K U M U E ll 1,700. N E W A K K , N. J., T U E SD A Y , M AJICII P E ...


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Transcript of K U M U E ll 1,700. N E W A K K , N. J., T U E SD A Y , M AJICII P E ...

K U M U E l l 1, 700.

F i r s t E d i t i o n . i»tbo^ o

N E W A K K , N . J . , T U E S D A Y , M A J I C I I 5, 1880. P E I C E T W O C E N T S .


— I ----------Til* Old F lfh t t« U« Mad* A lt OT*r

A c* l* —Th* J u r j C oum ilitloD A ct iU ^ ea lc r F*u«d*-W ork of Botb

ktoudi««>^tt* K««r S c b c n e t.

0pf«lftl (he KvcMiMi Ktiini.T ben to h , March S.—F n ^ h from in-

kiTlewf with their oondtlueati th* tiemo- crtUc l«winikerx rtmi> trooping back to (he Btatehi/iwe Usi night lotded, u usual, with ideu upon the llccuso queecloa. Moit of the IsMnablymeu bad warkod ihem w lrn Into • condllloQ of iQdIgaatlou at tb* recoltectloii of the /act that the Senators and a lot of outiKie boMi bad amended tbelr caucui muaitir* wUhoul (heir conaoni, bud at wai amidpaied UA waak (bey beran (o belloir t o a Joint caU' goi that they might get a chauo* a( tba Laker mnaodineata.

President Werfa, who It the peTSonlflcallon of patience and Induairy, bad patiently cumtnU- ted aJl of the A'utnljerJand Senator’s idaas u> wrilliig and typewrUing, and alter St had pa«« d IbCKpcaStrof tba Jury Coutialitftm act and vrrangled a while oyar ihe Roltiirlcllng bill (b^ Senate took a recem and the Iiemocrailo Benaton went back loio Prealdtn; Went't room to view bit la^wt creadon. It had been part of tbeir programme to put (be Llcesua W upon Mooud reading at once U tt nlghi on the open floor, aiain (ba Baker amenrimeDii Into It and put it upon Anal ptRiage (hit morn* lug. Itia unuecemtry to u y tbatUiit aebcue wai kiMCkad ganoy>«iid ne't.

Tba momcDi the doun we;e lockcHl u|ton the Benatora Idwardi, of Slndaon. an l Pfeiffer, of Umden, began to crawfish. They, like all of (be oUiar members of the Ulgher Uouae. bad last weak accepted (be Idvat of the Cumberland Beuator, but ibelrlnteiTjewa wllb tbe towuablp bolelkeepen it) tbelr counties and wUb (ba toclieroualy kicking memben of tbe Asaembly bad altered their ideas somewbat. Edwards auggaaled (tut the amended bill be oooaidcrcd store carefally before U was made a party neaeura. He said tbal be had doubts about tbe wisdom of towotblp Uiosl option. Bcaator pfcIBbr apoke of lb« decide I roar ordUapproval that had gone up amongst ibe mamlwrs of the llouM a»d expressed a doubt whether the •mended measure would eret |«iis the Aasem- bly. donator Baker iuli(«d that the benaton ihould stand up W tbelr agreement with blm laat week, aod PreildeTil Werta smiled hcnlg- tumUy upon the whole group and tried ip re- itore order out of the ebaoa

TO GO a*(Tt TO JOIdT CAtaw.The icfult was just what might have been

•xpactad. Tba melting adjourned alter It bod been decided to lake tbe who^e queatlon Lack into a Joint caucus to le held (o-day. After Ibe meeilDg broke up, Beostor Baker end Benatnr Hmltb, of Bu tt% who aympetblsea With blm, were left standing together on ibe Benaie chamber flour, near the door.

Well, (bey teem to be Iticllued to skulk out *f their agreement," puid Senator Smiib to hi) Gojleegue.

" Ob, I (hlnk (bat ihey will be all right In tbe end.” said (be optlmfatJc Baker.

" Don’t give In an in ‘b lo ihein," advised the Buaaax repieieotalirc. "We've got them where tbelr balr if ihnrt, and If wc stand Arm ihey’U have to whistle to our mat. *

Benator Biker turned away and went to bts ■eal.

" Well, what are they gotog to do with your bill now f’ be wm aaked by the Niwa oof> reapoDdent

" I don’t know,'* replied tba aflkble Cumber land repreecntaUve. 'T snppqaad tU t iha flnal cast o( the bill was mode laat week. Thar* seams to be rome objccdon now to (he township local option clause and tbe manda- t(vy revoMtion (vovislon that 1 bad insenexl.1 believe, however, tb it a majority of (ho Democratic members of the !#enaie and of tbe Houae are with me, and that it la only a minor­ity Uiat iagramblleg. There has been some mlfsndenilandtBg of (hi mandatory rarrocation elauae that I am to bava Ineertsd. U la iu i- Uo* that UpswMm-that If eomplaleaate tbJI loeotivlot ■ eakwfi-keeper t o Booday aalllni or 1 erne other crime baean beooftrleted ind fined afterword by the courta and his Ifceime revoked a lia Only ihe power that gnuiis a Hosnae can revoke it. My aineiHlment simply k that upon tbe aeeond coaricUoo before tiie power gfaDilug a license, 'or Inttanc* before tbe TAClaa Board in Newiik. that power most —no! may, but rntts—>«oke (he ikesse. 1 bold that a man wbo baa been convicted twice brings dberoAltupon all (boss who are engaged In tbe Luaioeia, and that even (be brewers onght to demand tb it be be cempetUd to abandon it

"Of course ttere isn’t snythlog lopreveot complalnanti wbo fail to secure a convietiou before (be power that grama tram going bciore tbs Grand lory and seeking an ludictment. bul Ihe penalty for conviction under tbe old sutu^ lory lawk. would be <niy tbe peaaliy wbicb they impae-^fliw or Imprlioomeot. I bad no intention of embracing n v->oatloD amongst the penalties (bat they can tufl»cl, aa has been lep- iteauiad."

TO STAKD BY HO Ot'NI."Do you expect to recede from any of your

pealtioasr"Decidedly not," replied Ibe Senator. "Wbai

1 aib for now 1 fenght for all last year on tbe floor of tbeSena'e. I will not siwUlfy myttlf by voting to rtp?al th* eiiaelment that 1 voted to put opoQ tbe statute books last wibter unleas I can ofibr iha people lomeibing better In ex- ebanfv."

No wonder, wlCb such an independeitt spirit amonpt ibem, backed up by Senaior 8mtib and a brilliant prospect ahead of the defbat of tbelr amended MIL In the AsMmbty, tbe Ben- ■ton foil back upon that tlma-wom expedient, a "Joint Democratic caucus."


K«v. H r, Laewa Bequeated to B ettre .The Heaearen Contldered,

■pedal (0 (be Bvekino NtwxT bbktok , March 5.—When the hour

for Ibe soeeilogof the Aasenbly arrived last night a tan, middle-aged, ckrfcally-bewhlr- hered man tat Lebind Iho Bpeakar's chair. Br waa tbe Rev. Eldab Lucaa, of the (%Qtral Baptist Ufaurch of rremon, who bad been en­gaged to make (he evening prayer. When B p ^ e r Hudipelb learned that tbe clergymait waa the Individual who figured to the recent acaodal a m in this city be called Assembly^ nan Beudder. of 'Tronton. to faim and aak*d blm to mud Ur, fAicaa avray, The Tietitoj) member did the Bpaaket’t bidding quietly, and (be n loisttr walksd not of the cbBiober. Jona« than I!, (ilobte offerod tba evening prayer.

Immediately alter ipll call Ur. Farrell ap­peared in hii seat, Mr, Deppenhelmar cflTered a resolution of regret i t tbe affliction Ibat had reoently bsfbUan the young Asiemblymmi in tbe death of bis wife. It waa ad<^t^ ^ a vising vote ot the Itoiiae.

Another raioiution. presented by Ur. UcDer- mil, congratulated Charles Stewart Famcll and WJIham R. UladMone on (heir recant polltioai Tictorr over their eiftnilci and (lie downfall of FIgott It was adopted, and ooplea of it were Ofdared aant aernas the water.

bull another reaointloo, preaenUd by Mr. HeppfDbeimtr, eongmlulatlog Asaemblymun Kane upon hia marriage last weet, w u a g t ^ to wltboul any votes m the negative.

Mr. WfoUenmayar bad a poor, innocent llttie Mil u p o a ,^ calendar, drawn by city Counsel Oonlt, designed to allow the Water Boerd to pay money dlroclly to the Bfoklng Fund Com mlBionert tor the rcdampiioa of certain btmda At pnisadt, under a red ta{<o arraageaient, the money goea to Complrollsr Quinn, who hands llto the commlHloBera. The Aqueduct Board bad nottaluk to do with sending the bill to Trenton, but UcDermlt luppoMd ttiH tbe maasure originated in that camprand hs went t o It like b fAiil aner a red flag when u came up cm final pisaage. Be repeated hie charges that the board was oorrnpt, and he maintained that notMr^ good could oom* out of It.

Hr. Wiedenmayer explamcd that the bill ^m e from the City Hall, and not fTOtn the Aqueduct Board, and Mr. Rlker assured the membeis that Mcl>ermlt sraa all wrong In tut ■onnlse aa to tbe origin of (be meaeure. butUi. UcDermlt inilitod that the psym .nl of tbe money through tbe Comptroller waa another chock upon poaUblc duboneaty*

While be waa talking Alderman Harrtgmi was noticed ftirrlag around amongst the seats and the Seventh District AsaemblymaD ertod out for lb* eniorcemeut of tbe rule prohibiting levying. Mr. nanigan vanUbed into a cloak­room and tbe loll i^ l was begun, llto bill pmeedfl&tog. kWJlapjfroprlaUDf tlO.Odb

t* p * State ludurtrtal School for tiirU for aMiDlenaaot.

Mr. Parreil'a MM to couDiidate Harrison and B»e commltlea ob Kn

galMdar. It b* «poa final reaaeini ihia aAernooo or tc^aeorraw jnvuibg. i t M to be

in U i^ ta t tta cbingw will b* a w k in u « fcu te . Hr. Fwioll tu i tw n ik tankU iu fcr rotor «w II, and n«l. oonUtot tb a tb e oui • •■ n , tbougli Uw lananl Impnaiioe H that tt wMl be beaten.

Mr. Pnoa Introduced a MU thia uontlng to eUowthe OouucU of Iftwark to o w Umimw lUfket ooamimloMm tr It wlabae lodo aa

AiBmdiMr'i l^ng Balaam li an axeellmt M e l l o n M ihm fl be kept til eT ary tonS . A wqm in iiaiaauiy prareot a laog licgtnaa Ad

A Congraaalonal O arrym under That WowM Not H u rt Repubticaaa*

Bpaeiai to tbe Eviauio niwil T r ik t o k , March 6 . - I I thin UgialA-

ta n remained In aeiiioQ until the crark of doom tbstv would aliU bo members of It with naaoaDl schemes in ibilr bralni tu Improve (bt mental, moral, financial aod political rondi- Uon of (h« people- Another flood of bills ixiarkad the Openiog of tbe sasilon ifaU week Tb« Democratic caucus measure to change the boundary Uaaa of tbe lOnsreasiunal diairlcia made its appearauou in tbe House last D^lhl with the name of Mr. Harsh at the beail ol 1(. Its deUlli have already beun pnbtliherl. U is (be opluloQ of a good many people who have ftudied U caceftilly that U nuat haw been drawn by amne boy In a country lawysr'i oOtce. It makes lafu Is^mLicraUc distiicta duubtiht and gives (be Heiiublicona a splendid chaoct to carry every district lo Iho fliate eicopt the Seventh, Jersey <1(y, Uarrlaoo and Bayonne, in an­other bill that he prooentod Hr. Marsh showed that he bod cut iuoae from (be Table Ho*d hill of the Newark company. Ue prvstok'd an In- (lepentK'nt measure to permit the Kilubeth company that la tied np In a I'hanoery suit wlrh the Etliabcih and Newark Horse Car Railroad Cmnpany to continue (be runoiug of 111 oaia writbln buoo feet or lU old rival.

Mr. Feeney wanla to repeal ih« -- l^nonat Rrglalry" actof )as( winter, and has presented a mcB>>ure to accompllah that purpose. Mr. I KahacU waoia 15,000 of ihs Btale'a Tooney sp- I proprtated tu (be proposed mw bume for tbe ! blind at Kewark.

BeoiLtor Kdwarda tod Hr. KcIwnnU pre- sealed bllla affecting the Stale Beard of Asaea- rofL The AisA-mhlyinan pays bU napecri to bis friend Water Ct^mlMiuner ami hallroad AMesBor Pardluand H, W lamer by Imctxlueitif a bill provkllog that the memben of tbebnard must not be Inierested pecuniarily in any ratl- roed, and llnitiug tbair aeoreUiTy’i salary to fl,H00 a year. Senator fidwardi'i scheme Is lo confer upon ihe asaeaapn (be duties of railroad commlMloncn. It makca of the board la to t a Mutk oommcjtse coamlatlon almilar to (hat 01 Hasaacfaueeiu, and gives them an addlUunai lalary of H.uuo a year each.

Bebafof Baker ralntroiqoed that ancient "cbefinut" ibefimlib'i History bill.


The Ju ry C oam lH loa Aet Ropealer FaeM d-T li* BedlatrlcMisg Meaearw.

fpecial to tbe Evuriira Ngwa Tb in t o n , March 6 .—A fter tbe oon-

ftrenceof (he Democratic Benaion yaalcrday atornooQ they went back to their seats and took up tbe repealer of (be Jury CommUaion act on third reading. Senator Gardner eaiered a solemn proiiat against its paawge \ said that no one bad aaked fur tbe repeat of the act uf last winter, and then lal down. The hill want (brou«h by the cuual party vute—U to lO,

Tbe KedliUictlng bill wea taken np by the Benaton on second reading, benator fidwardi oflured a lot of aniendiai. ota (o It conectiug Its wording, and (be Hepubiicaua amused tMm- aelvHi by voting " no " oti each ooi of them.

Than beualor Edwardn and Beoator Gardner had a tUt, in which each tal ked from a partisan ‘taudpolm. Gardner tried to show tbal tba uew arrangemeat of ibe dlstrlcta put a graat many more voten In one Ibau iu another, and Ibti It was done for party purpenta. Beoatur Edwards solemnly denied the eccuMilon. and •aid that anyhow (be dlRlricta could not be made aoy worse than (hey were, Tbe bill was at last ordered to (bird reading.

Aasemblyinau Heppenheimer got tbe Demo- entic members of the House in line this mom- lug. and called up the repealer of ih# Jury C^QinUsiloa art. Mr. Hep^abelmer ipoka of (be refoul of the Republican majority to per­mit (be ifemoeiaiic minority In the IM LorIb- lature to select the Democratic Cummlwlonen. Be said that dlagracefol graod and petit Jutiee bad been drawn alt over the Mate. The re­pealer, be added, while it waa • oauctu, waa not a party meaaura, since U gave back tbe HlecLlOD of juron to thirteen out of iwenly Bbcrlfls m the 8tate.

Mr. Voorheea replied for the Repubifoan side of tbe Uooae. He claimed that under the Jnry oommliiluQ system the to n e o rju r to b ^ im . proved all over the State. The pMIuted stream ef JuMfoe had beew porffled. Mr. Biker la- dniged to a rather bluer partimn t p e ^ , and Mr. McDemlt answered him hunorouftiy, but tbe cream of the diaeimloQ waa in a story (old by Mr. Feeney, wbo la connccied with the FitMcatoFe offlee In Jersey City.

•’ When tbe eommiaalon drew tbelr first Jory in Hudson/’ u k l be, •• I was aaaed to furnish the namee of some of tbe oitlxeos of my dMrlctwlth'a atatefhentof ftiiiir pedttioa, Ifonilsbed Uw names of three Oemocrate and iliree Re- publioano. All three Republicana, eirffoualy enough, were drawn. The next time 1 waa called upon 1 Landed in tbe names of six Drmocrais and six RopubUcana, but 1 look the trouble to reverse (heir putuica, awl thti rime evury one of my Democratic frientli was drawn. That's way 1 got square with the Jurycommiaslonera in Hudson."

After some fori her debate tba bill w u paieed by a party vote. It now goes to the Governor. U is the third partisan tall that has paired both Houses.


HAKRISON’S CABINET. SAVED FROM HANGING, health board reports.ItaBlskUoDi t , a t lo tko Ko m Io b j llio

P ro ildeo t T hll M uroiof.W abh inotox , Marvh 5.—Uresident

Uarrtsoti to-day aCMt to Ihe Seaaic (he follow­ing iiouEitationa

Becretatyofyufo, JaraesG nimue,ofMalw. Becreiary of the T reuury- William Wiudom.

of Miuueeoia.flocreiaiy ot War—Rcdfldd rj^efor, of Ver­

mont.Pecretary of the Navy-Beu)amln F. Tracy

of New York.Secretary of the Inwrior, John W. NoWe. of

MlaaDurl.Puetnsaatcr-QeueraJ, John W'aaamaker, of

rennaylTinla.Atiorney Gtnenl, W, H. U. Miller, ul In­

diana.Becreiary o( A|rlcuUur*, Jeremiah Huak, of

Wieconslo.Thu Mminations were confirmed is a tea-

minute seaslon of ihu Senate.



A ndy Laeefleld, 8upp4i«ed to he ltf>a(l, Itoluraa ilu iu e Juat (a Tliu* to Kav*

tu* Man Whu Tried tu H ill H im from the Oallowa.

l ir a , BUIr W edded la F lorida to the Dohd o f Batberlnnd,

D i’K iD iy , Fin., Mareh S.—0.«rKe UnnTlIli Wlltluu tlutbertiad Ltrwou-lkiwrr, third I'uke of fc^therthhd, widower, wm lo.r- rtfc] ban jraMardtrr in lha Clmrch of lha Uiwd tHicphar.! to Har^ Caroline Ultlr, widow. Tha racitliii the fflardtia llcanM ba<1 baan ob- lamad iu i waak hai kaj.1 (hli imkl] UrwD lo a fevar of vxelleniaiit and oxpociaucr.

The imali ebureb lu wbieb iho, ceremon, look f la n U b lflj butlad lu iba bUxim of an oranga m bard, aud tbe enteriul.lnk uoiItoi bad bi«u at palnatodaeonie Ibe Interlut wlib aviirreem and oriD|a bloMom,.

Tbo eburrb nai lull of vTIlaten wban tbe bitilal party entered. Glihop M ead and Arrh- deamn Noyla riepprd out of tbo reilry, f<4- lowed a rnomem laiai by Ilia imka of Kulber land. lln . Ulatr, tu whl'.ailk, Irlinuod with coffaewelored Cbanlllly lac t; a wblie bonnet, tmnined with otiticb pliimei and yolvet, and decked out wUb lorfeoui (tiamand ploi, and carrying a hugo huneb of rueea, walkcl up tba

-alale with Mr. Knight, a l ittle In adrance of a group of relaUrea and frtenda, and Joined the Duke at tha altar.

Mar ilaugbter, Ulu Blair, w bo acted ae maid (Jf honor, w u d n w d In wblio nun'i TelHog, irlipmHi wltb luv. and a liioad whlia n ib , and wore a white bat with a manye pluino.

Mia. Blair and her dauitbter drove U> tbe ebureb trom tbe Tillage ton In the only avail­able Dunedin carriage. Tbe Duke end tbo reet ol tbe company fboted It.

Altar tba caremonv tba wedding party oon- rwgaled again at tuo imell hoTcl kapt by tounty Cmamladonar Heorge L. Jonee for a wadding breakful. Tha labia w u elaborately decorated with orauga blouoini and wild flowara. Tba Duka and bio new Duebeu n t at tba centre. To Her (iraca'i right n t tba Blibop, and tba other gucali nora Mlu Blair, nofeawir Bcotl, Min Omlth, I’opuiln Walton, kill. VVallon, Dr. Bllllml, J. Munwer .Miirtiby, Jamea Bocoeraat Nurtb, Mr. Knight Mra. Balforil, Archdeacon Noyle and Mra. Sent.

The Duke and Ducheti remained at Dunedin me tb f nigkt. They will go to Tampa to-day.


Snrprlaad a t Um Fwiawge of lha In te r, atata Counaaroe Act.

Chicaqo , Hnrcb 5.—A locnl paper u y i ; Tbe announcement yeaterday that tbe Hume of Repreaeniatlrei had paaaed Ibe Bern ale amendmenta to the Intemate C um ene act and Ibat Pieaident Cleveland b ^ aOxad bte flgnatun thereto u one of the lu t tetp of bla adjnlnlitntloii, b u cauaed Iniaiua aiclle- intul In railroad clralaa. Ttaey bad no Idea Out tha dlftrencei between tbe Bouw of RapreeeolatlTu and tbe Scute amid be bar- monlnd In Uma Ar action be both Hoiaea

TbAoew amendmenta wonld not be eapeciaUy obnoxlotta to tba ta lb w lt If It « u not Ibr tba (let tbat in addltkm to a Sna Ihr ylolatton of law any officer, agent orother PAfxon conaectad with a nilroad company wbo ehall be con- victed of dlKrtmlnatloiu anal: be liable to Im- prlwninant In tba panltcntlary. A money dn« alone bad no tacion for the rallrnad oIBclab. They knew tha oonpany wonld foot tba bill, Hot when prteon w ilii and lonely ocUe atata them In tba face tba cau la dltforcnt.

THM APPROPBIATION b il l s .A Ststem eat Snbm ltled to lha Honae by

Mr. K andatt.. TVabhikqtom , March 5 .—Mr. Ran­

dall, rbalrman of the Home Comnnttea on Ap- proprlatlono, prepared and yeileiday lubmU- ted to the Hon« a ilatemenl ebonlng tbo wnoiinl of approprUttoai oainod by tbe nn- eml appruprliitoD blUe paaaed at tbe eeuton which cLoeed yeaterday, and a comparlionle made wltb tbe etlim aiu of the departmenii and the law for the current year. Tbtiatale. ment abowi tbat Ihe toU! caUmalei mbmUled amounted to 1297,a» ,C » ; tbeaumappmprlaled la 1281,878,6116, and the itun carried In tbe lawg lor tbe current .v,ar to tS0i>,t86,5il.

Tbe Ullx epjwoprialo u lollnwi; Agtlcul- tme, 11,860,771) -, army, tiL3no,m ; diplomatic end conaular, |1,0(».(B6 ; District of Columbia, »,i>87,«6i toruilcailon, ft,»6,W t; IntlMo 18,016,7W ; legulattra, alo„ lao,840,586; MQP tary Academy, H02,706 ; navy, t2l,iwii6io: pension, IK1,768,IM ; poatoMoa, IM,606,M4 ■ luodry otvll, (26,277,341; mlicallaDeou. acti (utlmalrd), |6,M(t0tU; diBcieney, tl6,liai,!l60.

KlllaA for O afondlac Ula Wife.P ort TowifseKO, W, T,, March 6.'—

The iietm at Ancon arrlyad at this place yot- teiday bringing panlculari of a double tragedy at Hooaab Uiarioa. A wealthy but oyerbear- Ing and oorrupt Indian named Johnson um a lotbe mtalon. He terrorised tbe men and ttniulted any womau lo whom ba might take i fsney. Ha auerao tba huuaa of a young mar­ried CbrttUin woman, barred tba door and ai- united her. Tbe husband bearing of it cut down Ibe door with an axe and shot Jubnsoa, iHltogbim InatamiyT Johmou's friends de- marined a Uh fog ■ Hfo, and the pioteciof uf hM wifo'i Tlrttn w u publicly tbol.

KabIMt af l a t l l u Corn a t Paris.P abiii, March T ha m bnagem eat of

Ibe Parts Bxposllton bava sat apsn space treecharge tot, tba propoaed Antcriciii aibihli of

Indian corn, Tha Intcntlou ta lobulM a band- •ome corn palace In wbieb tbe dlSerant kinds of oeisn*m baiahlbilad. Amarioan eooks hi attandenoo will p n p an com for food In all the yariona ways known to tba Aineftcan bouia- wlfo, and samplu will ba (roaty dUtrlhnIad to aU who Tlslt tba axbibit. Tba promotaia of this display believe It will prepare tbe way for a greatly Increased demand for IbsAmerlntn cereaj^ Kuiopean matkelr,

B L E C T R t C N O T E S .

P irto advtcek aay th a t U !a reportad that tbe Cbtmher of DepoUes will dlsouu tba question of tbe workings of tbe Prenota laydl- cate which b u lecnrad control of the copper market.

A diapatch rron P aris says th a t a depotatloo livm Dologne b u visited qeiietil Bonhutger and praaented bhn with a sword of ooaor. Tba Oovarniiioul b u forbidden any •ImJUac damonitraUoaa In the folure. .

« . Ml a boUSa of Bradnar'a Long Baliam. Adt....................■*'" I f i.ii^

Tuskoa Bwtlwa gbU,A U udU M U aaiaB lT m -A d* I

The L’nlon Coanty A uthgrltlra Thw arted b / N«w Turk Lawjersa

Ipvcial to (b« Eveniho Nxai.E m k a b it r , March 6.—The anthori-

tlesol I'nlon County ere having a bard time tit It frying to lemoye from Kew York li. New Jeixey an alleged thief, Jacob Koicrenskey, of Elisabetb, wbo is tccused of stealing tasi worth of goods front the rannsylysida Railroad t om- paoy. Kalsrcnikey't accompltoa In tbe crinia w u tried, convicted and sentenced to Slate Prison at tbe lu t aeseton of the Union county eouris.

Fslarendiey Bed from the city when the crime w u discovered, and iluce then ti.e police have been In qu«t of him. Lately iletccUyos located him In New York, and lu t Friday he w u arrestal, but refuiied tocomo to Jeixey. He wa* committed to Jatl and Prwectitor Wilson made applicalfoii to Ooveruor Dteen lor a reqiitelilon for tbe prisoner's tody, which w u granted.

Antiadwllb the writ and accompanied by Detectlvea Urogory and Oouon, tbe Pioucutor hastened yeaterday to New York and want ba- fo» Jnage Oowlng’i oourt, where lha prisoner w u to ba arraigned. It w u anticipated tbat Pslarenskay would ba dlacbarged, and Ibe de- tectlvH in tbat call ware ready to pinioce upon blaa. and had a coach in waiting to drive hltn raphUy to tbe Pennaylvanla Depot and oonyey him to Jeixey before a writ to stop tbem could basotouL

Ueaawnllatbe ptlionar. wbo b tf, plenty,of moocy, baying been lu tbe Junk buslnen for several years at Blltaleth, hired three Haw York lawyers lo defend him. Tbe wary at- tonwyi detected tha iircariice of tba elSoart and Frosectilor. and baffled tbelr Hula Schama by uklng for an Bdjoumment of the caar, which tbe Judge granted before Froseentw Wilson could Inlerposo a word.

The disgusted ihlol-oalcberi returned lo Ebxabetb loudly denouuclng Kaw York law. Another attempt will be made to bring to Jus. free Ibe alleged robber, bul it la doubtful If H will be successful so long u be b u money to pay for bla attorneys' Krvicu.


A Young Horriatown Lnwyax PioTes False to B is T n u t.

NoBklHTOWK, !■«., March 5.—F rank L Mnrpby, i young lawyer and clerk of the Town Councl), has been tor some lime nlleged to ba In flnanelal itrilia. Twojndgmants were enluad agnlnst taim tbu weak—one for 1700, In fovor nf J. p. H. Jenkins, isd one In fovor of Charles IawIs. Tbo latter w u eiacutod yes-"teiday and ble sUklrs thus made po bile. LevrisIs ItDin Pbltadelpbla, and nctntly attained bla majority, thereby becoming entitled to gi.im from bu gnardlsn. Desiring that tha seltlameul ebould ba made through an itlonuy ba amployed Mnrpby, and tba cback w u drawn to the latlaFa order. Mur­phy dapotitad Ibe check to bis own credit lu tba Plixt National Bans of HorrltiowD, aod gave UwM bla own Individual check. A few days later lowU deposilad this In a FbUadil- phla bank and it came to Ibe Notrislowu bank for payment. Mnrphutbad but tl36 u> bis credit, and tbe check w u piocertrd. Lewis then threatened Murphy with a criminal pcoa- 5™l!S?’ I«»™id which be coofeeaad judgmentfor ROD, turning over ibe ilU In baok. Upon tha execution ol tba Judgment yHterdiy Mur- phTCODVayed toLawMblabcavlIy-encumbend proparty for batter security.

Murphy baa played an impoManl port In local Kapubllctn pollttcs foe scyeral years past,

bolds a prnroioenl poaltlon In Ibe FatrioUO Onttr Boni trf AuiancA

TWO OOVEBHOB8 IM O FFICE.Weak Vlrglnla’a Outgoing BxaootiTa Be-

fuaea to VAoata-A Fasty M uddle. . Chahlkoton, W. V il, March 5.—

Nathan Dolf, Republican, and rm td en t K. II, Carr, ol tba State Seuale, Union .Labor, took tba oath of offlee of Oovernor of this State yes­terday at noon and mads a lurmsl demand upon Uorernar Wilson to vacate, but that gen­tleman refused and roferied the tw ouplranti to tb e to u rta to decide who sbail hold offlee pending the eontest between Ooffand Fleming. Tbe outoome Is anxiously looked forward lo. Everything passed olT peaceluily and no tioubla Uatillcipated.

Qeneral Goff, Iba Republican Hndidata, clalnu that Judge Flaming, tba Democnilo candblata, admits In bis noiloa of eontest tlicl ( to ff bad n o majority. It w u the duty of Ihs Sposker ot the Hcuh, during tba scasUm ot the Leflilaliire, to announce the rote, but his lill- ure to do ao dou not Invalidate bis claim.

Oovarnor Wilson claims the right lo bold over under Ibe ConsHlufron, sod uys be will bold Ihe OTslllon sgaltut all obmers, u oe con- sldan It bla duly to do so.


O ra«t D am age Thoogtat to Bava Baea Done In Manavl.

GUATAquiL, Ecuador, March 6, via Oalveslon.—Anotbar ibarp shook of eartbquaka w u foil bars on the nigbt of Mircb 3. It be­gan at 8:4b o'clock and luted eight aeconds.

Br. Et.itia, Ecuador, March 6. via Oatveaton - A d earthquaka shock w u foU beta ouly In thaavanlngol March 8.

Lllta, Peru, March 6, via Qilvatlou.-A ra port raoelvad taera from Qiiayaqiilt, Eanador, i t i tu tbal slight Shooks or earbquaks have been fiilt ibore since II P. M., March 2. Tbs npori Is 004 oonarmed. Tba same report statea that tt Is foaiatl great damage b u been censed In tba province of Manavl. All tela- rsp b lc oommoDleaUun In that direettoa Is tn- temipted._________

Fongha Id a Btawot Car.N iw TOBK, M arch 6.—A 0ght oo-

Corrod <m a Third avenue alraat car Ihli morn- Itiff batvani Joba fietmiig, ih* ooctdDqkiVy ind a puaangar wheat name la not known. In the Bcome BobnUi bad tba point of ao umbrella Ibrnst hilo bis aye. and tha putangar w u bip ten on tha ebaafc, Tba paiMioger mada bla aacape, but Ibe poHoe are looking for. SobuIU w u taken to the hoapltal, where be aMy die,

KnlghU la ta n o D d ar Thalx O hariar.H a t e r k il iI. HaM., March 8 .- L o c a l

Aaaanibiy BM, Xnlgbla iM labor, eompoaad of workman tn MKhtua and baad-aawad boots and iboca, b u volad to siinendai Us ebavter, and bw erganlsad undet tba Haltooal Tiadia UbIoo.

^ ly t te p t in M D r a i ia a d Mtdieioca m u « firadntf* FhanoAcVs oomm BIogiiiMfi attd ■oBaar i f f tu M i .-u r .

Bo n h a m , Tex., M arab Ti. - l o thi* lit Lie quiet U)wn OQ iba Texas iiul IMciflc Kail- road, which Is (ba cipUai of faaalii CX>umy, a BDOst raniarkable cam will tw trla*! lu th« Dit- ttic( Court OD UoDdar of oexi waak Henitt U known os the ranious 8cariatt-Lac«flcid ciiRe, aod when Its dciatls are known abroad lu fau« must spread lu all dlrtcUoni. Tlie UeuiU, os will Lm» smd, smack more of lha flavor of ro­mance thau of tba drv routine ofacoramoq court phMwadtni. The luOiorllieii t t Hits plsiw war* tiotidod lu tbe fail o( IH'Vl (hst a murduT bad bbvn oomuiltiad on Ketl Klvar Id tba ttortii-

.eruiMutol tbi* county, of wbU-b Andy Uco- flfldw islbe victim- Tbe ktiUox was a very mysterioiuoMe, ami (he (Blieritl iiad bbiofflccrv, Lboogb ib«y worked hard tu gain a due (o itio munlerer, wert finally rarfipellcO to five up active atiampii tu discover faloi. Early in (Nr? iDfgvtnaUou was reouivud ilisi saemeil to oon> nect Jim Scarleu wiih (bu crime.

Tht Auplchms ibeu oroutad were strebirlh- enad wban H was sscvnalnad (bqt fcarlelt skipped (be coumy lintnedlaialy after the miir- dvr uf Laceflald Kvrn cQonto ssciTtsiu tlia wbcraabouisoi tbe Aigltivu proved uusvalllng, aod ttw uunlet Lwcaiuc almost furgoUeu. In tha asrly summer ol hunover. Hcarti-ti re­appeared in Faunlu (,'ounijr os suddenly av be bad dlsappcaiad. He was promptly arteituil aod pliuod 00 (rial m tbe DU(ri«i (.'ouit, wliJcb coavuDud sooQ mClei bis uapturc.

bHUT AMP UlATIiN.Tha evidf nca showed that tbs accused and (be

murdered mso bad been parineni tu nmuing a wbUkay buat on tbe Ked Klver. (^nu day (bey had a difficulty, bul tbe men icptraied wUboul doing each other brallly bam . A day ortwoafteribU flcsrlMt diseovaiw.1 Ixcaflcid seated on tbe bank of tbe river alona. Ha crept up Uibind tba unvmpecting mao. shot him Iq tbe beck and Ibao, (o finlob tlia work, bcUbortM] kls vlettm over (be bead wHb a pis­tol and until he wM sasured tbat ba was dead. Just aSwibe murderer bad. u be believed^ On isbed hU bloody work a oousId of iscarleit ap­peared on (bsoeena Tboanatiin fireawd ihii young nan loto his sarvlce by iDtimldailon, aad be bulped ta row tbo body of bis relative to tbe Biddle of tbe river and throw It Into (he streoja.

Ou tbls and other corroborative evidence flcarleU was found gulUyoftbe murder of LaM- field and acDietired lo be luaged An appeal was takeu on a le^'bbiciiity and a uew (rial was unJerad to tbe present March lerm of (be court. Tba delay lb execution of the deaib urniCDce prcvedi^ ibe baaging of a tosa Inno- cent of a capital crime.

LjU'RntLD'* WOWPixn'L MTApt Ueefivld U alive. H« was fuuud by an uld

friend eome (wo months ago $q tbe eoutiitra pnit of Fannin Coutiiy aud wai brought by bis acquaintance to tbls town, WUen quiftioned by Sbarlfl' Taft about bis reappeiraoue bu istd tbai after being thrown Into lbs river by his would-be murderer be iXA-ivad sufficientiy (o crawl out oft be water, tie west to (be bouse ofafriend, whlcb, after a few weeks'111ihws. be infix and tben travelled luutb. He know allaboul ficarleu'i trial, but did not appear iiid stop (he proooodings, becauve lio thought tbat hti murdaruus u«ailam deserved bauglug.

Laoefleld has several scan on bis bead which answer (bo dctcriptiOD of the uouadi made by Scarlutt’i pistol.

Tbe iDiereit and excKemeDt lu the case bsi never abated, eml lb«! trial on Monday next promisti to be one of ibe most ImeresLlDg ever tried in Texas. LsgloaH of witooMsea will be examined, and tbe cbances are favorable fur bcarlstt (0 cocarHe with nothiug more tliaii i fine, wUh a poalble sligbt Iniprlaomnem.

A STRANGE RDNAWAI.D u h ln g Two MHm Along n KatlroDit

No Domogo Done,The in te n e t dieplayed in the flglit

tfler tbe South Orange Democratic nomination ft# the Boitd of Uhoien Frocbolderi, exccodi lliet tell during tnjr prcvlmn jeAr, li li gen- erallg undenfood tiiet tbe conieii 1« bolween Aleuoder Megbaom end Dr. If- H, C. Vxll. Tbumu C. Murrey, the retiring member or the boerd, b uld to lieve oxiveued hie inlciiiton ol oltiiilreiilng *t the j>rin»r)r end tbrooing bb etfcnglh to Mejbauin, The veteran Vnil Iradged tbruugb mud end rain leit nigbt In e "peixuuel cenviea'’ uior. Clew « i lie docior'i h«le oerae Mr Mejbtnm In coopenr with Conrad Herleinieln, ono of hie Ueuicnauie. Marbaom'i eupporlori uy that i b (rip wax a ventablo triumphal march until alxiut 11:30 o’clock, when an Interwting Incident happened. MayUaum'a horee. a bay valuod at 88O0. waa lall atandlng under Rum- melkimp'a Hotel ihrdi while a large number of eulbuilaitlo eltiuna were Inalde the hotel diMuuIng Maybaum'i proepeoia tu Ibe light fur Frecholdct. Tbe hone decided to leave tbo place, and within a ihori time wa* on South Orauge avenue,

Without the ilfghleat heritatlon lie animal turned down the Monb aod Eieei Hatlroad track toward Orange. Mtithal Trenchant en­deavored to Inloreept the tuoam y, but failed algnally. Down tbe tnck at breakneck i p ^ went the bay with the jdiaelon, toesing Itom aide to ilde tn In wake.

Trenchard noHBad Haybanm of the hono’i dUappeerauee. Ai the midnight freight and other late m in i were nearly due, the general opinion wai that U the horu otcapwl a broken neck by tumbling down one one of- tbe many embukmenU ontbe Una bone and pbaeton would be ground to plecu by the freight aod paiacnger tralna. Umerniwara procured and throigh the palling rain a party ot narchen-itarted out to Bod Ihe runaway. Mldwayj between South Orange aod Monlioee were found a houM blanket ta a whip. Over troga and acrou iwttehea went Ihe markt of hoof and wbHl aod the dletnibed ooud.tlon of he baliMt between tbe raib lull-fled to (be lact that the horee w u running wildly. Offloen Staadwell and (iregan, of Ibo Maumee equad, u ld that the rauaway bad gone by Mountain Slatioii i t groat ipe«l. The train run by Coiulucior Heed paiaed Ihe run away, and ee the hone dathed by tbo pawn- gen end trainmen who caught a gllmp-e of It In tbe darkneu atmeut doubled tbe evidence of their Hnaea At Highland Avenue Statlou the •urchett met Roundemau McUilhy aod Offl- oere Itrell and Rtown welting to reeeivt them. ItHll had eaplured the runaway and lorlged It In Savile'i itablu.the officer wyi th a t bul for hUarrlval the lu t train would hare itnick the outflt, u Ihe bone bad iwerved from the c u t bound trick, Kot a dollar damage had been dune lu the wUd run of more than two mliee.

Hiybaum'e frleudi declare tbat tbe teiulp of the incident le en omen of victory.


M u y Ueatlia F rom Cold F eared—A u e ii-ODD and KngUeh Coniulatea A tu c k e d .S a n F e a n c i s c o , M a rc h 6. — T h e

Maamar City ol Naa York, tom (:bloa aud Japan, biin(s advioe* (bat relief i% now comi nx to tom all fidaa for th« great (lixtress in Nortb Chltu catued by last seasoti'i flood, but oerer- tbeieia H lx feared (ha( many (bousaudi of people will perish to tbe oold of tbe vlnier. luooDiequence of the arrest at fiha»|haJ of a Cblnaman by polios fi.OOO rioters awombied February fi, burned down tbe EngllRh Con- iniatt aad atiackfd the Atnericaa Coaiulaie, dolDg great datnofa.

Ainoof Ihe pasMDgeri arriving at this port by (he steamer City of New York wera Count 8aw«y Marquis Moeda atid three under officUis. who comprise the party sent to thia oouptry by (he Kinperot of Japan (OeiamlQ* the mlUtary and asval oyitems of (be I^nUod Btatci. While In this d iy they wtiJ visit the cruiser Chorieo' too, and tom here (bey will proceed to New York add Ibesce to Washington. Wcu Point i and (be Naval Academy at Annapolis will ba polnti of lotereat. __________

A Fbtff to r the High Nohool*Llnoolo Poat wiU pTOMut the Hi|{b

Sobooi wUb a flag, at (he Ccnlrsl M. £. Cbiircb, on Friday Algbt. The Noard (M Sdueaiioo aiHl tbe pupils of ibe ocbool have been invited ui be preicnt. The poat will turn out, with tbo dram oorpe, hi I^ll tmilcirm. There will be BlDglag and abort addrcBee. On April ;29, lABL, tbeffirtt Reglmentt New Jersey Btata MilUlA, volunteend, under tbe cotnmand at Colonel A.J. JohntoiL Before leavtfag to Tremun, on lU way to tbo war, halted 1q tom of ifao Iliah Bebool building, at ibe eoraer ot WasblngtOT and Llndsu atoetOy and w u preieBtcd with a handmme flag by tbo eobolan.

F ln lsh le if^ Maw CliuroluTh# congr«gBth>Ti ol the WkhllfTo

Praibyterlafi Omrob exifipta to taka posaeoaloo Of Us new church about April 1, All (he to Mrlor work la now done, wltb tba exeepUoti of tba paintiof. A dedloalton eervioa wlU ba ar- ranflad t o aarly in April.

^TIm ebUdraa all love hi take Bradner'i Lung Batom, m t M both p k ^ n t and edhotual. Ady

■ reelal flal* a f 9 » « n Thiii«e.>M Hiva MoUob D«paftmaot.-AdT.

To Chech th a C row diof of Foarth Hard!Lodfiag-houtes*

I t waa nenrljr 10 o’clock Inst ntitht fnrti tbe nuwtlug of the Uuard td Health woe eaiiifd to (utier. There wasjiut a quorum prot- em aad (be Mayor oocupldl (be ciialr. The plumbing (mllnanou was read tbe first tltuu andortlered toaiwoonct rBadlng. Dr. Wallace In bis repori. which will ilk fuumt iwlow. ri- firredtothe high death rate In the Fourth wariJ and tu praftices of ludulag-botioe keep- era. It dackled to itxiuvsi lUr Healib til- flrer lo aerre nutiL'ev on krittlRf-hnnsv keeiwr* that Ibe prsciice tnust Ix itoppral at unoe

There wav a (UsruRpiuu uf tbo tetepbotsq ier> viiw. It aiqiean tbal ibe i-umpany rvstrii'U (he use ct the pay iraHuus. Ki Atdemnui Family bnriight rhu matter up, aud a re«tlu- tmu was (A-aod iJiat the HeaKb Officer be di- tvcivd to rtH[Ui «•! the fiirtct ('I'mbilitoo otthe ( uiumoii (\Aiucil tu kN>k into (ho tervloe run (Ivml by tbu lelfpbuue umtpauy. nwire usiw- rialiy to ibe arhltrarj ru in eilahlisbcd rvaard- lug pay stations. It was cxpialiu>d that sub- KTit»erav(are pieveniwl from coiotBUiik-titing wltbruriain panlee iu the city by uo( bvln^ givvu ]iay itaiioofo whfu they called fur (hem

The report of Dr. VNailaef fur llts muulh of January showed the iiiuDbar uf ooutaglous lud InfeeiltHiR dtuoss^ oa lollow*; Dlpluberia, lOh tiiKTcaae ki}; scar'd fexer, 71 iuicreaee JS); lypbohl fsver. .'ift (dicrasm! liil: mcwbratitma ciojp, H). There were au dcatlialeglsiercd. Tile aimtaal rate tti morlality In- created (o i lv i . For to ir or live monibi (he •krhest death ra(a hml lieeu la the fourth Want Out (kf twenty deaibi in tbls ward tor iK'ceniber twelve titviurrM iu the Wtienieui dlstnrt aud of thuiti three wsr* friim symutic disvaMra.

" Fur the year iKsS, tbiA ward," Dr. Wallace rvporietl. “ led all others in the inimlcr of deaths in pruportloii lo the popiilalkm. All of (bCM,diieaaes woknow-nri' IncWeuilo over- omwditig and lick of vvtiillatioD. l<odgiaj{* tiouwfl pnMlomlnate lu oi rialu leidlucu of this waid aud puopl* are crowded Into (bent night­ly Wflli uuly uue object In vlsw. that of the sc- cuttjulaiUm ul luuuey by the knpers. If thia fiibju<t Is dealt wMh as provided fur lu the ocxlf thll can Iw brukiMi up not only In the fourth Waul bui also in other lactiuits uf the dty, Doiably lu tbe Polish quarter oi the l^ixtb Ward,’

The deaths throughout the city In January due toxym4itlcdiveasee wera sixty-four. Diph­theria caused sixteen deatba. There were five dettbi from scarlet fvver and iweniy-iwu tom typhoid fuver. Tha Dumber of reghtered births was 6&4. luaiTiages 14&

Dr. Wallace’s reptwi of the workings of tlia deTartment for February abowsd tbat tbefnl- lowlng cases of cuniagwus and Infectious dlt-

bad ttuen raponcLl: Dlpbibciia HH ide- create 4). scarlet fsver 67 (dectoUM 4), lypltoid ever 21 (deorcaae 64). membranouicraiip 1 (de

crease 11). Thera were tes dsatbs rsgisu'red. The annual rate of mortality, wbh b bad beca Ifi.Cband 2^FJfor (be previous two muiitbs, iucraased again tu 3S.0fi. The lowest rates were tblrteeu and fburtueii per thuiisand In tbe F)r»t aud Fourtsenth Wanli n#«rcctlvf iy. The rales rangf<l upward la tbe other wards to fifty one per tbuusand ta the Fourth Ward. Tbe dealbs reroTtwd to ihe cymiHle diaeases were lifty flve, of wblcb twruiy-iwo wore tom diphtheria, an increase tom January gl six. Oftbe twenty-two, one each occiirrwl In the Second, flcventti, Ninth sod FlftscntU; (wo each la the isiKb and Twelftii Wards; three each In Ibe Fourth, Eighth aud Tenth W’arttJi, and flve In ihu Thirteenth Tv|ibonl fever raiin'd tblrlcen deal ha, adecrewAi- tom jAiiuary nf nine. The nuLuber of registered blribsaas 44", number (ifmarriogre reported, 1:0; vlill birtiis, 16.

—TUHEK K t'tolA Nfi IN TRlU ItLK.

T hey C'umpUiD Agwiiiet Tliulr L a n d lo rd and Arw Thauieolvva t.8i»cked L'p.

On H atunlay J odrs Stuck, who liven at6U7'>i Market iiraft, vistiied Justin* (isK-ior's office and afcked lo have three men RnvettHl fur Doopayment of a t:i boonl bill. The Justice advised Stuck hot to sue, a« he had (be men’s iruukslBbis possasaloii. Then Stuck waatod to have Uusa aownad t o etaaltag a knlft, but TXKitur dadlned to laiue tbe wirrarK. Ou 8ud- day mornlOR Hailee Ungblaaei, Abram Lip. kovlti and Huinle] Kasolcnti wont lo rht> Jm- (ice’s office and h>ld a pitiful (ale. lAhgbiaaec, who was tbo epokeamau. said that be and bli two (^>mpanlons bad arrived butv tom bt. Peh-rabuni. itiiiilx ashoR lime ago, exchanged tbelr Huselau money ior American coin an<f placed Nd, tbe Joint capital of the ibrer, Id Stock’s bnndv t o safe>keeplng.. W hen (bey demanded (be return oi (be cash, they said, Stock denied having received it. sml they ewuro out a warrant for bis orn-siou the charge of embeixlemeul. The man was srroitod and promptly gave S3UU ball for bis api>earaiice ai court.

Yestenluy ho succeeded la getting Lang- blaact, LIpkourtz and Kewflediz arrraled for itealing a knife wm:;tb about ten cenla,.nnU they are now In tbe CouDly Jill, wiiorp they will prubably remain until the April tiraud Jury id s upon tbelr rases.

" Hualans, wbu came here wllha rewdoliin to bstter (bell forluuei," u ld the JneUce, '*«e«m of late to havi Tkwd siniled uitt ae legitimnLa prey by ibarpers. of whom there are lots in Newark. Thu^ people, upon tba prt- lenc» of wrunng siiuatiuiie for the ilrangerH wbo can H'ldum uk a xonl of Engllib, induce (hem (0 deposit all ibecarb they biv« and take a wortbleu paper ior It, and wb«n Us return Is demanded deny even having receive it. 1 (loh't tbiuk Stock ti one of these wtopiiTt, hul he has acted lojudfcuusly In tills cuo, M-ndlng tbo ibrta poor fellowi to langtiish In Jail, while be goes tree on ball. He probably acted under a mlsuken Idea (hat K was the bait way to secure his hoard bUl."

Tbe Jniiioe will make an sffurt to secure too ralMit of hii felloW'OOUDlrymen on ball lu-day.

M orristown Briefs.The oloffinte reception o f the Odillon

Club came ofiT last night in ihs Young Msu'i Catholic AoiociaMon buildlDg, and In spite of the unpleasant weather It proved to be a most brilliaat affldr. The germos was ted by W. A. Flagg, aod the favors were bes(nw^ by Mrs. (rforgtt Fuller, Mra. tisneraJ W aiw and MIh Bmllh. Among ciioss preiem wera Mr. sod Mra. Aj K. Chisolm, Oeneral aod Mn. Walker, Mr. and Mra. W. A. Flagg, Mr. and Mrs. W, ft. Lyon, Mr. and Mra C. F ftao- dolpb, Mr. and Kra. Benjamin Nicotl. Mr. Cuyisr, W. 11. HbslioQ and dsughsr, Hiraun, Thebaud^ Nast, Chisolm and Walker, and Meiori, Pitney. Kast, Mtlii. Wbineysndolben. Thu roomi were finely decorated, aud a fine pollatlOD wiR served hy Day.

Mrs. Theodora Utile and her daughter, Hra. Frank B. Ctaveti, gave a 4 o’clock lea to a large number of/rlends at Mra. LUiIe’s retideticaon WsablngtoD stnwt yesterday an&raooD. There waa a Urge ooinrauy pneetu.

Tbe Morristown hepubllcab Club ba l Jollifii cation In tbe otubroomR lost night. H ^ches were made by L- 0. HtJlos. Colonel Poor and J.H. Huatell. A dispatch tom UrInnuH WltlU, who Is roprerciiUng Uie club at Wishlngtou, was read, tougs were sung and a general good time was bod.

Wltham Cook, bcUer known as "fiblnnsr.’* was commllted to the Morris ( 'ounty Jail ysater- day fordlMiderly ramduct, on iviiuplalnt of bis fktbsr. Cook claims to have been outnmlltod to tall more (ban lOO timta

Tbe dog law has gone Inlo force with great vigor at HorrislowD. BoareRuftJovs wllb rniies •ra icourtDR tbe d ty and a dooen does are al­ready empounrlod, ___________

Ik* HJobard’i Hlchocte*D. W, Iticharde, the wholesale

grocer at MS aod H6A Bn»ad streel. who was re- ported to be very sick last night, was again at bliplaee of buxliveai (fall morning aptwrently as well as ever. Ke was delirious yeitcitisy and toward ulghtfoil was taken home lu a Qoaob.He attrlbuiea bli llloess to aa-accldont which happened to him two w e^s ago, He •tubbed bis foot egalnit Ihe sharp etui of a banol hoop and severely cul bla toee Since tben be has been troubled very muob by the exoseeing pain of (b» wounl Mr. Richards would not remain at his bomo, 2& Park sttocr, this uorntiii despite tha ifTorti of his friends to keep him there. He claimed (bli morning that he had ovenlspt binuelf. He has md znlsied • day a t his buiinen tat ai>out llAy yesri. ________ _

Swasinlt Sorapt*Two jo u b g men in a b one and bnftncy

drove Into the Mill race near West Summit Station ou Sunday Qlgbt and were nearly drowned. Tba horoe w u badly cut. It is a dangerous place ou a dark nlghi, tbe race running alongside of (he road with do proteo- tloa Oh All her tido. Tbo men gave tbelr names as B. T. Meoler, of (Jreen Vlllags, and W. Ducall ol Madison.

Tbe lost 01 tbs seasoa'i balls was given at tbe Park Houos Iasi eveuing and was largely at­tended.

Urbund will be broken In a few days for tbo erectlOD ot a qsw Methodist church on the curnspof Norwood avenue and tbe boulevard.

A B ab y Found On a HUnp*(WBcwr F tt ta , of tb e Fourth PreciDcfc,

found a lour-waekaold girl on tho rear stoop of Pinkus Beseman’s house, 75 Prince otreel, last night. Tbe child bad no covering except a cnnple of dirty aprotu. It wM cared lor by Bcsiaan onUll this mornlog. snd then given In charge of ffaperlniendent Yaimsn, U Is not kooVQ mho abaodonad tb* Infaut.

Donot exparlmaat If you have aocM. but taka sometbiof tb a t ^ auwady been prooouuoed |ood,m oSii BradngriLuoi &aMa«,-Adr*

b b i .l b v i i j .k v o t r r h h i c k .

l4rottgly the TowiiahL|i Com-lulilee 's Way of Uulng Illl•l7(e■•.

Nearly 700 of tha W)0 votem of Bull*- vtlle crow'tfd I'sjeslc Hall last ulgUt lu answer (u a call for a tnsrting to dlsrnss tiso Improve- (iiunbi upon Ihs strsc'ts now under way and provided fur hy the buuUlng act. tirowing dis- aativfkctiou at Ibe manner in which tbe work is being duDs culminatttil in tbs mealing. Aaron Uuyd, one o( the UaavU'sl property- uwnen in iha town, was eJiosen tu praslde. liqviirB r<andllKd «.sh tbe flrat iiwikcr. Hu said that (he groilc U)k>u iomu ol the sirrelx was tuo railii'aJ, and cIUhI Julitr*uvet a t an sxamH*^, whsh* ravcral houseo, owing tu Ibe ex- oavatiims. htva been leU parched u Nju the «iubaitkm«n(, leu fri't above Ibc le»rl of the itrL* The tnjnr)’ donp til (he property was very great, and the pro|4«>ry-ho)dstmure (old (bat (hay had uo r#- dii-w

I'tmilDuietg Mr. PamlfiirLl raid - -'AtTordlog to the ('uiitfsct ail ilirt uxiavatad lu make the grade u|HMi etteslM was to ],y put uinun sinwis tbat rvqiiitvd Hiluig tn Hithln l.OUO feet uf tho 4-xcHvatioun. Tim punion uf iho cuiiiraci has Ikwi) grufody viultiii>i]. Iu plain* of mUlsIUf this dirt lor the purpuses ui[m*d In tbe cuotrai*i (he raaUTlsi WMs Mild (0 private I'arik'i for fil­ling lu iheic lots, when siroets vi Khin (hu pra- srrilieLl huiitJ wsTS nuitleciuLl. 1 railed Uie allintianof (’oiniuidermaii K. kmUh.lhe chainuan uf the Uuad ( nniuiiMea, who Iras U*en su^a'rinieiKllug (he viurk iijicii tiro strirabi. lotlie cundltlun of Aoodcuiy slreol, oue ol Ibo i((V«(s Tn«iiii.*mH] In the cui)(uui|>liis<l impruvemtnu, and sliowisi him where some uf tiro dirt limt nos iH'iiig uMtil by privala (wmea sliuuM be placvd, and ho (old mu Uluitily (tant the Atvi'i didn't (road u. Hit auivLur nai so blunt, In fact, (hat It was perhaja Iwttor Inr bulb ul us (bai I kvpt iny ti-nj|wr. A( the time I made (ho ^ugfcailon eicaviilloiw werogniug uu mUHuCOUfoetof (be •pul draigntted. ihu mseipieuce is lba( to fill the siraol up (u ibu renulred grade II will niiw n« t (he township ssvaril bundrad dulUra. Tbo same ihlitg wm dune with Isanc streui,

ban the exoavailuni aero made upon Juhu and KuigiTN •Heats tin.' din pjai-cil upon pri- vai« proiK'rty to a out is U trad on would have filled Isaac sireei In alonat lu Huliura sirse(. Now |( will cuni Ibe lowoshlp nearly fTCN) lu do what e<Mild then liars lawn acixiuipUsiiLMl at Uttlu or no o it."

Ill speaking of I be sale of the bunds Mr. ftaudfijrd said that Ihey had Iweti taaned cuii- irary to the wishes uf (be itipayen uDd at par. In place ul receiving a prentiuni uiKin them It bad cost 12^ to Issini tiroui.

“ llw as lui|>(wiible, lu facl." exclaliued the (iquire, ” lo gel at what Ihu Town I'omuiUtee were doing. Tltej have buld tnon' M-cret I ous ihia gurat than ruugrvM bos indulged In during the whole Kssiun. We could uin have (heir prucuedbiKs pnbluUud lu the papers, (ora reporter was told by k. Hmltb, chairman of the 8trw«M'ommitu*e. (haieveu If Uedbervt*ur> Mm'I got liitu a mrelliig Uincqmbii would be lu- dulgod In Until the hour fur adJiHinimeui, and (hai they would then meet agHtu i,»i a private call. I Has also (old tbal 1 cuuM see tko plans tor Iho iiropuocd Hittk si anytime. When I went for ihe putimse of seHtig iJiiMu ihcv coUJd Doi Iw found, and, os 1 mh that I was not w«l Ctmic, 1 cuududtd lu give up ihu Jok A pull- llouRigiied by over PxJ |iropcrly-uwiiefs for the oiM-oing of ronluiidi sireci was proMtiiuil to ibu anil that Is (he last we buvuheard i<l II."

Tbo hptire ihen rolcrre*! to Ibe umdltkin of (be Kidewaiks, aiiU said (but tin lUentiun wtisuver was jiald to them. In fact, one man whu uinUTlm.ik to take miiqc dJrt out uf thu fuller with which lo pm the walk in (rout of his hutioe In coudltimi wan al<ipi«d by (he cLalrmau uf ihe Kiunj CumiuKieu, whu ap­peared to use auiuLtRlic jmwera. He urged tbu fici>pio to vote for the tuen who would servi Ihe public Interest".

Hpuechr* were luoile by several others prus oni. t'balrmAD J. IJ. 1'lanlwood, uf the Tuwn Cummitlce. tu auswer to Squiro Hibdli»rd, »aid that In relallun to the giadcsoD ravcrul Krei-m tii« wurk bad been given tu a (timiaHuht Riir. vejor, and that ilm cuinmlUce followed bii In- ttructluDS. The Town Counset, while he woiilil like (o voe tuu liartici lujiired by the excava- tlous pflid for tbe diBiags dime their proparijs had told (be comniltiee that (bey could nut legally pay damagn. In r^ard to the sale of tbe boDdt, ufler h great deal of tmub^u (bey ho«l bccDfold St four por cent, at jiai aim wero to mn lur thirty yratv, wiib ihu pnvlu<gc of ra deemnig them at the md of twenty yeani Till entgi hail been maiiu by (he reBiUciioi of Silver lAke win s« itreciR were rnU inclinied In the 0(ni(vmplati‘d iiaproveimMits to (•biaui an Jnjiincilun rcxtniiuiug ihu Tnwii i'uuiniut«‘s from toulng the bonds nnlefs Ik'lmuui avotiuc was liDi'rnveil. To Mop Jtiigntiun ihc cum- inCttcu, B( ao<j«t or$V)(J, nisdu llic dcslrvd tin prorubicQU aud llicu iMued Ibu tamda As lo aflrivey in taking sciiun In the ntflttvr ibc com- iDlltPu dcvineit It advlrablc. WJicu asked in )vfcn-iice tu the dirt that was excavated and not plsued whero (hu cniiiTtct called fur, Mr. Ijutw'ood said (bat bo whr not propanol to (ouch upon (be iimUor, a<> It might lie a reiki* tluu upou lha action of (hose whu bad ebarge oflbbwurk.

Aaron f.loydiaid Cliai he ibotight that the owners of pn>pt*rty alung (be line ol tbe Rifut tA graded should have been aiAlflod by (hu com- mlltee when tbe work was abrmt to iieduuo. At groat aspviise hr bad laid sidewalks aud curbing along a groat ili'al of bla proivrty, and upon visiting It after the wutk bad lN>gim hu found lhi< curblug ttud hldewalks (Nivervd to t depth ot Reveral tcoi.

Mr klJUtiwrKalaBld Ihai the adverUacumrti of the pn>poa>LHl grading was sufficient (iuirou tu proi>erly-owm*ri.

P. Van Hiper mad* the Ia<d addrc'i in a luppleineniary remark Hr. fxxwuod raid that the reaRon tbe pelltlontuopen ( orOHUiU htrtei woRiablud was uial im* pru^ierty-owiier hod appaarLHl l«fui6 ibu commit lee and Kaicd that tbe proposed opunlng would ruin his prup<-riy.

B«H| and Seceptloiis.Ballet danninf( hy seveutcen amitil

boys on the iiage of H(voK«'r Hal I was a feaiura of the Newark Yoimg Mott's IteDuvolent Aid Society's ball last night. Tlte aKandHtice was targe.

The I’aratlc Hooe Ckimpany'f u i l in Ktberon Hh|], Harrison, la#t olght was largely alivndod. Many firomen were prf‘i<ent.

The 'Vest Kad piuoftiru Club gave a lucottf- fiU ball at Y- M. H. A. Hall, ou I'iaae siregi, IohL night.

Bt. I'itrlck'i Aliiipco Hranoli No. 7 gave its second atmiul tali In IMU's Hall lost night.

Ax U usual ou a Monday night, tieimanso- dcllei held high carnival lost nigbt, no lera than flve of them giving balls. Fuiir were maaquerodc toUi. Ihe M U. V. Auroras' mas­querade bail, at the.Acoi1euiy of Music, won a brilliant ahair The .M. a. V. nnicordU mnd« merry at a recepUun of Princu ('afnlval in Hcnsler's Hall. The Newark Young Mcq'r K. U. V. celebrated lu ilxih atinlverhary In 8n‘n- gar Kali by giving a gram] majHjUcraiJe ball.

Maser's Hall crowded w(lIj the friencls and members of^he I'aumSnia hiav's N. (' V. U was the society's third annual ball, aud wot a luccefh.

Tbo Dramatic Hocieiy "Forward'' gave an •fiJoyabEu luoiHjUurodo bell at Welii’i pbu-nlx I^ark Uull.

Tiro ronlh annual rGceptlon and banquet of the Young Ui'u’i Kullror Uairbow T. A. ft. ck ly woAbeld lu Us rooms, Warren street, IsMt Might, Abu It ROD wotti prerout, and a very piwaraul uvEiilug weui puHod.

Company Third Ihtilalloii o( Orange, bold Us first Inaugural inasqutrada bad in the armory on William street la^l mgbt. Tbu armory wai prufuraly and U-auttrully decor­ated with llsgti bull ting, ibicids» coals ol arms, etc. A UjuS 30U gm'xii were present. , A feature ol tbe affair was a mock inaugural corcuiuny, Rergeant ¥. E. DenneU impcraujiaiud J’resident Harrison and Private heymour KvereU 1m- pcnoEistotl Vli'e-Prei>lient Morioti. Tbty were driven to tha armory In a cloned coach, were met at tbu dugr by Captain Unox and escorted through the hail to the fartbest tn<], wbero Lieitienanl J. P FalUm, iof«rRoi]«llng Cbief Juati4*e Fuller, admloktere'l a comical c/ath to tbem. flcrgcanl Adutph ftcUter wav Hour tDaaager and WlJllaca Mlewart and Jubn Mo Corinai'k wera hta oBalsiants. Thu lluor nom- mtllee was ooxnpuood of J. Cross. (1. Windier atKl F. Welsh. The raceptino commitieo wm Captain Lenox, Llcutenanl W. K. Williami, Jsmea Tormey, Jutepb cooper and J. Gordon.

lUuomfleld and MaatctaLr*CliArI«« Bmith, tho Overseer o f tbe

Poor of Kontolslr^ wbo rvcuntly bad a itroka ofparalydx M (alllag rapidly and but alight hopea aru oalerielned of his raourery.

Wllltam B. Carrull and Miss Mary T. Mid­den, w to were married yeatcnlay morniug, belli a rtocptlon s( tbo roaldtnce ol Hugh Gal- lagbor on &L Luka's plooe last night.

A iDovemeut is on iou( among tbe taxpayers of Bloomfield who are Inisrexted Iri the growth of (be Unvuiblp to have that part of It known as firookdale leparatud. Tbe remoieneoa of iho place tom railway oommuniuatlon, (he roosgra popmatl<»i and the exient of lurntery tbat f i l l bu devoted to hruilng faiurafiix to many years to ooioa sra ujwl as arguraenti In Ixvorofa ehaiigo, fibouid tbe reparation be mado the place will be annexed tn Franklin Township. The (rarrylng out of Uie project would prove benefldal to IlrookJale, u It would nlleve the rraldcnti of that place of taxation now imposed upon them for improve- mantSq from which ibey derive no prsi'tloal bcaefil. __________

What’i tb it you say T Taka HradueFi Lung Balsam. Oh, yee; always do.-Adv.

Tba Ralga of BalaiDoetart tnterfltre with lha Bee HWe'i flpedal M e or Nolto».-'AdT.


M tu Vobai In Tvra Taroea a t m o a r ’s. Ollu a t ih* Thaatrvs-

MiM Uoaina Vokea and her comaiJy «omr»any recclveil a w arn rmvpiltm at Mlnart Thaaira last iilgbi. The acting of Miss Vokee bRilltat nous ol tu brlliun.'y aitd striking Ofiglnsllly ilDciB bur last atTwararuv. dhe »» U*)oail •xi'eidiiMi. iiqierior In bet fleW. The two skill Ju whicb she tppvkarvil were wgllcal- nilatciUo show off* her (alenir In “ My MU- Ilnvr'l IJIU," as Mrs, the krpt (ht*•lalieDoe aUemately ftinvulswl wuU Ituabter and wlkllyi'ittinyrniiiit', l uiHieiiay Thotpe, or Jock .VcfThfc-r*. sniialnuit that (Mirt wry wcil. MIh Vokp^MKg " Hit 'Art Was True to I’d!! ' in "My Milliner's B ill" lu an lolmtia blc maunar hbe w u undouixvdiy i t her brat 01 .Vr|. M'rfhiric. Aa Murjurg and lArtf/

tu ■•The Hough IMmuond" bur venatlUly waiiboivn to cioellent advaniage. Mr. Tborpe u Mr WtUiam /iicrgrer.** and Fvtlx Morris M fbasi'a/ur lupiaincd (heir rolei (oper- frction. Mr. Morris's (^u#m Joi wav one of Hit rsra ibiiigi lu last nlght’a sKnu'tions Miu Yokes dinofd a mluuai ilunuf ihu performauoo of" Tbu kuiigli DUtnmKl," aiwl evukod uiuvh ai'plaiiRe The ijundun riunedy company which III iqvirts her did uonse go<ui acting in " A < lemo of Curds," with which Ia>t night's tfOrfornuiue was opeboj. Thu Cfiri'tiirr tlr Hochtyfrltr was ariod by .Mr. M<jrrlR In a m'dUiiUli' tntitner. "A liairie of CarLls," "My Mtlliiror'i illii" aitd "The Kuuih Dra- mimit" wilt ti* played Tuoklay, Winlnrailay and Hatunlay evenings, and ■■ In iDmurIkniinl.' "The (1r<'«s llider" and " A Dantoinlme Ke h« a ria r’ will U' pertofuioil Thnt^ay and Ftl- dsy nlgbU sad Kaliirday mailiira.

Anstlii'i AiMirallan Novelty Cinnpany otwmwl a wpes'sengagvtnent ai tbo rimud opera Huusa ioit night. Thu troupe has from coiulJeraldy siigiueuied UDc« last ai'Msnn, and several new and clever people addH. Thenight's rnlertalnairiit onuilnis of a piCNring variety htil, otwiiliii wuhW D Ament (Mci lean lUii) ami Mlm Wlmtie Nlt'kolmn (Llllltf UiilrksboH wlroou perffirm ancev with (he rifle are pbcsoniunsl. Albert Ward, a ch'ver crayon ortiHt; Cbarlas B fk'blt- ling, who In black face tninxliicwt a number <d' psibvtlc and comlraf musical lalecltoui; Mob aud Dick Cisrirolla, Id groteiqiie gyrtllonR; Mlw Mioiue Ijm. lu vocal ovlectkios, and Uar- rlgan, an etoiHHlliigly g,ied t<|iiil[briat and juggler. Welwr and Ktehia lo their *‘Cnixy Diitcbman" set show soma good knockabout work anil are fol lowed by J B. t nilen. a topical Toesllih wbo was lender*! Hro i‘omrt1ment of a triple rnaure. Fred W. MUiis beM the siidicuoe (weniy mitiiilua with hti veulrilo- qiilsni >nd tnaniklM, «ud was followed by the AustlD (flxlcn lu daring aoixon the flylug iraneic " Ltrokynian’i Kurlnite," a langhabie oomedy, in which the entire tuitniwr of mcm- (wrtof ihu company are aaiw, sods tbo bill, iu- eluding a gOLul dfai>)ay of anUde roller skating.

[rwla Itrulhera' " Hlg H|K*otalty Rhow ' 1- the auracllon at W'aldmaan's 0|iera llroisa this week. The show Is one of tbe kwtoT ibe sea­son. Tbo perform! ncu eiimniriKWR wjih the three May Itotherb In a wsRatUinai triple act. folinM’e<1 by Ada U. UurnsH.theoriglBal " New CouQ tiuiolm and Lick In a iniwtial o imedy cntltUiHl " The Other Fellow ticorgv Nash In bts bicycle tricks . tbu Amvrlcaii Macs, KrNratil and Mrt'all; cliirU'i (J. Heyuiour, Iteiialor of Dliey. John T. Kaytnond ami oibui prominent avP»rs; Wwardsaiul titfgoiy, champluii Umi- Mero, lonulug s pyramid thirty fnel high; Lot­tie tiilsiui, in origiual songs- UiclitDond and (aenniy, Alice Haymond, In pLumiar selcctiorii; Wralsy nrother, and Janras Irwin, champiim head balimocr. The |WilormHm*« i-iiiIn with a laughable slcich emitiud, " McSuIiy's MIslortiinuR ■' ^


To Hpenil Blo.OOO Oh RowlI Im prove.in»-nla—A l’a« uHar Btreet (lliklruflion,111 Hull. ItbMmtllcld, luatiii|;IH.

about JO<iilEfns aracmble<( to bear Ihc report oMIic Tuwnsliip cummlKue and (o j*bs« upon apiiroprlalkins fur tbe ensuing year. The mvohng was called lu otdor hy Tbninoa Oakra, John F, Folo«uii w ii rhoeen chau -;an aud H. Uunn Huhn as oeerrtary. Omlieasurar, A (:. Marr, showed a halanoe 5f t1,'J04.fiT> on biiHl after paying all ex[«nsei, o f (he t*D appnu|jHaUHl for pullra piirpiaes la t year, only i'-Tii.Cfl was used, lesvliig a balance uf F/ifl llA. The ia>lh‘e were taken off duty over aiuoulhagu by the I'oIIch.! Commlllt-e, and (hu action uf ihat Uvty In leavlnR the (nwu uuprotecu*d, especially on t^utnkys, hascausvMt conshlerahte tNiminciil The mioilHjr nf |Hmr 111 Ihu town hni somewhat <l«*cr«!SMi*d Miice last yeah Ito-ro lielng a l)*Um*e of I'AH VT*' The ri'ruuimfiidallfuis ma^lcby (heionuiiitlec witl* uexl Uikcii up, aud with two fxceptirHiH ail wera jiu*epieti. JA r rriml i-oustnictliiii ihi.' ainuurit recummended, ffi.iJUi, wbi raised lip lifl.nnoby a largu vuu?.

Thu ■tiptuprlalloinjf F2,riO0 fi.r Are purpraea was, after a lew remarks friim rtweuian Timer, of KiMfx Hiiuk aP«l Ixaddfr CnmjiHoy, and Kd- win VVrMiHke, nim-ii to Auumg ihelm|irovt*m«iiis will ho iih> ininxtui-tiou of an Bleciflc lln* alarm syrieru iiiid ihe pim-haw of Ihe iici-ewary atnoiiiii or hoso rac-oiumcmlefl by (be Cnlcf.

Tbe i'<>iBiiil!(c« was atanit lo ailjnum when pre lvrK'h Hohrmaim.^a refideiii o' tbat |>an jario f (bu lowu known as ■■ Falrvfew," «tid that R large biiiuoi uu ihe old huM- cat riwd to Newark Wockadc<1 the nn*e( and pro-vt'cilcil the dralriMi Impruvumenta of bulidlug lu Ural part of (to town He m uv^ thai f j ft«i op ap- pruprialen for the remuval and purohaia of (hli iioiisf Thu matiur wm finally uferrod u> (be Town ccunifilitre, The obsiriicted itreet,U la i-onteuded, has never been aw-cpiwl by fhu towD^hlp. titviM will tie lakuN by (be Fulrvlew ra'oplc (0 bevfi tbe amount fur the puri-hase uf Ihc proKTljr plscfid upon tbo ticket si the elec­tion Dell Tiiraday,

The MimieUlr Township CqiODilUee held a siMH'idi meeting IsM alghl, but was unable to agree upon tfu* a(.fKuprt*Hcini, Another m«vl lug will probably IK! iieifi to-night.


A LIt*1y Tlm« O ra r U a n u f f t a g d C anlra l P laaa.— B aparta F rraaalad

f n iu tlia CItjr P a p a rtm aa la . The Taax ta lha tahoola.

About tbo Orwiiget,The licr-nor 1'i‘os I'ur (lie tliirtr^cn ram

oftbe tirsugv ( njAAtowu ami llhiumflvld Hln-ai RAllroAil ftim jany, ATnounllug m laflO, were paid yeaferrlair liy ftlwarfl A. Karvun, treasurer ufthecurnrAiiy Ho aluu |>ald llm costs of the hurmouusca lAiued t>y Juilico Davis

TIh* Junior Club dance at Ifw* rpshleuce of (tilU'ri t. Hvrfierl, ArUngimi Rtetiur, East Orspge. IsRt nlgbl. was atti-bded by a select cumt>atiru(yuimg r^ople, and h most enJoyA- ble evening woA speut. ,

Tl>o (lurijian Thcaiw* f'omjrauy uf SuHuirlt gave oQBof itA perlonnaiiccA in Ibe tiernmii- Kngllib iitcboid Jlsll Inst iiigbl.

Tbe FasiOnnivu Township f'limniitlwo Dietlaxl iiigiil wlll| but five inc-jriln'rs prratnt nud passed an orlloaiico nutbonrlng ihe'Viie ni sewer loan bunds.

‘Ihe (iiipili of Miv, ZIpIfl’K ibincing bcIickiI, Orange, gave A rt’ccpliuti lu rpp<*r Music Haij lost tliglK.

Mrs. tieorgfl A. Voil, of rrosj^c t to ilOrs tigc, gave a large aud bri lllout revepi ion Iasi nigbb

A surprM jiarty wuh leudcro<l fu Mr. and Mrs. Ire .1. Tuuidc, of ViiJfey rosij and White sireel, tiratige, luvt night, a t aisrewciF gr4*ct Ing u> (Uutj, (iK-y iielug about tu reuuive lu Mctuctieii.

Ttie joembentof Company A, Third llAtiHilou, of Orange, went un a straw ride to the fiiltuti Hdicl last night. At the bo(c! s supper wuh served aud a plcaiaiit pnagirimme id ru iUtinns and Toeiti selvciions was ruaderud.

(‘Igar-mtikers' Uiituu No 117, ororsng©. gave a banquet lust night a t a ceiebratiui] or ihc granting of its charter.

During Isst night the rahidfuce of Mr# F H Trscy, 4-40 Main ilriict, Orange, wak utU^rcii tbn/igh a cellar window, suii aii uvero<'St was SUilW.v

A KoUUer U unlliic a lk>ct«ir.Mayitr IlaviifW hivi rwx‘iv«l ii li-tti'r

lyom August Hempel, of tialvefilun, Tex., wbo dratm Inrormation regarding iJr. ( ‘ortielitig Battler, who, he sayu, Itelongs In Newark. Hempel writes (hat he Is an burvorably dls> e b n r ^ soldier who cerveil from New York Btstuio the late war, fis was informed by Fre<l i’lilsierer, Adjiiiant-tieneral at AUiany, that a doctor belonging to blx raglmaut llvdi in Newark, He says Uta(d>r, Kalllcr's evidetu'u D ImiiOriaut In a pebsluu claim. He wruU* to him. but hts letter Was ratiirncd, os the doctor could nut ()G fouTid. No name such os that given spiwart in the dtreciory,

A t the meet lag o f the Orangeinoii Council Irm night, Mr. flurkev, of tka Flsfi v\aM. bad a livuly altercation with n n m l prui’eny-ownera over the flagglnff of Cemiil place ThM Improvement, over sine* work wiH begun on It (sot fill, has bean a tlwra ki (he shte uf tfM I'outtcll. At one point lha «Ma* Walk wulnwur than iha street, m Umt waMff iluwod from the guitur on the walk, ami at (to retp»4*s( t»r propi riy-ownen the grade of (to Mala nos ralsi*ii unili (he surveyor lawl that II wuAtwuincbiiahovB thuKtreet. A number of profvrty owiwra, however, declare that tto walk li still lower than tbe street, m d alia clnim tiiat the flagging M u u of tbe propsf thlikDrasrand nu4 properly lahl. When tto iaR<‘*iusiti reiKHi came up to ratification laM night, M'vcraJ proiierty-owuers addresoed tto (‘mmcll m upiiraitiou to It, one ai them dedoi^ Ing that he would iKUpsy hU w esm en t udIrm (lie Work was properly dotie, and twtouto flagging used as ivqnirwf.

AN ALuagjcA.N xMoar.Mr. BiirktrexplaliKK] (hat the grtwle w m i*

cording In that iriveii by the mirveyor, and ttol the flags wen* ai'i'orfllng to rcmtrarl. Tha* one of lUeliutighRui prufterty-owuem took (to dour ami twgAU 10 make accuMiUo(ii*gil«t Mr, Kurker, declaring that hti wont was eat taken forauylldng Mr. Hurker kept b u ta a i per until bii acniH'r lutarrupM blm, wbea to again alleupled an eiplanatioq.

Then be oltoutwl, "Yau’re a liar,'’ and« - d«-rod lha man removed tom the room. OM was (Kjiirad upon the wateri, and the oonliaom cau*wHl by tbe si'ene mkaJded, T to controeto om?red to pay f a for every flog toiiMl that wm not arcordliig u> tbe epeoiflcations. Tbe port aaifitu liy referred back (ottoCommfUM oil Aimarnieuii and tba prtxatii to the Hlrail and Asoaoiineni ( utnatittaea.

Mayor harifurd wta autborloed to appofatw cofneomee of six CoourilBan aod twenly-fito citiaeai to aMist lo recelvUif and entertalnleg tho Army ot tto l*utomae at Ito iwuploe te UriDee to June, Tbe firemen of tha cfiy pa- Utioiial for an locrfioe of per year on tboM pay. maklug li |ld). Tba mauer wai ralertto (0 tbe Fire Uu)mti|«« &lttard BarraltWM apiioliued Deputy ( )l lector of Taxee. Areia> lutiod waeadufiled authorlalAf thanubmtokM uf tbe to e Ubrary uuratkw (o (be people Bk rteriUiii next Tuesday. The Commlttea m Kiectiuiis raporied thai (h* poUlng pUM la tba iiMouiid dbtrlet of the toooud Ward bod ham removed tn (itbler's barber-Abop. Ordinaneoi Wi-rc InlrudiKOd lo mecailamlMs pave and ouA Korost street, lo graule Jaekoon streel, lo Im ami curb rtomietr straei, ta flog rbrlstoptot stiwr, sad (o lay out and opan Langdon KreaL torn Fremont avenue to MiH'hevney iireel.

•(‘NtiOt BOAAP Rtmatv.Tic Hitaril of Rduration proaeniwd Iti annnil

n*port. showliif that •Kf.djd fli had been ox- pemlfrl fiir d«y orhooM, «4138 for ulgM roluMti*. pi,(iv6.iiii to tbe (ndiutrial School, a to I17,«>7,53 for (he m*w Oakwoud Avenue B^oei making a total of 70. The board osdy/uiaitxl that (be folluwlug lunu wonid nesslw! lu i l year: Fur day KhoikU, luctudl^ (he OakwiKxi Avcuue tjtfbuul, tSfl JUO ; for ItoDtgiii kchuol, 91,11(11; to Imlusirtat' Bobodk It.T'Hj; fur furnlHhliig and flUlug up (he O a t Afjud Avenue Kchool, Ifl.tKXl; ftw «‘oiMpletliif the latter bujldlog, maiitig a total «lfi-V45u,

'1 be H't>url was acaunputuloil by tbe ntmuolrei>orlur8utMtriiiLemlcQi. uf Kcbooli CitiU'. II WAS exliaiisUre, glTfi^f a large nunii>er M siatULicsof tho aitemloure, eDrullraeut, maA* lui; ciijuM-lty. age of puplD, *k-. Tha enrolD uicut was two grearor than in (h« prcvlotm yi*ar, but the average dally cDrollmeat and (to aiuiiklauca hod luerwwad dUtf-Ma. Tto prinrary giadat bad baM

\qe«fltoUug tba

Bo-raccm plan was ™ ^(be year bad been blr.

The aimuai rep<>rt or('.nHaclor ol Tazm G L WllliatEUAbowod lb« entire receipts aud d f (Mirseineuts of the dty fur (be year. Tb* receipts wera WiJdrfLiig, of wblob tlGO.llOil boil be*u frum taxes, I22.ffn.44 torn smcM ■iieuts, 1212,2112.47 Iriiiii ibc Huanl of J&Jucatioo, ll.i.Wl.'M) frutu Itoiiies, 11.741.87 rroin flnm it ilii* j^)lk-e ilallon, and H6MM0 ftom luitesai*- cniittie^l. Thedishurvcmciiis were astotiovrst Ikvird uf kilUi'Aliop, r-3.170.05 ; Buarilol UoafUb |H.;7.;4; Cuiiniy. «itaki.sW; oonflugont e»- (►enaeo, ItS.UiH * 1; fltc department, Il0,22a7l; iiHcruft anti diNunut, 820,062.82; lightiim sirvcii. H2,fVil.ttl; Memurial Huspiial, | i n j |s>:ii-L. fji.flur..2(l, and alnjs,

itukliig ftiud, ♦3fl,404M: ■<troi-t iiiiproveuiemi, |'ja.4fiJ.7li notoi m 14

A YVAk'l nuRlI.Janit-s W. HmlfktiMi’ii, ihlcf Kngincerof tto

Firo Dcpjirtmvnl. rcpurlad 29 firo^ 20 alarmi ami |u.-(7M liM, ci»vir«t by llto.WD insuranosi He I'liiidimiKxl the rtoi^ticaorstrlugtiigelvcliia ligbt wires over buusetops, claiming that sev­eral fires liad been trac^ to them. Tho flra alarm system has worked well, three now Iniei liavfug fjceii added. Hu gave a detailed state- meiit uf ibu nffleers, aalarit>a, apparatus a to nfher Diallers routing to the department. Hg rveommendud (hat five more fire alarm boxet bc! put uu ; ibat a new bell bo ptirchasml and i uew towi-r be uroeisd on the iJncolu avenue h>(; Uie erection uf a new iutildlnf and the ee- tabli«biac]it of a new bosc company a | tbe OMs*- Dtr <if Imy and Wosbfugton streato.

1 iiLUVfwk of the PglH»» l>epartm«ikt for tto r«nr was caremlly covered by the annual |x>rt uf I’ulbe Marahat Wllllani McCbcioey. TIk- rurcccnnhUiHoltbemanhal, two aergaAQt^ iwn ruiirHleinsn and elgMeon patrolmen, a total lit iwciiiy tiirei*. There were HII arrestf iiiHde, 114 r^'iMcutloni t o violations of eUy onHneuccs, 42.’> peivoTis hut been (provided wUh Uxlginiri. l<wt and stolen property aiauuntinf In Tnluc tu fl,13n..'i0 had been recovcn*d, 11 - ■ (<Dl f*u liAd Iwfl-o collri'tr>d for I1ni«, (hi-it! were tr, HHlumii ojxl 19 huteis and S4 places when iipjor IS sold tiy the measure, and |t5,971.M

WM> fHjIU-ctoLl from lli-anios. an lacreoAe of O’.'ii Gh over Uie prcvluu year

hU KIPTS aKP UXlYUnStNOATIClS-ir.rUy clerk NieUinn rv|N)rt«l the reivlpt (4

•in',4 )2 IHuu ic<!4)unl <iC Iha Water iK-parlinciH, an liirrease of |:i.7.M!.Ni over the year lH-(ure. Water 8tiperihlflmleiu Dowd lu fii*^auiiual rw l•url guvu ail Hceouul of (he work done st the ■lam rekI cm liie f-ipe Hue. The works ant la eseellcnt working condtliun, with ilju excep­tion oi the gatetinum* und flutm*. which nci^ repKJrii and aitomltour. <1ly i'hyiictAn Ta-IrciiuU rvTHUicd (hst since bis ajjHiiQiaieu'on iu-cumk'r 21 [HAH, he ha^l mado forty sevea vDlts tu tNMX juiiJi-iilH, had suvcnlevo office ct>n''uHa(njus. eiamined two IriMuie iierKMii, m(Ul«‘ L’1|<hleeu visits lu ihe [>oor fanD, iihI per-* rpniiiHi liinnitiniiruKraiinua. He rocumtueaded (he rt-uiovnl of the Hutiic patlentR now at (he wAjr farm (o tiie proiwr pla-'o nr asylum ; liiat fell' |KO.‘ (arm fje «u argt-d so v tu permit of the lK'iti*r H’lxirstimi of Ihe scxa^; iliai the hospliHl m'e4)iuinu>!niiun.s at the farm b« Iq- crviiKud, ami that iHtnie arrangement be mad* clwwliere fur chri>nlc casus. Btreet CoinuiJs- Hioncr ilronnn!i rvporteil tbe expenditure uf K.h'xi.22 in ills (icpsmoeut in iho iksat year, giving a MirTTimirv ul the work dune. The net coat of (he poor larm fur Llie year aii^onting to Hit- ru^irl of 8\i|ierittiendent Mechc*»uey nos

At tiro begiduiuguf (he year there weri* thirty mmaiesal tiro inrm. forty-flvc wert adTOiiteil, thlrty-twu were doclianfiHi ami four bad dicil. leaving tbirri nuven at lUu- Over* aw'f ciC f W UiiPiHge rcfHWtml lliu eafA-mUtiire ol |2.nW')i'jfi In lira post year ; ,(197 npjdicaiiduf lor ho isPirroe w'urv graiitc-d. 122 faiiiiUea wUk 2U1 ehildn‘P bi'ing assisU'd.

Acouaing Hie tiulde,Thomto Rurrw, of Oiicidu, N. Y.,

vlxltod Newark yesterday and asked 1/niis Elcbltaum, of 234 Kim street, to show lum around aud eecure him a boarding himvc. After Ihc two hod sampioLl hour jirctiy hwly Elchhaum cuiuluctoit Hums to die humo or Iho furmur's sistor, at 01 itallruad livcuiic, and Hgoi sflerwapl (be iiraiigcr mlsieil IIh and hail EIcbbaimi arreiird. He denliHl irosUag ihu eaih and Justice Van bald him to a fhr- ttor cxamliiAiion. BLirns was (irlained ox a wituraf. ___________

ffalrnaoaut Ceriietcrjr Ketiurti The Fairnionnt Cenielciy AwHOtmlion

Ixsl night re-olcctbd William Ward, ('harloe Nlcheh and Herman liCbibach ox maPOiEun ami dlrcotors. Tbu treasurer's annual state­ment sliuwc<1 the asects of Hie OModstlon to ba 1 20,789,OS. Tbe report of tbo auperinteudent showed that pln«ty-ilx lots had bwn sold dur­ing tbe year, and (hat 2il00 burials hod (akoti place. All (bo paths Id Ibe dumetery have boeu luUordlAKt during ihe year, and tbe main work durmg Ihe oomiBg year will to the laying out of new soctlon*. ___________

A 26Ci bottle of Braduer'i Lung Baloaia 00&* laliu a i much ta a Ato* UitUa of mhm prapara* tMUq-Adv.

C I T Y N K V V 8

Tlio cniplnyr-H of b!. K. Hojcfth^a sboi totury will sl(i-nd i'atrU'k Hogso’s lunerai iagiHnIy lo TlllifPiW.

The rrguIuL' monthly nicotinK of thg Newark b'einere rharitable Sudety will be held lo-iiiiirruw inornriig at U>:3U o'clock at lbs hnikUng Ifd&’Hniioy sireul

Kfvin W. Crane hAA to CvIvchI hfs ciimmiMlon os ProHicutor of Hit Dh-a , Hnd louk the oath of uflleu bufuiw Judgt Kirk{>iilrl(-k IIiIh alknicxiu.

\ivv, T'linmiW HurrL>v)u, tho evnnftolia^ Is hulillng Ills fHrcwell servlee In Hiloey Street M. K. rinm'h, this sReriuom. He will preock III the First Hctomed I'buji'b, on MarketUroet, lu-iuurruw at 1(J;3U A. M.

Pruilcntiiti lieaguc, M otion 27, laat night eleciid officers oh fotlovrs: Frualdcnl, 9, Yaufmauu, rlce-prMldent, John Bauer;setK rclAiy, (.barleftlhiiiied; traoauror, Btiwacd F. Klemeat; delokatot (u Ihe oeulriil leutlon, & yaultnaiiu. J- Ihiuer.

Tlie Wnmun^B Christian Teroporanoi tlnioD, of Monmouth County, will bold a raftf In F/iucatJonal Hall, Asbury Park, on Wednea day, March Id. A siiiiper will to served, an4 during (bo evenlog Mra. Mary 'T. Lathrgp, (X Michigan, will make an addreoi.

Ob, m y r 1 have ouch a cold in my hood (hti 1 (ecljust Ilka dying. 11 yuu havemKba ieellni take Bradnerii Lung Batom and gel well, Adv,

D raaam akavs Should IN fee l f fb a lr A A laaUaa

Ito Bee HiTt Notka laM.-Adfk


m( ( v e t t i n g


D A IU Y , K X O l P T S U N D A Y S ,BT T U

l U r n l i i D e w s F u t i l i s l i i i i t C o ip a s T ,

At Ko, BROAD STREET,X « w » rk . H>

t S i lm U i A t

■ Dttiy«re(j by etu ritr* in »n» part of t*i» th y , to d O iin g e . H irriton , Kaatny, Suitv m il. B iltv il l* . Montclair, Bloomrield, and •II po in t! in € a i* i County.

Mail wbaerpliona, fivo dollart a year, or fifty cants a montti, postage free. Smele copiai two cents. Oetivered by earners m Nawari, tan cants a week.

O rdinal adyartisaieents on tRird and fourth pages, ten cents a line agate

Advertiiamanis unoar heads of Wanted, To Let, For Sale. Personal, e tc , one cent a word, but no charge le u than ten cants each iniartion,________________

ORANGE, N. J.' William H. Lorton and Harrison A Allen, ■gants for caniar daliyaiy and advertise-

BLOOMPlaO, N .J , f C. Cooper, agent for advaititins^

O rdenfdr carrier delivery may w left at Dancer's and Vought Bros', Newi itandl.


rM M IO E IIT HARBIIHtN'f) ADURBM.T b a d a t a ra id e r will d licover lu Prcal-

fiao t B tr r i to a 's In to tu ra l sdd rcei s studied a « -co iD a tlt(a l form o f expression, T be paper, as a deU veranee o f a stsU SD an, Is ta b a ie d fa d n o t ao m aeb by w bat U con- t i l a s aa It la by w ba t h as bean em itted . T h e d o e n n e n t sbow t M r. l l e i t l io o to be • a eseccilT ely cautions m an , T b e q n sU ty of pm danca ia ona o f th e v lrtuea in a • ta taao s is , b n t a ce rta in candor and boMasaa ax c lle i a la rger degree of la ip cc t ia b u m sn lty , Ona ca an o t ea- a ^ la th e Im pr ssalon th a t M r. H arrison w bea w ritin g b l i addraaa w u oonstsn tly • a U a a laH to avoid saying an y th in g t b i t m igh t be o ted s g s l is t bins In tb e future, T b e reanit la an o rd lu a ry dallveranoa, modastly a iaarting general principlaa th a t aaold b iv a bean w ritten IsA year and wlU be good n e x t year or fou r years hence.'

I f a P residen tial I n iu g n r i l m eitage were w y tb ln g a lia th i n an Ind iv idual exprei- i Im o f tb a a rrlU r’i view s—th a t ia, a i td a r a t ln n o f Iboaa th in g s w hich th e b e c i t i v e wooM be pleased to toe tceoiapllshed—an o th er c o n itrn c tlo n m igh t b t pUrvd upon th e n tteraneee o f M r. UarrltDn. B a t in c b la tb e fact. T ba pim ldaD t I t sim ply an a ia c n ttv e afloer. H a can oocompllsb very li ttle In th e w sy o f

. ( rethrais. O ence, w hen sn In trodur- la ry idd rasa to tb e people Is given wHb aansplcnous p recaution aga inst deddad Tlaws—exo ap t upoa tw o or th re a accepted paln ta—tb e d ed u c th n is In e v ita b le ; Mr. H arriso n fa ov er-esu ilo u a H is ilelivcrance on th e Civil Service queetloo fllu strste i Mill elalm . U pon th is in terea llng point he • 0 m ora th a n says Iba ofltoa-secker should s e t ba too u rg e n t. U pon tb a question o f t ir if i, bow avar, H r. H arritn n fe lt n t If ha m igh t spaah bold ly , w ith o u t fear of coo- taquenoet, H a fo v o n h igh p ro to rilve forllT. and soggeaU th a t “ a s lr s e r i i ln i ry " •ee ia io n l m ay keep dow n th e surp lus. T b e first declaration w ill s tr ik e no one, oon. •M eilng tbe Ibct tb a tM r. U ir r l tv n w u e le r t - ad SI th e rep resen ta tive o f tb e h igh t t r l l f Idas. T b a aaeo a d , a lth o n g h non com m it­ta l, w ill Im preta people aa being tom ew bnt

T M ** a i t r s o r d l u r y " olforta o (o I a t W ashington to rrdnc« th e

tn rp lo s have frons tim e toA fm e.irtoD lshed a t oAbar t lm a a d H lu rh e d tb e e<|us-

^ r t . M r. I ls r t lso n ’t Other em phatie view la on tb a m a tte r of fileetlona In th e S an lb . U pon these two Imoes th e D em ocrats w ill h e lik e ly to m eet so d figbt n g s in it h li leadership four j c a r i hence.

OoDservatlve and cantlotts on tnnsf o ther ral^ects, P ree ideo t H a rrison I t silm lrsble In h is tre a tm e n t o f tb e snlfiect of foreign n ls t io n i . l i e saeerts h i t fa ith In the Mon- loe doctrine, and deedares In Ihvor of fitlendly b n t firm dea lings w ith E nropesn paw ert th a t m ay seek to d is tu rb the peace • f tb e peoples o f th e v i t lo u t governm enta • n th e A m erican co n tin en t nr tb e U liu d t a d jacen t__________ _____________ _

T i n t CANADIAN aPN kT lO N .W hile I t la n o t a t a ll likely th a t Sir

Q i t r l e t T upper wonld allow b fm srlf In be pum ped d ry by a New York in terv iew er a t aeon aa be landed th e n , bla rem arks con' a a rn tn i th e fh tn re policy of Canada on tbe A sberiei question may be taken w ith some li t t le reeerre . Y e t on th e o th e r hand, i t is i t l l l leei like ly th a t if bla p re ien t mitslon

. . J u d any d irec t bearing on tb e s u lje c t In

roust be credited w ith an av e n g a of four or five tim es tbe q iu n title s quoted on the general avetiige. As a conseqtanee Bel­gium has become the banner eaun try of luobriety, and Ihe evil has a tta lnoJ such proportions H ill th e (lo v e rn in en t has been d riven to the forinuialion o f some re­stric tive tnossures. i t Is te be made a crim e to sell Intoxicsliiig liquor to persons under slito eu years of age, and th e sale of liquor to an ad u lt a lready liitoxicaled ia made a crime also. T h e n th e rig h t to eollectdobla for liquor supplied in d iin k - lug'buuaea, Iqr legal proeeia, has been abottsbed, an In tim ation th a t " chalk It n p " m ust have been in vogue am ong tba Ik lg lau Boti to a considerable ex ten t. Tbnee are n o t v e ry b ril lia n t reform m eainree, hot th e y w ill do to s ta r t w ith , ■allfby w ill probably do soma good. The h igh lieanaa theo ry doee n e t seem to have “ oanghl on " In Belginm ynt, b u t when It does, and th e P h iladelph ia rules anen t bondsm en who m ost on ly go on one liquor seller's bond, and th a t w ith in th e ward of w hich the bondsm an la a realdeut, H is poaalbla th a t th a th ir s ty llelgisns inay find It l l " a lo n g tim e between d r in k s '

T h a motives o f th e F rench Cabinet in srippresslng tb a P atrio tic f.,eagua have inm c little lig h t le t in on them by the oa- In re of tba corrcspondanca seised In tbe olfieee of tb s o rgsniaa tlon . O f tbe 5,000 le tte rs rsp tu red a la rge proportion appear to be from subalterns and field o llcc ts In tb s arm y Indiiwllng tb e adherenoe of th e w rite rs to Boulanglam. II Is n o t Improb­able tb a t these persons w ill have reaaun to reg re t th e ir Im prudence and tb a w ant of caution on th e part of th e offleert of tha o t i u l u l l o n In preaervlugaucb Incrtenlnst- log dooumenU. As D onlangcr Is no louger connected w ith the a rm y i t m ay be diffi­cu lt to get a t h im th ro u g h m ilita ry eban- nola, b u t th e revelation o f w bat b u tbe aspect of a conspiracy m ay be brought to bear In couDtctlon w ith ce rta in pending leglalatlon conoerulng tb e eapulsloo of o thers than those of royal families. The suppression of tb e league b ai v ia tly th e appearance of being m erely a device to get bold o f evidence a g a ln it fioulaiiger. T b a t be apprebends tb l i m ay bo lu fc tted floni bla tirade aga inst H . T lia rd a t the recep­tion held on Bnnday. A t tba aama tim e th e O overnm ent la g iv ing avidanoa of

'eiarrow -m lndodno* by prohibiting an i r t i i t 's iih ib it lo n o f acu lp tu ra because a boat of ilonlanger la p a r t of th a eotlaclion. Both aidta aaem to be paving th a way for a ru m p u s _________________________

N K W 8 U F ! r m M O R N IN asill lo Ihs pIslBtl* warn InUadnivg to rvlolaihe rtaira Uisl Ibiii Soulil « s "free

_ , __ _ „ ,, ,.r oi Uio lain fi w rv wrtilaii i* t'rowrtp-n * I i ia u g u ra ito a H . l l - i b m i a o f Ihe pl,|oUir U a t-

I lM u tiru l t;o«iuntM lAornv i rtK-ii*d ttlitn IabH -” Tl>f Utl' W • »'[116 cuHtom ary lanugurttD on Vwill t iiii«4 wUh lovim wfin-w-i'iirt fm«i

Even Id denih the tm lto r PIgott liBl cod« trlv«d to stab tb e people who p u t a u f i n i i t to himy foT th e le t te n o f Lord Bill** bnry, tho D u le o f A rg^ le end Earl D e tb j —ih e laitev in d lc it ln g th e t th e w rite r had given Plgobt m oney—go to prove th a t the lending Torlee nnd ariAlocrnti did co t beelUtft to lioop to Urn m eanneN of httod* h a g p itch in offorta to cru ih ** th a t fellow rttroellv" T h e l l c k i In the ru n ip l ru y chain are alight, b u t th e y are vlilbley and li Mr. GlttdatoDO ib a ll ca rry out b ii contem plated moTe of a re*fuaal to vote aupply to theOoTem m ents th e developm ente of tbede* bate are like ly to aU rtle the world. T he polley wbieb H r, O ladaione contem plates amouDta to tt teebnioal liupciobm cut of H er M i^esty'a M in iU ry , and each a pro- ceedlog w ill beceaaltateaiiaplojLUiifluaUon T h e re l i ev iden tly a lU rring pwlo<' *of the D ritllh Cotnmo*! approieUlngs and the H lD libix m ay feel com pelled to accept d li- AiluUew a i th a laaet of tw o avili.

q^ucatloD bew ouldbavedeliT credh lE aielfeo axplIolUy u he l i reported to have done.H a w ould e ith e r bave * 'b lu ffe d ” th e in te rv lew er nDoeremonlonilyg o r have dipic- B ittlcally equivocated V A t any ratd lUcro aaem i to be aound com m on leusa in bla deA nltlon o f th e a ttlto d e o f Canada la re ­gard to any fa r th e r tren ly negotiations be* tw een tb a t ooontvy and tbe UoUed States, w h e th e r coaducted by the D am lnlon aa- tbo rltie e d iree ily , o r tb ro ttgb tb e tu ed lam of an Im perial agent.

l u answ er to the q u o il to n : ” Will Caua’ d a seek to nego lU le an o th er trea ty T" lie re p l ie d : ** T he last tre a ty w hich wns ap" proved by Canada was rejected by Iho Ro* publican party rnsjo rity in th e Uiiiled S tates Senate, T b e Kqiuhllr-ttu parly is now Qomiug in to power m tbe ad m iu iitra ­tion o f tb e Ifn itod Slates, and th e position of Canada aud G reat llrU aio on the ilsh- eriea quesUoo It J u it th is —th e y will w ait for th e new adininiitratloD in th is coun try to take Ibe in itia tiv e In uuy ftirtiic r A<ihRry BtgoLiatioua'^

8 iu i:u iarly enough thero comes along eo lncidcn iij i^ ith thia inUTvlew and its foreahadoalug of Ihm iinion policy the report of an aniuiaU d OchaUv in the d lan I^ r lia m c n t on th e fislierlea m atter,, t b t moot poin t of w hirli woh a { roiiOdal for closer tra d e relaliuna w ith the U nlU d SUt4>B awd the continnaDCc in force for an- e th e r year of the m odus vivemll, In ron- nectioD w ith lliU la tti:r featu re Sir diiatlR i T u p p e r in b i t in terv iew uttprcRAly slated tb a t tbe U nited J^tatci liaThig njecUid llie tre a ty to w hich th e modus vivcn<li p ee d au t, th e arrungetuefitjreastd w lih ilie rejection o f the Ire s ty . U la also w orthy o f no te (b a t in th e courau of Ihe Vurlia- m eu liiry debate S ir P e U r M itchell re- ro a rk o d tlm t “ last yea r’s fisheries.trea ty '|

I t Is sU tod t b i t an EagllahmaTi nam ed filt. J o h n bas boon trav e llin g in tb s West, an d becomlDf tired o f correetiDg w hat he M>niiderod th e m lipronunciatiuQ of h li nam e, hired a m an to do U fur him , and tb e unhappy snbsU tute baa got into end- leas rows w ith hote l clerks who inslitct^ th a t bo d id o T k n o w bow bo pronoqucc bla mavtor’i njunf when b e called It “ 8in|un.**1 be best of ft !i tb a t the clerks w tre lig h t —for any sU ndpofa t—for tha Englisb- man him self w ould have called U “ Bin- jin .” U’s English , you know ! lo call a rose by any o th e r nainei and th a t U w hy M aforibankt Is called M arshbeuks and Tredegsr Square, In London, t i called “ Tr**dgpr Square.” I t 's all right, K you w ere used to It, b u t A m arlcani can 't get used to lb._______ _

T be PenaiyW anla Lcglataturo li pro- p a ilttf for a vigorous onslaugljt on the overhead e lM riea l wires. A pending bill prohibits suspended alec'tnoal conductors in citiea of over 30,000 |iopn1atlon after A ogu it 1, the p ena lty for violation o f th e law iwlng fixed a t per day. I f IhU bill aball pMs and ra n stand conitU utlonal tests, of w hich tbeae seems R ule doubt, th e companies w ill be confronted w ith ib e dilemma of going to th e ex fienseof put* ting tbe w ires underg round o r being b ank ­rupted lu al>out a week. F ive bund ris l d c lU ri jkor w ire, pe r day , in P hllsdelphia alouo would soon g e ta w a y w llh even the nalioDsI trw s u ry surplus. T he sclirtno la certain ly an Itnp tovem rn t on th e Hew Y ork muddle.

brill In Ibe great Peiulou Uutldlug at t^ssbiug- tmi Iasi Digbl.

The Evim of U»e new l‘gnvloii lJuU«J1ng is un- dmi!>:e<lly the largest and Knm>1wt oi ita kind <ai Ibis cotittiwni, ati l In respect of sytoinruical beauly it has few suiM-riijn lu tbe world. Tbs area of tbs tcwclats^l lUc floor li about 57,000 iHjuah: favl, or very neatly au acre

The ballrouTO wsa cruwdod, when at lo o'clock wugd «‘ams that ibu l‘teAWleJi«lal iksrty wnuki Mjoti smT« A lew iulnuies later dcut liim soii ttid |»a>ljr n-n.hnl ibe tmMlug uartirtANl by r-.l„ui»I lirilMi, chairman of lbs Kukputivs liwimliiuo They aura uici al tbs enlrtnCH by tli« c^imunlttsi', lifailtilU rU tn tn ilJ K UrOrammi An o|*iiWM fum itJ by .1). iiivu.b«r. of (b t (.-mill 1 nr J-.•iirt ihriiixh Ih M .in me p tr tu m H ''- Iw i “> tilt' .utlrw iy rtiwrv.tl for Ibeiii, T ht Frt-tnlfnS toot Uir .rm III Ib-ner.l Mnr.muion .m l Hr*. lI.rTiKni MMirtwl bf Uolowl Itrluou, Tue o th .r tuomlier. Ailiowffi

Th« liilli* Ihortlv .n o r rc irb lm Ih t room tvtlrvi lo erm nto ili.lr loiliil., while I'rc.liltiijl U uTim i l i i l i i . Tt«ii|AUin.

Whllo I'rmkloiil It.rriion e e . bolillux hli Infuriu.l loves Vice HnaKlont eu<l .'ti» Morton • ml tlii'lr d .iix lil.r . »rnv»il. KCoraiAlilod bf Mjrun M .m l llvurj A. w m «il, .m lworr coi.Iup-leil to th . .p.riuiBUU rtavrvod for tbun.

T il. IwIlM In tbe Frwlilenll.1 i i . r t , tr.ro Mrt, II.TrlMiu, Mm. K u*!ll H. lUrrimm .m l Mn. MiKee B lib V l« iT i.b lrm Morton wme Mn. Morton .m l b li .lite r in i.w , Mm. Iltitwotl

A hunt 10:» o'clock Prcaldeot llarrlam wsa p)lniHl by the ladica ul h it faunlly artil lUc re- ce|iHon couiiniitY* finiilug a lino Ibrev and lour alNTeUt in ibs front atid roiur qI lb« parly, a iirocowlou was mads up M a lour ol U*s liailriMmi.

After mu«'h sxtTllon sti openlni was effsclad In lb# crowd, stid (he iirocesaion bktgan Its tour artiuQd me hall. <‘o«iy (Hullalo lUHlaud c a p u la 7 m llfacke-lt,1o advance, (heir bLTcuieani ihouldsii (hiiug g«KKl aervifs In m ating a pathway, aud fuJIowwl hyab im ta difseit (Ymirnlttwemcn precedlog (ha dii- liuculihiHj fusils. J'rcshleui (Urriaim walk^-d w uh (Jentwal MeUammon . Mrs. Ilarrlayu with (loloiist llrltiou, and Ihe tuber Imltes with lUt'ir hiiilianda Vict-I'tuslduiit Mt'riori and parly foUuWBil in the wake of (he UruilduBl, hut aeinraisd by a rim«ul«rahle S(wue. Ad-inlTil JoMi'U cicortAHJ the Vlcu-I'roildent.president llsrrl««i's aiijbearaiics was 111* ilgual fur an oullAur»l o( apidause and clapping of hands, wldrb was kept up aU along (h i Hot of match.

H ii. Ilnrrl-Mm wore a rpry handsome dreiw, and one n<>taiily adayitnl l" the ocimummi, L^lng cnilndy of Aracncaii oiamifBCiurv. Tbs giiods were woven csiPW'Sally for her by the Ixigau Pilk t:«iijp*ny. and were ilestgucd by a We*u*m wiiman, the dealgn Udng (akeu from the burr oaks all over the Weriern country and are seen mi ihs grfrtiu<t» at Tlp]«raiioc. The ei-rwge Hud iralosd akirl were of sUvet gray faille Kranceue. The (ront of the skirt coiiilsi«l of |Wneli of hruriits n | (be Mirr oak design, w ioughtout in Ita natural colursnn tlie silvery gruund. and weco wpareU'd by iM#<.‘!io l apri- (Kii iiik velKNl in rrosmy lace. 1 lie cursago. which was cut low, was HIM in with crcaui not wnkught with axlwr and gold hands The collar Slid garmturc of iho walii were of gold and silver wrmighi into trironiliig* «da|>(od to tbe style of lbs drem and twiaulllul^y hU'ndmg With the rotor. A dcltcalo fruige of tbe sauiu ODlilucid the iianeU i>r the skin. Her hair wa' dresaiHi low In a (IrocUn kiv}t, displaying a fluely-sbaped btuid, that oeedod mHhlng arU- llrla! to enhauco bur contour. A go! dan comb wHb fUagn^ fasleiieil the knot, Bhe wore diamond rinlrope and broorb. I'usrl gloves, gray «Mlo slliiKni aud a bouquet of Ullce of iho Valley romplatrd her lollei.

Mrs J. K. UeKva wore a drew of lm>ca^lod satin. Ml iruinr; (bo design 1»etng of gulden n><l In gold awl ollv* uu a ground of parchoienl colored rwlln.

U n. Itiiswll B- UstTlsrm ipimarod In a fine evettlng tolU't ol wbH* laill* Krincaise. The hmg train tk irt was of wbitc silk with Umi front eoUrely covered with whito lac** eni- broidered lu piki arnt dellcak sUb'Iob of pink and blue- Tbe corsage wan cut low audsleera ' lem, and was trluunisl with omhrojder‘'*-Vvv Her hair was d r e w i *>»iooiuiUhI by a dlaiuunil ''’v-ouiJi- Mni- E^wsrd MeKee, of T»-'.Vauaioh», wore mlnisou velvet, with trim mliigsof t-olul lac*. Mitt McKee. uJ Indian- a(K)ils, wort* a hltosatla, with druja'rlcs of tulle, rmbroldm^d la sprays of while and Caught up with bunchue of w iiltu hyaclii Uis and kiiolt of muire rtbboA. The fieck was lllled in with lull* . Mr*, h . B. McKee's LHwtuine was blaok ■Ilk, wttb (bread lacu Irluimlngs.

Mn. Worioh w u In full evening tnllel. The (lack and train of her d n v w t-re of hror'ade, rich cream llnicd saltu la yellow hcou;h thistles. Tbe irent was of light yulliow, em- lirulilorcd III goKI and (0 '':tal or silver licadi, a beautiful work done by American arlKs. I'he (twsagewas cut low and ilecvelou, ipd oiil- lluedpy dvltcale, (ohU of yellow credit;. ^>la tuirdd omaiiicnts- lu hut four an<l a diatnoud necklace were the jcMuls that aAlomo>l one o( the mi»<t Uesutfrnl oiutumusuf the occasloiL

Tbe five danghlen of Mr. aiol kTr». Morton,

LOCAL c h i t c h a t :

K n te v ta ln le i ( iu e ilr Ah®ut l-«>ple e* a H aSpeelne. of l a U n .l -

P ro r ,- - .ir A m lin Aiigar, o f Ihi' Nlnl*

Ikim vtt I. u I4 10 U . W ievvr In 1-lm - ualUm, and the platnlirr u y i h* has allegedthat he was coimuamJed to Wwl his preaenl wife by the ip im i wblcU he cmijur«d up. Tbe case Isrllll ou. ^

NI',AR1NU |K R A T (»K ninD liK klK ffG K R .

Tp* fleeo rd o f IHa A rre s t R tp a O fe d y'roiB ih a ftenate JcH iraab

T h e sad Inciden t In the H eun toR nn- flay night, when beiiNtor hirtrlifljerier waa ep 'cM from ihc chamher by Uie bergaanl at- armi. bad a taiheUc sequel ycatenlay.

When the Betjsto wciit toto eieeullvs seaalon early ytetorday iQfiriilog on oiOdon of Mr- ijiotids, II was for tbe puriowi of taking action on a requn l 0( Mr. liardul, of Virginia, tha t the record of the arrHl of Mr, Hlddiehcrger ba •slFUtiiwl Iroin the piufuatol the Seoale, and Ip supjxrfl of Ills n qucsl Mr. Rinlel ma<iu one of the must la lh t ik ipj-echei that have ever iH-vn heard on ibc Hcnaie fl+i'W. The miucles uf till laoa quivered a* b* sp<<ke.

He Mill ibat whils Mr. Jtl-ldlclwrger Was tits opponebi poUilraily, }>eriunaUy Lhay were friends. He apuke of ihe twsHting tin of his culieaguotud of lh« wtfu arid seven duidran, (woof wburu had wilucasMii. from tbe gailery. Ibe iwinful infldroi of ibe night befora He Mill that lie did iJiA li:aiiia the pretldlng uflluer, tS'Caiuw be bad do!w only wbai be b ad tudo . Tbe itory h«1 tjean puhitHlied far and wide In the uvwipapcrfi, but he asked (be Henale not to inaku a mailer of ntllrlal taoord fur fiuara gHiicraiiima lu pdiil to.

Thequeatlun w«i raliecl whether tbe formal vairticrallou ol Mr. Klddk'M'rger would nut be a reflttciloa tm the pnanlitig uffleer.

Mr. IngatUMid that be wai willing lo allow bis repuiaiton to real wllh thoae who were in Iba gallerlus an<l on Iba liiurat (he time (ba In- ctdefil occurred. Ho had no uhjw lluu W grant­ing (be request of fkiiahw IWiilals, A<‘*<jr<hag' iy Ibe reiiort was tmaeil end the record waa eipunged. Tbia rek-aaed { anaLor Uiddleberger Tium arreai.

AM CItICA A ifU t h e CiEltMANB.

Tbw C auH o f lio f tim y fVhIch th e N o rth G artoan U a s e t te ” Haya Mxletae

T h e AW(A (•ieriMn O ntrtif, pntdiwhei] s i Berlin, ycfiterday enntameri an article which referred to whal k rails s rem arkahlaconlrait M w een (be iitterancsn of the Amviicau news Fat>rn puhllshed m Kogil^hand them iif tbe Gcrmwi'AiacTlcdD psfwra, cliargce (be lornmr with brlit|lhg groundiew sccustlions ngalnid Germany, and pluchig dccurreucei In Bsnma 111 such a light a i to mske Klein's ' ‘cnml- lulity " apfetar as horolim, while (be (Jermaii- Amvricati presi points out the nKMleraiton of Usrniany.

After qmntng the opinion nf the laUcr lo Ihe effect ibai the hoatllUy to ibe ilcrmaifk is due to the haired and etivy of a scrilon of the Aoivncan pO)Hilaiton. e^pti'laliy the Irish piw- llon, the (jiatfUr Nays: ” ’ibeec IrHh-Aniprlcani ste douUless animated by gpvy and hniriMl al ■oeing Ihfw wmH (be (iermans ran la m (heir hn-ad. The (ierman Is frewe Induacrluui and n u ^ conianled (ban '*.p froihman, atxt this la (he reaaoti for bis uiipupniarlty in America To (ha avomuii Ikit by a wetl<Mi of (be Amaticsn peiiplu toward moilovt and inOu^irloui ciimiteil- tore M due ibfi'lr dislikti of liennaiiaaMd (heir iiertocinion of the I'hlnaee. Tbe Oermana fn Anit-riCB might gain tbclr gondwill if they carod to li"w luduslrioui and lett «.V)hlenletl; but ihU ihry cuhaider tou dear a price to |wy for Ihi’ goiMlwIll ol the Irish-''

Tho report tb a t tbe Scotch cu tter T h istle Uts been fitted w ith a centre-board is sometbiTig of a su rp rise to the yacbllDg world, and tbe p rop rlo ton o t the craft niURt be p repared to stami considerable chafllng if th e y bring her over bnro to routeud ftg’iR* fo r th o A ntcrica'i cup by the aid o f “ a dibbuucst and HhatuidcH Yankew contrivance,” a t (hey term ed the cenIro im ird when defeated by lU Rut tlie Hcota aro t canny as well a i n clannish rarci and for the sake of w inn ing n raoo iJiey can swallow a ceutro-boui'd ns easily as Jonah swallowed a w hale—or words to tb a t rffecl or o thciw tse. ^ ___

Htnrtling tlcvelopmcnla may be looked for ftoui Bt- Louis wltUlu the n ex t few iluys In regard bo allugud Itujmblican fruuds ut (he last election. T he D islrlc i A ltoruoy claim s to have diiruvered 2,000 caves uf false registration , and there are allegatiuui of wliolcasilc repeRllng, cofoui KSliun and tlirgal imtnrHlixalion of alien*. Scver.il colored m en have been nr^cBted Mid tho L'oited B utos Grand J u ry Is c x ' (FCdcd (0 find a big'UUeb of ludirtm cnU . Wonder w hether Bcuator “ B ill” ( 'h an d ­ler will be anxious to Imve aS onalo ria l nosing ooniaiitleo detailed to take a band In llie puH'-oetllng^ T

D iscovery o f n Raw T a iU l* .A new te x tile b w been d ia eo te re d in

Russia, on Ihe Ixwdera nf Cewplsn Hea. The plant M called kauaff by ihe uailvca. and aitaina a bulgbl o( too fM . Front n a ohemlit has ofoahied a tc itlle m ailer which la aufr, cloillc and ilUy, givus a thread which li very touTh, and can ]« Ideai-had withoui. injury. Tbo HliiUk manu- faclurvMl oiii of kanaffcan l« Miciw^fully dyM Iti ever}’ ah ad c of ootor, and would roiniiele wMli atiy i»f Ihe onlitiiry fimdithing ntRlerlals Ijow ui use Bui It la iwiilfoul'^'v siCkS. t*nMk«o Mir., tiifli the new tex-iim. mun ItK ebuaimen and I(n aitraordlnary rcil*’>tliig power, might defy all t*om[»lliluu.

A n iw ers to CorreN|Hiiidenta.R epiib licun—Rtwliiifwler Fii'UJer'B (erm

ol onioo expires March Ai, ISUO.H,—There h n n law lliuUing Uia nuruberof

tliQUS a man ruay Le elceieit hr the IhuRldOAtlal offic*. lire oatHlidafo unut U thirty-live years of age-

A KgAiUtt—If you *11101(1* a New York directory you will find (he *ddre*s of the so- ciuly. You will have (u Inquire at tho office. Evrliaps (he Newark I'haritahls ChgauiuUua cuuJd give you ihe devired liilormation.

(a a qikaliu ItU livtorMlInf ma'aner, Many are a ia lu M to know what eonslUuiai bla cbM pow tncif adia^'tiTig an audivuM. Nomt* who hHart blOKau fait to be imereatrd, however.Tbe profoaanf w iki to an audlem* of too very much as Uiough be were talking UM«e m two j>rrsor4 Ho b u not a smuolU dellT*ry**iKl his bearing while on the plaifona doaa by no incanB wintorm to (ha slodied aitUudia Ulus* Uaied Id ettnain text buoka on stocutton. Th* pTof4 asor haa Ihe gift of luaktng iketoliM oD tb* blackitnanl with llghlnlog like r*|ddlty In ItInairaiIng bla lecture, uking both h iud i, lu each ol which he hold# a picc* v t chalk. Frobabiy th# moat Intareallng of all, however, ar# bis llluwnUlutw. Whlto he was bar# a few wooka ago he w u ijaaklng aia>ut various kinds of inaecli and Iheir prollHc quailUtt. By way of an iliuslralton be laid ih s i one familial fi*i<ct m uK tpIl^ BO rapidly tba t in ic u than • year a cHy wouiA irarw ly hold all (hat were jiroluceil from a slogl# |« ir if tbe moat favor* able oundillreu prevailed for them. Fwiuuata- ly, buwvVt'ti Diany starve to death and o tben Hr# k illtd lu oLber ways.

a * eA (took Agent w ho ca llod a t a ti F lm

ptreet house rrcently dtstlngnlshcd bimsalf fur l>ecn)lar eoUrprlae aliove bis follows of (he craft. He u kad for (he miatreii of the hous*, as though be bad known her all her life, aod aeni up a name borrw by oiwof Newark's pmm* luent cltlxeua, U w ii In the morning, and (be woman he desired to see took time to change bur wearing apparel aud tlx u p * IdtlA Wta*n •he ri'iu'hed the |«rlor th* man had ebangwd atmul balflhe cabinet picture* taaso insw bat worn atlAuni tmo a moe red pluab oae. which be was w ill lug to aell for 16 caah, t& AO on In- iiaimenPi. Wbeiber ihe fact tha t the picture* lo(,kwi so much iMiiier In the uew receptaQie, or dial the Impudent act and gUb tongue of tb# canvajawr won, tan’ I recorded^ but b« i(iooc*dtd lu aglliuf th# album.

a * • ■T h ey te ll » sto ry o f A aM fublym aii

I'Einck O'Neil down a t Trenton (bat It prob­ably ini*. According to ibu lal* " 1‘addy," a ll illeo v e ta year ago, preaided at a city coo- venliun lo Jersey City, which was eacu#ding1y turbuluni, li was a Drraoorailc convuntton, of oourwi, or O’Neil wimld not have bMnwfold- Ing (bo gavel. All of tha thunder of (he pre- alding ofhoiir oould tmi malntem illence, and at iaai two brawny truhoMii bvg* a figbt noar the aUgc. O'NvIL watched LUum a moment, then dropping hta gavel he sprang Into tb* arena, seistsl ihe two bvlilgerente by tha bocav and liuuifwd tiiclr trvada togeiber liaUl they roared f<>r meicy. Then b# threw them In opMjeih) diMiilluuB and sprang lack upon (be atagu again. " I f there are any more ol you whu want a laale id m# let blma}wak," ba ibi'Utud. Nooneipoke. dilence bad oom* al laai. u'Neli la boukinl io be the next bhetlffof Hmihouiounly, U la said that (he dumluant ring there giv«>i out (be ofSoeii tweuly years lo ttivnooe, and Lhai aolhlng can defeat him fur (be u&lo#. ^

E very luo iitb ref^ ilarly , w hen th e niiio i Apl 'am at lla full, Jacob Baneta of the aeclloii uf Kouib Uraugu known as Fork lliB, ioa«U au ancient army oiuikel with powder atjd l« l l MripN a huge ImB about hli w e ll d«veluia-<1 Uidy and sallies fortli lo a glade about U*> yard! (I IMam from his home. Then utilil Jaofo'a aupply of aiamunitton (geoersHy lx)uii(l(uh 1* exhauiled the neigh bon are kei^ Nwaku ly (be rattle of rouakutry. He loads <]uickly, dria 's a bead mi the muuQ aud blasts away.

'■ Why do ymi carry on In this way r asked an iDiHgnaiit nulghhur of Jacob. The UUer Hared up and replied :

" You SCO mu dol fellow," ludicatlog the alleged man In lh«nio<,n, " b e a rascal. Ten year ego he run avay ln>m old country mid my vif*. He laugh a( me all Ibe time, 1 know bln fore, but he diKtge tha LuKeL 1 kill him yet, SO help me."

The oelgbliora are ti^rsonally oonlent to let Jscob coiitmiie bis war ou itni uiau in tbe luuon, but futir lliat rum# of the bulluu which he ^nda ikvw apl -■•rt-gv u iJi'ar**”placen.

NOW , OIltl-N. M»AD T H I i .

B rvert en d M hk reeK leM ■» Com^Wix- lu* I m p r e .e r . e DesA V e llu rh

From U » li tu tn i i i Dlrfsteli.W lu t w uni g it li i r j in th* i i t t n i p t lo

echiev* Iw eu lr f A jo u n * w u n i.n o f , I ’i t u h in j , wlio h l i *uuu,h sood looke, if .h e on ly knew it, to n i i i e he r wey in th e j vroild, h u heen Iryiai! »H «ort* o f R“ « r ; Mid quei^k rec liio for beeuty. In p e rlicu - le r Mie h u u t hot h u r t end her B ind end h e r h s n d i npon im k lu t he r flHb re f t end velvety , e q n ii i ty which cwn no m ore be ecr,uirt*d by nostrum t th in by eel o f Con- ( r a u . D ut w ith )>ei»vertno* w o rthy of e b e ttw cauM, tb i . d iD M l h u been to ilin g off end on to g ive her cheek , end n ec k end h e n d , the velvety w ftneci of th e peach.

Q en ire lly , I beve heen ebl* to d e tec t th e e o u n e of lonie rldlcuioni tn e tm e n t by th * g rea te r or luM resem hience h e r ik lti bore to th e t o f th e leopard who, een lib ie b c ie t th a t h e ta, rejoice* la h i . epoto. T h e b u t experim en t, 1 only know by b ee iM y , h u fiigh tened M to.moLiclle lo bad ly th a t I g n e u ahe 'lt h e ru f to r leave h e r com ­p lex ion aud her cpidermU alone.

In th e atric teei confidence I m a y ta ll you th a t th e Iw l e ip e rim en t w u e iw iuU - fu lly alniide tb lug . Before reU rlng for th e n igh t, M idam oiK lIe applied to h e r face, neck and ban d , nouUlce# o f breed and m ilk . S b e ile p t aft n igh t t h r o u g h - bow she d id i t I do n 't k n o w — w ith tbeae itoppy emhraoeinente upon her. In th e m orning ih e n n w a n d ra n to th e g la u the A n t th in g to le* tb e w onder, w orked by th e pouliTcet T h e re w ere w ooden , indeed I B ui no! w h a t eh* expected . H er tk in had a h tire led u p ; i t looked like a piece of coringatod c a n v u , o r ,id o roofing painted w hite . I n fiact ahe rem inded b e r ie lf of " Hhe " a fte r th e final p ae u g e th rough th e fountain o f fire.

V iM il X » t< i* w l o rBALK -

■* ru tm o n -t.r ii-k OwHIIng, irnm iw l rort'oee

TWO >li4 e t,elf « ..r) ir .in rv tira loi atraiig»^' th r i i luuilUv ,TrhihIsu lluilaU'J *t.

1‘wii anil ■ Imlf "(nri rram^ dwelling, all Im- jirnvptnptiis. IM K ina^yat ,

liw^'iiliirfaniltrtuimv** pruiwrtiealu alli'aTfoof nu'.-ili-.^ i’hh-TaLury lirlFk rtwdlliig. Id ro*>ma all lui-nTuvsfTU'iilvI! i.,.,ii.»er m* Tliriv NtiTy.fi'iirl*-*.! mfim*. frame (foeiliug, 18 tjrmlh ll(!i ai. :all (mprovMiwiila, ih.

Vhjw-aifiry Wick ii#r-iiuix, (**« rwniA all Im- iiruTt‘ih«uUi,l2(touul are. ^uiunior reaurl ami Jam. |.r ..|* ru« mr m e jn ^ tn lej.

UoiFiu U, suu BiimuI Hirett, Morlgagf' loans. Inwranoe.

PlflW! prupF-fty on Orang* tt- PT-irefyjJi Hlora prf>]Mtriy on Broad a t, prlr*|S).W. llouM anti V»t on Waalil o^tou at, IS rownt lyilj. 4 bfouka from HuveVtU* L*iK>U

TOI.KT-Rfiomi for manndartnrlng. with powar Munayloloa^i ou bond aud niortoi* at I per

o e n tip w rn t g .iW jN r.coN O tT ,n i BroeOw.

H r l | i t U n i i f r * . ______N O T irK -v 'l(lv«nfoanq*uU u n tl* r th#

h e a d s o f “ I l f (p TTanleil.” K m ploym enI M'mu(«il,” “ F o r I t o u l « Du»( *»“ ** Found,'* “ F o r K *lr." '*Itoarillngi” '* l**r*o«al,** o tc ., n r# p u b llitiad a t Oo# C *ot m W o rd fo r r a c h !iu*orllojj- No A dv«rli##iia*iil to k e n fu r Ira* th a n ten ra n ta a n InaarHoDw

Wban Baby was tick, wagars bar Oaalorla; Wlvau she wMaOfoid. alia uitid for Coalurla; Wti*n alie broiuia Ulaa, aliaclung loLkstorla; WU«a sUa bad CbUdrea, aU« gav* Uism Caatorla.

WANTKl), FlIVST-t'lrAMrt COOK. A!AO wiilir wttIUT. aii'1 ma'i aurt wlfo.fnr pflvat#

(iHnnan glrl*,ttn»ue hnuRr.ln N*-wApply 111 Mre.»TlLVENS'(i lle(n>M itau

\in ‘ -■

A - v *lAitiilyV'Tk. .ii(Uw.awRrt*ail ____T > rT cm -R wANTKh an i s n i ’HTnToufl Jay o u u g mail, on# that ctui with ara-


FORAAI.K-OOTTAflK AT OOKAN IlKAC'lt;Uui r«*ina;#WHl wdt*r; good nvlgiiborhiM^:

ofijiivrnlrul to bora* oars and i^oren. trip* gZ,mi F«»r fiirthrr ktariU'ulara Inquire or addrrwl owiipr, a m ’HNK’n ' HT-, klMt Orauirv. N- J- iV

inyert i

"ref(;r0ii<?tti r^ iilm l. III Mulberry s„ HAUTIN VOIOT.

Ho y WANTEIi l-'nKTIIKNlCKKL,.HO0M5 O'lewholiMbHd sumv «>ximrlcnua preforiwL Apply Ml« anil HBAWIIKNCK HT. 57s

ISOXMAKKIIH W A% F.D- J sh un . 71 to St (.Wnlr.U av*e.

um bo rn aftw

rtANVAHHKRW--WANTK!NKXPKhl!^(;RI) " Tanvaarer* fur ihv I'rilird sia lra Inrtufrtrlal liML tVj,! liberal (CTniS OflVrtHl. M. K BiJlNL'H- ARD, KjpU, rur. IkMlar and HftMul ala,_______ ^T vanva hsk hh WANTKn t w o o (w)1i niv V -rectory canvawMTBinugi’tlnmieillatefmpluy' inmt. Addifsa 1*, l^i* N, Evvuing N m a o(tU».IW

WANTKD-A af>01) <YX)K AliSO

HALK-HO('HK *aaa.iKakl'iM tol#a, eto.. , - , ^ ,

heauir, sWM'kM wUh rhal'’a.frul^ to-r caa.ro o m h , w a t r r , remcnl ralUr. wUL

quire un pratulMsa, Ub WlitsT KINNEY HT„ ii«or lOgD. __________

I^vm HA T.K - AT A BATUIAIN. PHINf'K HT. DroovViY : will iu»y 11 p rr criiL; twoatorre and

2B r^tnU. slalilaa and MhtwlN ; a guod liivaatuieul. LKMAhhKNA * ONVUit, ISClhitoatt. StT

F*^AHM FOH HAIxK'-k FAhMM. « AND » iUTWMu.'b. V. C. K ^ A l t lW ^ lu C W a ^ a vo t Vo iib a i .r -o n w e «t

jiuiiaf.; aU utw oouB raoett lai

( tOOK ............................................. .. - ^laiiiidrew; private faniHy 5 must have^go^

rw-omm''Milsr.OuA Apply No. S3 CLINTON HT-, KfiHjni No. 1.____________ ______________ P y

1(K»K, WAMIKB AND IRUNKH WANTKH.«NKriAONl’L.U«a*T\HKK*MAKI*:IW IMPIlOVKIW AND AP- J /pm dlfes waiiUjd al MlW. McCAUlJiV'B, S# Uti>omfiei(l ave, *

OT POllBAl.R -ON W E«TSrnRr>y NKW.• ...........'• “ - ‘ at. Inqulffl

S3 NKW'I'UN HT.n^O THOSE AlWdTTT*! BUIMV-CAIjL AND 1 III* KctHiomif Hwiaa Plao Asfto’lallor-

Plaimfor anisIL hoiissa, wUh iiMfOlfluattob" andg ira ran lew lr^ lw i^m i vrry reug*uu* l# t*cn^ T3B BROAD hT , <’or. Academy, HoQill k B*® o 7 ^ r i 7 k - T I I i r BWST b a r o a in in•P ifo fiU U i "Newark : a Jiew huusa Hi Ih® Klghtli Ward tAiTl(M>kln« Ihe p rop if^ ua/k Im* pruvemejit*, auilalile for on# Of two fkmniaa awo will ftmt for V itolUtre per jiionlli ■ |W» i« h .72p________ji>IIN if. DDWN. CT LklU jljive^

Gh o c k r y ha lk hm a n w a n t k d -h v a aho'eaale Luuw lu thia tUy : a, young Oer, man preiVrnyl: one wliu la (knilUar wilh t- l

rl«aa.''a ot grocanaa, nod would (i# wllljtoir lo ^ i n on a itidlerata salary and la jru tiTv nualiieMi, wlihiin I'leaofpeniunancyi AdureatUlUM-'KIt, Itoa W. NpwafV, N. J. _______________

Ol'HRWOUK -WANTJCD, A YOUNG OlRL _ t look Hftor a child aiHl to make he^rwlf us^ ffrnarslly t bring gooil relerencrst Auidyb#-

twwfiJ Die houra I and fi P. U. to-uiorrow tWedne* day 1 a t *1 T H (KD AVE.__________________17t

HOUHHWimK-WANTED, ACOMl'RTKNT tlfl,tTuuvaafitprrftTm 1:TTiM bag -" *■

and L u ulresA Also ynunj( will) -fo r})i■r at (7 fH'R M. and afters P. M

J Rnil gr

aiiendodhy chdiieiuiic ami iinrao, were in too gallrr)' nverluuklng iho bMlIrmiui- 7lioy wn* all attired In auuplo wlili# drc^sc*, wUboui ornanteiili. ^

T H E H tO A K B E F lN lN ft ERADDB,

TB* D *f*ndan(t Mkoljr to l># T urood O ver to N«w York Autliurllleiie

O overnor Luce wtt* cngBg(4l n t I j tn - slog, Mick., yo^ierday aUemoon in rcbearliig tbe argnintenia fnr reqiiialiltm* tu th# caaoa of Mrs. Frohui u id Mreara. Ihiwanl aiul Hal- itea *. nf Elecirto Kugar Refining rame. In pru- telling aialuat fort liiK ton prlKuneni lo gu to Nop Yurk (ho rieremlatila' atli^u*) tare<.l hla* argumout upon itiiw reaauns: F int, tha por- •ouB arrufiod are not in ibe mcanmg uf IU« law tugUivvs (rum Ju'>t(cc; aecuiid, to# uourtt uf too Biatoe liav* juriMlluLiuii uvur lb# charges Divolv#d; Ihirtl, it ii prupuaed to take Ihem id anolbct Siai# ^ p l y toaiM-tire tbu i>aymcn( uf tt prlvaLu claim. Tho proccediogi were all to otio purpuae, Btnl that was to Oump«l Mrs. f round to surrender lb# ai-aret pruccas.

Afhdarid were read fruni J J, Aiken and l)ot#c;lvu iiurney, of Noiv York, sa to lin#r- views with inriMdur Fuller. In which iheU ltur said If Le o n v gut the Fm m d comblnallon lo New York and Mri. Freuud would reveal toe a*arct sh(} abonld gu freo,

Tbe tm taviU KubmlikHl Mid the allcg#d uffenco. ibat of uhlalnlng OHUiey under falsa piuiuDCoa was coiumlUwd wtieu Mric Kreund was In Mlc'hUan. Tlic filter reflmng iHKiftl# bad Uv<l up all u( Frvtind’a protierty lu Mlcbl- gaii by civil |>ror««ut, and now ae#k lu m u (ho •cx'UM'd ior>iuni ulT io New Vurk aud I>cg1n criniliiid pnK-ecillnu» against (hum, alter taking away all tni>an<i ordiilcudlou Iheniai'lvra. Their cnilrc caiai#, (H>(b ival and pereonal, is au (led up ihoi (buy have been Jail liw two w##ki, aliliuucl) worth or I40,UI0, cntlr#lyw(I1k>uI means of ublabilng ball. If both tbe criminal mid elvH pfiK-i-cilinm were enrriod on la Uirtilgan, the courU couid see tbat no lujus- lii'o was Udng done.

Mr Wbliumii. in reply raid that tho freud had liceh carrltsl oil lor thriv yi-ais, and Utal ilevuii Mm. Fieuncl was not in New Ytvk mi tbe dale Im I named ni Ihu mdlrtment, Howard was Ihcre, and bc,wns h u r^ e u t . Afildnvits were read litmi I'mirell and J biiuni Kublusod os to tho length ol (Inie the defoudantawereau Live]) uugaged in iLe iraud. U Mnt.Kreiind bap tt#nc<l lu Im in Mlchlcan dndtig part of thU time, 11 did m ddouact any fruui tli# incrltA'or (hu care. A-* to Ibe A'vtcrtlon tliil Ibe proMni lion URH lii'gun (Ur private ends, Wlilinianrcad an uffl'lavit nia«1o by District Ainirnuy Fellows, of New York, saying (hat no private arrutige men!:* (Hr prL>]to«]tloai in soUlpnieiil would be eiKurtaiiied nut In iny way jHirmiited tolntur- lure wllh m nilnsl piuc«#t1mg^.

Atfidiivlu wuri* Alsu n'Xd Irum ('oKrTll and lloberlnmi. lu Which It wan said that If any private innins bad Iiol-u fnHil'')H'd (u aid In (h« |rore<utlf>n ll wm by tliciu aloiie, and Dolby ulhur sluekliol'lum

lioMmiir Lni* uiok in* raw under adrise- meiit ll la probable llial Ihu Kk 'cuIIv* will order the prluouere luniud ovur Lu tbe N«w York aulhoriliea.


ePaiiuca Ce F lood 's Will*liKDwooD (T t y , ( ’a l ., M arch 5 .- -T h e

will uf JarcA'sCI, Floml u u Hied lu (be t'uuuty CIcrkT offlfw yttltnlay. ’Ilic wilt la dth.fl Augual, IN<r, and la quiid rhorl, bemg )u the iijaker’a hADduiilibg and cuvuribg only ihiTO liii'cti uf note (•aiA'r. Tbu estate la valited a t If.aid.OuO. n# bfiiucatha one-half to bi* wife ■ml thu other ball in Hla ilHugiitcr. (^>ra Jaiio KIuikI, and •nn/Jaim .* k Kloml, alibreand thnre alike. Bi'lorc hi* duath Ui# (hK!cBScd duudud largo lull of hli profiuriy to b li lamlly.

In th e l>crformitU(Ti b y Atwtin^s A ns- traiian Nuvclly Company at II li. Jacobs's 0 (Mra Uuu»«: laM Dlgbt, a typical aoug brought down (be Loose. Some of ll rail Ibis way i Newark alreoia will all \)d clean,Aud iw'rfect hidewalki Will bo ooen ;Our Mayor at plculcs wc won't see, belli Itoydaii'i tuonuniuut will finuhed b# ^Riitti :«tultb will juiD to# Salvatfou Arm#*, Wbott W* are dttbd and goo*.Our city water will be pur*,Hli mlllkms will be ibo evil cure ,The J'rohlbltlun laws they'll paaa,They'll lap Frank McDemul fornstumlgas. And Turn Mi-Cartar will drink, alas 1 ^VLuu w* ate dead and gun*.(Inttfried Krueger, ao they aay,AViii Join toe and Ordei; league smne dayi, And Chief Hopper will fur Sunday coacerls

prayiWbCD w ear#dead and gc«e,

D EA TH S.RYAN.-On Tuea-lay, Marih 8, isfo. #t bU lale

rrwiiience. Nn, ai Hfreiiin avail US, Xilwwrd Ryan, NoUcaorfonural bt-reafler.

T F IJiK R .-A l I'nloh, N. J , on March A !«#, ifonfol Te.ler, agetl >u ywtr", I moiid.s and Hclutivn Mnil nrienilK are inviiudto wUann lue fiJiienilaervIc'MiaUj'S iale realiloiK* We inuWwy. fiJaruli S, a l I A*. 4L luterment C'u«.»#cUcut FurrtML

HOYD."OfdlpHln'rla, on March a, IW , Udlfo V..ilt*ugnt»>rol DiiVid W. and MafV V. Itojd, aactl Syffore, 3 iDunthiaod 'Rdaya Funeral prP v»u* friiiu liurHiita’ nwlOeoc*, loi' New wtrwi, <ni W«*<JiiCN«lay Ht * r . M. liKeriueot a l Cllntou (VitH-lery.

HWAYZE. On March 4. at Port Rlcbmond. finmBrly uf Newark, Kniinir'l hwaya**, agOJ 78 VW4IX llBlutlvea an*! frUnida are Invited ui at­tend Ihc lunernl rervli'ea on Wmlnrwlay, March fl. a l 2 1*. M.,fr«im Dip rw-tdcnc# of hla ii*pb#w, Kaaford Blair, a l Fori Hlchinniid. H, I.

KDNTA -On Momlay, March 4, Wllhelmlne, a llo w Of tilt la le t^ n Kunts.»gei1 « > c« ra 1-u- rcral sarvh'va frum her Lt*» raaldeniY, No. 78 Clay M re»>l, on Wedn«Mlay, March 1, a l 10 o cl<Kk A. a . Hrlallvi'aanil rrlaudaof the faiuUy, alou

. iiM>miwrsof ilarii LolgYNu. i#7l, K. and L. or H., and TimaiiC’i'la leudg# No. 1, (J. D. IL N., age in- vllud 10 aticuil.

liA U lt-O ii March 4, at her late realdenco, Tmac atrupl, WtAeru William and John atroebi, Hpllevlllr, KHaaA. Miirr.iw^l 7ayoara,4moiiina, ;si<lftya hm eral ePTvlc#fl will he held at the M. KChurcIi, Main aireel. Ralfovlll*, on WedutW' day. March fl, im , al P. M. ReUitlvoa and friw ,d5 uf the femily are rrtiHU tniiry luvlUsd. iu- terment at Fnirmnuul Ciemetery.

nA RBlw iN .-O n March 4, IB», al Fjiat Or­ange, Mary, daUgUiei of Mary arto to# late Daniel lIurrlNMni. Hgv'l y«are. Il#rallvt*and frIeiijUof the fjimlly ar# Teeiwi-tfiilly invliod to aitond the fnimral fruni her jmdiier'a reultleijce, H ill alrtwi, DmiiK#. N. J,, on Wc lnefoilay, March * ,a l 1 1. M.. (lienee to Rl. John's Church, (>r*ng«. Xnterui#u( In the (knnrtery uf ilic Ttuiy Hepulchro.

SIORRIH.- fmddroly.oTi March I, Ann 0., wlfo Of WlllLm Morrw, ax m ly eu rt , 5 m ontha R#la- |lTP<iaiitl triends arukLiiilly InvlU-d lo ailend lire fimcral from b**! late n'AliIcnc#, No. liW Jeffera )n alrect, on WmlumJay. Man'h n.alTiSD A. M.. to1.1 TaintitlA L iiill-i ii. whi.* A Mn-SP »>f ItoOUIClDS t r T t i T l T r r . - - rrueni to ihuveiuetaiy i>f Ujh HulyHi-pujcu...

n iX .-O u March 4,ratliaVJne,wldOw ul the (at# John F»'X. Ib'lutlve" anil Mends of Ihe dw-cared are rcipeclfuily (tivltoil to allencl the funeral ftnm her IhIu rkiildrtKT.Nuv 2a# i'aanalc avenue, rortior HfHI strwU on w'Hliiewlay, March ft, alH A M (<ibl Alnyaliis'fll'hurch, wlippe a Mom of Itoiiuli-m will hcotTernl fortlie repose of hersonh lutortuuiil ill Diet Viuelery uf lliailuty Kepulchr#,

VINIKL-On Momlay. March 4, A rthur Vog*l. agfi'41 :*yMrH. 11 utoiilha and 24dHYS. HelaUves ami frlciuK also Allemania CoudcII N o .» ,< i-(‘.

andtoeumployHanrilr.Hlnipaott Nautntmrir, irMtuUou Muuiurhrturer, ora y e r / r*ep*cttuli|r

W a n * * * f t i tP B o o m * t o r i l e n t .o ' ) . 7 !k NTRK BT.-TO l.KT, A MIOKljr O O fo rh lih rd large front rooim__________ ^4 /.WIMKBHKT ST.-TO IK T, KOl'B KINK

iriMiniA amt Boot: rent ; new hwiiv.,«K I (IMABKBT HT.-TW O NICK m .m H (>-4-,>lo I»1 : m il, eU}' WBter. A l»

riram. 1,1 NKW AllK ST.; reill,»-»te.r- Wal>UHlNliN4 BOOMH AND OFFICKH IN 11l'.«rb*o HuildinaAolRroa* M.: stoom heat; rent low. JIT.ICH J. (jpilK N. #x»cuh»r. ituoiu T. Slh

T i ,p:t -« ho om h a n d h a t h .dW'OravrNl; oil liuprovemaiita, at 91

H liialhlrdboll. __ WF i .a t t o LK T-«Rnenlly d



1rUiHNlHHEr> ROOM ' keaptiig, ........ ..

FOR LIGHT HODHF> 63 f a i r >*T.t uaar Mulberry. 16a



F.. and toe umployHanr Mr. Hlnipaou Nautnburir, pearMtuUou Muuiurhrturer, ora y e r / r*ap*ctiully (iiYltod to attend hla fuirenu ou Thursday, March 7, a t 2 i/clock F. M..frem his late reoidenoa No. In Hortn-W street Intenneaiat Mancbealer, N.

HOlfHE TO L E T -R IV E R HOAD. OPPO Nil* HellevlLle, bouw of 7 rooms, with amall

barn, thuulr* of ,t t rU A N K IJN M. OLpa, ?fl Brood at^


lets*cond floor ; cUy w ai*r:TaiiiKMi Atrrrt, Kearny.2y JOHN WATETtnELn.

r'A m t* BTORS TO LBT, BCITAHI.K W \i iaiiy kind of IniRineMH at Ct bPHlNOLlKLD

AVK-Junc. of Mouth Orooge av*. wsla tlO M S TO LKT-WK'KLY Fl'RNlHUKD _1 afor ona or two gcntlottieo In private mudly- flHjr Addr*wa K. R,, Boa r , Newa oHlc#,

■nvl: TTin t he grKn rooR


n OlMEWimK-WANTED, A (U H l, IrtW Ki'tiernl huuw'work; muiil t># a gowl cook

and Inuudrcwi.aiiil fiirnlali cUy rvforem:*. Apiny a t No. Hi UKlLltolVtJ.l.E AV*P1 rU

n OUlSEWOllK - hKHVANT OIHL FOB _ xe;,.™, l.ou.L.work fc,

n OrRF.WORK A tIOOU (URL Ah Ct>pK and launrtreat wunt-l ai 4iM MT. PUOSFLtjT

A VK.; must have giiud reccwihendatlfina 3*l

n OCrtEWOHK- WANTED. (Hilt.FORGKN- _ _ e r a l Ii0 i^*i'0rk. JXM UOUhK, (U4 Hrond BU; Inquire p w lay .^ __________ ______ *fo

H eLourewurk.

RoacvIllCi.Apply 7 feOL'TII 9TI1 HT.,


_ _ willow ladv wanDNl twi houseke«(HT ami lake care of child (amall wagea. AddreasO. W., Bui U, Nvwaoffltw.___________________ Ha

ARNKHh FfTTKlW AND HTm'HETW, ami linriie^ machln* c F. W. UUNNKAU A

J jo rh s :K K i;P E ii - y o v n o

3 Lalx saildl# maker ami linrne^ machln* opar> at.n Btoady Work. F. W. UUNNKAU A WL,]l7tfree»s(. (Ma


7« J'HJ.Ni.'K 14T.

I ADlliX TO WAKE WORHTED ADVKR- jllseorent cards ai bom#; #4 tu %} w*»*kty; out* (U, Juc. HKOUJiWlCK NOVKLTV New

Haven, iX _____________________________ ^

LADI BH TO U A X P. X K( 'K W R A H ^ A TT'RAfl- Hvn liDms work : InatT^tluu J. K.

UtWJtKV A CO., MT Market at. Mx


OPK______iiYorhliiP. uiijeau drawers.

TIOOMH TO I.C T -W IT H lOWKR. B. OB . I t BORN A BON, 7» to P O ntraJ avft. fthvtJToRK TO l.KT-THE hTORK M FKRRY Hat., from April l, goud huolnawi knotiun; has lj#«n uMitiplM aa a a)io*atore for 10 yean. In- qaire o fDr.E. A. QrtHORN E, M Ferry al. 7ly

MTORK AND RUILDiNO KO. MH MARKCT at. tofotfor a te rm ofyeara Apply toJ. K l^ -

IJALLhMITH, (HT Market at.________ SSx1 I.KT THE ILAKDHOMKWT 2D FI.OOH I Broad B!ree1, ft? feut frujiLwaeofaoUd pUto

— ....broadeiitir.utoe. abort unrt eaiiy rtatra. Ainur n r i t t i V I ft I Im ........ I olreet, oppositeMilitary l*ark. Both ohovaap]H)rtuhlUsa for mercliant -taiioi, i,.eniib-r^iuaa ordrcuaniftker, arrhiieci or corporalloTi nffloen, Bent low aad ieoa# given. F. B. FKhUINK, 673 JUniod a t.' dba

.I'KRATOR’H WANTF.D ON NO. 2 W'. A W.I . . ----- J I/>WRKYA (?0.. IIT Market at. _________________

FIIlHT-(*LAha'■ - -------LM

r p i)J . or

r p o LET-TWO NEW FLATS »>N ELM »T. J[ seven rooina ; aJl Iniprovementa; bslh am:

cUy water; Iwra# car* piiro tli# *lour.C!c IJ. FRIEHT, VU ELM BT.

ofcNo. fowati

T S ,or 111* A ? }...I *1... iirivj

_ I.KT - ON PENNSYLVANIA A \T t, ^ oorvvftnlant to three Itoea of Lores cart and P.

R a, auilon, p erio f ihree-ofory houas; uuurov#- awnta. Addreaa OWNER. Box O. Nswt otBcaftia

m o

F O L K ? ^ Y O U K N O W *

— A t (he r<i£u1ur conminnicntion of Ni'MTtoetii lAKtgs £>, F. ami A. M., last nigbi. I'aNl MrtaWr l4?vl N. f^andlurd, lu a compUmeh- tory aud fratsraal addruas, prraebtwd to ILo gucrelary. Jclto (^ Ku merle, an #l*gaut gold walcii au<l ctixiu oa a token of ihs fraternal i*- gunl of the uiomltcrs of. Northers Lodge No. 2S ti>r btm lu apprei^latton of hla fttllhlul latxwa aa si'Cieiary durtog the paal tw#Dly-HT* yeara. Tim burprlaud reclpieul raipond*d In auliabia knui. —- ■ ■ ■ -0- - ' '

A B O U T T H E S T A T E .

Hobfirt Klsmarc, n trump, fawi been ocht folbe MobUi llotljr Jail.

The Htate militia camp grounds nt Hen ilrt are to receive a Dumber of puruianenl im-

prevcmcali.CaptaiB Androw H. Ikmye, of Steel-

mauvllle. Allamic ('ooDly, lell bis veisst lu New York harbor tsu days ago and Iiai uol lieeu heard from sinew.

( ’omitablc John R Mt'Cimth, o f 8um< mit, has lUMeeutHl in finding al Mew Pruvl- (IftiH*# ib eeS ie which waa takuti Inns Meyer's Exchange Btablua, this cUy, a wsek ago.

A Rulutu ot 100 en n s v im fired a t lYcuum yeftivDtay t l 12 o'clock noon by Cap- lalu JcMcph Pycrall In honor o t th# inaugum- Hun of l ’r*iiileu( UairitoQ (uid Vic«-Prwalduut Mortun.

The New Jemey Central Railroad Oumpduy ordered all uf Its lalioreni on Halur- day to gi> lo work Imniedlaiely taylug aiLlrd track a mil# long at Cliilll|iabijri|E, and a fontlh (rack liolwueii iluund lltook anrl Eiliabeth. iri'er u ibuuvaod men wUJ be euipluy(Hl.

The Hudson County Temperunr# Al- tlAin'u hi‘M H meutlug al Joreey city Inal night and dt‘<'id#d to ftgllal* lb# (jui'stion uf holding

ajieciil vlocliuu Id Ihs onuoly und#r the Ltrcal-Optiuu law. Mcrerx. Marer, Campbell and KuuatintNU wer# apiviulvd acummlUus to gui up a public moetiug.

Jo lm N. FAfl di(Hl yi'R tenlay nfrom oon at Ills re!<idcuca. Ml Murri* avenue, EUxabeth. He. was tbk svoreiary ol the Klixabelb Idma iravlngK Rank, and allvr llinl liiailluhun'i af- lairs tiiii U'lMi Beitk'd was lor arMiie ti&io Buers* lary of the RHznlwth attd Newark Elurau Uail- hisd ( oDiiisiiy. Mi £arl wax fifiy-clghl yuare u( age.

A mii'Hnjr of tbe directoff of (he Tari- oua ralimadn up#ral*il Ih Jeritoy by ihsriOlndidphia and Keailmg KaMroail Company win Iw lu’ d 5lan‘U 'J(> lucoiiaider tha adviMibll- l(y of cononlidaUng and iu>Tt{iiig (Lu rmuls iiii- Uvr uue inanaKviucni. 1'hc propos«<l cunsoU- dalluii wtH Lu'luds (lit Fliilailidpbia and At- Janilu Cliy. ihe Wllllainduwu and ItuluMore HIvi't, (ho Camdon. UNniccsicr and Montit F.pLralm.aDdth* Kolghii's l^liit Tvnjiluai Rall- n>tiil\

Apropoi of nothinx, apparently , th e New Y'urk Trihnnf. ob*crv(!fti " I t wlU

E .v e ''a « a y ’ i o o ’oJaBT o f tlio Cj'umlm'u i “ « •’ J m li .v e »le tter, lo iiidiilg# in tho hope tha t it w ill a ‘H(h ita de.HLiualion," W iu t was th e

nghts.^'Tutting Ibis and th a t together. 1h# con-

Ticliun (ft Inevtublc that the Ihpublitau party hat pUced iUielf, sad tb lacoupiry th ro u g h U, a t* diftadvanlago in regard lo any furlUcT attem pt to bra! the exiatiug { difliculliw. It mu^t uppi-oaeti*'(.’Anadu, ttlmosL hat in bund fort.'Auada wuul como ItCie to ho talked lu over u dlruier-thble, in spUeoflfon JiiiU#Mvurth’a blrtiidiahnreuis— nnd U nmal be prepared to c#do eondiiiona tDor* fnruraldo to the D ju ln lou than the Cttusdiattt pteviuualy dcmaudcil. It dou hoi sppeAt that tbe Uipiiblicaii 3#imtura bsve anything by stilking W 'k atVeskrA Olevoland and iSayaid over tbu gboolderk of tbe Bluenosci; on the con- in t ry , R looks «* if they tuay be " hoist w ith the ir own peUrd.”

T h e etiosuiUption of beor aud sp iriU in ytelgiuru foots up to an BVvttge u f '24d quart* o f the foriiier and llilrte('n ^ tm U o f (he U tte r far ev e ry bead in tbo pupulo- iU t t ; h u t u ib is iDcluiie* women and tb lL di«B , i t U clMT th a t th e a u U population

wasmaKiT witli Ui# lind lcy lellur, sdciiI th# Ifoatfra iu blocks of five? 1‘liat got Ib fri',” d id n ’t it?

T he .Jersry fifyAVirs Is l•rl■il^JJ hccauw Bomebudy lu s ‘’g u i away " b UL b slr'^ot iu (hRt m uD id |iality . A larger limiiHiurlty willi Jersey City lu ttho tU ijlll forco ib e fiirigh t- ty young nuw apsper lo hilsbaiid i u s tic k o f iDdignaiiun. Ii^oiautndy over llier# would gu( BWny w ith tho town If U w ere uui aud io red lo th # IkiwcU of llie enrtU.

TruHdoiil I la r r i s in took good (AK not to oiH'ii his m outh wide enough (o p u l h ii foot into Ik \

U may ho tru ly and appropriately ftukl tha t th e new A duiiuislrntiou " ^ot iu " out of tb# ra in. ____

I t luoka u If thoD utoocrallc rabal w ould coptliiuu lo act I 'k c an opium jo in t caucUA

Twioe 13 seems to be n lucky number for Hurilfton,

An O ld W ont All's Mult A gainst a iH iolor fo r l l r r a c h of iT oinia*.

A ‘vnn rw h u l rtMimikahlt! s u i t for $10^ uOU damsi:#* for breiu'li ot proiiila* toiiiarr^ ramo up for tfia) hi Hnaikl^n ycstoO'lHy la fi Judge Culieii TLh ruumrkabl* t#aUitro o1^

la ibal lhv‘ combiuid oguH of the plaliHllt and ifob'iidatu I' 12& y#*rr. ThcplalnUfl Mr*. Mary Ann lirlfRih, » widow, n u u ls ix u Jirti'pli U. Ik'iiuull, Ih#dc(rtidau(, h u vuaUliy pLyaiclan who Is imii# Itiau ilxly fir# voanuf ago, mid wliu bSH k-tii innrrUil Mnce ibo preo- •ii; Rcuim v>»w Lh-kuu.

linillth aUegrK iiiLerr^implaiiilthatsh# and lu Ufiuietl have Iwuii aob|ii, liiti.'4] for luHiiy y#un . ILnl alter Ilic d#alh of his first wdu In t'ubTuary. ISKS. li# iiAlii tiur greui attoti’ lion, viiduig Lvi at rosidt-uoe and uIk - wLcri! wry fieuurtuily. and In l«Uura and l-ul- Vcr>nlfoiiB oikluK and urgnig livr lum ajry LituIn May last aU# Huully (-uUH'Utod lu hecumc Lit H'ilu, and |i]iim.>jli,aU'l!r beaaii pru|«ralfo]iifor Ibi' cxjMTtt?d idiang# lit bur life, Tlu» preimra- Uuua TiucfisUaU'd b tarn# uxpimdiluro uf luoiu'^, wliicti stu' cb^'orluUj motle, liiiuever. ifr 111# coufideiu hnltef (hal dha was to 1 - r>om# Mrs. IknmuU. Bhc alleges Uiat Kborlly Uiforo |he lima •#) fur Uu- wediLoji iho du- fundanl UfKUu U> hokIocI Ler, ami fiushy abandoned hai altogulluT aud rufiiM-d to uiako yOtal Lis prom 15*.

pr. UotincUaduiiU (,ic ngro4<uunl luiiiBTry, but claims ibai il wa» bareil U|>un lire proving U iatlt 11 wai foMud during the ungngi>m«riitiml 111, y roiild nol sgt#u iho sgrevtiudjl svoa not to l># carried into olTtCt. iio allogos I Lai they could nol agree, and tho airifa, angoi and dU- piitca which davcloped durtiig (Lelr ruiirtshlp nullified tbe promise. Alter be hid refusod to carr^ out his t>romlss be met * lady iblny years younger than hlmiclf 4ud marrlud bur " boveral verj' fovlug leUen irw a th* defend*


Ehip ( ’a n a l Acroaa BooUand fu r D eep ftew CrafU

From liOndon KoglneeriTig,Tb# a^jiUtlioa In favor of canals and

water-ways, which baa been waged In Eng­land for ftom# time back, h u a t l u t ex* tended to Bcoiland. Such agttatloni ar* oontagtou!, and It Is not, therefore, ftur* prising to hear the revival of an old sag* gueetlott from tbe north on the subject. The proposal ll to Improve tbe preeent existing canal between the Clyde aud ibe Forth, ao tha t ship* might be able to ptsa through. The (»nal was constructed a century ago, and is thirty-five miles long^ exlending from Bowling on the Clyde to Grange* mouth on the Fortb^ tbe line being a l­most doe east and west, and there is a branch of two aud three'^nacter mllea to Port Pandas, in tbe north of Glasgow. I t riee* 156 foot and has thirty-nine loekx A t the present time only very small ciwft can be passed tbiougb, not only bocanie of th e short locks, but also owing (o the depth of water, being but about nine feet* I t is ptoposed (bat it should be made luit- able for deop seA-golog shipe.

There are no great engineering difficul- t i u in the way. The cost is variontly et- ticeated betwiwm £1,500,000 and £2,000,- 0 0 0 -4 sum which, it is thought, might b« c u lly raised by a company. I t is con^ tended that, being the shortest route bo* tween America and tbe Baillo, tbe Cfonti- nent and the c u t coast of Scotland and Eaglaud, the through traffic would be con- liderable. This may be tru e ; but the gain in time would be reduced ma­terially by tbe fact th a t Tessels in coming off the Atlantic would require to (nil tip the long firth (Clyde), and would probably require, particularly if deeply laden, to wall on tbe tide to get to Bowling, which Is some dittaoee up the river, or the ohannel would need to be broadened and dee]rened, thus adding to tbe coat. For channel ateamersgoing from Ireland or the west c o u t of Scotland, Eng­land or Wale* to the east coast or the Con­tinent tbe canal would be a decided bene­fit, for not only would their voyage be fthoTtenod, but the rocky and dan­gerous o o u t o f the North of Scotland would b* avoided. Tbe canal pu ies through tbe coal and 1(» district* of Bcot- l a n d ^ fact which alTorda additional ai- gumoiit In favor of the scheme. Another consideration which carriev much weight U the faclHty gained for the rapid pasuge of botllethlps from one shore to tbe other, reudeilug defence In tim e of war more effective. Ijooklng, therefore, to prlnclliol pros and cons u stated, the (|US*U^ is

itlon. /T b*

HOOAN.-On Marrii t HftS. Patrick nogon, agHfit SB yeara, Kclatlvw an* friends of tli< family are reape tfULly Invited to otumd tire funeral frum Lla late realdem'e. No. 2TJ Acad- •my atre*<<t, on WHlnfHvlnf, Mar'-h 6, at S A. M., to kt. Jfretph'a (.‘hurcli, wh#r*a (Jofomn Jflzli Mato ot U«NUlem alll lie ufforoil for the rejHiiW'of hia aouJ. Interduat lu tho Oemetery of tjiv ^olj^HeiKJlrbfe. , . ,

NEWARK. N. J„ March 8, IWP. At a merllna of'lhp Hmjiloywi of th# la(* Mr.

Ihitrlck Hokhii tlii'eilloa'linrprcaiutilaarulTeBU- InikmB B'er#uiiBiilnuAtBly HdupUrt r

Whereas, ii hiui jilearei AlnilghtvOod 1n hla lllvln* pruvideore Mi fok* from our m idatour dear friend and Io>narariur, Mr. Falrlck Hokbo : and, whurvaB, Im ubb cmleareil to uii hy hla many *so*lfontt|’.ialltlwn‘fhenrt,aml while we how Ln holy fUbi«ia<io:i (n tha will (I our IleaTenly Fatacr, Uo elncerrty mourn for the toaa of our dear frlKQt uni Knofot-Lir, and truly ayutpa- tliltf wKL tba urembere of Lis family In this tlielr giaalafiUrtlou; , ' . * . • , ..v- #Tlmreforti, Tre U rfoulv^, Tliat In the death of Mr. Falrfok Kugaii bis nimtly luive loat.... .............. ........................ , — - - tovlnxfailieTRiirtwInp rruinrellor, we a tnj# lri#iirt aud aeneTLiua unmfo/er, xaiI th# city a good Htlsoti.

And 1>e ll ftiriirer reaulvoci, T liola cifoy of iheo* reanlutlonabepHiilrU id the morulng and even* Ing pHpora and HoncUy Cali, and a copy be en* UruHren and preaenled lo th# fkmlly-

(foone R. Johaaoa, Jaiuw Oarrolt, Jotm J. Breulin, Thoruoa Cloary, Alfred L. drlgga, Her* man Kruyaman, William Whitley, Oeorge Hler- gni, (JommUt##.

LK T-rO U R OR FIV E BOOMR FOO» a. on an* door and ou* on third, or will rent rat floor: all mndern Improvementa; wall newly

papered. ftSTHlRTBEKTH AYR________m

Tn 1,ET-IN TWO-BTOBY NEW HpUSRft roomi on orcond floor, t roenma In attirt i hath ro)rn ; cluseirond but water. A i SO MONMOUTH

a r. »n i o l e t - w it h p o w e r , m odern im -1 iiruveuienta, two ftoors tn4l atid tt Mulberry

at. liMjulrv CHAHi.LM NOBH. 24 IVjudinot at.61y

1> A rS R IIOXEH-WASTKI), ____ ________Efo# WOikrra. KKABUHY A JOUNHON,

K ail Orauge, N. J.

IlA lN TER-W A NTED, OOOD CAHRTAOK painter. W. F. HOLMKH. MUburn. N . J. '»y

TTftKFUL man- w a n t e d , A YOUNO I niiialc man to clflan and do work Id a aalrHin. Apply to WUHRAV, im Market It._________

ANTED-FOR A NEW YORK COM’EIlN a party to take aol# agen<T for this rtty of a

newly im]<ortc<l and ftiay aafoole artiile. uoa lo omploy milHureuta; must he ahlo to fornlsh *«lirr- Uy. Adtlrc*. fllatlnx |Hir(U‘Utare, I', O. (fox .IR, New York City. _______________^5t t 5 3 t e d HATi>>^MEN-(R>OD PAY TO \ j the rlrht of men torei'w eent ua. Wrile

for t#mw. No noedod. H. A. Mi>UM JiKHA (Xj., NunierymenN3r^=h(>ater^N. VJKu

W A N T E D - A FRF>*MAN ON F f f f r inuita; bIjv} nperalora. bvderfl and top-Rn l«h>

ora. c.^.{;U RTla,M b M arket at.. curuerK. K> pi. MU'^J^A N T K I^T W O YOUNO MEN, 18 TO 18,

•flylean) telegnphy for poaUlon. ^


rftoL R T -ftD AND 4TH HTOllY Itt MARKETX. bLj iD^ma aesTOeiM-ti; sky lightBii L W ILBUR HMITH, Ml Market sL

TO LET-HI X NIUE ROOMH ON FlIWT llwr, a t a t ; rent iw ..A liwr, KL-VIl-U HT®', nwwi SB u

DniulreHtM BXAXIMS'lEleD AV rp O L E T -AI f

_ .............. PLEAHANT FUKNIHIIED^ from roomtoettheraaeDtlemanoclody. OoH

or iaddreiM Uft (4A lu*I UK HT.____________ ^ROOMS

»e. S4X

m > LET-FBOM APRIL 1ST, 4 . . .A witbwater orv^ and, Id floors; bricik bouse.

L’KNTI.........W UKNTHK BT,rs iO IJCT-THK OOHNBR BTORft MS HIGH X ST.» ourftBf W grrea. ■______________ Wa

2LOFTB 35al« R A ^ near nroad, wet! mthted,

iHiwrr. use of elevator, tw Brood si.

S ^IlK IT RTi. with or wllhoui

ApplytoB. W .OKKH^

P * n tb C la ln a P aid in N ew ark T o -d ay by MdiropoUta* Uf* I m . Co.

Prem, AmtAndrewKIrar&pBr.lNMcWboTierBt .(8 gMftCU^ t # f Natp, HI Hunterdon ---- .10 17ft 00O oorp E, Hl«h It. ......... — ........ 10 1 IS 00il* « IWTlnt. a IflsX --------------- .W >l» WMinnie Wniqi, ill iiu , »ve.............. .. .oe l « 00I'Hirlck Murphy, ML I'leaoaritav#....., .K> UI 28Mamie Barrtoon, 71 Hill a t— .............. 0ft HO flOM artha JR. MaUa,m Warren at....-----30 in> mMary Kennedy, ro Bond B(.............. -.OS 74 00KilB Vnorbeeam Hsmien £IxkiiiconeHhQaier, Main i t - . >10 2 Wlieali Hliveauir, lit West M 18 00ALLAN L, BAdBETT. (topi.

Our. Brotol and M arket Baroetai

T h e iJa llad flU ie i Indaa trbk l l u a r o a e * C*mpM )7 » aoo an d 909 B roiad s t m t ^ D * * tk C lo ln u P a id To-dfly.

Prean. A m tAnnI* Tfoon. SJ Walltceet............ -oS 00Tboa W renn.M New at........10

« n S f l o o m * W « n t» A


OU flR-W A N TED . A FURNT6HKD „huuaa; would board owner. Addrom MKK. care Carrier 4B. Ifo

Wa n t e d - b m a ulight manufoctorlDK, in oil*

aUl# rent, or would Ir aultaLle, T., box X.Newe

RV r I. D IN a FOR or Harrlaoit;

buy If aultaLle. Addreaa M. offlo#. TOt

T3rrANTBD-TW O (WOD MSN. CAN M AXI dox. (AU from 8 to Id A ML, M7 MAR*

KET BT..*tor*. Wy

S m t t l o 9 i t t > n t

E T -N U R H K DEHinaS A ^A B Y TO nurm. MRtt FIX, S Bowery et_______^

Y o u n o m a n w h o h a h h a d t w oyeartf experlS'jpe in im cblne shop would

11 a# to get in a ftrrt-rlam rem lr nhrm or eugina w orks Aildr«*aa Jti, Bui H.Newet'Ift'C. Ita

W ANTED-A MAN TO TAKE PART IN* torefU In an article to b« put In the market for every day use; hie honanaa. ItHiulr# or ad-

droMTHKO. ITHtUKST. llnlwiy nt.. i Uy. afo

Wq v J I m Ir*

B fRDfl-OOOD SINOrNO AND RRKKDINO canaries, g oldfiDdhea, cheap.

berry * tKBMP.OSHiil-


H o r b e r i i o e i n o b u o p f o r b a l e rb ra n ; Koon ht-)nd, new tools, low rem trade. TIIEO. WOHLAND, ITl Bergen * t

ht'^nd, new tools, low rent, icood 'OHLAND, ITl Bergen * t ISx

MAOUINR FOR BALK ^ WHKKLKK A WIImiu ;aultai)ie (or ahoe-flttLiu or anyothHc ler work ; price. |l&. H OOMMEHUE BT.,

P IANO FOR BAI.K-OENUINE WEBER, rtirved lega, roniul narnvra, m>M *490, will eeli» i^rvvu l9Kn. rv'uiii tsii Ncr^

for tu p oaelL iw FKKRY HT.

SAT.OON-A FIRRT-CLAfW Market street for aslo.

flk/l K f l WILL BUY A OOOD GROCERY hualnoto in good localKy ; good r*a<

■ODI for wiling. Inquire at BTORfil, ^Houtton


7a t l a n t io ~ f u b n ih h e d room s, w it h ot wltbuht board ; s ooiuiecung, uDlUrnlsLed;

Utote i»ard.1 O CLINTON 8T. - A LARGE FRONT X O room, with board, Mltobls for two geaUe-roen.

C n r r i f t i g x M r S t c .

d h a v o h t a n d workboratt oouatoiiiLy on band. AH horaea

guaraDteed to be ox repr#eente<1 or money re- returnHL M. HTEKJUEB, d ty Itire, BpriOi^eldave., Newark, N. J. My

3 5 w i i b board; alA

itiiW irK vereiL IS Newark BL. J-C... .10 Annie Wilke, m

a 40______________ . 16 71((rand a t, llobaken .06 ISCO

Win DooleyJ IT® Washington at., .10 a 78Tboa F. lluVluS, Ml 4th n., J. 0 ....... ><B ft 80CallMliRiiMKAriiiy,ftSBel!Rt.Orang#.1A 1718

^ KUWAkliN. CRANE, ProaldgpL

W n b e r t u k c r * .

also table ooont; terms modor- «7y


j|>OR flAT,R-78 GOOD WFNT1EAN HORRKR: RXi'hanm fnr good brood molt

W est JAMKB BMITH. lUl Cbeatnut a tFI te ship


/ • A BANK 8T.-0CK)D BOARD 0(-fcheerfu i rooms, wlUi baib. __Q NEW NT.O U oov*Toom-


E e . tOLLEfl A ION, ^ ,• Frftfotlctl Viidertakeri sud Embslnien*

Funeral parlor* No. » Bridge at., manufactory Mid inonue No. H® JaroeBBt ireanwaaD4 ()oaoh*a for hlr*. i'bariM raoMnable iu all ^parlmenU. Ibtra U. Bollee, r^denoe No. 7ft Ifour^ av*l Frank H. Uollea, rwldeno* N a 13 Bridge tt.

Telephone cell JftS.y , B. VVOODKUFF,

O lB re u iJ B e S f fn w J w S ^ ^ n BTRRBT.'H e,t Jwir tolow Eveulni News oB «.

reiwonal aUead*Tic* Day and NlglttTefophoiiff No. Cft. . _

1 ELM RT.-TW O OENTB CAN HAVE J O t.> i^ rd wUb flamlly navlog no obUdren; homeiioiuforta. ®ts*1 r r - t flUMMIT NT., NEAR RANK-BOARD X I Xotid oloely fUralsbed room fora gentle*iDon. Ml

HORBKB FOR HALE-A PAIR B A t AND very nyliah driving boneat U hands hlaU;

not afraid or anytbing: go double or alngl#: either U jrerfoctly aafo for a lady: will travel ten mllm an hour; aoiiTuI and g#u(J* 4L CUDDY, Park Btabtea, Park at,, Orange.__________________t e

OHSER FOR BALE AND EKCiLANOEH by A. Ji.TTPLIN,Btablc* Bl and 9S> (Jentral a r e ,

W u » t n » w J t o t t r M .iKRtBTlANWIEaiCNOBMKNTiLHBAL.

V 'in g - TreuHuerU* and Inrtrucliotie jin’" - “ M'KH, H. K. Pift:K. FU Brood at., on Tui

ven by leedava.

hours 11 to 4. ^

■ a t a b r o a d S T .- l CONNBCTINO BiXIMB m X O on Hrft floor, with board. Iftw


l l n t * r n * * o * 1 * .

8 ’e a b id e h o u s e ,

, ATLANTIC (TITY. N. J. Atwaya open and welt heated. Elevator and

ev e ry ^ i# r oonveolenc*. Coach meetsall tralna, is ' CHAB. EVANS.

T \ I L J .0 . MORGAN HAfi R ET U R N ED Fl^M J v tL e PaetCrj^uat«t!k'boo) o n d H o ^ U l.N . Y.,wherrbBhastioenaUtiiKlItiaa apecUl cuurtoon the throat, note *11(1 ear; has opened a irewoffire a t t ) UULUKKRY ST.,oii»dooffrom Fork pt.4»i


RcDutfir Stanford paid $r>(KI for wln- in>m wbldi to review the lriaii|iiral pa­

rade, Kunator Ifoant fJW and Irs Daveuport 916a

rr in t'o Aloxaiider of Ualtcnlicrg, who hOHjuhl married ou upura ilugvr. It «x>n (o b* fjtveii lb# liiTbtiiind of sn AuHilao Uumor iccluu'iil.

l.iU la .loNcr Hofm&un, tli# inuAicfll piull|}-. fr aUldyIng In Iforlln. He ta in fine lii-ftlth nml Lae gruvrii vaty tall alnosbulcft iLlit'ouiiiry.

AitjHl Whl«M#f. of !*)ndon. hos not recuvcre !i iruui ihe elTecia iH LU recent oncouu- let nlGi ArlUt 8UiU. uftbe ilugorth Club, I*m* i)nu. Uta ti#r\‘i.'ii wu:c BO unplciuamly bRItumI that La boa tfovp unaLlo to luklnt alnoe tb* aflYay.

H. Pttlmrr, of d e n y , CliAiiUtnjna County, K. Y . claims to h# Ihe ohtoat p at* Lmrtt-r It) the country, l!c wm api^untcd July i-K. )H4t, when tfoiTf U»fe (be nam* Vermont. 11# lint held the oflli!* ever ainco. Ho has atgmvl iFPcry (inarierly report iMiied from bis

.lOtllioc oxiMpliug ono. V f 1* leTcuty-olghi years ol age and to goud b('t<Ui.

A |)o#t-cnrt tlriver in Itovlin pbiyed on Ilia Lum, under ih# lUnporur's window, on that iminarch’i blrtlnlay amilvcrtary, tho well- known fttr, " Just Thirty Y'cut* Old An Thenf" mill noa forlliwRh arru>t(od and lined •uventy- livo ccuU "for P^aj'jnf other titan tho pre- Bcni*.>d imiilc while on duly.*' The Emperer beard of It, ami soni bliu 9;2& u tt con«olalic».

worlby of sorloua coatiderstlon* ‘ Th* canal is tli# property of tb s CalMonlaaRailw ay Com pany, and th e y a rs ( actloD, msaiiUm#, In th# m a tte r.


Tbe body la more Adtoapdbls to benefit (renn Hood's garsaiATlUa uuw than at any other sea- *00, ThuJtslura taka it uoir, ***

A nd T h a t'e E noufh*Bh# isn 't an angel,Blie lan'tagoddeoi,

Bh* lin 't a Illy, a rooe or a psnrl, 8bc'a simply w hai'i ewe«test» Uomplttett and neatMi,

A dear liUle,Queer lUUe,Bw##t llttleg lil.

J t idianapaiU DrOime,

N ot B ed tlm # Y ell Not bedUm* yet I Tbe night winds bloWp The lis ts are ouc^fuU well w« know

Tbe nurse Is (m ibe s ta ir ;Witb biitd of toe and ebeek of idow^And fKaoP Ups, that wbrtper tow,

" Come childreu, U is lime to go,Hy peaceful oouch to ibots."

Nol hedllm# yel r We long (o know What wonders tiro# hoi yet to show,

Wbat unburn yenra shat! bring:Wbat ship (he ArcUo pole aliail reachf Wbat iMsoDsatilfitioe waitj to teach,W'Lal toroiDos (here are led to piwaohp

WLot poems yet to sinf*And when, onr ebeerful svefilng pas^Tbe uuior. long wallibg, ooinss a t iosl,

Ere on her lap we lie,In wr^iiad nature's awest repoefo At peace wUh all bar waking foes,Out lips shall mutmttr, ere they ctoss,*' (food u t f h t f *nd M>t"Ooo(l‘b y f '

•<W9sr w tH U u m m ,

JAUEB A OOB * OOt,KM and 108 MULBERRY, eof, CllDtOtt « t

Mr s . k ib t n k h . b p ih it u a u b t v h a sremoved to 76BUUTH QUANOE A V E Kg

;3ATKNT«-l)RAKK , Bolfoltorsof Atnerloan and FurHra My*' III iiatont cases twfore Ure U. tk OoUTtA

MechMilcai *hil Klectrloal * i** t**^*!? ,^^«^ uerta. OoiMUltallon fre*, iflft and iMMARiyCT south Bide. (WO door* w sttof

oiliest MrtAblliiied Loims In the Btole. Iw enty- five yearf experience. Oerman aiwkeo.

1 OMALPONTE-IMI.J . O U O o r r v , N. J.

ON THE BEACH IN FULL VIEW OF OCEAN.Balt water bath* In house, comibrtably bested,

elevator and all modern appolaUtreDBa 0(MMfo meetaall irmlna te o d fur clhiUar.


Oor, Actieo sL, near (Atrel brJd andtiJam M si., r



•enavs, _____________ 4gax t S r s e , w a g o n a n d h a r n k s h fo rJri.sa le : horse vooug and sound; snitahlc fnr fight busitieasporpoeea. rntim reaterH lU H rt. 41*

H'* ' ORBE, RAHNEflH AND TWO SINGLE wagons for sole; horse sound and gHUi!e.


aftTPLAXKHT, WyH o r s e , w a g o n sale, cheap forra^h,

^O N Y^M A LL PONY FOR BALK,ft YEARS old, warranted B ound^tnil and true, very

T> ovX old, warrainvu Kuiiu^Kfiiu mie, very f it tt: also BldiMAf top buggy and sllver-mouiM^ harnosA,price|lto tbe lot, with roire and whip; owner lias no nw for ibetn. 144 P kHUY 8T. ^ s

A l i / b u f f e r g iu i a h k w b ix w u s ; o n eU,»UQentlVM. Ml BKOAD BT._______ M

ATABAfTTH, BMKDNlSWl AND A lilTjltS U H . Of tA. oyM oortMl by Kltetrotffc Br

CATAHHn IMPOrtBIBt,*: WB OUABAN- UeTUTcmi*. Ml BBOAD Ot._________ M

IrtLICCTtlODB HAS BBEN A OREAT BKNB- LiAV to n j , O..H, u d I would hot ihvl wjtb It Ibr

tu tlurt. It. ivt/L.Sr MR8, A » WA 8\tIT B , g Ooldo^lt

IwM'n«.~riy’btlmrrKI«tf6di> hM rmlomd f . l .h t Mul 1 coiiflldcr I t. wnnd.rnu1uT.oUon,

rillttlPIKH , RAO«. HATCHICI». AWBaFNTO I d r« i CMM. . 1.0 luuoti tool 1W4.. B. F. Mo

TOHMACK, l4l Browl it.op^ffldwWMlUOBtoo Perk.

Trunks repaired at short notice.

WANTED-TIKT YOUR DRAFTS, MONEYori- .............. ’

Kurop* TT. — , -------iXX'S.UOUarketii. Gpeunlguia.

oVilVrs ‘tone pound up). Urkf t t to an'l from (be w est a t iA llL li FKAKLY *

r r e f CBNTB-ITANOH ITTNED, REPAIRED, i Oreitniug, tone

Leave orders or Wll/LIAM ZIMMERMAN 4 RKUH., Htatloiicrs, 74 Ctiiiton ave. »P

I l F * * * m R k l n g .

Dru,RP*I8MAKIK0, WITHOUT RKFITTIIfa, UniKlit hy Mr* N. T. Viut Z u ^ Bn rljuw

sireel, near Hew; no payment untosssui’oesifol, ruUlDgond buttngdone; aleo paper p a tte rn sm (0 meoaure, Lemons giveo aveHtJig*. __


mysigl..... ......... - .................JtJifN RAYMOND. 88 Huntofdon st.

N"” ~KURA1aUIA. h e a d a c h e a n d i throat troublee cured. 441 BllOA D 8T,


iuo:i Id condKton, strong and mip aMe for Ciie flnur and food Luslueoi inquire atM

A PlltaT-CLABH OOAL WAGON........................... il£W AGON . . . . _____ _____

for sals cheap. Call 18 HIGH hT.

KURNBTT D R O B ^A m rru^E iR fl^^^A W (ton sals of grocery and fancy goods stock

and household furniture, (0 settle au cetol#, a t 104 NAHHAUHT.,on Wedtiesiiair,March! at lO A. M- He on hand for itargaltia

Of f ic e h o u r b f r o m t a . m , t o 8 p , il iHutids>AStolSM. MIBUUADBT, 8r

IO WHOM IT MAY OONCKRN-I HATE __ h*rn a gdeoi «ifl#rer ofgramilstod ej'sHda for Syeari a»a waanoari^ lillndt lisye l ^ i t t^ o reTS(lie hrel pbgidi-lana and Burgeons In the couiiLry andthevairralledln rayonae. 1 wsaiudm'ea lotry Electrode, the frea l eye restorer, atidlh# re-suits wore wonrterfuL; I uonslilsr Li a blessing to ^IflvHLrers ofdlsnaaed eyeo,Sr KDWA RD OiBHON, 88 William M.

WHY a r e YOU DEAF W lffim T H E KiDrtrod# Will ewr* you T 841 U llo ^ P iT . 5r

1)0 YOU BUFFER WHEN RLEO. . . . . . . ---------- -- ^W ^tredewin cure yoiif wi BROAD HT.1 O NEWARK TEflTIMONJALMl O s l A I U b y Ktooirode. Ml BROAD Hl\ 8r

HPRINO . ATVl.KH^ FORj . u , h k Rkgan 's,

U4 Market at.

liK A U T IF U L ...........- . ■X lladlM lo Lav* tb*1r sfraw b s ts p r e i^ hiUi at


a « « t n n S V o n n S .OST-.mjNI>AY BVErnNO UBTWKKff U«

__iBruei) sirtwi add Csutral MeO«t>dl*i y ruL ,a biiniJi of keys, A reward will b*.fiv^_ll^lsrtju q UHUHM ST, ot In b .«p« . room MnrkotHt Hrpou___________________ *y (JSTMJN MARCH t, A BUC1.-J.ND.TJIK Jjtim indpup,w lIliooll«M ld f l^ o r wlUplMM rtturn th « .H n . tn H JV K lUidnoM tinniiA

J1011 INVACIDB WE MAKKTUK EIKK.HT, io(nilil.1lc»l.lyil.votedlni<-rHun. H. WAUiH

UO. laM w .o frt. ” ' ‘[UU, IC Mwki Tekphons M7. HoA D I Efl - (^lECHEHTEB'S RNQLlUH

jJCsunyrryid pllla, Ittomond hrand; salb, ro- Hhl*. BMd 4u. (siiuups) for parllculurs, and

'iBeliss for Ladles" lu letter hy rourrn mail. 6 Hl0llE8TElU JiLK lilCALiU ., PlilU., Peiina. Hold by diuggieto. Take no other lOJUO icati- monlsla * BIw

I ;

W ALHn'HCEinEBHATRDcxnKmfor old folks w1h> rannot rest a t night, 8c,

DsrpaokUM K, WAlJtUACG.«UiMaikeist. too

G o o d S KPO N D -H AN D B U T < !H E R F i x ­tures wanted. Address H. C'HAMBEllLIN,

JR., 42 |■u|^kI It., East Orsnga, N. J. . My

INVALID O n A IR ^ WANTED, SECOND- lisuds^l invalid clAlr, Address 0, P>, No. 1

OouH nt., Orange* ______77y

I n B t r u F t t a i i .

Scbools, Xto*

§HOnTH AND-YOUNG KJCN AND LA DTE# Wauled to learn nhorthand; private liiRlruo n(in)y,bya praetlcot reporter; Ift ysara' ex*

FH'rifiHV; ue mllUTTa i sltauttoiia oMiired forpupils; send for Usi ^ luune* of pupils In Kood posltlojii: hook ami clitnilar* Irw). f ," ‘ UABIUHONiStetMgraphsr. TH UrOod Ht.


d iloui: hook ami cliinilarttRIUfl........................ “ •

a rk .N .j. ____________Music*

TIA N JO -RA NJO TAUGHT BY filMPLI* lifliK i nietho) or inualt'al irotallon by MR, JOHN H. Mi;YKlL t’anjo soloist and teacher. HtutllQ. awsprtugfkid ave, _______________wTkA N JO AND DI'1.PIMP:R TAUGHT, Ba N- J>}w , rtrlu£i,ftU-., at JOHNRON’B hUuHo, 440WttBlMIlgtOll S(*rN N ntueT iO N g iv e n o n t h e p ia n o Y y4 lady leochcr. 80 H ltiH BT. gg

___ X i n o u B i a U

MONKT UlANKIi UPON EUKNITUBK Without removal. G nO<JKBY.IB(.''iiBn*sLHft

O N B O N D A N D_ . . ____ ____ at ftner rent. In sums

to mi ll liuj lKirrower, for pSrM s from ni«* to fivs yourt: no bonus tior ^-nmmlsMon exactod. CIIAHLFMA FKIUK,7&sfiruad s(j 7te

* 1 0 . 0 0 0 iiiurkcuge at to mi ll liuj lKirrower. for nerM

|k l \ r * H o lo 9 i l* *


uoe me plesoe ealL Can b« ilAdtos wiBblng to • ■' " - * HillSundays ffoni ft


MARCH V A H A Zimy«»tur« t of C u r e n t MuQibvn of Ulo

LooUint rorledivolfr.-^A rthur X Gtxidninn oDutribtitfli

iMiJlng ottiolt to lb# OMutipolUnn fof Murcb.Tbe lUlt. " The liinsofttio N]i«luTig.” ftl?c«lull indftfliiHo notion o f ibe them e, Tfhlch U pT feiierol end ipeoK l tnteroMt, The work p f Ibe U vnnah U pora Com pany Id Ne>f York Id lii* p fu d u illo u of W tsiw t*! eoiuiyalUoM I t f rip U ife lljr te l The m en eud w om en who heve been m«et Ouu«|>toioui In UiU artiettp InnoTatliM) m m an- •^ 911, d l r r i l a n end iriU U are dl»Pur«1. u well ta Ib ed e la ili of the p re p n r t t Icmih lu rth e va- riouA prudiiel!onj. T h e e n ld e li itroiiiwljr and

llly ttra tcd . A n o u n tho^e w hw e p<J im lta adum ihe a r l ld e Ia W aller l»aiiir(t»<h, of thW dijr FullowiUK vhU w a in aiiaw rip i jyiiieron Kilv»arti livereu Hale, who, by the by. ta one of Ihg edllorUl lU l! ol Uie raa«itfinc. “ W ltiier l>Ayi<in M ontreal" I t a iltuely a n d InloreHtltig pn]^r, Illu ilritetL T he na-lal cusiouw oi th e twuple of Uml ootd ellu iale, «w » d l m cUtnailc ]*i*ulltrttiwt, a i« p lea ta u lly diaeu«#ed. OctHve T ltaueinnU he«ailTO tij ^iiortttory.eiUUli'^l. " In the I le td tn ia n 'i itoy iu ," w h lih i t followed |»y « plcuting llbm ra tK l e rttc le on " &mi« Woth- iDgioD Honiei." betw een ih«>e cim ln b u tlo n t i u d following IIh -111 ary a num ber of tiocini, 9*%w7t and paperv ol i te w ta l tuLorotl. T he (in-

te inWrfSLtnc ibnin ifhoui.-k a re b D^i/fu>od ia lull of preity pUlore*

fend tketehoa u> tickle Iho eery lUtle folk'.—Thai gBilruuouile aulboriiy and bouac*

keeper*'ifuldi, IW e 71^. eppeaw lu a new tpriiig lult. The coTen which enelwe ihe good tbiJiRi wilhlu aa’Wrtlsile and dainty. Th« eon- lentAOf Lhti penotli'ai, at utual, ai^ i«aM3iJtb]e and paliiaUo. The contenia i)0«tn wUh a tutla pMUjeuliUod "A dweet Mwl ' ThU It fol ­lowed by *'k JapatMiO UlniiPi;'' "The OllTu in CfeUlcimla." No. Vi. of Uri. Surer*! "How to U vt on a TboUAiuid a Year," Time Hay Foroey’* Chatty "liUnch- feun mid Tea ‘njdftai" ''M m Ruakiu'* t«iiMD iHonei*,*' “ llknte tor (MUng ap Knimatn-mi-nip,*' "iHicurati^B Work fur (lie Hootehold,"**Kihel'i New Ibrme," Kata Citherwoud'i ■' Ka^hluDtbit I'hiae!." " Batrut and I’nituritt!Of ihe Andenti." by Hannah Uawiburue, M an liitoroailng paiMir In wbiob are emU>llait •oDir laefUl raoipae for toltel pn>)t«in- llufiH tiy Ura. Korer. "Old Proha and Urn Poet,** by Jcaaph Whllton, tbow- fug how a iroiibliMl aouKatcr unUjada hit eoul and hauU the di-rk of the weaiber’ over the CuaU lu blank verer. The two great fcaturea oi (be Diagtilnc, Mn. Rurer'a " Menu* for the llontU" and "Antweft to Uoiiwkeeperfc'lo- qnlrJtV’ there aa onial. Tbtm we hod " 8or,<nrubJe(Jrixvr>* Hlnlt," '* ti MUi lA-dteni,' **'nm Wuman'i ExuUaoga Movemculr'' aiKl tbii amuBiug Frohlt-m liefiartincnt.

—Opu ol thu moat imjiortaril among the many i«peta la the klarch mm>ber of the

iaconirtbuwd by Isaac Kiiv, Us lltla being "Uribory lu Hallway Kleeiuxit." He asctllxiA the deplorable oohdlilrwi of nffkin alleged tu lie eaHtlwH In raganl to Ibe conduct of lallway euierpriaci to the fact iliai itock- bolOun* are in habli ol eelllug their votes, or luiiiiiug thinr iitX'K lo enable certain penioni to control corporalkuit for Iheir own eiidu, !u yariouA waya UU remedy ounaltut ol legbila- tlun t'uiiiikUliug ihc daily cumictluu ot thu ftorlc list of uriTy o<jr|ioraliuii, doiomllc aud tocrign, wtlU uiiirammelled ■«■«« on tb« part ol KlockliolUcrs, ibut they may be lu a posfUoii to ctiti-ult with L'ach other regarUmg thu wel fare of thblr common pn>[«rty. lie would provide Hboagaiutt all Intmc lu proxies, ami strip the lucre pohSi^aioii ol a i lock ccrtihcata of all rights to a vote on It. rompulling even the holilei of suick la a coLLaieral to <lcllTcr thu pniiy to Ibc ownor. iTofeaSor J. 0. Bchur- uiKii (lixci]!«tis The Uaniiost Itcsituy of ('an- ads," but hardly maketv plain what be beUevea Ibil to be. Kute mephetis makes an eloquent plea ior ''Advatjcwd Eilucatjoa tor Wocucu." one oi her great polma Unag that macbluery Has w ehanged domestic mkKia that the liaudi of womau are wali-uigb Idle at homo, and that higher educatfon is required to tit her lot the changed coaditJona ol auclcty. The other artU cleslu this if».ue fully suatalD tUereHUUUuD which Ibis mafaidne bM already aebu-ved.

—Joel C&andler UaerM wbusapeu b u turned otii many cleref ahori akcicbea, coatrlboiea the first chapter oi a sew story to March st, J/icMoi. Ilia CMtltlod "Daddy Jake, the Huua- way, 'and tails of chik life lu the South dur­ing the days of alavel,t. K ^b ia , the artist, ooQtributee tboplciuna. T h m iaa fo h y tale CalUtl '''Ihe 8un'i Sisten," a LsppMh aUwy live­ly rvademi by lljalmar tljortb Hnyi«en, with •truug buioorutie libubratiotis by 0 . iJeifohi,A tirai'ly and uovel anicle by Idn Burlua Ilar- rlMin recalls the reputation of “ WaAblngton aa an AthJftc,'* a character In which ho should ceriatuly he popular with thu lislog guiiorattoD.A folly tlluetraied sketch of AullmAia la con- trdiuted by Eleanor C. Lewis, and following thiB la an article by W. Lew la Praaer, devoted to the *‘ Stofin-boutid Hparrowi *' which auf- terwd toaes-erely Id the New York blUMnl >Uit about a year ago. AaoCher cold weather alory loUa of life » e^ UudaoD llay,-^'' When the Bdgtde Came Id/ ' It la written by Barah J. Prichard. Julian Ralph uoCea what did not happcD when '* lie Wrote to the Kats," In which W. H. Drake's (idciumi render raluable

< aiahrance, " Bailor Boy Droralua," shows how an EugUah and Araarioaa exchauged idon- tltiop, riiabilug the Amedcah lad to aa Mt m (he bombiLrdsieQt or Alexandria. Toboggan T>a ties can md laU to bekbaiticd by W. iL Uddur'i aJtetch of aildlogdown a mouuUun lu Siberia, entUled "Downhill with a Vengeance/' Of continued article*, there are lira. (ktherwooA's " Bell* ol dke. Audc," Bdmund Alton'a " Uoq- Uheof the Republic,*' '* Bundy Stories," and the "Browuhit,’' who build a toow man. Allofolhar, It if a number of great rariety, value and iDtereat

—Three timely aad mtereatlng artldea ap­pear Id OCnferv for March. The Ro-piiblican leader of the House of HepreaenU- ilTo#. Thomas E Reed, ol Maine, la author of tlie drat. It la ootiUed " RuIm of the House pf Eepa'scaiatirea" Mr. Reed cxpliloa liow ibe rules have been framed with the view of ran- derliig leglalatlmi uidicull, and makes Im- portaut auggeetluns of chaugM which it U natural to suppoao be and his political aiao- oiatoa who will ouDtrol the next licuse of Kep- naeotatiTtt may endeavor to bring nbuu, AaotberlsDr. Edward Etflefflon*a review of James Btyee'salrMidy famoua wotfeon "The American Commonwealth,** uudec the tUla oi *‘AFuJMengthFofCraiiofibeUnited Blalea/' In ibe Mme category la a curious article on <'TheUatofOlltoBtiUiba Waves," by LIm - tenant W. E {(eehler, of the OIBoa of Narai InteUlgeaca. Thla earay ptweedee by a abort time the meeUng oi the Intm^natloaal Marine Cbnforcnee, at which will be dlaouinad this and other eohemia for Inerfewdng the safety of Bfe and property at sea, Tbe present Iqilal- meiUoftbe life of Lincoln la enlUied "Tho Bdlctof Freedom," and oomplelet the atory of emancipation. Tba frooUspteoe of Ibe num­ber la a portrait of the Grand Lama of the TnnW'Ralkal, f^orn a phoU^npb glvta to Oooige Itennan In exchange for bis own. The only other vlalt ID Ihla epaolal timod Lama by a icovlgner, so Ur as la known, was that of Dr. Enaan, nearly sixty yean belora the data of Mr. KoDi^a's riaiL Hr. Kennan't artIciD de­scribes an interesting and amuidng episode of bis Blberlau tour. In AcUdd there to begun a three-part story by Mrs. Mary Hallook FooUs, entitled ‘"The la st Assembly Bill—A Pseudo Bumaiioc <H! the Far West." Mr. Edwards, the author of "Two R u n a w a y s Id ‘TbeKlrai Souls" tolU a ilory In a new vein, and without dUleci; and Mr. Jefoop, to "The Correspond­ence of Miles Grogan," glvM • aludy of tbe program of a New York poHtidaD from a liquor ulooD to a residence Id Montreal, "Tlie HU- lory of Alix dc MorainvBte Is sQother "Strange True Btory/* edited by Mr. Cable. Mrs. Vao Ke^iedaci and Mr. Peimcll preseat the history and appearance of old **York Cathedral." Just at tbe time wheo ihe plans of a cxibedral ^ New York ite being decided upon. In tbe asrlea of " Old llallao Maston" Mr. Btllltaan writes aboni Gaddo and Taddeo Gaddi, and Mr. Cole engravei "Muak*,” by Taddeo Uadal. In Charles de Kay's illustrated Irish series " ChriiUaD Ireland " to tbe subject for this inoDth.

—A sarehic^ fca totap pleasing and amus­ing llluktratlons and some "chipper" rmall talk .Vunwy*f H'seUy, a new avpirant for public patroDB^ Dorn New Yorkf to a success. There are aoTue crisp local paragrapfai bitting off so- «le(y icaturea, fegeod bSugra^y, with porrralt, of Corneiiui Vanderbilt, and fe graphic dietcb

" lictiiTesqna Dipiomato," with several other iDlere tlDg fyipcn, out ihe lUuetralloiw must be pruuouDced the cream of the perlodl^I.

Novel M ethod o f t tro o t L ighting .AooonUniE to the /VoprcsMiv t

Fiench elcctnclsD, M. 0. A. Tabourttr, has in- vented a Dovel and practl^wl naotbod of light- in | Uip sireeU which will do away with the underground mains ami jiormU Ibe rapid ex- tomloD cl eiectno light througtiout Paris with­out intcrinlDg with (be gas rompames. in tbli most wdnuroui ptopoial each gas lamp ii to be forntiucd at Its baae wiib a small ruiary gas euglne tea luebea In dlamcier, with a Biuall dynamo, aud (hose nnaii InitaUaiions are (o supply lampt on the top of the iamp- poets, thus burning gas a t (be botium aud pro­ducing electric light at tbe top of club past. T)ie inventor ufibn to run at hlfe/c^t fo tcvural days opposite the Tbeatra M Icsiae one of these eleolnc lights <» bis n e t «|Stom.

A W arning So Bnoir Tnkerv.A (Hsoovery U rcporteit to have been

tnsdt by a Bardn pbyxklen, Dr, Eknsi Flo- tbew, which ought to hie a note of warning to fell who Indulge in irmff. He was consulted by ft patient who was troubled by itvere fafead- aehet, The phyilclan'a iDqalrlea revaaled the toot that the patient had been given to an 1q . moderate use ol snuS Tbe iimfliiox was pro­duced, and a mlcrosouplo iavealigation showed that It was awanplng with bacteria, which ap­peared In tbe form of a fine whitish powder. These parailtaa, It la elated, bora Into the wain of tbe uasal carlly, where they mnlUply fapkd- ly, and finaUy tiniJ their way to the brain.

The day Bir liasc Newton dlsDDvered the at> triotion ^gravitation ba sat .under a tree and caught a aevere cold. Atoi 1 In thou UDao- Hghlened days then w u no Dr. Bull and no Dr. buiffe Omigb iyrupk either.

M O B K V U J.K *$ G fSO U C H A N C K .

T « P la y t h a T Ia t o r t h e r h a m p i n n s h l p w li li R l ls a h a th .

Thelwwllng toaiu of Uif Roaevllle Ath- leUr Awoda(ii», by defoitliig the I*a1ma d ub lant night, won a good chance for (he chain- piufiablp. Rotwrilteand Klfsaleili have imw each aon eight and liai fiHir ganm. Thvy will roll the deudinK gauw ou iieutcal aBcys aisl Roseville ibo'ild wiu u, Ttie Kitoahaib Uluh isaircuA^wt on Its own alleya bd>1 msSeaphv- Dunu'nsi scores (hare, while lioetnlle iu i ciu advantage at home* nod bat done soleiididly on ouLsiUa alleyi. Iju t night's game wai played it UoMrviDe. The scale;

soaxvn.LK3 i S

i| |


Feart'iu..1 1; 1: 151 j 4

Lil1 riaildgher.. '179

Babcock.. 177 3. 4 8 VioolxDd.. VJ7tiluwart..,.. m T 7] 1; Meyof..... .

Ifiy: 81 i . S Sop4T___17K

Dudley. . 131UurdlDlei- n \ 2; V U Junlau...... HIIlouK'I.Hr lie e: 3 7 'Hath&WiT itia..rimui ... itM it i <l <|tliiCiinab*g IftuTbomtBOT) ITS, *1 4 i lAita......... l.ViTllUf........ u s ' V a 5 Ituhrena.... IMNorilmip.. 17914- ;i i Carter...... K,7

Tultla... Touil>.... IVkiVkAUES.

HcacTiMe^ie% SJ7,4Sa,U l. 781. 9Cfl, 1140, J2N. 141H.15S8.

I 'alm a—1&:. Sit. 4>ia, f>48. TtfO, 9ts. 1 0 F 1 . 1 4 r u , Bi'oruis—F or ItoHCvIlle, W liac ( r a u c ; for

Palm a, K B. Baldw in. Uuuplro—11. B. Jew ett. Or. cge A. A.

I h e Alert Howling Club, of MuntclaIr, and the ITogrewilve ItowDug (Irc to i>la>v(l im the Y. M. II. A. alley i lu Uila cHy la*>l night. The HOoro -

PAiXmitoaiVA I AIART.D. B H b u 'k ............ l» 'l* a rk e r .........- ............... 121wraiJtc.................. IS) K ent... .................. 7M endel ............ Ifi.M k'U iiiw ou............... 12Atf ic l i lc ia . . . ........ ... lR 7 t' Jaoobu i................. H hMay ..................... H-l HciU.............. lAiBcnittelM .................. M9*ll. Jaco b u s................ H3J.eiicht...... ............... m VM glvf......................... lhaHoffman ................. I'JH Sm ith ......................... inoU ro tlo ....................... JUii D tf ld .......................... ID'

....... liflJ . Uchlij^................. lie .M erriU

Total............ . l.etill Total.............M artin KleUi, ocurer for I 'rc v reu lv e a ;

soort'r lor Aleiia. J . (kiariek, uonplre.

. I.IUtiDltb,

Note* About K|iorU*—The Nitlona]"Basi‘ Hall lioaguo'i schedule

TneeUiig et WaaUiDplon U>gan at uimii lo-<lay. Tbe topic Dial aiqieari to Itc moot talke<l to tho anniaiDoed return of Jobti HoiiUuiucry Ward, Soruu of tha dclegatea bcllwu he has been sent lur by ibe BnXbcrhoud lo aetlle tbe mailer ratinrdiaf those who refliee to rlini under the urwi griuU'd salary Itoi, Oibcniaay baoomeatoeetrie definitely with Mr. Day astn bis (iwn hH'alion fur this season, not wishing lo remain in a etnle ol uncerUliUy any longer, rrosidunl HeaiU If also said to have rabliHl Ward to eoine home ami sidtle the ca^ oim way or ilie oUier During the convcrnlloti one of the trluinvirs denied that IkwUju bad made an o!Tt‘r inr Ward's raleasn. It is Mid that Ward a an;s to 11 iS ko all lie can of tho deal, atid fawi asked Bo>.Luu to pay iN'ew York only Ij.UiDaLid give him tbe other i.OOOai a Ihjuiis, lu ailiiition to a r*rHjrtod salary of ffirtkXI fur Tbe m>s>oo . PrvsideDi litwitlOoM iiul api«ear U> bo worrit'd over Ibe lOaUcr, and la still llrm iu hlidulor* mlnatlon toharu Wanl pliy iu Weshlngiou and mdDHge tbe Henatora. Owing to W i^ 's luddeu riuum, Huwitt will abanduti hlv inp to Kurui>e. whore be expocied to goon toturdsy dost. Ward will reach thla omnUy between) tbe fifieciilb and e!ghleeoib. The seOfoD wdl open April or ^ and dose October 6. Every club IP ciatnorlng for ibe plums, but tbe <mt- look It Havomble fur bq equal divtoioti of the good days. Tbe season will open wlih seclhm- al gamai, and then tb t Wesleru clubs will

I-Am about May 8& fur Uacoratlon Day, and tbe Kastom rlulw will go West about Juua iWloplay Fourth of July gauioa.

—Tbf bonorary receptiou cnonnlttee which will lecolve tbe Amerl<'au base ball pJayers on their arrival In IjOiidun Includes tbe Duka of Bum'IcucIi, the inikfeof UMufait, the fAris of Ijondeebocongh, Coraotry. Shcfnokt and Bess boruuKhi Viscount Oxviibrilge, liOrd LyUtehm, I,ord Hawks. 81r R'^lbftld Hunscu. Bart ; S.r H. C. Wetoter, AtUirney-tfencriil; W. G. Gnu*e, the laiDou* criekuter i the Lord Mayor of Lou­don, and the ‘American Consul-Ucooral. lu oddlUon (here to a worktaig cximinlUcc, which will take charge of tbe entoriainment of ihc I>any in England. Tha London Frees Club iippoiiited a committee also lo care fur tbe cor- mpondfcBta.

—It Duw appeal! tbxt the report of the dcatn of I he (ratier Kiiuliwurib wmd aurlad for ibupur]icae uf c lc^ug the way for aDothor rlugcr.

—Mperintoudcnt RjuaiJ, of tbe Brooklyn lockey Club, to very busy dlreciiug the bullii-liiK of rbe new race course n e a r ElLnibelb, and d trio la ry M cIntyre U prtpariD g a list of atakea for iba G lu in g tueeUng n e x t iklL Although (be n«w c o u n e la c a lled ib e D w yer track , J*hi1lp laouly aiTockfaoktor, w hile M ichael Is o n of the I c ^ ln g osaDagera, I t to n im orad ihmt (be W ulhers w llldlaaM va pfertuanh lp ^ th e ctose o f the r tc io g saaip p . _____________

H o d e l l l n g W ax.A eocd cumpnsitiou (br rnddetlinu wax

la made by the iollowlng fonnula : Beeswax, otra part: lead plaatot; one pars : roalo, oae part; tdlva oil, -q. x ; propared chalk, q. M e l t^ tint (Arvo Ingradieuia together, apd ia<vw^rite a kufllckeut quanUly of prepared chalk, previously trUnrilM with oTve oil to a amootn pasia, to impart to the tni»a the requis­ite at ifftoetw. The olive oil may amountto obc pail or a little more. If desir^ , the inafe may be (liiUd with a little carmlue, or carmlse and •nualiu, or other ocdodtig malerlaL

i n i O M I N K N T M E X ’.S 11A N D S .

L t w r c o i l U u t c U In D i* h i - lu n u ittakun.d,,

IW -ty im in F , B u t le r b i tf > t ia m l i lk * »diHiabhaJl.

H e c ro ti ry U ay u rd hok a h a n d l ik e H enry n a y 'a

Houtke Cookran b:iA a Itaml like an auuex to a itccm bum m ar

CiitiiUm utiil {toiliilt'iiew arc hctokciKMl 1& the tong, sluew y bjuid o f i 'y n u W. l-'ivM,

Alton G. Thurm an'a hand Inoka aa If It will Dcvar be too old to w ave a tnnO am ia.

A n io d e ra helto ta no t niore laA tidiouw •h d exacting w ith Jior liianli u ic th an Dorry tSall,

W h e n e x c ite d iu ilelxite th o h a in i s o f "ttorun-t" <ox becume eloquent lu ihvlr tulor- prutatloos.

Willmm .K. VaoitorhiU liaa large, iquuie bauds, but he has maiiAged to warm buUi at Iba Ura i>i lUc,

William M. Lvttrl* hsa n liahit of riih blag ilia bntids together, wiih a sort of " Wbal can 1 do li>r you / ' air.

riee iden t iicujAtniu Hum aon lua & baud firm enough to kn'p tb« |Kiwers behind the Uiruuo to the background,

Terry Itolmoiit taken ni* mnch rure of his h |n d i a n d nails sS a wom an. He Is Always earefully gh)vo<l on Ihc sUosL

A hand which describee the very poetiy of motion ii (hat of Kklwia ExAh'x lltooue that any wuoian nigiit envy.

Dr. T. Do W in ban ft bnndthat fiomaa down like a spilcdflver when the Bruoklyu domluiu maboi to ciupbasiM n point.

Dike Uriah Deep, O w ar W ilde bu^ a glioslty, rlam ioy hand, w hich tnek tx one fi'el like lubbiug hU feftorwtirU to w aiui D, o r to rub h u ofl.

Kx-TrpHident C'lerelaud i^vee one a real ('Biiiiim Cuale gra«p with his lurgr c'huliby hand, whifh uiakas uue (cel lhat bis heart ha* been tlie )irumpter.

Maurice Htrakooch bun (he tiAblt of liking your lutud In bis and prw-lng IkiIIi HgiiiiiM hit bciirt hi token of thu t leaauTi tix l»trlcD('ail I)/ iho uivailiig.

A hand which iie^iwukn Ihe man is th a t i/f Henry M. Htanloy, W hen bn tak ia y«»urt l*jlwwTi inAh of 111* ht t'sU bllslics a cur* reulot gculalliy wbiiU Ungm luog a h a r t lie net,

Jlenry Irviug, Ibc nctor, Ri^*^ diie a Mr. Mi'rdlt Nliakti. hli bands scHCuiug to reih'ut up bis coaUleeva, Jasviug ibe hunor to tu-i cuf^. except wheu (hpluuiacy dlciBios a mure suitable Jorm.

W. W. C^omyratj, of WaBhiiigtou, Lfu! a harnl which ho laid ii]>od your BtumMer wab Hie touch o f a woman. hti>1 w hich alw aia accroeil t o ; "Tinyour fnoad, and I'Jl du W'uai I can tor you ”

.luHlice tj. C. l.ATnar has a bund as Bolt i i a wumnii’s, but bh umniicr of sh'ikliig lisn-lH always HUgi:i>4l-> DrChillipt lo ‘Mhivui J'iq>|H’i i ld d n e s iv n is rf-licvi.d wbvti begot* hl» bumi Nkicly bock —A'. T. A'tfn.

Kuamel tur Julnliig MDk SjilBsa Wftechter di^Hcribots th e JulUminR

lueibud of jiruparlug a whito tnamel furyulii- ing uillk g]w!«. Melt tistotber three parti of rid lead, (woof white sand and UirOQ of erys- latoxud boraclc acid In a llcaMBu. crunble. Tbe lucJied ina>s U then t>ouroil oR upon a plate of Qieial and linely pulverised. TIUm Is inIxiHl with gum irAvacHiitb and sppUud to the glosi, aud the plectiW are preaN6<l to^elht r Fbiatly U is heated lu a niuHle; Put nut eninmh to entirety melt the enacuel—<Hily softoii il enough to make It unite with (ha glass. _________

O p p o n ed to Hie C4n|« Road*7b (Ar £ddur qf lAf A'ctsi;

B i u ^ I n re p ly to a com m UD ic^ation published in the A'unclay Hi/i M arch 8, rigtied by Ueorgo W. Taylor, p rerid en l Ibiaovltle Ini- pTovemout Aasonstiuu, w ould ray , " lu order th a t tbe action taken on Tbnradsy n ig h t by the Iloseville im provenieut A'wticiarimi, relaijve to theprojHwed (k^nlral avenua cab lo rtjud , inuy not m i-lvsd the public as to the ted iiiK in tlm l p art o f Ihe city towsrii tlm i euu?n»riK!," th at we, aa iiicinjben ol th e a^^oclaiuin, prolc.-it agalDst his use of the aaaocUiion'* naoiu in ex prewuig: bis t*JTiioQfli vk*w^, (‘KiH'ciully uheu (he ai-tloh of Uie last iDeclUig wo* opiFwcil to them , aod a moiiou was fioSMHl oppotung ibe bnllufng of B cable road on C'entrul avenue. K V. U Dodd, ('yrua Teck. H. A. Davis, Tyler F anu ly , J. O. MiugMii, 11 E B trlu lua lt, H. Onfhibs, L'harlea Edw ards. Goorgu A. IIUI, A KinibaJl.

Kuwvillti, N. J ., Uarcli i , 19g8.

t T jA c r a s o iJ| F t r a o c m a uk^

l l E M ^ ^ A l h lC U R E S P E R M A N E N T L Y

m i E U > I A T I S M .Chronlo C u e * o f 4 0 Y o ir i Cyrod.

H u id red t Tootiry. No R ety ri o r P t l l .

A t D x ro a ir ra s n n D asi.xai.m CKARLEI R, VOQBLtR CO-. BsHimort. M4*

HI T i i M I Inangnration Day, Maicli i.BURWyOK B!XX)D BITTRR.S U a ffyitom

RnrubMor, and w lien then' is any dertufenieiU ' of II, Will take right hold ; U will buHil up and iiTTupthi'U the wi-ak pldtoea, removf the caust ofOiseaM.', aud iHintius tbe bLwd.

I t C u tn a Ib e M ck l l a a d a r h i s M e a to re i L o s t A |) |i« U ta , A ld a

IJ lfv sU o m Btul I 'o a J tJv a ly C a rv e l>yi|W>|islfc

Tlieoestaictnent* are n«HraiKlewllhi>«t proofli to Bii WoaitiRtc Iheoi. Jk'low vre pi hit a few oJ tlu' many huu'l re*!* of uaitoas of Uium whu Jura Ir-cu cart’d by its u*«:

PIANOS.S. D. LAUTER CO.lA'Ulto all (hoiighis arv turned lowsril Ihe great ritisU l on tbl.iilHy, weih<iri> toauumiiuv(hut It Is to lv " DmuaurArion Day" with ns, fur wo iiiNiicuraU' HiHiincr ^ALII, and wishall to know of the («r\’it Dsraalii, w'hteh I* a

D y s p e p s i a . | C o n s t i p a t i o a f j r s T-CLASS NEW UPRIGHT PIASO

M’s PillsA P r o c l a m a t i o n

U r. I* D a y F u H o ii , A rk , s a y a i" A y e a r bkq i Im d b ltii* n a t e w r ; l u l l ' s T tlls w a rp so lilH h ly rv u o m in t-h d p d i h a i 1 naerl l l i a tn . N p v p r d u l m ea lcU iP h a v p a L a p p le r pflO-ct. A f ip r a i i r a e U re o f a d |U a rtp r o l a e e u tu r y , 1 pr4K>iu1in ih a m tb a b a s t

ANTI-BILIOUS-dtirtup over uspil, 1 aiwaya prearnlra

w H. Dii.Kfii, Mr,. P n o sm et,Kt«», M lfh .i IHs ..II Onre, Miim

BBIJ.nBIIHIS, W lL U illW niTh Ivh.itev ilk', N. V ■ ‘ ll.iuiBlulf, I"*.

II K. Uvw, !» '« .

m fM tlrtiiP tl ie in .



D IS C O V E R Y .O n ly O p n u liip H yidPin o f M fiitoiry TiXiiulug

F o u r Hikuks I r a a r i i r d In u iie reud lD g . M in d W a u tl i 'H n g (Jnrpil,

K vpry d'hllrl a n d a t l u l i icrpuU v I te i irn ip d ,Indtuviiients to l nnuqNir.<h'm‘i '<

Priv>|K'e<u->. w b h t-philiiu-t or 11r. W in . A . t i a m in u n d , the world-torned i^pie’Hlut in Umd lUaiMiMHi; IlHiriel Sin't'idcHf Tlioni|i. *oi), (Up a to a i T*VClinUjiil-t. *1. M . HiM-hlei', I I . I*., i-hliw J»r t!n- .b/owYi/r. ,V 1 .■K li-hH iil V riK '(«ir. tie Si'li-iilUl. Ifnn« . >V. IV. Afttor, .ludlgp (HliMin,»liidiik r« lli'ida- tiiiii, an d •llicT'--. M iit iHipi irre by P n t f . A. I .O IS K 'IT l ‘ k in h A v e ., N . Y.



T‘lip o r f g t a a l a u d o m j g a u u la e .Sold in N ew ark by UAVlS H id «■'<., U. D. OMITU____________and many oibeix.____________

I'^v (> r y V i N iiut O iilu r-t

My tinTW.'Vod Nfriftn of titling ghuacs b r very c a r i 'to llT ie d in g e a e h Kyew iairH telym i auew ly de>tgueilojihlhalmosi'0]>c, give-tho In'-I bihI avoid'd any ern»r. lVr<»us whohave dltileiiUy in Ketilug MHtulile glitNWS w illImd 11 to theli adviuilngo to give me a trial

I I . I ' J M I A I S , O i a i d a i i ,43 NAS.SAV 8T., m a r LI llEKTV HT., New York. Five inluuLos' w alk Irom t'urtldUiU Furry.

TuTt itoyal, Pa. C. J . Wmtr.HEAb,

NunvUh, Ot.0 . VANlh-Hi.r*,

Mnyheld, N.J , T. lUJ^oi.to .IduthHinlon, N. ^ .Mrs. b. KikSUii.,


Kih4'»h', Pa.Wm. W. Jouva,

( Hrilunla, lud .Mix. E. a ..u:>aiN>,

plUMhurgb, Pa.

buflalo^ N. Y.I. i ix ik Mo iu m ,

Geneva, N. Y, Mrs. A. PxnvTwiM,

Ihivna V uia. I'a, Mbit M. > n .i w'ii'i,

( ’h*Th»Ktmvn, Maw. ANSI* Kuhiu:*,

y. BiPum, Maaa W lII lAM lUUS,

VuugldOKheny, Pfe.J. J . UuunjiKh.

Hnffalo, N. Y, Wm. C. KNvnKk.

Kocbi'itai, N. i

Frank A. Ellis, Jr.B U ILD E RS’ H A R D W A R E


M iu-jtoij’s F o o t p o w e r C irc u la r S aw s

B a rn es ’s S c re w C uttiiij!: Lath&s.

W ea tlie r S tr ip s , a n d S k a te s , a ll k in d s

43 MARKET STREET,Ncnt rourtbiHi*''*. Ni:wina, S.-l

T i i . i r i i o N i ; HOI,

Special Saleor

IN K S !F o r T«<> W t-c k H , Ix - j 'lm ii i iK

I 'V h r i i i i r y *2R, iit

i R B I I t I KN oi. 177 end 179 H A LSE r STREET.


F n lly w » rr» iilc l f.ir -Is r o .r i . w h ich we «iediflvnug liiT

4250 Casb or 1275 on Instalments.Only §IU iKiwD and SS Par MoiiHi uuHl

ili«i h w iau ea t« P a id .

TilF bAl.K Wild, (ONTlNl'K

THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH,A laa 'v l in n ilo t H H rond-bm id liam w th a t

l a v e t lak- n In ex.-haupe, tiie)n>lmg t te b T, rtiick* ring and utUrii, wlitcU we will aell at a Gri'Al !v e r il‘cu.

Orgaas of all Best Makers,til Hl'KflAl. Sa T.K iTK't* lor I hi? Muiilh.

S. D. LAUTER CO.6 5 7 & 6 5 9 B R O A D ST.


NK\N AllK, N. J.A M /1 IH ID U , . w w l 'r i« a ltlan t,Aa-'<d» (muri;el YNli|y‘>), Jan . 1, <>1l.i>r iniit>, New Vi'fk and

Stamlrtni......... 4C.rd.M.7H3i -u n .lt i- ................................. . . . .Hnridiis. by fiiin>i'r N. V hitui-liihl

fAni V.i t».'i n ni. Ut'wrvel I ’ttllclei* Ni» '.I'iirlVHaliD' Af(4*r

StiMMid Vt'Hr,I n cani: mk i vj-wt thi> H-tllev 1* I'ONTiNrrn in

lYUtcr. rta b > i ik 'i ta V'llnr will jutv f iw .n r. if | i i - i rie I. u V'viliry Inr lilt Inti valueua'jiNl Ti

After th- M-C. 111! >eo'', r-ilbof'ii firs' iN'XiN- 1»TAMi I t HH fig.utw^ l id 'm ti 't ia l riAM'1; nn'i iiii II/ill' < -';i>n.w ar In rffiibiirg, AuiW ua ucoa-iHiltiUi itrr rerantr'l

I ’l s u 1 ntSH an ' ma la 1«) Ibe I'x lcn t n | jn'r (-I'Hl. of i l.--h ' j v ' i ,ibn-. wlu-re vnlnll w'^-lgu- ineiit- Id III! i' >1.4':i'= t'Uii U* liiiule im ctd lalerjlM'l’tin tv .

I ^c.iw fsaid iiiim"dt:Uvty u |n>ii m nqileriou an d t»l I'l'wdh, _________ _

Ciriiie ail Hwi Iari?ait.Blucksmitlu' and Macliiiiists’ Took

JA M E S A. C O E & C O ..lO U A lu a M I 'L I IK I IK I S T h « i r . CO iltoil

D E AF.f-513!".®

A P r o h lb lU o n l i l C r t U c i i u t h e N aw x.TothelSiHtor o ftkeN tm ^

R iB '—I n j o n r bHUo o f M a rc h % j o n Btlrred up th a t old m are k Doat, oaJlodl Id vulgar imjguo, rriib lb itlo n douH p roh ib it 1 b a l b a l b a I" You quote froely from Ihe Lewlaton Jounuil, aud eom m ent in ac rln g ly iipoc th at w hich ytKi call a eoufoaalon (rf Meal Dow, wbuDi you couaktot a n h o n o rab le m an " w ho k u o w tw h a tb e i» ta lk lo g about, and meiuix w hat be M y a" l u this, you say th a t " be admit* t b i t (b e new policy 1* w holly Inopera t iv a l" (Doea b e f ) You eviaoDUy expect your readers to u n d e rs tan d , by th is end Hm- ila rex h aeslo iii, (b a t th e policy o f prohibition ia a follure Id M ain*, w here i t began. But In thla you w ill fo il T h re e-lo u n b i of them know better. B ut you p r im rt to aflket the electlona In F eo n sy lv in la . Yoa w ill (ail in (bat, too, For, long before th a t d i^ , a ll raadert will h a r e discovered your a ttem p t to m lilead them ; or th a t you were mialed.

Hera let me aelfo a u old fa tb e r'a p riv lla ier and w y your uscfuinesM a s d m c o e n detwiid on your oandM i Indepeodenee a n d Doo-paiti- HDiam. W e warn a bold, in d ep en d en t daily paper Iq th la tow n, an d w e w ill h av e U, too.

Now, le t os adm it th a t rn m a n d ru in and rio t and crlhie a re ram p a n t In Lewlatoo agaim t the law I W hat Lhea T WIU you in aa r a t ProiilbUlonlsta for th a t, aay tng " prohlbl tlou don^t p rab lb ltr* 1 rep ly , " O f o o u n e i t d o o 't'-no tw dy expected I t *- udIom I t wax backed by good law a and faltb fu l officata.'* W btle 111 eiieroles m ak e tba lawa a n d All th e oflloaa, no th ing oan be done o f ooune. They are tbs ones to aueer a t o r sw ear at, I f you tm utxw ear. Now bear Neal Dow’a '^adm ls- riona’* and tb eu tu rn your guns tow ard the real enemy,

rOXTLAKD, Me., Feb. 26 ,1M0.Tbe liquor trafoc In E a lM it now radnoe.1 to

caie-tweuiletli of Ita fo rm er v o lu m e ; a o d w a a ' 80 niQy y e a n ago. A tU gh t am en d m en t to th e law would anabia ux to sw eep th e trafito entirely aw ay In a l l m ontbx. dueh an ame&d- m aut the liapublican party abaolutoly rafosea, aud h a t done ao for tw en ty y e a n .

NiXL Dow.In this, 1 th in k I see. a s y o u certa in ly do. the

necestlly of a parly to au a ta in a pcdicygenenU y. I d lows, tlie ex pari m en ( o l ooDveniDg a parly (0 a policy was tried , arid la being tried , wUii large proiulae o l suooeii. In K anaai the Be- pobllcan party w as a ta o rb e d —all Im t tba □ame. And tb e aucoees la oom pleto ; but would h av e been sooner i f tb e oam a had bean dropped.

Ajfow me to say one word m ore. You can ­not galD a rupuUtilon for candor lu th b town tmleaa you correct y o a r errora, Nuw set our bilglit little evcnl tig T>apBr riab i oo tb ii M aine m ailer. 1 would seod you ih isd la p a ic b irom UoTierai Dow, hot I d o n 't w a n t (D lose it. I 'v e paair^ it on yours lor fu ltire u m .

H e a ^ lf u l lv your obedient s e r r in t ,J akis M. Aukw.

C O L L E G E *IJftk 4t'l:mbirN>ilp fe>l.

N o w a r l i , N . J .W rite for r tjc j'Af't. kri'n-

lt»h PHIH'..liU.VM 11 N JlirH )!. 2r11 We.sUfAli Hi.,

.Nf'v V..rW C l .A. W. JJI ril.K V . a.-i.U-m rniirliHiS.

iv ta sp u . I k?'4 T1) M U it I fi R 6 V & H10 NS]Wklipari. UuiLa bni'l.lCrn ti<nii>il*i S*lf-14l««Una ■R'liMmalal WNfualt Ki-om-'Uh ouLt hj

RlrvAiI-Mhi-fCar a rk•4U.«wajTKifeciLLuni auoa*rrauuf«raKSM«Ai ru

Sleepless Nights

___ W n U ro M O * .K N n 'k V L V A N 1 * HAI U «)A n T II ■

«>»., T n i» » u n . will I iii««l m . >rilUl* Oh niul mVr Ket»ruary IHSi, ifAluR will Martii'l HUlli)U.New*rH.w

H.7'A. M. Kiwi i,vm*,0nilV for llaroiXair*. 1 UUrbHrgami ili*» Wiat. wHti I’uIIuihh l*nlaA-** C*‘ratlirumib Ui I'lpvi'iRrKl, Tolwlu, t im iii-iiaU miiaI m U»<Ur. am IMI. Wj*rt«*TH i-.iiinWiV(Iwtly fur n .r i iO .iu , uii'1 Hi«wllli rulliimii v»m Uirviurb irlUKKitI Uiuiav lu I'MifkiiiifR rliiriimNiL, ctevi'iHtiili, CIU- ••Hi.... M.-mpItlA iiml w. l4rtila H I’, .V.-l‘niilU- K*pw»»ilally. with raJlnuui I’uIa.'i I'urN wlibhut i.Uahgv 10 iftliaiHtrgah 'l 4'lit<'M (ii,

Fur (Ittltimnfi-, Wi*Rliln*1on and Uu’ Kaiilh - VM:. Kt;, M.'is'-5: A. W. illuHial Ksprhui. Dull-........... CAirR, BKi A. M. -.l.V. i-X. 4.'*»nUV..<- I', at. IMINllIhlttV. Vr.4T, ivW Itml 4.X' A. M.,

r M. l/iT liAltlmyr»'utit.v>?.A*i I'. M.lUMy F. r 1’titU.l4-ltih'.A Kuprewi. l l f f . a r t . T .- .a iS i i f j ' K kj'h -- 1*iit|iiiun l'j«,rliir cuo M,; liai, V*. 4.».k«. aj*

■ lUHi u jh 1*. M. Ml inLjby iruiiiH. miT. kki, a *t, t a i lA. M . ta . . t S»., 5.1’ iiAJ.T.tr.miil'i'11' V. M.

A. II.w. 5( .i.ik'iRtiilTjR IV In. t-'iT Ir- ni.Hi, f,r, 7;«i. 7 . ; ' , aitT.SIrt

(1U.JI l.lmih'il Ktii. .. J j . l l 3mmt 11 t ' A. V . \i.4n. I ’* , AaP. 1 ;.:.i ..irt * f, > ■j.wnHiii v,a» i*. m . Wuii.i»v. iv.i; M!', m l Di.al A. M. aAi.T.ilaiultt.«< l'. M

I Ml .\ttih ti.- I'Hv, K-tS r . M. iwllh D^ronah t« rto i r»rtirii«rlu-O iH «l 1 Ji I’ M. vit-t-k day;-

r'lirieiM* May, l.’Jt I*. M. w,«*k ilayn.I'lK IhIv City luiil o.-oNU riiy. i.» I'. M.

*wri 1-1.' lUvo, ■r,ii inp?-' Hranrii. Tdlu-ron. Ow n OiMe.

1»|>l ihK (.hNi'. C u t. J4*iijn%]Unn. I'ullit J’li'H*- lAUt :iMl L< - .U mi till' Yi>rW and 1.<7mnHr.iih li IUil«v,i,1.U..*A A. W., l i ’Jh.AH i.ml av»l I', M iliillv, ><Liii-as. Uli hlHiilit.v. bKl'> A. M.

I'. M. Ihi iiiti'tkUip N( (Av«ai iirove or AR'iiin I'.ii E <h> S iuaIiiv

HIU .MIW VtiHK.Irf^veXtarkatMivei rStaMim, aidiat, ani,ai2.

a a * . 7 i-v 7..Vvi, ‘.I’t,I-. S.H li'.i'i'i K«.J4| (UtN It.'"*. H t«

A. N.i j;: II u ., i:.»h i itt. l U. iK l, «t, 1.UL 4 ’; \ H I . \» l, k ’lli h.U»i, •‘.iii

i ;.> . . Ii,. 7 i‘i ' : i,, M.iil, 1 .^ »e.'U,Ii.^i I’. M, Humify tralri^ .Un, &.-I7, luo, HLii'J,

I-I.H Ii.nit A. M. Iimiii : ’liri. -.w.i vi..,...i.i, Mh. 7.tH:.x*i r.xa i.L,a»e.!».rtAaiaj I".'*' 1 '• l ’. 'I . »i»in i h _ rhlrt- Mr' fi Mnlimi kljl.LiVi.'r n..'i

!.r Hlrw*t WtMlOII -!1.12, avl, aw ,fi-'tH, 7.IJ. N i,7.t7.S'tT,

i-' .1. !>■. *. II e A. M., l i ’ii, l .u i.i 'k , i ’J*. a i? . A *.4.Ui. I. .1.-I.il, .V 4.’. h O.A*». 4.11, T.t*4.7.il, T.tl,JV.J4. D.1-1, P it., ill jii.iiHl |l..Vi r. U. Jsiimlity. f.'*.,’ ‘*1. liJ.*;, ii.v. A. M.. I.!’"'.’.’.k', -VRi,4.„...>.i.LkUii.<.W.7.'tt,k.4.i,U.ai,eH'in, ta2&Niul ItAn

tifHM' FmiiU'U Kir-pet r*lailo)i, AM, A.na,At4. k-Vl.? T.ii. VII, X W klAHALa'A. iuM unU t1..VfA. M . I’iA t.'*4.v."l, i:Ms -r.. :c.1, 4.UI, A&l, V47. ** tV'.' ’.I”. n Xt, V, iv.d NnO II.VI H. M.Kiii.i,«v, n.it>, >1. Rs iii,'.'l,li.u A. M., I'A-'iA 1. 4. .’-It I'll, L.|4, L.II.U. A.i |:i, K*), V.tl, V-J nIiU ri.51 J'. M.

M A liK IT KTIlKl«rr HTA’rm N .Fur I-.1iv.u1m>IIi ;iitAl ItnUMHV 1147 iilulu.

7rti. I ti 7.WI. MIU. 0-W. t'.M ia « , U Jd, II.» A. M..j.uj, I : '« ; m • N. I'l, 4’j» i « 5. *), .,.l'i, iV.U,a n . 5 . 1 , . inH. (lie, rt,17, 4 i;. a w. !: k».7.'!'7. T .W,K c , " ‘j.v.H. i- 'r i r . M..<tnii ii.1? iiiKiit. N unU y, i.',«r.ii.iN, » «i, u.vi, K4.\ i t i , It.at A. M.; i- l.a. \ kii, t3i.fvi*4. M i l"7, 7.A

1 it, n ■< ti. lu.til. 10.V. ilnl II.»7 1‘. M.' I HI .Nfu Itriui'-w ’k IJ47 iilKtit,Rrt,7tii.!.W,i MX. D.fcOiri'l n 4i A l.b*. t x k A‘27. iJS.: 6.0, L*i. II.:;. ;.m. y.ai Mini M.) Siih.liiv I'.MV iiWht, fHD, » M ami I'l. U A. rf-Jt,J 1 ik.,. . u j i . K . . b ; 4.10 Hint u.si r . M.

l Ilf \\ t-‘Uii ,1 „imI ivrlU .ViiiIk')’-A -'1 mill m . , h. .■»! , i : .i.iu, <.v, ..k, 7.iC I* M. unit IJ i; |ttj(l>u UiiWiIikIiOA a. Mh uUitliu^. 1’. M

1-iM 1 .HI M4tiM.imf,7U> A. U ; lioa, LSailil a.l-1 I*. M .,'.'. -HM-. j i -.miiiitj,

1.<: k>hii t^ui - N,I liiHkylliU : u A. M. aiut 6.ki I' 111 ■Uitil', i'\M III Hiiiiiiay,

l-iii 1'liilli|>>t ufr hivl Iu-ivii1i'iv, TjV) A. M, ami.’i-UJ I'. .M .'luliy (-itivirt Huiiiliiy.

I n; t.nu.lH rUiiiv, ',.kiA U.. AJX, aV anil kSI(• \ | , li . .l\ I I'\f 1 pi .-»inulaj.

I ;t-<mi.KUiii,7 ii> A- au<1 M V . MMilntiy.

n n. jA co B v i OMRA H o y ic .• II. K. JIUOM. Sola H iu u ( M

1-1,polar P r tm a -lO a ., M k , SO a., AOa. W M k Cum m m riOf MUMUAT, H iu rh 4 >fatiOiao ’Itiaw la), 11,‘OiiOKlay, ].'rl(!ar an d

, H aliif.la,, 1 r . j(.H ie FaroriU. ami l.aatllni, liMntaKT an4 O u .

lily I'duigMmynf A iu a n ia ,A U N T J N ’8

Australian Movelt; CompaoiWiMiilcrfui and Ait u d u g Pnigramnaa,

lii*a and Ohildre’ T i'lsp tiuue

III • ei iMioa-i IM t p,iii A|I'U1.|UB llllK.lAtUUrNaitevlaiiy adapUvl i n Lkilim and Children, llox oitit'e always opiMi, "■Ki*xt \V tck -./rT K A .

rhlrt- M r-rl Mulimi -A«H, a n , n.miT,iH, : t \ r.v*. I U, kki, a.»7,4U.IU, \AJU, 10 4 A Ai ;

•-<. ( lA’i.U,i:Vt.a:ii,4,tW. 1. . i.uli CW. A..vl,i.t'-. 7 7,W, M ’:, v Ji, li'.'C ami l a i l I', i t .



ROSINA YOKES IMuiulay. TTjrHlay. Wodtipailar « jd H^lurday

E veu lu t.r—"A Game o f ( ’a r d ^ / '" M y M llliiw nr **Tiiv Uiuyfii l4iaiaomt."

Tliurwiav aud F ik U y Kv^Milngs. fla lu rday Madiiw -"III Honor iVniiiii/' ” ’The ('tnuj KUVr," “ A I'Atilninitna H<*luHtT*al,"


W e e k C o m u ia a r lu g M O N D A Y , M jtr rh 4 ,MailTicetTmmiay, riiutaUay, fiaturdafa

Irw in Bros’ . B ij S p e c la l l j S t o i .Amrrlran Meet. HiiMk., (torvl^inA tJefo

Mis# Dutk'Gllkiii. 1‘il’nanla fle (irrRnry Uii'h'niottai M a» -iS i. Mim AlicerUynmnd, Mr (iiurge N»u-h. tillra Ada It. lliit- iiell. Ml’. ( barlikil. rx'jrmuur, wiicUiUiiig with

M'NCLTV^H XIlKFOHTrNJtAa** M ouiiay March J l. -1 ,LA V I lT ii E l' KoPKAN

flPE< l A m ct).

FOR ’'H EL P W A N TED /' ‘ EMPLOYMENT w a n t e d , " e t c . , i f E ID PACE OF NEW S.

l-Ill faljll'lui I ail 1‘».m'*-um, ?(«», HW, 11 V.

C f g n l 9 T o t l r » » .

IH ’ i n . l f H M .1 - ; «»K I tK a V Ir K M ’A T K h '(»K iiMiml'l Uikc tiFf ycMi i '<r III 111 -

r i c l l i ‘ v l lt« ‘.Ni uu • n l.i'io'>v ui vvii li nt, hv viTtue uf t* TinT

r.lllt iN-m-l L, -In! II It. iTiNlUiHii k r'lHKl F.N i - H l i i . - . U i r - r v i - [• h I ’ l i i i f i i - U K .H i t iH '1 ,4'tlHrli h 1L|< liiviiial.l,. (FtimiilllVf ul rii«r im i iN lL l i * <»r U tlr% i iu III M il r - i i i l i t v o f U i l im k « - I I I I ' E iii|i til* I I 4 I ' - . n i l v U h I h . I c I i " -r i.e i i iH , t i r i i i l i i i i i i K ' i i U H ii I i i 'h I I 'h U ir i- t r i ( h r Hait'l lh « v ii« liU > f a r M u ' ) v n r l-a C , th i-n u » iH « -rU n ‘r , «’m im - tu r 1/ T .^ v i- '. f i r U rn -m d U a v n n li 'p . t<i w lu m i U m Mill a i i l T t t n t IH I l l r i - t r< l , w iU . a n I'lm ucluV , U a - i i l > ^ u t l i iL i.v o r M r t r - ) i i i f H t . itt M u ’ I 'o i i r■ irtn'rlixk 1*. M.. Hi my •■Ml'-'-. I'itKsHi- (inikiiiMc.M.IHI -.tr • 1.10 H.ail Imut-LiM. -u U lb*' l'4ln,U, 1iini'iilH. t aM-iiUktiai'-iits mill n-:il i'hIiiIi* t' 'i-m"1m lit-,' n lH 'l III | i i i l i ] J | ^ - m l i n - , in r L11- • li A-iui, h o l In iL M i ^ ^ f ' l i « l iu II :tn> IH T K in4lt )HN-HMll- IV II mfri-'- In l.lkl- Mit- >iMlln< mill IlMS.'l ■ 1. ti I'lTi .i;iii tiiii-ii-i>l IlH-rr Ml i.t Ll*>' imH "i.'', I'l.r ii-niMin, frnm Mio riMUI 'i IL iLiv tif M. Ili'ht. A. ri. (•H.’i-Mii't wHli tall uirIh, iiH-H, I'JiUrKVHiwni I'lJ'- iiMi,

41 JtJt.ii Mrmly, iHV iliip........ .. 4 34U'Mtw MU'] tanil, jiitjllt |.| io iilii llJ,i.nill.-L llfe^u Tl r i

M.. I IB.IIT, a,U4Hi4<i ;.,iH I*. M., iluilVai-MviJl Miih'Lty,

I 4>i hell ni-itlow II, ISiil luikin I TUl'4 i'uimli'llt A31,D II ii A, M , I.J*. " ’F', AU'i7. WI’. .M„alHlh , 1 Ju KJiulhy. A.M..L .•* r . M.

In l-ii-t'liul'l, F.irmlnx'lnle, hmiLHi' . i i Ii L.uh MammmUi JoiH’tliai, T.’rJ aud tl.kiA Si.. t.a>*iui s;r; r. m. wnx Mavt.

In r |{nHaai}a,N V. All Utritiittli ira ln i mn-(• 4 «l .iio H iv ril. Mlili liMt'i of " llrowklyH .\tii-E, ” iil’nr.Ha: .jinni trajiiftn (a rikI from VulUm

HhtH-4. Hsrmhiii itoutitu ri-rriHi;« himI Huiriivy V3T' -; Ilia I ity.

N K \\ VMIIK'IU NF.WAIIK.I’nr Ni’vtuia, Uu<, au'. 1.U, H.fi, 7.U>, 7..X). T ai,

x.l ', ri Vl, a.1'1. tl.'JI, lM.il>, |D 1M, U.'l", 11.M A. M.; I’AlHI, mill N >1 i>'Hi|i: iJki, 1.4J, la x a.!*, 3.0H, XXI, X.'rl, im , I 1,1. i-H-Liit, k'lU. XX-i. e.iu, xeu,i.iM. All. i.,ai.Aia, ii li,7.n\7,A(.S.JJ,*di.*.i6, Itt.Ifc, N LV I' .M.,u.im 1J.14 niulirklit, HIHi<l«y truhiH, 1! 1 .. iiM, U.44, iU.flU, 1'|..>L llu iA . M , I'AUU uima;

V * i . i. u, aX 7 . T.i41,s.uii,kiu, u.iM, v.:4i, luiit, ii.uj r . H. «iui iAi9 ritto-II. !'.l



llJji.nill.-M r-«ui.

♦ L-H lui.

laove a n d Ditr-.e W o rk ,O f Course I love him. (One, tw o, three,

And slip (be fuurih.) I ^ a r fellow ] .yes l ie (airly w orih lppeJ me. (Now look;

T his tiiDv yuu U ke tw o atUches lea^.)Quito tall, w e ll-b u ilt; h is ayca were g ray— (You pull th at thread the o th e r w ay,

Two loops.) A d Imple Id h is ch in ,Tbe Bwertorit hair. fMy desr, observe.)

He w u a poet. (This begins Toe McomI row, and nraluM th e carve.)

I 'm aurp you 'd like to read ttie rhym es Ue w rote m e. fR o u n d tbe edge, tim te tlm u .)

I^x>r Ik7 t HI* fete was very sad i He died quite young. (A ouiher oae,

But n.it so light.) U broke m y h e a r t (There, ( A t is very nioely douo.)

He was luy finL iove, an d —niv last.(Be oarefo), d e a r ; d on 't go 10 tOBi.)

My husband t Ub, tbe k indest s o u l !1 m et biin (now, the p a tie rn sb u w l I)

In Kuro|>e. Wo were m arried there ;A n d —oh, welL f c s l—a* m arriage gora,

r m happy. (Keep tb e th read qu tto straight, Gr i t w ill (angle.) Buuh la fate 1

“ F or n w iiy a tnonili I wua n o t able to xti'^'p,but 4irtt*r u^ni;

PSIKFW t'lLKKYCowKntfMD for tw o duyx. IQ- flomnln find an d sT reuffU m aum - ed ."B, O.CUuHSt-n. H, Cr

have ta k e n only a p a r t of a i^itUo of P a in e 's Celery c»>!npouniL nnd II luis e DUo'ly rollevod tnn of sleeplcstmehs, from wliKJt I hxTo eiurcred Br«',iUy.

M r s . B, ACTCwrp, Peoria, l aprodtHX*8 BoundPolnc'A O elcty Compoiiml pi

and reftvflhlng sleep . A pliyw clan’s pTeserlp- UoQ. It dofH n o t co jitalu otio hartu iid d r i^ . L ike noUiliig eJiio. i t Jh a gnjurniilm l cure fo r BlconiesHiio'as. It t!ln*etIonx a re faiihnilly ItiUowea. gi.on. I^lx for fe4.oo. Dru;.'?toiA.

WXLLd, lUGoaKirsoM A ( o.f fiuritok.’'Uiil. VL

’ ‘T fiir fl long 1 Ime 1 w aa so nervaua iipd worn OTit t h a t 1 1'ouid n J t w ork. 1 1 riod many inrdU clnex, b u t nuiiR gave m e ivllcf uhtU I used piiine'H tv ia ry <t)ini*omid, w hl-h iit ouce strciUflhniM l Hml ltiviir'»rut*'d my ni-rvi-H. ’

U axfxt shkhmah , DuritogUiti, v t.

Pairie’sCelery Compoundq iik U y quii'la an d ^tn-ngtoriui (lie n i 'm n , iihen irrlta to rt o r w eati'a iM lby ovirwarlc, ex- , ceKa«i,dtseat»i‘, c^rrliw k. H euriHi iiun.'inmm'KX llcUlilu-■h{ r1}'it]i4-i«vJa, aU'i'jilvtvju'Hii, uicJHm'tio-Ua, oiul lAber dt+ jn lc 'rt o f (h e^ e rv o iu t-jwt-tn.

Tones up the Shattered Nerves" F o r tw 'j y<'4UTi 1 wflHustjfTi'Tir rmm ner-

vuundi'bilU y.am iT th u n k God and tiie d iv m viT i-ro t tho viilitoblu r\;iiu ily, i li.il r a ln e ’a Oi'lrry ComiKiuiui c u re d w e. U 'l lUiy tmo WflUi tom efi'T n i lv l i f / '

GKOhUK >V. itouTiiN, P tam forl, conn.

BAD COMPLEXlONaT h « S eerw i o f I b o i r C k u a e F u l ly E x .

P t a la o d —W bjr L a d le s a v e A allow a n d M e n P a lU d —iforoe V a lu a b le F a c ts ou t h e ftuhJecLIn pa.<Bit)i fooof tbe lead ing itrect* to MTorat

any city In America to -d ay caie wilt m eet with buirtew ledlva who b sv u c lear compicxtons. Many penona have DImI to a e ra u n t for ibU a td fact because o( (be BOTere o llm a to o f America, b u t *ucb rcijinfiing l i wrtmg. A bad (’om plez- ion I t caused by Impure blood, a n d no lady can be really beautiful, an d n o m an ruddy, who has d lsftued or impure blood,

T b e b a t-k n o w n way o f k eep ing the blood pure ts by fcci'pingU circu lating , lo tbla way It p a s s a rap d Jy Uirougb th e In iw x kldnays and llv tr, aud is ootutauily puribed . But tup- p uuug the vyatom 1i c io f up,a4 la frequoully tbe case, tbati, o f ooune, th e blood beuomea Im­pale . T bea, ia r too orU n, m en au d womeD laJie aoma nowerlul purgaJJve, piD o r other, aubaUuce. ib a i clears tp o iNidy qu ick ly , weak­ens the Btieiigtb, an d leaves tu e syMsm In w m eo o o d U lo a ihsii batoN . T Jiao u iy senHi' b ie wsy fo to take a gentle, pure aud natural purgative, a o d a ra la ^ but iwftularly, and th e blgbaai ktiowa m edical au U io rrtIa of tbe day agree th a t th e fd n u to e Im ­ported Carlsbad Hptudel S a it Is infielU’ly aopetior to any lAber n a iu ra t preparation kiiow n to the world. I t Ia gen tle , y e titiu m ia tla g ; It la pore, yet powertuL Cont4Uui[)g only — -- 1, beiug erwurtitad bum thb

Id l^piudol spring, it caiioot Ji\)ure the body lo iho least, and yet It hasnarural properties, oeiebraled Uarlibsd

m m ExmcTj

never failed to reuew liie, purliy the bkiad'aiMl thus elesr the Qotnptoxion. liUDdredi of doc­tors have given it ibelr unquOiltled eudone- nMiil» ; thousands of |«opl« go each year lo Ib t Osrlabad Bprlngi, but they can ubtalo no greaiar benefit ibau by taking Iho (!arteba<) Rprudel Balt in M* powdered, form, «ucb u can be pmoureo at any drugstore tn the laud. When It Is contidered that tbe Uarlbhad tialt ouats. practically, httic more than the cheap, uuastluiiable aua ofleo layurkHia tfolta, puti^tlvet and DOter Waien that are In the market, one bottle being suffl- cSeiit for Marly a month, all person* wbokeep pare with the Utuea and dwiro only whatU Iwirt, will see that it ts to iheir liUereiA to uxa only (he Carlsbad. Each bottle 1* lu a light Diue paper cartoon and has ibo signature Kist'er A Ueudulson Co., sole agents, oq every boUla One botiia mailed upon rooutpt of one doilac, Dr. Toboidi'a Icciura and pamphlets mailed free upoa application. ElancrdiMen- Ueison COi, 6 Barclay iL, New York.

B l . m . K D Y E S UCTATED FOOD n/irtrt teilk Wm 4 .Wnn. OtAj . ii*M fur iitiMAlmL,

Crescent Sarsaparilla!100 DOSES FOR 50 CENTS.


tiATHiFACTION.Can anylbira; be fairer than tblA? You run

no risk In piircniw^ing a foittiv uudi^r tbl< guar- autee, KamemlHw that we are rcuil druggists. aixUhat our recital km and our entire rvlsil htTalfiMd are at aiake, if (Yrerent HanMjparllia will not do lust vrbal we claim for lu Tbti in- gwdranix are plainly printod on every Imiilo lat)H for all to reiiJl. ao tfial YOU KNOW JUrtT WHAT VOD AHE Ta k in g . Noseorccy, as ia the case with other sariaparlllis.

Ctesceot Psisapanlla will cure RIo-kI Dbw>r den', Piniiilcs, IsiotcUiw, DyiqM'rBia, Khornna- ttani, and all oib*^ ironblHS 4trGlug fican aniiupuru (M^ndiiion o f th u blood.

10 0 UOHKH F O K ffO CKNTK.Why pay JKno. or ev en T5e., for oUicr make*

nf HuranparllU (ibo liiigri>dlei)ti of which you know iiotbmg) w bon you did p u icbax ' I'raa- re u t BaTnapsriila f..r aoc. pctwhnillc (uvith the Digredi^ntH p lain ly iirituod on tmtilo laliel). and have a guariT itea id* mimav roiunded If von are (hw atu tiu 'l w ith tbe loedlctos for aoyriuoun w hatever?

Nxw abx , N. j ., Mh;I01

I hr cthe em ploy or MesArx UciNxe A. Halsey & ttoiu,

MayC reaceo iD ro f Co.. Newark, N. •T-

dd rt res'ly

U K A D T H I S T E S T I M O N I A L :I iiTged me to try Tresornt ^trsapartlla. hut m I14. lW7.

I Wish toadd my tas itin u o la l to ibe uun y you have al ready p u b llihod lor th e wonderful (oMaplbhod h r C resrent BarmpariJIa

Manufaetureiw o f TaU'Ot and Entiooled U a ib - ^r, Bpnngfieid a v en u e, city, and It Is my duty lo a tten d to th e Area and iMtilcr* In tbe eiiRinp- rouni, I cau g h t a b w v y cold this wlutar, an d loun a fter w as a lta rk o d w ith rbeumalLun. liy Itmlie L e v in e t o Htiff and so re tb s t ! could w i^k only w ith th e giaal«%t difficulty and dlocnin- fort. Boon 1 wan oom|>ellcU to ri'inaln hrtmo alm ost every o th er day, a s 1 tuffenHl such agony In tba hoU erm orn th4it I o u u M n o td o my work. F in a lly mj* caw bocamo so bad (and lA edirlne did m e uo good) th a t i w ont to th e f i t y Hoaidlal for iroat- raanL The p h y r ir ia n there ]>reacrilic4 lor me, b u t I grow w orw . Then 1 wont lo Bt. ( lu -b ae l't aud was treated lor mycom plain t by tw o nf th u l>t*i pbvHlolftiw In the , hiwpilHl. For A few days 1 ohlalne 'l some rr- Iter a n d a u em p to d to go i>ack to m y work, Imt fouml I wan Incapab le o f doing my work. Tills WM a great m is in iiu u e to me. m my daUv bread WM d ep en d en t npun my lubof. Hy this tim e m v jcnfibrlng wa*i in d e td gn**U 1 rm ild ne t sloop b iR h lx an d 1 found MM 1 bad lost iw am y-thrac priursls Id l1o*'h in a short lim e. 1 had DO A )n«tlte aud could not reta in Jood on my rio m erh , 1ii the inurnings I JuiiHE'd lor n ight lo come ao th a t I m ight *h>cp, au d a( n ig h t w hen 1 could get no riy«, and KitraHl un­easily Upon m y b n i , T lungud for (he day agalti, A ltogstlier 1 was In a inlacrdhle iHlgbt, and I was afra id I would asv(‘r l« well again . A fellow w orkm an lo lito fjictory

try ■ ___luicl used HutKi's S ajiw parllla s 'kI other medl- ciDen wiiliuui (tiiUsiiilijg any reJlaf flrom (beta I

L wa* loth lo begin la k iu g I'rehceut Kar«]*iri|]a,I allh(High 1 knew o f a m im ljcr of pornotis who I had used It wllli g rea t goo<l (oHiciu. At iMt 1

was I'erauadi’d to try (.rtMTUt tfol>a|wr|lla, aud I biTure 1 had used h a lf a bultle I D'rhd (o feol I liettet. I h ave u t«d In all fimr bullies. My

rlicum ato to has gnm '. m y apneUio ban re lu rued , I sJci-p well a t n ight an d I auagaluiiiK sriength and hesb daily . 1 am hack a t my work and foel th a t 1 have a uew Icaasoi life. Nothing but CrasccDt tiana iw rltla lioa dona th ix Ith aH n o l only cured mo of ricknoKS, b u i l t baa enabled m e to re to re to my work upon which toy liv lu g dopeuded. All o f the workmen In th e taciory knt^w ol thu farts In my rniMe and <‘re*«ei]t 9arwti>arilia Is Iwlng used ih re n g h o u l the factory witii ex- 4‘clJunt resu lK J h e a r iMHbmgliui prahm for II anywbeie. I am cotitidcnL llm l I do nut put ................... »iien 1 ■it t<m iirongly wn say iliaM'nHKvht Haraa-




T h e I ra ro rtim ee o f p n r ltrln K t b e b lood H ui. M t h e oT cro itin u ited , fo r w ith o u t p u re blood TOO o u in o t Bujny good b e a llh .

A t th le e e a K u n e u l j e v e ry odd o e e d i ft to e d n ed lelA e to p u r ify , T lta lU e , u id en rich tb e blood, an d H ood-* S u n p u l l lA le y r u r tb y your eonlldenee. I t 1* p e c iU lu lu t h a t I t • tre n g lh e n i a n d b u ik la u p th e e y ite m .c re a te s a n ap p e tite , a n d to n e a t h e d lgesU on, w hile I t e n d lc a t e td l s e a a e . O lT e l ta t r i a L

B o o d 'i S a n a p a r l l to I* t o ld b y iU drU (K lsU . r t e p w e d b y 0 . 1. H o o d A Oo., L ow ell, H a u .

100 Ooaea Ona Dollar


G B A ^U rU L-^O llFO BT IK fl.


wUton gavern to* opurntlona of dlffeettoo aad tiu- iriU an.aiid l ij a curahil apptirttU 'm o( thetiM praparthw of wiill«alai*laa Obwm. U r, Kpp* koa providN tonr breakfoal Ubfoa with a drirtwlely flavared tievanurowhlcli n u y sav eiM iaan y heavy dotitor*'bllia f t la by Mis luiUiiotia Una o f m c Ii srlirlw 'i’ifd.atUirUi a n»ii4tltolirm m ay begrad- Rally hunt up unillatrcMur enough to reslal every, landenry to tilaeass. Ifundrans of aubile tusloe dIaaarefinirtInKarouRd ua ready Mi attack wh«ri svar there la a w u k poim. W a m »y aarepa nnaiiy a h U i Shan by ksaping ourte lveaw ail forttfiro w ith pure blood and aprottaHI/ Doarlahad frame.*^ *-•'t'W Jfowfos Moaatfo" - ^

Uodesirupiy with boUtnY water o r m ilk, field on^y In (lalf p^tunil lino, (irwera,]ah«lte(i thaaiJ A K B I K F P H * C O .yH om oeopw ihio CbOM*

tetep Louduq KRgteitd«

ftarUia savoii my lli'e. HuHuvIog Uils, J (eul It uiy du 'y to lu itiic piihlfo know how wmiiforfol a cure rinwccnl H an ap a rilla lu is aorked upon uie. In justli'u u> yuu an d tor the liiforuiaU'rn uf u th m wbi> m ay iiurbuiM be itiflenug a* I uiice did, I offwr you 11)1* liiH oryo liny cxiM-ri- cnee with (.T«woentHDrsai>aMlj« and hoiw th a t i tu i a r be itho u c a n * u f InducluK n lh v n 'lo g lv o CriM.’ai)l flaroaparHIa a triaL You have my lu ll pcrmiteion to fnibllMh or print th b tcpluno* nifl] as may seem best to yi^u. I alw) wish to My i lia ttb is tciU tfiouial nagk been offered by Ttia Toluutxrlly w ith o u t sdyli sollcUarion pn your part.

Rbsiiectriilly Ytjnni D jUMXL Hays, 76 Heit^>r at.

,1. P, Mm III, lax i1iM>..............................r«l iM-ri-N, 1 0 IK- llhd tond, KiVll fti.lH MHlil H.

SflO Ann Klnaftluii'l, tux <1up.................... .1 |i ; . in n < l thlHl, Wl’4.1 him- M* Hi.

IJl k'-llJH tl I w iiitiri)nl. U s tilif............. ..lU-dlltoll't' Ull'l III), H L>t SUh- MmIii Ht.

*73 (4uirikhrsiii Vail , Utx due..........]lnU-g. mill litU I- . 1 !i!<I«< ,M»1m St.

fitiv i-Nt. 'riiiiiii'i'- ^iiiiiii, i.i i liiii*........lli.iiHi' mill h'l. i-iisl ilil- Malii 144.

?in K-l il'-T . R "I.U4X 4|iii'.......iJOluin,>MiHl hiiiiX, HtcjiUi'ii'' anil Uv(- (tlTH Hi,

(M Anr.iniim I’.n-Hflln, i ;n ilim.................|. Hh'l JiU.unNl *'iih' M»ni m.

cOl ]l> lii.llu.i VVi Iri, u x tlpt-....... .............Mill |irni>iTl},<Hmth nI-K-Mhiat.

OUI ,|mi(i Mt I NtmiisU, tii v O i u i . ........FU-’ tovii'-e, Jut ami Intrn, xmrili alUn Mill hU

Tli 1 .SUH-J'.itj-Irk n iilrlj, 1.11 liiti'. .'H iiIIMI!> rt.l'l Ifil, >0 nil f*|iU illtom XL

7SS ,1(Lv u'l PiHi-lii-r, I ix En>4’„,„„............... .IlmiiM’ iiiiil lul, lan ih Mills- tVlillMmsi,

SOI .inliTi I'Lniiitmm.tiiTdiJi’.......................IEm'I I‘ . I) I lri|,H..|||l| I,. WlhiMm At,

H'lB K-iUih-inili-'H I m t 'iu ix iL u i ilu i - . .-I tnUM'IUIll tu4l(l,1K)llUl yplr W'llliHlIt At.

WW J'^tlin-iylihHell 1'IhUt WU >i|, Ux dJilC.., llfiiisi' mill liil, ur>Hl nlite ritiw h1..hilim< l')lilll|>>d. till ihii<.................... .TiAit iiriH imrlh ai,U‘ John iL,

IT75 K-'l lU- Hlili-n;t ('/i(ii-rw<A»'i, tax dirc.._ li iiiiHf .mil list, eoMl siih' CO'iTlhin'llMt.

trtl l->'Uii-iLih'4iii I ndiTAiHiui, |-ix tliw.M il irn Mini I'll. ''uMl Mi>ji> 4 viiirLiHiidi mi,

liuj tiiHir^-nitimiliii,"', Uix ih ic ...... .......lU-iLh lei i‘ itiiU Jiij,wrHl Hliji- rg iiil- ImIiOI >.4.

UX|B lA'irui ( ’imimlnuM.lax du4'................Kt-'l<li'iiii- ikinl Jill wu it side Conit- IniiJl ht.

HirKi't 11111 IIIInjjM, iHX du4-.Fwlll'-lliS



iri-wiit'-iiiv titnl ml Hidi' Guarb-

For Sale by Druggists and Grocers Everywhere.1® “ C A U T I O N T O T H E P U B L I C . S o e t l m t C n - s e p i i t l> r o ( f

C o . ' 8 i i a i u u lu o i l e v e r y b u t t l e o f S a r N a p a r l l l n y o u im r c l ia h o .

REDUCED PRICES DN EVERYTHING AT OUR STORE.^$1,00 Paten t Medirln™ we lel! from 7Bc. dow n to 67c,

i fiOc. P iilen t Meduimai we eell frum tlic. dow n to 34c.3 jc . F tttont MedU'ines we eell from SUc. dow n lo 13c.

Inaect Powi'eM , Gum Camplmr, bora* . Quinine and Q ninino Pille, Caatlle Snap, Bay liu n i, Perluuiery, Toilet Arlirli*, linbber Goodj^ e tc , ele,, we sell from 25 to 50 jie rcen t. lower than other druggisti,

Prescrip llona D epartm ent Is iu ehnr«e o f three Pharm acy G raduates, and not en triielod to hoys, ue lu Ihe (hec in ninsl Newark d rug etoree. We guarantee to com |)ound ptcicrlplion* for ouc-half the price uaually e h a r i^ l hy o ther druggie to.iclnal L iquors and WInee wo sell for one-half the price (Beet Goode) other d r u g ^ t o charge yon fur inferior grado. We eolt W inee aud Liquor* 16 per

M e d ic in a l L iq u o r s d r u g g i s t s e liarg . . c e o t . c h e a p e r t b M d o g to e e ie e n d l iq u o r d e a le rs .

tolS Mrti. Mur< !>l-iink., to i liUb...................H ihiw- hii'I lot wt-Ml Midi-(lullrtlHnnlMl

lUSl k>4l. IhiKb Xl'H'imm-il.Lix uiiv...........JtiMiiM' iiri'l l*it *'iL>< Mtih' iMiw hL

|4]fW A nil (] iiilt rwiHyil, 11X niH-...................1 (iMibu iimi tol vt Uhl Milf HIpjiIh-iim Ht,

|IW9 M4-ur>’ Tn) lur, Ini *lii‘’.........................Hnnmi mui lol h h i mIiU* K(4>|iIip» m nt.

41X1' Kn-lmrd jHytMioy, tax dim...................Hi-hlilniUiruml Ini t-ant HittobU'iilmBNa t

l14-> TliiMichirp Hnniltorii, Inx iIum...............Jtivsi'lPiiL-tfiuiii) Juiirl iiorlii nidi* .AChvl- eiuy Ht.

IIM Hiiry l.nwri’n if. 1»x ilu.-.....................JIhIi liiu-rrii riNiMriiop aiul Iniid nUlUi HMto IlMlgH^lll.

llSO .lii-ujih IdiBri-iiip, tiix d im .................K hIi liitore^ riwIilaiK.’** uud Uiid niyito MlilH UniatTAhl

l ira Khl Kirimel Muruii, l a i dtie...............JliHliH'ullii hilt-mll nlito iHtuirtl.

IXA Jullll I*. ttoUNg. lux ............................1 t'MiAi- mid hit wi’aI Mid Haljdi Mt.

1217 MrH, 1. iL ({iilbPfrBril, liti ........1 lllllt WU.dt Mirto lUIjill Ml.

ISIS J uibgiiA. IlMwka, U x iIhm...................4 l4iu nil i'4>ur(lHiHlL ML. n iu u liia to Tmat Ml.

ISIS JoineM A. llawkM. tax d 'lp ...................tlnlHtunlHl'to Vb'M«toiiKi4in hVm.

(Xjn J aitiIh a . llMwkH. lax fliii-...................£ liitM wrelBl'to WuhliiJiMton MVP.

lists i ’lHtMlUTt* V«n KljHtl.UI 4lU4- ...........FU-hIiIhiiiI' and Iniiil Noulh nlde llolmi'SHi.

I2;4S Tithniiae Vnii itilH-r, U x itoti............ .Jji>t Whulli hUIp MiiIiim-h Ml.

l::44 Diivid HUoiii, iMx liuu.......................2 litlH NtUL toi mill IHl lluImisH innp.

1177 VrttoiitiiM'Kirhv, 1.1*'hm ..................7*fM.i4)4,IW»itUbuiirl 11.178>i»lHidu Waali-

MVU.194 KintiiBl A. Wimd.iMX tin#..... ...............

‘i liibM N<>n. iT ii ,u i id iH ngrilj Miito llnlumH Ml.

13K 114-oruu F. Tn>l'>r, to* dur ................K«*r,iimiuu uiiil nil r uiL idilu W oMliIijg- (Bit Mt.

HH Mlchiu-1 .M'lraii. lax 4|ijf......................I IphIiIi-IhT uii'I J' >1 W"H( Mhto rVuw hL

HIU Amm Villi lE p<-r, liil <1m-.............. ..lIPKllll-lHt' Hil l lllllil tVf.ll fiJlJt' VS tMh- liiainn MM'

(tea Mr*. AI>I>iM;i , U* (hm.............................JirrIlMtiUhtI laml WPhbHllIl' tbunllJUg-Ulli BV<*.

1iji> J in , A. f1fHiinal<l^lM.’'4|«H...................4 lo ll Vii-ht *•■!4■ M liHlilUKldii ttVti,

I.W4 A H fjiia tl. I l l d im ................................■i M4 fp lflG4-k A, toll a, KhiiiImIi map.

'\Vimnni AnikHiMtli, tax iJiit*..............1 kil, WiH’k A .J'd N41.7, KuthIwIi map,

tof>> Ann l‘i l4 f . lax dm-..............................H lolM, niiH‘k M, liitM S um. II u4id li, KainlaJi iimii.

l.yiT S.4' Ali-XHiidn- t t i dun......................I Ini. hl-H-k H, hit No. d, Kainliih

1*40 . r . lu li 'k '-r.lax dm-.....................I l.il.torM-k h .to t Nri. 14, lintnma rimp.

IS-f3 rtiliiiU'An, tox dij4< .............................I Ifd, niiK k H, lot Nil, 1.1. IhiiiimH iiiji|i.

IWI Frani’W J*j l**inKii. la* dm-............ ......1 hit, nliH'k T,lut ,\o . IS, MuliutM ump.

l.'i'rt I,. J. l.yimM, u u dii4-...............................J lob, hlnt-k :i. Iril No. !i, JIuIiui'M (nap.CinirA-d fo-lit. tax due-.........................I hd.bhK k Nn. I. tot Nu. S. Hdliuiw map.

*JSaS A. r . ni-rlUiid<<, tax diu*...........1 loLbliM'k 4 tot Nu. li, Hnlit>*Hniiip.

14D9 H. M, l.y iin .U u ito4--.............................1 lot, hliG'k I, lul Nn.'k, IlnlmcM ma]).

ISIU M, W. Lyon, tax dim ......................I lot. north unto UubKorH s(.

IGIS Kraiicl4 Itomlrlrkri. h u dm*...............5 laud w n i mil* UUiirry Mt., wmth iiida tvmiMOi Mb. Vail JtuiuM-latfr |jr>»wr1-r.

J630 K. V ami N J.THcphoii* (iy., ta* diio f'oirnaiid ulr4',

tiUl WH*<tof(i rid o ii Ti-lpgrapli (kp............7,SSi T4:«tof win-.

D Will IrHWHiB, tax dim....... ...................4'nr. IriiiilMiMUimi MiOlaoil av>'.

lU Rl(‘|jHrd llpmattn. la* diH<................7.aih1i 4*4iBt ahlw Frank Un rnadiew

US Audrew Mlito, i sx d u u ........................ilmiMCHiid loiwpHi ride bUlii Mt.

Ml Mr. Br»-p, U i dim.............................. . .Il4iuse and hind north Midi- IluliiiPiiMt.

n o t (Unknown, tax d im ...............................lx>l«oidlinftAt L-gr. IJuliuei and ISU)- idiViii Ida.

UiD Biirhli A. K InanlAnd, tiix dim...............Il(inw> ami lot wiMt HhU- llatph at.

I2I)LI JiMWjdi H, H rikm alil, UiX 4lua.... ........

Itirint-r iiilormalinii tliimbaldaa. to luol Til ll.i-lU'ki-l idll-114. 1’li'kPlafninll im liiu llj4- I'l’iiiir.-i iVhiilii l{iillrf»sVl and iMiuoiri'UoiiM,« to-TlIlh, MH-lHill-l. .|l|d tlGMVliM-chl-r'kll Ht tin- «'< l. uiv 'h k 'II-'o, .No, 7rtl rirtiivil hirci-l. Si itb ih-ki-C iifthv Bl WaTki-l hlH‘«-l'^ndlmi. J U. WlKIli,

in-jii-rwl I'HMomKt'r A^auU

/ ll-N l 'I tA l. U ,\ll-ln>AH IIF ,NFW .iFIthK Y, \ .Viraiiarmi-iil »r iJ'aiiw (Vduiui-iMinu Jmi. lu.

' * ' i '.WiAh k a m i K i.iZ A iinT ii n iiA N r'i! .Tr.ihiH li-avi- Itrnad Mivi-l HIhIIoii k;!ii. T.Mi, T.iVi,

fk |.i|/-tii4'l'ij!ijrl m>i) *.(’>, Mi f t , I f t . l " . HMr, IL'iii, ll.'Jl A. M.. I"V7. I.nl. 1.04, 2.IW, ’i-S), XSk 4.'»L 4 I.I i., . 1 . il.jt, y.U), 7 ;ft, H'.Ii'. V.M. II in A. M-, ir*». 1.4S, 4. >.IlIVi f.-r' ".i-. '.tilV. M , l ‘l| J,ilUt)-4-liliOld ]l4MWll4-.

1 uT I'li.lol-i-A i,,Ji.:.p4.h,:tfi, IMift, Iii„f7, n.'I) A. M. I.'U. I '44, .Lb . :Mii, 4,1 1, I.Ah r>.U), Wr, 4.M. 4v,'i. 7.i.. , ^ 1 III.!,*. II-r. r H

^••.^^«■lll ru ih - 7.iG. ►..Vt, in.;R. ii.fOA, MI. IM.I-*'. <-1>.4..Vi,L.U'i. k u , k'AI, 7.ln, 7h>&,« >J.Ju.iu, U !i'i I*. M. *1

For Fli‘ihinaliiH -V.Kl, h.86 A, M,, 1.04, 4.T», b.0S,S.Xf I'. M.

T.luA. M.. fnTnmhi Um- N. J . ( ' lllv., lh-lhlt» |■l•llt. AitoiumMi. .MHiit’h n n iiik , uU'.

;. ki A M., lor immiu IlnuN. J. r . Itiv.. tiMkf* H<r|i.ii. iniK. Iliuli llr dxi- hrmn-li. Allaiibii-aii, 4-t4Ti>riU>ii, Wi)lliiniK]M>il, 'iauitututR Maliaiiuy I '|ij‘, hiinonry, i-tr.

l.toi 1*. >1.. r-ir nmin lliin N. J, Itiv., AJIh-h-buHfi, Miiuidi I 'hnuk .i tn.

:i.Mj I-. M., Ma«iii Lnm N. J . r . IHv., Maiu-h< 'll link, H PMulitit, hliMllKihlri, «-U'.

4,.Vi I' .V.. Way flic Miiiii l.iim N. J . Div , l(l-;1i Hrl<n.i- Hriiiirli, teMkn nojutbnmg.

.i,.rl i ' H li>r MhUi J.irm N .j ,( ,J i iv . .A ll it ii - ’to j'fi, .qiiHidil ljlJldj.

PfrbdiiiJ«, SfV« A- M. Way ■ for bi-iiM-rvlito; c u n r . 'M . Miky litr I44in4*llin; l.R F. M. urny im Krmn'fvilli-; 12J I' M. way lor >wnmi'rvi;li< and Kli'll'IllMtoii; f . M. tor Fn-etnn ; a'ri< |*.>1 » j,y lor iHiNi lh-nj Wii I'. M. w*> Inr rM«u»ir\ illr.

All irairiM*di»p Mt F riry Mtiiwt aii4l Kdouiialh- HMl iiij-l id l-jp-i l-.4-rtv i-tr«ri nil ntoinii.

l-.ir I'.-ril- Atlliios I.i..l7. I I , f > SI , l.'rt,4.nii. 4. b'l. j.Vi, I).'*! 4*. kl. HombayM, Vtoi M

l-m I ri-i'li-dd ll.i:> A. M., 4M, M i1». M.

Iftir Ixma Ivmin-h, riiT.ui iirova. i-U-. a.’M, IJ.feJ A. M., I.'d, 4 -«i, 4 -VI. Ii.h) ]'. S(. HundayM i,«x4M-|d (niJh I'.ili l irn iii 'J. ft A- M.

I «r '|<diL> Uivi.'t uuil lianii-oal AJo A. H ., l.'rt, 4,S'i V. W

l ur Vimdand, BriilircUin 1.04 r . M.I r.r |,»ki‘HiHi.i M., I.irt I4 i, 4.U J'. U.I-or A lhi'dh l-iiv l.'H mul £.4*> I*. M-

N F W A U h A aNL n k w u m n .Fruiii hr4i id iiit-l l>rrp-HinH-t (^Liitlima A t( .f \

ri.'ji,.V'.i,x i-. V.Si IS'A MibAai.U.-Vi, to.i*i, hiX'i. tl.U'i, ll.-U A. M.; LAi.X-d,*.1.1.'., vii,j-'y».4.-jo,4.iid.:i.a», 5,41, a.iR 7.ai,7A>i, «.i>, hni. Id w, 14.31 |>. H.: IHA. I’iS I iiIkIk . rmndu>N MV, tou. jm.u(i. ILUiA. H ., LbbiU M ' i.ih.S'vi, ;iiin, i.dii. Cl >iu, kill, 7,00, xmi, a.m, lu.ob,II. «« I*, hi.

I.i-.iv*- to r k find i>r l.iiM-ity aUi-i-i • Al UM\ R . Lj i , IL4>, 7.n>, 7.16; T.Fi,M&,H.«>, U.(ld, Ml'*, U.b<. f o l '. I'>.n. IU'» A M .lr tM . . I2 .i\ l.i:*,1.4M,-ill., :i.i»i, a.'ri,l.-n, 1..4II, ;..i»i, M.’», .V k n ,S .tS b

Ij .v , 7.)ii, i-.m, k.ul.it,4h Fii.y», ii.to, l.L'xi F.Al. >tuiidii}« n.uu, V.'b, huxi, ii.iiii A. M., lAlb> Si.; ].<x),li|i, l.oi, .;;.Ui,ij.Jii, D.un, J II iv, 1'i.tAi

NJ?!vAU K,TJtK NTi>N*N i»l'IIII.A]iK J-IrillA .7 iil.M.I*. 11 «» A. M : I S4, -i.**. 4.'U..\.i'), T..b‘». I I.*

I-. M. miiiaMya am A. M.ij,A'» 1' Al. '7,*..!, K,;4& A.AI.; I’. M. torhimW iry, lx»wli»-

biirK hU'I W'lillimiMiMvrLUrumiig-riMKaGaiMiiu u ltday (ralmt aii-l rtitwiu

iiic LiirM Mil nlald LihIjjh K-Lwcuii Vnrk and I'Jilhutolidila -

C l f g

\ M O U niN VNCKTO F lU lV lriK F\»U T H B■tlllMUIH lifMI o f a Mt-WI-r 111

K j r i ’H ri’i'iiK prr.rrnin triitih MVOiiuii to Om S lorraiam l » inpk ILolb niiMl.ti'- Il nrdHli-ol hy Ihn llm im on ( ^ iir -JI 4)f Uife F ill Ilf Ni-aMrk. M«. fidlua'x :

hh-linn I A i>i|ti->M-ai-rxh«l1 Im mnstriKNwHu l-*l nil .sly i-t. ri*i|ii Hli til a i*i llit- SlurriM andFjm -( lMllr->n4, hKallmr wtUi all tim appurtt**

nauta% i;n em iry l>> i^nitplnn- tha Hamc, au ilu f tm< Il n -Mn.utHh-ii i.k Lliu 4‘oniuiictw on f-icwrniaml Dralimav mIimII ilirm-L

i 'lL i in l T im rn v i'o iiiiw l Im Imroliy dlrn-lad 111 Mpiily lo Ihti 4’iri'iiii 4>>iirl nf t)m I’nimly of l-'jw'X, hi l>ohi4'r nf Urn Mnyut and 4li>iiniirii4 4‘uuni'Unr IV* ivdd I'liy id N t'an rh . fiii UtO ap- |wilnin)i111 *d 4‘MiniBlMlnimi-x, mid tho hhI-I I'mli- IUlWIB1li-rM M Ill'll npih-ilhU it Mliall MMMI-AM tllS iVi-riL*, ilhiii Hiiil i‘V|'q‘i--'-- liii iirrtnl 111 luld hllprov*- llliiill lii-i) lhi‘ H imt* ri'iiili hwio IWrii duly Raid- bidm-d iiiid ih-i-'Mr.-i hv lim I'iiiiiiijiin ('uuhuiri, ii}h>ii all tliroviim** r f ^aiid-i and ri-al *>»bH(o In

M4*idflly |io<ii!linlytri*ni'4ltHd I 'm n -h j. In pnrjMir Ihm M.-v in-arJ)'AH !<■*) Iro In IIh- a tvaiii«ao MhainH-il-i‘itii‘d III .M'Qiiln', :44iil In raJM> (fie ysld

to ditii luoi vi|i*‘ii4i'4i ahall (7Xi-ivmI uie ammiiii Id'BriUi iM-m-id-s MH'li i'K i -w ahall lH>a»- Mi>N*i--l iipi II tiivl 41.1I1I hy th o fl ty of Noivnrfe.

l Hiild liM|’MVi-mi-ii4 Miiill 4m DIB to and 0 iii*'i-l«* I iituli'i t M'ij.*-rvl!«ii»ii h n d d lri-th m vt

iir 1‘ln. r*nru-y<d mul Hu>h-iI r.iinmi-wMirior. ae- (u itU ii. 4g riiH prill iiiun ■ ul lim Ciiy t'liai tor and itr.llnm 1 •■'i.

I’AMwi I M.irt'h 1.I If AIM .I> K, i r i l .L .

I'M .-Idi-nl 4 om innn ( tMii. tl,H. i l. I'K M H Flil'riN ,

t 'lly L'tork.Apiii-nvi’il Mur^h 8, l‘fo.

j4H>.Fi'H R. UAA'NI-X,A'i* M HJ'Ur.

I FK lluKN n r . 41 HA III Sri AM> ( 'I 'lm lN U . J > .tH'^K i .tn i NT F«1H HKNKFlTh.Ntdi-1- iH li -n-bv aivMFt ihi,b an aHs*'-4HMia-iiiipgti a h rim u am riMtfalllHiiii-i ami n ‘.ri n^l.ito | hx-u- liarly inimtihHl hi- itioicMdintfuiid lu rh h ig o f

Ito K44S.N HT.fridn H(iv(*ii1i'f'<i|li HV4 iom U> H |Hdrvt (Ol find norUi of W nw riy (1 o 0, acp irdhnt in lim 4>rnvi>don-i ol Mil nfilh iH m ln.frim dly uf Now.trk. p u t lo d un

riliiiuiH-o to pravldo for (hv tfr«iiliia aud ^ irh ln a 4Hir1-i nf Ur rm o kln-rl, I i-Mai i-il Hovoiiti-otnii Mv«« ihi(iuiitl4‘llidQii M ridm .npproTitl JuiiUHiy-'h IS'ri, hM iH-aii ]iio4i.irHt1 hy Um miiihiralanail Ixmimxi' HhiiuTN, pj>|Hmi|i>*l hy Um n r i ’uU I'oiirt Of llm ( ‘ijiMKynr l,>i-M-i,to uirtkn sahl UKx.Lgiivm, alid rimt a r*'lMiri ii>-B ■'Uirifti'tiba In writln-i, a ;ii i hu M:iX)Ui|uii>Lm| iiiiiii and a. hiiiiuli>, Hlmairia UiO

inwrihi uMM-a'irmMilaMtfjvliml Um Mf-vi-ml nviimre ivH-niihrly tn-iM Ifoi) mm iilwn-tnUl, haa (•Hioi di-imw....................... nf llm n iv i 'l t - rk nf ihi-Hly nfN i-aurk, (lyr viaii*‘naiujii hy Uiv iiarllew inti-riirt. *•0 (iii-ri-.d.

rtald Bi-'•wni’iit roniprl-mM all hdM, irmiMAilff ]iuri-i<)ii ■?] liiud bitJ r4-ttl e--i!:iii> llatilt^ lu im HMM«tha. (Ml n« nfiin-inhl, (ylnx nii IniUi Nidi-x nf M<'ritpn Hirt*nt, rtnni hrviiiiL4i-iiUi Hvmiim to a po'"( hi-l iKirUi Ilf WiivH Ij plan*

A •|.n1" r»’pn"atiiH an I'UMn* plot o f Isno, wlii'llt -r laran m «null.

All ]M iHiiiHi>iliirrM!i-1 In Nihl nM««aimoiil tnoy Im- 1i< *-ii (H-rnM. Hxlil CniiMni<iMliinUri<,iii 1’liHn«faLy, Um i. vi-'iUi ihiy ill'&hir< h, l^>, al 2 IV M .,abthM r*>itin;l;n!!MH-iM’ tuuJn, No.'J -nw-imd lloofh Dity llBlJ.

I'.UWAUIJ riOKI.I.KIb, AJ.LKN l.. JlA'iy*Krl’.WM. M. Krilri li,

CnmmlMHiiiitere.Ttnlpil FHhriiHTjr H. IWS- *IW

HliA IK iriK AJ-W'ITiMMFNT ANU UKVIHIriK id ’liniM. Notin ' 1m Im nby giVPii toBll l^•^ iHinM<#|m l a^o nr may iiutki" vv-liMtigo ur pll^

i.rrvaU-auUiWilUln Um cUy l iulW doiUtr

- {

I ’hU M I

! aucL _____Itovtolnb ol In on lu r biiat' ]iru|mr uwm-r,

imiiau«*adtoi(M *y 1 (■WB. to iv p a Ijm if of Iho l£iar<t *f AMNwgaB*-'

HHTrtarKuhruary J, iMB.

( VKFJI'IE <IF r iT V H n iV N V l .. _M 41m Ihml t*H(tmati>M fur tho fidhia tint c .............

w.dl Ih- ini'oteniod to Dm rnm inm i l^niiicl] for ih>-

fromM-iiuui4-t>, nil Friday, Mun-h 1, t-wW. vis.;

Knr iNivIng and l‘|lH^lnK V'erry Uri-rl. Simltoiii ' trv•‘l tn MaaiiXlm' Mlrm-h

All idiD’ 'ClmiH (f> rim poynmiH uf oald rellmatM , inuHt irf. liU-d wUti m<>. in w rlliiut, oil or iM-fi/ruS

V. M , Friday. March |. j-re».M*NF>4T ADAM.

(*lly Hiirvej’or.iKifnd Koi rviary 1 , I4sa.___________________ aiu

X » 0 i i l X l o i l c t * .


K ltS nA ll.lU lA lblAUHlHlH ANU K.-SMNX DlViHIONi.

N'i-h a n rk , fmii nf li.4n'luy and 4 'hrWtoidmr mM. J,ewvliiR Ni-wnrk id 7.M A- M. 'riiruuKli iimll

IrHlNiMMniH'UhK fo^ IhriirtUiJi. HmaTiNbiiMUi and ChGHU-r, And-iMT, N'-uhni. llrmn'IiviM* and Frankliiv, KtrinidMiiurif, HitimiU)i>, lUinriniTmiMi. (Ith-B, riss»-un, vViiv<-ny, i-Itiiiliii, linilalu,(duvm i.iiid, T<d4eini, |m(r*iil I'liii-iiitiy. HU IxdiU and

la in iHihito Wi-nlainl In Uw- Ix-hMh Valtoy.I'uwmiignrH fur llotlido luni iiimda Wtwl 4*iMi

(akv tlm k-M A. M. irHlu t>» IlnlKikf-n, wHImut uitraC liarK h and lUero Uike lli*V.46A B(, ii-alu fi.r llm WumU

I4.;rtj*. M - l-AKlors Kiprf^wlor Hliiumlt, I'hiii- haiu, Miidiwui, Uuti'<Hh>wii himI hII Hialimi* wni*( to i-luHlnii, i-uniH--UiiK Inr AiidijN'fr, Nvwiun, Hruni ln 'l]|i‘. FraiikliN. Mitjiiiiik.. riliiink, W ater rial), MiijtlilMliiifK. HiTHilluii, I'llhUm. K1nK**("iir WiiKea'iiirn*. JlInHlmriniiJi. I>rti-j,u, AVahcrly atn| K iiiilriiand |.i•|llKll Valh-y,

UuiP, M. Jtixliiii (-'st-M-ius mnmH-rii.a fur Hii,-- rftMiiniiA and I'lu-Hb-r, AmlnviM, N4twlm<. Jiraru hvillH, rixfurd. Muiiiiiikn ........... Wj*U-r ii.4p.HIrniidq'riira. H'-iiiiduii and Jiilrriiimllah- Kl.ti.inn.1 and IX'Idgii Vnltoy.

(oil r . M. iHivSi Kiprinw f»r huimrjlb. t.'iial- hmii, MiidiMoii, M urrhuiwij. Mnrrri J'Jaljm. Imn- vUU . Um kawiiy, J invar, UimkInK Uldgo and (tor llMrrlh> dh-.

I'H^iiili'rM Hir spiraiihifi. HnighHmpton IMP-n, MirlWlaiir H|i(htoM. idlldr*, itulAihi alid Faniit* U i-mThi'IiI Nnriliruii tokr llm fi.I I 1’ M. Irulri'to itidNiKvri w.lhijiii I'xlrH rhnr*m mhI Uiit* toka lhi-7 l.< I'- Al.lr.uii im llm Wi nt

N K W A U K ’Iri M -.\( ViJHK (l.ll,M';i,T,m.7lil; 7M7 7 47.7 M. M . i f T . M J K . AVI, M.J.’I, V.4H,liii»i in ’h , 1".4T I - I I M V) A UlU, U ‘.|. liVid' I '.V 1 Vi. 2 il, n. r». :i,;pji, a 47. * n’t. 4 i'>. 4.v'r, .s.ijn,& Xi, 6.VI. ti.>, h.6:L 7 *1. M.01, i, hi.a.1. ln..ii, lU ti V M hinl ll'rii A M.

M 'W V4HIK T il NKWAllK i).tl,7 Ut.T‘.ii, 7 ’HI,M ill M.io, i.lM. U.ld, 'J.'Af.ti- in.in. ln..Vi. II l-i. M.Jj V. Id M . I.'in. li:*», liln . 1 A'.’lin :,.*i.d.iii, A toH.ai, 4.(11, (.:*>. 4.4n.h.ili. ii.lO, A.JL 6.Si\‘i.'M’, ti.thi.lilo,

7.1X1, 0.1X1, S.IJU, iddl, lij.b'y, IL.t'i,

' js'f/HJ.MFJKI.ri AN UM riN Tl'r.A IH fi.», «.('»* 7)4 7 W.H.4d, Koa, Jl.iM A. M.: JXi;l. !.■ a. 2 11, 4.1.4, u n MUfl.ni.h.Vl. LtMM*. Hk.v , I '.ih I’. M.

t ll lA N rik ANriHUMTH UliANUI': 7,<15,7ji:i 7,rd. M.i)ii, x ii, !MU, SJt, in.4i, il.WA. M„ lit.L LIU, ttri, 4..Vj, M». 6.:ii, kW. '-.it, «.:u,b.ri. '.iXi, VsWi, lil.dt, in.OI, II.IS, I'ibJ, I2..U

* m I ’LHI’IIN LX*.7A.1.MhV.«1, H'.il, U.4-1 A. M.; 'iiFi/iiU. 4.ar,,h.it>. r,.&a,ti.ai,i‘.'(.tv7 U't, K*i, s.te, m oj

’ aU M M iT e;»,T.i.i. a*). io.b , i i . « a .M 1" t l , ’ia i , :u«. 4.(H, 4.1’). .’i dl, 4.14., (i.4:i,7.0t, *‘.*'.''-*1, lh.'W r . M. W4?dm?inlHy nrnl Nriur- ilHyniahU. 12 42.

~~7fHS AA’IF.V JlA ff T Itli l .A H O K H T a itv r L A '

T Jn ff /fff TItK hTATR. JJ' JM IJIH i/JiST

A n v k f i T i n i f i n i fH t i r M .

}A \W r i r r i l lX ’HH,U.K l>F IIKAL FKi'ATKr- j'4'tM! MiiiiHr-| IlHUt, nU"UlrlX o f 111* lB*l will Hiiil b—il.imi Mlnr All'fu M. rrahfiir< l. ]i|n nf Ui*

rijaniiv i.f MimitiiiuUi, ilm i--a-d. will hy virtu*i»r BnririlVr->11111'111plihiiM’ 4‘miiiI nf itu- I'nuiity cM l.i«*'X, H-iirnu'dnie riih Ilftr-nLh day of Jmiiiary, A. I)., ima, lociHi-to lo N4l4‘ Ht im i’lfr vendn*.. on AVi-ilimwl.iy, Muri'h Id, IvX. Ih'Iw h>u Mil- liouiSuf 17 mill 6 o'-'Um-1i hil'inh-im-ki In Um iiflnmoon of Hid<l day Hi u .e i ‘niirilioii>a‘, In iha d ly of N4>mnrk. Ill riio rn indy uf J.-i-a'* Mini hUdi* ul Naw Jer-H*V ■

All llml ci>riii|M Irnrt or itarra l nf laud nud|)ri-inW-«>M’[*iiili‘,ty!iiK:itod 1-i-nig hi llui Tmvuiliip nf I'llidon, III tho tO u o ty u f hm-I HUi(Hr-(.Npw Juiiii-v, liu.'iiiniux In bhv iinriim rly liimni (Vinai-e Mli'i**'' ul-ont iipn iiiitidrt-il Hnd ivsi-niy- iilim BiulMhHlf fri’in llm nnrlhiriBi rwriiMr of r*itUjtn with Aiigiirila MlriH-l; llmmm Ul pinrUjiTly nna Im ndrci Pi-i totlm w -m i.urlv jin*of lirb NlL^tl; Mmn-YM'i) BiulIU Wrid IlliHalKhtotfllfi-H r Umiiip i-l) ymtiUmrIy Hh)ii4f ihr-Wi-nii-ilj lift*III lot N a imp hiiuflnni ft-nl; thnin-fl WH ti-riy liluiiN Uk' nnrtl-criy llnu uf artLd CoIUmcv iUnnt ♦iiitlihffi f c f 1-1 trmpla«’i'nriMHrinidnt( todim tlianwitiTiy p in nr l-il ,Nii. 24, BHitoilKiiuU-il on h ri,B|i tiimlH hy K Iwnr-I rurU ir. Murv4'.vur, a i j ri c into-ltn I p r i-rk’Mnflhi* Of i M’cx ron iity .rtjid Iming LheMi.m* p cuii‘041'OiiveyBil (u A lum H. IT hW- If-nl hy 0i>4>-l finm lAlHiaio ri. Ixtrd Bid w-t.\ iM-nrlmidiilM Im -am larT, no-l lAu-riti'd litb a liB-lrilAr M 4>lll n uf Iha 1 OiUKy or Ivll»nk N. I4nf Itoi-dM. im pn, e &'d and >'Al

Alwi. a ll Umi trm t ur |mriv-l o f land aiid pratO'IwM * |II*U>, lyliix HU-I N'lUK in tho |(uvnniilp (Hn im m i f!l>-'ri-»uld. Ili-Kliintiui In tlm iurrUu-rly m rim rn fi 'uttiumKtnwM und a t blif rMirihuaMtorly|I|H-nr Aiihpintu nlrm-t; ihvni'i'iM niimlUK iiurllicrly hIoiik Un* I'm-h'ri.v l lu m f A'i||;> *>La iiiH -l two huiidriHl rHi-ij tlii-EiEi- i2i etmtohy lum him. dri-d iiihI li-h fiH'!; ihi-nn-13) MMiil rl.i. nim hiiri iiri«1 fi«-t ; Mmniia I4i ai-Mli-rly Ht-Miniy-flv* fi-i-4 lu hit No. M Im-niie'iiHtaily i tn rn m .U m m * u>1 hIqiiK Um 4-m-U-ily lii'h of Inl So. U en)M Imi.dlTd |i.td1'»t1m ntirihcfly Him ofrullBa* htiw-b ; U im -f irt awiiurly b'llriy llvu rcitl to Uti p !ho» id ii'ifiiinliui U-ni|C l"m N->« l», tiimid 17, m 4li'ril«nHb'i1 uTi B limp iniidi- hy l-dwiir'l i^ r lr i . riiirv4-ynr. aii-l 'm-Ihh UM-Muini- i)i6ii-l«-Hooiiv*yi*il I 'lA llitn H 4'iHM.r-ir-l hy d«-i-fi fm m WIllluiiiU.|,ord Iimi wiro, h c iiln s datu Ju ly td h . IX'D.umljm ni-ili-1 111 Um Itt alsb-TMolIhV -d tlm - ‘-limy >dl->i‘i- i ,lh llmik N, li of Ik-o Ib,0 . i pih’Ui Vl'jandW*>.

i^ixiililiunxat hb!«LFAH CHAWFOUU I-’xcnilrlx ,

A-TOW <*. Tt iMiMiunNM. Attuiimy, J-’n?i.-Us>!(l, N .J _ ^ (If

VhHKlNKK’rt N liT irK TU CltLIHTmlW.- N’i.ls-f- In l *‘ral«y >:(v-n Us Iln- iT i'l lb in in I'iiflMtol-hrr llBk*-r. nf lli«‘oil v of ' n-n(!*i«.. In IM

4‘miiiiy Id r.-iiM-* hhU M i ia u f Jt‘r.*.*y. tu»l bI i-hilijiM mpilnit liM i-.torn inn-l i*f- nhJiii*l'.i--l k UH'Midw-rlLff.|iiihw.i,.:j€'i‘ a t h!* i>m-i', S-i. I! fCurihiit idri‘1'4, firnmm N-w .lam y, nii-li-r ndS or nITIniinllhil, on nr iK'fiero tn* lifliH-l>lh day olApril jm^l, U-Hm'Mirm-inmiriiMffniii Ifcn 'd i-O l llmaj«i;rniimril -ir I"-* fnri-vvri-hrn'il finirttiymIn ah i f-»rK4llviih'iid nf ilic l•■ lllH: uu'i U>r-*-i'lrr«v|l(ur^ .n« rmilUT nnUlImt riuil n |i 'b uf Uil *'liiij|i'< >kjiuiml Un- -hiM I'lij-inhfi'l'i-r llnk«-r will l>t till'd Wllli tlm I ’tork uf im- ( n i i i ln f rom n.o r I’ll-i-t ■•IIJK’ i'nlilU y’>f F,HHriBl Um rx |iira tln |i lUt ewi-l Lhii-i- iimiiri-'< wimo 4<o f-ptsnn) ilii-n-iii hn*) Im llll-il hy Hiiy jirrtHm Hd--l«-lvd

FKAXK* h. H AKKJl, A.riiiKnoMlirfU-d l-i’hrnar) I

I.lS ’l ATi: r i l ’ Hl-.HNAHU (’AIUU.AN. UK*j.-*-a«->l. 1*11111.4111 tu Mm im.h r nf .|ijs*-t>h L

ritel{id4‘ufrimriiHiriiynl' hAnj-*. ihtodny |.j.lhulmiM<f Ud- UM-h-mipim.l i-.x

M-i,I Mm


four Drug: Htoro in Not Open on fyiiii-lay.Wo ilo Nut Hell Cigart. ,,

We do Not Operate a Moda Foiiutain.


1 0oor Above New 8t. NEWARK, N. J»

Llmu-n BV*.'hi

............ lyeI 'ay m fm inniil 11* imule IwfiirH th« «'<nipluspiii

■ '■ .......................... ........ . Hu

ThUR. i'ldllKJ-lly, tBX duH................... .Iliaiw- Mild lot wrMt aid* KHdy* at.

ofUiM Bfila,oUmrwlMo thu projK-rly wlUbumiillBtr-iy rvMulil.

WHitsMs my bBQd ih* l*lh day nf Friiruory, law. ” A. H.r>.riSjM inNK.7M________I_______________ I’ldkmiof of Ta h -aX ''H T A T K 0 F I.V cy HEW rtfiN. UM'KAMKU I j j -F ii rw ia n l lo thuorilhr nf Juaepli |.. Miiiiii,

ftwrruKtile of Wj<* tVHiiiiy o f Fia*'*, thfM dny Jiiadi'i uu tlM- ujipUi-BlIubuf lht*uiKlef*lgiu-‘il,e* » iilo ru l■Bid dereiiBiMl.iroricfliibi'rcliy glvHti hi tli* i ri‘d-

rruKtiie or wu* tTHiniy or rjmiM, vmih smj ' tiK- uiipUi-BlIobof lilt* uu(lef*lgiu-‘il, e*«<iilor Ul

__(I dereiiBiMl.iroricfliik'rcliy glvHti hi tli* i ri‘d-ItorMbfMHlU (toiWHreil (o o ih ln lb to the mii>»Tlitor, um iaroHlh ur anirm atlon th*(r I'laHni / " J .'l,*'’ mimda naatnat kh* w U to d f mmM "«vwa^l ^ ih m nliir niuijlh* from ihlM dMU-, nr Uu’f "'H| b* for- *r<T harrfrd from proBocuihigor im-ovorlns bli*

J iD u a r/ 14, U89.

J\-rry Mtil'miB lu Nnw A'urk, pKiL of 1'h.iiiilie-rH Ml, and r-HTl uf WpkI Twi-nly.ihliil ul. lH<)qd 111 Newark, (iirimr l'i*wiiu' n tand J-mnMiavn. Mimd i-ar ii-iilU'-'tluuM via .MnllH-r>‘ hI. nr I1tll.iil Ml. IllIPA TMUVlHhk' III *lh'H T May I« h.

NKWAUK Tri NKW VriliK - M7,7.4ri|/7.as. 7.5*. 1* JJi W Vi, llJ.lVi, I2.*H iiDuli; f.lol, l,.'ll., ."I 'K rtiunl-.j'o,V.IMA W ..ill7.i-.di,ld.sn'. M. , ,

NKW AHK V u i'ATKHsi'^N. Wl-.KK lib A H - IMM, to.;S». lijt> Iinlih ; H-Ti, l.u>. + *1.

ft.’J*,4,M,fl.*i7.*iS7. Mfr. nUl.L’.UllildiilKlil. riUU day* n.w A. M ,4.iA T.li. 1'. M. ., , , .

Ltu-til aKrliru oil iMid rnliliuut-llluu LIi'kIILm Hi areally rwhi-'iMl ratto <'iiii Im prix'uriMJ Bt riiui-iunwiiiy'* I'lly or dPindofU-'^

Till) dirtb-t Biid imiHHrir Hhiut fdu* lo Nmw VorK. Nvwburg. Uoxlmii. Mlihfl-Hiowii. J u rt Ji-r-

M uiithvllo. rtumiuoliHUiia. HnighaiutoH,

ciimRlI 'jsUiilMVlIk*. HL Ijinw. Krhhhh U iy , the West, rtnnlhwi*MtHiid mU KuuMmrii toJinto

th rin w h Ih'fcvto mu»J law4KR,'« ‘f’pllv and Uiwn in the Vuiird Hliib-'. iiiiiAcd for null i ha<-ki’-1 from yunr tmrm* ta ile.-dh ‘i.itlon J^K’Mtlimlii Fiilbniu draw ing roum am i H’ronlua <Tau hah dan he rMtarv*:! lor any day In tliu wWk, Mini loWMlrato*. M aitollRi* tool**,

will i>o fnmlshTil Ml tba city ulAce from ? A.

F V V ^A U K V A 'Iily Ticket Aw iit, T uh 'phon tUf) ya Ita M nr!iialal.iNow *rt,N . J-

L. V. VARMkil. OauM I'aia'f Agant

is iU.iciifWiid di"‘*-.i »’‘1. iirdi-i* lx ’.f'r--i>y iflvi-ii to U n - r n - i l . l - n ' . 'O f a » l'l d i i - i - 1 j - i l l - i i - x l i l l n l hJ 111*mihm-rdH-r unitor n»Ui nr H.I'flriiDMioii iht-ir i-lantiiu n - l d e 'n im n U i u c i l l ' r i l r i m n f «H h l (U ‘ i-)';ihAdlA L ii im iiU m I .l i l t .M i ll f n i r i j ih iM d i i l p , u r ih p .v w i l he t ' - i i . - iv r I>ai rn il f in in i jrn 'A 'i i i t m « u t i f - o w r i l H

J i i i i u a r y 1, ............... _ , , 7 l j

1' ASTA'll-; UF iU IlN HIN liA . DFrK.\KKU j l ' l i r i H i l i t to Mii« i i r t l e r id -Mi i ' | d i L - M i i l i u

Knrrnifuti'Ilf Uu-1 niinly nf KA-mx, thill-la) iimdo - 'illi-iiMiiti ol tl « iiinh-r-toim-! idmlniMim iliu ni'td ii......... ................. -

Im lor. with the will uiihh*i*i( nf nald ilmi-^a-ail holh-4? In Imi-ehy *U hu Mi Ums ri'diiorH nfhd.l (iM-a.iMHl luexhih ll hi the rtiiha rh- r nmtoi'fuiLli oraniiiiidinii rin-lr l•llllln!^ ao-l imiiu»Md>iH,'i*iiifit the )-H(.de Ilf ‘4iiii| ih<rn.i*tt-d wllldll nllto niniMhi frutn UilX'lide. nr U n) will ii« f-ni-ver IwrifJ frnin iirM-a- idtoK i-r i ' ‘i’yvcrii*« Mm -c.iui*Mm-nh --ii‘ i-l .lUfl.S If IM N m

______________ 1)1

1’* s 'r \T K n F JAMH;.** h MITM, nKf'K\!4Fl».'jlMry-iiniil hy Mil' oriU-r nf J-----lin L. Mllhn.Hur

roKiMeuf Mmi-<mid.vof l.-.-n^.MilH -i->Um iiiinlii-.'Mini nflUHiiinh y Hi|fn.-.l.i-dinm;-l r>lr Mul h o 1 .U - ...m L iinlh e jMheri-1 > 1,1 V.'iUO l.'V. mil.hiM I )il.i .to.4‘.)Mil tof.xhn-lU" Ui.-6iiiJi'Tdi4*t m m ;^ ..irll in nmui.utioii M.* .r .......... nud diwm;pi.lHUK*)'f"4( Mm ivslaieuf Midii-h-.-4'i;c«--l

. .......... tni.-dull*.--J t lW lulll I4»ir-i-\i rlmrii-'l fm o' pi"ni-'iM nxnr rei-nwrinx 111* wuiii- iiifiJiii.''t the miliv-ri'-*-'

J.iuimryik u .L Y A. k M ITH,


^ iK-rt'h)'Mtoi-ii thiit rill* jMi-ohiito uf Mio 8Ub- n.Tll>tT- mhiMiilMruhirHnr l*avH Jto-Mbrd. doiuAi*. ml wril iH'iiiidltml, ti.| ihiii-d hy theSornaiH toaud ri'i'inrU'd fnr imtMi'nmuL In th'-UrplmiiM' ('ovirtol (ho ( oui)l> nf t--«H'X,()ji'rm-rpluy, tlu* tolh*te4iUUl(lay ul II. c a u TKU.

w i n r F i K i . i i h u o w K u ,.lUHN » . ’U ’Nl.%

Haiml January U ________ _______^TUTIC’K riF HK'ITIU.MLNT,

I lii-ri-l-y * ailiti

................. ........... N U rU ’K EHMud tlu* lU'i'ounta nf lha gala

MT-rihi-r. a4)jtdiiii*Untor o f .lnlm lltnUanA da* i-omM-ii. wiM bv uUillii-ii uiid i4U.Ih 1 hy llmHiirro- Kutu and rci»niin,l far -N-lltojnftol to tlu- rirplpina* i nijri of Uiu H aiiily of Ks>*'*,oij Tiioaday, tba iweiilr-iilJili day ofSlHreh id**t.

HTJ-;rilKN F, ME.AaUKR, haled JmiUary W, I 'W S .__________ ‘'ifo

■ v r u ’i'icK IIP s fc r rn .K M K N T s -N tm o E wi \ hereby given lliuiUu«aiii>dril4ri>fllto MulrttTliHi-r, aJU4i)(i)i'e uf Jaeoh NfiTitirup, will Iw audltau uml Ht ipjdhy Ih r Burrojcataatol repurkMl for *•(- Uaitiiiiibto blio riri»h»rw' (XMirtol I h e to u i iy r ^ F>ocx,04i Tuewtftj'.riiealuetM 'Ulb day of Moreb

jo n I. D w ui*aDatad Jiuiuaiy K *"


■ a u h « s a r b o v s n iK U

A m w * » * * r* lM T h a t R h B « » 1«* w M A b r • p itu tm .1 M»n.

Th* B««l raoM tlf dtTlHd ip |« r i tu i forU . M B ih c U in ol fu e o u i fuel U the In- T ta liea * f Andre ir ThominoB. «f I’ltt*- b « | , which Die; be inirrted in nn ordl- M T j toeom ctl.e. The derlce It b IiJ b j th e f u f r m t n t A ,, to be llmple, ■oil lh>t the e se to fm eh ln t f u with It from i«'tro- le o a , rteem um) e lr for oie »• fh*! onilet th e beiler !• eery Httle. Thli, oor cor- m p o o d ea l »y e . 1* the oproille of the leeu lu obteioed b , the ienii-lylTkBle Btllroed roiup»ny In tlselt lilel* with o i r eod iteeia under » |iroceH hronebt from Euwl* for eipen"™'"!' The HriMie defect In the Ruuien ijitcm u

to beee henn in neleg the oil d in e t throueh one pipe end tteerothrough eaother to the drebut. In the priaent do- Tiee the plen of the R uuitn lyHem end the I f reylng o f oil end eleen M they do 1, oTolded. E ip e r ti to whomthe epperetne lie* been lohmlttedl e j I t erabedlee the proper metiiod and en idee new to them. Thetender need fur cetT fln i the coel lupply fnr the loooniotlTe (end requirin, frequent ■tope to replettltb It) cen be uied to e e rr, ee ebundent oil eopply. either in kerrele nr bp putting ■ lerge tenk IntIde of the lender. In equipping e tmiimollve the piecing of th e eppiratu* inep he Ttried to u i t the re<|iiltenienU reeult- h** from different form* of eogioee. By the nee of th ii procee* on rteeoi- ehipe the need of lerge •ptce for •torage of eeei end the ierge eddition to the ihip'e crew, rendered neceeterp to feed end i loen the fomicee,! le elm oit wholly done ewey with, ne well e i d irt e rd mioke, the con- nectiene with the Are lioie* end ilrein being mode eeon e locomotive, end tbo ■nme Ikrt epplie* to mil it or aily piece where It might be wanted.

I t ii elee eUlmed th a t by putting tlii* gH through ■ purifying cbomber e good Ulnmlneting gee i i ohteined, vlipted te leoleled or generel nee. The peltn t

♦deim e n broed field for fuel, heiting end ligbtlug, end it ii held that with Ibw ntaangee end little coit other devicee ■a»* have net been cucceeifbl by them- •elvee can bn utlilaod by th t aid of tbit. In th a t way, lay* our wnietpondant, ertrybody who detiree to have cheap fnei fm si petroleum, now to abundant, can do

and a t leia ontlay a t large than I* now belof made th rongho it the country hunt­ing for natum l gaa, with one Chinee out ol many of finding it. I t aim olfeti a euhitl- Into far gat ennl, wfaera the latter baa te be t n n e p e i ^ lo far ai le make the coal of gai tea great.

Tha carburettor, we ere informed, can he made ierge enough to hold lulllcicnt gai ■e th a t there will be enough in reeerve „ h w tbo f i n la eitinguUhed to m u neat IIm , n a tll Keem li generated from which te again eommence making gaa. The an- tire apperatui ia ru led to ba ilmple and ■eefilly ta t up by any ekiilid mechanic.

A C H A M A r m A BABr.

M e tlltr TcmnifarraO m m an E a f la a to a M ev ln f Car,

fWim tba W anrly Bagailo,.Tw enty y e a n have pemed liuo i a cer-

M n Betb n n oeptaln, enlering lb ( pert of Hew York, ta legnp h ed hia wlfa at Bath le io ln him e l the metropolU, prepared Ibr e aee veynga Acootdingly, a day or tw o aftav th e arrival e f the memage taw th e w lfa embarked upon the thruogh train Bern Beth le Bocton, eooompented by in l i lk i i l ^ I d aenrcely tw o y t t n old,

T h ii CAT wae ahnntad on to the end o f the Pertfamd train at Broaiwlck, end, leaving the child ntleep, the u p U la ' i wife Mined the opportnultj to fill the beby’. hettle w ith m ilk In the depot rciteurant. W hile th e mother waa intent upon her tr- n n d tbo train ell pped quietly out o f the etatton, and whoa the mother emetged from th e naten ran t door It w ia h a t dl

T R I C U O F T H E BAU-HOOM , rO B T H O n t WHO WOlilOr tlN O ,

•w n e e l the r i b . Told by V eong W onun In

Frftfli Hi# (’hlcnfo Tritwoc.U irH a tL iie^ lu h . Tom, an

' l l u lk lo g lo A tb it a tn ln :Yon have the (‘oaceit o f i first teatoii.

N ov , now " u o tb toR lj, don’t | 0t bot, m y boy. 1 wM ]iitl tbo tame after my

Every one If. It Ukea Nv* er il aeaioni to knock it out o f « man. He m int loaim the ballroom tricki before be fully reallM i bow oRcn a iw llo or a leok that teeuii to Aatler coneeali a little ball­room cpuceit H y boy, if you knew bow often you have betm d uped—’’

’’Name M im e.”” With pleaiure. I t won’t flatter yonr

vanity, but It may be o f valne to you ih lt winter. Do you remember al Mra. Ulauk’i ball lu t wintor w ben Mlm Urowo V>ld you ih e waa lo aorrj that her pioaramme w at fu ll? You ir a lly tbougbt ib o w u lorry .”

I think to 7« CWall, ih e cerLiInly looked II. but ibe

could have Rlren you any one o f five or i l l daiifws.”

Ab, there 1 b a te yon. Tutu ; tlicri' you are ip oak ln i w ithout authority. I aaw her programme, old man, and it wai fu ll—not a danca leru”

” And yet, when 1 want to her after­ward, ebo riihhed off one Dame aud gave a t tbo dinca,”

" Then aomt one elee w i i cheated out of a dance."

" N u t at all. She rubbed out the luitiala J. J .” »

" Who did they Hand for T”" Jeau ie Jouea. U y boy, that pro*

gn m m e waa filled up In the ladlei’ drew- ing-rooDi. I t l i an old trick aud a gnncl one. ^Vatcb out for It this winter, and you wont be to liupretaed with a young iady’a »rrow and ditappolntmeiit when « b i aaki you why you didn't call earlier, and UUa yon that, by your neglect, you h iv e allowed two or three etupid bores to get dinoes the had much rather have gi vea to yon.”

“ Tom,” after i p iu ic, ” ii that • t n i g h t r

‘‘ T riii II Ooipel, Jack. It hai been played on me many a time. S o m etlse i 1 have known It, and Mumtimci 1 luppote, I bare n ek ”

” Give me another laitaoce, Tom.”" W ill, do you remember the lime at

the aontbilde dancing rlau when you hunted high aud low for M lii de Vrre, and after yon bad giTen up the eearcb ib e appeared on ih e floor with George l l o p k lu t ”

” Yea; and ih e waa angry becauM 1 had QOi come to claim her. She made a great fo il about I t”

" O f ooume; told you that If yon did not care enough for her daacia to claim them ■he would never dance with yon again ■ aalit tb i t you left bar alone lu long that ih e waa obliged to damw with that Hop­k in s and all that aortofatuff, didn’t ih i?"

"Y ee{ lom etb ln f to that effect.”” Aod i l l that tim e, my hoy, ih e wai

bidden away ta lk ing to fiop k iu i aod fairly trembling le it you ebould diKover hiT.”

" Oh, tbat'i too much, Tom."" H er c D ^ e m e n t to U o p k ln iw a ia n

nonnoed laet week ?”

" W iiir”"W ell, perbape you are right. It isn’t

flattering to a man’i van ity, though."” No, and that’a w hat 1 mean hy losing

a flrti lea ien’i ooocoit, Bot 1 can give yoQ aaother exampta. You rcmimbcr the tim e that I came to you and told you there had been an error that had made u i both engaged to Him Bmith fur the same dance T”


A (Minpla M ethncl by W hich H ajtlc M ay be H ead la A ay Key*

From tbc Kaa«aa (.'.ly JounAl.The deiire ta learn tnuilc ronaea to a l­

most every one a l tome lime in life. There are ibnatand io l buiy {loople who have not theoppartnu ity to lake up th ii itudy un­der a rom pelcut iaitructor. V iny tuch have m ill va lid their voices to some ex­tent, but have never learned iheiltop*eat rudliuvnU of the ■den^'e of musical Dota­tion. M utt they iviM through life de­prived of this acquirement and the enjoy* me lit Its posicHluu would briug'/

There aie many ways of preventing such deprIvaijDU. J( ouly rw ju ire iifew hour* of study to enahle any one of ordinary in- telligctica to read music In any key. I t is not claimed that oni rnu bccomc< a good iiuyi*r IQ lu i b a short tiioo. Neither l i l t cUlniiid th a t luch a selM sught muilclan ran sing or even read difficult muiic wUh sutUcieut rapidity ; but it Isciainied that such a stiident can learn In a few hours to read ordinary chnrtb or Bunday-Khool muilc. Even this Kquireroent would be a source of groat pleasure to lens of thou­sands of busy, avery-day people who have not the tinis nor meani tn enable them to take up the lystem allcatudy of music.

I t may seem presumptuous for one who la not a proreMional uu ilc Uachor to attem pt to write on the iub |ect of muiU' when there are so many competent leadieri of the aclcoce In almost every comnmuiiy.

The Apology for the attem pt la the conclusion th a t the inforiuAtlou to be Im­parted herein would have been of great value to the w riter when he was trying, unaided, to m aster the rudliucnU o f musical notatloai.

iiy way of further apology it la Decei- lary to say tha t there are many new mstbods o flearn ing music that are groatly superior to the old ooei. aud many that may be equal to or superior to one herein glveu, but a few luggostloni are offered with the hope that they may be of ua« to some one lo acquiring a koowledge of the most dv lllslng hrauch of human learning —music.

The llrat step Is to learn ihe lettering of tha stiff. You need only learn a t first the ieitcring of the staff from which yon sing. If you ling soprano or alto, leam the let­tering of the 0 clrf. I f you ilugbaiaoT tenor, leant the lettering from the F clef.

The second step Is to learn the musical scale. Almoit every one who reads this already knows tha t a laccesaion of musical Mauds from do to ra, ra to ml, ml to fa, etc., coDilitute 1 scale. In learning the scale remember tb i t a ra ro fbeincst above do, mi above r i , fa above ml, and no on up to do. These two steps can be learned from say book on elemeulary mniie.

The th ird step is the appUbatloa of the seals to the clef. A musical scale foonded on lu y letter of the clef ii ia the key of that letter. For instance, a icale founded on A la tn the key of A. A seals foonded on C la Id the key of C, etc. By founding a scale on a letter, it Is meant that do, or one la the seals, comes on th a t letter.

Now, it is agreed that the key that hw no sharps nor flats for Its ilgnature—near the clef sign a t the beginning of the musi­cal eompoiltioD—ahall be called the key of C. Wbeo you Me a piece of music, then, that h u no sbarpe nor flaU, you may know that it Is w ritten In the key of C.

Look up the definltloa and utea of flats and sharps In your music tiook.

In ease there ire no fiats nor sharps call C do or one, D two, E mi orthree, et«. As an aid to irepid maiding, re­member th a t it does not come on a line In golsg up the Kale, ml, lol, al and ra, and■iM fa. W illJ>q_f.n_jlifr , Bv

" Yeq end 7 QU were

‘ Ceitri

w a iia g wadaor Spring street b r l ^ i j ake eip lained the i'petbiaing g ro n p .

|e r - To the aym-

ralUcid men who Baby and purse, oon-

I E t f money and ticket, were ife liieEisV^iiapPW Tlni train. A hurried noaadl followed and • plan w u IniUutly Ihm od.

Old No. 23, ** The Draniwlck,” waa aide- tracked, waiting the pasiage of the train Just gone. Uncle Tbompaou, the lUtlon^

h a itilj toibia euglne and naked her aid to overtake the flying Imio. The genial Charles, ever lendy to aid the cnuie of any female Id aiitreiB, volunteered to catch the robber. Hastily filllDg the Arebox with wo>d from the lender while Tbompwn was aesiitlng the woman to mount the engine, with a command to ihe switchman to " give ui Ike main line,” with hand upon tha throttle, No. 23 flew quickly over the iwltchenand commenood her ran.

An empty engine chasing a heavy tmin ip ’’ Oak Hill grade,” which extends four D tleeetnigfai away from Branswich, baa IA eaay u ik , and before they had covered ■ ore than half of that distance they could see the object of their pttHuit,

To eoand bis whittle, calliDg the alte’'* Ik n of the tra in men to tbs ehtM and thereby stop the train, was not part of the programme, fearing that he might ran over them ihoold they suddenly stop. Be, quietly m nning along, the roar of the tf^w deadening the pursuit, he li toon inm ed iau ly behind them. Then his ten d e r^ fo r they are running backward—ruba ■gaiftfl the re ir platform of the train, and while the en ilneer holds her there Thompeou asaliU the woman over the tender, down upon the ptatfurm of the car eoutainiag the baby, still fast asleep, the p o th e r clasping tightly the bottle of milki

X k* L « st i ’le a iu iu Tour To Floi lda . T h e la s t o f th e (MjtiM o f w in te r plrtw-

ore tours to F lorida via the Hi'inuylvnnls Hall lead, ia filed fur Ui^ndsy. Mircb 11. 1'tie date M p n 4)liloui. as the ea tii sprltiB ot Klcrida la <teiighlfu) «essun, uhile ibe luutilh hi the N o u b la iwrhapatbe mo-t <1Njq.rvesblK ot the Wlnier. l i ic cxcuision ilckvi* ivUl odinii uf two weeks' viiii, whlcb may iKeiUvidcU up among the tnaivy lotvrcsiijig fifiilnls In the nib-troplcij region. The iiiJiy, whiph li iinw fbraiing. w ill im rcl lu Jsi ksoiivllle umlpr ilic personal escort of the tourMt ngvut ruid cha|ic ton. The round trip lU'kro>, wtaLrti lix'ludu llillmaQacontimiodiiUouHaDd mail* eii rouUi tu liotb dt^'(1ioQ^ will sold from ^cw York at 1 ^ , PhiUdelphU al HO and at propniiiimtiif rates from other stations. T hetic tiU will la* good lor tve only oh rpeuUi irn1ru in each di rectSuH. The special train of Pullnuui alet'p lug cauwUI leave New Yi>rk C;:iO M, I'IuIn dolphia 1:20 and run through tg Jsckiunvtlle by the Atlantic t'oeit l.iue,

How to Kbarj^en I'ocket-kuives.A tli*alel in cntlpry expreswa the

cqnnion ih«t not one man In U^y known Uow 10 ibarpen a iiocketknltc. "A rasor/‘ ' eayi, ’’niuit be laid Hat on ibo hone, l«lug btdlow-grouud aud rv‘qulrlng h fine eilgv But a pocket-knife rcquirn. s s.ifi und tbv moment you lay It fist on a. -o a* totMdi tho poiiKhfd Bide, ymi niin i1u> inlge Tbc blade must be helil at im srigti.' oi iwenty or twenty-five degrvea, nod bav« sn t-dgo sloil' I v to a chisel. Tbw U iocbiUcHUy cnlltHl (hf <canoel,' and ia iuarM un«)l ucw kuivvA by u flue white hue which does nu< remove ur lunch the fioJiibed surface. Kulviw ImiegptTly w h e tl^ are olton C(>niU'lDned as luo burd nr too soft wUbout rvasoa.


V o r d i From Ihe He# Hive o f J'rofll To You.

Lest Hunday we ndvrrtlied to sell the odd * pieces of our linca ol I'hwioi. Wraps, etc., ai

what tDtglu be called give-away prices, i)c- i»een the hours ol Itofiuu tluuday afternoou, b ’lt owliig to the heavy ralii fuw pouplu dare l la oome out.

'to-nv.li row aflcrpoon, between the asms hours tl to 0 o'clock), we will sell the balauuv

Dly. We divided Ibe dance. 1 ik the first haU and danced about fotir-

ARba" I” That's what yon did. ^'* Part of the programme, Jack. Itwaa mean trick, bo t H waa a regular society

ofee. L et me detail yon my convenatlon w ith U iii Smith as near as 1 can remem- b e r i t r

” ' Hay 1 have a dance, Hlsi Smith ?' I uk ed .

1 wish 1 conld give yna one,’ the re­plied, ' but my programme is full.'

" Now, that would have latlsfied yon, but I was on good terms with Miss Smith, and w u alio up on aeclat trk k i. Bo 1 aaid 1

Can’t I divide with some one f Well, you might have engaged a dance

beforehand,' she said."•W boee V" 8he gave me your name, and you re­

member the fairy tale 1 told you—engagM it before she got her programm e; forgot to put it down, etc., etc.”

" Yon played that on me, Tom 7” "O h .y e f,” DoDchalantly. ” You’ll be

doing it ybnraelf soon. Can’t play It on an old timer, tboiigb, Jack ; remember tbat.”

" Then, according to your itory, Tm no one. and you're a favorite."

"N o t by any means. The ouly differ­ence is tbat 1 know the Uicke aud play them when they came my way and you don't. I've bad th e same things happen to me timea w ithout numhor. But, my boy, when a young lady upbraids me for not claiming ■ danee thatahe took precious good care 1 ahould no t claim, 1 don't feel elated, 1 tell her I am torry. and my sor row ia ju s t as genuine as are her reproaches. We am both telling flill-dre^ fibs. Hut you, Jack, th in k you’ve been a villaiiii for not taking her away from that horrid Uruwn. Moreover, I ’m frequently caught

the torn dreis o r the broken heel trlcka.”

" W hat are they 7”" The moat common of all. I f a young

lady be dancing with some one sbe does uot care to dance with sho suddenly dls* covers that a piece of lice or sumething of that sort is torn. Then it I s !

WTll you please escort me to the dreu- ing-FOOtn T Bumo onu has torn niy dress.’

"Certainly you will. I t won't tako her a moment, ihn says, and you wait aroiiiid until the last slraius of the walte arc dying away, when she apiteiirs. Hlic Is so sorry ; the Altcivilaiit waa busy and sbo coiihlu't get It flxud at once. Uf courac, soiuciUues tbc dress ii really torn, and the beauty of the aehemc is that no man over lived who could tell wbctlior it was or not.”

"T he broken heel?"” (ih. that isn 't so often practised, be­

cause it puts an eml lo all dancing for that ovening. Htlll, 1 suppose you have gone to claim a dance nt aume time and fouad tbc young lady viiKOiiecd in a corner of the conservalury with iome favored admirer. She is sorry—they alw ajs are*—iiut ihf brok^the bed of her slipjter during the last dunce ami won’t Iw nlila tu danro any more that cvenin^t. You thnik for a luo- nieut of slUiiig ibe dance out with Lrr, but you reiueuilH-r wbat a tetc-a tote time she WHshaviug with the other nnm when you came up, and yon decide nut to snggeat It. There Is a peculiar feature of th is ; that in my teu yeaii’cxpericQcoiu society 1 uevet know a bed to be brokeu off uutll the lat­ter part of the eveniug, or of a case where »be did n o t ' sit o u t ' ihe test of the dinces with the man she was with when the acci- duol bsppcniKl. In fact,. 1 bavo known oi C41SCS nherr. when a man was pnilty suro of h!sf;rimi)d, he suKi;cd<d that thebreak- ing of a heel tulglit cud tbc programme.”

!kkaUlllelL 'iEe quality and prices as roDows

fi Plush ftitquw at llft.ltf ' ■ ■ * -----furiavrlT fiU.tkS lombV.

1 lluah Baeque (boiled), |7.fiU: waif^O.1 Plush Pantiue (boUihI), flU ; 4A2 Pluah Wrape, ^*Uicb, ; wcK 112.2 plush Wrapa, ?A aud llA iurb,IAtie; wcrellfr. 1 Pluib Jackal. hieU, IKVH ; was1 Flush Newaisrkct, 14 yean, tU.uM, wasff'A.2 Fesaant {Janueuti, Od atid Sk-loob, All.OH ;

2 Auael^leeve Nswioarkeis, >2 and tSdiicb, f7 Wj were

4 ladies' Kaiivy Newmaiketa, t5.96, were •12.*.

2 Ladles' Fancy Kewinarkcli, n .M ; were

H Htaea’ Newmarheli, RW and R .98; lev Ikau Olio- half price.

12 CSilldren’s Ureicbeni, 4 and 0 year rises, H f f i : wareJfi.M lo 112.^ ,

i m ti m eant above high do the eighth note above the foundation note. When do If OD a apace all the lost tnentiooed notee wlU be on spaces. When do is on a tine, ibeipacee going up will be ra, fa, lOi do, u l , eo), ete.

Open yoor |a>ok now for the last—the foue tb -e tep . Find a piece of tnesk whose slguaturc le one sharp. This sharp Is on F. This leads to the role for the position of iharpa. T he righ t hand aharp i t always on six or seven of the scale. Thsn, of course, do is the next note above the right baud ebarp. In this cesft,of one ehsip the next note above the aharp la on Q ; there­fore we have the key of G and call that letter do.

The notes do, ra, mi, fa, etc., will come in regular lucceasioo hero and in alt the keys alike.

The fourth is Ibe change of keyi. If the other itep r have been well-learucd this Is the easiest of all.

Tbo key of C has already been d l^ cussed.

In cbengfng ksy i remeinWT that no mat­ter wbat the name of tbs note is fta sound or degree of pitch is always the n ine . Far instance, in the key of C fk comet on F, while in tb s key of A la comes on F. Now the tone on F remains the same tn pitch in both and all o ther keys whether iU lyllo- ble name ii fa, la or something else.

In learning the deflnltloD and usee of ftate and abarpi you have learued some- tiling of whole itep i and half steps, prob­ably enough to answer present purposes.

In changing keys, flats and ib a rp i ire used to maka the half itei>a occur a t the right places for them.

Next fiud a piece of nmilc with a signa* ure of two sharps. The righ t band one is un C. Then do !■ the next one aliove on I>, which Is the keynote. The notes will read from do lu regular succeaifou as before.

When tbe signature li Ibree sbarpe the right baud slu rp is (I. Then do will come un tbo next note above which is A, the keynote. With fonr shsrps, the right band ibarp is ou D. Then, do is ou the next nolo above, which it E, and so on. I t doM not malk'T huw many nor bow few iharpa tbc last or right hand sharp is always the next note below tbo kcinuto, do or one of thn Si'Sle.

Tbe AaU traunpoie by fourths or fas. The right hand flat is always on fa or four of the scale. Fiud h piece of luuiic with one flat lor a signature. U is un IL Call it fa and read up or dowu in regular inc* cesiioD till you reach do and you will find it un F. which is the keyuotc. I’roreod in the sumo insinicr wiili any number of flAle, Always call Ibe right hand fiat fa, and read up or down to do and you bavo tlie keynote. The number of flats makes no differem^ or oiceptiou to the rule,

lu determining the key of a piece of music first pro4«ed according to tbe fore­going rulna fur finding tbe key note. Hav mg found du or one of the scale, cast your eyes to tbe left along the line or space cm which it is placed, aud If you see a sharp on tbat degree of the itafF It la the key of tbat le tler sharped. For liiitaiu'e, if do cornea Ob U and C Is sharped in tbe sigun- tu rt, it la the key of t ' sbnrp, and If do comes un 11 and B ii IllaUcd, then It Is tbu key of li flat, aud so ou.

No doubt to u prufeasional rouiician these rules will teem tuecbanH*al and in­complete. In one seme they are. But (bey are philoHopblcal In that they teacb tbe how before tbe w hy—the a r t bufore tbe science.

Tbe details—tbe phj1u!io|)hy--or musical uotatioQ should come after one has learned to read tliuple uiuslri )uit as the alphabet and aiteUing ehuuid come aft«r one has learneil to read or write.

Owe o f th e Martyred I'reoldeoFl Cbarne- , l e r ls t l* atorlM HoluM. |

Now that a new AdnUnistration l i com* , ing Into power Uon. A. B> Htlomons, of ; Wasbington, thinks tbe ticne opportune to j repeat the following story told h iu by I'residcut Lincoln ;

We bid been Ulkin^^ ultont the pitfalls tb a t beset Hie path uf public coen, and Ihe danger of their tumbling into them, when, ae was his wont when an apt idea itrnck him, he suddenly brightened up, and graspiog my arm with one of bis long, bony b indi, wbJle he brushed back bis shaggy blark hair with tbe other, aaid:

” When 1 lin t entered upon my duties as I 'm id e n t 1 fnHy made up my mind to appoint lo office thoee unly wbotn I knew to be honest and who had suitable ability.In any event huoesty should be the pre­requisite, ai tbe lack of a liltle ability might easily be made up hy an honest man endeavuring to d o his duty consclentioos* ly. White this resolve was fresh upon me there came to me one day a very old friend, a Baplist minister, who had trav­el le<l so fast tiial he had not yet shaken tlie Illinois real estate off bli capacious boots.

" 'W h y , w hit brings you here, Hr. CbootipfrF Skid 1 (which was not his natue, but It will do ju s t u well).

" ' Well,' be repUe«l,' I came down here, flrslly, to see you and get ah old*fuhloacd shake of tbe hand ; and, secondly, to say th a t tbe folks of my congregation are so poor that they eao bsrdly afford me a de­cent living, and 1 thought maybe you could give me aome lo rl of an office tb a t would pay me better.'

" ' C'ertatuly,’ 1 answered quickly, lor I knew he was an boncit man, and 1 was looking for stock of tb i t kind. "H ave you in view any particular office V

" 'N o , ' said itev. Mr. (Jhootaper, com plarentlj ; '1 would not know what to select if yon were to band me a list to seluct frum'C"

" ’ Nor 1 wbat to give you; but I Will tell you who will help you out. You know Oolonel Ktddiib, ef your oount^. Ue Is now ou duly In the Treasury iTepartmaot.Go and see blm ; bo li t man of teeources and will get you out of your difficulty; come back to-morrow and repo rt’

"T h e next day, according to promise, ChooUper put in an appearaneo and said th a t the Ckiloael had recouunended blm to apply for a certain position In the Eevenae Dopariment.

" 'W b a t Is tbe sa la ry F n ld I, signing In a mechanical way a p ilto f I'omiuiMiona.

"T w o thouMud dollars a year.”" ’ Weil, do yon tbiuk that is eooogb V

I answered. '1 may be able to do better for you,' for 1 knew that be was an honest man and thought be might Just u well as so t get a place where be could earn mors money.

" 'O b , plenty, U nde Abe, for tbat U more than double tbe amount I've been earnlDg for yea n paaL'

'"N o w Jj^ g an to think, said our m ar­tyred Fteifoent, ' ih i t 1 would have to force him Into a place paying a larger sal­ary and where the (lovernm ent would have a corrMpondlug retorn for hU valua­ble services, for 1 was more tbau ever (if tbat were possible) convinced th a t be w u an boneat mau, but 1 Anally concluded to •five blm his owu way and be was ap­pointed ai-cordlDEly. Off be went rqjoic- mg, but 1 felt rather mean a t my one-horse gift to my good, honest, reverend friend.

" Three years elapsed, aud tbe anxietlH altendiug tbe war bad completely drlveu from my mind, for tbe time being, the In­cident Just related^ when my mesMnger brought me a card bearing tbe familiar name 'Uev. Mr. Cboofsperj’ and j m- ■nwiUlslT t_h.^ m , mind Blfth« clnumitencM attending m j eppulnl- Ing him ta affine. 1 direrlod him tu b, ibawn in, end in walked, with creak, boat., one of the fineil and beat dreiHd men 1 had leen In m an, e d e j. 1 rtcog- nieed hla connienance e t e glance, but U wee b it m am llo n i clotbe. th a t troubled me. T h e , get e u i l j enough upon big bod,, but gomehow or other tb e , did not elt ao eegll, npou m , mind, but whertrore,I could not fur the life of me tell, If 1 bad tried, whioh 1 didn't,

" 'f lo o d morning. Hr. r r e i id e n t’ (no longer‘Uncle Alie,’ aa before), tald be, In a grandiliiquent minu'er ( '1 bo>e /o n are well end getting ou nlcel,.’

“ ‘ Oh, ,ee,’ ggid I , ' wo poor folka oke out e living aflor e faablon,' Intending to give him the bit ia hi. moutli, fur 1 knew wbat an h o n o t man bo w u , and bow mucb—1 couldn't tell Ibcn exacllr bow 01 neb, for 1 bed loot tbe run of blm—' we, the people,’ ,*ere InJtbted to him .

Hr, Ifrealdent, 1 bavo coma to leaign m , offleo.'

" Feeling aomewhat as thoogh I had biwn gtruck b , lightning, 1 managed to exclaim ,' Indeed I’

‘Yea, 1 th ink tba t there are m an , otbert deaervlng of the place, aud that It U ta j d u t , to make w a, for them.'

W at there over inch an boneat man u tb a tF ' tald I to myielf, chuckling over m , •tnp id lt, ou th t clothe, eurprite. " But," laid I aloud, "1 am afraid , on are not cvntiderlug ,o u r* lf , friend Cbooteper, and that when , on go hack to preaching ,o u will be u bard up a t when ,o u came here three , » r t ago. Hadn’t ,o u belter bold on a little loegor, ea, a year more, aud let UI both go out of office together 1”

" No, thank you, 1 am going to £urop« during that time, but 1 hope to tee you u Preiideut h n r f when I return,' and after a few more kind exprowlona, off went Hev. Ur. I'hootaper.

" About a month after, ouo of the rever­end gcntleman'g neiglibon paid me a viilt, aud among olher tblngg, rc marked caaually tbat 1 bad done a pretty good thing for Cbootapct. ' Yea,' 1 replied, ' 1 gave him a t'i.llOO poiltiou lor three yeart,'

"■Beiidet the balance,’ '' added my vlaltor " 'W h y , if Ue ia worth a cent, he I. worth to-day $*.1(10,000—and 1 can prove It If neecaury—and every dollar made out of the Oovetnmeut I*"

" W het could the Idiot mean ? To aaliifrr m yielfof the falaity of the chaige 1 determined to aend detcctivea to where be lived, aud, would yon believe It, tbe prejudiced fellow* brought bark word that be bad made hii frl.OOU aalary in the ag­gregate yield fully $'jon,ouo In crlip gracn- bai'ka; but then knowing lie wae an kon- eat man 1 knew that there m uit be a mla- u k e aomewhere, but Jual bow aud In wbat manner I could not toll.

" By the way,*’ added Mr. Llnooln, with one of h it knowing wtuka, " we have plenty of thootapera left, but I t w u herd lludiug thorn out, amt even If we do not trace them up they are Invariably quite full now, like ao many horao leechee who have had their run among lo many fet cattle, and If wo appoint new onei who are empty tbe chancee are that they, too, will have to get full—lo 1 don't lee )vhere vtould be the gain in the awap. Bat ChooUper, in apite of tlie off-color, piqju' diced itorioa about him inuat have been an boneat man; now don't you think he w a a f

IM B I C lerki Wfee O el OeBd Ctotlaea le r U tile lloecy .

From (tie Clothier.There u e perm enenllnteirogetloe point

lo e greet many people'a mlndt, and that la how young men earning tnyw here from (Iff lo tlH e week c u dreee ee well ea mee earning five or a li limea ea mneb. Yet they manege to do It, end beve enongh money left lo make a polite little ripple lu the ioclety in which they move.

The eerly elevated lie in i end borie can ere crowded with well-dreeeed young men, who gaaa about u complacently end lelf- antlaScd ai If they were part ow neri in e railroad and lived only to cut coopona and draw divideodi. They ere dreaied well, and their clotLing, from the cepe eo it to

THE PUREST AND BESTte m ede only of ntrictly p u re g rep e cream of te r te r , gtricUy p u re b leerboa-

the irgYt%Iolh“*|iaiurt over theirVboca, j » «nkU P ( ^ oC- - - ................ ' flour BA E preM iTEtive. no th ing bIm

whatever, aud te warranted entirelywould compere favor.bly w ith tbe le'jeat faahlou plate. Yet If you follow Lbem you wilt be pretty aure to learn th a t they are •imply clefka In b ro k en ' olDcee, end do not receive more than $15 In e mgiorUy of caaea How do they dteta eo well, then t U« Ib .y " borrow’’ from tholr employeri, or do they ipecuUtefnbucket-nhopt? They do not " borrow," aud, a l for apccnlatlng, they do that aometimea in e tm til way. Their clotbei are bought honeitly enough with tbe money they earn every week, end the way they du It li very etay.

Hoet New Yorkori have beard of that claaa of people known u " fencei," wboae bualneif It ii to buy atnlen goodi from tbe Itilevee direct e t e ridiculoualy low price, end eell tbe aluff to amall doaleri et e imall profit. A "fence” will bay in y th in g that la ■toirn, from a ailver apoon to a anil of clothea or an aaurtm ent of clothing, end thereby heegi pert o f tbe tele. Every time there la e big clothing robbery tbo iluff la fenced end Immediately pe i ieil totbeeacred precincU of Baxter atreet. B oaetim ei the better porlloni ol the tblevee’ work Aud their way Into cluthlng atotee lo bettor ncighboihoodf, and became of the extreme- ly reeiooeble price a t which It li bought, tbe tn iti are aold- very cheap. Now you wonid not auppoae a brokei'a clerk would go to Baxter atreet for clothea. Neither doei be. He ten d , th e clabhtng-men’i agent for w hit be wente. Tble egent oetli on the clerk and le told what jty le of dn tb ing le wanted. The young man U meaanred, and wben the clothea come borne they need very little ellerlng. Tha ooel i t comperetlvely nothing. A good Prince A lbert ooet end Veat can be bought for from $B to$20, while catiwaya and u c k auite ere to be bed for prlcae ranging from 15 to $15. Ofeouraee greet deal of tbe atuff ii aaeond-hand and * great d te l la icolen. T be eecond-taend clothea a r t eeally "fixed up,” end the meicbanta of Baxter atreet have to deli­cate e facility for thie “ fixing np " proceei that they will change tbe whole complex­ion of a e e lt Tbe itolen goodi are aold |n it u they ere bought, with the eicep- tion of change In the mxker’t teg on the niide of the collar.

Still there le aoolber. more lefttimete, way of obtaining clothing tb a t h faahlon- able, new and coetly. Toere are a greet

--------- leble, in

free from alum , ammonia, phoephatea, lime, anil a ll th e adu lterao ta fr«qiMDtly found lu baking powdare. T he charac.-te r of tnaterlala need, their p a r ity , and

their 0 iperlorif and moat econom ical in

elr p a r ity ,th a nicety of th e ir combination, render

' baking powder thety

Clevelaad'e iiui moet beitithfii! uee, and it alwaye affordt wboleeome. ■ntritioui, and dellcioui food.

It in recommended for parity, health-

WATSONHave Harked Down all Their Broken Lots of

ELEGANT CASSIMERE PANTS ITo tbe Bztremo Low Price ot

$3 $3 $3 a Pair!To Close Oot Wblle Tlwy An PrspaTlnj Pei Pattwns f« Spriai lorL

Becnre a couple o f pnira o f these H androm e Panto while yon have all tlw flm ice Pelterwa to eclect from, as one more S a tu rday w ill certainly cl(— »*i th trU R A ’f AND B l J c K CUT LINES and the B EA U TIFU L SHADliD

ctoee ont ail BTHlPES

now no faehiooable.Kemrmber, the price ia $ 3 for

Hie first buyert gel the beat pallcniAany kind or rtyle you may lelect, and thsi

fulneee and efficiency by Qovenunent emtoto, cumiato of Boardgan d S tate chemtoto,

o f H ealth , an d profeeeon in Inetitu tioni o f learning throughout tbe country .

Bold only in cane, Ihlt w eight. O iB v iu jii) HaoTBiaa. ALUkT, N . I

i«e.S p a c i n l


H o t l c a m .TOr o n aae,

ARTICl.Eg.•1 .50

GEO.N o .


. . - . ................ .................J t n t t M f l i l t **********

TDs m ThtPK* Am F ^ o fUiKkds, tk« Kltchan Klurii o f W sr« A rs HtJli M om VdI* u#bl« » t Ufthu* A Coi's IDls W#slt«

th a rsn o y K oe4i ftnd A ll

LkdMx' Uiwn Aproni.L»i)si' Einbroidsrsil Cori'-l Covott.

many young man, Hcb Knd ftsbluDil New V^ork, who spend most of thair limahuylng tn J giving clothes sway after wear* ing them once or tw k s. T b ii may team strange to mm who have but two suits, and wear them until they i r e iboolutely too th r i^ b w to wear any longer, vet never­theless it Is tbe case. Suits o f clothes cost­ing all the way from |T>0 to |100 ftsch are mi^e for these wealthy young men, and are worn probably throe or four timoa and then given lo raleto. To follow tbe course of the clothes from this point would ba a preUy heavy uadertaking. Sometimea they ore sold to second'baud dealert on Sixth, Fourth and Third avenues, who make a handsome profit on every suit


IvsdiM’ Muilln CbemlBS. lasdlsi’ Muslin D rtveri.Child's Whits Tucked Shirts*Child's Huffitd iirswen.Oiikl'i Wmte U H- Dresses.Intsuis' Osiubrto HtlfU.(Ximbrlc Jerssjr Wslst.Lsilles’ Hibb^ Vesls. lAdlss' OsusR Vesu.Child's iaocllum-wsl|ht Ifsrlno Vests.Isidlei!* BufUes, IhuritirleL Ladles’ llcse Supporters, wllh bsnd t t

shoulder Hireps.Ladles' Hose, twenljr-five styles.Child’s Hose, sU slfl^ ten styles.Cssbmere Gloves,Ladles’ All-llnea HandhsrehieR KsA'i Fine Linen Ueodkerchivii.Usn’t Half Hose. I Hen's ftcorNi.Thrse Hen's AIMIoen OoltsiS.Men's AlMlhen CuIR.Men's sad Boys' Suspsudtrt.Boys' Windsor Ties*Lodln' Mull Tiss.One f onl Huebing.


le fwClilla’a lecetk !

IldlaPine Mct.l Bmlona.Cblidla L«oCoflaia

T*.Ivo jardi Torchon laot.Two hanki leal (lennantown Wool. Mwlln COrereil PlnctuOlona.ttuarlar do » n Table Napklna Five atvle* Lloeu Toweli. la ig e Turktih Toaoli. _ l^ rk lih Toval 1I.U, laxSfi.Fluah Genm MaU.Fm cr " Albambr." T1A»«. Piampod Mumle Traj Ohvora. StauipeO Homle or Liiwo Splaihgri.BiaiiiMrt lJuen Huwau Ijovira, M Incbea '

Eieffl.alaxlelll.nipoct Noffite Do,He. Pair ffumpod Plilow8hama. Double I'mhrclii Hag.Tbrea-poctft ffhog lta|.

II Lauodr, Hag.fimtilAll ktnda Olaaiwan.All klDili Tinware.All xmdi Fotceltin.All kljiila WooOware.Thouaaudi ol Kitchen Need!.Open im 7 o'clock ; feinrrtura till U,

deitvtr)' aiirwbete m the county t*'. 7 * . ' ________ __


to him the valet keepe (he belt for him- lelf. of coutw, and maniqjei to make con- lidcrahle money out of w hatheiella . Thua It ii that 10 m iD j young men eernlng imall lalariH cau drew eo faahionably and live hoDogtly. ____ ________


W henM luet W ho Oat In m MUehtof S ta t Away ta ha KAocated,

Here cornel a proecwlon of pretty pupiLi, wrtleg Clara Balle to the Ctncln- natl £«g>jr«r. L ittle girta from tbe W at, Soulh and Exit are ten t to tliU bulling hive o f* town to educate. S en n a madami Htohliih aeleet ichoolt in an rfegaih oiom atreet, or perchince on ona of the grand avenuea. They exU tim id young creaturei from dlitont tow na They are cuefril enough of their p lan ta They honie them aecutely, and tbe man who would dare call on one of them mugt require a conrige th a t ia poaltively tangible. But air and gun are necem ry to everythiDg tn nature, an the eelected mlMee undergo a milltory airing twloa a day. In company with a gharp-faced attendant a long line of girli march teditely up and down Rfifa avenue, and hy go doing they page by the window! of all tbe pciucip^ dub- bouaea

Now, little M taS iupeon , of YpgtIantI, can icaicely be blameil if aha l i allghtlj thrilled when an Iiupremlve Individual, iweetly dreiied and exhaling "ariito- cratlc" gymptomn, permito hltnaelf lo gur- v e j her young figure Is preference to all the re lt of tbe achool. I t would frighten her ont of her appetite $f tha itonnlng alrangor ipoke to her. B ut onr club lounger li ra ther clever In tbeie liltle af- hlra. Ha regardi b ii prey for a protracted period, end the teldom eeei him twice in the tame in lt of clothee. Then, If he la really pleaaed, he baa hi* valet itroll along after the proceatlon and run It to cover.

Some day lltUe Mite 81m pmn to allowed tn go nut alone, Jnat to th e druggiit’g to hay tome cough dropt, A clean cot and obaeqnloui young man atopa np to her in a buitnegg-like way, handa her a note and w ilk i on looking M gerene a t a dlatrict telegiaph mraaengor boy, which ii the gerenat thing on earth . The g irl feela guilty, hot ghe re ta im the note. I t hag a c r a t on tbe envelope, and ii about the p re ttia t hit of atationery the innocent hta ever icon. I l l coutento ere moet reipectful, only a requett to meet her, that ia alL Well, Uiia Blmpeon le pracUctlly in. a priion, but ahe poM oau the average femt nine Intollect, and the clnb man meeto her. Perhape a drive In the park, n little dinner behind thoee wicked ecreene In the Mk Bt. Vincent ra to n re n t, n I n t g len of champagne, and iben w h e n le little Ulw Simpaon f In the—Iwlm.

W e Hava In a iig u n ted .On March I, to cloaa out our oddi and

enila, th t lu rin g of our lantule. evarythlog below cat. Don't fall lo wiliicu Ibw g ru l ODuuur cleartQg a* Ihate will be oonalderable amuioineat to note the beautiful to n a to be bean] from Ibe biuy crowd « , they bu n In Tncir -tKlHSSiKS, UU..takt..thli^.i;hh!b wtU evideoUJ be rondurivs pw l* tb ir i e F »ble epiabHehiBent bis bulH * fouDdallon wblcb !■ M sUUk'Oti ss Ike Rock ol Gibraltar. WDst the; is r they do, iher do. ’ m o n o w raoiD- ins e l» A, M r *e wm ledss follows;

WO diM, Lisle Thread h tlf Hoes, 6c. a pclr. 1,000 dcL 8uspewJci», 7c. a wtr.HOOVhlncbllla Overcoats, » ltn lined. ta W ;

* Unen OolUio, (uaraiiteedi * ko-gn|tiEh MeUoD OverooMs, ; worUi

ecnlff iw r plyCulft, l*W ft«yles,llo.a pair.


A M O S H , V A N H O R N , 7 3 M a rk e t S tree t, w ill sell $ 1 0 0 .0 0 w o rth o f goods, $ 1 0 .0 0 dow n and $ 1 .0 0 p e r w e e k . T o g e t you to o rd e r n o w , I w ill sell th e fo llow ing goods a t the fo llo w in g Reduced Prices i

lOO Kolia of Tnpretry BroaMla Owpet, rtNalai prica per yarf 75c., reduced to OSb fiO Rotli of All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price per yard 78c., reduced to 60s. 50 Parlor Btiito, in Mohair, Silk aud Emboaeed Fluah, rcgolar price (76.0^

reduced to $50.00.60 Parlor Suita, in Brocaielle, Tapeatry and Kngs, reguU i pri» $10000, redorad

to $75.00.Solid Black Walnut Bedroom Suita,.8 ptecee, marble top, regular price $60.01

reduced to $‘16.00.100 Aotique Oak, Aah and Cherry Bedroom Saita, regular prica fiO.OO, tednoad

to $27.50,A fhll line of Parlor Htovet, Rangw, Chlldien’e Caniagce, Lonngre, UaUnwea,

Sideboarda, etc., etc., at Keduced Pricea.

Good* Delivered FKEE OP CHARGE to any Part of Uio State*


K led ric lty Uaed lo rtirlfy ^ttApUaKlertrii'lty i$ ^nidimlEy Ihpui intn»‘

dui'UiJ lulu cornuilC'otwreUi>ui tu )>iiril> fjusriz end kaolin from oxide of iron. Tbe po’Ailor tu Lw GfierelfrJ ou li placed lu a huppvr, whence U lallt iiuo a ruwivwr hJiatinti tepidly ou a verilicol axis. Thu rertilver U lurruimdsd by powerAil mognels uf lrlsiq{ulRr Kctluu. Ihe paMQod («wdar tbea rsHt into a i«-coud re­ceiver inJ aikif undergoing t iiliullir piirlflca- LiOD fn this it is, os t rule, ready for nie. The oosi of ih li pruceos Is srasii, and U Is iieicd

UWlDg 10 III mplOJlfiCnl BUt»tsUC«I CADiiuw be 1l^ea 'wbicb were runncrly rujecied oD sccuuiit uf Uis sm uuul of iron couLoiDtd lu Ihcui.


1 f i l e s ’ iSjir-tf immed Cloth Wrap, t t |X2 lAdioa' PeasanaeDterle-lrtittmed Clgih Wraps

A IHCtoiHoa oi tbeti to-aesfow DAomoon beiwoeu

1 ojifl 0 </oiock.U A Flout A 0$.$ VIA TILTH Brood M.-Aflv>

Frlntlnie for Ike TradCaWm. A. UaktF, printer end piiblliher, has

|uu (Kitlu a Urge c>TiD<ler pre* lUie largBUl lu '' ' sidi u it , with tb«>lt other prcMes,Ihe

wilt euible tbem lu du press work bii the irotle ID Oils Odd siirmuKllog dUeo. 2U3 tud 20( Market ilie«L—Adv.

Ta Me Warrig Ur<Md SftreatqTeas, CoUkes, JopaiMss tiowii.-Adv*

To llic Fliitler o f a filseeThe Ilcti H ke have n luw i'blldren's Suit*

wblcb. Irum tbe isieiie*fl of Ibu ocssod. appear Ifvi on iiccuunt uf the dwindllDg down lu iiotblni nf what was i t mw llius Uiegritidiest oBaGrimciil o( wlhlcr ftaruwms 1R ine cUV- Wlineuever huHs a Rise to tu odc of tbolt girli will be libarell; rewarded by the grcaiiavIiMfroiD MMuifcl Wurth.

Wo have U Mine*'hailor iUonts SuiU, gar* uet, Krt| aod navy, «s fuUuwi

Hare Metal* for HpenLal WarlL Hume rate tuctala. ipeclat

qualities, eru rrquiml forccritlu uurk. Thus pgUtdlum Is u i^ iu lusilng kuiuc )jartn uf ilmcpleccs, aud irrlillmu for tbo fiomti uf guid pens. Mid Ibe unlnUleUxI buve do klua of the vsluu of such scarce products. Vauodluai cww. for iitiiaiico, 123,9U) iraiica pur kilogramme Kecunliiin, 711,29b ftsucft, and litliluiu, which Is Iho ll|[t)lcptuf meliU, TT.VX) rraiKV p d kilo- irsmow. lihodlum, which is extremely bard and brltUfl. and I* only ttulblo at a rory high U'Utvutaturs, felches2f>.iWrrum.e,eDd irridluPi lbs beavlesi lubetance hltbcriu (UacovenHli ousts I2>b0& francs I'Si r kllngratunse. It wUI, tberefurc, bo scud rhit gold eud silver sre ier Horn kx'ibg tbe EDUit precious metal*, os for so ihelr moikci value is coucerued.

Near Plane 8t,

7 3 M A R K E T S T R E E T ,NEWARK, N. J


Mrsa W in s lo w ’sSoothing Syrup

ChlQCliilia Ovsreoaig, lb.90!ImportedMachs Ooltor and C uff Boxes, 7c.

* ^ ^ ‘£ogll*h Wale Chim era Suit*, M.7S;

" ^ iV iw r iw i 1,000 ao*.Gouda, worth lo make np SOc., me. and *1 aplfoa; wa will lall the entlra kH fur lOa

■ - -our choice; call and Inapuct Inain;

ahonld xlwayaba nicil for Cblidren Teetb- Ingi I t Soothes tba Child, Softena the Gums. AUxyiall Fain, Cnret wind Colk,

I W I ^ ^ I ■ and la the ^ Remedy fee DiaiTboea.TW C N TY -FIV t C EN TS A S O T T L I

apiece; J '’ "rSBroainfile Wonted Bnlla, IU.M ; worth

* ' iw 6 Engllih Wala Caiilmere Nnto, | l . « i

M Hw Wart MerSAT* OV


".lIo«l*AU Woit' Cheviot Panta,r.W ; wrath

**S0O filorm frvercoeu, 18.76; worth to.*#.876 Irtah T w e ^ Btona O tercosu, 18.78;

’'N ow ^ f yOT wlih to tecnia tbaaa coll and liwpert iheui «rsi; tneu i i tboy w M repieacn^, and If yon d ™ i Jtel In­c l in e to purehaae, you a n at litarty m ^ aft

tlirtohlOParCant Clothing Co., (06 Bread itn et. __________ _

aara w lia1 inffarad (nr tooro th an U n y a a ra w ith that dnadful dlteaaa, eatonrh, and nied avery avatlabia madlcliie which w u rtcommandad loraa. I cannot thankjfoo e o o u i^ o r tha ta­ll*/ which your Craam B atohre iffcned m a -•■'tiianual Meyera. Winfield, L I., N. Y . _____

> w imeeti yean I wa» annoyad with revareMin In my head and dnehanaa Into my throat hrom catarrh. My lenaaol iroell waa mnch Impaired. By the uge ol E yg^reaiBhaT iovenm na Ihi D tnli Hotel, N. Y.

treubIet.-J. B. Caae, K

Cary A Kenny, p lclura-lrnm a manu/mo-turera, K i Broad >l«aL Pleiarea,^rramaa, E in li, Ifirroii. ate., K im v ln |n W n U n re Paauli, B ehluii, Watit (3011 and all rindtal arttui' nutaiitlx Fcamaa made while yon watt. ___________

■baolutaPow der toCom plexion -----------Bccogatty uf the refined toilet In thic climate, Poaionl a cumblnea every element of beauty and purity.

vung Ilia.FtUa e n n b lH o u nad nar-

, d i r TAllow your Clothin g, Paint, or Woodwork, washed in the old rubbing, tw is tin g wrecking way. Join that large army of

sensible, economical people, who from experience have learned that James Pyle's Pearline, used as directed on each package, saves time, labor, rubbing, wear and tear.

Your Clothes are worn out more by washing than wearing. It ia to your advantage to try Pearline.

JAMES PYLE, New Vorfc Sold Evetywhen,

CONTINUEDFor ton dayg hmcei. Tha '■wlnd-np’’ CMi- lnx«at Bala of sU Wtntof Clothing at tbi Bankrupt Aariinaa a o th ln t Salawoomx l a Mulberry atreet, eornar of Haiket tuaei, Hiw- trb. Hew Jeiaey, w ill contina far ton dajtSew Jeiaej, w ill conuna ror ton oajt

, dnrliw which lime the remaing iiuck —mt Qothuxi. conniating of Man'* Boyi’

ildran'a Buna, OvereoaU and Panta, will ba aacrlfiaad at '' One-quarter Ii'g Value.'*Xrarvthlng lo tba antira atuck at Sfic, on tha doUar Font Dollara' Value of Fine Clothing lor tilh money. Thta% an ahaoluta Met. Avan youttalf of thlt opportunity. It m y never cc-*'\VSoM en'i Panto at (Se. IM Melton Over eoituTttS.to. worth riha B7>toji Fuf Saavar Oveicoato. all fioion, worth ta^ at IT 85 8M Men'a w inw t Bulta of Caialmera, Beoleb Chevlol and Uomaapun Tweedi, Bwik and Cntawaya that are aold In any other iton tn Newark at from II* to l » par ju lt, Yoor eholoaolanyault n the entln lot at lfi.75 Han’g Broad Wala Wonted Cutaway Brea. Snlto woeth $« , at P0.3fi „Fliia H a w ^ Kep aayg, lehnalwU, ctlnchlUax French flohlag. luun, Vlauoa 'Top OoUA Aherdean Haltou and Koval Maodard Kenay Overoeata. all Tallor iuda, BJIk-llnad, ^ mtda iupartw W belt cnMoin work; no Ovarooit In tola lot la worth laaa than and qp to toff. To data thamont taMdly they w ill go al SunlfCrm prica of n 8.6o for any Overccat In ib e_ entire lot, ’of Tricot DtofOnid. Wontada '

1.000 Boys' SuitsWocitsdi Cork-

trfouiad. at,40 12,80 siMi 18.50 : worth IBa 110 and fU per

smi. 600 israaln ol Coralmere and Cbeviot Bulls, i t 860.. $1.86,21.45 and fl.% aiuli, Dave beuDioUat $8 to S6 per suit. OesUemen'i riiMst Prlnae A lton Dross BuiHa ibt slfiobt DrMiWear.Snk-liDOdfi B ib ri Tf 1is|to low roll ood raodo by tbs best (aUors; of Whip- coKb. Kortow « Wide Wale Wonted Corfcscitw oodEog, Dlatoaols. wortb|60| 1(114.60. New

u #


T h?


ihagoula, worth ISO, at IlllkL Naa Brenlni Bulla of B u k Twari Cuaimm, gfi.MBrenlni Bu worth nfi. Banoockburii Cheviot Bolta, t t .K jw w h t e Boys' Paoti, I*c..worth from It to 12 a iw r. SiSW ^TY Over- ooata. Eightyolne Ifific.) canli. Yooiha' Bnlti, K M ; worth <12. Germania Beavar Overcoato that were aold at 135.00; now IB.23. NohhT etndaht Cat Bnila for yoniig men, all lata at»laan».7fi ; worth Istoa Boy'a Capa uvareoatt, (l.ffi. I L « to | t » reawetlvely; worth | 5 W to <10 each. BoFi Corduroy Bulta. II to, and many other twigalna not fflaoiloned hare. Call and aa« foryounalf. Coma to-day and everyday fhr thenaxtten danandgaTC three dollara on every dollar you ipand. _ Don't may away. _F*ch and ivaryartkia aold aa adrartlaed. Evarythlim gum-

OS rtpraoented or money refliudedaameed _ _Briof (to mcraey and lake tbs goods off of our b a ^ AW tbal’s luA by M ar^_jA |oesto auclloua Ihe Qraot121 riultorty s(r«eb,Newark, N. J. L'Bed Hgas. Look tor

All mal e len to osoicd logoesio 6o oome ol oooe to tb« wmalai>Dp oi

tBoukrapi Asrigirae CIotbiDg to is at berry stroet, comer Hoiket nrceL

U i M Brick BolldlDia AU for tb oB ! _____________

“1 Like It EiceediDgly.’HKAD


30 Shavee for 2 CcnlOa

Age b e

tIuKa 1 4 2 4choice at | 1 67 : wero $3.45 to H-98.We have 2 Mliecs' l^ncy Hoih Halts with

reivet and briul trlmiaiugi. os tulluwi:Age 4 8 10 12

Bulls 2 8 8 1Choice at n .28 { wera tS.rii to M 4A We have Q riiMB* Wool Bibu, pluab, braid

aud velvet trlmiueO, t i follows;Age 6 8

Buiu 2 4Choice at 12 98; wenffi.98. Who shall bs'lbs AudsrsY

MollN, Y,Boap.

II two oeuu to Coixale A Co., 55 John flt., fui a oBiDplu of JUcmulcuuL

The I’optilar Frlntteg HunsOeGrover Brothers n>elcnhoDe5Ml, m a r street,

make B spcdalty or i>rtDUQg rvuorU of huspL tall, locisUei aud clubi, urlrai i|tU ami ciUa-. socisUSi aud ciubi, ui Icguse for uaDUlacitirtn,law briols lor thebavi iioo priming fut bauki, IhiuranoB coraHnleaend cQuiEptrclal touaes In finer styli and at

(he hoslaesi.towor prices than any houoe in Give tflea a trial order.—Adv.

S t a m f o r d , C t . , F e d . 1 3 , 18 8 9 .

POTTER & WRIGHTINGTON.Gentlemen; The package of

Ta-ka-kakc duly received, and last week a box with a doaen packages came also. I am extremely grateful for your kindness, and have been industriously recommending it by sending samples among special friends, for 1 like it exceedingly, and imagine, when in April I am settled in housekeeping, it wtil be a prom­inent article among my stores.

Yours respectfully,Mrs. HENRY WARD BI


Saratoga VichyW A T E R

Ftliiliir M at Piiilai Piicn.w m O F n c B , TO c i o b k o u t ,


JAMS at 17a per jar,

Beattie &Green736 B O A D 8TRBET,

U flO L D



Atwater & Carter,MKWABK, H. ff.


To Reduce our Immense Stock, W6 lire ofTerlng


Sheet Zinc, Sheet Iron,

JtMES I . COE t COlOfl A IM m iL B M E B T BT.

•fto t, CUntoHi

RUPTURE CURED.The Iroprovea Klaiile Tragg to Uw only tnai

tn ailftoiHM thal to worn with ahoalntg oomloft nlabl and day, aa U nU ina Ihg loplurg nudw the tomlaal eianlaa or aevanat atmlii, and will eShet a panmuHnt and apaady cun wUhout » - la id to uw u a at tbe paUenl. fixamlnatlon frea Jtody InattandimM (ortodlei, Sand In iSSphlat IliFHOVAD KLiBTICrajJBBOp..

gcaaod SM BrtMdWay. ow. I21h at, K. Y.

Oartalsly notibma who tollai by tha way.

L I Flaul A (to., 7t« Broad U .-Adv.

A P u n SUffiuUBldirect Irom tha U. & Botidgd Warehotifa In Kentucky i UH bamla of HUVg Catobratod Rya aud Boutina Whiikaya, lout yuan old, whichwa are aalUng at a m an namlual prica, t2 .n

1 I to m a y a B t^ to

T A -K A -S AKK ia a IMW Cereal. Sugar Coru Flinir. Coobt In lA mlnuira, and puikei Gllli>- DLKCAKES. QfiUaand I w liU that ore tu more delleaie and- dellclom ib u i anr madq from wheat fiotu or coru m ool Aok yourgrooir for i pockora


In all our departm en ts.


»tuH,AK AA



lo a aad l e a m u l b k b k y i t .

C O A L .Wa do tool hokiBc to Nawaik Coal OmUna-

H a v a . Oidan by poatai aaTO prciopUj SUad

Spedal Prices cm Spool Thread. Speciil Priees oa Damiiig CottoA

On Silk Sartor Elastio.Os Cotton Qartor Elastia

Special PriM on Electric Csrlen.- " Shoe-bsttoB Fflatenen.Os Hairpisa On Drefifilng Fisa

Bpcolal Prloea os Cov'd Drees Steela Special Prioee os' Dress Beeda

Os Hooks and Eyea On Cnrlisg Inm

Speolal Prloes on Bsttos Hooka Special Prioos on Skirt Bndd.

OnPenknivsa On all Scissors.

Speeial Prlow on Hose Snpportera Speeial Prices on Hair Crimpers.

On Herring Bona On Dress Belting.

Speoial Prloes on Whalebone Casing Speeial Prices on Linen Shoe Thread

On Silk Flannel Binding.On Cotton Roll Tapa

Speoial Priq^ on Safety Pina Speolal Prloes on Needlea

On GbUdnn's ^o e Pada On Spiral Qarten,

Spedal Prloes on Dresi Shielda Special Prieee on Knitting Cotton, ijid on many other things of a

Notion and Nlok-Naok Oharacter.Baby Curigfgg, BoyV aothtu*. fiheug. xnd

Utn'g Furnhblng*.

L. S. PLRUT & C6.119, 711,719 Broad St,

MMHAUL N. AC log, e r , M. Btoturdayu Exm plad.

PEACE AND COMFORT , FOR TENDER FEET,ITO Itody ffnIfaren-lfO BRIUK* JjNUIN. Fine aoA uudreated U d ''BEANIJfiB ubogt. I l l Ilka a

glova, BUTTOK8,AOd ‘ ^hod: SFKiNe moBi,Illy apureeiated ' lib Bitiilaw, Om u tolATBlOilT. _

Off; UAca " t2 .» -fwllh___|raMATBlim BBo'hP Ml iiiwi

or iuTab

oN .L

............lOLraiXo MUwta ^a s b r -


Privua UtoOnw-

yeaiFtoattogga auarea.

naa. S A d M i n A A nBraaeSOMltlfaw-

J ^ e w f t r k t i e n m g

' i - '■


N U M H E U 1 , 7 0 0 . N E W A R K , N . J m T U E S D A Y , I M A I U 'H T>, 1 8 8 0 . P I U C E T W O C E N T S . S

Second Edition,BAKKR’S B!G VICTORY.


lEver; E>«iuo0rkUc L^gUUtor H o «f* %j % Cauccu B«0olutloB U'ttttpirart t^wtk*-

lleitl TownitUp L^cftl Optlda* Tfa« T«lh Heforo th e Ciiuoa*.

fp e d tl lH »^tcbto ih« K mT e k m t o k , K arcli 6.’—T h e D fm o cfa ls

w«^ntltiloJolioriunitkK l»y «t pood to ocm- ffalet ttao LorftJ Option law rtpeaier. AAcr a good ileul of eoikuif AwewWymen h t te n o u and Davi*. ifae three kleher^ w«r« M»Ucc<i tK-biod the rUjHil doora. Aalroo-bound naglnOon n a i tbvn paterd by a uDanlmoiM irotv pledaUiK (be entire Pemot ratio atrenetb of the I wo iliHiHe* U> etand by w bitaver m ifb i ba

upon at ibem cetint.Tbc Wahn wiih lb# Baker aisendmeDi

p torid iiif thaUowufhipa ibali have the nghi tovoM lk«iiM ivQR up to any am ount, aae takeu up bthI debated for a N»iid Dour and a knU. The Uberale aud the <v>iuerT«(lvet luii^bt hard for aiul tfa iiu t the adoptU«o of the Cum- beriaD’l Scaator'a chaUfoa, and at USOtydock. fe rote WB« lakro.

The bill M aiueculed by Baker waa (ban ac' eopkd by a vole of t l to t«, and Srnaior Baker came out with ftylug ootota

Tbijprobably letllei the bill, ao Car aa Ita hinn u conoemud, and the Leaders are cond' 4aa t that they can uow paai iba Aieaaure.

came ffom the city flalk and not from the Aquediira Board, and Hr Rlker aamred the inembcn that H cD em lt waa all wrong Id bia luralae aa to (he origin of (ba nKovure. but Nr. McDermU iDalitetl that the paymi ut of the money tbrough lha (ymplroUcr waa another cheek upon poiafbledlvhoDeMy.

While he waa talking Alderman ITtrngan waa Doticed atirrtO| around amonget tb* Mata aodtbe tfoventb Dl-tnct Aaacmblydaau cried out lor the eiironwmeLt of the rule probibitinf lotbylDg. Nr Harngan eanUbed Inio a cloak' room ami ihe roll call waa begun. Tbe bill paiaed U U> 9.

The Beaate pamrd a biU appn^priaiinf tlo.GOO la tbe fU ie loduMnal dcbool for tiirU for malDteuance.

Hr. Earrell'a bill lo corwolldale lUrrlran aud Kearny came out of tbe ( oiDmiitee on Kd- growed Bill* thia mcwulng and went upon the calendar, ll wlU ba up on flnal paiaage tbU alteruooD or lo-ruorrow morning. It la to be a m en d ^ In aonc aligUi peruculari by l(a aulbovs, but tbecbangeB will be made in the Senate. Mr. Farrell bM been ikirmUhing for votM fur It, and feel* rouAdent that be can

ill, ihmign tbe general linprvMion ii that 11 will be beaten.

Ur. Price introduced a bill tbU morning to allow the OoudgU vf N aaark to i<ay the new market ooaiu imlor^fi If II wlahea to du ao.



T h e Bawate im T an M inutea E adom ea th e M on P re e e n ie d w ith ro rtfo llo a .

ic e n e e a t th e W h ite N ouan •• A T h ro n g C all ou ( le u . N a rrleo n .

B T lL t iN TR O D lTC lH ti B II .U .

BEFORE THE CAUCUS.H ow to m e D em ocrat# H opnd U» B ea t

to n a to r D aker'a A m e n d w o n t.^ leelal to the KvIbiiiH Kiwa.

T h e k t o k , M arch 6 .— F rc a h from in - licrvicwi with their cowtltiM au the DemO' a n t ic law uaken came trooping back to tbe Rntchi^iue laet nlgbt loaded, aa uaual, with Idea* upon the lioeuae queetlon. Nort of the Aeaembtymen bad worked tbeniMlvea into a ooiidUloo of Indi^uailou at the reoolieetloo of the fact that Ibe Senatoin and a lot of outalda hc»>ea had amended tbeli caucui Dioaaure without iheir conaeut, and aa waa anltci[Wied laat week they began to bellow fur a joint cau- «uv that ibey might get a chance at tbe Baker am.^ndmrDii,

l^reiliieui Weni, who ii the penonifo'atioti of watiehce and indUNtry, bad patiently oouitnU' lad all of the Cumberiand Benator'a td e u to writing end ij pewrlllDt, end alter It bad paaod Ibe repealer of tbe Jury Com m inion act and wraogled aw hile over the K eiuirlcttug blit file S< Date took a receea and the Democratic Beuatoni went back IdIo rrea ldan t Werts^i loom to view bta ia ieu craaUon. I t had been pari of Ibclr prOiframine to p u t the iiorntw bill upoD vocond re*dlog at ODoe laat night od like open fli.>or, ilam the Baker ameDdmeots koto It ami put it upon Anal paasage ihia morfi' log. It b unnecewery losay tha t th ii acheme w « knocked galley-end we^L

to CO BA< K TO MINT CAUCTI.Thc> moment Ihe doom wore locked upon the

Benatort, Edivards, of Htidaon, and Pfeiffer, of Chsden, began lo crawfeh. They, like all of the other to rm ien of the Higher Uouat, bad l a t week accepted ilu* idea# of the (.'utnberland Senator, hut iheir iuterviewa wlib tbe low nehip botcl-kecpcri in their couqUci and with the woclfofOUMly kicklog member* of the Aafcmbly bwl altered their id e u KUBewhat. Kdwetdi Ai£gBsied that tbe iDendod bill be cooiidered more rarefblly before It « m made a party Bfteaaure. He lafd that be had doubU about tbe wisdom of lownabip locil option- Sena tor P /e lifo rip o k e o M b e d r^ e l roarofdUapproTal Ibal bud gone upamoagvt tho m e a b a n of (be Houae and eaptuMed a doubt whether the amended meeaute would e m paw tbe Amein- bly. Setufor Baker iDSlated (bat the Bcnaioit should vuud up to ihoir agreement w ith him Uat week, and Preildent Weita tm lled benign ■antlf upQu the whole group and tried to le* itore Older out of lUe ebaoe.

l l ie rceuit was Just w hat might ha re been pected. The ate.^ttog adjeom ad aifor R had

bMD decided to take the whole q toalloa back lo io a jo tn t nauoiu to ba held ItKlay. After tbo meetlDf broke up, Bt&aior Baker and fieDator BmUb, of Nn.iek, who lym iwtbiiot with him, were leit rtahding togelber on tbe Beoate t.'banher flmw. near the doce .

*• Well. Ihey ae«2m to be iDCUned to akulk out of ttielragiveiBeat,^' »eld Seoaicr Braltb to hh eolicague.

* *'0h. I think that they w i l l ^ all ligb tln theand.*' laid tbe optlinlmie Baker.

" Don't gWe Id an inch to ihem." adviaed the Busaex repiesenlatlve. “ W e're got them where tb«U hair ii ihort, and if we ataod Atjo they’ll have to whhUe to tmr tuse."

9AXkK WOT VULtnW.Benator Baker turned away and weut to hi i

aeat.“ Well, wbat are they going to do with your

hUi B o w f be ww a a k ^ by tbe Kiwa cor- reaTKwdenk ^

“ 1 don't know," replied the affable Cumber land repreeenlativB. “ I luppoecd tha t the goal ca&t of Uie bill waa made Uat week. Thire ueemi to l-e tome objeciion now to the lawnablp local oyllua clause ami tbo maoda’ lory revocallon proviaioD that 1 bad liuertod. I believe, however, tha t a majortly of the pemocnitic m>->[nbera of the Senate and of tbe Bouae ire with me, and that it la only a minor' Hy that U grumbliof. There bee been eomc mlvund<i'ralaD(11ug ol tbe m iudalory revocation eUnie that 1 am lo have in iertcd . It is ud- tiue that U provldei that if oomplatnaaU fail tooonviet aBHloou-kMper for Sunday aelllug or I omr other crime be can be coDVlcted and fined afterward by the courU and h ii Ucouae invoked tlto, Ouly the power tha t grants a lloense can rOTobe H. Ny am endment ilmpJy la that upon the aeeorid oonvlcUon before (be powtf granting a llccme, foe im tabce before tbe Ezolie Board In Newatk, Ibat power must —not may, but m ust-ravoko Ibe lluenae.

C ongrea itona l U e rry m a n d e r T h a t W ould N ot H u r t RepubllcaDS*

fofocial to tbe Eteninu NawaTsilNTtiW , MttP.‘h 5. ““11 tliia I ^ a l a -

ture remained In aeadyu until ^ crack of doom tb m would illli be membew o flt with n iK iiit K-hemea in tbeir bralna to Imitrove the EMDtal. moral, financial and polltleal condl* lion of the paopia Another good of billi marked the opening of the mssIou tb li acek Tbe Democrattc caunua measure to change tbe boundary iinea of iba C^mpreatiioiial dUtrteta made it i apiioaiinoe in ihs Koum laat uigbl wilfa tlie Dame of Nr. M anh a t the boad ot It. Iti dcUlla have already been puhllihed. U li I be oplBloQ oil a guod man y people w bo have iludled It carelUliy tha t It must hive been diawD by some buy in a country lawyer’s clUoe. It makes aaTe Dumocratic disulcti doubthil and girea Ibe Eepublicaoa a ipieiMlld cbanct to carry every dHiHct JQ tbe (hate except tbe HeventQ, Jrrvay city. UarriiiOD and Biyunoe. In aU' other bill tb i t he preaented Hr. Harsb showed (pat he bad cut fooso Trota tbe Cable Koad bill ctftbe Newark company. He preMoted in in dependent meaaure to permit the Ellubeth oompaoy tba t la tied up iu a Cbaucery suit wUb the Sllaubeth and Newark Uunw Car hallroad Canpauy to cootlnuc the runuing of lu cart wltblD 1,000 foel of its old rival.

N r Freuey wants to repeal tbs “ Personal Registry " ac t of la«t winter, aod has presauted a meaauro to acfom plub that purpcBe. Hr. K allich w iuta 9&.U00 of tba Htaie'i uionvy sp- proprtated lo tb t propcaed uew him e fur the bliud at Newark.

Benator Edwards and Mr. HcIVrmU pre- MOted bills afft'Ctlug the Htaie Board of Aiaes- Bon, The AncmbLymia pajw bli respecia lo his irieiKl Water (kimmiwloner and Railroad Aaseesor Ferdinand H. Wtamer by Introducing a bill proTldlDg that the mem ben of tbe hoard must not be intere.ded. pecuniarily In any rati* road, and limiting Tbeir aecreury'i aalaiT to tl,800ayvar Benator Kdwards'a sebeme is to eoufet upon the amewori the duties of railroad eommlKdonera. It makes of tbe board In fact' a Slate commerce commission ilm iltr tu that ot Maiaacbnaetts, and lives them an additional salary of 11,000 a year each.

ySeuaior Baker relnlruducsd that aucient “ Cboatnul" the bm lih 'i Hletory bBl.

W a s m in o t o n , M arch 5 .— F rw id e n l Harrison KHlay sent to the Sanate lbs follow- iu f DomlnatioTii ;

Secretory of BiNte—Jainee G. Blaioe, of Haloe.flecrrtary of tbe T reasury- William W ludom,

of Hluuwsota.BeertUry ot W ar-R«dAeld Proctor, of Ver­

mont.Secretary of (ba N avy'-Bsnjam In F. Tracy

of New York.BecreUry of the InleiloT '-Jobu W. NuUa, of

Hiwonrt.Poitinuter-Geiieral—Jobu Wanamakor, of

FtDoaylvaflia.Attoracy-Oeperal—W. H. II Miller, ot la-

dianaSecretary cd AgrlcuUiire—Joremlab Husk, of

Wiacouslu.The neminsitotia were confirmed In a ten-

minute sespion of ibe Renato.Tbe procMMliiU'i iu exeeu tlre lea lon were ol

tbe must lonual cbartcior. Acourdlnk to (be almoK unbroken line of precedenu ibe noml- nailoua of m em ben ur ex membvr* of tbe Sk^nate were couflrmed wiiboul refereuoe to commdteta.

Hewrs. Itlaloo and. WIndom being of (bliclasi, Vice Pievtdeut Monoo's question lolbem, " Will (De Henais advlre and consent to thisappolntmeat r w aaaoswerfd afiiimallvely by annaiiim oui vote, ami so as to all (be real. There was do ub j^ tton raised to any of the names by any torn_________

M rs. H U lr W a d d e d Jn F lo r id a tw th e D u k e o l Bulberluod*

D i 'Nk d in , Fin., March 6.—Ortinio Grenville WTlIlam Butherland ,Uvasufi-(lower, third Duke ol toUiorlattd, widower, was mar- rted here yestenlay In iba Church of the Good Shi'pherd to Mary C'aroUne Hiair, widow Tbe fact that (be marriage 1icen*e bad been ob- laiDeii lu t week lia* kept iliii small tou n Id a fever of excltem ept and cxpeciam’y.

Tbe smell church in wbicb tbv oemmony look place la fairly buried tu (be bloom u l au o ra n ^ oeebard, and tbe ontcrprlilug nailvrn bad been al pains to decoiate the liitorlur with evergreens and orange htorsonvi.

The eburtb was lull of villagers whan (bo bridal parly eotorwi. BUhop Weed atul Arch- deacou Noyle stcppivl out of (be vesiry. fol­lowed a u)DiD«m later by the Duke of Rulber- land. Un. tilatr, In eb ite iT k , trimmed with coSke-coioredCbatitllly lace ; a white bomiet, triraned wUb ostdeb plumes ai>d vetwl, aoct decked out with gorgeous dismond plus, and csrry lm a huge bunch of roses, walked up thq lislu with Mr. Kuight, alMUeln advance of a group of relatlvea aitd fyieuds, aod Julued tbe Duke at tbe altar

Her daugtiier. Miss RIair, who acted iMWald (tf boiKic, w‘as llre^w«a Id while nun's vwfllui. truum rd with laoe, and a hroail ub litaasn , aud w«in- a white list with a msuve ^iu■N^

H n. Hlair and her daugaier drove to the ebureb trom tlia village ion in the uuly avail­able Dune<lln carriage. The Duke and (be rtwt o( tb f company fooie<l It.

After III# ceremonv the wedding party oun- irag ited again at the laiali botol kept by CouDly ( i»mml*s1oner Ucorge L, Jones for a wedding breakfast. The (able was elabor^Hy det.-orito4l with urauge biosaotus sud wikt fiowerx The liuke and bis new PucliaiB Md I t the centre. To Her Gnu'e's right sat tbe Nlsbiip, and (be other giiestti were Mlsa Blair, ProfofWor Bcoft, H iss Hmilh, ('aiAain Walloo, Mm. Walton, l>r. Haff)>rd_. J, Morltmer H iir^ y ,


T h a r r e a ld a n t K o p t B u sy B b a k lo f H ands.A tiay tcan a ,

WABJiixaTON, M arch B.—The W hile Douse waa ttia centra of attraclloQ tu-day and n raily tJl lha ihou- saadi of viiUora In (he city made It

visit. BiulDoaa waa practically at a alabdiiiU ID all iba departments, panding tbe chiDge ofoaicla l heads, ^ightoeem stroaraed through tbe corrldnri and kept tbe clerks busy QQiwerinc quesitont. The day at (be White Ituma beaan about 9 o'clock. The Preiidant and fam ily dH not fltilsb tbeir break- last and morning durlas until Ibat hour. A largo crowd waa gathered about the gales and it was wlih dlfllculty that they wero restrained ft'ois Porting tbeir way by tbe guardg Tbe latter were iniiructad to keep tbs grouDds clear till lOo’ clock. ta it would lake until then to prepare tbe bomm for tbe recep­tion of tbe immense crowd lo waiting.

The P m ld eu t came dow u about I0;1b o'clock gud took his su u d 111 tbe East Kooui. TulotieL J. M. WllaoD, U. B. A., stood by bis side and as­sisted him wDcucver Dsoearary. Ue giiauunccd tbe names of tbe earlier callers, but they came ao thick and fast (bat be was obliged to discoutinue so doing and allow the callers to shake tbe fTciident'a band aod paat along. Tbe ITestdcnt i i in adept t l band- shaking, having bsHm in ounrlniious pmctloe since the election and stood the urdeal remark­ably well. The reception oontinucKj steadily fof seTcrai boun witb but few abort toierrup- ttons, aud la slUl In progrem.

Tbe ac ne was a gay one, the crowd com­prising rlviliaiuk soldierji. bands, etc., mixed up inillscnniinatcly. Tua bands played paiTi<aic airs in front o f tbe Louie while

James Homcrael Nurtb, Mr. Knight, Ballliml. ArchilcaiHHi Noyle and Hrv ikotl.

Tbs Duka and Dticto'sa reraaluiid at Dunedin for the night. They will go lo Tampa to-day.


waiting their turn, and some of tbo glee dubs taued tbe Frestdeut w ith stirring catnpaivufcreni

aougi.T W O P A R T IS A N BILLS,

b o ld th ita n A o w b o b u b cen c o iiv ic le d twice brings discredit upon alt thoie who are engaged tn tbe lAislaesa, and lliM stod the brewers ought lo demand ibat ba be ootnpelled to abaodoD it.

TO fflANI) BT BIB GUBB"O f course there Isn't any thing to prevent

eomplahiaais who fall to aecure a convictlnu before tbe power that grant* irum going beinre ib t Grand Jury and seeking an tudietm ent, but tbe penalty for convlcltoii under tbo old statu­tory lawa would he only tbo penalty which (bey impore—Ana or fraprisonmeut. 1 bad no IntentloD of embracing nvo t^ tto a amongst the peualllw tb it Ihay ran Infiici, aa has l^ecu lep- lesenteA"

"Do you expect to recede irom any of yonr poettlonsr

" DecWcdly no t/ ' replied Ihe Benator. "Whid le ak lor now 1 fought for all last year oii^tbc floor of the Beuate. 1 will not iliililfy myarli by voting to repeal tbe enactm ent that I voted to put upon the sUtiilc books last w inter udIcss I con offer Ihe people lomctbing belierlD ez etaange.''

T h e J u r y Coram lM lon A ct R epealer P * ss e ( l ''T b e R od la tH ctln g Haaaure*

fipecial to tbe Evkhimo NkWE T r e n t o n , M arch a .— A fter tbe con-

foreoMOf the Democratic Benntois yeaicrday afternoon (hoy went back to their seats Siul look up the Jfepeiiicr tbe Jury Commission act oD third reading. Senator Gardoer entorod a lolemn protest agatoat its pass, gu : said that no one had aak«l for tbe repeal of tbe act of last wlDlier, and tbeo ta l dowu. Thp bill want Dmeasfr by ih« umuI party voto—U to 10.

The RediatrIcUuf blU was taken up by tbe gcnaUiQon aecoud readlug. Seuator A w ards offored a lot of amendments to it conocilui its wording, and tbs Repuhllcaot amuAcd them­selves by voting " uo " on each oue of Lbaza.

Then Senator Edwards and Henstor Gardnm


had a UU, y^whteb each talked flrom a parihau (MthirftandpolDtMtrwnlaer Dk‘d to show that tbe

sew arraagemeat of tbo districts put a great many more voters in onu than in auoilier, and that it was dune for party purpu)<e8 Beualor Edwards solemnly deDled ibe accusalioo, and said Ibal auybow tbe dlstiicts could uot he made auy worse than (bey were. The bill was at last ordered to tblrJ roadiiig.. Assuuhlyniao Ucppi'iibc.iner got tho Demo­

cratic to^nibcrs of (be House lu liim tbismurn- tug. and called up tbe repcalur of (be Jury CmoTnlialnn act. Mr llcppenhcimer apoke of tbe refoaal of the Republican majority to put- mit the lH.-Diocrutic mmurKy Iti the lest Livls' lamre to select ibo Dcmocrailc (.'ommivtioners. He said that disgraceful graad and petit Jvhea bad been drawn all over the State. The re­pealer, Uu added, while it was a caucui, was not a party measure, since U gave hock the seiecUuu of Jurora to ihineeuoutof twenty sheriffs in the 8tate.

Mr. V'lorbees replied for Ihe Republican aide of tbe Bouse. He claiued (bat under Ihe Jury coTumlEstoD system the lone of juries had tm> preved all over the Stale. The polluted stream of Justice bad beou purified. Hr. KIkci In­dulged in a rather biticr partisan speech, and Mr. HcDarmlt answered him buoiorously, hut Ibe cream of the dlKunlon was In a story told by Hr. Feeney, who Is oonm-cted with (be ProacGUtor'a office in Jersey City,

"WbcD tbe commlmion drew their firs! Jury In lludsoD/' Slid be, “ 1 waa asied to furu^b the namsi of some cd the citiseut of my dlArict wilfa a statement oMhelr politlci I (uruished (be Dsmea of Ibree Democrats aud three &e- puhllcaxkt. All three KepubUcans, cuiiousiy enouBh, were drawn. next lime 1 was called upon I banded lii tho names of six Democraia and six Republicans, but 1 took the trouble to iwveme their poUUos, acd this time every one of my Demoersde Mends was drawn. That's the way 1 got square with the Jury oommlmtooerB m Uudsun."

.* After some furl her debate the bill was piaiod by a parly vote. It now goes to ibe Governor. It is the third parilsiu bill that has paared both Houaca

la g aJ la and V lc e 'P r e i ld e n t Rfortou G ree t­e d w ith A p p lau se .

W a r iiin o t o n , M arch 5 .—T h e re w as no diminution, but rather an increaro lo-day of the crowds tha t have bad posseaaSou of the Capitol for some days pAK. Long iBfore noon every seat and s ta o d ia g place tu the galtoriea w ti Ailed, and the eorrldurs and stain a ere packed with people anzioua to obiaiu even a peep into (be Benate chamber. When Mr. In- galla entered u i d looE tbe aeat w btcb be uiad to occupy before being choton as prcMidUig oflleer, he waa greeted with a touihI of appiauM fyom tbe spectator*, and tbe like complimeut wan paid to Vioe-Fi^ident UortoD a t he came io with the Cbaidain. Tbe 0})cmDg prayer bad allustous to the peaceiul and hopefol chahge lu (be adm lnlstm itoa of tbb Goveromem.

Aflei ih# reading of yeaienlay’s Juuraal Hr. Ediyundv reiicned that the oommUlee which bad been appointed yeatordsy to wait on the l^ s h ie u t of (be Dulled Btates aud inform him of (be meeting of tbe Banate to exlraonJinary Bcesion, hail yerfortued (hat duty, and hod been inforiD^.d by ihc Prcsldenl that he would, early to-iUy, communicate with the SooRtc iu writing,

Mr. Cuckietl oflhred a resolution (which wem over tiJl to-moerf^w) for the ap|>oiniment ol a C4iiumUtee uf five Benaton on the nielbods of busiuess la tho executive department and the CBurei ot the delay Jn tho trausuciiun of bmi- reas.

Hr. Btcwartwffiered a reaolmlon dcciarliig It to he the Bt'-nee of the Bonaie d ia l the busineoa intoreite of the country require the by (be Becrctury of the I ’T^asury of |4,(Kio.COO worth of sliver bullion i>cr month fur coinage. The resoiiiUou went over.

Hr. Blair prei-enied tbe crt'deutials of Hr. Marstou, sppoluitd by Ibe (ioveriior of Now HainpaUirc to fill the v ic tn ry caused by the tenniuaUdn of Mr, Chandler's tcriu and by iLe failure of (ha l»gtala;ure lo elt-ct a Si‘Rahir. The credeiiilaJs were road and Ur. Uar>lon had tba oath of ofoc'e administered to him by ibe Yiee-Prcsldem ami took his scat asHenator.

Id lha moan time. Mr. Pruiicn, one or the Pnaident'a Kctelarie*, liad delivered a uk i- Mga in writing ii>fing the (ab inet appmm- meuta) aud on notion ot Ur. ila lc (he Senate prociteUed (u couolder Uu-ui with cloac^ doors.

The lieaaie, after prmnplly eoiiRimiug them all, adjourni^ at _______ _____

A Brig'a Crow Kaacuad—The Goverwor B4>ble WalUug for tba Tide.

N o r t h ^ t it u a t e , MaiB., M ift'b 5 .— The brig T. Remick, f'apUlD Foasvtt, nf Dam- aiitcolta, from hunnam for U'aton, with a geueral cargo, came ashore l.UOO yards from tba high (Ida line off North Bdiuate Baach dur­ing a thick ftig Itud night. The vesMl's light was discovered by a pairolnan of lbs Jtla- saviug italiOD at 2:90 o'clock tb it momlng, amt the life saving crew at once went lo Ihe raacue of those on b>i4M. U was vary dark and rough, aud tbe rascucm had groat dIfAcully in reach lag tba vessel. Tbe jouruey waa am cens- fully made, howevar. and (be viatset'a crew rcacbed the ihoie safely.

Captain F u»ett l a y i ; Had light bead winds during ibt* entire paa’Sge witb no gales. We passed Highlaitd Light at 0:90 F. H. yeatenlay and shaped our course for Bmtou. Whan we paiwud Kaoe rolD l tbs sound of the f<« whliiU* wis heard, and we were oo our proper course. Everyiblng suemait to be all right undi st about 2:10 A. M. Wblla niDblug with Creo sheds we suddenly fell tbe vesrol touch but tom, and tbe lookout reporlel "breakers ‘abuad." Id a motneni we were hard aground.

Oaptaiu Fusscu altribules tbe disaster to a very airong cuircnl, wbich tookbta ve»et fificen miles uui of herCDtirw. Tbe brig is owned by J. H, Kilton Slid oibers, and Is valued at 912,000. ?lbc,ls not Insured. The catgo, which wai con- s lgB ^ to Thum ai E, Bixby A Co., of Ihatou, Is suppowd tn he In ured. Tho Remick liua bow nil, high and dry.

Me., March Tho ship Gover­nor Kobie, bound ITOio Japan tor i'ottlnud, wilh a cargo uf rEig«, la ashore on Cuills No«'k. Juvt weal of ULddefonl Fuul, 8he grouadtHi tblam um ing a l ’icfcluck, tier pusttiim Is uot very (laDiierouv and it is (bought she will be tloatod at ibe next tido, wi(b tho help of tugs, which have been sent for. Tba ve*sal U uf 1.4UU tons burden aud Is owned In Baih.

DaahlUjy Tw o M iles A long % lU llroA d .No D am age IN»ne,

T h e ititoreet d ia p la vrd iu Uro figh t for (be tkmtb Oratice Demorratk* noiutnaUoii fiir the Boiid ( hoecn FrechotdiMS axcevds that tell during any prcviouj year I lls gou eratty undert(ood ibal the cootoitU beiwwii Akxam ter Ma^bauiu aud Dr. H. H. C. Vail. T b o iu a *f . Hurray. Ihefftlrlng member o f ibe boarO. U sai«l to have expressed his luteution of viuhdrawiiig at the primary aitd throwing bto itrengUt to Hiybauiu. The veteran VaU irudged through mud and rain la*t night lu a "penHHial canvasa’' b'ur. CluN? on the ducUir's brela came Mr Maybaum.Iti cutopany with Courad llarttiusisiu, onu of b li Ucutnuanta. Uiyt>auin's suppenerv say that bis trip wa« a venlahle triumphal march until ahouilLBO o’clock, when au IrUertsDng InrliU-Dt happened. Haybaum's home, a Iwy, valued ai 9AI0. aaa leil standing under Ksiu- mi'ikani).)'s ll'iiel ahifo a large uumia*r ofeaibu^laiitir cilla.'ni were Inside tbe hotel (ltsf*iw?‘inc Hayloium's prus|)fCU fu the fight lor Frei‘hoM»T The toiraa dei'ldml (O loava Ihc plat e, and wMbiii a short (imo was or South Uhuige avfiiui*.

Wlibout Uie slighteit lieaiutlon the animal turne'l down thu Morris and K-wx Kailroart irsek toward Oratigt*. H«r*bal Ticuchtrd cu- deavoced to in len fp t Ihe rnnaway, hiil fWiM slgually. Down thu track at hroaktiet k spc«l went the bay with tbe plisetou tos iiig from side to elite Id its wake,

Treuchard Doilfied .Maybaum of the horau's dbappearaac>e A* the miOnigUt fivigbt ami Other iaic intlni were nearly flue, (be generalopinion was that If the horaa escapod a brokeji neck by lutnbling down one of the many embankmotits on tbe line horee and pbauton would be ground to pieces by m e freight and pueaengcr trains U utortis were iirocvred end through tbe pelting rain a ]«rty of roarcbefi siarUil ou tlo find the runaway. Midway between South Orungu and Uonirooe were fouud a horie blaiiktit auii whip. Over frogs aitd acroaa iwlichui wont thu marks of hoof and wheal aud the diatmu.'d uoailiiton of tbo ballast (letwceo the ralh testi­fied to the tact that the horoe was running wildly. (jflSivrt MtadwvlL and Dr^-gan, of ihu Uoutruae squad, said (bat the runaway bad |o u e by Uountalu station i1 great siwetl. The (rain run by Conductor Reed paoieil the ruu- tw iy , and as tUe horaa (tafibtHl by the panen geri and traliuneii who caught a illmiwt* ul it lu (he dsrktieas almost doubted the evidence of iheir senaea. At Highland Avenue Kuiion ihe soarchari mei Routidsiuau HcCaithy and ofii Cers lixell and Brown aaitlug to rerolva them. ItEdl bad iwpiurod tbe runaway and lodged l i t In Ha vale's iiablea, Tbe offleor aayi Ibat but for his arrival the last train would havestnick Hie outfit, asibebon te had swerved fniin the castouuiid track. Niil a dollar danrago bsd bean dous in tbe wild tun of more than two intiea.

Maybaiim’s Itlcnds declare tha t the rouU of the iuclilcDt Is ati omea of victory.


A nily I j i f e d r ld , Nui>p««ril to ho R a tiira s H om e J u s t tn T im e lu Have

Uie M an W ho T ried to MlH H im frvtw th e CiaHuwSi

IN WAT o r AW rtr.M ENT,

MUa V okai In Two F a re e i a t M liier'si SMlo al the Theatrea*

Alivrt Uoaina Ynlu-i and her tv m ed j




Bad Manirora Uiaplayerl by Oue o f the l l ig h Kehuol Biudetita*

T h e fo llo w in g cm nm unicatiuu wtta re* neived this morning from a pupil ol the High itobool;7b rAe KtiUar of Nei« .•

It la iH»L rdten that His Honor, Mayor Haynes vtolLa the High tk-houJ, so that i f lia <1ql'S Ctjtne th f leacburs aud tiro pupils do him the greatest honor.

But notw'iihaiandiDg this, there was aa ez-oeution \ee1crday.

When jIR Uonor, Moyor Hnyncs, on teicl iho

B o n h a m , T e x .. M a rch S . ^ l n thin lUll« q u id town on the Texas snd hiclllc Knil- FLAd, which la Ihe (#p!ial ol Fannin tVuuty, a mosi remarkable case will be trlo<l In the Dis­trict CLWirl ou Monday of next nock. Herts 11 ll known as the raniuus 1 ‘arleii-lACtificM case, ami when 11* dclalls arv known abroad lia Jaino must spread In ail di.recUons. 1'lic dciails, at will be seen, Rtnack nwr\' of tbo fiavoT uf ru- m aaccihaii of (lie dry rmsnnc ol a cmanioti court priK'cctIuig. Thu authurlticH si tbts p ltw were uutlllvvl liu h elw ll oi iKer. ihsl a murder hml bci-n romtmileit on Hfd Hirer hi Ute north- e n n e r t ol thisi'ouuiy, of wlitob Amly l#i v fislri tvAK tbo VH'lini Tli>» ktiUiig waa a very niyRtcrtous unc, and the l*Uer1ft'aud hi* olhivn-, lliougb ihcy wurkc<l hard Ui vatu a (giro to the munlcn-r, were finally cuuipi'Hid C* giva is|> ■ nmi alienipU to discover him. K iilytu iaT I Intwinaihm na* n*Cv*lved that whuuihI WCon* nrcl Jins Hcarlelt wiiU Ihu crime

Tiui tUKplcioua (bets irmi«ed wero Krcitgih- cned wbaii U wa* uoivnaiueil Dial N a rlcll akl|qH.'d tbo county liuiuedlasoly alter ilw niiir dcr or Uocdalii livury hi aiivrtaln the whcroaUiuU uf Ihu fugitive pmvc<l usisvallhig, aud (be iDunler becamo almfet forguiico. In the early summer o( HW7, however. KcarUdl rc- appCAred lu Kannto Couniy as Middonlyas bs* hwl iitsap|»ea(ett, He nas prompHy arrc«h*<l aut( p lac^ 0(1 tru l iu tiir DKtrict Court, which cu»votto»l souls alter his rapture,

klloT A»ih bXATINThe evidence siiowed ihat the accused and tba

tnsmlcnvd uiau had Ik-a'I) pamiera in mnuliig a wblshey U hK on Hio Ked Itlver. Due day they bad a dimuuliy, but ib i men ie|>aratrd wiiboui dulug each uthar bodily barm, A day or IwQ afier tbta Scarlett diiruvereil larwhcM SHileduu mu buuk of the nver stout, lie crept up Iwhiiid the umunpeetiug man. sliot him Id ihr bae\ and then, lo finish tba work, helitiorod b li victim over the h s ^ wilh a pis­tol and uuUl ho wo« moiuucd Ibal bu was dead. Juki sa the tuiirderar bad. o« he l>vlle\4H|, fin blicd bla Idoudv work a coub Id uf Kcarlcti ap­peared on tba scciiu. Tbs* awaisln pnfM-d th]i young mnii iuio bU scr^'ice by luHinidatlon, and ba bulpctl to row the laoly of bla reladvo to me middle of Ibe river aud tbiuw it into ilia airfiin,

On this ail'd oihLT corrularfnllva evidence Bi-arlcU waa liHuid gmliy of tho munU-rul U<w- firld and Beiiieiici**) u> tw hauge'l, An ap|*eHl was taken on a teelitili ality aii*i anew trial was ordered fur the preacnl March lerro of (he CLHirl. The delay in exeruilotio f the death ftunlence pfL veiitL il itie hiuigiug o fa inuo itniu- cun( of a capllal erlmu.

t.At xriKi.h'a wo.Nto.Krt'L X'^apr.I#eefitkl l!< alive. He was found by an old

friend Nome Iwu imuilhR ago in the snuHiarti l« il of Kaiiiiin CuUiH) and waa brought by acquaml-un-e to iblstowis. \S hcii s ue*lUllla i bv Sticriil 'fan aUjut lus rcapiKiiraiK c hu aaiil trial ntier tHsing lhn>wii Into iba river by hia wouid-bc Diuntercr ba rovivcil siilficsfiiily (o crawl (till ot itic water. 11c went lo (ba huiiM ufHfrleud, vliicij. Hf MT a lew wet-kH’ iltn«HS. be lelt, and ilivn (raveliud loiilli. Hu koew all al/uiil R-urmtCa irinl. l ut did mitap|M-nrnndrUiplbe procesHlings. l-CCHU*u r<e Uinugillthat in* niuhlui'ou* n«tal1ant ilu»urT«i1 lian,............. angiiu

iiuei'tu'lit basMcvcrttl hU hand which

company recelviM a warm rctepHon at Mmar’s TbtAtra liU't iilgbl The acUitK of kllHaVokca hail lust nons oi li'< hrtlllaucy and itriklug ongDiaRiJ appA-sranee. Aba is,beyond exeaidiun, iiqierHK tn tier field Tba Iwo iklis lb wliieli site apiwarud wore wall cal­culated to sbuw off her iairni* In " U y MH- Hnvia niH," as Mrt. M»‘rrUtm, rIis kept the audience alternately convuisad with laughter and wildly unibiuisslie. rimrlenay TIidtih.', os Jiirt A/enidfw. luitelnaLl Ihat pari very well. MIm Vukeii Miig " 111! 'AH SVai TniU to PliII " lb "My HllHner's BiU" lu au toliaita bla manner Hbo waa uuduiibludly at Imt beat as Mn Mtrriilrw. As kfursKtu and /#flg A.k'ffptwi ill '■ Ib e Hnugh IbauiiMul " her verMidhv wMshowp to exeaHent advaiiUige. Mr. ThoPiiO os .Sir llVronu AAerpiYfa aiul Kelli Harris satbu.^iajor suHalned their roles toper- ftH'tiou. Mr. Morrti'a thN-ii'n Juf wa oneoa lha ran* things tn Uri night’a tirrai-Dotis. Miu Vn1U'i> dHiieeit a Minuet <liirlng tlw jwrfogioauon ot " The Kuiigb Diamniul," and evokutl mneU appliUMf. The IdiiHlun (NUuody'NMHiiany whirhKupiviria Iter did sniiir giM*l aeling In " A Gama ot rurda," wilh wlurb last toglit'a iwrf’jrninoee wo* opvuavt. The Ckeeu.'ifr df I'jic/'t.firirr was se(M by Mr Horrla 1h a erathUble msnnet \ lianie of ftr'ls," "My Milliner's Bill" ami -‘Tbo Umigh Dia­mond " will lit piayiHl TucHlav, tto(1ii(NMt>Ly and Saturday evening*, and " In noin«r Rnund. "• Thu ilrons Kider” ami " A Kaninmtine He- toarul" will b'I'crlixiinNl Tbuiwlay aml>Tt- itay iiighu and unlay mstiuce

Aualin's Amtmllan NowHy t 'cmitHuy n^wniNl awi-tfk'Ri'tigaip meiit at iht'ilriimt tH-e'Ta Hmi»u Inst nl|ht Tbe iroupo ba* been eoniidurably augiuuulad nneo last orasou, snd sevi-ral new and efover f«o|^lo aiUlad. Tbanight's enifilalnment oudvH i of a pleasing variety htl, opeuhig withW D Auienl (Mexican BlIH and Him HTniilu Niebolion (LDlle Quicksbul) whoae lo^rfonn anoM wilh (be rlfiu arc phenonunal. Allwrt Ward, a clevar crayon arUst. Charles K HehlJ- ling, who In bliu'k fac« intnMturwA a iminbi'r of pstbetio atid comleil nitolcal seleeitooi; Bob and iwek litrnella, (u grohwqut lyraU oni; MlkW Hlunie Ia's, in voi'Sl leleetWiA and Har- rigan, an ei(*uodiiiKly good equilibrist and Juggler. Kel«r aud Kleldi !ii tfieir "t'raxy Diunbmau" act show suiue ttHfl kimt-kalwHil work and are followwd hy J. H. I'ullen, a topical vueallsl, wbu wav taudrrwl live enuiplimstd of a Iripte eniMte. Fte<l tv, U litis held the audieua" tivuily intautot with bis v^Miinlo- qoiam |and manikltM, and wax followed by Ihu AiiRiin Hbklen In daring acoi on lliu flying Irapere. " l.tK'kyman's rurtima,'' a toughahte eoiwoily, In which the eiiiire nuinlmr of mem- Item uf lha I'ompany are snAt, tods tho bill, in eluding a uo(Kt display or artistir roller skatina.

Itwln BroihaK " Big H|^ciaUy Hbow " i* ILe aitraellun at tValdmann'i i>}s<ra limns ihia WL-ek. Tbe show lsone<.)f ibu liestot Ibehea- son. The rierrormAUPo rHiHiineiicui with the lliroe May hroUiets In a aeusaltonsl triple oi't, fottowetl by Ada B BurneU, (he original " Nuw Coon ihmiun and Mck in a musieal emnsdy OBlIU^ •• rtielHtMT Fellow j" lieoti* Nash m his bicyelu Irleks ; (be American Mace, MeNcail and Hel'all; Charles 0 . Heymour, imitator of Dixey. JuhiiT. llaymundand otoui prominent ailoni; l‘>lwurds and Hit gory, champion tuiu- btem. Iiirmlug a piramld ibirty feci high; l.irf Uu GllRon, In original Mmgs; K.idiinntjd ttid (rieiipiy, AU<‘e Raymond, in popular sideeiiuni Wuilay Brtuhur, and Jaiie^ Irwtn. champion head Lmlanm The T*erioi'maucu ciitls wl h a laughablo ikeieh sntlUed, " McNuliy's Mntor lu n ei.'

A Lively Tima Over tba F la g fta f af Central I’taea «> Rw|K»rtt Praaaalaff

from tlifi Clly Pajmrtmania* Tliw Year In tb a iahovls*

S U N K IN T H E G V L T fiT R E A M .

suidTba H aryatt flappoaad to Ba Lost Har Craw Raacaad.

N ew Yorj^ March 6 .—Captain Percy, of the itcamar AlglerSt which arrived here from Galvcatoo on Bundiy ulght, icyiorted (bat on March 2, in latitude lovij,’ltiide TI.3A. be spoke ibe ship BL Nicholas from IJvurpuoi for New York vritb a shipwreckod crew gn b:«rd. Tbe Alglete was unable to gel close enough to the fl;. NlcbulM o(t account of Hiu rough w«ithor to lokro ibe nainu of (be un- foiluiisle vrasel to which the crew bad Iwen ottacJ^ed Hhipping men are at a loo to <»□- jeriuro the lost vesad'a oeme.

A (iDpatob to tbls cKy from Fortreas Hon fee thix muruJng, it is IbuughL, wttlua tbequui (ion. The tiSrk lUnbel put iu at thai ]K)rt Into last night aiHl brou|/lil the news ihal (he Nor­wegian bark Msryutt had iKHmsunksMUtheai't uf Haituras In the Gull Hlnani on FahniAry 74, and that her crew had been reacuOLl by aa un­known veiRot bound northward.

The Maryatt was of 42B ioqk burden and buiU In Kuaover, Norway, Id lfff4. Bbe was owned hy 0. Canpur cn, of Lyu(:ver, Norway, SDd her cAptniu waa (I. Buaoh. Flhe sailed frum Liverpool for New York on January 10 last.


P a r n e l l a n d t h e •< t im e s .”

No wonder, with such au Indei^cndent spirit^iiator finilibamongst ibem, bACied up by aud a Driliiani pruspect ahead of ibe deteai of thelratoendeO bill in the Awembiy, the hen itors fell tawk upon that time-worn cxpedteul, a "Joint Dwoaocritlc caucus."


B a v i H r. L u eas BeqaaitsM i to R etire .Tbe Heasurea Canaldered*

Special to tho Evkwino Ngwa T r e n t o n , M arch 5 . — 'W hon the hour

ftiMha m eciingof tbs Asaembiy anrivod last nlgbt a tall, mlddlo-aged, clcrically-bewbii^- kerod man sat behiud the SpeakoFi ch air He was lha Bsv. Kiljah Lucaa, o f tbe Central BaptlK Church of rreaton, who bad U e a sn- gaged to make ibe evening proysr. When Hpeaker Ifndspetb learned that the clergyman was tbe Individual Who figured In the rtcent icamlal com In this cUy he called Asienbly- man Beudder, of TrentoD, lo .him and a ik ^ him to send Mr. Lucaa away. The Trenton member did the fipeoket's bidding quietly, and the minister walked oui of the chamber. Jona- tbaa H. Qoble offered tbe eveniug prayer.

limncdiaieiy after roll call Hr. Farrell ap­peared Id bit Kwt. Mr. Ileppenhelm sr offered aresolattonoirecTetat the aflllctloo that bad recently befallun (he youBg Aseffohlymao In Uin death of h li wUb. U w|a aj|0pl«d by a rising vote oi the House.

Auotber reauluDon, preaented by Ur. HclMr- n lt , Otoigratuiaied Charles Stewart Famell and Wimam % Gladstone on their recent political vktorv ovttf (hall ensmlea and ihe downfall of Figott It was a d o p t^ and copies of It were osdtred sMit across the water.

fitUl another ies(Hutloii, prceenM by Mr. Ueppenbstmer, oongratulatlBg AMeiubiymsn Kane fipoc bM m am sge laat weok, was agreed to wttboul any vqiw Id (be negative.

Hr. Wtedenmayerbai a poor, iDuoceut Hide HU upon the caleudar, drawn b y CUy Coun OouU, designed to allow iMe Water Board to pay so u ey direoUy to tbe H nlitag Fund Com BsUftooen for tbe rcdempuoa of oertaln bon^. A t pneiBt, under a red tape em &gem entf (be mooey goei to Ootaplroller Q ulau, who bamlf H to the commlostonara. T b e Aqueduct f tw d bad uetbliig to do w K t aeDdlng the bill to fiitilo B , but U c b e m ll inpposed ibH (be mearuN originated In (bat camp and be went fo rH like a bull i f u r a rad flag when u came ^ o o A u a l passage. He repeated fats ebargea Uuil (h i board was oorrupL and be ■ a lB ta l^ UmM weiblag goad aookl eoioa owl of IL

Hr. WtodawRayar f ip la tiM i Ibat llto blU

The C om m ission H etan iet Its filttlng. r ig o lifo Carnm nolcstlon,

L ondon , M arch 6.—The Pam ell’ommlwlon resumed its litllDg this oiorniug.

Altortiey-Cfoucml Wtbaier uam ted tbo facia In relaUoii lu FtgoU'aooDiiuuDicttiou from Madrid to Mr, Suauet, tho 7>mrVi solicitor. He itatoil that another letter from Pigutt b id been re­ceived to-day. Tt La>l liocn po<ted on MBrch 2, This loiter was sent (o Ur, Soumto'i effiee for " Hr. Fotisonby." U waa lurtnsd iu co:iit.

FroslUing JuKtloe HauDcn decided tliat ibe fact that tb e ItUh n'orhl had raised money for tbe Irlib cause did not make (he recipient of tbe money res;iuhftible for tbe articles In (be |iaper, but it was an importaut link Iti tbe cvl- denrs referring to tbe distribution of HGWSpa< (icffl inciting to outragi*. He said Uial the evidet1(^e proved that during IBSO and logi copies of tbe lri$h B'ioj'id were sent either dlreclly or indirectly from ibe DnblSu League offices and were found In pomcbIoii o( iHgite officials. Evidence on IbU point nos iduiu- slW

Ih e Court aoEentod to Mr. Dillon goiiiK to Auslralla for bis healih. AUorney-Utuerai Webster reaiimed H e reading of arllcies from (he JrisA World referring to Mr. DavUt'i action la connectlou with the Home Rule moveineat. He slao read a speech made by Mr. DiHod, urging the deaimrth^Ti of (be pHlce wbu wore e u g o ^ protecUiig laudlords.



R eeaiv la R M u in b en o f L e tte v iCrern B o th Euro|M oud AnieH oa.

London , M archfL ^M r, ParDell, fiml- Ing ll Imposeihla to respood to Ibt miny tetters he baa noelvcd froin both Europe and A tnerica oungralulatliig him upon lha collapce of tbe ‘Dfs^soaae against hltn, dtefraa, through the press, to beartliy ihank (be wiliers of (hi M- torA

The oommunloattoM reeslved by Hr. Par- ueil comprue letters trom unexpected quarters snd from persoiu la tbs bigbssl ranks of arr, literature and eelenoe,. Mttoy of (he wrtten say that (be rsvelatloni oi t&elrlal haveeun- verted them from Jhi1fDQrJiintoParD«iiiBm.

T he Colon County A oth or ltlos Thwartod by N ow Y ork Low yori.

Ipecial to the E tekihq NiwmE l iz a b e t h , M arch 5 .—T h e iuthori*

lies ot I'DioD County are baviog a bard Dine ol It trying to remove iroiu Kew York to New Jersey an alleged tbfof, Jacob FatcTcnskey, of Ellxabelb, who Is accuaed of MeaitnglSUOworili of goods from tbe Pennaylvtnla Hallroad Com­pany. FhteretMkoy's accomplice in the crfmo was tried, ootivleied and sentenced to Slate Prhtou at the last session of the Union County courts.

Fsterenikey fled from tbe city when the crime wks discovered, and since then tbe poll(« have been in quest of him, Irately delectlvea located him In New Y ork, and ia u Friday he aaa irreited, but refused to okdc to Jersey, Ho was raDiinlltfd to jail and Prcoccutor Wiuun inido application to Governor Urveti lor a requlphtou lor the priaooeFa Laxly, which was grouted.

Armed wilfa the writ and accompanied by Detectives Urogory and Coilori, tho DrooeciKor hastened ysatorday lo New York aud wcut be­fore Judge Onwing*! court, where the piiaoui'i' waa lo be arraigned. It waa anilt-lpaled that Faforenikey would bo discharged, and Ihe de- keiives in that case were ready to poum'e upm him, and bad a coach iu w aulug to drive him rapidly lo tbu lYnnicylTanla Depot and oon>oy him to Jersey before a writ to stop them could be »ot out,

Ueauw bile tbe prisoner, wbo has plenty of money, having hecii in tbe junk hualnost for nvenU yean at EUsabetb, hire*) three New York lawyers to defend him. The wary tt- foniuys detected the pr«K.nce of lha omceri aud I'rjscculor, and (.oulllcil their tJitlu schema by asking for an adjuurnmeai of (he caw, which the Jodge gramed before rfoaecutor WllooD could luiccpogB a word.

The disgUKted ihlct-catcticn rctnnied to EUmbcth toiKtly dfooiiuotog New York law. Auotber attempt will be miidti to bring to jua- tloe the altegcd rubber, but U is douiHlhl If H vsill he soccesidUl so tong aa hi.- has money to pay futr bis aiioraeyi' servloea.

'ffast Vlrgdnla'a Outgutng KxeriiHve Re fuses ttf Vacale<-A Party Muddle.

Ch a r i .e«ton» W. Vn., Martdi 5,™ Nafhau Uoff, Hcpiil»:icau. and Proudeiit k IT.{ arr, o! (tie 8(ate Senate, Uufon lat>or, took the oath o f office o f Governor of this Slate yes* (onlay a l noon and maite a lurmai demand upon Governor iVilwm to vacate, hut ibal gen­tleman refiioed and lyforrod the two«'plranta tolheoouris to decide who shall hold office pending tbe conU it between (loffand Ktemlng. The ouloorue lx anxiously lookeil torward tu. Ifverytbing paiwoil off poacuiully and no trouble la antlci paled.

GeDoral Ooff, ihe Republican candldale, claims that Judge Fleming, the Iteniocratic candidate, admit! In bis noHee of contest that (toff had 110 majorny. H was rheduty nfihe Speaker ol tho liouse, during ibe ot tho.LegIxlaturo, to annouiioe the vote, but b ii tell- uru to do so doca not luvalidate bla crlaiui.

Oovtrunr Wilson clahn>i (be ilgbt (o bold over under tbe C'onaliluUon, and says he will hold tho pofaliipn against ail oomero, aa ue coii-

roum. he was gret'Lcd nut otiiy w iih app iau to hut I am ofliatued to say (b a t a enriam " r o w d y " (w h o is a ‘'ju n lu t" ) cuinuience<l to hlM

ll this la tbe (Niucadoti I receive at the Uigb Sebooi. let Him m'IiooI lo* at)f>>l lir4l.

Yours truly,A Ffpin or Tilt IltiiH fk rtooii.

rriiicl|»al Hovey, of th e High SduKii, w as md pro-cut w heu Mayor Haynes e n te ru j the pKitn. an d hu f im bean] of the cunduck ul onu uf bla pupils later In tbo day Rally (his m orning , as soon M th o sciiool seosion oponvd, he d e liv ­ered a loug lecture to the boys on the Unpro- pnuty u fsu c h c o n d u H o s waa dlsplaypil by one of ibelr DQiuber yi'sicnU y. H e u tid , alto , th a t i f h e bad U.«u piovent a t (ha tim e an d could have de tec icd tba offeuder be would have prom ptly cxkte)ie*t (ho boy w ho was gu ilty of b lu in g ai H b llouor.

Mayor Haynes said this ifterarn I h it his vlait to-tlie Utah ticboul yeaiurday was a moit I letoiurabto cvenc, He heard no liisriug, hui heanl much applauiw and. saw mur’li ciilltU' afa>in, all iKL arioiiod by hlsill|f[H;arsiicu.

amwer Itu' dt-w riptiou of ihu wuiiiKt!i madu by SUHrli’it’ R inacoi.

Tbe microti and cKutcmciil in Ihe cose ha* nevur almied. and (h» ink! un Mruiday ncxi promlWB In be oni'f»l the mi«l luiOH allnR ever (riiHl III 'ruxah lA'glntiK ol witm-4«c9 will U‘ ( SHniln ri. and Ibe i linncca ate lavi'sndjte for


Srarlelt to c-'Coik; whli nniliiitg nit rv lUaii fine, wMi aiRKihil) * '-light hupnsnnnieut.

T H ItR E lll'hl^lANH IN TIU U JBLK.


A Yuuug

sidurs it his duly tu do ra


NorMstowit Lawyer I'rovcs Fnfaa to Hia Truat,

NoRRl^lXiWN. Du., MuK'h 5.—Finnk I,. Murphy, a young lawyer and clerk of tlie Tow n Council, hus been for some lime ailcKCdi lo be In IluariCiaUtfaKr. Twoliulguienta Herd cniored ngujuri him Gita wi-ek—one lor Tfoh, Di favor of J. D. IL Joiikiua, and one lu Ikvor of ChnrKH l.cwU. Thu latter was excculcd yes- U-rday aud afiuio Ihiia made puullr. I.cwis isiroui ]'bUaik-1|itdM, arxl rv<!«iiliy atiaimri his muJuiUy, thereto becouilug oulllleJ to II.UItA from Ins gnnrilinN. l>Ci)imig (lial thu bvUtemeut should be Oiade through au attorney ho empiuyed Hurpby, and I bo check was drawn to thu I'.Iter's order. Urn- pby defxi^tUsl tho chei k tuh ta uwu ciuAil in thu First National Baua of Norristown, and gave Ijewli hl-t uwu indiviituH) check A Few days later Lewis dct*ositud ihii in u Fhiladoi- phia bunk and it came lo the Nurrl^loiArf bank lor payment. Murphy had but |i3 j (o bis etidlt, and the check whr prutcf-li rl. then threaieuod Uiirphy with a crluiual prua- ecuilcn, (0 avoid which du coiifof»ud jiidgmoul forR"W, [uru1ngovtrthcllJ& In hank. L'u«m (he execullon ol (he Judgment youtentay Uur- jrbv couvayed to l«w ii IiIh heavliy-ericuailicrpd p r^ '-rt^for belter etTurily.

rpTty hss plavcd an Important port in local Kcpubllean imiUlca rnraeverui ycar>< poll,and bnldH a r c mlncnt poslilou lu the ratnulio D nier Hons of Anipni-a.

Ttaoy I'om pluln A gntnat l l i e i r I.an d lu ri1 wml A ra Thriunelvea tracked Dp.

On Hatiirdiiy Jonas Htork, win. Ilvp* It.’.nX Mcrkrt itrcol, TitllCil JlKtl... iKii'lor'i office ami ankcLl (u have (lircc luon arru-stc i lur Doupayment of a fl-i boaM bill UTicJudl-e advLH.Hl nut to sue, m be lm<l tlu- u^uu's (ruiiks lo his |«e'*e'‘Slon. “riK’n Hlock wanicrl •to have ihfm aro^'e^l for stealing a Iciiifo, hu( IkaMur deL-llruri to Issue the uarinm. On Him- day mnrulnK llarteR I.«iiBblBaor, Abmui ).ip- knvili and foinriel KeS'iteois wciu ui rho Jn- lU-t-'ii oflUo}ami (hM a pminl lain. laAtigbluiu t, who VIOH Iho h]ytkC! tnau, hoh I IhsL he and his two ciiMifiaidonH had arrived Iutl' from bt. I'ct- rvhurc. Hu'vna. asImrltlrneiiKO, cxclmngcd titeir inmiejr lor AnimUnu euln amtplH('4 1 fto, llu‘ Joint (apital of Lho thrcL', In HtiK k’R liFvii'Is Ibr safe keeping. WhiMi llicy demnmlrd tbe n-iiirn ol (he ctish, (hey >sld, K(m':l[ deiiJixl Imvlng (vcclvcd il, hll4 ihcy iwiiiT- out a warrant fur hit arre<uu (tic charKu uf c»il>»'/xteie<-nt. The ijiaii was am-hiol and proud lly gave g.iUO l>ail lor his upi>c^arxncL'atcouri

Yunt ; lt, y he siifN^eede*! in gcitlin Ijtng*. liloiii't, J.ipkuvlU Rfi'l K losoIitiIz arrcvkil fur sU-ahiig a lk.nlfit wufth nlanit ten m.'ius, and iliay arc now in the ('ninny Jail, when-they will prnlmbly remain ittiUl Ihc A]ril Grand Jury aids ujxjii ibclr ca^Lii,

Un-i«iau>i whoeaim- lu-ru uU ha fi wdullMn to b etur iheir furlom-ii,' R:iid the Ju^llre, "iwem W late hi have Ihmn slr-gUMl oul as lc|i;tliiUAle (in-y by shiiry>crR. of wliuiii there arc lou iu Newark. Tho-u ion pi*', up m ibii pn- teiicc id K-nirnig ttlUHilotii for Ibc RUahjtcrb who can ^ klom use a word uf Kngihh, Imlncu them to dcFxeiit All the ca^b they have and tnke a worriilcttfl pM|K.-r lur H, and ubi-ii iIk rclnrn tM Oemsuded deny even haring rucrlvi-d It- I don't ihSuk KiH.lt Ik one ul U»-rc vumpm'R. bnl ho hai ailed luJiKlicuniily In ibis cbm,’ , ouiidlng (lie tlirL>u fxior If-llowi to IsiigiilKh hi Jull. wIiLIu he b'ui'i Ircc on isih. Iln pruhahly uK h I nmicr a (Dtetnken hba ibnt it wai tbo bcM way to lei'uru hIs board biU”

The JusiliH- wdl make iiti efluri to secure Die release uf his fellow count ry iiion on IjuU to day

Tri Mykwiiil BIO.UlHk an Road tiiiprav«’ uk’IiIm—A Itecullnr l lr c e t (rlistrurtlon.Ill [hhliDn l{]i)l. H looitilb'lil, luH tuiglit.

alviui ISQ cIllK'-nH aii-iuldad In bear the report ot ilu-Tuwiuthlp I'uEDUiitU'C and to |uin» u|iuu apprn|vrtaiioiis b>r the cronlnir year. The niccLing w nscallci! to order by Ih iim u Oaks's. Jrdiit F. Koboui wsB chuBea cbairmaii and H. Motrin Hnl'u sh secretary. 1 lie rcjKirl of the Irommrt-r. A Marr, sUowihJ a bulancu of I), J04.Mi1 UU hsiul aflsr (isying all etpcNtoi, OT thclWW npppiprlaied for police purptsH-a la t year, tally 1')7ii fiO was used, kavliig s bsluiirsL nr The tK>1l<*e wi-re rakeu nil dutyover a nioiiih ago by ihi- PoIIcl' (Vininltii'e,

t h e A D rU O l'R fA T lO N UILL8,

I H ou se hy

M any tJeuths F ro m C o ld F e a r e d —Atnerl>can an d K n^ llab C on su la tes Attesokod.

Ran F r a n c iHCO, March 5, — T he Meanifr f l t y ol New York, from ('hlna and Japan, brings advices that relief Is now coming In liuui ail hides foi the great dlatross m Ncolh (!blna ceuwd by last learoiTi fluud, but never- tbclkM U is feared Ihat in any Ihoufands of people w ill perish lu tbe cold of tbe winter.Jn consequence of ibcarrcsi at HUaiighal of a Cblnaman by policu 6,00h rioters auiemhiod Fubmary &, bunted down (be Knglish r*on*III late and aitaeked tbo American (.'onsulate, doing great damago.

Among the paaoeugen arriving st this port by (he a(eanior i l t y o f New York were (JoudI daws, Marquis Haeda and throe underuflielalH, who comprise tbe party sent to (bu oouutry by Ibe Kmpuror of Ja^ Q to examine the rolldary aud naval systems of the L'nltcd Hlutcs. ^ Tl lle in this city they wlU visit (hu cruiser Gharius- too. and from here (bey will proceed lo Now ^' York and thence to Wa^hlDglon. WcH Folul and (he Naval Academy at Anuapolls wiU be polirta of iDtewKt. _______ __

A R tatem ew t fiubiultted lo tli<M r. H aiiila ll.

W a b i i i Nd t o n . MflTcIi 5. — M r, R a n ­dall, rhsirm annf the House (.'ommittco on Ap- proprlattons, prcimred ami yesterday submit­ted lo (be House « itatemeiil shovviiig (he amount o f approprlsitoos carried by the gen­eral apprupriatiun bills paafcd at (he soDShit) whtch uluH^ yesterday, and a &>mparlK>n Is made with (bti csiimsivs ol Die deijarituonts and the law for (he current y(«r. This state­ment shows that (be total eslimaUu siihiniiti. d amoinited to F2(r7,2fil,(’90 ; thu sum atiprophiaU‘<l to and the sura carried m tliu lawsfor tba current y« ur to 8300,9H5,M1.

Tbe bills appropriate a fu lluw i: Agricul­ture, | 1.0fi9.77U : army. fJ4.9Xi.ll6 : dipbunallc iTid cfliisulir, I District of Cuhimlilo,|fi.(Ui7,406; rurllflcarioD, fl/jOfi.fiei; Indian, tH,CUA,7l!4 ; lugiiUlivo, clc., fJ0,Al0,r>;t5 ; Mili­tary Academy. im TfiO ; navy, ;penrion, •tn.75S,-iOO ; pottofflcc, f 60,6li6.»N ; sundry c iv il, f i\ T n ,M l; niisceUaucLAis acta (estimated^ ID,600,000; dsflctciicy, FLOril .liOO.


E A I L B O A B H E N E X C IT E D ,

K i lle d (o r D cfe o d ln ff H la R flfa .

P ort T o w n s e n d , W. T.^ M atch 5. Tbestesmer Ancon arrived at this place yes* teniav bringing ptnlciilan of a double irigedy at Boonab MisRioo. A wealthy but 0Terbea^ ItM aud oomipt IndlaD natuail Jobneon came to (be mission. He tarroriied tbe noei) and aisstUted any wumati lo w bum be mlgbl take a faiicy. He entered the buuse of i young ivar- ried chriaUab woman, barred (ho door and ■auU^ her. The buthand bearing of it cut down tbe door with au axe end shot Jubomu, killing faun insianily. Johneun'e friends di< * - - ^ Ifias •


___ Hiiy.manded a lUb for a lifla, and tbe protacior of

E ib lb lt of Indian Cora a t Parla.P a r is , March fL—Tbe management ol

(be Paris Exposition hSTO set apart ipaca tree ol charge for (be proposed American exhibit of Indiaii corn. The incentloo IstobuUd a baod- •otae corn palace la wblcb Ibe dlfleie&t klfada of corn will be exhibited. Aueticw&ooofca tu aitendance wiH prepare com for food In all various ways buown to tbe Amertcaa bouu- wife, and laap lea will be freely dUtrlbuted to aB wbo vtHt (b« txhlblL The prauotcis of this dlMday belMve H will prepare (be way for agraatly tneieaeed detoahd for Ibe Amtrloaa oereal In EufopeRO marfcetr.

bia wlie's virtue was publicly aboL

Barprieed a t the P a ieago e f th e Intor- ■tate Commeroo Act,

C h i c a g o , M »reh 6, — A kw«l p o p trsays I The aououticeEReqt yesterday (bat the House of Hepresenlatlvwi bad passed the Ben- ateamundmefats to Ihe Imemiste Commerce aoi and that President Clevelaud had affixed his signature tberato as une of tbs last acts of bisadmtHislretlon, his caused intense excite* roent In railroad circles, They bad no idea that (be difihranees between the House of KeprewntaUvei and (be Benate could be bar- moniaod In time for action bv both Housca

The tiew amundmenfo would not be espedally obnoxious to the railroads If it was do( for the ficl that lo addition lo a fine for violation of law any officer, agent orolhet person ootroected With a railroad company wbo shall te con­victed of dlscrimmsllon inai; be liable (0 Im- prisonment In the penitentiary. A money fine alone bad no terron for (be railroad officialis. They xneinhaoompaiiy would toot tbe bill. But when (wMoti walls and lonely cells stare them In the fooe the case M diDbreut.

G reat D am age Thought to H ave Been D one 111 U auevL

GuAYAtlulL, Ecuador. March r>, vln Qilveston.—Another sharp shock al rartbrjuaka was fell here on the night of Mart-h s. tt bu- gill at 8.40 (/clock and Judeil eight icenods,

Nr. RJ.HNA, Iteuidor, March 6, via (folvnHOD —Au uartiiqiiake shock was feU here early lu the evening of Usreh A

Lixa, Peru. March &, via Gateehluh.—A ro* port reoelved beru from Ouayaquil, F.cuador, states that slight ahockKof eartequake bavu been foil there ilmie l l Y. M„ March Tbe report is nut oonflriuod- Tlie saoie report states that It Is feared great damage hai huen caused In tbe province of Hanavl. All tele- grapbio communication In (bat dlrectiuo Is In­terrupted.

A B tibr F oon d On » Btoep«Officer Freffe* o f th« F ourth Precinct,

found a tour weekSH>ld girl on (be rear sloop of Flnkui Beteman'i booee. 75 PiiuM stieei, iate nlgbt. Tbe cJiUd b id no covering except a couple of dm y apcons. It wrs cared lor by Uemmaa untlli tbie BcrDiog, end then given tn cbiteif of buperinieudent Yalman. U ie not k(»owo wboabaothmed tbe Infant

,iaad HedkliHai^aleonnf Btoomffeii and

Al BmAm i'i Lung MwarattanRiRntiMbelmM , A d M M aM iiiyprfn iifa loaff

Batoia i i an nxeeHent iruakM MoMm M * ,AtMiKl H M UH B m b it * . - M t,

K D if k t B t o ia m a d w n « l i r 01i*rt«r.H a v i b h i u , Mm *., March & —1am*1

iAHBbtjlSM . K n l|b « o( Labor, r a a m M of wothuea 0* aactalDo awl bandaewed boot! and aboai, M i io(*d lo lUtKadai lu ebattet, asd baa u sa o M d vodar IM Hadonal Tndta Ualoo. _____

A B m h I* lb * W h .a t H arkakCb ig a g o . Match 6 ,—T he w heat mar-

k«t went airto pleoot tbH isamlof. Sooa allot tba opoa^n* Mar bad loBCbcd IM. Than It want down by Iba lun and did *01 atop Uulil It to t to lOOJt Tbon waa not an cnumioiia qaaoUtf of ■altlnt dono to brint about tbo broak. Tbo niMin waa Ibal tbere won no boTon. A U i|a quantitr of atop order wboat w u thrown on U » nurbot « tba wajr down. Dot It waa not Mil May rcacbod lOl^ ibal than l a c i ^ to be any niDtuiulal npport. Before tbe Bnl bout bad pawed Hay bad reacted to lU K but tbe nwrbet waa not ilroof.

The cfaUdnri atl l«ya to lake BiadMi-i Uin« «iU f- i aa It ta both plaaiani and albotnal.Ady

W y o « MlfbbOf baa * ooid leU b ta lo Inrait a * , b a ktW aaf BtadMi-i Lmw Bnlaan. Ady,

M b • ( f B a l l ‘T b t n n .e M * H lft Hottoa M paltaaul,-A dT.

F l » Id a HDj-kel-bqiiea,P h il a d e l p h ia , March 5 .—T he Co­

lumbia Avenue Harket bouve and hall, at Broad street and Columbia avenue, was tually destroyed by fire early thiy morning, Tbe Broad street and Columbia aveoue fronts uf (be buUdlug were occupied hy a Ttumbur of small itoret. Rooms In iho upper floors were occupied by a Oraiid Army I\is( and a Buinber Of socieilef. In (be rear ot the storei a as the spacious market- house and adjolDlag on the west was tba livery stable of Bamuel T. Bush A Sou. The tevetkly-five liorocs in (be Rahle were all gotten out ufoly. The fire burned fiercely aod Inabont an hour only the wails of the large market building were itandlaf. The building was owned by Richard J. Dubbins. Tbe luieee will, U fa erilmiied, aggregale | 1M,0CN).

TIlIK V K g IN A H rllO O l.llO L H R ,

lliirg la ra R enori (o a g tra n g a I 'l a r a fur F lu u d e ra n d A ro l>ltMp|K>ltit«4l.

l.nKi n ight ur cu rly thiH iiiuniiD g ii huc- rc**rul altentiiE wm>( inado to iiri-ak lulu (be Wrw'lringtoii FlrctT Ruluml. Tliu Ititef ot ihlsvvs cuhcn'd (lie nuuil Aud froifl (hi'rv g»( iiilu (lu< iniall off c(>urt uii<1 ibvinv Into Ibu prliubiiil rOum. Three llablM of gliM were brokt'N Hlmn ly alter tliu arrival of (be Jarnior s i iiK' sebod early llils riiuruinK a sinvLilnr nul*e woj< Ucanl lu'ar ibc etilrauee. ^>u.e mn; -almiI to (lie door arid N aw utitiu faurryhig iln » n liie slrecl. He uutrld tml lo? dtsliiinul'-lH'il, hnw ever, in (Lo dim HkIh. An InveKlRitllon WHS made and ibo (bret- bcvjki'ri wlnrlows acre found. ’Jh'-rulch to (he windows buJl to'cri remove*] aricr Ilia breaking uf Ihe glosh ainl an (.-mriLiKr*:- Inlo the priu(o[iiil nxtm had U‘(*ii iw lly cITn-ird. 1 hrr-« drowcni of thupriuclpal'N dchk »vrc foiiad on Himflnor, ai)-i tliL-ir i-onlenlfl wure hC»m ed aU'ui. Thu luaitor iviia rviiortad l i ihe |A)]jr-L'and an Inve-UgRlIiin Is ta-lng mu'lu to' » vi ral delcellvi-s. I-Tutir iii*- bn-t lliat 1'jo»-o who i-nli'fed (he priui-H'Si's louni uiust bsve bWiU fainlllur « ltb the pri'mlM-s U was rorijectiired ibeljtnBhlbly lomuuflbo ikOiaimKlil bsvo had a hAml In lire affair. ^:w-ra1 wlio bavo made hivvAlIgsitons, incindtiig I'riiH’ii Ll Hanson, do not U-heve ibut ilii! hof*! bod anyllilng to do a iili It. 'Iht: prtoelpal said lo a Kxwa reporter Ihsl be bciluvud (hat nir^uey wtu< lliu objuel ol (he parlies wbu broko In itie itrbnuL Nutbnig. as far as is kninTu, was lakuu. A luan'i footprint WAS found ocai; (mu of Ibe window a and U is suspo*;iu<l (hut ll was made oy the wouUi-be thief.

D. W, H lc l ia n r s Ktekoeis.D. W. Eifhnrda, tlir whulr-wilc

gro«'er ■( « 3 aod fWfi Broad str*ei, who was re­ported (0 bo very sick tost right, wax agato at blspltee of busliicMi tills muriiltigtpT>arci)ily oa well as ever. He was delirious yuHterday and tewsrd nightfall was (ake» liome ifa a coach. He adribuiet bis lihiesi to an acclduot which faapiwiied lo him two weeks Age. He stubbe<l hU fool sgalnst Ihe sharp end of a barroi hoop and severely cui bis toes, Bluco (ben he bta been troubled very much hy the exceeding palu of ib« wound. Mr, Htehsrd<i would not leiualu al bis home, Sr I’ark atie«t| (hli mordlni despite the tfloMs of hU frieiMls (okevp him there. He riairaed ibla morrrlRr toat lie had overslept blmaelf. He has no. misted a day at bis busiueai for about llRy>■<*«-_________ta.___________

Fought Id • Btreot Car*K bw Y okk, Much 6.—A flKht oc-

e tm d on * Thlni «icnu* *ii»el cat ihU nom- iDt M wc«n Jobn BcBolu, Ik* conduouw, And A pAMDter wboc* cadia Ia nol known, lo iho Hum* Beholli hod tb i poliil o< *n umlircIlA Ihnnl Into b li Ay*, And Iht p*M*ntcr w u bit. Im on Ibo cbo*k. TIm iMKHtri nudo hli AACApo, but tbo votloi *T« looklnt r« blm. B ^ nlU WAA lAken lo tb« bopIlAi, wbtr* ta*B *y d lt .____________ '

Donut nporloMm U yoo luKHDCtblnf t b u bAi AliAAdy------ ,tc M .k o M iilM d W iL u k l Btli*m .-AdT,

kATAAOOtd. bntlAk* b**n pnjoouucU

A b o ld lc r U a A lIn f • D octor.

M a jo r H nyiic* Jins rece lrw l n le tte r from Augnil llcmpAl, of fjA lrtaon, Tex., who d n im loforoiAllon r*cirdlnn Hr, lorneliiu tiAlilor, wbo, h* u y i , belong, In Kework Uemprl wtlioi IbAi he ii All honoribly d l^ cbArytd K idior wbo ,enred lb>m New York blAletn tbo lAte w*r. U* w u lofurnicd by

J r e d rbW erer. Adjul*n!beuer*l i t AlbAOj, IliAC A doctor belon»ln« Ui b ii reflmenl Ured lu Newerk. He u y i' tn*t Dr t'Alltcr’i erUlcnoo It ImnwiAnt In a pcnilon clelni. He wrote to bim, but hi* leticr wt* rtiu i* » l. e* ibe doctor could nol be found. No nAme eucb m IbAt f l te n AppoAn Iri Ibe directory.

Wbal's Ihat you say r Tsfco Brener's Lung Balsam. Oh, j a s ; always d a-A ilv .

T h a Halffu o f Ralw BOM not Interforo wUh (h« B«e UlTc'k Special M t of NoUoiRe-AdTs

A t (he m eetin g o f th e O ra n g a G b n - mmi Ciium-il last night. Hr. Riwker.of the F lifl Wsnl. had a ILvi-ly alleccaUun with seveial pruiwriy-uwucra uvtr (he flaggiug nf«Ceulnl phiA-e Thu liapruvtsaciK, ever since work wi« kNgii]| mi ll lost fall, bas been a thorn la (be hhlv <»r(hM\tuiH'tL A l otm point (he rida* walk was Inner than thu street. «Q that water ficmtHl from ilicxuuer on the walk, and ai (be rvquest or ]irnperiy-nwiian ihe grade of th« w a it was raisctl umll lh« surveyor haal thal it w ai iwo lurliM nfiuve thuiirL-ei A in inberof pni|A'rly'UwiKTs, Lowover. Oi'fiore Ibal tbe walk h silil hm crihau the sircet, and oHe claim (Lai ihu flagging Is n<A o f Ibu proper (hickocos iii 'i not proiN^rly laid. When (ho ar-L'AiLiui'ni came up lur radflcaifon tasl nighl, tevcrtl prn{>crfyowiieh( nddn'MCd (hi Co ludi to upiMaliioa (o il. ocm> of Ihem docks* lug (h it he aoukt iKHjMiy hisaast’Vimi'aL uuUwi lUr work was prop^ily (lum*, and two4ucb flogging used os rviiDlnc'l.

AK SLDXaMaN ANUHY.Mr Itorkvr (Ji plained (bat (he grade w aiaiv

conltog lu dial given by tne surveyor, ■ im) (hal the lings wup' ocoofding to conlrarL U te i mto ui the lutllgnanl pruiwrty-owiirn look Ibe tli4»r Willi Iwgaii (u mak<e ■ n-uivatluni againk Hr. Hurkt-r. di-claring tb al his word wasndl taken foraiiylhiiig. Hr. Hurkor k ep ib aten w per uiiiiL bis aL'L'iteer intenupied him, when ha again atleiupted an •xpliitation .

Tbcti he shouted, "Y u u 'n i a l ia r ,a n d or* duriHl the man removed from (he room, OQ waa poured u|hiq tho walera, and the confua oa causiwl by (ho w’cua auholded. The roolriolM ufterod tu (isy |U5 for every flag found th it waa hoi accurdlng (o me spo*;incattem(. Tbe ra- pirn na>i finally reforred back U> the (VKnmlUea on AasessiBents and tbe prcdceis to (he flirail and a^satemeiit Coininitfeea.

Mayor Hartford was autborbed to appoint ■ comiDitiM of six I'onctolittien aud iweoty-ftva cillMus lo aoaioi In recelvLiig and enteriataief ihfAcmy ol (bu I'otomac. ■( Us reuDiad la Orange In Juno. The firpmen of the city pa- UlhMied for an incrossa of klA per year on tbetr pay, making It lino. T&e manor was reienwff in Ibe Fire tutnlttee. Edward Barrett wag appoiuii'd liepuly Collector of Taxes. A reeo> liiiloii MU tdopled auihoriilug tbu sKfamlaslna o( Iheirw Ubraiy iiurwltoii (u (be people t i elHiliiii null Tuesday, Tbe ComailUeo oa Flee iuDi reporlcd Ibat the polUrig-plooe Is th«Hec-ond dbiricl ol iha Hocond WoM bod baea riUHvvc>1 lu (iahler's barber-shufi. Ordlnasom W4‘ie iii(rmlLtco<i lu macmlauititv nave and OUifa Fun»l struci, lo grade Jackaon street, to f i i f and curb riumwar alreoi, to flag ( hrinophev slitei, aud to lay oul ami uiwa IJiiigiiun sireatk Hum Fri-inunl avenue U> Ki^'baMiey stroeL

edtuoL puAKU^xj'oniw.Thu Hoard of F^iicaHnn pivv-nlwl ila annnol

ri'iKirt, showing that EC^iuifil hud bctMi ex- (H-Miled fur day hcIiikiIs , Ibr pjghliH'lHvdN, IV fur the Iiiduairlal di-liool, and •17,0(17.52 ior ihe new Oakwuud Avenua Kebook makiUKaiuUI of |5.i.2K> 7u. The ituurd aiU- niHiol that thu luiluoiug suins would ba nn-t1(Ml lu-xl icnr; For day achoulM, incUuHKg liU'OakwiM*] Avi-nuu BcLool, ; for (be

m-1j4nj1, tl.'MI; Cor Indusiriat tk-bOoli tl T.iO, li»r himi.shtng ail 1 filling up the Dak- wutHi Avi-iiun Si-huol, li'i.lVlO; for rotiipleting Ihc lalitT Lulldlug, FJiACU; louking a total of

Ihe rL'i-uri Was aecompiniod by Ibp amieal rciH>rl Ilf HiiiKTliilnnrtcni of r>;h«o1s (.>i(te. It uti'< pxhititfilvc, giving a larve nninlier of itaM><tins t>l! (he aitendance, cnritllmmil, aeaU ing capacity, ago uf piipilN clc. The enroll* tm ii( wan iMO gri au r than tu tlie prevloua yt-ar. Ln( iliu average daliy < nrullinout and lha ^ altehduiiue hail liicioaocd filly-sUw The pntoaty gradas had boeti much ^****^^ «*A---::- iai oowilallng lha b o td i^ a * k k t ^ T

and tin- acUuu of ^hat iHjdy In leaving thu town ffii Siinitins, ha< nui-*i"luiipro(cclcrt, csf>oi-lal]y

rouridvralilc i-(>rniui‘tU. Thenumtwr of puur 111 (Iiu towli hop somewhat flctrcaiMvl *U\co (wid yunr. Ilu-ro iK-mg a liHl,a»ciMil f(V,M.y,\ Th>’ ncniiiniriidiillufi* tnadc hy (ho conimiltcc at-ri; next (ukcri lift. And with Iwu cxccplluiis ull were siMi'iitol. Tor rna<l roinlrucriim (lie uiituiifH (vr-onimniilo^h N'.OfD, uwh rujMHl to fin,(VO hy D laigo viite.

The BiipmpriHlIori uf fur fire ptirro^-aWfl«. ifti’i a h-w rrniarka Irum l-'urcnmij Tmver, of Ir -x Honk ft(u| l,addi'r >'unipuny, And ftl- win Mcstlukc, ruimid tu f '1/>h(l. Aumng Ihu Inipruvi-inciili will l>u itiu iiiinKliictiuii ut an Clortric Hri-ilartu MyNtom and ilu- piirch i-<o uf

tic iiccewi-iiry uiifunnt uf luou rti'uii)mcudi-d hy (he i hlcf.

The iviminliti'v wiis ateiiil (o nljnum when FicdcrUik MuLMimtiri. a r«.’nldciil ol (hal pari part of Itie limli kiiuuii n!) " Faiivn-w, 'said (hut a lurxi' luiicvi on tliu old hon^ car rood (n .Ncivark htuckadoil ihc street aud pri-vuiUd ( 1)1! (iMirr.if Itiipruvcmenia of hiitJdlng in (hat |mr( of lln- town tlu movoil Uml fjc ap-

ruprliili-d fur the n niuval and pufchase of ttnn luHihc Thu matter was flnully itfem-d lo llipTuwii I'uiTiiiiiUcc. Tim ohAtrucicd atreei, il Is (onU'Tiilc'l, hOA (lavcf (mh-ii ac'’i‘pii‘<l by ihu town hip. H'cpi vmU 1>P taken by thu Fairvlciv |H-up1cto liKv*> the anuiniit hir thu p1HCtJ‘l c nf tbe pU'iH'-rly plpccd iijnih the lirkcl al tlie i.dvc Imii (n »t liu-silny.

The Nnritrlalr 'luwiishlp I'-oinmlileo hrld a S|>i'Ciul tmu'Uiu; lutl niKbti hui nai-- idialilc to Agree np<<ii Die opprupriniions Aiiiulk-r uivi l- liig will ]<ndnlfly ttt' tmld lo liigtit.

lu l l ’sT b i

The 1

A ( ilA N T r J T 4 IIE U .

M anager T i» U r^ign« a (d g I 'la y r r w ilh a ( ’arionn-hall D r ilv r r y .

MnnuKer Trolf tJii« uileiTm on ruhlci! n pticniitmunn " to the liBl nf playi-rs alrvtvly

eigm-d fi ihc NcwmiL Hiih Im ibi- i-onilng u sun H. 1). Ira v u la Ihc namt uf Itie laP--l

|Ul“itlu[j, and tie lmlLn Iruui l a|u: ( hirlu>, Va. Ml- kU mlIs kIx ftut itiren iliuhi-A IQ hla ■ tiurliliig fi-el, Ih pru|iirUunutety liuUt and ooiiicB well ncrjtiimciidcil, He 1im> lipvcr played phifowtoiiully Trull says thal if 'I mvtu cmnanupto csf«.'Ctfl(>uns bu will siarilc ihv tiMlIvLW ]( Isxuld (hip. (he l«ck iHutnii aru r»: ipilrud lo III-|utdilt d to vtiHi-ilaiid the lurcc uf the gmnTa ilglilnuig detnery Mik r< (<>rd of Siriku uiite Im giNAl. Hi-h hiU I (o ]j<,vu I'Lrfer t command of ilic liaH, and < an knock a hm Pull over (liQ fuinc.

Fntl I'ieHsuiid I'nfclirr fHiffy wereHigned ycNlurduy HlP-rin#in. U-oaon rmly i'a«i.-y. riuafun uud Baker, of Insl tram, lu f rliKiked alter Itni li Troit and Mrceu>r < ullins InlimuP' that Hey liuvu MHiipUan in aluin-q>r lilt- I'a'i- hall polihc, niid tey lliat Hie Hu;uiid liPisriuan He y liavi' nUniHl eurnillcil Im kuoan Ul lauic. and ii!u<ly (u Newark }>euplp

In flqiMpr u f Kiiipnclt*

T ito ( lun'toi-l'U iil eid eh n d cd (h r liir-tiiory ul Kulcii I’.inirtoti in l.iindy'H Hall la»l hlgbt Mayor Itnynca, K-vi-tal Poltcuruin mlHslurKn uml u(Jiem from Newark and ihe Mibuil'i Were |t■ u.u|ll. All inldn-x* was mml>‘ by Jofepli AtkiiiMiii, who trace] llic hhlnry of KiumeU'a life uml urged Hint cunirilmHoU' ip' luado tu the I'ANieil fund. i ttp'aUi l>*niiiv hrl- luvicd III a siH'LcIi, plftitabig help Pi lietnn<l and bcruiUH lulheirntrugglu, und waafoUoaed hy Patrluk O’ lloiirke, wbu f|tukc in Hie same strain. Tliero nii» also a Sfa-er h by llroihcr Hcaly, Ol H(. J’lilrU k’s Alliance, uml Juho Huauier sang "A Bumjierfur Tticu," ‘ Aveng lug " And i>lltor wnigs. A mitolK'r of uilii-p |<ar- yit«al*o rcuiii-red aoiigi and reel laliuii-, Thu txereite-i ended by (hu Atpgtog ul " Uuil KavtIrelAud,'

Do-raccss plan naa c o ^ g . of th t y<wr bad then la r. '

Tile ruuumI reFKirt of I’oBector ol TaxasLL <L j WJrilain<< showed lb* u&tlro rrccipla ami «Ui biiracifieOla ul Iho cHy fortb eyvar. Tbe tuli rueuii>ta ware |l4j.ldb.6ll. u f which HfiO.UO.Q hmi been fruiQ taxes, FhifijQ.K fruiu asscaw niunbi, |.r2,2.VJ.b7 Horn tbu Buonl uf FriucaiiuOt (l.'i.iiTl "iiWroUi IjL-entea, t l . 741.37 Iruiu flues at ih.'iiOHccstdlldlr, aihl nA,VXk) fronl notes dia L-uiimi.'il. 'liiv di»bu(ve(ut'iihi weru aa fullowi: Ikjurd MfKliualtou,t-*3.170.03 ; BuaMoI Uoallh, f(Ki7 7l ; coiintr, f l i w n fii; cunlingunt ox- |H-ii*(-K IlK. rJl ill; riro ilcjiarimonL, | 10,2U9. 'n ; lii(cr>‘hf uud dlftfuunl. TJ!;l,Pb‘2,fl2; 1fgh(iii|; Rlnclj, 9l2,t>Jl.0?1; Memutial lfqn|il!al. t2W ; ]iuiicc, fcl.f’KSi.Jil: ]a>T and alma, E’i,lW2,07; stn-cte, fin kin g IniH, f!i6,404.91;n(n < ( iiu|)ruVk'iuculA, i>'-3,il'1.71 ; uuica pak^ |l:;H.Mil>.

A VKAfi'S riKm.JunieM W. Hmiglrn--' ni, ( fil'd Engineer of tba

r re l#i pnrlmuil, rcimrlrd 2"J tlriM, ‘20 alannf aud 90.i7H liM. covernl hy Ilfii.'JiO uuiurAncc.He I'undi-imitHl (be prneMccof K(rmKiiig declria light w im uvcr hoic^ct |j‘, claliuii g (hat sev- end fin« liiul been tu them. Thu firWalann i)a(cm Unx wurked well, ibree new Inxeg hnvnig iieen addud. gave a dcMili,K| ntnta- mciil of (hi- unu-cr*. aalani ii, H|.paiaLtis and uiherm a'teni relallng tu Hie dcpArdueiB, Ha n t-miiincniM ibal flvu mure (he alurin boxea (*c pul up; itial a new (oill bu pnn.-tiaa-jd aud a new tiiw< rb e erocted on UiuJ.mci/iu avunua f i ll; ilie eriClloQ of a new Luilditig and tba tHljll-liiiienl uf a new hose com}>aDy at Ihoogt*-— -ner uf bay nml Wtuifiliigli n -trette.

riic work of Ihu I'niiwt Im^iartment for tbff ymir wus i'(ire|ii1iy iNivercd hy Hie uimual iw* piift uf Polli c Marsliul Willlnm Mc('ba«naj,Thu liircccuiui'iuur Hh’ mandial, two terguauii^Uvu ruuh«i«mi'ii and clahtocu palnduen, a toialuf iwcni)-ibrL*L-r Thuru ware 811 arresta mm(i-, i l l (risucr-nLloiiH for vlulailons of cBy (itdliiniK > <, r2.') tA-r-uii'i had 1x;cii |m>vfdvd wilfa lielgtiiip-. Ucl and sluLcn pru[ieriy iituiHiuling 111 viiliii to A|.l>.ii0 had lM‘Cn nii>vi-ft-<t, U,. iiinAil biul lut'U cLikli-cii'd (or tim-A, Iheru wur«

uLlieiua ami IV hutel^ nuil 3| plACi-a wlioro 1(|iiiir Is Mild liy lito nicnAmv. and tl^VTl M

wa-. < iilh‘«-teiil fruui li(-eiin.’-i, all inurtaiH; y1 |li,* irji) OK iivor the ]iri riuui year.

K n yilT I ASP KKiOMVri.NI'ATlUVS. i'Ky (iirk KiaO'Ui rciMiiii.-d ibu cccelpl ot

12-1,i ''2 toon aerniml uf th« Water H- |Hir(mcu(,Ml IlHtcu.-*c of ip!,7'»2 K*i u w r Hlo jm r bclora, W-ite-r TliiteinKnit l»owd tn lint unriiial n>- (Fftri gave an liCruiiul of Ihc oork ilui:enlllia il«iji wild I'll Hic pM-*‘ hinv 'H » wi-rkh nru i» csi'i-limit woikiUK tuimlLion, Wilh iueexi:(fi-Duu ol the giiti-'iuuse uml tliuui-. wuii |i iji-ni ropclr.' iiTi-l ii'u r;i:.oiie i'Uy j'byal'-ian To- trcuull tefs-rfi-i (h U ainee ln« U| poililnu-«'ml licci-niN-r 21. hu l.iul lu.id'* h'ltyMVcti> tepn lo (><i(ir [juiIi'IiIk. find nte'cii offiis cuii-<iii(uluuis, <-xHmUii-d two ipsunc fM:rKoua,tiiiide I iKlil‘ ' n wMis lu Hu- iHrm, and pur- l■ .rllc'd luurmiic)ro|>’ llllU•lJ . He leroiutHt-mletl Ihc rcmoy.il i>J ih<- lu'ii'ie piiliciite tiuw at iim lioiTfiMii PMlit- ]'rui-ci piuc'.'nr tii'^'niiii: ifiut llic iM o iHtiu In- cii'au!> ti srTiui Ul ]iennil of f-.i- I rtii-r M-pufwItoM of ihi* icxe^; ihat ilia Iniep.uil »<-. ouiimHlaUM o u( Hm far-m be In- I uud llml .-oiiie arraiMi-mciitbe iniidat-terwIp-N) for cLroiiic 8irue( ( oiiunbs-Biiuicr Iticiimiii n-puTted (fa - exu-ii'lllnru nf 1H k>iU 2‘2 In luA (iipariniuiii iu ihe |iaF.i vlut.|{i> .iij 0 iMtiiUinry ul (he uork done. The ucl c « i uf Hiu i-our Kfin for ilic yenr Ai'cor'lliiis' lo llii- re(Kir( of Ku(<uriutuiidiMU Merhesney a u | j ri;ii.2ii At llm lH-aii)iiuiK oi tht year lli.-m Wire Ibiriy nima’c- nt Hn- Innn. lorty-hva wert ailuiiKud. ihirly uvu wore diM-liaikLd aa<] four find died, It-avliiK ih iru N-veu a( dale Ovt-t* M-er nf I’laip MaimuiC rnrarrlcd Hm cxficmtUur*Ui tn the paK year , Xi>V7 iippMcAlioualor H-KsIsiftoi-e wan,- gninP-d. 132 raruillev with 2U1 cbtldrLfi k-lTigAOMstei],

CITY N i;w s NO't'US.I

K etoriilig D id L ib ra ry Hooka*

A lioiit 4lKl vrdumefi h a v e W n itoliHdr-d by LIbrarion Hill and li!s aaiiiien i from Hie btxik uJ ILu Library Aanx failun for Uio new Free* Llbiary. Thu w-itk of Aetecting llicin woe begUQ jn-xturday. and || will prubobly U'. i umu Uinu bulure ati tbu bunks have Uk'U luaia-etc-d* Ttnom which are de--i|-e(] aro lumcd down un thu ilielvcu. Allbougli tho chnlce uf I.1.UVJ bookN may bad. U u not probable dial oa nsguy will be sclectenl. Il (iilh no( yet been dc- elded whai w dl Ijo dtiiiu with (liu teK>kj (Iml rciaHlu ll la und'-rvUMal ibut Hicre I-a paw iJbdliy tlml ihu old library may bn enPtiuued

Klnialilnfr w New Chiireh.T b e (o n grpp ilio n Ol the W irk llftb

Fresbfienau I'hurch uxpccte to take pm-auMtoa of ill new rhiiivli al*jul Apirll I. All the In­terior Mwk IS now itone, with tHu exception of the palming A di-<lU-atton survieu will be ar­ranged for early m April. _

R a u f* o f T en speratq ro .

T h e range o f tho te& ip o ra lu if for th e Iasi IwelvG hoim- aecording to tttordi kept b y (harlei llorldeKcn & C a, oi tiioad street, la: I A. U.. 8 A. M.. 89«; 9 A. M.. 4h«i 12 Hh

42«; SRThe WeaUier Bureau predlcu for IbislocaUty:

CTearlhg and coklet wuaihcr.

Ob, my t 1 bavs such a cold In nay bead (hal 1 leul Inst like dying. II you have such a fueling take Btaducrii Luug Balsaui and gut welt. Adv.

T i l t umpInvcH o f r . K . sho#factory wlli -Ueiul J'airtek Hugui'a lunuia' tea b(M]y lu-iiMiihiw.

T h e ri'ifdlfir m oJithlv ntoolinj; o( the Newark Fcmalo t hurliu’ itoffoc-lety will be holil io-iuorruw niorning At Hl::w u'cJuck at Ibfa Imiidtox iw-‘i Haifuy itroet.

l'roH<*i‘(iter K ivin W. C rone h«R ro-. ctdveii Li" coinmtMlon aa JTuwiilnr o f (he Rlriu, and (ouk thu oalb df office h.'fore Judge kirkputrtck ILii tlterntioo.

Itev. Tlinimte llari-lHoii, th e cvungellAt, iM hnlilhig his (arcwull N.rvtefl in jlal«ey Bireel M K rimrcL Hil-i anemiK)n. Hewlllpreaufa ill the Flr-t to-fonneit i hiituh, un MarketitreH, !u m<irpuw a' 10:J0 A. M

Rriulpiitiiil L cflgne. n c flio n 27, la st night utentcl ufficeru follow a: iroakleiri. fl. Y uiifm ann'vU o prevldent. John H vier;w e< ruiaiy. I'Larlie Viiined ; ireaiuter, Edward F, Ktemeiit - di-lutiaiea to tbo cemrAl lecLUm, 8, Yuuiumnu, J. Bauer.

T h e Womun^B C h r ia tia u Temperonofa Vairjtt, Of Uu;imoiith C'wunty, will hold a rally In K-lucadoMl Hal), Aabury Vark, ou Wednua- day, March 13. A supper w ill Le served, and during tbu eveinux Mm. Mary T. Lathrop. oi .Michigan, will make an a d d n u .

D r. A. M* C u rtla , th e house phyelciaR a t lh e U ty Hix^pltat, h u made a post-Doriaaa exam lnadoa of the body o f Mouthai, whodloil at lliu CUy Hospllal last Weduiiday, aud bas dlocovured no tracei of any polaoB* The autoiiiy showwl heart diaueae sqffirtaiu *• cau e dcaih. and the duetor aeea w raasoo (« faelieva la tbo tulclde theory.

D reaaiiaekera RHotild D ire c t T b e tr A t- te n llo e

To (he Dm B lve NoUob B alc.-Advi

A 26c. hdUe of Rraduar'i l-o*R B alute MR* talna M mneb aa a 500. bolUt of aoxw prepeii* boua-Adv.

J S J l iW A K K E V E N I N G N E W S , T U E S D A Y , M A E C I I 5 , 1 8 8 9 ,

< i v m i n 0 § i t u r «

rrfeLuHiDD A I L Y , C X C E t> T S U N D A Y S ,


Eieiil&i Kewi Foblistiiif M m ih Ke. 844 BRO*D STREET,

i!* w * ,k , n . J - C il ir f if« r fH i fr - ' 'T -----------

O t liv irK l b , c v r ia n in in r ptrt th t city, tnd Omng#, Hirri^on. K iirny, Sum­mit, B«li*vill«. Montclai'. Btoomfitid, and ■U u in U in E a tv Covnty.

Mail aubacriplinnt, fiirt dollan a year, oi fifty canta a month, poiUga frca. Sin^la e«f>iaf, t«w> cants. D a lim W by carriart rn Jla«iark. tan canta a waali

Ordinary advertitamentt on third and fourth pagaa. tan canta a line agate

Advartiaamenta undar hsad i of Wanted, To Let. Tor Sale, Paiaonal. etc., one cent a wold, but no chatge leia than ten cents each insertion.

OIUNGE, N .J .W illia in H. Lorton and Harrison & Allen,

agents for carrier delivery and adverbse- manta, , BLOOMFIELD, N .J .I C. Cooper, agent for advertiting.

Ordara (or carrier delivery may be left at Oaticei'aand Vought Bros', News-stands.

____ TUKSD AY^ M AM O H R, tK8».

r s m U E M T HAHH inONTI A D D K U S .Tbecleae reader arill disroeer In rna l*

d ea l i lt r r l io i i 'a inm gu rti address a studied ■on-comoiUtBl foroi of eapreaaiou. Xlse paper, as a dellvarauca of a itatesinan, t i Sobe jnd iad n e t io m iub by what it ran- taiaa ta it ia by what baa bran omitted, Tba docnmeot abaws U r. Uarrlaon lobe w a ioasilee iy cao lioa i mao. Tba qanlity •I pradaaoa I i ona of tba T irtnts in a ■taUatnan, but a certain candor and boWaati a ic ltaa a (ariar daarea of M ipact in humanity. Ona ran not et- tape tba impraailon tba l Mr. Harrison wbao variting b it addreat wai oanitantly M Aka alert la avoid faying anyth I eg that n lg b t be used againit bim in the future. The result ia aa ordinary daHvaraaoe, aaadaatly aaaarting general princip lM that could have been written last year and w ill ba good neat year or four years banco.

I f a P rca lda itia l Inangural manage were M iytb log elae than an ind iv idual ta p re f ■laai o f the w rite r 'i v iew i—tlia t is, daelaratlon ^ tbeae tbinga which the Sxeeutlve would ba pleased to M oom p iU bd—aaether ceuab'netinn eDight W placed upon the utterances of I t r . Qartiaon. Dot such ia the fact Tba Fraaideat l i tim p iy an exarotive affloer. f ia can aoeompllafa very litt le in the way of ■alloual ceformi. Hence, when an Ihlrodur- toty addreta to the people ia given with aoBapicoeus precaution ayalnat decided vleWf— tice p t Rpon two or three arreptnd p o la t i—the deduction la IneviUble; Mr, fia rriaon ia over-caulloua. I lls dallverisnra aai the C iv i l Service queatlne llliiitratea th is ctaliB. Upon th is Inloreatiiig point he a c aaora than sayt the onw-aoeber aboold • a t ba too ncgatit, (Tpna ib , qiiestlnn of tariff, fcowavar, Mr. Harrison fait as If ha galght apeak baldly, w ithout fear o i con- laguencaa. H e favan b ich preleettva tariff, and Buggesla that “ e i lra o n lin t ry " aeeaaiooa may keep down tba surplua. The l in t declaration w ill a irlkennonn, con- aider lag the fact thatM r. Harrlaoo waaclact- •d aa the repraaantattva o f the high tariff Idea, Tbaaaoeed, altiiengh non commlt- W , w it i Impraat people aa being aemewbat n e n e . The "a itra o rd in a ry " afforta o f ^ atataaaiaat a tW uh lng ten to reduce

* ^ ™taa have bom time to time aa lo iir^ T *at athar time, d la t g . '- - :^ '* * '* ^

rn«a tM •QQft*U r.tt]« m niitT *r

in a«aUu Updn ih u n two H rt Bam oerkti w ill be lik e ly to

fettd ftgbt bie leftdcribip four|«or«b*BMa

O ouertM iTO to d ceotloui oti raoit ptber fal^octi, FreAldeoi H juT iwn ia atlmiroble i i i bia tieotmeiifc cif ibe aotuort of Ibrfifn fvlUWoa. H e aaiexU b l i f i lth In the V od ,fo« decirise, and deeUioa In favor of A ie fid ly b n i f lrA deoUnfi with Earojw in jjiowen thftb m t j aeek to diaLurb the poire p t tbs peoplei o f the varlooi govprDinenU • n the A m oricM eooUnenti er (he ialaodi •ditoeni. .

■tmd t l e (h ir t i i u i d i ^ '

r i i i i p i i r ! r , n•iM tia iw ta th e Seath. H

T U B CANA D IAN ttN B fT lO N .W hile i t l i not e( eU U kelj that Sir

O u v Im Tupper would ellow blutielf to be fom ped d ry by ft New York interriewor ae ftftOB ftft he Iftoded (here, hie xemarkf cod* yMralDf the fulure polioj of CiDftda on the iftheclef quefttioo iBAf be Ukpo with some

'U U le reierTQ. Yet, ox> the other hitud, it li ■(iU loH lik e ly (hat If hie preieuL mluJon lied ID7 direct bearlnf on the &nbjtct in fpeitioB he wontd have delivered hiuiw if to •kplioilly aa he li reported lo have done. U e woold either Uhto ** blndfed ” the In- lerr iev er uscereffiODiuuily, or have d ip lc- lU U c ii iy equlvocftUdr A t an ; rate there ioenii to be tound common acme in hi* deflnitioD of the attUude o f (liQftda in re* ja r d lo any farther Ircaiy negoliaLlont be> iw een (hat country aod tbo Ignited Ktatca, whether cooiluctod by Ibo lX>iumiou qu> Ib o iitie i directly, or Ihrougli ibo lucdium nf an Imiterinl agents

In an in er to bhe quciUun ; '"Will Caoa* d ftiO ^ to DCKolUto aooiber treaty?’' ho jreplied i ** The loot trcaly which n a i ■}>> I^OTcd by Canada wai rejected by the 1{U' pbMican party mrOorily in the UntUHl Btatoa Hcnale. The Ikpublic.'m party is now comlug into power m thn adoiiniiirA- liOD o f the United Butea, and the ponitluu o f Ciuodn and Great Uritaiu on the ll.'tb- wriea qoeilioD is Josb Ihia—they w ill wait for the DOW iduiioiitrailon in th ii ounutry ,lo take the in iiU tivo lu an y further |l»hcry XAgotUtioni.''^

fllDgulorly enough there coutee along wiDcidcuOy with thla interview and Ua JhwuhadowiuK of Doutiaioo ]>oMcy the ^ p o r t of an animated debate In the Cana*. Aian J^arUftmeut ou the il»hetiea matter,

iDUOt puint o f which waa a prupiuml Jar closer tiade relatiuna wish She UuUeil BUtea and the coullnuauce In force fur an­other year o f She modus viveudi, lii con. ^aeSion with sh ii laUsr feaSuic Sir Charles R apper in hie inlcrviow riprtsely isated th is the UniSed SSataa having rrJecSed she tn a ty So which she modus viVeiidi was a paedanS, She atrangement ccaecd wish She ^jpcSIon o f She SteaSy, It la also wurtliy p f note that in She course of the Patlia- B en tary debate Sir Polcr Mitchell re- B W k fd thaS <“ Uat year's flsberiea treaty gave away too many o f the Canadian rights.”

F a tting this and that together, the con- Wietion la inevitable th a t the Bepublican parly baa placed Itself, and this country tbrougb it, nt a dlindvuatiga in regard to gny further attem pt to heal she exiatiug SMlealUaa. I t muat approach Cauadi, almoet h a t in bend—for Cnnidn wont come ^ a to be tnlked to over n dinner-table, in gpiteof Bnu Butterworth’a blaudiahnteuia— ■Dd it Duat be prepared to cede cenditipBa •pore (nvuinble to the Dominion than the Oanidlana previouily denusuded. U doai M t appear th a t tba Republican Scuatoca lusTC gained anything by striking back a t Ifaaara. Cleveland and Uayard over the ihoaM ati of the Blnenoaea; on the con­tra ry , it lookt aa if they may be " boiat vU h tbo ir assn petard."

muat ba credited with an average of fonr or Sva timea the quintttloa quolgd SB Iko general nveragn. Aa a oomeguanoe Bel­gium faae bocome the banner oaontry Of inebriety, end the evil h u attahwd an eh proporlioiia that the Ooveruuicnt hai been driven to the formulation of some ro* alrictive snoaruree, I t la to l»e made a crime to lell lutoilcatlng liquor to persont nndcr aiatoen yean of age, and the sale of liquor to an adult alrearly int->xi»ted If made a crime also. Then the righ t to colloctdabta (or liquor Sopplind In d rin k ­ing bunaaa, by legal proceta, h a i boon abolished, an intimation that "ch a lk It u p ” m oat have baee in vogue among the Belgian tela to a ennaidarabla extent, llieee a re not very briitlant reform meaauraa, b a t they will do te atart with, aa they w ill probably do aonsn good. Tba high lioanae theory dooa not teem to have

eaught o n " In Belgium yet, but wbuu It does, and the I'hlltdrlpbla iwIm aneut bondimen who must only go on ona liquor acliet'abond, and that tvithln the ward of which th e boudamaa la a resident, i t ia poaalble th a t tbe thirsty Belglina may find i t it ” a long time between d rlak t."

The mellvea of tbe French Cabinet In •appreeiing the I'atrlotlo League have toDit little light let In nn them by the wa- tn ra of tbe cortee|>ODdeDoe telaed in the ofllcei of the organitaiion. Of the R,000 Icltere captured a large proportion appear to be from subaltemi and field olllcere lo Use arm y Indicating the tdheienee e f (he w riten to Itoulangiam. I t ia not Impreb- abln tb i t these ptrsoni will have reaaon lo m r e t the ir linprudeuce and the want of caution on the part of the olBren ef the ergaaU uion In pretervlng aucb incrlmlnet- log doenmentt. Ai Boulangct la no longer connected with the army U may be dlffl- oull le get a t him through m ilitary chan- ntia, bu t the revelation of what h u the uppet of a onaipirKy may be brought to bear in oonnecllon with otriatn pending Ingialation concerning thn upu lainn of nibnrt than Uioao of royal famiilea. The aoppreaaion of Ibn Ingne hat vastly Uia appoarance of bning merely a device in get hold of evUlaiiGe against Boulanger. T hat be Bpprebeoda this may be Inferred from h it tirade against H. Tlrard nt the recep­tion held on Sunday. At the laote Ume tbe O avernm ent la giving evldenoe of natrow-mlndedueit by problhlliug an artiat'a e ih ih lllrn of aculplun became a bust e f Bonlaeger is pert ef the oollertlnn. Both tldea teem te be paving tba way for a rumpus. “ ......------ 1 Ml.— , iim

Even in death tha traitor I'igott h u con­trived hi alnb the people sqbo pot eny truat in b!m, for the leltera of Lord Hallt- bnry, the Duke of Argyte nud Karl Darby —(h« la tte r Indicating that the w riter had given I'igo tt money—go to prove th a t the leading Tories and ariateorata did not heeltate to aleop to the nicanneaa of hand­ling pitch in offorte to crush ” that fellow I’arnell." The iinki in the cuntplracy chain are alight, but they are visible, and M Mr, (lladatone ahall carry ont bin eoDtomplakd move o f a re- fuaat to vote supply to the Oovemment, tbe developments of thedo - buCe ere likely to startle the world. The policy which Hr. Gladatone contetnplatet amounle to a teebuloal impeach tnriit of H er Hajeaty’a H io titrr, And aucb a pro* oaodlDf wlU OKmlUtoRmploJnktjficaLioa, Thera li erideDtiy a itirring p e r j^BriOah

^ ® fee] toupe lled lo accept dlft-^^,!s!lon u tbe ietat ot tw o evilt.

I t I t i ta ted that an Engllabman nanted 61. Jo h n h u bean Irsvelllng in the Weft, and becoming tired e ( correcting w hat ba oooiidared the inlspronuneletlan o f hla Dsnse, hired a mys te do it for him, and tb e unhappy anhatltnte h u got in to end- le u resri sailh hetal elvrka who inslated th a t he d idn 't know bow (o pronounon k it m u te r’e name whan hn cnllrd It ” Sln|un." 'Hso beat e( It It that the clerks w rre right —for any atandpoinl—fot the Engllah- man himself would have called it " Sln- Jln." l l ' t English, you kuow l to call a rose by any other name, and that la why Mainrlbanka it called M artbbanks and Tredegar Square, In London, la called " Tredger Square.” I t 'i all right, It you were used to it, but Americana can 't get uied to It. .


Tbn PeDDijpJTania Lagblatiire la pro-pat lug for a vtgoroiia ontliugbl on Uio ovprbfftd fiteclrtoftl wir«a. A ponding bill probibita niiii^odod AleoInrAl conducloni In d lloa of over 30,000 population after Auguat 1, tbo p ea illf for vioUiion of (h« law being dxHl a t A'iOO p e rd a j. If (bis bill ihall pan and enn ibiud ooDi(Uutlunal tfBta, of whioli th » e »eema JitUo doubt, UiG> compaDiea will bo cotifronUd rrllb (be dilemma of golDR lo llio expruio of pul* tlug ibe wlrre iindergroufid or boing Link- rupted in al»oub a weeks Eivo hundn-d dollar* por wire, per day, In PUiladolpUia aluno woqM ooon getaway wilh oven tbfi national Lreaanr; lurpliia. The i(.Urine ia r t r U in l j Au Imiirovemtot oa ibo Now York muddle.

T h e report (hat the BcoleU etillar TIilMle ha* been dllvd with a crnlrD-boDrit U K iuotbiiig of A nurpnio to (lie yacUtiiig world, and the propriictor* of the crafl maat be prepfited to tU nd coniiderahle eliaflitig i f th e; bring hrr over buie to contend Agxln for tlic Amerirn't t-up l>y tbe aid o f a dUhonrst and HhaiDcluofl Yuiikce coDtrivanRe," as they turuted tbo centre- board when defeated by Ih Hut tboBcots are a cad uy at well ai a clamilah r.ice, ami fur tljD cake o f winning a race tliny can awallow a centreebonrd a* caaliy as Jouali awaMowcil a whale—or wurda to that elltiut or othoiwikf.

T ka «Qonikip(ion o f bear and apirlta in B a lf lim i fuoU up to an average o f 340 ^ a r u wf ib a fbxiuvr wad thlrtaen q u u t i

(ba U U a r for avery baad In tbo popnla- U oB ; bu l a* ib U i&cludet frames aud oliU- laaflgdt l i $Smt bbat (Aa loala ooptfU lian

Startling developments may be looked for from Bt. Louis w iilun the next few day i in regard (o allogod Uepuhllcau frand i at the tost election. The DUlriob Atiornuy cU im i to have discovered 12,000 ca*e* of faloe regUlratlon, and there a r^ allogatio iii of w ltu lm lo repeating, co lou^ aatiou and Illegal nalurHliaation of alleea, Bcveral colured lucn have been atruatod and Lhe Utiiled Hutes Uraud J u r y i ia x " poi'ted to Olid a big batch of IndlvtmenU. Wonder whether Benator Util ” Chand­ler w il l be tQxioui to have aSoDatoriil Doalng cookeDitloe detailed to take a baud in ibe piocoedihgs?

Apiopcia of nothing, apparoutly, tlio New York Tributte obsorvea: w illtoon be povalble, whon you have luailod a letter, to indulge In the hopu that It w ill roach lie dM linaiion/' What waa the matter with the Dudley letter, aneut tho floater* in blocka of dve Y Tba l " gut (here/' d idn 't HF

- t— -- ■ * -------------------

Tbe Jeruu Vitp A'cni ia excited bocaiiae aomebody has “ gut away with aatr^otm that tuuQidpalUy. A larger foin iliarlty with Jeraey C ity method* w ill force tha upright­ly youug nowepaper to busband it a i l i c k o f Indignalioo. Bomebndy over there wotild get away with tbe town i f U were Dot auebored to tbe bowela of the earth.

rresident Hariii^n took good care oot to open hi* mouth wide enough lo pat bia fool in to it.

I t may be tru ly aud appropriately aaid that the now Adminialrutieu “ got in " out o f (be rato ______

It look* aa If the Democratic cabal wouH Ceniinue to act like ta opium Jolot caucui,

■■" * '■Tw ice 13 leemi to be a lpeky number for

H a rilfon .

T h e In « i||B r« D o n BwD (tom e o f ik e I le » « ttfu l CM W DiM W orna

T b e o y a teaw ry iDauKDiDiion l»all waa lu H ln th e f ie i t rew luu BuCaing at Waablng- luii lait night.

Tha court of the new PudiIod BuHdlug h ua- douWedly lUc U rgetl and grandert uf lUi kind on Ihli ouitlM ut, and in reaped uf i;ium etrical U-auir H bi* law *Ui>crKir« la the wurld. Tae aroa Of ihv tenetatod tile floor laabuul n.Utt aquaro teet, or v*r; xaiailr an acre.

1'h« ballroom was crowded, wbru at 10 o'cliich wara (wme tbal the f'tualdeuTlal p a n ; woukl Mioe emvv. A lew luluuiei later danl lla rn iu n a u d p art; rtitebud (he building eecorted by Udunei ilriitoo, cbaim an of ibe KxeoullveCxmtaiUee. Taey war* le d iM h e CTiirancf by tho recepUou oumioiUac, btaded byU encralJ. K Ui:( amaion. Anopeo pfotage was furmid by ibe u«iab«rt of lb* coamlue^, aud ih iuugh Ul« laue to t parly pruomiJwl to ibi* auirw ay rew rred for lh*iu Tb* Preaidenl unk Ihfl arm oMb-neral U d'ammon and Nra. Ilarritoi) wMvaouriad by Uwlonet uratou. The Othvr oiymbera hiiLowi-d.

Tba ladlta kliiFTily after reaching ih tro o a rdtred to arraoau tbelr toUeU, while Pceildem Uantauu bald a receplion.

Whiile I'rcaldtni iU m «on waa holding bi* infurtnal levee Vtce-Frreldeai and (in . Morton end lh«4r dauglilers am ved, ecrompauled by Uyfou M. Parker aud Heury A. Willard, ta d war- conduced to toe aparimenu toaerved fut them.

TtM» ladle* to Ibe PreaidentJal party were Mn. Harriaon, Mra. Kowall B. Uarriioaend Mrt. KiKe*. With Vlca rrwifdtoi Mortoa wum Ain. Morton end ilaier lu iaw, Mra IJnbeoti.

AIkfui 10:30 o'clock Prealdeol llarriaon waa Jolnerl by ihe latliee of h li family and tbe re- oepnofi coiamiiiee forming a line thraeand tour abreast In tbe front aud rear ol ihe party, ajtrocowdoa was made up tor a tour ol tae bellro4tak.

ABi.n much i-icrtlon an opening wei efTcrted In the crowd, and the procswion began IU tour emund m e bail, ('oloucl Cody tfluRalo llHi) end CajKato Prod Brackett In advauoti, toeir bvrcuiCMD sbuulden doing good aarvid* la making a iw ibw iy, ami fnliowwl byabuu ta duecii commitlaeiDco preceding Ih* d ia Uugulihed guests. PrealdeDt llairUoo wilkcd wIUj Ueueral Mot'enimoQ ; Mrv, Jlarrliou wllb Goloiiel BriMon, end (be oLb«r Isdiei with tbL'ir busbeiida Vico-Ticaldeut Morion and parly TuHowed la the wake of the President, but neparsted by e ruasiderabU space. Ad> Djirsl Jouelt esonviL'd the VtcaFresldeub FreNMeut llarrisfiu'i siipearenos was tbs signal fur an uuiburil ol epplsiiM aud clapplug of haodi, which was kept up all aloug the Hoe of UHf b.

Mrs. Ifarrlsno wore a very hendsomi dreia, and uue notably adapted to lbs uocaaloii, being eolirely of Americari minufaciure- Tbe good* were woven especlaily for her by the bogan Hdlk (’umpeuy, arnl were designed by a Weiiern wuman, the detign b i lu | taken truin the burr oaks all over tbe Weeiom couQtry ami ere aeee ou tbo groutvds a t Tippectnos. Th>A ei niage and traiuoJ sk in were of sliver-gray faille ProdCtlie. The IrupL of the skirt cunilsrod of peueli of brocsoe of tbs burr osk design, wrought out In It* n a tu i^ colon on tbe silvery fruum], and were eeparaled l>r panels ol apri cot silk vellod in creamy laue. 'J be corsego, which was out low, was fllled In wUb cresio net wrought with tilvef and gold bands. The collar ami garniture of the waist w m o f gold aud fi-iiver wrought lato trloMningp adapted to ih r iiy ie o flh e d n N a and beaiitltol y bicuiliiif with tbo color. A deltcaU frmge of tbe same uuLlmetl Ihe tattiela of (be skin, iter hair was dre-aed low in a Grecian knot, duplayuig i flofly-sbapod beal. that seedod noiliiug aril flrlal (ocuhance her coruour, A guldtn cximb with flJagriw faueno i tbe knot fliiv wore (liainuud cardr<qM eud bniooh. Faarl gloves, gray aatln slippers and a bouquet of illloi ol the valley oompletcd her luiicl.

Mm J. R McKee wore a dr*i« of brocaded aatln, eii triloe , ibe deelgo bm ugof grtldcn M>d In gold and otlve oa a grouiMl of parebiuehl” colurtid aatln,

Mn ftiisaeil R lUrrleuii ap|ieared la a fine «veriiugtoilet of wLJte faille traiicalse. Tbe htug train aklrt was of while illk wiita the front enllrttly ouvered wiib white leoe vni truiilered In gold and daJlciMe sbaooi uf pink aud biuo. Tbe curaage was cut tow and live re- lew, and watt irlmpied wKb ciubroMerad lace, Her hair was drtseed bigli. surmcuudHl by a diamond crcaoent,

Wlrason vrlvet, with irlm- nilugsot point lace. Miss McKee, ot liHllan- opt 1*1 w ore wbile salia, with draperloa erf tulle, embroidered Inepreys of while obd caugbt.up with bunebua of white hyaclmns and knots o( moire libbun, Thu neck w ti flitsd in with mile. Mr*. U. 0. MoKce’i ooatuine w u black Mik, wltA itarued laoe irlm m lnp.

Mra Mottoti waa Ip fhU avenlDf toUel The book and train of her dreia were of brocade^ rich ortoia linied satin In yellow Booich thlstiee. Tbe iront w«* of Ugbt yellow, •m- broUiered in gold aud ctyBlal or ellver beads, a buauufui work done by Amerlcian artists. The corsage was cut low aud aleeveless, aud out* Uiied by delicate toids of yellow oiepe. X4a- moad orbamcui* In her hair and a diamond necklooe were die jeweM (hat adoroeil one of toe uoel beautiful oostumoi qf (be ueoeston.

Tbe five daughters ol Mr. o w Mrs. Morton, atlendcd by chaperone and huiio, were in tbe gallery overlouklug Ibe bsllroom. They were all au lred In sltuple white dremct, without omautouli. ^


T b e D efeadw nU Idknly ta be T uroo tl O vor to Now Y ork A utborlU ee.

G overnor L uoe waa eugaged a t l4tD* ilng, MIeb., yeatenlay aflemiMW Id rebcering tbeargumeuta tor rcqulsiilom m the cases of Mrs. Freund end Mesara, Ilowanl and Ual- ■tea 1, of Electric Bugar Itollnltig fame, In pro- UsUag ogalust forclug tbe prluwera to gu to New yurk the defendanu' iiiuroey based bis argument upon (btee rvaioos; First, tbo per­iods arrtiiled are iii>t In the owanUig of the law Jimiiivos irom JuHice; second, tbe cskitu of tUo Biotot hove JuripUciiiun over tka charges luvitiVedi third, tt m proposed to tike them to oiiutbor (Hale lUnply to secure tbe ptyiueut of a pilYiU’ claim. The proCuMaliugs were ail to oiM iiurpcae, and that wai tu compel Mrs. Freuud lo surrender Ibc secret process.

AfIhUvKs wei o read (rum J. J. Aiken and Bvlucilve liuiM y, ot New Yitik, u lo Inter- vicus with liircc-Uir Fuller. In which Ihe laitor said If be once got the Fteunci combitMlb>ii to Nvw York and Mrs. Freuud would reveal ibc sevrrt aim should go fr«e.

The sfUlavlbi luhrullti'd said (bo. alleged olTi'iu'e, thul uf ohielMing mousy uiMler faire pieieiicas, wai CUiuuilUoJ wbiii Mr*, Freund w'Stlii MIclilyaiK Tiw sugar reflbuur ptHipio hH'l lle d n iia llo f Ficuiul's prupcriy lu .Mkhi- ^Aii by civil pcucf sfi, aixl now seek lo niti the acrijfced off to Now Yuik aa<( bogtii(•rhaiual pn.H-QCillnesaRamu lii«ia, tiuT takluf! a^Hiy oil uiuaus of delviHlIng UieioNelves. Thotr

iiiiic oHisic, bulb real «ud |a ‘isouai, Isso tied lip UjsI ttioy have ho*u Jail l^io (veeka

tlirmr'h Worth HO.Othi or MO.iXiO, endrejy willKMil moans of oliislnh g lull, if both (be crUolnnl and rivll priarvi^dingB wetv fcrrkd on In ktM'liigsn, liic (Miirti cuuid acv tbal no lujus- lico ivnn (a'iiig done.

Mr. Whiiniaii, lit reply, Mild Ibai Ihe f^nud lisdU -t’ii c a rrtn lo u lor thri'C years, end liiat 11 evi*D Mm. Ktrurvd was not In Nuii York on (he date lait usiucd ia ilie imltrimeut, Howard wai) there, and be was her sgini. AilidavlU were read irom Cottrell and Jsioes huhiotim Bslo ihe IChKlh oi Itniu tbe defuhdaiiiswtfroac- lively engaged In (he IraiuC If Mra.Freund bap- fiemtl to ti« Id Michigan during part of this lime, lid id n o ld o ira r i toy from tb* m crilsof the («>€. At lo the n'lantion (bat the pnweeu* lion Via* begun for private endk, WliKinan lead nn affidavit made by liiitrlcl Aiiorney Kcllowi, of New Yuik, saying (hsl uo privsi* arraogs- inems or proposlLlowi In srulem eni would be enterlalncd not id iny wav pormilttd to iulcr- Uh> with ciluilual proceedingi.

Affidavit* wetv also raad trom ('oUr^ll and ItoliertHiti. (n which tt was raid that If auy prlvnir itioaiis bad been fnrnlsbed (oatd In tb* }ravocu(ii>n U wa* by them alone, and not by uttii-r sUH'liludders.

(invernor Luce look I be case under advise* metit It Is quite probable (bat (be Executlv* wilt order the prisoners lurued over to tbe N*w York aulburilias.

ant to the plalnllfl were Inlrodticed to relate tbe cqglaa that (Key t*uld ppi agree.

Sene of toe Jeitoai were wrUton on n o en ^ - llurtblaiAito panctl, and (lie plaUNiff is afl* drv^M ^'liM trH tf lo i4>rr '' Tb* letters are fllled wUta loving sapresatons ao'l tuggeaUuas fm tbo tsjni«jnl and ipiritual ncMpn cf the vlMAtiff.

Dr. Jkanett Is u id to be a believer In splilt- iiaiUoi. and (he pisinllff layi he hat alleged (bat be was cojumaudsd to wed bU pnweat wllb by ibtspJriis wblcb bs conjured up. Ibo case la siUt oo.


Tbe E eeerd o f i l ls Asraat Eapuaged rrons tb e Beaaie Jonriiali

The aod Incident in Ihe Henat* Sun­day night, wban iwiislor KiddieUrrgtt w u rJi'Ctoo from tbe ebaraber by ibc Bergoaolat* armi, bad a letbetlc sequel yesterday.

When t be Be ualc weul Inlo execullva aesolaQ early yesierdsy laiirDlDB on vioilon ef Mr. £d- muodi, It uM lor tbe purpew of taking artioo on a request of Mr. iMQJrl, o( Vitfinie, that (be ftooed of Ih* arrest o f Mr. Bhldiebarger be expunged irom the Journal cl (b« Beutte, and In fiuppuflof bia request Mr. Daniel made one of tbs must patbeiic tjieecbet that have ever been hrird on the bensle floor. The miiiolei of bis fee* quivered u be spoke-

lie said that wbUeMr. Khldlebcrger wm b li ofipooeal puiUloally, persuoally they were frlsadi. Ue spoke o t (be lieseititif sin of bli culleague and of Ihe will etid aevea chtldrea. (wool whom bad wtUKesrd, from (he gaHery, toe palaful iDcident ef toe mgbt before. He Mid (bat be did not Mime (be preeldiag efficer, btrceuie be bad dotw Daly wbai he bad to do. The Kory had bsen published far and wide la (he uewfepaperi, but he asked (be iteoale not (o make e metier of offlcutl record fur fUlu^ geucralloDs lo poiul to.

Tbe questiuh was raised wbMber the fonaal eionrrailoo ot Mr. hlddlvbergtt vrotUd noihe a reflsotJoo on (be prustdiug oAoer.

Mr, lagaUssald ibat ho was wUllog to allow blsrsputallon to net wl(h (boat who were lu toe galleries and on tbt floor at Ibe tiu* the Id- cidtfDl uccurred. *U« bad nu olijccltob to greui- I Dg the request of henator Danltli, Areurdltig- ly tb e report wm passed einl tbe record wm fsponged. Tim teJuased heDilorKlddlcbergsr fiem arrest.

A M K H lC k a n d t h e OKfMAXBu

Tbe Can*# of nostllUy Wbleb the ** N orth Garotaa Oetetoe’* Veyi Exists*

TTio iVorfA (Jfrnan Gee^fr, pahliaHgfl•t beflln, yeKerday tontttued an article which rsfaned to wbat u c t li i i rrusrkabi* (vutraaC between the uUeraacn of the Autcricau b»wt* papers published la Koglltb nad ibete of tbe Geriuau-AnirnciD papers, cbirgei the lormer wllb brlaiing groundlsM accusations agilDK iterBsany, and placing pccurreoees In iamoa In such a Mgbt aa to mski K leta'i ''cnmi- naUty " apptsr as hcrglim, while tbs Gomiau- Amerioaii pitioe polaii out tb* modtralton of Gvrmaay,

A fur quoting tbe opmlon of the latter to the f fleet that toe hcilllity to the uermans Is due io (he hatred aud uuvy of a scclion of tbe Aiuertoiii pupuiaiion, especiiliy tbe Irish prw' lloii, tbe OozfUe says; ''TLear Irish-Americana a it doubllcaa tnlmaied by envy and hatred a( Mtiiig huw wfJl Ibe Geriusns tan ram tboir biv*ad. The Oertnsn Is more Indusirloui aud Dum contonteil tbao Ihe IrhbicaD. and lliw la th«ivaw;u (urbli uiipo^larity In Amerife, To Ibe avrruou felt by a SHriiou uf tbe Aowncao pouple to'vard tno>1i'<t auil ludusirKmicruDpctl- Pin li dne ibetr dislike of (lermansand tbelr pvnueuiloQ of tbe Chinese. Tbe CI«Tmsni Id Anicrli'a mSgbt gain ibdr guodwilt tf (hey care<] lo bu less Irulusirloua aad l*m roiiteuied i hut tbit tbry cuDsiOor loo dear a price to pay lor toe goodwill oi tbe IrlaU."

n iieuveiT e f e New T eiU le.A new textile haa been diacovered to

Riissta, on the honlen ' of Caspian Bca. Tito plant la ceiled kanaff by aatlves. and aitelui e hotabl of ten feet. From It a cbenilK has obtained a (cxtlla maUer which li *ofi, oUatic aoci etlky gtvee a (bread whtoh is very lough, and can lie bleached without injury. Tbe Kmir<t manu- faoluied CHjiofkane&'cao besucces^iuily dyrd 111 every shade of c«lor, and would uotu}>ete with euy (ef (he orduisry funiishtug maierlela uuwinuse. But II la parllciilsrly Jor niaking lacks, larpauliu, ropee etc., tost tbe new tei* tile, from its cbuopii^u aqd-lu^xgripqdtoary fcfcbtjjig ^ y fca tflliut dely all cutopMiUoQ.

Ansvrara to Correspowdent*.nepuhlican roMtmaeter Fiedlcr’a term

oi oflioe etpiite March 'Jd, 1A».C. B.-”-Thcre Is uu law litniling toe numberof

(Idqos a man may le elected to the Piasidea Hal office. The undidaie must be thlrty-ilvu ytait of age.

A UxADga-Xf you examine e New Y o^ dlieciory you will find the oddrtM of the so* cioty. You will have lo inquire at the ofilce. Ferbapi the Newark Cbarltabie Organliation oould give you toe desired iuiurmallou.

Jatua* C« F lood 's W ilLR e d w o o d C it y , Cal., M arch fi.— T bo

will (tf James C. Flood was filed IntoeGountj Clerk's (tfAce yestorday. Tbe will Jt dated August, iHtff, and is quite ibort, w ing lii the makers bsudwrltlQf and oovorisg ooly three shifts of note paper. The eatole ii valued at M.'JOO DOO. IT e-b^uaa ihs nite^half to hi* wllb and (he other half to his dangbter, Cora Jane Flood, aud son, June* L. Flood, abare end share alike. Bulore his death the deceased deeded lirge tots of hU jEmpeny (o his fainily,

F O L K S Y O U K N O W ,

LOOAL CHITCHAT.Rntw ia lw leF <R»eriF Abowt People sMii

H epp eetaS i o f lalorest*pFufedaor AveLm Apgar, o f ib e 8hKte

Kuraaal Hohooi at Trenton, is welt known to the Ufschers ciftbis city, beiMe whom ha baa fre­quently delivered addreast* on natural history in a quaint but luterHsUng manner. Mstiy are at a to know what coDitiiutse his cblst Iriiwcnof aitiacllDg an sudleace. No one who hears b|m caa tail to be liitorcited, however. The prolrssev talks to aa audience ctf fto very much IS (bough b« were (alkiug to one or Iwo pt-rfions. lie hai nul a smooth delivery and hls Usailug whlleon (hs platform does by no means coufurm to tbe siudted altitudes Ului* Iroted la ceitaiu (ext books ost elocutlud. Tbe pro/vm>r lias Lh* gift of aekuig aketcbie oa the blaokbuerd with Ilghtolig Uke rapldUy In llluftralinig h li lecture, usUxg both bah da, to each nl which be bolds a piece of chalk. Probably the lacet loteieUtng of 1, however, are bis kllusirattohL While he waa hare a few weeks ago be was apetkiug about various k luds of Insects and their prolific qualities. By way of an Uluitretlon b* said that one himUiar In*^ pniUlpUed to rapUHy that IQ iksa then a year a city would acarcrly hold all that were produced from a flogie pair tf toe most favor­able coiidUi'jns prevailed for ibcm. Furibuate- ly, howorer, mau; iterve to death aud oChsrs ore killed to other ways.

A book Affent w ho ^ l e d a t gn E lm itm i bouse receatly dlatlnguUbed bimsell for peculiar eotirpriie above his lellow iof tbe crafl. i ls asked tor t ie muAiiii of the bouse,

though he bad known bar all bar life, and itn t up a uama borne by one uf Nswork's prom* meat oitisena U was In tbe morulog, and tbs woman ba desired to see took ttm* to ebang* her wcarlog apparel aud fix up a little. Wheu Ibe reached the pafior the man had ohoaged about hall tbe cahioet ptoUims toasoioawbat worn album (oto a nioe red plush one, wBicb be waa wlUtog to sell for •& cash, or I6.M on la- staiiuents. Wbeiber tbs fad (hat tbe t4c(ur«t looked so mucb beuer fu tbe ucw rvccpieoie. or ttiet tbo Impudent act aod glib toogu* of the csnvaMer won, tan'l recorded, but be sucoseded to 01111111 toe aibuB.

• • •T hey t« ll a atory o f AMentbtyman

Patrick (yNell down at Tiraton that li prot ablytm e. Acoording to (be tale Faddy." a llUls over a ytar agOu preuded at a city oon- veniluu to Jersey City, which was exoeodtoily tuibulcDt. It was a DeipocniiUo ooDvention, ef oourie, orO'Nell would pot have been wield- togitaefavet All of (be thunder of the pre ildibg officer could not mslmaia illsnc*. aod at lu i two brawny Irishmen begin e flght near toe stage. Q'Keil watobed tbem a momeDt, (ben drupptog bis gavel he sprang lalo Ibe arsna, le i i^ the two belligerents by toe necks aud bumped tbelr heeds tofotber tmill (bey roared fpr mercy. Then tiu threw (bfm to opposite dlroctloM and spring bock upon the stage again. If there a n any mure ol yoe who want a laele of ms let him speak,' ' (m ■huaUxL No oue rpokt. Bilrnoe bi^ come at lost. (FNetl ti booked to be tbe neat sheriff of lludscet UHibiy. It is loid that the dumlpant hug there glvea out the offlem twenty yeaitf In mlvanoe, and lba( aoLhihg can defeat him for the ofliooe

*. • • •Every n o a th itgcnUriy, vvben tb e

moo^ appears tft Its full. Jacob Bauers. of the ■ocUqd of Boiith Oninge known as Turk Hill, m d* an anrJent army mutkel wilh powder end ball, straps a hu;.ra belt about bU well- developed body and sallies forth to a glide etioul ]gu yards distant irom bis home. Then uivlilJacob’s supply of ■mmunitlon fgonerslly buundniljii exbaiiKed toe neighbors are kept awake by the ralUe of musketry, lie lo s^ quiukly, drawl a bead oo tbe moon and blosos away.

" Why do you cnity on In this way T' oaked an IndMcnabt neighbor of Jacob, The latlor ftoroil up aud replied :

You see me dot fellow,'' imtlcatlDg tbe alleged man in tbe noun, " h e a rascal. Tun year ago he run svay from old couniiy juld my vlfs. Ho laugh at me all the time. 1 know bis fi(W, but be dodge iho bullet. 1 kill bim yei, so help mo,"

The nelghhoii ore pmotially content to let Jacob rantmiM his war OO tbe man to tbo uuMja. but (ear that some f f tho btolcU which be scuds skyward may do damage in distaiit places,

• • *7 d tlrfperform ance ny Anfftin’e Ans-

irallan Novetry Company at H. K. Jacobs's Opera House list nig hi, a typical soug brixight (lovTQ tbe houav. Some of It rail this way ; Newark Kreeu will ail be clean,And periect sidewalks will be seen ;Our Mayor at picnics we won't see,HeUi Boydeu'i monument will Rulibed b e} BarnttenUh will join tbeBalvailao Annee^ When wo or* deM and gone.Our cKy water wUi be pure, fflz uiiltoDs will be toe evil onr* i Tbe FroblbUluo laws tbey'lDpaiA They'll tap Frank Mcliermit tor natural g ii , And Tom UcC'arter will drink, oUa 1 When wa ore dead and gone.GoUfriod Krueger, eo (hey aay.Will join tbs Lew and Order League lOB* day, And Chief Uuppsi will for buuday ooooorta

pray»Whea d a ace dead and gem*. ,



All Old XYornan'* HuU Against a Doolof for H raarh of J'ruuilsa,

A Nouitiwlmt rehmrknUlc ettii for |10«-000 (1aiuo«vs tor broM'h o( pmmlM to marry i»mc up ior trial lii Brcuklyu yesienlay before Judge t 'ulleu. Thu ivmarkablti leaiureol the case Is that the coiubiuLHl ages of ilic plaiuuff and dufcudoiit Is 1 yearn The plaliidffu Mrs. Mary A ud GGflllh, ft widow, aged sixty. juaepJi H Jhjiiueu, Ihedefti&daut, 1* • wealthy pliystcUiD who ft mote than sixty-five i eon of Hgo. uiid who has tesii married Mime toe ptet* ontactiLMi was Wgtiu.

Mrs. Grifluii a l l i ^ in herconiDlaitit (bstshe sud Dr. Benueii have boeti BCqualuted lor luatiy ycaiM ; that after the death of hu first wife to Foimiary, igMS, he paid her great auen- tiuti, visiting her i t her reoldcnco tudi •Lae' where vtiry frequimUy, and in lelUitS and ooh- venatipn* asking aud urglug her to marry him. lit May loK the finally couseuhtd to become his wire, ami liumcdLalely began pnipargilous for tb* eiperlud CUauge In her fife, ftie pripsrs- tiutu uecr<«ltatod a targe sxpejvlUure of mono)', which sho rhuerfulLy mode, however, to (be coafldvni bellarihat sbt wo* lo be­come Mn. Bcutwu. hhe alleges that shortly before the lime tel iur the wadding toe de- tobUaut began to neglect her, and fiDoily abandoned her allogetoer aud relUwd to mske good his prothiw.

Dr. Bsbhrit admits t.ia agroeiucat lo marry, but clftimi tost It wftv based upon tbs proviso Hist II U war toutal durtog tbccugagcmeni that Ui4 y could not agree the agracmeut wm not to bu carried iuio effkut, lie alleges that lb«y could Dot agree, and tbe sirif*, auger aud d1*- piiiua which developed dortng their courlsblp jiullified toe proiiiloB. Alter be bod retooed U> carry out hit promlae he inei a lady tblny year* younger than blmtrif aud married bet.

1 heveral very loving lettsri Irom Uitdercad*

— A t the regular commnalcatioo ofNorthern l^odg* fi, f. and A. M., Iftit DighC, Post Moiter Levi N. SaodfbrO, to a oomplimcD tary at>d fraiernal addrem, preiented lo ibt stx'ivtary. John U. KuDiurle, an elegant gold watoh and chain os a token of the fraivruii ie- gard of tbe members of Noitliom fjodge Nu.25 ter blni lu ippredMluti of hla faithful l*la>n m ouciulary during tliu post tw^^Dty-flva yearo. The surprtoed recipient rekpouded lu tuiiobia tcrou.

A B O U T T H E S T A T E .

Robert PUsmeri*, a iraiap, hoe beet) sent*'to the Mouut Uolly Jail.

ITie 8Utc miUtiii camp j^roudds a t Bm Girt ore to rvcelve a ouinlwr oi purinanunt impruvcuicDti.

C^pUiiu Audrew H. Rooje. of Steel- majivllia, AilauUp County, Lift bD veosel Id New Yurk iidrbor ten days ago and haa not b(f(m heard inim sinve.

CotiHtablc John B. Mcfirath, of Sum' mil, bos siieccedod in fiiiOmg at New Frovl deiicu the horse which wostskeu from Meyer’s Exi'Jiaug* Stsblce, this elly, a week 140.

A aalitlo oi ICIO guofl wan flrMl i t Trt'UloT] yfiu-rdo; at 12 o'clock noon by Cap- iiilii JuMiph i'jcrsit to honor of Ihe Inaiigura- tmnof I'lesideut Uurrlsuu and Vire Frwideul Morten.

Tbo New J'.Tftey (.'otitral Kitilroad (kHOpany ordered si] of Its IslK^rcn on Satur­day to go to work Immi'dialely laying ntblrd track a mile lung at l'billi|kiburt(, Hjid * fourth Irark l-«iwceti Ibrniid Brook uiid EHxtbeth. Over a thouseud tm n will be empluyed.

The Ilu ilflo ii U itm lF Tcm|H*ntDce A lllaiicu held a uicullng »i JehK>y i.'ity im t u^|bt auil dcddiKl lo ag ik u the •lucstioh of holding a i}>ei.-lal i’lueliou tn th* county under the Local Optiou Uw. UcMini. Uorer, Campbell aud K uiupm u were appulukd a cummliteo lo get up A [Mibltc mcedug.

John N. Kitrl i l i i i l yuetenlay alternoot) at hii reviduuot, 5C1 U o ^ i sVenuf, Kllxtbetb, He uo« tlip secrvlary of ibe EliSHlietb Dime IkvliHcs Hank, and u ik r lhat lusillutlon'i of* lain had Uivn iviUud was fi»r snim> tnuu Micra- tory of the Eliiabato sod Newark Hor»o Ksll ruad Company, Mr, Sarlvroii fiAy-eigUt y ton of age.

A DUH;ting of tbe diretlom of the vari- oof railroads operated lu itouib Jrrbcy hy tha I'hilurlolphia and Husdmg Kallroad Compan will b» held haruh^fl lu c<mituer (be advlsabll 11 ' of courolldsiiug aiat mecjlng the roadx un­der one inatiagvDivnt. Tbu proixtvod couaull- datloti will lutlufiu llie I’LllatK'lplik ami At* Janiic Gliy, ihs WlDlaiUJiiowu nud DMlawnirt Kiver. (be Camdeit. <Jlouc««(er suO Mouut Ephralui.ahdtb* Kalghu’erolut TermlDal R ill reads, __ _ __ ^ ^

P E H H O N A L u

■ 1 M t4 J B Ik «• 0« iW l» -l«B InUf ru m n » O w d t o r t m .

gtom Ik* m w n i« lk » « l«>i W bU ffoat f i i b t i7 te tiM uUMWt t«

uchlw e b e u n tjf A r9 “H w<»»“ "T PilU lm ri, who h u euouith ijoufi look*, If *b* o u lj knew It, to mak* hoc w*T lu the noilil, b u bees D r in t all u t te of quMr tn d quuck twlpe* for b u u t r . In yurtitu- 1 » ihe b u H t bet heurt end bet mind uud be t buudi opoa meklDfi b e t fiwb ioft and T elte if, t q u t l i t f which cud do mote be tcqulred bjr noeitum t t b u b j ucl of Oou- i r e u . Hut with p n c te tu ic e weitbT *f * bettei cftute, tb it d u n u l b u been tollliu( off nud on to | k e b*r cbeeki end Dtekaod bend I the Teleetf loftneee of the peucb,

O eu ire llj, I b i t e been uble to detect the coune of lomo rldiculoai treetm ent by tbe f renter or l*u reieniblkBco ber ik lu bore to tb nt of tbe leofietd vbo, un tib ie b w t that be ii, rqjoicet lo h it epot*. Tbo l u l experlmeBt, I only know b j b e e iu r , b u Dlfbtenod MednoiolMille eo bedly thet I gueu ibe 'll berenfler Icnre be t com- |)1ex1on end her epiderm ii alone.In the etricteet confidenoe I miy tell 7DU tliet the lut ei),etliueiit wu t bwutl- fullj ilmple thiag. Before retiring for the night. Midemolulle eppliod to ber tBce, ueck and band* ranlUoei of breed end milk, fiheilept ell nlgbt tb rough— how ebe did It 1 don't know—witb tbeeo iloppT embrbeemente upon ker. In tbe luoming ebo e ro u end ren to tbe glnu tbe flnt thing to Mt the woDderi worked bf tbe MuUicee. There were wooden, indeed 1 But not wbel Ihe expected. Her ikm bed ebiiveled np; it looked like e piece of corrugeted cenvu, Of etno roofing peinted wbite. In feet ebe reminded herulf of “ Hbe " efter tbe finel pwuge thfnugh the fountein of fire.

Jp e m A ^ D H -Thraaetury brlpk rtwclltog, arranged fl>* (htee

rsm lil^M WteJiuiK.Two aud a half story frame dwHlIng. wtih

n i r * I*t^}i>ln1na. a/rsnied tor Um-e ffiiollk s ^ a n d m nplhmd at

Twa and a hair storr frame dwelllna, all Im- prOTvuji'iits, WcfH KhiBvyst.

Dwelilegaud bmiatas prupurilesiu oU parku f to a d k .T O i.C T -

Thiowelory hrlrk ilvelling, IC roonu, all tm- pmveniFnU.il ftci-torsL

'fhrRe '*toi‘y.riMirteefl moms, frame dwelllhg, I* buulh m hsi.lte)l huprovenicjiU.

Threereuiry iirluk aw«Uiug, («n rootws, sit Im- rirovenieutM.-B ikoiiid avn. Hummer resort and

' ‘■'“ " n ' S m . NIITK .IUmuo >, SUB Bread Hirett

Mortgag* tuanw. Insuratiics.J t i t r - A L X

Htnrs preperty w Orangs at.. ^Ice •A.flPftmot% pruparly on Arooil sU, prUw gUJKO.iluuM and tot un Wooftlngton vL, 16 rooms.Lola, i blocki frem Huaevllki D*poL

T O LK T-Roowa tor msBuflor^rlsg, with power.Mooay (>e}oaa ea heud oad murisgs at ftps*

AU i»«P.a>NDtT,m nrosdvt.

1710HBALK-CY>TTA(Tk AT OCEAN KEACll;' Umi rooiup; iwmI nnlpr; good iH'lghhurmKvl:

(vinvtuleut to horse can aM ocusn. J’ rloe 13.900. For fiirlher partlrulars Inquire or •ddre’W owner, a IH'ltNlcTTtiT.. EastOraoir. N-J- HyV.^Oft WALK IIOUHK f HOOM8, WATKK. J r rss. aLieaking Ui>>«s. etc., osment cellar, with Iioater lotasxjnn; stocsod with chnhe frulto. In­quire on prsm lm Ub WJ0ST K IN N EY NT., jiusi lllgl^' _____ **>

JjVOH 8AT,K - AT A BAlUiAlK, PRIKCK 8T. propefly ; will pay u pet cent.Uwosu>rMaDd

rwims.iitoMes ami Miods ; ajtDOd InvesUnenW LKMaA kNA ft liliVOH, llOitniontt ____^

W a n t t f t .N O T IC E *-ftdvertlsem en te u n d e r th e

hew da o f XYanleit,'' " E m p lo y m e n tWents'd*** ‘T o r KeiU,**'* L ost au d KounU," “ T i ir hiUe." *• Hoantlngp" « re rso u w V •tCe. e re p u b lish e d a t Uuc C en t a W o rd fo r e a ch InnertloD. No A d re r tis rm e Q t U k esr fb r leas th a n te n re u te eti In so rtlo n .

A -w.\nti;d, (s»r»K, Atj«j»whlto waVtor. ujdI im u uml wifr, fl*r prl?ale

fteiiiily ; Uifpf 4J(*rtiun glrlH,iii o»>i- id N i wYork. Apply at Mrs, HTKVHNh’rt Mi'lfupt^lllun offlo’.S'.a ilroad st NJs■i;>CTt.’rTBR WANTEO -AN iNfrtTvTIUOCa 1 lyouoff msn, oue that rkn board with um- ufover t tetoreitq^ rwiulred, |H MnllK-rrv K, i a ^ WAllTIN VOIUT,|> O Y WANTKfr FOUTHK KU KKIe-JtOOM ; J lo:<* who h s i Into iiomo f'^tfcrit ni.e iirt-ljrred, A|n»ly Hi Csnd 44bAWHKNChl ftIT. B7i

o K U A K E R M ^ A N T R lI^ art -• - .......................XHON, 7& to Ol (k>ntrAl nve.

/•'1ANVABHKIW-WANTKJ1,HXPKRIKNCKD TATiTawmi fl»r the IMittwl Htou»a tnUunlrlHl

InaC o.; lUieral Irrnu otf^reit. M,K. BLANCII- AHP.Hupt., ror, (Viler end B ri^ l iw. kls

OANVAHHERfi W ANTRD-TW aOOOI) Df- ructory canvaaMra con ect imiuiMlste rmpluy- rornt. Addf(ftMi B , Bosh, Kveiiing News oflh'p.tvi

( 100K WANTKU-A hood OOOK; a ia o vleuiidress; urlvalo fkmlly; must have goird

• ‘ •No.“ ...... ........ “rminimenilelioae im No. 1.

Apply I O C U N I ’O N hT..my


JVREM«MAI .Fpre ulloes s looiuffeh] av4

AKM k'OR UALK-S FAKMH. BB AND » errsaOHcb. F, C. KUWAKDb. MCeder lU SXy

When Bitoy was etok. w* gave bar OooUiTla: When she woeeCblld, ebe cried (br<AstOTla{ Wbeo she become Mls^ shecluni toGesiorla; WDcd sb* bed ChUdren. she gave toem Costorla.

F .

T OT FOKNAl,K-ON WgWTBIDK OF NEW .L jieu oLi oliHi iwpeuDruceek. Inquire


TO THOHK AWnTTOiimLTH-tfJALL AND see the FU.'Uiipmlc Uousu Flee Aws> ietlon.

risn s for sniHlI houMft with •peciffeetiona end

?ueranie»Hl cBllnvetoson very reswMiabk tenui. W BHUAD 4T.«ror. Aeodsmy, liueuft. t l s

S 2 .6 0 0Klflith ‘Word ov

- T I U BKHT “ isvlrk; e

D E A T H S .ET A N .-O a Tseeday, March y tail, a t his Ute

iTstiienre, No, *4b«viuin evauue^ Edward ftysn. Nfrilcs of funeral hereofter.

TKLLRR.-At Unton. N. J ., en 'March t, LM. DoiilerJ eilsr, ag^ at jrMr:*, I montbiaod Ideys. Hplndveiena vlemls ere luvlied to suaed the fU ncroi servltwe ei h ■(Moreft a, at 1 F. J Feriui.

HO VD,-Ofdiphtherlo. on Merrhg.V.. (Uughler ol David W. eud Mori ________aged Syeers, Im entus end 21d*ya. Funeral prl- veic from perents' resUknee. lOB New street, on Wediieedey et t F. M. In lo raen t a t i^Uuton Cemetory.

HWa YZE- On Merrti C at Part Rlebmoml.

are .late rveidcnce Wsluesdsy,

L le lsnoeo t OuAuecftlcul


___ va*'—vu Wj m rwck pk.g;ggiij<MiftirPUTly uf Ntwerk, Kaufonl HweyM, e*e1 TS ym ri. Iklelivce end friends ere fnTKedlo et* Uud Uii> tunersl aervloM on Wufiuesdey, Much6, el 'll '. M., frum tbe lealdeuoe of his Jiepbew, l^utord Hleir, et 1‘o rt JUuluuoiid, B, 1.

KUNTZ.-O11 Moniler, March i Wilbolmlne, wl.iow of the leu Car) KUMs,egiMl iS yearn, I-'ii- iMiriU services from hsr lele reekduuce, No. 76 (,1ey street, on Wrtlaewley, March 7, at lu o'clock A. M. KuietiVMi anil friHtidsof too fenilir. aloo member* of Hern Lodgtr .No. iC-t, K, end L. ori(., end Tbusnslle LmJge No. 1, U. D. BL H., ere In­vited lo eUead.

MAJdlL-On Uereb 4. e t ber lele restdeoce, IsaacstrecC.N'IweeD NViUlem end John strei^U, ItrltovIllK Rllse A. Herr, «utv17ayeers,4months, Hideye. Funeral aervicea will tpo held el toe M. £1 (.Jliurf'L, Mein etreei, UellevUJe, on Wednes- dey, MenJ) 6. lW .el;;d6 i'.JU. i(«liiUv«ji end frleifdfiorLbe funlly orereopectniUy Invited. In- U rm eutat Feirniouut Cemetery.

HARlUiKtN.-On Merrh 4, J« aui:r, Mery, dauahurof Mery end t

HARlUiKtN.-On Merrh 4, JW, et East Or- i}|:r, Mery, dauahurofM ery end tnclete Deoiei

liarriaun, egod yeans _ ^MHtjvrs eed frtoiids nfIhe family are n-siH-Eifully Invited to attend tbe fiirkoial from her motlier's residence, Hill street, (ireiige, N. j . . 011 Wedneedey,HHre)i6,el 3 I*. M„ thence loHL John's Church, Urauge. I n u m ru t In the (Jemetery of iho Holy beptil^re.

MOlUUH.--Suddenly. 00 Men*h I, AniiO., wifh of Will tom Morris, egtHl 91 year*, t month*. HtIh- Uveseiid friends are kindly luvitrdto atU-rul the funtrel from bor leto ^osluelM e. No. ]MJef1«ri m eiruet, on Weiiuesdey. Murch u. a i7 ^ A . M,, to Ht. Jan»«'s (hiarch, where e Vo«i of llaqulcm wilt he offbrcKl for the rejpoee of hcrS'XiL Inier* menb in the (.'omeiery or the Holy Hupulchre.

FUX.-'On MeriA 4,(Jstherinr.wldowol thMete John Foe. Ucletlves end frlrmia of ihv dok 1 eiTHl ore roaporlfutly Invited to atlrnd the toiwriil from her lets resldeiu'v. No. SftO reSMlc evsiiuf^, (■orticr HriM sirM t. on WfHlnosvluy, March n, et* A. M.ptoHl. Aloyslus'sdiiirch.where aHeas of liequiem will be offered flir the reiiose of t^ r eouL latoriiMot lo tbcOeiiMKery of Uie Holy Hepuirbre,

. BAftfrA lN IN .. 'Newkrk; e new bouse in tbe

______ __ ovorlooklos the proposetl oerlt Im-prnvemenu * eultohle for one or two Atmliles end will rent for t t dollars per month ; moaonb.Tip JUHN H. DUNN. CT Eighth evft.

S la u * » * M a t B o o m * t o k S U n t .Q ? CRrtTRK 8T.-TO 1ST. * MICBLY OOfhratW ied large frODlroom. MsA /»80MERHKT 8T .-T0 LET, FOUR FIN E ^ O ro u m s . first fiuor' rent |B.M; new house, i Isf t / I O m a r k e t a r . - T w o k ic k RixiMfi O ^ O t o IH; rcnl, fM u; oily weier. Also three rooius Uft NEWAHK Bl'.; Mat, Ml city Water. BM

ilicn Itnltdlng.mBi ........J.CIDUB

Jy d.NKL4M>N PL. Hina third belL

AN]) OKFIOBB IN :,muaro«a sULiteom bie lireu l

BN. eseontor. Room t, ftlP

Fl a t to l k t - i boomh a n d b a t h . lUirenUy deaerated I ell improveiueoUg el M-------- . . . . . - ........................... ^


FURNIBHKD nOfJM-FUH LIOIIT IIOUBR- keeplng. C3 FAIR BT., uesr Mulberry. Ms

TTOI.'BB TO LICT-RIViai ROAD, OPPO- K ls l t* ^ ito jn ile, boaaeof 7 rooBis, wllb emeU

lAQidr* ofFilANKLIK ML OLDBl TM Brood sT

EAKNY-S (XJNNItUTiNO R(X)Krt TO _ l e t : eei.«nd floor: ctiy water i fruiu April L

'appall streel, Kearny.JOHN WATERFIKf,!).

Ta b o r STORK TO UCT, b h it a b l r kX)R Jaiiy kind of bueliiBH el El bPRINUFlKLD A VK. Junu. Of Boulh Oreugeevw___________iTs~ FURNIHllKD

>rlvele family.AddreesM. R , Box F, News office,

KOOMH t o LET-NK!ELY tor oue or two gentlemen in

Koomh to l k t WITH POWKR. B. 08- UOKN ft HON, 79 lo M Central sve. hiw

CiTOKE TO LKT-TUJC BTORK M FKRRY ^■U, from April 1, goinl Uusinese location; bee b(Hfn occ.uptod os a ohoeetore for 10 years. In- qulre of Dr. E A, OBBuKNU.M kVrry at. fly


B Y ^ e youot; Qur-G lMK'EltY BALtaMAN WANTKI)

wbo tesale liouse iti (his cl^ '; e you invn pretorred : oite who is fitiQUlsr a'llh a ll

cJasaosulcrocerleiand wonM be wfilliur lotMgm on a BMuremle aidary end Jfirii the t ueue^ wlihsnldeaoruerm ib?^* AddressQRiAJKit, Boa W ,N e w e r l^ N .J .___________________T f OimKWOHK --W ANTXl), A YOUNd m RL X t lo look sfUr a child ouijtoiueiie bcritelftiee* fhl generslty ; (iriug jgood relcrcttceo. Auuiy b*- Iwean the hours 1 emfs P. M, to-morrow- vW*^Dce- day) 04 to THIRD A V E 97s

H OURKWORK-WAKTED, a C'OMI'RTKNT rS, Protosunt preferred 1 munt ho good (wolc

end fha idreML Aloo ytuiruf upatefraalrl- Apply, with references, n t47 BPliUCK BT.. b<M. and after ft P. M. toy

H UUftKWDRK-WANTKl), A OIHL FUR oeuerai h__ hoQsewerh: Duel be a Bood cwoIk

kUndrcM, ami furnish cUy referohee. Apply al No. gift HELI.KVILLE AVK «£(

o u h k w o r k 8KUVANT rtn iL FOR of two.

ITIHLINO BT,n ' - ..... _ ____

geasrol bottsework tor fkmlly of two. «B l> 8' ■ ■

n O r«KW O RK-A UOOD OIRL AH OOOK Hod laundress wauled et ftto MT. PROfiPIftCT A VIL; maist bevegoed recommeimjatlone, X7a

WANTKD. u i r l f o r g e n *_____ ... . . c. KLM UOUbK. ftJ4 RroviiL ; Uiqulre MHlay. ___ asaH o iw k w o h k

erel boisenock.

f i ;DUaXW ORK - O IU L I'OH G E N K R A tf boaaowork. Apply 7 BDUTH v rU BT., vlUe. (By


AM lta tU AN________ _ lade wanted os bouBekeoper endtake core of i-UIld ; smell wages. Address U. W.. iKix O, Newsofffoe. to t


Btor. Btoedy work. 117 ureen '


HTITCIIEER.H A-.-^ - - - - - . ____gly sedille ronker mid hsDiC 4, mncblhe oper> “ * ' ” W. DONNEAU ftO o .,

H ANDB w a n t e d o n CIMX'nKT WORK. _ IU ____________TO PKIWOR ^T A DliX TO MAKR WORHTED ADVER- J ^ le e iu e u t cerd^ at home; N hi in w eekly; out­fit, loc. HKDUEWIOK n 6V e l t Y U>, New lleven. Ok tiu

TA D U a TO M A K K NE(TK W El-ATTR AO* irutue Work: limtructiua free. J. 8.

liUWRKY ft tX).,747 Market *L__________ MxM IU JIIk fIL U 7 ^ K R -A N EXFKniKNCKl) M

J.TXm;r wonled. Apply at MT HKOAD 8T.

OPEHATORH WANTED UN NO. 2 W. ft W.mnchlne. onjeon drewera J, 8. LOWHX2Y ft CO.. Mi Market su t ik

P ATEll IiOXK8-_W ANTED, slue workwre.

Kest UrengB, N. J............... FIRHT-OLAH8


I^A IN TB R -W A N T ED . OOUD CARRIAOR JL poltiwr. W .F. nOLKEH. Mtiburn. H. J.lffy

r p uX on

k1 m , i

A N A M B lT lO tJB P llO XSO T .

7, at X o'clock P. M„ from bis Uterw*deuoe.N0L inHpruL*str*ek ]nt*r2UoatatMatKbeater.R,H.

HOGAN.—Oa Matrb X, \m , PotTkA Hofon, aged i» yean. Kelfttlvei and frlendi or (Ua family art reapecUhlly Invliod to oUeod the tone re) from his liue reslJettue, No. A Aoed-

Wedeesday, Hsreb•m y otreet.A. M ■ 'Hlgl* _ _______ _______

of bM eoiil., iDteraMfBt in UM (DoueCary

rWV. IMl Tieu*#i*7, ^ ^A. H., to Bl. Joseph'* Church, wlMT* a Holecnn

* vt Requiem will Iw oflhirvd tor iberupoes of bM eotil. Inb o rtlw lloly Beptilidiro.

NEW ARK, N. J„A te meoftogofthe employee

roU ld t Hiveti the toUowlBg preamble end reso*

Benalor Rtiinronl in ld | 60Q for win* dowi from whlcb to review the Jnangtiral pa­rade. HebAlor llesret noo sik] Ia DtvsDpOrt fl&O.

Prince Alexftnder of lia ifenberg. who bsB just married an opera singer. Is soou to begWet] th, comiufeDd uf im Au.lrf4n UuMu RigJiuuat.

L I t i l . jM uf HoltetdTi, tbe laoeiogl prodigy, Ii itudylng In Berlin. Ut U Id fine lien iib.nd Hu gn ira n t f U ll iln ctae le ft Ibbueuntry.

A rtie t WKletler, o f London, lu u not neovervd irom tbe efiketjiof bl, neenl eueoun- le rH Mb ArtUi StMt. ot Ibe Hoguth Clobi Lon­don. 111. neriM were *o uniijMwaUjr nflbcted tb t l be bu been uenble lo peint ilnoe the eOYny.

B- K. ra lm er, of Oerry, CbnDtnuqnn OuuDly, H. Y., delnu lo b. Ike oldew poet- muter In Ihe coonlry- He w u ippomled July fib. HMI, when Utiry bore the n iiiia Vennoot. He b . i bekl the ofipe ever ireoe. fie b u ilgned every querterly report leniHl from b li oflicu t'liTeplliig Dire. Ue 1, ieTenty.efgbi yeaii of age end lu good bt'eMb.

A poatrtbirl driver in lie r lit i |ite;ed on b ii bwr. under tbe fioipuroi'i «Uidi>«, on tbit Djun.Tcb'i blrthdey luniveiHuy, Ibe yteli- kuoHii elr. " J o il Thirty Veer. Old An Thou!" tnd n u forlbeltb ttreiled and r.uad uvemy- llve c u l l 'lor pltylag other (hto (be pte- Kribed tuiulc wbJie on duly." Tbe Kioperor betm ot II, eiKl leiit him I ft u t coneol.tloii.

P ro p o i td S hip C nnnl A o ro u BooUaud fo r l>«ep Bet CvAft.

From Ltndnn Eoglntcrlng,The tg iU U tn in tevor t f etntla tod

n tte r-w tyt, irb icb h u been wtged in Eng­land for tome t i a t btok, b t i i t l u t t z - ttndtd to Bw tUnd, Budb tg ilt t lm it tre conttflou i, tnd tt i t niyl, tberefore, in r- p rU io f to h t t r tbe yev lv tl o f tn o ld u g - g u M ltn from Ib t north on tb t tubJiet. T b t propoial i> to iB p roT t tb t preient e x it in g c t u l betwten tbe O ydo tnd tbe Fortb, to tb tt ih l j i i m ight be ib le to p u t thningb. The c tn t l v iu conilrueted « ctn tu ig ego, end It tb lr t f - f lv t m lle i long, oxtendlng from Bow ling on tbe Clyde to GKinge- montb on U>e Forth , the line being t l- m u t due t u t tad w n t, tnd tb t ie It • brtocb o f two end tbree-qutrter jn lle t to Fort ILundat, in tb t u r t b of O lttgow . I t t iu t lafi fte t tn d h u th ir ty n in e lockt. A t tbe preient time on ly very .m i l l e n ft can be puted through, not on ly bectuea of tbe ghort lo ck i, but t lw a ir ing to tbe depth o f water, being but ibout n ine lett. It I. propottd tb t t i t ihould be mtde lu l l- tb le for deep H t-golbg ib ip i.

There tre no greet engineering d iS e til. tiet In the w iy . Tbe cott i i v tr io n ily u - tinitbed between £ 1,000,000 and £2,000,- 000—It turn whieh, i t l i thought, m ight be e u ily r t in d by t company. I t It con- lendod that, being tb t ib o it u t route be- tween A iu e t lc t and tb t Baltic, tbe Conti­nent and tbe c u t co u t o f Scotland tnd EogUnd, the fhrough truffle would becon- liderub lt. Thia may be tru e ; but tb t gain in time would bt rrduood ma­teria lly by tbo fact tbnt veatelt in coming off the A tlan t ic wonld tcqu lrt to e til up tho lung firth (Clyde), tod woo Id probably require, p tr t ic u ltt ly If deeply laden, to w ilt on tbe tide to get to Bowling, which la eome diitance up tbe river, or tbo channel would aoad to bt broadened and diepencd, (but ndding to tbe coat. Fo r channel atoamert going from Irtland o r tbe w w t cout o f BesUtod, Etag- land or Walet to the c u t co u t or tbo Con­tinent Ibo canal would bo t decided beno- flt, tbr not on ly would tbelr voyage bo tborlcDtd, but tbo rocky tnd dtn- g irou t s o u t o f the North of Scotland would be nvoldod, Tba o tn tl puioa through the coal and ice d iitr ic ts of Bcot- laod— a fact which afford. tdd lUontI nr- gumonl In tevor o f the tebemt, Aymlhar coniideratlon w h ith c t r r iu much weight I. tbe C tc lllly g tln td for tbe rapid p titagt of b tU lethIp i from one ibore to tho other, renderin i defence in lime o f m r more effective. Looking, tberefore, to principol prootad com u tUtod, tbo quu tioa U worthy of le iione conudoution. The canal It the property o f tho Ctlodonina Railway Company, and they a r t tak ing no action, meantime, in the matter.

I Mr.luitoo* were mouimouely

Wbereoi, II boa pl*at*-I Alinlfltty Qod In bta Divine prevldenoe to take from our lulijatour deitrfrisi«d ofifi beueflirtor, Mr. Fsirlck ilavsti i aufi. wkersofL Ue waeeadMredtiO oskTblB iiftiuiy excellent quejlUoa of Ueort, ami wUtlewebow la boir »sbDiisslon to tbe will cf oiir Heavanlf Fataer, we do sluoerely mourn tor (be lam of O'Jr dimur fH*Dd *■<) beeefkflor. sad trufr Si)'iDpa* MiIm with UiB oiicttUeri of Ms fiwkiJj l i UUs tktov giestoffllcUon ;

Tkftrvtore,beUreeolTeiI. That tn the dsethof Mr. Fkirtek H o ^ n hJitfkmlJT kavs loeta ievifir fo liar and wlae oeufieoUor, we a tree Irlend eno eenorous employer, and Ihci c ilr a good cltloao.d i r a good .

_________ , Tbote copy of themmniftilona be priotsd in tbe ttkorolof and even* IskpHpvrs and ftUbdoT (Mi|. *od a OOfy b»*o> groeasd Odd p rw n lS d io (be flaiUy.

(hKurgD R Johnwo. J oidm OoitdII, John J . Breeilii, Thomoa (firoryi ANred L. Oiiggs, Her* man Kruyomoo, W U liM IVUlLley.Oftofge 8t*v* eni. Oommlttee.____________________________

generous eniployi____ ....A nil be It fv iiie r resotved

D e a th CliOpas F o ld 1* JU w orh b f M *(ro^oU (M U f* Insa Co*

From. Ami, ^ 0 9Andrew RlTS(fta*r.m¥cWUert«T XL ,16 |M6

Feler Nste, 141 Huotordon ift...MWi....... .U ITO OftGeoege B. Ilevlo, illiU at..

^DevlDH, n LodeileWHli^."

_______,10 118 Uft............ .............. ,» Undo

I W Hlsb, 111 m u »v«......... .06 118 oo____ J Murphy, Mt. Fleosaol are.....An t« aMsmI* HarrlMiri. 71 HID i t ..... .h.. .« 110 00Mortba S. Uaus, M Warren kl._.... ,» lOn toMary KjtDuwly, i» Bond at........ j06 7l toEtJU VoorUff^ Id Beioeen jQft V tolAurcnce Htauiter, Main •!>....».............10 M 00Doob KllvesUr, HI Wert *L...... s U 00ALLAN L. BABSfm .Bu jii.

Cor. Rroofi oad Market Ptreets.

STORE AND BDlI.DlNn NO. 1ST H a HEKT M. toint flir a u rm orjm ro. Apply toJ. KEN­

DALL SMITH, WTMarketsts __________ m10 L E T -T IIR UAND60MK«T 2D F(/>OR on BriMMi S'rvet, X7 fevl fronuge of solid piste

.m .braaileilirsnoe.short and euey lUlra. Also "ulieor Irouujs Ikciim' Broad sireet.oppo«lte

MlllUry Fork, itolb of lb s sbnva t^repUoual Oppormnlllas tor Di^relmot unor, dentist, cloak Of dreeemaker, ert'hlwrt or MirporaUmi ofilOM, Tlenl Imv and Wm s given. P. R PK.SHINK, 07X Brood sk__________________ ___________ ^

a 10 LKT-TW O NEW FLATS ON ELM 8T- . wven rooms ; *M imprnvenieais; balb sad

d iy water; bore* oars p*«s Ibe door.^ _______________ D.FRIKBT, tI7 ELM »T.

TO LET ON PKNH8Y LV A N 1A AVK., con vanlebi to three IIm i of honn oue oad P. K K> eiaUen, port uf (kreestary bop* ; Imprwvs*

rasep . J^ reesO W E K B aJpxO aN m oaw A S e

U SEFVI.■Ingle n

Apply to MURRAY. 1l« MarSrtst.______ MAN-W ANTED, A YOUNO■Ingle man to cloeu and do work In • odoiiB.

■ " ‘ tie

_ LET -FO U R OF FIVE ROOMS, POUR Od Aivft 0oor and eoe on thlod, ot srill no t

■3[mndenUjB^ ; wall gea^f p o

psper^ '** THIHt;

T ct L E T -IN TWCMFTORT NBW HOUSE, ft rooms on oeeQitd finer, t rooms to ouic; both

TOiim ; clowt, aud bot water. A t» MONMOUI'H BT. tts

LKT -W IT H POWER A f r l v iN „ Bfovemento, two froort bi It Ono ftX Mull

it. lo*UtowCHARLtQftNf>lM.>4Boud(DOtM.toyT S ; ,-A. pr«


r p o LKT-XD AND 4TH STORY Uft M ARXET X iL ; roonu^vwneooh

1. W ILBURsky llghL H M ira . l111 Market Ea

TO L E T -S IX NICE BOOMS ON F lB S t floor, at 4* 7th av« , near High ft.; rent low. Inqplrs at ft* RLOOMFIELp AYE. 17kO L E T - A PLEAS A N l^ F U I in s a iD front room to either a geotleBian or lady. GoO


WAN TED -FO Il A NEW YORK OOFCERN s mrty u> take sole »gen<y fortlilsc lly ofa

ruwly rnq«ri«J and 4mey saUhle onk'fr.eitd to employ swlteogenls; must be shloto tornish secur­ity. Addi«aa.*taUaf particulars, P. O. Box 2H4, New York CHy. My

W ANTF.D SALFa4MKN-CKX)D PAY TO Uie right hiintof niontarepiwM'nt ua Write

f(»r lenua No eiperlence neMed. R A. Mo> OMBKRftOO.,Nurserymen. Ri^hevler, K. Y.viu

W A N T E D - A PRBttHHAN ON F IN E panls: olen operators, busters and top*flb1ah> era C. i L CURTIH, W Market s i, corner R R

p i Ms

W AIfTBl>-TWO TOUNO MEN, 1« TO IL UMbTU telegnphr fr» postUon.

toy _____________________ toft BROAD ST,ANTED-TW O GOOD MEN, CAN M A K E toadoy. OoUbMaftto WA,M., ftC MAR* BT., store,_______________________ ^

e m i i l a v t M n n t e S a u tm O .

Y o u n o m a n w h o h a d h a d t w oyears' ezperJeitce In mvhlue obpp Wftuld

tthetcjtet 1b aflnl-i'laM Noulr shop or eiieliie werkg Add mis H., Box R. Newt cdB e. l i t

m o LBT -FJW M A with water ou Id

to C lb ^ K E BT.APRIL 18T.

and Id floore;_ j M8bOOM.


.,fiorMT Warren.I U lO H


2U 3JT8 toxlto EACH ON MARK sear Brojul, w m lighted, in tb oi l^wer, us^ef elevatot. Apply to R W.Brood s i

R KET BT.. ’ without OEBRYg


l l f l i l * * * A t l f t R p O t l t E W S to l f tA *

H I) U 8 E -W A N T E D , A FUANIBHED house : would board ownftr. Adoieei MRR.

B..Oare Carrier 4ft.________________________^■^yAN TK D -aM ALLKD-BM ALL B U I L D l N H TOR

msnaflieturinfi, in city or HornMo i 3T would liuy H eo lto^ Addrem M.

iighl■tale rent, or would liuy 1! J.T.,Bus X,NewaeU^.

T b e U alt«d Btfttftft Industria l l* fq ra n c * 0*np*B yg BOO mmd SM Biwftd e(r**l— P e f t ib C lA ln s JPoid Twadejr.

Prom. Am tAnnie Doob,to W allscegt..... . Aft |I2 OftThojk. W renii. IH N»^ at,................ .. .1(1 23 toRithard Evereit, 10 Newark tt,, J. 0... .10 -----AbnlR Wilke, t^zCronil st., Hoboken .06 Wm l>oalsyJ7ft WasblPgtmiBt,, *' .10Tboa F. Hiisklns, 9S3 4lFi si.. J. C...... .OSCailaglianMfiSJanby. to Bell sL,Orange .U 17 to

KDW AkP H. CRANE, PmlitoDt.

1ft 7ft 14 00 Zl 7ft Bto

e i a S m r t u I u f * .

B. BOLLEB fi BON,ProcUcaL Uudonekotft *bd EmbelDen.

‘uneral parlore Ne, IX Hrtdge it., toanubciory ' morgue No. to Jamwto Kearsesabd Coadtes

IX iar^ reasonable In oU depertraeiito.___ _ Botlasg rraldeuoe No. 71 Fburth ave;Frank H. BoUes. restdeooe No. l i Bridge to.

TelepborrecoiiM*. __________________

E *Fun,-- ood mur for hiru. Eiru B.


v n o m itA K B n ,H ldfnc, #« BIUlADOffice end Reeldmce, x..»

Next door Iwlow Evniitiig Pareonal eturtdAiic* Day ana Telephone No. IM

BTREETa' New* MBce. NlfiiL

n i t i » l a * « * S t o t l c M ,

V v a w S t M f .

7ATLA«TIO -FDHKW 8 KO a o o h b , w i t h or wUhout tioard i X coaoectlbg, unfiiriiitbed; Uble board. Mv

•1 Q CLINTON BT. - A LARGE FRONT A. O room, with board, suitable for iwo gsotle- meo. toy3 5 ^ a

wllb4K U N BT.-rLEA8ANT ROOKS ew rd; also table o o u d ; tonos mofier*

- - ■ — ________£ * / \ b a n k b t . - o o o d b o a r d0 " c h e e r ib ] rooma with qoul


Q K NEW HT.->BOARDINO. O v ftjvefooan._______

liABOR AT.rtor

1 d i i i KLM BT.^TWO UENTB GAN HAVE JL O O W srd with flunllyheviai he children;aumecbinllirta, ftla

1 r r 1 s u m m it s t ., n e a r r a n k - b o a r dX 4 J-ond Dlcely furnlshedi roetn fo re gentle*

C k1 Q DUOADBT.-9 CONN BOTINQ BOOMS O o n first floor, wlUiboerd. Mw

I I.KAHANT . board. •- , FRONT ROOM AND GOOD InQ irires4» MULBERRY 8T. My

e itn ltf !!»•«?«•.gBA BI>1DB UOUUt.

avary other coavenlenca U

ATLAMTfO C iry , !f. J.EleviUur imdAtwara o|)«n aoC wall baatM. ___________

CoKll rnwitealUrmUu, CHAJ9. IcVAMH.

'(HUmTIANSCIIUfCIOIlMBKTAI.HJCAJ, ^lu.-l'rMUueuta mnd liutnicUoiu ^ van by Bli. H. K. PUCK. DU Uro.fi at, DD Tuaafiaya, DfiiiaUay. and Thurafiaya; Dourt 11 to 4. ity

TUe body It motv tuKOplIble to beptfil Itsn Boofi’a gaiupArilla now O uBattby oibartaa-^D. Htiralote lake U uvtt.

Aiwl T h a i'* B a s a g h .tUie ItD'l Ati augal,8Ue laa 't a gofideai,

Bl>* Ian'I a Illy, a rot* or a paad, Blie't almply w bat'i avaUaa^ (kMuplauat and naataal,

AdaavUUl*.Quaar UUta,Uwaat UUto gliL

. ____________ AiiHaaagaHi i Wfiaaa,

M 9l H « d U « * k a i l Hot badilDU yat I Tfi* niglil wlnfi* bknf, Tfi* a to n a n ont—liill n i l w* know

Tha lu u u la on tb* *U lr;Wllb band of Ic* aud cbeak of toovr,And liuaen ItpA <ba> nlUaiiar tow,

“ Com. cblldnn, It la lima lo go,Hy pnooloi COUCH to ibatov'

Not bodUaw yat I W* long lo kuaw Wbat wooden Uma baa yai to ibow,

W bat unborn yean aball brlna;Wbal tblp Iba AioUc polo ahall reach, W bal laawni fcleoet walla to Uaeb,Wbai ■eramot tb a n a r t loft to gaaiiob,

Wbat oovou y*l lo alng.Aod whan, car ehoerful tvoolDg (wwt,Tha nunv, lODg waUIni, camat at lait,

Ere im ber l ip w« 111,Id wcaiiad tulura 'a .wool repoaa,At P»DC wItb *11 Der waklog Ibaa.Our Up* r ii .ll m unanr, are (bay cloaa,* flood uigbi f aud not-'Quod by r

0 -ftevar N'yiwiafi ifateaA

wnarc ne u u wvi* «vb«iikuin( • BiRn tBi w u m vnShe Ui real jiooe aud e ^ ; boa opened a dsw office a tt i MULBJLURY ST.,onedoorfrom Perk pl.4i»rRON AND BTKSL

JAMB8 A ODE ft OO.,IM and R* MULBERKT* oor. GUaten ih


Pa t e n t s -DBA RE ft go,.S^cIbHH^ American and Fcfelfn Fateota

Attytf In peteni cooei heldre ths V. 8. GOurts. Mecliatiical ohd Blecirlcal Bqgloeere and Jj^ p«r(a Oonwltotlon ifti and M M A R R ^ ^.,so«Uiskle.twodoDnw«to<tf Bitied iL THs oldMtestobllsbed honoe In (be BtaU. Twenty- five yeortf expetlenps. Oenaopepoketi.

i R S r ^ d T S ' r ^ a A .o Fork, ^

Tninke repaired M short DciUos.

____ HTO'E F . Mo-


T irA N T X D -O lrr TOUR DRAFTS, MONEY ............ ............... “

CO.^^aKa]iu(lone pound np).tl^a(s to ani] from t o A^tSt^al lA l m F E A R E Y f t orkrt to. Open nlghu tN


; BROS., Statioosra TO iiUnton eye. Kp

S r t M m t e l k t n f l .

outUacaad (0 meeanre,

'psBiafiBMAKINO, WITHOUT RKPlTTnTO, JJlanghl ^ Mra N. T. Yen Ed ^ D * etreei* near New t bo p*)rmut unieas atcM ifoi;

' h ^ n t dont; oISD paper p*(l«ras cui LsiftoaagmpevnBlifi. ____

% om t tottft _______T OST-SUNDAT KVXlllNO BETWEEN ftl« J ^ r u m toreet end OsetralVrtbQdltoChii^. a buuch of keya A reword will be given If MV at AIH uW e NOT. or InhOBogerooB lU r|«tSL TMpto _______toe

OKT-ON.! Jhcnhil Kin


o n t h e b e a c h in f u l l v i e w o f o c e a n .Salt water boUie In houes, ooiafortahly heated,

elevetur and all modern oppolnimenia Coach meetsoll trolna Bead Ihr rtMlar.


9 *V toO iiftU *

Al l s u f f e r e r s a r e w elc o m e t o n e(roaUnent frea ftU BROAD BT. ftr

V t o t o t n * * * # p t > O F t im U i« t o «H I t a n t e d - a m a n t o Ta k e p a r t i n . TT terest In an article tn lAput bi t o nurket

for every day use: hlg bonansa. Inquire or ad. drees T i l RO. rOBkjM T. toft tts lie y to. t ity. SK

t a r e m i t .

UtDR-ffOOD^BINOlIlO A J fD ^ K E E P y a^r>-___ ____ __________X ycin a rlea g^flnclMS, cdiftsp. berry to

H o r b b b h o e i n o s h o p f o r r a l ei heap ; good rtvnfl, new tools, low rent, asod

- • T H iD . WORLANI), m in g e n to T * *trade-WfACHINE FOR BALE ~ WHEKLEB ft JT1 .WIM1I1 ;F)!lahlr lormoe-fllUMsoranycfther leather work ; price, ftia. M QOlUtBitCE WT^heUNOkft.

_ IA N 0 FOR Sa LE-OKNCINE ftYEBER, . carved Im round rsnMn,to»t 146, wiu fte)| If ftliO coOlL M FIKRY OT. 3l

t 2 A LOON-A PXRiST-CLASS SALOON, ON 0Marke4rtretoy for tele. Address Boa 18. 9w(J6 A e r n BUY A UOOD OBOOBRT4S9 7 tya.r huiiuesa lh good loCfiUty ; good rea­sons for eeUixif• loqolre o( STORE, 71 liouitoa

lito v to* ft» C to r m g f t to f f S i c *

F o r e a l e - b u b in e b s . d b a v c h t a n dworkhorses oeiistAnt«y on howl. All horses

gusraatesd to be oa renreernted or moiiey re*o t k c HER. c l r ■ - *

. J.cliy Line, SprlaMeld

wy-eVOR SALE-to GOOD WRSTRKN H0H8KS | X er will Qachanm for goed l>rood mares to skip 'Weto JAMES hiL t U. hil Ulieftoet to Un

H o r s e s FOR BA LE-A p a ir b a y a n dvery el/ileb driving hore^ 18 bands hi^h;X X ve ry etvlleh driving horses, 18

net afraid o/ooytlunf; m double or is perfoctly lafo fur a lady; will ira en hour; eouhd end genlia Sl*hlee.Parkto, Orange,

oreliwle: either . iravef ten uUle* Ma^DDY* Porkeoa

QAIaE AND RXUHAJliUEQ O R i r o ]Sttiileetoi and toft Uent^ ave,

Cor. AcUeu ^ U*atroiaTe.q^g^A. k t t p u n ,

0R8EB FOR AALftS A ND KXCHANOKD^^yn.C.Schoner.altheTOULKVAK' EX C U A N aE STABLRb , 11* pn eenavft.


Q ULEYAH DRA lJ i Frellnghu^

X 3 0 RRR, WAGON AND KARNEBB FOB X l i a l e ; horee young and euuad; i jitohle for ffgiitbuiineespttrpoeea InquiresUf fU lQ l lt o i l iXTOWSE, HABNliRS AND TWO S IN J l R XXwoftOiia forsok hoxseioUddandaenOe.IPs____________ 871 M A K R HT HT.

ND HAHN|«B~f 5b W P L a NKHT. 9ty

-■TOB8BL WAOON AND XX to le . cheap for c*ib.

g^ATARAOTB. BLINDNESS \^teeBa ef t o tores ceie^tty EliAND A L L DIB

lectrode. ftr

YATTRODE h a s b e e n a g r e a t b e n e . i to my ejea and 1 wmMiio( pan with It for

lie coin,MRS. ANNA SMITH, it Ooldeo to

Th O N Y -S M A LL PONY K )R SALE.* YEAIW X <dd, wiwirahMl eound. kind endlrue, very M ; also top juigg)* and il l ver-mountodham«eaFrtoe|UO thejot, with relje and whip : owner hoe no Uee tor (hem, H4 yKRHV HT. /La

WAGON FOR SALE-M ED IUM Me"a ^ wege.1 In cood coodlUoo, etrongond *ulft.

fS!* w « w « " r ^ batlueai. lu q a lro .^

m o o N -A F iu r r - c u a H o o i t w a o o m vl.latb lAp. CVJlItHlOHWT. l ly

a u « t i a n e « I a * .

B UBWllTT nHOB„ AU0T1QHE«BS - £ 00- Uon oti* of gtwery eod Ikncy goodi otock

B*"? Ibrnliure. to ih ii. an M la l., M IMA lgA t) MT., ™ WedntBUy, lUicta a, at ja A.

________ e u t w t g s . ______________riO O I) MSOONMIfiifD B tiTCH SIl I T I . U tu rM w u U d . jM ilim iR . C H A K lB B i iN , j^ a P 'H a ia iiu .B M to ca im .^ .j. « y

s y f ia AH o mlly restored

lavtaUon. ftr

I NVALID CHAIR - WANTRD. 8E 001 handed Invalid toMr. A d d r f iu P., No. f

lJohMajOrtn{a.iND*‘ 0, fs z

l n * t r H c t l a « .

the beet phyolclatiB and euraeona and .toy iJI foiled I* mjr O M I try EliicUode. Uie greet tor* fotou lu i l i were wondernil; 1 oonilder

ei iQiforenEDVfARDaiBSON,

WMlndMed to et, and tbe re< H e b M e g to

t f WUlfomto

SHORTHAlTD-YOUNa MEN A N D LA D T E i ^wonted to Morn ofoirttAnd: prlviue lntomo> m iMly.by e preotkial n M r m ; 18 yeen* eg.

peiiencel no follurae; oHhiftlone eecoM for e e n ^ t M ^ n»mm of poptR ln good

----- book end dtcuhire Iraa ttR AH KiN.otoJiOfrapher. TH Breed to, N*w*

WH Y A RE YOU d e a f W HEN T H E Eieetrede will oneyodtlto BROAD OT. ir

WH Y DO YOU b u f f e r W HEN ELEC* trode will oor* yodt M l BROAD OT. »r


1 Q A A T L if itW A a* T w r iH O ^ A U -------- ==--------------------------------------------J . O . U U U b y Blaci«fia,.Ml BHOAO » . It TTISTRtlOTIOS O lV U f OH THJt F lAH O H T

lU R into atB RAUTIFUL s p r in g STYLES

Ibdlea tokftve t o ir strew bat* wened ..J. H H S lfBGA irB ,

S L 114 Market to f lM lW C U t U

YNOR i n v a l i d s W E VAITR X nto*td***Wfl*Yor*dl«er*i X ( » » m iia S to to Telephone!

____ T H E r iN n r r .Icecream. R W A U l f If^nelW.

A D IB S -O f i lO H E B T E B 'f t RNOL1BU jPeanyeoFo] pin*, D imai^ tanndi mfo, r*-

e r » n a { :

M S ] S S : t i i £ i5 f°0B g g g g T . g S K S g a

te n lt tbabom wat,fccySrtadtfm ona lo¥v*a i b j s . ' n g c a i . s s a g - — 6



MARCH MAGAZINES.V M tiim o f 41m C urrM t ffu m b«rt o f lt|«

LM dlfC F erU tilM li.A rtliar J . QoMtinan di«

Irtdlti* Jifiirl* lo the Cbrnf.t.'i#/uit ibr Mo’‘oh.The mle. *■ Th# King of the *Iyeibut an Indefinite coEkA ofUiu Uhjd*', vlilohia of general and itkh'WI lDScrv:>(. 1 )i« vrork t t the Ueroiaa Opera Cooipaiif in Mew Ytfk In the production of Wagiwr'i QompuaUMiu la grapblcallr aet (urth.The a e n and wtwir'U who have been nnat | conipieiuui til thii nrUittc liutovatbOQ ai nan- j ■gen, dtrcclon and an bu are d iK u e^ . u \ well til the delailt of the prepDratlonn tor the Ta < rioui profiutiloui. th e arUde la |>iL>iusel; an1 fiutily niuairated. Among thu.e wheae por tralU idom the article U Walter rHinruaoh, of thlaeliy KoHo\flttgthU iia tnamwcnpt paper on m u ard Overall Hale, who, b; the L/, UoDeof the coiunLal auff ut the magazine. " Winter Dnjra in Moiilroar* J* a timely ami luUruiUng paper, lUuatrateiL The aoiiwl tm'houii wi the people of Ihal cold cUuiaie, as well av climaticpeculiantifli, aie plpawnily dlacuved. t)dav8 TlfiancifitiHbeiatironK ►liottalory.cuLkled, ’'In the llcadsman'i itoom." which la lidJowe*! by »T4a.,8iPg lllMiraled article on "auaoWaah- Ingioti Jloospi." between tbt*«coniril)Uiloui and fiUUiwmi Ihcra an» a number uf pocmi, euay* and ) aper» of ircneral InlortAt The (hi- VPtflian U lulerteiiui thru-igbuBt.

—March //afiy/W U fuU of pretty pioturee and iki'tcheHW tickle the very liule Wit*

—That gwlronouiic autboruy and bouio- herpeta'RMlJt, 7bWr TW*. appoan m a new aprlim aiilt. The oofere which encltnc the good thiimi Within are anieUc ami dainty. The oou- tenta uf (tm periodical, on utuiil, arc M awjnHble vd l palaiabiQ. The tvmletua Leatn wltU aliUle poem eni.tied "A Sweet Maid/' Thu la lob .iw ed by "A Japaneee IMnnor," **Tbe Dllve itk CaUfafUta." Ho. VI. at Mn. Merar*! '’ Uow to Idvo up a TbouMvad a Year,'* DIUe May Koriiey'a cbatiy buiieh- Mm and Tea ‘IbJeU." *'Mra Itiukln'e Unteii lliUMra,’ “ UiitAs lew UetUag up AuterUln- BifUM,** “ iHcoiuttve Work lur the Hnuecholil," ’ I'Uheri New lluiuc,” Kale Cutlicrwixinl'e " Kashionahle (ta iaa/’' iiauw and VnguiiiOa oflb c incteuta," by Hehuab Hawtbornin, laau lnt«rtr<>iiug pepor in which aie embodied iOBe uicthl reci|«» fee loUei propeia' ilaax by Un. Huiar. " Old Probe and the Foel," by JuMpb Whlttao. iIm W' log bow a troubled aoiiMlier uttineda hlj aoul and hauU tbc clerk of tbo wcaiber orer tbe coala in blank verie. Tbe two great featurtt or the magajtlue, Mn. liorer'a " Menus fur (be Mouth" and "ADiwew to Ilouwkecpeft'la- gtiirsus.*' are Iheye as ujuai. Then we fled '•SiJaeonableGrocery Jllntt," "Open Ledcra, ' “ TIk Woman's iUchapge Uovtmeot,'' and the amiisiog Prublem Deparlmoni.

—Ouc ol lilt niuat im|>ortaut among tbe gaaoy papers in the March nutrbei of tbe #bruM ]icuniribute«l by Isaac [., KIcc, lie title belug "firilery in ilaUway l^celtona" Ue tiorniei the depthralde coiidlnDQ of affurs alleged to be extulua lu refianl to the conduct of lalUvay euicrprisei to tae fact that slock- hoiUer-i are iu ibu habit ot felltug their TOlus, or luuiiiijg ttii'ir Mock to unable ccruiti perwjui loeouuol eorporatmiii k>? their owuend-slQ tenons ways. Has ridiiudy ooiunsta of loggia* tiou coiPispiiUng ibo daily cofrecUuu oi Uie ■took list of cvi'ry curpunitlut], dohicslic aud lotalgi], with uhtraiuirieUea acccM un the purl of Kto^kuolders. ihat ibcy may be iu a ts^iUun Um'OU'UU with each criher niganiiiig the wel- f>w> of their coBimoii prupwny. l ie woutd provide alto agtinsi all ir.itUc In pioxioK, and ilri|i ihc mcru XMiession of a i lock ouriHIcate of ailrlgbtMiu 1 viAc on It, compeiliou even tho huldur of stock aa a rvlULcml to uoiivor the puixy to ihe owiiur, rrufcvor J. G. 'cuuf' man diaciuMi " Tlie MaulMi liertiny ol I'an- ada," but hanlly piaken plain what he hdlcrea that to be. Kalj Sicphuus makes au eloquent plea lor " AdTsiu'iMi ^ u ca tioo for Women,'' oneol her great |Hmit« l«m g that macuincry bas AO I'haiiged uum^aiiu iHMids iUmK ilie baudsof woUiUD am well nigh idle at huiuu, und that higher odncatioo u rcquirod to lit ber lor the cbeiigcd coocttlioiis ot suclety. The other arti dee In ihii ta»uc luUy su^t«lu the reiiuiauoo which thpi nagaslue ha'- R^ady.irUievHd.

-g o a l cmamllar UanM, whoee pen bai iiirpod oot BSttBy eluver eluct theicbea, couLribatos the tint chapter ol a new story lo March at. tiick(^n». l l u enUiieii "Daddy Jake, the Ituna- way," and tellfa of child Jlie in the boutU dur- Shg the days of alavery. Eenbie, the arilrt, ooiitribnhi Uie pictufea There iv a fairy tale oallid "ibr Sun's bbieni," e Luppidi story itee- ty renderrd by HJaioiar lljortit Hovibun, wiih AUung bumorouji iiluatratious by (. Uerford,A timely and novel article by Mrs. Purtoo Uar- rlMKi recall! the reputatloci of " Wasbtsglon as M Atlilete," a ckararAer In wbieb lie iiiould oenalhly be popular wiUi the rising gecHtratam.A fully lUuairaied akeich of AJitinoos u con minuted by ELuanor C. Lewis, and toUuwLug thlaiaaaaitlcle hy W. LewM Yraser, devoted to4be " itoru-bouiht H p arr^ t" which suf- len d loeevandy in Uie New York b liiiu d Juil •bout a year i ^ , Another oold weather ttory teUi of life near Hudeou Bay,—r When the Brigade Caine !&*' It le written by iaiah J. fatohanl Jutiee Kalph Autei what dui out bappcD when ** He Wrote to the Eats" In Which W. H. Brake'! pW tom lender valuable, aatistaoew " laUor Boy Ptooioe." shows hew eu Iwigliah aud Amerlcau buy eaobaQfCd id«B- titaas, cnabiiof ibe Amcrtoehlad toaiaiit in the 'iiombudioenl ui Alezamirla. par*tle&eau noilalHohe abashed by W. IL udder's aketch tXiildlQgdoWDa mourttain In btberla

• wiMIUed " Dowobtll with a Veugaanue." Of oontliuod artlelea, (here are Mrs, Catherwood'a

IMItofBtc. Anoe/' Bdmund Altou’a “ Rou- tbM ofthellepubUe/' "Bunny Btonci," and the ** Browtuea," who boUd a anow mao. Jblioffelher, t1 bi a itumber ^ great variety, ealue and taiareit

—Three tiaely and in m eeting anicilea ap­pear 10 Ckafery itopasuis for March, The Be< pidibttn leader of (be Hoh.m of Reiiresenta^ ttvea, Thonuit B. fUed, ol Bteloe. l i anihor of Uu flieL It is aDtlUed Kules of the Uouso of ReiweeeutallTea." Mr. Eeed explains bow the rales bate been framed wHh tbe view of ren- derlDg LegtslatUm dtfbcaU, and makes tm- portaut suggesUoPs of ebanges which It is natural to suppose be and his polliicai taeo- olates who will ooutrol tbe neat Uouie ol Kep* rM iln b vei may ewieavoc to kglug ibooi- Another Is Dr. ^ w ard Kigltaum'i mvtaw of JamesB*yco'sainady Canaous work on '*Tbe American Commouwealtb/* under the lUle of " A Full-length Portrait of the United Butex" lu the same category is a curious article on <»TbeD*6ofD llto btm tbe Wavex" Ay Ueu- langot W. E. fieehler, of ibe Ofilee ef Bafai JalellliSdee. th is eway precedes by a abort thus tbe usetiDg ol the Inieriwtlooel Marlhe OoM&rcare, at which w ill be diatauiMd ibta god other sehenits for Increeslng tbe safely of Mb god propwty at m . The preseut (nslal- mentofthe life of Liocolo li emitivd "Tbe Edict of Fretdom,'’ and compleies tbe story of emaholpeWon. The troailaglne of tbe num- jber Is a porusit of tbe Grand Lana ol the ■Trans-lkdkal, IToa a pfaotognph given to O^Dfge Keojuin In eaqbgnge for bis eurn. The only oiWr visit to thlsspeclal Grand Um a by a foreigaeri so far as is known, was that of Dr. Ermau, nearly sixty years before tbe date of Xr. Eoupaa'i v isit Mr. Keatina’i article de-

* aaitbes an iDtereatlng and amuMng episode of hii aihflrtantauT. Id ficifon (hero la begun a three part aloiy by Mn. Mary ilalliuck Foote, eDlltlcd "ThaiM t Absembly Ball—A I*seudo B oaiuM ofth eF sr Wpet" Mr. Bdwardi, tbe author of ‘"Two Munaweyt,'* lu "Tbo Rival Souls" Uki astory lu a oew vein, and without dialect i aud Hr. JOMop, tn “ The Gurreapood- anoe of Miles Grogan/' gives a study of the fwograw of a New York poUUriaa from a liquor mlooa to a rBSidenoQ Id Moblreal. “ The His­tory of Alia de UorslurlUe Is snoiher *‘8trtaga IVua Story,'* odited by Mr. Oabit. Mra. Van KsDiielacr gud Mr. Pennell pnwtDt tbe hiaiory aud appeoranee of old " York Cathedral," Just at tbe Uma whan the plans of

. g aatbedral for New York are being decided

r a. In tbe lerln o f " Old ItaJUn Mosteis" bUllutau wdtea abMt Oaddoaud Taddeo

Qaddl, and Mr. Cole gftgravea' "Music," by Taddeo (ledal. tn Cbatlei da Kay's lluiitrated Irish lorlM "CbfftiUaDliwUuiA'* is (be subject

this month, •—A savehlde for somo pleaslDg andamna

ksg UluiumUee# and aome "chipper" s sa l l talk Masseys V W g.aiw wg'm irantfur public patrosage bom,Haw Yorix is a sueogw. There are some crlip looal lenggnBba bluing ofTio. oietrlcatungagoad fdogra^y, with portrait, of CemeUni Vanderbilt, and a graphic sketeh or ricturaagge INpioiaatt," with eereral other iDteratUDg opt iba lUuatraUoDs mutt be prououDced tM oreem of tbe porlodlcal.

w e e v i L L i M i - o M B c f i A i r f v .

T o P lsy th e T ie fo r th e C bg>nplonal|ip wMihlKIMsIsallu

H ieb o v 4 in b k 'n s i of,lboEr)«vlH e A tin ietln Agsui-igLltm, ty gefciU iig lb« I'a lm a i 'lu b lartiught, won a good clwnroifw thu cb ifU ' pit)nOijp. Hos<^'ille and Flitsl^^tb have new fich «n n eight tad lost Rmrgsmea ibey roll the deridlnK game oh neutral alicy^ s|)<l kowviiia should Win It. The Elltabelii ('bib UsiMueeston IU own alleys awl makaephe- nnmeasi soorcs (bare, wiiUe Koseviilcbe* do •dvautagt' at b u u e and bai done uplcndldiy on uuUide alleys, bast night's game wae played a t H ta a r l lle Ih ek o o io :

i j i2 4 (TrillaKbci


I'esraon.,.. _ .....................„ .Bibcock.. 177, 3 i 3 Vrcolaudgttwart.,,,. l «0 g 7‘ I, Msyer.Dudley.... Jfi'i I i K . .ionlluirr. 2\ 2' C Jonisii ....

U u ^ 1, 8r l l i 0| ai 7; llaibswav p j ; 2 i 2; fi ilkjoujib’g J79l t;


frirtuh....!ThompssjD,.....N urtbrup ..'


JMi , 17K; 4m 1

4| ! la -t. ..gl 5 Behrstw..

m\ g fi m 1 4 I4fi 3f ;t m \ li 7; 1«0 B U

179! *1 »i ...... i i:'7

TotaB., 2.1,10.17l'olalx...!k[t6g|24pift,4n:FRAVkS.

Ilo*eTine-14A 3-27, 4Sa, m , 731, 060, tl40, 1?H 1 4 ^ 4 ^ .

I'alma—lAi, 114. m . MM, 7KI, >>tR, IMA. T’ifiUgrcwuie—Fur FLoscvllie, W. Use Lmnc ; Cue

Felma, F. b Baldwin. I'm piit-U . U Jewgft. Or. nge A. A.

The Alert Dowling (Tub. of Montclair, tod the iTogreiatve Uuwlliig C'ltcle played on the Y. M. II. A. alieyi In this elly last Digbl.The score -

aueiT.i:»9 iUfker.... -......l:tn Kent..............Ifi2 Jh’tBlDhOn.......167,1. iacubux ...144 .......... ..b49 if. jaceisM..1P> iigicr.............12M H m llh ..............IDfi'DiKllI

rR o o H jM irg1>. R llUck........Ktranaa......M eiidu t....................E iicnltss...............Alay............................Bnmiiaiiii..............l-eucht..... ...............lio ffm an ..................(iruttn.

i nW


Klgi2 HlUu n MO

T otal............... l,40l| Total,-... . i.IUMartUi Klein, ecerar Air lYocnm iTN ; Bnaltb.

acortr Kv Alerta. L Cbenck, uiupirs.

J. bcblom................HC UrrrlU...... .

Notes Aliiout Sports.—Tbe Matloi'ai Rase 1U1I laagiio'i icliedule

mecUng at WarbingUm began at noon to-day. Ihe topic that appoani to be most talked of U Ike aartougcud retisrn of John MoutgooKvy Ward. Hume of tbs delegates belkvo be hsM

sent for by ibe Brutbcriiood tosiqtie tbe aabar rogardbig; UiOMe who rebiso tu sign uuder the new, graded salary lisL Otbentay he oowea to KtUe datln itely with M r Day as tu his own lociAian fur ibis Mason, notwnbiagto rtfineiplna state of uru'ertalDly any louftr. ITtMooet ilew iu Is also said to bare fable\1 Wsrdlocouie bomu and Mtlle tbe emsa one way or tbe other, liiiriiig the conv«r>atbin one of thu triumvirs denied (but Boston bad made an offer lof WanI's re]«a«‘. ll is said that Weed wanii to make all he can of thu deal, and has stkad hk;su>n tr» pay NVw Yurk only g tKKFaDd give blui tbe other |.fi,00bsa abunuxin addition 10 a reported aalsry of t6,0di> ftm be sowou pnsuUicut UewiU doss not tpimsr to txi worried over the matter, Bitd Is slilS tlrm In his deter- niiiistioii lo bavo Ward play In Waslihigion aikd JkwnjLga the Hauapxs.*' Owing to Ward's PiiddcD feiurn, Hcwllt will ahaudoii h1i tripto EuroK, wberu be expaciad to go ua Stiturdsy ■oat. Ward will reauu Uiis oouniry Uet«t!en the fificchtb end eighiwnih. The s^Ron Will open April 22 or m aud dosu O clobc^ Every olub Is clamorlug for the plums, but the out look la tavuiwblQ for an equal iJivh>ion of tbe good dsyx Tbo *c*y»on will open with section­al games, and then tbs Western clubs wlIL come Kasi aiAiut May 'Jfi for Decoration Day, iDd the Eastern cluU will go West 4i>uut An do iDto play Fourth of July games.

—The ht»rmrary reccptiun eozamittce which will reedVf! tbe Aiurrlcau bsso ball players on (heir arrival In Loiiduii mcludes the Duka of B ucnlri^ , Ibe Bukn of llcaufiMt, the Earls of iiOTKleibttfixigh. Coventry, HbeAiold and Bers borough. V l^ount Osenhrl tgo, Loru LytUetan, bard iUwks, 8lr K.-ginald UHmen, H ^rt; S.r R. L\ Webaler, Aliorncy-Gi'neral ; W. (j. Ura(», iheiaiooui cricketer; [be Lonl Mayor of Ixm duu, ami the Amecicau (kiOKul-GcDoral In sdiHtlun tbeio fsa wmkiug ('ominblcc, which wilt take charge of the enlerialnment of the party in Eng land. 'Jits J.<oudon J’rcss (Iwb ha^ ■ppciDted a committue also to care fur the cor respuudeuta.

—It DOW wppean th a t tbe report of tbe doaih of (bo u o tta r K e o U i^ ib was ataricd for tbe pvpuac ut cleatlna iffe way for aiwther ringer.

—SupwrinteiMUmt Brush, a t ib« Brooklyn iixksy Ctub» l i very busy diracUMt tbe build­ing or tb« new laoa ocairte near Elisabeth, aod H‘.‘cralajy Melutfrc ta prcparlDga Ibtol stakes for tbo uf^Dlng meetiug Dtxt I'slL AUtv^uab the new Quufte Is called ibu Dwysrirack, Pbiiip laooJy aaufokboktar, while Miobael b uaa of iJm iMdlug BansfariL lUirumuiied that (be teoiben will dUaufva parUiarsbip at the cloau oftbaraetag ■easoii. ____________

litKlelUDv Wax*A food coatpoaitioD for w o d ^ iD s

M made By the Aollowlog leoaiiU : ikeax woe p a r t ; lead pliWfer; one fw n ; roaln, ose part; oUye eg], q. . x ; ehaJk, q.Mettibe flssf ibrce i n g ^ a o u tugaUier. and luoorporatti a atiillcfaiil quantity of prepared ebaJk. pcvvioualy iilturated vltb alive oil to a wncoih pmtie, to Im urt to tbs im 4" Ure requls- ItsaUffbess. Tbeouvo oUmayaEnoum toone' p a ito raU tG am o re . Jf dutrad, tbe m a n may be lintod with a utUo eamiuo, ar <mr«lne aud aQuaUo^ or oiEur oolurlog material.

A ProM IbltiwwIat Crttlolaea t iw Hews.lb the JSditar of tke Nciie;

^ R ^ l n YOQT jaetie o f U xrch S, yon stirred up Ibat old m ars'i Dart, called in n lg a r tnuguc, "^Frohlbltfou don't prnbibU I b a l ba t b» r* Yuu quota freely Aoiu tbe Lswlsloii JotumaJ, and oum nent bueerioKly upon 4bat w bicb you call a eonfeMioD of Ncwl Bqw, srbocu you coasidar u i buBurafale man " who knowa w hat be b talking about, and m eaia what be saye." In tblx you «ay that " be adm lis th a t th e new policy b wboUy iD0|o fa ‘ i iv a i" (D o n AaT} You ivideDriy axpecl y o u readaia to uudecaluid, by this rmd sim­ilar aaprasaloax that tbe policy of probildtloD is a laDuro In Maine, where It began. Bat In Ibis you wtH Jsil. lliree iouribs of Umm know batter. But you prim It to a t f ^ t tbe elaqUaiiH iu l^ iis y lv s n ix You will Jail id tha t, 400, For, leng befose Uial day , xlb resdeia will have disoovemd your a l t e i ^ to oUaload them ; or tbai you were misled.

Hera let m e seise an old father's prirUpge, aod say usefulness and lucoois d a ^ n d OQ your candor, iodependenee and uon parti- vaalsm* We w ao ta bold, fodepondent daily piq>er m th is Iowa, and we will bave It, too.

Mow, le t us admit Lbst rum and m m and riot to d crim e are rampant In Lawlatoii—

tbe law I What ibuu f Will you imeer at PtobibirioalBls for that, layiog " problbi- U oAdon't p ro b lb l tf Lreply. "O f eourso U don 't—nobody axpeoLA H to uplesi t t was b ^ k e d by good lalrt snd isHblUl officars." W hile its rnemiiUB make (he lavs aitd ffil tbe offieea, ootbiug can i » dunu of oouisx They are th e ones to sneer at or awaar at. If you m ustawcar. Mow bear Neal Dow's "adm B - sIODs" a»<] ibau turn youiguus toward (be real enemy,

PoaTLiLFD, Me., Feb, 1413. Tbe liquor trafllc in Maine is now reJuoa i to

oBe-iwenUeth of its former volume ; and wna •0 many years ago. A slight am oadmeol to the law would enable us lo tween Ibe trafho BUtl/ely aw ay lo six mimUii. Huch au ajDand- DMut the Depublioau par^y absolutely leDisex and baa done so for iwouiy yaacs.

Nsal Dow.In tb b , I think 1 aeo, as you certainly do, the

neosislty of a party to suttaln a policy generally. Jniow B. Uie experlmonl of converting a party to a policy was tried, and Is balng tried, with large peoMiie of luceess, in Kansas the He- publican party was abtorbed-all but th i name. Ami tbe s u c m la eom |ile(e; but would have been sooner if tbe nsuae bad been

me to ray one word Taove, You oan- ncH gain a leputatlon for osndor In tbls (own anlem yem correct your erron. Now k 4 our bright little evenltig paper riahton tbU M alee maiter. I would leud you ibis dis|>alcb trom General Dow. but I don*t want (« lose ix T va pas(C<l It on youn for fubire uea.

RespeclfiiUv your obedient K rran t,J a a g a U . allin .

P K O M I K E N T M E N ' S I I A N M *

IiWmigMn fiurK tt trioifi bis tm \» to su it bletaacdx

KoKianua F . BuUtr hkn ft liftiid Nke a dung hi mil.

S ec ri 'l ir j lluynrd ba» a liftKl like llMiry Uay'x

Dourke Coukran baa a baAi.1 like au aimca to a aUaai bsancier.

O u tso n ajid MiutenoM are bi^tokciicd in ihc bitij, liluuHy band uf (lyrus W. Fluid.

AlUin U. TbuntiM^B band loeka as If It will never be tooolil to wave b bambinna.

A BMvUm belie U not more taalidious aaileaaettxg with her maaloure then Ib'rry Wall.

W ban exfkUHl in deba te Ibe hutida of " b'UDsel" U>x bL-uuiue siuqauoUn Lbolr biter- preiaUpov

WilLiitna K. VubilerbtU Itaa lanfc. squsm biiidx bat be baa maiiiged to warm Uah at the breut life.

VS UUam M. Mvada Iiaa a Imbit o f rnb Uu{ Uis hatuli tuguAUer, wUb s son of " Wbat can 1 do for youT’ sir.

rreaidoitt Bcigwuiin Uarriaon baa a baud lirm enough fo keep ibv pewen bebliid Uie lUrouB 11) me Laokgrouud.

F erry iiclm oat takee as in u d t Cftre o f bli biadi aud nuls aa a wuuaii. He Is always ctrefully gloved on Iba alfMeL

A Im ud wiihdi ileaunbee 4be w try ivootiy at mutfou is that of Kiiwui liuulL'a I l l s ou« that any woeuut aagbt euvy.

l>r. T. p c W itt Taltuif'^ h** * hw *\thatooiaM down like a spllsdrlwr whan the Uruoklyo dumime wmbes locmpUasise a point.

U k o Pruib Ueept O tta r W ilde has a gbosliy, dammy baud, which uaki^ emu led like t ubbiug las aUurwerd lo wsim II, or to rub bis off.

Ex^Vivtideht Cleveland fivoft one a Tusl (ULirimn Cittile grasp aith b li liirst' chui>by baixi^ w biubiuaktsoavlsel that bis heart bivi boeo tb s prompter.

Maurice Btrukuacb has Ibo hab it of taking your baad In ala aud pres>lug both against bU bean 111 token of tbe pleaauruex- I^sjicDced by the loieeUng.

A hand wblcU beMpeaka the m an ia that of Heiiiy M. tManky. When be isifos youn Lctweun both of his be establlsUei a u«r rent of geulailiy whlub Jingcni long aTtoitbc act

I lrn ry lrv iu g . Uie actor, given one a Mr. Merdio ibakc, bla bands sunmiug to retreat ap b|» eorntdlL-ovu, tssvkug the butior w bis ciiflit, evcepi wbeu illplumacy dlctouis a mure sullsble ftHin.

W. W, CuiTonin, of WaahingUm, bail a band which be lakl upon your sliuabtur wilh Ltie (tHioh of a wousu, and wJifob always seeracil lu ( sy: " I'm yuur fnend, and Til 4lu wDBi J esn (or you."

.luHtire L. Q, 0. Lam ar hjw a bund an eurt as a KoniNu'!, but hh msnner of sbHkleg liauJn nlway^KUXKCitsDr. Cbi'lipH lu " iLivkl Toppi'rtiuUI;" tu'M*i-in» rrljuvwi when be gets bis hfliHl Kilrly Uiolc.—N. F. ^an.

Knaiiiel lo r Jidatwg Milk Itlaas.WftedittT describrii the fol lowing

Dieihod of prupaiiug a whiiu enamel for Jolii irg luilk glass. Mull k ie tbcr Uuvo parisof rod lead, t^uof w^;itosaod and tUFev ot cryH- talbsifJ borunc auid In a tleiMaii cru<‘djk'. The DJuJied uimas h iben poured out Q a plate of muial eu<l Unoiy pulverlxuil. Tbi-'> is inixc'l wiib gum irsascunih and «ppb>Hi to tlio Rbw!, aud (be pfouus aru pnxwfld t^uihor. MuatJy il Si beafod iu a mulQu ; imt imi ctinugti to UMLirrty well the uiiOiuel—only oofUtu U cm>ugia tu UMks li imiie with lie glass. ________

(Opposed to tbe Cwble Hnwd.7h the iAttior of the h’rw i:

S ilt—lu^ reply to a communicution putli!(bc<l inlhu .Susday Cbff HareJt J, sJ ine l by Guorge t f Taylor, pieptdent KowvtUe Ini- pruvvuienl AiMicuaUun, W(fULd eay, " in unfor tnai the airtlon taken uii Tbumlsy night by the ItusoviHe luipruvciiieut AiiwtciBtlun, rclndve to the proftuM rsjniral avenue csblo rimd, may not ml lead ihe public »W the feelln? in that pan oftbe city Lowsnl Uiitfnierpnse," that ivc, as uieisUir: ol fciie assuclstum, protest sg ^ tn lb ls use pniip ulSiX'iatlOQ's name in ck- pre^2.Ulg his personal views i-sitecmUy when the action of the last meeting wa’i uppurwii to ihrin. stid a inoliuu wai passed oppuaiug ibu btilluitig of a cable rued nii t'vniral avuDue. K. V. B. Dodd, Cyrus i'cek, b A. Devlh, Tylrr Fsrmly. J. d. liurxBU, U. H. Brciaiual!. H. GriiljiDX Charles EcLwardx George A. Hill. A Kuntadl.

Bofcsville, K. J., March 4 ,1S89.

Love wad Lace W ork.Of course lleve him. (One, two, three,

Awloliplbeiburib.} Dear fedow I yos He fairly wonblpp^ me. (Now look;

This rime you t sks two stlfobaa luea}Quite tall, well-built; bis eyes wen gray— (You pull tbit Lbcead tbe utkar way.Two loopa) A d Imple in bU chin,

The sweetmt hair, (My dear, oiaerre.) Hewsaapeet. (TblsbegiM

TbciJN;CQiMl row, aud makes (be earre.) fm sure you'd Uk« to read the rbyxuee l^w ioteiue. (*Bound tbe edge, tUriM) times.) Poor boy! Ills fato was very sad ;

Hs (Hod quite young. (Auolber one,But nA so tighl.) It broke my heart

(There, ihal ii very nioeJy done.)He was my first Ioyc, and—mv is»t (Be nrefbl, dear; drm'l go so last.)My husbandT Ob, the klndeslm in

1 met him (now, tbe patiernsbowi 1)I d Europe. Ve were married there :

And—oh, welU ycsl-^as marri«gu goo,1’4U happy. {Keep Ue (bread quite siialght, Ol il, wUl tangle.) SudiisCitel

C l J A C ^ O l f


R I I E U M A . T I S M .

C h rtn fo C i i « i o f 4 0 Y e t r t CuraO. H u n d rad a T a it t fy . No R ety rn e f P i l o .

AT D A tw in . .HD P u i r u .t n c H U L i t a. v o u L ia co . i h u m n , m a

Tiitfs PillsA Proclamation

D r. 1. Guy LewlH» F u lto n , A rk., s ay e t **A l a a r agai I l i a d IdiKraa lav<-r; l u i t ' s F l i t s wdure so h ig h ly seiuMiiiiiaiidfld tk a i I aa«d th e m . N evar iltri uivuiidtHi havW a h a p p ie r e ffre t. A fter a p rac tlue of a q s M rtr r o l a o*atary« I pnM iaJai ibaiM ih w b a a t

A N T I-B IL IO U S ^idw iaa wvvs laaeu. J aJaraye p reso rih*


Ri'HDUIor, ukI whi'iuhiiD' 1, ,tiy .l.-r,ufuiiitDt of n, wUS tU u n«hi l>ol<l: u will biilVI u;> lunl tlnuiHllH'Ji (Ih- W(‘,k |4 iu v s niuDVU U u m in t dJ; ilSeiwT, HUU puntic, Uio Uloud.

I t C u m th « Wck ■ H .d u lw ,K n t s r o , l-««t A ,.|io lll* , A id ,U ltM taou , Hoit Vu,IU»«la C m , « T ,P « l> " » .

T h » o m toiuB iti mw M d e without iwooh ui MlMUiilUk'Uiuui. Hotow wo piliil • le tt uftill- m » n r t iu ii'lrfd so f nuupw of tli<»« wlu) li*T»P r c u c w e J ^ i u hm i

DyspepsiaW .R , W L * r i

KigA, Mlub.Boat. BRinue.

McbnlasvlUo, N. T.H. E.UVW,

l \ j r t Huyal, Ta.C. J. WmT«J^K*^ _

Nutwlicb, Ct.G. Va n Bumi^ .

Maytkld, N. Y.J .T .l!* t in u > .

Hbixhafiibvn, N. Y.I l n . B. kiiiUAi.[.,

Eurvka, Me.TiiMuaAlLAN,

llumHW, P x Wm, W Jo n w ,

CuTlInTllA, Ind.M n. K. A. JicMKiss,

FlUsUurgli, Px

iHasmtion Day, larcli 4.


tn e d w ia ath e u i. '

H O I . D E V E n V W I I E K E .



O n ly O eaiilne Hy»iam e f M euiury T ra lw laf riM ir MiMiko L e aru ed In one rejidlug.

MIimI W aivdetiiig C ured.M vary ab lld an d n d a l t g re a t ly lK»iMditeil.(irosl lUduceiiicuUt lo t^rruipo(iiliUi(.v nosctit

Pr«rt|tl‘PIUH, with upiiil'UiiH t)f Dr. V\iii. A* HHmwmnd, tbe wurld-TstiKd S|>fU>iilMt iu Mind UaaW l 4lreai)iaat Thom p*son, Ibeiiri'Sl Psruliulugbl; J . A1. liui-klety, I). I>»pedilorof the t ’AnMirm .-1rJiui.virr, N I.. hU rhand I 'ro c lo r, tbe Scluhtlil; H oaa. W* W . A h tn r , tlw d g e QU»Mjn«J u d i th !*• llex la - m iti, and .xher'. afiil ptjs ln« by iT tif . A. LU ISKTTK, 437 r iA h Avs«, H. Y.


fb O M P L E X IO N ^ I # W A F E R S .

T he eiiclr*ft( waiy aesw lae .StAd liiNuwarkby LKWlS bKt>^, C, b. SMITU

i j i l luauy utbwA.

W hiiqsll liiuugitli am lunvd luwsr>l the gnpot (;arntal ou tb li day . we Ousiru lu sontMinpe ibst U U IU " irta im uranu i Hay ' wtili us, fur we Ininenra'v inm ber SPKt'EAl. HAI.)*!, end Vrwb aU foltcfoW tu ibtt Urvat Bergsln. w hich is a

Constipation, pigsT.CLASS KCW UPRIGHT PlilOFully w arran ted for o l i ya*r», w biub we ore

nfft rliig for

IS50 Caati or S275 od Isgtalmenta.O nlyStO t>owii atH SB P e r Mmilh until

th« balauee U l*eld.


THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MARGEA larsc^hum iw r o t Second-band Pianfw ibat

ba vv bev'ii uiki,-D ai vxi<baugv, iurJudum It'vb.T. ChK-kirUiK an d oibem , which wu will se ll at a Urvmi M erukw,

O p s of all Best Makers,U H l'K tiU l.tlA t.K lYlow tor Ib u lio o lk .

S. 0. LAUTER CO.657 & 659 BROAD ST.

Mrs. n . DoMABn,I'iguuiiC ove. Mart.

W iLUxtt W n r ,liu u tid a le , F x

Wm. JxM ta,UiiSaln, N. Y.

L iu u i Mo h a n ,liKVWva, H, Y,

Mrx A, FaiiVT.UAk,Uimiia Vi^tfo Fa.

MUh M. Kitt.livan , C b a rlr tia w n , M a rt

A itim tF u iiicn ,F. IfoifoN), M art

W iL iu w Davis,Yuughloglfoity, F x ;

J. J. HuMhAm'.^BirffaSlO, N. V,

W itC .SM vnm a,Moebeotar, N. Y



Marston’s Foot-power Circular Saws

Barnes's Serdw Cutting Lathes.

Weather Stri|)s, and Skates, all kinds

43 MARKET STREET,Near ('nuiiiiuuao. N kwakk , K .J.

T R L K rilO M R S04.

Special Saleor

IN K S !I ' o r T w o W i t o k H ,

l ' ' o b r i i : i r y U S , a t

E v e r y V i a i i i t l 1 o l 'e t - t jg W N ^

O i r r e c l w l . ' ^ p l -My iMinr.ivCKi Ny«ieni »r tl<ilugglAMWx by vory carcuiDy lesilitNCiii'Ji EyesuMCAiciy un aium ly dc*^igDe(lui>bLh>iliiUrtcupo, f:1 ie«thE (K"t roiiuliliand Mveids any fNiMUlu errur. i'erwEiN wbu have Ulg'H’Uby lu Kf'Ulng siiiiaUe glA>at« will Lnd U lo Lbeir advauUge tOKivs inu a triOLW .M . H . i : i N H A l Mp O i i l k i a i i ,43 NArjSAU ST., near LlblUtTY RT., Now V<irk FTvti mJuulud' walk Irmn iJoitinudL Si. Furry.

N o a . 177 a n d 170 H A L S E Y S T A E E r ,


The Mutual Benefitu n IN SU R A N G E COM PANY,

NKWAKK, h JAMZI IH > m b - - - l^ e s ld f 'n t.Awwis lUmrkfl valu^^K Jan. I. ‘W. |4i,'il4,46i»l Uti-Ulib% New Yurk aud Moxs.

tbAiitUnl....................... 4f,lkl.W7.33I'Uri'lO''.................................. b,iN’«,.M4,‘J1Furplitf. by fnniKT N V. ktiiu IhdI

rXiii Kl 4^ p«-r cenl. ki'msTVcl *JIR'ulli’les AbniHittd 'lv N « ' -C 'ortirJLabla A H »r

H«4iiiiul I rn r ,iK CASK Of LO«K Uk' PollOV Js «».VT)MI'KP JM

ouitukiKi hmH NNiU value alU ]>av fur : or, if ]ir>'fi-rn.’il, a l'ai(l-up Policy lurlr» lull valuuls iMiinl 111 MdiAiico.

A Her Ibv mw th l veir. Fitllctw iro Twtw- TBaT4Bl.f. uxui‘'-l H< miaiUHl nil 'iiriubal baud ; QNil oU m Jrtr.'dfas os fo rrstdrat'e, (mvni i>r urei^ iNiiN/itOff rrwiwtsil.

LahJi am inaL- lo Um I'xlimt ol 60 |N>r4>e.il, of luo r v * ' r v v w b i r . ‘ vhIhI «-;Ibii-tcfnl^uf ibi‘ beat's iim tie iiuuli tis cutlaiHrnl Srt-unty.

lAttom (wiil imni''<lliUvly uivuii cuiupUiUuu ainl sli|in>VBli ul pi-NU-*.

Carriaie anil Iw i Harfliare.Bhuilcsfflltlie' and Mauhlnieta' Tuole.

JAMES A. COE & CO.,lO O C lo a H L ^ I .U K liK t I T . , c u r , C lln to u

Vl«nra«A»._______]~ , K N N iT v I .V i N l i l lA IU tI tA ll T « «

s ttA i T runk l.ln r mmI L uiWhI fetiolw iti»JI n>urf> Un HtiO i tfb r Feltruan ' *-■ irti> tr»jnR wmts«v« Mavkei Mlriwt Hi iikm.NvWMrk, fi.nnWR-

'.kou A. M. l.lnp.OiiHv fur II arrUDurtf, Pill*- liurgim a ili** W*wt wltli riillu m n FnlO'*'UiiuUifh Ui C!i%« TuteUo. ua>i, L'tlH'LJi-n»H mi.l ‘‘1. I4)U'- S.'B P. M. \S rfU-ru K.kun*K\ nnii> Tnr llurrlf'jUtu. I’lll‘■••mv »unl llie M‘‘ -f, wm> 1-u IImuii Car-i llirtMighi wiP.itiitrD m iin lo r r : s - -,r,(. t'lm itmAll, C ltvvU ml, iVil- on»((> X{Hii|thu . iu] hi. I.ooK

iVil*. M. -P«4-1iL Kiur-vtiUolly w ith PnUnwn l*i»U<v C.iri ilitotigh allU tiul vluaiitf* lo IhlfolHirg ri 4 rh li .

Fm WasliinaloTi oinl Uia Houth -1X17,«L1 ^ A. W.tl.lBill*!-l Ktprwiii. I*uU-IIIHII p.tr'iirl'wr.'s ItiJS A. M. ■; l.'ai, i .ii. 4.*A onU S-.Vip. M. linJStintlias. ii.f,', h.*i nt)i\ ».J' A-M - A ^ iu i. ia s ii l ' i l. Fur ftaHmtorw ..rily,7J» r . M. dauy

Vot l‘UIUVli>^,tft Kxi.rww, l i r , S.rt, 7Ji>S S A O T .a ; liiniMfti INillmiui I'^rlnrCOIN ll.foA H.. iiM, i.>. zi'. lan.'iiri, L'JU aiiiiam |>, M. Huih4ny invtire t-.'.vr. SJW. 10.4J A. M . 4 - . Lj'.. i t i h «! 7 V.muA ■i.V f . M.

Arviim. n.*.i A Xl.,«w,.u.1 T.::i 1'Pi.. I rwMwh. ItlT . ■ .«, T UU. 7 :o. M,At. 467,430

<10^J.Uu'1i.‘ I KkMrMSi II e»»Mil 11,4. A. M .iit-'i.1 Ju. 7 ■ 1 5 . • rj, s a , t.-3o n u i ».j i I' M. Hmi.Uj.lltT hW, :■%, Mil A. M 4i>.

Pur AilvuLif 4'ii\. lies r . 31 (wlih ihrough |AU*'I • LAi'.uUai.l : 'l! I.J)< i'. M. WUtX Uh>*.

FnrVii]w* Muy, 1 P. W. WiWk Pl>r Hhs Ulb Lily oiht 4XMD in y , IJU T. M.

Wi-uk Uayo.Fit I uJiN braftfli. PllVron. U>mu (it'.v^.

H ^ lo t Lake* Oiri, Mn{mM|U<m. I’lOiil FiMut- aiii feiui uo.uiji oit L)K- Nt'w t .T k iiimI I,>his Jli.iiK-MUnria«l,B.,iii *!., l i ! b . i « - m l Vji P. M (l«i|v .a s i i 'i ii H.iiHiay ihi D'i *-t "1

\ i i P. M. iNt ruit <ifop a l Ot-vau wrove ur Asliur) Park on .‘ utnlav

u r n .VXW YOUK.l.e*vr V arbu i m itT t suuiim , Xltt, L t'.X m .L Il

XIU. 7JM, ; p., T.JI. M ». V.-aJ, 7.A1. VVI.N5Ka«XXA7. H.lis.'IJH, IV.W>, li'JI*. laiW, UI.4N1I.M1.11 1. A.M ., lAu'M .: I'iA'. l.D', I.X., ’Ah'. AiA AI\A.7, MTI. .Mlsltuu, 4A' *m. xai. VV', «hi«. t i l , h..a.H.+k Akf, r.«;T.IS, 7-ii, T.V-. Mt». ".VI, a*!. ».ti, l*UM. MM

U. Hunday iraiua./ll^sLfT.XOP.N.UO, liurj. 1"J’. mta ll.Mi A. 2J-. liM* ; l.u', i«i, V.W,iriT.+iY, \ a i , 7.i«*.:.Xi, 7 . ^ 7 Jb ,x iu ,ifl,v ja» UOlt. WtAi P M .anil l iu j uMjlit,

ISNVr ivi^irw Hirwi M-ttiitm At», "-1*1 M«. 7A T I7,7.4H, T-H, I aXK. • P 10.11.1, |W.Kt, ILli A M; i ; t S l I i 3 , l . U i ^ xfo, l.ai, Ail. i.'H, U I. 4M

7.4S, K\z, v n . 10.w ■rat luxi r . M.wiwli. iloyit

l-'uvo Uuuitiuit ivirerl Hiotloii Xl'2, W . AiO. a-ai 7.1'i'i.N'AT.ri, i*c. t.r7, iv .4 i,i.i\ a-i-.IHirr lik/irv, )l .’t<! A. M., tJ * l.*a, 4*>U. i 'A XVT, M*', 4.1H.4.M,XVH.i.|7. klH,xai.a.tl. 7JH.7XI. 7.4L > UO, \.w n I*, i.iui. Hi Miami llAtl M- KiHMlay. AH'), ?. ii. lo ” . fo.W. M.-y A. a ■. I i i ‘. 'iM. .tfo, 4 4. 7.‘,- ;\4 i, s.Ji.xa'i. iaxiaijii u..'oiI*, w,

1.4'avi' h mmet I Hlifiat HlaUun. -VM, aos. A3I. M l. T.*',r li,AlrvA5V.AW,XlXU..Il,XM. 1u.6d miiUlrM A.M .. i : i : . I .S . I ts , l it), tiA A si. i . r ,n.lA «.■, r.i'', T.-if. ’lAi, Mi, IU.4* »ml IlM P. H. •Miii«lHy.XiU,Ka.1,UAS. DUi. llXl A. M.; IXUI, l.lH. '.Mi U i, &.tl. ti.M, 7.IA h,fo. lUU, DAI ami 11X4 P. U.

PlOkW M A tlK iri HTHKKT siTATIriN.For Ktuialwtii ami lU iiw ar i- i7 ululiu All,

Tfo.v.as.7.-vi.Afo. ksMiftt. ia4i , i i r , 11^ a. m .,iUC. l.Xi. AU|, A.t>, lAS. 4 r t i.iK, xm, l . i \ AC, 441,.-k4.,L.A, Ai)i,A«7, AI7. Afo. A », tUh, LP. A'C, WiC, vri. lo4n J'. a i. ,a u l IA17 iiiabt. Miialto', llMT.a.'IV, Afo. ilSi, MUA, lilC . U.-lT A 61., 1:1». I.Ai.-iai. A £. Air?, 7.U\ 7,56, XUJ, AI4.XMl, Ml, Di.HI. Diet MJal 11»I7 1'. M,

i-urJVwA' iiruiihWH'k -IA47 a lg ln , A47,7X10,7J|i>i j7.y.vi..M.iJi.4'. A. M : I.5‘. l it t, x r . iw .Db. I.IV MX A'J, A5.. 7 A. H.ItO .'Ukd lik«* I’ U.lUlUhV iX47 IllaliUSiU, a.il-l ami 1'KSI a . M.l i iS \

__________ W n w n m a to.TV'V.~jeco»a owRsltbute.X L. - 11.a Uocia,.aul*Msmim.

TopoUB n tn c - lO c . , *K!., SOc., # o J W eek O om m nnC iut M OHnAT, M u c h « kM ittuM lunH lay . W wliicidkf, I W l ] t u d

iictu<ili.r. a 1'. M.Ib e fcv o tll. And I w I1»h SiMcUItT u d C « ^

udy tuinpcnj, u t AnuH«,AUHTIN’H

Aostralian Novelty Companyhi a W ondnrru? and Artu.ni>g Fnarroiame^

tperlally wlapted for Lodmi ami (imldrsiL hox t IVcv alaaTs upen. Toiepliuue efiO.Next Week—ZlTKA.



AUb.i i l l ||m il„„T», M.'l-l ,-r.m

l.iU, .V-Cl Oja. l.Wk aXi, v.Wi mui U.X;> 1' Pit Wi,>oi1l,ii id

C O L L E Q G .Lift* lE'holarhiilp fou. Hon IDiHii it'i

; /l f><


Newark, N. J .W rite for r itc ’ilmrs. Mon-

Ktgnl jfloluca.


'«aD rcJ;«rrr^m #‘PMkSPi4.lBs'4TillllAlUlCMIHlirWkliMri. 4 ofe'-tnaLioa on4 Mutls'MOi CcmlctriiMe! S#lf-l4j**U^ V-wo.lahttnWnl *'l oU-r • vO'.ltlWS'UA.MLS Mf>a«*asn«|'.rarinajat‘ • 04ta.«T wwTiarauwrw JHauL^fanuriSiUhllfeAs

y iih l It: H u . i : tui'L ■or >•

ilK lll.AL kHlMTK >vm xr leiC Imli ■ J oskiiitlilpul

>• iilvmi lliM. vlih.M rviit iN-tui‘,1 I >, .liXii Jl

14 It.

iiiHl Ivith AuilHiy-4111 :.JN, .i.ui 4 I'Vl.oT 1'. II.iMiHumtaye fo il A. M , kXSaaiJi

i rXM, UU aud LU


n i i a wicKK.

ROSINA YOKES IMiHKiey. TutYday. Wt^lDSouay and Hsiurday

Ev(>;<iiiB»-“ A U araoof Millwerwl.ih " "The ho'.iiib Diamond.''

TiiurvlHT niid Kr^lay Kvonlfoca, Botitfday Matifvrr " In Ihinitr BoumI," "T be (.1rcua HIder,'’ *'A F»nlomimi‘ Kr*hpanitl,''

W4H,k--Kki:i'KKii:K itPYTOff.ALDMANN « NEWARK OPERA H o L s t

Wwek C o m m an tln g MONDAY. M arch 4* Msilueei TiMaley, TbuiwUr* Btiunlar.

livlD Bros'. Big SpecUlt; Skov.Auifrlccii Htc-A Wwl.y Hrw . (loidtMi * Ufk,

Ml*» l/• r11 rilWm, P/iaHrdu A Urfsnry, Klfh- DionilAiilctiroy.(3^ Hma. Mwi AllotKayintajil, Ur. li.tTga NahIi . Mbs Ada a Ifor- uen, Ur. Pbarkai iP hoymoDr, mui ltidiDg with

«• M 'N l'L T Y 'N MINrOHTUNMftc** Wooday. Marolr ll-L E A V lm iK I’UaPFuAII



UHANCfl fvC'I!OriT,-at4 aivlHVJ WoSt liitU HI., Now \(»rli C tv.

A.W. DlPLK^. Prlnripal.JI.rui.KMAN.J'r.^l<liiii.

Sleepless Nights•*ror BenTld ft

m m iU ilw u n o t ftble to Blucp, but ttW f tu iiij FftlNKt CftLkftT OOKroUMi tur two dajft. In- ■nnuilft find tuid ■u«ii|;Uiratuni- ftd," ‘E. O.SionT, U auH cn,& C.

** I J u r e oftjf ft p a rt a t u buUJn of PftlnCg Culw/ Coiu,)ounil. und It biM uourrlr fftlimocl ou- o t ft—cptumiieH.. Irotu whlub I litTi) B itlond graftUy.

bUc. K. AcTQi4Fr, Feoili, III.PnIiM'a Oelery Oompouwi pruducai Bound

lURd r^rrahlng HlMp. A pbyMBlBU'B p tw rlp - U iu. It dooii oot eontnii ooe buitntul (trait. Uko uoUduf olw. It U ft guaraolocd vui« tw iloen!(»incss, It dlrrotlnna ftfft (nlthlully *ftU(vrri. ILOO. fltxIorlB.fto. D rum utit

W xuft. fiunutLfttwN 4t Co.. kurlLftdtoft. Vt.

For ft kn>g iliBB I waft »o nnrvouft ftOrt worn o u t tbftt I f^Bttd not work. I tiiudiniaiy taMI- c l i i ^ b u t mme guvo mu reUet uoUI I uasd rulnn'a Oulcrj tom pouad. wbloh ftt om s utreiurtbonrd nod turlfforalrd niy nurvoo,"

U i i u T H tu u ftk , nurUoiltoo, VC,

Paine’sCelery CompoundqiitekJy qutcla and Mrengthfus th e nerves, wticD u riU M or weakened by overworlr, ex* eti«iM,dMasae,orUHV}k. [t cnrwinerviM mert bcmlarhe, dyiaefwia, aleejiUwinittii. oieUifobo- iio, Mjd other dlaohlea or the jumtous Hysfom.

Tones up the Shattered Nerves" Few iwo y ea n 1 wan a Rufforer from ner-

vouKintallUy.aiun tiiaok Uod xiui Urn dis- oovfirro f ttiu valuable remedy, th a t Fulifo'i O lcry Ciompound curea me. Let any one wettu to nw lur aUvJca"


aimna o m m o JM fvt ituhM*.

BAD COlfPLEXIONSftT h e S e s re l o f T he ir C ause FuU y 1 ^^

P ls lM d —W hy LesUee a r« Suliow sikd .M en F slU d '-bunae V siu » b le F ao te on ib e S ohiect.lo fu^oiui aioBg tbe Icwding streeta In aJmnoi

any ^ y In America lo-<1ay one will tnevt with but few Indies wbu bivo dear o<iiiip.exiun«. Masy peewoe have bled to acoutial for ta b Md biclJ:;>ecauf«enlieaeTetv climate of AmorK'.u, but vucli nvuoftiDg tt wrong. A bod i-omplex- (uo M cauxed by impure blixri, and im lady miii be really beautiruJ, and no man ruddy, wbuboa diseased or impure blood.

t be lieai'known way of kecvlug tbe blood pure h by kw pliif Uclrculallag. In tb li way H paiMs rapJiy thruugn tus luujs. kidneys anu liver, la d 111 ouiwiamly purldedT ihiteun- LAjaiug Ufo lyatem Ji clQg;ge(J ursa< is (requunily (DC case, tbsii, u/txrun-e, tiiebluod becumfiAiia- pure. Xbiifo bu' fou uw!u, men aud women lake Buuid powerlul ptirgeilve, pill or (Aber sutMiaDCD, tbat cletirs tbe body quickly, weak- CDs the atreugiti, u id leaves Uie tyaiaiii in workecoodliioii ibaa before. Theom y keun* t»1e way y to take a pnU e, pure end oeiural puriiiaiive, oKiacaucly bai regularly, and ibc bighfii bnuFD medical auUioritlos of the day agree tbat the gonuioe Iv ported Carlsbad Sptudcl BaU U Ufinltely superior t o any other natural D r e M r a t l o t i kLowD to ibe worid. ItlsgcD iie, yeiBilmuLai' Ibg ; it La pure, yet poweriuL Coniaiirtrg only oaiuial prupertlos. U lng eraporatod (nno ibu OttlebraietU'aiUbod Bpiudel spring, it caDout Jidure the body lb tho leasL and yai It ban Dwver railed Unchew Uie, purify ibo Uood and Uuif clear tbe complexion. Uuudredi of doo- torsbave given il tbeJr unquailikal endorae- znetili; tbouundt of |)Cople go each year to tbeCsurJabid Upr1Dg^ but they can gri'aUv-beiicJIt than by takfug ibe (.aTlsLakl Spnufol Malt lo Ita powdered fortn, such os can be procured a t any drugafofe ia tbe laud. Wbe& It Is ooii6l<fof»(t tba t the Chrixbad Sait aate, praeUcaiiv, liiUe more than the cheap. quenfoDable aon often ifijurwms Saitv. jiurgaiivci and Dittar Waiert ibflt are In ibe market, on# hotile belug suffl- clftiu,for nearly a tow th , all pam m i who keep pacew hb lbs times and doslre only w h a th bfvd. will Me that It h to their lutereat to dm ooly the Carlsbad. Vacb bottle l i in a light blue paper cartoon and b is th e signature EJsrer A Meiidelaon 07.. sole ngenU. on every bntile. Ohe UMIo mailed upon racet[H or one dollar. Dr. TolMiidt's lecture aud pampbkils mailed free upon appIlMlwo. Bieifor & Mun- delKHi Co., a w rclay tt,. Now York.

Crescent Sarsaparilla!too DOSES FOR SO CENTS.


RATIMFACTION.Can anything be talrer than this? You run

ho risk in piirruoslnz a bottle untforiliri guar­antor. Remember Ihst we am retail druggiala. and tka t our rrautAiion and our entire retail Lusbiew ore a tx ia lto ,ir Crasront fiaioueriUa will uo tdo Jiut what we claim lor It. Tbe lu> kvedienti are tdaluly printed on evucy botilu tabei fiir all to r<‘aid,ao tuat Y'OU KNOW JUST WHAT YOU AUK TAKING. NoaecftfCy, os Is ibe coae wUh other sanapatllloa.

Cresoent P aiio rtn lta will cure Blood D iur: dere, F liu p lrt lAo:cbii«, Dys{>e7Mia, Hbeuma-' tEtm, anu all other iroubUw arioliig Dum lu ' Imptiru ('undlllou »f ttic bloud.

104) DOftEfl F O H AO CENTfL Why pay iLflO, or oven Tfir,, for niber makfa

of HiiniacariUa(ih>^ ibgredlenia of which ye;i know iiuibiiig)i when you cxn purctatfo I'ree* cent SantpanUn for per boitle {with tbe lugredi^uti pla'uly prioutd on botua iubeD. aud have a guotauiua iif loouav rclumtol if you are dinalT-fied with the neOjclue fur aay it-ason whatever?

T M war-lwri)i| nuimril 1’.

fjif, r i i , 1’. ritiiui*- II. K.MmiWi.rUai'I'ia ( (•iiMf, liiH ‘I ' d v v 4'kiiijiiiitu*<' ot lilt* Timuftii)]' i» R Iti'V.llv, Ol rmoilv ill'Ui iiihLm lhi< ii-i|iui-l t.iXi oil Uinlt.ti'iN'-iiie jin, lM'rii|iiH>iu‘ut'‘ HJi I rmil i«iiiirc lu Hih hii>I low[>M)li) for I III* yi-ar I'T'7. lt>4< Milwcrll-'r, rol- jf<i tnrol {»«•'• f ir tin- mi d towiiHlu|i. Ui m |,(iui ilii.xiM wairn'i' l» iiiTi'r-l'**!, will, ,.ii Hu-<<hiy,lli(*lwi'rHi liHlIi ii*iy of W.*/''!! im"i I,*iI llw lu.or (ifnij'* I'H-it i', M .,hI ui> uiWiv, lUilHiii-'.Mnin ^lr ■4-1.1'i a-i'l l«‘W o-iiip, w || iiiv IkmOh, inw iniMiu*. l>■r FliLill«■■nl■ ni"i r''HH’’'»iii« I Cii'niiilrr il('-n rllHVi ut txililfr S I'liiliii', Tor Him rh ,i'U'sl U'TlIi,iir.lti^ri'tft.linr llnrlv yi-.ir-, for wrurli any tH*r.«oniM |M*jN>iisw'.il -L'liv l>. t.kki' Mi« I.UUU*oM<i i>uyiui< Il 1-hXiH Wilh !i.l: I l|j‘'ii‘''h 1.11101 rut*' »f 7'.;

li'rihiiii. fnnii llu-twoiit'^*lh i1j»y jif U lo'-T, A.l*. h'i7. biui-umr wlUi alt ixaiiJi, fuea, clmiKiM unil exit iHM-a.

41 J.ilii, lliu'ly,UitliM‘. ......................... 4*1tIoiiM* liii-l litiitl, liiirUi ftlJe ulilBliHiiiihi'lil riHid.

97 iluiN*rt I'lnull, tux due.. .... . 7 1OlIH lot.

XB6 J -) '. Matin, lav ilu«. ....................... isu HIAM ttcn t, I.9.UW1 Willi loud, wwt »Ua Plain el.

MO Ami KlumlaNd, l«x doe..................... 4147iitiil laiKl, wwt altit- Main ML

431 folini.n S.H.ilHllni(l, InX i\\tr............... » B4Jloalilcuo* wnrl foi, u:iM aLfo Mata at.

476 riunahr-iit Vail Kii-'t, U .1 ilut'......... MSIai'tl InC. Pii'l'iiUi* Main at

HO Lr.1. 'I'hcmiaS Hiulj u, l ix itui‘., ............ V* toIliiiiMt-wild lot, t^ ‘'lsiili'MiiUieU

HI FMmU'T. It. ('iHUinaL.>n, u r itiin..... 4iifo Uila iw uil bwnk, Sicjihaua and Kiit- fi<ra in.

Ml AbroiMzat l*arwel|n, las due........... . 13 r tlUMidonivainl luUiiuiU'aklu Jdwhi si

HI Hhmnuin WeiliL lax duo . . . MMlJiiM-utH'rtf.wmUi -liUn MD) at.

OH Jwiio Mi lM'/Kiutt, Ux iliii'.................. }IU5Ih-ahti'iire, foi and Iwrn, imrllt wide JUm at.

722 FAtaii'I'airirk HmliN, Ux diia........ .. IBt?Muu4I> uud lot, -uitli alita WilJUni aU

734 Jwi o.) i-'iw'Mer, tux .................. 6 07Jluuai' and Ini, iioriU sLfo W'lljlwmai.

WH Jvliii t'Un«<aii, lux rinn....... ............. IQ Ulloin-e md lui,wnilh *il4' WihliunaL

Hi'd )>7iUii'rilili-iiu I'liiierwtHNi, Du (liK*.... fo r t lloUM^aiid iwndjiiuiliHldo tViUiani at.

S(U hAi]UrUldr>uii UmlcrwiHa], laji dui> . 13 fiSiliinia' and Ini, wmi Hldti iMiw al.

M7 JHliina I'hllHim. lax iluo...................... IMTwn luM north aiile Julio Hi.

1l74 K(*tHteril(to(i]ilJiiU4‘rivi>rNl.ux due... ISJV 11 mtae :■ inJ h>1 . n e i aide t'oiiri Inndi al.

H2 >At|iU!(lii1oort i;it(forw(H>i|,Dix don. . e 44 Barn aud fol,e«ii alduU.tuTtlwndi au

1005 Ut-oruo i'tmMiiiiJgH, tax du*'............ 71!/6llimidi'DU* and Ini, we4t aide Court- labiil 51.

1006 ii^iirgiU'iimnilnua, U> d iir .............. 14 dlItor4|i1miiii biiil mi «ent Hide ( ’ourt- Iwitdiai.

1007 llinirKO I'uiiinihigi, Uti duo........ .... t4ttnx-A <Teuci Mial fol w ilt aldv (luurt-jiiiUltSL

mUi lilra, Murt'lilianV, tnxdu»>............ . 12 7mlluu<a wial l(iL Xldo ('inirtlandlal

lOSl » l . lluKli-M'1'uim«ll, tax duiv........ BA3niMiaa and lot riu.1 aide lFi»w ni,Ann lliiiJicrAiHKt, i i s mn<..... ........... gi D4iliHiM-iind lui Kt^i.diforiUipIn'nanL

t m Itonry'fHi'lnr.lwxdue................ '. ... (HlliMjHn imhI Jut I'ujLaldi* Hu-pLoxis at

U20 KU Jiaril imwm'y, US dill'............ BW1Ci- I ’1hi.c ' and lot caalMdeHu>piH'na U.

1141 Theudnri- HiirMlford, tax dun....... Jtt 1.VlioMkloiiuoaml laud uorUi anlo ACud- ••my fi.

UW Aiwry IsiwiXMiix*. Uu due................... 6 ViJliiir likUTtiHl rnaldr-uiw ami Uud northHidn lluL^iiuial.

IIM Ift.iwrctice. tax duo............... 8 MJLnli incnrmt nwldviKV and land rioil’iaUin ItnliofaalKwUMAinuel MarUn. UX <tuH........... 11 nItuu.'H' Mild hd nHKt Mld«' laHai'nt.JuUn P Vomia, till din‘.,

BEAU XU1H TESTIMONIAL:JfiMOa'and lot wCiHxido llalpUal. Mra, f. li. Uulliorlnril, Ux duf. ..

Nbwark, N. j .. May 14. mi7.C iw »B t Pni« to .. N«w«k, N. J . - I »l*h to

add my Uwiimouloi to the many you have a l­ready puhliahed for the wobdvrnil curex oc- uianpllshed by Cruacam fiaraapsrllit. 1 nm tn the uuipfoy pf Moaun. lieurga A. ilnbey it ifont, MaDufocliirera of I^tont and Kiiaowlw IwiitU- er, HprlM^ekl avemte, d tv , aod ItfoinydiRy to oifona tutbe lima u d bniUira 1q the eiiBlae- roon;!. I caught a heavy e d i thin wiutor, and wxm after WBH lUUcltod with nmumallwn. Mv llmUii becaine so rilff and tore that looiUd work ouly with the gieafo^t dlffieully and dlMvrm* fort. duUD 1 wax uimpeUcil lo ri-malh boute aimoMi every otbar day, ns I mflVred inch ■gUDf In the boiter-rooiD tbal 1 could not do my work. Finally my ca»« became so bod

to.Q(i medicine did me do good} that weat to the Ctty lloapUfll fur trest-

meui. Tbe pbralclaii there preforibed 4ur me, but I gfuw w ore. Tbon 1 wont to 8u Mtoheot’i Ilusplhil aod was treaied for my complaint by lw n o f ihe lien phyricians in tbe hiwpitnl. Fon a few days I ubtalned Mitre re­lief and aitempted to gn heck to u y work, loit foumi I wax IKcspable of duii>a7mr*wcr1i, Tide was a great buiinriune to ibc, as my dally bread was dependent ul*un niv IbIjot. By ihJi time my niflfertng wm Indee-l gn'tt, Ic^nitd not sieec n lghu, and 1 found Uiat 1 bod loat tw enty'lhree pcoiadi In Aesb In a abort time. I had DO appeUto wid ccDkl not nuau) food on my etonkoirb. Di the moriunga i hinged lor ijigbt to come so ibat 1 might sleep, to d at ufgbt wbeii 1 eculd get DO rest, null (uK<a>d un- eoxlly upon ray bed, riongcd for the duysBain. AUpgelber 1 wo* Id a niiHiTalau pUghi, tu ll I was .afraid 1 would never be well igoln, A iiUow vorkmau to tbe fociory

uqred me to try CroicoQt Aarsaparllli, Imt os 1 hM used U a a ri H anapartliaa >d oiber ineili- clDBx wlihom obtaitilug any relief frrjin i b m l was loth tu begin taking cVesoent Horva^iariiia, atibcugh 1 knew of « number of fieraoux wbu had uoM It wKh great good to toem . A tlaxll was pentoOiled (o try nreacenl ferraparllla, and befure J had used botf a Uritle I bx'gsn to fed beticr. 1 have usod In all fbur iaAilea. My rheumatiMD baa mmc, my appetitn has m itarned. I Hifen well at nl|(bi aoii 1 nm galnlRg ktrerigtii and Tc«h dally. I am iNick nt tny wiH'k aud fool that I h tvo a uevr tcosu ci life. NuihlDg but Creacent Hartaparllla has dona Uila t t has not Mily cured mo uf rickniw*, b u il t baicD ablel mu to rd u m to my work upon which my living dctKiiidcd. All of the workmen In the factory know ot the liocii to my cate and CrwaoiDl (lanaparHia D baihg used tbruaitbout ibe factory with ex­cellent rfiuito I he ir nolb tog bill prainu far ItaDywhcra. I'an! runfklenl tha t I do not put It lou riroufly when 1 nay ibat ('i-cacoDt tana- pnrtlla Hved iny lll'e. JJcllcvltig this, 1 fool it my dll y to fottbo public ktn/w how wunderfai a cure Ihaaocntt^anapaiilla bm worked qikni me. In lusElce to you aiMl ior thu luroruoilEin of o iben wbu may pcrhsiNi be ruffortog as 1 mice did, ] offar you Inis hwUiVy of my exparl- CDce with Crvioeal BeroapanJia and bufw tliat U raiy ba Itia ihm d of luduclng otburi to give LYctoeDt RontiFArilia a trial, Yciu have my tull penafoilon to publish or print this tesUrao- D la i i i may seem bertloyou . I atno wfoti to say tha t this lesttmouial has been offered by ma volafitorlly wlLhuui any aolicltaUoD on your port.

RosjpectNillT Yoiirt Danul uava to MerourSt,

TtogeEBUtMl ofBfarweAl hUiig«Xcoordips to tbe fttgremiH ,Ai« ft

French clecthciftn. H. 0 . A. Tabourin, bM hi- nntftd ft iscel and ,notlo*l meihtil tt light- tug Uift ftlneii nUcli will do « w i, wilh iha MdngrauDd mftlm ftod {lannU ths rapid •!- teiMloii pi (Ik UIc light throughoui Farti wlth- DO( biterfeTlni .wUh ilw g a companM. In thu mou wMidRXM propoiftl u c h gai lunp la tobenirnUhed ( tlU btaewHh ft iDiftll lo lti , !■■ anglii* ten Im-hoa in dlftmeiftr. with ft uaftll djiiftiDci, m d itaaie aniftll liuUllftUotft

,ftre to ftipplf ,li0pft so ihe lop of ..tha Iftpip- ,|nata, thia burglnggai, *t ib« bouppi and pn- <^d)M etodrlA Itghlftttbe Mp of each poat. Tha lunutor oflhnto ntn at hla ooat Ihr a en n l dftfa oppnlta Iha TbMlie Franoftite ono ftf thgahelaamiftjughuftft lau new iiraiafti. '

* i^ lto au r Tfthon.A diacoTery j i r^ r te d to b*Te been

gwde bf ft XafUn pbnicifts, Bf. Smakno.in ■ bo ladnlfiain aniK . B e w>l |»ftpftViDt .wkofftt mauhltd hr igren b««d- tebcft tha pbrttclfta'a lhi)iUw reraaltd Iba A o tlh a tU i« |iiu la a lh f td h n ia .|lr (n to ftn la -MadNftleuieotiiU]£ ¥b* laninbox u a pte- dftpad, «nd • nlhhiaBapIo inanugatlgo abowad Until WH iwtraliit.vtUi bftdriia, whtoh ip- ■tafcd fB tbi (bnapr n Ine wblUab powder. ncM paraiitta. It it atftWd, boa* inioth* wtlk «l Uaa Duel oftellr. wben Ihcf Baldplr npid- Ir, wd (Ipidlr dnd theli w»p U> tt* bnla.

dftr.Ur bM Sewtoo i-r-



the hBpwUDoe ol pnrifrlDg tbe blood oiB- p o t be OTtreaUftiated, ler .vUbeut Bure blood TOO e*nnot enjoi good heftitb.

At lUft eoftgon neftrlj ororf one needt a good madlgiiM to purU , eltftto. and enrich Un tdood, ftndBood'tSamparini UWorthr F0«r:eag4deMa, It U peeaUu la that It

’ ebreftgtbmn ind bolldt up the ijiloni.eiefttoi •a ftne«to,.aad Man tbe .digeadton, «bU* aewdkftbndHeftie. OlraltatilftL

Bood'a SftnhgftittiftU eiM br«U dngglita,.ViWPff* W a t Sood A <Jd..R>wei.

;1fo i





E P P S ’S COCOABiuAKrAtr*"Dy a ibornog'b Knn'NrMga ef tbe ruuural laws

wbfob •pvam.lba eperrtioM f^dtoerttofi end uu< trUfoti.oMd idr n fvtNfoi agpu^ifoni ef (be fine

Ravoi«ritovw«rtwhfokmarHiwiM aM noevydocton'm lA Tt la I^Ttoa Jwfoluue eafi of snog artfolM pfdieUbst a .rvFnatluitlott may begfOd'S iAmnpDatli«lron«ee<Higi) (e rwiot evsrr

iirv to dlSBooe. ^ n i l r w of auhtle aieia* re lb»ritt|iariMiii<l iii rMwiy toattocK wb«^

• v e r tM r tU q w e M M f o L m a y escaperthaR or — ----- —"—onpaalra* m il .paw nonCIfthni framt.*

taStUnpy wdlhlpliftLvtimorniw. aug

Iftle, Lwa4aa,MI»a«.

For Sale by Druggists and Grocers Everywhere.Mr CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Bee tbat Crefteent l>rug

Co.'a'iianie id on every bottle oC Sard«parllia you purebiue.

REDUCED PRICES Oil EVERTTHING AT OUR STORE.U'OO I’aleut Medidnea are aell from T6e. down to 67e.60c. Puleat Medicinal wo ecll from 40c. down to 34c,S3c. Patent Hedkinee we tell &om !!Ce. down lo 12c,

Ingect Pewi'erh, Gnm Caaphor, Borax, (^intne ind QnlnlM Pilbt, CMtile Softp, But Bum, Pertomery, Toilet Article*, Bobber etc,, etc., we tell from25 to SO per cent, lower th«n other dniggiete.

PreJcriplioDd DepaOtnent to in chaise of three Pharmacy Oraduateh, and not efttraated to iioy*, Bi i* the cage in moet Newark drdgfttoree. We cutantee to cotnpoimd preicriptiona for ope-half the prioe uioally chargeu by other droggiate. •

Uediplnal Ltqnore and Winei we aell tbr one-half the price (Begt Ooodi) other dtvgglftte charge yea tor inferior p ^ e . We aelt Wfaeg and liquon IS per ceat cheaper than do groceni ead liquor dgalen.

iOar Drug-Store U Not Open on Sunday. Wedo Not Bell Clgaie.

We do Not Oporato a Soda Fonntalu.


1 Door Above New SL SW AttK, N.

S1(rtBW4<at SIiIp Hbl]>liRl,1316 JHIIHH4 A. lltiWlsS laEflun....................

4 ]4)U uu roitrUhiuIt si-. ruuiiliiE to

1£I9 JamtM A. {laWkS,Ux «lup...........4 loUUMbl Hl«l4* WuXlllDgflOII MV .

123D Jnxupt A. llbVtkH, US (lu r................. .Z liRA K tsiE lila Vvii.-li iigUm uvp.

1236 ThtTHlore Von Uli»rr,u»E rtiip............ltl-H|i|4‘l|iP Otltl lailO SllUtll SitJid lluliupnat.

ISM Tiiliiirigu V sn lUiior. Is* duu........... .I aiIMiuihxliip HiiluiP** U.

1J44 rirtvitl HI...... lux duo .........................tiolH Nits lUuaiiil ]‘*i lluhuRH n u p

l / n VhIciilliW kirhv^ tax Uiu-..............,NiixIOl.liit':. IOD.tii*l1U7a.i.siKiijB WMli- tu ttill dV»'.

131 Huinutti A. Wi*o«1,t«» iIhp..................X Im(h Nos. iiAUND'1 (H nuilh Il4l»JIulDlUNDl,

19H (ItNirtf P -T a y to r .u u tliip ........ - ........TlPAlifoiiit! ttu'l luteiEtMiJs Wssliing- Djii Ht

HII Mtcli.utI M iirsn. Ux fliip ... .......ittetiilPiiPP Ruil r>( WfW stop N4rW Rt

1444 A'livt Vitn i*ix ilm-.....................ICl‘ lll4MK-*r Eua JMItll tVPMl h1(J(] Wm Ii- IhiCUXi BV4'.

U45 MrK ADIwIl.tox ilu**............................HUUM’ EUd Inillt WUHtsItlu WMIllUK UlUHT’P *

tt'O J i n A. M .'l)«ii»M ,t.r Ou'-...................4 Ill4f< WWU HUfo W dHlllllflUll aV4'.

tofrl A. IhHiDit. tax fliM-.................................1ft u4t4< nmi-k A, I j iI 4, ........lull hiHp.

]fo5 wMhain AluSHOrt’L tax tliip..............1 )ol, hluctt A. lilt rto.7, KabiUi Ii lUdji lasi AuiiTftpfH. u x th ip . ............. ....3 1tiU, Klock 5i. to ll Nuft.ll RUJ 12,KumlNli mMf

l.W K .A h-xH ii'In* ,IdE U1ID............... ....I lot, bliH'k H, lot No. fi, Kaiululi n>np.

1.500 C. W. V. TftU-kPr. lA* dur....................1 lot, Iikirk Jl. JM No. H, HotuH*s iumji,

lltSS l ’iikuO>ui. fox tine ....................... .I kii. M(K*k H. iiH No. IS. Ifidmeft m&|i.

iwu FrEiiclft I'j-lctnaii. UtE «lup..................1 lot, h lo ^ TpEol No. 18, llolruss ui«p.

6 67

li m11 W)&CT

U 10

aui) liV4« A. M sml tiMl iitgUl. laui i \ M

Kiir Kdsl MiS'bl«'iiD,‘i.i«t A 1 '. M., ilitih ,Pki'p|il hPUtlMV.

V'uT KiiIahIuii ilinl liut k.)' lllll ■ 7.6(1 A. M 5.U1 r . hi., d t 'iv pkiM ^jt ;.;iiiUft>'.

Fur rijdl i»n U} ini,’, Jit ivi U fR. 7.'<) A. M. ftN'it'. M.,sl'iM> 1‘tit-Lil Hiiltihiiy.

Fur l.*mlx'4lviliM, T.aiA. M., '.B, Ott ami LJ2 J', MUt oJ I ) . P tivjil :^tiiiilnjt,

Kit I' It iiiluklu-i.\M J \ , k „ fttul A231'. U.,tlsUy,t 't i III Hun-lnt.

KoJ rnt.i-trlii , T.un, io7. lt.4^ A U., |.UD, J.gt, xiLTill'.;. J r . M.. u * i l v , u huuiIbv.

FiM n.i|.1i<iiUrV>ti, Ittitfuiriiiii htiil rjuutf>l\, A'£hi t . u u i \\.i^ .\I . M .ilHlIv.PhiTJit lay. Iftl bkiitOhJ . 1U41 A. 7L,4i.f'J'. N.

l-oi I'lbtriiuM, l-Hnii.iuilalH, fiRftJb>aiiHU, «n>l hr.irikn, t u M<ii>iiii>Dih JiiLf-riuM, 'Su .mil tlA&A. kl,. 4. ' I hmiI li-.J i‘. M Wtt‘k tIUbft.

I 'l l htiHiLlyii, IS. V. AU UirUhigli irsiu^ cun IH'. l al riMk.-y ■ .It witll I ti (" Ul '* JlMbi1th 11 All- liPri" a.lor<U!ia>m'i’*-l iiiupiU’r lo ait l rimii Vnlltdii ■liif-l, tiviii-!1ti tiuiUilii Irili-H f ftUti WhUllft) m ill Uiu niy.

\ M \ 7t1MK ‘Iri NICVN A llh.Knr Ni-YtBtK, .MV, fl.ij-l, «.-D. v.4n, I.IU. 7.M, T4n,

Ain, H. pi, t.H, V.'A 1<> In, Id.lii, ri.Ui, 11,1b A. M.; 17.'H. Riiil |‘.,uiii iHMi'i: 1.11). 1.4i>, iw , 23u, Ltll, XAf, An), irii, 4.1", I I U ' l , 4-VI, V 41. 6.1(1, V i'. A b. tm . rt.»i, MM. a.|ii, h.iJ. b.»i, B 4'. f.'U. ? .l'. S ri, S »>, li.Ki. Dili. IL4A IV M.,HnU U16 tiltolaiUkl. •‘ Uitoav riiUU\ ai-'i. S.'if.ll.BI, lU.UU, I'Xiki, il.UU A. M , UllUJIlnHi; LUi.ithi :n*<, 1. u. 4 ;u,.y'D. 1 41, ii.Jii.

KHU, u.ui, H.ii, laf.'i, li.UilVM. Mlhl ri,ri kUUlII brill

Tur nirlliRr inl"rjiinliun sf^ lintfUltlwi, tohaU Hi IDi< tK-Krl uilii p«. ri"lk4tLH rurtbU iKm>lH4»ji11.R I•4■llnpv h .mill Hslho.ul anil iiminHTiuaft, iin<l Um'Uix, sw'lioiia, .mil clin k» ullln* «>in-iiwiy'x Millie', No IMi JlruiMl slu'i'l, ur hI tU‘k«i tidit-Vltl M atkd hkriH‘1 Hl;ili4i>i. J- 11- W<Hlli,

44«>in'r>il l l«t <ll ^ r AgurtL/ iKNTltAl. ilA JI.K nA hriK NICW J I IllHl-, V.\ Arrxiik‘'itifult>f traiuii ouhuuviil'Iiu; Jmi. iu, laEI*

N K U A l;k A M I |.UXAmCl’J! HKANni.IV (Ilia liiuvi tlnufl Hint ' nintUill d>Ai, T,I<1, 7JU,

( s ; , Kt..!...) iH iiairt uuly L M h S.uii, tu.D'. D',.r.A. -W., 1.1.77, fu i. 1.14, 1,111, S.V-. a.411. I'Pl,

r . , - 1.1, ..W. S.AI, 7.11'. 7jt'i, VAl, lulu. IKhI I*.M Ktiiiilii) a,Uib>, II.UI A. M.. Il'A), Vki.4,.1'|,V|". M.-t.,kyi r *1., for I. I■*l a■l lsll«l Ifoimilt*,

Kitr JTiIrtlWilil T.Dt B,». H.ibi, tU.O, ri.ui A. 14.> IJMi. l.iU, lai, 4.ID, 4.Af, bxU, (i.i6k U0I. UlI,7.Ill, 7, i,. KJ'i, )n.l", II III', ]' M.

l-'iif mum rvllls 7.Id. K¥\ ahft, W.P, l!.m A. M.. 1,IM, 2-4".X4i*,4,'4t,A.llt, USlh )p.7«4, UW. 7.10, T.Jft, BJU, lUto. ILi'. r , M

Koi Muailug1u ‘ ’ LJn« A- M., LU4,4Jti,6JO,B3.I IV M.

7.to A-M., for mHlu tln4* N. J. ('. J)lv., Ihthfo- hfiii, AJHbtown, MnU' h iViiink, PU-.

b,(id A, M., fur fiiahi hue N. J- i . Ji|v.. Jdika High Ih'ilKU liruiich, AilPiU'jMrt,

Ktrrttntiin, W lll>ttint)a)i t, I'aiiuwjiid. Walmnoy 4lly, Hniiiirur)\ult.

IXH IV W for (iiHlri Hu* N. J. U. Iliv., Allen tou ti, MjiucIi d ill Ilk, o t '.

A4U IV U-, Muiii l.liie N. J. (n Ulr., AiMuoli(iJiunk. H TtiiifoTi, Hliniunltlii, vu\

can H. M., w ..y for Ms Ih n . j . r . ruv., Ilwft llriduii ItrahUcD, ldik(» fluiMt^ignu.

V,j IV lli. for klshi Jatim N, J, i'. Dit., AilPii tim n , Muui-ii n iu b k .

MnmtMif, SCA A.. M. Wny fhr HMitiervlJlf; Il'A) I', M. way for fmiiplfon; L4u 1’ M wwy lui Huun'ivltip; i.itf r . Jg. way h u Mtuui'ivlilo Hiiil s'i4TiiiiiMii>ii; a V) P If. for >;detMu: n.fiii iV M.Wii. foe lfoi»e'llt*niOAU r . M, Wny for Knud/- vhld.

All Iraiiis Mu|i ftt Tarry plroai hkI KUsabcUi- toTlbU'l »vl I jt 11‘o^rry suopi uiiaigniil.

Kit I'errtj AuiIhvv M.W>, MX. ll.Tu A. M , 1.04,4. U>, L:m, .'i.Sb.d>i IV M. tti,jii(UyN.v.Ui A. M.

i-'ni I'n- Ji(>l4l Ulfii, ILlSJ A. M., 1.1 6.6111', M.K4ir liUMR HrniM'h, O f Hi lirova, otr. - 8.3a, j |.f i A-M , l.*H. ii«i,4e.rA, 0.A' I'. M. ttiijilftyB (axL-fpi lu (ft ban 1 •k’U'kti SriA A. M.

Kur I'lHltt Jitv«r HiiU lU rnugat -B.% A, U , 1J>4. 4.01 I'. W.

K 4 ir\iw la n rt. IlrMirtUTi UH 1\ M.Knr Uikew4KiU a . M.. t.M J 4n, 4.»'> l \ fil K«i- Alfonllr CiLv i "4 iitjil i*J JV M.

MCWAIlk AMI NKW VlUlK.K'ruRi liUNba nrtil Karry 'MrtH'l hLiUuum. Al4 g).

6.»i,ri.4'i,li.K., W l,7 ,u \ 7.a’i,7.n2, kUi,*ZT.V [r>. lu.in. 1" 67. Il.nn, 11,16 A. 61.. I^ .il l . i^ LAiUfi i4ii,.i.iiU..>v4.ai.4ii.B..>i, r j i .T.NI, t : \ am . vi* u .a >. ii.^i J'. u ; Imi/i. l a i i iiIkIiI. H'liiUAyH >(.rD, A(«). Uluu. M.UIA. H., llCU M.; I H*i, lu ), :L'X>. md A.uu, R.'X>. T-ilT, aACj, i}.un, lUU), Il.tA IV M.

jAiaVP Npw 1 ’urk fiiiin fo4>l of lUlsirty ilrwpl •At 6141, r i . . » i . f u " . 7.(II 7.1.1, ;. Wi.»U.'i,0). UOfl, H.K u.tVl».l., I'M.. IU'. I l l l i . l .e . ,5, ftl,‘i»l. Mil, LTI, Md', I. FI, .Ml.e, VSCj. ’g.46, a<H. h.l.L AJn, 7.'»l, 7.1S', UU>, Utf', lu i", IL16, lilAl IV M. pwiuUm e H.UI. k.uii, Di.U', iLui a . M.. lAUu M.;

i.U'i *m0, lw»l. l«.l*l.tl.UJ,l2.WNKWAllK/rHKNiU.S aKO IriilLA JjK LFinjl

7.4i,1Mi-,ri."'i A. .M.. I.:t4. iHi, MD.4;Ji,7U»a, Jl.» I*. M Mmrlnyft A. M,,.’aJl'r l‘ M.

;.-4i, s. M A. M-. 7. i. IV M. for HiRiUify, LcwlwIfiirEiipi 1t‘iitiHJiT<jHirV

Hniwui#; rindii la is tT i nil day Lr.ilB* aud H1up| i liK* i 'l . r iTi nUh( tiuhiB IM IW4-UII Nuw York siul L’lilLulHpvfo

Kl. A W A UK-l-Al, K A WAN N A A N il WltoT- Kll.\ K A lL ltrilil.

fMnllUIH ANH 1>-SKX IriVJHtO.NI,N(*w Vi rk, fiM'i iiNlnn'Inyand i'iirlMin|iiii'r*Ui, |x<MVlU)( Nb'A'srii (4i TA1 A, h i ' IbroKKli NuUl

iTiiliij itiiiuii.-(hid f4ir litinniMii. Hikmimiiudh uihI rin;rvtur, AlidtHur. NfwUui, IlrnUi iivHJ4< pinl |<rAliklhi, HiTmi'ltiiiira, hithmIimi, IliMulmiiiiMii, Kilru, Mw44xn, Wavprlf, IHiiiira, ISiittaio (IrvH liiiid. lulHffo, Ik 'irtn l n.K'uiiu, hi. JanUs aiFl tjohilM WpmI ainl 111 IIm* fo'liijtli l.ilk-y.

PRM-W'iijli're for Ilnil'alri atol ii >(nU Wi'^lPMn UkkulhB Sis A. M. train tn tloiMikFU, wltlmui uxtidrlibrgn auti iiit'ro iwku Um(U.I6 a ftl.lralii ft r Ihb iVunL , , , ,

KiHlfUl I.tlirnns Inr Killnutll, f.lial-haiii, Mitolftuii,^4>rrb<townatj<l all tlMiriii.R uiul1(1 ^oMtiru, i-iiNjit-i.-iTiK liir AndouT. Nrwms,JlrunrlivMHt. Kr.iiik.l1ie, Maimiik.i ('Inink, VV..Ufriftti,HtnMiilftimrtt. H raiiluri. Kilt»inn. KijiiaiImti. Wiuiva'arnv liliikli tiiil4Hi. Owv^m, Wavurly aiht KimiTihiuid l.-hiMli \'allcy,

4>tj IV M, K iRImu I‘7k t'ri'MRtiNitiiKM-tlr.n Put Hiir-('(tftrjDiia a ml CliPitiT. Aii'lnVgT, Npalnii. lii.iiii li-■vlllo, Ovlnrd. MuniiiikH (Viuiik. Wnlcr riii|i. HlnnulHinirK. Hrr.iufon nnd i]i(prm(‘<Jiftt4* eutllonnaii4l UJiiKli VMifoy . ............

kullVM . Unvar KiprooM Pnr Hiimmll, 41nU- lm»i. Miulisim. M'Trl-^f'wn, .VltirrlN I'lnliiK IHti- vllfo. lUHltawb) ■ Ikivpr. llJUikiMt lUdicnaml Ifor- iunlaiilD v ... ,Kff—xritfiTE for h( ranlon, UhiKhumjihm. ulfr-A, RfolilD'ld Hi>rl/ine, Wnilra, IfolTiilo u,ii>l iioijilM SVt-alithil Nnrri'4-an l ik e th<‘ OM IV M .trsliiU i Mnltfiktm H'lljmlM ■‘Xlni (•linrKi' HCIil 1Ij4;|« UikuIJn* 7.l'i IV .W. Ifftlu fur Uir Wurt.

N f \\- a 11 K r i ) N K VV Y( iHK - «.II. 6.2Hr,l*l, ?.n, TJT 7.47,7A7.MI7,Mil,S.m. k.4M, KM, S .'JS t,V lfi, lU.111 lii./T. 111.47, I11.&B. t).*17. A. mI.; JilU, HI#],llfdl I .ti, l.iih. ve i, 3"«. •*.;». 6-47, l.W. 1 4''. 4-V'. S 'a, 6.3!l.4.4H,il,'it,4,.61, 7.Vi,M.‘K KVT, KlU, ll.fta, io.Zi, Hi.M, n.-filvM a m n i.’i*tA M- , .

NKW YUllK •|ligNj:WAUK- 0.iri,7.»,T Ji.t,Vi, KID, ■ ........................

d i l l

An (ijtiiirvA N (!ic i \> I'U o v iD K r u u T n i tMiufttnut ntt i>r I «rw«'r In

K j m i K'l u k K i',from ulEth Mianu4) lo Ui« MurriiiJUKl Ym se Boll- rtM>l.' (4h II nftiah iH liy lftf (VimiuoM Cot n 'll of iho (Uly «f Npwai e., »n riillnwn;

Hi*' linn 1 A K'to N*'fti-r mIm II Ir' rDMIrnctod In FIftli >ir-Pi. finiii H lii'i HV4'iiue In 111!' M tirrlia iiJ KoHait llaiUiiHil, tnKPliirr' * ’ti' sU D«' up|Mtrt«- Ba(Hf4 US MDirv It tvmpfou' Him ftaxua, anduf■UI II u «liintMi4i4/n 4i« I lid (.OmnuiMiHi uu Hawoiftaml llMihiHv:'' tURlI Ulrts'L

Mari.irti.:. 'I'lif i.Vly Cimniiel la hfrofty (UroFloil L i apply In Um Cirt'ull O iurt of lim I'uunljr of K>W'X, In laUftif c( iba aiHi (X>mai«>n(knmcIM'MIiB huM H ly i"l N nsark. for ||>44ii|h IKiuitiiT i r nl CniiimlM.tlpnpnL null tlip Mill lViiii>miWAgiuTM wlti-iiiapjHilriUfi iiiiaii ftswi-s Uib k m h ,dMMuaeHi'iul 4>ii)a>'iM-ra lonirriK] in aalit |ivjRwvt>- mniiTwIiHU Iln- aiiMunhall lisvc iMmu diil/ao'ar- taiRwl NnA d4wlarmi h r llm C<immnii Cmnu.MM, iijii.m nil (iinnwiw'r4 <<f landa and ronl MUtSo hi *aid fUy iMa p liarty hfn»-ttii=gl tv»«>l'i'. In fii«v>r linn Hit m-iirty OH iiHt)' Ir> to tlio alVhikUiiCMrh nlirtJl bP dpomotl (o NiTjuira; and In egm tne talilruMn, daUiiRMR ufid i«x|Wiua'a nDftll CAtwod U DOJihHiHl a f MaDI I'WUr-lUn, ftiH-li nii^rw oboll bsoia

iMHiuaiKl Mid Dy ifmVtiy ol Niii,»ik. He-i-tliiKl iiii|irivi<iMn''>ilH|iHli lep in a l ta n d

4 OUl)iR*l<‘’l tiiHiter L n' ftnjiarTWtiqm nli'l dlrta-ltoo of iLiii I'liy s n r \ t ‘ji-r ami Hii<*at K m uiaia ia ia r,o r-i-tndinti, It tn jTui Uduliaor tJiS Oily Ciiartor lih<lUJlIlll

Ki«m»1 liart-Jt I.IMS,CilAlir.l-?! K. TlllJftt

rtt»<lifoi|l 1 omniuii i Duiiiftt.H. l i. I'EM llK h'l'drt,

City i.^irkgApi'roTOd M ordi L I 'f l

JriHKl’l l k. IIAVNKH,Sx« _ l ^ y u r

n KlHiKN HIV trilAM ING AND ClTJtmKU. AH'tL- MK.N I' K i l l HKNKl-n'^,

S'nll'4' la li Jl bI1([)V nw imrM nr I

-I) riu t on itMai' Hii.a-ii lutoix ill la:.: nmt iftfti 4 1 ita pa<:U''

liarly iMdiDlilvd to LD«>cruilnir and i.url liia of Bi 1uTk ?< m1 \ .

fiom'-latatitpb ith h\i'ii;u io k |M»in*K->f.ealnorth Ilf Wiitrr.y 11 i-t>, afNb'prllii:; to l it* jirov'H'dTta olMimr.i"m'-;:Ot'fU*4.'niiy o f N aw .ia . m illiH l an cirAumn.. lo pr4iTi«iT for llm kxa'.l'igr amltTirlilng IMfUior |ii'ri.nm iin r t, lii>tW4*vn h4*v>'Mi«-L‘i!lh aVDe mm .niitruiiUMi BihfiiU'V:vp|tiDVe I •l.iminrv.'i.’S'rt, li:iMt>(H-n v > ,iir<‘<l liy llm uink'ini'^iiiHi Cehinm.*'

m . ftjiiMMiitoil Dy tli4i I 'ln n ii iVHirl or tha I'nUiitV UI luiarx, !■> innliP IftU'l bSMHitluTli. an,L Ihal n rpjhiri D> ***TliflMh' I" a n tl iu , iftifli ait mvi.niiaiTiviii'-: tiin|> ami U'litMluIr, elmwiiiii iSm wvvral iiMo4ar<iU4n>ia aaftin^t tin- n>vi‘rnl uwii.Tft MtllllHl-h I-.... . HMitf-TPt;tM, II-I I "«TI iltji;--. 1-1 liMlm (i[ tim I 'l lv ' Urk o f lh u n l ) nf Ni'W.irk, flir i-XMJiihuilimi I’f Ui<‘ iKiilInn Inh fii4> Otlrimivlii,I n - t m m j > r ' ' * ( H all tola, Irorln ami imri ph ni luml r.n I rvul cnUiP tiiilil" 'u l*n !««.“• a- <e| UN Hfim -M. I) hiw nil Ititll hlili of Iti'r^rJI fclren I, Tiuju Ht-vmiha-olli wVfliJ4» lu a JiOlul UX)

Ilf W«vi-rlv piaiH-A 'foil " M.rpeRiiks an euUre pint uf lamL

a i HliPr rnr»n' nr NiiiitILAll |M If HIM hilRrpsiwI in *aid o«N<MmtiDnl mnjr

Ihj In Hi't imfo'p ailiMVnmiuMKinpnmi'EhUCftl 'F. |j4-v tt-iiih lUty nf M iinii, Immi, bI i IV M . at I ln

('>■■.,11. , i.iiMerB’ rutmi, N'o-w‘Mvaind llonr), City

jiiiW A lU X lO K M .K ll,AU.lilN I- JIA-U-Jii r.VVM. h\. niuci:.

(!niuiii.-MlnliafAlifklptl Kaltfiiary ftt, IHrt. Sid

B^ r i A U I l UK AHSKJWHKNT AND IIKV1S«1Mo fT iacK Noth** l i b t'riby " --------- -----

ntuiiwlin 1 ak'o or dm ;


otuiiwlin 1 ak'o or wtOe <

Hah.lwflSfft May,rfty .u.'J'V ' tu >aBPh nt

itovJatoii 4)f Tax til o r to r lliHl thu pR IHuinrc ownvr,

Y rkfuary I, IfW.

OF F lt K UK r \ r x HUliVKYOU NOTICKt TliR Mtiat pxtiinKlr.4 fur tlia fnllnw ingiN^nlriMTS khiillir p rcv o it 'il to | | hi Cimuium Ouuni'li ftirotV

iTi»UviM'»'-,i#n Krlrtny, MhuJ i 1, M*. vIl.- roi iMviiur and ropudiui IVrry Hlrn^h £rotu

MmliHtm Nirtwl in MoKniliieHLriTl.All utOf tfocni tu llto }ta.rru4enl nf said Mlli*ukh-ft

mubi ls< tUtnl a i l l i tikt'. in wrilliifi;, uu o r tM'foru 4 r . JJ., Krldity. Uoridt 1, Lvip.

F f tN N ^ r ATlAlf,iSiy H4irvpyoT.

DaKNl KnhruofV 3 . WSt, _____ Jriu

C>U«l iRottue. _EX K riIT IIIX 'H H .tl.lC tlX UliAL IW TATK -

Tim HiiliW'iTliar. Fxm’UtiU of lli« loal wUI nml t'V'hmmiit itf All>m It, ( 'ran ford, luto 4ifllio

Cniinfy e«t M im inniilii, An k ft ul, a ill tiy vlrto# uf a lurtrr-roi’LLt^iniiVunft' i4i»mi uf Lliu Cminty ot1 OrtfE, U vrim t dnio rim llfig-ni,rii tUy of January ,A il., I'i-U, PXIHIW lo H,tle< ;il jitUilu* knlldlir, nil WiMlim>ai>'y. Sfam h 1.4. lHt9, >mian»u thehotiiV ot Ti av't L o v lu ^ iHL2o'i lork)]u tio' aflpruOon of onlil day ul il»Ol.;4mrriio'iw*, iti llm illy o f Neo/tgrE, iJi lliu Comily of Irfjkot aiul hUto u( N tw jo f- w*v:

All Dial i-M-liiln (roi t or iiarrcl nf laud aim |tr4'nilH4 HMlltiiiti-riyhiHuml In'I ijs In llmTowuWtipIlf CihJlo'i, )h 100 ( nu iiiyur Ifttw-x Hhd HUIc n| I%w Jerapy, l>o.;iiniljia In rite norriterlf Hn« nf Cntiajre Mivor uIhriI niio liunrirod Borl (wmiiy- iiiim a m is h o ir f if l rmin Iln* ruirilmaxi iDrrmr of CulhtEP wtili A iigpoa s lr iv t: iliriiwi iD Miriimrlv enm b'uidrw'T fis-i tn ilm wuMliorly lino of Lot So , H i tiiMuiH2lJkluiiE4A>t1 linncUiitm^n I w l ; liiein.-0 i i) uuuihurly «mmf Um Uf.HU‘» l/ tine4i| Ink S'4i. M linn liiintiroil ftH-t; llirm u ace-lRrty u.iiMiir l!m n n it '.r r iy Ihic nf mid ('oIIukt limofi elaiitoRO Lei iu Ihu i4ii*« 4it b4*ali)nliiK. fodil t tUortiaCfi Jy r< < rtof Ini No. -'lAgmicliHikUMLcAoii a n apiiiM'iohy ftU'iD knin I m C t'rk'Mnift'N] uf l-E ox t'uui ir , amt avili< >. mi- p rinv fli roiiva.Td lo Alhro H. Cmwfont hy 4|i>i«ii t o'li W lhm m U. foirel awi U'.Lrink d-'lo 111 4-ml nr 7. iMih, ninl ta -nrdt-d Lit i eJ 'B i-riir‘N 4>fl| o 4if 11 D I'n'iiiiy nf h.vwx, (iJ llnfek .X, II nf ]if-iMt. on ]• i Retoi, A>l ai/d.'>K.

A H i, hLI tlaii ti ui'l Or p ih hJ uf Ittinl a m lu m il- X tiilkm, Iviiip lUld u dnu In Iln' hiWliMUlp■■ ■>iil -

inu-fioid UI (1ri> norirmru-torly

tip 4lf

Ifol Ift. J. lA'urii, UkirtiiP-...........................t lol. ftfnrk A, lol Kjn ^i U uIiofi iikup.

IMS Oiiar:o3 LonL foi 4lno....................... .1 loC IjKNNe rtu .l, tot NthS, Jloloftrl

1 07

1 17


1 67

1 lot, blTK:lc 4 tfll No. 12. ll4>luieH map.I>. M. liy4Mi, tax duo .IfoKW ook 4, foi NU.I M, w . I.yoM. lax 4 ud.1 Jot, nurrii side liuigorit Nt.F rao ris lUmlri4;kM, la x d u e ............... W 16L land w«al *lda UUarry »i.. MMilh ^ d e w n ilam st. v a n Hojiiw>taer

J.TttopLuiio Coh 1*k due Vulwi airfl wire.WoMforn ihiton TeJevropb Co...,...,...,7|M1 [ M u r wire.WniTatwaori.UkR d u f ..... .Cor. l lo n te rtaa iiN Id lA iid avo.Bfobard HRiiuil(a,iax duo..........

IS0Liuid eart Mdo Kruokhn rood. Arinrew LlUie, tax due..........Hoim# and iM WflAt side M ain s i

m l Mr, llrion. tax (toe................................i{i)t>M ood tajiduo/UkftideUoluiutsi.tl»i‘ - - - • -

K'D siMt.Hi.'U'i.u.’J", al". in lu, liuo. H it, 11.3" i ,M M., 12in. i'2,:*e. 12.0I, l.».2.ui.i:*i.:un,K:«>,K*v 1.01. Kill. 4.10, r..ai, l.in.'IrVj. «,(D.« in,fcaL6.J«Js7AII, KUJpKau. m I'**'.''l*M )flM K IK I.IlA SI>M ()N 'r< I,A IIl «.ai, A.«, J.1A. ?AA ».«. M“J. ■>.*> *■ M.. l'A>n. I.l«, All, I.U. a IX i « . m i *.ai, 7.«i, ».ie. la™, i’. u

lilSAM IK a N I i m ni'f-II o ilA .M iK ».:d , ?.i«, 7.1U. ;.M. Bafl. 6.*>I fl.nf*. U*''!, JD.4S. u,(.1 A. M,,1 13. iUl aO'i, l.ti, 4.06, 4J1.V 5.01, AW, BAt, *» il, SAV^ai; 7;iK «L<M. * ^ | lu-**. 'J-l*. 12.1ft, litlJ* 'm i’l HUUN A.X0,7JB. 10.1 \ Il.B A M.;iuy .iw .

HCMWIT K0a,».lrt. K4f», I0.ii, ir.« A-M.; liW, till. 3.111, 4.UCk 4 ^ LuL Wft, LM, foW. 14J, ■f.UkKak!UB, i"-« C- w. Weduuaday aud haiiif* day nijriito, 12.23.


n o / f l i f TJIK KTATR 12* l i TJIE JJWT


P arry otxtiens In H bw York, foot oT CiiAPd'Ffa II. And leioi nf W ert Twenty•Dilnl m. Ue|M>i In N sw ark, turim r PhohlIc ul amt K uurthavn. Hrioirloar ouii neuiluiift v ia M ulberry at. or Hiiwd hL UnML Tlowlohiu Ui effw i May ft>, JN«. ,


riliiiTii iif-ii<*H(ild. Itoiimiln:! In itifi norrimvly 4Vfriivi o f ' •kii:u:c -iriH-l <i]id ui (1ri> nonrmru-twrly1im> uf Ativwitn Hirm-i; ih i'in iiili niiiimiur north-i-riy nlniiK ilu' ilm* iif Amtnxts nlieel fAOhiiiMiri'd f ii 'ij rimmrn i l l nHrtmly <nie him- driMl ami hTi fW l: II.4 imh* iSi anuil iTly orhe him* itreil f i 'e t; Umjj,’*' we-mtljr ocvruty DkP fret (I) )iti Nil. r t im.iilm.mierljr (i.rm-rK iliEin o • :,i ii:n ■.: Mie (HuiU-ily line of h»l Nik, l liiiia l.n i.drrd trf'i (4> ih iHirriur'y Him 4irCirtUu'4» totri'el; iliiii/i* il.‘ wrtoierl.v I'llriy five forlto ( ' o I•l^1*r■ ut IH <uk In'ft N«M. 11. Iri ut it I7, h44U*<ilEUal'‘ 1 ITI a I 'i 'l ' inmlr hy i 4I v. pi rariMr, w iiv rru r Mild N-l'iu tim kaiih* j> Otiil ••mivi'i r l iitA li.u IM irkitnrii.Uy ilie ilfiu m w llliiinH u liOiiUii l toil'', re.ilif?* tl.kU .hi)y U li, iM '.am l m i.rili il In Um Ui')ri-fT bolH' 0 uf |lii n Uliiy iK-pti.ilk Ikb'E N, J lo f jN-OJSiOi |'r-.r" .'if.lftlld•’aiU.

Coil'lil 4»lis sit1,1-AM CH INS'rollIi I'xi-iUrlT.

AiTON ('. MAiiiKHuttM., AUl.jJimy, I'lCh-i.u d,N .J. '1‘1‘

AHH|i ,N K I;H ANd lTi K 'K> ' HKl'I’ri'UH N n t n - n la I m r i ' i i v i4i U rn i - r e l i l f i r * ' !

n i r r i i n ( i l i i r I ' a k c r . n1 i lm - i ' i u f u i7 m * .p . In U I i in n l y I l f J -" r j ; i r " l ' i >ie " f N r w J r i - r y , U ..4I a l l I'iiiliOM 1jU> I' Ia»I" wm*'I lu’ «’\lni,Hrd inl l i e H iih-a I I I e r . Iii'h a a q ii;i W*. h I I i 'S n I H - No, I3 I h i r l l M i i H i m I , O uk4iii4- N i w J r r f t ' r . u u n i r Otiv:i 4it H l l l i n in iU io , n i l n r H H w m U i d a y " jA n r i 4m \ l , i -e i iiK H i n t * iM u i i i l .s f i i i i n i l P d e l i ' Ol I h r a ' w n - n i i n - n l . M r i v fm i-v k 'r K u n r . l f t i i n n a i i i ; h iy In A>r a d U ' I d r i b l o f ih e o a r . d e ; i ) a l iJ .n K iu te«*lilori H/ftlnriJiiT mdiflifl ihul n lUl of 11i»4 Jiillii* Harthuil 1J|< -dii Clirmlutdit'l linkri'W illIUMild W'lh I'h* ( " ‘‘rk i>f Cm I onfl i»f I oimnutil N-rtki of Ill4‘ 1 I 'j iu y Ilf FiS«*.< nl ll.r r^irruCdii uf ralil tlirw tJiintU'-, wDru I'O ui>1nni» Uieielu m ay foihltfil liy un> ]H ivni .iu. ie-:r.l.

K lU N K K. IIAKER, AMigiiee. Drtled Kebniiifs il, JkM*. ____Hi

Fi # 1ATK IIK IIKIINAUH t ‘,\lii>r.AN. UK i Hre**d, l ’u*nmn« (n IHe urdiT nf J umi-uIi Ia, Muiiii, HurruVHU' o | Hie • 'Hnnily of laoex, Ihfadnf

ih nte, on Li..... . uf ilm unrttfmliHm.l oi*miKir of hhM dh-rM-M- l. miiu-e is Imre'iy *1V4rfi to

llm m ^H ior'i nf ' iiDI fl«T*e.ii4»*(l In rsHM'U l4k HU MiliHi rHier under uarii or uniMiinlinii llndr rlaliusHj-d (folnir'dK Ii«:illisl IHe i ht.iU* nf m |i| .In raW*dWithin kiim-iniiMliis fruiik nils il.im.or tlmy will W fin'e>er liarrvd from jiroM-> ului^ or f»HJiverl«*

Jam m ry'L !>'(*• , . . . .. ^*1T ih t a TK (iK JOH N HlXlt-J, UKriEArtKU,XJl'urft'Ukiit 14) the onl'^r nf .ln-e|kh L M4iiin,hurrugaU' of IDe Couiiiy of Ks»ux, UdHdiiy mado on tho aiiiilh-ailoh nl riin umlorHigued mhurnlv InU ir, wlili Um will aniutxed of Kil;l dearinwil^noili’e is here'iy ulvuii lo Uj« klsi.e.iHe'1 lu exinhl

a h ull lo iJj« "rHliiofb of mlu lit iu U>« (Mliftt rllwr umJer lailb

ot afflmattofi t l'c lr dnhna uml ifeninnilsihgaliial HH‘ o;-lJiieof wild ile-vavsl wlllihi nine iiiumli! (mm ililx dutr. n r rimy will iri>m « r u - e n i t l j i 8 orH ie smW t I lH T . J O H N 11. U I N K N .

l>Pi»iii1)er24.foMh . -i . ■ Tgl

FirvTATKOK j a m k h h m i t h . | iw ; kai« d .LilUrwionl tu the order of Josenh L Muiui. Wur

r^M ieof U iv4 .^u ly o r Kuoi’i.tU U daynuulK oiinS^il»pni'e*lun nf tDenuderftljiU4hl,a«hiiin Ktratr X ol wild liec’eaioHl.iMitliw M hereXy Elven to Ilia rr*4U.u l 5 U 1^(1 dHWUft^l lUftxldhUlo toeaubaJTil«i under with n? omriiiatfou tlielf cLdirkS and do* muiitlftHlftiusl ‘fo* w u leo f ikkld iltt-oaowl wllhia S le m iH ithirpun Uds (Ute.4»r lliBy will be for- A e rb a rre d from proeetnUloggr rucnvurlng Ihe

• '" “ ■'"'"lioi.LY A. e « r r n .

1166 Uuknuuam tarn , U x dueo..................... .......tideiHiUHMal uor, UPimes end Hie- bliSos stA. ^

UK ^ r « h A. Klngii)an(l, taK due..............H oueeapd loTwefftiddu Ualpb li.

1660 jM fn b a. M rlfouoltli due.............U m ien avKJ37I II10K coimoUy, u* du'......... .....lliHiseeful lot M’M( side Hrlforest

Paym ent m ust i)« moiie lie/um [ne conolililnn of the SMfo, dilierw lse tbe itcoperiy will bs im m edlalely reeuJd. , ^

TM __________________ CoJ lee 141 r 0 f Ta »ea ^17IHTATK OF LUCY IlK W w S . DIH;EAMKU T j -H urouenl to tbeorcier of Burrogaie o f Uie c;iuJikljr w •jf'MX.OR the appHcalluij in ih e ht'*i Veoid «tof£aaed, iuMlr* I* heeebv jpven lo the erwd- lUiraof oaW fteeawaoil loexhlniftoUiexnbacrilW f,under oath orroao4ii o falu si the ortale (rf ealil adtblnalA# nkOMlhi!i frum Uiis dale, or ttiey will bo ^ •v er barred foom preewAiUiig or rei-ovsrtM the

, MfiW WDLKL, j i g v a i 7 i i m

M M * 76

I 7JM, k2U, SJ^ KU6, liiKi noun l l.M —-• IT :'L TT* ,.,V77 lA ftu I* u unn.irava


• M

liE; i^' ftSi A?C las, io:« c. u: sunjiijft’ 'H f tw " A h W ^ l 'A T K ‘ > ^ WKKK D A W -

d m ra o k s A M., 4.66. 7.12, IwJI IV M./Lh J enurftiori uml oom iuuulfon Mukela a*

grenlly redmwd rafo* non procore^l a t the t«nkto'Dy‘s ' d i y * > r f t .Til* dtrfM'i auil iiupular rthort J>ine w I ipw

r l i M.ml w iK, Min*h»m(on,5 w .p i , W «vi.rlr, Klmlra, nuflkto. N l ^ r a Ijfftllft M ltallllan. Ti.n.a«>. l»Ptrai(. TuiftJo, (4itr»guftii4 Uit. NwtU««*t. JftiBWtui'ii. U k » LluutewiUA Savelim il, Curry, C(l Ciiy, K aadvm e, ^ouiim- towii. A aron, MftMlIoM, .InlTun, D u rm i. CT.r rLiinMti, liUOlftvIUu. HI. Ip i .Ia KftOftHa U(,y, Ih# WfM, AurtliwreifttlH all Uoulliurii BoInlA

Tiirough UckuS* wift ‘2d ty anc town In Uir uK iaw HUlw, llaucw a Cft.'ipl (br »nd Crwiiyour IkhuoU. Jm U-ikstfou. iNM^Ion lb Ihillnukik 4jrRwlii| ropiD one elewidnuumdieN «an he rtMMrved fo ra n y d u f la t ^ w e e k , ami l u w ^ r a ^ , Mapo. Uiiw foW rt eto..w llibflfiHuleiiwlaAil>e QUyefike from 7 A.

' IIWrAganA '

j« n u » rr tlH » » ,___________ ________ J 5 t(yi'ICR l>F HK1TCI!M*;NT--«((»JI0S 18

^^'^liVr^iy fllven th a l the o a i^ i ita of Hie iul> ntvllior-4, aUmlnlalTaionior DavIiI IfoeftKtl, ed.vrl II bo nudllvil and sUhKl by UieHu r tn r tle oniJ

Tied fur w iilem en l lo tha Ocplk«i4a' t tx e t l u* C w n iy 4>f Kooex, on Tueoduyg ibe alueieenib

reiiurted furllio “(lay CliABLKH H. C A U rtB ,

W HITHKLD BttOWlclliJC H N i l. TU N Ll

Dated Janoory 14, iS rtr n r i r n u P k k t i ' i .k m k n t . K c m c R ih I Ikweby tovuu Uiai the ikccouiiia of the euh-

SnTbor, armilnlstrstor of JuUn IJodaeua, #6* wooeUft will lie amilled aud iiatoa byKto oml ft>r rtHUomiMii to the Orjinani

lurt of Uie I'ounly of »«ox,vii Tueedoy, ,w ..lr f tU .n OftO- MKAOHICB.

JftMurj 10, __________Jwi

UHiiofit to Uie U r p h ^ iS tSwea. on TufteUfty, Uie ulnetiento CM « r e a m

j JOB 1. IMOIUII jreledlaaaMl'WiHbHa.M ,lBU j>rk«ftt., Newark, N.


H m T B BO A R D R E PO R T S .

C h M k III* C r « « d t* i a t F aa rtft W a r# I i»dig!l* i» li* * i » ii

I t WH m Ht 10 oVIork lifll n lrh t ^ to * U * m m Un i of tb* Board ot ll**Ub v*« «iii*d le o rto f.•a t ta d tbo U afor t»Ku^iA tin TkeBlambiDt ardUMnc* w w rr*d iba flnt iimi> •a d cMid«r*d lo « Mboitd r«*d)n|. Dr. te b t in p a r t , whtcli * tll b* bflow, N 'tored to Iht b « b dMth n U in »h# ruikrtb T a td and to pric'lM i af iodglttf-bauno kc«p> •r a II ••» dtcWed to rfqnoit H«*Db Oi- i o t t to to r tc nrtticfi « i to d ito f boiiM ktfpof* tto t tto p nciiM inuM b« ^

\ Tbew w*» i illicuakiu af ib« kJeptwa* fkJ*. Il appcu* llMil tb* tt(inp*nj rw lntU Ito w * (.d tb« P«T luUon*. Ei t o m lr b r c ^ b t ib« Bialtor op. and * m o to Hoe wm p* a*J ituit toe Uealto Officer \* Ui- a n e d to reqa a t fb t H ired rem inK tee o c ib t

lo took toU) lb* Mirto* r*n dcred bj Ibe leH-ptiotie outopADf. mure etp* e lallf to tbe *fiulr*rj ruiei ettoblabMl teptaid lag pa; auttorv R waa expUDkcd tfaat rab •etiben n*r* ftc v c n M frm* com nuiilcallni wttb omalD p a n to Hi toe dtp hy rwn giTcii p«r iUtion* «ben ibcy cRiled'tor tb en

Tbe report o l Dr. WoliiAc tor the mouth of Jenoerj Aboved tbe Qumber o f enoLtflouA *ud tatodtoui d lw toti I t rolloeni: IHpbtbcrtA, t o ilDcreeAc R4) ; loariet tonr, 71 (IncreM* i tppboU fever, U fdeeraiiii 13) : lueoabruMms eroup, H <tuete«to 8) There were U2 deaUiA tofftotoretL Tbe eanuai rtte of moruJUp in- cs«eeedto32l l frorfu arar Are wonUu ibe blulMet deMb n le bad becrt In tbe VVairtb W ant Orrt ct twenip deeibi In ih ii ward fer OeoemljariweWe oeooTTed to lb* b'nea<ctit dleirtoi bad of U toe three were rron KpnuAtc dteeaba-

** V brlhtp»*H fW k thkw Ard," Dr. W aliice lepected. “ tod etl o lb m in too iiuintMT or dfMhe In pcoportKM lo tbe popniAiluu. A tlo f Ibeee dteMM* «re kuow em iiiridem lo otpi • rowrUm awi lerk of TimllMton jAXlflntf- bouae* prtHloiuliitte inoertelii ■ ertlone of tbU word and people are crowded into ih«m n Igbi- Ijr with onij one o b ^ t in view, that of the ac eaaiutetlon of money bp tbe keeper*. If IbU iubiert le ilaalt with u pn>vidi^ ftir In the •o d o tb a oan la broken up not only In Ibe Fourth Want but aleo Iti Mbir aefltoUA of toe bktj, notably la toe 9olbb qaertet ol tbe ilixlb WarfU'^

Tbe deatbetbroofbnut the olty in Jam iarr doe to eymottc dto M t i wore ■ laty tour. fMpb ttMrla eetieed ilxteen deatoi There were B*t deelfae froiB eearlet fever ind twenty two from trpbotd fevcc. Tbe number of riHiWered blithe wee W . Boanrlamn 14S.

Dr. WaQace'f report of tbe worblnjr* o f tbe deperUnent bw February ibowed ibal tbo tol- law tag eaaee ckT oont«f iqui and Infectlaui die- eeeee bad been repoctod t Dlpbiherta !M (do- •fleet 4). «oir1et fever 67 (dvcneie I), typhoPI ever U td em ete M|, mtabJimeuA croup 1 (da>

ervane 11). There weie M6 dtaliie Mfliterad. The annual rate of laonalUy, wbtoh bed been I l.t f and 32.ta for toe prertout two Bumtba tocreerod Aialn to abO l Tbe toweet retee were tblrteen end foorteen per thOMiand la the Ftnt end Fourtoeutb Wacdi yetpeedvelj. The retee rAUfed opward to tbe ether w iide to Blty-ocuper thouMmd la the fnurUi Ward. The deethA referrad to the ■ ymotk dleeeeee were Afty-Bve. of wbtcb tw enlf twe were from dJpbIberla, an lacreaee JttiaeJAoaaryef six. Of tbe twenty-two, one eeob oeeurred to tbe beoood. Heventb, Ninth end F lA eenih; two eaob lb tbe H xth and TwelAb Wards; tbree eeob Id tbe Fourth. Elgfatb and Tenth Warda end Bve la tbe Thlrteentb. Typboid fever ceuied thirteen deetba adecieam Dom Jenuary o l nlcw. Tbe huiuber of regiittied Uribi wei 4401 ntmiber elm irrlucee rtpurted, k o ; itill births lb.

B a ll* and Reoaptloae,

B a l le t d a o d n it b y eeveuteen Bmnll hoyi M the e ii fe of teniier Hell a feature •I tha Newark Youog lien's Benevolent Aul •odety*i ball lest ni|ht. Tbe Attendance was larpe.

Tbe Faemle Hoee Company's bell to Elberou Hell, IfArrlaoiL lart lU ihi was lariely Atieiided. Many Broinvu were prtMieL

Tbe Weet Knd P lfu u r* Club f iv e e auceew tbi bsdl a t Y. U. ii. A. Hall, on J’lano street, lestolgbL

It. FetrJefc'i Altiauce Braneh No. 7 gave lU leoeud ADQual bail to Hits'a Hall last b igh t

As liuarualoo a Mohdey nlfbt, Gennaitao- deitre held blgb oarnivel laM night do leee Iban Ave of theta flvtog balD. Fotir were Basqiierado balla The u. 0. V AororaF ma«< fuerede ball, at toe Acadviny of Music., was a iMililanl afl'elr. Tbe U. G, V. Concordu made Berry at a reoeptton of Pjlnou (Amlvat lo Eeiwier'a Hall. Tbe Newark Young llen'a IL B, V. oefebrtted Its d x ib Aunlvcnary to Barn- gir U ^l by (Ivlng • grand masquerada ba^ ^

Fennoii i* b l w i f ?saooieiy'A tblr^ *~**.v \ r ^' bail, aad waa

''reeeptton and banquet of MaUbiw T. A. B. 8o-

•k ty w m lie id ia liArooma 9W Warren stroet, lu ll n t fb t About Nib weto prwwul, end a very pleiAM t ev en tof was paia^.

CocapiDy C, Third BaiiaUou ut Orange, bcM He Aret Inaugural feasquetAde ball 1u ttm annory on WlUlam sireet tsal m ih t The anatory wim proTu'wly and beAUtituUy dextw- •tad wttb ftag*. bouting, iblelds, coats o ta m i9, etc About 900 gueali were preevnL A feature ot the sBalr wss a mock Inaugural cercmuuy.

AlKMtt the Oranges.The licttniw foes for the thirtofin catH

of tlie Orange Cfoestown and Hloomncld Htn'Ct EAtImad Company, ainountltw lo |36U, were paid yeeterday by Kdwanl A. Fi'Arwm. tn^auirer of tbe fomiiany, Hu atm pant the ooiU of Uh: ■ummoues liaued by JuiiUiu liAVla.

The Junior Club (taoce at Ibe realdonce of Gilbert L Herbert, Arlington Av^mne, Easi Orange. Itsl ulgbt, was slU‘mlfi>l by a ■ek'iot eoTQpany of young people, xml a niuat eidoyn- Ide evening wea Apent

Tbe Gentian 'I'brairp C<mtptny of Nq|rark fAve one of Us pcriunnaticos to the Uunutiu lu g Hah School Uall lust Plaht

1110 KaitOmngu Township ConiDitttee met laat night with bbtAvs meiiiben piTteat and paewd *11 ordtoanue auiboniiug tbs isatie ol Hwer loan bomla

'fbv pupils of Mn. Zlppel's dancing tcbo<jC Orange, gave a rcceimou to lippur Utolc Hall lart night.

Mrs. GuorgeA. VaU, of h ‘o*c^ street. Rair Orange, gave a large tud brliilsnl rerepHou lio>t hlgbt.

A lurpriae party was lendpred to Mr iiul Mrs. L. J, Tooele, of Valley roMd mid While Atreet, Orange, Ust night, as a larevudi gtout' lug to tbeui, they being aUmi to rumove to Metucheo,

Tbe inenibrn of f'ompAny A, Third HaiuHoit, (tf Orange, went on A itrww ridt? to the llltotu Hcdil last night. At Ibu Loiul t suppwr wmi. Mtved toil a pleBSfuii prugnunnie ot rucUAEton ami vocal aele<-t,1oT)i wat torvierisl.

Clgar-niAken' Untor. So ))7, ot Oreoge, gave a banquui last niKht as a culobnlioii ol tbr granting ol its nharkr,

Duriug last iiigbube to-tih'ucu of Mrs K H Tracy, *4«l Uniu Mivtl Orniig*', wan oMler«»l through a cellar wludow, and an ovurcMt w a' Itoleu. ____ ___

Th* Last Idenaura Tour Tu I'Uh-HIo.Tbe loAt of the g4*nm cl’ w inli r idt itH-

Urt tour* lo Finridn, via the ivimiylvaiito kail road, is Axed for Monday. Mvn:h H. The dale ti propitious. *<« ihi'early apftog III Hoiida it . delightful tciaa>n. uhile the TuoriUi In tin North la perbatw Ibu mo l dLAgri 'shle ul tlin Witilvr. The eii'nittgii il< kuis will aUmil id (wo weekF vun, wlik-h fwiiod may liodividi.ii up among ihu uatiy iniiT 'biiiig poims in tliu iuHropleal rvgton 'ibe ntitr, ubjcli U hdvt foroitog, will iravi'l to Jsek>iiuvll)u nmlrr Hji' peisoual csoort ol the [ouriii flg«ui mid < ion. Tliu ruund inp tickcU. wOUh tmdudu FuHuan acc<>ii}imxUtiu0b b[hI tiuali* n i roult- In both ilirei'liona will bu m>ld rnmi New Yoi4 ai |4S, I’tiHadrIpliId at t46 ami m pm|Kin)(ma:c rato's Innn oUuT Klatl oijt. 'Ibi.-isc«» Ui will U- gciod lor u><eoh))t ou i.|ie<'Uinr.iiiii in oarli di ractam. TJie fepee'ial train of I'ultniiiTi t k-ci) log rara will leave Nww York eiEMi ]' M. I'htU delpbia H 3T> and run tljr<iugli lu JtukionviHa by ihb Aitmuic Comi Line.

A Flag for (be illgli Kcdiool.I.int'oln I ’URt will prcHcui the Kiub

Bchuol wub a fliig. at thv I'eiilrul M )•; < b'iridi. CHI Friilay nighU The IkmnI ol ivJin atiou utni tbe pupils of the ichiml iiavt 1tiTit«<'Mote preaetil. Tbe post will turn out, wltii the druiiV corps, In full uiiliorm. Tbi-re will ie •Ipgltor til i short addruwoj (in A pri I a , i Mj] , tbsK in i Keginjr'ol, New J«i«j ildhln, volunteered, umleribe euimnaijU oft niouel A j. JohnuHi. Belore lodvlng tor'Tn-nion, otui« way to the war, it bsiU'dln fruut ol Uie llitEii tfeiiuol tulldiug, i t tbe coriiHt ui W*Hbiui;U>u aiHl Idmlen slreeir, and war prcH'Dlrd wim a bandaoDiv Aag py tbe •r.holan.


•txwngly OhJeeUag to th* Towwafelp C oB - ■itMee't Way of ISotog ituataean.

N early 700 of (he 800 v o te rs o f Balld- fille crowded Famsic Hall Uat night la anawer to a call for a meeting to dlacuw tb* Itnpri/r^ Dienis ujion tba sfreeta now im der way ind provided fur by Hit bomting acl. Orrwlng dla- HtDfSrtlnn at tba inaimcK tu w hich tbe work w being dona rulminated in tb* mtetlDg. Aaron tJuyd, one *1 iba l,M v1c*i property* owDi r* In iba town, was rboaeii to pn'iide. gqtilre Bandf< rd waa the lin t apeaker. U*Bakl that tbe grads ii|ion some of ibe straeta waa too ntdical, aihU iuhI John airevt aa an exaioplc, wbare Mveral bouaaa, ow lug lo (b« ex- cavAlioux have bean left pertbed U|«n tha imbaakaMiit, too feat above tbe level of (be r tm t. Tba tojuty. don* to tbe property was vary great, and (be prcqMry ouldati wers told that |i>ay bad no rw* dreis.

(’oiitiuuing Hr. Pandford aald ; " Accoolliif (o tbe nmlract all dirt (‘icsvatod to make the gradr upon itretH was to be put open slrceta thal requirtd flittog m wlthm I.OOO M of tbe cxcaviitons Thu portion uf tb i conirbci b ti brau grraily vlutaM In plane of utitixiQg ibla (llrl for tha pnriioma naiiioii in Iba coo tract ibo material waa aoid 10 pilvai* (tartlaa for Ai­ling In (bair lota, wheu streati within tha pre­scribed limlLs wen Doglfctail I called ibe attobUonof rotomllleanian C. K. Hmtlh.the chairman of the toad Cotnmltiea, wboLai been luperiQtriKlluf tbe work upon tba Mreati, to tba cciridUioN of Acadeiuy stiwei, one of tbs streeU nenil nod id tba cuutcrupiaiad ImprovcmenU, andihuwcd bleu where some of thadirtthal was heiriN Used by private laniea should b« placed, and far Uild ms hlunily that tha vtrert dMn't need It Ills answer was to blunt, to fact, that tt waa i«rha|« bfUer for both ut ga Uial I kept toy temper. At the time I raada the inggeaiUin cxoavatlons were gi>mg tin w iium 600 fee( of tb« P(vAdtwIgiiALeil Ibe rcMiM-queiioe la ibal to mil to* ureet up to tbv rm ium t grade it will Duw emt tbe township severaJ hundred dollar*. The mm* thing wm done with Isaac slTveU Wtaaiube exeavAitons ware mada upon John and Uutfvn ttresu ibc dirt plaL-«.<d upon pri­vate prtprrty fur a imwMeFattcai would have filled Isaacetrert in almoet lo Holmes iireel Now U will co*4 U»e to* nablp nearly TOO lo do wtwl ooahl tbeb bav* b ^ u e»coompUsbod at liUla or no eoat."

Inipaaklng oftbe B le of th e bonds Mr. Bandfurd mid thal they bad been 1aeue«1 eon Irary to (ha wtahra of the laxpayan and i t par. In place of iwcclving a premlaoi upon ibem it bad coBl tJ9) to lm«a Uiam,

**Itwas ImiiCMiiUa. In fact." exclalmud Ibe Bqalra, "togat*l what tbo Town COiotnUiee wera doing. They have bald nor* wcrvl s**- lone thb year Ibao Cougrtm baa Indulged In during Iba whole lesston. W« could not have (beir piooeadtMfs published In (be papen, Iota leportor waa told C IL UmHb, cbBnnati of tbe Htraet < 'omm lUaa, t bai tvea if tia (tba repor- tar) gw totoa Diaattog (Minnmib* would ba in­dulged to until Ibe bour tor adjourniuent, and ibat they would tben meat aialn oo a prtvaie tall. I WM abo told that 1 could e*a Ibe plans tor tba prupoaad work at any lliat. Wbeu 1 want for th* purpoee of aanliig ibam tb«v ouuid Dol be found, and, u I aew that I waa not wtl- eone, I ooacluded toflva up tha }ob. A pell- ttoo signed bf ovtr 100 property-owners for Ifaa opeilrtf af Odrilsndt street waa presented lo the cotnmiltoa, and (kai la tba last wa bare baacl ol tu"

BpaecbM were tnadt by irvaral others praa nai. ('belrman J. H. Kaaiwund, of tbe Town (YanmUler, lu aniwer to HquLre Babdford, ssHI Ibat to relatloD to the giadot on wveral streets Ihe work bad haen giveD to a cotnpeinnl sur- vayor, and Ib it iba itommUiat fofiowed his In- itrucUoM. Tbe Ibwn Cemneal, wblfo he would like to see me parties Injured by Ihe axcAve* tloM paid for Iba damage dona their pru]4rty, bad told tbe cuoimlUee that they could uot lagally pay (tamsfcg In regard to the sale of the boodi, aftor a great deal of troubl* (bey bad baen sold at four per oeiit a t par and * ere fo run for thirty y-iam, wUb the privltog* of re daemlng (bem at ibe end of twenty yean. TbretU bad been matte by tbe resnlonts of gilver lake w b iu Kraeta wet* not lududed In tbe oonicmpJited improvemenii. to o u a in an inJmicttoD raatratuing the Town i'nuiinlilce (Tom laulug tbe booda unlesa Balmont avrniie waa Impri.'Ted To slop liUgatlun tbe omD' mlUce, at a ooal of IBOD, mail* tba deelrwl im provements arxl thenlasuad (he Imtida As to seerooy m takingaciton In tba m ailer tbe (*t>m lalttee devmeil il adviaabla. Wban askod in rvA'iVDoe to lh« dirt that waa exoavatod an<i tM>t piaead wJjereibe ciHiiraci called for. Mr Eartwuod lakl (bat be *** yig “iTiWLL.fT'* touch t ^ r i w a ™fi«-

ivBo had charge

F. Van IUr«r inada the laat addrea In a kapplemenlary remark Mr. Kaslwoodi said that tbe naaoh Iba peUtlon lo open (’orUandt street wasUbled was luat <m* proper!y-owner had appeared before Ibe commltlM and slated that lha propoied opening wonld ruin bis property.

Hnrriaon and Hawrny,For a liu n iin g ch im uoy a t ItOH I ln r i i '

■on avenue at 6:J0 o'clock ibla luurmtig an alarm calltil out ibe Fire HrpaKtuent of U anl son. U WM Again callotl out a t 11 o 'c lu k by atiolber bumlng thimupy on Berieu eireet. T b t luemben of ihe deimriiiiant are icHid to their coraplaluts of (he frequency ^fUrtninuy llrt-scaiiad by neglect, which I'ompvl tbeui to Ic'ivu ibi'lr work and draw ihvlr apparstux ibniugti (he mud to ilic uiipsvail sGvcia, aikI area l^u t to present a pcittluii lo (be Cuiuuinn (’otincll ■I'king ihal *(i ordiuani-o lie pshsed toftidlug u penally on ihc ow uen uf bulUltogh lu wLlch chimney iim i ot'cur

Hn. Murjtoy, Itviug at IS lle iak u Mreci. lU rtlaw , made coioplaim tpotore Juslu^o l.ynub this ninriLlng tha t Jubii Maiming and wife, living at Ko. lb, op)Aislle. had comDilin-d an A«wu!i u]>ou her. Ybvy were lined tiu eecb.

i brlvt Epjscnpal Cbnrob despite ibeiturmy wvatber iart nlghl wa*' tilltHl u itti a large Cum gri'gaiiuD i(j bear tbe intmextlng foilutv dcUv erod by tli« Her. Ur Frdler, rveior of the i‘hurdi, U(>on bis rcceul Lraseli lii Nunvsy, Sweden and U'muark.

The Aiidfol Grdpr of Furester* No. 71i‘-ri al Us ngular meeting last ulghl lulilaUMl twu new iiieiiilisi*.

Kev. Fsihcr U'Conmv yostrrday lu bt. Vius'i rhureU united In niHrilugo John Aruistnnig ami Htw Mamie Uooro, bidb rvsldeiiis of ilai- rUon.

8t'hmd TnutVti Thotuafi Diaoii 1h conllned to hli borne (Ml Hanisou avmmu Aufledog witb n MVere sitsi'k of coiignsttve cbdli.

Tbe itov. Fntlier O't'onnor, pqytur of M I'lm^s f'hurrb, Imi glvi<n nul the rules and re,;iiUtUiii!i liir the (itulsb under bis charge during the liTidoD fcasoa. Among them arv Ibal sen lew will he hi'ld every evening during Im'UI, ami (bat on \Skdt]MdA]i evvuuigs a seruuib will be presell etl.

An • nterlstnmctil wid lie glvqii this cvenItiR, At Fiberou Hill, h ; Urn choir or t.'brtsl Fpi-‘ru pal rhim 'b ll w(h cmirluiio vriib a Isnghabie xkvU'henlilleil ' Tbe Uulc Muuw. "

Mi-s-m. Dwyer, UnlllKan, llluck, <’oiqH:r and i bHoiberiln bate been apponrtvd rc imuKb ol llerrliMH) f^url No FruUmnl ]j-ftioi>, ui make nnwogumenlJi fur the antuiHl rveepMuu.

Acriislltg IIU <r«li<l4t«Thoinn!i Hurim, nl Onclflu, N, Y,,

rbu|p(i Newark yvalrnU/ ntid n^lo-d l>nib Fichliaiim. of 'i:t4 Kiui alrk;LM..^u rIiow him aoHiml mnl MM'urv Jilin a iH^rtlitoc Iiuiih'. After Ibeiwii bnil samplml Ih'i-t pretty fK>iHy KlchlMilim (rullituclrd i(urm> to (he luituc til ihifortm r'f^fiMi'f, At fli lUilfi>S'l iivi'iuic, an>lsficrwiird llie b(raogi'r nii'^at'U fD* an<1 bad Kicbhsimi lUteilrcl. He denu'd sti'Allug tin- <-*>li ami Jnadt'fi Van N'M bidd him Iot a bit- Uier ixamlnaiiiiij. Itorus Uus delulnetl m a ttllllWH.

FMlnnuuiit C«ii»o(<>ry J(v|N>r(,I ' I k * l-'jurm rninl ( V j i i f U 't y .Twot i:d io n

tart o IkIiI riM’liK'terl W llltam (VnM , riiarli'n Nti'bolh &ii«l Ih-rtnun iA 'bIburh aii insiiigeis and dioc(<ir<>4 Ib c (rvam irvr'n annual rtalo un Id Kbdwed ibe inveis of ilie ai^siM'iRiioti iu1i« f.M,7hy'.IS, TLe i>’putl of Ihe a'qariu1cn«leiit i-bowt.'d thal litm'l>-six Iot« bAd Ijcen M)I>1 diir- mg ibi-year. Ru<1 that J.I'X) buriu)^ h id (akfii p lw r. All <hu (•eilu In ibe i eiurtery havt' i>'.i.'n 1eir(inilA(’<l iliiirluK H>u >eui. nud ibe main wi>rk diifing (he dutuing year w ill be Civ layiiiitiiuiul n<’M Ki-i-uoni.


IV ord a F ro iu

O F T U fc K A IN .

o f F ru f Uth e I le a HJv*T o Y ou,

Last Buuday wo adverlucd lo sell the odd pieuea of our lltmx ol ( ‘loaka Wrap , ole., a( wbat mtgbt be called giveaw ay i>rloee, 1h- (we«D tbe hours(H lio S o u Monday aAetiioon. but owing to the heavy n tu few people d an d (o oouie out.

Tv-morruw ofUnnuon, Ijetweeu tbe Mine bourn (I to 6 0*010011), wv will «dl Uia ImiIadco •UQleft. Tb* qiialUy smj prU'es as fultows i

AFjusbBacquesaigjS.Hg: formerly fdP.M lo IB.B.

t riuaU Baoq (toiled), r .to ; was FJO.1 Flush HacqiHt isotlad), |)U ; waa %'£ til* F|d»A ■’■•kpa. W-inch, K.9^; were 117.S I'tusb Wiaps. 84tiid bi-io(!U,fR.lW; w c ie f l9.I F uebJatkcl. aRlpeh. |KBA . wiia|l«,lg.} Flush Nnvinar)«d. 14 years, IH.Km , wiuFta

W obd W lK h , U 1.9U ;

a Aagebsloeve Newmarkebi, and W inch, fy.aa : war* 116 4H.

4 U dtos' Fancy Newmarkeu, ffa.96; wereIta # .

a iadlas* Fancy Newn:ark«li, I3 .M ; were

74 Hliaaa' Ncotnarkeii, t iW ami ffa.W ; lem (ban otte-bairprioe.

la CblUtfonfe UratcJirus, 4 and fi-yeai iliev, P .M I waaeJ6 t l to fll4K

1 lad laa ' Ar-Uiaaiuad Cloth Wrap, att UdiM* PaB»«iao(erle-triam#duietii Wrapt

• i RC M m o f IhOH UpBortDW afUrnoen b«two«n

la n d C o 'eto o k inaiM feOn.» 711, 717,711 Broad it-A d v .

H o w 1(1 SliAr|M‘n I* erk e l-lcn 1 ve «i

A deiik'T in I’Ullcry cxpruuu-A (be upinlon Ibal not one iiiai) In IMiy knoup bnw 10 tliRipmi A piwket knilv. "A nuuir,'' ik- kA>h. 'tuupi lie laid Bsi un tbe buue. I«lng liullnw grunnil Slid r<i|uulrig a Hue ( lgv. Ibit a ixA-kel kmft r^quirys k vdfl edge, anil ibi- mnrnenl yuU lay ll BhI ud a stune, so ei u> touch Ihu (kjlirliel side, you ruin Ibe edge. Tbe blHilc imihi be held at un angle ui iMtuiiy or (wetiiy-livi di-giewi. and buvu mu <-dr;e ;<lqjl lai loa eblB V Thu fe toelmM'sUy rulfeu ib - ' euiiiitfl,' ind i' tiiarkcd on all kuivvs u fum wbitc ]>ne ubii-li diNex nul mmove or lo ieU the poiitlied piirruee. Kiiivek Innprup'riv wbettui] are oJlen (Httnli mned u l4X> bard or too soH wilfaom rt;aM»n.


A fMnaple M elh*d by W hich ■ lu le Nay be H ead ta Any Hay«

From the Kermar Cily Journal.lit* desira u toarn ranslc conw to ai- !

moft every ooo a t lome time in life. Tbato are Ibousaodioi bugy poopio wbo have doI (he opporlunlly (o Lake up (hie study au- d a r t rom peU at tnatnictor. Many inch bav* cDUlvitc^ tbalr voicoa to aoug ex^ lent, but bave never learnrd tbo simplMt ndlm enU of (ba acie&co of m uilcil nota­tion. Mtiat they paai Lhrougk Hfe do- privbd of (fall arqulrem ent and tbo ODjoy* m cntlta poasosoloD would b rlogt

T h en are many ways of proventlngauch deprivilsun. It only requirea a few boun of study (0 enable any one of ordinary in ­telligence to read a u iic In any hey. I t la not cUlmed th a t one can b ^ in * a good linger In lui h a short time. NsHhor ia U claimed th a t such a self taught musician caiMtIng or even road difllault mniic with luffleJunt rapidity , but It la claimed that luch a student can leatn In a few hours to read ordinary oburcb or Bunday-icbool niuxk. Even tbla acquirameut would be a suurroof groat plaiaure to U ss o f thou* sands of busy, avory-day people who have not the time nor means to rnablo tham to take up the lyatenatlc study of music.

I t may aoem preaumpluous for one wbo is uot a profeoatonal music teacher lo ailempt to wrlta on lha sub|cci of inusir when there a n so many competent teachers of tba science in almost every community,

Tbe apology for tbe attem pt ii tbe ooncluilon th a t tbe Information to bo im* parled herein would have been of great value to the w riter when be was trying, unaided, to master tbe rndim euti of muaical notations

By way of further apology It ia necea- lary to aay th a t Ihem are muuy new methods of learning mnaic that are greatly superior to tbe old ones, and many that may be equal to or auperior to on* horeln flveu, but a faw luggeatiooe are offered with (be hope (ha t they may boof u ie to some one in acquiring a knowlodgb of tbe molt f lv llliin t branch of bumaii learning —Tonilr,

Tbe first atop U to loam the letterifag of tbe aUff. You n«ed only learn a t first tb* lettering of lb* atiff from which yon slog.If you ling loprano or alto, loam tbe lot- tertng of the Q clof. I f yon sing baea ot tenor, learn tbe lettering from the F clef.

The lecond step U to learn the muaical •calt, A lmoit every one who read* this already knowo th a t a luceeaiton of muaical •ottiida from do to ra, ra to ml, ml to fa, etc., conitltuto a acale. In learning the *§ca}% remember that a ra oetnci n e s t above do, ml above ra, fa above ml, and oo on up to do. Theae two itope can be learuod from any book on elem entary moslc,

Tbo Ibinl atop il the application of Uta icale to tbo clef. A musical scale founded ou any le tte r of the clof it in tbe key of that letter. For inatance, a scale founded on A Ll in the key of A. A scale founded on C ia lo tbo key of C, etc. By founding a acale on a letter, It it moan t that do, or one In th* icale, come* on that letter.

Now, it la agreed th a t the key that hai DO sburpa nor flats for its algnaturo<«naar tbe clef sign at the beginning of tbe mual ml coDiposition—aball b* called the key of C. When you sea a piece of music, then, that has no sharps nor flat*, you may know that It Ja w ritton in the key ofC.

Look up tbe definition and ui«a of fiats and sharp* in your music t»ook.

In laeo there are no data nor aharpa call C do or one, D ra or two ^ f f l 'tfr" til r« . ,tc . A . ,n iW hig, m -

DOt com. oo * lino lu . ‘jfSiSt up tho ical*, mi, ml, li in ii n , tod

alio fk, wLIi be on lb* linos. By tho above ii m eant above high do the clkbtb note above the foDudalion note. When do is on a space all tb e laat tuentioned notes will b* on spaoM. When do it o naU ne, the ipacea going up wUl be ra, fa, la, do, u lt aol, etc.

Open your book now for tbe last—tbe fourth-stop . Find a piece of mnaic wboM liguature U one sharp. This sharp la on F. This leads to the rnle fur tbe position of ebaritf. The right hand ftharp la always on six or eeven of tbe scale. Then, of court*, do ia tbe nex t note above tbo right baud sharp, lu Ibis case of oue ebaip the next uoto above the iharp is on G ; there­fore we h ive the key of G aud call that teller do.

Tho Dutea do, ra, mi, fa, etc,, will come in regular fcuccc<«tiou boro aud in all tbe key* alike.

The fourth is the change of key*. If the other atrps have bccti wdUlearnrd this In the easiest of ull.

Tbe key of (J haa already beeu dis- ciiiscd.

Ill i-hHuging keys romemlior that oo mat^ ter what the uaitie of the uuto la Itaioimd or degree of pilch la alwayi tbe same. For iiiitauce, in the key uf C fa comet ou F, while in the key of A la comes on F. Now the tone ou F rcoialiis the aaam in pitch in Iwth an<J all other keys whether ita s j l la ' Mo name ia fa, la or something else.

In learning the definlliuu and uses of flata aud ahiirps you have teunied some* (liliig of wbolo step* aud half steps, prob­ably cuuugh to answer present purpusos.

Ill changing keys, ItaU aud sharps arc used lo make (he half sto(ia occur at the right place* fur them.

Next find a piece of music with a signu' ure of (wo sharps. The right baud one is uik C, Then do bi tbe next one above uu 1), wbirU il the kcyoule. Tbe notes will read from do In regular tiu'cessiou aa helorf.

When (he aignature Is three sharps the right haml ih-irp ia U. Then do wid cume ou tlu' next note uhove which is A, the krjiiule/'^V ith four Rliarpf, (be right hand sharp L* on 1), Then, do ia on the next udto aliuvo, which Is K, aud no on, l l duo* uot mailer how luany nor liow fow ahnrps. Hie U ii or right hand sharp Is always tbe next note below the keynolo, do or uiie of the scale.

The fiitts triiuspoie by fourlbs or fi<A. The right hand flat Is always ou fn or four ofthescAlr, Fiud A piece of music with 0)10 fiut tor a signature, i l l s on B. Call ll fa iiiid read up or down in regular sue- c«-j»HiuQ (HI you remrh do mid you will find il uu F, wblih iti the koyuutr. IVoccod in the iHUiie manner with any niiiiiIter uf fiat#. Alwaya rail the right hand flat fii, and

up or down tu do aud you huvo the ko.vtiole, Thu number of flat* makes iio ilitrL'reu(*c or cxccplion tu Ihi- rule.

In (tcU'ruilui)ig the koy uf a piece of uiusli-firil pruiM'Cd according to tho fore- going .Ilk'll fur finding Ihe key note. H av itig found do or one of the scale, caat your cyci to the k U along (he line or space on whidi it is placed, and if yon see a sharp uu Ihul dt-grou of iho staff it la thu key of Ihiit li'ltor sharped. For luslancc, If do L'oiuca on V aud L ii sharped in tho ligua- Lurr, it is the key of C aburp, and if do (‘Cioes on B aud R U flatted, then It is the key of H fint, and so on.

No doubt to a proreislonal uuiiidan Ibete rules will teem mechanical aud In* coDipIrto. In one aense they are. But they are plillotiuphical iu that they touch tbo how liefore the why—the a rt beforeihe icieuce.

The details—the philosophy—of imisical notation should I'otneafter ouohus learned lo rcuil siniple music, just as ihc altdiai>ct ■lid RpcUiug abuuld eoine after one h u icuniiHl to read ur write.

U l l C O I J I f R O N B T T rB L K K H .

Klectricky I'sed to I'orify (juarti,E lK tr in tv iH jfriKluiilly >K*ini» intro­

duced into ccrsmic opcrailoua lo imniy ^uniU and ka'.jiiii frooi ux.d* uf Iruu. Tho [KjAifer fo he opf-ralid uii u plac'ed In a kopj'vr Hhcm-t; ll iallB Into a receiver roiartug ispidl) on a verl'foal axis. This rm 'lv o r ix surruimded L> i<-'iverfnl magnets of triangularSi*ctiun The piuiiied (owder ib tii falls into a sveoud n- ceive)' uaJ alfor tuidcriiuitig a aim liar puiiiiCR- liou In ihla ll is, oa a rule, ready fur u«.‘. Tln- cuai of ifaU prucesa ia siuaif, and il ls staled Ihal oKiUki lo lla ampfoyment aubatanc'ei can now iw (ueu wUich wvi« torniurly rejoefod on aceuuni ol lix amunnt of uou coulaiiied lu Uimu.


Frlotlng to r th* Trad*.Wu. A bMluT, pTiutor aud piiMiHher, bat

wti ptiliii a large cj Imder press (ifiv iargimi In ibe eil)), ainL ibw, wiiU ibuir oLbui pretwo , will vrialiW lU«u) to do ptvu work lor ihe irade in ihu aud iiirroundlng eltlea. 702 and SM Market sintaL^Adv.

T . N . W a r d , 0 a i B ra w d S ira e U Teax OoRrot, Japanew Qooas.— Adv,

T o the F lu d er o f U Nls*.Tin- Pw H)\« Imve a few ( hlWtvM’i Sulla

WAfofa. Iroui til* laiuhC'S u( theM*aaoii aoptaii tusi on aieomi) ui Hie ilwimnirg Uowti (o imihma of Mtiai wosat one time iTiw gTaudeHt ■-■yturEiuviii of wiufor gRrmems In the Hiy. UlHWucver hnds ■ slue to 111 one ol th«lr girlswiU be iilorally rowardiHl py tUc art^aiMVluxftuin acinal )«urih.

)\e Uavo ll Mfeses’ Pallor hfouie not. gray and iiavy, ■■ folluns;

Age & 4 6 6fiuilA 1 4 '2 4I'huhe at It r>7 ; were-ia.IR to l l W We have V MIRIM'S' Fancy uoiit Hulls with

vejvul aud braid trimimiigi, &i follows.Age 4 g It) 12

Huns 2 d R 1 ( ’hotceai I I : ire rtlS S R to N 4A We hove A MImM's' Wuui Hulls, pluxb, braid

itml velvet irtmmed, u {olfow*:Afu 4 8SttlU 2 4Cbukw a(|2.Sfli wareNM.Who aliall b* Itie flitdersf

Om *f tk« N artyr*4 Fr«ald*iiF* Cbisrwe- ta ria tla Bt«r4*a V wluld.

Now tbftt a new AdmiDistreUon is iwBi* to | Into power I I od. A. 8. B*l«Bona, of Watbliifton, Ibinki (be time opporUoe to ropoat Ibe fellowint etory told b lu by Fresideut Lincoln :

We bad been talk Ing abont the pHfiU* that beeet the path of public men, and Ibe danger of tbeir tum blinf into thein, wbeit,• • WM hla wont whoo aa apt idea atrnck bio), he suddenly b rig h t^ e d np, aad g m p lf lf my a m with one of b li long, bony bands, while he bmabed back bla shaggy black balr wltb tbe other, laid r

"W b en lf lra t entered upon my duttee aa Freeident I fully tnade up my mind to appoint to office (boae ouly whom t knew to be boncit and who bad suitable ability.In any event boDUty ahould be (be pre- rtqnlalte, as tbe lack o f a little ability mlgbl easily bamad* np by an boneitm aa endeavoring to do bU du iy oonsclentiooS']y. While this resolve was freak apon me there rame to me one day a very old frlead, a Baptist miniator, who had trav- ellcd io fait that be bad not yet iliaken th* llJluoli real eitato off bis eapadoua boot*.

**' Why, wbat brings yon her*, Mr. ChooUperf* said 1 (which was not bis name, butU will do Jost ae well).

" * Well/ be replied ,' I came down here, firstly, tolee yon and g e ta a old-feablontd ■hake of the band ; and, leoondly, to lay that tbe folks of my nagregatloQ are eo poor that Ibey can hardly afford me a de­cent living, and 1 thought maybe you ifoold give me eome sort of an office th a t would pay me better.*

** 'Certainly,* 1 answered quickly, tor T knew be was an honest man, and 1 wm looking for slock of th a t k ind . " U a v i you In view any particular office F

*"'No,' laid Hof. Mr. L'bootaper, complacently ; *1 would not know what lo select If yen were to b aad me a list to select fromf*

*"N or I wbat to give y o u ; hni 1 wUl toll yon WHO will help you out. Yon know Cotooel Kidd lib, «f your oouaty, Ha is now on duty Id the T reasury bepartm enl.Go and im h im ; he Is a man of leeourcee and will get yon oni of your d lflcn lty ; come back to-morrow aad report*

"T h e next day, according to promlae, Chooteper pat in an appearaace and said ibat tbe Coloaol had rveouamendad him to apply for t certain potiilon in tb e Eevanne DcpartmcDL

" 'W b a t le tha salary T* said fe ig n in g In a mechanical way a pile of eommiMloni.

*'Two tbouiand dollars a year.*'Well, do you think th a t I* enoQ gbf

I aaiwcred, ' I may bo able to do belter for you,’ for 1 knew Ibat be was an honest man aad thought fa« m ight J o lt m well m not get • place where be «oo Id omra more money,

'**Ob, pleuty, Uncle Abe, fur that li more than double tba am ount I 'v f been Mrning for yean p u t.'

" ' Now I began to th ink , said our mar­tyred Fresidcnt, 't h a t 1 would have to force him Into a place paying a larger u l- ary and where tbe G uvem tueot would bivfl a curreapondiag re tu rn for hie valua­ble services, for 1 w u more than ever (If that were pouible) oouvinced th a t be w u an honest man, but 1 flna llj coaduded to give him bit own way and he w u ap- pointed aeoordiu|)ly. UlT ho wont rejoic­ing, but 1 ftlt rather mean a t my one-hone gift to my good, honest, reveynTBid /ffebd.

" rh r e « y « j7 (n tp ^ ',V iid tbe inxietifa the war had completely driven

from Biy mind, for tha tim e being, the in- cident Just relatod, when my maasenger brought me a card bearing the femlllar nsme *Rev. M r Chooteper,* and Im- mtdlately there flashed octom my mind all tbe cireumataneM attendiug my appoiat- iug bitn to offiofo 1 directed him to be shown In, and in walked, w ith creaky boots, one of tba finest and best dreaeed men 1 bad lean In many a day, I ncog- nieod hli conntenaneo a t a glance, hat H w u bli m am llou i olothoa th a t troubled me. They B t eu lly enough npon hie body, but somehow or other they did not l i t so euily upon my mind, but wherefore,1 could not for the life of me (ell, If 1 bad irictl, which I didn't,

*' * Good morning, Mr, President * (no longer ' Uncle Abe,' u before), aald he, in a grandiloquent maunor; 'X hope you are well and getting on nicely*'

yet,’ u ld 1, 'w e poor falka eke out a living after a fu b lo n / Intending to give blin tho bit in his mouth, for 1 knew wbat an buDcet nian bo w u , end how much—1 couldn't toll (ben exactly how much, for I bad lost the ran of him—' we, the pouplr,* were iD.iebted to bim,

" 'M r. Prcaidoiit, I have eome to resign my office.*

" Feeliog lomowhit u though X had bcenhlruck by lightning, 1 managed to exclaim ,' Indeed!'

'"Y 'of, 1 th ink th a t there urom any otbets deserving of tbo place, and (bat U la iny duty to make way for them.’

" ' W u there ever such an honest man u ihatY" said I to myielf, chuckling overm y stupidity ou the clothes auiprise. " But,” said 1 aloud, “ I am afraid yon are out fonniderlng yourself, friend Chooteper, and that when you go back to preach iug you will be as herd up u when you camo hero three years ago. H adn 't you i>elter hold ou u hltlo longer, lay a year more, aud let us both go out of office togelbbr 7”

" No, thank you, I am going to Europe dutiug tbnt lime, hot J hope (o aae you ai FroHidcDt here when 1 re tu rn ,’ and after a Few mure kindeipreaaloui, ofT weut Rev. Mr. Chuutepor.

” About a muulli after, one of tbo rever­end gcbtleniaa’a Deiglibore paid me a visit, and among other tblnga, remarked casually that I bad done a pretty good thlog for Clioolsper. ' Yes,' 1 replied, * I gave Lioi a $; ,iiUU position for three y ean .'

*’ * Bi.iitldes the ImUnce,” ' added my visitor " ' Why, If he is wotlh a cent, he it worth lu-diiy f ’2DO,000—and 1 can prove it if ueceaiary—aud every dollHr made out of the GuverniueriU' ”

” Whet cuuld the Idiot mean 7 To sutHfy mynclfuf tho falsify of the chnige 1 dobcruifoi'd to scud dotcctivex to wlicru be lived, aud, would yuii believe it, tho pn-judifcd fellows brought hack word that be hod made bis i.iKXJ euiary in the ag' prCK'do yirld fully $'200,lYk) in crisp grrou* ; backs ; but then knowing be waa an lion* eftt imin I kucw that Ihcrc D um ben inis- tako soiiicwlicie, hut ju s t how and in what manner I cuohl not toll.

“ By tbo way/' add«l Mr. Lincoln, with one of his knowing winks, "w o have plenly of thootepecs left, bu t It waa Ijard (indiug ibciu out, and even if we do uot trace (hem up tboy are invariably quite full now, like so many hor.'fo JeechcB who have bad their riiii among lo ruatiy fat cattle, and if wo appoint new ones who are empty tbe clmucca arc th a l they, too, will havu lo got foil—so 1 don 't see where would be tho gain lu the swap. But (!tauouper, in aplus of the off-color, pr^u- diced sloriei about bun muai have tH.’on un honest man; uow dun 't you th ink he w u ? ”

Rare Metal* for Hiwrial Work,Hume ruio inelula, pofeseming apoio l

q1uUU1o are required (ur ccrtaiit work. Thus lallNdlum IS in making some parts of iliQcpU-cca, and Irridlure for (he polnla of gold peiix, and (he tiuibiilaHNl itave no ideaof the value of nich scarce producix VanaJluin costa, for iTMlincf, I2i.d00 irauie per kilotraunioi EC 'oiiiuin, hl.Tlih traiH'*, otid lilhlutn, w bkb Is Ihe Iferiiei'lur uvvlali, 77,dW feuncs per kilo- Rrsnituu. Hluxlium, M bifh la extremely hard ■ltd hriUlo, ami Is only luslhie at avury blgb |ein>K!raiure, fetcheii 7&,330francs, otid irrldlum, Ihe Uvaviest sulmaiice h hheno dlarovere<.l, {H»\M 12,005 frauix per kllugramuie. It will, therefore, be seen iha l gukl aud ■LiTerarvfar irom iicini ihe most prtcioua m ctal^ u far as their market value la coucernod.


T a a e g C U r l u 0 # t Cto tke a t « r ^L ittle H «aey.

f n m tbe rioibief.T b c n i« « p tr ia ii)eu tlD U rn «»tl« i point

in * t>**t u M j peoplt', n lo d i, u d thnt b bow r o a t i | n«D « t n ln ( u j « b « i « f f« * |I 0 l« t lS I week con d m i h w ell M •n riiin i tv * o i d x timo* u much. Yot th e j E ua«c« to do It, lo d bovo n o o g h inonoj le ft lo raoko o polite liltlo ripple In tbe lo d e t j Id wbich tb cj moee,

Tbo ro r l; elexotod tn in e and bono cor, t io crowded w ith w ell-dreieedpouni xteo, wbo g iio o b o n t M eom pliM ollp u d eolf- io liiged at i f Ihep were part ownera in o railroad and lived oolp lo cut coapoDa and draw dlTldcndi. They are d r e a ^ well, aud tbeir clotbiog, Iron the cape coat to the light cloth ga lten over their ihoea. would com port farorablp with the laleat fufalou plate. Y e t If jou follow ihem pou will be pretty in re to learn that they are aim ply clerka In brokera’ oScaa, and do Dot recelre m ore than t ih lo a m ^ orily of OMa. How do they d ieoi H well, then f Do t h e y '* borrow ’’ from their em ployen, or do they epecnlateln hDcket^hope? -They do not " borrow,” end, u for ipcculttiog, they do that aometimea in a imaU way. Their clothee are bought houH tly enough with the m oney they earn erery wack, and the w ay th ey do It la rary caay.

Moat N ew Y orkeia h ir e heard o t that clo ii o f people known ao '* fencea,” whoao bnilnaia It i t to buy atolen good, from tha tblerea direct ot a rtdicnlouily low price, and aell tba atuff to imall d calenatoam all p ro lt. A “ feoca ” w ill buy anything that il atolen, from • ailver apoon to a in it o f clolhet or an aatortmeut of clotbiog, and thereby faangt port of the U le. Erery tiint there la a big clothing robbery the atuY It fenced and Immediately patted to the taered preciocU of Baxter atru t. Sometimel the better portlona o l tbe thlorea’ work Bud their way Into clotbiog atorea In bettor nelghborhoodt, aod bocauae of the extreme­ly reatonabic price at which It la bought, the aulta are lo ld rary cheap. Now yon would not tnppoee a brokti'a clerk would g o to Baxter xtreel for clothee Neither doea b e l i e tenda tha clothlng-mao'a agent for w hat ha waDle T h li agent calli on the clerk and It told what ity lo o f clothing l l wan tod. Tbe yonng man fo meainied, and when the clothee come home tbey need rery little altering, Tha coat l i com paritirely nothing. A good Prince Albert coat and reat can bo booght for from |8 totao, w bili cBtawaya and aack tniW are to Im had for pricet raaging from fS to (15. Of conne a great deal o f the atuff la aocODd-hand and a groat deal la atolen. The tecond-hand clotbca are, eaally " d ied up,” and tha m crchanti o f Baxter atreet hare to deU- rato a tacility for thla ” flxiag np ” proeeia that th ey w ill change the whole complex- ion o f a aail. Tho atolen goodt are nold |uat u th ey are bought, with the excep­tion o f change In the makar*i lag on the o ild e o f tb e collar.

Btill there it anotber, more logittmato, way o f obtainlog clothing that la (kahioa- abla, now and m atly, Xnero a n a great many young men, rich and ftablontble, in New York, who apend moat o( their lime buying and gWIngclothea away after wear­ing them once or twice. Thia may leem altange lo men w ho have hut two auitr, and wear them n n til they are abaolntely too Ibroadbar to wear any longer, yet never- Ibeleaa U la tbe cate- Bnlta o f rjothea coat- log all tha w ar from ffO I f t i X 'e*fn are

for theae wealthy yonng men, and are worn probably three or four timea and then given t« valeta. To follow the conrae of the clotbea from thla point would ba a pretty heavy noderUklng, Bomctlmea they are aold to aecoud hand dealers on Sixth, Fonrtb and Third avenuea, who make a handsome profit on every so il bought and aold. Out o f the clothes given to him tbe valet keeps tbe heat fci bim- aetr. o f coarse, Vnd manages to make con- slderible money out of wbat he sella Thns it la that BO many young men earning small salaries can dress so msbkinablj and live honestly._______ _________

D A M 0 E R 8 r O R S C H O O L a lR L S .

THE PUREST AND BESTIs n u d a only o f stric tly p u n Ympe e rsam o f ta r lw , stric tly p a rs bicarb(m - e t t o f sods, and a sm all portioo of lo u r as a p ro se n ra tirs , nothinff «lss w hatovar, and is w arra iitsd entirely free b o m alum , am monia, phoaphntes, tim e, and nil tb s adg lte ran ls fretroenlly found in b ak in g povrders. T he charv j-

WATSON CO.Have Miarked Down all Their Broken Iwita of

ELEOANT C iS S IIE S E P A E TS ITo tbe Extreme LiOW Price ot

$ 3 $ 3 ^ 3 a P a i r !To Closo dot mile Tley in Preparing H«* Pattern for Sprint lorfc

Becure a ronple of pnlis t f these H endsom r Pant* while you have hU 11^ Choice P a tlem s to eclect ftoto. a t one morethe OHAY AND BLACK C U T l.IN h » and th e B K A U T IH JL SH A D E D ST R IPE S

te r o f m ateria ls used, tlie ir pu rity , and■ ' of theli

I’s superB oet health fu l aud moot economtcal lu

putdtyithe nioetv of th e ir combinaUon, render C leveland’s superio r bak ing pow der the

now so ftsbioenble.Kememlier, the price 1* $ 3 for

tbo first buyers get the best p a ttem i.any k ind or s ty le you m ay select, and th s l

nee, and i t a lw ays sffards wholesome, nufrttious, sn d delicioas food.

I t Is recom m ended for p u rity , health- fidnoM ao d et&ciency by Q ovem m ent s n d S ts la chem ists, cDsmists of Boards of H ealth , a n d profensori in inetltutlons o f learn ing throagfaont tbe country.

'Sold only to raae, frill weight.O uvxL asD BBorasKa. A u i r r , N . X

OEO. WATSON & CO.,K o . 705 B R O A D 8 T R R E T ,


(Be.■ tlR C lR l J |a t1 C R B «

' e a c h rO R ^ fflo . TO A U T IC L C S .

• l.I to

Ik e ^*'**j^T k e e e T b in f* A r« Fi*rt o f . . . .G<ho<l*» tb e K tto bep NeeAe ettd A'< RlDdi o f W ere A re kUII More Yet. ueb le e t Hehne R (tos'e (bla W eek, Lwti**' l^ w n Aprons.Lediee' Smbfoidcreti Conei Oot*h .Lodi**' Mitflin ('nemtee.Ledte*' Huelln D r a w ^Cklto'4 Wblte Tucked Bklrto. onto'* RuflUod Drnwen Chlid'4 White U. K. Drexfte,Infant*' Cetabrte mir*. rmnhrle Jeitev Wolit.U d le i ' R lb M VertL LmHm ' Gaiue Vm U.Child’* Bedlam -wcfehi U«rtno Veil*.Ledfe*' BuRteo, fiMir RTtB,Ladfe** Koie fiuppen, with tMUod ti

ihu iild efiiretBlA dlei' lXc*e, tir«at]r-five Rlyteo.Child'* Uo*t, oU fUMk ten A t lee.Caabmere Gloves.Ledi**' AlMlnen HaDdkemhkeR.Men'i Pine Unen HandkerclUeR,Men'* H alf How.Men’* Bcorfe.Three Men'* AlMlnen Cnllon,Men'* AlM lnen Cuflh.M ea'f and Boy*' Buipendcrt.Bot*' WiDdeor Tleo.U d te i' Mull Tie*.


One raid Rnchln^ Child's Laos Capa Child's UatColUn.

gllaaan tWho O at Into Uiaohlaf W han Bant Away ta be Ednnatad.

3 e r « cornea i proceaaion of pretty pnpila writes Clara Bella ta the Ctncia- natl £nyairar. L ittle girls from tb s West, Bontb end East are sent to thia bnu iog hive a f a town to aducste. Serene madams establiah select ichooti in sn elegsnt erase street, or percbenoe on one of the grand svenuen. They call timid yonng creatnrea from dtatant tow ns They ere cireftil enough of their plants. Tbe; house them aecuEely, aod tbe mao who would dare call on one of them must require a courage th s l is positively tangible. Bot air snd ton are ncceaiary to everything In nature, so the selected inl.siee undergo s m ilitaiy aitiug twice a day. In company with a abarp-fooud s tte n d an ta long Una of girls march aedaloly up sod down F lf h avenue, and by so doing they poaa by Ihe windows of all the principal clnb- housea.

Now, little Hiss Simpson, of Ypsllantl, can tcaicely be blamed If she la alightly thrilled when an loapreialvs Individual, sweetly dressed and exhaling "aristo­cratic '’ aymptoma, permili himself to sur­vey her young figure in preference to all tbe rest of the school. I t would frighten her no t of ber appetite If the stnnntng stranger spoke to her. But our club lounger Is ra ther jigge r In theee little af­faire, H e ngiBids hla pray for a protracted period, and she seldnos sees him twice to the same anil of clothes. Then, If he is re illy pimsed, he hia b n vslet stroll along after the prooeatlon and run It to cover.

Some d iy little Kiss Simpson h allowed to go ou t alone, Just to tbe dinggUl'a to buy some congb drops. A clean ent and obsequloni young bcd atepa up to her in a bnslneai-ltke way, bands her a note and walks on looking as serene ss a district telegraph messenger boy, whleh Is the sereneit th ing on earth. Tho girl feels guilty, bo t abe retains tbs note. I t has a crest on thn envelope, and is about tbe pretticet bit o f stationery the Innocent haa ever teen. I ts contents arc most reipectful, only a request to meet ber, th a t Is all. Wnll, U t» Simpson is practically In a priaon, bu t fhe posseases tlie avengs femt- ulne Intellect, and the dob entn meets her. Porhaps a drive In tbe park, a little d in n e r behind these wicked tervent In the U t. St. V incent restaurant, a first g tau of cbinipsgue, and then where Is little kliss Simpsonr In tho—swim,

PIh HeUi BuUont.Twelve yards Tore non lace.Ttro hanks bail Oarmantowu Wool.Muslin liovered PincusDIoin.Quarter doien Table Napkina FITS styles Unen Towels L a n e TurUita Towels TuiklsX Towel Mats, ISiM.Plush CenUt Msts PXDcy " Albsmbrs” Tidies fttsmped Momle Trsy Covers Btiniped Moaste or u nsn Bplaahets Btampsd Linen B ninu Coven, M Inebts lexis btsmped Monue Doylls.PalrttanpM Pillow dbsms.Double Cmbrella Bag.TbceS pockst Shoe Hag.B n u ll la u n d r v Bag- All kinds OlHSuara.All kiuda Tinware.Atl XInds Porodain,A ll kinds Woodwara.TbousiodS oi Kltcban Netdid Ou-a uri 7 oVtock 1 baiuraaye Oil 11. Fre*

dfllverv anrabete *be oounly. Telcpbooe7 9 8 - ______________

W e H a v e InauR am tedg On March i to cloee out our odd* end

eodo, tb* iMTinx of our lo itu le , etervth loc below m l I w i fell to wUneei tbl* Mre«4 couDMT cicoriBg, 0* tb ire will b* coratoerabl* am iiw heot to uoie tbe beauElful tcciei to to heard froto the b o if crowd i l tb*T b u a In th flr eothiiilaaDi. FU tak* tbi* wnlcb w ill CTldeally be ooDciuilf e prool* tb it tb ti reputa­ble ertabtiahment bo* built a foimdatkm which u M itODCb ta tbe Rock of (jibralter. Wbat they M j they dOy iber do. To-morrow mora- lu t at fi As H.y we wUl Mil a* follow t;

too doi. LMLe Thread half noer, to. • pair.1.000 doe. Bufpender*, 7*. e pair. . . .800 Oilncbina Overooote, latlo lined, 111.90;

w o n b llL1.000 don. U n en Oollan, guaraDleed, to.

English Mellon Overcoats, W.90; worth

"KSdoa. gentai tour-plyCnfik, lalatsiylesXlc. a pair.

075 Importedworth 110 (0. ^ „

1,100 Papier U acbe Collai aod Cuff Boxes, 7c. apiTO*.S75 English Wale Casslmere Snfn, 10.75; wonngllTO . ,

Just reedved 1,000 dos Neckirear Sample acods, worth lo make up tOc., 75c. and t l iplroe; Wi will sell Ihe enUte lot for lUo. apiece; vour choice; cell and tmpeci ibeta; T o u v ^ n o t buy . » , ^

47. Brood Wale Wonted Buit*, lll-AO; worth

Ynjtitih Wale Cmaltnere Fonte, I I 49;

'^ l'o»*A U Wool Cheviot r a t t U ,| l .» ; worth 18.

noo fitorm Overcoat*. 18,76; worth 90 90.876 lrl*h Tweed Btorm Overcoott, 18.78;

w o rlb filk .A . _ -Now. If you with to m cum tbe*o to rs u o *

coll end Inspect lUetn flrtl; then f f they ore u repieeeated, and If you don't feel u - DlitkAM to tpuicbOM, you are at Hterty »o ^ *a

Union lb JPer Cent. Clotblrig Co., fi06 Brood lUeet.

A M O S H . V A N H O R N , 7 3 M a rk e t S tre e t, w ill sell $ !0 0 .0 0 w o rth o f goods, $ 1 0 .0 0 dow n a n d $ 1 .0 0 per w e e k . T o get you to o rd e r n o w , I w ill sell th e fo llow ing goods a t the, fo llo w in g R educed P rices:

100 BolU of Tapestry BruxMls Carpet, regular prloo per yard 75c., n d n o e d to 65«.60 Holla of AU-wool Ingrain Cnipet, regular price per yerd 78c., reduced to Otto50 Parlo r Soite, in M ohair, Bilk and Kmboeeed Plnah, regnlar price f76.0(^

reduced to 160.00.60 Parlor Suita, in Brocniclle, Tupcetry and R u»^ regn lar price flOftOO, reduced

to t76.00.Solid Black W alnu t Bedroom Suita, 8 pieeee, marble top, regular price 160.01^

reduced to ^ 6 .0 0 .100 A ntique Oak, Aeb and Cherry Bedroom Suita, regular price >40.00, reduced

^ t o >17.50.A lull line of Parlor Stovee, Ranges, Child ten 's Chrriuge*, Ixrangea, U a tlre iae^

Sideboards, etc., etc ., a t Reduced Prices.

Good* Delivered FBBE OP CHARGE to any Part of the 8tat«.

Chincbilia OvercotU, tt.M i

1 enlFered fo r m o re th an ten y e a r s w ttti that (traadful disease, caiarrh, and used every aTallable medtolne which was rwem m audeatom a. foaoBOl thank you enough (or there. 11*1 w hich your Cream Balm tau sftoMed me.— Emanuel Meyen, Winfield, L I., N. Y.

For llttoen yeeia I was annoyed w llh revoin pain in my head and dtscharges Into my Ibmat Irani Oata rb. My sense ot smell was much t a S d i T By Ih /u ie Ol E ly’ s CY*am M m 1 have overoowe Ibete tfotibiefc—J, B. Ceee, fit* DenU Hotel, N. Y.

C»ry fe KeniDy. pletnre-tr*m « mROiiflaw-Ituen, hSU Broad « « *(. Pfolure*. F ricw i, S iM £ M lfron, et&i Enfravtng*,PiR eli, Eteliliictr Water m a n and all kiad* of oitltte' m ateru ti Fratoei mode while you w e lt _________ _

C oB enlexloB P o w d e r (• o n D b eelato ne<wialty of tbe refined toilet In tbte ollioate. Foaonkfe oomblrtei every eleueu t of beauty •Dd foirlty.

Dee'^ha votii iUo.


Near Plane St.




Mrs. W in s lo w ’s ‘Soothing Syrupahould always be nied for CUldren Teeth­ing. it Soolhex the Child, Softens th* Gums, AUm idl Pain, Cores Wind Colic, and is the Best Remedy for Diarrhoea, T W C N T V -rtV I CENTO A BOTTLK

r lU a e a r s b ll lo n i a n d a e r -

erBATS or

TA-KA-KAKEke It Eiceedinglj."

OITTAllow yourClothiiift Paint, or Woodwork, washed in the old rubbing, tw istin g wrecking way. Join that large army ot

sensible, economical people, who from experienc* have learned that James Pyle’s Pearline, used as directed on each package, savci time, labor, rubbing, wear and tear.

Your Clothes are worn out more by washing than wearing. It is to your advantage to try Fearline.

JAMES PYLE, New York, Sold Eveiywherfi,

CONTINUED7uv ten dayi lunger, 11)0 ** wlDd-up ” Cleor- (□f-out Bale of a ll Winter Clotbiog at ihe B«ukruf>( AeUguee Cloihing flalesrooBUL VA M utbeny itreet, cortMi Market itieet, New* ark* New Jerery, will uoDtlBe for ten day* lonjejr. dnriiqi wbleh time the remahig itock ol SlM ant Clulfamg, ooDiteUng of U eo’t, Boyi’ and Cfatldreo'i fiuite, Ovenxwu and Panu, wUI be pocrlftoed at " Ooe-quarter l i ’i Value.' EverytblQf tu tbe eotlre Mock at 2to, on tbe dollar Pour DoltorV Value of Pine Clothing lor H Id money. T b li 1* on abeoluie feci. A vail you rM ifoftbii opportunity. It laay-never oc- out agxin-

1U.QW Men's Pam* at 4to. GOO Melton Ovee< oo eteatfiff^ wuttb llfi. Fin* Klyiian Fur f in v e r Ovcrcuate, oil colon, worth 930, •( 97.2&, 2fi0 Winter f f liu o f Cmwlinere, Booich Cbertot and Uomeipun Tweed*, Bock and Culawaya 11^1 are told Id apy other rtore In Newark at (toa> tlfi to iTfi iNr luJt. Your choice ol any fo lt 'n the eotlro lot at •G.7&. Men'* Brood Wate Wonted Cutaway D m * BuiU worth | 4i), at f lO .^ Flue K aw -cfin Ke^ •eys, firhnabetA CfalDcblUti, French Huiitag^ uaui, Vienna lo p Coate, Aberdeen Meltona and Uoyol SUndoid Keriey Overcoot*, all Tailor-made, fitlk-lloed, and made Mipertor to beet cnitom w ork; do QvenxMl in IdL* lot It worth len than t3V, and up lo ffiO. To cLo*o them out r a ^ l y they w ill go oi a uniform price of flTato fitf any Overcoat la Ibe entire lot, liOOO B o ^ Suit* r f Trioot, DUtontL W onledi and C iA - wrew.laLior'inade. and elegantly trimmed, at

^ 0, ^9 0 and IU.G0 1 worth tH. llO and 112 per t f f ii ‘ '■ ...................-_ lt GOO im a lD ot Ci«ilmerG and Cheviot fiolte, i t Sto., 91.70, 9L4G and H .96 a luU, have huen*oldot |B to 16 per «ultv OentLemen‘« Flm st Prtnee Albert Dre*i Bail*, fei elegant Dreti Wear, Sllt'Ufaeds Boteeti ileev* Imlnye, low roiL and mode by the best telloti; of W blp ( K ^ , Nonow or Wide Wale Wcetied Curkterew and Eng. Dl*gObife worth ISO, a t f l lb a NewSvenlng fiulte of Dork Twei^ Camlniken. IS.G0 :

BanaockburD Cheviot fiulfe I 7.M |


w orth -------------------- -----worth I U H oys'Psna, Ifie., 2te., S6c., afic.; worth iram II lo B a pair, 4,000 Hots’ Over- coats, Hahty-nlne l»i!.) conlx Youths' Built, ta s v i worth Ilk. (lermanle Beaver Overooats that were sold at Ktaco ; now la to . Nobby Btrilaht C uf Bnila Tor yonug men, all lata styles, t o 7» ; worth IsaOO. Boy's Gaps Uverroala, I1.4S. t lM to » . « reaiiecUvely ; worth IS, I# (0 h o each. Boy's Corduroy Boils, t l .09, and many other b u g itu s not mentUmtid here. Cell aod tee for younelf. Come t(Hl*y and every day for the neat ten d a y ia n d u v e tbree dolU n on every dollar you tpend. Don’t *Uiy away. Each and every article n ld oa odvertlted. Rvcryltaini |uar< anteed u repreiented or money refunded. Bring the money und take Ihe goudi off o f oo?baiidis All ih ii 'i leA by March Ifigoeitoauction. 8o come at once (o (be wlndinjrup of the Oreat Bankrupt Ateignee Clorhins Bale •( 128 Mulberry flreel. enrner Market itreots Newark, K. J. 1.lar« Brick Bulldlnga All Bed filgni. liook for tnem I

"1B E A D


;tO fihavee fo r fi Cvntes Mefi two cent* to I'olgale A Co., K Juhu Bt.,

N. Y.» for a Munpfo or Ifeumlcviil khaviug Boaps w

^ Tuver Hrotiien (TelcpUou«GU4), ('eilaritrects Bke a r}«o1aUy or priiiUng report* of hiMut- ka, *(A-l6il(e ami club*, piti'e li t* and c*U-

ihoM who toiler by tlie way L. I. JPlaut Ji m , 71k, 719 Brood it.

Certainly not


Tbe Popular Prin ting Houi*.fJtuver Hroiiien (

make cUte, *(A-l6il(e am) club*, pit togm»^>roianufaQiUrt'r*,1aw brieli lor IhetMr, alitu itfnitliifi for bfaiikik inauioucq eompanU'* und ixiumu-relal buukc* in Uner tly le aud ai lower unue'i tliaii any houae la ibe butfueia. liiv* tlicid atiiol uAier—Adv.

A Pure fiUmalawtdlrocl from the U. 8. BcMided Worcboure In Kentucky i 100 barrel* of Mill’* Celebrated Ryd aud bourbon Vlblekeya yoon old, wbtob wear«*elilug ol a mere uomlnol (uite. 9171 per Punty goaronteed. TienMy e Bro.. 99 and 71 Market Ms ^ *te

S t a m f o r d , C t . , F i b . 1 3 , 18 8 9 .POTTER & WRIGHTINGTON.

Gentlemen; The package of Ta-ka-kake d^y received, and last week a box wUh a dozen packages came also. I ath extremely grateful for your kindness, and have been industriously recommending it by sending samples among special friends, for I like it exceedingly, and imagine, when in April I am settled in housekeeping, it will be a prom­inent article among my stores.

Yours respectfully,Mrs. HENRY WARD BEECHER.


Saratoga VichyW ATER



Fiiilar Gwili al Fopalar f nets.W E OYFER, TO CLOSE OUT,

C B O tiS E & B L A C K W E L L ’ SMABIULADE at 14e.


JAMS at no. p«r Jar.

Beattie & GreenT 2 6 B R O A D S T R E E T .

Sheet Zinc, Sheet Iron.

JAMES A. COE & CO.,IM * IM H ULBEBXt n , m . OUotMi.

RUPTURE c o r e d :

Spooial Prices on Spool Thread. Special Prloes on Darning CottoA

On Silk Qaiter EUstio.On Cotton Oarter Elastic.

Special Prices on Electric Gnrlsn." " Shofrbntton Pastenen.On Hairpins.On Dressing Pina.

Special Prices on Cov’d Dress S te ^ Special Prices on Dress Rseda.

On Hooks and Eyes.On Curling Irona

Special Prices on Button Hooks, Special Prices on Skirt Braid.

On PenkttiYSS., On all Scissors.

Special Prices on Hose Sapporten, Special Prices on Hair Crimpers,

On Herring Bone.On Dress Belting.

Special Prices dn Whaletione Casing Special Prices on Linen Shoe Thread

On Silk Flannel Binding,On Cotton Roll Tape.

Special Prices on Safety Pins. . Special Prices on Needles.

On Children's Knee Pads.On Spiral Qarten.

Special Prices on Dress Shields. Special Prices on Knitting Cotton. And on many other tilings of a

Notion and Nhik-Naek Characteor,Bxby Curi>«rta> Bori' nothing, fiboifi, l a t

Heu'i Furnldtlngv.

h e w a b k , n . j .

T R Y I T !

TA*K A-X AKE If a new Cereal, Kiigar C<mi Flour. Ourilu iQ 16 mlnut**. and nuik** QUID* DLECAKfifi, UKMfiaiid ROLLS (hot a n ter mure dellnaiB and Ueltolou* th is any mode from wheal flour or torn m«0L Aok your grocer forapockogfe ,

POTTER miGHTlNGTONISI0 AUftutio Ave., Boston,

IN ORDERTo Reduce our Immense Stocli,

we ore otTertiig

ACTDAL BARGAINSin all our departments.

!3r<JCW fLLtSt, _____

44S BROAD STREET. N vxrH . S E E to

Tbt Imprond ElMUfi Ttoh a Um only tiure io oxIxtCDM Ibfil a irovn wltb xbailBIc ootniort nlgbl mill fioy, ■> it reixlM lire nipturt ood« tire IrertM e n r d « or Kv«nal tlrilx , w d wlU vfibet X MrfflxiHht uv l ipteily oon wtuwnt iw-RMtofire of lire trellent. Exxmiireiton

n. I«dy In uund in ro Ibr lidtw. Sfind lor u m p b ltt lEFHOVll) IL A S n cn U a B OO.,

fiBind DM Bnrefiwiiy, oor. lE b it., M. V.

C O L t r ’ R o S ^ gtBON AND STEEL

S H A F T IN G IJ A M E S A . C O E & C O .,


L S. PLAUT & CO.yiB, 717,719 Broafi SL,

KEWAEto, a . A,

O l io 6 P . M. HWnrdwyfi ExtwptaA


Th Tredj Boltani»~-NO BKSAK- in o in ; nnfi.ion wDfilniiofi US

wbh Bnot. F o o tX T n o i

E . tom BHOAP ST.

o o A t rV * do not bolau loMoWfiik Cbfil Q axbtu-

Hon, ood wt fit* MiUot fintretam oaol ohroi, w I lTON BBOTBIBSrb Ihd H H. OM E t o to five CMfio to ffiUtl told sniirilr lUod

ilcolvt l d . 1 . . . toU O E , ■ •rto N. i.

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H IK E, Nowoft, N. t,

oFiivoio PiMlnio.

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