Il'!<. Ca"h. John J... SRms. fit: Loula, Mo" "pen. ~" ... eral .lll),o ..... t!l rl"lI.lh·,,~. Carl (,,,Ie "nd Ch .. rl ..... Rf .... . Jr .• l~rt r"r Ur\t"n". III .• wh~rp. lh~1 will aHeml Ihe l·n"·"rMIt~· or IlUnnlft. "11'. 81.01 ll~". SI.('l\l'pr. MundI', Ind .. ar ... In lhe .:11;- "I~ltlnl" 11t"'t ~" .. el' Rnd hroth... ~lr. and ~It'!t. :\lIl1~r. Mill!! ThOlln". Hud80n has r.turIlc.l home after .. ,·I.'l with frl"n{l~ In ;\1 "Iropolis. \I!. Jll,1"., C. )S. Thompson :tlt~"dM thQ ftlnf'ml or hl!IJ ~on~in-lnw. Thl)ma..-q 1.),'on8. :\1f'lropolf1!. lll. Th ... ne,·. W. n. \..:'()t?. J!a~tor. of \VJ\hNl A. :\1. J.::. dlurl'\\. I\It"'n .<1 the a'md,,1 rnnf.rence lit Dan. vlllp-. Ill. James Co"~m'" MS r"tllrn".1 borne from Ohln aeter ,,1,llIng- for U\'­{'ral mon Ills.

COU L'TERVILLE. ILL. The hOfh' ,." lit.,.. llnrle """rIl5. ,,·1,1)'

dIed hi ne,rolr, lrlch.. I<,.;.h· ... 1 lI~r~. i Funeral 5pn:it'l'Pt4 "'~fllr~ lu!ltl at th(il FrHl! 'VIII 1laptlsl churcb. Ihe R",·. :.\1 ... Jones I omclatintt. Int~m(>nt "":ls: '1\ CoqUeT""" \'111~ _"meter}". • ;\\r". Harriett St., .I"m .. ". l"l'arlll. !II .. and FTsncl~ LeJ! a( "t. Lout.. :.\10 .• Fpcnt sr'·" .... 1 .II1Ys her". 111 .. bll~~t,. or :\11'. an" :.\lr8 .• Inc A'tams'l WIn ('ollh"\·IIi~. atlcndetl ti,,, run ern I 01 ltr". ~l"rle ('.m-tls. "-mo.­W(lIiams, Rtlh ('Iarlt o.nd Thllrman I G.-avc~ tnotored In Sparta recentlv On buslnC'.s. .IO<l ''''''""ton was a Cotilter-"lIIe "'sltor rcc(,l1~ i

CHAMPAIGN, 'II.,.. I LillIe Chari"" .rack~on was .truek by I

an automobllo nn hi!! way borne Crom ""hool and r~ndert'<l uncOn""IOII". Mr., and :II..... T. C. :'I1""l<lcmore of Du- I 'luoln '\T~re the eUe><tll or :\1". and lItTS. I· liOT'lce Lona;, C04;" :-:. Poplar St, :'\lrs . !Io:annle PIcken" hns returned from ;M .. ttoon. Where 811e wa.. lit th6 bt>d"lde· of h<>1' daught~r. ;.\1r". lItary Butler. I .lira. Cora I'attar.oll Is ~IQ .... IY Improv· I Inl\:. Ch .. rlcs Rice. Jr .. or Mound CI1~'" III" Is attondlnt' the Unlvel1lU)' of 1111. I nofs. ~rr. and :'If,..". Pelte of Saxton, I llo .• have come 10 mak .. this cIty tllf:lr home. I :\I,.,.. CurtiI' Crld". hall returned trom ChIC'R!!,o .. fter vlltl!!ng her sister.. llr •. ' Hu\\'h Gordan antl ~trs. Georne W •. Turner. of Joliet, Miss Lucille Brack­enrldl':p. ~V.,. a fare"",,U dance party In hnno\' of Min S,'ldle Hegeman. who· I~ lea\'lng soon for II<'hool. ~l!Sll LI:na Nixon and little <fauS"I ..... t.l!ona, who hay" been "lsIUng In Chl~l!o. returned home last SUftd .. ~. lUS8 F ..... ncls James will leave for her llomc In Pen­:satlOla next ..... "ek I\fte: "lsWnl: hilT hrother. TOll}, Jame". Earl """\lams and mother and Mister. ~flnnle "'11-' 1111 ms. and Geora;6 011"11 motored to SL I.oOul$. lito.. to Ilttcnd the fun"r31 ot their. lln~I!. MI.. Sn.dla Nelson. the Rev. W. 1\1. Townsell. Arthllr Evans o.n<f the Rev. E. KIng attended the annun! conference nl Danvillr.. III. The Rev. Franldln JOMS or IndIanapolis. fnd .• preached for Slmlnole Llmet club !olonda,. evcnln<:. !lIrll. Tannl!.' Wltlte o.nd d:taJ;hter, ML~~ Francla WhIte. arc vislUIIB' In Danvlll", m. O~r~e Pe",,,n

· h!lll a eeylous calle ot lumbago ")1t'S. · Luella Kllnda' of N, Hlekory' at. Is makInit' bel:' hom!: In Chleago. l1r. nnd

· lit"". !.fontJromcO' nllited In Chka~ I Tttentl1,~fr. an... 'lit..... ·Penelterton ylslted Sellr Bell or Toledo: ohio. "nd

I hla elater. ~rrs. Green. or Chl""-!':o re­I cenUl·. l\f'!'. tuld Mrll. W'tlIIarn Blltler

i :~~~elJ!'t" ~~~~"... ~r ~~~n~h~:;':~l~~; I called to Dl1nvlftc on business last Sqn·

day. A blrtbday parh' was gl,'!:po" In I the home of :.\[r. and !lIn. Albert,- Lce ,111 honor or Robert Sm,lth,

-- - -- ---- _ ...

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Oct 13, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 19


OHAnCA. ILL. ll,we .1M.,. spent a f~"" day. ..nth

T<·llltlv~. "t.. KAto SlIms aceom-~.:'lron!:~.r:;~e!n~O 1~~:;~ !I\~. ';:~ 1<1",.01", Jonl'll 3eft ~lurda,. for their humt! In O.IcaJ;o. :II ..... Anna JJ;ell ac·

~~):;:"'K:~lIthR.%~:I'= f"f~e'i'orctali:i h"'II.. In Kenluelo·. loft'lL Be5"I .. S~s uf lAd.. _nt Thu!'1Klay E'v"'llnlO with ",·\a'-!"ell an4 frien", :MI'1L D~II~ DUt·l.-n"r alld son. Cbarlrs. ~f Ch'~1%0 ,.",'nt )\'onlla)" ",101 th,,' fonn~t't!I moth· '"1". :'11'''. "Iaq;al'oet Scaf:l:1L nOM ... ·" ,-".,.<'411h. ",,.,.., Uul.. J",hnson. tot"' ,\\'1111, .. ". Anat :Mr. Knox ot C'hlcat!o' !'TIdlt Jo'liila .. (!\'"nlnr; at tll .. tlome .,f I .I. C. <:Tall\' The)' >nnt0r"'4 from I T' wt"'r~ th~ lllld IIMnt the .say ...-Ith reiaU\'3. ,

HODGES PARK. ILL. i The frat"",al ran; cl""n at the F.!

t:. n. -::but'ch "'1UI • !!QCC"!Ia. Th" nt' ... ;\fr. CiaI'll of :Mollnol en)" npresenh"'. Ih .. O<td Fe110\\'5 lOnG Ruth at the 1'aIb·. ' Til .. R ...... )1. A, lonn .,f Cairo r"'lIr~' ",.n'",] t"~ M""",,~, 1".al't<.'1't1 SUT and: ': • .urt. 1::', /t.. Bntt ffl're~tH the l'.· ~;h!::O:_:l~1!i;~il';r ~'f slh~a~~' I.: ft: r:. ,.h,;rch. "'A" In t hoe cit)' ta"t "'~It. fl.' ,.." I"' .. n nntl:ll<;d to Taylor-vIII".' 11\ Thr a ... · J. ,,'. PaT\(~ (,r C.'dr •• , ~t;1ot llf'~r: at1,1O!nt ... d .!II fI: .. ~t""r of S:l_ .l~",.,* .'\. :\1. F: .. hurt'h. Til.. n .. ~·.' ~f"nht'"n .1",bnM!1 ft1IlS ':';~!fmM tl') S2n .. ; '~~'~h.". 'Tl~.\ f:~~1:«·nl ~1!\r l"l1"T't(lT f!""l" .... "I' :"lp~13In",,.nl 3t a.",pn .. ld'!' !r!'lll 1"'r~nll'\' ~t!'!'H; r...or:t '\·l1hIU1.'14!. .. .... ,.,. .... -t T~' ·.1"hn \\':\11.. ond mm~r Stnlt:"l r:"'" " dll""" I':.~t"r<!"~· nll:ht .t <''''"'II, , H. ~tl·'" h~,:!. )1n. "tary U"U")\4t'r "'~S!M' t-.- """'''1' tn (""\1'0. nl.. g,,'u.-t!·y. ,:"" """Illt· J ..... t' I" ~rr101l~1\' 1:1. Th~ I:.', /I.. r, )flt .. h"l\ l,al\ bN'n ..... n.", .. ' •. ;~" " .-,,\1,'&1 'I1l .. etlnr; at Cbarl~l,'n.· Y ....

CALESaURG, ILL. MnI, E1la. Duke an.,. FnLnerll Wad ..

ax.. ...bIUnt: In Ka.ns&8 City and 51.. Jo'<!!Pb, llo, lII .. , Mid "'1' •. 'Win 11&11,,)', : :OlIN J_1e Bailey. Harold Jamle>lQIt of 1_la. MI', and Mni. Cbu. FInley lUte i &Ofta of Iknox\'llIe w""rf! vll!ltons Il.\ lb,,' bClme or !lIra. C. W"Ua. Mr'lo. C. J. Cart"". Washington. D.' C'., ,...... th .. znest of lll'll. OUe Jenkins tor a. """"k. ' eDd, The lle\·. a"d "1.lI. J. n. (lam·: ~on <IJId MM!, Jemetta lIIot1C1u of Keokuk were the I;Uc:sU of ;:Ilrl$. Ze.~ nabla » ...... n at· dlnn"r ffcenUy. Mta., C. J. c..rter !;JleD( II. d.,. 'n 3.louruouth. I Sh .. left for CllIe:t.I:o. "'here $I •• will u" l!le II:'\JUl Clf her dau;bter and brothrf'!l. i n"U~~hGl<1 or Until, Xo. 3S5, <)nt .. nalned I til" "'Clun;U Net FrIday at their ba.l1, Th., younc ladl ... of AUen chapel hAve I "n;a.nlzed II dub to ~ known WI th. Xora F. Taylor c1uh. 111..... C<lleman o( Kc-wanee t!JN!nt a ",,,,,Ie·end witb her <lllujl'bter. 111..... An"a ;:ItcGlIl. Lfttet' lim"" of 3.lcngon ia "I""Unlt hla .,.,usln, JOfe1'1I Uf'n")', ~In, Salll. Tole:! Is 011 tile IIlde lIet.

"T. VERNON. ILL. )J... IImol M.,.. Call1l''1lY and ""n' "t

C"'ntralla w('.r" in th" elt)l r"e~ntlf. l!,.,.. M.,,)" J.i~bL Is "Ifiltlng reIa.ttv". In ~! .. ml'hl". "'no. Roo."vt'lt Wall'~ and ~(ln were v;tiltol"l'l tn t~e dly N1:eJ>tl)'. nay F. Jobn~on. !\ha"'1le~t':l\~n. 111 •• ",ot'nt a ..... '..,I;·ond b .. rp. all th .. <;Uf>~t- Of lUes L.ouls~ Helm. "1I~!I ,Loul_" Helm. ",It" has be.on til fOf ..ome time. wad "bl" to resume hn !\Cbo<>1 'Work. :.t:1l­l4eatrle" Hau.try 01 Harri,.hurJ: Is "1 •• Itill!: b .. r mothr.l'. lit",. Rlchardl'l. The I:,·,·. !l1r. Taylor. Chle:t.l:(). 15 carn'lIn:: flO JlU~I!"'J!uJ ~\"h":lt fr1~"ellng'!!J at the: O>r1nthlan R:lI'U"l ('hu~"l" Chull" :o.:e,,·comh, "'!lo ",,,p Ol'Cr.ltM "1\ "orne fJmh "1m. I'" ImI'M"'!n,:: nil',>!)'. lit'!<. .\I'<ln nukr~ has rctUrnf'<! to t",~ bo."e In !llolln .. "fh·r an .. ~I(>n~lv .. '\'1"11 wllb 1,,,,. mother·ln·law. !11ft\. J, F. Dukes.

MI'~IOH. ILL. Prtlf. D. F, W:\~l"n~lon. I'rln<'lI,:.1 or

Dm.<elR .. l'rhoot. ,.-as ',:\1104 lI"nlo' on 3'" <!<'u!'t or th" death of hi" n\:M m(1lher. !'lund,,}' ""''' a 'ble ,J~}' ot Jl~th~1 "'""Tf'~. thp new l':1~t.,r. ,h .. Rev. C. W. !'mtth. "pine ,,·ltll I ""tn. "tI." :'>11\\1,! .. Portfor. tt-':lt>h~r "f 1')oU&!'1,." !idlool. "'Ilpnt a w~\(·~nd ,,, C:lrMnil",~. 'TlI .. Wom· .. n'~ f"N"""tlnn hlld a .... onder-Tul lnN'f. In" "t IhfO hom.. of ';:.II"!O. D. T"n""" TI .. , flunb .. am dul> m~t at th~ hom~' ,,1 Luclnp f:r1mth. Mr. IIn.1 If,.,. . !!,,,tMn l'mlth "' ... ,... ...1~ltln", In II ... .. It... """e"'" of Ih .. 'tArlon h\e~ ~chnnl mdu..I;'s arc JlHMdh,1l' R. t. ,.. W. !ot,.". Ell" JIl .. kl<on of ("arhonda1. hll~ hf.t>n .. tf'<"tM to II> .. ,,,,, .. him: $tkfi' "t no"",\a~"'''h,,'''l. Count\" !'u'!'f'rlnt"nd"nt J. X. ~l .. Klnlel· fl~I.' D"\U:I~,, ""hool II. "l .. """n(, <'all. A,,~tln nolan" \ .. ""b· fltltuttns u prlnclltal at lhe Douel...,. SChool.

KII,NKAKEE"ILL. T~ .. R',,'. lIl. J J"hn~"tI. TI~'WT of Ih"

~'hll ... h n~T'tI.t ,.11",...1\. "a!' r·lurn~" fl""m ",I"mnht'!' aft ... ,.. A "''''~1<'~ ,·1 .. 't ",-,Uh 1.1< rnnth .. r, Th,. PloP!,,"' •• ~·oi c'"h ...... ".flh ;:Ifrl<-.1.1' l

o \V'nl'lpl.-! T!wrs.'''''. ",." Tn~fI'r ,,. Im'"'lf',\\~J"!"" :\f\I"r :. ~'1.rut 111· T\.~ ':\"". ""::1.,"",' r"rN'tf'I:ln II: <q,~ f"O .... ~ I1n .. " to 1",4 at b"r hnm~. ~Ir~ Lam" \\t:!tlnn Ie: """"r'ff'rt , •• ,t'4'f' \trc; 't~9 ~.n'~,· P:\'~~f" f!l tit ;11 h.o .. h()ln.... ""~ !t .... !p" ~n .. lt" '~j,'(\'"'' frM":l ihl' l~l"tlr .. ""p:lr,t hh~'Hh!\t i\fH-r l"n ,..tij.~·!f"'In. Th'"

~;:~~~n~.,~t~~i ~~;""y::~, n~~;: '~nmp t!ll ~"'r1f'\U'!lh~ t1 I't Ilh:: hom~. 1.Jt w

'-"'T !'=: .... t'~f,..,.. (!It "·''"~tI .... ~ rh1rJ\"". q"T" ... I~n!\ "'M~'1n"'" ~~nt tn l .... \r-:\.,.n ~11ttHr­.t",.. nn t.u"'ff\~F'*. Arrld" n('f'.!n ... ·tl~ '\·"1 l:","~ .. '"~l .11m l(1" .... \ f"Itfl*I\"'· .. l t·, f"n('~ T"11~"-1'· tn "ttln"l th'" .·f"·nfff­"'!'lr,. ... 1 H'~ l"T"n" 'f\tlr.~ ", t"',,. 1-", _\ , Y. :'>1 . ..., t'II,,"'~. }1.,., !"n:'I>\:\ 11,,,,,­I", l!t "I~It\"e:- In t"" .. U .. t"~ 'CU...:;t of "~r nloll>f't", 1II1"l'l ~'" Hunt.,r.

SPRINC1"IELD. ILl .. ).n~" 'MRTlt'1lTtt W!I!"n. 4:u'l:llter n~

lIfr. alld "'..... F. It Wilkins. 1':.';' g, IIlh 1'>( ..... ·l1n C!T3duafr/1 ('om th .. L'nf· " .. nit,· of lInn"l- ts;~1 Jun ... ha~ b~"n 1'T'Omot .... In "~'I.'.!nt "r!n.'lf'~1 or til .. '1 .. trol"'lI. hl::h Fcho<>l. )!,lr"l,,,II •. nt. ~, (' (,haml' h." rC'IUTn~d iro", 1.1. Irtf' to 1Ia'·""a. ('"III>:... 1-'. JI"n"" Io:'R "~.'n III fror t!'l~ ""., wC<'l;. 'l'!le flit'" K .• f: ~on~[ n. build..,;; Is t,,,arinp . .,,,mpJr.·!

DUQUOIN. ILL, MI~~ £:>.ot"r "'all":-', }bn-i,bul'!:'. 1lI ..

.. 1>0 lin l>~"n In Chl~."o for !ie,-ual ,,·e~kl'. am"f'(! In th.e .,ltl' and f'l,,,e<:ze to ~nl~r !Ctllt'Ol bere. Mr •. E. V. Bar­nett h .... l'elUmfd from Chlcas;;", lU~~ :':aoml l-~. Blakely, t:~rl1l"Rn. Ky.. I,. h ... ,,_ t!l.. "" .. lit of he. mutb",..' 'f,.". lltld~"" Klfllo". '!I~~ {'auU"" ... .,"hr .. n I~ 1n )larUn. ".."n .• tile I!:lr.t .,( rela· fI'·.". and frlenda. Chell }·lIni>l. '~ho' well nn tbl' I'JcJ; ll>-t. 1$ Impro"JIll: nlcdT. -rill' MI_ lta:~l Fronf1 ... I ~arlto Slmll~on. Geo. nt:ddlck, )\'r!! •.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Oct 20, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A7

'ILLINOIS STATE NEWS Baptlllt I\burcb of. that clt.:r.. A bome. 1 COWJI,I' r_pUon alIId plcnlo ..... Irlven I at Cai'11V7 BIIpt"'t chuteD on Oct. 2 In I bonor of the Rev. &lid ]oIl'S. lit. D. Dick· I


TTldpl~.!!-_I~ SlIPeer. :-;:annle Blue :Ill __ SlIt!Itcu. Min Can1e un ~nkman, who ~ b~n ,1"ltlnl; In

Lou'l!!°M~tfo.;:)~~ ~I:e~!h; f:~~ Me ..un on the alek U8t. The Re\" R. lL nackJry b... returnee! from " busln_ 1111' to Champal!>n. llr. and 1I1rs. Wm. 1JtI1ICOe. ltns. Belt :I1UIlo' alld Ollie lIaclc motored tn St. Louis •• :\'arv l"r'anc~ft AII"n, daUGhter ot :III'. .ani! )Irs. Willis AUell. wa. able to be tal;~n 1!.I'me frono the Ne,,. Home slu,Uarium art..- a ~="led IIIne,.". The fUller.l or lIra. RoN! "'1l8 h"J.! at Relh"l A. lIf. :& 'church. The nt'·. R. 11. nllckl~y atlldat"". Sen'l(:'td >tete III chat'llc of At~en~ t~'npl ... ",,0. ~~. "lie lell""" a huband, Ilerb<!n ito"'!. ..ud one daugbler Gene'·le'·... ....d on" son A1~der. ll'ltermebt at EaM. CE:m~ tel'}·. 1.U.. Carrie I.e<! Urhlkman of Chlcaco ".... call"" bo .... e on a"""unt of tbe mnu.. of It ... rnoth~r.

lIra. JelUll& Uurl4hardl <If Gl'eennel", III.. ...,.. called to the elt~· on a«ount or th" 111,,"" .. or hn grandfather, )11'. CUmmlnll8, In »~Tl!lt. The .Re\,. II. n. Dewitt and .... If'" .... ern t:>" tple61Ji of

Eo WUlIams of Jl!\'&DJ!Iton, m.. t>1U\Sed.j tbrou\=h tha (,itT. ~n route to \V:ashlbtr- . ton. D. C. by mow.. and .... erc Ihe' A"Ue.ota or )11'. IUId .M ..... Andre", Smith. iOS 1::. North St. .Mrs. Sam JolI"""n· or & Harrtaon SI. motored to Gao'. Ind., aeoomplUlled b:r 1\ number of' ladle.... lff!!. Walte~ Harris a.nd Emma' Wood. oC Kell,. ... lIle we ... In lbe elty'

flll:I~:!Il~(elen Cantrell. 'Erneftt Hamil­ton lind ~athlln!e\ Hu<1son or lbe Unl·' i '''!1'$\t1' he IUlnols ... ~re "1~lto .. a In th .. e!tv. attending I lip. :l11l801l1" grand 10d',,, .. nt .. rtaJnment. !I\lss Florenca Rt..... Siteut Iho week-enll In C:!:!.m-' ""1I:n. J I. The L31"",,>: l':lIre dub met :It Ihe hOme of PhilIp Jolln.'IOn. Elm St., Thursday. Th" (ollo\\'lnl':'ilroll=m

~;~:.. r~~::iI~'n~&;:on:'l':~n:,'~~~~ dlll<:uaeloll by all 4)n the fiubject, "IH we :!!outh..-n-C<>lored man leadn" tlla Iliouth purely for an eeonomlc or an educa· tlQ91 r .. asol1':'·

.Mrs. ~~I~P:tt~~r::~R~ndl\'er 4.latcr.:

:or:a b~ i!~~ & ~.'!.'ll:c:-:n,rr:; I little daughters. Caroline Rn<1 Uf'lnola.1 Addrl'SS or welcome from st. Jamu A. ! ll. E. church b~' lfnl. LIllian .\b"l. I radlng by .:\I .... Emma C Peoples amI. responae by )frs. )1. D. Dlclu;on. 1Irs.: !Illidge PAyn. bmalnll Qulle JII at the hom .. of her parents, !Ill'. alld lUI's.' .lohn ·Wallllce. on S. C St. lIfr. and lin!. Arthur SkInner h."'e adopted 'I balJy 1><»' from K. C. orphanage. lIll'.

rnnl~ ~~r;i .. .Ji.~!ilr~i~~~~~ ::~~~ ,:;~,.'it SIxth st. .:lIra. ;\!al(le ;\leClellan hnft .... turned (rom her borne ut Frankford. )1 ..... tar the mnter. :\[111. Emmn Tea· bellu, 3[1'1'.. DIXon and tl'e R~\·. and 1I1ra. J. H. 03rrlloll of Keokuk \'I~­lied with l[,.". L. :.t. Abel. ;\1 ..... F. A. Porter \'(slted frlenda at At~o. !I{rs. Jack Jlradl .. ,· has .... turnMl (ro", Pine Blull. Ark., wh .. re ~he vlsl~l.l r .. laUwft alld friend.... Georg.. ~1"WUllnm~. on old resld~nl. dIed at th" COunt~· fa I'm. HI .. fun"",,1 mts h~ld Sunday. Sept. !9. ('roln TurnlJu!l '" LoHu.. flUleral hOnl", tIe l~nveR a "'fre and four !'ODS ani! tWo dauchtera to mourn his lQs~. Mfg.

;.:.;ill;~°;.r~:a3~~~l .. :r (Yte~u~';.,'1h::: l!ra. Anlll.. N~lII.{<!r ~f T"rn

Haut ... lDd~ I. h""" '1~ltln£ 12",. "auch· ' .... atod ..on-In-la .. ·• l':mJl,.. C08t1)· .,,4 J~~r1. COS'tI)·. Rob ClArk lIJl>CJ>t lIe,· .. ,...1 ,Ia)'" 10 ].)uquuh, '''til W~K "ttendln;

i~~"!~ ..:~~o,~ t'~\~"l~"~~::~ ~:.i

the ll",·. and ::UTI'. Sam Wadll.ell Sun­dll)' at ... Inn .. r t;l\'~n In their hanoI'.

~~ ~~:I'\;Ill~~"'~~ .. ~I~fi:n ·~r~h~~ ea~o Jlclghtll and TI.o... Robinson -of thIs ell,·, dlt'd t'~nll}'. Fun .. ral ""n:. \e..'" were beld In R"~'n"!<bo challel. lIr". Laura ~"I!OQn .nl'l )lr ... 1","Iha 'l;;dwaTd. of Sprlnwfieltl,. til .• are "!sltfng "I the hom.~ of lit·. and ~1= r,uth~r 'Cund,· In E. 11,,11,..,..01 .,\",,,, .101m Ea$l .. y 'hi. r<:tunI«'d rrilm I.lan\'m~. 111., wbere he ""ltrelK'IlI"d ~l. Jolin'" 1MI:" of t:>l .. "I\y. ;ltr.. J""ta lIounts l.tI 1\1 at her b"nle ill (lak Nt. !II,.,.. 1,1\"", '''''1:­."n ... 1ft Inl,,-ro\'lnJ':: al,.., ~Ir... 1\1\111"

ll .... l.oulse Randal. of PltUbursh. Pa.. ar .. vl.1U1I1 !'olrs. Lula ,\VebstU of thl8 ell}'. lIra. _\nnnbelJe Stan- of AUehllllln . CIt", Ind., waB ..... lIed hOlne on IOC­eotint of th" ~erloua IIIn"~8 or little' J~""I<! J~ Star. :II ..... EoItella ~lcC,.,.ry! (n.,.. ,,·,,\!!It .... ) ",Ill rdurn 10 her bame In nt-lolt. WI,.. aft"r " 10ur week,," ,· with her tnotl~r. l11'1l. Lula,.: '\'ell~tu.

Trustees were "Ie~t .. d at SL Jam"" A.' M. C. churrh Tu ... day "venin... ;\11'. and ;111:$. Myetl. !llr. and lIIr& Joa! Danlel.~ and ::Urs. Bell node"nI Qf: lJ3eomh mot!lT<!d to .the elty !lundny ~ 3nd wer" /OU1-.ts or ;\11'. and MNI. .T.· T. P~Olll .. s. lItr... Susie \\'11118 of Nor· I m:u, Who hal' beell "19IU,,1'I her sister,. MJ'lI~ Reltle- P~nn'·. on l< I-:Ighlh 81 .. ' left tor Sl. PaUl. :illlln. TlI" "ntel'taill' mcnL gl\''''' 1>y lUSKlnrl dub ot St. Jamf:!I chureh .. "as a tn:uu,:i:tl ~tU.~~a~~' !l(1II~lou:lTY "ocl~IY or Cah'''~'Y DapUst churt-h m~t l"rtdav an"moon with lit"". MY'rtle ~out". .1. ·T. Wallace IS. maldn!: .. ,.l"n.":a r~l'nl~ on hIs 11<>11'.. (In S . Fifth St. .\. t;. llode" ;and Hany W~1I8 en 1'01110 aVerlanl) from Chli\llgo In D .. " 1I10In~s. 10\\' .... w~r" SUllday gue"ta at

'''''f'Ud \1\ .. fal~. "'\11 1i:lwl an4 ramlb' n H.-ndf'<! th .. f.-Ir In l'''Qu''ln Wl "'ei!k. I ....... ~· !Ito"",,, "IW!nt 11""....... d.,.a In "'"arta 1ft... ... . ...,1<. )11"0. Ella (l1"Clllom "lUI M "i¥lto~ to lipana Ian woeol<. n",,·. Will J ... nd l!IJ>Cn{ ~(>vcr.ll day" In :lltJ;-o,.ou~j.

GRANO CHAIN, ILl.. :\IHlllatn~!\ ,,'1111.· Dunlnn or Calto i

anlt J.".~"hllle Parker of port Clinton.' Ohio. ~I~\~~II ...... ,... ,·I .. Itors ill the eltr la~t "·e .. k. ).1:". Parkt'r ..... "" ... ree!!"t ,1r;ltor to her <tid hnme In Qol<-""n"1\. J"~"" 1'. ..riC.,. pl\.tor at the ;\1. 1'.:. ..hurch or J ... glnl:ton. Tenu .. " .. m" lIome lrun 'r .... Sd3}' .. no! Willi the ;:ue~t or hla daughter. !II ..... lIar .. It. and IIOn-ln.IIl\\'. Carter U. H. J:.anson.. He r~tutned to , ...... In/!!Ion !lIst Wednesday. !II..,.. Amallda l,jU~)' \\'a" II "I~llar In. "111" IUd!:" l:uot ...,,,,,k. The Re,·. John <:'ros..lalld I" I.. St. l..oul8. lito.. for ·hlN hpalth. )\,.... J.'lorlne Ward Ylrglnla of carbondale SIl'!'nt II. fe'" d.ys ",·ltll. ""r moth"r. tn.thl:r and r~llI.tlv",,, reet'nll)·. )Irs. Barh'''11 .>\. BIlk!' W:tll In CoJro on buwln""" recently. :liT"­Barb;>m RlcJlardson Wiloon h. ~"lllnS' h~1' !!ISler. !II..... (leorlie John,on. Mr .. :lnd ll ...... Leouard Hope celehrated the . b'"lIday of lIr. Ro.,e lut Wedlle,.day. Wilh n molor lJ"!'ly to Calm. The Rev, !ltr. PrIce \Wa .. member of the party. .l"~SO SPann \\'as 1n the elW r""enUlI'. The ReN. M.t\. Taylo!'. miNionat)' I.reaeller of CottAln 1'll\nt. Ark., ,,-.. .' r~nt ~sJtor to the city,

l"ul,..,I",.. )t..... n~a ~·I .... ell~ tit a PONTIAC. IL ... .,.. St<ol;()". 'l-T<!d U~'UU1J\. R. !I,cC\el­

l .. nd. H. "\'·olrl.t1:1' :IlId \'(>MOO f!uik,," .. t moomlna;ton II't.-n1l1'<l. tl,,, home­""mlnc and l\lar<l1 0"", Frida v",'.,· "In.,.. It.f'\·. A. A. Lo""O' ccn;duclt-d .... "·Iff .. lit l,"l A. ~t. E. c:hurch. ;-:tt"~tor. $unda,· ."c:nhn:. li#. "'A~ r~:­, ... "tI)· ""IK.lnt,.a t.,.. Dr. If. "\V. Jam.·· "'m of i'C!Orta. ,.rellldln,; cider. I" I"nk after that <:hlLl1;;e i.. "'f)nn""UQII '\\ill! hl~ ....... al Pontlae until th" ,· .. <,ane)'

10<'81 IIOKl>lul 1.,,1'.,. Fune .... 1 F~rvICl'I' \\,(>t .. 1 ... 1<1 at the home nf her JlRrentti In W. rtailroad St. nurial.t Cham' bl!r5""11':. Ill. 'fhe "'~l ~Ide Art rlub '~s .. ntntalnM! 1>,' Mre. 1da. Well' and "tr~. ~nnml "'.tson nt th~ bom!': of the­C...-mer In S. Fa~·ttt... OtllCI'.I' 'were In­"tallO'd. !II..... l!art:nrrl Saunders ,,'111 (,lIt('rt:lln til .. dull at the nat m .. ~tlng

~~a~~,:~o~~ o~I~~~u~;:f~b~tt~~~!'r ~i

ifJthh~~.:;.. orT,;'!ri"!ia::..,~b~.:,~ I~~ sued tor a. .rreepllon slven Oct. ::5 In 1I0nor of the Re\,. and :lIra. C. Z. WII-1Iam.~ IW members of SI. Jame~ A. :It. F:. ('huren. All news for 'the DHender m"~t he IIhoMd to 3';8. ltv Sut1.lrtl ... y rnornlng. ClIarllc ;\lcWll\lams 0( Qulney w:l.... In the elt}' attending tho fUMral of his Cather. :111'''. ltarla 1IT0r­lis iP ... nt Sunda)' In (lal"~huYII. Druce Snuntl(>rs. an emJ>lo"~ Of thll Dally .'I.tlrur. has acc~\lted a po911101l In Chi· cago. :l11IT)' Smith. Ace 13. '\'"u. d .. -· cl::trec! a d~lInquent and sent to til,}' !;iris horne at Geneva. Webstl!1' Oan·' yer returned from :Rewan ... , I

""n ... o;uPI'U"". !It .... Bprtha 1_ Law-n'. lit. and :II..... Cb,r"n.... Tlu.lp~·. ;110'. "'lUI... :'1~Ia'n ."d O .... rp l'''' • '!:Un ac-eompalll"<1 him lo... .not",. al1(1 "Iwnd.", ""r"k~'''' ::UIAA £\." Stricklin ","""t ""vera.! d:lyft lUI ... ·."k \·I~IUn'" WiU. " .. r IIIM' .. r. )t..... All.", Key&, In r ... n\-!lIe. \Vstuam Jack~on of Ifc-

!=e!!I~r.:BII~"~~~ ~~~. :i'::~~. ·~tb and family tlpent ~uO\'I.W In Uloom­~tll:'lot\ lUI the /OUdtlll oC frl~nds. lIM<. Ahll.. McClain and ber !IOn. Ol!<>n;e. " .. turned "ntnti !-Sonday aCIeT "pendl"g III .. ,," .... k .mel wlUl Mr. and !>tre. Clar-4'neo! Tjn"I~)·. .lohn Harbor, ~MI. Marie !I •• hu ..... n and I.e"'-!ft KIller mo­t,.",d to Dloomlnj;toll Sunday.

CARBONDALE. 1l.1... Th .. Re\'. J. H. Hirmlna alld "'Ife l,a'·"

.... tUT1lro frum r.b1"aJlO and are now In • .!"Ioarta. wh~rc I .. ~ wilt uke Ul' 11111 n.", (haTg". Tllo n...... and "'Ir~. .1. \';. \\'Ury art at .. l A. :It. E. church. )1..... n~rtha. ~It .. and >11"" I::dna "im)lllon ha,'~ .... tumed from an c~to!n· ,.i"l> '1~lt In C.allrornIA. The Commu-

• nll" dulo met It tb" hom .. of M ..... Ett:l .l"cl<~ .. ". t>I"~ .. 1t1~nt.. and .. JKtelt 0. '01-l .. winl' om"",.,,, 1>r"",tI"nt. ~I""'. Anna "\nl<on: ftn<t '·lc~-pr"Hld"nt. M ..... 1",11& )1\'0 .. \1.; "e;::Ond '·iCC!-llrt!RId ... nt. ::\lrs. 1\4>"t1'l<''' <"..hanne:r: ftCTetal')'. ;)'Ir~. 1':lh,,1 Lc1l1~: treasurer. :lfr.. T'T1 .... llm 1lo"'"'''' John Le'll<1. nf Chla!;o I. In 1\", ell,-. 1.11~ gu""t of hla motl,~r. :Uu. . \I,an:;" ]"" .. 1... Van"., Littlejohn "r '''1",,(1'> l.aF""" tbrou.:h 11,,,, city. "n Tn"t., tn "I~lt hI.. moth"r. !ltr. alld .\1,.,.. Mo,"" !'ol"", aud :'1',_, 113\'1" .. 1 CIIm"r :1m .. , """nl 5unda~' with Hr. "ud )11"1'. 1-'''~'d ~Joorrllln<l. :l1l'1'. Birdie TI:l~·,>j\. r....,.Ue lJ.y"~ ... ~,I v .. ..,.I .. T~~" 101" "l)Cnt lRn. w~'k in ~t. 1.-,ut",.. ~1 TB. SUMn J'li)rt,pr JI; ,-i.rdUm: hf»,. dau::hl ... 1"'11 In St. l.Qul~, l,trs. Ttwhn:1 Caniug. 'llll'}· ..... nd.. ..flrr t'l><!'nllhl" 1\\1" "' .... l<.li wi1h ~n·r nwtbrr_ )lf11i •• ~:.uJnj;'\' )lU'''h. Idt 1nT (,l.>rk.,·lIIr, T"",L. t" "I,lt 11 .. 1'

!~:':i1Jd~~~"~;'- ~~,~Ig::;}\;h !'tr~U :.r;;: .\1 ..... ' .... ' ... 11 K~II"y. M.,>,. ",ra1l 1".,·-4.t~ •• !. w.tu1 .MN. Annl ... \Vn.5UU hk"'~ fi',.-

! :::~,~ r~~t!::~J(~~le. ~~;rjl i~!~)'d~;' ... -!~:·tH ~u"p'ral fl:t~'~ in ..... htt:'":J:1r.t> U"Jtl, h~r" '!Muchh~~. U~t1 CNttg:v.· .. ·n lUll' r 4 ·tt.+rHOO '" t~h1('!lJ.:n aftii''' !",u"'ndITlJ:! 1;) ,!a)'S whh 11,_ ... UlI.f)wr. ~Irlt . • 'nn~ t~ntj~p!t !\!ra. .~l'tt,. .,:\lurTay ~"t"t'ld tb~ 1\"t"t.'k-f'nd at :IV/~t(" ..

JACKSONVIl.LE. ILL. \Ynt. ~'1utht1.,. he 4nuf'h bUl)M'-..d. 'lt~

:: •. \1 ;.: .. ~,.~. ~!l1'. Or" Thonll'fOn and "J.~Hth1:oi'r )1 .. 1h". )11". ant' !\1nc.. Thomas • ~h ...... :UH fun1)H:f·. )lr.... U~Jt ~ • .,.;b! ... uHt.!rr<1 trnm l) .... -cat.ur last wt.."C'k to ,*1«lt wllh thrlr dau!;hl", alld sist",., Mr ... n. W. -:001>+1'. Th" :lll_.I"nan· clrd .. .. f lh.· ";'~'ond ('11,,.<'h <'1C<'tei,: .1. ••• "II"",",}; OtllL,,""": l'r""ld~nt. lIH. '",uTa l.ufaYl'lle; ,1"""!If'E'Sld,nt. ~lr6. )IHttJ~ SI<'" .. rt; "<'<'Rtal'}', MI'I'. 1.ld .. )1" .... ·; tr~.lU'iur"r • .:\Ire. nattie De ... ·ltt; • .,,,,,1n ill )\,.,.. id:1 CuU.n... ,.,,~ Ne'·. .1. "-. Klr); 1('11 f .... a ... ·c(,k·" VIlt'allnn

;::r ~',·1;7:1I~1u~l;:;'lait"·..,;'·II::n~I~~1! f:1 ~t. l ... "utfll. ltt'i'~ lffl'U Xa;.ftb)· and ·:~u.,lIt.·, .... )1",. ~''''GlaFR Tllora",..,,, .. r ).,....'ur. m., and :'.1"'. CI ...... ,cIa ''",,If')tlf>:t'' ... ( 11llb cit,,-. ,,'lI're ,"hdtorn 1n '·!!rrllll'",.. 111_ "","'nll,-. !II..... 1 ... ,,1. I'<'~" <11<'" kt a I<><'.4l hOllpltat .lIn.. l .... ur" , ... fK,·<,II<: AnI! 1I ..... :!Ilal,l.e l')n,'" ,·nl<·ru,lu.'<l the rA)lored "·on ..... '!! "Iuh •• 1 th.· hom., or !\.In<. J'1f1rd. Act .. ,.

tUll1!h."QU W':'1' ItC"n""" thf' 'oUo".".: I,m ... ...... rx. \t.I(.41'"~ .-]."C1ot'd: J~,.Id('nt. ,.t",. J.-u,,!, "It· .l"uw:-t; ,'k~ ... pl"eIl1d~nt. :\Irs. ]4mder Wllliamft"U: ",,"""IAI'3', ]01.... lluble I'lurd; "s.l~tant II«f'OtarY, ltr.. 1)0.0-

~\~~. <fj!';::!; r:r~.~~~j::f.f'u.:e~(!~~: HAttl>! Wilburn. 11ft. and lire. Wm. \\'U"III. Mr. ...... M..... CharlE'S Gllln"" .. (' f' .. tf'f1'hur;. JIl~ w~e 1;11elS1a at Ule hom" uf th" J'..ev. and :UTI!. Sam \\"ad­.1".11 :lnd !lflfIII !;uAI.. I.)"nch. AnlOn~ I h .. \'I.lto .... to CldraJlO ".~..., !It"" \\·M.

:II,.,.. ::\tary P.anl". nnd lI.t1 ...... nna {"um-

~~:t! ~~:;;~. S\:h:':i~~A~d~I,:;:~lt~


H. D., .... ·I\I motored 10 Grlgl:svlll~ to ..-.\''It '\\'11h l'ell\th'~. :and frlcnd... Tile Oor~ dub of :Mt. I-;rnory 'Rapll.t cbureb met In ..... gul.r meellnl: TuMId,,>, nh:;l.t ... ·Ith :1 I:or:e "Uendal1(·~. llr~. lIa7.411 lUll 'ValtOIt prdlded. Fmnk DoUI:Ia~. A student of the 1IIInoiR collel:e. ad­dre!'UIed th~ .. Iub. The R",·. n .. rmnn Go"" n.p boy .. vall&eU~t of Clllt.:aJ;o. III.. flt'e.'Ildent ot the Slate Gore eon­,·(>ntton. w,.,. ttr"!I.nt and add rased the dub. Til .. noe\,. ll~nnan (;01''' oc C"­lumbus. ()hlo, father or Ihe e''llD;::,ell.t, "'Il" .tl .... Isltor and made a brh·f addre~s. Mnt. Fred '''al:::oner Wl1S hopl,," to lIetbel A. M. 1::. ,,!luren .. ~nlor.. choIr'·. / Tile next m~"tln!l'\\'1lI be ... ·itl! ::ui ... )11I)'me \\'1111""'8 in 1IIortfln

The . local ~~~~~iA~a~l.e", IUIftOcla- I tion lleld ... 1I~ lut In,,!!!!!n!; Thursday! afternoon. Mrs. Cell.. Gauz", prul. dent: :lire. "E:mestlne Cole. secretarY. The Sunda)' school s"p~rlnt~nd'!nte ot the R.'\ce churche" of thIs dly .. mel TUltSllay a'tenlnl;' at the 191h SL BBl" II~t chu1'cll and fonned an orglUlllA­tlon. 'The PUrpose of the meeth1jf ... a.. to .1I$cu.~ lind ~um:"t N~n!l whereby the ntl~ndAnr .. of ",'cn' SUndA)' ""hool may be Increas.'d. 'F-ucen" White • l·r~""lcnt:·Jell' !l:lrnplr,,; \'Ice presl· d""t: JoJIlln}' Donds. ~rellln·. and .I. ~f"Knb'hl. tr .. asurer. TNt Simon" Is l'erJou.I~· III Ilt 'tis r,,~ld"nc~ on 17th SL ;llrs. 1>':ll'}' lIflltt/son hu return,,<1 from a four ... ·eelt~· vmlt In Loft An­geles with II"," Fon. Emmott lUattl-40n. !l1rs. C. .I. Tllnmas .... IUI ealled to Df(>f'lIbUr: to aU.n" the tuneral of her uncle. Joe !l!cKnlltht.

EI..KViL'Li. ILL. .

• >\ "". Tht' H,·.,.. ':-'1 r. Todd. p:I.~tor of )1cC4be .ll. C. ..llUTch, has returned from :t trlTl It) T.t) ,·"lan:.. ::Uo. )1 rs. ~Ina ltobln$oll ,,, .. 1 ;It htr home III

J. P. Wilson "'as a HaIIlda,-wblll'l) ... ·lsIT.Of' r~nU:r. A CToat number from this cltv attended the fall' recently. 1\Ir ... cabb nnd dnu:;bler of T"nnesn .. are vlftllln!; III tile city tndennlt~ly. 1I"lng tll~ gnp-alii of !Itt, IlIld !llrs. ,,'. lI[. Dewitt. :lItr. nnd :Mrs. Alhett !It,,· C,,1\ ::tre the proud "Arents of a nv~­""unci bllll:!>' 1,0),. L. T. Park~ of Ha!-

l~d"tl::,boJ~; .. llIiil:a~~b~zi'uij~'i!'~all~~ who Is employed III Carbondlll~, m .. §:m .. S~~~"~}li'!-d~t;:O~~t~t\s~;S' Jilljl ~1~~)'ne1\'7h~ ~,,~I<ll!J~~!1r :;a~~~~ Trice and Flor" ilL (larner !!lIent last ,R"nday at Rallld ..... boro. DL-. Mrs • p"""le Stnl.tton made 1\ brier ttl\) to C.o.rbondele recently. !ltr ... W. M. Fer­noll or Colp. 111.. spcnt a rew days In the elty recenUy.

A. :If. E. churcb Thurad"y at her home In Clurch Sl. Otlleen tor tho ensulnj; ~'''llr aT<!: Pretlldenl. !llIu Xaoml JOlin­lion: ,·Iee-I're"ldenl. llrs. Carrie ltoor-e: """""tit!')·. ;111'''. CloteUa Taylor; asalst­lint. Harry Stone: director. Claude lUchardson; dlreclor, lIn. 1.. n. )[on~om<!l"Y; OIl:111llst. ;\1,.... 1..0111 ..... 1": Irk: RSIIlstant .. t. ~Irs. L. n. ;:\Iqnt:;:omt'ry: IIhrnrl"n. "\\-aller B. Tay­lor: .. ,..;io;tant IIhmrla.n. IbI'r,!, stone; rhafrman or th .. ~I"k ecmmIUe<l. :ltrll. l.uuh'a Kirk; a.s~I$I"nt W. n. Taylnr; troaaurer. 1>1 ..... !If,,yme W1lUnrns. 'rhe It",·. n. n. H3 .... kl~y 1ft ._tnr. If"'­Ro"" Park~r ""nl: a .01... In the l:\1eM. In!: .'OIlt""'I It:>.rry Slun" rec~h'etl III" tlrsl prJ"" .. n.1 CI'''ldr mclHlrd~n "1.'<:­ond. The lIert m~.tin!: with ltayme WIIII"m£.

MOUND CITY. Il.l.. liM!. lIUtchell ){<:Collum and daugh­

ter. !lira. Marcella Allen. VIRlled Ir. AllTora.. nt.. tho 'Put .. eek. Her hrolllel' CorneU.. Simmons. nnd b~r siSler. ~ins. Odella. limier. II.I~o

~::~l': a~':s 2.111r="" I~~ith ilUfo "\~rut "-'111''' arc vlanlnl!: nlft.U,·1!S In Hum­boldl. 'fonn. Little Bob Rob~rt6 mH willi a painful accldent ... ·hen be fell from the po,..,b ot Id" home and ppr:r.lm,d his shoulder. Moth..,. Gr .. "" JnncI! I" III at lI.l" wrIting. Mrs. Id" Han-Is Is sick and confined to her bed. JRme~ campbell and C. L. RIce re· turned Saturdal" from Dan'ille. til .• "'hue tbey attended the Nllsonl" I>l'llnN lodge.

MArrOON, ILL, The It.,)\,. and ;\Jrs. W. T. Maylleld

Ita\'o I:onl) to LIncoln. III .• \'tbere the Re'·. !IIf'. '{:l)'neld \'till pastor t!\O A • ht E. chureh. 'the Ite .... and 'Mu. W. .T. Ollner ... rrl\,e.l from ElkvtU~. Ill. Tile Re\,. :llr. Ollner I" 1I"910r of the ,\. :II. E. chu~lt of this city. The f;ec­and Baptist churel, n~" z bllrooC:U1! at the: home of :Ill'. and Mt!'. HarrY !lla­lone 'Wpdnesdar e"elllnK. lItr. an,t MrR. A. RobimlOn and famIlY of J.-'!arna al­tended tb., harbecu" on Wcrln,,~dn. "venin!:. ::Ut'S. A. JpEsle hilS rlltuTn~iJ to her home In Chlctl.:o aflf'r a "js!t ,,·!th relAtives In t\llft dlY. Albert ,\n­derson !1:lS COne to Cham"nlgn to m"ke hIs home ,,,Ith his bTOther. Dahl An­<I"",on. Burl CI'lybrook and Alb(!rt Wilson ,,"ere "1~ltof1l In Chaml>al,n on

HODGES PARK, II..L. !III"" Berlha ltlmm8 W". found dud

In he"- home TU".sday. O<·t. 9. by her ",,"d (atl.~. n"rry :llImm~. ;\1Is; :'\lImm~ WIUI an In"u~trlous "·otlUln and " member of SI. JlI.mes A. )t. E. '·',ur.,I,. "Iso or tbe H .. rolne .. "f J"rI"~o. 1I.1.,nnrnt at ;:"Ion,on nm. llr ... l.uellft. 1l •• 1II'·n Mel :l1I.~ • 'hrtstJna CoI~mnn or "nlro. 111 .• wer.' III~ J:u",t.. of !III"" Hat­v .. ' J1;!" ,,"f'ndrl"k Tue"'<la~. ll ..... l'<,ad lluckn~r of MI.oQurl "i~lt~ b.,r l'I\r­,·nlS. ~tr ... nd Jol!'s. T. 1;. "l·le. T<:el!ntl)·. '111.. lt~\·. _,. 1':. !ltllch~l .,onduct"d It ha,.tl"'n;: ." .... 1 .. '" at hi" "hu .... h at BIrds 1'01111 :Mo .• rel'enU}·. The R",·. A. C. Jon,,':' .... If~ and !'otrA. Annl~ Smith ot ClulJll'1 HIli ..... ere the /OUest~ or the Rev. And ll",. SU,ph"n .lohn~on n..,..ntl~·, )'Irs. E. BI .. k('mor" and !II ..... JUlia Jo!lO­Eon "Islted tbe Sliver L>!nt temple of til .. S. )t. T. at Commf'rre. lifo.. ..... eentlv. Henry !lfa"lIom left ,"""cntlf for Chlea;o \0 vl81t his "un. Ch ..... )11l~'­hom. ... ·ho h .... "".n "t>ry III. Dr. Wm: I';. RICe ""as al;llltl ".lIed to {hI! hOld· .112" or :lin. :IIaTr Johnson. :111'$. Anna f;hamlJ~rs entertIdnc<J .... \·~rnl frl~n,~~ (\<:\... 1 In honor or !llr. and :'.11'l!. lI(1",e~ UOR. . ILL. The n .. v. 1-;. J. .Ionrft ha.. "."rt",l

lob, ~t~l Tf'lhdou~ ('nmpalcn m"4!tlm,.,. '" 1'111"01 ,100 'or "'1,,~lon ""'tk. Uol ... rt 11""""1\ and nenla min Tallnr. who ""'re l'e<"entl)' h.Jul'l'{' I .. an 8u'''fl,ol.II'', aec~· 4""t. a..... Imt'r<I\'lnJ; ral,hlly. '.. Vi. ~'urU~ atilt .1. 11. \\-blt .. llu~ndMl til" &n."uIII m .... tJng uf lhe ;\1.",,,,,, at Dall­,'Inc last week.

UPPER AI.. TON, ILL. l\t..... 1;"11 Ho"",nl ~nl .. rt.l.IIIOld 1)1'.

1oIus" .. and family of :itt. l.oul.. :11<>­"In. AltII. lloor.. "nil huftband hn"" J;al1e to Cblengo, ",h~~" they ~\'1lI make th~r home.

JOLIET. It .... }.U$. S n. :1:10001 .. of Manlnlr.',le had .11 her i:u .. "t rlX"Cnlb' :II mo'. V~rl'll(>e

FnrkB of Ol(!ago. "' ... ~. A'I\3 Trimble I ... n Oct ... tor ~t. J.ouls. Mo. Nath .. n R\~hal.lson was unt to Danville "5 " dd,·SS'~ to tb., ~laJoonlc grand lode". Thr (nllnwln" brother.. ""CornIla.nlrd him; ,1""..»11 Joh .. ",.., an,l T. n. )II!­l1nnal.l. )11':'. W'lnfor" BlAir or Hop-

~\,::~I!I:, .. ~~"l~~l!:::"F ~·i~f!rf. b~,,:.O~~: 1 •. Clark C)f f;t. u:>ulll St. "'as In Cbl­(011'" Oct. S on b"~lne~,,. lItrs. T. n. Mclklnalol ... nd Ml"~. ~. r. Raker 1I11end· ed tbe )10 .... 1" t~ml'le l>lI.n'lu~t In Chl-en"o. The 'Vomcn·~ !lIlt !l1l,."inn:ory .. ocleh· f)f Brown Ch"".-\ "hu .... ~ 1fIl"{! :1 ... ·cleomlng t".e<"ciH..1on hlr t h.> )lew I\,"\F:­lor. the n~\·. £. Dutetl. :llrs. 1,"urrl" and lIN!. l"leht of Gibson Cit)· aN vis· IUn!:' th~lr da"ltlt~rs. !Ina. A. lia11llltnn nlld )1..,.. C""t~. :IIr. Itnll )lr~. Hnb"rl nenrs of Chlc:alto "I,;it~ ~Irs. Jas. Coot".

URBANA. ILl., F.LIdl.. !.nul. 010""1' and Andrew

Kpllr mntored to Clllcajl'o rcet'ntb·. ;\!nI. F..d Bradley 1ft slo..-In« l",pro\·ln,;' . ;\lrlI. ;]1.". :I%eKlnl!'l' wa..'1 CAli"" to :lle­Cnmlt, :Ill .... ' .• 10 tit" Itl'll"ld" of ber "Ie)( JIT1I.nelmotb .. r, lll1l. Stella B:lk"r and dAught .. ,., Doris, ha .. e r"turn"d It''m~ /lft",. :t .. ,,,It In Cblmgo H"I~hts. Mrs. Edmond Henle... ltu retum..d home ::trter vl~ltIng 'ber motMr In Way". :!.llM. MM!<, La..". H.m"~ton Is Im­pro,1ns:: nlcel... :It.,., Hallie Jllck.on <>f ,P"",port Is .. Isltlnlt b"r nle;::". "'t~. Yln:lnlA 1I0"'IU'd. Th" :ltornlnG' 5ta.

:i.~ijo ~~f~~st to eh;~~ :"':.e:tag.~~ch~ Mls~ Annie Procto,. Is III at h~'" home an W. n .... lIn St. :llrs. .Iosellhln" C",.by nnd daullhter nrc th.. hOIl<e ~, ... t s or h"r eIRI .. r. :Ill's. ltattl<! :II"" McKinley. Mr. and :u ..... Jumt>~ .lllrk· fIOll ellt"rtalned with a dln""r Tu~sd~Y """,,'n&" Rt tl.elt' home "n Dublin St. Tho.~ pr<!frnt ""ere: Thi'_ R~~. :llr: ~Ior-gnn. Mr. Wllltlo,\".- ~Ir. a.lIl !lIn;. Ii",.ry ttl<;k!I, llr. :md 1.1rs. l!:dmond Henl .. y an.l 311'. "nil :'>1...... a"on:" :,\lurr)·. Th" 1.11 .. nr thc Valley club' DC til.. Free Will B:I"lI~t' "hur,,11 I:I\\''' :\ Foci:!1 Thu"",,\\, nlltht :>t thl! r"sltl~nc" of Mr. "n.l ;\1;'1<. .1nne Jnc\<son. ll..,.. LoulK .lnn~" of F:.'1d. SL Is \'1~ltlns I",~ bu.loa"Il. UN lt~\:. lAulR J()n~ •• or ~~\r )b<lthl. lIn. *". Hattie Rln&" :alld ,",on Ill'., ~1"lL1l1g her "isleI'. :lIM!. Ot.'O'l:I" !lfeeull)·. in Cbleagll.


~i;n"~':;.e. Lliti-&Be.i\I~: ~~~o~I~,,,~1 ,.!~ lumro from a vt!IIt In !'oft. I'ul""kl. !\Ir, all<t :Uu .• >\, 0. Lo\'ett and 1\11'. "nil Mr.~. .I. Knn1\: of Chlc.~:;n . were the .... ·Ilek.enil J:\le.t" n' Mr. llnll M .... ohll 1:""'·fll. WrlJ:bt "E:lllou. Snm Rosr. WIl· nllm ButleT anJ Jam~" BuUer <if (,hRmlla.lgn, Ill.. motored to tile c:lty Sunday. •

" SPAIlTA, ILL. ChRrtle 'Murdoe\c and Bennie Rail at­

tended the llllIIOnle eon\'ellllon In SL Louis. !I!o.. recently. Mn!. Lllll .. n Foster. who haa .. e.n vlsltln!: In Cqlll. Ill •• arrl"ed home re~enlly. MM!. Eliza· hetb CAnnon nr f;plUta l",rt neenlly for a Ttslt ,,,nh friends In ~turpby~­baro. ;lIN. Vcra L."1"''' of Duquoin I~ h~r. vlsltlnl:" brotller. nu),mond.

PULASKI, 1l.L. Eugeno Rice lind \~lfe wero called

hom" on arcount of the d~th of hl~ mother, l!ra. SarAh DooklnR. WIII! .. ~ Jetr~rle~ arrived home recently from GIlO .. Illd .. where I, .. tou bc~n for $CV­",...,1 weeks. D. 1--. ~esbllt eontinu,," III. :llrs. Pok.·y !llcKlney II"" b" .. n cOlLttnr.d at her borne fur fi,orne tim~'" ;Ill'S. Ka\l~ Cclitellficl<1 '" on lhe' &Ick 1i>'1. D, S. Dalton <l.n.l dnnghtcr hllse "",\'cn to o..wrn3lne. 111. t::. Britt WII.S "al1~d 10 mUn to attend the tuneral or I:;. Evans. who was broll.:bt from CIII­<"ni:o, \'rh"'r~ lle 'wcnt to undcT;o an Ol",,.ation. lIr. :Uld M ..... Powell n;I~' nett an.1 l;1~t~r \\'~r" ~·lslUllt; rclaU"e" In the clly recently,

Ceorg" ll<-Cut,·ba .. and '''allace 011'" ~on of O.knlool'a, 10 ....... are '1~\t\nt:: In' th .. city \\'Ith no......, .. R-rown. :ITT. anll llr~. FArl BaF'"lt I.,tt r_nUy for Chl- I

r:r' ;~t()oli~ri lVW..o-:C~1t l~:e;~Wr ! / J PEORIA, ILl... for l"ort Wayne. Ind., to visIt hc-r I ~Ir. ana ;'I!n. 'Waltei- Morton. .{6· f tI :>.t! Ett M ho I b Gr .. ~nlea! St.. ha \'s return~d froUl , n; '~I~e ~I';-: il~~ II'Dffltt:;'. M1:s 3~~ lfarlon. rowa. wh~r~ the), attended the i '~T>hlne llll1~r an" Jam~R W:tIRon were marrla!;e of lin"" "ennlo Z. P .. leo lind I qui",h' m:!.nled Tuesdny "v"nlll!;. Mr. ''''Imam Lero~' "·lIrren. The ""remony 1111,1 :lfr~. J.'!wi$ Pa"., of Auror:!.. m.. .""n·as u"'neerl~orOm("dDbr.y e",e DnreU~'o l.[!'o·rdF.OnloC·· ,I hav~ returned to Roel( f~t:r.nd. ",hup. ~ ~ r ,h,,:!, wlll snpnd th" ",Intel' ",lth ~IT". Pearl.... liT. artlt lIlrs. "'::l.rr~n exl,.!CI i ""'g .. ' .. mother. ;lInt. W. n. Perklm,. to make Cedllr Rapids. 10\<'11. thel.; llr. lind .?Ilrs. lWton Ross returned to home. )frs. "'an,, Glenn and 1If"". S.; Auror" Sunday. Albert ~f[)Ore "r A. A"lIe..- entertained 26 guests FrIday. CHlal' Rapl45. fo,.-... , Is '''!!1t1nt; h!s "" ... nlnc In lienor Of !IIrs. :lIInnl" .Uex· I mothu In the' city. ~Ii.1~';,I:°~.l.l~~;ar.:;:· /::Ir::i1te .... t~O s':.l

GALESBURG, II..L. Loul.... Mrs. Robert A. Lewis ot PittS-I William ,\nderaon deP<lrled th'" life burl:h. \\'ho It:u! been ·th8~ guoet

~~1!:\'~;t~ a:J'~~~~:~ ~~~~;.mJ~~~ ~~!lI\I:!tu:ne-:J' t:"hke~r :~m::oU\~h)~Y~;; i ... ,,1 H3rry; two hroth.,rF. r.nllrley "",I the efty lIIr.ll. Lewis wu enterta.lned bl·.' ~13ti"n. Rnd :t ~l.!'ter. Mr.\<. ;\1,'I\'ln::t nell'l :Ill's. nul!: 111'8. Summers. Mr~. N"ltle or <"hll"Pt:rt. Intel'D1(>nt w~. In Lln- Johllson. )1.". lloody. ~[rs. EIII". :>It!I.: "t}rt·nd.3In~~lrlsl··'A. Ir::son,",·n~~.ttCahlcT'~n_!:!· .. 'I'u·ChY I':.~-t., Cotlon. :'lr6. na ker. 1I1.s. G. B. Sh",,·, ,. .... ,.~. ..., v ~ _ :III'''. H:trry TI~del!. "Irs. L)'nch COII-Th"rsda~' nnd 1.lans were ma<l:r for n I W3~·. lIfrs. Will. Con" ... y. lIes. nt:1nc\." Hallo'''N'n pari)'. ~r,.,._ .r. E. llcCalinn i Ba.ley an<l :llr5. V. U. 'V~SL On Ftl­e"t"rlnln~.1 the R~" Hh'" <,Iuh or .11,> I .Iay e""nlng J. C. lIaYlles Invited !I~"_ !" ....... n<l ll.'l"II"t church Tu·~dar. llr~. I eral or 1\lrs. Lewl,,' old friends to tlt~ MAtilda ('raIFf,,"' cntenaln'od til" I home or llr~. Baker to .. uv I;ood·by.· Tltlll1bl .. ",,,,I,, on T1111r1id3)' at/pmnon. The Li1~9 <:IlIh held a lItcr:r.n, meeting llr. "nIl ;\1..,.. lll'}':u<t Crt'!!:""}' "15h to 1 !II0TldI\Y c\'enlm: ot the Community. n"no'lIlr" th .. marrlaee nt ""nnt·annUl.'. I center. )l!ss nUlh Herrod (' Indlnn. lflnn .. of Ih,-Ir "3u~hl .. r. lIclt'n 1':11>". I apoll~. Ind.. n Br:ltllcy ~tud~l:t. Was' !':;~~l"'\'\'~\":r~;J° h'!~~:~~~in;o~'t ,,;;~~~, lIw principal sprRker. Offlcer" or the ;\1. knd :IT"". JUNO "'ndFr ... nd ~n,,~.: o-Iub lire: ;\Ir'l. ~1. Banks. president: n()r&("~· ;tn,1 Donald~ nut! Commodore I )frs.. Anna "":tlbut1;. 'dcC' Iltt"~{dcnt; l!'hnu\" :lnd dou~htcr. llaxlne. molor~d !llrs.· L. D~ktr. setret:!.ry: l!rB. G. t.. Clinton. Iowa. "nd SIIpnt Sun""y: Booze. IlSsl"Um.t >;ecretary: liM!. J. '~lth ~Ir. lind !II .... }Jell I. ''''Udl!r. The I JOlles. chal'lnln. !Ill'll. 7.. Jnm~s. art :.U .... es Dolly Shoot" an,} Rub" Sllllln~r Instructor; ;I!~. JennIe Gnln. n."",l.tant ~nt~rtalncd t~n bo~·s ana gIrls at al art 11I8tt'Uctor; Mrs. B. D. Ames. jour­"'~Inl" rOWlt Rt the count",,· hom .. of I nallst, ",lid ;lfr~. G. Hu:;he.. partla· llr.... NAncc UOJ:\le on Tu;'sllny eve· mentarlnn. Rall'h Sulll''lln 19 .... Isltlng: nlng. The )",ung folk. \\'I!f(! el'an- old frlendA In tho clly.· Mr". Nlnn' .. roned by :ltp!ldames Alln.-. SIIMt!l nnd 1 Jones of EII~beth St. .... Cter sllendlnt :llatl"Une Wll<l'!!T. Th" annual blrthdA" ~everal days In Chiea!:o. I~ home acaln. ' "Ilnqu"t IIf the Sund" ... ellool of tll~ prince Ro!!,ert'l. nn old and teftll<!cl .... I Sf!Mlnd ll.'\ntlst chureh' was a ~t'Ord- citizen nr Peoria. 'llmS burled Tuesday! hrpn'kpr .thls ~'''Ill'. both In IlttendAnce afternoon from the \Vnrd'" Cllllpel A.' I\n.l " ..... \'Ic". Cr('.lIt Is due l\Irll. Nom "t. E. c1,urch. The nev. W. H. Jaml, I lAO ... ,,·tl. sup .. rlnt~lld .. nt. alld her corps ""n. the 'Ilt"esldlnll' elder of Ihls district. I nr .... or1<u". ~t"" J. W •. L: CnCienoood, ""U' called from LoulsvnIe. Ky.. to' Is on the sIck lI"t. II pTeAeh the tuneml sermoll. !

CHICAGO HEla!:iTS. ILL. M ..... H. !It. Dunbar. aft"" havlne;'

~~~"t):::::"'ly~t~~k"h~ ~~iU~:dt \~f ~~t bome In l..,ul!!IVI1I~. K~·. llrs. Mau,l

;~'n .. 0~1)~!7 'rx~~tw~~ .. W;u"Il:'~f)js~Y lIano\'er St.. 15 .. ''''''''erlng afler he­Ing ti~riclU51~' til. Th" conc~rt :;I\'~n by Deacon .Am""n or tI'e! Sllltnb )1",,-1I~1 ehurch "-IUI a IIt1Irul ~uec .. s.~. Jnhn n~f\'<!y lOllolce at JOOil!~ C. III. E. clturt:!l In b"half of thO Good Cltl"tns duh. whl"h mt'o!tR ~t 123 E. 15lb 51. at c"n· . tral 11:111,


cb~~:h ~~~~~ % ~.1~:1 t:';I;~3~ Inr, th" Rev. C. 'Z. William .... and fam­Ily back. tnr nnotl'PT year. l1,.,.. S ... le JacJa;on i~ "):o;ltlnll In Chl<":lgo. :\Ir. "nd lIlrs. }[3f"h South cplebralp.II Ih-Ir ::,,'" annl\'usm~- ~J>t. ::4. Th~y r~· e<>lved m~beaullful presents. lll,..~ Calli .. \\'bltne" enlprllllllf>d :l coml'any at dlnn",. at 'Ibe hom .. of Ii .. r motllt'r. E. F.tJ:hlh Aw.. D~tt Johnson. W. M. of Golden SquaTe lodltll!. Is attcn<lhll,. th .. r;rand 10<1",.., at Danville. Mr~. Eli:. Wlc910n 01 Chlat./ilo. whn' I~ Sl,endln!; lll'l' vac"t.lon wIth her brotller. '~h .. rl"" "1<:Glnnl~. tlf AI ... do "t'1"IIM a f~l\' d"~.,, wltl! !III'!'. F. A. Portcr on :'1. Third St.

i:l:';d;'::'{-Q~;~;;~n;'t::;'. l~~~I~gl3l:;;~~ w"n of i·'r.Utktorl. tolo .• I~ ~1~1I11l1f r~ln­tln'~ "nil frl"l'''l~/ here. 7h" 1:"v. :\t. n. Dlck!!On. putor of cahan" Ba»lIst r.hurcb~ """1:1-'" ttnltfott in tn.rrhu:e ~.~r.t. !!~ to :lIr..... Ktltlc T'hlU':'Ob of ;.'\I~mvhjs. TenD. Tile ceremony WIlli pertol'me;l by the Bev, S. A. OWen at Ke't!9POlitaD.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 3, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 19

BLOOMINGTON. ILL M1ea Gnace -o.;l~man of BI .... mlqfon

aDd Rarold lL "'lnnlna or, DetrOIt, MlclI., _1''' marrl~'C! at me hom .. 'OC tha bride'll mother. :\It$. 1.. Coleman. by tbe' a..v. S. B. Jon .... pastor 'Of .It.. )J.. E. church. OeL n.

Col. John R. MlU'lJuLll of ClIi~ .... til the clt)' .ttendlng the _lfare COn­'",""n<'<'. on !IIonday the Bachetor so,.. dllb ...... entertaJnc4 by the preald6l1t of th" club. Lorenzo YOIIDC. J.taens. Clallton IUId Mltc:1lell ,...,re lIPt'e1aI ·pute. A alll..,OU,..,., luncheon was Hn'ed by Mra. C1arenee 8te.· ...... on.


!Ia4 .. bet' I"Qeat Sun4llt!r tile JUa. Barne" aM AlacM of llu:ph:,rtlbol'o. Dr, and )tra. O. B. T:lompeon motored to Marion Sunda. and ... e peata of frlel1&. Dr. FIoy4 Mooreland and Frank la.cknll motored to camera lIll1la Tuesday; NIJIa "Irian C'rOU wu con­lined to her home tlIla weelt. Mrs. Bam Sykea -!!"naht In bel' pl .. ce. The Be .... C. H. na)·e. of the Rock RIB Baptln ehureh &'aVe an tnlerestlJlC talk at the chapel hour to tlIe .'udenta of Attllcl<a .chont ThurllCSal'. Mr. and Mns. Thom ... E. HaY8l! of East st. Loul. mDtnrecl doW'll Tue8dJt,. anc! wllre the eueeta or Mra, Ha)'es' paren"" )[1", a1Id ).l..... Ar­tlIUI' Clarkson. )4ra. Naomi L. Jouea .!'ent the Teak-end .. 1tl1 Pmf. And Mr&.' W. JL Le ..... Ia. lira. KatIe Murray. w~o 18 teachlnlr at Che..ter •• pent the w .... k­el1'd .... Itb be.. mother, :"'1'''. E11&abeth l.I<:Cracl<en. '11'11. Addle Green of Rall­_ CIty, Kan.. t. aven41nc a few weekil wtth h~r dal>sht~n-Ia"'. lira. WlnDte Green .... d· cnm IIdren.!\tr&. RoM O .... y hall retured .... eve .... 1 montha' .. 1stt ...,th her "laler. Mrs. Em" Tremble of Chlc:acn. The students of "ttucb IIchool Uljoyed A HaIJO"'8I!n aoc.Ia\ at the 1Ic/:i001 FrIday nl&!lt. Prius .... ra a_rded for Ule mon beauUful and the mOost C'Omlcal _tum.,., Jl\aa lJIrdle PeJln of Moutilla epObt the we"k ... n4 ",1th friend ••

The Hom" Study club mat at Cle ftIIld .. nce of Mm Genna CoIb)' Oct. -:0. Tho.., pret'll1\t betoldu ttl" bo.t .... "'''re :u. ..... M' fia)"tI8I!. the llrealdent: :!lInt. J. lI. Gladden. lin. ;'1. W. l{~b.,.. the 1\J1~.~6 F. Jon .... !II. ~an. Fan· nle and I.u<')· Turner. loll .. ~ Free­man and :IS ..... Mildred ShelToc! will hfl hORt_~ to tbe club at ttJs next. meet­!tI¥. Sh .. nnan Hunnicutt. prlne1p:aj of the LIncoln .ehool at Topel<&. Kan~ .... as a ,·I.llor lu t.he elf.)':.. t.he .cuut of ~Ir. IUId ),r.... W. C. Hunnicutt. lllJla ('onp"f'lo Wlll1011 .. ptnt the "'eek-end ... 1th h"r parenta at :o\okoml •• In. Ra)'­mono! LuC&8, ... ·ho baa been In Cle Dea­cone .. boapltal tor tit'Vilt'8.l ... ·eel<4. bav­Inl! underco~ &J\ op..,ratlon tor appen· dlclU ... til llome DOW Anel 401l1li ulcety. SPRINOFII!.LD. iLL. !lh1l~ M.t')' GanIcI'. who baa been III n. Rbl>den. tormerly In t.hll \ln4ert1.k­fot the 'PIlat few wetb, 'e "onTaleae1na. Ins bualneas here. w!10 has beeD Ill' A. D. Y,-ooIb remalna critical!)' 10 at In the :Sew Home aaD1\.1l1'1um In Jack· hili home 'n Tudor A...... !lin. Ida B. .onvin.,. __ In the dly recently, mueh ·Wallace. ... ·hO 1> .... betm III at l>er hom .. , Improved. 1011"" Deflley of the atate I .. mu .. ~ lmpro\·ed. llr-L'iII!lldred Shu- audlto .... om ..... thll princiT'S! rod.. who ...... a eontaUo.dl lu • l'e~nt :. add ...... or • pTOCram rendered at 81. <tI11"1!! Given at the Pllllrim C. )L E. I John' • .A. :'!. E. <'hureh recenUy. ('hurclt on f;und .. )" Oet. 13, 'Won Mra. S. C. A!anuel. '03 So 14th St.. tint honora."ha,1nl' raised the enm of WU caned to Ru...,nviUe. K.\' .. on Oet. r.l'.~. !oJ..-. Emma N.IIh: the Wife ot I n on Aooount of the \lineD of bltr t:nd.,na.ktlr ::O>a"h a.nd a tonn .... t.eacht:r I father. :?.In. Walden. 1015, E. Cnrpen· In thlle dt}·, died Oct. n. Fun .. ral wft I tel' St.. who hal been BOmewh .. t IndlJl­held from the St. John's Zion cburcl1 ,,-.f Cor 80me tim&. ha& Improved. ::;un4&,,, Qet. 13. lk. and MI'II. J. JIl. I QWLrt.rl)· «>nferenel!l ~ beld .. t Grace ~m_ and tbe Rev. and M",. T. C. :' )'f; E. <'''"re!l on Oct. .1. the Rev. L. Ulark left to~ DI!'trolt. .. 'hf're they at-: i \\ OOlnch. pr ... ldlnt; "'Ider. omclatlna· t~nded tlIe C. M. E. annual ('Onteren.,... : At ~ p. m. the R<!v, G. W. Jones "fra. Mlldre-d Sherrod WlJf'llt a week ...... d ,: pru.ched th .. 6&CMIm .. ntal ",,""on. The vltll IuIr mother at CoIllnmU". who I. • R .. v. and !Ill'S. J. C. Roberta of ZIon on the odek 1Iat. "11.. Anule Balkln8j Baptist church c"rebrat~ Chell' tOUt

• 0...... ..·.-IIdll\ll' ann!ve!1U\I'3' on Oc"l.. 29 In tb" ....... qu'etly married to '1 m. . .... - rorm 'Of A n-ee"Uon to tile II' In,ited ner, II'. I frlend_. A. M. WUllams IJI erectln .. 4-

.. "NDUSK' ....... ILL. new 1I&t on W. Oranl A .... m •• - Bflale Mlmm ... lat" matrOn of PULAii<'! ILL

the Euleni Slar .... nd dAu~htar ot lIL C. lIfeKIne)' !lt~""1'!L ·Ul.'nal,> and Xarry ).nmma. 41ed n .. "ntl)·. Th .. Rev. CedI Nesbitt we;" 'called (1'''''' Cham­n. Copeland ",...,a"h.'" th .. funeral. lIU.I palnlt and Chlcar.:o to th" bedsIde of l.tlla aattl". 0.11'0. 1!1.. lit In L'Ie clty, thell' 'ather. D. • ... l" .... hltt. who h .. 11> .. 1l11e>.'t or )'Ira. Cora. John...,n. )'Uu " .... n sick fol' .en'l'al weeks aad ron­JllIla JohnllOn I .. on the .del< llllt. The tlnu,"", "c:ry lit. lIIIs8 Maudetta Hen­,,1.,me,ntJsry ""hool bas as Its prtnrJfl&1 dmllOn III ""nousl), Ill. "frll. AJlT'S Mu_ lI:Ia" B~rlI .. n. P"nn of ).lou".da. 111 ... tin fa on the Ilclt lilt. JOll Be/l .nd ... ho Ie a ... l.t4'<l by 1011.. lOoeJ V. 1 son arr1"ed home tram Champalcn. 111 .. Churchill of Terre J!aute. Iud. I .. ·/teta th"" hU'1I been ,1Bltlnl: triends

QRI'ND CH;.IN ILL ' and relatl\'es. Jolr. and l!t1J. 'powell .... ,. d 1I1 Barn .. tt 'Were called ff'om Mamn. m .•

.rnse!'h Lfo-.8 motored to l>f""n.. . I to Village RIdee IlL on account of ~orvel l"lo\·all ... 1\0 att .. nd" bl"h aellool I the d".,11 of th~lr "-unt !lira. Sallie 1n lI'ound •• ""me ItO!"" recently. ),11" •• :, Jon.... RIc.'Iard .ron"" oC' Chl<laj;(! 'Inle r. .... n::ta !';,anab.>rry. "'ho b ... be .... awal. caned to th .. bedstd .. or hIs mothf:l' ~m., bnm .. ~ .. t1~ •• "" .. nt a fe'" dill'. I M ... Sam ... lones of '''lIla Ridge. M"": ... lIh r~IaUv ..... "''Ot..,. B»'&nt .. nd :lI!I'II. TAUI, .. : Thomp..,n hall Ntumed from f;"llIe Fl.,nO)' ~. Perk" 108t thell' ~oulle I' ''lIla Ridge. where she baa been at the .... '·"1'111 4a"" ""., .... 1\en It ..... ~ drstTO}'''''' •. ~_IA fbI "Saul J tI 1'~' 1IN'. ~j"!It' .. ,,, ... CI1!8,,1 .. "'.rd lU('b", I __ e 0 or II ster .... n. a 0 ea. ard"on .nll Fl"urtn., Ward. lIIIet .. 1'1I. WATSEKA, ILL. "'.« .. .,.,,11 ..... tn :'bund City reeentl)' OD" Will J'ohnl<On. !It",. Ollie Woodal'd and ","""unt Of d ... th. I children lUId LI%%l~ WOOdard mototed . Archl.. 1.. M"",onll or Mound ('It)· to )tartlnton and \,\.It"'" friend ... MH. d<llI>/! ll"'e ~n!l)·. :lI1.,.,. . .MarY Jo!tn· Blanche :lSorrl.s ,1. It I'd Mr& El!:tI'Ibeth ""n .""nt 1al"l ... · .... k In Olmlll.end .... Ith· Brady. prior to her movln ... to Chleal;o. l\lt~ ... Tl ...... le nf'ltll. The .. tork ,1111tC!'1 I F!"~'" an" s"m Go..-an ,,'I)re bU5lnesl'l )I!'lI. lJ<,tts and .Ieft a f\.n" J!-poU?d l>G~. I ,'hd! .. rs in Chlr.ns:o t~ently. Clifford 1I1('tK!"m"" :?tan FI.nol and !'Jar, Flo" -, HuoJy r .. turned to El.-anlton .fter ...... of St. Lnu!~. fonn ... rly. of fhl" !'U)·. I \'Isltlnl: hi" wlf.' and family here. )101'-' .. ~ .. '1l'1tln~ h"rf'. :"'no. :"annl .. \\ .... 1- . r!s Go .... n will attend tbe football folk 1""ld ~l. l.oul .. a "js!! r.,.."mlr· ll-. : c:amt at Chnml"'ltrn :0\.'1,'. 3. "IT. Rnd T'alm .. ~ an4 fAmily ... t Olm"J""d m',~;'C! , !'Irs. CI ...... , Rcr.1 of St. Ann" .... Islted wtth to ,hl. City. ~Int. Jtl1Inle '~a~hum ,·lB·· ~Jt. JlIld :lfrlf. Sp,",,') CO"lngton and tIP<! " .. r ~aunht .. l"II. l\.t .... lltom .. ~ I.lul., Grllndma Gnwan. ~tr, 8nd :lit,.,.. DI"k and ~Iart::'." CtOl.~land of ~"'~,....rk r .. • )Jorria or Wauclla mO"ed (0 Cblca-.;o .,..ntl~·. Th~ fie,'. Jobn ('ro,.land h~. where :'11'. !,forrl. Is .. plaaterer ami rot urn"" 'I'<>m a bl!: meetln!! In Ha':ri~- d~""rator. llak~r DePueh, Rlc:hllrd bun:'. _ Th" nO',·. J .. mCII Urn".,.. of , ,,~- l\'lIIbm$ and Ed nailing" .. of Evan.ton don. K}" .• "''lUi fh .. gDrt\t of Carter R. H. pa~""d tlIroull.'!t Ihla city, ~1l1 route nan!'Om. lI.Il'1t. !llan' :?t. P.anShm and home after attendln« gr&nd lodlf'" In i'D,lly motor"'" 10 Cairo on 'l>ulIl""",. In D.n,·l\h~. 101..... Franels Clendenntn Is fh"lr F"~d .... dan. .f. 'W. ('.ohb. 'Lo1" "l.~!llng In lUnnC!'4flOlla. lit!'!!. Dora l( .. l1y anI! RI~hud nh,on of :o.lound ('tty ('o\'lngton villI ted. )11'. and !II",. FT .. nk "'''1'" h .. re on bu~'neSll. !\frs. It:uia :;he"""rd and ber ~on E1mel" IlDd .... Ife lln r p f'81<f Karnak a bU"'t1en call. In Cht""l:;o r~~~ntly Her brother 08-",·"nr,.d H~ and .... Ife ... ·ent ~h"l'l'lno; t.c.rne a<'Co"'Pllnlrd j, ..... :" 1"1 ............ ntly. "l~!I, Franklin A!I"nh-"' .... !'1!\ ta a\\'ay on ,. '1~1t to II>" Rev. • ; DANVILLE. ILL. ~!. AU.n ..... orth·~ pa .. ebtl' In )lar!on. ·lIlr. and ~1",. FTed G .. e and dllUlfhtU ;:ITm. :1. Jon"", who I. "tol'l'lnlt "'Ith Florence ot f:hII'Jl'S" weI''' ""PAUl In Ihe :'\''''''. IUlC~"1 "'allh!n~on In F'"r,,""\·!ew. 'IIom(' of ~Ir. and :If ..... Artb;t. 1008 :So I. on '" "jlllt I'll !lft,und ("itl'. JOf! Rohin!lOn St. :'Ir$. Gm<'" G .. ". Mr ... nd "·t)\\'I'>I"", ...... R In )!nund Clt~·. ,,·her.. :lIN<. a..~ And dau~hter 'FlounCe mo-1 " ""' ... ~rrd !-.. {,,~ .. th" ~nil JUry In. .\o,...d t" n" ..... lur to vl~lt rl!lat!~·ee. Th .. ",.nllrlll' ... ," at tlIe ,",uWler of James :'oU ... ~!onan· fo.-I"ty "'11.8 "ery highly en. 1Uchatd50n, 't .. rtalnC'd a t the home or JIlrs. J. C.

PON~IAC, JLl.. t~:- ~~~~;... n~~1n,:.n ~;,;.~ ~~"'~l~ ",",. J·~~I .. :0\. Tlahb ,,· .. nt to nloom· after a "llIlt In tbl! !lome or Ill" !lev.

lnr"ll for,. brl.·' "IRlt ,..Uh .... laU"ell. "Ir. Rrewer. Mrs. :0\,,111 .. Ar"hle "ery ~ ,.rN>n !If ........ of <':1>1 .. ..,,0 ",,,,, her" on !I'tea,..ntly entertaln.d th .. I'lIv1l1l! Art 1 ... "ln"".. fla"ld Flrlel'.lIn ~I'ent a few Girls. Th~ m"mheMl of I?le jar> Rose ,t,,) .• 'l\1th hi. 1a.mfl~· n"d r .. :urned to dul, 1\ .. ld th .. lr re<;ul:u meet;"!: at the r:hl.'B!:O to talee up hili riutl"" "1th the h .. m .. .,r :.fl' ... nd lll'll. J. C. Artist. { . !i: .,. !lIn. Ad4l .. ('.,."ell .... ·1Ii II!ll .. e' )lls>, BatJ)t's. who wa. operated on at ~!>j\ WM'k 'nr ~n "",,.I<-n.\<d "J-\{ In ('0· , SI. Ellz.obeth',. ho.pltal. Is mu<:h Im­,\lIT. .. u •. Ohio. The n ...... n. "-. Jame. I'ro\',-d and "'111 r<'turn hOm!'.oo11 '\\'11. F"". :'T"~ldlnl!' elder of l'('oria. ",a .. at lArd 1'rle4> who wall .erlou.h· In'ured l'~I"'" A. "t. E. cbur~b qU3rt.erl:v m"ct- at th .. C. 'Go:. E. I . .. hop .. , Is inneh Im­Inl!' day. lUehard Jacuon of Falrhur}' fll'O,·ed. !1ft. and !III'S. »h"",,1>: l"mlt!J "' .. " b .. re on bU8lnua. C. !It. Lowne), and !amll\' ha,· .. moved Into their hom" JI"~ tak .... " position al Smith'" 11".... In OAk si. A delt~'IItflll "u'llI·I~ .. blrth­<'Rt .. In :0\. lUI! St. Wa}'mAll Brw<lley I dl\~' party ... "" "'I .... n to !Ills" Ht"\an 01 F,,·rl>u..,· 8l'If'nt.a 4a)' h .. r" renewing I Fren<'.h. Arnone the oUt-ot-lol\''' 1:11 ...... ...... uR!nt"n" ..... "ndattenilin.: "CM'ICf!!l at ... ·er(' !lfl .... .Flor<'ncl! C .... ot Cl,I .. " .. o aod th .. nt·tllel A. lit. E. ehu...,h. J. C. Cun- I lItl".. C'ec~"" WIlliams of Cham:lRlj:n. nlrl/;-hllm and _-fIr and J.oul" :Uartln lrt1!. Martha Beeler retumed from An-Ilnd Mary Martin or StN! ... lor motorl!d <tullon. Ind .. ,md mil remain .... Ith her

. dausM .... 10 Cblcq1). The to:1ieral __ held 10 Betll., A. !II. E. chureb. con­ducted by ~ nn. B. A. Ihntha .. , PI-of. ~n" 1.., principal or Sumner HII:11 aehool. St. LoulJl.. !11o., waa unable to come to Quincy and de­

of the Rev • .1. H. :Sor1!s .. nd wlte all. liver tlIe addrellll at thl! Eighth and Monel.y plght. Tht Woman'a Opportu- E1m SU Balltlat church Sunday 6ehoot nlty Glub met at the relldence of !lire. commencement ex .. rbel 0et.:S. H. D. l:."Ulet Heady and becan I;lan~ tor the Condron. wha has chaTee of the edu­annual ·Wluuan'. day proa;ram and t.h" catlonal department Of the Cit)' Sunday

YrP6Ctive lecture to bo ctven by MIss SchOOl auoclaUon. was Invited to mlll<e Ule Q. Brown. pruldellt of the Na· the addrl'8& The CAlltor. Dr. Murrell.

UQ/I.I Club .... oclallon. Prot., John "'ho taught the c au, presented t!l. Cfa"'1'ord. one or the oldeat t$8chen . eIght )'ounc women their dlplomu. In the rounW, dll'<! In Olrm;tead, where'j Mn!. Squire BlackWell oC Franktort. be Iuod lwer.. tuchlng school, 'Vedne.·; M ..... SUlie Johnson ot. Knn ..... day of JaRt week. Funeral b"rvlc" .. i City. )\[0., and Mrs. DavIs of Palmyra. were held .. t PllI:'rlrn Rest ThlI,U .. t i Mo ..... ·~re guest .. of "Mn, lItary Young churell. tile Rev. Mr. HilI omclJlllng. ,a It dinner Oct. 23. Othel'l! Pttunt. iwbo The Ie. ot P.'e bad charee of the body. ; I ve In tbe city. were !lIre. Henry Webb. lllnt. ld .. Crawford of DetroIt. )lleh .. ·· Afr .... JUIlR Dyaon and Mn. Jordan Early and a IIlst.r of :it. Loul., Mo .• attended I and da\Jll:httr, B" •• II!. Dr. Murrell was the funeral. JOlla. Muska\'lllley wa. a: tbe speaker nt the ~5th .nnUal banquet ChlC&80 visitor .. "",enUy. A '!ary" num- gl\,en bv Mount Zion Jl4pU'1 eburch of bel' of tbe youn .. er a.,t attended the Peoria Oct. 25, Other mlnl~ten preHnt parly m bonor or Mra. Parker of Chl- ,. "·ere:· The nev:s. S: M. Dukes. Cblcago: eIOIIO. .tven by h'll· ... nd M .... Gu)' Buk-' H. W. Jamuon. pruldlng "'IdeI' of tbe er of Mound City. MI'. and Mrs. C. M. I Sprlnglleld distrIct. A. 11. E. c."mrch; Boykin havfl a neW baby &Irl addM to· B. S. TOdd. St. p",ut's Baptlat chun:h, the tamlly. lIl ..... JUlYIlT,:Mlln",,. III vla- I and C. A. Wallace. PIlltlO .. or' Alount \tin&, :o\ew Orleallll and other louthem! Zion Baptist el\urelt. UnIon Baptist points, lIIt11. N",nnte l1cCorkl& ta BLlIlI chureb and Its paotor, the Rn'. J. N.

. numbered ... ·Ith the alclt. Pomp '09 ... d;,- Owen,., de<tleat!!d tba new bouse ot "'0'1'-1 Ia on the sick lIat. . lih!p Oet. !8. The nilv. B. A. RaJ'IIha ... ,

The nev. I. H. North .. ttended tha and the Rev. O. G. Smith of the A, M. E. , annual conference or tlIe C. AI. Eo· .. !lureh ... and the Re... G. W. Brown of ehuJ'eh In Dil:tro\!, Mleh, The Rev, G. Quincy .... !!re present. D ... lful'1'ell pre-T. Ramilton, pUlor of 8t. paul A. M. sIded. The Rev. Erne~t Redd or Elghl!l Eo chul'e!!. I" dotna; ~ood work. hav- and Center SUl. Baptlat church. H"nn\' Inl' a\read)' "Ianned a t1nane1al drive hnl. Mo .• and Dr. B. N. )turrell of In .... h!ch h .. h ... every member of the EIl:hlh and Elm Sts. Baptisl ('hurch. chureh enp1:ed. G .... nvllle llamllton Is Quint')', III., ""changed pulpits Sunda.r etowly Improvln&, after a second stroke mornlnK. The unIon Thank"~lvln .. or paralyala, MI'II. Radl\ Goodman 111 ."n·lce ""II! be heta Thankll!:lvln&" day able to be out art~r ae""17.1 weeks of In EI!:hlh Sf. BapUat chur.:h Noy. !It. eontlnl'lnent. Potnfl Dowdy 18 able to The ladleft of Belhel A. Af. E. ehure!t be up a .... ln. ~'1It Bransford visiter! held a rummage and horne ('ooklng Mle his 1ather In N<!wburn. Tenn. Mra. In the Parlol"ll af the (!hUl'eh Oet. 30. Myrtle Coodman Flaher and 1Il ..... Clat1l. The Re .... J. :If. Owen~ Aod Union Bap­GOOd.".,,, of GarY, Ind.. attended tb" tlst 'chureh dl'<!leat~ Ib"lr bOIl .. e 0.( tuoernl of thel," father In Villa Hldge, ""orshlll Oct. 28. -At 2:30 1" m. the Rev. and vlllited lUlUly relatlvea "no B.. V. !\telga of till' Clmtra1 Bap!l8t tnenJs hero before 1'6turnloa: borne. chureh del!ver~d the .... rmon. T!te ney lfl"ll. AII('e MlIlner_ .... aB. In HIckman, J. W, !II use, d~'Ce8JIed, wa. Ula tlr.If ICy .. recently. QlIcaT Dawllon 1ft In t!te I .... tor. """pltal In Chicago tor treatment. Aln. 0111" Str .... t of St. Loull "Islted Mrs. CENTAruA. ILL. BetUe McDavid and other friends and Mr •. Emma Long waa In !I~lon. TIl .. re13th·es. lll'll. LU'a :Mcl"eU vlJllted her In th.. Intere"t of the ml.s!on. JIlT.' mOther In 51.. LouIs. Mr. and Alra. And lItr6, I. D. Rll:gs of AIUance. Neb .• I J. R. Millner ha"11 lIone to z,;;"w Or- ar .. here vlaltlng h~r ""rents. Mr. and I'

leans fol' a 10 .Iays' visit. ~Ir. and l1,... Dennis Cotn"lI. The nev. J. B. :Mrs. James FogeY m<>\'1nt\' to Chl- McCrary of Mett<>polla preached fo'l' cap. John TaYlor, ThOR. Cro .... Alon&o the Rev. W. H. Cllrter ot the .. Seeond : lIan, Fern Ball".\' And Hasal Bailey Bapllst chureh. lIlrR. Unl .. HAlfacre' motored to CBtb,ndalc and vIsited )1'1'. 18 visiting In C~am"aIKJI, III. Mra.. and Mra. Slats"y lIlo.ley and oth~r Odre nl~han"on I~ on th~ _Irk IIllt. friend.. The musicians or Mound. Min... Gtenda OInt... and P"1Ir1 havo ot'/:IInl.ed a band and are lIuln!; Jrohnson of Carbondale>. ill .. vL,lted th'!!' tine, James Chllda and Robert lit"",,· Onnel"8 fathpl" Doup:lu Canty, lut 0"'" are the promoters. The Rev. G. lV. Sundlty. Mrs. Emma Lonn!: WIUI In Hill I" able to be In his pulpit again Shnwn~etown. nJ .. last .... e .. k on a mill. after seve.",! ,..."ek" ot IIIne .... ; SL .Ion visit. MM!. C, D. Ov .. rlly of Cairo John'~ Battllst church 1", ptannlnl> to III,. visited t'elatlv~ .. and friends In th'; remodel t~ .. M cburch. The nev. Mr. elty lut wetk. !\tt!!. O. J. JoneR and :'Oormant la the JlUtOI' I1nd Is .lolng dFl\uBhter. Annie. vls\led :1111'11. 'Annlo a IITI!!&t work. lIlme, R- C. Douglas,,- l!l1:URon lJuIt "" .. ek. Th.. mu,l('al re •. Buford .... " In tho ~Ity In til .. Intereat ~I:al gl:~n .. ~nd"r th~ aUI'Ptce. of !lrf •. o! the Supreme Ro) ... l Clrcl" of hlendll ' ..."ura ""'n .... WftR II I:1'Itnd IlUCC"I". !lfr. or the World. Dr. n. A. Williams will I and M,.,.. Carol !loll" hav.. returned b" In the (!Ity ~oon lo .peak to the a ft('t vi.ltfn~ for P"Vf'r&1 days with her peo!>l" on thll prlnclplea Of the or'l:'an- hrolathPr In M~ml'hlq. TrnD.( and other !zaUon. I' re lives In nIPI"~"nn.

, SPARTA. 11.1.. METROPOI.IS. ILL. I !llnI. Cren&lIaw and daueh! .. r, Bea- :Io(I'lI. &111.. nlhb hlUl r"t\lm~d from

trlee, atttnded tile .... "ddlnt: ot her soil. SprlnJ:ft~ld. \\'het:e phe"d her' La ... -nnrl' Holland. to ,MI.~ Lllv Wilt. daUKhter. lin"" Maude Porter .. ·a. '"

~ ,~ tl!" city !'Ifttul'dllY. !lfrs. Amllnda' klns In SL 1.0ul. O~t. ·~O. Tb., Junior lHel'h~ns or Fulton. 'K,.. Is In th .. cit ... Odd F .. lIow" and Rut~ h"ld a Halloween vlsltlnlf tplnU\"u. Hnrl .. y Stl'lt!klnnil. party at thf' home or :lIr~. Charlotte was a Paduc"h. Ky .. \·"r lallt ...... ek. Ran,n".. 'MI"II. l".:aheU .. Iiu,l~on mad.. "r ..... B",.U .. · lfod~" hu gone tt> CRr • a hll"ln~~. {I'll' 10 Sandu"ky, III.. last I,'mdale. nt. to tolslt her 'da.ughter.· we .. k. Ethel Stc"'llrt and lIlar· :'ofr. and MrlI. Sullie DIMI'IlIlt" hRve geMn. GI"" "'pent the, ... "pk-end fnove4 Into theIr home ... n Rroadway. I "'Ith :.t!~a J~nnl .. lOt. Jame.. Mrs. K .. n· :II..,.. All .. ., Rr"rl~1I Rnd dau.:ht~r. ~1arY. nard and dllul.'ht.r Odlll1a. and nl""e re- h:.v" rl'l .. rn~d to th .. lr hnmo In -saltlllo, tumrd borne from Earlln!:ton. Ky .• after Tenn .. nrt~1' !pendln", th .. Bummer "'lth I oppndl:>!: th" "umm"r .... ilh h .. r .hler. ~fr, lind :I,,.,.. :-;Onnb Hroyl.~ of r .. at\ Rt. I

ll .... Ja",,,~ 01 ... lt80n. !.Iui .. :'Oelll~ ~Ia,' :'Ifl'1'. !'{:try C'r"~slyn "'1\,, h""t .. "M to the '''lIlIsce waB ''''''!!rely In,ur",d at .chool ,\II'''a Art "Iub Th\l"da~' artl)rnonn. lut "".,k. I'h!! wa.. tak~n to :.tuTl'hys- "fnt. Be",ll'., Hntehlnl'On. th" dAughter '..,ro hosl'lII .. l tor treatment. lilT. and or Ca"t. and !\frIO. H. n. Rurk ... liM I !'frs. R. It. Slaughter ha\'~ mo\'~" to t"tutn,," from Chlra!;o. :ltl8S ATttl~ Dan,11l .. , IlL :lIt'$, Yh'lnn AlI.n Is here t.~.""jO Ii< ~o"'e "tter ~f'~ndl"a: the lIum·: tor sn !nd"l!1Ilte ~tay .... Ith ~el' hU$b .. nd mPT In F", .. t St. Lntll... :'Ith;.~ l-;lhd and friend.. "'II/Iam" ~nd lIf..,.. !If"",·, Bro"le~ .. n- I

t .. rtnlnc" t"e LaI!I~A' .>.Id Rt the home " ELKVII.I.E, ILL, or. Mrs. Bmyle .. I""t TIIP~(\ay e"rnlnoc.

E. Woodfin ta \'h1tlns out ot to ... n. rl .. ",. .. ""nd ~'Dur ne ..... '0. thIs nllp~r Wiley Blackwell or Spatta. III.. "'It." to !lfnr. D. S. ;\(001'''. Cont. ft. G. '·'"lllng hera. Mrs. !llnsgle B. Clay- Rtlrk.. hn~ l"ell,,.n .. ,, (rom Sllrlngfl!ld. I.rook 1,. "Ioltlng In St. Loull!. Mo.. Th(' R .. v. !ltr. Harrl" nt Pnduellb. Ky .• for an Indetlnlt~ time. "-nd" lIarkln or I.~ th" Inl .. ", ()t :If.,.. Wa<t" an<t !Iff'S., HalUday!boro •. Ilt .. mad" a I;U9lness trip SmHh '«'hlle ntt .. "IlI,,1l' !~ .. Fri>e Bl<NI~t here, Sam Bostick of !llutTIhysboro, lll ... eont"r('n .. ". ~h .. F.dil~\llIe hee Bap-111':>.8 ,'11 .. 1111;; here r"cclltl)·. :IoIT. and I !:~~ ~:~!'~I~~a! ra"':i:r~~:=:h~~ ~r d~i:: Mrs. E. ,V. S",!lt!\ are the parent" of! (;",,,. "nd vl"if"..,. In nttpndnn~... ~f~. II. fine bab~ 00,. Jame:s Ferrell mad" ; and !\I'rs. lItr/'.:nl"k~n of Wn\"rloo, Il bTI"r tr,I' tn Duquoin. m. n. A.: ,""'Il, a .... the ,l.'Ue"l" of !If,.,.. T. 'I'urn .. r Trl~e ha~ returned home nft~r an oi!X' ; while vl~ltlnll' th .. Frp(' B.'ptl~t eonf .. !'. tended ,lsI! In th" northern ll'lrt of; <;n,.." J ...... " AlbrlttoJ> and !llrs. VI,,­,lie &tale. John. \Vl\lIam~ of 'Van!.· 'orln" lItA),"" "'ere 'l<"<,U .. m~M'I"" In Ill.. "'"aII vl.!Ung h" .. ". Mn. BetUe I nrO()kml"t on Tbur"i1ay """nlnl.'.'. Roh­Claybrook Is Ill. Alberta .:\!r.ers "'a"" ert Hodge, an aE''''' dUx .. n. I. dealt. ea.l'bondale vlsllor. Mn;. \Y. ~t. De. __ wll was a Colp '·I~lIor. W .. ~l .. )· '1 OALESBURO, ILL. Jobnson "!>,,nt n. few da)'~ In Dn"l101n.. !lfr!\, KlpPf'r Hill I. ,·I.ltlng heT !lIt'!!. Bella ~lolley. teacher In !llurphn- daul'(lflrr In O",,,h ... ", .. t>. ~tt'!l. n"b.,. (.oro. til.. ",I.lted llP.f par<nt.'!. ... it. Palm"r o( :I!!nn ... n 1'011., MI"n.. dau",h'­Oraham mnde a brief ITlt. to Dowell, t"r ot Ed !lfltt'.ll"n, I .. Pl'endlnl:' a '"w. II~. R .. uhen Rurkhalter WlIs \'I>illng In ~ d?ys wltb hl'r ~19trl'. wh" 110 m. :If 1'. \\ al'd. m. Hal'dle and I!""",,- ; an" Mrs. \\'.' 1". B~ll. lit..... (" ... ,.nlln .. ,'elt Hn.mlllon or CariJondal., motored Wel\~ lind lIfr. Rnil :o.r..... A, .T. Crl"T<' h .... e rl'<' .. ntly." ,motor ... d In nf\rk f"l"nd SUII",,)' and

Tribute .Terrell wu a Ward. m., \'I~- "'f're the l"11('~t" or 1Ifr. Rnd :ltrs. Abe ItoI' last ""pelt. n. A. Trice a.nd "Un' O""'·Mn. Pr",",e"\\'e 'Women'" duh FloTII :It. Garner motm-ed to DuquoIn: m .. t "'llh ;\fril. O .. l1l'lId~ Alcnn IlI!It r"",·ntty. Don Williams mnde a bUIII-' T .... ~dny. :ltr... Th...,dosln. FInne,. en­nrss trip to Anna. IlL. r~enUy. Jam".: t .. rtnln .. tI th.. T. C. on FridAY. 1\f ..... Fprrell ntt .. ndl'<! the funeral of 'Vlll· If. ~. tI'IU" el't .. l'taln~t'l tht' npe Hive Cro". ot CB~bondale rec"nUy. Mrs.: on Tuud:t~·. MNI. Maud", Van )\.Il~n ize!a De .... ltt mad .. a brIef trl" to Du.· Hudllln~ hn.. Ollenl'd lin; u11-to·d:tl .. quoin n""ntly. W. F. Oliver of COI!"I hn1;'! on Slmmnn~ and W .. "t 15t... We UI .• ~lH!nt the "" .... k·end In tho city. hall tl ... • eoOl'l n""'8 l\~ a lonl\'-f .. lt n"c~ft­It..... llIlO' Gudd of Halllda)'lIhoro. Ill .•. ~Ity. :lrt'll. S"""n Allp.n. :Ill'. an" "ft'!.

M~: ~bil~ltY"f~~Pn':;;.~~B'I~~~h"ft~~ 1 :nn3r"HRi:J~mn;.,w:n lI:::::ro~~~le t:OI'IR~:': to Punt lac anll "Pent. , ...... !>O"T" can- "oIL WUl A. Beeler. Ing on frlenel.. Alpliont;O Strll"Klln anel r::,'& f"trlcldln lIpt'nl a ........ nt sunda,. 'n Cblca,.o. !\I'rs. llarte )Iaburon ........ the tru""t of tri .. lId. In ~1I'. .. go. Muter (,lar"n"" .lfrtbur 'TIn"lev tI.... be .. n on th. alele llet fol' Be\'era.i day.. Work-

... ... s • vf"hor to Halllda)'sboro recentl'·. I T.lnnd 1 .... t :Mondn.y. Th" Autllmn Lf'J\f' Mrs. Sadie Smith .1Id daulrbt..,. "I'"nt! cluh .. ntertaln"" th"lr hURhand!' ...-ttll

ONARGA. n.L. a Ife".. daYl< oul'or th" elly. 1\fllIII E.' a H .. \J" ..... p.n mrulk 'Party Thll .... dn ... at·

=-:;'3'1 JM:~~~I~u~:elr furnace fn


Mre. Anna n. 111 ... halO return .. d hom" M: Tri"" mnde a bu.qln..... trip to Du·1 the home of !lrn, Llovd. Th .. Pro,","-; attn a f",.. daya' vl~lt .... Itlt fri .. nds quoIn rocelltly. Henry Chambliss b .. , I alv .. Women',,' ('\ub hAd a R"IlD .... en In ChJcaco. Nlsa ),label Jone. 18 IIpend. returned home an.". vlllltlnc In Chl- 1 narty .. t the bome "r lit ..... Anett .. , Run: , Int; two weekll wlUl relatlv.., and eaIfO. lIInL Carrie Parle .. was a DU.!lMt Arthur Wood, o .... rse .. : trlend~ In Chlt!ll«O. Mr. and ltra. 8. J. Quoin obo\:)J)e1" lallt Wedn".dny. !ltr.. ... .. t""'". ....... burled TUud.,. aflor-I Fteld" and son Leroy of Olb..,n CIt,. Ella B, Thtlmpson mad .... bllloln" .... trip noon. Til" 'Le81t>n tumlabed .""nl .. da,. at the !lo ..... of JIlr, and to CarbOndal.. rce~nU,.. Mr'!!, Pearl J A military eseort. l.· T. Hamblin hili

LOVEJO.... ILl.. Mre. 4. C. Crall'. lAfe Sea/aa Of Lod.. Dewllt ot DuquoIn "' ... Ii naltor In th.. lInlalJpd ... ",odellne hIs lIraJ)ertiea on Xl'll. Clara lteam.,., JI!.<'.laIOD. :MIll!!.. a"ent .. few c!an wtth hll Mathn and i dty recently. lItr. Ilnd !ltra. Ben WI!· We~t and Simmons St». to tb .. amount

t. vimtln.: lofTS. Mar:v P1nlCOn. lIl..... other rplatl .. ea. MnI. Ruth Wallace llnms o( Wnrd. tIl.. ~ .. re ..,blton In th~ of SS.OOO. Chl\rl~" And~"",n ha .. eom· I.ydl. PInson hu relumed from a vlsll of Cl.ampalgn spent a day "'Ith rela- clty recently. "I~I~ a new bunplow on 1I"'ITI"n Ilud In J.ckaon. Mln, :Malor T. Pres!on Uv"",. - Rllrdln SU. MM!. Ann. Shoots and IAft s.uul'C!a,.. ro" campbell c:ollece. HODGES Pl'fU<. I LL. dllUlI:ht~l'. nom ..... ltd lflyslllls. Ir .. mo. J.d'"on. !\I'I&IK'. The WILlIg Wanl: Girls BROOKPCiitT. ILL. ~s. Jennie WllllOn of liound CIt)· torl!d to KnQ'l(vm" Wedn~l!'!a,. with Illh .. !dhtolml .. ~.r 0""( ""'."raw. Rma"t"ut!"1t ~!!d .• y~! The Rev. W. P. WashIngton of De- Bt.~nt l!Ie~'~ral da)'s with ht'1' daughter, }.fl' ... nd ~f .... A. l. Crew. :Mr •• nd ~fl"ll.

~ ~... ~ nw~.. "'v r.atur, Ilt. ......" In tho! ell y vlJlltlnl ::'1111. t""ota Wllaon. prhtlllt')" teacher nt '01,."3,", ffittlOlII .. ntertalnl'd a numb"r P"""hontaa Glrla held th .. !r regular frl"nds. WIllie b .. re he 1I1I.d the '1'11.1- {'Iunllar sclloal. and !>\T~. B. Latha.m. o{ frl~n"" At I!I muk Ha1\0 .... """ 1" .. rt1' rn1':"'If!I·!!~ • .?:uk"~, .y...!'! V/!.lhOoma .... "I.r ~!Sl~ pIt tnr both church..... JIll" carrie' 0111" Vaulllln p,nd wire ... Isltl'<! hI" l,ar' nn Thu.,.d.y .. venlne:. lItr ... nd !lfrs.

' .. , U..... ... ~ ._" .. ..~ u C!llIdro~ len for Deea.tur ~n \'I,,1t rela~ I ~nts. IItr. and-- lIfr.. Frank Vaughn. 'fhffl. oreen .... ,"nJoll'hed frf'l~kb _!"~prrlh"" th .. lr .... 1l111.r meell"~ at the home Of tI,·..... Th., Rev and l[ra :.[ .)fa>'" .....,"nlly. The), h .. a been to canton. la,.t weAk. ,«,,, ~h t e\' r> e "' ... vtn t " !llIfl. E~ .. W<llIa Sunday. ~roy Cobb of Kan" .. s CIt)' K..n w·e..., 'In' the cIty ;\Ilu .• tt> am,od the 1'un"ral of )1"". vine~ nf !'otr. ltnd .;\I ...... _~('''''''. Cayson. III hn .. k aftn an ab!o"nce of ."eral "'I"It1n~ thel~ Pareni;" 'M R hili . Ollie '·ou.:hn·. bro(b"... )1M!. Annln Th.':o\"w Ern clllb enjo~'''''' R RaIlO\\'''''n montI.... The f"ll.IItor'a AId dub 01' l' .. th· of Pa"u~alt ICy I" v~itln.!' he~ I Wade of Cbl .. -tll:t> Is "Isltlng r"lal!"es ,art,. Rt the bom .. or MIlS FlOt'l'ln "" AntlO<'h na"tl8t .. hurch II:&Ye an .ppl.. J>l\rl'ntJI. The a;.. Gu.". HlI~h~ of and frln~ndB. Renn' ;\fay Horn has re· Smnlley 0" Frlila~' .. ~nl"'r. Pr lel!ft 1."lIc ThunKlay. The !lliasion <,Ird .. of PI k \.!lit. III I .' ~ tllrnl'<! hom., (rom Chl<'ago \\'"lter ",'"1''' awn .. """ )II.~ Fe", Jaek~on for Anti",," BattUIIt <'burch .,,,lehrate4 Ita n"::'~ a l'lI''IIJl.,·'h,,~emh Ih~u~tY.;n b~''\"t K}'I .. of fluquoln was the t;u ... t of his the best cOlturn... Sh,,' WllS dr.""ed II" fourth _nl\_n' tallt Snn4&)'. :?fre. of LOth ehurch".. e e 1m I' pa.r"nt". !\Ir. anil ::'ffll. T. n. Kyll>. :<II..,.. an Orl~nt.1. Mn~t~1' .Tohn Brl!ton to .. F:. 1 . .r."'klOOn I .. III. Th" tun ...... 1 nr !llrtI. :II. ".""" "n" m .. n,,}. K"le vlsite<! :If.". .h .. m""t ""mlcal ('(11'tllme nnd lItllfit .. r ::'1·Ttl .. :h~d.lIl1<t"r 'Mltl h .. liI M Quinn' COULTERViLLE IL P"arl Burllne< <It ~llM';url. J. HatTI"r Eult~n" Wngnn~r fnr the milk and bot-C""""I Jl !II. Po. ('/turch !""nda,.. n .. v. B rt C I' d • I.. llnnoun .... ~ the deatb or his "Is!er. :\In. tt.. tont".!. Dr. ~fQDOna1d. !J\1l't;leal 1 UOtll:h "melaUnl!. ArthUr Spf'P4. Jlf!- .. on e Al~;t ~ o!n ~u~ e.·rrled t~lr ~fnttl" Wall"c<,. In Chlc,"",o. Til" of. dpnU"t of noek l~l:tn". ~pent th" ".",,'It­'mIt. "ntl Waldo !"j'>('''''. ChI('BJ;o .... · .. re B • I 1: -t ,,~rd sda parta to r. n ........ ot St. Jame .. A. :If. F:. Sunda\' "nd .nth' n ... R. S. WoOd and Home .. " ....... !",mila\' In "tt .... <fAne .. at Ih .. fl>' b.?;;f ::~k rot thr:" ':.-;. fo:;" ~s . he ~ras ,., "Irctrd for tbe y('ar "'ere. ri. S. SCllrry. !\I'rll. J'e~slf' ')!cGII! u ... ~ n" ... 1 ... , thm &1"" .. 1'. ).lnt. M)'l'Ue ~tc- Onle Cluk .... St .. ,;1 Rob Clar':t" n1:::;' W. Smith. Milperintendt'nt l1. A. John- .. I~ctl'd vIce "resIdent ot the Autumn Alii_tel'. In the (,'t)· lut w('<ok fro Co~ ~ ann. anlstant ftup"rlntPl1l1ent:: Ruille t....lI.f club. By n tnl"lake In a recent. , -- !'lht' t. th~ Pelit of lIr&. An~lne~':;; )'cCondl~ lind lIforl,· C"mflllcid. adult Ipue It W8.11 l'rln~Jnmu.

CARBONDALE, ILL. n'lllle hete Marlon Osho", (Pri teache"" WIllie !lr. lfl'Condle, sl!<'re· The- Rp\·. '\'. )f. WluIrf of th .. C. '!>t. ton. J{y .• '15 'In th .. clW "I~ltln ne:; 1 III..,': ("mOL Smith, a.·~I.tant; Rubl~ MATTOON, ILL .. r:: ~hu.., h I .. n )Iond .. ,· Co aU .. nd thr an- hrotb .. r ~'IIJ KI .... I 11;1(1 fa n •. g ~fIl' ~1N'ondlc, treasutpr: Arnola Qj)od. 11- Furl ClRyhf'ook ~ .. '!nt SUndaY, Itt h\~

nual ""nfe .... n .... lit n..trolt. MIch. !II ..... 1 :lUIl...- .if $p,rta. nl:. W1IA h~",' "18111nlt' 1.r:I.~lnn; Fannl.. WlIlln.:ns Rnd Com horn~ In .r::n,,·lIle. m. )tn<. At e" WII­,00IU1· I. "Ipltlna: ht'f' 1>ar"nU nt lIl .. iI. hl~ <,,,u~!n. !'Iukm O~bo,.". "'m Kln'l ~mlth. ('h(\rl~t~s. lfl~s." H. R .• K"nd- son hn~ return"" from It vl"'t with .... Ia· I",,, .. Mo. )Ira. Id::a Sp"'e)' bp ..... turn<'4 .. nd f:tmlb' motorl'd to flp:tl'ta recemlY . M"k. J.eota '" l1""n a~d. c.:OMl WIlliams tly"," In !Itt. J>ul .. "kl. l'!11 R .. lI bas ""I'm from II. ........ k· .. "I-It tn St. 'Loul. alld I t.c:1I11e n;.l'do lOpent '1e~'''TllI day,,' In St' ntt ... ntl~d the tpll('h r!l meetln" at <,1111...., to t~p ('ltv by thp IIInC!"s nr ble f:1>arU. A I'arent·T .. a<,her,. ..... " ... lallan " Loul .. r~eentl)·. 'WIIl KI\'"I and rami!):: Ca,ro Frld .. y and Sal,Ul'day. brother. Lh:r u .. n. !\tnt. O~enr Yatl!!9. """ ftl'lfllnlc"" al Attuck. $Cbool Tu'!s, /;11."" A "ot'lal f'll1"Ttalnmt'nt at their .- !lfM\. Ma .... ha.lI BIIrruA. lft'!l. Kysel"l <'Ia}' nllrht. A 1111'''", numh", of th .. PIlT'1 r""ld"nre !aFt hldll)" .,,· .. nlnll' I" bonor. JOLIET, ILL. Sha,.kl .. rord and ~fl'll. F<>rte" of "nt .. "'·e .... t>r ... ~nt and ......... <'4 \"1"1'. o[ hi .. brotber. lIlarlon Osborn. ! St"Jlh~n Calhoun 01 Joliet and ltl~" c.:hal'll!ftlon motored here Wednesday. I .,.I"d In the wurl<. EArl Wllllama ,. .. " -- At .. Une J.oglln Of Dall"". TexBft. "'''re MillS Mlld""d Robinson Of Lerna haB'

URBANA. ILL . 'lul .. t1y mllrf'led Oct.. IS, at the hnme of ,:nne to Chlcll!:O for an Indefinite atay. I lofrs. :o\orn ~fI ... Coy \111'/1 baby ()f Od-' :lr ..... Sarah MeGle. 119 navia St. The !>tl"ll. Julia Norton "nent Sunday In;

<'ltgo ..... f' "1~ltlnlt 1\,,1' par"nta Mr ",II Rev. R- 1I0race 'Pcrrormed the eere- Charleston. ~lr. nnd Mrs. neverly :lIra. t:!rlah :!IIoreland or Eads'S't . :UIJI" mony. )Ins. J. BoYFOn. 1\frs. :So H .. nlll. Vlck .. ,.,.. th" Re\'. Mr. !'lharp and ')tr~. Ann~ta !l1t'CuIlYof CblCllllO I .. th" ';',,,sl :III'S. Atom" and )1\"" St>yson motoreo' Harry !If.lone motored to S;mlth'~ !\I'lIls, of her aunt. !ifni HatUe Kin MII'!II: to Gary. Ind .. to atund the tuneral or K)·.. to nU .. nd th.. "'''lptlsm of Mrs. I CAm'!! !ltllntha11 I;' '\11!It\ng I:' CaIro. :I, ..... Amt.lI. Day Fleming. :I't ... Burrill Malone'~ daut;hter, ~tI·" lJaUle Smith, . m. F..n roule home ph.. wlll vlalt In hill< retumed from Grand Rapids. !>1I~h.. on Sunday. OCt. E!. 'MIIIS Smith Is vlll- . st. Loulft. M08" Fltzbugh I .. *I .. k TII~ .... her.. ~he vlldtC!d her broth"T. The Itln~ Nltatlv~s thp",. Tb,. Rt .. warde&~"8 Rf!". Loul. Jones ot :-;0 .... !\I'adrld. lito .• I ltlte !lm'slnnery society "'rut entertained of Da"18 .. hapel g;I\'e R nIl.Jlo"'~n $0- I visited hi" .. 11e ft"ently and loft lut· at th .. home of ),Irs. U. D. Da,·ldson. clal at the ehurc!l ThUrsday. D." •. ... ·eek for DPtro't. ltlcb.. tu attend the ~ Oct. 26. Grel'r h.... rf'tllrned to hI!! home In: C. M. E. conf.,ren~". The Rev, A J.' CbamllalKJI. WIIIIRm Anderllon I.,rt I'e- . !llol'Imn. Prenll<' ... A.' Pmetor I CHICI'GO HE.IGHTS. ILL. cenU)' for Oakland. Cal. En route. he I "nd WIlII"r Willi,. left I, ... t Tu"sclav (or· !'fr". H"tll~ "V,,'r. lG:l1 EIl"t f;nd Ave.. ..topped In ChllmPII!gn, nt.. to III!//! 'III. T .. rre R.ule. Ind ... 10 attend the 'Free: and .!lflsa lI(a.. Br.dford w"r" amon~ Aons. Dale and Albert Andertton. tor a Wnt Annu.l conference. !ill'2\. r::Un IIf ~ few daTil. Mls~ Bf'rtlce Roblnlllln and' ,'"nadar and .. hlldren 811d molhu. :?lnt. mlln}" gu<!5tJ1 at :!o(r,.. • agll:le Rrown's father. ;.. noO\nl!'on. of Loorna n''!!"" HltrrleltSanlldor. ha .... " return ..... home Hallo"'eea party recenl1,y h<!ld I" Chi- bUl!lneu \'lsllor5 b .. r" Tu."day. lIn.' ·from ... month',. viAll In F .. rn .... ood. cagO. RORie YI('ker" I.:; ~urr~riDl~ from an at-!I{f"". ·lIn ...... Claudie Mae and Edn.. Q N lack of rheumatism, Oscar Portee and Granr. "Irclnla C:ar1c and Annie ~fae UI CY, 11.1.. Kyser Sha.cklefnrd "'ere huslne,e \1sl-l.e";~ "VI.' a l'arty at the fonner's Henry Plnn,. ..... ho dll'<! In St. )Jal'3"'!!i . to... bel'li 'on Tup~.lnv ev<·nlnl'!'. Thll home In honol' or Frank Jack""n. who hQ!;pltal SRIUrday mornln:;, O.:t. 20, n"v D. .A. ~-lIl1l\inR of Ch1eallo, 1"1'\ rt'¢f'ntl~· to,. :-1ash\111e. TO'"n .• to (rom Intlrmltll'8 of old 1\1:". was horled "reach_d at Ibe mnrnlnll' .nd evenlq ... ]nA~ t"HeomubnU!~::""I-'t"i,,'ft ~'::l .. TnhdUr.;:...!I'tI .... : In the 11l1nols Soldlus And Sailors' cem- ~r"'ces at Davlll t'hapel ·Sunda:r •

.. ,,_ ." ~ ..... '.. !!tery or thIs ~lty. Hp was S1 )· .. I\n of for Terr" Raute. Ind.. to 'I181t MI"!'. ar,e anil ""'1111 11 resld('nt of the Soldler'lI nornhu .. lde·p JIII,...nt" and an .. nd fhe home In this city. l{1:s wlf" and. "on FT..... Win .... nter .. ne... 'M'I':II. Rat" .. : 5Un:"'e hIm. lIfl.s P.oFaUnd 'Lol:1ln. 111 Ja.,kIlnJl I .. tt {or Fr .... l'On n!t~r "I'",,1t - I ,· .. a'" of "~,,. pa~!'ed aWIIY .t the home Inr: heT u!t!~O', M~ VirginIA Howard'i of lin mother. It"'. Su~le Lol:1ln. 16:9

:-;'. Fifth St.. Oet.. 21. and Willi burled on t.'IOUNDS. ILL. '1 wl'<!n .... d.y. Tile tun('ral WD.!I hell! at

JIll'. and :If..... Ea',l Dilton ::ar.. dle 'Bdhel A. If. E. chure-" Bnd "'as eon· proud J'IIrent" of a ldby !(\rl. The R .. ,·. dueled Ly th~ R~v. B. A. Hllrshllw. th" ~. H. Nortb and mf" ...... r. accompa- l'IUItD'I'. ~he wru\ a memhe"~f the n!ed hy M .. si\amCl'l Emm .. Do' lind LI,.- A. M, Eo junior ... lIolr and tor )'''U'II ah .. zl .. 'WIIlII{On to the annual "onferen .... I .... "" ""nnectw .... lth .. ev"ral or the c( rhe c. M. Eo "hnrch .... ·hlcb """,-held I junlO~ d~partmenU of Ihe trat .. rnal or­In D .. troll. )1lch.. l'""enUy. Almus I" TIle ne.... G. G. Smltll. !;mlt~ lInpnt the week-end In Chicago. I PII.I!.lor of .A. Al. E. :In ... lon "IIu",h, and Mrs. O. T. H.mllton hall JOined her· his m"mlleM! uport mu~h ""U .. taetlon husband. tb .. )te\'o -Xl". Hamilton. T'S.' I'ovu th" NlIlUIt. or the rally !ield Oct. tor of St.. Paul A.. M 'E. chuttb. '::Ill'll.' 21, Dr. ~1T~n 'I'fa8 ~aUl'<! out 'of the F1cmmee T&},lor II... been nllmbClred dty Oct. %0 and eould not keep hb en· with the lIIIok. Pel4lr Gllbert I. on tlI. peement to prt'lLCh for W"7flIan A. )L a!ek llat. :t.tra. B<lttl. McDavid. Leah E. c:1lurch In the atternoon ot Oet. 2L JobJlllon. WIllie Smith ud John GIMn Geol'l'e !onus. who tor )'''al''ll ..... u a dUo I motored to earbollc!Al .. JU., and vialted sen or QtIlney. died 1n Ch1eal'0 and ,.... ,

.liftA HArle Mc:Dav1cl. Lane ChaPel C. burled In Quincy FrIday. For Ule put I X. .. dIII.rcIh _ .......... lD haDar fa..,...,.. 11'1'. )1111& ha« Und willi a

, .

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 10, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 18

I.LLINO·IS STATE NEWS Rock bland la -vial tin. ber 80n. Cha,lea ' A.. J'rIc" or thl. elty. Send all new. to ' 1121 W. Pint St. ... hone.Rolle 1723 or' Blue 11181.

q",,~N.C;;V. H=.,.,..... _ I Robert Roda;era entortalned Frtda,. e"e-UI .. Ann.7l A. Smith of Gardner PaTk nin~ at ber residence "ll" POJllar with

l)rt\' •• Ud" ('It)'. hu the honor c;;1' ~la£ a danner part)' In !lonor ;;C her gU"l!lII, the ftnn. "'tudent of the Uace lto ~~~l' I "'rll. George Ashford an4 l\Jrli. )1;lttle ttlf" (i1'4:'I'(!e of bac:-helor. of ...ctueauon JUchard of Chicago. Ill. )Ut'li llas"le from thf' lIInolK State !'OormM ~ne~. i COllch and S),lvt'lIler Taylor also 'IV.:'!'e :St>nnal. 111. The def:1'C'c ""&$ conf,erred Ilrc.s..>nt. Mra. Cora GrJmn, who hal!! lt~· Jud,::", Charl.·s Carin. Mt.. l::imlth i.een at the bl-cislde ot bel' mOther. :.In;. r_lved hilI' !Ih~loma fr:om . the. n~nnal Thacker. for .lie\eral montb.ll. haa re­·,,'panm"nt Of t.:" .. msutuuon In ,",une. turned to DetroIt. 11n! Thacker Is ·!to!>. and took tilt) examination for Kfe much Improved. and lin. Clar. .··~rtlfl("ate In 1'11. llal:<,dn~ wtth hlch enCe ltalone are the happy l.arenb o( a f:!'"lU'I"8. :O;h~ Is II m~mber of "Incoln fine baby girl. !Sother and babv arl.' • ",.rd) tI<'t!ool of Qulnc~·. A few yea~ dt,inG nl~I)·. Mr. and ?tlra. E\·an:'. ::10 ::'1:0 )U~" ~ara'h Smith. a mISter of lUu !11Ot. h .. ~e returned from a l'leasant Anna A .. j:raduktf'd with hl.i;lI honona tTll' tn :mseourt. The lJOUDt Zion .A8-from Groer ('oUe::: .. , UOOIk!l'\on, m. lUu IIO('Ia.Uon or Soutbl!'rn nUnol$ closed it$ !-'I>.nb If; a m,'mb..·r ot lh(' East St. an'lulll .. easton FrIday evening at 1~l!l 1""'1'1,.. Ill.. IlChool {a('ull,... )UIiS Martha Ibptlst chunh. The d~lel;1ltlon wu .'nn Hnl",rl". a " .. nlnr In Quine)' hls;" ""f)' limall. Tho~ Ilu~ndin;; from out­_It()"I. h"" wun unullual !ionor for her adde of the eit), ""'ne the He .. •• )Ir. Hili ... ", .. k. l':h .. hal' t_n l'~e.d on th<t of lloundl!.. thl! Re~. Eo 0. Todd of P ... -,. .. hool honur roll. 'I'hP, 1.:nlon Ual·tlst oria. ,'relll1dent of the dlFtrlct :;;Unl::l~' d,ul'ch d ... d~e3\''''' It.. ne .... · houti"', of ""0'1'- ..... h001 convention. ~d )lrI'. En!. T. ~hl[\ Oct .• S. The 'I.e\'. It. '\:. :Mel~ Dl'an Of Champaign, pTesldent or tht) .1!.'1I\·crI'CI ttl<' ffl'rJnon. Dr. D. :0:. )lur- Htate Mlnlonary Conv~ntlol1 of Women 'J"cll1't' .. ,,14.'(1. '\\'. 1 •. Cobb and Pr.r. n.. The ProgTeNtlh'e club Wall. ('ntertalned ,\ Rnhi'ns 't\'erf' fIl'C'l'l:I.l cll'rklll to ta'k~ at the Naidence of lolt'll. E. Jo"lnley. 11'.02 .'lIr~ or the tlPI'<'lal otrcrinlt to the bund- POlllar st. )Jr. and J>lrs. Harry Adams

• ~ I":&:: fund. 1'"rom the announ<'em .. nts of St. l..oula p:lll!lCd through the city mgtij' h:!>' the pastor, the Rc\, . .l. fit. W«.<lnesd3.y en route to Thompson ."_n", tt ar~at'll that arrTOxtmately nend 10 "'Isll th~lr parenlJl. A choral ~".OOO ~all ""(On pal4 .... ut tor the new society WILli oyganh:ed: "londay wit!! the hlllJd1n.:, ~1th U,(IOO paid. There II II to11o","lnl: omc-er.l: lin>. Ulonla O·Xe..'\l. "l!Ibl of 12.000 r,,;malnlng unt'IJd. At... pre"ldcnt: !\In. EU" BtlUlks. '\'I~ flr ... sl­hI,. rou"ln.:. a.l-da,., m4'4!tlnc of the dent.:tnd lIn>. JOIII~ HarTllI. secr('tary. on"nt of F!4!hth anc'l C<!l1ter SUi. Batttlllt )tn!. Atlce ~t, Hicks, 11 .. return~ from • 'hurch nf HannIbal. :Mo •• Oct. 21. Dr. a '\'1alt In the country and Is vel:'" lU at n. N. )"trr"~1 ~-nll 4'n~ ... the h"r home on nth St. !>in!. Hanie,. ;Jrin<"lpal Ilpl'Jlker. At the cburcb school Phelrs of Douc:las St. Is enjo)1nl: an .... mml'tlN'm .. nt C'xt'n:is'l!1l of Ell'bth 1Ul4 fndo:ftnlte ataT In Gt'atld Cbaln. llrl!. ~m Su.. Barth.-t chutd\. O<"t. :So at ltaYme 1\t. sit'\'"t'rs of 15tb St 1s ver)' 7:<4' o·<'!oc'k. the 10Uo\Oo1nll: )'oun: wom· III at ber homf'. 1\Ira. Hester Dixon "tn N!<"f'1"....s their dll.lomas for "., .. tnc ot 14th st. wall tallen tiud<'lenly ill Sun. ~mpletf'd th", "rescnbed teac~er train· 4ny nll\"hL The AII('e )1. Ta)'lor teml,le 11'1« eourse: )hsll 'Matt", )la3(\t', MIllS "ron'lI! a ftsh ff)' Saturday nS~ht at "In Anna A. ~mlth, !.tJ'll. NeW.!' Nott. :Mlu Leonard )1athewl\' on Hth St. )U'S: Ruth Smith. !1ft .. Leona W~l)b. )1I11!'1 WUllam H, }o'I('ht" ent"ru.IDf"d at her Genf'\'le\'e fibS'll'. Ml .. Arlt'th:l Dad,. beauUlul bome. 36115 Wa ... ~lnl:ton A"e ... nd ::4nt Lucile Major McDonald. Ttle at a HallowHn party lIonday E-"enln~: diplomas w!!'r", rt"toentt>d b~' thl' rastar- I ~L ::9. in honor of her pillter. "lrs. t .. .arhor. Dr.' ~turreN. Certificates for : e'ora Bf'll of Chlc3J;o. "'rs. l\Iar.<hall the ftrst year 8 work 01 the teacher i ot Champajl:'l Is vlsltlnR" Mrs. A. Cooke tJ':IllnlnJ: ('Our"e ,vere s:-h't'n to )""5 . or :n~ 1"th St.TH Simons of 11th St. H~l"'n JohntlOn. loUes ra.rthenla Allen, ill impTO\inc-. Mrs. J",rtY Fret'mnn, ~Ig Loub: .. Major llnd )UII.8 CRtherlne ,daugJut'r or llrs. UmD mllum. 5Jf 14th t.ea1ltUTl'. The fourtb annual banquet St .• dlt>d In St. '[;nuls O,·t. 30 and h~r I'jI\l~bTat1nr th", annh'4!nllu'Y of the ]'IIl1I· Tl'malnlO \Ver4! hrought to Moundfl for toratf! cr Eighth And Elm S'l.I'. BaVtlit burial. Ed Ruffin and Hnllv Fret-man e~utor'h watll held Tut'llday n~ht. Tbe Il!'rt for St J..oulll Wf'dnl'l"da': to accom­prtn!.'lpal ad<treSll .... !I dell\' .. red by the pan,. the 'remains of !'-1rl'l. J('rry Free. Rev. J. ~tfl"lIng :Moore of Kt'Okuk. low... maD. .Mrs. Bf.l'Isle Taylor of Utb ~t. ~ IIhon "."O;l"<'hell 'Wfore- made by lla. ~f'n IIlck at bf'r bome for the I:ult 'M.... Anna O!>born, Mrs. earn'll )1. three tiay... The Rev. Sam Terry and Crall:. loJn. lAUI ... O. Flf'tcber. Charles A. R. \VUlt_mll (It t.'le nf'\\' lSoclt'ty or 1. Vau«bn •• tf'i', Florence E. Cook and RoFal Clrrle of l"rt"'ndtl held an Inter­:It. L. Dt'rT7. toa. .. tmlLSter. 'HI. R(IDOr elltlnlt IlIHUIlC at the 15th St. Dat>tlllt "'.,or W. B. Slmie)' (If Quincy was chureh, The Gullet of St. "!\U"hael'lI 'the CUest of bonor, He pald a bll:;b ehurch p .... '" II enclal at tht'> reetl)T)' ~rtbute to the work and the c'ha:ractc-r llonday nlJ:bt. Ura. Cora Dt'U Of Chi. t)t Dr. "'u'l"'l"",n. Thll! extra eeaston of ra~o. who hal l.een \1l1lttnl: h!!'r !<Istt'r. Ute GflIeral Ballllift Stat. convention Mra. William H. Fif'ld. 01 :11:05 Wash­w.a .. ",Itt In I': .. :htb all~ Elm Sla, Bap· InJ:{on A" .... for tbf' f'aBt tbN!'t! wHkll. tilt d'lun'~ Wf'dne!;.(lay and Thu",(\a,.. l .. tt fOr bome Wedne .. dllY evening. The !d..,.or W. B. SmU .. :r "'e1coml'l2 th .. del~- annual mf!.l"tint or t!:I.P N. A. A. C. 'P. ptea to the dty. Mrs. Floren()e E. will two bel4 lit ~umner High aehool Conk and the nev. n. A. Ranhaw. ...... Tut'>!'II'!a,. t'ventns, ~ov. 111. The body tor ..,f B«!1.bel. wer", alllJO tIJIf'.akera. lo'r. Clf John Buclmf'r ""lIo ",,;'a." drO'll''1led 1n Thoma.... 6!) N. %"..4 t:;t.. w'ho for tbe th .. 11ver two months aJ:'o while work­J'&(It oeb:ht or nIne Wf'eP hall ~ In ln~ fnr th'" fed'!!nl barge line. wall ~t. Marra hospItal, rf'tUl'1led hom .... en t.teton from th .. rlVf'J' !=:unday and burled Oet. 21. ! Cona Rt('han!lOn. :lOSS by Ell RuIIlD. undertaker, 01111 SL: !Irs. Anna CoUlna. tIf N. Nlnth f;t., an4 ).fra. P.:I1en ::0:011 a:re stUl Sn t. ... e hOllf\ltal. SI.ewardll board No. 2 hel4 a 1"Ummace 1!l&1~ and mule pl'TtY at Bpthll!l .It. ,.1. Eo church Oct. %8. Thfl Rrv. J. M, Owen" and the Rev. D. A. lia",ha" W",e r~!'Of"ot at the noCUlar mf!'llU1'l« .of the Qu1ncy l>ttnlllterlal ... FocI.tlon O('t.. ~9. ~f'nlor Duty Ser­ceant Wll1lam P. Da\1" of tbe EtEbth tnfantTY. nUno"l S.Uonlll Guard, II ... ~n pr<.omotil'(! to ftl"Mt lIf'~eant of COm-1)allY K. QulnC)'. ro.. by CaPt. S. IL ~humaker.

SPRlNOFIELD. ILL.. :Ml.... Jc~le Rollin.. formftb' wm­

'llo,.~ at flit' KIlnkalete State hDlQ)1tal, h." bl'C'n nromot...ct tn nlln~ clerk in the ,.,tnt'(' of Ju~e Co If. Jen1dna. head of -:he dl'p;lT1m .. nt (If ,,·oeolfue. SalTY WU­,,"n. rnrm .. rlr me&'O .. nt::er In Judce C. n, J.'nkln,,· oft\ee, ~u been promoted to a clerkship.

JOLIET. ILl.. ~f",. Al_ Hu\"lll of St. .T"..,.,h, Mo.,

knot "tn!. A11lne n .. n1a of !tan,"" Clt.,. :lot" .... n mute home from ,,1sttlng rflla­• h'~e tn Cl .. veland. Ohio. I!p!!nt a ~Hk­.. tid with t~ .. lr ~us1n. :'1111. Co H. Bma. •. r t..ockt'Ort. Ill. RevIval een1ees were !n prnsrrcl'll for 10 da)'11 at UL Olive 1l.:<,lth:t ('hl1rc:h. entlln: Oct. 11. TlJe n.,,\·. E. T. Brunson of :Monroe. L1'., .'()nlluM!!'d the """h.loull fIl"OIlTAm. wblch r .... ul1M1 tn many ~nven!tona. llnI. Ha1lle Danlelll or IJtta~... UL. .... a ;::-u .. ~t (lC :alt'. and ..Af'8. 'Valtel' CarrtnC­tml. Mr, atld J.,". AbbIe DenaoD bave '!'"f'turnt'd from St. J~pn. ~lleb .. where th"y Wen! at the be(\sl(le of their mother, ltl1l. Annie BenllOn. until her df'ath. The neT. J, P. Sperry ~ ... re­turne4 from II .. bort ,,1 .. lt In Evatlmlle, 1n4 .. and Ben4et't1On. Ky. The Second BapUIIIt churdl clolled a vel')' lIluet"ellllrul re~1val. Tb .. Mlalu!1 WinnIe Hetcht and ~am1e Batt~8 Ita..:e a Ha1l0Wf'eft ..... rty art. 31 at tbe borne of little Mtlls Uelj:bt. LIttle Jllilla Leon Moore en­tertained a Dumber of her trtenda at .. blrtJlCla,. partY. Not. 8, tram Z to • o'dod Po m.

LOValOY. ILL .ArtIra:r 6~. Gt-orce Jle.AJ'ltIIt_ .,,4

Georce JreAUla1rr, Jr •• were tbe cUnner peatll of ~ .. HatUe WILllh\nr:ton last TUea4&, t.. G. 00sU, of Chlcaco for-111--17 Of t.hs. dt;:r. amv...ct lut Friday for a 1dI0Tt at." )Ira. Dr. Earle- "'m-:'nt"IW;r:.. all~llr;=c:~~mr~ dutl held Ut6tr recular bl·weekJ:y m~t.

~Itu~~ :r.~~~ b~~e ~1~1:: h1Ul1Desa aflUlon a d ... lnty luneheon ~ ~ V. D. Stat,,1' of St. Loul. 'WAS .. 1Ifaltor at tbe htlme ot hi, llillter. JoIn. A. Bp.ed, San day, Arthur SN'f'd. DetrnSt, epeIIt ThurMa,. .. n~ Frid"" wtdl 1st. PII",nta. lIr. and :M.N. .A.. 8DM4. 1l1r. SP'M'4 c1"pt.rte4 tor Detroit 1&&& W'r14a, f!ftDtnc.

CAfU,ONDALI!, ILL. IJ.-.1ceII at ~thel A. Y. B. ~barcll

fhmda, were .wr.U Iottendf'd. Ttle Rf'v. 3. W, WlIl!l' ON'Up,"t'I the pnlplt. The !lev. W. IT. ~arf r~tumf'd Monda,. tmm Deh"Olt, ""here be att<en4e(J the allDuat eonft!rence of bl. cbutor'b. Mrs. A:therta UUl'r ..... ck or f)",h"Olt Is vlsltlns Mr. aDd )f,.. W_ E. McGee. ltfra. xn .. Randles and !.In<. B4'rtba Beau· ford of Sparta _'1'8 In the cit)· recmUy _d _re tbe CUflata of Mr, _eJ Mrs. Nora .Tones. !otr. and Mr!'. FA ..... ns ()wens of DuqUoln wet .. tn the elty n­oenu,. anG were the .:ut'l!IUl ot lUllS '%lruJ,. Rawan. )II., Vtrian CJ't)Q I.e Sm~c after ha\'1nc bt.en ~nl'lnt'd to ber hORlf! IWO w~Jc" on account of Ill­lIIe .... TIle Rt''V. C. H. HaYeJ b.., ... bls CUMt the Bev. B. A. SmUh I)f O_eClII­bo'rO. Ib', Ur. and )1ra. WUtlam 1Ic­Crat'keD of Watt'Tloo. 10.., paaed ~ the elt,. Sunday and 'Were tbe CUeat. or relaUVe!I and trten4a.

CAIRO. ILL. .... _d lotn!. wm ?.onoy. 25IS Poplar

8t.. are the 1'rou4 "paftnla of a 1l.pound bab)' ctrl. Tbe bab)' b&.I bf'eD namf'd Pattla Zonoy. lIoioth!!'r and baby are dotn~ nt('ely. :M ..... SatUe Bell Ra:lktl18 or St. Louis, )fo .• I. In OIl! ell.)' dslUlIC her father and .. lIlters. John lUle, of :Z5 26th. a ..... Cll policeman. bad the l<:1d mlflfortUDe of hl.'\'ln.: hili hotlu burned Fridav ""'etll~. He \\'IUI una.b1e to aI.\·e tht' furnIture. R('uben EleJena. a plo. nN'r "fUze-n or Cairo. but no .. ' a resl. ,ient of £rj~, Pa .. wu tft. tbe dty vtfllt­;Il!; C. L. 'Vh~ler ani Camlll', !Ira.

DUQUOIN, ILL Nft. "frtIHam Oft'~n·and mo~, Ifrs.

carr of ~t. LoulR. !\fo.. vtl'Ue4 at the 'b<o4slde of Mt'II. F..IIther Lott Duckner t'e­cenU)·. Prof. lI.1'lcl Mra. T. W. of CI,,"'elluld, Obto. who ""pre catl...ct here ,"y thf' I14'riOUll tIIn~5s of their daul:hter. ?tn. Ruclmf'r. 'Werf' dfnn,.r .:uesUl of Mr. and lfrs. L. R.<lxter Suneta,., )fMl.· f'an!l ::;mlth '\'hot\t-d In Chlc:a~o last Wt'CIk. ).In!. Beale BenMm- of Padu­cah. Ky., ball' returned to her home aft",r a IIlICCf!JlllfUl o~ratlon at Drown· tnl: ilo!t'j"\ltal. llfu Het(,11 White Is vis- , fUn.: wltll 1'I'latl\'"ell at R'eh\1f"w. n1.: !\o!ra. Cora Stmpllon hu returnPil trnm nanvfl/e after .. I!tay of !lome m"nths. )11'"11. Rowan. 'WIfe qt Dr. Rowan. Cbam­palm. III ,1111U1I1r hlr sIster-tn· law, "'n!. E. W. Owena. "'rs. f':alUe Jonell. who dlt'd Monda,.. Oct. !!9. WIll lIurt...ct Thul'll4a,. from St. Paul's Baptll't· church, the Rev. Co W. Colt' otrlclattng, She Sa survtved b,. a husband. mother aneJ dAu~tl!'r and a number of rel:atl\"E's

:~:!nredn~e ~= :'~'re °k~~la~~~ AUen. Yb", .ltcnf'!I Bcf.",Ue. LISle Bartt'2. :'ofurphYIOOro, and Lee Gomon. l'n! . Ella Rt!d ot El1n1IJe waa In the cUy, "hOlJP2nc saturday. Mrs. CharJle WI!- , llamlon of lfalttn. Teon.. I.a '1sltlnw:' r~Jath'ea here. )fls8 PauJ(n~ Cockran h&a ~tarD...ct trum ILD <!lxtend..a trip to :l!artJn, Tenn, "tTS. Klttle Scott hall moved fnto h~r new house on W. !':nrth Be. Ed Goodpme. Mrs. Larkle "'!!'nIOn anel :Mrs. JennIe. Guten of C-lro mo­to1"f'4 to Cl!'ntraJla ret.'eIlUy. The Rt'v. WflItam Rann'!!r f!S hORle al;1lln after a nay In DanYlUe alld Chl~go. l\tlss OaYR Wnver ..... apl'Olnted one or the stafe J'Ppt"t!lIentaUvt'8 to t!1e ::O:a-. tlonal Woman'lI council .t Decatur. Mr. alld Mra. E. OW"'1'I!IJ and daUl:hter RIta 'WitDttgt'd t'he Hallow~n celebra­tion at Caroont'Jale. )11'8. Lucy KIn· etlnnon. SpringfteJd. mingled with trlencls !lere last week. . Dr. CRaton, 'M1ss :RI.rtha Bue'kner and }Olrs. Free­maD ot st. Loula. :&fo.. were entertained It dInner by lInt Etlu. and InIRY lV.ver. J. A. SimmOns. who !!Jlent the aummer tn Denv"r, bas rrturn~. )tr. .nd "n!. Bruce Hayden. Tu!l(:()ta.. were dInner C1Je~ or 3fr. lind Ml'I'. V. P¥>ter!l Sunday ... Tne B. Q. Brown C. dUb \\'a.$ f>ntertalned by )!n!. Wflll:tm Cox Fri­c'la~ nIght. Among the ,1"ttors present ~'IUI llno. ROl\ ... n of Chllmpalam. "In. Paulin" ()w~n!l Oatelll 01 Omahn. :S-eb .. '1"'t~ her brotll .. r. Eo W. O"«'''!nll. and attendE'd tht'· funeral of lira. Buckn .. T. Mrs. Bruce HaYd'\!n I~tt Cor her hnme In Tuo:cota. after vlsltlnl: a wHk lII:ICl h"'r parentll. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmo!Jl. and Attending the run~ral of ber aUnt. }'In!. Bu('kner. !\fn. H~ren ThomlU'l Is the ,"Uellt of her aunt. Mrll. Nellie BIbbs. Cl"lItralla. m. ltr.!!. Esther Lott Buckner 1)&ued away at the home or heT

:~~r.n~~ .. .s!· or'!~v~~lmn';~~t~t. Tit~ tun~l'lll w ... conductf'd trom l\Tount Zion chun'h by tbe ne"', Mr. CaBlon. D. D .• flt lAIull. )to. She If'a\'es a hU!lhand. ftve children, tat bel', motber. sll'tf'r anti man!>' oL'ler rplllth'l'lI. Tho!'le Irom out of town who atUm"~ thn funeral \"I!r": G • .It. Buckner anti children. Gt'OI1:'6 A. Jr., Thf'ooore aneJ "H\ton: tb" Re\'. Mr, Caston. lIra. Fre'lman. MIt'''' n. Ruek­n4'r, St. lAIn I.: ?tIr. llftd lfrll. Brure Jlllydl'a. Tuscom; J. W. Holme.! Jr •• 'I'u.8c:1lla. and Prof. and Mn. T. ,,'. Lott, Cleveland. Oblo.

MONMOUTH. ILL, lofn!. B. T. ,,"UsOn of Waco. Tens. III

ntllUnc- bel' niece. 11'1'11. JennIe Saun-4('1'8. The Re\·. Mr. Kennt'dy, e\·an. ,-eU.t. of Chlrac:o. preached at St. Jatne" A. M, E. ~hurch Sunday motn­In", Tbe lIUa.slon.u-y society or Cah'IIf)' nallU!!;t chur('h "" ... s I'!ntertalned by Mrs. :tot. D. Dlckflon Fttday afternoon. 1\11'. alld :!IfrlJ.. Joshull l'IlerrllJ celt'brated tllt'1r 3!ith wedding annl~ersary last w~k at their home, E. Fifth Ave. l\trs. ":h1ad£'t' Pa)'fte I. seriously OJ at t.'le home of her parenL'!. JotI', and M'rll. Jobn Wallace. !\In!. F. A. Poner baa t'etunted from a bU!llnes. trlp to KIln-

I<BJ!I Cit),. Mo. One e>f tlle grandellt af­faIrs In lion mouth for R long tlmc \\"u the Tec'elltlon tf'nrl~rcd the Rt'\'. ::\lr. and :\trs. C. Z. "'lIllams Thursday e .... entn; b}' the Palltor't! A,d or Sl Jamel!' A. It. E. chur("h. A mU81Co11 pr<li.'l'am was ten' dered by Prof, n. Co Wallal'e and twO Uttle dau~hten. The funernl of l1a1lel )fI1S. 'whl) paS$ed llway \\"!!tlnesday morning". was held Saturday aftt'rnvoll ftom St. James' A. ~. E. ehur('h, In ('hargc 01 the ltc\', C. Z. Williams. U­"Isled 1.y t!1e He\, • .lr. O. Dicksvn of Cah'af}' DaI)t1st ChUTCh, ner mol her. !\trl!. La~'lna llay. 113.ued away In A),t'iI And her J:;randfaUler", George l\te\VU· lIams. In Seplemb~r. all from the same home. ~Iab"l was IS yeP-TIS old. ::4...,. l..oulse Groti:' remuins {lutte III at the home of h~r molh .. r. !'olta. Susie ~lc­Williams. )1l'S. Anna }>ltts Is "llIltlft!; f.-lath·f'!; In ChicaGO. :'II'S. EII:a John· "on and )lan;a.ret Mn), of Augu:sU, :\Ins.. Barn"a and ltr. nnd lIn!. DerrIck of llacomb were In the city to attend the funenl.l of !\tabel :Ma:r. Mrs, Wilson of Kansas Cit)·. "10 .• IS \·It;tUng her uncle. "'. R. :atanhall. !'olrs. Bcttie Price Iii> <lulte sick at" her home. SII\'er SPTllY temple Xo. 59. S. )t. T .• SU"C a masque $oclal Saturday evening. Trusteell of 8L Ja'meli' A. ;\1. Jo;. cllurc!t aM Willing Workerf$. of Cah'ary lkIptlst church 4'K('h t;a\'c muked soda III at their ehurehes "·I.'dnesday even:ru;-. The two pnmary classes of St. James' Sunday 6('hool ~"e a mU'lue !Social Jo"rtday eve­ning. About 35 little tots masked. Mrs. Ih M. Ai.el wllllf'a\'c (or Chlea~o Tuell­day to complete a coun;e In the prac­\leal nu",e class. The Junior lllGh SchOf>l band being ol1:anhi:od hilS two of our Race boy!! tn It. Harold Barnum and Junior Peoples. ~

METROPOLIS. ILL. Vernon !'otundy wu a M.,tropolla '\'1&­

ltnr 'I'hul'I;day. Pl'ter lfn)'no left for Chlt'ago to \'Lo;lt hid wife an.l son. The I!oy3.\ House nnd l:. ll. F. lod,;e gIl\'e a Hallowe-en conc~rt \Ve<1nesday nil:ht. )Irs. Gus Owens Is \'III1t1nc !ler frIend'! and hushand In Choat. III. Grady llay­tlf'fT)' hns n~tuTn~(l home from a 111. 'as· ant "Islt to Ne~' York. Ro" .... "·elt lhl}'­herTy WSIl olll 01 Ihe ("Ity un buslnl'ss. lie all<o vlsltM Thomas Hutl~on oC )tOUlld Cit,.. Ill.. hut haa r"turn.-d home. Pf.'rey )1<"Cnllsler has returned ttomt' to ent.!r !!('1I001.

The nt'v. J. H. ~mlth. llr~sldlnG" elder, J)alllled tllrou~h the ('It)' Friday. en route to Hrookport. "'~i1 •. here he "«'al' ttle It\lelit or lte",lames Smtth Rnd ''';'de. )Irs. AnnIe UOj:l1nll has returned from St. Loulll. !tarrtson Howard 01 Gol­('onda motor'-d to the elly \Vednf.'l'i!ay "'\· ... nln,::. ~tTII. 'rllut' !'>kCra('ken nnd baby. Eveb'n June, spcnt a few d~y~ In Pllduc::ah this week. Grady :\1a)'. Ilf'rTy hll.8 returned from Dawson Elprln!:!I. Ky. Gilbert "toore Is rCllOrled pomewhat hE-lter. CaPt. II. n. Burke an" F.dl:ar Orrlnl,:lOn were Brookport and P::I.dut!ah ",l"ltor!!l this week. Pro­fesl'ors Ifill and Dunlnp and Lillard lIal,le of Paducah motorf'd to the city last Sunday antI spent the eta)·. Send all ne\\'s tor thIs Jl3per to Mr!'. D. S. )Jonre. The U. B. F. &: S. "t. T, I:a\'e a Rallowe .. n ente .. lainmt'nt Wpdnesday e\·etlln.: at the 0tlr1 Fellows' haa. The Dunbar 6c1\001 II.nd D. n. S. rendned a. lilllendid l'rol>Tam Tue~tay e\'enln~ In tbe D. H. :ii. auditorIum. The !llg;h .8(:hool rend.erNt ·Dr. Cure All." 111"11. I.tnnle StrIckland has golle to Padllcah tl) FJlC!nd the week-end. )1IlII' Clnra. Wf't'ton of P.aduroh "lslted with MIl'S Rth"l WilliAms lnst week. lJTl'I. Geo. Webb of Colp. Itt, spf'nt the wef!>k-end 'lVlth her dnulthter, !\oYrs. D, S. lloore. lfe.s<taml.'s H. neard. D. Cork and G. nunlaT' entf'rtalned the .Alpha AI't club Thun>day aflf"tnoon a.t th~ home or Mn. ~~~~hli~'s ~;!~a.rner Is "\isltlng In


MOUND CITY, ILL. The lfaln St. Balltillt church has

closoo Itll revl\,al after two weeks. There wae one conversion and two ad­dltlonll to the church. The Rev. Mr. Harrl~ or St. Louis, :Mo .• conducted the meetlnl:, The Rev. O. Hendenon, 1l1J.ll­tor. Till' Lo\'ejoy Hlgb ac:tool mInstrel IIhow an.1 C3Tnh ... l was a success.. I'olt'll. Fannie Duncan m.:!t with a ralnful ac-

j!~nt'!\OI~~1IItTn:n8r::~a~'~\t h~r~O::~ !\It'll. Jame$ Bolen entenalned Thurs­day tor :l few trl~ndB In honor 0(1 :\lrs. Itosa Parker of Chicago. lll. Those l're!tent wrre: Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. \Velth .. ntl rtaugbter-fn-Iaw. Mrs. Zero Webb; Attorney und Mrs. C. 1... RIce. ,)II". and ,)11'11. Guy Uarker, Mr. and Mr!'. lAwrence Washington or Mounds. Mrs. )-'runcl!' Ltnd!'ay. lUn VI..:lan Smith, lIr. and lIra. D. K. Love. Judse C. M, Ttloml·80n. Prot. J, II. Da\'ts. !\UBS Emma Ch,mons. C. P. Williams 0' Cairo and Jllmaa Caml.bell. lItl's. Sarah Washington and llrs. ll. J. Camp hell are attendIng the qUArterly met'tlng of th~ f.·lnlt Baptist elturch. held In Ful­ton. Ky. MillS Emma Clemons ~as re­turned home 8tler an extended trlr. through the 'Vest. vlsltln& St. ['au • )flnn.. Seattle. \'i"ash.. and Portland. Ore. Yr!t. Annie 1... ruee Is In Cllll'ln­pafJ;n vh!ltlnlt her slllter and Ion. ChaTles n.. who Is attendln~ school at the tinlverslty. of Illinois. Zero \\'t'hh til out fif the city tbl8 week on busfnees. Quite I\. few younG people motored to !lUller City to the 8eho01 rIft)· Given by the teaeher. "U!IS Avis Clark. Miss Sophia hUller ehapf!lroncd t~e ,.arty. Mr. and :Mn. WIllis BO"'en! or Ullin. III., and :'1I ... s Florence Barker of Perks. m .. spent the week·end at the home of Mrs. Franels LIndsay. 'MIl'S Ltntf' 1.ln4NlY llpent the \\'eek-end at the hOlDe of l\fn. Williams at Hod!;es Park.

COULTERVILLE. ILL. . The F..ast~rn Star DauJ'thtra gave an

ent ... rtalnmt'nt Ilt Maggle.WillIams· resl­(lenCe Tuellday which WI18 (Iulte II. flUC· (~eS>4. Roh.!rt Clark And \Vllllam Curtis IIpent Fe\·er.ll days In St. Louis laat week -vIsiting. !\Ir.... RobeTt Clllrk ldt last WI.'E-k for Kr.ntu(!ky. where IIho will ,·Islt. !'-lr". Amos WlIllnms and family motored: to Sparta nnd vlslted her mother and family Inst wef'k. Joe Glv­enll aceonlpanlerl them. The Rev. 'VII­liam Jone.. came' hume last Sunday "fllllt wcek from St. LouIs, "fo.. sick nnd was In hf'd about aVe d1lS9. but is Imprc,\,lng. ~tl'S. l.ella. Williams has heen very sick. but Is cettlng better. Her (a tIIl.'r, ,;lstt'r and brot.'lcT8 were called borne from St. Louts. The chltd ot Luclu" Jonell died and wall burled Friday. The Daughtcrs o{ TabOr g-dve nn t'ntertalnmf!nt at "frs. llnggle "'11-llnms' Thursdn)' night, Commonore AUlltln De"«'c)' Monroe and Lealh, Dards w~re Sparta "Isltors Inllt week Cor liev­fornl da)·s. George SmIth llnd Tcrry Sulll\'an arrived home last wE-eSt.. Ab­ner Smith sllf!nt se\'erat da~s here from f;t. Louis vlsltlnr:; his relatlves and friends,

GRAND CHAIN, ILL. !\frs. Fr.1l1kle Allensworth hall been

"lsltlng In Matton, m. M'I"l'l. Jpnnll! W;:tli!1um wn~ ~ho\ In the foot recently 'II"hU" e::'lamllllnG: I/. phltOl at heT home. "Ul't'P8 Eula )Iny Lee. Euta B. Carrell and CousIn Russell Poner of Olm!ltf'arl w .. r.. In thp. city la .. t wL'ek IIhnpplng • "'iIlllI! John"on and Wardtm Brooks ot Palt'stlne. Ark., were In the city re-

;f~~! FIO~:~d':,r;~~: ~~g ~,~~o:ro:~~ ot Carter, B. 11. Ransom nnr1 famUy te-~~~lla lr1.:~~s ;~~lef~~~r~ ~~~ wf'ek. the G1l(,lIt!'l of Dr. F!. H. Hobson. :!14 ~!!d St. Prnf. J. W. Crawford, who dIed OcL ~6. was butted recently.

ONARGA, ILL. _ Wf'ndt'U Mitchell left Monda,. for hie;

nome in Pt'Orla after a fev .. day,,' "l!1lt ' here with rebth·ell. Lafe ScagCII and daUghter VIola sl1ent Mo~day .. \"enln~: wUh relaU\·es. Mr. Itnd Mrs. J. C. Crah;­an" friends. Edward .Tanes and P. l. S('ftggtl, motored to Loda Sunday after- . noon and \'ll'lted at the home of l'lr. and :!\tr!l, Will Alsup. Rohert Robenon hall J::onl' to !lie home In Kentucky. lfr. and lfrs. Frank W.Illlal'c and son IIllent FrIday e~enlnl: with relatt..-es In Loda.

Mn!. Dt'n ntcks and dnus::hter. Eme ]>t'arl RIC'\cs. and 1ttrs. OzeUa Slmp,"on and little daughters. Vlollt and Vern. spent th~ w!!'ek'end In S"nrta. Hl.. ,,11'1-Uln.: 1otrs. Madison of that dty. They motored back wlth Clnroeon('1} Ricks. Little Graele Mnr::arf't U~hurch. dau,:hter of Mr. and !'>Irs. BennIe Up. clIurch. _1I burled !otondAY from the g--eond }'tnpUllt chul'eh. "tillS Ada Per­kIns of ru('hvlew. nl.. Is here \'I!.Oltlnl; h('r Jt11tndmflther, lIn. RU!l5ell GI\"ens. E4 .... rd Wilson I" home ""sltlng hI .. , DECATUR, ILL. • mother and rt'latl~el\ 'h~re. ERrl Ford Miss Goldie P!lellix I" spend In!!: a few of thl$ city 1!1 bulldln,:: a ('hurch In Du- days In Chicago. 1\ITII. llolly :.retlock quoIn, m. Mm. Ruth 1'"erguson-Bell has ha" all her guest her sister. Mra. ""&8 a\\-an'\ed ·the "prtze for the most llary KlnJ:lm:m. and her frIend. Mrs. heauUful eMtum~ at the 'Hat!n"'een I.tvlng. of Chlcatro. !oU"" Nonn Stubbll ball. 11'1'. and Mrs. Henry, accompanlt'4 and Mlsl' Ruth Page are Peoria vlsl­by l\nssell Jona Harrill. I.o4'Ota Sl~ln"ef tors. lin<. llildred t.lndsay and ;:\lrs.· and Loul .. COleman, Clarence and Hal'- :Moore of Chh:'ago ",re the gUests ot their "e1 Lt'ake and lll!'s ~al Lt'ake. vlan· brother and family. Fred Phenix. The 1st. motored to AlmA. m .. and ent('r- "'eter's A. ,,1. E. church 1\'11\'e a lial­tatn~ a crowded 'lVhlte conl:rt'gation towN'n party rt'cC'ntly. !\Ir. and llrs. last Tuesday n!!lllt \\"lth jubl1t'e melo- Thomas Glass and Mr. nnd )Irs. Pler­dIes. solo". male ullnrtet. etc.. makln-q flon motored to JaeksonvlUe Sumlay. qUite a ~It. Tha Aillha bn!<kell".l1 te:om llr. and Mrs. Guy Washington have defeatf1\ the SheIks, both of this clt~·. mo..-ed Into th('lr ne\\" ~omt': Clar",nce by a !Ot"nre of 4:! to 31 at the Franklin Johnson, nromln~nt cltlzen of thlll city. gymnasium ~aturetav nIght. The re- I'!lR"e4 away T!lursda)·. Mrs, . Allct" "I\'a.l meetlnJ: headed hr the ARsodated Caldwell Ilnd daughter Were called to palltOn! of thlll cIty "'as a CTRnd sue- Toledo. Ohio. on Rccount Of IUne89. Dr. cella. and Mn. :r. C. Ellis are the nroud

SANDUSKY, ILL.. Sllnduek"! Hi.:h school ~"e a spook

carnh·a.l Oct. 31. Amfln!t the "(slton were: l\Irs. "'t'nn. motht'r of Prot. J. P~nn. of )found Cit,.·: ~tr, Camphf'll of lJodgea Park. J. WtUlams of HOIl.:es .... rk and O. Doue of Ullin.

G~L"ESBURO, ILL, MrlJ, lJertha ,Moore and William n.

Orange were united In marrlnl;e at tllj' home of Mrll. :'lool"c'fI brotheT. Chart"", A. Prl(,l!. 196 E. ThIrd St.' .:\(1'". and '!'oIl'll. Oran!:e wUl make thetr home tn Rock ll'tand. llr!O. Oenl'Jl:e A. Prll'~ nr l;pr1n,:OeJr'I and Rock Island 18 "[sltlng h~r lIOn. Charles Prke. t.r thl. du·.

lIme. Corrine Drown IInl\'ay ot Chi­raga flJlf'nt last wet'k with her Jlarents. "fr. and )lrs. Gcon::e Solomon. and othet' relatives. "Yr. "tarlln ent.!rttllned thf! nf'e 1Jh'e clu', TUPl"<!llY at a Hal­loween \'Il1n)·. T~e Younl:" It:ltrons' rlub hl\ld :I mn",ked n,.Uo\vcen 1.ltrt)' Thursda)', c!ntf"rtaln\n~ Ih~lr friends. )fl"!!. SusIe URl';t'1 C!'nt~rtalnpd fbi' Thlt"­hi.. ('trclf» ThuN4<'1IlY. Little Vernlee !\il.'l1l1l entertained hf"r nUle frlc'nds at a tna!'lked Hallowl'f'n r:l.t1y ThurM3y. The Phyllis Whpatlry ('luh lind a Hal. loween rarty at Odl\ FI'I!n",s' ball )Ion­da),. Allen ehllpel Chrhl"Uan En­dea,'or was orga.nlz"rl Sundn), h~' 111,,­tttct Orgnnl:t:er )'II",. !lllte Jaclulon. Offi, (''''rll el .. cted: President. "trl'. Molli.· Welts Cft'w: \,Ice pr"sldent. MI"s A'­le!!."e Britton; I;ecretaf)·. "1\1'11 Florence Fletcher: al"l!h,tant s~cretar~·. llh:!' Harriet Shools: I Teasurt'.r. lJu. Clu'Q­line Wells. !'ttl', and '!'otT!!. Rnhert Co\('-

:~n hll:l~~ c~;~~~:dA~:o~n;-Jl~~!I~k!:~~ make t.!1ls their future home. Ne\\'ly­weds: Curtl:s l\laUhc,.-l" and Mlsl» Blanche Smalley. Lee Pa!g~ and Mfs!'! GU)'Orrul Gash. The lli!lslonary soc!eh' held a very !'lIC'('e""rul ml'eUnst at thi, A. 'I. E. man:se \Vf'<lnesd:l)·. ~Jrs. ner~ tha MOOre :lnd \V-Imam IL Orang~ wer(' unlt..a in marriage at thl! !lome of :'1'1':<. l1()Ore's brother, Charles A. Price. 19r. E. ThIrd St. Mr. and "'I'!'. Omft/:~ will make theb' home In Rock hiland. MI'!<. George A. J'rIc-e ot SprIngfield and

flRrenUl of 11 dauJ;hter, :'£r. and :Mrs. Danhy are the bapll), parents 01 11 son. Th" "'oman'S club held theIr reception Wl.'dne~,13y e, ... nlnJ: at the bome of :\1I!'~ Llz:de nlue. 'Their annual eon\'enllon Is Ito\\' In l'esslon. Booker T. \Vn.s~­Inglon. son of the Re..:. llr. and ,.'rs. "·ashlngton. has returned to the clt~· after spending the summer In Chicago. I.lIther Ta)·lor. Robert Robinson I1n.l

Percy BAucn motored to Champalp SUnClay. Floyd SmUh and Ernest :M1II1I of Urbana wero Oecatur vlsltot'll Sunday. lJlss E\'elyn DUlin enter­talned wltb a Halloween paTty FrIday at the K. of P. hall. )I\SB Carrie Brown. who bas been 111. is crenUy 1m· l,ro\·ed. llrlJ. Ann... Fitzgerald of 11'1-dlanaroolls Is the gUest of her aliter. "Irs. D. Iiarrls. 'rhc Juveniles oC tb& Odd Fellows held t!lell" Halloween party at the home of ltra. S. Vander· l..urc. )IrIS. Gladys Young hall gone to Chicago to .... Illit her Itllrcnl!l. ~lr. and Mrs. Edward!!. \'"lIl1e Larks. Roy Shavens and Hugh Glalls of nloomtng­ton were Deeatur \'is1ton Sunday.

AURORA. ILL. Dr. and Mrs. Fields entertained on

Hal:owt'en for friends. Dr. and !\(rs. ThoB. A. Bot::er and C. L. Boger leCt Friday to attend the d\ldl~tion of tilt) memorial tablet In honor ot Henry H. Boger erect<!'(! In the' stadium' or the Unlverllty of illinois. )lr8. JIIB. \Vhltc ,. exTI(:'ctlnR" to leavp ror California In the near future to Join her husband . lfr •. Oneida \Va.tson bns returnt)d from New York City llnd J\tlantlc Cit)·, No J .. And other ,lolnl..5 In thl.' East. where IIhe attended tlte convo!ntlon or the Par­.. nt Mite lllll:!llonnr)' !'loclety 11lld vhll~ed frlt'llrls. John \\',.sley HI.'dJ:e of !'>It. Pleasnnt. Iown •• f~ther or Zltrs. Oneida \VnUon amI MrR. Uf'lltrlce Moore of thlll ('Ity. dlrd In Chlell~() \Vcdne!lila),. Ol't. 31. and was hurled In thlll city 1'"11lla),. :Mr. lind ltrs. L. O. Franklin "'pent the \\'I'ek .. n.1 In Chlca~o wtlh their daughter. ltn. Ilelltrlce \VnJ:nt,r. "Ir$. Franklin !~ proud of th.. II.rrlvlll of a nf!'IV gran,lil:mgh'er. The !ll'wln~ .'In-Ie was ent~rlalned hy :\lTS. Gr.eer Thurs<1a)' ev('nlnJt at th~ home ot Mrs. T. Coorl'l"· :'otr. and l\fl'l!. Clarence )Ioore or Ka.n~ St . .!ntertalned n. num­hl'r nt trl .. n"" Fri,1ay e~enlng" In hon,,'r

i:a\~~i: ~~rd t~~~~' h~~~t ~~~Yd~~? J~~~ ROCKFORD. ILL.

The Allen Cha"lol Choral lIoclety ~all been rf'·o~anlz('" and l!! tn be known In the future n.. thl' Allen ehapt'l :!\Iozart J;ocl(.'ty. !\It!'. Fnnnie nflbln!:Oon. l~'rl(',,;oprano, hnll h"en !le('ured as the dlrf'f'tnr. ;\11'''. Rohln"on I!' al~o the chorl!'ter of tllt! AU .. n Chaflrl <"holr. Till:' mfln of AI1('n ch:lf\(>l hn\'e onmn'7.l'd a ml'n's cluh. ltn{\\\"n a!l the United Broth­.. r-hood. Jf'l1n R. Falr1e)o' Ie; t!le t.resl. flent. An illt"r"'II!no;: mel'tln!: waR h('ld ;It thp H'>Okt'r T. Wac;hlns::tvn Commu­nl.1)· cent .. r )fonday nlJ'tht to discus." the retno~;,l of lit" (,OUII~e. The hIlU.l­Inl:'. whi<'h wn!! tn hn\'(' hf'l!n mn~1'11 fhe ftM'lt of tht' month. will not he Ino,"",l llnttl nrt .. r Jlln. t. ,fohn :\1. ·PollaTd. n ... l.l ",,('retaTY ... r tllf~ ('oll)reli l.url'lIu. Coundt Cnmmunlty ~ervl!'~, sp"nl thTe~ weekll t'''C'~ntly In norkfonl. Mrs. Jo­rUa W:tllon walll hm<lef;lII to t!l ... :-:on­nart-II "hth Frldn ... at 1II'r hnm'l In nock­font tilwn!'hlp. The Church Aid !loclety 1m"" I\. HlIlIow"'''n eonrert :ltId !!loclal at AIII'n <"hallet Tlleo,lny .. ,,"nlnl:". A com­plimentary llU(lI'E-r wall h('ld at Pllln'lm UP.8t Ilapt(st chuT!'h Friday 4'\'cnln:: for th" mlnl'lter. The ne\·. Irving I\:. l(('trhant. who WI\'I trnnc;(err"" from R'!thel ehur('h. D:t\'l'nl,ort. Inwl\. Is ("omtortnh!,.. r1oml('lll'd In the tmMlonn'l!:e,

~1!~~""E~:;;1~!.'~t ~~~~ lil"~~hrf. .. et\;;!~ F.:nIJfa .... nr II'l\J::ul'. an(l lIT!!. mAd:!>'!! Le~­ter t!' thl' !lecrl'tary .. The Xntlonal As­"nI'blt!On fot' nil' ,\""Rn ..... mf'nr of Col­ared People m"f'\JI Sundar I1ttetnoon. ~ov. 11. at Alhm (·hlll'el. Th~ Armlll). tire "n)l 1'l1"f"\'lcl'''' will he h .. ld at Allen

1:;I~;it:~n~:: ::;~'~it;~le~'~~~~i I!'!t~ IlI"rK of tho wc.rl.\ W;\'I". CIvil war 8n<1 SI'Rnl!:'h-Amcrh'''n WAT to meet tnl:ether that I!\"(!nlnl:. Th" nev. 'r~lnlt K, M~r-I ('hant will prt':tt'h Il sl"~clnl l'''rmon anr! t~e chOir wll! render rntrtotlc mustt'"o Slolomon T.l'st!.'r. son of )11'. an,l lfl'S. S. I.l!o T."'!"tl'r, Is nn th,. !'Irk lI!'t. Mls!'l .Tulia \\·r,.en. eltl!l'uth'l' ~ .. cr .. tl\r:!>· or tht' Ronl:l'r T. 't\'a8bln~t<>n I'l'ntl'r. 'has en­ro1JE>d tor th,. !'\"lr.c:fnl (,OUf!!e In soci­ology at Rockrord College tor Women.

ELKVILLE, 1LL, Jells)!! ~Iurra)' of OUflul)ln. tn .. !If)f'nt

!'=unrlay hf're. WIIl>urn Claybrook wn" nn out-or-town \'i~Uor. Mrs. FAnnlt' .Jr.ohnson of newml1ln ... III .• "'IIS v!!Iltln~ hf'ro rf'Ct'nlly. A. D. Thomp"nn an" Ja('k Pool motoTl'rl tl) DUlluolri lal\t I w"l'k. Mrn. Saitl~ Smith U'tI!O It Corbon­'lale. m .. vhtltor. :lIlr!'. J, n. r.rll!lam Is Ill. )lr. nnd )Irs. Mnrtoll WIlliams I nt 'Vams. 111.. l'Ipl'nt ThuMlilay ht'r('_ The R(!v. F. R. Stratton, p;utor of tM A. "f. E. <,hurch of Curler Mills, was vll'lting here. "tI!ll< l\lntJe Ferrell at'l tended the Halloween c-ell'hrathm at C'.arllondale. Mr$ • .:(oe 80stil'k 01 nal­I!dl\l·~horo.. III .. \"111' here !lhopplll':: on WCllnt'sdll:r. Elzrll OaTner attend"!lt the

dance Oct. 30 In Carbondale. 111. JOhD I W1Ule HJarrtll and Hllman Shelton mo~ I Parrot '" maklnc his bome In Indiana tored throucb {rom Indianapolis, Inll., tor an IndeHnte time. Messrs. BrozY In thelr new (,1U'5. LIttle Levi 11arket and Luther Claybrook were :vllllUng In Is very Ul at tbls writing. 1\U1I5 Lillian Clubond!llc. Reuben Burkhalter made I Sconeld III spending the week-end with a bUslnc.!18 tttl) to Hallldll.Ysboro. Ill. her paren(.&. CharUe Young of f'a­The Rev. Mr. Nallen, putOI' of thf!l A.., ducah. Ky •• I.a In the e!ty \'\IIltlng ilia !\l. E. chureb. made II. brief trip to I parena. Se\'eral .tlrook[\ort people were Carbondnl W M F 11 t f I' Paducah IIhoppel"!! Sa.turday. days out :i tow;'~ ·Th:r~I':f.e3. ~mftb and E. Green, Who are attending school! JACKSONVILLE. U .. t.. In Carbondale, *pent the week-end with I He..,. Henry Snowden or In. Emory their parentI'. :MI"II Hattle Smltb was' Balltlat church Ilre~h~d an able ller. a Dowell· vIsitor. The A. ?aI. E. church' m<.oQ Sunda)·. Sundar Hon. Anllr,,\\' ("holr held theIr electIon or oftlceni on I RUSI!eU. lltate auditor at Sprlng1leld, ad­TllesdllY night. PresIdent, lIotrs. Eo B. dr~lS8ed the Uelhel A. l\{. E. cOIl&;Tega­Thompson; vlc:e-llr~sldt'nt. T. A. Cole. I Uon on "The ltorpn County Tubercu­man; seeretary. Mrl. E. Nallen; treall·- !osls Santt.arlum." Dr. ft. H. Jackson urer. Mrs. I. DeWitt: chorillter, 1\tra. S. of the :oiew Home sanitarium als!) Tttce. and orgllnbt. Mrs. E. B. Thomp- . 8pok~. 1I:n!. Edwa.rd !\faJiory and !\Ira. lIOn. lUra. Lura licCall Is ImprovinG' Edward l\loore entertKlned thot choIr II.t this \\TlUnC". ~~~!t. o{''8.o,.ry f::~~~l !\1~~~~ a~lgV:t~ WATSEKA AND MARTINTON. ILt.. ~""th~IIC:lt;f~;~1t1~:d :!

Ell FrunkUn has returned from frl~nds. Mfa. DaIsy Gl6vlor K.rby oC Kenosha. Sam Gowen Willi a bUliineSII Chicago .& In the city to Ilceomf)lln"l "I"ltnr to Hammon,l. Ind., Friday. At- h~r mother tt.,m-.Ilrter an extended: stay torney and ll",. Dlckerl!on, aCCOmt>a- here. "irK. Dell Ja('kllon. who has bet'n nled by MI!!!! Jell$l" .Tllnes. Chicago, cOIl!lned· to her home -wIth an Injured spent foul' hOUT!l In :Martlnton, I'rior to' toot. Is no ... • abl~ to be out. Wm. n. aUl'ndln,; t~e Chicag'O and nUnols foot- Blue and wife an.) Sister. Elsie. an(,. ball J:1lme Ilt Champal!;n. D. \Y. RIch. Helen Uluc of 130 W. )'oTlon Ave, I .. ft . ardl!on 01 Chlea)l(o lrn.n!laell:!d busl-' ThUl'lIdar for WllIIhlnGton. D. C .• where I neBS In \Vatseka and Martinton recent- ' they wl\ make .thelr home. Hev. J. "' .• b'. llr. lin" "trs. Chu. Ball of St.' Kirk of Bethel .1\. ::I.E. K church won Anne ,'llIlted with the latter'a crand- first t>rlze at a tempt'ran('e meettnf: at mother. llrs. Sarah Gowan. In Cherry i Brooklyn ('!lurch. He wa!! the onl)' St. 1\lr. and Mno. Chavlll ot Dam·IUe •. membt'r, of tbe 1laC'f' '0 sp('ak. "[rK. newb",·(·ds. In companv with 1\In>. Flol'-: Dora "ame or s. Cta)' A~~. has re­en!'e Rhodes of Xew ·York. FlOYd an,l i t~Tncd to Chicago. Percy t.ntl!.'rwood. Rny Chnvls~ "ls\t4!'<1 the Gowan family. Who was Injurer! In an ~utomohlle ac, r l'n route to Chll':a~n Saturday. Grand.: dell'nt. Is much ImpfO'l,t'd. lrrs. Ida. rna ~l.,rttl of \Vntlleka. motored wltn I .Muse, Who has heen surr ... rln.: with a I l"t)m; rrt .. ntl'l h('rl' 18IIt week. Kntherine: llroken finger. Is much Im:lrolled • B:ady B"ent the week-end with T~elm;l , --:Morris and her :tunt nnd I.Inclf'. Mr. and I CHICAGO HEICHTS, ILt... . I :'11"". Frank )Iorrill •. Jal"on Gowan re-: !>frll. Fidler or 15~3 Hano\'cr St.. Is turnl'd from It ""oIt wIth hI$ sister. I not dolnl: 80 well In the f'ro~ldenc .. l\lrs. I-;Ihm Sheppard. In ehlCluto. Law- I hOl!pltal. ){111. llarY t..oui~ 8nd mothel' yer Snowd~n motorl',l down 'rom Cht- were guestB of "!rs. Marie Tlnllley an,1 ; CllJ:O FrIday and vlsttt'd frlt'nds. en ElviTll pow~n. 1063 Sl"WIUcl AvO!". Or, J Mllte to the football pme at Cl1am- Luc:u<. Ex·)ta}·or Keller or Rohlns. It".. patp, ;'!\~a~~~f. ~~~:=~~~~lI~~T:i:l J~~~~

WHEATON. ILL. of the superIor court. were pesla of The He-v. Jno. J. Kl'arn"y I¥ very m the Color ... d vot(!!"!1 here Frld:\y o:venln:: ..

'Tnh. ttl .. ,J>rubyt~rl!trt hospital, ward 6.· ~~~ls~po':~e;:\~:~~~: ~ro~~V~,,~1'w~t;;;. i C' '" ~)''1 lind ~fean" club had UI~ bl 1 Bt4. I h 11 15th 1 .

Second B:tpt!st church e1l'aned Rnd ~~~~\'O';;h.o.t Loui: ~Yo;"tonl wa." al~'.. i dCI'f)rnl~11 thl!! I'llst wL'ek. Lincoln stMlm"ntal In Il!l'uln~ tht's~ cltcellcnt! C(\mmnnlty clu10 ~eld tbelr monthly s"e:\\CeMl to com'! here. . " mlls/C'lJle. A laree crowd IIII~d thO) chur<"b and a 1:110<1 collection \\'as taken,

~r.ih ~I~:i. ~m~:r. S~~ft~ IlO~"~::~ \~3' .tht' SOli': Ben.·Ie-e. If/SlI lful'lel R.., Curtis III a mf'mher of the Wheaton, College cllurch orchestra a!' vlollnI8t.: 1>1181' VI"Jan Stel\'art rendert'<l a \·Iolln. 11010 at th~ Llneoln Community mual-'I ~~ ,

8AOOKP0f1T, ILL. I Presiding Elder Smith helt1 his last!

qunrtcrly m(' .. tlnc ror the year at the I .It • .af. S. church. lfl"!!. Annie F. Wiley i Iftt tor l~\'ansvllle, Ind.. to JoIn ~er' husband. !!orrs. Artie Parker left for' Tu/oo. K)-.• (or an IndofInlte stay, The i ItC\', W. 1>. MUls returllf'd to his ('harge ' at Unity Baptist ellurch after several' weeks' abs~nce. Quite n few outooOt-' town people aU.-nlled the Halloween d!\nco at the Fellows' hall. Mrll, !'Onnnie Chavis of Harrisburg". III.. fa v!,<ltlnl: her mother and to.tber. Mrs. !'OettlC' CoUlnll o( lIt. Vt'rnon. ilL. 111 III Ule city "'8fHn!\" her daughter. Cline lloore Is much Impro"e(l at this writ­InG. Dempsey SUmm"n! Of ChicagO

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

The Trip to the Illinois GameFrank YoungThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 10, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 6

The Trip to the I

Illinois Game By'Frank Young

Going to the hI" game was on everybody's Ups Frida)'. Ilnd MYln" In m)' POSsClll510n n Ueltet to the lIame. I accepted the kInd In'\"ltation of one Franlt Smith. well known alJout the stroll by his beauUful Hud· 1'on coach. II.n(I' "'C pulled out or tbl!! burg early Saturday mornlnlJ for ChampaIgn with 'Waller Jones. -an· I other Dt'Celldcr employe, and Uoh: DUGan, better known all "Ace·Veuce,"I acting 11.8 chautreur, Tbe accom' panyln&,. or rath"r the lead, t'nr­mlnu8 the belll;-wl1l1 a Cadillac, In I which were hUddled lOl;etber Georgt' I Jent's, TI't'\'c WUods, UClln~ White, Claronce I)ILVls nnd the uwner. Paul' uu)derdo.le,

Oodles of cottee and ham nnd C!f(gR , at Lutman·s. nnd we were oft. 1'I!.ul had held a conference with aU ot us nnd it wp~ ()eclded that 3lt mles per Willi the limit. bUI before Paul had hit Vincennes road, Which III "UI! In, the (llty limits, he had broken the' agreement, He It!<!, nnd, belle\'e me.! he won't do nny more leadlnl{ (or me I -not soon, raul hit 60, and then II. RuicK pallHd him and be cnught It, 'Ve were trllllln:. tn'lng our best to; hold "Aee - Deuce',," speed mllnla dowll, and OUf lIJleedometer WCUI dlckln!: around Gil going through Ros.wllle, with me )'cillng for the drl'\"u to cool dOWn [I, bll,. There wall nothing doing until he nenr))' ltnocke'\ one of Henry's outputs In the rear, cau!llnll;' Us to smell burned rubher' from the !lkld<llng rear tires. Thcn' Paul lert us. A hlu" Packard had putted some' hlue smoke Into Paul's nostrils and went Ilround him, That'!; the Inst wo 113'" of him unUI we pulle<i up In front o( Capt. Reeler'l! In Dam'lIIe. and there PRul and his J:lUIt:: Wl're wailing tor us, Had been In 20 minutes to the gOod. I'll !illY It nltaln-no more wild dl'i\'crs for mine,

Dam'l!Ie III nil right for lIome folkll -I'll take Chlca.!;o. It started rain­Inl!'. nnd rained until Sunday night, \"8' 1'1"'" a good imIne and got weI i through. nully weather (or dUck!!: Ilnd !lIud hn'lnds, \\'ond()rful !;'arne!' I 11IIl'oll, yOIl I;ettlng hack h()me~

Paul allUln Icd. \\. et Illl.\'ement lind I rain, ,;\lore rain, SUlI more ral11. hut! nuthin~ to wet your Insides In sight. I Ace·Deuce scared tho "'its out of II!'! I h~' ~Il' to sleep at tho Wheel, 'Vent Into the ditch. and the thrlNl of u!!­Trove, Rmlth nlld mYltelf-helrl1:<i flUl'h the C:U' Ollt, Walter Jones was In P:lul's car comln;: hnell. Then Ace-Deuel! lIt:l.rted to nod. Itnd Fronk !;mlth touk the wheel. Fmnk ended hi" drh'lnl; when a Ford car's ll/:hts hlindt' •• him, <:Illlslnp; him to Tf!twe the pl\\'emcnt. and In I::ettlng back on It th(' eRr skidded. colli!;' Into the dit('h. I\nel thfrc \':(' slaYNI nntll !lome ,::'00(1 folk!' cnme alonF. nnd helpe.t \IS Qut,

I WI\!' ~eared !'tilf and WtlS ready for tho Ilndertn\(ers when 1 got hnck Into lo\\'n tit a /I., m •• two Imd a, hours hehlnd "nul. Ac{'·Dcl1ce l!l'f!a,,'l!d 36 mites an hnur nn the ,,'et lll!.vement, I,'ul In and .ont or earB, nntl I'll hlt\'1! to give him ('redlt-bll's n darn /:000 dri\'er: tno p'ood tor me, I'm stili full or cIlld. r"el thnt the trip "'M well worlh it-n <.'f'rklng !\,ood gamo. u'nl'lh n'!'c!! tn !"C~, hut not In Am' car led Ill' I'alll nr orlw'O 'by Ace·Deu!'c, Didn't rotn.1 t't>l' !':\In. hut dn mlnl\ hl"tn:~ "~l:"E'r~rl plum nut ot m,· wit!''' thlll !:tIl' In life. ('m hork I)n th(' joh. r .. ~"h· to dl~h ollt !<!,ortl<, hut my arl­"ke Is-:::,o on n, trllin :ulfl "rl':'It:," ""'1·.·. Hut It ~.",. a !;,ond r.nmc. fill. n('lll' .... on. (chk:l:::'o '·.'n!; "eRt"". r:"I'r:;!'(',1-; "'1(1 a ~o"'l timl', n .... !'Iod: .. 1 ""'''I'll'''' tn cn,.,,_· ... :"\!· .. "'t \'\<hE'1l "''' '\'''",r 'n'n I";> <111l'1>, "l.<'n 't't' J:'O! ttl; , ., ~H"!"" "''tl ~hf' 1 -("\~rl 1(\ ~:t~-.t' U~. t:'f~ .. ; • r:'.'!"" If -::t~ n ~,!,~.,! lr!Y'. f\C'.-ordln!= I ~f'l tl!~ r(> ... t nf t!ll'rntty.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 17, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 22

ILLINOIS STATE-NEWS ot her aunt. lira Ebbl. Kine. Fun ..... 11 evening und... the dlreeUDI1 ot 1IIrs. ael'Vleu "ere h(lld trom Saleen Baptist sallie )[cDanle15 was well attended .,hurch. the R6v. It. A. Hn.yden offiela.t- Tl\e nluljuernde given unde. thll Ing Durlal "IU, In lII()unt Hope cem- au~plces of the WOIllJUl'_ club r~centll' el"ry. Th .. Re'\'. l\Ir Black, plUltor In at Tabernnele hall "' .... unique. Mea-

URBANA. ILL. Funeral serhooB af MII!lII Armlnla

1IIcCull,·, 14 ~ ......... old, daughter of llr anti ll1r.. E3r1 1IlcCulb. Chicago. Ill .. '\\ho died ... , ~e 110m .. o'dlC!' "Un, Ilnd tmel.. Mr and l>1rs. Ebbf" King. 1403 Ilublln I'It, "as "f'l4 from Salem Bltl" tlst "burcl,. Ull) Bev. :Mr. Jia)-dCII ollle,­:tung Interment. "''as In Uoscla,\\-n """,el<'", .she to sun-l\"e<I II) tier IJllr. ,ut.< .... d ... brother. W<Iller !\(cCul\). lIn' Callie RJcks .o.n4 Mrs. Lula ~Ic' lhuu;~ b.'e rclurn~d bome from Tt!rTe )lnute. Ind .. after attendinll; the Fn", Will """terence. Ed{Ue Duker af Chl­..... go H.·lght .. "1'<'1'11 n. ,. eek In the Cit), II ... I'!, ..... t of hlw famll), lIl.... ::Ilartlla \\.lIkln- ot P"nnt!3hanla "as caflat hI,.... to .anen" the funeral ot her nlec:e.. Armlnta McCull..- :M.... lI~le JIlte "r C!:lleago .1< vlsltlns In th .. hOlD" or h,,.. 4au!'ht<T. lIf ..... W Ande""'n. Mrs FA Hr .. dl~> ~<!< .. l'...r "ord that ber brother. John l'rltchard. lti 'I' llh1 In II. h.".· f\IUiI III SL. Louill. lfrs. J~ "Iartin. 14.tT'RlcrlS of thhlf. ("tel· la.ut no\'\." el1 Toledo.. t)hiu \; I~it(!(i fl"t(!J1d~ and,pB lierp. 'f1 NoUh to caiTO to "bIt her sick "I.ter

G~ANO CHAIN. ILL. Fillh<!r JeE.e I' l'rlc~ "ho .... as 1185-

t<tr oC t h~ !l1 1: .. hurch, Lex.inr;;ton. T.pnn. attend~ the ltnnua) conferenc~ at '" ~ml'hl~ H~ eame horne. telling ror lu' gOOd time Ilt the conft'rl!nre. U", ua!$ remo'"d to JacksOn. Tenn. Jni~.tit()" Tber.;- nre man)" 1a'l'n' .. '"" from th~ ~outhl:lnd buntlnl:' {anna I\f're. "h~e lh~ ".an Rise ("Ouon T!ie '\\Tit~r m .. t th" roUo ... 1ng ~In"c last r"l'<lrt· . '\ n Du!;;;er, Jnllnnlc Smarr abd Sila:; Coleman of ArkanS8f1. and Ceo. '~a~h­Ington and C. l) DlInlcU! of Sh"lhy. .,IiKK Thoey are making a su .... ey of th" different farms and they s<'nel';lUs ."'''m r""OJ'abIT impr"SS<"d "1th the out_ llmk Mrs :Morlab McClelland. daUghter. lIn>. ~all\o Holl'!. and hu.­band J ... onard. and Fred lfcClelland. .. 'On of M.... 1I1u.rlah, nit "'''Ill to }.!ound C'jh 10 "ttend th" trial of JM Iloon", 1\ ho k:ln.,., J .. m~8 l>.lehardllOn ,. few weeb ago The trial "as IIet 10't' N'o,. ':. hut It "'as postponoo until t!le next da)', 1>1any retumed the Ilext da]' 8ft 'II1tnl!ll1W! and man) ()Ut of curlosl!) .1oe Dro"'Tllng .... nt to tho trial as a wltnesM Dan B...".'1I "'al> allied to be in Mound efty as a ,,1lnf'f!s. also I.uther 1IlcC1cllan" had to tf'1;tlry Me.· danlea :uattJe Howard and Ralph Waob. in/:lon were In to ... -n shopplnl:' OnB 4ay. Mil> AUe" Clay called on 1\lrs 1Ilarl"h !IIcClelland one day rec<>ntly. MeJ<dam .. ~ Cor" Bramlon and F1Or<'ncc Bro,,'1l and 11ttk Kcnneth Byrd, ..... ho Is (Oared fOr by ~tT1!. !Iran non .... '110 BP"Jlt the sum­mer In Port Cllnt<)n. Ohio. vlsilin., ... lath......... !>a\'" returned home. T!1e Freewill churcb beld .a ""nference h('r .. !'<l""nUy. The Rev Remis Allen,",orth I" »a8Uw to "eloome l.rt'""hers and ,'18_ ItI~ frlen<'iB. lIrA J"nnle """"bum. ... bo ...... aecldentally .. hot In the foot. 18 creatly tmJlTO-ed, :Mrs. Emma Daw­""" "f Olmstead made a business trip he~e J'1"CC!1tly,

JOLIET. ILL. Dr. :rerldD.e. W. O. 8" Md )tn

Wasbln(;t()u. .....Itltant 0 8.. ot Chi. <2CO .... h.te4 in the tn'''ation at tile )IOsa1e tempte on Oct. 21 The ~tlln­In~ale people J:a ... e a Halloween f'Ur­-prl!l/! l'8rty on Mn;. Book .. r Ware :tnd l,er fliRt""'. Mrs. Nichol,., :\trs. :II Hol­man, lIrs H Col .... and ~r:II P. Simp­MIt )1n! :r-'1cboIB l:3~e a breakfa .. t !l:ov :I. The. j;U ..... ts present .... ere: llfr"

~~I~ :~ 8::t!.':ln&tlr":''ft..l~ ~n1i. W· JIubt'n and )Olrs B 'Vllre. The S<.'eOnd naptlst dlUrch will have U.e InaugUration of the han'ut 00. Nov. 21 Mm. O1atll bas },e<lD Ill, Drown'" Chapel conr!'renl:e ."'" very omceeilstul ~unda,. "So\"... Jobn Moore Is 1m· pro"ln;; ,,10" l:r. '

The pnroD!3~:":~~~ on Wed-tI""day "" .. nllll:' at the hDme or Mrs. .l<!J'l'y Turn!>o In 110nlll' of )'trll. )Utch"U ..... d .!Iff"" Hani... Who are lcanllG" th .. .-lI.y l\1r and Mrs. Lathen Ilamn. 1819 'S: Cllnt"l1 5t. In coml>8l1)' with HalT' n,u~'n. :!It"" Ruby 8tOlr"5 and Thoml\S nNlOk~ mOloffd toT"",, Haute. Jnd. ,,,,d '1~1t..u )1.... :Bacon's "Ister. ~1::,; '!Ir F ,,'O<>d. IS1% Spruce 8t Re,'., ... m ... tlng 10 In pro.,..."" at UIII Antioch

r.:::,.t~~~~:.;:ihin 'tm~ S:f!l~rn;P~::.t nd ll..... Houl\ton "Ii·hlte.

BLOOMINGTON. ILl-Th" m"mbers of th" Pro~ve <,lub

m~t "I til :Mrs C. W. TA!",i" of E Wood 1"1 (On :"'0". ~ It" as lItera:t'l' day. :1.1.... n Holly had ]>Rp~ on the m" of II B T •• lbPf't. li:lec1lon of ",mcers ..... ~ 1",\.1 ,ulIl t1... followino:- werp elected. Pr. "ld ..... 1 If.... It n~l1rv· ,ice pr""(­~Jf ut J.tni <t Thomas. Kf'!'C'retAn. lIn ~ .1 U .. nd".."oll, a~~h'tant .. ec.rot.arY. ~1,.,. It 11011.. , rPMurer "tn. P. c: J ,ut!". r.lillplaln. lIlrs E Thoma~. .and I Nlgram rommitt ..... )11'1< E. G Codns­ton: .a~!dstant. ltr.. J. D. WllCh

DANVILLe.. ILL, TIl< Lal~se Falre club gav" II. dellll'M­

fulll.tll .. """" vart)' at tl,e home of ll ..... ,.'"",,:fl Uarroon At e. The home ... "" ""lI.utifull} dec<>ratt-d, In l;:""lllnl;; '" Ith lh~ tbn-- Among the out·of-to"n gtrel<l.H .... ,.., Ham need of l'arl", III, and Julin Aker!! of Bloomington. "'1\0 IH 110'" ma!:lnl: hIs hnn'" bere.. On. of the an Icl~s that has CllURed the "hlte I_pi" 10 think and "'nl" on ""'8 tllat "Tilten b)' ltc,' Ii D :!Itartln, paEtor of til.., ~l'COnd BaptlRt "hurch. pulillsht<1 ill Ihe Commercial XC"." enUtled '"Th(' H: I\: K, nle American Nel1;TO And Am .. rlow," It wall full of Good thougl.ts and W8I'I a :line piece oC Iltera­~u,.., 111 defense of tile :>:"11:"" group ot An ... "i<'Jln citizens 1II1$S 1\farguerlt.e Cantrt'U 15 \lslUnll' in Kan1<:lkee.

Among those who aU.-ndt'll the ml­no!".Chl~N:o game and the Alpha Phi pa.rU I-TldllY and Saturd"v ""re.P.r' and )frl<. Frazl"r. 1)1' and MNI. , ...... ehel" a"d family. Dze Dlsrnond 1I1r Halfacre. the drul<l:'lst. l\Uss Carl~ Ie and 1\1\.5 Florence --n<'<>li. ~r. and :!<I~ W. 11 l!ecl~r. Oene~1t!' e Nlcholft, Dale Nichol.. Ro1.K-rt Patten\on and EUGene Patt"",on Dale NlellOl" and ].;ugtme Patterson motored to lJooll~slQn. Ill. Thursda~ to attend "Shu/He Alon", .. TI,e LalliBe2I ]'al..., club mpt at thp hom" nt the )fl5SCS :II~dalene nnd Adelia Robln""n A finB pTOgI'llfll "''''. rendered .... W"h consIsted ot a 1>ia"" solo b~ c<>lest" Cantrell, talk by Dr. A. 1.. FraZioer. th(j dentJal. and "hort talks by Rol.ert F.rn""t or Chaml'a4m and John -'kers ot B1oomlnJ;ton. "1>0 'l\ erc ,ISltors


parsonl\l>" sat.urda~ afternoon. Mrs Hamilton had cbat"lle ot this meeting ~11M Ylolel ::IUnor heen sick. Jam~s RushIng \\'81'1 ".lIed to Tennesse" "11 .su!("uunt of the ser-lou8 illness or his hrother Mrs :p,tartl,a Ol"nn \8 ill at lIer hume. Sycamore St. l'ilgrlm n.n Baptist ehuTeh bad a dinner FrIda) at the llnm.. of :p,f"", Kate Blue. Gr.tnt Ulak .. -mure 1ft I;ulldln~ .. .I>ousc on on .. of Ill. IOlll In :-';0"11 :llounds. SoclalH "l'f" "njo~ed at UIe home Of lIf", Betti" ;\leDa~ld nne! lira Florence Childs lut """k. llr und :Mrs. Otis Floyd ha~., "OM to lOt J..oUls to malte their homo:. ~!rs. no~d was fonner!} ~i"" Maud" Fll'ld~ )Irs. Annl~ ru"" 1\..... I'0De to Champaign to .. ls1t her son, Charl.,s She "as a"Companled by lilts Park .. , \\ho w .... en rOUte to her hom .. III Chi' c a:;o an",r a plelUlallt ,Islt In lfound Cit... Lane Chapel C. It. l-: chUrrh Is r<,jolclng 0 ....... tI.e return cot R~" .f If ::-;"rth lUI pastor of the church Jam<'lI U()ndurant dIed recently III St. Lou'" 1I11llll1am". Belde llondurant All"" Cook and Johnson and tte,'. I S Stone "ere h"rO!! wt "eek. llrs Bon· durant'~ sister waa hurled In Beerh­"ood C<'mete!,)·. Princess Estelle \"\1-IIams Is pursuing a <!t>rrnponden,,, (OUTM ln ad't erllslng s1J:n , .. ork a.nd \\:iU soon ("omNete lL -'\"'6 arc con .. 11<lmt she ,,"Ill make Quite a r .. 'COrd In ,his I'no of work aft "ho b"" ,lone III her n~\1; buslncD undertakln:: as a cat"r,'r M.... Ida ~leadO"8 and ~f\ss llnl><>1 lla .. , returnl."d from Chlc:l.l:O, "hel'e th~ att<:nded thf.l funcml of :lot"' Ella Cross. a ",,1I.<1n lIflss Theola l'letce "as n Cairo shopper the past """It Oscar Da,,~on hIlS ,;one to 1);,,, • 'u for hIs health Sol.hla Early \'lslto:od in St Louis recent!)·. :ltrs Roblrdla !tOI«! is .lsIUnJ:- In Champalgn. 111 HUg<> Charnbll~s ''',... In Nash,11l1'. Tenn. Sunda,· ,1"ltlng hl~ moth"r. ;If,... No:. ... Cba,"bll~". \\ ho Is III In "{c)(l!Ien'" ho~­"Ital Th" l)!strict Baptist ass""lation met In CAiro last """k. R!!,'. (; w Hill. pastOI' of Pilgrim ReRt Bal'tl.t chUTe" It'd the d.·i~tlon !\Ira Ito· Iolrdla. ·Rrutoll. pr"s!Ilent ot the B.. \" I' U: Mesdames ;:-"-"n Thom.... :lfIt. I. Th0ll13S and Fann,,, F.vans represent­<.'<1 ~h" chureh, anti Mesdam"" L .. ~lIe Sumn~T and 1..Iule l'ur6<! ""rn ,lsllors Miss 2\farlc .lIleDa\'Jd h"a be,.n home from scbool on account of defecU,e \I"lon !l.lmus Smith IR sick. The third nnnual "ornan's d",· Jlrogram und"r the <4U"l I""" of thp 0r.portunu\ club "Ill 10" o"s~ .... ed at Pilgrim }t""t naptlst

c1:¥~ il::daa tl.[\t~,",:~"g~';;'~\"'p::'eh~d In llound CIt,· Sunda" afternoon and wa9 accompsnled 11) the members "ud choIr of 51. John Baptl"t church ::Ilr~ Lula Hutchinson I. ,"siting r(>lath ... nnd friend .. In Jackson. Tenn St John llapU$t MlssloURn fiOcl"ly 18 huslh t-llS'Ilged In QuiltlnC; 'rhe '''oman's OppOrtunity <club met ... 1th MrR LI,la Hutchinson IIlSt. ~londav. J~rry Glh­"on. "1>0 has heen sick sa,eral montl>s dt..oQ "t hlB bom .. last ue"k Funeral Re .... lc"" "ere held .,t st. John Baptlst "hurch. the Re\,. llr. N'Ol'mellt deUy"r· IllS' tho, sermon Ser'iceR were .n .. barge of the KnIghts of Tabor J. n Uo....-...rd has gone to Detroit. Mich., to make an Indefinite visit with his da1l.ll'hter. !tiN! l11nnle Tahor. 'rhe Victory Rally 'Vot'kers of St. Paul A :lL E. church held a number of sO<"lal~ and novel entertalllments the pa"-t ,...,.,k Among the workers were; ).1,.,. PrentlN' ~1itchem. Mrs Cecelia. Wil­liam... lIr.... Florence Hortman, :II". ~1I.le WIlliams. }'lr.o. :;\lclIosa Blithe. Mm. (rene Clark. )1Tl' Rettl" :!<teDa\1d find ltn< Austin 5prlng('I' The Rt'\" G W Hili bas gone to St. I..ouls t<) Tlplt his famIly. En route there h" 1<loPPtd o~" ... In SflILTta. III 'the Re\·. (1 T Hamilton spent a ahort time In PulaskI \ L~ltlng. He ..... " Cllled upon to preaeh a funeral sermon there. ::.1,... Anna FOI!ItY and Ilttl .. Katherine lIa~e gon& to CitlellRO to joIn theIr husba nd "nd .lather Dora. 1\1 ... do,,' and lith,. lfabel bave retumed from Chl­"ago, "h ...... tbpy .... ere ailed to altend the fUneral of their cousin. .Tam .. " C""",s. 'the third annual '''oman's day program will h" oh .... " ed by the Op­portunity elub Sanday Afternoon. No,', 18. "t Pilgrim Regt llaptl8t chur<'lt, I'artlt'lpant!!l from Mound City. CaIro and "founds " .. re In nlt"ndanCf'_ Cal­TIn DIl\1d Is numbered with the ~iclr. Rlcbard llcKinne~' of :M'urpb,,,,boro ... 15It"d in the eltv Sunday. John Ta ... • lor. l\tI~""B lItabpl Balle),. Fern B.'l.U ... v and Hattie :Martin attended a Jl4.I't ... In carbondale, TIL. Jast ",,,,,I;. ~rl'S r..earnn Nilan has been on the frick lI~t 1(rf' the past two" eeks. bnt Is Impro'" lng lIf["" ''1ol .. t )llnor. who has he~n sulterinl!' "Ith la grippe the va;<t "'M\:, Is greatly Impro\ ed. Almus Smith IS out ar:aln after ,,(, .. pmt we('ks' Il1n .. ~ lIfrs 'Vmlsm (".oleman has bun very 11\ the past .... e .. k. lItrs. ROherta Cham­I.lfl!s has f'('tumed home aCter a ple",,­ant time l'Pent In Champaign at the b<>m"'''''lIIlnl:' Levi ,T. Coppin lh""lon­Rn' so~l .. ty m .. t at th., "hurch on Fri· .In.. Quarterl" meetlnt;" ".r\-Ices \~111 be h"l<1 at the Chap .. ! C lL E church on Bunda}, 1\lTS. Bpttle Cochl'lln ()f lfound Cit... l1slted her cousin, !lfl'8 lloltman. snturda¥ nnd Sunila~. "Irs Anna Ruck"r of Mound Cih' wa" If ,i~ltor to the c\t~ Ia.~t Saturday !lIrs Hannah Miller has b .. en ve",' sick "t bu reRlil .. nc.. "est of the clty. The }oung p""p1" enJo .... tl th .. cand ... ·pul!lllr; at the t''''51C1~nce of liT", Hatde $'prl"l!er saturda~' afternoon 2\1... ""iI :II,.,. Ru~S<'lI "rc romfortabl\" located In th~!r n~'" 110m" on N l\fcKlnle)' 51. !II"" "fariha Glenn. who has been "en' 1lI. f~ ll'TeaU,' irnl'"wei\" :In,." Luh!rdla 1'Irown who Is att"ndln~ sehool at tile StAte !l:nrm"\ In Carbond ... ·.. spent Ule ....... "1< • .,nl\ , .. Ith her parents and many friends last '\\"~k.


chllJ'gc of St. Luke C. lL E: church. dames Edward Mallory and Laufa In Sixth St. Mel!8111. Ja 118 Novel and preached his first .ermon l'"'t Sunday. Moore entertained ttle cbolr or Mt. James SBhaftu are 1.rep':rlng a hunt_l llr1l. Ida !lfarlill o( Cleveland. Ohio. ,t;mOry Baptist church on Monday,,, e­illl: trip "Ith GIl> Deard in )Il ... ourl was th" guest or :Mra 1II1nnie CIlld- nlng. Tho follOl.!ng progl'llm wall 11 AU: • ..ell I<,,;t "eek Hush Daltney of 1)(>. rendered' R~adlng, !Ina Anna WII-

r. an ...... rs '''m. GlII !lave lIold the.r trolt, Mlcb. motored to ChampaIgn In son; trombon .. 8010. Booker Johnson: I.lace of bU~j.!"~,.s to 1111' and Mr& Pn or. 1 hIs btg Ford truck and moved his duet. 1\1188 Sucle Lynch and !I(ra Perl& Presiding l;:)d"r Slides wlU conduct fathel", Geort;e Dabney. bAck to De. Nevels Clark. WId fiolo. Claronce Clark "U,trt'<lrly meeting her., at Campbell. I Iroit. 1I1iss .Emma Clt.amona or Seat. The &'\Jests were l\[r and Mrs ~fatt The Rev :111'. S}<1ea hila three cJ"'tS"" U" Wash. nnd !lIra Annie Rico "U" Williams and l\[..,.. Clotella' Taylo .... In Alton and on" In F.a.lIt St. Louis. of La"yer Rice, ot Mound City, 1II. 1Iliss Susie L)'1lch entertained 1\ few ot The Re, 1I1r Bro .. -n has three charges aro at the bedside or their alster. M.... her friends nt dinner Sunday In honor In F..ast St. Louh, .md one In .\lton Cora PattcJ'80n. 41t E. Tremont St. of !lUsa Bernice Scruggs of Jet!erson Presldl~ Elder Slide~ was In Alton re- lItr. and :III'S Berry Thomas, Mrs It. Cit ... 1II0 Ed Bl'llnnon. \\he haR been "l'nUy, t,!e gueJrt or the Rev FOray. A H~d"n, :llrs Cora Patterson. Mrs III at a local hosplUlI her.,. la 8io"ly S1trnuel E'",na .,,'" returned from Chl- Zula Gordan and Russell Nesbitt are Improving. llrs. Julia Derry Woit. engo and will sl"md the ,.Inter In AI· 011 the sick list Petcl' Reed "as scale returned to her home to visit IOn. Ray '\'1111.. has a<'Cepted a 1'0$1- round dead at his hotne on E. Oro"e .. lth he,. parentH. Mr and Mrs ArthUr tlon "lUI the Trail sarage In Fourth St last Friday :lIrs E. T Dean II.t- Stewnrt, of Goltra A'a ;.r ..... Wolt­S!. If.. and liM< 'Vm !If. Hro,;nlng. telllled the state l'\'. C. T. U at Sprlng- .cale Is a tormer IlTBduate of Lincoln .On and dauG;hter. will spend T!mnks- field \ltst ",.,ek !ltr and 1\(rs Blancbe university, Jetf"TSon City. Mo She I" ghlng as the sue.ts oC lIl,.,. V. Bro"n "'111Iams Rre ,Isltlng In Ohio A pound n"'Y a .. "",dent or Chicago lIlrs. C H. In Sprlll'llfieid. MIRs Lillian Adnms. part)' "as given on the Rev. 1111' Black, Frt'eman ()f 'V Morgan at entertained pTomln('nt music teacher lIere. "Ill pas lor of the C !II. )'; church. last Sat. a number or her friends recently In 51"'nd .. few ,,,,,,ks In ChlMSo 11\1~8 urday night. ~lrs. Bradley left for st. honor of lIfrs. Sarah Rice, who wl1\ lIlary Clarke and sister. M.... Fannl" Loul", lIIo to be at the bedSide of her IGllve 600n fOr Callforqla. James Mc­K"U:r. \,111 Ie .. ,,, tor their ,aeatlon next brotller. The R",· T. N. Jones left tor Daniela hIlS returned hdlne aner an e.'C. m"nth MoU'er Bo" man Is ahle to bt Ne\\ ~ladrld lID," h~r~ he Is pastor- tended stall In Chicago. MIllS ltu!>y out. Se'ettt~ "ears a(':o. she was pr"s· Inc; after "Isltlllg his tamlb. parrish has returned from a pleasant "nt "hen the 'first ColONotl cburl:h "U$ trll' III ChicAgo. The funeral of lIlrR. orgunlzed and re('CnUy she "as an ac- JOPPA, ILL. Eliza Wnsconer w"" held FTlday at th'" attendant Rt the organization of Dorothy Anderson of ~letropoIl8. 111.. "(t. Emory Baptist church. Ule Rc" the Lewl!! <,lIapel Oet Ihe Defender was a vl~ltor at tbe Joppa snde schools 1I<)nl')' Sno\~den omclating f,..,m Da'" 8earl~" at hlft "tor.. In recentl)·. John man haa returned to --FOUrtil st. The lIev. and :\Ir~ ehas t!1e city after .pendlnK It rew days In PULASKI, ILL. Tln~l.l at Ed"ards\'me "~r .. In Alton M.-.und CIl) ,,1m Ills "ICe The Rev Mrs Man' Allen, after hltvh'l! b •• n to aulst III the opening ot the Le" Is (lilbert Crider and ... Ue. Mrs Hattie Beriousl~ III tor 110m" time. died Tu.s­chapel :lIrs Fiemlllg Gray I. much llcDonald andW. II. r;obb spent Sunday da)·. Nov R. at her home Her body Impro\ e.l In health. ~r. and ~tra In Metropolis. Carroll Bell arrived here "as- earrled to Tennessee tor burIal James Bo"man h,,,e mo,..u to P .. .arle tram F.a.t St. Louis. III. SUllday. The First St John Baptist Sunda)' st. :M,.... Jame.. No,,,! Is rnu"h 1m. Leonard Campl,ell "M the suest of the g"hoo\ Institute ,~hleh ,,,.... held heT<! proved ,,(I<r her Illness lItrs. Em!- IRe.. J John~on and Wit" lIIonday uf lMt "eek beglnn!n!; Frl~ay, Nov 9. Ilne cannon Of xorth Allon haa re- la-t w.,~k O. Ho.,.a.rd mad .. It "\lsl- closed Sunday evenIng, Nov. 11 Th .. turned from .. two ".eks· .. Islt "Ith h~r l'cS!' trl" to calrJ Tuesda\' or delegates "ere l1l ••• s llaTie and Allie sIster In E. .... t SI. Louis' "eek Tho ne,' Sandy C .... dw'lll ha~ Humbles ot Centralia. :'1 Duncan nr

MURPHySBoRO. ILL. ",o'ed to his new home The ltev. J. CoIl'. III! the Rev J. B lI[cCrel'l'ryof John.on left Thursday (or Gmnd Chain. ~~~trR~l \rr~lIphliU:s !; c~r:g~rr ~~~ III to attend tho 'Iuarterl)' meeting. llr. Cornelll of Centralia Miss liari" 'Y ll. Tallev made a H)!ng trip to Humbles seeJ'etnrv uf the Instllute. M (".tlro III The ne. H E S lloaz Duncan. 'President: ::.1r Corn"al. eon-

Th" mOlher of t;rncst Samud~ nlld Carolln" Da~ I~ dlell rccellUy at h.,r home ber(' I"rofeHl-ior Turner. of th .. high 6choOl b~re. has mad" :;;ome t:t!ty h~e( Fisary ImJ\ro\"ements on the ""hoot building The Hev. Jno H. 1\Ie. Fall lias hegun hIs <'Inference year "Ilh muc!. ,igor :lJr. and ll". Jno ClArk entertained th" R", !\fr llcF:tll nn.l the ne'-~ 'PTCtiltllng- ~ldet" at dinner n'· "cntly 1I.1r. and :Mrs Al'C!hl", 'Vade. llUl.... son and Oertrude Wnde "r" m.~kinl: their !lome \\ Ith !\Irs Iren" Hussell this ... Inter Presldlllg 1:ld"r

~~';la. n's~II:I. p:~~ S~~~:? Je:!f: t?~:: duetor; lll'S. M. Oregory. president of 11<101. "ere tbe &'\Jests Of lIlr •• B"""le tbe cradle roll denartment of Ul0 I:'lIn. Jo!1nson Wednesday ot last ".ek. ~trs da)' school' committee On finance. lIfls" 1_'1ura Walls Is Oil tho sick n-t :llr!!. ~r.:'~~onM~~: :J:~e )g'::'ar/e:~~ JeMie Anderson ,va" unable 10 be on "on. Odd I .. Cleary. Icft Saturda} eVe­dut~ Illst llonday on account of 111- nlng. Nov to, (or Detroit. :llIch • wbero ne"'" lilli'S. Loul~e Burnett ws~ suh- tile}, \\ III "Islt fTJ~nd" and relatlnB ~tltutl'd In her stead Sandy Cald"ell MIs:! Jlm~tt" Wells left FrIday e~e­motored to Orand Chain lru;t Frida,. nlnl:', Nov 9. tor Cle,,,lnnd. Ohio Mrs.

Geo A Bro"n nnd "Ife conducted DUQUOIN, IL .. L, three ,~'" inS]1lrln~ sct\'leell at the Perry Dean. 'VOl W·lIkea. Eduard First qua"(!l'Iv me<ltinr; The !IUS""" Goodgame.}) C. H.:.rltlns. Ernest Har­Oeneva novoers. Bella. Cla~brook and rison. Virgil Smith and Vernleec Vhlnn Cross. teacber" here, spent a r~- Shaut[er ,,,'re in 1I1a.eanda Saturday cent """k-"nd In ElkI;lIIe The p"r- !;3R1e hunting, Otha Williamson',. wlC", Rona"" of tho A :II T. chUr<'b Is being who \\"-'1 "Ioltlng him alld otller rela· r"modeled f>rt,5Idln,;- Elder Brow n ""_ tl .. ~ h"" returned to her home In ceptl'd an Imitation Crom the Doug- :'Iartln. Tenn. SeGal Howard and his lUllS "cllool to a<1d"'''s the sop:'omore ilaushter are the guesUi of his wife. class recenth·. FTnnk Jac1<so.... car- :lIrs Nora lloward Mr. lio"ard and bondal". 11I~ was a ,Iollor bero reecnti)" Ilaur;hler nrc from Trenton. Tenn Rev The ::m""". Rllth Cald"ell, Lorlne Bar. Doraey of CArbondalo Is In the clt~ to nett and C Alge .... Ilubllc school teach- till the pulpit at the Mt. OIl> e Baptist pr~, ar(' maldng tllelr home "ltb llr~ churcll D.-ua .. Louis letl fol' DuBois Pearl l>ow<.'ll In }'ourUI St. ~I". Cora. Sunday Loul. Terrel or Pulaski "as W'1I4~ Is quIte sick "t her home. Mrs. I lH:re last "eeit on busln""!!. Frank

» ~ " Scott, "ho "pent the summer in ~Tarla Perkins. "bo .\lut[~r"" a para!)tlc Champaign and at. Louis. has retumed strok .. some weeks :tgo Is Improving homa and has hl\l'n emplo~"d II) Mr Ilt the home of be.. daujlhter, lIIr3 Can~ler In his tailor ShOP. John Ste,,' !llaude Lollngs. In Third St I art and Walt.... Kyle are Critically III

1\1" Stewert has been Laken to tbe J GALESBURG 11..1... I !I(. Bro\\nlnl'! hospital. It Is reported

!\II''' Jo."phln" lt~\lon Is reco\,er· that he has double pneumonia. kev Int;" from the "lIu '. "'hlle turning th" F ", .AlstDrk "as called to "-l:lbll1na ('orneI' Ilt Hendenton St. and llomnouth bfocause of the death Of hla mother ltl.d. th" Re\'. J W. L. Und~rv.ood·~ Mrs El'll. seolt of Chicago und"""(lnt .. n .. atruck a nIlllc: truek parked at tIt. nn operation In tho I,ospltal and \ .. turn and lost IllI front wh~el. Til" much lmprovl'd Size "a", formerl) M .. sdam"~ Tole", Bon". Taylor I<nd l\tl$g Eva Kirkpatrick ot this <'It}'. ,\dams ... ere III Iho pastor's car • n HarrIson Wilson and his 801>. Ollie. route to hold pm' er meeting wIth th., " .. r" called to St. Louis on account "",1< Christian I:ndea\or m""Unlt at ~'r the Illness of the former's daugb­Allen Chapel ,,~\S ""II attend~d (er I.ucctte Miss Esthel' 'Vnlker \V',o U:l1dllr. ll.... lfollle '~~lIs Cre'" !l1I~" hll" been resldlnl:' at 22! N. 'Valnut 5t • Alma Wilkins "Ill lead next Sunda~ It'ft (or ber former home In HarriS-;!i~n af~r,.~ ~~~u~,!n~h1s ~~~\!ng p~~~ burs. 111 ll'Te!!S\ve "'omen'" dub met ,,!tb '!I{rs KANKAKEe. ILL.-

If~tt.tle ~il~~urnn~~i:'~;Sd\\wr.he -t!;;t I co~~n~.i ~;,;o~,':.";'bip~~' 1l!:~~S~[,a~r Rhoo.des. !lIN' Anna Barber. :ltrs Hnn-

I John:ron. last Sunday to Kankakee

nah Shoots. lit..". Lnla Benton and ~1I~~ ne,' Linden. "ho has been sick. Is V .. rna Leonard. Griffie King died .tt much Improv~d Roy A. Madison, liS­the Cotta!l''' hospItal Saturd"y mOI'n-1 slSlant ".angellst of Ke""nee. 1Il. '''". Inlt lItr" Nanni .. FletC'ber pntertaln~d a visitor In the city saturdsy lind !lUI!-

~~~e~M~v~h~U~hl~~f" ~r,.';:1" H~~~: I ~:i~enc::::':~ h!~ r:t~";.'i~3·h~~" ;;~~~ 1:~k"0~1~~t!';t~n~3dth';'Nt,;~ ~lm,,~r.g I t::;:~"~i:le~'J!~ 1I.Dr.:~fi,e r;'°~~~:"'~I~~ Ttle",l.,'. Cards "~re Ollt for the Pro-1M,.,. Mil Gu .. st "as a CI,leago "lsl'or gr .. ~sh., ,Vomen's .. 1ub·" 14th blrthda, last" eek. l\Irs Laura \Vllsan I. Im­annl\'ersarv tD be held at Allen Ch81l~1 pro, In!;" nlcel~. Charlle Gant. "hu "as on No\'. 2i P • .,,,,er meeting wa" ",,111 acetdentall" killed Saturdal "hlle ent­aUNl.ded tlt Allen Chapel on Wednes- plo~ cd at 'ttH' Kan1<:lkl!c Tne &. Brick day nIght. ltr and ;I(rs. G 0 Fletch"" I Co 1>1' takln~ hold af II. llv!'! "ire \\aF w~re "\sltors In Champlain I""t w~ek bu~l~d Tuesda)·. Se"',en "u conduct .. d ::Itrs Corrine B<>rr) Topp haa nturnoo hv Re .... ::If. ., Jolm~on at th~ Shllob to Oary. lnd, after a "Islt "It II llr Baptlst church lJrs Xe11le Forel and "nil M ..... Corpenlnl!' J T. Hamblin cbildren have r"'tllrned home after a hAR nurehased the Jobn_on propert) nn ~hort stay In Cincinnati \\Ith friend" ,,- S,mmon" 5t The ~le'dam"'~ Sultan 'VIII Hamlet of Gal')' wa.. a visito .. Al'en and Adah Da\is '\ere del~g!lte.1 hE'tc Sun<la),. 'Pastor "'Uson 01 Chl­to tbe International "'oman's <:ouncll cago U.,lghls was In the city Saturday at Decatur last "ee1<. on bu~lnes,.

LOVEJOY. ILL. ROCK ISLAND, ILL. N",,"s hal< been recel\'ed or ttl' mar-I m~~ii'er.a~~6 \'~h i~~~ ::'te:f:J:fM'U:;~

r~a?"ttf Ji!.';:rlsL:'{!;;' ~:OOtlil;.r!:?lei~ break(""t Snturdav momlnr; In honor I'ouple '",re rormetb of this clt~i' !lTlSH of ~r and ;\Irs Jam~" E Bains and Rc1>ec" ... Compton of St Lou~. :lIo.. Uln. Colem:tn, "lio left for Los All­",.. UIe guest of !'oIl's. ;\Ial')' Tolliver gele5. Calif. to make their 1utllre Gm)'l!on on Sunday James Shl1w tome. James Sle\\art or Ch!eaGo "'as Ffl nl Tuesday In St. Louis. ;\ro. with III the ell} Illst ,,<;> .. k and spent" re" hlR daughter. ~t.." Robert Tn .. lor of .In~. "It II bls daughter. Mrs John Omaha. Neb The ::IIen's club or Cl!r' KIll&'. '26 10th Ave., \\bo Is III :lIt:;. i 1 I B~ tl t h eh _,'A a so~I,,1 llar>' Pearson died la.~t week at tlu: nt • an ap 5 "ur .. -, !lome at her daughter, lItnl Eliza Wal-~~~~ ~~~~d~~ld i~:lrW~~~~~ P.,;~fti;~ kup. li22 13th St. llt.~t :ltonda. !lll'''- Llna Clemon~ of lIIrs James ~Ioore. i~4 14th St. IS Fifth and ;\L'1dlson Sts. Is ~ery III :lfr~ much lIetter and nlJle to he Ul' nl1.1 !I{lnnle Mere" return~.1 Friday to around She has been sick SlUe" .lul:,', home In JRck.on, Tenn. "fter a de- ::Ilrs James HO$klns, 140Z ElghUI A"" lIt::htrul dl'ft \\ Ith h ... ~f~te ... ;\f... J P nb<> I,,,,, b""!l sIck ... !tI1 pneumonia Perter. lifTS. Hattie Perry Dad~ I~ since' ,\ug. :l I~ Impro"lnJ; ltrs ll,<n III lI1.... J-::' J. Jad<llOn III Impro~lng Pe3rson. 13th St, J'I/1.SSec\ a,~ay ~I·t The fUn"ral of Mrs. '!I{ollle Cbamhers IIoton,la" runeral "",...leeK wrre Ileld '''IS held at QUinn Chapel A III l: '\'o:odn~s<la~ at n ... thel church. Re.- II" ~burcll r...:enUlI'. Five dllul:htt't"S 'u,,) ,In officlating Tbe Apostolic Chureh rOllr sons "ere In attendance The ot GOd. ,,!th headquarters at Indlan-l,od,· was sent to Clarksdale l\Us .... ror apoll" Is ."d"",orlng to establish a hurl"l The run"ral DC 1111'9. T ... sl~ church here Elder R G. 'VIIUnms Ro"q Who died here recently. was held ao<l "Ife and their\·. In Little Rock, Ark. The "'om on'" !ltrll U.ssle Smltb. rormorly Mrs Bcs­F.'<l ... ra.ted cluh htlld their regular hl- "I" Paschall of Chicago, e~angellsts ,.,..~kl\· meeting at the home of ::Itrs are In charge of the local con!rr~ga' .A11"- Slnsl.ton :.'\11S If,,M." PI"son Jett tion !l1~elmgs are held e~ cry Thurg· .,. Ida f h h I Be I Tpnn day and Saturdll~' nlsht at 1:156'" r I' J or er orne n aen s. 'EI;hth A\'c. Mra •• \\lco Cowens, 1()1~ after a. ... 1Rlt wltb M.cs L}dla H .... al"lles Ninth A,,,. \\ho hAS been III "'t II 'I he Rev Collier of the Church of rhel1mat!c aliments 'or !'ome time. and Ood preached at Antioch Ba".!.t • cl1"T .... b lut Thurs<1av ""cnlng lIlrs \\ho id lIoW well claims to have Te­tda PrIce I,; tbe proud mother of a eel> cd God'" blessing tllrou(:h pra} er fin" baby bo'·. :ltrs Anna Dorsey. stat.. and (he faIth professed b)' the All".' organizer or the Woml'n'" Fpdel'l'ti>U L;'II~~~r~~dor"'?n~1l c .. ~~a~~dllilr~oJ, dubs. ""companied by '!I(pso'lame" Hob· Ave. announced theIr leavlnp; for 1 .. "" ~"n. r.}Ons. Baldwin. Hemlnl;'l\II)' alld Anpel,,, '1'»,'" "or" enleT!l1ln~d I}n the Turn".. attended II $o(>lal In )radf~l}n'" '''' I!''''''n liv tI.e Wpst :lladl$on chlb )IN'. i~:~~':fl1:r ~~~. ~~r ~~~erB~~';"~ :~~h It W Art)"," ~1,.,. Ada DnT".\·. Mls~ "" C; .. rtrude erl'atb ;\t1ss Ell" Rohlnson A, .. , lfollne, at a family dinner Cards lrls;: l"rnnd. CIM'''''. !>n"" F"nnl" ;~t,rt~f:~~ i;,er~ ~jOft~~te?~;J si~t~~ T:t~10r ~ml rrinclpnl C ~[ U~rd ",t or !!OS'. 10"" St., ~enllort. ill a t .. nded the St C'Alr CDunty Te'lCllPrs' dinner part} the night or No\' g :Ilr~ In8t1tl1t" Illst'. Thur".l:ll l..aura Fov IG4!1 30th Avp Molin". In. and FruIn} !lfrs 0 G "'nIb PJU'nt l' R last It,,ndav lind Tu~sd:tv In St. LOllis t"rta neu :\Jr anll ~Irs alll3 at theh' ,-I-lUng friends and relath'es :\lIs" home "lth nn elabornte afralr A 11\ ". p,. ... nln Ta~lor ",a~ tI, .. r;ue~t of :In .. I "ourse dlnn~r was ~e"" ed !ltrs Chas C;I'I<1,'" T.ucaA tlf East St Louis last Hunter 101u l~lll •• \~t! <'ntertajn •• l the ,YedncsdRY e,·enlnr;. :o~n3"i!~~ ~o~biOGnl~~~ S':f~sLt~~

METROpOLIS ILL. ite,l Suuda, XO\ 11 lIt Bains left The Alpha Art <'Illb \~!I Ilehglltrulh Tuesday nlJ:ht

.. nVrtained TllUrsd,w afternoon It\ CENTRALIA, Il.L.

Llza Long Is on the sick list

AURORA, ILL. Dr and Mrs Thomas Doger enter­

tRlned at dinner Sunday Dr. Palm~r, lIfr RllIl :ltra. "'lllIam BroDka and 1\11' and Mrs Charles WatHon Mrs Oneida 'VetllOll and :llr and l\(n; Ja. ... Ero"'" attended the tuneral of the Rev. N B Jones In Chicago on ~Ionday. Bethesda lodge U B. F held lin ~=I$t!ie t~:)' i:'f~~h s~~g:fo a~~~~: torlum at .... hleh time Cot Otis Dunean was to ha.l'e been the speaku, but

~~n~~~I~~~e':,ls~tCl nft~p~~.!'~f:f~~ J. P. Hart were IlQcured und he made a sUrrln/!!' "peech swal'lnll' his audience at .... nt. Mrs !\tae Frnnklln hnd charge or tbe cnmmnnlty slnl'!ln&,. }{Iss Mar· lruerlte Hall .... a .. at the nlano L<'on Barrlsber sang In II. very nlCalllng man­ner lIev('r.J.1 Mll'Ctlnn!!. Several mem· bera of tb. .. (; A R. PDllt were seateil on the platform together with the worthy mll.1!tcr.

ONARGA. ILL :lfr Jonll.~ and friends or Chlcllg() An.'

Glenn Eh'lln spent !,>aturda~ h~re hunt­Ing Olaf J(}n"" and "If" "pent ThurM­dRY at the hom" of ;\tro. Scott.. ::Ilrs I Anlla. U Jiles slipped and fell on ;\lon­dav <!~ .... n!nl'!, dl"lo<:aUng her 1mee cap Sh;, Is Impro~lng at this ".,.Itlng "trN I L Htlnt hlt.~ been on the pick list. lIfr~ Gam~t White al1d ~on. I,eRo~, and h~r nleees or Ch\cat::o lfeightA are spending a few days at the home oC her parentq

::Itl' and !llrs W S Sen!:!;s l\t,.,. J C Crall!' "nent Saturday In albson CIty I't tbe home of her tolks The Re,' o Sones preached at tbe BaptIst ehurch Sunda" ltr. and :;\frs HO''<al'<1 I"<-<'Itt Ffl~nt Thur;day at tbe home or the laUer's mother '!Ilr. RobertB ac­<'Ompanled '!Itr. and lIfr~ O. Jon"" to ChIClllto to oP,md a few "eek... Mr and !III''' J C Crall'! and frIend. Mrs '\'lIlte. motorrd to Gibson City Sunllay evenIng In the former's Auburn Six •

ELGIN. ILL. ltrs lfal')' Wheeler ,'!sltec1 h~r cOllsln

In Aurora recently :llrs Mattie Mor· TOW and Emmn )lItebelt attended (h" Ho".ehold of Ruth In Aurora T~centl}· N A ,\. C. P held a nI~eUng and elected olllcers. Ell Kelly Hoent SUIl­I\a\' with his famll>'. Mrs Ethel Butler I. \!1 1II1 .. ~ ~Iattle Oarrett "pent a. few (la~,,' In Cbleago 0 :It ~Utrhell Silas Da\'I~, lIraW .. Garrett and Jim Brook .. motorell to Aurora recenllJ Jonn llPll or Aurora '<"aR 11 r .. "ent ,Isllol' to the elt... :ltrs Anna Do",ns and llr... Anna Radford ...,turn~d hom~ from their '11.­<,atl<>n Slla" D",is of Chicago IS thr guest ot G M. )Utchell.

MOUNDCiTv. ILl... Tlr A D. William- of Chlca~{).

Is here In the Int ... e.t of the Order of RO~III Circles of Friends, prell!;:h"1\ at '''bit,,', A. ~I E. ~hurch la!!t !'lundll}

I ~1I", Leotn ,,',Iso nand James Johnsoa or Cal1'O "ere qulett. married Sa.tUI'·

I da~. No". 10. nt the heme of ~tr John­ISOn :Ill' lind Mrs A Co Cooh .... " 11"'~ moved Into their new home ~lIsse9

I Rosa and J.lule Lln<1-Rl' mot"r~II to Charl".,,,n :'Ito. Sunday "llh frlend3.

I ,:\fr" 'Yilllnl'!ham. "ilo dl<'ll recenth after a hrl"f \lIne-s was burled Sat­lIrda~ In St Lou\Q ~fo) Funernl al'''­

Ilces were held at the Zion Tn'~elN$ cburch by the !lORlnr. th.. It"v :I[r. ltesonald Those nn th.. RIck lL .. t are' :ltrll. Tda Harris. Mrs Llna Green and ~fro Itebeeca Sams

CARBONDALE. ILL. Sunday .... aR oh.enl'd as old folk'"

day nt B~th"l.A M E chllrch 'rhe patt· tor. the Rev J \\' Wiley. preached nn In.plrlng' " .. mon to the agetl Tbe Golden Lea! <'Iuh met "Ionda~ at the 'Iome of :Ilr~ Cbde !ia}'"" The 1111.· .lonarY Fociet, met at th~ home of

1 :\trs .Annie "\\,II.on :lfrs Arthur Cla.rk, ;cm hal< retnrned rrom a vl~lt ,dth her ,lauchter, ::Ilrs Thomas E Ha~e" of East SI. Louis llr" Bertha Wilson Chrlst~ of Ea"t St. Louis allent the past ,,~~k In the eit)' on bu-Ine". lItr and :lTr" LeV" Jacks!)n and grandchildren

I or Oaklnnd. Cal. spent" "eek ,dth Dr. and ;\1.... 0 B. Thompson en ~oute hom" fl'om lloblle, AIIl. Miss Maud

MI1! Ollie Jon"" ".,.,. a plL1!&"ng~r to 1;;10 l .... ule Ia...t \\' ednesda~. Anthony SmIU. and 1n.mlh nrc no" rosIdln!: In We ('In. MI't! J,nnle KI~el and dau!;"h· tHo H:u;cI. "erc '"I .. 1lOrs last Monda~ Rev. Wm Jon<'s. who has Il<'<'n III for .a short timp• I .. much Impro~"'l Jne Allen &lid ,,1(1' 11M e rno",.l to the cltv "l'ylt'r Dixon and Hanna luncheloe '\ent ~o Belle,111e I.u;t ''''''It and "ere mar' ned LeU., '''Illialns. "h ... llll" hee1. m. \" .able t... I... ont "!':ain Ch..... lion· 1'"00 'was In:;i1 J..,ouhc 1:t..b"t "c('k.. ltm .Annl ... !\-'ay .Jon('~ ",-;""" a ~p.."rtIl ,i!l;Uo1"

~:;;"~.""i;rt it'.';,; ('T~~!~a;Jr<·f ... ~ndT~'; !tautI'. lnd. "hpre "'Tl! rtl"t1~ ,,111 1 !)la<c AIlJ<>rt In tI,e IIOSl.!tal.

Walter Jon" .. and family ot DllCOn are spendlnl:' a few da,s "Ub relatl"·,, b~re M.." ("lara Bolden has returned borne aner l'P~ndlnl< se",eral months In :lfIlwaukee John Hlubor. Darrow Bar· ton .. nd Alonzo narton sp~nt a dav In Ui<lOmmgton The Rev A A LoWI') and \\ If" Wf're In Sprln~~ld rcc<lnt1~ Th .. R"v )Jr. r"""TY "as Imllt'd hv the st. Paul A. ll. Yo Sunday scbool <If Snrltll>fletd to Fpeak on t!1e ~uhJ'''t. ''Tcncher Tl'nlnlnJ!' H ll,.... Hazel Crall!' of lIf11".,.ukel' attended the funcrnJ of UIe late Helen Bro\\n "ho vas.~ed away In that elty " fe1< da\ s ago 'the re· .... aln~ "er.. brour;bt here for hUrlal Tho fun,,",1 se .... l~es "er.., conducted. nt the C!t~llolle church John :;\108eI3'. l!T. nnd ll.... ArU.ur :Ifill .... and {amll)' .... t're the guests or f~lend.s In Blooming­ton r...,,,ntlr The Ro\' A. A. Lo" ry WaR called to Streator to cnnllllct the funeml servie(,9 of the late Jo!ln "'"s­I,,~· Paige. :;\11'. Paige \\"II" II. ('bllrt<)!' rn .. mb .. r of netllel .\ "r E .. hurdt or Strf'.atol" un(l ()ne of Str~nt()r·s mO'Flt ~­"peeted dli1. p ns III..... Marie ~Iahuron S]'Mlt n ,..". .. nt Sunday In Chlra::o L<>\II~" F1rteher "pent .. d:l.l' In nloom­lngton Henrv Smith "'aM In llIooll1-Ington roccntiy lfr.. Addle (".as,," \I I .. ft for Columhus Ohio "here "b .. "'\11 ,Islt '\\'ltll relatives The members of }"leth .. 1 A. 1>1. E. churr h are planning to attend a I'l"lnd <,blcken .. uP!",r to ~>I'I hcld at }'alrbul')' cltllT':h W"ril Jayn .. - and Da~ Id Jnnes attended the D> .. r It-cture at Bloomlnl!'lon

A1'U,ur A Lowry "p .. nt '~edne-da~ In Spr'nI':/i<,14 on le",,1 l>uEln ... ~ ~lrs Allee l{c,." ()t Dan,lIIe IR the !nI""1 n( friends and relath es D S Stricklin f<»ent the "celt-pnd with lJIs famllv.

MOUND!.. ILL, Th" R .. , .• , A Lowrv and "If.." !I!r lIt'!:. 1d,,1 '':h",. :'11' Cain .. and (h.l- :tnd 111.... Clar~n"e 'l'lnsles.. !ltr and

4ren or !\I.·tropolis ""ent Sunda, Itl th~ Mr~ Arlhur ;\tlll('r. Alberta ·Wllson. .,It; $:t. Pau I." 111 1-: chur<,ll undf'r ~I"M. E. '''Ilson. Glad) a lInller "nd the,,",hl]. <)f n .. , .~ T Unlnlltun WIl1lam C8"h at'('nd~d th..<-k .. n Iw """du,·Unl'! a .. ktnM. ')rt. ... Ilin has "'lPI'('r I:h~n at tb('.\ ~J. 1-::' <,bur"b .nrldoo n .. \\ %l' •• :t1 un.} ~ nthuimu"ln to. the .,r lo"att"bur\ \lndcr tl\fI! 'PaJiltornt~ 6f tb(lo tn,'ml .. n;hh, lItr anll ~Ir!' F.ul:~"e R .. ,· !Ill' J ... ...-n The sum of "8 ""8 Hit (~ 1Ia'\t' r .... uJn!f'11 h{)mt'\' ft()01 ::t '*t'iit :rc-:ttlzcd 'Irs )1!lu(1'C Darn~s antl ~"'r!'; ",th TO lall,. H m,,1 !rlpnd. I" Tent .. ~- f"la.r.:t Bold,.n "p('nt ~e,eral dn~s In ~r.". )1,.. Dtu1 ~1n:: \\"a~n.aTt Rf(),\d(>1' lllf;()mlngton nn busfn,, T...oul", "n t ,·! 1>",,' rrlurnt'll front Onr~ Jan>",,"n mO'ltorl'<'i to I'~"rln. Thur",la\ lnd Th~ .lunlor '!III",;!""" ... '''",If'I~ of to vl~lt "Ith 1r1en(ls John H lfo~, ". !'.tul c\ lIf 1: ""lr. h m, t "t til.. J...... "pPnt Sunday I... Bloomlnl!'lon

1\{ .. "<lame. Churclh. Fos~IA and DI~· :I-li~s Tl,..lma J"ek.on "student her •• muke at tb.. !"'m,, of Mr" Church or the C. 'I' H B ~""1lI the w(..,k.~nd lIm Rul" Orrln,;lon .lOd Miss )fnT. "lth her p.'1renl,. In Rld"I .. ,,·. III 'lIlt' "ar~t "'nkln~ spent the ,,,,,,,It· end ill I ''In<lepen.l.nt 24" h~1<1 " f!llcn.lld RI'et­P~ducah ~Irs ::-;ancv .Yonp~ \\a..~ Inl:" at the home of :llrs Annie Uolll I,Mle88 to the L.,dle,,' AId FrlIJav e'e' YOUl'!:: Sundn" 1\Ir SteWart Rnd Alex 11 I nl'! llls"",, Drucl1la Dro;les and Hind. holh of Cluen!:o are her" ,1'1l­(:,\.:~tk~~n"d ,!!!~osrt~ !'c' ,.J'>lr"dllUn"'d'h!\.I"'r;T'k~~~ ling rrlend!! .md relath e Q :ltr and 1'0[1'''

.- .- ~W~ n.. "' Lo"'lp~s Hinds 11X'>! Edna FI"gg of

I tAul"" F1 .. teh"r and 1':1 ... 51 rkklin mo­torpd to D" Isht Sunday.


;;;~;~<~ltnfn~: ';~hS'tt~ ~~:i :ft~(·d~~.~ 1 R!pl~~. Tenn. IS here to ma~e hpr Orrlll!:lon ;\t..... T,eall tt .. ed \\ .ut I" }'.~r~~:,~l1l ~ii~s~re,~Mn!~le ~.t ~~a:'; J'IIdU<:'lh Tu(,sda,' (<> att''IId rhe tune ... 1 Humhle lIr.... CI'Ulilia Slmll"on lin 1 of her r<>usln llr~ lda ~I"o Rtor'. .r ,\. Corn"al nttenl}ea til... Instllllt~ 1'1'" Church federation "r th" FIt'l't meeting In Pulaski, tiL. recentl). Raptist ('hurch beld U" quart.rl, ralh' Sundar :tttcrnoon.__ HARR1SBUFIG. ILL.

Hooap:S PARK. ILL. .Mlss Eslh~r Ann Walker. 'Iho 11 .. " 1I11~q Callie M"mhall of Champal~. hI/en .. 1~ltlnt; In Chicago and Dllquoln.

It. form~r Ipach~r f>f I)unh"r .... hoot ~:-~n~~t~~~'Il to tI.e city for nn In­S1'''nt ~~,(o,.,\1 dau ,lolUnc :tnil "a" the hO"~e !:Ilp-,t of !Ill' nn.1 ~t'" Brnzl~ Lall,am R",,· A 1': "fltc"AI n"d !ltT't/ Su~le Collins of til" }O' "-. lla"tI~t cIlUr('h au ... nde,l th .. lluarterh mf~tm¢ .at Grand Chnln The "lem .. he"" of thp It R church lm~P lin .... -tt'r'nlnm''IIt Frl,ln" nl"ht '\ 1.I .... h <'nded their oullt contest. James WniiamN I'<'cc"<'<t the quilt, lui.lng thc lucky number.

ELKVILLEi. ILL.. The Rc,...D I-~ "aillnl'!. ,,"';Ior of lh"

A :If. E church I" doln!! ap1c>nllld "ork lli~~ EH'hn G .. ".'ll and liiss lr~nc Smith I,,'rt 1I10n,lay ror Caroondale to att""l1d 1f"hon1

Grandma r.nn~· I"ft Sundllv (<II' fit J .... ul" to rna!:" ber hom" "lIh I\cr <{""I:'ht('r. :;\t.... ~rlll'Y Craham. ,.hQ lias be'n Fkk 1.ut Is b~lt"r at thll' "'riling 1'.:th .. 1 "· ... Iker. "Ito bl'q t..",hold fewr. I. Iml'roTln<: slo\\"l)" L Bu"kley "as a !::'lund:", ,-leiter In the el t \" the gu,,-t oC '!I1l~~ K.'1tl .. lItn.,.,.y The R",· ~',. (";rnham r~m .. ins ahollt th ..... m.. Joe MATTOON. ILL. :;\1rG ... ., eelpbrated his hlrthdny SaU".· The R",. Oeorge Brown. llrcsldln<:

)In; Ella nedd ,,:u; In Duquoin ~h"p. nlnl:" reeenU, W':lt Ferrell "as an 1-:lkvllle "Ieitor r~cently. llrs Dan !'>mlth "a.~ n vIsitor In Catrler lnus. 111, the house gU,,~t of th .. Rev "nd M.... )' B. Stratton !IIr ... Ell:t U"rd"r. S(1n has returned hom" 10 Y"'1\I1"III>­oils. Ind. 1I.... Luella Burkbalt~r and ijRur:ht"rs mRde a hrl .. t tno I" Hal­Ihlo)'l>oro. III !""I.1l )teCum.,. or D.nvllle. m. ,.. \ I",!tfn~ In thp clll' Indpflnlteh. Mr~ 11 B. W·llllam •• t<'acher of DoUglnf' ""hool. nU"ndl'd the T .. achers' In_Ulltl .. In ~rllmll\R­boro. tl1. .."centh :Ill'S It,,.~ Smttn nnd grand-on "~r. ~";lto .... In thO' cit>" l'Pcentl, Th .. g"lIth"rn Light chal1ter X .. • r. hrl<1 their memorial ~en"''' Oil !;nnda~. NOl' 11, at the A. It. E ('hurch

urd!il" ",,,runl;. ..Mer of the F""st St. Lollf" dlRlrlct. ALTON, ILL. r.r .. ""h"d at 1'\11 ~ .. r' 1('"" on Sun,i:ls Ilt

ll..,. l'a"le Ashorn \" much .m. ~!~71\,fba~!:s. Sl;~~~"!, ~~~!1~::::..rt~!~ Pr",...r aft .. r a ".rious IUn.F. The T~tumed~from a \1~ll III Cb~mna.lcn Le" I. "hal''') at the ",la' ... \\orl;.", Is In ";It"" ~ar Yates ~fr~ K Sh'l"klefnrll tl,e lca.~t SL. Loul •• 1I"tri('t of the A. nnd ':\IrF O-car Port .. e of Ch'rlel'ton 101 E. chureh l>r".ldlng Elder Uro"n motor ... 1 hpr., to att~nd cbureh Snnd:n has Ilppolnted the R",' .T A H.,lbrook lofrs Olla Xcorton and ""n. K .. nn~th or of l\ticI'I,,-lrol '''' p""tOI' oC tb!~ n""'1 Ch'lTI .. ~ton ,1"lt"d r"lall"."q In the city ""rk !\(rs. '\'1111" ftBndoll'R and ""'I::h· f'nnda". Len .... an .... I~ \,1"Ib,1'! In '!If.,. t"r ba, .. r ... turned from n W,lt I" ~f,~_ I 11 .. 1d. K. :ltr~ OKra. "'''r'(>e en"'" t;oun ",ll(!re t!te,," ha\'e- been ,',:;:5::t"1;: 1nh\~'>d on 7np.itld:n: ~'\;enlnJ: ~fJ~!'( "Ill! frl<'nds. '1'1 ... n" >J A. Shrrmlln I 1': h"~"l'th Cnl't"r .. nt .. rtalnrd anum" .... and ",Ire Ill'e doing ",,\I In tbclr n." oC Vlung "'''\i>1 ... at lo". horn. on "'p.l. rhar;;-c 'lJr and )tr!l!: c1~o :lIe tn'S ~f'lC:"~'" lP\fln1'f'\g AlheTt ,,·nson nn.t "pent l'und,,\, at F"''''''1'll""l11 .. "nd St 'Burl Cia,",.....," "'('re "s!torR In ChaIn. Loul~. 1010 ;.\trs "\<llet Brown hRs rl" p"l~n on Sunda,·. turned from N .... York and I .. ~ Igltlng • --:\t .... Clllra lItc.."\utt In Sixth St. l-:dltor CHAMPAIGN. ILL. 1I T Bowman, rUstrlet supprlnlendcnt llr anll )t,.. Hu)c. G Siolln. ~Tr. of Sunda~' ".,boolt., and "If" ",.ent to. ,md lIn; G Jon"., ltessn \\'. '!II. Tf'('<>nr Sund,,,' In Allon lind attendC<l Br"''I'~r anll Ch~"ter 'Brewer "~re the ...... ·ic<'~ at 1 .... \\ 18 chal'"l at th" l-.:a.t hou • ., !nIesl~ of llrs fohn sat E Clark I'>t. l .... uis dh.trleL. l'rOf "'m. K"I1~ .,nd 1:'1.. "Iule aucn'\"II ih~ f""lbnn ;';<Ime dnughter ~l"f!ltle. t"arhrr. at ll"dl",n. hel" 'en Chi. 3!,O amI lIhnolR III. "ere " .. el ... ~nd ,{.Ito", "lth;\lm. ll,sg \rmrnta )kCull,,) dlp"rted till" t.Icltlnnq and Jl1rs. Aptha Jackson life last FrIday e, enillf: at the home

JACKSONVILLE. ILL llr and Mrs John Xorlon nre the

I'roud parents of a bnb~ gl .. l "hn ur­rl\ rd rec .. ntly at the Ne" FJ.ome """I tarlurn. "Irs \'Iolet Bro"" and lUss Dorothy Carl .... entertained Ihe Wnm· ~II'" clllb llond", afternoon lr,.,. Sinah RI .. " enlHlnlncd at dlnn~r In honor of lfr and !I[rs J, H. Drown ot Sprlnl'!Held. Ill. lliss Bprnll'" s~r"gg'l h( J.lfen!on ·Clty. ;.\10. Miss neon Hllm­ilIOn or Ihl" dtv and :;III, and ~rrs. lacob Da,ls. The $upner glv"n at the Secolld BapUsL church on Thurs_

Porler or Marion apent Sunday In the cit:;. Mr.. Elnora Colcoman entertained the young "iriS or the Olivet lIToe Bap­tlat churcl1. Mias Lucllfo Howard. a student at the S J. N. U.. spent th" week-enll at her home In ~eonda. Mias Lois Crlm has returned from an ""landed visit "Iih her brothel' aad family In Chicago.' Mias Noel ChurchlU. who Is te"ch\ng at Sandusky. spent the "e~k-tlnd with he. aunt. Mra W. H, Woadll, and family,;.

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MOTOR FROM URBANAThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 17, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 4

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 24, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A4


.... AlIna )1 .. (' Moor" of thl. city' and William John""n or "'est Madl"",,: • ere qul .. tly mlllTl~ !:tat WMudl4Jty n" brld" al>d puonl were bunor CUelilA I at a "~Plto" CI"~n at th., brld"'''1 t>OIll~. Iofl.. B<!ula.b Ita"'ldna and .PrIne" Wella ... """ marrlrd wI Thu ..... , da,.. Mr, an4 lot"" J. T. 1.)'01111 Arc I tbt 1'1'0,,4 par .. nlll "f a ball}' !tIrt The H"v. llrs. I, N. Col .. and cltlldnn ar .. In'IP"",'lnB, QuInn OJapel 11.. .)[. E, churcb bel4 it. 1'Irw1 QUIIncrly m .... lln1l: fOt' thla ""nfef<'D~ )'car l&et Sun IIa ". l'rc1Jldlng l-::!d.,.. J. It, S,·d.. of U;.­Quln,"· ductrfct " ..... chM th., m,.,mlnc ",.d "'·l"IIlnl:' • ....n'!"eJJ. n.. nC\·. liT. .P'>fT)' nr Zion M. E. dlu""b Of EMt $t. Iftul. d"l1 ....... e<l a "'on,lo'rful I~ur.. In til.. a HcrnooD The J'o"'IIJlUan !>OJ"

P.udd. Loulslllna, Mo. Mn. Loul"" Wn~bt of F,-unl..1'ort. :'10., w .... a week· """ \1slto< ... ·!tll ... laU ..... es and frlencb. '-I..... Julia While of :Marlon St. died F'nda.l'. The ",malru. · .... ere r"moved to 011l"m,,' Qlldenak!ng estnlllbbmcnt. :~th: Itt ~r'\"h·04 by two td:ittlr:t .. Ma .. daJPM Flaccnee nay""", ot nlt:.:jn~\·llJ"" lIo .• and Susl" Sumtn .. r or ""'n""" Cit)·. '-10. Mra. Xal>c:y Hawldna. :.Irll. Jo.»n­..on .. n4 '-II.... Eil ... belh "\'alker' of ::iprln"ncld. 111., wel'A/' lIVenll or !III .... .liu"te J..,·ncl. TUe&day and W ~lIeeda)·. :1.11 •• Allee n_ of Chlca\:u. ("Tmvtly a r.ud~ll~ Of 'M_ ~I'" an4 ... daUGhter of 1-1 ..... Hannah llc,,1welb.r Jon"" or ::;. KOM'1oM(J St .• '\\011\ marrl~ n."C.:ntl)" to' u.-n .}l urr~1I .. ! Chlea1i:O. "obo!rt Urnn­non ,,1.111 r"m"ln~ Qul\c Ill. William care,,' John1lol\ and :.II.... "nna :.lay llano of u>,·"jO}·. 111,. "" .. r" mar:1t!d WcdJ1"'''a)' In ~.I SL Louis. !IIr ... lIlar)' ut..,·k and Artie Slmm .... el"(' mar· .. hod f'nda}' hy t1l" It..·", .A. M. Todd, pastor or ~IC(."U, .. !II. &. c!1urch. Th~r" was a "'Mur" g1,· .. n at !1St. Bmo!'y Uull' lI"t church Tu""",,",' loy tbe It"". J .• \. Sharl'<!-. n. D .. c(lndUClor of tile leach· ~ ..... ' ,ralnill!: coU''''' of the :Sallonal ""p1l"t S\lnd2.)· l!<cbool con),,,,,,,,... 'rh~ ~OC"lal and llonl ..... "lll! ~cl .. n4.'e club .. \\"U' d .. UtblfUlly enl"rtaln.-d at Ihe hom~ t,t )11'". 1::n.tna Willams on llnrlon St. II.mong tI,,, t:'Ue~t~ .... "re: lle..u:..n ..... n"w.('r Urown. :-;"nnl .. J. Diu" an.1 !llr" \\'1111 .. m Trijd .. tt. 11la~ Anna "\,IIo.on l':r .. ""nt<>j\ tbe rlUb WIth " b"kUlUul 1 .. .u'IU.:l. 'I'I1~ .. x-preshlent, :.I ..... )1. n. n,,,,I ...... a" I" "5<'nl.,<1 ... Itb a l.Jcautir,,1 ll""",,nt I.y tbe duu m"mbe,.,.. )In. 1:dward .:I1::sllot}· and :'Ir~. J"nn!e Fr",,· man r~nd~ ... <1 l1 \'ocal ducL 'Tb. 11.0: ...... Ii. 11. l)cv.ilt. 1"'8tor ot ile<'Onil nap-11st 'Chure!" "'8.R =1, .. '<1 Itl I;Ivomlngton rt.:'t.-nt!y ()l}' oft'daJ lrH!'im·,ss. TIlt! tiUl}­p~r 1:""'" at 0,,, Sec=ontl UaptisI church under t1>e tiUllcr,'lblon "r :>lra. Sa.lhe llt.:Ilanicl!l wag a IJUCccss.

~~~~b~:r or1ii,~ ~~~~ I=~ci~:d.t~ TIt" \t>anlr Wanl: (;Irl .. held tb"lr rrri· i~~:"1~t;,::.~~:nM\'h t~. hjiy~"o~,~f~ nr'-t-T1f'. !II,." FAith .Prlc-., an<l lItl"" 'f.'annt" Ta,'l"r or Illj,o, cll,· and Lou!!. 1'''UI'<'I. flod n ..... "1n KinDY or Canlon. m .. and H~"","n Hu'll,..,.. of 1-::aat Et. 1.·".1.. mo ......... d to \'"''''' Ma<lloon ta.t l·r''''l'. <-til ... " ". rnak~ 1h .. !;rip Wltr'" '\"; ,·u",,· ecrrk. -,ull,·.. Patlon. Alb.rt n"""., I\1I1 .. iIR (.'oJ ... nOlla Anbur alld J...,ul"" Gru"dy. t",ul. P .. Urol" and 1I"""'ln ""Ink"~' of Canton. 111.. ...,.,.., tilt """~"-"nd !:'Uf)SIP <If ,"II... Ma""1 r;,.......t,. .. bfrt .'M"'k r.'harl!Pof' )tAnlnve iN Ill. 'II,.. 1hu".,. T:>l"'Tnud .. T<!pon" .. _,"I~rful .. u""..... ,,11h their bazaar !R!<t Thul't'da~·. II. .. , .. "na~ ,,'U I:'l\'~n

~i·e;t;~n~:~.!!:::h~l'!.rr.,; St:~..,rTI!~~ 1",.1\ of thl .. ('It~· to n~".. Cam"""" I'f r ... M "t. Lf)ulp. "'n. l .... ura Smith :::mNltft m<tlc>rMl to "'''''' Madl""n 1""t .... +1< Th~ l''''"''bon .... ~ Girl" 1,,'1<1 U,,·lr 'T"-c:u!Ar blww .... ld" "'~·t."C at thtt- 'bnme !,r '-'UM" Ma""S Grt~nf> on "ruMl41A':\· .. Aftp!" th40 '.uslnf"SI'I AMOtLtnn a dp1t~h1 ful Junch,;o.or. v,'aR Mt,,·<!d. The oos.tfl'''fIt .·n .. ,m-In"" hfor .. Iub Wltn out-of·I."'''' Jr1lt!1ttfi'. r.u~t" .,f bnhnr ",.4I'f'~! )li""c I.lIlIon ::'tI1and..,. an" t;.c.nllrd .Jon ... ot r: .. ~ ~. ~ul". (lot )·"vr ,.....r .. ndrr '" ",'.11'.. "a"",1' '''''!'. ,1<>4"""',, t:TT><""1:y or ., u.... rt"'''l~ ... ",,('~ (If 1411'5 Fannlt 'Taylor en N. FI rth St.

MOIJNDS. ,1.1_ The n.",. 'Ir. UU"klnllull .. r Pine

tlh:!!'. Ark., d.·I1'· .... .-.1 a "",,· .. rrul fOr'" :n'''' at NIr:rJm FlP«t n,,,tln c"nTcll

:':·~~!!T·fr:!'\~~·";:;'n\,Wiril:!,~ "H~~::; ~·I1I1"m. SPf'lif Sun"", In lOt. lJ>ul.., )1 .... the '"UM't n' "I~ ""I'b..... :1.11"". .10"1'11'1 Srann I,.,.,...m <'Ir JacklfOn, Trnn., ... torl.f d"rt '"'"'' ....-flh )I'" h..... .Tam". Srln"n, and family ~ .... '" St. t~. !o1". r_t. R.,pd. "rln-"tf'Al "r tit'" hlith "011",,1 Of ca11'O. ~t"nt (-':und.,· In (h~ <'It,,·, II .. mnd;. It ... ..". Int""~ln". .. d",,,.. .It Nlmim n • .-r "llnrf'b. )f1ft~ "f"t'f!'AY1~ tN,,."."r "r V-,'\nl:1'l. !!I'f'nt ~nnd"y In 1h.. dt:\t 1\11 th.· ~1~ ~,., MNI '''"l''rnifo(,c "M'oore IPnt1 ~"htll F"m B~\l#!-~. !\1;" Onn W'!IItts r-f ~1MJ"''' ("1hr 'WlI!~ a J,1 h 'nnt'lc '*t ... ·Un1" I.<rt ",.(' .. 'It. :If ..... c"m" T ... ~ H~1I1~lton r .. -1" ...... "" th.. lOumnrr "f ",h ~~I""'I of t::'I4!"f\ f'l'\ Annf.wt,f'"t> ",,,y. (';rn'· ... r tlta"k­",-".11 nf C~n1rtt't~ 1"f\f'ftt ft f .. ,,· ""~"M tn t~.. "tty. llR'-4 .... ,: hN'ln ".3.1"," lt~T'" t .... ".,t""d Ttl". funfl'l""'l nf ~ll"fl. !\:'n1. (",hpm .. l'tlf'SfS, ~t. ~lt'\"n B"f1\~ftt I'.utf'f"h -t,rt",1"1 ,11·· ~,"I\() ~rl~ ""'th II ,,/lory ""'N"'(",~t11 t~ tlal', nt _kh "t1~. !" • ..,." ('\.,.1< ~1II C"R~U'h\. "'f'C '\tn!t!l'Il" 1\ttt"~ tm!ll bflif"ft n'lmb'·T~" .-1''h fh~ ,:'V·k. tlo\l¢l.l;~ and ~wmnf\1" ~1t1.) l'Ip~k""'1: 1~:\T1 tf"'Rm!'lt p'a"·p.d tft ft lnt'l;'p alullfonrf' 'F'r1dAY f*\'~" n'nl!'. Tlouf"hc"ll 't"nn. thl' tot'"O'rt6 .... tnt: j, "'" :!, f"rn,JI ~",rt("k Humh2p .~ FUttl,.,.t,..C' 1t'lttt a IIf';1: ,,.," roll! .-\ fl'Uf'. ~JI"'!Jl t()Ot ",,,"'ttl \t'AtII '~f·lft Rt tb" r,oFM""n("(l tlf '!'lf11t. ~t:l.'.l 't.\-flU1'tn!'t l:1"'t Ttl,.!t'lO'\\" nt.rht. '\!rc: ~, .. rth:t F7l~n ~n<1 :If.... n~l1le !lfd'>\'I" ~ ...... ..., d-lI­,.,,,.,. dlm ... ~ ~"t··rt1!l'· nT"\{'T nu. C\ flf'!'t ...... - Of 1"~ '"~tnT':"n~.'1t fh,..Y' 'fit'''' .... (U"Y'1. IJtn.,.. r~~,"",l r. ')t. F: t-ll1u'Y'h ".,11 th.·fr T"C't'lar ... u .... M'f'1"h.. mMilltint:' PI''I'''\.-!'''I\fl ~\m~a,.", TT",,:''''nl!' q"-r .1. F. Tluk'\ "'7l:R 'f\r#-~f-"'t ani! rl:~th .. ~~ T'~,..4,~"tt .. ft101;MUf''C''''~ ~tl1'·lIlt n,,. d ... ",~ 'Thf> Rt>v. C'. T... 1~'h1"l'J;: nr,,""rhfot! at thifi' f'ft-rnno~ ft~1C"", "fl ... Tf(llp":'l !\f~'· .. "'''rr'" 4e e'Tf"liit'<r ,,,,nf"f\\·&4 At ~tlt~ "Tit .. ,,,'" MI.- ,'!,,'''tl ;'I,IIInt' <'Otl1lnu.... 111 at nM' l1nTf\~ On s. ~lm St. !\1t~", r.,.. ... ntlbHn,.. <"hllmhlhtff h .. ,. .... turnflooif 1:f) "C"'C!:'k, nn"·,f>f'!IIi"·· to TtoC,·.",,,, h""'r stu", ....... )1... 'Fa,·'I .... r.I"Tln nf n .. t .... tt. )nrh. ttT'I'!1t n t~ dill'" 1'1 nl1T m1"111 vt.hfnt:' T~l"'h-'"p.~ JI.!tf'! for1f'''''''- ~- W1'!It II. tlfn­Y'f'r "., ..... f" ),11"'. ::tnd '''''., nJltl4"lch Tayw lnr. "h"'!ll, n t::l"s"1or H"",tltnn r-.:r" ..... a "'·~U1\· "'1ttl11"fI! l~tul". ,.nd dp>m"nR1rtt. ,In" 1U Ft. p:n11 A. lot. f:. ("tmf"f"h )10n­<1,- "Ichl. !If.,.,.. !lfR"!!" J'ffkln" nf l"'h',":'lf"'n ;t'tt"",l1ftd th.- f'mf'9'1l1 of 1""", ~n~. l'""h""''''lh~~ Wtnllll", rifl<T1I"," "firS Th:'rht AUAn l',n-,. rri11rtl,pd tft ttlt-ir J-""....... "'1 R1Jndht""ffl'f\, "r~nn. WitH"..., ~!'t"Gfn""o1 :tn" ~1re m.,.it" R h1"'l,..r \.1~1t 'tl\ "'-~~hl"1"n. T~n.~ t(') ,<1.n: ltr nnnll!ll ... -:ht"~'. fnth,... • .,.·b('l t~ ~l('lwh· T~rn\"'P-"ncr 1r-"" "f~ t"M"fOnt l11n .. ,.'!Ii, '-lr-. 'F1oT~n('e­",""'!!tp,,,fl, whn rH"lt"t1,,. .,.ltturofl!il 1n th,. ","'. wa~ ... IIN! ." Tol .. d". Oil In. nwlnr: tn th... tI' .. r1nutJ it'" .. ,." nf h~r mattl .. r T"" ~' ... m.n·" 0l'f>Ort .. "lty rIll\> I1 .. 1~ tb'" f"'ff'f1 "f1",ufll "·f·)fnJlln"~ d"AT' mUflfr.tlJ nn" U11Wf""f"'\'" 1\~~m .,Tt ~'tntla.y '"tft"'r~ !Inn" At f'llmm n~.., 'R'l'tl~t ""tlT .. h An t'lt"'1',"",'1~nf! "net tn~t~1~ttV,. l'T'O~::tm wn.. 1"#Of"r1"' .. ",ftj "nlf l'lt,h w1'n'~n frl'\m

~~~d ~''t~:~~rf~.m~~~:::. '~~t';,~~~ hl'old in ftf'f1"r I'\f ,t,,, lJtt_ 'M1lT'\' n. Tat .. b<-rt t.fttl~ h'!\d~1I n"mft. """ .. I. at. u-ntlfnc- ~1:lM- llfttm.... ,,"m\n'At"'t' tn w~.t 1'nl.,t. 'f!~ ... "'Ill I1a ..... to "1111-'1m .... ffnm ".""""1 ""1n,,, t ... III " ... lth ~~,. ('h'flm,..1!.~. w'f .. ~!'Id T. ;)'. mo­• .-11 . t.I1,.,.,tI~ frnm _ C"hIC1!lJ;O to att"nll tbll CIU1111bllS1l fun .. ra!.

CAIRO. ILl-. Tat"" WOlllan', .. lui, h .. ld nn lntu­

@lliUna- TDP4lth't'C' ThuT\ofhty a!h'rnnon nt til .. ""~If\.,n~ of :>1"" ''''ttl ... L-cb. Tb .. n..... m~In"'·r.. :M .. ~. Fannie KlnC'. Wa~ ,,""II~al1~' T"".I ..... II Int" th~ "llIb. )'".~rs. RN'd And nun"'l <lr ~11",'''''1''1'1 .... " .... In Th .. ell" last .... "elt. :'Ir~. FolIa ('.30"""",,11 ;:l~·I~:UI~It~n~· :r.:;;t1;~\1~m~7;;.e;~ .... nre man1Mf ~r~nU)'. Mt1l. na\'l~ or lOt. l..ou1. I~ ,·I.tttD", II~ .. aunt. :>1 .... Ad" !om,,"r, or Fut""~ Clt~·. Ttl" n .. ,·. 1. S. Stone retuml'd ~turdllY from Clllca!;O, ..-1>..... h.. attend.-.1 til" ("nn.Utllllon,,) :tommlttt"f! Of ,~ .. C. 1\. f'. ",n<'l ~. )1. F. 'Ir. POt' .. or 'T .. nn .... "" .. t>enm .. a m .. m· l"'r ... r W.rd CI ... ""I 11.. )1. E. "hurd! Su"4a~' "\·~nlnl. Th. Mornln" SUlr -:-holr Cllaln of th~ !\tornll'l!:' Star Free llapust .. hureb .... "'IS "nt' .. n,t!n"d Thu ... •

ROCK ISLAND. ILL. )(= l..ouls" )f. 13mx'on an,1 h~r

:'~:t~;:J~r~al~~?.~l~1 ~,~;~:ssun:C~~ thofl" ~Jcrn()rl;).l t.."hritslian dlUT,\.-h. ~~,.. alN) (:ntf"rt&lned at the ·rabl·11\

~t~~I:llsc~~""~j,;a~~"I!~it:r !1~o.:~~to;ft~ ne-'~ and "'as the Gu~t of .MrB~ l1o~ .. kin~. ::Ilrs. Co\"mlltl and !ltr... Tunr Hall't'r. ell" ... IIl1nl~r, 1015 lUth A"" .• """$ burl .. d from tbe Kllox """'1""1 ,,1011-day. !':o .... 1::. Rev. 11"n..,. "oOO.",ln oC· nelatee. Huna! took 'lilac" at Cnlp­tu\.hannork ct'm('~e-n·. Tht" linil"n mil''' -h,m hf!1d u ru~tins; at Ule home ot ::11..... Go<.<lWIlI. )1..... Ihrrit; and l\I,.,.. Itnv of l::mnorllL. lun .. "lol.ped o!l' at no(.\i: Island (lin route- to the!r homt's and .. I"'l~.l Ilt tn~ home ,It )t,.,.. HDW­nol hnd ;11111, ~Ia", .. r<·t I .... ·e. 8::' ~b:th $:t. Th('\· FPt'nt tilt'! Past ",umnt('t· in Pekin, iii. )In..:::. n. Gibson cnt~r· talntll. ;IIf'". n&JTl~ llnd !II ... , lta~'. )t,... "I'~.·k". 'of ~I'rlr.!tll"ld I", \'islt\n~ .II.~ Ih" hom!' of h~r l:1"and"ar~n"', IItr. an.! ~I".. It. e. Jade.on. r.H .'IIlulh SL .M,'S. llt·l,·n )t.·f)o ..... ll .u :-.:rnth St .• d ..... 'rl. -.0(1 f4')t ''::le'·~IAnd .. wh~r~ sh ... w,11 '·i9tt h"r ~on". Clar{'nce lind Jo,."h Ta)" 10.. :!:r.t I~. Mth St. !<:h.. will r,'nl--.ln ;n CJf>\'t'lJlnd 1{)'(' attOut a month. "lr"l Cnw('ns 1',. JlOr1" lhllt thf' Apo~tnUn i"J~utl h (d' iiofl is dt.m~ tnUI "f ... haf'Ity work. !'Uq,! Oi·~h·Ja \\'"& son. )101111t":. t:n ..

:.~~~~~~t'J~~. ~.:;:~~t'~{ 1~~r~\O~l~~~~~k 'Inn .. r lilfo.A Ct"1'dta l!","noldR .• :n 1 th "tt •• rntIPT1alnpd dll' K"':ntuck)' JlShllt'e ~iru:(!>N :It a V3rt~~ ~:tt.urd;J:y 4~Yt.·n\ng, :"'0", 1';'. Thf'l fo!tn;:!'~f~ ;t"'~ lltt--~~s Anna

!,~!~~$~~~rl:t~::aJ;:~~~~;~ o}t1:~::~o~~ l~~: l!f'!!. 1:,;~!oI4'5 r,.,>\\ f~. 711 SS)'1h A'·t,· • .l::u:~ A I'n.rt~· nt b't"r h,\mt" In .,0W)r of C h\' ==th 1:11"'tI·,tay :\nu!\~ ... y,nr.\· (It ChaTtl ~ .J:th~w{",od "Wt·n .. )*~thn"·(" fn~rut! :In,\ ,:,,,'l:t t!", g :ut4·nd. d. Hilt\. Ut.tu~tt"n. ~t:1T \ :>Jfhnl k ('In H~I' !t·:wk bl:.nd hh:h ~('l~I)t)l tof :t~" \\hn fnH:lurcct ~15 nhkJc fn !l ~:;Ull" with th~> l:ur'l1uaou hi~1: '!w!.nol ·s un. n"~·r.J! ~nr\ !~ ... 1.. .... "\. a~. ('" t(') t. .. oul ", ('rut("bt,~, J.. ll. HrH\\"T) ret urncd from IO~'a City to ltay b-1." ztunl .. month ... ,.. vi.~lt ~.() h~,!i: w1f~~ flnd ftlnllly U\',~r

:;lI'"~". +001 U~tlt~ra notNl llrOr .. ~t:I"'"~ nl tooth:"1 Fun".. W,;l:t "ucc~s.sful 1n i!3htine hl:~ rdenst' from t!:~ n. t tn .. d.·ll~n,h-nJs. And is. now "lnyln:: With th<!- U~1Nnnnd Und., t·te ...... n. His i.'tf~lnl~:t (""onnt'ctlllftS at Chit":la:[') made the ,·ha.n~t!" n@("(""sary.. "~, E. n~r!'. ~n, Ilea at tt." I,olnt ot ,l"ath trom a wound In the .t"",,,ell lnllict"d willi n knIfe sall1 \0 ha"e been wl"lded by a woman. ;llrs )I"~' Wlls'>n. i'06 11th St .• Pa.S-5t~ a\\"n,V !-iatl!f"tla,· at )\t'r hoJt1t·~ She \\'a~ iU on:,.. tbn:~ diil>·s. A ('un("~t't WaR J,:'l\'Cn tor th.- hent'fit ot the \Va' .... m"n ("hal'~1 JI.. ;II. E. d .. ,rc.h oT til ..

1tt:><'k 1.:And ~b"lrs :-:"...... !!Il. The flrs\ ""tart.,r!:' .. mf-+-tJn..: will he ht"'Jd at the Wom<'n's (,I1"~1 .-\. :!.t. E. church ~O\·. :5. "ltll ll",'. )1. J. :.IcCra<:ken. pre-"ldln.: elder. •

home In Oaklant1, Cal.. arter 'b Vet')' l).U&ttanl ... ~lslt with ltfra. Jackson·. brother, Dr. O. B. Thompson. and wife. Mh.~ !tlabe.l lHlIum ;,ntenalnt'tS the Let'" eet Aequalnt ... l club at her home on \\". 1""""n St. Thur::tda)' night. Dr. 'f1o~'d lloot"land and A. Caldwell weI''! "laltol'lI In n .. ""· ... '· m" and We"e j;ue.ta ot Tum 11111. Mil •• On! Alkln~ Is BP~nd. IlIg the ,.·" .. k-en!1 In i;l. LoUis "hOI" I.lnl;. A lal1;e numl", .. or the mombel'1l nnd frt ... nd. or Delhel A. )1. Ii:. church

~::.~~ t 1~1I~6!~~)~!<lf ~~:~r\~!:~~~ 111"" Aurelia Uayd"n. nlth ende tmc!l· e, ot Allue.... schnol. has arrlV"d to lAke U\' h~r duties. aft.-r beln/; 111 at her home lit Klrl""·ood. 1110 .• alnce :>el'tcm· loel'. ::\11'1'. ~1"'1l"1 John""n ot )larlOn ~pelll Sunday .... lth boc mOlher. :lolnt. O.nha :>cOlt. llr. nnd lit".. SAIII Syk .. , ,.f CollI 3!>ent Sunday "'Ith Mr. aflcl !lira. C, A,n.ay.

:Inn Estella X.,wmun W&~ laken .eli· WHEATON. ILL. I

~~t~ll~'n~~~ ~~e~~c; t~:.~1~3~n b'l:;: app.ndleltl.. Sb" 19 now Im;,ro ... llIlI, "'1,1111.... The Re\,. Jolin .l. Kearney ;s I 1<UII (II In the Presbyterian /I08pll.3l. I The R .. ,·. J. A. Drown. lorm~rly or Chi· , CIIgtl. who wos Injured III th .. thIrd rllll'l \\'I'~"k. I. improving. Mra...... Dr~·.lun I ".,.,. taken 8"rioualy III 11181 saturd .. y, but Is lrapTo\·lng.

WATSEKA. ILL.._ ' John Bm ... Ollie Woodnrd alld Clj"dO:

eowan moton'tS 10 HooTl"MOn Rst wHk. Mildred Oo ... "n "Islled ber RUlli, Mra c.,.,lnglon lilli' " ..... k. ::Ilrs. lwra :'lorrls "l,,,nl a r .... ent Suclll)' wHh !ltn. EII,..,beth B1'"d~·. ;:\t,,"" .... Dlndson. 'Thoma .. and HUDler ot Cbl., CJlllo w~re hunting In this \'Iclnlty re· ., .. ntb·. 31".. n .. rnl., )!<.rrIH nnl1 daugh"I' ler 1\08"11,, hll\'" rdurned from an e",­,,,n.led "I~tt wllh T<·I.,\I,·"" In Chi·

'J:fcd !;:'trl~~~" ~~~!d~~C"~;I}~I"~f;5~ I Hell.. Grllllth \" ""~o"~rlnr; rrom ty­phnlol r<>"er nnd will leave Provident bO~I'It .. 1 for home so<>n. Her d,ugh· I t~l" Grace &.C<"onlp:tn .... d h~r. B:,k"" I

lHPugh and Dirk WIlliams or E,·an"·: ton.. wlth tiome ){oml"flce trfendtli. -.'\t~('e I hunUnl: In this \""tnlty recenll),. B~n. nl" '-10m .. and C:IIl' n .... dy returned to, tIlelr work In Chlrnto and E\'anston.·

.JOPPA. It.L, Yrs. Katl.' n"wa .. ' Is '1sltln,; lIer

sioter In Paducah. K,. :.ITO. nessle Jo:.n.on I .. conllnO'tl to her 1...-.1 hecaUSe of IIln""", The Re\', S. Caldwell Is comluctinr: a re"I\·al m~t1ng this week al tile I-·I.."t Free n.~ptl"t cburch. ! Th .. Rf'\, J. Joh""on lIas \U'rl".d bon'd trom tnt' quarh'r\)' ",<'cling. 'Tb~ S.r n:1l1;;ht~ ,uld \)uu!,htt'rs ar" pl:lnnlng 10 hnx(' a Tlutnk~=i\"ln;; dinner. The H(l\.'. J. Jo1\n::on was at lU':'llU~~ \\'11.11 ~ts {amll}' XO\,. 4. n. J. !luml,l" m,,~e a l'Iyln" ,,1.1t to :'lC!tl'OllOlI" 1 .... 1 .... eek.

• ELKVILLE, IL'-. lilt'. and .\Jr!!. Ed S:t)'I"s motored to

Tl.wmnl"". Ill. ""r .... 'e J, l.iarner or Th.,('" ... ,lur. Itl.. I~ "'1:sitin;,; lu""rt.·, \Ve~tt.'j. Jo-bn.'ion mwle n brict "lICit tu t)u'itl()~n, Arthur l·ael<. Wit_ a llall!dny.ilol'o "h, itOI' """'nll>' Th.· I:.,· .•• nd :II .... W. C. . ·mltn. ,.,,~,':'r d Ill" A, .:II. c:. dmrcl1 or ~1arJon. Ul.. ,,·l!'lt, .. d ht-re and \V"'r~ tht;'"" l:U~"'1to L't lJr~ Rmt ':\lr.:ot~ "\V. 11. newill. .\lb~n Sltt·nrs ut n,,1l1du,'''­\.oro. III .. matI" " tWine trll' h".e. ~Jls~ WII:""II Bllrkhalt.'r and WillI<: I'O~ .. or Cn.-i'L(lnn:ll~~. nt.. Inolun'd her.1' last \'·e!~k. H.-n \\"dth ()t 1Ju"ju,~in. ttl.. WaS \·l .... ltm~ ht'rt~ ft:."cl",nti)·. It. A. 'l'rj<e :and }.hr:i:1n t'umt'r m0tOfl'd to llu'luoln. 111_ L)"lnan Hu:-tkk t\"'b -k. ~2U·i lQ'.':f.o,'o \'i:-ltof H'~ "ently. :\Ir. and :'Ir:l. 1). ... vrt·ell or \\~artl 111 m~dt' a h1' ef lnp itt·ft· on Thu.;",,:;:· :Ofr. 311.1 .'In<. Harry \\'il· 'wms motor~ct to C;ti f.,utl'ia!·'. In.. llt';",. Dc:Hh.' ('«.rhrook j:- in~pr~~'in~ at tll!!;. \\ntinJ;:, l:ni~ I~c~!:, ' .... ,1("I\·y ~lh ht a .... ·cent wt'ek"i.·n,l wi\~ h(;r vaf,-'Ull:i. \\'. j.'. Oli\'n or C"'!l'. Ill., "1"'''1 ,;;U,,' ~Il)' t;ere.

URBANA. II.L. ~~. ~~hn,::t;. ~:m~~n?O~~.o~B~tRrc~~ ard""n of p""lar 51. I" ~eat\!' 1m·

C~~'en:~~ iii~~ ::;~":VI;;~I) :.r~~ WIII"Ua tray"". ....ho hu b .. ~n Indio· lJOI'~ .-u A1,1 .. 10 nil ber "lac" In th·· cllolr SuMay.· The fUnrn<1 of Mr. <:::aml'be.1l w .... I1eld Sunday at 401" St.' :aal'Ust dtureh. Intenn .. nt at the NOVI!<211. .)/n. Bmma GU)' ....... ca!ltd 'to> If.,MenlCln. 1{)' _ by th.. ...rlous III­__ of her alster·ln·'llw.

lilt!. :.fable Storrs or ;\In...auk~~, U"I .... I .... I"ltfnl:' her IrMndmo:her. ~(r". lO""IlMne U",nctt. :Mrs. Jam"" la,·k· ~"n I'm ,." a 5(1('Ial III ber. hOIll" Ill't W.-<1n~tidal· nh:M. 'I'I1o LaM,,!> nom;, an,1 Fore·I"" :\11~,,!onary ~oelel~' of fl~-• .. m BIlIlU"t church m,,' ITI th" born" or ~!rs. H. J. \",,11. Thursd",· "f,er­n"on. Mr. alld Mrs. W. Anile;"',," l1TO!; II'" "roud pa .. ents of II. n.w baby o:iTI. "rs. Gf'Of1!ht ::I1<"r.ully and son. ",-,,;. t(.r. an,) I<!st .. r. )rrs. :lrnrtl'a, W.atkln .. of P<lnnsyl\'lmla ,~rl Sun""Y ror Chl-.JACKSONVILLE. ILL.

Tb\!! !t...... n. n. Hackley. nastor nr Bf'thel A. )!. 1-~. cl,u1'ch. ""c"h'M .. tde· ....... from hi" wlr" "l.3unl; that !Ie' .. 1st ..... !II ..... n..ckley. Cled .. t her hOllle :11 Keokuk. lo .... a. :!IIlBft n,-on JlamlJlon. .,aul1bt.,r or II' ..... I.uta Hanis of !llarlon Ft .• ,... mam~ to til .. U.v. H~""nn Got'~. tbe bo)' "'·anl:cllst. Of 011""';0, 'WNln., "110M at th" 110m., ot th .. •• rlde·. mother. Tb~ R~ ...... U .. nr), Snow· olen. lla~tor of :!lit. Emar)' Dat,tI~t "hur~b. om .. lattd Guolrts "'''1''': :loH<~ Beml~ Scru\:lta. J,,!r~non Cit)·. !.t<>.: ~Ir. ~ :lIn. J. H. Browl!. Sllrlnlrneld. lU.: tilt! Re\,. 1011'. (lor(', father of '~e I;<orm, <:'olumbull. 01110, and lItr. a."4 :loIn.

, PARtS. ILL • Tb~ mpmhers "n'll frlcn'll~ of Ihf f:I'C

"n4 Il3"tI~1 ehurph pl""".,nt))· surllrl''''i\ th.., pastor On No\'. 1$ wltlt ,. pound I'art)· .. .-Ith an ~sllm. tlon Of not less !.'::: o?~O:;Jr:ta~f '''·Cr)·thlng Imagln-

GALESBiJRC. fl.t... F. D. T'olndext~r or the Sel1I:/lhnrh<'l<><1

b'tTh"r shDt> I" soo" 10 h~l'()me 1\ 1'",,1. d!'nt of this dly. )lr8. J~p ... hln" ~t,,­~On and "3ul<hh·r. ~tT" Martlla ,[homll' "on. , .. ere I':ll:cd I" tit .. hed~lde of their dau!:'!,' .. r tmel pl~t.,r, .MrtI. Bprnl"p Frye. or K,·ok\lk. who pa!"~ed QW"')~ 1VKln;' ... d!lY "\·~nlng. :lotr~. Je~~le )teGIIl Is Ill. 1I1r!!. T .... f.. lIkkpn" .. ntprlnln"d th .. Jtt:.-.. ~ Hh'e .... Jub nn Tti,. ... d:n~, :\tr5 . .A,tu:t. Har!",r "ntp rt3!n'o(j til" Thlm!>", "lrN~ lal" week. ~Ir_ IUld !llrs. Robprt Hel". ler. n('''·I)~\'''Ni~ .. hll,-e Ilrth:od in Galr ..... buTJ:' '0 make thi. thplr hom... :'lr. H .. lpl • .,. I~:I IAII',r for the Hutllo~l<! Co.

~~:~b":"n~f!\iI~ ~'~:;';!~~.t ~~~r;ti!:'. lind ~I"", Palm~r If''I'TI''· .. nth~r Sat",,­c!,,~. momlnll' II haby 00)'. 111 .... J. H, "'''''lttnt;ton .. ntertaln"" til" Autumn u·"t rlnb Th\1"".t,,~,. Th .. Rev. Tlmo· th:' n",,\'p~ 11r .. ,ldl"1I' .·der. held the tim quart'·r"· m""t'n~ ~,,"'dn)' "t AIl"n Cbftl""l. M ..... FI"rone~ ,,,.m~ "TI'''r­t"lnN! th .. Tlllmbl" <"Irrl" Frldqy, ~I'W Era "Iub wna "nte""'nMl h1l' lll~. lflle:"­,;1. )fIIhl1'111 OTl Tu ... da,'. Alltumn Y"'Rf .. hll> , .. Ill hold nn o!d-f"~"I"""" fA II' on n.,.,. 11 .. t "n .... Ch .. "el. 'Th" Thlmhl .. eird., mil ""'ii 1\ fall 0:17.1\:1" FrIda,'. ~,,_ 21. l\t .tI ... !'l<orond " .. ptl<\ .. hu~". Th.. a- H"'" <'1111' will ""I" " mil F'I<'lal Xo'·. 21 at n... ""m'" or )frs. lIaud ... Hnwkln" On n~I"I~n St.

C"'RBONO",LE. ILL. ),11 ... {\...,. TAndv. n stud""t Ilt th~

1':. I :-; U. .prm the " .... ok· .. nd wllh lI'I". ("lArA Klrl< at her 110m. In ~lnt1~n. AI..... n"ttl~ H<>'ll=e of ll<trt"'o:ltf Is ~""ntl!n'! th .. wlntpr "'!11t ~ .. r dau!!h! .. r. )1 ..... ("1.111<- UAl· .. •• )1I"~ P".h,r. who Is t .. 3"I1ln.; at ~Iarl"n. epent tbe ... ·~k ... nd ." th('11' O!U •• -t. The {:<'V. A. A. Crlm. 1>4«:0, of Oll\'l~t f'r('p 8~"'lIst ~but'Ch. and th~ f{~\. F"A W"",b 'tlld At !l:n~m~n .pent th.. w~k.~ntt In ll!'.atld TO\\""'r af1~..n"ln£ '!ua,tcrl)' ltI<!elln", "r th~lr churcK. lin. Ito"" Ora\' and Tbnma. Kid <>f :llarlon "'''I'" ... al'lh-d th,..,.. \t'· ... l<s 81:0. Th .. y nr. mllklnli: tl1"l~ hnm,· In ).lal1on. ;\Ir. and )1,.,.. I .... \~· la.\("" .. and eblld .. en lett T!lunoday for t1>

OIBSON CITY. 11..1... Wilburn Juju .. "". J."t>mt' Klbbl .. ,

lIulne Johnl'iOn .. nd f:ur;-•. nla Ktl>h!e "C"rt'l er.tertninit',l at th .. hotn(· t"'l{ L,.rr,/

~i;~i';;l::l ~4\ ~. ,~;,:~ .. ~e~,~~;;\.IQ~~\ ~11I~~:ti~ Inl; cune"", hdd r<"cr.'I~· at brummer tt"H-\·n~hllt 11 I,:I! ~. . I l' I \

1.10'. d"u~bh I' of )Ir. and Mrs. J. J, :~~ih~:·~·~~l~~~~dl.l~\.~~:··W;~~: h~n(~;.!t. j !f,,; rt'}l"r.fftn~... nr ~rr" ard .\frtot. (;~r,~ Field •• 1>2. K X\nth St .. w",\ d .. m.lIl".1 by flro on SlIturday.

METROPOLIS. ILL, Tb .. !te,·. J. II. Smith. pre-idln'll dd"r.

held the Ill':lt flUllTteTly m.'utln!l of the l·~ar at ~L Paul .A ... \1. I::. "hUl"~'h .tiL;II~ d:t~~ lh'sdnmeq B"S5"e (~ork nnd Lo'\tt~ J~f nfro \,'ere P:UhH ah ~l1ol\t'rrPl ~3t­u~day. ~1I~. I.u, III~ U:dh'~' . f {';UlllN,1t "\·i .. ·it!'d lHl'"""i' Fr3n ~c.~ G"ileh~ I:l~t w(·ek. 'n:j/~ ~"r •• the lll .. cs FIRn",.~ Glbll, nntt Thl'h',a ISfln:-t. ';:2'"e- a t·art~· In 1,,"'Or hf')ncrr nt fh,' f(>s\'!tinrl" of ltr. an,1 'h-s. Ro~ni!' RohnrtA.. llr anti ':\!rs. J\. l'onto\\' U"t!rt' al tIfe dt' .. r('(""f'nth' th~ 'Hf·(;t!l of t11#~ 1.L!tt·r-"~ -I'ar"uts )tr!'o ..

~~::r~.lf~ft.~'~~nr.r.1::::,·:~i~IS~;~;1"d;~:'n~;i Snnday )t ... ~81Hl'Il:!'!:I \Va-\:-- and ~mHh ('nt ... rtttined at dlnn~t' SUfvt:l~~ tn honor ('f their !"l~1(\r. lIn::. Aman1lu :;:itet\11CD3 Thn:-<(t prf>s['nt Were llr. ;In.l :\tr~ ::\1("­(' .. II~n ,.:rnllh. )11'. :lnd ;.\!r~. E. Orrlng·

MONMOUTH. ILL. !\ff'!'l. ~1"dR" l'';i)·n~.. wbo tuu, btltt'u

~1"1t (or tl1,,- {'as! thr<>e month". dl"d '-\.)n(ln.,)" ~\t 'he- bome or he-r "pa.T~nt~. Mr. and lIN< Jobn 1\'nrt:tl'e. on S. C 51. Funeral wn~ he~d ThfJrsd,,\- n(tl'rr.f)Oft tr4lm .f'Alh,-nry H!1:pli:tt chut(!h. the Re"". M. n, nleks!'n. ..~~I~h·d h\' th" Rev. C. Z WIIIl .. ",,, I\nd I. H ~.",n~,· "'l·t.' In ('hM.t"J.t...... ~h@ fs t",,·'~lvcd h"'" 'tel" hu,,­"n.J 1':11 Pn~.."... nntl olle' d.11>I<hler. Cln"dln<'. Lltllt! Ttlcl.urd (}~u·ld!,,). son of .lks. r.·rn1 •. Dn\·l!;, 1" confin«rl to llJ!'I t."Pl'-" \dt h f<:h""knl·ft~, ltn~. Lotil<:~ CrofT r"mnh,,, ·'·rl"',~h· lit 1>1 Ih .. hom. of h"r nht1hN' ltr'i Sl.lslr :'f,...""U1l1fm~ JOI~ 'YRUn.'e. ~ hroth .. r of ~trs. :-:'=~!'l Ilr.:tm." II'n!\ "Mr"-. Fmmn ~1!':'\!\t:'"'" :In,\ aunb; {\f Ctllcn",o. ll,.,.. Son.';' L,wl" of Au~orn an1'l lfrs, \'"'n1f.'t ~ew~(tm nf l!n,:()ml., w.r~ In Ih .. ('Ity \" ~\tend Ihe funtiml of ~tnt. ;\tndge J';\yn~. The remain"

ot Luther WllltalDll, a former Mon­mouth boy. who died In Chlell(lO. w ...... ~~3g!'~ ~t·tj'~~;!t)'A. I('e~u~~~~h\\'':: charge Of tllll- Rev, E. Z. WIIlI:lIlll1. TIt., remit In .. weI''' accoml>4nled by Ills mother. Mrs. Millie lItcGrul1er, a brother, ;ltlll'O Williams. and " eou"ln. :\I..,.. bois 3!artln. of Ch!<:4Co. _lIIl"" Ruth Wehb and"broth"r, Harry, pleas • antly .urprlzed their .Iater. :!Ofr.. ~[at. tte Coleman, at her bomo on S. D St­on Saturn.y evenltll; with a birthday

rr:8':"Em~~Y!rr'~1 ~u=~tre~"t.f~:;ti

the fUlleral of )tl'll. Allen's clau!:ht.,~; I In-Iaw. loll'll. ErvIII Hartwood of lIIid­dlutown, OhIo, haa r.turn"d to her home atter a V\slt with h"r mDtber·ln­IllW. :lira. Charlea llltehe\!. AnnettI', l(..... Harlwood'. lIttle dR.u!:'hter, Willi ~.nd lbe winter h~r~ wIth her smnd, mother. William COlt roan WI18 a bUll. n"8" vIsitor In TUIlCOIII: on Frld~:y. In.s Berti" ... Robinson ot t...rna· WIlS " bUill. ne,,, visitor In the eily on SaturdaY.

eOUI..TERVILLIt, ILL •. Th" Re .... Wm. Jon"s and wit .. ; Annh.

){ay .tone.. left I .. t ,..""k for Granl1 'Tower, nt. to Attead tbe ()uatt"r:)' I" •• unt;. \Vm. Ol"ghorn and wl(" apent Wedneoday bere vlaIU"1: :.Ire. OIeg. I1orn'lI BIBter. !lfagGI" WtIIlams. Joe

. Qh·~n~ ,.pent "Gventl d:n·~ jn Spa.rta I

, laat week. Lau", Allen. SUa GI<'Rhorn. :

I Florpnee Jono" and !\II1I:SI.. Wlillam~ _. I'r',by In Hpll .. \'1I:". Ill .• and St,

Louis. Mo., elloPl)lng. . LeHlle Ilardo to i' J.""'s Thurad:o' to brinG'

hack ~llI wit .. to stay Intleftnh~ly. B<!rt Co~tly left 1:hurl!day e ..... "nlns;' for T ~rI'e l"Hlt~. Ind .• tt> "ee hl~ son, ... bo'18 5lck. low Jones and dR.uG'hter ::11"1;1':1" "'"

"mlmn ."'l·cr,,1 "",.s In our ehy. The ERlItfl'rn Stllr mel'llb,,", hlld all enter, Il< Thursday at til" roshl"n". ot ~ITS )11Ir;-",I" \VIIII .. m.. :Olaltle Ander­~n· .. daughter Fl .... en« ot Du'luoin is !It!re vl"l£lng. T:Yla. Dbtoll Wh kiUed FrIday. ... ,

on aecount of the I1In_ of her daulth­l .. r. :,\frn. \'Iola WlIlfllme •. ~II'. and MI'lI. Co E. Gooch of Galesburll' worshlpOO at St_ Jam~" A. 111. E. cburch Iwo~ Sunday. Mrs. WinnIe Pa}'De entertaln"d tbem at dmn"r. TlItI Rev. 1. H. Kenney. an al1le younl' e'V:1nl'ellat ot ChIc .... ". el""~d a BuC<!u.ful two weeks' revlvnl at 51. James church. Tho ehuTch haH b~"n 8plrltuallr "evlved and "evernl additions ... "''' mnde to lh" chur"h. Graclua.tlon exerclftell or the nlble tratn· 1"1: or Cn\\,ltrl' B;tptlftt cburch .. a~ be;d 'I'I1urlllby Clvenlnr;. Th" ,ol\owl111< .e-. ". \'~<1 "(plom •• : !lfnt. Flory Johnsoll. Mrs. Grace Bamum, lItll.~1I \l:,,"I"'n Barnum. Etotia Uen4erson, Velma Brook .. , Ruth DOUl:h"rtr. and Quintin .. He".I~l'l!on. TI.e toUo ... • TIl: p,,",on" at­tendel1 quarterly meettnJ; nt Gale"I1"r!,:: 'T"e Rev. and lli'l!l. Co Z. Wlillarna. :'It'" Jennl" Saunders. the Rev. t. H, Ken· n'y. 1m aod nnl~y William", Mr. and lIra. Den Jobnson IIond Mrs. F. A Port~r. Mr. lind llro. Sandy Clark nf AURORA, ILl.. St. Loulft. )10.. 18 visiting ~tl'!l. Clark'" The colonIal b"neflt party J:'Iven ),y father. Thomp.on Holly. on S. Thlr.! lIlr~. Ruth Dog,,!:, Tl1ylor wa.. ....daUy ~i;Cd 1'.:aU:t'':J~f~n~~':,d:~. A~1~ ~t an<l flMncla.lly n hu~~ ",u·ms. )1111. tie Price r-mnlns qulle Ill. :'>Ir ... J .. ~~~;;'~m!"J'~e .. :I~glo~r.:'sLll~~L ... H~~~ )t. A" .. I en'HIlllnl'd at dlnn"r InRI Sun- ~""I :Ola~'W.ather Is amonlt those on dllY lft. and lUra • .I. T. PI!DI)I"~ pnd Ih" "tell. 116t 1111" "'ed,. )t., and :'1"­~on . .J·mlor. !.Ir. and M ..... Pr::lnk Hy<l.. :lloody. )Ir. IlDd !tlrs. Lurk~tt lind lIr. And :II ..... rc~n Rod!;.,,,,, ot Marom\! mo- I ~nd lIItB. HarrllJ lIIotor..u to tile cIt)" 10Ted 10 ){on",nuth 13"t w.,@k to :nten.l ~ tront St. Ch61'1~" to att.nrl th .. colonl:>1 the th,'a"r. lll.~ Glb.on. who ha~ he~n 'henenl party. lIl ..... Run.""a Mattoon ot "I-'tlnl! hI''' lIncl~. W. R. )Iarshall. rn. II New yo .. k City h,," b'.n 'vlsWIll\' her turned to her ""m~ In Kan"'''s ('lIv.'ll, Mr~. WUllam :'loo~4! and ~t,.,. " ,trl!. A"n:t Pitta. "'11.. hu b.,en I Chnrlu Wat~on. Mr. " .. " !It, .. , A, A: "lsltlllg In Cblcat;O. r<!tllrn~d hom .... \ PaU .. r.o.. nf ~. \"j"... St. ent~ta\:)." ~~~n;;;"'~n (o~ort .. t~rer"th~r.; Sa~~~~ ~1..!'fnJ'~;h~~~11~1:r..::·nlnll' In honor Of evenl,,!:. Phon& 3684.

• CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILL. Mm. J ,1!II:tn Ancterson has b.en "l111,'<1

~. t:tHI'h rf.rtrffna to: tfle b4'5d!ltdt" of her aunt and alster. Attorn.)' Burnett .!. '.t •• : t • .1 tu(" Go· d Cltlzens cluh nncl to a larl:'~ congroJ::>.tlon at St. Jnm"~ C: )1. E. churcb Sunda)·. 'Irs. Flln .. \;, Goo~h has returntd to tho "Ity .. ft~ .. ,,1 .. Un!: In netr"it. !IIleh. M .... SadIe Shaw I~ on the stell. list.

I MATTOON, ILL, LlS'e Bell. wh" has lJ~en III tor about

tl\'O month.s .. continues tv £T'0\V ,,"once. Alh"n WU""n of this city nnd :ltl.s Ilia E11I" of <'1lampallln ""re Illlll~d In mnrrla.:e In ChampalJm "n Sunda}·. The t:pstream Social cluh I:llve a gat .. Foci" In the ba~"'ment of 0;&\"'19 cha~E"1 on 'l'hl1t'l'd:tY e,·enlng. kn \'an"" 005 r~tllrn.d (rom a twn .... ""k~· vIsit ",!tla re'uth'"'' In ~ln)·Il .. ld. Ky. 1lrs. 01110 :\1:1 \t)ne I" nl1le to he OUt after a t\\'f) ....·eks· IIIn""5. ;II,.,.. Frank Allen u",1 dal1chtl!r.. G(·ttrude. htL"tt r~turnt"~d from },In),~t,,ll'. wh"re they atr.·nded

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Obituary 1 -- No TitleThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Nov 24, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 2

JOHN W. MOORE DIES Champalsn. 111 .. Nov. ~3.~John We8-

l~y ~Ioore pas.. .. d away Sunday eve­ning !'ov. 11. He was "n "clive mem­her ln the Lone Star lodce No. 18. A. F. _,. M.. th" Cour de Lion com­mand~r~' and Bulldln~ Lal>orers Inter­natlunal Protecth'e unl.," Xo. 14. Sen'­Ices ,n·re held fn,lI! th" r~sldencp. DQl B. Clark St. Interment at Roseda"." cemetery· , Mr Moore I~ survh'ed by a ",Ife, :'Itr~. liar> F. :'IIoore: daughter, Allie !lloore ~Io"n, of Chicago, FOn. Leme Woo of Toronto, Canada, and one sis­t<,r, ~trs. J. R. Ward, of Mansfield, I:L

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Dec 1, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A4


CARSON DALE ILL S.rvle~ "~r. ""II attended at Bethel

A If F. church .11 dll)1 Sunn") .At 3 I) .. lock t!le l'\l4tor alld II 14111'4 number of til. melnl><!d mutore.l to Call' \\1 ere the Rc. ltt" \"\lty llraa.cbed for the nov "If Urddlcl> anc his t'OlIllrt'l:lltion The Golden Leaf club mel ~londay at th" hom .. of :\1,.,. Hornce Boone 'the Communlt~ club tl~ld 1",* nsulllr mQet In/; TUe'ldlly evenlnl: at \UU11I8 ~chool I'lans were conpl"ted for the annual Thaniul:h Inl: dmn". ror th.. n;cd af thl) ell) Wrone.lla) So~ %6 The R~'

rt'!~tl?;:".nJ n~!lh!ll~~':,~(ft:l~ s~~~~: motond O\er '''ednuday and ""rll II'Uef'ls of frlrnM M", !\Iabel Johnson of Marlon ~""nt Ill" .. ""k ""d "lIh h.~ mOlber llr:l n. rtbll. !'l"vtL Mrs VIII. 'Vllllamll a nd her !'lIster :\Irs Rerilla Perkin_ til>llllt It tew <\3)" II thl! city lSbo1'1l nJ:; ;llr and Mrs Joe I" Ha) ... and tumlll motored (0 St LQu/~ Sunday an4 ~!>et\t lh~ day Mlsl! )'t" rlon Alltt" of MUl;lhy.loro spent Sun da) "ltb he. nun! !lIra Lou Prj.,., .. nd tamU, Th" Gleo clUb o! tho S r :\I U UDS Cor tI e AC'I"icultUNlI club Woonee dllY .,."nlng at tbe sek10nl This WOls th" n .... t tlm<> an) of the Colored Stu d"nt" !lal1 tnl<~n llllrt In an" 01 the ptl>gl"llm" Th,,> had 11 very alll>reei" the audl"!l$e Tho~" takln", TIllrt "er< '!18sel! n.nTlell~ Wood. Velm .. JaCK son Velma Woods Evelyn Bo"~r8 llal'g'Qerlt" 1...,"'1$ .. nd DOrothy Ham mon nnd U .111" \) Hillsman OeQrl;e WUllam" U.Buford Slark. ArmonrJ EngUab anf! AUel\ Chat>1'<l1l Tbe Rev W !>t Sha" of D:lllas T~lC"'" and the Re. 1 \ Rrll of Ca Iro 'lftJt~d fl'1~.n Is here the ""PI ,u~cl< !lfr. W H Wooos prlnelral or the A ttllck~ school at Colp I!p~nt tbe " ... ~end at ber home

MOUNDS ILL A ten delightful nut social \ .. as

held at tbe re-IdeMe Of MIM Y.rlles tine 'lroun~ !aat MundA) night .In the !nl@!""t ot the compon, at whl ... h ~lls~

? If, cal>tal~Jh:llr~/o~ii.I~~Ilf~f,. and :Mrs ~I'r ,\ llllam~ lut '1\ eeK en rout" to Memphis. Tenn Norton Al><!rn!llhy James Slausbter and Earl Long mot<)f'ed do",n from St Louis last .... ~);; and v~lted frlenda In Pulaski anll ~ounds'll Jo.le M n!>r and lit... "iolct "ere cairo shopp ..... " ""'1 h~;f t11;,r~e.~~:n .:e~fJ';r~~n~fon"J~~ at tbe resldence of Mrs carrIe Left HamIlton ACter the routine of bUlIl nes. a !'OClal hour "as lUlJol ed bonor Inl:' ~1l"S )! Ele:mor Hl\mftton wife DC tlle n.,wh appOinted fI"~t"r ot 5t Pltul A.. ;It E cburcb QuIte a number­jollie'll tbn <'luI> The n~:s:t meeting will b. "Itlt :\Ir~ ~attle naucol'/1 of No't'tb :\follnd.~ Me-dames Cora Love anI! Z. Wll'hb ",ere "ut of town guest3 Mrs Su~le "1111"",9 I, on th.. sick list Rowar" 1llU'rls and lIIJ,,~ Annab~1I Raine) '" ere mftn1ed last week. ~1ra. A C F!o"ers Is "itb her mother 111111 :Uattle t'; at{ef'llon (or tile "[II'el" !lIrs Lulu Smith of DuquoIn .. Islt~d ]1.[1'\1 Jull'~r M\ln"r last ,...,,1< The Heroines bc Jericho 1l\ltf"t~d II. latS!! du'!\ la6t 'Frlda~ nlj:ht arter '\IIIblch 'l\ delicIous f~ast " .... enjoyed The Del sarte class render~d an .IItertahling l>mgntm at the Taborla" ~II Mound Cit... last Thursda) I!v"'nin!:, In M>lte of tb. Inclement "eath"r an a"Jlr~d .. (Ive audlen<:-e ,",s Ilrt'6"nt. Church socIals "ere htld un<ler the au"plc .. s of Mesdl1m~~ a .. rtha Tnvlol" Sosl~ 'VII 1I"m. Bnd HaHI" Sprl!l1t~r during the "etk Dr.A T Grll1lth Rob~rt Slar kt'r Sam H03k!n!! and S B Cnrneal ot Centrnlla motored COW" and "!lent Sundll~ In tbls locallt> r~ler Gill eft la .n - tlte olck lI.t The Rev G - T Hamilton IU'~lor of Sc Pltul A 11 f. church delh"red t"o soul MlrrlnG' !lU moo! SUllfla} Thl! f C club of St­John DOj)U-t eb lreb L. plannln" severnl al\'alr5 fur tbe nc .. ,/, futurp Thll nev C " NOI'm#!'It pastor Is le,uler or thl" "Iuh '"I'h~ Ci)n<1ulJat of the Nil. lions will h" 1I(>ld l"o nIght!! In the baaem .. nt Of St. 1':1 ul A. 'At E chur~h Dec. 3 lind 4 The Rt'v J II ~orth 'J)8stO'l' of f .... ne Chanel C lit Eel" ... It I" .... ~lt p'"""ed "It 10 the re~ull~ at hl~ !Irs q" .. rt~rly "0'1'1< T •• lIe ""nnl~nn .. hautfeur for tile Humblo stare Is On the "lek list An <,r~nnt:r.allon known M Ill .. no~al clrd .. ,~as ol'ganh:t'd at PlIll'Tlm R~gt B:lptl~t church In5t ~ron

a'll livening !ollaaea Caln Youn~ and Sarah Clarlc wern Ca.11"O Ihollp~n lut­wuk Tho nav lUr Hill has retU9!ed from St Loulll "here he. visited hla \O:lte lind oth~r rellltlvelJ.

Tho R<!v C~;S"'~~l:ltt..ot Arklns .. pruehed a Mul stlrrlujl' ~crmon SUllday nl!>ht Etllel 'VI!l!ccr h' alowl~ Imgrov Inl: frorn typhoid te",. MI •• 'I\(urray ,\ .... the auud/l. of 1I1r and Mra l'>lek Pttnny 'til .. Reo &nd~rrlf H. C Burton ~t'8 D BOl ce and M'tII Brooks ot Spart.. .urpl1.~<t th~ Re~ Mr and :\tr.. G1'&lIam W~dnud&y noon when th~ l)! lhtm .. ~Ialt Otta ..... Arm stead Is aptmlln" hi. Tbllnkol!ivlna U,­ca.Uon with hlo brother In 5t Louis ~[r and '&In ArU\ur CovllU1:tcn 1I1>6nt t~e week end with relatives In Spana. ~II •• Katla MutTa~ 18 spendlnll her ~" "atlon with htr mothIII' In Ca.rbon. daJe

Dlllkoly l\.o"land 1.. Smith apo}(e a.t the Community center Sunday on the prOlUell8 of the 'NelrTo tn buslneaa. A Boy Scout movement haS b"en started

~Y\lrWi:e~":tlel ~t:::~r-F~fu:';~I~~ Rowland L ,,111 be the _Ill mruoter Til I!the& dub meeta 0" Thl.lraday Dec. ",tll l>r ..... 'Rowland SmIth 1114 S t'; ",.t St. MOf'l:lOn Wal ton Mrs J()(Itta. WaltOQ and lIlra Mmnle GJlb<trt motor~ to BeloIt :",,' «"orahiptd Olt St Palll A l\l E churcb Sundlly ntfltht The St.m Jones '01111 mond hand and jAn hOll'llda turnl"h~tI tlte mUelC for a Tlmnkal:;lvlnl!l: cI.UIce a\,;Bbo loll 't'hursda.~ nlfltht. M"- Evelyn "'? I""on I" prepa.rlnlt to welCOme her lion and daulI:ht~r In law from "Bo»lon fo~ the Tblln1<aJ:lvlnlt hottdaya The Unlttd Brotber. ",1\1 IIO()n hav.. th" pl ..... ute of hearlnlJ BlshoD l1uldoon It. mon st",. m""Unlt II'< Ilelnlt planned at th .. ~lIleum tor tlte men or our 1tl'0ul' Watch the O"t .. "der n .. xl weok for tile pnrtlcullll'll John I't. Flllrley hustling J)resldent I. <'loins: ... hat lie said he would do-make lllls Ihe blRlleatt elll'b for men anyWhere ~o Rev rv nl!; K Mereh:>.nt begins ... ..erl" of au monlJ Suntl .. v nlllht on '"I'J.1.6 Fou'l' Tyl'l"" ot !l1"n The subject of, the ftr"t •• rmon will he Th .. "'Ieke... He "Ill "rea ell Sumla" mornlnR at AlI.~ chap"l tm the !lubj\!c\ Tbe SlimS ° th.. Tlmea ~fiu Jull!} ~en::ln:i;n retll.l"Y of the Booker I aa II h CommunIty center 1a .. ~ n:t 1m: 'ih~ ol.'II,ed IOwa£" trQ ;.or UP urThe Cu-

t~~~n~\a~:'~:~" ~n tleao pled!:"'"

HOOGE.S PARte. Il.L '!Ilnr Annie 1111'-' of Detroit lIflcb

~ho ha.s.l>Hn \ l:dtln1l' her alater !I{rs. A E Mitchell alld brother J C. haft returned homa. Mrs. Pauline :\lcDonllld of st JA, ull! G~" n I" ~ 1.IUng h". mother "", r ., Dowden Dr R. !It 'lroun. wa", talled nway to s~" ::If", Su~le Coiling ber .on ElestO'J' nnd '!.lrtt JOllie Walta"e Frlda~ The Bc, I 'V Parke oC Calf 0 was at h\ .. 1'''''' of /luty a.t. St Ja"'r~ A '" E. chureb SundaY MrfI J W PlJrl.,. or CAIro IIttended aemces v:ith htr husband The Catena el\lb 11;'''8 an "nltrtalnm~nt Saturday sMre La"'r Reynold,. left {or St Louis un­day

JE}lSEVm1.E, Il.L The Arbuckle family of PlaS&. ,"0-

lored here recently an" vIsited ::Ifr alii! Mr.s J Kin; M.... Lincoln Freeman and "bllllren lt~lt<e<1 her mother !I[rs FalTt." last ~eek Rlchtl,rd Er<".n :>nd "lias WLlla.rnll ..... re r~ent St­Louis' '-{o visitors 'tr :lnd lr"" E\;u sand :\Ir ana Mrs It. A anll .01lS ,Islted :\II' and Mrs Gr:ab~rn In St. Louis )(0 re~entl~ !lrr~IZIl betb. Mundy \$ the guest of ~tr and ltt" J ,\ Evans Miss ld.. "allace IIrlnclpal of l.o,,,,o) .~hool Alton spoilt the wtek en 1 ",Ith :'>lr an I Mrs It. A CIRell R A Claeo at.t~n4erl tbe November meetinl!: or the St Louie bran ... h of th. ~ N ::II Th" R.e' ~tr and Mr ... Gmm::tr A'ton IIpent Sund .. ~ "ltb Mr and ~t,.,. Jam~5 UadcJIc !\ll.~ Beatrice Falrtax Is recovering tram her recent \IInesl!. 1\IlB9 Ore! a and Ollvflr Jackson Alton "pent Sunday wltb grandmother Mn Jan~ Burt. '!'lIn Jennie \Vhltt"ldes .mc tbe Re. :\Ir tAekw'>OiI formerly pastor of ~It Olt." Bllrn\-t ct ur~h wua united In m .. rrla;;p S n Ia. at the hew''' of tbe brl~c In ,,; E.,change Sl TI,· c<:remOnv ',"I\S wIUle'.ed b~ about 30 ~~~t. Out oC town gunt. were .!.Irs Mundy Chkago llln !'Iten .. E;an 5t 1 oul!! ~Io an" }Oils .. Wallace Alton :1\,.,. J A Evans ha", Issued 11\~It .. tlo"" (nl" .. 11lr&" <lInoer I arty Thtlnksclvln/f In ~onor or :lfr nnd llr$ Wtntr~d I'~' .nn or Chl~al{" ~tr8 Peyson was

I formerly !lU.s Charloue EvtInll of this t'it v l\I..,. :l.faurlul. Klnl' who III at IPndlng , .. 11001 at ;-';ormlll will .p~nd

I Tho.nksl:lvlnl;_ \~Itb rrl~nd5 In Sprtl\f: lIell ~[r9 Ellzal .. th 'l.tuntl~ returned to bel" home In Chicago TueSday

METROPOI.I! 11.1. Tl e cQunt} Sund~y schoel con~en

tlo. waR h.-Id at 5t Paul A 'M Eo I chUrch Sunday Represenlath es from

I tilt other Sunday s.hovls were present Among L'>"rn .... ere ~I 38 Artie L~on5

I Miss Huel McAfee (he Re. Mr r.olleland Of CaIro !l111 lfTO! Settle Williams The coment/an nas Jlreslll~ o"e~ I y the dce "operlnlen;;l~nt nov Dunn ~t<,SSl'l! Elijah lUll Glover and Cal\ In \Vrtllel of :';"wton Mise who have heen In tbe clty-tor 1\ fe'\V weeks left for their hom. Satorday T~ Re\ ~lr Copeland t>C Cairo prellched

I at St Paul .,hureh Sunday momlnlt Dnd at the Free Baptist church In Ihe ev~nln" T!:t" La"'~" Aid .. nter laln~ the Teen who are worldnlt on tbe h: ... cmenl of St Paul .::bureh Tues I) .. , ... "mlng .. lnmu Rutb Donlow and Ethel 'Vlmberl... and the 311nell nal~... Lon" Ma"" and Ell" Lon~ of Ilrookvort motored to til .. cit) sunnal with JIrs Daul!1tp rty and ""!r" jtueal" or Mm 1"1)'1< n~lgefll E<llI;nr C;,:..ns "'1l~ a P"du"ah visitor Satl.lrdal The 11e. ltr Crillpens .pent Sunday Olt bls thllrg. In Ihe Blut': Mr~ Ollie S'nrcy dellj:hltully entertaIned the ... rr>~11 Art dub and oth~r frltmd" ton \V" In,,cda..v c.-<tnlnl: ~lI.s CarTol Smith of Kansn! Cit_ Is "Isillng her I rother and slot. r F'rof !lnQ M.... Me Clellan Sm1.l.n of W "'Inlh St Cllnnl~ \'lllters has Toturn<:>iI from "Uary Ind wl\\m~ he IIl1" beon for '!.~el'ftl montlls :>Ir and ~!,.,. It,,r),,y Strlcld"nil vIs It"l In PaduI'lIh !i'OnturdllJ Th" Alpha ",I cluh mel In Bl'OOkrwrt Thursday afurnoon ,,\th Mrs Ruth Donlo, Thou ott"ndlnlf were Meldame. Ruh~ Orr1ngle>n prellh1i'nl Bl!ssle Cork OllIe ", HatUe B~"rll and Elol." 3foore "'Jr" La,ada norJ,.el'll vlslted R:lducnh Thune!ln KindlY' send all new" tor t!te Def.nder to\ 31", Elo!se Moore

PONTiAC 'Lc MIlL.. J .. ""le Briant ot Olathe 'KAo

Is 'Spend!,,!: th .. Tbanlul!!hllllt bo\ldal' "'tll her brother Ham I3abb. She I~ a succesarul Feilool teacher C:!o! t,.,,,," wAR In Dwll:ht Frida, nft"rnocn attend!",!' til" Poutln" Dt\ !ltht football I!ama Alm'7:o Dnrlon "'all In Bloom tnl'lton Thursday calUnl': on Crten<\s }trs Cta"" BOlden has ROM to Mil waukee to see rollath "I< nnd friends 'O!lvld Stricklin HPcnt Thursday here "lIh his famlh ann return.d I ... Chi

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Dec 8, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A4

I INOI won the game I to pi 1m c!l eb had a dlnD~r Salu Tbe 1Illutonar; eocl,ry or St, John" Bap UBt ehuf1:h ClIVI! II v IUcceQful dID neT Tha.llk • .dvllll\: ~ E C Hamil Ion bad the misfortune or b~llklnl a bouI! Iu his ankle 'l'hankac1v1nlr eYl!nllllf all he 8t~pped acrosa some wllter Charles Penn ot ~ound CIty ~ IAIt~ our elly re~b Company F under tho mb anaaemelll of Mts M .. llsia BlltM

eld .. dlnn.... tn t II 13laelc bulldlng Dee.) Miss La"I.. n.1l & tea.ehtt of Pulaakl spent the ""e1< end In the clly Mrs Gil '1rla lila In h'" re turned tbe ly for ..... Indeftnlle ... Islt. Mitchum lJrol.!lere eondueted .. auee.nrlll ""rnlval tn tl" ~nn \lulld InC last we

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Dec 15, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A3


DECATUR ILL.. lll"", lAw :'I!cn"ynold and M.... Ark

nil' .."., \1I11t1n(e the ... eek end In Chi ago The JubU .... sine ...... of Fl.k unl \ ('t"If 1'\' Ii&n~:II thf' Con:1" $:':lt ('na .. t ut,,1 r"""I1U) !I1b •• T uel e Dn!;" cf 1.ln<:<>ln nl ~l>I'nt ThanksJ;l1n« "Itb l>Ir and :\t .. Itot t Pierson lin< Wblt m<>r .. and _ iAn I. """nt Th"nk~1rl Ina:: \i¥ltl= trl .. nd~ :\Ir and lin John Thoml ""n ha~e I'urch • .....t a n"" home on ,\ F ....... .n A"... 1I1.... Ada Glass

l~nt'!!l:i~~:Fn.:1°:1{e ... ~,,':.':t~ r.;"'1.0:~T <of loll.... Duk.. ;Mrs. Jam.... Smith of :!II >:1"" llo llr" Ch .. mp the R", and :!lIt" Sha'" and M .... Tate moto .... d to thl' elty from Sprlng1\"td to '1~lt liTO ~m th • n"pb"... Gu, WUhlngton The " .... k lot thl. ,,<tete Is !of ..... J" .... loe John "nn )Irs Parm HenMl Itohlnson and ,-\1 5 ~1 .. lIa Walt"n :Sin< 411 .. Go"'a Rnd ",.... Barn .. tt entertained "I h a 1 n:'da l>Ilnl n honor of the dnul1h ll't 1I11"s Alma Tat" and :\t\ss Arlfi3 "ad.. af Cbl<'Allro ... er<! ,1t1ltorfl In the <:In Than1<~gi 10.1: da\ FI .. 01 Smith and Em.".. !Ifill.. or t:rhana ~pent ThnnktICl\ Inc In tbe e1~ )tra Unset £:handlcr or Chlea..., 11$ '11th lIS 1I1rs. X"nnl" "'lilt.. for two ",.."" 11 Iss :Ill drNt Ru .... ~1\ of Indiana I:; "huUnt;; It .. r "i.tIt.... MI... IUrl'lett Russell Han ~ "orml"~ and Robert Ro~ruon nr SptinJ\1l .. ld m ... er .. th .. guest .. of MI.... !ltldl'ie Phenx and !I:<mn Stubbs for Thank"J;l1n« Fred McGr"COn .. nd Robert J'llttl',.,..,n att .. nd.-4 tb" <I.nee In (:hllmJ)allrfl FrIda)" nigirt If......,Td Wlnnlnp ot Bloomlngton .1& tted In the clt~ for a. da} reeeDUy

ROCKFOFlD ILL. )II...... :Ma.ttloe and <::a",,~ Gray n"'"

Of Chl<1ll:O lQIf'nt 'J'lt&nk~.lntr with their ..... renUl lit. and :I,", )tutln 0 ... , !.tra Annie :MJu'e"llul; lS""nt lbe 'U" .... k .. ne! In ChICllC'O "biting ber blU! hand Thank..,:i Jng .... "1 ...... _"re b .. 11I .. t J'l &rim aeBt Baptist <:harch aft .... "hleh dinner ....... """.-4 Tb" Ese .. l t;J<>r Llt"rarr "ll1b rfl1d .. ~ • r""crflm on Tbonluq;h1n,l: ", .. ulng B C 'War .. 16 pn:a14omt. The R... W R. Jnek ",on fllM'ol a r .. " da)-. In <:II cal;<> on hul'lnl'as.. 101n> 1I1a"/" Tlsd&l" and "frO! Ak"n moth .. r and .. Ioters (If :!If .... nnbert Ti-dal" .... m 1\11 ..... In a f"" da ~ fnr fhf'1r home In Al .. bama. :!Itt ... ctarll .. Lyles M .. ae her guf'st h#r mothf'r :.I.... Beat lofr and lit ...... )'.Mln Ora ... entertain"" at Tbank1ol;l ... in"" 41nnM' :'fr and "'n R. B lAm-n" th" R~' and M~ ,.., R. .Tacke on Mol' .. nil. ltrft. n. n GOIII& and llrs I C. II Ull4llUlOll

STEATOR ILL. ~'1c .... at th .. Sfocond Baptist church

, .. re ,.,,11 attended Sunda:\: and two able .... rmonft .... er.. d .. II~"red by tbe fllUf10r Ih.. R", W C s"rol"" 1.­G boon or QttaCa .. pent Thanlall;tll1nc ,.Un Str ... tor fr\enda It.. and lIra CI lI'ord !I100re are the proud puent!!

~~'::m::~~r'1&..'::~I"~ ~ ,:: Itlnr: Id. IIlIrter ?ot ..... Kalle Robin" %1 S IllInoIs St. 'TIte :a"lbel A.. :\f E .. hurdl I. J1ml:l"'~nllr nle"l und"r th

1 ... ~I'tI~!il~t tJo ~"Lu~'S!U~~.!'-~or .1t........ 1\ lu Ja me ,l:uest (If h~r <hunter lIn< 1\ :Io[ 'Wallter SOl E Hlclcorv St Th .. R<l" l 'W K .. lle ... of th .. A :M E. .. burch ....... gl~en Quite a '"'11'rI ... lllot "tonda, " ..... nln,l: b the m .. mbnM Rnd fri"nd. nf thl' church 'lll'ith .. pound 'P'U'tv Th .. Rev 'W C !l:prol"" bas ""en on tbe FI"k IIftt, but IF mud mp1't). <ta !.fra Ruth !Ir .. nue! of Sprlng1l~ld """nt the Thnnk$C'lvlnl< h... d:t " ... th ::Itn Hattlr Tholllaj! of ~ 0'1,,1 S !\t...... 'Fl"t..e"I~ Hal" anj lit.... Rnberta Blanks ,I-Ited relative In Chl('R.l:1l and Oan Ind ov~r Thank",",lng !ltJ'lI Lui. William" 910 1': loJaln St. halt moved to St. :lola,.,. s hO"ll11a1 to undergo .il Tel') 5erloU9 op

ration For the ClJlca",q D .. fcmd .. r 1 hnne 03" "tr and lJrs. W :If n~ ~ ,I.lted Telat".... In ChIcago on Tban~rins

PONTIAC 1t ... L.. Mis. LOul.... ""tcher ..... "t '

J;!\in~ In Bloom I ston .... ltI !rlend~ "nil relatl'''11 "1Tl' Fannie Pier"" oC l'foorla st>~nt Sunda ,.. tl> h"r paTent~ :aIr anil 11." Hen" B&.ru,,11 B C. C Ttl" of'o ""'s l .. re "'Iond& .. a 1 uobl""" mission Darow an 1 Alon"o Barton ar .. tlPClldlng the "".k In Bloomington ""e. friendB !11J'5. AUe" Ke'. ..aterta.ln"" a numb", ot friends Thuma ."enlnr; at Bond a meate!" MN<. K"n; ""'I"' .... to .. ..turn 'to h"r "orne In Dow llIe in a f,," da) ~ ThP offlee.NI and members ot Bethel A :!II E church ha~e &rr.lngemenls aU made fOr th~lr annual opossum and chicken pie .... to;>cr to h" h"ld D~ I!. ".... Je. I" Brl~ht and )/10;5 Ada \'Ii all~ .. a.cl1~ In t h.. 1'IIblle ,"cboola at Alathla.. Kan~ nt or !II'< ndln!! Thanksgi\'lbg "th nun Bub,., and ramlb '" ent " C.1c.1.l:o <:,,11> <la morning en route hon I) Artl ur :.III t 'VllIlllm Do,. ........ and wire ""re 1''''' "enllreno for cblcago Sa.turd'l) mornl"" r lit Lo"T\ pref'l'nteG Be hel ,}. "t E sunda" "ri1Oot' 'tIll an orr;an !ltr .. Hu~1 Cralf; of :11 1""uKe" s ~pendln" FOm~ ~Ime "lth r"bth,,~ MI s Rim" P~nn a.nd h(r unele LoulA Jam" ..,.n .. .,r.. In Fa rbu" Ii 1I e ",uellt. of fMenils Thunila) ::lIT and :lolrs. Dan

:lI.,o.ln (It Falrbu..,. ",en. entertaln.-4 nt Th."kwr;lvlng dinner .t the borne or :lotT "nd :\f"" CIa",n ... " Tin.le~

COLP ILL :'1I11111'1! AUIIUn and Baxter l"a('bera

of Altue.... and " IU'Ihl~on ""hool " ...... t Tbanlull;l. Ins In the m.,lropoll"

Th.. il'" 101r "'mlth of :'Iarlon "" " Coil' _1sltor FTIda)

.. ..;h:~:lnft ~~:t"~J:t ~J~;b J~' The Jtc J (l Da~ls " .. lOT :M....,. Ruth Cald" ell 1.. Barnett. II

~~f,"", M~Z~!·~ 0 J:tltt:~B l. B~Y 100 1.. T .. nd~ L 'lI'tn At ..... t.'" Cld lIa "'I Carloonda e lU... Clara Kirk :Marlon and !llIss Elizabeth Do~d Murph) .l>oro Local talent lO.1lIO r"n d.,red .,s.,,,Uent iii< n Ice on the pro !;1"3m lit.... Orace 1"'0",,11 I. to tlub

llut In Atlucka school lIOOn Pr n 11 \\"ood. "Ill at end II. eon enUon n""t "e"l< The Re and lolrs. BI'&lt cn til"" ,,·turned from "'etropoU.

L Webb "pent Thanktl&ldng In :\Ie tropoU. laldns relatl,_

SPARTA ILL The Rf!v D A.. Latonl.. pIlslor of the

F'tnIt Baptist church left for the gen eral confer .. nc .. at Raleigh, N C The Mh'lIeo M"lba Keene and Nt'tio t"acb .... In tbe public scbools. ha e .. elurned

10 the r ",or1< afle. a \acation "pent n lSt Lou 5 and Alton The a", C \ B 0 '" a4drellS"d tb .. BCbool eluaes

last ~Iondal at the Brnmer 8ehool Attorney.J D Allen "pent last :llonda In the eouth .. rn l>Ilrt of th .. state Th I" .T .. mes HIGgins and" Ife Are dolne n ,,<'ly at the I' e",ureh Presiding Eld~r Bra\\ n pruch .. d a ooul 8 Inln.: ""rm(m last Sunda) befor" lit larc., ""ngr"p uon :II.... Blrt e :!.forrlson "oodll .. n ('ntl'rtnlned ChI' I'n"lor his "Ie and the PI' ~Idlng "dt'r a ~upl>er lut !I1on cia :'I1<'rg,,1 B ... rd and Della Johns!>n "'"r .. marr.d b) the R. :'lr nh:l:ln~ on !l:o' 21 )Ills. Lula Robinson of :-.lew Tork "IIP.,.r!d at Be hel church

~"":~~dl~~~:r" ~ ~~~.~~d.:.rp{a~i1 re !:Uesls at dlnn"r last Sunday at

~ ~:'Imgj-s ;::;:nW~':: ~~I~:ble ~~ Ie Qut again The ne~ and "trs. H C. Burton are ort:. on lit molor trl" through \.be l'tD" The Re. Frederl~k Dougl .. "" of Baillmo.... lid "aa the gueRt of his "Iner M.... Hudson re .,,,n ly Th" ne. J H HI!:CIns hu purchued a nt Ch"\'TOlet .. edan The

.,un/:" P<'Dt>1~ or Ihe A. :\1 E .. hu,c/l aT" pr .. p&rlnlr ro. a ""nderful ChI' 81 matt prOJ;t1lm .. bleh ... "m b<o din ted h I'n>t""IIOT Allen and ~tr \\ IIBon Th" He F B FT .. pch pastor of th" x .. " Hope BapU~t chu",h 1ft .. r~UnJ; a IaIl:II ne .. edifice )Ir and ~lu JOhn nuf()rd ha~e purch",,!d a new Oak and "utomohlle !II rand 1If,.., .T n :e.fadl Mn ~nt .. rtaltleG lit dlnll"r th .. Re and ~lrlJ. Hh:llln" Mr and lIlra :Sora Jon('O of carbondale were J;'U"" R re eenU.. of m .. 1r 1100 and daught"" :.Ir and kriI. Raun.hI

PARIS ILL Mr and Mrs. Jo"eph )loo4y N Main

" anno"n<'" the enpgement .. t dauchter Charlotte :'I!al') to Allen E !\10Qft or St Lou... Mt"" Moody I~ ~"I') prominent In Paris 50clal e1ffle~ and I. n talent.-4 mul~I ... lan havtug snduated from the North ""tom Unh erslty of lIuBle 'or"otern TolI\ er h ... returned :'ome a n .. r a "I ........ nl ~ Islt In PrIne .. .. n Inc! lilT and :'II"" Donald E

Brown llr... lind a' manton and MrF \\ UI am Stull I'lttended the X III C. formal '!>an... In Terre Haute FTlda ... ~.... 'W f11lam Hn1' HlpahlTe hu 1.,,".-4 In'ltaU!>n,, rOT a h rtbday '!>arty tn h~ chen Tu sda~ c "n "Ir at her

orne In Lln""ln Sf lUS8 F orence R~ anti :.I1~8 ("..ell 'Williams spent ThanloiJ;! in!:, In he .... It)

HARRISBURG ILL. The Card club held a part, at the n,,'" hel on E Locust St. ,"""entl~

ttr:;.0m;A:C\~: 'l:';~~ ,,!'.~~e .. ~~r )~~d Olher GPOn;e '-Ir anti !lin" Georg., :ltr and Mrs John :l.lcGo"an :Ill' .. nd M.... Hope Junln.. "Ir and M.... Harn Burnage )11" and Mn; Arthur Jlnln" ltr and !.In H~nr" Garnet( "Ill Rm Blackman 51e 18. McGill Mr and M", Dob J.and,,", :'>1~" Ruh) Hn .... ard and !\I l1li Lena HU!'1;llns Pr.,~ldent J " \\"oot,," and :M .. naS"r Edd" Thoma .. a'" nrsanlltln/it .. lint e1a.... baseball lub for tl e Harrillburg fan.

SOAZ ILL ::\!r.!l Annlr n ::son i~ ("('Infinf'd to her

led Th" Re' I Jenkins Is on th .. sick n.t. :u.r and lIr. Jam"s I...,,. s hne a nne bab girl Frank D "011 h .. s arrll ed home from Indiana poilu [nd Luther CrollSland left for Joppa .... here he .... 111 ,.ork f<>r a few dalB

GRAND CHAIN ILL )Irs ~\ 11 " Dunl!tp "nd daucbtu

:'1,.,. Blanchle and son Bedfo d of C,lro .... ere here recently on bu \n" •• ::Ilr PrI,,!lard .. ceompanlCd them )lrH \ ernl .... " lloort' te"cher of For""t " "" chool ~pent a jo OUS ThankSl{1 Ing at

lome TI e ne :'lr Ta~lor l:t I" n ('mp 0 cd .. s pastor or h ~Ii"~ onaM fUlp'.lst church He h~ld ",.."lees here Thanl<"J::hln~ and the fc> o"lng Sun tla He antlclJl3tea brlnglnl\" his {om II bere In the n~ar futur~ :\1 ro;. Tom m. :'.Ial Fleming" of Frankl n Tenn "ho hag I .... en the J;Ue~t of :'>1 .... llary :lo1 P.a1UiOm and {3mlh tor :. .. I .... t t \\ 0 ... " .. k ... has ... umed hom.. The nieces of Mrs FJ~mlna Josel hlne and Er nesUn" Prit'(' a ~ompl'ln ed he.. I ere and an at "nd nb hoo Tl'sldlnJ;' Ith lb,,\r aunt :Ita,.. :'II Ram",,) Johnnl., \\: allbum '" bo tlas »"en n C'h ca SO

Ioited II. pare ts and other "'~I"t e$ her AI",. Bryan o( E;1r\e Ark "am !1ue looklng for " on land H" lin 10S8ted some land and Intends to mo e his famU} to our ne ghlorhood Josell LeWis Sr Is, orklng" llound. lIIrs. ,o\m .. nda. LUO) ac.,oml'Hlnled I y ber fdud !\Irs. llar~a Hope ent to Ca ro to the hO"pltal Tbe <loG bite "he re ee ted lti causln; her a gre"t deal df trouhle. Wss Rachel Taplin ot Olin • "nd cam~ In "Ilh a Jl3T ~ of collon plantcrs She rf!'tUI"D"d to Olms .. ad and the rtmalnder of the par y "ent to

eUopoli Th" Tle L U ::II cr t>f ('amer II Ill! 1"'9 or of Ihe,}. )1 E 'lurch Of Olmstpad as I "r., on the

IIrht SUndil) n Dec"m~r The ne J1ernls AI en", orth wa" n a~ from the c ty Uto lIrat Sunday In December

MOUNDS ILL. M "" Pearl Johnson and l\Iesars.

Johnnie Thomas and Fred Ham" of Carllond'll.. "ere t1 e R'UeBts of "t 59 Ruth FIl1:hugb and !lIr& LI \Ian Rus ell on Tllnnksgl nil' da) :\Irs Ie! I

Cia} motored <do '"II ,,11h :'>Ir '\ ance nnd chUdren from 1\letropoll.~ III and en Jo HI Sund'ly <1th her motber And man~ frl .. nds. !II.... .lennle !lUlie, hru returned Irom a dellghtiu t\\o months _islt In Chleaco A InTJ:!e numb r of he n embers ll1 St. Paul A ~L 1:: hure! llceompanled th" pastor tbe

n .. , G T Ham ton to the qunrt.,rl~ m.~tlng ", .... 1""8 at \\ ard chape In \..:alro m Inot ~undal at wb cb tlm~ tb" Rel !.Ir Hnml Ion del .. ered the .... rm"n P..-tn CIlJ,ert conI nu~ ~~I') I at hla rIO den~e on Elm St. II sa

Ruth FIl1:hugh .. nJo, ed a .asunl ~ t In Carbondale r<'e"o I) ThomaH Crc.'" of C .. ntralla ~p .. nt he <l<'k end .... 1 h hl8 molh.. and olh... ,.,latl "" nnd Ir .. nd. Doul;las~ blgh ~('hool llukl>t I all \t'am 110) ed Attucks ~('hool In CarOOndllle Frida to cht... The "core

... " 4 to 3 In fa\nr of thE' latter !II .... c: th"rln Hutchln.on ho ha" b •• n ~".ndln~ the fnll month .. In Sl Louis :II.. Ith h .. r daushl",. 1I1rs Ida Co I" l:uo returnl'd to the "It) A IIlf1;e num Il .. r au"ndHl the m""tlns or the Ro at Circle "ed"cSda~ "'''nl~ and" '(sH'd In p~rft'Cttnl" the O't:'ln za Ion 'Th n", J H !l:nrth I. pr ... ld""t of the o e :\1..,. B .. U., !II D.> Id "I>n h .. ~ .. n In Joppa III " nit I'> Ihe d .. ath f I ~r Ft .. p daughter h"" returneil

10m" ::11.... Bertha Grier a 1nrmer t('ach .. r ... " In our ell) l&>t ,,,,.'k and

enjoyed a "lilt with her old chum. Mora. I"'''ntl.. Mitchem 'The Conqu"lt ot the Nations gi,en bli tie Deloa.rte c."" under the manacement of 101 .... t.:arrle Lo:o Hamilton WlIIH a lleauUful alt. r "I'd a .... r .. treat enjo)od by an u predatl ., audlen ... " at st. l'aul A. 11 1::. church st. JOhn l3aptlst church

r~~" aotS~~~""~~itl"e"Pt!';~b n~ih;{~~ In) ", enlnlf Mrs :!.Iallclt! EIIket eOD tlnuea III at her r •• ldence ~tro. Elhel HeadY IB numb"red ,,!th Ihe sick MIllS Mornn II 'eaeher of Lerlngs spent he ~"k end .., Ith ~l.... " emlcee

lloor" The Dream of Fair Women" vas repeal <l at Salem Free BallI at

churcb In Nor h !llounda Tuellda~ e\ e nlng John \l1n~ke who hU' been locaud In Col,,~ Is In t he cll~ ,Is I ng hi" ,if.. St John Ba1>tl .. t .. hurcl Is hOld III!: a ""rle" Of qu It ng bees b" In!:' h"ld In th hom .. " of th .. members I'rlday nlltht wa.' 8p"nt at the ..... denc!> of :Mro nadia ~lali belT) The folio .... ing om"...... ere "lee cd In the Hero In". of Jericho :!It " It Mrs Carr" L .. " Hammon S M ~{.... Ess .. Lotan .""notary lIlrs. Lula Kennison treas ur~r !lIn. Irene> CIA!"k Joshua Guy Barker I G K II rs Ethel HelJd~ and C. G K IIlrtL Serrean D~lap AI> ""Intmeals A~tendat ls !ltrs Radle "tayberry .. nd ::In"" Ona Walla aSh .. t llnt .rrretnn M.... Lula :lIcSeU dire<: tors Thomas Evans Ike .. toore nen Glenn and on;anl~t. :\tra H K. Dar kfor :.trs Hattle Black and Ilnmd80n Tlnc.. Johnson o( LftUe Roel< Ark sll~d Allen John~on and wlte recenl

I)' Pror H S Da I~ .. ho aUended he high oehool principals conrerence r~cent1) In Champaign II r .. port~ a \ er~ Interesting ft.,ss on Ale" Hllr rI~on a form". stud t of ltound. d ed n Madlaon 11 l:u;t .... 1< And was Ired In Toledo Ohio Lilly of tI 0

~~I~.~<!fi:: l6eld ... ~i:,bn::''!~\t~:r'!~onf,,~t In. " :\t C ::IT Ro)kln S \\ Sldn"~ Pulr:ley J" J T Chenault t ~asurer G G Blak~more Sf!o('"retary F: C Haml ton tru tees E ThomaJI n Plerc .. and It Pnor and C C K n ~on t) I".. PresIding Elder Smith p~nt a f ... 11.:.1) 8 I the" ty nnd at ~nd.d the quarterl meet nc .er 1""s

.. t SI.. raul A M E eh rcl Sund,,~ The He' J S Stone deUvered the aft .. rnoon ~""m(>n and :\ large It cr nf mf'mbers frnm Mo nd Clh and

Hl' In attendance Do .... ey Ch .. Of Chka,l:o lfi \- Ung the Chambll~s lam I)" hue Hugo Chnmbllss haR bet>n numb~r~d 'II h th .<1,,1< The folio Ing "lTt'r InM ".... mad relRtI c to the

11"" !l:o" C"hnmbllllR death article oc rrlnl" n last eek s edition lIn

ChambUs.~ "M n T~~ld~nt or Moundo TIl an<1 the funera and bud,,1 "8a h ld In b .. c t~ The $On VJn;U Cham II.. I" one of the I"""ent "Iderm~n

of the <:I l

CHE'.STER ILL :\(i~s Anna Jone>< or !II rph "'baro

1I1 spent ThanksClv nit' \\11th l\Ir and 11.... Nel .... n !\tcGee :\1 ~~ ~Iarl.. Ken nNl} r<'turned to !'It Loul~ af er \ Islt nl:' home {OUlS. The n"v "Ir Ora

ham rpmalns about the urn.. Mra Addle McComb I. confined to hfor bed :'In.s Katl" lIu"""'} returned :\londa) aner """ndtoll' Thanksg! Inc IIh her mother ,1ftr! fri~nrls In Carhonda 1.. m ~ ","u Eur If' \\e ker and J",,~ e ~ash In/rton 81>1'nt Thank~;rl In/:" In :\Iurph>. bora III The " .. re a~companl .. d home by Blanche

URPANA ILL .. Mr. Mary !11 teh. I ",If .. ot J'amea

:llIt"heU died rt'Ccnlh following an II n.~" ot one da1 D." Ih lIS dUe tn :t.JIOple" of th" bra n The dt'Ceasell ""all born U , ~""o and has II ed In thl" city about eo "arlO. Besld .. s hPl' husband shl' Is " r I ed by one hrnth~T .Tohn WMtt.,.,."n He's<:h~\l ~nd .. r on or Chk"JrO "1111 a recent viS UIlr dlh his nar ms ltr nnd :\Ita J ::Iloore Of [I bUn s nte the proud par nls of a fine bAh 00) Mra H3rr ett

Hnlm." ,,, on Ihc ~Ick lI~t :'Ir.... He en , "'-"" of Ch ('ago I~ 1,,1t ne; her "n" .. ln ~fr,.. ~ "lIa Balerr :'.1r. ~IRM Jackson

hI'> has bt'~n .. onfined t hPT home th line! s able to be UP again

on tbe prOllram were Mias Florence Fletcher Harrison FIlreJI LeWis White JOIIeph Wlnttr8 of Chleaco delt'kRt6 to the 0 de .. Boy" conference and Hornee ~el::~~ The Second Ual>t ~t c~urch

HODGES PARK ILL James Smith and daul;htor Beatrle"

of St. Lou 8 were the Rues.. of :'fr und ~ITS John ChamMrs. Th .. y also

Islted liT and Mre \\ J Sm th The e<ldlnll: \.Jc is cont nuo 10 r ng n this

c ty Another ".ddlnl( took nlacll at the home of 1111" and Mrs. Brozie Lalh am hen er sisler 31.s A<1ol Parn b""ame the '" Ite of !l:albanlel Saun d~rs The ceremony ,..a. perfo m d by C ny Harper justice of the ""ace Th .. N ck are M" Susie Co n& Jo.le" nl H " and Elester Collins !\Irs Ida.

" ad" rece v~d a m""lSa!:e that I "r dlt J:'hter 111... C.,..trude lII"""n "as : ~~;kln b~Il~~re a~wy MI1I. Mason re

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Dec 22, 1923; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 23

'·1 L L'" I N 0 ISS TAT ENE W S '1~~,r~:o:r3;." ~1.t':';"I:n,\~::~y JB~el~ . of Madison. Wis.. and Mr. Madison oC • ),(aUoon, m .• dropped In to \'I,lt wkh


The ft<I.1''a1 ml..,ttnll''' ~tnl: con­duetoll at "'a~'man chal.el hy ),11118 Jcb. , ...... )l)'lIcr of Indhuull"'U", la a ,;r_t IiU__ Dr. E- G, Colu,'lo.'"ton WItS

~ "U~d::~n~nll~:~~-;:S.!de't!"hl~°i.o~~ The·Dotn.""U" Art club tn"'- at tit ...... s· iden"" or :Mr .......... >4 "·,·cl ... 1:..,.14",' aft-",",oon, "ner We "UNU_ II d';lh:!it­ful luncl.eon W&II ..en...... )t..... Clara Gnl:'llb)' Is prealdcnt.. lotIMlda lola" :)!)'1I..r "ddr""~ a lar!:e audlell~ ot

"men at Wa),mlUl chapef SUM"}' &(UI~ _l100n. A lal1:e number of Ihe Xormal $!ud .... ta wOl"llhlped at 'Wayman ebapcl :5uo4&)' momllq;. ).In. l'r1ce conUnueli 41ulle iU &t SI.. JOlOet)lt'S hoapltaJ. Her a;l!<\er of l~n"".. ("II)' III .. t ller bed· ",Ide. 111'11. A. J. H"ndtniOo (Of ),Ial'k"t ~t. ".,.. .. r_nt '\'I~ltor In aal')', Ind. ;:.:oble Thomas hali returned from Ule Older Bo)'~ eonr.,renee., held In Galea· "urlO re<:<>nt.l)·. •

ROCKFORD, ILl... The R .. ,·. E. A .. lin/ilton \\'Ibon, '"

<l.'leI:Bt" 10 -:h" Worlll'" Amanc" in ~toekll"lm, S,,·ooen. I .... t tlUmmer. a4.

~:i1:e4 S~: ~~u~{ o~~u~~ple,.::~:: llil;bt "ad l'reaehoo nt W .. l'illi;rim Rest Baptln .. hurch W..un~)' nlRIIl. Dr. WIIMn I .. cr«!lt<!d wlt.h Ita"lnll' delh'­~ th" moat outlitandln,; adolTe..a at the aUIaJla. Charlc-" ,,'. Tal·lor. A menlber of .Allen chapel, ,..a6 l.orloo from the cbureh Salurda.... afternoon. llr. Ta)'lor ....... taken tt'lilM .. nly III' lI. ... ·.,.,k~. Seha:yler W('t.,'lInRton Is no· J'IOned Ill. !oJI ... '\'1111<' • .It rn~mber (Of tho ;:':atlonal ,~"mmUl1lty t;(01"·ice. Is I'1'><>n4ln£, • f.· .. · da~':' wit b :'01155 Julia Wrenn ..... x~tJ'\·o 5t«·r~tal')· or th~ Com ...

~~~t~~ ~~::~ a 1~~,,,~':.,C: "~~l ":i: AileD .. lIapel Frld,,)· nll'M. 'TIlj! Sun­da,· Be-hool of AlI~n """ wUl give the ehlldr"n and PE9111e In tile comnlU. nit)· " Chril<ttnad treat and tree CIu1"t- ' mn "'Ve. Th" cl&"ses arc llreparln!:, for tll~ p~m. lIrs. Lolu UoblnllOa. allpe.rintend""t. Of the 1S<:I110r d<:J1oIU't­mcn't. lrt chairman or th~ committee" .A Chrh.tmu program will I,., I;h'~n at ' tbe Commllnit)· ""nt,,~ Sunday after-' noon. T'l~ l:e\·. lr1tlnt: K.. .lJcrebRnt or 1'11"11 .;hal ",I gi,'''' the ·thlrd addrclUi .. ",.;t Sundak __ ''''enlnl; in til.. ..,..., .... '"The Four "' ...... e .. of ~fon." The sub­ject 101' Sunda)' IlI!"ht "'Ill lK' "Tbe li.lckcnl:" ~1l"S. Binii<' liarrlA, · .... 110 Is <'OnfIJI«! In SI... Anthon)"" ho:;pltaL re. co"ering from .. n 01>e1'lUlon, i~ ral'ldh' IIIIPI'O\,ln;:. Th .. ;:.:. A. A. C. P. ~<'Id ~t. sannat .electS on at .Allen dla,,,,' on Suncb.)· aft.emoon. Joon n. FaJri~)' ... ...., .. I~ed president: t'. \'. !tutu .. 'i~p~ldent: lire.. Rowland L. Smith: ~t.ary. and lIlrs. llenn' Garrelt. tr"asu,..".. A11"n eh:lIJd vO'1e) to ("On­"")' Ita "l'preclatJon to Prt'.id"nt Cool. !~tI fOr 111M &tand asainst I~ .... chitll; fn bis recent mcs_I;"C to CongT~l"."4. ..Jolin It. Fa.trl('y. S. Leo Lt-!<t .. r anfl Ron'}:.nd L. Smith ar .. draftlRG tbe 1,,1-~er lu Lehalt of the con~I1t1"n. Thn (;nltffl BroUlerl1OOd h .. ld u I:lli'lnth-; m"",tlng Wedn .. 6day nb:ht. at AlI~n "l1&pel. T!Je nul')' B«! An elub lfi pre-1l3rinr: for 11 .. Clu1sttUlls I",n~', to I ... heJd 1\t Allen ch&Pt'1 Dec. :fi. This club III c:omllOli,t'd of !lOme or the l~ad-1,: .... ·omm or the city.

CHAMPAiGN, ILL.. Luster Orak.,. I'On of Mr. and :\1 .....

'W. 1>1. Oralee. .ns E. Vine St.. anfl <::h" D1'llke left fo~ Chleaco. "'her~ t.'>e,. .... 1Il make their future home.. Lu~ter DTake hu bl'<-ft Ih'inl:; In Cle"e­land. Ohio. lor the pa .. t .. Ix )·<,al';ll. Miss <::Izludla ),Iae Glo,· .. r ... ntenaln,-.1 m at .a dinner pan:; t'<)('.ently,

KANKAKEE, ILL. :MM!. Carollno ~es l~ IU. ;:\11'11. 1'>la­

lind) :0..,1. I. better. ).lns. Ida GUl'St "' ... " a "lstter In ChI""110 r""ent.l)·. She also att .... ded tbe """"dlng of h.'T ,,1s­t"" ""hlte tI, .. r... WarreD Jonp.s I. Tis­HJlIg 1n elt)·, We f;Uest ot hia til""", !\Irs. ).lalon"" ~I .... , Oscar Bamf:1i b sUII <,on1l ..... 1 to -her home. Proteeaor aabe &1Id wife or ChlCligo were recent f;UM;tl< of ).lrs. Ugl .. tr..... Mrs. Malone was in Chlc::\&o T~ .. n~l)·. the !;\leFt of 11"1' Illot"'-, ;:\1 ... & St ... wan. J. C Drown and 11..... F..atl!ter ChMl!11>r "'ere !;\It'sta of '-1n.. EUls "'lntl,,l<I reremly. :'oltll. Frank HardlliOn Is "C!!')' ill at her home.. .:.I..... Paltiy Gr.oen 111 OD the ulclt 1!Bt..

HCDGEII PARK, ILl... noy Saund,,", has !'('turned home from

St. Loui... n.. ..... W. C. Cham!...r-s b~ld Wf>.M,·ic."" at '!.h~ !\'C, n .• -buTch l .. :.;t '\·(>t,k .. n.-,'. "·m. Cui .. ()C :lIIound <:'It,· h<:lrt Cluart"rh' mt't'tlnl: at sand"~k" .. M ltodl:<lS PllJ'k l ... t "'''ck. )In<. 'ilatU" l~)'l" ..,f )I"und ... 'lslt"d lIr. and ')lr~. '7. B. Kl·le..

CAIRO. ILl... 'TIle )'at .... \\'om~n's club ga"e a. ben­

efit ha.u.a .. nt A. 11. E. "hur .. h recent­ly. 'TIle .... nll" .. l .:iven 1>~' th Sumn .. r I:TRd"tI, of ",1,1,,11 ;:\lIS1l Lydill Amos III

fii~~~':~ d;;l<lft .. ~.T"T1iom~;, fl~~~~~ No .. "' .. re bu~lnE'f's "I"ltOMl her.. .\\Ion-"a~·. lI1nI. T"""it' Smllll 1'1 .... "'·en III. :lI1rs. L<.oo,1a l)':>eal h"" l ... ..,n <'Unfln,-d ~" b,,1' room for a f.·\\, da~'''' 'Th" (.tlr 1I:Iv<'l1 at l.."th l't. Ual.tlsl ehurch und ... r aU>I,I<-.'$ or ti,,, ~''''In~ cir('t.· w:t:< a lnI~ lUll! noo '\\'ll' rnl"'ed. TIlt: IIrlzl'. .. ""Id bra,...,l .. t watch. WII" WOIl h~' lll .... l .. i~ L"" Crafton. The Bun' \\'"rk" .... cluh uf A. ::\f. E. church met ;.\1'Jnda)·

~t 1.'hn!~~m:'n'df $~~. ~i;:.~t,,"iP·l~;~J~~ rark .a.rf! Iw'r~ ,~b·ilJnlt' lb.'lr dauKbtt""T. "tl~~ 11. L"IItI. )11'0. I.lnl .. lu,lIin5. ror· "",,.h· or cairo. -dIed In Sandu,,);:,', Ohio. The hod)" was brouaht '0 ~tonnd~ c .... mc­tert' illr burial. lIlu. Cltrrl" U.-II \'In­~nt oC Elkhart. Ind.. alT!\'ed a fe ..... 411.),11 .1t0 tn vlslL lIer moth"r :lOd otllt'r l'clath·CII. !lIadan ... Dolll:lnS of S1. 1..0ul" lett tor \\'Iekllll'e. Ky. At II rn",,~lnll "r the t .. mples ot 5. )1. T. "II of tJlt· IIres­ent nrln('_s "'ere .... - .. I"ct .. >d for all­oth ... U'm. Dr.;;. K. \VlIliamft. FUI,reme maRt.,.. of the Ro~ ... 1 Circle of I-"rlt'na ... 18 here. Th.. Par"nt-Teaebero' ",,50' dation of Q.n-lron h .. ld .. m-.tinl>' Fri­cI.y. ),II'IJ. FAmonl:l. \\'atkln~ 1;3,'e an addT4!f'''. Ttle llrinell1/ill. :\119£ A2::I.iln SDmn"r. p",,,,,,nt<-d ..,.."b t .. lIeb .... wltb a 1I<0ld I'ln. 'TIl" l>r.,~l<lcnt. ~Ins. ·Wru;huln. ... 1.... 1' ..... 1>1<2" .. t. 1\1,.... '''ebb. and :-.trs. 'Wade ,...,..., ~"'en half a. doz~n "II""" !~~ :i.('!' .Jol·h~~l'tTt'y ~~G'!:*':; J.tuon!..

MATTOON, ILl... X1M Tbelma Robinson or Lent:!. w:lS

• bu~ln.".., dKltar In the dt~· on pat­tlrd!!)'. lII'l" .. HattJe Smlt.h has returned trom Smlth\·IlIe. Ky.. "'ht!'re "he hns 1_n "IFIUng tor tlle pan tbr"" mont.hs. :)1"-,. liAri')' !.talone. "'ho lUIS l_n ""1')' ill. Is abl" to I.., Ollt. Little ... Gw .. n­doWn Gra}'. ,,1.0 hRR ~fI III for about 't"'o "· .... ka. I" able to bot up. ltr. :and lim. Harold Hnrtwood o( ~okomi~ ....... 1'" the eut'1ItJ< 4f ~lr. anfl ;.\1 ...... Cha.~. l\lllchf'1l reej!ntl~·. Arthur AndeNlOn bas J"t:turn"" from CI.IC-al:o. ,,'here he 11." be~lI "Mttn", hl~ "Isters. )lrR. Anna Bradphawand .Mrs, G,..,rge J"""I". Th" l:J'Il'tr,'am ~lal .. lull of the A. )t. E. chur,.h held" "Pt'1!!..'T ~e "t th .. r!~u.!!:!!

____ __ ____ the membel'll and made a tew remarks

(On Thullrda)·. E. C. Phllll,.. ,,_Ind I iU;"ed to hi •. home. '. Charles Powers, the fi .... t prize, he helng tl.e lut pereon Jr., or Duquoin accompanied hia to mla & word. and :II",. Mal')' Ander· n"phe\\', ClIrtord Bank •• to this city (or 6O1l ,..,.,.,h·ed the boOby 1'1'12 ... ab" belnl:; an extend .... j \'Ish. Jess. Lone;. C. J. the first penon to ml .... a word. Eliza Kincannon and 1Iiaek Pudue, \\'~o I1tO n.oll. who ha" 1> ..... n 111 for about tllr"" "mployl'd In }lloomlngtoll. moo are mDnth ....... ontlnu' .. to gl"o\\' \\'orse. ~I..... sl'endlnl; the week·end at their hom~d. Alice WII""n 11..... ..etumed from)1t.. Gr.andmotller Manln. %Z!l X, 13th St.. J'ul::uJtI ..... h~..., O!h" was called bl' Ih" .-ontinue. vel')' III. lIl.... Port .... Beek tuneAe of Mr m(\t11er. The ne,'. W. J. of DetrOIt. !lllch.. who I. "IBltlng lit Olh·.,.. .... &11 an .I-::a..t st. Loul. ..Ialtor Ihe home of lIll's. Clem. I .. 611;::lItl)' In­l .... t ",..,1<. Th eA. 11. E. Sunda)' sebool dlHposed, )tn<. Clark, 1717 E. lUlIer ,,111 RUg" th" canl~ta.· ''San~ ClnUIl :)t.. Is ,'el')' 111. Her dausllt"r. MI'lI. and the Sp!r Queen, (On Dec. .C. The lUlUe Llndsa:;. of Chlengo. Is attending Book .. r "ao;hlnRton Cl,'I", leoG'1le "'as lieI'. ),I..,.. Ollilon Is In .. vel')' pre­orgll.1lbed ,,1lh "1'1.0& Quar.~':1 aa pre81- Ci<rloull condition at the home Of lIer dl",t: til" R ..... ~\'. J. OU .. er. secretal')', d"ugllter, ll..... O. }o'lon·lIt". Henn' nnd Charles ,\ lI1'1On. trrasu,:er. :'oll'5. IUloden. ,·t"Ieran undertaker, died Hun­Lulu Tr .. nt h"" heen nn the sick lI"t. dQ)' morninG at 11'1" resldf'nc .. or llrs. Jo~"1>b HJldlpr "lH'nt Tut'Sday'ln Cen- Woolford. 3:8 W, Allen St.., Ilft~r a ~~la :~~~~:/1:.nteca;=~nt.!tQ~-:!~ 1I111;'erina: IIIn9... For more th:m nine A number <>t ladles "n&;11s .. d In eel .. b .... t. n:!unth" h". t;.d been II. patient at Dr. Ing the blrtbda:; of ~fn;. Maggie :o."lek- Kennlbl't!\\' 8 ,!1OJ1pltal In J .. "kson"IlI". "ns 111 the home (Of ltr ... Eliza :'oIltt'h~ll. l!r .. nh~en, at the time of hIs death. .A moat pleasant l'aturda)' aCl"rnoon ".all 61 )ears old. ltD. Goldie :Olerrl· wall 1I)l(:Jl( In \'Islonl;, Lt.lwer Duram. , .. ,atiler, or Galeshurg, Ill ... Is a. guest a .maul'l"ur or Aurol'll, was a visitor In Ilt the horne ~f :'ot, ... L. LeWIs, :::.. lU!, t.h .. ell), w""I<.__ ~;;w;~~·.,~::':i!rl~;~"t:h~ J.'O~. Ii:

NORMAL. ILL. ~:~~~~1~~r s.M~ieri~~~~"'cel:~~~~ Thl! 1. ,So ~. lJ. students' entertain. tll~lr 19th marriage annlversal')' "'Ith

ment pro"e4 .. ~at success and .... e 1 F Id Tl "xpect l ... t1er r".ults at th.. "hlck"n a d nner )'Iarl)' ray. lose. prebent sUIJpU. Dee. 16 \'1111 heqnnrterl;' meel. "' .. r .. ~lr. and ).lrl;. E. B. Smith. 1.lo)·d In;;, Re,·. W. n. nazle or P..arla will f,~:~[f'::k. ~r~u:V~~~, ii' i:!'J~eJn:t;: prear.h at :I p. m. He was pastor here Sin h • '-, I \\'1111 '-'d 20 ~· .. .ars fthO and the ftre ... nt ftll~tor 15 • u; tor, .no. • orr • nm&. Co w. - ,. EI ,. IIngen. Dert Singleton, P. Smlt:., It. B. III" daugbter.- l'TuldlllG' d"r H, W·. Taylor, C. FI<!lda. F. W"lke'. J. White. JameJIon ",111 p ...... ch !J"re.Tuelil\.a.,,, De,,- }o'. Walk .. r, )Iar and liT •• B)Td nntl ~i!~~ or:[W~/lc:e~i.~~n;~r'"~~~')~.eC: C:ll>taln Cha"l... :l1rs. Ir"ne Smith. who Duff. The Re\,. :ataude U. Joh"""n W8" ~ri:.l~e,~ .~i" a~~n~ a~u~\.i~\~·s ~;';;: ~~n:~,.~w. r::~ ~~o~h!~"d0~:~~~~ E.. C. Youn/;. l7lG E. :'olo1'[nt A,·e .• en-the Ite,·. 1'>!aude n. Johnson motorl!d to tertalned for hE'r ,;ieter, ;\1I~s ltarle Peol1a I ... t \\ ..... 1;; and We're dinner KI"""nnon, wllb a dInner and theattcr l:1leeL- of th .. R .. ,·. "'. H. Bad... l13- 1"'>1), ~[onda)' evenlnii· ... C:lpt. Or-dUe don BradO!hJtw had a relapse and I.. :>mith has n~1I1gnecl hIs po~ltlon a~ .,.,nfm«! to 'hls bed apln. lin<. \\'. C. ..I,·rk In the om..., of thl! seeroJary .of llanon .. pent t.he ....... 1' In Chlea.RO with ~t~~::;.. ;:':lIne)' Crlppen5 of :lIetropolts. :;'.;the~~:;';!!:~~·urn!f3 fro~I:':'.~~~de:rU~ m.. Is \'lsltlnl; Mr. Rnll liCK. Arthur buntinll' trip. l.~rRe l ..... tterson anll Harmon. 1416 E. A~atns St. The ,,;fe hu,·., !;One 10 1.0uS('k"."lng at -IOu funeral or n. :II. Sum"an lind ramll)'. ;:.:. 1.llId"n St. The J> .. UersoIl9 nro ;:.:"\\. Yurk Cent ... 1 LImited \·ktlms. nt\l'I~'\\'ed8 and ;:\11'. Patt~r6Q1l is em- "':IS Ule Jnf'll'(>l!t ~ .. er h"llI In IhlR e1ty. ftlo.""d In t.ha Chleapo and Alton raU- Th~ pN:Jl;l'Unl romd.rcd at 7JoII ll:opU~t ,,' -.. cburcb b)' Gmce ll. g, church WIUI ... way .bop. ,,,u,,ceSB. .\ laf'll''' number or men we",

'InltlatMl Into the Knlllhts of l'yth.BlI i lode;e last Saturdil_}' nlghl, MOUND CITV. ILL •.

nlong- !:eneral lines b.rore bidding them f.r.,well. !lIB. J. E. Klns, Who hIlS b(o,pn eonRned tn her bed at her llome, $~G IOl!1 Ave., tor' tbe paat wree· weeko, lIas had a relalls(>. !llrs. !llYl1l Durton. ,0. mother or :llrs. 11. Gibson. 911 11th St., 15 Berlousl)' III at the \Valertown lIaspUat All Itope" for reco\,ery lIa "0 I.«n I;lvcn lip. Fred TUlln of Ced"r Itapldtl. Iowa; Is "Isltlng with friend:! here. Roht. 1I11tehell b .. s returned to bl" 1I0m,e In PrOI)hetstown, m.. ..fter Jl te,,' days' villit \\'Ilh MI'. and Mrs. Oscar Brown. HOG lOt!t .\ \'e. lItrs. Anna Griggs and lIer IDother, ~trs. :'lel­vi"" PrIce. 6!{ 10th St., entertained :\11'. lind llrs. Wm. OranGe of noel< Lolnnd and' 'J. B. areen of Da\'enport at a dinner Sunda)·. Mrs. WllllnmlS, mi.­~Ionlll')' worker from Tex .. s and­ing at th" Cburch of God and Christ last week, \VIIII a !;\lest at .. lunch~on sponsored by ltr. lind lIr .. It. H. ru..-ers at their home. 1l!1 NInth Ave .. Friday, :lIra. P. Huben. 115 ;:':Inlll A "e., enter· t"lned at II. dinner Sunda;' In honor. oC her slster·ln·law. ),Irs. I-'Iorence !otau· 1)ln, an.1 niece. BessIe 1>laupln. of ,\111-anee, ;:':eb. Guests were llr. and ;.\Irs. Julius Brew8't~r or Roek 181and and seV­eral out·ot·town friend.. The alieninG waa spenl In pl.yln,; cards anll danc­Ing. Mrs. ltaupln and daughter left for .Bueknell. 10..... on ),Ionday. en route to their home. :'oIl'!!. Ida Ea"e~, evangelist of Des Molne8. 10\\'a, Is !loldln!; re;;ular weekly meetinf;fl Ilt tho Apo.tolle mission, eorner Fifth A"c. and Ell;hth St. !llr. And :'Irs. C. Davie 31,ent Tuesday e,'enlng In Davenport lit the home at Mrs. C. ::'lny,,·~lh"r8. TI.e Pocahontas Court or Calantha bad ·th"lr elocllon of omcers thlg month. Eureka .:ulld. :':0. S. Ii. of T. CrllMde, IngtaUcd Ihl! following omcel's af<er tbtl re!fUlur. eommunl"alloll, D~c. 1~: Prlncp--". ,,&,,­taln, . Allee n. Ivy, - re-elected; Brut lieutenant pri~ .. es.. Eva. Gordon. re­"Ieeted; ~econll lIeillenant prlnce.s. Ellmbeth Golflen. re-.. leCled; IIrnt com­ml.""ry prIncess. U~lI Ta)·lor ... e·elect, ed: ~.c()nr! commls. ..... ry prince.", :11111')' Tro\'I~: aeere1nl')' prlnc~ .. g, Alia Coll'­man. r.;:.clcctcd; Il.9slstllnl ."cretan· l>rlnce~.... .Mrs. Scott. re·elect ... I; tre"'" urer I.rlnee",'. Calqult, rc-('lccted: ero •• bearer. Prince,,, Lee: Icsal ad"l .. o~, S:.mllel 11. Walkup: Insllle gentln~.I. PrlnceM I"incnr; out~lde 2tlntinf!l, .sIr Knl;;ht Jo!tn King: chaplain, l-'r!ace.~ 110,,"ard.

MOUNDS, ILL. The Rev. 0, nend ........ n and .1. C. ;Ste"le left Sund:w for ;:':orth Cltrolln .. to rl'pre~ent 'th... F,..,., Bal>tist thurch nt the ~n<"nd ... "()nr~:'Tence lh\!re. Attf)T­n('~' C. L. RIC'~ made a bu,;!nc." call iO "'feU'opnll~ and Carhondale. III. Clar, ence Park .. r "pent ~he 1"'lOt \\,I!'~k "Is­IUnl>' trlcndll In 8t. Lnul~. )1", ;.\lrtI. Skinner of Centralia I" "I,,[lInll' )11'. and l(TI!. Richard liourlnn. I'rof. nala­burton. lench .. r of Ln"cJoy Illgh ~,,::'oo!, ~JI<'nl Tlllink'Rh'lnf; at his bome In .·ukon. K)·. Prof. H. Da,·I. lil ... nt the \\'('~k,end lu 'Url>, .. ", at th" l."ni"erslty or nllllOIS on "u"ln('~~. lU.~t'M Ito .....

QUINCY, ILL. l[rs. Charl"8 Hunter \,Islted her ,,1,,-: R;:,·. Wilson of La Oran",e. ;.\10 .• "Is- tel' In St. Louis last. week. ;)1 .... En ..

!*,d~~:n:n~~t~ot~:m:.,~;~ ~~; ~bol'fI"r.. at Cairo Saturday. lINi. HlIlIIe llarker an" l',.". Blanche "'ebb motorl"ll to Cairo Sa turd,,~'. Those on tile ~I('k 11M "re )Ir~. Lillie :I!osIIW Holmes. Annl.. UlmllbC'lI and Fannlo! Duncan. AUorney C. 1... Rice left Sun­day 1>1",ht for Chi""",,, on lml bU8In~ss. <:. 1'. Wimams of C:ltro Bpelll Sunday ""enlnlr here ",·It.h !rlenda.

i ~t:~! ~·~~h ::~a~a:~IYa~a~~wl~r :'?dll~U~: 1:~tnS~e.,'\~lIer~~t~ s~~~~;r lo~~~~J~ ellu",h Sunday 'aCt"rnoon. ll ..... Hat- 'I very low. llr. 'VIIII"m5. broth~r or tie Lonlrrc"'I Is -"till confined 10 her lIn., Am), CroM. flied In pulukl las1.

,home on Il~OUnl of slckn"l'S. Rc'·. G. ,,'cek. James menn of Detroll. !\Ilch .. ! ~l,;~.this ~lr~{ :i{" 1~~~~'!,~ ~i,,~~: Is visiting ::'is brolhers. U. H. nn.t

Jt<!t'. J. H. S)'de". presldlm: elder ()( Allen menn. Granville \1f"lI!'Oon of !be th., Quincy dlstrlcl. held hl~ fl!1lt qUllr- 'D~tb"l nel;:hborhoocl, who had a .. troke to-r at Bethel Sunday. One hur.dted i o( r.:lralYSlls not long ago. I" nOl 1m·

i ""r! . """ent)'-elltht nenlOns took com- I proved. The no"'. G. "'. HamlHoll has , munlon. 'The prealdlnll' .. lder preached b~~n making his- "I~ItB throu!;h the two excellent "ermons. Rt-ports :<howed ; countr)' ~ho I"'st week a nd hAS added that mort! than 51.000 hlUl been collect· much to his convenIence by pu.chaslll& ed durin£: t.he quart~r. Squire Oavls .. c:.T. ArIzona chapter held regular Is 111 at the Soldiers' borne. A largo "I"etlon last .... ""k an.1 t~e tollowlnr; numl>er of. OUr s:roup heartl Go"ernor otll"""" "'ere .. Ipeted: \V. M .. :III'!!. Lulu. Small .. t Ihe armory Tu .. 5'la)l' .... .,nlng. Klnnlpon: A. M .. )!r ... Amy BI"k~more; The Lincoln 6cl!ool d"f" .. ted Ih" ld- W. P .. Ike lloore: trea-tlror, lI(rs. Ser-1 .. r~on school In a bask .. l ball j:ame rean '~"'lap: ~"ct'(>tal')'. lIrs. Ethel '~i:;!.~'is:a~IIJ3 t~~ l~hll~:;;: ~l fl~: Hendy; conduclor, :111'3. Fannie Rico;

S"d AB ,w ••• entertained at dinner h'.· A. C.. Susl ... Johnson: organlEt. l\Irft. ~ ,'u~ II. ;=. Barker. Douglass basket ball

;.\1 ..... !llan' Toun~. Che~tnut St. Rev. team played LIncoln 'team fit Padue .. h. lYcPlke, pastor of tbe A. :'or. E. church ~".. The sCOre \\'a~ ~:! to 13 In ra\'or or

1I1ETROPOLIS, ILl... ;It Palmyra. :'oto., '\1sited wtlh Re'·. n. ! .'I. L. DaUf'moll w". ~o untonun.te H"nlhaw recentll·. 'Irs. linn' E. Jack- Panneah. The "am .. was ,'ery nter­

as to taU "'hlle at "'ork In Brookport """ ltampsl1lro St .. I~ "lowly Impro'" .. sllnr; and largely attended. :111" .. Thursda)' .. nr! Was SO serigusl)' hu>1 in!:: ),Irs. Ruth Brown 1I1 .. ;o;'eal.- 71S Emma CI"monR nnll 111,.... Anna Rico that :, .. wa" hurried to the Iio.pltal 1n ;0;'. 2%d SI... Is Ill. :llr. and ;)1,.,.. TIm!!. wer" )fDunds .. 1~ltor.!i~ durin!; the we~k • F.-ducah' for an o""rallon. '1'11" neV. ~Iunda,· ha" as dinner "'u.~ls ;\Iondll~' ;)1..... L"ln 1.1'10 fimlth. .. drnmatlc H,,"l')' lJattenlOn ""nt to Paducah Sat- ",· .. nlnl: Prpsldlng l~l<l('r Sydcs. Rc'·. singer oC ClllCilGO, tendered a deU;;hl' unlav mornlnlt to xee his "on. :lIr", U"I'$t>aw and (amlly ao" R",·. :llm:reU ful \lrogr:lm"'!lt St. P:mh\. :\1. E. chureh J , ..... -t I I It! h h b • and tamil". !If.... n. L. Bem', '\ er.,. i Tccentlv. under the aUIlplces of. Com­.... .,... tel'$On ~ ,.. nl': er us anu mont S1.. "!I,lted willI her mnther. lIra!' 11'anv F, :lIn<. Cecelia. \"lIl1ams. captain.

at Rh·.-r,"d" hO"l'ltal. The foUowlng R. H. Donaldson. I'Jt l-!'ulsiRn:l. :110. Prof. !)"nl~1 JI>lInson. music Instructor 'teach ..... or lila"""" rounly attend..t the Bethel A. ~r. E. church .~ pl.'lnnln~ to or SUmner hlG'h school. Cairo. and Pro· ~tf:!;'.rs~~j;~':l: !~,::,t,.::/~ol~'\;;~id:XJ bel:ln rt:\1\'AI lien' lees In Januan', ! fessor n""d. 11rlndpal. h"d charse of O " f B k t :11-·" -- 'a "e~ Inter .. ~Unt: mnslc:RI and literary .• ,nn"" 0 TO:> por ••"" .,. PONTIAC. ILL.'" ftro..ri m at PIl'1:l'lm R<'St B:.ptlst e!turcll Kin!; and E. Ablon and S. Dau.:hert)' C. :If.'Lo\\T}' h~ been ~n the ~lck Th;;;;;da,' n!ght. Jc.~le u ... n of Ihe 1:l~ .. ;.li~!?:~';;· ~:::t':.d ;~:to~tc~t ~~; lI'l for ,..,mnl d,,~ s. ~. E. d H~lIIlitoD ruml dlt.trlct I.. vel')' ill. :'1(..... l'w'\dla First Ba·I)tI!<'. ('burch, filled his pul:.11 rNurned to Chlcadl:O IhU""h !I.) I a l~r :l.layberr)· made" brl"f "Islt wIth rein.

.p<>ndln;; several ays n tee t~· on tho ~. In In''k~on T~nn ~ 1... \" here Sunday. h".lne~g. l~. Steila Slrle~lln ~::I~ Th~'mRs of Olmstead Is se;I';uslr Ill:

DUQUOIN. ILL.. ~!r~.; ~~I~~:n';.~~ :~~ni.i';'.[~~~~. ~tl5S"" :'11'8. Idn <:raw(<lrd h"s ~on" to Knnl<~" Ceo. Persoll I>"S$~ .. I tllrou~h the elt)· H I:rrl~t Strl~k1ln and Loul ... FI.,t"h~r to \'Islt ber mother nnd. olher rel •• -

en route to his hom" In Carhonlla1e. ~p!l'nt Sunola,\' In Chico;" with friendS. Uv.".. ),11"" Tomill.. :llc:> ell. teAcher 1I ..... ;:':01'2 Howard and dauIChter were TI~ .. alUlu"l Sul.p~r j:1iv"o b}' the mem- of "lila Ridge,lsl'cnt a .1Ion 11me In .... lied '0 Jltd'I'on. TNIO .. nit ....... ollnt of b~..,. of D~thel A. ;:\[. E. church was our mlflst Ihls week-cnd. ;\11'5. Itoxlc the denth of ",Ir", Howard's brother. :'II. laTJ:eh' att"niled flnd wliN a smnd eu,,- Hill I. visitln~ her hushand In SI. .J. Bro,,'tI. John Brown was called to c.'"" . The Sllm of $&~.:!~ was r .. allzed. 'Loul". ::'In. lIugo CI"'ml>II.~ I.AS I,een !llollnds b~' th., death of ;:\1 ..... Brown's ;.\1;"': ;:\Iurle ::'lahuron. 1...,,,,16 I' nod 'numh~n-.1 with I~e sick. Lln':>nt Per· Flnu. :IIiH5 Clct .. Youn£: "",d" a trip Juhn Harbor motor"" 10 Dwight SuD' : kin!!'. tcncher or Lincoln 5ehool, Pn­to Cltrb<' III"l ~llndIlY. lIrs. Pearl ,I,,,.. ::Ilr. and ;.\[rs. "·IIt. Ilo\\'llIan aliI! <\1I('nh. I-I:y .. lind ro:tcl. for U", ),~.l<~t n",,"Ut I~ft re~ent1,.· for her hom~ in ~t''ihur ~tU1cr returned hon'tf!" ~undR~;" batt tcam or F:l:ld Jol'f/h901. WU!oI :1 tUnn..-!" r:l~n~... C<Jhe wn~~'ter 1!lnu hi{ h:t:d ~""1I101': "rt~r ~pl.'ndilll: ~"\'~ral days In ,"uest. of "IN 01<1 >,,,11001 rricnd~. ::Ilr. and I"l-~ ~ ~!~n'for fiot ~rln~" ~: Chlc-A!;t>. The lIon. Z. T. Trum]) ... for- ::I!rs. E. C. Hnmllton. t;nclu Andy Gil· R. -.,r and lta- Ward are ~'I-Itinll' \l,';lr ,mpr :tssl~Ulnt xuperlntendent or tbe hert Ill' on Ih" .. Iek JI~t.

'" '~:'o I f hi I" nllnols Scal", rdormatorr, "Poke at -- l ~~~fr·T~.{!;;' cJt'<2~t:l~~~~ ~~ I~j~r~~· Belh,,1 ,\,. ::It. E~ "hllr~b SUI"I~~: ~ .. .,.: GALESBURG,·ILL. Satumc)' .... ·h"n tbe minet':<' coachps ran nlng. "Imam. :-<om,:~' 1~le or ~'".!il \lr~ :'lr •. Suoan. Allen and I't'llnd.nn. ,\Ilen In,o un cn;:ine. The mck: .ltf"sdameS "-AS in tb(- <-Ii) TU"F 'l~\ ?n ad .11. 1 nes: 'F1<'mmlnf: .. '\·'~llCd her dt&ur;ht~r. llrK. J('~~Ip. \' ...... "11. J~le Bonner .nd l'tte w.!~~h"'. :'oIr""~~ind~;rrln '~:;'.,mlii~~~ 'Ethel Dnw""n. In it .... l, l.luml. r:O)'nc'" \"llliamf4)n and MI~8 GIa,:1~'" n. Frnner. ':li r on :tJ~ Joo B~1l T"tumt'd ui orch('~trn. "omp(l~er! of ;II""sl'>l. Ed. It ..... Cltrr"Con",rl o( :->O"11t",. Okla., ,r. an • I'Sd r 'dl'll I'a""" Harold Pruitt. l,lIw"l .. Brown. I~ here ,1~ltinl: '\Ir. Olh'~r and f!tmIlY. )'lIrl;nr{b :'o1~n,.n~~'I~h t~I:~~s n~h~.t~; H"'ro:d'lI,,n Imlt J".se Browll. played i\'l;"U;b~e'l1rJ~nCt(>:~te~ruI...;:a~r; thr!: c'i.~~~::<,,,, Arthi.r Tin"I.')·. who 'ha"s 1;"l.'n In ::I!u,r'"Une I"~t week. Jame~ Wng­month" 'f.~'re wllh h .... slt!ter :'otl'>! lla1'- "(:IT III fOT I'ew'ral days, Is ,..,pldly 1m· on~r "nd .nn Eu:;<,nl' mot,!r('d to Pr.otl1l "hal 01l,·,'r. U"'·. 10'. \". Aistork. -Ims- I'rovln",. The Rev •• A. .\. Lowry was , In.t week. :-1.-. and ll"", 1·,d. ::Ilnze lla"" f.or of the A. ll. E. Z. ellurc1l, who \\' ... ~ r"lIrd to Falrhul')' Sundl1~' afternoon to--: r~tlltn"r! 10 H"mmoll~. In.d.. after .. ealled to llontJ!omelY. Ala .. h('('au~e of conduct t.he funer .. l,S<'TvIcc ot tile child: .... 1,.lt \\',Ih llr~. ~!RZl' ~ I"'r~nls. ~Ir: iIIne.q of his CAlb~r. bn .. rdurnoo home. of :llr. and :It,.,.. 5,'1mn"l .laek~on. who and llr~. John r·lnl'~.)' T!> .. ~hool:; Rev. G. \\'. Dopey. 1I1l...! III:; pulpit ,,,,,,,.ed away very "uddenl}' on Satur- "i"t"r~ ~nt"r!"lnr-d 1, of the hnys dur-Sun" .. ~· lit :It I.. 'OU".. IltmUSl S"ufi,'h. day. In,. r"er~ntloll lIour Crom thc Old~r Cyru .. ,,'l1llamfl of .f'Itt~hllrt:. Kan.. Is : Boy~ ,'onfer"n('(', :.\\rs. )IRtlida Grepnc J:Uesl "C :II. Olin'r and oth"~ frknd5. GRAND CHAIN, ILL. i ~l'ent .ev"rnl dayS In Peorl" with her ;:\fln SarlLh Ern",n "nfl nunt. :llr,.. 'The Rt"·. 1\. T. TRylor and wlte. daul:ht<'r. :.r,.,.. Lena Po~"y, and her Thoma.s. ar" 1111.,"15 of r"In!"',,,, In Chi· lTn'. Elb ... , h""e mov"d here from ~I~t;'r. )!r~. nan. 111,.,.. g""r-tt :llut'· COU::O. ;:\11'5. Alma. K""""" was Injured Cotton Pl .. nt. Ark.. He hl\S been phy and d"u!;htcr Roherta h:wc re­I,,' a fall wbU .. .,...,sslna:: til .. railroad. el~L-t"" nR pastor for Ih~ ;.\1l"lollar), I\Irneli to ;\Ionmouth nrrer II "i"lt with ;:\11'. and !11M<. It. C. SI.rlnl'''' are til" Bn!.tlSt chureh' .s.'\muel 11'\'ln and finn· her ""rtnl". ~Ir. tin" ::lIt's. Albert "arents of a. b,>}' ~ ... b)·, It..... Della\\', JO"el.h TUTIII·dB with thclr Hawkin~. ll..,.. l..oln. n~rr:on anr! the' Bradford is tilek. '\ l\'lan Farris. who Camm .... h",vc mO"ed to lhls city from :'1;"'$(''' S:n\lle JobnAAn nnd Florence bas b .... n sIck. is 01>1 .. to be out. )ITlI. Palestine. Ark. Thr Re,·. Je .. ",,, IT. !<mnllev made a' trll' to Keokuk.. J. If. J. AlI"n Un'\'ls of Golc-ondll. (I),. "Is- ""'i~e left ret"nll;.· for I!\e llemphlll Johnson th" harber ::. .... r"tu-ntd rrom Itl'd lIMt. }o;U:ra lind Dals~' \\'eawr, b hili t I ~n "1 " "'1 I" sin' Ir! TI. Da.lS}' ,,"ea,'er Is authorlt~· (or a n<>'" Innrmnl7. wer., e \\' ~ a~' n.. n t\\'o .a)$ > •• t. n pr Ill'( e. e cake "'hleb ha" I_n nl'pro,·,-.1 by tbe .. ttem[lt to rea::ln his health. HI" Autumn I.ear dUll held lin o\d-fa,h­hOIl"'hold arts department Of the S. r. d:lI1l'lIter,· Mt'!!. :llnry ;,\1. RanSflm. nC- loned (all' at Allen .. hopei r~cnll)·. ;:':. 'U. lit Ca .. llfmdnl,,__ ll,.,., Rolen qI' eOml)anled him "~ far as Cairo. loins. ~Ir~. 1-;. 1'. SI;lnner entertalll",1 the lIut"/llll'sboro. !II,.,.. mila )lcClean df Amanda 'Utley, who Was ruc<!nti)' bit· Th!mh!~ <."11'('1" Friday. llrs..~. O. car\.>ondal... ;)Int. Tnylor, !II..... :-'1:q:l:lc ~en 1.y a '\0",. j~ Impro,·lng. Lee \Vashlnl:lon enlertalned the Autumn of Cel.,.. "'''re In the elt~· last Hooloer. W·. C. T:lyloh. J. "r. Carroll L.,af dul> Thul'!'d,,~·. Proj:1l'cs~I"e \Vom­Thunday to attend \ho district mis-· and A. L. Cruml' or Sikeston. llo.. en'" eluh will their huo.bnn.l>l slona., meet in!:. nnd Henr\' Thomas. Churle"ton, and ThursllllY. Dec. ~., at the lIome of Mrs •

,,'. ll. Johnson. PI1lest{ne. Arll .. are, ;\101U .. W"Ii" Cre".. 'Irs. Haltl .. Ltllle now In tile elt)·. :.Ill's. Vernlce lIoore 'cntertainp,1 the :lIIHslonnry sot!t"Il' ot of Forest View sellool "':1.8 f;Uest lit an I Allpn chllP.,1 Wcdnl'sthty. The T!limhle enlertalnm"nt Si""" In th.. southern drdo> \TIll hold their nnnun.1 dinner on part of tll" rount)· reeently. Nathan FrIday. l)ce. :!S, nt the home oC )Iu. )tllrrn)' of Fulton. Tenn., \\'ns & reccnt nlnnell.. E..'Isley. :llrs. [!~rtha Greene ,·Isl'.or In the city. cnleTlalned the P. W·, Tuesday.

MUFtPHVSSORIS. ILl... 1Uss alnd~'s Farrts of Duquoin baa

" .... n "l"IUn", friends her(>. She arrh'ed Thursda)', Dee. !I. Thursday .. ,,<>nlng lIhe "''as ent.rUtined at " whist I'art)· ;!I .... ·n b)' th" lIlb .. "·,, Hattie and Viola Adam" at tho homo of their parents. TUe.sda}· nh:bt II. l>'lrt~· was Riven at tlle bome of llr. and lfrs. Gu,' Allen In honor of lliRa !-'arrlp. \Vedn""da)' ..,·eninl1' a pnrw ... as j!1\'en at !Ill'. and 11,.,.. A. C. Bold .. n·" home In IIono" of lIll~s Farr"'. TlI1Ir'llda)' nl.:ht a fnr'!­wt'U Nrtv l\-aA.J~h~(ln in JIfJllor of lU!\,"C Farrts 10,: til ... !\n"~,·,, Rizzi .. and Carrl!' Ro." and Unttte and \'Ioln A<lams· at til" home of llr. and :'01 ..... llrn",,1 ProP", ;:':. EI"'hth S1. TlIO!'le vr""~nt at the part\· were lU ....... " H .. l~n Bat .. s. Thelma fllac:'l", ... U. Al:ne" no.tlck. Jna DOKli<:k. """1& no"U"k. Hattie and \'10111 Adlll1lll. Ki:7.ll' nnd ClIrrie Ro .... J."nnl" ltn~~. Urnc,·l I--ro.,.,. Co""n., Thomll~on. _\"101 .. and .1obnni.· K .. ,-ns: F.:lUs Farrar. ,,'. n. :tolartln. <":lrl Whlttfnl:lnn. H ... nl')' Jam"", K<'rn>,.flh<'PI"'m. ·Grlmn Duck­worth W"ll"r UtIle. 'Tht"" Merrill. A. C Bold,,;'. Jam"s h:ern... 'U1~·H"e" PI!Il~', Janie" Grcnmc alld Curtis Da"la,

FREEPORT. ILL. lIr, and ;.\Irs. J. B. OJ"ens ar .. the

\"l'f>lId puent,. M " baby ",ITI. J, n. fichul .. r haR arrived home from a ,'Islt I In Mlchipn Clt~·. Ind. Thorn.... Ate­~e~' p .. ""ed through here en route to, io,,·;'. Wm. JI.(.onl')· "'lUI called 10 t!le: hl'd,lde of hi" "Iel: math .. r In Al\'3n.· Mich. lin<. Alice CunnIngham sa'·o a "-uPI>'!T fl)r ~h" benefil of tbe C. 1'01. Eo ehurell. The Re\'. '''·m. H"~'DeIl "'ltl! eall~ to Chl<'al:o to a ehureh UK r"~t.,r. St. PAul ;:\tI.~lonal"Y RapU.t ehureb paid the la.'<t note on the chureh.

Autumn I.rne dcar,," t100 at tllelr olu-DECATUR, ILL, fa~hloncd faIr ant.! presented il1e trull-

llrs. Dr. AUen. )Ir~. ltulb Jolmson teell or Alleu "hap.l wltl! fSO. an" ::Il..,.. Jessie Slat.ll:;ht<!r are ellter~ , talnlng. for ",11." 8'~ory. :'Ilrs. Jesale --(;ARBONOALE, Il.l.. John~on. ~Ife ot Gce. Jullnson. pused 'l'be' Gold~n I.c. .. t cluh met "dth :'011'1'. awn,' T .. cl'rltl~·. ;)11.~ Aaa Glass l.a08';" C. t>. 'YII9011 llonrlay aflarnO()n and a 1\1\'a)' 1''''',,011)'. ::'If. and :lIn. FI~d '.wo,<:ourse luneheon wall lIe .... ·,,'l. At phMni:< nnr! nallgllh'rlI. ll\.... :llndse rhl" rel'lllar m<'etln" or ::'Iarion eh,,,,ter PhoenllC, :111'8. KeUy. lin. Lower;·. nnd Tu".d,,~·. Dl'e. 11. th" following officers lfr. I.o,,·el')· motor~-d to SllTlngOeld to were ('Iecud: ::'tatron. ;\Irs. Roen ... "'11- I vIsit :llr. 1'1'0"01" mol!,..". who Is Ill. 150n : nsslSlant rnalron. liTS. Dltl,,>" Dr. :tnd llr •. J. C. Elli. "ntcrtalned ~!;YkS"; conduelr",,, •• ll,.". ~\nnie WIlKon: willi a r...,,,ptloll r<)ecntl)· In :'on,or of soda I" t'on<luctress. lIrs. Fanllle :II"". ElIl~. "l"ter of .;:\11"" Dd~" ISlO:)'. bom: tr~a.ur",·. llrs. J':mmn Thornl" or Florid,.. )'lrs.. hm" CClUslns \\~ fon; "eeretnn·. ;)11"" Aramin':n lle­hostClls at a 'IInn"'~ un nee In honor. of 'Cmcken. Sun,lllY "'II" '1IlArterl)' meat­lll." Slon·. A 1 "cloek lunch~on "n8 ling at the A, :II. E. r.httn·h. i're"ldlng 1'1"en IW 111,.,.. l;nllr Cb"u<,y I <>cefltly._ 'EIfler Smith was u",<ble to be I,res.,.nt .\ G o'cloek dinner was gJ\'"n h~' ~Ir. Ion account or Iho illne"" of hl~ wlr". "n.1 llr~. Daflby. followed loy a radio, T:'e : o'clock .en k.~ W"T" Ct:tndllct~d pmg:-oI.m. Andre,,' ~tcGa"le of Chicago h3' th ... Re", \V. C. Smith nnd the Re,·. Was a D<>=tUT visitor. Book.!r llend- Mr. Hcrldlck of '-1nrlon nn,l Oe\\'malne 0....... Roy 9I1a .... "I'O. Mrs. CraWford respectl\'el\·. A large numlJer of thel. Stokes and \Vllli" l.nrks or Bloomington memher ... Came with \,hem. The Re'·. "'ere Dvcatur "Isltor" recentry. :llr. A ,\. crlm a",l llr. and Mrs. Henr), and lll'O. I.Ind!;.'\)· or Chlca!;o "'"ro -t~e '''~oocI. ha\'" r~tu .. nod from Ayd"n. ~. I:llests of ~Ir. alld ::I1~. Fr .. d PhOC!nJlt\ Coo where th .. y "uenolcd the United lI'l'~. Alke Caldwell \\cnt to Ohio ~o African Frc" 'VIll Balltlst :;enernl eDn· alt~nd tbo funernl of Mr. C:lldwell.. (er"n.,,,. Thoy "tol'r"d tor a short .. 1"lt "bit('r. at Washington en rout" hom... .,Ray'

ROCf( IS-L.AND. ILL. .. mond DIl,·ls. Charles Slmp.on. -Alex-ander Conrlght nnd Cleo W'llliama

:lfrs. tt:. L. Lamont. e .... anSI'U!lt. 409'f.: ... umt sunr!ay wit!! their t~"~her. :\1 .... 14th St.. :.tollne. 1;""" a .le<:'lure .t the ,V H. Wood8. :orrtO. Jolin Gr~er en-, \v .. t"nown 'Y. ~t. C. A. Thursda)·. Dec. tl'rtalned at 12 o'cloek cllnn"r Sunday, 13 ",hll'b pro\'ed 10 he l\ hlll;O $UCCCS.... the ::I11Sf\es TrUly Rowan. Blanch Jfnyrs.

JOLIET, ILL.. :ItT, and lIrs. Snm .()\·.rton's ~nn nol ... rt. Almeln Ro" ... Bnd Arnmllltl1 ::I"'Crncklln. 1J..... Ada It. Polnt~r and n"rnard w\lo halO lJe~n !'lck with m.'asl".. I" )fls" mn""h Hn~'C!" Who 18 SUltlyln,. Cor

L "-l\Ilams "'ere 'lul"tly maTTled r"- "orne better. Their younger ~on. Jo~eph her 'det:ree It1. th" t(!achel'!l:'" ,,01l~1:<!. c':nU .. tn Choca;:;o. Florence nan and l.eonard. now ha .. th .. measleI'. EIller left llonday tn "pend the holhla>'s with Ilnd • the Russell family ,,'f"" recent \Vln!.us" and wlf... In c!larGe of th'" her mother, 1I1rs. ~ol'll Hayes. Ilt Hills· f;U .. stJI ()f :lInt. J. P. Coates, en route CbuTeh of God lind Christ. hll"o re- boro. .... t .. C .. Ufoml" to ~pend ~he winter. Alrs.. o(urn~d home from :\Iem ph Is, .sttcr Rn ''>lnnlrr~ :Olllddo>< unde ...... • .. nt a IlU<l- abeenee or t'''O ", ... ks. where tlley hnve .... mul oPtratlon at the Sliver Crolli' l'ei'D attendinG thdr chu .. eh ronf .. r­bo~pltal. Sh" Is Impro,o[ng nicelY. ;:\lts.. enee. lIlrs. Carrte BUllton nf Clinton. Came )%a.on will entertain the 1'oflte 10 ....... left llonda), for hoI' home after MI ... lonal')· at her home In York A"e.. a thre" "'''''k~' with !'orr". Anna Urnu-n'" c~a .... l held monthly mI8~lon' Goodrleb. 8:!~ .81:<:t..'> St. lin<. Anna Ill'l' ~t!l"\1(,'p sunda~·. D ..... 16. The Re'l- Goodrich, who h~ been eonnned at O. "'. "'UUams "'as o:.he .. p .... 1<er. .1. her 1Iome for lhp ~t ..... eek. Is &1111 In I'all ........ n b ~ull' ... rlng from a relapse Til" 8"""11 l1ap!lst ehurcll. cor· nnd Is In n ""Maull <'Ondltlon. !\Ir.s. ner of 19th St. and Sixth A '"C.. h~ld KeU,·. "tI"" B<-rnl"" Kell)' lind 3081'pb their annual Im,., Frlllny and Sat­Huddleson ha,'e r«:tumoo to Joliet urday. Elliei' It. O. \Vlllla ... ", 1306'f.: from ])etrol\. Ml<'h. Ed"'I1rd Fuller un- .;I~hth A,·(' .. In ehat\!(' of the Apo~lollc derwent a. tinc.:eSliful op" ..... tlon and Is C:'ureh of God and Chrl"t. Is eonllned Impro,1nc. ~1..... Crookshank III l!erl- (0 bill home wltb "rip. Elder Geo,"e

CENTRALIA. ILL. Mrll. Laura Leake '1nll ;lIra. Claudia

Simpson attended the ,Ilstrlcl E ho:lrd m~etlng. hel'l In :llouOO" City Thuro­,1,. v • nd Friday of last ,,,cel\:. :llrs. mnma Lonl>' I""rel'nrt~d dol,,!: line. llrs. gllen~afih Is on the "Ick list, 1I1r. amI ;)Ir" Will Campbell Dro t~e proud pnr­<>nl,; or a haby ho}'. ;)Ir. Fr~tdmon 19 ."rorted .'·pr), III. :lIrs. Geol'lI<l' Bar­nett bA~ r"turned home. :'01 I'll. Al Cole­.... n. lItlle daughter. Willi., ll.. llntl son DOHey left tor Ilrnwn\·l1Ie. Tenn .. to AI.eml Cilrhltmas wltb rdaU\'es I1Ild frlendll.

ou I 111 ""tu",I~J(Whlte) of J),\\,enport Is holdlnll' II), • ;eI'\'lc~ •'d hy ll,. •• '\'l1llRms nnol l.OVEJOV, ILL, •

SPRINGFIELD, ILL. :to1 ..... D~"'" Smith.' lIn!. JuUUft Bre\\,- The :\U .... u Penoon. ·Fldl ... r an(l Rob-.11T!', \\'llIlam 'Vonnel)', 10:!ll S. Firm .. Ier 61G Sev .. ntb St.. entertSllned :tt Inson "'ere Inhlnted Into the I'ocn­St .. and daughter Eth"l V181te<! In Chl- dln';"r In honot' or ;.\11'''. Florence llau- I,nnt .... duh at their ret;uIIIl' bl-weeklY C'llI:O laat w""k.· Otto ;:\\orrl.oon. 208:->, pin a.nd dnuj:lhter' Benle ot Amnnel'. me"tln!:,. lIclfl lit, the' 'bome of the Btl> St.. 18 a patient In ~t. .John·s hos' ;:':~b :Iolr. and lIn. P. Hubbnrt, ,II; .;\'!el~nl<l~~.Llellla. 1I1InldotoCrOI~nt"ellflrolt.nmn'Slnll.~LSOouultllh, ,.Ital. Mrs. 1"_ C. ,Atlhum.. us 1'. 15th Xlnih A".... dnul;bter Kathltnc antl ~, . a

St.. bas I,...,n on the sick UsL Tbe ro- motber were. gUeRta. Th~ r"porten F .... st SI. Louis and \\"est lfadlson a • e1tal of ~lIss lIa:tel HaTTII;on at the pick last <week and who Ilre f""lIlI!: tended tile powhAtan Boys dancn Sllt­HI!;~ f'Cbool .udltorluln was a gl"eat better and able to up lind around a;;a1n urda\". The tRek}' ent .. rt .. lnment ~I\'en .uC'('t'~1I. )11.,. neulall .Jon"". 1,13 g, are !liB. R. C. Jark50n, 614 ~Inth St.: b)' lIiew:.rdeases ~o. Z at. Juinn Ch .. pel Morr"tL St.. 19 sufr .. rinl! with a hrok .. n lin. I..: Dunn. ,01 Se"~nth St., lind A. ;)l. E.. ehurch Tuuday was a sue· blood ve .... .,1 at St. John'" hospItal. The !If",. ;:':anle Williams. !I33 10th A '·e. T~e ('ells. The pl& ROClal sh'en by Ihe Knlghlt! .nd Il:iIuJ:hters of Honor enter- JunIor :lflnlonal')' ~ocl~ty me-t at tbe Tl'Ust~e Helpers a .. QUinn Chapel A. ;)(. talned ~eentl)' with a banquet at th .. lr 110m.. of llrs.' Coleman. 1310 Ei;hth E. church waa a 8u"ces... Quinn Chapel ne ... clubrooms. 315 S. 11th St. na"'jd A"e Tuesday. A nice m"etlnl;" w.s A. !II. E. ('11 u rell. Antlocb Baptist ),Ioore of DandU •• Ill .• attn 6Ptndln& held' and In the ,,"('nlnl': a sOelal time churCh. Corlnt~lan Baptist and IICYera.\ w~kJ; ,,1th hlll tamll,y, hlUl re- I WUI enjoyed. Dur1n~ \he everunt: ::IIr, "tho Southern tabemade ar .. preparlns

their Christmas programs. ,,'bleb are 10 BurplUlll previous jlrosram". l'yaUee Pa tton vIsited friends In SOli til Venice Sunday, LI~o Lansford, EnKt St. Louis, vlH~ed trlendJiJ here recently.

MONMOUTH, ILL, ).Irs. 'Lulu Earlo)·. who bu been on

the -sIck 118t, Is vel')' muCh better. Mr. nnd ),Ira. Frank Hyde. lIlr... Hell nodg­

lera, !lll'Clo Annl1 Jolln.on and ),(ts. ~)Ttle Daniels motored from Macomb 1>londa)' "nd "'81'& sueets .. t lhe J. T.: People3 home. Henry Flood, an old pioneer of thia dlj', pas~ed away re­cO'ltl~· at hi" hom .. In South Jo'ourth st­He Is bun'!lIed by his wife, Mr ... !:Iarah Flood. lIlrs. JuUa Lacke)' or KanA" Ck)', Mo., lIrs. Drown, a abter-In-law of SprlnG'fitlld, lin. Susan Allen nnd l\..... E"" Solomon Ilt Galesburg nt­tended U,e (uneml oC ":\trs. Louise Grott. who has h""n sIck Cor se\'ernl mont !is. pasaed away Dec. 7.. ~uneral \\"U con­ducted by the Re,·. C. Z. Wlillama rtom SI.. Jamee ellurch. 01.'0. Mc,VilUams of Gale-shUll> 1"118 In the city to attend ,tbe funeml of his 8Isl .. r. ll,.". L. Groll: re­cently. Charlie Jollneon nnd uncle of Augusta.., !I1n;. Ruble Osborn and :'Irs. Cora' Groll:. slatel'll-In-la,,' of Des )Iolne", IIlso "tt"nded tbe funeral. )tra. ;:':anc~' Cooper. one 0(' the oldest stew­ardess" or 5t. James A., M. E. tburch. pasaed 'away Satllrda)' at her home III S. Fourth SI.. Sh .. I. »uJ'Vived b), 1I~ ..

'busband, Granville Cooper. A mar· rlago "eremon)' WIIS Ilerformed lionday e"onlntr at tlie parsonase. the young eou.,lo helng from lit. Pleasant, Iowa. A musIcal prosrnm WaS rendered at Cal"ary Baptllit church Sunday after­noon. The :Oll,slonary society or Cal­vnry Baptist church me't wltli Mrs. W. D. DIckson. Arrol.n;emcnts are being made' at iJoth churches 101' ,Christmas progl"ama. I'hone )'oUr Ilews to 3GS-I on Or before Saturday of ~aCh w .. ek. •

PULASKI; ILL. After "e'l'''~nl months ot IIlne • ..:''Fr«!

WlIlIllms died at his home here. Dec. 15. He le.we. to mourn his los~ .. wlte. t ... o ehlldren, on" 5lst~r and a host of frlenrts a~d rel:r.tI\·e~. ::III'S. Ll:tZll Lon", rontlntl.,,, Ill. J. D. Buker Ilnd cUtughtt:r. Llnle Barker. are on I!> .. sick list. llrs~ Ann 1>lal'tin has arri~e,1 home from :lletro!,oliti, III .. when, ~h~ hus bet!n lor ~eYN'al months .

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOISThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jan 5, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A7

"-lI4nI. Leth& Nance and L. W. Ed4lqt .. n Were l\{u1'1)h)'at:,oro shopper'll laat week. :Oooker M1era Wall called to St. Louis. Mo.. by tbe "mess of bls daus;bter. llre. Stella. Hayea. 311''' Annie Clay·} brook ot Des llorn". Iowa. has re': turned home after vialtlnc here tor a few wlltke. Tom Smith and lion made

~:~~ll!:11 la trl:n t~u'e:~~~:n v~~:l. F:rank Stratton. Jr.. of Camel' MWe I1Itnt Chrletmaa wIth bla gTQndparenlll. Mr. And lira. Dan Smith. The lbIv.

~dC~~lIfal~' ~ai!~n'~r:~~t>ur~~ a M!.lI'Pbysboro .boSiper. Wiley ~ack. well of Sparta were vi.IUng lle;e. Mr .. Fannie John,oD at Dewmalne .!)eDt • few ISa,.. bere. :Mra. Sadie timllb and Oa\I'Cbter made a brief vl.1t to Dew­malne. Mra. ,IJU!&n Garner, Ja Improv­tn.. Joe Davenport of Centra)!. wu vlamnl' here. lIlae Roberta. Burkbalter or Carbondalo spent 'Chrlatnsaa bere. Robert Trice lind ""esJey .Tohnson mo­tored to Dewm:ilne. lIre. F. :0. Strat­ton ot Carrier amls ""as vlaltJnc here recently. J. a Graham made a bUllI­lleu trip to Duquoin last. week. lUI" ~ay~o:~~!. of Murpbysboro spent a few

TAYLOR. TEXAS ",,' W. M. Efe!n Is home II%I(!ndlnc- the

holldaYII wIth his family and friends. Prof. D. E. WlUlama an" M. G. Ollver were In tOW'll recently looldac after In. luranC6 bUlJlnesll. Alrs.:T. L. Dickey lett t'ecenUy tor Memphl,. Tenn.. oL:t home. to 8pend the holidays v,1th het' parenU. ot!!er rJllaUvu "nd frlendll. Rufua HILrti. and wlf.:t ot Ft. ""onh ,sPent the holJdayl'l In the eJty wJth' ~;::~paHnts. otber relatlvelJ IUId

BREN HAM. TEX • .. MS •• 1... n. Em •. teacher In tbe Gld, "Iup hIgh schooL spent the hollda". ~~r\v~tEnf~e ~~thE. he~rl~el":k=v; litead. IIuperlnte-ndcl1t oe the A. .)(. ri. lfasoclall!>n. was a boUdA)' visitor to the city. ltlsl\ .Tulia Scott. Olliveston. Is hera vleltlng her varent!. :Mr. and lira. R. S. Scott. Ed.:mT Secret't. Poca·

~1'iln~d~r8o·fa~~~: ~:. r:l~~eJ:ft~ MIIIH Janie t>endergnltr. student of Paul Quinn. WIUI home dUrl~ the holldal'a.

~r~n ~~~fl.ine~J~n~;. "g:~~o~lu~Il:~n: daya here With her father. J. )1. Foote. RUllert Stcrett. Beaumont. "pent tbe hoUdlI.y. here wlttt his father. Rev, 1... )f. Secrett. Mr'II. Beulah Stinnett and lion McClary have returned trom NI'!v,' Terk. w'her. they spent the .ummer: Oeott(f: BIvins. Cit)·, Kan •• ..,.,." here durln~ the holidays after an ab­lienee ot 23 years. He '<Va" thll (Nest or Mrs. Klulfl Field'. 11lS motber, Rev. and !tirs. E. 1.. Lockett&. Ennls, .pent. the hollda;. wlth lIra. ",oekctt: s par­ent., Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Shealy.

8LOOMINGTON. ILL. The KiWll8sle Olrls met. Friday nlsht

at the home or Grace -W!nnlnc.. .Tack (lOens or Chicago wal a Bloomlb,-ton vlsUor. Mildred Ball of Chlc~llG'o spent Chrlatmu wUh rt.')aUn8 here. Vera .P.aab of Cbampalgn I. vI.ltln: rela.U'res over the holidays.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jan 5, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A5

ILLI'NOIS STATE NEWS ney .rackson ot Danville vllllted the home of Mr. and MI"II. Ju. Campbell the week. C4rol Cole /lnd Cbule. RICe. Jr ...... e at home from the Unl­,·tl'llity ot IUlnol~. whpro they wlll

------------. spend tho bolk!al's, lIlisa OrA 'Vull" MONMOUTH. ILL. I ZQo~ 'bet' 10.... 'I'ba flUleral ,...,. he14jlcla. Peoplea bas rotumed froll1 a vw,t ~t:: h~ft~y':ili:.n'lhl~-: , .. ~it~ t~r~".:~~

TIle runenl of MrtI. Xaney COoper I from Bethel A.. JoL E. chUrch. The In St. Loula. MH. Roblnaon. who 1IU tel' and aunt. Mrs. C. H. Uutus of .... held ttom St. .Tame. A. lL Eo Re". Mr. KlnlT otlldated. MrL D, O. UC>e11 VisitinG' rf>lallvea tn TCllneaaee. Humboldt. Teon. and Mrll. !If. 1.. Scott <!burcll J'1'CI!1Itl,. TIll) ~\' C Z. WIl· Baaldn. '08 N. Poplar St., at!,ended the hIlS returned. The Es"Yorth league of "r DYer. Tenn.: are "laIUn", at the ~ "'.,.,. In d.a1ll:e. ani "ted b)' the nulI:n ...... of h~ "on. 1':"«ene Baskin. the C. l1. E. church held a. K!>lvndld hom .. of Mr. nnd lilt'S. Roloert Roberls. Rev, M.. D. DlclOIol1. S~a .......... cban.... and ;Iollu Cobb of PIIUbullIh. Pa.. In pr"JlTam WI Sunday night.. Ua)' T. ltooacvelt 'Inyberry of MHroJ'Olis spent _~r of Golden Cro"" chapter. O. Chleap lut .... .,.,lc. Andre\v Ja,,'luIon Jobnson of Shawn""to"... spent th" th<> bolldays wllh ;\U,.;, Thelltl:l Hud. a S .. and .. au"vd .... ot St. J'amea presldent &D4 m.D1lagel' or tbe P. lIf. holidays In the city as the guest of Sr~tnU·rn~m.hoSmhe"rrTlhl U0!.dCo~ .• Vlnn~hotn •• hTn"Vn)nn:: <!burch for :0 Yeat'L TIle MllISlonal"Y I. A.. ma4 .... buslne .... trl" to Doutrlaa, !llJu Loulae Helm. x ..... R. Helm en· ~ ~ • D > Ir. 0

lIoc:I .' c&.I - -. -Be ---. eJ,' rd."'." Am • ..-lure be h-.t a t.b.r".~·.· J1t&y. lert&.lned & numb"r ot trlendJ1 at her Spent lIevera.! don vllUJng with :M1&a ot) or hi') ptIst u m<!t lit"' Katie Ab4ttIatby !WI E EU1'<'!ka bome 1aet Friday In honor of !.tis.. Avis Clark. Henn' Llndsa)" wlte and

at tll~ hOllle ot Mra. .All"" Dlcp N-, and' three dau£h\lM'!! iert !or' Shem .. ld: Lewl. or St. Louls and Mr. Johnson chUdren of PlttsbuTl;h nre visiting hiS caIIUh Job-a. 'F. A. Porter hili< returned Ala., to apend the bollda,,8. Nla DoNI· of Shawneetown. molll~r. ~fl"ll. Frances LlndS&)'. nov. trom .. trip to ~-::"'II Cit:\,. ~10. Mn. thy RoIlS of New Orleana And Arnett O. H. Hcnd~rson lind John Steele reo .ant. ~1I1er of \..·_4ar Fallida. low&, . Simpeon DC Jadl.son. ~las.. \\'~re mar- PULASKI. ILL. - port I!. pJi,lUIant tTlp to !<o:orth carolina.. 'lienn COOner of Chicago. lin. Geott:l" ,rid 14onda.y ennlnlr. . :'of.... DlaAehe !I{n. Pokey McK.inne)· len (or De- l!ev. Henderson 011 his relurn nUlI20 n ~em. or heblo. Colo .• lIln. A1"4.II" Wfltl1l or Chlcaco and little broth.,r. trolt, ).tleh .. rf>eently, \\'her. IIhll wUl triP fo St, LouiS. HUl;h Knowlen hall "' ..... om of Macomb and Jam~ Pitta of Ilf.a.rn" Bane .. are dslUnS In the home join' her children. 1111 ... Mulon Terrell I returned to Ilt. LouIs afler having 1DdlanapoUa. Ind .. ".~ In the ~)' to ; or their paTenta. c. H. Dame&. ~111l1 left Hunda)'. Dec. ~3. tor Carbondale. l!!>cnt the holldn:;s w1t~, his parcnUI. attend the tUIl"ral of M.... Xaney 1 F:tora )foreland of Chicago II ,1.hlns III ,,·!tere fihe tipent Chruilm&ll with I !-fr. lUlCl Mm. John Kno ... l~n. • The

.-COOper. Golden !'qulU"e 1 .... F • .t: A •. her par"nts. lItr. a.nd M .... Uriah More· friends and ""laUv"... Little G"rlrUde Girls Sodal club entertained 20 at tbe ... and Gold .. " Cro ... ·n chapler. 0, t~ land. Hrnl'3' Locklet or Xe,,' Orlenna Thompson Ej'l"nt the holidAys with r"la' home of Mr. und :\Irs. ::II. .1. Camp­a. b"ld .. jOint lns\.allation recently. "I«Ited lib! brother. Sh"n Suther!:.nd. t,,'ea her<:. ::IlarahaU Lee' of ::I1I.sour! h~ll Thursday evenlnl:. :.\IIS •• " lIIOII:O Tn,u,tet'ft of 151. Jam .... A. :M. E. church ll,..., Frank :Madison aM !lfrs. Cht.Tles Is Mre "i~'ti.n~ his wife. Sarah l,e!. nnd ~~~ fI'i.';f~o';::\\'~?;~~.tI~e1~m:pr;:11 ~~d p"e an ent"rtattU'ne-nL The nev. n. D. Ro~rta. lIlI._X. Walnut St.. are ,·Islt. oth~r fE-lathes. ""Ana ""a}' ftttan(l~d the b-.ket ball Dldaon. puotor of CaJ\'al';Y Baptist Ing In GaJ'l.·, Ind., for the holidays, '" ~ ... n' _

cln.l~. hAll had I< call to take tho! :M .... S. B. Ne.~bltt Is .. UIl In bed with SPRINGFIELD, ILL. ' E:':.':t~~~ s~~~u':!~t~d.~);M::~~ so~i:..' prea.ld<pney 01 cnduato eollege .tit rheumaU81Il. The Alpba Pbl AlphA Ml'1I. Harry 1)\1I0n'8 {ather of SI. , • "T II Q It a •"-'In. Taas. Junior Peo"lea. the gav" a holiday dance Thul"$\ay night. ..... -I-.lllft. OhiO. at whose liedsjde 1\.lrs. Frlt"'y nh:ht at S .• "'. • 1m. u e d • .,...,w ___ Til f A. '-111 ....... ' • lew ntl<'ndt'd and all report a. )l'Ml.n ~fe.n4p" r~t!T" Is aj'l<!ndlnC' hll. """'l1:'e "" """nt a e", -ra v'" ns: lJIllon had been tor Btl\'eral weeks. died time. Mr. and !lIra. Charles Hamill". Chrlstmu '\'lL('atlon -at 'Ma"'>mb with friend" In Chleago r"","ptly. G. 'W, last week. :llr. and :llr11. H. K. \\"II5On tOrt anti llr. and Mr.J. Char/<!S RObin. bIll ."",,,In >lnd lIunt. :\ITS. Alina John· Dlack of "'Uberforce unW<>nrlty Is viS- or N. Walnut St. Silent the 'l\0Ildll.)·8 IU fion. ".It" tor lite pn.t six months ha"j! 110ft and :Mrs. Dell ltOCerl'. Cah-atY ltlnC' his parc,!IS'. the Rh'. a!,<1 :Mr5. T· Dt'Catur visiting Ih~lr "'on. Crawford r~sl,I",1 In !llunel ... In.I .• returned 1I0me Baptist Sund.)· eehool had'tbelr Christ- DIRCk. Thl! KaI'l'A Alpha Knp ..... p.e Wilson. Mr ... a 1.. lto!:en spent the to Sf'Cnfi the J,elldaYII "'!th :helr par­zuu tne Chrl"lma .. ",·e. MI'lI. Nadln.. a holiday danee \\'edneJJda)' nlC'b~ llr: hoUda)'! \'Isltlng In St. Luuls lind vlcln- cnts. Qllite a few visitor! "nd frlend$ 'l:\"uth_ teacl1~ of dUll No. I, SL and lUnI. Ch~'llI have been 'Ialtlno. It)·. A piny tor tbe benefil or Grace M. \\1ln('s",," the In"lallnl/o" 'It tho 1>la­Jam". A. M E Sunda)' achool h.... thelr daugbler. l1rs. Elmertl" Taborn. E. "hureh "'as pres.ented .ilL Palmer Fons and Eastern StaT Th!rsday eVil' ........ Ised a quaitd composed of' Fred and otha- r"latlves. )\n. Fannie Daon school building on Dec. ~S. \ !lIm:. SmJt.b .Jerry WallAce. Jr: ]1& "'LUlarns has J't'tumed from Blnnlnc-harn. "'bere ... O.J;....lor Peopl.,... N";;' W!1lIe Wal- ~O'!....s.!'''I'!.tfttlC''h,~~utmm~er·fAf'!II~rlnHc~toEn·.' BLOOMINGTON. ILL..' MOUNDS, ILL.

I I 111 I' ~1rm" "-, ~ ,... - ~ • ~ !llIss Jeanette Rrown Is 8pendlnl; thol h laCe. clus of I/; r" W I: 'e a . lnd 10 attend Ole 'SI-eddln&, of lIel' holidays with her aunt nlld ullcle. Dr.. ;loUss Luelle AlcAAhder Fpent t c :MrL E. Co Peoplell "'ent to .)faeomb for nleee on ChriflU:Qq da,.. and lIIrs. Askew. In Poorla. Wllllnmi I~u.,~etlcdrue Imn ClnAut>!'1!.thIlOml/;,!erstFOo(lk~!sIS.!SL:~~i & ttbort ,11111. MI'lS. Xaoml J'o!tnllOn Bro"'n and:'lIss Helen Patterson weI' .. , '" p ft" " ~ ""-_t to l"I"an1cford.. Mo~ to dalt her. JOLIET, ILL.. n.arrlM at the A. !II. E. panona.:" on. m"On and \VUllO Shearer ot Di·ersuurf,' JIIlt'eJltB, !o1r. And 1111'S. G. Peopl"". Jofr, !I'_. ;:;.~ ..... ~ ".-on ls 'II. l. Patter- .:!IlonAa~ afternoon. the He,'. ::I. D. Jones. T<>nn. were the I:uests o( !II Ss 1.111" aDd 1\.11'11 Seott PltfJI entertained the; u ............ ~. .. J lIIay bell1p during ChrIstmas. 1II1'lS. H .

.. _. f ~t 1 ,.., n.. "" at their' .oil has returned from tHl> bO$Pltal lind oftlclaung. !ltr. and )In;. Oeol"t<!, 1.:leanor Hamilton "'AIl' hostes. to the 'In'!!!h .. " ... 0 "liP" ,--,t)'~. I" fm\ll"O'1ng nleely. 'Charles Lowery Thoma. 0' Xormal. ilL. entertnllted th,,·. " 1 lIome in a Third St. of Pontfac.. Mich •• waa tha guest of foilo .... lng '£'\Iests at their home on. !¥~~~n 1>~~""~r.;:a';i~,.:g~':il. ~~~~~5

CENTRALIA. ILL. llB. Coates for the holfdJ1~·Il. Til" It .. ,·. Christmas dIL)': The Rc,', und lIlr •• s.·j lIT ... D. K. Lovo entert::\\ncd In honor -" ft_". "fr. FIsher WlU called 10 E. ~Y"htt hhaslldgon~loh :Sel";h~!l"k~!t,? ann·dJ'°D'!.e'·;' •• CJOvl<i;~t~ln:l.x~~al or :llr:. .• Mlnnle Scou·LUI)' Satllrday

Si'uLo:.b. »0 .. to preach a funtral. ~nll:s.~:tha~:l Jasp:rei:ud·.;s thel; famlh': MTbe Third Chtjstllln~ churell.· ~';,~'1.'!lJ;'hn~':: ~~ !~h~~~~'r~I~~n~~' '1'be Re .... 'Mr. nolla .. a)· pr .. a .. hed In tile I'rU"""" during the hollda,'" lIIr. and the lie\·. A. L. Fro~t. pastor. beld their' on Elm SL. 'n~tlnes<la" The funeral .bI!e.tI~ of til .. ~, .• lIl'. FI.b.-r at th" JIm. Raxter ot Chicago, !llr. and ~"'. Christmas tree exorcises Tuesdn)·. W:loa held at l'i1grlm Rest Baptist BeClel 'M. E. ;murel>. :Nrs. \,Ira;tt Up· Anden!On of Gan', Ind .• and James .11\.... ChristIna" nlnhl. and a splendid pro- chureh Sundo)" I\ft~rn()On. Re .... G. W • .. haw entertalned 10 at a birthday 1>"r or St. LouIs. :!I10. Ll'onard 'W~"t gram wns rpndercd. :\ira. Prle". who Hili deU\'erln~ the &crmon. The an­pa:rty ~ntl'·. ,.t~. l-:n .. n X .... h If! died D~c, :11 at St. JO"'IIII hospital. H" bas hl'''n "ery III at St. Joseph hospital. nUlll bnnquet and jolnl Indtallathm or Impro\"lnll' Ille;'I)·. ~MI. Guss Patte",on I., ... ,·.", a widow. on" "on. L<!onard. Jr.. has b" .. n reoo\"ed to h"r home on EaSt the 1;1a..onlc family was' ob;~et'V~d on Is .. 1lf\Un~ relati'_ In,,"_ Lit· and a mother and father to mourn his St. :III' ... nd "Irs. Enrl l..<!wls had Ill' \\'cdacS(!Il)' nIght nt Odd F"!.01\'11 '"t11. tie Paulfne and n,t'dn SlmpiloD and 10Sl!. tloelr J;UelIUJ for the 'Chr\1Itma" holldllYS A YCn' lArgo audlen"e witnessed th" brother of Carlyl... are ,islUng thplr her brother .. nd "I.ter from ClIlc3g0. ceremonies nnd tho P.· L. G.. E. C. father. Louis Sfmp""n, and other rela- AUflORA. ILt.. Wa'\'man challol Sunday school hejd Hamilton nnu W. G. l'tr. Carrie Ll'e U...... A"' ..... SlmllbOn or Salmon. 1l1_ ~ol.{m~. E.112L.".fu. (t)"hrlogllS'·"t.,a Jl8ert¥c. !ot. helnr their Christmas tree e"~relses lIton"ay Haml1tQn B"T"Cd ns InstaUlnt.: officers Sa he.... vtaltlng IUs brOther. GIIOT'II" .. ~.~ D." nlgbt. A splendid program was reno for the O. E. S., H. of J. and 1Ila.onle Slm_n. and other nJaU''l!s. Th~ Sal· honor of her "IIoler. lIla Esther BurkS <Ii-red and cand)' and Crult gh'en to ol1'&nl""tlon~. !ltnl. Aznlln !\torris vis· --Uon" ann" . (w~lte) contrlbut .. d of Qlllne)'. nl. Th~ Re,·. Mr. E'I'1IlIS (>\,ervOne pr~ent troa:\ " beautifully lied' Imllannpolls during th .. )'ollda),!! . • - , h -0111" of " .... on the s\t:'k list I&"t week with a <l_ .... ted tl"toe. !ltra. Carl Stearle" rohn !\lcDavld has been sIck. ::II"".

Chr!t;lmae ..... kefJI10. "poor." ~e\'''re col". M..,.. Charl~5 Barbee and ~pent Sunday In Chicago \'lsi tins her ""rn('leo cuffle lIIoore "lsllrtl In Ful· Oil!' R:lc:e. The "tu/rents of the lev. broth"r, S. L. Cartt'r. IHt SUndR}' eve- !;On. :Mrs. Rc\·. A. 1.. !-'rosl has re- Ion. I':y .. lallt w~ek. :llr. and !11m. Jas . .,nth aJld .Igllth II""'des elaE""" 0 th~ nlng tor Greensboro. Ky .. to .. pend the tUTned [rom Jacksonville. wheTO 111\1) Sl,ann nre the IlToud Illlt"nl1l of n line Lincoln t<Chool "njoyed a CbrlstmllS ltolrdaS1' \\1th their 'Plltent&. Mrs. ha" b~n at the bedsl!!e or her Rick bnll~' girl. !lIrs. Ollh~lln Avant Early partr •• Min lana H"rrl.~ I,. ,,1l1ltlng James Bro'!\'!i and children are \'fsIUns tnoth"r. Site repOrt. h .. r \'"r), milch "i~ll~d r~latl\'es in :';prlnslleld the j'l:>.St frien4a and r .. IaUv"" ~n Chlcallo, 1'11.. her par.,nts In Galesburg, 111.\'ed. :lIn. Ella Da"ldson Is con. wepl<. :!Inss~s I;;lla :\t ... " O ... rdner and 4urt~ the 1'.olldaYII. Thl);:':. A. A. C. fined to hell' home sulrerlng wllh I\. very Ju\I" FIt"hllgh "I,,,nt Chrlstm"" day I P elllo)'«l .. l')e,.~I"", l'rocram at the LOVEJOV, ILL.. had cold. ::.,"'. Gm~e ' ... llIIams I" on In Cnrbond:l.l" with friends. ne'·. nn< m('(l't1n(t gI\'~n under the .USIllc" of "lisa lona FJdler lett. lout FrIda,. to the flick list. :llr. and :II".. Frank :lIra. G. T. Ham!iton "'ere ,lInn~r glle~t~ Uobert R. "'1I80n: IIP'Il1d the boUda)"1I at. her hom/! In Burkhart ar~ ne,v addlt!on~ to \Yay. ot !.Ir. nntl :llrs. (;arb'lo last \\'('<.>1 ••

.rack t I l'.{ oUa PI I II 1MB kh ! Wm. ll"X"U vIsited his moW"r. "Ir". ROCKf:'ORO. ILL.. !lis k~~!!3' to ~tar.. up a~r neW d~~~~ ~:;'~ c~::e vl~ll:tf,;t. !i m~.le;r! :na l"nl1I1" Droo\<". in St. 1.oul" Illst week.

Nr an4 ~t .... Clu(>nt::e n. Corum <'11- u a teacher In the Lovejoy public lItenu-)' and Ih1ng picture "nterLllln- ~fr". I.ou Clark nnd 110b Jone." "'''ro tcrtalne4 16 £Ue.'<U at tbelT home. 301 selloot. The ney_ lIr. Ll'lgh preached ment ",111 110 ~yen Ilt Wnymnn ehap.ll maTricd last w('ek. :I1bs Thpofl081a St .. " .. rt A,·c.. at a dlnn .. ,. partY' on a. ""ondereul Sf:nnOn at Quinn Chapel on Thursday c\·,mlru:. Jan. 3, benefit o( Kennison ent<!ttalned the followlnt; (;hrl---- ~-". The out-or·to"' ... gue~Ui • 'I." ch'-I\ lallt Sundav nlpht. tTU~t~... The Re\·. :III'. Jlnt'r. mnnn~er. "uests at a .lInn~r party ChrlStnl!'s!

D~~ .... , .. )J! ....... "'" ~,~ 'D ~ ~, '" lU." GlauvlI Eniliand, Hlehard "11-,,'<'Te' :MI.... Blanche Sl'IJll... as The ReV. Mr. LeIgh Is from the lUs· :Mr. nhd !II ..... GU",s and dauf;htpr .or" liam. 1...,"Uo Kenni.nn. l.~e Hnml!lon Eslber Gvrum. )lr~. Ollie !\Ioor" or 5i~slpltl conference. The fun~raI at 8 .. ,'n<lI,,1;' the holld")'5 at their old home lind ',\Ifrcd Gre.,,.. :lIIRS Theola Plerco: CJtlc:U:o and "'aller Holmel "t SprinS' "1"h'\11 Smith. 011 mill SetUem~nt. wall In :\1; .. "ls5IPI>I. "nd !IIr.J. l.ucy Smith ,·I,lle.1 Ihelr (!ltld. Oth .... "'U"EI~ ",<,"e: :Mr. ~d J h .. ld at Antioch Baptist churCh Sunday. lIlother In Flllton. K)'. "Us. Ayla Clar\< \Mrs, Snm Rt' .... ·lle. :'{r. and :'-If'S • ..10? Th" Rc" . .1. H. Fl6her. (ormt'r pastor OUQuO'iN: ILl.. ot "loun,1 mn' "I~IlPfl llound", last n. ~Irle,. and Il.e!r daulrhte..:. BIt). of QUinn Chapel A.. !lL E. church. nO\\' :;\(rs. Sum RobInson spent the boll· "'N,k. ::Itr. an,j :llrs. H. I';: DlI.rltcr \'js, and }'lr. and lIlrll. Thorn"" 'lip_ha",. of Centralia.. Ill.. oftlclated .• Lovejoy dllYs In Harrisburg \\1th relath·t's. .-\. It.d Spr!nl:l\~ld nntl Chica!;o durlns;; the lIl .... ),lartha Smith. lUA Julia A. C. lodge Xo. 2:'0, I. n. 1". O. E. '\\ •• was In z'oremnn ~I"'nt the hollda~'s In Pltt~· !lollda)'s. ~!r. :lnd :llrs. fllcllard An. ,,·renn. execulh'e tI.,c:retar)· of Boo'ker .. It .... dance. Th~ R .. ,·. )11'. l'arks and buo:. Kans .. lfrs. Nona. Love III tllil ;1 •• r~lIn eell'hrnlt~l ,thdr fir~t w~!ldlnp: \\'uh!ncton community center. -rd family ha .... e r<:lurn"d from :llemllhls. h"Uday &\lest of h(,r moth"r In ~Iny. "nnlver""n' Jlonda)' n/p:ht. 1)t!'.' •• ~. ttt Frt'4 Carter. An .. fur-dlnn"" '\VII 5t T .. nn .• ",here they atll!nded Me con ... o- Ii"ld. K)·. lUBSC8 Clem.nUne Jnckson St. l'aul A. !It. l~. "h\lrch. 'l'lIe hrl'lc party ,,'U bel4 from S to 10 p. m. cation. )trs. Cordelia Randals I" spend- jlnd Sam Ella :lIcKnlglit were III Car- ",,,S beau!iftl1l,· all!r",1 In pin" elln.·

-- Inlt the holidays tn Cbleal'ro. The PO· bondale last Friday. Alhurt He<ldlck meuN> h('a"lly b .. ail~d with 511,:('1', .. KAflNAK, ILL.. ca.llonl:1s girls entertained tbe Gr~at .. nd Wad" lIam.,·~· were In lit. 1-Oul.. wn'nth allli >lippers to mnteh. M,ss

The Rev. J. Joltn~n .and a numi':' "',,stem bo)"1I atuhe to\\ ... 111111 'V""n<'iI- M"., recently. ltrs • .AlIre McAlister Of Oma. Tholll!,,,,,n "" .... ·eo n~ toast mls· nr "I. memborrs went to admlltlstern e da)' e,·enlng. cards and dancing w .. re f"t Louis III In Ihe city, the guest or Il'I's. anti ~I" ot lIl,.,.. An<ler~on'S pu!>!ls Lord's SUPP"I' to a ekk member. rot' features ot the c'·enlnG'. Mm. Tlnn her three daughten<. Sarall Devlin. 9('t('{l DS uehen. The gIfts "'ere W·a1ker.' :Mn. Ra<,bael Rm!e. 0 CI~mon ... ).Iadlson St .• died last Flidtl}' Hertha Harkins and LuelUll "'IUlams. m"rou" Anti ,.~ry u~~!tll !It,.,.. Min· :!.tennent """nt Chrlstmas night. "It 11 ~\'enlnC'. Mr-s. Clemons leaYea elsht The Re,·. ,\"lIIlom Andernon maile a ,,'" Senu-Lllly. to It'ocher or I;:""t St. ;'1n!. Fannie ·Walker. 1IIn!. 'Katl" Plu~k small ehlldren. l\·l!Iia.m S<"ott, Fourth ""ing trip to Carbondale during Ih" l.oul8. nnd ::IlIsses Slauslltc!' :mel Tomer or PullUll<I Is ~pendlnG' th., hollda)." SI., Willi tak .. n to tho bOFpltal S .. nda}·. hulld • ...". The Rev. D. C. Harkins was o( St. 1.oul8 w"re sp .. ~lal l:'IIe~u' lor the with ber .. Ist .. :!-In. D{fIOn" due 10 II 8uJJden .attack uf pn"umon'a. 11 rec,,'nt ,;-iI .. st or his brother. the Re\·. <'ctaslon. ltl~"e~ Tomer. ~l'l!,,:lIt"r I>Juek 1\11'1<, Pat"h~ ,,'Ill'y ot ,pm· Earle "·U1lamll. '\"Uhertoree. I,. home A. H. HlIrklltll, In HaUldll~·"b"rc. D •. 'illd 1 ... ",la 0,,11 and Hicllard \\ l/Ilams T(,nn,. I" "lllltlll!: h~r "!81f'r. 111,.,.. for th" hollda)"S. Master John D"bo\v 'Cittl::>."·.)' of ('<'nlmlla I~ In the dly., and Leo Hamilton ntt~ndc<t lhe ::I1nr­Lula .101lt'''' lI..,., Ii:. n. eroosland I. N'nd"red lh" music (or tbe Chrlt<lmas the gu~fit Of hi.. m"th~r. Mn!. Bo!en tin party In Caito I""!, week. !llr". 011 t.b.e sick list th1a .... "ek. prtJflT4m gh'"n 'at Quln e.allill A. ~1. 1-:. ~tooks, Miss Nelli ... Scott hIlS returned CIl'mons. dauJ:hter of :\I"". Luclndll AI-

-- church Chr:lstrnas ErE'. 'f'roI:rams \rere from St. Louis. :lfo.. "'nere lIhe "lUI ten visited here I'''lt week. . ll".se" GRANO CHAIN, IL.L.. rendered It)· Anltoch .,. .... tlst and First b~en for a few da)'s on b\l8In~~~. lit .... ; l10n,ette and 'FTe'14~ ~1!,~ley spent

'Fate Smltb. formerly of this 1'Iaee Corinthian Raptist churches Chrletman A. D .. And .. rson .p~nt tbe holldn)"tl with Christ mall daY a .. th,' "1'''''llll Il'lIe .. t~ of but :!lOW Of, ttJlt!llt the bollda}'" night. B. F. "·aab1ngtnn. principal or t"laUvu In Sl'rlngt\eld. "Irs. Eflz:t lUllS ::lIn",' Mnrinrct (" urI< nll.1 von.'£. ... ~o. ...... n .. " .It. T. Taylor. flIU'lor the Ararloll ,,"hool.. I .. hom .. for the holl- I>"dl.el'n,' nnd d ... u~bt .. r. N",·ata. 01 (H):)h'. ~lI"K ::Ilnttl.. 1 ••• - Carr of S ,,~ ~.. '. h rch IIltd blF 4a lIlI ca III \\' hI J:ton t .. "eh "I h l,oul5 \'IFlt .. l her many frlo nil .. ,luring of the !lUulonllr)' Cu. d rrv )'~ .!!!,,,. tnnl ~ ha~ nf til II. II' Co,:Ps •• "'oerre1,lcnr t1:."n. clIII~n!:.,<:.ce!'!:rb· •• t.....~. tin' YulHlde. "Irs. Edna Perkins "hurc~ """"'milt .... prepar" an r.a. ('r, ;ell........... ., 5 orne or eO' 1:1 ~ ~ ~ ~.. "",0 ~ .. , PI1SSOO throu"h en route from :1. vl~lt out a. 1>~m 6hrt~tma.s nll!h\. The da}... III"'" Juanita Davl~ Is the Sl", .. ~t t>C. h('r with relath'~s to h.,r !tom.' In Carbun-Fr..e 1l'1I1R ':''''e an ... ntertalnment In Ilunt. llr ... Derl>)" G<'Ors .. · :Ill'S. Lucille <lalt!. ~te~dam~" n. r •. Hanel< and L. Odd FcU09.'ll hall Cllrlstmas nlt;'h1. Os.... URBANA. ILL.. McCorkle nt Omaha. X"I1.. "'"s the r:. Gate~ of Henry. T .. nl1 .. were tho 'VanI has been In SI. Loul. e""ndll'lll' lIfr. a,.d lIra. Ed Rradl"y are dslling I<"~st or ;lt~". Lula Smith. BlAck. lll9s ~UC8IS ot :lITS,' John Ak"And",. .1I1r-the hollda.} .. ,,1Ul his pa .... ntA CAI\1n th .. latt.r·" bl'Otb~r in St.. Louill. :'1I~s nlad,.. .. 13. FrOncr. teacher at th" St. In« the wcrk. 'They weI''' 11." dlnn~r Bradford who f~ makln;: his head'lusr'- nllla lIlte Bl'<>Om Is In Detroit. John "eh"ol. w,,,. Ihl' l'UeRt lit II pari)" 11:\1,,,1,, ot :llrs. J ... nnio Hamllton!,!,C t .. re at ·lIetropolh,. Jl8ld u~ .1\ ,·I~It. wl,ere sbe .... ill "pond the rema.lader or nn Saturd:rj" nll!ht. ~1I .. eR Glady" and Cairo lust Thur",l"y, :In.~ J. • .•. 0- BTad~ha'" of nan, Tenu.. Ud his We.. klnter, ltn. e .. genl ..... U"nley and H&2~I· Fran .. r .. nt .. rtaln"d at Iho home Hlnuj;htH t.:\~h~r <>r Dumas school. t. .... o 4aur..te1'll "laltM "Irs. Flor.,n"" hrothu. James ""ashlngton. left Satu,· t>f :'1111. Alfred Jl.1rtOn "1'1 W.'<1n .... II1)· St LOUIS' onrl :o.Uss 1'. n. ·rom~r. stu­Bro"" and companion during the hOll· d~s tor W&l', !llJa.. to ~nd the hol\· night a ho,", of (rlends. :11m. Irma ;'pnt of Sumner ltl.:h. "ioit",1 lh~ city. <la)"", ~t,.,.. Eliza D~bone~', who has daYII with th .. lr parents. MI"ses :lIable I'll3rks of Caroond"),,.wp& a \'I~ltor at lI!l~" 1..<\\'la nell of Pulaski Was II. "IN­bMn in Detroit for "ome Umf.'. lIall re· and Julin Lell1;:lnSB of Indianapolis are th .. home or ::Ilra. nOm. Turner. !llIgM ito~. :!III'>'. Carrie Cnllm alld Mrs. t.u-..... ho-... SI,e waa "bltlng her "pcndin~ th~ holidays ,,1th their aunt. Flossie :\1. ThomllS or Chl('al:o I~ visit. ;llalldo GUI of Chlc.,J;'O tlrc 5 iJ;tlllll' ~Il'. aOD.···'Frank'Parker. Prof. ("harle" W. '-Irs. Call)e Rlek... Mrs, :1131'1' Pitts and lnlg!~sl.l"J •• Tl~Fhro~rn. A:1l'1!'rt ;I!f!.~:ru.~TaUyrnf"nrr· "nd "f\..;. Ik .. !\Ioore ()t "Illn. P.!(!!':e. Raneom and ~ J.1rn. OJ:ella, <!ailed sister Lucm~ of Chicago I'ulppl'd oYer .. " ,~., 1/ I I" 'I ;0 .. , ," R",·. J. W. ""U~l' anl! (arall~' ,·f~jl .... l to


hI. parrenu •. Carter B. lL and A dar and '1~ItM lfr.!!. Bit"" "anado Chlcagll to, v 9 t r~lal ,'''S, ::I\ls" :\t. ) )!I$S l{ate Harl",,, ~Ilent Ihe en rout .. In Elmwood. 1\.11..... to "pend Tl'Illy Rowan. t"'lch"r In th., ~ .. bools or Yul"tltl.e with h.... pnr~n's :\nd m:my

:Mrs. Nan' N. Ransom. th .. ho!!da"... lIln;. Zula Vaugbn Is ,1s. Carhondale, wa" the gll""t fit "Irs, Ed· frl ... mh; In Hickman. K~'. Garl'mcl

SPRINGFiEiO. ILL.. ~~~~lehC~~~~';.I~.tI~~llt~':;It·'J~:: ~~~~~~Y..::' J;J~; l;"~QI~I·n~\f,.a~li.a~! ;~;~~~m.l,~~~';. ~r~1I1~~'i.: I~f.~l~:~~ ~r.~ lIlr. and >tN!. John Williams enter- )IN<.. \,1r£lnl:t Howard. ltT". Mary terl'" ('onf ... enee At 11\" ,\. ~!. 1-;. Zion ctIr.~t~ ...... r thdr couslu". ::1[1'. !\nd "fr8.

talaecl ).11'. and !l1",. A. Pl<'kett At tht'l,. ,.I'ncl</lon (·nt"rtsln<!d at dinner Thura- <,hurel,. ':11Is-" D~lIa ReTkl<-,' f!lr.l In ''''m. Coh'm:lll. Iln'1nl: ""1.'11 rnll~ll hero botnfl 1n E. Car1'mter St. Cbrlstmas day In honor oC !III.~ R"ttle l3an;:ln of california. ~Iffl. ,\lmedla Britt or "n 1I .... 0I1nl .. I th~ <'Ienth fI( tbelr <0011' e\·~lIlnlt. E. :S-ub and :MIss lIan·.r· C:dro. lIl,.". !llu~ic '\S •• n the "Irk list. J:lckflfln. T~nn .. Is "Islt!ng In th" cll)·. ~in. ~I"". F:lln Jol.n~()n. 1!('..-. antt :\1'''. Smith "'~e marrled Dee. 23. Lonnie ;.\1 ..... Pt'aTI R<"'<is of canton. :Ill!'" .• Is Gcoq;e CUl\\'rlr:ht I" all smll~s. .;. T. namllton w"rt: Iht' "".<('Ial <lln-Jone.. and !Ill"", Rm!I .. ·Grarus ,,"(Ore mar· f!P<!ndlnt::' tbe bollda"fi wab b~r FI't"r. nrr J:1.~~I" of )Ir, an •• lIT". "nm ll"ff· rl<>d DI!C.:6 :11 ..... Claude Champ and )1"". \"lrr;lnla Howard. :III." "'UL .. ;\1. COUI- TERVII-LE, \1-1.. man 1)"c. ::'1. Tho,,, I,rr.cnt \"""" ~Ir. dault-lter are visiting )lrs, Champ's "'Imams lett fOr ChiN''';'' to "!sIt I,er Mn. Janie Carney '"rt la.~t week for amI ::'Irs. ~am\lel X.·.hllt nn!! .1"",:lt-llllTClIte in MI«&ouri. II. Rhoden. for· father durin!;' th .. hl>llllaYI<. :lnllS Flom IL Loui~ to m'en" the hvll""~·s. ::'Ial:- tpr •• l'.H~ ... ,. Juanit" nn.1 Ullmn: lI ..... tnl'1' undertaker of thlf! city. dlcll Dfl<'. !ltoreland of ChlC!u:o Is ,1sltlng her Ie SIUt.l.S of F..:"Ist St. Lolli .. Is visit. Sarah Glas('al. :II,.,.. Elnora and An~n 18 after ... lonl: illne.o~. RaYmond C. p.1rt'nts. The RO!!ebud dub of tbe C. nl'( her... .:llal::l':le ,,'illiams ~l ... nt "·,,,t. :111". Sarnh '\YjI'oll an.1 !tron '( (;,"""n ,,'a.!i <2111'4 to Chlcn.;;o Dee. :4 :It. E ... burch J;ll\'e Il soc!al Thursday hrlstmas In lfurph)'slloro. return In", oI,Urlrrn. 1<;=:1. ",,,I R~!'",['"'I S"ott 0 I.y the ..erIOUB lIInesll of his sister. The . night at the home of :lira. Ed Brndle~' orne Thursdlw. ::I!rs ... -ern neil an.\ C1Ulml'ah:n. w~r(' In Ih(' "It~· tn lI!Jelld <eaur;hter of }of ..... C. "'. Sims \'lslt~d .on X. !llatth .. ws AYe. :!lIra. Frank u!band IIpent ·Chrislln.,\s with her 1'''1'' Ill" fun"r31 of !It,.". 1·:11" .10h"",,n. ti. I., u,,' lle'\ Mr. an~ ·::Iln. Slm~. 1403 E. !lfartin \'I.ltt'<! b~r sIster. ;If ..... Cart~r. . nts lIIr. Dnd :It..". Ant",I"" Drown. ?lfca.l(\w~ rN IIrn ... <I to Ch"';,~" nrt~,. a Rro,,"n St .. durllis tbe Chrlstmall h"l1- '1n Centralia durlnc tho holidays. o~t. ClArk anll Wm. Curtis ",.cnt i.rler "jslt wllh Ill" I):\T,'nl.- and !lIany

Ir D he week(end In St. LoIII~. Elmer lIn,l frlen!\~. lIlrF. It.'\,.Ua ::Ilaybcrr:;" vlS.ted 1:i.'3er lttt;:s <I~)u~II!~J~t ;~i!,~hO~; OANVIl.I-E. ILL.. G~o, Sml~h sp~nt Cltrlslnuts here with In Chicnso last ", ..... k. 'th("m to :M-276R. Ir ~·<>u ra\1 to cet )'our Eueen" Pauen!On. Jr.. ..nd John home lolita. '\\'1II Kln'l nnd stell' SPRINGFIELD. ILL. Def'!oder. <:aU "taln T.GG. ::J'''''rt:\;S:;:~ I~.tU!~:lndl~g 1{~P::~~ ~~g~~~:s I~a~i~ i.~NI!II.I~:t !.!',,~'k~ ;f;;'~ :1ft' nn.! :'[r5. I!. A, Ryrd.100 W. WII.

CHAMPAIGN. ILL.. Hul"n Willis ,,'AII tak~n sudd<!lllY ill

~tb IIPPendldU6 Friday 1Ilght- Ul5 "<'Qn<LItlon is ...... tI~ldered serioUs. Mn. Caroline Tate ot Indianapolis. ]nd .. ,...,. brotq;ht ~o. bel' home In this <!.It)" Jaat Saturdsy tu unden\'o an opetatlon. 111'. and :Mr5. SidneY Pallte enter-1alned "everal t:nl\'e1J!1t!' of nUnolll and hl~ $¢hoot "tudents at a 6·o·c'oek din· tier l.ut SundaY t'venlnlt In bonor of th"\r dau.,M.,r. NI"~ Fr"<la l>alr:e. 1>tI~" l.fIId,...d Barkpt·! Who "'lUI takrn fiud­<eenly III In Ch ~o .. evera! da,f1J ag<>. arrived hOl1l6 Saturday nl.,bt. sUgbtl~ lmpl'O,·ed. "tra. LillIan William!; and little datll:hter. :MJrtle ~aye. II'1t for ChlC3!;" Inst Sunday 10 join hpr btl9. hand. Carl WIlliams of that city. lIfn<. "ruin Burton ".,... fnund " .. at! In h~r hom., IRst W,'(\n~Fda'.\; mnrnlnll' rrom heart dluge. She leaw;~ a l1Mt to

1I;1\"'n h)' th" !l1I8~"s Bea9 and Helen lI!IIdred Pickens F1lent Christmas In Il';m~ DI\'d .. lin,'" ". th"'r. house l:'IIen. ·woodard. Dale XI(".hols lfoft Sunday CArbondal~. :\Irs. l.!tu"", Green. <)( llis8 nyt'd (lr OherUn. 011;0. II "tudent lmomln~ for Tulsa. Okla.. to 61lend the !-ladlsOn 1\·ls .• was "'"0 l:L5t week vb.· at Oherlln coil'l:~. ::'>Ir. nnd :lIn. Jee· t.nllda~·", Helen cant~"'l1 Is home fl'Qm Itlnc: her "i~lcr. ::.rr"- Jennle li::l\'"I. f(or.on llcrol:<;ins were dinn!.'r gllests at 'th~ !;nl""rslty or Illinois. She ex- Ernest Ha.n-!.~ a('comllanled h~r. ;.'Ill'S. the ht)mc or ;.'Ilr. an.l ::Ilrs. F.lmer Rh~n­:peelS to I .... ",e for Boston. ~ ....... SOOn LQul~e Cook of 4M' X. :lTar\r"t :;1.. Chrlstma.q ff.'1y at the r:hl;nhnrdt ~o attend tlte Alpha Kappa Alpha so- St. Louis. Is he,.., \"Isltlng 1111'S. J~nnle cou~r," ,,1:1("". 'Vm. }Inpl~s or ChlcllliO -tit'" (" n"~ntlon E~n~st Hamilton Klvel. !-Irs. Laura Or""n and Willi.. ~p6n :.. .... rlstm-. r. \"Il~ I,t-, motl.lA' •• :\. irs. iiian(.h" liamlllon' and' Nathaniel Hud: ~tidaIf~V~t~';,~~.;~~;;!!f~~. d;.;"';~I:~g. ~~~~ ~I.' ~1"~1·~3. :0";:. lit!. ~t. :rhe 'I(niek. If;«n are h"lIl<! from ~"hool for the holl- lr(t for' !l1"dl!'On. "·il' .. la"t :;alllrtllll'. orboe\r~r dill. "nl"rtmn~ll \\,.Ih II. dnne· Iff:,,"~. :llr~. Gl"Ttru4.. Wrlltht and "fn. Annlc PAttnn an<l ./I11~h:\tI(1 <>C !n~ l,ar!" at Iha Imperial tempi" on 'Jau!:bter I-::tlz:thrth of DetrOit are \·!sU·· 401& "'. D<'1t nr" f"'I1""'''~ to arrh'e In : \\· ... lno~tl'''' nlo;ht. .J. 11. Gre .. nl~Rr. *nc t"elath-es nf're. to"'"n from St. I .. outs. 'W'hPt~ hf~re ttl.f>~~ I U:!,l t::~~ CinlCnicr St .. ,\"j',~ ~(\·I':-ct)· Cn ..

"'111 he the s:uc.'" <>! ;lIT. lIno! ~ll':!. ; .lilTed at Ill~ Perrl"'~ Inin" l:tst \\'c'~k. ROCK lSI-AND. ILL. 1(1\.t>1. Flor .. n,. ... Jon"'" I~ """o<llng U", 'lOtto :lloTrlson. wllo h"" »<}cn " !>nU"nt

.Tames Stewart. 3513 FAcn Av~ •• Chl-, hQUdal's In Snarla. Allr .. 1 I'cnn\' ~I'"nt at tll(' Sl. John'~ "05),ill>l. IN Imrro\'c.'l __ .;u::o~ his :lion Andr,,"w and nephew, G~o. sft\'"f>rnJ dfl;)'S hn'~ '·':.:ltinl:' reiat \~(.~. to 'th~ C'xv"nt that he (~ home with hIS Crown, ,,100 of Chl"".:n. "p.nt Christ· lItap:.:I" 'VlIIlnmll "nft ran~II)" F.lh~rl ;>nrent •. ;"fl'. nn~ ~Ir •. :\Iorri,on. ~IIS X. "',,~ "'Ith ·;\f,.. I1nd "l~s. John E. King. " (;I"ghorn and wife "I ... nt Chrlslma,; III IHh ~t ~Ir~. l,at~cTI"" ~Iorrl>"" or $:6 lOth -",·e. "Irs. John E. l'::lnll' hRS SpartA. __ ~OS l". i~.h St. l. 111 ;I'r". T.~.ey Kin-~~~~~de'in ath~ll~~us~~tWer"~le m~':ttt~: MOUND CITV, ILL. ,.annon. ~nr, X. 14th S~ .. had 115 Ill'r 'IIne~s. ,,"m. Chaves. \\'ho IIns been III 'Pr!IT. H. S. Da\'is "Ilent 111<' Chrlst~ l:uest tor. Christmas ,linneI'. :llrs, Mary f<>r the p""t several ~'"ars at thl! home i mas holidays With hll! paT~ntli In St. H~ntly. 1709 1.:.~~l:l:ht'cneYltAI\·"~ Roy Cj'

"". IO~8 S ,I nuift. JOhn "nrte,.,. of CI,.,·"land Is ,""linitis or 14 - I'" a" 0 --v .... an. ~~t~I~~'1.l::r;..~~~t ,;;u~~'e::t'ak~r d~~: "!"(tinl: 1,Is aunt.~!ilrs. Dnrn noy.l. PrM. :\1\.5 Anna )Il Ie I,n,'ln were matrl~.l ... ]11 I t I I IJalll'·rton Is 81""nolnl: Chrl"tm"" wIth ChrlS'tm:u;. :'Ilr", .. rant of st. Lolli".

In;: the put week. s "s er· n- aw. , " 'ft t HI kmn I". ~rr nnd "'0.. is the !lue~1 or ::Ifr. :tnd :llrs. :!Ifatle En"land ot Omaha. lind his !<On. ~~~p.p"{.,rl~I~1dnmsc ~r~ n,he 'pro;,d' par- ("harl"" H~nn·. ~o:. .... 14th SI. :'Ills. Brrt D. Cba'·". of CotumhuK. Ohio. ~nts of a fine bab~' girl born Dc ... :9. 1'h\'1\5 Jon,,~ nr St. I.our •• :lro .. Is ,'1". ho,'" ll,,~n called hnme '0 his bcd~lde. :ltr. nn<l :llrs. AlII" White or ::Ilnr\oll !thig h"r mother. lIt'l!. Jone~ of 40. S. ::Itrs. En;:land al5<l brought \Vtn. " .... at CIlrisUna8 with her parpnts. )Ir. Hth :;t. ::'lls~ JOtl~S I. one of the <::hl\\'''~' 6,year·ol;) <latll!bt"r "'Ith 1 ... ,1'. lind :lIt!'. Snm CI:'rk. .1oR"ph nr3S- tC'lchers In the Lllt~er'm school there. )tr5 !I'an., .. a ;lfaullin and granddaul1:b· d I I I Itln Clllll\'e5 In H1 .. kmlln te" •• Kathle~n lIuhhard. ';15 Xlnth A\·e.. ",.1 ;Ir~ ~nd 1r;". Curti" Sto\'all. :1[.,,: lett last :Mond"y for Galesbul1l'. where Birdie CuM and John Watts :ttt~nded tll"Y will "l'end Ih" hollda)"tl ...-ttl! hell' the rmn" gl""n at the hom" .,f llr. all,1 dallp:hter, ::Itr.... F:torence Harrl$. Dr. ~t ..... W. ·~t. Turner o! Cairo Ja~t Th"r~· Dat'is announet'tl tbal lifTf'. Anita Good. da,- e\'~in~. )1"". XanC)l' "lIllnn .. anil rl .. .h, J;U $lxth St.. who hR~ Me" sick Mis. Ada EllI" "IFlt,," at tbo home ot-fOT ",pveral ~e1<a .... is I'Om .. what im- Mr. Rnd !ltn;. Chari.,,, Penn In Al<llHtn-,,",,·ed. akhoulth Fhe ,.. stili eonflned lI"r coun!)·. :Ernest Smith and mo' "er. to ~p.r bed. !llrs. Frl!lda Smith. 131: ~lrR. Upll Ca~e.· of PQrtland. Or ... ! Eighth A'·e •• "'ho haR blten sick ov .. r a P"99OO Ibroup:h Sunda~' en rout~ to "ell!" Is no\\' ahle to h6 up. Abe :'-lIller HarrisDutll' I" ,· lleT dam:hter nnd ;""ni ("hrl"tmas and X .. ,,· Tear's at sl~ter. Fannie P~nn. dam:llter of llr. U,,"n!ha). ::Ito~ ,,1th hi .. Cnth .. r. :lrr~. ft,;d ~IM'. Charlu Penn. flied n~('. :9 !,I'\nL Burton. '1. 11th St .• who If' sick :::!.~~ :o~d~~!~I~ln:~A. ~i~nEr:a~b~~~~iC-~; ;l tM '''at .. rtown hO~IlIt. ... I. 1M "bout th;' 1.n~tnr. It",·. "-. H. Col... RaT­the ""me. :'ofrs. Elisabeth 1I1011t;::omen·. SOl':' S .. venth St., 18 "pendlnl: the holi· da"; wI\tll '!1~r mother. !\tamle Wallace. In' Ut'lc:a. No. )f...... ()Pal )!ollq:omen' or the .... me addrell~ Is '\'Isltlnl: her mO'll,er. 1I1ra. Amy )fllllon. at l-:"<:i>I~ior l"prlnr:s. lto .. o'-...r ChrIstmAS and Xrw """r·s. !l1l~Rlon3"-, r-;'·:ln,;ell .. t Della WIlIh!.m!f of n·l .. r. T .. "' ..... attend"'" the ('on"ocation of til ... Church of G",) an<l Chr!t;t In !ltemphl" reee-ntl)". and will hold m .... tln;:s In R.ock l~land tor (!Omf! tim", She Is the l;U~st of Mr. and "trs. 1.. L Barlow and :llr. and )lrs. Clar-ence ·lilltr. 1I!!6~ tOth 8t. lI'rll. ;\rat-tie White. lOIS 10th A\"e .• daU!:ht~T .of !lfn;. lIunter. I"av,'" "llh her ram!!;' on llrr. !!9 ror CII',· .. lan.l. (11110. where thl'" \\'111 mnke their fUluro> home. BOI!> cblldrrn o( lIr. and :!It,.,., :.lam Over-. ton have improv"d durln~ the week., TIley both ba\'l! ha4 1rleaBlea. I

MT, VERNON, ILl... ': !ltett"..... D. A. Blahop and 30" Tandy I

are '1~ltlnc r .. lAtl\·"5 In IndlallapOils. i Ind !IUs" Lillian Lewis of St. Louh. I wa~ the guCf't of h .. r mother. !llrs. R. n.-Im recently. lin. Sa11l.. X"l~on 18 \1s!tI~;: her "I~t"r. !It",. AnnIe La)'. The o>mmunlt~ club ent~rt."lned at tll .. homc of lIn. D. A. Blabop lUI Frld;).y In bonor of the "\Sltors of Ole dly. 1\1 ..... lIllldr..u Slierrod and brother. ~n Kin':. of East !'>t.. LoUI~ ar.. \'I~It\n;: .... lat"· .. ". R. Helm \\'a" dilled· to ("Illrk~vllle. Tenn .. !aFt "'('ook to attelld th" fun" .... l of hl$ UIIC'l~. Waitl''' ~r"RI" J~ "I~ltlnl; In Chlcall:o. :lflER Clam Kirk of .!IlarJon i.. \'lsltlnr-:r"la 1I\'es In th" elt)· TIl.. He... :ltr. Dul<"p. Jlre~ld!nJ;

I .. Id.;' or th .. Cbamp"il1l dl.trlet, spent the l:\oU4a)'s hue 'WI~ hta tamll.Y:, Mrs.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jan 19, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A4


COULTERVILLE. ILL. lItn! )tarlal't Gamble of Baldwin.

lITl.... • alId grand4&u.ll'bter. Emma Jnnf!t< a"" In th .. dt" EPendinl: .. month v.lth her .. 011 Bill .Tone!! lof.... Janie ("',;u-ne, rPlume<! 110me last '" ednElida'$" "rt .. r >;pendlnJ;" th~ holidays In SL l.nul" Robut Clark ....... an out-or­tn"'-n '"'tiitar lut ... eek. LawTence l',,~ nt' and nalph Dobl'On left la1't ..... .,k for GaJe"llllrl:: AJlthon" Smith left Te_ .. pnt!>· (or St Louis." l.ere he bas ob­tlllnMl 'Jnplo'-m~nt Elmer Smith left ~~~ tor ~t L<>ul~ Ill .... JO"' McC'.al· U .. telC Lilia Dt>:Ot1 and Lula !>Im!! left .....,.."th for HnUldl!,,"Fboro Tn !'\UMll Smltl1 and daught",. I>1'<'"t S" .. ..ta I dan III Duqunln T'-<:('nt! ... ,\1. .. ltlnG' ber """. l:unc.s. and hill "It" :Mt~ 1':IIa Gleg­hom "a~ nn nut-of·to\\TI ...-Isitor n.. ..... nU' W,llie GI .. ghom of 1'!pa.t1.a: ru "p~Dt ~\eraJ da,!! In tho elt,. ,I"itlng

1.0VEJOY, ILL. :\lr .md lIl.... Turner. 1:1 :.;

"If.h ~l w...... 11", hmrtti .. 1 a rOUT rl'ur~., dlnn .. r Sun<ia' D""ember 30 In h ... nnr "f tb~h frl~nd~ TlIOFt> pT'l'M'nt " .. r, ~~"l<da.mes It l'_ t.~hford C :\1 1\'T<I Jessie Jon,," f'aduMh. K, a"d "-I .. ""...,. }\ehrord B~rd Thomas. I' H UE"Oll'lln""'''l·. n c Au~"l111 of Cilk'agn. .. lJ '" il..,n or !';\.. l..oul" "UI'.'"'' T .. , -1 1:"' IUtndaJ "'fInd Gf'f'eft1: '" "1'"4 'ut;lton;: in St "LoutH, ~ ... \\,: Y".ar R da) ,.tf'S,.~Y:!II l,ulUZ .. nd J'&\1on of tl\ls cit ... " ..... ' .. It< ...... at th"" hom~ ot the :;\1\"""" l""b<­""d Com" ... 1 Randal Sltnd ... , "II" .. Jona 1 Idl .... Itas '""tUTII"'! 10 thlM • It,' "n .. r ",wndint: a d~Ii~IIt1ul " .. cation at b"r " .... 10 .. III Ja('kR'Il,-I1lp 1lI Prln .. !",,! 11 1" '\y ..... l>Injtton "r 'Iarl!>n III MS t't­lumMI to Ihal ~It, after "pendln.: a • 1< h;::btflll ' .... ""II ... n It''r,, !II ... a.nd lin; rr<'(/ J",..-" ru.,.. .,..turned II) tbelr "~"_J,, , .. ft"r "l'"ndmlt theIr \<l.t'atk>n ,,1111 r .. ,. "I"" FAmund""n and t1o .. ,. little <!auj:btt1 Qumn "'hR!l<'1 , II I. t hurt"'h h .... ld a t7t lh ~ltnd.w.1.: Tht rp ~as :t la~f'> .U .. nd"n,........ !\tnr \ S:f\{~ and .hu;::lIl<'T ""Ihod Ull<I" !llr" Alice J'ac!; "nn " .. m .... nil .... h·}.s III !It.." Emma 'rnllh .... IS 'ml1ro,ilu:, )1'""<1al1\' ~ .\11 .... ~ ,~IUlam. SeSl'I' lh'uunln$;""" '\Ir and lIl.... l.uth .. r CI"lT1on~ ..... 11. oJ upon :11m A Spe<"d 11l:;t l"r!da'

CHESTER. ILL. '!IIif'!! Ratl., ~U"",' t'etum,-d "'Mnr.

d,.~ tlO 1'"'e'f;UnU~ hpr ,,""Ork aft. r "'l'f'ndtm: • b.. hollIS»","" ".tll Iwr tnu\l" rand frl .. nd .. In (' .... rbond".. Gu~ .l\rm-lrad

j'1pn~: ~~ft~!: ...,"'[;'i,~~t:;;h~:t¥!~h l:t\';J~ (hl'\* .. lal1UBn: ... 1\ctl!o;S Anna Jon~s 'Ui,\tcd Itt. 1.ho 1101n~ fit :llr aud "tt'tl '!\:flsot1 111(,(",,,,,,, Chrl~~mR" ........ " hnthob' Ann' }';rif'.d 2'pl'nt !'_ "''' 1 t lIr s du.'y In :it l..,ul~

)i.51' AhI"" lI!pr.odlth <>1 ll"unt v ..... nAn I'T'< nt Chr'.UIIlU' .... ith l'M" fnlk_ 'Th" nc,' !IIr Graham rNntins about tltt!' ~~("

BOAl:. ILt.... Tit .. R .. , n H .101.n6on "f AI.ham"

","11ed 1l nota blp t''''l''mon ~"re t" ""' <"fnth ~nBn1 .-:1htllheU J!'J on tho skk 1I11t S ...... ln" "11>,,r I" III ~fRl--t'r HaM\....oo ero.,.1l1nd II! 011 tb.. .Iok U", :;\1.... U.ttle Ta' lor hi ~lck Vats, WUl!3 It ..... Tf'luro.;f In b .. r h<>m" I" ~f"mpbi ... T .. lIl1. and ... t~ aecomflll"jp,J by 'he:r t"o little .t'lstUl'l

CA~BONDALE. ILL. "1\'" .. 1." C\ledlock o( Sprlngtl .. 1<1 ·p~lit

til.. h<.Ud,U'" ,.1r!l hi" - .. n "nd dKu.rh 1< r. !ltr "nd !ltr~ rra11l< lITf'dlo<."1, MI ... ~ Edith Ton'. t<f'a".l!rr (>1 l::dwllrd""m, Sl>~t tto" bollda, ... with hr,r roar .. nts :Iff.... l"I06l!'ie Thoma" or Chl""go ,1,,­It..., frI ... .nds here.. "'noon. '" 11><0" IS

I~"~~I~":'';.~I h()I~~:'J."3 ;;~l";i!" :,~h.! l'art~' In bOIl .. r of IH'r falh". -rh"~c :r...,fi<>nl " ....... MT and )trs JRmp 8 ('nl_ 1ron. !\fr. and I\trr. ("' .. to Ta>Ior. lIfr ''',,' :)1 .... \\ m ... rt ,\ itoon. lItl:' """ ",",­-n·n. 1:.01""""" !llr Emonp .. nd "II' .1"hn" :)tr alld "'n< ,\ lUI., nOV-I'M! .. '1 ...... nt lh~ ,4, "l'Ck f'!tItJ ,,5th lb. IT l1ar~Jlh¢

\t,.., I:. (I'Daniels nr .'\.nd"l'flnn. In.1 lta. rMurnfiod lH'\me aft"r lo'Jlf nd'nl: 'the ",,114.'8 "ith :IIr~ .1. Ii !"<-ol\.. reltn' •• -'nl' b, '\\a) '" 1« t.ouI" ::..II' 1IfTS !',."t ... """mplU.I"d h",. thlll far alld .. At< ,10" "","><1 (of !llr "tid !'oY", Aaron ,\h.l..,n" .. r l'or.. roll .. ",.. :.'Iln;. .I If ""'It l) .. ~ .~ til'" 1;1'''''''' ror br"~lda~1 ",.t"rd., nlornln.: lIlr anI! ;\tr~ (""~ FInd",,,," "''' .... n ..,r (-hl<:ago a:nd hOT '''_ 1\1.... :lIar- \\ hi'" of" H~lti ... ,. t'l,;11. Jl (" )h" :an'" ",r!'t ,1~ .,:nn; ..... ll ~r" ,1!1Jlinl:: ;\lr ~(ln .. U·A sll'1"r In TlI"I<mall ",. Th .... old .. n .... It'lo ", .. t ,,;th "tr~ roret"l'l l .... 'id.on WI 'Monda- afl .. ",l>On r A r.a.. "'ll~ 110m" Cor .Ii f"" da\!I Ia~-t ",""'t-k fmm r. .. rn .. ~ hOl'pltal ",h."." h.. '" t8.kll .. ; .r .... ln' .. n\ Th" n~T and '!IIf">' "'. ~I "harf 11", .. returnt'd from N~" Ma·

~r~J;;Q ~';.F~ t:;:-;...~~;u ;,!i~ g~~!!

JOLIET. ILL. :'1.... T'erran Bro!)ka of Chlc"8o "':15

tho 1:\I"$t of :Mrs Srott .Raglan l"f'""nt­lv. lIlr ... .Tobn llooro ot. Tork A'" and "on Henn. ha.,,, \"'00 crltlcalU til but are impro, In~ !olrs 'Wlnnlfred lItadd<>x is fmpt't)vlng The Mltl' "fis­tdonRtv will bfl ent .. rtalno>d b... 101m J Jobn""" Th.. :lln.FIDnary union "Ill be held Sunda) at Bro .. n·s chap~l Mrs Robert :l<latten's bab\' wbl) has bee" ct'IU.,..n~ III with plltomonla. I" im­pro~1ng "Jowly :l1n<. ("..anie H ..... k!ns Is on thl.' skk llsL !oXr... Charles C~r­Tln;!on h.... underj:one a ~u .. ., ... "rul gj~~n m"e~d "irthlma",.f"~e~'fden~t~~~~ he .spnllned his allkl ..

GRAND CHAIN. ILL The lle' A T Ta,.lor and the R,,'

.Tohn cro""land ealled to Fee tbe R"'·. Je~se P. prJ.,.. "]10 I~ ~nt1n"d to !tis hed "i th !Iln~"" Gceh' Toung I)f Leh Ings "~nt a fe, .. day" v! 1n th" elt'_ TI>l' r.. .. \ \ T Ta)lor. pasttlr ... r tll" ;llis.lonan Bal,tis t ebnrdl delh·

~re~I::a~,,:;%::k"'::' .. ~~~~ to Rie OOd~ld.. of l'ather Rev Je~se P Prle-, .....,"nt1~ \\'llIIam::; -n'alker ot ~amos nnd J G Plllmm~r. S lIIIll"r and G ~t :Math" .... s (If CJlariellton )10 \\ ere ,..,.,~nt ,1~lt"'!'S In Ib.. cit. ::..I~"damell "'mlinda UU .. , and :\farla Hn»" ,,~r. "l!6pt>lng In (""alro re<:rutl' :M,.,. r"n­nle Wa"lIuID I- ImpmvlnJ;." (\'~a Palm .. r I" nn the "I<'k list )fr" Y"ruler )Ynorp

who h. tea"hlng at For"st ,Ie\\", I~ .. n the I'\ck list. lIUss '\{ .. r""n who Is tNI"hlng ,II t"" ing~ Is serit>u~h 1\1 "ith pn"lImonlll.

DANViLLE. ILt. • "1M' Waldon !'.tartin ~I. I~ I)n th.

~kk 1i!!'l.. Robert Rile'. Sr O .. k iiit I" a1~O <In th" 51"k list :\1r... ",'ri!,:ht Illld aaul;ht"r ElI~a b~tt, h .. ,,, r"'­nuned to ti."lr borne in Oetrnlt "" .. h ""N. 't1; III lL Beekr has , tb~ ,,,,plai,,,,,, of the local Coml'''"' L of t!t~ Sth Int,,,.,. IIlrantn nl~ ),Uc:~s t";raeA ~kh('tta5 anrl

f:lIzah<'th h"lk' I ft ror Ih-Il:' lwm. In r;:lin:. tnt:! 1.1n; llar-tha Reeler It;: \1i~ .tm!;" r .. latln~ III ~n<I .. ,"""n lnd "11-" H.len (""antr~ll \\ .. ~ ... ''''itor In Sptln,,­lltld :.o.1t>; Parks o( (Ian;. In<l is d.· ilin!;" Trlath I'S bel"f' Pal ... :';1,,1101" ",t!; r. turn()d (rom 'rul~ Okla llr>; (I~r­Irud • .. '1'< n~l •• lIln; Uattle DUllean. :\11'­Yanni.. Rt'<'<:! the< lU .... s n .. l<", YrPIl<h ""d Floren"" n,~" gnp a ddl&ltliul. nU"rnoon ,"'c~ptlon at th.. hnme nr )1r" Fannl.. R<'ro. 1013 Robln~oll 5t X .. " :tear" <l. .. ,. "ith th" "Id,.... P<:'" 1\1." In the aft,pm4)o()n and. the "t)ullg ''''01'1" In the Henln;:: .\ II"U"hlrul tlm<> '\aHi ~)')ent A hutr-fl"t lnnrlu!on ~a8 ~ n;(>() ~om~ (')f th~ '\ lSitOrH ,\1th th~ \/f1ungM"' ~et ' ... are !\1r 't()mq nf L4fal:­f'tle. lnd :\11s~ rf'""ha ,,,,.1I1a,,,,, <>f \-lIam"",IA"l1 It"!..,, (" .. n' .... 11 of Ihe Unl' ~.'rs.l~ of 1I1t1l()ls and ~athanl.,l H,,<'I !!Un or ib .. _me ..,hool Mrs Fr""ol:h and :l[t>; HI\~"'ln~ the :)11'". s R ..... d and )o"nonth .. r.hal"mlTlJ:'h r('{'.-.Jl:ffl

~i!~"~""d ~~e .~~:"'~IJ~;,"i~~re 41:-: h~::::~ "aN heauufulh d",,"ruINl in th .. 1"" .. .. tide • fff·_ t. Th~ "'''1''\ 'tl;: tahlp ,.. ... fil h~Rutitul" ap""mt .. d ..... ith <Ja.h,I"" and tall "hlte "andl"" "~re plaem 1Il tI .... '~'rn"rs The I..aIlf'I<'2I Fair" <'Iu\> met at th~ hom" of !IIl~s l~t .. rt" Uult Thut1<­<'110.3. ThIs "as lit"........ ." ~nlng and {tn<!SUon .:a.rdll W<'l·" l1"'nn,," b> It.e oommlttee Th~ qurSUt,nM l\:C.C lla~t d on ttl" leadllt&" c\ .. nls In 1':::

CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILL :If.... Ch .. de.~ E l:!lanch"rd and ehli­

d."n """''' r"turned from S"rln~tleld afvr ,bltl"'~ ""r mother dunn" tb. .. nllda,,' Tbe l't ..James t". !If 1; • Itn" I. Ilf Id It,; quarter" mN!lin.: I"un­d;t, Jan 6 n.. R. C " .. a,,,.

f,r".!lCh"ll. at ~ ,,·,Ioek !ltr" A Uurkh."" " Impro,in!:" ni"eh a.t her hom... 3:.

E lfitll I't :)1.." "",,,lie Clark of SL VtI1i' ""'Ill mal'~ lI~r\"~,,,'ue in Ctu"''''o H"l",h~ \<ith It .... daut;llI ... r. .;Ilrs C nle :lel .. "".,u, ltll Ll)w" A, e

GLENCOe. 11.1.. :.'ITr nn<l ~r"" J~ 1" Bale.... of 'I:

Ja(''kt-l('n ,,\'\(' t""tl for C1l1nni:.o.tlll :'dis:<;. to ~1~1t 11M' faliler for the "Inl(,r Mr and l'lns S If BaIt". bave returned tTO.u a ,,,ucl,,,,,~rul tOllrlng Inp to '\Us­.-our! ilmong the man' partIes g/<en for tit.. ,"'()ullG' rolk~ ",as '" mldnlr;hl hr<'.akfa1lt ::.;"" 'ear II "'0 Itt th ... h"m" .. r :11", Wm Rankin Jr Tit .. monthh me"tm", of UIA t';l .. n....... bnmrlt of th .. X A A C l': "a" lIeld at Ih ... "ll'l!t "huTel. ("0\ ClInto&> J,tAVr. a. talk The mUs,C! .... as (umIEh"" bv the J,ml". "bolr ot the Glencoe A !It: E d111r-:h ..

BROOKPORT, ILL. u..... "'. II Hadley Is condtlchnl': a

Tfl'tl'\.:al at Ul0 A )1 E church :\trs B-oulab T,nlor (Of F;,"IUIs. iIIr. Illd is \ lSI ling ,!>'('1!' ltlly or Jollllt'On has retum<>d to l'ha"n.etow ... to tca"b aftn ...... ndlnlt ti,,, lIollda~" ... ith his -ra1'"nh. !>11'l' '-:f'rtl.> ~an"" Qt Madison. ,Ue Ky. is th., pJest of III r da"l;"h'er Olhe ~I'l" )IIFSruo John l.ll.a and :Mat'll f'r.HIl"'S Terr"U lIa\" r. tum~d to Elk­,die .aft" .. ,l~ltln~ tilt 11' father Ow.-n Dunnln&", a. l'Jone~r dtu:en and ~oldl(>r diP<! al Itl" home Tan latter ... l.rt>­I"n;;' d t1111""''' lIT..,.,we Harrl" of ...... rbondale III ,I'ltlng I:. .. r [a tit." The skI-; lll~>i,es n .. """, JIard •• I:.ulb Don-10" Mrs Annie Daur;berly and n .. Ue Ja.ckson.

CENTRALIA.. ILL. :VI''' '" :M Lo, f'la<:!lI' "pent th" 1>011-

da ' ... "ith ber mother. !'.In;. :.toille Bt'lI-

::::;"t inth~a~~i1l!~~ .... ~\;" r!i:~:,,;tlr: Mentpbl~ and Arkao...... Re:, J II 1"II<h .. r attended the ,u6!clar> IJoard .. r the InternaUonal Ord ....... r T""ehe III Cilleago la>;l. ,"',. It. :\1..... E.. J Harr.s l .. ft Cor St 1..oul8 after fipend.tIg se~­" ..... 1 d"~,, "ith ber s .. n. E. Harrison 111,..; Jona Harrl~on hs.; returu<'d rtom Chl""~o after ""ending th.. holld"y" .... th relath~" and friends lItn Rub' Rldllner Is slcl< lIIM' ("'11M lIesttr of RllJ'l<!rlor, "'·Is. ig here ,1-IUnl'( .. "la­tl",s alld frlendlo ~r.. Han'f!," Leak" and daught".. Juanita are: III !lIN! Ell.-" ~,,~h 14 reporlf'd heller ,\[", Jan" lIlo".,h die<! r,,«ntl> Fun.NtI ..... " Ie..... \\ .... " beld at n,.lhcl A )1 E t:bur.-h )1\11 :IIan "ligon alld lIlr and lIlr" Fr<'<i ~lmJl5On or Champaign att .... d<'d tll" funeral :\tiss z>Unen a Flo", .. r.. .. .. M ed .,; 0 clock dlnn"f In honor of :Ill' .and Mrs.. Fr<'d Simpson :ltr IInd).1", 'Tome' Young Ii ... "" lllo"'d tn their ne" 1.0"", on '\'Ine S1. lItr limt lim 1' .. r .. y hlnJt are Ihe parent" <If H I"'h~ girl

MATTOON, 11.1. ~~If'ft Lnr .. ne B.r~tt. teA{'hpr (If J~1tJn

.. n4 Enlt:llFh III thjj 1111;'1& 6ch-:.ol "t lIfur·

METROPOLIS, I Lt.. )Im !of Ih F"""lu of AllIane'" Ohl ...

Is ,1"lIIn!;" rrlatlv"" and rtlpnd~ lieI'll !III' and C\trt' >1am Upshll." and dllUllh­t<'r of Rockford ~ I-Ited the forma s {J .. rents dUring the hoUda~" lIlrs Rena poner of DetrOit 15 the Im""t or h~!"

~;""8" p~~ \'1~tedl\~ f~~':lIS f.!'7a-" ... rdf',llIe la$t "~k E C I'ltllill's n' ::.tattoon l~.:It llome for Jt r ... u: \\ ~fI'k:H \1\ .. rtJs Lonl: h811 r .. turne<l 10 Cham­roallm tn 1'".ume hi. ~t\ldle9 !l1I~se .. I!!. EnGlish. Il"I~1l Dobl'on .and LU· cind ... Jon!!3 'hue returned to Carhnn-

~aJ\ "h}.'i':,.th~"iW~ a:i~~~g\:~~ ~,a~ hP<'n tOf' 'Ill rxt"ndCd .... bill "III. Ilpr daul;hter In Ca:rbondalr h ls rcturnl"d Irs Huehattan ,luIted his motller 1.11'1< .;IlInlll.. /,<"",,/1 durin\: til" IIl)lId.,,, "Irs 1'.lol~"" !lloo..., a"d nl<>o" L~rlelll! ("'arlwrij:tht ha~ e relurn",1 from. a ,Islt

"WI\.l~!"~ri~1! \~?lIar~Qt.fmll~I1~isll~tli';! (""oil' durin/!' the hollda,," I'd '-ouns has returned fronl Chl~al!'''. \\ h<'r., he had be"" ~IDI'I,,' t><I !llIs~ Xe"lc n",l1 Dull.. of Gar, Ind Is the 1';11 .... t 0; hl'T' :;Ister ;\cIT.... ~t Stante\: (6 Rlahu" Alston ot ChIcago \ 1_ltl'd hi" ram,l< dunn&' the bollda,-s Th" 8nllllal ban quet I'(hen b' tit. f.:lklI at tlte Odd Fp.fh",;~ han , .. as a. Noclul ~U('l~"«:- There w~re :Og prrs.nt Th.- 11 o·do .. k lo .... t WaS dell, e ..... d hv 0 "OO'Per )[U5Ic b, an or .. h~.lra. from PaduCah Prof ~eans "Iolted hi" ""r~nb. i" N"" 10tk during the hoUda,. In,,,, '!\Iargan,t WlIldns w .... the geu .. t or h ... r parents In Sprlnl<lleld last w<,ck

The I:':d"lwelss FOllt" ga\" R rlIrd Tl3rtv Tue"da' c,,"nlng In h'">nor of :lU.s ::..Ie"lf' Duke at th .. r<-!d. nt''' of ~Ir and !\I.... Ro~ Sl"nlp~ on \ i"nna St '!oft.s Du!;e h .. " relum~d to h,,1" 110m, In Lnu\", l1le R' Claud~ l..oflon lh .. little !<On of :'[r and lIlrs T J. Lofton, died 1'pcentl~ at their oomc on W 11th St of pnenmonla Tho~ on the "lek I\"t this we"k are NaJlOl~on Brown and 'WIlI' )Jerron ~u". ."nnl" HelTon of Chlesgo "a" ""'led 110m" nn .. ,,~ount of th" mnes" of hrr Cltlh.; II" Is reported some"hat I.ett .. r The ladip~ <Ie the Alpha AM. d'll> enl~rlaln .. d til"!" lim.bands "'etlnesdn ~,,,nt,,,,, at the reslden\!.. ..f "[I' nnd 1111'5 Edsar Or­Tingt4'Jn on Bro8dwa' Thl')~"" pl'ese-ttl " .. ..., )tr. and )tn,. E }Jeard Mr and ~I", Fred L'onfi 1111' nnd ~T,.,. A (" Tra nzor. :lTr and ,\1..,. N ("01"1< :\(1" "nIl :\1"" D S. )too1"" !lt~ ",<I )Irs l-d f ... nCM. :\Ie"dam"" 0111. Searcy i'Unm" ~ewet n.. Churrh. "'(atb" Fo~"i~. Izord. RodgorA and :ltr Finne' :\lIs8 tl'nr ... Ro<lger~ """ h()fit~"" 10 tht' Alpba Art dub Roose"'U .;Itayberl";l "as a Pa, d""ah shQPpt'r last "eek. Mrs Ruth TJob~on has ntllrn~d to her home In Chl<'al':o 3trs fda L\'(lns returned from .. hl ..... ~.. la~t '" .,,\< "lIere Elle ~I'.nt tll" ltollda''llI

MARION. ILL. :M.s~ C1ark Kirk {f< ,wltlng .n ~It.

'crnon lhls .... "'k -rhe Rc~ and Nt'>' C. Smith 'IT" .i"itln!; their da"ghter III Dan,ill. :leI." )lar) '\ hit" of S"atu "a~h. "p~nt th" hollda}s ",ttb h<'r parent.!< Mis" Hattie '~lIllam!< "I'<tll the Itolldal" at hom" \\ Ilh ber parents PPmf n F \"-u5hlngto" :\lr~ Etla .Jael<son and :lIrI! :\lall(l" f'ort~r Clark, t.acb~rs of Douglas 5<:11001, "o'!r" the dlnn"'r gu~sts ot :\Irs Ruth ClrUlUh of Llb .. rt, ~t On ~c" Year ~ da" Th. ""allier "'''' "om~"h .. t .. old ... eek !ltn; :ltor!"n mother "r :lt1'8 HaUl. :\1orton ~pent the ho\lda. ~ In til .. "It' and ...,turned to her borne In earrll'l" :\UII~ IW<t :\londa) "'I".~ Clara Kirk. Dimple 8ean and Rus>o.lI nardner. "tu· drnt..., of Ih- l:' 1 N U ha,,, ,.elunl~d 1 .. Carbondale aft~r spending the holl <II"" ... Itll lhelr parenti! The t~aeher. of Don&:lasll ",hool tiurpris..d theIr l>IIplis last Tuet<da} with a r~\l""t .. r dalnU.,. ;It.. .\nd)' Xorth and ""a' man Bla~kburn ""rl' host and ho"tel!l! to Chrl><ltnaa "",rUes durin!!, Ib" holl­<l"'~F t~a"c Bla .. kbllrn llP~nt tlto hn\l­d"'l< In th" .,ltv "Ith hi. chlldr .. n )1\~~ Tbt'lma. San." of Carbondale \ is­ltl'd :\11'>\ 1>;mrna !llo,", laRt "eek. ~Ir and lIl.... Chde Hans or Carbondale 'I'Il"nt I ... ,t l';unda~ "ith thdr niece:. MrF M D Clark Th~ n." J r:: Ttp,1 <lIck 01 Colp "aR In tllo cit,. 1",,( ""pic

~~e ~~~~s..'rnrd~;!: met at \hol dub

ROCKFORD, ILL. The "eddin.: e>t Alf ..... <1 lame" Ta\l!lf

of Chit'llgo and !lU .... ", r .. 1'0",,11 ".11 be t'Olp mn",ed In Allpn A !'of E: church s"t.urda' ","ning Tile n... Irving K "terchallt wlll offiCiate 'TIIP Ta~lor~ will reside In Chicago "h" • ., the groom \. empln .. ,," 1011"5 Delgrnd ... Scott rf'llIme<l1(1) \\, .. :tlt"l1 C()1I~g" lind :\1iS9 Est~ll .. Ferv;u'on to Ho\\arrl unl­'emit.... \\·a~hln!tl"n '\-altf'r Holmen emplol ed In the Stale hOll"" at Spring field. ".,." Ii rerl'nt ,Isllor in nl)~k(ord. the !;'Uest or "IT and :11m !'; A n,,­",1\" (,f Cherr' St Th. R", Galh Sthhnlrt .",,(tlr of t;matlll~l ~hl1reh dr.· Ihered .111 "dd1"e.!itoo.l)n ··Sen;ice· at th" Booker Wa>hhlr;toll c'omml1nlt\ r~nt"r 0" Emanelpatinn da, John n. Fair­ley" ... " rhalrlTUtn Alar.:" "ro"d at· tended .;Itr" J\d"l1... n()~~ I"<'turn<:d from Chicago and Is no\~ eonllned 10 hlf bom"

CAIRO.. ILL. The funeral of James Hkk. "ho ,hed

Tuesda~ at 1"5 resl<le"e... ~310 l'ark .\'" 'l'a.s h .. lt\ ThuT.d .. y under tbll a\151'1<.,,' of the AUK. >'nd D o( !I. :Ill' a nd ~l"" 1:otrl'r ,,'n'on. ne" 1),­"(ods of Chicago ar.. In " .. , cit) ,1",,­Ing r"latheR and friend.. llr anll :\1m Uedford Dllnlal) entcrtained 'on "'''<In".da' .,,,'nlng \\ Itb n \dll~t parr" In honor br thdr gu".,s. )lr and. lilt'!' n"S<'r '\'11000 \11' CrowrO"1 alit! tant­Ih oC Sted •. lIto aTd'cd heTO to m~ke their hom.. PP! ". Brl)wn :l~1 ::!Itll St an age" cll1z .. n Fll\t"retl a paral}tlc l'lt'ok@ rP~enU.. nl~ (ondltim, ... .e­rlou~ Sol HkkN "ho Ita!! heen Hit k I for <~, e",l1 ,,('el<H I~ ImpTo\lnlt MI'1! Lillian Duncan of Chicago was 111 the .. ltv dllrlnj: lite hollda'lI "ltlt hPT "I~ I t<r. 111,... 1-711a .ulller Sit" left for St Loul. to ~ 'sl(",!rI"ndR herore returning home C I. ""heeler :!tPS I'o.l'l."tr St I. on th" sick lI~t Tee I,em<ln~ 17th St. I" .... ""rted better lin.., H"tt} Da­'\"I~ ent~rLalned a m,m\)e. or friends '\\ltl1 :l parlY ThuM'd3' 'l\<,nin.: at lhe

~~~:;;''''O~t !II';r~nJ';.,.;~J: T;Y"~ o;r~~fre Creel( Mleb. Is the guest or :'otr' lItag" !<ie (;ol1ch !liT'll Ah1e Gunn of Ne ... 1>fad,.,". lfo, who llPent the bollda'",

:tc~te~el~ca-i:~:.,;.~~e, ::& d::~~~~r;:'8 relativell and friend:! Mrs M Eleanor Hamilton Is nble to resume ber duties atter a brier Illness lItrs. Amy Blake­moro h."ts reco''f!red £I-om an attack of tb<, grip MIs8 Laura May Woods ill

~~~tljlf. r~f~ve~r::~I:r\e:~~h~~ .. D~~~: Unu •• III at her re~ld .. ne" on FI""t I't Patrons >vtlt plea • ., see th~ Detendu tl>" and pay In full Plnl Enoch Is quite III ,,!th pneumo"la

BLOOMINGTON. ILL lItr and !lIra Delmar Price have re

~~th :\v~el~~a~ ~:I~~ n:.~~ll l:Iltft,;~ dn~s til Danl\lle m recent" where sh" Wall lbe guest of :1["" Miller

John Thomas Ilnd :\Irs. Fleta Banks were married at lhe home o( the bride on Oakland Ave I\ronda.~ eo,,­nlng hy the Ite, :s n Jones Tho Rov If "-. Jame.on l.r .. sltllng "ld~r hehl, hIs lIccond qtlarlerb' meeting at Wa) man chap.l HUl1d ... ,. The ne. A L Proat of tlto Christian "hurch preacbt'd the ueramt!ntal sermon at 3 o'clo<:k llt1! S U .lone .. Is fipend, In" a. f@w lIa~" In I'eorla ~I"ltin« friend. Thn StUd~fl't8 01 Normal col· 1"1;" wllhgl.c a htera.., anti musical I'r<lI>"am at 'Va'man "hapel "-rfda, nlg~\t :Mn; Amanda Thonmll ill th. manager' ;\ltss Ro.ella. Manhall unlte,l wllh \Vayman .. haP<l1 SUliday night A n Rhodes " .. lIg a heattU(nl solo at "'a~ mall chal,el Sund,,~ night

ELKVILLE, ILL. lira Sadlt Smith made a. buslnc"s trip

In Duquoll1 last \Veek J P "'nson 1M III Ah "rl" :lh el'll wall n Dcwm;\\ne ,I­ItoI' :In ... ;lInt!" 1'crr",lI. who has been emplo,,,,' In Carner llllls has rt!turnfid I hom" Robt'rt Trice Henry Cllambliss nnd U"ra". Garner motored to DUlluoln :\Irs H Lo, in!;" has rt'tllrnt'tl after a row "to"k.. \ lslt III Sprlncll ... kl Abram Garner '\'145 h Cn:r-lmndule "\i!ittOl" :\118'" LI~~I" ::;!eK~' I ... th~ l'rnud motlte- oC Il fin. \oab} b", \\ IIburn Cia) bTOQk \ I_fled (arhollllaip :.'Illss I! M 'rrl"" , .... " DuqUoin >181(or the gileS. ot llr and Mr. '" :II Cbahbers Ed

~:r':~n:r~\:~~n'~r~'l~~~ tf:a;:!';:" It Duquoin "sltor ia."t week. '-I .... I oph~lIa WU!<On or St LOUis "'':Ill ~lsH-Ing h~TC I"st 1\ epk. I

DUQUOIN. ILL I 1'e1''-' Dell.n '.a;; Injured at th<l I'am- I

dis .. min." I .. ~t 'ru'S"Il} b, ralllnS' ~"'ll "hlch he .. nol Obe~ HuddleRt(Jh "ere 1 utung in a. room 'ltr HuddJe~lon hud a nnrrow ~~enpe l\lr Dean Is nnW I\. palh;nt In 13r""nim;, hospital. Ths remnln~ of Warrel' J"rman "ho dl~d In Danville "as b-ou&,ht to th" city ' ... r hurlal HI" funeral \\'11' held from '" 1'8,ul BaPll"t church The Re. (:. \\ Gola the It" .' \V. Al.tork a.nd oth,,1'8 .""ko on the h(" of the <le­C"llsed He Ie,,, "" a "ICe. lfr:; Alice Jarman luo brother. Logan Jarman of Peorta an<1 PI~lls"nt Jarman of ~hl eng!) a nlet c. ~Ir" Id" )Urldlth of Chl-

~fCd4i~~~~O n R'N~~t ~~ hi'n~a!l;;e S;r~e~~ "Ill DII.' I.. of Danville accnmllanle.t th.. remains Jerry Ro~s and lIIr. !';,!lla Cla>ttlll "er" ""lied to the cIt'· b' the "erlllll" inne53 or n. S(ln and brl)ther-In-Ia" TheV' are from San­<lusk~ )Ira Etb~l n~ddlck enterta.lned a number "f h .. r frlends at n "hlot parh On l>atllrd"", "v~nlng Th"mas Jonc~ Is 011 (ile sick \tet

PONTIAC, ILL. Alfred ('a •• elf 'In ~",ployee ~ ~ the

sa,. "orks or Ihe PIII>l!C Sen;!ee Cn. hn" been confined to ... ~ home tor >le'­eral ,1a~" on l""ount of .l"kne,,~ ne' A .\ LII"" WaM In I'~orla Tuestla)' O,.,.row Barton "cnt to :MUv.-a\.k.,e )lon<1l1.) ... h"rl> he "III romaln Indefi· nftel,... Da\"1<1 l>trlaklln spent ThurM,,), with his raml!~ and returned to Chl­"aSI) Frlda~ C I1f LIlWt'll' wa" tlte "u""t nr frlelll\R In JoUt't 0' er Sun,1" Sunda) was the oe."nd 'lulI.rterly meet­il'o: d,," at nethel A :II E church (,r I hls conferl'nc<" ,eir It"" H \'{ Jam!son. presiding ... ld~T. >~aS rrescnt and pr<'ach"<l morning nnd e\en!n!;" Rev .lame" Dillard of Braidwood preael .. ,d at th" Spcnnd Baptist church

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Jan 26, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A4


:Mra. ~, 1. :>mlUl, .... if6 of r.,,\", "' L Sndt h. form"rly a put.". of 1.&u' " taMnuocl" C. "l 1': clmr"b .. r t't ;a.<>u!.. nnw l'JUrtnl"lu" a.t Sf Paul C. !.l ); "Chut"ch C'ldcaJ;t) ",all tbl J:tI~t 1)( 11,." 11. 1) Sh .. rroo or lSI) Tud"r .A~~ ~ltlr<l.) Jilld ~undll" MIP,k "'nnll "'e )· .. <ld,.,. ,,1TI.ed hon: .. ~ 'D1UJ'I\dlI,> .,fu r

til'melln" 1he 11011(1 ... ,... ,.ilb her par­.. nts lit Arkanuaa :MI .. Anna Jnn"., 1", .. h. r ut :Gtn St.. sebbOl ... rrl<"d on Tu.$d .. ~ :lft~r 1fIP'!a4IN: It 1'1Cllllllnt ,1.11 "nit r<"huhf;!l and tril'lIds In lI!ul'l'b"­I",rl> nC\ S. S, Landf'l". l' 1"::' of SI. lAul" cllb1.ricl. of C. lot l-; .. .bu,....b. 1 ... 1d lor 111'><'1 qullrter at l'1I£11m (,harel C ", J! cbur"h flunda. Carl~." bo 3.8;.';;'~nt'O~j~~:'i.!~tn~~~ ~:!'~;~~_:.} ),Jr~ ~( ... lla on Bond Av,.. x~\\: '\ ('ttl' b d,,, llJ"")1 D. f;nt'lTOd "' .. I> tbe ;"t'l't •• ( in f llan'nt~. loll' .and ),11'1< A \ , ]'{"1: !\Ir ... nd M .... Hn\\'ard ''o:UUamH ",r sl 1.",,18 I'1ll:n1; New \'" .... 1' .. da~ wltb fl> .. laUrt 01 Kuut. lI!r& R :>t,,\en~on ltt" D A. It.-Donald, one of Ule ell)'11

:}~,,::~u~b~!;;Ii!'h7:.,..:en~ed~~r ""Ucation ba 'ot~ to build an addi­tion to the Dunbar :;cllUO\ John lCu­l..ank.l! • .JT'. !!Pent .. "hon time h"re ,',,­ttlna his taUl" .. IUld fri~nd" He "'as

;~dro:~".o~}~""'hl~li~n tEdl~t;ndT~:~: Ha<,hl:1: "t l"lnoel1r. 111, "lI$ tbe nu""t of W"" Anna Jono. lSa1llrua) and Snn­<la, :\U"N :M,.",le 1_ Diggs of TUBk,,­;:.... In.,lltut,, bas...,.,n &1'1'oln1<'<1 a .""oller .n l.h .. I.InlX'ln tdgh tiChool !<h" ... P<'I"le4 tor <lutv ).to'lldji~ lIS..... lola Carter of )Jutl,h)"l<boro III tn th .. (\tJ; 'ISlUnG relaU,,,,, and ul"nd, SII ..... ·W .. rd ... turn"" tn bh, ""ro" after .tII • ~''''ndll!:-..1 ~bnt her... t\~ E OfHe~r", tbe undo n .. k ....... ill at his bum" llI' Imd :\ltt'. itu 1\ St"\t!'nwn !'trti loa l.~f1.'Ior ""d EO,a .. 1.0\ e .. ,... nl 1~!t"I"ttn3s b. 11-.h·",:s ttl Fl"lndir:ld I;UeNts t"lf :"1r .Ju'1d ~l~~ .1 lloJrntltit. B. C L .. "I. of ~:, lll",""url .'he. 1:Il\''l a r<'Ccl.tlon n", ~ .. I" tli memb<:n< <It tI,e \Voon""<l"" ~0("t31 (lub (4U.p;tS \\: .. rc lIN":tam~ s 1·"s.~1 ... I'"nron and Felk."- )\lss Th.·l­In,, ';""'.n (>f "'ll\"'rfOT~(\ '\ islted Iwr :,;u<,.-,.. )1}155 U"~lilo c..nn1ft. a tcn('ln~t" .n t.lnooln ""hool lIln '\"m WONl:I .,1 l'd,,"lLJ'da,.,U., '1<8" tIl~ au"Sl. of tb .. :nm,h 0' It .... ,,1~!cT, :!IfNI. '" ,. LU<aN or ""ot! A.. ,...... .\nn .. 1' .... 1.ln"on or "l'rmsfi.,fJ ,.as lhei~ ,,"en t"r a f, '" h.,urs lllmdaj: "t~ nr~1. f,;('t\ it'.(,'N '\\ f re J,~(d ~lIndk)' in tho ntlo\\: ~t po ud 1131'­Ij"~ .. hur.,J .. 1 .. 111 AmI l~ont\ \,.. 'I'be l''''''l"r nt>, 1. l)~ Shl .. ld~ pr ... "h<Ml ;\\,.,. )tlnnl" "".lU J •• h alt--ndl'd th" "..-rl.,jnt: anti T(.;ept lou I,r lUtls Ln, 1& J, Il~ I" lIT(ounds )II"" Belir "as for .. , ... rh .a lu,,;ll :schonl j>;tudt:nt und"'r :1,,_ L,h .\\11'....,<1 )fn llln'~" L I '''3d or J~th "",.I )tal'k"t A".. "'" fit "" " .... k ... nd In r..d,,;Lr<l.,,;lIc t:"1"1<t" .;r lIl.... mlUld 11 .... laU~". The Home

~};~~":;::'~t '\'ii.. i:~~~!;~r~I.;"ia'.ilrc\,~} 1IlJ~h .. ~ C" .. ~t" .... -we;,.,. DI!;"" ,.,d '1',.1"", .. nd lIn Annl.. Do.....,'" or )", 'I'JOl lIln. ).f. \' Lu","" of Bond \, I'" ":Jeff h .... !tt ... s to the m~~t« or .1, \\'''dll''~' dllb }1I~t "ffl< :-;",xt ll_lf.u" "III t... at till' bO)hle of JoIn!. :.\1. Int",,,b. -.; 14th 1" In ... 1'('('l)nt ""'n­•• ~t tb~ .. tar b."krlll.1I t"&ttI or th" """'j"" or 1.1 .... :olu ''''.11001 df'fcat('4 Ih., hldt f'CI ..... \l t1'l!3T1\ in a '\\ .... U plan led =am~ i! I"" nand !\'" 1'.)t <:' .\

- nOCK ISLAND. IL.L. "H\lam <-.h",,,. dIed lal't !\fnnd ..

Ii :;ht 141 :If ... lanllle t,( hifl hr.(lHH'~or f tHt J ... \4 1,\\ ~lr olld Mr,.. Ht'-t't t hM,\f's HL!S ~\:( nth:\l aftl"r -an lit .. "",." "r o'er tht..., ",Dn< HI~ "if .. die,) 4..t t ::\1 t\ The dCl'e-ltlmd ,\all Lorn Oct • I I'; I Tho,"" "un "Jnt: lIfm ar" n 1 JfJ,"'r.. Rcrt ~ha'wt;.. bOn :Bert IJ • IlUH'~ :!l of colttmbw;. OhIo. ""d " cl tUl:hr~r l.n,)wl Uf'!U",. 3 "\cars old. 4){ « *.tlOlh t :\'f'b )fT' ~a, fN OU:B!!C in 1he • mJ111~ 'f Ht ("'n:.~" (.""ofjuntn: Mar fnr ",,,,.,. anq durin;: hj~ l"n= 111m's Mr anti )ITt' A (" f::rhndd1. )li.,; f'fUl'lf'l'\"* "'is. IMdt" .,.<l,;;ul.iir "itol1,.. .and "(\r~ "f't" ,.:",.q tn hfm Tb .... w I;"vnnn~ to tbelT t .. d ... on <lU ('Onttnt ~,t Utn~fit4 arl'l Mrs :r J Kr'~ ·,:4 l()th ... \·Ho~.. Mrs Ann:\. 4 rh:s::" .l.ntJ h .. r ~ni)1b. r "'1''''' :"1(>1\ lit i I 1"11."'. fi .. t 10th t-:'\ ThdR! f"~~\ I'rtnJ; .. Onl TlPcent ,UhIPIfJill ant1 noW .hl~ to tu lill "lnfl arn1lnd 1hft hO\l,:. .... "'pin Jlr~ :'\Ir,... ,..'\1\"8 noodrl ... h 1.': .. ~t .toIH I 'I~" f{h.watba (';01" ,01 gpv"nth l"1 I UUt"'" 11 ::;t(""llrt ..... r. bUR retumt~ 1,

111'" h~rn,," ~J~ Ed'tt ~,,,, • ("hi~.g~n. itft('t' a. 1..-" ,\\,-1.;". '\ isit <\\1t1\ lus lW.' hit: r, ~h'" J ~t('\~rt And 1>l!l:t:r1" .. :'lift... r J'" tiln:: Uat~t#'r \·4"'rn~n Hob .. f yr", .-oU1;'O •• r Mr:o;. .... Inh" '\\.a!l! al~o a ,. "- , ....... 1t .~tl1tlr \th..-. t"ftum.-.d la..:t " ... k 1) Idti h'nnu In .'";\I("a~l Thl" 1. "\ f' l l'tOl:l'.un and ~uptr('r f'.l'U"ln$\(lT{ d

t th~ :s<~ ond J~ll.Ut'ot , hUn':h 1a'" t "rhtU'lwhty • , ... lllnc ~"tl:i ¥ "u~~ 1'~ and

htf'jt.. numlwr \\l"r'" 111 l' :.1"111 Ttlt' 1 r> "Ir '.ro)lc".,r tbe "{<'I.'m n,bl" l1u::,i·'IU t.:;.A', H h~ ... tuJ'l" and (l'~luin~ I Hf" nUJ)e 1 h, .. r(')ua;bJ\ :\lr.:::t" )""hra. "'1-I litton "f '1 olt do. OhiO ,,, ""IUIlI\l' 1",1' t,.rMtft!i 1ft': lind ~frA (""h;1rt.'f; (.QItJ ... " o..;r 'l':! :1""t .. \'\(" n'n" D \au:;:hn 101: :-':-Illh A'<, Is <I,,,,.,, In broi "lIh 11l­,UR .. ,:tt("n and a liJ.C\. ft ('.-Ild ''!\In:;. • Js HT' Hr-IlW'tt lln,~ .. \"f'o r~tunl~t (rlf,I'Il KanRa!-.l • ih artAf' l tf'!l1 ·11'-"'" , h"t. thorrp ,,,1h ~latl\~t1 lntl frlfud,.. :I.r~ ;ltyl''' nurlnn m"lb,r .f lIT' 11>""n 91. 11th ~t ".,.~ I>rt,ul\l'ht If} h .... r homCl> fr(lnt '!IIt'> \\ at( rtQ\"-:U 11o~1tat. ~'h~r",. fihe hu.x )w..c., f"urrf".J'lnJ.': "ith t"'Ohl""

f!~~~1~7:1~7dh:;~d. ~f.~li::;!rJ!:~tiil S.:;. ,"";Und hut :a!4t~f"l"' ~ t:hf" r-Rn ~t't 1Ht)f· Hlt.~n1Ion at hC'Ulf"- \\ ith 114llr t tlUtlrt"h ()~T'&:\! ''It,hlugton Ita) t If.n, \,,_ 1..:: fn St .l\lIU)4Jll'" b.-\t:Pl1,.a( ,,',f\orc 11 ''lie ~·UftP.rt11;: 11'"'" a h. tnbnrrag.. of 1.Il~ 111Hg1'{ and hilt ,.... n(nUon bit$- heen l'rn ... rH)unoed tit;. oII--ntiJ"al 1Il'" .. 1J't.-:-r .,,1 In-• lIa na Hat"oo~ ./tnd :M"" lIam" "r ChI· C JIIj:c. ,IT' h, at hI .. hi""h.)"#' raring f(lr 'Y4tn ~n"':N T'auhnt' Pattct'"ot;;;nh. 1-1\2:; ~fnth \'''' ,i,..ltiNf h. f' s:;ralldm4thr .... :Url' :\lari,. < .. nldeu .. ~ ~J"'t :\,. Tt' ~nlh '1lr~ ("'hnl'" 0<1. n. 1111, lOti' \'" f>nl<'Mlllnro th ... Ju1II .... • llb,Flon

;.(T"1i "'."U·'tf'tll TUf'i->da"\ c\f"nn\J;: I't 1.\ hh h 1 i:=(!1f"14 1tt.t4!ndanr. 1ur" ... d flu1 ~'rb 1 "' ... '" "- l:Ul l:il \\ III • nttln~ln thO' '(,<"\')"1'. Tn(>~da, ~lr and ~,~ ~,.t '11""1" ;110 J"lflh ,~.. hR\c tb .. 11' dlilo " 1).-..! 'rJ1h pbi'-um{'lonln

~ln< ,· .. ,,<ltt l<mtul 13t: Et,mth .II ... .lI'.1 lu,,-t Tu~.da, at flo ... nnck hland , ltl~rt;;ut()"'I,", io\Rnitarlunl t"\m, ra15~1'" .. il ....... "d"" ht'ld from "aYn1-,n A )1 1 l l111'rf>l\ Thurs.,'h .. , ... swftl'rttof'm tl1~ nf\,. " ,,11m» "r ;\Inlln. ofli"latlng Tile

;~:' i~:ds?t~ ~~ ra~~~~~ :t m:~:~~: .. ,.... \''''l'I'l'' llM>t1 and ... ~ Gl!Of'I\l''' "'mUll rrN'>rt!(! 1,'.,s}llnl;1l>n. :1 11\15 1mh '\'''' dif"d at St ~nthon'\'''9 hOH­I' f"l 'I' .... sda .. ,,11"'" •• n,. .. :m IUne". of .~~bt daH Tlm1al look rl ... r ~t Chll'-

!li.\~~lm1~~~1\~:1"~~~~ :~l;~Psa~\~!!~ !~~ ." f rf!o 1\1"_ "" nt ~t the fuu"mt Tht''\: nf'~ "rs n", .. 1t Ham .. nu<l :.'IlrF Emma , ... (> nr Gl,\('n~" 11. .. <1 '!'.If? llnrr' T'''­\. )."" .. r Indlltl" n"rlo"'r r,,<1 TIl ..

JOl..lI;;T, ILL. ~lra. Alice Stevenson has :reeoUlr""

from an attack ot 8l'11> Mill.. Mar) Ste'tn""" 18 III with the griP Tb .. Rev. Ernest Dlet~ "all tbo gU!IIt or 1If11111 lJaael n Jobn500. G04 S Joli.t St 8t dlnn~r r~"U... L H BO)klns, 108 E )Iarlon St. "'''8 tl~cted <lJ(alted ruler or Fort Erlo lodge of Elks John Moms. 'Put eltlI.lted ruler. _II electl"d IJ'ClUlur~. Mra .JeBsie Carrington un­d""" ~lIt an operaUon recentl)·, TIle Mite l'tU""loulU'T mil give It Valentin" and blrtbday lIarty on Frh. H at Brown's .. hapel. MI1I. Champ will en­

tho )file Mlssiona!:Y. Robert has return,," to bls home CIty after att .. ndlnc the

funeral of bl~ ~d&on'" wlf., Chas Radford baR retul'ned from R@nder­lion Ey ;\frs Jobn :sbaw of Maring­dale h.... ",turned from after ~1.'Uns be~ broth"r, "ho baaobe<!n III Tbe Rev .I. P, Sph~} pru.cbAd a "~T' mOll In CbIeaG'o at Ih .. Rev Mr \,at­son's chtll"Ch Tb" flln"ml of Mrs W'II­lettll Kelly was beld "ronda~. Jan H. at the Second BapUat chureb. the ne" J P SI'I~ey oftklatin&r

CHEsrn. ILL. :II"" Johnson llcGee. 1I1r llr.Comb.

Rubt. Pr)-or' al1d J04I IIt"Gec .. ~t"nded tile tuneral ot Prol ~·ad.e at Sparta.

t\~co~'t"~~l tb~ti[:'O<>~[.. ~~ba~d::: stili slek Loul.. J~ucld.}' of Colp. JlI.

~:: I~lr~~':i ~~:!I~~r~dlt~ur.:.r., ~~~; tll st t.oUb to spel:ld tM winter.

HODGES PARK. 11..1.. "lIss Irene Kyle ""tam" tll'" brld~ or

Edgar Do,'or" Sunda}' "'~nlnll' Tile Rev W C Cbambers l'N'10rmfld til"

~rl')'h?n~ndlY:.r l;:~"~" ~:I"dau1~r:~ "I>~ndln;: .. f"w dI" II ,,({h (',elr ""r­"/Its. tIlo n" .... I)'wed" "Ill re"'de In St. 1.01113; lto lIlr 3nd llr.> U<lnry Fulc ..

';fr"t..:iNll;~Ir:~:: "'!"i'ur':,~d "n f;~tr:h BClld lnd Tho CnurMrM !'Iub m~t at th" home or lIlta LIlli" Saunders !I[on­da" .:!venln;o

IJek Ind Llttle H. '1'. OardMI'. "hu llU bee/l.. III tor tlte pIlllt four montl ... , dIed at tho home ot bla parenta on

:~::;ie~!' w'1,;l!:~r.r ~1t'8.~nr~'II:;::,~e~J Sunday .("'moon Ilnd burnal was In Brech Gravo c~m~t.ry. l>lre Frankle

~:::~ro~~~d c°til~n~'20 I~nd J~:!'::ltie~81f~ Ill .. <'It~ (or a. visit. )J,t:&. Fo", ",11\ t'''Dlaln Ind~ftn{t .. li The Re~ and l>1 ....

ropT ,,~~"~I~nBtO:O~a~~ ~: ~:n:.ll: t .. nded tile Drooks-30Ma reclt:f gh~n In cairo at Ward Chapel 1"rldl.)' nlgbt. Tlte Woman .. Opl!<lrtunlty .-Iub held a "'I')' Int~reatin&' meetlnl: at th .. relll­denc:c or loll'S, H Eleanor J:lamlll<>n on lIfonc%a3 .. CttrnQOn Owlnc 1<> the 8ul!'erlllil' due to tbe .evtlr" co.d ",.,ather, a great deal or charity wOTk was presented to th& club and a num­II<!r o( charity Ille.ris w .. re Arranged to n\e~t tbe nel"ds The Dowmaln~ bask~t. ball team pla,ed Douglu .. team Frl­day Ulgllt III the II')'mnllslum, DougJa"8 "on. tbe scor" beh:llr 31 to li A "Iellll­ant sod .. l was enjoyed In Glenn hall after the pm.. Tbe R", lItr St""k­hrldge p~"h"" at Lane f"hapi'l C 111 I: churob Friday nllfbt Tile clubs of

~g:8h7n n:P~~e~h~~ ~~II ~::1I~2 ~~O drl~e. Pleastl flee the Defender boy and 1)Il~' IlP

KANKAKEe. ILL.. "'Srll. Sopbla HAmlet Is able to be up

atter .. "hort IIlnellS MH. CUlIle Vaughn I" reporled better lIU ... Alice B NuckOlls III Impro,!ng Dorl~ \\ 11-lion. daught .... of 1I1r and lIfJ"ll ,V '\'11-11011. was III JIra Emma. Sanes Is on duty again aft;)%' a short mn".~ Rohe,t Crlddlo made a trip to Chle,,!;o on busln ... " Mr and liB Llnord of I.tthlgb. lJI. were "Iellon Saturda~ at Ib" home or J09 .. pb Llnatd Bill Ll!:n I" and lIT" AlherUa. Battles \\ ere tllnnel' gUests of ::11M! Sophia Uamlet T"u..,,,!ay,

CAl RO:'" ILL,. B~r"hoba rhll)'lte" 0, E Shad

chal'lro of the :remains or lIfl'll Fannl" Jefferson. "ho was shipped from Chi. cagO to tltis city tor burIal :rot"" lIraG'-fi.~ ~m·s·I1!~l 1~H!.8 S~m~on~g~~oid~ nl<!c~ 01 M.. Ed Wood. of Walnut 8t . left Saturdaj fllr Ellthart. Ind.. to II." \\\th bel' m"th~r. Min lIlamle WltMr­.poon haa gon6 tD Tiptonvlll"! '1"~Iln •• 10 'Isst friend" Mrs. Char III Mc' Gowan has r&turned borne atler IO"".nd,­Inll' l'eHml daHl ,1..ltInBr In SI'IU'Ul, lid :Ill' and .\Irs Blid lA)\" ar" the prot! 1>1l.rt'1I1~ <>f It fine bah, girl 'Mother "nd daughter arC) doing fln~ "Irs In,." 11-!lam.. haa returned from Chicago. wh"fc she undorwent a ~ucee!lfttul 01>­,ration "l1l1am Mltl~r hu been In­.U51"'s •• \ for thl'> I'Bf'lt week )frs ~ha r­lotte S.,n~lI I. \1~ltlng In St LollIs, 1110 ~u,,!. "'IR~ Jon." of Chlcall" "1'­pearC'd At "'ard Cha~1 In r .. cltal on ]<'rlda~' nu:ht Bnd a IarB" I\udlenCa "all In aUC!n.lanr" "tl'll. Ella B[anks I" ,lsHlnll' III Chleago lind Poorla. Jll

QUINCY. ILL. lit'll EMmitt John"on of 1884 Vel";

mont S't, and :ltr.. n A Robprt.. 0, 220R Cedat':::t ""nt 10 St Louts, }tD. Thur~da~. Jan. 17. to be prellllnt at tile claBII phI)' ' .. n 1 q and tn an~nd til. !l'rl1dua!l"5 .. "",rc!aes t>f Ille 'Norl-1n3l TeacheT~ collell" or !'It Lou" Jan 2td Mis" i~.Ml Johoson allfl l1ls~ Elisabeth W.bert.. ar" membe .... (of til.. cradua.Unt: elus 'l'bU4 "." Quln~) ,,,unit "onHm. ,\ho al'6 gndll' atu from th" QuIncy nigh 11<".001 Prof. lL .\. nOberts went to at. Louis to Ill' thot" Jan 2:11 Followlnll tbO Cb,lltmu ' .... catlon tn" rollo" In; ~tu­<lentil and 'teacherR raturne<l to be at their r~SII"ctl~ .. pMts of duty at nJl"n­lng of .clll>"! l>fl88 Sarah Sroltl,. toacher. E&"I St Loul!! til MII!9 Ann:\ LaFoe lnt1bma colll!lle TrrN> Halltl' lnd ~!I.s Rern'". Hammond and :111·8 Catherin" I.easure. WeillI'm etln~s'(,. Kanl$8.8 CIt', ~t" !\lI~M LoulM Col'll>. StlI.te ~ormal unl"cr8It~ Normal. III. lll ... Onlta GOrdon WestN',.. Tearners coll~g", Mncortlh JlI JRMC" K 1'ettl8. T.lncolu In9titutf! .I dCert!01I city... "In On Tuvltatlon trtlm GO\ u,n :\m,,11 DECATUR, Il.L, Lleut B :...; !.turrell went tn ::;"nnl;- :lIr" ;Iran R01:l1n O( Chlago I" ,,;~. n~ld III Tan 1, "her" "It I> all '<b" Itlnl\l' her nl~"". ;ltr. ltalLl" J"nd ,r.t otMr ()me~rs of t!l~ Il11nol" Natlon,,1 E Clay 51- )lrR };II ... 'I:,,)lor "nt~r­GlIar<l h.. att~ndN} th., Tecc>pt!on anti tRlnl"d Lite mem"""" or st Pel.,. Ii A dlnnl'r glvrn by Ihe gOUWr.>T _ Lleul :l-f E. SOlllng <"lrd" Frida, n"rry lIfUM'flU tepttsentcd <"omI'3"), I\. of tho Albrlght l~rt last """k for Xli" J~r. Eighth Infantn :.'III"" S"lma Oordon sey It..,. Annie n"bln""n \\";\S caller! """ Siruck by an automobUo IRK ""Hk til Chlca .. " b~ Ih" IIInl?~R of her mRtt'r. nellf th(' corn~r of Eighth and )1"ln Mr!\. GUf81c IlIcks ;llrs !Ilalll!6 :Me­St~ Sit" was (!arrlNl to III ;llan"s art~ Ie ,1.lltd '" fe" dll) K In ChlCRI\l'O l\Dlpltsl !lTst. thence to ht'T at llrs It "'lllaIlIR Is ,Isllln,l(" her l'U­l()oS Chern <;t :liro ll .. ~t~r nf tlte "nt~ llr and )Ir~ aM 1\.('11)' ~11 '" Ullnoi!' SOldll'fH .md SaUor,,' home. Goldie Vhen'" of ChIcago ~ 18ltttl II. "'ho has hOle" ""Itln!:' r"lathe_s In I I h b I !Ill' Rnd Mrs Omaha. ~-'b, and ..... n.a~ I'ln. Kanl!, \\ ee t ,~t cr ,,"ren s, •

.". n. Fr~(1 PI",nl:: lflFR F:ul- n Dl\ll11 "as "TIltS U"'1t shu "Ill return 10 Qulnrv h""tes.~ to It fe" (,h'n<l" In Itnn(lr I)' ner \\Itltln It (~". (I,,,.... E'h .. b,." not t>",n hlrthda,', Mist< B~rtha VI .. ld" of Palm~r "en for .om~ "e.k~ dunn!:' bel' ~ta~ It '11 :II 1 ~:tv £:.1 ... Knn-1\5 Cit, l":an8 Tile ~atlon'\l I~ t " guellt of .• ~ ... ar" "r , -,"'oc!-tioft fOr the "d~ancen'~nt or "am War .. or ( hkaao "'tis th" 1':1l~.t ,,- .. I I tlC 1')a:,;o ColE'man for t r():'-t rll\'!Ol ('olorl'd l·eo!'I." h~l<l Ii m .. "t ng n lIt-~dam.1I t'u",~I~ 1I1<,l;:q Sn~.l!1n.1l l"inc(";ln Frhoo\ Jan !!: om~r~ for and Lell'" 'FII' (tf Chll !\~t) -Wforo thifl! )rur "FIort"' clceted !\tr~ Sara' r-.-:v ... J '.Id Shumaker, "lte of rapt S n ><hu; Decatur ~!Blt'm' r'","nth :I"K".n g<ll makel' .1I.d In tll~ll' 110m" :!OQ, Pbenlx; "lUi tbo weak .ljd guest tit MI"IJ S~ru"<, j;t. Tu,,~day Jnn 1ft Til" \ h Ilin lItotl .. , The ~Icl< "Il1sft Artie fJil"nll :;cn tce alld but!:" ",pre hoi 1 (hlehrlRI. JIlI-" "!ld~I" Pb~nl" lr.. J SU11da' Jan to. In EI"hth and him Smltn and .I ". 'V"".uord Tbe 1""1~'

" hid ( .. !!nmount. of Louis Stewart "e ChI~al:o "as SlS. nal>tIH .' ur. 1 an J " hrought ber" for burial Miss 8~"~1" <'emfter). ,,".p~"th"" <'otlducted b\' lr"r-Iu 1.rt ~Mentl" f- a ~Iftlt In the thr {laotor Or B " 11ur1'ell )r"n~ A • " ,., ., V' I 1'"lalhe9 from l'an.~" CII', ~to. nu~- Soulh :\11"11 KIlUt> 1.ewb: \"n r~~ent ).

I Ild I'hl "po "CT" "rl>' for ber home In Terre Haul" era'" IIngton !>'<I'" '.. " - fA.' St~k'8 of ... toAmln~ton was It. l)e-~nt. !ll1'" Shltmakrr lU1<l M,m B men'- v.n ,,~ <>" e bel' or tI", ('hur('h {"1' ,ears and \l" caUl!' \ IIdtor Sunila-' liN! E Sheep reason of h~r "ork r.-gular aUen.lan"" ,1J<lted lIrr .laughter ,"oJ $on8 In ell­ul'on {lubll(' 'r-' Ices IUld liberal IInan- esll'/) fOr 11 r~" l'Ia'" l:t.~t "eel< \'''n clat 'uPJI()rt !lad "..,11 the ponfl~ "ne" :\Iarlll'l Is ''''!tIm: friends In Chl~n;:o and r,,'pe.M or I he "onJ:!'~gation Tbero ""r~ 'nanv ""rnl olfuln",s and <)J;prel'- DANVILLE. 11..1... .'M'~ Dr ')mI'1I111\' train a Ilo~t of DII~ to th" lack of Intcre~t Com-(I'lends an,l .1~(I1lnlntan" .. s ollt of tho 'DAn)' L 1.h:ltth 1 ~ (; bali been • ity "fan, of th" memhpl'. or ('om- transferred to )1 .. 1."""h· Capt Bllrko Tlnnv K und Ill" .. mN,.,. \\"rr In unt- of thn Chml'any "'a" a ,"slt"r of Capt (orm ann the lI"n~omrnls.loned otn- '" H £IN'I .. r t"rmer ",,,nl>an)' "0"'-C" r.; (ser;:eBnt'" \\erc pallll""rer. 'Ihn mand"", )11'. Pt'ttlt r.h menth ",.' R~Y tt D.llaT-ha" <If n~th~1 A M E. I- Rick lIn Richard-on ul Chicago IS el",r"l1. th .. I'., 1 M Owen" of Union ,Ialtln,; rclathea here, BaptiRt church "nd the Rc, r. w' Brown af\!!l~t d '''tlt the ger~lr~8 STREATOR. ILL • B."th"I.\ ~r f; ellUreb and pastor an- Tbe' rlln~rnl "~,,lcps nr Mr- lIar' T .. n""n<" that .he Re, r. n ;)011<', of Moor" Who dl~<l r",entl,. ,,~r .. h.,l<l at HlirrlslluT;: III "Ill .. orne to ""nduct thl! ~ .. co"d naptl~t <,hur. h Til" Rp, t!", TIl' 1\ "I 8Ct .. :It'~. In F~brua~l' 11l$s 'V ( Rllrol.~ "m~II\l. d J"bll \\,'11-H~len Bro" II or 115 X ~M S! "p14n- !lump ,,!lo I~ In " yen Fed" .... NlI1<JI~ nlng to g" 1';, .. ,( In th~ spring" Ith tbe till" at I'll. :lIar) h"",,11I11 "Ilh douM .. Imn,I)~@ IIr maklnl: ~ffDrt tn complete "IlNlmonl/l 1/; reparlt'<l hnpro\ In/!, " (WI' N,lIegp tOl1l'ae In ROllard unhcr- :II Bllrnett "a8 !lIt I.; an automol"r.· ~It ... , \Vash(n!l10n n C, J.ast "eck tho as be '\08 cro.ll8lng Bt'ldc;<! St on 11[~ MeMbers nnrl frl .. nds of EllhU, and wn v to Ill" 110m" nn Penn St and Elm HIS Bal'U .. t enu)'.:!h matlo a Fuctalnl"d set er" euts a/l'I bruls~~ H' surpm .. ,J~lt to 'he l1a.J'lOODage "lid lert \\3.. tnk(>n to hi- born" hnm~tI; ,1,,1\ ""ml' $ii0 or more. \\O%'tl1 of groc"rl~8 I "hf>l'e hi' I~ r.",orted to- h. ImprMllI1!' rll .. tile RN and ~I"" R ~ llurrell sl''''h :llr" Stell .. ".hst .. r ",11., Mq Thl~ cbu .. "h hn R .'II)"~d out Its ,~oTk the hel'n «"'fined to her hom .. \\ IIll llln""q fourth ~on~ecu-:'he ~(Mr \\It'. Dr !\hn·... J~ flhlo in In 1In nwl llltOut :'H!'J;ln Til ... .4'11 without (1"(' donar or ObllgntionA un""ld Th" el>lIr('h Is no" In a $~O 001' hulldln;: f"nd drl'" to ~ !:oonpteterl in lit e ;veanl :\ meellng of th .. coll~c-don ",ommtttee- ef the Quln,.y t'O<'lal cent~r WaR 1,@1<l IT! the 110m" or l\tr .. n4 llrs J W ltonroe '~l·Z r~n<"r 5! JIln 11: Tllt •• c pr"li~n.. ot the committee arc> llr " :.. :llurroli ,hall' man ~I", f'annl" lfonrOt' lIIrs /<'''n nle G lIlond,n Mrs Ro.ella \\ .. hi) ~Ir" SUAAn Hllml'h ... ) ~h"" Annll Smltb llrs Cora nnrt!son and the

A'~~~!n8'th': !~~~." J t~e \~$titl .. m~ a~~ Richard 1Ilonr<>e The commltl~ m<'tl­In~ ,,!II l.e held \\ eekl' TIl" Re\ II l'l. Rca.le... and Seeoml nal'll~f

~~Ul'~~r~~nO~~u~~m~iI~!, t~~i' ';.I~~\ ~~ ... slst tll'!UI In ,. r'" hal nttotlng in 31,(\ ~I"" LIIura B RkhRrds"n er 161~ ~ &111 St r~turnNI (ron' :-; .... 11-tllle. Tenn

PONTIAC. ILL "'t,l;!< Pan., l.emn1\' 1)( Terr" nallt" I~ tI,,, IIn~At or lJr anti "r..,. r.larpnN'

:nany frlendll of .... :r.lary Gllllol\ wlUd be .hocked to lumfrtat a1\ .. wa. fQqn

dead In bet' bed last Monday mora\ug bJ: h~r dauj;hter .... bo ...,81dt8 with ber.

at tbe .tate arsenal In Sprlnllleid. ru, SA6 "tceIv.d the Jlr&t prize. II. dlalDol:ld

~L ~::.!=i c:~~ fta!~~a~ and Franels Iiubbard. tblrd "rlse, .. a Bilk umbreUa and '11i In 11'0111, ",aue Carrie Lee Brinkman received fourth prize. $10.ln l:olL1 Arthu:r Corbin 1'1'-eelved Injuries to whell II pleclII ot Iron t eU ° eat his work Tits Soclal " Sel4nc~ ~llIb mat and "0 e ed at Ule borne of Mry Abner Strong on Allilian" Ave Sho ~'as 81Sslsted I'll' Mesdames Jalla f"l1tt"~ LOllis!> Han-h .. and Mattie .Jackson TIlp. ""eAlII wert> )Iesdllmes Jennie Freeman. Ida. HII~ldeJ!, AnDil Snowden and the R<!" R. U Hackley :.'If... SaUle William" was hosteo to tho> I I\lIslllonanr !/Octet)' of the !;e<:OlId Bal"·

~ia~~W;ho~t ~h"{t;,t~lo ~i )::--T't::,~ day afternoon. lira. .1ulla Cooper of I NIIW London. lito. twin siSler of 1>tl'll Anna "tlson. IIpent two weok.. In the elt) 1111 the nu~"t or Mra WUaon on S Sandy 5t "Irs L:>.mbert or Chl- I eaco WJUI clllled to tho city to bl> "Itb

~"j;t~A~~t ~tU!ft!·'ii.,~~P'fo~nt'ke w~:tn~~ I and was operated on fo,. ber eyesight Jlln! LambeP! wa. .. 1\ gueot at the home "r Mr and Mrs .Ie"." :Mollnts on col- II leg" Av" Harry '\\ U .... n of Springfield was tt buslnc.s c:a11~d in the elty on " ednC5day. )Irs ;\1Il1llL Dougl"" "Ill< .. week-end ,Isltor (rom ~prlngfteld I III lIfr. and 1Un. Clinton Wbeelet' ot KanlUUl City. ;\10 are ~lsltln,. wltb rellltlv~ .. and friend" In the elty. lit ... If''lllA Turn~r fR Imllm\ h.!:

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Feb 2, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A4

MOUNDS. Il.L 'I1tP, JunIor MII,,,lonll"' 1'0<'1 .. ,,· nl ~T.

raul A. :'\f. F.:. ('bllrch ;"'1I.l\' "nl~Ml'lln"'l h:v lIfl,,!' 1.101 ... ro""ld 5:IH'rdll~' a(l.-r· nO<>II. After- th.. r"F:11lar hualnCl<F< v<1l.!< tranMf'tM'J rl'(r .. "hm""11I 'IV!!I''' flr"'I',I. )tn:, f>f"U!!'M Btllh" hB!" """n number ... t ..nth th .. tdclt. :lfl'll:. l1attl .. Lr" (,,'''T'

~~~~:n:r llt;;:~I~-:".::,;~~ ~,.~~t~UI'''~t';: ::-'Unnl" X,no·l ... n I .. able In he "lit "fI .... .... """.1 wOPkll' I1In"I'!!'. ;\11''', I.ula 11111, ",hn ha." br"l1 "I"lIln~ h .. r oaur:hI"r a",1 famll)' at !'it. l...nut ... hal' j .. lnecl ll .. r 11111" hano'!. H'!,·. ro. W. Hill. :->. J •• W. Th""!aF, a hbtbl~' rl'!'I ...... tf'<\ "lli:um "r Olmlll"", ... ·ho '.ad 11\''''' III tld!ll "omnnl­nlt~· ("r mAny ~·.·aT1' .• n".1 at ht~ hom .. In thl' ~unto' 1111't w~"k. TIl<" {"n(,1'II1 " .. niC'l'I! w .. r.. hel<J at Ih" ,\. ;It. J~. ('hur .. ,. 'n Ohnl'tPi'l and \\'''1'" I" 4'1."",,0 .. r LII)' Ilr thf' YaU .. ,· Ind.::p. ,,'. and ,\. :'>1. c:>f '!II'mnd!". np\', ~lIll"r l'r('I\ .. II .. (\ Ib .. !If'rmon &lid Int"nnl>nt "' .... In ;lTar,,· <1"1'118. ('l!'lltl'tery. :\tn;, trnn'! l.'a.TK "11"nl thl! U-1't'1t en,t In p,,"'I1ln\nf' ,,1,.!lInl; an old fn"nl'l who la1'l l ..... n .IIt-nolll<!>· Ill. '!I'no. Ratti" Baucom and .!aulI;ht"r '!\tII­lie " ...... h('<l'n 101('1(. "flIIR "ln1I't En~lll"d hllll th" mh,fortunf' or dll'I"c;alln~ t ... o

~"'i~~Rfc~3~~ !,-~~~!~~. "I!"t~~~;r: Inl:' the w .... 'k. W. E. Uranl5for.1 vtptl~ K"whf'ftt, " .. nn .• ta"t ·".eel;:. lA'e Str('('t

r,':s.;'~:hOI'~:,; t.e'!~·th!~~~~t"'o"t:~ 1<lI'tfT antS hroOl",r. ;\tr. and )1"" E. C. HamIU«m. ha" r .. turned to 11",' bome In 'French Lkk. lnd.. h,' n'll,\, or Louhl­,'111('. Ky. n. ,,', EnKland hal< ' ..... 11 plek tb .. }mRt w~k. AmonI:' those whl'l

~:i~~ .. !l~~"W',:tc:.~:111 'Ii"on::r;; If,.... Bln.llom J.p(' HIl,'elll Thu",da~' nil:ht ", .. r .. Mr!', Tr"n!' Clark. thl' "u!',,,,,. Katie Barbee. Sar:lt.b Clark IUld '!Ifr. and "'r!". 1':. C.· Hamilton. ;\1",. JOI11'!< 'If flt, rAIII& he hl'lnll' .. nt .. mln'" I>y !lfr . .. nd 2\1",. CharI .... Rum .... at thl'11" lIIu1\­urban hnme. MM'!. ~·m. f:lmfl!,l)n II' .. lck at her "ome In • Sorth :'Toundll. :\IT,1I, F*nnl .. () ..... ns and leaac Hoyd

~e~um~1'11~ ~;l'~~;~~pdn~~I; ('t'l'r'm0'a': ."..bld, ..... 11 per.rmed h:o:

~~:':~tll W"~' r~~!:l~' M;:·~lra Il~~ n1lf' a ~ound .. aller Saturday alt"r­noon.

MOUND CITY. ILt.. 'lIfllI1!' n .. bl!("C"a ("oole of CI"'f1'1a nd ant!

MUlrles )forrla of ::'llc:>'lmds "hilltM lfr~, Arm, .. Fltsp.ln .. k la!'t wt'.oek. )1", . .Jolin [,<0 .. , an .. r an .. xtl!nd~ "h!lt In T'II.n"i~. h.. 1'1!luMl!!d hom I' ..nth !let' llttl .. dalllll'ht"r. The .. tat .. ImInd ma­tron. )1'",. (".a1'11.. T .... " Tramllton of ·!\tound ... mild .. h .. !' ('md.l "h.'t tn Phyl, 1/" l\~f'· enaplf!r ~o, 41 FrIllA" all .. r-1100n. ::s-.. "... Wfta r .... ~h·t'd thR t Rew'rlr

ELKvn.LE. ILL. Mr,. Carrie ~ Jlamltton of ;\[ounds,

III., oj. W. )l./ .... hllled Southern l.I.:bt Chap(~·r ;:.;'0. d. O. E. S. The ltey.

~J!,. ~Jtlll"irr~ll~id~e b~~~~!'hl'1l n!~le t~ :.!:\11 I~o 1~1~~~:I~ir.Ul.Ab~: ~~.;~~er ~e!; a Carbondalc, til. '·(altor. Th .. donl<­tlOtl party t!"efl In I,onor or the Hev. .wnd !llrs • .E. D. :->allln,. was a .uce!:!' ... Mr. and )11'11. Jamtll U~nry aru In SprlnJl,'fteld for all Indeft.nlte ltay. :Mr. Kud ?or,.... W .. lter Thom .. ot :I!hcslllftlppl "'ere I\'lsltl nlr bere and were a~L'()mpalljed I>ack by tb<llr c!llIdrf'n, wllo hftv~ bren ~Ing 1.0 ",chIlO I. Mrs •. Grat'C "'llIIam:s wall.Ii :Murpbysboro vltiltor. "'. .'. OIl"C'f n( COJplI. III.. "' ... 11 "Isltlng her~ 1'6('('1111),. :\113:0;'", FIM·I!. :.r. Uarner And

~~~::, ~~:h';~~~ Wi:a~:f.Jn t~eu'lt0l~i P. Inf<t.allalloll In VU'1lloln alld wa" the Inl'tallllll; ofl\"er. \Vllbrnn ('1a)'llfoolt Will,. II t~arbonr" .11" villitor lallt WI'<"It. MIll'" & :\t. TrIM: an" 1". I'. \YUt spent

~~'it~a~ l?:II\n::" ~~~\o r::a. 'r.\~~I,!~~ w .... k. Mno. ,r. n. Graham III on tbe !!lck II!'I.

COULTERVILLE. ILL. J. T. t ..... ~·d of ~1. l.oul ... ;\In .• "pcnt

"""~ral day" In our tuwn \·I~ltlnG'. Jen­nte Kh'C'1 IUId Annie May Jonps F,,"nl ta ... t l"rI"A,' In ,"PRrt .. , Li1.UI'l ;\1abd P .. nny 'ppnt "e"er .. ' days In (,nult.'r­,'1110 "I~lIhll:' r .. l .. I h·e!l. ('nmnu)(Jor<"

~.~:~~n ~':!:h~IIr.A~:rl'hcrll~~ ~~~f.,~;;.~ ha"e r .. turn.'<!. homc (rom ::;t. 1..0\1\"" .\ .. urprl~e hlrl'l,la ,. party "'JUS ,:I\'f'li Antwine Bro\\'1l' ie!'t :Salllrda~·. J(\C flh,.enll ,,'a.... a pa"~"l1tr .. r t(I Spurta TIlf'!<da,'. 10):1 ~L Jllm;o1l and tam II)' of SpaMa lltlt'nd..rl th .. htrthdll~' .. urpn!'!o!!

~:r..:;' tfr!:nS~l1t· "l;~~';I~ ... ~~~a ~11~~~~af;; ~::d"!.& '!~~"';-'::~·'I~r:'::P!~!~lehn~~r\~~; pia .. ': In Ih" n .. llr (UIUI'''. WIIII.~ al<:-~-horn of 510&1'111. III th .. luuley mIIn. •

KANKAKEE, ILL. :Olrl'. ~ .. phla }lllm!"t 1,. 'Iulle t1I at h"r

homf'. ~trl'. ('III~"I .. Y/lII!:'''n" "'''M op' • rlltt'd nn at Ih.., Emen;en .. ~· bOI'1\i't111

J::I<t:~. oi~~I~~Irt"::oJs.,,~,~nFs ~~:;}~; !')tinJ; 1110"'''' aft-r .. n attack of' pneu,tno, nla. . :\Ir ... ',:.1"1i~ ~ n~s or ('hlca!:o " .. aa In our f'1t~· Thurtday morn!n", on bu"l­n6l<1<. !\II'". J"llnh~ nary of CIl!eagn 1II'lIr"l.. I:; In "Ill' ,'Ily Ihls "cek t'll lou .. ln('!"!'.

ROCK ISLAND. ILL. :.trl'. A Im\'T8 nllrton. GP, <llefl Tuc,,­d.,· JIlII. :!: a11111' hom .. oIlIer dll.lII:h­t"r.· ;\lr1', Huttle '-;I1'1'(ln. !U, 11th St.,

"'I"''' a 'l'l'olonll;ell IUn....... ::;he I:; fOur­~·h· .. d by ;o.1rs. \':11" \\'ood~ and :'Ir", HaitI" OIb:<on or nnck Island. !ltr ... earn'; HUiUng of Ka:n88.l! CIty. nnd 'wo l,rotllerl'. l'·unerll.l lIe"1cea werc h"ld at the Second\U c.hul'cll l\ton. da", Jan.::&. RIchard H. Will ... , 616 nallroad A\· .... Moline. ,,!'n or HlchAftS G. ,\"111111 of Palmyra.. ;\10 .. and Vtrclnla Wood. of ltollnr.. dRU1(bter or )fr. an:! Z,Trl' . .1. Al!nl1, were ma.rrl .. d al the homo! or I!'e groom JIlII. 21. Th~ hrlde Is a

~:"m:r~b~r fl!~gnJ'W'a~~I~~ :\~~;;.~ ~~:! n .. wlywedll Cpl!Ct to tak .. 11 trIp tQ C~1\-

r.,rll' .. In (1'41 near tutur.. ThOll. Oil th. .'ck lIat lU'el Jofra. On .. 11 1"ft1t~f'IIIon, 11:1:; Ninth )._.1 atno. ,sam .. St.!.art anl1 .i\lrtI. lde\IBIIA Ga.m .. u, 11%11 10lh Ave, "'rIO, );II~ • 1,1OWIII, 111 SllIth AYe., "&II ntCOver~\ An.r havlnllJ lattn III rut 10 _laTII Wit I II 1I1I,,1l't a.Uack of "neume>" hl .... .:'lr .. ('.nie PItt. ot Clinton ",.1110\1 (1) ........ Ann. GQoorlch, on ~1lF.lh st.. who I, "'CIO"rln~ hlQrlr. !\Sra. to. Tna"I.. IiOT 8e .... nt.l Ht" haft "turned hom. from Clinton. low., ,,·ber. .h. ha .. ~II vl.ltlnlt wllh lb'.. 1-'&1111'0 MQ~ Nulilll. ___ !.

ROCK"ORO. ILL. TJI" :-;001' ...... 11 "lull _nl .. rhUnncl rfl- I

eenlly with 1\ Itap ,"cor l:rr at AUton '

~.~!~~~~~~Ch~tr~~ t~~!t~e,!r'bn\:!:~~I1:~. lorlAlned at h"r hom" wIth a. dInner In honor or 3fr!\. 1'.:lhl'l BIllke Com ..... II. Mr. and ;\tra. I.. Dlake. Mr. Cullwl'lI and :\lr. and- :.11'11. M. Walt 011. ;\tr~. t.. "'"I "rook entcrtalned .. "vl'ral ladh.'. Monda,. I\t her home. 1314 "rown Avf'. The B. M. T. hel4 Ita e\ecllon ot om­ICP. ... recent!)', )Ire. Jllm ... DIamond, "'!lo r~ntlr. llea1dt!d her foot whll!! M

n:~~~nB~~ a~I':i t:'I~O :r.. "If:;:' "p~;:sr:t the wlnl .. r wllh hi!! llllr.·nlll, :.It. allll lfrll. I!:dwnrd Rollinson •. )Jrll, Uln.dls celobnolf'd 111.'1' 16th I>lr(I"I.y l:&.IIt Thura· day, )11'11, l:iuaan Roblnlon. lit:! Knuwl­tOft 51.. III ltIurh Improved In health. :\tn. Rohlllllon has been flick neatly two year". dire. l"ranocls RoblnllOn has been .,ulte 1lI with a cold. ;.\Ir.. Florenoc. IJIak",ly, ollranl,t vt Allen Chapel churcb. III 'lult .. IU lit her home.

.JACKSONVILLE. ILL. The .:':orth ,,:nd' "lub wall .. ntp.rtaillcd

hy .:Iofra. lfattt.. !'\ •• It at It;,or hvllle In LuMan St .. W..rln·'sday •• \f{t'r lh .. Ullu.ll 1"01IIIne or bu"ln.·l''' and the "ll'ctlon or om,·erll. # II. <1 .. 1 ... 1('1111 lun.:h ~Oll w"lI .... f'.f!d. ;\Ir~. :\h.r~· Clark I" ,;10\\')' 'Im­pro'·lng. Til" \\'OIliIiIl'S dll" "IU, .,.n· tcrlalned al the hom., of ;\In;. Mall!" Stewart III t;, .. ·!1I11l1b<:rl< flt. ;\Iolld"y "tternoon. ='be WIU' 1IJI1I1",,,11 t.y :Mr". Dilley t·'. ,·'ullWher. oM",. llamle 'Wht'I'I"r or ~. ITalrl .. SI. has n,·el\'.'d "'ord tlf Ille lIlarrlal!'''' of h"!' Fls! pro !Iotr", t'ftla.."tlne Hon!." (>( l.oull'lnna. ;\[0. l[r!'!, ROM I~rly Jack!lon, .. !10 I" very III. was (akru to a 10("",1 bO"I'I1J41 TC­",('nth' In ... IIerlolll' "orldIU.,n. 'Word halO ""I'n 1'('1"('1\· .. d {rom Ghl<·It.,:" tlr the 1Illrna.a of !llr:!. MIlUic "'Nr-ll~~r:' O~or\~;i~!~'It'~f !Pl~ ~:~~;mll~t\ :.tgr ..... 1 .. ud .. [lallk ... torm,.rl~· ot Iht"·. Is s\1II (,l'ltkRI. ,I ("IT)' Holllnll, all "nlllloYf!e f!ijflh., Stale htl$plt.ll. hi much hnpro\·.'1\ iiI hea It h. ('laude 1;a n kll ot !·,·orja. 111 .. .11('<1 lill.t w .... k. ,·:m" Moor ... formerl~' of t hI" .. II ,V. til ""r), 111 aot litH h"'me I,ll ['"nnA. ThomaS nnhln~nn WII" t"I;:"1\ to

m.e". h<»'~\!m18~~' :.ui;~le 1ii.!I"r~{l~~;~:~' Jl'rl"lllly, Th ...... WII!' a l:lflt'C IHICIlfIllllcC nl the 11!/t1" Yo'll!' e<lll'IU!f Ittv .. n a.t ltt. Emllt')' DlIpllst '~hur~h. lIllfl"r Ih.: ItU­"pi .... " o( th.. p,.rl'on,q;.· ('Illb. ;\TrIO. Fnlllci!" Johnson, prl'"ldcnl. ;\Irs, I .... "nt. .'Itoore ha- r/;turned fremalril. t .. hrl' home In \\'lnche15lor, 'refill .. an,1 ehkAI:O. 111. Charl'~l1 rummlnJ:lo "I<. .. l'tId

:i~\~~' n., Il~~'!'I''::I~~ 1~lof.~~r~ll~ti~~a}~~; rlauS'ht .. rs. lin;. :.tltrl" Unn!;... .'IIi,." AlUla Cummlnl;A "lid :.11''', Llnl., Greenup ftr Ihl,. rUy. IInti .'Ilr~. I.ulll lIarrl15 or Chi .. :!,,!'; nne l'tep"~on. ltoll.·rt .:IlcClinn of o I ... a ,,0. The Ro\·. p, .\ . nos .... ell "V8S II vl!d~ol' III til" .-II~· r('-

~~dtlfi .. ~~;~ ~~r~[.br~: :i;u;:h:\tl11~':~~';~ he 1"811 Ih.. gue .. t of Mr, and Mrl!. • 1f'r"ml' RollinI'. )f!'lI. Horlon un" .'III ..... t..1:uh· P~'~r nf reorla attended Iho fu­neral or elAudp R:rnkll In thl!' "\ly ~lIn­Ila}'. Janl"" \'OUtl;! or .'Ilalil>ll St. 1;0; lI"hlf'W""I Imp!'o"",/' ,Mr. 111111 .'111'''. Jam .. " "kPRnll'll' Of ;ltarlon :;1. r .... ~h·!'Il ",,<>rd oi rli.. IIIn ... • .. nf 'Ihelr dal/~ht .. r. :\JI~R ":mma lll'Dl<lIletll of (,hlo-a;:<:,. t1I. )1 ffl. 1.1" .. M" 1I0r~' nf Kan"li" Clly_ .'\10 •• an,1 ;lIn<, Em" Jo-:dwsrdll tlf P('(',Hur. III .. Il'fI (01' St. Louis Monday to "u('nd tht! IlTBdUR \lon e~erclses nf :'UlIlt Ju:mlul. I;:.l ..... rd ... ;\fN. )Iaml<? 1lJ:;n>t Itnd ,lllllg!l­U'r" or l':t. u.ul!!. :.10 .. Mr!'. ~. O. Cant)· flnl1 ;\lr ... Jt'lmll' ("II:';~ art' in til" dt3o'. th .. 1:11-:: .. 111 or th .. l .. cou::llI. ;111'11, .\ •• J. J'ln(,H of. S. J,o~"lul'c" :Sl. FuIIl'raI l' .. n·lc~!I of th" lal" Claud .. Rank .. were t:el" at GilHam'" rUII"ral hom .. ~unday aft..rn~n: th.> It .. ". n. H. lfa,·kl ... pas' lor nC R~lh"l "'. )1. R churl:h. :l!'!tlsh'l'i hl' til.. Rl'v. n: II. DC'wlt't. palllOr or l'cl'''l'h) Bapl!!,t .. hllreh. oftlt"" tim;. It"'' ,Tennle Jonel' and ;Ill'''. r'''OIllI Pampron of !;. Fa.~· .. t1~ ~I.' I'nlr.rtalned the Flidll)' ,\ rt .'I1ft> recent\~·.

CHICAGO HE.IGHTS. ILL. S\untla~·. Jan. ·!7. ",a~ known ,,"

'ounf:; P"opll"" dlly lit Dlllyn" ,', ;\(.

~a!\"~:~:ted All;":'if p~~~~~l~~ :~~~:r,~ day party Ri"O!IJ- In honor of th.. il,,\', U. (". Wl'av"r at hIs !10mI'. 1':9 R l~lh 1'1. lTonday. JlI n. !t. ..1'1'(11 JII.". A. lll1ndy and a numh.!' or ,,~I"rt .. d ,.lnFl' C'r", of hIli rholr from Grl'Rtl'r Hlll!'1 A, !I[. E. ('hur~liltlcagj>. will at.p"ar In III mUP!cRI p m at Payne Chard church Feu. 1::,

SPARTA, ILL Pr('r;tol1 ~m1th ""lLI' ha'dl~' InJllr ... ' At

th.. mlnf''' Tuel'da3·. Altrt'd ,,'mtt"r I" " .. ry III al this \Hllln!\'. ;\tn;, F"J~"I~ $;nll!h and ("llIrl'n.·,· ~rt"Slmn)oll!1 \\'""c qllll'tI~' marrier! .Tan. 1:: Rt the bomn .,r ;1'1'. Rnd lin •. Th,·." Gl"~hMn. Will ~hann(l" ,,, ,;:"ttlu!,: :ll"llIf nl"~I~' "fter b .. lnlt Injured .. hout two wrekl' .. 1; .... ""alt'!r PII1'!'On amI I,d"""rd gt. Jftm.!s lIrn_ln IndIRnall(llI~. Ind •• IfUemllnF:' Ih~ mine",' ''Ollventlon. ;\11'''. T'JlIlI .Iones frll and pRlnfllll, Injure" hl'!' 1"1\'. Iral'­IIII;' J!'Il!\lP IIltRnlE"ntl!. ,\\'l11l1l.m nh'J:horn. Jr .• \\'1\,. mr.:rrlnd to :ltl1,,, i!:r!"a Smith or C'oull",..,.1II1' Oil \\-#odn"'!ldj\~·.

" CHAMPAIGN. ILt.. Lltll ... 1aOl4''' Hmlth. Infant I"'U M

;\fr. Rnd 'tolrll •• loltn t'mllh. dt"d IR!'t ...... ek. :'11'''. E. :\1. Uall \\1'" 18kl'll I<lId. " .. ply ill IAH Thur"da~' wIth .. I'c\·t"r~ attack of h"Al't lroublr. n ... r n"'thl'r. ;\11'''. Mar!:,,,r'" Rtf'h,,",nn "r Wllter­"dl"~', liy .. WI<., .. "alll"d 10 he .. 111'<1,,1, ... , ThoFe ,'11 tll .. "II'K Ii~t ar .. ; ;111'1', CQI':l l'"ttl'nr'n. <: .. .-\1 :->Ickl'rsnn. 1"'1I11'p. SmUh. IAlIl"" Dla,·k. "Unnl .. SmHhH­lilll.l. AJlI~ <::Ifltk. nJanch.· Un\"INI "nd ;lTolhl'r Cart .. r. :.Trl'. f,. A. ('Inrk WII" "alled tn Orr"'. ;\IlF!'I.. 1:11'<1 Thllr~d" \' all account of th" 1l1I1NIS of 11 .. 1' f'1t'l,:,r. :1I!~1' .\unl" Pr'wtor of Ihlll I'It~· ""') :\1.""n Pa .. ~on Qf Del'Alur ",;or<' /l1l1,,11\' tnlirrlf'd lol'( ' .... I"dn .. :o;da.\·. ;\\1"" On,·i, BI< rll!,l;. ;\Jif'l'< ;lUnnlll \nlll!lm!l. ;lTrl'. Lillian William" !lilt! !\tr. !':hlv.,s mo­t nT",1 In Ih" ('Ity (ront 1":"I<'III:n 1.1:;1. "·,, .. k. llr". l(aU., .\bllnntllJ' ,,"d lhr"" "lIlIdTI'II hn .. ,· return,'" from ~herlml'ld. AI" .. wh .. r" lIu· .... :;p""t II. Plirt of I hE' WIlII'I·. norn to ::0.11", lind )11"'" "'U, na", 'lrlmm II "nun.·lug h:,h~' I",,' \:".t Frlela,.'. lIn<. Velnlll f'nl('~' II' ... 1. .. ltlnl:' .."hUI\·,·", In :->rw (lrll'l.II!'. 1.'1. Arthur W\llIams Is I!nrlQUlily III wllh plleu­TT.flnh ...

METROPOLIS. ILL.. ;\lTl'. lr. I":ook f'f nr:l{ld Hh·"f. l"~· ..

I", In tho' .. It" \'IIOltin~ hc .. <1HII!;ht .. r. lll'l". J... $lrt'rkland. ~1no. nhl'mullll. Lyons WM hOe<lelll! to the Alpha Art duh on Thunoday. Aft("r tho bu"lt.e~!< ,,"HII tranlOartctl the hOllteM ""!r\'~d .. dellelou,,' thr~-cnIlMl" hmchebn, llrlO, P .. arl Cart .... oC St.'T.ouls. )10., 1" tlte I:\le~t ot ;\tra. t.nna PhillIps. ('R.N. H. O. Dtlrk ,,, hom .. from Sllrlrll:'tl ... ld ttl rrorganlze t.he militIa whICh wl1l he "IRUon l'ermllnently In the cit,· undl'r hllO mmmanrl. Th.. Fktlon dub m .. t wnh ;\1",. Bes~ll> CnTk .on ~·ednO!ttday. :'orr", Mao' L. FOMln toa. r&lurn"d In

ler home tn Alllanre, Oblo Th!l nev. r. n. SmlLh. pruJ41nl( IIIla.r. wa. In 11. <'It)' !&at week. 'WhI"! 118fe h ...... 11 the JrUl!flt ot lh. B.v. and Mr .. \VII­,lam JJamelt. :.Ir.. Reba J.,mlllOn l_ )C' Centralia. III .• I. III th .. olt)' vholUIIII iter hloth"r, Mf". OIlOTKtl Jamlllon. fhmd all tiewil to :m· •. Jillol,,, W ... ,,,ore lor the W. O. W.~ phol'lG 141.

OI..IiNCOE. ILL, The nev. Mr. l'itton of the J.·\r.t

BapUI't church held II. tl'n-day r"vh'al meetln .. at tho Ftr"l Bapthll churCh In lllnneap(lUII. Mlnn. On Thllrtlda)·. Jail. Zt. Min Hellln Stabron '\'lslt!!cI the nnw (actor,. or the QverWIl 1IYI'I.,ne lflU'U­tactul1n. Co. Sh" 'WIU! IlOnducted throuCh the plant by Anthony Over­loU'1I lOR and IIhown how th~ products Iro made and packed. )11.11 l:latber CUrry and. 'VlIllam Se.bron. .11'., ar .. on the sick list. The JUnior ocl1ol" will r"nd .. r a eonc aervlce at 1:It. Paul A. M. E, ohureh on Sunday. Feb.::. Th" Rev. L N. Daniels III pt.ltO".

NORMAL, H.c.. On Saturday afternoon. Jan. %5. the

MilIa" Gayle .Anaon. JOlrphlne BI1I"r, Althca Ca.ldwcli. VIola Hrllnham. )I .. u­rita King, Olive Brunner and AU"" LuCIUI met at the hom., ot ;\II'. IU,., ;\1111. 'AII'Jon, 211' W. t.oc:Ullt St., tor the purpose or tormlnc a club. knOWn as "'Che Celestial DII.p"r." Th.. rol. lowing omc~rti w .. ro f:lected: ;\U.a LUC&fi. presIdent i MIss Anaon. tna.­Ufar; lIJllIs Cldawcl1, lIeerilUU')". !lnd l\U>ItI Hiller. re[lOrt~r, All theae Blrlll ur.' aPlone tho IIIOsO populllr I:ltudentB "uendlng thl) JIIlnols Slole Norml4l lOllh'cnlly the purpolI" of the!1' club III lu :;tlmlllate mar", wholtl!ome !:Ioclnl a';II\'IU.·" amont; the .!!tudent!!. The C, M. 1:.:. "hureh will hold It II annual Ph; IIUPPl'r on "·rlda~·. F4'b, 8. !111M 1)01111. B,~·tb "IIl'11t Ill,' wc"k-i!nd with h"r par ... nt.. .tII,1 (,I .. ods In Lincoln. lil. )Il~s Oli\·., 1:"lInncl' sl'''lIt lhe week, end with h.r !,,"'('nl:s ... t h<:r homo III Elkhart. lit.

MONMOUTH. ILL. The ;I[Jt~ l\Ulllll(o"ur~' ~""I .. IY of tit.

James A, :,\1. K dill I'd. In' I lit t:-tr: bome of ;\Ir!!. l.o1!.Urll :\hlll\.l" "" 1'. S .. c::--~~t .. ~~:· lI?r~c=~~ ~~. th\\'n~:;;:" I ;:;:~~ ~~;e~~ ~~~~':t:}~dev~nj~O:~~~hl'j~t h~:::: on W. Fourth A'·... .llIlIn \\·,dl:l.·c I,; serloual,· 111 >It hi.. 110m.. 011 ~. C ~t. ~1"". Jl'lInlc BII.hop. who hn" hc .. n ver)' III. I .. much b'!tll'r. !llrs. Man .MOll" III con(illt"u to lI.:r home On IlCl:ounl or 111-n""~. Thl!' B. \'. ~', 11. of Ca)var)' &,,­tlst rhur .. h p ... e :III .. ntprlalnment and ht'ld Ib"'r annual ,·Ie,·t!on of ... m.· .. r" lllHl TUNuSa),. ;\1I~:t AlbArIa. l\lr:rrlJl "",UI Ollll!ratf!d lit"'" Cor tumor" at I II'! ;\lonmoulh ho~pltlll lallL we!'k. :\11''' . Viola William!' oj P""Tlll \"~It"d with her lIarent!'. Mr. unti ,:IIr",. Jo~11na Mer­rill. 0( I':. Flfrh ,\\'.... ;\Irl'. ,.;Uza Smith ha" h""11 011 th" ~lrk 11,,1. VurlnJ: th ... II",Vl'r ... , .. ,'old ",path"" ;\lr ... Marie ;\101'1111 I had thl! nllll(nrlllne 01 rrc.-zlng the 10wI'r porllon of h.'r 11m I.!'! •• ;\lrll. I::. C. f'rnpleH hI all th~ sh!k hilt. The J:.:al!t Shill Snclal clllh ga,,"c II. dllnce at til!: armory on J:IO. 14, A 'a~ge crowd (rom G"lesburg and DUTlIngton ",pre 1'1''''1-

~~icln'~r~·e:Wtn;!n~\~~~nh;~h~o~~}.~I'~~ ! :lto":1 of I':. 1·:lght1. SI.. ltal' l'elurn",1 I 'n b"r nhf h(lm!'! hi Quln.·~'. TlI~ f';t~w, Ilrde,,:< tK'lard of !:il. Jam~ ... \. )1. I::. chllrch S'""e 'I len., ,'par i'm .. rtalnmi'nt ",hl"h wa:< ",,,II attr·nd~d. ;\Jrl<, ~r:,h Flnnd ,,, vb.Hlne whh h .... "i~!li'r in ~prln!:f1"ld. :\Iapl'! ('It) n. 11. or l: . B, F. &. K If. T. was bf'"utlflllly enler, lalnO!d by .:.tI'Mllm"!' fl, ;\lcWllllalll/l lint! C. Blrt!f!lt taFt 'rhul'srt3". Tho .Iunillr ltlnlollar,.. ,,';J'; (,r,ranlzt':t lit !':I, .hllnO>I< .-ltvreh with Junl"r r"opT .. ". I.rl'sltl .. nt. and (ra \\·\1JIYm~. ~erl'''t.r~·. At ...

~~~~I;~h~'~~~I1;e~rlo~a;~~~fe<l Hi;r~:~ I l!'ll~e the ne\'. (iI., 1), Ol<"k!<on .... ltn 11l1~ I heen "1'I',,red th .. r,('~ld .. n('y or a coll .. sr" I In Tea:l. He hll5 lIf'c"l'tt'd the 1'''''­tornte 'Of ClIlv.'1l'.... for Ifn.,lhl'r year, ll",. J. T. Penl'll .. ;. h:II' nn "xhlhlt\on :t ""antlC.,1 "Ilk 'lullt. whkh will jte gIven it" a prlz .. h)' th .. \l'1l)'R lind m"lin~ (,om 0il mltteo nf thl' C"nlnr.1 dlttlrlct ... r CIII_ or .. d 'Vomt'II'1I c\uh", whlrh wJII ,·nn· "plle In Dloomlnll'lon nn ;\tar"h 2. and ~lt. ~lr!C. .Iohn· Tinnell is maklnsr hn.

~~~\'O;;h~nW .. \~n r.~~ {\~ii~;;'~ ~n 0;' thl~ !tIck 11111. but ,,·IUI. ahle to flll hili plIlrlt

~u~dttlh(.\, 7i1!'~\';':ks~~ni~~ ~IJc;~I"~~';;~ .1, T. WaJla('l' hal' rompletO!<I.:md I!' no,,' ""In~ In hI .. h~lIl\tlful 11"'" homn on g Fifth ~'. lfl's. f'mlle :lfd,'llIInmJII :tnrl: tlaul/;hter. )Tnr. F.lta Wallae". vl~ltl'd hpr "nil. ("arl ;\tc\\·IIUams. \\ibn III tak­in~ tr''''Um''nt I" It tnhE'f("ulo!'ls Fanl­tarlum at Da\'(!onl'ort. lo,,·a.

DECATUR, ILL. )Tr~, r:ml! I!:.h""nl!t It'Ct la!>t ..r" .. I.

In aU"'nd lit .. "Ohlmen""mrnt f>Xl.'fcll''''' of het' daughte .. , Juanltn. ~t1SH 1';(/­"o\'III'tIJII I~ Ii I:l'odustl' ,.t !>\lnm"r hl"h. SI. I. .. ·mla. ,\I,I)UI 21) lnemhl'l'll or Ihe St, Pel!'r':; A. ;\I. J.:. 5ewlnl: .'lr,·I.~ WHO' prPJllent Illst l:rlday :at Ih" hom,· or :\lr8. 1'1I<"11I1' '\·a~htll~t(ln. TI.e nen nle.!tinll: wll1 he h .. ld I.t th" home ()f ;ltr::. Ruth .lohn""n (In :-;. Chll~h St. The nl"·. ;\tr. 10'1 .. 1<'18 <'It '["olffin. Ohl .. , wa." tit .. Itllt'!<t of hi!! l'rother. thl.' n .. ,·. Pcl .. r l~leld!'!. :'1t'!'I.. Urrnl<:-e Hunt wal! bOf'!tt's-" to th'c tobt .. 11 .. r "'hl"l-at h~r hnm~ nn \\-('dlle!'da~' ("'·I.'nlng, 'T1ut "rill Lurk" m!"t at ttl" hom.. or :'Ir~. J .. lll!"e 5laul;htt!T on FndR)' e'l:Clnlnl:. .-\ ft.-r th" f'UflPl'r a hnh-~I .. d part,' Wtt" tnJoyed "yo 150mf'. "'h!le nlh .. r!.' pTR.},p.d cmell. The St. Pet!"r!< A. )f. E. Sew, Ins: rlrel .. had tb .. lr election ot omcorl'.

whIch resulted a8 folloWI>: PrJ"dent'l 1.1_ Alice Caldwell: tint "Ice pre.i­Ilont ;).In. O. PresIOn; second vice pl'e.!dent. )tra. Fanny 'l1ozee; third I

IIlce prco:"ldent. l\1r1l. Ella Taylor; llee-'

:::~~Y')m-." .fi::elG~fi~n~S!'C:I~~~~cr:t pl\'k and lookout, lItr.. GUY Waahlng­I on: J)Urcballln~ and cut-out. 7>11'11. 0iJ'­dft G!!.dner; prO-""1ll.. committee. l\Irs. : )r. z"lIls. and reporLing commluC>e. . Uf". Charte" HoIIIB. :\Ir. and Mrs. :~c JOlles announced th •• ng&gem~nt .If theIr daughter, Juanita. to J. Owen. ,tt a luncbeon on Thul'lldav afternoon. 'rhoBe Druent were: Strf'!. Henry 'rhoma,,! Mra. l!:I&worth Da.nblC,.. !!.Irs.. '!ienoelte EllIs. :.11115 ~11a Stol')", ;\frll. ;)uy Wuhlua;tOIl, !\tn. )hlud .. Ranklnlt. U .. a. FontaIne. :'Tra. Wm. Dyke. Unt. Peter FIeld" and. Am.. 1\Ionne Demp. 1\11811 Mldgl" Phenix \JI Improv­Inr: after all IlJnel18 .... Ith tonalllltlJII. )trs, Gertl. Elliott. lIfrs. 1. B. Lonl: md J. W. Woodford on tho sIck Oat •.

PEORIA. It.L. Tho Rev. llf, J, Battle of Mllw&ul<lII".

WI,,: WIUI the guest or Iho Rev, Mr. TodQ Sunday and 'Pl'ea~h .. d ll. sermon. Mrs.. Bell Dyson, 1%6 Ore!!n St .. III stili on lhe sIck list. 1 •• Phillip clled at the Proctor ho!pltal Tuesday. The funpral

~t~~ I'{';ii~:~d ~? ~!'~~Jd~~rp lh';h:r~~: Claude Blt.nk. 3lQ Gale A,·e .• departed tbls IIr .. on \\·ednel>~)·. Fllnera! waH preached on :-laturday by the Re\'. ~, B. Joneg of Bloomington at the Ward Chapel ,\. :\1. 1:.:, cJlurcb. The Re\·. W. U. J~mIRon. presidIng elder. heM Ills !lecond quarterly I)1cetlns at \\'11.1'11 chaP'll 011 Sundlly. ~h" pll8tor and ml'mbl'nII Of SL I"aul ~btlreh will be wllh the He\'. (". A, Wallace Sunday afternoon In tllelr In.tallatlon. SlI!rInOn "'1\1 be prea"hl'd by I he pa.!~tor of Stl Paul ('IllIreh,' Tbe A: A. C. C. wll bnld II!' .. t'J;Ulal" mt't"Ung with Ihe 11ft . 7.1011 chur<.:1\ Thuncda~' ""eninR. Feh. 7.

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ILLINOISThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Feb 16, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 12


Howard ·Whlt., returned to .\urota! fl'cently ttulte sick. .Mrs. Jones vi Ann I St. I~ ill ~lr. and ';\ln~. Sam .\Ilam" l ~~~e~r'tfr~h~~ ~rt~ .. tl1~~~~~ O~,;~ii~.~~~:: I lIartit:.. were hd..t last week. .\ \" ... rv I sll('~e:iSrul supper Wl15 sl\"ell :11.' the I i~~:;t S~:~~:t ~~~t:~ (~~u~~h. benJ~~l~~ , Garrett attE'ndeu tile (Un.em! vi hi)! aunt. ~tr::. ;.\la:.· BlarkbUfli. :>.10;. 1';;1 \\"i1so!'l ot. Chkll!;u was the guest ui .\Irs, edward X(:WIlOnlt!'.

KANKAKEE. ILL. ;.\11"5. Sophia Hamlet Is fmpro\"in~

nice!)'. "lrs. Cassie Yau.:hn wa:s I/rou#:llt burnc from tlh~ 1!:mcrg<'flt·y hUj;!.!tnl ;).tond:t~' an<l Is dolo;: uh·"ly. llf. ;tn<) ;.\lfll. Joe L.·(> aro'! continC'tl to Ih .. ir h"me willI IIIn~ss. ;.\11">'. C;'Jfr.line ~;ljm~ W:ll'l "all\,,) If) C'hka~.. by th" lIIues.!! nr lu,r <I",,:::I1I1'r. )lrs. ::;.Irn Ilunt .. r let; ill. i::ddlc Qli""r and .\Ilce £1 •• 1\ :-:h·'koll,.. \,-"I'r" l:u..rrh'd r('(";ntly. Juhnni<: Hunvr is III.

CHAMPAIGN. ILL. 1 )lr!'. lUnni.: £'1<:'1,;"1IS and ",j,,:,·r. !lat"1

til! I.'ar"~·. wer .. ' call ... 1 t., ,\If":1 i'l! ;11"' "(>llnt of th.' ilInc~s (\f a ui· •.•.. :"1I"s (to!>a!.'.- f'kkt.'n!<. C!:lutl.· ;'\1"I>I::"n'~r}" nnd Dr. SimPl;l)u rnad~ .t ).",.:n.'''''; I!i,,! In :",'nm:I1"ld last W\:('\;;, ;\!:-:;. \.;.\ .. " '"in;; Tam!y d('l':1rtl'o thi" liil! n·t,lay . • \(1'''' ..... )riue Lonl:' wa:; ralk.t : ... \urt.ra .. n ne.'onnt n1 th .... 1t.':Ith "r h"r I:!nth"t". :1(1"". l.ul:! r.1"".:'r. .\r.hur )k~·url .. y .li~d Jn~t \\·.,.·k at I..hlt.,"tltn :In'~ hi~ 1.u~I)"' wn~ hTNll:ht Iwr .. fo:- hlld .. 1. l~r .• tml ;\11':<. H .... ndon or l'liI~ \lluft. ,\1":;: ••• tre "i~ltln~ in th" hom.. "~ h"1" l,rnH: .... )!arl'han Williams, "1\ •.. "it'k ar,· ;\11"::. :\r. .\. Crowder. Leona "'illl-If/n. 1:!.-11-;'1'.1 ,\1I ... n. Rt'l'sle '\"(' .... 11' "n.1 )~rs. T. John~{lIl. !'tn-. S. n. UNltOI\ nn.1 )tTl'. Kinl: went 10 fl:UI'I."Ut ... last ", ... >Ii.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Mar 1, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A5

!LLINOIS STATE NEWS W!1kln~ mother or 1" R \\'Ilkills, 19S' ~ !JIll l'1 \\ ho III ).f" ndlnt; Ihe '" Inter t ... n \\ 11 It llr Ilnd lIn< \\ IIkln .. , lIut­fert'd Ii I!e\ .. r~ stroke or l'llrah!'IK 1 ... 1 "rldll) .Mr.. \~ lllih." llOnIC lIS ill 1'!lI.,,'kl <ount'

SYCAMORE, ILL, llr,. I.UCI(,11 CAld\H'1! and ;\11,. nol.

,rt \\'1I11r", \\" .. e bu"ln .. -fI <1\1I('r" III I'/," ill> Til.. \\'Ide A wlllio ("Iub \\l ... • .n~","aln..u at a pan, at th" !lome of \1 .. ,. )'''rank I.uea .... t Dd-alh n.,arlnall \\ In1r. \ retum~ hom ... from R.ockford t.. take, a po"11Ion he form.'r" had \\ Ith the 011('41:0 JnHulat"<l WIre and \!lmutacturlng corn"an' Harn Thorn­Ion wa. a "usln .. ,,, .AIl .. r ,.1 Auron: '\Ir and Mtll Ro.k"r "lIl1aml'on ar~ th.- proud l.arent" or .. bah' I':lrl :\lother and daughtrr doing nleel) llr~ GPOI'g6 Kimbro "nd lIn; Berth. John­I'on ,rert! lmslne-..... nlletll In Rockton! :'<tr and ;:\Ir" t~olumbuH Ander-.. on or ';:habbon" flrhe \\. r" '1"ltlnJ; (rl"nd,. bl're r ... " .. nll} ;\I ... "" <;,,'11 Sln11' of :llIh"auk. • \\ I" "a;; d"ltlmt frhmd~ m the t It\ ..... <.'enth llr and :'<Irs \\' .. 1 lace Uo\\la~d hatl ,",hor.. frOnt T"rr" )laul .. , Inl!

QUINCY, ILL. :!.1I11>1 Paral..... I .... Jo'~ has return e.'

1,ome from (~~lca".(O """'oml)an! ... 1 b) :'1I!l~ "'l1Ia JlarnlOun llrl' ele.ann, Th .. m,,~on • IIlt,nalll",1 in honor or l1ls" \\ Ill... Barrl"<>n Frld", (\ ('nln" of hilt " .. k lit hl'r bOD)" J"hn ,s, Ilcket nlld :!.Iomb Gm ... of Fon ~l .. di:lOn 10\\a ""r.. \hiltars In Iho! <11\ r...:t ntl)

'" .. nlng • t tlte C II e cburch W\'nn g C'hlllld I~ :II Ii: church orG'an-1::<:" a ,h"lr "hh llrs. LIllian 111,;h­t,,,, "r, I'r", :111"11 Ua:el Hlsb­I 0\,. I' , .. ,,,r .. tl1r) and \ E Carr .hon"ter ThO! J(", )lr Green nnd \\ 1(., uf I'ul tllkl 111 1111<0 lUss !>aloam "l1l1th 11I,,1 :llr" It"n.. nlch"tl1IOn ot • IInm~, 111 ,,110 \\t'r" b"U~lIt" at th" ~Lllqtld \\~I'<!' 1\1"0 "Itne.suli of tbe

mock \\~t1.lIl1g )fr,; CIIl'ollna Grt!en md d tught .. r :'<1"" ,\Ih .. rtn Lane, hotlt

.. f fndlltllapolls Ind, arrh .. d home lI'eb 1" on account or th" IIhlt!&1I of her hU$­h~nd Henn Gr"l'n "ho hilS ... en 111 '''1' "-Oml' tlm~ ~Irs :\11l1:!;1" ShRnkbn \\ 110 hn" !Je; n • "'nlln .. d 10 her ht!c1 sInce Sund .. , }<'"I> Ilt Is 11"\\ a bl, lob.. UII

The :\!t"sl' n"r, club of \\",nn" ( hap .. 1 C M Jo. <hurt'h melilt l!le 1'1>51 df'ncc oC ')ll's Emnl" HIBllt .. ",er \\ ;;dnesda\ n~nn Gr,~n al;I{1 ". \\ 110 hIli! been A cItizen tnr "I!\f!rnl HArtl dIed \\·I"dne.d" \ }'II"!! Junn!! .. :,\" .. bIUs or Pulaski III I~ here \ 1;<11-lit!: her rrl('nda, llr" (;corge !>hnnklln and ramll)


to the older bOTII alld J;lrls conterenee I whloh convent'd In the I;lty Friday and SQtnrdll}' lln Seott \.bo underwent on o\l"ratlon at 8t Joseph'" hOllpltal, Is Improving :\11'8 Edna '!'rent or I

~:g~!~ wft~~ th:n~ue~ir.Su~da~ °lo~:~ I ... Yere Ruest" of :\tr, and lIrs lIonroe !"olan for Sundo.). The N A A C p, helU an executh.. meetlng Sun­~.tth:~~nlnG' o.t tbe home of Robert I

hln I ... r~lltll. ll" and lIra Robert lUl­I"r. liU Bond ,,\tl 31t.. ),1111')' Oar­no!r 1,01 :'<Iarket """ ",ho lIas be;!n III for .. e~. ral month. wua Bent to her (orlll\/, hllltlt' III lIlsulijlllppl on Sund ", I",'b. 3 Sit" dIed Feb , The 8undli]; ":chO<\I uulon of tblll city held their hgulllr monthh m""Ung !nat Tu.adlls ~"nlnli Sit "ellle) Tnllt:Tnacle :-OX ~ ,hUTCb The next rt!lJular meetJna: \~1Il b. held III St Paul BapUIIt church 'fho "ruplo) e.... ot the :Mll1l1Ourl Pacillc rnllrn .. tl Iffi'" a banquet at the Bond ",,' \ .\t C A Ifl8t lfonda;): nIght. DECATUR, ILL

~!,,~;t' ... U~;~~ 8~~~~r~~h,:af~~e:m~~ c~:; th~ei~~~o:nI:O~t~d ~~~8,,~~0~~dagh~:I~~ I g, u~rnl mMager .,[r.. 00'011:0 Pear- I.,'ullomll who "cre kllled recently while '''11 " m .. mher o( 5t. Luke _-\ :\1 E I "tnrnlnl:' from Sprlngl\old A double • hurch. died rt!ccntb~ Her remahll! funernl lind burial "as IClv"n the boys \\ (I'll lIent 10 her former hom!> In the GI~nn F If'ldl! Jnck 1-~\'nn8 and GeorgI: 8vUlh for Lurllli Thomlls D 113)"''' I Smllh "ho "erc nlso tn the accident •• nd !\Ir Turner of L .. bllnon JIl _I"mt \\ lib th" two bO)1I \\ho \",re kill "I', s .. ~erttl dn),. In CarllMle, III. on bU81- :'11'0 I5tlll In the hospItal lIut ur .. Im­Ih'S.. Til ... St Luk .. A :\l Ii: c:hurcl (ro~lnl; lfhlll Jcnrose \>; heaUe, and choir led b) lI1ra "'1\"", HIl)"" "ttng lto\)"l't UoinH "ere married 1a'lt satur­It :l church r"lI) 1\t lIt ZIon Baplllit .In) L, tlll' n. \ P '" 1"1<ld" of the

, hurl.'h Sunda> afternoon I""b 1U ,\ntloch llo.l.tltlt church lUl!l< :\h.) :\Ir" Lognn und :lIt Jone,; of l>t Loul" \Ioore \'1111 hO .. t05" '0 the SI • Peter's olgnnh: .... 1 >In usher .. board at St Luke Se"lng <ire! .. In~t I"rldll., There \~er" \ :\1 I. chureh reeentb :\[1"" 'Panni.. !:5 mt'D1b .. rs Ilresent ::111"11 Luella Dan,

JOlles made t\ ut)' charming ho~tew8 10 b) enlertllltlt'd )!Is~ JuanIta Jone:. \\ltl1 mumher,. of tbe Home Study chll. on a linen shower at her home on Thurs­/', h 'I at 1'01'0 nnnex, 10th I1UtI Uroad- day afternoon llrs HOllie ShUll1(bter \\" llr" I :..: Siroud I" confined to suffered II. paralytIc Iltroke recenti) '. 'I" .tl- nhl"~s llrll Thom:." Phond!!!r, ]311 Bowman A~e.. \\as the bolrten to the membenl 01 tho '\'ednell­du) clulJ 011 lo'cb 13 Bishop l~ltll.c L.!<ne • J .<"~QII r'lIl. splIIor hl .. ho(> of th" , \1 1:; cllllr<"ll IIIled the IlIIlplt at I'llgrun C'h"pd C :'<1 e, church on Sun. d.) morn In" )o"eb 111 lUll dllughter, :\Irs \.1ea\e05, ",(" nf J';1"hop a.o\es fI( St Loul" Ilnd lIn. nllrrough" (01'-

~~C;;~~h~!;:~;c1~~~k ~I 1I.~~~~~~I.:!rltill:r{o

MATTOON. ILL Mr lInd ::I.trl! Ed\\A.rd Elliott ha~o rf\,

~:~:'ee~l?i~SI b~h i~riIT~le~a '\~}"~.fil' tl~fl~ 1I0t a I'\ster, lIrs Coda P"r"on!l Mrs .. .'nlt· :\1 dont.!' \\: ho hn~ ltt f n !Il. rto\1sJ,) III III eotl\ II .. scenl :Ills .. ErmIn" F.\C­l\ n nohl",,"n 9 ~. ItrS olsl dl\ul:ht~r or ~I.. aud :\11''' H Hohln""n, l.f lin nr rlll'ti ,t her home 1" ... 1> ::n aftcr 3.n III, n",,11 of I"., month.. Funeml s"r'­Ire .. ""re h<'ld nt tn .. r:1mll~ Ilome 1" .. 11 ":1 "ltI. th' nt!\ ~II .rp l( the Sl!lOllll haptl"t • hUrch offir.intirlr:;' lehovL'I.

I if'''! \\ m Carr alld bi;; gu .. st~ til, lll,,~.... l'ara.l ... ., 1.St Foe \\ !Ilia Harli­SO:1 (l( ('hI! aJ;o ,.nd J01m [' ... ken of }--<>rt llarll.-on 10\\,. sl.ent" "t'"k cnd iu ..... 0 .... 0 !\olc, tbf' l:ur,..tti of his !'i~er :I,", 1" H P.arllOIlI' Dr n :'\0 lluTr .. n mad .. a bU"1II's" Irlp t<> f~trolt lll,..h t.~"cnth Sl"rt:. An,," n ( It(\outJt,~\ aud :'\0 T H"rrl,. ("milAn, K f:'shtll In, r"r.t~ !lIlnol" :'1::\1'0 .... 1 t.unrd I. tt for • lll<::a,:o to atto nit •• mUllan "c!l",,1 fo, une mon'h lIre John \ IIlson ;;nler tame,l I ,"" (rl .. n'l" In honor of :\1\." '\\-lI1a Harrl"",n, \\ lin Is 'I~itln!! :\1I~~ I'aralt'e LaFOt'! I:,ant;ehlil \111l~r it; c(>uductln" r. ~hal ;;.:nll:eS at II, Ih.l A :\1 E. church .:".Irs:; C \\ •• n~r

:\tn! I~na Phllllll.'i of :\Jetropolill 111 "as II r;;cent ~h"tt)r In tht! elt\ itob HI Trice mOl or. d to C.3rbnndale III rN· ... ml} ~I.tll .. ' Sherr"n \\a" n re~('nt DII'lIlOIll, III "I"hnr :\lrs g t) :"::ill· 1nJ: "h .. h." h,' n III IS Impro\ In,; at thl .. wl'ltlull' non \\ IIIlnm" "P""t lal'1 sUIldn, in Ann. III :\Ir \\ ll<aUe, nnd \ndr,,\\ John!'Dn \nr" "Rlle,1 tn De" maine III, on n .. rount of Iht! IIine"s l)f their mnther It,.,. }<'","I.. Jnhn"on lIn; F.m.nNt :-;1\lICt! I,. III :\ll's BI!II11 lloU,,\ ,nt"rtR Ined J:UelIU' from C 11'­bondl\l.- rE'''.'nth lfr" Flnra Thollll'­l'!l)n of C:lrhondale made a bu"lne"s trip 1(1 Ih" clt\ I' ........ nll' Uro%\ CIIl) hrook I \\ Ill'! a ... cent St t:nUlS \ Ilthor

tit.. ...It} :\l1l1!'!e" Bertl"'n" 1\:lnJ; nnd ~11I'1 ... \\ ,nSton Ill! lI"st .. lIs. s enlerlaln€'d I lit.. ,\ I1h.'rforce "Iu" \I th" re"hletlce /'If :\lr nnd :\Irs .J :'\0 Sirolld. 1!l1l5 lIc­e 1~lnlld \\, Fritl:t, "~(;nl'OJ;: l'eh S

The "'OIlIhern Cf'o:;~ lod.,e :'\00 II:! F and \ :\1, heltl It" annu:tl In!H:111 tllOn I .. i 0111<. 1'" at the Bomi \\e '\: :'<1 C 1 \.. :\lol\lla~ nl,::hl Feb IS The COli' ~~"rall{lll r. r .. monl.-" " .. re t:ondllctt'Q h. Thomas H S unu· Is most "orshi!1(1I1 I "rand tna~tf I' oi ("hit UJ;O "'lit :llor­

r.~n':::~1 o~r ll'j~;:Jln .. ll~tnt:~~,~eon~l('d ~::. .. e 11e,,~le 011\ .. ,., :-':ormn. GII\ ami .\rthm AntlHSOll :II',' ;;It'k ~t! .... l''' J'II%o"h ... tl\ ('nrler and Hnttl .. Smith PTank 11,,11 r-onl 1\1I<'n ('Itt" Itoh"rts and Charll!~ F~!"l1e or thl,. dl' llntl In·,, T .. ""le 1 ro\\ n t>f I'har\<':ilon "tI{ 0,1('.1 thl' (u­ncral of I:rmlnl> n ... hln~nn O"~"r Por­t .. o of Charll'''toll .lIl'ntlp<l ... 0\' etlnl: or the (! ""II" ,luh TII"s.I", c' ('­llln~ 'The patriotic "oclal j!h "n h, tlln ('roJ: ... >" .. I\t' \ luh at th" ll:Jm" Qr :111'11 H .. rtha Cltrtcr Feb :!:! \~n" It r;rellt ~u~"s

7tH ~ ~mth lSI III rome" hat in. 1 1'0\ ed. !ltrs A .:\I :\tn1nll~. 5t 1..0111" 1\10, has pll"dgM $4 1100 for the hulld­In .. tund of the :SOCIal c;;nler,

METROPOLIS, ILL. ~In! :lhnnl" R. utroc .. f \\' EIghth 8t

"AS hoste"" 10 til ... Alpha Art cllib re­t • nth Aft .. r the lou"lIIeU j; a dl'lI .. fous .unC!leon \\a., 'l'er\..d Th .. n .. , J 11 "'mUll llrt:lldlnl1: '1<1 .. 1' held qUllrleTI\ III'-(!tlll':: at:<t Paul \ II E (hurl'h The J{. \ Creel! tIll e, l.alltor o( N I' .. ul _\ ::II 1. • hurd. ~l'rnt a'''', k nt h,s home in i"::d"ar<!.\III.. III All tnt .. rt:1inltJ .. nt "'.a~ Sh",'" in {he s'\:m II .slum or the U II :s Thurod .. , I'. h 14 ThIll I" tb.. 'hlr.l ot a "crl/!s or (ntenammt"ntll zh, n for Ih" h"ne-nt of Ih" IIc1iool :'Ills!! ',Iat' Itobert" and llrs l.o\e Renfr()e had ch .. r:; .. or the- 111'0 gram5 Ut'OI')l HUj:helt of \\' 5e\enth ~t '" hll.. '" ht'elluJ: ('oal In tbe hal!' men' at the ('entral hh:h "ehool "her .. h .. Is (:;mplo\Hl ~s Janhor ~lIplled and ten dt&IDC:I!lnll' hl~ .. houlder He I" Impro\ Ing r.keb Thr l'hrl!i1lan \\ ork <'fa clUb of th~ Flrln Hapth.! dlUn:b \\,as entertained 11) :'<trq iles"l .. Cook a h ... r ruld"n<'1! 31/1 ,... 1:11\ St A 1""1' 'eln' .,oCUlI W,.I\ "h ... n at th ... Free Bap tlst church for the ben"'lt nf club Xo 1~ ltnl Lalla Clark pre-Id",nt.


t~I1~~ l"i!~r~ ~~:<bt:;f~I;~~~:?t;lt~~ "I"ter, ::lIn Drl\lI W';)Att ::;hlloh Oar-

~~u t!~~ .. rr~('~~!it t;:'..'i .. W:. ;l'~'!:d ~~ .. ~~:t L-Iacd .. RI, 1I:1",I"'on att"'nde<l th .. Tt'cltal a'ht>tI I" Pa<l .. rt"'flkl In ~prhlslleld r~-centh :'Ilr!; l.oll\ca \Ylil;ht Is \ '" k

~r~ \l~~~t ll!ng; ,,'ft~ V;i:m~~:it ~f lIn :s J BillE' b 11 patient at the ~. , Home 6lInllnrllllll l.utll~r Bunt1) Is • 11 th ... fIOlrk 1I!<1 liM' 1" C Mu~. l1ad th ml"fonun .. of runnlllJ:' a Ilal1 Into 1 ... 1' rnot '\\ ('QnPMIt\ bllt Iq alol" t(l h~ around Th.- R." U('nn 511',,\(1 , l\""t<>r or :\tt l:mor) Halltl"'t c hllr,..1t lin" :\Ir~ Laura l.a1a\ .. tI~, t'up.rlll­t. nd"nt ot til" S"t'oud n."l'tI~t chul'<:h , .. r .. ti .. I'l;at~1I to the ..,ongT""" held ttl qJlrln~fi"ld of tI .. , n"llll .. t R .. socl:ni"o 'J ht" fun"ral of \\ Illltm Ogden \\ as h. M

l~o~J~~n~(~e~!"nrtA k!~~S:~h~~~~I"~~; ... hllrJ;" cot the Re~ R. n HACkl .. , I ...... • lor of n ... lhel A lt r: church :lluRI" \' .. " render ... 1 b\ th" choir :llr O.crdo>n , all :\ I'oldl"!' In Ihe CI\-Il war h.n IIIJ: 1'1' Th«- I,m"t ""ar 1>t'l"n a r" .. ltYt'nt of I:' .. f:oldlpra' home In Dan\llIe lIe ar, rl\ t-d !t"Te "· .. dn""dll\ wh .. re he \\;1" ttiek('" at Ill", home on f;h .. rltlan lEt :tth TI1:u'!'dll) mornlnr:: \\lth ht':'Irt

'-uutllr lit! lea"es a "Ido\~ ltrs. Lnn ",.,..1l'n t\\O son .. out of the .. lIy :\lul ~ dauJ:ht .. r In PeoriA.. III al .. o a '"t .. p­""It l'earl BrO\ n 1 h" fun .. m! of :lIn. l'a.n .·lark was hl'l'l At:llt Emor\ napt' .. t ,hurch !'lunila'\' Aftpmoon, tbe R .. " H.'no ~no\t-d('n "fflclAUnr:: Th. HOu~e'I.,ld of ltuth hR,1 thargt' of tit ... IM.d, :llr" (,lark \\:l e al~o a memh'r .. r till' QU~lI 1--.. th .. r .. hRtn"r :\Ir" n"lIlt "1I"on.. r.-r "hkaJ:o II.nd n ",. trr, lin. Alk" till "I", or Oklnhnmn ""r" In Rtt'"d~nr.. Th.. t!eu''''''',1 I'au, .. a "nil ("II'T"II"" CIRrk anit man, r .. l"th",. and (rl"''''11 '0 mourn ""r 1" .... :\lr.t IAul"n htrk \\h" bll .. h ..... n QIlI!,> III lit "hl .. In 1«' ,'ut 1lj:I'!\1l The 131l' l\I .. t "hlrh \\M' J:h"" at Ih .. h ... mp • ( \',.,. (;('nruoi< I'ugan on S l\:o"('luI'k. "'t In " .. l .. hratl"n <)f tbe 14th Rnllher· >'.'11"'\ of tb .. \y .... t Sid,· :\on <'Iuh "ltl"h ,0::.,. organlz!'d tn l!ll3 I" llrs lInn C • lark nnd ltr.s Lid:! Tin"'''' hnth tlt­

,al'''<I at the hum~ H( lint Clark

ULLIN, 1LL. The "omlln's It''',,lonlln ('Iub of

'Yynn " .. hap. I C II E .. hur"h met :II tit;; r. ,,!d"n(''' of :\IN' lllu'tha no~" .. \ 'Y"dn~~da\ 1",,1> I!: Th .. n .. ~ 'P \' 1'1\'" l'a"tor ~r 111 .. C ;\1 1: .hurrh 'f thl" ("it) pr"lIch"it a \1' ... Int<:r ... q :

In,:: " .. nnon f';und:l' ,nomh,R' Th .. 1\ ... , :lIT .. n of Pula!!!kl llI, pr('""h .. ,1 II " l"'\ Intc:, .. "t1nl: "I'rmon on :;ur.d:'l <

SPARTA. ILL, A number ot Sparta pe'Jple a'tenr!cII

:~~rc\U~i:e2JU1~;~UI~l;la~1 ~~~k Ba~~~~t llaud" lIall'l~r oC 1)p"atur I" here ~ ISH I~I': I PI' mother :~IIO!llnd.1 !-'oot"T IInti nth"r 1'"I:1tl\ .. s Thos .. "Iek :III! !'lh. r­Ulan \\ lI"on R:un Unx .. rand _-\rl hm I II ( .. (lr!:c lead"re , .. It I :\11'" 1:.11\ I I Huford UUtI \\ Imam ~"'.:o ,,·ft f .r C'hll'I\I;') TU<"",I:t) to H'. 11<1 til" \,,',Mlnl: of :l1I"s Ah~" tsnlior" Th" "OUII~ I" ol'l~ I:':nc :t J;rltncJ a..ff:llr at SI J:tm"", hall Frida) nlli:ht :r.'m .. "t Handnl!!. <11.01 at hlO home ~atUrdll\ :llr 11111 :III''' \\ III MoorE' .Ire tho parenls 01 It 1<111>\ I!lrl :\hll'" :llagno\l11 LockC'U of AI:tbamn ;:-1\," a l'nrl\

Th.. He\ :\11' !'ll nct'/' of B"nC'ml'r AI. \" In the rln hnldllJ~ n .... rl .. ~ oe :n ('tlnr::'" nt th" :-;( \\ 1I"l'e "t H .lIur .. lI ,,! "I"t'h Ih' Rc\ P f! }<'r'''''h l~ I'llstor ;11,.< Jam'" ... "n,1 :\II'S \\'Iltil.m Tnl< "r t hi, nl':<> "N-" III til" .. It, la"t "e<,k tn nlt.-nd 'h" fun('rnl • f th,.l" hrotberc I-:rn. ~t It ,",II~II Erut'lit nandl",,, \\11.-" llOm In ~I'arta T"nn 3" ,.an: as''' He 1":1\"" to m .... urn hl~ Ins!' hI. "If I' "Oil onught'r :11:',.1 f,.lh"r thl'e~ brllth"r'" An.1 t''<' ~1"I .. r" D~('~'\tur Ih\tl~on • r 1~t;1 51 L"lll~" 1\" III tit .... II, 101"'1 ~p.'k :llr~ IOIl·'~ .. f (arl.<mdal" I .. In th .. dh ,I'hlll':: IH'r nnll,::ht .. r C'llnrlottf' R:lndl.. \\ liliA'" ,,-~umh, dip" at hI" hnm ... ""ulh • f th rft' "n Thuf"lIIl\ mnrnlll&''' (("I' a "h .... n \llo .. "~ "It II I n"mnonla HI" hl'otl',," \\ '''h Cllmh~ of !it LollI!! aUl.'nd ... d til" ! m'!':I1 qatm,1a\ at th", ~ :1\ 1-: I ure" Ih~ IH!, "\11" HIf!I:'iIl!'l offlclal,

111ft' '>1,.., G~rtru" .. f.'ra" ford return"d hnm.. laft Thur"da' (rom ~t LouIs "h"n~ "he had b .... n at tbe h"d-Ide 0: hel' slst .. r :llr~ Pearlll)U

CENTRALIA, ILL, Tho :'<It Olh .. "'lin In, !'Chool Inst!tult>

met III S"conit Uapt!st dl\lTCb III"t \\e .. k :\\ Uunean or Colpf! l" pr .... 1 .I"m Ernest l~ol(,lnan Is sIck llr ,,"I :\Ir. !'i:lm ulclham are the l,rHud p:ir ... nlS of l\ I~II" ",'1rl llar,,;arl't :\lr !Ind )Irs "tlk. rO\IIlS'lon "r tit 1'1 • mit of a 1/011> 1'0\ IIlrolol :;<1 ,"I}<:'''r C<)\ln&lon n ... thel A )1 E clllIr~h h:1d ,,(IOd Flt< .... "5 In the ha::a3r hd,1 1.""'1 "<,,,k <Jnb .. \\ Inston of con r llll\\ard I" rel'orte.1 Iml'rMIIl':: :ltr~ ~ddie H"n.I"r.-on Iii 11l1l'ro,lng lIn Uuth "·I1,.on n"n o( (Oil ~ (uk "'t I,; Impro\llI~ lllll.!! J."lorence Ta,h)r I .. ,.la)lng t"r n "\: P I choir at th .. l:> ... coll.1 It tl.tll't {'hurch :\II.~ Leot3. !;kinn. r I, ft for Indlan:ll'0li~ 1:5un,1;n to '\ Ish ~Ir:! Lottie C.ampl.dl \\ 11, II .ms :l\n; Buella Rollinson .' (hl­,..a~., Is '1!11Unl: her 51Sttr, "Irs 10lla Harrison

:lIN! :'\01.:'k :'I1('Comh wnn :I Jlrtze :It B.-thel!'ll E church I,:t~nr hE'1ot r .. -.... ntl~ 1I"r total \\R" $':4 ~h~. Berhe 10Tdcn of G:;n In.1 I" "HUm: h ... r nunt ::It ... < TillIe Jord. n fI,.. )'In, I I n :lloore left for K"ntl""" .. wI 1>"",h­f'rn IlIInol:! la"t \\ef'k llrs !'lIar' Runc'l hall r .. turn;;d (rom a trip In '-oult ..... 1\1., 111 '\ 1"lth'l! "'I'- {~enrI'C If''l,'I, :III." :'<tln.'ntt J 1(0". rs '" r' .'il • hlt'ken dinner In bnno~ oC ~In< Ellen Xash :;uluhn Fred Gr, en of 1111 (ltol" ~1I~ti J(""I.' E<h,ards ....... ntrnlla \\ 11-!lam 1'''.\;''1' "nd ){r" B:uel "llk"~ t.oth of Co'rr!rnlill "011 I'rh.., III th. ":tIn: ("tIlt!'''1 CI"I)\ 0 \\ II-"n :\1 r~ Oranla Thornton T.hlt "lIIlam n.l'<J ali<I lll'1' Elen" J ~~l; \\On I'rl""" '1\ Ih~ jltu 1\\0-1'1"'1' (',mll'st :III'''' T:mll

;~~;irRn 1:~:~b~:OI~ml:~~ If.::" ~!h~I~c;o 1I;" ""nth l'=he \\:1'" It""UlI':t111I'd I" hrr '.r(,tll<r nQhert IInrn-uu I'''" II r., Il'IIRon of "'t 1 Qul~ ::11.-. I~ hl'ro> \ I~ 1l1'OIt hil' fllI.r""~ '" :llr nn,l :\11" lI"nl'\ F ... rgu,,,"n :'<11 .. " L'ml... nllh!'rt \\ a. .(uleth married tn. L"""ard JI~;oTno la.· ""el( TlI .. ' mOl ,'d into th"lr hom .. at ";:.'5 E Ylne 5t "am Ta,lor nf "prlns::­lleld SIlent the " .. ek-end ht're on bll~1 n<-c:·

MOUND CITY ILL, lTn< :,\ .. 1Ii .. Ellms::toll of I>~. r Tt'1I1l

:It'I~r "pell.llUJ: "E.'\(nll ,In,,, "lIh h~1' til....... :\IT!;. nollert I.obcrt~ rNurn .. ,1 ) om(' ::;ntnrrla\ :lll':! nuh!'I'I" an.l :llr· P('arl Johnson nCCQtnl' .111,.1 h"r a" rAr n!' ('/uro .:Itr :111(1 'In' I ~ ~teele "ntt'rtnlut'd ThUI':!!lll\ <,\enfUt::: \\ Ith .II \'al"lItlu" lIlutt :It their bnm~ Til" hom)" \r:l" h"atlllfu\h ,1 ... orn"" \- ilh h('"rl" 1t",1 On,,'!"l' 11 \\a~ "I"" the 1>1 rt 11.1:1 \ "r Ihe!r .11l1lJ::'II .. r lll •• lI('rtiln "I !'t .. el.. The f'" nm,;: \\a~ "'pt'l1t "Ith tm.meQ Rn.l Inu~I" :1(1'1 "hlch n IlInl:'heoll "II. "'et'\<fl AII .. n j J\Cel thctl1"l'he" ::Ilrs ::II I • allll' IM')I and :111''' I.llla Bolin ""1'<' I .Iro "'hollJ1C~ f'atur.'a\ :\I~ f.':tl'r~nn [)fl'lftl' If :linun.1" "\U;!Hd nt 'h~ hum If :\11''' II r I~nmllhen Til, I n' <'1", ludl ~. hoo! s::n e /l \ alf'ntlnc I" rl~ 'Thu.'­,In, e\ cnlnl!' .1( !' :It Thall Qull" n lIuml)('r of nut Of-I",,}} ""Uests ;~tt.lI\lt!'1 :lnd nil rc,.ort .II 1:0 .... 1 tlnte TIll' :\Inln :';t fl.'1pthtt • hUTch ~,., a \nl,ntll"

u¥I:~r s~!'~~t;~~f ~:I;I;I:lf..t at Ill .. 110m,-(r lIn< Edna Rkat"s Tltl' next ttll'!'t· hll: \\ 111 Ie h('ld nt til .. hom" of llr~ :\1"U"Ga "llIllm~ IU\ ~111I"''' of the • : l' 0 "r n.11l n lInn ~ 1l'I' fl ,I 1'11\ n'lIr'~ :111') lllnmnlltl'" \\hl .. h n"" It

"II.." .. ,,, QuartNl\- mceUn!:' of ""hll" I; (,hal'~l A :ll E 'hurch F"h ,. w, .. ' \\ell "'t"mil'll Th.. Jlr"~hllm:: !'hY .. r

!i~~ .. t~~',. .J ~('~:!!~~l I'~~~~h"': a <:;' I'~t~::: ('r""cll",' In lit" nft~rll(" ° a r"Il~IIIll" "t'rmOIl nt'\ Hamllt('n nn'l (11I1tA 1\ r,.\\ o( hi" m .. mh.'r" \\ ... r .. Jlr"sl'nt Clul ~... n Fl'r\ I'd <llnn"r I. Ihe linn"» nf lil .. ~ 'I F. r!lur. It l:t"f " .. "It Thn-e I re!'Cnt "erc tlr nnd "Irs " IlIIs Ho\\et'!! ~1I"s Flcrl''O, c R:.rkf'r :\II"~ nf'''~I .. Cro". "Ir Rnrl :\11'1' nan .... m l1l5" T .. ml" :\le"' ... ,I/' :Iii". S~rah Clnrk lit" Thorpe llr!! II, All nUt'ndl"l th .. tcn('ht'r~' me...:lnl?; Fridn' )11' And :\lr~ B (; Ih Ie "nler,a IIPd at dln­""I' on """"I1II11:ton',, hI~thrl:,,' S"H~ral or th ... teacbers "ho ha," been atl"nd­Ing th.. count\ teat'!l"n< meeting ThO-I! 1'1'1l'''eot ..... er.. :l11."(',, Barb ....

~ro~nd';;ou~f.~ En~111i'f:~d ~::~aga\~! :2nd nann,urton "C Lo' e HIJ:;h

EAST ST LOUIS ILL Tht' contest bet'tt't!fn tit" :ltNhod1!!t

,hurchcs of Ih .. clh and ltadl!:on. nl. I'" bl.'comln:r inlPre<tlnlt Till' "tanding of th.. ("hurdles I" a" folln" " 51

~tukE,~ ::Ifi!dl~on 1:!1~O:3fo~I~t." B"f.7~1'1~ (' l) E S 51!! I'Olnu; ~hll"h A l1 E , :Iii!: 'Pnlnu,. \'('"Ie) Tabernacle:'ol E

:1;~;('~h3tr6I:SI';!I~~1' 1'1\t':t('\ C~~I:;t 7~~n ~~~I:I'~e l¥n:!~ ~rW~t~1t ::I1;ll';h

nd .:;.~r:t I re'~ tla,," In th.- dt\ tb~ /iM1('''tl> O(

;;,,,n \\a,,, master or ""rcimonlell ,',I" .nl ~ lilt" killS {orm"r mall

~afi~.:t~. I~~~\ rt'tl~r~;~nl~~mPs~':-!in an \\'~c I h J!; ,-.. turnt;f] to tht'! Hines \ etl"rOln hr.s- I 1'1\ II ,t :110)'\\(00<1 III Is Impro\ln~ r .(udh The 10' nl t':lml' of th" Amerl-• 'II \\ oo<!m' n ""r. ,nl.rlalnc" !J) th .. I CANTON. ILL,

~:~~ ~ft.~II~OmlJl:~~~ l~iJllln~h~~~II<~~~ I nevhlll Bentees stal"'.s at the :1ft l:..nst C::t. 1.01115 t'omt'nnl(!'s "hort talks C'!.l""el church Rund:n nlJ;ht 811ft He\ \\ ~rt mA.le I" m~hOl' H.II llrs Ir"n~ WIlliam ex-pastor \\ III be III I:hars:e 1, '\: nnc., ~trfl GcorJ;la Ford and I The "-,11Inl'; ,\ ork('r" dn~" met :'It th I...,,,nl Delmtt f mnk Jl'n1;.\1I" \, .. 11'<>111 h"ml' of thl' teac\h,r ::'.tr:l CordiI' Bro\\n Hhlrl"" "ll!!! nllllle b} :lIt'S llitrz"l \\ 1I1I.lm Coll'mnn ~I' \~ho ha .. heen 111 l:':1lls hnnk .. r o( ,\lIon .. amp 5t I.llk, or ,loubln Im .. umonla for th" p;;'lIt t!tree \ ~l F I'hllTrh of "hi .. h til" Re~ ,I ne4'\;~ \" rapid!> con\l\h'scln~ Mr, I Ilas.~. II Is 1,,"tor contlnup,. ttl leatl \lollle Rho.I .. " nn,l ltr!l Cllrt"!' art III

It} Ihe I;r~t 8unllol, .. cit OI)l nnd church hob'rt l'etI'O"" \\ 110 h": h,,"n :- Isltl~1: • ont< tt TII(' ~t ",.ilnl!' (\f the ;;lIur"h,," In Chlclll;O tor lhe la I mon It h I! ,r" R~ !(lllo\\~ 8t I.-uk" A :\1 1':' I:'one 10 Delrolt :\!lch The bO}" h .s-1,0),:.' I".Inl" [leth .. , A :\1 F.: of :\la"l kcthnll team ~o('~ to PeorIa ::Ilon.1 l' "011. 11\ II; :li5 I'Olnl~ l'llsrlm C :'II to pla\ :1l1:a1 n.."t the '("<'orlll ''':In'lnl~ i 1~ GU 1",lnt.. \\ "~I'\ " Tnhe .. na"l .. Th .. ,-'fod .. rn :-;"I.'ille~,ork and Art <,Iub :\1 I; S!>H point" ~hllnlt .\ lJ E m ... t with :\U"" ::Ilao Brock ll,nd :\11''' S'11 "oim" Ql1ln ell!!!'''1 \ :\1 E of 'lola I ...... k Illst Mflnda\ A \ al"oth, .. I ... t"j ... , 111 '665 "Olllt!! 1\11<1 St John I',!rh was Il'h en at til .. hom .. of ~[r· \ :\1 E 7.ll)n .. hurl'h t HI> point.. \~ IIIlam Hnhbarrl n ..... :\Jh." :\l:mlto

'If'!' \ mIn 0 Bluitt of~" TAul!' \\:lS 1>1'0\\ n Gnmel!! and mu~lc \\ I.'Te .,me ,m01l1:' tllo"" Ihlll enJo'eli Ih~ • hom. I-r th" it!wl'~lon" of Ill .. e\f'nln!; llr~ ct'I<l, 5('l'lal last \\e"k Thoms" 11 :'<Iahle" In"lon Johnson ~a"" It rpcllal "limut'I" \T " G ;\t of Cht.'A!;O ,,'n" at:llt ('"nn"\ ",hurc!t Ilnoi 'VB" ,,~"I"t'l.d "h,' l,:ue"l of )11' and :\tr" C A Reed I •• a ~olo hI' llr. f IT P"lro!,,,, al<o '''1\5 :\Iark .. t ",e and :\11' and :ItT!! =!. ptanl') .n 0 h~ RU!f·el BTo"n and \\ Illl!lm On1eer, ZHll )Ussourl A, ... 11'<' ... lad"lI Petrol!. ,,"e'k

DUQUOIN. ILL. :\Ttl! l[ .. h 111 "'hit" \\llI' In 8t. tAul"

lin IlhopplllJ:' last "eek :llr!! Ann no~ of Pulaski was In the dtt' Illst \\t'''k J, HolmeI' \\ hO "IlS \n th" <.'11\ Iln.:n.l'll!; th~ ""d"h\e or his grlml). mnlh.... :llr!! Emma Harris "hn I" "rluu-h III has r~t\lrned 10 ChicaGO l.on"l') nnd "\ 11'1,,=11 Smltll ''''r .. caliI'd t .. (,;O<IIl:;lon h\, \"h<r. their fnther \\:\!I I'erll)lIsh burn...... Bobbln5 Bnr, nctt bas returned \\ IIh hili ollnt to Sl'rlm::llf'l<I att"r ,!sltlnl:' Vl'lth 11111 tllthl'¥ "1ll'''Tt B:lI'nl'tt and other rel:.­'h"" for "e"'I':o1 month.. :l1I,,~ lIn%t!1 Klnc:lnnon has r. turned to I'~r home In C::pl'lnl:'lJ .. ld :\tno :\131')1 ~mlth &n~tl a btrthtl n pan, In h(!'r honor nt the rl'shl"nc.. of "" .. Ie. Turn .. r la~t Sat­urd 1\ ., enlns :\Ir" llnr\ Re, c" or :>t lAlIII,. :\10, i~ In the Cit:!' al th .. hE'd'dlle of l!rq I'mma Hnrrh. Theo, diu" J"I:lbr:"r "ho I~ nttell,lIng ~chool III "rCer"oll ("It, :\1<) I,. In thE' cll} (,n hi' ',,":\lIon :\Ir Dllhn .. r \\a'" In­jl r .. " In a I 8~kf'tl all Iffime r p , .. ntl, Trlhuc.' T"rr<>n of",l1Ic :Jrrhe.1 In I ht> ,r" ~lIn,la~ Ilnd !;reNed hi" oM frl"n"" Llr (Oarl'ett of :'\Oaqll\ lIIe T. nn I" In dIe clt~ \\ IIh tht' Intention (Or lo.::nlng hpr.. lll'~ Lull\ McGee \v"nt to I')t Louis Sund'l\

ORAND CHAIN, ILL, Rev J H .rTI" of Call'') was a "I~­

Itor of "lIl1e Clf'mmon" one .1:I.:y :111,1 .lit ~ hall 150m" hllslne~~ In 0111' ~lIlnJ;" r:t\ \ T 1n\lor \lr",,<::hl'tl here 51111-,I:" JOl5eph T e\\ Is of I c,lnl':" wa" Ju~t up from a spell ot me:1"lcs and "as I,('r .. bllt \\eek :'\Oonl'l Sto\all of I e\· III ... 'S hltoi bUl'inI'S!'I \1l'r,' on" dn' III."t Hl'k n", H"t11ls \11<'11"\\ortli 1,r<'ll.("h".1 'ull,la) Tom ['lIltller mo,~l I" I '1'1'11. la~t \\"'e .. k " "n" "\ 01111): .. r I E'\ in!!,S \\1\.5 It hll"lu""s call"r 111!!1 \\ .. k ':\\n; Sallie 1'",1111:: of L"~ln"," • "Ill" throul:h (>tIT to\\n nn her w:n to

~:!;.'C\'l~~ ~~:Ofl': n'j~r" \\ 1}~o:~~,.~la~F,,~-\\ hf) had II. ""rinns time wIth rhell­lII"II.;n1 1s liP ",n,1 ,,1.1 .. to 1"0 to churcb

PULASKI. ILL. 'II''' \nnle I:o~ \\aC caliI'd to the

h"d.ld .. Of her daUl;IIt .. r, :\fr. :'Italll"le Fr;",ler at J"I"'llloln III 'rhos<' on Ih .. <Irk list at'.. ltr" BUell Chlry. :'<11''' :\1"'1'&,1 .. O\lmll.$ anoi :III"", Juanita !"e"­Iltt Tlln Amlcable':-;u 1 Ila~e !In • nttl'talmn;;nl recenlh llr an,l :\Ir~ • .run.h "t .. phen" of IndJalla.PQlil!, In.t :tr(' In tho ;;It' ,Isltlng :\Ir" SI('phN'" jllr.'lltq D S Pa\lon o{ L:l1fford. 111 I .. In the cit' for all Indefinite ~ta)

BLOOMINGTON. ILL, TI" A (" f: lcaglte .. r \\ a \Ina It

• hal" I rl'n,II'T('.1 II. "1llendl(l pro!!'T"m at lit .. Clllll" Il :;lInda~ nb:rl TIll He\ I hUlt::h, of Dl'(~atur \,,1\ I'rellrh ft.t "Tt Plsl!:lh Bnpll"t t'ltUI'< h Smula" The t'!lt"rtummf'lIt li:h .. n hy Ihe ::-; A ,\ • 1':It thl'lr hAil lloll"a, nl/!'ht "as • 1111' .. ,,"" :\II'!' A C Rro\\n chair min :\Ionroe :'\Oolan on.l :\Ir" 1 .... n:1 s" "I.son ... 1I111>~ R\\a\ til t.ln~"ln on Tht/r~dl" m,l '",ro tn \1'1'1 .... 1 He, !' \\ Smith of )Inrlnn mad" a 'holt t .. I hlOUl!n):lolI I,st \H"li :\Ir.. Su,.lo 1 r~\\ .. r "He ot n"" G " Brewer ut l'lIl\llI" \\:I~ In the clt~ lloudn, Sh.: "rought II, T SOil to consult Dr CO" lUI; IIlIl Dr E G COllln~ton "lin hn" 1 '" n II. path nt at thtl ltcnnonlte ho~ 1-1111 rOI 1\\0 \~e(}k~ \\as able 10 1)11 hrnllJ:ht home Thllrf.ln~ The Dore!l" ~,\'I!II: 011'01 .. ot \\"u'rMtI 'hiI'd \\111 111 t \dllt .Mr!l Emlh \\ IIson rue~,ln~ :tH'rllI".n at 313 g l!::lst 8t The en­\. rlalllml'nl ~hen l1\ thl) ~t"\\llrd .... ~ ltonr.1 .. r \\ 1\ mnn • hap"l Tllllr~da~ (,\f'mnJ: \\:1" II fIOIIC""II" Wa}n .. (,ole­m~1I ,n.1 l:lnNt .. Bro\\n "Pol''' .Iele!;at ... ,

GLENCOE ILL TIt" marrlag'" of lll!ls loin .. nln 11 .. 1'

nldlne :!.tonrl" dnl'o:ht"l' oC :\Ir anel \(1''' 1" K' :\Ioore l)C Url!!lol '1\ to IT J l/,..\\ard Offutt 4':; :\tonroe A~e "a" l'~rfonnE'd on 1".'10 14 at tile hom~ of Ihe croom The hrhlt 8 nn"ndanl· "ere ~11'S ~tnr\ B!'rn of F.~nn":on :lU .... P.3ll'lr\n :llInr .. e :tnd ~Irs II J-. \\ IIIlam" or thl8 ,Ih B I Bmer' \\n~ hest man Til" n ... , t ~ Danlal" 0(­I" Inte" :\Irs ::-;elil .. Crnlg Is slo,,1. Tpt 0\ "rhl~ from 1",1' Injun :\11''' :\111'·

r;ll;;'r11 .. Jit!~~~~ ~ 1~lo:r~~r~~ I~W ~e~~~Hp ;;~~ln1~·'n tn' '15 s\ut~t~~pr o~( ~~ml;:'~n CO\ Inll'lon )O:'"rl.. II Gra\ retum!.',1 trom Sprln&lield III reeelltl~

ELGIN. ILL. lohn Bell nr ""Irora Is III n" tll/! r,.sl·

')I'nce of :\lr~ 1)0\,\ n- h's motht"r In I"" John \ lohnson ami 1"10 .... 1'" Bmd"!Ja\\ :Ire ,," k llr and llrs HoI, ert :'\0('\\ .om or \\ pst lolll11erl Or \"1' "ere I:uc.t" of lit -Ir cou"ln F.:'!\\nnl :'I:c,,"'om Th~ II .. -Ine ... :lr~n " rlub IOPt III the hom .. "f F.tlgt'll" \\'he"lcr TIl<' Plnk"r tn In~ ha\ ~ r .. turlU!t1 frmn :\11,., .ourl G:l1 :\11'< h .. ll \\ a" III \..,.1('111,;0 ntt"n.lin!; thE'S ,I T m. etlnr: ~Irl' :\IIgnolla Po\\ell IS con'a" ."Inl' ~tr9 "farllla Corh!'tt ~1'Cn1 a r~\\ .Ia's III I~hl('a!:o Till' tte, Jam"" Hi!:;::ln of I'hkal!o hn .. clo~Nl hi" 'Iu:!rlerl\ mf'''t­Inl: at St Jamel'! \ II I, thllrch The ~(!rmon " ns nr~:lchNI h' the Ite\' F.-... nt'1l! Pet"r*Oll or H:u', e' 111 The He\ an,l :1(1''' 1J0\\den \Hre l,"Uestg of the Re\ and 1\Ir" Pt'ter~on

URBANA ILL lrr~ W 11 C'hanillcr \\:I~ ('aile., to

"-n<hin!:'ton K\, t.. allen,1 1.b.. ru­Il"ral .. f her allnt rc"enlh Th" ". C T L I!a\" It l':ttrhtllc I roz::r:llll Frill", nll:ht nnd nr:::anl1.NI a \(mnR' 1'''''1,1; ~ 1 mil. h Ilt thc hI III~ of :\Ir~ Em" h.ln<: 11111 111,,11" ~I fill' homl' .1(,p"l'tment or s:tlem flnl'!I'" ~1II\tla' "chonl .lns":'I: .. • h,.l,l It .. ", ... <'<Inl: TUI'c,la, "flt'rnnoll At thl' ',"ml! or M .... :\Inn la. k-nn \ \ "r\ Inll.'l"(,,,lInl< Inlk \\:\1; m:l.I" h' iiI' ""p .. rln'''n<1f'1II ~Ir. EmmR P"ritln" Po.1 flra.Il", 1m.. ""pn • nnfinl',l to hl~

~r..m~;~~~~ ~f 1'r\:~~<ls~' r::1 ~ei1~~d~1111 \\ IIhcrt ,\)1I1"l'l'on IF "tek .lilT!' Glhh-

~fr;,,~I'~rt cra\n.I'~; ~:RR!~t~n ~r B~:;:' flnk!'r or Chle .. F!'o H"'I'ht~ 1" ~1"llln..: III~ lamll\ lll''' .\rtlmr Bonds I .. con­fint'd to her home l\\ I\In"'"

ROCKFORD ILL, Th(' Rln~ s D.lIls;htel's of \lIen Chnllel

('11II1'ch r::lIH! l\ '\-A~hlngton (Jlnne!' and rl)nC'C'rt Itt th .. ("HITCh FI'\(1a, ",· .. h .:! \ "Iolenoild l'rogrltm "n" Tl'n<lcred :\11''' ~~, l'h n n"hln~on "II!! ch:1lrnmn of th .. entert:1lnmcnt llr" Jo<'t'ta Wnlt"n 1\:'1" In dIRr!;\'" of the l'lnr;lnJ: W lohn­'nn \\ ho Is Iblre III the Intcrc~t of Ih .. Rooker W':I~hlnJ;lon e .. nt~r l!An~ " ~oln Thl!! Chic nnd Socl"\ clnh ',,"s "nlprtnlnert at lIT" ltolnnd !'lmltlt" Ilome on S ,\" .... t SI 1:1": TllestIa} Tht ;\;onparell duh nntl lh" Chic "nd Sodal rluh gn~ e a joint prO!IT'lm ttt )ir" r;o'a'~ TNII'I<'nce I;O~ Houc;bton f;1 \\ • 'Ino~t1R' In lIon('r of Fr .. d~rlt'k Dou!:­I "'" birth,!:" llr-" Clam Pro~o "as c!mlrnmn of the'nm commit I,.' :llrs BirdIe Harrl~ I .. ImllrovlniO grcnt­b :1111's EllzRbl'tlt I;rnnt .laught.-r of Dr nnd )11'11 Grant has returneoi home from 51 Anthon, s hosl,ilnl The fu­n .. r:tl of )Ir!l Sarah 0 :'\Oeal "Ill be hd.1 ~Iltllrllll' oftl'moon llt the lJal.t!st 1 hul'! it trou~eholt\ I 17l hll.l charb''' <If thp tun('ral ~Ir.!l A<I"I\ \ Ito"" 'S "ble to hI' 0111 1I1'1'lI.ln :\II''' Sus"n RobInson I. III At her home :\Ir" 1'111"1 Blnke (on\\,,1\ or Relolt \\;o~ l Rockford ,Is­ItoI' I:lst 'Vtr!.n<'!!"a\ :\11 .. " Florcnce Rlakd\ !Jn~ ~ .. tII~n' <1 Itom(! rrom ih.-

nooldord boapltal, ;\Irll Lula "'.111.­brllok 18 ImcrO\ Ins The Houlitlhol4

~n:m O:~ 1ir~:~a~~l :h~~ht~i:rrc\'i°l-JOLIET. ILL,

:\Ir!! "[ttmle Stokes. 208 Frnnkllli SI. Is ~lIIltlng her "IV-or llrs. Emma. White or Cairo III :Mlas Dertha Car­penter ot Puehlo, Colo h' vlllltlng lIr .. C J,' Baker. GOS E lllll'lon St llr and ::'tIl'S :":Ieholls haVe relurned (rom Dllvenport. lo\\a :.Ire:\1 :)JcOraw Ilnd 31r8 Cnrrle Ml\lIon are on the 81ek IIl1t ;\1111!!lonll.ty 1Il" .. tln~ til Drown's church Sunda) A party \YW! slven at 011 home or Mrs \\'nner Cnrrlngton llrs Wln~lo\\ \\ Inllton hall undnrllonu 11 IIUt:­C"811tu1 operution "nt! 19 \ml'rodnll'

COULTERVILLE, ILL Tho! Carbondale Iluarlerl~ meeting

(omoned at (oultenllle F~II 13 to 11, Ind "he The next meeting \\111 btl I" ht In :\10.' at St Loul!! :'Ifra fo!1 a llle;horn, who hllJj Leen on the "Iek hst. I" much bettu AIIIO .Mrs ;\In.:gle wn­\lunu; Commodore Ausdn. \\ ho hnlS !Jeen sick hll" reco"t!Ted l)ewe~ llon­roe Is "Ic),; \\ IIlIl\m Curtis T"eeh ert the ~ad n<:ms of the d~atlt of John W'nl1ac .. nt Decatur III IiIs bod\ will be hroug'lt bere for burial :\In! nnnna. Jones I .. reportc:d ?tI the IIlek list. Wil­lie Olcghorn ".d "He, Cr"a. ~pent "e~­ernl da~1I here

CAIRO, 11.1., rhe funeral of Le!lter Perkins a

prominent tl'1\nRfer and bnG'gag~ man \\hl) died Tucsday mornln:;: alter a lin­.,:ering IIIneslI oC nenrt trouble "as held Thllrs.llt~ nt '''' ard Chllpt:'1 A :II E dill rc \t The o;e1'\ 1('1"11 \\ ere conducte.l I 1.\ the Ite~ 1 S Sttlno .. nd attcnd('d by the K of P and U 11 r lod~ell lfrs AlIc' II C,I"r of 210S S~cnmore SI ,\as <,"lIell to IIt.e Rlllt! J\rk l)n al!cnunt ot th" death or a relat!\(' llrs "Iamle I ~tok, s ct Joliet \dlo has been t!le sue ... ~ of h .. " "llIter lIt' Emma \\ hlte re­turned home l$unrla) nfter a t\\O \'eeks-\ \qlt Mr" (,us~le Jl\ek"on \\ho has I !teen ill 1)( Louis under tr .. atment at Barnes ho§pital has retllrnpd home l rllm Hanna continues to Impro\ e at

~1\noi:~~ln~ :~~'~:~:lInlf C~rti~tI::eFl~~~ enco Dickerson to Gussie Sand"r" or 1 nlt~ III !-'I'III:1' I'eb!!.! .John :\lc­{ n liI:;t( r I" In Il,,· cill tne gue~t of t<,lathc" H C Hel" nnt! :\Ir.. C A II'Mlar ha,,, return .. 1 (rum no. ext(1II1ed \ I~I: to I'olnt" In T. !l:a" llrq Aman.ta Ilunh<1' an old r."I.\<l\t of Cairo dlt!d :'It the hom" or 'IeI' daur::hter, Mrs Docla I IIckner Sht! "all a memher of th ... lIousthol,1 of nlllil ~o IllS Funernl s('r\ It'es \l ere h .. l.l :\tonda. at the 11th ~I church, the R .. , i :s ~ton(l om· !lntlng

MONMOUTH. ILL. Th6 C~"tOI'''' ,\1.1 or Ht J 1m"" A :\t

I: ch"rch lipId a \t!r, Intere~tln.:: me"t­Inl:' I ."t Thllr~'I,1\ 1I1&,\lt nt Ill" rhllrch I'r Thnoth, Ree'es nf I h. "~" 1::1," tn 1""tt'lI('tI,.. t .. lk III1>nt:' th" 111\ r \\ork of th .. clul! 11" full""h,!; 0111-.... l'!'< \\ "I''' <:1< .. ted Pre~ld~ II t :\1 rIO F A Porter 'Ie.... pr .. ~ld. nl l(r" "[:'Ir) ~lmms ""er .. tnn :Ill'!'< I. ( P .. o,II .. ", " .. ql,.t;cllt ""rre-tan, :It 1''' 1':\... I<.>nt!ft :11,<1 tr"a~lIr"r. :\1,.,. ::-;aoml Jollll~on Till' n .. , Tlmnth, ~""ve" ,'rt".l<lIn~ t>lrl"r 1"(1 J rldn) ror ""okuk, }o\\a {.,orgl' Farmcr I" COllfinl'd tn his home nn "ccount or lIln"~" Thl' m"mhers of 'Tapl.. Cih Hotl""hold (If nuth were "nl .. rlaln~d "'poin~·d ... , e>enln£,: b) ~Ir" To""phlne """tin an<i ~rr!'; FlIn­nle A Port-r Tho> ::IIIe,.lonan ".,,,Iel\ nr Cah'ar) Bapllot !'hurch met Frlitl1. nft"rnoon nt th .. hom" or :\Ir" a-n .. ,,, \\-nlla(''' on S Flrsl St lin' :.\Iar!e

~Iortlll entertained the members or St Jl\mell A !'If E ('hUTCh choir Frldn~ ("enlng :'otrs VIol I! Burlow of Indln.n­npolht, Int!. "ILB called 10 the cIty on Rccount of the IIInl'88 or her mother. :\11'11 Anna Plitt!, ot S Third St.

DANVILLE, ILL. ;\Irs Hunt.:!' o( New York. national

!lecretaTy of the N A A C p. J:'ll,e a ,.,r) Intcr""tlng lecture to (rlend!! and lItembt'¥8 of the Danville bmnch ot til" 1>.: A A C. l' I1t the A II Fk thurch :\tr and !'tIl''' George "\"\" Green and tht'11' 1IOn Frank H Green, ot Chicago Ire In Danville on busIness' :llaJor Ramse) or Tuskegee unlv81'11lty I" In Ih" cit} to ralae tundR COl' the school Tho \Vn~blngton birthday program at the " :\1 E. church under th.. direc­tIon of :ItIS11 Gee, \\ as a success Th~ funeral of :'«r~ Pugh wns h.1tl nt the S .. c,'oml Dap!!ti! church on Fl'ldl1~ nrt,,1' 1I00n :'.tiS!! :lll\mle Riley hM be"n III hut I" tmpro'lng' nlcel}' lirs Ann:1 H"eler I,,(t tor Gar) Illd to ~ 15ft :llI"!! (jcllo,le~e ~Ichol" "bo undenr"nt an opt!ratlon for the remo"al o( her tonSils

EAST MOL.INE. ILL :'<Ir~ Henrietta. '~3Hhlngtoll and her

roung"st child ha.:e be"n III. but nre

{r8;o;~nS'b:;llt~~n I:: bI:it ~!e~l~ f! r,,~umc \\ork 1IS'llln lfrs nnxte~ i'et- I tis (ell do'" n a /lIS;hl of IIt:lI,,, tn.) In" Jure.l henlelf lIn< Allen Brndfor.l hn,. t ... n III Cor SQme Umo nnd Is Imprt)\ lug ,.'O\~I) :\In; \\'Ulinm Benlon ts UbI" to I, out :I&,uln \\ Ilham 1 "nn f.1I on the Ice last ~lInda) anll "'pralned his I h:lclt L~" Bottom of Uttle Rock ,\rk I

!.';,; I,,~~:g 1~~1l sl~:' I' ~::e '~~~I1I:~~te~; ~,~~~m&'.\~e n";h~'~\m1t'.~, l~~~r~~ I!~~~ I It ~ul'Jler lal5t Thursda\ ,"<'nlnl;' "hl..,h "as a "ucC'e." Til .. nflnkl'r T '\,,:;11-Inslon ,Iub met at Ihl' Y :\f t' ,\ Sntur<la~ t'HmlnJ: nn.1 r"n,l'rMI 1I1l In­Irre .. tlnl: program ::lIn. Dona pr('lIl­dent. :lh!<.q ,\ nnln I .. " P"E! ""crel trl

CHICAGO HEIGHTS ILL T~e Rp., It C \\ ea'"'' \" l'h~"lcnlh

unahle to allen.1 to hb. dut\e!'l In f'a~1\l , II E. churt>h Tom ,\, all mourn" the o ... oth of Ill" !>rother (.IIS \\" aU \ hll!' rna,." ml.'"tlng "a~ held Thuuda)

~!C;~'\t~~~fn :!~II.!OIl~hit~~:n ~~~~~ m .. "'.:i-Itll:' I\n.1 \\ as el(>ctod prt'lIldent of a np" I~ form"" \loll tical on:an,zat[on :llr" Durnard, liT" '\11"0 nugh I\nd 'he n ...... nt' .. on lI'" sick lIlIt

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

DePART HUBBARD BREAKS OWN RECORD AT ILLINOISThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Mar 8, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 9


Chnmpaign, Ill.. ;\t"rch 1.-D<!Ha.rl· 1 hllJhal"d "of )lIchljl" unl\"t'I·"jt~· Wll" thO! In<lh"'l1ual ~l:lI" at th" """"nth "n· nual (ra."k, rclll>- and fi"td &;Um .. ,. he,.1 und"," the allsplc,,~ "ot IIIlnuls unl ... er. "It~· at th" big "rnl'>"Y h"r" t!.nie:h:. Hlllollnrtl won tlrst 1.1:",(" in th" rtUl· nln~ hrolld jllml'. lo .. "aklng th., nN.r.1 lIt tbis particular .-\""nt I,,' leapln,: ~I ("l't 1 in"h"s, j""l cllotht Inch .. 11 bt:hin.t tltt" world's """,Ind and indden.aUy ""t­lerlne hili .. wn mark mad" here !alit year when IN went !3 (""t ll~ Inche!' to \\'In. "

1IIIboor<l al~o took s"cond place in th" 7u-l",ud low hurdl .. " \Vb .. n Urook­ins of 1(.\\,;. heat him to th .. finish lin •• h)' II. fraction of an inch. The winner'" tim" In this e ..... nt Wa,. :OS 1-5 secontl" ...

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Mar 15, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A7

ILLIN·OIS ST'ATE' NEWS 1dra. .:r<>h~~;:'~~"'~!~ 1~~L.."'nll. MUe

~ ~;:H!~I'::~i.'{[.. ~~~: f.:'Il~~t1.~ Octnnlclc St. TIle n",':>-.Le,"i CoI"man or Sl. Lout. l.rnchf.'d at. the S..cOn<1 BapUI<t ".IlUrd. III tbtl ,,1'Mlnce of the lkv. \\'. If. Carter. Ur, Da,'Id U, 3100re J<>ft for Dard ... "lL K,·.. to 'talce .car .. or .. ·dclc patient. "'iUl~ Darn"H left for ~'" OrlUJ)~ to '\'Itilt relaU""_ and 1r1emb. }.Ir. • .. 4 ll ..... Geo. 1:':. Tay­lor, Sr~ t>'d their lCth ann 1-'·con .. ,,·)· J'<I'CC'Iltly. A JIOlo wall renderf.'d 11). G.... Taylor. and a duet b~ ~II"" _\. l".,ake and little Florence "'1I~·lor. The "'omen'" club of 'U". A. ,M. E. Zion .,hurc!l met at 'tll~ home of ::\1 ..... l-::'the" Hearn.. Afler bURID ... " a 1II:hl luncb­eon ""a" .... n·f.'d. Tb~ "·om"n·. dub or the S.,..ond llIoI'tlFt .. hurch m"t at th" 110m. of ll ..... l.aura LeAke. "I,.... ,,1.ry BUnch 11'1 on U.., Mclt list.. "11'11. LoIK !\Ia~on I"ft for Cairo for a f",,· <'lay,,' ,·'"It \\,1'.1. hrr aunl. !llnL Arthur Tran­zor. !-II"'. ,""lIa 'Sal .. " 1& on the si"k 11"1.. Mn. Hd~n Hinds III on tllC~ alrk lI~t. Tv. .... nty 11ln411 la rePOrted to he

~~~y ~ i.:": ~~Ftai~~. q~ff:'tllC:;::~~ Mr •. ~ut liArri!'On b ... retuMlcd trom ... 1~~: ~~I~;::''',!S' ti~~(,.:j ~i';.;n:~!~rr,; ~,onor <>f their hroth"", th~ Rn', ""'\'i -Cnleman of St. Louis. Oth(,l"fI pre.wnt

~~I~~~':' :;: ¥::..!~nn~!k~, Early

MOUND CITY. ILL. 711., :\t1 ... u UnCia,,)' entertained in

honor ot :\11", Garr"tt <It Centralia. ::\11", and :'.1..,.. Hnm' Johnsnn. ~Ir. and )11"". .lae.'l>eU. :'.Ir ... no'",rt .. and ~.,.. l"'j;lln. :,\II." Onll Wat~ .. and the ~t1".es 1.I:.d,,,,y att.,n<'l"" A I,art~· at the home ",r !llr~. lkn Clark in ,),tound~. )1\..,. nula ,,'Ullom" and .Jt)s. !-'arley ""'re mani~d .1" .. 1>. :S at Ihe home or the Ioride in 1"" ... : st. Sir .1. 1I • .Fi~her. <'hl"r "rand tll"ntor .,f thO! Knh:ht~ an,l n"nghv,rn "f Tahor. made hi~ official

~::-~t Jh'i:';i ... :e~i::,~;;;on ~ifi~,t;~~~ •. ~N~ "'"re IDllrrti'd .. """ml), at t',e !lon,c or the hrid#\. Tl'Ip. ll!~f':4·~ .. Tb,~lm.a. an1 LlIII"n Bud.nn and Ernt!l<1.1nt· ~m,,-1 ... 11 ",('re Cairo tihOPI .... ~ r~" .. Uy. "II". and ),1n:. 1.. n. Abton ha\'c mo\...,d Intl\ Ihelr h"",e In 1'1'1'1'1 ~t. :,\I,.,.. .\ltnle UJ<'P and ",,,t,,r, !l1l~s 1-:, Clemons. mo­tor",! to CaIro. )U •• \'h1an Smith 10 ~ the ~I~k·lh't. The Woman'" )Ii.· ~Ipnary clrcle of !l1.ln St. l'-r"" Ba;>lIst churcl. and tril'nd~ !!a\',! " 'Ilandk"r' ("hi"""f .urprj,~ on 'the t-..stor. tllfi' n.,\"' .. O. II. Ht'nd ...... on. In I,"nor or ~i6 blrth­dlW. Tht' n",·, O. U. Uendl!NOn aecom­,,,,nl"" th .. remain. of !II ..... \\'ill Smalh­...... nt America. to tbe ;)loundll for ~Urilll.

WHEATON. ILL The It .. ,·. Jno. Kearn .. )'. ' .... ho hu ~n

homE' ,·IHltlD!!. T .. tum~d 10 tbe Pres· h)""l'lan bO$pIUO! !lIard> L. Ltc'"':r W .. bb Wa.. havUxcd :,\larch ~ a; the mornln!:' """,'I"" b~' the It,,,·. Jas, SU·Wl!'on. Chas. nn'<'l.... Is ~nllnea to hlB hom ... lIutft:-­In;:; fl'Om Injuries ...,ceh·"'" wh,,.. ~" r .. l1 on U'l' I..... :.rr, and !If ..... eh,.s. and 311". and :'II ..... &1n Rtlcl'~r of Glen • -:llyn .tt"nd~ tile LincOln ~Ommunt}' f;und~)·. ,<,h.h. Th .. I>. y, )'. 'C. I .. Iutv· In:: ~plendld n ... "tln!:" ",.,,'" SundRY "t

f~~~"Tlrt~'dS~ .... ~b~i; rl':~~It.n~. t r.aylt1' of .\"!'Or>!. ,,1>0 .ddr .... ed Ih~ L,ncoln Community Sunday dub, Th .. Be". :llr, B...,oks "('''''mIJanl~d Ibe Re,·. ;).Ir, "a~'IN' 'n.m Aurora. :\1 ..... Alex W, Curti... wl.o h.s bt!"n ill for the NIlIl thr" .. "'~k.~. "'a" al>l", tn be out an" .. t ttl'r t>Mt at< .... resldAnt of the Llneoln Communlt)· Suncias club.

G1.ENCOE. 11.1-. !lll'_ and )Irs. Pat )1llhl. 465 Yemon

A ... ·f! .. .,m .. nained four ~upletl At PTO­j;T"""lve ",hlot. First pru..'8 and bOOby priz .. t; ,\\'t'r~ ;t\~en -:0 llOt!:i the m~n and ",,'Oman, al.o a 1I1:ht lunch \\"AS .... ""ed. ::111'''. Kelly. mother of ~t&ln K .. I1~· of 'Tu.Jte:;..p In.tltut ... is the t;UPM ot !l.lrs. :Hunt ..... 'In J .. tl'erllOn Ft. The annual m.lnthlv m...,tinj: of th~ ~. A. A. C, P. 'L'''''' h~ld Th....,.day. )laT'Cb II. at tbe F.I~t H~..!~t church, :lot.... Ft'f.'d wn­t'On. 4:~ .l\damN ~t., II; t'l'e .. dln!: thr .. e ','e"k .. with 11.-1' mother .... d father In Ant)lc\111 .. , Tenn. )11:', and !III'S. L. P. lJal<,,1' I'a\'~ 2u~-t r"turned trom an ex­ten'tl<><! ,· In t!I .. South. The B. T. P. U. el.oct"" th" fOllO"'lni,omCt!Tl1: R. H, J!urton. p ...... ldent. r eleet.,d; ,·Ice· Solomon Ay e~: )IMl. Auto'.

eeeretao': .1ohn l.tpsromb, nnanCial secretao·; :ltn<. !llaf'l:llnf .... n. trn.ur .... : )lr. Tlnsl,,)· and Tom Brown. Jr .• n.m~ as teucheors. .,

- DANViLLE, 11.L. Th" dau!;hter of :!III', lind lI'rs, 1'"r­

"on~ of Logan, A"e, dl"d rec~ntll'. ;\1r. lind :,\In!. Frank Gre<Oll and l.eonard ~m~"the or Cblcac:o ",.r .. h"re on busI­ness. llr.. Alina Beeler ha.s !:'t!'tumed trom Ga:r~·. Ind. Quite a number of out-or-Io"'11 1tU""UI were pr"sent al the fourth annh'cr;,an' prom of tit" Lals","1. I··nlre club. Ora Chavl'" w!lo Is con­IIn"d In th" hoeplt:ll. 10 Impro\·11ll;. )\rs. :lo\!II~r of Town.end A'·f> .. who has \><"'n on th~ ~!ck 1I1't, Is Impto\'IIIJ!. 1:':11 !lIar­tin. @on or th" R~\·. nnd !lJ... n, D. "'Iarlln. ,.'ho 11." been quite III. Is no,,' .. 'ble to be out aJ;1lln.

SYCAMORE. II-L. !llr. and .)\1"$, Beard and )Ir_ and 'Irft.

Clllrk of l:>.:Kalb were ;:ue!1.S of rrl~ntls

ii'a~j~~~rl,;oU.c';:'~I~io':~~"'I~Z;;H~u~1~ took JUin in an olJCrclta., The Ut;\--. O.~ar ;)lcCullou"h I" preaehinJ; at the l<yc;,more S~eond napu~ <'hurch. ::'1.,,­n"rtueift <'nt<-rtaln"d the ::mSli!onary clrcle r~cnlh', O\'"r IS weu l'"".ent .. nd a dellp'ful luncll .. on wu p~n·",I. :11,.,.. A. H. UrldJ;"water hRH r('turnro 10 th~ "anltllrlum. ::'Ir, and !II..... J. nn.nt announc~d the tnamage of 'their dauJ;ht"r ),." ... a to "Ietor lIan'ill. ,The)' \\ill ""'ke Ih<'lr home In Chicago. :'11'. and !llr~. Uoul;laa Phltllp of Chl""no w"ro r...:"nt \'Js!tors her... "Irs. Dor:> Jac:","on Is III at her home.

JACKSONVILLE. ILL. !llf, and :II ...... ClarenceClnrk ha,·.

mo,'"", to 4e3 S. "-est !'it. !llrs. Fnnnie Tat", Is ,·I~ltlnl; whh h.,r d:1u"lIter, !llr:<. ("I:."d" Bank,.. In P~~rla. Ill. :llro. I",ul .. ~ ;\1('])on:l.ld Is ~ti1l on the sick lI.f. !lIT"- .. annie J orelan Is "ble to h" out "l:8ln. Th~ Infant daughttr of ;\Ir. aDd ;\lrs, PllU\ Dlu.- 16 111. ;\t1.~ Or~l'n !llurrdl and the :\lInes n ... ulah Ilnd l~dllh Grady of S,'rinl!fl<,l<l, III.. ""er" yttiotlor~ a'C. the home of l-tr" and .l-tr:'. '\"m. ltohlnt'on in ~. Cta,. A'·e. Gn .. nt "Y~lr In S. l:"aye1t.o St. hI quito ill, :lh~. Carrie Lc.. Brinkman If'tt recently rur "n ""t"IlII"d~slt In St.· LoUI~. ::\10.

];~~t~r,,:-,~::~ .. ,:~,,!Il~e~'i~f ~:: :tmi~ chureh. llo.cow sun.," Hnfd hl~ pro;'­"1"1)' In lIaek~t .",'". to hi. mothrr-In­I",,·, :II..,.. ClIU. Hoal:'ln. and also MI,I hi" h"n\<:.t~ad. U" will I"""e ~oon tor ~\;~:'e;;,\.,IO w:l;"~:;' ~~p,!~~:" ji~::'';: 10""",,- brother-In-law of !llrs. ll1nnl" Trlplf'tt. (If S. "',,,{ SI. \\'as the only rcprosent"tl\'l~ of Ihe Clo"~r L"a! In­sUr!lnea <",nmpan~·. to attt-nd the annual con\·"nUon held In t!le X~\\' Home Onle<l hulldlnl(' In Our dty. :\Irs. ls.aaN< w .... s form"rl!' !l1I"~ 1-:,':1. Triplett or Uli~ cll ~', At Ih .. r"e"IlUon c1"~n lit the l'a~Ulc 1101<'1 h .. w:>s on" or the "I'<'akers and r"",'I\'rti much applause, "'ade 'WiI· Uam~ IF Impro\'in~, :llr •. C .. le.ste Brown U'H" laken to the Pa~"""'ant hO~I.It,,1 qulle m. The R~\'. H"rm:ln Gore and wJfe~ lIra. Ut"on Hamilton Gore. ""crfl! "·""k .... l1<1 ,i.ltom wltb the parznlJl of :ltTO. Core In !liarloll SI.. The It,,,· . "Ir. Gor .. T'reach..." at :,\II. Emory ~­ti~t ,·hureh. Thp. memhl!ra of tho jun­lOT e!lolr or Bethlehem A. "'I. E. churell "'ere tr .. ,,1<"d to a "lind), pullllll: by

¥i:'~r ri~~~eli. ~~~O~",\~· ti:i'o~g':.T"t'6;' i':,"COnd llaptlst church or Ihl. city. I~tt for Jllnomlnl:ton :0 till th.. T'ulplt 3.!

Woral::t::; :!~~l!~~ "~~'i~ .. O~~i!~5C\W~ nr"s of l-;II!~ .lloore of l"~rla, 111.. for­m~r!~' or tit'" cit),. '!Iss :llartha Ke\'" a tloted e,·.alll!ellst, will hold A sei1u of mN'lingat B.,..hel .A. !II.. l-:. church. Io,,/:'lnnlnllC Su .. d~)". i\larc.'l 9. ;\Ib. :llatia H •• neU "UII "'m"lns quito

!ij°:!:~yj,e~lh"om~~tll~r~~.!'J~n~~ill.q~:!ii (,"nnn~ to his b"". !llrs. Olh'c '\'Il­lIam~ Is on the ~I .. k 1I>t, Jam"s l.lIue IS hi at' hl~ home In :,\Ior:.on Ave. I:utl'Ier Bundy I~ on the sick U~t. Georg~ loung •• TT .. I .. a patlrnt "t the ra.,S!l­\,lInt hO~1'lkd. There WHs a !<u"p.!r !:I"~n at Tal ... ·macle hnll under th" au­'1'1"<'5 or HlekUn ta!>ernscl". ;\1rs. X, .1, Blue Is h-tlll a S'Cltlent nt th~ :-;'ew HOl'Qe sanitarium. ll .... Louise. \'\"rl"ht %'ri. r; her !tome In l-'ranlo;-

.:\tlsa .-\nnk :ltullon:. d3.Uellt"r ot !IIrs. :!\fa"'.e !\IalJory ot thls clty. left r<>cent­b' tor LeJclllI<tOD. ;)10 .• wh .. re ahe "ill toe enga.:-f.'d In lIeld mil<slonar)' "';ork under th" aUll1lfc<!S of th" ChUrch of God In Christ. :,\Irs. Louj~e \\'rll:llt of Fr.ln'kfort. :1010.. fonnerh' of this cit}'. has 'PUTt""b.:u:OO thp. two-:!>ton· fitructllr'C! on \\', ll:lilroad SI.. nnd X. Diamond SI. Sh<! r.,turned to b.-r .-rome Thurs­da);. !\lIps l\:alh"rlne !It:llone. wl.o hAS loe..n Ill. Is Itn\l:u\,ed.. The dnnee !:Ive" h~' Cb·d... J'aCkS<ln.' Geol'1:e Jackson. ::.IuTTell Reid anll Le.lIe Brinkman was well alt"ndt>d.. ;\lrs. F:!.nnle Jordi<n ,,,,d Cha~. TJn"le~' are "on,""les~ent. ::\In;. !Ilal!l:le UIl"ls Is a mu.iem at a. 10<'A' hosl.ltaJ. "'ade I .. able to be out. "'11"1. Celeste Urown has re­turned hOm~ much Improved. :,\IT. and :\lrs, F. c.' llu ... h.'we made ('xt"nsive impl'O\,ements at tlt"lr neW homQ In S. Cla)' .\ "Co 'rr~. X. J. Blue 15 ImpT'OYin,;, l.uth~r Uund~- I" a. patient at. the !\;'('"W Home snnttarinnl. Re\.·h-dl • en·i"ell are I,dnc h..J,\ a~ ll~tl1el .\. !II. E. church. llios !llartha l\:eJ'O!. the .. mn!:el"<I. \\'111 hold the ... n·l"e.. R~\', It. :If. Hackley Is p"stor. Th" ~l~t C.-ntul;\' PritnrOlO" ,,\u," wa~ onmnhero f'fo("'·ntl'.\~ "-it h thf~ fnUowinJ.r omc~n(! Ed­....... r.l llallon-. pre.ltlent: ;\11.. Laura. ~t. Johnson. ,;:("'or llr .... t-;hlflnl: '!\-Ii!",!: UNtt ... TiC'*> ii'!l'I1)· •. it .... cr(!tary; (fe-ors::e .1.lcbmn. a~"lj;i,Rtant ~('f'"t't!tant: 1:;tta .)ts:!-· Brannon.;ur(-r. The mpfO"tlns: 'l\'"a!' held at til .. l,ome of !llurrell RE'ed. "-. Cham­I ... r" 5t. Til" nl'xt m"eli,,:; wlll l>~ with ::\I\.s F.:t1a :lln~' Brannon, ~. 1-'ayelte 51.. JoIn;, J'rlsdlb Kin:: Is III,

AURORA, ILL, The ',"hRI :-\"xt .lunlor dub met "t

the 110m" nf :\1I.~ ,"era Webb In East .A\"~.t ~a't'Urdny. );tarch 1.. The nf"xt m~Nln:; will ,,~ h"M "Inrch 15 at the b"tn" ,.,r ~tI.s Ruth \YaUlOn. The Cul­tnr" ('luh met at tbe home of llT~, Clnr­"n"e lloor" Feb.!!li. )11">', Clau,le "-al· son !$ ,,1.ltln:; rrl"nd_ In Gao', In.L :Ion,," nal.~· f:'nol"!f. dau,;hter Of !llr, and :Un<. T~..,ma8 ('ooJ1"r. lind .1ohn Pattcl"I'on wera mllTTIf.'d r~centb' at th~ hom., of th,· hrld~. 3~O Kane St, Tllo n"v. !llr. Evan" cot the St, Joh .. ·", A. ~I. I~. ('hurdl ,,~rform<><! the ceremony. !llb~ ~lyrllc \'".~ anrl Paul Cooper. the

Illlter a b...,lher of the bride, were tile aucndants. ".Amon~ til.. l:ue,l.'l "'cre !It,.,., J. J. Evans and lItrs. J. :,\Iurdock. !\IT, IUld lIrs, l'attertion wlU re5ldo In :-;', LIMoln A "e,

ULLm.II..L. 'The Woman's 311.slonar)' club, of

W),nn'" CII:l.I,el C. ll. E. chUrch met lit Ihe ~ome of Mrs. Tom ltaoale r"""ntl)·. Thl! C. M. Eo c1lurch h:tS ol'l;l1nlz('ti a lItel'llry l!Oclet)', with :!I1l~.. Itoberc ... ~hanl;lln II' pruldent and ;\11 •• Hucl liigl1tO\l'CTt secretar}·~


at~!~\.~~::: ~::''ll~e~:I.~I~~.u£:~ ,~,~~ nnd Gol .. ",,, Hamillon accompaDIC<! her to P"dueah, Ky. Roscoe DAugherty or :-;'ortb Bend. OhIo. Is here .. t the \!~d-

~i~. fJ.. ~~~I':r::~~' n;:;~~. ~~oo';,~"{,,~~i. a week-end wIth lira. 1.. R. Daul:ltert)' of ~lelropolls. The· Ijnit)' l3a'Jltl.~ ("hureh recel~cd I;e'\"~n ne\,· mC!'mbers recent"·. !Ill'll. CI:l.udle Baker of Akroll. Ohio. fllIlI Tcturned to Ihe hedHldo or h~r moth"r. :llr~. ::5telln. ~Iotley of Uuund Knob Is In t!le city "Isltllllr her I'UenUl. Edd. Wherl"r and· daughter: Juanita "penl a day wllh :llr. lind :\11'''. Elmer Slm~.

DECATUR, ILL. .. .:'olr1', . CRrrlQ Hamllton_ 'Worthy

matron of Eureka j;r:u\d chapter. Order or l::a,,:ern SlAr of the IItate of 1lI1noJK. made .... "metal \'Ialt 10 st. :!\1ary cllap­ter In D~ca.tur. II!.. ·Feb. 2t. . "'hlle In tho city ~hl) \\'llJ! the houl«) guest of ~tn<. Ylrgl" Cummlnll~. llr. Ilnd "'Irs.

l!"'f,gn::n;r~?::.. ~~i~t~~ i'ia~ln~~~ !llrs. E. J. Caml' unlertaln<'d lli."

StOI'J!, llr., Camp gal'll :> ":ted pllrty Tu~sday afternOon Inl.onor or ;\11, .. SloO·. Four tabln were at play. First "ri%e was \\'011 bl' :\Ir., D, F, Cousin. ~~eond fly 1111':0. R. 1. Jon~" IUld third hy ~frs. Rusto Johnson. Tho f>\Ietlt "r 1.0nor "'as presented will, a beautiful bouquet or :!Iowen;.

:\Irs. Geol'!:'ia PI",.,.on Is \,1"tlnS- I),,, wN.k-.nll In Chlcat;o with her aun'. !II,.". Gussie Hleks. ;\1158 Dell" Story III.S returned 10 her homo In .!-·Iorida. after a few monU.s· "Isil with. her .15' te... :'lr~. .J. C. 1:':1115. :.t,.". l~lIZ3bClh

:;:o"s':'t.,~ ~~dn ~~':;he~~¥e!rI;~.i~~r. h~~~~ r:d~.ll~h1~~'bro!~:::-,·~r t~Jj;~n~,fb.~~: 11 .... come bere to make his home, Tllo two bruthers have not met tor ~G )'~ar84 A numl,er of marrla:ges lHn·e taken 1.lace ""conti)·. thllt or :\IIF~ Juanita. .lone nntl Wllllo OW"IIS; lllS9 ~landell lI4TtIn and TI,ol'll DI'O"')1I<,. :m"" Olio Dry and D3.n 'We,t. "nd "Irs. !lllnnl" K"II ... "nd Le"'ls A/I.,n. Glen "'-/eZds and his moth.,r, ::\II'S. Fnnnie Johnson. \'Is' h«1 In Palnler, 111. :\lt~. Jes~ll) Carmen "I"'nt a ["',. days JIl St, Lou!s. ,\n' dre ..... :,\IcGa ... lc returned to his borne In Chlcal;O. 111, Clarence C ... muron White, th~ notf.'d vlDllnlst, dM!\V a lan~~ crowd III his ("on~~.rl l-'rlda~' evel1h.!:'. His work waF or the ·hlghpst lIt. .. ntlard. all being !:I\,cn on the vloUn. ,,'llIlam ""II Uyke '<1I.:i :<)11"ndid as an a('companltit. ::\1rs. l:;mma .!-'os:er'" uadlllg .... "" ex·

~~~~\CR:-v.;"';;~:·1~ h:,;'or6~rC~II~; ii~I~~ dell" )lartln. !llany I'c"utiful girts "·efe r~ch·t.-d. Those l1resen t were ltr:.. I1""el AlIN1, ~t1ss Millelo Phenix. ~Ir". Joe Gl ... ". ll..... Lucile Lowery, ;,\Irs, X .. lIle Wailltln!'lon. llr~. Hnz~l C"ln~. llrs Ludne \\'lIIshlnl:ton. :'olrs.' I·;U" n~~;'hcr. :L\t8. l':\'tt Taylor. ::\trs. Xcllic E,·ans. lies, Anna 1n·ln.:-. !III"" Gl~d~'S H~ntlt!rson. lIn<. Effill PHrkor. ::\1"". Lu­"na Daulsy. lI'r~, UIl:l;ln~. :\Irs. nessl .. Johnson. }lISs :\h\e :\loore. :\'rs. Emmer .!--o~ter :\lIs9 Oldham. )U ... Jon .. ". lIi"" "'-oun!:: :lIn'. O·Shleld". llrs. Fannie ('~rl .. r. :'1 ..... Be .... ~i .. "-"tklnll and ::\lrs. Frank AI<,,!i'. Ira "alentln .. \\'as a Chl­(,:l.j!O .. 1><;10". \\"hlle the"" he ,,1_II .. d th" D(>(elldpr rolant. ThcOplus Mann of the l:n!\'crslt)' or lIlInols was the t;Ue"t ot Ed .... ln 8M en 0\'(:' the 'Week·end. The $"\\'Inl; circle or sr. Peter' .. A. ll. E. t:bu~h g:1"e their indoor picnic Frl­d. ... ,.. The DIll' SI!'tc..,. cluh '~IJI meet at -th" home 0{ l[r:<. Sabe '-allderbur,::-. :,\Irs. C1arab.Ue Gr-.lham of Chlc,,!:o Is th<! J:"Uest ()[ h~r _Ist(>r :llr", !110m., :l1"Unek. l[r. :>nd llrs. Bob Sublet and ::\Ir; and llrs. Taylor of Sprln(:fl"ld "'ere Deeatur ,,1.ltors. .1nck Evans. :ltrS . Gt'f'tJe ElIott and Geor:;" I"elly Are on the sick n.t. !I(lss Xona StUbbs I­\,1.ltlnlt In Peorl.... ::\Ir ... Cleo llcGule returned to ChlcO:;o.

LA GRANCE. ILL. !l'hur.da:r. Feb. :!S. the lH:a Da\'l!J

Sen'lce dub l;3.\"e n leap year party. In whiCh 8-1 persons I'arcl<:l""ted. It was 1!'1\'?n at 'Ih" !lomes o! :\1rH. Fleet anrl ltn!. ·B. J:l.ckson, lterreshments "'~e sef'\'f.'d hy some of the children or th~ community In two courses. It was con~ldered one of the bll:' e\'cnt~ of the season. The He,,·.. E. l\"'".. Ed\\"nrds' home mu::ht fir" on ~be c" .. nln!;, or Feh. :!!I. but \\':1.5 "oon cxtlnJ:"Ulshed u!><ln the arrl\"1\1 of the fire patrOl. Tho Rev. ;\Tr, Ed"'ards "'as sick In bed at the tlme_ 'there was a birthd:lY party

f;:~ D~llel~I~~n;~~a:t'!1t~:;r!~:, a'f~:m;:~~~ Feh. !!S. at thc hom" or :.\Uss Hartis.

GALLATIN. 11..1.. • TIle nP.v, S. s_ Smltll UIl ... 1 Ills resu­

lar appointment Sun<1a~' "ot the A. :II. I:: . church and "1'1<1 n wonilerrul sen·lce. Gllhert S. Jacle~on or thl,; ell,; ma<'le It huslne~s trip to ltnrrtsburl'f la"t w"ek. l1rA, :\Unpn.·a Jnr-'k.~nn. who ha!i bp4!n nn 111" tilck tI~l. 1" mu~h l",Uer at thl~ wriling. .1. 'Y. Jack.on Ita" rr;.urned home aft"r " long "I~tt In r:aTTler ::.JIIIs,

GRANO, CHAIN, ILL, !IS"". :llary :\t. Ransom attended th'l

1eachers' m~ .. tlng. :It,.... V .. rnlce l\1oore. t"acher at "ore3t View, w,,·s In !llound City nue .. dll'll;· the meetin~ or tile t~l\"het's. ~0M.'''1l Sto\,all "'as In 0111' 10Wn on" <I'd,.. bU5~' on e"",nd~ (or III" mother an,l olher memhers of the C"m­U~·. \\-aynl! Youneof Lo\1ngs "nme to _<>WII 10 meet th~ :!Ilasonle brot!lers re­"~ntl~-. H, Sln;leton of J.e\'lnlt" ha,l husln"s.~ in our \'1I\8g<) r"Centl'·. Oreel)' YounJ;' or Le,\'ings wa!lO In our -to\\"ll r~ ... ""ntl~·. llrs.!tIa rlab Hope was a busl­nC85 caller In Karnak.

BLOOMINGTON. '1-1... Tbe rail}' helrl at tile TItlrd ChrlsClan

church Sund:ty ""as a financial RUC­Ce&s. Re,·. S. B. Jonca Jlr~ached In the aHentoon an" t11e jun!or ,. chnlr ..... n~. Rc\,. Dr, W:iuc Of Jacl:Ron.:llle

preachod two spl~ndld sermons at !lIL1 '1'\"1' Lewis o,-Prophetllltown. m .. Is vls- to St. tAula IllSt Wednesday and wllre Pls!:,ob Baptist church, lfr ... A. Dean t ng at tbe hottlo ot Mrs. essie Lc,,1s. quietly m:u'rlr.d. While up there IIhe cntcrtntn"d Rev, an,1 Mrs. O. W. Hen'- 2:31 sSlxth Ave. . !\Irs. LllIlfln Stewart. "15lted her slst" .. , :.\1llRleWllllams1 I.y and Rev. nnd'-;\Irs, 5, U. Jones at.o .\,.,nth 51., ~,." a Llrlhtlny party wh" '" sick. Mr. :allllard Jones ana .,Inner Wedn"ll<lay. The Doreas gpw- Tuesday In honor Of .lames Stewart, 59. 130b Clerk and Leslie BArtlo were pas· IDr: circle met Tuesda:r with 'Mrd. WII- ot 13161;2 Ell:btb Ave. A number of "entrers to S~atta Friday. ;F:ed Gull.,­!;On. E. ... t St. The Colored Women's Trl-Clty frIend.. were In\,lted, . Small i ven and HlU'Old Ilardo wera passeng""" clUb mct wllh !lIra. AnoU ... Denn, on I tor Governor club. ,,·Itl. head'!uarters I' to Sparta on business. C B. Xustln Thursday, The a1t~rnoon was ~t>ent. In 1 o.t 626 Ninth SL. clectod ,.ermn,,(,n! and t:l.thtr w~re 1'Il5sengers to Sparta "~",Inl<' The Oomeslle Art cluh met officem aa tollowlI: Pr~sld"nt, Kinyon ThursdaY on bu .. lncu. )Ir, and :It .... wllh Its president. Mrs. C1a.ra. Grl~- ",foore; vlec-preahlent. Nathont.:1 ;\tIl- Graves and daughter "pend ... few days ~Yj~~,,~~~~ ,~~~e,;~'!.tt. A.g;.;.. .. h~:.~re= l~~; 8:~re~:[f. ... l\nc'!,:~~~~er.n~d I~~:' In Sparta. __ !I., pew rall~' at the. Third ChrIstian shall. ful)' Y"ughn. W. 'n, P"rklnlL ELGIN, JLI-~ \ diur"h Sunday, :\Iarch 1G. Re\', A. 1..f ~le"t!nllC" are held evu}' Tu~~dIlY nlJ:;ht. The Second Baptist church Md a Frost, paotor. The A. C. 1::. l.nJI'Uo 0 Hon. Wm. E. WhlteHld ... ot Rook I S d "'h \'\"a~'man chap"l Imve an <!ntert.a.lnmenl county. co.ndldate for ~i.ale reprO.llenta. v!'ry succe8sftll ra. ~Y last un IlY, • a &t the cburcll Frhla,' nl"ht. :,\II"" La,:-' live. addre."ed their me"tlng la.t N. A. A. C. P. "III I:IVe ... memorlnl ~Ine Natlllm wns chairman. The N. Tu".day nltht.· Mrs, Sarah Barla"', '~6 supper ~uesdny nIght at the St. Ja,,!,cs A. A. C. p'. lIl"" a Nun.,lalnt a"alnst... 'Tenth St.. bas .r'llUmefl from KansAB ,\. ::\1,. E. church In hono .. of the late ll1~ mDI1Ro:cr of the Hlallo theater for CII}' atter Vl91tlugwlth he .. brotlw-r Col. iounl;. A l'rogram will be ... ,.,­,."nnHtlnK "The J'lirth nr a Xatlon" to .\Ibe·rt lIcCray. and with her "arentH: deT?d Includlnlr scl~cuon8. bY the Do he sho .... n h~TI). !I!rK. Blylhe of Empl,." ::\Ir. nnd MrR. John ;\lcCrny. at ,,'Ichlt.;>., t:lL"" quartet. Jesse ~row n spent tho 51 wll! lea\'e for T"nne~.~e to ott<md Kiln Guv lIobt>rta r D 'enport Iowa "tek-end, In Chicago "\th his mother. her alck mol her. A Il\rg~ nU!llb~r of WR~' take-n to the ~os ~~ltl la~l w,eelt Jamea Brook" sp~nt two. d!.'YII ylsltlng tho !>;/lrm. .. 1 ~t11l'ents atlen"~d the <,on- sutrerin; from pneumonl" lie died sev- In Chicago. and Aurura, Ell Kelly or .-~rt at "-a)'man chapel Frida)' .nlght. eml dan Inter.' HIs mother arrived Chh:aCD vl~lted·ln Elgin Sunda..... Am­'t'll. tlttla lI&I1::Mer or 3!r.I. :-;'"..-ad>\ (rom PadUCl1h and nccompanled the re- bros .. Pinkard. who has h~e~ ~1.ltlne James is Ill. \ ",alns to PRd'IIcab where burlal took his brotller. Amos. returned Sunday to

Place ,1,' P Itt '11'" 10:1 th A his home In Palmyrn. Mo, !lIrs, :\Iyrtlo: JOI-IET ILL Id' •. ru • --, n ve .• a LUCIIlI h,,8 beM on th .. Hick list this

TIle .. ncutlve ho"~d or' the :lIIo.lon- ~o \\~k h':..1 ~~f) 1'I~~\o~~r~~~~~f .. \\;~~g ,,'eek. MrA, ,Sadlo KeUy I" rccov"tjng i ar,. 'lnlon m!'1 \\ilh J"rry [.!nd~ .. y. lit .... , \'\-oTk~, East Molino. last Thul't'day, from an altack of rheuma.tlsm. Jos"p.h ",J"slol\·. l\·llk .. r~on Iii ImprovIng "Iter ll,.". n. Da,'IB. U:: :-;'Inth St .. Is "1,,ltlng ~~~3ttvl!'i~~mil:~~i!. h:ndhl~,;",!':,.;.. ~~t, her r"""nt .o!,crntlon. Mrs. Cary:Jo Ilt tho home or Ite! fMher, W. !II. Tny. urda):'· John Bell of Aurol"ll. IA "till on' Hawkln!i I~ "en' ,Ill. Edward. B .. n Is lor. Owattomle, Kan., who Is "onlln~d th -Iek list at tho Oouns ro"ldence ' ."rlo .. sh· lU. )lrR Alhertll \~ llson Is 10 hIs bed on Rccount ot alcknl'!l'. e u •

able to 'be out ,,1=I1(n. :llrs. N&ttle X'Dr- Those l'r,,\,lously roported .. Iek. hUt wood IH 111 ",·lth a M\'Cre cold. )11'. And 1I0me belLer. ure: R Davl9, ~12 :-;'Int" "Irs. :-;,,,than RIehard.nn .. t., the proud St~ lfra. \-'annle n:l.rlow. 926 Tenth St .. "ar<'nl. or " baby .,;Irl. wllollr nnmil ·Is and Chesler LeWis. 1605 EIGhtb St. Knth .. rl" .. Corrin... )1,.,.. Francl" WI1- llrs. lsabelle Wlnlol'S. JfllCft 16. /s III at Iiams tll~d F.~'b. 27 at SL Ja."ph'~ hos' her home. ;\IMl. Dr. li:d \V, WU80n

~:':::li!l~hfi~~. ~~r;~I~·~1ot~a~c;.~~·1;~';~~~; ~roI[e'kJ!\~,~e~vll~:nJ~~n~ge h~~n~;:;S~~:; HolmAn. !-·un .. rnl wn. h~lt\ Feu. 23 tOT, ",bo III malelng Rock Islnnd hi. from th" Stcond BaT'thJt churCh, hcadquflrters for tho "reuul.. :\1 ..... J.

PULAS'Kl. ILl.., .r-;: .. l~~: 1~~~0~7~g. Jn~~~ly~d~;:'~? ~;~f.; Emm""t CIII,on continues III. ;\11':'1. \'aughn of Elyra. Ohio. i. at the home

:l1olJle i,1f><! If'ft rccpnlly for ChlC'l\!;'o, 0,' her tnolh~r. ~Irs: Anna Moore, ;~6 Shl' wlll unrlergo fln o,,~ratlon, !It.,., 1· ol1rteentll St .. who Is Ill. Olll',rs r,,­Dell... T.l"" arMmp"nl.d her, "11'''- ported sick this week arc: CMrlea )tyrtle CnrtoT l\nrl ~lT8. \...onnle IW;tlnl, Od.;n, IOt5. yentlt Ave:. ~Ir~< nose Col"­!>nth of D"u'tllalne. Ill .• W~Te called to man. 1310 EI;hth ,\\'0 ... & 8tlll eonnn~d the bedSld,. 'or In"lr hrD':her. Emmell to her hllma. Roy Porklns or Chlcneu r.uL~on. BenjRmln 13utler spent a few Is "!sltlns: with hll< "arents.

~:~'S C~~~n~'13~tl:Il'J!~~ :~51~~ul\.;r~;, ~~; OUQu'DiN, ILL, homo In Chicago. :'fls~ llnr!:oret lIIrs. SleUa llcOollnltl. who <lIed In Woolnrd or "Inllnd", 111., IInrl It .. tudent SL Louis. lIn., wa" shlpl.ed throuj!h nf Sumn~r 1I1:;h Rchoo!. CaIto. m .. WIIS "ere to ~::Ik\'IIIQ tor Int .. rmenl, ::\ITS. In Utls cltv Saturd"y \'1~it1ne I,er cous- ;\tcDon"ld rorm~rly 11" .. 1 her", The In!!, :'1", and 31r.s. C"lson, ~"~;~~~-:,s cl~gn~~~'l::.t:;d ~~~ f'~'lt:,~IJ~\'''b:

MOIJNDS. II-I... ~~);~~S J\'~;~ r:.'::~t'll~~':.; ~t'S'!~r .. : J. n. Howard lind Thomas E"sns LUlie illcDon"ld and lIn),e;; ;\lcrlOnRld

hl\ ... o returned frorn !>;"w Orleans. wheN at C1llc8lfo :lloP! •• d In the Clly en Tout" i"d",r y':,;:~;d{:"s~uem ",;~~J~\~::h'd. ~~~: 10 l':lk\'lIIe to aUrnd th" runorsl or I~ In the dt~·. cn yout~ 10 Chicago. :\lrs, !llcuonnld. Rev,S. n. Sk~lton Gnnrn"t 5m:o.1I "I'ok~ at the Lyric rO' ~~O\lr~.d.J':ii[o~ISI~!. \~~~r~:III\~~."c.n I~OS\~ ~v'iM~":o i1...l,!r;;.j.I::'~W,~~~'" or't~I~:~ Louis. :'10 .• la~~ Snturday, Otha WII-mallo an "" .. "lIent nddress. llr8. Carrie lIam~on has I:one to hh. home In ::\18r­Lee Hamlilon and John \'~rnon nt- tin. 'tonn, The H. Q. 13. Charil)' dun lended tile funeral or M. E. nowle". ~1~: l'r:~°!i!~lfl(::.~ri'~c~1~ i~, ~?n'[ '~l hrother·ln-Iau' or :II,.,.. IL1mllton. J. church. Flem FlslI .. r aml \~Ife. who aru Mi/i~~~ntl';·;~~~&n~kl:r'W~::_;~d t~~ 1I"lnllC In Spartn. WoN bere Snlur,lny the J1I1T"ona;e. !:obt. Well", :11188 ,Ada ~o~t~GC~I~~e~n;~~~r (li'°S~.e'I';,,;;h~!a~W~i ~l~~~~ ~~fh ~Ih:;; R';.~'~~? T~°i'tr:m6~~ church. anrl tho He\', Wm. Chllney. Hnd family recently, 51.. Paul chureh ::::f~ft';. ~",~~'?m\¥~o~~~rc~on~~lInfc(,~ ~~\~. ~~~:;-~"J!)·d'i;;t~~fi~ .... ;;~Ot~Q~ac~~ 8unday tor ~prlnsl1<:ld to work. :'lJs.~ mental ~~rmDn. lfrs. Irene Clark en- ,\(fce Webb. Who ·I~ n(("n<lln!:, ocl.ool t"rmlnerl a rew trlends reecnti),. G, In Xormal. Is &pendlnl: It eel<' cia}", h~re. to:, Clark ot T'nlestlne, Ark.. I:; \'lslI- :)II.~ Emm,,- Tnte. \\'ho Is teachinG In;: hi. "on. B. F. CI:trk. and family. ~chool In l\lt. Yernon, Is visiting In the St. John's BapUst churrh Is In 11t"l city. • midst of a ;;r~a1. rC"!\,al, The Rc,'. :llr.

~~':t~c;ti.::'n~~a~~per:~~~'::tI~~"t eholr

EI-GIN, II-I... )(r. Plnk~r "'1<5 r ... lI~d to ~tlssourl

o"'lnn to Ihe \I1ne .. ~ or his mother_ !lir~. ::\Irrllt' Luc.-.J! lind )frs. Sadie Kelly are "n the sick list. :\Irs. Irene Cnrter nnd :ltI~s Lell", Duke were the guest!! Of 11I~lr slst~r. :'Ilrs. :llyrll" John~on. ;\11'9. f;d\\''llrtl :-;''''''FOnl<' att~ndetl fed"ration me"tlnlf In Chlca,;o. Emma :\t!lchell "ltendrll the dlslrlct board m~etlnlt 0.1 Gary. Ind. :lfr, flnd :llrs, G. :It. ::\Utch­ell entertaln~d th ... tonllwin!:, from Chi· cngo onr Ihe week·end: :llr. l\nd :ltrs. U, \V. Har,lIne. lfr. and. ::\Iro. Sandy ll~tthewp. ;\{l58 La"ern. Harrlln!;, and :III'S. Smith, ::Ilr. Frank Curl !lnd Clar­enCe Jolln.on motored to Aljrora •. 108-cpr Garret took part In the, entertain­ment at Auronl~

MATTOON. 11..t.. Llttlo :\ AUce Vickers. Gwen­

dnlyn and "",ouna Gray arc on the ~Ick list. ::111118 Ruth Carc('r wall R. guesl ot rri~nd. In Limn, Ill, Til,· m~n Of the I.h'e "'ire club or U:1\'19 ('hapel gave a banquet In the hnsement or tbe chur~h on ThuM<dny ::\Iarch II, In. honor of the Indies of tills elt,;. The dlnn~r 'rn~ prepared b)' ~Irs. ::\Iary But!~r o! Chnmp:tien. m. Tbere w~re about net)· p~n<og; pres~nt and a ""ry Inlerestlnl: progrllm wns carried alit during th~ ",'eninJ; hy the men. John Powell actin" as to.~tmaster. ~!rs. Opollne 11o~e and daughter. Doris. nnd lI.". A. Barnott :lntl William Butler ,,! Cham~al;;l1 at· tended till! I.!\·e "'Ire clu... banquet lIere on Thur.;dlly, :\11'. and :\lr8. 05car Portee of Charleston. !II.. nnd :\11'''. :Sane)' Porler o( Sh"lby"Ill" atcl!ndl:d lhe Ll"c \nrc club banquet on Tllurs­day.

METROPOLIS, ,ILl... The .Al"h... Art dulJ met with willi

).Irs. Uutti~ lIe~rd or Wcot 1·:I"\,,,nth St. Thu."dny. lIn!. \...0\'" Ilen!ro alld !'.llss ::\lae Hobcrls \'Islted In Paducah S;llurda)', :l1I.s l>-~HY LonS SI,.,nt lllo w~ek-'md wltll lIer par~IIl>i. ::'Ir. and )11'5. Gco. 1,0I1g. llls! )lInnl<> B. Cook is. nhlc to he- out aenln tdter t'I. :o.nol t IUn("~!'l. ~lr:;;. nuhy arrington waR host .. ChI; to th~ Fiction clu!> \\·e"n~sd.,>' nf~­ernoon. llrs. Allie :\lofJ,;nn a\l.l chll­dr~n or ChlcaJ;o llre the CU"Sts of !l~r mother. ll~ ,.:\nmnda. Bernard or \Yest Xlntb st. MrH, Gcurge Anu llar­lin haa returned, from Sprll1l:lield. III .. wher!! she has bcen \,lsiUnG' her b1'oth~r sillce !>;ovemher.

CARBONDAI..E. Il.L, Re". .\, .A. Crim Ilnd ramlly ha\'c

Leen confined to their home Cor IWO wt!elts on account of nln~ss~ lIts. Ployd llooreltutd \\'a~ ~uh .. '5tilute teach­er in his T.lltce, ;l1i~s 1::."le :\1a<l At­u-ntC't" was out. of !!'chool two day" on account of Illness. Dr. and ~trs. O. II. Thompson .... "re in !'It. Louis ):l5t w~"k.

~~l~hi~~~~ . .\~:~~ "i~~: .. tg::o~~~Ci~tc~~~ (~11 the It-a~kctba.U ~tl.Jne hetwc:en 1.I~w .. maine "n.1 DUQuoin at Dewlllnine Fri­day nll:ht. l"'or. and :IIrs. \VIlII" Bow­ers or 'GllIn "\lent the week COIl with Iho former's pl1rents. "Ir. :l.nd :'>Int. Frank Bo\\'cr~,. !llrs. J{at<l l>IIlTTay sl'ent'the 'Week end at her hom" here.

MARION. ILL. The F"dernt!on chI!> Wa" ent{'rlained

nt Ule honles of :\\"", "'lary Dill nnd ll\~s Leona Jlarrls. The Sunbc:o.m dub 1;3."" a minstrel show Saturd3Y, ::\larch S. lIfrs . .Jack1;on left lhe du' "rlda)· evenln;:. Shu I. On" of the tea"hers at DouglllSs scl>ool. Mrs, L~aLher WI!­IL'lms Is on tll<! slele list. ~Ir". ;\[artlla ;~.~n or';."e:~~th';~, homo from the tu.

. HODGE5 PARK. 11..1.., John Wade. J .... and lI'anlce Hunter'

SPARTA.' ILL, !Ill'S. Hud.o;on·s sister or ~13rton vi.­

It"" h"r a few days la~t week. The ~unshlne club Qf lit., 1-', F, Bllptlst church cnvt') an ~ntof'rtnlt\m\.·nt at th~ home o! :ltl'. and '\Irs. Gl'{lrge T~r,.,·. Jr.. Tucsda. c"enlng, mclmrd Hud· son was s"v(!t~I)' Inju ... d in :llogat mine :.londay mornlllSC. Th()se on th~ eick l1s~ nrc Wm. Demus. Sot St,,'·~n •• Fmnc!:; DUlIon And Junle Johnson. Tho Women'" FNle~tlon c1uh met at the home of ::\lrs. Hattie :\lItc!tell Friday the 7th. Od,,~ Col\!er I~ in Oewmaln .. \"lsltlnJ; friends. Frnnk 'Yarren wns Injured on the homl In tll~ mines last week. The al!' .... need lItewardess board of the A. ~t. E, Church m~t at th., hOtne or !ltr", E .... :1 I1:>r»er last week. A delicious luncb Wll.!! .cr\'c'\ ufter Ihe bu~lnc~9 of Ihe me"tln!;. ·ll..... Cren­,,1111\\' and daughter, Beatrice. \'!Sllffi In St. \...oula I\. few da~'!1 :11;'0, Archl6 Cur­tis was surprised on hI,. Sltb blrthda)' a few days ago. The gueslS "'ere :'lr. Bnd ;\Im. Frank Bunner lind ~()n Archi" of Perry county. Joltn Curtis of SI.. Louis and Luis .. Curtis ot Peoria, and ,he'Re\', and :\1 ..... Hlllclns. ~Ir. Curtis \" .. Civil war ,·ctemn. Dee"tur Hud-

:::,,,w~~"~n 5fr~r,;,:> E;!:it"§t.Fr~~fs n~J dro\'a his sport mod"l Overland home.

CHAMPAIGN, ILl.., ltrs. lI'attle ltoey entertained 1\ few

ltueSl>l Sunday """nlns: In honor 0( her "Isior. !llrs. Frnnk Hostlc. anr! J~ssle Smith of Danv!!!.:. III. The flod~' or 1Ian,,:r Yltlcntin.. u·a..." brousht to Cam"ai!;n for tourtal Ian Tuestla •. -rl'e foUo\\ .. lnJ; relaU,'\:s '\-'cr~ l)rt:s('nl: ~lrs. !llartha Lob-an ot ;\Iaron. Ill.; "Irs. Georgia Cooper, Des :\!oines, lowa. "Is. ters: lrla Yalentlne nnd son of Deca­tur. III. The funeral wa. held from Bethcl A, :II, E. chllrch, The R.,,·. llr. l~ln~ olllelated. lI'rs: William !>;elson. 703 X, Poplar St .. a.nd dalll:ht~r. )lIss Willie :llae :-':elsoD. aro ... I.ltln!: in Can­ton. lliRs. lll'll. Doshlr Tubor 'eft l:tot

~;~:ni~~o.h.~~~lIfl~~~~~:b~~t'l:'';T. lO~i~~: ,Maggio Rns8 left (or Clc ... ~land. Oh 10, to be At the lJedsltle or ber datll:ht"r. ::lIra. WlIb(·r. SMI.berd. :'ll.. LUa Ca.ey of Chicago 1$ ,·',lUng htr mr,ther. )1.8. A!;"c' Clle~. OG X. Poplar HI.. :\Ir~. :llarie B05tic I~ ~fI"ndjnll' two wp.&k~ In ::IlurphygborO. 1Il, 't'bc Rc\'. r:dward~ Re\."". "~Ix and th~! l:'C\". Pat­(on. all of Chleuco. ato h~lplnll' the Rt!'.... n. A. IIa \"den with hi!' rc\"h,"al. Horn 10 :'-Ir, "rid lfl'S. Starks .. a ti .. " h911y Ilirl IMt Friday. The Rc\' • .J. F. Duk.~ held h18 ~eeQnd quarter at C~ 1\t. I::. cllurch last w~uk, While hero h& Is I,eln!; enterlaln",l In Ihe home of :II. T. A. Can:tlhy. ;\11." Beulah ClaybrOOk of ChlCIIIlO i. "lslLlnJ; In tile home of :\1 rs. AJlle 5,,":1' t, ,"corela lllack Is ccnnne;! to· her bed sutferinr; trom a spralnro ankle, ::Ill's. Barn<!t, an In­mute' or the county hosl't(ai. died last Saturdtw from a com"llcntlon' of dls­~se". l:uopcr StipU or Detroit. ~lIcb .• I. vtsltln~ hl~ mother. ~Irs. !llar;- Stl-

~~~e:;;o~';:r~~~~~d ~~i C:h~l. ~~."·.,~tir~ I",;t Stmdny e ... enlng nt J ()'clock. Clea "" ]i(ll1llnd badly Injured hi!; foot while 00 his job at the DIg l"our sho!'s ~1.St ",,,ek. Andy GII!>ert or :\Iau .. d. III.. bag rome to thIs city to mak<l hi. homo w!th hi. dkul;hter. "'Irs. S,.rnh 'WII"On.

SPRINGFIELD. ILl.. lIfrs. E. 1.. Rogers rl}tumed Tue~_

day fro," "outh"rn Illinois, where sh .. wM " .. lied to attend lhs bedsldo of her sister. :II,.!!. n"",,,le Wlltldns.Smothers. who ,lied Friday. l'~b. 2~. Xot mUIlh

~~ ~;;e b:~:i ~~'::~~d c!~e~h~u~,['P~1;;;: lant s~nrch Is bein!;' mnde.. ~lrs. ~f"r· saret WUlclnR. US, S, 11th St •• mother of F, n. '\'!lklns, Is steadily h"l'rovlng from tile stroko 0' pamly,"" received II few' woeks ago,

wtre marrIed :lfondny. ':>Irs. ElIz:\ ' Cood, Ulle Collins and O. W. Smith caul-TERVII.I.E, ILL. nre on the sick 1\51.. The quarterly )lr ... :llag!:lo \\·I!lI ... m~ who hn" been meeting h ... ld At St, James A, M. E. ~Iok ior 31.out Ih'o weeks. wenl to St church Wrone_.lay nIght was well at- Lenis to be under Ihe dOClor's car~ t~'ndcd. The ltc", J. H. Smith. ]lr,,- i tllere. Tile DauJ;hlcrs ot TaM,. ~ent ~ldtll!l' ~"Icr. prencl ... " " ~Urrlng ser-, .Jnnl" Carney n. ,,. nurse for her Flor ilion. The I:e\'o lJr. IhLntUtOn o( 1 t'lnct! Jnni!S nnd Thurman Grn~es \\~ent )!oun"~, III .. was In Ihe "It" wltb Ihe pre~idlng eid~r. J. H. Smith. Bolh \\'·'rc Ihe ~t' or lhe ne,'. Stephen! ,l"l.n~on. Tho c .... ,\.' E. :\Utchel allll ' memhers nUf>n cd the love remit :ser\o .. I"" "t t't, James A. ::\1, 1-:. church Tues- ! 'lay nh;llt. The ~ewlnF: clrcl .. or the F. !

n, ~hllrrh m~t Rt th" home of :'lr"'1 ~1.l:l:le ColUnN. AliCe J. Col.,. I"psl-""nt; JOBle Walln"", "t<:relary. The' C"uTl~rec club met at the hnmo or ::\tr~. : J.nh~lIn Chnmbrrs ;llond"y. Mrs. Ethel Wheeler of lllller Cit\' was the !:ue~l of ~Irs. .:11"" Good. llrs. ::\Ian" (:r~er 10 ... lslUnl:' rclat!,·p~ aml Crlemls In CRlro. The mcmhers of U.e :\1. B. S~"'-, Inc circle will f<'ndel':l. gran" prollr.lm! an,1 supper April :6. E. A. Blak"n1an, l'l'esl<lcnt; Jull" Do\'oe, sccretao·. Th~ Courteree <:Iuh nnd trustees or St . • 1nme!! A. lI,E_ churCh will giv~ a rally lIlnrch 3Q. '·HeW" Smith. presIdent; Ida l..atham, secretan·.

CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILl... The Rev. R. T, Shells. mlsslon"ry ot

lite Bethlehem "".o~laUon. prea.ched at Shiloh naptlst church Sunday. The Rc\', ::Ilr. Safford of St. James C. ~I. E. ,*",rcll prenchpd :tt the Free BAptiHt cllnrch Sundal'. The It~\'. J. W, AI~:-t­'lIIdvr tlne,1 Ih" pulpit for th" R.,,,. n. ':, '\·ea".,r ~lInd"y nl!:"1 at Pl\yne A. It. I::. church. \Ylllilun Shnw I~ on

~~ep~~c:. '!~~I ~~~n n):O~t~IlJ;'''~~$~ it~ Ihe Der~nder.

ROCK ISLAND. ILL, ;\1"", Charle~ '-""ghn of ElY,la. OhiO,

WIlS cnUed her., to the "edsl<le of her muthcr. :\trs. Ann:t, :\100n, or '~6 Four­t~cnth St. :\Ir. )llIlon Bush left re­rently for Ue" :I[oln"., where he will sp"ntl n ~ew day" witll his daushter and fo.mlL)· en route to llexlco. aft,,!, ~pendinF: the winter with his dau!:hter and family, :'\1.,... H. A, Drown. here. :'\!0ge BI;g~ ot Knnsas City. who has been lIere on account of the Illness ot llr~. LouiM \'auehn. SO. Sl:o;th Ave .• Ims r"tumed to hlft home, :\1 ..... J. B. l'rewMer. Gl~ S~x .. nth St •. h .... returnc<l (,<lm .Chlc81l0. ",her" $ile mode arrange­m .. nls with th .. Home and Aid soclell' tllere'for the adoPtion of JllllU6. Jr .• an ele\'ell montba old. baby boy, AIrs. J.

ONARGA, II-L. Mr. and llrs. I.~e Jones and ;>'!r. and

1.1 ..... Clinton ~:Im('rc mlf,nt TUNldny and ,,'cdnesday of IllSt week "1,,Wnli at tile homo of :.1r. Jones nnd "trs, t::lmorc'8 parents. Mr, and ;\Ir.. W. H, Jone". ~Irs, Elmarc "'liS rormerly :Oll"s !>tab,,1 Jones. ...1.... ;\Inrnarct ScaCI>~ \s ... erY slcl;. lIUss"" l::..ther Se"1:1:5. Helen Sc:>1:G's o.nd lillie LeRoy While aro .I<-k with lh.;, l11t:a:;,}C.s; nl~o Ch..vUe Jones· chll~ren. !ll .. ~, Roberts ha" returned to hor home .... ftcr spendlpg a few month~ In Chlcasn. Lor" SCD.j;!fs spent SILtUT­.h.~ with hla mother. who I~ very sick. C:1rl WnUacu of Champalcn \'iSlced hIs p:tr~nl" here sunday. ;\1~, J. C. Craig spenl S.1Iurdll)' In Glhson CilY visit In!: ht~r r-arcnUC. Tllc H~v. lIt'. Davis. " at th~ A. :It. t::, churCh ~Inrch 2. morning and ",-enln!;,. Chllrlle Smllh of Glhson spent 1\ "Oul,le ot day" with his friends.. :., ... o.nd ~1"", 'W, U. Jon" ... Mr. Smith Dnd ~tr. Jones had. nOl seeD eneh other tor twenty y""rs,

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Mar 29, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A3~========================~~=-~------------,-----~--------..--------


JOPPA, IL.1.. n ..... :1 11 "am!,!, l~ft !':"turd", fnr

"rula .. kl 1n flll hi- , .... t ,,1 d,,1\ ",.,. ""'nnl,. Fl1U lent"" "n~ T. tl Ttlf'ti frnm "" .. YiWld 1{. "Ill B..,..<lI, )-n for GA.l'"' lnd~ l • ..t \\ ,-<,1c 'Th" FUI'P r ,,1 ~rN ~n;:op 1'"" Rrit ana ("'oln" 't.,mpi<

""'all ",~JI Iltt,.nCltlod ~at11r"'" 11 JIbt Th,.. La"'l..... .0.1<1 ru .. t nt "1.19r Jr-I .. llh e and .n!1f'r 1 t lIf,,"''::'" z.:h ~M .... 1\ t\\ 0-.(lonurt'___ lunrh ~11" lnd ~1 rc (l'lt<."3r .Adam,. b&\'r nto\('d tnt,.. th, 1 nmp '11"', ~\ltm ,"I'll an(t .",~ rnnni"" ;:::tamlfS. mntor-... d 1 ... t"h<mb In 1 ;ntrntl tho'-1,,.dsid,.. nr ';\1N' 't1n:'l' ... r'k ~1"'''' \,; In .. nt.. F". ul1.-nl>r "a <.; tn '-I t onnl ~ c. hop "htl:' ~A"'u!"da'\: "'r , t1 ~,r;c: ') nrk ".,,. tor .. d t... 111,.. ('ount,-' "t ndn' Th .. ne' J lolm~ .. n I. f. f r n,,3.7. ,n 1\11 hl$ nost of dut~ '''If''re h ... I!; in cll::nGe

GRANO CHAIN IL.L ~uorne, Chnrl~s 1 11 i("" f f' :\lound

(""AU W',~ In th .. Hi,: a (. \\ ttn'~ OJ;G Th" H" J ,1111 \\ Ish I urll or k"AA~ 1\:aM :I \ lIdlor f{. tit.. C"i(\ l:tfo::t \ ... ~k TIu! np,\: ll. nU'~ \lh n,1'\\'onh f\fe;Jch.,...J nn Jnter<"9tinl: s rmon ~undrh llf'lll JennIe "\,\,,~hbltrn Is on llle F\~k 11", !tot"' DfOlilab t\ hn ':1'" \ e n '\ rl. Ul 1" ." '"' rnu,h't-d Th.. n, I H .mllton lUI-tor of 'h" \ It E (hUf("h '"lounds. 111 \\::\;1: n 'i~t""r her. " .. In~>'da,

SYC.AMORE. II..L Bf}~nt C:d.h,dl j( CideRI''' \\al' a

~,-camor .. 'lsltoT la.t Samrda. 111"5 Dora :1 arluln. \\ 110 baa been Y"!7 alell.

HOOClES PARK ILL Th~ 1I~' Jar" Johnson or JOp"A m ""nduct~" few nll,I'l meetl,,!':. ,,~

th" F \\ n ,hurch ~t .. Jo.t" " II lace "ho hu" lJ,ell III 1. \1111 fa' Inc: as "I"" Is 11Ii~ Collins Dr It )\ '011' Ii "a5 " .. 11 .. <1 to Ill .. b~dtilel" or \\ IIII"m~ CQlllns and G \\: Smith '\\lto Dr~ \ er.) III lU.s Blanch .. 1~,lr"1 .nt M!\er.ll .. h,), "Ith ~I. and ~lr~ liur" K) I" ... , lloundft IlL ~Ir~ ~Iar' I ale of San dusk~ III "AS the I'UC5t of :'1f.. Julia Johnson J.: dsar Dc' OT~ h HI been 011 tile ~Iek lI~t IL H Itob~rt. ha. ,;one to Columbu. K, )1.... lIarper 'fs!l~d rd.thu In CalTu The n., \ 1':' MIt ... 1I I ..... r;one to hL .. churCh at Elrd. Point :\\0 'The lt~\ J '\~ l'nrks and ,...(~ Attended ,cl':ular per. I""" at St James \ l[ ~ chure\! :sun da~

GREENFIELD ILL Fun., .... 1 s T\'C"'~ fOr lh~ late Hdlr~

Thomas DUnran "rr. helll" ~nC!'sda)O morninG' tr'Oln the l"re:sln: t~rian church In charce of t.h~ uatit,or- llr DUn-..:an

~.:"'e~.f.h.~~ a~;,~I:nhWt':,~;: o~10~I~e~~ho na)M lI~ "as the gOn of La" son and Rhoda Duncan lind \~~S born In \\ nr r\!n count) Tcnnesst!e Jut} I"" 18'14 lie I. Fu.-I'cd b, h 5 "Ir, IMher a ~tep mothotf' fOUT sbn,cn and one hrOlh". Tbo~e \\hn ntt .. nd d the fu neral from a dlftt ", .. ., \Hre ~I"" Fan nle "I1I<1n. and daushter ~Irs ~!~!;J;le C'lIruUl~r" :\Ir and :\\rs Rolland J! '" Cttn llt1<. 1- dlth Ja .. k .... n ::'h!l.~ )lId. Une lIh::km:tn an I ~I~ rle 1 up... al or St Louis lIn lies .,linnl. smith and .on Ctaren." of Carrollton Rich ud Clark of O1rrollt"n wati ,,:\U~d h< re TJt"sua) ()n account o( lbe; death or It Tbomas Dunenn liT" jU,hert \\ ard or Allon III ~p nt the ""cl< "lib lIT" Cor 1~lIa St.",ard \\ 110 makes ",,­hom. "\tll th" Camll> of" Claude nurkhllrdt lire les e Rurkhardt .. n t .. Tlalll d at dltlh~r r ",enll. ror :\Ira )t(lt ert ,\ IiIrd of Alton (.01;(!rJt" f"f'P

laid rn. In ll.. Cord9UII. St .. ""rd R \,pn de1tJ:httnl dlnn~r p.,rn r ff

"~ntb ror ~IT' I (lb. rt \\ "r<l of Alton "Ir' .J""~le Burkhardt rer .. I"., \\"rd tll!ilt " .... k of the rnaITlaJ.;~ of ~li!'..!l Aim" Grl\\ce "llIll1ms nn<l Chde A.. nuekn~r or Ollumbln llo "hlob oc­"urr<'<\ Marcil 4 at tho! humc or the brltle. :llr" Bueknpr "Ill Ie r"mem­m-r .. d ", man. !<Inc .. she \ I.lted here" numb •• of tlllles It Ih~ home of :\Ir$ Burkhardt lIra nuc:kner l~ a t(>a('h~r In th.. I'DDt:I""" ""hao) at Columlill :loIn; t;:ordt>lUl :51e" :It'd ,\,'1Ut a lJu~ln\:.s!l \i~ftor In \Iton Jast \\ eek

MOLINE ILl.. lI .... DoW" O'er"lreet of Roek IslAnd

~"' ~nalll .. 1 lll~s Len .. " !fOR ell o( Oe­trolt ~Ir 1i:r:lIner of Knlls3" Cit) H I!"~t<'r nnd ~\ Tl,om." or DA \ "nport to~'\n to a fh~ ('ottrst! turkt-v dinner at ht:r' hnme :\lunda'\

DANVILLE, ILL TI,e Srcond lJal'tldt cllur .. h has

~Iarlffl " r",hal "JIll llr Britt or Lou\" Ule h' leadlllg the sln!;lng and Ih. nt', "I,. t nder"wd of G .l~sbun: dolnl:" the pr~a"h[llt; John Aller. "as '1 \lshor to Uloomlnl':\on Qul~e a "um leT or tbr L."tb;:!Ilez. Faint club m..-n"il r'!l ~n<l fri< nds .. tt~nd~d the put or :\[r:.. !'cuU III 11< nnr of :\11'5 Cecelia ,~IIIIi\m~

~r.. Cl~~:;'dlli~gr."lIl1l Ait~~~~IS~~~~'~~I~t bet"n of the Lal~sc:t Falr~ club '\\.er9'! t tt!~"'nt ;!nd f!nttt'talntd at tne home or 11 s~ Cecelia. "lIIlam' M Is~ Della (\prk:son ha.~ all au..aek of influe-nza The "'lien lfethodl .... burch has started a re\hal

OL.MSTEO IL.L.. The n", llr ~'1II0,. of C.urler l'lII"

hrld .(r''''.8 at the \. ~l F. ~hllrcll SUnd", the R" ~J r U nd ..... on 0( 1 ~nllll:. rr .. ,. .. hlnt; ThO' 1 e~ :lfr Dot

~n ~~tpt:"S'n~\\ha9 tr;n '~~~i.~h~rU; ~;~l~h~~r" J~~~I~ler~I,,~I~~~~~t.:hel~~~~ Andl'r""" ~ cl:mt:hhter 15 hue ~lsIUn!; II r Flcl moth .... :II,.,., :-.mUe ~la\""H3Ilt "r Is 011 tl .. sick list. lIrs Slmp"on llr '\ nn,l\ k~ and ;I.Ir !>Iatbl. of :\iound .. call~d tn s"" JC5.~e ~1ay""ath" Frida. Joe Coollet' \\:a:l In our 10\\:11 "'~Iur'la~ ,I.hlnl:' Chum Cooper !.I ... .. no :'.1.. \\ 31ker ,,",lied on :!.Ir C'lar ,nre nr." n Snnda\ fol:' dInner "Irs. na\~ ~1ft('l1etl nlld no ... t4! ::\10!!iS 11ft- ~t5 IIlnl:" :'1"" B<>1l Dro"" lit's .J .. ssle ThnmpR..,n \\as :\1,.::; Chum C(lQpeT 5 FUf\!IOt ~und(\y e'it nlnG' :\]i!;g Hattie Garrl~n or llound Cit \ j- h r~ ,,_lUng­rc atht>< :\lrs Chum Cooper ....... In Chi." FrIlA' \I~ltlnl:' .tster and l.nUI / r Jolmnle O-.r,l) of Olms!pd nR" 111~ J;:ueqt of :\lJ~~ ~Iar'): D Bro'" n J"as 1 "rm.,.. nr ).t()und City \\ as In our to" n ".!l[n;:" friends !IIr. Joslt~ Johnson of (It":\lld Ch"ln \"'9 a "lIe.t of ~IIM \ In pie !<('Olt S'lnuaJ ~!l~s Ihttl., ))oRson rtf Olmt..-d \\:29 marrif"d 13:"{ ,~eck in ... found Cit, to llr "'n~"d or Cairo III """'l"~ 1'111,,1; of lfound <.:.t~ \'''S visit ... g his o>other Sunday

BROOKPORT ILL :\Ir~ B.,a.trlct:' ~Thro of 'lllrion III

i- in tt,. (lit) '\ i'!ldtfn~ frrend!l> :\trs ~"ttl~ Ilolhn~ r~turne.l from cnrlon rlalf~ a~com .... ani"d 1 \; he rnl..cpc :\lr!C :n,.#ttrf~ IJe1f"'rl'l rutton John"on ~n J "If.. (f Lo, }O' III n~" \ I~I, In!: /rpr raTf'nt, '-trw t..c\'l Atston and llr~ 1 !Ill .. Fo.~I., "d'~ ~Isltltl::: :\Tn r r "1m" Sundo.' ~!r an I :\Ir_ 1 hlllJ"l Sun m~r!.'li '\,\t!'rp Padul ah '\'i~it()~ r"f" "(-uti, "\lr~ Birdlp "\tooT"land of Chi raJ:o 111 {'I;t;C'!It("tl thrtlugh thp- dh en Mill .. to \.;1I1"n\ Ill~ III TriNe 'l'ct"rcU "r l!:Ik.llh TIl Is, I.Wm:: his p.~r""I' I ~re :\Iarlon Jol nC'on t~ lli;.uf(#'ring rr4lm a. hral\1 n root :\10' Annl~ J pnu~h ('rt) nr this ("ih dt parted (ronl thhli Uf~ :\laTch Glb I\t b<'r hom.. She le~'(.'I; a l>,,~b.nd "n<l ~11< ~hll<lTen-nn'co" John Clau Ie IIn'M I.llt"~T and OrU ell an I one )'lstE-T llTI't "" fa qlms and ststt r In I,m liN! C C " .. ndnll of C'l", " l.nll Ohio to mourn h<!r :\Ir~ ,.. r, I att~rtiOn an I hld" ~lorrlR of p~ n" .. "h K' alten,I,,<. th. fUncral Ilf :\1r!Ot Anflh" Dall,:hf'Ttv Re\' J n ll. em" and \\ If.. )fr~ Laura Lonl': lind Prine" n II n( ~I"tr0r.0l S Altond .. d thp runeral of !'.Irs \nn e Daush .. I' Th"'" on the ~!ck lI.t are "\1.... :Sol,. ",m~ ~e~cle :\10011 llo8~ l!artln and D~Iflah Ask .. "

OUQUOIN ILL Groma Cutn: rh:ht OInd ltr~

t\ Ullum 'H T. quleth morrj.,.f home nr th" I rid" >iatuT<lay nl!;ht :\1,.. "lar) Smith "UPPed nil I fell from h~r dt>Or step :\lunda, 1 r~aklnlt on .. of her rn s A J;rt n t f'c'\: hal mc('>t\n,:: HJ in prog-Tel'll nt tll~ "It. 011<", U,'lUIl"l Cllurch Re. G ,\ Dar""" l'I\'tor II" 1& 1><lnl': nl h "."IMe.J I, R"~ J D nn.\f~ "nd ,,'IItI~m O ...... R of C"lp nev Po It Johnson 01 ~l .. nlphjs T"nn I~ h. rc and rr~n~hed} .. t thi> :\\1 7.lon Rl<pllot Church I" [lloon h,,~ JluTch!\!CI!f'ofl n n~w car Clarence nn 1 1 ral Clam h'1' C ,,"rcll'~NI a nell c.r :\1f"1 Carrlf'! Pitman antI lter husbanl'1 of St t.o\Jt~ I\T~ hf're lh~ snlf\~ts of the fOTm\!'r. 'nt)tl)t~r :\1Nl H l\ n~n Ct!' <-iii" Jock'nn "n' cnll~d to 5t l..ou[~

EL.KVILL.E IL.L. ~!,.,. 1 CUTS or Puquol" " ... " 1\ ,i'lto­

hl'r~ rC("f'n th: \1\ ersle ::\f\: ~rs "',j nt to ~r"ontl3Je f(!c4!'ntll Jaunt ~ I rrn·ll and f_",\1"1 !Smith motored to l)u I\lOm The I'arl~ qh~n at lhe Sn1ith ~ Slm,,"tln car.. In hono, of lfl'~ F. dna I IIilUllS nt Dfiu1Tlai"~ "a~ fl J:'ntnd BUt:: ess l.rrs Fila 11 Tho,"p."n h. I ml rn\ lnG", ~ IIlIe Ff'",~U He-nr.. Chnmhn~s Emnl~t ~<in(>e ~nss f (ltha ~aI1tC And l,,:,ura ftldlnl:ttlD I\\H,,\'o the dane" In nIl "1101,, ~c\oMlI .lll\'l; I\~Il ~!r" I.u~) "III/am- I- ,1.ltln;:, In "1ful."ll'nl "

;: 8~~!!n ";:~'d~ ~U1~~~~c~~'d\~fT1 t" Carhondnlt' last \\Cf'k :\1r and ~r8 n \ 1'rl"" I!:II" It"dd hel" p"" 1\1 an,1 ~!!"" F. :If Trl<:" mo\oT.l to PU'lnoln to ,I-It the TIr,mn hO'pllnl 1'h., \H'rc J",,,"ts or Alfon-o Cro.. Tln'<''' It Hams "n.~ an \nna. \: ' .. (tor f.-cent!\: n", F. D "allln:: po.tor of Ihe \ M V. ell"rch 1\" I 'T \ ("n)e01 on '" tpnded th .. dl~trlN "nnf(f~nee In :\Int toon \. Io!r('at nttnthf>t" or th,. mf' nl '-r!ll: il( .h .. \ If f church Il!MOreel In ror lH\nnal ... Sundit'- tn :It(f'n i ru:ut ..... h met tint:: lJoract' f P.nrnl'r \\:n~ R rc c(lnt '\ {.{tor to OUfJuoln :\trc \ CoIro man \\ 3!f H r<' cnt '\' ff(itor tn n I(lunfn 'J' "<'rrell -""Ilt A. CN' do \ & ,n Ken tlld" and '''tUhern IIIlnol. :\1<0 1 P :-':,,(lInc: " .. " .. \\s \0< \0 Catut)!\u.,\\e last '\H.:e~

COUL TERV'LI..E ILL T!l.. n." l! I PArnell l"",nr or

llL 7.lon HaptlH <-hurch '13ft reolgned And b: {'Xl .. clirt'J,; to ~o ~orlh In the near ru"'ur~ ltrJ' ltAJ:'a::le ,\ Uhnm'"

;;:rO I~~" d~~['::' ~nc';~~ ;:'~Ulhrc:;'o" e:~'; I ;~~~~~M ~~~~d~~l~~~~ lrl~n;';lf~hD~r:!" 1 con"s 11rthd:n She" tis: !\. ,ear!' o1d

H\mln~~~~r~(J~f h:~f{)rJ>~~J::I~:~~ :l1pU~:~ I t1f ,- 1 Thl'! It('\ E PnnnroU f reat hed

~'Oh~Jh~~ ~:~. ~ ila.J.~f~~; ~fnd~~. I t~ndlR;: the hoard meeUnl: ~Irs Janln Carne' r-ctuTnt.l'd hom4'! last \\ef<},; ,'Ith ~lr'I lra~Sic \\ ,Ilia ms F re 1 >iulll~ an

~;"';: "O.r.;1r;:c'b"i:'[I.t~" Sr~.,'j~jn~a~:e.:'~j:: t~.-In In" In n~" malll 11\ Goldie Bro" n \ Ish.,d home folk~ la9t l' .,.k ~Irs E ~ OI"gl>Qrn .1l~llt the week ~n lout of to"n I ... t "e"k ""It I Ua\ I. ~~tuTned to Coulter,llI!! lru;t week Rob Clark and \\ m Curti. "cre pasc"!,:er. to 51 Louis last \\eel<:

GALESBURG IL.L ~rrs Jull' (;r< en., ent"rtalnN\ at din

n_r liT. Ituh~ :lUtrhpll Palmpr of )'flnn",\Jlnll~ an :lr,.,. lIn!' lark~on "t th" I om., or :'of.. D,ke \\ 1111'101- The deacone<s hoard or \!len <hnne\ ""'~ a .:rCf'n An I chfUe-rUnt; pUlwer :\[on dn~ nll:h1 "hlch \\I\S n nnnn"I,,1 ""C ('~,;s Hora,.... S Scurn WIlS in Cht l1U:O anti Mil'" n.UkN~ for a r~" dnvs lnJ't "~f'k ::\tr~ Flnrent"e narri.r; t-n "rt .. lned II" Tllhnl [e Clrrle Fr"\n~ ll.... !;'u~l .. Uu .. l ent<rl.l\ln,,1 tlw :Ills ~lonnn: "'etelt:t'\ oj the ~t confl 1l1l)\tJ"t thur~h ThurF la~ The mcn of the Bill terfh: cluh ItTHcrtnlne(, th" ,,: h es <tn" N,\\(\'elh/flrtfl ut the- Se\\mc: c1uh , .. ltb " Sl 1 "t<I~k ,lInller at Ihn hom .... r !'>fr and :\1..,. !;eo G F' I<'h~r The tylfln .. ntcrtatn(!cl tlu \\ om n or thft> ~!ml rn Prl."III" Fane, \\ or!: ~!ub nn \\ "'In~~ lA~ '1t Ih" I om of ~\r nn,l '-1rA Jobn nona' hmu 1'h .... 1(>:'1' '(!onr ~If~n~f'" c:h ~n t \ ltp\' J \\ t..... t nder

WATSEKA ILl.. Th~ • Stork St ~cI.1 left" -on at

).Ir Rnd "Ir. Ollie \\,,,,d\\arn. home "n "alnut 8t ~lotll~r and bnby ar~ dolnlt nlcel\ :\Irs Crnee Darlington h .... r,.tllrn .. d rrom " \ In Chi<:nI:O "[r~ Dom em Ingt<," Is Imnrodng from n IhTDJU nU;t(*}c ~tr :lncl ':\!rs n.'\v­mond \\ II." .. of F IrlM'" 101\3 are Ih Inl( "IU. th.. :llorrl~ ("mil) On :I(ul beTn!';t "111 Jnlln"on "pent Sunfla~ In Chic,. ... " th~ I"UN't nf hl~ olst.... :\trs T~em"\ Jon~'C l,n~~ EUuheth Jnhnson nr F{) ll-th ~t t~ rt'~n\' f rir,,: from an npPTntinn At the lrnquol-t h(l"p.tal :\trs Harr' \1 RId .... or SioUx Clt< I""... l~ ,1~lIln~ her sl.t~r "Irs. Anna Bell of !':t Anne Franklin :.rorrll' \\ ell knn" n dtlz~1I of 1111" cit.. ,U.-d ~rareh 1 at hl$ home a(le ... btlel lIlnes"

CAIRO IL.L -:\lrs Ida. "t\ ... 1IM. B:unett ;a, f'lrormn~nt

rlnb \.\:omnn of ChlC'al:(\ :\(ltlr ... ~st'd the ,ot"'" or the ell\ lIoml'" .. ll:'ht st Ihe Sumn"'r hl:;"h ~ch(1nl The m~f'tln'J: ~~1'1 l ... ltt nnrif'f the :UI«;pU"C',; of th,.., "\ nt~s "omnn s f'lnh 1"h~ Rc\: J J 01he Th n", " It 1'"lk and th .. n .. , T. A \\,a't'r hn'\'#t! r"'ttlrn('d (rom Chicago

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Apr 5, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 17


OLMSTEAD. ILL. ;,~~~ ~1 .. rrl~t>athl'T dll'd :.tarch IS,

Tb~ funt'ral " .... :, .. Id ,Marm :0 from r'J't' .. \\ 111 UaIIU!"t chul'('lI. Uti:': Re\. A 1- !llol1:'an. offklllllnll: He '\\aJ!I" mem-1_ of th" 1\1 .... onlc lodl;". The ltC\, A. t. ::\torw"n "1'010" at U... Fr-N! "'III,t ",hur..h <>n ThuT"da) e\ enlnfl', :Mllrd,:!O li"tl .. Coorer lti on the lilek 111'1. LodJt Kelly Iii iIIkk.

DANVILLE. ILL. .MIss nl'lill CAnnon chaJ'l1llngh p!rtrr'

talnPd the La'''I<i:& FalTe club Thul"lidal ot',("nlllJ: at hP'/" hom ... H):~ Robinson SL. and al"o a of J;u''IIt,; "'eTC •• re .. • .. nl. The hOlJl .. tili " .. ",M! a '<'11' dt'lIg!:it­ful two·CQur..e lun.-Jlron. :'UliS 1."'1'" Ucrk1'On \\ It,. 114111 bc.'t n 'lUll" ill I" much fm,.",,,'" )In< Ella :;u,\\aTd of :!\:onb St. II< (Iullt> til )Ir and :'lr ... nalph Artll.t ... f Ul!<'Atur. III aTe .. 1,,· IU~ ",llIthe" In nobln!'!)n ,!<~

SPARTA. ILL. The n", J If HI!;'I:lm. T<!urn"<J Frl­

da~' (rom !llauoon. III. "h. 1' .. he a.· tendPd U, .. A !II I: dl"trl't ''Vllf",r''n.'" ::\lr. Jlnd JIll">< l ..... ur. n('t' lIn1\a ... 1 of ~t 1 ... ul .. "I>ent :snt utda) :.,,,1 SUlld,,, bete. tll .. G'Uut of fri"nd~ ;\In, J;mlh Itan­dlell l .. rt :>.alurda) for .,:.arwmJal, to .. il'lt hn :0-1""1. l' :>1"" l.uln Uurgelt 31,.,. lo-"Ii,;t .. ~Illdlson or Kan .... s Cll~. !tIo. ~rrn'".~ 114 . .:1". "*.-drh !o'da,,. ba~·in.; l.e.m .. ",llrd un "'<"'<'um .. I tb~ .lIn<'"" u{ 1.·"1" d .. u,;bt .. r. ;\11'>1 J"m,," \\ .1 .... n )IT'" ::\1:.dllHllI" dauJ:ht'T :\Ir- \1111" KIn­kaid, ;\lr1' Julia P.IO,th: of Kall""" Cit)_ lin< nUll! K .. nnrd, and \\.11 \\'11""n "T" al~o .. t !loIn< \\"I""n'" bNttld.. Th ... R~\ I' B ).'reJl"h left Tu.'l'da~ to at. t~Tld a m,..,.Um; of tlle :llount QII\ et llaPtbfl eXt:,euth" Loard b .. ld In lIarr,s­burg, 111 \l.or.;',· ;tn" Rob<'rt :lhtcll .. U 1.-1't Sundl!) for l't J.ouls tn join th" f:t Lout" Sca~ haik.\Ua~J t.anl "nb

• ,. hom the,' "ill 1.lll~ tll" scal'On !\Irs G..rtrude Fn.uer 4nd daughh l' :llabel '\\:~rc -pat;'!Il., n;:(>T'ti tt) ( .... ht .... '1. r Thu~d.a' ~:nI l"uclnd.. .\ It. II and ;:; ....... <1. hlldren "<E'nt to .-/I,M"I ".'<illl"d,,, ,:\11">' !\1nT) .luhn""n aud IItU .. >'011 ~Ulnl"): or C.,nu-alla are her., ,Iflillnl: h.r moth .. r nnd olh .. r r .. lath .. ~ Silo ul ... , \ l>Jted the bOOs Ide ot hc-r .'unt. Janl .. Wllllon, )Ira E\'a AdamI< Jon .. " r.-tumt'<1 to h"r home in SL lAuls afl'r "JlcndlnJ: !'C\· "!nIl cta' ... At the hom.. o( tu r "'i"t"r, )lra John a .. ,auford :l.Tr anti lJ.... I. :MItchell j:,n e It far,,\,"11 .lIn"...,. h honor of Gcnl1:" and nnl ... n ;,lIt('} ... 11 :Mrs. B4!rtha B4!'auford II' .. ht.. to I ... out .apln a't"r ,. "" ... r .. ,01lo;1II1I." H"" .. 11llel', :!\IrE Goldi .. ~ntlth. I~ .ml'r'" Itl/:: Th .. Flnot FTeP J'I.'lrtlst <'Imr,.h '" hold­InJ; a rfl~h'&L th" n", 1) Broun ot St. Louis .om .... 'lnJ: ,l1.... 1;"1'"1,, nn-am or St. r.ouh. Is h .. r .. 'J,,'tlnJ;' frl .. ods and

'retath4!t' r:.d no&,) m"t dCAlh !ltonda) b)' a fall ot t<lat.. at '\'Il"""'~ min" C,()ton .. r Ll'<tl>r h .. J,t tI ... In(jut'!'t "ltb • JUT) <'If Ita..... men-\\'Uh .. m :\!-cklln Olto Penn). ltRh'b J ....... nd others-and a ,,,,tdl .. I of a('cld.ntal d.ath "'U! t"!'il. d"red. The Ad~ant'<'d St""aTde,,' board met at th .. hom" of :\11'>' Ida !llndi·on. pouth of town, Tu .. ~da) l..onnl., lllt.-h· ell lett "·fOdn .. -..da3 for Pc" moln .. , 111. Gil business. •

BLOOMINGTON, ILL. A mafia meetln,. \tAlI held at tbfl

'TNrd Orl"'!lIn ,.hurch l-t'mdlw in the Int"l't'~ of th.. pl:IVgTouud mo ... ment !\tr .'tw .. 11 "II" th" prinCipal f<p"ak"r. "11''' r.rn,. .. \\ IIIl"mlf. "ho und .. n\t'nt an 0l .. 'nUon at SL ;,o ..... ph·1< hO"J'lltal. I. Im!,ro'ltll: nl('t'ly :!Itt'S XAr<ls!'uh GtH'n. '" I'i()n~ re5id .. nt of 11'ls ... 11'1.'. "al< tall .. n flud"'.>nl\ III .. t h'r 110mfl SatuTda~. Th" A (" B 1<'''l:u" ot ,,'n,­man .-hApt"1 I~ JlreparlnJ;' to hold a SI."ll. tnc match April 1 at tlle churrh The N • .A. A C. P b"ld It", monthl~ m .... t­Inl; lit Fraternal llall )tonda, "\c"nln,:: Tbl' dlslrl~ m~tlng of 1he FtodC!'rntM Club.. ("On ... ~n~ lIere Thur .. d,,~ and Friday Mareh :!~-,!!8, at th .. ~Iount I'is­~all Daptl1,{ church. :!Ilni '-ktorl1 Thoma" 'l'T'<'&ld.... lItns. }';)Izabeth Llnd>J", 11a .. 15 nf ChicaGO one of UI" 1l)remO><t ""ml'n nf our ltR("f' nnd a promln .. nt club ,u,man. is tn the cil) att .. ndlnl:' til" "'h'trlel m...,Unl:' :i'he I .. the gue!!'t of 1h .. n('~, And :-.1 ..... S. n Jon"" Til.. Re .. ' C It Beckham of Srtrlngfi .. ld \\111 ~Un) th.. pulpit at :Mount 1'11<I:"h &ptl .. t cllu'l"('11 :;unda) "Ir!<. !""\8d~ James bat' TO'CO.".,...d from lIer rt'('t'nt iIln"''''' !\1ts. llab"l Hmd ... r. 1'0n hill! 1I .... n nddf'd to th.' C'Ol'plJ of tl'a .. benl or "'a\man .. hal ... 1 f;unda~' " .. bo,,1 Th.. Uor.lD!I S ... " In:: e\ul.. of "'n~man rhap!'1 mt't "hh :ll.,... 'Martha 'Thoma .. Tu .. l"dlI.,\· aftt'rnoon Aft"r th .. m"",tlnJ: A dalnn lun"h<e<>n ""1If! sen .. " lItn. r:mlh' Wlt .... n of S. )!:atot St Is f'Uft'erln,: "hh an attn .. k of rh .. umatlsm. 'The n .. ,·. S H .lon.... And Geor,:: .. Thomas ar .... tVndln.r til .. dl1<trlet con­f...,..,nCf> at Pontlar A lar,::'! number of (I.lflll"lt"fi and '\ "4'''tII ar .. ~Xl"'Ct<!'d In tho cit) to att .. nd Ule dl:5trlet m~Ung

quoin ,.llIllOr recently. The Pastor's Aid of the A. :!\I. E. cburch .::aV4 a ~"ndld procram lit arch :!:: ~'Onducted t",:!\I1'2I D 1::. !l:a!llnc- MOl, £113. Redd !\ Islt..... her ItOn. Alfunllo Crolili. "ho Is l.'Onllntld at Urown l1ollPltJIJ. Duquoin James Brown \\IIS a ,1sltor here re· <:enU~. WiUie ~I).,", oC St. Loul". "Ilo Is "laIUn" In DUt,luoln,'"penl Saturda) her. •

ELGIN, ILL. MI'II. Viola \\"h""1~ gate a ~clal

Frida)' nIght (or tbe ben"'lt of tho !Sec· ond BaptiSt "hurch Joseph Garrt>lt :spent Sunda) In Uatavla HobeTt Gar­u:tt 'ilJitcd 11111 Idster In Elgin Sun~. The !". _I\.. A. C, 1'. ""Clal "as 'Or) sue· cessrul last ,,~k l'hlllp Jobntion and Eugene "·bet'l.,r had lonG' dll,tanC'e ra­dios InstaUrd la"t ",e!!.'k. Tile \'ounl> 101en',, BulJin_ cluh "'111 meet Thuno­dlt) nl~ht. !\Irs.)1) rUe LUC'll1l Ia <.-on·

~;~il"~nfer )~ra1'e:.n~I'2IJo::I:t Ja~~"t'rf:' \\. rdn~a)·. The cblldren of Gf!'On;e Smith ha\e been qunr.anllnl'd ",!til th .. mumps. !ltl's. Sadie 1\:011) spent Sun· day In Chicago. :lII'2l, Janie Foster ot ChlNI:'O '\ Islted :lIn Elta ~lae ::smltn and mother.

JOLIET. ILL. ll ..... A"'. \'<:ntrt>:<" and :llrs II I.

n .. o!ord. :63 CI~"I .. nd A"e. are on the "iI .. k 11"1. ~lr" Ada Trible :03': State l"t, hall! gone 10 SI Louis to DUt'nd 1'01'0 ('OU"ge. Tbe :\Ute )tlt\"lonat~ had a delightful meeting at )Int Che:.Un"·,, IIl:m~I"n. :14 'fork A ... e. r"cenlb. The

~[;.~n;h::::::aI;a':JI !:!;;'~!'~~:It ~~~~!" ~!s~ \\u k Tpe ~ .. "' <,hltl,..l on Dtlll.lalne!! ~t Is condu('tln~ r .. ,·l\al set\ h,,·~ ('hllrlell Cun!" ot ,,'ulton, !\to. I" nut!;· Inj: JoU", hi" home for' the Ilt ...... nt. ,l'It'tt .)taT) l'leat;llllt of Cblcago educa· t10flltl board "'111'1 In Joliet r«'Centl~ 'W"ham G""ton Of ).'mnldlll St I" on tn .. ~I. k lI ... t. Hro"n ChuI,d !lUt .. ;\n,,­.. Ionar' lIlt't al !Ill'll J. r'"Ulson s on 'ork A~e. Frldny, :lIAf('b:!- Tfust" .. ~Id Irll\e An .. nt.'n"lnlll .. nt at .)Ir .. D 1)1I~ ton II hum.' 01" U<'''1'18Ine'' St. Th., sara .. bapel C. :ll ... : "hureb hilt! (nk.-" In 26 n .. " memb.'rs fnr 1.aptlFm. S.'nd .. 11 )OUT ne"" to Alonzo HU1SOII

GLENCOE. ILL. !IIr" i'i)!\.,,,t<r llll1~ 1m',' a SUrpTlII"

bIrthday pall) Oil h...,. Im~band ')larch 1: Th.' UcucunM' <luh ga'C 11 banquet .. nd .. nt"'rtainm~nl .\lar.h !!7 at tbe ,,',rst UallUH <lIunlt Th" l>0un,; peo­pi .. !;ll'<, a I'Rrt) .. t tit .. home of )In!. l.ottt. :>Nlbvm. HII )Ionro" St.. ..n Thutfldn) ", .'nllll= lll'!<. I.\::zle SIurdon I .... "th r('turnl'd In" .. th" bOllllltlll. \\ her~ .. h .. ulldLn'",nt lin 0l ... ratlon. She lti lmprO\ in!; ,I .. " h' ~lr Cral&, re. c. nth I<ft (or \\ :lrr. nto,fon. "a, to \ Is It III~ moth .. r. "I", .s III Thomas Brown. Jr. (If 4!S Ja('k",m A'I', "Ii" sudd"n!) 'all<'tl to !I:,,. uri. an" to \ Isll hi" 'ather. "ho !~ "r,' III llfll '\'oun~. a n ... mlA'r of th.. ..( nlor cholt ot tb" ,lh·thodl"t chur,.II, 1'''''''' nU, left for hdr lOll< hnm(' tn 'I-:''Dnl'ton Gt'Org.. Bar· p<r. \\"0 halO 1o .. ('n t..,nfln~ to tbe hos­plll',- Is Imp!'o\ Inj:; slo\\I\ )Ira Wru;h­i"glon. the mothet of )11'. Branch 011 ~Iont'_ 5t , pa!'lSt'd .v.,~ay Tuel.'da) mom,"!:

EAST MOLINE, ILL, t.,,~lIc ('U1.If' .. r Ea"'t llolln.. anti

CharllO! Gat"\\o<Vl ur ROf'k bland III. 1'ta!:'l'd a Tr·rltlC!'s talpnt mln!!'.rel "))0" n In Ollll.. • IlLI't Thur«da \ l' nd

F~:i":!' l~!fJ~': f~fo~~n,:lln~~~~unW~ 11'81:ul" .'mon:: th ... se <In the prol:l"am "f'rf' .. Johm,on. :r.:obtrt Strn:k­land and Wilhe .Jon ....

CAIRO ILL. Th.. fun .. ral of Tomm\ Turn .. , a

"'nTld war '''t''ran "as he).! !llondRv at the "'Ir~t Dantl"t .. hur('h, 19lh St, undf'T all~l'k(". of llom.n", Star Clmr." Aid "",It'h. n,~. J J Oh\e om"lated fllt"rm"lIt "..... at !l:ational c<'mdt'" n... r. K. "'llIIa mB "r~"ldent or tll"l XaUonal Haptil't con""IIt!on, addr .. " .... d tb" ~oteTli of Ih" cit" ,llundn night at th ........ "1 hOUF" ll,.,. FAith Houll' tnn nr C'h1,-aJ:0 ha~ 1 ... .,n In thl' elt' I I"" .. ral da,s on aN'Ount of t he IIIn('1<~ ...t h.r fll,h .. r. r."oTJ:" \\· .. l1on ;\r,.,. Ludic Da, Is "n.1 I'On l~rt ~aturd'l' r"r ('hlc .. go to ""end t\\O """kl> '\ ".11 I n.: r"lall\c" ;\tr.; Ada nef'T.ld or To· If'4o and tU<ka \\ 1lI1" or ~t I.nuls Mre III th ... l'il' '\ Isltlnt: "Ir and )11''' "·lil. 'on P~'lndoloh !ltr and !or,.,. "Iblntlo'{)lt aUt>ndM the fun"Tal of th .. lr sillter. BtI"n ~IA)'5. .. t Tr .. nton, Tenn Satur· <'Ia" lIlan\ oC th .. puhhe firhool t~ac))· ~M1 att"nd..., the f;outh<!:rn mlnols t' a .. h .. ,...· In"tltute ""h"'h ..... n~ .. nM at (".arl.l',"dal .. i'·rida,. Johnnie Jackson Is sick "Ith pneumonia.

church. ::\Irs Co 'V, Scates; sonl:' th~ choir. "elcome on I~half of mh'lIlons. :lfrll D. Bland, instrumental. G~rlrudtl 1.('" Sc.a.lC!',.; \\ t'1C'om" on behalf of the Sunday lO("hoo1. llrl< Braddock. sermon. Dr W. H Cart",r or Centralia. 111, welcome on hebalf of the A :lol £ church Van Z .. n. "elcomc on behalt of

;~I~ J Io'~'m:;:-~t; !:~r:!~e "c!~u~~hRI~Ir;f I'le Second Free Ual'lI"t eburch. Jam"" Crlm. "'llicome to tbe city. Judge C. It. Thompeon: charll" to tbe church. C '" !l:orment. llound~ !l1I1I11 Katie Kdle) oC :!Ilounds ,Is!tt!d bcr sister, llrs. Ar­menta Fltapatrlck. last ",eek and "'as taken seriously III, but Is abl" to re-turn lo .. chool this \\llek Waln .. !llorrl~ and HenrY Sha" vh!iltf'd !\Ir and lIT'S. Jo"ree· man Fltapalrlek SUndR) Quite a rous'

~~' mT:t.!:'t.a~\l1lJh!Wld f~~ont'l Springs of D<!:wmalne. 11\ :llrll Temp)' Ta) lor derarted th, .. life Tuellda\ e~ ". nlnl:' After a prolonged IIInll.. Se' .. ral of her frlcntl. were at ber u.,.dslde Vlhen the end C/lme Jo"unt'ral aenlccs wer" conducted at the llaln 5t Free naptl~t c!lurch b. the I'alltor. Ihe nf>\ o Uf'nden;on Th .. Household of nllih Oaushtel1l ot th'! Tabernacle And SIK. tl'r9 ot It. r'. T. had char,;e of th", bod, She !lad ).een a member or th .. Hou""holll for 3G 't'al'S and "all a charier m"m-, and altlO a ehan .. r member of the UIII' trlct Household of Illinoill. Xo. 18 In. term!'nt was lit Bf'I,c!l Gro\e ct'meten­al )Iound- The GIrls' SOl lal clul> en· t .. rlalned I" girls at a ,>vlIet llart' Rt tb.. hom" or ":rn(,l'tln" Camvbell "'edn ... ~day nll;'h1. Tho>!e on the sick II~! at .. : :llrs Knm,' .. n. llrs C C Hendl'rllon. Aunt Rehe('ea King Rnd Ar. hi.. t. (,I"monl' Thp Delleen club.

~~\b~~b t~!S T~I,J~a~:II~a:r ~~~~~l~~ nls;ht Profs II S l)a,l" an.1 Halln. h .. n01l lind :lllt;~<" '-Idan Smith and Caha ',\,.,un,. "nd :!.I ... ,dames 0l'h .. lI .. Eo'lrh And )Inn GOndm1l11 ,.tI .. n"ed rhe TCHch('T>;' ,,!\:Soclatl"n lit Carbondale.

Wilson of 928 101h Ate. ha~c mond to 813 Sixth A.... Tbe !llay Butler 81101.. cla!j$ mel ... t the home ot :'oIra Chas. Oden. lUIS 10th Ave. last Mon­da)' The Women'!! llite :l1l~9Ionary .. ocleh memhers ""re entertained L) lfr.ll ella". (ld<'n III her bome last Wedne>'du) )Ir~ S 11. Oib:;on and :lIra. Yaldecnla Uro",n "cre In Bloom· InJ:lon last ,~ .. ek. \~here th .. ~ attended the IlIHlrl'" f ... hlrntlun ,,"nferenc!! ru< delej.."at",. trom Rock I"land !IIrs Mnrtba Ilutchlns. 1"11 Xlnth A\". hall been contlned to her home fot t\\1) "eek!!. llr Hutchins hk:; ree"'er.d from a slt-k "I'cll ot 11 \\ ",ek'" Iluratlon llr anll llrs J"m"" 1Ifooks or 1014 HlJl:ht1' .",e luwe mo\ed to 1;)18 Fifth A, e. !llr and llTl! Orville Jonell or DaenflOrt n ere t'nterlalnei'l 11, llr anti ltrs .. ; Pruitt at Ihe lau ... r" hon1l' 11:': Xlnth .\ \" llrs n. It." nolds, 7~1 13th St. and dau!<'hll!r C,c"\ln, \\ere taUI'd to I.alls .. !'! Cit, tal't ".t k to at­lend th" Clllltro.1 or :\1'1"". nt,nol,"" sill­ter.!II1'lI \'In:la gamuels. "ho dletl on "·etlne'da~. ;\ll1rch:O The decell.l!"d had "slI~<l n",k Island on man' DC­~tlons and "as \\ell kno"n here.

EA~T ST. 10'1It; ILL r.ud,l\· 11('1' "hn ,U,,1 In tb" hOG I'II.11

in ~l 1" ~U'1o.l 1;t --.t \\ f pt; "n \0; '."ripd frf'm ~f'\\ Hor ... J'" J •• 1;.;t f"hu"~ll "::Utt-JU\ -he ne~' I I. 'I. Jlrlll' ofli"'lIlnc: From ,,11 ~frl(' ..... hln. \t J rd..., n( 11"!'\;C;: for P"'o( A '-, 1:l~1 '-1(\n tl~". rtnr nf ::\hntnt :linn I llnl'lI"'" ... holr ,,",I lfr~ \'hllln Clarl;· ""n HI'I\ ", .111"" lor of!';t Lui;:('·".\ :\1 I l+-: f"hur# h t hoff' for th,.. f·~",pll~nt Clllnt!-­tn- ~~ fl.", • hni-, In th 1:111'" ("ont~st

l[rs. Ella Smith ot Quincy, lit. "ho haS been visiting her daughter. lib,s Sarab Smith. for ""veral tia).. return.:d hom" ""rid,,)·. MlsM l.u"nne' )Ioody of Hill Bond Ave. r~eel'.-d a basl~ call to Alahama Thursd l\ on nccount or the critical IIhl'MII of her sister The ~/lr' tiJtl cheektlf lenm o( till' Pine St. Y II C. :A. defeated lhe 1Iolld lhe. Y :\1. Co A tcam !lerc llondll~ nlll'ht. Score 3ij 10 29. Tht! llond .\ \ e ,Y :\1 C A sec­ond tCAIIl :l~tealed lhe second team rrom 5t· Loul" hv the ~cor" or 30 to 30 ,:Urll. Ida' n Well .. llllrnett of Chlcall'o silent" feu d:1~ll In the cit) last ""flk In Iho InteT .... t or the candldac) ot ChaTI,,!! l:i I)"neen tor United Stales senlttor ;\Irs Green of Cairo Is the hOUse ,I:'Uesl IhlH \\eek or )lIs. Tilue )f.... Ed Dbon dl .. d IllSt \\ eek /lntl '" us burled trom the 1·.I.;rlm A, II f; cbllrc!l. th" nC\ \\' II Jackson om· clatln~ Jnmes 1;lIIs !llrs Hanna Stew· art lind llrl! Sldnc) J'O\\ ell all or )[11.' 1'Ion. 11/. <'lime up ..-rld.1} to .. /tend the funcr ... of :'Ilrl' lIalti" Goodman. their cousin. \\ ho died In St I.oubl ~Ir Ellis daugbler. )!r" nd~. Johnllon, nnd hi" d"ugh1er lIt:; ICc!>a Johnson. and hili !.>rother, :ll. Y Luc •• g

DU QUOIN, ILL. lfra I;mmll. Hog"r" died Thur,;t1ay

Funeral Snturdu) from the 15t Paul Baptist clIU" h The ItC\' C W. Colo I""o<tor attended til" funeral She l"a\"JI " 1111>,1> IIId ','ck HogerI' ,In.1 olher r.l"th,,. to mourn h",. demlN' Those from out "r Itl\\ n \\ ho attended \\cn': Tom (";trmuu .1II1! \\Ife of St 1.0111-. llo. I ,'ttl, T.a\\ler .In.l n.I"

!tgNc~iri'f ;\i~~~tI:)n:;i'noof ·1.1.~IIII~ •• ~o~g>l Prof. C Smith :'III'S ,\ Buster' llr'" J\ L. ,\ndf'rson '!Iss I).II~\ \\ .,a~er and llls" Ghuh" H t-'r<1u~r IIIt .. n,I,·" the S I teachers' Instilute l.iSt " .... k Th" IIlP('IIIl-t "a" h<lt! I.. Carb"n.I •• le lJlss.,. Orl, n., an.1 1.1111.111 Tllollt.t5 \\ ere ':11""t.. .tt Ih~' ((:.1( I .. ".i InslllUle In Cltrhoud •• I.. I i"t \\1 l k ~h s Bert/la {;rllll11 •• f ("'1111',111" "." tho s:ue .. t of I" r ",.Nh. r. I: O\\~nS, II .. t \\., .. k !olrs ~lImh Smith \\ "" ( lilt d to Chlt.I!:(\' ',,~t "P"\( I" til, <I ... llh of h. r nl.... The R. \ I. !I: '011." \\ h .. I" l' .~Iorln~ In XI'''' 11 .. :"..... :\In ,,1 .... 1'(>'1 In II", ~it) ror .! "hort \I"lt ,,!til trl"n,'" II'" 1M f n routt' t(\ hi~ ht)nh" In f'"'hlmp.tlJ,:u ;\11''' Alma I,,,. s,,, nml Judith Thomas .Ire 011 thtl ~ick livl

JACKSONVILLE, II.L Trac<-...: tire\ uf 1: Ceflt~r ~t.

hilS 1"'(,11 eunlh .. d It) hll' bed "nil t(lll' ~i!lltl5 I~ 1ll,It If> I,,· nul a):.lln llr" X J Ill .... I" ~IIII a l .. tll~nt lit Ih. ,",,,,, Hnln\~ :-: tnitnrhun ~Ir'" L.UI' noss 1!Ii( Ill/.:' ~II s )!.,rl" Johnson of ~Iort"n "'I' I,. a 1'"1lenl lit th .. XC" 110m.. " .. nlladum The.,,, ". ... 1 ... 1,1 .It Beth,,1 A II I • hur;:h IIn'I .... th .. 1"lIn::;",II-t, ;111-" ;\I •• rlha 1 K .. ,,, "I ... \\(", .lsNIslf'tI \" :!III.... Brown clo~~rl :';und" nl.:h! llr~ Thor.lle \\l'N ,~!1J"11 to the hctisill(' or h"r mother In ~!ls. ·olltl. \\ ho Is III :\11"" 101" .. 1"'11111.'1' " to.1I hl'r at 1.0\ "j'" 1\1 I".~ \\t ,·1, • luI \ lsitnr at the hlUnt" ut h. r f\ J.1th~~ It .. , anti llr,. II h:klt \ :IT.... .\lIhlng­tun "Ife .. r l'r .. r .\hlll1l:lon .. r ~,Ul' sa,. Cit" Is \ l"illlll: \"Ih h.r slst"r :\rr~ Spr(\n l ntln~l.s :\1. qlnln"" L~n.l :\lIt<:h('lI. I.olll!! •• i,lrk .u .. 1 ('lot. lin. T ... -

~~~I ;i~\~t;d I~: n:o;;(~~~~I~o;::~!~;II~t f ~~t':I:I; ,11111 F'rltl" ,It I .. 'r IWIII<' 111 ~ \\'('st St llr~ Burllt PIl\'I~ lIn' ~aillt- lld)"n It I~. ::Ilr" II:tnnah lon .. ~ an.1 :llrs. ,\\1-1I111a:ton ma,l" 1111. r .. stln<l' lalks on .,.'on· .nu,," (';Uf'~t,. \\t~r~ lr~~fJanlPs .. \Urp Hnll!n~. :-;"n .'11 l':arRh Younl;'. Snlhl' If,.n:ml .. l,. 'nna Sno\\den. 1':,,'"1 .. I \ n. h ,\nd l.lIl1an (".,rl"n :\Ir" Xln.1 r:'t)hlf'i~on ~nnc a fO,(,to ~tr~ 1,. n ~f(tntJ:nn\*"'r\ h c: rr-turll,p .. l frn,n :t hUAt .. nf1"f.!It trhl to ~1 Lnultt :\lr~ J·,nnl? William .. :\1. ("'I' "f ('urollton III has T(\turu('d 'front Pf>ort:t. If) "\, b.*rl' o;ht :If" OtHl'anf .. d h,'\r ~'~t~r :\fr!': Paulin,. :'Ioor" .m,1 llf~ rlla ~t mfnr,1 :Ill''' 1.1.\ ~Ius •• I'a~ It fl rlor Prorla III to If(! \\ Ith h. r Sf"" "-.• un\\:1\ :-5anford Arthur 1[,.lt Il'rt fllr rill ,.,:" , ... all"nd Ihc tun­'-1'.1 or h.s Iornlh. I' :1.11''' 1"'-,<'111. .. Kill!,: Is nlll lUlHrO\ l:t~ r. .. OT&::<' Ynun..: Ie: Itn .. nro\: lnt; Tht fllnf'ml H( r\: f( t'" of Rlfl!' lJoorr of I', "rln, III. \\ •• s 1,,1,1 at Ih~ F.mnt)· il"I'II~t ,hurd. ... "')IIth In "harl:e of I:", H. nn Rno\"II'o :'IIuc .< 1\\ th. cit",,. )'Ir~ ;\Inz,<, :'Ilall ....... an.l :\lr~ Jf"l1Jl\ Pf"'M:11~On Mnt: '1 <lIlt t Itt \: n H fjt>\\llt n'sl~r.d In tit .. "" ...... '" Mr;o: 1:'la !<:tantllrrl. a ~I~t"r '.. lh­\\ 1.10\\ an_1 h~.'" (1 tuw:htf\f'" ftC P4'orJ:t .t'" f<>nmr.tntt .. t th .. rf"t'''ahl~. A'S,. :\fi'!:q, t;r" (. Moore a ... ",'e 0( til ... ,1~cenFf',l :\Ir~ I.~Urtl ~tnHr.~ atlfl :\tr~ .Jant .. !! ~, fI~t (nt<rtalnl''' th.· "'oman', ('\nlo 'l-'rld.I\ It th!' hunl" lOr :\lr" :ltt>ore In .. : :\lnT' "an Ht A 'I.,Hahttnl m .. nll \\,,~ ~"n ... l Tlte ",u~st~ ". -,' "Ir~ If 11 ne"ltt ;\1"" Z.lIohia flrl"coe nnd :\Irs I<'nnl .. l'r""mnn TIlt· ~,,('.1I1' h~n<'l n\~t :lnd \\pr.' • nt. rtn!n~.1 I" :\fI~ It 11 lIa ... kl" "'nIl :\IT'tot 111 nr' ~n()\\41. n n.nd :\t I 1ri:!It

~ utpr nth. r on 'Tnl1n.1 \\1\ \l ttl ... It'''vtin.: f r tl14' (',.Ior. i1 '\"I'llnan ~ ("tuh

beld at the home or Mrs. Ed. :llore the (ollowln~ program was rendered: Miss Bessie Johnson. r4!:1dln!;: Mrs Arthur Stowart. a vocal Solo. llrs. Chilli. Big!;", readinG'. :llllls I.>oroth~ Cu.rt~t', reading: Journal h~ )UII5 Ue~sle Johnson. !\I ... ,Mlttllt! St,,":lrt, critic. VISitors ",ere Mesdames AhIJlngton. Fronds JDhnson. "Iedora. Clark and :!\lIs!! UUle !II Gore. ll15S Anna CummlnJ;s Is III Itt th~ home

t)1l~!~~d 1I~~tC"SIl~~va~3Z \!::~~11~ to lIopklns\,llIe. Ky •• to attend the tun. eral or hill broth<r of that cit).

MORGAN 'PARK, II.L. Th .. "'omens n"puLlIcan club held a

meeUnt; nl th" Ite\' :III' Ra~born'll church Sunda" aft .. rnoon at :l o'c1ock The 'Womell'!! \\ eltar" cluh "Ill holll a mlln's da) meeting lit Arnet chdP,,1 Sunda). Aprll~; ,\ <l'ood t1fotrrllm \dl\ be renut!red The, holr or B~th l':d~n l!.'lpt,st cltur<,11 r. n.l.r~" a dellchtrul program Sun,I .. , afttruoon, :llarch ~O The duh a' tivili. s ... r Betb !':den churcb are resulting III It 5 .. rlcs Of "ntenaln. ment... for Ihe 1 ... neUt of tll"l,. new church :lIn; Carrl.. F~ Le\<ill I~ r"· siding ,,!th her nepb"" Chari".. .\ Ba"e}. liall St"b"l1 lit !olors:nn Park Th" Women'!! W .. H:lre club \\111 hold Its me"t\n:: Thu"",":". April 10. at !llrs aertrude J_'lmptun \\'alkers hom" :1t ! fI m.

ELKTON, ILL. llr" Fred 0 Johnston or Indiana 1'­

oU". Ind. arrl\ed h .. re Tu.,~da) morn· In); 10 \ Islt I .. r iii. k mother .\rl'lll" B P.ullseli has r~turn"tI home from Ford Cit, I'll }iiJ;hOfl X C' IChort s or St, I.oul,. ;\10. h, \ 1".Unt:: his ~(on 1111(1 dau;:;bl1'l'. the It", an.1 ltrs L. C Chote~. .Ind IItt!" s:r .. nll~on C \\' Chor .. ~ The n.... I .\ :\1 nndln \\ III, h SlIndat e""nlng at tbe C II F. ehllrch ;\lIss 1.11< \ 11<,11",) or· 11."Il:'Ion. K\' Is' I~ltlng aunt. llrll "mand" Prlc" Pr ,: u (-'tom" of :-;ash\ Ule. T"nn. and llr I) Ii" wer .. ill th" elt\ lhl" "eek 10 atten,1 the runeral of llrs Gf'orge I~ llorehead

CHAMPAIGN, ILL. flotn til 'llr and :'111''' It I. llIake.

12(l6 If, l;a<le" St • a line ha"~ bo\ .\lr~­Hattie .\ndf'1"!"on \\as 13keu to th" Burrh"n ho>."IIII' last :\Iondlu 1I1:.:lIt. surr~rlnJ; from n :;c,,'r"" rase of pneu" monln !III''' .\nnl" h':~lh, \\ ho hns .... en ,Isltll,!; her .Imght"r. :\it- Dr 1·:lIza· hptll JOIIC'; of aan Ind. and !ler sun. the Re\'. JOseph 1';:"lIy or Str"ator. Ill. hns re:"rned hom.' Jabhl" and JI'~sle RIslon of Cotton Point, Ark, ar .. ~IR. .:Inl{ •• t thl' !10m,· of their unci.:. W E Wake Tn" l,e\ I. \V Jon .. ". "II" I" n.u';orin~ nt !l:C\\ ll.drid "a" cnllfod ht're h) th .. death ot his "hlli'r, Alice Jon( K \ mlre\\ Kelh' !olllrlr"a Ho\ Ct:'. fll'rth:1 K.III:" :>od 1..10'" mo· 101'1',1 to Pan\ lIle I •• "t Sun,la" )11''' TI~bl" I!lo kel" o( .\.111.. Ind. l'!~tel' of J ... rr TI~.lal.. hi .1 gU('l't In tile TI·<'IIII .. hom, :\Ir~ Jo'lII Shellon of )'lIIn lUke .. 1'11·8".1 throu!;h the Cit'· .. n rout.' hom.· from :\lIlan. Tenn \\ h .. r" ~h. 1"11'.,,,1 h(Or (,lll,,·r. Rlcharll All< n I"" Thur.,I •• , (Ot n,lrolt. :\1I('h En !n~ T.t'lor I .. n \\ din. "1:,, for In,lIanapolls, Ind and nth"r enet"rn <ltle~ :\Irs no .. a Slm ... on o( E \Vashln.:lon 5t I" \ /slt/m, Or Slm""oll's I'arcnt~ :\Ir nn'l :III''' PNrr glml>SOIl or UK\nna !II :\!I'w lln!;);I" lilt., ''', ... ':111 .... 1 h .. rl' h) til" .Ilne"s of h"r .lall,::lIt .. r lIalllp ;\Ia" .\0111'1'8011. 11 ... 1 1trnn.l.on. \\bo nr ... -uf­t .. rlm:: from I,"~ .. monla Court or Ca· Innt!le ~o s afteT 11" re!:lliar m .... t· Inll' hlst ,,'rula,' nll::ht 1<'"'' " "pr .. a" In hOllOr or l£rs l.allr,'nc" \\· .... hln;:ton I;'r.lnd lccwr.r. of :I£ound. III ;\fr" nurnett " •• " ,ailed tn nan In,1 to th" 1o",lsl"" ror bpI' moth".. llr~ llnrrh' ~Irs !lI"I.I" Til' lor ,,-.s Ill" C:llr~1 of hrr 'IIInt :\Ir- H:ttU .. ~~rn I •• <t " .... k lIN< l'1I111 n,,!!u.. ..n,1 :'IlIn"," Hro\\ n '"1''' .... IIN1 10 FUnt ~I"'h h, the <If'tth nf ~lrs l'lostlr'q ,,1-II'r il!'l<n (;r,,('n Til" hoth ".ll' 1'1'''111:;111 h"'r for hllrlal .\mom: tho ... • on til<' .. I, k U"t ar .. llrs ('am ..... ell :\lr 1/ .. "",,1 GtP"n It''''I,, T.I. r and ~an"\ ~I' .. ed :-'frs ,Ahe' lnne'Z dJ"J :11 tl,. :\h rt \ hn3'ltL~1 Jn~: Tu(>~d:n: n'~ht T~e hn(1\; \\:;\H ~hh.p ... l 10 11, ml'hI •• Tf'nn. for burial '\'r~ Idn Jnhn~on .mll hroth"r John H""n I"tt fnr I'art~ In ~tl9t;ls',ppl llr' Yln'e llritt ('n'C'rlnmetl In~ Mon· ,In, nla:lIt In hnllor or ht>r I ... ""·,",,',, 31rl hlrthtln\ .annh.r .. nn C(1\:er~ ",'ere In 1<1 (or :!~ "'Uf"I~ CI":t~ .. Holl:1nd l .. n !::nndn\ rl''' ll..rr"l1 'I1I'h E:trthel

Ortry tllUlged through the city r~ntly en route 10 Carbondal". Ill. ~Irs. Cor· rlno Long entertaIned a number ot }OUnll'lIters Sllturdav o~enln;; In honor ot the lIeventh annhenrary ot !ler lit­tle son. Windell Long Louie Buckle~ ot Carbondale. til, "'85 the ne"nt guest ot hili sister. :!\Irs. 'La"n Bank.~. 1'0: X Fifth 51 ltra< DaIIlY D"mT"<"~' who has been teachln.: school In Jack­son, T!!.'nn •• has t«turned ~ome.

GALESBURG. ILL. IIfr, and l[nr. Walter'V"bb "ere Cbl.

c.u:o Visitors lallt "eek. ,llrs. Xannle Fletch"r entutalned tho Bee Hhe club

ra~~~lllhe ~;-: ~iO~f~~ ¥~~~dna}_~n:,~~' Su~l" Uaael entertained the Thlmt.! .. Circle club Friday. :lUllS .11.1"&9,, Brit­ton daughter or :!\II'. and :lIn .Jno. Britton. 'I'Iali married to Joe ,\-lllIams or Paducah. K_ ,,l'onda). lIIil!!I Doro­tltv. 1I111tll'r of'tbe bride. act.d all brldt;lI­maid The lte~·. C )1. \\"!'I.ster per-

~~~~t'rt feWe ancJre~:rned :.~~ :~i~te

;\In' GertrudE,> t:;d"ards entertalnl'd th" :\Jod .. rn Prlsellla FRney ,Vork club un \"'ednN(LH ;\11'11. lin" CaUln <:r"en" \\ as ttl< Invited g"ll"t. :llrs. Gertrude Ed\\ atd .... ltend",t the funt-ral ot :llnJ.

~g~ :i1';.~~r;:;:M 'n"lt,:nc;~~thE~~°'t~':.r: come. E\'a Solo",'.n. Susan AIl .. n. Addl" n"nllid-on. JPlIsle TltII!le\' and .\dah na~h' and the llls<eli F1oren~ FI"" .. hl'''. ,\Ima Wilkins an.l fIoroth) 8n'all.:-\· att .. ndt'tl the Cf'ntral nl~trlct

~;,~:m t~"..~d I~ tt .. ~~l~.rl~~~on ru~:~ftl(n :'1(.nmollth :\Tond,," lll1.s l-~~tclla Car­ter hllll r .. turn~.1 rNm llolin" aCte,. "evI'l'" I " .. ,,1;,,' \ Islt .... th her .. 1..-teT. :ltrv E'a I'mdl",· It,.,. Jnn. Ilt'li "'as ,,"I1Nl tn ~hll'll''''' In I!le b .. <'I"I<1" of her "Oil. Jam"" I~"II ~lrlJ :\lae Jnck. .. on ha~ r .. lllrn •• 1 from (,;bll'a,::o, "hpre "h" hall "een al the bed"lde of htr hus· band',. I.roth"t

WHEATON. ILL. eha" Barn"". "II(> ha" bt!l'n 1\1 with

R ~('v .. r" "!tack or t;rlv Is Impro~ In!!' J':am !tucker I.. Ill. Th.. ne~ Jno K .. If .... ' I" .erlo .. "h- III al his hnlll" In ~"am~ ~I Th .. 'lte" \\'m Rus ... n nr ('hl .... l;'n "a~ II lnIe"t or hi" eom.ln 11,.,. I-aa. I>r"len. on Sund.w and prp.u~. d tun J:nnd ~t!rmt)n. at the Sltr. ... cnd H"I'l ll'l .. hUTCh !lIn< George All'''' andrr lOr ("hk!>:;" r .. nderc(l a numb ... !' of \(ll'nl solo~ nt the mbslonary 51'"lce and 11 Y P U m<!'etino:s Sunday :.trll :\14r)' Jllck«on. form .. t'" ot }lom'-I

~o~~n~~~:t :~~ Re~ b~r~~gk,tta~'l~~:3 a,,"~ Sund", of nneumonla Htlrlal at

~~IIH!"'::q E!~18' i\l)nha;:l:eA~:~' c~l~~(i; I \\ III addrl'~s the I.lncom Communlt .... ,.Iuh Sun,I", "ndre" Col1e~ "ho ha~ lol'en III for .. omf' time. I.. no ""uer I !~:n~·r~~Il:Ja~lI~ifh' ~f~nd's~in C~~t;'i~~t I Is ab!.. to he oul aJ;'aln drer a bad spell of ,::rll'

CHICAGO hEIGHTS. ILI_ The \\eddml:' of 'ltr" L. T_ Kennlbuf:

nml Jos Sa .. kmnn "a" solemnized nt th .. borne {It llr anll :ltr" lilian. The "rl,l .. I .. :l.tT" :l.tilnn' .. nl .. ee.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Apr 12, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A10



The U". .I"""" I' l'rlce I" tn the cll) frnm CbtOla;:O "h~r ... he \: 1.f(lte<i hlB dOll J mct!t lllM8ca Cla:r.t lounl: and E' .... line Jiunt" .. "ere r<",,,nt dslto .... to the -It) MIllS ATle"a \ ounl: "t Lt!,ln;:~ eam~ throuGh. tllu ell) tut \\eek en rout 10 .ath nd ~onnal MI'H. Elnora ::\1 1.<\\ls and",1n ::':OT\<! 5to,,,11 of 1.<>' illl;1i "ere III 1.h~ ell) 11lS!"'.-ek un~leJ

h .. bad been a patient for .. orne time n .. ! •• unhed I., mllll3 r .. lathes Th~ I ne. :\11' \\ aMhlnll10n and aCe" p.;op!" from nent to Blomlngton 1\1 to I a!tend tb" .... II~ ther. Tllo~. aUend Inl: Ineludlnl: the [t", llr Wali"lng­ton '" ~re Gatl~Htt!1' To\\ nsend Till Ina d:;;- 11 u mm"r ~I\S8 lllldr.-d 11 um me. "m I',ulua llr~ Ida :III". If .. nl. !\lac Former Le-1l~lcy To"nsund «lan'I' UO<'rts. lIra Tillie To\\ n."ud And )11 5 I lila liMe Bruner of Elkhart. III Harrl.on Gor"n~ ~M& Ion for Ct,I ("~J;'() "h:.-re he \\I,1t reslcl-: for a '\\l,nc Tit.. :\lI·~lonll~ ~oeleU md "t Ill" bOnli r lIrs.. John Aldrld".. n 110 re sid. at IlIG S JUnkali."e:>t A I:lori "Ils In'" tinl: nils "nJo~."CI Tllo.c \\ ho "uu"'nd .. d \\f"fe Mrs Al:alel'" 1 o~tcr llr~ Ida I 'an" ll ..... \\ m IIIhh lfr.

JI1"'.son ... nd Colonel lIhLr~hI1l1 PII.nt I l tt!\\ hvuril In Ule cit) llcS!!SNI"\ hans ud Sllt'(-d rei re:ti~"tl:ith t.::1 uf the l,)Ta

Inll inriilriiU l:1! "ith headttu lrtenf. In hI! ",,0 Wd'" h. th" cit} un bu. I" ... " I Stat lJ;1\UH.m l:onUnu~s 11 lit tl rezd

J"n"e or Ida Kr*uthn6tl't'r ht :\:orth htuud:; In ""ur) U L\:t' court J h:ro

l°,.~"t.::: ~';~nJ;6G'i:':' a~l:,"~"" ..:!'!'i 1. th~ cll) :\otr.. lIbuaehe ChelTl ot 'Rlro III '''tI. In d'e clt)' on I uslne"" la~t \\t.~k.


tl s of Jt:'rh.:ho \\;1 uLhi'Ht:: 1 ~Un :sun t:l} st:T,jc.:t.A at st.. John th..: H:u tist hurch :suIIII,,) A"ril I~ )Irs HaUle

.... JJ""le" "I elm .t."V ". ,I,,!tlns: h~r !lIster and I ruthotr in tal' :\tr: lind :\!ra

:\Ir:l lone \\d.b .. nt<rtalned til. '\ OUIl': 'Ilatrons club TburlIdll) 'II .... ~nna 'II .... 111 r ..... d a J>al>CT on \\ hal I~ U<>IIl"- 'II.... "u~an Johnson en , I , ... llIed 11.< Thlmll" circle :l'rlda\ !\Ir:-. "tae CaJ.Un " .. r4,,~ ne en .... rtaJnl.-"d t.he l«~ Ii '" "luu TUClIda' 'lIra. ~annl" 1 I tl h<or "'Ilti .. Ie.ted parllam.nuorlan 1 ,m ,n DruCe eJ\t"rta.ned the 1'0:,,\\ 1:: .... ~uh Tup...dll) The tia).,.bul'lO Elks " II

" \" thdr ann\llll 1.o.a1l 3.tonda) )Iay 19 .. t the annor) The ::':e1shbor!lood s" \ ct :-:hQJl "in open for bU1')lncss Tue:s da'\ .... 0 '" l"in.'t, St. "ie-urn: and , re< n !,TOI rl .. lon; Galellburl: l.~ tlir...o T(>I re~lltath;-efi In UU!! central l)l.lrl t F.-d ration of C. \\ C. Ille ll,p da,n oS :\Ionl~ \\ ens Cre\\' ~t!­'ar> "u""n .All, n ellllplain and .,;". s J mon chairman ex«uthe board

1 ''''',::<1 ~ a =t1'.aUl. "Ill t.oe I:I\"n b~ II < ~h>n'11II: eholr of .A n.n C'laprl A \1 J ('hurch 1 nda} Al'rU IS under 1I dl.""Uon or :lIn 'l :ll Saunde'l< !llr~ Hdcn PIlrl. Is ""ne>u-I)!II ~lt"II '!..'o hf' \\' .. Ud ere\\' entf"rtaint>d the l"ro J.,-rt" sh ~ l.\ om n s .('Jub TUf'Jilda) "ta.l 11 tile Odd F"II ...... ,,111 hold their an nual ~ermon at AlI"n chapel Tile n,,, " It Saunder ...... 1Il prraeh the &ennon n .. I'ted h) the ltc' C !.ol \\ el",tPr '\ nann Tf',·h:al tif"nlCrti 'ast 'W;eoek at tbe AU"n ch"P<'J "er" .... ell attended and ~ '\ nt] 1ioula '\l; I roe .adtJiNi to "he church T!\., It". J " L. t.:lIderwOO baa r" turned home f .... m Du,m ..... be .. " he "",,'''tt'd tlle Itc. :\Ir CrO<"k .. n In a r .. ,I\&1 .. .,nl"" Brother nobL Parker 1M PTa) "r meptlnc at AII .. n chapel on "Thur"d,,, .,Hnlnt: ~Irs 'I1a.m1 .. (Jr~en" .. nt"rlaln~d th" :';0 and S~" club Frl du Cott.a;<e l'ra, er m .... un;: at the

I 'nllb Or~nd"rf !ltN Ut'rdle Grimes ~tt'.. s:.m .. Grlm~s Mrs :I1"IU" n"b I inliion Mr~ E\ ~h"ll Ford and ll'h G..o,-,:e 1 lerr'f" The" t'ddln:: or G~rg~ P;prce or I Ineoln Rnd :lU£~ ~Iaud" b: ("on1,: or Cairo III took IllaC'!! at lh~ h"'llI", of !lIn Pb) IUs Orendorff roccnth t, ~rctl !lIOU'Cln or ll'1Ir1I1.,n.ld III and ln~" ])ella D.nt "ho "ere rec6ntly mani .. d are no" r""ldln~ "lib th" hrid~ g parents.. Leroy John!'on an" M I~tf Ctot'tt'ude Parker ~!'In "ere re ,.,.uth marrJt'd art! now TfI'!lttdln.: 'With the I rid .. " I:l"And"'Tenl8 Eddie Sh" C!Ys and \ f"mon JfJbnson. \,ho hal 4'! he-en \I.ltlm; !III' and )(ra John"on and friend... ha \" returned in their hom"" In St.. lAUI_ )to :U.."" Inn I .. To ... 1\ NfI'nd. "ho ha~ bern ,\:flr\ sick fOr" Ihlll "".t f~" "P<'k. III IIlou h Impro\ In/: llr~ ilarle GAlne" and little dau",hler "ho ha"e been ,1slllnl:' relathes and triend!t 'ltrfo ha\e return ... " to t~flr

~':.':l~r I~JJ::,::;I~Fck'';.t ~~r !I~~"me~~";.;a

I C Hamilton llls~ uur.. I 100,,,r lcach\:T uI !\: ~\\ 1(( lh! ~hool \\ttS a lluuntls ,,1011 ,r SUlurda) :\11'. /lalll" Ii: ual k't'r I Uti tt'lu. n~d tu h~r I (un 1Ion au l:hit'8.lo(:o uth:r a rtf\,\; U;nb \i:dt \\1111 ht'"r hu~I""'lld .and other rclalht."~ )1"" Ik" ~Ioor" or \ "In llIus:, ".It"" ~Iounus Satun .. bu l.aut: ch31 f'1 II,; !U E t.:hun,;h h(Old a 5UI.;t:\'HSful uLlal Sun da\ .aHernonn

AURORA 11.1. The \urora Culture (Iut. \\AS «,ut ... r

hdm.:tl h\ !\fr~ }i r,,,uu;l!j TllbmlJ~on .. nd llr'" f..:Jar.1 \\ tUiams Dt lh~ home of lh~ 1.1l.. I hun;da) llr~ Charles ISar""" .Mr" John I aUer."n Itnd Mr. I::<ld J hu:le\\ t.kId lit' fa rUt!~da \ c\ dllu{;' (or un: K) to aUt!nd t~t! tunt!IAl of lilt"lr lather JohU T Cartt!r l.1rb On~ld l \\ lL"'tOn dbtrict sutlcrinlendcnt Qf SlIndlll o"hols of Gan dl.lrlct hilS t~'\:n ()ut of' or to\\n ,uite frt"fIUt'nU) "r lat" 0" oIHc!al ,1,lt" throush"ut the district Th~ ~ :s &. 1 club m t at Ih",hom .. or ~1I •• ~\"hlln. ~!~,J()\\. :11_ U~alh 5t \\ t"dncsda) t:'\t:nln ... \tt-er n short bU!lO:lne~tl mc(::t1nr: rt; fit Nh MPnts: "\\ere sf'ned ... nd a J;odal hour ~nJo~ .. d ~tls~ Ad~lald" ~r"r .. wa. ho~ ("'S5 to the 0 1) 0 c)uh \\ t"do\:sda) A ;;TaUI} of rr!~nds lPur))f'hwd llrs H.uth Boser Tallor on !\ .. r Ilrthda) \\ It II u ,crv asr~ellbl" I art' Efllhtc.en J:ue§t" .. ere I'res'"t llr and ~lrs ~a) Urh1r;u rord "nt .. rtalned f" .. "d. Saturd,,} eVe uln&:" ~t (",Ards and dancing Th~ Itet; ltr ancl ~I"" f. '''''a ll"" On.ld t \\ at Mn and l1r \ uughn lteTe amon:: Ihe menlber:. of St John 6.A M ~ dlurt,:h \\lao attended the cornerstone Ill,) lnt; of Grcn I"r I.!dl,..1 churc" In Chle,,;;o r"centh A \~ no~d filled t Ie pull It The Sunda> sehoul of AMY. church t"'nt~rtnined memhers nnd rricnd!ll at n

~~:~~d!i :U~TIl J~:t:d;lft~dl;I;~n~~1 .alned at an op~nlnl: pan} at the U .. mblln Apartment bol,,1 wt week

MOLINE. ILL. !lIZ' Jon .... of P..'U:nyra. Mo Is ~18

~\~;; a~l: ~I:"~ ~nl~t'!;eB~!:~.r.s

Chl .... J:'O "'t.. I1er dRuellter \, ho r ... ld" .. In 5t Louis. I. no" At her hell.lde if.... £'< .. 1)"11 Younl: nn.1 little dau;:h tf'r 'B~ul Jan" ha'e join"" h"r hus hand In ,,1. Lou!. "here thCY ,dJl re sIll" nan !\larlln of Rt T..oulft :110 "ho has he"n ,10\lln;: at the home ot "Ir ana 1\..,. Jo!!n Aldrlrle:e has rl.' turnt'd to hi .. home In SI Loul~ ~Ir~ n"rdle Alexander wbo ...... " a patient Ilt til .. "t Clara hospital Is able to he :u h"me "1:Aln 'Ilr~ I."la Enl:'ll.b \\ I", reside.. In 'lIt Pulafikl 15 II patient

f:"li~d St ,,~:.r;,_~~mlta~nd:~n:"'~~

tn 0 their nO" home at Iii:':; 13tb A,e" I "Thp "'1111nl:' Work"rs mPot with )'Irs. I )larl" H....,," .. TuesdJl,. ""mini :Mrs ~~:!u"J~t()~olrar~re::.~en~pJInl: ~~ I

o~ratlon rnr apl>t'ndlcltlll. ts In Tal lor "n .. m ~Ir" Wm no~d .. ho "".Id~" In Cbleal:Q SI reeei~"d word that b_1' AIt9t~r l\f,.,. R"hcrt~on Ie .. Iek At bel' hom~ In Decatur 111 B.rn". 1).,,1') <l1Iuj:btu nt 1I1r and Mra Jo<,: Fo.t~r 'Il" 10 h"s been .. r~ .Ick ",Ith bronl'hlal 1"nrumonla I. Imp",vln!; nlceh lIn Joltn Aldrldt:e ,,:Ito hu be .. " verv <Ick I. .om~, .. hat Impro, ed :\11.. Haul ''l''blt ... lde whn has bern a p"Uent at SI Clara hMplr.a1 autl'"rln!:' "lth pn .. u monl:.. I. able to be at h.r home al:'lln '" C. D"'!ft whe> 1ft tarmln,; on lite '" H £'<-an. fann h"" sold hi. beaut! 1ul home I\t 1031 ~ KAnkakee 51. .AMhur Ford .... ho bas he"n In OlIo", <>n bu.ln ...... 11"" ntumed 10 hh. bome "l:'Iln • FI 19 wife )1"" HeUa Fon! Is lu-t .. n' .. erln\: frOm tbe I!'rip T 11 I"IImu .. lF t:rand master or th ... :llasonle

:mov" Into their "ltW borne ~SO( lSth 51.. !Soon.

EAST MOLINE ILL. :!11M! Jta.t11" Le,,1s died at ber hom ..

W I'dn .. ....sav night. lIS.rch:' Funentl ""I"'1c08 "'OWe held at 2 o""lock :lolon dllY at lIit Zion Rap"..lst church The Mt. Zinn cllurch beld at wI) Sund"l Til.. n_ :Ur I',,'Ullce, .. f Moline ~-;t'~~n 3 0 clock a=on to a.

SPRINGFIELD ILL" L~d .. Slau"hter WUson 0.1&

1nator of 1.h<) S1nu;:ht ... r hair system. "'AS the j;Uf'.st Of '11m" r. I. GAlhreath Fridu, March <:h~ left at mldnll:ht tnr chlc:a;:<) '" b .. ro "hI! will "","nd the ...,m1nl1 ".,.,It. J.uther B .. 1I of!\: S<>c .. nd SL djpd last ... ""Ic .. r pn .. uman!a, after an II1n.,,,,, of I ..... thall a ,,«Ie

METROm.S ILL. Company J. ... -as IIlIIP""tcd """,,,nUy by

Col Om B Duucan 1I1n. nU1h Don lAW BJ"<lOKPOrt. ,,"lUI Mrp recent].. at tb~ """~Id .. or ber crnndfather Henn "Tin,t,y .... ho Is ~erlou'h 11\ The tal­... ...-tnl: tl>llCheno aU .. nded the teacber .. In Carbondale nt la~L ,t ('<'k Prof lI1cClellan 5mlJ!l the :\1\56"" :\fae and AnnA ltoberts.. )11'lI Love Renfro of Dnntar schOOl Profo4 !101'lI Lankrort and muna and )1.... :\uu'l::lret \'; Ukens .. 1 D n. S Meodamrs E 'l.lston .I And~,.,.on nnd MIl'S Datil)" Lanll !I1'lBs Darb>\'rtL Cron"e and porter Howa .. d or JJTokpnrt """ro qui.,..!.' ma!Tled recentl' :\Ir and!l1'n< D J. ~loor" ha~., as theIr ",'''''t Llo.d "'ebb "f Colp TIl TIl .. Alph:L Art .. luh ""Iebrat<><l It" "econd .. n"h~""~n Thur"dn~ afternoon >It the "'I<ul.~r m"~tln" lilT". Lillie Fo •• le "M h""t"". TI. FIrst Bal'tlFt cl1ur~h held ." ... il"~'" f l' th.. IruataU"Uon of tb"lr I ru;ttlr from Wed,n""da, eVelll1ll: to !;nnda} lJ m

CANTON," ILL. TI> .. fun"r~1 of G Aile" Who died In

ih .. Kn,n-,;lIl" bll"d In~Utlltlon ...-as h Id "t tll" ~Ie •• ler "ndenak!n!; par 1 t"<IO Tue ... d:n aftf"T1100n Jilt : 30 ".1th .h 1'= "r P 10<11'<0 In ebarl;e of the I.och 1-::1\ hI IUd" .. ' .... " rol'm~rll" or r u tnn ":I'M n. c..'"llier her~ &1.turoa) J "mnnd '\eub .,.bn b,,· hpen In BUT I • a.:1< n ltl\~a.. I. h .. r" ~1~llIn!; relatl .... S .. ,I f,.lendR A pe.. rall~ !s to be I II It til .. :\tt.. Cannot ('hllrch J.:;all'ler ""nda \ Re~ St~"""rt of LIncoln 1", .. ""h"<'l I .. , .. , W"dn"sd:t, ""'Illn&, ~tr

nd ' 1,.,. Shorts (11 Gnh -burg ...... re ,..nn 1"9 ht're la!;t w(!4"k n~\: and :!\t~ "'hom:l~ 'U"eTe ,.1sttof'3 in K~w:A.n(!'e ftnd C;"Ief'bu'l'!;, l .... t " .... It. :r.t~ "nd l'.tl"8 lames T~ ler And '11'1' and :\1rs. 01l~er "I ... II!%' .. n4 son '\liere callet'll h~ro 11\.~t; " .... 1< Q\1~ .Allen acrompanlf'd the body t>f bl. fa1.her here Jam"" '" atllon .lr 1>f R.,ck 101"\1(1 I" '\i~IUn~ parentll and frlrndR he,... l1ar!on Loche h.... re­tumMl tn "'ltl)I".. no,.., Plek .. tt was a ,,1!11tor In T'corla I ..... t sun~ Laura Watf;(>n I. on the "Ick 11.1.. :\f,.,. Cor­crJl" Bro .... " ha.. nturned from the con .,,,.,,tlon "r th.. Laill... auxlllnry The 'Willing Work ...... eI .. n .", .. t at th .. home .,f til" t .. Rch"r :Mn Bro""J1 The 1\100 .. Tn NN!dI .. Work and Art cluh met last :!'Jonday w1Ul. l\tn. Emma. Baker

PEORIA ILL "l'h.. SL Paul Ba:ptL'<l cburch clo.ed

th.. se-cont!l fUlnlw~ of th .. 'JIABlor Ill .. .,r the He~ E. L. Tooa la": ...... ek 'rhe Rev S. C. .:\I"",u.l ..,r 5prllll:fleld

~ed~b"FI"!l~;v:r""n~~~~n 1i1: I tll.. He.. F W P".nl"k and ti,. R .. v :f H. Bradham of Cb!cal:o wer .. ,lsI 'tOT'S at tb" annfiveNtAn.' Th". Rf!V E 1'1' !.otlll.... I .. n thl~ '''''.,1< for his ""Dual conterence In Kansas City Mn

iilr I\t S~~d~~m!'t ~~~f ~I~n ~~:g do""" a ~cr:v l5uC:CCSlitul rally I .... t Sunday '!'he Dev A. C '~alla".. 13 pa."Ito~

SYCAMORE. ILL. Goo Klmhrour:h ...... 8 a Oll~o nel-

tOf' la ........ ...,k. 'let ... n:arr!~ ~pent the .... ""k-end In 5."H'nor .. "ltI, his wire, ~o b ...... ""en Fklt. :\1"" Ro!Oe .lohn­;.on wa.."1 " Ollca!;o \ I-linT recently Robert Grant "'&0 a IloekIon! caller :\1..... Nf'd SmIth .,1 !tadn.. '" I_ hu b<oen n&1t1ng her broth.... :\Io-e Hlcl<s ':!.I,.,. !\rd>l ~Im. 'I1Ju! ~turned home from Ii t\\"o w .... k" ,&"",11on In Wis .. on.ln :lTn; Mary Da) att~nded ~ho Wid" A"'A'". etuh m"ot In D.JUlb r~­.,~nth Mno :\Iarv Da ... 4'nterulned tb" :\fiM;,1"nan "Ird" r"centl~ '1fT anll !II"" .Anm,trotlJ: wer" Svcamore ea.l1en1 ! .... '" ''I''b''''ton ",cenlly

LINCOLN 1l.L. !\(rs. JUIJ Jobnson .. nler1Jljn .. d t!le

n", '" n llluTPlt nf Chl=o .... ho 11 .. ld an E~slllJ:'!on m66tlnl: hrre.. 'II ..... f"'..arrI.. Fl"trbcr "ho ...... 8 "alloll" '" til" IIIn.... and d6llth or her lIttl .. d3Uj:'blpr ""Ilia :'IT1I" hall r@turnM to her hom. In Chlcal!(! Thomo.s Je""r tf.(')n a llt~ Jong r~'Rld(>n1 fl.:u;o:oo R.\\a, at th.. "1. Ctua 11".1>11.'\1 ,,!tel''' he hAd bf rn It JlRtfMlt for ~omoj\ time 1141-'-, :Ult ~o '\:('~r:c ('Ild Wm camphen a 11f~ Inn: t'e"ld'nt "f lhl~ .. ,.\ T'"s.eo!

\\"Jl' 1\15 'lIle ~ C~rn. ho1tf)ita1 v.:here

~':iF:"I'°;h~It~="r .. \!t"B:ih~~~~·I..:i~ of Lln""ln on .April 14 A t:rand r~ c,,"ptlon ...-til be J:h, .. n April 14 In hon"r of the """nil malllf"r at t!!. A :\1 F ebur"h.. The .. "n-.... hm .. nt. ...-til be .... T\""" .. t ~b .. "Ia"onle ball The n .... l\ E. )fa'lIeld hal; returned hom" rrom l""nt1a" 111 ... h"r.. lle hu bfOen U trnd1nC' the ."~trlet t'onfer,ronee ~fr1J FI" .... nre !\fotl .. "r ElkhArt nl Is here ,1.1UnJ: At thl!> home "r !1ft .. nd liT. Will RtA.rk. whn ..... Id .. In Clinton St. 'III' ana ... Will Stark. ~a'e mo\ed Int ... ne .... home In ClImon St !If!' ana!llrs '\.IlnderburA' aTld ~hlldr~n 113'<1 I .. rt for th .. ! .. hom. In Lltehfl~ld ~tr" Anna. n Do",~~ of Lo' ,,'''' til o~an Inr ot the WomRn s Fedprated Clllhs "C nUnol. 1ft t~ Inl:' t.a fe' h e a duh ll .. re !Ills. Glady" Fuqua .... ho toaeh •• mu~le In Au-Un T.AII... Is hue vllsltlnlO relath u and friena"

Ol.MSTEAD ILL The R.v H H. SI" ..... rt and ... If ... .Ay

mlnta St"",art motored tram Cairo to O1m.t ..... d ThuMlday durlnll' Lhe IIIn"slI nt )fMl.. Katie Cooper llrs 'I(a. Allee r .... 1VtDD of Sl LoUis aceompanled th~m :llrs FAith :\Iay or Olmllt .. ad has a fin" lIoJ n.>nnle Johnson was d"lIl1'hted In ....... ndlne: tb" day In Calro Monda} 'I!I~s J .. sl~ Cllll"flOOl ....... the gu .. ~t of )1Is." R .... "'~ CIRYJIO"I FrldllY nlllht. :II .... '!.fa;:gI(' Turn .. r or Cairo m h. "end ing 8", eral days In Olm"tead durlnS'. the IIIn""" of her "Ister )frs Katie Clay­pool

URaANA. ILL. Hurd~8~ P .. """o" "'bo has been ron­

fined tl) bb ~om~ .... 1th illness for the put two '" ~ek" Is AI>le to out apln :\!rs 1>fam:ie Hlte of Chl""IIO ..... re eenU) eiined 11 .. re to the bedside of her daU;;ll'Ie" lily! HattIe Anderpon .. bo IR "mou.h III ,.;Ih pneumonia 'ItT"- Arth"r Clarl< g1l~" a d .. lI~htful I"'rt ... at be hnme of bel' I'arentft :\Ir and !.f.... W :\f PeaNon In hanor or h~r husband CO\e,.,. ,,,, ..... IRld for 20 Thos~ p ....... nt .... ere 'ITr and !.o(r" Doul: l.IU!s Spud 'Ifr and ~I", Sam Brown 'Ill' and Mrs Fr.d Williams Frank

~l~iih, :\?ct~ ... ,,~I"il:~rd~~~;a~!on ~~~ "",,ltne1d Thomas

CHESTER ILL ""rs Katie :!Iru"" Attended tueb .. ,.,.

me,,1Inl;' at CarbClndAlp !II Ihe JRn ... · JIIIrt Of IMt ", .. "k Th~ :\{l5'"'' C,.,..,e .. nd B"Ue Boon .. af SI.. Loul~ :\rn~ C>lme hom" to -p.nd t"o \\Pek~ "Ith th .. lr motber :\1.... Kat.. Iloone 'II,.,. Jos 'I(eGe .. and 'Rmlil" 'Ifrs G""r"e Janie" and famlh And Anh"r Covington and famll} motored to S""rta. n Sunol,,, In b~ pr .. c~nt At thplT moth.r II Ilrtll of" ... dinn".. :1.1"" Ceo.."., Cm In!;,lon WllllOn Curti. diM! RUddenl)" Tu-.d~' nlgbt Fun" .... J at th" A )1 E ehurrh Thun;dav altemoon b) the R., R H Cato

ELKVILLE ILL !lfiss n. Rmhh "as a PII~uoln 1ll

.hopper ree .. ntl> nolu>rt Trlr.. '" ,I lIam 1"'1.,l\rook Ab .... m Garner and Robt SImpson mtltOred ttl I"'..arllnndal" 111 !I1'r" Ed Sayle.. I. stili III n"ul n Rurkhelter n as R Duquoin III ,jsltor The Re\ :\11' 'WII~, pa510r of tile A 'If Po ehurrh of Carhondal" 11l And .. numl ... r <It hi. members attend .. d lhe quart"rly m""Unl:' heT .. I':und~v Jam ...

~~~~~A'n'j.'!.~Gn ~ S~l.nfi!~?tt 1I;,,"::r: business tMp t" DUlluoln III He>r:t"" Gam"r 'Wer,. \ lBltInt: out of lo,"'n ll"" Jen"le Smltb Is \ Isltlnl;' In 'Do!>Clttur 111 Mr_ nella lrcClaln ot Carhondale ua~ ,1sltln" heT" 'Ifnnro8 )fotlev .. r Chi ral;O .... .,... h .. fI' th.. 1:11(>61 <If l(r and :\Irs Dan Rmlth The n", F n I':tral ton and ... Ife \'Ittl'tor of l!t.. A :'II ". ("lIureb or C"rr1.... :\TlII.. ""re ".ltln.; b"r~ 'Ilr~ Ad .. lle 'I)' ... • .. npl)1": and .. bll dr"n mad" .. trill to Conh"n lale llr~ Jame.< John-on ... ""-~ ~lsltlnl1 In n~""Io m lilTS Ella Redd wns 1\ Duqul)ln ~ Isltor. I,uthe.. Stone or Tennessee Is ,1sIUn&, hffe Indetlnlt61~

CHICAGO HEIGHTS, ILL Mt"1I Julla Webb 0' l:!Il! Portland

A". l~ 'VIslUnlr her Telatl ... ~ In Toledo Ohio Min Pat .. a ... ork .... ror tbe 'Cnlon ~a"1nJ:1" a~"'oclaUon "''aR In the ("It'\: nnd "topp..., at Zion BapU<t "boreh and 1.cturl'd to a II'OOd Aud14mc. Sh .. 81M formed A. cluh and orJ:a,n!zf!(l thf'!' memben< R.. n ~ Wea,er h ... mond and III no", r".ldlnll' at 299 E lith St. A drl alln .. rluh has h ... n or-"nnl.1'd .... 1th :Ill' ~n •• Tate I r ... ld"nl :ond t' H' 'F(lnz: all ~'crNR" n .. , ( !!m~'li'tt;'" 1ft ehalnnan or the J'f'o!;T'am

MARION ILL. ~1 rAnd !lfrs T n It,,~s '!tre ~I"n­

th ..... tr honJII"\."11'lonn In Barlo\\' 1\:, llt.rlnn­Br'mn unde"'''nt an nperatlon is ... " ,a1""",lns: )Ir Anti lIra H"nn "Ill. hone returnM hnm. rrnm S!'rin;:field 1II T~r 'Ifl,,'''~ Lc!tha William. Addle Robr.r6on Rnd llan And*"T80n June re tumel to th~l .. home an .. r I><'lnr: "I"'r ~~~ nn And art! "Ilf"~dlh rt:f:()\ crtn:: 1UN't f'implf" BeRn '" as th!!+ Ift1 st ''4 !II.. :1', r.1"mons SundR~ ltrs Rank b at! and daUl'hter torm .. rh Ihlna.: In "prln",lIetci h ... e return.... 10 l!arl"n Duteh OW IIlI"m. formerly of T"I<..! .. Ohln I- nnw In 'IIarinn but Intend, lu ~o to JOppa poon There "u • Piuh "hen at the hom. or :llr Rnd !.otTF If flu"h ~ In honor of Ih~lr <Iaullhl~r 111<8 :\1,,,· Hulthe. AmOn<: tllo ... prt. ftnt \\'f"TP th~ lHf;f'''~ Et'$1. 'Pal:ton I Inkn", C!1amMI". J; dna Hlnlon In. (';aln~!I Lu("ll4' Pa'l,;tnn and 11''' fo11 Ram"..,. !llr and '1(,.,. II...,,,, GI\1.~rl motored 10 C'.arhnnf1"ln ~u"d:t\' !\Jrs H .. nn GlIl>~n <,nt .. rtalned KlmllA IAn .. noter with 1\ 6 0 ('I""k dlnn<'r " NInes da) at h~r boml! 14 q10 5 Llhert~ SL

MOUNDS ILL "In; .Alire :Ulln~ Is the I:U~st ot

'lIn; C. Pi~rson of GRI~" T~nn Paul ~tuner has to"n ~fl<lUnl: In Cllnlon I>} n.. C " ::':"rm~nt. pastor of 8t John the Uallti$t -ChUTCh h~ 1~t."n in atfcn danC'e at lh~ Statf" Runda\" sc-hool ("on ,,,nllon In no.n\ nit 111 "Imam Cole mnn has Tf'lurnNi from 8. ,!lI;;:ll in lt~m 1,hls T.-nn The roun11 Ilr"de of llou;: lass school In ellnn:~ of l[lSll Omel' Thomp.on t"3cher f>rt'f<ent~d a ,,,r. -=U<'"'C "~tul l'f"O!!'lAnl nt the .... ' m TUBfi <111\ nl"ht. TIl m:Ls Cro's has return.-d hom~ rf'()m C ntrali~ "here btt unde-r \\;~tH an 01" mHon tor a,,, endh:Uis :\Ini :\1aJ,:gh- E~lc: U diM! ~n h-er r>fH4:fd~. C~ on 1 hn ~L an~r :1. hrlp( inn~p:~ Uf.'t brCtthf'lr motht:r:a nd ~ 1 Pr ...... ! It tn at I~ndanr" al '~r hl'd IIle hero," ,,'" I < CapWa. B)Td. Rev H. W

.,!lurch social M,,, Charles of cit,

.. al1o was .,. ... lI~tl till. dtl to he at lh" 1 ed"lde of her moth",r "Iro Lena :l\lcklrti "ho Is nrl ,Ick C:l1 (nr t~t' of ChlC1ll:o bll5 b~en ,laHlnl: hi. mmller "'n< Sust" Cart~r In IndIana ,A,,, '!.Irs Fortman Is sick

MOUND CITY ILL "hlte A ~I r d al.el Rev W 1/

€ole (HJ.stor Ja..oq:t Sutlda,): ~larch 3rt 'us their !':III) d .. ~ J:::,<I1 c:tlJta'n and m~mlttr rt"'tw>nuttl Compan\ A llr:; :l\anc~ \\ IIhama JeW ade C )Il' n:<n~ C Mrs An nle nucker Compan> F. John Kno"l~n F..a.dl clul had L ~o minute ~ermOD ~Irs Mar lucretta. \\ IIkllls "ner an .. xt .. nded vI,,\( "Uh lI .. r .un Frank WilkIn" of Sprln.:tl ... !d III returned hom. Frida> fl \\ !la) es Is home !;P1O :sprint:fleld III \ IsltlDI:' his dRUg .... r llrN Huth liar 5h"'''' and ramlh 'Ilonroe Tan"el "rt.r Nc\eral month. ~ta, In Kl r oul,; ~!o wllh hi" 80n h.s I'eturned hom~ n~~ J n Dlrk".,,,,n or ("alro prr" I .. d nt the PI""t Free Ilaptl.t church sun<la) J"me. l"akhlllf ot Ch,~a::: ... III I" ,'slt Inl:' hili paTl 11111 ~Ir and !llr. Pa..,1 all ClarenC'e I aTilt'" Itlt for RlrmhlJ;'ham and I" ksom ill.. fla "here he \\ ill IIp.nd , r • dlt~. !lfrs 11.le 'Irn-of) left tn ,Islt llpr aunt At Dutlol.. 111 'lofTS.. tTt lit' Clark of ~tound~ aU('ndt:"d the spe.kln", Thursday e'~nln:: at the COUf't hou~~ n.1: ~f \ Inntt"s "'Alii a llound cll\ ,Isltor 'n ~dne.d .. , Those on III" RIt'1< 11M are ~Ir .. 0 II !lend« >'On Mrs Crace ~Io,all ~nl<~l!ne n:n" .. I~n !llrs R"berta and Mls~ f;arn .. 5tln" l'amphelL The "I"T" of nc~ t~ \ Clark Wa" bul't:larlzed Sun da) nll:ht Quite a ro" IlToct"rles "ere taken ,...!III"" LizzIe Llnds:" I. ",,~nd In" tho ....... k ... nd .t Hoa~cs Park at <he home of :III'S "Illiam.

MATTOON ILL 'Ilr~ 0111. Malone and Mrs Charles

"noon a.e sick 'Illos lflldretl Robin Eon of Llna 111 and I'r3nk nell or this "It\ " .... , united In marrlas:e :\IRreh 26 at the home or lhe Re .. '" J Olher lr\u 'IlIIdr~d Bell .... as badly Injurod Tl ursda) .. ",nlnl<' .. hen libe fell at bel' ~ome 90 .. Moultrie A,,, :Ill' and Mrs Thoma. Quarles "nd faml!. ha\~ Ilone to Centralia to make their home :llr8 Julia :l\orton ,..a" called to B .. <hanl b) 1.he serious IIlne.s of b~r sIster In law

~~O~n~l:;'o~~~ :::: :el~~e'lt :~~~ Chkago Charle" Parker \\,A" ver) badl) bntlaed .... hen he f,,1\ rrom a step I"drl~r at tbe Demaree bUilding on Frlda.y

DANVIl.1.E. ILL :\[rs. H.nrlell..... Dulin Oak 5t and

Mrs E Render are "lek The rc,I".1s at the Second H"ptl~t "nd ~lIen ll.U. 0. Ust church~s h:n ~ (orne to an t!11t.1 and both ha\e !.of en quite a su<ce,g The R", :\IT llcDutl\c \I as the C\ an ".lIst Cor the A :\l E church and Ihe Uev 1I1r Underwood for 1he S cond HaplI.t chur ... h Th .. !lev ~Ir Und~r 14000 e\ang .. hsl or lIw Sreond B II tlst ("hur~h left for hl!11 home in Gale51Jur;: 11\ ~h· Britt ,,10 ha" heen I<adln!; lhe slnJ;inj; "Iso Il.H !pft for his hume

~1~~Vn::" ~~,:'r!:'Fs~:~ ~rre 1~lll~ ~~~ at til .. lIome or llaurlcc Artl"'t R()llll son .As thl. "as I>rOSram nl;:ht. ~lIs. :\la<1l:edallen !tobln.on pr~pared nn III tere"lnl: pap~r on H"", Are lou ClImblllJ:~

QUINCY ILL Dr L Ii: "lIha tn' lIa.tor or 011\ t

Baptist church t.:hI~",;o "as In tile <'it) laot y"eek and de he .. ~d an a.1 dre..s al lincoln flcho< I lie "ao <Il I~rtaln.d at tllnner b\ ~fr' S limn

~r:'ad':!~'~ 1 ~In\t~, ~~tcr~l'n.~OI~~ ... t~~ home or IJr Rnd ~Irs lIartilla,. :\1 .. lIarlel I arrlsll I. no" able to be out ao:aln aner an 1lIn."" of thr." month" Th .. blrtll I.> oC the I Lte Co! Charl .. ~ '\ Gun;: "ali ({"It 1 rah'd lit Dethel Tt!cent b under tit" ausp\ceR of Coml all) h. Ite\ II S "-Iurryl ,,,"sid, d Capt tln ~humaker mnde Nome remarkM Dr lIarshA" then d"lh~red the ... hln.ti ("hRrl". '\"bl> and Gunet Da,l" "cr~ nnlted in hob "edlock reel ntl~ I' nev Or liar ha" at the U.U,,1 I ar oonal:e ~Inth "nel O .. k ll"" I.!catrlc< Henr) ,Islted In the city for .. f \\ da)9 la..«;t \\eek There was fionteTt.oJn

~t~~cf!;enc~!nl~~ Un~~ nmf!9tJit~~:~~ """ In the elt\ l\ edn<,-day and Thur. I day of last ". pk \\ hil~ h~re he In spected Com1>an~ J\ Thu"'dn~ "'cnb,,, he delhercd an addru. at til .. I Inc"lnl school E T Ah,,-U of I'hll .. lell hi" and ::II"" Sadie Jcfter"on of Chlcal:o "ere In the .In lil~t "eek In the In tcrest or the pta\: ~roun I and reerpa Uon mo\:"m~nt nr J[ar~ha,\' S ll!\tor or Betll~l T~turn~d Snturda, r.on AI Ion n ll.r" h" nut''' 1M! the Quln"~ dl­Irlet confer< nee. He r"ports a sllen did confer('nce Thtre" III be mock conforence at nethel April 10 un l~r Ihe Au""I""s ot the :\1,,1'} L"" )!I-.Ion I\r) Nodel) :\11'>' Har.<ha" \­preAld"nL )Irs nn,l" J O\Hn Hunler 0' Edina '!\ff' qipent lost 't\'~ek R.."f t1 e croest of I ~T .. arent~ "Ir Rna ll,.,. Frank Louer, 1 p,\: J 11 PO'\~fS has t .en Qulle til hut I. nble to be Ollt Rca In

BLOOMINGTON ILL The n .. , II W Jan ... on hpld hla

chapel SUnd" H... Ilrcached t,,"n sul.ndld "croton" Ponald Clark and lira 'I!arl:3rct '~ard "ere married at the par!;ona.:c or 'Va' man ChRl1e1! nev S B Jon ... orHdatil:; The C. n tra1 dl.trlrl mectinl" ot the F~deratlon "t Colored Wome"" Cillhs con\ened here lInch .- 28 at t'1""ah cllUrci :\lrM ~ Ictorla Fields Thoma., I'rrtilded A lal'l':''' numll<'r ot dclel:"tes And ,\-1 tor8 .,.ero p",sent antI ,,11 dcelar.d the m ... Unt:s ..... erll Lh. best .",. !teld Dr llan F Warlnl:' !llrs ll:lIz .. heth I Ins' n".h. and 'I(r" Ida \\ lis Darnett M ~hrC2":O '\ croP in the rlt~ Htt"ndtn~ the dl.-trlct m""Unl" !lIT' Fdlth TlIlln ~te"arL ~r't;stdent of the t:l.~ feder-d tlon "'II" In ~e cltv attentll"" thr dis Irlct m" .. tlnl" "h~ \\a~ the bOlla. "D~~t of Dr Bnrl ll"" E C Co,ln.,ton Amnnl': the mlln~ "ho "pre here at­t"ndin;: th .. dtHtrlct mnttnl: W~Te l\!r~ Julia I.Inllj Gil aon 'Itr~ Fannie Slim

SPARTA ILL The n \ 1> Uro" n closod :t

cure ~,.;rul r.-, hint Frid:1v ~\:. nln~ l .trl<" Sl:"II:ltt.r ot D:'In\ \lie I,. hero "lskinl: her mot~pr :\Ir~ :\1 r.f\; ~te\: t.'"n!l Jo~ \\ I.on nf Elk, 111" \"'~ the 1:1I~~t or T T ~nlhh n (e\\ da) s lru .. t \\ t!ck lIrs .! hI \\ IISM alit! :\In Addle 11 .. 0 \\ l<kJitr .. "r~ on the .Ick list

The n.. I S Slone 'f (niro III d.-lh ert-.rl nn ('xeellent !'lrllre"'~ to an "'Jlpr daU\e nudiencf' TU(I>stlu\ (:\l>n111.,. at :llIlIer~ hall :'Ir" :If\Ttle Cllml, I~ In Corinth ~lIq" ,1.ltlnll II r h,. hant1 " T~lath e. Jrer sla) ,,!II he In dpflni't.. "Irs ChllrloU" l1an.lIeo en lpTlalned at dinner Wodn ••• la) M~~ dnm". \nna Kln"ald lind lull" Pn'ne "f I",n''''' CIt> :\10 :-OfT "nd :llrs n .. erllcr Stew"rl 81111 little , .. anala :!\farl .... \\erl! dinn""r G'UPlt~ it the bom nf ~rr!4 In ,"o\,ro Thur!&lda, Th~ ~lIs.c. lInd.:" lind Ma"gl llurdn .. k and EmOli1 [lrftton ''''(Ore .,a~SeJ1"'erg to

~~~rr~~~~~~~ln~t~r~~~ of S~:~ 1 fr;:!~)t. S Hurd;n nfh moan The aHpmoon \\' LS '-,,("lIt In Jll:'l'\tn:::- J:'Rmes nUtlr "hleh a d(l'lidotl:s IUnC"hN)n \\oill' "i."T\ ~d t, tl e hO<l(tf"~" l:tlq:s Wlnstnn Jol n"'on J::1\"'P n r."dfnl: nt ~llner' I an ~Iar .. h ~l lOder the au~plc(>M nf Ihe \ :\1 I <hurrh P'rnfr5sor Jonf s or ~ crnun ,::t'at! d 5("hoo1 and h·acherfO llr'" f:hfln An derson and the "US!H"!1 !\t\ rU~ X(\l~nn and ~, .. n:t. Kef'nf" or#' in R ...... t ~t J..oui~ nlti"ndlJ1J:' thf' Tf'3ChoP.fS 5o\tat", I"s~cln lion :UP,damps n n !;lnul'<hter tull. P:" ne tnd :\nnn N:inkn.M \\ r tl nn r a::u('st~ at th,. home or !\fr1' r ... Hu 1 ~()n Thun:::ihn 1 It Rrlttnn "" at' :l I usln(\"oc '\ hdtor In ~t I f')uf!l 'Thur~ da\" !l1r.< Jolm nrallf"r<l mlld" a I u~1 ne •• trll' to Chlcaso last "eek

COULTERVII.LE ILL 1.1rQ ltmntp Jont's \\a,.a :\ \'Istt(\r In

the dt) 5111d1l\ Tf'turnlm: to S,llBT'ta. )Ionda) '" bllt' hen- ~h \ 1'lIed htr ... t • .,. llrs 'If"""le "lIJl"m~ a. d Florf"n<!p. f:r:'-': es. U s: Stllll'\: nn and ... If~ arl' plannln", on rell,rnln:: 0 Ken turk'\: fer an JndlPflnlte ~ta\' ~Tr!lO J'd'tt" ~ul1h an r~t'.t"n('d. hnme In~t '1 ~k after !iliT\pnd1.n-- .qrl:"'T"al mnntJli't In K~nturk' H~r nt~("fIo n("("oml'anl~(l hf'T The Rc\: ltr tTultt CIInl\nt t"'e \\ pel; E>nd in (".nul IrT\ Ille '~hl1" h~r .. I, .. ~to"n ,I ,,\lh lIT ;PTut :\1r..:: C'a!1Of'" Jnnc· Bo! Cf:trk and U m Cu .. tl~ "ent n ~t f"fJubl t;tst " .. .,k 'fr- ~IA~.,.I~ \'\"l\Jlams \ lln ha.

.k~ I_ -till hn. ro'ln;: ~!r. HI"

JACKSONVILLE ILL All mlnl~ler~ ore 1m ItN\ to "tt~n 1

the f'l'ln .. i ... ~ of t'he conrl!'rrn~ft ~car of tJ p :.\teCa.t ('" churt'h l1ndrr the p:l!lO:tor­ohlT' or tb .. it,,, A :\1 Tod.l 'Ilr. \ I Ahhlngton "'Ill delivf'r nn :n1dr"" ~Iu :II") nil' \\ h.~I~r rcepll pd \\ ord or

Sa.turola~ lit "est Kentllck~ collel:e Ed "heder lind dau;hter IIpent the week enll "It II lIar} Sims Tommy Stone TO turn~d h(une trom. DfI\:atur Ala Lee Sims met wJth a serious uccldent "hen hls car tUl"n-=d oV<er nesu" ~1~troPOUH ~frs I.", 'IIorrls r~turn",1 to ill.durnh Saturdn. Undortaker }Ianomoc:k and • tben Smith w .... In the dt~ Kllnd., ~lIB" SWIt of Clifton T,mn "...,. tbe gU~8t of ~f!.s lele Johnson

CHAMPAIGN, ILL Mr lin I l'r~ Urak"nrldll''' "nnoun('e~

lh~ marrl:IJ:~ of tI •• lr daul1"tcr llt.~ I ut:tlt" t( J.a.m~~ Ja(' kbon tht.l couJll~ are re~idlnlr In Cllam],ai.:n :U ~r t u} let" \\ IS (, :lltcd to \ulton Ul on account "f the de U or hi.. LrQlh r John GU) ler T\\u brtltherH unit lin 1R:t'd fathV'r Run:h:e- ::\trs 1 dwar l:t ton tertalntd a bun." of la.lI~s last Satnr d:o\ In honor of llrl! [>~ttl., ,III' I· I ere frnm ;\II,,.oura The Chaml al~n :\fah Jonf;~ cluh J;a'\\!, a. d H1Ct: 1t ( i.r)' ~ hall In"t Saturda~ nl!:ht. III Ill'" nol Ja"k~ n :'IntI )11" ;o.lllr~ Stll.":ll ""re mu.rrl~tl kt. the t:burt hout:e IRst s:atur tlU) 'T'lf"~ ar.: Ul t ~!n:: their homt' at 41~ F: ll~ad".I, h.. f{e~ G C Par ke!' editor or tl,e (:lrlHtlan Intlr' "',,,, In our rh~ In't """It antl pr"ftch.d to

a cro"ded bouae Jolin JohMon of 707 N I ralrle St "a' IJrouJ;ht hom .. from the illinois C~nt""l .hops autterln&, f .... m .. fteV~r" op,..lnod kne~ 'Ill\ck ~r~-u"" visited hi" d>LuJ;bter In v.; ater­ioo lo"a last w."k. 'Ilr and :u .... GtOn;~ l~enon mutortal to llat.x,)n last Sundn31 The lnr .... nt du.uJ;hter of ltr un 1 \1'9 Frank Til "b di~d from bran It ,I plI~umonl.. f rlda) TI .... " on the .kk \1st ure T.,,~a.e Tln.l"y It .. tll~ tI"",,1I Rev \~ 11I1I.llb. Jo", U"ntl"r:;on form~rly of .n:.ntuck) I ut no", of Cha.mlJolcln Pi&.:u,~tI a~a)' her~ last \\:e:ek

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Apr 19, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A3 . !·LLINOIS STATE NEWS In Chlca';ll Illst week. li!II.rl Corbett an·l llr. Snl!lI and family Qf Xatehea. MI!!II ..

John John~on. Jr .. have he"n III with III I1l1vo 10<:al!:d In Churnpnlgn, Tbe Hev. the· mump!I, Thu X. A. A. Co 1". w llr. eaaher of Tullia. Ukht. .. hI conduct­,::I\'~ the F .. asl or the Seven Tables th~ Ing a tevho'lll at the Chrhillan church. flrtit wl'tok of lillY. Ciluenee· Johnllon lllll8 Allc~ ){cCrny. th~ !l1-Yf:llr.old hall relurntd from Three Rivers. ::>.1Ich., ,:au&,hter at )11'11. "'alter Cameron. dl~r1 w!Jl:re hl' ball t. .. en ¥Isltln& hili alliler, :It the Outlook snnatorlum last Sundll~' GRAND CHAIN. ILL.

MNl. )0;1111 \\·l1l1nm,; lia" mO\· • ..! to kvln&:ti. It.·nn· UC'tto! Ilnd \\1fe • .lIT!!. Bt!t;lile n .. u ... oJf Lcdn;: wer.: hI the dh' noc..-nU)'. "'n<. ~Uunl.. Gllrdn"r <of Le\'ln,;" ",'1'" a "l~ltor h .. re r'><":IItl),. ::!.In!. Elnora lot ..... ·wlll of Lo!\'lng:l was 1l bUllllut!!<1S ('.aU .. r h.-r.·. Th" It",·, 3011'. ("-,ol>l>cr ,'rf'aehf'd at the ltll'slonano u.)itiMt clturt-,h' sundii)·. -Til .. -ji .. ~;.Jolln \\· ... 11um of J.e\·ln,;" Will" In t!h, ('It)· l''t!'('t·nU)·.

GRAND TOWER. ILL. ~lrti. t)or.. Cluo,·I .. of lhl~ .-II\' haa

be\!n to lit. Loul" '\'1I'1t11l1: ht·" "leI. >'On. Tom £",:,,1''' 1" on th,· bl~k IIl>t. lira.

. UOI\ll.,. ""h .. ll~s 1> ... ·11 III for "'>IIW tlmt', hI lmllruvln,;. The .\. :\1. I~. ,'burch hf'ld It !'(.lCial ~HtUrdM~·. Th.· l.adl~JI

~n:l'ii!~i .. cl~'t" ,!t:.::L nt t~'; hon,l' ot

GALESBURG. ILL. ~'"'. J .. ,,~1 .. Tm"l.·:-· <'1lt .. rt14in''fI ,he

Cultur~ duh Thuf"'d:n·. llr... .\Iohle :-lnua.lIw<m<\ (·IIl('J'l:.ln'..! th.. Thlmhle drelt' .'ri<l"'·. 1:",'1\'81 ""n·h' .. " "1' .. in I'ro;:reI''' .Ill' All"n O'1U'IW!. ::'>lnl, Ir~n~ .'IN,·hf,r Har\"'~' ,·nt .. rtllinNl 0,.. ~~ Mild S,·\\, dulo Frio1.,... CI:,rt'n"t: n"u ",,,·nt tit .. " .... 1; ,·nrl whll frit-n.h. 11 .. 1'(.'. )fr.<, 11 .. 1"" Ilarh, und"r","", ;;an 0",,1':\· lion At :-t. "'ar~"" 11""1"1..,1 '\,.'<In'''l'.lR~·, 1: • ..,,'1\ .. 1 !'''T\'j .... " wl'r" \\,.·11 attrndf'd

l'und:l\, ~\·4'nin~. The m('~tln!;1.1 Ilre cre­RUns: . mUe'h Intt'rcI.t, Tit" nt'''. .\n· dr"w \\'d.l. 11"lll ';11O..'Cial l'cn'!ce:s fur hI~h I>("ho'" stu.lcnts \\· .. dnesdll)· at .. u'clodt. llrl'. :-:3111.' Toll'li uno1 "nn2l, na),lnolld ~nd \\·iI\h,m. hln'" rr.turn,od trom a trll' to Cbkat;'o and Gao.. Ind,

lie Glf!;horn and wiee oe Sllllrla were III Coulten·lII., IIl"t w~'.:k. lll's..\. Crown'::! gTnndd3uglltcr. Goldie SL J:lme8 of Spart.'1. sIlent sevf'nll days "Isitlng her..... The ne,·. lfr. Latont ,.r"acll ... fl ht'r., IIt~t Sumla~·. Th.. He ..... ;llack "'I bon flll"d tho! Imlllit here! last

llilis Dahl}' John:wn. mornln&,. Sht! l"n\·{·s.1l mother "nd \ I three '.roUlerll, lIer funernl ""nl; h('ld

JACKSONVILLE ILL at Snlt:1lI nl\(ltI:<t church, th" Il ....... n. A. ,. i HIl:rtlen (.tUclat .. d. U .... nry HuE')' l\nd

The lion. u~car U"PTlt:lst of Chicug~. John Smith of C.'ntralln ure lookinG' (ormer !,lld"nn:!11 ~f ~~Ia\ cit)'. ~n~ lte,\. (or 11 IOf·.lUnn In this dty. Th .. :0.11". T. Ib :Scoll ur ChicaGO !!I1.ok" a\ the lIlanlln' lIod ... t)' of ;l1t.rnlng ~Iar flall­,~uto Inn r .. c~ntl)'. It",·. John~o~ ~n~ tlst church Itlt'l at ~tr". "-mnels lIt/rn. I .• c\'. J: II. :;1.1,,:< tnot(lr.1!tl 10 t~" dt.~ blll'klt's hum" last wl'~'k. Those on lh .... !Sundll.) to huld (IUUTterl> m""tln&; to"r\ I sick list I<re HuItt" And"rson co .. III .... Ie .. ::! at n .. t1wl A. It. 1:::: Church. ChlUld· lUck!!, lIar\' Ju"kson Hultl .... Cu~n· ;tnt! Urnnnon. S. I-'a)'(;\ te ::it ... WItS "Ic~te I Aline .ll .... rj>, llr. :':n.1 ltT!!. Lneh nrc commlt~ .... man I~ the I'nurth \HLrd. ~ \·lslllnG'. III Chlcolj:o. llrs. 1::. T. D"un l~I:<8 "Iillol" J.)derrl~'. II IItudt'lIt ,ut }~" "nh'rtullwd th., nellllLtlcan club la"l :\otl.nal "dwol lit Xornud. I!! ,,11I1t. ~ Tuesday "\·cmlnt;'. a,'urJ; .. 1' .. 1'''011 WI\S h!:r allnt line! uncle. ~Ir. and llr:t. ltur "'~cted l"HlImlllt.eman o( the r'lrlSt "hall Wllllmn,; •. EbCf' ~t. WIIL-:r !t,,::. wal'\!. :\11'. "t'n;oll ill the flr>!t Hac" who ha;- l,eell.1II at Ii!! homO!, \\. I:::dg· man to Iwld t hi" o,"c",. Th~ ~, .. ung llIonel ::it .. III ... blll to rCsumtl his Ilutlcll (lcoJII!! nr .\Iount Oll\'e chur"11 h .. ld It "'lOa III. ;:itllllud It,!Jbctts, III ~\1 at hili tioClU1 at II ... ehurch lalit ~aturd3y. The home. \\. .\11110' St. \\ m; "utlll'le ,h. l,reliitJtmt. ;\11";:1 1':\'01:. 'IImll)\ulI. made s!o:k "'Sltlu. :'Irl,!., .?rum \\ .. ~.~ III R 1 mil. thlug!! Ih·el~·. JlIm",. Crltler. J ... NlI" IIl'nt ,!I 'h" :-\e\\ Hom" "allitorlu . Drilt. 011 .. 11 111'001;" In"',, 1.urchll, .. t1 new llrf-.• :\'. J: Hlue Is hl1l~ro\'II1I::' liNl. t·HTI'. lit'. lIftd lhs. WJllt" lIuller of .\lllr) Ha.nk>! and. )11'>1: Chilli. lITan~on :.t:UloHn. '111 .. w"re Challlpal!;n \'15Itorlfl t'nt"rtalned (htl \\ C::il Side ,\rt eluh l'I'~'lllIlIt SlIudu)·. Tire Youn;: L:tdlcs -'tis. day at tltf home of th.., forUlcr I!I :So ll.on.'lr~· "ol·l ... t), of H..lem llu.ptlst church ~Iam~nd !:it, The memlh~rs of tho :\orth lIern'd r ... fr"Ii.hmcnt" In connection wltll End Social (~Iub entertain.". their hm,· the ml'f'tloll' la!!1 l'ulldny lit tit" home band!' .. ec~nt!y :.t III<' h"!ll" of :\!r_. l,lt'~d I of llr!;. Ulallch WIIIl!inlll, lll'll. 1-;. T. :'olpl. G. ". (:0"1"'1'. CO", ~I. .)Ir!!. Gr. t e Dcan. litllte l'r,,!!hlrtnl. w:ts the "'lh:llker "am.! Is " vallcnt ltt ,\ hll',11 hosl·ltat. I of the e"cnlng

;1'i.iar.·Jllj~~;,"~ne~('~n I:..!'t'r!~:k~ )I~~~ Hannah Shoot.. ('nt('rtalnf'd I hi!'! wl!'t'k. .lIn!. ltaude Hawkln!! emh'r­laln.-d the ::\lool!'m Pri!'cllla. "·ullt·y \\'or)( dllb '\".-dne",la,· c\·4'nlnJ::-. Suu· da,' llr. lind ltrs, .\It.crt Jlawkln" .. n, h'rtalnf-d at dinner llr .... nd "'rll. t-;\'I:·r· Nt lturtlhy IImJ rlau!::hler It"""rla 01 ltonmouth and llOl. llaul .. ThoIl11)~:Jn nnd daul:ht .. T Katherln.·, lfTli. :Mlnnlc Brown 4'1Itf'rlalnf'd th" ='uoml lU!'!'hm'

'~untl3)·. TIllie ~t. JallU:'1I of Sp.uta W:llI hi Coultl:'n·iII ... 1:1!'t w.iek "h!llins her moth,-r and father.

KEWANEE. ILL. .\f .. ~r a "uc"'"II:;ful rt!\'i\'aI al tile ,\.

,1" 1-:, church ('ondu.~tt'd b~' ltrs. llalti ... Knif:hl. ahe ,,1)1I\"'rl" will lie hal'tlz"d ":;',,1<'1' £undllY by the JI:tII tnr. It ... \· •. K. J. :-5ldllaU. llrs. Sld,tall WII>I liuTl,I'I!;ed It)· A hlrthda)· llart)' at til.· Imn,tlna!:" .\"1'11 • It)· tbt1 Iudlcs of the church. Till:' o lIuncl:l I drl"e 01 the ... l1nreh Wllg SU'TClilSful :lnd HOi' was report!.''' 111:;1 !-iun",,,·. Th" rt:\,h'al ott th.· ::; ... .,01111 Ll<I\.tl,,·, church will lo"gin the Ilrst Sun,lay In lIllY. ')Ia)'or Andrew,; Wa:! "'I<'liker at th ... St.":OIlt! naptllll church Sun.I;,,·, Allrll fl. 111'11. lllnnia Roman has cQlle to California (01' an Intlennlte: ~tII:r. llrs. l.o(tie Tn)'lor wa_"i at cl\urell.

:~I~r;I~I~~~t (!fhu~~da}~",·o~t: l~~r..~:! "·I'lr .. n.· .. :-mltlle\' ~nd 1'.· .. 11 Jad .. "rJll w.·r .. dt'lt,,;,nc,, from Ih .. It. Y. P. t:. tor th .. ~l'<'ontl l;al.ti)'t "hurch to tll .. Int"rchan!::c and Int .. rl!oclal mn\·,·Il\.,nt held at C"ntral rhurch Thu",da~·. Th,,)' wt!r .. A<'Jlul" .. l.~· It",· •• 1. \Y. 1_ t'nll,'nnlOd, lias lor.

DUQUOIN, n .. L. ~~!~~~~,[u:l ~~~ ~;d!h~~l)i~~t·r an

CENTRALIA, ILL, I :III'!'. 1·;lIa Stllck"r ;:.II.\'c It three·

t'OUrsc lunebeon In lJCilulf of lhl! ~. It. T. ~ll'lt'rll r.:et·ntl~' at Olld \o'"lIows

~·~S;·a~~.trl~;,/:'t:~o~:~r·r~ckn;:OI;~~n~~ ~~ I

It",·. \"alla.:,. lu\stur He th~ Church oC • -Goll III Chrl,;i. :arrl\'\~d hum.! (rulll ~t. Louis Suturd;.\\,. Quarterh' mel'tinJ; l>er\'h"t'::i \\.'re lield nl A. :II. t-:. chnn.-II ~ulllla~·. lh~·"ldinl.: dIll".

I':~'II SI. ;\11:<11 ~'"al l."ltkt1 p,nt"rtah,,·.I· tl ... I1rlmm'Y cia ... " or S.~col1d HRII,I!!I Sunol"'r ~;t'hool \\·,'fIno·"dn)·. The gpt, l"l:"th"r me,'lln: \'11" I"'hl al Se"ond Hit,.U>t rhurch ~lInd"" aft"TnHou. .\11 (nlll' I'llUrd,,·s or th,' <:11;\' wo:rt' III lInlOIl 101:0:Ih.'r. Th" :iUntl:l~' !'Idlool of ~ec­I.>Hd 11111>11", dlurdl will han, Itl'! 1·:..,.;h·T t'n)j:rI!.m Sunda)' afl"ru{JolI OIl :!;:l0. :III' . ... ·Iehlll of l)u'luulu "!'ent *tturdlt), lInli :-::un.I",· ,;I"ltirlf; friend". llT:O. ;';nnlll ..

~,~; r~t.;~lIl'·H~r ~':tl!t!~f'~hIH~(k::~~n;m~r~:

ItC\·. J. 11. Hhle!l, O,·cul.,..ln~ the l.ull'1l lit th" mornln!: !tlld c\·"nin~ '''''\'k,,!' 1111., It~\·. ,\. ;'\!, 'r."I,1 at the •· .. nnnuniun "'·n·Ie .. " in til<' a(lernoon. I~l"" lI"nT~' ~nQw,Ir!II. I'i."tor ,., lit. I';nwr~' !tnl'tl"t chul'<'il. "r.· .. d .... 1 ~llIIda~' .• \11 tillY ~cr\'· Ic ... s were h"1d III Ih.· S",·'.nd Christian dlurt'll Sunday. lIn', A. J. .\I,lo\n"ton of I'lattsl.our~. ll .... !::O"e un ltddr ... !'s. :I'nrllln.:- >-l·n·ic,·!" w,·r .. In ,·har!:.: M th" fla~Hlr. It.,,', noswdl. :'11'''. I.aUr.l :l1'''II'l~ I" !l 1'l4tl"lIl al Our Savlllr's lin,,'

CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILL. llr.!'. :\Ior .. or :::s 1-:. ](,Ih $\. I!' 1,'a "III~

><N'In to '\'j"it ... ,,1,lt hf"r m.,II,..r and fri"ndl! In Xash,m ... T,·nn.

P. Ylm,on of l)ooluoln "I><·nt Sunday with llllO!I I.. Skinner. )lrs. .\oIdl.., U .. mlerson Is ,,1011.' 111 It" out u::nln. ;\Irll . • 101111 J"nkln!l or 410 Cormlt-k h:l!l ro:· tUTnro fnlln II1·o\\'lIs\·III .... 'enn" wh.;re "., att"nd,',1 Ih.· tunent! or IkT 1I100h"r. !\II~" (".lIdla \\'11..0 nur Chkago I" vl",­him:, h ... r .. Iell I<ISh'r, ;\lr.I. !tuth U,·II \\'11::.0". GO:; l'ak l'L

AURORA. Il.L. lI;orr" ~And .. r:! "r I~\'an~ton was the w.· .. k .:nd ,::'I,.,,,{ (It n.,\\,('y lUlls. '\Ir.

nn<l :'oln!'. Jas. Brown Hnti llr. nllI! lin", IA'" Cnrt('r nrc the I,rout! llRro:nl:4 1)( h .. lr!'. llrN. )·;!'othE'r Ilmchlnsotl or :Ii.Itt· lie Cr.·,·k. )lIeb., wn.::; w ... ek ('nd ~u.·:;t fir her cau,;lnli. Chall. Tnylor and wit,·. ltrs. \'an HIITen llll\" "''' .. hu~te". tu IIII.' O. n. o. club ,,"'<lne!'dll)' nrtt!rnooll. hn\'in!:' A!! h .. r !;Ul·~tl' o( honor :'o1~. !'hll IInrrl~. llr". ('ha,.. Tny!." :ut.1 llr". Thoma!! Uogcr. Youn!:, matronl' or .\urora art· att .. ndln~ the J:::a.:slel' mlll>'lrc\s In Chlc:lll:o. lllll'!' Elhel .lor· dan ,.f Chimco III "I:<itinl: heT mother, llr~. I.u.:)· St.·,·"n,..

ELGIN. ILL. The St.'cund llalltlst dlurch has dO~f'1\

" ",uce<'slitul r .. vh·nl une).'r the h.'ad('r· ~hll) or til<' Ite,·. Mitchell ... ssi!lte.l by hl;:l ,,1 (e. wh" ":'"1:'. He'" !\Ic\\'illinms and r. .. ". ..· .. rlU ... r and ",Hc wl're IH'r., :11"". ::;Ix wl'r;' :lIlll .. <I to the chun'h,

PULASKI. ILL. f!\'" to:1I'tized and two unitt·" with th .. )U!"!" .. \nni" llOle U;u:,l .. r il' ""ry ill Rt .\, )1. K .'hurdl. llr!', Dunciln and

h"r hom .. with ,·n('um/mill. Til .. n,·\·. .lau!:hh'r ani,·.·.' fr"1ll Itlchlllonll, l':y., "'r. Hull~·. llr.·"lotin::; dd .. r 1)( th,· C. )1. II) "I!'it )11'1<. I-:dw;u'tl X .. w .. om... "'m. 1·:' :'o[etho.1il't ('l,ur"',. lwld hl~ IllItlrl"r!)' .. \nj:l'lIl1.. :-\orcrol's and l1i!!s l.ulu ""n( .. r .. III'" ''''1'... ~ulld:t~' ;,",1 lIonda~' noscl~' of ChicaGO. )IMI. Am~lia !tot.. nl,::ht.. AI\ril 1:: ;m.1 H. r~'unard Smith inllon and Rllh~' :'olonr<,<, of Tto("ktoJrd I~ \'('1')' III lit 1lI" h(>me with T1t1"Unlonl:l., att"ndcd licrvlt·l's ~und3Y. .Mll''' )tattl<e Th.. I"ul:,,·kl 1."",·I ... n h· ..... n 1.layed th.. "arrett '\\';tl< an AUT .. ra ,'I>lUnr. John '"Hill 1~'l!".·1\l.1l t··am h('r" ~un<tn~'. A"rll n .. n of Aurura "1"'lIt It f •• w da~'~ here. J:. The /::tnll' W:I" :.\ to> :! In f;l\'or of I~Ul;,,('1I .\11"1\ Is s,.endlllA' a w.-('k In Pula!'k!. l.itll.. "\~I" "':." I'ai"oll 1.. ,\IlTOr.1 \\ Ith hi,. nmth,'r. Earl Corh"U 111 at h"r hom.. wilh !'Il,'urnonfn. n!'! ;111'1 .I •• hnnl .. , ... hnson •• 11' .. nI'l' 111 wllh ... 11'1> Is I;;. K, nunt. Th .. n ... ".. llr. T'Ut,.. l1Iuml'!', '~I.ITf'nc ... Iohn""n nnd '\'alt"r .,,,"'Ior or fh~ ~. "t, I';. :'I1.·tll"<II", """1'1'\. 11:1110-.,. Jr., ar.' "I"l(lnl: T"lnlh·",. In <If 1..11111. 111 .• '\71S In lb., .-II)' r.·.·.'nt1~· .. 1!,wkfn",1. II('nrh,tta HrflWll of \\'h"aton ;\1",. ltollie'" alld ,latu:ht·,r,ln,la.w. wa~ 1:Ul·"t or lwr ~l:;lt'r. nl'll!l;ialllt ltr,.. ll"lIlt I.itt('. 1111'" T('lIIrn.'" from .\.lnm". ~l. Jllm.·!" A. ){. 1·:. "hnrch l~hlra'::ll. wh'·r .. ~h .. ""'Ilt ,n untler!:" an hn.1 :t "'Il'(,,,,,:-tul rnll~' clllldll('tt'.1 loy '·IIN'Iltion. llr". T.. I':. Th')mp""n o( 1·:,1"'011'" ='"WbClm ... e" Iri). III.. "twnt " r .. ", d:lY", In thilll' Th.· ~(,(,oUoI r.:ll'tl;<! .. hllr('h IIMI jlll"t dey "ilOitlnA' frl('ndl:. do!'ed 1\ ~"'ry ",ucc,,!'!'rul r~vl\'al. 8e\·.

-- .. ral II,,\\' chn\'erlN \\"'r,! mlde.1. I.'lll't • SPARTA. ILL, 81111111\\' :-::1. Jam"" A. If. r-:. .. hUTl'h ha.t

.T. D. AlI.-n WM' 1I hm:itu'"'' '\'i~fl"'r In: a mn;· :In" f1l1 wa", rals~". 1':'hnlr.1 rh~Ft"r Thul'l'.ln~·. :0.1,",. f:ar:th t.R\\''i: ='('\\'l""'m~ was III chnl'!;'c of (hI' rall~', IIf I~ .. n I" \' .. r~· lit at Ihi!" \\'rl II III::. Th", Colnrp,1 ;\f"n's nu"lnt'~'" dill> m.'l r~lh"1 ,,'hll" ;" UI' :u:>tln. Th.· I.I".! 1'1"1<1:'1\' night fit GeOT'::,' :-:mith.',... ,\n '\·Ir.~ rlllh hpld an .'nt.-rtalnOl,·nt :I! Ih" enjoyilhTt. t!\'''nlnt:' W:\!O Ftl"n!. ;en.'1' hom" of' :'oIl">'. :-<am J"n"s ~,lIlIrda~' e\·~· whll'h !It 1'''. fimith ",·n·.,,1 :I dalnt.' re' nlng. Th., ~un","am Ju\,,·nil., "'.ril'l)" tl:ll"t. nolol'rt :Iud .10l"!llh Garrl'tt an'l XO. ]I.II!. lIPI., :m ... :a"I··r hunl In the :'01:')'11" n"arnl'Y IIU .. tnled th .. funeral In 4.'1.,.1 Fl'IlO\n" hilI! ::atllrd:u' IIftl'mo(>Il fllttllvla nf their UIII'I ... C. "'. ='01" .. 1'0"" with ~ul"'rvl!'Ol'l'I C llan.lI,'" and I'. nf lndllllmpfllls. Inl1. lin., ltKr~' 1.ln...... Th .. Jlno"l('r club l:'a\'1' nn ~n· ,,'hN'h!r and "'r~. nl'lIc n:l\'ls \\'I'm III ... rtalnm.·nt :~t the churC'h hll!'cm .. nt Datll\'la rt'<'cnl1}·. J"!lI''' Orowl! hi Ihe Tu .. ~ay t!\·tmm,::. !'roull ownf''' of It n.·\\, Ohh'mohil~ "ar.

;\irs. llan' =,orcrM!I nf O:ltn"I:I. III., :U1I1 :It 1'", :I~'?~~:~~¥.{.;t.,.E.;.)I~~~"al1d rof ;\lrl', C. W. Xor('ro!'5 of Indlanal."II,..

1·:a!'<t ~t. J ..... uf" I'llt'nt se'\'t'ral dan' "19- ~~!i'e n~~'~~'I:I~I'~~lflrh/!~!~.~~:';:n.l ~~[:.: itln!: hi'r fath!'r. Bill Jon!'!'. In 10wlI.; hlm::- relatl\"'!1 In Chkago, :0.11'10. llat. ltr,.. :'ohl~le "millm!' wenl to Rt. 1",,,,111: II,' :Morro\\, nnd ltT,. .• \nna n"\\'n" !law la!ll FTld.u~· 10 ('onl'ult a physldan. \\'11· th •• mlwl .. !'ho\\'. "T"n Cnmman<lml:'nIS,"

1.ltal. ll ..... llnr), Hololn,;on. W, ,\nn., St.. I"\·lnt:. It",,·. ,\. ll. ·ru.I,I, I~l.slor ur .\h·Cnlu! chun .. ·h .. '\'U~ r~turncd to hi" CIl:lT!:e tor AnnUwr ~·.!ar,

ROCK ISl.ANO. ILL. Xdl 1\1I\'j". 11 .. '1)' 1I0\ll;lon IlIld Currie

Pitt,. mOhln'tl tn Hode: 1"lan<1 from Clintoli. 10'\':1. l;a:;l wcek nnd \'1>'ll."t Ih'" h"m" .. r llr. lIud lTr". \\'. (;,,1 .. 1. rkh. l!:!:! SI~lh gr. TIl\' Juulor ;\tls' :<Ionar\' ",wlel\' lII .. t nt th,· IWllw "r llrl'. Ircn.· • Good\\'llI. t~ltth .\ \,,~. "ml 11th ~l •• ta"l ",,,.'k. :-\.')(1 \\,e ... k th" >lO('iI'I~' will 1lIj> .. C :11 th.; hum.. of ~Ir:l. ~lllr· Il'l\r~t I.e!('. s:!:' Sixth St. \\"tn. l[IIlmon nf IInnnl!>nl. lfo.. ...1~ltt'11 his mother. l11'>l. .\. Carler. !:!!O St:\'"nlh St. The ~l'cond OU1.tlst Alol so("lety ,'hdh:1l th.~ Prlnc(' 1Inll '\fn~()nlc home In n bod}' la.'it "'"ck. l.und, W{~,,· "lI.'n·~.1. ;\fr' l nnd<, Chill:!. Jlan·t!~· of Fair ::it., I'

Gal('st.ur~, m., ha\'e n'o'· ... 1 10 nuck hiland, wIH~r(' th~)' \\'1\1 mak... thelr home :It .. I. uu, $t. The nfl! ... ·rll of Ihe l.en I:'m311 Colored ,"Olen< club. I l'I'l'"ld"nl Kln)'on :.\loor", Vic •• pr.·t'ldell( :-\nlhnlllt!1 ;\loorl'. Seeret::tn' \\'. U. lIardin!:. A~lillitllnt Seeretlln' A. Carl!!r,

i~e~u~~~~b,~~ r,~ ~~~r~~~n~t'\\~~it~~I~~:;: I klns and n. n. Yaughn. IIr .. Juhllnnt: 0\'.,.. til.., Iillcees"Cul "ampalgll th,,), . manaj:e.l In nOmlnallnlt thp lInnol8 1:00·ernor. The :'ofa\" Uutl('r nlble ('Inss m .. t at the home or llr!'. Cha!!. ":nocll' last week. The Aid "oeiell' uf Second llal\tl:;t churl'h will j;1\'~ :L tlrO~rl'l'l!<h'e IlaTt," ,\llrll :!4. Th"" tir"t stn!> will hI! nt thf' l'rhll'{o Hall lfnl'"ni..: home; 5C(,· on.1 l'Itop :11 the home of )lrl4. ~. 11. (ijlo~l)n: (hir,1 at Ihe bome or )In<. X:ln· ni.! Jonf's. ~ll l!lth Sl.: fourlh at 1 hI! hom!" or :'olr~. Ada Colemnn. :lGlh St. and 11th .\"', .• tllt-ne,· ttl the hom(' of I lIn<. Hattll! arllt"n. liith ~l. !lud :10th .\,'l' .. ;\Iolln('. The (ull Ulf'mbeTt;h'll III I I\llInnllll: to l.lIrtlclpal". The ~t"\\'nrd·. ('"".·s or the \\'u)'man .. \. lI. E. ,·hut, .. I1· .. nlcrlaln"," lit th.~ ,'hureh with a' ~al'rNl I'Nl:Tam. :\'r:<. :-\Iloh\i "'I~ldn" I" "ritl,'l\lh' l'Ii .. k nl her hom .. , 1.01 Elp:hth ,\\:.... and h,',. FI"t .. r-III-la\\'. "'r!'. l.'rNI HOl'kln" Itr Chlt.·a!,:n. nrrl\'"d I:IH ~ntl1rd .. \· I1h:hl to tak" (·ar.' Itf ""r. ltn', '\nmf :11"01"" ot i:!,; lHh !'it .. who halt I .... ·n I'il'!: (or tilTC'(' monlh!', II' "t\l\ , ,""nOn, .. 1 I .. hl'r 10 ... 1. lout he. "'''n.lilion i 1m" hnl'r.w .. \!. :l.{rl'. I)olly (\'·('f"tr .... ·t. :!!!I:; Thlr.l A\·I'.. "1t'll,,.1 ffl .. nd~ 1\1 r..·n .. !'.· .. tlth. wedc. ~II!'" 1Il'1I'1I r. .. yn­.. til .. i,.: II .. W :tt1endln:: \\"'"ll'rn IIl1h·.'r· "II~·. l,an)<:I" ('It~·. I':ln .• wl,,·r., ~hl' will r,·olnln until .Iune. :Ills>' I"ahell.., \\'In­"'T". ! .w.. Ei::hlh .h·,' .• I" II1UI'II !tctter an.l :I"ollt rulh' rN'(.'·cred rrllll1 lU'r re· ,','lIt "Id,n..,!'~ .. Tho",! r('("'ntly ~lrk and I nil\\' rN:Q\·,·r".1 aI''' :otr!!. )fltrtha IInlch· In!'. Inll Xlnth ,h·.·.. ;.n.1 :'otr!'. 1tO!1"Y ('o!l'lIInn. 1:1111 F.ij:hth ,\"e. :\lr. nn.1 )tr!'. ft. l!. ,\nl"'rl<(Jn of 1::0& I-:I::hth ,\, .... IIr,' th" IIrnml llarpnt~ Hf It !I·I"lIln.1 ron I.orn :-::;lllIrda ..... \pril t!!. Hllro"l l'lnl:. I);, wn" th~ wlnn ... r or th.· ,:::; I'riz(' J:1\,*'n It)· thl' ""'r"hants' nl'socln· tlnn fvr h.,I.llnl: 'h" lll .. k~· numhC'r l1ur· ellal'" ''',urnn, (lv"r ;;,OM tick"t bold· "r~ ", .. r .. :ll'~emhl ... 1 In :'Itnrk.·t ::'1. all th~ 'a.1 mnunlt·.1 th,· ,.laHorm til rl!cl'h'" lIl!' nwnrd. :\Ir!'. Dunn or -;01 ~I'\"cnth St. Is thtl rroUll ownrr of :I. new car.

DECATUR. ILL. St. Frnnt:i!' ('OUft :-\0. 111 wilt hold it!!

Palm ,,('rnIllU !-lumlay nl~ht ill :-it. Pt"­tCI"s A. ;\1. E. dlUrch. l:T~. I.:tt1rR. KIIlIt of f:hkaf;o is tilt' (:lIl'sl of ;\11'l!. Thomas r.lal\S, Sl. I'eter·.... .\. ;\1. K ::1:''''lnl> drl'1" mf't III th" hom" of "Irs. Uazl'l AII.,n with nllout !!O lII .. ml,,'r5 IITes,'nt. \\.. C. Allen. (:ltho:r oe Or. W. C. Alh!ll. I .. ft for hi" home In Ala· "nma. nCtt'r !<11I:ndlnj; a few \\'e"k" bf're. Thl! DlIt SI!"h.·rs· club will Im'et :tt the home of .\Ir... ;\lInnle Allen :l1(>nda}' ni,::ht. Irll \'lllentllll' ha .... purehlt!'<'<1 th ... home of G.·orl''' :-\Ickf'n!'. Ot[" I'.a~c o( Delrolt. )lIch.. i;; \'Isltlnt: Ills 1'lIr· t!nlS. :'oIl'. 1I11cl :'oIrli. Adnm ['a,;". llr!!. )lInnlt! U .. II I'im:. whn Injur"d h:..nd. I .... aM.., 10 m'" It lI1'-lill, llr. Itntl :\trll. CI"n'land lion-lint lin.l son. :l.lar­tin. lIlotor.od to Cham,.:!I!!n i{ullliay. Th., Ch'll' I,,;ol:ue ha!" clt'et.·d n"\\' m"lll' I,f'r .... (or th" fullowlng y<,nr. Th .. It'llt:'II'' :'l1l101ntcd lIi".... [.011 ll"lleyn"ld.. ami ;\ti~" "Ind~e Phenl:'!:. ;\11'. IIntl ;\tr!l. ;\1.,h·ln .I1t.:k~on h:ft 10$t \\,.-.,k r,,1' n .. • trott. lUeh. :'olrlf. ll:unle lIeUarok has ( .. nul'.1 ;1 new ,·Iub. known nil th" Sill, d .. rw""h club. with !O m,·mher... It will hnM II~ m"Nhlll till" "''' .... k with :llr,. . • \nn<l In·lng. ;\{r. nnd lIn<. Fr",1 I'he" Itlx :uml)un .. " tht! marrla:;,(' or Ihdr dnllf:htE'r.'. of Chk;'~o tn \\'I/Ii:"n nnh' of Chlo-nl;n. )trll. ·1·'lorn I':\,nll:< of f:hl(.II'::o I" "i,dtlnJr ;\[1': :11111 ~tr!l. Jadt E";lm' unrl llr. and llr". C:It!1I 1·:VIl1ll<. llrl', ThnlU;,,; rola"", ... ,," h .. "I.,"'" tIl n\'1) whit·" o( \\'hl~t £,'Itllrd;l\' aft .. rnooll In '"'1' hum" In honor tit "Irl'. (":lUra "in~ • • 1. \,', \Yo ... lror.l \\'a" takl'n II> the hl!l­T11t:11 Ilist wt'.·k. II .. I,. iml'TO"lnl:. 011 th.· "It'k II ... :or.' :0.11"'. I:.·rtl .. !':lIIott. r •. n ... looTlII'. =, •.• , "·IlII"m~. r:,,,,rl:.' \\'11. lIam;; .11111 ;II",,.. ~t('lill \\'lIlto·r>'. Th., , Llu{'nlll .\ll1h·tI.· .-Jllh 1It"1 at tit" K, p. hnll 10 .l.·~"l .. nn a 1o:1"""ali t"lIm :111,1 i Ih .. I(,t'ntion (or Ih .. ,·luhhoUH·.· Th,': rollo\\'ln~ om,·,·r,. IIlr('{',.,,1 till' mh·tlns:.: l·r.·"ldf'nl. 1.1'" And"r~on: \'lce presl. ,I,·nt. I·:. Smllh; recorf1ing s~crctary. Tlwnms n. Gins!.

CHAMPAIGN. 'LL. : ;\Irl<. ltilln'f! Caldwl'lI lind ,Inugh"'r'

' •. £1 1:."1 ~iltllrda}' m"rulnJ: Cor .\kroll. olt.... I.. \'I~lt frl"lIIls an.1 Iht·nc.. to. "an·. Ind.. 1', "I~1t rrIal I \'''!" llr". lla':~' Bun"h of Cenlralia. 111 .• 1:< Itt th·· h",'I~;,I.· ,.f h"r d:lII!;hto·r·ln-lnw. llr". \\·,r .\n.l~r""n. ·ll",. 1·:11'.: .... ·111 nral). I.·,' It'(l In!"1 Thul'!',I".,· (nr C"h·o. 1'1.: 10 ,·j'~it Iwr nil""'. ltrs. ;\I",r~' UraII IInll. llr". ()I.t'lhll~ n .. !"" 1111,1 ;\U"st's !tnmall,' Bullt'r an,l (.Jllinn \\'lIlhlms lind I,ah,·. :l.h·rtle llllc. \\' .. 1' .. ~latt"l)n \'I~horll tal'l Tu(,,,.la\·. llr. lind ;\11',.. Un!'". n:: 1-:. ('"lulI1l;l:I .\ \·e .• m'e \'1!<IUng Tl'llllh'.·,. In Yl'Un!!stuwlI Ohio. llrs, Callie We,ll!! hilS 1't'llIrllt'~1 rrom It .. nd('r..oll, I':y .. \\'h('r.· slit' Will! c:t1h'd III th., 1,"d"I.' .. or h"r moll1"r-In·lnw. ~I",. .Io",,\\hln.! Burnett ha,. l'etllrnf'oI from G"r~' and :'1[11 \\'1\ 11k",'. wlwre I'h,: vja;l\"tl rt'l:llh·,,:<.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS U. UPHOLDS OUR FRATERNITIESThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Apr 19, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A1


FRATERNITIES Dean Scores Students

for Prejudice

Champa./gn. nt-An a.ttempt by 11 reW" of the prejudiced student.s of the Unh:el'lilty of 1II1nois to em­body a. I'firns6 Into tho code of laws for the Interfraternity council bar­ring all fr"ternltles or ollr naco from partlclpa.tion v,':!.S frustrated last week thr01I~h tho promptness with "'hlch the mattel' 'W:!.S brought before the unl"o",lty officIals by Addison C. Moseley, Eus-cne 'Voods a.nd ·Harold 'Vest, membcrs of tho Alphl Phi Alpha. fratern ll~·. ,

Tho Dally I11lnl In publhlhlng the results or tho hUll council meetln!> a.nd It." proposed constitution gays:

"Severnl changes over tho previous plans appeared In tho council's pro­posed constitution ItS It wn" read for the first time together, Under tho codo IU; It wll\ bl) ,"oted Oil, niem­borshlp In tllo organization Includca rul, local socIal organiza.tlons which haVe had a recognized exJstonce for two years, provldlnl';' that no orgun­lzatlon admitting ,,"egroes to mem­bership be Included,"

Tho mcn mentioned nblwo hurried to Dean Ba.bcock ot the college of liberal arts and Dr. Thomas Anglo Clark, dean of men, ,,'Ith Ule intor­Dlation ot wha.t the council was plan­ning. The two members or the unl­'"orll11y faculty at once notified the IItudents that unless they remo"cd tho objectionable clause Crom the constitution t11e unl\'crslt)' 'Would ro­{use to recognize the council.

"An Inter!rllternlt}' council," de­CI:U-ed Doan Clark. "In ordor to be sanctioned by tho council or II.dmln­Istration of the Un!versltl· ot lII!nols must be an Intorfraternlty counc!! ot all traternlties. regardlO!ls or the na.­tlonallty or color or their members."

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Apr 26, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 15

ROCK ISLAND. ILL. Mr, ant! Mrs:.. Frank _ Crull ot Gc:n-

08(;0 spent the week-end at tht! home ot .lb', and Mrs. Dcrt Chavis., 101:8 Sev­enth St. Mts. lda. Hugh Of Des :Iolo\n0:8 I", _visiting. at thahome of her. sister. Mrs. P. Hubbard. i15 Nlnth.\ve, The Junior Missionary SOCiety met at. the hl.m .. ot l\Irs • .llu..ra:rnret ~" and :\lotho:r Howurd at. 825 Sixth ·St. - Tile sOciety Will meet at the home' o( Mrs.' Jam .. :! \""uUion, Eighth St. and . 11th Ave., III,xt week. .Mother Howard. Is spending a week In Davenport at th" hume oC .\lr. and ~trs. Brncsl Harris I}n Judson St. The Church of God and Christ ht!ld "''''''­clal lIervtces on' Easter Sunday at Ninth St. and -Ninth Ave., thdr hendq,uarlerS. Songs. and . r~lt:lllonswere' gIven by the' chlldrell.' .llrs •. Lillian Stewart of u23 seventh St. had charseot the chil~ dren and her capabilities were exempli­fied. W. K. Lee of ~25 Sixth St. bas accepted the llOsllion as head porter at Ihe Como hotel· and .iJegan his dUlles l .. st :\londny. ;\11'.· and :\ ·WIIl U·ulk.-r or Davenport lIa,·e' men'ed to toOl Seventh St., Rock Island. !:iervlces on the "Passloo'o( Our 14rd" Wllre held ""cry day last week ill the' Fon Atm­strong theat"r from 1!!:15 p. m. to 1:1;-10

r~te';:\'';'1 ~~I~'ifc:,h=n~U~~,!c:re~r~hl1. ~~g: son was present every day, tuklng' an active part In the (;Ood work. The Rev. .Mr. Glut!on It! u. member of the !llInis­lerH,1 alliance. 'rhe Junior Missionary society will hold Its anllual spring ba~ zaar In the, bWlemeot of- the ::;"cond Baptist church April :!9. It is hoped that .. 11 who can wiU attend in ordt:r that the affair. may be Ii greater sue­eel'S tban It was last year. MISs Alma Howard returned home this week. after vl~itlng wllh friends In !:itreator. III •• for a week. The body' of James Whlt-

~eili \~I~oso~rcse·tl;~~;YinatR~'~i:: ~::;~~~ from inllrmltles of age. was taken to Danville, Ill.. last Saturday for burial. Broth"r Whitney 1.I;"aS an Inmate of the home for I'ome time, reglstering_ from Danville. lie was 113 year!> Mage. hav~ ing been born a slave In North Caroilna June 20. 1830. The onl}' survivor is a. son. .famel! \\'hltney, Jr., of Spokane. "·al'h. E. Tinsley and son. Ervle Champ. ·or Alton. m.. retUrned hom~

aecount ot the IIInelUl of the p.resldent. Mrs. AbeL Mra. Dora Wallace has blllOn sick, liut Is t.. .. U"r now .. ·:lIr. and ;urs. \\1m. Llttl .. Ar" cvntln;"d -to theIr hl>m., on accountoL Ifickness. Mr8~ Laum .3lllupln went tu Ca/lton. 310.. to SItend Palm !:iundny. Th ... Willing Wurk.:rs ot Calvary lla!)tist church. in, chu.I1:" of lIra. C. J •. White, held an all-dnl" IIIIli'1tln,. ~Ultda)". In th" a.!t .. rnoon 1tev. C •. Z. Willltun8. uslsted Loy his choir from Sl. 'Jam"s A,. ':'1.' I:'!. church. coa· tlucted sen·ices. \., .. , ,,'. club Of St. Jam"s A. ·ll .. E.. church. very. ably pre' sented . II. 1.lay. "'fh.. No"'I".' Outcast." at lin, churcl1 AS'rii 17~ The folluw­Ing· pcrtions took' N~rt: . l\(t:sdaln,,;f I' :llarle lIortl'!, ~va. .. Peol.les and. ,Mary Payne. ll"rt Johnson.: llyton ':-:"WSllln'j E. F. Bird"tt. W"utitcrllany .. r and J.,."u P!!Oplel>. Scott l'ltes was <r.dl"d t .. Chicago on accuunt ot' tbe, death. at his daughter. llrs. Clara lloore went to K"okuk to sllend 1:::ast .. r wltb:'olrs •. ~rynl.. Harrj~on and uther· friends. :'III'S. Bernic!: Chan\ .. and sun. Gilwrt Medlock, of Du.llnglon spent, ·.East"r wltlt her moth~r.· ;Urs." Jenllia &lun­d"rs. N. CSt, Clarence :McWilllams of Peoria Is hl.ending. his !:::aster vaca­tion visiting hi's j.';randllart:nts.'. alid ;\Irs. Wilson Humr,hrey •. W. I-'ourtll Aw .... Mr. anlt "Irs. lI"rman .Danlell! of Otta.wa are visiting their moth"r • .:1[",. lAUe)' Uoolin. :>. Fhst St. They are IlC­comllllniell by "If>!. Ira Lee Chrlsto-1I h"T'. Harley Palmer ILDd l:::a.rl 1.:111111)­hell. UIQom wall cast over our city lal>t week When the !lad news came to Bert Coleman or the _very sudden death of··hls son Elmer, which occnrred In Peoria. -lie- wa.'1 a. VE'ry -Lor\ght and I'romh;/ng 1>03-' and a member.of Fldt!l­lt~· lunevlle oC U. H. 1-'_l1n.l S. :\l, T. Ills' (uneral ,wns held from Cah:ar1 Baptist church l:iatnrda\' aftel'nooll. An J-:ast<lr proltramwas rendered SlInday I1tu~moon at· St. James A. M. ,,;. chul'eh. \Vm. S. Horton, civil engineer of I·eoria. Is in 'the city working wltll thee -Imhlle highway. .:III'S. Helen 1'1c­Daniels 'llllleal"\!d In a. recital at Ca.l­\'llry Baptist church Apr!! 22. Mlss f~velyn l3a.rnum gave readings fron:: lJullbar. Phone. all news for the De· t"nder(o 3684 not mter' than Satu .. • day rnorDln,.,

Wednesday last arter a thre .. -day visit EDWARDSVILLE. ILL. with his )>arents. ~[r. nud Mrs. C. W. The. Rev. and lIrs. Charles Tinsley t~~~l';;;' l~~I;!e ~}n~al!::ur;\:";.,~n':n~~~d and llrs. Nettlf: Th()mru! will attend the to· Rock 1~lanrlllnd are nl')wat their annual millslonary and stewardess can­hom" <,r tI ... lr mother. Mrll. llelvina ventlon of the A. It.· E. church at Price, G:!4 10th' St •• wh .. r':!! th.-y will re- ~~u';.'i~[r~':oU~ ,.,J':.~t'~i~g c;,re:e~ Ij~~:1 r.~'\~ari~nt~lr~~lli~!'~: I~;~~~~ ~~~~~:~s~~ 'I'\'ltl1 family. Walter .Jones has or- I Chlca,;o. Ilrrl"~rl in it,wk Mund to.onen ~~~~;:~lia~e:'i~e~:~1:: I~ti:liu~ti"~~;k~' a 10-llay re,·lvIII.' "d, .. dul".l to begin at "trs: Daniel Hunt .. r entertained the !;, the "'a)'man A, ;\L Eo· "hureb ,:.1omIIlY. C. cluh Frida\!' llrternoon In honor of AJ>rll 21, This- Is a return t'ng'dgem"nl her birthday.' She was the recipient ~!~s1!;i"" r~~l~:f' ~r t~~tSC~h~r~j;y ;:::;;; of many beautlrul pl'esents. Mrs. t-;mma time a,;o.· Mr. amI .:'otr", •. ,\Ie.'t· LN! Ilnll. Sin,;elton will entertain the S. C. club ~Irl!. Nina Gray moved from 1123 . .lIllY 1 in honor or her birthday. ;\[r. Ninth Ave. to 92S 10th Ave •• formerly 'and lIrs. William White o( St. Lout.; occupied by llr. and ,;\lrs. E. H. Wilson. Sc'!!'~ ~('~i7~i'ono~~trlt~~~tlJ~: I!;~ ~~l~r~u~~ ~Idtl~: ~1~~;e2fn~lr~Il.~~~~ list church Is Improving' nicely und'lr .l",-,nia £4rown, 1111;; Fifth A"·o .. Thurs- the rectnrship of the Rev. A • .r. !lfartln. da\' \ l'ril 17 . Thc;,\' met at tbe borne' The trU!'!"e helpers ot the A. M, F­Qf ';\1':: ... Anna' ~roor"'. 726 1·llh St., April I chur!;h wll! have a rally the first Sun-2~ alld w.-re .. entermlned hy _. lin', i day m !ltay.

~;~~~Il~og:e J~~[~~. c~~~ne~nl~ch!~n~e~: ' URBANA, ILL. ~rrs. Lucille Rh·ers. 91l~ 11th St., has' )(1'. and lIn. 'Eadia Baker ait" family becn quite sick, for the past week. motored to Lafavette. Ind. B. F,Payne theratenell with pneumonia, She Is is visiting his mother In ::IUssouri. :!\trs. gomc belt!'r again •. ::I[rs. Robert Peters. leary Bunch bas returned to her home 906 11th Rt- Is vll'ltln:::- with relatives in Centrlliia after being called here to at Bmnch 'Ransular. :\fo.. wbl're sh.. the hed~lde ot !tel' daul;hter-ln-law. wlll remain for IIp.veral week.'I. )11'5. it. ,)Irs. Hattie' Anderson. Ed Ben of Chi .. r-:. Andf'rson. Eighth Ave., was callen' eago is 'vhlfting his sillter. ~Irs.· Annie to Leavenworth. Kan.. on acconnt of Clarke of ·Eads St. !ltr. an<) ::I~r". E:d the ;;~rious flIne~ll of her sister. :\(rs. 1.. Broom; .llr.· and .lIn. 'Villie ',,\Villiams T. RI"bardsQn. :'otrs •. R.. B •. Anderson motored to Chlcaf!'o to visit relative". of Ei!:hth Ave. and 13th St. and infant and friend"., The :\Hssfonary society of .!ion. Robert Colbert Anderion. are do- the Fret'· Will . Baptist church was !'n­In!;' shpl<,nrUdly. Burglars entered the tertained ill the home of ~frl!. Sam ::Ile­home of lrr.- and :Mrs. Henry Terry. 80~ Haney. Sr.. Friday afternoon. ::II iss 14th St .. bet.weell 8 amI ~ o'cloek Frl- ,ilertha Hamflton :!'pent Easter In St. .1,,," nlJ:ht.April 1~. Rnd s~Cllrl!d $1 .. In Louis. lI0 •• ,·i.\lltln;: her aunt. cll~h. The cash tn\(en Included two $20 i gol<1 pieces; ami In carrying out their nefarlolls work the rans.'I.c\(ed every drawer In the hOI'ge. and completelY UJls~t everything. The pollee were no­tilled and are working on' the case •. The 'l'erry family. were attending church servlef's when lhe robbery occurred. ltrs. Naoma HOl'klns, 1402 Eighth ·Ave .• I!'! I'Om"Wl1at bettcr. but still eontlnp.<l to her bed. Mr!'. Jltme5 L. Moore, ':!4 14th St.. I .. ft last Mond:\)" (or ne,. :\lolnes on account pC I"eceh'!ng word of the serious Illness of her sil,tet. l1rs. Ottomae Robln!'on of that city. eha!!. Harvey.417V,: 11th St .. who walt sick when he mnv('d. to thl!'! city ! Galel<-burg. I.s mltch Improved and Is now able to b .. about. The 13th commandary, Knl!l:hts Tt>mtilar. hllll\ their annnal ex-pr"lses and Easter ",en'ices at \Yater-town (In Eltl"ter Sttncia\~ nCternoon. The Knight:!' T .. mplar h .. ld'tbeir meeting a.t the y_ ~t, c.. A •• where l'\?l!aklng was In 'Progres~. and In full untform marched to the church. where they attended ", .. n'ice", In a bOdy. ,Morc than .100 trom the TrI-Cltlel< wert' present. as were a

~~i"r~~oTn\~~~tO*h:[~;:;~~ ~~ ~~~:I and the services allProprlate!y rl'ceiV'ed.

MONMUOTH. ILL.' ::>111;5 llinnle Tinnell. on .. (,r .mI' :roun:;

~u,:!~E't"u~r:!~~~' ~t~~. hLlfi!~Cll~ 1C~~~ ,,'he. hal< h .... 'n .!'lck. is out 1I~ln. )Irs • . I~nnle Hallluler" uml two litHe I;r.ond­daughters .::<I, .. nt s.,\'eral da)"s In Bur­lIn!;ton ,'b<itin~ h"r daughter. - ~Ir::!. Bernice Chani". :\Ir. and .lIn;. J. T. (,poflle>, . amI lion went· ta Burlington to attend Il.,dlcation oe St •• Tohn·s. A . .It. 1-;. church. Otltel'>; Who attended we!"e :'Irs. F. A. Porte!". ::I1i!-::! llinnle Tinnell amI Joe' Thomal'. Ar::nes !ltoody eitlb WllS entertained l.~· ~lr"' •. l"liza Cole. A,-rll 10 m .. etln~ \\"a,; pnstponed' on

There 'was I1agPant gi'l .... n at' the Bap­tist . church. entltl<-d "The Dawn!ril;," !,aturday ni!'!IIt. ~'r!!. Brooks and 'J,rr~_ Brown . are !'Ick. . The Beth!'l A. :.'IT. E.. church bad Its East~r program Sunday evening. The Scranton Tigera are to plav their first r::arn .. thl 'lO!OealOon with the De"onalnf!- team April 20. Both arc: fast teams and "GOd ball. game 18 ex­pected by e'·eryone.·

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); Apr 26, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. 14


Olha Jtans~m oT iiUntingdon. Tenll •• who has I.een visiting III Jackson. Tenn .• at the home or his cllUsln. :1ofrll. Oocll1 Southern!!. has nrrlved in the ~Ity and Is at the home of his uncle. Carter B. H, Ransom. lie "nmedlately left for lletrolt. lUch. to vlllit his aunt. Kamely , "·all. E, \*. "V'Uson was a re­cent "llIltor to the city, Elm .. r I~. I::II,,~ worth ot St. Louhl. lIo,. was In the city last WI'ek.

Mis, Dell:I~~~~, 1k.~lnerIY 11ll's Della. Dent. lert Cor Chkago, Sunday to visit her sl>ller llrs. Lelia i'urbrouEh. She was a,,",ompanled b)' little i::lla Jane. daught,-r of. ;lIn!. Yarbrough. Lee Dellt Illtl; ut!ell unable to work (01' tho

~~~:stwo ~i::.ksS~t~lI~cc~~rn;~:' a :~~al~~ heen lIulterll,,:;' with tbe croup. 151m· proving nledy. The Sewln!;' clrele lnct at the home of lin;. Ueorse Torens ,un 'l'hursua)'. , The Busy Bee club gave ... Blll'l'er rec1.'Iltly at "':'t; liel.'Ul111BkIUls1 chllrch, lll". and llrl!, Ivory West,,>, and family have returned to their horne In Champaign. aftt'r visiting a.t the home of ;!otrs. C;velyn "'ort and ,with friends; llrll. Ilene Long. ltrs, , Sal lit; Grimes, ltrs. 1~\'eIYn Fort. and .Mrs. "'lilian! J](I}'d will serve lIuper supp"r (or the I·:alit .. rn St:l.f ladlE'S Ilt the :ltlL~ sonic hall 11'::l:t Wf'flk. :\(1"5, Eddie Jack-1<on v!sited nt, the home of :III". ami :\lr8. 1>0," .'Orlli. who resldcs on Sang-a­man St, Th" Hev. \.,. H, Barrlt I!!e·

~:::~ ator"lt;;ed~nJi'C~~~~s:;~e~~ wer" seI'\'"d Ity Airs, Ora Hos:;, ~Irs, I-;dnll liasI''' has returned from ,Kansa>l City. wher" "I", has heen vbiting. TIl<' teacher,,', In .. Utut., will cOIl\'ene at th" St'condJ,laptist church lla \. I and 2. The grand master of the ~'Iilsonlc lodge camE> from Chlengo .'\111'11 14 to In~lall the ;\la.-oni" omc"rs, llrs, John AI· drldge. who IIIIS h".,n very sick. Is lm­Ilro\'lng' slowly. :'>11'>1, Thomas Thllr­man, formerly or this _city, Is now mllk~ illg her hom", In Decatur. Ill, lin, . • \mantla ·r~'J.~r Il'ft, rol' Dc('atur Sunday. She \\'111 "islt h~r sl"ter, llr5. T' Thur-man. '

The' \\'lIIlult "'orker,, 'of the Sel!"lul Baptist ChUh'h arc goln!,;' to haVe a bU,c Al'rU !!t. :'>11'. and )11'5. l.1eorgo '1·OWI,· send gll\'c 11 sUPller In 'honor of the fathers an,1 sonl< (or the hell{"lit ot th"

~~~~?e'!: f~~I·~h.r~l.!!,I~t ~;;ld~~r~ir;,aWe~~ Pierce. She received m:ln~' o(\r<!tt~· pr""'­er:ts. , llnl, "'",,,1 .. ), Jo'rom. who hal:< h~t'll

~!~t~~fll~~;'d ;;\'~~p.he)ti:.':,n rf~:;~ rn~~:r;: who attends s"hool ill ::-;'ormll\. vi~h",1 frl{"nfll! hHe Sunday. 1111'. and lIn;. noy Tlohlnson vie>itP.I in ,\Uanta wHh Hu"sell Rollison, lll~s LUI.. :l11I" and llis>! Olivel'" Bruner' 0: 1':lkhar1 at­lended church htll''' :5unday. JIi~s 11111· <lr".1 Hummel. Chrl"tv Rn\oerrs lind Hobert GorCH!! vll'lted in glkhltrt Sun· dav. Galel-ltn Towll>lt'ndand Talmadge Ihimmer'mutnred to Bloomington ~un· d:IY., ;\lr5. 13erdle Alf"xander. who has heen "cry ill. Is Iml'ro\'IIlI; slOWlY, lin<. John Aldrld!:e, who resld.· .. at her home. 15 very sick. The I-:llsl<tll Stnr is SlJlng to I:;lvo a super :ltny :I.

ELKVILLE. ILL. "Irs. Ada I3h;horn "r Dew "Tainl'. 111 ..

was Ii recent "j,,!tor hert', nol."rt Trlc .... I-'red Dewitt Frank :5mlth, .\brdm Gar­ner, Harry "'I11I:mll' and Rohl'rt Slml'­Hon motored to St; r.t)uls Sumlay. lIlrs, I.Hlle Cla\'brook nll1Ile, a hrief ,trip 10 Carhondal-;'. m." llrN. l5ntllc Smltll was II. IJlIQ1l0ln Ill.. shopp ... r, ltT!!. lz<'la Dl'wltt was' visiting In Carbondale. III., severnl (lays ago. 1-:.1 Sa"l .. s Dnd J. P. \\'n~on motore.l' to C .. ntrnlill. lII" A, llyer;! was ,11. Clirhondlile. Ill.. vl~'to!.". T, .\. ColNltan !'pent tht' wN!k-l'nd In )lurpb,'sboro. 111.. on hualne .. ", R. Hurkhalter was a DuQuoin. 111,. vl",itor ial't week.

ROCK ISLAND. ILL. lf. 1'. H. !lihle "la"" m .. t at the home

rtf )Ir. aud llr:<, Charlel< 1-:no<,h. :llis!! r"cilin R""'no!!l" is, I)r.'~ld.·nt. line, Martha Brown enlpro::alnl>d the W, It. M. ~ocl .. t\· lit 511 13th St. wit!'! alOof· r.'e "'cdnc~da\' llfternoon. ll,I'I<, Anna MIl"r", .::6 Hih ~t .. l" ,'on lined ,to h .. r h .. ,I: 'al:"o l!r ... ,JRm .... HOl'kin". Ellrllth A,'e, :'>Irs, Godman I" still .. 'mlln.:.1 to hr·r liNt nt her home In Firth A\·e. The "tc\\'ardp!'!' hORnl :mvf' It wonder­ful "",n('('rt I--rlrlay pW!ll!n!! \Inder the .lirection Of llrs. \\-. C, Irvin. lles­,bm"" Gariallli nn.1 Irvin and P.:m· "o\t.1l Bro\\'u "hol'I,.'rs in D<I\'eu­!lort. Iowa. :llonda~' last. "l.r~. Olite I'lattersoll hal! a hlg. I.oundng hoy. lloth"r Rnd hall}' ,dr.lng fin", )11', Cla~'. who was confinl'd to !II!! ronm Cor a few dll~·!!. I" ()ut at work IIgaln, )11', and lIr", Stoner of Eh:hth St. are r"'mo<\"I· In!! Ih ... lr home. Th .. ltc,', llt'., and lI~r", Hell weI''' gue!'ts of )11', nnd l.r'" rbnrles P.noeh :lronda~·. ,ll!"!". lla,: J .. nullt-!' will h('gln lII'r 10 days' re,'\val a't thll A. )T. l~. ('llIlreb AI.rll ::1. ,'on­tinuilll:' until' ':Ila" I. lrl~ .. lllldred flrown. on" oC the 'bi::h l'ehool student". W1U; amonl:' t!11l luck~' olles iO lut\'.., hI''' naml! apflO'nr nn th .. honor roll of O\'~r I.n "cholar". $11(' I~ Ih~ dau:::h­tel' of tbe Re". and lIn:. \V. C. Ir\'ln,

JOPPA. ILL. The L:ull ... ~ ,\hl Inf·t at thl! homl' of

llrs. llattle' Adam,.:. with the I'reaitlomt in -the I'hair. and ufter l.usines .. the hOllte.!'" ~er"e'l a -two,rOIlN'", lunehl'on. :I!t~. E"ie me" was a llt'trOllOlis l'hop· per Frida,', The Poe". H, K 1. Honz. palltor of' Clo\'er l.eaf nal'ti:;t churt'll. wal' at !l1~ po~t SUnl1a,' 1111,1 'd..,th'er"<t a l'tronc: s!'rmon, Tbp RI'v .• T. n. Stump \O·ft Satur~la~' Cor Salldu!lky. Ht,. \\'hcr" h(> I~ pn!'torinc:. Slim lkPnnald Wfll' " lll'I1'ol'oli;< shopper Thul'!'da~'. ':111' .. , ,\Vlllnie Faulkner. who hll" ht'en skk. Is ail!., to he up ag-"in, llr. and llr ... R, J.Hes!er and :\11'. and ':IT 1'5. I-~.lllie Hpslhcn' ('all",1 on ':Ill', and )11'''. R. .T. Humhle !'undny afternoon, The Hev. San<1~' Caldwell WIl" a1 hil' "o~t Sundav at the F, B, "hurd.. l!r. Hum­i.le. ",,:110 hal< t'N'1I "Irk for "orne tim ... is nhle to he nut. l~ddje He!'lhen was In lletrollolls Friday on bU!!lness.

DANVILLE. ILL. Mrs. l\Tartha n,-cler lla:l' returned

from .\Tlll"l">'on. lnd,. Ilnd i" ,'I"ltlng :IlL nnd' llr,.. \\'. H. Bel-I..... :III'S. AnT('!" ."tmore. It rel'tl<l"nt of thl!' city r<>.. the_ pa"t foul' ),I'ars. ,1I<ld at" the ClImil~' r.'sidence. :119 !'a!ll' ~ .. \\·,'dn ... ,,· .1a\' (-,'enlnr:, ,Funeral 'was held from "lien ('hal'cl Sa t1lnIa,'. :.ft.... .tap AI" tlFL Sr,. who hal< been quite ill. is much Impro,·c,1. ;\111'1' h'annn ,Hayden ('I'1't"rtalnPlt til",,,x Falre clul> at hpl: hom" In Cllt'rr'" St, The ho"tp,,~ served a dellclou/< t\io·cour"e lunch~oTl. ;\!lSfC g~lprle }Iuer a~"istetl the hOl'lesl'. Anl0ng tht! visitor" pT~scnt. \\'t're nook· ;'r B1:lekwen and :;I:athnnipi 11u.11'0n or th.· ,Unlw'rslt'· "r 1111no18. C!1arJ('1' Cnmity "I'''nt SUllda~' In Chl('alt~. ' llr. an.} lIlrs. "-ad" Cannon and (annl,: are \'il'itimr in :'I!I:'lsisslprl. ,Roh!'rt 1'all('r­l'On. nal .. :;1:11'1101,. lIm\ 1~Il!:ell" T'at\er­!'Oll. ,II' .. motor"''' to Rankin. 111 .. Sat· urda" :lnd "lsIIN1 {lie \V'oodarrl:<, The· 01'011;' llann of the Unl\'cr!'It~' of UIl­nol" sppnt the wI' .. k-t'nd in Pnnvm", :III'S. ,\<1:, Tllanf'he !'pent th .. we"k-en.1 In Paris, TIl. l1isto: HeINl (':lIIt .... n of th .. Unl\'I'r"it~· of Illinois !'l,ent r:tU'ter with her parents.

MOUNDS, ILL. ;\lrl', Emma flrn'-;". nle('I' nr llr",

('hristine HUllter. of Clinton. Ky .. ,'15' It"d her durinl:' th.. I,,,,,t ",,,.'1,. lli.-,. L.wia Hell of {'ula!Oki allf'll,lc,1 the I'('h<>ol ent<'rtnlnment Tlle~d;.y nl!;hl. l!r". H. P.ll'nnor Hamilton w:,s ho,,­teFI' 10 tit .. "'0"11111'" Olll'ortllnih' dub )lonell1" artl'l'1Ionn, Pilgrim R.",t Bnl'­tiet ('tinrch hclfl n !'lIc .. <!~sful rnll~' on S~mda\' aftl'rnoon, .:I!rs. !.II<· Yonng, tl'll('h • of tile fif-th an,1 sixth gnules. ~a"(' II. v('ry pnt~~tnlnin/; progrnm last TIl(,!'dav at Glenn hull, "1I~" YI\'lnn ~mlth •. blgh sl'ltonl!t.'ac!ll'1' or, llound Citv; was n lIound" ,',sltor !';Iltnrolay aftprnoon. A n1lmher of 1'1'01,1" nt­tl'nded the, rarty ~h'en h~· ~T.'~rlaml'~ r Bum~ nncl-Grim nr,:\lound City on Frida ... night. It. W, Eugland and fam­nv motored to Chaml>algn; 111.. lal't Saturda:\-' and "!slt"d 1\11" Glndy!!. who h' attending tlllnel" unIYI'rslty, lIlm. Etta Carr, of St. I_au is. :'110., .madf' a hrief hll!;iness trip to the c,ty lal't

week. St. :Paul A.. 1\1. E. church Cave a "King Tutt \Vcddlnc" aot Glenn hall Thursday night. ,The grade "choolll closed .,·rlda)'. Ira Kennison ot De­ca1ur. JII .. is Lhe guelit or his parents, .Mr. and ~InI.' B. K. K"nnb,on. lItr .. , Idel Clay ot ~letropoliS; 111., I!pent Easter wltb !IeI' mother, :Mrs. lIleUs .... Blithe. Levi J. Coppin l\lleslonary ~o­'"Iety was entertained bv Mrs. Hettie

tl~~~vI8o~f!:"!"r a(.~,~~~~nu,~lr:il {;:~: 'ored dinner gUl'st of ;!.fr", F:ranci!. 1.lnd­'"a)' and daur:hterl> o( llound Cit)' IlUIt 'Thurl'day evening, lIlary B. t.4!e court. HerollJE'1i or Jericho. observed Palm Sunday a1 St; Johll·s Baptist church. ihe Rev. C. \\'. N'ormf'nt !Iellverlm:; the

,lIertr:-n. :llt'!<damf'H l.ottle Leech and WIllie :l(ae ;\(arlin lind Charles Ricks of the Cairo coun Wflre visiting gueat& The Royal circle helll public Installa· tlon at Glenn ball .'rlday nlg!lt. Charles Rlee. Jr..of !\.found Cltv and Marlon lIrartln or Cairo.. Mlldent!l at the illinois university. \Vel'e lI-!oulllh. visitors .Iurlng the Eaater \'acatlQTI, Bob Tenderson is l<lck at his r"slden,'" In Delaware St. 1IIrs.Dorn Mea.low" and lll~s :l1",lIel ha\'e return .. d (rom a pleats:,nt viSit with Clarence In Chicn;:". :'III'S; flln Graham of Tennes .. 'ee II! vis­iting rH~r mother. 1\lrs. Allen Irons, llrs, Rettie Cohh Is III at her home In Blanch St, John Taylor att!!nded tho (uneml ot his hroth'!r James In Ful­ton. K,·;. ISlft week. Rlchar.l Wil­liams of Chlclllto 15 \'I~ltlnJ:' !lis mothflr. Mn. James MIII<·r. 111'1J. I,uc)' lIogu .. is li!('k. JlIss llar\' Irving wa .. taken to ,thl' hospital In ,\nn.'l. m .• IMt" w ..... k. l!rl!. Suzanna Ir"lng or St. 1,0Ili". lifo •• Is vIMltlng hN' hll!lhand. Bl'rry Irving. ~Irl<, J ... ",ie, Ishe,' III ,·,,,IUng her ;<111-

'1,,1' in Carrl .. r ll'lll" OW'r ... .:aster. Gill' Burkel' Is \'Io<lting hi" wlCe In ChicAgo, \\'ilJjam Conner h:lll gone to St. I.oul", ror 'an ind"llnlt,c '!lta)',

DUQUOIN, 11..1.. R F, Kllset' "was in St. Lou!!'. l(o .•

~~;~d~~e~ayL. ~~~~kRe~~d W'v~f, sf~~~;:;i 'nasscd throu~h here en route to .their lhomf's'ln Centrnlla. after attemllng th" ,executive hoard meetin:: of lll, Olive lnll!loclution. Which c()n\'enfd In }larrls­;hU!'g, Th., Hev. 'Y. II. :'>lcQueen wa,. lin the cit". en route from Dam.-ille,

;~~~';;;,1 ~ri~"t:;:n,¥:1 i>~eu~t;~n\~~~;!,~: lGt"orge P~r:-;On \,·:15 _3 passenger to Car .. Ihondale Tllesllny. 1';. A. TrfI..\·lor, wlf .. ,and ,.on. ('11 rOllte to Dan,·lIIe. vllllt .. ,! lin thi!' rity la!'t week;' lles.tam ... ,; 'T.aura ElUs and \Iar;' '\'oods Silent u :te' .... days in' Spllrta la:<t week "Isltlnt: frlf:nds, , lIlrs, )-I.'Io>n Peter,. and chll­,dl'f:n have rf'turn .. <I!lOme aCter I!llcnrl­IlnS!: "("'eral mon'~hll In California "is- I Itln!': hPT par"nts. llr. and :Ill''', ,H. ,

Berkley. Prot. W;, E. Taborn ot CIIaIit­palgn stopped In the city tor .. tew hours. 'en rout" to his former bome In Carrlel';\~lIIs to tnll'''l\ct buslneslI. The nev. C. W. Cole. U. T. Fox. l{6;jdamet< Peart Brmlrord and XOna Love, were

, t,i!iliS:A':.S ~~ .iht!e;::rl~ t~t oW:e t:~~~r..:: : tlon. which mel In ~furph)·8boro. Tho 'Hev. U. El', 31cWilliams of C,"hlcago.! general mllisionary for the Bartilltli ot the state. Is the guest Of t!le Rev. C.

~st~O~~nn:~e atd~~:e~~? P:UI8r::~tJ.~ church. of "which tbe It"",. C, 'V. Cole I .. l'a"tor.

COULTERVILLE, II.:L. Cleo Paynp. and ~lr8, Minnie Payno

", .. re pa.!illeng€'l's to Spftrta lallt 'Thul"I$­day.' :ltrs. "=th .. 1 Jon"" lert for Chlcaso lallt week to lItay Indellnltelv. Robert Clark. "'lIl1am Cllrtls. Commod<:>re Aus· tIn and Bud Brown went tt. St. LouiS Saturday. retllrnlng homp. Sunday. Belli ::~:~rsl1ng, F~o:'~:i~e g~~ve~e:~.rc ~:s: I Annlf! ~Iay Jones was It SP, arta vlslto:- I lallt week. The nt'V. ,,'IUiam .foncK lett r..,r St. Louis SaiUrtlay, \"h~re he I I" p .... "t(lr of ,the RapU"t "hlll' ... h. .ro., Dlln('an and wlfo "'<'I'I' Cuultl-rvlllt' vi,,· itors last \veek, In,,'lng motor"d from I Uallldayhoro. L:lWrl'n('1> .ron"" paslfed I through here en rOllt" to lturph),sboro lal't H"tmlla~'. ;\11''' • .:Ilar!;'arctt AWitin ....P'·lIt "~v .. ral dava in SlIftrta last week. :'>In<, Rosl.' \Vallipr nf F.ast St. Louis is \'Isitlng llrH. Jan! Crn)',

MATTOON. 11.1..

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 3, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A3


The Easterpri:.l;iam which was ren­deJ'ed at the A. :M.. E. 'church '\"as quite

~o~~t:g. ~~l~tl~~a~.l"~\·fl. ~r:~ ~:!:Bs~Th';;-~{' :.u~~.rBn:i: ~:n~l~ ~!: i':.u~ex:J/!~'::il~~t:~ ~~e ~r=eC:: cella Reynolds 1s president. Ml"&: Rodla Reynolds is on ttie slek list this week. The W. M. )1. ·t!Oclety of the A- M.. )-;. ebureh "'ill meet again :May 11. Mrs. N. C. Irvin 1s president.

CHAMPAIGN. ILL. l.1l"s.. 51nora Hornbuckle. w1ftl or Gue)"

Hornbuckle, dl<:'\! of Jnftuenz:& Tuelldll)"

rJ~:~~: ~g;'t;1'J. ah~~ ~u~!; "'as taken to Aankakee tor treatment lIu;t TilUriIda)', !ltn.. Callie 1010rris en­tc.rtainoed at a dinner lut Sunday the It.,\', T. C. Black and family •. ""n!. Mc-1>armond of Chicatil'O is at the bedside ot herdaught('r, 1011"8. Augusta I·lckins. 1Ilr. and llnl. Pete ca ttended the funeral of lin!. 1>et"ba of J·eoria. In. Rol)' fiugp and .,' lover spent a few da,l"lS In !ndianapollll. Miss Ht!len An .. tta '4aylor of TUbkl<gee, Ala.. wall Ule gue><t of her hrotller, Robert R. 'l·.aylor, who III attO!ndlng the Uillverslty of Indiana. :!IIh11l Taylor III en route to ;SOl"'" York to spend Rvoeral daYII. Fred Care" of Proddence. 1\::1.... Fannie Brooks and Sallie Simons of Slel"G'_ AJ'., .... !.'re the guests of thl.'ir brother, Pet.,. carey. lal't week. Tbe infant daugllt"r .,r 1>lr. anrl :Mrs. Jerry. Oarl­lng was hurl .. d FrIda)'.. :\["'. Laura Gm,' of Cblcaltf." motht'r of llrs. ·)0::"1'1 Shnilt<on. I .. "llendln~ a few we .. ks wltb hf'T dauJ:bter. Bom to l\lr. and :Mn!. James llm",r a bouncing bab)' boy. Little "h'mo C. <.."lordan was badl)' bume-d about the hands last MondaY "venin,;". :!.IrtI.-Orii. Edwards and hu~­band ha,'" I.urcluwed n. beautiful bome In ~. Ftftb St. Oscnl" Bark .. r and John HoweD have a new auto. ltr.and !l.tra. "'illie nutler of !l.tattoon. Ill.. motored to Champaign last \\·eek. l\trs. Geol"G'e P('n;on, SRm ItOIle. Sherman Plckins, ltr. and !llrs. Butt"r =d daugbt .. r, lira. :Bamett and lion l~llIott motored to 1I1at­toon laB! week. !\Irs.' J.. B. Benton en-

i:;;ai':x'it.a~~~ ~~Yl.rJ'i~Ja~~ honor of -- . PULASKI, ILL,

)0:. K. Uunt, \\'110 !tas been· III for

(fmM. tl~e'J~n':tt;.1.: ~l~o'i,lu~e~~~cd '1'1:: .. xrellc.'Dt pr-m ret"ently; The Pu­laski l_ebaU team pllll:.ed the Ullin ·team here Winning. 9 to S. Walter .ldferle!' made hili arrival borne Satur­day from Gan', lad. .Jobnnle Cox. L..onard caison :..nd Frank )Iulsance rnotol"(od to Gar)". Ind,

- DUQUOIN, ILL. llrs. Uzzle Carter of Indianapolis,

Ind., _was called here hy <be Illness of her father. Scott Pleasant. The home .-.f 111 rkle Pf'I'80n caugbt fire early lnst morning. ~ot mucb dam-age was ". Eld .. n Carthell has re-

1I1anding are the proud parents of & bab a:lrl. !llr •. and Mrs, Johnny

IlIn'c returned from' 11 tdp to uls, 1\fo. Oscar "'allace. 43U :-.. St., has been lit. but 'Is reported

I.etter, ~ra. James Cnwkerham. 4:111 )O~. Rexford, and ·two cblMren. Jame" Oslin, Clara Louise. left for· Cblcago Saturda)' . to visit wltb relatlns. ltrs. Laura Hearn.. Is "Isltlng relath'es in Imrta of lIUssIN,lIppl,' lUS>I !llattie lic­Glnnls Burris hM returned from a "Iodt wlC1 her mother. brothers and .lister In Cairo, 111.. .

The Sunday I!!chool of the SC«Ind U:tp­tillt churCh gIl\'e a lIucce88 program. :ltatUe )lcGlnnls Burris l.,tt. for Cairo Saturday after spending F.Niter with bel' mother. slsten> and brothers. llrs. Laura Leake, Mrs. Claudll ~Impson and Elnora Burrill attended the e;,;...,utlve board meeUns- In Harrltiburll"h. III., last week. Itudoll.b Smith of ~. Oak St .• Is able to be out agam. llrs .. Lottie ~mpbell WIlliams ot Indianapolis. Ind.,

~snl~~te;'~~\~tfv~~r :?oi~~ctllll~~u'k:~ Farrel of Indianapolis Is h"re \'Isltlng her parE'nt. :lIra . .John Reii'd, 'and oth,'r relative!!. !l.Ir. and :!.Irs. Thomas Cole­man are pl"Oud parent". 'or II. lIov born last Week. Miss Willie Un-ant of lilt. \'ermm, III .• lIPent Easter "'IUI 1I.'1ren1." and frltmds. J,!lss Ada Bush an.l lllss LillIan Glllull of lit. \-.. mon, 1\1 •• at· tendli'd the Geoma minstrel show here last )Ionday, . The A. ll. E. B"thel church had good sUect'slI In the Easter .. antata. "The Glory or tile CroSll." Sun­day nlgbt. CrOWded bouse attended.

DECATUR, ILL. :lfl's, :llamle MeGa\'ok and :Ill'S, Ge­

n .. va Lawrence we .... !lost""",,,,, to four tables of card lllay"r" In the home of M",. .Jont'S, 761 Po. Clay St.. In honor of Mra. CJarabt'lie Graham of Chlcall"o. Those present w"r,,: lira •• Gladys Young. :lIn;. Samuella Irving. :lirs. nertle Barnett. llr/!. Louzl'tta Jackson. 3!rs. Lavina .Tones. :lIn<. !llarwu-"t \\'alker. lIra, Lucll" Lowery, llrll. Al­thea Dabner. !l.lrs. carrie Turner. :III'S. Editb Lawrence, ""~" Buadlne )Iorrls of Bloomington, llls!' l-~stbt.'r Drown. llrs. Freda Kell .. ani! llr", Anna Irv­Ing. The Priscilla PIE'a,mre etub met at the home of lflll" Lou :.tcReynold" Tbursday. The SI.ldpr Web club will m .. ('t at the bome of lI:r". Frank A.-ko!!' Tuellda)'. The ncv. !Ill'. Todd of Pporia. m., wIll conduct a r,,\'h"31 meeUm; In the AnUoch Baptist chure!!. )Ir. and Mrs. Thomas Glass pntertalned with a 6 o'clock hlrthday tlInner In honor of tbelr "on Hugh. Those prest'n'I. were: m"n Fields. R.'llph HOI.klns, BOoker T, \Yashlngton and Perc\' Baugb. Booker \\'ashlngton and Ed Tolliver are visit­ing frll'nd .. , In southern Illinois. :!lIT!<.

~~\" J:h=r' ;f~g~~~~ CI"~~d tb';,tft~l~ llealt!t nurse. I" being "»'a11y enter­tained b)' frl .. nds and relatives, !III'S. Hardy entertained friend" and relaUves at ber home wltb an FAster dinner, CO"el'>l and decor..ttloM WE're In k .. ep­Ing wIth NameI'. :lIIrs. Gladys· Carter and children left last week to make bel' hom .. In South nenn Ind. :III'. Car­ter w<'nlb .. Core. lirs. EssIe Daugh and Ira Simpson wer" quieti)' married llUit week. The)' are housek .... pln!; In their newly furnished home.

turned from a trill to Trenton Tenn .. lind New Orl .. .ans. l,a. B. L. !\!c'WJ!­Iiams of Corinth. Mil,s.. joined his hroth"r, the Re,·. U.· E. 1\lc"·llIlams. !tere Sundav. Thev bad not met f<:lr four - )·earii. Wililam 'Wilkes ll'ft \Yednesda,. '\'11th his wife for &~ Lou I... MOUND CITY, ILL. :!If"~ to be treat<'d l.y a Sll"ClaUst."':d A. T~[ ~~~~Ir e;~:~lul'i~e: st:rcc<,~~~ fr"!.~a::°TuI;o B~~~on::~e ~~:!'eILi llr; and :!I!rs. ltmsome.formerly ot Jon • .,. l('ft wM!k. for Sl,rln~eld to join Jackson. T .. nn., now residing In this thE'lr hUFbnndN. \\'Ith a Tie,,' of mak!ng cln- are the proud parentI' of twins. 1t their future home. A re\'h'al meet- T!:I"e faculty of Lo'·ej~· Hlgb scbool. Ing Is in l,roJ:T(!SS at the A. :\L E. ZIon with their debatllllt team. motored to ('hurcb. th .. ltc,', 1-". \Y. )U"to:'k. !rastor. lletropolll' Friday, where tbey debated The Rev,J\tN. Sadie E. Demen' and '\1th Dunbar ~Igh of :\leotropoUs, nL 1\11"11. Lula \Yoods of Kansas City, :1\fo.. !Ill'. and Mrs. James Edmunds wer., ar.. eonductlng the meetlnjr. .Jobn called to Aentuek)' to the funeral of Thomas, .loon Peters and P..04erlek l~d:~tih~!,~a~~~ ~t~:n~~1 igelnd'!:b:te 'lt~~"'{;.~s ':~e;:'lg;;. ::e ~~Io~~:l'~; at :\I .. tropolls w .. re: !olr,!!. )1. J. Camp-the 011 S)·ndlcate. !!toPl'ed o\'er here a helt. !l.lIl's Ona.\Valts. A"la Clark, ::IUs" few. day" to' \'Islt tl1elr IlllrentlO and 1-:mma C1emonl'. the Ite\·. O. Hender­olh('r' Telatlv .. s. !l.lrs. Eunl."tla Hardl- son and Zero Webh. All report a pleas­man of .lackl'On. ·!l.1I88., Is "Isitlng- rcIa- ant time,. The daughter of I'll'. and tI,·cs here. She Is "topping witll Tol.e l!rs, "-ill .lohn:con .WlUI t.urled Thurs­Thoma!' and family. Edward Good- dav aft"r a prolonged IIlnes!!. lIr". ~me J'll"'tIt U"le pal't w~k In 51. lpuls. .lames Hamilton and children are vls­"~r ... William llanner and Gertrude Al'r-. Illng friend .. In Chicago and Gan', Ind, nanhan left last "'eek for nan\-'IlIe, --'

~~:~":r .. ~~~h .. \':1~'1~"t.:m~lrs~t~-\): !l.frs. sen~~B~~~tib~~~ie, wife ot 1 ... r'ta t'anmf'r Is fn th .. elt}' agl!.ln after G. U. Horlllou.,k1e of 1:101 :\. Hili S1.. fil"'ndlng a few moll'lbs ·"'tb ber 11&r- dlrd Tue"da,·· mornlnjr at the home of .. nt .. In Arkansa~. ' She watO aceompa- :!IlnI. H. S. Gr""n •. where she lIad been uled bv lle~ father. Mrs.' ~t'1\le Jobn- .. mllI'wed for l"t!veral years, The .. nd ron and !tel' dau;;bter Glady:; EJlCIIt was du~ to Innuenza and eoml'lkatlon!l. PollSter tn 5t. LouiS". 1ofrs. Charlt)· ~e dC('ea~"d' wns hom In Providence. Brown-wall. in C('ntralla Saturda)', tbe Ky .. April :t, l"!'l, nnd had rel>lded her~ I:tlest of hpr dauglltC"r, :!Ifni; Annie Bar- fnr the , ..... t 10 yrars. ::Ifr. and llr". kf'r. Luthf't' Hawk!n/! of St. Loulscame .' .. mes .lackson lUld !lfr!'. Sam ,l[e­over here Sl!.turday to be '\\'kh his wiCe, Han"y sp .. nt Eaf'ter In Dam·me. Eddie \fn. Ollie liawklns. nakrr and family motored to ChlcaJ;;o

n .. lgbts 't<O spend Ea."1ter. !If ..... Pauline ULLIN Iii.. Fltzhugb of Joliet WII.!' l"alleil,here by

The inh,idonan' ~eetlng ~r' 'W~'1In's thO! death of her sI,;t"r-ln-law. ::I!r". Chapel C. -:.r. E. church met at the resl- f'enora Hornbuckle. . !\Sill'S' mila :Mae .1enee ·of 1otr". 'WtlIIe Caldwell 'Wedu .. "- Unlom. formerly (It thl" d!y. hPCame da~·. ::'.11"11, :?olan' ltathi... ::lIn!. Lavena the hrlde of r., '\Y11I1;,ms In Chicago Chamhl_ and :!.In;. Abbie W)'l1ns. at- "-.. dnt',,il:ty. . The newb·"·,·d,, will. re­t .. nd"d t!te 'lullrtt'rl}" meetlnl: at til" side In ('hlc:-ajrO. lIn. B<>*,~le "'l1hams C :loY. E, church of Tamms. 111., 1I10n- snd children left for FernwllOd. )11"" •• "3y. The R .. v. Mr. Duk .. " or C. :II. E. to '\"1"lt 11<'1' mother. "-1'1 Pltt.~ of .. llUrch preaebed II wonderful !lennon Chlc-ago Is "Isltlng t!le h"me nf 1811-!oIonday nh:ht. Little' Antoln"tte ma .. 1 "a.nador. ::Ilr.!!. .Jamps Rlee or Th rpe of ,\YbKe Hili ,,-as the gu .... t ('hkago wal' ('aUed h .. re ow-Inlt tn the ~f 0 little' Ht'rman liin-Ill. lIn.. Ida death or ller ~15ter, J,lt's. Sl'nora Horn­nauns of Gale"bur:: was In town la~t huckle. The Rp\', A. J. )J~fl1:Iln. 1'3,,101' wcek ,1sltlng her parents. !I!r, and :Iolrll. ot the !>Iornlm; Star Free Baptl~t The Thorp<'. ::11M!. Cora Diamond of .. heureh. Is confined to Ills hom" b)' iIl­Pulaski was her.. last \\"t',·k vl"ltlnl; nes!'. • .. n pnt .. rtainment " ... ~ ~I"pn a.t :!Ifrl'. Chamblee. !ltl"". Arandle ... dklns Ibe borne of llr, and !l.1.r~ • .lames .Jack-"I d ....... d • F()n Frldav night. ,"US" Mary Louls~ ~ e ... ,. a). Vo'bltlo ... a'nd .J. D. Thomas were unltE'd

CENTRALiA. ILL. In marriage recently. :llrs. E. .J. Barnes j" ,'lsIUn:; r~la- EAST ST.LouIS, ILL.

!\ie\il~c:;1::U43l ~~~t~~~nt~~ih S~t Tbe gTf'nt ('llurr,h anti Sunday.seMol Oklahoma. ("ltv Is here visiting her 1'11$- contf>St whl<'!l "ndefl Snnday was \\on ter. )!n;. ytrite Upsbaw. Mrs .. Fan- by St. I,nke's A. !l.f. )o~. "hurcb h~' a nle 1>toore <If Toledo, Ohio. !las Joined wid .. ma""ln. lIn;. P. Clark..on of Car­h"r daught"" to· mak .. her homt' with I banda}". Ill.. r"turnptl nom.. ThUn·blay

!l.1.... !nne up""-· :!Ill'. and :!Itr". WI- aner "pending En!'t .. r visiting er \Tn: "lme rnshaw, !\'r; :mfl ll .. ". '.VI-: 'buJ!"h~~'r, )Tr<. \-Ivl"" n,,·,~s. :>t. f'nul rhamr.agne. nl~ ,·,,;lUng thf'lr 1'01'1 and i llal'Ul't rllUrell. "r whll'h the Re\· . .Jobn friendll. :!Ifl"'. Phil :Iotassey and :\fn;., Dt' ;;;hll'ld~ Is 1'0!'tOT. has ~ecu:ed.a np\\" n .. ba Lee . left for Clinton. Dt., <to vl"tt ! 1'h'''' o}'t:1ln. and nn ThurEda; e~l'nlu/:. fr!f"nds and will also '1sll at Bloom-; April !!4. a crowdPd hOIll!;e was I're""nt itlc1on, nt. 1>lr. and )Irs, Harrlson'i to ht>ar the flrPt mu"I('81 strains of the

instrument. ·st. Luke's A. M. E. e...'lurch had ~4 aeceaslomr and I"Illsed il,!107.S0 dUring tbe 11 weeks at the recent churcb and· Sunda), school contesL Frank Jenkins, wllo had charge of the Americall "'oodmeu here. has b",ne to Detroit, ,Mlch .. to bead tb" lSame organ­hoatlon ·tbere. The Ea:11er cllmata ,;"1",en It\· St. Luke'l! A. :It. 1::, churcll Frl~II.)· "",mlng. Al'rll 18, nt.maced by l!rl!. 1\"I"n Ha)'clI was a wond"rfui-succ"lIs, Tbe Victor): LICe lnsurlUlce .comllany oC C!llca£o Is. makllllt \\'ond,,1'1ul vrog­ress In our city under District. Manager C. A. Reid. A fain' operetta. enUtled "A ROSa Dream" will be "h'en at St. Paul's Baptl~t cburch TbuNlday e\'e­nlng. )fay I, by tb" pupils of the fourtb and nf-th grades or tile Dunbar school. lllss Lillian I'arden, teacher.

SPARTA, ILL. "frs. :lb7t1e eumLy r.,-turn"d bome

last wcek from c'Orlntll, :\II8S,: where sh" Silent three," weeks with .rl.'laU\·es. Those on the sick list aI'" 1\Irs. ll,,­linda Foster and :Mrs, Alice nanna. Archie Curtis was a . ",Isitor In St. Louis IllSt week. :Mr. and :.Ira. Theo. GI"J:hom and !I~r. and )Irs.. Clarence llcCrimmoll . motored to St: Louis on Thursday. and 1I1n1. Burtqn. R.;\,. lUld )Irs. ns, llrs. Aggie Alld"r-son and llurdock. and :Messrs. .I. D. Allell and "'l\1.her Brooks motored to Ch"ster FrIday. Dave !Jrltton was a IUUI""nger to St. Louis Saturdas on busln..-,;,;. :llIss Melba Keene spent Saturda)' and Sunday In St. Louis. Mr • and lIr,.. Scott of UUfluoln are visiting lIrs. Scott's mother, Mr!!. Bornhlll,

:I:rs .• ]:"rancls Taylor, who uad"rwent an operaUon a. few w"elts ago. Is able to be up. :.t1"1<. E\'a Lewl:s was <"ailed to Crelt;ltton, l'a" hy t~e death of her L"Oul$ln, !\Irs. Lillian Copeland. llr8. Heatriee Siaug-hler left for ber home In Danville last week. lin;. )o'lo~sle :llc­Crlmmon and llrs. EIlna Belluford aI'" on tho sick list. Mr, anll llrs. llllus l!Jmdles spen'l. a . few days' in Carbell­dale the guests of ll!'s, Ul:!-ndletl' motber. ::'.1 ..... Al!red Falral" died at her home, northeast of Sparta. :lfrs. Gertrude :lfacklln entertained at dinner Tuesday :Mr. and lira. Ste"eJlll and her mother. Mrs. Beatrice Slagbter. of Dan­\'llIe. lit. Mr". P. Lince entert:'-Ined a number of ladles of the O. E. S. In honor of ::'.11"8. Slaughter,

CAIRO,IL. The funeral of llrs. .Mary Cox. who

died 1\londay evening at her residence, 130S Locust St.. was held Thursday nft­ernoon at tile 14th SL Baptist chul¥h, Funeml seniceswere conducted b)' ill\e Re\'. 1::. D. Payne and Interment \\"35 at lfounds cemct"I")'. Sam Early, for­merly oC Cairo, 1Il.. died a few days ago In SL Louis. He ·was stricken with parnlysls. ·lirs.' Lillian Fn'e .was ('filled to Conneaut, Oblo on account of the illness. of her mother. ::IIarlon llartin and LMnard Gllcrlst. l"tudents of tbe Unlverslh' of lIIlnols. spent tbe Easter vacation in tbe city \dtb their parents. Mrs. S)'lvla Clayton and lUss L. Churchill of Sandusky. Ill.. sPl'nt Satur­da)' and' Sunday In the cit\' as tbe guests ot :lU>lS Fannie Stephens and )Irs. Lizzie Pa)'ton •. :III'. and llrs. Em­mett Sharp of 327 23d St. ba'L'e returnli'd to the city from a trl pthrough SOUtil Jackson. Tenn.. and \'arlous points In :ltlssisslppi. \'Isltlng relath'es. Onward lodge No.aS.A. ot P., enter.talned the me-mb"rs and tb"lr wl\'e8 .. wlth a de­IIclou" banquet Thursday e\'"nlng' at !l.fornlng Star Free Baptist churcb. Arthur Caldwell, student at Lane col­lE'ge, . JacksOn. Tenn., IIpent Easter. va­eatlon In the elty witb his parents. Clarence ·Wilson of Carbondale was In the cit)· Ea.ster Sunday visiting rela­tives and friends, Prof. J. C. Lewis I'pent tbe week'end In tbe· city tbe guest of his, \\ife. lIrs. C. O. Lewis. The K. of P. of tbe Cairo district will hold tIlelr Hth annual thank>1I;'h'lng service at the First lli~slonary Bapti!!t church. 12th St.. SundllS. ~lay.f, Th" Re,'. S. B, .lones of Bloominl:ton \\'111 preach. llrs. Leule Boyles of 628 Doug­In.''! St. died Frida)' and bel' funeral was held Monday at !l!!d st. cburch, tile Rev. E. A. Britt offielating.

OLMSTED, ILL. Mrs. KaUe Coo""r, who has be;>n Ill.

Is out again. lIn!. Annie, \\·ood". hIlS r ... turned after a sbort "Islt In Chicago. :lIn;. Gusta\'C. Smith ot Jopa Is \'15Idn;:­friends here, . lta."Itcr C1)"de Gorde Wardell Da\'ls are "Isiting !rleu III ]::ast St. Louis; Dorn to ~Ir, and s, Thomas :llay a boy. )femh~1"!! of \-'. B. cburch r~lIder .. d a spl;>ndld pro~am E'1st('r. conducted h)' Preston Andl<r:;on, l'uperlnteml"nt. and ltrs. C. llcCallster, choir leader,

. BLOOMINGTON. ILL. . Re'·. Anthon)' King ofS!lrlngli('ld ad­dressed the Sunday I!Chool ot \\'a)'ma.n chapel and ddl\'"red a stirring sermon at the 11 (>· .. Iock service. A l'l.\tmdld t'ntt'rtalnm.::nt was :rl\·t'll :It the Union BavUst churell Thursday night by Jl:roup :\0. a.· It a. j.'TtInd SUl'ces~, lIr: .. Hattie Rush ... lIt .. rtl1l., .. <I th" memher". or the ProgrE's>i\'e cluh Thur!'IIIl.~· aCt"r­noon at hf'r home. S. East St. A la~" numh .. r 0: vl~ltors w"re I.resent atul luneheon was s"r\·"d .. The Pastor's AliI of '\"nyman c!tapel bcld an Int"r"stln~ meetin,;" Ilt the pal'sona,:e Thurslla~· ,,\'enlng. :\Irs. Samh llcC~ken WlI.." "I ""ted president snd llrs. I.ullie An­I'On \'Ice president. Re\'. nnd lIra. g, D .. Jon"s 1\'111 INn'e ::Ilay ';" fnr the gen­.. ral conferenee at t.oul~\·llIe .. The X. A, A; C, 1'. beld It!! monthly mE'etlnJ! at Fraternal hall. lluch business was tranEact"d. The ne\... seeretary. Cor­nellu" Drown. wall Install!'d, :III'S. Hard)' at St. Loul ... formerl)' of mOonl­Ington. l'llfmt a fE>\\, ,1al'~ In' the <"ity last week. :\lIss Autala Ih-ndl'rl"on of "Inrshall. llo" d"t"r of :\. J. Hendcr­"on. I" \'11'1111'1::- her brothf'!'. ::III"!'. \\'In­nlng~ ot Detroit I,: vl~ltinll' lIIrs. l.u<'y Coleman or :;;. )O:',st St, ::lIn.. n. n. lIastiggs a.~I'h'tant I,astnr "f til" FII'l'l "I. E, ('hurrb (wblte). 11ell\·"r ... 1 a "1,I('ndld adclr"~!i: tn th.' ~o"l\Tn}'lor :II. M. "nclet ... at "'n~'man "bap('1 j;un­lin", aitprnf)t)n. Re\,. KIII~ p,.".dwd at l:';tbel A . .:It, E, church. :\ormal. Sun­,la1 night.

SPRINGFIELD, ILL. neTt,Slngleton. E. lIath"II)'A\·e .. \ has

1.urrha.c ,·d the 01,1· Holt nlat·..,. 152!! E. E. Capitol Ave., and will. ",·model It. The X. A. A •. C. p, hn.'! ",·!tun !til an­nllal financial drh'e ami reerultlna: of ml'mhen; 'and wl1l r"ml"r a monster I'l-oltt"llm al the -'",en", ~Iay l~. at which time nnd pla .. e e"nA"ressman n~'''r nf lll~"ourl. author of the Dyer bill. will speak,

LINCOLN, ILL. ThomaR :l1,·Kennl .. , who has ),,, .. n ill

.,,\,pml montb .. , Ilall Imnroved. TIl<> "~jtlln~ "'orkers of the A. !l.f. E. I'hurell w('re pnt"rtalnr.l lit the bom .. nr lIm . .John Tayll)}' Thl1""lay .. !lemonn. Olive EI .. I ... {lllught"r of llr!'. Ford \""s­lpy, who ha" bepn Flck. !" well a!:Dln. Fr"d AI,lrldge or Gan·.· Ind.. \,!p!l<>tl Sundlw wltb relntivps a",1 frlend~. ~fI~f: !'arah' Brnzer of S"rln~l1eld ,'Isltp,! In 1.Incoln Sunll .. y. Mt1'. Oeo, Towm,pnfl. "iln ""ll!< ~'rk, I~ hNt"r, 'Ir". Emmll 'f'\n ..... n-tt .. -: ... t ~'!' e ' "".. "'f'qc: Oplia BOtltb

ilu'returnec:l' to Noi'nuit to attend school. She- has lleen VlslUngfrlends here.. 'rhe Willing' WorkerII' went on-a bike Thursday and enjoyed a nice time. llrs. 'Vinnie TO\\'l1scnd.-who has been sick: tOr' several' weeks, Is Improved. Mrs. Frank Bennett·.ls sick.· 1Ur; and liM!. Dewey Itoss. Mrs. Emma. Reed and Aby Uoss motored ,to Bloomington 'on TuesdRy, Lee Dent Is sick. . The Will­Ing 'Yorkers Sewing club met at- the home of lln;. .. Orlean' Long and had a SOCiable time. B. ,Bibb ontertalned !\II'. and Mrll. 'Jackson' ot Emd"n and Mr. and !\Irs. Hussell. Itoblsun ot Atlanta Sunday. ,.1Ifra; John.A[drldgels stlltln~ dlsllO>led at her home. Daniel Z,lartln has return ell to Decatur a:ter visiting

• here (or'l1 (ew da.ys. ClIIford nule­wood of Peoria Is vulitlng T<!!ati\'ell and

,trlelldll; here. HOl tortn~rly lived here. Edgar Hammons, Mr. lnllcr uml ~Ir, Tollh'er of· DIlca.tur motored to Lincoln Sunday nnd Silent thu. dny with friends. Lewis :l1n.dlson has retUrned to . .Joliet "I!dtln~ here. . L.a.wrenee Roberts nnd Julius Starks bll\,o. returned from Decatur. wll"r .. , th,,)' were .vlsltlng. Everett l\Iartin spent Sunday In Spl'lng-1i!'ld with his mother. An Jo::aster pro­gram WIIS rendered at the Second Dap­tist "burch·, A Isrgu congrega­tlun "njo)"ed the program.


1\Ia.~le ;lQ~'nes of Onargai. are'; viSiting here tor a tC\V days with Mr;· and Mrs, Ward: . .Jaynes. , Harry,.Babb . or. Joliet spent tile week-end here wltll ·hls family, . . ~.:

. CARBONDALE!.. ILL; .Dr •. O. B.' Tbompson 'lias returned

from a visit In New York. lIIr. and :!.Irll, Sam Sykes spent Sunday with lilT!!, c.' A. Ita)·. Dr.' Floyd Mooreland spent Thursday In Carrier Mills on 1'1"O(I<88lonal business. 1I(rs. W H. l-'leldll~ ot Cairo spent the week' end wHh' Mr •. and Mrs. C. ·P. 'VII50n. :<.IrK. A. Clarkson Silent the weak In East St. Louis, tile. guest· or . her daughter. l\lrs. Thos. 'Hayes. Rev.' A. A. Crlm spent the week end' at Unionville. Mr. and :'Irs, Milas Ramlles ot Sparta spent F..aster with Mrs. Randles' mother, lin<. :\ora Jones. lfT!!. Eva' Wiley and daugbter. Evelyn. or Moline. Ill .• have' returlled to their home after spending

. tbree' weekR with' her mother, Mr", Ellzaheth :McCracken, . who' hilS been nick •. ' :III'S. Addle. Benton' spent a f"w days In St.: l..ouls thl!; week. Tbe pnplls or ,\ ttucl(s' hlg-b . school will ren­der. 'thelr annual. play at the Amuse U .theater .. Tue!!rlIlY ,e\'enmg under th .. l1usnlccR of· :r.U"s: E.' If. Atwater and Prof.',\V. n. J.ewls. 'The lTol.pwell :l111l­slonary ell'''!''' entertalnNl the sewlnt:: clr.;les of the elty Thursday' afternoon at . their I!hurc1~... . !lnss Elnord Jayn"s!<pent a feW da)"s

at. the home' of her ullcle In Pontiac. .lack Jaynes is visiting relatl\·t!s and friends Iwr.,,, 1\[1'5;- llamle C:irter has -. . HALLIDAYBORO. ILL, returned to her home In· Pontiac after' B,' II. 'McAllIster has returned to Ch[­an extended "Isltwlth' r<"latives here. cago after'sl>endlng mor ... · than two "'endell :llItch,,1I and 1::dward .Jaynes weeks with his parents, llr.· nnd Mrs. sl.ent 11 fl<w d.'lys at the home of Sam Tbomas McAllister. . B. H. McAllister Rowen In llnr-tlnton. ·Late Scaggs and bad' hi:;. tonsils taken out In the:r.lur­daughter. ·1tost:.lla. of Loda are "Islting- "bysboro hospital last week. Mrs. the former's mother, :111'11. lfargru-et SlImh Spears accompanied him to' the S"agg". who Is sick. 1\1rs. \V. S, Seaggs hospital. lIN!. :ltary Anderson was It has returned home after !l!)endlng tbe visitor In Carbondale.llrs. Della. Me­winter wltb her mothe" III T"nnesse<l. Cluln of Carbondlliewas 3\'lsltor In llr. and lin;.· J. C •. Craig motored to t!~~!~1I1;~~r~01l~!~S~n'Jn;l~te<:u, ~j;.,.~n~f~: ~':r':ska~~~h:'h~~: o~~'~rll~~~nt" ~pl:~ halla ,MIt~('1I and :\11'11. Mildred Bacon. man. :'Irs. Garnet· W·hlte accompanied or Hurrlsburg. Mrs. Anna Gude ac-

::~~~\' i::;s ~:~ ~~k~'n Cc~f~~~ ~V~~! ~u~~~:~;~~~~r;:t ~~~d~/[\~'th R~~bir. Ing with, relatives. lirs; ·A, Rogers' :llcAlUster recently, :11[1'._ and llrs. Joe grand:!on; Rufus, of Cllrbondal<l urrlved .Joe Dnncan ami Lionel Parkll antl.las­SUllda)' to make his home with his per Gude motor;-d to .Coultervllle re-

~~~~ml':ttll({tia::~g~?bl~n:Pl~~Jia~f ~~~lIWlJlI~";;'~l;:rG~~N= Chlcago Is sllendlng a. few days with Smnrt Set mlnlstr,,1s In DuQuoin. ltr. bls wife. The' Rev. 'l\Il". Harris of Chl- and lira. Troy Wllilon or.Coll>, III., are cago preached at the U:tptlst church vlsltlnr:- :lIr. nnd !ltrll. Llono;! Parks. ;\11'.

Sunday morning. _'_. ~~m~~:' a~~rl~:nh'.;~:lsA:t';:~rd~~!ft~~i; SYCAMORE ILL calif-cion Mr. and ;\trs. John Ecldlngton

The Re\·. l!r. Skclton ~r Cblcago Sunday. Messm. "'alter. Walls. Sam flreacbed a wond.:rful sermon Sunda)'. ~1:~~~;1 W~r~~I'~~\1;~analr:.[:!~dJu~~r i~~t~~ rr;.te:nJS :'I~.It~fon~ ig~~~~: Gude. :llr. nnd· llrs. Lionel Pnrk~, lies-wtlha party of friends, moton-d to d.'lmes lfn}1aUa Mitchell and Mildred Rochelle Sunday. ;\lrs. Flor"nce Byram Baeon and B,'n Poynter went all a Illlh-0(' Chl~o visited her 'parents over Ing trip but (all",1 to bring home tbe ~undll)'. 'VIII Singleton Is returning to fish. Mi"" Alta . Gild" wa .. a ::IfnrpllYll' his home III :\Iaeon, Ga... on account of horo visitor recently, :\[1'9. Charlotte Illness. :'ItcAlIIster I" on th" slek lI'1t. :l\tlsses

HODGES PARK. ILL, The m!'mbers of tile Young People's

rrogres.~lve club of .the A. :If. 1::. ehurch render .. d a IJrogram Sunday night. April 13. utter wblch a clock wall "re­sented to the church b)' the club. Elmer Smith. I'reshl~nt; wnua llae :\lcCondle. seereta!")'. Tile Rev. J. \V. Parks and wife 5p('nt last week In church ser\'lce" here, The Rev. llr. \Vllson of Cac!te

t~~~c~i~ l~l;~~~~r I~~~t. Fni~nNa~~: Jr.. a·ttended services at St. James A. "I; E. churcb, 'rhe pie supper gl\'en April 19 by the Wllllnjf 'Vorlcers club of l\~t. ZIOn ll. B. cburch was a suc­ces!!. as also was tbe "rogram ren­der"d Easter Sunday afternoon. The L.a.dle.. Aid Sewln/E circle met Thurs­day at the home of tbe Ilresldent. Mrs, Bard!e Blakemore. .The members or llt.-Zlon :\r. B. c!turch ha\'e organized. ~ singing choir with 22 rs. ltT!1. Emma Patton oC· Clneln biD. vis-Itl'd b('r aunt. l{rl!, Lu • Roma, last wel'k, Bessie Devore Is home from St. I.ouh,; wbere she bas been IIttl"nd­Ing ·schonl. Bettie \-aughn of St. Louis. llo .• \'1~lte.l her parenti!. llr. nnd :lfrs. ::If. Y. "aughn. lit!!. Anna CI1.'\mherll nnd ll)7n. -'. Johnson were called to Luxnra. Ark .. to the funeral of. their sister, ltrs, ::'.lInnle Franklin. wbo died sudden!)', after she returned home from Ihe NameI' senice Euter SlInday.nlg!!t. The Re\,. r. S. Stone of Cairo •. Ill .. preach .. d at the A, l~. Eo eburch Tue,,­dav . nll:ht In the revlvlIl sen·lce. lrrs. Effie Greer oC St. l.ouis. !l.tnc; Is the ~uest of ht:!r motbl'r. llts. Pollen Mil­ler. ::'.ft-s. Eardle Rlakem"rl'.· who bas h""n \'!!I")' III. hI I'l'ro\'crln:r. lit". Bol­den or Commeree. liD .• I~ the ,;"uel:!t of lfr. nnd lft'll. .J. C. ntRkem<Jre. :I{iss H. B. Kendrick of Calts,. 111.. III the guest of :ltrs. Hattie Ingram.

JERSEYVILLE, ILL. :\[1'11. Ro!<cue A. Cisco and NOnS are

gtH!!<ts (If ht:'r parent;;. lIT. and !l.tra.· g. J. "·\lson. at NokOmis. Edward Bro\vn.Gnte"burg. vlRited hi .. '(larents, l[r. anel :\h's. Am(ls Brown. thl~ week.. lffFS :ltaurita King has rt'turned to ~ch01lI aft~r 51l!'nlllng- the; Easter \·ac.,\­tl'Jn Rt home. Rirhard Bro\\"n spent the we .. k In St.' Loul". llo, Mr. Ramsey, field sl"CrO!tnr~' or Tuskegee. ""ent a few d3.)'1! her,· on 1.1l><lneS8. lIm. Harriet I~ng:l!<h, Cal'hondal ... was the !;uest of h",r moth"r. ll .. ". Harriet E\,lIns. Sun­.llt)·, A" sprle" of mc .. Un!;s were hdd at ::'.[1. O\l\'e BAptist ehurch all week. Hal­lit' Jon.'s and "Istl'r. Cllrrollton. motored

~:.~n l1~.n:~a ~rr~!. ~~;~l~e"en 0~1~~~\,!,a;~; house gu,,!'ts 'If lIr. and :\tTII. .James "·addle. ltr". Cynthia Brown. 51. I.onls. :110 .. bas returned horne aft",r ~pendlng a week with rdallvcs .. It\,,,, B~alrlee \-'alr(II" I" vil.IUng· [n "'ebster Grove. llo. Edwlltll Hawkins. God(re~',' was a business "Isltor h!!re this week. •

GALESBURG, ILL. ::IIrs, IIlumle Amh;rsQn has returned

from a trll' to lIoline and Davenport. Th .. R",·. C. ll. W"b"ter will pr"acil

~ ~e ,\~~:~u~l':I~!"Fs::n~~i.iI;:fI~;d~tell~';;~ • <"antata, "I!:\·an!"el." was sung to a: pa<"k .. ,l hou~e Frlda~'. given by the choir of AII"n ehap"l,under tb., ,lIrec­tlon of ::lIn •. n,,11 S:mnelers. lll''', Daisy llason of :llonmouth nUended the Ma­.Fon!c sermon Sunday In tl,ls dty. Th". Re\·. A: Madlsoncof Kewanee. fleld mis­!'Ionnn' of the Bnlltist association, vis­Ited .. the cltt last Sunda~·. :'lIra. Winnie

K!~:~~.vW"'~O\~~~ ~}t\\,"~~~~I~o~~~;\\"Pi; reshllng at 8!1r. W. Brooks St. Tu('''day: e""nlng at the homc of Charles lllek-' en". r.9~ W. Fil'>!t St .. the Rev. J. W. L­UndN·woo.l. o~anilled a club known as. the lIen'" Gal"sLu~ SuperviSOr club. Preston . \\·alla .... , \lr('!!ldl'nt: l~mm"t lTll!!s, vlee president; I",wl,. C. Carter, "I'cr('tary; Abraham Harper. rorre­l'rtlHlIUn:: !Ol'cr"taI'Y; John Finn.>y, trp;t"­urf'r. llrs .. Abbie Smallwood enter­tain"d tbe T. C. at the Nelghhorhnod }iweet "hop Friday. Th.. llls"es Flor­en"" Smatt"y.Fern .Jack"'"n anll Loul>!" Carh'r ane! Hobert Parker had char.;e or the proSTllUl.


nul;::b~: r!}isf:ieri~-:;" T::~~~~~;e~\,!~'ln; In bonor of hi" hlrtb.lay. C. :IT. I,owry and wife I'1)ent Suu,lny In Joll"t vl~lt· InA" r .. lativ .. >!. ltr,... Kittle ::I~cClnim and son George are .. pending sever:!l da~'s with llr. IIn,l ::IlrI'. Clarenee Tlmtley, \\'II.)·man Bradl ... y ot Falrbun' nttended the funer:lI of the late lin:. Emman

!~~I ~:l~~~~ (,~{iI:;'~~~~r ~~:;I~/a~;;.: and :llnl. Alfred Cnssell. llrl'. 1-:113. nar­ton, MI ..... J.ouls.> Fletcher. ltesllrs. John Harbor and Akhonso Stricklin motored to Cbenoa Sunrla~' e\·ening-. ::lIlli''' Loul~e Fletcher .Iellg!ltfull yent<>rtalned tile lrlte In,,,,lonary SOCiety Tuel!day; The fUlll'ral ".>r\,lee of - tht' late :ill's. Emma Hili. wbo dl;>d suddenl~' Frj,lny ",' .. nlng at ;,h(' resldr'nce of her daugh­ter. :I!rH._4.ra· Della Bowman. \Va" can­dueted at }loth,,1 A .. :It. E. ,:hurch en Sunclay afternoon. the Re\,. A. A. Lowr~', pnstor. "mclating. :'\[1'8. Hill had heen a resiflent here for the past ~5 years. Amonl: those from out of the I'It\" who attend"d th" fun"rnl were ('arrlc'Darton and wlte of :\ormal. Elf­\\·lI.rd HilI. llr". Amhella Young. )Irs. lona. Da\·!s. llr". :Ifill' Tomer of <":hl, ca!:o. llrs. Edlt!l Skinner of Indian-11",,115. Frank E. Harbor of Uloomlng-~ t"n . and lll"" Stulle Fleming. .James Bolden of Streator spent Sunday here "I"ltlng (rlendl'. llll's Victoria 'VII­\lam;; of ntoomlnt:ton was the guest of friend" lieI''' Sundny.. Elnora Sams and

lIa" nnd :\fridenda Slmpl'on attended the Georgia Smart Set minstrels at Du­Quoin Saturday nlgbt.

SYCAMORE, ILL. The ne\'. ::I[r, Slng\eton or E\'llnston,

lit. preach"d a "ery In"nlrlng' sermon Sunday. l!r. Pntterson of E\'anston ac­cOmllnnled' him here. Rlcbard Pnnot and Haywood Anderson were business «,allers· In the city last week. UI)'sses Jobnson was In the "It)~ last week, llr. and lit ..... ROse .Jobnson motored to Ro·

~~;~e aS~~I~a~nst~raT~!a.wfi)1I G';,et~~ii3 club met at <the borne of liiss Annie BrldJ:e\ ... ater :l10ndl1)' night. !l.lrs. :\an­nie Sanders I<ntert:Jlned visltor!< from C!llcago Sunday. Tbe :\1I5510nar,· ·clrele met at the borne or llrs. Sarah Thomas Tburlfday. ____ ...... __ _

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ILLINOIS NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 3, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A2

N ·' E' '. 'W' '. :S'I &IIE'Y and Mfl'; So 1.. Stackft and fam-, ily. NTH., DOUGlas.' J. n. W!leeler and ". ,_ '.. I Geo.Fln&Tlm. all of ·DIlI1,,1I1e. were the

• guestll of' the E. "'no St. Cburch of " Chrl~ '!!:aliter. ::lunda)', ;:\~r!l. Roberta '. ;:\JcWaln Hnd /lillter Almeata. Campbell.

JACKSONVILLE.-ILt.. its,llnancial drive Sunday. "prll !!7. for or, St. Lou!,l. Mo,.· are ,vlsltlnr: In tb~ l\lIi1S Cleuta liou:lo pVc II. pllrty !it tbo ,benefit ot tile a.udltorlum. llrs. home or their IIlster. lfrs. ·1 ... X, Jones.

her,llum. In E. lItor"ul St.:,flevIlhll da)'lI' N'ettl~ Bryoont. 4ll. E. ' .. • ..... hlnglon St., ~Ir. and ;\11"'" .3ert:y, Darling "'e,the aCO.· Flftrell. II'UCI'Its were ,.reIU!Ilt. IS 011 the Hick 1I1It. "tillS nub}" DavtM proud parents or a ftne baby girl and AmonI' lb,! recent· villitot'll to Chicago or JoliN, 111., svcnCEaliter with llnJ. )Ir. and :\11"". .Iohn Pieklns are' tbe wero. ""1'. lUlU "-11'11. JIl"ob IJavls amI I .. Tucker· In Chicago, The K. of P. r.roud PKrents or a flne bouncing baby 1<11'8. J..aurn Lara)'elle. lIm. Goldl" Ilnd lho. 0, O. C. of Joliet will IIl1.vo .ov. All are dol1'll't ftne. :'ITI". and !'Itt'll. 11'111,1, Of. ~outh Ben. Ind •• , III a. vlldtor their IInnuRI· scrmon ·In Aurora, III.. I1Jils d'Hames motored' t() Centralia. III., .t the __ h_o~cor lIer moUler In Ehc.\' St. Sunday. Thc Stcwards Ilclpf'r!lwcre Satur a,)'. ThOlie on lila lliek nat are l11'll. Ed M~ore. who hi al"Ui'lnl Ill' organized ."1'11111)' WWI Mrl!. C. C. Muon :\'"" Guy Honbucld,.. Blanche BO""loa quI' SavioI'.. hOl!lpilal.· Is tml'roved. .lUi -prc~Jdent. . a,!d A\()lh('r Carter. !\Iunucl Itobl!rlll or \\', Anult ~t. WIlt!' --, operated on l1t th., .!"cw flomu !!anl- ,CHICAGO HEIGHTS. ILL. ,- MOUND CITV.ILL. tarlum Tu~"da)' ror alll'endlcltlll. - "It'll., iUl'I:I. ;Ileal. JU2 Arnold SL. IWl! rl!- The tichnortl laught by lIra. Leota :'Ilarhi Jolonson III IrnprO\'lng. Three turned from her recent. vbitt, The Rev. Johnson lind ~UI!Ia .\\ .. '" Clark dOl!led stwcl1l,\- ":;Uh!T programs' ~('~ held at C,' H. Smith. 11:10 Wentworth A\·e,. Is FT!dll)". lfn!. !'::arnl!' 1 .. Hllmbleton and MI. I,<;mon' Baptillt ehurch Sunday. At on tbe IlIek.lillt. A mUldcalllrOt;Taru !ltlltt'I'.-_;\lrs. Boles or ClIh:ap. dIned at

.the mornlll1: lScrvlee the pallloT tile and d,;bIlte WDS rendered at PIlrne~ A. tbl> home nfl\tn;. Fntllcls LindH)' : Ite\·. lIenry.l:Sno'l\,·den, jle\lvered a ~nltm-l l\f. E. church Tuesday. April29: DOdage T}1uTliday. ChaTlel!. Rice. Jr .. ISIIPend-1 · did 'Bermen. Till') IIU)lerlntendent. J\ll"f!. Dt"OI;hll. the ~(m. of .\Ir. aod lIll'II. H. Inc a re\\" dill'" with bIll parents. Roose-· nedora. B. Brl'unt, ""as In charge or the D~hn •. HI .. '~allace' St .. hillS been "ell lfaYl)erry or Memphis made a ft)··1


pl'ogtllm. llrs. Anna SnOWden "ad etmllned to the :::ll. ;tamell oosp\lal rOI' tnl' tr 0 lIoun4 Clly. where he vla·l "t-kl'ge O.f th!) \lrlmary del)artment pro- ,t~o wet>kli., Willie Panlon Is }Iere,from It~ .Thelma Hudson. lIn. ltar· !l;ram. At the B. Y. P. U :\UlIti Susl .. .:>;ew .Llhel"1K,- La. The Chickasaw dub Jon.!!' atrlek of Ransas C1t:r, "an.,

: [.,)·Il<;h wa:s in charge oC the program.. 1;8\'\1 a .<lltller at Bolner hall ;\Ionday arrn'cd home Frida)' for a 'VIsit with ; ,'hc I~stet ptoj;ram at llcCabe was a night, J\prll :18.- . lIer I'arenl!'l. Ur; and ltrs. Jam .. !! Camr>-: succeSM, llrH. I,<;lIen (''oenm ha,] ~harge hell. :\ieffdamea Burns and Crlm ('nter· 'I of tlH~ sunthl)" 1<\,,11_1 flro!;J'am. The MOUNDS; ILL. talned a number or rrlenda Frida\" C\-e· Rlw. ;\11". Todd ~rl1aehed an "excellent lTrs. Rol'lll Cross Beck, \·ls1.t.ed. her !lIs- nlng at the 5, )t. T. hall. The e"enlng NCTomll 011 the resurrection of Christ tel' 111 St •. Louls. Mo .• last week. )tl8l1 W:lS spent with whillt and dancing. hl Ihe morning. Mother LllIZle And!'r- llKrgllerlle Woo!llrll was I&. re~nt \'I~_ Among the nut~or-town R'Uests w.", $On Mbislcd In the services III the itOI' in Jllcluion. Tenll. lfr. nnd ;:1(1'1'1. !\t"1!tlumes GracI'! l:mhl... Ir~ne <-'lark.

I Chureh of ('..odIn Chrlflt SundR'·. The Gl'Ilnl Blakemore ha\"Il moved to U,,"r :-.rblli Sarall-Clark. Pruf. E. C. U8mbte­ne\'. Percy 'Valhlcl! Is the pastor. Eas- rel!id~n"'/\.III ~orth :lToUlldl!. The n .. \,. t'}n of ;>.(4!undll. )!I'II. If!rJorle 'Fltz1)at. 1.:'1' services W<lre held at. the !Kleend J. \\. \\ lIey Hntl wife and It"m'nando I rll'k ot Kllnz;a .. City. ""n.: ;\111>8 LtI-

· Ulr.llitlan ,ellu.rCh.' Sunda,\' At the "ec~ Adams motored from Carbondall'! Ilnd elllf! Randell, Mn. Betts am' lfrs. Davis and Baptist churCh EaSter ml)rning .. pent Saturtla)' ,'i~ltln(t oM frlelld!!. A o} Tllms. Ill. The GuidIng ~tul' or the nr\'icell 'were h!'ld by the' pastor the play entitled "!'VOl' )Iarrt~d ':\tAn" Willi FAst pvc II. measuring entertainment Re\', H. H. DeWitt. of Pattl;bure:.· Mo.. ,rlvcn at GI"nn hall ThUTS!1IlY' nlgbt un. M~mda.'y evening. The funeral or ,. IIllDke at tllO!! eVtllllng fen''':!!" At tbe del" the aUSl'IC4'8 or Compalw f( lll"l!l. '~an was conduct<:d frOm the Zion Bethel A. .M. E. ·ehureb. of which thf' Dovia .• \lIdprl!OIl director. )£1'8.' Beule Travclf'r5' churell Thur!llIay by thl' Rev •

. l!e\'. R. H. Hackley\s panlor. a lfI\lendid «:)obb I'; .. till on the sick IllOt. I.e,·1 J, :\fr. Frazl(>... Interment at Beech r.1Il!tcr program wall rendered. MrS. f •• ; CoppIn :\1Il!l!iOlfRry society met Bt fhe Grove eemeter,lo'. Among thOile on the B. 3fontgomcry WHI'! dfrcclr~lS1!, In Ihe pAt'SI)nabC Fl'ltlay. Arter thp regular sick list Are Columbus Prittehet anot Hf'tcTnOOn Mt'R. !IT.bIe l~\o>'d And llrs. I rnutlne of hUll In!!:; .. the hostesl!I lIcl'\'ed Archie Clemons. JennIe Jones W!)ro In of the, dl)lIc!ou.. refrellhmelltl!. Mrs. I';corgla !'r/'\gram. In th~ evenln" :'III ... " Naomi : Rose of North 'Mound!l aCt!hlentall)' .. hOI LAWRENCEVILLE. ILL, Johnson, p~sfdent or the "Imlor choir herself and III ('Onlillfld to her bome. lll', and llrs. John lleekll or Wash· "as. In chal'Ke or the PfOllTUm MIsS lfn;. D •• follc,,· and lIiece. Luvenl" Hili. tnblon. 1nd .. hllye m(n-ed to '\\'. "ubOi,. lIable DeTrrrl!! and Miss Lou13~ Cehh ha"c Teturned hOn1~ to St. Villi!!. aRer St. Be"erly Hellt'll ""Ill< sf'rlously .111 ilK\:'!! returned to l'\"ormal after their' II delightful, ,-»OIl with parcnts and ]>I:;t WE'ck. i'Il'. Rlllt ;\fT~. samuel An­El>~ter \'aca.Uon wltll. relatives ana' .,-andparpnts. ~rr". Hattie t •. Bowles. d<,rsOIl \\'el'e nJcent ,'il!ito",," In (,yle Ind. frl~nd!!. llfl' •• \.' :\1. TotId hll~ ~turnl'd 1,\[1'8. C. L. Hamilton and. SOn \'ernon :\11". lind ltrs. !llason l(orris l'pent 'Sun­from St. 1.0ul:<, where she attemh>d the. were r~e .. nt vl!lllors,in CAiro. the t:uests day in 1"lnkstatl'. :.trs. Laura Xeh:;b­b('dbide of her brother-In-law ",hI) died .,,( !llrs. Charlotte Nnr\·ell. llrs Bowl"ll ~O~umle!t..rlb!"tt\e:'1nndeeendnt'::'!. Tm"C

11!d,!?'I' r~tlt.e

Friday lind \\'Ils burlf'd Sllnda~' 'l{.. lert for French Lick.· (nd .• h~" way of ~.. .... ~ .. ~ 0.... "". ~l 1f>a\'~ to mourn his 10P>I II. wld';,v "Tid I ["mls\'lIie. K~' .• tn .Islt htl' sister. ltr!l. a\. Vlnecnnel!l last TueFdAY evening. lIOn. The MI!<5lollar')' soctetl' of;\lc- ,Blrnosom T,!)!!' na!'·"",. ::o.1n<. William .lam_ LIle. !lTr. and lIn. Herschel Calle :'It. 1'~. ('hun:h , .. at! entertailled toy . ColemAn .. ntl :\trs. lllne"va 1ItcC';1I1l hf'Ve Gowens' and C .. nda.ce Brown. were in :\lr& ";Ilen Coehn at ber horne III g !l:one to Fulton. Ky .. (or 1\ \'IKit. T~le Ylncllnne" Thursday. Raymo"a vwl!l l"lIsett(l ::it. recently. - Capt. George dI'Bf!lB. '~llp Noh!1' Club:a,;t." WIiS pre- motored to T'etenJburj:t afr",,, his mnth~r. lTeado\\,li sulren.-d ... ..light pltTall'lIc I<ent~d to II lat'(re Itnil apllreclaUvfo n.u- :l.frs. Clarissa Ll'wl!l. Slltnl'l!a)'. F.Y4!rett litroke Monday. !l1rft. Anna Collin!! Is' tllen'.... Thun;<1ay night at New HopI! McDonald Ilnd Dendell Jilnes or Pr[n~­a ('sli4!nt Itt 0\11" S&vlot"s hospUal. Mrs, Balltist church. Ira l~ellnlMn fell· nit ton were In l,av.-rene .... ille l!lf"", .. ral dll}1' .fl:me Burkhardt an(J dallgllt .. l'. :l.frll. thl! Pfll'.'h SUllda~' afternonn and Jtgo Mrs !\t.r\·l\Iiller or \'in"ennf'1I .'ol1nl'On. of Greenfteld. III .. w~re weelc- "prained hi .. al'l11. ,:n>" Onportunlt;\· club wag the B'ue~t ot ;\1 ... "nil :\tr8. Lincoln end "Isitol'fi at the hOme or :;\Irll. Mar\' ~a,,1' I\. 1;01'Iai at S .. lem· Baptist church Puivn" SundllY. ltr!l. ('larl"53 V-wis of Bank!! In N. -Dllmlolld st. Mill!! lune t u'l!!da~' night pr"I"\r:Rtor;\' tn tb .. dill· p" f'l"l'huTg 18 'l'tsltlnt 11er "roth ..... Lin­Fiddh:!l·. Ii teaehe-r Itt Lo\'~j{ly. nI .. wus Friel mE'l!'ting In Harnsbur!:, 111. Jam"B Min :Pa~'11I!. ror a re.... day". .Tohn P. 1\ week-end "Isltor a~ the home of I"~r nggy hilI! ~onel(> Ohio til wl)rk. ;\tl8~ Smith ?'1lS Rbi .. to attend chul'('l1 Sun­unci.,. Hnrl Runt. the Re,\,. an" lItRr, R. Adah :\Torgan. tll::,ch"r. or .L.!'vlnp lOpeDt I tlay, tbe first time ror several months. n. Hackley. In ltarln" St. The Ladl".s· the w"ck.E'nd With lTN! .•• C. 1\{oore. AId of l\tcCabe :l.r; E. cllu:rch was pn- ltelldam'l'" Gn.c", lfllInblE'5. Dovla An­t"ttained b)' :\tn;, Magrle- Davis at her del'''''n l!lId C';. h Hamiltnn Attenlletl the home In_\V. Anna ~t. Col. Otis Dun- r"r ... well gatheTlng III honOT of MrR. can tJnilerwO'nt all oprration at th .. New, N. T ... no"-',,,., ch, .. n. h,l' ~tne. ~()ra lA\'e Home Nanitllrfum.:'Itn;. T~ynch Conway In l\Jounty Clt~· "Tnnday e,'enlng. ltrs. .n4 lUr,,; 'Villiam (,'on'fl'uy ml)tored ~m"rlcp ltll(;kll\'RlJey and Jonas lind from Peoria Sumla>' to Tlsit ;\Tr an,l 'Ir~1 l\flll'Okavalh!}' ar!! "hdUn/! relll· :lT1'!'. F. C. lfu~e. 50b S. GIllY I\v4':Thf! tf\''''! In I'(\ntla .... ~lkh. :11\",. T .. m-ple !\'orlh End Soola) ~Iub wlls~n .... rtl\ll'ted Mc,N,,1I ... r Am"rjea \'hdtf'li :'Ilollol1s 1"1" b~' :\Ine. Ann& Thorpe In Washll'lgt(J!l .'''''I:~·. S"lem Vrpe Will Bar>tist chnre!! St, Thun;da~·. nf ~orth ;'Itollnds I .. p'annin!Z' II. senes "r

Col. Otis Duncan Is lmpro\'inc at the, I'nlE'rlalnnlE'nt!< IIndf'r tnl' direction or N~w H..,me sanitarlUIll. Napoleon' f,el" Ihe new ,'astor. the.n .. \,. 1111'. :ltcCauley, 110 ig I'lowly hnp"o\'IIl~, The R<·\·. J. :If. ~mllrt, w~lI·knowl1. ('\'Rngelh.'. II' h"ld. CHAMPALGN. JLL. l11g lL " .. rfe.s of meeUn,:I' lhl8 w~k at Born I" ;\11'. an<1 "[rs •• \rthur ,\\"lte. :\tt.l;;mor~·'Ralltist churdl. Th.! Rfl\'. W. ChuTl'b l't .. a nne bab\' &~'. Both Hrlln' SlIowden Is pastor Th l1e\' 1Il<,,:h .. r. ~nd """ are doing nleely. LUtl., :It;'. Bos;,'rll. PllstOl" of th ... ·S .. ,;..,,,i! B~P: 1 WilliAm ·NI'I~on. Inrant Fon 'nf' :lfr!!. tll.t I"hurch. 15 PTo!:'rcssillg ,,1th hh. new Franei" Nehion. ~()r. F.. ' ... ·.II11lngton SI .. chi;t~. Till:' ne,·. R. H, H.u;kl~y died \VNlnf'sday. Funeral was hfOld prelll'hed Kn able !!l!rmOIl l$undllY. fie frOm Ihi" home.. The Re". T. C. Black I!' pastor of Bethel A. "T. I';. l'hurch. ()1Hciateil. 111M!. :\Iuggle .rom's (>( Chi-8er\'I"e" "'fOr .. well ",U"IIIJ .. llal the ~el!' 1 (,.!Igo. Til.. Will' 111l' ItUf.'!lt oC lItl'. and nnd nnNI!'! chureh Hllnda)·. Th(! R~\·. Mrs, Whit Tarry laJ;t .... e .. l<. !'he "II" n. H.De't\·ilt f'" rollstor.The· runernl .. n route '!l Harrh<bllrg. m. ;:0.11". Rnd of .Iaml'l< Blu,", WII" lleldat Sel'onti &p_ ~t"" s.:11 :';lIund!'~!' left for Gary. [nd .• ti"l church l"rl<1ay. Ihp. n",'. II. II. De- TUf'"dR\ to ~Il .. k It location. G. B. ""Itt offlclatlllJ;'. lTufilc b}' th~ "holr. lItr,f. Prisclll& Kina- dlt'd l\f;'nda,: morn-InS' lit thl! home of hl'r dl\ugl,t;'r. ':!.tn;, A mr ('rail:'. In Anna f;t. The bolty was taliI'll to Hannibal. 1\10,. ror Ilurial. !,;he al:r:!o lea\'es two daughters of thl .. cit)·. ;\fr:;. Qulsenbur}' andltn<. l';:aUe Rhode", lind t.. brother, H"llr~' C'a~' rOwel'!<. :.trll. N. J. Bille iN Iml\roYln~. ~1t1i. Fannin Tate 'I< II lilt hl!'I' In S. W!!'f't St. 1.iUle Mary Franels AII!)n. ",110 II! a patient lit the Ne\\' Home fillll· !larium. Is ln1pTo\·lng'. MillS CltrrJo' V!e Brinkman returned .holile after Ull e .... -tender! \'lslI In St. Louis. Gould ,\lIen. who had thl' mlsfortlln!'!· to hf) l'tru"k III thl' f'ye with an illl,trumt'nt hI' WitS \\'ol'kin~ with. i .. hnpr,wlng. Mrs. 1'1'1111-cili McDaniels is beUer,

, ELKVILLE. ILL. lllill Q. 01\\,15 or m... is

visilirlll' here, ;\lIsH ~adle Smith WIUI a Duquoin. til., Ii'hOPller, Hotac:c ':;lIf­ncl' Ie Visiting In Chicago InlJeftnllely. Ttl Tel1'ell \\'IlS t:lI.lIl!d too Bl'ookJ'ort. III.. hy the Illness of a. ~laU"c. Mrs. Ed sayles Is ImJ\cro\·hur. EI~ee Oarntr ma.d~ l\ trl)) -to Carbondale. fli. Ellr[

~~~N~k w~. ~u~~~~s~lro~IIYR~erlill.s 1II::: turlled home aner JSpendlng It. few days here at the bedside of Ilel' daull'htllr. Mrs. Ed Sayll!a. ~tr!!!. Carrie Parks ana dau!l;!lter Gla/lvs and :'I1l'l!!. Annie PMka \Verll DuquG{n visitors rcc~nUy, Fred DeWitt, 1"liI.nk Smltb,'Rot-t. Trice, Wilburn Cllt.yhrook and Robt. Slmp!!on motored too ~!arioll •. Ul.~ IlUIt sunday • • T. 1". WII~{)n made a buslh~ss trip too DU'1u()In. Mr. and lItr!!. . W. Tld',"cll amt lIjdnll Phllll16 or Dewmllinc mo­torea hl!re. )tlt'$ Edna SIrupI'on or Cilrhopdale IlUehded the dance hert' lat>t $Mlurda\' night. F. P. '\'est nUlde a hrlef lrlD to DUQlloin. .10hn Whart(lII. \\'1I\1e Ferrell rtnd r100ker ;\t)"'ors mo­tored out or the cit,... recent v. ,;\Its. )t-ftnnle ,rOh"~On II! ill at Jler Mme. W. F. Oliver of Colp. nI.. ';pent the w!)trk-elid hl!r<'1t i\lr. and "Irs. C~rls

~~t~itnll' ftr:%tb~' c ~rrrUdLft{ri"tr.. .. ~lIn: X~nfo s~ent In Cllrtier Mills.

JOLIET, ILL. llr.. .T •. P. Coates· had as 111lr guests nephew and niece. }Ir. Ilnd llnJ. Ba.rry Hart. :\11'8., lIl. 1'1, Rlchal'dllOlI made II.buslnel!8 tril1 to Chlcato. _ Fri­day, AI'rll !!ii. 3-!r. Franklin or York died AllTII !!:l In nl~ hOl'lpltal. Funernl was held front 'h~ Welltern Undertak. Inl!:' I'Arlor. Ihe ncv. lfr. lo'eslerman

g~1\~·(j~· th;~e~11t ';,I,oC:,fl a~~ ac~1: dellt. .:\(lS!! lHl!Jle PilpllneKiser and Jl('tanftnl6ther, MM!. .r. \V. i\telldO\vs, llpent Enst!!t' In Chlcalto with :l\ll's. Ce­celiA. Thontrl;son. their cousin and !O'lmd· daughter. The', ~fl. 0ttv!' church lItart~d

JOPPA. ILL.. Rl'I),m'lnd Crigt('\' entl!rtllined the

l.adietl Aid Ilt the- homf! of lilt'll. Mllyme Faullmer recently. The Re\'. It. E. ,. HOlOz.. pastor nf CIIn'er 1.1'11.1 BaPtillt .. hul"ch. wal' at his post !';aMer Sun· da}' and delivered t\\'('1 wonderful ser" mOil". Otn,~ Howard bas be"l1 attend, in% <"'!ITt all the: nast W!' .. k In Mett"OtI­olis, TIl. ~f1'!'. Flmnif! Williams anti 1\1.:,1". I\dl\ Bostic. al"" ;\U.... (;ertrllde Bllchanan WCrl' lletrol'01l8 sllopperl4. Pfi'oelom, l[ae lIe"iben !lAS been "Ick with flu. }trl'l. Dora noherts of PIl­dllCllh. Ky,. la vlslt'tng her ,.'~ter. ;\11'8. MaUll! AdamI!. :\Tn;. Le-ttl1 Parker lla.'i hcen \'er~' "ick.The RI"·. J. .JohnllOl* left for rl~1l6ant Point, l!o .. ",lIel''' lUI I Is pastorlng. l\tTl'I.llatU .. · Adam!'! hall tot'''n "Irk. The Re ..... J. H. Slam!)!' t .. rt. (or Pulallkl. 1Il.. whE'1"f' he I" J"RI'tor,! Mn<. t:onnlp.Sta.mps and ltMl, Ada ~. tl<,:- called on l\tN'. Ira \\'iIIlamll Sun­da}' e,,'mlng. '''ayman .Willlaml' ha.'11 M'turnM hom.. from Tn'M/), Ohio. wlll'r!) he has' bnen COl' It \·CIII'.

--- I Additienal Illinois News on Next Pagel

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWSThe Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967); May 10, 1924; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Chicago Defender (1910 - 1975)pg. A3

Ell ~rt1~A!:~!LO-'t"'l;.l.;_~_b~d u_. u dens or Allen chapel omclated. Burial calted to Bloomlncton, m:, Sunday 'att­D u._. ... - "''' - ""q ..... In Linwood. lira. Mae .la.cluton Is Ill, e%1loon to Ilreaeh a special sermon at <:bl ..... un. Oak St.. lett ","ocl!ntl)' hr Progreul~'e Women's dub met with the Mt. P151l:l'h chrueh, The revival will

&tt'::~ th~ ~~ n~~~t ~i =~ ~~t-~:, W~~~~e ~eadi6ior:~~w~": S~;':sa;t e~:Ii:r~ ~t~t Cv~~~~. C;::.~~ or P. at Chaml>aJgn. GranvlUe Gaddie .,)ect~"d rep-.en'-U~'-. to "Ian for a. or Decatur will omclate. Mrs. Jannle haa been appoInted drh,.,r of a truck • - .... ~ " at ftre eompany No.:' ')lr. Gaddie is dU' t4!Cieratlon, !iUaa Clara Pale wa_: Johnaon, 2%6 New St., 18 on the alek the YOUllCelit tlrcman In the dl\', EI!ilher burled 1-"riday from Kinder & We&\'" list. The Rev. H. "'. Jamison len tOI'

undertaldng parlors. Quarterly meeting Louisville, Ky., to attend the conrer­Cant.l'ea.- dIlUl;bler or !\fr. and Mra_! WlUI aUend4!Ci Sunday by tbe chOir (rom ence. =41 c:r~~~t~ S~i ~~~r~ i ~e4~~~,~U~,z~I~~m~:~ :.:! r: EI..GIN. ILL. . lo!h:h .... Btud".nt ot theUnh'eralty of cblU'l:e III the ab5ence om or the pre L. 1'. Andrewa, J,,:;tIle Brown. Jamea ~1I4)blpn. :M.I .. Cantn-U la a resident or 51dlfll: eldet. - Brooklf. )laUe Keany and Anna Lasty DaDvIUe. The Lalll8ez Falre dub m .. t motored. to Davenport.· Iowa. recently, at. the home of .!\Ira. ll"hm Halle1., GRAND TOWER; 11..1.: Ida Arrington, ~ry Meeker, MarpJ'"t W~on Aye. i The mlSKlon ladle8 met at )frs. Ruth ~mlth and TOm Briggs are on the 81ck

I IIamer's home and had a deUghUul 1I1St. The Rev. Robert Jamell of Chl-EDWARDSVILLE. ILL. i lunch. Dan Cba\'I,,' ne\\" home IJI about cago IiPent a da)' In Elgin. Emma

lofr. and ')1ns, ThOll. H&~'II were In compll!'tl!'d, ltoy WllllOn III bavlna: l.\ ~UtcheU and Mattie llonon aUt:nded tbe clty reeently, the guellta or J. E. new porch built. tbe Household .,r ltU'lh In Aurora. The

:t:;;:- ':!.~~lliii-aTb~ ~.a)~r~:;~ MOUNDS. ILL. !!.~?a!;-etif "!iwl:~:mss~~~~lca£:t'~1 Fire clCllU'O)'ed the root of .!\fra. DanIel !Oir. and Mns. .lo!!n .!\fcDavid apenl the ehurch. \Valter PlIyne of Aurora wa:s Seatt'. home "·edneaday. Mrs. Leona' "'\:ck In Loul",\'lIIe. K)' •• at the General In the city recently, .lohn Bell Is on the Samuebl "' .... hostep to the J'rogrC8llh'e I Con1ert'nc:e of the A. ,)I. E. Church: en sick list. . dllb recently, A delightful IlInch(.oOn, route they "holed Bea~'llr Dam and Ful- --

..... as sen'ed. l1ns. Eme Scott and: ton, K)'. lira. ~ary Lou Sykes,: or ' HODGES PARK. ILL. daul::ht~r_ Miss Daisy. spent. a few U)·1j. Jacbon, Tenn., Is vlsltlng Mn!. R&dl"l The ladlet! of t!l." Mite :'of!sslonary tn St. Loul... :Mra Daniel Hunter at- llayberr)". ;)11"11. Am)' CrOlla and little society or St. Jillmes A. lit, E. church, tendecl the .!\ft. Hope Sunda)' school::l.t Am)' are In Davld""n, ~. C., ~'laIUDS" : held a Candlelight service Sunday 1-:"1 St. Loul» Sunday. MI.... Haena' daughtf'r and mother. ~cll Cum', Df . nl~ht. 1Iliss Ruble :\!cCondle, pres 1-Slaughter. Bill Buckana and. Leo Dlxnn 81. I-?uls, III "'sltlng his uncle and fam- dent: ~111!8 llarle Campfield, secretary, ot 8t. LoUis were the gue!lUi ot lIln..' II~', :scale Delap. The ::\UlIIllnnary BOCI- ~Iother IS day program. will be rendered lolable .!\flltb ... and daugbtJer, "Ira. Cald.: ('ty of Pilgrim Rest Dapll~t church. met at St. Jamell A. ll. E. church Sunday well. Sunda)' ; In the residence Df .!\frs.. Fannie Kemp nl!;ht. :!\tn!. Fannie B. Williams, dl-

• . __ . "· .... <lnel'day aftemoon. The junior clalIS rc:ctor. The Re\·. Stephen John80n held - of DollgisSIi hlgb tiChool r,.ndered II hi" rt'gular 6eI"Vlee at Sandusky Sunday.

1'Iada COf;LUlNHSVlkLtLE..l'}}-L. 11 <'Om"d\' play at Olenn'lI hall Tuesday BlIptlHmal servlres were held at the 1-'. me .... e 011 n. ...... I! J..H nll- nl,;h1. Art.'r the program an educa- 'V.' H. churCh Sunday; the Rev. A. E.

kin and J;'leta Ho"kln "illlte<!, tbelr "IM- Uonal meetlnl':" w:u; held, T!le RO)'ll1 Mltc.'u,ll palltor, .!\I ..... AileI.' J. Cola Is ter-ID-la",. lb. !lta)'mu New,..,11 0(' Circle ot FrIend!! obscn'ed tbc an;luai on the IIlck list. lIfr. and :'oIl'S. Gus JlonCjR·tlle" IlL, Mond .. ,·. Edlll1ll'd Uo,;· II t'er('mony Sunda'y afternoon at Lane Saunders of Cairo Visited rela'tl\'es her .. kin spent a day tillhlng at Canteen ('h ... I"'1. A. ll. E. "hurch. the Rev. G, I:u;t week, SanduliK)' publle school creek. Ed .... HO'IIldn and BOn of l'aflll- W. lim deU"erlng the Bermon. St. Paul ,closed Frida,,, lIlay :!. with It. mllllical dena ~nt a, fel\' do}'''' In St. Loul .. with A. .M. Eo church <:Iosed the raUl' IlI.>It I program. The high 5chool Gave a p:lrty lIlrII,. llosldn" l'ar"nlll. ~n511 Glad)'" SU\1l~')·. obllen-In~ the orea.slon by ha\,- ! at Camllttt'ld hall Saturday niGht. JOII­Hosldn, daughter or .Mrs. AlU. 1I0Yt\n.: In.: four vl"ltlng ,,,,stors present and : ellh Pcnn hi principal. til 6(1endtn~ a felll' monthll .... Ith hel I delh'erlnG' IIt'rmonll for the !!e~'eral clubll. I --grandparellta in BateJI\illc. I !\Iort' than $600 WaK rallied. The rol- I ROCKFORD, 11..1...

-- lo\\inll' mlnlsteMi lI.S~h;ted! Reverends I The Parsonnge Aid club ""Ill meet JOLIE'1. ILl.... I Pruitt, Skatell. :'ofood~' and Cole. The !\tonda)' nlgbt on IIpeclal buslnf!SII. Mrs.

Mrs. C. H. B1lca entenala4!Ci In hon,r I "'oman',, Opl'ort~nlt~· met with Mrs. E. \\'. Williamson has returned (rom Of, the birthday of her dallg-htl'f. El- Roena Taylor la!!t llonday artemoOn. Cincinnati, whllre Fhe wcnt to visit m ra Ellen, who was three )· .... ara old. Le"j J. CoppIn ltlsslonarv society lmvo hor niece, Eft\e JohnllOn, who' 18 Monda)'. Co~'ers were laid for l!, Itev •. an Indoor Illc.nlc at the parsonage Frl- Ill. John L. Falrlt'~· has movt'd from 'V. P. Olrut o( Loul!!~·tlle '1",ltlld his: daya{tt>moon. .!I!rs. n. Eleanor Hamll- Island A~·I!'. tn 61~ Wall S1. The X')n­brother. J. T. Olrut. Re\·. J, 1'. Spl\'e1 1 ton acted as chairman or the <'ommlttee parell CI",le and Social elubs ate )llan­-<'Oadu<'t!'d a meetlnl':" in Aurora w('(!k oC I on arrangl'ments. Dan Cooper. of nlnl':' to g!\'c a .lune (esth'a! OIoon. :\In>. ·~rU !O. Carl IUda.. John Srolt and I G .... <'ntield. Tenn .. And !llbts :'o[llrie llc- lll'R 1-=. Ll'ster I.u<'keU I .. conllned In t;amuel Lon!:,motorl'd to thIs cit}· from ns\'ld ,,,,pre joined In ~oly wedlOck St. Anthom' 1Io"pltal. liTIi. J.uckett Is Hen41!'r60n, K)·. The}' t:xPf'C't to l!""k" TU"F~llll' nl!:ht Ilt the rel'lldent"e Or the the daulrhtt'r ot :'oIl'. amI 1Ilnl, I.e? I..c,,­tbls their hom... llr, and lin;, Xlch- I hrlde" brotbl!'r, .lohn llcDavld. The tt'r 19 .... 18th '''c. Jamt's !';mlth or 0\" were In th .. city tor a. short time.! Rl"'. G. T. Uamilton cer(ormed th..: Deiolt, -\\'1" .. Is' at Ihe ~wl'dl;h-Am .. r­}of"!, Hl'n..,,' Champ and ba.h~· are "Ick'i marrlaG'e ceremony wb eh W&>I Wit-limn htlllpltal, :\Ir. and 'MM<. Paul Holt JoIn>. Hart oC. !\lIchlgan. ni_ of !II",. I n""l't"d b~' relat!,· .. " and a. fcw friends. ar" tht' "MInd p"rent" of a line \)Ilby J. 1'. Coat"",. It< a ,-l,,!tor btlI'''' l\n •. , Th .... ~ohle Ou<'al"t"" wa" prelll'nted In hoy. lfoth .. r nnd baby arc doln.: nl .. e­Uart and !II""" !\taddol: macle ::I. trip t"l llound Cit)· Tu,,~y nlg-ht at Taborlan Iy: :'olrs. Etll('1 Tllak(' Cornwell will Chl~. .!\frs . .l. , ... u ........ n a!~o ",pnt hall und" .. the sU~IIIc~ of the Taber- I(' for h .. r home lmon "ll'l" Jame" to Ch\ .... go. Ch~t"r Mason met ~\·lth. na .. t... The fnllowlng lHl'o'll been num- Doehln "O~G ~'elrose A,;e . • ",iii .. p~nd a,!l accident at hIli y.-ork. 1I1N'. X . .I.: I'!'''p" wlUI tbe "kk; .!Il!,sdam"s Bennie thl!' ",";'k' end' with lwr pa;enlll at B .. -!'o:orwOod baa been "Ick. lItn<. 11:.11 11'1-


Kennl!<On. llnllJd.. ' .... shlnJ:;lon and lolt. ,,,'I,, !ltorgan 'Valton t'e>lebrnted ~IU'O~ l~n si~:. h'ii~~akla~rF., 13>:~ ~~I~s~ lPo~~hde.Clt;.!i~·e~e~inl~:..dt:U;:~fs his hlrthdai. A hOllt or friends were arrlROn ,,'U plca .... nll)· sUl1lrll'l'd nn 11,,1' o( thp Rev. and llrs. G. T. Unmllto.. In att"ndant'e, Mrs. Frances RobInson ':'6th bIrthday b)' a ho><t of (rlend". JI"r Sundny. '\\ill entl!'rlnln the Afternoon Art elub daull'hter. lotlK8 Kntherlne Rlcbnrd"on. __ lat 1I1!'r home, 100S PrOl'lTlect ~t. llan-

"JlI:'O. :Mr. and ll,.... Uol",rt )la""n aI',' 1111's. P. S, Houl"',. and daught"r JIlt\'!! fI .. r .. nder route an.1 h"":, h'i,,,n I'tlcee.:,,-v,1U\ the out-DC-town a::u""t. from Chl- . URBANA. ILL. I doh'lI Brown, nth St.. has ghen up hi!'

the I>rt>ud part-ntll or a line l'at ... I.oy. r.'tum ... tS home rr?m a visit In C'hlcaj;o. ..d h~' Uamld Jone!O. 1;1_ 1_1l. St .. \\ ho .... ho "'ill 1", ra1t1'd lfllM>hall. :'of",,: r.lll"'. llr, and llrs. Edtll" BaKl'1' all,l lIIr. and will handl" th.. route. TIle, Unl!"d "\\'Ukenoon of RPM tOIll'nsll\r. hlld 40 or ~!rs. HaM'v Simmon,. motored to nC_llllrnlherl.ood held a plaHorm "!'Mdt'" h('r (rI{'nds to hl'lll b"r .... I .. hn'te I"~r catur Sunday. The ne,'. A • .I. llorgan. Stlnda~' afternoon at Allen t'har"~1. (\n, birthday, A dl'lh'lou" )un .. h""n ,..8.\1 a~ ::lI. lias tor "r the :'of or nil It:' St.'lr I , .... ·0tmt or tbe IIln .. "", of nuhert S. served. W, L, Smith and faml'" ha\'~ Jo"rPt! Baptl~t ehur{"h. departed this IIr" ,AhhoU. lrnrrl~ 1.e\\'I" Of Chleatm. ("Ir­mo~'4!Ci to the cit)' to mak" OtIs U",11' J-'rld .. )' ,'venin>: rollc.wln;;- lin IIIne"" of' ! <'illation manat .. r of th .. nto(ender. <1l'­hnme. ne III an _gent fOr the l'~-ra.mld el,:bt da~'''' DeaL') was due to I'n"u- I Ih'er('" the ad.lre"" to II lal1:'e. and "n­Mutual Ineurance <'lImpan)'. mania. T~" Hev. :Mr. Ha)'d,m tmd the I thu~la..,.th~ audll'n(,l!. llr. I .... ~ls IIpoKe

Re\·. !llr. Dlack om~lated at the funl'ra1. nn the three aJ;:encit>s at work In the . GALESBURG, ILL Mr. ])an Strothe .... , or Cnlumbull. Ohio. solulion nf rat'lal and n<ttlonal prob. Woodm .. n of the Cnlon will (,1!'1(''IIrate 18 \i"ltI:1J; his !!on Curley Slroth"l'l'. ! I .. m,,: "The J'ulplt. the PrellI' lUId the

..... thell' annual s('rmtln Sunday. lla>' :5, at lit'>'. l-:Uz.'\.beth Bradlev bas retunJ(,d, 1'lntfOMn," and u!'l:ed the "copt.. to the Second BaptlFl ehur('h. U(o\', J. home from a "'iall In Cairo, l\lrs. :'ofary s:h'e themsel\'es more e ... resU~' to sen'­lV. L. Anderson will rrea{'h, Th~ n.oe- Pin" or Chl<'t.j;'o has joined It .. r bU5- I .. e. John R. Falrle)' Is pr(,lIldenl of 111\'e club of the Sernnd UllpUst .. hureh hand 11('1'('. ;:\lrs. Hattie Curry has re- I till' hrothl!'rhood. S. lAo lAstt'r pre­,\''IUI .. ntertalnl'd by T\/>al'On E. lilt"", nn turned homt! after attendln~ the Fr('C! ! 1<Idl'<1. lful'lc \rn,... fuml!Ot\t'd bv the Tul'!Ida~'. Plans are 1"'lnl: Inld for thl'lr \\'i\I CO:1ft'rence In IndlanallOUs la"t ,Tunlnr Chornl "nclety at Allen chall"l. "Tri., Around th!' "'orld" al .... ul the w'!<'k. :'0\1'>'. I •• Turner '!las rNumed to nrlef rt'mark" "'''re atllo made h)' lIfrs. mlddl(' ot June. )[M'_ !"adl .. '\·IIJ:'!"npr '11"1' !I<'m,· In Jat'kson. l~ll's. :\lIllS llary :'olorrls Lewis Ilnd ne\,. Jr\'lnrr K. "ler­.. ntert.a.lned lh,e TItlmbl .. Cirrle Frida)' JII<'l($on ". t'onllned to bpI' home b~' 111- .. hent on ,.,.ho ... 1 TlTobtpms nlT .. "tln.: Ollr aftemoon. The )II~ F1or .. n('e Smal- nus. llr". Sam lleHanp}'. LillIe r::roup. Rf'\'. frvln!: T\:. :\fl.'rchant le,,-1 .. )'. Fern Ja('k1'On. Loul,,1!' Cart .. , lind Proctor. Arthur Dond and Prlnice \\'11- turNI h('(ort> t\('I) 0( th .... las"",,, In Fn_ Robert Parker nl th ... j':t'('Qnd na.t>tI!'<I IIams ace-nml'lInled the remains of til... elolnc:v at RoC'Kford t"OlIE't:'1! !'latul'lla~' .. hurch had cha!'!: .. of the "nuna: 'JIt"- ne,', llr. llor;;an to ltound Cit)'. mnrnln!:.· At one periOd he dlsclIs""d filM' J>rOI:1"llm Sundav nt' Emmanuel -- ··X .. .:m ltlgru!lon" and at the oth('r Methodist "hur<"h 'The Prns:rP""h'e ULI..IN. ILL. , "Whnle8ome Recrt'ation." ne'·. In'-\\'omen'" "Iub t>!a;'ne<l and had <,hlU'!:t' The 'llll;slonarr meeUng of ",)'JIn's fnrr K lItl.'r<"hant left Sunday tor tbe of the burial of l..ct' .Tack""" of the Al ChaN!1 Co l\t, E.. churt'h w~ at the ten!!' .... I .. onfer"nce of the A. l\f. F:. G. Barn .. I' .... Irem •. ""ho dll'd h"re a' I ",,,Ident''' o( ltrs. "lola Hagler Wednes- .. hureh now In !,<"!l.Slon In IAtI!s\"lIIc. th .. CottJU:''' h?"l'ltal HI.. r .. l"th·"s day. Th.. Dunhar "choot r .. ndered a The annual "'''rmo" of the Odd Fpl­muld nnt 11<> loral"". Re\·. W. :'1, ~ .. un- "pleniUd Ill'Ojmlm at ~he Free 'VIII Ball- 10"'''' Ilnd HOUll"bold of Ruth ,,111 he

list chure-h FrIda>' e~"nln!l'. The grad- hpld at Allen <,hapI.'I Sun"a" a("" .. -uat .. !! of Dunbar ,,,chool ...... re Th~~dore noon. ?fl"" .Tlllla .A.. C. Wr~nn will ThOI1'c. Ossle \\ h"eler, Laura Willis, ,::I\"l! a. ;:\(oth .. r's d .. ,\, J)1'O,:Tam nt Allen F.lhel Doa%. Roberta Shanklin, liar), .. happl ~unday' "~'t'illnA' at 6!:in. An-1'owo,lI 'Illd OI'lU 1'0",,,11. lIra, Lawrence thony Jlnk!! lind Mt'lI. Hamptte E. Grp('r or St. Loull', l(o .• ,"-as here vlJl- RohlnMn were 1m I ted In marrlat:'e on Itlng her f'1"ter-ln-la\\', lIll'Il. Elsie Wedne~dsy Ilt the borne of h .. r "on. Gr .... r. )Trs. ~rah nelly and. ~nd""n L"ro:<, J{pnd~t'lIlIn. A 11lT"'1' nllmber I'If Fj')l'nt a. fl!'\\' dan. In Orand Chain. Ill.. frl"nd~ "·lIn"I',, .. d the' e .. remon,' lfr "I~ltlnJ; Ahble Butler. Jim Ben of!\ft. and :\ft'll. .lInk.. It'rt fmmedl"teiv 'fo; '·emon Is In the city ,15111nl;' his :;Ist"r. th .. lr home In Rl'lolt WIll. Th" Onl('r lft'll. .Alke Thol1le. Wmls lloore nnd or East .. m Star cal';. a SOCial at AlIl'n :'olr.l'. Parlee RO.l;enl are .on the I'kK rha.,,,1 FrIday. nls:ht. ?fnJ. F..,.n~~11 Tl 1IRt. Clarenee nl'lI)' " ..... In .!Ilound!! •. Rohln"on 4'ntertalned the Aftem')()n III., last w('('Ie, lIra. Lizzie Ezell. who Art cllll> at hpr hom" on ~ Prospect :~snl~~t ,,~;a10~~a ~~~"e~~n~lt!f~day A\'e. Frlolay afternoon. • .


The K. P. lodge had their annUll.l l'p.rmlln at '\'I'al'd Chspel A. If. E. .. hur .... h !';unda~·. Thc ne\·. H. W. Baize ... ffi{"latl'd. Th" Re,·. E, L Tadd has re­turned from Decatur. III,. whl!'re he .. ondll('ll!'d a r,,\"I\'al tor tht' lte\', P. "-. Field,,,. The np~', P. Thoma,. of ("anton filled th .. plllpit at the lit. Zion J::aplll!t church Sun(3)·. ll..,.. C. Fuqua nn Third St.. Is \,ery III. Tbe Re~·. F. "'. 1'<lnlck pallSffl through th.. city ~atltrdll~'. The n(·~·. If... Todd was

Ra~' Houston and Carrl" Pit"" 0( r.llnton. 10wa. and .!Ifr. nnd :'fr!'. :Tess GannAu'ay and !\fr~, Anna Pltt.ot na-

h~~I'°~( )~~~l'a~~"I~?~, l~~t G~~~I:ht ~~~ Slxt~ ~L llr!'. Otto .T .. Ir('roon. rof liAi!j: 50n. Wis .. "'ho hall heen III lit the horne nr :'olf'>;. F.111'n'l Rurton. l:Oi SIltth A"'~ .• ha~ he .. n tak .. n to the lfayo d()("tol'>! at no .. h""'''r. lflnn.. for tr .. atment. lfr". Dol 'II\' R>\~'mon. '!lS ~e\'f'nth St., III .. rlt­ca ~. III lit her hl'me, !lfr ... Le<>na 0\\'­

I'nlt. !\!!!I EIs:l!th St .. left last Wcot!n"l1-" .. ,. 'or. Wa-hlnaton. 0, r;, .Iame,. n~II ... ,·. .111 Sh'rnth St.. hn'" rt'lmml'" hi .. dl1tl .. ,. as foreman for th .. ('"ntral F.nt:'ln .. erlnl;' Co.. pII\'lnl:' enntrnetor". Th" memh"N< of t~e Sel'Ond n""u", Aid ·""I('ty mrt at the hom .. of :\[1'''' Anna 'rr'll'l', 1I1n<. nflltt" )fundny. of Aurora 111 .. was II \·I,.lto,. tal'! w .... 1c at the "lime "! lTrl'. F.. .. "'e ~\\·I~. ill !'lbth A\·e. ,,,tie COt'hI'Rnf', dlltll:l!tl'r of :\!r. and \lr!", R. H. Cochrane. 9(14 11th St.. Is ""n,ln"d tl) b"r l>ed nn nt'l'()l1nt of 111_ n""~. !\frs. HOJ;kln!l. H02 F,'1:htb A "I' .. .. nntlnut',. tn Impr.we, lTn:. Anna uoor"_ 7"4 14th St .. I,. on th .. "Irk 1I1't. "rl' ...... D. A''ltfl't. wlte of th~ R,,\'. F. fl. ,\vant. of Hllnnlbal, l(o .• ""dted la~t

"!,I!~.a~I~~~I'~.oTolt~~:['t Ii~!.~:. ~~~: ~flltiall'n" Hnlmnn. 417~ 11th !H., ",,"nt ".-.t "' .... k In Gnleebu!'l: '\'Islllnl: ",lth Elm" .. Rro\\'n. lfnv HuUpr. evanl:ellst of ChI .. "Jl'o. I .. holding II ten da'''''- 1'''­\'I\"lll .. t the Wa~'m"n A. If. E. chur .. ". lrr ... TI~l!lah Goodwin ("ll'm"n", aired 51. a r"l'ltil!'nt of thl .... Ih· ror 17 ;·ea!'!'. died "t hl"r hom,.. 131)~ Fifth Avl' .. IIftpr' t!nc .. ~lnll' IIIn .. ,.,.. I"he was horn Oct. "0. l~~'!, In Holl}, ~prln.l;ll. ln~lI. Sh .. I" "ul'\'I"p h\' tW'o d"'ttll'ht"r", l!rs. lfarie "r:tl"'hall lind lr"",. EUa Wrlcht, (Or Roek T.dllnd. lind thr ..... hrothel'll. WII""m l·brhln. l{ol1:'an Harbin and Xat Har­bin.

!l11'l!. Watkl'r, 507 ~1'\'I'ntb St,. re-1lI'Q1t'r! from Chlcn!!n laM wl!'pk. "rlnrr­Ine; ",lth hl'r ber moth('r llr.!!. Tda Ham­lin, who WIl" flIck. ltr .. , Hnmlln III ",:ompwlu,t 'hpttf'l'r nf\ ..... anti nhle to hE' lIhnUt th .. houc/!. :\1_. Hattl!" :\T",ore I'nd famll)'. 1017 ~I .. th Av.... hav" "'nveil to Hlh l"t. :'In" EIl!htll . A",'. ""mbf!oT'!" or the 5('('00d n'l"tlct t'hur .. h ,\ld " ....... ll't,' eI\'l' II protrr .... "h·e p .. rl~· ''''1'11 :tn. ",hl .. h "'11~ n ""-"lIt l'UCI'''''''. ~, flrct ~tnn n·Ac "'~.,,, nt fh~ hnml' of

lIra. Rev. S, H,' GIbson. where aalad was served •. The" lIecond IItop- was at the Prince Hall Masonic borne" where .. hOI' sue:r' rlcl: and tea were served. The thlr atop WIJ,.tf made at the home o( .1Ilrs. Nannle Jones, 511 l:!th St., where' spaghetti wllS served. The fourth stop wn.s at the home or' lolrs. Ada~ Coleman. 1311 Sixth St., where greens, corn bread and ham were served. The fiftll atop wsa made at the home o( JIll's.· Hattie Britton, 15th St. and 30th Avo.; ~lIlotlne, wh"re jello. WhlplK!d cream and wallles,were served. and the III:xth and laat'l!top was at the home' of !lIra. Edith Stewart. 18GO . 18tll Ave.. Moline, where Pie and corree weI'''' served. About Gil members· mnde up the part)·, who made the. trip around the world by means ot motor ears. They slarted at 1 p. m. from the Second Baptist pal'llonage and r"turned to thlll .. homes about 11:15 p. m. They had a \'er)' enjoyable time ::I.t. each home, and made nn ID1IlIectlnn Qf the' Prince Hall :\la8Onlo hama . Ilnd were well plt:ased with the upkeep or the InsUtu­tlon, the onl)' one of' Its kind In the state or Illnolll. Keith .!Itason, 6-year­nld son or l\lno. Edmonla lIfallon, 5%3 Seventh St.. has been confined' In bed ror two wet'k!l with tonsillItis. )fIllS Marie Godwin. 1302 Firth AvO! .. Rock bland, Stnd Lenoy Norris of Cedar Rapids were united In marrln!;e b)' a Justice of the peace In Davenport on Thursday. lIIn), 1. The bride III well known here and has IrIllny friends. The Ladles' ,Aid of the Second Baptist church will hold theIr spring bazanr llay :9, It WlUl decided by the membe .... at a meeting held recently. Jamu ;lIMon H~ St., hall returned from Dav­enllOrt. where he sp<>nt hi .. two weeks' Thl! Second Baptist church Aid socIety will hold another progressive party til"

:~::,I~~III~~ !11~t b;·&t· r.~~s~ Maude Und .. rwood at Geneseo. The trip will be made by autoll via the hanI roads ,oute No. 7 and will meet at Ihe home or. !lin! Rev S. H. Glbsnn, 011'1-n~r will be lIerved by .\frs. Underwood. :'ollols Mall' F. Butler. evnn.:elisl of Chl­CIIJ:O. close da vcry &uco"8,,ful 10-day revival at the ,,'a)'mlln ,\ ,ll. E. church lind left Cor Chlc:aj;o :\londay night. She stn),ed at tho home oC lIfrs. Enoch, .20 Bth St.. during her Iltay In the city. l\lrs, Anna :\Ioore, '!lG Hlh St.. 18 no": able to lilt up al Intervals. Mrs. Hosklnll, .BO!! Eighth A\'e .. III reportt'd to be liome better. :'olrs. Hubhard, 116 Xlnth AVe.. has moved to S80 Ninth A \'e., one block from her former r"sl-dence. .

DUQUOIN. 11..1... B. F, Kel'lIee. tbo Defender reporter

In Peoria. III.. has been appointed a member of the slnte constitution board

r~1! Uml~~'rll:V;ta1c ~~~v!~tr.,r:p::~~gll!~i week. l-;vn Jones of Stnten Is\and. N. Y., iR "Isltlng hl'r annt, Rebecca Steelu. Dr, W. F. :'oloreland and :'1, J. llur..,,' of Carbondale were here :,\Iondoy on business. K. ot P. Iod~o held their an­nual IHlrmon at SL Paul Daptlst church lila)' 4. MIs.'1 .!IllIble Williams or Cen'" tmlla. TIl.. 15 visiting her IIllIter. l\lrs. nol .. n }tooks. of thl .. city. .Mrs. Irettn Hushlnc of Chicago III yh'llt\ng her hrotler, I~rn('st Johnson, )Ir", Sallie Grper of Ctnml'Rl.:n. lIl.. ,,1,.lted her moth,.r here, liM<. Mary- COlt. Mb.s Ma­hel Dial. Shawneetown, Ill., teachpr. IIpeot the we .. k-pnd with lthls Gladys n. Fron"r. 'V. G. Roh .. rts Will'! In St. T..auIR on huslnes!I !llondaY. Jofrs, Ella Ta)'lor nntl grandson of 1..0,. Anl':"etes, Calif" were called here by Ihe IIIn""8 of' hl'r dalt.:hter. Dals~· John""n. llr. and :IIrs, Fr<>d Gardner nf St. Ltlttls, lifo .. are \·18IUn.:. her ,.Ister. :\\(1'''. Wil­liam Hooks. :'oUSMS Hazel Fron .. r and :'ofarle Slmpf'on were Carnond.'lle vis­itors recen_I_I.;..y. __ ... _---