Mechanisms of neuronal death in brain aging and alzheimer's disease: Role of endocrine-mediated...

Mechanisms of Neuronal Death in Brain Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease: Role of Endocrine-Mediated Calcium Dyshomeostasis Philip W. Landfield,‘ Olivier Thibault, Mary L. Mazzanti, Nada M. Porter,‘ and D. Steven Kerr2 Department of Pharmacology, University of Kentucky, College of Medicine, MS-305 Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0084; and *Department of Psychology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand SUMMARY This paper reviews evidence that brain aging and Alz- heimer’s disease (AD) are somehow closely related and that the hippocampus (CA1) is highly vulnerable to cell loss under both conditions. In addition, two current lines of evidence on the mechanisms of hippocampal cell loss with aging are considered, including studies of neuronal calcium dysregulation and studies of cumulative gluco- corticoid (CC) neurotoxicity. Moreover, recent electro- physiological studies have shown that excess glucocorti- coid activation of hippocampal neurons increases the in- flux of calcium through voltage-activated calcium chan- nels. Second messenger systems may mediate the steroid modulation of calcium channels. Therefore, it is hypothe- sized that excess glucocorticoid activation and neuronal calcium dysregulation may be two phases of a single pro- cess that increases the susceptibility of neurons to neuro- degeneration during aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Keywords: brain aging, glucocorticoids, calcium regula- tion, hippocampus, neuron death, calcium potentials, cal- cium currents, Alzheimer’s Disease. 0 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. NEURON LOSS IN BRAIN AGING AND ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE (AD) It has been well established in quantitative studies of human postmortem tissues that neocortical neu- rons exhibit a substantial decrease in density as a function of normal aging (Brody, 1955; Hender- son, Tomlinson, and Gibson, 1980). However, be- cause several studies have indicated that brain neu- rons may shrink with age, which could result in artifactually reduced values for neuronal density, the interpretation that decreased neuronal density is indicative of cell loss has been questioned (Haug, 1985; Terry, De Teresa, and Hansen, 1987). On the other hand, numerous imaging and postmor- Received August I I, 1992; accepted August 11, 1992 Journal of Neurobiology, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 1247- 1260 (1 992) 0 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0022-3034/92/09 1247-14 tem studies have shown that brain volume also shrinks with age, to a degree that appears to more than offset the effects of neuronal shrinkage on neu- ronal density measures. Moreover, neocortical neu- rons do not necessarily shrink with age, as the size of pyramidal neuronal dendritic trees can actually increase in healthy normal aging (Buell and Cole- man, 198 1 ). Thus, even after corrections for possi- ble neuronal shrinkage, there appears to be an overall loss of neocortical neurons with aging (Terry et al., 1987). The problems of variability associated with dif- ferential tissue shrinkage due to age, postmortem delay, immersion fixation artifact, and individual aging differences make reliable counts of neuronal density in human neocortex extraordinarily diffi- cult. However, in well-defined structures for which the overall volume can also be measured, cell counts are generally more reliable. Such studies have shown that whereas many subcortical nuclei 1247

Transcript of Mechanisms of neuronal death in brain aging and alzheimer's disease: Role of endocrine-mediated...

Mechanisms of Neuronal Death in Brain Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease: Role of Endocrine-Mediated Calcium Dyshomeostasis

Philip W. Landfield,‘ Olivier Thibault, ’ Mary L. Mazzanti, ‘ Nada M. Porter,‘ and D. Steven Kerr2

’ Department of Pharmacology, University of Kentucky, College of Medicine, MS-305 Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky 40536-0084; and *Department of Psychology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand


This paper reviews evidence that brain aging and Alz- heimer’s disease (AD) are somehow closely related and that the hippocampus (CA1) is highly vulnerable to cell loss under both conditions. In addition, two current lines of evidence on the mechanisms of hippocampal cell loss with aging are considered, including studies of neuronal calcium dysregulation and studies of cumulative gluco- corticoid (CC) neurotoxicity. Moreover, recent electro- physiological studies have shown that excess glucocorti- coid activation of hippocampal neurons increases the in- flux of calcium through voltage-activated calcium chan-

nels. Second messenger systems may mediate the steroid modulation of calcium channels. Therefore, it is hypothe- sized that excess glucocorticoid activation and neuronal calcium dysregulation may be two phases of a single pro- cess that increases the susceptibility of neurons to neuro- degeneration during aging and Alzheimer’s disease.

Keywords: brain aging, glucocorticoids, calcium regula- tion, hippocampus, neuron death, calcium potentials, cal- cium currents, Alzheimer’s Disease.

0 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


It has been well established in quantitative studies of human postmortem tissues that neocortical neu- rons exhibit a substantial decrease in density as a function of normal aging (Brody, 1955; Hender- son, Tomlinson, and Gibson, 1980). However, be- cause several studies have indicated that brain neu- rons may shrink with age, which could result in artifactually reduced values for neuronal density, the interpretation that decreased neuronal density is indicative of cell loss has been questioned (Haug, 1985; Terry, De Teresa, and Hansen, 1987). On the other hand, numerous imaging and postmor-

Received August I I , 1992; accepted August 11 , 1992 Journal of Neurobiology, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 1247- 1260 ( 1 992) 0 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0022-3034/92/09 1247-14

tem studies have shown that brain volume also shrinks with age, to a degree that appears to more than offset the effects of neuronal shrinkage on neu- ronal density measures. Moreover, neocortical neu- rons do not necessarily shrink with age, as the size of pyramidal neuronal dendritic trees can actually increase in healthy normal aging (Buell and Cole- man, 198 1 ). Thus, even after corrections for possi- ble neuronal shrinkage, there appears to be an overall loss of neocortical neurons with aging (Terry et al., 1987).

The problems of variability associated with dif- ferential tissue shrinkage due to age, postmortem delay, immersion fixation artifact, and individual aging differences make reliable counts of neuronal density in human neocortex extraordinarily diffi- cult. However, in well-defined structures for which the overall volume can also be measured, cell counts are generally more reliable. Such studies have shown that whereas many subcortical nuclei


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do not lose neurons with aging, several monoamin- ergic nuclei are substantially affected by cell loss (Brody, 1978). Interestingly, a recent count of neu- rons throughout the entire human hippocampus, using new unbiased stereological methods that are not affected by cell size, found a clear age-related loss of pyramidal neurons in field CA 1 (West and Gunderson, 1990). However, the sample size in that study was relatively small, and the authors note the need for additional data on this question.

Animal studies usually allow fixation artifacts to be controlled more effectively, and studies in ani- mal models of aging have also found that some, but certainly not all, brain regions lose neurons with aging (Coleman and Flood, 1987). Although some of these results are also controversial, the data for field CA 1 in the hippocampus are highly consistent and essentially all studies in rodents have found age-related decreases in CA 1 neuronal density ( Landfield, Baskin and Pitler, 198 I ; Landfield, 1987a; Kerr, Campbell, Applegate, Brodish, and Landfield, 199 1 ; see review in Coleman and Flood, 1987).

With regard to Alzheimer’sdisease, there is wide- spread agreement that neocortical and hippocam- pal (primarily CA 1 ) neurons degenerate and are lost in substantial numbers as AD progresses (Mann, 1985; Terry, Peck, IIeTeresa, Schechter, and Horoupian, 198 1; Buell and Coleman, 198 1 ). However, one of the key questions regarding age- associated neuronal death is whether neuronal loss in AD is related at the mechanistic level to neuro- nal loss in normal brain aging. Clearly, this issue has major implications for our strategies in at- tempting to understand the bases of both AD and normal brain aging. Although this question cannot be answered definitively at this point, there is sub- stantial evidence of a fundamental link of some kind between normal brain aging and AD. Aspects of this evidence are summarized briefly below.


Hypotheses on the etiology/pathogenesis of Alz- heimer’s disease have suggested possible roles for infectious agents (Wisniewski and Merz, 1985; Prusiner, 1987 ) , environmental toxins (Perl, 1985; Ehmann, Markesbery, Alauddin, et a]., 1986; Calne, Eisen, McGeer, and Spencer, 1986), abnormal protein regulation, particularly with re- gard to beta amyloid and tau proteins (Iqbal,

Grundke-Iqbal, and Wisniewski, 1987; Selkoe, 1989; Kosik, 1990), loss of trophic factors (Hefti, Hartikka, and Knusel, 1989), changes in mem- brane structure (Markesbery, Leung, and Butter- field, 1980; Pettegrew, Moosy, Withers, McKeag, and Panchalingam, 1988a, Pettegrew et al., 1988b), impairedenergy metabolism due to micro- vasculature changes ( Khachaturian, Radebaugh, and Monjan, 1490), or generalized metabolic dis- turbances (Sims, Finegan, and Blass, 1987; Hoyer, Oesterreich, and Wagner, 1988), as well as roles for other factors (cf. reviews in Khachaturian et al., 1 990; Katzman and Saitoh, I99 1 ; Whitehouse, 1986). In addition, there is evidence that genetic factors contribute to at least some forms of A D (Schellenberg et al., 1987; Roses, 1989). However, although there are findings supporting each of these views, none of these processes has yet been implicated definitively in the initial pathogenesis of AD. Moreover, few if any of these hypotheses are incompatible with other hypotheses, since AD appears to be a complex, potentially multietiologi- cal phenomenon (cf. above) that could involve in- teractions among a number of factors.


Any hypothesis of AD has to account for increas- ing evidence suggesting that almost everyone who lives long enough may eventually become a victim of AD; that is, it is now clear that previous esti- mates of Alzheimer’s disease incidence have been substantially on the low side, and that nearly 50% of those over age 85 may have some form of AD (see Evans et al., 1989). In fact, a recent summary of studies on the incidence of AD shows that AD increases exponentially after age 60-65, and extrap- olation of the incidence curve in that paper sug- gests that nearly everyone who lives to 105-1 10 years of age might develop some form of AD (cf. Fig. 1 in Katzman and Saitoh, 1991). These re- markable figures indicate that AD is so widespread that its causative factors may be almost as univer- sal as the aging process itself‘. Moreover, the brains of all individuals over age 80 contain at least some histological hallmarks of AD-plaques, tangles, and neuron loss (Matsuyama, Namicki, and Wa- tanabe, 1966)-and there is much less difference between the brains of the “normal” elderly and AD subjects after age 80 than there is before age 65

Neuronul Deuth in Bruin Aging 1249

(due to continuing brain changes in the clinically normal individuals) (Gottfries, 1988; Mann, 1985). In humans, the patterns of normal brain aging fairly closely mimic those of AD qualita- tively, in that basically all properties of neuropa- thology seen in AD are present-albeit in substan- tially lesser numbers-in the brains of the clini- cally normal elderly (Wisniewski and Terry, 1973; Wisniewiski and Merz, 1985; Katzman and Saitoh, I99 1 ) . Thus, any factor that was able somehow to induce dramatic quantitative increases in normal brain aging processes apparently would convert normal brain aging to the same condition as AD.

These observations suggest both that aging is the primary “risk factor” for AD (cf. Katzman and Saitoh, 1991), and that brain cell loss with aging may be a good model for cell loss in AD. The corol- lary of this latter conclusion seems to be that if animal models of aging are relevant to normal hu- man aging, then they are also likely to be relevant to AD neurodegeneration.

Aging rodent brains do not develop plaques and tangles; however, most recent studies suggest that loss or shrinkage of neurons, dendrites, and/or synapses is more closely correlated with either de- mentia or aging than are plaques and tangles (cf. Terry et al., 1987, 1990; Buell and Coleman, 1979; Scheff, DeKosky, and Price, 1990). As noted above, it is clear that aged rodents exhibit pyrami- dal cell loss in hippocampus (Landfield et a]., 198 1; Landfield, I987a; Kerr et al., 199 1 ) as well as cell loss or dendritic/synaptic changes in some, but not all other brain regions (Coleman and Flood, 1987; Geinisman, De Toledo-Morrell, and Mor- rell, 1986). Moreover, aging rodents exhibit exten- sive hippocampal astrocyte hypertrophy (Land- field et al., 1977, 1978; Geinisman, Bondareff, and Dodge, 1978) just as do aging humans (Wis- niewski and Terry, 1973; Hansen, Armstrong, and Terry, 1987).

Thus, there seems to be an extremely close asso- ciation between normal brain aging processes and age-correlated neurodegenerative diseases such as AD. Moreover, the loss of neurons in field CA 1 of the hippocampus is a consistent correlate of aging across species, and is also prominent in human AD. For these reasons, we have focused on cellular mechanisms of dysfunction and pathology in hip- pocampal CA 1 neurons in aging rats as models for more general mechanisms of brain aging and, possi- bly AD. Some implications of these studies, and those of others, for putative cellular mechanisms of age-associated cell loss are outlined below.


The extremely widespread susceptibility to AD ob- served in aging humans who live long enough (Katzman and Saitoh, 1991) suggests that some normal physiological aging process may inexor- ably and systematically increase vulnerability to AD-associated neuronal death. Recent studies from this laboratory have also found evidence that aging increases the vulnerability of brain neurons to other neurodegenerative influences. In a study in which mild but chronic (6 months) stress was administered to rats of three different age groups, only the aged-stressed animals exhibited increased neuronal loss in field CA 1 of the hippocampus, in comparison to nonstressed controls (Kerr et al., 199 1 ). This chronic stress paradigm also resulted in a decrease of hippocampal corticosterone recep- tors, which was less in the aged animals (Eldridge, Kute, Brodish, and Landfield, 1989), suggesting that the aging-associated resistance to down-regula- tion might have increased neuron vulnerability to the neuropathologic effects of elevated glucocorti- coids.

Thus, in conjunction with the clear age depen- dence of Alzheimer’s disease (and several other neurodegenerative disorders), these and other ani- mal data imply that there is an aging-associated susceptibility factor that increases the probability of cell death in the presence of neurotoxic condi- tions.

This possibility does not in itself explain why some individuals are susceptible to neurodegenera- tive disease at much younger ages than are others. Conceivably therefore, it is in the area of individual variation in the development of AD that some of the several hypotheses of AD involving environ- mental toxins, infectious agents, genetic predispo- sition, or other nonaging factors may be particu- larly relevant. However, it also seems of key impor- tance to define the apparent universal aging process (with which such extraneous factors may interact ) that underlies the increasing susceptibil- ity to cell loss. Further, individual variation in the rate of progression of aging processes may also con- tribute to individual variability in neuronal suscep- tibility.

Unlike AD, there are relatively few testable etio- logical hypotheses to account for normal brain ag- ing. Two of the current views on brain aging are the “altered calcium (Ca2+ ) homeostasis” hypothesis and the “cumulative glucocorticoid- (GC) induced

1250 Landfield et a1

neurodegeneratiorz” hypothesis. Recently, these have been linked by experimental evidence into a single, multiphase hypothesis ( Kerr, Campbell, Hao, and Landfield, 1989). The evidence support- ing these concepts is outlined further in the follow- ing sections.


There is increasing recognition of the substantial neurotoxic potential associated with dysregulation of cellular calcium ( Ca2+) homeostasis. Dysregu- lated elevations of intracellular Ca2+ concentration have been implicated in ischemic damage to car- diac and neural tissues for more than a decade (Schlaepfer and Hasler, 1979; Nayler, Poole-Wil- son, and Williams, 1979; Siesjo, 198 1 ) . Ca2+ chan- nel blockers are under intensive study for potential protective uses in stroke and ischemic heart dam- age (Scriabine, Schuurman, and Traber, 1989). In addition, in vivo and tissue culture studies have im- plicated excess Ca2+ influx as a key element in amino acid excitotoxicity (cf. reviews in Rothman and Olney, 1987; Choi, 1987: Mattson, Murrain, Guthrie, and Kater, 1989).

Nevertheless, it is only recently that Ca2+ dysreg- ulation has been suggested to play a role in neuro- degenerative diseases associated with aging. In the early to mid 1980s, several lines of evidence pointed to altered Ca2+ regulation as a highly con- sistent concomitant of brain aging in rodents (cf. Gibson and Peterson, 1987; Michaelis, Johe, and Kitos, 1984; Landfield and Pitler, 1984; Landfield, Pitler, and Applegate, 1986). ‘These and other stud- ies in a few laboratories led to the formal suggestion that changes in neuronal Ca’” homeostasis might be a key final pathway in age-related brain decline (cf. Khachaturian, 1984, 1989; Gibson and Peter- son, 1987; Landfield, 1987b).

Over the past years, electrophysiological studies in our laboratory have found aging-dependent al- terations of Ca2+ -mediated potentials and currents in neurons of aged hippocampus in rats, indicative of age-related changes in voltage-activated Ca2+ channels (see review in Landfield, Campbell, Hao, and Kerr, 1989). An overview of these results is presented below. In addition, evidence has been obtained by others of altered Ca2+ extrusion, buff- ering or uptake in neurons from aged rat brain and reduced clearance of Ca2+ from aged rat neuromus- cular terminals (Michaelis et al., 1984; Smith,

1988; Martinez-Serrano, Blanco, and Sastrustegui, 1992; see reviews in Gibson and Peterson, 1987; Khachaturian, 1089). Similar observations have been made in other excitable tissues (cf. Roth, 1988). Furthermore, Ca2+ channel antagonists are highly effective in counteracting age-associated be- havioral decline ( Deyo, Straube, and Disterhoft, 1989; Scriabine, et al., 1989).

Apart from animal studies, environmental / epi- demiologic studies of the indigenous Chamarro people of Guam, and of populations in the %i Peninsula of Japan and southern West New Guinea (all of whom have an extraordinarily high incidence of degenerative amyotrophic lateral scle- rosis and Parkinson-dementia ( ALS-PD) in com- parison to Western populations), have found low magnesium and calcium in the drinking water of these regions. Yase ( 1979) and colleagues have hy- pothesized that the low calcium/ magnesium in the diet could result in elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH) activity, which, in turn, would mobilize cal- cium from the bone and result in excessive calcifi- cation of and/or aluminum uptake into soft tis- sues, including central nervous system. These in- vestigators have found that PTH is elevated in affected individuals, and almost twice the concen- tration of Ca was present in brains of demented patients at autopsy (Yase, 1979). Moreover, Perl, Gajdusek, Garruto, Yanagihara, and Gibbs ( 1982) found that degenerating neurons from ALS-PD subjects, as well as from western AD subjects, con- tain higher Ca2+ and aluminum than did nonaf- fected neurons, which could be related to disorders of Ca2+ metabolism.

A more recent suggestion on the cause of brain degenerative disease in Guam is the presence of a toxic excitatoiy amino acid (EAA) in the diet (Spencer et a1 , 1987). Elevated activity of EAAs has also been postulated to underlie Alzheimer’s disease (Greenmayre and Y oung, 1989). Neverthe- less, EAAs are also believed to cause “excitotoxic” neural damage by increasing intracellular calcium (Rothman and Olney, 1987; Choi, 1987). Thus, one cofactor necessary for toxic EAA actions might be the presence of altered calcium homeostasis or increased membrane permeability to calcium (which would enhance the impact of EAA stimula- tion). Further data implicating altered Ca2+ ho- meostasis in the neuronal damage in AD has come from studies in which EAAs and calcium iono- phores induced neurofibrillary tangle-like anti- genic changes in cultured hippocampal neurons (Mattson, 1990).

There also have been a number of studies exam-

Neuronal Death in Brain Aging 1251

ining peripheral Ca2+ regulation specifically in AD subjects. Most of these have been inconclusive, al- though the possibility that AD might be associated with a general systemic defect in Ca2+ regulation was raised by studies of Ca2+ uptake in cultured fibroblasts from AD subjects (Peterson, Gibson, and Blass, 1985). Further, a recent study found clear evidence of altered serum Ca2+ / phosphate balance in the first stages of AD, in healthy outpa- tient subjects with no vascular complications (Landfield, Applegate, Schmitzer-Osborne, and Naylor, I99 1 ).

There is also increasing evidence that a number of key Ca2+ regulatory proteins, including the Ca2+ binding protein, Calbindin-28k (Iacopino and Christakos, 1990a), the Ca2+/calmodulin-depen- dent kinase I1 ( McKee, Kosik, Kennedy, and Ko- wall, 1990), and protein kinase C (PKC) (Masliah, Cole, Hansen, Mallory, Albright, Terry, and Sai- toh, 1991; Saitoh, Masliah, Jin, Cole, Wieloch, and Shapiro, 199 1 ) are altered in the brains of AD sub- jects. In addition, increased protease activity ap- pears to be a highly consistent correlate of AD-re- lated neuritic plaques (Cataldo and Nixon, 1990), and some increased protease activity during aging or AD may also be associated with Ca2+-activated proteases (calpains) (Nilsson, Alafuzoff, Blennow, et al., 1990; Lynch, Larson, and Baudry, 1986).

Clearly, such changes in Ca2+ channels, Ca2+ regulatory proteins, or Ca2+-dependent second messengers with aging and/ or age-associated neu- rodegenerative disease seem to be potential candi- date mechanisms for the aging-associated suscepti- bility factor( s ) discussed above. However, it will now be critical to define specifically which, if any, of these changes in Ca2+ regulation are most im- portant from an etiological /pathogenetic prospec- tive.


Although there appears to be a number of potential sites of altered Ca2+ homeostasis in aging neurons, our own electrophysiological studies have pointed to a specific potential source of dysregulated or ele- vated neuronal Ca2+, namely, voltage-activated Ca2+ influx. These studies initially focused on syn- aptic function (Landfield and Morgan, 1984; Landfield et al., 1986), but subsequently, have been directed toward measures of voltage-activated Caz+ influx in the soma.

The Ca2+-dependent, potassium (K+)-me- diated afterhyperpolarization ( AHP) that follows sodium ( Na+ ) action potentials in hippocampal neurons is directly dependent on Ca2+ influx (Alger and Nicoll, 1980; Hotson and Prince, 1980). In a series of quantitative intracellular re- cording studies in hippocampal slices, we found that this AHP is consistently larger and more pro- longed in CA 1 neurons from aged than from young mature rats (Landfield and Pitler, 1984; Kerr et al., 1989) (Figure 1). Moreover, in recent pharmaco- logical studies, nimodipine, a specific blocker of L-type Ca2+ channels (Scriabine et al., 1989) was found to block the AHP; conversely, BAY K 8644, an L-channel agonist, prolonged the AHP (Maz- zanti, Thibault. and Landfield, 1992) (Figure 2). In single-channel studies, BAY K 8644 prolongs L-channel opening and tail currents after a com- mand step (Plummer, Logothetis, and Hess, 1989). Thus, these and other studies in our labora- tory have pointed specifically to the L-type of Ca2+ channel as at least one key site of aging-associated change in Ca2+ channel function.

Nevertheless, the AHP is an indirect measure of voltage-activated Ca2+ influx, and in order to study Ca2+ influx more directly, Ca2+ action potentials and Ca2+ currents were studied in CA 1 neurons in which Na+ and K + channels are blocked by spe- cific toxins. In current clamp studies of CA 1 neu- rons treated with tetrodotoxin (TTX) and cesium (Cs), a large Ca2+ action potential (spike) of 200- 300 ms duration can be elicited by intracellular current injection. The Ca2+ action potential is gen- erated by inward Ca2+ currents and consists of a sharp spike phase, followed by a long "hump" or plateau (Pitler and Landfield, 1987). The hump phase is apparently also mediated by prolonged L- type Ca2+ currents, as it is highly sensitive to both nimodipine and BAY K 8644.

This Ca2+ action potential is also dramatically and consistently larger in CA1 neurons of hippo- campal slices from aged rats (Pitler and Landfield, 1990). Both the AHP and the Ca2+ spike results have been studied quantitatively and replicated in several studies.

Voltage-clamp studies in adult neurons are more difficult to perform quantitatively because of space-clamp problems and extreme variability in current amplitude as a function of cell size. Most patch-clamp preparations involve embryonic cells or dissociated neurons from young animals. How- ever, we have been able to conduct voltage-clamp studies of Ca2+ currents in CAI neurons of aged and adult rats, using discontinuous sharp electrode

1252 Landfield ct a1.



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Figure 1 Intracellular current-induced bursts of action potentials and subsequent after hyper- polarizations in CAI neurons of hippocampal slices from young and aged rats. (A) AHP following a 0.4-nA current-induced burst of two spikes. (A,) Cell from a young rat. (A2) Cell from an aged rat. ( H ) AHP and concomitant conductance increases following a 0.4-nA current-induced burst of three spikes. ( B, ) Young rat cell in normal Ca2+ (B,) Aged rat cell in normal Ca2’. (B3) Young rat cell in low Ca2+; high Mg2+. (B4) Yciung rat cell in high Ca2+; low Mg”. Dashed lines show resting potentials before the burst. At the bottom are shown the initial intracellular depolarizing current pulse used to induce a spike burst and the subsequent 2-Hz train of 0.4-nA hyperpolarizing pulses used to assess input conductance during the AHP, for cells shown in (B) . (Reprinted from Landfield and Pitler, 1984 with permission.)

voltage-clamp methods in hippocampal slices. These studies also indicate that L-type Ca2+ currents, at least, are larger in CAI neurons from aged rats. (Campbell, Hao, Thibault, and Land- field, 1989).

Thus, it seems clear that in one mammalian spe- cies, aging is associated with greater voltage-acti- vated influx of Ca2+ through long-opening L-type channels. Although these data do not preclude a significant role for age changes xn other Ca2+ chan- nels or Ca2+ regulatory systems, an excess Ca2+ in- flux through long-opening L (channels following every Na+ action potential, could clearly result in chronic, albeit moderate, elevation of intracellular Ca2+ in aged neurons.


If Ca” currents are increased with aging, then one obvious next question is what factors cause this in- crease. There is growing evidence that some aspects of Ca2’ channel activation depend on phosphorylation, whereas Ca2+-dependent inacti- vation of Ca2+ current, conversely, may be regu- lated by protein dephosphorylation; that is, inacti- vation and “washout” of Ca2+ current can be slowed by cyclic AMP, ATP, and/or the catalytic subunit of CAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) (Byerly and Hagiwara, 1982; Fedulova, Kostyuk, and Veselosky, 1985; Armstrong and

Ncuronal Death in Brain Aging 1253

50 1 mV n A L 250 MS

Figure 2 Three intracellular traces from the same CAI neuron, showing the Ca*+-dependent slow AHP elicited by four action potentials in a young animal. The second trace was recorded 10 min after application of the Ca*+ channel blocker nimodipine ( 2 p M ) , and the third trace was recorded 10 min after application of the calcium channel agonist BAY K 8644 ( 2 p M ) . The bottom trace shows the depolarizing current pulse used to elicit four APs. Nimodipine clearly reduces the Ca2'-dependent AHP, whereas subsequent treatment with BAY K 8644 restores the AHP. The APs are clipped by the computer sampling rate. (Reprinted from Mazzanti et al., I99 1 with permission.)

Eckert, 1987). As well, P-adrenergic agonists both slow the rate of inactivation of Ca2+ current in myocardial cells and increase CAMP-dependent phosphorylation of Ca2+ channels (Bean, No- wycky, and Tsien, 1984). Experimental enhance- ment of protein kinase C inhibits both N+-like Ca2+ currents and persistent K+ current in disso- ciated hippocampal neurons. This inhibitory effect was reversible by the protein kinase inhibitor, H-7 (Doerner, Pitler, and Alger, 1988). Ca2+-depen- dent AHPs and K+ currents also are blocked by PKC (Malenka, Madison, Andrade, and Nicoll, 1986; Werz and MacDonald, 1987).

Although CAMP-mediation of Caz+ currents has been described in invertebrate cells or periph- eral mammalian neurons (Gross and MacDonald, 1989), it is not clear that similar modulation oc- curs in brain cells. However, recent studies in our

laboratory also implicate CAMP-dependent phos- phorylation in hippocampal Ca2+ currents. Inclu- sion of 1-25 mMdibutyry1 CAMP in a sharp elec- trode used for voltage-clamping CA 1 neurons from adult rats, substantially increased Ca2+ currents, in comparison to control cells (Thibault, Campbell, and Landfield, 1991). Moreover, this effect was reduced in CA 1 neurons from aged rats, indicating that with aging, Ca2+ channels might already be excessively phosphorylated (Thibault, Campbell, and Landfield, 1992).

In addition, only lately has it been recognized that PKA can also modulate receptor-operated channels. It was recently found that the catalytic subunit of PKA inhibited y-aminobutyric acid- (GABA) evoked single-channel currents in out- side-out patches from mouse spinal cord neurons. This reduction was prevented by inclusion of the

kinase inhibitor. PKIP in the pipette (Porter, Twy- man, Uhler, and MacDonald, 1990). In addition, postsynaptic CAMP can modulate conductance at both excitatory and inhibitory synapses ( Wolszon and Faber, 1989). Thus, if aging-dependent alter- ations in second messenger phosphorylating sys- tems occur, then these might well have the capacity for extensive disturbances of a wide range of recep- tor- and voltage-activated ion channels, and conse- quently, the capacity for substantial disruption of intracellular Ca2+ regulation. Therefore, these sys- tems are strong candidates for a role in age-related changes in Ca2+ channel function. Again, however, the question arises of what factors might induce changes in second messenger or other mediating systems.


Another current hypothesis of brain aging is that of cumulative glucocorticoid-dependent neurodegen- eration. This idea arose from studies showing that long-term interventions that altered plasmacortico- steroids could alter the rate of age-related changes in the structure of the mammalian hippocampus; that is, it has been found that plasma corticosteroid levels correlate with morphological measures of hippocampal aging ( Landfield, Waymire, and Lynch, 1978) and that long-term manipulation of plasma corticosteroids can retard (e.g., by adrenal- ectomy) ( Landfield et al., 198 1 ; Landfield, 1987a) or accelerate (e.g., by corticoid administration or chronic stress) (Sapolsky, Krey, and McEwen, 1986; Kerr et al., 1991; Meaney, Aitken, Bhatna- gar, Van Berkel and Sapolsky, 1988) quantitative indices of brain aging (e.g., hippocampal neuron loss, glial cell reactivity). The hippocampus is par- ticularly rich in corticosteroid receptors ( McEwen, de Kloet and Wallach, 1986), and, as noted earlier, is particularly susceptible to age-related deteriora- tion in both humans (Wisniewski and Terry, 1973; Mann, 1985) and animals (Laindfield et al., 1977, 1978; Landfield, Sundberg, Smith, Eldridge, and Moms, 1980).

Such findings have led to the hypothesis that there is a glucocorticoid-dependent component of brain aging. In this hypothesis, endogenous cortico- steroids (CORT), even at normal levels, exert a gradual and cumulative degenerative effect on brain neurons, perhaps as a byproduct of some

other advantageous actions ( Landfield, 1987a; Landfield et al , 1978, 1980, 198 1 ; Sapolsky, Krey, and McEwen, 1986; McEwen et al., 1986; cf. Landfield and Eldridge, 199 1 ) . However, the mechanism of glucocorticoid-induced neurotoxic- ity during aging, does not seem to be similar to that underlying glucocorticoid-mediated apoptosis in lymphocytes (Compton and Cidlowski, 1986), be- cause GC-dependent toxicity in neuronal cell cul- ture was not associated with endonuclease-me- diated DNA cleavage (Masters, Finch, and Sa- polsky, 1989).

Moreover, in recent years it has become clear that there are iIt least two types of corticosteroid receptor in the hippocampus, type I and type I1 (also termed nrineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors, respectively) (Reul and deKloet, 1985). Recent studies have found that the type41 gluco- corticoid receptors in the brains of aged rats are changed, such that they exhibit a higher affinity for CORT (Landfield and Eldndge, 1989). As well, these receptors are more resistant to down-regula- tion, and therefbre, may be in higher concentration in the hippocampus (Eldndge et a]., 1989). As noted, a recent study showed that chronic moder- ate stress increased hippocampal cell loss in aged rats, but not in young rats (Kerr et al., 1991). Thus, these changes in glucocorticoid receptors could increase the impact of CORT on brain cells, and, therefore, clearly seem to be candidates for an aging-associated susceptibility factor.


The lines of evidence for GC involvement and for Ca2+ dysregulatnon in brain aging have developed separately over more than a decade, with little indi- cation that the Iwo phenomena might be related. However, based on these two developing themes, the possibility seemed to exist that GCs might somehow mediate brain aging processes by effect- ing neuronal Ca ’+ regulation. We, therefore, tested this hypothesis by assessing the effects of adrenalec- tomy and CORT replacement on the Caz+ -depen- dent AHP (Kerr et al., 1989).

Although elucidating the physiological fhnc-

Neuronul Death in Bruin Aging 1255

tions of GC receptors in brain cells has proved highly elusive (cf. McEwen et al., 1986), our labo- ratory and another recently reported simulta- neously that a major effect of GCs on brain cells is to increase the Ca2+-dependent AHP (Joels and de Kloet, 1989; Kerr et al., 1989). Moreover, and per- haps most striking, the effect of GCs on the AHP was substantially greater in brain cells from aged rats; that is, following adrenalectomy, the AHP in aged neurons was reduced proportionately more than in young rat neurons (Kerr et al., 1989). This is consistent with the studies noted above on type- I1 GC receptors suggesting that the neuronal im- pact of GCs may increase with aging (perhaps accel- erating the neurotoxic effects of glucocorticoids) . However as noted, an effect of CORT on the Ca2+- dependent, K+-mediated AHP is not necessarily reflective of an effect on voltage-activated Ca2+ in- flux. The effect could instead occur through ac- tions on K + channels or Ca2+ extrusion processes, among others. Consequently, it was important to study Ca2+ influx directly in neurons with Na+ and K + channels blocked.


Figure 3 shows examples of Ca2+ action potentials recorded from TTX-treated, Cs-loaded CA 1 neu- rons of a young, mature animal that had been adre- nalectomized ( ADX) several days earlier. Ca2+ ac- tion potentials were dramatically increased by RU 28362, a highly specific type-I1 GC receptor ago- nist. The last panel shows that cycloheximide can block the effect of RU 28362 in ADX animals, sug- gesting protein synthesis is involved in the effect of GCs on the Ca2+ spike potential (Kerr, Campbell, Thibault, and Landfield, 1992).

The quantitative results for these studies of Ca2+ action potentials were obtained from cells treated with either vehicle ( n = 19), RU28362 ( n = 30), or RU 28362 + cycloheximide ( n = 12). Drugs were applied to slices for 2-4 h before recording. All mea- surements were made at a holding potential of -70 mV. The Ca2+ action potential hump amplitude, spike width, and overall area were significantly greater in slices treated with RU 28362. Similar results were observed in quantitative analyses of Ca2+ currents using sharp electrode voltage-clamp methods. These data, therefore, provide direct evi-

n ADX + RU28362

ADX + RU28362 + Cycloheximide

_ - - - _

n 25 1 mvL nA -1. 100 ms

Figure 3 Representative Ca2' action potentials from CsCI-loaded, TTX-treated neurons in hippocampal slices that were exposed to either vehicle, the glucocorti- coid receptor ligand RU 28362 (RU) or RU + cyclohex- imide, a protein synthesis inhibitor. Action potentials were triggered by depolarizing constant-current pulses and have an initial large-amplitude, fast phase, and a late slow phase. Neurons exposed to a saturating dose of RU exhibited wider initial phases, and longer duration and larger amplitude slow phases than control neurons. Co- incubating RU-treated slices with I0 pLM cycloheximide eliminates the effect of RU on the Caz+ action potential. (Reprinted from Kerr et al., 1992, with permission.)

dence that GCs modulate Ca2+ currents and that a genomic mechanism may be involved (Kerr et al., 1992).

The endocrine regulation of serum Ca2+ con- centration has been relatively well understood for many years; however, only recently has it become clear that endocrine processes may also regulate Ca2+ homeostasis at the level of the brain neuron. Based on the above findings, some of the stronger evidence for endocrine regulation of brain cell Ca2+ homeostasis at present appears to exist for the glucocorticoids, which are perhaps not usually thought of as primary regulators of Ca2+ homeosta- sis in the periphery (although GC treatment has

1256 Landfield et a/.

been among the main therapies for hypercalce- mia). Further evidence in this regard is associated with the vitamin D-dependent Ca2+ binding pro- tein (CaBP), calbindin-D,,,, which is also found in hippocampal and neocortical neurons (Baim- bridge, Miller, and Parkes, 1082; Celio, 1990). Somewhat surprisingly, in the brain, CaBP synthe- sis or up-regulation is not vitamin D dependent (Hall and Norman, 199 1 ), but rather appears to be regulated by glucocorticoids ( Iacopino and Chris- takos, 1990b).


The studies outlined above provided important support for the hypothesis that excess GC activa- tion and Ca2+ dysregulation might be two phases of the same age-related neurodegenerative process. Specifically, these studies have tested the key pre- diction that GCs modulate Ca’+ influx in hippo- cam pal neurons. Moreover, the evidence that the impact of GCs on Ca2+-mediated processes in- C Y ~ U S ~ S with aging (Kerr et al., 1989) suggests that some aging change in the “bias” of this pathway might play a role in the increasing susceptibility of neurons to degeneration that occurs with aging. In addition, the findings that CAMP modulation of Ca currents is also affected by aging in hippocam- pal neurons (Thibault et al., 1992) and that the GC effect on the Ca2+ potential is cycloheximide sensi- tive (Kerr et al., 1992) suggests that GCs may mod- ulate L-type Ca2+ channels through the regulation of second messenger phosphorylating systems.

Of course, much work remains before these phe- nomena might be viewed as probable mechanisms underlying aging and/or AD-associated neuronal death. Further, many other specific and general questions remain to be resolved, including whether aging-associated neuronal necrosis is somehow re- lated mechanistically to the programmed cell death that occurs during development (cf. Oppen- heim, 199 1 ) . Nevertheless, steadily increasing evi- dence points to some alteration in the endocrine modulation of neuronal Ca2+ regulatory processes as a strong candidate process for a role in aging-as- sociated susceptibility to neurodegeneration. Fur- ther studies along these lines, therefore, seem to hold considerable promise for the elucidation of fundamental mechanisms of aging-dependent brain cell death.

We thank Lisa Lowery for excellent assistance with the manuscript. Aspects of the work reviewed in this paper have been supported by grants AGO4542 and AGO7767 from the National Institute on Aging.


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