Quadrangle - Deep Blue Repositories - University of Michigan


Transcript of Quadrangle - Deep Blue Repositories - University of Michigan

LaMr Quadrangle Notes Vol. 25, No. 4 Summer 1981

contents Reading Between 1 the Sheets by Roy F. Proffitt

Letter of Transmittal 8

Letter of Acceptance 9

Regional Summaries 1 0

1979-1980 Comparisons 14 by Regions

Thousand Dollar Cities 1 5

Class Summary of Gifts 1 6

Tops in Percentage 18 of Participation

Law School 1 9 Fund Contributors

Annual Growth Chart 34

In Memoriam 3 6

Special Donor Groups 37

Corporate Matching 4 0 Gift Program

Alumni News Notes 4 2

Deceased 46

Michigan Special 48 Donor Groups

L a w Quadrangle Notes (USPS 893- 460), issued quarter ly by the Univer- sity of Michigan Law School. Second class postage p a i d at A n n A r b o r , Michigan. Office of publ icat ion, 109 East Madison , Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.

POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to: Law Quadrangle Notes, Law School, T h e Univers i ty of Mich igan , A n n Arbor. MI 48109.

This issue of the Law Quadrangle Notes is the twentieth annua l report of the Law School Fund . T h e Fund is u n d e r the direction of Professor Roy F. Proffitt; Mrs . Lois A. Richards is supervisor of the Fund and is respon- s ible for gathering the da ta used in this r e p o r t . Ed i to r ia l a n d des ign r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s h a n d l e d b y t h e University of Michigan Publications Office; typesetting a n d printing by the University of Michigan Printing Services .

Law School Fund Has Moved

We a r e now "at home" in a n e w suite of offices-largely reclaimed during construction from the old hall- way a n d en t rance area-at the east e n d of the basement corridor of the Law School Library. Of course our most important function is to provide logistical support for the annua l cam- paigns, but w e also:

1) Keep a n up-to-date address list of Law School alumni. If w e can he lp you locate a classmate or f r i end , ask us. (If you move, tell u s ! ) ;

2) Provide address lists and labels to the Michigan Alumni Association a n d to class officers in connection with l aw class reunions;

3) Prepared a n d up-dated the data base for the n e w Law School Direc- tory. We expect to publish alumni d i r e c t o r i e s a t f r e q u e n t i n t e r v a l s (perhaps each three years) in the years a h e a d ;

4) Furnish labels and mailing se r - vices to a n n o u n c e Michigan Law School functions in connection with s t a t e a n d l o c a l b a r a s s o c i a t i o n meetings;

5) Provide (at cost) address labels to our alumni who wish to tell their classmates about becoming a par tner in the f i rm, a corporate promotion, etc. (University regulations prohibit us from supplying address lists for commercial or political purposes.)

If w e can help you, drop us a note or call (313-764-0518) or , best of all , come in and s e e us in our n e w offices.

On the Cover This beautiful spring scene looking

up from the small Hutchins Hall court- yard to the towers at the west end of Legal Research was taken by John W. Elam, J .D. '81. If you would like a copy of the p i c t u r e fo r your w a l l , o r perhaps a s a gift, Chip can provide it to you. An 8" x 10" pr int , in silk finish i f you pre fe r , will b e $20. If you have a need for some other size, I am sure Chip can have it pr inted. Checks should b e made payable to John W. Elam. You may wri te to him at Vorys, Sa te r , Seymour and Pease, Post Office Box 1008, Columbus, Ohio 43216. His telephone number is (614) 464-5648 if you wish to call.

Reading. . . Between the Sheets


It is very exciting to report to you the results of the 1980 Law School Fund campaign. Many more details are printed elsewhere in this report, but in a nutshell 1980 was the Fund's best year yet: Total dollars-$833,719.33 (up 21.3%)

Total gifts-6,236 (up 5.9%) Total alumni donors-5,360

(up 2.5%) Per cent of alumni participation-

40.8% [down 0.67r)* *Discussed a bit later.

To each of you who participated as a member of the "team" that conducted the drive-na tional commit tee, re- gional, state, and local chairpersons, so l ic i tors-we e x t e n d o u r d e e p appreciation. And our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to these record totals.

Building Blocks

With these new records to enjoy it is easy to forget the growing pains that the Fund experienced in its earlier years. In addition, more than half of our present alumni have graduated since the first Law School Fund cam- paign in 1961. Thus, it seems ap- propriate, at the end of the Fund's first two decades, to look back and to re- mind our se lves of some of the problems that had to be resolved and the people who helped to do i t .

As the first order of business we salute the ten alumni who have served as Chairman of the National Commit- tee during these first twenty years. Each served a two-year term a s chairman, and most served in other capacities as well.

Herbert E. Wilson 1961, 1962 Thomas V. Koykka 1963, 1964 Emmett E. Eagan 1965, 1966 Benjamin M. Quigg. Jr . 1967. 1968 John S. Tennant 1969, 1970 Thomas E. Sunderland 1971, 1972 Malcolm L. Denise 1973, 1974 Samuel Krugliak 1975, 1976 David R. Macdonald 1977, 1978 William A. Groening, Jr . 1979. 1980

As important as their leadership has been there is more to the story. The Law School had, of course, received gifts from appreciative alumni and friends long before 1961. There is no better example than the beautiful Law Quadrangle, still the Universi ty 's "crown jewel," the gift of William W. Cook, LL.B. 1882. And prior to 1961 a number of scholarship and loan funds and several prize awards for aca- d e m i c exce l l ence h a d b e e n es- tablished by gifts. Some of these, such as the Frederick L. Leckie Scholar-

Eapan 'fi5-'66

Tennant '69-'70

Sunder land '71 -'TZ

Denise 7 3 - 7 4

Kruglia k '75-'76

Groening '79-'80

ship and Loan Fund, came through be- quests. Several others were estab- lished by earlier graduating classes, usually on the occasion of their 25th anniversary reunions. The prize awards we re usually funded by memorial gifts honoring a deceased member of the family or perhaps a former law partner. The gifts were welcome and important, but only the class gifts permitted participation by more than one or perhaps a handful of alumni, and more often than not the class gift was a "one-shot" affair with little continuing activity. There was no way that numerous small gifts easily could be accumulated.

Until the University Development Council and the Michigan Alumni Fund (MAF) were formed in the early 1950's solicitation of gifts by the University itself was nearly as hap-

hazard. The Alumni Association of The University of Michigan enjoyed a large membership, but fund raising, except for a few specific projects such as Alumni Memorial Hall, the Michi- gan Union, and the Michigan League, was not a principal or continuing activity.

In the years immediately following World War I1 different things were happening at many of the leading private universities. In addition to building and strengthening central development offices programs were being established in individual schools, particularly the professional schools, with those universities.

Answers to our inquiries suggested several reasons for these separate and successful programs. Without excep- tion each school felt that with some additional resources it had become a

better school. The law schools told us that with increased financial aid they could attract more of the best stu- dents, salary supplements and money to support research helped to obtain and keep superior faculties, physical improvements were possible, and their library collections had been ex- panded. Through their separate programs they were reaching many of their graduates who had not re- sponded to appeals from the central development offices.

The value of these programs to the schools was readily apparent, but we found the programs important to the alumni as well. Pride was a part, of the answer-these people were graduates of Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia etc. and they wanted "their" school to be one of the best. They were aware, of course, that the fact they were from

From left in foreground, Bob Stuart , George Caspar, George Vinyard; from left in background. Roy Christiansen, Walter Kijnig

Alan Claypool From left in foreg.round. Gene Hansen, Chris Cohen, Elden Butzbaugh; from left in back- ground, Al Claypool, Sherwood Ake, John Quinn

one of the best frequently brought financial rewards as well as pride. There were other practical reasons. These schools often were the sources of' new associates in their firms, or the new judicial clerks. Many alumni hoped their children would attend "their" law schools, and, in turn, receive a superior legal education. Finally there was a feeling of excite- ment and satisfaction for many alumni to know that with even modest partici- pation in their law school programs they were helping today to make and keep "their" law schools one of the best. It was no longer necessary to die and leave a bequest or to first attain a fortune that would permit a major gift in order to have a positive effect.

All of these answers suggested the need and desirability of a fund raising program for the Michigan Law School, and several plans were suggested. But there were problems. The University itself was just feeling its way in fund raising. Many people thought that a school that received public support should not-or could not-overtly seek private gifts. Later the Univer- sity was concerned that a successful .Law School program would seriously reduce support for the Michigan Alumni Fund. The Alumni Associa- tion, although not directly concerned with fund raising, worried that Law School fund raising organizations in the major cities would lead to Law School Alumni Clubs, which would

compete with and weaken the U-M Alumni Club structure, an important part of the Alumni Association's program.

Many discussions but little action followed. However, in the late 1950's two events occurred that clearly demonstrated that the Law School alumni would respond to a Law School program if its needs were known. Through the mid-'50's the G. I. Bill met a substantial part of the finan- cial needs of the war veterans in school, and pressure on the financial aid funds was light. But as the pro- portion of veterans in the student body became smaller and tuition and other costs began to increase, it was clear that additional scholarship and loan money would be needed. With no organization to help, Dean E. Blythe Stason took things into his own hands. He wrote letters and explained the situation to two or three hundred a lumni who re sponded magnifi- cently, contributing nearly $40,000.

A year or two later, in 1959, the Law School was celebrating its centennial. Several alumni, under the leadership of Ralph Carson, J.D. 1923, and a few others, decided that a suitable gesture to mark this occasion would be an un- restricted gift of $100,000 from the alumni of the School. Although they fell a few thousand dollars short of their goal, this handful of men and women, by telephone and letters, did collect more than $65,000 from several

Gera ld Stoetzer ( l e f t ] and Richard Elconin

hundred alumni. Dean Allan F. Smith, who had suc-

ceeded Dean Stason, and Associate Dean Charles Joiner continued to p res s fo r pe rmiss ion to s t a r t a separate Law School program, and in 1960 the University hesitantly gave its blessing. As soon as possible a group of 25 or 30 alumni who previously had shown their interest in such a program were invited to Ann Arbor to plan for the initial campaign.

Unfortunately, a complete list of those attending that meeting is not available, but among those present were A. H. Aymond '39, Jackson; Charles A. Bowman '13, Detroit; James R. Breakey '29, Ann Arbor; John R.. Brown '32, Houston, Texas; Malcolm Denise '37, Dearborn; Emmett E. Eagan '34, Detroit; Benton E. Gates, Sr. '29, Columbia City, Indiana; Arthur A. Greene, J r . '39, Manchester , New Hampshire; Joseph C. Hooper '23, Ann A r b o r ; T h o m a s V . Koykka '30, Cleveland; Edward J. McCobb '25, Grand Rapids; Benjamin M. Quigg, Jr. '44, Philadelphia; Robert N. Sawyer '35, Monroe; James A. Sprowl '29, Chicago; John S. Tennant '31, New York City; S t e p h a n Uze lac '60, Detroit; Philip F. Westbrook '47, Los Angeles; and Herbert E. Wilson '23, Indianapolis.

The meeting was extremely produc- tive. The group had the advantage of comparing the fund raising organiza- tions of several private law schools,

Thomas Ridgley

and could use the best features of each. The result was, of course, the Law School Fund. That ad hoc com- mittee did its work so well that the Charter of Organization is unchanged today. and the basic plan for soliciting other alumni is essentially intact. For general supervision the group created a National Committee with diverse membership designed to ensure wide geographic and class representation including student members and one representative each from the Univer- si ty Alumni Association, the Univer- sity Development Council, and the Michigan Alumni Fund. Terms on the committee were staggered to assure continuity. The School was expected to furnish logistical support and to ac- count fo r the funds that w e r e received. The dean of the Law School and two other representatives of the faculty would serve as ex-officio members on the National Committee. Thus, although there was some School participation, the planning for the Law School Fund and the conduct of the first campaigns were clearly alumni activities. It remains so today, and each year a "team" of five to six

hundred alumni is recruited to carry the message to the other alumni of the School.

Herbert E. Wilson, J.D. 1923, was elected the Fund's first National Chairman. He served for two years, and set a pattern that has been fol- lowed by succeeding chairmen. The enthusiasm for the concept of a Law School Fund is shown by the fact that in addition to Herb Wilson five other members of that initial group-Tom Koykka, Emmett Eagan, Ben Quigg, Jack Tennant, and Malcolm Denise- served two-year terms as National Cha i rman in subsequen t years . Professor Richard V. Wellman directed the activities of the Fund in Ann Arbor for the first three years, and your scrivener has had the pleasure of serving as director of the Law School Fund in Ann Arbor since 1964.

The graphs that appear elsewhere in this report demonstrate more clear- ly than words the skill and thorough- ness with which the initial and sub- sequent committees and their "teams" have done their work. We are con- fident that in the years ahead future

"teams" will continue to build on this substantial foundation.

Percent of Alumni Participation

At the beginning of this report you saw, in a "nutshell," the results of the 1980 campaign. Even during this record year there was a slight decline in the percent of alumni participation. A comment or two is in order.

Like one's blood pressure in a physical examination, this figure is one of the important "vital signs" used to measure the good health, par- ticularly the continuing good health, of the Fund. How can it go down when everything else goes up? A part of the answer is in the definition of "alum- ni." Different schools follow different practices. By-and-large we include only the successful candidates for the LL.B. or J.D. degrees, and add them to the list when they graduate. A very few non-graduates who have main-

Donald Black Dean Terrance Sandalow

tained their interest in the School and its activities are also included.

Foreign students and scholars are a different matter. Many are, of course,

1 candidates for and recipients of graduate degrees-LL.M., M.C.L., and occasionally the S.J.D. But others who s p e n d a s u b s t a n t i a l p e r i o d i n residence in the Law School come to Ann Arbor to teach or to do indepen- dent research without expecting any degree. Nevertheless, many of these " n o n - c a n d i d a t e s , " a s w e l l a s graduates, have strong feelings of af- fection for the School and maintain close ties with us. In their respective countries they are important contacts for our teachers and students, for American law firms and business organizations seeking legal advice abroad, and occasionally for our government officials. For a number of years we have listed their names and addresses, as well as those of foreign degree holders, in a separate direc- tory of former foreign students and scholars, but this year, for the first time, we have added these nice peo- ple to our regular list of "alumni."

The numbers are significant when

added to the base figure that we use to measure the percent of participation so that in spite of a heal thy increase in the number of alumni participants the percent went down. These additional "alumni" a re , of course, spread among many of the class lists so that there, too, the participation figure has been affected.

Special Donor Groups

Your reaction to our recent discus- sion of special donor groups suggested we should reprint some of the details about these various groups, and we have on the inside back cover.

Later on in this report you will find several lists containing the names of Law School alumni, friends of the Law School, and members of the "Law School Family" (usually spouses of alumni) whose gifts or commitments to the University now qualify them for inclusion within one of these special groups. A name will normally be found only in the one list with the

highest requirements for which the person qualifies. For example, even though the person's gift for 1980 was at least $500, the lower limit for the University Deans Club, i f that person is already a Benefactor or a member of the Presidents Club, his or her name would not be included in the Deans Club list.

If you wish more information about deferred gifts, trusts, insurance, uni- trusts, pooled income funds, bequests, gifts other than cash or negotiable instruments, etc., etc., please feel free to telephone or write the Law School Fund. Or you may wish to write to the Associate Director of Development, The University of Michigan, 3540A S t u d e n t Activit ies Bui ld ing, A n n Arbor, Michigan 48109.

From left, Bob DeBrodt, Terry Sandalow, Bill Groening


Each year we point out that it is risky business to single out specific areas or classes for comment because of the very wide differences in size, numbers. and previous levels of participation, but each year there are some things that simply must be said. This year they include:

1) The number of Thousand Dollar Cities (total gifts over $1,000) in- creased from 91 to 102.

2) Two regions (actually one is a half-region) should be noted. The sou the rn port ion of Region IX (California) under Fred Lambert in- creased alumni participation in every sub-area but one, increasing the gifts by 9.570 and dollars by a whopping 59.7%. Region XXX (Europe) with the impetus of the newly formed Euro- pean Michigan Law School Alumni Association increased gifts 2670 and dollars 18.570.

3 ) Ira B. Rose led Weschester County, New York to a great year. Gifts increased 5870, dollars by 23570.

4) Speaking of counties, 91.5% of all alumni in Berrien County, Michigan, participated in the Fund in 1980, and the county continues to lead in that

category for major centers of alumni population.

5) Two state l eaders had their operations in high gear. Nebraska (David Pedersen) had 2070 more gifts and 42.870 more dollars. Massa- chusetts (Francis E. Collins, Jr., and Robert M. Gault) showed increases of 16.37~ and a whopping 12170.

6) Among the classes, 1968 (Allen D. Field is class agent) continues to lead in three important categories-most donors, most gifts, and percentage of contributors, and retained its third place position in most dollars contri- buted. But under Class Agent Chris Cohen, '67 Law closed the gap between it and '68 Law in every category for which we keep records. Can Allen Field meet this pressure?

Other results and leaders in a variety of categories a r e listed throughout this report. Our con- gratulations and thanks to everyone.

Commemorative Gifts

Each of us has at one time or another received the sad news of the

death of a person who has meant a great deal to us. We must determine the most appropriate way to show our respect. A letter is often difficult to phrase.

You may feel that graduation of a friend or relative, or a birthday, or perhaps retirement of a friend or col- league, etc., should be marked by a commemorative gift, but how, and where?

On these occasions a gift to the University of Michigan Law School will allow the donor to honor the indi- vidual in a way that will bring lasting benefi ts to o thers . The person honored or the next of kin, as ap- propriate, will be told of the donor's thoughtfulness by the Law School.

We welcome inquiries.

Bequests and Life Insurance

During 1980 the Law School was the direct recipient of money as beneficiary in the wills of the follow- ing deceased alumni or in the wills of their widows or other members of their families:

Sherwood Ake Richard Baker

1 Max Lidschin, na Jessie M. Montgomery, na Marion Lehr Simpson, na

, Philip Van Zile, '38 Rosina M. Wolfson, na

Some of these gifts provided new student scholarship or student loan

1 funds , and o the r s pe rmi t t ed the money to be used with the discretion of the dean. These gifts a re not reported with any other figures and statistics in the report because they were not necessarily the result of a donative intent in 1980, and because we thought the addition of the amount of the proceeds to the annual giving campaign would distort the direct results of that campaign.

The bequests serve as reminders of the truth and applicability of a state- ment published by one of our sister law schools to show the relationship of its annual giving program and be- quests to the law school: "Annual giv- ing to the F u n d h a s i m p r o v e d steadily-bu t death terminates annual giving, a n d annua l givers must become testators who remember the law school in their wills." Life in- surance policies can serve a similar purpose.

1 We frequently receive gifts of securities in lieu of cash, and they are certainly welcome. These gifts are u s u a l l y so ld p r o m p t l y a n d t h e proceeds are reflected in the cash

I figures that we report. From time to time we receive gifts of real value, but a little less marketable than typical securities, that a r e not included elsewhere in the report. These gifts, too, are welcome. They have included such diverse things as a collection of antique pistols, a city lot in Escanaba, rare books for the Law School library, savings bonds, an automobile, life in- surance policies, 100 ceramic coffee mugs, and an undivided interest in some real property in Barry County, Michigan. We suggest, i f the gift-in- kind that you contemplate is a n un- usual one, and may entail special handling problems for the University, that you contact the Law School Fund office before you attempt to make the transfer.

Matching and Other Non-Alumni Gifts

As an encouragement to charitable giving many companies and some law firms make matching gifts to the Law School Fund [as well as to other donees). If you work for a company or perhaps sit on the board of directors you should check on its policy. In 1980 we received 234 gifts totaling $42,261.25 from 160 companies and firms.

Many other gifts from non-alumni are sent as memorial gifts (see more in other parts of this report). A few other very substantial gifts come through char i table foundat ions a n d trusts where our alumni have a role in advis- ing the directors or trustees, and from time to time we receive a gift from a n alumnus' individual client who wishes to make a charitable contribution, and on the advice of the alumnus, con- siders the Law School Fund a worthy recipient. Perhaps you, too, represent a foundation, a trust. or other client that would appreciate knowing more about the Law School Fund.

Michigan Income Tax Credit

We remind those of you whose in- come is subject to the Michigan In- come Tax that your gifts to the Law School or Law School Fund do qualify for the credit provision in Section 260 of the Michigan income tax statute.

Thus, without trying to get too tech- nical here (obviously you will want to look at the statute), within the Jimita- tions of the Act the taxpayer can receive credit equal to 5070 of his or her charitable contributions to insti- tutions of higher learning located w i t h i n M i c h i g a n . S i n c e t h e s e charitable gifts also qualify as deduc- tions on your Federal return (in con- trast to the Michigan credit) it means that many of you can make a sub- stantial gift to the Fund, u p to $200. or up to $400 if you file a joint return, without a very large increase in your cash outlay.

Andrea Beggs



Telephone 517-631-9732

May 23, 1981

Dean Terrance Sandalow The University of Michigan Law School Hutchins Hall Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Dear Terry:

The twentieth annual campaign of the Law School Fund has achieved a new high in dollars but fell short of our goal of alumni participation. Here are the results compared to 1979:

Total Amount Contributed Total Number of Gifts Average Size of Gift Total Number of Alumni Participating Percentage of Alumni Participating

The dollars speak for themselves. The 1980 total was 22.27% over the 1979 total. The average size gift increased by 14.48%. These facts are indeed a cause for rejoicing.

Our joy at the dollar increase is, however, tempered somewhat by the fact that we fell short of our goal of 50% participation by our graduates. In fact, the percentage of alumni participating declined slightly in 1980, falling below both the 1978 and 1979 percentages.

While we are disappointed that 59.2% of our graduates did not contribute, we are most grateful to the 40.8% who did contribute and who generally increased the size of their gifts. They have demonstrated again their gratitude for the superior education that they received at the Michigan Law School.

With the close of the 1980 campaign my two-year term as national chairman has come to an end. It has been an exciting and rewarding two years. The two vice-chairmen, the fifteen domestic and two overseas regional chairmen, and the innumerable state and local chairmen and solicitors, and the class agents have all worked hard to make the campaigns of both years great successes. As I cannot meet with each of them personally I want to take this opportunity to express in writing to each of them my personal thanks and the thanks of the Law School.

I also convey the thanks of all of us to Professor Roy Proffitt, who has served with distinction as director of the Law School Fund for all of its twenty years and who will continue to serve, I hope, for many years to come. Great credit is also due to his loyal assistant, Lois Richards, who keeps the office running and who keeps the entire organization of chairmen and solicitors on its toes.

Today Dick May has been elected to succeed me as national chairman. Dick, no doubt, will have the privilege of reporting to you for either 1981 or 1982 our first million dollar year. If he receives the support that I received he will achieve that goal. I wish him every success.

Most sincerely,

William A. Groening, Jr.



A N N ARBOR. M I C H I G A N 48109


June 4, 1981

William A. Groening, Jr., Esq. 4204 Arbor Drive Midland, Michigan 48640

Dear Bill

The faculty and students join me in expressing hearty congratulations to you and to the many others who contributed to the extraordinary success of the twentieth annual campaign of the Law School Fund. Our admiration for your achievement is exceeded only by our gratitude. The effort and generosity of so many alumni and friends are a heartening demonstration of affection for the School and of support for its commitment to excellence in legal education.

The increase in the amount annually contributed to the Fund during your term as chairman-an astonishing 45% over the two-year period-would have been welcome at any time, but it is especially so now. Double-digit inflation and the continuing economic problems of the state have combined to put the University's budget under severe pressure. More than ever before, consequently, we must look to the Fund for the support necessary to ensure that Michigan remains, as it has been for so many years, among the world's leading centers of legal education and scholarship.

In recent months, several alumni have asked whether contributions to the Fund add to the resources of the Law School or whether they merely permit a reduction in the funds that the School receives from the University. I want to take this opportunity to assure all our alumni and friends that University support for the School is in no way diminished by the generosity of our private supporters. To the contrary, I am persuaded that the confidence our alumni have expressed in the School by their contributions to the Fund has added to the Regents' and the administration's appreciation of the School's strength and, thus, to their commitment to maintaining i t as one of "the jewels in the crown of the University."

Once again, warm thanks for your devoted service and your leadership during the past two years. We are all indebted to you for your willingness to accept so important a responsibility and for the exceptional effectiveness with which you have discharged it.


Terrance Sandalow Dean

Regional Summaries

National Chairman William A. Groening, Jr.

National Vice Chairman Richard H. May

National Class Vice Chairman Richard W. Odgers

REGION I I. Scott Bass

Area Total Total Total

Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars Area Total Total Total

chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars

REGION I-New York I. Scott Bass 22. 9 S 370.00 Jonathan H. Trost

Counties Albany Broome Chatauqua Chemung & Steuben Erie Jefferson Kings & Richmond Manhattan: Downtown


Monroe Nassau Niagara Oneida Onondaga Ontario Orange Queens Rockland Schenectady Suffolk Warren Wayne Westchester

Cornelius D. Murray Robert M. Eckelberger, Mark I. Hampton

- John C. Barber. Jr.

- Alan Flink Franklvn Kimball Edward Bransilver George Loomis Jonathan H. Trost Ira J . Lefton Joseph J. Mansour Francisco Penberthy David L. Dawson

- Frances E. Bilmes Robert A. Butler J. Martin Cornell -

Valentine F. Parker -

Thomas W. Biddle Ira 8 . Rose


13 6 Jr. 7 4

0 1 3 1

31 20 3 1

28 8 236 97 287 167

REGION I1 Warren M. Laddon lerome B. Libin

Delaware Williamson P. Donald 26 14 $ 584.00

District of Columbia Terrence Roche Murphy Montgomery County. MD - 39 18 920.00 Prince Georges County. MD - 7 3 150.00 District of Columbia 564 231 24.222.50 Alexandria. VA 42 14 464.fl0 Arlington, VA 32 12 372.50 Fairfax Ccounty, VA 71 17 1.116.67

Maryland Steven D. Shattuck 33. 11 880.00

New Jersey Russell Brooks Reader 165 84 22.004.38

Pennsylvania Rea P. Miller, Jr. Central Harrisburg Charles E. Thomas, Jr. 37 18 1,200.00 Central Clearfield Richard A. Bell 14 6 485.00 North East Area William C. Cassebaum 39 22 2.210.00 North West Area Daniel L. R. Miller 38 22 1.961.39 South East Area Alan G. Choate 118 59 4,141.50 South West Area Stephen A. George 134 71 20.460.00

Virginia James N. Chriatman 57. 20 965.00

West Virginia William Harris Scharf 18 7 150.00


'Does not include alumni in listed counties.

REGION I11 William E. Doster


Total Total Total Chalrpereon Alumni Gifts Dollars

REGION I11 William E. Doster

john H. Morrow

A r e a Chai rperson Total Total Total

Alumni Gifts Dollars Arkansas Marion R Burton

Florida Soul heast Nnrtheaqt C ~ t v nf h11am1 South [excludes Miami) East Central Nor lhwrs t S o ~ ~ t h w e s t Snuthwest Central Wesl Central South Central

Charle9 j. Averhook Rohert 1-i. Miltenherger. II Melvvn H F r ~ ~ i t Frank A. Shepard Frank A. S h ~ p a r d Edward A. Marod john H Piccin Diane I,. Jensen Steven C. Schemher john M'. Puffer. Ill Bruce I. Daniels

REGION IV-Ohio Ion h4. Sebaly Thomas B. Ridplev

Counties Allen. Hardin . VanWert Ashland Auplaize. hgercer. Shelhy Belmont Butler. Warren Clark. Fayette. Green

Champaign. Madison Clinton. Brown. Clermont Columhiana . Carroll Coshoclon. Guernsey.

Tuscarawas Crawford . Richland. Morra Cuyahoga. Ceaupa Defiance. Henry . Wood.

P a u l d ~ n e . Williams Erie. Huron. Sandusky F r a n k l ~ n . F a i r f ~ e l d Hamilton Hancock. Putnam lefferson. Harrison Lake. Ashtahula L~ckinp. Perry. Knox.

hluskingurn L o r a ~ n Lucas. Fulton Mahoning h l e d ~ n a . Summit h f ~ a m i . Darke hfontgomery. Preble Ot tawa Seneca . It'yandot Stark Trumhul l . Portage LInion. Delaware . Logan.

h lar ion Il 'ayne. Holmes

Donald I. Witter 0 . Joseph M u r r a y Edward S . Noble Michael R. T h o m a s Robert A. Vauphn Rohert A. Vauphn

Robert A. Vauphn 1. Michael Kapp Van Blanchard

Georgia Terrance L Croft

Kentucky George E. Dudlev 1s F. Loyal Bemiller

Irwin j. Dinn Raymond G. Esch. Ir.

joseph E. Defley. Ir Louisiana

Mississippi Alfred A. 1,evingston Michael R. F e ~ e n Thomas B. Ridplev lay A. R o s e n b e r ~ Daniel S . Guv William J. W e i n m a n D a v ~ d S. lacobson T h o m a s E. Norpell

North Carolina Rohert I . Bernhardt

South Carolina Phillip Wittenherg

Barry F. White Tennessee

Totals Daniel A. Cook justice G. lohnson, Jr. Albert I. Or tenzio john L. Wolfe Rohert S . hqiller jon M. Sebaly Ion M . Sehalv l a m e s D. S u p a n c e Char les A. Morgan. Jr. Bernard W. Rosenberg lohn L. Ashworth

john C. lohnston


'Does not include a lumni in listed counties

Total Total Total Chai rperson Alumni Gifts Dollars Area

REGION V-Indiana Daniel W. McCill Edward W. Harris. I11

Cities Bloomington Enst Chicago Elkhart. Coshen. N a p p a n e e

Wakarusn Evnnsville Fort Wayne Gary. Griffith. whit in^ Hammontl lndinnapolis Lalayette LaPorte Michigan City Mishawaka Muncie. Anderson Richmond South Bend, Notre Dame T ~ r r e Hautc

Edward W. Harr is . 111 Samuel 1. Goodman Richard M. Treckelo

jerrv P Baugh Wesley N . S teurv Samuel I. Goodman Morton L. Efron Edward W. Harris. I11 Louis Pear lman. jr. Daniel E. Lewis. jr. Daniel E. 1,ewis. J r . R. Wyatt Mick. Ir. Gregory A. Huffman Willard G. Bowen David B. Weisman Mvrl 0 . Wilkinson


'Does not include a lumni in listed cities.

REGION VI Christopher B. Cohen

REGION VIII Anthony vanwestrum


REGION VI-lllinois

Appellate Districts First-Cook County

District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8

Second Eastern Area Western Area

Third Eastern Area Western Area

Peoria County Fourth

Eastern Area Western Area

Fifth Eastern Area Western Area

Total Total Total Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars

Christopher B. Cohen Gene H. Hansen

Gene H. Hansen William P. O'Neill 61 Ben Barnow 76 Bruce L. Bower 75 Patricia McCarty Curtner 152 J. Thomas Mullen 78 Allan Sweet 81 Ann C. Petersen 122 Edward M. Grabill 119 Thomas I . Streit

91 14

G. Durbin Ranney 6'

36" Robert C. Strodel 21 Robert A. Stuart

32 28

Ronald W. Periard 8 9

Totals 1.009

'Does not include alumni in Peoria County.

REGION VII Duane Ilvedson

Total Total Total Area Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars

REGION VIII Anthony vanwestrum David F. Cargo

Alaska Roger F. Holmes 39 24 $1.920.00 Colorado Anthony vanwestrum 83' 26 1.290.00

Boulder Anthony vanwestrum 20 5 430.00 Denver Anthony vanwestrum 115 55 4.6fifi.00

Idaho Dale 0 . Cox 10 7 170.00 Montana 27 9 675.00 Nevada John J. McCune 14 4 175.00 Oregon David F. Cargo 39. 9 450.00

Portland David F. Cargo 61 22 1.895.00 Utah DeLvle H. Condie 2s 10 :4s.on Washington Norman L. Winn 12" 1 15.00

Seattle 117 42 2.885.00 Tacoma 14 5 410.00 East-Central Area 8 4 230.00 West-Northern Area 22 8 300.00 West-Southern Area 14 3 1.200.00

Wyoming David B. Kennedy 11 3 1fi0.00


*Does not include alumni in listed cities or areas.

Area Chairperson Total

Alumni Total Total Gifts Dollars Area

Total Total Total Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars


Iowa Cedar Rapids Des Moines

Kansas Wichita

Minnesota Duluth-Northern Area M~nneapo l i s Area St. Paul Area Southern Area

Missouri Kansas City St. Louis

Nebraska Lincoln Omaha

North Dakota South Dakota Wisconsin


Duane Ilvedsen James W. Brehl LeRoy H. Redfern John R. Carpenter James L. Krambeck Edgar H. Bittle Phillip S. Frick Phillip S. Frick James W. Brehl Richard R. Burns Gordon B. Conn, Jr. Geoffrey P. Jarpe Robert G. Johnson Thomas E. Allen

David M. Pedersen David M. Pedersen David M. Pedersen Duane Ilvedson James A. Johnson Quinn W. Martin Quinn W. Martin

REGION IX-California

Northern Area Marin County East Bay Central Valley San Francisco Peninsula and South Bay Southern Area Beverly Hills Long Beach Los Angeles Orange Pasadena San Diego Santa Barbara

Charles F. Niemeth J . Bruce McCubbrey Frederick W. Lambert Robert J . Faux Richard M. Grant Nuhar Tashjian Michael E. Barber James P. Kleinberg Francis M. Small, J r . Frederick W. Lambert Steven E. Lewis Clark Heggeness William L. Cathey Michael D. Rubin David A. Ebershoff Thomas F. Melchior Wendy Wilner Lascher


*Does not include alumni in listed cities or areas.


*Does not include alumni in listed cities.

REGION X John P. Quinn

REGION XI1 John E. Dewane

Total Total Total Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars

Total Total Total Area Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars

REGION X-Michigan John P. Quinn Frank W. Jackson lonathan D. Lowe

Wayne County District 1 Francis K. Newton 185 101 S 20.328.75 District 2 Gerald L. Stoetzer 79 38 6,608.59 District 3 George E. Parker 9n 39 5.993.66 District 4 Don A. Schiemann 42 20 l.tis5.n0 District 5 Joseph F. Page. 111 A0 38 4.055.00 District 6 john 1. Lynch. I11 90 48 6,149.31 District 7 James M. Moore 180 112 24.712.47 District 8 Frank K. Zinn I 7 6 86 13.244.45 District 9 Donald R. Jolliffe 176 66 9.677.90

- -- Sub-totals 1.078 568 S92.424.23

Oakland County Jonathan D. Lowe D~strict 20-50 Steven Wittenberg 11 6 295.00 District 2n-55 James C. VanDyke 145 88 12.5fi9.15 District 2n-60 lohn T. Rogers 1R7 100 14.160.46

Robert A. Maxwell District 20-70 R~chard Kepes 38 21 2.250.00 District 2n-80 Simcha Shapiro 219 136 15.589 04 District 20-90 Robert M. Justin 55 30 1.108.35

- -- Sub-totals 635 381 546.975.00

- -- Totals 1.713 949 5139.399.23


REGION XII-Michigan John E. Dewane William E. Wisner

Counties Muskegon Ken t lngham Calhoun Jackson Berrien Kalamazoo VanBuren. Cass. Branch.

St. Joseph. Hillsdale Ottawa Allegan l o n ~ a . Clinton. Barry. Eaton Mason. Lake, Oceana, Newaygo Mescosta. Isahella. Gratiot.

Liontcalm Leelanau. Benzie. Grand

Traverse. Manistee. \Vexford Missaukee. Roscommon. Clare.

Osceola. Gladwin Antrim. Otsepo. Crawford.

Kalkaska. kfontrnorency Alpena. Oscoda. Alcona.

Ogemaw. Iosco Mackinaw. Ernmet. Cheboypan.

Charlevoix. Presque Isle Alper, hlarquette. Luce. Delta.

Schoolcraft. Chippewa. hlenominee

Keweenaw. Houghton. Iron. Ontonagon. Gogebic. Baraga. D~ckinson

James R. Stariha jack E. Frost David McKeague Edward M. Welch, Jr. M1illiam J. Marcoux John E. Dewane William E. Bowser Herbert Phillipson, Jr.

Hannes Meyers, Jr. Lester J. Toornan Ralph 0. Wilbur Jay E. Burrows Steven Mr. Martineau

E. David Rollert

James V. Rutledge

Ralph Jackson

William P. Jenninps

Nathaniel W. Stroup

David M. Savu

David J . Lori


REGION XI11 -. k Mervyn S. Gerson

REGION XI Edward H. Powers

Total Total Total Area Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars

REGION XI-Michigan Edward H. Powers Richard C. Elconin

Counties Rav, Arenac Robert D. Sarow 43 14 S 1.235.00 Genesee, Lapeer Robert L. Segar 133 56 6,485.90

Lenore h4. Ferber Huron. Sanilac. Tuscola Karl E. Kraus 17 7 435.00 Lenawee Richard L. Kr~ l i ck 18 6 395.00 Livingston Rohert E. Kleeh 1 7 1 70.00 Macoml, Norman G. Peslar 54 2R 3.065.0ll Midland Richard W. Barker 30 1R 3.750.00 Monroe Rocque E. Lipford 14 10 1.000.00 Saginaw Faye M. Harrison 85 24 1.866.78 St. Clair Rohert J. Henderson 20 7 650.00 Shinwassee Lenore M. Ferher 12 6 230.00 M'ashtenaw:

Ann Arbor Area Robert E. Guenzel 331 359 32.751.73 Ypsilanti Robert E. Guenzel 39 11 1.095.00

Total Total Total Area Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars

REGION XIII-Hawaii Mervyn S. Gerson Cities H ~ l o 3 Honolulu 91 50 3 S 4.010.00 115.00 Kaneohe 1 1 Mraipahu

25.00 1 - -

Hanalei 1 - - Lihr~e 2 1 M'ailuku

60.00 7 1 175.00 - --

Totals 101 57 S4.385.00


REGION XIV Charles E. Humphrey, Jr.

REGION XV William G. DeLana



Arizona Phoenix Area Tucson Area

New Mexico Albuquerque

Oklahoma Oklahoma City Tulsa

Texas Dallas Houston San Antonio

Total Total Total Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars

Charles E. Humphrey. Jr. William D. Hoops

32' 85 22 37. u-

23 24. 18 23 55. 44 78 10


'Does not include alumni in listed cities.


- -

Total Total Total Chairperson Alumni Gifts Dollars


Connecticut New London Area Bridgeport-Stamford Area Hartford Area New Haven Area

Maine Massachusetts

Boston Area New Hampshire

Keene Manchester Rochester

Rhode Island Vermont

William G. DeLana Elliott C. Miller

Nancy Meier Lipper Ronald 1. St. O n ~ e Michael R. Levin Peter Kelly George B. Hefferan, Jr. Francis E. Collins, Ir. Rohert M. Gault Charles A. DeGrandpre Charles A. DeGrandpre Charles A.DeGrandpre Charles A. DeGrandpre Ernest D. Humphreys Paul 8 . Wolfe


'Does not include alumni in listed cities.

1979-1980 Comparisons by Regions


Number of Alumni Number of Gifts

1979 1980 1979 1980

Total Dollars

1979 1980

Region I Region I1 Region I11 Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region VIII Region IX Region X Region XI Region XI1 Region XI11 Region XIV Region XV Region XXV (Japan) Region XXX (Europe) Region XL (Other Foreign) Region L (U.S. Possessions)

Tops Among Classes-1980

Highest Highest Percentage

Most Donors Most Gifts Most Dollars Average Gift of Contributors

Thousand Dollar Cities - -

City and State

Paradise Valley, AZ Detroit, MI Chicago, IL Ann Arbor, MI New York, NY Los Angeles, CA Washington, DC Pittsburgh, PA Grand Rapids, MI Southfield, MI Minneapolis, MN Cleveland, OH Cedar Rapids, IA San Francisco, CA Toledo, OH Princeton, NJ Birmingham, MI Bloomfield Hills, MI St. Joseph, MI Lansing, MI Cincinnati, OH Wichita, KS Grosse Pointe, MI Columbus, OH Kansas City, MO Summit, NJ Houston, TX Flint, MI Dearborn, MI Indianapolis, IN St. Paul, MN Denver, CO Milwaukee, WI Lowell, MA


$78,152 77,443 59,142 31,175 30,675 29,704 24,222 20,360 15,796 15,584 15,272 14,282 11,580 10,702 10,565 10,460 10,382 10,331 10,010

9,133 8,388 7,757 6,369 6,150 6,073 6,012 5,854 5,731 5,307 5,150 5,050 4,901 4,470 4,415

City and State

Honolulu, HI Midland, MI Phoenix, AZ St. Louis, MO Troy, MI Kalamazoo, MI Jackson, MI Muskegon, MI White Plains, NY Philadelphia, PA Hartford, CT Akron, OH Rochester, NY Seattle, WA Pasadena, CA Dallas, TX Walnut Creek, CA Skokie, IL Sturgis, MI Naples, FL Miami, FL San Rafael, CA Des Moines, IA Boston, MA Portland, OR Fort Wayne, IN Atlanta, GA Dayton, OH Zurich, Switzerland Tokyo, Japan Saginaw, MI San Diego, CA Santa Barbara, CA Benton Harbor, MI


4,010 3,750 3,705 3,565 3,487 3,481 3,121 3,120 3,037 2,960 2,935 2,895 2,677 2,635 2,575 2,525 2,515 2,400 2,315 2,205 2,052 2,025 1,925 1,915 1,915 1,912 1,885 1,845 1,786 1,780 1,750 1,620 1,610 1,610

City and State Amount

Anchorage, AK 1,520 Lake Worth, FL 1,510 Armonk, NY 1,465 Mount Clemens, MI 1,450 Huntington Woods, MI 1,427 Buffalo, NY 1,410 Erie, PA 1,380 LaCanada, CA 1,336 Bethlehem, PA 1,265 Muncie, IN 1,240 Louisville, KY 1,230 Bay City, MI 1,225 Farmington Hills, MI 1,220 Fort Lauderdale, FL 1,180 Palo Alto, CA 1,155 Tulsa, OK 1,145 Longview, WA 1,100 Ypsilanti, MI 1,095 Albuquerque, NM 1,085 Fremont, MI 1,075 Carmel, CA 1,050 Holland, MI 1,045 Orlando, FL 1.025 Paris, KY 1,025 Tucson, AZ 1,010 Okemos, MI 1,005 Fullerton, CA 1,000 Columbus, IN 1,000 Albion, MI 1,000 Monroe, MI 1,000 Kenilworth, NJ 1,000 Bronxville, NY 1,000 Jamaica, NY 1,000

Class Summary of Gifts

No. of Gifts No, of No. in Average %of Class Total Amount Class Class Agent in 1980 Contributors Class Gift Contributing Rec'd in 1980

1901 Richard W. Odgers 1903 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910

Charles L. Goldstein Richard W. Odgers

Fred R . Allaben Frederick P. Bamberger Benjamin Safir A. D. Ruegsegger Richard W. Odgers Harvey J . Gunderson

Lewis D. Wilson Sherwood Ake Gabriel N. Alexander Samuel G. Wellman Oscar W. Baker Robert A. Choate Elijah Poxson, Jr. Gerald L. Stoetzer Alphonse Aymond, Jr. H. lames Gram

William H. Hillier Ben J . Weaver John F. Sisson Benjamin M. Quigg, J r . Tin Chong Goo Edward S. Noble Richard W. Odgers Johnnie M. Walters Robert A. Fisher Charles M. Bayer

1951 Horace J. Rodgers 122 121 290 101.32 41.7 12,361.35

1952 James A. Kendall 146 143 298 114.42 48.0 16,706.75 1953 John G. Hayward 122 118 254 163.29 46.5 19,922.50 1954 Leonard Kravets 111 105 228 143.07 46.1 15,880.84 1955 Donald G. Black 113 104 201 154.78 51.7 17,491.09

1956 M. Harry Piper 116 108 230 131.30 47.0 15,231.85

1957 Roy H. Christiansen 115 110 272 132.50 40.4 15,238.50

Class Summary of Gifts

No. of Gifts No. of No, in Average %of Class Total Amount Class Class Agent in 1980 Contributors Class Gift Contributing Rec'd in 1980

1958 Je rome F. Prewoznik 130 129 277 $141.20 46.6O7~ $18,356.45 1959 Gerald L. Bader , J r . 137 132 281 109.99 47.0 15,068.94 1960 Kent E. Whittaker 129 121 267 143.81 45.3 18,552.40

William S. Farr L. William Schmidt , J r . John W. Galanis Thomas E. Palmer Ter rence Croft John C. Cook Christopher B. Cohen Allen D. Field W. Timothy Baetz Robert 0. Wefald

David LeFevre Ter rence G. Perr is Frank W. Jackson Thomas F. Koernke Ter rence G. Linderm Pamela Hyde George A. Vinyard Robert Santos Michael J . Quinley Alan 1. Knauf

Totals 5,560 5,360 13,148 $685,911.07 Total Non-Alumni Gifts 676 586 Non-Alumni Contributions 147,963.00

Less Exchange on Foreign Currency- 154.74

6,236 5,946 $833,719.33

1980-Distribution of Gifts Sources of Non-Alumni Contributions

$1,000 a n d over 500 to 999 200 to 499 100 to 199

50 to 99 25 to 49 11 to 24 10

Less than $10 Gif ts-in-Kind

Contributors Gifts Dollars

Memorials 246 250 $ 45,789.40 Matching Companies a n d

Firms 160 234 42,261.25 Foundat ions a n d Trusts 7 12 39,700.00 Other 173 180 20,212.35

- - 586 676 $147,963.00

Tops in Percentage of Participation (States, Cities, Areas, or Subregions

of More than 20 Alumni)

Tops in Percentage of Participation (States, Cities, Areas, or Subregions

of Fewer than 20 Alumni)

Area Participation Area Participation

Washtenaw County-Ann Arbor Area, MI Berrien County, Michigan Cook County-District 1, Illinois Hartford Area, Connecticut Montgomery, Preble Counties. Ohio Des Moines, Iowa Monroe County, New York New Haven Area, Connecticut East Central Area, Florida Tulsa, Oklahoma Hamilton County, Ohio Erie County, New York Wayne County-District 5, Michigan Muskegon, County, Michigan Wayne County-District 7, Michigan Oakland County-District 20-80, Michigan Peoria County, Illinois Alaska

Schenectady County, New York Michigan City, Indiana Manchester, New Hampshire Terre Haute, Indiana Port Sulphur, Louisiana Oneida County, New York Warren County, New York Wayne County, New York Clinton, Brown, Clermont Counties, Ohio Hancock, Putnam Counties, Ohio Jefferson, Harrison Counties, Ohio Wayne, Holmes County, Ohio South Carolina Hammond, Indiana Keene, New Hampshire Auglaize, Mercer, Shelby Counties, Ohio Miami, Darke Counties, Ohio Trumbull, Portage Counties, Ohio Long Beach, California Second Appellate District-Western Area, Nebraska

National Committee: front row: Allan 2nd row: George Caspar, George Vinyard, Cohen, John Dewfine, Richard Raker, Claypool. Andrea Beggs. Terrance San- Robert Stuart , John Tennant. Gerald Thomas Ridgley. Sherwood Ake, Jonathan dalow. Richard May. William Groening, Stoetzer, Roy Christiansen, Elden Butz- Lowe. John Quinn, Walter KBnig, Richard Lois Richards, Roy Proffitt. Donald Black. baugh. 3rd row: Gene Hansen, Chris Elconin

Law School Fund Contributors

ALABAMA Birmingham John H. Morrow L. Vastine Slabler, J r Mobile Theodore L. Hall Robert E. Henderson University Thomas L. Jones

ALASKA Anchorage John N. Bradbury Ronald H. Bussey Victor D. Carlson Hon. Roger G. Connor Robert L. Easlaugh Sheila Gallagher John Gustav Gissberg H. Russel Holland Roger Franklin Holmes Gayle Ann Horetski Robert H. Hume Paul W. Koval James M. Powell David B. Ruskin James B. Stoetzer Gordon J. Tans Richard D. Thaler Bethel Christopher Cooke Fairbanks Walter Sczudlo Juneau James B Bradley John Benedict Gaguine Barry j. Stern

ARIZONA Carefree Richard McCormack Litchiield Park Arden E. Fireslone Mesa William H. Mallender Paradise Valley Thomas E. Sunderland David E. Weiss Phoenix Robert C. Bates Leo R. Beus Ronald W. Carmichael Douglas R. Chandler Mary Z. Chandler Don A. Davis Terry E. Fend David R. Frazer Robert C. Hackelt Keith A. Haien William S. Hawgood, 11 Hon. Laurens L. Henderson ~ i d n e d K. Jackson Robert G. Jamieson Roland R. Kruse Samuel Langerman Anthony F. Leone Stanley Lubin David M. Lurie Ralph E. Mahowald. Jr. John C. Mason Lawrence D. Mattice Donald D. Meyers Norman L. Miller Richard Alan Miller Michael L. Rubin Soulhwesl Forest Industries Harvey E. Streich William K. Strong Gerald D. Tupper Prescott Edward H. Boyle Scottsdale Seth R. Bidwell Pnul H. Karr Donald Maxwell William H. Messinger James A. Pearson Lois B. Scherr Sun City Ralph H. Bower

Frank E. Lewellen Mr. & Mrs. Ray L. Potter Tucson Peter D. Axelrod I-Ion. Richard M. Bilby Calvin A. Brown Frederick S. Dean Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. C. Heaney Richard R. Lovinger Mr. & Mrs. Carney D. Matheson Robert A. May Wickenhurg Charles T. Klein

ARKANSAS Fayetteville William G. Myers Heber Springs Richard L. Eckhart Hol Springs Amos M. Pinkerton Little Rock Marion B. Burton Philip E. Kaplan Mountain Home Kenneth F. Kelly Pine Bluff Robert H, Holmes

CALIFORNIA Belvedere Richard M. Adams Berkeley Robert E. Borton Michael N. Finger William K. Muir, Jr . Peter J . Wittkuhns Beverly Hills AM1 International. Inc. Richard S. Brawerman Roland E. Ginsburg Harvey A. Howard David C, Johnson William B. Rees James A. Rice Carla Marilyn Westin Burbank Ronald Jean Cayo J . Miller Leavy Carmel Richard W. Barrett Willard D. Hoot Charles R. Linton Corona Del Mar Richard E. Gilfillan Robert P. Kneeland Costa Mesa Howard C. Hag Crescent City David Y. Stanley Davis Roger L. Cambatese Douglas Aaron D. Grossman Downey James L. McCormick Encino Herbeck J . Beck Katherine Stoll Burns Alan F. Kane The Irwin E. Kane Foundation Paul T. Nowak, Jr. Aaron E. Shelden Mark S Simonian Slanley R. Zax Escondido Dennis Pearce Kelly Fremont Lyle L. Lopus Fresno Deborah Po~vel l Highsmith Fullerton Edward D. Goldstein Garden Grove William B. Whillov, Gardena Louis A. K~viker Glendale Wendell B. Will

Granada Hills Dennis M. Olsen Greenbrae Gene C. Hopkins Robert J . Sammis Hermosa Beach Alfred Connor Bowman Highland Paul F. Mordy Hollywood Frank 0 . Ponce Kirby A Scott Huntington Beach C. William Carlson, Jr . Inglewood Barry S, Josephson Alveraize T. Saizan La Canada Charles A. Adamek Lor] K. Adamek Mr. & Mrs. William E.

Guthner, Jr. Stephen L. Jones Lafayetle Walker Peddicord Laguna Beach John E. Belda Mr. & Mrs. Gary Edward Shoffner Laguna Hills Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Brady Franklin C. Forsythe Jack Y. H. Yuen La Jolla Simon F. Coleman Long Beach Robert E. Ailken Joseph F DiMento Clark Heggeness Harman M. Hitt Hon. & ,Mrs. Frederick A. Kepka Joseph F. McLellan Los Altos Laddy H. Gross Harvey N. Kuhr Los Angeles Erwin Adler James N. Adler A. Victor Antola. Jr. Atlanlic Richfield Foundation Robert M. Barton Herbert A. Bernhard Mrilliam B. Birmingham William T. Bisset William J. Bogaard Thomas B. Bourque Ronald F Brot Stanley Davis Brown Samuel Bufford William Lewis Cathey, Jr. Karen Heath Clark A4ary Irene Coombs Alan D. Croll Raymond L. Curran Lawrence Mr. Dam James H. Denison Irwin J . Deutch Del Dillingham William C. Dixon Paul Taylor Dye Peter L. Eppinga Alan I. Epstein Ralph H. Erickson S. Jack Fenigstein Allen D. Field William h.1. Fischbach Donald H. Ford Ira Frazer Harvey R. Friedman Philip J . Ganz Gelty Oil Company Albcrl Sidney Golbert Jules C. Goldstone Leon L. Gordon Kenneth W. Graham, Jr . Thomas J . Greene William Greene Richard H. Guthrie Irving L. Halpern Thomas L. Harnsberger Robert S. Harrington Dean Michael Harris William D. Herz Keiichiro Imai Don I, Johnson Ernest E. Johnson Alvin S. Kauier

W. Richard Keller Raymond R. Kepner Warren J. Kessler C. Douglas Kranwinkle Robert B. Krueger Frederick W. Lambert Barbara A. Lane Lawler Felix & Hall Robert Michael Lloyd Simon M. Lorne Mr. & Mrs. J. Terence Lyons James A. Magee James W. Malsbury Roger A. S. Manlin Lyn H. Marcus Charles K. Marquis Richard K. Mason Neil G. McCarroll Charles E. McCormick. Jr . Steven Paul McDonald Michael J. blcHale William J . Meeske Meyers Slevens & Walters, PC Donn B. Miller Thomas E. Miller Malcolm David Minnick James K. Mitsumori Ronald J. Nessim Mr. & Mrs. William R. Nicholas Charles F. Niemetli Occidenlal Pelroleum

Charitable Fdn. Inc. John H. Oliphant Ronald L. Olson Jesse R. O'Malley O'Melveny & Myers Herbert Papenfuss Milo P Petranovich James G. Phillipp Jerome F. Prewoznik Floyd A. Rappaport Gerald F. Rosenblatt Morton M. Rosenfeld Alan I. Rothenberg Alfred I. Rothman Stuart W. Rudnick Frederick J. Salek Michael D. Saphier Lillian S. Sattinger Michael J. Schiff Michael K. Schmier Rob R. Schuyler Security Pacific Charitable

Foundation David R. Shaub Robert A. Siegel Robert M. Simpson Richard Lee Sommers George E. & Elizabelh S.

Sperling. Jr. Arthur L. Stashower Louis R. Stein Bruce M. Stiglitz Charles \I. Thornton Charles Frederick Timms, Jr. Harold S. Voegelin Douglas J . Wallis Akira Watanabe Robert B. Wessling Philip F. Westbrook Western Bancorporation Robert J. White Kenneth S. H. Wong Madera Hon. Mason A. Bailey Malibu Frank M. Gunter Marina Del Rey Richard P. Shcolnek Menlo Park Julian Caplan Thomas W. Ford Joseph Roy Seiger Mill Valley Adarnont N. Georgeson, 11 Thomas W. Lacchia Monterey Park Arthur Y. Honda Mountain View Ron Schrotenhoer Nevada City Richard N. Campbell Newport Beach Lawrence G. Decker Pacific Mutual Life Insurance


Ridley John Poliliski N ~ c k E. Yocca Oakland Patrick J . Becherer Peter A. Bernard Charles A. Dunkel Harry B. Endsley. 111 Meredith N. Endsley Richard J. Heafey Jay Scott Hooker Alan J. Sternberg Nubar Tashjian Orange R. Stephen Moyer John R. Parker Palm Desert Gordon V . Cox Dirk DeVries Palm Springs Ephraim R. Gomberg Jack J. Lande Palo Alto George S. Cole Michael Klynn Thomas Allen Knapp Robert L. Pierce Arthur C. Rinsky L. S. Foundation Lawrence L. Spilters Palos Verdes Estales Frederick E. IvlacArthur. Jr . Addison I. West Pasadena John W. Birchall James B Boyle William D. Gowans Rancho Mirage Mr. & Mrs. John L. Slack Rancho Palos Verdes George D Thomson Redding Joseph H. Redmon Reedley Carl 0 . Bay Riverside Allan D. Pauw Rolling Hills Richard P. Nahrwold Rolling Hills Eslates Harry M. Asch Waller 1. Jason Roger J . Pryor Sacramento Hon. A. Richard Backus Michael E. Barber John M , h4urray San Anselmo Kenneth H Finney John D. O'Connor San Bernardino William Flory Waldo Willhoft San Diego Walter H. Allman William S. Bannasch Stephen E. B r a ~ n e r Maurice S. Culp Dennis Wayne Fliehman Waldo K. Greiner Thomas W. Hauser William C. Hiscock Marilyn Louise Huff Robert B. Hutchins Benjamin P. Jacobs David K. Kroll Robert C. Neal Walter P. North Stephen V. Petix Norton P. Rider Douglas Sharp Richard I. Singer Sidney E. Tamhurine Mrilliam T. Tyson San Francisco Michael Alan Adelman Richard Michael Albert Paul Alexander Rochelle D. Alpert Paul E. Anderson Richard J . Archer BankAmerica Foundalion Philip 8 . Bass Robert S. Beach Chris Berka Hobarl McK. Birmingham Philip W. Boesche

Douglas Glen Coulter Robert R. Coweli lohn A. Crable Dewey B. Grawford Jules I. Crystal Patricia McCartv Curtner Hon. Robert E. ~ u s a c k Robert H . Daskal Rachael E. Deming James H. DeVries Stephen B. Diamond A. B. Dick Company Slewart S. Dixon Alexander R . Domanskis R. R. Donnelley & Sons

Company Thomas B. Dorris Raymond H. Drymalski Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Duffy Edsell M. Eady. Jr . Warren E. Eagle Larry R. Ealon Joseph G. Egan Robert A. Elliott George M. Elsener Mark D. Erzen Esmark, Inc. Foundation James B. Fadim Eugene Farrug Peter V. Fazio, Jr . Bruce Featherstone Norman E. Feinberg Duane A. Feurer First National Bank of

Chicago Fdn. (Morgan L. Filch, Jr. Neil Flanagin Arnold M. Flank FMC Foundation James M. Forkins Miriam Joyce Frank Giles A. Franklin Mitchell H. Frazen Paul D. Frenz Robert H. Frick James T. Frledman Dennis L. Frostic William J . Garmisa Paul S. Gerding Katherine Gerstenberger Geoffrey L, Gifford Lawrence M Gill Alan Gitles Daniel J. Gluck George H. Good Stuart E. Grass Richard J . Gray W. Phillip Gray Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Greene Warren F. Grienenberger Frank X. Grossi Martha Mahn Haines Michael 1. Hamblet David A. Handzo Gene H. Hansen Robert L. Harmon Roger B. Harris J. Terry Heath Erwin C. Heininger William H. Hillier David B. Hirschey Scott Hodes Burton L. Hoffman Richard S. Hoffman John H. Hoglund J. William Holland Melvin C. Holmes James E. Howie, Jr. Donald Hubert John B. Huck John Charles Hugger John W. Hupp Howard H, Hush, Jr. Richard A. Hvde James H Ihrke International Harvester Fdn. Frieda Patricia lacobs Jon C. Jacobson William R. Jansen Raymond 1. Jast Albert E, jenner, Jr . Garrett B. johnson Alan R. Iohnston Gregory C. Jones Robert T. Joseph Edward J. Kahn Laurence H. Kallen Richard Alan Kaminsky William S. Kaplan Constantine D. Kasson Robert A. Katcher

David J . Kayner Victor P. Kayser John P. Kearney Keck Mahin & Cate Robert C . Keck john A. Kelly, J r . Wallace B. Kemp Philip L. Kennedy lohn F. Kern Alan R. Kidston Stephen P. Kikoler Kirkland & Ellis lames M. Klancnik Frederic Ross Klein Sidney C. Kleinman Richard bl. Kohn losepb P. Koucky Alan R. Kravets Leonard Kravets Barry L. Kroll Walter W. Kurczewski Daniel R. LaBar Harry P. Lamberson Brock R. Landrg Stephen A. Landsman Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lane Allan E. Lapidus James M. Lawniczak William Samuel Leavitt Paul L. Leeds Wayne Leengran George E. Leonard. 111 Freda June Levenson Michael D. Levin Jack I. Levy Robert J. Lifton Richard Joel Lipschultz Reva & David Logan Fdn. Peter S. Lucyshyn Paul M. Lurie Karl E. Lutz David R. Macdonald Karen E. MacKay Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Madigan Sherwin J. Malkin Janis E. Mangulis Richard A. Martens Edwin D. Mason Donald Lawrence Mayer Paul T. McCarthy Wayne A. McCoy John W. McCullough Jane Whitman McDermott John H . McDermott William S. McDowell, jr. Michael G. McGee Neil McKay Beth Ann McWilliams Mark F. Mehlman Randall E. Mehrberg David M. Michaelson Charles L. Michod. Jr. Christopher Mills Neil R. Mitchell Lawrence R. Moelmann Lyndon C. Molzahn Peter R. Monahan Charles B. Montgomery Frank J. Mooney Bruce L. Moore W~ns ton C. Moore Ralph A. Morris David L. Morrow Morton-Norwich Products. Inc. Shirley L. Moscow J. Thomas Mullen Timothy J. Murtaugh, 111 Mr. & Mrs. David Arthur Nelson F. Dennis Nelson Muriel Irwin Nichols Gary Albert Nickele Keith K, Nicolls Gerald T. Noifsinger Leo T. Norville Fdn. Eric A. Oesterle Robert I. Oexeman Alan l a k e s Olson John I . O'Neil, J r . William Patrick O'Neill Nehad Shakeeb Othman Steven C. Page Thomas Herbert Page ]ohn B. Palmer, 111 Dale Park, Jr. John S. Penneil Jules M. Perlberg Ann C. Pelersen Darrell William Pierce Louis D. Pierce Henry L. Pitts Frank Pollack

Lewis M. Porter. ] r . Louis B. Potter David A. Price Richard A. Prince Arthur C. Prine. Jr . Samuel A. Purves The Quaker Oats Foundation David P. Radelet Richard S. Ratcliff Jack T. Redwine Frank G. Reeder Allan 1. Reich R. Ian Reicin Thomas A. Reynolds. J r . Christine h4. Rhode Lawrence Edward Rissman Thomas E. Ritter N. Rosie Rosenbaum Robert Rosenman Peter Rosenthal David 1. Rosso Richard Carl Ruschman Kevin A. Russell Paul F. Russell Frank B. Sanders Henry T. Sanders Richard M. Sawdey James E. Scanlon Brooke Schumm, 111 Celia Schwartzberg Robert J . Schwenk Stephen B. Selbst Robert W. Sharp Sidley & Austin Harvey M. Silets Stephen hl. Silverman Gary Simon Roger C. Siske Gerald D. Skoning Thomas John Smedinghoff Craig Norman Smetko Bruce M. Smith Thomas H. Snyder Sonnenschein Carlin Nath

& Rosenthal David M. Spector Harvey Ray Spiegel Charles R. Sprowl James G. Staples Irving Stenn, jr. Robert D. Stone S. Ronald Stone R. Lawrence Storms Eileen L. Strang Cornelius 1. Sullivan William P. Sutler Thomas E. Swaney Allan J . Sweet Thomas D. Terpstra Bruce H . Thompson W. Gerald Thursby Edward Patrick Timmins James M. Trapp Walter E. Trittipo, Jr . George B. Trubow United Airlines Foundation Ellen Louise Upton Theodore M. Utchen Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Vacin Roy M. Vancleave Vedder Price Kaufman

& Kammholz John H. Vestal Larry Victorson George A. Vinyard Richard F. Vitkus Daniel W. Vittum. Jr. John C. Walker Richard J. Walsh James D. Wangelln Michael A. Warner William R. Warnock Jack L. Watson Rainer R. Weigel Michael A. Weinbaum Michael Alan Weinberg Stanley R. Weinberger LeRoy R. Weis Kip Allen Weissman Howard A. Welch. Jr. Robert B. Wilcox Andrew S. Williams David G. Williams Lloyd E. Williams, Jr. James B. Wilson William J. Wise Samuel W. Witwer, Jr . Jeffrey K. Wohlstadter Robert J. Wojcik Michael H. Woolever Kenneth 1. Wysoglad

Samuel Zell Colona Paul D. I-Iarrington Crystal Lake William J . Cowlin Richard R. Zukowski Decatur Glenn 0, Fuller Michael 1. Kehart Donald E. Nordlund Robert D. Owen Roswell C. Prince Albert G. Webber, 11 Robert D. Winters Deerfield John P. Bure Richard F. Kohn Dean E. Snyder Byron H . Weis DeKalb Bruce P. Bickner The DeKalb AG Research

Foundation East Moline Marvin L. Schrager East Peoria Robert W. Winston Elgin John J. Brittain LeRoy A. Mote Hon. John S. Page Clarence F. Wittenstrom Elk Grove Edward H. Hoenicke Evanston Robert E. Ackerberg Philip John Collora Constance DeYoung Bruce N. Duff Mrs. Earle E. Ewins Albert A. Haller David B. Love Ion C. MacKay Mr & Mrs. Robert Marks John Edward Porter John S. Roadhouse Iris E. Sholder Michael C. Weston Frederick L. White Flossmoor Michael A. Tyrrell Galena James 1. Nack Louis A. Nack James W. Richardson Galesburg Hon. William K. Richardson Glen Ellyn Charlotte Crane Robert V. & Pauline Lewis Walter H. Lindsay, Jr. Glenview Mr. & Mrs. Louis J . Hellerman Robert G, Johnson Kraft, Incorporated lohn C. Tower John T. Vergeer Golf Hon. ]ohn A. Nordberg Edgar H . Schmiel Henry Robert T. Swengel Highland Park David L. Canmann Canmann Family Foundation Edward Elukin Bruce A. Fox William L. Sohoroff Miriam B. Steinberg Hinsdale Jon D. Carlson James W. Coultrap Emmelt D. McCarlhy Robert E. Sipes Jacksonville Theodore C. Rammelkamp Joliel The George H. & Minnie E.

Jennings Memorial Fund Frank H. Masters. Jr . Kenilworth Lawrence W. Schad F. David Trickey LaGrange Park Gertrude R. Shearer Lake Bluff F. Lamar Forshee Lake Forest Richard L. Epling Thomas J. Hilligan

Moline Wade P. Clarke, Jr . John Deere Foundation James A. Harper L. Ronald Modlin Monmouth Ralph Butler Roberl J . Clendenin Robert 1-1. Howard G. Durbin Ranney Northbrook The Allslate Foundation Edward M. Grabill James A. Leavengood John H . Platt, J r . Northfield William Garrettson Ellis Oak Park Thomas R. Lichten Henry B. Pearsall David C . Strom Palatine Clifford A. Dean Paris Robert L. Gibson Pekin John R. Bagley Peoria Joseph F. Bartley, jr. Robert L. Burhans Raymond J . Fraser Willard B. Gaskins Brent J . Graber Frederick D. Johnson David B. Mueller John C. Parkhurst Dale L. Sielaff Robert C. Strodel Walter W. Winget, I1 Petersburg John E. Grosboll Pontiac Alonzo W. Clay. Jr. Jessie J. Herr Prospect Heights Richard P. McManus Quincy W~ll iam 0 . Mays River Forest Walter D. Herrick Rockford Charles Edward Box John W. Hallock Peter C. Kostantacos John C. McCarthy, Jr CliIford A. Pedderson Elmer C. Rudy Ralph S. Zahm Rock Island Stuart R. Lefstein Edward C. Schoede Rolling Meadows William J . Moore Schaumburg Vincent I. Rauner Skokie The Brunswick Foundation, Inc. Spencer E. Irons John A. Pigott Donald 1. Spero Springfield Roberl M. Bellalti Karen Lynn Boyaris Charles A. Chapin Lee W. Ensel Robert E. Gillespie Kenneth H. Otten Carl A. Sorling Robert A. Stuart James M. Winning Sterling William E. Arnold Xennard J . Besse Taylorville Ronald W. Periard Walnut Evan A. Gilchrist Waukegan Thomas W. Diver Ned L. Fisher Mark R. Lidschin Michael K. Noonan Wilmette Robert C. Barker James B. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Nisen Myron J . Resnick Eugene A. Weinberg Florence K. Weinberg Winnetka Margaret Henckel Emery

C h a r l e s D. Ger l inger C h a r l e s Lively G l e r u m H a l e & D o r r S p e n c e r C. H u n t Richard C. Killin M. M a r k Klein S t e p h e n P. Lindsay Houghton Mifflin C o m p a n y Wil l iam F , h t a c h e n S a m u e l W. MI. M a n d e l l N e w England M u t u a l Life

I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y Joel F . P ierce H a n s o n S. Reynolds Phi l ip H . Rober tson C h r ~ s l o p h e r M. Schur M a r t h a Browning S o s m a n E d w a r d M. S w a r t z Austin L. Vickery, J r . Paul D. W e a v e r Douglas A n d r e w Zingale Brighton Steven T . Hoor t Cambridge J o h n P. Dawson john A. Fiske Chicopee John F. Ogozalek, J r . Dover Roger C. M a r k h u s Fi tchburg A n d r e A. Gel inas H a r v a r d C h a r l e s L. Gagnebin Hingham Ronald B. Schrarn L e e Nelson A. Sharf rnan Lowell J o h n E. Leggat N o r t h Amhers t Hugh F. Bell Nor thampton F r a n c i s E. Collins. Jr. Springfield Dennis B. Binder G e r a l d R. Hegar ty T a u n t o n Benjamin D. Lewis W i l h r a h a m Richard P . Cole Worces ler Freder ick L. D u p r e Gera ld 1. H e l i e n b e i n J o h n E. Hodgson Phi l ip R. M o n a h a n S e y m o u r Weins te in

MICHIGAN A d r i a n Rober t T . Bartlow D a n E. Bruggeman Clyne W. Durs t , Jr. M r . & Mrs. Harold V. M a y Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Olsen john C. T i m m s Albion Michael A. Dively Al legan Dwight M. C h e e v e r Gregory D. H a l e S t e p h e n B. McKown Lester J . T o o m a n Alma Alf red J . Fortino Phillip E. S m i t h Almont M r . & Mrs. J o h n E. H u b b a r d Alpena H o n . Rober t R. Ferguson Ann A r b o r Hon. William F. Ager. Jr. Mrs . Roy R. Alber tzar t H o n . George W . Alexander , I11 Francis A. Allen G a r y F . Allen A n n A r b o r Buick Service Co. Wil l iam E. Bandemer Rober t M . Barr ie jay Barrymore Gaylord N. Beboul , J r . A n k e r M . Bell David T . Bell Joel I. Bennett E r m a W . Beuer le Paul S. Bigby J o h n Chester Bigler M r . & Mrs. 1,. Ray Bishop

William W. Bishop, J r . Michael B. Bixby Eleanor Blais S u s a n b l . Block Lee Bollinger Gregory A. Bonfiglio C h a r l e s W. Borgsdorf A n n Borkin M r . & Mrs. Kenneth H. Boynton Ruth I. Brazda M r . & Mrs. Robert M. Br imacombe Ol in L. Browder , J r . S teven D. Brown David S . Browne M r . & Mrs. Mahlon H . Buell Mrs. Mil ledge D. Bullard M r . & Mrs. Leo A. Burns Hon. Loren W. Campbel l M r . & Mrs. Robert M. Campbel l H o n . Ross W. Campbel l , J r . Mr . & Mrs. Thomas D. C a r n e y Patrick Casey David L. C h a m b e r s W. L. Chr is tman Denise Chrys ler Ruel V. & Alice B. Churchill J a n i c e M . Cohn Horvard A. Cole Alfred F . Conard Cather ine M . Conlin J o h n W . Conlin. J r . William J . Conlin M r . 6 Mrs. David M . Copi Luke K. Cooperr ider Clan Crawford , J r . Rober t B. Creal F lorence S. Cress Domenic Dascola Lee E. Danielson William F Dannerniller William J a m e s Davis. J r . Hon. Edward D. Deake Barbara J o DeBrodl Nata l ia Delgado M r . & Mrs. Dominick A . DeVarti Char les H . Dever Edmond F. DeVine DeVine DeVine & S e r r Jef f rey A. DeVree M a r y J o Deziel Mr. & M r s . Paul R. Dimond Bonnie Lynn Dixon Mr. & Mrs. John S . Dobson Richard M . Dorado S h a r o n Wicks Dornfe ld Augustin Douoguih Eugene V. Douvan Ruth Ducmanis M r . & Mrs. Robert S . D u n h a m Ellen J . Durkee Donald N. Duquet te M a r k Joseph Eby E d w a r d D. Eddy. 111 M r . & Mrs. Stephen Eklund T h e J . F. Ervin Foundation Ervin Indust r ies , Inc. Samuel D. Es tep M r & Mrs. J o h n L. Etter Harold & Norma F a b e r William H. Fallon U r b a n J . Farnsworth Stewar t A. Feldman Desi ree M. Ferguson Violet M . Ford Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Foster M r . & Mrs. Robert B. Foster Karl R. Frankena N a d e z h d a Freedman Robert W. Fullon Susan K. Funk Gary P. Gal leberg Stuar t Gasner Hugh P . Gaston Beverly J e a n n e Giltrow David F. Gitles Paul E. Glendon John E. Glowney Edward B. Goldman John C G r a b o w Whitmore Gray Blonde W. Grayson Thomas G r e e n Eleanor H . Groves J e a n R. Groves M r . & Mrs. William A . Groves Rober t E. Guenzel I r e n e W. Haines Alice C. Hais ley Mrs . B Nickels Hall Mrs . Ray Hargis M a r y Francis H a r k e n r i d e r

Bernard E. I ia rk ins Robin L. Harr ison L. Dell H e n r y , M.D. J a m e s S. Hilboldt. J r . Luella T. Hill H o o p e r Hathaway Price Beuche

& Wallace M r s , J o s e p h C. Hooper Hoover-NSK Bearing Co. hpir. & Mrs. Bruce A. H u b b a r d Ralph & Ruth H u n t e r Hon. Rodney E. Hulchinson Industrial Tectonics, Inc. Jerold Israel J o h n H Jackson William R, Jacobson Naomi B. J a m e s B. Todd Jones Douglas A. Kahn M a r y 8. Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Edgar A. Kahn Yale Kamisar Barry Lee Katzman Florence R. Keenan William R. Kelle). Paul R. Kempf Frank R. Kennedy Laura E. Kinger)' Kerrv W Kircher ~ e b i D. Kirsch Mr. & Mrs. Glen D. Knicely Robert D. Kraus M r . & Mrs. Franklin C. Kuenzel William K u l e n k a m ~ Francis B. Kulp, J r . F lorence K. Kurtz Hi lda Kurtz R. Bruce Laidlaw, Mlr. & Mrs. Seymour R. Lampert Kyle E. Lanham M a r y J o Larson Liane Lawrence Craig Lawson Paul A. Leder U-M Legal Aid Society J e f f r e y S . Lehman Mrs . Kathryn B. Leidy Richard 0 . Lemper t Jacquel ine Letzter-Kuster Raymond J. LeVan Deborah M. Levy Jonathan A. Levy George E. Lewis Mark R. Lezotte Peter Lieb Emma E. Lighthall Dwaine V. Lighthammer Alvin P . Lipnik Gera ld A. Lipnik Fred H . Livermore Mr. & Mrs. Reno J. Maccardin i Michael P. Malley hdichael G. Mar ion J a m e s A. Mar t in Karol V. Mason J o h n V. McDermotl J. Gordon McDonald Lucille McGrath Chris McKenney David M e n d e z Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Mercado J a m e s L. Meret ta Robert C Miene Denise Lynn Mitcham S u z a n n e M Mitchell Cruse & Virginia Moss M r . & Mrs. Har lan J. k f u l d e r Marcia S . M u r r a y Melvin J . Muskovitz M r . & Mrs. Marvin L.

Niehuss J a m e s & Beulah O'Kane Michael Olmstead Finn G Olsen Dennis M . O'Mal ley J o e E. O 'Neal Duslin O r d w a y Larry Pachter M a r k Par lhemer Frank Pennisi Family Steven D. Pepe Allen 1. Philbrick Mr. & Mrs. William J. P ierce M a r c u s L. Plant J o h n Pollick Beverley 1. Pooley J e a n Belle Jones Porter-

Gabler Wayne F. Pratt M r . & Mrs. Alan E. Price William H . Pr ice , I1

Wal ter A. Prochnow M r . & Mrs. Roy F. Proffitt Paul L. Proud, Ir. T h e Pryor Foundation M r . & Mrs. Millard H . Pryor Wtllter Bradford Ranney Neva R a p p Douglas Reading John W. Reed Donald H. Regan M r , & Mrs. George H . Reynolds Fred & Elizabeth Rogers Leo Rollins Gerry M . Rosbern A I I ~ U C R. Rose ' Dr. & Mrs. C. Howard Ross M r . & Mrs. Ralph R. Rupp Kathy A. Ryan Theodore 1. St. Antoine Terrance Sandalow Jose M . Sariego Joseph L. Sax William J a m e s Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Scheips M r . & Mrs. William M. Schlecte M r . & Mrs. Gunter Schramm H. L. Schrock, J r . Louis C. Schultz Marguer i te L. Seitz h4ildred T. Sergeant M r . & M r s Erik H. S e r r Sonia S h a w Donald E. Shelton Peter R Si lverman John Sloss Allan F. Smith M r . & Mrs. Brook McCray Smith Thomas M. Smith Arthur F. Southwick, J r . Lawrence W. Sperling Er ic Stein Jef f rey S. Stein Peter 0 . S te iner Bob Ste inke J a m e s E. Stephenson Helmut F . S tern Robert B. Stevenson George C. Stewar t Allan Stillwagon Mr. & Mrs. Henry Stribley I. P h i l i ~ Surra t t i n e z ~ . ' ~ w i f t Mrs . T . Hawley Tapping Mark E. Taylor S a m Terilli ~ u b e r t Thompson Bruce A. Timmons Dean R . Tousley Harold & Virginia Trick David P. Uilvlugt Barbara Helen Vaccaro E d w a r d L. Vandenberg , J r . Evangline Vicent Roland F. b lacker Lawrence W. Waggoner Bruce T. Wallace Kather ine W a r d Warhursl Mrs . William E. Watrous Dr. & Mrs. Andrew S Watson Bertha E. Welker Susan S. Westerman Elmer E White J a m e s J . White Christina B. Whitman Nancy Williams Laura Ann Wing L. Har t Wrighl C. Denise Yarbrough Stephen Yokich Deborah Young John G. Young S a r a Z. Zwickl Bad Axe Donald J . Clark Karl E. Kraus Bay City J a m e s W. Baker Hon. Ira W. Butterfield H o n . lames Harvev ~ a l ~ h ' I. lsackson ' David L. King Larrv Edward Kivela john‘^. Learning Richard Blair Learman Richard C. Learman John T . Mitchell Robert D. Sarow Hon. J o h n X. Thei ler Battle Creek Samuel D. Carpenter Thomas D. Geil

Richard T. G r e e n e Robert D, b lcFee I-Ion. Shcllon C. Penn Roy A. Plant Clyde J . Robinson Don Walbridge Edward Mart in Welch, J r . Bellaire J a m e s G. Young Benton H a r b o r Herber l K. Anspach Willard J . Banyon Elclen W. Butzbaunh, S r Donald R. c h a p m s n Roberl L. Vandenberg Whirlpool Foundation Robert B. Willemin Big Rapids Albin 1. Schinder le Birmingham Frederick J . Amrose Robert W. Appleford Diane Soskin Ash Clarence W. Blenman Clarence 1. Boldl, J r . M r . & Mrs. Roberl L. Boynlon M r & Mrs. Byron Canvasser M r . & Mrs. Stanley L. Caplan Frederick Colombo J o h n S. Crandel l Donald J . Dawson, J r . J a m e s P. Dickerson l a m e s Leonard Elsman M r . & M r s Fred A. Erb Robert Z. Feldstein h4r. & hdrs. Philip Fischer David & Deena Fishrnan M r . & Mrs. John T. Frost West H . Gallogly Samuel E. Gawne John W. Gelder Mark A. Gordon Herber t Greens tone M r . & Mrs. Jerome Halper in Wallace Handler joseph L. Hardig Forbes S Hascall Samuel K. Hodgdon Kempi Hogan M r . & M r s Richard A. Jones M r . & Mrs. Jordan Kahn Lawrence A. King Jonathan M. Kurtzman Marilyn Alice Madorsky Dr. & Mrs. Morton Maza Robert T . McBride Samuel J . A4cKim. I11 Robert M. Meisner Robert E. Nichols Morton Noveck William W. Page David C. Pence Robert M. Schmidt Gary M Schwind Rick Segal Marvin & Gloria Siegel Patricia B. & Roberl D.

Sei ler S lephen E. Shefman Paul D. S h e r r Sluart Sinai Ralph Sosin William E. Strain Roberl G. Surridge Milton M. Thompson M r . & Mrs. john A. T h u r b e r James S . Timmer J a m e s C. VanDyke Carl H , vonEnde Jer ry C. Wagner Barry Yaker Bloomfield Hills Dean G. Beier Stanley Berger Walter N. Bieneman Char les E. Blank Hon. David F. Breck Anthony C. Buesser M r . & Mrs. J a m e s J . Byrne Class of 1955 Law M r . & Mrs. Char les F. Clippert Brucc L. Colton Arthur Read Cone. 111 Dennis A. Dar in , J r . S tephen E. Dawson Wal ter R. Dentson Harold W. Dudley Eugene C. Ewald Craig Glen Forhan Mr. & Mrs. Milton R. Gilman

J. Paul Smith James A. Smith Leonard Smith Lawrence K. Snider Joseph K. Sobkowski Jay W. Sorge Robert 0. Sornson Philip Sotiroff Theodore Souris Herbert Sparrow. 111 Michael B. Staebler Benjamin C. Stanczyk Standard Tube of Detroit

Corp. Wilfred A. Sleiner. Jr . Georre T. Stevenson Jam& E. Stewart Gerald L. Stoetzer Bradford Stone Robert A. W. Strong Earl D. Sullivan Malcolm J . Sutherland Thomas F. Sweeney Jonathan Schroeder Taub Paul S. Teranes James h4. Tervo B. lames Theodoroff Royal E. Thompson Charles H. Tobias Charles D. Todd, 111 Roy M. Tolleson, J r . Richard J . Tonkin Paul H. Townsend, Jr . James D. Tracy Paul R. Trigg. Jr. Gerald Tuchow James A. Tuck Susan Tukel United Jewish Charities Stevan Uzelac Amanda VanDusen Thomas Paul VanDusen Nancy Jean VanLopik Lawrence R. VanTiI Gerald W. VanWyke Estate of Philip T. VanZile. I1 Micharl G. Vartanian Lea Beth Vaughn John M. Veale Robert Marcel Vercruysse Harvey B. Wallace Byron D. Walter Randall Scott Wangen Mr. & Mrs. George E. Ward Mary M. Waterstone William J. Waugaman Reuben D. Wax Robert C. Weinbaum Leonard H. Weiner Herbert N. Weingarten Joseph bl. Weiss. Jr . Robert D. Welchli Robert L. Weyhing. 111 Steven D. Weyhing M. jay Whitman Joan Beckham Whitmore James M. Wienner S. Thomas Wienner J. Bryan Williams Mark Daniel Willmarth Kay L. Windram Laurence Eliot Winokur Robert C. Winter John A. Wise, Jr. David P. Wood Charles Wright, 111 Howard B. Young Elizabeth Zalina George H. Zinn. Jr . Dexter Mr. & Mrs. John B. Fyfe Mr . & Mrs. William W. Graf Garfield McKillen Marjorie E. Wells Dowagiac Steg J . Lignell Herbert Phillipson. J r Draylon Plains Donald E. Adams Douglas H. Hoard East Detroit Harold E. Fawcett Carl Frederick Gerds. I11 Frederick H . Greiner. Jr. East Lansing Mr. & Mrs. David C. Coey Philip C. Dean Robert A. Fisher Harold Hoag A. Russell Localio

John R. Schoonmaker Henry L. Schram, Jr . Mary Potter Sharp Webb A. Smith George R. Thornton Richard R. Weiser Paula blar ie Zera Empire James R. Fredrickson Escanaba Thomas L. Butch Jarnes P. Chapekis Nicholas P. Chapekis Robert J . DeGrand Hjalmar S. Hansen Robert W. Hansley Terrill S . lardis Arthur A. Neiman Robert S. Rosemurgy Farmington James B. Dunkel, Jr. Peter R. Scullen Ernest R. Vollwiler Farmington Hills Elizabeth A. Allaben Douglas Stanley Ellmann Firman Henry Hass Stuart Logan Douglas E. Peck Lauretta Samuels Hon. Margaret G. Schaeffer Teresa Eileen Schafer Marvin S. Shwedel Edward B. Stulberg Flint James S. Ake Philip M. Ambrose Richard M. Barron Robert H. Bellairs L. Keith Borgerson Hon. Earl E. Borradaile Russell E. Bowers, Jr. Thomas E. Chittle Matthew Davison, Jr . Max Dean Michael W. Evanoff Marvin L. Failer John 1. Fitzgerald Hon. Thomas L. Gadola Peter E. Goodstein Norman N. Gottlieb Howard R. Grossman Dennis M. Haley Henry M. Hanflik Edward Henneke David R, johnston Sten 0 . Karlstrom Franklin H. Kasle Morton Leitson Robert J. h4acDonald Michael A. Mason Paul G. Miller, Jr. Edward J . Neithercut Rene J . Ortlieb M Harry Piper Edward Herbert Powers Gilbert Y. Rubenstein Frederick E. Salim Franz R. Schmelzer Robert Segar William C Shedd Leonard 8. Shulman Ivl. Bushnell Trembley Mr. & Mrs. Mark Turpen Charles W. White Kendall Blake Williams Myron Winegarden John M. Wright William W. Wumkes Frankfort Joan Swartz McKay Lawrence I. McKay. III Franklin Shari Fineman Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Gordon Lincoln M. Knorr Dr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Lester Allison L. Scafuri Fremont William L. McKinley Harry D. Reber, Jr . Harry D. Reber. Sr Garden City bl . Richard Leitz Gaylord Lowell A. Blumberg Gladwin Bourke G. Wilmot Grand Blanc Tohn A. LaFalce

Grand Haven Mr. & Mrs. William R. Dickey Thomas R. Reinsma Thomas W. Sobel John P. VanEenenaam Grand Ledge William B. Davis, J r . Louis E. Wirbel Grand Rapids Eugene Alkema Fred R. Allaben Jeffrey Scott Ammon Peter J. Armstrong Ralph M. Bahna Charles L. Barnell Benjamin Baum James D. B. Becketl Victor H. Bergstrom Frederick W. Bleakley Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J . Boncher Gordon B. Boozer Jack M. Bowie Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Boyden John D. Boyles Conrad A. Bradshaw Karl E. Braunschneider Hugh W. Brenneman, ]r. Collins E. Brooks Robert D. Brower. Jr. James R. Brown Thomas A. Brown John C. Buchanan Charles Edward Burpee Ronald E. Carowitz Hon. George R. Cook R. Malcolm Cumming John MI. Cummiskey Charles E. Day. Jr. John M. DeVries Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Dewey, J r Jon F. DeWilt Howard F DeYoung Albert R. Dilley Thomas L. Drenth Robert J . Dugan Richard A. Durell David E. Dulcher Charles L. Dutchess Robert Eleveld Hon. Albert J. Engel. Jr . Donald C. Exelby William S. Farr, J r . James M. Flaggert Themis James Fotieo Robert L. Fox, Jr . Walter B. Freihofer Tack Edmund Frost i a r r y 1. Gardner Paul K. Gaston Richard E. Gillard Robert H . Gillette Geoffrey L. Gillis Earl T. Glocheski R. James Hainer Michael C. Haines William J . Halliday. Jr. Robert N. Hammond David 0 . Haughey Heaney Charitable Foundation Hon. Douglas W. Hillman William R. Hineline William P. Hodgkins. Jr. Hon. R. Stuart Hoffius Everett L. Huizenga William F. Hunting. Jr . F. William Hutchinson Stephen F. Idema Phillip R, Jacobus John C. Jones, 111 Siegel W. Judd Stephen W. Karr Richard G. Kessler Philip S. King A. Robert Kleiner Raymond E. Knape Michael Paul Knapp Thomas F. Koernke Peter J. Kok Michael D. Kopinski Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Krissoff John H. Logie Charles C. Lundstrom John D. B. Luyendyk Robert P. McBain Thomas J. McNamara John W. McNeil Very1 N. Meyers Ernest A, Mika James A. Milchell Daniel C. Molhoek

J . Harper Moore Kenl W. Mudie Patrick h4. Muldoon Mr. & Mrs, J . Lee Murphy Philip W. Nantz Harold Edward Nelson Phillip James Nelson John R. Nichols Donald F. Oosterhouse Kenneth R. Ooslerhouse Martin S. Packard Amos F. Paley Bruce N. Parsons Samuel Harris Press Peter P. Price Richard J. Rankin, Jr. Herbert 1. Ranla Brenl D. Rector Harold W. Reick Robert W. Richardson Gary A. Rowe Rosemary Scott Joseph G. Scoville Thomas C. Shearer A. Brooks Smith, J r . Barry R. Smith J , Michael Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jerome M. Smith Hilac!' F. Snell H. David Soet Don V. Souler Frank S. Spies James L. Slokes C. Mark Stoppels John J. Timmer Larry J. Titley Robert S. Tubbs John D. Tully John H. Uhl Bulord A. Upham Kenl J . Vana William K. Van't Hol Cornelius Van Valkenburg Leonard D. Verdier, Jr. Adrian W. Verspoor Paul A. Ward Edward D. Wells James L. Wernstrom Gordon D. Wheeler Gerald White Mr & Mrs. John L.

Wierengo, Jr. Larry C. Willey Thomas R Winquist Philip F. Wood Hon. Paul A. Wright Dr. & Mrs. Martin K.

Wyngaarden Grandville Robert J. Shaw Greenville Byron J. Cook Stephen C. Petersen Robert E. Price Grosse Ile Stewart G. Smith Grosse Pointe Malcolm L. Denise Carleton Healy Wayne C. Inman W. Brace Krag Charles 8. Marks Leslie C. Putnam Grosse Pointe Farms W. Arthur Batlen Charles W. Bishop Harry A. Carson Walter B. Connolly Margaret H. Cooper Stuarl G. Dow Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Frohlich Edgar 8 . Galloway H. James Gram Ellis B. Merry Harold 0 . Olson Lewis M. Slater Harold R. Smith Hon. G. Mennen & Nancy

Quirk Williams Edward S. Wunsch Grosse Pointe Park J . Thomas Dasef Brian S. Dervishi Robert W. Molloy A. D. Ruegsegger Frank S. Szymanski Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Zinn Grosse Pointe Shores Thomas C. Clinton Mr. & Mrs. W. Gerald Warren

Grosse Pointe Woods N. George Bashars Roberl F. Bowers Ronald R. Hanlon Roberl Meginnity Mr, & Mrs. Roberl C. Russell Harbor Springs Hugh 8 . McVicker, Jr . Hart Walter A. Urick Haslelt Fred C. Newman Hastings Paul E. Siegel Highland Mr. & Mrs. George S. Clark Highland Park Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Heinen Hillsdale Sheldon M. Ellis Lawrence L. Hayes, Jr . Mr. & Mrs. William MacRitchie Hon. Kennelh G. Prettie Holland Peter S. Boter Donald H. Hann William 1. Heaphy Walter I. Roper Richard G. Swaney Vernon D. TenCate Hon. & Mrs, James E. Townsend Gerald J. VanWyke Houghton John M. McCarthy Howell Hon Michael F. Merritt Huntington Woods Roy H. Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cohen Janice H . Erdstein S. Joseph Fauman Mrs. Carl Gussin Synde Beth Keywell Dr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Levine Jonathan D. Lowe Robert M. Petleys Charles & Shirley Schwarlz Donald N . Shapiro Steven Lawrence Tronstein Andrew Michael Zack Ionia Douglas R. Welch Iron Mountain Hon. Ernest W. Brown David J . Lori Ironwood William C. Cloon Ishpeming W. Scott Chilman James P. Clancey Ronald E. Greenlee, I11 Waller L. Hansen David M. Savu Brian David Sheridan John D. Voelker Ithaca Hon. Robert M. Sheldon lackson Raymond V. Arnold Alphonse H. Aymond Charles H. Aymond Judd L. Bacon Michael J . Baughman James C. Beaman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Bullen Daniel H. Calkins Class of 1954 Law Curtis Davidson Curtis

& Nichols. PC John Phillip Dickey Jarnes 8 . Falahee Benjamin J . Glasgow James 13. Jackson Kenneth B, Johnson Terry John Klaasen Lawrence B. Lindemer Mr. & Mrs. William J . Marcoux Clarence E. Merritt David A. Mikelonis Charles A. Nelson 0 . K. Petersen Richard Z. Rosenfeld William E. Wisner Kalamazoo Albert H. Adams Mr. & Mrs, John W. Allen Robert A. Armitage William S. Baird John H . Bauckham Raywood H. Blanchard

Hon. Robert Borsos Eric V. Brown, J r . Eric V. Brown, Sr. Gilberlo M. Cardenas David Davidolf Ned W. Deming Eugene Field I-larold E. Fischer, J r . Henry Ford, 111 James S. I-lilboldt Edward M , Hinder1 Frederick R. Hubbell Gordon W. Hueschen Richard M. I-lughey Karen H , Jacobs Donald E. James Joseph j , Jerkins Gordon 13. Kriekard John R. LaParl Edward J . Lauth Dean S. Lewis Patrick H. McCauley Jerry L. Miller Richard H. Morris Flon. C. H. Mullen, jr. Donald A. O'Toole John M. Pikkaarl Walter Reed, J r . Mr. & Mrs, John L. Schwendener Lowell M. Seyburn Jamps Wilson Smith Charles E. Starbuck Ronald B. Stephens Gregg E. Stover The Upjohn Co John N. Vlachos Austin A. Webb James C. Westin Lloyd D Yenner Kentwood Teresa S. Decker Robert E. Goodrich Daniel VanDyke Laingsburg Paul L. .4dams Lake Orion Frederick B. Darden Lansing Hugh B. Anderson Thomas Alan Baird Lynwood E. Beekman Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Berardo John B. Brattin Carl V. Bryson Perry Bullard Clinton Canady. 111 Thomas L. Casey Michael E. Cavanaugh Allan J . Claypool Harry Burr Cummins Hon. Robert J . Danhof William Danhof John W. Davis Daniel J. Demlow ]ohn J . Dood Tom Downs T . Michael Doyle Charlotte C. Dunnebacke Stuart J . Dunnings, J r . Rodger T. Ederer George bI. Elworth Hon. & blrs , John W.

Fitzgerald Joe C. Fosler, Jr. Richard B Foster Richard 0 . Foster. J r . Donald G. Fox Terry P. Gomoll Karl L. Gotting Glen B. Gronseth Charles D. Hackney Gay S. Hardy Hon. Michael G. Harrison John J. Hays John J , Hensel Donald A. Hines Faris A. Mowrani Patrick F. Isom Charles Albert Janssen lames Blasdell Jensen, J r . Walter V. Kron Kenneth Laing, J r . William Randolph Landgraf Patrick 0. Lantly Paula Rae Latovick James T. Maotsch William L. MacKay Robert 1. McCullen David William McKeegue Neil A. McLean Ian C. McLeod

Peter F. McNenly Gary J . McRay Harvey J Messing Hon. Blair Moody William J . Morriss Fred C. Newman Robert B. Nelson Michael Gerard Oliva Philip J . Prygoski Jonathan E. Raven Donald L. Reisig Theodore P. Ryan Michael J . Schmedien Stephen F. Schuesler Benjamin 0. Schwendener , J r . John N. Seaman James L. Shonkwiler. jr. Iris Socololsky Michael R. Spaniolo Howard Tee Devon Spence Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Stocker. 11 Norman 0. Stockmeyer, J r . Cassius E. Slreel, J r . Ronald J . Styka Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Swift James A. Timmer Albert J . Thorburn Eugene F. Townsend, jr. David Vander Haagen Roberl E. Waldron Thomas C. Walsh Marilyn M. Wanger William P. Weiner William C. Whitbeck James Alfred White Thomas E. Woods. 111 Hon. Edward M. Yampolsky Harry Joseph Zeliff Lapeer Thomas K. Butterfield Kenneth K. Cassell Gary W. Howell George D. Lutz Carl M. Riseman Lathmp Village J ames 1. DeGrazia C. Frederic Stanton Laurium Hon. Reino Koivunen Lawton Stenhen V. Moulton ele end William R. Bishop Livonia William R. Brashear Susan J . H. Carlson William C. Fried Gerald A. Goray Rodney C. Kropf Michael P. McGee Harry C. Tatigian Ludington Robert D. Andrews. J r . Ronald K. Johnson Jack L. Rasmussen Madison Heights Leslie H . Kutinsky Manistee Hon, John R. DeVries Manistique Hon. William F. Hood Marquet te Hon. Michael J . Anderegg Robert M. Bordeau Thomas P. Casselman Hon. John E. McDonald Patricia Lenore Micklow David R. Peterson Hon. Edward A. Quinnell George C, Quinnell Marshall H . Van Den Berg Hatch E. Franklin Hill, J r . Mason Lloyd D. Morris Joseph F. Sablich George A. Sullivan Midland Richard W. & Nancy L.

Barker Berlie Nelson Butts, I11 Gilbert A. Currie Richard J. Darger Dow Chemical Co. Barry B. George Charles H . Goodman William A. Groening, J r . Bruce h4. Groom James H . Hanes James A. Kendall

Steven M. Kin William R. Norris Floyd E. Wetmore Monroe Chester J . Antieau William F. Braeuninger Richard C. Elconin Ralph J . Lipford Rocque E. Lipiord Carey H . May Edmund W. Reisig, J r . Victor H. Weipert Hon. William J . Welpert Monlrose Earl G. Swain Mount Clemens John G r e g Bacon John B. Brulf J ames R. Daoust George I. Freeman Francis J. Hearsch, J r . Stanley Hirt William Ross Herber t J . Rusing W. Whitney Sawyer David M . Serotkin Hon. Robert E. Spier Hon. George C. Steeh David A. Widlak Mount Pleasant Michael Anthony Halpin James D. Kerr William Reuie Thompson Munising Hon. Charles H. Stark Muskegon M. L. Bradbury. J r . John M. Briggs. I l l J . \Walter Brock Darrel G. Brou'n Robert 0. Chessman Stephen H . Clink Mr. & Mrs. Darryl R. Cochrane Anthony A. Derezinski Eric J. Fauri Vernon D. Kortering Paul M. Ladas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Libner Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Marcus John H. Martin John H . McKendry, J r . Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mixer Nell G. Mullally Hon. John J Namenye James Gregory Olsen John B. Olsen Thomas J. O'Toole Seymour I. Rosenberg Arthur M. Rude James R. Seastrom Mr. & Mrs. J ames M. Sher idan William P. Spaniola james R. Star iha Wade C Stevens Harold bl . Street Freder ic A. Sytsma Robert J . \ 'anLeuven Donald 1. Veldman Muskegon Heights Carl Krueger Fred J . Lesica hdr. & Mrs. James L. Waters Negaunee Aaron Lowenstein Niles Casper 0 . Gralhwohl Harold F. Klule Charles F. Schoiield Donald P. Stone North Muskegon Mr. & blrs. Lou L. Landman Northville Robert J . Her ter Peter & Sally Lehr Norway Hon. & h4rs. Howard Vielmetli Novi Mr. & blrs , Julius Freedman Oak Park Gabriel N . Alexander Mr. & h b s . J. Harmon Moss Jennie Shapiro Fannie Siegel Ruthven Simons Okemos John N. Brow~n Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Glazf George J. Platsis Orchard Lake Alice G. Z. Greene

Ortonville John A. Ziegler, J r . owosso Lewis D. Benson J ames S. Miner Clark A. Shanahan J ames M. Teahen , J r . Paw Paw Horace W. Adams Hon. William C. Buhi Edward C. Sievers. J r . Warren Sundsl rand Peloskey Hon. Martin Breighner Paul W. Brown John S. Clark William W. Hofmann Barbara B. MacKenzie William A. Ruble Nathaniel W. Slroup Pigeon Werner Clabuesch Pinckney J ames M. Deimen Plainwell Stephen L. Haslett Pleasant Ridge Ha r ry Sunley Dona Aleta Trace? Plymouth George E. Bowles John R. Foote Donald C. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Penrice Beth Ricketts J ean F. Wagner Robert C. White Pontiac Clark J Adams Jeffrey Butler Ivan A. Challis Ivan M. Forbes William C. Hanson Kenneth D. McGregor. J r . Hon. Farrell E. Roberts Hon. J ames S. Thorburn Allan H. Tushman Hon. Robert 8. Webster Portage Marion Lehr Simpson Trust Port Huron Hon. James T. Corden Roberl J . Henderson John C. McCoil C. Patrick O'Sullivan Sharon bforman Parrish Loyal1 G. Watson Riverview Kenneth J. Logan Rochester John William Butler, J r . Robert M. Justin George bl . Smrtka Dorothy E. & Albert D. Wilson Rogers City Hon. Charles C. Menefee Elmer L. Radka, Jr. Roscommon James V. Rutledge Royal Oak Mr . & Mrs. Morris Bildman James H . Booker Robert G. Eidson Frank J . Greco John G. Hayward Harry W. Jones F. Thomas Lewand Hon. & Mrs. john R. Mann Joel K. Riley John F. Shantz Mr . & Mrs. john S. Slavens Saginaw Hon. Fred J . Borchard Hugo E. Braun, J r . jerome E. Burns Robert R. Cook Webster Cook William A. Crane John D. Currie Robert R. Day James V. Finkbeiner Michael J . Forsler George F. Gronewold, J r . Faye h4. Harrison Hon. Eugene S. I-luff Thomas B. Joseph

? Harold M. Karls John F. Kottnauer Arlhur T. Lippert. J r . Mark T. Mahlberg

Mr . & Mrs. Edward I. McArdle Joseph R. McDonald Donald F. Nash Hen ry 1. Rosenbaum F. Roland Sargenl Saint Clair Franklin H. Moore . J r . Saint Clair Shores William 8 . Elmer Frank J . Kerwin Saint Johns Hon. Frederick M. Lewis Sainl Joseph Rodger V. Bittner A. Edward Brown Car l R. Burdick Hon. Zoe S. Burkholz Alfred M. Butzbaugh Elden W. Butzbaugh. jr. Hon. & Mrs. Chester J. Byrns Bruce C. Conybeare John E. Dewane Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Feldman Thomas R. Fetle Vance A. Fisher Hen ry W. Gleiss Hon, John T. Hammond Hon, Julian E. Hughes Patrick J . Kinney Creighton F Kl111e Richard F. Koch L. David Laivson Richard B. Lindenfeld James B. IvlcQuillan Lesler E. Page Roger A. Petzke Craig A. Rochau John T. Ryan John H. Spe lman Theodore E. Troff I. David VanderPloeg Mr . & Mrs. Carroll V. Williams Sal ine Mr . & Mrs. Wiliam C Klein Kalian Dounlas Liston Peter C. s c6abe rg Simmons Foundation Sandusky Hon. George E. Benko Sault Sainte Mar i e Daniel T . Green Shelby Jay Edward Burrows Jay H. Sikkenga Six Lakes Lucas S. Miel South Haven Harold L. Neal J. Glenn Sperry Southfield Mr . & Mrs. William B. Acker American Motors Corporation Mr . & Mrs. Guy Barron Harold S . Barron S. Brooks Barron Hon. William R. Beasley The Bendix Corporation Sande r Bernstein Pierre F. Borel E. Michael Brady Richard F. Brennan, J r . S tephen A. Bromberg Thomas W. Brookover William M. Brukoff Berl Burgoyne David Taylor Case Alber t M. Colman Donald & Janice Cut ler Laurence B. Deitch Jul ius Denenberg Mrs. Paul Deutch Mart in M . Doctoroft Erwin B. Ellmann Donald R. Epstein Robert S. Ernstein Mitchell Feldman Gilbert Fisher M r . & Mrs. Seymour Frank Dr. & Mrs. David F reedman David I. Fr iedman Robert L. Fr iedman Jack F. Ga rdne r Stanley Gel lund Char les H . Gershenson William B. Giles Kathryn Faith Gilson Michael Gimbel Gordon 1. Ginsberg Douglas Jay Golden Alan P. Goldstein

Charles L. Goldstein Henry S. Gornbein Morton G. Gottesman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grant Mr. & Mrs. Jerome B. Greenbau Paul Groffsky Jerome Gropman Frederick H. Gruber Hanley M. Gurwin Stephen L. Gutman Forrest A. Hainline, J r . James J. Hall David L. Haron Harold Helper A. Benjamin Henson Anne H. Hiemstra Milton M. Howard Joseph H. Jackier Robert Kaplow Robert A. Karbel Sidney 1. Karbel Key International, Inc. Sanford Alvin Klein Hyman A. Kramer Charles M. Lax Bruce 1. Lazar Stephen N. Leuchtman Hon. Charles L. Levin Carol Nancy Lieber Albert L. Lieberman Paul Lieberman Avrama Panush Lites Robert L. Litt Jonathan D. Lowe Dan A. Manason Mrs. Lewis Manning Mr. & Mrs. Harold Maxmen ivlichele Yvonne Mayes Edward M. Miller john C. Murray Allan Nachman Naomi Club Donald A. Nord Mr. & Mrs. Sanford H . Passer Nathan S. Peterman Plante & Moran Harry H. Plat1 Richard A. Polk Sidney E. Pollick Howard L. Radner Robert M. Radner Dale G. Rands Dean Alan Rocheleau Horace J . Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rogovin ,Mr. & Mrs. Irving A. Rubin Abraham Satovsky Mr. & Mrs. R. V. Schechter Mark E. Schlussel Allan F. Schmalzriedt Robert J . Schmier Leonard B. Schwartz Bruce Seyburn Harold M. Shapero Simcha Shapiro Gale Susan Shiener Albert 1. Silber Elwood S. Simon H. E. Sipher Samuel J. Slavens Larry J . Spilkin Morris W. Stein Robert D. Stein Daniel Dennis Swanson Joel D. Tauber Norman H. Tendler John N. Thomson Asher N. Tilchin Jean Tonkin & Family Donald A. Wagner Beryle Walters Mr. & Mrs. C. Robert Wartell Harvey L. Weisberg Stanley E. Wise Murray Yolles W~l l i am A. Yolles David H. Young Harvey J . Zameck Mr. & Mrs. Jack Zuckerman Standish Carl L. Horn Stanlon Benjamin W. Franklin C. Homer Miel Charles H. Miel Sterling Heights Clark A. Andrews David W. Diskin John A. Nitz

Sturgis Raymond M. Dresser, Jr. John T. Svendsen Tawas City

Im Hon. William H. McCready Taylor Gerald Bright Don F. Dodge Charles A. Walker Three Oaks Theron D. Childs. Jr . Three Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Bullard Richard A. Wade Leonard J . Weiner Traverse City Henry R. Bishop William R. Brown Donald C. Coulter Robert P. Griffin Michael J. Houlihan H. Wendell Johnson Thomas G. Power John P. Racine. Jr . Thomas C. Richardson E. David Rollert Louis A. Smith William L. Wise Trenton Stanley J . Ellias Troy Robert B. Aikens Robert Ashton Robert E. Baker William H. Baldwin Jeffrey W. Barry Andrea Beggs Roselyn Komisar Blanck Mel S. Borock Robert C. Boyer Broner Inc. Ronald V. DeBona Dennis C. Drury Ralph Paul Fichtner P Alexander Fisher Sidney L. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Frankel Robert B. Frederick Sandor M. Gelman Frederick Gordon Randall Ross Hall Carl A. Hasselwander Mr. & Mrs. Allyn D. Kantor Gary W. Klotz Mr. & )Mrs. Walter 0. Koch Eugene W. Lewis, 111 Robert E. McFarland Dawn L. Phillips Donald A. Pierce, jr. Theodore Robert Pixley, Jr . Leonard J. Prekel Robert S. Rosenfeld Thomas G. Sawyer Michael L. Stefani Union Lake Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Major Union Pier Ronald P. Oselka Warren Harvey R. Dean Norman G. Peslar Alexander A. Trout Hon. David C. Vokes Robert T. Wall Washington Richard C. Stavoe Waterford Hon. Gerald E. McNally Walervliet F. Ronald Postelli Wayne John R. Ryan Matthew H. Tinkham, ]I. West Bloomfield Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Acker Mr. & Mrs. William Farber Mr. & Mrs. Burton E. Isaacs Janet Ann Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Levin Lenamyra S. Margules Mr. & Mrs. Lew Rose Benjamin G. Sachs & Family Mr. & Mrs. A. Stuart Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Howard K. Schwartz Frederick W. Seitz West Branch William P, Jennings Westland Jeffrey L. Jahr Gerald A. Klein

John J . Nellis Wesl Olive Howard W Fant White Cloud S. K. Riblet Whitmore Lake Robert M. Porter Wyandotte William C. Williams Wyoming Lawrence D. Beukema Stuart Hayden Deming Edward Joseph lnman Ypsilanti John M. Barr Paul J . Cassingham Ronald W Egnor Paul E, Jackson Paul F. Jurgensen Joseph D. Lawrence Robert E. Logeman Thomas C. Manchester Mrs. H. E. Schiesinger Hon. Thomas F. Shea Lawrence W. Sperling Robert D. Ulrich Zeeland Hannes Meyers. Jr .

MINNESOTA Albert Lea Cynthia V. Peterson John R. Peterson Bemidji Williams A. Wines Burnsville Thomas J . Blackmbr Duluth Richard R. Burns William M. Burns Robert E. Heller Joseph B, Johnson Edina Michael F. Kelly Fairmont Thomas E. Dougherty Hibbing Robert S. Nickoloff Mankato Robert George Johnson Minneapolis Norton Armour William G. Bale Roger E. Battreall Robert S. Berkwitz Norman R Carpenter Gordon B. Conn, J r Thomas M. Dale, Jr . Mary Kay Ellingen Bruce Michael Engler William D. Flaskamp Wood R. Foster. Jr . Konrad James Friedemann Gene N. Fuller Barry D. Glazer Joseph Thomas Green Henry E. Halladay Stuart R. Hemphill Inter-Regional Financial

Grp, Inc. Fdn. David Kanlor Robert J . King Mr. & Mrs. John M. LeFevre. J r . David Bradley Miller Thomas G. Morgan The Nadler Foundation Northwestern National Bank

of Minneapolis Albert B. Perlin. J r . Walter A. Pickhardt William E. Porter Kelley V. Rea Charles D. Reite Linda A. Rothnagel Everett J . Schroeder Dayton E. Soby Becky K. Troth Ronald G. Vantine Rolfe A. Worden David C. Zalk Moorhead Kent Goodwin Knutson Olivia Steven E. Hettig Princeton Michael F. Williams Redwood Falls Donald L. Crooks

Saint Paul James W. Brehl John G. Brian, 111 Eugene D Buckley Sheridan J . Buckley, J r . Burlington Northern Fdn. Robert George Danielsen Richard M. Gaalswyk Tibor M. Gallo Allen E. Giles Paul L. & Frances M. Gingras Andrew W. Haines Jan D. Halverson Sue E. Halverson John D. Heal),. J r . Geoffrey P, Jarpe Charles C, Jensch Lance J . Johnson P. Kenneth Kohnstamm James W. Littiefield Hon. David E. Marsden Minnesota Mining & Manufacturir

Fdn.. Inc john F. Scott, J r . Christopher Michael Scotti john I. Ursu Winona Harold S. Streater

MISSISSIPPI Cleveland Alfred A. Levingston Jackson David W. Clark Calvin L. Wells

MISSOURI Albany Elza L. Redman Clayton W~ll iam B Roberts Frank R. Uible. Jr. Farmington Robert B. Manley Independence Byron A. Stewart, J r Jefferson City Henrv I. Eaeer . Joplin David E Dwyer Edward P Dwyer, J r . Kansas City Millard F. Aldridge Russell W. Baker William H. Bates Max H. Bergman Edward S. Biggar Menefee Blackwell Han. Keith P. Bondurant James R. Borthwick Daniel L. Brenner Thomas R. Brous lacob Brown Thomas C. Brown Butler Manufacturing Co. Fdn Robert C. Carrfield Thomas Circle Howard A. Crawford Edward M. Dolson Robert I. Donnellan Carl E. Enggas W. Anthony Feiock George E. Feldmiller Jack N. Fingersh Norman E. Fretwell Charles Frisbie George H. Gangwere Michael D. Gordon George R. Haydon, Jr. Stephanie Gail Hazelton Peter W. Hyde Michael Lee Klein Herberl M. Kohn Joseph M. Lapin Cornelius E. Lombardi, J r Ronald E. Manka Robert J . Margolin J . Gary McEachen Richard E. McEachen Whitney Flagg Miller James C. Mordy David R. Morris Roberl B. Olsen Colvin A. Peterson, Jr . Neil Joseph Recker

Lawrence D. Robinson Hubert L. Rowlancls john Scurlock Joel L. Tonkin Thomas W. VanDvke William D. ~ e b l i ' Stanley P. Weiner Thomas j . Wheatley, jr. John P. Williams james W. Winn Dick H. Woods, Jr . William H. Woodson Olivette Grace J . Fishel Richmond Heights Edward L. Sprague Saint Joseph David H. Morlon Sainl Louis Charles M. Babinglon, I11 Wayne E. Babler

lg Mr. & Mrs. William Roberl Charles B. Blackmar Michael J . Bobroff Michael P. Burke Thomas L. Croft Raymond S. Davis, J r . James T. Dodds John N. Ehlers Harold Elbert Steven Goldstein Charles Hansen, Sr. S. Richard Heymann M. David Iiier Alan B. Hoffman Vincent C. Immel joseph M. Kortenhof Gerald J. Laba Donald G. Leavitt Eric V. Lemon John Vincent Lonsberg Charles A. Lowenhaupt Gary M. Macek Curtis L. Mann R~chard S. Marx Matthew P. McCauiey Monsanto Fund Michael Jude Quinley Charles M. Rice. I1 Richard S. Rosenthal Joseph F. Ruwitch Daniel E. Singer Timothy L. Sialnaker Edwin S. Taylor William J . Travis David F. Ulmer W. Stanley Walch George C. Willson, 111 Marvin 0 Young Sedalia Henry C. Salveter Shell Knob Gail H. Haddock

MONTANA Billings Arthur F. Lamey, J r James L. Sandall Michael J . Whalen Bozeman joseph 8 . Gary Greal Falls William A. Reid Havre John B. Kuhr Bruce Eric Swenson Helena George T. Bennett Missoula Robert M. Knight

NEBRASKA Bealrice Hon. & Mrs. William 8 . Rist Falls City Archibald j. Weaver Gering Belly Jane Swenson Grant Mr. & Mrs. C. D. McCuIloilg Hebron Hon. Orville L. Coody Kearney Hon, John D. Woll

Lincoln Theodore 1. Fraizer M r . & Mrs. Roberl Graham Pcter T. Hoffman Kennelli A. Miller Char les E. Oldla ther Wallace A. Richardson M r . & Mrs. C y r ~ l D. Sterner IHon. & h4rs. Warren K. Urbom Craig L. Williams McCook John F. I-lanson Norfolk J a m e s K. Say North Platte M r . & Mrs. I-lueli Stuart O m a h a William J , Baird M r & Mrs. Rulus Baumann M r , & Mrs. J . Armislead Tyler

Browning Irma Coslellc Amelia Edquisl Al l red G. Ellick M r . & Mrs. Philip Gilrnore Donald F H a a s Virgil J. l iaggarl, J r . john P . Heil john R. Holdenried T h e InterNorth Foundation Henrietta F Kieser Edgar M . Morsman Larry A. Mowrer Larry W. Myers Greg A. Nelson David M. Pedersen Hird St ryker , J r . Mrs. N. M. S w e r r e Roberl E. Walkley R Thomas Workman Scottsbluff Robert M . Harr is Trenton De\,onnabeIle Reynolds Waterloo M I & Mrs. Charles Safiord

NEVADA Las Vegas Eugene F Daltore M i n d e n Hon. Howard D. McKibben Reno John J . McCune Harold A. Swafford

NEW HAMPSHIRE Center Sandwich Frank C. Henry Concord Hon. David A. Brock Helen J. Forsyth David Gar lunkle John B Pendleton Fred L Poller John C. Ransmeier Joseph S. Ransmeier Kenneth L. Robinson, J r Lawrence S . Smith Robert A. Stein Derry Edward D. Bureau Exeter David W o l o w i ~ z Keene Ernest L. Bell, 111 H o m e r S . Bradle),, J r . N. Michael Plaut Manches ter lames Gerald Cook Char les A. DeGrandpre lames D. Forsyth, I1 Michael P. Hall Philip S. Hollman John R. Monson David L. Nison William S. Orcutl leffrey B. Osburn Stcphen John Palterson Michael M. Ransmeier Paul Remus Steven A. S o l o ~ n o n Rober! A. Wells

Meredi th Ar lhur A. G r e e n e . jr Milford David Woodhury Nashua J . ] e l le rson Davis N e w London William 13, Hawley Pelerborough Kenneth A. Brighlon Porlsmouth Wyman P. Boynton Rochester Fred W. IHaIl. Jr

NEW JERSEY Bound Brook Morris IHalpern Bradley Beach Harold K. Shulman Brick Town Bernard A. Kannen Camden Steven F. Friedell Chatham Frank W. Hoak Chester J a m e s Laughlin, 111 Peter A. Pla l lenroth East Orange Char les W. Foster Marvin Waxman Elizabeth Herber l Drucker Englewood Cliffs Joseph S Fclz Fort Dix Maur ice Portley Glen Rock M. Roberl Kestenbaum Hackensack J. Gordon Zaloom Haddon Heights Har ley A. Williams, J r . Patricla Kane Williams Hohokus Donald C. Droste Jersey City Freder ic W. Altschul Kenilworth Roberl P Luciano Schering-Plough Fdn.. Inc. Lambertville M r & Mrs Angelo W. Lor Lawrenceville Burton Rodne!, Livingston Theodore R. Cohn bl i l lburn Livingston Baker Montclair Daniel L. Mar t in Moorestown Joseph S. Georgiana Susanna kl \hr. Osterling Wilbur A. Osterling Morristown Allied Chemical Foundatic Don R. Hunter Heather Ivl Ivlulle~t J a m e s C . Wells Lawrence A. Young Navesink Geoflrey Davey Newark J a m e s 8 . Boskey Jer ry Genberg Je l f rey J . G r e e n b a u m J a m e s R. Lamb Edwin C. Landis. jr. Nielsen V. Lewis Edward G hdadden, 11. The Prudential Fdn. Russell Brooks Reader John B. Stoddart. J r . Paul L. Tractenberg N e w Brunswick Johnson & lohnson Joseph S. O r b a n , jr. H e r b ~ r t I. Sherman N e w Providence Ken Spr inger North Plainfield Mahlon H. Or lman Paramus Richard A. Kurland

Paterson Joseph A. LaCava Plainfield Victor Edward D. King Princeton Garrelt M. H e h e r T h e Curlis W. McGraw Fdn John L Mesrobian Bruce P . Milier G. Nicholas Miller Stanley C. Smoyer Ridgewood Rohert Dilts H e n r y A. Supplee Rutherford T h e Beclon Dickinson Fdn. Saddle Brook George S . Flint Short Hills Elmer E. Thomas, J r Somervi l le Ann W. Trombadore Raymond R. Trombadore Summit Juhn Selden Tennant Toms River Thomas A. Pliskin Trenton John Robert H e h e r Robert G. Rhoads Union Barbara Mendelson U p p e r Montc la i r Julius B. Poppinga U p p e r Saddle River Richard C. Hostetler Washington M r . & M r s . V e r l ~ n g C

Enteman Wayside Joel N. Kreizman Westfield A d a m K. Levin Westwood Eugene H. Gilmartin Willingboro Thomas 1. Nichols M'oodbrige Wendel l A. Smith Woodbury Amos J. Peas lee . J r .

NEW MEXICO Albuquerque Allen C. Dewey. J r . Irwin S. kfoise Hugh B. M u i r Benjamin Osuna h4r. & Mrs. Douglas Swift H o w a r d L. Williams, Jr. Car lsbad Myer Rosenberg Corralos John F. Chane!, Gal lup Walter F. \Yolf. Jr. Hohbs Lawrence H Iohnson Roswell S tuar t B. S h a n o r S a n t a F e Bruce D. Black Richard L. C. Virtue Socorro J a m e s C. Enloe

NEW YORK Albany Delos P. Bassinger John A. Beach Howard Anthony lack h4r. & Mrs. Hastings Morse Cornelius D. M u r r a y Amityville H. Lee Blumberg Slanley G. Stiansen Armonk IBM Corporation Binghamton Floyd H. Lawson, 11. Bronxville Margot S h e r m a n Peel Brooklyn Roberto S. Casati

Alan 1. Flink Stuar l Dudley Freedman Edward Lavelle Hall Bailey H. Kuklin Richard J. Reiman Barry L. Zaretsky Buffa lo William A. Bain, Jr. John C. Barher . J r J a m e s M . Beardsley Allen H . Beroza Gary S . Bittner Earl Kennelh Cantwel l , 11 Donald S. Carmichael Hugh M. J o n e s Beatrice D. Kennedy Bernard 1. Kennedy Kevin Kennedy J a m e s M. Kieffer Ralph W. Larson Stephen M. N e w m a n Louis R. Reil Gera ld P. S e i p p Arthur M. Sherwood Craig N. Wright Corning Ransom Pratl Easlchester Mr. & Mrs. W a r r e n L. Swaney East Rochester F r a n k H . 'erris. Ill Endicott Sal A. Fauci Kenneth S . Leasure Fai rpor t Douglas W. Whitney G a r d e n City Ira J. Lefton Van Leichliter, Ir. Gardiner Rev. Robert E. Moore Gloversville Dudley M . Ferguson Great Neck Marl in E. Bernstein Helman R. Brook Wal ter L. Dean Greenwich J o h n R MacKenzie Gui lder land Char les R. Gibson Hamilton J o h n S. H o g Hampton Bays Douglas R. Penny Hempstead Burlon C. Agata Huntington \4'illiam H. Braun. Jr. lrvington E d w a r d I. Pastuche Ithaca John F. Burton. J r . Jackson Heights M'allace M Germain Jamaica Robert E. Wagenfeld Jarnestown H. J a m e s Abdella Johnsburg Ira M'. Levy Johnson City Robert 14. Eckelberger Lake Success T h e Arnold & M a r y Lehman

Fdn. . Inc. J a m e s R Zuckerman Larchmont Ira B. Rose Lewiston Richard N. Lein Lockport Samuel R. Sear ing Locust Valley john M. Forelie Loudonville Estelle Golub Mineola Elliott M. Epstein Herber l M. Leiman IHerberl W. Solomon Naples Emma Rae M a n n Jones Hugh Ivl. Jones , J r . N e w a r k Thomas W. Biddle N e w City I . Mar t in Cornell Ar thur E. Moskol l

N e w York Susan A b r a m s A m a x Foundat ion , lnc . A m e r i c a n H o m e Products Corp . A m e r i c a n T e l e p h o n e & Telegraph J. Phillip A d a m s Barry A. Adelman A. P e t e r Adler Jon Y. Arnason Richard F . Babcock. J r . John C. Baily H e n r y D. B a l d w ~ n Peter A. Banker Char les E. Barnet t Richard B. Barnett I. Scolt Bass Rober t D. Becker Robert W. Beicke Jerold J . Benavie Carl D. Bernstein George B. Berridge Rinaldo Lorenzo Bianchi Russell Alan Bikoif Joel Bohmarl William S. Bonds Ronald E Bracket1 George Ian Brandon H u b e r t J. Brandt E d w a r d Bransilver Jonathan Scott Brenner T h e Bristol-Myers F u n d Phillip C. Broughfon Lawrence I. Brown Neal A. Brown David J . Buffam J a m e s L. Burton Robert A Butler Rober t Francis Cal lahan CBS, Incorpora ted Citibank. N.A. Michael J. Close T h e Commonivealth F u n d Joel E. Cooper Michael W Cotter Char les S. Craig Peler M. Crevi George K. Crozer , IV Richard F. C u r r e y Kennelh B Cut ler Peler Vasili D a r r o w P e t e r F . DeGaetano Peler H. DeHaas Michael C. Devine T h e DLJ Foundation Donovan Leisure Newton &

l rv ine Fdn. . Inc. Richard M a n u e l Dorado Dun & Bradst ree t C o m ~ a n i e s

Fdn, Inc. Alberl D. Early Peter Lewis ~ d w a r d s Gordon L Elicker T e r r e n c e A. Elkes Roberl J . Epstein T h e Equi table Life Assurance

Society of the Uni ted Sta tes lohn W. Erickson ~ i c h a e l B. ~ G n o l f Exson Education Foundal ion Chr is topher Fermanis h,lartln R Fine Robert B, r i s k e , Jr. S tephen B. Flood Peter W. Forsythe Barry I. Freder icks Joseph F r e e d m a n Alan G. F r i e d m a n E. Roger Frisch J a m e s V. G a r a m Peter P . G a r a m P e l e r J . Gar l land Eliot S . G e r b e r T h e Esther G e r b e r Trus t Donald Is rae l Gettinger S t e p h e n A. Glasser Roger A. Goldman Donald S . Goler Jonathan lves Golomb la!, Gorney J e f f r e y N. Grabel G r a y b a r Electric Co.. Inc. 1. William G r e e n b a u m M a u r i c e C. G r e e n b a u m S a m u e l N. Greenspoon Robert T. Greig Rober t R G r e w E d w a r d A. Grossmann W a y n e Michael Grzecki Alf red L. H a l f n e r , Jr. E d w a r d A. H a n s e n

Robert W. Harmon Arnold Henson Richard Herrmann Berry Hirsch Edwin H. Hochberg Randall D. Holmes Arne L. Hovdesven Edwin A. Howe. Jr . Robert A. Howes John Kevin Hoyns Bernard Hulkower Inco Limited International Paper Co. Fdn. William J . Isaacson Frederick A Jackson Gerald A. Jibilian Bruce Garlton Johnson Roger W. Kapp Herman Kaufman J . Hayes Kavanagh Richard L. Kay Hon Amalya L. Kearse Marc 1. Kennedy Robert J. Kheel Franklyn Davis Kimball Richard Carvill King Karen J. Kirchen Marc S Kirschner Charles H. Kivett John E. Klein John T. Klug John C. Koster William Krupman Robert G. Kuhbach Hon. Diane A. Lebedeff Corynne Appel Lebetkin Evelyn J . Lehman Susan Lynne Lesinski Stanley T. Lesser Michael J . Levin Chi En Liang James K. Lindsay William R. Luney William J MacNaughton Russell E. Makowsky Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. Merton St. Clair Marsh Malcolm E Martin Peter Arthur Meilke Ross Miller Mobil Foundation. Inc. Edward Thomas bloen, 11 William M. Moldoff William S. Moody Charles A. Moran Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. G. Alfred Mudge Charles Myneder George Masashi Nakano Gordon L. Nash Gregor N. Neff Timothy A. Nelsen Dale W. Nicholls Eldon Olson John S: Osborne, J r William C. Pelster Louis Perlmutter John L. Peschel Gary James Peters Keith M. Pinler Charles Platto Mark F. Pomerantz Paula H. Powers E. Miles Prentice. 111 Price Waterhouse Foundation Stuart H. Pringle. Jr . John C. Provine Edward Joseph Quinn. Jr . Yvonne Susan Quinn John Mark Quitmeyer Republic National Bank of

New York Gregory LaMonte Reid Kurt E. Richter Kenneth Roberts Mark Charles Rosenhlum Rosenman Colin Freund Lewis

& Cohen Irwin Rolh David Max Rubin Michael J . Ryan Saint Joe Minerals Corp. Robert Daniel Santos Joel Scharfstein Robert Peter Schreiner William J. Schrenk. Jr . Calvin P. Schrotenboer Robert G. Schuur Andre A. Schwartz jarnes M. Schwartz Murray B. Schwartzberg

SCM Foundation. Inc. Edwin D. Scott Arthur A. Segall Gary D. Sesser Ralph Shapiro Robert R. Shearer Alvin V. Shoemaker Milton D. Solomon Robert E. Spatt Squibb Corporation Erik 1. Stapper Kenneth D. Stein Frank B. Stone Rollyn L. Storey Donald F. Stubbs Sullivan & Cromwell David \hi. Swanson Karen M. Swift Lawrence D. S\vift Sally Gail Cohen Swift Thomas N. Talley Arbie R. Thalacker Michael J. Thomas Time, Incorporated Edward R. Tinsley Leonard Toboroff Lawrence C. Tondel Jerome S. Traum Nancy W. Trowbridge Thomas R. Trowbridge. 111 George S. Tulloch. Jr . Uniroyal Foundation United States Trust Company ol

New York A. Paul Victor Robert M Vorsanger John M. Walker, Jr . Jerome K. Walsh Walter H. Weiner Philip L. Weinstein Stephen A. Weinstein David E. Weisberg Christopher Wells Robert P. Wessely Donald M. Wilkinson, Jr . Peter W. Williamson Henry S. Wingate Robert G. Wise Kurt J . Wolff Craig A. Wolson Kathryn D. Wriston James S. Wulach E. Lisk Wyckoff, Jr . Thomas Vance Yates The Arthur Young Foundation John F. Zulack Niagara Falls Benjamin Feldman joseph J . Mansour Niskayuna Bernard Heller Ossining Gordon A. McKean Owego Edwin B. Bartow Oyster Bay Jacob Bernstein Palmyra Hart B. Pierce. Jr . Penfield John P. Schaefer Pine Bush Frances E. Bilmes Queens Village Jeffrey S. Stein Rochester Paul Babitz Robert L. Boxer John G. Brummer A. Vincent Buzard Donald M. Cohn William M. Colby Raymond E. Cornelius P h ~ l i p Rocco Fileri Gerald B. Flncke James B. Gray, Jr. Douglas I. Hague Charles A. Hall Susan L. Hauser Paul M. Hetland Merwyn M. Kroll Paul K. Lange James A . Locke, 111 Dennis J . Lumsden Hon. Hyman T. Maas Morton A. Polster Sidney J. Salzman David M. Schraver Ricl~ard B. Secrest Paul I. Snyder Thomas A. Solberg

Norman h4. Spindelman Paul 1. Suter Sybron Corporation Leonard W. Treash, J r . Ionathan Hilger Trost Thomas G. Washing Barry R. Whitman Lloyd A. Mlrighl William T . Yorks Howard 1. Youngman Rome Hon. Richard D. Simons Roslyn Glenn L. Dorfman Saranac Lake Irving M. Edelberg Scarsdale Robert B Frank Schenectady Mr. h Mrs. C. Jeffrey Denison h4r. & Mrs. Stanley 8 . Dombkowski Ronald Olszewski Skaneateles John H. Hawkins South Salem Peter X. Sickinger Staten Island Othello D. Thompson Syracuse Richard V. K. Bruns Alan Stuart Burstein David L. Dawson Alan Jon Knauf Richard A. Kopek Travis H. Lewin George A. Mathewson David M. Pellow Barbara T. Walzer Urica Francisco Penberthy Watertown Donald A. Wiltse White Plains Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bard Marshall L. Goldstein h4r. & Mrs. Daniel Robert Johnson Richard A, h,lcDonough, I11 Richard A. Shapiro William K. Tell, jr Tesaco, Inc.

NORTH CAROLINA Brevard Charles R. Brown Buies Creek Hugh W. Devine Carrboro Michael B. Brough Chapel Hill James E. Austin David J. Brower Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kalo Charlotte Nancy L. Olah Charles B. Park. I11 Durham Sara Sun Beale Hendersonville Albert E. Petermann, Jr. Hickory Oma H. Hester, Jr . New Bern William T. Atkinson Raleigh John Everette Noland, J r Salisbury Judith H. Iohnson Skvland ~ l & d M Sigman Southern Pines Perry T. Garver Wilmington George B. Kline Winston-Salem Allan R. & Barbara Gitter Samuel G. Wellman

NORTH DAKOTA Ashley Max A. Wishek Bismarck Robert 0. Wefald Fargo Sarah Andrews Herman

Duane H , Ilvedson lohn D. Kelly John G. Nilles Minot Herbert L. Meschke

OHIO Ada Daniel S. Guy Eugene N. Hanson Akron John S. Ballard Hugh M. Colopy IHon. LeRoy J . Contie. ]r. Allan 8 . Diefenbach George A Dietrich The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Harold 1. Holshuh Linda 8 . Kersker C. Blake McDowell C. Blake McDowell. J r . Duane Morris Harold D. Parker lames S. Pedler, Jr. Hon. Evan 1 . Reed George T. Roderick Justin T. Rogers. Ir Timothy F. Scanlon John W. Solomon John L. Wolfe Archbold Harold H. Plassman Ashland Kenneth J . Nordstrom Ashtabula Lorenzo Tyler Carlisle. J r . Bay Village Harry E. Pickering Bellevue William F. Aigler Blanchester Jack M. Burkett Bowling Green Daniel W. Reddin. I11 Evelyn Bliss Reddin Bridgeport Michael R. Thomas Canfield Robert A. Manchester Canton Sherwood Ake Roy H. Batista Iohn H Brannen Mr. &. Mrs. Richard C. Brunn John F. Buchman. I11 David D. Dowd. Jr. john D, Jollilfe Samuel Krugliak Hon. John R. Milligan, Jr. Charles A. Morgan. J r F. Stuart Wilkins. Jr. Earle E. Wise Celina Mark V. Klosterman William M. Meikle Chagrin Falls Charles F. Dugan Ellen T. McKnight Thomas P. Segerson Cincinnati John W. Bales Dennis I . Barron Mr. & Mrs. Daniel 0 . Berger Robert W. Buechner Albert D Cash Joseph M. Cooney William H. Cordes Scott 8 . Crooks Robert A. Dimling David D. Dodge James W. Dorr Stephen S. Eberly Kenneth Faller Susan Grogan Faller Federated Department Stores, I ~ c . John W. Fischer. 111 Hilliard J . Fjord Edward Michael Frankel Penny Friedman Neil Ganulin Thomas joseph Gardner Lewis G. Gatch John A. Gehrig Leonard Green David J. Harwood Thomas A. Hayes Thomas D. Heekin

Patrick J . I-Iinderl Robert A. Iohnston Jerome H. Kearns George A. Leonard I1cter F. Levin Donald Beck Lewis Michael A. Marrero John E. McDowell Edward W. Merkel, Jr . Gail F bliller Michael E. Neiheiscl Ronai R. Newbanks Iohn G. Parnell, J r . Hon. Burlon Perlman lohn 8 . Pinney Glendon B. Pratt Morton Rabkin Richard S. Roberts jay A. Rosenberg Stuart A. Schloss. Ir. James E. Schwab S. Samuel Scoviile Melvin S. Shotten Philip S. Smith Mark A. Vander Laan Alan R Vogeler Donald I. Weubbling George Edward Yund Steven N. Zaris Cleveland John 1. Adams William D. Ahonen William R. Althans AmeriTrusl Company The Austin Company Fdn. James N. Bailey Thomas E. Baker Lawrence R. Barker Lewis T. Barr James L. Baumoel Ralph M. Besse Stephen Dallas Bolerjack Arthur V. Brooks William Henninger Brooks Robert M. Brucken Aaron H. Bulloff Ila W. Butala David L. Carpenter Zolman Cavitch Chesapeake and Ohio Railway

Company Charles H. Cleminshaw Lester L. Coleman, I11 Richard A. Collier Louis A. Colombo William H. Conner Eben G. Crawford G. Warren Daane Wayne C. Dabb. J r . William J . DeLancey jon E. Denney Irwin 1. Dinn James N. Doan Richard M. Donaldson John C. Dowd Eaton Charitable Fund S. Stuart Eilers Brian M. Eisenberg Daniel R. Elliott. J r . Fred Christian Fa!he Stanley M. Fisher Alberl E. Fowerbaugh Sydney S. Friedman Harvey L. Frutkin Jerry A. Fullmer Sydney N. Calvin Gene B. George Gerald L. Gherlein Garth E. Griffith James B. Griswold Donald W. Gruettner Guy F. Guinn Michael L. Hardy William C. Hartman Henry C. Harvey, J r . john D. Heavenrich Robert J . Hoerner Allen C. Holmes John 8 . Houck Francis P. Hubach, ]r. Michael M. Hughes George M. Humphrey, I1 James I. Huston Lucille Huston Ronald L. Kahn George F. Karch, J r , Richard Katcher Mr. & Mrs. Eugene T. Kinder Mr. & Mrs. Calvin B. Kirchick James D. Knotler. Jr. Samuel F. Komito

M r . & Mrs. Thomas V. Koykka Kennelh A. Kraus Char les W. Landefeld Alan R. Lepene Abraham Lieherman Alan 6. Lipson George F. Lynch Mr. & Mrs, jarnes j. Maiwurm Howard A. Marken Wilbur J . Markslrom Joseph L. McEnlee , jr. Ar thur G. McKee & Co.

Charitable Trust M r . & Mrs. Cecil R. Mellin John T . Meredith Roberl L. Melzger Anthony R. Michel Bert W. Moyar jarnes P. Murphy National City Bank Jerome D. Nei lach Robert Bruce Nelson Joel I. Newman Daniel J . O'Loughlin Warren K. Ornslein Parker-Hannifin Fdn. L. Beaumont Parks Terrence Perris Richard W. Pogue Gerald M . Porter jarnes M . Porter Lee D. Powar William H. Ransom Alan M . Rauss Ronald A Rispo David W. Rowlinson Thomas Schick james J . Schiller Isaac Schulz J a m e s M . Smith M r . & Mrs. Richard C. Sneed William F. Snyder Craig Spangenberg Barry L. Springel T h e Standard Oil Company

(Sohio) Ben S Stefanski. I1 William F. Ste iner Joseph D. Sullivan William C. Todia William M . Toomajian TRW Foundation Robin G. Weaver Victor Wertheimer Jack L. White Joseph D. Whiteman Jarnes M . Wilsman Scott Alan Wolslein Jeffrey G Wyner Cleveland Heights J a n e M . Waterson Thomas W. Weeks Columbus Robert E. Albright David G. Baker Herber t R. Brown Philip A. Brown Daniel Ryan Conway Leo J . Conway Edward J . Cox, J r . Gary Davis Char les S . DeRousie Char les F. Dugan, I1 Ann M. Durea Henry W. Eckhart john C. Elam J . Richard Emens , I1 Robert E. Fultz John M . Gar land Dennis D. Grant James R. Hanson John C. Har l ranl l Michael Alan Heyne Jef f rey W. Hulson Pamela S . Hyde George jenkins Kiehner johnson Gordon W, Johnston Jer ry Dale Jordan J a m e s Patrick Kennedy Bruce T. Kloppman Viclor S. Krupman William M . Lane Terrence W. Larrimer William H . Leighner Joseph D. Lonardo Robert B. McAlister T h e Midland Mutual Life

Insurance Company William W. Milligan Frank R. Morris, jr.

Thomas E. Palmer David C. Patterson Jessie F. Ressig Mark S . Ressig Thomas B. Ridgley j. Tullis Rogers Stanley D. Ross Paul F. Selcovic George A. Skestos Mark S u m n e r Smallwood Fredr ic L. Smith Norman T. Smith Larry M. Snyder Edgar A. Sl rause Kim L. Swanson J a m e s M . Tobin Rohert j. Wade, J r . Roderick H. Willcox Coshocton Harold Ewing Hunt Dayton Richard A. Broock Richard F. Carlile William L. C a r r Hon. & Mrs. Lester L. Cecil William A. Clark Robert K. Corwin Marvin Isaac Droz Gregory Paul Dunsky J a n e E. Garfinkel Gary Lee Greenberg Thomas G. Kennedy Allred L. McCray Samuel A. McCray Mead Corporation Foundation Alan F. Meckstroth J a m e s T. Neff John R. Newlin Ben E Olive Brian K. Porter Ronald S. Pretekin Gerald D. Rapp Jon M. Sehaly Wendel l D. Sellers Edward L. Shank Kenneth 0 . Shively J e f f r e y B. Shulman Fredr ic L. S inder Donald Eugene Theis Howard N. Thiele. Jr. Delaware Fred R. Wickham Dublin K. Michael Foley John W. Funk East Liverpool Jackman S. \lodrey Eaton J u l ~ a n E. Clark Edon J o h n G. Toner Elyria Kenneth C. Hamis ter Char les Morton Hyman J . William McCray I. G. William Tattersall Fa i rborn Karl F Wettlaufer Findlay Marathon Oil Fdn.. Inc. Richard E. Morgan Fostoria Frank J . Kinn Greenville Richard E. Hole Hudson William M. Troutman Lakewood Paul B. Campbel l Lancasler William G. Coultrap Lebanon jackson C. Hedges Leipsic Robert B. Weaver Lima Hon. J . Thomas Guernsey Lee G Van Blargan Donald 1. Witler Lisbon Donald A. Lewis Lorain Daniel A. Cook Madison David S . Jacobson Mansfield Mr, & Mrs. F. Loyal Bemiller Robert G. Sidwell Mar ion J o h n L. Ashworth

Marysville Hon, Joseph B. Grigsby Robert 0 . Hamilton Massillon Richard G. McCuskey M e d i n a John T , Jeandrevin Middle town Armco Foundation Edward A. Forshaw M r . & Mrs. William J . Sikkenga N e w a r k Robert N. Drake Thomas E Norpell J a m e s W. Pyle North Baltimore J a m e s E. Walter Norwalk Michael R. Fegen Ober l in Rober l N. Fauver Piqua Freder ick D. Freed jack L. Neuenschwander Port Clinton Douglas 0 . Meyer Portsmouth C. Clayton Johnson Rocky River Oliver E. Seikel Saint Clairsville Stanley G. Burech George W. Cheffy Sain t Marys Edward S . Noble Kraig Edward Noble Sandusky Hon. James L. McCrystal D e n n ~ s E. M u r r a y Melvyn J . S tauffer , Jr. W ~ l l i a m Char les Steuk Shaker Heights W a r r e n Goldenberg Stanley A. Williams Shelby William R. Morr is Spencerville George J . Bowers Springfield Robert C. Acton Howard R. Eckels Robert A. Vaughn George M. Winwood. 111 Spr ing Valley Ronald M. Harwi th Steubenville Robert L. Quinn William J. Weinman St ru thers Michael C. Clemente Tiffin Paul E. Gillmor Char les D. Hering, J r . james D. Supance Toledo Richard S. Baker Vincent L. Barker, J r . D. Robert Bastian John H. Boggs Ralph S. B o g s Alan C. Boyd Char les E. Brorvn Arnold F . Bunge, J r . John H . Burson Robert William Cabanski John Joseph Callahan Judith H. Christman Robert G. Clayton I. Neil Crowley, J r . Thomas L. Dalrymple Dana Corporation Foundation Gary R. Diesing Rober t B. Dixon Edwin G. Emerson Richard A. Entenmann Rasmond G. Esch, J r . Austin M. Frease Francis J. Gallagher Jack Gallon Paul D. Giha Jack A. Green Lynn H. Gressley E d w a r d E. Hiett Frank D. Jacobs Marvin K. Jacobs \Nilbur C Jacobs lamilie G , J a m r a Justice G. Johnson, jr. J e r o m e F. Kapp

Rober t A. Kelb Donald J. Keune Carl F. LaRue M r . & Mrs. Joel A. Levine Stanley K. Levison Theodore Markwood Michael F. McCar thy Char les A. McKenny, Jr. Mary L. McKenny G. Greg Michael John H . Moor H a r r y W. Morgan, Sr . Mr. & Mrs. J a m e s Marshal l

Morton Clarence M . Mulhol land Owens-Corning Fiberglas

corpora t ion Owens-Illinois Thomas W. Palmer Richard H. Peters Fraz ier Reams, J r . Norman & M a d o n n a Richman J a m e s J. Robison Char les A. Sailstad Wayne E. S h a w a k e r David M . Soular Mr. & Mrs. J a m e s T. Southard J a m e s A. Sprunk Ear l H . Staelin John F. Teigland Robert N. Torbet Timothy Jay Tornga Theodore R. Vogt Robert L. Weisenburger David G Wise Troy Robert S . Miller University Heights Jef f rey A. Belkin U p p e r Sandusky Robert E. Hensel U r b a n a Char les B. English Utica I. Russell Suskind W a r r e n David R. Chenoweth Donald Robert Ford William R. Hewilt Frederick H . Loomis. J r . Robert S. McGeough J o h n T. Milligan Bernard W. Rosenberg Michael W. Rosenberg Wellsville William L. Bush Wilmington Freder ick J . Buckley Samuel H. Kaufman Wooster Wal ter C. Grosjean John C. Johnston. Jr. Don L Reynolds Worthington Richard K. Elliott J a m e s P. Jones Xenia Robert A. Miller Youngstown Robert L. Croasmun Stanley M. Eppstein Ar thur N. Fr iedman Hon Char les P. Henderson Fredr ic A. Kannensohn John A. Kicz Elliot Paul Legow Myron J . N a d l e r Albert J. Ortenzio John W. Powers Lawrence R. Spr inger George B. Woodman

OKLAHOMA Bartlesville Lois S. Johnson Richard Kane Muskogee I-lelen A. Adair N o r m a n Freder ick H. Miller Elbridge Phelps Oklahoma City J . Edward Barth Allen D. Evans Arnold T. Fieig Lon Foster, 111

Benjamin A. Golf Mr. & Mrs. J a m e s F . H a r l m a n n . J r J e r o m e L. H e m r y Kerr -McGee Foundat ion , Inc. J Larry Nichols Richard A. Riggs Tulsa William C. Anderson M a r k T h o m a s Arnold John R. Barker B, Hayden Crawford . Jr. George S. Downey Char les C . Killin John J. Livingston Bob F. McCoy Dana Louise Rasure Anthony F. Ringold R. Kendall Sherr i l l Russell 13. Smith Richard H. Wills, Jr. John M. Winters, Jr. Wewoka Richard S . Rober ts Glenn 0 Wal lace

OREGON Albany Jackson L. Frost Beaver ton Rober l H . McSweeny Bend Ronald L. M a r c e a u Eugene H o n . William A. Beckett Richard G. Hi ldre th Cra ig A. Smith E d w a r d P. Thompson, Jr. Lake Oswego S t e p h e n R. Moore McMinvi l le Rober t S. Thompson Medford J o h n Edward Ferr i s Por t land John M. Berman Keith T. Borman J. Rion Bourgeois David F. Cargo Michael j. Gentry Georgia-Pacific Corpora t ion William N. Gross Ronald S . Grossmann Mort imer H. Har twel l . Jr. J a m e s Lawrence Hi l ler Robert M. Kerr William H. Kinsey J a m e s S. Leigh Dennis J. Lindsay David H . Lohman Char les M . Lovett Richardson W. Nahstoll J a m e s M. Nicholson Robert W. P a l m e r Michael Vincent R e e d Forrest W. Simmons

PENNSYLVANIA Allentown Air Products & Chemicals ,

Inc. Irving W. Coleman Karl Y . Donecker Richard E. Hotchkin M a r k H . Scoblionko George W . S h e r r A m b l e r Curtis Wright Bangor William C Cassehaum Bethlehem Frank R. Barnako Bethlehem Stee l Corpora t ion Frank S. Dickerson. 111 Rober t 0. H a n c o s M e r e d i t h Hemphi l l . Jr. Daniel C. Mills, J r . Hugh M . Morr ison Richard L. b l u s g a v e Phi ladelphia . Bethlehem & N e w

England Railroad Co. Boiling Springs Lewis Neilson Bradford Gri f f i th A. Herold

Bryn M a w r 1. Wesley O l e r C a m p Hill Leon D. Metzger Claysville Franklen M. Abelman Clearf ie ld Richard A. Bell Devon Williamson P. Donald Doylestown J o h n A. \ /an Luvanee Philip A . Young Eas ton Raymond J. DeRaymond Enola H o w a r d C. Ulan Er ie J o h n 2. Gent Philin G. Gillesoie ~ a n a S , Jones '

Stephen E. Jones Rober t J. Kilgore Hon. William W. Knox Richard A. Levick Danie l L. R, lvliller G a r y J. Shapira John A. S p a e d e r Rober t N. S p a e d e r J o h n J. S t roh. Jr. J a m e s R. Waidley Get tysburg J o h n B. K e ~ t h Donald b l . S w o p e Greensburg H . Nevin Wollam Harr isburg P a u l E. Clouser H a r v e y F r e e d e n b e r g J o s e p h Page H a f e r E. C\jilliam Oakland Carroll Purdy. Jr. C h a r l e s E. T h o m a s C h a r l e s E. T h o n a s . J r . H e r s h e y Burton B. Hendr icks Johnstown S a m u e l R. DiFrancesco, Sr I. S a m u e l Kaminsky M a u r i c e J . S h a d d e n W a y n e G. Wolfe Knox Pres ton W . Slosson Lancas ter Larry A Pulkrabek Macungie R e e d F. S tee le Meadvi l le Rober t B. D o r n h a f f e r M e d i a David N. Brook M e r i o n Station J a m e s J . Kilsdonk Middle town J a m e s B. P a n n e b a k e r Murrysvi l le Richard H. Nimtz N e w Cast le Rober t E Jamison Norr is town M. Paul Smith Nor th East Richard L. Nygaard Pai lo J a m e s H. Rich, J r . Phi ladelphia Donald A. Berg J o s e p h Blum Arnold P . Borish Alan Carr ick Choate L a w r e n c e S . Coburn J a m e s A Corrodi L. Garre t t Dutton. J r . S. Jonathan Emerson Carl E. Esser Mr. & Mrs. Aaron C. F.

F inkbiner , i l l J o h n M. G a r d n e r S t e p h e n E. Godsall-Myers Dudley H u g h e s Alan R H u n t J e r o m e Kaplan David Norman Knipel W a r r e n M . Laddon John H. Leddy William H. Lowery Char les N. Marshal l Donald Freder ick Parman H o w a r d Petersen Benjamin M. Quigg. J r . M a r t i n C. Recchuite

J a m e s J. Rodgers Gera ld J . Rodos Rohni & H a a s Company Florence R. Rouse Glenwood W . Rouse E d w a r d R. Sandel l Scotl P a p e r Company Fdn. Lee H. Snyder S u n Company, Inc. Chr is topher Wal ters William Y. W e b b Ralph G. Wellington T h o m a s F . W i e d e r P h o e n i m i l l e Stuar t N. Cohen Pittsburgh Alcoa Foundation Mr. 6: M r s . Jack G. Armstrong H e n r y A. Bergstrom David D. Rlumenstein Ronald L. Burkhard E d m u n d M . Carney Thomas H . Chamber l in Thomas C. Cochran, J r . Char les C. Cohen Anlhony S. DeFrank Thomas J . Donnelly H e n r y W. Ewalt, I11 Rober t G. Geeseman Gulf Oil Foundat ion of Pennsyl John Campbel l H a r m o n Char les E. H a r r i s H . J . Heinz Company

Foundation J a n e E. Helppie William M. Houston M a r t e n R Jenkins Paul R. Jenkins Thomas R. Johnson Dominic B. King Char les G. Knox Koppers Company Foundation J o h n H. Kunkle. Jr. Richard C. Lam Thomas A. Lazaroff Alan 2. Lefkowitz Michael M. Lyons John A. Mat ta William J a m e s McCormick M. Bruce McCullough Thomas H . McInlosh H . Fred Mercer . J r . Rea P. Miller. J r . Richard 1. Munsch William R. Nuernberg Wllbur McCoy Otto Nalhan K. Parker , J r . \iictor A. Peckham Kenneth R. Pepperney Larry E. Phillips Wal ter J . Phillips PPG Industries Foundation Lawrence N. Ravick T h o m a s J . Reinstadtler. J r . Susan L. Rockman Rockwell International Coroorz

Trus t Char les G. Schwar lz Dorothy A. Servis ~ o n a l d E. Seymour Donald W. S h a f f e r Joel B. Sl rauss William D. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. W. Bruce Thomas David L. Trezise losenh Van Buskirk ioh; M. W e b b Westinghouse Educalional F d n . R ~ c h a r d D Ziegler Reading Paul W . Bollman. J r . Willlam R. Forry J a m e s M . Potter Geoff rey M. Stoudt J a m e s W. Stoudl Sewickley John W a r r e n Thomas J u n e E. S Thomas Sharon H e n r y M. Ekker Bernard Goldstone Smethpor t Glenn E. Mencer Somerse t J a m e s F. Beener Springfield George Anlhony Pagan0 Spr ing House George Q. Hardwick Villanova H o w a r d R. Lurie

Wallingford Kennelh A Ritchie W a y n e Benjamin K. Harr is Wellsboro Edward H. Owlett West Ches ter Roger E. Legg Wilkes-Barre Harold Rosenn Willow Grove Gaylen J. Byker Wyncote Asa D. Kennedy. J r . York Lewis H . Markoivitz Robert J . S tewar t

RHODE ISLAND Barrington Henry M. S w a n Providence Richard W. Billings John H. Blish Robert Clifton Bruns Robert W. Edwards , J r

vania Eugene V. Higgins Stephen Lee Howard Ernest D. H u m p h r e y s Gilberl Indeglia J a m e s P. Kelly Ches ter S . Labedz. J r . John K. McIntyre Roberl W. S h a d d Edward M. Watson

SOUTH CAROLINA C a m d e n H. W. C. Furman Charleston E d w a r d D. Buckley Hon. Clarence E. Singlelary Columbia Richard E Day W. Croft Jennings John E. Montgomery Conway Diane Frances Dusseau Mart in Wegbreit Greenville Johnnie M. Walters Hilton H e a d Island J a m e s L. Eber ly John William Gorn William F. Kenney Rock Hill Roberta Y. Wright Sain t Mat thews Cvril L. Kendall

]tion ~ " m t e r Philip Wittenberg

SOUTH DAKOTA Vermillion James A Johnson Water town Francis C. Burns Thomas Francis Burns

TENNESSEE Germantown M r . & Mrs. Franz A. Burnier Knoxville Morgan Lewis Filch. IV Warren W. Kennerly Jackson C. Kramer Archie D. McDonald John A. Seber t , J r . John L. Sobieski. J r . Lewisburg Theodore P. Duning M e m p h i s W, J a m e s Ellison Henry H. Hancock E d w a r d W. Kuhn Fermon C. Sewel l Barry F . While

Nashville Robert M. Holler Lawrence E. Levine !\Ian Saturn Ronald P. Soilman Signal Mounta in Alfred E. Smith. J r .

TEXAS Amarillo Paul W. Ealon, J r . Frank T. O 'Br ien , J r . Austin Paul R. Gavia O w e n T . Kinney J a m e s MacKinnon Beaumont J a m e s D. h ~ l c N ~ c h o l a s Brownsville Ar thur Cisneros Nelson Dallas American A ~ r l i n e s Lackland H. Bloom, J r . John K. DeLay. J r Louis M . Dyll Frederick MI. Fraley. 111 John R. Gaffin Bruce Harr is Halletl Halliburlon Education Fdn.. Frederick L. Hamric Michael S. Knulhs Lennart V Larson G e n e E. Overbeck Michael Ar thur Peterson Edward A. Porter Hon. Robert W. Porter Thomas F. Quinn, J r . Roy R. Ray Ritchie Fund Robert F. Ritchie Ronald Roberts Harold E. Rudel Walter L. Sul tan , J r . Frank h4. Wheeler Duncanville Philip F. Alsup Houston Jose A. Berlanga M ~ l t o n L. Brand Hon, John R. Brown Barbara W. Butler Nancy Chafin J a m e s E. Crowther Robert J . Curr ie Glenn S. Dennis J o h n Douglass D Camille Dunn Stewar l A. Feldman Mr. & Mrs. E. V Greenwoo William C. Griffith Patricia M. Hanson Richard L. H o f f m a n Char les E. Humphrey, Jr. Gregg Herber l Jones R. Kenneth Keim Karl E. Kraf t S a m W Levy Terrenct: G. L i ~ i d e r m a n George Mark McAleenan S a r a h Ann Margulies Joseph W. Morris Char les E Nadeau David F. Nitschke Roberl F. Ochs Pennzoil Company Myron M. Sheinfe ld Shell Companies Foundalio Char les J. Sullivan Roland B. Voighl Edwin N. West Lance C. Winchester Verle C. Wilharn Stephen R. Wright Humble John 0 . Hoyt Lubbock R ~ c h a r d W. Hemingway Midland Gary Eugene Baker S a n Antonio Douglas Ivl Crowley Uvalde Pedro G. Nieto Waco Erwin A Elias

UTAH Salt Lake City J a m e s S . Armstrong Harold G. Chrislensen Roberl R. Finch John E. Gates Orval C , Harrison George D, tvlelling. J r Oscar Mi. Moyle, J r . Williani Vogel Hardin A. Whilney, J r .

VERMONT Bur!inglon Stewar l H . R4cConaughy Essex Junction Alan D. Ovcrton Gregg H . Wilson Hinesburg Char les R . Ross Middlebury Marshall H. Eddy Montpel ier Char les E. Gibson, J r . Newpor l Paul B. Wolfe Saint Albans

Inc. Roberl Holmes Brown South Burlington Tipton S . Ross Waterbury I-lon John P. Meaker

VIRGINIA Alexandr ia Guido Casar i , J r . Louis G Ferrand. J r . J a m e s G. Fleisch Donald L. Hersh James K. Jackson Laura Osgood McCoy Michael Ray McEvoy Douglas E. McKinley Will Edward McLeod Char les R Oleszycki Eugene K. Snyder David N. W e ~ n m a n Lance D. Wood Arlington John C. Bagwell James R. Cooke Joseph Patrick Curran Edward D. Eliasberg, J r . Herber t A Goldsmith. J r .

d Barry S . Landau Aldis Lapins John D. Nies IHarvey J . Shulman David E. Tar l le r J a m e s T. Warns Charlotlesville Carol K. Hollenshead Christiansburg William R. L. Craf t . J r . Fairfax George W. Allen M a r c Gary Denkinger Robert N Dorosin Falls Church Amos J Coffrnan Douglas N, Jones John F. Lymhurner

n . Inc. Jay L. Witkin Gloucester Point John M. Durbin Great Falls Roherl 0 Tyler l ion Gu), VanderJagt Leesburg Robert J . Wilson Lexington Roy L Sle inheimer , Jr. McLean Lawrence J . Fuller Joseph L. Mayberry . J r . b l r . & Mrs. Gerald W. Padwe H a n s Ivl. Rothenbuhler Norfolk Char les L. Kaufman Harry Pincus, J r . Reston Glanetta lvliller

Richmond Lucile Jarnison Anutta Carl F. Bowmer Bonnie M . France Reynolds Melals Company

Foundalion Morton M . Zedd Roanoke J a m e s B. Osborne Spr i r~gf ie ld Paul A. H a a s Gerald B. Leedom Staunton Richard W. Smith Virginia Beach David H. Zoellner Williamsburg Thomas M, Jolis, Sr. Thomas B. Marvel1 John ti. Rockwell Rev. Alice Ann Winters Glenn R. Winlers

WASHINGTON Bellevue Larry M . Carler Roy E. Mal tern . J r . Huber t Stratmeyer Claire S . Thomas Bellingham David B Anderson Burlington Earl G. Dorfner Coupeville Harold E. Baily Greenbank George N. Slevens Longview Willard H. Walker. I11 Newpor t Douglas Dnn Lambarth Olympia Edward C Miller Redmond Douglas F. Graham Seattle Gary N. Ackerman J a m e s G. Ausum .Alan L. Axelrod Thomas R. Beierle William C. Blanchard 1. Henry Brockhaus William H . Burkharl Peler D. Byrnes George H. Davies Roberl B. Dunn Stephen C. Ellis Ronald M. Gould David C. Groff Coleman P, Hall Lawrence E. Hard Malcolm S. Harr is Richard 1. Hi l fer Bruce H Hursl Kenyon P. Kellogg. Ir George Anlhony Kresovich John F. Kruger Kerry Cornwall Lawrence Theodore A. LeGros George M. Mack joseph R. Malsen H. Dale Meredith S l e w Paul Moen William N. Moloney Jera ld E. Olson Roberl Lee Olson Edward W. Pettigrew Seafirst Foundation H e r m a n Siqueland Jef f rey Phillip Stark M r . & Mrs. Paul W. Steere Phillip L. Thom Winship A. Todd. 11. Daniel E. Tolfree Norman L. Winn J a y H. Zulaul Spokane Harvey W. Clarke Char les A, J e n s Irving Paul Tacoma Roberl E. Cooper John C. Kouklis Claude M. Pcarson William 1. Rainey Slanley P. Wagner. J r . Zillah William C. Fork

WEST VIRGINIA Charleslon Clemenl R. Bassell Michael Chaney William Harr is Scharf Hunlinglon Roberl H. Burford J . Nye King. J r . Wheeling J a m e s F. Companion 1. Donald Ezell

WISCONSIN Appleton M r . & Mrs. Richard Harvey

Camble Roberl W. Swain , J r . Chippewa Falls David E. Frasch Eau Claire Mary jo R. Cohen Janesville lames R. Cr ipe Roberl C. Lovejoy Kaukauna Irving G Curry , I11 Lake Geneva John 1. Gaskell Madison Thomas M Boykoff C. Vernon Howard. J r . Richard Z. Kabaker Stephen L. S m a y Leonard S. Sosnowski Curtis C. Swanson Milwaukee William J. Abraham, J r . Benjamin J . Abrohams Lillian C. Alien Nelson G. Alston Irving T. Babb Richard Sruarl Baker Darryl 5. Bell D a v ~ d A. Benner Hugh R. Braun Paul D. Braun Howard G. Brown john A. Casey J a m e s L. Crane . I11 Steven R . Duback Stephen M. Fisher Henry E. Fuldner John W. Galanis Joseph A. Gemignani Dudley 1. Godfrey. Jr. Thomas W. Godfrey Robert H . Gorske Michael W. Grebe John A. Hazelwood Edward 1. Heiser. 11. Michael Joseph Herber l Gary A. Hollman Thomas W . Hoya Jeffrey I. & Bonnie M. Jones David Bernard Kern Arlhur F. Lubke. ]r Margare l E. Malchow William J . blantyh Quinn W . Marlin Thomas 1. LdcGinn Earl L. Meixner Richard H. Norris. 111 William L. Randall John M. Reinhart M r . & Mrs. Barry E. S a m m o n s J a m e s E. Schacht David Shule Gordon H . Smith. J r . Harney B. Slaver, ]r. A4ichael P . Sullivan Stephen Z. Surr idge Harry W. Theuerkauf David j. Tolan J a m e s A. Walrath Ronald L. Walter Clay R. Williams Ioseph 1. Ziino. J r . N e w Berlin Donald C. McGaughey N e w Richmond George E. Norman Oshkosh H a r r y E. M e y e r Racine Roger L. McManus Sheboygan Joseph H . Peters

South Milwaukee john B. Baker Wausau Byron E. Bronslon. J r . Arnold J. Kiburz, I11 West Allis Allis-Chalmers Foundalion. Inc.

WYOMING Cheyenne Hon. Clarence A. Br immer . Jr. Kemmerer Patrick 1. Quealy Sher idan David Boyd Kennedy

U.S. POSSESSIONS & FOREIGN Molohiko Aiba Ter je Alfsen Carl H. Amon. I11 Srephen W. A n d r e w Masao Arai J e a n F. Auber l Yoshinobu Baba Ladd A. Baumann Hon. Richard H Benson J a n Fridthjof Bernt Vicente Blanco-Gaspar M r . & M r s J a m e s Bocchini Baruch Bracha Ernsl A. Brandenberg Hugo A4. Bunge-Guerrico M a r c W. F. Christen I rene Corles Eugen A. T . Curti Shigeru Ebihara Marsena M. Farr i s Jochen A. Frowein Yukiharu Fujinaga Akira Fujishima Toichi Fuj iwara A4unepuki Funabashi Wilhelm K. Geck Bradley H. Giles Jurgen Gliss Alain Arnold Gloor lgnacio G. Z. Gomez-Palacio Robert S. G r ~ g g s David B Harre l Hon. Takaaki Hattori Heinz Helm Masaharu Hino Ryuichi Hirano Makazu Ikeda Ulrich Immenga H ~ r o s h i lshikawa H a n s j. H. Jaeger Marco A. Jagmetti . I1 Joseph H . Kaiser Katsuo Kawada Takeshi Kojima Wal ler Konig b l u n e o Kono H a n s Christian Krueger Christoph H a n s Leuenberger Felix R. Loeff ler M'illiam C. Loud. ]I. Joseph Glenn Mason Koya Matsuo Tadashi Matsushiro T e r u o Matsushita John D. Miller Eugene 1. Mockler Makoto Nakamura Jagal Narain Urs C Nef Heinz-Peter B. Neumann Kuniaki Nomura J u n Norisugi Peter Edward Nygh blasayuki Oku Gerhard 011 Yuichi Ozawa Norman A. Platl Takeshi Satsumae 1. Toshio S a w a d a Dietrich Schindler Tlieodor Schuber t i \ntonella Ruffilli Schulte-

Braucks Dr. & Mrs. M u r r a y A. Shekter Georne A. Spater

Yoshio Suzuki Keiichi Tadaki Ryo Tai ra l sao Takahashi Akira Tanigawa Samuel L. Travis . l r . Rokuro Tsuruta Eugen Ulmer Spyros N. Vlachos Alf red 1. Wiederkehr Yoichiro Yamakawa Nobutoshi Yamanouchi

Amount of Contributions by Alumni and Non-Alumni


Amount Contributed by Alumni

Amount Contributed by Non-A~U...~,,


3 4 (Percentage figure indicates increase in dollars from previous year)


w h, t 4 W W J. J. 0 1 Ul 0, 0,

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In Memoriam During the 1980 Law School Fund Campaign, gifts were

received by the Fund in memory of the following alumni:

1874 1924 1937 Clarence M. Burton Vincent Fordell Kenneth K. Luce

1878 Paul A. Leidy All Deceased Members 1940 Henry M. Campbell Charles E. Humphrey, Sr.

1892 1925 William H. Klein

Arthur Webster Ari M. BeGole 1942

1901 1926 Harry M. Nayer

Edson R. Sunderland Alvin D. Blieden Arthur M. Smith 1948

1904 Bruce H. Mellinger

Cornelius Hoffius 1927 J. Richard Swenson

J . Don Lawrence Emory J. Hyde 1949

Frederick L. Leckie 1928 A. Louis Gingras All Deceased Members Benjamin Jaffe Jerry S. McCroskey

1908 Ned Mellen All Deceased Members

Clyde A. DeWitt 1929 1954

1913 Calvin N. Souther William S. Frank

All Deceased Members Frederick Shearer 1958

1931 1914 David Berg

William M. Emery Clair B. Hughes Carl Gussin 1963

All Deceased Members Cornelius Wiarda Chester Skinner 1916 1932 1965

Charles B. Marks Paul G. Kauper Harold B. Zanoff John F. Scott Arthur G. Lyon 1971

1917 Leo Norville Jane L. Mixer ('68-'69) Oscar C. Sattinger 1933 1976

1922 Charles D. Peet Alan Precup Earle E. Ewins 1934

All Deceased Members 1977 Frank E. Cooper Juan Tienda ('74-'76) 1923 1936

Joseph C. Hooper Saul L. Nadler 1979 Alden J . (Butch) Carpenter ('77)

Stanley C. Schlee 1980

Brian Dombkowski ('77-'78)

From alumni and friends in memory of these non-alumni:

Arthur Bergman Clifford J . O'Sullivan Hermine Stone Cotton Alan N. Polasky Prof. and Mrs. Edgar N. Durfee Nellie Schechter Albert Friedman Harry Schneck Louis and Sarah Honigman Ednah J . Scott Alan Jackson Abram W. Sempliner Ann Jaffe Marion Lehr Simpson Catherine Jenkins Warren G. Skoning George H , and Minnie E. Jennings Freda Frank Steinberg Robert Kuse Mrs. Edson R . Sunderland Robert N. Miller Gerald Tang Lily Monticolo Prof, and Mrs. Hessel Yntema Frank N. Newrnan Clarence Zarren

Special Donor Groups

We invite your attention to our dis- cussion of these several groups in " R E A D I N G . . . BETWEEN T H E SHEETS" on page one and the ad- ditional descriptions of each group on the inside of the back cover.

The James B. Angel1 Society

A very special group indeed! It honors those who have given the University $1 million, or have made a commitment of $1.5 million as a defer- red gift. Among those so honored are several Law School alumni and the sister of one of them who have made such gifts to the University. In each case all or a major portion of the gift was for the benefit of the Law School. They are:

Mr. Joseph H. Parsons

Members in Menloriam William W. Cook Clyde A. DeWitt Frederick L. Leckie Julian A. and Rosina

h4arguerite Wolfson

Michigan Benefactors

This is a personal recognit ion awarded those individuals, corpora- tions, or foundations who by their ma- jor gifts to The University of Michigan permit the institution to implement facilities, programs, and services that enable it to maintain leadership among the universities of the world. Basic qualifications for such recogni- tion is a gift of $100,000 in cash, or $150,000 in the form of a deferred gift.

Michigan Benefactors were first designated as such in 1974. Among those who have been so honored are the following members of the "Law School Family," who either attended the Law School or who are spouses of alumni:

Anonymous (2) Col. John L. Anderson Mr. Willard J . Banyon Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Bergstrom Mr. Roy E. Brownell Mr. W. Lawrence Clapp Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm L. Denise Mr. C. Richard Ford Hon. & Mrs. Ralph M. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. William B. Giles Mr. & Mrs. Jason L. Honigman Hobart D. & Willabelle Harper Hoyt Mrs. George M. Humphrey Mr. William A. L. Kaufmann Mrs. Isabel H. Nauman Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Nederlander Mrs. Leo T. Norville Roy F. & Jean Humphrey Proffitt Margaret A. & John E. Riecker

' Mr. & Mrs. F. Roland Sargent ' Mr. Jack H Shuler Mrs. Calvin N. Souther Mr. Duane Stranahan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Sunderland Hon. & Mrs. G. Mennen Williams

Benefactors in Memoriam

Roy E. Brownell Henry M. Butzel Clifton G. Dyer Henry K. Huber Clair B. Hughes George M. Humphrey Emra H. & Eva Coryell Ireland Elroy 0. Jones Clifton M. & Ethel M. Kolb Thomas G. Long Mr. & Mrs. Leger J. Metzger Gilbert H. Montague Leo T. Norville Jay H. Payne Ray W. & Sarah Smith Calvin N. Souther Arthur E. Spencer, Jr . Robert Allan Sullivan Helen Bates Van Tyne Roy E. Wiliy

The Henry P. Tappan Society

Members of the Tappan Society were first recognized in 1978. Those so honored have made gifts to the University of $50,000 in cash or $75,000 in the form of a deferred gift. Several alumni of the Law School or their spouses are included in this group. They, and some friends of the Law School who have designated their qualifying gifts for Law School pur- poses are listed here:

Mrs. Harry G. Gault George M. Humphrey, I1 Mrs. James A. Kennedy Beale T. Perrine Mr. & Mrs. Louis Zanoff

Members in Memoriam

John W. Cooley Mrs. Robert P. (Elizabeth) Dockeray Margaret Fisher James A. Greene Mrs. Forest E. McKee Carrie K. Schwartz

The Presidents Club

The University of Michigan Presi- dents Club is one of the most re- spected organizations of its type in the country. No other public university, and few, if any, private universities or colleges have the allegiance and back- ing of such a large number of people who support their institution in one of the most effective ways-with dollars.

The P res iden t s Club h a s b e e n

enthusiastically supported by many Law School alumni and a list of the Law members follows. Law member- ship increased in 1980 from 435 to 464.

Kazuhisa Abe 1939 William B. Acker 1975 Thomas H. Adams, Jr. 1960 James N. Adler 1961 Francis A. Allen NA John W. Allen 1972 Joseph A. Amter 1928 John H. Anderson 1951 Paul J. Anderson 1932 Leonides H. Angelos 1966 Robert W. Appleford 1960 Richard J. Archer 1948 Jack G. Armstrong 1956 Clinton R. Ashford 1950 Alphonse H. Aymond 1939 Gerald L. Bader, Jr . 1959 Willard J. Banyon 1938 Robert M. Barrie 1949 William G. Barris 1966 Robert H. Bellairs 1948 F. Loyal Bemiller 1958 Patrick Berardo 1970 Daniel B. Beresford 1962 Max H. Bergman 1958 Henry A. Bergstrom 1935 William B. Birmingham 1971 L. Ray Bishop 1963 Donald G. Black 1955 Harry N. Blum 1957 Gertrude Bock NA Walter R. Boris 1950 Joel M. Boyden 1962 Stewart Boyer 1924 John D. Boyles 1959 Alexander M. Bracken 1931 Jeffrey W. Bracken 1975 M. L. Bradbury, Jr. 1942 Ben P. Brasley 1906 Norman I. Brock 1955 A. Edward Brown 1931 Eric V. Brown, Jr . 1965 Stratton S. Brown 1949 Martin R. Browning 1949 Frederick G. Buesser, Jr . 1940 Lawrence L. Bullen 1954 Bert Burgoyne 1956 Thomas N. Burnham 1973 Thomas K. Butterfield 1968 Elden W. Butzbaugh, Jr . 1968 Chester J . Byrns 1951 Roy H. Callahan 1929 Calvin A. Campbell, J r . 1961 Paul B. Campbell 1954 Robert M. Campbell NA Stanley L. Caplan NA Michael Carter 1966 J . Bland Catlett 1917 Lester L. Cecil 1917 John M. Chase, Jr . 1957 Roy H. Christiansen 1957 W. Lawrence Clapp 1963 George S. Clark 1970 Stephen H. Clink 1936 Charles F. Clippert, 11 1959 ' Darryl R Cochrane 1965 1 Avern Cohn 1949

Donald M. Cohn Irwin Isadore Cohn Frederick Colombo Alfred F. Conard William Conlin, Jr . Bruce C. Conybeare David J . Cooper David M. Copi Brooks Crabtree Scott B. Crooks Richard E. Cross R. Malcolm Cumming Lawrence E. Curfman Gilbert A. Currie Donald M . Cutler C. Shelby Dale Steven P. Davis Malcolm L. Denise Dominick A. DeVarti Allen C. Dewey, J r . William C. Dixon John S. Dobson Clifford H. Domke Thomas J . Donnelly Albert F. Donohue Stuart G. Dow George S. Downey Raymond H. Dresser, J r . Daniel H. Dunbar Louis M . Dyll, I1 Emmett E. Eagan William G. Earle Albert D. Early Susan Eklund John Elam Robert H. Elliott, Jr . Warren G. Elliott James L. Elsman Margaret H. Emery John L. Etter Fedele Fauri Domenic Federico Murray J . Feiwell John C. Feldkamp Robert S. Feldman J . Kay Felt Robert L. Fenton John W. Fischer, I11 Philip Fischer C. Richard Ford Carl S. Forsythe Robert B. Foster Stuart D. Freedman Norman Freehling Ralph M . Freeman Walter Freihofer T. Patrick Freydl Thomas L. Freytag Abba I. Friedman Edward P. Frohlich John T. Frost John W. Galanis George H. Gangwere C. William Garratt Benton E. Gates, Jr. Benton E. Gates, Sr. Arthur R. Gaudi Samuel E. Gawne John G. Gent Charles H. Gershenson Ronald R. Gilbert

William B. Giles Jack Gindi Edward D. Goldstein Sanders A. Goodstein Norman Gottlieb Thomas M. Gould William D. Gowans Victor L. Graf H. James Gram Whitmore Gray John A. Grayson Thomas H. Green E. V. Greenwood Carleton Griffin William C. Griffith Henry M. Grix William A. Groening, Jr . Boice Gross Grant J. Gruel, Jr . Carson C. Grunewald Harvey J . Gunderson Rockwell T. Gust Patricia B. Guthner William E. Guthner Cecil H. Haas Erwin H. Haass William J . Halliday, Tr. Edward A. Hansen David Haron Clifford H. Hart Eugene L. Hartwig Arthur J . Hass James W. Haugh Robert C. C. Heaney Paul A. Heinen David F. Heroy Boyd A. Henderson Mrs. George H. Hill William H. Hillier Stuart T. K. Ho R. Stuart Hoffius Henry M. Hogan William L. Holloway Allen C. Holmes Jason L. Honigman John B. Houck Milton M. Howard James L. Howlett Faris A. Howrani Hobart D. Hoyt Ralph F. Huck Gordon W. Hueschen Richard M. Hughey Charles E. Humphrey, J r . William F. Hunting, Jr . Charles J . Hurbis Ralph J . Isackson Joseph H. Jackier Joel G. Jacob Ira J. Jaffe Betty Norcross Jansen Toivo J. Jarvinen Merrill N, Johnson William J . Johnson David R. Johnston Robert A. Johnston Charles E. Jones Richard A. Jones Robert A. Jones Russell S , Jones Susanna Hughes Jones

Thomas B. Joseph Seigel W. Judd Barbara Brattin Kacir Allyn D. Kantor Richard Katcher William A. L. Kaufmann R. Kenneth Keim Robert Kelb John W. Kelly John B. Kemp Cornelia Kennedy James P. Kennedy Robert M. Kerr Frederick R. Keydel Roger G. Kidston Charles C. Killin Sanford A. Klein Raymond E. Knape Walter 0. Koch Reino Koivunen Joseph F. Kosik Thomas V. Koykka Milton A. Kramer Walter G. Krapohl Robert B. Krueger Samuel Krugliak George Kuehn John R. Laird Lou L. Landman L. Bates Lea Ronald Y. C. Lee John E. Leggat Richard 0. Lempert William G. Lerchen, Jr. Joel A. Levine Stanley K. Levison Dean S. Lewis Robert Libner Lawrence Lindemer Charles R. Linton Rodney C. Linton John M. Longway Thomas L. Lott Jonathan D. Lowe Jerry Luptak John J . Lynch, I11 David R. Macdonald Edward P. Madigan Clayton K. Mammel William J . Marcoux Wilbur J. Markstrom George E. Mason Albert D. Matheson Carney D. Matheson Alan A. May Carey H. May Richard H. May Robert A. May Robert B. McAlister Francis W. McCauley C. Blake McDowell, Jr . Joseph E. McMahon Russell A. McNair, J r . Archie A. Messenger William H. Messinger A. David Mikesell Robert H. Miltenberger, I1 Jack E. Mitchell James A. Mitchell Winston C. Moore David Jay Morgan

Cyril Moscow Thomas Munson J . Lee Murphy Richardson Nahstoll Mrs. Harry M. Nayer Robert E. Nederlander Edward J. Neithercut Fred C. Newman William R. Nicholas Marvin Niehuss John H. Norris Arthur H. Northrup Bartlett E. Nutter Elizabeth Oberst Paul Oberst Merrill E. Olsen Jesse R. O'Malley Frank J . Ortman Gerald W. Padwe Robert J . Paley Robert A. Palmer L. Beaumont Parks Bruce N. Parsons Joseph H. Parsons Sanford H. Passer Brian P. Patchen Clarence K. Patterson Peter A. Patterson Walker Peddicord Francisco Penberthy David Pence John S. Pennell Beahl T. Perrine Norman G. Peslar Robert V. Peterson Harry E. Pickering John H. Pickering M. Harry Piper James J . Podell Richard W. Pogue Frank G. Pollock Ray L. Potter Jerome Prewoznik Alan E. Price Roy F. Proffitt Benjamin M. Quigg, Jr . Elmer Radka, Jr . Joseph S. Ransmeier Dean E. Richardson John E. Riecker Wallace D. Riley Richard J . Riordan Thomas Roach Frank H. Roberts Ronald Roberts Burton Rodney Richard D. Rohr Ira Rose Robert S. Rosenfeld Harold Rosenn Alan I. Rothenberg A. D. Ruegsegger Robert G. Russell Joseph F. Ruwitch Theodore Sachs Theodore J . St. Antoine Robert L. Sandblom Richard C. Sanders F. Roland Sargent James E. Sauter Robert N. Sawyer

William M. Schlecte Thomas P. Scholler Benjamin 0. Schwendener, John L. Schwendener John F. Scott, Jr . James K. Seder Erik H . Serr

1 Mark Shaevsky Harold M. Shapero Nelson A. Sharfman Wayne E. Shawaker James M. Sheridan Jack H. Shuler Paul E. Siege1 Forrest W. Simmons George A. Skestos George Slykhouse Allan F. Smith Brook M. Smith Bruce M. Smith Jerome Smith N. Richard Smith Thomas H. Snyder Carl A. Sorling Herbert Sott Craig Spangenberg John R. Sparks George A. Spater George E. Sperling William H. Spitalny Charles R. Sprowl Eric Stein Peter 0. Steiner Irving Stenn, Jr. Irving Stenn, Sr. George T. Stevenson Robert W. Stocker, I1 Gerald L. Stoetzer James L. Stokes Duane Stranahan, Jr. Edgar A. Strause Thomas E. Sunderland William P. Sutter John T. Svendsen Theodore W. Swift Roy E. Takushi Joel D. Tauber Hobart Taylor Robert L. Taylor John S. Tennant B. James Theodoroff W. Bruce Thomas Milton M. Thompson Charles V. Thornton John A. Thurber Matthew H. Tinkham, J r . John D. Todd Joel L. Tonkin Earl C. Townsend John F. Townsend Paul H. Townsend, Jr. Emmett E. Tracy Richard M. Treckelo Paul R. Trigg, Jr . Donald F. Tucker Mark Turpen John T. VanAken Wayne JJanOsdol Lawrence R. VanTil Howard Vielmetti Robert A. Vieweg

Harold S. Voegelin Theodore R. Vogt John F. Wagner Bruce T. Wallace

, Robert E. Walsh Byron D. Walter W. Gerald Warren C. Robert Wartell James Waters John W. Watling, Jr. Mrs. Maurice Weigle Leonard H. Weiner William P. Weiner Howard A. Welch Philip F. Westbrook Aaron Weston Frank M. Wheeler George White James J . White Robert C. White Carroll V. Williams G. Mennen Williams Bruce 0. Wilson John P. Wilson, Jr . Lewis D. Wilson Myron Winegarden Henry S. Wingate John M. Winters, J r . John A. Wise, J r . Francis M. Wistert Philip Wittenberg David P. Wood David P. Wood, J r . E. Lisk Wyckoff, Jr . Barry D. Yaker Murray Yolles Richard W. Young Jack Y. H. Yuen Louis Zanoff Stanley Zax Bruce Zenkel Norman A. Zilber Frank K. Zinn Frederic W. Ziv Richard R. Zukowski

The University Deans Club This is a relatively new and quite

different designation to recognize in- dividuals who make an annual gift of $500 to the University.

In our list below, we have included Law School alumni and fr iends of the School who have made such gifts to the Law School (including gifts for the Capital Campaign as well as for the Law School Fund) . In order to make this list correspond to our fiscal year for the Law School Fund and this report (February 1 to January 311, we include here only those who qualified between February 1,1980 and January 31, 1981. Later qualifiers will b e listed next year. One other limitation-if

they have joined the above groups since making their qualifying gift.

Eugene Alkema Herbert K. Anspach William A. Bain, Jr . Frederick P. Bamberger Richard B. Barnett Charles J. Barr Harold S. Barron David W. Belin Alexander E. Bennett Martin E. Bernstein Leo R. Beus Rinaldo L. Bianchi Richard L. Blatt John H . Blish William J . Bogaard Bruce L. Bower Thomas M . Burton James W. Callison Marc W. F. Christen William H. Conner William J . Cowlin Richard J . Darger Peter H. DeHaas Raymond J. Dittrich, Jr . Michael A. Dively, I1 Daniel H . Dunbar Ralph H. Dwan, Jr . Joseph G. Egan Terrence A. Elkes Philip A. Fleming George S. Flint Joe C. Foster, Jr . Mr . & Mrs. Seymour J . Frank Mr . & Mrs. Frederick P.

Furth, Jr . J . Alan Galbraith Carl R. Gaylord Gerald L. Gherlein Ford M. Graham Kenneth W. Graham, Jr . John C. Griffin Garth E. Griffith J. Marshall Hamilton Patrick Hanley Charles Hansen John F. Hanson Theodore E. Heimer Stuart E. Hertzberg Faye G. Hibbard Melvin Hochster Howard H . Hush, Jr . James Hyde Albert E. Jenner, Jr . William R. Jentes Robert A. Johnston Donald R. Jolliffe Roger W. Kapp Amalya L. Kearse M . Robert Kestenbaum Lincoln M. Knorr C. Douglas Kranwinkle Floyd H . Lawson, J r . Corynne A. Lebetkin Evelyn J. Lehman

Michael R. Levin Robert C. Lovejoy Robert P. Luciano George F. Malcolm Richard S. Marx Donald Maxwell Jane S. McDermott Donald C. McGaughey Neil McKay William L. McKinley Donn B. Miller Richard A. Miller James M. Nicholson George E. Norman Douglas E. Peck Louis Perlmutter John Pigott George J . Platsis George H . Plaut Walter F. Probst, J r . Gerald D. Rapp Martin C. Recchuite Stark Ritchie Richard B. Rogers Morton Rosenfeld Allan A. Rubin John E. Schaal William J . Schrenk, Jr. H . L. Schrock, Jr . Joseph R. Seiger Oliver E. Seikel Donald W. Shaffer Arthur M. Sherwood Langley R. Shook Paul E. Siege1 Lelan Sillin, Jr . Richard I. Singer Gerald D. Skoning John L. Sobieski, Jr . Laurence L. Spitters Charles V. Swan Thomas Trowbridge, 111 John H. Uhl Donald E. Vacin R. Keith VanHoff John T. Vergeer Daniel W. Vittum, Jr . Carl H. vonEnde Robert E. Wagenfeld James R. Waidley Johnnie M. Walters Dr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Watson Alfred J . Wiederkehr Louis E. Woolery Fred M. Woodruff, Jr. Harvey J . Zameck

donors are listed in one of the pre- ceding Special Donor Groups, they will not also be listed he re , unless

Corporate Matching Gift Program

Adam K. Levin

Do you work for a company or law firm that has a matching gift pro- gram? If you do, your gift to the Law School Fund can usually be matched dollar-for-dollar by your company. All you need to do is obtain a matching gift form from your employer, fill it out, and send it with your donation to the Law School Fund. It will be processed he re , re turned to your employer, and your gift will become doubly valuable.

During the 1980 Law School Fund campaign matching gifts were re- ceived from the following:

Aetna Life & Casualty Alcoa Foundation Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. Allied Chemical Corporation Allis Chalmers Foundation, Inc. Allstate Foundation Amax Foundation, Inc. American Airlines American Home Products Corp. American Medical International Inc. American Motors Corporation American National Bank & Trust Co. American Natural Service Co. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. AmeriTrust Corporation AMOCO Foundation, Inc. Amstar Corporation Arthur Andersen & Co. ARMCO Foundation Atlantic Richfield Foundation Austin Company Foundation BankAmerica Foundation Bankers Life Co. Becton, Dickinson Foundation Bendix Corporation Bethlehem Steel Corporation Bowater, Inc. Bristol-Myers Company Brunswick Corporation Burlington Northern Foundation Butler Manufacturing Co. Foundation Cabot Foundation, Inc. Carter Hawlev Hale Stores. Inc. Castle & ~ o o k e , Inc. CBS, Inc. Central Telephone & Utilities Corp. Chessie system Chevron USA Chicago Title & Trust Co.

Foundation Chrysler Corporation Fund Citibank, NA Clark Equipment Co. CNA Foundation The Coca-Cola Co. Columbia Gas System Service Corp. Connecticut General Insurance Corp. Connecticut Mutual Life Container Corporation of America

Fdn. Continental Bank Foundation

The Continental Group Inc. Covington & Burling Dana Corp. Foundation

I John Deere Foundation DeKalb Foundation Deloitte Haskins & Sells Foundation A B. Dick Foundation The DLJ Foundation R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Donovan Leisure Newton Irvine

Fdn., Inc. Dow Chemical Co. Dun & Bradstreet Companies

Fdn., Inc. Eaton Corporation Emerson Electric Co. The Equitable Life Assurance

Society Ernst & Whinney Foundation Esmark Inc. Foundation Exxon Education Foundation Faegre & Benson Fairchild Industries Foundation,

Inc. Federal Mogul Corporation Federated Department Stores, Inc. Firestone Tire & Rubber Company First National Bank of Chicago

Foundation FMC Foundation Foley Hoag & Eliot Ford Motor Company Fund Foremost-McKesson Foundation,

Inc. General Electric Foundation General Reassurance Corporation Georgia-Pacific Corporation Getty Oil Company Graybar Electric Co., Inc. Gulf Oil Corporation Hale & Dorr Halliburton Education Foundation,

Inc. Hammermill Foundation Harris Foundation The Hartford Insurance Group

Fdn., Inc. H. J. Heinz Company Foundation Hercules, Inc. Heublein, Inc. Houghton Mifflin Company I.B.M. Corporation INCO Ltd. International Harvester Foundation International Paper Company International Telephone &

Telegraph Corp. The Inter-Regional Financial Group,

Inc. Foundation IU International Johnson & Johnson Keck Mahin & Cate Kerr-McGee Foundation, Inc. Kirkland & Ellis Koppers Foundation Kraft Inc. Lawler Felix & Hall Eli Lilly & Co. Lincoln National Corporation Loews Foundation Magnime t

Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. Fdn.

MANULIFE Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. Arthur G. McKee & Co. Charitable

Trust The Mead Corporation Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Midland Mutual Life Insurance Minneapolis Star & Tribune Co. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing

Co. Mobil Foundation, Inc. Monsanto Fund Moore McCormack Resources Inc. Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of

New York Morrison-Knudsen Co., Inc. Morrison & Foerster Morton-Norwich Products, Inc. Motorola Foundation National Bank of Detroit

Charitable Trust National City Bank New England Mutual Life Insurance Northern Natural Gas Company The Northern Trust Company

Charitable Trust Northwestern National Bank of

Minneapolis Occidental Petroleum Charitable

Fdn., Inc. O'Melveny & Myers Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation Owens-Illinois P.P.G. Industries Foundation Pacific Mutual Parker-Hannifin Corp. Pennzoil Co. Peoples Energy Corporation Pfizer, Inc. Philadelphia Bethlehem & New

England Railroad Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. Plante & Moran Price Waterhouse Foundation Prudential Foundation The Quaker Oats Foundation Reader's Digest Foundation Republic National Bank of New York Reynolds Metals Company

Foundation Rockwell International Corporation Rohm & Haas Co, Rosenman Colin Freund Lewis &

Cohen St. Joe Minerals Corporation The St. Paul Companies, Inc. Santa Fe Industries Foundation Inc. Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. Scott Paper Company Foundation Seattle First National Bank Security Pacific Charitable Fdn. Shell Companies Foundation, Inc. Sidley & Austin SCM Corporation The Smithkline Foundation Sonnenschein Carlin Nath &

Rosenthal Southwest Forest Industries Squibb Corporation

Standard Oil Company (Ohio) Stauffer Chemical Company Sullivan & Cromwell Sun Company Inc. Sybron Corporation Texaco Philanthropic Foundation, Inc. Travelers Insurance Co. TRW, Inc. Uniroyal United Airlines Foundation United Brands Foundation U.S. Gypsum Co. United States Trust Co. of

New York Fdn. United Technologies Corporation The Upjohn Company Vedder Price Kaufman & Kammholz The Warner & Swasey Foundation Western Bancorporation Westinghouse Electric Company Whirlpool Foundation Wilmer Cutler & Pickering Arthur Young Foundation

Alumni News Notes

The following Michigan alumni were honored for 50 years in the prac- tice of law at the annual meeting of the State Bar of Michigan at its annual banquet in September 1980:

From the Class of 1929: Ivan A. Challis

From the Class of 1930: Victor C Anderson Esther Tuttle Bailey Robert H . Baker Ruth Tuttle Freeman Emanuel J. Harris Robert C. Heaney Ferdinand D. Hellman W. Brace Krag Hyman A. Kramer James Montante Joseph A. Navarre David L. Perrot Abraham Satovsky George R . Snider Charles J . Spaulding Earl D. Sullivan Vernon D. TenCate Milton M. Thompson John H. Vander Wal Benton B. Wolfe

927 D a n i e l L . B r e n n e r w a s e l e c t e d p r e s i d e n t of t h e

University of Missouri system Board of Curators for 1981.

934 Samuel G. Wellman retired from the Ohio law firm he had

been associated with since gradua- tion.

935 Jack J. Kraizman has been named "Man of the Year" by

Congregation B'nai David in Detroit for his service to the Jewish com- munity.

'36 Henry J. Merry is the author of Five Branch Government:

The Full Measure of Constitutional C h e c k s a n d B a l a n c e s . I t w a s published by the University of Illinois Press.

Frank G. Theis, Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas, received the 1980 Judicial Achievement Award of the Associa- tion of Trial Lawyers of America for Outstanding Federal Trial Judge.

'38 Robert S. Feldman has been chairman of two sections of the

Association of Trial Lawyers, the first time in the organization's 41-year history that the same person has been named simultaneously to head two sections.

939 Richard E. Hinks was ap - pointed chairperson of the

Standing Committee on Unauthorized Practice of the Law by the American Bar Association.

Earl Townsend, a former Michigan basketball captain, has been inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame . H e is a n a t torney in In- dianapolis.

'41 Robert R. Ferguson of Alpena was appointed judge of the

26th J u d i c i a l C i rcu i t C o u r t by Michigan's governor on October 20, 1980.

'49 John C. Elam w a s e l ec ted president of the American Col-

lege of Trial Lawyers.

Thomas W. Ford who is president of Ford Land Company in Menlo Park, California, has been elected to the S t a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y B o a r d of Trustees.

Bernard Goldstone has been elected to the Board of Governors of the Penn- sylvania Trial Lawyers Association. He is also president of the Mercer County Bar Association.

M o r r i s M i l m e t w a s a p p o i n t e d chairperson of the Michigan Employ- ment Relations Commission by Gover- nor William Milliken.

'50 Robert F. Bowers has re- tired from the Chrysler Cor-

poration after 30 years service.

George L. Cook was named director of personnel planning and administra- tion for the Chrysler Carp., Detroit.

Stuart J. Dunnings, Jr., was renamed to the State Board of Law Examiners for a term expiring June 30, 1985. He has served on the board since 1969 and is vice president of the National Bar Association.

'51 George E. Bushnell, Jr. was re-elected to the Michigan

Judicial Tenure Commission.

'52 Robert B. Krueger, a Los Angeles lawyer, has been reap-

pointed chairman of the American Bar Association's special committee on energy law.

'53 Robert G. Russell was elected president of the Detroit Bar As-

sociation for 1981-82.

'54 Samuel R . DiFrancesco, Jr. has been elected to the Penn-

sylvania Trial Lawyers Association's Board of Governors.

Bradford Stone of the Detroit College of Law was a visiting professor' at Brigham Young University during the winter and spring of 1980.

'55 John F. Dodge, Jr. , has been appointed by Governor Mil-

liken to the Michigan Civil Service Commission. He is a former deputy secretary of state for Michigan.

Carl M. Eckert has been appointed as- sistant vice president, personal trust, for the Detroit Bank & Trust.

Robert C. Stodel was among the first 100 trial lawyers certified as a Civil Trial Specialist by the National Board of Trial Advocacy.

Theodore Swift is now on the faculty of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School as a visiting professor. He will teach contracts.

956 John D. Appel has been ap- pointed vice president and

general counsel of Western Union. He had been deputy general counsel at CBS, Inc. New York since 1968.

B e r t B u r g o y n e h a s b e c o m e a stockholder in the firm of Bromberg, Robinson, Shapero, Cohn & Burgoyne, P.C. Other members are Stephen A. Bromberg, JD '54 , and Jeffrey R. Kravitz, JD '68. Harold M. Shapero, JD '21 is of counsel.

Raymond H. Dresser, Jr. was elected to the Michigan State Bar Board of Commissioners.

Richard B. Madden was e lec ted chairman of the board of trustees of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.

'57 Robert D. Schuler is serving as president of the Motor Car-

rier Lawyers Association for 1980-81. He is the third Michigan graduate, all from the same firm, to serve in this national capacity.

958 Raymond J. Dittrich has be- come the vice president and

general counsel of Georgia-Pacific Corporation in Portland, Oregon. Prior to this he was with the Pillsbury Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Eugene L. Hartwig has been named an associate general counsel for the General Motors Corporation.

Robert P. Luciano was elected presi- dent and chief operating officer of the Scher ing-P lough C o r p o r a t i o n in Kenilworth, New Jersey. He has also been elected to the Board of Directors i of C. R. Bard, Inc.

Nathaniel W. Stroup was elected to the Michigan State Bar Board of Com- missioners.

'59 Roger P. Brosnahan is serving as president of the National

Conference of Bar Presidents during 1980-81.

John M. Barr, former president of the Washtenaw County Bar Association, was named Ypsilanti, Michigan's, new city attorney.

John M. MacMillan was selected by the V e t e r a n s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n to r e c e i v e t h e " N o m e n c l a t u r e of Superior Performance" citation for his "significant contribution to the mission of the agency."

'61 W . D . G a n u s h a s b e e n appointed trademark counsel

for the Dow Chemical Company.

Laurence M. Scoville, Jr., was elected to the Board of Directors of the Detroit Bar Association.

962 Joel M. Boyden was re-elected to the Michigan S ta t e Bar

Board of Commissioners.

David E. Dohnal has been elected secretary and counsel of the Kelly- S p r i n g f i e l d T i r e C o m p a n y i n Cumberland, Maryland.

'63 Francis X. Beytagh, dean of the University of Toledo Col-

lege of Law, is the author of the fifth edition of Constitutional Low: Cases and Makerials recently published by Little Brown & Company.

J. Richard Ernst was appointed by Michigan's Governor William Mil- liken to be judge of the 23rd Judicial Circuit.

John A. Krsul, Jr. incumbent commis- s ione r , r e t a ined his s e a t on the Michigan State Bar Board of Commis- sioners.

William H. McCarter, Jr., is now associated with the firm of Linsky, Finnegan & Stanzler, P.C. He was formerly with Warner & Stackpole.

John M. Richel has been named presi- dent of the Grosse Pointe Cable Television system.

Richard A. Solomon, s e n i o r l a w partner in the firm of Solomon & Foley, spoke at the 29th annual spring meeting of the American Bar Associa- tion. He discussed "Unique Aspects of State Court Antitrust Prosecutions," He is a special assistant attorney general for the Economic Crime Divi- sion of the state of Michigan.

Patrick J. Wilson was named to the State Officers' Compensation Com- mission for a four-year term. He is with the firm of Running, Wise & Wilson of Traverse City, Michigan.

964 M a r t i n Dick inson i s n o w engaged in private practice in

Lawrence , Kansas , a f t e r hav ing served for nine years as dean of the University of Kansas School of Law.

Richard A. Rossman has been ap- pointed U.S. attorney for the Eastern Dis t r i c t of M i c h i g a n b e g i n n i n g December 1, 1980. He has been chief assistant attorney for the past three years.

W. Schuyler Seymour, Jr., has been elected to the Board of Directors of the University of Michigan Alumni Association.

965 J o a n V . A r r o w s m i t h w a s appointed judge of the Im-

migration Court in Washington, D.C.

John C. Feldkamp has been admitted to the State Bar of New Jersey. He is the general manager of services for Prince ton University.

Mark E. Schlussel has been elected as director of the Southfield Chamber of Commerce.

William Sikkenga has been appointed tax counsel of Armco, Inc.

Karen M. Swift, was promoted to vice p r e s i d e n t a n d c o u n s e l of T h e Equitable Life Assurance Society of United States in July 1980.

Fred L. Woodworth was elected as secretary-treasurer of the Detroit Bar Association.

'66 Stephen H. Boak has joined the law firm of Sempliner,

Thomas & Tiplady. For the last twelve years h e has been with the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office.

Bruce M. Groom was elected to be the chairperson of the Michigan State Bar Representative Assembly for 1980-81.

Charles H. Jehle is a partner in the f irm of Straka, Jarackas & Co., CPA's at Utica, Michigan.

John H. Martin has rejoined the firm of Landman, Luyendyk, Latimer, Clink & Robb in Muskegon after eight years of teaching at the University of North Carolina. During that time he also taught as visiting professor at The Unive r s i ty of Michigan a n d the University of Virginia.

Thomas R. Roberts was appointed judge of Michigan's 55th District Court by Governor William Milliken in June 1980.

967 Ronald R. Gilbert has become a shareholder in the firm of

Charfoos, Christensen, Gilbert & Archer, P.C. He has co-authored a text having to do with Social Security dis- ability claims and how to handle them, and has been selected to be in Whb's Who in the midwest.

John j. Gilstorf has been promoted to vice president of City National Bank of Detroit.

J. Kirkland Grant recently a visiting scholar at Columbia University's School of Law, has been named dean of Widener University's Delaware Law School.

Hurst K. Groves has been appointed general counsel and elected a director of Mobil Sekiyu K.K. of Toyko, Japan.

Gregory C. Jones has been sworn in as interim U.S. attorney of the Northern District of Illinois.

George M. Humphrey, 11, was elected to the new position of senior vice president, finance, of the Hanna Min- ing Company of Cleveland, Ohio. He was formerly vice president, sales, with the same company.

Charles A. Moran has been elected chairman of the board and president of the Lionel D. Edie Company, a sub-

sidiary of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company in New York City.

Alan J. Polansky was appointed to a newly created position of manager, in- ternational iron ore sales, for Hanna Mining.

'68 Chris Cooke at a gene ra l election was retained for a six-

year term as a superior court judge for the state of Alaska.

Charles E. Humphrey, Jr. is now presi- dent of Partners Oil Company in Houston, Texas.

Michael D. Saphier heads the Health Law Department of Memel, Jacobs, P ie rno & Gersh in Los Angeles , California.

Dick H. Woods, Jr. has been named vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Missouri.

'69 Robert L. Rose h a s b e e n appointed general counsel at

Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut.

Franklin K. Willis has been appointed deputy assistant secretary for policy and international affairs in the Tran- sportation Department by the Reagan Administration.

Fred M. Woodruff, Jr. has become a resident partner in the Battle Creek office of Dykema, Gossett, Spencer, Goodnow & Trigg.

970 K e i t h B e l l a i r s i s n o w engaged in private practice as

of April 1, 1980.

Mark A. Gordon has been named as- sistant comptroller, tax affairs, by the Budd Company of Troy, Michigan.

David B. Lewis was reappointed to the Board of Control of Oakland Univer- sity by Governor William Milliken for a new eight-year term. He is a mem- ber of the law firm of Lewis, White, Clay & Graves, P.C.

Robert Wefald has been elected at- torney general of North Dakota. He assumed office in January of 1981.

'71 Mark F. Katz has recently f o r m e d h i s o w n l a w

partnership in Los Angeles under the name of Friedlander & Katz.

Robert C. Laskowski has merged with Grenley & Rotenberg to become Grenley, Rotenberg & Laskowski in Portland, Oregon.

Joseph C. Zengerle has become a partner in the firm of Bingham, Dana & Gould and assisted the Boston based firm open its offices in Washington, D.C.

Lynda Zengerle is of counsel in the Washington, D.C. office of Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease.

'72 J . Phil l ip Adams of N e w York City w a s e l e c t e d a

partner with his firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

Bruce M. Chadwick has become a partner in the law firm of Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C.

Mike Hardy co-authored an article in the Case Western University Law Review in Cleveland, Ohio , on "Balkanization of Interstate Energy Markets: New Variations of Sovereign Self-Interest."

Raymond J. Jast has become a partner in the Chicago firm of Peterson, Ross, Schloerb & Siedel.

John P. Quinn has formed a new partnership in Detroit under the firm name of Quinn & Budaj.

'73 Lee W. Atkinson was ap - pointed an assistant United

States attorney for the Middle District of Florida in March, 1980, and has been promoted to chief attorney, Special Litigation Section, United Sta tes At torney 's Off ice , Midd le District of Florida in Tampa, Florida.

Daniel J. Gallington, a l ieutenant colonel in the Air Force, is attending Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base. He most recently served as director of International Law for Headquarters, Pacific Air Forces in Hawaii.

James R. Jenkins was promoted to senior staff counsel for the Legal Department of the Dow Corning Cor- poration of Midland, Michigan.

Kristena A. Lamar has taken a leave of absence from the firm of Lindsay, Hart, Neil & Weigler of Portland, Oregon. She is now acting as co- counsel to the Oregon Legislature's Senate Justice Committee that meets for six months every two years.

John Nannes has become a partner in the New York firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

'74 Norma A. Dawson is staff attorney at PennCorp Finan-

cial, Inc., in Santa Monica, California.

Forrest A. Hainline, 111, has become a partner in the law firm of Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison in San Francisco, California.

Christopher Jeffries has been ap- pointed vice president of the Samuel G. Keywell Company located i n Southfield, Michigan.

Darryl Snider is now a partner in the law firm of Brobeck, Phleger & Har- rison in San Francisco, California.

F. Rodger Wrege of Atlanta, Georgia has become a member of the firm of Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy.

'75 Daniel B. Crabtree is asso- c i a t e d w i t h t h e f i r m of

Crabtree & Goodwin of San Diego, California.

Eric A. Eisen has recently associated wi th B r a c e w e l l & P a t t e r s o n i n Washington, D.C., to specialize in energy law.

Ralph Gerson has begun private prac- tice in Washington, D.C. with the firm of Akin, Gump, Hauer & Feld. He will combine international trade with a general administrative practice.

Hurticene Hardaway, assistant cor- poration counsel for the City of Detroit, has been named to the Ferris State College Board of Control for a term effective January 1, 1981, and ex- piring December 31, 1988.

Robert A . Katcher is now associated with Wilson & McIlvaine of Chicago and is specializing in federal taxation. He was formerly with the Office of Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Ser- vice.

Nickolas J. Kyser has been appointed a full-time faculty member beginning with the academic year 1980-81 at the University of Detroit School of Law. H e fo rmer ly pract iced wi th the Denver firm of Holme, Roberts & Owen.

Joseph M. Polito of Detroi t h a s become a par tner in the f irm of Honigman, Miller, Schwartz & Cohn.

Barry F. White has been admitted as partner in the firm of Armstrong, Al- len. Braden, Goodman, McBride & Prewitt of Memphis, Tennessee.

9 . William Whitlock, formerly 76 !in associate, has become a

partner in the Muskegon, Michigan firm of Landman, Luyendyk, Latimer, Clink & Robb.

'77 Pe,nriy Friedman w a s a p - pointed director of property

development for the Taft Broadcasting Company of Ohio. She had previously been associated with Taft, Stettinius & Hollister.

Mark A. Kalafut has been promoted to assistant general at torney for the Union Pacific Railroad.

Brent E. Simmons is assistant counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in Washington, D.C.

Mary Coffman Viviano has been ap- pointed executive director of the Public Interest Clearinghouse/Re- source Center in San Francisco. She formerly was associated with the firm of Lillick, McHose & Charles.

978 Catherine L . Copp i s a n assistant chief counsel for En-

forcement with the U.S. Food & Drug A d m i n i s t r a t i o n i n R o c k v i l l e , Maryland.

Roger L. Gregory has become as- sociated with the law firm of Hunton & W i l l i a m s i n t h e i r R i c h m o n d , Virginia office.

Avrama Panush h a s b e c o m e as- sociated with the firm of Lippitt, Har- r ison, Perlove, Fr iedman, Zack & Whitefield in Southfield, Michigan.

Lea Vaughn has accepted the posts of director of legal research and writing programs and assistant dean for stu- dent affairs at the Universi ty of Detroit School of Law beginning with the academic y e a r 1980-81. S h e formerly practiced with the Detroit firm of Miller, Cohen, Martens & Sugarman.

Vincene Verdun has been appointed to the faculty at the University of Detroit School of Law. She formerly was with Bendix Corporation's Legal Department.

979 Melvin W. Beal h a s b e e n appointed to an attorney posi-

tion in the Office of the General Counsel of the Board of Regents of the University of California in Berkeley.

Richard F. Currey is the chief of legal and labor affairs at the Joint U.S. Military Group-Military Assistance Advisory Group in Madrid, Spain.

Norman H. Beitner has become as- sociated with the Detroit f i rm of Honigman, Miller, Schwartz & Cohn.

'80 Ron Heller has joined the Honolulu law firm of Hodick,

Reinwald, O'Connor & Marack.


'94 Reuben Silliman

'01 Losh 0. Harbaugh, d. 1963

'05 Chester M. Ape1 A r t h u r W a y n e P a r r y , d . December 1, 1979

'08 Wilbur C. Bacon, d . May 7, 1978

'09 Henry W. McKisson

'11 Clarence E. Eldridge, Sr. , d . December, 1981 in Seminole, Fla.

'12 John J. Devos, d. August 7, 1980 John E. Manthey, d. November 21, 1980

'13 Norman W. Reed, d. March 20, 1981 in Toledo, Ohio Phineas Rosenberg

'14 Theodore L. Locke, d . April 16, 1981 in North Redington Beach, Fla.

'15 Charles W. Ferguson Nathaniel H. Goldstick, d . June 22, 1981 in Detroit, Mich. Hugh E. Lillie Frederick McGraw, d. May 20, 1980 in Grosse Pointe, Mich. James R. Thomas, d. October 16, 1980 in Detroit, Mich.

'16 Gerald S. Frary, d . July 23, 1980 Charles B. Marks, d. July 24, 1980 Ray J. Mills, d. February 27, 1981 in Lake Placid, Fla. Ralph G. Shelden, d. November 1, 1980

'17 George C. Claassen, d. March 21, 1980 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

'18 Joseph B. Comstock

'19 Oscar A. Adel

'20 William C. Searl, d. July 1, 1980

'21 Millard Bryan Conklin, d. January 21, 1981 Sydney A. Jacobs, d. September 10, 1980 in Detroit, Mich.

'22 Edward M. Apple, d. September 3, 1980 in Ann Arbor, Mich.

'23 N. G e o r g e B a s h a r a , S r . , d . September 1 2 , 1980 in Grosse Pointe, Mich. Wade P. Connell, d. April 17, 1980 Roy P. Hull, d. April 23, 1981 in Galesburg, Ill. Gladys Wells Ringer

'24 Seth R. Bidwell, d. May 27,1981 in Scottsdale, Ariz. Jules C. Goldstone, d. June 18, 1980 Bowen E. Schumacher, d , June, 1976 Lucien F. Sweet, d. May 31, 1981 in Kalamazoo, Mich.

'26 Alvin D. Blieden, d. November 11, 1980 Charles Danton, d. October 18, 1980 William Fleischaker, d. October 20, 1978 Leo I. Franklin, d. October 2, 1980 in Farmington Hills, Mich. William L. Holloway, d. January 20, 1981 Walter E. Pear, d. August 16, 1980 D. Neil Reid, d. January 22, 1981 Gerald M a ~ t i n Ryan, d. March 17, 1981 James P. Steinhauer, d . December 31,1980

'27 Edgar Holt Ailes, d. April 11, 1981 in Detroit, Mich. Alexander L. Zivich, d. March 21, 1981

'28 Percy L. Edwards, d. May 11, 1979 Hobart Durfee Hoyt, d. May 25, 1981 Carl H. Manson James B. Stanley, d. 1977

'29 William N. Gall, d. November 28, 1980 Carroll C. Grigsby, d . June 28,1980 John E. Gunther Paul T. Omer, d. September 2 , 1978 in Scottsboro, Ala. John E. Sponseller, d. October 3, 1980 Bernard P. Traynor, d. August 26, 1980 in San Antonio, Tex.

'30 John W. Blanchard, d. July 7, 1980 Lillian Green Dykstra, d. April 11, 1981 in Normal, 111. Julius M. Goldman, d. July 15,1980 Robert C. C. Heaney, d. April 10, 1981 in Tempe, Ariz. Thomas G. Kennedy, d. March 22, 1981 John R. Murphy, d. July 12 , 1980 Ford R. Nelson, d. July 1, 1979

W i l l i a m T . W e i n m a n , d . December 28, 1980 in Steuben- ville, Ohio Dan B. Withers, Jr . , d. April 28, 1980

'31 Harvey Bielfield, d , in Bal Har- bor, Fla. Robert P. Dockeray Earl Nelson Goodyear R a y m o n d K. K l a a s e n , d . December 17, 1980 in Ann Arbor, Mich. Frederick R. Parker, d. July 4,1980 Benjamin L. Pierce, d. March 22, 1981 in Fostoria, Ohio Russell A. VanKoevering, d . November 27, 1980

'32 Maurice S. Culp, d. October, 1980 A r t h u r G . L y o n , J r . , d , i n Coldwater, Mich.

'33 Charles W. Bishop, d. December 22, 1980 Franklin Forsythe, d. April 11, 1981 in Laguna Hills, Calif. Daniel T. Moyle, d. February 5 , 1979 Dalton E. Seymour, d. April 17, 1981

'34 Carl S. Rowe, d. July 31, 1980 in Nantucket, Mass. John Eben Kuppinger, d. May 15, 1980 in Phoenix, Ariz.

James E. Swan, d. July, 1978 in Anchorage, Alaska

'35 Ellsworth W. Allison, d. October 9, 1980 David W. Leach, d. June 14, 1981 in Royal Oak, Mich. John H. Mooney, d. May 18, 1980 Frank W. Munger, d. May 17,1980 H a r c o u r t S . P a t t e r s o n , d . November 26, 1980

'36 Joseph F. Eichhorn, d. January 28, 1981

'37 Peter S. Boter, d. September 16, 1980 Thomas L. Croft R i c h a r d G . M c C u s k e y , d . December 20, 1980 in Scottsdale, Ariz. Milton Samorodin, d. June 30, 1980

'38 Clay C. Blair, Jr . , d. August 3, 1979 James R. Fitzharris Robert J , Henoch Leonard W. Koplin, d . August, 1980 John L. Ragland, d. March 9, 1981 in Ann Arbor, Mich. Charles A. Rogers, d. April 11, 1980 Philip T. VanZile, 11, d. November 16, 1980 in Detroit, Mich.

'40 William V. Bailey, d. May 3, 1980 in Cleveland, Ohio Edward H. Boyle, d. May 10, 1981 in Prescott, Ariz. Joseph A. Moynihan , J r . , d. Februa ry 24, 1981 in Grosse Pointe, Mich.

'41 William H. Hillier, d. March 12 , 1981 John J . Uehara, d. April 17,1974 in Honolulu, Hawaii Marion M. M. Warner, d. March 31, 1981

'42 R . Ralph Felver, d . February 13, 1977 in Akron, Ohio

'43 Hobart Taylor, Jr., d . April 2, 1981 in the Bahamas

'47 John N. Canavan, d. August 10, 1980 in Bloomfield Township, Mich. Robert A. Carr, Jr . , d. May, 1981 Arthur C. Jones, d. November 12 , 1976 Elizabeth H. Ramsey, d . May 3, 1980 in Plainwell, Mich.

'48 William F. Powers, d. June 29, 1977 in Burbank, Calif. John S. Hough Bruce H. Mellinger, d. September 23, 1980 in Saginaw, Mich. Edward M. Resch, d. May 22,1981 in Casey, Ill. Roy C. Wetterhall, d. November 18, 1980

'49 Edward B. Harrison, d. March 2 , 1981 in Dearborn, Mich.

'50 Richard H. Conn, d. March, 1971 in Toledo, Ohio Stephen C. devr ies , d. July 9,1980 in Milwaukee, Wis.

'51 Wil l iam E d w a r d Wal lace , d . January 6, 1981

'52 Joseph A. Cannon, d. June 10,1980 Daniel Kirk, d. June, 1978

'53 Edward P. Kirby, Sr. , d. August 17, 1980 in St. Petersburg, Fla.

'54 John Cleveland Hall, d. June 9, 1981 in Great Falls, Mont.

'55 Theodore G. House, d. 1980

'60 Folke Schmidt, d , in Stockholm, Sweden

'62 David McGill Soutar, d . April 5 , 1981

'64 Thomas Otto Wood, d. March 11, 1981 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

'77 Michael Krzys, d , April, 1981 in Beaufort, S.C.


. . . the reason your name isn't listed in the Alumni News Notes section is that we haven't heard from you recently.

Why not use this handy news notes blank and tell us a little about how your life has changed recently? Alumni News Notes is a regular feature of each annual report of the Law School Fund. Your friends do care!

We shall also share the information as we receive it with the Michigan Alumnus, which is published by the Michigan Alumni Association and dis- tributed to its members ten times a year.

Name Class Year


Dear Alumni News Notes: you may be interested to know that

Clip out and mail to Professor Roy F. Proffitt, The University of Michigan Law School, Hutchins Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. THANKS!

Michigan Special Donor Groups*

THE JAMES B. ANGELL SOCIETY Membership is open to individuals, corporations, foundations, as- sociations and other groups. A combination of cash gifts and a de- ferred gift may be used to qualify: the deferred portion must be at least 150% of the difference between the total cash gifts and $1.000,000. For Angell Society only, all gifts over a person's lifetime are considered for qualifying, and all who in the past have made gifts of at least $1,000,000 have been recognized. Each individual member is eligible for membership in the Presidents Club.

MICHIGAN BENEFACTORS Membership is open to individuals, corporations, foundations, as- sociations and other groups. For individuals, a cash gift combined with a matching gift of not more than $50.000 totaling $100,000, each payable over 10 years may be used to qualify. And all gifts received by the University from the individual since January 1 , 1961 may be credited in qualifying. A combination of cash gifts and a deferred gift may be used; the deferred portion must be at least 1 5 0 7 ~ of the difference between the total cash gifts and S100,Ooo. Each individual Benefactor is eligible for membership in the Presidents Club.

THE HENRY P. TAPPAN SOCIETY Individuals only. In lieu of the basic cash gift of $50.000 the donor may make a cash gift of $37,500 plus a matching gift of $37,500, each payable over a period of 10 years to qualify. All Presidents Club qualifying gifts may also be credited in qualifying for Tappan. A combination of cash gifts and deferred gift may be used; the de- ferred portion must be at least 1 5 0 7 ~ of the difference between the total cash gifts and $50,000. Each member is eligible for membership in the Presidents Club.

THE PRESIDENTS CLUB Individuals only. In lieu of the basic cash gift of $10,000 the donor may make a cash gift of $7,500 plus a matching gift of $7,500, each payable over a period of 10 years. Gifts received by the University in the 10 years prior to the commitment to qualify may be credited in qualifying. A combination of cash gifts and a deferred gift may be used; the deferred portion must be at least 1 5 0 7 ~ of the difference between the total qualifying cash gifts and $10,000. If the donor's deferred gift is a life insurance policy the face value must be $25,000.

THE UNIVERSITY DEANS CLUB Individuals only. Recognition is for an annual gift or gifts. The donor may use a cash gift of at least $250 and a matching gift sufficient to total $500. The University's year to measure the "annual" gift is July 1 to June 30. The Law School Fund's year for making the list of names in this report is February 1 through January 31 each year (our fiscal year for all purposes). Thus if you made a $500 gift to the Law School in March, 1981, your name will not be in this report, but will be listed next year when we report for 1981.

James B. Angell Society. A cash gift of $1 million payable over the lifetime of the donor, or a deferred gift of $1.5 million.

Michigan Benefaclvr. n tiash, gift of $100,000 payable over 10 years, or a deferred gift of $150,000.

Henry P. Ta payable over

gift of $50,000 gift of $75,000.

The Presid over 10 ye;

ents Clul ars, or a

b. A casl- deferrec

payable I .

THE HUNDRED CLUB Individuals only. For an annual gift or gifts. Matching gifts may not be used for this designation. Membership is acknowledged by both ~ h , Univer the University and the Law School, but we do not carry a separate least $500, list of names in this report. More than 2,000 alumni and friends of $250. qualified for membership in this group with gifts for the Law School [both Law School Fund and the Capital Campaignlin 1980. ,

fE of at ng gift

*The nunarea club. An annual casn gut or at least'

*Please see our comments about these groups in "Reading. . . ' $1 00 and less than $500.

Between the Sheets" on p. 5, and the list of Law members starting on p. 37.

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