V I J E Ć U M a š i n s k o g f a k u l t e t a - Mašinski fakultet ...

Komisija za pripremanje prijedloga za izbor člana akademskog osoblja u naučno-nastavno zvanje redovni profesor za naučnu oblast „Opće mašinstvo“ (dva izvršioca): R.prof.dr.sc. Adil Muminović, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet R.prof.dr.sc. Mirsad Čolić, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet R.prof.dr.sc. Elvedin Kljuno, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet V I J E Ć U M a š i n s k o g f a k u l t e t a Na osnovu člana 107. Stav (3), a u skladu sa članom 96 (f) Zakona o visokom obrazovanju Kantona Sarajevo („Službene novine Kantona Sarajevo“, broj: 33/17), te člana 205. Statuta Univerziteta u Sarajevu, na prijedlog Katedre za mašinske konstrukcije, uz saglasnost predloženih članova Komisije i u skladu sa Potvrdom stručne službe broj 06-VL-3300/21 od 26.10.2021. godine o potpunosti i blagovremenosti prijava kandidata prema uslovima utvrđenim konkursom, Vijeće Fakulteta je na sjednici održanoj 04.11.2021. godine donijelo Rješenje broj: 06-VL-3456/21 od 08.11.2021. godine, kojim se imenuje Komisija za pripremanje prijedloga za izbor člana akademskog osoblja u naučno- nastavno zvanje redovni profesor za naučnu oblast Opće mašinstvo, u sastavu: 1. dr. sc. Adil Muminović, redovni profesor, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet; naučna oblast: Opće mašinstvo; predsjednik 2. dr. sc. Mirsad Čolić, redovni profesor, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet; naučna oblast: Opće mašinstvo; član 3. dr. sc. Elvedin Kljuno, redovni profesor, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet; naučna oblast: Mehanika krutog i deformabilnog tijela; član. sa zadatkom da na osnovu dokumentacije prijavljenih kandidata sačini Izvještaj sa prijedlogom za izbor u zvanje redovnog profesora na naučnu oblast “Opće mašinstvo“ (dva izvršioca) za Vijeće Fakulteta po raspisanom konkursu, pri čemu kandidat treba da ispunjava pored opštih i posebne uslove za izbor u akademsko zvanje kroz odgovarajuće reference koje su pokrivene navedenom naučnom oblasti. Na javni konkurs, objavljen u listu "Oslobođenje" i na web stranici Fakulteta dana 09.10.2021. godine, a na osnovu člana 103. Stav (4) Zakona o visokom obrazovanju („Službene novine Kantona Sarajevo“, broj: 33/17), u skladu sa članom 201. Statuta Univerziteta u Sarajevu i na osnovu Odluke Senata Univerziteta u Sarajevu broj: 01-9-73/21 od 30.06.2021. godine, za izbor člana akademskog osoblja - nastavnika u zvanje redovni profesor za naučnu oblast „Opće mašinstvo“ (dva izvršioca), na puno radno vrijeme, trajno, prijavila su se dva kandidata i to: dr.sc. Elmedin Mešić, vanredni profesor i dr.sc. Isad Šarić, vanredni profesor nastavnici Univerziteta u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet na naučnoj oblasti "Opće mašinstvo".

Transcript of V I J E Ć U M a š i n s k o g f a k u l t e t a - Mašinski fakultet ...

Komisija za pripremanje prijedloga za izbor člana akademskog osoblja u naučno-nastavno zvanje redovni profesor za naučnu oblast „Opće mašinstvo“ (dva izvršioca):

R.prof.dr.sc. Adil Muminović, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet

R.prof.dr.sc. Mirsad Čolić, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet

R.prof.dr.sc. Elvedin Kljuno, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet

V I J E Ć U M a š i n s k o g f a k u l t e t a Na osnovu člana 107. Stav (3), a u skladu sa članom 96 (f) Zakona o visokom obrazovanju Kantona Sarajevo („Službene novine Kantona Sarajevo“, broj: 33/17), te člana 205. Statuta Univerziteta u Sarajevu, na prijedlog Katedre za mašinske konstrukcije, uz saglasnost predloženih članova Komisije i u skladu sa Potvrdom stručne službe broj 06-VL-3300/21 od 26.10.2021. godine o potpunosti i blagovremenosti prijava kandidata prema uslovima utvrđenim konkursom, Vijeće Fakulteta je na sjednici održanoj 04.11.2021. godine donijelo Rješenje broj: 06-VL-3456/21 od 08.11.2021. godine, kojim se imenuje Komisija za pripremanje prijedloga za izbor člana akademskog osoblja u naučno-nastavno zvanje redovni profesor za naučnu oblast Opće mašinstvo, u sastavu:

1. dr. sc. Adil Muminović, redovni profesor, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet; naučna oblast: Opće mašinstvo; predsjednik

2. dr. sc. Mirsad Čolić, redovni profesor, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet; naučna oblast: Opće mašinstvo; član

3. dr. sc. Elvedin Kljuno, redovni profesor, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet; naučna oblast: Mehanika krutog i deformabilnog tijela; član.

sa zadatkom da na osnovu dokumentacije prijavljenih kandidata sačini Izvještaj sa prijedlogom za izbor u zvanje redovnog profesora na naučnu oblast “Opće mašinstvo“ (dva izvršioca) za Vijeće Fakulteta po raspisanom konkursu, pri čemu kandidat treba da ispunjava pored opštih i posebne uslove za izbor u akademsko zvanje kroz odgovarajuće reference koje su pokrivene navedenom naučnom oblasti. Na javni konkurs, objavljen u listu "Oslobođenje" i na web stranici Fakulteta dana 09.10.2021. godine, a na osnovu člana 103. Stav (4) Zakona o visokom obrazovanju („Službene novine Kantona Sarajevo“, broj: 33/17), u skladu sa članom 201. Statuta Univerziteta u Sarajevu i na osnovu Odluke Senata Univerziteta u Sarajevu broj: 01-9-73/21 od 30.06.2021. godine, za izbor člana akademskog osoblja - nastavnika u zvanje redovni profesor za naučnu oblast „Opće mašinstvo“ (dva izvršioca), na puno radno vrijeme, trajno, prijavila su se dva kandidata i to:

dr.sc. Elmedin Mešić, vanredni profesor


dr.sc. Isad Šarić, vanredni profesor

nastavnici Univerziteta u Sarajevu - Mašinski fakultet na naučnoj oblasti "Opće mašinstvo".

Komisija je, pregledom priložene dokumentacije, utvrdila da prijavljeni kandidati ispunjavaju uslove propisane Zakonom o visokom obrazovanju Kantona Sarajevo („Službene novine Kantona Sarajevo“ broj: 33/17) i Statutom Univerziteta u Sarajevu (broj: 01-1093-3-1/18). Nakon uvida u priloženu dokumentaciju od strane kandidata, Komisija podnosi sljedeći:


A) Kandidat: dr.sc. Elmedin Mešić, vanredni profesor


1.1 Opšti podaci

Ime i prezime: Elmedin Mešić Datum rođenja: 28.10.1973. Mjesto rođenja: Sarajevo, Centar Državljanstvo: Bosna i Hercegovina E-mail: [email protected] Trenutno zaposlenje: Univerzitet u Sarajevu-Mašinski fakultet

Odsjek/Katedra za mašinske konstrukcije Zvanje u koje je kandidat biran: Vanredni profesor Zvanje u koje se kandidat bira: Redovni profesor Naučna oblast: Opće mašinstvo

1.2 Obrazovanje

10.2013. Doktor tehničkih nauka (Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo). Tema doktorske disertacije: „Doprinos razvoju integrisanog CAD/KBE sistema za konstruisanje i redizajniranje medicinskih aparata za spoljašnju fiksaciju kosti“.

12.2008. Magistar tehničkih nauka (Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo). Tema magistarskog rada: „Istraživanje mehaničke stabilnosti sistema za spoljašnju fiksaciju Sarafix“.

04.2004. – 04.2006. Postdiplomski studij (Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo). Smjer: Oblikovanje mašinskih konstrukcija. Prosječna ocjena 9,7.


Diplomirani mašinski inženjer (Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo). Tema diplomskog rada: ''Sistemi za snimanje i akviziciju podataka kod mjerenja sila i temperatura pri rezanju''. Ocjena: 10.

1995. – 2000. Dodiplomski studij (Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo). Smjer: ''Proizvodna tehnika i kibernetika''.

Pohvala za veoma dobre rezultate u toku studija.

1988. – 1992. Srednja mašinska tehnička škola Sarajevo. Smjer: ''Mašinski tehničar vazduhoplovnog smjera''. Maturirao odličnim uspjehom.

1.3 Nastavno-pedagoški rad i radno iskustvo

1.3.1 Nastavno – pedagoški rad i profesionalno iskustvo nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

07.2018. – ...

Nastavnik – vanredni profesor na Mašinskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Odsjek za mašinske konstrukcije. Naučna oblast: ''Opće mašinstvo''. Predavanja na predmetima: Metode ispitivanja konstrukcije proizvoda (III ciklus studija-doktorski), Optimizacija konstrukcije proizvoda (III ciklus studija-doktorski), Dizajniranje medicinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Ispitivanje mašinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Tehnička dokumentacija i CAD (I ciklus studija), Oblikovanje i proračun zavarenih konstrukcija (I ciklus studija), Vježbe iz predmeta: Metode ispitivanja konstrukcije proizvoda (III ciklus studija-doktorski), Optimizacija konstrukcije proizvoda (III ciklus studija-doktorski), Dizajniranje medicinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Ispitivanje mašinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija).

07.2018. – ...

Nastavnik – vanredni profesor, angažman na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Sarajevo. Odsjek za produkt dizajn. Odsjek za slikarstvo. Nastavnički odsjek. Predavanja na predmetima: Teorija prostora Nacrtna geometrija i tehničko crtanje I Nacrtna geometrija i tehničko crtanje II Dizajn potpomognut računarom Tehnike analize proizvoda

07.2018. - ... Voditelj Laboratorije za ispitivanje mašinskih konstrukcija Voditelj Laboratorije za tenzometriju

1.3.2 Nastavno – pedagoški rad i profesionalno iskustvo prije izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

04.2014. – 07.2018.

Nastavnik – docent na Mašinskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Odsjek za mašinske konstrukcije. Naučna oblast: ''Opće mašinstvo''. Predavanja na predmetima: Analiza i optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija (III ciklus studija), Dizajniranje medicinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Ispitivanje mašinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Tehnička dokumentacija i CAD (I ciklus studija), Oblikovanje i proračun zavarenih konstrukcija (I ciklus studija), Industrijska praksa (I ciklus studija). Vježbe iz predmeta: Analiza i optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija (III ciklus studija-doktorski), Dizajniranje medicinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Ispitivanje mašinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija (II ciklus studija), Prenosnici snage i kretanja (I ciklus studija), Tribologija (II ciklus studija).

04.2014. – 07.2018.

Nastavnik – docent, angažman na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Sarajevo. Odsjek za produkt dizajn. Odsjek za slikarstvo. Nastavnički odsjek. Predavanja na predmetima: Teorija prostora Nacrtna geometrija i tehničko crtanje I Nacrtna geometrija i tehničko crtanje II Dizajn potpomognut računarom Tehnike analize proizvoda

09.2014. - ... Voditelj Laboratorije za ispitivanje mašinskih konstrukcija

03.2009. – 03.2014.

Viši asistent – magistar tehničkih nauka na Mašinskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Odsjek za mašinske konstrukcije. Naučna oblast: ''Opće mašinstvo''. Viši asistent na predmetima: Tehnička dokumentacija i CAD, Mašinski elementi I, Mašinski elementi II, Prenosnici snage i kretanja, Oblikovanje i proračun zavarenih konstrukcija, Tribologija,

Optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija, Ispitivanje konstrukcija i Projektovanje pomoću računara.

09.2011. – 03.2014.

Viši asistent – magistar tehničkih nauka, angažman na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti Sarajevo. Odsjek za produkt dizajn. Odsjek za slikarstvo. Nastavnički odsjek. Vježbe na predmetima: Teorija prostora Nacrtna geometrija i tehničko crtanje I Nacrtna geometrija i tehničko crtanje II Dizajn potpomognut računarom

03.2002. – 03.2009.

Asistent na Mašinskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Katedra za mašinske konstrukcije. Naučna oblast: ''Mašinski elementi'' i predmet „Tehnička dokumentacija“. Asistent na predmetima: Tehnička dokumentacija, Mašinski elementi i konstrukcije (redovni i vanredni studij), Prenosnici snage i tribologija, Metodika konstruisanja, Projektovanje pomoću računara i Računarska tehnika.

09.2000. – 03.2002. Product manager uređaja i opreme za zavarivanje proizvođača

''Esab'', Švedska, firma „Galeb group“, Sarajevo.


2.1 Radovi objavljeni nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

2.1.1 Radovi u časopisima i proceedingsima obuhvaćenim citatnim/relevantnim naučnim bazama

1. Mešić, E.; Pervan, N.; Muminović, A.J.; Muminović, A.; Čolić, M. Development of knowledge-based engineering system for structural size optimization of external fixation device. Applied Sciences. 2021, 11(x), https://doi.org/10.3390/xxxxx. Indexed in: Web of Science – JCR Quartiles Q2, SCIE, Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology, Scopus ... Rad prihvaćen za objavljivanje.

Abstract: Development process of Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) system for structural size optimization of

external fixation device is presented in this paper. System is based on algorithms for generative modeling, finite

element model (FEM) analysis and size optimization. All these algorithms are integrated in CAD/CAM/CAE system

CATIA. Initial CAD/FEM model of external fixation device is verified using experimental verification on real design.

Experimental testing is done for axial pressure. Axial stress and displacements are measured using tensometric

analysis equipment. The proximal bone segment displacements were monitored by a displacement transducer,

while the loading was controlled by a force transducer. Iterative hybrid optimization algorithm is developed by

integration of global algorithm, based on Simulated Annealing (SA) method and local algorithm based on

Conjugate Gradient (CG) method. Cost function of size optimization is minimization of design volume. Constrains

are given in a form of clinical interfragmentary displacement constrains, at the point of fracture and maximum

allowed stresses for material of external fixation device. Optimization variables are chosen as design parameters

of external fixation device. Optimized model of external fixation device has smaller mass, better stress distribution

and smaller interfragmentary displacement in correlation to initial model.

2. Masic, A[dnan]; Kepnik, G[oran]; Bibic, D[zevad]; Mesic E[lmedin] & Pikula, B[oran] (2021). Long-term measurement of black carbon concentration and source apportionment, Proceedings of the 32nd DAAAM International Symposium, pp.xxxx-xxxx, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-xx-x, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria, DOI: 10.2507/32nd.daaam.proceedings.xxx. Indexed in: Scopus. Rad prihvaćen za objavljivanje. Abstract: Continuous measurement of black carbon (BC) concentrations in ambient air was performed using the optical-based instrument called aethalometer. The attenuation of light by BC was measured at 7 different wavelengths. This gives not only the pure concentration of BC in the ambient air but also dependence of attenuation on the wavelength of light, from which the Angstrom exponent can be derived. Based on the Angstrom exponent, we can estimate the percentage of BC that originates from solid fuel (wood and coal burning) or liquid fuel (diesel). Thus, a simple source apportionment analysis is presented.

3. Elmedin Mesic, Muamer Delic, Nedim Pervan, Adis J. Muminovic, Vahidin Hadziabdic. Numerical and experimental stress analysis of the thin-walled cylindrical tank with a flat bottom. 7th International Conference „New Technologies, development and application“ NT-2021. 24-26 June 2021. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Springer. Indexed in: Scopus, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-75275-0

Abstract: Methodology for design of a thin-walled cylindrical thank with a flat bottom is presented in this paper. Except design, methodology for analytical, numerical and experimental analysis of stresses on the thank is also presented. After analytical calculations, geometrical modeling is carried out using CAD/CAM/CAE system CATIA. Distribution and values of principal strains and stresses are presented. Mathematical and numerical model is developed for linear elastic and isotropic material. In addition, introduction is given for theory of stresses for thin-walled thanks. For numerical structural analysis finite element method is used. Experimental stress analysis is carried out by tensometric measuring. Comparison of results from analytical, numerical and experimental analysis a predominantly good agreement with certain deviations can be found. Based on the comparison of the results obtained using analytical calculation, numerical method and experiment, a good match of the results can be observed. By comparing the results, the FEM model was verified.

4. Elvedin Kljuno, Faruk Razić, Elmedin Mešić, Alan Ćatović. Structural stress and strain analysis using a 3D scanner, International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies (IAT) 2021, 092. Springer. Indexed in: Scopus. Abstract: The paper shows a way how a 3D scanner can be used in a combination with numerical simulations and corresponding analytical results to estimate deformations and stresses in a loaded structural element, such as beams, pipes, shafts, etc. To compare measurement results, a series of numerical simulations were performed for a test object, which was a short pipe that was loaded externally by a force obtained via a manual clamp, which was continuously measured via a force sensor. A general approach to measure strain via a 3D scanner at the object's surface is explained. However, the surface strain is not sufficient without an analytical consideration to obtain the information what is really occurring inside a loaded structural element, regarding deformations and stresses. Finally, the simulation and the analytical results are compared with the real measurements that were used to calculate strain tensor components, which are used to calculate stress tensor components using the generalized Hooke's law.

5. Mešić, E.; Muratović, E.; Redžepagić-Vražalica, L.; Pervan, N.; Muminović, A.J.; Delić, M.;

Glušac, M. Experimental & FEM Analysis of Orthodontic Mini-Implant Design on Primary Stability. Applied Sciences. 2021, 11(12), 5461. Indexed in: Web of Science – JCR Quartiles Q2, SCIE, Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology, Scopus ... https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125461

Abstract: The main objective of this research is to establish a connection between orthodontic mini-implant design, pull-out force and primary stability by comparing two commercial mini-implants or temporary anchorage devices, Tomas®-pin and Perfect Anchor. Mini-implant geometric analysis and quantification of bone characteristics are performed, whereupon experimental in vitro pull-out test is conducted. With the use of the CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) CAD (Computer Aided Design)/CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)/CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) system, 3D (Three-dimensional) geometric models of mini-implants and bone segments are created. Afterwards, those same models are imported into Abaqus software, where finite element models are generated with a special focus on material properties, boundary conditions and interactions. FEM (Finite Element Method) analysis is used to simulate the pull-out test. Then, the results of the structural analysis are compared with the experimental results. The FEM analysis results contain information about maximum stresses on implant–bone system caused due to the pull-out force. It is determined that the core diameter of a screw thread and conicity are the main factors of the mini-implant design that have a direct impact on primary stability. Additionally, stresses generated on the Tomas®-pin model are lower than stresses on Perfect Anchor, even though Tomas®-pin endures greater pull-out forces, the implant system with implemented Tomas®-pin still represents a more stressed system due to the uniform distribution of stresses with bigger values

6. Elvedin Kljuno, Faruk Razić, Alan Ćatović, Elmedin Mešić. Deformation and stress analysis of a U-shaped pipe compensator using a 3D scanner. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2021, pp.830-841. Indexed in: Scopus. ISSN 2303-4521 http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/pen.v9i2.1900

Abstract: The paper shows a comparison of the three different methods to determine stress and strain in a U-shaped pipe compensator which is used to decrease stress in long pipes due to the constrained temperature dilatations. The stress and strain are analyzed analytically first with some parts of the analytical solution obtained numerically, such as integrals with no analytical solution in a closed form, i.e., functional series can be involved as a tool to solve those integrals. The pipe is analyzed as a beam or a planar frame using the Castigliano's method to determine displacements. Since there are curved parts of the U compensator, the curved beam theory is applied. The alternative method to determine the strains and stresses along the pipe is shown using the numerical simulations in SolidWorks. The results are compared with the analytical solution. Finally, the experimental method using a 3D scanner is involved for a comparison to check the applied conditions in the analytical and the simulation model.

7. Elmedin Mesic, Adnan Masic, Enis Muratovic, Muamer Delic, Salem Hasanbegovic. Structural Analysis and Optimization of Electric Bike Front Drive with Bottom Bracket Electric Motor. Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2021, 15(1), 273–282. Indexed in: Web of Science Core Collection. ISSN 2299-8624, License CC-BY 4.0 https://doi.org/10.12913/22998624/132613

Abstract: The main objective of this research was to propose a light and practical design solution for electric bike front drive with bottom bracket electric motor. The initial design needs to be redesigned so it can enable simultaneous use of the electric drive and pedal drive, with integration of the front gear shifter. After gathering the basic information linked to the problem and inspecting the initial design solution, the assets and flaws have been identified. The CAD models of the considered possible solutions were developed into FEM models which were used for structural analysis in CAD/CAE software system CATIA. On the basis of the FEM analysis and additional criteria, the optimal solution was chosen, and structural optimization, based on FEM model, was performed. A prototype was manufactured and a mounting process in a place of the initial design was performed. Afterwards, electric bike with mounted prototype was tested under real conditions.

8. Redžepagić-Vražalica L, Mešić E, Pervan N, Hadžiabdić V, Delić M, Glušac M. Impact of Implant

Design and Bone Properties on the Primary Stability of Orthodontic Mini-Implants. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(3):1183. Indexed in: Web of Science – JCR Quartiles Q2, SCIE, Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology, Scopus ... https://doi.org/10.3390/app11031183 Abstract: This study investigated the correlation between bone characteristics, the design of orthodontic mini-implants, the pull-out force, and primary stability. This experimental in vitro study has examined commercial orthodontic mini-implants of different sizes and designs, produced by two manufacturers: Tomas-pin SD

(Dentaurum, Ispringen, Germany) and Perfect Anchor (Hubit, Seoul, Korea). The total number of 40 mini-implants were tested. There are two properties that are common to all tested implants—one is the material of which they are made (titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V), and the other is the method of their insertion. The main difference between the mini-implants, which is why they have been selected as the subject of research in the first place, is reflected in their geometry or design. Regardless of the type of implant, the average pull-out forces were found to be higher for a cortical bone thickness (CBTC) of 0.62–0.67 mm on average, compared to the CBTC < 0.62 mm, where the measured force averages were found to be lower. The analysis of variance tested the impact of the mini-implant geometry on the pull-out force and proved that there is a statistically significant impact (p < 0.015) of all three analyzed geometric factors on the pull-out force of the implant. The design of the mini-implant affects its primary stability. The design of the mini-implant affects the pulling force. The bone quality at the implant insertion point is important for primary stability; thus, the increase in the cortical bone thickness increases the value of the pulling force significantly.

9. Pezer M., Muminovic A.J., Mesic E., Pervan N. (2021) Numerical Structural Analysis Using Combined Finite Elements: A Case Study of Electric Bicycle Design. In: Avdaković S., Volić I., Mujčić A., Uzunović T., Mujezinović A. (eds) Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications V. IAT 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 142. Springer, Cham. Indexed in: Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54765-3_38 Abstract: Numerical structural analysis of electric bicycle design components is carried out in this research. Analysis is carried out for frame, front fork and battery holder of electric bicycle. Structural analysis for rest of the bicycle parts are not necessary because they are standard parts which can be both on the market. Numerical structural analysis is carried out in SolidWorks 2016 software package. During the structural analysis, the method of combined finite elements in the SolidWorks software package was used. This method is not very common in engineering practice. Results for Von-Mises stress and displacements are obtained. From the results, it can be noticed that the bicycle design can withstand the predicted loads. Methodology for numerical structural analysis presented in this paper can be used for structural analysis of similar other mechanical designs.

10. Seid Hajdarevic, Murco Obucina, Elmedin Mesic and Sandra Martinovic, Strength and stiffness analysis of Standard and Double Mortise and Tenon Joints, BioResources 2020, 15 (4), 8249-8267. Indexed in: Web of Science – JCR Quartiles Q2, Scopus ... DOI: 10.15376/biores.15.4.8249-8267. Abstract: This paper investigated the effect of the tenon length on the strength and stiffness of the standard mortise and tenon joints, as well of the double mortise and tenon joints, that were bonded by poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) and polyurethane (PU) glues. The strength was analyzed by measuring applied load and by calculating ultimate bending moment and bending moment at the proportional limit. Stiffness was evaluated by measuring displacement and by calculating the ratio of applied force and displacement along the force line. The results were compared with the data obtained by the simplified static expressions and numerical calculation of the orthotropic linear-elastic model. The results indicated that increasing tenon length increased the maximal moment and proportional moment of the both investigated joints types. The analytically calculated moments were increased more than the experimental values for both joint types, and they had generally lower values than the proportional moments for the standard tenon joints, as opposed to the double tenon joints. The Von Mises stress distribution showed characteristic zones of the maximum and increased stress values. These likewise were monitored in analytical calculations. The procedures could be successfully used to achieve approximate data of properties of loaded joints.

11. Nedim Pervan, Adis J. Muminović, Elmedin Mešić, Vahidin Hadžiabdić, Muamer Delić, Design and Kinematic Analysis of the Car Jack, TEM Journal. Volume 9, August 2020, Issue 3, Pages 924‐928, ISSN 2217-8309. Indexed in: Web of Science Core Collection, Thomson Reuters – Master Journal List, Directory of Open Access Journal - DOAJ, TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology, Index Copernicus, EBSCO bibliographic databases, ... DOI: 10.18421/TEM93-12. Abstract: Car jack is the basic equipment of every car. To replace the tires or to repair a specific defect on the car it is necessary to have a car jack. A modern way of creating the complex mechanical structures is described in this paper, which allows for rapid change of parameters and therefore of the whole design, i.e. the parameterized car jack model was developed. Also, the goal of this research is to carry out kinematic analysis of a car jack design.

Parametric model is developed in such a way that all parameters of design are in correlations to one main parameter. The angle of thread spindle is chosen for main parameter. Usually, main parameter should be chosen as one of the parameters from power input elements. Car jack has a human hand power which is applied on car jack handle and because of that, the angle of rotation of thread spindle is the best for main parameter.

12. A.J. Muminovic, M. Colic, E. Mesic, and I. Saric, Innovative design of spur gear tooth with infill structure, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences, Vol. 68, No. 3, 2020, Indexed in: Web of Science - JCR Quartiles Q3, Scopus, ... DOI: 10.24425/bpasts.2020.133370 Abstract: The progress of additive manufacturing technology brings about many new questions and challenges. Additive manufacturing technology allows for designing machine elements with smaller mass, but at the same time with the same stiffness and stress loading capacity. By using additive manufacturing it is possible to produce gears in the form of shell shape with infill inside. This study is carried out as an attempt to answer the question which type of infill, and with how much density, is optimal for a spur gear tooth to ensure the best stiffness and stress loading capacity. An analysis is performed using numerical finite element method. Two new infill structures are proposed: triangular infill with five different densities and topology infill designed according to the already known results for 2D cantilever topology optimization, known as Michell structures. The von Mises stress, displacements and bending stiffness are analyzed for full body gear tooth and for shell body gear tooth with above mentioned types of infill structure.

13. Nedim Pervan, Adis J. Muminovic, Elmedin Mesic, Mirsad Colic, Vahidin Hadziabdic, Dimensional Structural Mass Optimization of a Welded I-Profile Bridge Crane Girder, Tehnički glasnik - Technical journal, Vol. 14 No. 2, 2020. (str.186-193), ISSN 1846-6168 (Print), ISSN 1848-5588 (Online). Indexed in: Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Ebsco, ... https://doi.org/10.31803/tg-20191106234034 Abstract: This paper presents the methodology for the development of an optimization model for the optimization of the cross-section dimensions of a bridge crane girder designed as a welded I-profile. To carry out this optimization, the CAD/CAE software package CATIA V5 was used. In order to develop an optimization model, a CAD geometrical model and structural analysis model were developed. Optimization was carried out by the iterative method using a simulated hardening algorithm. Additionally, the optimization process is carried out by using the PEO (Product Engineering Optimization) CATIA module that contains tools for setting the optimization criteria, design parameters, constraints, and algorithms. The goal of the optimization is to achieve the minimal mass of the girder, while satisfying all functional and geometrical constraints. As a result of the optimization process, minimal girder dimensions were obtained and due to that, a minimal amount of material can be used for the manufacturing of the girder.

14. Elmedin Mešić, Adil Muminović, Mirsad Čolić, Marin Petrović, Nedim Pervan, Structural Size Optimization of External Fixation Device, Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, Volume 14, Issue 2, June 2020, pages 233–240. Indexed in: Web of Science Core Collection, … https://doi.org/10.12913/22998624/116870 Abstract: Structural size optimization of a device for external bone fixation within a formed iterative hybrid optimization algorithm is presented in this paper. The optimization algorithm is in interaction with algorithms for generative design and FEM analysis and all integrated within CATIA CAD/CAM/CAE system. The initial model, representing the current design of the bone external fixation device Sarafix, was previously verified by experimental testing. The formed hybrid optimization algorithm is created as an integration of the global (SA method) and local (CG method) algorithm. The constraints of the optimization model are the clinical limitations of the interfragmentary displacements and the material strength. The optimized design has less weight, greater rigidity and less transverse interfragmentary displacements at the point of fracture compared to the current design.

15. Marin Petrovic, Elmedin Mesic, Fracture behavior of polycrystalline advanced ceramics as a function of loading rate and temperature, Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 23, No 2, Page 233-238, 2020. Indexed in: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Compendex plus (EI) and Scopus. http://dx.doi.org/10.6180/jase.202006_23(2).0007

Abstract: Polycrystalline advanced ceramics are composite materials produced by the reaction of tungsten metal powder and carbon powder in a metal binder at temperatures of 1,400-1,500°C. This process enables them a high hardness and abrasion resistance in all directions. The mode I fracture behaviour of single-edge-V-notchedbeam specimens was investigated as a function of loading rate and temperature. A series of tests was conducted and plane strain fracture toughness values were determined at a range of loading rates and temperatures, as those in real operating conditions. These experimental results reveal a fracture mechanism establishing a clear connection between the fracture toughness results and the mechanisms causing fracture to happen.

16. Marin Petrovic, Elmedin Mesic, Fracture mechanisms of polycrystalline advanced ceramics, Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 23, No 2, Page 379-384, 2020. Indexed in: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Compendex plus (EI) and Scopus. http://dx.doi.org/10.6180/jase.202006_23(2).0022 Abstract: Polycrystalline advanced ceramics are synthetic products produced by sintering together selected ceramics grains in a metal matrix serving as a binder. In order to be able to propose their optimisation, achieving high performance cutting and leading to reduced operating costs and improved working environment, relevant fracture mechanisms involved in their failure need to be determined. In this work, experimental results of plane strain fracture toughness obtained earlier on single-edge-V-notched-beam specimens were supported with microscopy analysis. These findings establish a clear connection between the fracture toughness results and the fracture mechanisms visible on and beneath the fracture surfaces, revealing adiabatic conditions that occur at the crack tip during fracture.

17. Elmedin Mešić, Adil Muminović, Mirsad Čolić, Marin Petrović, Nedim Pervan, Development and Experimental Verification of a Generative CAD/FEM Model of an External Fixation Device, Tehnički glasnik - Technical journal, Volume 14, Number 1, March 2020. Indexed in: Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Ebsco, ... https://doi.org/10.31803/tg-20191112161707 Abstract: This paper presents the development and experimental verification of a generative CAD/FEM model of an external bone fixation device. The generative CAD model is based on the development of a parameterized skeleton algorithm and sub-algorithms for parametric modeling and positioning of components within a fixator assembly using the CATIA CAD/CAM/CAE system. After a structural analysis performed in the same system, the FEM model was used to follow interfragmentary fracture displacements, axial displacements at the loading site, as well as principal and Von Mises stresses at the fixator connecting rod. The experimental analysis verified the results of the CAD/FEM model from an aspect of axial displacement at the load site using a material testing machine (deviation of 3.9 %) and the principal stresses in the middle of the fixator connecting rod using tensometric measurements (deviation of 3.5 %).The developed model allows a reduction of the scope of preclinical experimental investigations, prediction of the behavior of the fixator during the postoperative fracture treatment period and creation of preconditions for subsequent structural optimization of the external fixator.

18. Elmedin Mešić, Adil Muminović, Muamer Delić, Mirsad Čolić, Nedim Pervan, Topological Optimization and Finite Element Method Analysis of Wheels on the Carts Winch Bridge Crane, TEM Journal. Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 1288-1294, ISSN 2217-8309, November 2019. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Web of Science Core Collection, Thomson Reuters – Master Journal List, Directory of Open Access Journal - DOAJ, TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology, Index Copernicus, EBSCO bibliographic databases itd. DOI: 10.18421/TEM84-26 Abstract: In this paper, an analytical calculation of load on bridge crane carts winch wheel loads was performed based on which FEM analysis and topological wheel optimization were performed. After the calculation, a standard wheel diameter was adopted. During FEM analysis in the CAD system, SolidWorks noted that certain surface areas had extremely low stress values, which was the main reason for the topological optimization of the wheel. The topological optimization of the geometric 3D model of the wheel is made in the CAESS ProTOp software, resulting in optimized 3D geometric wheel model. These models offer a number of advantages, such as saving materials to produce, reducing their own weight, balance stress conditions and easy customization model optimized technologies of additive manufacturing. This model of analysis and optimization was performed on the laboratory model of the bridge crane and it is applicable to all types of cranes.

19. Adis J. Muminovic, Adil Muminovic, Elmedin Mesic, Isad Saric, Nedim Pervan, Spur Gear Tooth Topology Optimization: Finding Optimal Shell Thickness for Spur Gear Tooth produced using Additive Manufacturing, TEM Journal. Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 788-794, ISSN 2217-8309, August 2019. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Web of Science Core Collection, Thomson Reuters – Master Journal List, Directory of Open Access Journal - DOAJ, TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology, Index Copernicus, EBSCO bibliographic databases itd. DOI: 10.18421/TEM83-13 Abstract: There is a lot of papers concerning gears topology optimization, but all of them are limited to the topology optimization of gear body. Gear tooth is not taken into consideration so far. Gear tooth was not optimized before because optimised structure could not be produced. By advancing of additive manufacturing technology, now, gear tooth can be produced in a form of shell body with empty space inside. In this paper, mass of spur gear tooth is optimized in relation to Von- Misses stress on critical places on the gear tooth. Optimization goal is to find optimal shell thickness of shell body spur gear tooth.

20. Adis J. Muminovic, Isad Saric, Elmedin Mesic, Nedim Pervan, Muamer Delic, Research about characteristics of designs from industrial designers and product designers, Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2019, pp.860-869. Indexed in: Scopus, DOAJ, Google Scholar... ISSN 2303-4521. Abstract: Difference between industrial designer and product designer is not precisely defined. There is a lot of discussions and misunderstandings about these two professions. What is the job of industrial designer and what is the job of product designer? This question if often asked from people, which want to hire someone to design a new product for them. Through this research, same real-life design contest is given to group of students from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Design, at Industrial design course and to group of students from Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Product Design as product design project. Goal of the contest was to design an upholstered chair for indoor use with a modern and refined style. Goal of this research was to find some unique characteristic of designs from industrial designers and product designers. Resulted designs were evaluated analysing the fulfilment of the requirements criteria defined by contest and analysing additional criteria, which is important for new product design. Analysing the resulted designs some important conclusions are made. Most important conclusion is that industrial designer can be product designer but product designer cannot be industrial designer. For product design, engineering knowledge is not necessary, but for industrial design, it is most important.

21. Seid Hajdarević, Murčo Obućina, Elmedin Mešić, Sandra Martinović, Stress and strain analysis of plywood seat shell/ Analiza naprezanja i deformacije furnirskog otpreska sjedala, Scientific Journal of Wood Technology/Drvna industrija, Vol. 70, No. 1, 2019. pp. 51 – 59. Indexed in: Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded) – JCR Quartiles Q3, Scopus, CAB Abstracts, Compendex, Environment Index, Veterinary Science Database, Geobase, DOAJ. ISSN 0012-6772; 1847-1153. doi: 10.5552/drvind.2019.1825

Abstract: In this paper, the stress and strain analysis of common laminated wood seat shell is performed. Experimental stiffness evaluation is conducted by measuring displacement of the point on the backrest, and experimental stress analysis is carried out by tensometric measuring at the critical transition area from the seat to the backrest. Finite element analysis is carried out layer by layer with a “2D linear elastic model” for orthotropic materials. Good matching is found between numerical and experimental results of displacement. It is also shown that the results of the principal stress in the measurement points of the seat shell compare favourably with experimental data. The applied in-plane stress analysis of each individual veneer is not applicable for interlaminar stress calculations that are a signifi cant factor in curved forms of laminated wood. Curved forms of laminated wood products require more complex numerical analysis, but the method can be used to achieve approximate data in early phase of product design.

22. Muamer Delić, Nedim Pervan, Mirsad Čolić, Elmedin Mešić, Theoretical and experimental analysis of the main girder double girder bridge cranes, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 6(4) 2019, Pages: 75-80. Abstracting and Indexing: Thomson Reuters, Web of Science Core Collection (Emerging Sources Citation Index), National Library of Medicine (NLM)

Catalog, Olomouc Research Library, DOAJ, Ulrich’s, Index Copernicus, ... EISSN: 2313-3724, Print ISSN:2313-626X. Journal homepage: http://www.science-gate.com/IJAAS.htm Abstract: When designing cranes, it is necessary to analyze the value of the contraction of the construction, as well as the values of the maximum stresses occurring in the crane construction. Precisely, in this paper, the theoretical and experimental analysis of the contraction and stress condition of the main crane girder in accordance with the standard of crane-general design has been done. The analysis of mechanical appearance in the main girder of the crane is carried out on the basis of the analytic solution of equilibrium equations. The results obtained by the theoretical analysis of the main crane girder were verified by experimental tests on the model of a double girder bridge crane with a capacity of 250 kg. At the end of the work an analysis of the obtained results was performed, on the basis of which specified conclusions were made.

23. Hajdarevic, S[eid]; Obucina, M[urco]; Mesic, E[lmedin] & Martinovic, S[andra] (2018). Stress and Strain of the Frontal Parallel Joints with 3D Printed Connectors, Proceedings of the 29th DAAAM International Symposium, pp.0361-0368, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-20-4, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria. DOI: 10.2507/29th.daaam.proceedings.052. Indexed in: Scopus. Abstract: In this paper, the stress and strain analysis of the frontal parallel joints with two different 3D printed connectors is performed. The connectors were made of PLA material and were bonded to wooden parts (spruce) with a one component polyurethane adhesive. The test was carried out to determine mechanical properties of the joints at the point of failure and proportional limit. Analytical calculations were used to determine: the effective modulus of elasticity of the joints, the normal stress of joint parts and the deflections at two directions. Numerical stress and strain analyses were performed with finite method software. The results show that the ratio between the effective modulus of elasticity of joint and the modulus of elasticity of spruce wood is 0,71 for connector without inner wall and 0,61 for connector with inner wall. The ratio between the appropriate values of the stress and deflection at the point of failure for connector with and without inner wall is approximately 0,80 and also between the appropriate values of the stress and deflection at the point of proportional limit is 0,90. The results also indicate that the analytical and numerical calculations gave reasonable estimates of mechanical behaviour of the joints.

2.2 Radovi objavljeni prije izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

2.2.1. Radovi u časopisima i proceedingsima obuhvaćenim citatnim/relevantnim naučnim bazama

1. Hajdarevic, S.; Obucina, M.; Mesic, E. Effect of Veneer Composition on the Stiffness and Stress of Laminated Wood, Proceedings of the 28th DAAAM International Symposium, pp.0341-0350, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-11-2, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria, DOI: 10.2507/28th.daaam.proceedings.047, 2017. Indexed in: Scopus.

2. Delic, Muamer; Colic, Mirsad; Mesic, Elmedin, Pervan, Nedim, Analytical Calculation And FEM Analysis Main Girder Double Girder Bridge Crane, TEM Journal 6(1):48-52, February 2017. ISSN: 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM61-07. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Web of Science Core Collection, Thomson Reuters – Master Journal List, Directory of Open Access Journal - DOAJ, TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology, Index Copernicus, EBSCO bibliographic databases itd. www.temjournal.com

3. Pervan, N., Mešić, E., Čolić, M., Stress Analysis of External Fixator Based on Stainless Steel and Composite Material, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017, pp. 189–199, Article ID: IJMET_08_01_021, ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359, pp. 189–199. Abstracting and indexing: Scopus, Google Scholar, Journal Impact Factor, CiteSeerx, InfoBASE Index, Microsoft Academic Search System,

Academia.edu, Index Copernicus, EBSCO etc. Available on line at: http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=8&IType=1,

4. Pervan, N., Mesic, E., Colic M., Avdic, V., Stiffness analysis of the Sarafix external fixator of composite materials, International Journal of Engineering & Technology -IJET, 5(1) 2016: 20-24. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Scopus, ProQuest, Directory of Open Access Journal - DOAJ, Southwest-German Union Catalogue – SWB, CAS, WorldCat, getCITED itd. Universal Impact Factor: 0,847; www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET

5. Pervan, Nedim; Mesic, Elmedin; Colic, Mirsad; Avdic, Vahid, Stiffness Analysis of the Sarafix External Fixator based on Stainless Steel and Composite Material, TEM Journal 4(4):366-372, 2015. ISSN: 2217-8309 i 2217-8333. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Web of Science Core Collection, Thomson Reuters – Master Journal List, Directory of Open Access Journal - DOAJ, TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology, Index Copernicus, EBSCO bibliographic databases itd. www.temjournal.com

6. Mesic, Elmedin; Avdic, Vahid; Pervan, Nedim; Muminovic, Adil; A new Proposal on Analysis of the Interfragmentary Displacements in the Fracture Gap, TEM Journal 4(3):270-275, 2015. ISSN: 2217-8309 i 2217-8333. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Web of Science Core Collection, Thomson Reuters – Master Journal List, Directory of Open Access Journal - DOAJ, TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology, Index Copernicus, EBSCO bibliographic databases itd. www.temjournal.com

7. Mešić Elmedin, Avdić Vahid, Pervan Nedim, Repčić Nedžad: „Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Testing of Stiffness of the Sarafix External Fixator“, Procedia Engineering, Original Research Article, Volume 100, 2015, ELSEVIER, 25th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, 2014, ISSN: 1877-7058, Pages 1598-1607. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Scopus, ScienceDirect, ELSEVIER itd.


8. Mesic, E.; Avdic, V.; Pervan, N. & Repcic, N.: “Finite element analysis and experimental testing of stiffness of the Sarafix external fixator”, Annals of DAAAM for 2014 & Proceedings of the 25rd International DAAAM Symposium, ISBN 978-3-901509-91-9, ISSN 2304-1382, pp 0069 - 0074, Editor: B. Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria 2014. Indexed in: Web of Science Core Collection (Conference Proceedings Citation Index), CPC, Scopus & Compendex.

9. Mesic, E.; Muminovic, A. & Repcic, N.: “Geometrical Modelling and Structural Analysis of the Sarafix Fixator Configurations”, Annals of DAAAM for 2012 & Proceedings of the 23rd International DAAAM Symposium, ISBN 978-3-901509-91-9, ISSN 2304-1382, pp 0069 - 0074, Editor: B. Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria 2012. Indexed in: Thomson reuters - ISI web of Science, Web of Science Core Collection (Conference Proceedings Citation Index - CPCI), Scopus & Compendex, ELSEVIER. http://www.daaam.info/Downloads/Pdfs/proceedings/proceedings_2012/0069_Mesicatal.pdf

10. Mesic, E.; Pervan, N.; Repcic, N. & Muminovic, A.: “Research of Influential Constructional Parameters on the Stability of the Fixator Sarafix”, Annals of DAAAM for 2012 & Proceedings of the 23rd International DAAAM Symposium, ISBN 978-3-901509-91-9, ISSN 2304-1382, pp 0561 - 0564, Editor: B. Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria, 2012. Indexed in: Thomson reuters - ISI web of Science, Web of Science Core Collection

(Conference Proceedings Citation Index - CPCI), Scopus. http://www.daaam.info/Downloads/Pdfs/proceedings/proceedings_2012/0561_Mesicatal.pdf

11. Mešic E., Muminovic A. and Repcic N., “Mechanical Stability Analysis of the External Fixation System Sarafix”. Proceedings of the 12th International Design Conference – DESIGN 2012, Section: Design methods, Session D435: Life science and design for healthcare, Editors: Marjanović D., Štorga M., Pavković N., Bojčetić N., May 21-24, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012, pp 1029-1038, ISBN: 978-953-7738-17-4, ISSN: 1847-9073. Zbornik radova se nalazi u bazama: Scopus, ... http://www.designsociety.org/publication/32071/mechanical_stability_analysis_of_the_external_fixation_system_sarafix

12. E. Mesic, A. Muminovic, N. Repcic, M. Colic, Stiffness Analysis of the Sarafix External Fracture Fixation System, Technics Technologies Education Management - TTEM, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2010, DRUNPP, Sarajevo, pp. 60-66, ISSN 1840-1503. Indexed in: Thomson Reuters - ISI Web of Knowledge, Science Citation Index-Expanded SCI-E, Scopus, EBSCO Publishing (EP), USA: Education Research Index. http://www.ttem.ba/pdf/ttem_5_1_web.pdf

2.2.2 Radovi u časopisima i proceedingsima obuhvaćenim ostalim naučnim bazama

1. Amila Mešić, Mirsad Čolić, Elmedin Mešić, Nedim Pervan, Stress Analysis of Chain Links in Different Operating Conditions, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention,Volume 5, Issue 1, December 2016, ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726, PP. 43-49, Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Google scholar, EBSCO Host, Cabell's Directories, ProQuest, Open J-Gate, Jour informatics, Scirus, Ulrichsweb. www.ijesi.org.

2. Adis J. Muminovic, Elmedin Mesic, Adil Muminovic, Mirsad Colic, Sanjin Braut, Optimisation of Central Disc Position on Elastic Rotor Suported with Active Magnetic Bearings, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), Vol. 3 Issue 9, September 2016, p.p. 5562-5564, ISSN: 2458-9403. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: Google scholar, ResearchGate, Scirus, getCITED, BASE, WorldCat, Reserch Bible itd. Impact Factor: 1,27. www.jmest.org

3. M. Colic, E. Mesic, A. Cekic and M. Colic, „Intersection dimensions selection of an I-profile shape in order to secure a minimal mass for a overhead crane girder“, Proceedings of the 19th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology – TMT 2015”, Barcelona, Spain, pp 385-388, July 22-23, 2015, ISSN 1840-4944. Zbornik radova se nalazi u bazama: EBSCO host, Google scholar itd. www.tmt.unze.ba/index.php

4. Elmedin Mešić, Vahid Avdić, Nedim Pervan, Numerical and experimental stress analysis of an

external fixation system, Folia Medica Facultatis Medicinae Universitatis Saraeviensis, Volume 50 No. 1, June 2015: 74-80, Original Article, Journal of Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo, ISSN: 0352-9630. Časopis se nalazi u bazama: EBSCO Host, CAS, HINARI. www.foliamedica.mf.unsa.ba

5. E. Mešić, V. Avdić and N. Pervan: „Numerical and experimental stress analysis of an external

fixation system“, Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina – CMBEBIH 2015, March 13-15, 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

6. Muminović A.; E. Mešić and N. Pervan, “Geometrical modeling and simulation of butterfly valve”, Proceedings of the 17th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology – TMT 2013”, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 453-456, Editors: S. Ekinovic, J.V. Calvet, S. Yalcin, September 10th-11th, 2013, ISSN 1840-4944. Zbornik radova se nalazi u bazama: EBSCO host, Google scholar itd. www.tmt.unze.ba/index.php http://www.tmt.unze.ba/zbornik/TMT2013/114-TMT13-011.pdf

7. Repčić N.; E. Mešić and V. Avdić, “Review on improvement solutions in modern race clutch design”, Proceedings of the 16th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology – TMT 2012”, Dubai, UAE, pp 507-510, Editors: S. Ekinovic, S. Yalcin, J.V. Calvet, September 10th-12th, 2012, ISSN 1840-4944. Zbornik radova se nalazi u bazama: EBSCO host, Google scholar itd. www.tmt.unze.ba/index.php , http://www.tmt.unze.ba/zbornik/TMT2012/121-TMT12-002.pdf

8. E. Mešić, A. Muminović, N. Repčić and M. Čolić, Stress Analysis of the Sarafix External Fixator Design, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation – JMEA, Vol. 1, No. 6, 2011, David Publishing Company, USA, pp. 473-480, ISSN 2159-5275 (print), ISSN 2159-5283 (online). Indexed in: Database of EBSCO, Massachusetts, USA, Chinese Database of CEPS, Airiti Inc. & OCLC, CSA Technology Research Database i dr.


9. E. Mešić, A. Muminović, N. Repčić, „Structural Analysis and Experimental Testing of External Fixator System Under Axial Compression“, Proceedings of the 13th International Research/Expert Conference, Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology-TMT 2009, Editors: S. Ekinovic, J.V. Calvet, S. Yalcin, Hammamet, Tunisia, 16-21 October, 2009, pp. 497-500, ISSN 1840-4944. Zbornik radova se nalazi u bazama: EBSCO host, Google scholar itd http://www.tmt.unze.ba/zbornik/TMT2009/125-TMT09-062.pdf

10. B. Pikula, E. Mešić, M. Hodžić, „Determination of air drag coefficient of vehicle models“, Proceedings of the International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2008 - MVM 2008, 8–10 October 2008, Kragujevac, Serbia.

11. A. Muminović, E. Mešić, N. Repčić, „Structural Analysis of Mechanical Characteristics of External Fixation Systems“, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering–RIM 2007, Development and Modernization of Production, Society for robotics of B&H, Edited by: I. Karabegović, M. Jurković, V. Doleček, 24-26 October 2007, Plitvice Lakes, Croatia, pp. 111-116, ISBN: 978-9958-9262-1-1.

12. N. Repčić, E. Mešić, Modern methods of oil analysis in mechanical constructions, Journal of mechanical engineering ''Mašinstvo'', Volume 7, Number 4, October-December 2003, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Zenica, pp. 217-226. ISSN 1512-5173.

13. N. Repčić, E. Mešić, Optimizacija motornih maziva, Zbornik 4. Međunarodne naučne konferencije o proizvodnom inženjerstvu – RIM 2003, urednici: I. Karabegović, M. Jurković, V. Doleček, Bihać, septembar 25.-27.2003, pp. 247-252. ISBN 9958-624-16-8; COBISS.BH-ID 12195590.

14. Mešić E, Application of Digital Techniques to Mechanical Measurements, Course 3: Precision Measurements and Application in Machine Elements, 3rd International Summer Academy, Pula, Croatia, August 28-September 11, 1999.


3.1 Knjige objavljene nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

1. Elmedin Mešić, Nedim Pervan i Muamer Delić, Optimizacija konstrukcije proizvoda, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2021. ISBN 978-9926-487-01-0, COBISS.BH-ID 45281798.

2. Elmedin Mešić, Nedim Pervan i Muamer Delić, Metode ispitivanja konstrukcije proizvoda – zbirka primjera i zadataka, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2020, ISBN 978-9958-601-93-4, COBISS.BH-ID 40397830.

3.2 Knjige objavljene prije izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

1. Elmedin Mešić, Nedim Pervan i Muamer Delić, Metode ispitivanja konstrukcije proizvoda, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2018, ISBN 978-9958-601-71-2, COBISS.BH-ID 25657094.

2. A. Muminović i E. Mešić, Oblikovanje i proračun zavarenih konstrukcija, Mašinski fakultet

Sarajevo, 2013, ISBN 978-9958-601-44-6, COBISS.BH-ID 20572166.

3. A. Muminović, I. Šarić i E. Mešić, Konstruisanje podržano računarima, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2012, ISBN 978-9958-601-41-5, COBISS.BH-ID 19995654.

4. N. Repčić, A. Muminović, I. Šarić i E. Mešić, Zbirka zadataka iz mašinskih elemenata, Univerzitetsko nastavno-naučno izdanje, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2007, ISBN 978-9958-601-16-3, COBISS.BH-ID 15589638.


4.1 Mentorstva doktorskih disertacija nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

1. „Doprinos istraživanju razvoja mosnih dizalica“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2021.

4.2 Mentorstva završnih radova nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

1. „Prijedlog redizajna mehanizma koljena HKAFO ortoze“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2020.

2. „Projektovanje dvostepenog planetarnog prenosnika snage“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2020.

3. „Konstruisanje tankozidnog cilindričnog rezervoara sa ravnim dancetom“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2020.

4. „Analiza konstrukcionih rješenja pločica za unutrašnju fiksaciju kosti“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2019.

5. „Konceptualni dizajn i strukturna analiza konstrukcije quad vozila“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2019.

6. „Razvoj i izrada davača sile na principu diferencijalne konzole primjenom elektrootpornih mjernih traka“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2018.

4.3 Mentorstva/komentorstva magistarskih radova prije izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

1. „White box – koncept sprave za fizičko i simbolično merenje prostora“, Akademija likovnih umjetnosti Sarajevo, Odsjek produkt dizajn, 2016.

4.4 Mentorstva završnih radova prije izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

1. „Prednosti i nedostaci integracije PLM i CAD sistema“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2017.

2. „Dimenzionalna strukturna optimizacija mase nosača mosne dizalice zavarenog I profila“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2017.

3. „Eksperimentalna, analitička i strukturna analiza naponsko deformacionih stanja uređaja za modelska ispitivanja“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2017.

4. „Konstrukcija i strukturna analiza prednjeg pogona električnog bicikla sa centralno postavljenim motorom“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2017.

5. „Metodologija, alati i mogućnosti strukturne analize mašinske konstrukcije u CAD/CAE sistemu CATIA“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2017.

6. „Konceptualni dizajn i strukturna analiza električnog bicikla“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2017.

7. „Projektovanje ispitnog stola za ispitivanje koeficijenta trenja“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2016.

8. „Analiza uticaja dizajna ortodontskih mini-implantata na primarnu stabilnost“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2016.

9. „Analiza stabilnosti konstrukcije spoljašnjeg unilateralnog fiksatora“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2016.

10. „Analiza napona u karikama lanaca kod različitih uslova eksploatacije“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2016.

11. „Razvoj CAD modela i strukturna analiza fiksatora na bazi čelika i kompozitnih materijala“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2015.

12. „Razvoj CAD modela i strukturna analiza uređaja za spoljašnju fiksaciju kosti od kompozitnih materijala“, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2014.


5.1 Projekti nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

1. Elmedin Mešić, Selma Jakupović, Nedim Pervan, Enis Muratović, Alma Gavranović- Glamoč, Anita Bajsman. Ispitivanje djelovanja različitih intenziteta polimerizacionog svjetla na strukturalne i mehaničke osobine dentalnih kompozitnih materijala. Naučnoistraživački i istraživačkorazvojni projekat od posebnog interesa za Kanton Sarajevo u 2021. godini. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski i Stomatološki fakultet, preliminarna lista.

2. Nedim Pervan, Elmedin Mešić, Adis Muminović, Muamer Delić, Enis Muratović, Vahidin Hadžiabdić, Mirsad Trobradović. Razvoj uređaja spoljašnje fiksacije primjenom savremenih kompozitnih materijala. Naučnoistraživački i istraživačkorazvojni projekat od posebnog interesa za Kanton Sarajevo u 2021. godini. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet, preliminarna lista.

3. Elmedin Mešić, Muamer Delić. Projekat nabavke i instalacije mašine za ispitivanje materijala sa pratećom opremom za potrebe istraživanja, edukacije i saradnje sa privredom. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet, 2021. Realizacija u toku.

4. E. Kljuno, Mešić E, Ćatović A, Razić F. Projekat instalacija, testiranje i razvoj metoda 3D skeniranja oblika, deformacija i pomjeranja sa skenerom Atos Core 200 za potrebe nastave i naučno-istraživačkog rada. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2021.

5. E. Mešić i E. Hadžibulić. Ekspertiza sigurnosti i pouzdanosti proizvoda u skladu sa internacionalnim standardima: BAS EN 1273:2010, BAS EN 71-1+A1:2019, BAS EN 1860-1+A1:2019, BAS EN 13138-1:2016, BAS EN 1078+A1:2013, BAS EN 13138-3:2016, BAS EN 25649-1:2019, BAS EN 25649-2:2019, BAS EN 15649-3:2019, i BAS EN 397+A1:2013 za potrebe Državne agencije za nadzor nad tržištem BiH, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2020.

6. M. Obučina, S. Hajdarević, I. Šarić, E. Mešić, A. Muminović. Razvojno edukativni centar za savremene metode konstruisanja i proizvodnje namještaja. Vođenje projekta i izvođenje obuke polaznika. Finansiranje od strane USAID organizacije – program WHAM i Federalnog zavoda za zapošljavanje. Trajanje projekta: 01.12.2019. – 30.04.2020. godine.

7. Muminović, A.J, Šarić, I, Mešić, E, Pervan, N. Modernizacija Laboratorije za razvoj i dizajn proizvoda. Naučnoistraživački i istraživačkorazvojni projekat od posebnog interesa za Kanton Sarajevo u 2019. godini. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet, Novembar 2019. – decembar 2020.

8. E. Mešić i E. Hadžibulić. Ekspertiza sigurnosti i pouzdanosti proizvoda u skladu sa internacionalnim standardima: BAS EN 1273:2010, BAS EN 71-1:2015, BAS EN 13138-3:2016, BAS EN 15649-1+A2:2015, BAS EN 15649-2+A2:2014, BAS EN 15649-3+A1:2013, BAS EN 1078+A1:2013, BAS EN 13138-1:2016, EN ISO 20345:2012 i BAS EN ISO 20346:2015 za potrebe Državne agencije za nadzor nad tržištem BiH, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2019.

9. Muminović, A, Mešić E, Muminović, A.J, Čolić, M, Pervan, N, Šarić, I, Delić, M i Muratović, E. Modernizacija laboratorije za ispitivanje mašinskih konstrukcija. Naučnoistraživački i istraživačkorazvojni projekat finansiran od strane Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta Sarajevo. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet, januar 2019. – decembar 2020.

10. E. Mešić, A. Muminović, M. Čolić, N. Pervan i M. Delić. Naučnoistraživački projekat: „Dizajniranje i eksperimentalno ispitivanje stabilnosti prototipova savremenog BiH ortopedskog sistema za spoljašnju fiksaciju kosti“ podržan i finansiran od strane Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2018-2019.

11. E. Mešić, A. Muminović, N. Pervan i M. Delić. Naučnoistraživački projekat: „Konstruisanje, izrada i biomehaničko ispitivanje prototipova novih konstrukcionih rješenja ortopedskog sistema za spoljašnju fiksaciju kosti Sarafix“, podržan i finansiran od strane Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo i Mašinskog fakulteta Sarajevo, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2018-2019.

12. E. Mešić i E. Hadžibulić. Ekspertiza sigurnosti i pouzdanosti proizvoda u skladu sa internacionalnim standardima: BAS EN 1273:2010, BAS EN ISO 8098:2015, BAS EN 13843:2012, BAS EN 1078+A1:2013, BAS EN 13138-1:2016, BAS EN ISO 20345:2012 i BAS EN ISO 20346:2015 za potrebe Državne agencije za nadzor nad tržištem BiH, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2018.

5.2 Projekti prije izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora

1. E. Mešić, Projekat Erasmus+, Staff mobility for teaching, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Title: Biomechanics, Design and Testing of Medical Devices, 05.2018.

2. E. Mešić, A. Muminović, M. Čolić i M. Delić. Naučnoistraživački projekat: „Eksperimentalna ispitivanja i numeričke analize mašinskih konstrukcija u cilju predikcije havarija“, podržan i finansiran od strane Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo i Mašinskog fakulteta Sarajevo, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2017-2018.

3. E. Mešić i E. Hadžibulić. Ekspertiza sigurnosti i pouzdanosti proizvoda u skladu sa internacionalnim standardima: BAS EN 131:2016, BAS EN 13613:2012, BAS EN ISO 8098:2015, BAS EN 1078+A1:2013 i BAS EN 12778:2007, za potrebe Državne agencije za nadzor nad tržištem BiH, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2017.

4. E. Mešić i E. Hadžibulić. Ekspertiza sigurnosti i pouzdanosti proizvoda u skladu sa internacionalnim standardima: BAS EN ISO:8098:2015, BAS EN ISO 4210-2:2015, BAS EN 13613:2012, BAS EN 131:2013 i BAS EN 13138-1:2010 za potrebe Državne agencije za nadzor nad tržištem BiH, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2016.

5. E. Mešić i E. Hadžibulić. Ekspertiza sigurnosti i pouzdanosti proizvoda u skladu sa internacionalnim standardima: BAS EN 14765+A1:2011, BAS EN 13613:2012, BAS EN 13843:2012, BAS EN 13138-1:2010 i BAS EN 11681-1:2013 za potrebe Državne agencije za nadzor nad tržištem BiH, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2015.

6. E. Mešić, Redžepagić-Vražalica L, Glušac M, Hadžibulić E. Vođenje eksperimentalnih ispitivanja u okviru doktorske disertacije „Uticaj dizajna ortodontskog mini-implantata i karakteristika kosti na primarnu stabilnost“, Mašinski i Stomatološki fakultet sa klinikama Sarajevo, 2015.

7. E. Mešić i E. Hadžibulić. Ekspertiza sigurnosti i pouzdanosti proizvoda u skladu sa internacionalnim standardima: BAS EN 13138-1:2010, BAS EN 14765+A1:2011, BAS EN 1273:2010 i BAS EN 1077:2009 za potrebe Državne agencije za nadzor nad tržištem BiH, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2014.

8. Muminović, A., Čolić, M, Mešić, E. Šarić, I. Nastavni plan i program Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije za III (doktorski) ciklus studija. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, oktobar 2014.

9. A. Muminović, I. Šarić i E. Mešić. Finansiranje/sufinansiranje programa i projekata u oblasti nauke u 2012. godini: Podrška autorima, visokoškolskim i naučnim institucijama u izdavanju novije naučne, stručne i univerzitetske literature, uz otkup dijela tiraža naučne knjige: „Konstruisanje podržano računarima“. Projekat je finansiran od strane Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2012.

10. A. Muminović, E. Mešić, M. Čolić i I. Šarić. Naučnoistraživački projekat: „Optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija i tribomehaničkih sistema primjenom eksperimentalnih i numeričkih metoda“, finansiran od strane Ministarstva za nauku i obrazovanje Kantona Sarajevo, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2008-2010.

11. M. Čohodar, A. Muminović, M. Kulenović, Đ. Begić, A. Čekić, E. Mešić, I. Šarić, L. Muminović, “Self-assessment Report - Study Program of Department of Mechanical Production Engineering“, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, 2008.

12. Repčić, N, Muminović, A, Čolić, M, Mešić, E, Šarić, I. Nastavni plan i program Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije za II ciklus studija. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, maj 2007.

13. Repčić, N, Šarić, I, Mešić, E. CATIA V5 (Getting Started, Sketcher, Part Design, Assembly Design, Drafting). Obuka studenata apsolvenata Mašinskog fakulteta Sarajevo za korištenje CAD/CAM/CAE softverskog sistema CATIA V5, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, novembar-decembar 2006.

14. Repčić, N., Muminović, A., Čolić, M., Šarić, I., Mešić, E. Nastavni plan i program Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije za I ciklus studija. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, septembar 2005.

15. N. Repčić, A. Muminović, I. Šarić and E. Mešić. Course Development Program + (CDP+), WUS-Austria. Supports the course development at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with regard to the integration into the Europen Education Area. Laboratory creation in the scope of the project „Course Development Program +(CDP+) WUS Austria”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2004–2005.

16. N. Repčić, A. Muminović, M. Čolić, E. Mešić i I. Šarić, ''Elaborat o osnivanju Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije'' predložen i odobren od strane Vlade Kantona Sarajevo, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2005.


1. Predavanje: Napredne metode u dizajnu, analizi i optimizaciji medicinskih konstrukcija u okviru Predavanja četvrtkom, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 27.02.2020.

2. Predavanja: Biomechanics, Design and Testing of Medical Devices. Projekat ERASMUS+, Staff mobility for teaching, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Department of Engineering Mechanics, 05.2018.

3. Izlaganje: “Numerical and experimental stress analysis of an external fixation system“, 1st Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina – CMBEBIH 2015, March 13-15, 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

4. Predavanje: Primjena naprednih tehnika u dizajnu, analizi i optimizaciji medicinskih konstrukcija u okviru grupacije “Savremene tehnike i trendovi u oblasti medicinskog i biološkog inženjerstva”, Simpozij MultiTechnics, 12.2014.

5. Izlaganje: Mechanical Stability Analysis of the External Fixation System Sarafix, 12th International Design Conference – DESIGN 2012, May 21-24, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012.

6. Izlaganje: Istraživanje biomehaničkih karakteristika spoljašnjeg fiksatora Sarafix. Ministarstvo za visoko obrazovanje Kraljevine Saudijske Arabije i Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Kulturni centar „Kralj Fahd“ Sarajevo, 12.02.2009.

7. Predavanje: Optimizacija motornih maziva, Četvrta međunarodna naučna konferencija o proizvodnom inženjerstvu – RIM 2003, Bihać, 25.- 27.09.2003.


1. Članstvo u komisiji za ocjenu i odbranu doktorske disertacije: Doprinos biomehaničkom istraživanju spoljašnje fiksacije primjenom kompozitnih materijala“, doktorska disertacija, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 2018.

2. Paper reviewer, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) group, 09.2018. biomechanical.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/journal.aspx

3. Certificate of Reviewing, In recognition to your contribution to the quality of journal and constructive input to the authors, South European Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research (SEJODR), 2016. www.sejodr.org

4. Članstvo u komisiji za ocjenu i odbranu doktorske disertacije: Uticaj dizajna ortodontskog mini-implantata i karakteristika kosti na primarnu stabilnost, doktorska disertacija, Stomatološki fakultet sa klinikama Sarajevo, 2015.

5. Član Tehničkog komiteta BAS/TC 40, Mašine i alati, Instituta za standardizaciju BiH.

6. Certificate, Paper reviewer of the 1st Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina – CMBEBIH 2015, March 13-15, 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

7. Certificate, Member of Scientific Committee of the 1st Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina – CMBEBIH 2015, March 13-15, 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

8. Certificate, Chair of the session of the 1st Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina – CMBEBIH 2015, March 13-15, 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

9. Certificate, An active participant of the 1st Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina – CMBEBIH 2015, March 13-15, 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

10. Organizacija i vođenje naučno-stručnog simpozija MultiTechnics, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 01.2014 - 09.2015.

11. Članstvo u Društvu za medicinski i biološki inžinjering u BiH, Sarajevo od 10.2014. godine.

B) Kandidat: dr.sc. Isad Šarić, vanredni profesor

1.1 BIOGRAFSKI PODACI 1.1a) Opšti podaci Ime i prezime: Isad Šarić

Naučni stepen: Doktor tehničkih nauka (Dr.sc.)

Trenutno zvanje: Vanredni profesor

Naučna oblast: „Opšte mašinstvo”

Voditelj laboratorija: Laboratorija za projektovanje pomoću računara (LabCAD); Laboratorija za razvoj i dizajn proizvoda (LabPDD)

Adresa: Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Mašinski fakultet Odsjek/Katedra za mašinske konstrukcije

Vilsonovo šetalište 9 71000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina

Web stranica: https://www.mef.unsa.ba/


E-mail: [email protected]

Datum rođenja: 18. 12. 1974.

Mjesto i opština rođenja: Goletići, Kladanj

1.1b) Zaposlenje Datum (od – do): 2002 (mart) – sada

Trenutno zanimanje i radno mjesto: Doktor tehničkih nauka (Dr.sc.), Vanredni profesor

Područje rada: Naučna oblast: „Opšte mašinstvo”

Naziv i adresa poslodavca: Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Mašinski fakultet, Odsjek/Katedra za mašinske konstrukcije, Vilsonovo šetalište 9, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Web stranica: https://www.mef.unsa.ba/ 1.1c) Obrazovanje 2014 (septembar) Naučni stepen: Doktor tehničkih nauka (Dr.sc.)

Tema: „Razvoj integrisanog CAD sistema za konstruisanje mehaničkih prenosnika snage” Mentor: Red.prof.dr.sc. Adil Muminović Naziv obrazovne institucije: Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo

2009 (mart) Naučni stepen: Magistar tehničkih nauka (Mr.sc.) Tema: „Geometrijsko i parametarsko modeliranje naprednim CAD aplikacijama” Mentor: Red.prof.dr.sc. Nedžad Repčić Naziv obrazovne institucije: Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo

2001 – 2003 Postdiplomski studij (4 semestra) Smjer: Proizvodno mašinstvo Usmjerenje: CAD/CAM metode Naziv obrazovne institucije: Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo

2000 (maj) Stručni naziv: Diplomirani inženjer mašinstva (Dipl.ing.maš.) Tema: „Višeparametarsko modeliranje kvaliteta obrađene površine” Mentor: Red.prof.dr.sc. Džemo Tufekdžić Naziv obrazovne institucije: Fakultet elektrotehnike i mašinstva Tuzla,

Studij mašinstva

1993 – 2000 Dodiplomski studij (10 semestara) Naziv obrazovne institucije: Fakultet elektrotehnike i mašinstva Tuzla,

Studij mašinstva

1989 – 1993 Naziv obrazovne institucije: Srednja tehnička škola „Akif Šeremet” Kladanj

1981 – 1989 Naziv obrazovne institucije: Osnovna škola „Vladimir Nazor” Kladanj 1.1d) Usavršavanje 1.1d)1 Usavršavanje – zvanja

Period: 2018 (septembar) – sada Naziv usavršavanja: Naučna oblast: „Opšte mašinstvo”, Odsjek/Katedra za mašinske

konstrukcije Naziv obrazovne institucije: Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: Zvanje: Vanredni profesor

Period: 2014 (novembar) – 2018 (septembar) Naziv usavršavanja: Naučna oblast: „Opšte mašinstvo”, Odsjek/Katedra za mašinske

konstrukcije Naziv obrazovne institucije: Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: Zvanje: Docent

Period: 2009 (april) – 2014 (novembar) Naziv usavršavanja: Naučna oblast: „Opšte mašinstvo”, Odsjek/Katedra za mašinske

konstrukcije Naziv obrazovne institucije: Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: Zvanje: Viši asistent

Period: 2005 (februar) – 2009 (april) Naziv usavršavanja: Naučna oblast: „Mašinske konstrukcije”, Odsjek/Katedra za mašinske

konstrukcije Naziv obrazovne institucije: Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: Zvanje: Asistent (reizbor)

Period: 2002 (februar) – 2005 (februar) Naziv usavršavanja: Naučna oblast: „Mašinski elementi” i predmet „Tehnička

dokumentacija”, Katedra za mašinske konstrukcije Naziv obrazovne institucije: Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: Zvanje: Asistent 1.1d)2 Usavršavanje – certifikati

Period: 2021 (juni) Naziv usavršavanja: Certificate awared to authors Jasmin Smajic, Adis J. Muminovic, Isad

Saric, Adil Muminovic for paper: „Development and Design of a Machine for Hybrid Manufacturing” in recognition of participation and valuable contributions to the 7th International Conference „New Technologies, Development and Application. NT 2021”

Naziv obrazovne institucije: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate”

Period: 2021 (juni) Naziv usavršavanja: Certificate awared to authors Isad Saric, Enis Muratovic, Senad

Rahimic for paper: „Design and Development of Street Lamp” in

recognition of participation and valuable contributions to the 7th International Conference „New Technologies, Development and Application. NT 2021”

Naziv obrazovne institucije: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate”

Period: 2021 (juni) Naziv usavršavanja: Certificate awared to authors Isad Saric, Adnan Masic, Muamer Delic

for paper: „Hexacopter Design and Analysis” in recognition of participation and valuable contributions to the 7th International Conference „New Technologies, Development and Application. NT 2021”

Naziv obrazovne institucije: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate”

Period: 2021 (juni) Naziv usavršavanja: Certificate awared to authors Enis Muratovic, Mirsad Colic, Adil

Muminovic, Isad Saric for paper: „Analitical Calculation and FEM Analysis of Single Girder Bridge Crane Made Out of Hot-Rolled Profiles” in recognition of participation and valuable contributions to the 7th International Conference „New Technologies, Development and Application. NT 2021”

Naziv obrazovne institucije: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate”

Period: 2020 (septembar) Naziv usavršavanja: Certificate awared to Isad Saric in recognition of participation and

valuable contributions to the 6th International Conference „New Technologies, Development and Application. NT 2020”; Keynote papers: „MODELING, ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF WORK FOR THE PUNCHING AND CUTTING OPERATIONS ON INNER PLATE OF THE FRONT CAR DOOR”

Naziv obrazovne institucije: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate”

Period: 2019 (novembar) Naziv usavršavanja: This is to certify that the research paper entitled „ANALYTICAL AND


Naziv obrazovne institucije: TRANS STELLAR Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate of Publication”

Period: 2018 (april)

Naziv usavršavanja: This is to certify that the research paper entitled „Geometric and Mathematical Analysis of Forging Tools for Roller Bodies in Bearings” had been reviewed by the Editorial Board and published in „International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)”

Naziv obrazovne institucije: IAEME Publication Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate of Publication”

Period: 2018 (mart) Naziv usavršavanja: This is to certify that the research paper entitled „Conceptual design

and stress analysis of the composite frame of Dirt Jump Mountain Bike” had been reviewed by the Editorial Board and published in „International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)”

Naziv obrazovne institucije: IAEME Publication Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate of Publication”

Period: 2017 (januar) Naziv usavršavanja: Ultimaker Education challenge winner Naziv obrazovne institucije: Ultimaker, Makergirls, Illinois Makerlab, Education Ultimaker Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate of Award Presented to University of Sarajevo, Faculty of

Mechanical Engineering for outstanding achievement in Ultimaker’s education contest”

Period: 2011 (decembar) Naziv usavršavanja: World Symposiums on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation Naziv obrazovne institucije: Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing – DAAAM

International Vienna, Austria Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „DAAAM Membership Certificate 2011”, DAAAM International

Vienna, an Organization and Functioning Institution for the Advancement of Scientific and Technical Knowledge and Education in the Fields of Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, Mechatronics, International Scientific and Academic Cooperation

Period: 2007 (mart) Naziv usavršavanja: Obuka za CATIA V5 sistem Naziv obrazovne institucije: CAD-CAM Data, IBM-ov i CATIA Business Partner Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „CATIA V5: FEM Basic Training GPS/GAS”, certifikat o uspješno

završenoj obuci za CATIA V5 sistem

Period: 2006 (juni) Naziv usavršavanja: Obuka za CATIA V5 sistem Naziv obrazovne institucije: CAD-CAM Data, IBM-ov i CATIA Business Partner Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „CATIA V5: Basic Training CNC – B”, certifikat o uspješno završenoj

obuci za CATIA V5 sistem

Period: 2005 (juli)

Naziv usavršavanja: Obuka za CATIA V5 sistem (CATIA V5 je trenutno najsavremeniji integrisani CAD/CAM/CAE softverski sistem koji se može naći na tržištu za komercijalnu upotrebu i naučnoistraživački rad)

Naziv obrazovne institucije: CAD-CAM Data, IBM-ov i CATIA Business Partner

Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „CATIA V5: Basic Training MD2 – B”, certifikat o uspješno završenoj obuci za CATIA V5 sistem

Period: 2003 (septembar) Naziv usavršavanja: 4th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering

Development and Modernization of Production Naziv obrazovne institucije: Faculty of Technical Engineering Bihać and International

Bibliographical Centre Cambridge Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „Certificate in recognition of participation and valuable contributions

to the 4th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering Development and Modernization of Production”

Period: 2000 (januar – februar) Naziv usavršavanja: CNC Programming and CAD/CAM Naziv obrazovne institucije: EMCO (EMCO je jedan od najsavremenijih svjetskih edukacionih

centara za CNC programiranje i CAD/CAM), Hallein, Austria Dodijeljena klasifikacija: „EMCO Training: CNC Programming and CAD/CAM: Sinumerik 810, GE

Fanuc 0 (Turning and Milling)”, certifikat o osposobljenosti za CNC programiranje i CAD/CAM

1.1d)3 Usavršavanje – boravci

Period: 2017 (april) Naziv usavršavanja: Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching. Academic exchange of university

teachers at the University of Zagreb in the status of a guest professor at the exchang

Naziv obrazovne institucije: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb, Zagreb

Period: 2000 Naziv usavršavanja: Mechanical Design Naziv obrazovne institucije: Friedrich–Alexander–Univesität Erlangen–Nürnberg, Siemens KWU

Erlangen–Nürnberg, MAN Nürnberg, BMW München, Technische Univesität München, Germany

Period: 2000 (januar – februar) Naziv usavršavanja: CNC Programming and CAD/CAM Naziv obrazovne institucije: EMCO (EMCO je jedan od najsavremenijih svjetskih edukacionih

centara za CNC programiranje i CAD/CAM), Hallein, Austria 1.2 KNJIGE

(Knjige, udžbenici, međunarodne naučne monografije, skripte) 1.2a) Knjige objavljene nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora [1] Šarić, I., Muminović, A., Delić, M., & Muratović, E. (2021). Osnove konstrukcija alata. Mašinski

fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo. ISBN 978-9926-487-03-4

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)...

[2] Šarić, I., & Muminović, A. (2020). Industrijski dizajn. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo. ISBN 978-9958-601-94-1

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)...

1.2b) Knjige objavljene nakon izbora u zvanje docenta [3] Šarić, I., & Muminović, A. (2018). Razvoj i dizajn proizvoda. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo,

Sarajevo. ISBN 978-9958-601-74-3

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)...

1.2c) Knjige objavljene prije izbora u zvanje docenta [4] Muminović, A., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2012). Konstruisanje podržano računarima. Mašinski

fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo. ISBN 978-9958-601-41-5

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)...

[5] Saric, I., Repcic, N., & Muminovic, A. (2012). Mechanical Transmissions Parameter Modelling. In M. Gokcek (Ed.), Mechanical Engineering (pp. 3–16). InTech. https://doi.org/10.5772/34709

Indexing: BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (http://base-search.net/), COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/), EBSCO A-TO-Z, Google Books (http://books.google.com/), Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/), OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/), SCIRUS (http://scirus.com/)...

[6] Repčić, N., Muminović, A., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2007). Zbirka zadataka iz mašinskih elemenata. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo. ISBN 978-9958-601-16-3


Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/), Google Books (http://books.google.com/)...

[7] Repčić, N., & Šarić, I. (2006). AutoCAD: Izrada tehničkih crteža. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333405470_AutoCAD_Izrada_tehnickih_crteza


(Naučni radovi objavljeni u priznatim publikacijama koje se nalaze u relevantnim naučnim bazama podataka)

1.3a) Naučni radovi objavljeni nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora [1] Smajic, J., Saric, I., Muminovic, A., Delic, M., & Muminovic, A. J. (2021). Planetary Gearbox

Prototype Development and Manufacturing. Tehnicki Glasnik/Technical Journal, 15(4). https://doi.org/10.31803/tg-20210219170243 accepted

Indexing: Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[2] Saric, I., Colic, M., Muratovic, E., Delic, M., & Muminovic, A. J. (2021). Design and Development of Compression and Torsion Springs using CAD/CAE. In S. Avdaković, I. Volić, A. Mujčić, T. Uzunović, & A. Mujezinović (Eds.), Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications VI. IAT 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, Cham.

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Springer (https://link.springer.com/)...

[3] Smajic, J., Muminovic, A. J., Saric, I., & Muminovic, A. (2021). Development and Design of a Machine for Hybrid Manufacturing. In I. Karabegović (Ed.), New Technologies, Development and Application IV. NT 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 233, pp. 121–134). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75275-0_15

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Springer (https://link.springer.com/)...

[4] Saric, I., Muratovic, E., & Rahimic, S. (2021). Design and Development of Street Lamp. In I. Karabegović (Ed.), New Technologies, Development and Application IV. NT 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 233, pp. 113–120). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75275-0_14

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Springer (https://link.springer.com/)...

[5] Saric, I., Masic, A., & Delic, M. (2021). Hexacopter Design and Analysis. In I. Karabegović (Ed.), New Technologies, Development and Application IV. NT 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 233, pp. 74–81). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75275-0_9

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Springer (https://link.springer.com/)...

[6] Muratovic, E., Colic, M., Muminovic, A., & Saric, I. (2021). Analytical Calculation and FEM Analysis of Single Girder Bridge Crane Made Out of Hot-Rolled Profiles. In I. Karabegović (Ed.), New Technologies, Development and Application IV. NT 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 233, pp. 54–61). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75275-0_6

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Springer (https://link.springer.com/)...

[7] Masic, A., Kepnik, G., Bektesevic, J., Mehuljić, M., Saric, I., & Hadziabdic, V. (2020). The Network of Smart Sensors for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring. In B. Katalinic (Ed.), Proceedings of the 31st DAAAM International Symposium (pp. 0232–0235). Published by DAAAM International. https://doi.org/10.2507/31st.daaam.proceedings.032

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/)...

[8] Popovac, M., Klinac, T., Muminovic, A. J., & Saric, I. (2021). Product Development and Design: A Bicycle Stand Case Study. In S. Avdaković, I. Volić, A. Mujčić, T. Uzunović, & A. Mujezinović (Eds.), Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications V. IAT 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 142, pp. 555–569). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54765-3_39

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Springer (https://link.springer.com/)...

[9] Muminovic, A. J., Colic, M., Mesic, E., & Saric, I. (2020). Innovative design of spur gear tooth with infill structure. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 68(3), 477–483. https://doi.org/10.24425/bpasts.2020.133370

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[10] Saric, I., Muratovic, E., & Music, H. (2020). Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Work for the Punching and Cutting Operations on Inner Plate of the Front Car Door. In I. Karabegović (Ed.), New Technologies, Development and Application III. NT 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 128, pp. 182–189). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46817-0_2

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Springer (https://link.springer.com/)...

[11] Saric, I., Smajic, J., & Muminovic, A. J. (2020). Integrated Development and Design of Gears Reduction Drive. In I. Karabegović (Ed.), New Technologies, Development and Application III. NT 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 128, pp. 98–103). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46817-0_11

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Springer (https://link.springer.com/)...

[12] Saric, I., Muminovic, A., Delic, M., & Muminovic, A. J. (2020). Development of integrated intelligent CAD system for calculation, designing and development of bridge crane. Journal of

Applied Science and Engineering, 23(2), 349–355. https://doi.org/10.6180/jase.202006_23(2).0018

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[13] Muminovic, A. J., Braut, S., Muminovic, A., Saric, I., & Stimac Roncevic, G. (2020). Improvement of flexible rotor/active magnetic bearings system performance using pi-d control. Engineering Review, 40(2), 112–123. https://doi.org/10.30765/er.40.2.12

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[14] Imamovic, Z., Saric, I., Hajradinovic, D., & Hadziabdic, V. (2020). Analytical and Numerical Analysis of Injection Molding Tools of ASA Polymers. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 10(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.24247/ijmperdfeb20201

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/)...

[15] Muminovic, A. J., Muminovic, A., Mesic, E., Saric, I., & Pervan, N. (2019). Spur Gear Tooth Topology Optimization: Finding Optimal Shell Thickness for Spur Gear Tooth produced using Additive Manufacturing. TEM Journal, 8(3), 788–794. https://doi.org/10.18421/TEM83-13

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[16] Muminovic, A. J., Saric, I., Mesic, E., Pervan, N., & Delic, M. (2019). Research about characteristics of designs from industrial designers and product designers. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 7(2), 860–869. https://doi.org/10.21533/pen.v7i2.435

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/)...

[17] Saric, I., Pervan, N., Colic, M., & Muratovic, E. (2019). Recent Developments and Design of Tools for Punching and Cutting. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(5), 373–382. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=5

Indexing: ResearchBib (https://www.researchbib.com/); OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/)...

[18] Hadžiabdić, V., Mehuljić, M., Bektešević, J., & Šarić, I. (2019). Application of the Nullcline Method to a Certain Model of Competitive Species. TEM Journal, 8(1), 73–77. https://doi.org/10.18421/TEM81-09

Indexing: Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

1.3b) Naučni radovi objavljeni nakon izbora u zvanje docenta [19] Saric, I., Pervan, N., Muminovic, A., & Colic, M. (2018). Development of Integrated Intelligent

Cad System for Design of Shafts. Tehnički Vjesnik, 25(Supplement 1), 99–104. https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20170521194820

Indexing: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA: Metals Abstracts/METADEX, Engineering Materials Abstracts, Ceramic Abstracts, Corrosion Abstracts, and Materials Business FileSteel Alerts); Compendex; Ei Compendex; Embase; Elsevier Biobase; Elsevier GeoAbstracts; Geo Abstracts (Civil Engineering, Process Engineering and FLUIDEX) (DIALOG, ESA/IRS); Inspec; PaperChem; Science Citation Index Expanded and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (from January, 2008) (The Thomson Reuters services); Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[20] Saric, I., Pervan, N., Muminovic, A., & Hadziabdic, V. (2018). Geometric and Mathematical Analysis of Forging Tools for Roller Bodies in Bearings. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(4), 624–633. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?VType=9&IType=4&JType=IJMET&PageNumber=2

Indexing: Academia.edu; AcademicKeys.com; Advanced Science Index; arXiv.org; Chemical Abstracts Service; China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Genamics JournalSeek; Citefactor; CiteSeerX; CiteULike; Computer Science Directory; DocSlide; Docstoc; EBSCO; Epernicus; Gale; Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/); Indian Citation Index (ICI); Index Copernicus (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/); InfoBASE Index; Journal Impact Factor (JIF); Jour Informatics; JournalTOCs; Mendeley; Microsoft Academic Search System; National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR); OALib; Open Academic Journals Index; Open J-Gate; ORCID Research ID: 0000-0001-9500-6074; Publicationlist.org; ResearchGate; ResearchBib (https://www.researchbib.com/); Scholar Steer; Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Scribd; SlideShare; Social Science Research Network (SSRN); The Directory of Research Journal Indexing; The Electronic Journals Library; The Internet Archive; Thomson Reuters ResearcherID: H-3771-2015; Universal Impact Factor (UIF)...

[21] Saric, I., Pervan, N., Colic, M., & Muminovic, A. (2018). Conceptual design and stress analysis of the composite frame of Dirt Jump Mountain Bike. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 204–213. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=9&IType=3

Indexing: Academia.edu; AcademicKeys.com; Advanced Science Index; arXiv.org; Chemical Abstracts Service; China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Genamics JournalSeek; Citefactor; CiteSeerX; CiteULike; Computer Science Directory; DocSlide; Docstoc; EBSCO; Epernicus; Gale; Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/); Indian Citation Index (ICI); Index Copernicus (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/); InfoBASE Index; Journal Impact Factor (JIF); Jour Informatics; JournalTOCs; Mendeley; Microsoft Academic Search System; National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR); OALib; Open Academic Journals Index; Open J-Gate; ORCID Research ID: 0000-0001-9500-6074; Publicationlist.org; ResearchGate; ResearchBib (https://www.researchbib.com/); Scholar Steer; Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Scribd; SlideShare; Social Science Research Network (SSRN); The Directory of Research Journal Indexing; The Electronic Journals Library; The Internet Archive; Thomson Reuters ResearcherID: H-3771-2015; Universal Impact Factor (UIF)...

[22] Saric, I., & Muminovic, A. J. (2018). Development of integrated intelligent CAD system for synthesis and stress-deformation analysis of pressure vessels. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1), 147–151. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i1.8666

Indexing: Academia.edu; AcademicKeys.com; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE); CAS; Computer Science Directory; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI); EZB – Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (Electronic Journals Library); German National Serials Database (ZDB); Google Scholar; Issuu; JadounScience; JournalTOCs; Georgetown University – NewJour; OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/); Open J-Gate; PKP Open Archives Harvester; ProQuest; ResearchGate; Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Science Central; Serials Solutions; Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB); Southwest-German Union Catalogue; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory; Universe Digital Library (UDL)...

[23] Saric, I., Muminovic, A., Colic, M., & Rahimic, S. (2017). Development of integrated intelligent computer-aided design system for mechanical power-transmitting mechanism design. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9(7), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1177/1687814017710389

Indexing: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS); Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents – Engineering, Computing & Technology (CC), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE); Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCO: Engineering Source; EBSCO: IET Inspec; ProQuest Engineering Collection; Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); TEMA Technology & Management; Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[24] Pervan, N., Čolić, M., Šarić, I., & Hadžiabdić, V. (2016). Analysis of the Haulage Ropes on Ropeways in Case of Accidental Loads. TEM Journal, 5(2), 171–174. https://doi.org/10.18421/TEM52-08

Indexing: Academia.edu; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCO bibliographic databases (http://search.ebscohost.com/); Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/); Index Copernicus (IC Journal Master List – ICV 7.51) (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/); OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/); ResearchBib (https://www.researchbib.com/); TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology; University Library of Regensburg; Web of Science | Thomson Reuters – Master Journal List (Emerging Sources Citation Index) (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[25] Muminovic, A. J., Saric, I., & Repcic, N. (2015). Numerical Analysis of Stress Concentration Factors. Procedia Engineering, 100(0), 707–713. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.01.423

Indexing: EBSCOhost (http://search.ebscohost.com/); OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/); ScienceDirect (https://www.sciencedirect.com/); Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/); Web of Science (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[26] Muminovic, A. J., Braut, S., Muminovic, A., & Saric, I. (2014). Numerical and Analytical Analysis of Elastic Rotor Natural Frequency. TEM Journal, 3(4), 323–328. http://www.tem-journal.com/archives/vol3no4.html

Indexing: Academia.edu; EBSCO bibliographic databases (http://search.ebscohost.com/); Georgetown University – New Jour; getCITED; Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/); Index Copernicus (IC Journal Master List – ICV 6.29) (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/); OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/); ResearchBib (https://www.researchbib.com/); TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology; University Library of Regensburg...

1.3c) Naučni radovi objavljeni prije izbora u zvanje docenta [27] Šarić, I. (2014). Razvoj integrisanog CAD sistema za konstruisanje mehaničkih prenosnika snage

[Doktorska disertacija, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo]. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27908.86402

[28] Muminovic, A. J., Saric, I., & Repcic, N. (2014). Analysis of Stress Concentration Factors Using Different Computer Software Solutions. Procedia Engineering, 69(0), 609–615. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2014.03.033

Indexing: EBSCOhost (http://search.ebscohost.com/), OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/), ScienceDirect (http://www.sciencedirect.com), Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/), Web of Knowledge (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[29] Muminović, A., Šarić, I., & Avdić, V. (2013). Numerical Stress Analyse of Welded Joints on Pressure Vessels. Proceedings of the 17th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2013, 65–68. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.2466.2809

Indexing: CiteSeerX (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/), EBSCO database Applied Science & Technology Source (http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/aci-coverage.htm), Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/)...

[30] Repcic, N., Saric, I., & Muminovic, A. (2012). Software for Calculation and Analysis of ISO System of Tolerances, Deviations and Fits. In B. Katalinic (Ed.), Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings (pp. 0195–0198). Published by DAAAM International. https://doi.org/10.2507/23rd.daaam.proceedings.046

Indexing: EBSCOhost (http://search.ebscohost.com/), Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/)...

[31] Saric, I., & Repcic, N. (2012). Parameter Modelling of Gears. TECH TECHNOL EDUC MANAG-TTEM - Technics Technologies Education Management-Ttem, 7(3), 968–974. https://ttem.ba/2012/09/01/volume-7-number-3/

Indexing: EBSCOhost (http://search.ebscohost.com/), IndexCopernicus (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/), OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/), Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/), Web of Knowledge (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[32] Repčić, N., Šarić, I., & Avdić, V. (2012). Theoretical Reviews on how to Improve the Degree of Efficiency on Power Screws. Proceedings of the 16th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2012, 511–514. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.2728.4248

Indexing: CiteSeerX (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/), EBSCO database Applied Science & Technology Source (http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/aci-coverage.htm), Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/)...

[33] Muminovic, A., Saric, I., & Repcic, N. (2011). Software for Deformity and Stress Condition of 2D Truss Beams Analysis. In B. Katalinic (Ed.), Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings (pp. 1225–1226). Published by DAAAM International. https://doi.org/10.2507/22nd.daaam.proceedings.597

Indexing: EBSCOhost (http://search.ebscohost.com/), OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/), Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/)...

[34] Repčić, N., Pervan, N., & Šarić, I. (2011). Application of Harmonic Drive Gears in Machine Tools. Proceedings of the 15th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2011, 765–768. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3777.0003

Indexing: CiteSeerX (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/), EBSCO database Applied Science & Technology Source (http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/aci-coverage.htm), Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/)...

[35] Repčić, N., Šarić, I., & Avdić, V. (2011). Tractive Effort Curves in Gearbox Analyse. Proceedings of the 15th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2011, 973–976. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.4301.2881

Indexing: CiteSeerX (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/), EBSCO database Applied Science & Technology Source (http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/aci-coverage.htm), Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/)...

[36] Repčić, N., Šarić, I., & Muminović, A. (2011). Opportunities to Improve Production using Active Magnetic Bearing Systems. Proceedings of the 15th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2011, 993–996. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.1155.5604

Indexing: CiteSeerX (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/), EBSCO database Applied Science & Technology Source (http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/aci-coverage.htm), Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/)...

[37] Saric, I., Repcic, N., Muminovic, A., & Colic, M. (2010). Eksternal and Internal Evaluation of the Course „Computer-Aided Design” at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo. TECH TECHNOL EDUC MANAG-TTEM - Technics Technologies Education Management-Ttem, 5(4), 867–874. https://ttem.ba/2010/12/01/volume-5-number-4/

Indexing: EBSCOhost (http://search.ebscohost.com/), IndexCopernicus (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/), OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/), Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/), Web of Knowledge (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[38] Šarić, I., Repčić, N., & Muminović, A. (2010). Parameter Modelling of Gears. Proceedings of the 14th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2010, 557–560. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.4432.3605

Indexing: CiteSeerX (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/), EBSCO database Applied Science & Technology Source (http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/aci-coverage.htm), Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/)...

[39] Šarić, I., Repčić, N., & Muminović, A. (2009). 3D Geometric parameter modelling of belt transmissions and transmissions gear. TECH TECHNOL EDUC MANAG-TTEM - Technics Technologies Education Management-Ttem, 4(2), 181–188. https://ttem.ba/2009/12/01/volume-4-number-2/

Indexing: EBSCOhost (http://search.ebscohost.com/), IndexCopernicus (http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/), OCLC WorldCat (http://www.worldcat.org/), Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/), Web of Knowledge (http://www.webofknowledge.com)...

[40] Šarić, I., Muminović, A., & Repčić, N. (2009). Implementation of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems. Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering „Development and Modernization of Production – RIM 2009”, 51–52.


[41] Šarić, I. (2009). Geometrijsko i parametarsko modeliranje naprednim CAD aplikacijama [Magistarski rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo]. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.23649.02406

[42] Šarić, I., & Repčić, N. (2008). Implementation of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems and New Methods for Design. International Scientific-Expert Symposium „Modern Methods for Design in Wood Industry”. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235632523_Implementation_of_CADCAMCAE_Systems_and_New_Methods_for_Design

[43] Šarić, I., Muminović, A., & Repčić, N. (2007). Geometric Modelling and Stress Analysis of Model Device for Torsion. Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering „Development and Modernization of Production – RIM 2007”, 143–144. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235632509_Geometric_Modelling_and_Stress_Analysis_of_Model_Device_for_Torsion

[44] Muminović, A., Šarić, I., & Repčić, N. (2007). Stress Analysis of Model Device for Torsion. Proceedings of the 11th International Research/Expert Conference „Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2007, 731–734. http://www.tmt.unze.ba/zbornik/TMT2007/183-TMT07-082.pdf

Indexing: EBSCO database Applied Science & Technology Source (http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/aci-coverage.htm)...

[45] Repčić, N., & Šarić, I. (2004). Interactive Modelling by Associated Software. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8(4), 225–232. http://mf.unze.ba/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Masinstvo-num4-2004.pdf

[46] Repčić, N., & Šarić, I. (2003). Simulation of Working Process and Tool Modelling on CNC Machines by Win3D-View Software. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 7(3), 151–158. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235633010_Simulation_of_Working_Process_and_Tool_Modelling_on_CNC_Machines_by_Win3D-View_Software

[47] Repčić, N., & Šarić, I. (2003). CAD/CAM Programming by WinCAM Programming Package. Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering „Development and Modernization of Production – RIM 2003”, 161–166. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3596.7764


(Projekti, programi i grantovi) 1.4a) Projekti realizovani nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora [1] Muminović, A. J., Šarić, I., Mešić, E., & Pervan, N. (2020). Opremanje Laboratorije za razvoj i

dizajn proizvoda (3D skener Artec Eva). Javni poziv za sufinansiranje programa nauke iz Budžeta Kantona Sarajevo za 2019. godinu. Program 6.: Sufinasiranje nabavke sofisticirane naučnoistraživačke opreme za organizacione jedinice Univerziteta u Sarajevu za 2019. godinu. Program je finansiran od strane Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, septembar 2019. – decembar 2020.

[2] Muminović, A. J., Šarić, I., Pervan, N., & Delić, M. (2020). Opremanje Laboratorije za razvoj i dizajn proizvoda. Interni poziv Univerziteta u Sarajevu za raspodjelu sredstava Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke za finasiranje/sufinasiranje projekata iz oblasti nauke od značaja za Federaciju Bosne i Hercegovine iz budžeta za 2019. godinu. Projekat je finansiran od strane Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, septembar 2020. – decembar 2020.

[3] Muminović, A., Mešić, E., Muminović, A. J., Pervan, N., Čolić, M., Šarić, I., Delić, M., & Muratović, E. (2020). Modernizacija Laboratorije za ispitivanje mašinskih konstrukcija. Interni poziv Univerziteta u Sarajevu za raspodjelu sredstava Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke za finasiranje/sufinasiranje projekata iz oblasti nauke od značaja za Federaciju Bosne i Hercegovine iz budžeta za 2018. godinu. Projekat je finansiran od strane Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2019.-2020.

[4] Saric, I., Mesic, E., & Muminovic, A. J. (2020). Workforce and Higher Access to Markets (WHAM) Activity. Development and Education Center for Modern Technologies of Furniture Design and Production. Task: Computer-Aided Design (CAD Technologies). Grant, Financial support from USAID, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, Sarajevo, December 2019 – February 2020.

[5] Saric, I., Pervan, N., Muminovic, A., & Colic, M. (2019). Development of Integrated Intelligent Cad System for Design of Shafts. Javni poziv za sufinansiranje programa nauke iz Budžeta Kantona Sarajevo za 2019. godinu. Program 2.: Podrška autorima/koautorima naučnih radova objavljenih ili prihvaćenih za objavu u WoS-CC (Web of Science-Core Collection) bazi podataka. Program je finansiran od strane Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, septembar 2019.

[6] Šarić, I., & Muminović, A. J. (2019). Laboratorija za razvoj i dizajn proizvoda (LabPDD). Formiranje laboratorije, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, april 2019.

1.4b) Projekti realizovani nakon izbora u zvanje docenta [7] Muminović, A., Šarić, I., Muminović, A. J., Čolić, M., Mešić, E., Pervan, N., & Delić, M. (2018).

Nabavka prioritetne opreme za naučnoistraživački rad na Odsjeku za mašinske konstrukcije Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Projekat iz oblasti nauke. Projekat je (su)finasiran iz oblasti nauke od značaja za Federaciju Bosne i Hercegovine iz budžeta za 2017. godinu, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, januar 2018. – decembar 2018.

[8] Šarić, I., Muminović, A., Muminović, A. J., & Delić, M. (2017). Inovativni razvoj proizvoda: Sinergija nauke, industrije i obrazovanja. Naučnoistraživački i istraživačkorazvojni projekat. Projekat je (su)finansiran od strane Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo kao naučnoistraživački i istraživačkorazvojni projekat od posebnog interesa za Kanton Sarajevo u 2016. godini, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, januar 2017. – decembar 2017.

[9] Saric, I., & Muminovic, A. J. (2017). Improvement of teaching „How machines works” using Ultimaker 3D printer. Winner of the Ultimaker Education Challenge – Bett Show London, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, Sarajevo, November 2016 – November 2017.

[10] Saric, I. (2017). Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching. Academic exchange of university teachers at the University of Zagreb in the status of a guest professor at the exchang. Grant, Financial support from EU funds, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb, Zagreb, April 2017

[11] Šarić, I. (2014). Podrška naučnom usavršavanju na doktorskom studiju zaposlenih na

Univerzitetu u Sarajevu. Projekat iz oblasti nauke od značaja za Federaciju BiH u 2014. godini. Projekat je finansiran od strane Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, novembar 2014.

[12] Repčić, N., Muminović, A., Čolić, M., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2014). Nastavni plan i program Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije za III (doktorski) ciklus studija. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, oktobar 2014.

[13] Šarić, I. (2014). Razvoj programa obuka za nova zanimanja iz oblasti metalske industrije – CNC tehnologije u okviru projekta „EUROMETAL 2”. Projekat je finansiran od strane Evropske unije, Sarajevo, februar-maj 2014.

1.4c) Projekti realizovani prije izbora u zvanje docenta [14] Šarić, I. (2014). Kreiranje kataloga 2D i 3D elemenata, Parametarsko modeliranje. UNIS FAGAS,

Fabrika gasnih aparata d.o.o. Sarajevo, Sarajevo, januar 2014.

[15] Muminović, A., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2012). Konstruisanje podržano računarima. Finansiranje/sufinansiranje programa i projekata u oblasti nauke u 2012. godini: Podrška autorima, visokoškolskim i naučnim institucijama u izdavanju novije naučne, stručne i univerzitetske literature, uz otkup dijela tiraža. Projekat je finansiran od strane Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2012.

[16] Muminović, A., Čolić, M., Mešić, E., & Šarić, I. (2009). Optimizacija mašinskih konstrukcija i tribomehaničkih sistema primjenom eksperimentalnih i numeričkih metoda. Naučnoistraživački i istraživačkorazvojni projekat. Projekat je finansiran od strane Ministarstva za nauku i obrazovanje Kantona Sarajevo, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, januar 2008. – januar 2009.

[17] Cohodar, M., Muminovic, A., Kulenovic, M., Begic, D., Cekic, A., Saric, I., Mesic, E., & Muminovic, L. (2008). Self-assessment Report – Study Program of Department of Mechanical Production Engineering. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2008.

[18] Repčić, N., Muminović, A., Čolić, M., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2007). Nastavni plan i program Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije za II ciklus studija. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, maj 2007.

[19] Repčić, N., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2006). CATIA V5 (Getting Started, Sketcher, Part Design, Assembly Design, Drafting). Obuka studenata apsolvenata Mašinskog fakulteta Sarajevo za korištenje CAD/CAM/CAE softverskog sistema CATIA V5, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, novembar-decembar 2006.

[20] Repčić, N., Muminović, A., Čolić, M., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2005). Nastavni plan i program Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije za I ciklus studija. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, septembar 2005.

[21] Repcic, N., Muminovic, A., & Saric, I. (2005). Course Development Program + (CDP+) WUS Austria. Supports the course development at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with regard to the integration into the European Education Area, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, Sarajevo, October 2004 – October 2005.

[22] Repčić, N., Muminović, A., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2005). Laboratorija za projektovanje pomoću računara (LabCAD). Formiranje laboratorije u okviru projekta „Course Development Program + (CDP+) WUS Austria”, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, oktobar 2004. – oktobar 2005.

[23] Repčić, N., & Šarić, I. (2005). CATIA V5 (Getting Started, Sketcher, Part Design, Assembly Design, Drafting, Generative Structural Analysis). Obuka nastavnog osoblja Mašinskog fakulteta Sarajevo za korištenje CAD/CAM/CAE softverskog sistema CATIA V5, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, oktobar 2005.

[24] Repčić, N., Muminović, A., Čolić, M., Šarić, I., & Mešić, E. (2005). Elaborat o osnivanju Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, maj 2005.

[25] Repčić, N., & Šarić, I. (2004). AutoCAD: Primjena računara u konstruisanju. Obuka zaposlenih Tvornice cementa Kakanj d.d., Tvornica cementa Kakanj d.d., Kakanj, juni 2004.

[26] Šarić, I. (2001). AutoCAD i CNC programiranje. Obuka profesora stručno-teoretske nastave u srednjim školama Kantona Sarajevo, Srednja mašinska tehnička škola Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2001.

[27] Šarić, I. (2001). Izrada nastavnog plana za stručna zvanja mašinski tehničar za kompjutersko upravljanje mašinama (CNC tehničar) i mašinski tehničar konstruktor na računaru. Srednja mašinska tehnička škola Sarajevo, Sarajevo, novembar 2001.

1.5 USPJEŠNO ZAVRŠENA MENTORSTVA KANDIDATIMA 1.5a) Uspješno završena mentorstva kandidatima za stepen trećeg (doktorskog) ciklusa studija

nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora [1] Delić, M. (2021). Doprinos istraživanju razvoja mosnih dizalica. Doktorska disertacija, Mašinski

fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 6. 9. 2021.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

1.5b) Uspješno završena mentorstva kandidatima za stepen drugog ciklusa studija nakon izbora u

zvanje vanrednog profesora [1] Rizvan, N. (2021). Projektovanje ručne auto dizalice. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo,

Datum odbrane: 12. 7. 2021.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[2] Hodžić, N. (2020). Ekspertno modeliranje kompleksnih sklopova. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 6. 10. 2020.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[3] Fejzić, A. (2020). Konstrukcija alata za brizganje plastike. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 20. 7. 2020.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[4] Begović, A. (2020). Prednosti i nedostaci parametrizacije mašinskih sklopova u savremenim CAD sistemima. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 20. 7. 2020.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[5] Smajić, J. (2020). Razvoj i dizajn mašine za brzu izradu prototipova velikih gabarita. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 30. 6. 2020.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[6] Šahbegović, I. (2019). Dizajn i analiza heksakoptera. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 7. 10. 2019.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[7] Hamza, Z. (2018). 3D skeniranje i 3D printanje u dizaju i razvoju proizvoda. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 21. 11. 2018.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[8] Imamović, Z. (2018). Analitička i numerička matematska analiza konstrukcije alata za brizganje termoplastične mase. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 5. 10. 2018.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

1.5c) Uspješno završena mentorstva kandidatima za stepen drugog ciklusa studija nakon izbora u

zvanje docenta [9] Isaković, S. (2018). Primjena računarskih aplikacija u konstrukciji alata za

probijanje/prosijecanje i odsijecanje. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 12. 7. 2018.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[10] Muratović, B. (2018). Prednosti i nedostaci direktne upotrebe uređaja Ultimaker 3 pri razvoju proizvoda. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 9. 7. 2018.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[11] Čolaković, E. (2017). Razvoj nove linije proizvoda. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 8. 12. 2017.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[12] Muratović, E. (2017). Prednosti i nedostaci integracije PLM i CAD sistema. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 6. 10. 2017.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[13] Đumišić, A. (2017). Dizajn i razvoj lampe ulične rasvjete. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 10. 7. 2017.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[14] Brgulja, H. (2017). Modular building u softveru za 3D modeliranje. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 23. 1. 2017.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[15] Huskić, E. (2016). Analiza mogućnosti upotrebe BIM modeliranja u mašinstvu. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 30. 9. 2016.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[16] Ejubović, N. (2016). Višekriterijska analiza dizajna vrtnih garnitura. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 29. 9. 2016.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[17] Abazović, E. (2016). Konstrukcija alata za kovanje kotrljajnih tijela valjčanih ležajeva. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 13. 7. 2016.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[18] Tiro, A. (2015). Konceptualni dizajn i naponska analiza kompozitnog rama specijalnog planinskog bicikla Dirt Jump Mountain Bike (DJ MTB). Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 2. 10. 2015.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/)

[19] Delić, A. (2015). Numerička analiza faktora koncentracije napona. Završni rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: 30. 9. 2015.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/) 1.5d) Uspješno završena mentorstva kandidatima za sticanje naučnog zvanja magistra tehničkih

nauka po predbolonjskom sistemu studija [1] Kotorić, J. (n.d.). Istraživanje konstruktivno-radnih karakteristika uljne jednostepene zupčaste

pumpe za novi tip motora Tier 4 Turk traktora. Magistarski rad, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Datum odbrane: -.

Indexing: COBISS.BH (http://www.cobiss.ba/) 1.6 ČLANSTVO U KOMISIJAMA ZA ODBRANU DOKTORSKIH DISERTACIJA [1] Delić, M. (2021). Doprinos istraživanju razvoja mosnih dizalica. Doktorska disertacija, Mašinski

fakultet Sarajevo, Mentor.

[2] Muminović, A. (2018). Upotreba aktivnih magnetnih ležajeva za oslanjanje elastičnih rotora. Doktorska disertacija, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Predsjednik komisije.

1.7 ČLANSTVO U KOMISIJAMA ZA OCJENU DOKTORSKIH DISERTACIJA [1] Delić, M. (2021). Doprinos istraživanju razvoja mosnih dizalica. Doktorska disertacija, Mašinski

fakultet Sarajevo, Mentor.

[2] Muminović, A. (2017). Upotreba aktivnih magnetnih ležajeva za oslanjanje elastičnih rotora. Doktorska disertacija, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Predsjednik komisije.

1.8 ČLANSTVO U KOMISIJAMA ZA IZBOR NASTAVNIKA 1.8a) Članstvo u komisijama za izbor docenata [1] Komisija za izbor nastavnika u zvanje docenta za naučnu oblast „Opšte mašinstvo”. (2018).

Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Član komisije. 1.9 ČLANSTVO U KOMISIJAMA ZA IZBOR SARADNIKA 1.9a) Članstvo u komisijama za izbor viših asistenata [1] Komisija za izbor saradnika u zvanje višeg asistenta za naučnu oblast „Opšte mašinstvo”.

(2019). Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Član komisije. 1.9b) Članstvo u komisijama za izbor asistenata [1] Komisija za izbor saradnika u zvanje asistenta za naučnu oblast „Opšte mašinstvo”. (2018).

Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Član komisije. 1.10 ČLANSTVO U NAUČNIM I STRUČNIM ORGANIZACIJAMA

[1] UIKTEN – Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Sciences. (2019).

[2] Tehnički komitet BAS TC 16: Tehničko crtanje, simboli i jedinice. (2016). Institut za standardizaciju Bosne i Hercegovine.

1.11 RECENZIJE KNJIGA [1] Rahimić, S., & Hajdarović, A. (2018). Ekspertni sistemi u inžinjerstvu. Univerzitet „Džemal

Bijedić”, Mašinski fakultet Mostar. 1.12 RECENZIJE NAUČNIH RADOVA U ČASOPISIMA International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, Print ISSN: 2313-626X, EISSN: 2313-3724 1.13 NASTAVNO-PEDAGOŠKI RAD 1.13.a) Nastavno-pedagoški rad po bolonjskom sistemu studija 1.13.a)1 Treći (doktorski) ciklus studija, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Predavanja i vježbe Ciklus studija: III (doktorski); Studijski program „Mašinske konstrukcije” Predmeti: „Razvoj proizvoda u mašinstvu” (2016/17 – sada), „Integrisani inteligentni CAD sistemi”

(2014/15 – sada) 1.13.a)2 Postdiplomski studij (magistarski), Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Vježbe Postdiplomski studij „Dizajn proizvoda” Predmeti: „CAD/CAM” (2008/09)

Postdiplomski studij „Savremene proizvodne tehnologije” Predmeti: „CAD metode” (2007/08) 1.13.a)3 Prvi i drugi ciklus studija, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Predavanja Ciklus studija: I i II Predmeti: „Tehnička dokumentacija i CAD” (2014/15 – sada), „Metodika konstruisanja” (2020/21 –

sada), „Projektovanje pomoću računara” (2014/15 – sada), „Konstrukcija alata” (2014/15 – sada), „Industrijski dizajn” (2014/15 – sada), „Dizajn proizvoda u mašinstvu” (2019/20 – sada), „Ispitivanje konstrukcija” (2010/11 – 2013/14)


Ciklus studija: I i II Predmeti: „Tehnička dokumentacija i CAD” (2005/06 – 2009/10), „Mašinski elementi I” (2006/07 –

2013/14), „Mašinski elementi II” (2006/07 – 2013/14), „Metodika konstruisanja” (2009/10 – sada), „Projektovanje pomoću računara” (2005/06 – 2013/14), „Konstrukcija alata” (2010/11 – 2017/18), „Industrijski dizajn” (2009/10 – 2014/15), „Industrijska praksa (MSc)” (2011/12 – 2017/18)

1.13.a)4 Prvi i drugi ciklus studija, Pedagoški fakultet Sarajevo, Odsjek za kulturu življenja i

tehnički odgoj Vježbe Ciklus studija: Dodiplomski studij Predmeti: „Tehničko crtanje sa nacrtnom geometrijom I” (2007/08 – 2008/09), „Tehničko crtanje sa

nacrtnom geometrijom II” (2007/08 – 2008/09), „Nacrtna geometrija” (2007/08 – 2008/09) 1.13.a)5 Prvi ciklus studija, Vanredni studij, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Odsjek za mehaničku

tehnologiju drveta Vježbe Ciklus studija: Dodiplomski studij, Vanredni studij Predmeti: „Tehnička dokumentacija” (2005/06) 1.13.a)6 Prvi i drugi ciklus studija, Vanredni studij, Pedagoški fakultet Sarajevo, Odsjek za kulturu

življenja i tehnički odgoj Vježbe Ciklus studija: Dodiplomski studij, Vanredni studij Predmeti: „Tehničko crtanje sa nacrtnom geometrijom” (2007/08 – 2008/09) 1.13.b) Nastavno-pedagoški rad prije bolonjskog sistema studiranja 1.13.b)1 Dodiplomski studij, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo Vježbe Ciklus studija: Dodiplomski studij Predmeti: „Tehnička dokumentacija” (2003/04 – 2004/05), „Mašinski elementi” (2001/02 – 2002/03), „Mašinski elementi i konstrukcije” (2003/04 – 2005/06), „Konstruisanje i metode CAD” (2001/02 – 2002/03), „Projektovanje pomoću računara” (2003/04 – 2004/05), „Računarske tehnike” (2001/02 – 2002/03) 1.14 LIČNE VJEŠTINE I KOMPETENCIJE

(Poznavanje stranih jezika; društvene, organizacijske, informatičke i druge vještine i kompetencije) 1.14a) Poznavanje jezika

Maternji jezik: Bosanski jezik

Strani jezici: Engleski jezik, Njemački jezik 1.14b) Društvene vještine i kompetencije Učešće na međunarodnim i domaćim naučno-stručnim konferencijama, simpozijima i skupovima, implementacija značajnih naučnoistraživačkih i istraživačkorazvojnih projekata, programa i grantova, uspješno završena mentorstva kandidatima za stepen III (doktorskog) i II ciklusa studija te kandidatima za sticanje naučnog zvanja magistra tehničkih nauka po predbolonjskom sistemu studija, članstvo u naučnim i stručnim organizacijama itd. 1.14c) Organizacijske vještine i kompetencije [1] 7th International Conference „New Technologies, Development and Application. NT 2021”.

Online, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 24th-26th June 2021. Moderator

[2] Laboratorija za razvoj i dizajn proizvoda (LabPDD). Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, april 2019. – sada. Voditelj laboratorije

[3] Prezentacija Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije. Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, 24. april 2012. Član Organizacionog i Izvršnog odbora

[4] CATIA PLM Day Sarajevo. Hotel Radon Plaza, Sarajevo, 2007. Član Organizacionog odbora

[5] Mašinijada 2007. X susreti studenata mašinskih fakulteta Bosne i Hercegovine, Neum, 23-26 maj 2007. Član Organizacionog i Programskog odbora

[6] Prezentacija CATIA V5 softverskog sistema za 3D projektovanje – CAM/CAE i Workshop. Skup je organizovan od strane Odsjeka/Katedre za mašinske konstrukcije u saradnji s CAD-CAM Data IBM-ovim i CATIA Business Partner-om, Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 15. juni 2006. Član Organizacionog odbora

[7] Mašinijada 2006. IX susreti studenata mašinskih fakulteta Bosne i Hercegovine, Neum, 11-14 maj 2006. Član Organizacionog i Programskog odbora

[8] Laboratorija za projektovanje pomoću računara (LabCAD). Mašinski fakultet Sarajevo, Sarajevo, februar 2002. – sada. Voditelj laboratorije

1.14d) Informatičke vještine i kompetencije Windows, Microsoft Office, Google, Microsoft Edge itd.

Programski jezici: FORTRAN, C/C++, C#, Matlab itd.

CNC programiranje i CAD/CAM: WinNC Sinumerik 810T/820T (struganje, glodanje), GE Fanuc Series-0T, WinCAM (CAD/CAM programski sistem za struganje i glodanje), Win3D-View (3D grafička simulacija, struganje), WinCTS (CNC sistem obuke za grupni rad u Windows okruženju) itd.

CAD softveri, CAD/CAM/CAE softverski sistemi, softveri za 3D skeniranje i 3D printanje: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, CATIA, Cura, Sense itd. 1.14e) Druge vještine i kompetencije

Izrada i revizija tehničke dokumentacije usklađene s važećim standardima, naučnoistraživački inženjering i konsalting u oblasti mašinskih konstrukcija.

Obuke: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, CATIA, 3D skeniranje, 3D printanje itd.


Na osnovu uvida u priloženu dokumentaciju u prijavi, može se zaključiti da objavljeni naučni i stručni radovi kandidata Elmedina Mešića i Isada Šarića tematikom i sadržajem u cjelini pripadaju naučnoj oblasti za koju su se prijavili. Iz izloženog se vidi da su kandidati svojim radom pokazali pravilan pristup naučno‐istraživačkom radu u oblasti „Opće mašinstvo“. Pored toga kandidati posjeduje bogato pedagoško iskustvo iz predmeta, koji sačinjavaju naučnu oblast za koju su konkurisali i iz koje s uspjehom drže nastavu.

Imajući u vidu navedeno, Komisija je zaključila sljedeće:

Kandidat dr.sc. Elmedin Mešić

1. Kandidat Elmedin Mešić je doktor tehničkih nauka, sa temom doktorske disertacije iz naučne oblasti Opće mašinstvo.

2. Nakon posljednjeg izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora kandidat je proveo u nastavi, na predmetima iz naučne oblasti Opće mašinstvo, više od tri godine i ujedno ispunio ostale uslove za izbor u više zvanje prije isteka perioda na koji je biran.

3. Kandidat je objavio ukupno 49 naučno‐istraživačkih radova iz naučne oblasti Opće mašinstvo od kojih su 23 rada objavljena nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora u priznatim publikacijama koje se nalaze u relevantnim međunarodnim citatnim naučnim bazama. Od radova objavljenih nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora posebno se mogu izdvojiti 4 rada koja pripadaju JCR Quartiles Q2 (Web of Science) i 2 rada koja pripadaju JCR Quartiles Q3 (Web of Science).

4. Kandidat je autor/koautor ukupno 6 knjiga iz naučne oblasti Opće mašinstvo od kojih su 2 knjige objavljene nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora.

5. Kandidat je učestvovao u ukupno 28 projekata iz naučne oblasti Opće mašinstvo od kojih 12 projekata nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora (7 projekata je lično vodio). Bitno je istaći da određeni broj projekata kandidat je realizovao uz direktnu saradnju sa privrednim subjektima i institucijama.

6. Uspješno mentorstvo na III ciklusu studija kandidat je ostvario na doktorskoj disertaciji mlađeg radnog kolege, ujedno ga vodeći kroz kompletan proces od prijave teme (naučna oblast Opće mašinstvo) do odbrane disertacije, dajući svoj doprinos u obrazovanju i usavršavanju mlađih kolega, a sve nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora.

7. Uspješno mentorstvo na II ciklusu studija kandidat ostvaruje kao mentor 6 završnih radova iz naučne oblasti Opće mašinstvo, nakon izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora. Ukupno je mentorisao 18 završnih radova na II ciklusa studija Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Mašinski fakultet dajući svoj doprinos u edukaciji i stručnom napredovanju mladih naraštaja.

8. Kandidat je voditelj dvije laboratorije na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu – Mašinski fakultet koje kontinualno razvija i osavremenjuje, uvodeći u nastavu sve više praktičnih vježbi istovremeno proširujući saradnju sa privrednim subjektima i institucijama kroz realizaciju različitih projekata.

9. Svoja istraživanja kandidat je predstavio na više internacionalnih konferencija, simpozija, skupova i gostovanja u okviru projekata. Također, kandidat je imao aktivno učešće u organizaciji internacionalne konferencije i simpozija.

10. Nastavno-pedagoški rad kandidat uspješno obavlja na matičnom Univerzitetu u Sarajevu – Mašinski fakultet kao i na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu - Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti od 2011. godine.

11. U svom radu kandidat koristi savremen interaktivan pristup, pokazujući da posjeduje sposobnost kako za samostalan tako i za timski istraživački rad.

12. Svojim naučnim i stručnim radom, dosadašnjim 20‐godišnjim pedagoškim iskustvom uz savjestan i odgovoran odnos prema radu, kandidat je pokazao da posjeduje potrebne kvalitete za izbor u zvanje redovnog profesora.

Kandidat dr.sc. Isad Šarić

1. Kandidat je stekao stručni naziv diplomiranog inženjera mašinstva (Dipl.ing.maš.), te nakon toga stekao naučni stepen magistra tehničkih nauka (Mr.sc.) i naučni stepen doktora tehničkih nauka (Dr.sc.) iz naučne oblasti „Opšte mašinstvo”, tj. iz naučne oblasti za koju je konkurisao.

2. Kandidat je težio kontinuiranom usavršavanju i zahvaljujući tome stekao je dosadašnja zvanja, certifikate (posjeduje petnaest certifikata) i obavio je boravke u Austriji, Njemačkoj i Hrvatskoj.

3. Objavljene knjige i naučni radovi, te realizovani projekti, programi i grantovi tematikom i sadržajem u potpunosti pripadaju naučnoj oblasti „Opšte mašinstvo” za koju je kandidat konkurisao.

4. Kandidat je do sada objavio pet knjiga, jedno poglavlje u međunarodnoj naučnoj monografiji i jednu skriptu. Od toga su nakon posljednjeg izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora objavljene dvije knjige.

5. Kandidat je do sada objavio četrdeset i sedam naučnih radova. Od toga je nakon posljednjeg izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora osamnaest naučnih radova objavljeno u priznatim publikacijama koje se nalaze u relevantnim naučnim bazama podataka. Od tih posljednjih osamnaest naučnih radova sedamnaest ih je objavljeno u citatnim bazama podataka, pri čemu je posljednji naučni rad prihvaćen za objavljivanje.

6. Kandidat je do sada učestvovao u uspješnoj realizaciji dvadeset i sedam projekata, programa i grantova. Od toga je nakon posljednjeg izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora realizovano njih šest. Također, kandidat je učestvovao u akademskoj razmjeni nastavnika, u okviru granta Erasmus+.

7. Kandidat ima uspješno završeno mentorstvo jednog kandidata za stepen trećeg (doktorskog) ciklusa studija.

8. Kandidat ima uspješno završeno mentorstvo devetnaest kandidata za stepen drugog ciklusa studija. Od toga je nakon posljednjeg izbora u zvanje vanrednog profesora realizovano njih osam.

9. Svojim učešćem u komisijama za ocjenu i odbranu doktorskih disertacija, komisijama za izbor nastavnika i saradnika, te učešćem u naučnim i stručnim organizacijama, recenzijama knjiga i naučnih radova u časopisima, kandidat je dao značajan doprinos misiji sticanja i prenosa novih znanja. Također, svojim angažmanom dao je značaj doprinos pri izradi Elaborata o osnivanju Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije i izradi nastavnih planova i programa Odsjeka za mašinske konstrukcije za I, II i III (doktorski) ciklus studija, te pri formiranju Laboratorije za projektovanje pomoću računara (LabCAD) i Laboratorije za razvoj i dizajn proizvoda (LabPDD), na Mašinskom