Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1

Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017 मुडकोपनिषद् Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1 《髡发奥义书》 Śānti Mantra √bhand n sg acc √karṇ m pl inst √śṛ opt 1 st pl m pl nom n sg acc √dṛś opt 1 st pl akṣan n pl inst m pl voc Oṁ bhadraṁ karṇebhiḥ śṛṇuyāma devā bhadraṁ paśyema akṣabhir yajatrāḥ 2 | the auspicious by ears may we hear Devas the auspicious may we see with eyes the worthy of worship √sthā adj m pl inst n pl inst √stu adj m pl nom √tan f pl inst vi-√viś opt 1 st pl tatpu n sg acc rpn n āyus n sg acc sthiraiḥ r aṅgaiḥ s tuṣṭuvāṁsaḥ 3s tanūbhiḥ 4r vyaśema deva-hitaṁ 5 yad āyuḥ || with steadfast limbs praising with bodies may we enjoy Deva-allotted that life span ind ppn 1 st pl dat m sg nom [bahu] ~as adj m sg nom m sg nom adj m sg nom svasti 6 na indro vṛddha-śravāḥ 7 svasti naḥ pūṣā 8 viśvavedāḥ 9 | ‘let it be good’ to us Indra the great-famed Pūṣan all-embracing (knowing) √tṛkṣ m sg nom [bahu] adj f sg nom √bṛh m sg nom √dhā imp 3 rd sg svasti naḥ s tārkṣyo 10 ariṣṭa-nemiḥ 11 svasti no bṛhaspatir 12 dadhātu || Tārkṣya the undamaged-wheel Bṛhaspati may he grant f sg nom Oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ peace 1 muṇḍaka [m] the shaven-headed 2 Monier Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: [adj] worthy of worship or sacrifice, deserving adoration 3 tuṣţuvas [adj] praising, tuṣṭuvāṁsaḥ [adj m pl nom] strong base for pl 4 √tan to spread 5 hita [pp] of √dhā conveyed, allotted 6 su+asti lit. ‘well-is’; may it be well with thee! hail! health! adieu! be it!; Godspeed, blessing 7 vṛddhaśravas [adj, stem] name of Indra; vṛddha [pp] of √vṛdh great, abundant; śrava √śru fame, glory, renown 8 √pūṣ to nourish pūṣan [m] name of a Vedic deity originally connected with the sun, etc. 9 vedas [m] knowledge, viśvavedas [adj] embracing or absorbing all things, lit. ‘all-knowledge’ 10 √tṛkṣ to go, tārkṣya the celestial bird Garuda 11 √ṛiṣ destroy, ruin; ṛiṣta [pp adj] torn off, broken, destroyed; ariṣṭa-nemiḥ [karma cpd] turns [bahu cpd] as adj for Garuda 12 √bṛh to pray; bṛhaspati [m] Lord of prayer or devotion

Transcript of Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1

Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

मुण्डकोपनिषद ्Muṇḍakopaniṣad1《髡发奥义书》

Śānti Mantra

√bhand n sg acc √karṇ m pl inst √śṛ opt 1st pl m pl nom n sg acc √dṛś opt 1st pl akṣan n pl inst m pl voc

Oṁ bhadraṁ karṇebhiḥ śṛṇuyāma devā bhadraṁ paśyema akṣabhir yajatrāḥ2 | the auspicious by ears may we hear Devas the auspicious may we see with eyes the worthy of worship

√sthā adj m pl inst n pl inst √stu adj m pl nom √tan f pl inst vi-√viś opt 1st pl tatpu n sg acc rpn n āyus n sg acc

sthiraiḥraṅgaiḥstuṣṭuvāṁsaḥ3stanūbhiḥ4rvyaśema deva-hitaṁ5 yad āyuḥ || with steadfast limbs praising with bodies may we enjoy Deva-allotted that life span

ind ppn 1st pl dat m sg nom [bahu] ~as adj m sg nom m sg nom adj m sg nom

svasti6 na indro vṛddha-śravāḥ7 svasti naḥ pūṣā8 viśvavedāḥ9 | ‘let it be good’ to us Indra the great-famed Pūṣan all-embracing (knowing)

√tṛkṣ m sg nom [bahu] adj f sg nom √bṛh m sg nom √dhā imp 3rd sg

svasti naḥstārkṣyo10 ariṣṭa-nemiḥ11 svasti no bṛhaspatir12 dadhātu || Tārkṣya the undamaged-wheel Bṛhaspati may he grant

f sg nom

Oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ peace

1 muṇḍaka [m] the shaven-headed

2 Monier Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: [adj] worthy of worship or sacrifice, deserving adoration

3 tuṣţuvas [adj] praising, tuṣṭuvāṁsaḥ [adj m pl nom] strong base for pl

4 √tan to spread

5 hita [pp] of √dhā conveyed, allotted

6 su+asti lit. ‘well-is’; may it be well with thee! hail! health! adieu! be it!; Godspeed, blessing

7 vṛddhaśravas [adj, stem] name of Indra; vṛddha [pp] of √vṛdh great, abundant; śrava √śru fame, glory, renown

8 √pūṣ to nourish pūṣan [m] name of a Vedic deity originally connected with the sun, etc.

9 vedas [m] knowledge, viśvavedas [adj] embracing or absorbing all things, lit. ‘all-knowledge’

10 √tṛkṣ to go, tārkṣya the celestial bird Garuda

11 √ṛiṣ destroy, ruin; ṛiṣta [pp adj] torn off, broken, destroyed; ariṣṭa-nemiḥ [karma cpd] turns [bahu cpd] as adj for Garuda

12 √bṛh to pray; bṛhaspati [m] Lord of prayer or devotion

Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

Oṃ. O Devas! May we hear the auspicious with our ears!

O the worthy-of-worship ones! May we see with our eyes the auspicious!

Praising with steady limbs and bodies, may we enjoy the Deva-allotted life.

Bless us! Indra – the great-famed. Bless us! Pūṣan – the all-embracing.

Bless us! Tārkṣya – one with undamaged wheel. May Bṛhaspati grant us blessing.

Oṃ. Peace! Peace! Peace!

汉译文、译注:《五十奥义书 (修訂本)》徐梵澄译,中国社会科学出版社 2007













【笔者:“宇宙养育者”viśvaveda, Pūṣan 字根 √pūṣ“养育”意;viśva: “宇宙”或“一切”;viśvaveda 字面意思 “全知”。】 14

【笔者:“多刹雅” Tārkṣya “神鹰”;“轮无伤”:ariṣṭa “不破”,nemi “轮”。】 15

【笔者:“璧赫斯钵底” Bṛhaspati “祈祷敬拜之神”。】

Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

First Muṇḍaka: First Khaṇḍa

~an m sg nom m pl gen √prath adj m sg nom √bhū perf 3rd sg

1. oṃ brahmā devānām prathamaḥ sambabhūva Brahmā among Devas foremost was (or manifested)

n sg gen m sg nom m/n sg gen m sg nom

viśvasya16 kartā17 bhuvanasya18 goptā19 | of the universe creator world’s or being’s protector

m [tatpu cpd] f sg acc pn-adj f √sthā f sg acc [tatpu cpd]

sa brahma-vidyāṁ sarva-vidyā-pratiṣṭhām he (of) Brahman -knowledge (of) all -knowledge -basis

~a m sg dat adj spv [karma cpd] m sg dat perf 3rd sg

arthavāya jyeṣṭha-putrāya20 prāha21 || for Atharva eldest for son told


Brahmā was the first among Devas,

creator of the universe, protector of all.

He imparted the Brahma-vidyā – basis of all knowledge –

to his eldest son Atharva.

第一书 上篇






16 √viś to pervade; viśva [adj] all, universal; viśvaṃ universal 17

kartṛ creator 18

bhuvana 1. [n] a being, living creature, man, mankind; 2. [rarely m] the world, earth 19

√gup goptṛ protector 20

-iṣṭha [-ifc] forms superlative, jyeṣṭha eldest 21

√ha only [perf]; told, uttered, spoke; pra-āha [3rd sg perf] 22“大梵”Brahmā,指神。通常 Brahman“大梵”,乃指超人格性之“太极”,中性字,亦可曰“梵道”。

Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

~an m sg dat rpn f sg acc impf 3rd sg m sg nom

2. artharvaṇe yām pravadeta23 brahmā for Atharvan what proclaimed Brahmā

m sg nom f sg acc ind -o- √vac perf m sg dat [tatpu cpd] f sg acc atharvā tām purā uvāca aṅgire brahma-vidyām |

Atharvan that of old told for Aṅgir (of) brahman -knowledge

nom m sg dat m sg dat perf 3rd sg sa bhāradvārāya satyavahāya prāha

he for Bhāradvāja -Satyavaha told

m sg nom m sg dat adj f sg acc

bhāradvājo’ṅgirase parāvarām24 || Bhāradvāja for Aṅgiras in succession

What Brahmā proclaimed to Atharvan in olden days,

that Brahma-vidyā Atharvan told to Angir,

who told (it) to Satyavaha-Bhāradvāja,

(and) Bhāradvāja to Angiras – (the vidyā) is handed down in succession.






pra-√vad Vedic for avadat [impf 3rd sg] spoke clearly, told, proclaimed 24 Monier Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary: handed down from earlier to later times, [adj] for vidyā 25


Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

m sg nom ind m sg nom m sg acc

3. śaunako ha vai mahā-śalo’ṅgirasaṁ26 Saunaka indeed great householder to Aṅgiras

ind pp adj m sg nom √prach perf 3rd sg

vidhivad27upasannaḥ28 papraccha | duly approached asked

n sg loc ind ~at m sg voc adj n sg loc kasmin nu bhagavo29 vijñāte30

what now Bhagavat when known

pn-adj n sg acc n sg acc adj n sg acc √bhū pres 3rd sg sarvam idaṁ vijñātam bhavati iti ||

all this is known becomes

Saunaka, the great householder, approached Angiras duly with respect and asked:

“What is that, O Bhagavan, when known, everything becomes known?”


问曰:“老师!知之则一切皆知,是何学也?”31 (三)


mahāśala [karma cpd]; mahā great; śāla [m] Vatica robusta used for house building 27

in accordance with Vedas injunctions or precept, duly 28

upa-sanna [pp of √sad] sat down close to someone (especially for instruction) =approached 29

Vedic for bhagavan [voc] 30

vijñāta [adj] discerned, understood, known; kasmin … vijñāte [loc of circumstance] =what when known 31


Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

tad m sg dat nom pcl √vac perf du nom ~ā f du nom √vid fpp f du nom pcl 4. tasmai sa ha32oūvāca | dve vidye veditavye iti33 ha sma34

for him he (expletive) said two knowledge to be known (past sense)

rpn n sg acc m pl nom √vad pres 3rd pl adj f sg nom pcl adj f sg nom yad brahma-vido35 vadanti parā ca eva aparā ca ||

that Brahman-knowers said higher also lower

To him he said: “Two kinds of knowledge are to be known” – that the Brahman-knowers said – “One the lower and one the higher.”

彼告之曰:“有二明当学,如大梵明者所言:一为上明,一为下明。36 (四)

pcl adj f sg nom m m m m √śikṣ f √kḷp m 5. tatra aparā ṛgvedo yajurvedaḥ sāmavedo’tharvavedaḥ śikṣā37 kalpo38

therein the lower Rig Veda Yajur V. Sāma V. Atharva V. phonetics ritual

n n n n

vyākaraṇaṁ39 niruktaṁ40 chando41 jyotiṣam42 iti | grammar etymology prosody astrology/astronomy

ind adj f sg nom f sg inst nom √kṣar n sg nom √gam pass 3rd sg atha parā yayā tad akṣaram adhigamyate ||

and the higher with which that imperishable is attained

Therein the lower knowledge: Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, phonetics, rituals, grammar, etymology, prosody and astronomy;

and the higher knowledge with which the imperishable is attained.



上明者,由之而悟入‘不变灭者’ 也。43” (五)


enclitic particle, which in the older language slightly emphasized the preceding word, but a mere expletive in later Sanskrit 33

should it be ’veditavya iti’ after sandhi? 34

gives a present tense (here vadanti) a past sense 35

brahma-vit brahma-knower; Vedic for brahmavitaḥ [m pl nom] 36

参《弥勒奥义书》6.22 37

pronunciation and accent; √śikṣ to learn (the phonetics) 38

rituals and their mandates; √kḷp to conform to 39

grammatical analysis; vi-ākaraṇa [n] separation, distinction, discrimination 40

etymology; nir-ukta pronounced, explained, defined, etymology 41

studies of prosody metres 42

astrology/astronomy, √dyut to shine 43


Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

n n √dṛś fpp n sg nom √grah fpp n sg nom adj n sg nom adj n sg nom

6. yat tad adreśyam44 agrāhyam agotram45 avarṇam46 which that imperceptible ungraspable no origin no attributes

[dvanda cpd] n sg nom n [dvanda cpd] n sg nom a-cakṣuḥ-śrotraṁ47 tad a-pāṇi-pādam48 |

no eyes and ears that no feet and hands

adj n sg nom adj n sg nom adj n sg nom adj n sg nom nityaṁ vibhuṁ49 sarva-gataṁ su-sūkṣmaṁ50

eternal omnipresent all-pervading very subtle

n vi-aya adj n sg acc n [tatpu cpd] f sg acc pres 3rd pl m pl nom tad avyayam yad bhūta-yoniṁ51 paripaśyanti dhīrāḥ ||

that imperishable which (of) beings-source behold everywhere the wise

That which is imperceptible, ungraspable, unoriginated, attribute-less;

with no eyes nor ears, hands nor feet; eternal, omnipresent, all-pervading, very subtle –

the wise behold everywhere as the Imperishable source-of-all-beings.










Vedic for adṛśyaṃ 45

gotra [n] cowshed =family, race, lineage, origin 46 √vṛ to cover; varṇa character, appearance, attribute 47

cakṣu [m] śrotra [n] 48

pāṇi [m] pāda [m] 49

manifested in diverse forms 50

su [pfx] very, well; sūkṣmaṁ [adj] subtle; cf. suṣṭhu [adv] exceedingly; 51

bhūta [n] being; yoni [m/f] womb, place or source of birth

Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

pcl m pl inst √sṛj pres 3rd sg √grah pres 3rd sg

7. yathā ūrṇanābhiḥ sṛjate gṛhṇate ca just as by spiders casts withdraws

pṛthivī f sg loc oṣadhi f pl nom √bhū pres 3rd pl yathā pṛthivyām oṣadhayaḥ sambhavanti |

on earth plants grow

sat pap m sg abl m sg abl n pl nom yathā sataḥ puruṣāt keśa-lomāni52

living fr. man hair -body hairs

pcl n sg abl pres 3rd sg pcl n sg nom tathā akṣarāt sambhavati iha53 viśvam ||

so too fr. the imperishable emerges this here universe

As a spider emits and draws back (its threads); as plants grow on earth;

as body-hairs (grow) from a living man;

just so from the Imperishable emerges this universe here.








keśa [m] hair, loman [n] body-hair (later roman); keśa-loman [karma cpd?] 53

iha [pcl] here in this world 54


Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

tapas n sg inst √ci pres 3rd sg n sg nom tatas pcl n sg nom pres 3rd sg

8. tapasā55 cīyate56 brahma tato’nnam57 abhijāyate | thru. tapas distends Brahman thereupon ‘food’ (is) born

n sg abl m sg nom ~as m sg nom n sg nom m pl nom ~an m pl nom √mṛ n sg nom annāt prāṇo manaḥ satyaṁ lokāḥ karmasu ca amṛtam58 ||

fr.‘food’ vital breath mind truth worlds in actions ‘immortality’

Brahman distends through tapas, thereupon it gives birth to primordial matter;

from it the Prāṇa, mind, truth, the worlds and the endlessness in karmic actions.









√tap to warm, illuminate, do penance; tapas [n] religious austerity, bodily mortification, penance, severe meditation, special

observance 苦行、热力 56

√ci to expand, build up, increase, distend, augment 57

√ad [2P] (causative sense) to eat/feed, anna [adj] food, contextually the un-manifest i.e. primordial matter 58

contextually the endless entanglement of karma 59

“密行”即内中之力,智识所成也。 60


Muṇḍakopaniṣad 1.1.1 - 1.1.9 26.4.2017

m adj m sg nom adj m sg nom m sg gen adj n sg nom n sg nom

9. yaḥ61 sarva-jñaḥ sarva-vid yasya jñānamayaṁ62 tapaḥ | he who omniscient all-knowing whose knowledge-filled austerity

m sg abl n sg acc n sg acc nāman [dvavda] n sg acc n sg acc √jan 4Ā pres 3rd sg tasmād etad brahma63 nāma-rūpam annaṁ ca jāyate ||

from him this Brahman name-and-form primordial matter (is) born

He who is omniscient and all-knowing; whose austerity is knowledge-filled,

from Him he gives birth to this: Brahman, name-form, and primordial matter.





Grammatical Abbreviations

<masculine feminine neuter> <singular dual plural> <1st




<nominative accusative instrumental dative ablative genitive locative vocative>

<present imperfect perfect periphrastic-perfect aorist future periphrastic-future >

<imperative optative conditional subjunctive injunctive>

<passive causative desiderative intensive denominative>

<adjective adverb indecline numeral comparative superlative>

<adjective adverb preposition indeclinable particle prefix suffix comparative superlative>

<numeral cardinal ordinal > <locative absolute, genitive absolute>

<compound: o (ibc) start of cpd,

o (ifc) end of cpd, tatpuruṣa, karmadhāraya, bahuvrīhi, dvanda, upapada>

<pronoun: ppn personal, dpn demonstrative, rpn relative, ipn interrogative,

rfpn reflexive, pn-adj pronominal adjective>

<participle: pap present active, pmp present middle, ppp present passive;

psap past active, pp past passive;

fap future active, fmp future middle, fpp future passive;

pfap perfect active, pfmp perfect middle

gerund (absolutive/indeclinable past participle) infinitive>


i.e. Brahmā [m sg nom] of brahman, the God in verse 1 62

-maya [sfx] filled with, consisting of 63

i.e. brahman [n sg acc] the neutral, non-personified Brahman