COKE!_COKE! - Memorial Hall Library


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Transcript of COKE!_COKE! - Memorial Hall Library


Andover Advertiser, rukUIHlD

Every Friday Moruitiff,


PoBt Offico Block, Lawrence, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION-Po»tairei Prepaid :-

gS.SO par year, from which 60 oenU will b* deducted for etilctly »tiv»nct

The Circulation of th* Lawrence Amerl-

$g- Utr»of*.lrerll*lng*eniJi.ontppli<:Bro

E Herod at tb* Post Office, Uwrwc* Mas*., for tranemtaaio* through tbe nialle aa »«cond-cltBi matter.


Hie Daily American Published Every Ereniog,

(•nwday KtMfM.)

I the L*r*j**t Dally In the City, with Four Ttmce the Circulation of ear

8UB30UPT1ON, In advance: One 'ear, le.OO | Six Moiktbs.BB.OO

When not paid In advance, SB. CO.

GEO. s. H EBR1 IX, Proprietor.


lathe larreetand most tboKmgtjiT fur- nished In Eaetern lfMaaehtiasAte. With modern pr*****, and constant ailulUooHof the neweatatflee of Type we are able to fumlen the beat Quality oi work, atlownrioaa. Orders by nsall promptly attended to-



APOTHECARY, Druffs, Bird Icine*. Chemical*, To:lel Article*. 4c. J.C. AVORB. UUEiMi.oor. rnnklia.

BLANK BOOK MT'raiul Com- BterolildUluiuer, ll.iom Paper, Im-d'nilon

W. it. KICK. •-■-'< K--ei MI eel. JLACK SILKS, Velvets, Ca*Ii K

B OOTH & SHOES, ft fill I and

(CABINET MAKEIt aud Uplel J *t*r*r.

U, r. U A. UN AUD. leeex Street. /lOOKINO STOVES, Ka»g*», \J furnace*. Sole aaent Magnates**

JUUif F. UlNulIAH,3t<»aft»e>M. GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fun*

>IT Uood-t and Produce. tfBATTUCK BROS. oor. ■■••x,

HARDWARE, Tool* Cutler] Seed* and General Hardwai*.

K- P. H. KELVIN, Ml EIBSK Strei-L MILLINERY. Mm. M. I soil or*

Wblttaker, Wn and I IN Ess. X «T. MILLINERY & MllllneryOofde

Hal and urmnet Bleauher*. L. U. OILMuKB. SIB Eianx Sire* I.

PAPER HANGINGS, Window Shades ai 4 fixtures.

a. A. rUKB. 17S tut» Blreet, PHOTOGRAPHY, sole llceu^aa

for the cilvior lb* Curtain Procei e». ritANK RUSSELL *J3 Essex I *.

PLUMBING, Steam and Gae s'HUng and natures. Move*, hanges. 4<


Hume, Domoetic, Kfiiiiii*tiin, Singer **tl Nsw Howe. W. UAtitK ECU,Agents l»i Essex tit. TAILORS, French, EiiR-llHli and X American Novelties.

t. W.SCHAAKKBCO-.PoatOme* Block. TAILOR, Imported und Doniei*-

iic Good*. 11 DENNIE MORSE, 1M E**ei Street.

UNDERTAKING Furnished In ail ita details. « unei al Chair* a a, ecielli

VYAI'KKHOU&KA 1-A1UJUISS liAU.e bat*. UNDERTAKER ; every dtrt>

appertaining to funn«l» attended lo. M.J.MAUUNEV.SHOak sire-t.

WORK of every description, In

AMERICAN uri c l


US Eaaex Street, Lawrence. eaa.Itbti and Cb oroiorm Adniiiiiatered .

(lOLBUUN BUO'8,— DAILY I'AFEKr ./Obromos, Engravings,Period loa!*,Slstlonei)

fancy Uouda. Pictur.e Framed al abort "tttlct Ho.'lMl Easel street

DB. C. W. SYLVESTER. Dentist, 191 Essex ST., Lawrence, Mate. Particular

attention paid to preserving MaturelTcetn. Ar tflutal Tenth inserted. Uaa eretbar given at preferred. * lyoell


Cot. .» wrence st Cemmen tti

D R. 8. W. ABBOrr. offlcn 181 E«B«* Slreat, eor. Jaekaon, Ue*ldene« ligNe*

• treat. II rltaST

DB. J. H. KIDDUH, DENTAL 8Uh UKON, He. ST1 Eaaex Street, Lawreaec

Haas. Uaa, Uhloroform, or Elkar »(••». M pit rerred. Cloie.l duriai Auxatt.

BCKEB * WBITTIEB, OROCKRS Orookory and Ulaae Ware. Strietrr rnrr

CiTeea.SploeaanricboiceetTeai.Tbebeftda rlet or BntterandCbeeae. i» AraeaburvBtreet.

Pl> N. HARRIS, 2(1(1 BROADWAY, oi 'J*the H. Hunt Mf.hlne Co. Turbine Watei

•Tnee-U, Fulllar M Ilia. Watbrrt, Palllnx Stork*


H: OLT 4 CO., ICE DEALERS. Office with Bnf bee A Hack, «> Eaaex itreet.Law



Yon gel bj purenaalas year


Bicknell Brothers'.

WILCOX HATS, la Black, Peatl and Bellr-Sntrla. Jual reee red


let One or the lariral and beat aelecled atocka to l>e lone.I in BM Knjtland.

2<l. A kture ahlcb l.n moilel for eoarenlcnce. boll lur i'iir-i Irr, and cuilonaer*. U 'II..' a lUlned tlore la Maaaachuaetta, iili. Awruaof elerka whe are alive to lae

wantaof linn cuMuriierp; are willlnc to ihow «oo.l» to all who nl.h to l.».k; «]|„» SEwS lo he ma i>a;n judxaol hi- wantvan. 1 wno In ao In.unur will aluaea man whodora not bur or talk him 'O itealb in at> effort to nell «ood* which be duea

clultnna-; mnkaeTcrv fo M I Ule effort lodie ear '■U'tonirra *l>lea to flea.e then and lahrka which * il< prove aa repreaented.

Bth, Wv hart! fvriy ronTer.len-e lor making .liriLllona in iatn>ii't> to .ult [he U»le oi the t iiula.crani] ganmrnnaie preaaed In meb a •nnnneraa lo make them altnoel > goal jnaii./ear- xnoelocualom work,

lib. Anrgoodaoiiiiir own manufacture thculil ibo.ttleof Mth'T tbu o at. iianii or >tet not pl> are ion. v. ,■ alotoat alwaya bare gouda or tlw -hnn> in Hit) n-!*-can>] will inakeariT part of the -ult a lib rerj lllllv ektra expeaar.

rurilie above reaaon* ami man v other* of which we not .pace to mention, you net IH ttnr ill- I»J BSrSMaUe. belter made garmrnta and lowi r

-- lie Mine quality can ha vbtlned l-i i

r lad lo adhere lo Ibe (o.lowfag

GUARANTEE. Krvrv ffaimentorarliolewtiieh goea from

our .tore i. guaranteed aa represented. Any |ieraon wlto uiakea a purrh»»o anJ la

not peifertly aatltlcil with the »atue, alter a Ihorwiiah examination, wenol only n.k, but euiph.ilKally trge you lo oome bark and get • ■ti.fni ton. Jf we cannot exchange to your liking-, and Ihe goo a are In a, good mder aa when purchased, Ihe money WII' willingly.

The above guarai.tee la rlrlcily carried out In f-eiy Instance. HI, hecaufe It la RIUI1T and HfBAUKiW, heeauielt laftronrewn Inleical; IS, bucauae it makei eierjbodt good aatureil. If we t<H a roan an article, ne pays lor It taken it imtiir, exan.inesil, and lerat

We have gained that etaa'a coigdeace. lie foil* Rra to come again, and does am >h»ilder to

~ icn-thMfrieids lonoaae with h'ni. The

MI. tiici li.r whlrh l»: Treat everybody courte- ously and deal honoi


Bicknell Brothers' WE DON'T AllVKItTISK

GOLD DOLLARS FOR SO CENTS The People are not so hrnorant

as to believe such nonsense.


SQUIRE, HONfST DEALING. Coupled with Well-Hade, Stylish

and Reliable Goods tells the

Tale of our Success In the

Clothing1 Business.

When we have a Bargin for the

people we snake a point to ad

vertlse Just what we have

trot and nothing more.

And by so doing gain tLe confi-

dence of the people.

The Most Complete Stock IX


Of evervthlec tbat Wleega to a flr.t elaaa

Clothing and Tailoring House I

GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER, In the Host Approved Manner,

Those dee-trine; Cut too. Wotk will Sad I hi Bourn second to none in Sew Eaxdand.

M RS. DR. M J.HILL has removed to No. 10 Veller aired, near Ihe Common

Irr feblA


Lawrence, Mass. Personal attention to all boat ■sea UHui

JOHN 8. GILE, Atlornt-y. Cooneellor at Law, and Notary Publle. Oflee removed

to Saaniten Block, room ».', I.nwicn c, Hats. issn

Piano Chair. Teachers, Scholars and Finished Amateur and Professional Play-

ers will alike welcome It. Tee prentice of ellllrg ata piano or organ

preottsint tor hours together, without e sup port for the back' la ilreaomo In tbeexircnie, aa everv player well know*; and. giving way to the tired feeling, tety many, eavenlallr young eejwaa, attempt lo reel or relieve lliemselTen

y aiaumlnga poaliiiin whl h la not only un gn.: u,il, tm annaluraland pnhealthy. and are olian ii.:i in m.'iiLi.- mi.irr.i thereby. To rest Ibe la nut always neceaaarv to Incline the Dolv 11 Ibe rear. Tbe body mty lean for- ward, but If there Is a ■omelhin*- against which ihe baok may be preaaed. It affo d* a seaae of auiiporl. a foellng SfSSSS whioh can be obtained la no other war, and really form a troe tei>t. The ordinary piano stool I* not aoomiortahle •eat under any clrctumsiannee, yet no material Improveotent wa* made upon Ihe original detign until this it i-.k Piano Chair was Invented. At- though this otn r hia he >n before Ibe |iubllc but a abort time, it has already aitiacted marked attention, and lui gained the SafSSSl approval of all who naveteat«l It. W> are con ft lent Ibal It Will fully meet the needa of thousands who have long b"*en hoping and analoualy looking for some such Improvement.

S l-oo extra. OLIVER DITSON & CO.,

*•• aatS «B1 Waaaiagteat St. Batataa, Mai*. ■■■ II ly

Life. Accident anil Fire Insurance. JOHN EDWARDS A CO'S

Insurance Agency BiruMat. TB. roLLOwi.e

Franklin.of Phila.,Pa. Pennaylvanla, of Pena. Qerman, American, K. V. Weetoheater. New York. Watertowo, New York. Orient, Hartford, Conn. alertdea, Connection!. Gommonwaalth, Boston, Sbawmut, Boston, let National, Worne»ler. Queen, Enffiand. lmaerial A* Jorttiern,England. Royai, Eaglan.1, Metro >ole <n«. Oo., Parle. Lond< i Assurance, England. Guard an Aaeurance, Eugland. Londo i and LAnoaeblre, England. Travel era' Lire and Accident o(

Hart O.II.COBB. State Uutual Lite, Woreeater.)

THOMAS HEVINOTON, ••V Essex Blreet, T.awrewra

Post Office Boi 38.

• AMOEL LITTLE, [Tea. WU. J. KlilliK.Treaa

BOSTON LEAD MFG. CO. OHea. 14 and M Oliver Blreet, Boetee, Ha**.



LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD. TIN and TIM LINED PIPE. PUMPS, SOLDEB Ac, OOLD MEDAL awarded bribe Haeaaeha. sell* CnarlUnle Hrobenlce Assoclailon In 1*J1.

10m WA a

DR. N. B. RU88ELL.

a7 ESSEX, cor. FRANKLIN 84 Lawrence, Maw.

I iislssri

THE PSNIION LIST hss beeu very much cotDplicsted by tbe eircumgtsnes tliai inmiy of those who served under Llis flag in the Mexican wsr, tbe war of 18P2, and the Indian wars, aflsr- wsrd went over to tbe eiewy, snd in tbe wsr ot tho rebellioo, fired oa the

flag t|)«y bsd ouoe so bravely defend- ed.- .They made a mistake, but tbe mistake should not be charged to tbe government, and tbe feeling of true loyalty, which is for the union first, last, snd all tbe time, finds expression in the minority report of Mr. Joyce of tbs committee, which was presented by him in the following words;" I am opposed to psying f ensions or arrears of pensions to any man wbo has ever engaged in rebellioo against bis coun- try. If this bill 1 Deludes any man or men of that class, then 1 am opposed to its passage. If it does not, then I

la Tavor of it. .Because I have se- rious doubts upon that point, I cannot unite wflh tbe other members of tbe committee ID rccomiiending its pas- «*ge." -

The Undersigned has Opened a

CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, At 277 and 279 Methuen Street. Pillsbury's Block

■ i need of ■ flrat elasa carriage, to eall ana exeatlne hiecolleetios. tred la Herrlataok, at my own manufactory, and are warranted

Srit ulaae in tver t particular.

ELMER B. SARGENT. E. A. BR1GG8, Manager. Office Hours, 1:;«) to 5i30 p. m.

And Invitee all theoae wbe i Theae uarriage* are manufaol


Will be eiv.n at

CANNON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Brtchln Block, Cor. Broadway cndlEsnx Stra.t,

Commencing Monday Evening;, June S. T.r». To, ih.r.nor... ,M1. Ii,.lojta,:»t.llon.rr. Tbl. c„.r., I, ,,„. „,„„ ,„ ,d,„,,M ,M

School, uo SpMl.1 1O.1UC.DWBU an offer*] to tho.c who 0031,0 ■mi...

tor Ih. r.U T.r«, oonmraelD. Aop*. 4.

COKE!_COKE! A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coil

THE LAWRENCE US CO. la eelllef COKE at tbe following price*:

Per Chaldron of 14 bul*., delivered *e OS , M *> 1 M tSS Per bane., « ■ JM Orders a*u*t be left at the oflee of the eoaipaay

lo. tSS Eaaex St., gad the Ccke paid tor at the tlaae Ibe order la gives,

orricE nouns: MS a. av aw II ■*, - - ItoT.Mp. as.


ICE CREAM. The Lawrence Ice Cream Oompany are prepared le furnish Ine Creaai. made froar Phre Cream, at 40 eenla per quart. SI.IS per gallon. Moulded in any form. Individual taouW- llperdoaea. rauillea can be tnpalled with any

variety at Ibelr real leaeee oa regular day*. rectory !79 afethnan Blreet, Pm.bnry-a sioek OAloei D. H. * 0. K. alar,In, its Is... .lr«t, Saiith A Wneeler.cor. llsver ttill>ad. East Raver tUlatreeta.

raajltp orders solicited. Creea* delivered eta SsadayaJ

CniKLorra Susta. Wairrau OSaUn. fSaarJ

%&&&*& Add re* a STIXSOW ICO, i

Lawrence American, LAWRKNCK. MASS.


THE OREENBACKSJI, Ptslsted, of Main«, hss been nominated upon s platform declaring for a currency "al- ways convertible into specie I" And this 1% the conslsteney of the uew party of great idsas.

EMOLISD MANLVACTURERS are slow- ly awakening to the fact that agents of American firms are competing with them in tbe markets of India. By tbs cheaper prices at which American goods are onsred, goods which differ slightly in quslity from tbe English manufacture, but tbe inferiority ol which is immatstiat to them, agents are able to increase the sales at the expense of the English dealers, lo

Ihe direction of Improved machinery snd enterprise in business, we have mere reawn lo fear the countries of continental Europe than England, who dicama of frlory in ber guarded tent, while the yankee, turning his tradi- tional habit of whittling to account sharpens his pencil and writes in bis little ordsr book.

Weekly News lirevilies.

THE HERALD reports a member of tbe republican state committee assaying: 'I think we shall ask from Gov. Long,

just before the assembling of the atate convention, a letter declaring his fixed purpose not to be again a can- didate for the governorship. Such a letter would be premature now, tut that the Governor will write auch a decli- nation is very probxbte. It would prevent any possibility of dragging hia name into tbe convention." Well, tbat la cool; who constituted the slate committee an authority to "ask" of governors, or others, tellers of declination? Gov. Long has said frankly and squsrely. that be did not wish for s renominallon, and was not to be considered a candidate. He has KM ssid or Inlimuted, If his lel- !ow republicans deem it wise to plsce him in nomination, tbat be wilt refuse, and this semi-official declaration that "Ibe committee" propose to "ask'' for a letter that will prevent the "possibility of drsg- ging" Gov. Long's nsme into the convention, looks very much like the engineering of a boon in favor of some candidate who fears tbs deserved popularity of His Excel- lency.

WELL, WHAT OF IT? The house has Mil increasing to $40 a

month ihe rate of pension lo soldiers and Bailors, who lost an arm or leg in the service, and commissioner Dudley says in a letter to tbe Senate tommi t- ee, that it wilt cause an Increase n tbe pension list of 15,790,000 a

year. Of all tbe mean parsimony that ever was exhibited by a free and enlightened and blood bought people, tbat of grudging pensions to soldiers by whose efforts tbe Union was saved, Is the meanest type. Ttiat it mounts up to sueh high figures, is no argu- ment against the increase, it only proves how many legs and srms were lost In the preservation of tbe country to tbe men wbo criticise it. It is a sorry account, a miserable column of figures, presenting the maimed condi- tion of tbe defenders of tbe country, wbo hoosbt ita life attbo peril of their own, and the actual lots of limb. There were columns, In the times tbat we remember, which no figure but tbat of an able bodied man could fill; money Without men was worthless, men with- out legs and arms were not in demand ; they are not in demand now, ft seems, but there is alwaya a demand for a abow of honor in a great country. Sling up the arum and bind up the legs of these economists, "after .the fact," and in tbat condition let them work, and walk; and eat what they can get lor $40 a month I Blessed Is the man who dies for bis country, but (t goes agalnat tbe grain of a bigb- salaried ei-confederate to vote ' $40 a month to victuriiui Union soldiers, whose arms and legs were blown off by confederate shot, but wbo them- selves survive to meet them again and ask them to pay for U.

Friday. There was s tie 000 Ire st Kasdlof ,y*s-

teiday murDlof.

Cong,reeawin KoWDpon baa concluded not to Impeach Minister IrlWell.

Osa. William 8. gleg died st his resi- dence ID HostOD, yeaterday forenoon.

The agent sod alaward of Lord 1'lxnrl- cedu were murdered tear Loashree. Ire. laud, yealerd iv-

Tfaa areenhseksrs of the Second Maine Diutrlcl have noralaated D. II. Thing, the democratic candid tie few Congress.

CongreeaataD Hawk, ••'toe aril, Iillaola district, died la Wssolettaa last oifnt, of epoplegy, aged forty-three years.

The Vermont rtemocrals ID State coe- veatlon at Ifosipeuer, yesterday, nomin- ated George K. Eaton, of Danville, for governor.

Tbe Snllsa of Turkey contemplates |a« u:njr a firms, grsnilug to Jewish refu-

gees from ttusMla fertile tract* or lead In Sorih Syria and alasopotsrals.

la the Crsmer tnarder trlsl st New ll> van, yesterday, the argument- for the de- fence were closed and the closing argu tneot for ihe prouecstlon began.

Dr. H. L Scott was held la *5«J0 at Northampton, ycsUrday, on the chara> e>f procuring an abortion ou Kete White, a ynuug woman, who l> In a crllijal con- dition.

Tbe President has nominated Ueseklib O. Wella, of Michigan, James Hsrian, ol lows, and Asa Trench, of Meseartbusetls, to be members ■>( ttje court of Alaoema claims. Mr. Wells a> be presiding |adge.

Unmm and Conl*/, the oarsmen, left Halifax yt-BLoiiJaj for Brsiou, to lakt- part lu the tegatu on ibe Poiinu. Con ley took his shell, built, by Williams, ol Lowell, and Hamn baa bis Waters paper boat.

Goiteau dictated his win in jail, jester- dsy afternoon, snd aubsrqaentty took farewell of bis brother sad sister, and bis cuuo-i-l, Mr, R*sd. H« gives his body to Pr Hick*, also bis books and pap-irs to be naed laprrptrlng autography.

Advices from Culna state that the Uulud Ststea corvette Swsrtsra, with Commodore Soufeldt on board, returned to Shanghai en May S6tb from Cons, bsvlnx ^n Kill on thestJi. Tbe linked Slates treaty with Cores ba« bees rafded Tbe United Stale* will here a ntlnloter and coosni-geaeral, best in coossls lu Co- rea.

There is ao xp< cial change in the labor troubles st New YorE sad jeteey City; the strikers nouilnae determined snd or- derly and have opened subscription lists In aid of their canse. Tbe Kiau-'s a'.tor-

v has decided to spply lot' s writ ot minds inns ag*imt tbe railroad companies, compelling them to carry oat their con- tract with shippers.

Saturday. IharleaJ. Qalteaa was hanged st the

United Stales Jail lo Washington, yester- d-y. for the murder of President Csrfleld.

There have been 8597 business fal.urta tbroogboot the conntry daring the past six Tnonlbs, with liabilities of toO.OOO,-

o. Retains from ill the ciantlee in lows,

except six, give s m-J irlty for ibe pro- b'.bltoty smvndmtnt to tbe constitution, Of 26,888.

A British steiniiblpesptsin wss fined it tea Francisco jtt terday, gll.InO, for bringing Chinese passengers In excess of Ibe number allowed by law.

The Cabinet discussed tbe political assessments question yesteiday, and tbe

hols matter will be referred to tbs At- torney Oenersl for an opinion.

Earn* portions of the West hsve been again vlnttsd by a heavy tornado snd s serious rainfall, which bare destroyed much property sad haw damaged the crops.

Both branches of Congress sdjoarned yesterday without transacting any basl- oess, as s mark of reapi el to the memory of Representative liawk, who died sad- deoly OB Tburadsy nigh;.

Tbe recent report of M. De Lesseps on tbe Panama canal project has been ap- proved by tbs stockholders, and tbe Pin- ion railroad will be purchased by tie di- rectors cf tbecsosl company.

The brakem. n on ibe mala line of tie New York Central and Hndeon rlrer road struck yesterday for sn advance to BsO per month, boi subHtqnenlly retnraed to wr-rk, the trouble having been amicably adjusted.

James Weeden, the pugilist, who de- feated Owen Maloney In lbs ring In Co- lumbia county, Ohio, some weeks since, hss been arrested In Pit sbnrg snd la now n Jail awaiting s requisition from Ohio

SMpWiitlas, There Is still no change of Importance

In tbe frelgel handlers' strike at New York sad Jetaer City. It Is anticipated that the advance In freight rales which go Into anVct to-Jay, wilt Increase i*e txlsi- Ing difficulties.

The trial of Walter and Malley and Blanche Dooglaaa at New Haven, Conu., for tbs murder of Jennie Crsmer, closed yesterday with s verdict of not guilty, the Jury being oat leas than sn no'jr. 'Ihi prisoners were dl-chsraed.

The Harvarl crew woo tho race at New LonJon yesterday, by the fastest sctusl Urns ever made by an sight- Jsred Ameii- tao college crew over a four-mile course. Tbe Yale crew was only three seconds be- hind. Tbe race wss close and exciting floss atari to finish.


Tbe corner-stone of the Oa i field Memo- rial church at Washington, p. C.. waa laid with appropriate ceremonies yester dsy afternoon.

The HarvaraVCelntnble oulrerslty n- gatta, which was to have been rowed on the Thames at New London to-day, baa been abandoned, owing lo tbe failure of the crews to agree on ths hour of start- ing.

A resolution piaatd tbe House on Sat- urday antborlzing tbe Secretary of the Treasurer to laaue two hundred millions of two per cent, bond», or certlfkatss, lo exebsnae for say bonds of a hlBtaer rale of Interest.

The Hussion police iuthorltt*s bars discovered a Hat of the peraons wbo con- tributed lo ths nihilist funds, ibe names of the central managing committee and Its Lrsncbee throughout Rusals, snd a Hat of all who have joined the party since 1872.

Tbe coup ifttnt by which ths Irlab members were «»pel led from ths House of OmnnKHi Saturday evening, at pears to hsve bees a blooder on tbe part of the Conservatives, wh > dismissed members for obstruction who were st home In tbelr beds.

Tbs President bas nominated Lewis Wallace to be Un.u-d States minister to Tuikey. Henry C. Hall to the Casual American States, John A. Halderman at Slam, John M. Francis st Portugal, J. p. Wtckeraoam al Penmark, and Michael J. Crsmer it SslDserland.

Twenty-I1*« Irl'.h members of tbs Brit- ish house of commons were suspended from tbat body oa Saturday for persis- tently obetrucilo* ibv passage of the Irish repression bill. The boose adjourned at

"ght o'clock In tbe evening, bavins been i coailnuoua session for thirty-two

hours. Tbe scenes at times were of ths psoat exciting and boisterous estate.

Tbe Ea.vpilsn news Ibis morning Is of a more warlike character than It baa been for the past we„-k. Al s council or minis- ters on Saturday, Arabl Pacha proposed a levy en gsasse of the population, sad he Is also vlgorocsly pushing forward tbe work os tbs lottiflca.lons at Alexandria The Impressment of recruits likewise contuses, sad It la reported that tbe military party are arranging to blockade Us Suva cansl.


The Packard, Oliver and St. Mar) 'a

The exhibition by scholars st ths Pack-

ard school wsa given Thursday afternoon at the Parker str-et M. E. caRrca, which was kindly tendered to 'he school com-

•ants*. At aa csrly hoar the o sy sudl-

lotlum waa throsged, bul tbe srrsage- oeats for lbs accommodation ef visitor*

were so well perfected tbat ssch ou By* rival found a sen awaiting. la tbs msla

tbs easrclses were ef a higher order than

last year and decidedly more satisfactory Is every reepeet. The giaad feature of '-he exhibition wan ihe alnglng, the varl-

ou* st lections being finely rendered. Tbe declamations Wars more carefully anil

slndioasly learned than list year snd more

si ten: km was given to tbs milter of "suiting the action to lb* word." Among

those who acquitted themselves la a su-

perior manner were Katie Jooney, ttdllh A. 11*11, Annie McCarihy, Oracle B. Ab-

bott, Mead Bryan*, Bva £1 Anly, Nina

M. Hsaea, Ullls M. Wilbur, Maggie T. Hart, Clara 8. Batcbeller, Clara L. Boyle and Daisy R. Cutler.

The following received certificates of

promotion lo tbe blgb school:

Canle May Barker, JosteMayCad- mat, Helen Evelina Conant. Daisy Klcbarisoa Cutler, John Joseph Doi.-

ohue. Nlua May Uasea, Willie Uis-

kell Kiowles, Herbert Wellington Msas-

baa, Carrie Albertls Nelson, Frederick Cart Piummer, J »bn James Hysn, Arthar

Miller Walls.

The programme of eierclsea was as follows:

Iiust. CUylea'a Orand Uar«h, J E^.Vwflour Ilywn, ' Driaging what ('raise wn <Jsn,~ Elnhberg

Uiantinarlira<!e. Dec Is ma U on, Ureen A|)|iles, Usury U. Uanimaa Keottatlofi, I'l titeil oul to Sea, Katie Coouey OdClant .Hon. Tn« Sral St>oecn la PuUlto.

LouItMuAloon Tart song, Rural IJjll,hi», Pupils (rum Kuom 1 IXxiarnBliun The Sg«l Slraiiger, Joil-ph Esra i Reettatlua, atsMtni'* Letter. K-iiut A. Hail


lax lUte for 1S82, -laerease la lb* Number of Polls.

Tbe aesssaors have so far completed tbelr labors sa to be able to give the valu-

ation of property lu tbs cl y. ths tsx rais for the current year, tbe number of reli-

able polls, sed other saaltere which form

(he buls of their labors- From the fol- nwlng tables It will bs see* that sines

last year there hss besa aa Increase Is tbe property valuation, an 1 Is ths nnmner

ef polls, sad a decrease la resident owe-

eroblp of bank stock i

V »*luatlon it ewaeia I/a stoefc

Tetal «xl,l40,too B*d,0ll,SBfl Tbe rate of Usalloa this year will be

•18.60 per thousand, against BIG lait year. Tbe number of polls in each wn.l

lu 1881, sad those found In tbs city this

yesr by the asesssors. Is given below I

Chills M Fever. Simmon* Liver It ev-

ulatorsoontjreak.lnr CUIllssnd lairieaUie I'm I cut el tlie i vt- KB>. Henicsahenall oiler i seaeelee fail.

Sick Healache. Por the rellvl and

■ uie»ittit*ill*US«»ing I take Mmmnn. I Iver K^guUlor.

DTgPEPSIA.: Tbe Eegslalor will vo*lilielvcuretSi»

llaeaae. Wsavacrt eBi.hatlmlly * list we know s be tree.

CONSTIPATION a Ir flmg al'w

i regtilarity oi Ibe Natnir ».v turns t la harmless, ■""■"

KiollioiiB. Stringer in toe Pew. LHlle B. Uilbett DaeJasaaUon, Tbe Blauk Ueree aa.i bU Rider,

V D. M. McJJarUly IteciiaiioTi, Ti.e Trouble* ef ■ Wile,

Aanle McCailby t»alo|i. Wave* of Ihe Ocean, Eva M. Auty RealtaUon. A UrralStame, Minnie at llrown IMjlsmatlua. (turlsg Time, Arihar B. OsrUr Iteeltnti.n. Drafted, lirsr.e II. Abbott Keadlng, I'erit of Ine Minna, tame N«l»oo "ocalJuet, VVtun I. f« I. Bilghte*t Pla-uU,

EvaM. Aaty.Nlaaal llaien HVritntion, Her Name, Uaail Ur,ant ItaadlaR,aVIeoied, Fred J. 1'lumm.r KeeltstMu, MKUII'. 1'fOblem. Mauri Cuter Keoitallon, Pace .galti.t the Pane, Maggl* T.llart Three pan •oeg, Samm. r, ti uok.

Pupils from Uytm 3 hteolUUon, A I^gen.l of Oiegeiili,

h'l.ra *. lUleuelle. Tbe LUUe and the ajieuklml lLa

Clara A. Uxyle The Catholic Psalm. lAU*y U. Untler

Weloouta to Morn* from Kuom* 1 and f

Three part soug and chut ai

At the OIlT.r Behaol. The exilblilon at tho Oliver school was

held oa Friday, and here also a Stalk- ed Improvement was noticeable. The programme of exercises wss carefully prepared snd every feature wss conduct- ed in a most satisfactory mssser, lbs visitors expressing themselves a.i highly pleased. The programme of exercises were as follows: , Ail ye Halloo* Traise ths Lard.

DeclamaUea, Character of Uaa. Thttai*. tsarSsM

Kiank A. Thornley. re*.

Mary Kstlbam.

ilMMverte* of t;.»li Alfred ii Clark.

KeeltalI >n, Yc

AugutU W. Horse. lliimmlng Soag, Ilerold ll-.-niiiig, AkxamlerV B:ore, Joalah Allea's Wile

Ueitrude M.Uetrbell. Beleclion*. Uaroline L Duller, Jeremiah J

Hiilllvan, Hannah M. IllncbclUTe, rslib E. Kuabworth.

Gymawt'ea. Declamation, The N tllonal Flag. Suntaer

Ueorge t. Osguvd. Essay, Our Put me,

Living II Deanelt.

«»«*-. ii w.s; DeelaasailOD, Uocka, Aaea

EllluU II. Wastes. Etsiy, Ths Scale,

KtlaP. Kaowles. Reading. Plying Jim's I.asl Leap,

Emma Dunning Bait* BesileL Hnlkl.y.

Reciutiun.Marlai e'aChlHl, Maokay Helen E. Chnrehlll.

Bong and Choru', Preedum's Kiss. Uelbel Cerllflcatf s of admlwloo to tbs High

school were swarded ths following pupils: Mabel An leraon CrolloeJ Uutler Urtaaie I. Bulk'ey Lavlna II Bennclt HelenEChuronl.l Mny BeaUieaa Umnie E Preesnan UeilrudeUtietchell Hannah U llrn.le'liffe AiiK.i-t. W Horn. Kim P Know lea Esther Leatw-k Nellie A McCarthy Piorenc. M I'ayaan Paith B RnahwurUi Canle M It utter Harriet H Sesver H ne M Seversnoe Ht-lina H U njoelrom Helenfl Wi

Patrick F Oamber Arthur U Congilon Dmirl A DjBahao Edward A Oleeea William H Pennetl Joaeui A Pia.agan Charles P Ualliaea JobnMUtlllawe Ellas K tirlmea Pimlerlck L Hopkins Herbert 4J Jooe* Joha Kane lleibei t M Lawrence PredencACMoClary Prank A Mellee

. Adam Ubetl Lot Clinton O Aa-irswi John lllnaiiaia en mi II W Cslo .lamra W Alfred II OarS llril, :l •- CO by

Ooorge K Woody Chailea A Hsrray lieuin POiguol Clifford It I'retcoit J >-beph W Sbsehia Pre i A Smith Jen itinh J Bulllvaa John K. Sweeney Frank A Tuiraley ll'il.iit N T.ue Kigene P WSSdbarf UeorgsH Ward.-a*

AI at. Msij ..

There was sn unuiuallj large sttendance here snd as usual tbe excrctsus were of s

high order. Ths prlnripal features were

origins! essays by Misses Julia Sbes,

Julia A. Tworoey and Asnls O. Ctane. tbe

Istter delivering a valedictory. Crowns

of bonor, met*ais, ribbons snd tokens of approbation were presented various pu-

pils snd graduating honors were confei- red on Annls QenevleveCrsne, Jails Oen-

evleve Sites, Mary Bllsjbeth Corcoran snd Julia Agnes Twooey. The pro-

gramme rollowa; WeleoKe, Caetus

Mary K. Corcoran CJaaneUe Dialogue mSSSm

■Tib. Utb sad ath Urade*.)

Salutatory, U^eeiing. Two way*, Ituni.msii, Alpine Mil__. Columbia'* party,

(-7lb Mater ,\ liiinsiuli-. Chores Tom Sawter. Keriuuon

1 liny*--* I and 1st Grade.) Come, N>y», be merry. Choral Nsisl Vi.Drlee, Dlilogue Kiiln*-E*sav, Julia U. Shea

4t*i and Sd Urrdea. O, Te Seraph. Hi if hi. Chorus Kittle of Lough Swlily, Coneert recitauos

td aad lit Grades. Angels wati'li orsr us. Duet The i u, Jails A. Twoatsy Aeilon- Essay with Valedictory, Annie 0. Crane

—About a fortnight ago Chsrles A. TIT-

ton, aged HI. Went to Lowell, re-proaenl- Ing himself as a son of wealthy parents

lu Denver. Ho displayed checks to a

considerable amount, and contracted btlll st livery stables, boarding houses, st<:.,

snd got one young lady to advance him BU and lend him her trunk, with which

he disappeared. Detective McCaffrey Of Lowell yesterday cap'.ured him lu Provi-

dence, It. I.

—By ths arrangement Postmaster Mer-

rill succeeded in effecting, by which ths

Lawruacj naoralng mill from Boston Is

brought upon the northern, instead of ths

regular sastara mall train, fully fifteen

mloatss ars saved la lu diatrlbutlos, and It is now ready fjr d livery, hardly later

(ban lunuerly.

Want one ■' twe



1 SI


l>*> MM lieu

Total 16,071 10,141 It will be seen thai ibe total Increase It

polls ibis yssr Is 71. Ward one loses 4; ward two loses 4; wsrd three gsias 189, ward four loses 28; ward Are loses S31 while ward sis gains si.

A comparnoj of the city sppropila- llons, county aad state tag, laat ytar and this, Isopporlui

lesi ISM Aily appropriations »T7S S77 41 #400,141 SO County UI IMtlHH *I,WI m lUistax wi tsjoD no

The total excess this yaar ovsr Isst, It

will be seen from ths above table Is *>7,- 879 08 The Interest on bridge loan sink- ing fund ibis year I* $1 HQi; ibe per cent.

for sinking (ua Ion bridge loan l* to COO

The city debt, falling due this year la

• 10 000; the exceas la Btsls us orsr laet yesr la #6,115. These extras amount lo

715 00. The appjf tiouments for or-

dinary city expenies ibis year ate B3 - 189 94 leas than la 1881.

I he New Bridge

Tbe contract for building the bridge was

mads Aug. n. 1881. tbe price to bs *47,- 440. Tbe bridge was to hsve been com-

pleted December 95, 1881. snd according lOittie terns of ihe contrsct. for ssch

day tbe bridge remained unfit for travel after that date, lae bridge company mast

remit |95. Tbe bridge wat oot cetsBB ►> ed until 181 days aliet tbs aupalsled

tins, and of the original coat of the

structure, the builders aseucailed upon to

remit to the city tea sssaref *4.M£. Tbs builders, however, base a »H wf extras,

bat thin will not rssca ths above figure, snd now lb. T are endesvorlnz to Indues

the bridge contmlitee to mtks conces- loss, sdvaoclng as a reason tbe difficulty

they encountered lo obtaining Iron, and tho ace Id mis ibst occurred snd retarded

tbs wot k.

Tbs structure comprises 4 apsna of

rougbt lroei escb spin weighs about 100 toes, aad Is 147 feet long with road-

way 80 feet wide, snd the sidewalks ssch

8 reel In width- Tbs contrsct required

the bridge to atand s piassurs of 150 poands to Uts squsrs foot, or a load o

880 g-4 tone spun aach span. Mr. llow-

laatl, tbe coatrscilng engluser, sutea that each spaa will stand a iTnsure of

400 loss without attaining, aud tbat at

ths works bs had tested tbs Iron to a grei er pressure. Mr. Hell, for em so of

ibe construction company, Is of opinion

tbsi It will stand a greater alraln lhan ths Boston snd Lowell bridge, aad be states tbat meehaalcal expert* have dis-

covered by eiperlsjents tbst s pla con-

structed bridge Is mad* stronger then

•ne which Is rlvltted.

Ths bridge company bare bed 88:1,000 on

tbelr contrac'. The total expense of Ihe

bridg* alnce tbe burning to dste is sot at 910,000.

SAD ACCIDENT. UsLOaCARCaAIO Blown i p by a pre- mature Bleat In tb* Boevsodal* cement

Quarry. DK-1TKUCTION i.f ao Bve. It* Subsequent Bam oval by Sur-

rloal operation.

Mr. Osear CraigswBi foreman In a eemeni qnarryai Bmradale, lister Co., N.T. By an axploetononeds* la the HSSff he loaiaa eye- lost It toiallr. tffld-1 Ihe lupr. *lon Ihli ttir

Her was leas SMIUII*, ihe Moll ohyaiclin lot.i ■ Crslg that hlaeyewainol lost wbolly, but

•eaM b.- SOVS I bvtreiimenl. TUs ei,>erlmeni wa, tilnlsiKl Werse reraaineil t.tun,,, for be wae in danger ni loelng tbeolhcralt*, tloottga lyaspaikrilc Infl ita I ation. In thl* atraii he conaulieil Dr. 1'aml Kei.niily, ol Komi- oul, M. V , who told l.lnj 11 a injired vyo muat be Ukaaout ti>a\c iheotliui. To II. is Mr.Craiig demurred, and went back home in Jouut. Hit local ph.siulin ashi: -*Uo lo New Vork " re New 1 oik weni.and one otiho meal omlneat lathe country, having lootid •t the case, said: "Von bare loal oi. eye en I'rely | go b«rh and do a h it you ean to save tit. uUasr" SHafl ,D . Keans-iy removed ibe relaen

' M? Cr--- e result m Ur. neun e to tbe B


Friday evening tbt schoolcommlilee held

is monthly saeatlug. Mayor Breju pre- illing. Tbs matter of teachers wsi Itn- USllalely taken up.

Tbe resignations of Miss Habeas H.

Taster of th* Park street, MUs Helen M. Dsna ol tb* Prospect street, and Mis*

Minnie L. Severance of lb* Cross strist

school were sccepicd.

Ths following Is tbe list of tencheis chosen for tbs coming year st tbs

HighrVheol EJwleH. Lord, Prlaclpai; An- Boa M. Rleeardaoe, tub HUH.r, Mary A. Newell, Emily U. Witherbee, Head Aislilaet*; Ada Lear, Alice K. Iliriwcll. blAaVtSS A. O'KesSe, UrsceM.Johaaon, Assistants.

Ollv-r sehool: B. B. Bae*;H, Prl acipal; Aaa L. Dyer, Mary B. Cook, Bieaser Maedinald, Ellen E. Thompson, Kliea F. Ueed. A. C. Wada- woith, Louisa H. Saiioi, CyaUtlaUawlsy.'Char-

M. Taylor, Etally J. Dseforth, Eye F. Cbea. ley. Annies. M >alt>a, Aaale A. Eeed, Raima L. Mitchell, Alice L. Smith, Sara J. Austin.

Packard ecbeel: Edward P.Sbata, Principal; Julia P. Tbempbiai, Ellen J. Cneack, LIIIUs Y. Lsrrsbee, El lea p. K istmaa, Jeatle M. Dunn, Barah W. Praetor, Teresa U. McUabe.

Pranklln school: Rarsn E. Torrey, Principal; Hsles M. BVaa, Anns W. Morrl.ou, Barah L Aualla, KraJaruon, Agnes D McKay, Ell n L. Tore.

Prospect street seheol: Julia A. UaderbllL laeaL. MoClarr, MsryR S.Colliaa, fa*xty B. Strstlon.

Woodland Blreet acaoot | Etarns P. Hulcbtnaoa, Cyaula II. True, Harriet B. Collins.

Waltontcbeol: Mary L. riehllag, Nellie L. Stoddard, Lydla 1'. Steveaa, PMiuy S. Lee.

Newbery street sebool: Alphla C. Ksstaiaa. Josrpbiae Camming*, Katherlae M. Keaniy, DoraM. Herold.

Hsrriaiton seeool: II. L. Cole, Leslie Dsna, g.C.Mervlaea, Luey A. Hlobardaon.

Park It. school: tieorgl* Patterson, Elisabeth A. Her .Hag, M. A. lUra illon. Maggie T. Cusack,

Asse.bury St. school I Barah J- Birtwel', Mary i Caviar, Adelaide Toomaa. Mar/ E. Aber-

Hamp.hhe »t icbool Emma A. Sievrr.a. El- len K. Hunt ii, Kale L. Coaway, AnaaS. Laae.

Cross Bt. school| Faaalc K. Lamprey, Joai* L- Chase, I* ,i,ei B. Pratt, Etta J. Lord.

Wellington school: Pamela J. Ladd. Kilt- srlaeU. rtseamiag, Hatilo Stokee, Fraaoeall. Merrill. Faany A. Reed. Era V. Karshaw.

Lowell St. school Bars B. Holt. Florence E iinlSn, Mary A. Dime, Cirrle K- Bardy.

WatreaM. School; Miry D. Torrey, Kllen J. ■Iilvin, C are! I aa F. Sylvester, Fannie I*. True. Riverside school: Emma P. Elates, Carrie B.

Eucrs>n, EJlaabetb M. Pirnbam, Aaale F. Me- DermotL

Ssunders school: Clara l.rar, Mary Monltoa. Alice M. Elober, Msnba A. Doyle, Mary L. Stsvoas, Kalherine A. Hears.

t'alea St. school; Mary E. Steven*. Haiab E. Webstar. Carrie J. Plasree, Miry A. Kebee.

Tralaugeeaeol: Lilly P. Sbepanl, Clara T. Wing-

Director of Drawmg, Eugene C. Colby. Director of Music, W. W. Key**. Met totaled, Alice E. Paraaai Katie p. Otavews,

Uertrad* A. Kodhg. Leave of Absence. C A. Brasi111, H M.Deu*

Immoni Liver Regulsto andeSeotual.

ilium SMSS On* or two ta'diisiMHinful* will relieve ill tbe t ronhim laddoot lo Llllou* stale, auch a* sautes dill Sam*, driwelaess, dialre** slier osti-g, oilier, h oi tasie in the momh.

MM, A HI A. Parsoea may avoid all attack* nv *cessinns|ty

tatlnga ,lose ot Simmon* l.ivrr Regulalorlo keep the Liver ta hdallby action. i

BAD lilt I: A I II geserally srlalag from salaordersd Stomsnh, nan be cerreeled hi lating Bimmona Llvei alegulaior.

JAUNDICE. Simmons Liter Regulator loon eradlttslr* thl*

disease trim Ihe aystrm, lesvlnx the sUB clear aad (res Iron all impunltc*.

COLIC. Children suffering with Colic soon eaperlrnn

relief when Simmoni Liver llegii'a.oi Is admin tstered. AiiulU also deilvearest bentflt Iron this mediei.e. It la not unpleasant; It la harm tas* sad elective. Furelv vegetable.

Bladder and Kidney*. Meet or ibe disease* ef Ibe Dladder orlslnati

fromtboaenf the kidney*, lie,loir ilrnriioi of the liver lull), and boih ihe kidneys and blad •ler willbere*lorcd.

SaT-Take only the oaitinf, which always net on ta* wrapper the red'-*.'' trade mark, (and algnatnre i 1

i. H. ZEILIN A CO. Sold by all Drngglals.

Simmon* Llyer Regslsloi Is sold py . P. OltDtVAT * CO.. Apotbecarlei, »e. Enei SL aad Brosdwsy. Lawrence.


76 State St,, opp, Kilbj, B«itci. Seourei Patent* la the United States; alse la (ireai Britain, Prance aad other isreig* eeaxa- trlee. Copies ol Ihe claim* of any Patent far- wished by remitting onedotlar. Asrixnmrvttre- ooided at Waahlngtun. Mo Agency Is ta* Uni- ted SUMS tsesseass* s*p*rlarf**Uhi** «M **- UlnlngPilestaorasoertatalngib* pataausiavy Miavenlloa*. K.ll.EDl)V,8olleltoioiPsi*at*.

TEIT1MOMIALS. "I regard Mr. Eddy as oat* of ta* *M*Ua****a

f*5 ■2*?^.'ruJ pr^UOeeiers with waeaslxart* Ud eJaelal latercourae.

CHARLES MASOW.Commla-reiPalewtt. "Invnnt*r*caaa*t**j

worthy or atoreesps.1 early and favorable c<

EDMlIMDBUBKE.LateCom'r ofPate-U i , B'taTOw, Oct. IS. 1ST*. It. II. Knur, Rao—D**r*lr:yee u roc a red lor

ms In isio, my gral patent. Since tbe* yon have ietad for,an.tadvla«d me In hundred* oi eases, vnd nrw-.ured many psteata, relssaws aad extsn- done. I have occasionally employed the Wat txenric* In New Vork, Pbfladelphis sad Wash- isglon, bat litlll give you almost ihe whole of ny tiutine**, In your lin% and advise etberl Is impluyyou. YoUiairuly,

ukOIUIDIlPlR. Boston. Jan.1,18*1 iy« *

i'^rpW^Ba-—™."- tvorabtacoailderatloa si the Faisal

• noil in iei.gtlt.or only iw* cord, aad possibly


Dealers fell it berime Ihet can buy |l ehsap, *nd do not eiprrl rhe . h. al lo be dl.nevrred.

V h.ul.l m*i.t apoa bavlog HOLT OKI I-IIUKAD, every Bpool ol whfoh Iswsrranted three-euro, and (o contain ISO raid*.

n I. ebeaper i*r vouatlbiea csals s sseel ban moil nuke* sre al twe cents. See hat * poorer article "n moat of which the

niantnaciurei* air, proporly, aibamcd |n sMx — ed on you Intttad ol It

nlit •led motif ■H


Bali Weekly I* and from vawYonaaKD ULISOOW, via I^» noypgusv, Cabin I'a'rage *(iito »t0 Kelurne, SIR to gilt

aesondtasm. S4U. Relum Tickets •». Bteerag* passwngrra beeted at lew rate*. Paapirngei ad-onimodalion, unexcrlleel.

All Siateroom* en MR I a Peek. I'a.eer.gcr* booked al lowe.irate* |**r fresj iermaay, lln ly.Niraav, Sweili n. Danmark. a\e> for Hook nl "Tnuisln KriillaSil," Rate*, Piaas, te , apuly lo H EXDKKanN BkOTHhRs, P.EW i.ok, or JAM»B alt HI HV,in K*<ex St., *v •* 't.tuir'KHi'Mi'iii.UUEasex ht.. 1-evtreaee.

anm HIT in

Arayoa unublrd n)aiet,Con.tlpaiior eye and Uladde

Dr. Kenned, all drogglii*,


Dr. Keaaady's Parorile ItemedT I* sold by A, r. oanivtv * to.. ap*th*ea* ■**,

Cor. E*sri Pi. and Broadway, Lawrenes

GREAT BARCAIN8 A Isrge Mock of lbs nvlei of Pg*a

lnt.gitig*. norders. D*.-oe*. Picture Mroldlrgi *e , ..P, ..l— ,or one-lhiid let* lhan ii* ether

Blot* In Bo*to*.

T. F. 8WAN. NO. 11! Cor i, hill, BOSTON.




Paints. Oils, Dye Stuffs. Chemicals. Mixed Pal*l*,allcolwr M.-iu root on, K*i*taa, olive Oil,



dtliLW AT to BLMTUN <l

Tbe sleimer* are unasriiiai ler SATETT


* I I I I TO

JAMESUUSPHT,«b.1E**el Mrcet; PATRICK MUUPU1, J'i. K..ri HM-.I

Or. l.F.VF «V ALIIK.T, Wswerel* MEW TURK, in? Broadway, flliS tUN, BAH lastsuBiriei. PHILADELPHIA, r"A , M. E. cor. Hrosd and i ii.timt fiti

■ 11* In u.i

W. ■; HEALD. /.. T. MERRILL.

MKUKii.i. *ft HI:AI.I»,


Members of ths Boston Mining and ■tOCk Eichanc*.

Simmon .' Building, r pp. PottCi.los, :iH Water Street, Boston, Mans.

S25,9OOPR0FITin60D»YS Hann.lial & St. Josesti Caramoa Stock

AuKliat, INHI.H.,1,1 »l III. Hi.|il.'iul>i r, 1881,1...1.1 at 350.

u Ai>r..cio.259P6rCl. I.SUTrD.T, UN

$25,900 profiton each 100 shams 12,950 " " 50 " 2,590 " " 10 " 1,295 " " 5 "

Sunaol gio BBC, BSO, SVIMMI Isveaii wilheqaal jiroiiortlonnie anoeess * y our S> COM lit N ATI I IN HYSTEM of "|.ri ntmg In Mod Weekly a hair sol oilnn**ct ions mstlt 3 to sbai Bolder*; proSta dlyldeiteveiy SOdsit.

1'fI.L mrOXMATIOH MalLBt) Fsxs. Address

New England Stock Exchange, 63 Asylum It., Hartford, Conn.

Deposits received suiilecl to check at light. Coupon*. Dl /idend*. Interest, Note*. Sic, col-

taetetf wilb r>ron>Pt rrmuiance. All lasuigof t-toverninenl Koad* purchased snd foreakfree of eommlaalo* ehargca. Mlt Iei7


PERFUMI Murray & Lanman's


at ' tntbsaSSmspl

OPIUMSitfirS CURED ear.?

nisi all A

AileUrease, ten ilne,


lln *h llioonn, Jnrki,

Jhali, .'ream Tartar, >ilura ol all •hade*, ^aibollo Acid Joich VarpUh, Caator Oil, Jrtam>l*Skln*, .iil.n-irie.ii Lime, "i'i" i I'I11 i■■,

R man* Wax tlJ,

rarl.Wblt*. l-fiia.h, 1'unuoeSlaa*, I'laaicr Paris, Par I * Urees, I'aint rtruahes.

Oippet*. wooden IKiwner'.Kerone Dun llniKhe., '.iiu't \ Paper,

" Cloih, '"e:.iliei Dn.l,-,-*, floor Ilruihr*. Fish Ulue, rurnlturr Varnish. Por*s. River Lead, llHe.aliiradei, • t* Artble, ■ iiiiiTi-sraeanlh, >uld Leal, • o|,| lironir, ■ ' ". ' -I Hie, IliubsrSali, .alv.mned linn i'«lh 'larnea* Soap, indigo, talaouilre an Hnu, l.on.lon Purple, I'ighttlrainlngVarnli

Rosin, Motion ateaa, Mock Bait

for sad eslll* Shellac, Sulphur,

OILSandPspsr, npoares. Hal Sejde, Hiune Jarssad Magi, Saliwire. Hewing Uaohlne Oil, fttahiePaile, rhafiBebbers. Scrub Brush**.! Tar, tVoo.fen Dpner*. Window fMSS Water Pall*, West'* Enasssl DrwSstag

lor Csrnsge Tops, Wliiirwa.hBruahea.

WhsirO. 'cap, Whl ling,

.Winxir A Nawtos'* Tube Color*.

In quantities to suit at Lowest

Market Pricaa.

191 ESSEX ST.. LAWEEHOEi ■Iviaea

Ears FO" THE Million Foo Choo's Balsam of Shaft's Oil

e ll,i • Only ■a i* UN A litnliile Line lor Detful ■* Kaowr.

This Oil |* ihelraeted from peculiar *pecl**of ■ While ansik, caught la the Teltow Be*, isown a* i :i.' I'm mi.III llondi Ii ill, Etety

■him"-.- II.ii. un in knowa It, Ita virlwsasss eslnrallv* ol hearing were discovered by * in.I.n,i: i Prleti about ihe year 111*. Its ear** vere so nnmrrnii* a^d many ao sevulagl) rtSSS, lh-1 lh« rem-vlv wn . fflilallv pre- Iheri It. . .-mi Deals**,

ine.l among ihe Chinese People. Sear, i prepaid, to any address st #1 on per

Hear What the Deaf Say I It baa performed a m.iacie li my caie. I have no uienibly nolae* in my aead. *ad

lesrmitch belter. I have been greatly benefited. Ilv deafna*a helped S great deal—Iblak aa

1(1.-1 boll le will cure me.

"Ilk vlrlnra art llnq'ieallonab S a. i\ Itl e*rs- tve cbarictcr tbe wiltarcaapt*.

lunally tealliy, liolh I eipeneece aad >-.-i i ■ nti..ii Wrll* st once lo HaVLoCK A lsansr.7 Dey Street. Sew Yoik. eneloelegfl ind you will jeeelve by retura sr.medyibat elllessble yon to heat like anybody .i*e,inS whose curst i *e ■ it -. t. will he iiermaneat. Tea vlll never regiet doing *o."-Edit*r ot Mercan- UM Bevlew.

*#■'!« avoid loss In th* Mail*, plcsietsid SI mey by Registered I.ettn .

Only Import* 1 by HAYLOC K A JENMY, , lUtLiraACu)

7 0*T Bt., Nsw fork. Oole Ageati for America. Sly st) 111 O

FOB SALE IN METHUEN. rh*) Well Known B*ioemia Blood Farm. tHuBledonHoweslrret.tmHeefrom Lawrence Irom lliverhlll, -\ from Ibe tllage, | mile Irosa chovl. SaldPano ronialns shout :oscreevl ind,suitably divili.I Into mowing, tillage and ■aaturug,andaboui lOUrordsaf tlinlit,grew-

mg wou.i,a never tailing brook running Ibroagh i,( piklure) an orchard of aooei tSS yeeas ipule Iran* list "imr Into bearing, betide peer* I'car, 11 -. Bntldlnaaneirly new, con, i.ling ol a large f itory modern built Sons, with L.coe- lainltigli room*, good cellar, bar* Mi4Uwith -.11 ir, ill in gpod repair. TSS buil. leg* aad ii...i,t >n aeree ol lied will be sold >e|>ar*t*ir i(de*lred. A good partul imreblae mosey can

QPjJJJni~Si» *T)AW y at home riaily and

Address TBDS ACv VII del*


Lawrence American. LAWRENCE, MASS.


Weekly News Brevities.


Heir Schori succeeds Herr Bitter M

German mlDlitcr of finance.

Mr. Charles Diwui, M. P., bM 'wen

re-elected lord mayor of Dublin.

There are 1580 Americana and Irlah-

Americsna In Dublin without visible oc-


It la reported that ■ plot haa h*«N dis-

covered to MlU»iDit« Caiiliual McCebe,

archbishop of Dul.lln.

The annual reunion of thn Vermont

Veteran* wan opened at tbe Queen City

Park, Burlington, yeaterday.

Th* aingle-scul! raca between I-nycock

aid Boyd. at London, yesterday, wai won

by th* former by twelve length*.

A despalcb from Alexandria. Kaypt,

eaya a conflict between tbe English Iron*

clod* and tbe forla '.bera Is liable to occur

at any moment.

The laltst aJvleee from Boatb America

state that the wholo >'. northern Pern will

aoon be glfan up by tbe Chilian*, and the

existing troubles between Chill and Peril

an In a fair way of amicable aeitlemen'-

Mr. O'Donuell, ons of too recently sus-

pended obetrucllonluta from the Brltlab

bouse ot commons, was further suspended

from that body yesterday, for two weeks,

on motion of ifr. Gladstone. "Urgency"

was than voted on tbe Iileh repression

hill, »9 10 81.

At New York and Joreey City thsra la

■3 material change In ths tabor troubles.

The Pennsylvania Bailroad Company an<

Bounce tbst they have a full complement

of frtlght-bandlerB, and that they antici-

pate no farther delay In tbe delivery of

goods over thslr line.

The senate yeaterJay passed th« gen-

aral deficiency appropriation bill after

having adopted an amendment thereto

limiting tli-' total appropriation forclslms

growlug ont of President Oarfield'a IllneaB

and burial, to $67.5000, and fixing the

amount fcr m-dlcal aortic** at 837.000.

Tha President yeaterday nominated

John Davis, of tbe Dlatrlct or ColnmblB,

to be assistant secretary of state, In place

nf J. C. Bancroft Davis, realgned, and

Eugene Scbnylar of New York, to be min-

ister and coo nit general uf tbe United

Bute* at Uoun-atila, Bervla and Qre«ce.

The coroner's jury investigating the re-

eent railroad accident at Parker's craek.

New Ju.-sey. And that It was canaed by tbe

spreading of the rail* on tho bridge over

which the train paaaed, and that the New

York and Long Branch Railroad Company

was guilty of groaa and culpable negli-



The Arkadla Theatre at St. Petersburg

waa'teetroyed by fire yesterday.

Ths lower br.dga over tbe MerMrosc at

Concord, N. II . caught Ore yesterday,

and was somewhat damaged.

The house of II. si. Ila.v at Concord, N. H., was damaged to tbe extent or about

$$00 by Am yesterday. Insured.

Tbe Duke *jf Argyll's parliamentary

oath bill waa defeated In the Biltlsb home

of lords yesterday, by a vote of 188 to 6S.

Twenty persooa have been arrested at

Lough roe, Ireland, on suspicion of con-

nection with the murderof Mr. Boorke.

Captain J. L. Halle ahot and Instantly

killed Mayor L, W. It. Blalr of Charles-

ton, B.C., at Camdeu, In thai Blalr, yes


Hr. J. C. Bancroft Davis, ualstant arc

raury of state, and Mr. Walker Blalne,

have tendered tbelr rtslgnnilona to tbe President.

Henry Aldrich of ninadale, In a fit of

loaanlty, cnt blmael; with a scythe, c-MI-

Ing amputation or an arm, at Sootb Ve-

non, Monday night.

Ueary Orlfiln ofOllsum, while Bring a

cannon, waa badly injured by a

lure discharge. He will lose botb eyes

and will probably die.

Two-tblrds of tbe dtlegntes b>|thc

Georgia democratic ataie convention,

favor the nomination of Alexander II.

Stephens for governor.

The Mitchell Faraflne Candle. Manufac-

tory on that avenue. New York city, was

bnrned last nlgbt, '.be pioperty loss

amounting to 8/300,000,

Two men named Cosgrove and Allen

had tbelr arma badly bnrned yeaterday

morning by tbe premature discbarge of a

cannon, while firing asslnte, at Glouces-


It Is reported that a difference of opin-

ion exists among tbe doctors who are In-

specting Gnlteau's brain regarding bla

anally, and two of the number have with-

drawn from tbe Inveallgulon.

Tbe atsamer Bcloto, having sn excur-

sion party on board, col.lded with tbe

nteamer John Lomls at Mlngo Junction,

Ohio, last night, and waa sunk. It la

thought that about twenty peiaons were


In the intercollegiate regatta at Lake

George, N. Y-. yesterday, tbe University

•f Pennsylvania crew were the wlunere

by two langtba, in about nine minutes

thlrtj-n»e seconds. VYesleysn waa sec-

ond, Princeton third, Corn-ill fourth, and

Bowdoln flub.

la the British nous* of commons yes-

terday, "argoncy" was voted on tbe Irish

repression bill. All the liksh membeTB

except four, declined to participate further

In tbe debate on tbe bill, and left tbe

house In a body. All the clsuaee ol the

bill were anbetquvnilj passed, and tbe

consideration of the measure In commit-

tee Is finished.

THS ODJKT of establishing tbe new agricultural paper at Washington, called the National Farmer, is to bring the lost science of husbandry once moie prominently before the American people. The Woman Suf- fragists don't take any stock in it, but they'll give then a broadside '•con- cerning women."

Tin SUUOKSTIOK, by tbe Lynn Transcript, or District Attorney Sher- man, for Attorney General, is a time- ly and excellent one; Col. Sherman is, we think, the seuior district attor- ney in the state; no oie'questions his ability, and it ll not more than a fair recognition of Essex county, that one name on tbe state ticket be selected iheiefrom; we beliere tbe suggestion will be warmly received, and tbe state would secure a most ad- mirable ofUcial In Cat. Sherman, whose experience coold not fail to prove valuable in the office of Attorney General.


How it was Observed in Lawrence and Vicinity.


Military, Ome MMJ Trades Pro- oeiiion.



Reault of tbe Competitive Drill

I J. T. Jaate*. grocer, bad two team*, one with I ecfaa mill la operation, and tin other earrytag groceries,

| A. B. Ahers, grocery team

Boole, Carrier ami Co., ten leaua.

Buell A Co., grocers, »lx wagots.

J. K. Simpson, 1 loam. Soott A Viator, i Urge team* *«d a horse rake.

These wagon* bore, (1 /at, straw. Bay, grain, and farmingImplement*

Ifusebaaai A Co., provlalon lean*.

J. O. Saah, a display ef harneaaeo.

StesmlHirg, iMrbar, had a lane float fltMil aa B

proud. The Indies were sble to delect bnt two

errors la its entire tut of novenients. la coo

otuoloe the baronet exerclae waa given, with ad~

ailrabU ureelstoa aafl to the great Mjoyuscul of

THE CI'NASD steamship Servla made the run from New York to Queenstown in 7 days, 10 hours, and 53 minutes, which is near the time of the Alaska, routing this way, which was 7 days 1 hour and 50 minutes. Mr. It. B. Forbes does not believe in tbe reckoning of the Sterling CaalhVa "fust passage" from Hankon, China, to London. Tlte time given Is 29 rluys and 22 hours. He flays■ "call-

g tho time 30 dnys, in order to get rid of vulgar fractions, tbe rate of Bailing would be 15.025 miles per hour." The distance is stated to be 11,250 miles, and the owner Messrs. Skinner *. Co., of London, say she steamed at the rate of at least ;J7i miles per day, but Mr. Forbos cannot believe the yarn.

Wi: POINT with pain and sorrow, to the Ireqtient recurrence of railway ..acci- dents in on. own country, and contrast the situation with the supposed immu- nity horn such caunallies oi the Brit- ish public, when tho truth, as published in their annual report, shows nothing RO marked in their favor. In tho post year 1096 persons were killed by rail- way accidents, and of these 108 were passengers; 4,571 were injured, i

little morn than a third of which num ber were passenaera. Of the em- ployes ot the railroads, 521 were ki ed, ami I'M persona were killed who were either trespassers or who pur- posely placed themselves in a position to be killed by the train. We shall have to improve on the English sys- tem aa well as our own, before we can be quite sure when we take the train, whether we are on the road our earthly hotnea, or on a Long Branch lending to eternity.

THE CITIZENS Law and Order League, promises to be an organiza- tion where internal commotion will employ the lime of the members, quite as much as outside disturbance. A. J. C. Sowdon, II. U Faxon, and Harvey N. Suepard, are a healtny trio to combine. It will m.'ed some strong dissolvent to mingle with this incongruous maB», and fuse such cle* ments as these into a solution of the liquor problem any temperate man could consent to swallow. No one Is surprised to bear that at a recent meeting, Mr. Faxon criticised the po- sition of the recently appointed police commission of Boston, and that Mr. Sowdon stood up for the commission,

nd mov^d that "ths friendly greet- ing of the association be extended to the commission" and also ''to profler it nil assistance that is in its power, to aid it in enforcing tbe license law/' What kind of a law bare they given us which is to depend on a citizens vigilance committee for its enforce- ment? Tbe resolution prevailed, and the meeting adjourned; and Mr. Fax- on will now have to meditate on what sort of a force it is best to raise, to keep this Order League in order.

Thursday. Commencement at Williams. College

yesterday. Tho doctors are qturiellng over Qul-

lean's antopsy. President Barrios of Gantlmala has de-

cided to poatpone hi* contemplated visit

to tble country.

It la again ramored that Minister Lowell

haa resigned, and now It l.t aald that Han

trofl Davis wl.l be- hie aucceasor.

It la believed thai Onltet*n's body w»-

ascrelly removal to the Army Medkal

Muaeam on tbe evening of the Fourth.

ThJ nomlnatlona for JuJites ef tbe

conrt of commissioners of Alabama claims

were all confirmed by tbs seuale yeaiei-


Bi-Governor Icbab^d Qoodwln, of New

Hampshire, dltd st bis borne In Pertsv-

roouth, last etetlng- aged eight} -itven


It Is reported that new and Important

evidence ties beeu secured sgainst Brady

it star-rooie notoilety, and a prominent


It la now tkwngbt that between iwentv

five sad fifty lives wire lost by tin- col-

lision un the Ohio river si Mlngo Junction

on Tuesday-

Tbe Crat wife of Brlgham Young dkd a

few days a^o. Bliu na» KVI'ILJ-HIIH-

years old. Was man n d to Yooeg in leit4,

and waa the mother ot six children.

Foar Isborers have been arrestud at

Dublin under a warrant Issued by Lord

Spencer, on aurplcinn of nsring been con-

nected w lib the recent unrJers in tbst


P. T. Barnatn wanted a while elephant.

and Induced tbe New York Aldermen to

offer tbe hospitality of tbe city lo B Lila-

BBeee prince, who, It was shrewdly re-

ported, waa ahon. lo visit, this country.

Tbe prisoners at Concord were very

noley aod boiaterous Monday night and

Taeeday, and were not allowed to enjoy

tbe naael holiday privileges. If they make

any dtatorbance u- Jay tbey will be j laced

on a briad and water diet.

The Hon. Steplun Cobnrn, a prominent

cltlaen of Maine, committed suicide by

drowning at his home at Skowbegan, on

Taeedav eveolna, wbll* from

tesipotary Inaeatiy- His «"u, Charles M.,

every promising yonag man, attempted

to rescue his lalner, and be also waa


THERE HA-- BEEN a sudden decline in congressional stock, and General Samuel J. Anderson of Maine, is too shrewd abroker to engage in any spec- ulation where be is likely to find him- self "dead broke" at the end of she campaign, whether he is elected or not. lie therefore declines the nomi- nation for Congress, of tbe Maine democratic state convention, not only on account of tho pressing demands of his own business affairs, but the neglect of the congressional commit- tee "to give assurance before this lime

of pecuniary aid, sulllcient to meet a part at IcaBtof the legitimate expenses of the campaign." There IIIM been no open recrimination, between members of the democratic party, relative to assessments for political purposes, but somehow they have failed to draw the needful, and should be commended by the civil service reformers. Tbe general in too old a campaigner not to look well to the quartermaster's de- partment, before he takes the field.

Independence Day waa obeerved In Lawrence with greater eclat than for two yearn past, and although tbe various com- mittees having the aetails of the day's observance In charge bad comparatively llttla time for preparation*, a very credit- able and entertaining celebration waa bald. The weather throughout tbe day waa all that could be desired, tbe sir be- ing fanned by a cooling north braeae and with a good fortune which was not al- lotted to maov other [jcallilea, the fire- works, the closing feature, were sot In- terefered with by rain. The streets were thronged the entire day, there being many vlaltora principally from tbe aurroundlng towns, Hsverhill and Manchester, N. U., but doubtless the elaborate programme offered at Lowell, attracted many who would otherwise have celebrated tbe 'Glorious Fourth" here. As uausl the

juvenile, and many children of a iargtr growth, uabered In lbs day long before tbe nun, making night hideous with flsb qorn solos, firing of guns, crackers, etc., ao that long before tte belle announced tbe dawn more than one-half the residents were upon tbe streets. Brisk business waa done at hastily constructed bootba at tbe common, wLlch was the moat fre- quented aectlon 3f the city during the day. The features of the daj'soDservance were Inaugurated b; iho prorc.'HBioo of

ANTIQUE! AND IIOKKIBLXS ID the morning. Although ample prices

were offered, tbe display was altogether

weak and witless; with pe'hap* two ei-

eeptlons; the "horrible" waa anfDcleutly

prominent, bnt any otber attribute waa


Tbe line was f rmeJ unJer lbs msrshslsklp

of Lieut. K. A. McCarthy, un Haverblll street,

at 8.U, and marched through the fallowing

streets: LtwraneetoBtsex, through Newbury,

Bast Haverblll. Jaskson, Oak, Tremont, Prank-

lin, Cross, Broadway, to South Broadway,

couatermarch to Andover to EMCX to Apple ion,

where ths line passed la review ol tbe Judges

who were itatloned on lbs city ball steps.

Tbere were two bands In the procesilou, led by

Drum Major Bloni who was attired In a fantas-

tic manner, and whose queer antics provoked

much mirth. Tbs Heathen Chinee was well

repreaeated, aleo Kemp'* prlsa team; 8tenle> 'a

dog cart, and the aldermen discuaalng lbs

electric light; Sarah Hjrubardt, Oacir Wildj,

and bis Satanic Majesty ware hits of the foot*


The flr»ipri*3 iof learn*, »£}, was awarded

tbs Calneie laundry. Msiirs- 8coU and Moranj

second priss, f 30, Electric light, Mea-srs. Sel-

ling, Nslson, McQ lay, Perkins and UcOovern;

third prlae, fll, dog cart, Illcbard Bheenan,

P. Hjoly i fourth prlii, $10, "nanitumj cab,"

T- L McUlrath, W. 0. Preach, Prank Ueydeo.

Uorsemed, drat prUa, 812, K. A- McCarthy ;

2d prise, tflu, Uenr/ Qj'Jagber.

Pootmen, Wm. Bnni. #10; Ueary Mitchell,

SB] Edwin Mcfjraw, $i; Jamei R Wood bury,

**; John Smith, 91.


waa a decided susfceaa, oontrary to gen-

eral expectations. Tbe military from

Manchester waa a notable accession, and

tbelr marching was moat favorably com-

mented upon. Tbe police escort, under

command of Capt. Small, did most excel-

lent marching, and were frequently ap-

plauded along the route. The local mi-

litia turned ont In good numbers, and

tbelr soldierly bearing, per feet alignments

and splendid appearance were a source of

mcb gratification to onr citizens.

Tbe firemen were a feature of the pa-

rade, all except Washington company

being attired in the provincial red jacltet,

Waahlngton company appearing In their

new blue uniforms. The steamer i glit-

tered with polished brass in tbe sun-

light, and ware laonllly decorated with

flags and evergreen. Follow log

trades procession were tbe city teams

and thivie employed in tbe board ol

health, and these also presnted a neat lf<


At 9 36 the ptoceaalon began to form

tbe ml'llary aod civic aooletles assem-

bling on the Jackson street mall, tbe fire

depattmeut on UavcrntU street, right

resting on Jackaon, and the trades

Jackaon. Tneie was lllile delay In the

formation of the Hue, which waa as foi-


W. 11. uarnttam, mil coverar, wade a apleaAKI display ef rolls, leather, etc.

Ths Keyatone roller Co. had one lease.

1. II. Bertram bad two team*, la oee ol which eoperunliba wen. eagaicd at work.

Brlgga A Allva hid fiur teams, aod made a ■nod dlapler or taarMS- bilaita, and cabinet work.

R. Atkissea bad ons team In wbicb partus were al work painting a "Jumbo" alga.

The Lawreaee Lumber Lo., bad two teams with boxes.

A. B. atannarj nude a good dlaplav ot cabinet work, wood lurniuf. l"l'"t*. *.,iu I laami.

I. X. Hulcbul bad one team wltb oa^laet work.

Wheeler A Wtlaoa aawlog moohlaeCo., bad two teana with macblaea.

Ball k Wright had a Urn Soat Udeo with paiau,olU,audoib»rKOod*dsaUln \m UteSr.-

U*Maboeey bad t>lx toama.

Ireei tha street department mere were v tin nit- TM Aval ruprcoenled a blm-kumiih SSOpl the aeeond ttku Heating duoartmam; tblnl. t*i«- cariienUrabiu; (ouilb,Uio aewarage; Bflti, the aweei*er; sixth, aorjuer; aavonui, pavlaa:

" grwltng; ninth, aldawnlk. In nearly as TMhealiadepartasentadlsplaycoacladed the

prosetalon, and con.UUd ol ititrteen i:«ni».

Tbe (estlvltles clused with

riaawoaaasKn ntaatS OOXCBBTS

a tbe commou. I'n-j bra*s band was stationed

ostbe bandsUnd. ant tHe cirnet at the cen-

tral chsrch.snd during tbe Oreworki display

dlscoarted music. Tba dltpUy was the be*t

sssntalbli city for years and much 'cndlt Is

dus tbs U wars. Dyer for tbs admirable manner

lu which the exhibition was managad. Iheru

waa no hitch r.nd n> auidaau; everyiblng

went off with tbe rdgularlty ol clock won, antl

tba vast crowd of apicutin which thronged

the common was highly entertained. In fact

tble was tbe most gratifying feature of tbe cele-

bration, aad until abortiy after 9 o'atock, when

aaligb'.drissleof rain set to, tbe evening wss

most favorable for the display. Proa duek

Bstlidsrk and during tbe en-ire dlipley the

largeit exhibition of rickett, colored sure aud

Streamers, and largo American and Japanese 4

lb. parachute rockets of various deiirtni were

tired, rapidly, one alter soother, m all IM

rockets. Otber foataree of the display were

Japanese bombs, eihibltlon »bell«, assorted

colon, Uery serpents, tourbiliows on revolving

ro-keti, colored tires, bitter ID* or candles, ssrial

shells with showers of colored stars, fl.iral

shells and flights or iiu.-lsaons. A msglc

Chinese piece ebiuglng color, was

very beautiful, as were also two BJM Tweed

dUinoada, baaging from it'll Unco pieces to

rapidly revolviog ones, being driven wiin greet

rapidity by heavily cbargdi suncaaei. T"

Niagara of lire" WAS a oiinl beaatlful plcci or

pyrotechnics. As a grand finale was Bred a

combination of 4 pieces, cOBiUting oi tbe woriU

'Good night," in large r-apltal letters, la a seml-

ircie la colored lance, over a piecj "Ailed the

Aurora boreal)*," Staked On eich aids by a

£Urol tbe Union," all cbarjed with heavy

luncsici. These were btcked up by Isrge

bomb* and lerlnl shells, and as (he pieces com-

menced to tads II Urge baiieries were Bred,

c'.oslng tbedUpiay.

Dariuu the exhibitina Ilsverhdt, Jsckson

and Lawrence street) wers almost linpei*abie,

owing to the gathering of carriages, bit forlun-

aie'y no accident of a ssrlous asturi o.-eutrad.

Tbe display cio;ed abortiy befora 10 o'clock,

and wi'tiln an hour afterward* the common »n

comparatively deserted, and before midnight

the City bod resumed its accustomed qaiel-

Tlie Ilicycle ltiui-.

This novel race, lor Liwrence, took place In

the morning, and save great aatU'actlou, as

the thousands of 'people on tbe common and

■tree's bordering the common Indicated. Tbe

race was to start at 7 o'cleck, bnt tho Horrible

proce.islon did not conclude in sssion, a id It

was B 20 o'clock before tbe wheelmen were

snder wvr. Capt. Small with a force of police,

cleared tbe streets or teami. Mr. Amur Dyer

waa referee, sod had a julga atMloned at each

turn. Tbe starling point waa on Ilia corner or

Havtrblll and Jackaon streets,

tered for the race. They drew for poaitlon* in

the lo'lowtng order, the first taking tbe Insld.

Pred Dyer, Kmraoei, Smith, Tscsv, Nat. Cogs-

well snd Reed. At 8 20 rjtcrce Dyer gave tbe

w ird aod tbe riders, eacb or wli >m had a aUrt-

began tbe race, movlog down Jackaon St.

or took the lead, followed ny Cogiwell- At

corner or Jackson and Common stieets,

Smitii. who rsaldes la Aodover, took a header

tnd Injured bis knee, tbe akin being broken,

but ee remounted bis iron aleed and went on.

On tbe completion cf ttie flrst Urn, which by

lbewsy,by uctaal measnrment I* 7-10 of a

mile, ibe riders came In In the following order:

l->3 feet ahead, Cngiwell, Emmons,

Tacey, D/er, Smith, iba lime being 2 mlnutea,

46secondi. On tbe aecond turn fie positions

remained snout the lame, except that Kmmoos

droppel out. Tbe order in which tbe Use was

wss croised for the second lime was. Heed, 100

Teet ahead, uogswetl, Smith. Dyer, Tacey,

Keed wa* making a gool race, wl'.h plenty of

plack and consldersbls wind. Smitb, who has

been in several races, was holding blunt It in

good form and keeping a»l. The turn aas

asde la 6 minutes and 30 second*. As tbe

riders came around (or tbe third time IACIJ

hsd dropped out. Reed wa* again ahead, bnt

hi* dlslance bad decreased to about 30 feet.

Cogswell and Smith respectively following only

a few feet apart, Dyer following last. Juat as

Hied bad atarted down Jackson street fcr tte

latt time, every proip*ct ol winning the

Co. H41M iM. PaV N. U. Sbuidaa Guards, of

laaehestar, S. U-, Capt. P. A. Davlae, Id Lieut.

P. H. O-Maliey, fbllowed- Ths msa la tba oom

panj bad a decided advaatage i» *Uw, ever Ce.

P., averaglasj, we sbeaM say, three laabea taller,

but ba drill ther have aauoh to leera tYom tkelr

cewipelitora,^* praeilcedmllluu-y era belag re-

quired to detect Ibe wide difference; tbe step

was a ion aging one, the left head* were carried

atlrflr, setae seeaahsg glnsd to lee leg, and others

with we 1st BSsrvoaaly eliacbed, theflrot eergeaet

bad two buttona of hi* seat uabuUoaad. Ibe firs!

eevporal wbsst exeaaUng the ssaauei, turned Id*

eatlre body out of bee, tjwsrds ibe »si*r gtvleg

Uiacommand; Thl* oompanr I* evidently cap*;

bla or good week, but la need of sharper drill.

Tba third aesapany was K, else of lit N. If. rer

Isseat. tbe Maaebestst Cltf Quant*. Capt J. O.

l^orejnj. Ut Maul. Hoses Otrmsine. Tbe drill

waa a poor eee throughout, indeed we'bebeve

ifan company had ao bsSsal oi entering, bai that

tbere was tba third perse o/ Ian some-

body, no nutter bow un»atl.faclor» the drill.

Tbere was a serious error lo tbe very Srst move*

ment; In wheeling br fours, tbe movement waa

aot executed wllh pros*ptnc*s, Ihe reault being

crowd in a, when coming Into Una.

Tbe Judges ewerded the flrst prise or SIM to

Ci. P. el I*wree«e, Ibe second of SMS to Co. B.

Of Manchealcr, tbe third of S90 lo Co. K-. the

mark* being respeetively H, 40 and U, Ibe latter

requiring aome foreiag.

PoUowlag the drill ibers was e review given to

Major Breen. Cept. D^taa aellng as lomataadsr

of tbe battalUon, followed by a dreae parade,

Adjt. MtUelekt of the otb regiment serving In ea-

pacUyof avljntant. The supsrtortty of Co. P.,

waa again saarhed atroagly .luring those exei-

oltea, the mse Stssdlag Immovable during the

parade, while In tbe other compaalee, head* ami

band* were moved, sal rsarraak men actually

turned about and stared arouail the Bald end

open tbe people behind them.

Mayor Breen said a law pleasant werda In

conclusion, to Ih.uffl :».M, and th > vltlltng eom-

oaniea nurebsd dliaat to tlie depot.

riiK KK(iA r r\. la theatternoon tbJbaai rseee occurred

tbe river just sbove the dam, the stsrt being

mads at a point opposite Holme*' boat bouse.

Toe river beak ou both sidss was lined with

people and two hauda sallvsnid tbe occasion

with mualc, ons on the south snd the O'.ner on

tbs north shore. The new and speedy steamer,

the "AmJinn ' wan uied as referee's aud press

boat. Alderman Barrett was chosen referee.

Councilman Stafford sctsd as starter and time

keeper and tbe remainder of tbe committee

were judges. There never was a regatta on tbe

river where the boats cams so quickly to the

alert snl went off m such guid abape. There

was a fresh braeae blowing up the rlvsr, aad

the entlrafljelol nineteen asidng boats. In tbe

diflersnt classes, creased tbe line i*eido of U

minutes and 40 secondi.

Tba flrst race wa« lor rouod bottom centre

board*. Tbe entries ware as follows. "Spirt,"

' John H. StaflVd,"Clara," Wilfred Chsdwiek,

'Adclle," Airrad nradbury, No Nsme. John

Wallace, "Hattla" William Sunder'and,"Adi,"

John Bradbury, "Maiil*," James Ward

Eich boat was nambeied, and ae sbi

croised the line tbe time was taken and also on

her return. The dlsterce silled was one mile

and a turn.

Tbe race was a good one, tte following boats

winning tbe prise*. First, fi',. No Name

Jobn Wa'lace, time, 34 mm. 57 sec, second,

SIT,"Adell*,"time, 26 mln.2see.; third, 812,

■Sport," 37 rain. 40 see.i fourth, S7, "Hattle,"

time 39 mln. 57 sect dflu, ff4 "Ada,'' time. 40


Tbe next race was (or seel bottom boats, tbe

same distance. Plve boats entered. The fol-

lowing took the prisrt. PfrstgSO, "Champion"

Hart and hoc*wood, lime 43 mln. C5 sec;

second, #12. •*Arthur," Jamts Wiles, time, 44

mln, 30 sec; third, S8, Mo Name, Qeo, Ham-

blelt, lime 46 mln. fl seconds.

This was followed by tbs race lor flit bottom

centre board boats- Tbs same distance. Seven

boats enured. Tbe following won. Plrtt.Slo,

* Squall."Mstlhew Burns, Urns43 mln.22 sec.;

second S10. "Dora," Thomas Jnwstt, Um-j 44

minutes 13 sec.; third.f7,"Flying Dutchman,'

James Hall, time, 45 mln. 20*ec. This bjal

wa* obllred to stop; the tap os ber mrst head

came ctT aud hsd to be replaced. Fourth,

"Plover,'* P. Llnn.ihsn,tlme4fl mtn. 40 seconds.

The rowing regetta cams next. Tbe Gr*i rase

was for slngie sculls, ths entries being William

J. Oailegbei, James Datfln, Tbosaas Burns and

A..Caffrey. A great deal of la tares I was cen-

tred on tbls'raea.'coniidsrable money luring

put up. Un the atari Caffrey took the lead and

although he did not pull a* cle-n a stroke as

Qallsgher yet he k«pt ahead and at the pump-

ing station was two host Isngtbs a*ie*d ol

Osllngber, Barns balding third poslllou, Daffla

taviug dropped out. Caffrey turned the buoy

Urstand came back on tbe home str'tcb putting

s good OAT, and crossed ttsllns leisurely In 17

minute* &> seeonds. OAliafher moved borne

quite siewly, stopping once, and Burns merely

rowed over tbd course to take third money.

rbern*:swemSM.Si''S''d SIU. Tnerewas

considerable dlsiatlsfacUon concarnlag tbe race

as many bad bet on Gallagher and lost.

The foir oared boat cams next, tbe

crews being the Ei'erprlse, Riverside and

Ciiprer. At ths start ths Enterprise .took the

lead, followed by tbe Clipper, and iney In turn

by the Riverside. This was ibe order through

out the rsce, tbe two priaM. S30 aad fffiO going

to the first two crdwt,ibe Enterprise winning by

six lengths In 10 minutes 30 seconds.

One of the best races at tbe day was that of

single working boats; James Oreen, t'm.l

Terrio, Aaron McOaire and Frank Burnham

atarted. Qreen took tbe lead closely followed

by McGuIre, Torrto wet 4 goiJ third and

Burnham was loortb, but beiore tbe turning

slake was reach;! was out of tha race. It was

Katerlng a Liquor Saloon.

Sunday ulgbl shortly after 9 o'clock-

Maurice Uariaett and Jerry Lucy, boya

thirteen stars of age. broke Into Charles

Reynold's l>qnor aaloon, at 857 Essex

street, by a cellar window at the rear of

the store. Hr. Reynolds had left bla place

for a Tew mlnnles and a light was burning

In the saloon. Tbv b>js bad been watch-

ing Hr. Reynold* and bad seen him go

out. Taej took tbe opportunity to go lo.

Barmelt entered tbe front alore and se-

cured a boa of cigars and a pocket boob

In tbe money drawer. Ilu Went out and

banded Ihe Lucy boy two cigars from the

box, and aald that was si be could Bud

lo the place to lake away. Tbe boys tb<

wont borne. Uartneit hid thu box of

cigars undur a pair uf Btcps, aud went to

his bouse. Here he counted lite money in

the pocket book and louod a little over *■"■

In silver. He went out at,d hid

pockrt boo'i under a pl«ce> ot board below

a sink apont, aud theo went *.u where be

had tbe elgere but lonud them gone. He

tben went Into tbe house and retired

Mr. Reynolds returned to tils saloon a

short tlotn afier leaving and found the

cigars and money gone. He Immediately

reported the aflilr to the police, and told

them thai he had seen tbe llartnott boy

around the place. The police went to

Uartnett'a hunac and arreated dim while

In bed. He got up and J is', befcru leaving

be whispered to bis father, an he told tbe

officers afterward*, that the money waa

bid In tbe back yard.

On tbe way to tte station ibe boy con-

fessed the larceny. Ue waa taken back

to his house and the money was not

found, the fatbor having takeo It. It was

ilnallv given np. The cigars were return-

ed this morning by the boy Desmond,who

had taken item from the door step.


"1'tttme Son Mine Puivere.

HOME GOSSIP. 'I'll- louf. vacation.

The annual exbibiiion1 of ibTLawreuce High I -The stient school bell.

School wa* given for tba thirty-first time on j _ slx chloarnen are taxed It this city

Monday afternoon and as ususl, the city hall ltl[, y e,ri

— A band of gypskisisre heading for

Original Deelamatlon,


The Pacific MllU, wbkb reduced Hs

semiannual payment In January last, from

10 to 5 per cent., psssed Il» dividend July

1, for tbe first time In the hltttory of the

company. lulls caily days the Pacific

pasa<d through surlous embarrassments,

but later developed Into one of the most

successful corporations In New Boglsnd-

Tbe company was started a few ycare be-

fore the panic of Oct. 19. 1SO7, aod daring

that sjven- ordeslit becsme embarrassed

and was obliged to suspend. At that time

(1857) tbe writer was pritent when tte

stock was offered at SS0 per share (par

•1000) and not taken. This severe de-

pression waa partially owing to a person-

al liability attaching to the shares, and

some c-ari a not only tb« loss or their

slock, bat a further liability. Coming ha

It OM, in one of the worst panics ever ex-

perienced In laaB country, the fright of

stockholders was not suiprlslng. Early

in 1878 tbe company was enabled to If-

sum.- by some of the sbareownera taking

1600,000 of new Block at its par value or

S1O0O per share, from that date success

aeemed to crown tbe effvirta of Its man-

agers, gaining stei> br step uotll standing

at the bead of maiiufac'mlng corpora-

tions. Its flrat dividend of 4 per ceut.

was paid July, 1859, aud thin rate (8 p«r

cent.) was kept up for 3 1-3 years; then a

Jump waa made to 22 per rent. In 1862,

and, for :he following 10 years, the avjr-

nge was 21.6 per cent, per annum, paying

high as 26 per cent, one year (,1866.)

ace 1872, op to last Jauaary, ibe divi-

dends have ranged Trom 13 to 2D per cent

per annum, and averaged fur the nine

years, 18 ] 8 per cent. Tbe total divi-

dends paid from July, 1859, to Jao. 1882,

were 414 per cent., and averaged exactly

percent, pel annum-—Boston Herald.

Vlall of the Vest* (llee Club.

waspscked to its fullest capacity, upward* ol

sixteen bnndred people having aqaeexsd them-

selves wltbla lbs four W4ll* to lUttntn what

may be fairly said lo be ihe best programme

ever presented on ibe annlverssry. Bach one's

fart was none wall—and to all alike belong the

credit ol this most successful exhibition. At

preclieiy two o'clock tbe elss* of "So, searlrt

ribboned, and snarsbsled hy Henry Daniels

?nteied the ball to tbe enlivening strains irom

aa orchestra of eleven piece*. They were fol-

lowed by tha class of *8t, color, pink—and B.

S. Hideout as marshal; lbs class of "83 sport-

lag ths Isvender snd heeded by msrsbal B. W.

Wbltlridgr, and last of all the ersdaatlug class

of 82 marshalled by J. D. Merrill, and wllh

garnet a* tbelr class color.

Contrary to uiual enstom the antlre school

was i-'.Mt, . on Ihe platform. The change

proved a particularly pleasing one, ihe white

dreieeaof ihemliaeS giving a wonderfully at-

tract Ire appearsnee to Ibe temporary stage

wbicb bill been laitclully decorated with ever-

green*, potted plants and wild flowers. Direct-

ly beneath Ibe proscenium arch hung Ihe

legend "P. N- 8. p.—,82'' and in the rear of"

school were seated tbe tescheri of ibe

a hool, superintendent Hrewatcr, Capt. Herrlek,

Rev. Mr. NibecBer and hi* honor tba mayor.

Following Is tbenrogramme:

alu»ii\<:!ii>ruJ from •■Cluuitlie Noel." Baiat-Sae-B* Salutatory add™**, with a$aBT|<*a

I,Hill ii 11 if B. Rob In ion

I'uluia Non Sine fulrere Arthur 1, Snell

Two-narlaong, Tho Spring returniag. Conooee Young Ladiea.

Orlgiosl dec.arc.Uon. ^Trade. --

Utae, "ilng wo aadehaat lu" PS Peanalj Kaaar, The Sobottl Uirl, Prance* SI. Birtwell Itaaav, aloaern Aaalheilc*.

Cdilh St. I.- Saandera Hwnltati ITeddlng March, Urobealra. SoUerman Orlsinal UecUinailon, The Navy.

Wm. It. Buswell ' bidder

Pinauil Yonng L sales.

■assy, Our flag. Isabel at. OoldUiwslte Origl-iel declamation. The Soieoees. |

Joaeph CouUon, Jr. To Thee, O Connliy." Klchberg \

Bssnv, l'arodlea. Ida j* Uawson The New*(>a-jer, Clraoo W«.|fworth Sola and anorus,"Good Sight, Fur«well."Uarrell

BnlO br Ml.* Helen CliamberUln. ill-- il- ■!■'!-,, Bvron K. Crowcll SxHSI, with saMMSff address. The Intluunt*

ofths Scboi.r. Minnie K. Aymr Awarding of diploma* anl Hood prise* by tbe

nuperin:enuent of School*. ParlliiR Hymn. Wort* br L»nra K. Nelson Compoier of music and accompanist,

Alice If. Smith

At ibe close of ibe exercises Superintendent

ol Schools Brewiter was int'roduccd and spoke

to tbe grsdnating class as follows:

Young Indies and Gentlemen of the Grad-

uating Class: The motto which you have

chosen. u Pal ma Non Sine Pnlvera"—No palm

without the dust, is to-day consummated. You

bare ruu the race and tbe goal has at last been

reached. You to-day Join tbe ranks ot tbose

wbo nave received tbe highest honor In the gift

ot the Lawrence public schools. It Is your

good fortune thai th^rebas been handed do wa

from tbe flrst settlers of onr New England

short*,—(mm the time when tbe flrst foot

planted from tbe Mayfljwer on Plymouth

Rock—from Roger William* aad hi* gallant

followers, from your forefathers for ages, that

tbelr sons sna daugbtera be they high or low,

rich or poor, should be alike educated at tbe

public txpease. Those hearts of the May

fljwer were noble hearts, and thence came the

noble generosity of our New England of lo

day. It is fur you to ssy whether or no you

ill become worthy sons and daughters ef

sneb worthy men and women asbave Inaugu-

rated and banded down Ibe principles of free

educstlop. All before you is hrdden by an lu-

penetral le veil, behind which for "some of you

may lurk—mint lurk temptations and tempta-

tion*. God grant you to overcome them, one

Hake the best use possible of the

gifts He ha* given yon and at the last great

dsy, were your taients lew or many, may yon

rertlve ihe eternal benediction, "Well done

good and faithful servant, enter thou intu the

klu|dom prepared Tor you."

Diplomas were then conferred upon tbe fol-

lowing of ihe u«*iif*Ti\o CLSIB:

Andover Advertise*. FRIDAY MORNING. JULT. 7. lo82

. Sjostroni the overseer of dyeing

department in Perry's mill, celebrated his

illver wedding last Salurduy, at bis real

denco oo Summer street, and was sur-

prised by a visit of ibe Swedish singing

club "Vega," of Boston, to '.he nnmber of

■-■;». Mr. SJoBtrom look ihnu i . Tu

Hall Sunday forenoon where tbey were

cordially received by tbo president aod

other members of tb'at society. Tnougb

unexpected they were kindly tendered 'ho

hospitality and liberty of the halt snd

during the forenoon and afternoon d<-

llghled the audletccs tbst happened In

with nine excellent selections both

In Srredlsh and English. They are

the best of singers while their leader,

Mr. Sjublad, seemed to have perfect con-

trol over every voice. The singing sec-

tion of tbe Torn Vercln also gave a few

very crerMtable selections, and at noon

time they were ail invited to partake ol a

Inncb which was served In Ibe dialog ball,

well as the occasion permitted. The

Vega Glee Club intends to give a coccert

in the city s^me time next winter, end

we bare no doubt will draw a foil booaa

and make many warm friends.

YVi Ham 11 Rutwtll Helen Clumber la In Juseiih COUIMIO Jr., Byron BLro*eil Ada I Cms* MIL I. !'.•■. s 4arail 1. French Marr 1 OoMtbwalti Florence U Hall

Awarding or dlpli

A* Bound* Tour year, h

Wiih all Hi

tin machine struck the crosslrg and a bard pull for flrst poiuloa biiween Green and be wa* pitched heailly lo tbe g.ouid. His MeOnlre. On ths borne stretch. Oreen rapidly arm wa* very nadir injured, but he plucklly pulled away frost his opponent, aud Tsrrln

A Contract riillnianed.

Cheney A Trambnl) have decided to •top work oo the South Badger Hock, Newbnryport, after completing about on;- ihird of the work tbey bad contracted to do. According to ths contract the rock was to be removed by Wednesday last, bat owing to the swift tide and tos^Bafess of the stone, tbey here beetf unable to comply with the turnis of tbo contract. Hasan. Cheney A Tmmbnll have lost con- slderable momiy oo the Job, an 1 are by ao means dljpcstd t > I'isa any more la

WKTKLHT Uic movement ol the civil service reformers in Lite second district, who have nominated John Qnincv Adams in oppOAtUco to Mr. Harris, will proceed ; we believe ihs republ can [uniy of Massncliusells is in favor of civil semite reform, i.ut not tbe kind or variety to which these self constituted leaders invite us; but there is no end to tho pretensions or arrogance of the latter class, who claim loposnessB within fieir little circle all the wisdom of the age upon political 'COliomy, and this is as x,ood a time,

aod tiie second district as favorable a place as any to test then- strength with the people. Mr. Harris is a sound republican, his views upon the civil service, we believe am those of tbe average republican, of Die great mass of the party; Mr. Adams is per- sonally an unexceptional canditlale)

Now let tba excessively good and pure fellows in that district to go right on. keep Mr. Adams in the field as a can- didate on their platform, nnd let the votes of the republicans of the district dscide on lids issue. There need be no (ear of the result, if Mr. Harris Is the republican candidate, bat we .ball bo better able to Judge of tbe preten- sions ot theae high aud mighty claim* ants that tbey represent the republ: can sentiment of Massachusetts. By all means let Ita contest go on.

riatoon ot Police, CapL Small. Lawrence Braae Band. 11 placua,

E- S. Collln*, leader. Cblalmarahat J. W.Jojc*, chief el *tan*.

Lyman Preacott snd aid*. )-,i .i i.i (1. A. It drum ■■ -i ['■■,

John Parson, leader.

Flril Division Us t>l- !>• f- Oolan, Commanding.

Co r Ntnlb LtsBimenl, t.ieut. I) imivaa command Int.

C.i. H, Ki|blb aUirlmcnt, Caul. John l„Ulb*on. .shttHan <>. Capt P. A. Devlae,

KanneuVa drum airy; at Ilakrr-villt-, N. It, y4ncbeaU-rOadeU.C1pu.1n Lutejuy,

PteiStO. A II, cum lumU-r Joiinr". i|.iK»n. Csrrlaad*contalniaa Ihe Mayor, Preaidcatol

Ihe Common Council and membera ol citjfu* arntnsnt.

Becond [>i*lalon. Patrick ford, Hinhal,

I •terrenes Cornet Band, Lawrence 1< lib Beoerolenl Society,

K. J. Leonard, marshal. Ancleal Order ol flltMirolaa*, Di-laljn 1,

John K.ii-I, in 11 •Mai. Barouclie eooulnlna A, (>. II. banner*, Aoi-n-nt Onlrr n( llljernlant, Uirialon H,

Julio llulcnliy, marshal,

I In 1 1 Diviilon. Ell Lioatllane, marihal,

Itaiouchacoatainlna banner, St. Jtan Daptisl Society, < French II imi,

Uiimoiw. Joaenh,

Fourth DWIaion CoteU Maiinilers, marshal, Haverhill National Band,

Knglurai ■ of Itw t'ira Uepanment Fatner slatlMW T A.B. drum corus

IfOlt* l.-lil-ier Cu. No. I, with iwotruik*. Harry tjulmby, ion-man,

Atlantic t Co., steamer ai.d hoaecarrlaie, W.T.flultilck, foreman.

Tlier 1 Co , *tn*raer and hose carriage, B. P. Valpey, foreman,

Eiaaa t Co., *te*nter and hose carriage, U. 11 Foster, foreman,

Wavlimf tun J Co., "'ea n ;r, ti.iw carriage aid c it ma ii niic r. /.. T. Ilerrlll, foreman,

. 1 till I'm ■ , lieorge IV. smuli, UIUSIMI

Dry good*, grncdr*. biker* etc.

Bialb Dlvlaloe. OeavM W Home, marshal,

Coatraetora, builders, mechanism, and all heavy

",■■,IMIIII U.vlalon, H. O'alBboney, marshal

I.twrenee *tre*t Dv-pariraent team*.

Elgbtb Division, D. F. McCarthy, marahaL

Lawrence beallh department team*.

Tbe ronte of procession was "hort, lh<

distance not being over two and a bait miles, and the lint of march wss taken up promptly, and the ronte was quickly gone over, there being no delays stops. Tbe procession passed through llsverblll street to Broadway, to Essex to Newbnry, to Common, passing In re- view at tbe city ball, where tbe line was dismissed, eacb organisation going to Its respective quarters,


was larger tban waa contemplated, snd

although no elaborate display was made

by any, all made a creditable showing,

and ad ttiil a no unimportant feature to

tbe daya' observance. Tbose who par-

ticipated foliow:

Oswsld 4 Co., hsd a larae wagon, bearing a Vsrroocd pyramid, aarmouallnr wnlob **a a youth dreaaedw repreteat Code fan. At Ihe fear corner* ot tbv base ware ynmb* SUIred to represent England, France. Ireland, O-rmanv, and the wagoo b-ire a splendid display of good* nf American and foreign manufacture.

Kent's bakery had a 4 beeee team.

remounted snd rode oter tbe remaining die-

third man, gu ding his machine with one

baid, the otber banting helplessly by hi* sldi.

Brery one wbossw the accident applauded tbe

g man benrllly. As tbe rider* came np

tbe borne stretch It was seen thai Smith was a

good lint by 60 feet, Cogswell secend and Beed

bird. Keferee Dyer awarded tint prise, a

gold medal, valued Ut <f25, to David Smith, of having won tbe race, distance 3

mile*, in 11 mlnntei, 41 seconds. Tbe second

prise, a gold in;dil valued at flo, was given to

Cogswell, and Mr. Ilu.-.l, who to unlor-

tnnstely letttbi ra:e, wai aeardsJ lbs third

prlsa, a set of ball bearing*, valued at flu.

The race wa* a goat on?, and every one

■eemed pleased. Smith, WJO look the first

irlie,bubeen In tcvoral nee* and know* how

to carry bimielf, btvinr, BJsUsrilas, tba

vantage over his competitor.).

Mr. Heed was Itltsa into C.l. Sherman'*

nildence, where LU Injures were attended 10.


Owing !■! tbe deslro ul Uie iwo vislllng tuniu*

ales from Manchester, to reli rn on the evening

train, the drill waa II.-KUII at t o'clock, one hour

earlier than had been orlc'cally advertlaed, to

ibedisappolnhnent of many, who coming at the

designated U'»e. found the exercltea neaily con-

ctuded; there wna, however, a large number of

spectator*, crowding the rupo on all sldea of the

enclosure. The committee had oOVrtd three

prises for the drill competition, of *!.'.». lloo and

gW, pro*itle,I three companle* eniered, which

•riili.Lr arrangement it waa doublleaa. that

duced ibe third company ji-eacut, contrary to

«ir first decision, tJ compete, aod resulted, ao

ras cninoiri.u.i er reward for axuullenio, t

ironing away at least one ol the rums named.

Col. Uelvln Bealand M. T. O'Sulliran, tbe Ul-

ter having been military In sir in: lor at Ottawa

College, from which he iccenlly graduated, were

oboaen Julgos; within HID onclo.urO were also

Mayor Breen, Aid. Joyce nnd Sounders, Presi-

dent Hutchini, Col. Decker, and other*.

The movement* presented fur execution were

a* follow*:- Manual ol'arm*) loading and flung. Klght

forward four* right. Marching In line, company

rUbt and left wheel. M trolling In llnr, luurs right

and and left about. Marching In line to the rear

march, from column or lour form single and dou-

ble rank. From column of PMM un right and left

inio line lu ainglaand double rank. From col-

umn of Tour*, right and lalt front. Into Hue. Col-

umn of four* right ami letl about. From line,

company right and 1.11 aboul. Bight by two*

and form fuur*. From column ot foura right and

Hit oblmue and halt. Double lime In column ol

fours. From column 01 four* by the right and

lelt flank, ■ Tbe bayonet exercise may be added

10 the foregoing by companlee desiring lode so,

but shall not bo ri^-ui ■■!. Company P., Wh liniment. Cint. D. F. DHan,

1st Lieut. Wot. II. Do wvjn, wa* the flrst in en-

ter^ there waa a solidity in ihe even-

neaa of movement, a preclalon In execntlun,

whieh won admiration uoro the flrst, and the ex-

cellence oflherlrill throughout len vorjlitlte to

criticise, and merited tbe enthmiasim appli

given br the apeciaiora. Notwilhtlanding the

fact that ther* were a nnmber of m*u in lie

ranka whose flrst appearance It waa on a parade,

mere was no break, no nas lead mass, and the

entire drill was smong tbe best ws have witness-

ed in Ibe mil ttla of Masatichuactu, and made a

record ef which CapL Dolaa and bla company,

no lees Man the people of Lawrvsce stay be fairly

reached for second place, and succeeded in

nasiing HcQnirs at ths pimping sutlnn.

Oreen woitbe ratebyS lengths in 30 mlnnles

and .40 seconds, obtaining first money, #10;

Terr'lo second, 97 and Mctiulre third, E3.

The last race was that for Whitehall bos:*.

Mullen and McDonald, Ons and David Tsrrlo,

Dlgnamand Murphy,Wallace and Lorden were

tbe competitgrs. The distance was It

The Terrio brothers won tbe race and Sl3 In

12 minutes U seconl, Mullen and McDonald

second, »9 ,ond Wallace and Lorden third. #6.

Larceny at tbe Hetropolltaa-


The display made by W. H- Burnham, rail

coverrr, was among tbs neatest and most at-

tractive In the trades' processisa, and along the

ronte Mr. Bsrnbetn was presented with revere!


John Kilcourse, a boy dwelling on Lowell

street, died a paper wad Into bis left band,irom

a small pistol.

A boy reilding at 115 Sim street, was run

over by a boras la ths procession, on Lawrence

street- He was tskea 10 Dr. Cbsmberlaln'* of-

fice. No bone* were broken.

Children's entertainments were given at tbs

city ball at 130 and 10 a. m. The ball was

crowded at oolh performances, aid tbe enter-


The police are deserving of ranch credh lor

the faithful performance of tbelr duty. In taking

lucb good care of tbe city during the night and

day of July *tb. Their eaira dnty without

rest, was very laborious.

1 he new brldgi afforded many an excellent

Opportunity of wltnesilng tbe regatta.

Flag* were oltplayad from all ibe public

nnlldlngs an .1 about the city la different place*

Tbe sailing boil Plover tipped over on tbe

ttver, Tuesday afternoon, but ber ('kipper

t-ihn.K-il on Uie sldeot t'i. l.'ua1, aad tbe craft

was lowed ashore.

During the pa>**gs of lbs procession on

Haverblll street, a eenooe ace Ideal occurred:

Advertising blllswere being thrown from the

team among the trades, need by Oswald It Co.

A boy named Reardon, residing on Kim street,

bis eagerness to get one ot the bills, fell, and

a wheel of the besvlly losded team passed over

bis bead and chest. He was uken to bis home,

aad now lies la a precarious condition, bat the

tundlng physician, Dr. O'Connor, bu hopes

of bis recovery.

St. l'atriek's church. South Lawrence, bald a

picnic at Riverside grove, Tnesdsy. There

was a large crowd present. Marler* orchestra

furnished musk for dancing.

Tbe Oermsn Presbyterian church went on a

picnic lotbs Mr. Uiu*cV lar-n on tba airline

road Tatsday. Tbey bad a very pleassat


Tuesday Iba Lawrence base ball dab

played a match game with tbe Methnan nine

on the tatter's groand*. Tha score was 7 to 7,

and was declared a draw.. The Lawrence hoys

wore thslr new uniform* lor the first lime.

Tbey played again in the afternoon st Beverly,

winning tbs game tbsre by a score of 11 to 10.

There were several accident* to boys Irom

explosions of powdsr on foeae and heads.

Nothing BertOM however.

Sunday afternoon Hlcbael Maloney

went Into Thomas Hopilnsun'n hotel on

Common meet and got several pirtl-js to

treat bIra saying; ibat ho bad no money.

k yonng son of Mr. Hopkinson, waa

tending bar. He noticed Maloney tear-

ing over the bar with bis band suspicious-

ly near the money drawer. lie asked if m

what he wanted and be repllud, "a

match." lie wits given one; a <Vw uf n

ntes later, the bar keeper was obliged to

go Into another 100m and when he came

back he went to tba money drawer and

fonnd |6 goon. He notified his father and

they watched Maloney until an officer

came and he was arrested. Ou being

searched 92 in bills was lound. In the

police court next morning tin- judge said

be had no donot but that Maloney stole

tbe money, bat the evidence VISJ not suf-

ficient to bold blm and ae wan discharged,

A Civil Itiuimg'' t'mc.

A rescript Irom the Supreme Coart

orders a new tilal In the case of 1,'zile

Bryantof ihlaclty, against Harriet Tidge-

well and others. This v/as an action of

tort to recover damages sustained by tte

plaintiff by reason of ihe Intoxication of

her husband, Amass F. Bryant, caused

by it qtor sold blm by the deiendant

Tldgewell, who waa a tenant of Allen,

the otber defendant. Tbe jury found a

verdict of 1050 for pla'.ntiff. Exceptions

were taken, snl a new trial Is now

ordered upon the ground that the ruling

of the lower court was too broad. Sher-

man and Bell for plaiolHT; E. T. Hurley

for defendant.

_ m *■■> s»


Margaret A Uirrlu Johu D Man ill Laura K Nelson tlalite B Botilnson Kduli Si. Loe Saundere lieorge K Haundera Margaret Q Scaolon Arthur L Snell AlicuM Bmiih Ursee Wadsworlh (Jharle* W W.I worm i;.-i j I, Weeks

.nd Hood prises, by the

Mupfrlntendentof Sohoala.

Variirig Hymn


Duo*er of mus:o and acceuueatat, Alice M. Smith.

Tha day baa come when we mast part from all we love so wall,

And *adne*a dwell* lo evarv heart, r lael farewell.

Oeeling boura, Aa we nate wtided the lime away

Mid learning's varied flower*.

We hnld to-dar a book of life, A fre*h while page turned o'er;

To u- it ipeak* 01 ceaselsas strife, A ngnt ne'er iemilil beiore;

K.PI Ihe glortou* pi las the rlctora mast Pre** onward every oee.

For there's "no palm without the dnsl," Wllh ease no victory won.

And though our way* must he apart In this broad world of our*,

There anal) entwine about tbe heart sweetaprayaof steaiorr'* flowers;

Bi Iglitincture* ot that ecbool room dear Our mlnda will oft recall,

Tbe pleaaanl scenes of many a year, Uur teacher*, classmates all.

Uur Fattier, uae thy stroeg right arm That shields u* all from ill,

And krap Thou u* from sin and harm Do thou protect u* still;

Grant whan our toilsome war 1* o'er. And sll our Journev done,

Upon the hsppy hesveuly shore The parted shall be one.

in closing the exercises Snp't Brewster re-

quested tbe pleasure of Introducing to the an-

Honor Mayor Beeen, wbo spoke

subitanhally as (allows

Ladle* and gentlemen: We assemble bare

once more to witness tbe consummation of the

eailycblldbood labors of these young ladles

snd gentlemen, and by so doing to testify our

unflagging Interest In these delightful exercises.

tt la with os a day or day*. Tbe nation cele-

brate* its Fourth of July, the commonwealth

It* Thanksgiving day, and no leas enthusiasti-

cally doe* the cityol Lawrence observe ber day

of school exhibition; a day recognised as sit

apsrt to appropriately observe tbo fulfilment of

ihe city's obligation to Its children. ~

yonng ladles and gentlemen for years nave

been lha city's wards—wards that ibe mail

tenderly care for; and from what has been seen

the pan week In onr pab:lc schools, from Ike

lowest to the highest, I can truly say that Law-

rence Is not recreant to ber truit. And thanks

are dae to-day to tbe parents, the committee In

charge, and to all who have helped to raise this

high standard ol which we are so justly proud.

Lawrence now adds her quois of educated

man end women or 'S3—tbe men snd woman

who are tbe coming powers of the world. What

part .then will law! little company p'oj in the

great drama of life? Will It be In keeping

with tbe teachings of all these years ? and fear

nsly 1 answer yes; all tbtt Is right, Is true, Is

just, can be and I* expected from tbem. And

duty there Is, which I most needs Im-

press on yoar minds. Wherever yon go and

whatever circle you may move in, throughout

tbe width and broadih of this broad land, let

yonr dnty always be to grant to where the priv-

ileges you have hero enjoyed—the privileges of

our common school system—which ii

foundation stone

and IIS glory.

The Bcod prises for the pait year were

awarded to Mliars Minnie Elisa Ajrey, and

Edith Si. Lou ".sunders of Ibe graduating class,

and tie benediction pronounced by Rev. Mr, Nibeiker.


which was given in tbe evening at tha city ball,

was In *very respect np to tbe standerd of ins

afternoon exercises. Tbe temporary stage hsd

been removed, the crowd was not uncomforta-

bly large and everything hummed merrily

ibe perpetuation of-its life

The wills or the following parties were

proved on Monday: Eiltt Say ward,

Gloucester ; Thomsn Karri*, Beverly ; Ann

T. Learoyd, Qllsum, N. II-; Wm. C. Ituet,

Manchester bj-'.he-Sea; Samuel Weet, Sa

tem: Samuel Chapman, Maiblehead;

Elizalielb A. Rhodes and Joel Do5d, Er-

nes; Catherine Hamlltou, Lynn; Fanny

Cbspman, Lynn. Sixteen administrations

were granted. Among the Inventories

died were r Thomas II. Frothiniham. of | -.Ions. ■•t|^1J'_^^0^r«lJ,« .°.>1?.^_0™B " We

Salem, $m,fflM-t Thomis Brackett,

Salem, #13.009 65; Henry SchORf, New-

bnryport, **8,6O0 07; Bdward F. Conch,

Newbnrjporl, **-S97 181 Tberon F. Var-

aey, Haverblll, •«.010.71 ■ William Gor-

ton, Essex, *3.SS2S0| Benjamin T.

Blake. Salisbury, > 12.058.

—George Cbsrleton, employed at the

Essex leather boaid mill, sustained a vety

painful fracture of tbe right band, by be-

ing caught In the )aws of a connter-cnl-

Ung machine. Dr. Maftet dressed the ln-

Jured member.

announced the close of the festivities.

Tbe ladies' toilets were unusually attractive, tbe stage was prettily drcorated, the tnnelc ex- cellent and the incoming Fourth all too soon drew a curtain on one or the most successful of our Alumni receptions. Tbe balloting for 01- flcer* of ibe ssfociatton went on very quietly during ihe evening end tbe following was the unanimous reault 1

President, F. E. Clark,

Vice Pre*., Miss E. G. Wsatberbis,

Bee and Trees., G. W. Hall.

Board or control; Ohas. A. DsCoorcey, A.W.

Dyer, Miss Helen Chamberlain.

Several amendments to tbe constitution weie

read which will coma np lor action at Ibe fal

of thssssocistlon. I

this section. _WaU 1 and gaa pipes are being laid

lo Avon street. -The exodus to the beaclit* this week

will be very great. — Postmaster Merrill bsa received bis w commission for four years. —Principal RuaButl, of the Oliver school,

and family, will summer at Dartmouth, N. II.

Iss Kate Flndley, teBcher ul elocu- tion, will be absent on a vacaiUn, until Sept. I«t.

Howe Bros., of Lowell, are doing tbe carpenter Wurk 00 thi new pemberton banking room*,

Choral evening prayer, without *er- vice. on Suu-Ssye, at M. John's church, durlug July and Angust. -•...,

—Miss Jennie Koyer, Jaughter of con doctor JjjnL. Royer, with Mrs. Bust, hav<J «:onu to Trov, N. Y.

-The Lawrence Ulgb School Aluusnl will bold another meeting In the autumn, for the electiou of officer*.

--Mou Jay, after midnight, was the Inaat noisy of any prodiing fourth olJuly, ws have known In Lawrence.

—The firework* were wltnesaed by probably fifteen thousand people, and a'- fordeil gf gratluuallju.

— Farmers are making their annual ex- cursions' to the drug stores for Paris green. The potato bug does IL

—The Pacific, Atlantic and Everett mills, and the E-s-x Company have psid the first Instalment on their taxes for 1881.

—Tbere was a liberal sprinkling of ba- bies, and a lively aggregation of children ID tba crowd on the common Tuesday night.

At the taeatbs of tbe Society of the Cincinnati, In Boston, on Tuesday, Mr. Louts C- Crocker, of this city, was elected a mskiber.

Rev. Hr. Wells officiated at tha Jail, on Sunday morning last, the snrpllced choir of St. John's rsnd-rlag tha mask of (be service.

—If ihere nre not a thousand or more colds resulting from the common exposure on Tuesday night, the people may be con- sidered fortunate.

— Mr. A. JMWUII, until recently a super- intendent at the Washington, haa accept- ed the agency of the Waakesha Woollen Company, of Wisconsin.

—One of Trlckey's horses ran away from North Aoduver Sunday, smashing tbe bnggy to which ha waa attached, and uniting oun of bis legs severely.

— Laun-ntiue Bailey of Qroeelaad has been tempoiarlly appointed assistant su- perintendent of the Industrial School, In place of Mr. Ecott, who LB out of health.

Mr. Frank Cutler's little BOD who liven in SOUIL lawreoce, was ran over sn Monday by a team, aod bis shall crushed

Dr. Chamberlain does aot think be can lire.

The Sui'.iay school of St. John's church, during the months of July and August, Will neet directly after mornln g service. The children' a teivlce will be omitted.

—The walth, which waa contested for by Rev. Fathers Fabey and O'Connull, at the Immaculate Conception chorea baxtar, was won by Father Fabey by a vote of 4.870 in a.**.-..

—Since Jnnbo arrived In tLls country he baa been known to lie down bnt oace, that soou after his arrival, when ha WBS disturbed by dogs. Ue sleeps ID his car leaning againnt tbe side.

—Oar correspondent, Leonard A. Mir- rlaon, Esq., of Wlndhsm, N. 11. was elected a member of tbe Ntw Hampshire Historical Society, at Its annual meeting holdsa at N. H., Jnae 14 1SS9.

The gold watch chain which was pre- sented Capt. Small by the polite force latt Friday evening, Waa purchased of C. W. Eaersoo, the jeweler. The chain Is a handsome pleoe or Jewelry.

Mr. J. A. Utott and wife have gone to Canada to be absent several weeks. Tbe former will meet a brother whom be has not seen for twenty years, and whj haa b Jen located durlug that time at the Black hills.

—There have been two death* In Clasa B, and one in Class A, Odd Fellows' Mutual Bentflt Association of Essex North, during tbe past month. Back CIBSB numbers one thoaaad or Jnore mum- hern, and this is tbs first death which has occurred In Class A for the past Ursa months.

—Fttdsy being the fl'taeatb anuher sary of tbe marriage of CapL Edwla Small, of the polles, ba Invited a number cf his friends to his resldnnca on Com- mon street. A splendid supper was pro* vldad. During tbe evening City Marshal O'Sulllvsn, In behslf of tha police force, presented hlra with a handsome watch chain ami charm.

During the month of Jnae, the tetter carriers in this city delivered fio,8B7 let- ters received by mall, 7937 mall postal cards, t;i:>7 local letters and 7SC5 local postals, ISO registered letters, and 41,146 newspapers. Thuy collected from the street boxes Gt 653 letters for other places, 6674 city letters, 9149 postal cards aad 7,901 newspapers.

—It Is generally conceded that tbu New England hay crop will ba heavier tble year than betore for many years, If, In- deed, It bas ever before been equalled. Tne work of aerarlng it haa already begun in some localities, early cutting being generally regarded aa making tbe beat hay. Backward aa the season has b an, some fields Indicate tbst Its crop has al- ready fully reached Its prime. ' ^—Mr. Walter IL Langahaw, the effl •leak organ,st nf Grace cbnrch, has re celved the blgh compliment of being In vlled to play at Si. Paul's church, BOB-

to 1, during the absence of tbe orgsnlst of tbe latter cbnrch, wbo is to make a pro- tracted European tour. Mr. Langabaw

III aot relinquish Mn position here, faev lag secured a substitute la Miss L<ixte Reed.

The matters between the Eastern aud Boston A Maine roada are still under dis- cussion, but no new facts have been de- veloped. Although the present contract between the two roads expires by limita- tion to-day, it can still be abided by by both roads for an indefinite period, or oni'l ooe of tbe contracting parties ob- jects. This Is what will In at) probability be done, while present negotiations are in pro grass.

—Now that Did Aldermen cdmlt ttat the Duck bridge Ii dangeroos, why not rsplaca It with a aafe and sabstantlal strnct&re. It must ba done soon snd should any accident occur la the mean- while, tbe city could not be held blame- leas. Already sufficient has been expand* ed on th* old bnlk the past few years to bilid a bridge, *qaal If aot superior to that now at the Falls.

Bailroad Tralaa.

Leare Boston for Aadover, 7..10. w SO 10 ts, A, »L; li at., \-i-ni, ».3u. 3.30, 4, B, t, 6.J6 and r. M

Leave 4ndover for itctun. CM, 7.13, 8.0S, 9 Sf, 11.10, A.M., and ».»,S ». 4W, B.», T.0S.9.I3. (Weu.HSB) (Krlilaj. Baft.)*'. M. for A. U.j li.of, 6.51 p. U. Forlhe BastB.114. A.M.; 1-I6,4.t0, fl.BI ,8.4»

P.M. For Lowell, T.t3 ll.M, 11.10,; i.09,t.ll.B.3U,7.v«,il.t3 P. al.

J osUaw.

The mercury a lew days since reached 106 at

Paris, Texas.

A squash ihrse feet long aitonishes Ibe na-

tives of Tamps, Pie.

Tbs family ol William Whitman are at Ksnntbunkport, tie-

No matter bow old a crow-bar may be, It re- main* a* pry as ever.

llev. Liwrence 1'helps is called to tbe First Church, Cnarleilown.

Why do ilurki put tbelr heads under wetct r To liquids!* tbelr bills.

A pnntber killed Thomas Oil Its, near East- man, Os., a few days since.

Tbe way for a desolate old bachelor to secure belter quarters I* to lake a "belter h*l'."

Tommy sikid bis mother If tbs school leacber's ferule was a piece ol the board or ed- ucation.

Rev Jjmrs Q. is ace*pled

Louis, Ho.

Judge Morion snd wife, am Hisses Abbla and L>ia Morton leave tor Little Boars Head, on Sal ut day.

Tbs fbor dausnters ol Betsy O. Truell or Ciiiiii* N. IL, were ihe pall bearers at her rnneral lately.

A North Alabama woman claim* to have cured I eratlf or a cancer by tbs constant use Of clover tea.

Nsvar enter a room filled with people wltb- it a alight bow 10 tbe general company when

flrst entering.

Hiss M*rr P. Gulliver or ibis town was uae of the resent graduates at Smith's Collage, Northampton.

A colored woman known as"Annt Anarchy," wbo recently d'ed in Florid*, was tbe mother of twenty-eight living children.

A little girl on being told that an older sister was only n hslf sister, moornlnlU asked: When will aba be my wbole slater r

Foxes are very plenty Jn Hartford, Ha., and make havoc among the bens and turkeys, some- lime* elso area attacking lambs.

The grave of President Arthur's wife, In Al- bany, Is embowered with day llllles, myrtle, and roses, bnt unmarked by a stone.

Owing to lbs blgh price of beef tbe people ot Tavans. Fie., have taken to eating alligator Steaks, and pronounce tbem delicious.

A little boy in Georgia, wbo wrote to (Unta Clans for a pony, was wise enough to add: Poscrlt; If be Is a mule, picas ty his heblne


Job n Turner of Savannah, after serving oat eight years of a Hie sentence for mnrdsi. la the penitentiary, has proved his Innocence and been released.

Tbe Virginia City, Nevada, papers, are se- quacious over a rhubarb leaf sevsnleen f<At In circumference, -said to have been grown near that city.

Among th) prominent gentlemen in attend- ance upon she anniversary of D*rtmonlb Col- lege. June 27th, was Rev. W. J. Tntktr, D. D., of this to we.

Mr*. James It Hnrrav and SOB of Cincinnati, O., Hist Laela K. Clsrk of Wellrsley College, and Charles Toale and wife of Denver, CI., are in town on a vtalt.

"Ton just lake a bottle or my medicine," aald a qnack doctor 10 a consumptive, "and you'll never congh again." "Is II so fatal a* that r" gasped the patient.

Hiss Agnes Fnlilay and Hiss Isabella Rosier, who bars resided- In Abbott Village fur a few years past, left town on Saturday tor Scotland, where tbey intend to remain.

George C. Carrqp of the last class of lha semlnarr, bss sccepted a call to Waytoad, Edward D. Curtis to Wabpeton, Dak., end June* W. Flegg to supply al South Rvtgaic, Yt.

Hfticu* Morton, Jr., and three of bis colleger claiamattjs, left Boston for Csnlre Harbor, on Wedntoday morning. Thence tbey traverse the Fran con is and White mountain* on foot, for a couple ol weeks.

During tbe late storm In Indiana, a water ■pout Is ssld to have chased a railroad transL rblcb made Ihe best lime possible 10 get ont of ts reach, and succeeded. Had It aot, the ra- ult might have been terrible.

A thirteen years old girl at Baron Tevrc- boutie L . Las a tight brown beard iwrj Inches long anu v.-ry heavy, except upon her Upper lip. But for ibe latter clrcumslanc* abe might cultivate e stnnnlng moustache.

Thirty-hv«candidates for aiiroiuion to Yale College were examined al Phillips Academy last week by professois ol ths college. Uo*t of ibe nnmber recently graduated from Fblmpa Academy and otbera came from the vicinity.

Hiss Florence HaiUn of Cromwell. K», married Thomas Straiten, bat when an oM sweetheart appeared on tbe scene she conclud- ed abe loved blm beat and left ber husband- Both men want away, aad (be ha* neither hue- band nor lover.

The richest newsboy In the country is said te be Mike Hyklns of Denver, Col., who Is Bap- posed 10 be worth g.W.OoO, wbkb Is Invested la real estate. He still continues bis vocation, and in connection with his newspaper stand has a boot black's chair.

Mule Willie to Mr. Jones, who Is quite at- tentive to Wllie'a widened mamma; "Mr. June* how came you to have such a bald bend of hair ?" Hr. Jones, who Is not as dry as ho koks. and bai been ba the fur trade : "Why. Willie, I neglected It owe season and ths moth* got Into It."

Tbe worst cnt np man or the hour, according? 1 a Cleveland napr, la that western reporter,

wbo In describmg the appearing of tbe belle or ■he town at a local picnic, intended to asy thai she looked au/uit. but of course the types bad to gel it "all led "

Tbe Lowell city government modestly ask tba selectmen of Andover to appoint thirteen clil- seneof tfastrity, wbeee names are given, ea policemen lor one year. IT parties from Low- ell visiting Haggetis Pond and ihe Grove near Ballard Vate, riqulre aucb s force to keep them in order, tbey bad belter stay at homo.

I think a bath dally would be beneficial la

Young, or middle-aged men, ibftVlag from nervous dabiilty, snd klwdrid c flection I, a* Ion er memory snd hypochondria, sbonld IneloM

three susebs for Fart VII of World's Dispens- ary Dims Series orpampblctl. Address World* Dispensary Medical association, Buflalo, N. Y


renlied Pledger* In a feeble voice, "I took ■ batb once, a year or two ago. I felt batter for a while, but It wasn't long before I was aa bad as ever, and 1 have been growing worse ever


Fitting emblems are not always appreciated. Tbs neighbors of a poor fellow wbo dleu, erect- ed a tomb stone to bis memory, and bed placed above It tbe conventional white dove. Iho widow looked at It through ber tears, aad said "It was very thoughtful to put it there. John wee very lond ot gunning, and it was aa especially suitable emhlem.

They were riding in the horse car past tha poet's door, when one of ibe ladle* remarked : "Thai's Longfellow's hone." "lsltf "re- ■pondtd Ibe otber, carelessly. 'Ye*," said tbe flrst. "And don't yun sdmlre Bxcelslorl" "No, I doo'l," replied lady No. 3, wllh enetgy. "I bale it. 'them's nothing like curled balr, alter all. ib n ;b busks ain't so bad 1 bat I wouldn't have excelsior again In my house."

Lad week's issue contained two lustily written and brief letters from tne Catsklll mountain*, giving Ibe route ol the Press ex. cnrsionlft* in nacbint that charming locality and eoma ol tbe pleasant experiences of tha party on the trip, snd while tbere. It Is un- necessary lo stiempt in detail to describe all ihe objects ol interest among Ihe mountain*. To be fully appreciated tbey maat be seen end en- Joyid. Daring our stay of two days the Una was wsll occupied In ilgbt seeing and vet msny points of interest were not vitlted. A, meeting of tbe )oint association* was held on Monday evening at which a large number of apeeches were made, and resolution* pawed la commendation ot tbe landlord of tbe hotel and Ibe official* nf the steainboata and railroads rat tho admirable accommodation furnished, Tbe proprietor ol the hotel la George Ilsrdlng, Esq., of Pbllalelpbia, wbo I* ssld to bare expended, more than a million of dollars in the porches*, of the lands, erection aad furnishing ef th« buildings, making roads, Ae. Capt. Kd. A. Gillette formerly of western Massatbuaotts, Is tha lessee and landlord and has expendtd la Improvement* the present season about #75,000. Tbe whole badness of tba establishment In lbs year Is coinpre*s*d Into less iban thieo month* and there must be a particular cscesity of "making bay while tbe snn shines."

Bsrly on Tuesday momljg the party reluc- tantly bid the landlord good bye, and ,wei« Uken to Catsklll landing fourteen miles dli- tant, In carnages. Tbe ride was dcllchtlul at d occupied two hours. Bmbarkingoo the steam- er C. Vlbbard, aod after dinner was served, while gliding down tbe besulitnl river opposite Pokeepste, the editor* or that place honored ih9

sxcursioals s with several rooting salutes. The party soou landed at Wast Point and warn courteously received by Gen. O. O. Howard, th* commandant, on the park, anil after slew- ing ibe government buildings and cemetery, were ntvored with a concert by tbe military band of tbe post. Tbe library and picture gal- leiy were of special Interest. The fast [steamer Mary Powell, conveyed the party back to New- bnxgb. Landlord' Baldwin ol lbs Baldwin bouse gave a cordial welcome and furnished aa excellent supper. In the evening 'Messrs. Hesdley, Graham and Chapman of tbe Wash- ington headquarter* commission were Intro- duced to many of tba company, and by their polite invitation, the next morning, that histor- ic place with Its many relic* of tbe Kevolutlun- ary and Mexican wan. was visited. Crossing tbe Hudson by lbs CUr of Nswunrgb, ihe party entered tbe cars ol the Nsw York and New Eniland road at Fnhklll Landing, for home, la a special train. Haitrnrd was reach- ed at 1 o'clock and here the party began to fits-

Csrse to tbelr several destinations. A majority owever, stopped nrsr an hour or two, to ice>

what was to be seen, and took otber iramifor ■ hair homes. la closing Ibli brief sketch of a most enjoyable, excursion we cannot refrain from acknowledging onr ipeclal obligation* lo the president of the association. Francis Proc- tor of Gloucester, sad bis associate member* of the committee of arraagemant* lor their felici- tous conception of tbe trip and Its success!u 1

aad satisfactory eonummaUon. F.

■ '

Grass eticii JO ; IM ■Jveriliomta'a. How lu mske a ilo* botsa tut—don't feed

Blag. lira. Annie Cjle of Penbjdy. I* In loan on '

vlait. a moose tu seen la Athens, M ■■-. ■ r>w dey*

■ l nee. 1 be most popular graenbacker I* a water


Adam missed oneol tbe luxuric* of life. Hi couldn't IIUK'I in bli sleeve

Topic for next Wednesday evening meetings Blessed are the meek. Mai'. 5, fi.

A Norwich woman who li harassed liy debt, often ber wooden leg lor taki for #JW.

At Laarlnsbnrg, N. C, ■ n*gro child, wai bora with a full net of wbitkerfand r.ioinui'le

Rdward Blancbard of Eaat Bangui, and Mn C. T. Dotloff oi Concord, N. 11, arc In town visiting friends.

A cbeitnnt horse, probably stayed Irom a psstarr, IU found yesterday alieraoon. He I* at A. L. Prey's attbic.

Alwln, daughter of Alexander Westnn, iu drowned in Pjor'e lllll pond, at Prye Village. yetterday arioru>jn.

B. Frank Smith and family and Mi-te* K >te P. Jenkins tod Alice Rogers are on a omi« trip to Norway, Mr.

Tha employee of tbe Bmltb and Dove Man- afactarlng Company, will take tbelr annual ex carelon this year to Salisbury.

Mra. Sapbrcula A. Gray li visiting friend* In WakeDeld and other placei In ill- sinie, acd Will probably visit, Conn., before her ret am.

Hon. Msrcui Morton of this town, bts re- ceived tbt degree of LI, B., from Harvard Collage.

N. Herbert Ulark, formerly nl tbla town, bae established himself ai an apothecary at NJ. BO Oak street, corner of Hudson, Boeton.

A chance i* being mnde in tbe interior ar- rangeraenl* of tbe pott ifH.'e. wblcb, win n

-mpleted, will furnlih mneh better accomrao-

A men In R stherford county Tens., who baa been a firmer for more thin fllty yean, bat never owned a wagon, but doei at) bli banting on a drag.

Herbert A. Moody of Lawrence baa par- abated the Nathan Clark farm In tbe Weat Perish. It will be occupied by bli lather. Al- nan 8. Moody.

Cbarlta Cnmley of Bnncook, N. IT- li 101 yean old. He wee born in County Cork, Ire- laid, and ernl. i jted to Ruocook In 1951. He i» wow quite feeble.

An Illlnola gentleman advertises In the 11trl- ford Coorant that he wantia wife. Ilia qna- iricattons, aa given by blmieir, are a loug beard and none money In bank.

A Colorado conetable went to arrest a e'ren* man. whereupon the latter entered the llon'e eage and tauntingly invited tbe Deaotf to Join hfm. Tbe constable (adly withdrew.

Willie Cellar egad 10 years, son ol A, R Col- lar of tbe Wee* Parish, fell Irom a tip-cert on Monday afternoon, and received extensive ln- Jnrr of tbescalpand fradare if tbeikuli.

A c loo d-burst atrnck a cbarcb p'c ilc at K k Horn, Wle., wbile tbo partv were returning bonne, tbe other day. and demolished one of tba coacbea. Injuring eeverel of the occupant*.

Prot. Jobn P. Gnlllvergava thebwcsliinreule eermon at Welle College, Am on, N. T, re- cently. Mra- GQlllver end daughter* been at Smith's College, Northampton, and Nor* Wlrb, Conn.

Hagan A Howard have the building of 'be faca wall at the Spring Grove Cemetery. Tne wvejaoaala per rod were R-t*an ft Howard, Slo - »; H. A. Haywsrd, 917, and H. S. Blake or Metbaeu, 818.

An Inleraating missionary concert was hi II at the Free chuno laet Sunday evening. It-v. H. II. Lesvlit spoke partlcnlarlr of the mission srr wort In Japan, In which he bad been cogged •even! yean.

A Rower known ai tho Raffl-sta Arno'di. which li over a yard In diameter and weighs about fbarteen pounde, It now on extinction nt Berlin. It It the lereett Bower In tbe world and It foand only In Java and Saonatre.

A dog at Banter, On, meets gureti at the grate of bit mailer** retldence, etcorll tbrm In aha house, and then, goee to the yard and catches chicken* for tbe day'a dinner, boiling ibem till tba mlitrea* comet and killt them.

We have received from Janve K. Murray another number of ibe Musical Visitor, A* bit MM lair arrived In town aeveral d*y» alnca ow • vUlt, It would bo perfectly natural pi s-o James toon among bla numerous frlendt la this vidnlty.

Tbeaaaaaeort furnish tb* rollowlnc flrurei; Real et.ate, tW.ftW WW1 Personal estate, 1.003 01*

•3W8 780 Kate ol taxation, $6 50 on 81 000 Number of poll*, 1003

L. A. iialknep bappenod to be In We-tboro • faw itay* alnca, and bought at anc ion a ■ptemdld farm of M acre*, wuh fine hnii ll>es, criiaei-d In tbe village, for abont 911,000. It It ■ot Mr. Bclkiap'i Intention to remove Irom (hit place to occupy the newlv purchased pron- nctv Bat to lay out the land Into bouaa. los anal aelltbem. There li no doubt tie will mix* a handsome turn la the Irantaciion.

The Homo Missionary and Missionary II -r- ald far July, each acknowledges the receipt of #300, and the American MUiionary lor July, acknowledge* the receipt of 9000 being iu«acle« la tbe will of tbe late Hermrwt Abbott ol tiii i town. Theeame number of the American Mis- sionary ai*o acknowledge* the fbllowlna re- ewlptt: Free church and aoclety, 9133 50; Chapel cbarch. $V28:r, and the Pree church Sabbath arhool 910.

The whereabouts of absent Andoverlaai: Fraf. Aaatio Phclpa, Ruv. F. H Johnson and Oeorga W. W. Dove, with their families, are at Bar Harbor, Me. Dsnala Thompson, E. G, Coy and D Y. Com stock, with tbelr families taw! Misses Florence Locke and Marion L-wka, araaaataw.Bana.nk. Me. lira. S. F.Abbott and Mies tucy French an at Hampton, N. II. Joaeph W. 8-nltb and family are at Biddeford Pool, UP. Miua* Kate A. Findley and Fan- ale Smith are at Boothbay, Me. Mr*. Mary Roes and Mltiee Jtnette M. Smith and Arties F. Smith are at Saratoga, N. Y.

bon-flrei, and other demonstration* of Joy and rejoicing. Tba bell* wore rung mornlag, noon ggj nbtbt. and national flig* were flung to the tjratM There was no general celebration dar- Isg tba day, bat a party of anoett twenty la. aUetand gentlemen, vlilted Spoflord'* grove, ■forth Aadover pond, and bed *n rnjoyihle tlawMiahiac tnd parukina or an excalient cbowdar. Othan went to Lawrence, Lowell and North Andovar, where areater ettractione were praeeaaad. In the afternoon a balloon was aam la tba direction of Lowell, and In tba eve- ning rockets ware seat up and other fireworks displayed from the residences of Jadge Morton, I'tof. Cburcblll, L. F. Cotter, J. W. Foster. Rev. Charles Smith and other*.


Laair/tbbatb two person* were received Into Ik* MuthoVItt cknrcb, by profession. There Is an increati.1* Intersil and attendance mini- testad. A flor.'l concert wa* held a few Sab* bathe since whldit we* a decided tnecet*. A •irawberry feativtl waa held on Friday eve- nlnf. Pine elngfng by the choir and good reel. tatioaawf MUM** Oora Holland Sarah fel- low*. Net receipt* nearly S40-


Dr. Morrlll sailed for bone last Saturday. Bar. A. F. Newton, of lowosend, will preach

at Us Cong relations I church next Sunday. There area a pleasant social assembly at the

Qaawawaaawawa angine house, Monday evening. Ray. Asatsj 0. McKoaa is temporarily Ailing

tbo position «f assistant to tbe pastor of tba Catholic church, alConcord, N.H.

Mra. Abigail Boardman. a lady nearly 85 Jears of age. fell last Monday. *hd broke her

ft in. Sba *u attended by Dr. Wall- Bon. John A. Wiley bas purchased the balld-

lags and about thirty-four acres or land, on the Samuel Barker place of Gen. K'u-n f.uiion.

Miss Nellla Fuller, residing at lMCheatnut •treat. Lawraboe, fell from a lending/to the around at tbe residence or Mr. John Donnelly, corner or Water and Cbnrcb street*, last Fri- day evening, and fractured ber lelt arm. 8ne we* conveyed to her homo by Mr. John Mor- ion.

Mra. Harriett, wife of Edward Kerihaw ■assed away at ber residence, Wednesday men, At 12 o'clock, aged 73 yean, 9 month*. Shi «va* highly respected, and ber death Is much

■doplorad "be leaves be.-.i le* ber butbsnd a SWQ and daaghter—Mr. BenJ. Clarke and Mrs Chat. Coleord, of Lawrence. The funeral Mr- vice* are to occur to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock attb* Matbodist Cborcb. Rev. P. M Vinton will oflcisl-, assisted by Rtv, Mr. Wo! coit, of Lawrence.

At a meeting of the Trinitarian Cungrage- tkmal Congregational Church, held on Wad- needs? evening last, It waa unanimously voted to extend a call to tba Rev. II. II. Leaviil. ol Andovar, to btome tbo paator of this cbnrcb and people, and Dee. Geo. L. Davis, Den. J. H. -Stone, and N. P. Frye, Rsq , were chosen a 40c&Blitee to act with tbe society in furtbar- •aca ot the matter. D-n. J- D. Klmbali acted eta moderator. Joseph H, Seaborn was ele.led deacon to All the vacancy occasioned by tba death or Da*. Kir* Clark.

The following ofltcen of Wsawlnet Lodea, Odd Fellows, were installed Wednesday eve- nine: by 1> D. G M. Jsroee Hntcblnsoa or Lawrence : N. «., Krvsn E. Chaeley ; V. (I. 3 A. Kllleon |H. 8, George A. Keniston F, 8.. Charles A. Pilling; treasurer, Q*o. B. Kersbsw; warden, Divld Mitchell; O G , Charles Huitrrworthi I. (» , C. I. H. Shedd: conductor, Prank Coan; R. 8. N. O. Wm. Stackpole: L. S. N. (J., Geo. A- Smith | R B. 8., Daniel Fernaudts; L. R. 8., William Hallldav. J .1 chaplain, Moses Merrill; U.S. V a.; Daniel W.Sntcllffej L. S. V. G., Wm. Mschie.

Mr. Clarence H. Sergent died Tuesday avenlng, after a two year'* Illness of consami - Sm He wes one of the party of seven, five of asbam were drowned In Lake Cochlchewick by the upsetting or a sail boat, In Jane, 1671. In company with another gentleman be swam for lb* shore After reselling the same be observed hie companion sinking, and although In an «i- haneted condition be bravely laced danger and rescued him. He was of a Quiet disposition and well Itked by numerous acquaintance*. Hut age was 11 year*. Faneral services will be held at bis home this afternoon si 2 o'clock. Delegations from Lawrence Lodge, of which he was a member, aad Wanwlnet Lodge, Odd Fel-

i, are w attend.

A stabbing affslr happened about 11.40 o'clock, Monday evening, at North Aidover, tbe particular* of wbieb follow; Thomas Hav my and Michael McKone bad played several fames of domluoa In Cooper's saloon. Main Street, and upon going tt the bar for tbe pur pose of settling for the same, a dispute aroea as to tb'> numiiiT of gaaaa eacb had won and lost. A wordy wrangle was followed by a tlstcuff en- fointer, when the proprietor separated the com- bitants and ordered tbem from tba saloon. 1 in i paesed out. and upon reaching the pktssa mr imile wi» renewed, the result balag that diverts received three ml* In the bead aad

in the lull shoulder. Inflicted by a knife, It id. Haveny's wounds, which are But •*-

rlouc, wuo drctaed at his home oa Water street. Meltons, who is a resident or Lawrence, eas not arrested.

Friday evenlnc of last weak, tba pupils of >li-» Hattta E Manning musically entertained heir parents and ft lends at ber resident* on

K'III street. The *a*eral Bumhers of tba (ol- io* mg programme ware very creditably pa- lot ratA :

(ItSKUKLASOHK, 1S0»-1HI7 ] I>no Maadclssohn

Mlssae Slillinis and Calkins Kinderstuoke No 1 Mendalaaohn

HaUle Rerne Tbe I'llfbt Mendelssohn

■die CUtke

<truss Auctions. IN NORTH ANDOVKB.

Oa Friday, July L«t|SL a. sis acres of ■rase on the Ueoi-g* French piece,

IS AMKJVEK. Oa Friday, July 7,al t p.m.,t)ua^raa of era**

on Maplj Avenue. *L»0,

game day, 31 a.m. three acre* of iraee near NstOau t. Aunott's.

ALat) Sasaaday ate p. sera and a naUofgiaa* no Baleas »lr*»t. near the house of srederlok fsymoads, Jr. The three Isptpleees tie ton f to Joha H. Flint.


Santa day al 0 p. m., all the grass standing oa the estate Of Mar. M . G. Pratt OU ftehool street.

ftlgft. On Tuesday, July 11th, at * v «•■ all tba eraas

sUuding on the -Hu, r*raHaear the Wast ratlsb Cbnrcb.

UKOEGR FOflTRH, Auctioneer.




Mead alss oho

Uestar Louie Smith Duo Mendelssohn

Mimes Carrie and Edna Holt Tii ■ First farty Hendelooha

Annie Ulane.bard Roey Checks Scboulactt Rlakel

Anna Courrier GonJclIled Uendelssoba

Delia Maserve Fleecy Cloud MendLl.sobn

Bertha Msuclsf uiner Boy's March Mack

Master Chaitle Smith Tilo Cseray

Misses Blood, Maanlag, aad Poor S.tni G. L.O.«ood

Mis* Jewatt T] ■ 'im |. Dehuer

Sarah Patterson ilorninn HJHJ Mendelssohn

KJna Holt Shermai.-* March Helen

Alloe Ktrerolt Oondoline Mendelssohn

Fannie Calkins

Misses Patcrson and Millar Mareareta WatUoa

I) ii:i Uaralon Hcbcrsa, Ou. 10

Nellie Stllllngs Connlence

Carrie Rait Tarantella

G lie McClary Klnderstueke Ho 0

Binncne Poor Trio

Uiaecs Clurke, Meserveand Palcraoa liiilepriKlenre I>ay.

The ob*ervance ol the Fourth at Njrtk An- dovar was marked bv a progrimme ol anusual

Tit. and one whlcb gava universal aatlafac- B. O.* cjurse i:ie morning was ushered in

with tbe cuetom iry dlvereions of tho jouneor element of tbe popilailon, and tboaa who de-

rid iu aleep went forced to submit to the tlmt- honored n iw of patriotisB Incident to tba early hours. Appended will be found a summarized tint nl ibu day's baponniuga;

_ ieuni'.tiur-s and horribles, under the eom- maad or Jo*. C. Ducbemay, with ,1. D. Preston as sdj-ltant g ti:rsl, a number o( aids, msils a very Bne appearance, aad produced nmust- iiirt'. lor crowds of spectators who lined the route or march. Following tba aid* was a pla loon of youthful police Next came the Jambo brass band, consisting of 2(1 nieces, under tbe leadership of II. B. Foster. This wai an attrac- tive feature of the parade. A take off on tbe X. na base ba'l club told a tale on a banner as

IISJKS; "Ever victorious (in our minds); ways second best; can playaguo.l practice

jsifl. with Kids; easier to win In tie boirlbl * ilian on the diamond." Tba Bradford drum corps, who kindly volunteered their services for tltediy, re dieted rredll on themselves. R'p Van Winkle, leading a ho ind, personated n> ttibrn Rilljt, was a capital bit. A peculisrly constructed baroacbe, containing the orator and tbiee invited gaeatf, cnmeln foraehareof com- ptimonu. It wa* lettered "1770.' ••1B82," 'The ui >t ir of the day," and "We bg guns ride with the orator." Snpt. Btone of Hi* Pacine M ■in waa cleverly represented la a we l-deelgn- ed form of an elephant, whlcb wa* crushing the prostrate form of a supposed workingman. v,in-.' i- contatolne; a scatfjM Iran which < (usp>aded an ettrj lahaJled "Chanea J. Onl- tou." nude cinslderabla fun. Several of the principal characters familiar to all conversant with the trial and execution scenes were also representeiT. Tbi old man and lady from tbe farm ware failhlulty lllaatratad'hy two gentle- men properly coiinmeJ. Tea finding of cloth in tne ilver In rear of tbe Pacific Mill* furnish- e.i a sui.j.ict for amusement, and waa well' iu . From tbe Inscriptions we select the following: "policemen Ind endless cloth IntosHrer." "1110,000 for JninLM—40 cts. Tor spinnere." The pointed local fait, however, *.■ .» that touching Davit & Furbur'* apparent |i einrence lor a oertalo natijualiiy. It was a li/ure sfmbo:iu of tba emigrant steamship, "I iwaJ whb a cargo oi llvlngl, r) freight eun- sbtnai totbe above-aamed Arm. Several dl-

nutlso spoclmaoi ot humaalty are supposed nuve served aeveu years' afprentlceshlp at

e in H'timim'. trade. In reply to an assumed n/iestton, "Are you a mod machinist ?"■ a sign -lowed a sentence si follows: ' Tin not much

in J lathe, hut I'm a bugger at vise." An ad- irjbis sequel to a last year's hit was that baar b lbs words, HDcB Rock Cemetery.'* Be. ■alb a sod led mound, shaded byanumberof I is tu re trees, reroted a casket containing the

city of i.iwrence. The fallowing notices ap- peared: "Interred It North Andovar, July 4th, iu81," "Raeirreetcd July *tu. 188*2" A de ciileilly antiquated csrriage contained n doctor dreeted in grotesqte ha nil'meat*. In addition to lbs features nlluded to I beta nere a numb.r of praiseworthy one*. After marching over tb* route, tha procession prucaadad to JefT-reon flquiia whtrj tbe city of Lawraaea wa* reaar- rected, previous to which an oration, puoctur d with laughable expressions, waa delisarad by Mr. Frank W. Prttbee, who was Introduced by Mr Lewis A. t'oye. Sabttqieatly coffee wa* servHd to those partipH|ting.

1'iii-s were awarded, t* follow*: 1st, ■ 10 to the "Emigration Team;" 3J, tpS. "Jumbo Stoati" 3J, f I. tbe "Orator's Team;" 4th, M. -roe Resurrection*"*, f 1. "Blp Van Wlnkl.."

John J. Burke won tbe first pm s, 915, la ti a ,'go as-vou pleato," and Mclnne* tbe •econd, 010. Barke's lime wag Mm. «0s., and Mc- lanea' Wm. 17*. Otrvlh dropped oat on iho •econd lap, aad Ryan oa the third.

There were four entries la tba blcytla race Qeo. I.. Wright, Frank M. Downing, James Woodhonse, Jobn E. Smith. Wright won the first medal, and Downing tbe second.

Tbe following contested forth* alow Mcycla race prixe. a bicycle bonk carrier: Geo. L. Wright. Prank M. Downing, A. D. Blancberd, Chse. Robinson, John B. Smith. Tha oral named won.

la tbe 163 yards' dub. the four conteiiant* crossed the line in tbe following order: Jamit T. Carroll, Lewi* Melon**. Pater Wilcox, Al- bert C'onieau. 1st priau, «tt; 21, #9.

Tbe aspirants for honors in the children's ve- locipede race were Wm. Morrlssey, John Down- alag, Henry O'Brien, Bertie Wanton. The priae, a silver cap, presented by Mr. Duncan Wood, ol Lawrence, was won by tha Morrlssej boy.

The first prlis of 83 in tb* swimming rare was taken by John Smith, and tha second, $2, by Geo. Haoaford. Distance, 2>J yards. Time, 4m 10s.

Michael HaverlT. Geo. smith, aad Wm. Hav- erty pursued two ducks which were placed IB Hodges Pond. Tbe first-merit ion el succeeded In capturing one of the ducks watch waa tha priae,

Tbe following boy* atiamntad to secure a li*)- t'lsced on tbe end of a greased pole which projected over Hodgee Pond: Wm. Haverty, Qeo. Smith. Michael ilsverty, Tho*. Siotlnson, Fred O'Brien. The 8intl**on boy approached nearest tbe coveted o'-Ject and waa awarded tha priae, f2.

Tbe forenoon sports terminated with the above. In the afternoon there waa a hardlo race on the Simon baa* ball grounds. The dis- tance wa* 300 yard*. Priatai 1*1, 81) 3d, 83. There were three runnen—Jamct T. Carroll, John T. Itvsn. Lewi* Mclnaee—and Ibe Oral two mentlonad won tha priiea la Ian order named.

In the baa* ball mat-ch, between the North Andovers end -I'.mst, for 830, tba former won by a score of 13 to o. Mr. Win. Q. Merrill, of Lawrence, was umpire.

Wm. Pickles, (l.o. Smith snd Barld Mitchell participated In tns quoit mstcb for a priae of 83. Mr. Pickles won.

Michael Haverty, Qeo. Smith, Ja«. T. Carroll, Peter Wilcox, Wm. Harem, James MrRroy, Jobn T, Ryan and Jobn J. Burke entered tbi 3 legged race. Tbe first two previously men Hound were successful. Prii*, 89,

An excellent dtiplay of fir* work* and a band concert la ibe evening terminated tba day'* uelebration. A moat pleating feature ol tbe day wa* tb* admirabls music furnished by Ibe llaverblll Cornet Hand, which was stationed at vsrlons place*. In the numing Hon. J, A. Wiley entertained the band at bis residence.

Tbe committee, of which N. V. Frye, Esq. te chairman, are to be congratulated upon tbe success of the o'wervanea,

Try a pound nl that 35 cant black lei ■old by C. C. Toropkliia, apothecary and ileu I IT lo test*, Mala Struct, comer First.

FOR SALE- new houre pleasantly located on Puuehard

Avenue, nearly opposite' fark atreat; or would let a good tenement In sense, to a lamllv haytag no small onlllren. For further particulars ai'ply mU. F. BHAuaoM, cornsr Summer street nod Punebanl Aveana. tf|etu>

WOOD & COAL White iih ant Franklin Coals.

HARD AND MOPT WOOD. fraparad.lidaalrad.

yon 9*1.*. Rr

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. O d*rtreotived,abd lilllssetlln'st

J. a.OHARDLMal'8

OooosllePost OtMce.

Casstanasswaallhi mt i, aa. PROBATE COURT,

To the Hairs of Kin, and all oilier parsons Interested In tha eeialo at

K[.i.xnKr.ani,n Pa-svirsoro-*, late of Andnvai In said county (wife Of John C. Fennlngiou,) deceased,

UEBITIXO Whereas, aoertaln inslmmant, purporting to

bethelastwllland lastataenl or said deceased, has bees presented to said Court, for Probate, br Jobn C. Penaiafton, who prejs that letters te.taosentary may be Issued t > him the s see a tor therein ostred, and that lee may bauaamplfrom sulna a surety or snrellee oa hie bjnd. for the rea.oes aliened la said petition.

Kssex, oa the second Monday of July, next, at nine o'clock before noon, to snow cause, If any yon h ive, aealnst Hie same. An I said John <J. Pennlngtna is hereby directs.! lo give public uotlie there*', by publi.hlm this citation ouca aweek, lor Urea euooasslve weeks Iu ihr newspaper called tbe


printed at Lswrenc.e.lhe last uubhcatlon to be tnodavsat least before said court.

Witness, utM-nox T. CMOATB. Rsq., Jadge of stld court, this t-Jlh day of June, In learner one. tboujsnd eight hundred and alablv-two.

leiJ tDjvT J- T. MARUMBT. Betister.



Cornar of Central and Brook 81s


tha aubaoilbar ha* been dulj appointed linliil.trator ot ibe estate ol

PAUL P. PILLIBDBT. late of Andovar, In Iba county ol r.iscx, farmer, docexsod,

and bas lakes npcm himself that trust, by giving bonds, as tba law directs, ail persons havini demands upon she estate of said decessad are eijiilred to exhibit tne ssrue; snd all persons iide tiled to said estate are railed upon to make

payment to ■ ■—■■ noin r.


GEORGE S. HOLDERNESS, Practical Up h >lttnrar and Furniture


Parlor -isiH Rasy Chair* and Lounges mnde lo order. UaUroaso' made ever. Feather Bad* eteaaaed. Uardnar's Porforatad Seat* a spec- ialty. Carnal* cleaned and laid, and Kbadee baas. RSBUX ftt.eel, next Memorial Hall, An- daear, tirdera solloiled and promptly attended


BKNJAMIN B. TI'TTLK has bou^lil of J. U. Pariln ibe local express and Job'

buaineee formerly or M. K. White. UBS lobbing, umvins of olanos, furniture, etc reasonsblc prices. I'sironsr- Nolieited. let

BRADLEY * PARL1N, Mercbaa- failors and Dealers lrClolhin», Hals, Caps

and tients' Furnishing Goods, Main Street. Andover, Mass.

DB. J. C. PENNINOTON.-Cfflce and residence oier Draimr** book-store. Main


DB. 0. X- ABBUTT.-Offlc«Bnd Baal Henea attdrs. Bben Tyler's, Main Streat,

Andoyar. Offlce hours t-ios. m., 1-3 and after p. ss. UdeoS _

EDWIN H. BAUNAKD, Pal on o*, Ola- ■Ing, Urainlng nnd Paper Hsntlng. A

It o lass irlmentoi Room Paper constantly oa baid ind fur tale, bnop nVwM St. my it lv

EPIKE, Tin, Barthatti and Wooden a Ware; Repairs Pumps, Stoves, Fur-

naces, ecc. dolo agent for Magec stoves, ran- ges and:rurnsces lor Andover nnd vicinity, order* promptly ntianded to. Park street, Andover. aovTlvr

BURY GUFF, Painting. Graining.

drop a postal in Poet Uhsee. aolsw it

JOHM H. DEAN. MerebeDt Tailor, Dea'er In Clothlnc nnd Uent's FiiiDltblnf

(toodsoiallkiads. liar men ts made in tbe latest fashion and warranted to tit. Beiialrlng, clean- ing nnd pressing done neatly. Main atraat, Andover. novlf lyr -

McLAWLIN A BAKER.—Baaldea our regular line of Builders' Hardware, we

• half make n specially of Farm'ng Implements this season. r-Juwa. Cultivators, Mowing Ma chine*. Uor.e Uskes, etc. Also a lull assortment ol Bhorels, **orks, Hoes. Bakta, Opades. eto. all at the lowesl prices.

M181 HKl.KN D. HOLT, Piano and Oman Tetcner. BtxcUl p*li» tskwn wilh baWla>

nor*. BasideneeFryaVlllaga. ly ml

N A'IIIAN F. ABBOTT will rarnUb ■ L^ superior iiiislliyol Ledge 8 tones for cel- lar* and foundation* at short notice todies- sonable prices. Teaming promptly done. Uai lafacllon euaranieed. He*ldeD'*r Sirael. lj""

SAUNDEB8 BROTHERS, Plumbcra and Tinsmith-.. Also dealers In Ttn, Ulass,

snd Wooden Waro.Hlovc-s nnd Furnaces. Ko- DSirsioral! kinds of (stoves, Mntn street, Andc- rar, Mass. lyr sepl7 ^^^^^

THOMAS HOWBLL carries on tbe Furniture and Upholsierv buslnees mail

their branches, st 1.1. store on Park street Fur nlture repaired snd removed at short notice and on reason sUitcrm*. IvocllOMl

I ARM FOB SALE. Tba Ba.dwall Farm, In tbe West Perish,!*

fared fesr sale. It consists of about one hun red accta of mowing, tllsgr. psstcire and wood

ror lurcher particular, suply lo it-e sub- IB L. ABBOTT. uiuauK

tt. L. RAM8DELL, Agent for the leading


■r "he isle ot all kinds and stylos, for cash or n Installment*, on easy terms. »10 saved M

paving cssh Mschines exebsnerd, bang hi, sold, cleaned, repaired BM to M, ra-iere, ne-xflet.uil, alwaysoa Imnd; slso good ss :onil hand machines (heap. Call and sea ibem.

Carss.r Ismiscr * *Cl*m Bl. Assd.ver. apnir

MOOAH St 1 HOW, Manufacturers of and .lealers In

O AE.BIA.QI1B |Of aviry description. In c Ind In*

Box Bug-giai, Ph»aiont Coi ningi.Dam.

Wagon*, Bid* Bar Buggies. ~AL*0 —




For Sals, Chtap. A lonr-hotss nowar Begin*and *lx-bossa power Boiler. Apply to WJI. LAIXQ, NorIh Andover Depot. it J*W

POMP'S POND ICC, ll tbe beat in town fur all domestic par poses.

Clear, Solid and For*. Be'rlgeralora, tanks, water coolers and pitch-

era will remain sweet, LOOED TUB BEST. UPENDS TBE BEAT.

And the beet Is Use cheapest. Season commences, and teams Will raaoaia regularly on Monday, May 1st.

Special Notice lo all Consumers: Our new schedule, msde up for IfuQ, ha* been

withdrawn, and price* will remain na last year. And tbe following Is tbe scale:

Sa to Ml Ibe., each delivers, lac per 100 Iba. MtotVM liio - " Package Ticket* may be had ol dtivar *> lb*.

■ em. A liberal patronage desired.

IfmyS HAYWAIll) Al.O.

Fashionable Dressmaking. ha subscriber will continue the above bus I s at ibe residence of J. W. Faulkner, Pun rd Avenue. AL10E Q. K1MBALL.



Lykena Vallej Bed Ash Coal,


Aad Dealer In

INVESTMENT 8EUUBTIES, No. 89 Devonshire Street, Boston United "tates Btat^, County, City and Matlroad Bonds. Mlnlnrr, Manursclurlas, Baas. Insurance Bud other htocksBouslilanil bold on Commission In Bostos, Now York, Pblladalshla and Sun


Money Furnished on Mortgages. EttaiDBncB, ABDOVBB p O. uox na.



Funeral and Furnishing UNDERTAKER,


»%p U A ■dtni Hiss,


Fish of all kinds. Fresh and Salt, Htnolss-d and Pi<-kl*>.d.

Lobsters, Clams and Oysters. FaneyFlahor all hind* la iheir season. Fresh

Milk averj day. Uoods dellveied. PARE STREET. AKDOTIB

Dae. M, 1MI. If

C. H. \vi;I;KS

8team Pi lishing, loBQiBGBtal Braiite M Marble f ȴJ.

Wi'troomi 51 Main Street, opp> the . Common »>"'» 9and II Court St.

Rear of City Hall,


Steam Folithlnf Work* and <lranlU Tard la Bradford. Ultce si SI tfiln St., Ilaverhlll.

ForalgB and Domestle Qranlta* and Matblaa


ICk DEALER, Families ai.d Oi nor* supplied *t lowest p-leas. Order boxo* nt Post ' races In andover end BstlardVale and al store-.f J. Barnes, Frye TillSSS. ID>(il



Da Mastic Faahlawa nttsl Mai-relt'a Df' ■»■•«. ■(••stBltav aad I IjakltBfJs





A LBMRT O. WOOD, JB-. rjnceeaaor to AJ.W, BABBABB, Dealer in Boot*. Shoes nnd Rubbers, and Reiialrlna dona In the best man ttar. all at the lowtst prloee. Bank •nildlngl Mala direst, Andover. »yT lyr

DKitf A-MIN ■"***!, Dealer la Boots, Dakons A Rubbers. Custom work n specialty. Beoalrlnjr neatly done at short notice. Jones' Celebrated Kip and Calf Bootr, conslaniW oo -Midi.MalB St.. Andover, ysee. lyhul II


Dr. Frank Dole and fam!-y o! CUICOIL e>ete vi.itmg their rclatiret in this town, on Monday ' St.

Mis* Imogene Oleason is passlnt * few weeks at Lonf Ilran-di, wlib bar sister, Mr*. Charles B. Tens y.

New mac-Linery hae been placed Iu the mule room of tbe cotlo.i mill, which wa* I tely visit-

I by fire. Mr. Clarence I. William* "am* from New

York on Saturday, lo oats tbe Fou.'lb wltb bis Irleni'. la this IQWB.

Mr. George N. Allen, ot this town, and Miss Jeaaneit* Tuft., o' Lawrence, were maivlad on rneaday, by Rvv. T. J. B. Honir.

Tbe ml si ion school, under tbe direction ol Mr. J. Calvin Taylor, held a picnic on Inde- pendence- day, at Worlds End Pend, In Salem.

Ayonnf tblldof Mr. James A. Troy, of Ba. lera Depot, N. II.. was brought here and burled IB Walnut Qtove cemetery, oa baturday last.

Hetsrt. Lorn i Crosby and Bdward Towns :ni left loan on Tbnrtday, for D aver, Co., where tbiy Ijltod to locate II they can find -Bploynteni,

Mrs. Ooorta W. Oa-c, and her daugbter, Mia* Carrie (life, were Iu town on Friday last. Tbi-y will not return to occupy tbelr residence here this season.

Daring tbe summer months the evening ser- ice at tbe Oniversalist cbnrcb will be omliteil.

Oa Sunday morning next Hav. Oetrge litll.ol Norwood, will offlclate.

Mr. Oso'ge W. Sawyer has gone to tha Can. dooir 8t>rtni>, la Canada, lor the benefit o' Lin haalih. He Intends lo remain Tor several week ■ it tba change Is ben, tidal.

Mr. Ororg* A. Kichardroa baa o'-tainrd <rn- ploytneiit with Cogswell's express company, and la running a* messenger to Boston, over tbe Boston A Maine road.

Tba Beverly baae ball club wilt play the Attilwllc* o! this town, o i tha gioiod of tbo latter, on Stturflay nfternioi, July S'b, lor tbe championship ol Essex County.

The lewo psity that was held st ibe raaldanct of Mr. Stephen William*, ou Frlduy evening last, wa* very tuocet-dul, a large number being present loenj-y tbe entertainment.

Jennie D. Smith, daughter a Nathan and BlicaC. Bmltb, died on Sunday last, after a jirotral-ted*s, aged B years snd 8 moBlhs. Tba funeral occurred on Wtdaesday alierooou.

T. W. White, a graduate of tbe last cists from lb* Ugh school, baa foand employment fur n fewmontb*. at the Penooqultt House, el New Bedford. He intends lo enter college la the lull.

David Morris had bl* ban.; caught In tbe machinery at ibe wool jn mill on Thursday of ,nsi week, and a palnfjl wound wa* tba result of It. A pbyilclan wa* called to dreea tbe In- jured man.

Mr. E. Frank Searle* ha* erected a fine flag- staff on the bill, near bis resilience, and on Tuesday morning bs flung to the brttia a rev flag, wbleb can be iccn ftr-pro nearly every part ol tba village-.

Hope Lodge of OJd Fellow* turned out 12 en, and ine Grand Army about 25 men on

Sunday .iltenioon, to attend service* at tbe Meiliodisi churcb, on Invitation ol the pastor, Rev. O 8. Baketel, who delivered a national discourse.

Mr. Frank Clifford and Mia* Dora Lanay, both I'otmirl} of Bristol, N. II., wero married on Tneiday afternnoG, at Ibe residence of Mr. I. 11. I ,-tity, by Rev. Mr. Norris, of Lawreoca. The newly married couple kit town on the evening train for Cambridge, where tbey will

•Id*. Tbe Melbutn rtform club held III annna!

election on 8*iurduy evaulng last, and chose the fallowing {'fflcers: President, Fred *>. 1'eet- *on ; vice presidents, M. W. Ksyes, 8. W. Tip- ley and Frrok Jnchton ; cbapliln, Rev. O. S. Baketeli nnenca committee, Jobn WcUb, UCJ. B. Bradbary and 8, U. Sargent.

TbeexamlnalloB of cand'datr* for tha blgb school took place l**t wrtk, and ibe following have been sdmltted: Herbert Nichols, Fred True. Freak M. Wen»ter, Attbur Fulton. James McNamare, K. O. McNamara, Frank L. Web- ster, Oerile Msrsb, Bcl.e Snmrer, Mary Cole, Grace Wcbt-ter, Ida .lone*, A'lc* fiiodgctt and Frad Hlckok.

The entertainment liven by tbe alumni of tbe blgb school, on Wsdncsdsy evening, al tl.e town ball, wa* a vety pleaaant aOhlr, aad alike creditable lo the rommltte* and tboee who took part in tb* exercise*. Theora'orof the even- ing gave a patriotic address, which wa* a lonti- ble production and well detlvtred. Tb* e*e*y by Mlii (Wgeni was foil of bright tbouabes and witty taj lng>, and ,ioiie em using to tba and lance.

June MID, 188?. The undersigned certifies tbnt be was ibe

holder of one-fifth ticket, No. :>\;ite, wblcb drew tb* third Cspltal Priae of Twenty Thous- and Dollar* (20.000) In Ibe semi-annual extra- ordirg Drawing (Class F),Tuesday, JanaU b, 1B82, of Ibe Loulaian* State Lottery Company, aatd ticket having cost the sum of two dollars, (f-J.OO) al tbe offlce of L. F. Crosby, Vfl'i Wash- luston street, Boston, Mass., and tbit Ibe amount wss promptly paid in I til' oo piesenta~ lion of the ticket at tha offlce of tba compauy at New Orleam.

CH AIII.VS W. UOBBIIO-S, Ellsworth, Me.

A Frenuti photCrgrapDer roBiatng at Tangicrs lifts jusl been comtTjistvonoil by the Sullan ol' Morocco to ptioto- l^rai'lt Irta 364 wives. The portraits will be continued in RQ Album, which the Sultan alone will hnve a key. If the pholOtTrApher could only mann(;e lo strike ofTsome duplicates from the negatives they would prohably com mantl n considerable sate.

BlCK-tlKADSCHB. Mr*. J. C. Henderson, of Cleveland, Ohio,

writes: "Tbe use of two of Pierce"* "P essant Purgative 1'i-iiets' a day, lur a few wctks, baa entirely "tirecl incol ili'K heidache. from wMch I formerly intTeret! terribly, a* olten, oh nn av- erage, as once- In lea day*. Ol all drugj-lsis.


Win TitiMiis Uo l'p,

touh .■H87i«x;t|i5,0tti. Ho the grand

liekels for the monthly drawings, which bat gone from two doll-its lo ■vadsllarsapl«s«. A slnglr dollar sent to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleant, La.. will have the sane chance as before of MUM 8IA.0OU. Two dollars sent may bring van * *,noo, but live dollsrs sent may bring you tTn.OUU. One reason for the change was the tart thai Ihe-mnn ■geisoould never supply the demand, to tbe vsxatlon of Its regulai patrons. For further In- formation, write to W. A. liMiiiihin, New Orleanr, La., and na sure to do so before July 1Mb next,


and lbs money will ta returned II nntnUirnc- tory. Bead the advortiiemebt In to-dsy'i y.- par. dwlt

I'hjslcins say it cominnes all tl? dtsldenila ol every fariBtlnoai tonic prescribed In- every iclico! of medicine. Brown's Iron Bitten.


Kaalanatlon Taaderad.

The tl'igena suBcrally will rejret that

Mr. ()-ca* K Currlur, the pipulgr local mani|er of'be Wsuiern Uolua Telegraph

("oinpxny. baa teador-ed bla reaijr,tisUou of that poaltloo, but their rvf raU will be

tempered wltb aatlafcciloo to leara that

ha propnac-t to conUuap bla rraldence

ber*-, bavin.- accepted tba o«oa of super Inlendent of the LtwreBC* Klectilc Light

CoDtpaD-f. Tbla company I* meat forittn- ate la sc-curiui Mr. Coirler'a •ervlcc» as

no rank* among tha most otnpelcBt elrc-

trlclio-i In till* vicinity, and IB BII poei- lions to whl*b he bas been called haa

p oven a fslt'iifal, eirnc*". and Tslaabla

w.n kroan. Ills coanactlon with tbe tele- grspb service began n«arl* tS year* ago,

when after tbo OBOBI apprenticeship as

me*w*nxer boy la tbe Coacord, M- B , of- flce, be was taught telegraphy by air. 11.

N. Bowel1, at present HU-ierluieodesn of

tbe R*tetern railroad w'fea- lie was sab- •eqaeatly employed In tbe snperlnteDd-

ent's OOICJ mtlynouth, N. II Couilui; to Lawrence he catered tha employ of

Cogswell * Cos. express, in tbe capacity

or cKrk and telegraph operator, reraalo- log with tbe firm eight Tears, until called by fie Boston A Maine Railroad to tbe

Uoutli Lawreoce depot, where be waa

Bight operator for two year*. Prom here he was transferred lo Snpt- Furbet'e of-

fice lo Boston, having charge of the wltea

tbere for «Ix years, when he iccipted a

call to tbe loci! WValero Union offlce. He

has bieo bere over two years, and by courteous treatment and scrupulous at-

tention to tue desires of patron* of tbe offlce, boa merited the esteem of all with whom be bas come in contact. For tbe past ten yeais be his bald tbe onxee of

saperlntendent of Ore alirm, aan> boa proven snceetufal, a tbe face of most ad-

verse clrtatrmsDCt-*, in giving to Law-

rence a Are alarm telegraph which baa BO

■cii erSor In New England, where tbe same

rtystem 1* employed. In hla new position

he will be able to glvo the lire alarm tcli giapb even moru attention than ht has In

tbe past, to that tbo city will not lose hla oarvlisjg in this particular. Bis resigns-

tlon rroiu tbe Western Union t-fflce wltl take enTect July IS. aad be will afterward* commence laying the wires for the Elec-

tric Light Company.

Proposed Utsllroail t'onsoMdHllaa

An article in tbe Boaton Herald of ^Jul-

arday, describee certain negotiations now ander consideration for tbe coaaollds-

tlun of the luterea's of the Eastern and

Boston sV Milne railroad*, on tbe basis of a tiny yusrs' lease or the former lo the

latter, aad on tbe following conditions : all tbo running and Incidental ei-

ponsea of both roeds, Including lease of

branch lines, etc., are paid from their

joint Income, nnd interest on bot-ded debt, taxes, etc., are also pal J, a dividend

of 8 per cant, la to be pild to tbe stock-

holders of the Boston & Maine root*. Then HUTU is to be psid, annually, tne

•am of 8100,000 for the sinking fund of

(bs Eastern rond, created by law, which son I* to be paid annually until tbe debt

It was created to cancel Is wiped out. This strouot Is sboat two per cent, of tin-

Stock Of the Eintern lOcil, and I*, It la

claimed, practically a dlrldend to tbe stockholders of that load. When tbv*e things have been provided for, what re-

mained, to be divided eaoilly between the two corporations, •'■<* what Is tbes

rea.lzed to tbe Esslern will belong lo Its stockholders. According to calculators

madu by the officers of bn Boston l-

Ittalne road, there will be a asting over tba present system of runslng the roads

separately or shoot 8000,000 ander one manageraeni, la reduction of expeaaas of operation, and at least an equal auonnt

annually la a anlform tariff ai.d oo COBS-

petltlou betweea tbe toads u\ certain

competing points.

A New ladustrr.

A MIMIMIPFI man failed to per- suade a young Wiuona girl that be would make an acceptable husband, and acoordingly lassoed her on the -way to cbnrcu, and dragged her to a Justice where the ceremony was per- formed. The couple will patent tho new persuader at once ; "agents want- ed and 110 to $20 a day made by every energetic young man."

Mr. Samuel Williams, the well known

dealer la woolens, baa leusd s portion of

the building on tba north cans!, occupied

by H. K Webster a Co, and propMea to engage bere In tbe manafactore of woolen

fabrics. Us Las purchased from the l\m- berton Co. three aeu of machinery, and

whin bis works sre lu operation be will glv-j employment to between 7S and 100

hands. The apartments he will occupy

are three rooms, each 80 by ISO feet and

one 50 by 30, He will balld a boiler bonne

In tbe rear, bnt will get power from tbe canal. Mr. Williams I* one of Lawrences

most nacceasful merchants, and having a

thorough knowledge of the msnnfactara

of woolena can hardly fall of success. Lawrence hat too few minor Industries,

and all *ho Iuvest capttta) here abonld receive hearty encouragement.

What Vcnnor Promised lie.

Here are ibe predictions of ibeCaos-

dlan prophet, in bla monthly paper, of

tbe weather In Canada and ths northern United States for the first week In this

month; bow exactly waa It verified 1

Sat. 1. Very warm snd snltry. San. 2. Hot and sultry.

8. Rxf-ber dry weather.

A. Itsin and lb under, storms In we*t em sections.

ft. Oeneral'.y pretty warm, even

Irgi cooler. 8- Iadlcklloos of rain and more

cloud. •from tbe ICth to 30th, Vennor predicts

a terrible season of beat, lightning, and damaging storms■ prepsre for fine wealh-

Salt Against the City. —as

Elisabeth Aahlon, through ber counsel, W. 8. Knox, Esq., has Instituted a wilt for #1.000 agatnet tbe city of Lawrence, for damaftee to bar property on Towe: bill, occasioned by tbe removal therefrom of natnl and gravel. Tbe writ has not yet been aetved, but Is returnable at tbe Sep- tember term of the sapertor court So be held in New bury port. *■

BUY Beach'a Washing Soap.

A judge, elected for his popularity among the boys, bas recently decided that a man's resilience is where be gets his washing done. This is rough on the average bachelor.—New Orleans Picayune.


The following sre among tboaa of Lawrer.ce residents, who are about taking vacations for a portion of tbe seasoo, as shown by tb* tututoer lists of tbe Dtily AtsBBiCA-t:

E.T- Hurley and family at Newmarket, M. li. **"*+

Cof. B. J. Sbermin and family al their cot- tage, Hssi Roch*.

Jobn K. Norwood and Tamliy, Nantatkct. air*. Isaac Fletcher, tVhlicflell. N H. Joseph W. Smith and family, ol Andover,

Biddeford Pool. Andrew Sharps and wife, Nantatkat. Mr-. B. B. Backus, Old Orcbsrd Beaeb. Abel Webster snd family, Juniper )?olnt. Col. J. D. Drew aad wife, Ojean Hunts,

Hampton. Uri. W. K. Bigg*, Old Orcboid. W.S. Jtwtt', Boston. ti. M. Btoddard aad family, Bass Flocks. Daniel Niton, O^ean Hoase, Himplon beaeb. ktr*. i, Irving Bcotle, Kdgartown. Hon. A. fJ. Stune goe* !o Europe next Satur-

day, for two month*. Mis. J. M. Currier will aummar at Ballsy

Cottage, Baa* Bosks. The remainder or Col. Sherman't family hava

gone to their snmmer residence at Bass Flocks. Job B C. San born anil latnily are at their

to miner bom* at Til ion, N. II.

B. H. Call and wife 80 to lb* WbiU Moan- Ulnr.

A. K. Ssnborn and family have gone to Har- vard. Mass., for the snmmer.

Mr. Tattle of tbe Brnaswlck boose. Salis- bury, h*s every thing nice and new. A hue view of ibe oeean can be obtained from tbi* place. Mr. Ttittia cares well for tboee wbo go to see liini.

D-Lordasd family bava arrived st their pi :»»ant and attractive couture at Homstoa.

Tb* Lawrence Breea* ssys: "Uncle Dan Na- BOB la at tbe Ocean bo-aee. Ho ssys he shall ■top all summer If money and provisions bold out."

PBN-POINTS. ■— -- .

AND the small boy yearn* Tor the twelve months to fly, that he may blow oil more arms and legs In honor of his Imlepondeooo.

Tua rain waa a confusing clement early on 4lh of July night, and made the fusion of toe fuses "confusion worse confounded."

MAVOK Baaax clung to bis pretty little riding whip throughout tbe day on the Fourth, but bis toy balloon had evidently broken tbe string and es- caped.

Two childreo at Patrick, Va., wbo were found starving, were given so much to eat that they gored them selrea to death. Tbe rescuer", will be tried for manslaughter.

MB. PAUL OI Virginia, Is desirous of getting a bill passed In tbe senate to provide for tbe erection ot public bulkhngeat Hard-ranborg and Abing- ton Vs., costing $50,000 a piece. This ii very unromantic business to engage tbe attention of ''Paul and Virginia." .'

THE police of the city ol Troy have by a recent decision of the court, re- ceived their salary for the last thin

t months, during whlcb they bare worked wltboutcompensatlon. Might this be called a Troy wait, even if they do not receive pay for every pound given a man ?

KUHCBOUS newspapers of Middle- sex, are sympathising with a clergy- man of that county whom tbey say has been D. D. d twice last week, drat by Yale and then by Bates Col- lege. If he can't stand being d—d- d. as often as twice a week, be bad better go west and get used to It.

A happy thought 1 A New Yorker has applied to the board of health, to slop tbe nuisance of a m»n learning to pky a cornet in his building. Why not? And suppose we include tbe hand organs? Why sbouM not the airi nt of the health board put to flight the interesting Italians wbo are kind- ly, slowly, but surety filling our asy- lums for the Insane?

TIIKV have "the finest police in the world" at Denver. On a telephone call for an officer, four of tbem were despatched at once to arrest the pu- gitltiU, or burglars at auy cost, Out of breath they reached their destina- tion, to find a poor woman who conM'nt persuade her little boy to wash bla face. She thought the brass buttons might frighten him Into obey- ing,

AND now tbe New York aldermen have been sold and not by a "jumbo" joke either. Some popular member hsa secured an appropriation tor the entertainment of tbe "Prince of Sl- am," and a committee appointed to aid blm In receiving tbem. The "fath- ers" have been anxiously awaiting hla coming, but ao far have looked in vain. Now tbey are looking for tbe chairman of the "reception commit- tee."

CMABBBor UlBO. I declined lo insert your advertitamtnt cl

Ho]> Bitter* lait year becau'e 1 then thought tbey might not bs rromotlvaof lbs oaaro of temperance, but Sod tiiey are, and a very vain a nit enedlelB!, myself and wife having been ^realty benefit ted by ibem, and I take great n mak'ng tbem huowii. Hav. J. SSAMSK,

Kdltor Home Sentinel, Alton, N. V. tfjwaeaj

Tbera sre mushroom growth* In medicine, Tb* sensations I style of advartislBg lorcat them for a brief tp*ce, loto public cotter. Trutt only each nHulcisea as are of aalablUhad refutation. You can make no mUtake IB ehoeelag Alan's SABJAFSBILLA, to cleans* Ibe blo-rd snd put asw Ilia aad sasrgy Into tba system. It Js tha aaost powerful blood-purifier ever prodacei*. and tb* best Spriay reedk-lar.

Sold by all drsggttti. Ash for AVBB'BBAB-

SAtFABlLLA. sad do BOt be ixrtu*J*d to take any other. Price, fl-OOi alx bottles for (U.00.


EKTKR Ex-Senator Chrisliancy, wearing tall hatand melancholy expres- sion. Furtive glance at window of bouse In tbe rear; tap on window of honse; flying figure down the steps; white arms ; old man's neck ; glossy balr falling down back; glossy hat fallen down his—both retire at door of house. Curtain on case of Chris- tiancy vs. Christlancy. Slow music. And Washington la doprived of its choicest scandal.

Tn r. Esthetic newspapers ol twenty years ago, were horrlfled, when Hor- ace a moment of righteous indignation exclaimed, "You lie, you villain, you lie;" but here In this age of "reform" U tbe sweet scented Bos- ton Transcript, copying from one ol its country reform allies, tbe mild msnoered declaration that the courte- ous editor or the Lowell Courier, Is a "sneaking liar," only to enable tbe Boaton exponent of the niceties of speech ond conduct, to editorially en- dorse the appellation. Verily, tbe reformers should reform their pens and manners.

JOUKXALISH in the far west, is combination of faith and fancy. Tho Missoullan, a newspaper published at Missoula, Montana, reveals a portion of IU trials in a short review of its past career I "This paper has seen a good many days when its proplek-rs knew not whets tbelr next bundle o? paper or keg of Ink was to come from but by trading In jack-knives, cheap watohes and Indian horses, and by a judicious 'standing off* of creditors, it has managed to come to tbe front once a week for the past ten years." The elitor conceals the most painful feature, tbe "whoppers" he has told to do ft.

TUE Springfield Union foreign edi- tor has got 'cm again! He thinki he saw a Chinese giant, seven feet seven inches high, whose lace was so large that it filled the entire car window, on the way to California. No such Chi- na platter face would be going round tbe country, free to all, and obstruct- ing the view. He returned late on tbe circus train, with his Ideas fumbled ap, am] run Into an automatic signal. One often gets confused alter dwell- ing long on this Chinese question, and very few get within seven feet and inches of a common sense view of it; this pollywog specimen la, however, the queerest flab of all.

BUT Beach's White Pearl Toilet Soap

The shower came up, or ratber it came down—a shower never comes up —so unexpectedly that nearly every- body waa taken by surprint- and Jef- ferson street was lo a panic. Young Masher, who never goes without his umbrella, saw Ms opportunity, and sailing up to tbe prettiest girl with the prettiest bat in Burlington, msde a bow that is warranted to kill aerosa tbe street, and said, ''May 1 offer you my umbrella?" "Olft a thousand thanks !" she said ; "papa will bring It down to bis offlce in the morning.') And she sailed away dry-shod, leav- ing him desolate and soaking his lone- liness, like a pelloan In the wilderneea and aa a weather vane upon the bouse top.—Burlington Hawkeya.

"IfOW WOLL SMI) 8VBOM," • HbiatBaa, Illinois.

Dr. E. V. Pierce. Bufalo, N. T.—Dear 8lr: —I wi«h to stai.i that ray daagbtar, aged 18, wai pronounced Incsraule and was fat! falflnti aa tbe doctors thought, wltn coo su rapt Ion. I obla'ned a balfdoten bottle* Ol jour "Qe'dea Medical Discovery" for ber, and tba commenced Improving at oace. and I* so# wall and strong

Very truly yours. Rev. IBAAO N. Mottvtit.

"Dlscoveiy" sold by f rnt-giti*. wsoAsaiA**

"Student" wants to know "what kind of a bird was tbe dodo." From the (act that tbe speeles is entirely ex- tinct, we suppose It was the fabled spring chicken, of which we still hear so often and aee so never.—Burling- ton Hawkeye.


sad how much 1 saffared II it bard to detKribe. Tbat loathsome disaess, Catarrh, caused the abovj. aad the doctor* said lUey coald not re Have tag. I paid bond red of dollars, for whlcb [ received BO beneflt. I got more good from two buttles of Sulphur Hitters than from all tbe naooay I ,uld to doetoi-s. I •ball eonunut ths Sulpbnr Bitters as I bars great faltb that they will cure me —"Secttu Handa. Lowell.

A little girl said to her mother the other day, "Mamma, where Is pur- Guiteau-ryr"'

After many years or careful study, we ofer the public onr savers) brands of Beach'a aoapa, that will excel all others In parity snd emollient quality.

How to mitiSBtf tbe t MI of wash day dartag these but summer month* I* worth knowing, w* are i.ssurcd thst James l'ylt's Pearllsa does Itetecuallv, witoout tbe slightest denser to us Baast fabrics. lllsuod Jyl

rfiMsiv! Toalstr OBLI!

Tba Voltaic Belt UJ- Marshall. Mich, will •and Dr. Uyr.'s Celebrated Klectro Vu til - Belts aud Electric A*-'plism-eson lilal tor thlily day*, lo BIB, (roan* crold) wbo are afficied with N-nroos Debility. Lnei Vitality and Msn- be Ml,ind »Ind rod trollies, guaranteeing speedy and oosnplcta restoration ot betlib and irmlr vigor. Address ss abov*. N. H—No rlta In incurred, *» thirty dsrs trial is allow>d


MtNi-at* i r*rro--'iir> Hear Toxic, tba onii prepirsUon of beef co.ttalulag Its srtir* nutritions properties. It reclals* ing, forca-i-eaerailnA an i lilt so suiting pn-p- artius; isvaluable for Indlgastlot:, Dr*|<*P*1s, ncrvoas pro-lrstton, snd all form* cf general debility; also, la all enfeebled condition, whether the rarultof eshaustloB, aetvontproi- '.ration, overwork or scut-i distsss, particularly il reistilng f'om p-.tmonsry compUims. L'AB- WSII, HASABII k Co., proprietors. !*.*w York. Hoi I by Druiilati. IBllyi)*

Ths Cellalold ByrUUssee hi.vs stood the test, sad the thousands who BOW wanr tbem pronounce then* ibe best. Pur sale by ail lead- ing Jeweler* sad Opticians. Itweud

Widely known, exteniivaly used, li tbe vei- dtct oa Dr. Grave*' llaart Regulator, a* a care for Heart Disease. It* sals* are from Kova Scotia to California, aad tpauy are tie lestl- ntonUU reeel itii of tbe good It does. Pamphlet free of K- K. Ingslit, Ooncord.N. II. Price, 80 BSS8J aad •1.00 per bottle, fat sale by drug.


Early (losing Movement,

. Liwisnci, June SMh, ISM. We.Ua underslinril. Pry (ionils Dealers nl

tha eitv of Lawr encs, agree to close oar places of baalBeae et S o'clock wionpt, every evening

Beta rds y cticeptect -d uri ng the fswalha of J u ly and Acuinst,l*«: Sharoa B ros. M.W .Coops ace. S. r. SMll, A. W, Stesrns _ . a. Paaaelon a Co. I, T. Low way. Bi ron Truell a Co. Jolin C. Dow A Co B. M. Crass A Co. l-vi. u-t a Cloeeoa. VS ss. Oswald * Co. V M. Jewell a Co. A. Shar< • A Co. K. C. fttel.ler a Co. J. Jreeawood a Co. BtejttUag A Uraeawood,




• •CAPITAL rBIlr.8Ta.90a.aVB. Tlak*(**>■■*- SI- abnre* l*>»rwa>*nls*i,

li.S.L. Louisiana State Lottery Company, in j*i-i r>r » r*«r» b» ins l*ei. and uhei latBret-MrKc'aeationsI ' -••■«- l1 » > H ■>■< !

Bvan oreralwiliiilBl wj-aUf vote ILS frnncbUr wa* made a van o( the prevent Hute Cunstiin lio ••douud Ttaoasnbartda.n.Un.

The only Lottery ever voted on aad eadorte! by tba people ol any slate.

IT MSVBM oil r-OSTrOBBB. ■*• (ararasl BlMftla |»Mr Ur.wl.(,

tstlsa plane Haaihly-. * a^stPtsBMIMW UfP.lltTl *ITV TO

J£?mAr*JKTvmm savxNrii URAN.l 2!t&m!}}9 flS**M °- AT NK* t»*L«ANS Drawls iaBS-I*a.!i Montbly

*C**n .( ttsa r«llaw!pisfelsa«,l*i Ike SMSasiM supervision aad IMHSSSSBaew oi Oea O. T. B«Ai'UKiiAKI> ol La. asTfla* JUaALA.BARI.YofVj, whom.n.g-s , drswlntani tins-.looipaay, both UBI lusnr *■<•• SBHIAMSUSL. aril aileaicia tarracinnss oi lbs puhllsbed OOlClal LUU.

CAl'lTAI. PHIZK, era SOS, tOO.OOO TI. h. I a at VlTO I>-11 a i ■ K.rl..

Fs-aeUetsa Iss rirtsie la pros,erUes, usTortrBiiH.

1 CAflTAI. f'ltl/.K 8:.'..« de do


do ■J"*

sNHillsilhi I'M/ V A-iinaslmil on I'IIMIIIITM ft'»


l* red

lw1 sim.-icxi Applla^lion for rales In,-lulir Ht.ict-I be mid*

only to thcoilcoof thal^Mnptsyio New Orleans lion write clearly, giving

r.lrrs by eaunMt, Iteels- fy Or.l.r.a-tdrsw-'-c.l en I r to

or M. a. ISA I PHI V ' • UTNotaih Bt , TVa>l>lnfila<i, II. <J.

N. FI.-Or.lera siidrested to New Orleaas will raoalveurnmpl attention.

wisil twj-le a


Wears Agents for ths




AMERICAN TBDDEK. And invite Farmci* lo Inspect lbe>e letpia-

stasis before purchasing eisewbere.

Pure Part1* Groen, LOIUIOD Pur- ple, Pla.tcr, Slftera, anil


Haying Tools in Great Variety. SCOTT ft VIKTOK,

845 Coiutuoit St., LB wreiioe, teodiui ouiici

Pine MnnlllfA Hats ntCurtla's, Kext door Station.

Commonwealth of Maigaahusetts.

POOBATK COUBT. To lb* Helrs-nt-Lawine othere In ter ei ted In

iba ettata or James c. t'reag, late oi Law. rwaoe. In eaid county, esrpenter, 'leoaaee-J,

UHRKIINO: Whereas, Alvln ■ Mars, mdoilM.iratnr

with ibe will anncien, of lbs atUteof said defies sad, has presented lost Id court his pell lion for license to SRII the whole or Ihe real rstelc tne re I a described, ol said dsoesaed. for tbe psy- ««»t of debt*, lex*. I,,. Nn,| ctiargc s oi a.lm Inls- tratlon, aud for olber rrsrons eel forth In said pet I turn :

Ton are bereliy cited loappaarat s Probate Court to beholdm *t Lawieoce, Insaidcouoty, an the saeon-l Ueoday or July, nest, at nine o'clock,Ihilhcloienoon, lo show cause, if eny sou have, agslnsl the same. And said admtalslrstoris ordercsd toserve tnla mtaiioa by publishing lb* tame once a weak, three weeks successively In tba


a newspaper printed alLawieoee, the last pub iiostloa to be two dais at least befjre said eonn.

Witness, Uoorere F. Cboste, Esgiilre, Judge of said Court, tin- lMh ilar ol Jane, to the year one tboasand eight hundred and clghij- two.

J.T.MAiiONr.v. UcgUler. ejtrf-tKljyT

Hnmnter Neckwear nnd Summer Cndevwear, at CurtU' AOn Etoiex Street.


SIHAS-COLLUH-lalhUrliy, June M.b, by ■err. Mr. Mlbacker, ktr. Beraaid Biraas nod Hiss UinnU Uollum, both or Lawraaea.

ALLEK-TUPTS.-Ia Melhnea, July lib. by See. T. J. B. Honse, Mr Uvorg* K. Allen, of kletbuen, aad Miss Jsannatls Tuft*, Ol Law- treaaa.

all AW-Skf ALt -In this city, June teth, at St. Johns' Churoft, by Itev. W. ti. Walla, Mr. Jobn Shaw aad Mrs. Aan Smalt.

Baaav-Tow/M-In tbla eiu-, July let, by Sav. W. G. Wells, Mr. Waller berry aad Mrs. II,t- abaUi Town.

MAasDKS-HOWABD.-In this eily, July Id, ;lty, July Id, W. ii. Vfells,

ward- ViaTS-TUITt'.-ln Moason, Junett, by Be*.

James L.B ll.ol Lynn, nssisiad by Kvv. r. li. Makepeace, of Andover, and Ber. Thomas Reo.e,of thsHsactwIcfa Istsn.ia, Mr. IJeary B. View, ef Boston, lo Miss Annie B . dsnibier ot

u per Intend'at of tbe marv School at Moason

BLAKB-BBOWN.-Ia Ameabury. Juua tt, by Ba*. Phillip Kvane, J. E.tgat Hlsku D. D. ft-, formerly of .So. Andover, and Miss AbuieC. Brans, or ASsasbury.

Cl.ABK KKITII- In Ksslon. June tt, by Bar. William L L'haSsB, of North Kasloa, Mr. Jo- seph II. Clark,ef Andover. aad Miss Amelia A. ata'th, OfStoUSMoo,

■ATOM-WIIIKLEB— la Worcester. Mass . June tt. by Bt-v. Daniel Menlsnsn.D. D. aa listed bv lav J.M. B. Kaloa.oirih-hbu-j Mr. Oeorga T. Baton, of Andnrrr, and Mise l*an*ie T, daughter of It. H. Wbaalar, Esq., of Wor-


BU8BELL -In Uwranoe, June tTth, Mra. Ueor- glans A. Bussell, aged Al yre, I ra.s,

W*L*H.-ln AniloTer, June *i, Miss Cstheilae Walab, aged t» yrs, t mo*.

PBTINBB.-In Bsllard Vale, Joly 1, Chalrea A. sea ot Daalsl C. aad Bliza M. PeUlnvr, aged I

Do not forget when you tare In W *\nt of Paper Hanrlnffa or Win* <low Shades, tbat the Largest Assortment can always be found

at R. A. PISRE'S, 275 EMez,St. iiirt

THS FiurkN MAT BS PAVLTLBM, ibe cuuiplo ion witbout a blemish, yet If tbe teeib are neglected, tbe other attribute* or beauty (all siior* of iboir due effd.i. It the tectb ere not bopelossly decayed, ootodoot will renew tbcrwb tenets an 1 teauty. Tbltwbolo- seme buautllying agent, moreover, renders lbs breath sweet nnd 'otutnunkate* a becoening ruddiness to tbe gums and a ios-*ate bu-to the UBS. A fair Itlat ol lb I. slan.Urd Bltlcle Will tlsBsOBeirate Its -taloe. Ijlwcixl -,»—


This mornlnf about 2 o'clock:. John Woid, the well known plumber, wbo resides on Main was awake ned by b.artng glass break; on get. ting out of bed be received a severe blow on the bead- be Immediately grspplcd with tb* burg lar, and after a terrible straggle euccredtd In holding blm until lin »HB obtained help. On beiogseaictiedattheststloa, Mr. Wood's wsicb and wallet wss foucd oa hi* peret-e. Ha favt the nsmeof Itoo;ii Terry. Toe broken glaas Croved to baa tattle or Sulpbnr Bit ten, wblcb ■d almost (-urea Mrs. Wood of itbrcimatlsm.

—Kxchspge. IrSweedft

Bty City, allcbigsa. let.1,1880. I think it >iy duty to eand you a ncIB8JSBBW8

fur tbe benefit of any person wlsblnj lo know TtietLer Hop 11 uters are eood or not. 1 knots they are goou for general ocb.liiy and tn.lig'i ■Ion t to etrengtben tbe uervoui •yttetn and •>•!:• mw life. 1 recommend any paiienu to aa* ibem. JJ*, A. Pa I IT.

-112* otd

11*1 PSVBB. Mr>. A. L. AVIV, ni.irniar.-t, Newark, N.

J.—Having beau severely sfrl.iled wlib Hay Pever lor eleven year*, alter trying almost ev- erything wttfco it avail, I gave up all hopes oi oaln« cured, wlivn I pnrebssed of you a no*, oi Kiy'e Croam Balm, lo my surprise, alter a few sr-pllcuuont, [ was entirely relieved. It Wa-aon lijrrls. I, ret fJir.ler, No. II, New r. O., Newark, N J.

I have been a Hay Paver inAWer fot three y-asra, and bare oftts heard Ely'* Cream Balm epokenof In tbe blgbeil lermt, b«tdldnoi take raucb etock la It beeaaie of tne many quick raedKfnes. A friend persuaded me to try the Balm, snd with ibe must woadcrfni success This rrcommenJatloi v.iu can use lor tbe bts- eflt-rl Hav PevereufTerers. T. 8. [leer, Byra- case, NY. Pries ■ cents.

Apply into nostrils wuh little uager. t*2w aod ■— ■

Mora nnlvcrsslij recornmunded thsn suy proprietary medlnne meda. A tare and reli- able tonic-, Brown's Iron Bluets. *j;iweod

Tbe sovereign itmp.-rsiii-j tonic, Wheat Bit- ters, tt tbe purest and rlcbett Ulcyd, brain and nerve food lu existence. Itlweod

WonlJ yoo be healthy and therefore attrac- tive in appearance r use Q inker Blllete wblcb clean the inrcpi. \ .m and tondi ibe bealtby blood to pea -.-neck*. Jllwtod

It Is Ibe manl'sti dcstiiy of Glenn's SslpLnr 8oaptosBpvrseden|iy aogenu fur couneoar.


Dy>r*ptfc, nervou* people, "out of sorte," Colden's lJoblg's Lliuld I'xtrnct Beef and Tonic Invi-furator wll enrr. A k (or Colden's.


A rich blooc food, easily attlmilet**). i* Wheat Bitters. Bo isy all wbo have used ibem.


To TOOWOTA • vigoruu* growth of the hair, use Perkcr'* Hstr Bnism. It restores the yjBthlel i-olor to gray hair, remevta damln ff, aad fares Itch leg of tustcslp. V.!ertJel3,od

PBBI-VUW Bvntr cans dyspepsis, general deUliiy, liver oomplainl, bolls, humors, rbrcnie diarrhea, ncrvont affcctiont, female complaint*, snd sll disease* originating In ■ bed state of tha Net*. r-wdllyJjM'IO

— ■■' ■ ■


Special Notice! Wa nail the attention ot our Lady Casio wars

<«oa more |s ihsBpeulal tadrsasasSBls we ore sow ruady to otvr.



Fine Millinery Coods AT COST,

it wa dJ tot wish In carry Usem over another teas ow.

Wa make Special Aaaosuseawtat ef ear

TRIMMED COOD8 whiebwswtll sail els large dtscnaat, aad aa they sre all flee and verv deslrsble loode. an early eel! will ba necessary aa Utejr ttlll last hat

WB WII.1. ovvea oca

ffntriBHed HATiJ aai BQN1TKTS •t ICrniarkuliljr Low Prioea.



.l.Uie.i ItdKlinhwrMMIUUHMHi.


At • Lmra« OUconnt.

FLOW.ER8. We have a very Saa saleetloa or Flowers whleA we wlab tocloinont. A- earlv lasneelloa Will be necessary a> we eianot duplicate them Is* the same prloae.

A.s i a Uood Asiorlmeal of





four douila bey windows; tO.OOB fealc Price Sl.Sie. Lead to the atnnuat of Si,

r. be pu,chased with k tiropurlton. Looatl

rats to Lawraaea BOt lota of land waar *ai-l looeidy ra-sgrag 1 ■o,Ol» rest ta e0.t SO, Prlaea lew' ,

I have also for sale IS email lions* LolsttssS Ou ft) Just ib* thing for nestagae aad Mrfisear mallnirans. Prloe fluo per Int. ll dssired csae cay part dawn, balsaoa man pwtalha -alsbfSJt •teicai,or tlB dollsrs par m-aih nnin aUla


2(1 High SI.,'Andover, HOBO.


MAEEUHAL NIEL8. OaskeU an<I nmtgu* tat Short J

Nolle*, Orders may lie left with BALLBT a BlfTLBa.


JESSE JAMES. Complete Lite of Ibeaa Bold IIIgbwayBtaa. Isoot tbe Younger Hrothers end other bald ulawa. Ih-gantly lltustrtted. UvarJMPaga.

Ileware of Inlerlir adilione C->*splaie OaiSI by mall. Pony I; nta. larrta Liberal. POB nilhllia UCUAKI>.IHl Weat5th St,(" Oblo, dw let lolS

HALL & WRIGHT, — 1 -tlt.BBB IB

WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS Oil., \ asaaShSS, ChamCealaj



381 Essex Street - - Lawrettca.

U.S. HALL. «« .|.T

i■:. w. WHioiiT.

Pearl Derby., at CurtC'l SOS Euex Street.


Desirable Residence in KoiiiONr FOB SALE.

The well-known Iloment-nad of

Chaplea ItnrneH,

In North Aadover, Hue., is •Bared for aais. The eelita comprises a eomnsodiens Dwelling House of II roes**, with Barn, and about eight acres of eicellrnt land, all nader good aalllta- llon, aad well slocked with frnll trees, la OtMI- ttoa to which a lares paatare, quite near, eoa he purchased If desired, iba nrenlses are waB adapted te tbe purpose* ol a gontlessan's resi- lience, in every rsapeeL sad cs any time by psrilcs wishing to i sltrsotivasooa'ry ratldaaoa.

Apply to HOSES rOSTtB, Aadover. iMBwJ or to C. If. BABNBS, Lawreaaa, Haas. ¥

til sun

HOSE CARRIAGE FOR SALE. A fnnr wbael Hone Carriage, Assoskesg tsahs

in Srsiclsssonditloa; never bean nsedi elsat- lent opport.inlly ror aclly or lawn InwaaSef such a tabietr- trrssa raaasuiaWe. Isslrltsr address J. A. t i.LinoN, Chief Baglaeer Berth Andover Fire Uepattsteat, North AasUvtr

Mackinaw IItat* nobby style*, at CutrtlR'a, A-OA Kmtt'B St. ,



S79 KMM-I ' street, Lawreaee. H4. I, a,4

■w ■'M

Celluloid Collar, and Cuff., at Curtl.'H, ne.t door H R B SSSWsS.


The blood it the foundation of life, it circulates through every put of the body, and unless it U pure ■iul rich, good health is impossible. If disease hai entered the system the only sure and iiuick waj to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood.

These iim|Jt facts arc well known, and the highest medical authorities agree that netking but iron will restore the blood to its natural condition; and also that all the iron pre pa rations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head- ache, and are csthtrwisc injurious.

BIUWNMKIN IIII iK.k-.uilh!.' I

nughl)' and quickly assimilate irith ,lhe blood, purifying and strengthen mg it, and thus driva disease from any part of the system, and it will N«/ blacken the teeth, cause head- ache or constipation, and ii poai- tivcly not injurious.

Saved hit Child. 17 N. Euuw Si., Baltimore, Md.

reb. ii.'iMo. Goui:—UpM th« teo.mmcnda.

linn of * friend 1 triad liaowa'l IHIIH l:i i mm u a l"nir and n- SWnUlve I' < aiy daullitcr, whom 1 aras ihocoii(hly convinced wu kilting away wish »."n«un>|jti< ■".

i>i( lo*i three daughters ly tha





It m Lie tli.rne, under tlie . I I . loth tc

Id arresi t, Hit piufTBI 111 lh* d

niy great surpriae, i,ef,,,r ■■■■ Itr had liken VM bollle ut Ilk. '»«'i IH'IH HIIII"*,>he began U mend aaaj no* It yuita teal',ml to fi-rmir hnlih. A fifth daughter began to > i. » signs »f '.■■■■.; . . and whsa iht phyiiuaii »« umi.ulnd ha uiiirltly Mid "Tonka «rre re r'red," and when laSOfed thai

cldar tisier was uking BnosaVi . .nded •■

»■■■'! i nil i .--■ ii." A DO* AM FHSLPS.

BuriWS'sImjsUn rKKsifuctuab ly cures I iyi|>e|>sia, Indigestion and Weakness, ami renders the greatest relief and twin In lo persons lu Ik ring from -.ii. Ii wasting discs*:* a« Con- Minption, Kidney CoinplaiuU. etc.

Brown s Iron Blttera, lor »als> by i.r.oHiiw*vani,A|.1,iiii'

Cvr, Essex It., and Broadway. Lawren

THE WONDER OF HEALING! flofOfrh 'l!l" HiiresetlstbeonlyspB. UaUirrili old- lot thm .n-.-a*-, OoM in

Head, Ac. Oar" « nmrrli * ■"■," si* lall) 1-rt-panxl In tunat Serious HH s'otitelua all lh« iiu-allv* tiroiierllaa of lbs Kalraeil nnr Nataail ■yrtstCfl invalual.ii. for in- m i-alarr- lial aff-.-li.iiii-, b simple aiHl tiieapesielve.

Eheuniatism, Neuralgia. [■■,;'";;, tkm baa oared so mm; cun of loose ul.lree- tnfoamaaiuUM tin, gilnrt.

HemoiThages. Ki'.°"»,'.:'.!t Boa*, or from any eauao, laspeedily cowriillid BIl.l Stopped.

Diphtheria & Sore Throat *\~;rm,:, prsanptlj. Ills a miM Delay la dangerus.t.

r.r Plica,, Itlin.l. III., tjlasg CM- lira. ■sag;. U u. tli.. gnsust kuowu remedy.

Pat- l"lr«-r«,01 J W»rn <*r si we vs H" •>■■■« llaaciluu Sjpgp law !■ uu. at rental sable. CmmUmm,.—POSITS KXTRACT so* Wu ♦*»*• tat**, fae pessvliis tut* (As word* '• POSITS KXTRACT- W» «-s <n« ffioae, . fills sun I M #i(i-Mi.riiW,ii.| bitf urajrptr. A'ossa CAar itqrHuinr ,4lir.iv, r.i.Mf tiis AIIMH EXTRACT. Tnk'»"<*hrr yrrpanl^n.

/luwr.,»,W in bulk or by SSMUHJ

r jitffttri Asms

MT. I.I.IM ISII loiurr •■; M.-II ■, POND'S EXTRACT 50c, S1.00, $1.73.

ToM Craani LOOjCaUrrh Ctrt. 75 Dwitirrln 50 Plaster 25 LliSsl.s 25 Inhaler.GlassF „).- 1.00 Teltat Seapt 3Cakss).. 50 Nasal Sy-m- 2G OWnaat 30 Meditated Paper. - 25

Fami'y Syringe, $LC0. LsDIta, rm.l paurs lit, IK, SI iml M of i.ur New

Parochial svblth sciuuii^uli s • *. „ i- .... WOsi Niwliumirt *tru Hi M.|;YII..III

tmtmtmtmunu»* iutE OM iii-Liniius to

POND'S EXTRACT CO., • 14, We»t 14th St., Now Yor>

efKl^lvMpIl I

food's Kxiraet is sold liy A. P. OHIttVA V * CO., Anothirnrles.

<J*r.aUa«x Direct and Broadway, l^wrcnee.




IAVES LAHOll. TIMKalbdHOAl' AMAZ- IMUl.T, and sires uulvoraal autlaTaelloD. Mo family, rli-h.T p.«.r HI„,-L:.| l,i> Without It.

Soldbr all(irocori. ItKW Alti:, i Imitalluns I'KAIU.INi: |. tho OKI.T BAFK lalHirnnrlnir c.mipouml, and rdwa's bo.-im lh« abov nrml<n1, nml n.-imu of

JAMKS I'Vl.K, \t\¥ VUUK. ■ cow leo,| IT mrl> ■ a

[Splttal Ueqxilch lo lAwrene* Amtrtea* "•

WABHIKOTOK, D. C, .lime80,11.40 I'J M.— litnlMU was executed ul I A^ liia neck being broken instantly.

ihft AaawMli. I.uit NIKIit. WAtniMUTOH, D.C., I o.if.: Htates Jail,

June 30. - liuiiesu' lait nljjlit oo earth waa one of the lino', over amm lo WasUlng-

Tbe broad, jtlsntinji -badosta ofcor-

nlco and abnlmeot formed weird njiurea

the ii.i-i.y walla, wbltf-waated tr«e-

irunk* an.) nelub<>oriiig fencea. Add lg the Rhoai-'lke vlaloua of a horde of

colored prisoners,.huddled In the female

■r ■ ■ over i.lir main entrance 'treat coniHeniailon was caased ID ;bu mldat o'

■1,1- :(•■■, in i- in the arrival (luring '.he

day ofa cisty woman, whose alternatl:)*-

r^lln and nhrteks awoke the eLboea and

kept tat keepers on a c-in-i nit t'.ur of lo-

apectlOD. tiulteau a>ked Ul wattb what

tbOM hideous oolaes meam. The dealb watch, Thomas Jubnson, said thev were

cauaed bv a crazr woman "Poor ihlntt,'" aald OUtenu. "T<

Husa not to let ber burl bar Self•" H« wsa very nr;v<iti-> in ii; 10 o'clock, at which

bourhn expected Dr. llkka. The ton iguet Mm. Sctvllle bad aent blm durlnx

the tlternoon bad not been leTi lo ihi

eel). Wbeo Dr. Ulcka did a'riVj the COD' demised m .n appcureit lo be asleep, but at

II o'clock be rosS up and anked tf tbn mltibler bad arnvel. Ou neloir answeretl In the Klllrmalive, lie axked lo MS h.m,

iiDdili<-d.jc'.or went to the d ior of bl<

cell, lh- told Dr. Hicks several days ago

tha*. bo had got tbros^U ta'kiofr, lomtn. lie «a» no* KoiiiK talk to Old. II<:ice

bis last words were lo be ID the loim of a

prayer. Ild bad headed lii.-m, "My dvlny

aroidi on the scaffold, ' and dated them at Hit UnH'd Stan". )tll, WashlDKton.

lie tiSu conclude.) by a ecatbiug ansthema

on all III-II, out ibe mlolsiur wbo .-i„.in a -■■■IH.IH or ii-ii-uriiII- with aim show<.d blm

the i;.i- Mi-.j-ii'iii-y of such remarks with

his i■ ■-.>r■-■— i II- ofbelog like unto Cbrlat,

who said i them. Tiny koow

Gulteau held off a

Hicks probed In vain

K.M .IIv acoin|iromlse

ir.o of an •lursMtOI

"Fstker, r.iraUe ot what ihey do."

iii^ while, and Dr.

effected JU thu

that Ii harbored DO 111 will against any


^IffER5 a the eoneurrent teallnsaai of ilif piihlit Uie nieilleal prolSSaton, «."■ -s. Hosirtei'i

It la the iii'i. inii'r.1 !• • nit Hi.- nil s omaeh Hi irsuiu stimtiiv lelt, tin ■I I* rerlllj-lna User .li-lr Irr, it Invigorate* the feati'e, .■ nir- - kllnev ami i,l .■! '■ ■■. eotnulnlnls ami haatena the c.nvaiearcneo ol those rseover lag from enleehlmt; tlisratea. Mmeover It the grand speciaV lor fever nml ague,

For sale by all Druggists an.l ikr.ilers generullT. eo.l s x

Hosteller's Blttera are so ,1 i,r A.P.OKBWAY A CO., Apntheeane^.

Cor. Resex 8L an I Broailwiy. Lnwrcnei


Parker's Hair Balsam. fE5S!?fiE ■«. in.M.uw.nik. ncvn-ini<>TKjm.Mi.... ^*ii»i-Kp,,u,. 4 t'o.,(.*h«,i«s.N. V. _ sa».a»«|i^-^ iair.s.»>.,tii,7to1iniMKi^

niaryofihe !*-! eines kaowq aro cum. binrJin l'a.ker'*l'iii(ri Ton.-, ima a nitdicini of H h vaiiftl powen, ai to m.iV* <i ihe crejicii I'ln-I f'nriiict anillhc

DestfI»a!l>iA<ttn-B(tk Itestonr Lrrrl'sed. It cure» Rhevimai™,

SIcrple.Mi^M, atdi^-icuL of ihe ilM... h, BoweK Lii]i->. I.iver ft Kijntys


'I i-i ■'■IV' bid a little poem

'.o read ou the scaff ild.

hi ii Valient Mooil United Stales Jail, Washington, I" C,

June 30, IM8. Uulleau wanted a Lub bath

ss MOOD an lie aW.ike, wli c!i was about C

oclock. Dr. llkka, who had spent the iiighlaiib'-jtll.wja with him Immedlaiuly

fhl I'Vi not being teady, be asked to be

(Mowed to lake Ills usDSl morning walk t> ihe corridor. The deputy wsrden told

blm that be could Dot take his accus- tomed this morning. Ooce more

Dger broke forlh. lie damned Uuss

and Crocker, and the authorities gener-

ally. Ho aald that exeiclse wu Ii xi'.s

req'in'.ie to beallb, and that it visa wrong, tflralaall? wrong, to deprive blm o[ K.

lis bieakfssi. came while he was IP tin-

nii-i of his tirade and In in < wrath and

exillnn bv refuted'o touch It. It was

akeL away uniaited, but bronjbt back uler, vtbeo be ale heartily at usual. Then

m hid bis tu'j bath lu bis eel', aud Mr.

Hlcha w i- with him agtin lu u moment

m'.ulsterlng to t.i' :|>.i :.nV needs, lie

was soon moved to calmness by llicka,

who r.malued with blm for a short lime

■i i I.; ;: to him and praying with lilm. He Ild not dare, however, toexpreaa his deep

indignation. However, lllcks came down

into Warden Crockei's (.fll^e ID a few

minutes reporting him as calm an usaal. - -- as — -


To-day Witness*-, the las*, act In the ne-

lua] trigedy of July 2, IU31, ID the Jail

at WaahlDgton, s.nd Qolleau has forfelttd

uls life a- a oenalty f<?r his aw ul crim*,. I sense of relle' CO'n-s lo the people of

this country now tbat the mlsrraole

wretcb Is out of the way, sud he will soon

piss out of Ibe minds and thtughts <•'

every one. It ts safe to say that no crim-

inal oi modem tli'jea was ever, so univer-

sally 'i. ■■ i>:■■! -I ext crated. Scarcely n soul iii c.viilzjtlon bul abhors ins very

name, and not a choro «f sympaiby was

touched an be stood trembling on tbe ■miik of eternity. It was a terrible posi-

tion lo which to place a human being;

yet then were few to aympaihUe with him In his trying ordeal. The pale, ema-

nated face of Uit Held comes in k Ilk* a

.:i m spectre at the recollection c' the

crime, and one naturaily regrets that smne mote bldeous means of lor lure could not

'ie devised '.ban the klmple hanging o

-II, h a w re let),— a ; uni li-m-nt. In som

way coniniensurate with tbe cilme he

comnltled. Tbe nature ol the deed wat

so hidious that ew.-ry human being shrank

r in It In very horror. In a raiment1

time he clothed Ihe uallon In sackcloth

wotl'l wept In sy-ji- patby for ns ss a stricken people. Yet notwiihsianding the country aiood Well*

iilifli paral.tEed with grief, the wrel;hwas

prolioied by the strong arm of iht law,

sud eviry com>ltl--ration was extended to l.lm at bis trial. Eminent council were

aselgmd lo deferd him. and witueHHes

anil experts from all tver the Uml were

namrnone-J in the naiini.'it cspliol, aud at

tli" nation's expense, luat no undue ad-

vantage u.i- ,' be laken of bis position,

and that bis rights might be maintained. The very govi rnmenl be bad so groi*lv

oat rafted stretched forth Its hand and pro-

dded him sgitlnft violence while the

sickening details of In;, cridie were re-

hearsed lu tourt. His prison life has been made UH pleasant a-> possible, aud

ids vanity jjratilK'd lo ibe last degree

couslxteui with common decitcy. lint

ihe rlahieous veidlct or the Jury which

tried nun, tnel tlie hearty approval of

every one, and a sense of relief will be

fell no*v thai the end has tome, ll one Is ; ,i to II,icii his heart In Ktmpalby

for the wretch, \e nas but to tun hack a

lew chapters lu the history of the memor-

able year 1891, and call to mind tbe long,

weuiy, hut petttiBt hours oT snfferln:{ tC*

■.tini-i! by the nation's stricken ruler, and

reflect that ibis namelosu crime was com- m'.Ui d wlthou*. Hi" least c tuse or provo- cailoi. lu February, whea In* prisoner

was brought bi fore lb a court ror'e.iu-nce,

h-T arose pale, with compr>-s.sed lips tod desperate determination stamped upon

bis features. In low nil deliberate terms

he ti.'gau to address the Jo ry. but his IIIUD-

Jsws pat the despised Uallleio into tbe grate. Tor a time tbey i.iumphed, bat at the destruction of Jerusalen, forty years, Hie Aliuighly Cot ' ven with them. 1 om Dot sfrald of death. I ear, here ss Ood's man. Kill me to-mor- row iryoo want. I am Ood's man and have been from tbe atari.

Judge Cox ID passiag sentence, spoke

as follows:-

lllal SKXTENCE. You have oeeo coi»lcted of a crime so

terrible ID 111 circumstances and SO far reaching that It his drawn upon you the horror of the whole world and the exe- cration ofyonr countrymen.

The excitement produced by such in offence made It no easy ia.-k to eeenre, for yoa a fair and Impirtlal trial, bntyoo have bad tbe power or the United States Treas- ury and ibe Government lu your service 10 protect yoar person from vlolenci and to procure evidence from all parta of the country. Vou havu had Hjalr and Im- partial a jury as ever assembled ID a court of jusuue. Yoa have been defended by counsel with a real and devotion that merlin the highest encomium, and I cei- talnly have done my best to secure a fair presentation of your deft-use. Notwith- standing alt tin.- you have been found guilty. It vmuld haye been a comfoit to many people If tbe verdict of the Jury bad

lUblished the fact that your act waa ihst ' an Irresponsible man. It wonld hav«j

left the people the saLls' oelluf Ibat the crime or political assasalnstlon was

methlDJI entirely for.!gn to Hie lusll'u- tlona and clTllixation of onr conntry, bnt the n suit has denied them that comfort. 1'be couolty will accpl it as a .'act that thsl crlmn can be committed sod lbs court will have to deal with it with the blahest penalty known to tbe criminal code to serve as so example to others. Your career has been BO exiraordloary that people might wtll it limes have doabiedyouraanl'y. Bu' osecan bat be- lieve tbat when tbe crime waa committed you thoroughly nuttrst&od ibe nature of tbe crime an.] its coDBequences, [/Julleau — I was acting; as GoO's man,] aud that you had moral --ense and conscience mouith to recognise the moral lulqnity of »ucb an act. [The prisoner - That's a matter of opinion i Yout own veatimony shows tbat y u recoiled with horror iron tin; Idea. Yon "ay teat you prayed against it. Vmi aay tbat yon thought it might ii • prevenled, This shows tbat your coo- science warned you against It, but by the wretrhed aopblalry of your own mind yon worked yourseir up sgalnat lh? protest of your own conscience. What motive coulo l-iiv.' Induced you to this act miisi be a matter of coo lecture. I'rob&bly mm will ihlnk tbsl some political fanaticism or a morbid iii-sii.- for stll-^xaltallon was the real IcsplfailoD 'or Ihe act. Yoor own testlmor.y aetras to controvert thi theo- ries of your counsel. Tbey have main- laloed and thou^bt honestly, I believe, *.:i:it yoa w-r.i driven against your will by an insane lmpuise, toccinmli tbe act, bat your testimony showed that you dellner- ately it-solved to do It, and that a delib- erate and misguided will WBH tboBOle Im- palse. Tins ma/seem In , .nity *.o Some persons, bul tbe law looks upon Ut as a w.lful crime. Yoa will bare doe op- portunity oT having soy errors 1 msy have committed duilng tbe course of the trial passed upon by the court lu banc; but In the meantime it Is oeceBBary for me lo pronounce Uie sentence of ihe law, that y:iu be taken beoce to the i m jail of ibe District, from whence yon cane, and there be kept la confinement, and on Frl- day, the 30th dsy of June, IS.SJ, y0u are to be taken to tbe pUce oT execul'.nu witti- io the walls of said Jail, and iberu between the ho H-. 6T I-.! in. and 'i p. m. yoa shah be banged by ihe neck nntli you are Head, and may the Lord have mercy opon yonr soul."

Tbus hai dosed the career of one of ihe

mist remarkable criminals ou record

He lived a life of shame, deception and

11 i l, :. i l Ii - died an Igaomluious death.

While Ibe in-I n >ry of f)*rn ild la embalmed

lu the ii.'.u-., or the cltlthltd world,

Gulteau's name Will be forever associal.-d with all that Is vile, corrupt and devilish.

mk an effjrt wis made by a few,

perhaps, woll-meanlng but misguided par-

to lodocu Presid.'Dt Arthur to re-

prieve tbe culprit :intil further lorestlga-

llon coald be mil..' into bis RsnHy or ID - satiily, but ibis was. or coarse, fruitless,

and the law was allowed to lalte its course. Q.


Co M Chooses Corporal Kogera.

Hi, Filday an adjourned meeting of Co. M, Hiu regiment, was held for the purpose ol'elect- ng a second lieulen.ini, vice luchcsney re- igned. When tbe company were called to or-

der at 8.13 o'clock by Major Ducbesney, there were tut twtn:y-0ve men nreient. The Hsjir explain! J tbat as there were flfty.fWe names on tbe roll, twenty-eight men were accessary foi an election, and tbat IT tbe company failed to elect tli at tbe Governor would appoint, fklr- mlabers were sent out and in half an hour inree men were found, witch gave just a quorum. Tbe company tben proceeded lo ballot with ibe following resnli i

Mbole No. Ol votes, 28 Necessary foracbuice, lu

K.I warn A. Koger*, 15 H I. -si-i ,„.-!, 7 J'.ini IlsugLton, 8 Scaitering, > And Corporal Roaera was declared elected.

Wbo!eNo. uf votes, '28 Necessary for cliulce, io

Kdward A. Kogers, 21 8i-atlerin/:, 7 And Corporal fl'igers was again declared

eleetc*. 1 ins lime be accepted.

Capt. Dolan He-Klected.

in i ni.|.Hin I-, Suiiii Rejilment, iberq was an election of Captain, vice Cap). Dotan, wbosa time bad expired by limitation. Lieni.-Co). I. >i.-i<11 presided. Tlut ono ballot was laxtn with tbe I.JII.IWUI-; rein t :—

Wbols No. of votes, 37 Necessary fur cbolce, 1W

Blaok, I Si-rgtant Cummln|i, 8 Lieut. Donovan, 8 Daniel 9, Uolan, 2Q And Capt, yi.ilaii was declared r.-elected.

He made a btlcf speech or acceptance and was followed by Lieut. Col. Ligan, wlio Suoke In complimentary terras ol Ihe command.

—Thursday, James Cociln, a paper

hanger, while stand,ng on a chair at bis residence, ;i,' K m street, Cell end liroke

his ruin arm. Dr. Sargent was called

and ailended him. Tnia la the aixth'.ime tne am: has I) eu broken.



DR. DTK'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances iiinVrliuc (mm ?ter\oa»ll>Bli»ie«*T^ii,tiess- er«I It'Mlity, lo^s ..I nerve lorre or vigor, oranv dlaeawn-KiiltiniE Iri-rn Ast'sra anil OrilH ''ar«"i.-. or h, mmj our atTll<-U-.l win- Kh.-iitna- Unii. Netiraiala, I'aralv-l.. i-i,|in.l Inftii ulin s. Kidney or Efvst Tnni!ili'i. laiinc Rack. Rup- tnrvs, and Other ntaeaax-s K tho Vital Organ*. Also WOHKN troubled wiili dlH-apt-s Daeuliar to their sex.

>»perdy rellrf and complete re» turn lion to health ^ -.'ii-'. .1. TISSNC nTs- live •■!* t.l*H-trlr A|l|llllHII'<> t lilt I BSSSSf) MM

BUY Beach's Washing Soap.

Tbe si. VC:II,.R » of a reliable, safa a rtoei meuicne Is lirsl':ulablr, and wben surh IJ iiiun-l, (tie bleitina should be lreeij spoken of, aueb vli ties are powesaed In an eminent degree fcj u,< grr;jt ooutbern medicine,. "Slm- 111,in»'Liver Heiulaior," wtileh is o! porel;- v,„eiablti comtiuuiid.oMalried irnrn tbt coui- iry wbere nn Allwise I'rovluencd seems to have (.laced this remedy lor tbe use eel siiderer* lioni -er togt n ent of tbe hsir. Kocommending ibis in.'.i, in' lo ibe public.

Purchasers should be careful to see tbat tbev itetlbe USNTIHS, msoufacturtd only by J. 11. ZBILIN&CO., Pbiladelpbla.

113meod )unc!3

Prsa CoC-Livim OIL made from selceted livera, on tbe sea shore, by "aswill, llauru & Co., N-;* Voik. It is 'v pure and sweet. I'liii. nit tvl.n bate once taken it prclei It to all oiber'. Physicians have decided It snp:rlo; lo any of ibe oiber old lo the market.

CaUFl Mi llanos, Faca, Pimples and Rough Shin, cored by mlng Juniper Tar floap, made by C.tsv/tll,Haaard&Cn., New Yorl .


Allen's Brain food positively cures nenoui- nesa, nervous debility and all weakaess oftLe generative OfttB*. 91. fix for f5. All drug-

i. Bend for tlreo'ar to Allen's Pharmacy, 315 first Ai-erne, New York. Held la Law- rence by i ii.n :■ i Clarke, I'D P.iaex Slruct.



*H-F*><-*»nlrii«-l<-«l us»«>ssH«-lrsillBleprls>. igfi rlAt-iti \ liii* l.i-i ii i-n>r- rlttlns. Their

tlially pioveii with the IUOMI v...n.lrrfril ■Hi-ciMua, and tlir-.y hair ihe hlwaieat rnda>r«<>nirsil« fnnn iiirrtli-itl Hint wtrn- l.llr o».- !, I liuixlrnla who hsive bee-* qxlrkl) nssil rodlrnlly rurea ttj ttlplr MM-.

Sa-tnl at nine lor Illuslratid Ihiiiiphlet, giving all Inn;. A,I,In-.-,

T0LTAI0 BELT CO., afarahall. Mick. si ootta IT *

;W.*1 EAT



era tmraUUPB mrmrnvx urn- ■ Cnri, AICU nc FHOSFHATia AMD MOT ■ a CHUP, 1LCOEOUODHMI.J1 Highly ■ -•oonumiilal by Chemists aid rhyalalaaa aa


is It doaa not sllmulaW tha brain or Irritate lio ijitnnimllMvo ualctarloua atSMSB. On Jia contrary. It ftinilahn juat that waiok la

Hnismiry to tha brain. aminHieaaaadgnlala ■■| blood, aad

■h, bona and

KM^wTiTaii tTRNirRAlT'lsEntUTT, ■ MALJtlilA,l>Vr.|>f.|'BlA,lKae)MNIA. ■Troduera a healthy action ot the larar and

•"rtirylaa; tha lyaUm aa-ainat tha ofluanoM, and will ba *™nd In- ill pulmonary and broooUal dlflt.

. UCATB FEMAI.CS. HUmBIaTa ■ MCLTH«1!0 and WEAJU.T CHILBRXJI oan H StsTno remedy •qual lo thla haaiihrul blood

' laa-vefoadtonla, tr-xeraalabyallltruf •1.00 per botUa. Fraparad only bi

WrlXAT HITTMW CO., ' ea. Mew Tork City

Wheat Bi lera are lor sale bv a P. OmiWtVA CO., A) atberarles.

Corner Essex bt and i: i..,.!»... Lawrence.

lIcHiBlttoraarcaoldby A- r,OttDW AT * CO,, A paihiearlss, Coiner Kssei Hi. and Bioadway. Lawrence.


*VROt Cures Dyspepsia, Nervous Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Agile, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhcca, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- plaints, Liver Complaint, Remittent Fever, and all diseases originating in a bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low Btate of the System.

eodH |yfe« x w ""

I'l-m v i . n Svruii la sold by . P. OBIIVAt * CO., Apothecaries. C ir,,H«(..'\ 61. and Drcmiway, Lawrcnee.

pa<aajtes oi

allays IntlnmmallDD .mi h Million, proteelst1- membranal linings ■ r tlie hea-l I'rora sit-lliloi

letvly heals tlie sores anil restot. s ■i !- ■!..( arr.ell. Itenedotal lesullf Dy a lew amilieKlions. A .hornugb

. . .In." icii HIU erne Catarrh. Asa il remeily Tor eolii In Die bear) anrl soar

f>r. E. Q. MAHSTON

ftta^remnved to

Mswton'K, : 51 Itn.n«lwnv ut is w 1 In

man became changed to violence,sod 1 be delivered ibe foliuwlui; ii u ii.-n,-. -

I.TITKaf's -l>.i i II.

lam not guilty r»f tbe ebargP set forth I In tbe ID.IK tmeiit. It wss's act, not : mine. Bu-.* Ood Will take care id It, and I don't let tho Anerlcan penile for;et It. 1 He Wl I lake care of II. sud eveiy (Ulcer *or ihe governmeDl, from tbe ei»cullve

down lo tbe mait-bal, takinu lu every man on ihsijury, and every number of tbla bench ttlll pay fjr Itt and tbe American Nation will roll in blood !f iny body goes into ibe gionad and I am bung. The

aHii suffering anil rrjlug with tbe exrrurlaiJnji |iam ol nutting teeth? l( to, so at oneeau.1 Ke( almtile ot MHS. WlHSI.OWS S.mTH INO ■■■! HI i-. It will iiii.'i.' the i""T i.ul.- suffer. er in. -n'.|',ii,-[. 'i.'i.i'ti.i upon It; there is no nils- lake about it. These la nut a mother .... earth who has ever ased It, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest io the mother, and relief anil ln-nlin to 11M child, operating like msiio. ll Is perft-rllji sate to HM In all eaaea, ami i.len«anl to ibe taste, and i« Ilia prcn'U|>tl"iu ..I our ol ihe oldest anil brat female physicians an,1 nurses In the United States. Hold everywhere; Vi eenta a ImUla.



Fnr Catarrh, Hay ever. Cold n the

etc..Insert with I'--. ■ i a i- 111'!>

s llaim Into the

n-atliii'lhrniitrh the , ll will be i.i- :"!,■ Ii'.in l-jl-ll.'l ,,i Ihe diseased

FORDKArsKtS. pply kimitiile inio

H AY FFVER aSJSSi.. " ' —A fair trial will convince Die moat skeptical—


A HrlllUnt (iiatherliia and Intereat- ln« Exercises.

Tbe annual exblblllou at tbe Oliver

Qraromar school took place Friday aftci- D'JOD la the hall of the building, the lim-

ited capacity of whicit obliged a number of visitors to stand duilng ibe two hours

consumed by the performance ol tbe va- rious u * tuners on ibe proRratume. Tta

exblblllon, by alt vrho attended, was vot-

ed the beat la every respect given hj pn- plls of the school, and the large Ibroag of

spectators evince 1 that yearly greater In- Ureal la maulfeated In Ihe Qratnmar

grades of the local public lnatltotlons of learnlLg. The pupils were very tasteful-

ly attired, iiiiuy of them elaboiaieiy, and

tbe ball was redolent with tbe perfamet of tributes from gardens and gretubou-ta,

wblcb were most elegantly arranged oo

table*, tbe piano and eldeuoarda, while

pendant from each cbandcliet wss a beau-

tiful floral basket. A noklceab>a festuie of iht fl inil decorations was a stand

draped In evergreen and Ivy upon wblcb rested i baske*., lormed of tbe asme ma-

terial, which bore the certificates of ad-

misslou to the high school to be present-

ed to tbegiaduBtes. Tbe Bides of this

basket bore the significant ligend "Suc- cess," lo jellow tliral dots. On tbe

blackboards about ibe room were speci- mens of bandiwoik In the tit Of drawing, executed by pupils, In dados, designs,

Ugurea and mechanical drawings, and

tin fie Were examined wiib much lntereat

by the visitor* and ovoked moat favorable

comment for Ihe proficiency and artlittc taste displayed.

The exerclsus throughout were of a

moat Interesting character and those who tailed to attend !ost a treat, not BOOD to

oe forgotten. Tbey were conducted in

accordance with the programme previous ly published and opened with the singing

of the hymn, "All )e Nations fraiae the Lord," which was finely rendered. In

fact ibe inii-.i-al portion of the exercises

waa a feature of iba ixbibillon, H ll has

become at all the school*, i.nd did out fall of appreciation. The "hummlrg

song" was a decided and pleasing novelty,

aud ibe rendering of the "Hymu of Praise," not lo the prescribed programme,

gave positive evldjuce to the audience that the musical training of tbe pupils ia

under good tutorship. The declamations, recltatluDH and readings as a whole were

very cood Bud reflected much credit ou the school. The subnets were well

cuoieu and lo a majority of lusunces the delivery was excellent. Especially WBB

fils apparent lo the csaea of Augusta W. Borne, Oertrude M. Qelcbell, Faith £

Rashworlb, Ii, sale L. fiulkley and Ileieo

K. ChDrcblil.the latter by her studious snd expressive; rendition ol "Maclaiiie'.s

Ciilld," evoking unatiottd and well d<-

ssrved ippiiuse. The pretty little lady displayed rare elocutionary powers lor

one or her years, and divided the hMOM

if the occasion with Miss Bessie Ba.kley. eho read "F.ylog Jim's last Leap" with

much expression, her only apparent fault

being a manifest desire to hasten to a con-

clusion. Others who did'. to Ihem-

lelvea and tbe Bcbool in their various parts were Frank A. Thornley, Mar/

Kssiham, Alfred II. Clark, Caroline L. Butter, Jeremiah J. Sullivan. Hannah M.

tllnchcnff.', George F. Usgood, Lavlula

B. Bryant, Elliott II. Weslon, and Kits K. KDOWIKS.

The gymoastlc exere'rtsa were most I precisely performed, every movement of

ibe participants oelog In eulson.

After ihu dtatilbuiloo of certificates to j the graduating class by Superintendent

Brewster, gft-iPf Breen was Introduced >nd made a brief cut neit and sppropil- ale speech, lie aald tbe exercises of the

day carried bun back i'O years when be

was a pupil at tbe school. Tbe assoc1- stlons and friendships formed then were

among bla pleasantest to-day, sod be

llanked tbe teachers and pupils for tho interest they had taken In the WJik of u.e

year, aod wished nil every success. At

ihe conclusion of his remarks the audi- ence burst Into applause, In whkh the

scholars joined with a XJBI.

Qklbeit £. Hood, B»q., was next Intro-

duced, and ssl'l there was no place where

he felt BO much at home as lu the Law-

rence schools,and especially at the Oliver

The hope of the c.ty, SBld be, la lo its

schools and he hoped tbe pupils would so

itJOdtMI themselves tbat they might oc- cupy tbe | luces of their predecessors eves

better lhan tbey bad been filled by them

Qeorge £. Chlckerlng, EMI , member of

the school committee, congratulated tbe

pupils ou tbe day's performance, and

counselled Lie graduates, even It the i did

ol enter tbe high school, to remember that t'je Bpars moments of tli-lc youthful

lives could be flllea lo advgiuge by

study. Jilin C. Sanboro, K q , commit

teemen llcCsllom and Diwsoo and prlc- clpal Lord or tbe high school, followed

with expressions of commendation for the exhlDliija snd soond advice to tbe

pupil:*.. benedlcllon had been prc-

nounced by Rev. W O, VFel's or Bt.

John's church tbe large audience teas dis-

missed, and a'ler fii.-odly partlORS with teachers and lellow-puplls the scholars

went to their homes justly proud of ih'ii

tUy's achievement. .


FBI8CEIBEO AND USED BT 00B BEST PHYSICIANS. *9JI> Which tuu t.un Its wiir ID Roral favor In Knglsnd. L. on cordially indoraavl l.j

fc/*t/J_ rtW nnil ITsncf!* or WalaaAand *rtttan upon by the Kt.Ilou. W. K G rougbt to the iioUoe of UM

.•.lilalwaFaduSi'iMLMVaV Cmurs. ltahould b<- uaesldally in

ruafa Ilaadle la made or a nrV •

!ni'il-!Mi tHihllc. _. i nt«l Is a wiiadT laatlng tor e ot (as tarsllaary lUir Brash.

A If II FOI Lie I.CM. This sewer can alwoyl bu Mated bj a StirerouiuiHsas which acc.iue.arli » ,a,li llrush.

Inl. pnalBtilil, on rrci-lal iif SB.1-OC*, which •■ HI . e ri'l II nii-il il nisi na reprrai-idr J,

pln«o II cents ettra end wo guarantee «»(.. deliver? fnto To ir i,,,.>,.,,..,, , .. ,,., .,, ,.,. ,- ,.,;,■■,..,.. „iu, i-inliege of naauaw' and ai-

....Inir.!''. ri:.|,iirri),h i,. v,.uroost7or ' aa__*l.« .ui. r»_^. i«IfancyS:«re(oobUliiouitrorT«u,unU St sura l>r. 8ooU' wienttori_inia paper. HIONIIV m:n KM:II MV NOT AS

Eru«li,lf not wi'llsaiUflcd with rour l-anraln, write as. and wa will reloni tbe mscMj; Waal

ii iho hnndsof tha Mayor and Poatraaate i■ of Now fork, aa ajroaraBtee of good faith. nsule t-yat.e lo UIO.A M.1 |-|-, Hit ItmsKlwaj;. fv«w York. The. .-an lie mads In m*._ irroiie¥,e, LtaOtalAi. Disfou.\T TO Tax Ta.soa. Aaeata tt umoJ in ererv Towi Circular gf Dr. Scatfi J£*trk FUth ltn>/t amt EJtctric Oormtt,/or ladUt ami gSJaj

A ■ aoon BJ yoii rocrive can he liiln-r •

K llni At haslmtin plueed If,-, Lii*iu-i.« rh.'ulJ be

Drsfla Post OttUs. Ordera, 0 Btnd/ori




Tbe Mason & HiiiiUn Orisan i Piano Co. 154 TEEMONT 8TEEET.I

BOSTON. Offer Ihe t.iraaat ssanrtment (more than 100

styles) ot the HK>T CAItlNKi or PARLOR OKUANs IN THK WORLD, for cash, at fti, aw, «,>:, Sm-.S'i, |SI, SM nml upward*. Also for eisj iiayiiionln, #7 'J.l per miailer |M iii>- war.1*. Thsse iirnsri. IISTP nceive-l HHIHEST HONOR** at KVHRY O-E <vr the ilKKAT'i INUUSTttlALKXIIItllTIOS-sror It VKS ; so si rill-: ii tMBKlOAN OKOA1S IIAVDIO BSKS I'.'DMI WIIHTUV or SUCH AT ANT. At the OKBAT ITALIAN MINI AL EXIIiniTION, reoentlv elosetl nt MILAN, st wii-l, was Ihi LAIli.tM i ul,LRU! I'll OF MUSICAL IN BTUUnlKNTS KVEK BMOt'UHT TOOK'l IIKIt alter teatlng an,d ciimiianng M.I- by tide I.,, sarcral moinlis. Mason A llamlin (irgsnsre celrcsl the uNI.Y tllB(IK»T AfYARIl loi Insirumcnt < or thla i Insa. Cntiiloguas, with full deacrlutlone, llliiBimlions anil pn.e, ri.EE.

esH|SJm in ■..:



1 7» l-'.sscx, cor. .Jackson Ktivrl.

LAWRENCE. tJeMJvlH l tt.t0j,7

• it is aieil. Tin Dai S 1" 11 .1 agreeable. Sold by drugiists st tW ___

Oitreeeiiit of .10 i-ent" will msil a inesnge. Send or ,-n, 'iila i- With lull I mi ul'. HI.



II. M . Whitney A Co.. B. ll. K. It; v, Ctaal. Clark .I.C. Avore, at Onlwaj'a Dmg Stores,

BIv's ( i. ■■■.. tlalm, for sale by A. P.OHDWAV * CO., Anotbeenrles. Cur. Eases hi. and llrua-lway, Lawrtnco.

A COL-rjH. COLPOB AORKTltmoAT ahmiM be atoLiped. Ncgleel he.|iienily resuKs In aa Inrur- able Lung IMaeaoe or Cunsumntlon. IIHSIWN-S BWISCHIALTSIM lists do n.-sl disorder laestoinacli like cough svruus and balanma, but act dlrectlr on the inSaineiljiarta, allanng irriiadon, give re- bel In nstksM, Bronchitis, Coughs, Caurrh and Ihe Thrual Troubles which biisgers and 1'ublio spcakrta aresubjeotto. Kor thirty years Browb'a llionchUirrocheahavs been rccommendeil by Uhyalcians, and have always given oerlsol satis* t.u'Li'in. Baflag bean teak d bv wide aed eon- slant use lur nearly aa •nllre generation, they have attained well met lied sank among the few staple remedies of Ihe age. Sold at 16 cents a boaererywavsrs. *llyreod)enll a*


QUAKER BITTERS. vThstareQirAaaaRiTTr-kS? An old (Jaaker

rooiedr'haiiiBS done more to reUsvl "utterlag humanity than all oiher nt-tirine* combined.

TbSM oelebraU'd Blttera nrn Rotn|.o.eil ol choice R.'Otf, tli-rlia ami llurks, unions sshloh srelientltn, «ar#at'iir.lls, Wild Cherry, Da ode lion. Junii'i-r, ami oilier ben ii'is. HQS! are so |ire-

tnrotain nil Iheir ine.ll--.lnal t|Uililles, j,n.-, Tbey lolhiSTtn- Llver Com

!'>•! -ally i, Jsundlee,

i.l.elitr, 1'K

.' liilL.'-ul- 1 Hfbility

vlbing caused by sn MI:J.IIrw -lor dcia.ixe.1 eondi Ion ol Ihe

The sued Sml la oiiimg stimulael

nlng yesr

i'-!"naml'Ppri'iimince''llii_ _ lis.HHesoi (In- lli.....l,M)mach iv. So one can remain <ong

.„ .fflieiesl with snlneiirabledis- e*aei alter taking a faw bottlea ol the guaker Bitters. nraawbf D

pUinls, files, Kidni-y I"i.-■-* ties, Latitude, i ■■«■ -:■ ■ '■ sod In state of Stomach, Liver or Kldno in. ui.i...■■■ ll ii' ■ ...,i, -,,.,i'i.- i.i the!

Bminent Fhvslei eomnirnd ihu r n" beat Cure for all Uli Liver and hi,;,

Orin'i MisroRTLakS. French wii has aald: "We are all strong

to tn-ar Ihe mialertuoea of oilier." A iidresi sentiment la found la Artemua Wsrd's illingneas to aacrlBoe all of bis second cousins

in the lal> war. But why eadare she nilafortuoes f others ? Why see others sacrificed lo the Mo-

loch ol diieasod kidneys or liver, lire ken down In Health, weak, wailed, hastening to the grave whtn we know thai Hnnt'> Remedy la Juat the speeiSe that will inase ■ venect eure? Thai man with Weak back, sore loins, dlstreaaed leel- Ing, Intl eaergy, bas disease ol the kidneys, and tluni'a Remedy Is )ust whut he usada. Let hint not besacriSoed, buttell bioi Ibe gouJ news Ol this wood, rlul atedielne. wit

— file Cocbicbewirfc Kisblng c.nb have

il>iilus daja tbls aea*on aa follows i July 4, 11, 16 18 25, Bftd VJ, with tbe annual

meellog on tbe latter da?; Auxnat B, 0, 9, 11, 16, III, 23, 30, September 2. 7, 14, 1U,

21, 28, 80, October 6. 10, 13, 20, 27, No-

vember 4. 11, 18, 25, 30.

In return for what Lawrence did In

i.'-iud l" p ij-linjf up Kuurlli of Jnlj bills

in Lowell, that citj has sentdnwD a num- ber of posters containing an alluring ad-

vertisement of the attractions to be seen

there on Independecee day, sod they have

some stuck np about tbe city.

Thousands die icarlv Its various lorn*. As a

esr ain relief lor tbls L.OSI dreaded of diirascs, we i.ivr yon If. Graves* Heart Regnlator, at ia cents and f 100 per bottle. Yon CBB o.iialn a ii imphlcl free, treating; on rymutomi of Heart llnesse, ofF. B. IngalIs, Concord, N. H. ror -a .■ i>t drag-giits- IMOJ myiWeod

dy to I., i mer" "I


" flow Lo Yot' HABACS," said a Inriil, "to as pear so bappr ail Ibe aUarsbare Parkei** Olngir' loi wa* tbe rtply. "ana tbu» keep toys ily la good ttaltti, Wben I ant well I always le"' torfnaiored." See other eoior

Itlmeod jelS

Dobbins' Starch Polish.

ndl>ealer*ln Uedlelncs nr

KUKItM Any <>ne m wan lp will (Inl It to their advan

iaj~e to~e*dl at jni IS.IIHI !.■■'" i iite "fence uace J Aps.letoP »*lr«r,"x

Sly Jan. i Lawien. e.M'is. Mill V mchlT







Looking Glasses

WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, aud every Affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Sold hy all Druggists.

nod H I .v fell T a

W.slnr*a Dalssm ol Wild Cberry Is sold by A. P. ono WAY * OOJ, Apothecaries. Cor.Easr.x HKO.UV.-AT. Lawrence.



LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of yonlbtol Imprudence cawing Prema-

eara Decay, Kerrous T>bUlty, Lost Uscbood, et;-., having tried In *sln every kuown NBMdj, bas dia. covert-da simple seireiif*. whiob he will m ud FKER lo bis senow-iuflerers, addn-as J. 11. ULEYK*. 43 tbatbatni »»., N. T.

eod* lyseplO n

ml lyiW7

Piles! Piles!! P.les!! NO ONE gfJfiBD SVFFElt.

A sarecarelor the Ullnd, lllecillng, lulling and Ulcerated Piles tins IK-S-D diseovcied by Dr. Will lama (sn Indian remeily). called Dr. Wil- liams Indian rile Uinluient. A single boa has cured the worst chronic cases or 28 years stand log. No one will snffer Hve minutes niter spsily Ing this wondeiiui -ii.'Uilr.n mi-dlnlne WlC- LtAM'S INDIAN P1I.K OINTMKNT sbsorba the lumois, allays Hm Intense Itching (particu- larly at night alter getting nnrm la bed), acts ss a poultice: gives inaltint relirl, mm is prepared ONLY FOB rMI,K3, aching ol the private parts, and nothlngelae.

Bead what lion. Judge Codlnbiiry, of Cleve '" reuaed scutes ul pile iores,

Iileasore lo ssy, that 1 have


sll dmaglBts.or mailed on recelp

and It affords never Tonnd at ale and per mm. PlleOintrernl.

For sale by a" of price, ei.wi

HENBV & CO., New York City.

Kor sale by CHAR).Kb CLACK*:, Lawrence, sod! lyraugl v



SPECIFICS. ■ year*—Each number tha rpeclal pr»- on of r,n eminent physlcli- * e.Harr-anS sure sled BHsSB

Ian. Infl-smntlonn.

3 Millions Culled

, Fesefi, I'nnirmlion, Intlimnlio . WorisH. \V,.i-iii l.i.,-i. Wnrtm

: fi2Sfcl'»fflK?W'I,V ronshs, '■'.'..I. Iirunttiills

. Rrssralgl*. Ti-«li»cl^, tacftiche

EWgSr^BSag-- sup. ' ough, Dim-lilt Idi-nliilne. .. I rskeasa. Rrynluelas, r'nii.iioas.

...runisi|«ns, Hbenmatle I aim... . aaJ Aaue.'lilll. *'ever agues 'lira, irlln.l , r Plerdlng,........

" hronlc; Inflnetlsa violent c<mgii-...

l-kyslcal frtliBsM

'.'.I'.'.'..'.'.'.'.''t'M : ,; ,!,:■ I,. I ",' ipliatlon. 1 Ol the Caae.or.1,. aoslpt Of p-ii-e an isle nl.H


For tUoso deathly Lnilies In dcllcato Dllleus tipelis, tic- Health, who aro all Tend on ! ii riiL'tarurtdoiTn, should use 1ITTES3, It Will CUtefSULr-lIL-B JJITTEItS.

ThoClitn.. ,. Il'lnlsrrri.l | -,i:.lrig virn lumtM will il'B HiiiTiss, notJissLtorouro, It


Don't be without a willbulldyouupa ■bottle. Try "'■ J°" makoyons' frwillKOtrt-bTOtlt. jhsalltiy.

........i.H bo viliat i-d SJtlto nsllla arid work- iloodwoen yoa ice ■IIIOJE; Clerks, who Is Impurities barst- Hda sot procure suf na thretigb the sUa UtVIciit exercise, and n rimplcs,Blotches, "llwlioare eondne^ ind fiorcs, Bcly en

n amtSj should uss sVUBDl Dmus, -u'ttLR mrrxits. uid licalLh will (ol- _oy will not then low. e weak and sickly. i«»-a«««««»««»«»a«a- —i —— &t:r.rinnt JHTTLUS General Debility willcmBlivorCoin-

..iccdsagentlo tonlo plaint. Don't bodii- |L'se KULITIL it Bj-rfonragedlUwlUctut

Hi, 1,1 Ul',- of the l'.'i>i-i-.n-l.laiid, Brlgbls ■ i i. (,"■ lugiilT iceosumetiiisd scxsniicted withant disease

of the Kidneys or Hladdur Prlne per bollle 11 all for »1. A.l.lieh- NKW EM, I. AN l> MED1- (Al, INdTITUTS,, 21 Tiemont How, Boston Haas. ■faTAISTIKKOirsiXVIUORATOR.

Tha Great Itestoratlve, supplies rn«rr to ■rain and nerves, rcsiore* vinitilv, gives vigor

to young nnd old, cures nervous depression and la t living, lelievet tha worn! luslsnilr. Pin.- »I Addri-ss or call s n the

:Vs* KM. 1.A Mi MEDICAL IXSTiTUTK, Ko.: l Trentont Bow, Boston, Hats.

1 ly la I"

A CASK OK CUKTKHPT.—A colored man iiatneti .Bob TompklBS was on trial before Mi AusLin Justice for assault. Old* Uncle Moso wus one ot the leading witnesses for lite stnle. Tbe main point was whether or not Tompkins bad given any pro- vocation to bring on the row.

Now, tell this jury all you know about tbe atlair," said the Justus,

Kin I tell de fury all I know in my own way?" nslicdold Mose.

Yes, tell the jury what you know, in your own way."

Old Mose tunic.I solsmtly to the xpecLant JuTjmen:

"Geui'inens ob Je jury, you an: de meanest lookiu' crowd eber I seed—"

''Stop!" bawled the attorney, for he state.

"Your honor will incarcerate the witness lor cotntempt of com 11" howled the attorney lor Ihe prisoner.

The foreman of the jurt got tip and asked tlie court to protect the Jury from insult.

Witness, If yoti insult the fury again 1 chall certninly resort to ex- treme meobiiret."

mnotgwitie tsr consult nobody sf you don't Interfere wld me," said old Mas*1, sullenly.

"Proceed." "GeQi'mons cb de jury, you am de

meanest looiun' crowd ebcr I need outside of a jail—"

The prosecution attorney jumped ui> and down. The loremin of the Juvvonce more ltowl»d " Your Honor !" The constnt)lc laid In > hetvy hand on ihe collar of obi Mose, when the lat- ter calmly irpealetl to the jury:

'•You am do meanest loukia' crowd ebcr I seed outside ob A jail. Dcm


TOPS, tal an* laii-

etnseltftla. A large varietv ofaiaes At lyles



Terra Cotta Chimney Tool Prevent Ch mneysSmokinir.

Terra Cotta of nil DescrlptloDi.


Dowr< Tcwn OMice, 62 Corgjrsts St.

waa de berry words de piisoner dar used when he Argt come into the bar-

roam, and * bich led to de row


ROSES alliab.inl.*«arCH«(CE«l Hlmnsr.rot Plan

;«»r"- ""raj-MirssrSSIfil !8-,S: las-AJ'---"'""1

WE GIVEAWAYS Taioata. OvwAOLaJwe ItstasaasssforB

■•sseUreTera, WestUi



^Hm^*m Salesroom 286. Kesidcure, 385 Com-

mon Str'pf. sjlyrjan 1

BT PEmtlCK & CLOSSON. % eow Irrjasiu at

8nLpricn Drmn

[Sulphur Blttera.

The foreman sat down quick. The attorneys doubled up like jack Knives with suppressed laughter. His Honor amlled. Tba spectators roared ; while old Mose, with a surprised look of childish innocence, once more suid emphatically to tl« cowed juryman :

"You am de meanest looking crowd eber I seed outside ob de jail."—Tex- as SiflingB.

Boll's Ona Winute GuraforTooth wbtj^'-'AWD trios, t* s'titi are oenta.

• Skin c: ;ic.-.iiy io □ Joy r-orever DR. T. 1 fetUX GOljRAOlJ'S



1-lliKil .»..> .If.. *Hi I' I.' MnWlH ,|.l.,u. l,.li -Hi. ul -M'"> l"'l'—k,h- „ ^^ u- Mat Jl. It. T. IU'L'KAVH. *■ l" rr.,i...i»llonrtBt..S.T.

! ., , i., ,,| |.,,-t,, , . :..,.l 1... T li..«li Ival.-r. hn,iiuli..ui tb.' rS.OapaASS anil gunn>,. tWB»war- ,ii,„™ i HI,,!.- si..»«li.'*ar.l furarrvsCiDdpro

tf cow iim ..i■ I '•



EVERY ©■l«EBo°

COA1'" Week can be OOw'nlitr. Kumetliing c snein-. $!> m.tilt rree. U. W. (JO., Boston, Haas.

laileiB any lo lleli ntw for MiKAUAM A


r .inikVl-,!". "r sesit bv ,. I, fresi of BsMSps, on i

Ban^firDr.-- [*(»■'. alao I, hi.iratrj I s, ll.iiisnltrava' MiHls«..j»stli'r se Co., I09 Hin-ri. Itew i'

Chas. T. Emerson, AHOHITECT

Booms 11 and 12,

E»ex Bank Building, Lawreaoe

H. LEGRAND GILBERT & CO, STOCK BROKER8 48 BROAD HT., NEW YORK. Sums irom 133 ami ■JiWsTsIs hulleloasly la

v.'-. i' t in Mini k*. Kill] Infonnatiin reaardlni Stunk iransBClluna mailoil In*, also financial

11 ltc:-t I'.-stiiiMinlal


BITTER! T_HT A noTTLI, 'old bj all llnif-

KIM« at so cU. a i I'.til-'

The following story bas recently gone the round of tbe Uertoan papers I On tbe morning of the recent eclipse Capt. von -S ofllia Fusileers issued tbo following verbal order to his Cotipany. through his Sergeant Major, to be communicated lo the men after forenoon pniade: tlThls alter- iioun a snbti' eclipse will take place. At 3 o'clock the whole company will parade in the barrack yard. Fatigue jackets and caps. I shall explain the eclipse to the men. Should it rain they will AMemble in the drill shed.' The Sergeant-Major, having set down his commander's instructions in writ ing, as be bad understood them, form- ed the company into hollow square at the conclusion of the morning drill, and read his version of the order tc them, thus: ''This afternoon a solar eclipse will take place in the barrack yard by order ol tlie Captain, and will be attended by the whole company, in fatigue Jackets and caps.. The Captain will conduct the solar eclipse in pertson. Should it rain, the eclipse will take place in tbe drill shttl.

A goose, which was travelling across the country for (he benefit of her <lys- [M', was resting herself in a bit of a thicket, wben along came two foxes in search of something not loo utter for dinner. Being tired and disappointed il was only natural that tbey should feel qunriellsome, and as ibey hal'ed near the thicket one of them obierved "If you were half aa sharp as tbe books make you out, you would not now be hungry enough to gnaw at the hushes." "Aid if yon were .half SB big as yon think you are, yon would pass for a lion, minus the roar," sneer- el the other. "I don't want any im- pudence from no (llteen-ceit animal of your build I" warned the first. -'Don't give me aay chin-musio or I'll make a wreck of you !" yelled No- 2. "You're a thief?" "Ditto!" "You'rt a—I" At this point the goose could stand it no longer. Walking out from the thicket, sbe put on a benevolent look and observed, "Gentlemen, let me settle this dispute. In the first pittite, I want to remark —." But she never rcmuke.l. The foxes made a rnsb ana gobbled her up, and ns they piked their teeth of the last of the feathers No. 1 remarked, "Nouc but a gooBe would have sought to settle a dispute between two foxts". "And while 1 have great respect for a peacemaker" added the second, "I have invariably observed that Ihey are the eaten par- ty. Neighbors who quarrel cannot on- ly lake care of themselves, but it) moat cases of the goose which slicks her bill Into the fuss. This banquet will now adjourn."—Detroit Free Press.

CUT THIS OUTt •OB? 8161 S40wV.Y Wahaveatorealnl6 leading Cities. Irons which our atmta obUln Iheir IUITHW uulcklr.

tanua hi a*-enta Address

M. N. LOVELL ■'oBoS.'ast

ORGANS Tivs Octavos, ono :i-S Beta Reeds, JM|U Stop;

lucludlna; Hub- liatt, Oelavf Ostasler, Sto.,1, Book and Music, in Solid Black. Walnut C -


ONLY $30. Taw OaSjSJ TS DCH.T OS TTf OU> PLUC ■a* JrCSlSS JfawfAws OrffWSS.

27 Stops, 10 Sets Reeds, (90. Hooa to adTNica to S13S. Order now. Remit br Bank Draft. Piasl OOlce onlcr, or IVflatered LeSser. Boxed and BhlpaSM v/tthnuta Momenta I»«ia,T. Calalof ue Free. A.Mroaa or ceJI uj« :i

^BUiantATn.Wijhinjtai, Kit lntj.<»

U'IMIS'I HILJIM or wii-ri UHiABf snrea coufbs, colsls, brsBcbltlB, whooping confb, croup, induecsa, coniamptloa and all dheases of tbo throat, lungs sad chsst. H cents and ■ 1 B IWltlS. tCOdlljf att'U

C ASTORIA Old Dr. I'lKlsnr'a reisiedy for i

Chlldron's ('omi.liUuts,

■ JaJsassSaHv mdapUd to c!,UJrtn." Dr. Ales. Bobertson, 1«,7 M Av., K, Y.

"PUatant, JtanitlttianUtyondfrfttav fJHraeioui." Dr. A. J. Orscn, IMjertou, last

"IpnscrUMit at mptrior to any know* rsnsett>." *Dr. IL A, Archer, 82 Portland Av., Brooklvn.

Ossatorlss la not aareoUo. Mothers, Nonas snd Doctors agvea that for Bonr-Btomaob, Fiatnlencv, Dlarrhosa, and Com li pat Ion. nothint Is so prompt si old Dr. I'iteber's Ctvatorlau Vr atslmllatina the food. Ossatorlss lives robust health and nat- ural sloop.


(ENTAUR}NIMEKT The Great IleaiiDg Remedy. An Infallible! riirn for Hbsumatlasn. Rel-

ation, NesiraJi-lis, Wonmla, Iturna, Kprmlns, Ntlrr Joints, S,ni*iii, mill LssBaaaess froiu BUsrcsMS-

P.T.BtsrmsuB,tbstreatehownaaa, sarsr— "Amsni my vast troupe of Equestrians, Tsamr- Itsrs, Hones, Camels, and Elephants, soras ars alwavs it ralne J. bruise J, or wounded. Mr Sur- Bsons and Veterinarics all say, tbat for casual lUss to amass Bnd ssnlmsvla, aothlna IB so afilsMiou ss Centamr Llsaiaaant."

OS Fifth A v., New York, Msj Bth, 1875. "*

Isl Hvr

CCC1 rrk >n your own town. TormsasdlA 200 °"l<ll free. Ad Irrsa II. IIALLSTTA C'U„ Portland, Ualne. ^ Vlr dels


tKin »i mi m...


Andover Advertiser, —runuiHKD

Every Friday Morning,


Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass, 8UB3CRIPTION-Po8fa(r« Prepaid

S3 60 par year, from which 60 ' will b,# deducted for S3 60 par y«(vr, from which will be deducted Tor Mi icily advance payment.

County, »inl more than Three limes that of any other Weekly 1 aper pub- ilabad In thfa City.

S.V llalei of a Irerlltlag teat upon appliol I OD.

■ itered at the Poet Office, La<_ Mass., for transmleelon through lot- malla ae aecond-claea matter.

MWR The Daily American

Published Ever* Evening, <S.,»rfag Kie>p4«4.>

I the Largeet Dally Is the City, with Four Times the Circulation ol aoT other. ^

8UBSOUPTIOM, IK UWM: One \ ear, SeVOO | Blx Mont be, M-OO

Whan not paid In advance. M-OO.

OKO. 8. MEKRILL, Proprietor.


(•the tar|>e«tand mostthorotjg-faiy fur- nished In tuUrn Ma—rtmmii' With modern prsasse. and ooaauat addl UODB of the n eweat atyIan 01 T> pe we are able to furalafa the beat quality of work, at low price*. Or dare by mall promptly attended to.



loin**, Che.nlualt, Toilet Articled, Ac. J.C- AVJKK,.UiiE*.ei.cur. Franklin.

BLANK HOOK M't"r ami Cum- aerelal Jtationei, Hoom Paper, IHru'u:!(.f»

W. It. KICK. IMA Essex sn eel. BLACK SILKS, Velvet*, Ca*b.

mere*. 811k fringes. Uulloiia, Is loves, da A. nilUtra * CO., via Eaaea su.- 1

BOOTS & SHOES, a full »«..' oomiileie aluck, at prieet to aull the UaT »»'

p. u.KOBlSsON, in Bate* Btre* ■ / 1 Alii MOT MAKER and UpMl

"». r. K.viiMlto. Esses Slree*.

COOKING STOVES, Rang**, Furaeces. dole weal Hag•* Stotsa

JOHN F. ItlNullAM.fru gisea M.

1 ROCERfES, Flour, Tea, 1-Vn- G.r Uoo. dllArrilCK Bin id. eor. Bates, Asaeal.eri

HARDWARE, Tools, Cutler) Heed* and General Hardware.

N. P. II. MELV1N, M Essex Street. MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadora

Wbltieker, KM and ltniktsaig ST. MILLINERY & MillineryOo«-d«

Hat and iionoct Bletfcherv. L. B. OILMuKE, tin Kaael Stret 1.

PAPER HANGINGS, Windew Shade* ai d Fixture*.

Ik. A. ►'hKK. .'75 ftHl street, PHOTOGRAPHY, sole Hceii*»tM

forlnociiviurth* Carbon frocea et- FRANK KUtWBLL USEi.e.,..

PLUMBING, Steam and On- riltlol end Fixture*, Mover, Hinges, *<

WM. rOKBKa «silN,».» »L

SEWING MACHINES. ThcN«n* 11.-II.»■, H'Hii.-hf ■ "

New Ho ~ Bates St. 'TAILORS, French, English a ad X American Novelties.

f. W.t»CHAAEEACO.,PoalOMce Block

TAILOR, Imported and Domvn*- ilc Uooda. ■ _

11. DKNSII M0B9E. 1M Bleex Street. UNDERTAKING Furnished In

all l5 details, kuneial Chair* ■ a, ce.altt WATBEUoUnBa PA1UONU slAsfebatv

UNDERTAKER; every dull *ppeiuiu;ug lo k'uner alt attended tu. v M.J.MAUUNBY.soiuah Sire-*. OR It of every description, l«i

* the Printing im. .-ienilyandel.tnp.1,1*. AMKUICAN OF* C £. P. O.BLOlB

A'. HAOMt A CO, Agents 1

W AW. HOWLANI), D. D. 8.,

• DENTALSUBUEON, iM Essex Street, Lawrence. aas.Eihtr sad Uu oroiorm Administered.

COLBUBN BBO'S,—DAILY PAPERr- Ohroraoa, Engravings, Periodlcalt.StnllGr.erj

fenny Uooda. Pictures r rawed at aboil notici Mo.-.HlKiiex-itreel

PH. C. W. SILVESTER. Dentist, »°. Esux ST., Lawrence. Man. Partloular

aueatiun ,ti\i(l it>prc*er*ii.i NaluralTeeih. Ar dSulal Teeth lanertod. Uaa or etber gl*«D ai pTafarred. H lyoell ■


Cor. .iwrinti k Common Sit fxae ratarned from Europe and raaurted prar Uaaoi ul* .rofeaalon.

DR. 8. V7. ABBOTT, olllce lei bait SlreoL cor. Jackaon. Kerldrni'e III) Ne»

ar •ardai ti r)<a«; ^

r\R". J. H. KIDDEB, DENTAL 8Uh U UBOK, Me. 171 Baaex Street, Lawrcac. ■faaa. Uaa, Ohlorororra, or Etbct siren, at pn larred. CloeedduringAugnal.

DBCKEB * WH1TTIEK, 0H0CBK8 Orookpry and Olaaa Ware. Strlctlt pure

Coree»,9|ilceaand*tioic«etTc«a. Thebcaldairlea •t BntteraadCheeae. 88 AmeabnrTStreet.

N. UARRI8, 266 BKOADWAT, o( letneR. Hunt Maabine Co. Turbine Water

Wneel., Fulling U Ilia, Wa.her*. rallina. Blockt Ulga, Regulator*, do..dr.. Pl:inn lurulahtilanil allmill workdone. lunlaW


Porteaiuaad Landacauea. twiR»aaxST..LAWuaiOE.

HOLT A CO., ICE DEALERS. Office with Bug bee A Maek, «l Baaei atreet, Law

rear«.Maaa. aprUfly.

Id KS. DR. M J.IIF.LL hus removed to No. ID VaUer atreet,near the Conaroa.

irr lebM


Lawrence.Maaa. Peraonai attention to ailbuai uu nut tit

JOHN 8. OILK, Aiiornej, C«ona«-l)oi at L«w, and Notavy Puiilio nfnee remored

to 3aand:n Blo<-.k, room it. La wren :e, Maat. Srli



A toar of a doirn or more |il»nofoile ware hdii-r- will reveal lo yon a like nurnbe-o( alylea of loiTamnlr liyaa many differrnt makere; bni aitr.h are IbeiaollliKR uflered al tbeeaten- ■ I m wareriHtua oi

OLIVER D1TSON * CO. that you are enabled 10 Inapert and ooorpare all thaae yariuua •.tylea.aa eihiUlltd *,ld« by aide In their large ami commu llou* ulano room*.

Oilaon'a war mom are oenlrally iK.aled, and tare alwava open Tor the Inaoecilon of

VISITORS TO BOSTOil. You are alwara anre to fln I the InMmment

wealed, and wlivilrr you wifluo iiurcbareor ■nH. H r.onliil Intilallon la otended In yon to fKiail'i? i m Itr/eian I nnest at.ek of plaooa ■o be fk>unil ;n New England.


*«• and dm vraablN(taa) St. Baatan,

Bfaaa. ocll IT


ORGANS. TUB lasofl & Human Oman & Piano Co. i 154 TREMONT STREET,

BOSTON. OaVr Ibe Urcett a»anrlmeni(arore limn IM

alyleilof the BEST CAHINK. or PAKI.OR (r!t<iAS4 IV THK WOULD, for •!-', ■3S, »:.T, air. • *.**l. ••" "'"I oi.wanla. Al.o mr a.IT iiavliu-'itr, tl'■•' !>■■ r uiial'rr iind tip *lrdaT Jtaw»iWanataTrKf«lreda1Wi1awl HOVOllS at EVKRV (l.K nr Ihe URBAT WORlVsiNliUsTRIAL EXHIBIT.OMa for » YBS.: »o OTH£K *MBit;CAN oaflAMa BIVIHO atzN MOBD WIIHTIII- or aucn AT ANY. AI ihe ("EAT ITALIAN MCSI AI, EXUIBITIO^, raeanllr et.wnl al MII.AV.ti wlikh waa Ihe lAHUKST rol.l.KCIloV OF MC'-ICM. IN iTTBi'ME>T3 EVBUBROUUHT TlKJKillER artcr teallng and comparing Ode by .Ido (or aatnral noinlx. Mimn A llamlln urgiinarr- Sfwl Ihe ONLV HIEUKHT AWABD In loalrumenl-ofiblatlaaa. faialoguaa. *i.h full dcaer*plion», illneiratlona and ytir.e, niKK.

eod»Jna aft

Pllegl Piles!! Piles II NO ONE NEED SUFFER.

Aearecnrelor the Blind, RleMlag, Itching and Ulcerated Pi'ea haa been rilacovered i»y }>r. Wllliama (an Indl II ima Indian Pile ( cured Ibewoi---- ln». Mo lag Hii <

jllwd Or. #11. nent. A alnale be 1 baa caaea ol M jeara itand

: thla wonderful toothing mcdl I,fi«-S INDIAN PILE OINTHENT abtorba thelumora, ■Bjyl t> e Inienae ltchlng(parll< larly at nlghl arter getting warm in be.i), aola a poultlci; gtTet Inttanl relief, and It prepared ONLY FOit FII.B8, Ucbiogoithepriraieparta, an<lnothiagelae.

Read what HOB. -ludge CoEJnliury, of OlBVO laad.aaya: "Ihtreuted aeoretol pile rnret, and it aBorda me plenaure to a*y. that 1 havi

_ .—. .Lr nl;B ,,Ti iurh iir.medl . l>,.Willitoi,»Indian

Pik Ointment. ., , Forailnbr alldnmgltla.or mailed on receipt

«f (

HENRY & CO., New York City.

t tale by CHARLES CLAREE, Lawience. eod* Irrangt

b>KNTtO.-«rARUBB8t Auy one la wat- Tiratelaaebelp wiliflodilio tbelradvaa boaU at MKBKlI.L'e intelligence Ofloe

1 Appltton Kireel, llTjaaM Lawreace, atata.

Annual Excursion


EOST 39 G.

G. A. R R

Wednesday! JULY 19th.

Special Trains Special Trains HOME HOME.

CJWT° PINES) Arraaveineatt bare baao made far all to pa a*

a day aad evening at tale Popular Sea-Side


Excursion Trains, EASTERN R. R.

Leave Huston A Maine Depot at 9 o'clock it. m.

TWO SPECIAL TRAINS HOME. At 4 p. in. and iil'irr the Grand

Dlaelay of »

TICKETS $1. 60 aid Retarn. For further particulars see posters.

The Undersigned has Opened a

CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, At 277 and 879Methuen Street, Pillsbury's Block And inrlteaall itaaoae wba are la need of a Orel elate carriage, 10 call and eiaraiae hia oolleetioa.

Tneee Uarrlagca are maaa reel si ed in Merrlnacb, al nay own ntaanfeclory, tnd am wtnaalad llrtt olaaa in eeer* paitlcnlar.

ELMER B. SARGENT. E. A. BKiaGt, Manager. Ofllce Houra, 1 :;.<) to BiaO p. in.


FB2S1 ZMLA-ZNTSiaillF, Will be giv.n at

CANNON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Br«ch.n!Biock. Cor. Broadway andlEsiax Streata

Commencing Monday Evening. June S. a for tbi oonrae, fl.U, Inoludiag ;8utloaery. Tin*

,' Bubool, and Special Inducementi are offered

for tbe Fall Tern, eon

inrae laglten merely to advtrliae tad

thoae who engage ilitlngt

enclng Hep'.. I.




FOUR SIZES .SB .65 |.2S 1.71

cod* Jet tm




Member* of the Boston Mining and Stock tichsno.

Simmon .' Building, opp. Pott C 88 Water Stret-t, Boston, 'Maaa.

No. 346 BaadZ St.', Lawrence .Mean.



OUR Dest Test in i on I til

l,«M> Betllee Sold , In Nanhua. tfyou arc Weak,

Ltleeiiy, BO Appe- /•TC_I'|«. CotUee, Bll- VI 3. lout, or baro any

lymiftoBH or dis- ordered Liter, ttomaob or How- ■fa TET A BOTTLE. >oid by all Drag

date at U ota, ■


MRS. THIBETTS, tli« moluer of tbe boy murderer, lynched at Perbam, Mian., it a sister of Col. Bates, tad Ohio gin tit, now travelling with Bsr- nuni. She ssys that tbe murdered surveyor, Washington, waa a party lo the ooDspirauy to wreck the North I'uciflc train. They did not intend that it should reach a catastrophe; after tbe obstructions, were placet! upon the track, Washington was to sisnal tbe train and receive tbe re- ward. Nobody believes her account. Though a Mister of a giant sue is not

tall'' on stories.

IF TUB secretary of war for tbe Uoi- led States, and the Secretary for wsr of tbe United Kingdom come to blows, accommodations ure provided on the isthmus. Captain Belknap of tbe U. S. steamer Alaska,reports to the gov- ernment, through Rear-Adin'rul Balcb in command of the Pacific station,

"1500,000 la being expended on Hospitals for tbe workmen.■ They must expect a gcneial slaughter from some cause, or tbey wouldn't provide so much hospitable room. Quarters for the engineers and officials arc not mentioned, but a hotel baa beeo pur- chased for $200,000 SIR] turned into offices for them. Work on '.be canal has been liegun in these places, but the tone of the despatches Is discour- aging, and there seems to be scarcely any hope of the completion of the canal within tbe time s|>ecified.



i >mi,, vutiniiutn. iiUti and QALWAV to BOHTON diraol.

The ateamera are nmerHiiaad (or SAFKTT ard SPERD.


APPLY TO JAMES MURPHY,3rd ICtteiStreel; PATH1CE MURI'JIl. »(.,ei ilrerl. Or. I.KVK *, Ueateret Agent-. NEW YOKK,to1 Broadway. KllHfON, MA**. 11 RAM Slrtel. PUILAOELP1I1A, rA., K. B. cur. Hread aad Cbeatnnt Sta.

IS Hate lulrl

Lawrence American, LAWRENCE, MASS.


THE IKDISTBETIUN of putting dan- gerous sentiments on paper, and ae rui- ng them miles away from one's con-

trol, baa beeo once more illustrated in the correspondenco of commodore Scbitlehlt and cz-Senator Sai-geut. The commodore was sent on a special miasion to China in relation to a treaty with Corea. It waa while the Chinese bill bung Are, and whether from a love of gossip about beautiful women, which Inspired hid objection- able remarks on the emperor's wife, or from in inspiration to make a blun- der which attacks many men In high places (for be cnlicized also the Chinese authorities). It boots not now The Chinese have known from earliest infancy how a shoe felt, and when a Schufeldt like that it was time to see when tbe shoe pinchet\ So the Com modore is recalled, and hia friends are mad with Mr. Sargent for publish- ing the letter, and *(> navy "sils flown" on the Commodore.

THE KCARXD VETERAN uaving taken the place of the scarred veteran at the Coooord Slate Prison, there Is very little concord about the state prison in these days. On Memorial Day the prisoners manifested some ill feeling toward the warden, and on the day helore the 4Lh they made night hideous with their yells. On the lih they got ready for the celebration in very inde pendent Btyle for convicts under sen fence for criminal offences. The new regime seemed lo have culminated in the development of a regiment of cut-throats on the mornlug of the ■Hli when the first division appt-ared ai breakfast time with sleeves rolled up, and armed with knives and forks for other purposes than the cutting up of food. Indeed they "cut up" so lively that they were Bent back lo their cells and lost tbeir holiday. An unusual degree of severity haa marked ilic treatment of the prisoaers for the last few days, which Is demanded by their bcld defiance of discipline, the caromel policy not having worked as well as Is friends so fondly hoped.

Weekly News Brevities.


Ma- GAMALIEL BBADFOBO of Cam- bridge, in an sdalrcss before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of the University of Vermont, criticised the policy of the government toward the Indians in the following language: "Our treatment of tbe Indian tribes from tbe outset to this d'iv, forms a dark stain on the national charactei, only the more painful*, when contrasted with the fata ol the tribes on the other side of tbe Cansdian border.'* Mr. Bradford does not offer any practical advice in tho present stale of affairs, whereby we may recover lost ground, and it is interesting lo obseive how radically ihe opinions of those who live in the region where tbe Indian is somewhat more familiarly known differ from bis. The English and American policy dif- fer in this: the owner of a stock- ranch on Ihe other side of Ihe line in the Northwest territory, when tbe Indians run off bis stock, appeals to the mounted police, but in vain ; they infoim him that they can do nothing for him, they arc there to protect tbe Indians from the whites, not the whites from the Indians. On this side of the line, the policy is reversed. An international policy of protection to settlers would-be wi«e, as under present conditions our Indians only have logo over tK* border tote safe, and there is continual trouble from this cause. They preler this side sod are not contented to stay in Canada. If this government htm pursued the Canadian.policy which Mr. Bradford approves, we, tbe United States, would still be the original thirteen.

Friday. - While uracUclB* with a pistol si ikivsr,

N. II., )estdtva*. a lad accidentally *b(>t a joaa( lady dead.

It Is now SOpposed thai not far from •eventv-lvn Mves were lost lo the c till- a!on la the Ohio ilrer, ataflogw Jiuciloa, no Tuesday,

be Qsrtala asd rrew. of the Britten baiooe Edellae, wLlci Was took by an teeneri on the IS h last., srrlfvd In fans- ton, yesterday.

Adm'ral Seymour baa sent hit trill a. a- tuin to Arab! Bey, dcaaaodlai Inataat ess- sailoo of work om ihe foiLieaiioso on rain of bombard men l. ^_., *

The Grand Ledge llona* aSd the old Can-pVII Hclet, at Grand Ledge, - Midi., Were burned early yesterday morning, and a man named Ben McMillan, wbo west to bed drank, perished la the flaiuta.

The bnoee wa,a and meant committee ive authorised a ravoraule report to Cna- eas ul a bill auo'l-tiiug all Uses on to

bacco, with an understanding that It will not be i duel lend at tbe present session.

Tbe arebOtahope sod blabop* of Ireland havi directed the prleau to discounte- nance tbe ladle*' land league, and have forbidden fi miles attending public meet nga without drat obtaining permission of

the pailab prlaat Jeremiah Clement oT Saccarapps, waa

walking by a car load of lumber, at Cum- berland Milla, Portland, yaaterday morn-

'ben the stakea.gtve way, letting bsaey timber upon him, Injuring him to that be died In tiro honrs. ■

James Mutton's lii-year-old aon was lo- atautly killed by ibe engluo of tho 1 p. m. train, on the Huston 4 Did Colony Koad, near the wo- -ii <1 mill at South Klicbburg. Tbe boy wa gathering wood, aod the en- gine struck bin- ou the ah'tuMer.

Frank Dicoo, wbo killed hli father In UarwlotoD, by pntblng him over back- ward and breaking bis neck, bicause he wouldu't let him take hia horse, went to an adjoining town after bts broiher, and

his return waa arrested, and baa been held for trial

Tbe Incorporators of Ihe Garfleld Mon- ument Association met at Cleveland, ()., yesterday. A board of ttustets was elected, of which Governor Charles !"**- it.T waa made president. About g.125,000 has thus far been contributed toward* the fund.

Bdwlr, C. Woodbury, wbo wait confine-] lu the niooinlugdate (N. Y j Insane asy- lum for nearly two yeata, has been de- clared sane by ajury. eome of whom nn>r ihe verdict denounced bis incarceration ai au outrage. Mr. Woodbmy ihtuka thai other pitleuts In the asylum are sane.

IV. D. 8. Limb, who made the BUtopt.y on the body of Gnlteaa, tbe IMMHIH, has made an official report. The I'blladilpbli Medical News, In on tho M» pott, ssys thai It glrE« oo'. the slightest evidence in support ol tbe insanity theory. The microscopical aiamluitlon of Ike brain Is yet to be reported on.


The grand Jury of ihe District of Co- lombia will reconvene on Monday neit, and the prosecution In the star riots cases eipeet to obtain now Indlctmeuts against the accused parlies. !

Tbe city mtmbal of RprlngOeM tins been arrested on the charge of taking a letter fmm tbe po*t offlca addressed to another party, opunlng It, abstracting a picture, and returning II to tbe office.

The steamers Plymouth Rock and Breakwater, collided In New York bay yeaterday afternoon. The item of tbe Plymouth Bock was carried away sod she waa otherwise Injured. No one hurt.

Unknown partlna attempted to wreck an east bound train on the Bckbart road at Cumberland, Md., last evening, by pacing large rocks on the track, which were dlacovjred !n time to avoid damage

Three thousand Eujpllans, under Gen eral Ytiatrjf, bavs a'.tscked the Mae prophet and been defeated. They lost 2000 men, four guns and SOU) rifles. Tbe false prophet wltb 7000 men, Is marching on Benussr.

The republican members of tbe senate hrid a protracted caucui yeaterday, and agreed 'o take up the In ei rial revenue bill Immediately after tbe pending bill l- dllpoied of, Ibd a ill t. it a reduc'I'.O of tai Iff duties on sugar, steel rails sod noop Iron.

II Is stated that D300 copies of a Rui- siau rtvotatlooary proclamation, primed bv s secret press and signed by Nicholas Conslantlnovlrh, have been discovered at the ministry nf the msrlne, and that Im- mediately after the discovery the director of the depaitment committed aolctde.

At a conierenc ■ of leading Irishmen In New Yolk, on Thursday evening, Michael Davtll aujtgeaved the formstlon of as Irtib-Amerlcin feterat council, to be eonpjaed of representatives of all tne Irish organlsitloai In the United Stages, to set In concert wltb the Irish In Ireland for the freedom of Ireland. It Is to be a •'ta'ter for further consideration.

Jamei McArdle. A middle aged farmer, in attempting to cross over the track si WbUcbei's Crossing ou tbe llovet asd Wlaneplte >gte Ritlrosd, Juit oot of Do- vcr,yeiterd«.y noon, was thrown from hli wag in by I passing tram and had hli col- lar bone aod arm broken and euslalued two compound fraciurei of the shoulder, and Interns! ii.'uries which are likely to prove fatal.


Eigty one oodiei hsve been recovered from ihe lost steamer Kcloto recently sunk In the Olill river at Mlngo Junction. Tbe captain of the Ill-fated vasssl hat lost bis reason.

Becretaiy Chandler has Ulegrsptaed Chief Engineer Melville at Irkutsk mat he and b!a parly, wbkrh Include* Noroa and Nindeimau, may come home St their esrtlest convenience.

The biily of a man. afterwards Ulaail< fled as that of John Welch, waa found In the river at WIILamstnwn, Mass., on Saturday, ami bore many wounds* that I' dlcJle liisi be was the vlcl'm of s brutsl

urdnr, Tbe alioitlon at the State I'rl ion i< oie eoconragiog. Tbe Warden allowed

the men to enter the ehspal last evening, where be talked to tluni and gsve them u. uaderatand that they njuttobej the prison regulailons.

A woman and two children were f und elarved to death In a lovely section of tbe mountains In Van Buren county. Ark. It Is believed tbe woman fell ilck, and the children, being too young to procure aid for her, |i. : i ■inil.

Nearly the entire session of the United Statei ncoaie on Saturday waa devoted to Ibe consideration of the river and 'aer- bor appropriation oil!, and tbe bouse, lo committee of tbe whole, was rogig*d la discussing tbe sundry civil spproprlatlon bill.

Ills feared that the Dutch Ironclad Ad- der baa been lost, ss tbe body of her pilot was washed aibore at Ymuldcn. lb. Adder Is s aucood class vessel, with 400 bone power engines, and a displacement of 1650 tons. Sbo carries two 12-ton gnus.

It is isld t b11 Uu- Egyptians continue to mount heavy goua on Marabout I»iat d. commanding ihe entrance to tbe harbor of AleKBudila, and Admiral Keymonr has again notified the people that OUICBS this coarse Is -topped hn will within thlrit ■Ix twins bombard ihe city.

Fred Boot of Burlington, Vt.. Herber McKmney of Kilenburg, N. Y.t Jam Loueks of AalUvllle, OoL, and Agues Feiterley of Moirisbarg, On., went onr rowing on tbe Si. Lawrence river at Wsteriown, N. Y. Mo trace or the part ty can be founr'. and It Is feared that all have gono down the Baplds and bate been drowned.

The Factory tfl.op-U.rl

'She's an old darling," ssid Uraos Craxall. "And I mean to help her all I can. 1'va got a beautiful recipe for

rxrfate eclaires, and on Friday ev- tg I aai golag there to make up all

I can, so that the act tool children will buy them on 8aturdaj. I know how IO make cinnamon/ apple tarts, too, and lemon tlropjafaod ooooamit balls."

(»race, 1 d/believe yon have tak- en leave of yew senses," said Medora May. ••()(** would ibiak it waa dis- grace enough for aunt Deborah—oar own mother's sister—to opeo a horrid little huokater'B shop, wltaasat oar mixing ourselves up lu tbe affali."

But Aunt IMHJV must live, you know," said Grace, wbo nas parched. kitten-fashion, oa the window-sill, feeding the canary, with bits of spark- "ng while sugar. "And Cousin Nix- on eoulrin'l keep her any longer—and her eyes BIB not strong enough for fine needle-work, and ber education has not fitted her lo bo a teacher, and her poor oh) Rheumatic bones keep her Iron, going behind a counter or en- tering a factory. I suppose you wouldn't be witling to have ber come here and live with you?"

I >" cried Medora. "Do you sap- pose I want to proclaim to the whole town that 1 hare such a dilapidated old relation aa that?"

1 would take her," aaid <.nu-t-.-"if I didn't board with Mis. Howett, and share tbe little jpstairs back bedroom

ith the two children. Just wait u.iii! marry some rich man," she added,

with a saucy uplifting of her pretty auburn brown ejes, "and then see if I don't furnish up a state apartraant for Aunt Dehhy."

Don't talk nonsense," aaid Medora acridly. "It's-very likely, isn't it, that a factory girl like you Ii going to marry n rich man T*

Grace Craxall laughod merrily. All through life she and her cousin Medo- ra May bad agreed to differ ou most poiote. Grace, seeing no other ca- rver before her, hail, on the death of ber last surviving parent, cheerfully entered a factory,while Medora, tak- 'ng her stnnd on the platform of false gentility, haul done fine sewing and silk ciuhroiderv on the fly to support iierseil', putting on all the airs of a young lady of fashion the while. And now Aunt Deborah May, to tbe Infla- te disgust of her arislucratiually-in-

clincd niece, had actually opened a little low-windowed shop In a shady street, just out of the main thorough- fate, and, as Medora despairingly ex- pressed it, gono into trade.

For Auat Debby, In her bewildered lonliness, had scarcely known what to do until Grace Craxall came to the rescue with ber hopeful courage and straight forward comn-om-sense.

"i only wish It wasn't BO sinful lo take a good big dost of laudanum, and put myself out of tbe way," sighed the poor old lady.

Now, Aunt Debby, that doesn't sound a bit like you," said Grace cheer- fully.

But what am I to do?" said Aunt Deborah.

"What can you do?" said Grace. "I don't know as I am good for

anything," Buid tho old woman, with & quiet tear or two, "except to help arouud the bouse, raid aiu't etrong euoii^U for regular hired help. Your uncle always used to tuty I was master hand at making bread-"

Then make it," brightly interrupt- el Grace.

Kh I" said Debby. There's a nice little store lo let on

IWy street," went on Grace, "for ten dollars a month."

But I haven't got ten dollars a month," feebly interrupted Aunt Deb- by.

"I'll lend it to you," said Grace, "out ofllic wages 1 have saved. And there's a pretty benroom and silting- room at the back of the ahop, and a clean, dry basement under it where you couid bake your bread. I know,

the sister of tbe lady where board is looking for dress-making rooms and I beard her speaking about

'Do ycu mean to open a bakery?" said bewildered Aunt Debby.

"N«lexactly that" answered Grace. But if Mrs. Hewitt, or Mrs. Vaylor,

or any other of Hie ladiea around here could get real home-made bread, sucli as you made, do you auppoae that they would put up with the sour stuff that they get at tbe bakers' shops? And you could easily get up a reputa- tion on yotir>raisln cakes, and friej crullers, end New England pumpkin pies, now couldn't you?"

The cid lady brightened up a little. "I used to be pretty good at' cook-

ing," said she. "And if you think I could support myself so—**

"I am sure of it 1" cried the cheer- ful Grace. "Aod I'll go there with you this very day to look at the place und will engage it tor three months ou trial. And I can paint you a sign to put over the door. 'Hone-Made Bread by Mrs. Deborah May.' And I'll hem you Borne curtains and ar- range the shelves in the lo* window ! I almoBl wish I was going to be your shop-girl," Bhc added merrily, "but I CUD help you evenings, you know."

Grace Craxalle prophecies proved correct. Aunt Debby's delicious nome-msde bread, whiter than any powdered iiliea, sweet ambrosis, soon acquired a reputation, and the old lady co-jlil scarcely bake it fast enough. People came half a dozen blocks to buy ihe yellow pumpkin pies and de- licious itpplc tarts; children brought their boarded pennies to invest in -chocolate sweetmeats, vanilla caramels and cream cakes with puffy alietla and delicious centres of aweetocss. Tbe little money drawer grew fat with coins —and Auut Debby's dim eyes grew bright and hopeful *g*'n-

And one day Mr. Herbert Vatauce walking by wilh Medora May, stopped aod looked in.

"Isn't that your cousin Grace," aaid he, "behind that counter?"

Medora turned crimson with vexa- tion.

"M,> comin Grace?" she cried. "No indeed, we are not—in trade-"

What possessed ber to utter this deliberate falsehood, Medora could not have afterward told. Partly the stiug of falsa shame, partly diilncli

nation for Mr. Herbert Valance to know that all ber relation! were not, to uaa ber own expression, "ladissaad gentlemen."

Mr. Valance looked up r.t the sign over (.lie door.

'Tbe Dame la May," he said indif- ferently.

"Yes," aaid Medora May, angry at herself for blushing so deeply, "hut we are no relation.**

Mr. Valance thought over the mat- tar; afterward he mat Miss May at an evening ptrty given by a friend, where prette Grace Craxall waa also present. He had taken rather a fancy to ibe bttyht blue eyes and delicate blonde beauty of tbe former. Valance Hall, on the hill just out of Ihe city, wad solitary enough, now that his sis- ters bad all married and gone away; and perhaps a man might And a leas attractive and graceful wife t'ir.ri Me- dora May. But he could not be mis- taken, he thought, in Grace Craxall's identity.

And so the next evening at about the aame time, be sauntered iiu■> the shop.

Grace was behind Ihe dainty little counter, taking some newly-luked caramels off the pans. She looked up with a smile,

Good evening, Mr. Valance," said she.

("So," he thought, "I wasn't mis- taken, after all, aad the little blue- eyed seraph is inirtal enoigh to tell a lie, in spite of her angelic appear- ance 1")

But he looked serenely at Grace. "I didn't know that you were in the

trade," aaid he. Didn't vou? We 11."merely rctirled

(trace, "I am Aunt Deborah's shop girl just at present! I always coma here in tbe evenings to help her. Be- cause," she added, with a sweet shade of seriousness coining over her face.

Aunt Dnbhy was oil aod poor—and she didn't quite know how to maintain herself in indepsndan'e. And unfor- tunately my wages at factory are not enough for us both. So I advised her to open ibis business. And she did. And she's doing very well. And she bakes the most delicious bread and pies you ever ate ; so." with a sauey twinkle under her eyelashes, "If you know of aoy customers, you will re- commend our linn?"

To be sure I shall, be auiwtred, in ihe aamo eptrit. "Audi am very glad, Miss Craxall, lo see that you are oot uhamid of beiriT a working girl."

"Of course I am not," said Grace. Wny ahoulUbe?' "But your cousin Medora is." Grace gave a little shrug of her

shoulders. Very likely," aaid she. "Medora

and I differ In many things." Mr. Valance bought a pound ot car-

amels and went away. "She is a beauty," he aaid to him-

self, "and she I*, a sensible beauty in- to the bargain. One of those rare* arises la our country, a thoroughly well-balanced girl."

He must have been very well [(leas- ed with bis purchase, for be came again the next evening Just In time to walk borne with Graee Craxall; and they talked over Aunt Deborah's af- fairs, and concluded that as dour was low just then, It would be a favorable opportunity for the old lady to lay In the winter's slock through Mr. Valance who waa acquainted wilh one of the great New York graiu merchants.

Only a lew weeks bad elapsed, when Medora May was cleo'rifted with amazement to learn that ber cousin Grate was "engaged."

"To some master baker or journey man confectioner, I suppose," said abe contemptuously.

"No," said Grace, wilh eyes rogu- ishly sparkling, "To Mr. Herbert Valance."

"I—Jon't—believe it," said Me- dora, growing rod, then pale.

"U.n it i.- really so," said Grace. "And we are to be married in three months. And Aunt Debby Is to come to tbe Hall and live with me as soon as she can dispose of her businnss to advantage. And dear Medora, 1 hope you will often come and visit me there.

Medora May did n.->t anawer. She could not. But In her secret heart she recognixed how infinitely more suc- cessful In life's list had seen Grace's true, frank honesty, than her own sub- tle and devious course.

Like many an other, however, Uu lesson bad come to ber too late 1

The President of the Third Nation al Bank of St Louis declares that no aafegutrda cm be devised that will prevent a cashier or teller from steal' log, It he chooses to do It. He is eun liured of this by the defalcation of Obey Owen, his own receiving teller, wbo waa a steady thief for ten years, and wus only found out when the ag- gregate of his robberies reached about $150,000. Owen's method was tc enter deposits properly in tho deposi tors' books, make out the ticket by which the bauk ought to have cheeked his caah, and then put both ticket and money in his pocket.Thus the only ev idence that the money had been paid in waa the depositor's book. When the depositor's account began to ru low, Owen would correct it by deplet- ing some other one. All this required a great deal of vigilance and skill, for Ihe directors were in the habit of mak- ing close and unexpected examina- tions ; and it was one nf these that finally caught the teller.

The platfom of tbe Pennsylvania Democrats favors "thesanctity of per- sonal liberty, the security of personal property and the right ol local self- government." What could be more thrillioK ? Tho only wonder is that with this beginning the convention did not rise to the height of its opportunity by complimenting the equator, ratify ing the signs of the zodiac, and re- solving that two and two and two roust and shall be regarded aa making fouc.—New York Tribune.

MaJ. Merrill of Lawrence, has be- gun on bis sixth term as postmaster. The tendency U permanency in ten are for gwd officere is increasing, in spite of a lack of the Pendleton bill. —Lowell Courier,


On the Threshold.

ar MI» nauta cir "Why U UN r^ruracrowded*

Waal meant II.i- ttir la Hotter" Whj areUM neo|«le natienlng

* rets every huaae and eoate.

To SU this aaeleat baildlni Wit* laneaglnd and brigtilF

W hat aaeana all I bit r.ouiuiutioa, Thla strange, ycl Jcpout aigblT

Wby d > these ilad rouiig t.loea Bo gout leawset ten am.

Aad s.l iae air with echoes or Utelr iriuani-hani attain*

Yee auk, aad 1 win answer r—

Tojlar. wilh aaadt So eag-r, They telae,—t glsi ktajt Utaagbt 1

TJ day their tatt oratlont Are, Ui*lr last tai

Tuwardvaelttlb Tun.'., pendulum b te awung.

ol ibeinebooidaya,

And, by an honored rutlorn. It hat been welt decreed.

Thai ) uu, our kind friendt always. Should to ut here give heed;

Kh...'Ill tlimr u-, nj v That jou onnk ,11 u

Ami kindly Inlwrerl *

(At teegrai'dukl l.ttla. »t)), Ami wo h i*i tit* it ute you,

la l te Irai,a tit.l Ka jll.h wag.

With a inniu .mile and htsd>lisk«. And tne glanee tnai bnogvlh cl ear

And the • lm|> o WMI.U ul'gt sating. "Klii.llj welcome,** full aad clear.

And you, our fellow tahoolmalet, Wagteet you, aim, hen ;

Aad t|i tuciMJta wo Wait yon, » beu you, wilh irt'BiUling fear.

Shall ataod, at we to day eland, tlpou Ulilliue-wora ,in>r,

And thtll rin mDO your lln-iii k-t or life, profound and iage.

Ami latt, not lea I, our leaoheril ■A hat taouahU so .[.ii llv coeae,

Aa we your namot rumetaW. And rew our memories rotm

Bach to our tarheal achcwl-daye,

To yen, eur heartiest greetings Are due, Ihit I.-I > i any,

And gUdty we salute ynu. In the old, etlaldltbad way.

i, Wllii hall unw] ling vision. alah tne toraaell aad the airlfe

■X the great world opened to at. From our bnvei.'t quiet la.t.

And half dread to wuia-ti our anahor, AndUtsaweUlngwaietrO breast.

We have bean to theltsrad always, rr.iui culling blstl,

That we lebr Ii braeo Ihe tempest. Thai may aieei us at tee last.

Wa hate been told an often, la days but jii.t gone bv,

l-i tones ol Ann .osvlull MB with a ha r-regretful tlgu,

Thai our best BUM were our Kaooldaia, And nr'.i, in lime lo b«,

Sli.iuii we know »ui-h happy momenta Aa when, at L*"«ining's knee

We conned her great liru-'e-aons, Nor yet rightly understood.

All their ilrrp and bl.l.leu invaniag,

•till in Ihe futere,

We have all our work before u*, Aad lit "Utootae—wh i osn say

If 'l.-leator victory waitua, When wateach life'scMningdaji'

1» 1> of ou Wbea a

for lbs faithful life that's pstt.

For the ttlenli Gad hia lent BAj If rightly used, * 111 mr

To onr lives their glad fru.tfon,— The regard Ivr whleb we live.

"1 regard Mr. Eddy aa one el the TaaaleapaWa sad enieaaifal praeUlloaert with wheat I save had oatoUl latetxesarta.

CHAELBS MASON.Cotaatls*!el FalsatU. "lavealortcanaot employs psraoa taorttrati-

vertay or storeeapabl* of tet arlagfor laest aa tsrly aad favorable ooaaldsrltlea SI las Fatea I Oaoe,*"

EDVtTNDBUBaB.l.alsCow'r efF HotT.1*, Oot. IB, ISTS.

... Deardlrr yea proceree to* ttsialMU, sty Snl pateat. Since Utea yee have acted for, and advised ate la baadrede ol eases, and procured many patents, reiiiaea asd ei'ea- tlona. I bavs oeeaeloaally emplojed Ihe heal agencies In New York, Pkuadelphla aad Wash- ington, hut I atill give you almost the whole of oty business, In year line, and advise etawtte eetpMyyea. Teaietraly,

UBOBUEDBArXB. BeiioN.Jaa.l.lsn lyi B

Are yoa aware Uai atnal ef the lew , priced SPOOL COTTON la eltttsr

. ._ Jetglb, or only two cord, and possibly twJkf


Dealers tall it bece-aie ibei eas buy Uebeaa, and do ast aspect she cheat lu be Slwiovatea.

- -llrg HOLTOEB slurb Is wtrrtnled

Ihreecerrl,sad lecontain 1SSyards. It la cheaper lor vou at tines ceata B anssal tan stoat atskee ire al two cenit. See .hart a imorer antr.le esi aseet af erbleh Ute laaeliclereri aie, propeily, atbasttd to sBU

- - Is oot imtTotcd on you laittia ol II


Sail Weekly lo and from

CREAT BARGAINS *A large stock of Ihe Latetl ttflaa el pays Hanjtlnia. Rnnlers. rif'tf. Flctnis Mosldirgs Mc , relalling lor onvthlid lett Ihaa tsv olber ate>s la Botton.

T. F. 8WAN, MO. litCornlilU.BOBTOH.

MAW tBat** litnlae IB

Thai lbs world may be Ibe belter. For our having lived la it.

Tint Ha dirknest mty IM letaened, Fur our caadies being 1;L

O.herclAstei of. litre iimle here The reiolves which now ws make.—

T.. n |il ut i h" -In n I II tv. Aad uarlghteuui id di break.

And in what way thall we do tin. :• DtaTidlng on the threshold, here,

lose aim ul lell ourfutore. And uur lire-work,—now so near-

One by one they p m before me. Ail thl*happy, j lyout band;

Laurel wreallit <>■> every lor, head, Le tees of iisitn in evory hand.

Well-known faoea cluster round mr. Oiler, now, and grave, at Walt:

R ven und (lance in* story. Of a liiv well lived now tell.

Well-lu Many a i-oor and needy iiinirnr

Is relUvsd by ber kiu 1 bind.

Who It this, wilh grave demeanor, HUudlng neither Intlults*?

Who but our lull, tlalwart "Tenon?" Birr oau my words of mine

fitly give tnu all die ttory, Ol hit noble, u uful Mir.

Filled eliii deeds ol lovlng-kindnest, H.iolliliiK *oi low, calming tlrlle.

Neir mi sttndt OJT famous poel, ebe who wroie Ibe sad Ismenl

For our class departing; next ber, • lie Who baa inch giory lent

To the clstt M hit eaertlom. Fur Ibe welfare ol our Isnd,-

lie who 'gainal all notrl-ntading, 11 !■!■ u Srmly tuukhii sund.

There, tbe one who wrote lha atory, HI tut* hero's Hie; sad, here,

lie who gave ui a'l in- knowledge About kisses. But I loar

Tbai I wetry yon with tailing, Otihelr names and deodi tu grand,

And 1 mini Hire place W Others, Wbo, wilh etftsy In eae-b hand

Walt lo give you their profoundeat 1 hoiiuli" o i lahllSIa small and great, -

Wall tu lake here ihoaa diplomat Wimli, be^tosyed la i> >mp and title

>r the lour long years Thti We've tpeat in ptllent iludy,

Working on 'mid hopet sail fsaii- And we know that. In the future

Much will on ourselves depend. At t hit In yearn now over;

n we every egoit bend

To nit i HI tome noble olj'cl, H.rivelor II wilh ill our might,

Ulve li II our lull devotion. It inii-t in>."In in' o ,r- at length.

That ou--clot shall prove a model; Bacii one doing whtt he mty,

Uoplna on, soil woiklngever. no that ad ibe world iball ny.

At lo hit iewaid eurh pisses To Ihit home beyond our view,

Thinking of hit trianr virtue*, "Be wit eaee an *8ii"



76 Butt St., tpp. Kilby, Bottoi. aecaret Pateat* la tbe (Jetted SUtes;also la lireat BrIUin, Frane* tad other ferelga oevta- Irtea. Oawlaa eftbe claimaof aay Patent fsr- slsbodby remitting oasdollsr. AeasgWBveaUrtv sordad at Watdiltvgloa. No Agency Is tbe Cni- ie»1 Stat*M yaeaswae* snpsi lor feelnUee tee et>-


Xtrt 1'DikiMi lil.tsi.nw, vis I^MKItDllBi " im ft-age fill tn gee Kelurnt, SIK M $U*

Heioad t atiIri, »tu. lUlurn Tieteit f Ti. Steerage patscttgers booked al low rales. Pat stater scree* modal roe • uaegoslkd.

All Statereomt on Haln DecA. boohed at lowetlratee tear from

orwav.Swsdt n.Henwark. A*. Paissnsart bo- liermaar, Italy, For Boos oi "Tc _ Ac , apply to U EBbttaaoB BkOTBhK'4, bE' York, nr l/tit MtiRPai.tSt Kites St., or

Ears FOR THE Million Fan Choo's Balsam of Shark's Oil PaalUvely Beatorei tbe Uearlag.and la the Only

Absolute Cure for DeafMM Knows,

This Oil Is ttittrteled Ireej peculiar t pee let of tnitll Whits shark, raught In Ibe lilkiw Sea, known it Caruberodoa Kondekih, Kvery Chlaeae Bsheiman knows It, Its virtues aa a restorative ul bearing ware discovered by a Buddnlit Priest about IM rear HIS, Harare* were so numerous ted many so seemingly miraculous, Ih-t lbs remedy was omelallv pre- claimed OTBT lha satire Empire. If u>« became so uniirisal lhal lor over tu years ns Osifneta hat eaiated among iae Chinese peoeia. Seal, obtrgsa pripald, to any address al ft OS par

Hear What the Deaf Say I It has performed a ■iraele Ii my oat* I nave no unearthly aolaea IB my bead, a

bear mesh heller. 1 have been greatly beaeSted.

"Its virtues are Unqutalloaab:* a.d llacura- live character the wilier can per. sunnily tealliy, both Item etpenenca •■ I obtenaiioa Write n oace to HatLocK a JtuMLlliry titreet. New York, eueietiag $1 and you will receive by return a rt medy that Wlllensbls you lo boar like toy body elte.ssd whose curative ■ «*cU will bo perataaest. law will never regret dolog io."-ICditor of Msrean- titc Bevlew.

•ty-To aveld lost In the Malls, »le*i*i*'d money by Beg in* red Loiter,

Only ImpoHei by HAYLOCK A JENNY, (l-aie HAIL icaaCwf

7 n., St., New York. Hole Agenta for America. Slymyll* O

FOB SALS IN HKTBDBM. fhe Wall Known uec)amin Blood Faran. Bllualed on Howe tlreel, 4 mllta from Lawraaea

■lilsge, | m i about TO acre* «i

wing, ullage aad

_ Hsverhill. ft from II tehool. Held Farm noala Itad, auitably divided tnit fiaelurog, and sboal Itteorne oi vanity,grow* sg wooil.B never falling brook ruaalag Inrotjgh

ihe paslure; an orchard ol aboal Its yeaaa • pule Ireet I st rent l-lo bearing, betide ptweh pear.rte. Balldlngt nearly new, roaii.iing ol a largu i sterg atodein built house "lib I .< on. til sing 11 rooms, good cellar, bare BfaSJ with eellir, all la gjod repair. The ballulagi lad ■ bout m ol lied will !■• told teparslely it desired. A good partol uu rebate steeey oaa

life, Accident and Fire Insurance. JOHN EDWARDS A COB Insurance Agency

ttrBBBsusiB raa mtuiwiit

CXD3VtCP-eJcTIElS Franklin,of rails.,Pa. Panne a, of Peaa. ■frman, American, B. Y. Wavtoheater, New Torh. trVatertown, New York. Orient, Hartford. Conn. «;*rld*n, Coaaaelloat.

omnonwealth, Botton, abawmut, Boston. 1st National, Woreealer. Quean. E*giand. im serial At <*V>rtb«rn,Baglaie. Royai, Bngland. kfetro ii.!" irii Co., Parla Londi I Aaauranoe, England. ~>uard an Aaauranoa, England

iondo in,i Lnncaatiire, Bnglaid.

Thursday [orenoon, Mr. Frank Shove,

a yonng man writ known In banking

circles, st present psylng teller st lbs t'enberton Nitlouii Bank, wa- united In marriage with Mist Rebecca Toiler, unlll

Intel; ■ teacher tn tbe public icbools. The

wedging took p1*<-e at tbe reildenee of

tho bride's [larentt on the lluwe rosd, llethuen, the c i.iii.niy being performed by Hcv.Hr. Nibecker of the First Baptist

church, where Mr. Shove leads the choir ofwblch hli wife li a member. Only ihe Immediate relitlves were present. 'Jlie

wedding gifts were numerous sad costly t

both pBllleB have a boat of filendl In (h'.s city. Who by their gifts showed their friendship. Mr. Shove md bis Wife will spend s few days ou a weddiaa trip.

The Grand Army KxcarstOBi.

The annual pleBaurloz.wblehtbe Grand Army hive mideio popular la )*trs past,

it will be Been la to occur on Wernesdsy, July 19, to ibe fimoui Point of Pines;

of caorie there will be an lnminss pirty, as everybody goes on this excursion, snd

ihe iitraclloni now offered are unnsutl.

-Copies of fhe LBWS au,l Keiotve*, of

lgSS are ready for dlitrlbstion, at the

eltj clerk'* office.

Travel *rav Life and Accident of Han s .'.( ..mi.

State Lite, Wore**t*r.|

THOMAS HKVINOTON, taa Em i Biraet, * Lawretaetj

Post Office Bos 38.

SAMUEL LITTLE, rre*. _„,„. „ WM. J.BB10K, Treai

BOSTON IEAD MFG. CO. OfSei, it aad M Oliver Street, Botloa, Mas*.

i' >tl « ASDHAVOTACTUnnS. •• atetsiToa BTABI BBtAiVD"


LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD. TIB and TIN UBBil fll'g, PUMrs, loLDEB Ac 0"I.D MEDAL twtrded bytae BB*iaehti. Milt Chsrltaoi* Meehanlct Atieemltealn 1*1.

Mm. ttii o


SST ESSBX.Cor. 1'ltANKl.lN SI Lawrence, Hsu.


Chas. T. Emerson, AiR-CHCITJliaT

ROODU 11 and IS.

Essex Building, Lawrence


awrence American. LAWRENCE. MASS.




Weekly News Brevities.

Tuned tty.

Tbe freight-handlers' strike at New York sad Jersey City rrmalrs unchanged, ud alight diatorbiocea have occurred at both place*.

The necrslary '-f TrtKUij lit a Lt> or tb« iU per cent, bold* coutlooed at S 1 ! per cent, from July 1, ]H.-t 1.

Supervising Inspector fthfrenbach baa suspended Pilots Kell*>r and Long of toe steamer* Svlout and Jno. I.omaa poodlof the Investigation.

Gloucester nabenaen ire greatly agitate*! over the proposition to pat sateainer Into the mackerel Haherles, and to make oil tod guano out uf the fish.

I-aat Saturday a small boat capsized on Ltke Michigan, off Lake Mu-kigun, aud two sailors from the steam barge Hlllon, sod t ft tee other men neru drowued.

Mealcan advices say Hut ibe black pioellpoi la raglag wltb great vluxence at Bt.aatlan, and tbat Ileim ..-llle and Guay- mas are quarantining against It. Then have been Ally doaiba In Ma*.Man.

Tba bill, of whlcb notice we* given leal waak, to a«t aalde aalea oT the Sprague property and enforce further atlea under ths-Jecreauf lbe court, waa filed In iln- aaprama court of Hbode laland, jeater- daj.

Tba Plttabarg lioo aulke baa dovaloped totblng aaw for several days. In the mining situation (be strikeia' aide was allgbtly weakened bj a party of tblrty-two old men returning tu Wurk In the Mans- laid dlatrlct.

Tba grand Jury of the Ul-trlct of Col- ambia assembled yesten'sy lur the pui- pose of bearing Ireah evidence on whlcb to baaa new Indictment* in the etsr-Tuute oaa«, bat were eicnaed by Judge Wyile until to-morruw.

The waters of tbe Schuyklll bave been poiaoned. It la supposed by :bu sulphur- one acid laaoing from ibe unused inlues, which are being pumped out. Thousand* of dead HiL Suet on tbe baoka, to the det- riment of the public health.

Gen. [Union, Prealdeot of Uoatemala, arrived at New Orleans, last evening, by tba City uf Dallas. A salute was Brwf lha arrival ol tba ateamer, and a curai ton of reception, coualattng of Mator Bbakespcare and prominent citizens, met the visitor at tbo ft barf.

Beaver coanty. Arkansas, waa the scene of a tragedy recently, nbkh resulted In In tba death of a guest, at the handi George and West McCraven, tbey killing blm for bis money. In arresting tbe mur darara Conalable Iletberly was arcldent ally killed by one of the arreatlng parly and George McCraven was shot dee.l i,y a wafSfjt*.

A meeting of (be prominent cltlicns uf Portsmouth, IS. II , and Ita vicinity, bald In tbat city, laat evening, to protest against the enactment of a provision of tba naval bill, threatening t*.« welfare of UM navy yards- Reaolutlgna of re moo - siraoce were passed and a committee ap- polaivd to urge (tn Congress tbe views ei- pressed In the v solution*.

Wedoesdny. Baaa ball yeaterdtty: Chicago 8, De-

troit 4; Pruvlience 6, Troy 8; Bostou 3, Worcester 2; Cleveland 8, Buffalo 6.

Nlaetaen cases of sunstroke sad IWMI-

ty-four deaths were reported In N«w York for tbe 34 hours ending yesterday noon,

Tbe senate finance committee has fli upon October l-t neat aside date npon which tbe atamrt tsa repeal Is to «■» Into effect.

A severe fall and bail storm Monday Dlght and Tuesday, did considerable dam- a*e in some portions of Ohio and Ne- braska.

Tbe tariff commission bad Issued a cir- cular calling for Information regirdlng the subject for which tbe commiaiOon was created.

The Irish repression bill pissed through committee, and Its third leading In British bouse of lords yesterday, without a division.

Peter Thompson of Uotyoka was run over *n l killed en the Worcester ai.d Nashua itllroad, tear Worcester, jester day a He moon.

A merchant named Michael Burkr, wu killed by a train on the New York and New England road at tba Broad crossing, la Hartford, last night.

The American Institute of Instruction hold B saoalon at Saratoga, N. Y., yester day, Uateued to essays, engaged In dlS'

ONE of lu« fuuuieal incidents connect- ed with tba (Juincy civil service reform*

wn» llio complaint ol oua of tbe most active member*, at the last meet- ing, against the presence of a Herald reporter, which acted lie thought, an a deterrent to a ?ree expression of opin-

what a commentary it would be, for llieie bold re.'ormers, these guides to a higher and nobler public senU- tnent, to ackowledge their fear of a newspaper reporter.

Tun Norm PACIFIC railroad ia eel- ting the example of setting out trees. It has planted and teuded a quartet ot a million trees in the town site of Stcele, and along the track through the Steele farm. Nearly every one. It is reported, have leaved out and are growing nicely. Hitherto the tel- graph poles have been the nearest ap- proach to the tree culture in that lo- cality, and although they are not no- led for beauty, they arc a welcome sight to the traveler, as they carry a line from home.


A Noticeable Decreaae In the Dent*. Bate.

The records of ths deaths occurring la

tbla city U" P4** ,,x months ahow a gratifying decrease la the mortality tat*

from tba corresponding period of last

year, tts rate thus far being over 10 per cent less than In 1881. During tha Drat

six mm ths of the latter year there ware

418 Jeatha while during the sens time

this year there have bean 41 less, a total By months both yasts the

death- were as follows i 1881

T id RicPOitTKD tbst the Metropoli- tan Railroad Company, of Boston, is ntroduelog the alarm diala instead of

ibe bell-puncuee to be used by their conductors. If tbey arc like tbosain New York, at ea h end of Ike car, connected by an iron rod reaching the entire length of the car, tbe conductor every time he gives a turn to the rod with hia pincers, will bave to dodge the passengers just as he has been dodging the horso-car company. What

world of trouble these "artful dodgers" make.

It is TIM K our members of Congress me home for a rest, lliey don't know

half the time what tlicy are about The other day they passed a bill with- out knowing that several clauses had been changed in committee, mil now (lie House has passed the bill on Knit Hoods by tbe wrong number '26 for 2604, and llic action in tbat branch will all have to be doua over again. The chairman of Lbe committee on bills of the third reading needs a vaca- tion. Wo move that the House do now adjourn, subject to the cull of the chair. /

January February March April May June


6 V



Total 419 877 It will be seen by tha abovr tbat la 1881

tbe greatest mortality prevailed la March,

May and February, whlla tba present year deaths bave beea most frequent In

April, March and January. There were

three more deaths lu January tbla year

than laat, 28 leas In February, 18 leas In

Much, 8 more lu April, 18 kaa la May

but 8 more In June. Consumption, as Is usual, leads In ibo

cattsea of dea'.b, with diphtheria, pneu- monia and typhoid pneumonia following

closely In tbe order named. Tbera were

88 atlllboinchildren. Of the total number of deaths 108 Were married persons, 89

widowed and the remainder infanta or

■Ingle persons. Under 8 years or age 188

died; 10 between the ages of 8 and

years; 27 between tba ages of 10 and 49 between DO sod 30; 40 between 80 and

40 years, and 28 between 40 and 80. The

majority of persons who died during tbe flrst half of the year Were of foreign birth

or foreign extraction. The.e were thirty who lived tba al-

lotted three a core and ten or beyond and

of tbeaa two were nonogenarlans, and seven octogenarians. Tba three oldest

persons who died were Mary Lee, aged

96 years snd 8 months; John Davis 91

years and 8 months; and Mary W. Sai-

gi-iit 86 years, B monlba and 2 days, whlla James Kelley ranked next In the llat hav-

ing rounded out fully 86 yeara. Tbe names

of those wbo died at 70 yearn or upwards


Super hit, ndent of PuMic Propel ly, under | direction uf ssld committee, lie and

hereby Is authorised and directed to erect tbereoa a school honse of four rooms, two stories hlgb, slmllir lu six* snd plan to tba Park street »cbool hoass, the same to be ready for occupancy on or beiore Feb. 1st, 1088, the expense of Bald laod and school bouse to be chargid to tha school hoosa special department.

The board voted to refer the matter to

ths comaslttee on LUbliu property,



A Visit tn the Jail and WUnt Mav be Seen.

Habits and Appearance of Notorious •Jrlmloitls.

Tin. FACT that hid brother Is a member of the school committee mak- ing lbe election, ought not to preju- dice the excellent suggestion of Are- tug R. Bantam for Truant Ofllcer, for which position be has many quali- fications. The oftlcereqijircB fair Judg- ment, an equal temper, and while the incumbent need not necessarily be an attorney, n smattering of legal knowl- edge is quite useful in denling with school matters controlled by law, nnd with the aid ot tiia brother upon the committee, we believe Mr. ^anborn would succeed admirably.

IAK.RE WAS A TIMS; when certain newspapers of western Massachusetts and one or two in Boston, thought I*, ought to cost Gen. Chamberlain his place as warden of the slate prison, because he as master of the situation, chained one or two men to the iron grating for insubordination. Now to become ''master of the situation," it coBts Warden Karlc several nights sleep and a trip to Boston, and 30 men arc put in Irous, ihnined, and kept on bread and water upwards of forty

Name. Davis John, Tracy Mary. Sptalnu Edward, Sargent Mary Vf , Qulon Margaret, tjnennan David, Dwyer Catherine, Beal Mary A. Kennedy Mary Devlin Margaret Mnrphy Michael Rodney Lewis A. Bedell Susan Q. Kelley James Ladd Stephen Clark Itufus B. Ilerrlck Bridget Crouln .Elizabeth Coburn Abhy It. Motloy Margaret Woodmsn John K. Stone Mary W. Cblckerlng Rebecca Conney Edmund Canty llsnnsh Ford Tneodoala O'Maboney Jcemlab Moullpn Beicjatuln TbODipHon James Lee Mary

Age. 91 yrs. 8 aw. 0 dys

Mrs. J(.hu L. Dusiln died on Monday, at tha residence of her husband, 47 New

bury street, from the effects of a cancer, which bad been gradually wterlag her

out for eomo time. Her health bad been

poor since bar daughter's death aeveral years ago, tint lately she had*> aoffor-

Ing terribly. Sue waa born In Ausou,

Maine, and waa nuaily 49 years < f age. She had been a resident of this city lor

many yeara, and during that time bad

sade an extensive elide of acn. tain lances, being very Well known throughout the

city- Bhe was a member of tbe Uulversa- llat church.

WILLIAU Um'iiNK (jtu.isoN dli-d at

four o'clock a- a.Monday at his residence,

81 East Haverbill atrtel, after a palnfu liln -s« of severs! months' duration, at the

age of blxtj-nioe years and four months.

Mr. Qallisou waa one of our oldest and beat known tills -ns, having come to Law-

rence In tba spring or 1847. He waa for

a long time connected In business with

lbs Lawrence Machine Shop, then

wi'h tha Pacific mills, and afterwards

wltb the llosdley Manufacturing Com- pany. Ha has nut for several yeara been

able to attend to business of any kind,

however, on account of continued 111 baatth, whlcb culminated In thu disease

of whlcb be died, an affection of the

stomach and liver He wu a man known

by many but uudemtood by few, for under

exterior which seemed peculiarly bis

own In its eccentricity, there was a warmth of affection and a sympathy for

the woes of others which were ever resdy

to ahow themselves lu the kind word and

helping hand A man of utrlct hjnesty

and integrity In hia dealings, he was ur-

aparlng In his denunciation of all absm

and hypocrlHy, while uaderuealh all were Strong religious feelings which though

seldom shown to the eyes of thu world,

enabled blm to meet death with rare for- titude and resignation. He will be great-

ly missed In the circle of old friends who

have known htm lutlmately for more tbi

a quarter of a century, and hia decease makes still t>mailer the number or those

old residents wbo bsve been Iden'.ltted

with the interests of our city from Its

commencement, wbose places destb la ecnstanlly making vacant. The family remaining consists o' a wile wbo

watched over bis Isst days wltb untiring

devotion, two sons and a daughter. Wo

11., who resides In Boston, Louis I'., whose wife is a daughter of Bailey Bart'

lelt of this city, and win r°nldea In New

York, and Mrs. William II. Abbott now living In.lblsclty.


Want One Wishes for Further Kducit< tloDMl Privileges.

five-shooter, and Dr. Miner in his

Sunday sermon says it waa "merely

episode of the transition from

harshness to gentleness." Tbe ques-

tion is bow long is the transition going

to last. Perhaps the state will recon-

sider presently, and think the Iron

clad policy, and the ex-warden's way

of warding eft danger, was not so bail

after all.

cessions and transuded rouiiue business. uours. somebody sends the warden a The state prison convicts resumed work

la tba shops yeslerdsy. Nu disturbance occurred, and th<! warden visited all the shops, but no threat wta made against bin.

HBBUB, the Canadian oarsman, an- nounces tbat he will row any five men in the world two n.iles stralshtaway, or two nalies and torn for from 11000 to giOOO s side.

Tba skeleton of the big whale, which was In process of preparation for a tour through the country, was burned yester- day scar the New York and N ;w England repair ahopa.

A fight occurred between the striking fnlgbt hsndlera and tbe ltatla.i workmen at the Erie trelghl jards in Jersey City, yesterday, and several persons ou both sides were badly lijurcd.

It Is Slated in Washington ihnt ba>. ine United Statea senator la expected to be dismally connected wltb tbe atar route frauds through the newly discovered evi- dence to be preaented to the grand Jury.

In the supreme court of Rhode Island yesterday, In tbe case of Wllbour, Jack BOB A O&i adjudged In contempt of court lu connection with Ibe Bpragoe estate litigation, the nspoddt-nta (ormslly r<- fused to obey the order of the coort, and tbe statutory ptnalty will be enforced on them, "heir property to be attsched to secure tbe pa)mint of 9T&U) to Mr. Chafes, tba truatee.


There was 66C deaths In !.o- ton,In June. The whole number In Juae of last year was B94.

Berjsmln It Bulklrv waa yesterday or- dained psstor of the 1'nliarlan Church at Coucord, Mass.

Ex-Ballle Harris of Dundee, Keollsnri, has given ai.i0.ixwi to promote higher ed- ucation In that town.

A cabbage *aa thrown at the Vice Chancellor or Cambralg- Unlveislty, Beg., on Degree Day, but ue dudiied th« lgn>ble misaUe.

Lieut. Maiilion. navlnalorol thu Hart ford, baa bet n promoted to the vacancy cauaed by the dealb of lbe unfortunate Lieut. De Long.

A gas eiploalnn occurred In Psrla, yea- terday, lestroylng twelve bouses, killing twenty jieraone, wounding lorty and leav- ing one hundred homeless.

Alt-*, lb" son ol Capt. (jeorge II. John- son of Gloucester, has died of loci|iw Iroin a wound received from a to)-pistol on rlnndsy. He was thirteen >esrs old.

The Pennsylvania Republican State Central Committee met :o Philadelphia. yesterday and endeavond to devise i plan which would uromota baimony h tba party.

Tbe ..electmen of Wbuteley, Mass., i ffer a reward of 91500 for the capture and conviction of tbe lucendlarics wbo set the recent Ores In that town. Includ- ing tbat of Tuesday night.

Mrs. Stowe of Pall Hlvcr, a boarding, house keeper, attempted salclde )ester- day afternoon by taking rat polsou. Cause, despondency becsuse of the recent disappearance ol her husuand.

Tba new Memorial hall at Bowdoln Colleia waa dedicated yeatarday after- ■OOP, and In the evening a Longfellow memorial address was delivered b> Pro'. DaalelBsynes Uoodwlu nf Philadelphia.

Joseph Teirleo, sixteen months old. Of Minchester, N. II., while pla>Ing Wltb a aieall it '.angular plec* of window glaaa, fell, and one tiolnt of the triangle entered lu mouth, aeverlna tbe carotid artery. The child lived but a few moments.

AtLewlstoo, Me., on Tuesday night. Ell L. Roger* wss calling on a lady when a man entered tbe rcorn and Inflicted lonr alight wound* on h a head snd face with a knife, deorge Pierce has been arrested charged with the offence, and the trial continued till Thursday.

Capt. John Story Jr., ol schooner Wav srl? of Roctport, has -.Itscovered an lm portant and valuable ru'iinc ground flrty- dve miles eaat by nonhofBt. Anne, C. B. Tba flab were very abundaut and of supe- rior quality, snd lbe grounds, are reporuu to be SBpertrr to lha (Jraad Banks,

TIIK LONDON Times publishes a de-

scription of a new process for extract-

ing gold and silver from ores which

ore considered most refractory. By

the ordinary methods the metals can

be extracted fnr.ii tellurides, pyrites,

arsenical pyrites, etc., only partially,

the wtiiI ■ being so great as to cause a

belter system to be cordially welcom-

ed. In that recently tried in Kng-

I, the ore is first crushed by the

Kbaumoiit steam stamp, wliich works

kc a steam hammer, au.l then sub-

jected to tbo beat of a furnace. The

oie is then placed in n stone tank

li tiitro-byr^rocliloirc solvent; Irom

th;s the solution is drawn olf into a

settling tank, and from that into a

precipitating tank, where the gold is

precipitated as a fine powder. The

powder is then mellcd down und

formed into gold bars. Tbe same

process is applied to silver ore. The

process is very expensive, but about

11) |MT cent, of the ucid it is claimed

is recovered after use and used over

und ovtr again, while by the ordinary

analysis by the wet process the acid

was lost.

On Monday, Superintendent uf schools

Brewsler and aeveral member* of the

school committee appeared before the board of aldirmen, aud spoke In behalf of

a new school house In ward one. Tbe

Mayor said tn Introducing the subject, that there had been considerable talk in

tbe school committee meetings about a new school house In ward one. The

Woodland street school Is a tumble-down

affair snd the Bnperlatendenl of public property says he don't know where to be

gin to make repairs. It seemed to him a matter of necessity tbat a dew rchool

home should be built, lie was In favor of

economy In all aflalrs, but when be saw a work ao much ne.ded as this, he was It:

cllBcd to push It forward. CapL J. K. Rollins spoke as follows

Tha matter of tbe Woodland street school

boose boa been under discussion for aev

eral yesrs. The school Is and haa been

very crowded. The t Gliding itself Is lu a

very dilapidated condition and nothing haa been done towards repairs,

expected when tbat bouse was built, tbst

a new one wonld have been erected long

before this to meet the demand. Ward one has t rown rapidly and she baa not

House Robbery.

Tbo Lowell Times gives tbe following account of a boose rob'icry. In which a

Lawrttace man la Interested:—"Robert

Butcher reported at the police station,

Tuesdsy Loon, that durbg the preceeding

nlgbt bis TRsUlence on Broadway had

been out ere J by burglars and robbed of a

number of articles. The case waa given

to Inspector Hayes, end before three o'clrck he hid both hurdlers i.i the Jug,

aud one or them waa a;reoted on the

premises, being found concealed under

some bushes near a fence, lie gave the

name of John Sullivan, la 21 yeara of age. and told numiroos contradictory stbrlea

as to where he balled from. Me Anally claimed to have cone from Lawreuce.

An boor or two later, while the officer oo bis way to Mr. Butcher's, he met

a man eatiug a piece of pie, and knowing that article of fjod bad been stolen from

tbe place, Dun buckled on to Mm and a

desperate snuggle enaued. The officer

proved too much for tbe pie eater, and succeeded in making the arrest, and

fun ud a .i laiuHv or bruad and sweat cake

concealed under his coal. On being

searched at tbe police station, a key was

taken from his pocket, wblch was stolen

from Mr. Butchers cellsr about oue week ago. 1 hia fellow gave tbe name of Frank

Crowell. They ransacked Beveral rooroa

and atole 910 in money from one of tbem, and tarlons articles from otber rooms."

Pleasant Presentatloo. —m

Un Saturday evening last the choir of

the Garden St. Methodist church met at

the residence ol Rev. (.* U. Dunning, had her share of Improvements. We do I Lsj \he usoa! custom, for rehearsal. At

TIIK HbsTON l'iu-- is about as unanimous in determining that Gov 1 ,i HI;! shall not be made the candidate of lbe republican party tlic coming autumn, as tbey were in opposing bis original nomination, and are resorting Lo similar methods to further this end. They insist, contrary to the fact, that tbe Governor has peremptorily re- fused to be the nominee; we have be- fore called attention to this misstate- ment, and challenged the production of one word from His Excellency, in support of tbe idea that ho wilt decline il his patty put him in renemmation, but there has been no response, be- cause there cannot be. Gov. Long has simply said that he desires to retire, and is not "a candidate for the nomi- nation." He has not said, be has not intimated, that he will decline a nomina- tion, should the convention deem that step tbo wiBest to pursue ; on the con- trary, he has said just the reverst-; if nominated he will accept, and on this point we challenge any one to se- c tire a word in contradiction Irom John D. Long ; the men who have a purpose to serve in retiiing Uov. Loog, wholly and intentionally misrepresent him, when they cUim to the contrary.

not lik- to be Importunate, trjt we pay a large tax In tbla ward aod tbe Improve-

ments and expenses go somewhere else.

Now we Want this school house. Any one who win examine ins distance that a

largo p-T cent, of tbn scholars have to

travel, also look at the acnool bouse,

will ace that a larger, better and more

centrally located school house Is needed.

It seems to me Ilka a piece of folly lo be

ao penurious when anything lb so impera- tively demanded as this Is.

Mr. Ketii p. Dawson said tbst this was

his tolH visit to MM aldermen In bebair

of the school house In ward one. Tbe Woodland street school, as has been said,

la In a very bad condition. There is no

cellar to the building, there are three

rooms, not one of whlcb but leaks; each room haa a hrge am tunt of plastering off.

He for one would be pleased to leave this

this matter to tbe board If they would make a personal Inspection. They do not

k for ao ornamental building, but a

gjod, substantial, roomy and convenient

school bouse. Superintend en I Brewster spoke

lows: Tbe Woodland atreet school house is the pooreatltitbeclty. There has been

pressing need for room lu other parts of the city and four school houses have ben

bnllt and repaired since tbe matter of bet

ter accommodation a for achool children

lu ward oue baa been talked of. Tbe

building will aeat l.'.o children when a

demand of over 200 la to be met. Tbe scholars in the upper grades uuat either

go over Prospect III.) to the Prospect Si.

school houae, down around Canal street

to the Newbury street school Loose, or

enter tbn grade.) In the Oliver school.

We have pad to place scholars In seven dlflerent schools to relieve this bouse. Tnere Is Hi.TuTor-d no question is to the

need of another school building; but

now comes the question of location. Tbe situation of thu Woodland street school

house Is bad, Nat more than thirty chil-

dren coma from the north and east of '.be

school, the remainder from the other di-

rection. I should oe in favor of having

the school near coongj to Marston street,

so that la tbe future there will be room

for another school house between this and

the Prospect atreet school bouse. When tba land waa bought (or the Park

atreet school bouse tba price asked was

7 1-2 rents per foot. Mr. John Catigan has a piece of land at tbssonlhwcst coi-

ner of Allaton and Howard streets Tor

which ha asks s cants per foot; I think,

however, It could be obtained for less than that.

Mr. Brewsler then introduced the fol- owlng order:

That tbe committee on public property be and hereby era authorized and direct- ed to purchase a lot uf land containing Dot leas than 15,000 ainard Teat, la aome suitable location In tha southerly slops of Prospect Hlli. In ward one, and that tha

coobluslon of the musical exercians, Rev

Oeo. W. Norrls appeared upon the scene,

bearing with hlman tlegaiitly upholstered roiker, and accosting Mr. II. K. K istinan,

wbo lias beea chorister of Ihe choir for many Jtars, greedy to that gentleman'-

surprise, with spproprlal* remarks, made

it apparent tbat tbe handsome article waa

intended as a gift for him. presented by

his associates In tbe cbolr and other

friends. Mr. Norrls, lu tbe coin -c of his

brief add ess, happily remarked tkrt as Mr. Kutman bad "stood" so long In the

choir, snd performed his duties so .'alih-

fully and acceptably, hu had well earned a comfortable seat. Mr. Kastmaa feelingly

responded,thankl&g tbe donors aud re- ferring with much i'eeutig to tbe pleaaant

associations wblch must bo severed by hli departure from tbe :lty. A moat de-

lectable collation was served aud au agree-

able hour spent la dlscuislag the ediblen

and topics of a less substantial naiuto,

Kuiiitiviiy and MuiMshup.

Saturday afternoon two young men

here, hired Mr. M. Norton's home and buggy to goto the Willow Hoose, 1,0well

Instead of going there, however, i Icy

went to Haverbill In the purposi of at

tending the circus, orrlvlng at shout til

o'clock; and while passing near the head

of Wtlittei street, ibe horse took fright

and started off itpoa n run. Soon afte

the young men Jumped out, and the horse continued to Kenoza avenue, where the

boggy collided with a post, breaking tbe spokes oot ot both wheels on one side.

The animal kept on, dragging tbe boggy,

the ends of the axles bumping along on

tbe ground. A wagon from the country,

containing a lady, two children and a

man, had a very narrow escape from

being struck by the fugitive. '1 he horse

waa taken to Klmbalt's stable, and on

Sunday Mr. Norton took tbe wrecked car- riage ami his horse Lome.

Bridge on Fir .

Sunday afternoon about 4 45 o'clock,

Fhoiras Connelle, while driving uvsr the Union atreet bridge oTer the railroad, dl<-

covered the structure on fir - underneath.

He drove speedily to Atlantic hoose whence the chemical extinguisher waa

called by telephone and hastened to tbe scene. On Its arrival the beams of lh»

bridge were burning briskly, but wed di-

rected streams soon extiogulihed the Ore.

Some ol the beams, however, were BO

badly charred that they must be replaced.

Tbe Are doubtless originated from a spark

from a locomotive which passed onder

tbe bridge about twenty minutes before be dlrcovery of the dimes.

—Mr. Henry O. Tyer, one of Andover'a

valued cl'.lxen*, died on Monday after-

noon. Be had bean conflaed to his res-

idence by sickness for about two years.

Ths recent display of lnsab jrdlnatton

a>. tha State Prison at Concord baa direct- ed tba attention of tbe public to other In- stitutions occupied mainly by persons con-

victed of p-i&al offences, and not ouly

hava the peace-loving citizens of tbla

Commonwealth awaited with alarm and interest tha outcome of the trouble, bnt

throughout the land there has been a watchful eye directed towards Concord

principally; but towards tha correctional Institutions of Massachusetts la general.

In every city wb^re a prison wall greets tha pasem-by. tin, question la Invariably

mentally. If notoutspokea, Baked, "What ara thiy doing In there?" To anawer tbla

i,ussilon is the task of an JMEKICAK rep- resentative, who, Tuesday, pa'.u a visit to

tbe Jail and House of Correction lo this

city and the result of bis lDv*ailgatlona,

with some stubborn facts upon whlcb

luanj can ponder, may be found lo the following article; —

ApproscItfoV the Institution, whlcb, as

all know who hav.i visited the locality In tha Llitbeaome summer, the eye is greeted

by lha slgnt of blooming plants In profu- sion, their flowery plumes beudlng to the

bitese, lining tha air with a redolent par-

fume with which no petted floweret of the hothouse e'er delighted ihu senses. Cn

the spacious grnen in front were happy children at play, mocking in their mirth

and u>erty tb« barred tranagresaor wlu gazed from his narrow window out upon

tbe freedo n lost to him, for a time, by wn tranagreaslona. and yet, there

there wss freedom to be seen within the stately fence. Through tba »pcn gate

passed men, women and children, bear- ing palls, pitchers and dippera to tbe

llmt-honored well, nhe&cu was drawn

cool aud refreshing draughts of water,

much of which was qiaffed on tba prem- ises, while more waa borne to the homes

of the humble laborers residing nesr.

Whose hours of toll had ceased sad to

whum a cooling of water, evej

though It be from a jail euclosure, was a

boon not vouchsafed opou their rented pteiolses. At tbe Jail front ah waa roses, geraniums and other fl>wers and abruba

In bloom; to the west waa a lawn of be

liful green, backed by a bill on which

glistened In the sunlight the silken At tbe ivsir were fertile) crops of veg-

etables, which braved the laie summer

and gavtt promise of abundaut harvest, wltj patches of eirswbtrrles which yield-

ed well and yet retained petals of the

luscious Hull.


at th> efflce biouxbi first officer Brad- street to the port bole, and alter a cloae

Inspection ol bt* visitor the scribe was

admitted and escorted to a seat In the

octogon guard room. While tha mercury

without fllrte.t among the nloutlea, here

the welcooie breeze fum the west swept through the spacious apartment, glvlug one the Impression that, although beyond tbe iron doom freedom had been left, for

Ihe nonce liberty bad lust Iti charms

within UUB cooling retreat. Tlu ob)ect

of the visit being made uaullest, Mr.

Brad«lreet kindly gave tba following facts: IN JAIL AND IIOUSB OF COBKKCTMN

there are now 179 Incarcerated. Uf these

16 are In the jail; 13 men and 3 women

In tbe house ot correction aro 147 males

aud 16 females. The iua)jrlty of tbe bouse of correction convicts are serving

sentences for drunk-nness. Vor the ben-

efit of those for whom the statistics of crime can be mado a frttliful topic, It can

be stated that In lsSl lh«r- was conmltied

to the Jsll 260 persons, and to the boose

correction, 735; to both 25 more than

In 1880. In 1871 the total commitments

to both Institutions were 743, of which

HI were lo the bouse of correction, and

190 lo the U»- «*ci tha six months it 1881,*emMng with June, there were In jail

91, and lu house of correction 356, a total of 447 persons. For tbe corresponding

I'.UC this year there has be^o committed to*latl 76. and to Hie house of correction,

525, a total or 601 persons, 154 more tbau

were committed for the first ulx mouths

of last year. Tbe increase of commit' meuts this year can in tbe main be attrib-

uted to the fact tbat lt.e local police dm

ing the greater part or >"Bl 7*»r aeived undir a very unsafe, tenure, as tbe ques<

tiou of their appointment by Mayor Web'

star, waa held for months In abeyance by the Supreme Court, before tbn action of

the Mayor was sustained by ths legal de-

cision of tbat body. A TOUlt AMOM TIIK CONVICTS

was made. Mrs. Jeffs, sentenced fir man-

slaughter, having shot ber hosbana at Gloucester, was found engaged lo ordin-

ary housework In the officers' kitchen. She viewed the visitor furtively on his apfesrfcnee, but afterwards continued at

hot work lo a listless mai.ner as lhoo(b her sanctuary had not beeu encroached

upon. She Is looking much better than she appeared at the trial, and the prison

officers say la one of tbe beat behaved ol

tbe convicts, tier time Will expire Feb

MM. M> Jennie I). Kennon, the notorious

child beater. Is even more mniculine li> ppearaoce than ever. She has gained li

flesh, and although at flr„t sbu smarted

under the atrlct regime of the prlsou, she Is now inncti milder and apparently i c-con

cited to ber fate, aa all hope of pardon bas neen abandoned. She Is at work In the

sewing room, aud her seutence will ex- pire lu May, 1083.

Tbe most freqJeut female habitue of tbe

ho«oe ol correction la Kllr. i Lynch, a good

wosaan at heart, botone whose unsuitable

thirst for liquor baa placed her la durance vile for tbe greater portion of the past ten

years, bhe is one or the most obedient

and beat behaved women to the lnstltu

tlon, snd Is regarded rather as an unfor-

tunate tbau as a criminal. She also Is lu

the sewing room and Is a capable work-

woman. Her lost sentence Is for 1 year, for habitual drunkenness, and she has

nearly 11 months yet lo scive.

Among the principal


rving aeuicncej are Henry A. Hall, alias Charles R. the Philadelphia

yontt> wbo victimized several local tradea-

nieu, by representing himself as ao adver- tising *„ei,t. Hia paramour, a id nde

actress, It will be remembered, waa at' rested witft blm, but waa released, as no

complaint could be -tMlaliud against her.

When last beard Irom she was playing the

"confidence game" In Ntwborvport

such success that sue was oscoi led out of

town. Hall Is at worx lu the shoe shop,

and is servlag a sentence or 18 months.

Kimball Perry, tbe well known peddler

and "reformer," under sentence of three

years since May 1881, for (elonions aa-

ssult. Is at work In the y.ird. Ills health Is rapidly falling.

Jewell W. Cralg. sentenced at the Oc-

tober term of the Superior court, 1880, to

9 years, for breaking Into care of the But-

ton k Maine railroad, a case which occu- pied two terms of the court, Is an old man and nearly blind. He la do.og suet

chores as be can about lbs yard snd In August will be released.

0.hera wbo are serving long aeotencea

are Charles Walto ot Ipswich, 8 years, dating Fsb. 1881, for burglary, and Ben].

F. Darling, sentenced Oct. 80, to 4 yeara,

for receiving stolen properly at Haver-


Iu tie jail twining tils) Bt the next term o( the Supe.lor Court, are Francis Wlrn, larceny of a team from Porter

Bros. i.J, A. I J. lion, laiceuy of" a team from George B. Tttckey; John 1). Sluait,

larceny of the person at the £sasx House; Ann Carnea, breaking and ester!OR at

Gloucester; Fred Diamond,colored, forg-

ery i George II. Rock, polygamy. Two

young meu are Incarcerated to tba jail on charges of bastardy.


IS a matter frequently discussed by those

fortunate enough not lo gat within tbe portals of thtt prison. No person await-

ing trial In fall Is obliged lo work, bnt all

may If desire. Pi Isouera sentenced loth"

jail or house: of correction mrtsl work vnd out of those new Incarcerated, 90 male*

a'e employed by S- A. Boyntoo, of Row- ley, lbe contractor. In tbe shop; the ott- ers at work lo the prisoner.' kitchen,

repair shops, at painting, or In tbe yard

and garden. The women are engaged In

ths officers' kitchen, aud lo the wash and

sewing rooms. Washing days are each Monday and Saturday, and In ths laundry

there Is every convenience ror perfect sod cleanly work, hot and cold water, station

ery tubs, a large drylog yard, and In

stormy weather a large drying room heat- ad by steam.

The prisoners arise at fi 45 AU., take

breakfast or bread aud coffee and retire to their cells until 7 o'clock when they go

to their various employments. Dinner Is

setved at 12 o'clock, and iflPH. they re-

torn to work, remaining until n P M.,

when supper la served sad Ihey return to their cells tor the nlgLt. From October

1 until April 1 the? are allowed lights for

a couple of bours by wLlch lo read, write f maoofacture trinkets, and many arti-

cles of exquisite workmanship are turned

out by liigeuioua prisoners In those bours. OJ Sunday there lr no work, morning

service belug held iu tha guard room at

9 o'clock and pralae service at lm, The

regular chaplain la Rev. C U- Dunning,

but the clergymeu ot tbe city of all de-

nominations exchange with him at inter- vals. For reading mailer the prisoners

have a library of 600 volumes comprising books of travel, standard novels, reiiglovs

works, etc., together with weekly papers, magazines and periodicals, but no d*:iy

oapurs are allowed. Ujoks are ex-

changed twice a week. That all must

keep clean Is I mprus*e 1 up in t he mind of vac'.', arrival as be. or sue, as It may be,

oo entrance to tbs init'lutlon is glveo a

Lhorough bath and tbe clolhlag Is ex-

changed ror tba cleauly attire prescribed

by the rules. Baths are given the Inmates weekly, and tbe male priaoaera are shaved

each Saturday, and when needed ha cut eacu Ttiursdny. That the



noecusaary U Stale, as tbe institution has long; been pointed s.t is tbe model

all and bouse of correction of tbe slate.

While II would be too much to say that the Inmates are contented with their lot,

oo discontent Is mtnlfeslud la their ap-

pearance, nor bas tiers been ■ flagrant

case of Insubordination here since SUerlff

Ilerrlck assumed control. Knxb and all

look well fed and well clothed, and

llrou.'h prison life ciitaluly aids to ihe Iuroads made upon health by disslpail-n,

there are comparatively fjw who msni-

fust symplona of disease. The sanitary

condition of the Inmates is attended to by Dr. Sarueut, aud it may, or in ly not, be

to his credit thai tbe hospital connected

with tbe Institution bas been free from iniuaiea for mouths. In fact there has

been but one death at tUu prison Tor two

yean, this occurred last May. Ao Idea of tbe

AMOUNT in r.KH. CONBUHKO Cy ihe lu mates Is (jlven from tue books.

Weekly: 9 barreiB or fl Mr, 630 pound* of

meat, 75 pounds of coffee, 1 1-2 bushels of

paas, 1 U buajels of beans, 160 pounds of flab, 50 p Minds or pork, besides a large

qusntlty of vegeiaoies. The breakfast

uid bupper is Invariably bread and coffee,

oot plenty of It, whll« tbe dluneia dally are varied, comprising beans, peas, soups,

jarden vegetables, bttef, dab, etc.

The ofllcers state that the pilrooers are

well behaved and that caaea of punish- ment have decreased lo s minimum,

although with each year the number oi

t:iose Incarcerated Increases. The rute shortening 11 days each month from a

criminal sentenced fr«m 1 to 5 years, who

docs not Infringe upon tbe regulations has doubtless much to d> with this, but the same rule applies to Institution* ol a

similar character where freq-ient out-

breaks are made. It must therefore be conceded tbat ths Lawrence Jill and

house of correction la

IN OOOD Bf.Aw.Da, and under ilie minngemeu*. of offtcors who

thoroughly understand the nature of those

wn.b whom they are called upon to deal.

Both iMtlmtlons are under the supreme direction ol Sheriff Harriet wbo bas as

first officer, Mr. Jahn P. Bradairee:, Capt.

C. P. Vise, roaster of kitchen: Cbaries

A. Stlilings, ofllcer lo guard room; Chss. H. s-.cvenH, muter of yard and Charles

H. Johnaoo, night watchmau. Tbo effi-

ciency of iie-.e ofllcers Is everywhere dis-

played from the appearance of thu yard

and garden to the demeinor of the con-

victs, tbe cleanliness of all apartments

sad the neatness of arrargumints in lbe kitchen nod woikshopa.


The northern bound express train from

Boston to Montreal mel wl'.h au accident Tuesday evening at tba bleacbery station,

Lowell, on the Bostoo A Lowell road,

which not ouly delaved the train thrte

hours, but was a narrow and almost mi-

raculous eacfipe from a Bnocklng calamity. Tbe train was moving at an ordinary rate

of speed at this point, and on reaching lbe Intersection of the Lawrence track, ran on to the Lawrence road lo a second

switch which wa> left cpen, ai.d in conse-

q iff nee of which tbe engine lelt lbe rails entirely, ai.d l.e -nnie detached from lbe

cars. Poltuuaiely for lbe occupants of

tbe cars, nearly three hundred persoua, the train kept the malo Lawrence track

and ran by un'.ll stopped by the brakes,

Tbo locomotive was BO disabled that It will bave to be laid aside for repairs, and

tbe engine called "<>;d Reliable'' wss called into rrqulsion to complete '.he trip.

It occupied tbreei bours lu getting tbe

train ready to continue tbe journey, and

cousiqueuce of tbe accident, tbe nine

o'clock freight from this city was delayed an boor.

Arrested for luerceny.

On tbe 27th of Jane a young girl went to Maasev'a boarding bouse, 90 Washing-

ton, and giving ss Llille ilutcb-

1ns, said she hsd obtained work and

wanted board. She WAS given a room, and that same night she went away taking

•f8, a quantity of jewelry consisting of

bracelets, chains, pin-* and other goods of

considerable value, from her roam mate.

Tbe pol'.ce ascertained that she belonged

st Klttery Point, Maine. Tbey sent word to the police at Portsmouth that sbu waa

wanted, and city marshal Entwlstle after

a long chaso succeeded In capturing ber

on Sunday last. Officer Llbbey went to

Portsmouth Monday, and brought her

to this city that afternoon. In the police court tuesday Jtornlng she pleaded

guilty to the larceny and ber case was

continued until Wednesday afternoon for sentence. She Is also charged with steal-

ing a au n of money from Theodore

Keene'a hoass, in Klttery Point, on Mon-

day last

— It In reported that anoiher clrcua It

ou its way lo ibis city.

All the Lawrence cot'ages at Bass Rocks, are now open for the season.

—In Boston Saturday, two shares of

Pacific mills stock sold st 1615 each.

—The timbrri for tbe second fl »or ol

lbs Pacific storehouse are being laid.

--A new safe Is to be purchased for tbe

police station, a much needed addition.

—The Dock bridge sadly needs r-plauk Ing, If It Is not going to be rebuilt at once.

—Mr. Abner Boston, overseer oi tbo

spinning at tbe Arlington, retired from

that position Saturday.

-Mr. J. H. Bu'.terfield baa purchased

Nos. 9 sad 10 Pacific boarding homes and Will superintend both.

— Melboen atreet between Lawrence

and Applelon Is being graded with

crushed stone taken from tha Pacific atorebuuae ledge.

—Thirteen salmon have been seen In

the flshway thus far tbla season by Mi.

Holmes, who bas hesrd from 7 of them at Plymouth, N. 11.

Real estate on which taxes hava not

been paid will be advertised for sale by

the city treasurer after ths ID-b.

—Kcv. O. H. Ide, funnei ly of this city,

h»s j'ist had conferred upon him the da.

gree of D. D., by Rlpon collego.

J. A. I'h) mi.-, formerly of Lowell

and late with Mr. A. D. Biaocbard, Is now

nlgbt operator at the central telephone office.

—One of Barnuiu's riders In the Indian race broke a w rlst last Thursday, hia horse

running against a pole, throwing tbe rider

completely over bis head.

—Truant officer iiaiie bos resigned his position, oot li.'lu,; willing to tske tbe

census ol school children. It Is not

known who his successor will be.

—Work ou excavatlm for the founda-

tion ol the new mill m the Cestral Pa- cific yard, has Iwtn commenced. Con- tractor Goodwin is rushing things.

—Tbe creditors of M. II. Cobe A Co, clothiers, held a meeting on Saturday.

Tbe llsollitles were placed at tll.OOOi an

( tier of 4D cents ou 81 was accepted.

—Mr. Oeo. W. Newall has bought oot the pOBt office news Bland of Mr. H. I.

Smith, wbo has had It for a ye*r ana s

half. Mr. Newall will contitoa the same business.

—Tbe walls or the Psciflc storehouse oo Applelon street are moontlng skyward rapidly. The baaement li nearly com'

pietcd, and work Is now progreaslng with the carpenters on the flrst floor.

Mr. Charles U. Denman, has b»en

presented by Messrs. A. D. Swan snd W.

8. Knox, with a handsome gold watch and

chain, lu recognUlon of bis valuable aer- vlcea for the telephone company.

Tbe sale ol tickets for ths Oraod

Army excursion has begun already, and the friends of ihla popular organization

111 be out lu force for the trip to tbe

Point of Plnja —Q. A. R. Excursion, July I9.b.

—The Mancbtster Times thinks that lamprey eett are once more taking to the

Mernmack and lu tributaries. Tan were

recently caught by some boys under the

dam at the bobbin shop un Squog river, lo that city,

—Tbe receipts of Barnom's show hers

were over 87000. The Lowell Citizen

cays that the Lawrence cash piled upon the counter of tha I'rescoti Bank wonld fill a bssbol basket snd save two or Us

Preacott clerks work for an hour 10 coam- ing.

— A man najied John Frell, residing on Cheatnot street, was arrested Sunday, on

complaint of hia wife, who alleged tbat

be bad beaten her. Snd failed to appesr

In court although Mimmoned, sod a ca-

pias for her arrest has been Issued.

—There Is much co.xplalnt about ths

planking on the toot paths of the new

Broadway bridge. It Is unseen, rough

and unsightly. . Something should be

done to remedy this ss It Is not la keep-

ing with the remainder of ths etrnclure.

—Charles Slllphsn A Co., of Dresden,

e, have Just secured thu contract for

fnrnUhlog 10,000,000 bobbins for ihe Pa-

cine mills. No smalt job for one party It dou't look much as if tha mills were

going lo remain shut down any length of lime.

—A basket of tbe handsomest strawber-

ries we bsve seen the present reason,- large, ripe, luscious,—came from the In-

dustrial School, and afford good evldancs

of the skl'l of Superintendent Risk, In dlrectlog tbe culture of tbe little fanr.

there by the boys.

The Manchester, N. II., papers nay that the militia boys or that city, apeak

very highly of their treatment In thla city oo the Fourth. They report a flrst clsss

time. Csptaln Devloe of ths Sfaarldso

Quanta, aajs tbe drilling of Co. F was

the finest be ever aaw.

On Sunday about 30 geulletneo went

to Crystal Lake In two of Wright's

bsrgea. Caterer Daley went along, and

provided an excellent flsh dinner. The party being largely a musical one, bad a

concert In tbe afternoon. Quite a num-

ber of visitors lo single teams called oo them during tne day.

—Tha Interior work on the Pemberton National banking rooms Is progressing

Mpldly. The walnscotllng Is of Spanish

mahogany, anl Howe Bros., of Lowell,

are doing the work. The floor wi'l be

partially laid lo tiles. Tbe vault Is com-

pleted, aod la a very floe piece of work- jnsnshlp.

— A grand excursion, that of the O. A.

R. to tbe Pulnt of Pints on the 19th. Special trains will be run oo the Eastern

rsilrosd from the beach, one Bt 4 o'clock

and anoiher after tbe fireworks In the

evening. The Grand Army always have the beat excursion of the season, and thla

will be no exception. Tbe tickets for tbe round trip will be 81.

— Frid.y afternoon tha little tight years old Bon of Mr. Rsfoa Stanley, while

sla\ Ins to Jackson terrace near his father's lealdance, climbed la to a tres sad losing

his balance T«ll to tba ground receiving s

severe shock. He was taken to the hoosa

snd a phjfidan called. It waa ascer-

tatned that ' fortunately no nones wars

broken, bat lu bad beeo badly ahak*n up.

—At tba semi-annual Meeting of St.

Patrick's Temperance Society, at Sooth

Lawrence, the following ofllcers were chosen: President, John J. Donovan|

vice president, Thomas II. Murphy; re

cording secretary,William H. Hart; finan- cial secretary, Michael Sullivan ; treasnr

er, Pstrlck Sullivan; sargeant-at-arms

Charles Fields. This organization li

among the most prosperous temperance societies In the city, and the management

of Its affairs Is now In the beet of bands

--A comapoudeo". writes a card to ths

effect that tha atreet commlsloner cele- brated the "glorlooe fourth" by bringing

a councilman to task for opposition to

the street appropriation, and openly boaatad of appearing before ths finance

committee and demanding a large appro-

priation for lbs atreet department. If oor correspondents statement* are troe,

tba re-marks of the street eommlssloner were most ajseemlj, and entirely ou'. of

place, and ne must here made a ridlcn one exhibition of himself.

! —A portion or Colllos' orchestra ia at

| the Ocean House, Hampton.

I - Peoplu are beginning to get lo their

j winter coal, taking advanUge of-the low

price in tbat commodity.

—The Lawrence electric lighting com

panv proposes to exhibit tbe Edison In-

candescent lit hi system In this city.

TLe Boston A Maine railroad Is to pjt a new steamer on Like Wlnnlpesau-

kee, tn run for freight and passengers.

—Ths beglra to the beaches anl moun-

tains haa begun lo earnest. Tbe tralaa

sra lajen heavily dally by pleasore seek-

Andovcr Advertise!. FRIDAY MORN'MG. JULY.

Itallroail Train

Lsave DOAIOB for AndOTer, ; :.w. \i :ui KI.M, A , **.; li M., li.SO, i..n>. 3.30, 4, &,<l,H.i}U4

Leave Aedseei for Bo*ion. c.:.j,, M.OD BS- »»*,, A.M.. and I*. i«, li.M.rj.OMi*, VW.s.ta, «',i.:i..i» (Friday. » M ) ¥. II.

or lha North B.M A. at.; ]■•.,-,.■, 5.61 p. U, Forthe EMIH.-.'! A.M.; 1.10, 4..SU, Ml, Ml

P.M. For l.nwell, 7.i:l M.a-.', ll.w, A.II.; li.-u i.03,A.U,a.j;i,,B,i3 p. at.

Professor UUurctiill sod family ore at Bora- loxa.

Mr. and Mn>. Joseph II. Loud are at Uulca N. II.

Topic for next Wtdneidoy evening msailogs : "Keeping ibe Tongue."

The ht*t tinr.c in bouneta continues tn be as la lbe psat—a prslty face.

Nathan Ellis, wife and daughter, are at Ott- tyeburx. IVun., un a

Kev. D. D Mirth ul Qjorgetosn, preached si tba chapel laat Sabbath.

Jackewvtlle, Pis , baa produced a water- melon welshing ■'>" pounds.

Ada Z. Overluck I* at Btngor.anil Cliarlea A. I'.mmiur at Swanvlllj, Me.

John I.-iini of southwestern Iowa, Is lo tows vlslilng bis son, Kev. J. H L.urd.

Oscar Wilde was the first u, discover that there are greea-backs to sootlowera.

One of ihe rlcbeat mica mines In tbe world has been diicnvtrcd nesr Atbens, Qa.

John D. Fiats of Beaton, bas mad > a recent vtalt to bi* mother realdlnr In tbla town.

Msrv Liberia shot a wondchuckat llinting- ton, V jnii.. with her laiher'a gon, the other day,

Mr. and Mrs. Solomon H. Palmer are spend-

■ - Hiring the parade oo lbe fourth, a

vo'iog man threw a stone at tbe bate dram of the Lawrence braas band, mik-

ing a hole In the head. He haa been ar-

rested. -

—An excellent dilck for lha warm

weather Is said to be thin porridge, made of oatmeal or Indian meal boiled In milk

and water, with a little aslt throw:

It la both re-fret-hli-i; and nourishing.

-On Tuesday Mrs. Dr. Crawford was

ade tbe recipient ol a handsome Chick erlug uprlgbl piano, a present from ber

father, M-. P. W. Schaake. The piano was from the ware HIOBI of Mr. John M.

Hit hards snd Is one of the finest In tbe

city. --Tbe early cloalog movement initial* d

by ihe dry goods dealers, la apreadlng,

aid papera are tudng circulated among

tbe provision dealeis and lha (crockery

firms; It would be a decided advanUge, I injTiwour three weakTll tbe" CoiioeciiYt'VaT and ao loss to aoy ooe, coold tbs move- '*T

meiit be made uulveiaal; why not close

all lha stores, ai.d give ths clerks a rest.

—About two weeks sg > Thomas Moo-

sban, H years of aga, and James Forson, 13. escsped from tbe lodostrlsl school.

Tbe Lowell pollen being Informed of their unannounced departure, kept a lookout

for the Juvenile mlscteaou, aod Tuesday

moruing at an early hour tbsy were cap-

tured. Konahan was sentenced during

minority, and Porson for three yeara, and

bas oue more lo serve. Tbey were re

turned to this cliy.

—Es-pullce ofllcer A. B. Lawrence waa passing Mill street Tuesday evcnlng.wben

he saw a man knock two others down sad

kluk one of tbem. He ran for tbe assail-

ant end caught him, taking blm lo the

police station, where be gave lbe name nf John Reardoo. He said tbo other fsllows

wanted to tight him and he gave tb»m all

they wanted, lo tbe police court next morning, he was fined f 10 and coats or

60 days, fur assault and battery.

—The kitchen garden at the house of

correction Is doubtless tha most produc-

tive In E«ex county. Potaues as large as hen's eg-s have already been dug, aud

peas have been picked Bines June 18.

Strawberrlea were never more plentiful

here, and beats, cabbages and onions sra

veritably springing from the ground. In one section corn Is "In silk." Officer

Stevens takes great delliht In exhibiting his porkers, 40 boga and 36 pigs, ind they

are good ones.


Report of ths City Msrahal.

Tbe City Marshal tui presented the follow- ing report of police work daring (he peat three

w hole number ol arrests,

Feaulea, 67 Whole number Isst qoarter, 426 Number or lodgers accommodated st the

police station, IflO MSJsf, 1W P.anles, ll Total number ol person* locked up, Iff Total number last qaatur, 311

The offences tor which arrelils were made are M Jot laws .— Arson, 1 Adullerr, 1 AsesuUaad battery, 36 Assault oo ofllcer, 1 Await, mutual, i Bastardy, 6 Burglary, 1 Breaking and entering, 3 Common nlgnt walker, 3 Carryins coDcealeS weaponi, 1 Comwon drunkards and drunk. 3d, 18 Drunkcnoe**, simple, 263 Drunk, sec i>d offence, 37 Disiarbsnce, 10 nrgajw, | For"officeri out of town, 6 Porn leal Ion, 1 Insane, f Idle and disorder!:', I Larceny, simple. 23 Larceny, felonious. » Lewd and lascivious, I Malicious mischief, > Obtaining goods by false pretences, 1 Btuhti-rn sod disobedient children, 4 Suspicion of larceny, 1 Selling Urea In woods, * Sale keeping, 37 Truants, $ Vagrants, * Violation of city ordinances, * Witnesses, 3 Unlawfully removing baggage from board-

ing hoaats, g Neglect un part of busbend to inprort bis

family, 3 Violation of bird law, abootlag birds, 1 Keeping boise of ill fame, 1 indecent rxpomre, 1

ui*r< aiTtoK or ABBBSTS.

Convicted and sentenced, 362 Caaes spnOdltd from sentence, 11 l,'»te> bound over lo Superior Court, IB Dlacbsrged by the court, 18 nitcbarged by the officers, 46 Delivered to oal of town officer*, 6 Placed on Die 33 Saaulcioua peraoos locked up for safe keep-

iag. 37 MisoxLUKMue Btisiaaas.

BnildlDffi round opso sad lecored, Burglaries reponod, Couplslnts Investigated, Defective places In streets reported, DliiurbaDces soppreased wlthuoi arrest, Dogs killed, Klres discovered aod alarms glveo, Fires extloKolibed without alarm, Intoxicated persons taken home. Injured and sick person* assisted. La ret oie* reported, Llgbti furnished for dangeroas place*. l>ilt cbddrea returned lo parents, Search for itoloo properly served, Stray team* pnl up, Sireel obstruction* removed, Amount oriK.len property reported, 9)499.66 Am until of stolen property recovered, niOoI.60 Value of lost properly recovered, g4»2.A0 Amount ol money taken Irom prisoners

snd returned io tbem upon leav- ing police stailoo, #131214

Respectfully iBomltted, JAMBS T. 0'SULLIVA.N,

• City Marshal Accompanying the report la the following


1 beg leave to call your attention to some of ihe fscla reported In ruy 2nd quarterly report. You will iee tbat during Ibe last three months I bava bad la my powt*alon mosey and prop- erty to tbe value, ol #2016.14. A lags amount of money la BOW m my Laoda wfalco must be kepi by me till the October tens of lha court and It is not at all Improbable thai I may have many hundred" of dollars more lo bold dnring the year. A* I am the mpsaslble party for all money* and talaablei recovered by the police, sad Tor all money* and valuable! Including watcbe* and Jewelry bekan Irom prisoners, and stolen properly recovered ibat unit be kept for fdeoilflcatloo at tba eupejior court, I would moat earnestly rtqueit thai your honorable board Immediately porcbaao a good Are proof safe for tba polios dtpartsar-nt, In which all Eropertv and money* alluded to may be safely

apt by the city marshal. Thanking yoo ror all tbe kind favors already granted by way of improvement* made lo our police station, aud above all for lbe improved lyitem ol ventila- tion Introduced In oar police building, I ear. neatly pi-ay that y00 Will BOW 'Smith SB With lbe Ire proof safe to long needed la our depart. meat.

Your most obedient servant, JAMBS T. O'RI-LLIVAN,

_ _ Ci'y Marshal.

ttunsway on Kesex Street.

Mill Marti II. Dow. Mr*. Llatle P. Richard* and Mrs. Mary A Hie-bards are at lUmp-on Beach.

Bev. Charles W. p4rk. returned missionary from Bombay, will preach at the tin pel naat Sabbat h.

The Lawrence south tide Motbodlit society bald their annual picnic at Shawahin grove on Saturday-

Rev, J. H. Lilrd lelt town on Wednesdav for tba West, where be wilt spend hli vacation of four WMIE*. step* to Ihe front with a baet 21 laches In clrenrofereure, 16 Inches in lengtb, and weighing 118 pound*.

What It ibe difference between a falling star and a fog? One la mlaved irom tbeaky, and Ibe ntber la mist on earth.

While tbe Maaeachotetts Press Aiioelstlon were at the Caiikilt mountains, a wild cat was sees br a hotel servant at midday.

John Chandler, who bas been confined to his residence by siclcnoss, several week* past, baa so far recovered as to be able to walk out.

Bled In Andover. by drownlos, July S. Edith Josephine, i">n daufbter of Alexander and Marssrct Meston. aged 1 year 10 months.

Ceitomer: "(Jive me soms flab." Walter: "Waal will yon take. itr. blue (lib r" Cnitom- tr: "Itmakes no difference; I'm color blind."

"I was not bred to work," said a lonpUb tramp to tbe fanner. "Very well, tbea," re- plied tha farmer, 'let nt aaa If you can't work for bread,"

Respect everybodra feelfns*. even your wai ber woman's. However much yon may want to know bar address, never ask her where abe "hang* out."

Mutteal maiden: "1 bone I am not boring yon. playing so much r Enamored youth: "Ob, no. Prsy go on. I'd so much sooner bear yon play than talk."

When a young lady asked tn look at a para- »ol, tbe clerk said i "Will you plaaie give lbs •bade you want1" -'I ssTMSt the i erase! to give tbe ahade 1 want," said tbe yooujt lady.

Professor and Mrs. W. J. Tucker will sail for Europe In tbn tteameblp Gallla. of tbe Cnnard Line. July 19'.b. and rrtorolng will loave L'ver- nooi In the Bothnia of tbo tame line, August 26b.

What r-'siion I* a loaf o1 oread to a ttsasa engine? Bread I* a neceaitty; a steam engine lean Invention; necasiltv 1* ths mother of In vantloo : therefore a loaf ol bread is mother to a steam engloe.

The Mawbnrgh,(tf. Y.) RegitKr, ipeaklngof l-lt ol tbe Maaiaehoaetta Press As-

sociation to tbat place says; "Ye editor* done more smoking and let* orlnklng than any par- ly tbat waa ever In town."

Travelllngon tbe Baltimore and Ohio Rail. road track, lliey came to s mile pott, when one

" em said: "Tread slay, I'at. Here lies a one hundred snd eight years old. His

name was Mllea from Baltimore." William Poor i* furnishing custom made gro-

cery, market and tmtchera' wagons oo orders from I. ■e-i'ice, Oroveland and other places, ror excellent material aod superior workman- ship tls carriage* are not excelled.

John Drlscoll 4>h, white at work baying for John Chan Her, Torsdsy, waa pmairrled by snnitroke whlcb caused hi* death early on Wednesday morning. For many year* be wss a repair hand on the Boston and Maine rail- road, an employment which he left beta few week* ago. He was about 38 years old and has lift a widow and il* young children.

A bench or ber favorite flower* 1* placed every morning on lha table ot Mr*. Artnnr, In ber room ia the President'* New York manaion, which ha* been nndlaturbed, although kept neat and In order, since she died; her later l ta- per fa me u in ihe toilet bottles, her needle is in ber work as she dropped it, the Ink I* dried on bar pearl bandied pen, and her drette* (till hang In tbe wardrobe.

New books added to the Memorial Hall Libra, ry: Anderson, F.. I., (lei Horaeback : In tlio Schiol

ami on tbe It >*d. Atehenbroedf I. No Name Series. Aubarlin.J. J. A Flight to Mexico. Baker, O. A. A Hummer la the Aaorts. Baker, J. Montesquieu'* oouiid era lion a oo Ihe

cauaea at the Urandeur and Decadence ol the Botnan*.

Dmoniii, G. Iliatory of the formation oi the Constitution ot the t nited States of Amer- ica. 1 v.

Barrlle A. Q. The Eleventh Commaadroent. Bodfini, J. A Manual of Ancient Sculpture. Burilettr, K J. William Pena. IOH-ITIH. Carlyle.T. ltemlalaeeacsa of My Irlab Jocuraar

lu ISIS. * Ulemen-. S, I.. The Stolen White Elephant. CuaJ.D. Atania. Campaigns of thu ClvllWar.

The HDonad It line of Bull Ran, as connected wilb the Flu-John Porter case

Cutt*. E. L- Chailemange. lieamoml Hundred, Ha und Itobla fleriea. Dicey, K Victor Emmanuel. Ewald, A. C, btorle* Irom the Stale Paper*. Helaunrg, W. L>Htia ol lha Mill, Hoi.t, noon. John C-Calooun. Jeahltir, E. A Paladin of Finance. Keeping ihe Vow. Lsckv, W.K. II. A niatoiy of England lu the

Eighteenth Century, v. *-«. Lelaad,C-U. TheUvp»lea.

liana Breitmano's IJ illad*. McCarthy. -I. The Epoch of Worm ltOQ 110%

Kuoeba or Modern Hlatorr, Maaea.-hutella. 1'uhllo Butulea of the Com mow-

weall'i of Maasacbuactla; Enauied No*. IB, I-i

Mllman, K. Mililaw; or The Convert I on of Poss-

Uorrla, u. d. Kaol'a Critique ol Pure Iteaaon Kalmu'i.l. (i. Kuril Hand to Hand. Kaverend Idol, A. ■ssasiett, T- The Naval War of IS 11, or the

Iliatory of the United Rlatet Navv during tha psal war wiihtireal Britain,

imltb, W.E. Tbe Propheta of I.i.H and their place in HUtory.

Slepl.i-ii, I.. TheKclence ol Ethloa. Sturgla, .1. Illck't Wandering. Uaderirood.T.lL Henry Wad*worlh l.onglW-

low. -'"' Ward, A. W. nickens. Engliih Men or Latlers. Ware, J. F. Vf. Wrestling and Waiting, ser-

Wacden, W B. The Social Law of Labor. Weak*. L II. Among the Aaorea. Wlllaon. II. U. Currency, or the fundaasealaf

...lociiilea .1 Monetary Science, I'oatalaled. Explained nod applied.

Wright, u F. Studies la Science snd Keligion.

We n.°11** 5M' u>«r> regret ihe annonnseaMit of the death ot Henry Gsorge Tyer, at Andovcr on the ilki noon of Monday, the HHh ln-t., at Ihe aar of abeul aeventy yeara and four month* air TyBT was a native of Hackney, ana-one ol ihe pari-hea of London. England He came ha On United ( in IBtO. lived for aeveral j ,ra h» New Biiiii.wkk.N. J.,and movid iheaot to Aa- dove., Matt. Witt a strong, acllveand inven

mind, he waa fond or experiment and re* ah wilb a view to the Improvement of lb* inaleriala and proceaaea of practical work

out (in- time of hia atrival In Ihl* countrvl ny thoughtful mlnda were studying the prot>-

lem nf extending Ilia uaea and imiirovina tbe manufacture ol India rubber. Into Ibis work be entered with pilience and ardour, aud anc, • derl In perfectlnn and securing aeveral patent*, UPON at leatt ono or which a aucceaafui buatneaa waa Anally established, fader the name ot Tyer aid PSTSe, the manufacture of article* fr^m ladta rubber wa* carried oa In the brisk balldlng BOW known aa • the Compo," originally erscletT oa a machine -bop for the B. and V a. a , bsiore the grade of tha road in An.lovcr waa changed lo a lower 1-vcl. In coarse of time the Arm wa* built up which I- In succeearul operation, and la now known as the Tier Itubber Co. uf'iEl1"*! mo,1 ?,en who "nt"- Into boslness, Mr.Tyer enjoyM the warm rogard and coni' rienee of hia employe*., and o? all who wi-rc brought Into contact with him. Tllouga for lh™ past three or four yeara he had not been able tr>, B^MB '?,b"'t'1*". «»* ol l.tik.S, bean a oosaust Invalid. Tha tense fit lo*t tn hit*) departure by desih, la throughout ihl, iilUgew*lW TX^.!£$!*l ,D,''U« «« cuooaeiiSa hL aVT™?ry 0M Ml * P"**M«I lutereatrai him, and every one enquired alter hi■ with ka- Lmih'aBsnfiiraSte Mo"'« wuiSfcave •awakaTLS!?*^ olrclB'" Andover, wkaee ab aan^e would, bo more generally . nd warmly la- BMSted aa a personal lo.. br all .:!>*■*. „r tn*

On Wednesday, lira. Nathan (lage, while

driving ber husband's team down Kssex

attest, turned. Into Jackson street. Juit

as she turned, tha llncn-nin of the wagon

fall out, and the home sprang forward

with the shafts, letting the body of the wagon to the groun-i. Mrs. Gage was

thrown violently oot of the wagon. She

was picked np and taken Into Clark's

apothecary store, when It was found that

she had only been slightly scratcbad. The horse, attached to the ihafts, ran

away up Jackson s'reet. lie had gone

bnt a abort distance when he knocked

down a HUle boy and cat hia head. He

continued lo Ela street Whew be was

potlng pretence, bis uixlghtcei gggW'N. sg wa. tl» vary WlVr old

• and juatlceci

faahloned •crupulou* honor and Integrity, in thing*, und In all tmsla. email or'arie Ilia promise wa* aa aood a* the bond He alwara and A2! ' FfE "ml ««>Wwrt and a chesiy Hrade. lie was roll of thought iul eontideration for all with wnom "h. ■M.MI SB ! mo6**1 "If-raapsct and a lKl-iSS,™0.rb"T^ w.".ici "aderrd'nlma moat sarreablccompinlua. 1|, waa warmly attachei|

raHbrul to the l..| S^M, lM)th fn Sin duti.T't LES&TSU Vcl,r "■'•KHBoatlo life, it ton SSKfT*.,10!*"" ^'T^ ,uo° * "»■• and tu hat* had hit living example. In our midt ; a wan fir. irassgnlla and without hypocru, '! thoraub i'lPTl I" *ord and deid: carJful1BXaSC upright la drportment, an hoooiatde mtttEn* uBMiBah and courints toward* all. *'SBB0'- »£J32b3£±JS*L "a™**** in ^ Proteeiaat Epltropah SBE . mgss ib.--»si7 « garss buicb. < w»» iron IKK

Mater .Un. Of kin ,, i„ m, .21KS ■•< •»H"'l"Ull. !■ U. word, it Si wl« wVl'.r

AMifijwr. MM,., J„|, H. IMS,

Mi.. Bell. Perkin. o( Mrlro... I. ia iuwn. I Prida, „CBing . «,„ Mmed .,„„„ J^7 J Oeorce V. IWU iwn of ttiaafA, I. lutimn. ' '"•''fl",'m«n, about SO yean old, woo worked Tbe town ball Is to be paint nt, grained and ' for *' ?* C*W' •uw' *•*»«• nflwSjl On*"

frescoed. -™«" **r°. a**"*! paromiioa ot tb. latter cm- lira M..v A rllr.l nf N J .,,!„ i , UMBM " ,lBeo '° tb« taf" ",« ■*•"■ H» r»-

on"««£ ' " 0W° I"" •" "raBW. In reply to an Int.m*..ion ™: ' ... I" w »n«iner be bad simper or not tbe waniier- 1 here «ro 70,187 more IUU white cl I'd- j« atld Mn. 0«o, llorton furnlihed him with a

ren In Mliiiiilppj. food repani. He also Hated lb at ba bad been A white woodpecker wai recently killed la fn ,nru,l«oribe hospital connected wiiti Tewke-

Koberuon connir, Kr

A LBtKT 0. WOOD, JR., Bovcesaur lo XS. J.W, BAKNAHD. OMIW la Bool*. Hm soil Rubber., and Kepalring done in the betf man

— at the lowest price*. Bank Wulhtini, I'd, An.l.nrr. n i 111 i Main

Rev. Edward M. William* cl Mioiuipolii, Minn., ba. been in town.

David Mlicbell hai .one D QataVltUI to re n Je witb a daughter. (

Mr- aad Mrs. R. M. Down, are In tbe vicin- ity oi tbe While Mountain*.

We bare ai rat beard of no piaca where ibe i*xe* are ai low ai In tbla towr. .

Mn. Jamei K. Johnson and child, or Pllti- il..M, an v'tlllng ai S. K. Jolmiui.'s.

Professor O.lllver occupitd tbe pulpit ol her. Dr. MeKeniie at rambrid.c, lui Satibetb.

R. Lockwood ol Boston, occnrle* <he resi- dence of I'rotenor Paelp. during tbe lumiu.r.

J. H. Lee and lamilvnl Botton, ar. hoard- ing with Juabua II. Cb.ndltr, In the Wtst Pariab.

J. Edmund*, wife and tour children, ur Chel- sea, ar. bnaidinr. at ljenj.ii.nn Bi-ynton*. in tbe Weat Parlib.

Orer7£,GC0 Ttxairatll* and 10,000 are now en route lor tbe North, thiou^b lbs Indian "territory.

Parker*, escellrnt avrnpe and apeikliof n>da were nevermore fully apprecl.kd tbao during tbe healed term of tbe past week.

The e ID ploy *i of the SniHi h Dove Mir.u- faciarlng Coauany, take thtfr annual excur- sion to Sallibury, on Bsturday of thla wetk.

A couple who were each three feet In height, ■rare racentlr married at JeftVeon, Iowa, many hundred people docking to wiinea. the «re-

A Oermao tramp who dhd at the Wotmnra- land ennntv, Pa., poor houie. tbe other dav. badfll.OOO In gold and lecuiltle* about hit person.

Mr. Coyol the Y. M C. Auoclatlnn, will speak at tbe Union thane', Ballard Vale, on Friday eventa., uponchri.tlao work among ihe Chinese In California.

Tbe friend, of Rev. Dr. and Mn. Selsb M'r- till, will be glad to know that their j mrney baa t»een a saccetHul one and at lait auvke* ibey bad neailr reached tbiirdeatlnatlon.

IntpectorBmitb ol tbe State Board of Hcilib vlttied our alioabottM * few d.ya aince anil after .xarnln.lion, exprcaied hii a; rat j Scat Ion wnb iba condition ot ihe eaUbll.liment.

Tbe ebe.inut mare which bad probaHy atrayed from a u.iiur* in Tawh.bnry, and waa found in tbl* town tertral day a MO, baa not be i called lor. The animal hat Pray', liable.

Morrla J< yce bad one ofthebeavr ^kylljinia oT tbe new mill at Ballard Vale, fall upon him •aSatardty aitrrnoon. Una of bla thumb* and arm* waa COL Dr. Shatiuck attended u«.

We have received from nur old friend Jamee M. fesaenden, Biq., Pre.lucnt ol tbe Bonrd of Education of Beaver Valla, Penn., n copy of UM annual rrport of tbe public ai booli in that place.

Tb. following peraona Irom tbla town are re- ported at Janloer Point. Balem i Mr.. R. II. barter, Mil. i*. R. C.rter, Mlia M. E. C«rtrr, w. H. Canar, Mr* c. T. JAtkaon, Mi-s c. R.

Jackaon. Tbe committee of tbe Farmera' Club are

■aakinf ■rrangemeota fortbelr annual excur- sion, Tbey have decided to go to RalUbury. In court, ot two or three weekt, and lurlhcr partieslart will ba given a. toon a. tb. deUlla HJ arranned. .

There bat been an unumiilv larg. amount ot imil'~it inta told ■! auction in town tint tea- Mta. The .oliowfng It iba r*port ol taict for aba different parttu;

Rev. M. Q.PrAtt, Eat. of Geo. French (N. A ) Mote. Abbott, iin. E. fitlnton, John 11. Flint. ftbenrtrr Jenklna, nbat. Caroming', farm, D.*B. Holla fArm,

AMI 38 Tbe obteqak't or Iba late Mr. Henry O. Tyer

Wars approprbUelr obaerved at Cbrl.t church on Tbnndar aftAToooa. ronducled by the re". tor. Rev. Dr. DJICIAH, who WH axtlnted at the eravB by Rev. Charlet L. Bbort of MVruic Tbara wai a large si tendance. The remains .,i the deceated were eodoaed la a black walnut Kem caakat, covered witb the be*t wett of K.ig-

ind broadulutb, snd bsvlag tbree handle, on each ttda covered with corded ailk. The la- Mde wai trimmed witb tblbet mi beavy .ilk toop and (rlngr. Upoa the caaket w.« a tbear «f wbaatan.l an Ivy crott. Cb*rlcs *. Farker,

" w.e tba undertaker. The Ix-arcr* were larniib. *il rraeattae factory of the Tyer Rubber C >*n Kny.smiibi' psll bearert were II tn. N* W

ixen, Hon. Qeora;. Fotier, Moara Foiter, i: ■( and Mr. Jobs J. Brown. Mnjjr WitiUin Mat land bad charge of the fuoerol.

bury almt boute, aid bed left Iba Inuitsilon at noon that dar. Ha retired to tba bay loft at 8.SJ o'chick. Satarday morning, aboat A "'■■ I >'.■!:, Mr. Cbenev >P'ik« to the man, but rs- culred no reply. Thin, however, be did not comldcr atrange, a* lht man .cemed to be tlum- ber nj H.-mg bualty angnfad dnnag tbeday the tact of ib. man being tn tba barn nipped bh mini). ID tbe evening, upon awing up n> in tl>.. man wat dlacovered rjlllng about the d mr, apparently in great agony. He vu in an an- rouAclou) itate, and alter tba autboriilet bad been notified, Dn. Well and DAOS were tnm- morter>. It waa derided to remove blot to Iba town i.inn. and thither be wat conveyed by "!ti . r- .launsun and Smith. At tbe alma buu.e ba wat attended by Dr. Well but be con- tinued to link rapidly, until 4 o'clock, Baodar .noriiIn/, when be expired. He remained uo- conaL-iou. to tba la.i. What Iba cant, of nl« death wat hat not yet been determined, but be probatily wsi unwell when be applied for a place to tleep.

A golden wedding—s tomawbat rars occur- rence—wat obterved by Mr. and Mn. Henry Ktoo-Jley, si their rMldence, on Andov.r ttreet. Monii-y evenirg. Tb I* couple, wboaa matri- monUl life covera a baif csntnry, an moat eMiaiabie people, si thn Ibrongt who siMmbled in thl. opportune occialon Jamooatrsled by heir n-pvmi a bappy ranaratolationi Mr. S.

I. now 74ycsnold, and tie ptrtner 68. They -ven nurrlsd in Norlb *n.l„ver by Rev. Bslley .'nur. Uottl recent(V Mr. 8. waa employed v Ihe Pemierton mills, In tbe capacity ol JII man m tbe carponim, aad worked Isr tbe nni-irn about Iwenty-dve yenn. Wneu ibe rent dltaei.r nefel the old mill in 1810. be waa

it tbe fourth ttory, and fall with thaetructure, -ut rtcaped witb a few tcrsichea. In ibe aiter-

noon ibe Immodlste rnenda ol Ibe tsmtly gAtb- rrvil, and tbe scene beneaiii tbe trees wbera tbe (.-olUtioo wat served, wit indeed a|iyont one. Rv.J.O. Adsms, D. D, of Melroee lll«h lend., mrde brier remarks, and a prayer. He ..Uu rend s e»inc«h*t bumorom poem, ol which be waa iba compoier. Poatnuatar brought from frlendt s >um of money, fllty gold d'lllni bjaffja] (ormtd to represent the fig- ure ' 60." T'i- evening faatlvltlaa wan attend- ed iir aiHjui 300 people, aad among Iba number were Agent Cisike snd Paymstler Newball ol tbe I'cHi'MTti.n mil,, Hon. M. T. Sieveni and wife, and Mr*. W. P. I'billlpt. Besidet otber rrmtudeitol Irtendabtp, the sfternoon flusnclal •lit waelncr.uked in I'a evening to a total of •122. Mr. and Mr.. Rioodley received many a warm grasp from the hand, of acquaintance*, and there w*a an unlnterrnpted low of old-time remlnlicence* of bye-gone dsyi. Than wa. tinging, a c Hat ion and dancing, Mrs. B- par- liclpstlng tn tbe Utter. Tba poem given In the afternoon wai read by Rev. J. H. Clifford. It wat nesting ihe mlJufght boar when tbe pUst- urlnie twstsd. Frtcndt were preaent during tba day from Melrtxc, Wrilboro, Lawrence, Boa ton, Reding. Andor.r and otb.r places. Mr. lo-. F. Ali.n. and Mrs. Qeo. French 8' yean ol age. wbo attrnded iba orlgloal waddint, wars there Ai Incident a-nocleud witb wai the |jn*"> nt.ii I.JII of a para, of money snd another «iti to Mtaa Annie M. Btoodley.

. Lavl ParnbaM n wedding In tbe

r is Boole, . _ s specislty.

IteuatrlBK neallv done at abort .olios. Jones' Celebrated Kip and Calf Boots oon.tsntlv on -isnd. riiln St., Aadover, Mate. lilanlbf

BENJAMIN B. TUTTLK haa bought of J. It. PArlla tbe local eioie.i aad luhhioa

RADLEY A PARLIN, Hercban*. Taiiora and Dealer. Ir Clothing, Ilati, Ca»ia

and lienta' FurBl.hing Good., Main Street, Aadover, Mass,


D ft. J. C PINNINOTON.-Cfflce and re.ld.Boeorcr Draper's book-alore, Mala

DR. C. K. ABBOTT.-Office and Real- Menus at Vn. Ebea Tyler-*. Mala rjtrest.

Andorer. Offlos hour. "-10 A. m., 1-8 aad sfter >■■• tfdaos

E DWIN H. BARNARD, Palntiiijf, Ola- ting, UramlBg and Paper llenglng. A la.airtmenlol llooin Paiwr on

bat.dv.Bd for ssJe. Chop M ex 81. mrit iv

IP PIKE, Tin, Rartbea nod Wooden ■*• Were; Kepsira Pump., Btovee, Far-

nnoet, ew, Solo sgeal for Magee eloves, raa- gei sndjfurnscei lor Aadover and vicinity. DVUra promptly attended to. Psrk .treet, ***UVer. novTIvr

HENRY GdKK, Painting, Oraltilng. Papering and tiisilng, done at ehorl notice

JOHM H. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, Dea'er In Clothing an-t Uent'. rurnlablng

Uood. ot sit kinds. Usrmeui. made la the latjel faablnn and warranted to II. Kspsirlng, clesn- ing au>l done neatly. Msiu direct, Audovsr. nuvlBlyr

McLAWLIN * BAKER—Besides our regular line of llulldcn* Hardware, we

■hall malea ipcclaltj of Farming Iniplemrntr thl. saaasa. fluwe, t'ullivalort. Mowing Ma obioes, Hor.a Bikea, etu. Alaoa lull sa.ortuient ol shovel*. Fork*, Hoe*, Hskta, Spade, etu. all at in. loweat prtcea.

M18t HKl,K\ Ii. HOLT, Piano snd Orsai Tsaober. Hprcial tikvn wilb begin-

- iVIIIr — nere. tte.ldenos Fry. Village. Ijfe»

NATHAN P. ABBOTT will furnish a euparlor qn'alliy of Ledg. bton.s for cel-

lars and foundation! at ibon n<tl<e andiea- ■onable prices, i.fscllouauari Street,

SAUNDERS UROT11KK8, Pinmriera ami Tloentliha. Alao dsalera In TiB.UUas,

and Woolen Ware.aiovet and Furascea. lle- nalra fnr all kind, of Stove., Msiuetreet, Ando- rer, Mass. ivr tei>17

rUOMAH HOWEI.L oarrUa on tt« Furniture and Uphi/I..erv bHalneat ii>:iilt,

.heir brsnehet, slhliirtors on Park alreei. Fur- niture repaired and removed at abort notice and on reason.bltteraat. lvoclieMI


M . Geo. N, Croat I* KUOuroing r.t Atkins jo. if. H.

Mr. A. W. Bminerd and family ar. apendlajr at Aw weeks at Belfast, Ma.

den. Button snd former aaem'ien ot hi* atsfl am iit ibe White Mountain*.

Mr. John Roacbe hai locceaalnlly paised tbe cxamlnatlona lor Ytle College.

Mr-snd Mrt.A. B Weld French are pairing tba summer. siCocbicbewick Farm.

Rsv. Oto. B. Frost o> Aadover, will preach aU ibe CuBgregatlonal cburcb nex. SuniLi> ■

It la aatd that counsel will appear before tbe Selectman In twhaii oi levsral persont whodj- ware liauor licenses.

A meeting of tbe Fourth of July committee la w we held next Wednesday evening, wben It li ptwttsble ibnt a final report may be prepared

Tbe lusor dealers were notified by tbe offl- cen, Taeaday evening, to use down tbe ecreen*. Taw/ promptly complied with the or- der.

Ibe North Ar.dowenaratoplny tbe Lawnnea Club on Iba Button Orounda to-mnrrow after- .noon- An adml.alon fee or ten centi will be ■charged.

One or M:. A. P. Cbaney'i horses ran sway law, Monday evenlne; near tbe Lawrence Rid- ing Park, nod the carriage was somewnst damtared.

Dr. Morrill arrived borne last Monday. Mr Samuel D. Btevena hai fully recovered from tt* recent Illness and <■ completing hit tour. Me It now In England.

Mr». Bradley wa* thrown out or ber carriage en Elm Street, Friday alternooo, owing to ihe none taking fright. Tbe vehicle wat coniid- «rebly damaged, but the lady etcaped Injury.

The tp$wick CkronieU In an account of tbe Cduatlnsexerciaesol tbe class of TC, at tbe

nnlng Btffw School, Iptwieh, toeak* io very complimentary terms of tbe principal, Mr. Qeo, N. Crosi.

The trnttee. of tbe M. K. Church an con- templsting railing »bnt church lo order to have A vettry under Ibe lame, and msklnfl other ■■ItemiIon*. Tbe animated expense of ibe eon- aensplated improvemenu will be about 93,000.

Tbeaoclciy connected with tbe Cong'l cnurcb arHlwwetln tbe vettry on Monday evening, July 17tb, to see II it will ouncnr with tbe cburrb in Ibe matter or calling Rav. H. H. Lenvtll, ol Andover, to tba pattorate or that

Tbesrholare attending Mlaa Alice Pollard't ■eAool, with their frisndi, bald a verv plosiant aatulcooPtoe Hill, last Friday. In addition tonsmeisndiporla, that tndiapenia'iie com- pnnfon of picnic parties, the lunch-basket, wai a pries in en t figure.

On account ot an accident, tbe propoied re- «eptlon to Mn. Abigail Bosrdrnan, oo Mon- day ibe Mih anniversary of her birthday, was •ihandoned, only a lew intimate friend, drop- aifng iii. Bba was not forgotten, however, rc- ggjjaj a bandaoroe mm of money, and other gwta front naverhill and North Andover trisnda.

While Mi** Kale Johnson and a lady friend Wn riding on Oigood Street, Wednesday, an «MTbanging branch ol a tree came In contsrl with Ibe carriage lop, and tbe hono becoming trlewteneil ran to one side of the street. Tbe vahtete wat overtarned, and Mist Johnson aomawnu bmised. Her companion leaped onl. Dr. Morrlll waa calltd.

A young flrl employed In the Pacific Milu>, «nd raiding in tbls place, left ber home Sainr- .dey morning, ottenilbly to ponne ber dally to- ^aaion. Tliin, however, »be did not do. but ts- .enrtag heresrnlng*, putcbsied a trunk, and a rtlcketfor Liverpool. She aklled In the after noon, bar patents not leernlngof ber wbere- atxwt* nntil too Iste to arrest her flight.

J n W. French, the president of tb. Ayr ■hire Breeder*' AMOC laiton of the United -Stain and canede. ie t tor Europe la Ihe aieemer STtW«; bewill la preient U the Fair, to be alven under tin suapicee of ibe "Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland" snd Pf»w»ei -trlpihrougb Ayrshire, tbe country In which originated Ihe celebrated Aynhlre HUM.

While Mr. Newell Atlnns waa absent from home a few dsyi tlnce, n man In bla employ named Con way decamped, taking a wslch snd a calf The animal he dlspned of in Lawrence and ihe time niece in Boiton, where be wat ar rciieoi bv Dlatrlct Officer Bstcbrlder, lait flab ■rdav "In the police court. Monday, be was fined .10 and coM. or 30 OAVF. He appealed naTwas held in §300, Hr. Atklna becoming bis

'ffi&ta Wall. | native of thl. town died •tot. Joseph', psrocblal residence. BMatnUM. last Monday ol pneumonia. He wa« a gradu- ate ot VIII inova college, lln.ibln« hit coune In 1877- Bubsequeolly he pavied tivt yean at P. Marv'i theological *emlosrv, M.utlmore, MM wssordsinetlJuneai. Since be entered the prleatho^l be bad been stucbeu to the caihe

XT— u-—-n esrneit undent, snd Tbe tuneral

same boose.

Tired or Jjtfe. John Fniirr, f. mllixrly known al 'Uapl.

Jack," died at «.30 oVlock Wedneadsy even- tnr, fiom.lheifTecisor a dose ol Part, green, admlnititred by bis own band. Potter, who wa* 71 yean of age, bad for some twenty year. hoar ltd at Iba rei-tieoceof Mrs. lovcj-iy. on the ri*tem turnpike, near the Farnbam di.irict fhoolhonve, the only other fome'ebctnga daughter nftbe above named lady. Lait Bat- uni.T he procured a quantity or Iktior, which he bid lo the barn. Fnquenl llbatlnnt kept Hie uiir.trtunsts man in a convivial mnid until Wednesday morning, when be became aorne- •vluii despondvn: and glomny. About noon on tbe la*i mentioned day. Mm Livejoy notlcod (bat Foster's lace was covered with parla green. He was tben sitting In a chair at tbe door Supposing that In applying tba Insect exterminator to tbe potato vines aomi of tbe powder had adhered to bla rice. Mil. Live.) >y washed It off, and It waa not until hli ilngu- liracl.mi arouaed a smnlcton labermtnd that be had taken a dot.'. He waa very reti- cent wben questioned, and Mr. Hiram P. Oocdhue was hastily called; to ifalt geatlemsn he said be bad taken tbe ratal dose about 11 o'.lock in tbe forenoon, and wben atked bow much, aald ■■enough." Pending tba arrival of ,i I'M viriiu, the men experienced gfeaipain, and boc-.ime unrieMCloai about S o'clock. Dr. Well, wbo wa* not euvnionad until evening, arrived about 6 o'clock, and a'tbougb tbe pa- rkni WAS lu a dying condition, be trie I every i-rm-dv but all attemott to save bla ebbing life

| *.T,: fruitless. The Paris green was kept la a >boa makor'e .hop, a few yarjn iroin tbe k>ua\ Tba deceated w irked f>r different

re In the ntlgbborbooi). H. waa of s peacfuldlipoaittoo, but a so mew bit peculiar bsr«cter. He laaveatwo brother, reeietng In iwn. Medical Examiner Howa viewed tbe

remain*, but did not de«m an aatop-y neeoist- Tbe funeral occu I (hit afuraoon at 3

Lluck, Irom hie late home. - A meeting or gentlemen Interested h albletl<

■ports was held at Merrtmac Hall ante-room, la.i evening. Dsvld Ha'llday was cboaen

'rruan, and Char. B. Steams secretary. Ii voted to name Iba organlaiilon formed Tbi

North Andorer Athletic AtaociBtton. Ofllcen fullows were elecltd: Preildenl, D. Halll- i Vice President, Ja*. Woodboatei Hecre

!, Andrew Reeve*; Treaiurer, Wm. Hulli- day, Jr.) Manacet ot the base bail nine. Char. Ut. Btearni. Tbe next meeting will be bald Thursday evening.

WOOD Sr COAL f bite Ash ani FraikliB Coals.

HAIID AND SOFT. WOOD. Prepared ,lt de-fired,


JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. <> dersree.ived.aitdblllisetU.t'at


OuBOiltePoat OMee.

M, L. RAMSDELL, Agent for the leading


lor Ihe latenlallblnda and si vie*, for ea.hor on initallments, on ea*T terma. *lli isved l>i paying nasb. Msehtoes eiobanaeii, i.eiijiht, nold, eleaasd, repaired *i.d tn las., needle*, on, .Iway. on band; alao good *e und head machine* •heap. Call and aee iheta.

Cerwar laaustl A KlSH nt. i»d<nr, apuiv

Try A pound ot that 8S cent black ton aoM by C. C Tonpklua, apothecary nnd dealer In UM, Main Street, corner First.


REPORT of thn Condition, of Tbfl Andover Nations) Ba ik, at »«dover, In Ihe

^Uifiof ata*.aobu>eti*,at IBs close of**, July l.t, 1MI.

■■aouncKs. Loan, and diacounls. •tirt,ttJo 1.

U. H. Bonds on hand, fi.coii « Due from approved re.srvs sgenta, *l,T»i 0i

7,000 Ot (JheokN and other csab item.. •.»» A: Bill, of otber banks. i.fii: « Fraotloml paper currency, nickels

and pennies. It SI Speole, ow ot Legal tender notes, i;,ooo w

(.000 ■

B per sent, redetnvtioa fund, 1,400 00

TOTAL, nAjs.csa M

i.t iiu i.i nag. Caplial a took paid lo. #00,000 BJ Sin pi,, n tund, UndiTided profits.

U,H1S M a,ut ti

National bank note* out.landing, liT.lM W

UumAad oertlfloatea of deposit, asvaU H

TOTAL, $.1TB.f Ifl H state ol Maasacbuaatt*, County of laser, sa. 1, aloaea r».ier, Cssbier of ths sbove nsm.d

bank, do solemnly awear th<l Ibe above •tit.-nicnt I* true to (be belt of mr knowledge snd brllel. MOsBB rtHTBR, Cashier.

Siibsc.rllied and iwora to before me this 11th day of July, l«S.


Cwwaswwawewltk #f Msassishwsslts,


To the Heir* at Law, next of KIB, and nil oilier persons Interested in the estateet

BiTsr Hoimc, late of Aadover, IB aald oountr widow, deeeaaed,


ha* been presented lo aald Court, for Probate, bvUarvinne M. Bailey, wbo prajs that Ie" leiuaentary may be Isaued tuber taeezeoi therein named.

You are hereby cited to appear kt a Pre'oale Ceort to be held at Lawreaoe. fa aald cooaty of Baaex, oa Ibe second stondar ol H.ptetnher ni-it at nine o'clock before BOO., to tkow causa. If any yon have, ssslail tba a*me. And aald M art Jane H Bailey I* hereby di reel »ii lo give public uotl.ethereal, by publishing thn eltsilon once a weak, lor three auooa.slvews.ks, lu Hi" sewspspsr called Ihe


printed at Lawrence, the lait publication l<> be two dars at leaal b.ion *sld eoart.

witiiaai, unonoa r. CHoain, l.q , Judge ot said court, thl* mil day of July, in Ibe veer

M inoii»and sight hundred and elebti-iwo. Jy)s«t> J. T. MAHuMKT, Bsgister.

WILLIAM I'OOIC, ■Asci-ici unsa or

Expreis, Store, M&ilet, Mill ani Meat WAGON 0.

UepalrlnaT In all UB Branches.

tfjuyll ANDOVEt, MAag.

dral, Boiton. a pol»hed and genial ger.l eman. aervicia ocenrred Irom M. Joseph, v..™ •omrrvillc, Wedneaday forrnoou. There wen •Iwbrkf services si St. Mary'i church, Law genre, tn which cltv the remains were brought Wedneadsy afternoon.

Pot a number of daya workmen have been •ngeged constructing a telephone line from Boaton to Haverhill direct. Saiurdey a num- ber of tbe residents at the Centre beheld, snacb to their .urptiie, the advancing line of 6E appn«chlng their property. A contulia-

on ww held, the result licing that a wrl ten protett waa forwarded to tbe Solrcimrn «aln*t pole, being erected along a portion of Jobnion Street. The worhmtn were ordered to im- pend operationi, snd compiled with the rcqucii, awaiting action by the Selectmen. Among the r-monttranti are Oan. Button, John El lot, Baa., and Treasurer Johnson. Mr. prolblag- ham aad Oan. Button oansid tsviral poUS which bad been erected lo front ol Iktlr prop- erty to he UktB up.

GEORGE S. HOLDERNESS. Practical Uphaltterer and Furniture


Psrlor pet", Kiity Chain aad Leung., made toorder. Mattronei made ever, Feather Bed. rleaneed. Gardner's Perforated Heat* a apee- isltr- Carnela .leaned and laid, aad fifaadea hung. Kaaex Slieet, next Memorial Hall, An. don't. Or.l.-tiiolu-iied and promptly attended to. «)"«

FOR SALE w hou*s pleasantly loeaied on Punchard

POU»I>, A .trey M«e,cbeitnut color, with while .tripe

In ber appawatly 8 or 10 jenre old. The owner c*a have the aame by proving prop.

™*»ti5ffiS8ft:*A*uM. Mjyll


Msnufaotuisr* of snd dealers In

ZIA.R,K,I^C3-ES [Ofevt ry description. Including

Bo* Buggiei.Phselont Cornlnarg,D«m.

Wagont, Side Bar Bug-gist. ALSO —

ANDOTM MAI9. P. O. It. i W.


Fashionable Dressmaking, The aubieiiber will continue tbe above Luei

■m at Ib. residence of J. W. Faulkner, Pun ebsrd Aveuue. ALlUa. U. BlstBALL.

tr marll


Ljkens Valley Bed Ash Goal,

Ohio. In Dr.ptI'S Block, Mais Utieet. Andover HAY AMD STRAW. Ilj aH


And Dealer In

INVESTMENT 8E0UETIES, No. 83 DeTonablrc Street. BoHton Dn'lad Rt.u. RU1-, Coaat,, Cli, and Bailro.d Bond., Mini.,, H.Dur.c;,,!.,, Ilaa,,

Money Furnished on Mortgages RMIDInO,. A.liuVLU t. O. J:.,a 1,,.


Funeral and Furnishing


BKaioSNOI, 1DHMI1 STS1ST aepll AsssTir Hoi


Fish of all kinds. Fresh and Salt, rimoked and I'i.-lil.-.l.

LobsterB, Clame and Oysters, raney Flsb of .11 kinds In their seaton. Freth

Milk ererr dar. Qoodtdeliveied. FARE BTRBBT. ANDOVKR

Dec. SO, ltt». tf

C. H. WHEK».

Steam Pdishlng, Monomental Graaite dml Marble Wcrvr

Wa re roomi 81 Main Street, «pp> the Common and at 9ivd II Court tt.

Rear ol City Hall,


Steam Polishing Works and Granite Van! In - Bradford. Omec al 01 Main HI., Haverhill.

Foreign .nd Domeatle Granites and UBible* wro.gbl In snvdeilgn al ahnrl Bollee. lie algn* and BstlmatM fnrulehed Iree of coat.

ly felT

DOW & N i:AL,


D.m.all. F.ahloaa .., M.rr. It'a I. j . ll.a... ai.M.lHr and ■ l.hl.K.


CHA8. U. GlI.llKItT,


■ tit. J. P. llll'IIAIIIIS,

PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON. Corner of Central and Brook Stt aovSlr AWDOVKH.

POMP'S POND ICE, Supsrior for all domeslle pornoiei.

Clear, Solid and Pur«.

Refrigerators, tsnki, water cooler* sad pitch. era will remain sweet. Lowest price* (<m a bull ol laualltr.) Courte- ous prompt and oMelentdrlvera.

A liberal oetronage desired. H.M.HA7WARDACO.

Address FostOMee, Ballard Vale or Aadover.

A CARD. Mri.AStOAILBOAKDMAN deilres to Ihsafc

tbe Irlends who so>kindly aad gen.rouslv ic- membered bar t»i hli tndaj.

Mo. Andever, July 1>. "«>.


ICn DEALER, Families at.d o, o*r. tnpplicd at lowest p -lees. Order boie. at FJit < mc.i In ABdovrrand BillaidVaie ul at atorent J. Bars**, Frvs Villsee. ■>• I


Mi Tbomil Snmlley and Iwiullr have nf> movrd to Weil Lynn-

Rev. T. J. II. Houie will tpand taiv sum u.'r vacation at.Dluo H<ll, Me.

Itev. W. O. ilolmen, of Sornorvllle,preached at tbe Btptltt Ourcb or, Suodsj last.

Rev. T. J. B. Home lit! received a call to becene Iba psilorol a Ujptlit cuurcb in Mil. ii.r.l, N. II

Hr. John H. Morse retnrnrd from New Yoik H-v 01 Monday Ian, ha 'Ing been eb'ent from home Ove dsyi.

Rev. L. L. Eistmsn and wife bava gone to Supinp, tt. H., camp ground, lo re. through Ibe warm reason.

" Mr. Jimfi Home ha. goae to tbe Profile Honse at tbe While Mountilna, where be bs* employment lor the summer tearon.

Mrs. R. W. William* and Mr. Oedrge H. Wil llain. hive beeu stopplnr Bt tbe White Mount- ains during tbe whole oflte preeen'. weeL.

)ur Lit'rary Snrlety" he'd Hi laat meeting for tbe •eason, on Friday evening, at the real. ■MMft Mrs. John Divii, 01 Hamp*hireme.l.

is ladl a of tb. MethodIU society held' a lei-per't at ibeir vettry, on Wednesday even- inr, and entertained a large number of people.

. sr. Mr. B-lden, or MvnchesUr. N. Ii.. prearbed at tbe Cong rent Inn a 1 cburcb on flen- ftsy last, In exchange with bit orother, Rev. J. II. '■ ■■«! 1 11.

Mr. Jaaon Inrallt bai been granted a pensloa id arrearaffc. from Ibe government, to the

amount ot §1700, on account ol bis ana. wbo died In the lervlce.

Unit* a delegation of peopi. from tbe Unl- "iTMliil »icl-tr went lo Policy Pond, on Tue*- Jav, to .t'enr* a picnic given by tbe Universal- let loclety ofLawrtnce.

Tbe Metbuen Cumpiny'iMilli resumed oper atlon again on Mnmiay ranrntar. Tbay have been kite for awe k on arimuit of rebuilding and the Iranrfer ol macblnrry.

Tbe remBlni of Mn. Harrb 1 Hatelline Bailey, hlcli have ^eiteil in tbe receiving tomb since

her fuaeral In April, wore thla week taken there " .im and bnrted In Walnut Qrove cemetery.

Frank Webster, son of Amos N. Wabster, had tie race bidly tin-net with rowder on July eth, while releliratlng. Cimald*rabl. powder WII lodged bj bli face, but moil of It has been picked out.

r. Ch.rlei Hoteb, white at work io Law. mice, on Saturdav, (ell from a : laglna and'wai quite sevcn-ly Injund, though .0 hones were broken, fie waa brought homi and I. now considerably Improved In bis condition.

Tbe Star club ot Beverly, came to tbta town 1 8atuid4y In,1, and played a game if hell

with Ibe Mbhtics, at tbelr ground* on strei t. The Rim-, won a victory by a acore of 7 10 4. Some due playing wat iht.wn by luth clubs.

r. n. 11. i,.nn,. ua, fo| , blt |,nd ,„,, |mlIll

Ingaon Mln Mery Rlcbard- on- rbeprlceobtalned wa*w2300. Mr. Jenne ndlbmltyaie now livlngln California, and

for that rraaor ho was willing lo dltpoae of tba property at a low figure.

TroMeihuin HtgbScbtnl Alumni Associa- tion held it* nnnHI 1 meeting on Saturday evan- ing, and ele' led r fflrer* for tbe coining veer, at followi: Presldini, Frank B. I'loret t vice orrald«i't,Mii* Ell. P. Bodwelf; Mrreury.Mirs Hattie E. ' rotby ; executive commillM, J- I« Bmerson, W.L. 1*. Uilcreast, Miaa Hattie O. Sirsrni, Miu Vira fiove and hilst Nellie E. Coburn.

or Hope Linlgeof Odd Fellowa, wbo are BS followi;—N. Q., Qeo. M. Colby ( V. O., J.tmri 0. Parker; Treasurer. B. P. Cootldge; record- ing lerrelerv, Jjhn 8. Taptey; warden, Wn>. O. Fairbanks; n<nductot. Edwin Rlader; out- *ide gnaidlan, Dmit-l Webster; Inside goer dlao, Wm. Sladrrj R H. N. O.. Oeo. B. Brad- bury ; L. S. N. 0„ Jarroi Y. Maaec; It S. V. Q., Oeo. E. Kent; L. 8. V. O., T. W. Cubnrn; R. H. 8., Ainu. Coburn; L. 8. 8., Cbat. U. '■<■*'' 1 Chaplain. Alomo Howe; orianltt, Sjmuul Batcbelder. '

More Vi-nnor Predlctloua.

Here la the weather premised na by Venoor, la tili pruguosllcaiiona for the correol .-iv daya:

7—H, Cloud/ and cooler, «l:h local rains.

• -10, Weather becomfig cooler and, vrlih ludteallona of rain.

11—12, DecMird cooler la most section* with cool lo ('hi erenlnfts anil bisbta, and windy wea.h T.

"Tltf oxii.'M pofttot ol .Io..y I* likely to oe about the llih and 13ih."

Obi whal a prophet.

-Blueberrlos have put In their appear- ee.

—SUck-kiitfe fa all Ibe go now wlili tbe bjjs.

—Mosquitoes have atrnck uaj pat up v iur frrt'tiii".

The canst bridge at the Central I'a- clflc haa ijtcu replauked.

— Where were ibe alrikera wben tbe Pacific siockholdera meil*

—Saltonaiall n-tdected trcaaarer of the Pacific and Meaara. Btonu and Parker nut

•Donnced." Where h tin: influeoc u that

Dtucan, J 1I1.1, Jeunle aud Mar* were go- ing to wield?

After many years of careful study, we •O'er the public our aeveral brands of Beacb'e aoapa, that will excel all olherelu polity and emollient quality.

—Yesterday the Lawrence ttreet church

Smnday cchool went to Balley'g Grove,

HacRttt'e Pond, on a picnic. They bad a aplondld time, tbe weather being quite

cool In the grove.

If .I'OU are bllhni, lake Dr. Pierce'i "P.easaot Purgative Pellet*," ibe original "Little Liver Pii:a." 01 all druggists. wed*sat&«

— James RsOerty, tbe laborer, wbo waa Injured by a fall at the Central*

been taken to tbe Massachusetts General

Hospital. Ilia fellow workmen are coc-

trtbotlng funds for his maintenance.

Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, H. Y.—Dear Sir: —For many month* I wa* n great aufF>rer. Phytleiarsrould efford me uo relief, lo my deipalr I commenced the nieof yi>or"Pavorile Frret-nptioo." !l tpeedily effected my enure and permanent cure. Vonrs tbsnklnllv.

atins. P* 11. R. USKTU, Iowa Cliv, weT&intAI

—Too Ilarbor aud Land Commissioners have granted a license to the County Com- mla«loner> or Eist-x Coonty for a itio-.'lll-

catlan of the plans for iliu construction of EM, 1 Bridge ovei the Merrlmack, be

tween tbe town" of Xewbnry and Salle* bury.

MI:W*M*> 1 I'erioK'iKii Bvxr Tonic, Iba orlt pr.psralion of bee' containing Ita entire nutrltmua propaitiet. It rentalns I'ig, lorce-.eetr.tin,! an 1 lite prup- ■rlk*; Invaluable tor IndlgeUioc, Drs|«pels, nervout pronration, and al! forma cf geniral debility; also, in al! enfeebled condilla 11, whether Ibe remit of exheustlon, aeivousyroa. 'ritlon, overwork oracuto dlseaie, parlliuiarly :l retailing from p'lnionary complainlt. CAB- watL, 11*1*1,1. & Co., proprlntort, Ne* York. Sol I by Druggists. 1811y|y4

BUT Baacb'a White Pearl Toilet Soap,

—Bix of tbo Ven [it-r canoeis'-a, says ihe

Lowell Cornier, Waller W. Johnain, Ill- ram J. Potter, Fred. A. Cbaae, Samntl T. Barnes, Austin K. Chsdwlck and Kalpb

F. Braxor—started di>wn the ilrer to four

canoes yesterday morning on a ten daya'

cruiae over the route followed by another Lowell party laat aumrarr. Tbey pasted

through Lawrence and reached Newbutj-

p in last night, Frim there tbey will go

to Poitamoptb, op tbe Fiscataqoa and L'o-

jbeco rivers, acroaa Lake Wlnulpeaankee and down the Merrlmac to Lowell.

THEM AND MOW IN NIW omutans. The fortunea of Ibe Oeaceiil City In a oomnir-

ctal, Snanclal, roclalaDdaaalUury point or view were at a very low ebb In law, the grant terror ol yellow lever rendered a residence extremely un- de.lrable. and the entire abeei*r*« esswey vastly crlpple.1 tbeeelebraled Charity lloaplul. New everyildng liirie l< booming and The LouUiana State 1,'iuci y Co. baa by contract Mr its Iran- chine* agreed to pay 11,000.000.00 to tbe Hoiplul. The l.otterv {allbougb fuught with uncalled for prejudice) hai met with 1 u.:h unprecedented iur- eeaa, owing lo the inteantr and ab lily lu man- arrme.t, na lo caaae would he ggreaxm lo hide

Taeaday 01 evcrj niontli dlrhlea gSBS^oo I'M an enJarged aebeme, with ai t» UmMal ."d fiva lub- dlvlnuB ol HfihiJ, undrr lb. luperrlilon of lifus, O. T. tieauregard, ot I,,., and Jebal A. Karlv, of Va.. principal price* BIA.OUO, guaeti, etc. Ik.

BUV B. ILL'S Waablng SJIJ'.

Vicar—"Dringing again, Muggins? That wretched, boiritl becrl" Fried (intcriwaing)— "Boggia" bof your jjarding, sir! I kin speak bin terms bof ballacsliuna'c couimendasbun of 3'er gifts i.s a {jreacber, "avin" 'ad a bit

I of heddicatiuu myself; but as a judge 'o' ale, yew air bout of it."—London Fall.


Meeting of tbe BtovkliuhlerM. ea~


lilt. OLD HOARD UP l>l-


The 3UungeMient'B policy Sanctioned.

Tbe anxktisly awaited meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe Pacific Mills was held

lu Boaton,, there belt,* ao

usually largeeUet-duace. The disaffected element a song Pacific en ployta have been

U'liiii" tbe public that at tbla anvetlna

their fancied wrongs would be righted,

and that tbe present management of tb. mills would be obliged to give way to a

new regime, but on tbe contrary, not a

wjrd was said by ibe aiockbolilers con. J-iuoatory of tbe course ptiraoid tbe past

feat by tbo treasurer or bia subalterns,

but everything In their favor. Among the siockLoldera piesent waa Jobu Kalloo,

Beq., formerly agent of lbs mill.) tbare

were 57 oibera where last year then* Were but 17.

r.-ar-urer Saitouatall and tbe old board

of direction were re-elected without ot-

poslllon. No qiiealloo waa lalaed con- cerning tbo [in-sent maoagtmeot, the stockholder, ruby ausialolag ibe tourae

mod by tbe ireaaorer. Mr. Wbeeler,

nr the ls*v fli 111 of lluicbloa & Wheeler, a>iked tbe question why, wllh the largu

leserve of the P.cific, no aeml'Sn- noal dlvldt-nj hid beeu declared- Treas-

urer Baltonata'l replied that hn waa only t-ne of the board of directors; that If It

bad been pat lo a vote of tbe director*, which It was no1, be would bare voted

aualuat declaring a dividend, became half million ol money mua*. bo micoi now on

repairs and alteration*, and ca much more

would bo needed probably another aea-

aon. He further aald that not a yard ol

worsted g'lods, ao far as he was aw ire, had Oiitrd oven the cost or manufacture,

and bavlug been Informed by the aelllng bouse that iht-rj was ao likcliitu ul 01 any

batter price* durlusf tbe next all months,

ba did sot feel as though be could vute for a dividend.

Tbo treasurer's explanation appearud sail*factory, anil no farther qowilons

wars askod.


Thn Expense to Luwrenoe Compared with ibnt of (Jtber Cities.

r. Leonard ileakle of Kochcater, N.

originator and Inveotor ol the scheme and dovlcta f>r lighting cities and towns,

from the vast wa'er power of Niagara

Palls, baa completed a tabnlatrd statrment of tbe rauk and population of

alxiy-flre of the largest cities In Ihe Uni- ted States, according to tba of

1880. Showing tbe camber, klud and

coat of public ligbta, naed In 1 acb per an- aun, aa furnished by tbe city elerks In

thoaecltloa, to which Is added tbd yearly

tont of domeatle l!;;hl.i.

Lawrence cornea 46ib in linn, witb

a population of Hi).131. The numba r of gaa lamps are 243 and kerosene lamps.

Out of ihe 19 cities among the CS

witb a smaller population than Lawrence or alt excei't Oiua.'.s, Neb., have a

larger number of gas lamps, and A hays more keroaeue lamps. Of tbs smaller

cities, Portland tbe E8d In Kite, baa 1,-

84B llgbin, aud allll Lawrence thinks Its. if ell lighted. The little city of •'eorls,

III., ibe n.'i it la s!s i, Bta 7 i;t lights, with

a population of only 8,102 Lawrence pays n.6, ION.00 per 'year for

public light*, and notwithstanding people

say the gaa company charge high, only Uiree of the 9 amaller cltlet pay leaa, and

Oakland, Cal.. paya aablub an 1184,910 per year. Tbe cost of domestic Ilgbts lo Lawrence Is •227,070.90. Oae would

na'orally suppose that witb tho

number of mills tbe expense of domestic lighting would be greater, bnt It ]a In al

most direct [roporllon lo that of tbe

otber cities. In relation lo sis.. Fall Hlvi r, the 87tb city lu alie, pnys gl!«3,-

978.80 for domestic lights, ao It Is seen

that ibe eifenfe of gsa In Lawrence ,a

not greater than other cltloa. The total cost of lighting In Lawrence

la «88,1B*.C5 ao .hat tbe expense In tbla

direction Is a neat little sum, altbuogh s

low thonsanda expended lu public light- ing would greatly bent-fit tbe city, and

Lawrence would not have the name of

being put to ahame by e'ghteen amaller cities iban herself.

Larceny from a Room -Mate. ■

A few weeks ago a gin, aged 18 years

named Beaale Allen, came to this city from

Kaatport, Maine, and went to work In the

Everett Corporation, boarding at No. 4. t boat two weeks ago ahe left Ibn board-

ing haute, taking with ber a black bant- ing dress, a silk aacqie, pilrof kid gloves and A22 In money. The larceny wai ro*

ported to tbe police and they hare been aoarcliing for her. The officers at Beat.

port were also noil fled sod she was ar-

rest* d at tbs*. place.

Cricket at Lougwood-

An lalt-reallng game of cricket waa

played at Longwood, Saturday afternoon,

by iba Longwood and Lawrence c.ooa. The game was begun at 1 o'clock, tbe

Liwrence eleven at the bat, and their Wlckeia fell for 74 runs. Tbe Longwocds tlen went to bit snd scored 99 tuna bt-

fore their wickets Went down. Tbo

game closing wllh the first Inning, the

Longwooda were declared tb" wlnnera Tbe feature of the game was tha batting

of Jones, P-abody and Tyler of the Long-

woods, aad Marshall Of the Lawiun.ce

club. „ ,



The boaid met in regular adjourned eeation lloudTv evening, wllh die msyor In tba cbali and alderman (launder* absent. Tbe following bmfoe** was traniaricd.

ptOlivtu Of E. W. Tierce that Ihe Warren atreet aewer be eiteadrd southward to Kaaex atreel, referred to the cunimlttee on sewer and

Patrick Donovan and other* for a aldewalkal IS, SO and)! South Broadway, referred to Ibe OMmitleeonaldewaUi; W.D. Heed and oilier* that tbe Carver iireet aewer be extesded, le- ferred In ibe committee on .ewer* and drains; Ueorge IItiler for |termU.Ion lo obstruct Qrove street, while erecting building, granted; of fite Engineers lost Washington 0 engine be reuaired; Patrtek Kane for a Junk dealer's license nt HO Valley itrtet; and Tnoaaa Rophlnaon lor lbs

; ine llcexees wire granted; Lie* 11 lad* A Bros., el .)*, for the appointment of Kugrne Paaneton as a civil coattable. He was appoln ted and oonflrmed.

Rtporti; OftbeeominiUeeon Ire department that the ateam Are engine Washington B, Ie very much out of repslra and reunamand that lib* attended to immediately, aa It u praotleably use- leas. Accepted.

Aa appropriate outer wie adopted to repsii tha engine under the direction of tbe bo.ri ol

The committee on llcen*ee reported favorably on the following petition* for liquor license!: com-

vlctuallera, Catherine O'Connor, 01 L'om- ; Mile, alca-veency, ltd Valley; Thomas

Ingbam, Vt Oroadway; Bernard Bradley, Uti Common.

Msadhmmas I Ueerge W. I. bbyaod Iflrant R. Sealweie appointed and coaSnucd at coaata- blca to aerve criminal proeeiss..

Peter UsgnOB Was granted a license to run a atMiocr between this city and Lowell, •<> far as dieciiy limits run.

Abjoarned for two weekt.

IUT t/sras. Mr*, i. L Avery, l'i..i m- . 1. Newark. N.

J.--Us*iig been severely efflicied wlib Ray F.ver Iur eleven years, afirr Irving almoit ev- ery lb i«g wltfceut avail, I gav. up all hopes el bei.e. cared, wb.a I parebnaed of you a Ooa of Kly's Cream Balm. To my surprise, alter a dw a ^ plica 1 too I, I waa relieved. E. Wa' 100 lUrrl., Lttter C«r<icr, No. 14, New P. 0., Newark, N.J.

1 have been a Hay Paver tunerer (01 three yaera, and have often beard Kij 'a Cream Datm apokaaof la tb.Ligbest isrmi, buidldnot take much Stock In It because of in. mai.y quack medkiaaa A friend persuaded me to try the Uilm, and with Ibe nut Wouderlal tucree* Till* rrcommenuatlon you can uaa lor the ben- rtii'i H-v Peveraudarerv. i. rt. licit, gyrn- Ca«v, N. Y. Price M cent*.

Apply intonoatrili wnta littli linger, •law eod

PEN-POINTS. A tnoruio|{ ootcuporary claims ibal

Dtgbt work Oil nowaimpera is tuiiuli

more unhealtby than that of tbe day,

and causea IUIII ol Moot! to Ibe bead.

Yea we know. Nature abhors a



and how mack I Buffered It Is bard to describe. That loathsome disease, Catarrh, caused the «bu»_, and tbe dovtori aakl tbey could not re lleve me. I paid hundred of dollars, Tor wblrb I received no benefit. I got Mure good from two bottle* ot gelpbur Hittert than from ail tbe money 1 paid to Hoc tor*. 1 aball continue lb. Sulphur Bitten as 1 bare great faith that tbey will care me.—Sectlo Htndn. Lowel*.

If yos are a l.eqi ntcr or a lendeot of a mi asmslic dli.rlct, barricade your syitetn againnt tbo scourge of all new eoantrie*.—ague, in loui and intermittent frvere,—by tba uaeof Hop Uli- ters.

l.udltiBton, Mien , Feb. 1. I860. I hive sold Hop B'ltwslor lour years, and

■beta ti no medicine that ant-peases ibem lor bittouittiaekt, kidney complaints aud many ducakci Incident to tblt mataiial tllmate.

H. T. ALBXSMOBU. 1*3»<Hd

ruasoKS*. 1 To Man OKLI I Th. Voltaic Bill U.J., Mai.halt, Mich.. Will

sand Dr. fjyr's Celebrated ElMtro-Vululu Deltt aad Electric Applleuuslou tilal lortblity dayi. ie nun, (vounicrold) who are sflicted with Nirvuns Uebtllty. Loai Vitality and Maa- hood.tnd Vlndrod trouble.,g.arsiiieelrig.psedy and complek restor.tton ol health and rrvnlr vigor. Andres* aa abovt. N. b\—No rlta b Incurred, ai thirty deya trial 11 Uinw id


More ptrH»a are kllltd Ly neglecting tba lytnptoma or dlseaae than all tbe ncrldenta which occur, lovlgorato tbs ayitem bv tbe use or Quaker Bitters. tej 1 ..*|

— -m A HBOI.AU OarTiiup.

Tbla morniug about 2 o'clock. John Wo.d, tba wall known plumber, who reskljt on Mala was awakened by boaringglast break t ua get* ting oat of bed be received a atvai e blow on tba bead; be immediately grappled with Ihe burg ler, aad afier a terrible tirnggl. aucceedtd In holding him until bit wife obtained help. Oa being .larcned at tb. lUtlon, Mr. Wood'* watch ind wallet wai round on bis nem.n. He gave ;be nnmeofKob?il Terry. The broken glaaa proved to be a botile or Sulphur Kitten, which —bBSlmost cured Urs. Wood of Kbeumatlim. xKdcbjigc. 1l2mod ■ 1

Tba Celluloid Rye Uuin-i are tha most pre. fact arilOct 1: help to tb* human eye known lo eelencc, Try a pair and be cuaviaevd. For sale by all leading t eweler* and Optician*.


Dnpepiia, beanburn, nausea, ludlreatina, ele., are alwsyi relieve.) by Browo'a Iron Bit* tore. lflwaod

flcrt. 14, IBM. HOD bitterwCo., Toronto :-

I b4»U|j*!sn >lck for ihe pail ilx yean, inf. rei'lugfron avipepils and general weakneia. I have used Una bottlei of Hop Bilters, and tbey bare done wonder* for me. 1 em Well to »ork, and c.l and itMp well. I cCDnot lay 100 much lor Ho,. B t'err.

SlMux RonaiF* rttwaoi

VOID or (.'iri»ci. Tbe tires'b 'omes "tod of offeree.*' wben

oooUmlnatad with decaying or impure leetb. If Hosodont, tbe national beau tiller 01 badly iur- ul*bed monibi la uied ►yttrajtlcallT. It la viPuteiaipeedy reform of tbote condllluni fa- vorable to dental decay, tuen »i tbe corrosive action ol adu Impuniies fermenting upon the '■oronal ,'iirfi-e, the ii .iriK'il m of tbe enamel hy uttar and the InjuroJi influence of tobaico. Polish dally and alirrme>l<, Ifpoeilblr,


The 1 ul,lif lack* tot tin ulseuei " "Hill'. Hair Dye," black or brown, fifty cl*.

Cilden'i Llablg's 1,'quld B.ef and Tonic In- vltoraior laai'mlr.My adipud for lemalea In dellcite health. Coiden'*; noi;tber. or drug, glaf. 1'lweod

TALK, about liarnum antl Juiubo; See wliat they an having- in the west, and at an admission price of only ten cents. This is out one of the many "modest announcements fuude on their show bills: "a glorious and tw/lloasal fonaolidatlon of big railroad shows." It is "an enterprise aurpassliiu In magnitude, outviulng In splendor, and overwhelming in atlractlona any amusement I'oijmratio 11 ever Ihougtit ofslnoe tbe world began."

Pant-vim BTBVF cere* dyipepats, general debility, liver complaint, bolla. bumori, chrcnic dlarrbun, nervoni uhVtloni, lemalecomplsfnls, and all dlteatei originating lo a bad Hate or tba blootf Teod*lyJy2Pas

How lomtiigate tbe t ul ol wain day during theiebbl i.mmcr month! i> north kaowing, — ar. -nurcil that Jamra l'yle'B Pcarllne dora

flecluallv, without the iligbtMt danger to toe linci fabric*. tllmrodjyl

To l*aoMoTa a vtgoroni gtowtb of tba balr, use Parker's Hntr Biitam. It raaioraa tba y juiniul ixilur to gray hair, remevua dandraff, and mrciltcbloK ni tba scalp. ItlmjclSeod

after reading al' tbe advertisements of Spring meulcinet aad blood purifiers, we adviue the aseol Aria's SaatsrsniLLS. lmpsrtlea ol tbe blocd, tbougb their same be legion, tremble and fear be'ore II. It la ibe king of all blood- purifiers, and lb* beJt of all medicine* lor Hptln_- diiorder*.

Bold by all drugciits. Alb for ATan'aBsa- SAP*HILLS, and do not be pennaded to lake any other. Price, SI 00; ilx bottle* .for f6.00.


For years 1 lutforeJ with dyipeptia ani In dlgeitlon. It 11 weaken every organ 01 llle and mattered my nervous syitse*. 1 trier1

Wheat liltten, end SOW my itomacb dlgeiti ani kind of ford. F. O. Munroe, 24» TweVk St, Brooklyn. *Jtlir.od


«c l.KAN -In tbi* ,-liv, Jut* Tin, a dsughier to Mr. and Hi*. Wm. MeCkan,

UAVCIICnTKR-In tide city. July7tb, a daugb. ler to Ur. and Mr*, squire

(H.iHUIItll-.ln ter to Hr, aad Mn Jaa. A. Crawiwd.

MITCHELL.—In North Aadover, July IStb, twin MM to Mr. and Mrs Itavld Mitchell.


'Vi'ill.llAM NKU'l-t. In tbtl oltv, July SJ, a| M Kasea street, bv K.v. W. Uam»(en, Mr, William U Woeihaw aad Mi*, fc.ri.baih Vewia. both of tbla oily. .ASKV in Melhaen, July tth. hy Rev. ii. W., Mr. **. K (JIUTorw. ol Cambridge aad Mis. Dors M. l.aa*y,.rMs

lOUNti-rAULKNKB.-I. Ibla eiti, Julv Mfe by tt.v. H a. MoAveal, Mr. Andrew Toung, and Mm Sarah raulk_er, 1ml*. if I ail

KHIHAI.I. TliOlll'HON -In Msitb Andover,


OSLLISUM-Inlhlselly, July 10th, William B. Oalliaoa, aged *i • yrs, i moa. Prayan at hie late residence, 31 Baal flav.r-

alraet. on Wel.e.dar, al 11 M. Service* and in ter men t at Msrbleheed.

TJyr. PIMLL.i'B.-Ia Scsinylecvllk, N. V., Julr loth,

Clarence, son ..( Mr and Mrs. William H. PJIIIIU*. aged! yeumSmos. Burled at Balle- Vua neuetery, Tueeday.

DUMDSBO-InAndover.July llth, Mary, wire or Joba Hun.iaro, ag*M IB yra.

rust gH.-ln North Andover, July ma. Jobs

Mitfkinaw llatta nobby atylea, at Curtla'a, AOS Essex Bt. -

TaaatiLs Bn Dr. B. V. Pierce, 1

'MS 110*. Ilo, W. Y >-I have a

friend who suffered terribly. I purebssed a boul. of "Favorite Preset I pit on," and aa a re- tult ol its n*e, ibe Isperlectly welt.

J. BsiLST, BnrdeU, N Y. Dr. Fierce'* "Oo'dru Medical Diicoverj " and

•'Pleasant Purgative P.lleta" purify ibe li'ojd aiad care coruHlp*Lon.,, wadAvatM

Do not forget when you are In Want of Paper Ilauiflngi or Win- dow Shades, (lull the i-argent

Assortment can always be found at E. A. FINKE'S, 275 BsMX *8t.


Slimmer Neckwear and Hummer Underwear, at Curtis' WW Bssex Street.

MORE trouble and discussion seems to have been Drought about over Walt Whitman'* leaves of gTiuu than Is at all necessary, and has only nerved as the best possible advertisement or the work.

ID S few months the uoal dealer will get uveu ,with the butcher, and thus make both cuds meat.—N. Y. Com. Adv.

such mis-aUak.

The "Richmond Stale," apeaklag of the Fourth of July says, "our Henry inspired it, our JenVrsoo wrote it, and Washington established

They might add our .Lee attempted lo abolish it, our Davis tried to de- molish it, etc., etc.

SptAKiHO of these summer nights. Why is Mrs. Sooville the smallest woman in tbe world ? Oa accouut of tbe U.m|ierature we will ourselves give the answer lo this connundmra, for which at any other season of tbe year we should ofTer s prize of at least $25. She is a alias Gulteau. See?

TUB n nur i* Batooaarit) csjtsirjLtr iw noTtcK TSB tfWAa* LM.41:1,1:1, sjjmmnm n, OS limn .1 KMI lit r

e.-CAPITAL faiZF, ITD.esoj* TlekvC.ns.ln »>. Skwrwa It* iir«*>*>r«ian,

li.S.L, Louisiana State Lottery Compart?

lacorporai.d In IMS 1,1 13 r. .r* by lite Leil* lature Iur Ib'ur illonal and t-lui iinine

araiiliatot Sl.'0-i.iMU-io mm h « reaerve I »V, I.UUJ iia- .mot- been ailoW. II u*cr *»t I n.uj eute ita franchise

wa* raades'Mil ol Ihe |>re*ent Hln'eCo.»tllU. o • ailnutfld liatiaulMT M s. ti, 1*76. The onl* Lul'.ery ever ruled ua aud earlor*. t f the |Hto(tleoi any alilc.

1 r Msvan SUALH ua roei-ronae. Its Ona* MlttKla NMSM.*«I- Drawlatsm

UhiyiawMvalhly, " - •*>I.I-.*I»II» ..rniHii -ITT Tti


>IH. Adv. Ijowh at tk. fallwwliaa litniai, ta-lrr r, . , . . . _ I"* evtslu.ive .upervtaton nail u.inaavmeBtiH Coaled day when he WIMXI make any >*»■ a. r iik,*bitau*AKi> 01 La, uuu u»a

'I'm. "■bore" flend calls at our sanc- tum when the thermometer Is IOC de- grees aud taks with a sardonic leer l "la ih's weather hot enough for you '■"

■Star. Amen tod amen. Tbe exasuera-

ting coolness with which be generally says it is enough to make one fairly boil over In wrath.

A ST. LOUIS clergyman has been lined 15 by the police court for pick- ing over a basket of decayed potatoes In front of bis bouse, after his neigh- bors bad protested. Ills church how- ever, decides that the act was "noth- ing to affect bis standing or Chrlstiiu haracter." Tbe neighbors fail to


THR Lowell Vox I'oituli, is the only paper in the atate, we believe, whie'i seems to sustain the action of the prisoners at the State Prison in their recent iusubord nations. Al- though offering no satisfactory sub- stitute, the Vox declares bitterly against the method of restoring disci- pline used by Warden F,:IIIL>, and winds up with a general growl of re- gret that he must be sustained In lite position ho bas taken.

Ax exchange aaya "Court Vladimir ranolf Sollogub, who recently died was one ol the few Rus- sian authors whose nsme was famiUsr

in every household, abroad as a home." Yes; true enough , and now be is dead; yet the name Vladimir Alexandrovieli Panot! Sollogub is And always will be preserved in Iho mem- ories of childhood, so long—well so so long as the name is itself—but. pro bably no longer.

AruoPos or tbe meeting this even log, we clip the following from the N. Y. Sun:

'•Baltimore claims ihe best of free excursions. It furnishes one day's fresh sir, two good meals, medical at- tention wben needed, bathing facili- ties, and other enjoyments to 1,500 children a-* taken by boat lo Chesier- wood,agreen retreat of u thousand shade trets. The snnplics are white bread in abuudance, 200 gallons coun- tiy milk, meat for sandwiches, 100 pounds of fresh butter, 200 gallons Java colfee, 100 gallons lea, and gut' gerbread, with music, and the coat oomes within $100 for each excur sion."

An exchange attempts to cxplsit bow s reporter "experienced the nov cl sensallen of listening to eight sen toons at once, Inn Pennsylvanian p:is' on which is conducted on the princi- ple of solitary r>r.linemen*,. Each prisoner haa his own lonely cell. These cells open on eight corridors, radiating from an octagonal centre. Tbe preachers stood at the quter ends of the corridors, and could be beard by tbe occupants of the cells in their sev eral sections. Sioce tho reporter was in the middle, It Is evident that lie was n'Jt in s cell &nd consequently must have been taking down the eight ecrmons. Now we know the Penn- sylvania press is a powerful body, and if they had claimed the reporter to be taking down five or even six of Ihe words we would have kept an admir

able alienee. But eight sermons aim no; oh, no!

TIIK N. Y. SIN imposes the follow- ing story on us, regarding a revenge* fnl elephant.

AN>ut thirteen years ago a groom put one of her cjes out, and tbe man was dismissed. AHcrward the eie- phant lost the sight of tbe otber eye. Two years later, at Brighton, the same groom came inte the stable, and slspptng the elephant on the side, said. "This is the old brute thst got me dismissed." Oo hearing the man'a voice the elephant ]Mished him up against tbe wall, and ever since the man been cross-eyed from the hurt thus received.

Now this is too had. We bail heard wonder; ul stories of Jumbo, and when we saw lira we bad to believe and were henceforward prepared to "swal- low" almost anything in the elephant line. But the revenge of that brute ia a trifle too sagacious. It' tbe ele< phant blinded bar tor mentor—well and good ; but to go further sod push him up against a wall so aa to make him cross-eyed is a trifle too JUMBO a story to take in.

drawiuas imi-uM .111 Miniu ■! 11 rti ... 1 Mala.

eii'iTti. PHIZ e. ST9 000, 100,000 Tl.h.t. tt Klvt DeliiiiBilk,

s-'raetitm* IB Fin ua In -trspar ll t, 1.1 ftr or mi/as.

• .-.Vii l».0OD 10W, l.'.'M. ROTS lu.'im

1 1'A.riTAL rat*! 1 da tto 1 ilo ■!„ inizMuf asm

Al-IH ■»!»* Illl.t H tupmilmallon Prise, n

UN Application for rale* tn clube •houl't be nude

- ly lu tut o*,-aul theCuiiiuenv In Sew Urleain rtte t'lfeilr.sirini Oy entires*, n>tti>

tared l.ellir or Money tinl.-r, n :,ire«*il only to

Kin nn in. 1 leiornut

"1} orM.A.bAUrHI.V.

• Ot II, W* 1il-.ul*., D. V. K.B.—OrJete a<Mroaie<l tn New Or leas* will

reneles uminut ailcutloa. Jjll M

CAR D. We i.iiii.iuii.'f 1.1 ourlrletids anil patrot.* we


rUKMCII KID L-i;i'luN HOOTS,UMootnmon

asttle, plain toe antl I (■ heel, wbleb Ii lb*

heilairle made lor eon-furl. The above good* are oaly In narrow width and .malt aliaa

SS.TS. We mike tbla very low SrhtS, wbie*

Ii wa; uadcr our rriulsr pike, to rtdneeotn rassrtt Msakal smam, The quantity i* MM aad 1 i.i'





ALBIN r£AW'i OLD STAND. aaU w 1, apt


SO HIKII M.,' A i.Ui.M'l•.


JJARE'JHAL NIELS, Baskets anrl DeslfruH at Short.

Notice. Order* may lie left wllh Ki 1.1.1 r A 111 run.

■ Ittl


JESSE JAMES. Complele l.l'e ur these 11..1,1 lllfltiwaymeb.

Aim) i.i ilie Tminaer Srninera anil oltiertMId nntlawa, Blcganlly IIIOatr.t.Ll. Over HI Faf* Beware of interior uiliilona. Cnmpleie OniSi bv null, Kjny C nt*. Urn* Liberal, roll BtIKt,Alti;ilAKI>.l^i MrHt.',Ui ftt .Cmoinaat Ohio, tlwlialelS A

WANTED, SAliSMEN. I tt cwtivass fr* jli. *.!. ot onr Nuraavrl ck. DasamM iMHpaa, Salary and!

asspald. JHWacraaot rralt andOrna- I

VASSAR COLLEGE. Forauttsar'aia, N, Y. A om|i)eM oolleie

Btiiali', *il a iir lofue* «• HI.


f U.ll II 1 .|. IUI.IIIH... . I- <..', I.ll'.l I.I.I , I>. t>.


IlOSi: CAKBIAtiE FOKHALE. A f»nr wheH Hm- Carrtaae, Ai

in ur.tiilanariindiiiiiDi never DM lent «|i|H>rt'in11y lor a rlty or In asens tehict*: t< aitdreisJ, A.Kl. Aminrer Fire Hep 11.1 ■■!, Ma**.

'.« mat; ■ij asset. 1 ■■■it ni

iOH, Chief Xmlneer North nn.KIII, Norlh


Pearl Derby* Essex Htreet.


ut Oi rtl*>*s ACS


I'l 1 11 111WT


CUKKS Vt'tlKN ALL OTBBB MEDICINES rAlL, ai II acla dlrecilj on ibe Kidney*. Liver and Bowel*. rSatSrlSI them at onre to baallhy aoiion. IIUKT'd IIKMHIV l*a*are,*orsan<l

peedy cure, an* hundrede hare ir.iifled tr havlni been BSrSd liy It when phy.klana inc irlendi had riven thrai up to ill". Dn not delay, uul try al onre HUNT'S HKhtEDi'.

lllST.-s BKllEDY cures all I'liraie* olihe K ulner*, III.] IIT, Urinary Orfans, Dropay, Oravel, Dlabelca, and In outlnenceand Katen lion of i'i 11.> .

lil'M'S I:!..II.III cues Tain In ihe Side But, or Loim, Ueneral He 'lllty, Female Die

i, Di.luili«l Bleep, LOSS al Appetite, B'lfot'i DIsSSBSt and all C.implninls Of lb* Orlno Uenlul Organ*.

HUNT'S UEaUDY iiuirkly Induuca Ibe"t.lvei 1 bealtby action, tcmovinjt the csu*ei that pro-

does llliimi< Hendatlir,, Sour Stom* ieli, Cuktlveaia*, Flit*, ete, Bytheutc afUUHfS ItksIEDV,tlieSloaacb

and Boweta will »|>eclt!y rrn uti llrenalh. nad the Blood win be wntrtMf pariflcd.

Iir M-is it .Mi hi I. prononnced by the hi al doctor no Uetlieoniy'cuie lor a'l kl ■ I- <•( kid- ney dlieaiee.

HUNT'* ItEUKDV 1* pnrely vece'able. aad la asmeenre fjr Heart Dlaeasj un.l Uaeumsliim wben all oilier me.;iilne ml..

HUNT'.i t;t,\i KUV 1* .rrpared expressly lor taesbovc dlaetae*, an 1 lias never been know. to 1.11.

Oaelrlsl will eotvlasi you. For isle by all DruiXlaU. Scad Tor p^inphle: t»

Hunt's Remedy Ca. Providence.R.I. Pele*. Tie. and fiylnrii rb a

Floe Manilla Hats at Curtls's, Next door to II. H. It. Htatlon.

TOMPKIN8 & MANN auoosssoas to


auuas ia

Paints. Oils, Dye StiEs. Ckeucals Alcohol, Mliewrs*nla,allcn*ac Alnm, NaaUFeotOli, Amasoala, Na.mum. AklaUreea*, uiivaOil,

UMBSM Brvueae, olalNliei,

Mmrix, Parasaa* Waa Bneawax, I'.tty, ■n*hBre*eii, Fart. White, IWks, I'eush, Campber, Kuratoa SIOBO, JSalk, Flaaaw- Parks, Cream Tartar. Farla Uraea, (J.ilora <>i all .Bade*, Faint Brinks., Caibollo Aawi FafarPalla, Coach V.ral.h, Bed Lead.

Chata.ila ShlB*. Chlariilaof Lima, Uoppnr Blveta, ■*- tileSaeu, roe bwrses and eattl*

Stow. I Sods, ■oe Jaraaad Hi[i, Itawtre, viai Manhla.Oil, blefail..

Dippers, woodaa, Sulptaar, Dowel'* KeroaeneOII. Ssad Fane lltltt Hru.hra,

wary Paper, " CkKh,

reatberUu.ur*. rioor Bra.aea. ri.bUlue, ruraitarrTaral.b Forest River Lead, Ulne, .11 trade., u.m Ar.bte. 'iuraTi-ajTBOaalk, Uoi.i Leal, tiolit Br.'oie, IJIyeeruse, Olanseraalt, Waitawaahlraakei. tislvanlsr.l Iron Fail*, Wurtiu "o«p. yrasaasaap, witiia-Js it.r Bar SJUsSsnlnaalltlnle, WhaleU *tm, Lowiton P.rple. Whlt.a*. . LbxhtHralalniVar.lah.Wi.jwr A New lea's EH8P «BsC.knre.

I In quantities to suit Bt Lowest

Market Priest.

Tar, Wooden D paeri, WiadewQIaaa Water Pall*, Wsaft Baamel ITraaalag

191 ESSEX 8T„ «i,i..t



Special Notice! Wa eall the attention 01 oar Lady Oaat.mera

irnoe more to the Sper.lal lmluMninu wears now ready to okTer.



Fine Millinery Goods AT COST,

ai ne .1) not wlih to eiriy ibsm over

We make Special Announcement ol our

TRIMMED GOOD8 whrah wa w HI sell at a Urs* dn roast, and aa .hey small (ne and v.rv flesh able |oodi,a*i iaily rail will be ase**aary as loey will IsalSal a r.w day*.

wa WILL orrva DUB

UntrJuB. HATS aid BONNETS at ItomurkuMy low HrfCCA.



at a Urwai lu dun 10. from reoeni Selilaf Pi leva*


At a Large Dlacount.

FLOW.ERS. Vf.hav.a very la. aaleetlon of Plow *r* which we Wlaa to elg.e 00k A., early la.peetlo. will .e ae.-essaryat we sea sol duplicate Ibem (or

tbe aame price*. Alao a liood A.iertm*al of




M. 8. ANDERSON. ti la* jell


W* are Areata for Ik*




AMI:KK;AN TBDDER. sad Invite Fareier* te laanect there Impls-

meata before purebaalas eliewher*.

Pure Parts Ur«cnf London Pur- ple, Plater, Sisters, and


Haying Tools in Great Variety. SCOTT & VIETOlcY

940 Common HI., Lawrence, tend 4m raarSO

Oesirable Residence in Koindowr FOR HALE.

The well-known llonH'Nt«-ad of Charles Barnes,

f. Norlb Aniluver, «»•.., 1. oSered ler .at*, m* eatjt. eumprla.s. eoomodiooa Dwelling loussol II room*, wllh Barn, and abenl .bjbl •ere. of aieellcnt land, all under send naitlra- loo, ami wellitocked wllh unit trees. In add! ion to wh'eb a lar*. paetnre, qutle ae.r, can L>e It do.lred. Ihe premUea are wvtl idapteil to Hi., 01 a f.ntl.m.n'a rest- leaee. In every le.peet, a.d eta be In.peeled at my time by pirlle* wUblng lo parchaae aa tttraeilve ooaa'ry rnldeneo.

Apply to HOSKS POtTRB, Aadover, Mas*., -ir tni: 11 Ii A It**.*., Lawrence, Mm.

1 r Brfl'

HALL A WRIGHT, —t>a*Lsas in-.—

WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS Olla. VarnlRlteB, ChemlcaU,


HILL, si m.ns,

381 Essex Street • • Lawrence.

U.S. HALL. "ai a,T i E. W. WIIIGHT.


■ao-lern built li„ f.,.i.r\ti HOUBR.WIIS itnuiile bay WIBHOWI; lu.oou rant *i land,

Price HSU. Land lo in. Barnaul of aa.SSSfeet OBI b*|<nreha*ed with SSJSM ll dselred, Ptlee In nroportlon. Loeatlon for aoaowv aad easy aoaeaa t» Lawrence not anrpaaaed, Alae> ol bar lou nt land near sai-l tooanty ranfing from 10,000 reel to HI.I uu. I'rlosa tow.

ivealsoforaBtelBasiall Honse LeeaMsSS lit) J'let the thine lot not tMSBBBd parties.!

_ I meana. 1'rice fiua p*i lot. Itdeslrwd ean r*y perl IIOWB, balanoe fa US mnalh. wltaont nieiest, or tin dollar* per m«aih anltl all ia


8AD ACCIDENT. MB. OSCAR OEAIO Blown up by ft pra-

ruature Bleat In the Cement Quarry. DESTRUCTION of in By*.

IM Subsequent Removal by Sux- g-ical operation.

Mr. Oeear Crslgg ni foreman In a cement OMrfM Eoeeodale. Claler Co., W.T. Bj an r iploetoa one da/ In tea tiuirry be lutt as eye— kilt ll lotallr. I'mlri Ihe i n(>r*' »LOm LtMtt IM aider was lr■■ *rrl"U*. iha local uhyi.rlan told Mr.Cralg thai hi*aye waa nol lost wholly, bul «Oull h« envoi I* Irauntent. Tha exueri****! wa* Irted Bad fail, d- Worn remained, for be waa ia danger m loalng ibeoiber UMj tbiough i ymua'lK-ui' lad tin • at Inn. In Ibla snail be consulted IT. Da* id Hei,nnl-. oi Bond- out, M. 1 , who told Um II a InJ ired *v« mu*t be ttkn oat to sere lha Other. l..U,i« afr.C,-*i»g demurred, a*d wrul back bome I" doulil. Ilia local phialptaa uM: *Uo 10 New Vorh " To Maw York Ibe patient wenl. and one ol ihe moai (■iHil ocell.t* lathe roun-.-j, having look, d at IM «*•#, aald : "You have lo*t one eye en- tirely; can to ante the other " Brbtl-', !>■ Kriin.nit removed Hi* rained era an! treat d Mr CraUg with ••ateuaedve Paturita Heated y" to MM up IM *y*tem, »ud ibe reault ws. aucceialul.

Or. aeuMd /'a -real *ucce ■ aj * nuriwn la due to tba as* ol "rtvori.a Rerae<l)"ia I lie sllrr

" Are TO* ii .jni)ii 'i with Dyapedda, Liver Coto- ylnint, Coasllpe'inn or dernngeme;>l of lha lid' ■era anil HltuM-'■ :• Turn n-r lir Kennedy a ' Varorile Ktmadi " ll will mil disaupo'nl you. Dr. Kennel,'a "KB-OIII* Keinedv"ror BlfP br- ail draggl*U,

Dr. Kennedy'* Favorite Reined T la aold by A, r. OBBffiT * CO., l.a,

Cor. IIMIat. and Broadway, Lawrence


JUDUK Black aava "live men are al-

ways round at tlie front." How about fuueraU?

IT II as strange ai true that though

there U * state prison at Concord, at the state prison there is nothing but


FROM this date on, demands Tor free

band concerts will be in order.

"The Sea serpent has been seen

again off Gloucester." Col. Sherman opened his summer cottage at Glou-

cester last wtvk.

"TUB new shade or crushed banana

is in great favor with the young ladies this season" Probably tlicy anticipate

a belter opportunity to slip off.

Crowda lliiUln llumtir

ii the right of them .. i i ■■ left HI tlu'in

._.. .* In front of them,

Surely tl> gala day; Hear the .Irani piaao play, Re* itie people rush to i aj. Who HI II* attempt* to aay II.,n much i a-h they took away

11 is mini and Jumbo.

WILL CERTAINLY CURE Conghi, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Influtnia, Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Croon, and every Affection of tha Throat, Longs and Chest, including Con* sumption. Bold by all Druggist*.

eadllyfeM » •

'I'm MAINK correspondent of tbe Boston Herald states that no one can come to that State and Bud a single

lemori-at who expects or hopes for itieOTtw in the election next Septem


MK. I>. B MUHRSY, chief of police at Winnepeg, last evening visited tbe common council in company with Councilman 1-'razor of ward 6.—Bos- ton Star.

Did he find bin man? or is it to be

kepi quiet?

TUB Sun complains that the New

York excursion boats either carry more passengers than tbe law allows or the law allows too many to be car- ried, lb la about time to ascertain

bleb. '

An exebango tells of "tbe theft of twenty four boxes of choice cigars valued at $43." That paper'ssuhscrip- tion Hat must be dropping off, or the

scribe's wife has rtruck him pretty hard for her . summer clothes. Those

choice cigars" must have retailed lor as much as two cents apiece.

TUB Catholic Herald or Thursday

eiuhcrates In the following poetic gem;

"Hooray, Hooray ForAriMBey,

Be'* driven tbe Brlilab over tha Ma." Etc., Kir.

Kvidontty somebody had not gotten

over his 4th of July celebration.

TIIIY Illustrated the principle or tbe

donkey and the carrots tbe other day in a base ball match out west; when

they placed a keg of lager on third base and no man was entitled to it without reaching third. The score showed all but one man reached third

base, but not one of them succeeded in scoring a run.

SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong?

You can continue feeling miserable and good for no- thing, and no one but your- self can 6nd fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose.

■ How ? By getting one bottle of BROWN' IRON BIT- TERS, and taking it regularly according to directions.

Wtalart Balaam of Wild Cherry la at.Id by a. r. * CO , Apotbecarlea. Cor. Baaax ST.aad BWIHWIT, Lawrence,

ill rap*

CUUl and Fever.

OH! Vernier: How could you! And how yen failed. Hot weather the first week in July, and yet Jumbo

has not been troubled in the least by lient. It was an attempt to inconven-

ience 'lie great moral show, entirely

unworthy o( y>u.

'GBOSGB CIIINN, President of the Marblehead Bicych Club, is a csndi- date for repreHcntative or the League of American Wheelmen from Maasa- cbusetu."—Messenger.

Good! Nothing like Chinn to up- hold the Massachusetts end.

lineal*! affllelioaUkeBlmntona Llrer K>-gtil

DYHPRPHIA.: The Regulator will poalllvrtr rurHhta terrible

■llnraae. We aiatrl BBpliallcally aba Hi be iruu,

CONSTIPATION abonld aol be regarded aa a Irlflms al^aenl Nature demand* ir.e nimoel bowl*. Thoraltre a*ai*l Naiure ny Slmejon* I.irer llrgulalor. It I* hnrmlen andaBeotuai.

IIIUOI SM.HS. Oas or two Ublaipoonruta will rallere trouble* loclilnot la billon* *l*le. inch a* i dliiine**, driWalaraa, dlatre** alter c» bltter.oad U*ta In tbe moulh.

MALARIA. Peraoaa may arold alt attack* UT ec.caeinnally

taimaa dote ol aimmona l-lrtr Regulator- keep ilia Llrar in healiby action.

HA1> HICKATII (eaerally arlalng from aaieordered 8toma< caa ba corrected by taking Simmon* Iji MrKiilator.

JAUNDICE. Him mi! ii. Ufft Regulator aoon eradicate* II

dlaaaaa fr-im the *y»tero, learlng the *klnclt and tree from all Impurities,

COLIC. Children euffarlng wllli Colic aoon experience

relief when Simmon* Liver Hrgulan'r la admln- latered. Adult* alao derive great henefll from ifata medicine, ll I* nol unulraaanl; It Ii leaaaadaSeetlre. furelr vrgttabte.

Bladder ami Kldneya. Hselal taediieare* cf the Bladder original*

froaatkoaanf the aidney-. Reilnre Ibe union of tna liter fully, and both the kidney* and alf Wllluereilored.

i iv of the

•aT-Takc only tha GMI'lnr, w men alwkj* na* on lb* wrapper tbe rod"/" trade mara,|anil ilgaatnraU

J. H. ZEILIN & CO. Bold by all Di'ugglala.

aodS IT aauil i

A BROOKLYN man's family are con

testing tbe bill presented by tbe un dertaker for t9(X) burial a|ipurUn ances. The creditor declares on oath

that the deceased one's casket was about one of tbe richest caskets that ever lea the Nineteenth Ward ; that there waa "only one that beat it;" and that be himself furnished that one for a poorei person than the deceased.

Tbe expense in the case however de-

cide) the claimants to be entitled to

WK should think that if any tree would be worth planting along the Western streams or the treeless prai- ri«s the coltonwood.—Lowell Courier.

Oh, how green ! Coltonwood U all the western river steamers "wood up", with now ; why would they want more


Uatuficld, Ohio, Nor. A illi. iKinlr mr n :—I have *ufcr*d with

pain In my aide *nd back, and great torcoei* on my brcatt, with ihuut~ ln| pain* all through my body, ai- tr ni/cd wilh arcal •cakntu, dtprci- *ioo of *|>iriu. and loa* of appc- lif*. I have taaan (CTtral diflcrent mtdlcinea, and waatnaltdby prom- inent phyilcian* lor my liver, kid- neyi, andiplecn,bul Igat no relief. I ihought I would try Bruwri'* Iron lltiten: I hivenawlakenrincbotile and a half and am about well—pain In tide and back all gune—aorenn* •II out of my breait, and I have a good appetite, and am giining in iirengthaiidSeih. Itcan juallyba called the *i'«ar./ mtdkimtt.

JUIIH K. AuaKoaa.

BROWN'S IBON BITTERS is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases.

•Veaaakaaj tun*. Fkked Nine. t-huwel 3

M.:.l l.llll 3 II ■ I I...I. 1

« -in' .i Tcwkibury <■• L ary 1

Dolt >u 3 Wall* 9 Mllllll 0

Tbe aihlellcs of Helbnen, and Surs cver'r, plafed a latf luteiegllnv |sui«

ofbaat) ball In M«lbn«n, Satuulay afu-i- oooti, In the preaence of about 300 per. sons, many u! wbi_m Were from Lawrence. The Siam won tbe toss and took tbe Hi lil. Tin- umplie waa Mr. Iluat. Karrel,, of Salem, ibe aame gtaileniti) who uiu- plred the eaae at Beverly, Jnlj 4, when lbs Ljiwreoce clbb defeaUd the Starr. The j(*W of Saiurdajf was wed cc ntested t'irouitbout, but the Sura from the start gave evidence of their superiority over tbe Alblellca, whom Uwy defesied lo right Inolngs, tod therefore did not take their turn at tbe bat on tbe ninth Inning*. The following la the complete score :

A MASSACHUSETTS barber who made a poor cut ot a man's hair, was held guilty oi assault ami lined S5Q. Show this tu your harbor.—Boston Post.

Yes; that happened here, and now the police are on the track of one who talked a man into unconsciousness

the other day.

!»*, as wo heve Dseu so constantly informed, cotton manufacturing in the

South,lias proved so marked a success,

how is it that the Atlanta factory has just been sold at auction to satisfy a mortgage? Fifteen to twenty percen- tage of earnings, ought to take care

of mortgages.

Simmoa* Lifer Regulator la aoid by a. P. oBIDWaT * CO.. Apotbeearlea, COT, Biaoa St. and Broadway, Lawrence.

"AN exchange says that Queen Vic- toria 'kicks tuc beam' at 200 pounds, winch is a very unladylike ming fur Vic to do."—lrowcll Times.

You must have forgotten the para hie ot the l>eam and the mote. The beam that Vic kicks at 200 pounds Is

all in her eve.

ST. IVmi-sni-K.; is growing philan-

thropic and is to cstabli di a circui- ting horse Car library ; Every car in the city will be supplied with dally newspapers and illustrated weeklies. Passengers who avail themselves of lliorfi; literary stores, arc to drop, into a box a copeck for each paper they read. Mo watch is to te kept over the U)X, the paymeut being left to the honcr of tbe readers. Tbe society hardly expect to make a profit hut will probably lose little or i.o'hing.

IM.KMHV IS oil the requirement to

making a living now-a-days. The latest is tbe trick of aCaliforni&n who sold ii barrel of water tor SO.1., lie arranged in the barrel a piece of hose two feet long, with one end hermetically sealed. He then tilled tbe hose with a quart of the finest whiskey—old, oily, and rich. He then fastened the unsealed end to the faucet on the inside, headed up the

barrel, and filled it with water. Beady was he for a purchaser for 'forty gal- lons of rate old whiskey. And

the purchaser, having sampled his 12*2***$* liquor was ready with liis $6-'>. Before Hint quart in the hose waa

gone, tbe whiskey merchant was gone too.

Brownilron Bitter*, lor tale by a. P. OUDWif * CO., Apotheearlea,

r.B**ea St., and Broadway, Lawrence

THE WONDER OF HEALING! PafannVi Th" Katrwellatbeonljape. u&x&rrn. cue & un. di*.***, <-.-i<i«

"' Catarrh Cwr*>,"*p»cl*lly for tbla dlarufu Cold mirrli «"wre,"*p*cla .

pared to meet aerlou* raaea^eoutalua all tba JUB I'aaea, miiUlua a] jiroperlle* of the Kilrarii onr

Naaal Hyriaajn luraliuihl* lor u*e In catarr- faal effirtimia, b ainiHn and Itiexpeiiaire.

Rheumatism, Neuralgia. £«£ Uon ha* nnred ao many caaea of thee* dlatree*- tBgoom|)l*luta**lhe Silrart.

Hemorrhages. Sff'ffiaS; Boaa, or fmm any cause, la epeedllj cuuirulled and stopped.

Diphtheria & Sore ThroatB',rr«t protuptly. It la a sura cure. PrUy Udaogeroua.

Far Pile*, Itliad. ltlr,dinK *r lick.- iag, 111* tlio f-rcatotkuouu nntedy.

Far t'lerra.Oia Warn er flpta «'•■■ Ja Ita action nj <<n i;.. -.- '- )u< it remarkable.

POXD'H EXTRACT ku» nem rmf- . ,,.„„...- has ihf word* " FOSttB

KXTRALT'btiHm in tht glan. and our trad»-m<fk OH (unwind.1.4 t*f tcrapptr raw fiawela* afawMawaW »" »a*»5*| PO.W'M t:.lH;.U r. Tntr «oW/ier tweparotton.

It U newr . .M in fcid* or '" ~



German Remedy.]

A VicKsBiHo, Miss., cow stuck her tongue through a lattice work and a riotous mule bit oil four inches of it N. Y. Sun.

And v.'hat had the Vicksburg cow

to do with it. A mule—especially a vicious mule his been known to get away with four Inches of lattice work

before—and not a Vicksburg cow within twenty miles.

TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.! — Spell*, do- Mallh, who ... -

pond on otii.rmirnanindorrn, shouli'. Brrr«*s,it wlllcuxefst'i-rm it ltirrziis. yon.

lacurcd t:vmlng rut.rt IIITTEBS will*, lot nuh.t or oura, 11 ■^^^™ MTcrfaili. Operative* IT ho an

Ut* aTJLFBtR Bl_ __ and Ton wil rou. UoahW. ^

ely couOned In Clp^uaothoTitUtcd mills ami wort ' '

abof'i Clerks, who _ . do not procure *uf- njr througbthe iL.n Detent eioicUe, ani! nriiiii>lc*,Dli,irlu-i, ail whoare eonflnet! iud Bore;, Itcly en la door*, BBWBM na* Inj'ir it IIITTER.I, Bsiraua lurrEas. tml health willful. They Will not then ow.

—"- and *lcklr. •_• aaaaaaaaaaaa_ SrLrtll'K UlTTr.n*

General l>chlllty will cureldvrri .in. " agentlo tonlo plaint. Don't bodli

lilt Will core

■ Sci.rncn BnTEits Don't he wlthou* ■ srllUiuild youtipnnd

bottla. Try It; vou makoTJU stroinrnnd wUlnotrcgrotlt, aaalthy.

8ulphur Bitters. M'l On lam CunfaTootlictoKiiE::;.

Price, twtntr ■•»■ eeota.


Murray & Lanman's


UtbaaSSm apl

Hop Blttara are aold by A. r.OIDWIT m. CO,, *p*lkse«rl,l. Coiaar EM»X 8t. aad Bioadway, Lawrence.

TINKI i i ■■ gold watches of French make were dug up on Scltuote, (Mass.) heach the other day, and as a Koston jeweler says they were all made prior to 1820, it is believed by many lloslonians that they were buried by plrntcH, several of whom were hanged on ltosti-n Neck in IH'20.

Of course ! and several who were

not pirates have been hanged on Bos-

ton necks, since that time.

I'.DiToit and Postmaster Merrill goes the whole sUlwart >losc along the en- llru line. Hut what is the use of l>e- in:; postmaster if you cannot blow for 'he [towers ih-t be.—Lowell Citizen.

Ah! But -'editor and postmaster Merrill," Hro. Citizen, is not one

static more "stalwart', to-day, than when the "powers that be" were en

lirely of the other stripe—notably, Ii. It. Hayes; just put that down, please

A> exchange cautions its leaders, in preparing baths foi children, t<> in vaiinhly prepare the hot water first and cite.t nn inulancc of a child fulling

into a tab of cold water, ncgligcntly

left t>y a nurse while she left the room for the wt.riu, and losing its life by

chill. Nowfproviding the nurse had left the hot water, and gone lor the

cold, the child might have died ■ much mare benu'.iful death by scald' ing ; thht the ca ilion will be approveil

by every mother is self evident.

A ST. LOUIS boy drank a glass of

milk, and swallowed accidentally, t pieac oftotacco whiehbe had previous, ly put in bis mouth ; death eneaed, Now if he had taken the tooscco after

the milk, it is probable that he would not have swallowed the imU ; o

he had, he woald still have had the tobacco. This occurrence Is of the

greatest benefit lo science, as to ca tablisblng tin- principle that tobacco should invariably be taken after and never before drinking mMk.

Taz SnnriNEi.dcslrcs to knrjw what sort of civil service reform wc think the average republican approves!

Well, we don't, wish to proBiine to

speak lor everybody, but wc know of one "average" sort of republican who holds faithfully lo the doctrine, that when a republican in office makes a (airly good public servant, be should

be retained, and not removed to make a for some "other feller," es- pecially if the first mentioned happens to bold a post mastership | And "so

aay all of ua."

THE Doe toil Journal under the heading of a "curious accident oil Long Island" speaks of a vessel laid

up by the freaks ot lightning as follows : "On ber arrival off Long Island

light on Saturday from Philadelphia, a lightning bolt struck away tbe miz- zen topmast and descended through the mizzenmast, performing strange grrnt'.ons around it, and drawiog out large bolts at the deck. The mizzen topmast fell shattered on the dock, huge chunks were torn from the mi** zenmasU Supplementing its- tragedy with comedy, the bolt struck a tobac- co pipe from the mouth of another of- ficer, tore out and melted all the cop- per tacks in its way, and then leaped over the side into the water."

Good enough for him. If he was mean enough to have his teeth fasten-

ed in with copper tacks, he deserved

to huvo them torn out and melted.

isii mil it aXTICUt*. 50c, $1.00, $1.73. t.001 Catarrh Ctra, 71

50|piaiter 23 23 Inhaler Gla«* „).. 1.00 SOJNaialSyring*.

• nn-

A 11. P.O. t: ft ft t Woodtiury c f 4 I • fyne. 1 h n II l.sri'inii b f an 1 ■' « 1)1111 ■ a iv >■!■ caid 1 r swin lb' Hurphy p 4 0 1 s

Tula I, ■T : i. ti It It 1 HI Mil 1.

l 11 ►: it

Kennbton : b 1 a S i.i

u ii MoLaiiBhlfn** t

4 Wiigiu a Jordan 1 band n J o a i II I

Total, ii'.i 4 S St It 11

■L'ORK UT l» rmea. I * 1 • t

3 U 0 , 0 ll ■/

AlbleUcs ii t 0 l e i I u *>.«


I'OIWI Craam

Denllfrlc* UpSahr* -.

Toilet So»|i( 3 C:ike*V

OMmaal 60' Medkated Papei

family Syringe, $1.00. I.*Mr.«. read i«i'« It,la,91 and ?A«f our Haw

Pampbltit wbli'b si't-uniiantea tarh Imiilo. IW-tnn N«n- )',m iiTir .vii H Ih-TOiiTor un

faaeaaanoaiHaax i'l.u: oa irruuno* TO

POND'S EXTRACT CO., 14 West 14th at„NewVor>

fon<l'* K\trni.t i* *oid l>y A. P. OBUVVAT * CO.. Apotbooarle*.

Cor. BaMX Street and Bronlwav, l^wreoce.


UarfleUl and Arthur

Representative Buttcrworth, of Ohio, in rt ply to the speech of Mr. Bayne,

punctured one bubble which the "reformers" have been displaying, in which President Arthur i*. charged

with making removals in olfico, for factional purposes, tu alleged contrast with the course of PrcsidcntGardeld, Mr. Butterworth produced carefully compiled fl^ures from the records,

showing thai Gen. Garfleld, during four months ol bin Administration, had made ,'101 reappointments where the terms of officers had expired, and had made in the same period "U re- movals from office. The nunber of removals was Ti per cent, ot the whole number ol appointments and removals. In ten months Arthur had made 874 reappointmentn and only 41) removals, the removals being less than S |>er cent. Coming to particulars Butler- worth said that there are ltfG Presi- dential offices in Pcnnsvlvaitia and 8847 offices of nil sorls- In that stale the President had made but five re- movals, three of which were for cause. In New York, where there arc- ^7ti Presidential appointments sod 8098 offices in all; there had only been five removals, two «f which were on ac- count dishonesty of theineumbenta. "What a number of official aRsasqina- lions," exclaimed Bullciworth. 'Nev- er, from the Administration of Geortre Washington to this hour, has there been a President who has shown more careful and considerate regard far the interests ot the public service." Arthur he declared, has followed as nearly as possible in Ibe footsteps of Garfleld, ami nearly all or the nominations made by Garfleld during the recess or the Senate had been renewed by Arthur. la over two thirds or the States no removals whatever have been made.

—In tha Essex county probate court, this cltv, aaaadey, wills were proven as follows ; Or Helen K. PennlagtoD of And- orer, TBOTOI* IV Haller or this city, Au- gustus I'. Moody of Methuen. Admlnli tiations were ([ranted OR the following •tUtes: Ot Harriet Bailey of Mothnen, William C. Ttiarlow of Newburyport, Boss A. Brady or Ibis city, sod Oeergi

e or Meljaen.

—Oeorjte H. Hosier »f lUverhlll has bean nappoiBtad agiat of the Startled


The Richest BLOOD.




_be PboaphaUaof Uis WbsatarelWBWiat ■ valuable rood property. aa& eiw, wh*o prop. Btrly f neied. iho ir.nt aoctpiabk* aatrlwent H with wliloh to bnlld up tha trstera.

The Blood, Brain and Barraa MS tha awe** J whtak hear the atraln of *JMg* day work aawl ■liJ*,andln order to aaTaMpknea- ItUwlaeW

Bl'lLPreBUEALTSL ll Bllteraare prepared, ant fcrftr**—**-

mtUm but by aoluUoa and are rtehask In the ■ pb**Th»t**.wht.fli.h*ii*roh«ndlmpto»»"t-

*r are eliminated. Th**« taaka La SBSBr ■IVH * beat*, to whkfa la addad the hea* and

_;holo*a» BKdlotnal qualluaa. miinigW ■ uahaltatoTiiobridMUa* It U at ooo* kveallh- ■«a*nttoUi*t»ale*»id roust not been- ■ (oundrd with the tfcnuaai-d and ana •*>•*• ■ sloohollo bittera Which are aold a* sure *lla. ■ Medunria la doubly aflheUv* whan oaad v*UA 1 bod. so aa to noartah wall* ll *oer*ns> I aold br druailsM, SI 00 pwrhotth*.


Wheat iti tier * are Tor *ale br A. P. on»WAT A CO., Apolherarlea.

Corner l**ev St, and Broadwaj-, Lawrenre.

! The Pretael-This delicious food| B*"'jB*"-

grows best in the shade, and the shade I The Wa»hiuotoQ hTee dei.ated a Picked orabeergardei beiog preferred. » Niue oll Saturday. Tbeacorci is ripe at bitlb, and li ready to cat as soon as It is picked. Iu North Ger- many, where the benighted people do not know anv better, tbe preizel is called a "kr'ingle." This is enough to spoil tbe pretzel, only that Is Im- possible. Tlie preizel is always planted on free-lunch counters. There is more nutrition In a barrel ol sawdust than there Is in a clothes-basket full of pretzels. But then the pretaelis much the drier or the two. The genuine pretzel has a heart like a marble-yard, and the bide is varnished to keep it ;lry. It Is varnished with hot lye, and sprinkled with sail and anise- seed to give it tone. Before it as- sumes the expression so fhmilii.r to the lovers ol the perennial fruit -tbe pretzel is about the size s\f a garter snake. After it 1B tied up In Hist In trlcate knot which makes tbe eate wonder where to take Ids first bite, no man can guess at its lenglh Knough ia known however, to warrant scientific authorities in saying that if a man should swallow a pretzel whole and It should suddenly straighten out in him It would kdl him in a minute. It is not possible, however for a man to cat a pretzel whole. You can eat all the rest of it, but while there Is more bole than pretzel to begin with, yet the more you eat lbs pretzel the more hola there is left.—Burdette.

Once more the regular annual effort has been mude in the House or Lords to pass the bill making it le- gal for a man to mairy bis deceased wife's sisler. The wild uncontrolla- ble desire, the eager, unconquerable ambition, the one unfading dream of an Englishman's life, to marry his sister In law, ia so.ucthing that Is not felt and cannot be appreciated in any other country in the world. It has been a wild atrugg'.c fur centuries to get this hill passed, and why it was'nl incorporated In the magua chart a, or the gunpowder plot, or something of that sort, ne can't lindenlsnd. We suppose, if this bill ever does pass, and ibe unlelterred Englishman Is suddenly turned loose upon bis moth- er-in-law's family, there won't be a "deceased wife's" sister" in all Eng- land left unnamed within thirty min- utes after the passage o( the bill.— Burlinglon Hawkeye.

Beef iB so scarce and high that a geulleman of this city is having a sir- loin steak set for a breastpin.—Boston Courier.

Somehow people who say they enjoy a thunder shower always want some- body to be present to enjoy it wilh them.—Lowell Citizen.

It Is reported that English detec lives have proved useless in Ireland, on account of their acceut. We should HiiiiK so. It rather gives a fellow awav hajon-c, when be walks into a Land League meeting in a damp cave and asks, "Beg pawJ'a, y' know, bat 'uveye seen such a thing as a suspect about 'ere, y' know?"—Puck.

Charity at the salon : Vicomte di It., in passing before Mile. B who is collecting for the Artists'Orphan Asy- lum, is met with the cry. "Monsieur, do not forget the lillle orphans." The vicomte gives a twenty-franc piece, saying, "For your beautiful eves, mademoiselle." Mile. B. takes the money; then, wilh a most ingenuous air, she says, "Thsuk you, for the eyv.*8, monsieur: now—don't forget tiic little orphanB." And the vicomte giv;s another louis.—French Paper.

An old in,lner was brought up before Judge McDowell one morning for be- ing drunk. The Judge gave the old fellow a good, wholesome lecture on the sin or drunkenness. "Were you

>rdrunk. Judge?" asked the old veteran. "No, sir," said his lion-

I never was." Tlie eld man hung his bead for a moment and then ejaculated: "Well I'll be dashed But it aint too late yet, Judge ; liter is fun ahead for you, heaps or fun. The old fellow was discharged amid a roar of laughter.—Leadville Demo-

crat. l'|)Ou the railways of the United

Kingdom during 1KH1, 42 persons were killed and 1,161 injured by ac- cidents to I rains, rolling stocks, per- manent way, Ac, as compered with 51 and l.vSa respectively In 1880. Oflhose killed '23 were passengers and 10 BcrvanU of the companies, and of those injured 9113 were passen- gers and lt!8 seivanls.

Miss Sallie P., of Simsbu- author or Cnpe Cod Folks, has




■AYES LABOIt, TIME and SOAP AMAZ- lNiil.V, and gtvss universal eatlafactlon. Ho family, rich or poor should ho without It.

SoldbyaUOroeer*. BKWaBZnt Imitation* woltdeelKiiedtomlilead. 1'EAIILINK Is llio ONLY SAFK .living compound, and always henrc the above srtnbol, and name of

JAMi'iS, NEW YORK. VeowleodlrBTlK ■ a




LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, A victim of juuthftil Imprudence camlnf Pita*

lore lir;iv, Nerrooe Debllltr, I»*t Manhood, etc bavins; trifd lu *»tn e«ry known renudv, haj dia- eovrndatimpleaelfcure. which b* »ill MM FltEl to tun fellow -suffer*™, add rasa J, 11. BEEVES* 43 tbalBMHl M.. A- V.

C"H Iv M'lilD B


"lha LArs-eat and Moat Surceeaful Com merclal Suhool In America.

VKS TiiiKi'i, BV PaacTtca, InaatCLSOT and TMOBittiOBLT rnacTicaL couaaa nr at i Intended tu meat Die want* of iho*e»ho*i br aiperlinea ibitour fubllc 8ch>ol* are tinuarin* Itr yruef In a mater mioitu »OK THS miTias tip ura. and 1* the riw BCIIO't- In he rountrv to present a practical and ii-i-tui etinrre or trainmf entlielj roldor all ibe.'-l) eunn.bk laature* ol ibe culture-

Aa ihmuor.h aril .-.o-aple'e t. airlnj is liven In Ulla sunool to thone wliu desire !» ureparn WV UKUCANTII.K FUBSUIT* n* ugUen In Teebnlcal Sebo>la to t nose who uhooee a proFeotlon. Next School Year Ite^his Sept. 4,

Pupil- n't-ei vet at iiny time ll there are *aoaa ale*, for clrculnr ol term*, or adniisslun, *d- drete Ibn rrloolpal,

, . e. HIBBARD, 6;fl Wiihlniton St. eodiawjva s


Old KealdenU' KKCurslon.

The Old H.sldenta will hava their ai. nual ezcurslun in Juolpor 1'ulnt ur tbe Willows, Salem Nick, next T1IU.-MI.-IV.

They atari In tbe morning tram ibe Bo*- loo *. Lowell depot at 8 o'clock; return- ing leave the Point at 6 45 ID tbe evening. Tha sssocleUnn wilt bavn entire eoolrol of tbe grounds. A steamer w.ll be lo readiness to carry all who wlab ua a trip down tbe harbor. Those who do not care to carry baaket euoplles can obtain dinner at tbe pavilioo. The round trip tickets will be 85 ceutB. Tickets can be obtained at the depot or of the committee.

Aceldrnt at the Pacific

Friday afteiioon a carpenter at work on the l'aclflc mills atorehouae, while on the large floor beams, a dlatance of about 12 Ci'jL'i from ibe grouuti, was tafcM wllb a fit and fell BpM the broken rtone ban. im-ui fljor. He was taken Inlt th.: Invalda' bome where Ur. Carleton at tended IMIII. Ii was found tbtt no bdoeS were broken, bu'. that he had been co siderably ahaken op. He was removed to bis li urn. In Meihuen.

--SuperInioiulriil of public properly, Mr. Flannagan, savs b» dou'i aee how ibe lower bridge can stand more lhan ou« more planking; that repairs have gone aa far aa possible, and he don't kc what lo do with It. Tbe cenire spau la 12 Inches below ibe aiieel, and the enlli aopport of tbe brldje 'Juderneath ebsuged fnfiii what It was orlglaally.


DR. DTK'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances


Kliliii-y i

viltiir. <n*eBM- rawlnag from sansB and irTHia

-KM, or Ki any *Ma*t afflh Uil wlih Hhfiiina- i, N.'iiMlxSa. l-nralynl.'. Hjilnal DilBeiilliea,

ur Liver Tnutblos, Lnme Hack, Riip- id oilier Disease* "' ihe Vital Ontan*.

Alao WOMEN troubled wilh disease* peculiar to IhHraeX.

Speedy relief and romplete restitution to health aiinmniiiil. Tbea*> are* Ihe only Klevrfrle Appllnncfs thai hate ever br.ririi.iii.lrii<-le<l „ p«m •veleatiar prin- ciple*. Their tlmroii-h ctllfary ha* tiec-n pme llcaHl liiuvrit with BU »l»oal wonderful Miceran, and Ihry hate tba hlKhei*l raetwrae-naenta Irum medleal and aelrw title iiirii.iui.l IntU hniidmln who have atecu ajnlrkly ami raaically cnmU by tlielr uw.

»end atonre lor llltuirati-d Pamphlet. |lrhi| all Inlormatluii Irve. Aildreaa,

VOLTAIC BILI CO.. Harshsll. Mioa. sioctUU a


'ARKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger, lluthu,

,'ral.e, Slillircu, many of the bet medi- cine* known an cora- bincJinraikersCiafer Tonic, into a medicine of sc.h varied pewert, a* to auka it !>>« greatest Iliad Purifier and (he

l(e»tIl*ai:h*Streanth Uestor, r Ever F*ed. It cure* nt—-T——i

necrilcMlw*', 4 discact* of the rtomach, BowtU, Lunet, Uv" ft Kidaeys,

Hair DWin,8£§aES- aaaaSaVal BTvsS »nd «her Twice, aa t

_ Nrv-w raikM roiuntU never in tuiicates. Il*co ,^UI.I ~k* u srsy Etfc, fir. Co., Chemiits, N. Y.

ajajaJM *■■ L^SavhuPnTfi»■"»■■*

UKK8 liirlaii'inailani-rtjMinriliOi itic biaddtr Ulalieter, itiponthienceor Helenl on, Giavtl

sdimeut, Brlik Dun lnpo*il. More in ll.a Bladder, Nuteiurc, MuJoiis or Purulent DI*- charrei, Diseurrs of Ihe Pro*Inlet;laud, Bright* Ut*eaae. ll cannol L^ ton I,,,I,H i,-,-, MHI.II 1 __ those Of either >ci sfllinteil with any dist-aie of the Khlneyaur liladiler r*i !■*- | or liollle %l alx lur «1. AdilM't.. NKW P;M.I.AM>MKIH. I'M. INsTlTUTI, 11 Tremonl How, Bustoa Maa*.

IVIITAIvlTAIfeOrN IdVltiOHATOR. J The Ureat Ucatorallve, lupplle* power to orain and nerve*, re,lore* rllalilv.glrea rf|ror tn yuuiiK nnd old, curac nerrnue ilepresslon and la-1 livma;. icl'eres the w.iret *I)liru-d Inalanllr. Prieetl. address or call in ihe

HEW ENGLAND alEDlCAL 1NBTITTJTK, No St Tremonl Kcrw.Uoston, Mail.

1 Iv lalN


t) Skin of Flonuty Is a Joy Forever DR. T. IHLIXGOURAUD'S




TOPS, rnamisul ana lade*

atrMcliaiv. large varlelrortliea A (tjin



te., Ac, Ai-,

Tarra Cotts Chimney Toot Pravant Ch mneyt SmokinaT,

Terra Cotta of all Descriptions.


B it--, i ™-

Ba* U rvrry Jay, flaMaplB* "tuovw aaaaajt lil« afat rW0SS&^,« """I BaJi. V. ill' I'.ri.raaadaa and gfS^ffXSS .(Lair imitations EM ««"*nl ««r "m-» ^nd (woo 1 au, ou. IBBlSj"* -*—■

tleowiiin apli

A CuLUII, i;iU.l>OU HlIRK TlIKOAT slldllM be •topped. Negleoi (ici|uenlly resul.s la an Incur- able Luna; I'isease or Consumption. Bauwn'a BMOHciiiJkLTKociiaailoDotiiisurdertlieatomach llkecouttli *yrops and b*l**m*,but act dlnrullf on the InBaiiicil part*, allay inn irritation, «[*<■ ra- liel !n Asiliuii, Bronchi!!*, (Jough*, Catarrh and the Throat T

, nrooi:ilHIS, v^tuiius, vsuuiu anu ittble* which Singer* and 1'ubllo

■tant uae lor nearly an en ii.ivi- atuined well me:itad staple rcroeilies oi Ihe age. boa everywhere.

uerieot aalls- I iiv wide and con- Ire generation, they unk among the tew

Hold at U renl* a illvreodlanim

The au'v*3U|tii ol a reliable, tue *"<.' tin-'*- ci.-u ■ niL'i ■'■.ut; I* I tral"tiialiie, aid WBwB smb li tound. ihe bleaiinu aboulil be ireel] spoken *>i'. ernL'b virtie* »ru po*te**cd to anemlnei' degree ty ibo an-nt iwulbern med'clne.. "S:n mona'Liver Hegnlaior," ahlrb ia o'. pare; vf; i-iiii, i- i in-111.II.i :. n'-i ..I.'...i II.II lUc coa try wberenn AMwiae rrovluenc.'ie"m* to hai placed tbla rented; Ur Iba u*e n! nutferei* Iroi Jer ingtuf nt of tbe livtr. ltocoramending tbla illi'd i-iie. ID Ibfl j-illllic

Purchaseri should be care'ul lo lee that Ihev tsti tbe limnxK, manufactured only by i. It. ZniLiy. & Co., I'biladelpbla.


Wiaiaa'a gUuftMaf WILD LHIMIT curt* i-oii. ii'i, ru'ii-, brencblilt, whooping coogb, croup. Inlluenti conaumption ami all dliea*ra ol tbe throat, luhg* and cbeal. A0 reota and *1 a boule. icodllyr /J'tTi

^IffERS d the ... OTiiuii Bitter* Isa uieili'tlne whirh acaleva* *ull*anndll*lelt,lhnrou|hand benign, lie- le ret'ilivln* liver dinorJer, ll Invigorates the

leebte, cnni|uer* kidney aad bladder cumplalnta ,ii» i'i'iivalt-..-»"i-u ol tboaa vaaoei r.-iiinm dlteaae*. Moreover It

tlie grand ipecldn for lever and ague.

COKE!_ COKE! A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

THE LAWRENCE GAS CO. Ie atilllag CWtl at tba following prleea:

Per Chaldron of 11 bolt., delivered SB 00 j « 7 « ■■ IM Per bar re, " « J* Order* matt be left at the offlee of the eompan;

No. 303 EaeeteL.and tbaCtke paid lor at the lime tbe order li given.

orrics nouns: 0 a. m„ to H ai.. - - 1 to 7.M n. m.


Homelier- BiiUr* are to d by A. P. OHDrVAY ft CO., Apolbecarif',

Cor. Kmci St. ami Broadway, Lawrence.



Iaoaa»y*«^-a^>ertav* ipacial pre- aertatloa of aa •inlaaal phyaleUn.—The onlr Ml%. Hi!f« and bare MeS rl.i*. (or the p ■• LIST rat act rat not caaa.

~ ■rar*. Coniaatlon. InBamatlons


ROSES ITS JWaPaal WE GIVE AWAr«"J!S¥l?!3 mom ltoaea than nioai eauFuishnMnt* rrow, and ans Uie.aB|y cotKam niskina a !wPM:iAI. Daalaews ofkuaaa. Uvw Art |ju-«- llaaaea tor Uaweaalniie. Our New U*MP, t, mptw, rrwiat ppr> a-

THE DIHCEC «\ CONARD CO. Eewet.rewrrs, WeetUivvc.Cbeiat*. ^'o.l'a


[*j yy?a^js#i»g Salesroom 286. mmi Ntraal.

ivi'iy -.,..-,i. it ibe vei- t Hegoiator. ai a cure

: 11 "tn Nova


QUAKER BITTERS. WhatareQcAXEU RirTtaa? An old Quaker

remedy ihnt Itaa done more to relieve luderlag humanity lhan all oilier nedie.lnea combined.

i !■■>•■ ■■ i i. i.. i Hilter* ar* compoaed ol eooice Ruolo, Herb* and Darks, amunc which are Gentian, Narsauanlla, W lid Cherry, Dande lion. Juniper, and other berrie*, anil are ao pre- pared a* to retain all [heir medicinal qmlltlea. They invariably cure or greatly relieve tne following enroplnlnta: Ilysitepsla, Jauadtue, Liver Complaint*, Lo** or Aiinetlte, Headache*, Biilou* Aiucka, Khe m ui^in. Summer Com- plaint*, Piles, Kidney Diaeasri, remale DiBeul- tlei, Laisllude, Low Mpirltn, general Debility and In fact averyibtng caused by an Impure ■tale of the- Rlool or deran«ed rondl Ion ol Ihe Stomach, Liver or aidneva. The nunl tlnd In IhaQuaker Hitlers a gentle snothiaa; atlmulaal •o desirable in their declining year*.

Eminent rhviliisns jueseilbe Iheui, and re- commend Ibe r n«e, and |,ronnunce Ihcm Ibe beatCurefnraM 111*« *■*» ol Ihe ltloo.1. StaatSaa Liver and Kldaev. Ho one ran remain long unwell duili-i-" urtlirii'il with an loeurabledl* eaae) ariar taking a few boule* ol tha Quaker Bitter*. rur *ale by [li uggi*ts and healerttn aledieinea very when-, eod H I ■. aelT

Celluloid Collar*) and Cuffs, at Curtla's, next door 11 It H Station,

beoii coiirtiJerably aonoyed hy tbe siDUalloiivt of some ot tbe critics tbai Bbe is tbe aulbor of UA Reverent! Idol," an anonymous novel rccenMv out. Miss McLean ia not tlie aulbor of the work ami knows notliing about iis authorBblp.

Idttle Mi-. Innocent (soatcd at din- ner, to pompous old cove)—"Mr. S., won't you drink?" S—"Yes, tnv dear,

rtainlv. But mhjf Miss I—"Be- cause main:: MTB you drink like a flsb and I want to set' bow lUlies drink." S.— !!!—Columbia .Spectator.

They aal hy tbe lower of Pita, And he dm what be conld for to pliaa;

He looked In ber eje«, He heaved many tejei,

Tbcn iluck out hi* arm for to tqul-a. [Louiaville Courier Journal.

On acconnt or Ibe number of colors worn by tbe Indies tliii sesson, Blob- son Bays tliey sbould bo called tbe chromatic nex.—The Judge.

Tluil homely bnbies mako the t>est looking lnlks iB an adage as old as time itself.: but you dare not tell a mother her baby is homely.

Among those present at Itossini'e funeral w»s Auber. On returning af- ter the ceremony, the witty composer, who win eigbtv-four, observed to bis Iriend Gounod, **I fancy thin the last time I shall attend a lunetal tn ama- teur."—Medical World,

Barber to customer, who, awailin1; nis turn to bs shaved, is fanning him- saelf vigorously wilh a copy of the New York Herald—"There ans plenty of f-ius lying Around tbo Bbop , why, don't yini use one instead ol that nows- ps|>er-?" Customer—"BPCSUBC there's more Wind' in thin paper."—The Judge. \

It is annonncfil that, in consequence of tbe large number of suicides that have recently taken place from the platform of the Vendome column, in Paris, the public is no longer lo have SCCCBB to the interior of Ibe monument.

Five adventurous young men hate gORc from San Francisco on an expe- dition into the unexplored easiern part of Alaska. They expect to Snd mineral wealth, and are prepared lo spend five years In the search. They will go up tbe Yukon Kiver 1,500 miles in a chartered vessel, and then In a steam launch of their own, try to penetrate 1,200 miles further into tbe mountainous region.

Widely anr.wn. die.1 on l>r. Uinvc* .or Hea't Dlieaic, its i Scotia to California, and eoonf JU reeei itii ol tbe «ood ll does. Pamphlrt free of F. K. Ingalis, Concord,N. II- frice, CO jentt and 81.00 per bottle. PUJ sale hy drug- gista. :ilmj,M


Are you disturbed at nlghlrand broken ol your re-t by a *lek oil Id suffering and erjing with the ex. ruciallng pain ot cutting H-elb? II" an, go at once and get a uolllr of SKI. WtwauiWa SooTH- INO ;■ i in r- ll Will i. ln-M- tliu i r little luffer- er im ■>edlately—depen,I upon it; there la no mis- lake about it. There!* nut a mother on earth who liaa ever uied it. who will not tell you at onoe mat it will regulntc Ihe bowels, and give re*l to ine muiher, mil relief and health tu Ihe child, operating like raapic. It la perfectly sate to u*e In all cave*, ami pleasant tu the laalr, and Is 11M prescription ol oueol b* oldest and beal female yhysicinnaand nuise* In the United 3tale*. Sold eveij where; ii cenla a bottle.

'llii- r.i.l i..n VtrJ

■Mtow Lo i\n M.. friend, "luarfear *e alwayibave Pariiei wa» tbe riuly, "ana ily In good ti n.t'

**ca,"*ald a ladr t,, bir happy ail ibe Imer" '"

<> (luifvr loBN liiitul* iii-i kbtp in-. ■ i' aod inn When 1 am wt|] I alwai



For C*Urrh, Bay fever. Cold n tbe Head. ete. .Insert wilh ■ lllle Inters particle of the Balm lalo the noetrlli; drav strong lirealh* Ibmugh thr no.e, It will be ab- sorbed, clean* Ing and healing tbe dlieaaed membrane.

rORDEArNEOB, ppl* hpatlicle Into

.lie ear. rubbing in HAY FEVER «">«"■«'"'■ —A fair trial will convince the moat akcptleal—

ELYS' CREAM BALM, efffrtiiiiily eteinao* the naaal passages ot Catarrhal virus, caustna healthy lecrrlionr, allnyiinuiimmnllon ami li rltallon, proleolW- membranal linina* • r the head from addliloi

■iu is, comnletuly heal* the aore* and reslni, * be*en*eorta*te m smell. Beneflclal remit* trereklited by a few application*. A .borough reatment a* dlrerted will cure Catarrh. Ai ~ iiu-ehnlil remedy [urcnblln the head and sr. Be* it I* urn iiualeii. The ilalm la c»sy to n

Sold by ilrugalsti at W eea ient- will mail a package. Send

' in. HI.V.V C'llKAM 11A Lai CO., Owego ». T.

rou SALE IS Lawiancaar

, H. Whitney * (:■>-. K, n Keliry, Char. Clark J. C. A von-, at Oi dway'a Drug Store*,

aad »r Drwajarlete ajewerally. rnii'ih- a

I forDrNe-anrev.'Bo..* •■, .|44pa«w.1MU€)lilu«(raUa fais'

Addre.-. Him-hrey*1 JHs*a* trine t'o , 10S Full m Btreet.

eodlly ac9 SW3F

■Milcuoe, 285 (_'om- ": I vr j 111 i 1

BV PEDBIUK & <TOSSON. leowlrrjanB B

OlTfTHISOUTV AfiK?815iJ840„V«V W« have stores in 15 leadina Cities,

ii which (mr airrnbi ubtsln Fstrtarlra and ■

i, Pa. SenJ for

lbtaln their rara*jM*Mtf, 1'rleripiil ttlllee- M at

■r our New Calalaaar aod

M. N. LOVELL .oKSS.X. ' I y r nuir:i a

Klv's Cream Ilalm, for sale by A. P.OHDWAV **> CO., Apotbeearlei Cor. K**ei St. and Broadway, I Jiwrence

A W isa Wniii. MOM A in u sun. Have Adiii-uii j "Health and cheerfulaas* mu-

lu-illy beaet each other." There are volumes of iniiii m tin-. iilsdUlcuittolook at ibe world through cheery gla*Bu*. when diaeaaa baa set in upon Ike loins and back, and when ine liver aod kidney* are »ut oi order. Hut ohearlulness re- turn* wltb Hunt'* Btmedv, the great klaney md liver «*ed:olae, became li bring* health to tha aOllaled. Tbe aching back, the tallow skin, the liolluw eye. ihe ills retted leeitng, tha bent bod*. tne deiiiondeut mind, five way before Hunt's Kaiaedy lo Ibe bleetn of health, tha btuadlag '- Ibecbeerful tpirll, the renewed ilrcegtb,

a prolonged leate " -' lru. tl ndlo «ol viforau* life.

Allen'-, Brain food positively enrea ben aeaa, nervou* debilltv and all weikoea* o aeneratlveorgaBr. SI, six for So. All drng- BtHV. Bend lor cirru'ur to Allen'a rbarn: 316 Fim Averoe, New York. s,„i In i i.'in !■ by Hiii!... Clarke, 179 Y. aex 8;reet


For Dyipepaia, Indigeillon, Depreia on ol Sptrliaand Jeneral Uebillty, In ibelr vartoui forma; nlaoaa-a preventive agalnat Fever and Ague, and ulber lnttrmlitent F vert, ibe "Ferro-Phoaporated Kllair or Callaay," made hy Caawell, llaaard It Co., New York, and ■old by all druitciitt.ia tbe beat tonic; and fur patient* recovering Irom iickoeia li ha* oo equal. «Ilnjan31 HI a»— —

Peas CUD-LITER UIL made from (elected liver*, on tbe tea *horr, by "aswdl, tlasanl At Co., N-iw Yoik. It li IJJHUII.I '>■ pure and awect. Patient* who bale once taken It prefei It lo all uiinT-. puyilclana have deilded It aup'.rlo.' to " II v of lbs olbar oil-- In tbe market.

i ■ 11 ■. HAMI*, Fac, i' II ;■'•■■■ and Itougb Skin, cured by sslst )unlpi-r Tnr Soap, made hy Ci.,w, ii, lUiird h Co. New Yorl .


Delay 1J dangerou*. Tbouiaada die jearly from Heart DUtaxe in 111 variou* form*. A* a cer ain relief lor ibia UIMI drtaded of dltfaaci, we oiler y.ui Dr. Graves' Heart ItegnUlor, at '.0 ceali and f 1 0b per bottle. You can obtain a p imptiltt free, ireatlng on lyeoptom* of Hcait Disease, or F. K Ing.all*, Concord, N. H. For ■ale by drnggifti. 1'lni mrWeod

Cure. DyspepBia, Nervous Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Agae, FaralYiis, Chronic Diarrhosa, Boils, Dropsy, Hnmon, Female Com- plainti, Liver Complaint, Remittent Fever, and all diseases originating is a ted State of tha Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low SUte of the System.

oottl lyfatl a a

Peruvian Byrup la told by A. P. OIDWtl A CO.. Apwtkeearla*.

Uor«aTaaex St. aad Broadway, Lawrence.

TUB KIMI or TUB BODY la ihe brain; tbe stomach Ita main auuporl; the nerve* It* me*- • runei". Ihe bowel*, lb' kidney* ami tbe poir* ll* safeguards. Indigestion ereit-a a Violent revolt a<i'ona these sliinlie- of Ibe regal orgna, and io in ma iii.'iu lufk to ihet^-dnly, there is notbing like the regulating, purllvlna, Invlgomt- III.', ■ ■■. * opera loa el IjHHiv.'s.-ri-ni

80LO BY ALL DBL'UlilSrg.

WOODS i. tbutdard win* for thorn ft flattering encomium■ from Hall hou*ek*«p«r* in thaoily

ana, saaiiuianiirvvv, ur


Uluslratcu Catalotne FREE.

AUK.. U'.MCo . W.yne.boro. Pa.


Wall, Bell and A Tent* FOK, SALE

Send (or prlee [lit, giving llloelratlone oi testa and reduced price* on rutoa or at.i,.NATION*.

JAMES MARTIN & SON. 110.11* aad IU Ceaaaaerelal St., Bo*


i pageTreaii** on KvapnraMni fruit*, —^'nall who send

for~ibi~~ HENRYME'TI HVLL.W*"


kali alahlngf, kof Al

diie and sign - poll hlng,

■ Hs, Book of Fancy Alyhabet*, US. feign, Carriage, Car, Freaco and Decoratlie Palnllhg, U. J*p- anr*e OrnameDtatloa, $1. Standard Sign Writer, SL Scroll* and Ornaments (Loudo'ph) *t. Callinghaa*'* .Sign Willing aad Ola** B«*bo**la|, 7S. (t| bookseller* or by mail. JESXE UAKatT «<" ' 10 Spruce St.. (laU 110 Raaaae, M. Y.

BHI la la. WarVJ.


GROCER eod V lyr oiaiaT

D5.BUTTS DISPENSARY. 1HT it ll E B IrHt, BT. v.r.i, MO. rplTE I'll t-ii-iatm -s chaiHa of this ,,U| .n.I wrll kaowii J. aiWWbJea srs irj"!*' rrailu.i« 1,. a,-\.. ,„r sni

Cnronio*Dls*ssM bars i„..l- Itn, -' "

SUS ibsi* traaiaJMI ctrim 111.CM-i easst.


CnuiiuniTTiM,Triii5^RIiu^rii!>^r5siTrw tea.

Lrtirt.|i..t--.. i. Hui-.m b, hv«m, n.,,1,1, i,».M.i •alilril IhtM ■"! aMrsw aa iHlk»tlH. sTrsnsa. -*.ri—ff— Bssl.r. .MaU MS IS.Ir^lrw,a. Sjaaal>>«r>>aaaHbasUIB*l.s4TSSla«r. II l> aala |™-.J

Ult'litTTaTrs 'rta«a Mb'aV. it Lawls, Me.


^ORGANS T1veO«avoa.oD«^SSemRe*xla,Jrtf;A(A(oj.».

^—l-^tt §3,Baaj, Oe'arw Cowpler-, X and Mnalo, la Solid Black Walnut Caa.

Jaaacw Iftoa Top. aa_o»ora. -*J

ONLY $30. Tata 0—iw 1* BUILT OX TUB OLD fui.

27 StopsJO s7ts"R^e°ds7^90. Boon to advance to IliB. Order now. Remit by Sank Draft. Peel Office Order, or Eeglatereid Letter. Bomed aad ahlppad without a M omen fa

S25,9OOPR0FITin60DATS Hannibal & St. JosGDh Common Stock

AIIBU«I, 1881. aold at 1)1. September, 1881, Mid at 300.

An AUVA,cor 259 per ct. IxSlXTTDaia

$25,900 profit on each 100 shams 12,950 2,590 1,295

50 10 5

wllheqnal jirnportlonnle auccea* '-v our NEW COMKINATION riVHTKH ol nperatmg In itockt vVeeklyabitricloiirana^etlonsmaikdieahar*-


New England Stock Eichaage, 83 Atvlum St.i Hartford, Conn,

DepoelU received tnbhtel te check al algal. Coupon*, Dividend*, Intereat, Hot**,ele.,ea|

leetr.1 wuli prompt innlitanee. All Issue* ol (Jovrrnn ent Itoiiil* tiuri'iiaied aad for sale free eTeoatmlaaloBahargea. illy lea:


A Treatla* on theli

•sat Mi marl

(WTAURjmiMENT The Great Healing Remedy.

C ASTORIA Old Dr. PlUsher'a taaavady tot A

Children'* Complaint*.

«CCa leek m jo JOP owtn irae, Poriisnd. Maine.

r own town.\Ten ran* II ll.tLI.tTTA CO ,

Hy dels X~

Dobbins' Starch Polish. BWMSHINEr"1"™,': ismt covery, by which

every family may give their linen that beautiful fin- ish peculiar to fine

laundry work.




• /


JwOaSlr^ at home. Simnie* worth addreaaSTtanuH ACo, IT dew


Audover Advertiser, rUbLISUKD—

Every Frlilny Moriiiug-,


Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass. aUBSOBIPTJON-PoB'ftB" Propald:-

42-50 par year, from which 60 cents will bo dedncLod for ntrlctly ftclvame payment.

The Circulation of the Lawrence Ameri- can la the lareeet of any paper In the County, and more than 'ihree Ttmea that ot anv other Woekly i aper pub- lished In thin City,

- dates of al rerilt lag ai upon application.

Entered, at the Post Office, Uwrjnm Mass., lor transmission through the- malls *-) second-clans matter.

The Daily American Published Every Evening, '

(■«■*** eiNvM.)

1 UM Largest Daily In the city, vita four Ttmea the Circulation ol any


SUBSCRIPTION, In advanea: On* ear. tO.OO | Six Months, 18.00

Wban not paid In advance. M.OO.

OBO. 8. MERRILL, Proprietor.

•TEAM PRINTING OFFICE la tba larreatand moat thoroughly tut •

nlabed In BaaUrn MaaaacbmaiW. With modern preeaea, and constant addl tlona of the neweei atylea Of Type) WO are ab la to furnish the beat quality ot work, at low prioae- Order* by mall promptly attended to.



IclBv., ..leruluala, Torlel fir tie lei, Ac. J.C. A.V JHK,iM-R,M-x,,i<,r. Krsntl.*.

BL.VNK BOOK MTraurt Com- tuerolsldtaUuner, Itooui I'.iiier, lioco'allori

Vf. a*. KICK, *Ut K..ti rtlicM. BLACK SILKS, Velvet*, Cu-*h-

rutirea. Silk **rlngut, Kullunx, I.It.rei, do A. aUAUeM « CO..iid K...-, SUa-t

BOOTS & SHOIW, a full nnd complete siook, al prim* lo null the tie

P. H. iCOHlNaON.til gt»et Hti-ae Ci AMI NET MAIiKIl and Upp-c-l

J alarer. ii. r. UAii> .viin, KtMftSiran.

(BOOKING STOVES, Rang*., J S'urniie.n. »'>l i' itaenl M;itf-e Miivn


GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fa-ii- OV lioi>.|i Ull-l l'l-".;iir,;.

flllA [Milt I. IIIUM. i:..r. Kaaet. Ame.l df< HARDWARE, Tools, Cutlery

a*uil»aii<Iii.-nernl llioilvvaie. X. P. U. Mg.LVIN.fc).! felaacx Street.

MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadora) Wniltakcr, *M and IU»S»B»X*I,

MILLINERY & Millinery Goods Uataait .tcnnel «iem.tiurv.

L. II. iill.M»IIK, HlltlfBSflg Sire. t.

PAPER HANGINGS, WiOtUw bhauoa ai d FiXiurei.

*.. A. rUKK. 179 Bssei street. 1>HOTOGUAl*HY, sole 1lceu»«4

lor Wo cm lor in* Carfon l'n«i e*. MIANK Kl.a--.KI I, :(.;.! Baaeit

PLUMBING, Steam uiid Ca- 1 . i,i;r.. At

ci;\viN(i^viniNi;s,'iii.'N"i. O II..ii.i, LHimealii-, i. iki n, .-MIMT rail New linwe. w. uAui it Aco , Agaati VI Kuu ML.

PAIl.OUH, French, English and X American No to.lie..

r. W.SUM A.AKK SCO., Foal Office Block.

TAILOR, Imported and l>oni«a> A tie Uooda.

U . Uk. S NIK MOIHK, IN tea** Street. JNUKHTAKING FnruUhe*) in

ail lie detail*. > unei »l tnmr. ■ •> eealAT WA I'MtHoU-iK a PAJiSUKS HAnm. bait

UNDERTAKER ; every dntj «i)i.m milling lo PiineralaaUtniu-d lo.

M.J.Milio.NKY.UMOak blr*-*. WORK of every description, In

lltu I'mitiua linr, -icall) and c. I **(■>•; *■ AKBItlUANTjyy.CA, E OtBLOtA


4 W. HOWLAND, D. D. 8., iV* DKNTAL 8UBQEOR, ItJ Maaex BUeel, Lawrence. <Saa , KtLet aad Ua orotoraiAdmlnlitered.

COLBUHN BKO'8,— DAILY I'.U'Ki:: Ubroatoii, UDgraTingi, rrrl<Mltc«lr.suttcrtn

i'aacy Uouda. I'li.mrea rraaiud at aaerl «oUc> No. JMlK-aex Streot

DH.C. vT.8VLVK8TKB.D«Dtlit,I91 BlBBX ST., Lawrence, Mi.t. ['artirula'

iua«|)iinlio|.ru»tTTlog NatuialTceili. Ar llldtal Tuolb luaarleil. tia* ot ataet |W" " tirnfcrred . 1 ljoeU


Cor. -\*ranee • Common ttI Ba* retamed from laro|ieaad reaameo etkr

»li:n Di ula .rofeatloa.

R. 8- Vf. ABSOTr, offlce 181 It?** Sirtial. cor. Jackton. Ma-ltlentia He H**

■ «-*»!. Tl ijn.'J; D DR. J. H. KIDDER, DKNTAl, BUh

UKOK, He. 171 Baaei Htrert, Lawreee*

DKCKEU k WHITTIKK, OIUX'KKf- Crooa.'ry an,I Diana Ware- Slrlrtlv imrt

\Ji r«es,Split's and ctiolcditTeaa. The beatdi:rJ«' of BaUerandChoeae. SO Ameabur.TStreet.

EN.UARKIB, 2G6 BHOAUWAT, ol •tbe B. Hiiat Uaohlne Co. Turbine Watei

WnewU , Pulllnx ki Ilia, H'aklicra, Falliiijr Slu. k. 0\K'. auiulatori, Ac, Ac. I'hins rurnUbtiland M ill workdone. Iunl4t0


Partraltaaad Landtoapea. in In i ST., LIWUWI.

HOLT 4 CO., ICE DEALERS. Offlc* with Buf bee A Uaok.lOS Eaeex alreat, Law

renee.Kaae. aprMfly.

M IIS. DR. M .l.iniJ. baa removed U> No. 10 Vallsr atreat, nca.- tbe Common,

trr i.■!.■.'■.


l.awrenco.Miaa. Paraonal attention to allbual nen rimit

JOHN 8. GILK, AHornry, Coooaello kt Law, and Notary Public OMce removed

toSaundera Ulor.k, room «, Ltwren:e, liai neio



A i.inr ofadoaen or morn planoroite ware heuaea Will reveal to yon a like number or atylea Hi nmrtuti-nn tirn many different maker*; butauoli •relhaiaellitics oBered at theettaa- tire wareroomi ol

OMVEIt DITSON & CO. . akat you are eaalded lo Inapert and romvare all aaaae rarluua atylea,an exiiiidud ride by aide in taalr large anil oomoiO'iloiia olano room*.

l>itaon'* war roeeia are ei'nirnlly hen ted, and are alwaya open for Ibe inapection o(

V13ITOB8 TU BOSTOX. Tim arc alwara aure lo find the Inatrumant

•wanted, and you wirti to i>nrclia>e or noi, a ovidlal Imitation ii eitended lo yea lo a*Kinilnfl lb? hr^.unl il.intt olplanoa ta be round in New Knglind.

OL1VKK IH ISON & CO., 4iv Raai «i Waahlaytea at. Beaten,

afaai. oc)4 ly

Piles! Piles V. Piles!! NO ONE NEED SUFFER.

A Rnrecurefor tbe Blind. Hlaedlnf. Ilehlni «.n-.l L'loerainl I'ile* baa been dlaco*ried by Dr. WUlana (an Indian remrdy), <u>llrd Dr. Wil- llint. In.limi Pllo Ointment. A alnnle box ba* ■■Ural tba worat otironln nane* or 3ft year* ataod lai. Noonewlllaiifferllve minute* alter tijiily inn thl* wonderful anotlnna- aiedlolna. WIL- LlAU'H INDIAN I'll.fc. UiNTUENT *b«..rln

.thi tumor*, allay* ti a Interne nebing(partku-

. larly at ntglil after getting warm in ben), nnla aa a uonltloe; IITM imlanl relief, and l» preparrd

-ONLY roll PILES.lioblngoltbeprlTaieparU, and nothing elaa.

Read what Hon. Jndge Coffintiiiry, Of ClfM land.aaya: "lhateuaed arorcaoi plletuit'.

.and it aflord* me ulcaanre (o *aj, that 1 have n-ver luun.l aDylblna which gar* anrh Inimedl

«teann permanent relief,a» l»r. Wltllam'a lodlaa •pile Ointment.

Koraile brail druaglalf.'T mulled oa receipt aa* priiii\ SL00 oer hm.

HENRY A CO.. New York City.

Kor.aleby CHAItl.KHi LAIlKI.I.awienee. einli IrraugZ



SUortoat Ooean Vojafa-Oalj riyeDaj.frOM Land to Land.

and UAI.WAY to uo.sroN dli

Tbe ataemera are unaurpaaaed lor SAPETT ard SPEED.


AII' I i TO JAMESUl)ftPHT,«H3R*aex Elreet; PATBICE Ml'IIP■ I V, 3-i»Biaei atrei'i.

' or, l.F.Vi: A> AIiAKIf, Uawaral Agtati, NEW YORK, *o7 It.oadwnr BOSTOX, UAB4. PH 'LAllKI.I'lllA. PA., N. E.

-eor. HroaU aodVoeatnol St*. >a limn luWl

Chas. T. Emerson, ^kJROECI'TElCT

Booms 11. and 19, Bank Building, Lawrenoe

awrence American.


HtlllAV HUKNINO .IUI.V. 21, 18»1'.

1 lie Unilernancd lias Opencil a

CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, At 277 and 279 Methuen Street. Plllsbury's Block Vim Inrllea all theoie « he are In need of a Aral c la* a carriage, lo call ami examine hia collect ion Tun 11 Carrlugi • uro jianufaol&ted In aterrlmaok, at my own mtnafaelery, -vml are wiiuiuo

nratutat* in every paillcnlar.

ELMER B. 8ARGENT. B. A. BUIUGS, illnniiKiT. Office Hours, I :M> to H:.10 p. in




Sinn t ist and Best Course of Commercial Studies In New Kncland, Send Tor Circular to

C. a CANNON. Lawrence. Mass.



825,900 PflOFITin60DATS ll'«ntalI St. tab CaaiiaStack

August, 1881, sold at Ol. September, 1881, sold at ailO. « AUVAHOBOr 259 per ct. IN "liTTimi

$25,900 profit on each 100 share 12,950 " " 50 " 2,590 " " 10 B. 1,295 " " 5 "

Hunenl «tO S93, t-so, f.l.OOO la*r*led wiihMiial proponlnmxe *utre** : y nur NIW COMBINATION rlYSTKH ol n[ieratmg in atoek* Weekly abatraolol tranaiollonamaikillo ahaia- boldera; proflt* dlrliiau avety •Uitays.

Ki'M. iMVOtUaATIOtt H UUD tBIB. Mut*aw

New England Stock Exchange, 63 Atylum St., Hartford, Conr,

Depoill* reeeircrl aublect to check at eight. Coupon*. DMdenrie, lalereit. Note*, ale.,cc.

laclrHi with prompt irmlilance. All U*uee of Niiremnent Build, pnriilia.od and for •AM free ' immlaalon ebargea. vtlvlest




Stock Exchsnrt,

Simmon*-' Building, cpp. PottCi,lce> .18 Water Street, !Boston, Masa,

No. 340 Essex St." Lawrence ,Utai. rtu

ATTKNTIUN FAHklEKHt Any one In wan ofNralola.ahrlp will bnd it to ItMilradvua

tageto r.«|]»t WKH HILL'S I rilcl I mt lire UIIii;e 1 Ajil M'ni sin, I,

"iv iin.i Lawrence, H:i.a.

Desirahte Residence in Ko.Andove/ FOR SALE.

The well-known HomcHtead of Charles RarneH,

In Nuiih Anriorer, Ua**,, I* offered lo* tale, Tho aatita comprlaea a eommo'llone Dwelling Donteof It room*, with Barn, and about eight acre* of e steel lent land, all under good cullir*- ilnn, and well etocked with fruit tree*. In addl-

o which a Inra-e paatitra, quite near, can be parchaaed If doalred. The iireinlfCa are well idepted lo ibepurpoaeeoi a gcnilemaa'* real-

denee, In every renpeet, and o«n be In* pee ted a) ny lime by pinlee wishing to purchaaa an

aitractlteeoun'ry reridenoe. Apply lo HOSES FOSTER, Andover, H*a*., rtoC. U. BARKES, Lawrence, Mae*.

1J myiT



lnB*ea)yatm.—r*eh number tbe ipaetat pro. acrlpHun of *a arnlnent phyaietan — Taw only Siaaale. Sapeaae Sara Mad •Inaarttrtba p onla UBT ratacirivL norf. onaaa. raica.

" Prtera, OM gent ion, Inflnrantloaa ... Warn**. Vnrra *a»*jr, Wwmi idle..

M " ly.eatarT. Oriping ntiiiotui uiic... Wrra Maek>|t*. VmMlag, .

I II. *MWr'.l*«MBW. FSj-rirt iniSM«~.S|

15. pKTO!Sv;:=::::::.v.v.i,:i5 «: It&gJBJrajppfcH !

—*"», oraeat by ibe <"*-*, oi- tu _ charg-, on racelpt of n-lew

Dr.Hnaaehreyi.'Bo.d' ee me. 1144 pageai. also lit aM rate* laiat -

eoilf 1 j not


SAD ACCIDENT. MB. OaOAROHAIO Blown vp by a pre- mature Bleat In the Boeendale Cement

Quarry- OBSTRUCTION of an Eve. Ita Subeequent Removal by Bur-

Blcal Operation.

Mr. 0*ear Craiggwa* foremen in a cement tiuarryat Rotendale. run r ( »., N. Y. By an esploaion one da* la tbe qatr'f Til tort IB "Tf_ loat it toially. tinder the lapre>*lon that tbe metier waaicataeilou*. ,be local physician told Hrt'ralg that U* eye wa* not loci wholly, but eonld beaar-i Lv ire-tmtnt. The eapenment was Irted and failed. Worm remained Lehlnd, for lie war in danger ol todog Ibe other kK tlnough rympaihetle Infltmi atlon. In thl* • tinit bec^nauitro Or.Unrid •Cenaedy, ol Bond- out, H. Y . who told l.lm it B Injured ey« nun be Ukanoutto.atetbeoth«r. l'otbla ktr. Oraigf demiirred, and went back home In doubt Ilia local aain: -Oo lo Now York " fo New Yoik Hie pat net went, ami one otiho moat eminent oeuli-l. In Ih« cojm'.'y, liavirg look'd it ibe t».e, aald: "Yno base lint oie rye en- tirely ; g„ bm k and do a kit yen can lo rare Hie other " RriiH",D'. Keoaedyreaaovrd the reined eye and treat-d Mr. Cralgg »f'h "Koiwiaili . Km urn« Itemetly'lo bulla up ibe«yalem. La] the re.ult *«- aucce**iul.

Or. aeaaaflHit iremt mcce.ta** Surgeon I* .li.«i Hi tbe um ol '-farorl^ Bemud j " la tbe alter IraalmenL

Are you tioublrd with Dyapedtla, l.lierlotn plainl, Uin.liiiailnii or derangement of Ibe Kid- ney* and Bladdei? Tnen UMJ Ur Kennedy's '»B»ortieH*" 11 will not dl*aopo<- --■- nr. kfiin- .1,'- "Ps-at" " all d ruggi.U,

trorlle Ittimedi" for tale by

Or. Kennedy'* Paroriie Remedy la *old by A.P.OKH.VAV At CO., Ap.tkee.,1.,,

Cor. atiiex ft. and Broadwey, Law retire

THAMPS are worth a tlollar spiet-e In Mitliu. One "us recently sold at I l"i!i-v fur one t]ollar,nii(J put to work on a railrosfj. Tbe ■•trainti, Iramp, tramp" of llis army was expected (o put sn end to the sale of human flesh, hut similar rtporls to Hie above are often heard nowadsys. It was prou- iilily on the same principle Hint the hilior of paupers is sold in some atate.i, but if they could call their liUle locul transactions liy some otLcr nsroe il vrouid flontid less hai->h. The more vague our ideas are o their peculiar treatment of the vugruut Hit! U-tter wo shall like it.

IT IS FI:N\V to uote tbe unsnimily of tbe big lloston newspapers in oppo- sition to the reooraination of Uov. I/.ng ; they are even mere unanimous than they were in opposing liin. three years ago. The Herald hardly wants Hie flovernor to run again, probably from pure love of mischief to ibe re- publican party; tbe Traiibcript'a le- frain is that tbe reformers have no oilier candidate strong enough lo burl against Mr. Harris, for congress ; tbe Advertieer must naturally be expect- ed tu fo.low, from its relationship with candidate Crepo ; the Journal as yet Is non-commitlal.and the Traveller lets slip Its ground of opposition, hi Its intended sarcastic Article, by tbe dcclarsinn tliAtGov. Long not ouly did not write a letter lo favor of Col. Worlhington for Surveyor, but did write (or another candidate, and even indicated yet another Bl Ids second choice. Happy Bon to i; BTWI the un- ruly Traveller is In Bweet ncconl with lis republican cotemporaries, and all opposed lo GOT. Long.

Chills and Fever. Sin.m«n« Liter *.■*■•

ulaiot 1,(4111 bie.ks lae (bill* and -auiea tbe

>() M itui'iiii* fail.

Sict Headacuc. For the roller and

ureollbl*diatrea*ing affliction take Itmmoat Lifer Brgulaiur.

DYSPEPSIA.: The Regulator will peeillTely cnretbl* terrible

dlaeaae. Wea»a(rt eaiphalloallf * bet we know

CONSTIPATION •hould not be regarded a* a Iriaina aliment " 'tire ill inandi ll.e utmcat rtgtilgilly ol tba

r-l*. Theyettre atelat ly Uhlng iim.n. Li*er UeguUtor. It It tiarmlc**, mild

and effectual.

BILIOUSNESS. One or two labloapeoarula will relleT* all tna Iroublea loelilnut to bllleu* alele, auoh a* naurea d'aaineae, drdwalaeaa, dlelree* alter aaiing, a bitter, bad taale la tba mootb.

MALARIA. rereona may avoid all attack* by aeeaaiaaally illnga dote ol Simmon* Liter Begulatorto

keep ibe Liver m healthy action.

BA1> BREATH generally atliing (roan n disordered Stomach. can be corrected by taking Simmone Liter lUgnbator.

JAUNDICE. Simmon* Liter Begulator »ooneradicate* tbl*

ill*»a*e lron> the •yaUnt, leering the *kin clear end tree irom all iim'itnin'-.

COLIC. Children ipfferlng with Colic aoon experlenee

rellel when Simmon* Liver Kegulaior la *dmln- iateroil. Adult* alnu derlTCgrrat benefit Irnm thliracilicine. It I* not Dni.le.rnnt; II 1* harm- le.aand eSecllve, 1'urelr TI an.ble.

Bladder and Kidneys.

the liver fully, and btilb tbokidney* and biad r will belt •tared.

SVTake only ma OKHCior, winch alway* on tna wrapper tbe red-Z"' trade mm, ft ■Iguatnreii

J. H. ZFILIN A CO. Sold by all Uruggima.

aodfiraeuu a

Simmnrn Liy er Kegclatnr la aold by A. P. onnWAT •*■ CO.. Apothaearlee, Cor. Kmei SL and Broadway, Lawrence.

pPDS _, OUR Bent TeMtlmonutl

S.000 Betlhw Bold

Ifjol i Baa)

t Weak,;


■leery, no Anne- rTC.-lrt*i Coallye, Bl|. v • J. leu*, or have any

te of dl*. Liter,

rtomach or How

COKE!_ COKE! 1 Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

THE LAWRENCE GAS CO. I* .filing COKE at the following price* :

Per Chaldron of 14 lib?*., delivered f- 00 » " •' 7 ■• » ii$ Per barrr , - « M Or.lero «u*t be left at tna eHee of the company

No.tug Bs.MvbL.aad theCtae paid lor at lac tlaaa tbe order ie given.

OFFICE nOCRS: 7.W a. ■„ to H at., - - 1 to 7.*0 p. m.

'Hi Bars

Celluloid Collars and Culfs, at Curtis'*, next door H B It Station. OPIUMS

THE KKOLISHMAV IS troubled wiih the oivll service reform but in his own domestic circle ; it is only a reflex of what it fniagines to be Egyptian mis- management. ' Tbe Liverpool Mercury sees a great disadvantage to some one in the division ol tbe higher otlloeB among rcpreBentativss of dltlerent nationalities, or perhaps it does not see to much advantage to the Kuglieli- inan as it would like to see. To the disinterested observer it would seem that England had little cause for lank linding. Tbe assembling of people of all nationalities, in one gov- ernment, each of whom is supposed I to work primarily fur the good or the state, docs not strike tbe |wople of i this country as so incongruous, taking into consideration tbe relative position which Egypt now occupies toward the other powers. Neither do tbe salsi- ies seem lo be exhorbilsnt; it is worth something to bo obliged ta live in a country which has raised such a ciop of mums. The Mercury says that the army alone baa been allowed to remain Egyptian, and il has at length "rizen in protest." If thai is so it can upset tho civil service so thst Kngland will have a very small share both In tbe distriUution ofofllceB and in the re- form. It in claimel that when was' Khedive he borrowed money of all these nationalities and paid bis debts in fat olHces, as has been done. Is licing done, ami will be done else- where. Tbe Mercury recapitulates the several olnces ant* the salaries of their incumbents UB follows: "The secretary^jf the Kliedtw'irown private oRice is a Frencbmitn with £1,801. a year; the peruasnent neat! or the Finance Department is an Austrian with £2,000 a year; at Ibe head or the I .ami Registry are an Englishman and a Frenchman dividing 49.000 be- tween them. The director of Light- houses and bid Deputy are Englisbmeu, one with £1,G00, the other with i'1000 A year. At the bead of tbe War De- partment is* an American with £1,000 a ycr.r. The Director or tbe Police at Cairo is an Italian. Kousacau Hey, a Frenchman, gets £2,.r>00 a year as Director General of Public Works. An Englishman with £8,000 a year is President of the Railway Council, and hi* second in command is s Frenchman with £2,.r>00. Tie Com- missionarleB of the State Domain who get £3,000 a year, are English and French." Inaldition to these it is said that a large number of minor poBls, worth nil in? £60 a year, are occupied by .Greeks, Belgians, or A nsi ii'tn■'. Vet in this crisis ihe tele- graph Rays Arabi I'asba was most bitter in his remarks against t> En- glish, ami did not ullude once to France or any other power. He also snid tiiat European employees would be retained in the service SB long as Egypt requires ihem. What Egypt wants is to be let alone, and she will manage her heterogeneous government to suit berselt, mi I pay her :lebt with- out any inference Irom England ; but the British consulate and the British employees have taken otfense at some- thing and gone oft* mad. Why they did so Is a mystery, for by their OWD

showing thry bad the best ollices, but Grent Britain Is not ■atUfied ami wants to kill tbe goose which laid the golden egg.

Wookly News Brevities.

Friday. The PriMlrleot has approved lie bank

charter tsxleaelon bill.

Some 800 nr 1000 Itallana at M"W York bate Joined the atKkcrs.

Thirteen ruoolles tn Ireland will be "t-reclaimed" te-Jav under ibe hst>rv»»U>w act.

The military d«-partrneut of Weal Point la in be dlacoDllLaed afu r tbe »lb proa- Imo.

The mill and lamber yards at B. il. Holmes, at Aiteiua, Wla., W.T, burned vest iTiliv. Lose, #1oQ 000.

]!i-!i >;i Sentt oT tbe MilhodUt church, ■in-'i at hts home near Odeeaa. Delaware. •tfUMar, aged eighty yeara.

Ily a railroad accident near Uoacoer, viaterday, nov ami si'teuij-elghi persona were killed sad between iLIrl) and flirty lijurvd.

The Natlck mills, a portion of iqe Spngue pnp^rtt In Iftode NIBDU. were ■old )«iteruay by auction, the propeity hei1.1! bought rty the ayudicate.

'Mi- alesmer lied Cloud, of SL Lonlt, ■tract a cntB when on h"r way to full Urnton. Seventy paaaengeis on board eacnped, lint the car*,'" Is a total lose.

News la received of the drownint of K Ii. l'ond, noe of tbe editors of tu* Tnrf, Kield and Fan.., ufNew York, while ll-!i- log In th<> Flamb. su rlvftr, .a Hie upper part of Wlrconaln. • The St. Louts sou S- Paul Packet Cos , 5l«airr>r* Hi'l'i-, Lacrnaae and Northweai- ero and barge Lucy llerlrnm were horned at St. Louin, last night. Luaa, |2o,000; laanrsBee, |i7,ooo.

The republicans of the 5.b Hlnneaols dlatrtcc oold not agree, him: mncon- v ;ui| ii to a tent Bid nomin- ated Kmi'i: Nelson for <""iii;i-esi. The r- -I l-i liruneil i:. I!,.- Lull .■,,, i i;i:, ,1 William Kindred.

Tbe lalcat accounts from tbe •eeoe of the catastrophe at Tciarker.*. Ark., state that Ihu total number of victim la .-il- EiialJd at I rum Hiiny-tlvt- tu aetent>-rite. N ttii'ii'iu peraoos bate already been taken from tbe ruins, uturly all d«atl or ttyliiK-

A mob of Germsus, friends of Pring Meyer, murdered by H. C. Brown, Mon- day nlcht, made an aitsck npon the fail at Los Yugaa, N. M., last night, fortbe pur- pose of lynching Blown. Tbe guard* tired npin the mob. bad'y wooudiDK font of ihem. Two will die.

Tbe Pennsylvania lnd< pendents bate declined the eiimpromlae prn;io*|tlous of the repuDllcan aute eenirst coot'nittee, and declare ibst the only ba*la on whit h ilit-y will unite mm lii«t aulwarta Is the withdrawal, f the csadldatea of each fae- lion, and a pledge from the caml'daiea thus withdrawing tbat :hey wilt nol ac- cept a renomluniloo.

Saturday. The Iron woikers' strike In St. Louis Is

atsn -nd.

The Tariff Commission headquirtrrs \, at Long Brauch.

The eductlionat convention at Sarato- ga baa sdjourmd sine die.

Three Area la New York city laM night destroyed property valued at 4)310,000.

There have bees 131 bo»lneaa failure*- throughout the country dailug tbe past seven days.

There was a long and unseemly wrangle n Ibu Ilonxc yetteiday, or ei tbe Oaifleld

doctors'bill. John Bright has lealgned beoaaa* be

foulil nol sapport the Egyptian policy of tbe Government.

It is reported thst 2000 persons were msasscred in At. zandrla by the mub, who ant tba cliy on He.'.

Sixteen counties and elsht cilice In Ire- land were "proclaimed" yesterday under the repression ac>.

The French Circle of Boston, calibrat- ed at Youig'* last night, .he anniversary of tbe! ucMon of the Basille.

The Grand Jury specially convened at Washington In the aUr route cases, has tailed to Oml any new loalcicienU.

r.lx bosineos house* ID Dayton, Wyom- ing Tmrltory, were burned on Thursday, emailing a properly loss of BSOO.O00.

The striking freight handlers In New York fiel tiioic confldent tbsn ever of an early and favorable tut initiation of ibe strike.

lion. s. N. Aldrich or Marlboro', hss been elected President of l!ie MaaaBchu- aetts (>rHrel railway, vice n-llot. Bout- wc'il, teslgued.

The Btlllsib house of commons psased i lie first, second, tnird and fourth clauBra of the Irish arrears of rent bill yesterday, without s divUlon.

The Internal Nevenue bill wis taken up in ibe Senate yesterday, ami after a two hour*' speech by Mr. Bayard, the Sensiu went Into executive snsalon.

Tbe freight handlers on a strike In New Yolk and J.rsey rii.v are Jubilant lu view of the Insbllity or the railway compaoiea i ■ ret tin. men tu take the places of the strikers.

There I* reason lo expect that s Repub- lican uuorum of IICUBU members will be i.r ■-■■ nt. on Tuesday next, when It i- pro posed to bring ;.|. certain conleattd elec- tion esses.

The committee of the French chamber of deputies Is unsplmously in fhvor o! granilns s nsvul credit, Tbe High*. Hon. John Bright has res.goed hU position in the Biliisb cablaet.

The (.rand jury of the District or Co- lumbla, which wss convened for hesrlug additional evidence In tbe star route cases, reported to the court yesterday that tbey bsd been unable to find new ludlutmenis, and were discharged until next October.

AJonuay. Mr. Painell, tie Irish sgltator, la

broken In health, and Is lo spend some months In tbe Swiss rnoBntalns srlilt a view of regaining- bis strength.

Mr. F. R. Pond, one or llm editors or tbe New York Turf, Field and Farm, re- ported by a gnlde to hive. Iiern droa'nud , is elite aid *ell at Ahbolnford, WH.

Tbe entire business portion of Colfsx, Wyoiulrg TenlKiry. baa bi-en burned. Ifity-eigbtbalioings In all beit.gdei!ruyed. The loss of properly will reicli $250,000.

Wliilsm Pier:e, proprietor ot silvery stable at Bisdford, committed suicide yesterdsy by taking two ounces of nuda- iiutn. HI* age was 40 and be ,eavca a lamlly.

A very barbarous duel ws« fought In Luuenhurg county, Va , leal Friday even- ins, between losi-pb Ad<ilsou or lisltl- more, who represents a large manufactu- ring huusr, snd Ulcharil Oarlsnd, a prom- :n*'iil Vit -inittn. Itgiewout of a love affair. Addiaoo la n.-mved to be fatally wounded.

Cyraa Thompson of Concord attempted to jump from the teatral freight engine wbil.s the train was in motion at Thorn- ton'* Saturday noon, lie was throws under the cats snd badly hart. He wss brought to Concord, sud '1.80. Both legs were cut on sud Ma body otherwise lisd- jy bmlstd.

The United Slates senate oa Saturday ps*srd I be pension sppropi Itn ion bill sud tuslattd upon Its aiuendmeuts to the river sud harbor spptoprlstion bill. Tbe house in -i. - out in i ' d In tbe senate** auieiid- ti.enss lo iin- Hfer aun baibor bill and iu- slsied on its dlssgreemeoiwllh the senate on the leglslstlvr, t xi t-uilve sad jsdklal approprlailon bill.

Tba dud body of Alfred H. i'esss, tbe plaulst, who has been myslerloualy mla- eiug Mint last May, has Lean discovered la the morgue tu St. Loals. A man fell desd in the -iieet last Thursday, and * veidlci ot "desih from cor-cosslon of ibe brain, superinduced by Intoxication," was

i rendered. The body was afterwards fully Identified as lhal Of Mr. Pesae.

Shot JllMaHf

At about ibre.t o'clock Friday morning,

Henry Bulgier committed suicide at No. 175 Union street, by driving a hnllel through his brain from a S3 calibre, five

barrelled ravolver. For over s year he has been MiflYrtng luteasely from dropsy

and repeatedly avowed the iotentlon ol* killing himself, bbl h'f relatives paid little

heed to hi* coutersaiion lo this dlrccllon.

A few days ago he purchased tbe revol-

ver with which he committed ihd kulctdal act, aud oa Mouday told one of blss^na thai be wss feelfny woiae than before, and that if hi* beslth did not suou 1m-

prove,*he would shoot himself and end a lifeoi misery. He ictl edTnoradajJeteuIng

al bis usual bour, deeping wiih auephew. lie was very resileM daring ihe night and

• hurtiy before three o'clock lu Ihe morn-

ing hi* nephew heard him leave ibe room. He went Into tbe kitchen adjoining aad

.teasing himself tn a rocking chair. Brad one barrel ol tbe revolver iulo his bead, placing tin! ttiLzi'e of tbe weapon at ihe

centra of his forehead. Tbe unlghbor-

bood was speedily alaiaud and tho police uollfiuil, medical examiner Howe also be-

ing called. Death was almost Inslau- lantous.

Tbedeceiaid wss a realdent of Law- rence B'IOU1 IB years aud was possessed or

considerable property. He waa or a pe-

culiar disposition and lived away from his

lamily, conaUilitg of a wife and two sous.

Tor years

Crushed by na Kiev*.tor.

Johu Broomheed IS an employee la the -i'luiilc- MILIII ur lira o'd Pacific mill.

Ou pi May, lu toe discharge of hi* du- ties, he Went on to tbe elevator lu the

weave room, and fut bl« rigbtbandou

the Iron rod that nun* It. The rod csnahl bis hand ou the cross beam, sad terribly mangled his flugera. He was

extrlcitetl rrom his poslliua, sud taken to Ilr. Chase's i HI n. The doclor did not

Want to touch )>, as the I igers would

have lo be BBSpuiated, ao he was takes to the Msasacbttasita General Hospital,

oa the 11 oVock Irsin. Mr. Broomheed ban woiktd but a short U-ue \„ this mill.

and a large family I* dependent on blm for su;i(ioii. The ca*e la a hard one.

A Furious Runaway.

Thursday uotnlng, a grocery team be- longing to Biaby L Co., of Aodjvtr, waa

being di;v>-ii along Broadway toward Ka-

sex »imi; When sear the railroad cross log ihe horse becsmu rrlghteatd aud ran

sway. la tho wagon was the driver, and

Cbarht* June*, a young man belonging in this eliy. The hoise becoming utimauai;- able partially tarned Into Kasex Street,

but rau Into a po*t lu Irnul uf Ordwsy'a drug store. Tbe horse fell, bat was not

Injured. Singular lo say, tbe wagon was not damaged, but both young tneu were

thrown violently lo Uu ground. Jones

wore a new suit, but when be picked hlmaiir up, nn ana atnnld hgy* fcnowg

that the cloth had ever been made up at

all. His clothing wis torn lu raga, and

his legs snd body were badly bruised. His companion fired better, escaping wllb a few scratches.

Another Victim.

Chrialophar J. Drumraond, aged 8 years, who was wounded by a charge from a toy uiaiol. on ibe Fourth, died

on] Saturday, at bis pareuU' realdBUce,

No. 114 Jackson street. Tbe Immediate cause ot death was lockjaw. The little

ellow was a remarkably btlgbt chili), aad bore Lis suffanngs with satuulahlng bero-

i-ir. This la the second victim of the toy pistol In ibis city Ihi* y«ar.

Mr. S. M. Siedman has relumed from the eye Infirmary, ouch Improved.

- Apoiiiit. oi ihe rod or Ibe lower

Pjctfic mill Is beloe; roofed by Ueo. W. Horn.

— Mr. J. II. Bui'eiO, Id haa purchased

tbe Interest or Ur. W II. Damreu la the

^saex House, and has Is'ten posseeaion. Mr. Kimreu U still quite III, bat Improv- ing.

The drygoods clerks nave presented

Messrs. E. V. Cress or It. M. Cross* Co., sud J, C. Hunter of A. T. Slesroa * Co., each, wllb a box or cigars la ricofinlttt a

or (Mil seivltc* In securing ifaesuccsas

ot Ihe esrly dosing movement.

—A lew days »t> two gentlemen, t uit-

a M men on Essex street, whose troth

can bo relied upon, went up Into New Hampshire- n i w wiles wllh a team, and

la a s-iill pond caught several pickerel;

weighed 4 lbs., and another 8 8-4 lbs. Giod fishing that.

-Qiltu a number of store keepera. ithuut icgnnl to class, have signed a

paper sgreelng to close their places or

business every evening except Saturday, and Friday of psj w ek, during the

mouths of July and August. Tbe clerks ess now et.J >y ibe pleassot evenings

summering uu the river, or aours one's froni dooi Step.

—The ol I sdage again, two sides to a

story; the family supposed to be Impli- cated In vfae dWchirge of n servant be cause, ss was alleged, lbs*, she was a

Catholic, dmy emphatically, that tbe question of religion hid anything, direct-

ly or Indirectly, lo do wllh the change,

which was occialonrd by other and alto- gether different causes.

Saturday .iflerooou, at the Manches-

ter Unity picnic, at Smith's Grove, Hag- getts pond, there was a three mils walk-

tr race, In which Joseph Fly tin of this

y won, beating Hugh Kelreu of Lowell. Flynu la becoming q-ille a pedestrian,hat-

ing r ncceed-d In capturing several prlxes

at receui walking matches. $7 was the prize he took on Saturday.

—Last week, the recently elected o'-

(Ic .T* of Keirasrge Encsmpmeot No. 30,1.

OOF, were IbsUlled by D. D. O. P., C. B. 8rilth sud suite. Tbe (.Ulcer* were

OA follows : C. P., J Jbn 8. Tapley | II. P ,

IC. Foster] 8. W., J- C- Nash; scribe, E. E. Btancb; Ireasurcr, A. A. Sanborn;

'., George Marsion. A f Isll ws« paid to the SL J.nne* Cafe, whore Ice cream

and other refreshments were served.

—Mr. W. C. Duherty, late local electri-

cian of '.he lloston and Northern Tele-

phone company, has opened tn otMce with

A S. Bunker, No. £88 Common atreet, sud will hereafter devote bis attemloa to Introducing electrlcil spparatns lu shops,

stores, and private residences. His bssl- ne»* will prlnc.pally be, tleclilcal bell*, door pulls, burglar alarms, annunciators

and electric fixtures for ilgbllog gas.


A son Hurclarlaea his Km her*. Saleoa

About 8 o'clock Monday uorslng utl-

cera William Sullivao aad McUonell heard the nolaa or a .scual i on Franklin Street, snd gjlng thllhwr, fouud two

young men named John Itoherty snd EJ-

ward Corcoran pummelling each other In ibu most approved atyle. They were sep-

arated after a struggle aad were takes to the police station, lighting the oftlcers ibe entire distance. After the arrest the o.r-

ficera weoitotbeanUN* kept by Uohsi-

ty's father, ou atasex street near Ilroad- way, and found that It bad been broken

the money drawer rifled and a lulu. quanil'y or brandy sud -ther liquors

at-jku. Mr. D.ihi riy was made arqualot- ed with the condition ur affilra, aad gu- ing to Ihn pilice siailou Ideutlflnd among

the colna luuud ii bis son's poeaeaslou,

certain pieces which he knew to have beao In tbe money drawer when 'lie place

Wa* closed Saturday night. In the police

court Monday Corcoran and Doheriy were each Due.l si and cost a ur lo days hit

dmnkenue.*, snd fi au.. obt-baif tbe

co-ita escb fur aoaimi. Tbe case »I bui- glary was not called.

THE aUHAataTaw* aanaWsati »PiUCK.

The anuual exeursluu or the Old Resl- denie, seemed at 11* utari to be doomed

to an uncomfortable day. yet some ten car loads o.f tbe clu's "old foika" were

embarked uu ihe Lowell It. B.'s special train lor lbs Irlp to Juniper. Bufore

reacblog Salem, however, the sky waa sfc

bright a* eould be wUlnd, and ootblig

waa left to msr the day's pleasure, aad a

day's plea*ore II evideully Waa to each and every one t:i tbe excuraloalnu. At

tbe Willow., from baifpaat leu until tbe

time for departure, tbete was< a constant rjund of merry making acd dsnclng, bathing, roller aksiiug aud boating ware

ail givan ■ trial. The steamer Oaa. Bart-

lelt msd« occasional trip* about thti bay,

sud a number or the party enjoyed the

dellgbtrul sail she afforded. Hut a single accident, aud lhal uot si all of a ««vere

nature, marred the day's etijoymeat, and

shortly after seven the parly were rt-em- birked sod safely landed lo Lawrence, afuir a two boar*' ride. With the excep-

tion of the tlieaoine delay in starting the

train ta '.he mutning, everjihltig wss carried out lo tbe smootbest manner pos- sible.

Maasacuuaetts Mortalliv.

For tbe week ending July ft, tbe whole

number of deal lis reported to the slate boaid of b'.alih. lunacy Bud charity. In 87

cltlea and towns, was :i3fi of whom 108

were or children auder S years of age.

Ibe week previous the latter mortality numoerud 180. The mortality from con-

sumption and diarrhoea dlsesaea la treal- er '.ban for ibe previous, rrom whooping

cough, scar tot fever and eryslpelaa leas;

no noteworthy cbaagea |u ihe other dia- 'iii-"- Death re<«* for weeht Boate*

18 64, Lowell 12.118, Worcester 18.73,

Cambrldie 0 88, Fall River 38 59, Law

rence 31 18, Lyua 17.88, Bprlngfleld 13.47

Salem IS 88, New Bedford 18 U. Somer-

vlll* 6 34, Chelsea 1100, Tsoutoo fl.8l Glouceslei 34.11, I Intertill I 16 84, Newton 13 38, Brockton 16 M, Newburyport 7.67,

Fitchburg 39 84, Maiden 34.(it. Tbe toUi

death rale .'or thu week was 16 61 against mi'.) and 1317 for tbe previous iwo Weeks.

Ksiates of Married

A sUtuie passed by the last Legislature.

and taking iffect July lit, Is allracllng

eooaidersblo attention among ihn hanks,

and Is likely to add nutirlally to the bast- MM of the Probate ctorls. Heretofore on Ibe deoesse of a married woman, sll

her personal property sad estate not de-

vised by will, has descenJed lo her bua- bsnd. The new statue. Clasp, ill, tt

provides thst only one-ba.f shall go '10

ibu husband, and Ibe remainder Is to be

distributed among her lineal heirs. There-

fore If a married woman bra a bank de- posit, s savings bank account, or a life

lueurance policy, one-half sue* to tbe

cu.baod, while Ibe remainder goes lo her children or next of kin. The law re-

quires the appointment or aa administra-

tor, and or guardians for children, If

any, which will add considerably lo the work In the probate offices, as the

number of murrlid women with smalj

bnnk and deposit accounts I* quite large.

Cricket. # The Arllagtona aad Z agarl clabs play.

ed st Andover Saturday, the runner win- Slag, receiving the bat nod ball a warder1

by the promoicrs or the picnic. The score follows:

ABUMUTOSS. amllb, b. Fuller Suieaaon, runout l.iglihBW, U.U'llBlr Btrron. e. Maril^b. k'ullar Wllilnaan, e. Wsuiva*. t> <> Hair Caekart. b. rtiller Barnea, ran out luhsr.


'. bFaJtar L-aa(iaa*r«^-.i

Total, i naoaai.

Weiayia, out Oillll.lun. b. U.H'kui I il-..M-, b. CocAntt ' .'il oi. b.Cockort Uate. b. Ctnknrt C* hraa-, c. fctsiaet, U SaUlh tiath, b. Ciickurl Winks, b. Uutkurt U-.te, e, LVwkort i-'uii*-j. b. Bmlih Hue, Mm out

Ban Lea iiye ■ Wblea


Saturday afternoon a crowd or about AOOtoveia of cricket from the pcuirai Pacific mills, gaiberad at Valpey'a grave, iirsth Ltwrent e. to wltotsa a game tw -

tween the suction men or Noa. 4 sad ft waave rooms. Wickets were pitched al

two o'clock j tbe game consisted of two Isalnga snd wss won by No. 4 section

men. A alight Bcctdant happened to the

cup bearer of Ihe party, who got Into a "bsd pickle," toward* the does of the

game. A horse employed Is bearing re< freshmeaU waa thoughtlessly struck by a

loaf of bread and rau away through ihe wood*, tail when found was almost en-

tirely divested uf the harneag. The scor. MlOWi:

riuar I as laos. Ml. 4 BOOM.

A. Harrington, tr B. Mancbssbrr . t t. AckiMjd, ti. Vf. Hogg | i. UnlliDtc. c. ami (.. W. Ilagg « IL Newton, 1). B. Ham oe.te. a ItublaBua. run out f Kiminii. b ManuiMaler b nipdea, b alsaetwatcr •

— Couuty commissioner Colby recently paid a to Lawrence aod In his paper

"Valley Visitor,' writes u follows of a most common and pleasing scene lo be

wlinessed here dally; "We have noticed Is Lawrence whit we have seen In no other piece In ibis county, that many working people have their nooning* on

the Common, lo the shade ot Ihe trees, where are busts aad grassy plots for the

picnickers. We suppose tbem to be fac- tory operatives, having homes l MI far away lo be reached for dinner. We saw

perhaps twtnty group* vf them recently.

some would bo father, and motn.r

and children\ la ott-rs children alone; and Bgalo slugltt persons; but lu eachcaae

the tin palls, the baskets and ll.e cais, Were supply lug ihe edibles, and Ihey were enjoying the Ir.-e grounds, snd the tree

air, utiller Ibe maples, which seem to be

tbe fsturlie trees. They seem lo be hap-

py ; and ihe manner or their dining bsd a touch of rorosnee thst was pleasing."

Dr. 0. 8. Howard or Ka|.,,,. N II , «

graduate of Dartmouth MedlcU college, haa now permanently located here, having taken tbe ofilce ao loog occupied by Dr.

Lamb. Dr. Howard was ssslatant home

physician to Deis'li's dispensary ooa

term, waa lu the United Sutea service two aad a half years, 6 months at Wll- It it* point, IVJO yeara at Lowell General

Hospital, sud 14 yean In socseaarul prae- l.ce *t Salem, N. II. He comes here high- ly rtrcommeoded. He alii reside In tae Drew house ou Gsrdej streeL

— 8433.00 and expenses were rtalind

rrom SL Patrick's church picnic, July 4vh.

Tbla sum Is Isrge and sailalactory to lbs pastor and parishioners, considering the

sn/ free attraction, and atauaemente

given by ibe city. It was a strictly l»m- perance picnic, the use or Isger ard alt

Intoxicating drlaks being excluded from tbe grove by request of tbe pxstorj COB

atqaeotly everything passed off quietly

and orderly, not even a policeman being called upon to eaerciae bis authority.

-Tbe concrete wa'ks on last Haver-

hill are being tslsld.

Tout, mi a »

Smith, b. B<rriagiwi Mu«g, not oat,, Mliimii Lae, U Harrington Cart, ii. Harrington Jevsos, b. B. bariiiigtoa, I Marshall, h. Iltilllaga ► mil*, b. lloiliSsT* alanehasur, b. U.biaaoa llogan. run obt ■■- Dtl,e.andb. Ilotllaga


HO. 4 KOOH. Merrill, b llwg wilblsson, run out We-ton, c amlli.H.igg Kla-lea, a ParriHt, l> *1L .. Aikroyil.e. Cm, U. Hogg K/iblnM>n,e. slsialiali ilarriegtua, b, M.uchenur Helling*, u. and b. Carr TilloUoa, b,t,arr Nlmiiio, thrown oul, Mewi»n.aatnssl|' >—


78 State St., opp, Kilby, Boston, tsearos rataats la the United Slates; else la street Britain, Frsae* aad other rorsiga eoea- trle*. Oenbhs of the aiaiau er any rsuat rar- tltbed by mialUiag oaedolUr. &aiiga**eaUn- jortle I al Washington. So AgrsetTb lbs t'si- axl States peeMsaea su per lev feel nOta ror *4- talalng rsMata or aacarumlng ta* uaUaublUty silByestioas. B.U.KDOr.SalloitoiaiPaiearla.

TSST1MONIALS. "I rwgard Mr. Body a* one ol tba saealeapaase

sad saseasirul praetlUonsra with whses I have bad etleiai iaUfcoura*.

CHABLW MABON.CoaaaUa'iof Pateau. "Invsateraeauaolenptoya person SMrrtrut-

werlby or ssurenauaUeol sat ariag foi Ik*** an larly and fatorableeoaaldaratloa al Ibt fatsal OBea."

BPMIIKDBL'hBTB.LateCoat'r orrateaia BoaT«IF, Opt. IB. 1ST*.

a IB hundred* til raaea.

. lb •at assay palaaU, relssnet *sd exten- aoeeaaloBalty esaplo>ad the neat

"» York, rbAaaelpbt* and Waah- . I I.illlglt* yon al moat Ike whalaef

■y buainesa.ln yoarIme.and aaviaa elbarsla satployyon. Yoniatrslr,

lifeOBGB UBAPIB. Boalea.Jan.l.llBl lyff B


Ball Weakly te aad rrom NEW YOBS AUD UL*SO<>W, via LosnovtiaBHV. Ualnn Psuage |m lo »M>. keturna, SIR to I1H

Maaoad (abi*, M*. helura Tlekrt* f».

Passenxsrs booked at leweat rates toar Irwss liar ma a t, Italy, .>or**y, H* sden. IMasiaik, A*. rswhawkel'-fuuralsiirMlano.- Bsb*s, Ma**, *o,a»olyU UKMDBaSOM KkOTHUL*. hkW York, or lauaa •luarnY.tea at., or to farwea Ui<neHt,srM kWi bL.Lswreaea.

Ears FOR THE Million Foo Clioo's Balsam of Shark's OH 'uillivelr Itealorea Hie Ui arlng, and l> tba Otly

Absolute Cure tar Deaf**** Ksesrs. T.iln "11 l» aliiirarsled (row pfwullsripeelaeor mail White Shark, eaughtj* tl>* TtuWKav,

Qhlausa lahsasa

. ileaeuioaa, tk-t the remsdt was I MalssalotartbaeaUrsBasplre. Itannebr aouniveiaal lb*l Mr oter *• year* ao Onaiaaw. has ssl.tad saiong the Cbmeaa pripbi. Seat, iiixrgea prepaid, tu any addrs.s Bl III*) r*r DOtll*.

Hear What the Deaf Sari ft ha* performed a auraele In roy aasa I hsve no usaarlhly noises la my iwJ, atd

haaraiuoh bctlar. I have boea greatly benalted. My tleaina.a helped a great dsxl-lhlak aa

waSBs, U, Leg by oi.

Total, MO. ft BOOM.

Hogg. b. Ilolllnga Smith, run out lint inner, b. Harrington Csrr, I'. Harrington JspaoM, fi. TlllotMtD, b. Barrlaglor Lee, b. Harrington Marabsli, e. and h. Ilolllnga M.oi.-li vl.', I . II i ling. Hng:iii, run oul I'jrt.itl, ti.4 out Bmlih. b. Holllsga

Wltlea, Byea. Leg by**.


"III virtue* art Unqusatkasab a a. d Its eara* '« ckaraeier abaolutr, a* tba willsreaa psr- aaliy taathy, both liens niper esoe sad nervation. Wilt* at uae* te HSILOCK A iBMSV.ItlST Street. S«» Toik, SSaSS«S_ SI S yog will lecelt* by retarn aranvaSytaat llaeabU toe lu bear ilka anybody *b>*,sad be permanent, Yea

7 Day St., Nsw York. Bole Agent, for America. Sly ■)!*# O

A (lolden Opportunity Sslxed.

On Saturday 1**1, a young mss tiiimd

Lake A. Golden. unMI n oently employed

** agroc*i'*cl«rk,by mlsrepreseutatlona, It Is alleged, o'Hsdned poasesslou of one of Stowed'* best teams, ostensibly to drive

l* Lowell. During tba afternoon woid

was sent to Ihe stab's that he bad beta seen driving furiously about ihe strews

aod offlceis were sent out la search of

his). He Induced a young nan to occn, y a seat |n the carriage with blm a row min-

utes In tbe early evening and drove to No. 1 Pacific corpo.-atlon, where he Jumped

out, rtqiestlng bl*companion to hold Ibe

horse while he took aupper. Ills rrlend did aa requested, bat finding waiting for

Gulden too monotonous, he called at tbe

home for him, aud was I a formed thst no

sucu person was known there. lit there-

npon drove lbs team to Uampihlre attest, when- It was found by Slowell's foreman snd returned to thu sta'ile, the horse be-

ing ao weak that be could scarcely stand, and even now la nol oot at danger.

Diatrlc Officer Bslchelder arrested

Go'deu on Amsabury street, Sunday, ou

tbe chtrge of cruelly Ui animals, aad be

waa arraigned lu the police, court next morulog, but at his own nqoest tha case was conllcued until Mouday, he Jurats!, lug 4>800 nonda.

An L'autrateful Boarder. --ay

Some few uoutha gg? a man named

Wlllisin Lsycoek came lo ibis city from Knglaud, obtaining employ Kent and

boarding at the hou&e of a widow named

Anna Cullen. He ao lugratiited blmseli into ber cotfldence, that during bis stay

bo not only paid no board, but alao on

Thuradav l.-t he borrowed S10 tn cash from ber lo ansble hiin, he slated, to make

up the amount necessary lo aepd for bis

family, who are lo Knglaud. Friday morning bl* landlady, besi ing thst ho had

left bvwrence en i' »<n Tor Boston, had a

warrant Issued ror bis srresl snd put In

the hsods orufilcee Llbby, who went to

Boston, Saturday, ao1 with an Inspector

visited Eisi Boston, whence a steamer left for Liverpool In tbe afternoon. Just

as tbe f>i11 :ers entered the dock they eipled

Liycock going ou bosrd wllb s ticket for Liverpool In bis pocket. Ills baggage

consisted of r.,ur quarts or psaunie lltd

up lu two ban tike re hie fa. Ua waa laken into custody and brought to tbla city,

where be made a seiUeoeat wllh the landlady, sud was reltasrd rrom cnalody

tc-day, after paying a nominal floe (or Il- legally lemnving bin baggage.

The Second Baptlat church baa adopt- a wise ciurae, by rsls'ng the full

amount mc a*aty ror society expend!-

turns or the year, ending next March { a subscription paper was opened on Sunday

and the entire amount plehgeJ at once;

this Is not only Wise, but far preferable to the u tusl method of making up a defi-

ciency when the year has closed, aad oth-

er societies might Well follow this exam-

POR SALE IN MBTHDBN. f he Wall Known Ban lamia Blood Farm. aimaied oa Hews atraet, 4 ssllea frost Lawrence I row lliteihlll, it Irom tin- vl.lage, | Bill* now ■olioel. Said farm ooiiialn* about ^Saereawf lanrl.aulUbly dlrLleil into mowlag, Ullaga aad Katurisg, aud about loo nmii of thrllli,grew-

i wood,a n*ter fitillBg Urook rusnlna throaih lb* |.a.lure; an orchard ol about iU0 yanag ■pnUirsaa I <atft«B.* latu bearing, beikf* paach piiar, 11.:. * Bulldlnga nearly saw, noBiistlng of a large x atorg modern built hum wllb L, coa- Ulalng It'od rellar; bars NiWws. ealUr, all la g *K1 repair. The balltiiag* asvd sbout SO ol lin-l will be * 1.1 raparaialr il Jaalrrd. A good partof parcliaa* money oaa renal* an mortgage.

MUS. ABIGAIL BLOOU f tfiaario Mstbues. Mass.

Life. Accident and Fire Insurance.

JOHN EDWARDS * CO* Insurance Agency

B.rwMB.1. rum FOLLOWI..

OOJ\d^P-A.3STIEJS Franklin,«f Thin..Pa. Punoaylvatila. ot feaa. Oarotan, American, H. T. Westobaatsr, Naw York. Satertowo, New York,

rlnnt, llartrord. Conn, hlarldon, Caaaeatloni. Oomm^nwultb, notion, Bttawmut, Boaton. let National,

Matni'iole tna. Co., Paris. Londt t Aasuranoe, Bngland. Ooard an Aasuranoe, kfugland. Lonrto < and Latioaahlre, Kagland. Travel er*' Life and Accident of

II.11 . II .1. Cuo.l. Stata Mutual Lite, Wereealerd

THOMAS HBVINOTON, ■SU Mssex aireat, - - r,i*r,a<i

Post Off ics Boa 38.

SAUL'KL Liril.K, Piel. WM.J.BBIOB, Tress.

1 BOSTON LEAD MFG. CO. OfBee. 14 and M Oilrer Slrwst,*. Mass,

coBaonsas AXD MaacraoTifBaaa. ■i siohTO.s STAR am nit"



(itn.l* Mgl>AL awarded by lbs Uasaaeba. *Ch*rltanl* Mechanic* AB*oci*UOB IB l*tl.

Sfloi f**4 D

OR. N. B. RUSSELL. x)EiayrTi3T,

!KI7 FltANKI.IN 81



The M3»n & Bam Jn Onan & Piaofl Ci. 154 TEEl-ONT STEEET,


i, f»

■INK. in i'AKI.ntl LO, for e ••Ii. at Iff,

■ wartla. Ala*

wardl. Ths.e "nan* hare rereire.1 HliillliT UllMORI *t KVKItV O-K. of in* UKEAT WilKLO'S IN HI ^Irtl si. I". X il Mi IT USH |.,r It TBS.I ao oTuaa SMSKICSS uaossa a>vin<i ntas rots n wosrur or aicu *r avv. at iba UgBAT ITALIAN Mffdl AL kXIIIRITIO'S, recently rl»a. d *l MILA*, tt II.I h M Iba LARtiMT coLi.aciins <>, H(I*IUAL IN sritLUKNTrj KVhKliKOUOIIT TiHiK'l IIK-B after lostlag and aaasWarmg .i>ls- by aid* for aetefal Bfotalit, Ma.on A HBUIIIB re cslte-l tbe iiliLt UIKHK-4T AWakll lot Instrument, ol thlarlat*. falaloguaa, with (all dascrlpltona, llluatratioos ami prtre.FbEB.

e-Ml»Jw, m\i


LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vbsHan af rowaUal latsmliaii e*wng fiaane

bne Daray, JsWeoaa Dablllrj. Lost stsadteaa, nac.



|>awrence American.



Hoi.i> U«. fort, Governor.

Gov. I.OM. lua mode one o( lUe most acceptable chief magistral** the •Ute has ever had; why should the people exchaDgehim for a new execu- tive.

Weekly News Brevities.


Th* New Voik Greenback Slate Oon- tenimn meets el Albany to-day.

The (senate yesterday, passed a hill (or a I5A.0O0 building at Uxverblll, Maas.

TUB Maasai i,u- elta Division, bone of Veterans, waa organized at Lynn, ytater- day.

A dispatch Atlanta »>»i that See- ator Kill la much worse and lluble to die at itriv in.mi. I.'.

11 waa a disgraceful verbal .'acoin- tor In the Mouse, yesterday, htdween Hewitt end Robenm.

John Brlsiti' made a speech in the Honae of Commoim. yesterday afternoon, In re- lation lo MM resignation.

'I ' <■ [■■■I. 'fi -,..,..i, ,i i,| tin' ('.in :-(M-'1 S<

of I'll l■ ~i-1jri■ v waa i.|i.-in il yeaterday with an address l>v Mr. A Unit, art) a poem 0] Mr Prank B Sanborn.

The threatsned striken! coi.pera,paint • ■y< and plmiorer* at New Orlt-aua, baa been irwted by a f.iiii(i! ■ in■■ e, the hoaaea :■;: •■• nit; to p >t nr«l-cljss menao Increase ul AO O-uta per day.

Ernest HIK III'.T, antbor of lh« 8p*u- cerlsn avaum bf pen man a hip, bss i«dn iui-• * ■■ .■ Ifuro In,'ii,' In Milwaukee aloce noil* s l-« v morning. Tbe police be- lieve tbat be haa been kidnapped.

General Sherman and Admiral Porter do in.', wish in be thrived, and ibelr friends are vigorously endeavoring lo se- cure it repeal <tf that aectlon of tbe Arm, bill which retire* eriny oiflrere at tha age ot Cl years.

A terrible wind and r*ln atorm paaaed over the city of Plttaburg last night, blowing down* and tre*n, aorouflng house* and doitig au Immense emuont ol damage. Una man waa killed and nevera! <iHit-is Injured.

About lfl.OOO thieves and roughs paid an entrance lee to Madison riii.a*re Gar- dm), New York, last night, to see 'Tug WIINOO,' an Bn«lb<n hullv, knocked down twtnty-*evcn limes, fur A10O0, by John L Sullivan, a Boaton bully.

... ' It It irp- rf'il that a holy Kir hits bean proclaimed In Tantab, an Egyptian town ofaheut sixty thousand Inhabitant*. Il la located on the Alexnndila-Calro lull war, in'- ■. ■I'.UIT miles northweat of Cairo, and la noted for L» great Muhammudau featlvala.

Cbarlea A. BotobklM baa brought an ac ion agaluat WLIIhm J. Hntchinson. of Mew Yoik, a atock broker, rvl.'i waa et pell'd from the board a few weeka ago He la charged with acveral dishonest transaction* In disposing of atoik belong- ing to plaintiff.

The republican Congressional Cam palm Committee la about to send oat a second circular, reuilndlug delinquent of. Cce-holdere of tlielr opportunity lo volun tarlly add ibelr mite to ih.i uml, a por iton of whit 'i. i'. i* understood, will In used to defeat the Pennsylvania ludepend enta.


Tbe newsboys of Uoaton will go m * picnic to Muu'ls Oatdtina, Nahant, on Tneaday next.

Debate waa begun yeaterday ,n the Fri-rcti OhamUcr of Deputies, un the Egypliau question.

A aevere rain storm In Mies Kanaae Monday night, did considerable damage to the cropa.

Since the hot season began, aixty-focr ,-ni|i captains have died of yellow fever at different porla in Cuba.

The funeral of the iale Job Lockn nod, occurred yeaterday In Trinity Church. He waa bdried wlih Masonic honors.

It Is reported that the recent resigns tlon of John Bright nnv lead to an entlrt reconatructlon oT ths IMIL;1.-:! cabinet.

About >:'.-MI worth of Jewelry wai Mo],'ii from the trunk of one of thi gueata at tbe Ocean House, Old Orchard, yeeterday.

Tbe young child of a wealth/ Montreal gentleman waa atolen i t- bed Mon day nipht, and a ransom of f&0,OUO la de mended by the rcbb«rs.

— The striking Cincinnati bolter makers dnallr riMiiii-il mork yeaterday, tbe em- ployers concerning to pay an advance ten per cent. 1 h>- atrlLc bemo ou the "■I of June.

It baa been discovered that Oscar Good win, late ca«bler of tbe Loganaport, Ind. National Bank, la a tlefiulu-r to tin amount of 316,000. Goodwin dlaapp^ar ed some lima a?o.

■ Legal proceedlc^s were begun In New York yesurday, by tho Attorney General, on behalf of the people, to compel the railway companies, whoae freight band- lere hive struck, to receive and transmit freight promptly.

Judge Advocate General H wai in, In hl> retort on >ue petition of Sergeant Mason for release from Imprisonment, adheres to his previously «xpreaaed vli'w that the proceedings ;)f the court martial were Ir- regolar aud Illegal,

Tbe Elmwood store, a part i Spragoe estito In Providence, B. I., was sold by auction lo a private party by Trustee Chafee yeaterday, together 24fi,O0O (eel of land, ior «2U,00o. The original cost of the properly was |H7 - 000.

Twojearsago Dr. Roberta was shot dead at Mlllvllle, Mo , by Dr. Keys, who wse twice tried and sent to an Insane asylum. He was pronounced cared last wvek. and returned lo Millvllle, whore he Wis shot dead by the son of the man he had killed.

The couusel for the prosecution In thi Star route trla's. announced yeaterday Hist tin- nnv M. ULin's u>r w.,» sui.Man- ually closed, and irgumenie wli; begin to- day on the luestbii Whetbtr the evidence sin mlv aubmllled is sutllcient to sustain tbe charge o' consi.lrscy.

At a conference yeBterdSj, of Chairman •in,|ii i of Ibe PennaylTanla republican

state central committee witb the eieca< live committee appointed to act wlih him In i/t efforts tu ncuuclle the differences In Hie [isnr, the proausitlon of the In dependent leaders, that both the tickets In the fleid be unconditionally withlrai was unanimously rejected- The Came nominees tuve -on their part refused to withdraw.

THK Low WaTgs to the tortuous

channels of tbe Spick et, ia exhaling

again ita perpetual perfume, and the Duiaance promiaea to increase till tbe end of tbe betted season ; no slops seem yet to have oeen taken by tbe city government, towards relief under the recent legislative enactments.

THKKK YKARS AOO, every Boston newspaper, with a single exception, was oppoti&d to the nomination of Gknr. Long; hut big Boston did not control the slate, and the Joama'iatlc coterie did not even control Boston tbe people run tba convention, and thai, is «lia( they arc likely to do this year,—and the people are for the lit tie man from Hingham.

Tfannday. The army worm has appeared at Green-

tills, N. 8.

Th«) Texas democraJa have nominated John Ireland for governor.

Mrs. Joseph ll.sni In tte and George I crosaa and wUti were drowned In the Portage rlvr, Michigan, yes<«rday

Voorbees' drug mill and several factories at 11 , and 117 Mnloerry alreet, New York, were damaged 9^0.000 by 0; La-day.

il T. II. B-rrys gristmill. 8. H. Berry's mll.s snd Woodman A VYIug'a furniiu. fsctory at Uaxton, Mi.ii.i-, were burutd iast night.

The tariff commissioners met at Lon_ mi b at noon, with Judxe Underwood

Irmporary chairman, snd adjourned .nlll 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

The Connecticut supreme, court of er rora haa derided, In a teat case, thai women are eligible to admlasl^o is at- torneys In that S'atc, and thai their atx la no bar.

Hon. John M. Francis of the Tory Tunes, recently supointid minister resi- dent at Lisbon, Port of al, sailed wlih Mrs Vrancls on the Cuuard steamer Gallla tbla morning.

There la a prospi cl that all the Infantry of the Masaaehu»etts rallltla wilt be tqulpped Kith the white h. 'tu-t next year In season for the spring musters as well as summer and (all encampment*.

The steamer Alhambra of the Halifax line, and the steamer nhode Island of Hi.- Providence and Utonlngton line, collided on* Huntlngton, I.. I., early yeaterday mori'lng, and both vessels were consider- ably damaged, bil no lives were lost.

Tli ■ l.iiiuest In tbe case ot Lewis W iJni'-i muni, the It i-'mi man who died In New York on Jnne II, from Injuries In- flicted upon him a few nights prevloes, resulted In a verdict tliat Gu'.ermuth came to his death ot i ']■■ han^s o( sums person or peisons unknown.

Tbe following congressional nomlna- tlona were made yealetdas ; Itepnbllcan — 4'b Mlnnesotsi district, \V P. Waabburn. Democratic — 1st Florida district, It. H. M. Davidson (renomlnaied). Probiblto- rv-ll h Illinula dlsiuct, K. II. Hart. Oreenback— Mtl Miasourl district, Ira 9, Hsxeliloe (rsaomloated).

Gov. LONO anthorizea a defluite

stntement as to bis position : bo de-

sires to retire, and not to be consid-

ered a candidate for re-Domtnation

hut he lias in no case said that lie

would decline a nomination If tendered I ^.b"", "^

him ; nor would be, la that case, fsel

at liberty to refuse. This is precisely

waat tbe AMERICA* has claimed from

the outset. We believe the people

desire to retain Gov. Long in bis

present position, and now that tbey

know definitely that his services can

be bad for the asking, they are quite

certain to repeat tbe experience of

tbrco yoara ago, Ignore the advice of

the Itoston papers, and request the

Governor to serve again.

THE Itoston Advertiser asserts lhat

Gov. Long bad allowed his best

friends to understand that under no cir-

cumstances would he consent to a re

nomination; on the contrary, the

"friends" of Gov. Long have bad no

doubt from the outset, tha'. he would

wave his |>ersonal inclinations if the

republican party ae-ked him to contin

tie its candidate ; and believing in the

wisdom of this course, a large num

li.T of his friends, hav$ continuously

insisted that Gov. Long ought to be

re-nominated. It has not been At*

friends, but those of would-be aspirants

for his chair who have "allowed them

selves" to think thai Gov. Long had

an "unalterably llxed" determination

to retire.

Tug CHAI-O and Bishop papers in-

sist that Gov. Long's statement that

he should not decline a. re-nomination

if the republican party tendered it to

him, is contrary to his "repeated SB

serlion" that he would not accept.

TIUB statement has no shadow of fact

for foundation ; we challenge the pro

ductioii of any such from the lips of

His Kxccllency. Gov. Long aimplv

saiil, months ago, that be desired to

retire from the chief magistracy, and

waa not to be considered a candidate

for the nomination ; that is allogcluer

nd wholly ililtVrtiit from a declara-

tion that he would peremptorily refuse

nomination should the people ask

bis acceptance. Ilia position has

Iwen well understood from the begin-

ning, and his "fixed dtterminalion'

not to be a candidate under any cir-

cumstances, has existed only in the

minds of a few who had a purpose lo

serve in wishing it so.

A Warm in the Boston Traveller,

who suggests gome changes in the or-

ganization of the militia,—contrary to

the law, by the way,—is apparently

much concerned as to the present artil-

lery battalion commander ; a few days

ago, this purveyor of places assigned

the above ofllccr to a uew command

existing only in tbe writers fond fancy

and now he generously places a posi

sition upon Gov. Long's Btatr at Maj.

Men ill's disposal. This is very kind,

but perhaps we may be allowed to

suggest,—before some one else does ll

possibly less good natursdly,—that

Maj. Merrill is hardly complimented

by being classed as a sort of military

mendicant, for whom some place must

be provided, and that the success or

the survival of the volunteer militia of

Massachusetts may not depend on bis

connection therewith; and if we may

be allowed to speak for that olllcer

we can slate, tbat having held bis pres-

ent position nearly ten years, he seri

ously contemplates retiring altogether

from active service as a militia ofllccr


Thi Bteewt Commls-loner's Firm Con- tinue l>«ckettaie city Cash.

tw months ago w« bad occasion to

call the attention of the public to the fact

that the arm of which Street Coamli-

■-lonerO'Mahoney Is SOW acknowledged to be a silent partner, was being given

•very facility In certain departments, especially In those of which the commis-

sioner I* the head, to do work esfflcleat to draw monthly goodlv aums from tbe

city treasury, while other firms eqaally.

If not more capable, to perform tbe work, were let oat In tbe cold snd given little

chance In this respect. Doubtless

tbe street uoasaahMiOMr thought th»l after the transactions of his tret three

months In office were laid bare to tbe public view, no further notice would be

taken of his coarau, bat while tbe public u a rale, inclined to the opinion that the

rebukes he iben received wosld at least

lend him i .isu.e for his doings, a glance

at tbe city accounts fur ibe psst tbree months sbow, thai In this connection,

not In other of his dealings with tbe city

sad citizens, he Is shameless.

We are now In a position to refer, with-

out fear of truthful denial, to tbe dcalinga

of D. J. O'Maboney A Co., with tba city since ami Including April. Tba public

abould remember tbat the above named firm was hi. O'Maboney A Co., previous to M. O'Maboney's election to the office

of alreet commissioner. Since, the Aral

les, U'jiahoDey B.'os., but now figures on the books of tbe

city auditor »n;1 treasurer as ». J. O'Ma- boney A Co. Since bis accession to the

office be baa employed his own teaus to

Ibe exclusion of others, and In other

ways. It la alleged, haa nsed every means In bla power to keep tbe hands of himself

and family In close prozlmlty to th< city

treasury. However let the dgarea speak

for tbemaeives.

Daring the month of April tbe Arm

D. J. O'Maboney A Co., drew from tbe City treasury the snog little sum of 1253.

from the following department at

counts: Common, A3 00 llcailli, 9 U Streets, 281 78


An editorial la the Uosion Traveller,

enggesla, la view ot ihe necessity or re- placing the property recently deatroyed

by lire In the Armory of Beiury A, boa- ton, and tbe "indisputable fact" lhat tbe

Stats "doses not require ao large a pro- portion of artillery as at p'.eseot," that

Batteries A of Boaton, and C of Melrose,

be consolidated, a fourth company of

cavalry be recruit, d, to be united with the Cbelmaford company In a seoond bat-

talion. It Is srgaed that Boston does not

specially require a battery, and In case ol

need, one might be brought from Worces- ter or Melrose, end that a batialtoo of

cavalry Is more easily and "leas expen-

sively handled" than one or artillery. An tbla last argument ban jjst as much

foundation an auy of tbu others, and Is alwaya a potent considtration, let us look

at that Brat. The Auditor's report shows

the following actual cost of the cavalry

and artillery battalions for the year 1881: HATTALION AATILLBaT.

Spring Ih-tU. Camp. Field and ataff, B— g3&t — 300 Battery A, 1M 1638 Battery C. IM 1377 »«

Gov. Long's fault, if it be one, is in speaking honestly and Irankly, 1 laving stated his personal de sire to retire from his present posi- tion, and his wish not to be a candl dale for re nominal ion, he meets with a very strong popular desire that he retain the governorship. At thin stage, in reply to inquiries, he frankly states that should the republican par- ty deem it wise to renominatc him, he shall not feel at liberty to decline. Bering asked as to ei'her branch o congress, for which his name has been mentioned, Gov. Long answers that he should not refuse either place should it be offered him. On this announcement, the Boston Republican papcis, and one or two others,—ot course the Springfield Republican ctuded,—setup aery of "overweening ambition," "greed of oflics," and tbe like. Now Gov. Long has simply said what every other gubernatorial candidate thinks. Mr. Oapo does not disguise his ambition to be gover- nor ; does any man suppose be Is not willing to go bock to congrese, should be fail of the governorship? Or that he would decline tbe senatorshlp, should he 1-c elected? Mr. Bishop is will ing to be governor; offer bim a noin million for congress or elect bim sen- ator, and does one ol these anti-Long editors imagine that be would decline? Kven Col. Worthington,—whose pa- per says Gov. L"ng favored some one else for the Survivorship,—desired tbe latter office, but did not hesitate to galher in tbe collectorship when that came in his way. Tbe truth la, tbat Gov. Long frankly admits what everybody believes of all tba other candidates; only this, and nothing mort. ^

Justice Without Intervention. i


Uprimg Iir.ll

Field sod SUIT, •;« Band, — CO. A, 4'J0 Co. D. 343

sajftftO 342


Camp. 9394

ion 1647 $4248


93088 A difference of 11077 In favor of tba artillery. To make another and perbapi fairer

comparison, anppose botb arms are filled to maximum and wi have- as follows:


7 F. A 8 , 938.07 7 F. A 8., 938.07 IN.L',8., l.' t; N. r. -v, 16.00 3 battsrlcs. 8 off., 38 44 I Co* , 6 uff.. 28,94

In tbe Juvenile court Weiloesday after

noon, there was a scene as unusual as It waa creditable to Jadge OUe who prusld-

The almost Invariable rale has been. When juveniles are arraigned for crlsM,

no matter bow bad their previous record

Is, to place them on probation at tbe aug- gestlobortha SUM Agent of tbe Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity, or when

tbey have been sentenced to tbe Reform

School taelt* atay has been brief, tbe boys being diamiased after a short imprison-

Bunt, with tbe injunction lo go and sin no more. The result la tbat Lawrence

la Infested with ganga ol gamine, whoae

parents uke little or no care of them, and Whoso only thought la pillage. Wednes-

day, when the four burglars, two Corcor-

ans, McCarthy and Lindsay, were ar- raigned, the Stale Agent undertook to gel

them placed oo probation, although two of the boys bud before served at tbe rt-

form school for burglary, but Judge Qlle, promptly, snd with few words, sentenced

all to tbe Institution dirlng t belr minority.

The State Agent demurred in the case of one of the boys, bat when the court of-

fered lo revise the sentence sad permit the youth to remain In Lawrence, U State Agent would be responsible for bis

behavior In the future, tbe latter began to

feel Inclined towards having the si-ntencn

enforced. The public know little or nothing of tbe

course pursued by these state agents,

whose whole endeavor appears at times

to ba to Induce children of tender yeara

lo commit perjury In order tbat tbey may •scape lBcaV«rst1on In tbe state ln»tltu-

'tlona, snd more than once In tbe local

Juvnulla court have they b*en permitted

to ply their arts successfully.




i, 333.00 " 164 man, 308.00

#423.61 1390.01 413 00 173 bones, 892 00

72.00 MnuM.d band, 144.00

#907 AV 3443.00

Arm'y & Hu. 1-, 800 00 For Six Ooys

Total, 9238 89 It will be seen from the above itauia

and from the others following, tbat

monthly this firm ta,kee from tbe treaa- ary its largest sums In tbe street depart-

ment. A view oftbe Arm's Mayaccount Is now

In order, and tbe reader will see that em< bol'Jened by their success and tbe silence

of the press, their draft for tbe mootb

waa larger than In April. It Is as


Health. Incidental, School bouse special Streets,

• 16 00 4 SO

14 .lo 228 :'M

Total, A207 28 Tbe flrm's draft for Jun a la even larger

than during the two previous months. reaching the comfortable llguie of |270.- 33 by Hems aa follows i

Health, Pan per, l'svlng. School bouae special,

$7 54) 23 00 SI so

1 75 Sewer, Sidewalk, Streets,

18 00 6 90

176 70

Total, 9270 33

It will be seen lhat dntlog the tbi

months past, besides drawing blma

9300 quarterly salary, the firm of which

he la a silent partner and evidently Inter- ested in, baa taken from tbe treasury the

tout amount of 1781,62, a earn which, were be not interested In tbe manage-

ment of city affairs, would never be per-

mitted to drop Into bis coffeie. Tbe pub- lic can therefore aee Wioae nest la being

feathered bystreet commlsrlouar O'Ma- boney and such henchmen as be I as who,

nafoftuaauij for the city, now control

public affairs.

Meafther vs. llrlscoll.

The 2S-mlle wotklng match at ihe Caai

no, Boaton, Saturday evening, between John Meaguer of this <-tty and D. A. Drls-

coll of Lynn, for a purse of 8100 offered

by Messrs. Atkinson A Gilbert, attracted a large crowd and waa a fairly Inten sting

exhibition of the pedestrlanlc powers of

both contestants. Neither of tbe men

waa In flrat class condition, and the track

was quite heavy, two circumstances lend-

ing to prevent a remarkably fast record;

aa !t was, however, tbe time for the 35 miles (8h, 48m. 09*.) may be eoaaldered very good under the adverse conditions prevailing.

K ferec ICagene K. Merrill, who also

acted as stakeholder, sent tba men awaj

at 7.50, Drlscoll taking the lead on tbe

Oral lap, wlih hta antagonist close at bis heels. The first mile waa, made In 8m.

Ins., Drlscoll leading MSagber by about

two feet. Tbe relative positions of the

men were unchanged at ihe end of tbe

tilth mile, which was finished In 42m. 6s.

from tbo time of starting. On the third

lap of the severtb mile,however,Meaghar sported aad went to the front, Drlacoll

being ctoae upon him, and t-oth men for a time walking at a very fast pace. Mta-

gher retained bis slight l.-ad during tbe

next 14 miles covered, the time for th* first 13 miles being 2b. 11m. 25*., and for the 20 miles, 2h. 58m. 60s.

Tbe men appeared in poor form eboat

this time, and both had visibly decreased

their speed. On tbe 22d mile Drlscoll re- gained tbe lead, only to losi It Oefore the

completion of the 24lh mile, passing

under the wire at the end of this mile. In

3h. 38m. 5.M., Mesgber led, bat was again

overhauled by Drlscoll, the crowd ruin-

ing on the track during tbe laat two laps

aad urging both pedestrians la good style. Coming around to the finish of tbe last lap oftbe 26th mile, lbs men changed pr

altlona once or twice, but, by ao evident

extra effort Drlscoll overhauled Meagher,

and botb men came under the wire at the

aame lime, tbe audience cheering lustily at auch a close conclusion. Referee Mer-

rill declsred the rsce a dead heat, and d -

vlded tbe purse equally between tbe two men. Official time, 8b. 49m. 09s.

Klectrle Lighting;.

Monday evening In the city government,

ibe ordlnnnce In relation to electric lights was paaaed to be enrolled by bith branches convened In special session. In

tbe aldermen, Mr. Saunders asked !n be-

half ol the Lawrence electilc light compa-

ny that ihey be granted a license to urect poles and run wires. Nothing wss dOM

about the matter however. Mr. Maunders stated that the company were re-tity to

rnn '.heir wires and they wli bed the ald-

erman to go with them and see about the

erection of poles. Ou m itlon It was vo- ted to maka a lour aud to bold them-

selves In readiness at the call ol the may

Before adjourning the Mayor sailed

the board for Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.

The Mayor then asked If the board con-

aldered It necessary to place tbe company

under bonds, stating lhat the telephone company bad furnished 92,000 bonds.

Alderman Saunders said that under stat- ute law tbe company were liable for snj

dajiage without bondi. Aldermen Mor-

rison ssid If they were liable without bonds be didn't see why U ej should ob-

ject to glrlog a bond. He wai In favor of It. It was finally decided to obtain

tbe city solicitor's opinion, anl defer the matter nntll some later dsy.

98156.60 a of 81910 54 sn

. - 96243.06 Tbla shows a dlfferei

naally In favor ol tbe arllllury, and fol-

lowing precedents lor A law" yeara past tbe

amount, F. A. S., N. C. S. and band, •126.07, should be added to this, as Hd

qrs., staff and band of the arilllety have not appeared for spring drill, and as at

present situated, tbe drill will be likely to

lake place by battery. Now, we believe tbe other statements

are Just aa fallacious aa we have shown this to be. Tbe "indisputable fact" tbst

tbe State now has too Is'ge a proportion

of artillery, reals alone on tbe writer's

assertion, we happen to know that among military people generally. It 1- nol

ao regarded. We admit the great desira-

bility of a bat allon of cavalry for each

brigade; with tbe provost and olher

mounted goard duty neceaaary in camp, a single company ol cavalry Is altogether

liiNutllcitut lorcomfou or convenience,

but tbat la not an argument fur less artil-

lery, or that tbree companies of esc1

an unequal division. If (he militia of the State wis alwayt to b'j only s school of

Instruction; If we could be certain thai

in no hour of tumult or passion, lu

vices would be r quired

Common wealth; poaalbly then, the Stale

could afford to Increase lu cavalry force,

at tbe expense of the light artillery ; this

it however doubtful, especially wben tbe

Commonwealth la being at an increased

expenae to afford instruction to a regl

menl In heavy artillery practice, lo Which In case of need, tbe light artillery could

much more easily d ■ turned than Infan try. Bat In sustaining a militia force, two Ideas must alwaya be kepi In mind

the training of & goodly number of men

to the use ol arms agalnat a possible war

and tbe maintenance of a drilled force

ready at a moment's uollce, In ca<«e o:

riot at home. Massschusetts, Boston especially, cannot afford to oveilook ibis

letter consideration, and lo the even

tumult or riot, tbe effectiveness ol artil-

lery as compared with cavalry, need not

be discussed. To argue that a battery might aeasouably be brought from Mel-

rose or Worcester, Is a sorl of prudence

thai would station steam Ore engines for the city proper, over In Cambridge or

Somervllle. To insure protection In cas

of such emeigenclea aa every one hopes

may never arise, to secure familiarity with

this moat efficient arm In case of future

war, Massachusetts should never havi

leas than tbree batteries ot light artillery

one of these should always be located In

Boston, and the others, respectively, eas

and west ot that centre.


For years that portion ol Valley atreet lying between Ameabury and Hampshire

streets, ban been Infested by a gang of

Juvaulle pilferers, whose pareots appear

to be unable to restrain them, and from

tbla section, mainly, the state re'orm school at Weatboro gal us acceaslona.

Tbe latest wjo bid fair to distinguish tbemaeives lo this relation, are a quar-

tette, who on Sunday ulgiit leal bioke Into Ourdy's fruit aland, stealing there

from about |8 in silver nlcklea and cop- pers, aad about two dozen bunches of fire

crackers. AB the police have long ba-1 their at-

tention called lo this gang, when lb" «w

glary was reported oa Monday, they al once concluded thnt It was committed by

some of Its members. Carefully Investi-

gating, ihey ascertained that four promi- nent members of the "Juvenile Cracks-

men's Society,"as it is called, were miss-

ing, and where they had gone was a ques-

tion till Tneaday mornlng.wben a dispatch was received from West Newtou, lo the

effect lha\ Andrew and Patrick Corcoran, Charles McCarthy and Robert Llndaley,

boys, 'were found "breaking" at that

place, and were under arrest. They

proved lo be the chaps wanted, and an

oAcer waa dispatched to the town to escort them bere, and Ihey were ar-

raigned In the Juvenile couit Wednesday, fot the burglary which, they, no doubt,

committed, Nose of them are older than

fourteen yeara, and tbe youngest la elev- en. Tbe Corcoran boys are orphans,

sometimes under the care of an aunt,who

can do nothing wl.b them.

They took ibe train for Boston and

started out on a tramp, and reacbed New- ton Centre out of funds, but Intended lo

replenish by breaking Into some of tbo

dwellings there. The oldest Corcoran boy, Lindsley and McCarthy have served

time In the Keform School for stealing a team. Wben arrested, the boys were all well aoppl'.ed with pipes, tobacco and matches,

The Free listpnefe at Old Orchard.

A large party of well kuown cluz.-ns

and firemen left ibe city Wedueedny, on fltbing excursion to Provlncetown.

W jure tbev and.or at the dining grounds

They propose to be g joe the remain ler of

the week and have chartered the yacht

Scotia fur their trip. The parly la under

tbe management of Engineer M. K. Col Una, foreman, Frank D. Vilcey, and N. A.

Holt, of the lira department, and Frank

Emerson, Charles Flnkbam and Clarence

Metcalf, of the clllxens. The excursion- law were escorted lo tha south side depot

by n lar;e number of citizens aud firemen, under tne marahalshlp of Councilman Lt -

sane and asalstaol Ar«man Barnes of Tiger

Si on arriving at the depot they aeiected

mmber of their party to perform cer-

tain dull*-" during their stay. Tom Sbsu- sbin of Tiger 8, was chosen scrib* of the

parly, and It la expected that a glowing

deacilptiob will be given In detail, ou

their return. 8am bldebottom, Harry

Taylor and Tom Dean weie aeiected aa the committee to sward tbe prlxaa to the

beat labermen, aud Alonx) Baxtoo, Tim

Djoling, Tim Wboley and tonsorlal art-

ist McDonald, sre to look after the Osb

f.-y. A happier party never left the city.

Their return will be looked for with much

imeres'.. Volnulear substitutes will take the place of tbe absent firemen.

Smith A Wheeler's store oo Haverhlll

street, la being refitted.

A lot of new hose has been purchased

for uae on the common.

Hartley Eastwood haa gone to Bog-

land on a vl»lt to relatives.

—Oak street between Jackson and

Short streets Is being graded.

--TWentj-Bv* thousand tons of rock

hat been damped at the jetties.

—Tbe sidewalks on Ameabury street

are being repaired and put In good con-


—Bince January, clerk Towey or the

Board or Health baa collected 96 210 for

the city.

—Mr. Samuel Williams la putting four

sals of machinery, Instead of throe, la bla

aew mill.

—Tbe Clan-na Qael Society had a large crowd st t'jelr plcui-., at Riverside Grove,

ou Saturday.

—Captain Jan&ea Uaveity, of Haierhlll,

has been appointed captain of the steamer Startled Fawn.

Mr. Morrlssey la keeping the grass In

fine condition on lbs Common, especially

on the dry lands.

All tbe young men, and aome old

ones too, are buying the flannel shirts with embroidered floats.

—A Htm In this city advertises In a Ssl- day's paper, "this price only for one day.

Another bargain to-morrow."

—Lawrence bulidera have tbe contract for tbe Ameabury High achool building,

at 94,450, above the foundation.

-Mr- Qeorgj F. Talbot Is presiding at

the organ of tbe Laurence street church, during Mr. Strachau ir's absence.

—Tbe etaglog la being raised around

tbe towers to Ihe Tiger engine house. Repairs will commence Immediately.

—The contract for furnishing the l'ack- srd school with steam healing apparatus,

haa been awarded to W. F. Raiteri price •1147.

—Mary Halley wai among the delegates

to tbe meeting of tbe federation of trades and labor unions held In Boston, Sunday afternoon.

There are bnt 470 dogs licensed. where last year there Were 776. If yos

would save your canlse atep Into lbs city

clerk's office snd settle.

—And now tbu oderoos Splcket la l lading the atmosphere with Its aroma,

and making the nights a burden to dwell- rs along its balmy banks.

—Tbe interest In the children's free ex-

cursion Increases dally, notwithstanding tbe cold water thrown upon tne protect

by irresponsible parlies In tbe beginning.

—The Lowell Courier ssys that tbe

fining of Charles McBlman, of this city,

the Lowell rollce court, for obstruct- ing ihe aldewalk, has caused some com- ment.

The Lying Convict. ■

Il was natural perhaps, i bat a released

State Prison bird, who admitted tbat Le

had been Justly severely punished for

wanton and Intentional destruction of property In the prison, should Invent a

sHotj of the Innocence of his dear fellow

nisotlakes, aud of the wrrlble wrongs In-

flicted upon tbe prisoners by ibe warden

and It waa bomewbat aurprlalng to see

this published with nu editorial endorse ment and bit at tbe "brutalizes" Inflicted

on tbe prisoners, solely ou the strength ol tbls Jail bird's say so. Tbo Boaton

Herald has Interviewed Warden Earte, aa to the tale told the Lawrence single re- porter by Jordan, alias "Topay,'" the re-

cently discharged colored convict, aud he

ampuailcal.y denied the statements

about tbe alleged cruelty to prisoners during the Ute prison rebellion. There

will be no question In tbe public mind, as

to believing the woid of Warden Eerie as

against tbat ol so notorious a character as


Another New Industry.

Another new Industry, that la new to tbla vicinity, will b-s Introduced here soon

by Mr. L. H Downing, tbe well known

dealer lo rubber goods. Tbe rear portion

of bis store baa been partitioned off, leav- ng a room 20a50 feet. Here he will soon

commence tbe manufacture of Indies' and

gents' gsssamvr clothing and light rubber

wares, having seenrtd a full complement

of machinery necessary fir successful op (-ration of the business. Power will be

furnished by a two-horse Oito gas en-

gine, manufsctared expressly for Mr. Downing, snd when In full operation tbe

business will give employment tc


Struck osi the Head-

Wednesday morning about 7.80, carj

penters were engaged on the first floor of

the new Pacific store bouse, heaving heavy planks Into tbe base-sent through

a hole In the floor. One man very cart

leaaly did nol look where ke waa throw-

ing, and the consequence was, the*. Dan- iel Sullivan, a laborer employed In the

cellar, wai struck on the head by one of

the large planka and knocked to ground Insensible. He was picked up

and taken lilo the office and conac Ions-

ness wes restored. It was foand that be

bad received a very aevere blow just

ever the right eye, near thu tempi- wbicb bad stunned him. He waa taken

to his home, 344 Oik street, and a doc-

tor wss called.

Insolvency Proceedlnsia.

In the Insolvency court lu Ha.era,

Tuesday, an order was received from tbo supreme conn, not lo prove any claims

In the cue or W. II. U. Kelley or Melfau-

en, until farther ordure from tbe court.

In this case Mr. Kelley lived In New

Hampshire, but did builoeas In Mathues,

and made application for a wsrrsnt In

Insolvency after he bad moved 1 o Methu-

en, although the debts were contracted

whil* be wis a resident of New Hamp- shire. First meetings were held In the

cases of George F. Gate of Haverhlll, Jus

tin B. Bradstreet, assignee; F. A. Wed-

ger A Co., of L ynn, Frank Knox or Bos- ton, assignee; William H. Kebew, of Sa-

lem, Charles Sewell or Salem aaslgne'e; Graffsm A Ooaa or Lynn, William F. Noo-

ns n aad Frank L-Beeker of Lynn, asalga-

Assauli with a Knife-

BUY Baesh's Wash log Boa.

The Ocean Park, lad out hy the Free

Baptists st Old Orchard beaeb. Is being

rapidly built up, and the summer met tings Increase In attendance and interest; for

tbe present season, extenslvo arrange-

ments have been made, and large num-

bers will congregate, ample provision being n.ade for good hoard at low rate.

The assembly meetings have been ar-

ranged from August 9 lo 31, Including a

woman's convention, laymen's congress snd Sabbath School Institute, and the

beat apeakera In tbe deoumtnsMoo will be

present. These gatherings will combine

healthful recreation with good Inflaeoce

snd economic expenditures, and are rap-

idly gaining Is favor.

While a man named Patrick Bands, snd

bis wife were eating anpper, Friday even-

ing, they failed lo agree on some topic, snd Patrick becoming enraged, threw a

knife at tbe partner of bis bosom, tbs missile striking her under tbe left eye,

cutting n large gash. Dr. Chamberlain

dressed the wound, and the husband

would have been arrested bed bis wife not refused lo maka complaint against him.

Civil Court. a

Tbe following cases are la order at the police court civil session to be held July

35: No. 201, Blanchard vs. Burs*.

No. SIS, Moebei va. Moore.

New entry, Fox va. Msddox.

Mew entry, Kesilo vs. Hnis.

- Union servlcFS at the lllot churoh oa

Sunday next.

There sre now 22 Inmates at tbe In- dustrial schojl. Ibe largest number

there at one time waa A3.

-Mechanics, labuera and teams are

employed nlgbt sad day ou tbe t'aclflc

mills alterations. This appear* to mean


—The pollen court has no charmn now

for the Jury or loafers. Tbey meet on the common as usual but ere bully engaged

In discussing tbe Eastern war.

Mr. George A. Llttlefleld, of Boaton,

formerly superintendent or schools In

this cli v, haa been elected superintendent of public acbeola at Newport, It. I.

Two boys claiming to have bean Lawrence linkers, and who say tbey went

to Salem to try sod get a job with Ibe Barnnm show, waked from Lawience to

that city Monday, and spent the nlgbl al

ibe police station.

At an early day expeits will examine into the condition ol the Dnck bridge. It

Is proposed that the bridge builder of ihe

Boston A Maloe railroad, Mr. Morris Vnowles and Superintendent Flanagan

shsll make tbe examination.

—The gamin la making his annual lour

or the npple trees. Stones arc frequent- ly thrown Into yards where children sre

at play, snd It would not be a bad Ides

for the police to make aa example ol

aome youtbs sarlj.

-The Continental nnrserles company,

or Rochester, N. Y., have through their agent In this city, Mr. Joseph Dyson, do-

nated an Austrian pine u the Ladles' Union Charitable Society, to be placed In

ibelr hospital grounda now being graded and prepared for flowers and shrubbery.

—Andrew and Patrick Corcoran Charles McCarthy and Robert Lindsay, tbe Juve-

nile .burglars, were brought to tbls city

Newton Centre, Tuesday. The}

prove to be old < (Naders, Wednesday In

the Juvenile court, they were ssotecced

to the itfjrm school duilng minority

The contract of patting In the stesm

healing apparatus -for the Packard school

which was swarded to W. F. Butter A

Co., was given to tbe above Arm over five others, at a price of 91147, which waa

n>t tbe lowest bid. The heating will be done by direct and Indirect radiation, and

work will begin next Week.

Tbe citlxens me responding promptly

and substantially to the call fur subscrip-

tions towards giving the children of the

city free excursion* this summer, as here-

tofore, and already over #000 has been guaranteed. There Will be two excur-

sions, botb to Smith's grove, Bsggetts

pond; tbs first to be held August lad. on which occasion, the children residing In warda one. two and three will be taken.

The sesond excursion will occur soon after, and will be participated In by chil-

dren residing la warda four, live aad six. Efficient committees are now making the

eecesssry srraugements, and tbe Kttle ones may be assured or a good lime and a

dsy of healthful lecreatioo.

Audover Advertisei. FRIDAY MORNING. JULY. 21. 1883

Kallroad Trains.

Leave Boaton for An.lover, T.30,11.3010,in,A. y.; I.' M., 11.30, (.30, 1.30, 4, B, (1,(1.13 and 7.10 P. H.

Leave Andorer fur Boston. 6.U. T.4S, 8.CJ, S.U 111, 11.111, A.M., and 14 -J«., l.W, 4.1*, B.SS. 7-trti. u.13. (We.l.M.39.) (trlday. » ».) 1\ M. For Ihe A. al.; li-02, B.,51 P. H, Forth* Ksats-'t. A. «.; l.W, 4.10, 3.51,11.4*

P. M. For Lowell, T.4S (*.6i, 11.10, A.M.; 11.IB i.oa,4,ii.a.3s,;.o»,B.i3 p. M.

Mr. and Mn. Gsurge H. Torr are at Sarato- a. The woman who dyes her hair wants to keep

It dark. Hnuae and land for sale or lo lei. See adver-

tlaement. Too great economy In youth leads to avarice

In old age- Rev. Charles Smith will preacb at the cbnptl

next Sabbath. Serentv gold mines are being worked In tbe

•Stsie ol Georyli. Rev. J. II Merrill preached at tbe South

choreb laii SabUib. Topic for next Wedneaday evening meet-

ings: "Dying nnr) Sin." Mlasea Alee Donald and Cbarlotte H. Don-

ald have been in Saraioia. Father Murphy returned from a short vuit to

Pennsylvania on Saturday. MM in Wsrden and John McDonald are la

Ntar York state, visiting fritods. brna con pi« make up their nalndi to get

married It may l« called a tie vote. aid ol sufferers at Orlnnell, IJWJ, Mr.

Blame haa given a thoniand dollars. Tbe army worm has appeared at New Bed-

lard and fairbaeso In large quantities. r. J. H Hani, nfOlonreaier, and daughter,

are In town vittilng Dr. J. F. Richards. A German alaotets, who la said to be 8 feet

and 2 inrbts in belght, Is on exhibition In Lou don.

—A well known sporting gentleman In

tbla city, recently received from England one of tbe finest bull dogs In the country.

It la a pure white aad la a very valuable animal.

Tbe Whiuhead A Athertoo Machine

Co., of Lowell, obtained another order from the Femberton mills, which Is the

third they have received from the same parties.

—Messrs. Blckford and O'Maboney

Bros', have received the contract for ex-

cavating the cellar snd foundation at lbs

aew Pacific mill, to be erected in tn« Central yard.

-Capt Tho-naa B. MeAlpln*, of th* revenue service, a brother of Capt Wm.

T. McAlploe of this city, has been ss

lected as a superintendent or one of tbs national cemeteries.

-Thursday, Patrick Hllcourae, tbe 14

year old boy who shot himself In tbebsnd wuh a toy pistol, the day before the 4th

died of lock law, at his borne on Lowell street, in terrible acony.

—Next Sunday, wemher permitting the

Lawrence brass band will give an open

air concert on the common. In the after- noon. Sooald this please, efforts will be

made to have them continued.

—Wben lawns sre cut too often the

i;ras* roots are exposed to the burning

sun, and the grass Is dried and scorched la aplte of all efforts to keep It green,

Thla is especially so In the mouths of

July and August.

—Foreman John F. Gilo, foreman of the Duck mills machine shop. Is adding ma-

terially to the machinery, and repairing

the old. He Is now engaged In building

10 Urge duck looms of a nsw pattern.

—Mr. Edwin Kerahaw, who for about 10 j ears was assistant foreman at ln«

Everett mills repair ahop and recently

loom flxsr, haa accerted tba position of assistant lo th* Dnck milts machine shop,

—Rev. Mr. McEvoy, tbe newly elected

superior of the Augustlnlan order, will make his headquarters st St. Mary's

church, tbli city. Rev. Mr. O'Connell,

now at St. Mary's, will return to Villaa-

ova College.

—Next Sunday wl'.l commence ihe union services of tbe three Congregation-

al churches. Tbs first two Sunday* tbey

wilt be held lu the Eliot church, the i two In the Central and tha lost two In the

Lawrence atreat church.]

—Milk Inspector Neal bas taken over 200 aamplea of milk from dealers this

year, and with the exception of a few all

have been found up to tbe atandard.

There are, however, a number of deslsrs who havs not as yet taken out licenses.

—Ssm Lucas pays George Russell Jack

son, formerly or the AMBHJCAM, AS00 eash and 9100 per week royalty for the play entitled "Tbe Professor of Chores. Some critics wbo have heard the play

read p.-oaounce the dialogue phenomenal for excellence.

—John Klllllea, father in-law or

agent or the board of health, a gentleman

of considerable property, la engaged In

tbe health department on a team, lo the exclusion of poorer and more valuable

men when actual work is taken Into con-

sideration. This Is making tbe rank and file of tha democracy growl.

—Tha boys who ran sway from the Or-

phan Asylum, laat week, have been

turned to ihe Institution, but tha Lowell

youth wonld not be recxlved, ss bs was o! too wsy ward a disposition to be per-

mitted to a-soclate will- children ot more

tender years. The little fellows placklly wslked to Lowell after tnilr nflMpe from

toe Institution, If eacnpe It can be called.

—Monday afternoon Mr. Charles

Stevens, who waa driving Sheriff Har-

riets team, stopped at Dyer Broa ' atore;

As he was about to get Into the wagoo to drlvs off, the bora- started to run

sway; Mr. Stevens selssd th* reins and

tried to stop it, but he rsn with the driver c'inglng to the rains quite a distance.

By Mr. Stevens'pluck lu holding on n

serious runaway wss prevented.

—Work Is actively progressing In th*

water works department. Six-Inch mains ar* b^Ing laid in RJWS street from New-

ton aud from Andover. A large supply with corresponding meter Is being placed

in ta« Merrlmac Co.'* bill, for Irs par* posea, and lbs new main from north

Lawrence lo Booth Is soon to bs connec-

ted. At Bellsvna cemetery an additional

pipe Is being extended taioagh th*


The Graad Army Trip-

Tbs rain of Wednesday morning Inter-

fered with th* numbers of the Grand

Army excura onisLs to the Point of Fines, bnt despite clouds and showers, over 400

started out, and others fallowed on later trains. The Pines are In moat attractive

condition, aad had lt not been for the

nhownrs daring th* day, th* aompsny

would hsve experienced a day of great pleasure. Full descriptions ol th* place

add hoase, hsve been given In the AMRRI-

CAM ; th* ample plants or th* Flues Hotel

were appreciated, especially during the

dampne-a outside, while not * few wise

ones found comfort lu the excellent cnlalu*

of th* Goodwood, under management of Mr, Morisrty. Tbe evening was dlssp- polutlng, tbe showers famishing sn ex-

cuse for postponement of the race and

flr*workt>,~though It was pusxllcg to the

waiting crowd to kuow how an afternoon

rain could posslblv Interfere with sueh displays as rockets and shells,—and th*

Horse Guards who were present In full

uniform, gave no exhibition sabre drill, as promised. Tbe universal verdict was

that the promise of th* Pine* had nil been

realized, and tbe Grand Army will most

most certainly lake their friends there no more. The return train was nearly three-

quarters of an hour late In starling, but

made good time, reaching Lawrence about


Death of B hade Trees

For some tlsa* quite a number of the

roes on Summer street have been slowly dying. Young trees withered, and lie ally on* of the large, handsome elm trees In

front or Mr. W. L. Haloes' residence

succumbed to the unseen power aad died.

This has been going on sine* early spring,

snd msny were the conjectures ss to tbe

cause, but no one knew absolutely what

It was. A few diya aloe*, Mr. Cabot of the Gas Company rod* paat aad seeing

the condition ot the trees went to bis su-

perintendent, Mr. Butter, and told him be

thought there must be a lank in tbe gas pipe. Mr. Butter began Investigations,

and soon round s small leak In ILe gas

main, 'this was caused laat fall by the

water woiks people when putting la a supply water pipe. Tbe leak was re. paired, aud tbe destructive element Is

now confined aa tbat lb* death of tbe

beautiful abads trees will probably stop. Mr. Ratter stated that gas from s leak

haa been known to destroy trees for 200 feet from th* place or escape. 11* said

tbe ground had become permeated, but

th* flow had not been large enough to be

noticed by smell.

From Lawrence to Haverhlll

At s public bearing before tbe commit-

tee* on sewers aad streets of Haverhlll,

the matter of relocating a portion or River street, came up. Tbe petitioners stated

their aids of ihe story, and the following from th* Haverhlll Bulletin concerning It,

will be of Internet to Lawrence psop'e: "Their reasons were good ones, being

that In a short time there will be a direct

public road between Haverhlll and Law- rence, located along tb* bank of tbe river,

which will be level nearly all tbe way,

and will become tbe principal thorough-

fare between th* two cities. Tb* street

will be laid out by the county commission-

ers. If the city does not do It, and the eost or constructing * I! I bs greater If It

Is mode a county rosd than If built by th* city. By laying out thu street ss pro-

posed, a large tract of land wlP be msds

available, not only for bualneea enter prises, but also for residence* which

wonld 0* uken up by those who desire to

have home* of ibelr Own at a short re- move from the business centre. And, as

n natural outgrowth, a boras railway

would be bnlli to facilitate travel In that dirtctlon. Anothet point in favor of tb*

street Was thai wuhln Ova yeais tbo

Lowell railroad will be extended to tbls

city, snd IU terminus will bs on River


aJBlTUABY. •—--■ an

Mr. Jamc* I- Hvtcblnson, of this city, Taesdsy received notification that kin brother-in-law, Mr. M. E. Fisher, lor-

merly of this city, had died SI Moberly,

Mlaaouil. Tbe remains will bs brought to thlsoltv for bnilsl, and sre expected

on Friday. Mr. Fisher when be lived

her* waa in tb* employ or tbe Hosdly machine company. H* has a brotter re-

siding in this city. B* belonged to Uw Masons, Odd Fallows aad Eatgatn of

Pythias. an sw*as4*i

BUT Beach'* Whlw Pearl Tollat Soad

llev. A. preach al p. V.

Walter Dale and family from Lynn, hoarding with Mrs. Jesse Clark la lb* West Pariah.

Harry L. Brlekett ol ibe laat elata in tbe seminary, haa been called to Lynnasld, and accepts.

Man sdvertiae lur lost watches, loat pocket books, snd lost Jewelry, but never lor lost principles.

H. H. Tyer wilt occupy ihe late tesldeneeof bis father, Mr. 11. G. Tyer, deceased, on Chest- nut street.

Mr*. Leila J. Robinson, who la a gradaet* of Boston University, is tbe first female lawyer is Massachusetts.

Mrs. Charles 8. Parker or tbls town, and Mrs. Mosea A. Dow ot Cbarleatown, are at Littleton, N. H.

A small black whale IS feet long, weighing about two teas, drifted ashore at Monmoelh Beaeb, on Friday.

Pater D. Smith haa moved Into tbe residence on Elm Snusre, which be recently purchased ol William Whitman.

"Don'l yon love birds, Mr. Proseman, and all ibelr sweet little waya I" •'! do, Mlaa Qaiblsg- ton. dearly—on toaai."

Oae hundred acres of potatoes brnngbt a Semner eoeotv, Tenn., farmer 910,000. Hs haa planted a second crop.

Tbe Drat bale or new Georgia cotton, was re- lived at Albany, Ga., on Ihe 11th hut.

sold tor 20 cenis per pound. A limited number of th* law* and resolve* of

tba laat legiilalore, haa been received by tbs town clerk for distribution.

Alwaya does tbe ana doe*: look at the bright aide of everrttilnf; Il la Just as cn*en, and tbree times as good for digestion.

Tbe school house at Ballard Va]* Is to bs ahlnglsd and otherwise repaired. Tbe work will probably be dons by Hardy A Cole.

A wester* newspaper advises those who uie postal cardtlo write ibelr meeaages distinctly, as the time ot a postmistress ia valnabla.

Mr. George B. Frost of tb* Theological Sem- inary, has gone to Canaan, Maine, where be will spend bla vacation, la missionary work.

Tha latest vegetable monstrosities reported from Plorlda are a turnip weighing 31 poaadi and a Chill aqassii weighing nearly 200 pounds.

William Abbott, senior, was fined 9n and eoau amounting to 913.10, en Friday, bj Trial Justice Poor, for aaaanll upon Andrew Abbott.

Teacher siked of a little boy; "What Is * reptile?" "Don't know," said tbs hoy. "Ob, tee yoa do, someUIng thai crawls." "Ob, a

abr." ' - A Pennaylvania farmsr aaya tbat two buiheli

of eali per aers, sown broadcast, will clear oat lb* army worm, and also Increase the growth of tbe graai.

A elond of fifes ao swarmed about tba steeple of a church in Detroit tbe other day, as to pro- duce the appeal gtnea were calli

Edward H. Peabodr of Lawrence, has two lectures abtch he will deliver if desired. Sub- ject of one "The Men wbo made New Bag- land," and or the other, "Saaeesi."

Oen. William F. Bartlctt Post 99 O. A. R. will hold a (sir for the benefit of their relief tuna and furnishing Post headquarters, on th* 20,2t, 22 and 22 or December next:

The Ladles' Charitable Society el lb* Booth church propose to bold a (air about lb* third week in October, the avails to be appropriated to carpeting and reittrnlablng the church.

Rev. H. R. Wilbur is putting In a hraact, cementing the cellar, lias made an addition to the noase and other Improvements in the reil- dsnee occupied by Dr. Gilbert on High Street.

At a recent date the town of Suaanvllls, t'al,, waa threatened by an army or crlck*ts, who were within hell a mile ol the town, end men, women and children were engaged In lighting them.

At Oglathorps, G*.,a few days ago, a negro standing under an ar-ple tree, wa* siracB by lightning and instantly killed. II » sstd that while ibe skin was not scratched, every bone In bis body waa broken,

On* or tb* six flutes wbicb John Jacob Aslor brought to this country with bim, tb* work ol bis brother In London, tbe proceeds of which started him in hi* lur baalneas, la now la tba handi of a gentleman In Ilobokin.

A plain wblte marble slab, with name, age ead date of death, and tha words, "You call ui dead; we are nol desd, but truly living now," marks the arave ol Lydla Maria Child, lu lbs mossy cemetery al Wayland Centre.

"There's s fly In my soup, waller." "Tee, air; very sorry, sir; but you can throw away tbe tty and sat tbe soap, can't jan I" '■<_ coarse I can; you didn'i exneet me to thro1

away tb* soup and eat tb* fly, did yon i"

A minister preached from Ihe Mxt, "F**d my Lambs." What did .raw think of lh* lerraon ? •aid one laboring man to another. In homely phrase, bnt full ui meaning, be aoawered: "Th* hay waa loo high In ins rack for the lambs."

Patting young hopeful through an oral ex animation In botany: "vV here do the app,«* com* I'mm ':" "lb* apple Ires." "And the pearl r" "Prom the pear tree." 'And the fie-aF" "From the fit tree."' "And tba dates ?' "From tbe almanac,"

"The captain la going to banl down all ibe iliccti, immediately," said a passenger aa ona of the ocean steameri, aa be cams down below. "Ow! the rude thing—be shan't come Inhere at any rate," shrieked a shrill feminine voice, followed by Ihe hanglne, of a stale room ueor.

Tbs Congregational Pcblfsblog Society bavo Just H*ej*4a neat volume of 114 page*, written hy Professor Ci. Frederick Wright, ol Oberlls, entitled : "An Inquiry concerning tbe Relation of Death lo Probation." Th* wide reputation of lbs author aa ao ablo writer will secure a large sale for tba work, especially aa tba subject upon wbicb It treats is now exciting nonius! tnierut.

Smith & Dove'* employee* picnic excursion on Saturday, numbered about four hundred persons. Tbedavwaa deilghiful and the trip to Haverhlll and down Ibe bsaatlful tterrti waa die-ally enjsyed. The oaly Inetdsnti mar fa the least lbs pleasure of tbe occasion wars these: a little daughter of Jamas Hontei fell over tbe banister* of lb* aatoon at tba "Black Rocks," and received soou bruises; oae family temained ao loan at tb* b—eh that tbey not left by Iba boat, and the company did nol arrive borne until about 10 p. n>,

Probably no (arm in town has been worn Im- proved Io prodDctlveneaa tbaa the "Chandler Farm," lo the West Parish, now owoed by Peter D. Smith. Six yeara ago wnen George L. Burn hum assumed the farmerablpof tbe place, il produced barely enough to keep ten bead of cattle. Tbe paat year the number kept boa been forty. Tbe attention of passers by bas been attracted to tbo large crop of bay cat Oae field of about four acres wbloh was laid down to great lost season, has tbla year pro- duced three tone of tbe best quality of bar to tba acre. The cariali on iba term ar* looking finely, ustably ibe corn field east of the nous*, and tha handsome place of oats a abort dlslauc* waat of tbe building'.

June loth acveral bada war* noticed oq the nlgbt blooming ccreua belonging to Mrs, D. dimming*, Salem alreet. These grew vary rapidly and on Monday evening, July I7ib, tbree of the buda opened in all their grandeur. Nearly two hundred people called d3ring tbe evening to enjoy ibe sight. As a matter noih of Interest and cariosity, a flower was carefully measured and anallatd glvine tbe following da'.a: extreme diameter of flower »*, inches, length of calyx tub* 14 Inches, number of aepali 24. petals 33, upper aet of sumans ad- bereut to corslta SS, In short within tha throat of corolla ami calyx tub* 187, length of pistil 104 inches, with 10 borne or p ilnts in lb* baud, l«egtb of ovary, containing Innumerable seeds, 1, "

Ths National Kdncat ion AssoclaUon, ha* been holding sessions at Saratoga, N. T„ with * large attendance of dlttlngalibad educators present, Prof, J. W. Churchill ol tbla place, gave readings, and alao rand a poser on "Klo- cntlon," In which be was the beat Mlattraiios of the ideal orator, he descrtbjd In bla earnest Impressive manner. After giving tha technique of delivery, be said: A true delivery Is tha tool Imagining itaeif In vole*, eye* snd rasa- ner i "ills thought incarnate." Noble think lag ia necessary to good speaking. A man moat have ihe ovosneatam of bla sab|*ct; tha •mottoes sad p**tl ma or tbe so*I ere tb* in* •esrailons of a speaker'a power. Tba silent lal thing In eloquence is neat, and tbls comes from sincerity. Aa orator la * good man exalted. Ths true ethics of delivery ia tor a man to be carried awaj and yet possess alms*]!,

A single tree In SI Joba'a counlv, Fla., con- tain* 8000 oranges.

A. M. Robinson, wire and children ar* at Juniper Point, Salem.

A bridge thai 1* warranted to support a strain—a bridge of a fiddle.

Mrs. Joseph W. Foster, and daughter, are al Bearaport, Maine; will iclurn in September.

In Dorar, N. H..and It) vicinity, flrst quality hay sell* In the Ibid al from 814 to BIS a ton.

ReV. R. T. Parrell, a recent graduate of Ihs seminary, has accepted a call lo tbe t'jngrega* tlonai.

Mrs. J. C. Goldsmith snd Mill Jessl* F. Greene, of North Andover, ar* visiting friends la Boaton.

Mrs. William McTernan and Mrs. Andrew McTe man, have returned from a v [alt to Salem and vicinity.

In Floyd eounty, Tenn., last week, four brut tiers named Burnett married four i liters □ eincd Berry.

Tbe bsrn of Peter Gray or Tewkabury. wss burned on Tues lay night, with bone, wagon and bay. Loss 91000.

The North Andover Farmers' Club will unite wlib tbe Anduver Farmer*'Club In their con- templated picnicsxoarsleS to Salisbury.

George F. Swin bas sold hta valuable honae lot on Main alreet, helwten tbe resldmces if Edward Taylor and John II. Dean, to James 11. Smith.

J Johnston o. Andivsr, ptsnted one-eighth ol an sere or potatoes ibe lib of April and dug tLeui ths 18lh of July and got 915 for lbs crop. Next.

Rev. James D. Raton of tbls town, Is to go to Cblbnabna, Mexico, a* a mleelouary of tb* <S American Boa d. but ale departure II post- poned rill October.

Deer are onnsnally numerous at WentwortL'a Location, N. H , this year. Four were aeen, n one day last week on tbe (arm ot Peter Bennett, and tbey are frequently aeen feeding about th* ponds In town.

Tbe auditorium of tbe Souih cburrb is closed for repairs and improvements, which will occu- py aevcral week*. In tbe meanwhile Sabbath preaching service* will be bald In tbe vestry at tbe nasal hour*.

Mr. and Mrs. John Dalaad, Jobu Dalend, Jr. a lad of 13 years, Mr. and Mrs. Horace S. Per- klna, two children and nnrae, from Salem, Maaa., era boarding at F. P. 8battues,'* "Huu- set Sock Form," in tbe southern part of tb* town.

Dora I,. Mason Is attending vacation among ir relatives In Buck Held, Maine. Miss Dora

lell Beekfltld lonr years ago, and wlih bar parents came lo reside la Andover al that time but eight years of age. Being and only child a'le has bean tbe light of ber home and ber childhood bas been marked by her deep devo- tion to an Invalid mother, whose kindest wishes

tender love will follow ber absent child, anticipate tbs pleasure of tbe reunion With

her former schoolmate* and friends.


Rev. A U. Amory It at Ml. Desert, Me.

There are still IWJ vacancies in the Kbeo am ton Company.

R*v. Mr. Beard, of Dover, N. H., officiate* at St. Peal's Church, Sunday.

Tbe meeting of tbe 4lh of July committee was postponed to next Monday evsalug.

JohnT. Ryaa won Ike third pris- «, In a* walk at 8mltba Grove, Saturday.

Rev. Jamea Fletcher, of Acton, will preach at tbe Congregational Church next Sunday.

No purchaser bas been found Tor tba hca> earnaxe advertised tor sale by Iba engineers.

Unite a large number went oa tbe G. A. R. excariioa to tbe Point ol Plaes, Wedneaday.

Th* M. B. Sun lay School will picnic at Spor- fbrd* drove, mxt wet k. probably on Wednes- day.

Itia very probable that no more liquor II- cenaea will be granted thla jeer by the Select- men.

Mr. John W. Kichardion went with ths gro- cery dealer* of Haverhlll and Bradford on their annual excursion doen river.

No action ha* yet been taken by ibe Select- man in regard to the proteat of eltlaena against

acting poles on Johnson Street.

Bomervltle, Prince and Donahue, or the North Andover*, played with tbe Atbletlca of Hetbuen, Isat Saturday, and performed some aplendld work.

A baggy, belonging to Porter Bros., or Law- rence, careened over at tbe corner or Water and Elm Streets, .Sunday evening, spilling oat tbe occupants—three men. The vehicle was badly damaged.

anu.iiu of the absence of several of their players tba Lawrence base ball club declined touMima North Andover*, Saturday. Tbe latter expect to play tba Denver* of Charles- town, oo tbe Button Grounds, Saturday after- noon. Admission, 10 centr.

.- .. list- ened, and freeing itself from tbe wsgon. dathed oh*at a lively gait, pulllug tbe driver, woo ra-

At tbe meeting of the society connected witn the Congregational Church, held tbe I7tb inst- il was unanimously vuted to concur wttb lb* chaicb in extending a call to Rev. H. H. Lev- lit, or Andover, to become the paitor uf that church. A proper cnmmlttee was appointed to carry out the action of lb* aoclety.

At a meeting of-tbe committee of arraagr- meni* lor ibe Farmer*' and Mechanic*' Club excursion, Mr. Albert Berry was ebo*en a com- mittee of one to confer with Uie Andover Club, In relation to bavins botb urgannations unit* I* aa excursion. It is understood that Mr. Berry male aallsfactory arrangement* With tbe committee of tbe la ler club, and Ibal th* ex- cuntoo will be down tbs river next month, the data to b* announced.

It la expected tbat work at ibe batching sta- tion will cease this week. Since operations commenced, alx weeks ago, four men have been employed,and about l.oOO.OOOehid hatch- ed. Of tbi* number 150,000 were placed in lb* river about five miles above Concord, N. H., So.OOO about lour mile* above thr dam. (xM,000 in the river at the Point, and tba remaining 860.000 are al ibe stattoa. Thirty fiva ealmou were uken, but with tbe exception of three which were accldently killed, they were retain- ed lo ibe water. Only two boss were captured. The temperature ot tbe stater la now 81", with- in one degree ol tbe blgboel point Ibat batching can b* conducted, as the spawn rota al 82*. Considerable trouble baa been occasioned by tbe refuge nutter from the gas works accu- mulating about tba apswu boxes.

For the extermination of files and oth- er Insects, use tbe Genuine Dalmatian Insect Powder, sold at Tompkln's Drag store, Main St., cor. Frat.


Commonwealth of Massachussttt. PU.OBATE COURT.

■aaax. as. To ths heir*.*t law, next of kin and al) olher aawMI perion* Inuratteu In the eaiale ol Caaousv IXAOO, laid of Andover, In said

coaaty, einfltwosnen, deceased,

Wlierea*, s certain loalrnment ptii porting to be the laat will ami testament ot SMaTd*c**>a*d. Las been presented to *sid court for probate. by Lather U. Sheldon, wbo prays that letter a teauaentary may bs Issued to him the execu- tor therein named, and that he may be exempt (ton xlvlnsaaurety or sureties oa hi* bond. Cir ths reason* alleged m «a.d petition.

Toil are hereby o I led lo appear at a Probate Court, to be held at Salem, in aald eouaur »i Kane*, on ihe Srat UoDitay of August, next, al Bine e'vloek In tbe lorenooa, to sbow naaae, 11 any you have, again*! tbe aame.

An,i aalJ Luther H.Ubeldon i* heieby directed to air,- pubilo aottcs thereof, by publish'ng this ctuiion once a wes*, lor three auooo*»i> ***** lo the aewipapar called the

LAwaascs AaantcAn end Anoovsu AuvBRTiaaa,

pnatsnl at Lawrence, th* last publloatle* lo b* two days at lent before ssld court.

Witness Ueorie K. Choate, Eiqnlra, Jndf* at said Court, thla nineteenth day Of July, in the rear ooataomaad eight hundred and eight j- Iw*.

J.T.MAHO.qgY. Register. a Jyti M*UI ^

Ceoaoaaaiweallk «■ ■aeanchwaell*.

Kosxx, as. PEOBATI CtiUItT,

To tbe belrsatlaw, uext of kin, asd all other pet sons iatereaied In Ibe estate or

UainO.Tn* lite of Andover, la aaid county manufacturer, deceased.

Uxaanao i Whereas, carUia Instrument* purporting to

be tbe last will and testament and a eodlcli ol aald deceased have been nreseoied le aald court for probate by Horace II. Tver and Sllssbslli Be very (formerly Klliabat h Tyer) •> t* pray t hat toilers teataaetury may b* lisiud to then*, the exoontera therein named, and tbat tbey may ha exempt irom giving a aarvtr or SUMHSS oa tnelr aond, ter tbe reason* allseed In said petition.

Too ar* hereof oiled to appear at a probate wart to he held at *a1*aa, ia aald eounty or Lb* g,*t Hondayof Aignai n«xt, at ■ las o'clock before noon, to show cause, if any ion have, again*t ibe asm*.

Anl aald petitioner* are hereby directed u> give peblic aotloa thereof, by publlahlng thla •Italian oen* a week, tor three ■uoneaalve still la ths Mwepaper called the


arlaiedat Lawrsaoa, tbe laat pnbU*aU*n to be two days at least before said court.

Witssa*. Jeer** r. cr.oat* gsq,, Juoge ol said ooen, this aiaeteealb day ol July. In tha vaw**Matm**and sight haadr*daad*ighty-two,

tlyll laaut J.T. yAllO.VKT, Register.

Por Bale or to Let. A Collage Horn* with nine rooms. 11 aeree

lad, pleasantly situated on bl| n land, la Ando- ver, U»iH threa fourth* oi a mlie from depot: a hasutky and dsalrahls location lor any on* Wlah- la* to obtain a home near good school* aad church**. Can be purchased or re ited oo Mty Jarau 11 applied for soon. Ur*nt*o! to the rkrbt kind SOd reliable parlies, arraoaemeat* noulit 1 sod*. If dsiirabl -, to pay a part er all the I* board. Por further particular^ addreaa O. it. HlUOma, Worweater, Has*., or ABBOTT.- A JENKINS, Audam, Ma... ,iu



A Ut'CItT 0. WOOD, ) 11., Successor to 1 a. I. vi. itms urn, bealriin boot*. MIDI-* and Bubbort.and Iteiialrmu done ID Ibo beet man- Mr. All at the lowctt price*. II. nk H.illdlng, Main direct, Andover, in ■. .■ l,i

BKU4MIN IIUIV.I, I'.- lie! ia Hoots, Aboes A ttubber*. Uuiluui work » urn ialiy.

Kuu»,i In* ni-iill)■limit' si *borl notice. Jones' Celebrated Kip and Calf Hoot a coaitannvca 'land, all ID HI., Andover. Matt.

BENJAMIN B. TUTTLKhM bought of J-11 Parlln the loeal express antl fobbing

business formerly of II. B. While. Ueaersl

FAKLIN, Mi-rclian- !>ealers ir C lowing. Mat*, Cap* nlshlng Good*. Main Street,

D J. C. PENNINGTON.-Offlcs end S "t.-l-" r, l„mlil.i|,'lM»lii

('•ninaHMwaaUki «f !■■.••*< hui.tli.


To In* Hair* at Law, nnt of Km, and all Vlklr person* interested ia the en talc ol

nuiir Hoist, lareof Andover. ID aaid county widow, aMMN,

Unas-riva: Whereas, a certain laalrumant, purport la jr to

lie lue Isntwilland le*lsmcnl of laid deueaaed, haa lieen presented to aalil Court, lor Probate, b* Mart ■!»■■• «. BBiley, who pray* that letter*

imanlary may be laiued to her tba executrix

DR. C- V. ABBOTT.-Oftlee and Rt-al- Menc.a al Mrs. Ebsn Tyler's, Main Street,

Andover. Oitlc* hour* 1-lua. to., I-J ami slier p.a*. ii .1,, i

EDWIN II. BAHNAHD, Fainting, Gla- elag, Uratninx and Paper Hanging A

E< u las*->rt merit ol Bourn Paper fninUnllv On *nd lor aal*. bhop E**cx Bt. unit IT

EPIKB, Tin, Bantam ami Woodvn a Ware; B«palr* Pump*, Stove*, For-

aacai.eto. Solo agent lor htagec *tove*. ran. gee andjfiirnacee lor Andover ami vicinity. order* promptly attended An.loie, IIVI

H KNHY GOFK, Fainting, Graining.

I I Ml,.-,

JOHN H. HKAN. Merchant Tailor, Dealer In Clothing antl Ueni** Furnltblng

Uooda ot all kinds, (iarmi'iil* made In the latest fashion and warranted to 111. Hep* I ring, rlnan- Ing and pressing done neatly. Halo Street. AndoTer. noV(9 lyr

M CUWUN 4 BAKKK- ragulai

ahail make a

-Beside* 00T Una of Builder*' Hardware, we specialty or Ksrm'ng Implements

tbla aeaaon. plows, Cutllrator*. Mowh w ala .-.bines, Hot.* Bake*, etc. *lno a full assortment ol Shovels, Porka, Hoes, Itakia, Spade*, elu. all at the loweat prlee*. , •*

MISi Hit I,EN D. HOLT, Piano and Oraan Teacher. Bprolal psin* tiksn with begii

"-e Village, ■era. He.ldcnce Krye lffel

NATHAN P. ABBOTT will furnish a superior qualliyof Ledge Stone* Tor eel-

lari and foundation*atshotl nuu-e ar.diea. aonable prloea- Teaming muinptly done. Bat (erection auaranteed. Hetidec enear Summer Street. ly» ™

SAUNDERH BROTHERS, Plumbers and Tinamltlia. Alao dcalera InTin, Ula*a,

and Wooden Ware, Stoves and Furnace*. He- pair* for all kinds oftllov**, slam ilreel, Ando- T»r. mm »" aepU V

THOMAS HOWKLI, carrlt-t on tba Furniture and Upbk.ta.erT bualaeaa InalM

Ibeir branche*,athl**toreoD Park atreet Fur allure repaired and retnoyed althortnolloe and on r«aaon*bletciiii*. tvnetlOKl

WOOD 8r COAL White isb aoi Franklin Coals.



JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. O derarecalTed.Blid lilllnettlrt'a,


Oopoilte Poal OMce.

conaiirrittt ' loTettlent for Andover Saving! Hiok.




lion the SlOBey baa been Spent.

Below la K|vcii tba andltot'e report o( the financial conoltloB of Ibc ?■!!?■■ cl<l departmcuu for the alx montha aodlsf

June 80. Tba Biaraa to tba brat COIDDDB

loctada, the aarpUa Jaouarj 1, lb* appro- priation* for tba year antl tba rtoelnta la

each department- Tba figurca apeak Tor


U.tll. appoarbta P

>m. In - :IKI mi inn. i to be held at Lawreaee, In laid uly of [■•ii, oa the *ecoad Monday oi Sepiember neat atalnooMfk before noon, to abowcauiOi If any ron hire, aialait ihaaame. Aadaald Mart Jane U Billeyliherebr directed to fire |inblicnotl«etbereol, by publishing Ihli ciUllon once a week, lor three aucceaai re week*, iu thttflewapapercalled the

L.twamca AKIBICAW AJTB Aauovga Auvajmaaa,

prlnitd at Lawrence, the laat uublioailoa to be two IIBT* at ii-a.t before *a1d court.

nitre, uaoitOE F. CHUAI a, Xiq . Judge ot ■aid ruuit. thlt llth day of Jaly, in Ibctear one Ihouaanilelglit hundred and elabty-two.

jyltilti J. T. fclAil .SKY. Ueal'ler.


Express, Store, M&Tkef, Milk and Meat W.KiONS.

ltepnlrlnr In all Its Br»iiches.

tfjujll AMiOVKK, HAS*.

GEORGE S. HOLDERNESS, Practical Uph iliterer and Furr,iiu-a


Parlor C«l*,Kaey Chali* and Lounge* made toetder. Uatireeie* made BTBT. Feather Bedi eteaaeed. Uardner'a Perforatad Srata a •pae- iaitr. Carueia aleantd ami laid, aad "hadea hung. Biaes Stiact, next Hemorlat Hall, AB-

dorer. OrJn ■ aolic4ted and pronptlj attended 10, II Jl*l

A Nt-w Paator.

Rev. Mr. llanser, ritceatly from Q«r- miny ha* hiron wal-jne 1 to the paatnrale

of tba Oeiman Motliodlat church la thtn city, which baa oeen vacant since tba de- parluif t.f lirv. Mr. Wall»n. Tblawlliba

Rev, Mr. Ua-u^r'a Initial paatorata ID

this country.

M. L. RAMSDELL, - Agent Mr the leading.


lor the aaleol all klnda and at»lo», for caihor on InaUllmenta, on eaaj term*. |10 aared T paring caab. Maeblbe* ischannci!, bought, nofd, ctaaaed, repaired ai.d lo let. ca'tere. ■ee.Het, oil, alway* on hand; aUo good ae iood hand ntnohinae •heap. Call and aea ibem.

Corner Bwmanar * Klin St. Am*mr*T. kPlllr


Manufacturer* of anU dealer* In

,Of evt ry description, Liclinllng

Bos Bucgiei.Fhaetonf Cornlr>(i,Oarn

Wacom. Sid* Bar Bujgies.

Painting and Repairing u,ouiptlr aniineally

ASUOViH MABS. P. O. B< X .':.l.


Fashionable DresamakiDg. The auhacrlber w

■eaa at the reaidei ehard Avenne.

the above luti ,e of J.W-Faulkner, P"



Lykens Valley Bed Ash Goal,

• la Drapci'i Block, Hals Street. Andover HAT AND STRAW, ill B*C

"K >J 'i Toira Lira, Is good pLlln'opliy. hot to do i yoa a

bealiti. 1< i ilioui and con»iipatcd, or bin .il Uoutufordir, uae L>r. Pierce'*"P.earant Purgative l>tit ti." which are mild, jet certain In their operation. Ot alldrnulau.


Why will you inffer from nervous disorders when tba remedy 1* *o near at bead f Qaeker imti n hcrer (all to afford isllef to o*erttraiaed narte*. v tllweod

The Invisible Celluloid Eje-Olasa frames have reached tbe topmoal wave of popularity, without a competitor, delving competition, and i be popular verdict is thai they are lue haod- s'lmcst and nest hnowu. For sale by ail lead- ing Jewelers and Opticians. Illweod at

_ I who are aftictcd with salt rheum. Itch, *<?nl i bead, Impetigo, mil every other ernp'ton utibaakiB, should uee Olenn's Sulphur ooap

Cddeu'a Liebtg's LlOjuld Beer and Tonic In- vlgorator wi:i cun lidlgestlou, and pcr[(tuate bodily vigor. TaLa no other. Of druggist


Wheat linicr*. The beat blood, brain and nerve food In existence. It la a s<3 : ntitlc prep- aratloo wbkt wil. do all tbat 1* claimed fur Iu


llow to mitigate the t nl ol wash day during tbesehot summer mootbs Is north knowing,

are ..isurrii that Jamea Pyls's Peariine does BectaallT, wltaout the sligbtett danger to

lue nntit fabrics. tllnnmljjl

MBMSMAN'S rartoHigap il*sr TONIC, tba o..ij pteparcllon of bed to,naming lie ertire nuirinou* properties. Il contains blood-n:ak- mr-, lorcr-|Cetr«tin^ an 1 III* svsUiting prop. «riio*i Invaluable for Indtgajtloo, DTt[epaia, nervoes pro it ration, aad at. forms cf gemral iii-iii tv i alao. In al! enfeebled conditl* i*. wbetDer ibc reraltof exbauatlon, aeivoutpirs. -r..ii.n>. overwork or acuio disease,.particularly Ii reaulnng from p- iraonaiy computints. «-'••- « ii L. 11 Ait kn h Co., proprlntois. New York. Hoi l bj Druggists. l»1ljl)* .

3 i S^ -J h.

I* K I 5 a

Hroadwa* bridge, BM.irT* 1* »is.0*!t T« SIU.WT • itiidgc(urdlaaj-)) *jmm

s,iu :■ i.otrj at

" DeaBool 1»M OIK engineers, 1" tlali,

MM an lm ot 1,041 (7

hat. •J.7W7 64 1.TMI 00 fits 10 urn oo . A.VJ '»■■

'• public bslba. 1S.0M M 11,140 54 M.VU IW 10.9UI 81

4 JM » 11.411 «7

17.U5 00 bllda-a loan 1,074 U 1.400*0

l.igbtiag H.liiary

fl,SOi 75* 1.1 1.W1 «7

4X7 IA U,33a »! U

Pauper special 1.73* " t,nt u Mil 50

I'oh.-e *B.IJl 17 Public llbrarv S 7)7 »t MUIS4 Pub. libruv suecUl IIU

H7H 4M 11 IT.AOO OU 7.644 50 7u,o4i ta 41.U15 03 1,011 ou 1,111 00

14.00U 75 1115 m

lldewalk •.so: a: l,S5l W la MJM TO

IT.llO tl 4-,i ■<> oa

Bridge MW» •'T 01


Tbo Klecrtlc LigibU.

At last tbe clw of Liwrwaca la In a fair

Way to have tba lung talked of electric

llfhu Introduced here. According Is appointment tba aldermen met yes-

terday, and wet« taken over the pro posed route which tba Lawrence Electric

Light Company are to ran their wlros. In cirrlage*. The board ware folly satisfied

wltb it, and on returning to their room,

voud to groat tbo company Mcenie to erect pole* aad run wires over the route)

Inspected. It waa farther voted that the Mayor and Aldermea Joyco and Dolbler be a aob'ConinilUee on electric lighting.

Tba route aa eatabllabed now '.a aa fol- low!: StariluK at E<e;i Co**, mill OB

tbo south caaal, where tbe power I* to bo

procured, to eUatb Broadway, over the new bridge to Methueu atreet, across tbe

Bisox Co'a. land to Iba sostb Kaaex atreet alley, acroao Xasei stroot to the Horse

Railroad alley, tbence to i'»e alley oetweea Eaaaix atd Common itreela, down to Jackson street, down Jackson to the south

Essex atreet alley to Boston 4 Lowell da

pot, across tbe Lowell bridge to ibepoint

of starting. The poles and wires hare beep ordered

and things sow look promising for tbe light In a month or a llttls longer time.

Huii'laonie Dan Married.


Aad Dealer In

INVESTMENT 8E0ITBTIES, Ma. 82 Devonshire street, DoBton Halted State* Stale, CounlV, City and Bailroad

- irlng, Hang, laaaraae-

Money FnrniBhed on Mortgages. KXSIDSnCB. AKDOTSB P. O. Bog I«.

if dec!

jpHAS .». PABSBIs,

Funeral and Furnishing


Rtajtosuca, BoitMSa STBBBT •eplf Andover Hnss.

puttviAM Siatir earea dyipspsia, general ilebilny, liver complaint, bolls, humors, cbrcnlc dlarrboa, uervou* affections, female complaints, and all diseases originating ID a bad state of the blootf. jeodllyJy'.MTH

If you area frequenter or aiealdent of a mi umalic dls.rlcr, barricade your lyatem agaltint the scourge of all new countries,—ague, bilious and lotermitteut fjver*,—by lbs use of Hop Bit- Mrs.

1. udlngh.n, Mich , Fsb.'i. 1880. I btvesold Hop BnsavSBH four years, and

tbers ia no medicine that surpasses tbem Tor HIM attacks, kidney complaints ai.d many diseases Incidebt to tbls malarial climate.


Sort-1*. 1B80. Bop Hitters Co., Toronto :—

I have teen sick for the past *lx years, mf- feriogfrnm OTspepsl* and general weakness. I have used three bottles of Hop Bitters, aad thar base done wonders for me. I am wall and Ran to work, and eat and ileep well. I ctDDOt say too much for Hop Bitter*.

MIMUM Bonama. t*J2weod

Nervousness, peevishness, aad trrtllng, *o ■ten connected with overworked leraaleV lives,

is rapidly relieved by Brown's Iron B liters.

1 he Boston Uersld gives tbe following

Information i- "Tue many friend* of Mr. Dau Magnlo

ul- of lbs Boatoa Tbestrs will be lute roe ted lb kerning that be has entered luto a

■'new combination." la Which he fans every prospect of a permanent engage-

ment. On Sunday laat s plei aaot party

of mutual frlendi met together lo the hosse of Mr. C. Fendcraon of Wilton,

Me., and ssw DAO ssfely launched on the aea of matrimony, Wltb MLss Kmim 8ml-

ey as "fl st mate." Tbe cereutouy wsa

performed according to tbe ritual or tbe Catholic church, by He/. Fr. Woodman

of lbs Paallat Fathers, New Tork. Tha

happy pair soon afterward left oa s tour to tue Hangeley Mas. May they both mas* "hits" lo the drama of life, and may

UbamaoT years before they make their

at Us.

aasevNanfl aTaepleyea* laaaraaee.


Fish of all kinds. Fresh and Salt, Smoketl and Pioltletd.

Lobsters, Clams and Oysters. Baaej Fish of all kinds in their sesson. Fresh

Milk every day. Uooda dellveied. PARK BTBBBTT. ANDOVER

Dec. as, MA> t(

(J. H. WtJEKH,

Steam P< lishing, lonuioilal Granite M Marble Worvi.

Wararoomabl MslnlStrsst, opp-ths Common an<iat9snd II Court It,



Steam Polishing Works and Oranlte Yard 1B Bradford. Ouloe al 51 ataln 81., Haverhlll.

•roretgn and Domestic QraBliea and Marbles wrought In anv design al short notice, r ■ign* and Estimate* furnished free of coi

IT fel7



■>.**.*tlle l'sihlein -lid Herrc tt'a Dye H-M... SdamPlw? «-d ■ l.hl-R,




br Hron •Jtlwet

MVSDSSSt}. Tbe body ol Julius Baer was found by fr.'tgbl

Iff, Dvemlies west of here, Tuesday morn. Ins terribly mangled condition. Hi* head and .ace were smaabod so a* to be hardly recognised,and numerous wounds were foand oo bla tody Mr. User was apc.M (or the great blood aaedl eins. Sulphur MM* Bobbery we* undoubt- edly ibs o;otlTe, LS be was known to have s large sum of money oa his person. As we go to press there is ne clue to tbe per pet rat ore- Colorado Pre IS. W**"'

OOOD ASD KKMAHl.B. A good and reliable family medicine Is Si lur Bitters. Kvsry spring for six years I

have bees troubled with buns; since I begai ilug Sulphur Itii'.crs I bave not bad a slngl

_ja, Yoacanreiy on Bolpbar It tiers aver time.—Editor Weekly News.


IK THsOrisioK or rsTaiotAaa teeth that are beec-alng dsfsctlre or are Ir fldeotly cleansed. Infect the food au>l unfit It for tbe digestive process, Healtb, toerelorc, a* well a* personal attractiveness I* promoted by lbs uoe of HoiodODt, pure in composition,agree able In Bavor, prompt and effective la Its part' fylng act'on, aud economic, alnce only « la« urops upon tbe brush are needed at a time. Tba popularity of this sterling preparation is based upon loig lasted and pro I en* ion ally I npon recognised merit.


*s Lou Johnson I* esioylDg her vacation at Cottage Uuy.

■e Grand Army r-'st hi* adjourned Its Jag* until Ibe last r*rlday in August. r Oillert Bmertcn and wife bave been via-

itlag lo New York State for several weeks, i. Jti.n C. Webster his been appointed ad-

mlnUtratorof'be estate of lbs 1st* Oeorge W. Batters.

Thomas Psarsoe, who hat bats It Texas lor ibi last eight months, r~iur.ied to tula town on Wednesday laat.

The aelectmtti have issued tic warrant fo' killing dogs, tor tbe curroni year, to Constable J. F. W. cooper.

Mlsa Uara O Marsh, of New York, daugh- ter of tbe late K. P. O. Marsh, Btq , is vislilng Iriends In Ibis towr.

Mr. Wm. Bnsa and lamlly have removal to Lowell, wh<ve they will conduct a boarding house oo one of ibs corporation*.

Mr. Oeorge M. Kelly and wile expect to start lew Santa Cru», Ualif«.n,n\ sime lime next month, where thsy Intsnd to resile.

Kev. Henry Jewell, Of Me.rlmac, preached at tbe Unlveraaliit cburcb, last Sunl ij morn- 'nt. lo exchange wltb Hie psilor. Rev. N. B. Hill.

r. '.- K. Rollins will ,uu Tor Miinc on Monday next, where be will spend bis vacation In Milling knd boating uj an the lakes In tbai suite.

■Rev. J. H. Clifford, of North Andover, will preach at tbe Universsllat cburcb, in Sundav morning, In exchange with tbe pastor, Bev. N. S. Ulil.

Tbo Bjbermun from this town bave been quite successful during the oast week, in c.itch- ing blnck bass from P'dlcy Pond. Several large string* bave been brought home from there.

r. Daniel Denrey, of RicLmosd, Vs., B brother or the late Timothy fjenney. bs* been vuliing frioods In town tbe past week. Prevl- - ~ "o till, visit he bad not been in town for fif- ty years.

Mr. Joatpb Brown, lately 'ha popular h ir- lend./at be Excbanse Hotel, baa opened the Mcrrtmack House In "Pleasant Valli-y", and la having It fined up in good style fir tbe accom- udal Ion of Ins Ineudl.

r Cbarle* Learned has recently purchased a bone and buggy, and now takes bla evening

■xcrciie by that conveysnes Instead of OB lextt. [t will also be quite convenient for buniiug ex-

cur*lons dating tbe coming BUiutnu. ._iv.T J. B, HOUJ* has notified bis eoogre

gallon that he bag not yet detljed whether be wl'l accept the call that was tendered blm from a church ht Mlllerd, N. H.; bs has been pvstor of tbe church In t* Is town bttween OVJ and fix years.

The 14th annual reunion ol tbe Pint Mass. Heavy Artlllerv AnHiaiimi, will be held at Wsluut Grove, In Mlddletun, Aug. lotb. Co. B of ibis town, belong to tbls organisation, aad tbls am u mi-vim'lit will be of interest totbao!d member* of the company,

Tbe Derry bsse bull club, from Ditrry, N. 11 . came down on Saturday last Bad played n« Athletic*, at their ground* on Pelbam nr.-ct. Tba game Was closely contested, but wa* tie- cii'cd in he .1 drewn gam*...» the score sbovKd 7 to 7 at tbe close of tbe last inning.

A party of fifteen gentlemen left town on Monday Blternoon, for a Orbing excu.slon on tbe ocean. Thny bad s successful trip and re- luruedoa Tueadsy svsnlnr, with a good sup- ply ol 1st), and In *n invigorated condition iro u ibe tsTecu ot their sail on tbe water.

Tbe member* of tbe Catholic society In tbls town, assembled at tbe town ball on Tuos- dai eveulns, to bid Tarewoll to tbelr pastor, Ibe Rev. Patter O'Connor, who has finished his work here and It about to depart lor another Held or labor. Mr. Joseph Martin, In behalf ol ibe congregation, presented the rev- erend gentlemen with s go d watch aod chela, lor which lie expressad'hia ihanlgfulnea* In a very eloquent manner. Music waa fufroisbed at Intervals during the evening.

Congress I on 11 .tint tern.

Tbe managers or the Northern, snd

Boaton, Lowell asd Concord Haliroade,

leaned a Joint circular to their employes

some weeks ago. urging (bam to take oot accident policies la thu Travellers Inau-

rsoee Company. Of 80 employes or all classes Injured on the roatla during the

four yesra end'ng May 1st, 1882, Arty-two

are from tha Boatoa A Lowell rsllraod, divided aa follows: ysrd brskemsn or

shifter, ;6; freight brakemea, lOi tratk- men, 7; engineers and firemen, 8; bag-

gage mssUrn, Si switchmen, S; yardmen 41 track rcpalre.ra, 2; employed about

freight boaaa, S. Ths smoant divided smong fifty or then wss ei.US.lS, or so average Of too 58 each, ths smallest

amount received being M aad the largeat


Sunday'a eaacred Concert.

The following Is the programme of the

Sacred Concert to bs given Hundsy after-

noon on the common by tbs Lswraac*

brass band : Pas redouble, Mlssod Gloria, ftom llth mass. Mossrt Overtnro, Zsropa H.-rold Adagio. Mandsjlaaohn Selection from PatUace, Sullivan Coraotsolo, Rosss snd LUles, Bollli

Tbo subject ,f congressmen If already undir dlacasaloo, and a anlontlflc iff rt '.* making to crta'.e a general opinion that Hi s gcberal opinion desires Mr- Kos- sell** election for s third term. Tbe filends of Misara. Harden, Stolt and Grtenbalge, would aeveraliy like to brleg forward their man, bat lbs aapportera ol some of tbem sre "akeory" ol the sltoa- tloti, and would rather Mr. Ruaaell aboald keep tbs seat warm im years longer, than to rlak Bs being pre-empted for f-.ur or six years by a new man. Hence the milk in tbe iblrd-ttirmcocao-ant. Monday night several republicans not together in the citizen's committee-room—"|ust hap- pened In yoa know" and talked over tbe matter. No. 1 dlda't kuow of any drive agalnat Mr. Kosaell; no more did No. 2; No. 3 dtdo't know but he did passably well; N )• 4 raised the pitch, aod said Mr. Bussed'* liberal expenditure* in Washington, were giving our dlalrlat great Icfluocci there; No. S dldn'd care anything aoont Mi. Kaasell, bat he was cbslrmsu of s leading commutes, sod a new member conld not step Into soch a place; No. 6 did not care for Mr. It eith- er, but Lowell bad several oaosUdateui.and "raebbe" two years hence she conld unite on one easier 'has now. It wsa curious to notice that the "accident" which had brought tbeae gentlemeo together, had not happened to hit anybody who waa "contrary minded." nor anybody who wsa really •enlbuslaatlc for Mr. Hoasell, nor anybody who didn't think that on tbe whole Mr. Ii. might not aa wi-H go again.

'as a good bit of strategy. Neverthe- less It looks sa though MsJ. Stott could get s good majority of the Lowell d. le- gates If his filends should try. but tbe country members will probably In 'scooped In" by Mr. R»sall'a perambula

tore at an early day- The fact ia that i good many folka who do not really want Mr. Rosseik will go for him, because they are not so much afraid of him as tbey are of tbe mm lhay are afraid or.—Lowell Voa Popu.ll.

At Early Boom.

Avo Marls, Potpourr', Finals,

Mr. V. N. Hill.

Folio, Alithetle

KejlttT bias

Roll In


Tbis morning, a portion of tbs gearing

lu lbs main abaftlng of ths Dock mill, broke, and necessarily caused a abut

down of part of tha works. Tba damage

will bs immediately repaired.

Hampton Beach Note*.


Tii't: Sun savb a new grado ol letter curriers is established to receive $1 per" year. More "1st BBBBVBW* to be filled with republicans.

"Dit." BOND or Brooklyn, bas been arrested Tor practicing under too roan)' names. Tbe court put blm under t)oOO wcilhofhis same.

THKBE is a grim bit of humor in tbe verdict of a Texas jury, on a man wbo itiopped bis owi leg off and bled ■ to death; the death was returned as

axildenUl." •

A BALD-HEADED man aajra hit hair reminds blm of a fool and his money —Boston Poat.

Don't sec it! our bald-beaded ro&i ciu't possibly part his.

WUKN tbe base ball yarn is wound up we shall see that, tha Worceaters are badly worsted.—Courier.

And with the help of Providence, the ball will be measured by A Troy wait.

JAMES ENGLISH was shot and killed by John Lawless, seven miles west or Plaits City, yea Unlay Lawless es- caped."—Lawless slaughter of Eng- lish—Good beading for tbe bulletin board.

Mu. GIDEOK Tn_KKit. wlioo ifr he may lie, imperatively demands Hie im- peacliment of Secretary Chandler, through the columns of the N. Y. lierald. Good-bye Chandler, your race is run.

A Lou-; ISLAND man named "Jiim- >" bas been drowned. That is, the

people In his native place know lain by no other name, and say be received it from bis great fondness lor whis- key aod tobacco.

TUB Lowell Courier and Bo-itou Herald Agree in thinking that every- body does not read a newspaper through; but -more people than they dream or, mad the newspapers through

other folks spectacles.

THE ALDEBMKN are said to be anx- iously inquiring who is budding a stone W9.ll across ths alley in rear of the post oHlce? We can tell theic—the man who owns tbe alley, Mr. V. W. Schaakc, who purchased it years ago.

The Japanese manufacture scissors with si/juL steel blades and brass han- dles, indicating that they hate mas- tered tbe secret of uniting the two metals IWDIBIT—Advertiser. •

Don't know how It is about that, but those other yellow Bkinned chaps, the cheap labor fellows bave always united brass enough to steal any Lime, and any where.

Tm.ui. is' a roolsncholy absurdity about the funeral services of the late living "skeleton," as described by the N. Y. papers. It wag at the museum and there were present an mourners only tbe four giants, the spotted boy,

two fat men, tits seven Indians, the seven long-tisirsd women, and tbe German dwarf. The Lightning Cal- culator, made a few appropriate re- marks, about tbe ceremony, and the extempore clergyman waa very appro-

priately chosen.

THERE SEEMS to be very little in nature or art In these days that ti

IT HAH IH.N by old sea captains in Boaton, wht-tlier the Stir- ling Caatta which, made a very quick passage from Shaaghae to London, really purformod the voyage in 27 days as was announced ; but a gentle- man residing in London, writing to the London Times, corroborates the previous scoount und gives del tile of the passage which be mule on board the steamer. Tbe ac'ua.1 steaming time as given by Messrs. Henderson Brother*, Xew York, was 27 days 28 hours and 45 minute*. The corres- pondent of the Times says tbe Stirling Castle on that passage will show an average speed of 16 knots, her daily runs between tbe 1st and 7th of June against the southwest monsoon being 372, 387, 380, 378, 401, 375 and 871 miles. On her arrival In London she discharged 61,935 packages of tea En 30 hours, all ic first-class order. It is difficult to see bow any one can dispute such a minute and methodical report as they furnish. It Is best to accept it aa the best tbe Kug'ish can do, and proceed to show tbem how tber can be beaten by the Yankees.

THE LATE Lewis II. KedUcId waa one of those Connecticut men wbo go west. Born in Fsrmington, Conn., in 1793, he passed his early youth lo Ontario county, New York, and in 1807 was apprenticed as a printer to .lamp* T. Bemls, the editor of the Canandaigna Repository. In 1814 he purchased an outfit which had been used for tbe Worcester Spy and st tri- ed tbe Onondaga Register at Onon- laga Valley. In 1829, he removed to Syracuse, and combining his Journal

i'li another, published It there under the title of Register and Gsxette. Soon after, be abandoned t!ie news- paper business to become a publisher, and subsequently engaged in real-eV tate and banking. He retired from business about 25 years ag-> and baa resided at Syracuse. Beginning life as a Federalist be afterward became a Democrat. According to the New York Times he only held office once snd then it was under tbe distinct un- derstanding that politics should have nothing lo do with his official coiirae. He is said to bave regarded Journalism as a means for controlling other mm, and not for IcUiag other men control you. Lewis Gaylord Clark was onoe apprenticed to hira and Thurlow Weed waa !n his employ but be had no work for Horace Greely.

CONUKESS Is performing the part of Dickens' circumlocution office towsrd Dakota, and has contilred to find nut in the most admirable manner "bow not to do it." From the first men- tion of division and admission tbe people of Dakota, who live north of the 46th parallel, and who wash tbelr hands o( all the dirty work done in Yanktort county, have clung to the ■nine of Dakota, which by tbe enter- prise of that uulion more than by thai, of any other part of the territory bas been made famous. It la the Dakota wheat fields lying In the northern part of the territory wblok have a world wide fame. It Is not strange then, that when these people asked to be separated from tbe Southern portion ol the territory, tit at tbey mentioned tbe circumstance of their preference for the uame of North Dakota. Da- kota by any other name would not yield such wheat. Tbe Bismarck Tribune says: "It ia but reasonable

to suppose that people who bave tbe pluck and energy, to come west and

THE Texas granger may love his children, but he does not like an off- spring,—Sittings.

Don't know why He'd otter. Tl.erc isn't Sun enough.

TIIET sre going to keep one notice Justice up all night in New York to bull out the prisoners. Pretty' lively bailing cut some of tbem, if they get as full afur dark aa day times.

A LADY teacher at tba South end preacilbes canary aoup for ber pnpila to improve tbe voice.—Boston S*ar. This is robin tbem of more substan- tinli—Meriden Recorder.

They take stork in it and s Tallow It, to wrcu-dsr their voice clearer.

WK KKEW the great body of Inde- pendent voters were ellgl-tly Indispos- ed, but never dreamed it was as bad as that. Tbe Boston Herald says the Pennsylvania independents are "weak in llieir ultimatum" whatever that may be. These autopsies are very trying In hot weather.

GEM. WALLACE, United Stales min- ister to Turkey, has declined the present of a painting representing a Turkish girt, which was offered him by the Sultan. Moat any man under tbe circu nstauces, would have resent- ed the palming off a "counterfeit pre- sentment," and he a gallant general!

THE ADVEBTIBEK says that Gov. I-iong ought not now to consent to be again Governor, because that Is un- just to the candidature of Messrs. Crapo aod Bishop. How unjust? Gov. Long merely says that if the people aak him to serve, he will coo- Bant; if the people prefer Crapo or Bihsop, then they will nominate one of those gentlemen, and not Gov. Long; if they prefer the Utter, bow s this unjust to either of the others?

even "observed A cucumber shoot.' Wo are not so aafo now as we used to be when tbe question was, "what are

A few of tbe most ambitious represen we coming to?" There Is the greatest Utlvesof tbe republican party in this danger thst we won't "come to" at all,

pie I "" ■*

If we waste much time in the oeigb- clty, wbo are out, IJ qaest of tbo early worm, convened at Hantlngtoo hall oo the sly, laat evening, and originated tbe nucleua ef a boom for the re-nouitnation or Hon. William A. Kuaseil of Lawrence, to represent this district another term In congress. Tbe meeting wart Informal In lta proceedings, but considerable entlia- slsaui was n-.snife>led by a lew in attend- ance, wbo made short addresaes In whlcb they pointed out the good qualities of Mr. Russell, and spoke lo terms of approval of his conduct during tbe two years of his service. This meeting was not called by tba city committee, and In fact only a few or Iu members knew anything about tt. The meeting waa atrlclly execntlve, not evtn reporter- iKiln^ allowed to enter or listen at the key bole.—Lowell Three.

boring cucumber patch.

Awr.l Isa'llIT

Tbe candidacy of Colonel Sherman of Lawrence, for tbe sttorney-geaarslablp. Is liable to be ulppid In the bud In his own town. It la a church right, an i religion will mix with politics after all.—Lowell Cltlxen.


HAT havaa. For Hay Fever I recommend Kly's Cream

Balm. It entirely relieved me from ih* tlrsi application; bave b?en a saBerer lot ten ysara. Onlna from home and negle-tlng to take lbs remedy, I had aa attack i after returning I im- mediately resorted to it. and foand instant re- bel. I believe, bad I begun Us use earlier, I sum id not have bean iroublcU. J. Coilyar, Clerk, 118 Broad street, Elisabeth, N. J.

Measri. Whits A Bardkk, Drug-gifts, Ithaca. N.Y.:—I recommend to moo* suffering (as 1 have been) with Hay Faver, Ely'» Cream balm. I have tried nearly all tbe remedies, and give this s decloed pralersnce over them all. Il bas etvan m* Immediate relief. 0, T. Stephana, Hardware Merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. Price, CO

John Fallon. Eaq . and Dr. Lamb are

among the recent arrivals at tbe Ocean

House, Hampton beach.

Hon. Joiin A. Wiley and wife, of North Andover, and P. B. KoWwaun snd family,

or Lawrence, rsgUUrsd st tbe "Ocean"

un Saturday. Through the efforts or Col. J. D. Drew,

tho avenue leading from LMTIU'S Ho'.el to Austin's cottage, will soon be suitably

lighted. Uncle Dan la happy In tbs possession

or an O. WUde but. John Farroll and family bare taken

rooms st the Boar's Head Hoaae.



PHYSIOUN AND SUBGEON. Corner of Centrsl and Brook Su novBly A1IPQV.

POMP'S POND ICE, Superior for all domestic purposes,

Clear, Solid and Pure.

Rerrlgeratora, taaks, water coolers aad pin-li- ars will remain aweet. Loweat prloea (oa * btal. of * quality.) Courte- ous, prompt aad eSseleal driver*,

a liberal patronage desired- H. M. HAY WARD A CO.

Address Poet OMee. Ballard Vale or Aaderer. tfmyS

When y in feel oU of sort*, have the blase, melaachuiy.ttc-, Hmasi beludltssilon ibat all* you, Brown's Iron Bitters cures il. 1'lwtod *>

I'MSOWAT. ! To Man OaLl! Tbe Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will

send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro- Voltak Delia aad Eiectrle Appliances oo u la! tor tbhtj daya, to men, (younger old) wbo are afflicted wltb Nirvuus Debility, Lost Vitality hnd Mas- bood.o-ad kindred irocbles.gaaraaieelngapsedy and complete restoration ot hetltb and n:iulr viai.r Address aa above. H. H.—No rlak la Incurred, as thirty days trial is tltrmid.



iCk F. HOLT,


nllard Vals aad «t

FOR SALf ■ x new aoase pleassntly located on Pnuekard

Avenue, searly oupoali* Park atreet; ar weald Ma^eVteaeVeBTh,Mme.leaiamllr "osaiall ehlidrea. For farther partleaihtrs aaply toD.I*. SBAjreoat. eevaer Bammer atreet asp ruachard Avsaus. tf fast

Bavint WHAT, Ksvaa? Nol Hsvaal Tbere hMMverneaw a scheme presented la

any part iTlba world, wnsrs the *y*tem of pub- luToreoversaaeatlouerles has been, or is now leaaliaadorpTeSecf^soUberallnaillUfeatures towards the public, as tnal lecwaUr adopted by ThVLoolalaaa Mate Lottery Co., fr its regidar mowthly dlalrtbuUnws. ander ibe sole care and auVtaaemenlorUewa.U.T. beauregard, of La., SdJubalA.Bsrly.ofVa.ontti* seoo.d Teas.

CORMs ar- moat annoying and trouble-

tome; the remedy advertised elaewbero,

Giant Corn Killer,'' la warmly commend, ed by those who have used ,t, as trrlca-

cloos In removing these pestilent pain


The annual picnic ol St. John's chorch

and Sunday school will be heldatBillej'a

iV«, Haggctts Pond, on Saturday, Ju'y


HE WAS a drummer, a full fledged knight of the road. Observing a tannery from the car window, be cas- ually remarked to combination of linen

dusVpr, ten acre hat and vacation H- brary, occupying seat in front, "Sup- pose you can get good leather board there for about six dollars a week?"

Yes, I presume calf-s-kia" wafted i reply, caused a facial expression

read by the grinning passengers, as n desire to crawl among: bis samples In tbe parcel rack above, to meditate npon his Badly ending funny eflort.

MLLE RHEA'S Ufa Is insured for $50,000 and ber wardrobe for $22 000, in favor ol ber manager Arthur Chase, of Holyoke. II she lives three years, the extent of their contract, he expects to make a fortune with her ; if she dies within that time,, be makes $50,000 whioh would do very well for a fortune. All tbe risk ii in,, ber not drawing great audiences. If she should fail and live U>o»ffhe would

Caahler Jsqilth'a little girl hasrecv- feel bound to furnish the insurance ered from her recent attack of scarlatina, ] money or die, but io that case t'ley

Iro not forget when you are In Want of Paper Hanging*, or Win- dow Shades, that the Largest Assortment can always be found at E. A. Fl SHE'S, 275 Essex .St.


THE military status of Postmaster Merrill of La wren e promises to be as great a puzzle aa that of a Yankee marine ou horseback in tbe streets of Alexandria.—Lowell Citizen.

Very puzzling, wo should imagine! MsJ. Merrill bas held his present rank and position In tbo militia, almost ten years ; during this period he baa but once been considered,—by those who had authority toconsldsr,—in connec- tion with any other position. To per- ceive anything puzxllug in this sort of military status, requires a nowerfu glass, and several of tbem.

BEUAVIDES, Texas hss hsd a trage- dy. Mr. Pablo Aqultnres shot ami killed Mr. Pedro Gamiz In a quarrel over s game of cards. The latter gentleman Insists on playing poker, while the formervigorasly asserts that the Gamiz Pedro, and the trouble began.

After maoy yeara of careful study, w. r-r the public our several brand* of

Beach's soaps, (bat will excel all otbera In parity and emollient quality.

not harmful io some way. Tbe children's toys sre sending them from pastime into eternity, andE. C.Dowd in the New York Independent, hss I turn the prairie into ouo vast wheat

field, and make for this region so en- viable reputation all over the world have at least sense enough to know what would best please them for a name. North Dakota, pure and un- adulterated, is ths only name that will suit." Nothwithstanding tbe uncom- mon sense indicated in their modest suggestion, Mr. Ssnndera, of the com- mittee on territories, reported a bill

for (he creation of a new territory north of the -li'Ui parallel, to be called Pembirta." North Dakota refuses to be created under any suet title, aod thus the object of tbe committee*, to dispose of the bill so that nothing should be accomplished, was atttt fned

and la now oot of danger.


Tba board met la apodal session oa Monday evening, with the Mayor la the ebalr aad all pree- •Bk ThefolLowhii business was transacted ■-

/'rtiiiemt.-Oi'J.L,. fall aad others, lor repairs «a Craaeeal atreet.

D. r. Delsa aad others for a street ektewdiag from Holly atreet to Auburn Court, referred to the committee oa streets.

Michael Hetaa aad otbor*. for the eatatutea ef tbe Warren atreet aewer, telemft to IA* commit tee oa sewers aad drains.

H.B. Dyer, for a sidewalk atSl Bradford St., referred to lbs committee oa sldewalka.

Phantom UeEvoy, for asldswajk wfrosttof his e sidence, IS! Lowell street, referred le tbe eom- aaraeson sidewalks.

A'leciric /.tfAllNf.-The ordiaaaoe ia regard to •Uetrlo llghbsg eame up snd waa passed to be ovdalaed and waa alavsad by the Mayer.

AMervaaa Saaaders aakad thai tbe I.awrenr. Blcwtrle Ugbt Company be granted S Ueeaae If

A BOXANlt MIHB of hraltblaio be found i.i Dr. It. V. Plerce'a

lie Prescript ion," to ibe merits ol which

"Hoi mi OS RATS." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, fl iea, ant*, bed-

bugs, skuaks, chipmucks, gopher*. 16c Drug- gists, dwll a>

"BOCHtirAIBA." quick, complete cure, all annoying kidney,

bladder snd urinary diseases- gi. Druggists.

EEiasr Man. "Walls' Health Rrnewer" restore* healtb awl

'Igor, cure* drspepsl*. Impotence, HIUII debll-

■ ■".ii *■ fin bard or *o(t ■■ dwll


would doubtless Uhea-rrange it.

Hcaarean'* Actn 1'HMIIUII

In seasicknesa la of great value. Iu atlion on theaervecflbe diaturbtd atomacb Is soothing andeflectlve. ltlwcod

.or iu frails**) a lusery, opeo gratefully to evswtneasoelseiasb. Tbs av*t drawing oecBra oaTaeaday,:Aug.Sta,aad early oaller* wilt be aasld soon. dwll

Do yoa reel broken down f Try Wheel Bl), ters aad lamp for joy. Tbey will reetorS /en-


Tbe Mayor ashed tf U was aeeeatary to put the ■eeswaey nsder bawds. It eras thought beat le wait aad obtain the opiate* el ue City Solicitor. It waa voted that lb* beard (aspect (be imposed route ot tbo Eiectrle Llgat Company, aad tbe Mayor cat led ibe board far Tbersday morning.

AfWeetiawsewt.-Tbe committee ee enrolled bill* reported Iba approprliUee resolution eorteeUy as roued.

a special pebee •

ANOTHER funny incident of the Bos- ton opposition to Gov. Long, is the evident hMnrity wilh which the stal- wart Traveller quotes opinions from such despised reform journals as thu Transcript, Worcester Spy and Springfield Bepublicitu; but tban, the Traveller, we suppose, is only mortal, and does it not repeat In mournful measures that Gov. Long wroto a let- ter io fttfM of some other candidate than Col. Wortbington for the Sur- veyorsbip, and even Indicated his second choice, and the latter not the

gallant Col.

MB. CANDLEB is always on the right side, when any subject comes up which besr the remotest nlation to the commerce of Boston. In his re port from the committee on commerce, relative to the Senate resolution, to appoint a United steles commissioner lo the international exhibition, to be

Ir s man invests in respectable gambling, as mining stocks, and loses his money, it is all right; hut here is the ease or Weed tho her > of the Newburg poker game and the loser ^ of $150,000, has arrested bla partners j t,,.],] ftl tbe city r,f Amsterdam,Holland, lh the game to try and recover. This from May to "October, 1883, he refers then is the trlfTerence ; In slock gam- particularly to the large '. - ' _ ., „,.. of capital made in this country by the

bliog, ooce lose snd you are -out -1 Nethcrkndi( tml Uvort ,n jgnu, but in card gambling, you lose your |totue exporUrade to Holland sod her cash sod can then sie to recover i t. i eastern colonies. The committee rc- For our part we s nOl stick to tbe oldi|port favorably on the senate resolu

poker. ioo.

WHILE sll tbe energy of maoy peo- ple is combined to prevent the sale of intoxicating beverages, other combi- nations arc using their best endeavors to manufacture il in as large quanti- ties as possible, and aa rapidly as the circumstances will permit. A gentle- man of tbe name of Betz. a brewer In the city of Philadelphia, has pur chased an entire township near Bis. marck D. T. containing 23,000 acres, for the express purpose ol raisingt barley an 1 malting it, snd then ship- ping it to Philadelphia. The Phila- delphia Record, describing theprescn operation of the business and its pros- pects gives the following figures "His brewery here (in Philadelphia) has s capacity of 300,000 barrels an- nually, and three other establish menu in New York with which be Is connect- ed, can turn out 300,000 barrels. He expccU to raise 500,000 bushels o barley per annum on the Bismarck land, and intends building there a large elevator, extensive farm bulld- ogs etc. He will spend $100,000 In

the enterprise, oesides tbe purchase money for tbe land, inside of a year- BeU is worth five millions." It is ailed the biggest real-estate boom the

Missouri slope ever bad, and is a boom of some magnitude. He has got the teetotalers inone way, tbey can't make any town laws against the sale of Hquor where he is, for he owns the whole town. The strangest part of tbe tem- perance movement, is that while every effort Is being made to suppress tbe ssle, the manulaclare wss nevet more extensive then st the present day i proving that (he demand Is increasing, not dimlnishii.g. If they oculd in some way cause a decrease In the de- mand, establlsbmeoU for the manu- facture and sale would disappear. It la merely n matter of taale : (appetence sUnds in the w&y of abstinence, and so the hand which fills the tankard s the hand which sways the woild.

When Sargeant Shoe, for some years M. P. for Kilkenny, WAS ap- pointed a Judge of the old Court of Common Pleas, some twenty veers since, there was rather sn angry ex- pression of ProtesUnt Lrotcst, as be was 1'ic first ltoman Catholic placed ou the Knjflieb. Dencb since tbe reform- ation. Recently two Roman Catholics Matliew aod Day, bave been raiaed to tbe bench, with public approtailon.

Mrs. Jackson, the "II. II." of magazine literature, hss been io tbe country around Los Angeles, Cst., lor some months, gathering material for descriptive articles. One of her cubJecU will be the old missions of Southern California. She is being assisted by two special amals, as well as by ber husband, William S. Jack- son, a wealthy banker of Colorado.

Edward Puropbrey, of Indianapolis, a young man over twenty one yeats of age, has never voted, and baa TOW ed not to vote until his sister and mother can accompany him to the polls.

A young girt in Waukon, Io., six. teen years old, dropped dead at the sight of a rat on Monday evening. Generally a woman doein't do any thing more than gather up her skirU, yell and prance round and make a menagerie of herself.—Kxebang«.

Some latter-day philosopher said. Send me all the dresses a woman

has worn in tbe course of her life, and will write her biography from tbem."

—Judge. A ladies' Journal announces (hat a

marked change will take place this fall in the fashion of arranging ladies' hair, Ws arc given no hint ss to tbe character of tho innovation, but It is

suspected that instead of banging the bair over the back of a chair at night, upon retiring, it will be suspended from a nail In tbe ceiling.—Norris- town Herald.

A cablegram front Alexandria says that "the American admiral perform- ed a graceful net yesterday. He steamed around the British fleet aud his men cheered each ship in succes- sion." The admiral is indeed a brave man. Any one who will go right out on the water iu an American men-of- war does not know what fear means. —Chicago Tribune.

A clergyman of this city was met last week by a woman who has little reverence for the cloth. "Tell me," sidd she, wltb a benignant smile, which did not, however, disguise the acidity of her question, "why you close your church In the summer? "Do not your parlsboners need protection from the evil one in the warm weather as well as In the cold?" "Ob, blcBS your soul, no," was the prompt response; "the devil never stays in town in Jily and Au- gust; h. follows the rest of the world to the watering places."—Boston Courier.

HifAVE BEAB, the Sioux Indian who was to be hanged on July 20, has been granted s respite of »txty days."

It avails a man to Sioux for merry in DakoU.

Suicides are liecomlng more and more frequent every day. A blood- hound used in playing "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by a travelling dramatic com- pany jumped out of a window at Montello, Wla., and wflb a chain around his neck, hanged until he was dea.1.


Ir. FraaaU Shove aad Mlsa Hsbeeea

Mackinaw HaU nobby styles, at Curtta'a, 0O5 Essex Bt.

Celluloid Collar*! and Ciiatk, at Cnrtls's, next door 11 it It Station.

Corns, Bunions and Calluses. Csll lor tbe


and take no oiber. A enre gaarsulerd. No , no par. A brush lor applylag In every

boU'e. Also a rubber etoiiuer to prevent waste, Prepareu only by IIKVUV II lllfgn, Pharma. old, Cambridge, H"*. Far sale by ad Use lesd.aa druggists in Lawrence. Doe* aot tears

r or blemish, nor causa Inoonvenlonoe In any way. Bewaaa ol Imitations aa Id to be as good. Mm |uy3l

HOSE CAHBIAOE FOU S All:. A roor-wheel Hose Caerlage. Amoskesg make lassola** pnadillnn; never bees used; earoi-

nt opportunity lorn rlty or town In want of inha vehicle: term* reasonable. *-pi'l| ' ' "' (dress J. A. KLl.lH.ON, Chief EMIOMT North

._ndnTer rire [lepaitment, Norlh Aadjver Deuot, Mass. Hrjsft

Slimmer Neckwear and Summer UudeTwear, at Curtis' iWlA Esacx Street.

Fine Manilla Hats atCurtlH'a, Next door to U. H . If. station.

TOMPKIN8 & MANN auooaBaoaa TO n



Paints. Oils, Dye Stiffs. Csemicals Aleohol, Alum,

lonia, AilaUreaao, Bonilne.

...efalWisea, Borax. Beeawaz, Brrsh Ureoms, Oeeh*, Camphor, Jbalk, Cream Tartar, Color* orall 'hade*, CBibollo acid Coach Varnish, Castor Oil, CUam il* Stln*. calerldeol Lime, Copper Rlveia, Castile Soap, Oopneras, Dipper*, wooden

Mixed raint*,Bll colt N, sis root Oil, Na.ibiha, Olive OU, OtilK Ail.l Uekuai, r*aiart)ne01. niSMsfras Puny, Paris White, .Potash,. 1'umlce Stone, Planter Paris, Parla Ure Paint Brush**, Paper Palls. Bad Lend. leweS Wagon Su ring* Hotio, HuttonStoae, Itoeh Salt

for aoraeiand caltlt Rlieliae, Bulpinir,




n ktotalr g». Sateree la properties*.

LSI. Louisiana State Lottery Compiny.

Incorporated la IW4f>r U yetrab* tbe L-ei.- Isture lurEi'uaaliona! aad Char liable -wruanapltsloi #l,i*P,uu0-io a-blo* a reserve Inn I ol SlM.ftM has .laor been added.

Bras overwheloiini popular vote It* fraaeblse waa atsde a *iart of the pre«eni maieC«a*titu iio .a.lool. I l>er.» f.l *. 1- , UT*.

The only L»t •*, ever voted on aad endorse I by the peoula o. any state.

IT ai ran actual oi PosTrovaa. It* UrasiS Bluala BJwaaaer Brawlataja

tek* place Me nihly. A sflKIS wPPOHTt; ITS TO


Leek a« the fellewlssp BaheBwe, cader tb* ni'lu.its supervision and uisnasesseal oi' Uen. U. T. BE ADKEU ABD of Ls , aao Use. il'HAi, «, EABLVof V4, who ataa.f• all the drawlngaoi (hi* Company, boih on. la*Mr Bad •mi t»M'U ar d attest th* eorreulHBtB ul UM puiill.lud urti. LlalS.

CAPITAL PB1SB, »rsooo. IOO.OOO Tlrkela al riv. Balls ts aXeek.

PraoU*)*** 1« I'lflka lw prwpertlesi. u*i or rauka.

1 CAMTAL l-BIZE S;■'•.«*) do S*>

I do do

do 500


l«7 Applioatloa lor rales lo Hob* should, be asea*

onlv to iheoWeeof thet'owpsay laBewOrlsaas furlurtbvr inlormailo* write eleeily,giving

full addeeae. Bead onlera by *xpre», Meets tared f-eiter or Moeey Ord>-r,atdra**Ml caly te "S0.

■ew orSt. A. WAVPWIM.

SOT Paveklh at , We.aiwatww, I». O. N.B.—Orders addressed to New OrUaaa will

rei'iiie prompt allenliun. a as 1 i w jyII a


We ere Agents far ths




AMERICAN TEDDRR. And invite feraeve to Inspect mare itapio-

aaeata before pBreiialog sUewbere.

Pure Parts Oreeu, I.omloit Pur-

nh', Plaster, Sifters, and Sprinklers.

Having Tools in Great Vaiiety. SCOTT A VIETOIt.l |

:u."i Common St., Lawrenoe. Tend In marSU

CARD. W* announce to nur friend* and patrons wa


sonsbSnfe, plain toe and Sal heel, which I* Ue best slyle msde lor oomfurl. Tbe above good*

are only In narrow width BBS small altea

SS.TS. Wa make Ibis very low prine, whtoh

Iswayuadar our regular nrtee.te rede** our

rseerva sloek al enre. Tbe quantity la liialu d.

sad tl.i!


Downer's Knro.eneOll, Send Paper (>U*l Bru* baa, Emery Paper,

reatber Dusters. Floor llrusbei, Pish Qlue, Parolturr Varnl* roreal Klver Lea< (line, allsralus, Oum Arabic, UuesTragaoanlb, Uold Leal. Uold Bn-nae, lilyeerine, Ulauber Snll,

BalSoda, Stone Jar* snd Meg*, Saltpetre. BewtagMsehlaeOH, StablaPall*. Minfi Unbber*. Scrub Brush**,

Galvanised I. Harness eoau. Indigo, stalsomlns.ail tint London Purplr, LlgtatUrali ' ■

Wooden Dnners, Window tllsas Wster Pslls, Ws*t's Enamel Dressing

for Carriage Top*, Whliawaan Bruahe*.

Pall., Wauregan lloap, Williams' n iber Bar


WhaleO 'rap. Whiting,

t Varnish, A Newtoa'* Tube Color*.


In quantities to suit at Lowest

Market Prices.

191 ESSEX 8T.( LAWBENOT. Vlvlaal


A motlern built DWKU.INi; HOUBP.witi four double bay wiamowa; to.eou feel ol land. Price |I.1U>. Land to the amount of lui.twi lerl

n t,e purr-hated with house If desire,!, Ptire _ proportion Location for toenery end easy aeesss lo Lawrence not surpaaaed. Air' "" lota of land near aaid tonality rsugn

-■■ - SIUHI.'OO. Prlee*)ow. alao for sale IS small House LotslOint

1,1!, in just the thing fornoitag** and parlli mall mean

pay part il-

l-ald'. ' Enqnlre of W. WOOD, Union Height*, Marble red ilreet, North Andovei

lima I IceSIUOperlnt. If deaf red

a, balance fasia nonih* wlthooi IB dollar* per

•em n

Pearl Derbyn, at Curtln's Alt'l Essex Htreet.







VAS8AR COLLEGE. Pot'DHKia'atA. N V. A nmplete eollege

ofP ■ tu U


Special Notice 1 We call UwstienUoeol our Lady CustoaBajJ'

one* more to the Special Inducement* W. Sap now ready to oSer.



Fine Millinery Coods AT COST,

as WS do nol Wish to esnytheas orer another aeasoa,

W* make Special AanonnceaMnl ol oar



Common weal tta of Maasacubaetta. ■see a, ss.

PHOBATE OUBT. Te the Heirs sl-Lnw and other* Interested I

theeststeoi WALKES r-LASDSKS.lsuot Lawrenoe, m ■*>,

cosuty, earpeniar, deeea.e I, Glimsu:

Where**, Rarrlei T. Plandrra. eaeculrl of tbe I*

II yoa experience bad tasie* lo monlh.aalltjw. isa or ystlew color of akin, lael atupid and

drowsy, appetite anttoadr, freqaeo t hesdsebe or distioees, you are "bilious," and notblpg will aroaae your ilver to arik>B and strengthen np vourBVB'emiqaal to Dr. Pierce** "Oo'den Med- ical Uucovary." wedAfalAf

» era**

mlr.latralla •H'ou aru Court, ti tv, on Ibe I o'clock '- ■

,,l t ■ petni


Besides tbe large area of lead In South Law- reaee, owned by tha Company, and still oSored la lots to pnrchassrs on tbe uanal layorable terms,

Tlie Essex Company have for ssle the lollowingdes'rabla estates:

A large lot oi landoa Broadway, *<l*treel: Ike **o*t renlral .He now Is marke on thai basr Iboroughtare. The tparloas dwell- ing thereon I* rented lo goon tenants, snd may easily be made a Bar residence or profitably changed to* business block.

Several lots or Laad on Esact street st the eentre of bualne.u,

a large lot ol Land on Woodland Court, Pre s- neci Hill.

A lirielot Cil,Mj<tfi)on Allston street, oa the easterly slope of Prospect Hill.

A let na County *■ reel, eS Auburn street. line Sne lot oa Wiatbrep Aveaae, So. Lai

reaee. AUO a Sue I'.t, fine r ol Cnlnn and BprlagSetd

Btreets. Ironliag Unloo P-i i, Bealh Lawreaee. end gas Wil

_ _ a of tbe real eata' a will raise the sag* of twelve thou lundred sad flfteen dollars forth*

debt*. lag*cie**nd ohs.gesofad

hereby elted to appear ala probsts rt bolden at Salem, la aaid coun. r*t Moslar of Aogust n He forenoos, lo sbow o ,11 *

ordered lo serv* On* citation b~* publtthlng the s*me tin, week, three week* *ucce**l*elv. In the

LAWBBSCB Akisicas.aad AKDOVSR Al>vaa-lt*gn,

a*W*paper printed al Lawrence, Ibe la.t pub- lication lo be two day* at leaat before aaid

EoaoS P. CHOara, Esquire, Judge ft. ml* tbirteeelh day or July, In

tba year one thousand eight bnndred aad eighty

"ilfrlMnl J.T.MAHOllET.BejIwer.

which we will sell i al*rg* discount, aad aa rni ilr.nsl.le

«y win last *iul ihev ere all Sue early call will be necessary a* ihcy


DDtrimmBil HATS and BONNETS at Remarkably *Low Prlees.



taUreat Kedortioa from reoeolSelling Prkaa.


At a l.iirjj,- IilH.-iHinI.

FLOWIERS. jtioa of riower* wblok .. earl* Inapeelloa will not duplieale ibeaa lor

We have a very Sne so we wi*h to close out. be necessary ss we S the same prices.

Also a Uood Assortment of



20 HlKli St.,' A iiflovcr, MlUtt.


MiBEOHAL NIEL? Baskets and Deslgna at SliortB

Notice. OrdersroaybeleAellhKiLUT ABUTLBB,

Ittl r;.




M. S. ANDERSON, 11 Is* )**.*!





will cure the worst case ,of dyspepsia.

Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion.

Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life.

Dispels nervous depression and low spirits.

Restores an exhausted nurs- ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus- tenance for her child.

Strengthens the muscles and nerves.enrichcs the blood.

Overcomes weakness, wake- fulness, and lack of energy

Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison.

Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid.

; Walker St., Baltimore, Hcc. ill). roc >II yaari 1 have bean t anal

•utfarar from Mood IliiiM, l»yt- ptptia an.11 MI.11 J..1 i.ii> a n. II *i am ' so d*hilit*trd that 1i mild .,■ . rstsla anything oo my ltomach, in fart, l.h ha.T alaxnt become a burJrn. Finally, when hop* had almiwt left n*. my hmband acting ll» ■» ■ .

> lauH Brrrni* adetrtixd In Ihe rper. Induced me to give il a trial.

tat sow taking the third bottle asd have nut felt ,D well In lia


will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs "bracing up," than any medicine nude.

Kruwu ■ Iron Bitter*, for »*li liy A.r. OIPWAT4 CO.,A|>othecsriv

Cor. IUII at., and Broadway. Lawren


JP EN- POINTS. No Miin "eaterlm M Ilia's OOMU"

No wore ">lMna| out lo MI" No nr.>t»■ "Boating down Ills'* rlrst" Willie'* taken Ilia degree.

No nuMi' "faresI'll kindly teachers" No more "farewell Ibss Oh tree!" No more "long lire alma atalei" Wlllle'a laker bU degree.

\<> mure "memories let ue cboriih," No wore "eat from tearulog'a tn." No more "annual commencements" Willie's taken hlsdefree!

"Count' Tbro" tbe Rye" woim—and drunken nt-aa.

The army

TIIK OmnihiiH bill has paasetl its last aUge in the house.—Courier.

Who car's?

AN old proMem solved—"llie sun struck Billy Patterson."—Star.

The Son of Gun!

DBRMII Kearnay la to dike the stump for Stonoman the democratic gubernaliontii nominee in California.

Poor Stonemait!

TIIK itrncton Gazette announces that Home flno photographs of the

noise t-ar9 have been taken. Issued for souvenir* of Brocton, probably for touiisU.

MIL POND tbe "drowned" editor of

Turf, Field and Farm, baa turned op

wilb an indignant denial that a pond could be lost in any such utreatn as the Flambeau river.

TIIK difference between Great Bri lain and Kgypl is not a very pronoun- ced one. Tbe one is an Island, and the o'Jicr is u Nile laud,—Advertiser.

Isn't Pennsylvania an ile land too?

n«M«r«rptai» Sal affacUoii*, C ..

THE WONDER OF HEALING! Tta ■"<•*** -theoniyape. UHUUlll. dno f-.r thi* UIIMH, MM in

Our" Catarrh »"*ir*,"*r*cl*lly es, nitiielus all iht

F.iitmH mi; I, Intahialrlii fur n*e in .alsrr rink aud luaipauaito.

EheumatiBm, Neuralgia. J**** MM haaparedBB many raw o( thr*> .■.


E "^»- r.rtin..-. ninniju-n, laspeedily cvnirollid

Diphtheria 4 Sore Throa V." .'i; PrtSPptly. Ilia asureenrs. I>. ■!»)■ i» il.uie i'in,

IY.r Pll«, Blind. Rlra-dlsi*; .r It.k. !■!, It la UH paaJaal known nunil).

B*e>r 1" Irrra.Olil H»rm «r <> |» n IT •■■da Itsaolkm u|-.u 11.■ ». I ■ mi llrMMlbUti <axllM lYMHv EXTRACT an* <Ven imi- Mrd. Th* fntutut an* la* .■<■,„, " Jfl.VICS MJTXACT' Mm in th* of***, onrf imr ffcfwrs

<•» Hi/ mittiwr. Nam* ■ t-uroxfa

HUH. r-Id I.I Sulk vr »y

■Fi.-iii.Tini mi TOIUR (ITiOLBa. fOUD-S EXTRACT 50t, J1.00, $1.75.

TeWCreeai I.OOjCatarrh Crr» 75 ■• W|P1a*1er 25

25 InhaleriGta.if vl- 1.00 Up Sake... TriUSo*


3Cakw).. SOJNaulSyrinfe U mum 50 Medicated Piper ■■ 25

Family Syringe, (1.00. Lamm, raad pagea IS, IR, 31 an.l M nt onr New

fefplile* will, h ai. ,.m [.ai.u i tatli txitlle. **'Oun Na-w 1'AVIIII a r *-triilli»Tnmiir>if»

nvaunuiaui 1'UtK oil ArrucaXUM TO

POND'S EXTRACT CO., S 14 Waat Uth St., New Yor>

MJ«lr»apU x

fond'a Kitrant leaold by A. r. OBttWAl * CO., Apothcoarlce,

Uof. Baaex Btreet and Hro.idwav, Lawrence.

H W ccuwuno ^ M«S

TIIK Full Hiver News beads an item witli tbe siHitlinj; aniioiincenicnt, "A

Girl ninrriea a Ciiuamau." Really one niiglit Biippose (tie t'xpoiieiits ol cbeajj labor were not as a rule paiiial to

teui&lc wives.

Two Micbi^an^irlH went in batbing and liatl great sport Hosting on a log but a«Ji»gtisting winil blew them otl stiore and tlicy bad tlnrty-six boura of tbe sport all lotliemselvea before tbey

were rescued.

WEAN note that milk la only tbree ri'iiis n qiiai-t at Mount Holly, N. •' —N. Y. News.

Cbcaper by n"long ebalk" than it is this way.—(Ju'D. bulletin.

To water lesson ll.i.t piute !

LK (LKAH, llie New York portrait painter, havioa painted tbe poilniits

'it' Presidents OfUt and GacHeld, will soon advance on President Arthur It is elear that all lie will ninke on

these pictures will be clear gain.

AN Ohio doctor bus been sent to an insane asylum, I'm digging &cveii

graves for seven of kit patients. Pos- sibly be iiiuv not have been so far

"otl" as some of his fellow physicians who didn't uafl the sliuvel themselves.

MAHKIKH-At Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Means, three feet and a half high, ■0"Miss Harrison, three feet high.— Suu.

It is astouisiiig what small means

some people will take to enter into matrimony.

riiKeollege lectures alOxfoid bv Mr. Butcher, master of the university on

Kngllah history, arc to be tbroffii o|«n to female Bludenls. Tbe young ladies will underttUrril IHIW how it cornea

nbout that so many of the best lan- guages are dead ; they were butchered in this horrid boy's school.

TiiKr never let anrthing go unsolved in New Jersey. The Patterson school committee while visiting a Bthool re- cently, were unable to obtain an an-

swer to ihe question qf "bow many toea has a cat"; tticy at once despatched a boy to capture a Thomas and tbe

practical lesson was taught, that a cat baa eighteen toes.

*lffE*s . of the public lle the noneorreal

ad th* medical pmleaalon. i'i Sumach Blller* la a tuedi.dne w

reiMlia e|Medllv leli, ttioroiigli am •Ida reeUlylng liner dlaur ler, It Invigorate* llie iMble.nonquer* kidney I BOMpla' ' aad baateaa the conealraceore ol Ihoaci tcc( lag irom eolreliiln( .u ■■ i-i». Morcoier Iba grand ipeolflc lot leret and ague,

Foraateby all Driisg'.alaaml Denier* gcnerallr. eod i i




BATES LAnoii.ii.*n;»>i,i'.()ir AMAZ- 1HOLT, glut gte,'* unlvaraul anil.In. I Inn.

OMIT lATB lalnir •NTlnf tOOMHtlld, and •Iwnri b«flr* the atxire avmbol, nnd nun

JAMKt l'VI.K, NKVf YORK aeow ]rn.| If mil.' ■ *


Murray & Lanman's

FLORIDA WATER, Best for TOILET. B_AJH and HANDKERCHIEF. llaffJaaBBBBBBffaaVaBffaffaff« 1

ulkaalfaiMl ■

THKV are having trouble in an Kng' lisn village), in designing some substi- tute for wine at communion, us llie goblet is invariably emptied K'fore reaching the '.bird communicant. As

yet, nothing has b^en discovered which does not share the same fate, and il is getting rather expensive to have the communiou Sunday come ■round.

LaVlfattElMift, tbe famous dutchman of Dickens at tne age of acventy-uino' years, was yesterday sentenced to one year in the X. Y. penitentiary. 11

told the court tlml be had only served forty-two years in prison and he

thought tbat one year more wou'd re fjrtn bim and he would live a new life from his eightieth yeur on.

TIIK Portland ITKM is interested

the pisciculture and published the two following Items on "the sea serpent.

Don't get nervous now. Whiskey is llie only remedy, but wait till you me bitten. — New York Press. Nice advice to give to 30,000 or so people la Portland, when there isn't but one sea serpent otrthe const. '

Tbe following from the LAWUKNCI:

AmniCAX is Slightly suggestive. That is, suggestive of good suppers, etc: "The sea serpent bus been seen again t'tl Gloucester." "Col. Sherman opened bis summer cottage nt Olouoos ler last week."

Klc? Definition under the Maine laws, plesse.

A VBBT interesting account of a slight misunderstanding at Hunter's Point U given iii Fiiday's N. Y. Her- ald. Tlie i artiea it seems, were of the

verye/tre of the Point being Angus P.

Mclntyrc, pugilist No. Ksn editor nnd proprietor ol the Ixuig Island Courier, published at Hunter's Pohl, and the justice, Stephen J, Kavanagh. He is

a distinguished Jurist, a very promi- nent official and maybe called pugil-

ist No. '2. Tbe "discussion" was most Interesting, and is described asfollowB :

The bench seized the thumb of tbe press between bis teeth and began to tiitc, whereupon the representative oi the lotirth estate lauded it well direct*

1 kick upon a prominent portion of the reverie side of the judiciary which ia situaled below the belt.

Thedispute was at length decided in

favor of the picas, bis arguments be- ing considered much the stronger. Literary circles at Hunter's Point are

now restored to tlioir customary quiet and the discussion of "Lea\es of Grass.'

THiBliusrd sets "tbe stove deal- ers are grate men.''

That is, with grate range-

A CONCOKII street undertaker dis- plays th? pleating legend of "Coffin Ware Rooms—Rooms to Let." Cheer full

"You bore me terribly," said the poet to the carpenter.—Baltimore American.

"You're a knotty thing to say so," sai.1 the carpenter to the post, "and I don't takea bit-stock in your words."

A WnrreB in tbe Scientific Ameri-

ca calls old half dead flies, which crawl out frum somewhere and make themselves very disagreeable,-—links 'twixt the summer geno by and lo ooroe." Tbe old link looks It wDen

bis "linked sweetness" Is "drawn out' of a molasses hogshead, but the hum

mcr lo come cannot be depended on He is all " 'twixt" then.

A BUKMilon or aa epitaph !u Tiew or tbe peal ausasai

The kin.I ol<l uncle never llkeVl To hear young GL-orfj ■uw

•onb, if t-eorlj •Ina-

j.>v upon tbn el'iri.itia fen J mate id., welkin rin

lie puroaaaed Geon* a ]>l*tol wblcb Tiia ahoiimen .'all a "toe,"

Next r"oui Hi UMI welkin will not ring With ibouta of Ueori7 boy.

M. A. R., Cincinnati—Please name the organs of circulation." Organs seldom h-ve any circulation worth speaking of. It is the Independent go-as-you-ulease press that has t ie circulation.—Texas Sidings.

Organs have no circulation? The same one wilb the same red haired ltallangpLs around here once a month as regularly as clock work for tbe last ten years. No circulation indeed 1

Ask tbe people in the towns about here.

When Ui* Bcarlet cardinal 1.11* llrr tlreatn to ibe dragon rt>.

Anil tbe lair bree-aemakiaa of

Anil tbe llltea Ull lean oter ibe wall To bow to tin- buiteiSr,

It la July.

When the beat like a mlat nil Soata, Anil the uopplBa Same In Ibe rj ■■,

Ami the alleer note In Ibe atreainlet'a throat Ha* * almort lo a •tali.

It la July.

When lb* hour* ara an ttlil Hint Time Kotiti-ie Ihetn anil lota ibem lle

'Neatb petal* pink till the nigbt itarl wink At (be luntti in lltu aky.

It la July.

When panh aax>T-poii| by the way sera the Siuuibctiown I* nigh;

Whoa the graa* la tall ami ihe toae* Tall, Anil nolioily womlera wby,

It I* July. —Sueaa Hartley Hweet. SL Nlcbut**.

w in i! Uie (airy nioaqullo Hit* And ilralalhe gruenliead fly,

And llie in.uii millet* creep, oe'r lliolr vlcilm*

And to bring him to conaolouaneai try It I* July.

When weary editor wipe* hit brow, Andpumpa tbeexehange* dry,

/.ml from language pioljne, belail* lurffrnin, A* he Jump* ou the neck of a Or,

It la July.

When you lle on the lawn In thin neat oft tolhea, Ami the bent of llie night you defy.

Watch Ibe mercury* tbe fining flie-

■ And »«lnly for alorpbeii* you cry, It I* July.

When dog* go mad on the city ilreet* And for polar excursion* you algh,

Wben you hear lor a week, the flihhorn* wild IStetfc

And iiua.ll bora Irom toy pletol die, It I* July.


The newspaper* of Oregon stand on the |>ending suffrage amemlmeut twenty-three in favor, five opposed, and four neutral.

The secretary of lbs Harvard "An- nex" baa, it is said, received intima- tions that at leant two persons now preparing lUtr wills, have included n tbem generous bequests to help tbe

cause of the education of women at Cambridge, and that offers of money for immediate use have alfo been made.

Miss Forney, daughter of tbe late Colonel Forney, or Philadelphia, one of tbe editots of Progress, be- queathed to her and to her brother by its founder. These children, who seem to have inherited tbeir father's talents as well as bis newspaper, laitkfullj trying to cany out bis ideas.

The Boston Globe, In a-i excellent leadlrg editorial, commends nnd up- holds tbe appointment of women on school boards. Tbe opinion expressed Is based on the evident gnod results, during the eight years since the pas- sage of the law to eauble women to hold this position.

A mass meeting of woman suffragists of Ohio will be held in Murphy's Tab- ernacle, on Third Blrcet, Columbus, O., on Wednesday, August 8, for the purpose of reorganizing the Woman Suffrage Association ol O'jio, which is auxiliary lo the American.

Tbe first college in Canada to grant the degree of B. A. to a woman was that of Mt. Allison, in New Bruns- wick.-at its recent convocation. Miss Harriet Starr Stewart was tbe fortun ate young lidy. She wore the usual college cap and gown as she came in with her fellow graduates, and uer

well prepared oration was received with applause.

The Women's Protective League of California, which proposes to hiibsti- lute w!iite for Chinese labor, and es- tablish a Women's Home, has organ- ized with the following officers: presi- dent, Mrs. M. Bladea; secretary Mis. M. J. Stephens; financial secre- tary, Mrs. A. Cognissc; executive committee, Mrs. II. Davidson, Mrs Win. Garrison, Mrs. I. Russell.

At the recent anniversary exercises of Acadia College and Academies, Dorchester, New Hrunswick, an essay upon the Kqual Righla ot Women, was read by one of tbe lady students. Il was the sensation of tho day. Tbe novelty of tbo sub|ect, there, was perhaps the reason, for the Canadian committees are somewhat behind tbe age in regard lo the great question of the day, but even small beginniegs aro welcome.

At tbe quarterly meeting rtf the tausteeB of ibe Maine ■ Hospital at Augusta, dune 16, Dr Sarah W. Deroll, of Portland, presented a peti- tion from several cities and towns iu tbe state, containing '2H2t signatures, re- questing the appointment or a woman physician. The petitions were referred to a special committee, consisting of Dr S. Oakesand Mrs.G. W. Quimby with Instructions 10 report at the next meeting of tbe board.

Ituportl of college commencements abound in all ihe newspapers. Voting men and women rccefte their diplom- as, and share the prizes. So common is this fact now, that it excites no comment. It is a matter of course. It will thus be seen how the world has moved, when one remembers that within a century only a fraction of the public schools was permitted to wom- en. Some of the baccalaureate ser- mons msy be read wilb profit by oth era then those for whom they are ct- peclally prepared.



DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances

Three Handred Thousand Grave*. I Tbe Pacific Stockholders' Meeting.

■UrTVr1ri«frnni >Vr»na*tt mini, •,■.-,,<;*(,. *r*l Itcblllty, I--* ul iit-rvt: l.nvi- or vlp.r, .UaoawKMillhik- In mi AM'SM an.l Onit*


nr M an» ainr HIHIUMI wim 11 In . . M.ill.,1 U',T..».

IjJTirjTTiiltlaa..Tpaisllarfc Kup-

Kprcdy r.!i-f lli-altll 111111111111.... >:le*>trlr *i>p>llinu . m thwl havt> • 1 ,r btH-nrwoHt nu-till Milan ni-lt-nllllr piln- rlatlvm. Ttn-lr tlinruiiafi i-tl'mrv linn l»-cii |mic- ti.-ailv piuTcii villh id- IIIIIHI Hiinricrfiil Hiiii'M. and liny lm\i- tin* Itlalif^i i-ncl.r»fiiifi,t> nun iiifrtlcttl an.l wlrn- (lUc mrn.aiKl Irum IniiiilrnU who ltav# hft'ii ,|iil,l4l> nml r. .In tlli ,nr, ,1 by

s-ii-l ateoea tot IlluMraitilJ'umiililet, glvtus all iiiiiiiiiiail.iu inn'. .\ :■'."■■ ,

VOLTAIC BELT CO.. aT.arr.ball. Kick. -; ■i.T.--1 .■ a


Beiw, am a cniai-. ALcoiioLiODitrNK.^i uishir raooinmaiida.1 by Chan:lata o.iil J'hj-alolaiiaaa

HA POSITIVR TONIO, ALWAYS 1 AOOCPTAOLE AND RALIABLI, It doava not «tl".nl-'a His hrala or lrriuta

,aajvt«namllraT*balriarkniaaekc«a. On IttW contrary, It ramlahci Juatihat whloh ia II neonaarj u> (ha bntn, atrangthana and q«lata HUia iKinraa, purtflM t'.o In ir'.'a V.ooA. and nthrrciyciatMCnly Um bwt (IM!I, bona and Rmnacla. tV It »'OT>B trondnii, cnirtna USEItVOt'ia andtil: M TT\1, 111,(11.111. ■ MAI.AuiA.DVSli I'-IA, 1N-OUM V, HProduoraa healthy atKaOB of th* Llaar and lXIdnay*, fortlryhi* da rruioin a«auut Uia ■—'"-*""■ Influcnta*. aiid will tc (bund In- ■ iraltiablain all pulmonary and bronchial ilim- UcvlUaa. DKUCATK I'llW-VLt:"!. KDairaa ■ MOjTBSCa and WfJH.LT t'lULUEIOT aan PJflod nn remady o.]iial tn thla li«althnil blood

" ~»¥• food touio. I *r>'oraa!a byalll).-u<- (UO per butila. Prepared only by

WriJUTraTT*B8 0O. Ollloa 19 I':T .:. FUoe, Haw Tork City.

WhrailiitterBBiefor * A, P. OB D WAV A CO., A

Varocr Itatex nt. ami Ili-oailws

HOP BITTEES. (A .t(eaieine, not u llrlak.)

Illirs. llft'lir, niAMMtAKE, l>AND£I,ION,

IHTIK ritemvr *■» Ran Mn-»-,i.qinu.

THEY CUUH All IMieaaCaar rtdwrta, Iilood,

$1000 IN COLO. help, or tun .

Imllldli, i„i,i.. AlhTn1"1 ilnifclal fi.r Hop Hlllr U,IHI bafura juu ileea. T.iUo I

Hop nillL-raiLrttsriM liy A. I', OIIIMV.l V aV CO., A pothi,>ai Ira. Coiaer !■:■■■. \ Ht. aEiil liioudwry. I.awreticp.

Cures Iryspepaia, Nervous Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and A^ne, Paralysis, Chrcnic Diarrhcca, Boils, Dropsy, Humor^. Female Com- plaints, Liver Complaint, Uemitter.t Fever, and ail diseases originating in a bad State of tho Blood, or accompanied by Dobility or a low State of the System.

Peruvian Hvmp I* aolil by a. P. oito-v LV akOtl.iApatkaaarUa,

i: ir. tun HI. ami Br«*dwey, Lawrenoe,


ELYS' CREAM BALM, ffiffiSfl' JSS*5.», SX&ZSSUl allara Inflammniion nn-l li ri! iliun, tirDtirlai* mumliratial I tlie li.-n.l trim, a.| luln. col i«, oomiilt-laly h,<als t',« aorci ami rcaloi. t Hi.- «.■:. I ini-tfi-ii.l urn-II. It.-ncuViNl rrmillf - '^phtixed uy a few ni.Lilk-ntlona. A.haroujth

linent a» ilirmiod will c catarrh. Aa ■ .. _jrh.Hil lorr.nhi n> tlm hrml an.l at Sea It li naeqaajed. The Belie Urxpyio.... ami aareralilo. s.,i,| by <|riiaul_-t« at ■•<• reiiir. Ortrer.ritit til fill r.,-:it" mil m;iila iijutin. Bead orclri-iilMrwilh iiiil i.n.n [,,.,i,,-i,,

ai.YS" CIIKAM II ALU CO.. Owego, B. Y.

fult »AI>; IK LAWBI- ;. rv

H. y. Whitnoy A Co.. K. 11. KaHey, Chan. Clark J.C. Arorr, at OKIH'.J'. Drujt Htorer,

ICIy'a Crrfim I'.Vm, *-,r aato by A. P. OltlkfTAV A CO., .\ ..,.:■,.■..,■.,... Cor.Ksf.a ■■!..!■■ I I:■ - ■ Lawtcnrr.

3 The Greatest Blood Purifier/^ CN EJUtTlL

ro-^4 o- Yellow ltoch, M.-m-lrf' *- ' r.-nllnn, J'nnlclliH, Jiml: r ]!

IBrlra, eto.'. combined wiiri llir " ■ tract of Piilpliur. wbii :i i,-r gllid Grc.,! ■« IIUKI l'uri |kuo^rn. Dunot ever taLa

DLUE PILLS araenlo, they aro dr- lh- i

_ lara jour mist In M L- A

Jc.= taiKl bcatiuodltUuo

irlth a yr»!ow sll-kyJj

Inch ia niitot «ri]rr/'.^nt.T.^t,i

_J jTlgtl-COj.] !!'■■'■

.« u. . uw ivw "nca,l t (ret JOSBSStOIaSSattl

1 curt you, £;;!;,! ■ lillcrali ,

io Invalid's Friend.! .- ■J»Te':n(l,th3o!Tc>ilii!i.1 tot-B

r trncgwo »"•.;! mtuloWfU bjl 'iliusf, ltciavmVr -n-Tiat Toiill

'read berr., ,6 Bin, KV0 y'our| 'ire. It hi.1 ajv^d MadiWI

flton't wait until lo-morroir,

r a Bottle To-Day! _ Ara yon 1<iV*r>|rlteiI ami weak, or f. rifTarini fnim tho <Mr «..<■, ofrniilh T

ir aa, h [. 1.1 III K J U i : 1,. ■) v, ,il cura

C-HCCAaim. Huahcd m>« ■• i no ahook al battle,

And iiui-lx-d tim ilrinnii'n Icy lirvalh, Aud im-lir,i now la the roar anil rultla

Meial-liui (be tread ordmtb. I'eaor, ilure-are-l peacr, rclgna over

Our atartyra ami our bravei; Whllr Ua f.nill.B n green aud* oo*er

Tliraa IIIIIJ-I. .'.I tiniii-NTi.i ( r.iv.B.

TUsaraTC .ir ibe I .il.m aobller Ii,it- BTer* B.iulnero plain;

Their bonua in the green wuu.l moulder Alonf ilisaoullioni iiiain;

■|'ln> nre found 1>; the lair rtnyacnab. W li'te the rlaicir pine Ituu waecu.

In llM ItaMH "1 1,'uiialai.a. Their three nuiulred thou.and graTCja.

Where the Hlaalaal|inl aiancaa, Tbrou|li Ita lordly rbanaela nerji.

By Uie] Arhanaaa, Our Noilbrra hrroaa tleep.

Tln-y «!■ in by the bounding water*, Where the mounuin Ion-eat raroa,

And we count In t u- ili-i.| m -i umni.r Three hundred inuuaand irarea.

Krorjr pballow creek and rleer f'lir jrrivn award ul the aoldier larea:

But we h.Id In truelioreier Thoae tluru hundied thouiaiHl grara*.

Bach one left, In b.itile ahaltered, Bath hla lire for iret-ikm eare;

An I hla aaliei now lle acallercl 'Jtong tlin-c hundred tliouaand grave*.

Wbfre Then .

And lovingly they atH-in lu tarry there, bt-aule onr not them *|aln —

Oa Ibewidtaprend rice plantation. Where »nf i-i.l.l the Hark aklnnclalavei,

Tb»ae whe fell bniueathed our natlun Tulllliiee buiolicd thonaand gra*ea.

la Iks waak MSMralU which bonier Ihe far off »ouibcro eraa.

Where lh.> ma lie plume rank In order Wave lii-iu-ath tlie ■iiulhrrn l.ri-,1.-:

Thrre, H» wrll. ynu find them aluiub'rlog And tlie Kutiiniei- bloaaom pavi-a

Tluiiixl above iiur innrlyrs. nniiibcnng A good Ibree hundred theuaaud urav.-i.

There the Immortnl heroe* tnu-ner. By the great guli'a aandy ounea,

Where the cane an.l rauk weeda cluater ■ On ihe verge of ,|ark laaooni.

Lei our laud in grler be willing To honor al her wa>ilnr bravea:

lb- Uii.iiHxii.l-i ..I hrr marly ra tilling Thoae inree hun.lta I th .uaand graeei.

But the i- HI -•- for which lliry perfehed, l.iln-d by the bluud Ihey thed

wred rocmun'irlierithe.1, OooJ, Uiellrave, ihelxutd;

.• W» weap for Ihe i«rl,he,| numbtr, l-.arli one our affdctlon oi avaa.

Tbi'y are oura, who He lo alumlu r In three hundred ibouaauil ginvee.

They, lb While wu'

A constitutional amendment has lieen adopted in Iowa by more than -40,00u majority, prohibiting the Mao- ufactiiiii and sale of intoxicating li- quors. This is largely duo to the *>f- Ibrtaofflis Womatri Cliristian Tern* petanec Union of that slate.

Tlie Den Ifoines Register, in sijenk- ing of the fourage shown by the wom- en dating tlie recrat storm ntGrinnell says : "It ia notable that ilia women were more composed linn Uio men. They endured the storm better, sn<l can tell more of it, and talk snore col- lectedly a'nuit. it now."

Maria Mitchell, professor of astron- omy in Vuso-ur College, has just re- ceived tbe degree of LL.U. from Han- over College, at Madison, Ind. This is, we K-lteve, the first instance in which llie degree of IX, D. has been conferred upon a woman, and Hanover College lias tlie credit of it.

••TIIB-B WARrAaa i- Accoaruaiur,,- Wa* Ihe Louch ng Inacnptlnn placed upon Ihe taiiiut-iono oi a buibaDd and wllo. There I* nuth- lll< which no aour, a mun, an.l Induce* d-.meMlc waifare. a* ill health, nnd eaiie.-ltlly weakneaa nthe UHCI, IOK. ol pliyaieal power, an early

liroaklngilownot body, rendering one unfit to utuiid U» hla bu.lneaa. Tnen cam- anj anxktie* multiply, the lumper become* runted, and iieaue SleeojBtOftbe wlndtiw. Beliolil Ihe great reatnr er, il.ii.i'. Itemedyt Quietly U one* to lh« man a relier. One boltk aeari-heaoullhe dl -eaau and brgiiM n , cure. Tsr i or ihrue more take n., tlingootl work, end floinh It *:iii«lai',iorlly. The

ealored to their proper itnciier,*, the weaki •Wad,lU bloom ol heiillh In t,i-..- ii -, r .■ vlaor ' nd Ihere n ease. All hail to II

rate, and all t«e

H Minr temper, but Uniting unt'* If'-tn, .|, : wit

tt tfl 10(1 H* flay at home, M, run lee « ■53 1U 4>ZUe-> free. Aildre..8TIN*ON * eottlHiid, Maine MydelH



... Bltler* am compoied _. choice K-.ote, Herb* and Itnike, amona which are (icniiin, Niir-ntiarill;!, W lid Cheriy, Daude lion. Junii>er. anil other Uerrlei, anil are au pre- (i-ired an to retain all their medicinal quilitlea. They Inearlably cure or freatly reliere tne lullowinjr complaint*: Dyinepala, Jaundice, I.IV.-I- Complaint*. I.o** of Aupetite, Ueadachea, niiluu* Attaoka, Kin. mailhiii. Summer Cmu plaint*, Filer, Kidney Uiseaaea, Female Dlfflcul- Elee, l.analluile. Low Bpirite, Ueneral Iwblllty anil In fact reerything cauaed by an Impure Hlute uf the ll'ood or deranged condl Ion ol the -:--ii I.!I. I.leer or Rldne>a. Tbe a«cd find In

theQuaker Elun-r- n m-ntle loollnar tlimuUm io ilt'iiirable In their dcelinlna; year*.

Rminent rhyalciana preiclbe Ihem.and re- I'niiiTiti nd I hi' r il"', ana pronocnee thctn the beat Cure I«r all l>i*ka*e* of the Blood, steutnth Liver and Kldne*. No one can remain loitf unwell (unleaa afSlcted with an Incuribledla p-i-i') Miter takingafew botilea ol tbe Quaker Buter*. ror i,-ilehy DiQf(litiand Ocaleraln Uedlclnea vi- . 11. ii !■.,■. eod a IF nil br

ARKER'S GINGER TONIC Cinger, TJiichu, laan-

•traLe, SiiUingia, and many <■( the beat siedi- einci known are com- bined in Parker1!(iincrr Tonic, Into ■ medicine oCui-h varied power*, aa to nuke it the gmtm lllo-d Tuhficr and the

Hair Balsam. iSsflt Tk. 1U., BlaaaaH ™1 ,ll«en, (.Ull

-. .ore* Rhcimialiun, !-lfe;.lc,-n'«, & Uiaucu eflhe Fiomach, Bowel*, Lungi, Liver & Kidney*,

' ■' II'.I. .,i li- i.i

[from tbe Bt>»toa Ht-iald.J

A meetlug of ibe etockta'>ldur!* ot the Pacific mills eotporatlaa was hsU el \h<- ( 111 '■ of tbe ■ O'liMiii-r. Mr. Baltoustall. un Wpdneaday, Mr. Jamra L. Little, Or., to ibecbalr. After the readluji of tbe n- port of tbe treaaurnr, ftoin wbkb IV ap- neared tbat while tbe worsted dtparimeut of tbe Dills had loot n.-evliy In tbe past fear, Ibe prlutlaz di-paitmetit alooe nlmw- nig ■ Del lUCOUte, tbe tjuuall.m WaS a.-kti) tbe iroamirer wbat toe alteration* uiH ImpritvementH now being made aod lu ou tern plat IOD at tbe luillt ID Lawrence would coaL Frota bit reply It was gatb-

red tbat tbe total expenditure lu tb a dt rrction would be lu ibe neighborhood ol • 1 500000. Tula would leave uf tbe to- lai aurplus "f the corparailoo on band outy aoou'. toW.OOO. "i'bla, ihen." aald

ue of tin; stockholder* at ibe meeting, im-aiia tbat We are not lo liav.i any divi-

dends next tall, and that ibe factOc slock will go down to par." It was anMclpaiml ibat a good deal of warm talk anu ttl ■■■ cuaaluu would have occurred at the meet-

on Wt'diirHday; but, ibougb tbe utait- axlne of wrath on ihe part of some of tin.- tockholders was fully charged, Ibe spark

that would cea»c an cxptonlon was not produced, aud therefore, under ibe p- collar condition of tblugs, tbe uiemiog

as an unexpectedly quiet one. Thete are vatl>>us aud good reasons lor this. In tin Cral piace, a mejoilty of tbe stock ol the corporation la owned or Controlled by three men, viz. : At>t>oiLawrence Aunt's-

Lowell and Aitbur T. Lyman. Tbe two former are now absent m Europe, aid It u said they have a im- thither part ly With the iiii.-iiiiutj ul eacnpmg the atorm wblcb ihey know was coming wh.-u

divideLd was passtsd. A cousidiraole porilon ol the atock held by lb>.-ae genik - in- ii :.s In trust lor persons who have beP'tOlore derived Un-ir maiu support from the dhlilebds pAtd by Ibe toipora- tion The PA8BIM1 OF ONK IIALK-YKAltLY IHVIDENU

111 no doubl be «u euibarrianment lo many uf tbem, wblta the prospect of no dividend la the fell will IM still more si- rloin. These ihniijH, coutbtued with the sntlelpatlun that ibo slock may go down

nr, mlxbt make It disagreeable to the abaeni directors to be at borne and attend

lonally io ibe complaints >hat would be made. Tbe eiock uf ibe corporation Ii now quoted si 91G12 Bvl share, but what may tie tte fluctustlors in ii liter In the year la, of courar, onl> a matter oi conlecture.. Uoitie ol the atockboiders talk with considerate joetlug sbnt tb- sliuaiuiii, and say 1 li it. If—M it Is believ- ed In sonic quarters—lb« nil.Is Will not li future pay more than a 6 per ceut. Civ. dead '.-n ihe stock of ibe corporailon, bey might as well sell out their stuck

and Invest tbelr money In mure easily convertible securities. Aiuoun those lu attendance al the luecMug ou Wednesday was Mr. .Si.nn.-, supeiiulrndenl of ML worsted deiar.iueni, who bad, Il l.t Said acquired a shar^ of ihe stock In older lo entitle blm to be present al tbe meellng. He no donbt went prepared to tako a pail In any debate tbat inltrbi occur, aud an- swer questions, if n.i: htvn y . out, as no questions were asknd, be bad nothing to answer. The old board of directors was re-elected, and uf course ibe management remalus iu ihe name bands as at present. It l-t supposed that the dlscontenitd stockbtilders, under the ch^umsiances, tltougbl It best. In the absence of M.ssrs Lawreuce and Lowell, not to orlug mil lets to sn ISSata, knowing tb it these gcu tlemen held tbe balano of power, ana thai no matter bow mnch Indignation might be felt or expressed, no change in ibe managemeut ol the mills coald be el- fectra without ihiilr co-operation. It Is, therefore, probable that when tbe absem gentlepieu return lu tbe tall tbey will be s-.'eii and an esrnest eflort made to enlist tbem in the work * of reorgaolxluic iht management of the mills. In the meau lime tbe present management will con- tinue In charge.

Mrs. tSarati Hmgvr Stcatug, of Miu- ticSou, a niriiibcvof" Ibe DtilutKacliuol board, lias invcnteil u simulc but ex- cr-llent M-iitilaiiu- npparatus fir llie scdool room.

Mrs. J. It. Iin;i!.;- re)>orU that nearly all the Aiiieriiiiii women in the south- ern pnrtorGajte county, Neh., where HIIC circulated a petition 1'or woman rtutrragu, .■-i;'.ii'-il it.

Mrs. S. .1, Daxtcr ami Mrs. Helen Scott, of Plymouth, Intl., are wootaw fut ousiuesB women, each eairyirg on large millinery antl notion stores.

Miss Sarah K. Whitney will 1>e tlained al At^ona, Iowa, on the .'lit in St., at LIIQ iiit'.i aiiniiul meeting of tbe Iowa Association of Unitaiaua.

The tweuty-setoud annual conven- tion of the Indiana Woman SnrTrage Association met in the Court JIouvc it Columbus, Harlholomew county, Wednesday, June *H.

Mian Lelia Stout, of Argos, Ind., is acting as DLfht operator lor the Peru & Chicago Railroad al that point, un- til she obtains her majority, nt whicli lime she is prepared to be admitleJ to the bar UH attorncy-at-Uw.

The Rutlund Vl. Herald gives near- ly two columns of square dissent Irom the action of the Massachusetts Medi- cal Association, by whicli regularly educated women physicians were re- fused membership in that body.

uoTnaasTMOTHKaai t aiuTnaui.i I Are yon dUiu feel at nijrht and broken ol ront

n-.t uv a*ickcl> Idaufferliig ami ITJIns with lh« a«i:rui;iallng pan. oM-tittJiiK feili/ lf*o, so si once anil net n buttle of at its. WIMSLOW'S SOOTH IVI i-v , It will n li.-vr lira poor little euffer er lin.iieiliiiteljr—Uo|iun>l upon il; there I* no mia tskoaboulit. Tlierei* nut a moliier ou earth wlio has ever uacilil. who will not tell yuu onr.e tnat It trill regulate the bowela, and HI real to the mother, and relief ami health t<> il.. Rhilil, operallnjillke irnjio. It i, perfrcltj safe to In all case*, ami pIenaAr>t i» the la*tc, and i |.if. i'i!i-ii in-.,i ihe eldest and bett female phytlr.lau. ami nuraea in the Unttetl Stales. Sold every where: i.1 cents a Uilllo.

filireod IHH 0W

Allon'i Brain ford positively cures ner.nn* nei*, nerroni Uebilii* and all weakucM ol iLe Senerailre oriarn-. 91, nx for SA. All dru«- ei-t . Send tor tirru ar to Allen's Pharmacy, 315 First Arerue, New York. Snld in Lai rence by Cbatks Clarke, 179 P.-sex Street.

:»Jlrdec8(oi .«*- For Dyipepats, Indigestion, Ueprtn'on ol

Spirits and Jeoeral Uehillty, In tbelr rarloui forns)al*oasa prervative sgalnit Kenr am. Ague, and other Inu-rmlltcnt F vers, tbe "Ferro-Phosporated Eliair or Calliay," made byCaewell, Hazard & Co., New York, and sold by all dru*i;tiii, is the be*t tonk; and fur patient* recovering Irom sickness II haa i equal. •J*tujsn3l81

Pvta CoD-LiYBK OIL nmda ir-m lelected

wsct. PalUnts wt.o have once taken Itprefet It tn all oilier*, l'byilclana have decided It

ip;rk>.- to any of the other olli In lbs raarkti.

CHAPI-I.II HANDS, Faca, Plrr-ples snd Itougb skin, cured in- uilng lunlprr l»r Soap, made by Caswcll, ifaaard Ac Co.. New Yorl .


Till KiMi or IPIK it'ii'i- I* the brala; the • luniach Ita main auuporl: the neree* II* mes- ■-eiigcit; llie htiwrla, Hie klilceya and the pores II* ■aieguaril*. Indignation crratie a Tiolsgi re*i|la-«on« these, attache* of Ihe rrgslnrgSD. ami io bring Ihetn tisck to UkSR dulr, Ihere la notlilng like thu regulnting. imrli j li a, invlgorat- Ins.fUKillng npna lonet 1 AKUAN.'S MIJIIH Ai-KMIRNT. It .en-ivutea Iheavaiem and restore* io health both tho IHMIT ami tlie mlml.

SOLO BY ALI, DRU<;iil8rg.



WOODS faWssffaf <

for them . _ ■inn; enoonlum* frum ill hoiiwkreprriin tbecitr *-ho haia uasd them. C*M*- iswrrrtaat »(r*H*tA ren- larauwsa hlghi* —sns*» leal. Mannfartiireilhr TH«,AlJsSS?


Illustrated Catalmoe FREE.


Wall, Bell and A Tents FOR, S.A.LE-

Send Inr prlre 11*1, living llluairsilan* "i leeU ami redasad prlea* on KI.AU* or ALL NATIONS.

IAMK8 MARTIN & SOX. HO. ii* anal IIS cesasssrelsil at . n•*!«■>

Wl's Ona Mi-titu CsrBforTsotliaclie?^:;!;. L Wcs, twcety.flTs BwS '" j


11 in n as page Treatise on Efapnratlas fruit*, Vegctible*. Harris*, sir. Seul losll aboaend P. O. aiMras", and menllnn thin paper, Samile* mailed lor lUc. HCNRY MERRILL. Weil Nr * iiiiry, llsra.

ttVKIITI^KHMI Send for our .lelrci List of Loral ^News papers, beo, P. Kowell 1 Co., IS

Bpruce M., N.

11 : iv i ■ 'I i'i;. i HI-. Thousand* die jcarly from li, ;u 1 1Jn- in Its various torm'. As s

sin relief tor this LMOAI dreaded of dls^sscs. we oiler you Dr. QrSVSS' Heart KegniatiT, at '.0 cents and 81 Ou per bottle. Yuu ess ojialu a p itnphlet free, trestlns on rymptomi of Heart I'liease, ofF. K. logaUi, Conrord. N. H. For ■ale hy ilnigiri-H. Vim i.iv.'.'i i..i

Widely knr.wn. fxtensucty used, Il ihe *et- .lii:i on Iir. Grave*' Heart Kegnlator. at a cure .'or Heart Uncase. Iu sales are (rum Nora Scolle loCallfortia, and msnr are tie te»ti- HKIIII.. i. recsl Jed ol the good II doe'. Pnmphlrt free of V. K. IngsH*. Concord.N. H. Price. W uenta and #1.03 per bo:tle. Puj isle liy drng- S'sU. *11mjr«

A COLOR, COLDOI soaaTuaoAT ihouM be ■toppril. Neg1e<:i lnr|ueiiily result* In an Incur- *ble Lung lii*t-a*e or Uonauuipiion. itaown's II SUM urn. Tamil ssilo nut iii.nritL-rtbrrtiiinacb like i-iiiijrli «>i'iip. ami b i[«nm», Iml a.t chrictiv on tlie Itifliimrd |mt>, alLtTfng irriisilun, glre re- bel In Aatlima, KiooL-bltla, cougli*. Culsrrh and tbe Throat Troubles wbu-h timers and Publle speaker* areaubjoctto. Kortbirly rear* Bmsin's Uronehfnl rrocbeshars bees recommended by physicians, and have always glren perfect saUs- i.ii-ui.r Having been kiUil by wide and con- •tanl use ll>r nearly an entire generation, they have • turned well awrttSd tsnk among the few staple rrmeilie* ol Ihe age. Sold at t* cent* a box ererr where. StlTreodlsnllls

Tbe stira.itj(;.■■ d a reliable, laie anij crRca- eioar meiiViiii. i, ticalrutable, and wbca surb li lunnd, tbo blesslns should be Ireelj ipoaee of, ouch r'rttei ere posteaaed In so eminent defrte try the i^ouibern nieJ-i-lae.. ■■Sim- moDt* Liver Regulator," tvhirh is of purely revetable compouni:. obtained trnm t'u coui- ry where nn Allwiae Provluencdsenmi lo havn

placed ibis remedy lor the nee of mlTerer* from Ueriagsn-enl or Ibe lifts, Kucomtuending this medicine to the public.

Purchasers should be careful lo ise that Iber BSttueUaxLiira, manofactnretl only by J, H, ZBILIN It Co., Pbltsdelpbla.


WiBTAa's BALSAH or WILD caaair esre ought, cokla, brsuchltli, wbooplng rough onp, inrluenia, consumption and all diaeasa

oi lbs throat, lings aad chest. Mceatsindf I - '-ttll*. Isodllyf 9H


WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, aud every Affection of the Throat, Langs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Sold by all Druggists,

soil * ly ten > a

Wlslar's Balsam of Wild Cherry la told by A. t*. ORDW.lT JL CO , Apoihecsrlea. (Jor.EsiKX ST.sni) IlKtiAtiWAT, Lawrence.


Dobbins' Starch Polish IHOWDASHINE

An unji.iit.iLi. ilnv

covcry, by which

every family may

frire il.cir linen

lliat beautiful fin-

ish peculiar to fine

laundry woilt.

Ask your Grocer


BOSTON, Tbs Largest and Moat Surceewful Com-

mercial School In America.

O.vRB THAIKIMI nr rsAcrici, In a SKLSCT «tld TIIOB'HIOUI.Y fUACTICALCOUkSKtlFaT uitciiilml to int'vt the »IInl.- of Ihoae wliO a byeipeiltnre thai onr I'uidle H.-.hool* sru prtpar'ngtbe young In s i.lslcr MtNitaarOK THS OUIIK* UF i.ifa, and Is the ri«er Bcnooi. In 'he rountrr to present a prartieel -ii"i useful r.onrac of Irsislng entirely MIIIU' nil the "11 iiii,- letttun;* ol tbs ouliure- i-ramming avaletu.

An IboroiiKh an 1 ro-npleie truining la sieen Inihl-i scnool to tiioar wlunlealre to untisr s loi IlKiu''i Kinis.i, is given In Technical si-ii.i ii« I-) llioie who i-.houae s proresaion. Next School Yriir BegliiM 8opt. 4,

I'll|j11- i.i'i-ivi'il al miv H-ii.i II 111 'ir in< r,vin eles. tor circular ol term*, or aJtulsalos, sd- Urea* lbs Principal, ,-C. H1B3ARD, 600 Wishing on St.

eodliiiwJjB x

1 &Kln o; Jeinuty t» a Joy Torevei DR. T. MCL1X GOURAUD'S


Jaw I ___ (arm, / .,

*iai,>,l(l'f..i,.raiiir«rrr 'in Ikrlirtt harmful of'It r ski* yiiNnivliui'.'.'' (inr Ui'tle will l.i-l alt moiKh- iiny,...... ( Al-.,l'.rt.ilrr n-DSuvcaaupt i'.'i'n'^.'. f.'Vjr.V i(!il"i'*'."h-'iT-,ir; I'ur aal.- bv ull liiu.;cL.> anil ran v llwilj paaki ... ■,!■■■■ " H. TTnssst *nij pfweea. urBrwarf

ba>r iniitntliiBa. ti.avu itewaid tur uni1. .nil i/rv> •IIJI DBS Hliiiitrtl.Faaniv.

t« eosr tlm spli

OLD ^gpfflmr. Looking



Scouring .



Ao "hi Htorv in a ni'w t'orm is going llie L'I:I:HI roumls nn<l tells aliout u young man at tuhle d'Uulv at one of llie rtirti) bouts wln-re •'lailv' wallers" art- employed. 1'e wanted & beverage with I.i-; roast and suirjinoned the iiiaidcti, ill whom he ttakl, "Have you aoy [joi'Lui ?" "Yes," Bhc said, "we

e three or four, b'tt they are all colored."- When iguoranue is bllas, it ia tho height of sbaurditjr to be in* lelliajent.—Hotel Mill,

Scene : Ileneath Ilia apple tree just hack of ihe house, farmer grinding his '■!■> Un*. fiiaall hoy tloing the circu- lar work at the grindalone crnuk. Sudden flutter ot' atarched skiru uruuud the corner of ibe house. "Oh good inurning. air'." from a btight- yed young lady. Would you kindly

allow us to pick a few bunches of those laisies in ;hc lot yonder? They are

so lovely." "Yes in ; you can nick 'in —the hull on 'in if you like—and it you'll tear the pesky thinga up b/ the root and rid the place of 'm I 'II give you bout'd UDII cloth"*! lor all an miner." "Why, don't ypa udruire daisies?" Aud the fanner luughetl a most iimi's- theiic, nngiug hutirili, that made the lutly feel us though she had struck somelhiiig uucoiigenial.—New Haven Register.

When Middlcrib went to Arizona and was scared nearly to death one night by the yelling of a bant! of In- dians, he tried to laugh i" off next morning in a ghastly way by saying lie WHS only whoop si-mi. Then everybody wished tho Itidians hud killed him.—Utirlinglou llawkeyc.

Some men liegin to I*: lucky when they nrc mere boys. A twelve year- old hoy- shot a cat in Leadville last week, but fortuuately missed the cat and killed au influential citizen who was asleep in the bavk yard of a neighboring saloon. As the influen- tial citizun Happened to be a delegate front lV:.ns, who had killed several men, and ot whom the Leadville police had a holy honor, tho joy'or the citi- zens was grent. The boy received an miin in. The mayor made a iteal Httte speech on presenting him with a gold-mounted revolver. As the boy expressed a desire to be raised for the miuistry, a fund wits raised lo send bim to a theological institute. Nothing has, however, been done for the cat.—Texas Sittings.

Bring up a Plant in the Way it should grow. Youtif, mistress—"I think those flowers in the greenhouse would be all the better for some water they look quite dried up 1" Gardensr — "Well, lor my part, 1 don't 'old with giving 'cm a lot ol water; it you uses 'em to it, they comes to look for it It's 'abit, miss ; merely 'abit.''—Lon- don Judy.

The course of true love and a New Jersey railroad nevtr Mid run smooth. —Tho Judge.

A Small hoy minis to know tf on the 16th of the month they are goiog to celebrate the half of July—he sn/a the fourth wt,s a failure.

Putting her fool in it: Fashionable lady—"Now, this is about the worst daub of the aholu collection!" Dis- tinguished academician (of whose ar- tistic profession his fair companion is ignorant)—"I am sorry you should think so* for it's mine !" Fashionable lady—"You don't mean to say yoo bought that?" ■ Distinguished ncade m-ciau—"No; hut I painted it I' Fashionable lady—"Oh—r»h ! I am so sorry; but you really mus'^n't miud what I say, for I'm no crllic at all. I I ou!y repeat what everybody says, you know —a"—London Punch. '

Thcv don't have rains out west. A cloud just Baun'ers up and examines a town nntl then collapse* right over it. Nobody escapes but the newspaper reporters and the book agents.—At- lanta Constitution.

11 the cry of flro had been raised in the Essex Market Court, yeaterday it could not have been more effective »n clearing the room of loungers and witnesses than a little conversation that took place between Justice Kil- breth anil a prisoner. Margaret Col* lorn was under arrest for PUoxication. "The officer found you drunk, Mar- garet. How is that?" asked the jus- tice. •'.Iii'h.'v, I hare been working hard as nurse In the small-pox hospit- al. I had just come from there, and I took n dram." "You can go," Baid the justice, with bated breath. She went, and so did everybody else, in eluding tbo judge.—New York Star.

Is this Kgyplian Arabi they are talking so much about, the father of Araby's daughter 1—Rockland Cou- rier-Gazette.

It is not necessary for a voter lo be able to road his ballot. He will alway find some one at Ihe polls ready to show him bow to vote.—New Or- leans Picayune.

Mr. D., if you'll get my coat done ■by Saturday I shall forever be indebt- ed to you." "If that's your game it won't bo done," said the tailor.

Nine conductors ol the Michigan Central Uuihoud bavo been discharged since last Friday. Jt is understood that that they now contemplate pur- chasing the load.—Chicago Tribune






<;rui.i vvtiTCN ALL OTBKB MMHCINB8 FAIL, si it anU ilirer'.lj on in,' Kitlnuyii, I.Inr snil [Jiiwrl*. re-taring tlicni si tnsTt fit tlSahaJ action, UUNTM RIMEDY ieasafMarataa .!■,,,i. uure, ami huadretli have ie*U*M te haling- been oared iij It wlicn iihy*klnrs and friends bstl flrsn thpsj ti]i to rllo. l»o not ilrlsy, b'tt try nt on.-t, HUNT'S IlKUfCIlY.

Ill ', I- kl.MKhY enrt-t all Ul.isse. . fths Ki.ln.-v-. Ill ul lor, lirhiir; OrfaS*, Dropsy, Uian-I, I'I iiii'ti -, n:t I In .niiiiii ii-c iin.l Krtvn- tlonot Urlnr. ,

lUM.; KHHCDT vires Pain in ths Side, Bank, or Lolas, He ■U-ly, Kemsle I)ll- esse*, Untui lied SJeepi Loss ol A|i|islite, B'IKIII'B Dlsaast, stitl all Coinpblnt* of tlid Utlno (ii'ini IMIU ,i,-.

RUKTd KKMKDV <ri«.kly laOoaM ins I.Iyer to analiby aatlun, removing Ihe OJUMS Hut pro • ilucc in.i ui'', DyspaMia,^»ur biota- ach,Uo.ll»<n<ss, Pikr, eU;

lly lbs UW Of BUNT'S llhMEDY, the ilonuch and Bowels wilt f|xedily rsii;iin ilitir HIIODKIS, and tbo III i will bn parPaatly imrlScd.

llt'M'.i KSUKDY is pronounced fcy the best doctor* io be I he only cuto for all hinds n| kid- aoy diseases.

HUNT'S KKM tin i* JI'JI. lv yexetalile, and la * anre care fir Heart DI*en*o nml llheiimailsm

ben all oiher mediclnt- ulla, ilUMM UiSMEDY i«.rr|Mred expressly lor

UwaboTediaeiac*. and li;i* ncyor boon known 1*11,

Hunt's Remedy Co. Providence.R.I Piicra ?.le. aad SI.SS. ■ ly luyit rb x

C ASTORIA Old Dr. Pltch«r*s remedy for

Child rail's Coinplalut*.

*aasPata% adapt/it to ehUdrm." Dr. Alex. Robert son. 1057 2d AT., N. T.

"i°!fao*afi(, Uitmdutand WmdtrfuUy FJteatfmur Dr. A. J. Urecn, Itoyerloo, l>. I.

" Ipr**eri$* it at tuptrior to any known rtmtd\i." *Dr. 11. A. Arclii-r. bJ lMri:.ui.l AV., Brooklyn.

Cautorla is not aareotle. Mother-, Karast and Doctors acrse that far SoorStomsoh, Flsinlsnoy, Diarrhoea, anil Constipation, nothing Is so prompt as old Dr. Pitahsr's Castor!*., Hy awlmilatlnf; ths food. Castorla firss robust health and atat- «r»l sloop.


HMaWI, Ktght Si../-,

FmncV High Top, a* abort.

0NLY$3O. Tpta Qaaaa ts BTJUT oa taa Out Pus.

fa* FiWMm ArrlsorF* Umga 87 Stops, 10 Sat* Raeds, |90.

' adTancatallJS. Onlernow. Remitb* " " «t Office Onler. or ReaUured

nd shipped wlihotita Momesfi

nr a crk m yourowntown. Terns ssd el 00 0"*Bt free. Address II HAI.-_ITT* CO . inland, Uaine. Hy dale


A WEEK. SIS a day at boats easily mad Cosiijr Uutat free. A.l.lre** Taua ACo

ita, Maine. fly Uslo

Xuw is llie time to go to the coun- try. Tbe trees are at their leafiest stage. The grass is areener tlisn it will be in July and August. The flowers are in the height of perfection and bloom. The mornings are health- ful and the evenings delicious. The mosquitot-s have gone to tho sea liore. Haste, therefore to the 0|>en wintry. Wander in the wood ; Qnd

out some scooping and sequestered holloiv whtrc recund cattice dimples in » spiing, ami Ret down and put your nose in it. Give your slomaeh a surpriso party. Drink the cool, earth brewed sparkling net'tar and be Mintikirtl that you are far away Irom the hot anil sliding, city. Get hack early Monday morning, and with renewed vigor you can scrawl "strange words with a bsibaroiis pen."—Bo*. ton Star.

latlti .Is a postmaster down io Massachusetts—his name is suppress- ed out of regard to his family—who suggtsts that it would be a great re. licl to him if the good people who are scolding so loudly bevnuse lie la aBked 10 contribute to the Kepublican cam- paign fund would practice what the*- preach. He says that whenever they start a subscription paper to build a diapel, or guarantee the auccess of a church lottery, or pension a clervman's widow, they go strttipht to him to head it; not because he is supposed to need 11 chapel or to take great interest in widows, but because ho is postmaa- ter; a creature who is everybody's servant, whose wages belong to every- body, and who will get bounced li he doesn't aatisfy everybody—Manches- ter (N. H.) Mirror.

Hev. Joseph Cook is lecturing in Australia. Mr. Cook will be remem- bered as a Boston gentleman who gave tbs plan upon which the universe) was created bis personal indorsement.— Chicago Tribune.

(ENTAURJINIMENT The Great Healing Remedy.

An Infallible rare for Ttheuraatlsm, Scl- »(l<- 1, N.-iuvili; In. Wound*, I'.m-ii", Moralns, Stiff Joints. Spavin, snd Lameness front

P.T.SstrmaaBflhssreatBhowinao, says:— "Among my Tail troupe of Eqqsilriani, Tsent- ttera, Horses, Camel*, nnd Elephants, sons are always strained, bruited, or wonodsd. My Sor- fsons sud Valeria trie* si I aar.that for eaaaal- itles lo man snd animals, notbiag Is so •ffieaeloa* as Centaur Linimnnt."

SBSHtflu Ar., New York, Jlsy Uih, 1875.



CU KB.H imUmmatlon or Csinrrn 01 uie liiaoder I'latietf*. inruntloeni-eor ttoiention, tiravtl

Mod metil. Brick Dun Deposit. Mote In It* Vlnddir, rtirl.'liup, Miu-ou. or furiilsnt Dls- cJUr*-r*,DI«ea*en<.rii», fro, iiiKUimni, Url«rits OUesae. It eamial be ton hiehiv ITOOIUHH imeiH wlMSatri rimer acxstUktci with snv iliaeasa ul tue Khlnera or Ills, r l'ri,-.r , er l.ollle SI

atasa 1SST1T0T*' w Tremotit Bow, Boity a


urain srlil nerres, repinret vlmjin.jji,,,, ..,„., lo yotinji snd old, rur-* ■sWVoaacMM ataaa aini


1 trials


TOPS, '"—.v::i„;;; <•■>•■ tarne r.irletT oisasr-, j, S| jj,,



Tl.r.Cou. eM«.,,T..,p,l„„ Chlmn,y,8m0|(inKi

Torra Oottn of all Dcucrlptlanir.


WM. VV. COLBY, roNHAL & ruuinuxa mi.nBTAii..

Saleroom 886. Kciidmco, 283 Com.

awoSlreet. ?ljrj.n.l

"uSS»fl*rot ipwaft



CUT THIS OUT1 V.,.'S.6T3S40W.», gjjggggaiaai Wash. ONH£

M.N.L0VEU ftftStUsa 'iTfasarS *

■iBaTaTaTanaTaTaTaaTaSaSBTanaTaTaTi aisfstatsnssl t^fii^^w^ ^^i«i^I


Andover Advertiser, Every Friday Morning,


UEOKGE ft. Ml.KI.'lll..

Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass. SUBSOBIPTfON-PoBtmrn Prepaid :-

»ai)U par your, from which 50 cai.ta Will be deducted for atilctly advance payment.

The Circulation of the Lawrence Ameri- can 1* the largest of any paper in ine, County, and more then Three Time* that ot any other Weekly i aper pub- lished In tnla City,

ai-lite* of alreriUlm tent uoonuppiical.uo-

BUered at the Poet Office, _wrenc« Maea.. tor tr ant* ml salon through the- malts as eecond-claea matter.

The Daily American Published Every Evening,

I the Largest Dally In the pity, with Four Tltnee toe Circulation ot any other, •

SUBSCRIPTION, in advance: One ear, »G.OO | Six Month*, S3.OO

When not paid In advance. B8.00-

OBO. s. MEHKILL, Proprietor.


lathe largest and mo.t thoroughly fur- □labed In Eastern atsesachuestU--- With modern presses, and constant additions of the newest style* ot Type we are able to furnish the best quality ot work, at low price*. Orders by mall promptly attended to.




BLACK SILKS,..Velvet. (A- mere., ailc >™>«". WJW| "'''"'•*",

BOOTS & SHOES, a full i">J

pABINKT MAKEB »u«l Upl-.l

V •"%, r. ssstuo, «.»»»tr»«- /-lOOKISO STOVES, Ua.18"*.

U "«'»*3;;iI!?f"BK"1!»«SS *•«"■>■ p BOCEK1ES, Flour, Tea, IM*

¥ Uuoil .1 CruUuce ^uZrrtj'cit'BKOdrcor'. Bull, AlAe« HAUDWAKE, Tooln, Cutlorj

^.^■•."'vififSS'iiS..-"-!. MILLINEBY. Mrs. M. iBftdor.

MILLINERY * MlllliieryOoc-d. Hal nail .lonn„l Bleeder,.


»""■" i'i«'ri1»«. m ■M...W* pHOTOGBAI'HY, MtattnVM IT lor He Vjffi^ffijffiL'jgKEh I A. PLUMBING, Steam and (<«•

ruling anil l-lxtnr."..l"i<'.. ".'I".1—. "'• *M°iroliiiA» « »"».'" *•»» »

SEWING MACHINES. The S«* ll.iue. Duiue.ln:, nemln.l'.n. «iim«r e>»

New Hoae W. HAU1.U A.U„.A,unl. t»

'PAILOBS, French, Kngllnli.od 1 ,A7.'»™ii

Ni""»=. e- 'pAILOB.Imuortedand Dumw

"°li"Bi"iirin uoaM. in..." »"~i- I TNHEKTAKING FurnUlied In U all >U tfot.ll.. runeial Uft»lft»* e^el"

vrAi'fiiiiuu»«« PAUHUSS «IAn,e.l»r,. UNKEKTAKEll; every dug

WORK of everj de»crlptlon, l»



m E,..« LAWmca. «Ae,.lee> aao Cb oroiorm AilmmiMoid

COLBUKN BR0B,-DA1L¥ FAl-IKr- OBr»«a.,.AiT..lnia.FarlBA|<«la^lU»atl

Fanny Uoou... Pluluree .rawed »l ea.o,l "•«. No.IHIKH...street

DK.C. W.SVLVESTEB.nentlat, J9I Keen ST., »...- rArtie»lei

eUeallonnenl looro.or.loi "»■"«■'> tIBolal reeta la.erled. Oa. or other nl"'" a. ararorrad . «ljoc» _

B. B. W. ABBOTT, onto l»l E-e.a atraei, cor. Jaci.on. Ke-ltfooro Hit New.

Street ,l rjio.. 1)

The Undersigned has Opened a

CARRIACE REPOSITORY, At 277 and 279 Methuen Street, Pillsburv's Block Am. ksfileesll theosewhe arete need or a drat claaa carriage, to call andeaamlue hla uollectioa.

Tttcee Carriage* am maouractcred in Merrlmach, at mr own manufactory, and are warranted nret claaa in everv pettlealu.

ELMER B. SARGENT. E. A. BUIGGS, Manager. Ofllce iioiirn, 1 ::!<> to 5:30 p. m.



Shorteat and Best Conrac of Commercial in StudlesNew England,

Send for Circular to

C. C. CANNON, Lawrence, Mass.

D E. J. H. KII1DEB, DBMTAL 8Ub UEOM, N*. 371 Eases Street. Lawrence . lias, Chloroform, or Ether flfen. »■ P« 1. Closed during Angaat.

DKCKEK 4 WHITTIEB, GHOCBKh Crockery »"d Ulaaa Ware. StrlctlT ncre

Oi ftlMMOII "nit cholcniitTeaa. Tbr l»e*til»irlo* ef rtutterandChaeae. M ArneaburTBtreeta

17 S. HAURIH, 266 BBOAOWAT, oi VJ.tha B, Hunt Machine C->. Turbine W«i*i

WVe*l», HUH "'»-.,aalhnpiSiockj ^Tif^ulnior-.AC.,Ac. Rasararnl.b.dss- all mil.' work dona. lueliw


Portraltaaud Landn<M\pca.

11- OLT * CO., ICB DEALERS. OlBec wltfc Bugbee A Mack, IMISMX "treat, Law

Maes. apr*tlly.

M RS. DR. M. J.1HLL baa reuored to No 10 ValleT atrset, near the Commos.

Ivr tebio


Lawrence,Maaa. Peraonalattcntlonto allbnil aeaa fievtfl

JOHN 8. G1LE, AHorDfj, Cooncello at IAB, and Notary Public OMce rrmoT <

to asunder* Block, room K, Lawrente, Mat*.



ml makers, butaueii ore inn lacllitica oflared attbcaalcD- alrs wareroom* of

OLIVER DITSON & CO. that you are enabled lo Inaiiert and contiare all thea* varluiif xlj\rt.n* eibililltd *l<le bj tide In Ihclr lnraie knit ootninodioiii ulano rotnn«.

nitaon'a war' room- are ccmrail; located, aud are alwava "M'" lor lliu inancclion ot

VI9ITOBS TO B09TOM. You are alwa?a aure to ami Ihalnatrumenl

wrasted, and whether >ou Wl»bto purcbapeor Mtj aeuidlal Infliallon ta etteii'led to yon to i-ximim; tbfl l*rgai.[ and Uaeat »t-.ok ofplanoa to be found ;n New England.

OLIVER DITNON & CO., 44* and «ffl Wa*hlagtoa Si. Beats.*.,

Maaa. OCll ly

Piles! Piles!! P.lesII NO ONE NEED SUFFER.

Aauraourelor tbe Blind, Bleeding, Ilnhlng and Ulcernieil I'llca tia* been .Uncovered by Or. William., tan Inilliin remeily), call«d Dr. WH- llama Indian Pile Ulntmeni. Aninnle boi bai oured lb* worai cbronlc oaae* of SB rear* aUnd lag. No one will »uOur lire uilouU* alter apply lag tbl* wonilerful xontblns metllctne VVIL- I.IAM'S INDIAN I'll.K Oi.NTMKNT abnorln tholumori, niiaja mr Interne llchlng(particu- larly at nltfht al'icr gelling warm lu be<l), acia aa • Doulllce: Rirea inalanl rcliel, and la prepared OSXY »*OU PILEa, Itching ol the pi I vale part*, •■'I nothing elae.

KoavlvrlMt Hon. -ludge (joBnbnrr. ofC! latnl. invti: "Iha»eua»d acoieaol Will aud It aflordi me pleasure 10 siy, that I hare ■ever louml anything which gava such Immedl as* ann permanent relief, at Dr-William'* Indian File <

far sale brail rlroaglslt.or mailed on rccelpl «sariee.|1.00uerhoz.

HENRY & CO.. New York City.

ror sale by (JIIA Itl-KH I l.A IIKE, Lawience. toil' lvi augi



Shortest Oeaaa Voyage—Only Fits Days from Land to Land.

Extra weekly ship* irom Gl.tS'.oW. LIVER PuOL yUatBS-VrOWN, LONUONDERUr. • ml UALWAT to IIU.STOS direct.

The steamer* are uasitrpaaied for eAl'ETY ard BPICED.


APTLT TO JAME8MVBPnY,363Raaei Btreeti PATRIC1 HUltPHY, 'i".i Esses street. Or. I.EVE .A. al.l'KS, la'airsl Agents, NBVT TOttE,'iU7 Broailwar. fiOSTOK. MASS. IB SUteBtreel. PHILADBLPHIA, PA., N. E.

estn " "■

Che*. T. Emerson, Ai2.o:i=a:ia?Boa?

Boom. 11 and 12,

£SMI Bank Building, LawranM




Lawrence American.



It- ir be a "constitutions..1 differ-

ence.'' tiien we thank Uenven and tske courage.

GLOUCESTER boasts the cbampion

thief; one nitfht recent!)', one ul' the lightning rods was stolen I'nuii the Congregational church; probably by

a livsl r >d agent.

AM AuvAxexory IN Sun IM i*

825,900 PROFITinBO DAYS HJHH bal & St. JOSGDS Common Stoct

Annum, 1881, Hold at 91. September, 1881, .old at 3S0.

259 per ct. KUKiag

$25,900 profiton each 100 sharps 12,950 " " 50 " 2,590 " " 10 " 1,295 " " 5 "

Sana of tlO »t(i, gnu, tB.OOO iartsli witheeaal propertleeais lui-ceaa 'jy our Nil' COM KtNATlON SYSTEM ol operating In stool Weeklf abstraotol transaction*mallid to anaie- bolder,; .iroHls iltride.1 etei j .10 clan.


New EnglaQd Stock Eichauge, 63 Asvlum St.. Hartford, Conn.

Deposits rseclrcd ■ ubiect to eheek at sight, Coupon*. Dl flcJenda, Iniereat, Koter, ale.,col

leotetf with prompt remittance. All lasuea of Oorernment Bonds BSreaSSSt] and for sale free iaaloa ahargea, illT IsSl

ATTENTION rARUEtUI Auy on* In was of Srstoiaasbelp will Had it to tbairadras

lags to callatMKMHlL.l.'a inielliitnceOOiae 1 Appletoa atreet,

»lr Ja'i. ' Law retire, Mart,

Desirable Residence in Noindover FOR SALE.

The well-known llomeittead of

CharlcH Barnes, In North Aodorer.Maaa,, la offered for sale. The e*!ile comprises a commodious Dwelling House oi II rooms, wllh Barn, and about eight acre* of eioellent Urn], all under good enliira- tion, and well itocked wllh fruit trees, In addi- tion to which a lart-e pasture, quite near, can be purchased If desired, .-be premlsea a>e well adapted to the purposes ot a gcnileman's rest dence. In every respect, and can be Inspected a) any lime by psrliea wishing to purchase an al tractlra ooun'ry residence.

Apply to MOSES FOSTER, Andover, Mosa., r to c. II. BARNES, Lawrence, Msaa.

1 f myi7



■4 Verrou* Dritllilr )■•• S- Kdaarr We»kiie«, Watt.n* th* l»U a- E DlMsseorihaHearl. I'slpliatl-.B. 1 Ot tvildby druagl-n, or aent tij tbe OMS,or»l.i l« VUl. rrw> of tharge, no riwlpi of p~lce

Baivl fcirbr.HtjBslirairs'BeAken II '144 pagsai, also lllHstr*(r4.('*lalnsaw rs«, H-iranlKeys1 lUnwojpalh'e . Mae Co., 10SPuli»n Sireet. *J*w Voi

sod*IT DOS



_ OUR BeHt Testlmoulnl

S.OM Bottle* Sold in Nashcs.

If yon are Weak "—, ae t

oailre, _.. _ . r hare any

sjmptoma of dls< ordered Llrer, Momaiili or How

— Sleepy, ae Appe- rTC-iii'. Loatlre, Mil- ^ ■ 3- louf,

SAD ACCIDENT. MR. OSCAR CBAIQ Blown i»p by e, pre- msturs Blsat In the Boaendale Csmsnt Quarry. DESTRUCTION of sn Bye.

Its Subsequent Removal by hur- fflOSl Operation.

Mr. uasar Cralfgwas foreman Is a cement quarry at ttoaesdale. I'leter Oea.N.T, Syaa r.xploelononeda/ in the quarry ha lost as eye— loat it toiallr. Uadrr Ibe imprerslon that the mailer was leas arrloua, tbe local ubjs.r.iaa told Mr.Craig that hi»*yswa*noi loat Wholly, but could bef sarel br treitment. Tbe eiperiment was tried and faikd. Werae remained tabled.

strait he ensuited Dr. David Kennedy, or Rosd- out,N. Y., who told Mm tie injured e,c must be Uken out lo sare Ibe other. Tutbls Mr. Uraiag demurred, and went back home In doubt Ills local ptn.lclan aaul: '(In to New Vork " To New York tbe patient weal, and ene ot the meat eminent ocull.ts In Die coun'.'y, paving looked

other " Brle0-,Dr. Kennedy remored the _ ere and Ircht <\ Mr. Cralgg with "Eennedt'a ravorite Itemed j" to build op ihesyatem, and the remit was auocesalul.

Dr. eciintd .'■ treat sucoe.s a* ■ Surgeon Is ili,«! to tbu uie of "rarorl^Bemed)"ln toe alter treatment.

Are you tioublrd wiLb Dyapedsla. Llrer Com. plaint, CosslipaiIon or ef (be Kid- neys and Bladder? Turn u-e Dr. Kennedy's 'favorite It. used. " It will not dlaanpo'nl you.

Dr. Banned.'a ••Tforlia Uviuedr"for sale by alt drugs!tU, -

Dr. Kennedy's ravorite Remedy la sold by A.P OHDWAT* CO., Apetheeeslee,

Cor. Esaea Ht.and Broadway, Lawrence

Cnllls and Feicr.

Sick Headache. ror the relief aad

Jreoublsdletreaalng afBtction take Simmon* Liver Regulator.

DYSPEPSIA.'. The Begulalor will positively cur* thle terrible

diseaae. We ai-aerl emphallcally what we know ' be true,

CONSTIPATION muld not be regarded aa a Ir.fling al'trent

Nature demands its utmost regularity of the bowls. Tbereicre assist Nature t.y taking Simmons Llrer Begulalor. ll Is harmless, mild aad effectual.

BILIOUSNESS. One or two tableseaDonfUls Will relieve all lue troubles locldnet to billons state, sucb as nautea diaiineaa, drjwslseas, distress alter ealisg.a bitter, bad Uale is the month.

MALARIA. Pariona may aroid all attack* br occasionally itlnfte doae ol Slmmona Liver Uasulatorto

keep lbs Llrer in healthy action. BAO BREATH

generally arising frets a disordered Slomaeh, can be corrected bj taking Simmons Llrer Begulalor.

JAUNDICE. Slmmona Liter Begulalor soon eradicates this

disaase from tbe system, kariDg the skis clear and tree Irom all Impuntler.

COLIC. Children suffering with Colle soon ssperlenes

rellel when Simmons Liver Begutstor ta adrnts- ialured, Ariulte also derive sreal hSMM Irom this medicine. It Is not unpleasant; It la barm- teas and aHaottre. Purelr rrgsUble.

Bladder and Kidneys. Most of thediseateaef the Bladder originate

from those of the Sidney.. Re.lore the action of the liver fully, and both the kidneys and blad- der will be rtalored,

en-Take only ins oiKt'if a, winch a:wsys nas oa the wrapper lha red "Z" trade mars, land stgnatnre of

j. H. ZEILIN a co.

Simmons Liysr Regulator la aotd by A. P. OUDW1I aa CO., Apolheeatlsa, Cor, Essex St. and Broadway. Lawrence.


COTTON, CRAIN, and Provision Futures

— Bought and Add on Commlsslos or—— —


MERRILL&.HEALD Stock Brokera,

HAl NIII'.HS BLOCK, N»- B40 KAMI: St. .Maaa.

8»t -«»««, Boiton,

COKE!_ COKE! A Cheaper Fuelithan Wood or Coal

TBE LAWRENCE GAS CO. la sidling OOBR al ths (ollowlng prleea:

l*e r Chaldron of 14 bbla., dellrared $a 00 | M M 7 M .. |U Per berrs., " " JW

Orders meat be left at the oMoe of the company No.UU Eksev bt.,and tbsCche paid Mr at the lime lbs order Is gives.

orncE HOURS i ,.H>. m„ tolSm., - - 1 to T JO p.m.


OPIUM « aoariiivr

A Treatise on inHr tweedy our* SEIfT FRL_ _ Jlorrstup O.Bci iSi.relcaavJd

BAIL of one thousand dollars WAS

required by the Lawrence police

court, in a case ** here oyBrdriviiig a sorse WDB alleged; log^fi murderous assault upon it OrfTiamaii, with a butclters cleaviug knife as the weapon, fifteen hundred dollars was consider-

ed the proper sum (or bail. Dellcr

be a horse than a Chinaman, if this is law's equality.

SntAM.i'-. FANCIES will take posses- sion of one's brain iu these midsum. mer night's dreams, and telegraphic

reminiscences will return and photo- graph tbemstilves upon the mosquito

bar. The strange attitude and enun- ciations of the Traveller, though

strange enough to awaken solicitude, will Lot keep its best friend from being a tnilc dull. Such fancies as these

ruD.lhrough our mind: Last Decem- ber when soire of our MossschuBctts gentlemen prominent in political life, mude a little trip to Washington, the Transcript felt called upon to labor

with tbe brethren, and warn them against the ''spoils hunters," and to

enforce certain not very pithy remarks added the mod>st little threat, that ''if tbe spoils hunters obtain the con- fidence of President Arthur, and the offices they wunt, the result will be a political revolution in this sUtc at the

next election." It ia not difficult to see then,how the Transcript Is drifting when it does not heartily endorse the I.■-iiuniiiiritiuii of (■uvcitinr I .cm;;. It

meanB to revolve in aome direction. An omiuousmuiiDurofdis^atisfaction, arising from a Domination in judicial circles in Middlesex county that is not altogether pfenning, has taken the farm, most surprising to tiue republi-

cans, of a detorai(nation if Mr. Lone is nominated, and if Geu Butler at- tempts to mount the state house steps, lo vote for Butler in preference to Long. Now why does the Traveller

all at once find a congeniality of senti- ment in tbe Transcript, thut for the past few yearn it has entirely 01 ei - looked ? Let us go bsck to the second

day of May, when a correspo.ident telegraphed from Wssbington to a Boston paper, and speaking of Mr.

Clarke of the Traveller said: "He, with Mr. Morss and Mr. Bowman

have been the active workers in -his (Mr. Worthiugton's) interest. Gen- eral Butler has spent a good portion ol tbe day in the cloak-rooms of the senate, interviewing senators of either

party." "Perhaps ibis was not so; perhaps we hnvc got the wrong man, and Gen. Butler was working for some-

body else, with another man still for second choice, but previous to May 'J,

a despstcb to the New York Sun, which was attributed, justly or not,

to Mr. Wortbington's sssistanteditor, after Bpesking of the appointment of a

man who would be in sympathy with tbe administration, closes in this wise l "He (tbe President) was requested to

make this appointment by friends of bis wny of thinking in politics. Chief among these was ex-Governor Bout- well, helped by representative Bowman and General 11. F. Butler." Some doubt a. ths time was thrown upon

this communication, an 1 it is rather a queer problem in gymnastics. It comes a little sudden upon a man to

liave to think of Gen. Butler in tho light of a stalwart republican, whom

the Transcript must condemn as an aider and abettor of llio "spoils hunt-

tf it is consistent; but there comeB another despatch dated May '.', from the correspondent of the Adver- tiser, to whom the same apparition seems to have appeared, saying,— "During the executive BCSS'IOD. Gen.

Butler was stationed Just outside the senate chamber, calling out one sena- tor after another for consultation. There is no longer any pretence of concealment of his personal interest in Mr. Wortbington's success. Whether

he U a democrat or a republican in this matter, or both, or is considering

only the political luture of B. F. B. is a conundrum, but it does not make any difference what his motive is, be

means to make Mr. Wortbington's conflrmsiion his victory." Now it cannot be, can it? that Ihd Traveller will make the elevation of tne "states-

man soldier oi' Petnbertou square" to the gubernatorial chair, "its victory," and is now letting itself down easy

Into Bulletism by means of the Tran- script and the Springfield Bepublican.

Speaking of dummersaults and the Travellers pirouetting,—how would

Butler look as a candidate on a civil service reform republican ticket, with

lite Traveller to back him? Aa we

said strange fancies catch on to us in these midsummer nights, but we had a dream "which was not at all dream."

Weekly News Brevities. »— Friday,

la tbe rifle match at Wlmb'cdon jester day, England was winner of the Blcho shield.

The Colorado republics! state comtnii tee will be held at Deaver os tbo Wib of September.

It Is reported that John Bright Is to

The i'Mtmatt-d wheat crop of Kansas, this year, will be SO.U0O.000 buabet*. and lbs quality Is trat claaa.

H. tiKoti Witters, lg rears old. or Baltl- rr.' I.-, was dn.wned lu New Bedford har- bor, last n.gbt, while bathing.

Mis* Fanny par tell, a slater of ths Irish asltaior, died suddenly at BordentowD, N J., testerdiy, of paratral* ol tbe heart, sued '. wcuu -nine years.

Senator Hill was much weaker yester- day, and bl* condition Is (trowing • *<■'■■ d- ingly critical. His rated Is clear, and he realizes that he may die si sny moment.

William Flsnssau, ORed 40, was aelzed with cramps end drowned si tbe bescb si Newport. K I., yesterdar afternoon. He leaves a widow. His body was not, rs- covsred.

TbearsumtuU In the slar roale r>ses relative lo tbe sdmleslbllliy of John A. Walsb's tesllmouy, were concluded ••*■ tertliy, and Judge Wylie rendered bis decision to-dsy.

Al Lynn, yesterday, .John Conner* was senienct-d to ail months In tbe nou«it of correction tot asaaulilnz Pollci Officer Hayes, and (oar months lor assaci.:rig Miihael McLaughlin. Appealed.

On W.-diiesday evvn'i g a man saw a womao )unip ovcrbosid at Hanson's mill. Danve.rspurt. He at uucu rescued bef, when she ir«re ll.e name of Haskwll, i.ui did not sine, ihe reason of her action.

The Ueonils dun.ocr.ils, yeslerdsy. nominated Alexander II. Stephens for governor, and ti.e Ohio democrats have selected Hon. John W. Ualt-y (the pres- ent Incumbent; as their candidate Tor r u- pn tue Judge.

The steamer CILy of Fort land struck the schooner Qatea of Calais. Me., Wednesday morning, off Martlnlcus, in a tog, multi:: s bole m lbs schooner's how sod i:*rryli'K awsy' ber headgear. The steamer was not lijured.

John Oove, a vonng min who ban been In Fall Klror about a iortntgiuselling pic- tures for WMt M. Drown, an arlici of Prorldence, baa disappeared. AD oil palming, valued at $50, |a B)>0 ml>alcg. and It Is huspccled that Gave has sold It sad tsken the proceeds.


It Is said t'jat the freight handlers' strike Is virtually a failure.

lb St. Louis yesterday, destroyed 81M.0OO worth of piopert*.

A Swiss sdveiilnrer la said to ha the cause of the trouble lo Bgypt.

The Xagypllao NolableB. friendly to Arabt, have declared holy war on the British.

l.i'vi Hey wood, tbe pioneer or the chslr business In this Slate, died last ulgtit at Qardner.

There hsre been 124 btislaei* faliu res tbroujjil'oui the country during tbe past seven data.

Tbe Irish arrears at rent bill passed Its third reading In the Brlllsh boude ot com- mons, last night.

Charles Hrsdlatig,., has tu.-ii placed under bonds lu London, charged with publishing libel* In tbe Freethinker.

Members or ihe Veteran Aasocl-Uioo of the Char.**Lowu Artillery hc.d a pleasant reunion at Naataekul Beach yestsr.'sy.

Patrick Tracer was probably fatally hart yesterday, by a premature die-charge at Whlpple Brothers' limestone quarry.

Tlursdsy night burglars entered tbe bouse of Andrew H. Pettlagill or New- buryport, stealing B'JO and a silver watcb.

To the dismay of the star routs con- spirators. Judge Wylle decided yesterday to admit lb* testimony of John A. Walsh.

Serious flood* hsre prevailed In Bobe- la, and the bodies of for.y>seven per- ms WJO were drowned, have been is-


William Dav >y -if Newton, a boy, fell node,- a train at Illnadale, Maaa., yenter day, while stealing a rid-', and was prob- ably fatally hurl.

A dispatch from Bay City, Mich., saya that Ssmnel 8. Foss, formerly ot Provi- dence, It. I., was killed yesterday, by fall- log from a carriage.

There was a serious fire at Falrfleld, Maine, last night. Nearly alt the wuod msnufsuturlng establishments were de- stroy t d; loan over $150,000.

Burglaries am becoming alarmingly frtquenton tbe Soutb Shore. Tharaday night tbe honse of Joseph B. Msrr on Jerusalem Ko*.d, was entered and robbed.

Of the 30 Germans who lr.trly came from Europe in work at tbe woolen mills ai Wlaooski, Vi, 19 struck yesterday fur an Increase of 92 a month, and were al- lowed Is leave.

\Vlllla;n 1'e.kins, £3 years old, a sea- msn on the »cbooner Joseph Johnson, dropped dead yesterday while ssslsilng In lianlliiti In a seine of mackerel off Cape Elizabeth. He leaves a widow and one child.

A bsnd of counterfeiters lias been ar rested by the 8l. Louis police. Tbelr^,. names sre William Wall alia* Winkler, ™' W. II. Ptrry alias Weaver, Mollie llall U»

Newton, and WIMam Anderson. The gang Is Relieved to be mBnafaciurers of sparluos coin.

Monday. The Hon. Alonxn Bell, assistant secre-

tary of .rie Interior has resigned.

'I''"- Eastern yscbt iqnadron arrived at the Isle of Shoals Saturday and sailed ytsMrda*.

Ueorge Applclon of Harerhlll, hoMIng many poslLiotia of trust, died yesU rilay In

' "ih year.

\ oiing man named Graves was drowned ynsterdsy lu ths Connecticut river al llalleld.

A Isrge minuter of persons have been badly poisoned at Mnncton, N. is., by Dslng canned corn beer.

John t-rlscoll, sged IS years, was drowned while btlbing In tbe river at Lcwlsion, Me., Sunday.

Tranr-poriatlon companies are nut to he permit!ed to convey Chinese laborers through tne country from Cuba to China.

James J, Donovan, 30 yesrs old, (ell 2o fuel Into a llolyoke canal Saturday nlghl. receiving Interns, lejuilis froni Wb'ch be di-d yesterday.

Thomas Tripp of Littleton, Me., was ron over and killed hy a train on tbe Bo* ropean A N<>rth Ameilcan railway, near Dam'ortli, Friday tilant.

Sherman Miller, a hotel proprietor at Willlain-'cn, Py.. was murdered by Wsgner, Sundsy mornlnK, while endeavoring to quell a dlsinrbnnce.

The bodies of the three American pro- spectors have been found near San An- tonio, In Honors valley. Tbe natives say tbst tl.e men were murdered by Apachis.

Upon the conclnsioa of Mr. Walsh's testimony In the star-route trials other evidence of a.damaging character to lbs defendants will he Introduced by ths prose-.uilon.

A freight train on ibe New York A New England mad ran Into an engine at Put- nam. Ct., jesi-rday, badly damaging both engines, Icjarlng a fireman about tne leg and delaying trains for several hours.

E. A. Wll.srd, a private banker of Joneiboro, III . his mysteriously disap- pesred, and It Is last announced that his bask has snspended, his liabilities or lag placed BIS1W.0O0 and assets A53.000 w Isss.

LarRr-Sitvina in Fuel.

A repoiter recently the New England Institute in Boslou, where the

Bay Btal* Oaa Works Co. has an lnven lion of no little Interest to the public

This lorenttoo hss.been In practical oper- ation now some four or flvu weeks, whk b demobatrates Its practical value so far as

the operation of tt Is concerned. There Is probab y no aahji fit al tbe present lime

which Interest* the ccnstiisers of cosl

more ibsn the question of perfect. com- bustion SM! ihe prevention of smoke and

cinders. Au Invention that obviates the last mentioned nuisance by effecting pet-

fect combustion of this luel Is certainly

the one to commend llself. T'-e Inven-

tion Is Very almptn, and possessea no com- plicate ! pan* that would he a barrier to

Its general use. Thai ll meet* the claim*,

made for il Is no longer i questlou, and

only ■ vi.-ltlo these WJrks bt necessary lo satlsfy-asy Interesleo lu the matter. Tbe

Invention Is easily npplled to soy bolltr

setting, sari at a very small expense. A

small jet of steam aud sir Is lujrcied Into

Asupei-beatsT lo tho fire-box. Bo;b stcia sou sir sre super-healed beroro coining

Into the i>f«'M.'tn:i: of tbe ilif Aii" pass-

ing through the super-Deatirr ihey go up through tho Are, tbs sir supporting com- bustlon, ibe superb—ited s'.esra founlug

hydrogen and carboiflc oalde gases.whlch

rlae above ibe coal, aad meet the air ad-

mitted at this point, to tffact a coiubur- Don of Ihe'n. These ;,isi-s burn, devel>

oplug great heat, wbicb, by the way, is

easily regulated to lb* deslied temptrs-

luio by adjusting the ndmlaslon of sir

carried .through lb* superheater. Tbe f.uperiicsler H SO CUDItrucled as to occu-

py but a sma'l space In the fln-boi, and

therefore does not lei.- with the (ire.

Every part seems to be simple and per-

fect, each adapted to Its «jurpose, and most cerialn'y doe) ibe iuvecMun do Its

work well.

The company shows by itn works ihat by this process absolute perfect combuy-

Uooj la obtained, and '.hat )ust two heal

units are real'isd for every one expended as nol only Is the best from thu burning

of the coal obtained, but also that from

burning the gases produced from tbe de- composed siesta. By ihn advantage the

company els!IDS U saving In coal of SO per

cent. Nut Ihe least, Important, an far as

lbs travelling public is cooceroed, Is tbe absence of smoke and spans on railway

liains, a long-loler^led r ■ which

this lovebtion Wilt prevent. The Bay State Qas Woi k» Company has

expended a large amount of rouoey in

brlngins thtf Inn mlon lo perfection, aud bow proposes lo pursue a buslm u course

wlLb ths view to bring Ibe Invention Into general use. Its vslue la Ineslimablu If

tin claims made for it are reatlz d, and

tbe company seems to fuel perfectly Ml-

Isfled With resul's. They will apply the

Invention to boilers of every description

stationary as well as locomotive.

A Remarkable Ulcycllst.

Tbe past few evenings »'.rollers .ilong

in streets have noticed an apparently

elderly gentlemsL, with wblscers plenti-

fully sprinkled with grar, aslilde the sad- dle of s bicycle, which be sends along the

road at a *peed most envious to younger

devotees of the Iron aleed. He Is Mr. Ge\.rge N. Mason, a man of forty-eight

years, a resident of Boston, a wheel wrlgbt

by trade, and at present engaged lu mak-

ing repairs snd alu rations atDsv.s 4 Tay- lor's flour mill at Lawrence. Mr.

Melon is one of tbt oldest bicyclists In Ihe country. Io 1876 be visited Ibe Cen-

tennial exhibition at Pbiladeiphla, where

there was a display of bicycles which at-

tracted bin fancy, but nol until 1679, u.

use his own words, was be tsken wllh ths criXH, He then purchased the ma-

chine which be now ride* expertly, snd

although In pattern It in a little out of

date, in upon It be can mak- good speed.

Loat fall tie road- a bicycle trip rrom Bos- ton w Newport and return In a week, stopping frequently on the route, and do-

ing a day's journey lelinrelf. Kicb morn- ing DOW be Is In Ihe saddle before 4 30

o'clock, takes a spin to Andover as an ap- petiser, and after breakfast attend*; t J the

duties of the day, aud In Iheeveulug a gala runs Through ihe streets and anburbs.

He is veritably a hlcicl* enthusiast, and


How the Pacific Strikers are Faring.


M.W aoia-n WATCH.

Treasurer Jennie Labor.' UrUUy.

But little has appealed In the public

print* rec-iiilj In relation to the rerjnants flhalocce stiorg nil now sadly t't

l«Ud band, known as <h« faclric strlk

ers, hut as tbe remnants still pose or martyrs to tbe world outside of Lawrence

it Is ouly justice to the public that their doings lu Lawreuce should be insde

known. The secretary, Mi*s Halley, is

beard from occasionally ss rep re »e tiling

Lawreuce In so-callid labor conventions, snd but little has been li-amed of Miss

Jennie Folsotn, ibe treasurer, re- cently. The f. ',ii-ini ■:.«■■ of 1'resldeul

John Oglivie Is not Low steu on ths

street* s* loach aa before, but. sltuot-Kh bt has been lit lor a lime snd has dons no

woi It, Ibe rui)lie be f jolted to know tbsl he Is i he possessor or a new gold

wuuli of the best mauuUctuie which

goes to show thai for ..lm al lnost, "alrlk- 1 was not a great mla'ortuuo. Theui -

n rum seller who pictutaed tin- sink

1.0 • ««tl soil paid hut the Aral In-

slsllmtDt, Is Mill with us aud It maybe

that he paid for Og'lv.e's watcb, but Urns.- who buew hiiu best imliue lo the belief

ibst It wsi pieseuud lo John by adrali-

ng friends and not Irom lunds collected

D s.d of the dlssatisUed operatives, who bad much utther remain in town snd be

supported than to look for work else-

where. fh<> rep»rl Is however, tbst

John's wife bought Ilie Watch. It is evident ihat for main ibe "strike"

proved Bdvsntageous. but Miss Folsosi does not appear to have beeu among the

UObar, although her position as treasur- illl set in to bBVc-sfforded ':rtoppoi

tunl'ies, which a less conscientious per-

son wonld have seized wilhont B com- punction of conscience. Jeonle tired of

her labor is treasurer, on Mondef lasl

went to wotk at wearing for Ovoiaeer, t'.ii-, al ibe Wasblngtou mills. She

wotked a d.iy aud a balf aud since has not

u seen al hur labors and Mr. Cos la at a loss to know whs', has become o' her.

Ttie Saturday previous "In cous'.deratiou

Of $100" she gai-s au saalgument of her wogtN to Mr*. Dr. Ciocker, of all moneys

m due her Bt the Washlng'on or that

may be due her until Juoe 15, 1»33. Thli a-Mt-iimeut was exouled and delivered in

Mr. Edmund Hal ley,a rel

alive of Miss Mary Halley, tbe strikers'

secretary. Due operation of Hie sinkers known to

Ibe writer, bss been retained from thu public too long, from compassion only

Murderous Assault. JA Clilnamau Severely OlutUnted with

A Cleaver.

S.ioitly before 1! c'clock oa Ualurday,

the police Were summuned by teli phone to the Chinese laundry of Wah Lee,

ISO street, aud ■ n ibelr arrlrai 'uuud a large crowd gathered In Ihe vi-

cinity aad Wah l.-e bleeding profusely and aufferiug Intense nsln from tuta on

the fsce. Half of the uufortunale Cvles-

tlsl'* nose was bsngi.ig hy a shred of .-km,and under hla rlghl eye was a ghastly

wound. He was taken st once lu Dr.

U';uy ons otlUe, wherti Ida Wounds were dressed hy lbal pbyrICIBII,

By the snesl of the assailant or tbe

Cb'tiamsn full particulars of the iiffair

can be given. The sirealed pjr'.y proves

to be Koacti, a youth of Is subj-

mers, not generally considered a bad

character but exiremulr unforlunsle lu bis association*. On Sait'rday Uosch had

been drinking aud wllh a companion

meeting a Chinaman liom Wah Lse's i lutidry, ntrucjt tilci without ptovocstjoa.

followed the Celestial Into Ihe

laundry and guJmf, lo the cfllca where lbs

proprietor's brother, aged 14 years, wou conutlng money, endeavored lo seliu a

hsndiul of the change display ed. lit was

frustrated In this sud becomim, enraged was shiklng ibe little MougolUn, when

the oiher washermen In the room seised

him and ejected him from tbe premises. He then tbrew a beer keg ibroutih Ibe

door, and this being thrown back ai h in

Went to the butcrtei's carl of Bed wood i Co., aud drew Uurelrom a four pound

iver wblch he hurled Into the laundry, tbe weapon striklag Moy hi-llen, the prc-

prtuior. In tbe hacktiig hla nose par-

tlailj off and Iviflictlng a severe wound

under the left eye. Ths weapon was

tbtowo with such force tbst after ll glanced from the Chinaman's fscs It em-

bedded Itself In the workbench, passing through over two tnrcbes of Ml and board. Koacti then ran leaving hla bal In lbs lanndry. He passed down Essex

striet to N'ewbury, thence throngh Ci ra-

raoo atreet alley, through Union stf*el

an . Csnal to r.ospeet, where be told a boy 'nmetl Oeorge Morrlasey, residing st

No. 3d, that in- had killed s Chinaman,

and i d-i« .1 bliu $3 for a bat. The boy give him a straw hat and he started

owarde Usveiblll. hat made a return trip

going to North Atiduvsr, iher* taking the cfcis for Htverhlll. The police were In-

foiined of ihe direction he bsd taken aud

nollHud '.In: llaverhlll authorities. Into ahose bands he t ll shortly after 10

>'cl"-c>., being given a filenly introduction a a former ofl1:ur of this city by an

uncle wbo little aurpeeled tiiBt he was

surrnndutlug bis nephew into ibe clutches

of ihelsw. 11* wss taken to this city Sondsy.

In juailoi to It.iscli I; maat be stated

thai hla siory diir.-ts asterlaliy from that

claimed to he Ibe fscta by the proaccu

waksolblamacblil. In I.UI.T aodUK-*""• '•»■<•• P'"» b» lbe ■'",0 ""■'

log terms. His btst trip has been eight miles in hour, and for » mm nf bis years this Is leium kiddy good. Mr. Mason will

spend some wnks lo '.be city sud those who arc Inclined for an evenlna's stroll,

isy have the satisfaction of witnessing tin: ajiil-.y with wblch he directs this most mode of'tocomoilso.


Knded It by Meuns of Perls Or»o

On Thursday sfiernoou, Mr. John Mor-

rison, living al .v. 1-ottlaud Street, Wdut Into bis garden lo do some work. Al

aopper lime be ielurned"ti» tbe house,

Ulllng bis wife thai he felt sick. He laid

down aud Immediately began lo vomit,

and seeing the natura of his slckuess, Dr. Horn waa called. He stated that tbe

man hid ulten a largo dose of Paris

tireeii. Aulidotei proved or no avail, sod at U c/cloek the nest morning, he

died In terrible agony. His wife stated

that be aad been ill for a week or more, and had been au'ijecl for years to brain

fever. She though', be must bave been partially demented when he went to work

and then look the poison which lie had

prepared for ibe po'.aloe vines.

Mr. Morrison leaves a wife and four

children, is an Englishman by blrtb, snd bss been employed for Ibt past seven years In the Washington Mills.

Accident on the a. \ M.

This noon at about 1 o'clock a train of

five freight ran was being pushed toward

Water street by su engine. A slngh car

was standing on a side track bul waa nol far enough over Uo switch lo be out of

the way, and the train struck It. Three

were thrown from lbe track and all were

damaged, the doors being nearly torn off

of them all. «

—The Lawrence Electric L'ght Com-

pany are lo place their poles in the bsck

alleys beside the telephone poled. Which

are so much Isrger that the company's pules wi.i not obstruct lbs alley.

—A Siamese connection for steamers

has bean purchased by the Are depart- ment. In case of large Area, by lbe use

Of It, tares streams can be Concentrated

Into oa*. It will be tested sooa.

which are food for «ubscilbcrs to the re

Nef fund to consider. Those of ibe slifker* who desired to work have re- turned'o tbe Pacific or have sought and obtained work elsewhere, and the lew thai are now bcre are existing In idleness on fuuds dousted In localities wt.crt the lent Is known of ibem or the line causes which occasioned tbu rupture si in- Pad be.

UXIh ■' ' -it- H Job.

Last week John Orfilvle of the Strikers'

Union, who has revelled In Idleness so

long WSJ given a Job by the city to weigh the city coal which will soon be pu'. In.


Am on -.(.*.> the Next Six .11 on lha— How Ihe Money

has been spent.

A review of tbe condition of the city finances lu tho several departments after six months of deorjersMic administration

cannot now be iuuppottnuv. We find that lu four of Ihe depurtmenls lbs ac-

counts are overdruwn, to the amount ol

$2,057 GI; lie,- baths, $31; Industrial

school, $1,593 H| pauper apeclsl, $U87-42 an'.! public property, $45.&G. In ihe sireet

depattment, where there Was available $39,881-1 16, there is left unexpended li do

the wotk foi i he remainder of (.be year, iiui *]s n.-i I'.i hi ih,s department last

yoar there was expended but $33,41'J.9'i, and street commlssiouer Hall left a bal-

ance unexpended of >?L.(i|s..ll. In lbe

pauper department Uere has been spent

durinj. l'ie six months $11,543.83; a re- markably large sum, owing mainly to the

Pacific att Ike. the calls for aid monthly

being nearly ItS per cml. more than dur- lug'he corresponding time of last year.

There Is available In this department now

hut llltlu morn than $lbU0. Tbe other de- partments which hive but small balances

on which lp operate tbe remainder of lbe

tear, are bridge, cemetery, common, free evening schools, health, military, school

house and wnlur works. In tbe school department, proper. $41.035 05 bss been

spent, leaving a balance ol only $rj,017..

CO for lbs ensuing six months. Tbe Incidents: fund, however, .Is $4S,»48.-

■■5, and frequent drafts Btav be expected

u;,oo It before ihe close of ihe year.


76 Stata St., opp, Kilby, Boston. Secures Patents Is ths United Slates; also ia Urnal Brltaia, Trance and other lureiau roue- trie*. Co|>lss of tbs claims of any Patent lui- itlsbwl by rucnldlngoneilullar. Assignmrnlsn- o-trdedsl Wjsiiiawton. No A«eney (a tbe Kal- te<l States pisaeasea suneilnr t«< illties for St» Ulnlns Patents or ascertaining; the patentability MiaTSallena. R.H.El.tiV.aoiuituroiPatentt.

TElTIatONIALS. "I regard Ur. Eddy aa ons ot the most i*pabl*

and aesees.rul practitioners with Whom I Sara aadoalelal intercourse.

OHAULES MASON.Commla'ref Pa test a. "Invenlorseaanolemploya person aaorvtratt-

wortby or more capable of set uring lot them ss "artr nod lurorabla uuii.ldrratlus attbePatsst OtUoa."

EDMUND 11UBKE. Late Curn'r ofPatasts BOSTOS, Oct. IS, IS70.

B. H.BOPT, Esq.—!>earrflr: jo* procured tor me in I tin, my «r-l patent. Since then you have acted for,and advised me la I iliiBilil eases, and procured many patents, reissues aad aatsa> nuns. Ibavn eeraalonally emploxed lbs beat!. in K,-w York. Philadelphia and Weak. nirt'in, lists 1 still rive you almost the wholeef

my huilneis, Is vonr line,ami advise others Is ouiplur you. Yoaistrulv,

UBOBaVOBAPIB. Bosloa.Jaa.l.lSn l»I B


Sail Weekly in acU Item Naw YOSK ASP «.I.*M,..W, via l.oMxjK.KLasT. Cab.n l*s-s»e|i:ilio(Nl K-lura.. »Ht in *U«

Maeoad 1 sbln, S4U. Ucltirn Tic keU S'*".

rnia.ii}, Usiy; Aarwav.Sweden. IreeeMi r lluekeC'Tuiosin Saollsncl." Hafs, ru

i . auulT to HESDEBW1N BLOTUs-B*. h



I>iiwrencR. Ma«is.

Ears «jn TME Million Foo Choo's Balsam o< Shark's Oil PUSIUVPW restores the Is ttse Only

Absolute Cure for Deafstas Known,

Tiii« 'Hi |N nh-iisi-, riUio-n peculiar speeleeof • mall Wniie nnark. ceiutlu iu lbe Vellow Sea, ksuwn BH 's.oharedon llimdrlrth, Ereiy Clone, e n.isru.n know* it. ft. virtues as a reatorallvs <f iiesimjr were dlsAoVaeed by a lluddliist Pi iD.i about Hie year HIS. Itaeure* were so numerous a-'d insnv *n eesmlnsly mf'sciiloux, th*l Hi* miiciir wi- oelulatlv pre- eJnlSM 1 orer Ih* entire Knipire. It- use breams so universal inn lor over .,» j es i. no tHiaises- haa e>t*teil mnosa the ' Hon-ni y ndi. Seat, eiisrires im imid, to mi)- addro.s St SI t*i per uellle.

Hear What the Deaf .Say! It bis pei loruied a mnacle It my ease. I bave no unsaithly solaea ia mj nsad. aad

hear e.uch l>uii<ir. I Itara bean sreatlv noneftied. My deafuass helped afreit deal—think aa

other bollla Will care mr.

Annug the valiant band who'ilii.-t'a tc) | itwu. Ha suua tfcat with-s^oatpanlon

collect moneys, wss Miss Annie Cuddy

O'Brien. Nol long since she bt came dls-

r-illsfled wl'h ihe way John, Jennie and

Miry were conducting lbe flnancial af- fairs and prepared a statement for lh»

public which she gave to Mr. John Mr Oslry lor publication In the Mtltuen En-

tetpilse. Shortly after giving Ur. Mc- h« stall in. nt, vlie met the Wfl'rr

on the Common and to him stated that

Whet, "tbe lime would come" she Wonld tell the pnuiie some things of which they

were nol aware, In relation to marine

hlch the collected money was being

eipeuded. Daring the conversation a

bevy of strikers clinic from Father

Matbew hall and seeing Mrs. O'Uilen

tslklntt lo an AMMUfttM reporter, re- d In wal-.lng uuill lbe writer led the

woman. They ihen came lo blm and boialeronsly requested lilm not to "In.-

Hero a wold she Slid as she Was clwaya

disturbance." Mrs. O'Brien's stsleineutdld uoi spp.'ar .o llie Knter-

pi he, awing to the fact tbst she regained

her foothold In tbe Tuld and secured pos-

session of the tnanuscilpL, and Is now as good a "strik'-i" as ever, even ,»pbnuo-

Ing gentleiuen, strange is to her, lu put-

clisse M.-tela lo' a prchlc In the strikers'

be bal r. j^^'^ Tae_jsed.rue lids "valiant bsnd" li

he was passing along the street, when a

Chinaman passed sod some one called 'John Chinaman" after blui. He turned

ioui.d sud struck lai.ich In the facu and

in Into lh« laundry where Itoacb fo'- lowed blm. He claims Ihey drove him

from lbe shop with pistols, hammers and balchels, and fearing for his life he seiztd

the clesver win the result staled.

arraigned in lbe police court

ou Monday and pleaded not guilty to thu^e of fcluuloua e»*suit. The

lion was represented by W. L

Thompsi n KM- , who bsd au Intirpieter

from Worcester on band, and the de- fendant bad John C. Ssuboro, KM, , as

counsel. Mr. Panborn asked lor a con-

tinuance of tbe case until Wednesday, but his rtqueat was denied. Ills client

thereupon piesded not guilty snd waiving

ximinatlou wss ordered to furnish aurt-

ii-s in Ho-sum of $1500 lor his appear-

ance a> tin' October term of the Superior court to be held In tills tHy. In defsu L

of hall he wss committed ■,. Jail. Tbe In-

jured Cbinaman, who was unable lo I. sre bis bed without assistance, was brought

Into court and wss accompanied oy nearly

every OLe of his rac* In Ihe city. There

s no fear ahst bis Injuries will result fa-

ally, but lo- suffers Intense pain. The In- jured man la oue of tbe mast intelligent of bis class in Lawrence, and lor some

lime has attended Bibbsth school at the

South Congregational church, proving nc apt sud Interealed pupil. Hev. Clark

Carter, pastor A ibis church, was an at-

tentive ppeciator of lbe proceedings.

Fire In » bnundry-

Kuuusy afternoon abtut 3 o'clock sn

alarm of (lie was rung In from box --'

Tbe Ore department quickly responded

and found a small Are lu the lanndry ea-

ablisbment Of Wah Lee. al 150 Essex street. The chemlcsl exilngulsher ran In a line of hose and extinguished the few

sparks thai were smouldering. The Chinese proprietor and bis help

were In the laundry, when tbe fire broke

out on a --liei the partition divid-

ing the front and back sbop. They do nut know lbe origin hut only that ihe lire

iddenly blatej up. Il was suioug the

paper nil*' bundles of linen which bad been laundrkd. The Chinamen began to

poll the things nwsy when Mr. Collins

wbo keeps a liquor siloou at the next

loor, and who fortunately waa In hla place

if bueinei!-, rushed In and er'.tlng a spread fiom the bed threw it over lLc

burning articles aod soon smothered the

flames. Tbe cxllnyuisher stream com-

pleted the work. The dsmago oT course, cannot be es! I

muted, as iihills, collars snd cud* In

bundles were parilslly des'royed, and ll

looks now as If them would bo some dif-

ficulty In sorting out the different piece. oTwashlng snl finding wlios- linen wss

A book of Chinese hieroglyphics

Wbkh Is sOpposed lo be the check book

washltg, was partially destroyed. Wbei aske 1 If be was Ibsured, one or the

Chinamen said, "No, no, laundry o^ver

Insure." There was a lar^e crowd on the street

aod mtny were of Ihe opinion that Ihe

hoodlums lre.fl making It hot for ths Ce-

lestials. The Itundry Is -he same In

which lbs cutting fracas took plnce Satur- and Wait Lee, tbe proprietor, was In

bed when the Ore broke nui.

—There is talk thai some of the mer-

chants on lbs slrest wbo signed to class

their places of business st 6 o'clock, are

■ot sticking- lo their agreement.

"Its mines art L'nquestlonabe a. d IU cura- re character ahaoiute, aa the wilier oaa per-

sunallv iBsiii*. iiiiin irum eipenesee aad ousorrsllna. Wnut at once U> HAVI.OCX A -Ifcss».v,7 in-y Street, New Yoik, eaeloslss SI and you will NISHM by return arauedythal will enable jou lo bear like asybedy else, and whose rarstlrs iffjcta will txi p, i IDS lie ut. tun will never rcgiei i|u|Dg su."~K-iiigr ol Msrcaa- tlla Usvlow. ,.. .

rio d loss In the Mails, ciaaaa aead money by Bef istered l.eilei.

Only Impelled >.v HAYLOC K A JENNT, (l.ate iu, i. ii-s. A (j.. I

7 Dat »*,, New York. 8»1* AaesjM for America. lly mjll*, O

SAUUBL L1T1I.K, rrss. WM. J. llltlDK.'l'rsaa

1 BOSTON LEAD MFG. CO. OlSoe, HanJ SS Oliver Sireet, Bosiea, Mass,

coasousns tst. NANurACTunxaa. •■ HiiiTnv STAR HUASiir-


LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD. TIN sail TIN l IM i> I'I !'!■■.. I'L'MPS, BO1.0KK Ac WM.U MBIlAl. i.w,nde<l br the Usssai-liu. setts (Jliaril.ail* HeehsDIcs Association in I rial.

"".HI le.'l 11

lite, Accident anil Fire Insurance. JOHN EDWARDS A COS Insurance Agency

.Bpaaer.aia ru roLLOwii,.

Franklin.»t runs.,Fa. Pennnylva>nls, of 1'enn. Oerman, A merlean, N. T. Wsetcbeatei-. New York. Water-town, New York. Orient, Hartford, Conn. Uerlden, Connecticut. OommonweaJth, Bottoa, Rbawmut, Boston. let NHUOIIB.1, .Vnreester. Uasen, Esgiand. Im serial At Northern,Kngland. Koyu.1, Knilnnd. Metro iolo Ina. Oo., Paris. Londt i Assarenoe, Euaiand. Uo-u-d an Aasursnce, Knaisnrf. l.ondn - and lAancnsnlre, En|Jsnd. Travel srsi'Life and Accident ol

Han .i .i, i:,nin. Stats Mutual Llfs, Woroasisr.)

THOMAH HEVINOTON, SA» Baaea Btraat, - * tawraar*

Post Office t»ott 38.


Till Mason & HamttD Or£an & Ptaao Co. 154 TBEMOiNT STREET,

BOSTON. tiff, r the iiik-e.t assortment (more Hi a a loo

styles)of til* UKsT UAKINE. or PAKf.OB OKUANS IN TDK WOULD, for rash, at S«, «:■•■. t.l, I". *.', »-t, *so and onward*. Al.o lor easy piitin-intr, IT vl per uuai ler and np. ward.. Thus*M nave received BMIHUt IIMMIHS st KVll'.V ||,E .,r the (IKtAT W'OHI.D'S IM'i ■■ I i;l M I- \oll'.l I-.iiii I.,, IU YBS.i --', ..i in.ii aMBKiOAM oMuase narinu SERN rci'Mi « ..,11 in DF st ( H AT SHV. .-Al the UllEAT ITALIAN Sit SI Al, hXHIBITION, reeeiiilr elueeil SI Mil,AS, H Wld'h Waa the I.AIKJVHT <:<t|,I.X4;ll<)V oy MUSICS!. IN sfBUygsTH i.Min i.t-.-.n cut i ■■■■> i UKI: alter lasting aad sompsrina side bf side i,., several moinli*, Hisou a llambn oritans re- ceived lbe UM.Y niEHK-i- AWAllIt lot miniiinciii- in it i- ■ ill-". Calalosuas, i '"


LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vMUm of youthful niipiMdenit catmnf Prema-

Ime lir sv, Kerrou* DebUiiy. J.- »t Mani,-" ■!. ale., Istlna tried In »aln etery known Petnedy. ha« <Ua- coveradslimlileseircurr, SjMaaSWWfl] send FT.IJI to lets Mlow-sufjeieis. addiM«a J. M. Utlllt IJS, 43 t'lullbum rsl.. ■>. T.

end* lv aepIO S

FOR SALB IN MK.HUltN Ths Well Known Benjamin Blood Perm. -iinsl-rlon lli.wr fii.-fi. t min ■■ Irr.m Lawrence h "in llaverhlll, i\ from the tillage, i mile Irom school. Said rano eontalna abvut .oaeresol Isnd, suitably divided Into mewlna-. Iillaasand paslunea, abd about 100 rords of tbriltT.Krow- inK »<i,"i,,> lie., i I ciMis brook runnlns lbiou|h Ibe pasture) sn orclard «r about loo younx apulelress < »t 'imi- n.n, l.rai ma, ln-.l-le pe,rb pea r, it-. Buildlnts nearly new, euueiitlag ol a larfe 1 story mode.n built house with L, cop. talsingll rooms, good cellar; barn Mi4u wiib eelUr, aU In a —I repair. The MtWtssa led about to ao.ea el lard will he . -hi separaielT ildeilred A Rood partul pore.basa muaey ras

da on morlsare. MBS.

itfmaris MaUaea.Mass.

iwp~—<«app—^W as*—- ^.y mi^^i*—^^^^


1PS5 ■

Lawrence American


I Tin. LA «1 tlie brutal atuick ui»n ad uimitt'iiil- desire to perfecttuc Lighwaj'a is man- Ing Cbloaman, on Naliirilay, .■annul' ifest. Tim sweeping comparison of

too strongly conitemiicil; whatever the Herald is therefore quite out of

yftlDAY MOUSING. JULY is, 1682.


I SrlKiT, wliiuh indue- ] towns of the Cape 'he same evident

Weekly Mews Brevities.

Tuesday. Baseball: At Philadelphia, Metropol-

itan, 2; Philadelphia*. 1. The New Hampsnire stale fair will be

held in Concord, ID Septi mb.r.

Hi. Uomlogo advices state that Gin. D. Hi n.:ux lias '"''ii elected President.

The IcHii.nony of John A. Walsh ID tbe Star-route iii.ui Win concluded yesterday.

A Urn at I'rraii". . !a foi ula, yesterday, destroyed about flrty houses, the properly I..--- n^i'n.iiii'i: gaOOOOO.

An (Ifirt in to he made smoni/ the mem- bers to finally adjourn tbe present session ol lloiigici-s ou Uoutlay next.

There waa ■ eimooo lumber fire at tlraml Rapid*, Mich.. yesterday, aud tt fffiU.OOU oueal Minneapolis Mluu.

A. B. Ro'iertaiii,, a patent solicitor, was drowned In the baibor >i lb« Great falla, Potomac 11 if IT, Mioday, while bilhlng.

Ilark OctlD Express, from Halifax for Bueuoa Ayres, has arrived at tbe 'alter port, aflei a Htunry fu--1^>- of 110 days.

Annie Hlgoey, tweet >-tnraa year* old. wa* drowned lu Ibe hailmr at Providence, K 1 , yesterday, by lhe- upsetting of a skiff.

A nevere thunder Monti passed over 8t, Jubu, N. H , yeaieiday. Several poisons were iffeCli d by i|,e llgblnillg, Out PUB*) seriously.

Cholera li.faiti um at Fa,I Itlver Is nn- Usually, tbe number of cases and |'i..|en r ,Kii iif [alalllli ■- belnj; excep- Ll '. v urge.

Wallace An-evine, egrd 2R. fri-lght brike-meti ou the Hutluud 4 Washlin.10* mad, Tell from a train at Centre- Hullatid V(., yesterday, and waa killed. y

.Wllllstn John ton, the bogus wrecked captaln.ts under arrest at Norfolk, V . for mealing * horse and wagon, 'ills feel uamu In said to Howard Jut ksfln of Long Island.

The demoi railc simtUtirs i.. ,i .. i .nn . yeaterday, and drteruiltied to continue th dUCUaitOB of allii,f-i,he proposed amend- ments to the ■;n ;ii HI.,, m the hope uf ul- timately defee'i ing i lie measure.

The house Judiciary commlttrn ban LV ntl y decided in defer Indefinitely a Hear- ing of the charge's preferred by Mr. I. J, Newell against the Texaa PaclAo Kuilroid Compauy re^uidniy Ita laud gtaoW.

Wexlnctulay. lirookllne IM to he made a part if the

Boston (. .-I n district, m i IM •■ delivery 1» to )>e entablltihi-d there.

Advlcea from St. I'lrrre rrport itie bank Dahery lavoraule, veiatU ;,u:.;.i,- from tiUO 11 900 quintals.

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ocean cable hl|| and the ; er.slon appropilatlon hill have waived the I'realdeut'a alyua- tare.

'I'll.Hiiii- M.■■■;- fell at Lvpn, yt-alerday, Mint MO t, (,,;v injured one or bla \r%% toe*. be had to be couveyeu to tbu City Hospit- al. !!■'■■!.HI.

The terrible stench arialGg from ".he Haleiti ruin pond tomatti the ckmlnit of car windows ou the F.islern railroad trslos, as they pass tbe pood.

Harvesting has I)PKUD In Dakota. There Is au nniMOmllf large yltld of wheat aod oeta. I urn la growing rapid.y, aud In nafe from frost.

Three hundred d»en aud boya i-mployfi at the Krrley run colliery. Sheiiandoah, fa., struck yesterday fur an adiance of 1'5 i-ii1- oer day.

The L'uitf-d States revenue cutter CJr.nt arrived at Newport, It. I , yesterday, from Re* York. Collector l{«beriaou of New York, Is on bosrJ.

The IwrelgBCffl?e cnnilrras the report nf the arri-at at I'u.;rt i Cabetlo, Venezuela, of one of the eaaajslni u| Uird Fred- erick Caveudinh aud Thomas ileury Baike,

..D attempt to set tlr- to a woodshed ou UM MMM eata'.e In Beverly was m»di on Mooday night. Keroseue was freely ujiert, and early discovery alofae aaved the building.

'.'he residence of J. H. Boardroan, Ne- vada City, was burned, uighl. '1 wu

unil are" s la tbe

one's opinion, in the abatrtiut, upon

tin- question of exleugive Chinese i[u-

niigialion, it cannot lie denied that

those of tins race wlio come into our

cummtiuity,are atuonji tae most quiet,

industrious ami well behaved classes ;

they attend closely to their own Imsi-

nesi, interfere with tbe rights of no

one, and are entitled to civil treat-

ment from ull. Hut there is a clans

of hoodlums who seem to take delight

in molesting the (.'hinamcu, of hooting

uU<-i' them in the street, und instilling

theft whenever jtossihle, and we are

sorry to add that tliis generally

from those who have themielves come

ilioies to seek more equitable

nd greater personal freedom

Limn in the land of their liirlb. We

know very well that the fellow who

iiiui:ni11fil the assault on Saturday

waa intoxicated, but his srlection of

a victim, even when in that condition,

grew out ot the antagonism to the

Chinese as a class, which is fostered

auJ eucouraged in entire soberness,

and which should meet the sternest

condemnation. We tnrSt t!io law will

administer to tbe/lissailant In this

case, thi severe-^itipishment which is

so well dCBQJYcd.

place, snd much behind the times. If

the Herald has any readers among the

colony of Cape fodders who have built

up and inhabited a good share of

Greenwich Park and that portion of

Columbus avenue, and who know quite

as much about the Kast Chester Park

extension as anybody else, they will

be reminded for the lirst. time and not


An Unexpected Call ut the Institution.

Tbe Good Work Dowe There.

There la no public Institution of charity

la the city of wb'.ca less la geuerally

known by oar citizens, or uooe more de- serving of meritorious mention than tbe

Orphan Asylum on Mapl« street, at tbe

fjot of White, conducted by the nuns, whoae religious title Is bisters of Charity.

Viewed from the exterior the building la very plemsanlly, of its resemblance to ft ^ imfotlas „rnclpte) bat ^ ,ia,t

MtAl.ill I I MM. TUK M'lthl I

Prelinaln.ry Artloo bj tbe Cltv Conn- ell.

Ileatng the I'.n k tni St-hool.

Cape Cod roada, through Its columns.

SOME oi our people ate dead set

against tlogs because they kill sheep.

vie are used to tlogs, and the bark of

a dog dues not inccuse one of us, as

thai of some other animal or the

ihrill cry of a bird ot prey might, tin-

eas it is a very hot night, ant) mo*

|tiitoes arc more than ever trouble-

some; but in Australia they have a

greater cross to bear. Tbe Austra-

lian farmer has to sit by ami see his

sheep eaten by hungry parrots. One

ornamental parrot is enough to set a

nervous person into Iks, when less of

property has nothing to do with it,

how much more trying it would be we

may only try to imagine, when the

mutton we have tenderly raised, is the

victim of their voracious appetite.

Only a few years ago parrots knew

nothing better than grass, and lived

on lust as contentedly as au Ameri-

can used to before ensilage was in-

vented, bbt one day au injudicious

htnnanitntian gave one of them a lit-

ile mutton as an experiment, and from

that lime it was all over with the

sheep farmer of Australia. Formerly a

cracker was the only change from n

vegetable diet; now nothing will do

but spring lamb and mint sauce

The parrot in particn'ar ul>otit the

quality. He eats only That which he

himself kills, and to every sheep

lamb in the Hock there is a parrot, for

they hunt in swarms; *and they cat

(hem before they are quite dead. It

is it gaudeous sight, but calculated to

give rise to the reflection that 'twere

better not to gorge so much.

coin, tgi-d <; ami supposed to have lost lb building.

The body of the Earl ol Crawford and Itslcarres, which WHS stolen from the fain lly vault, but recently recovered, wat sent by railroad yesterday, for interment In Lancaahlre.

Herr Melllni:. who was arrested at Ber- lin tor selling plsns of tbe coast defeucts of Germany to Urn Ku".»lan gsveruuieiii, has been MaitBOed to six years' Impris- onment at hard labor.

The brothers TberOD and Myroo Snell were Monday urreaud near Medina, N. Y., for furuing furiuers'uotes given f-jr agricultural I,.|,>lenient*. Tbeainuunt lu- volv-d Is about $4000.

A lit. John's (,N. F) dispatch says: Two fishermen, named Higglus and Sperke*. were drowned at Battle harbor on the 10th, by a »ea breaking over their boat. One of the bodl.-s baa been found.

It la authoiItatlvely denied at the Post Ottlce department t»>at tht seudlng out jf a ft mi in i>» i on to examine and report upon | the prlncip-il post ulllces lu the country j has :;t>y political or personally dls'.urbltig significance.

Ex-Alderman James Dunn or Brooklyn, has Deeu Challenged io fight Tug Wilson lu LouisUuu or Mississippi for tWOO a side and the championship or the world. One. thousand dollars forfeit moucy has been deposited.

Thursday. Chelsea had a S7000 blaze yesterday.

Archbishop KeeiiSa of Chicago Is to be ID nie a cardinal.

Wholesale persecution o( Uentile» lu Salt Lake City ts reported.

The annual meeting of the itutlar.d Runway was heid yesterday.

Tbe grain elevators at Markdale, Oat., were burned yesterday ; loss 8;iu,00l).

The R'ver ami Uarboi bill, as it finally pasaad Uoagrvaa, calls for 8ls,7i8,«73.

John O'Nell or Nabant was t irowu rrotn a Itndeau ou Tueaday cveuiug lad severe- ly bjured.

Litters will be n uen-.l free of ex- pense at Newport, U. 1 , after the 1st ol September.

The Eaaei County Bicycle I.caguo had a suppi-r at ihu Revert. Ilm .■ In Lyno Ust evening.

Judge Poland was Dominated yesterday by the Republicans or the becund Ver- mont district.

The New England retail gricers went on their aunuat excursion to the Point ut Pines yestetday.

i'resldent Arthur la going to Bar Har- bor, Me., lor s brief pciiou ol rest about the middle of August. ,

A severe rain •loritl In some frmlons ofMlomsota. Tutaday night, d.d consid- erable daniHgt; ;<t crops.

A Hatimis tail, ^(luetl Willie (^ilmby. has died from blood polsonm,-, caused by bathing when lu au overheated coudi Hon.

The house yesterday dually puaed the Hlver ami Harbor bid. — The Nenite laltl the Revenue bill aside and debated thi Naval bill.

Charles McUulrc, residing at the reai O'ia Cambridge street, Lyun, died ami .1 my last even lug, |> |3 , N(. ,,,,.<. I i.,,,, the effect of tbe beat.

The crop reports, from l!H;i points lu il.t NoribWist, say that '.be wtiem yield will be large i balf crop of corn, and tbi largest <>at crop ever known.

The republicans ol the Becond conares sloual district or Vermont, lu conv. uil-ii at .Montpeller, yesterday, nominated P. Poland for congresamjn on tbe tlrst ballot.

Mormons propose to te*t the constltu tlonality ol the Kdmuofls bill In Hit courts, anil If an adverse decision Is reti d.i, ,i other means will be devised tJ evade Its workings.

Jl i' internal revenge collected the past year amounted to 1146,630.718 71. Ouring the ill ll-cal y-ars ther* has been collec- ted and turn, tl into the Treasury, without defalcation, «74K,S3I,071 01. The ox- !■■■■.■.' collect loo amounted only to a 1-2 per cent.

Dr. U. ¥. Collins ot Minneapolis,whose brother lost his lire In the I). Long party, charges lliai Engineer Melville, by pre- venting Lieut. IJaueliuwer fioni making prompt search fir Ue L'lng, an I by only makiiii! a supeitlelsl search himself, la re-

""slb'e for the death of the brave llttio

To THOSK who are inclined to make

over our civil service on the British

pattern, it may be interesting to med

itate for a moment on what they ari doing over there. Atl the grades of Hie great British army nutlet' uon-com- mllbtoned offlceta. and what nre called "petty" olliccrs, after 20 yeaiB service are siip?rnnntiaLed by Dums ranging from lid. to Is. ".id, per day. Their constitutions being somewhat impaired they are not considered equal to any form of severe labor, and they do not anticipate with much pleasure the time when they shall lie pensioned off. A Naval Pensioner suggests that the Government should act on tbe recom- mendation of Die committee appointed some years ago, to inquire into the Illness of the pensioners to fill certain posts in the civil service, such as mes- sengers, attendants, letter-carriers, boatmen, custom oiHciaU, warders,

The Irish publication to which this communication was sent, believes that the recommendation of the com- mittee was favorable to the mcu, and says that, "as a matter of fact only one out of every twenty pensioners obtains any such employment by which he may supplement his otherwise stinted mid starvation stipend." That one out of twenty such men are chV ployed now as customs officials, etc. after becoming useless in the military' or naval service, doesn't make their civil service shine with remarkable brilliancy compared with ours. In certain conditions of tbe atmosphere the stained vision sees all sorts of ugliness in the little gnat, while it is willing to swallow the distant camel. If the camel waa as near as the gnat the scene would be changed, but we

cannot hope for that, we must wait

patiently for those atmospheric

changes that le-fonu the reformer in

the twinkling of an eye.

IT is Qtftn HtPBEsniso to witness

the moral courage of U. de Lessens

iu the act of informing Admiral Sey-

mour that the passage of men-of-war

through Ha. MU'/ cin:il constitutes a

breach of its ncutrpl.ty. More of

such declarations Would be interest-

ing, lor it would draw out the re-

served sentiments of the Knghsh gov-

ernment on the Bubject ot canals. To

mi i' ideas the canal they think so much

of, is not much of a canal after all. It

coat 999,978,907,'aod it is said to be

8rt miles knur, W> feet deep and 72

feet wide at the bottom, but vessels

are continually getting aground in it.

One steamer, the Nuphar from New

York, March "8 for Kurrachee, got

aground March 111 in the Suez canal,

ami did not get ot] tor four or five

days, und Oc". A, 1881, it was re-

ported as ngain open to trafllc, which

was interrupted by the grounding of

the lii'ili-.u Bteamcr Hallamshirc.

These are some of the drawbacks to

ilm success of the enterprise, which

perhaps might be overcome by skillful

engineering, which the parties who

have it in charge do not seem inclined

to use. In its present imperfect state,

it has more than paid the running ex-

penses ; the receipts in 1880 being

tl),l)73|186, and the ex|>ehditurc.

lading o jter cent, interest upon the

share capital as sinking fund, amount-

ug to 15,415.542, leaving a bulance

of |A67,645. DM London Post of

November 24, 1869, declared that

the impending traversing of the

Suez canal by merchant*, ships has

been to largely depreciate Kngllsh

freights to the East Indies and China

by the way of the Cape of Good Hope,

while seven steamers are securing

from 72 to 77 1-2 shillings per ton to

the Kast Indies, via the Mediteranean

antl T.gyptianover-seu route." A very

unfortunate circumstance lent a slight

shade of melancholy to the otherwise

prosperous short cut to Ilombay ; the

lirst merchant ship, the bark Noel,

which passed through it on the way to

India, was wrecked in the Ited sea.

That was no tault of llic canal, but it

was not just the r>ght precedent to

follow. The English value it highly,

and thiuk it so much worth saving

lhat they are willing to protect it.

There la nothing mean about England,

site 'II take the whole and take care of

it without any further trouble. She

thinks they art "powerful weak,"

that's what's the matter.

within the sacred portals shows that all

architectural adornments are left on the outside, every apartment occupied by the nuns, b in- tltiiniied most plalniy, the

ploe floors nocaipeted, bat glistening with cleanliness, and the walls unadorned

aave with portraits of saints of tbu Ro- man Catholic church, with here and there

racLAx, a reminder to tbe Inmates that

thi life which they have chosen to lead Is lu comii.eiiioraUou of illm whose earthly

career was one of deprivation and sufier

Ing. A few days since a representative of the

AUKRICAN made an unexpected call at th Instliutioa. He waa most courteously

iec. ivtd by Bitter Latoar, the present

acting Snpeilor, and when the object of

Both limn he* of tbe city government

met In Joint convention Monday evening to

take preliminary action looking toward* the straightening of the Splckel river aud the improvement and proper drainage of

tbo Splckel river valley, and Judging from

the al.nost unanimous oplolon expressed

mbera are desirous that the wurk,

so long In contemplation and so urgently

demanded by tbe public health, shall be now. Previous to tbe joint convention councilman Bell briefly ad-

dressed tbe council on the topic. He

aa,d that In tbls matter there were live

aeparatd questions to consider: First, the changtug of tbe bed of the river and

lilting uti the old channel; ascond, aewer-

age Independent or tbe river; tblrd,

wblcb dam It would be most expedient to

remove; fourth, what lead should

filled np; and fifth under wnat system of management, whether by committee of

tbe city government or Independent com

tnlasloi, the improvements should be

made. Uf all iblngH tbo city must not In-

terfere with tbe rights of parties who own the adj-ilulng lands. The city mu-t lake

the sti i,i uf land tbrougb which the new

channel shall pasi and It the bed Is

straightened one of the dams mast be re-

moved and paid for. There are 38 acres


the call was mad*: known, this lady on - j 0r jow iriH1„j which la now worthless

hesitatingly escorted tbe writer IkrtMiaJl for bnlMieg purposes and which must be

tbe building. In „he basement Is located ailed in If this is Oiled there will be 3o tbe refectories, wash aud store rooms and acres of good building land, and by taking

kltcbeoa. lieu:, and In fact throughout this, toe city would get the benefit of the

tbe entire boUdlng.^Ulnneaa, cruelly ex- t.*o In value and tbe Increase In valuation. trema lo tbe worldly eye, was combined

With excessive neatness. Tbe boys dine

apart from tbe girls, and adjoining each refectoiy are wash Mends, where after

meal tbe little oues enjoy tbeir libations,

on the aicond floor are the reception

rooms for guests, tbe chapel, recreation

rooms, a sacibty where is stored the altar

decorations and vestments, and the school Tbe children are all taught lu the

same room and the school hours and dur-

ing religious services are the only times

tbe boys and girls are together. On the

third floor Is the sisters' dormUor/, each

bed being bung with calico curtains, tbe

superior's room, tbe dispensary, where Is stored a lariie supply of various herbs and

drugs, and a lull assortment of aurglcil instruments, conveniently arranged, and

of easy access I rom the hospital wards.

There are two of the latter on tbls floor, tbat on Ike east side exclusively for wom-

en and that on the west for men. These

wards are the best fltud apartmeuts In

the building and with each Is a carpeted

room, which, wl'.h the visitors' room on

the lower floor, aie the only carpetel, or

to the recluse's mind, worldly furnished

rooms In the Institution. The upper story

Is tilted for dormitories for the boys aud

girls, the latter occupying ih- east

These rooms are models of neatness, the

couches of the iittlu waifs, being much more adapted for comfort than those

assigned to their self-Jenyiog custodians.

Tbe dormitories, school and recreation

rooms, and In tact, every npaitmeut, are

most admirably vrntllaltd, and In winter

well heated by steam. Adjoining the

building on the east and north ore the play grouuds, the former section belog assisroed to the girls, who on the occasion

of the writer's vlalt, wert enjoying them-

selves In hamiu >cks, hung from shady

bougba, and lu swings, while somi were

playing bouse," and others rehearsing

l.i a pleasing manner, childish ditties

learned in the bchool room. The boys

were at ball, some playing marbles, while

others or the alder ones were learning tbe rudiments of agriculture, assisting the

gardener In weedlug. All were cleanly

and comfortably attired, and their ruddy countenances betokened lhat to them tbe

lesson that "cleanllnas Is next to Godll-

af.i!t," Is bt-ios taught to some purpose. It was aotlceable that the bright and in-

telligent face* of none were clouded wl'.b

that abade of sadness so frequently a:en

In the countenances of those leadings Ufa

>t restraint In public Institutions, but tbe


not such as to be asoufceof much but

annoyance to tier at the present time.

Arabi Pasha is about as reliable as any

of them after all, and he says lhat the

fellaheen are ruined, but not by hi

or his party. They have never yet I eyes of all beamed with gladness, especial

li Joi uNu.isM is ever taught in the

schools, particular attention should be

paid to the study of modern geography.

The editor* of some of toe biggest dai-

lies that circulate, fail sometimes

lamentably in this regard. Cape Cod

folks are being rapidly educated into

the belief that novelists and journal-

ists are a very ignorant set. For in-

stance: the Ie.-imi Herald -ftaid the

other day, speaking of the Etst

Chester l'ark extension, which is not

yet in order for travel,—"In its pres-

ent slute it is a. forcible reminder

Cape Cod roads " It is a matter of

doubt of course, whether it is in this

cast; the ignorance of the writer, or

lack of respect for his readers, who

lie takes lor granted do not know the

condition of Cape Cod roads any better

than he does. So far from being tin

fit for travel, tbe highways of Cape

Cod are remarkable for smoothness.

They compare very favorably with

Boston suburban roads. It is a sur-

prise (o the stranger, or to the old

resident or visitor who has bjen long

absent Horn tbe old paths, and it is a

credit lo the enterprise and energy

of the people of the Cape district.

In Uarustable, Dennis, Harwich, and

Chatham, the roads have been improv

ed by carting on gravel at a cost of

five tent, a load, and through atl the

been able to get rid of the load of debt

under which they were crushed by the

regime of Ismail. They are completely

in the power of the Jewish and Syrian

aud Greek money-lenders, of whom

they have borrowed to such an extent

that they are unscrupulous in regard

to the raies of interest on their bonds

which they extort Irom them. Arabi

says : "They have never been able to

escape from their ruinous obligations

to these blood-3eeking usurers, and

the high-salaried officials of (he control

never deigned to give a thought to

the intolerable micery which the til'ers

of the soil had thus to endure. Ou

the contrary they (old Euroi>3 that

under their improved administration

these wretched people were happy aud

even rich. I declare this to be false.

1 say that, on the contrary, the fella-

heen ol Egypt owe to-day over

£7,000,000 to the money lenders,

which they are too poor to pay, antl

it has been the principal part of my

policy to deal with this fact, and to

put. a stop to the odious trade of the

entire tribe of usurers,—Greeks, Sy-

rians, .lews and all." Arabi'a policy

was to inaugurate a scheme for a na-

tional bank, which would have enabled

the fellaheen to recover from their

financial cmhara&smenla in an equit-

able manner. This the usurers bitter-

ly opposed, and he asserts that they

have circulated falsehoods which have

been believed by Malet, Colvin, and

the olllcial European clique, who have

parsuoded the English tobelicvclhcm

also. Thus the head ol the national

party has drawn down upon himself

the hntretl of the money lenders, and

through their intrigues the prejudice

of all Europe. The opposing party

try to keep up their side, by claiming

that the control benefited the fellaheen

in so far that it caused the^ratc of In-

terest to bo greatly reduced, and the

violence of the military party really

upset the scheme for establishing a

national bank. De this as it may,

there seems to be little doubt, that

from an olllcial point of view money

is tight in Egypt. How long his re-

sources will last is a question for

Arabi to solve for us, as time passes,

but from all that lie has said, and

from all that has tieen reported as

having transpired, Arabi n not ex-

actly the sort ot man for America to

fight. The Sultan seems a little sulky, has not nnw to time, but he

doubtless will sooner or latsr remem-

ly when any of their guardians called them her side and requested the performance

of soiuo little ofllce

Tbe Inmates or the Inu'dtulion and their habits w.ll be a matter of public Interest.

There are nine nuns here now, who with

tbe aid ofslx helpers, perform the various

duties. There are '25 girls and 38 boys,

the youngest L' years and the oldest 13.

Tbealsiero arise at 4.80 a. m.; the chil-

dren at r>.30. At i: o'clock all attend ser-

vice In tbe chapel, after which breakfast

la served. The children then play until

8 o'clock, when school (it '.s vacation now)

Is held until 10.30, wheu dlnnvr Is served

and play lime Is then given until 1.30

clock, wben the children again return to school, remaining until i o'clock, with a

brief season of leces". Tbe .tltie ones

retire early, after prayers In the chapel.

Siatnr McKenna has charge of th) glrle; Sister Corcoran tb't boys; Sister Lynch

[insider in the sclni (1; bister Savaria lu

the kitchen; Slater Dorian lu the hospllsl

end dispeDstry; Sister Latour has charge of the visiting of the outside sick, and

lhr.1 tbls Important wotk o( chailty Is

conscientiously attended to Is evlden

from the fact lhat during the past year

the number of visits made was between

700 aud 800. Slater Palnchard, at present

In Salem, is Superior or tbu convent, but ahe, as well as the other nuns. Is under

the control of the "Mother House," wblcb

Is located at Montreal.

Every care la taken tbat tbe children may not be altllcted with Illness, and at

li,e present tlmu none or them aie In tbe

hospital. Iu tbe hospital fur outside

sick there are now four luaeits, in thu

women s ward, all convalecci- it, and one man, an aged and helpless person, in the

nun's ward. Tbe amount of good tbat this Insula-

tion Ins efie :ted can only be approxima-

ted from the following figures: Since It

opened there have been ."/,■:! children re-

ceived, 805 pallenla admlttel, of wbom

10ft died, mostly aged people. Tbe insu-

lation Is maceged by a board of directors, c insisting of Kev. J. II. Devlr, Messrs.

eter Holtban, Patrick Murphy, Michael Ilearne, Patrick Ford, Patrick Uulllvnn,

John HanH, Daniel Lorden, am' .ln.i.os

Lane. The asylom >s mortgagi.-d

ftll.OOO. and a fair will soon be held tbe

proceeds of which, It Is expected

Clear off this Indebtedness. A picnic will

also be helO soon lu aid of the Institution.

One generous friend or the a>vimn has promised £300 towards paying off lb

debt, and others generously disposed will doubtless follow his examp'e as far aa

their means Will allow. A visit to the

asylum will repay any one. Interested In

In our local cbaritka, aud, aa It Is secta-

rian In no sense, a measuie of the public bounty can be applied here with blessing,

alike for the donors and recipients.

* Cut WMU

and out of this there nusbt to be enougl

vilue to pay ibe expenses of straighten Ug the stream. The filling can oe done

under tbe state law and tbe betterments upon the owners, or the city can

take the land, paying lu value now, fill it

up and Iben sell at a profit. The latter he considered the most advantageous course

to pursue as tbe prorerty Is owned In

lage tracts and by a few to wbom

is or no marketable VSlSS. But. ever p'an should bb sdopted, ho thiugbt

ily fair to the owners of the lands and

dims ibat they should be given a blaring

by the c'.ty government. Co'incilii) HI Pisbur did not see tbat

there was any benefit to be derived from

tbe removal of the dims. If they were

removed a»J no sewer built the steneb

would bs even more unbearahie than now. Tbe dams wars a source of wealth to the

city and tbeir removal would ouly add to the costs of the Job.

Couocllmau Smith agreed with the fiirioer speaker, that tin: removal of the

dam would not be'p tbe matter. He said

lhat when Hayden'a dam broke away some

years ago the river gave evidence of

greater pollution than when tbe dim waa

Intact and the mill la operation. The mayor and aldermen being re-

nounced the mayor took the chair sod

opened the loins convention, He staled

taeobhet of the call aud read thj law

passed by ihe last legislature giving the city authority lo make the contemplated

mprovemeots. He said the matter of straightening tbe river had been agitating

the public mind for years. Last year

when rain was quite frequent the nulai was In a measure bearable, but this at

mer ll has beet m i greater than ever. Tbe rk proposed waa a large one, but tbe

benefits to be derived from it were more

commensurate. The only question he

thought was, Is ihe city In a condition to

do the Jub this year, and by refersnee lo tbe present financial condition he thought

The city could Increase i<s It.

debtednesa 8333.5'JU. 15 more without con-

fllcltag with tbe stale law.

Alderman Barrett believed that tbe

cbaunel should be siraigbteued and a

aewer built, but be did not approve ol the

removal of tbe dams. Were the latter

removed, there would he at least 86 hours

in the week when there would be no water lu the river only such as came

through the Arlington raceway. This, he

conaldered, Increasing an evil which It

waa sought to remedy. Tbe mayor aald that in his oplnloa the

volume or wnier going through tbe Ar-

llngloo raceway would be equal to the

natural flowagc or the stream and would

fnclent. It was a question In his

mind bow far manufacturing corporations

could retard the natural flow of a stream

when tbe public bealib of a community

ould he Beriousiy affected thereby.

Couticllmen Fisher and Smith and Al- derman Barrett held to belief, that If a

ewer was to be built and ihe channel

irainbtened, It would be needless to re

nove the dams. Councllmin McCarthy said that the talk

n relation to the non-removal ot the dams

looked too much as though some one had an axe lo grind. Notwithstanding the

statements that had been made contrary, he knew, living la the v.cinlty

of the stream, lhat when the n dim

was down, tbe river gave less evidence of

pollution aa tbe water bad a frse and un-

obstructed course. Couucllmaii Costello thought that there

should be no question of the purchase of

he water privileges of the stream, but

tbat the public health should alone be

taken In'.o conslderstlon. He character-

ized the soap factory one of the greatest nuisances on ihe river's bank, and bellev-

ea It should be removed.

After the dissolution of the convention tbe following order was Jointly adopted i

Ordered, lhat t tie city solicitor be directed lo draw an urtler by wl,i :ti tbe city lollciror ihsll take itn.icr rbe provluoai of chapter 170 of the acts of IBttt.

First, all tbe preiant bed of Ihe Splcket river between Broadway and ihe Hayden dam. Second, all rbe low i*nd now flooded by said river or lu Its Immediate valley belween Daisy street tirldguand Jacksou street bridge. Third, ibe dam at tbe iboudy mill now owned ny Wlog It Oo. Further ordered tbat tbs city en- gineer larnrib to me cliv Millcllor all necessary measurements and data required by bim.

Further ordered lhat wncn aald order tui been drawn, a copy tbereol be putilntinl In each paper la tbe citv, and a copy lerved upon each imnl owner Interested, notifying him of a bearing unoa tha subject before tbe city coun

Mr. (ieorge Saaboru, the Esaex Co'*

efficient superintendent, haa received the

fallowing communication from bla broth- er, who Is an agent of tbe Hwamecot Ma-

chine Co. of So. Newmarket, N. 11., which was one of the bidders for tba fur-

nishing of steam beating apparatus for

ihe Packard school. Ii speaks for liaelf

ilii seem lo demand an explana-

tion ol ibflfiaurse pursaud by tbe cotn- mltteee on public properly in 'awarding

the contract:

So. NmvMAiiKM . N. II., July 22, 1S82. Mu QKOKOX Bunion*:

IJKAKSIR: "(itniiie Sup't of Public bulldkugs, (Mr. Flanagan) reqo Bled you to have me come up there and figure on the beating jab, I supposed I was golnit on legitimate business, and that If we figured as low aa auy one else and guar- anteed as work, we were to atsnd an equal chance of gelling >nu j:,i,. tlll, tl

seems lhat In this cane, It was all decided beforebaud; and that uur figures Were only to be used as a kind of -'cats paw" lo jud;-e of the other parties proposi- tion. It Is geaerally sapposed that the heada of cKy governments work for tbe Interest t.i the city la which they are lected, aod make cootracta wltb the pat

ties who will do the same work for the least mooey. In ibis case tbey did not seem to bave tbat point In view but gave

itract to a party wbose pvopoat- tloo was some nine or ten dollars higher than ours. I'hi", io be sure, la a amali amount, but at the same time we do not consider lhat we have been used as bOn-

rable business tr.eo are in the babll of sing each other.

We return our ibauks to you for the avors shown and they were

appreel tied and trust we may be able lo return tbe same at some future time.

Very truly jours, CHAKLKS H. &ANBOKN.

—It cost tha citizens of Lyro 810,8011.-

:. to sen Barnaul's tthow aud Jumbo

Cricket Match. m

The Arlington Cricket Club deleated ihe I. H ..... I ■. on the Boston grounil«, Saturday, !■■> lite * H-i.te US, to 71. The luiLiintc of Wilkin- son i"i the \i Inii i wit* i|iluudld all lhri>u|h, while Hartley and SKfensoo buth batted it ell. Vor the' Loridwoods, Tiler'* batuni. was narticu. larly line. The score lollowa: I>S.

Wilkimign, e. Prince, b. lluhbard, llarron. c. Curtis, U. Iluhtiaril, Uot-kroll, h Tvler, Smith, e. Iliiinihiun. b. Hiihtiii-tl, UxiiL-n.e. i. Httliuaril, b. HnbiMrd, MorrlH. ma out, H. Initiate, b. Tyler,

l.e« byee,


Blsby.b. Smith, Nastl, I. I'... Tyler, e. William... b. fiul'h, Juilfll, 0, OOW, t). t :.!< kei.lll, Hubusrd.b, I •>• kr.,11. i.urii-, li. Cockcron, Fay.l. u. wicket, b. Smith, lUnahiun, r. Wilkin.<iTi, n.ilmith, King, i'.. i M,-i..'-t"il, l.. i i nit. .li. I'I nie.e, e, lnglmm, b. Smith, f, Hubbaril, not out.



AHI.INUTOSI. . Balls, icni-. Wickets. Maldem.

Ilnri t'tKk "-"• i5

a o w a tl 5

; Hunt 0

unrowooiis. Balls. KUIIH. Wickets, Ms

iliiblinril, .IU m ft Curt In, «U at I Tyler, 43 SO 3

l'iii[.ii..-. v iliii-i.iN ■. Leon, Warburion w.i" in, K. KorTD. -f-irn i.rlhifltaS- Job , 1.HII..-H .... !•■, J. ' > i LIUJ :■ r. I n .

1 •i

i iiel;

Stealing from tbe fweflc.

Durtng the summer season there have

been frequent complaints of wuod, brass

and iron belo^ stolen from tbe Taclfic

"dump" on Wuier street, where, since tbe alterations at the mills began, large

quantities of these aiticles bave been

ed. Detective Fhllbrlck ban beeo

quietly ou Ihe trail of some of thi thieves,

and Monday had reason to suspect one of

the teamsters employed by tbe corpora- tion, named Michael Mccarty, be weni to

residence No. 4 Itlvir View Plice,

te he was at work, armed wrtb. a search wai rant. In the cellar he round over a coid Of wood stolen Irom the

■ hr-;-. which had been cut suitably for

boilers, besides a number of nrt-as and

Iron casllt gs, which bad evidently been

stolen from ihe mi.Is. McCarthy wben

confuted with his ciime, at first denied the tin [is, iut when shown that some of

the wood bore tbe Pacific brand be ad- milted tbat on three occaalous he bad

taken boatds Irom the premises. He was

employed each night on a team until »

o'clock, and wbeu about to return bis horse to tbe stable, he loaded thu wagon

with wood and conveyed it to bis home. Iu the police court he was adjudged guil-

ty of larceny aud paid a flue ana costs,

amounting lo 80.15.

-Lawrence baa bad lu Ural public oui-

of-door, bau-t ooocdit on Sunday; is ll


-Wah Lee eoded and begin the wees

Ith misfortune; assault ou Saturday,

with Are on Sunday.

Mayor Breen put In in appearance

eatly at tbe fire, driving a hack, wltb ho rues at full ap»ed.

Mr. Frank Uoblnson, tbe wrestler, la

seriously III at b.s residence on Water

street, with typb->ld pneuinoula.

— The Merrlmac jetllea bave now been

laltl out 1020 leet trom the starting poln'., nqulring over 30 000 Ions of stone.

—Tbe fire department could hardly have

been more prompt on bnndiy, arriving at

the fire before tbe alarm craaed sounding.

—Mr. James Q. Blades, for mar.y yeais

a bos-, weaver in tbe I'actdc, goes tc By-

field, wbere be baa a position lu the blank- et mills iber*.

—A good many church goers, on their

way lo an evening meeting, naughtily

lingered on the common to listen to tbe music, Sunday eveulng.

Prospect street, beyond Ktst Uavei

b'.ll street has been so Improperly gruded that several teamabavu tipped over lately while passing each other.

Sergeant Arthur W. Clark, of Co. M, regimuni, has been transferred to ihd

first Battalion - of Light Artillery, and ap- pointed Hospital Steward.

— An uptown restaurant keeper, enter-

tained a circle of friends Saturday, with a bottle, of rich wine which had been In bis

cellar forty yearn lo a day.

—Tje other day Dr. John Bhanahan ol Peabody, formerly of lulu city, while at-

tending Barnum'a circus, had a valuable case o: instruments stolen from him.

--Work on tbe new Pacific storehouse haa beeu Slopped on the brick work, ihe

masons having been transferred to tbe Central Pacldc mill to complete the work

on that as soon as possible.

—While ihe thousands of people were

listening u> the Sunday evening band concert, ou tbe common, they were cei-

ls Inly well behaved, and perhaps some ol

them kepi from leas dealrablu resorts.

—This inoru-og Barlow, Wilson, Schoolcrafl a. Cuts' minstrel; organized

aud bega.i renearsiug at the opera house.

They will attend strictly lo husluess fo: wo weeks ; tbe dale fixed for their ap-

pearance here balng Aug. S.

A notice Is posted about tbe city to tbe effect thai boys ba'blng In public view

are liable under the law io runlsumeni,

but tbe boys bathe with perfect impuui'.y

In the Merrimac and Splckel ilveia, aad iple cau't help seeing Ihem.

-Those n.embeia ot the Eighth Regi-

ment, M. Y. M., against whom charges

been preferred for disorderly cot- duct, abseucu without leave, 4c, at the

annual June parade, will be brought be- fore a court martial Immediately.

—A fifty-cent cent goat did 013 dima-

gea to planta and shrubs In the garden uf

Dr. Lougee un Haverhill street, yesterday aiiemoon, Bud was taken Into custody by

pound keeper Kebos. The owner may

find tbe animal at the police station,

—Mr. Samuel Williams denies lint he waa the only one of the CS creditors of

M. 11 Cobe ft Co., clothing dealers, who

would not sign lo accept 40 cenia on 81.

He says ihcrt am others who would not

coLsent. He states that tbe store will be

kept open ouly a shun tine.

—Tbe great advantage of the electric

light over gas In warm weather Is stated

lo be, by those who are supposed

know, tbat It does ni.t add to tbe heat or

vitiate the air. Wherever mere Is but

to warrant the expense, fie differ ence lu its favor Is DnqueEiloLabie.

-A picnic of the Lawrence police la

being mooted.

— Kx-Treisurer Bugbce is soon to make

a trip of some weeks to '.he Adirondack^.

— New crossings are being laid at the

corner of Hampshire and IlaYerhlll Sts.

— Nuns :if the order of Noire Dame here

are attending a "retreat," being held at

Lowell. —The new Pemberton bank will be

ready fur occupancy about, ibe middle oT


—Three fire slams within tan hours,

Tuesday,—a very unusual occurrence for


—Tbo city hss two Jumbos on Its hands

this year:—Tbe Union street bridge and the Splckel river.

H. C. ft J. F. Howe, of Lowell, have

furnished an elegant new mahogany coun-

ter for ihe Pemberion hank.

The Hepublicnu otate convention will

be held at Worcester mi Sept. 20. IL>0 George F. Hoar will probably preside.

—The s'.rlker* hid a picolc at Rlversldi

grove SaLirday. Two or ihree ol tbim

seem to be having a ce^tlnual picnic.

— If the weather permits inure will b*

another band concert on the noromou

auxt Sunday, commencing at 6 o'clock, p.

Andover Advertiser. FB.IDAY MORNING. JULT. 28. 1882

Hallruatl Tralwi.

il N 10,M, A, ...;.«;.;(.'. ami

— Mr. Fred Sherman has returned from

KI nit's College, Nova Scotia, tor a vaca.

and It wl'.h his parents at Bass


'he farmers nre beginning to com-

plain of a lack or water. This weather

may be well for corn, hut not for other farm products.

— On next Wednesday the first of the

children's free excursions takes place. Come on with your subscriptions, don't let

the tblng drag.

Mr. John N. Merrill of the Smith

American Organ Company, returns to

Atlanta on Monday next. Hebaserjoycd

a six weeks' vacation.

Andrew W. Hall, ongravcr at the

Pacific mills. Is soon to letve the city lo accept a more responsible position at the

print STOCke, llavestraw. New York.

The cowiujaudlne oilers In the Sec-

ond Brigade, held a meeting Tuesday, at headquarters. Boston, to coitplete ar-

rangements for the encampment next month.

—Tbe annual reunion of tbe lat Mass.

Heavy Artillery will take place August 10th, at Walnut grove. Middle tun Pres-

ident Capt. W. H. Marrow haa Just issued the call.

—The roof of the central Pacific mill will be completed tils week. Mr. fames

has done a good, substantial and apeedy

|ob on the Pacific Improtements under ins charge.

—George Gill, a machinist, Monday,

entered the bouse of John Mllier, 48 Me- chanlcs 1.lock, and stole therefrom (G3 In

money nnd a bank book. He la supposed to bave left tbs city.

Cuiran ft Joyce gave tbeir employes a trip to Naotasket, Sunday. All enjoy-

ed a good time and tbe workmua speak In

blgb terms of the hospitality tendered by this popular firm.

t ; II »t.,, i .", -i. .II ..lOP. M.

LMVS Andover tor Bo.ion. ii,:,i, 7.13, B.09, S.U UM, 11 III, A.M., and i:.JH, I :.;:i, •;"■'..-U, B.3«. 7.t»,«.lJ, ( (Friday. nM.)r*. M. For Hie North S.3I A. St.; Id.ftt, ft.Sl f. M, For Ihe Cait A. M.; l.lii, J.iU, .VM, U.*s

P. y. For Lowell, T.litu.M, 11.0. A.M.; It.W ..1)9.,11.13 P. W.

Hla» Phllena McKeen la at Paabody. High Art— flalldlng caillee lo Ihe air. Mi-* M. C. D lUglaM ts at East Warenam. Mri. It. M. Baxter or Nsw York.lsia town. Aa .u-'tie th.e man —tbo man who agrees wltb

von. John L. Smith and family ire at Ipswich

Neck. atln Liulie Farwell of Bcstoa, has been In

Mrc W. C. Donald is at BidJsford Pool,

Topic tor next Wednesday evening meeting! 'Trio Cburcb."

Mrs, J. !■;. Ilnlmei is vliltlag In Baogor and other parti ot Malnr.

First tubing day at HaggeUi Pood next Tuesday, August Ut.

A panther wan seen la West Randolph, V(., On I tlUI -.ill ev.llli.'.

Tbe Unitarians are holding a grove melting Welra Landing, N. H.

Mi-., Lncy 1'.. Lord ot Salem, bai beeo mind- ing a week or two lo town.

Arthur Tlbbctti and bis mother, Mrs. Mary J.TIbbettK, are at Acton. Me.

Woman's Question—At tweuty who, at thir- ty what, at fuiiy wbere, li be .-

Matthews tewniblp, N. C, has a woman blacksmith and wagon maker.

A man recently drove into Atlanta, Ga., In a wagon drawn by two alllgatora.

Mrs. Oeorgs Unwell and Mill Haiti,' Hai- ti! me at New (Jlouceiter, Me. John Henderson, of Frye Village, haa pur.

chased a farm in Weat Buxford.

Uorjal leader, if Arabi Bey has streoglh enough, to keep the Knghsh at bay uottl he makes up his' mind. We cannot exrwet a cross leggetl Turk to "walk Spanish" without taking time to consider.

John Barrett, living on Kim street ard

working at Curran & Joyce's homing as- met with n p'litilul accident ber Ins secret compact with the Na- tabl shmeui

Toesdiy. He was walking In ibe large

Ree tbat you use Beach's Washing Soap, tba most economical and ibe best soap to bay. ]<; onncrc to the pound.

room at tbe manufactory when h.i stum-

bled against a bottte which burst. Tbe glass flew In all directions, ami a piece

•truck his left wrist wltb considerable

fores cntting a gash two lucneB long.

He Immediately hastened to a doctor who

dressed his wound.

One reason you siould use'teac.' 1 Washing Eoap.—It la tcotomy to tss is.

It wu voted to Instruct tbe city en-

gineer to prepare p!ans for a aewer on the

south aids of the proposed new channel, bla plans now contemplating tbe placing

of tbe sewer on tne north side.

lie Saved Her Life.

Monday alternoon, Mr. Edward Bai-

ter was passing by tbe East Haverh'.ll street bridge over ibe Socket river, when

he saw a crowd gazing Into ihe water. It attracted alao, and looking Into

the water he saw a cow atruggllng In the water. She had her horns and one fore

foot fastened by meaca of a rake, BO thai she would not be able to go far. In this

condition she had strayed to tbe water's

edge, fallen in, and was then in the middle of tbe stream with every prospect

of drowning. No one aeemlng ready t*

go to the cow's rescue and there being no

boat to be bad, Mr. Hotter divested him seH'.o' bla outer garments aud obtain

Ing a atout rope swam out to the COW'B

rescue.Ho succeeded In fastening It to ibe

animal's horns, and told those on shore

to pall. This tbey did with such force that the i'oung man didn't have time to

get out of tbe way aud the cow waa pulled oyer on to him, nearly awamplog I

He finally got out ot the way and aa ashore, towing the cow after htm, and

succeeded In landing ber. high and dry This act of hnmaDlly showed that be was

no cow—ard.

Dr. riert-e'. ■Tellets."—linle liver pills (inc- ar-eoated)— purllr tbe blood, speedily correct all disorders ot tba liver, atoiaach aud bowels. By tlraggtsis. wedftaoift*

Probate Court.

At the probaUi comt In Newburyport, Monday, the will of Bridget McDonald of

Newburyport, Thomas N. McDonald, ex- ecutor; and Amis Morrlll of Salisbury,

Hauuali Mjnlll, executrix, were proyed.

Administrations were granted on ibe

estates ot tbe tale William Pierco of Brad-

ford, Catherine Pierce administratrix;

Mary Gearln, Lawrence, Wit.. F. Gearln; es Siiiil'nil, Lawrence, Joha II. Stsf-

; Ami BaMwiu, Salem, James A.; Praok Chlvrle, Gloucester, Brid-

get Cluvrle; Daulel Davis Clark, Lynn,

Pheoe P. Clark; Caroline Ames, Saugua,

Chas. M. Ames.

John W. Cook of Naotucket was ap- )lote'i guardian of tbe children of tbe

late Francis C. L. Cook of Newbortport; Joseph S. Noyes of West Newbury guar>

dlan of Cornelius Uuckley of tbat town, an

Insane person,

mong the Inventories returned weie ie of the estates of James Merrow,

Newburyport, £1912: n.-.d Solomon Nel-

in, Georgetown, SH204 io.

There were 12 accounts rendered.

Struck by n Fellow Workman

On Tuesday about '■' o'clock, a gang

of men were at work digging out thu basement for tbe new mill In tbe Coniral

Paeiflo mills yard, Joho Harklna was

uilng a sharp pick and tot taking proper

care be brought his implement down very

heavily, on the back or Florence

Cartby, who was working directly In

from of him. The pick entered the flesh

just back of ibe left hip bone, fortunately

glancing downward. McCarthy began to

bleed very freely and he was taken lo Dr

Sargent's office. Ou exaiuluallou It wu

found unit, thi wound was na Inch long, aad four Inches deep, making a aevere

aud dangerous cut. It was dressed and

McCsriby sect io his home. No. 4 Border

slreet, South Lawreuce. If be does not

lake particular care of his ls]ury, tbe

probability 1B lhat Inllammatiou will set

lu and ■ long time may lusue before his

recovery, lie wanted lo go back to work, bat was forbidden to.


Hugh Kelley, au operative lo the picker

room ol Ihe l'uinbr.rton mills, died at his work Tuesday afternoon, shortly after 2

o'clock. He was last seen alive stepping

under bis machlue to clean It, and a

fellow operative noticing that he re- mained in Ibe Inclined position rather

too long a lime, went to awake him,

wben be found bltn dead. UT. Unne, the madlcal Evamlner, waa called, bni did

not deem an Inquest neceasary. Heart

disease Is supposed lo havu been tbe cause

if deaib. The body was removed to Mrs. Sarsh Mo.-gan's boarding house.

The deceased was f>4 years of age, aad

leaves a wife, with wbom he has not

lived recently, and a son who la employed

at the Pemberton.

Ms). Gen. Hancock has, !n compliance

with inatrnctions from army beadquar

ters, and at the requestor ibe Governei

of Massachusetts, detailed Capt. G. P

Kodu-.-y, Fourth Artillery, io Inspect ibe camps of tbe Massachusetts militia at

South Framingham, Mass , In August and September.

Friday evening, D. D. C. H, John Smullen, Installed the following officers

of Columbia Court of Furesteia: C. K., James W. Bradley; S. C. R., J. D. Mal.o

ney; Treas., Henry Wilson; R. S.,Tjooi'

as Glora; 8. W., P. Murphy, Jr; J. W.,

Winlam J. Kennedy; S. B., J. W. Me

Govern; J. B.. John O'Brien; physician,

Dr. J. ft. Magee; druggist, M. F. Sulli- van.

—There waa a meeting of the Boston Presbytery at tbe German Presbyterian church on East Have roll; street, Tuesday,

to consider the advisability of establish-

ing a German church of this denomination

at Manchester, N. II. ft commission of

five was appointed with fall power to vi-it the field, and If the way be clear es-

tablish the church. Tbe commission con-

sists of Itevs. Messrs. Tyson, Cogswell

and Hager, and Eldera RlcnardBun and

Anderaon. Tbey will visit Manchester next Wednesday.

—There Is considerable complaint,

especially among risldents In tbe vicinity

of Bradford and While streets, or the ar- rival at tbls particular season of tbe year,

of a delegation of milk vendors at He un-

welcome hour of midnight, to tbe serious

Interference wltb sleep; tbu necessity or

keeping open windows during the hot

nights, makes tbe noise of tbe rattling

carls a seriuus annoyance, and there

seems to be no necessity tor such an early

Invasion of quiet neighborhood- by noisy wagons.

—Tbe announcement of a temperance lecture upon the Common, on Sunday af-

ternoon,drew attention to a new platform

construe ted In a study place, having a

balf di /.en beer casks, presumedly empty,

for a foundation; ibis however, proved

to be a band stand, and after contemplat-

ing Its peculiar structure, the. temperance

people concluded lhat it waa hardlv ibe

spot 'nun which to speak, and one of tbe

permanent seats waa chosen for a plat- form; the buer keg atmclnre, mlabt,

however, have furnished a g?od text. If

not a good platform, to apeak from.

—Mr. Joe. A. Brown ts well known In

tbls city, having been connected with

several hotels at different times. He baa

recently purchased a house on the Hav-

erhill road, about 8 miles from here beautifully located and well arranged

He has reined the house, pulling every

room In thorough repair, and also en Urged t;,e stable. The grounds hiv

beeu Improved and a neat fence put

erunod them. Mr. Brown has now one

of the best appointed booses on the raid

sod gives his I/iwrence friends a warm welcome.

—Mr. Joseph Slowell, the Itviry stable keeper, has just received a Very handaome

9-glaa* laodeau from tbe carriage mana

fartotyof H.RkS ft Johnson, Bridgeport,

Conn. It la the finest vehicle of Its kind

In the city. It it one of the modern

mske with all Ilia Improvements. Ills I'.neil wltb green broadcloth nnd tbe aests

and backs are of green morocri. The windows are plate glaaa and the t-uruins

green silk. Sllvnr moulding and trim-

ming set off the heavily varnished wood-

work, and the whole makes an elegant,

easy and One looking carriage.

—The new doable rtoo,-s bare s>en

placed on the Pemberton National bank- ing rooms. The conntera are now belug

made. They are lo be of Spanish mahog-

any to match lbs finish.

—Tbe Sunday afternoon temperance ad- drear on the common, attracted an andl-

unceof perbips three hundred people;

tbe band concert, an honr later, probably twice ss many thousands.

—Moy Hi Hen, the Chinaman who was

cnt with a cleaver on Sa'.urdiy, was not

as seriously Injured aa was thought, at

first. Dr. Kenyon says lh>t ihe wound waa slight and will heal rapidly.

—Licenses granted and not taken out by Saturday of this week will bo revoked,

by order of the aldermen. Wednesday

all dealers whose licenses bad bten gran1, ed weie so notified by '.be police.

— Ralph Wilson, s enrpenter employed ■t ths Central Pacific, had bis right fool

badly crashed. Monday evening, wheel of a track on which was a h

beam, passing over It. Dr. Chamberlain

dressed the Injured member.

—Dr. Barrows nod rairlly of Chicago,

now on a visit st Williams town, are to be

In this city Wednesday, and will doubt- receive a cordial greeting from their

many friends. While here tbey will be

the guests of Mr. and Mrs- Win. K. Gow-


A party of business gentlemen on the street have secured a yacht and started

from Janlper Point Tuesday for a cmlsx ol

a day and a half. Tbey Intend lo get oo Deck-(of)-er about 6 o'clock wheu good

Holt will be kept of Mack, for be is fVry

fond of nice, and they carry a Barrel of

that wltb them.

—Mr. John D. White, Inspector of pub-

lic buildings and factories, has posted no-

tices on tin1 doer at the opura bouse, to

theefleel ttat wben an audience was aa-

aembled In the house, the oatside doors to both entrances must be open and

securely fsstenrd bsck. Farther-

any one noticing a violation of thin law will find It to their advantage lo report.

The notice la signed by Mr. While tbe

loapecloi, and Mr. Wade, cblet of the state district police.

—Henry E. Sbetbarne, general man-

ager, and'J. Frank Websler, paymaster,

of the Boston, Lowell ft Coocord railroad,

bave been summoned by Sheriff Picker-

log to appear at tbe office of Bingham ft

Mitchell In Concord, on Monday, July 24,

at 9 a ID., to testily as to what they

know relating to a mo'.lon for an attach-

ment for contempt against the Concord

allroad corporation, and to produce all books, records, papers, etc., relating to

nsiness of the Concord rsllroad

corporation since September 1,1881, to July 17, 1882.

—The Lowell Times is In error when it

states that one Dennis Sheehan recently arrested there Is a member ol tba Law-

rence city government. There la no get-

ting over tbe fact that some members of

oar government are not paragons of holl-

otaa, bat none of them are half as bad as the member of the Lowell city govern-

ment wbo came here recently, and going

to one of ibe honses nf Ill-repute, lout SHO

there. The thieves, 2 girls, wero arres-

ted, but the Lowell man would uot appear

agalnat tnem as he "didn't want tbe

papera to get hold of it," One of the girls

waa given six moults In tbe house of

correction, aad the other 13 months st

Sii?rborn, Gentlemen of tbe Times, names will be given on application.

-Tuesday morning a boy U'yearaof age

named Joseph Broorabead, wbo Is ployed In the bleach room of tba Pacific

mills, was engaged In attending lo some

cloth In a machine, a slick which beheld

In his hand was caught In the gearing,

and very foolishly be reached lo to se-

enre It. One of bis fingers on the right

hand was caught In the machine and bad- ly crashed. Tbe boy was taken to Dr.

Chamberlain's office when his baad waa

dressed, but he will be obliged to lose Ibe

finger. Tbe cssa h rather a bard one aa

the boy's father, only a Hula over a week

agj, had his band bsdly crashed In the

elevatot way and waa takes lolneMessa- cbuselte General Hospital, where he now

la. The boy wia about ibe only support

of the family. ihey lira it cajlaacock street.

Kev. F. ll. Makepeace preached at the Pic J- ODt cbarcb, Worcester, last sabbath. Rev. Edward Norton or Qnlncy. occupied tbe

pulpit of tbe Free cburcb, last Sabbath. Somhern farmers are rejoicing because they

will raUe torn enough to last iwo yearn. James E. 1-ibmon of Pittsfletd, Is visiting bit

falbv.Samuel K. Johnson, of ml. town. Mrs. Either Avers of Philadelphia, is spend-

ing a few weeks In Andover and vicinity. Hr. and Mrs. H. U. Tver and daughter, aud

•His Katie Tver, are at Bellows Pa!l*. Vt. Why are farmer! like fowls ? liccauie

neither will get lull crops without Industry. Miis M. Lliile 1 iittin, organlil at tbe Free

church, la taking ber vacation at Nantucket. Hits Mary Donglns of Batavia, N. Y., li la

town visiting ber brother, Kev. Dr. Douglass. What la the beit Way to prevent tbe night

from going too tar ? Put on tbe break ot day. Jobu Dean and Iwo daughters, will make a

visit to Nova Scotia, about the tlrst or August. Rev. J. O. Donaberty ol O tawa, Kanaaa.

will in-each at tbe chapel next JSundav, at 10.30. A horse belonging lo Horace A. Mason la tbe

Scotland district, died on Thursday, of old age, Arabi Pasha Is an ardent admirer of Amer-

ican institutions, and coveta their like for Egypt.

Governor Taher bis laid oat eiabt hundred thoniand dollars on tbe Taber opera bouse at Denver.

Trait men and Ibev will be erne to you; treat them gently and tbey will show tbem- ■elvsa great.

Tbe law can never make a mio honest: It can only make bim very uncomfortable wheat ""ill dishonest.

What la tbe difference between a blonde and a locomotive? One baa a light baad, and the other has a bead light.

Rev. Dr. and Mn. Selah Merrill arrived at Jerusalem tba 27tb of June. Their journey occuiled about 90 day i.

B. T. Haynei of Ballard Vale, haa gone to Ml. Desert. Maine, where hli family have been stopping levers! weeks.

The jail In Orange county, Vi., being with- out Inmatea, lies been let to a wine manufac- turer lor storage purposes.

On the side or tbe old buryleg hill, at New- bnryp"".'"the forgortea erave of tbe ones famuua L 'til Timothy Dexter.

Frofessor Onlliver preached at tbe Pro'ipeet church, Camiiriilge, last Katib.Hi. and will sup- ply tbe mme pulpit nextSabbjib.

Tba dishonest man gives no more llgbt in the world than a tallow candle, and wben be did be leaves as hiu an Adt.r behind him,

A little girl on being told Ibat r.n elder inter wss onlr a hall sister, mnu/nfully asked, "When will she be aty wlwrasarsirP''

The junior and middle c'.aues la tbs 8eml- niry, will beomltt'd next \*nr. The advanced class and tbe senior clasi will be continued.

An orator laying that he bade very mixed ' audience, was asked bow It bappened. "Ob,"

Id be, "I stirred It op so wltb my eloquence." It was a clever girl wbo, wben ber lover, wbo

wu too bashful to •'-)>.■»!. nut," asked ber wbat ho should do, replied. "Do writs, aad fear not."

John Hardy has bought back tbe land and buildings on tbe river road In tbe West Parish, which be recently iold to a Mr. Arthur ol Law- rence.

wltb the help of their performing bean, Iwo drunken French Canidlam dined tbe attempts or Derby, Conn., vonatablea to arrest them a day or two ago.

op-couniry man naught a Roman candle and llibted It to go to bed by. He aaya hell bet he'll ihv.tsh the man tbat loaded it, If be can find bim out.

J. E. Wbltlngend Geo. A. Tyler, are camp- gout tor a week or twoneir tbe Merrimac

river, In tbo West Pariah. Hunting and fishing occupy their time.

A woman of Corlnna, Me., named Foster, died last Friday night, bavlag attained tbe ireat weight nf 400 pound*. She waa between " and 70 yean of age.

Haudredi of young women patronize Ibe public baihi In Philadelphia. Many ol tbeiu

pert swimmers, and some can easily ■aim a mile igalnst the tide.

"So your daughter has married a rich hus- band?" "Well, "slowly replied the tmlirr. "I believe ihe baa married a rich man ; bat I un demand he li a very poor husband.''

Tbe owner of ibe cbetlnnt mare found lo town two or three week! since, MOMS lobe J. M. G. Parker, Eiq., of Lowell. The animal sirayed Irom a pasture lo Tewkibnry.

Funeral service* over tbe remains or tbe later William Maunders were held at Smith hair, Frye Viltaae, no Sunday afternoon at 2b'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr. Norton ol Qulncy.

fruit-«-er E. C. Rtnyin of this town, and Rev. George R. Spioldlng of Dover, N. H.. sailed lor Liverpool in the steamship Gillla, in rant, pany with Professoi W. J.Tacker, on tbe lftth Inn.

Letlen from Mr. and Mrs. W. (,. Goldimlt*. ilau'tl at t.iinilon. have been received by their friends, statins: ibat tbey are enjoying tbrtn- ■elves greatiy In visiting museums and other attractive ptares.

Mrs. Dr. Carleion, three children and ser- vant, and Mr. and Mn. Warren J. Abbott and child, of Lawrence,and Mn. Tyler, child and servant, »f Carubrldgeport, are boarding at Stepbon D. Abbotl'i.

A large balloon which fell In a comfi.'td at Conyers, (.a., on ihe atb lust., badly (tightened the negroes who were at work in the field. Tber thought It was a m-sienger announcing thi approach ol judgment day. ,

Tbe Memorial Hall Library will be Closed fcr nne week, commencing Monday, July 31st. Book! due during tbat time will not be t girded as doe until tbe following Monday. Tbe read- ing room will be open at ibe usual boars.

A setter dog at Colombia, 8. C, trotted np to a newspaper carrier ine other day and dropped from bla mouth Into tbe carrier'! hand a pen- knife, wblcb he had fonnd. Being an intelligent aad honest dag be wanted the knife advertised.

An old lady called at a furniture itore In Athens, Ga, the other day, and wanted to nay a tombstone bureau. Anotber, In looking at a marble top piece uf furniture, laid ibat it was only an iitniutitin or marble sad nothiag la tba world but tbe itnff ot which notions are made.

Ihe farmers' excursion *f August Nib, bids fair to be a complete success, Indeed tbe Indi- cations are that It will outnumber any prevloua one. TJS ticket! will be ready next Tuesday. Persons rending in Metbnen, Bcxford and. North Andover, wbo find It more convenient to lake their own conveyance! to Haverhill, can obtain boat tickets at fifty eanu.

The Andover Farmers' Club will take t'jtir annas! excanloa to Selfabury on Tocdey Aognitfltb. Tbe can will leave tba d.-pni n this place at 7 a. m., sharp, and stop it SUB b Lawrence and North Andover for dje accon - modal ion of persons residing Io thnse localiti. s, who desire io |oln tbe companv. On arrlvli g at Ibe lower depot In Brad.ord.the txcunlon- lita will pass over the Haverhill bridge and embark on board the splendid ateamer "Cliy of Haverhill," and arrive at Black Rocks about lua.m. Returning the boat will leave at * p. m., and the company will tske tbe cars for borne at tbe Haverhill depot st6..T0 p. m. The •learner Is licensed to carry 900 passengers ami Is la every respect a first clasi boat. The prlcw ol ticket! fortbe round trip Irom Andover. for Stalls hi SI 00 and for children ander 12 years ofage 00 cents. The instrumental maslcwIUbo furnished by ibe Andover orchestra and lorni* will belong, aod readlogs riven by laveral popular artist*. Tick ell can be obtained next week it Smith ft Mannings and John J. Urown'*, Tbe North Andover Farmers' club ha* already decided lo Join ihe excursion aid members ot olber clubs In the vicinity are in- vited. Althouih condoned on ibe basket p r- otcplan, persons wbo prefer lo do so, can pir- cbaie tbeir ediblea on board tba boat or at the hotels and saloons lo -Salisbury. Coffee and tea will be fnrnisbed on board tbe boat dnring tbo day free to ill It Is desirable that tickets, be obtained eaily tbat tbs committee auy JIB able io make ample armngamsata.

#;^i$M! S - _ _ _

Cuw and rjll fur lulc. 8M nJvertiiem nl. KUsCirfJe f. Stanley ot Kaverc, U la u>»n. I'luim (j. liusiey mi i familr are at New-

Mr. ('rowley of Bjitun, || liMfUiQ| wilt) Joseph C. Dole.

Mr.-. Altilun Hwantonul l.j'.iili. U visiting friend* in town.

Profi.-i.snr Charles S. Smith uf New V ■ visitor In (own.

Rev. James D. Enon will preach at the S mill cburcb next oitbbalb.

A Kentucky m.ui lia* fur clack welghti two plai bouli• filled with whiskey.

A I'.ilkv minister, lays Tiie i' ingregs imiml Int. I> worse even than a talky church mem ber.

Peter .1. Lynch bat u me to Philadelphia ami become correspondent ami representative of ilia 'Textile," puiilnheJ at II oat on.

Tbe newest que'r misprint li round In I ill Friday's Chic ten Tribune, wbere a doctor Is laid 10 bare leli bis patient's "purse."

Mr. Jobn I.. Hawaii, l.ilo oFibe Seminary, was ordained at Westmlnntor, \i...iiv 10 by 1'ruf. J. 11. Tuajcr, D. I) , ui lejt tjWD.

The "Thompson Home" In K*st T^wkiiiury. was burned with a'l It* r n; Sunday i-ijtit. It MM owned and occupied iv I) -.ui- U. Uoanell. Los* fjIMO. Insurant jnw.

Mr-. Jobn Morrison and daurhlen, Annie aid Florence, ol Ddlmd Vale, bave gone to Oisnocton, Olilo, wbere tbey roav rtmatB. ,IiDn \V. Morrison baa removed to Wukenvld.

The question ol building a botel or spaciutis b'lardlne; bouse In the Immediate vicinity ol "Hagneus Pond, "H uiilated. w ■■■ n ■ rea- son wiiv sucb an eitablfabmem should u >i be well pairoaliud its a summer resort. .

George ¥. Holt reclaimed a piece ol raeaitiw land In tlie West Parish, ubou; two years ago. Tblsli tbe second year be has mDwoJ It since iltat time, and be trot a crop of tbree tons ol herds grass and red tup from leas itun an acre of land.

The Centre church people at New Haven con- stder themselves very fortunate In securlnic Kev. Newman Smyth aa their pastor, and last week aent bun a cluck tor 81000 as a present. Th» Ulil South Church BL Boston sent a committed to New II v.ii after Mr. Smjtb accepted the Centre ehnrch's cull, to my that be could hive a unanimous cull and all the salary he wanted at Boston, but that only made the New Haven lolka more anxious than ever to keep Hr. Mn jib tucmsolvei.—Springfield Unloo.


Dr. Well is to settle at the Centre perrnsnsnt-

.Since March 11, Mr. Win, Pickles has cap- tared nbout 110 wooucbacks.

Mr. Biker, a Uv reader, pi Cambridge, offl- claies ai 81. Paul's Cburcb, Sunday.

Ilev. Btseev Fowler, ol Cambridge- will preach at the Congregallonal church, Sunday,

Geo. H. Gilbert. Esq., formerly ibe North ADdover coirespondent ul the A-SBIUAK, IS at Concord.

The North Andovers meet ibe Lawrence base ball club on the Sutton grounds to morrow al-

| A LBRRTO. WOOD, JR., Bucceasur to i j r%J. W.tlsu.iAMD, Ussier Inllouts, shoes snd i Kubbera.and Uet>alring done in Ihn best man aer, all at tlie lowest prices. Bunk Uulldlng, Main ntreel. Andnvrr. my7 Ivr

'•sninou ■ Mh or Maasai IIIIKIII.


ieN|jlhs Liw.

John T. Rjnn Is entered for the walking contests; the Lawrence Hiding Park, snunlay afternoon.

The Athletic Asi"clallun has elected the M- lowing Board ot Directors; W- B- Djer, D. W. Sutclifle, W. Johnson.

A-boat containing five men overturned on Lake Cocblcbewlek. Sunday, the occupants es- caping by swimming to the shore.

There was a charming social party at Mr Junes H. DaiU'residence, last evening. Col- lins' Orchestra rendered the music.

The North Andovers were badly trounced by the Stars, or Beverly, on ibe Sutton (Irnnnils, Saturday slternoon, the score standing' 13 to 4.

Kev. Mr. Hill of Melhuen preached at ibe Unitarian church. Sundsy, In exchange wltu Kev. J. H. Clifford. Oon. Oliver IAN as organist,

Dr. Young has secured the place recently used fur a hair dressing saloon, adj enlng Brown's dry goods store, and will estafhsb a branch office there.

Messrs. Loring B. Uea and J.din Barker bave ocen.appointed members ot Ibe mumlltce on grounds by lbs executive co K*tcs Agricultural society.

In a two-mile go-as-yon-plea1

rence Riding Park, the other evening, Frank OarvlD and A. Comraenuu, at j*l-*> * side, the former was victorious.

The M. E. Sunday School picnicked at Staf- ford's Grove, Wednesday. It WHS quite la'ncly Attended and all enjoyed themselves as un>y a sjolherlog brought together bj such an occutiua

Mr. Tnomm Sninerville has resigned bis po- attWn as csptaln of Ibe North Andovers. an I also withdrawn tram the club. He wns one ul the bast plsyers. and the most popular member J| the organisation.

BenJisBio P. Ssondera, Etn., Ibrcmsn or tre Wacksmltu departuiciit of Davis ft Furner'*, sustained several cuts and bruises, Monday, as UN result of f«i line six ftiet, while shout to vo- ter the new blacksmith shop.

A valsablo horse belonging to M. W. Copp. carpenter and huilderol Methumi, while li itched In Mlcbeol Rsgsn's barn, Merrlmac street, Friday Ui I, entangled one of his legs in lbs baiter, In sucb a manner as to cause its death Jiy strangulallon.

Wm. Falls, 24 rears of sue. an emplurce of in vi, ft i; ii ■-■; ■>, who has displayed signs ol mental derangement for several days, was con- TeyesV to tbe l.iwreaca police station last eve niog.stnd will probably be taken to an insane nsylum. It is said tbe intense best anVted bis brain.

Stevens Wid suspended operatloni yesterday sdternoou, tn ordvr to allow tbe operatives to aiu'uil the faneral of Miss Brcnnan, wbo died Tuesday, alter a long Illness, of consump- tion. She was a highly esteemed young lady. The employes of tue weaving room contributed a bcautilul fljral tribute,.

Tbe contract for Introducing ateam besting apparatus Into the Merrlmac and Johnson Ilicb School buddings has been awarded by tbe cona- sntiiee to W. F. Kutter ft Co., of Lawrence, fur 936G6. There were five other bidders. Work •will be commenced on tbe |ub, Monday. Tbe theatre School building Is to he heated by a new .tHMsV.

TsJerlsliing base ball clnb and their friends be'4 ktfii carnival In town Saturday evening, naai.'lng die sir resound with their exultsnt i'ii i JI. <t>. At one of the saloons they were fur- nished wltb refreshments in abundance from the lun "h counter, and while twn or tbree were paying I or their drinks and food, the remainder quickly \»niibcd without liquidating the bills contracted.

Prom tbe result of the assessors' labors, tbe following tart* are colled: Whole amount of taxable proprvtv, $2 IC3.A08, divided as follows, real estate $l,rMj.l).w; personal property 8199,- 011. The personal propecty has decreased 984.724, on « ■ unmt ol mortgages, wblln tbe value of real esbste has been Increased ?27 2~2d. But there bas hcii a total decrease of *i7,-U» from tbe rlaures of 1881. Tbe whole amount to be raised hv taxation is ftJI.719.21. Rate per 1,000, fl3.qp. Number of polio, 931.

The union excursion of the Andover and North Andover Farmers' clnbs, occur* Thurs- day, August 8. It will be via the H.ft M. railroad to Haverbllt. and iteamer "t'ltyof Haverbtll"to Black Rocks; wbere It will ar- rive at 10 o'ci Mk, leavlDK In the slternoon at

I and Haverbill at 6..10 o'clock tor home. Tbe AVndover Otcbesira will lurnisb the music, and .,i. additional attraction in tbe shape ot singing ana readings Is to be given ; coffee and tea can hsjBi 'tslned on hoard, Iree ul COM. Tickets for tb^ouod trip, V1.00; cklidren 00 cents.

Mrs- Elizabeth E., wifeot Ju. Hayes, a red- dent o.'tbls town for about twenty years, died at s .mi' Bostuu, her home since Aug. 1B80, last Tuesday evening, Irom general debility, alter s tb'ee months' lllneii*. She was a Isitn- III i and excellent wife, and a mother In all that tbe word Implies. While residing here abe

r many friends, wbu will cbensb ber mem- ,,', v wlHi iiii>.'ii.i'i. She leaves two sons and lot eedaughters: the latter being respectively, M,, . (Jeo. L. Harris, Mrs. W. A. Handy end MM Ira D. tidgecomb. Her remains were In. terret'l" Rldgewoo I Cemetery, tbe funeral serv i» '• •«'«« hela "l tLe residence ot Mr. Oeo L ptarris, this afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Rev. P. M. \*in ton officiating.

FOR SALE. Air ml, dng youDsjcowand calf.

,r JU.fATIIaNTOWLE, ;o Main Strsot. Andovei. -Ja'T *•.!««• '"J*"

To the be'ti

Ml ■■ !■

t1 rtsllh •! MniiniliiMtu,

ESBkX, ss. PttO-^ATE CUDRT, at law next of kin, and all other

j interested In the estate ol 'run lsteot Andover, la ssudoounty maniilacturCi ■ deceased,

UUITISD: Whereas, certain lnetrom,'nln r»rportlng to

be tbe last will and tesUm^t and aoodlcll ol raid .leneshou liav.t been :r«-enled lo said court fur urobste by H-waea i.. Tyer and Klisabeth havery(fo..neilya-|.s.beir.Tyer) who pray thai letters testa net tary may be Usued MJthtai. tbe «xeculor» llier. lu naute.1, and tbat tbey •XSSJlpt Iron giving a aiirelyoi

You J

may be HI Uieir

a reasc-us atlesed In said petition. lierehv nited to appear at a probate

i LO be rw-lil at bSaJom. in said county ,if K.,,., on tho ".st Mondavof AStastnoxt, at nine o'clock before noon, 10 show oausr, llany ion lisvc, sgsinst the same.

and sa'd petltionera are hereby directed to alve oublin notice thereof, by publishing this "iHiK.n oui'u a week, tor threo successive weeks in the newspaper called tbe


prln'eilnt Lawrence, tbe last publication to be two days ut least licloro ssid court.

Witness. Jeorgo W. cr.oate Esq., Junge of •add conrt, this nineteenth may ol July, In the vsaroni'tluiutanilflg'ii b undrcd and entity-Iwu.

l|y«l MUl ■' '"■ MAIInse.V, Beglster.

Fur Halo or to Lot. A Cottage House wltb nine rooms, II acres

land, ndasantiy situated ou hlf n land, in Ann V,T Mass., three iou'ths ol a mile from depot hodlnyanddc-ora'.K' lunation lor an,'one wis line to oblum a home near guud subosla ai .■nurches. Can be purchased or rented on eaty torms II applfd lor soon. II rented to the r.ghl kind and rellible iiartles.arrangementa couk be made. If deorabl-, to pay a part or all tk< Tflntln board. Fur lurlber iiarllcular.. ad'lresi a M IIIUUIS-*. W„reester, Mass., or ABBOTT SjJtAlNt. Andover, Mass. vtt

ii Boots, specialty.

,lly duneat short notice. Jones' Celebrated Kip and Calf Bootuoonetamlvon

B KVJAMIN B. TUTTLK ha« bought of J. K. Par!In the local express and jobl

mesa formerly of M. K. White. Uea xng, niuriii* ot ulanos, furniture, Ac unable prices. Pstronase aoliciteU. lei

BKA1H-K V * PARLIN, Mercban* t'ailors and Dealers ir Clothing, IlaU, Caps

and Uents' Furoistilng tiuods, Main Street, Anuofur, Mass.

I) R. J. C PBNNINGTON.-Office end lenee orer Draper's book-store, Main

DR. O. B. ABBOTT.-Office and R«g|. ideoo. aiMre.Kben Tyler's. Main Street,

Andover. Olllos hours *-llie. m., 1-a and after P-sn. tfdecJ

K UWIN II. BARNARD, Painting. Ola- "'ig. UratnlBg snd Paper Uanslng. A

,i miner,i ol Room Paper cunstanlly on nd for aide. h|M Essex St. mvitlv

I,1 » IKE, Tin, Bsrttaen and Wooden J* w.u, ; ltepsirs Pumpa, Stoves, Fur-

naces,etc. SoleagenUoiMagec stovee. ran- gos_and,furnaces lor Andover and vicinity, orders (irompily sttsnded to. Psrfc strewt, Aaciuver. novTlvr

11 ENRV GOFF, l'alntlna;, Oralnlng. Papering snd Ulaslng, done at short notice - -a*unable urice. Persons withlng work

postalia PoslOnluu, octintf

JniilTlI. DEAN, Mercbsnt Tailor, ttea'er In Clothing and Uent's Fnrnlshlng

ilood* ut all kinds. iisrmeut%msilelnlhH latest (asiiiun and warranted to At. Repairing, clesn-

jnil urassing done nestly. Main atreel, lover. BovlSlvr

McLAWLIN 4 1IAKER— Besides onr regular line of Hulldert' Hardware, we

• ball uiasen t|ie»lally of fmm'iii Imulcmenls tbU season, flows, CulUvators, stowing Ma chine*. Horse Eakes, etc. Also a lull assortment

t 3iiu*el', Forks, Hees, Rakes, Spades, etc. nil i thi) lowest prices.

GEORGE S. HOIDERNESS, Practical Uph jlsterer and Furnltur*


Parlor lets. Easy Caslrl and Lounges made to order. Mattresses made aver. Feather Beds cleansed. Gardner's IVrfuratad Scats a tpco- laity. Carnels eloaned and laid, sad Mhadea hunt. Masex Street, next Memorial Hell, Ai dovsr. Orders solicited and promptly atunded


M IS) IIKI.GV D. HOLT, Piano andOrsan ■ .■ ,,.'.:i.-r. Spicial puns taksn with begin-

Residence rrj. Village. ly feS

NATHAN F. ABBUTT will Tarnish i superior quality o( I.edge Stones lor cel-

lar* and foundations at abort notice sndtes- sonsble prices. Ttuimlng promptly done, sat lies Idem e near S,.mmer Street. ly-

SAUNDBRS BROTMEBB, Plumbers and Tinsmiths. Also dealers In Tin, Ulsss,

and Wooden Ware.lluves and Furnaces. Ke- palra Tor all kinds ol stoves. Main street, Ando- ver. alase. Ivr icpli

I^IOMAS KOWELL carries on the . Furniture and Cpholsierr business Inallf

heir branches, at IN- store on Park street Fur- liurnruoalredand removed at short notice and n reasonablrterins. lvoclHIHl

WOOD & COAL White Ash and Franklin Coals.

HAKU AND SOFT WOOD. H,eparad,li4nBlit4.

,'oli 8, B,

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. O dersraoelTsd,aiidhlllss«tU«dat


OpnosltePosI OMce.

Commonwealth of Maisachmetti.


To tin heirs-at law, next of kin end s II other persons Interested In tbe estate ut

CAHOLIMK rLaou, Iste or Andover, In ss county, slngitwomau, deceased,

(•Ksarisra Whereas, a oerials instrument purporting ..

be tbe last will ami testament of said Ucoeated, ias been presented to aald oourt lor r>robate,

by Luther U. Sheldon, who praye that letters testawenlary msv be Issued lo dim the exeou-

"lieipin named, and thai be msybeesempl front glvtna* a surely or sur>tles un bl* bond,

the reasons slteged In said petition. _ou are hereby cited lo sirdar at a Probate

Court, to be held at Halem, i> said eoi ut Kssex, on the Best Hundsy of August, r

t nine o'clook In ibe lorenoon, to show tuse, ITauvyou bare, against the same. A mi ssld Luther II. Sheldon Is huieby directed

to sive public notice thereof, by putitintalng thi citation once a week, lor three successive* eel In tbe newspaper called the

LAWKUCS AkixnN'AN snd AKUOVRK illVttllllll,

printed at Lawrence, the last publication to t - ro days si ic ist before ssid oourl.

Witness Ueorgo Y. Chosle, Esquire, Judge of said Court, this nineteenth dsy or July, In the yesr one thousand eight hundred anu ciabl two. |

J. T. M.*.HONEY, Register. Vjy»ll8au4

K. L, EAMSDELL, Agent for the leading •


or ibnauleolsll kinds sad stylos, for cash or D tii-talloiente, on easy terms. |io saved i-y sytng cash. Machines exchsnsetl, beoght, old. cleane.1. nans, eedtes, oil, always . and maotiines »hesp. Gall and see II (Jorum- fJwnsaaev * Klws ■*■ A»d*»er.



staoufaatuier* of and sealers In

C tBBIAQBS tOfavt ry description, Including

3oi Buggies, Phsetons Corninf i.Dsm. Wacom, Bid* Bar 8uffl«s.

ANDOVriB MASS. P. O. Hi X ill.


Accident sit the Puclflc.

i't (or.-t.Gon lliss Beisev Greenbilge,

mplojrt) In the Central Pacific mills, mat With a painful accident. She Is * ui-

ployi'.l In the iipp.-r story of the mill

wbtre repairs ire going on. A portion

of tbe totif Is vpen, and tho work men are busy with, heavy llmbets, untilng on tu

additional story. Hiss Oreeohalge was

at work directly und.-r an open portion of

tbe roof, when a Umber fell through and

struck her. It cat a deep gull on tbe

leftside of her bead, tod also injured n«r shoulder. Soe was taken to Dr. Sargent's

office wbero ber lojorlrs were attended

and afterwards was conveyed to her

reel.!unce, 84 Water street.

Fashionable Dressmaking, The sabsnrlberwill continue the above husi

nnas at tbe residence of J. W. Faulkner, Pun ahard Avenne. ALICE U. KIU11ALL.



Lykens Valley Bed Ash Coal,


And Dealer In

INVESTMENT 8EUUKTIES, No. 82 Devonshire Street, Boston

Money Furnished on Mortgage:, HsaiDiMOE. ARDOVBK P- O. Box lie.

ruus.s. PiBssK, Funeral and Furnishing



Sep tf ' isdnir gS-ss,

W I l.l.I AM F. PniDLEY, —IlItLIS IN

Fish of all kinds. Fresh and Salt, Hmoked find Piokletd.

Lobsters, Olams and Oysters. Fancy Fish of all kinds la tbeir season. Fresh

sills even day. Qnods delivered. FARE BTBEBT. ANDOVEB

Dee. 80,1881. tf

0. H. \vi;I:KS.

Steam P< llshtng, Mounm^ntal Granite diifl Marble Worvs.

Warsrooms 51 Main|3treet, opp- the Common sad st 9 and 11 Court St.

Rsarot City Hall.


Steam Pollablns Works snd Qranlte Tsrd in Itrndlord. Oflee at el Mala St.. Haverbill.

foreign and I>om-stie Qranltss snd Uarbles wrongr" '- ItfM


-AOSKTIk » l,om..llr FB.hton. ui «■,,«,,'■ U y.

.noM.«. .(.■DlHI.Rdl'l.kl.,. UAIS STBIBT, ANDOVER. rn,li




PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Corner of Central and Brook St*- novS ly anno vFfj.

POMPS POND ICE, Superior for all domestic purposes.

Clear, Solid and Puro. Kefrlaersters, tanks, wster coolers and pitch-

ers will remain sweet. Lowest prices ('in a Uisls of squalllv-) Courte- ous, prompt and eflcienl drivers.

A liberal pstronase desired. II. M. BATVARD A CO.

Address FostOUce, Baltsrd Vale or Andover. tfsjyf

TVTOTICE 18 I1EKGBY GIVEN, that Vi that snLserlber bas bom dulr appelnted ndmlnlsir.torof tne estate ..I alary J. Barker, late ef Andover, In the Loonlv of Ease a, widow. dei-easHd, and his taken upon himaell Ihii iruel. by l-ivin«- bond., ss tbe law direcli. All uersons bavlna demands upon the .state ol • deceased ar« rsiuired to the same; and all persons Indebted to saldostal- "-

,*ipon to make pan

It. F. HOLT,

ICk DEALER. Families aid o. ners supplied at lowest p-ices Order boxes si Post I flees In andover and Btllard Vale sad at sloraor J. Barnst, Frye VHI.*.. mj* I

PBOBATE COURT. To tb» Uelrs-at-Law, neat of Kin, and all other

persons Interested in the estate ot BkTST atoam, lire of Andover. in said oouotv

widow, deceased, < ■ HKI.TI M, !

Whereas, acerlaln Instrument, purportlsic to be tbe last will and testnmecl of said demeaned, haa been presented to said Court, lor I'rulikle, be Mars Jane U. Itaiky. who prays that lelterm testamentary may be issued tj ber ihe execntrlz Uereln named.

Yon sre hereby cited 10 appear bt a Prooale Court to be held at Lawrence, in raid coonly of sslSISi on tbe second Moiidavol .Sepiemuor neil at nine u'elock before noon, to sbow cuute, if any yon have, attains! ilie same. And said Mm v Jam-« Bliley I* hereby dnccled lo five public iiotl«eihereol, by publishing tills citation once s week, lor three successive week*, lu tho newspaper called the


dsvs at lessl beiore ■aid e Wltnenf, (Jt-OKOK r. CHOSIK, Bsq , Jud

ssld court, this Mill day or July, In th< one tlwj-nnil wight humlied and .-itliiv-tw

JylSSIlH J. T. MAUuMKV. Bern

D he


Eipress, Store, Mnrtet, Milk and Meal WAUOKM.

Hfpulrlnif tn all Un BrancheH. Ifjuyll ANDOVER, MASH.

t i KMJN*.1 I to Man Oni.1 ' ""Tbe Voltaic Bill t:j., .Uardiall, Mich., will send 1JJ. Dye's Celehrated Electro-Volul-; lieiu anQ Kieanc ApasaMusi un tilal DM thlitv days, to men, (FMag IT old) who are sillieied with NJTVUUS Debility. Ln*t Vitsli;y tnd Hsn- Uood.ind llndred tr.iL-hles, suarauieelnK speedy and complete ol bevlib and rf.*.nlr vucor. .'Addre*e as kbavc, N. it.- -Vi risk Is incurred, a* thirty d<

t'lyi vil

i.--. n i , moles, ilnpmunks,

For the exit rniuatluD of nisi sod oth- Irisi'i'ls, nan the Uenulnu Dslmallao

IDHM Powder, sold at TonptlD's Drug ■tore, Mam tit., COT. Vral.


Rbeti-r.stism, Spasms. Enlargement. PslpU taticn. Water sbout ills Hesrt and Buoy Form- ation of tbe Heart, ai. yield to ibe n-e of Dr. fliaves' llesri Regulstor. You cannot try it i.o soon If you are si all •fUlctgd. Pamphlet Iree of P. K. InsalU, Concord, N.H. Price, SO MaYH and fl.00 per boitle. For sale by drujj- gbts. lHliujj^.')

Tnn(io>uWusiConr ntias. At tbe tliand Seml-Annnsl Drawluf nf The

Louisiana titste l.uitery at New Orleans, no Tues- day, June 11, imi, tie f.)llu*rliif Uauitsl rrlsea were drawn by Ms huldera of tlnkel* aa stated. Tbe de ire ol the winners not lobavelhelr names Siblikhrd Is mure general than before. Ticket

". sl.uTI drrw»ltu.i)sj; No. 3 drew »W.- uUI; No. o(.sHdrrw«.0,UOO— sold in tenth*, two nl which ware Held by lira. J. Kruniy, H'.ii Rnur- bnn strert, Mav Orlesna. nne ly 11. I>. lUyOS, BaronneandCinal ttrerts, N.O.; one by Mrs. L. Horn. No. HIT St. Ann street, N. *>■; two by Jos ('. ClismlHHlut, ol t.alve>ton, Tesas No. Tu HI; drew I IU.UOO - sold in tenths- Jno. D'Mearn No ■:■.- Puydraa streel, N. O., held one tenth; B. I. Wyman ol Uonls'iiiinrr, Ala,, held another; I* A. Peterson, of Nt.'M S. Union street, Chi- ergo, I t.snutuer; Sirs. E. T. Haiti, corner of Nil th and fnliim atreeta. Keokuk, Iowa,held an- other, elo. Tbe nest drswina* lakes place Aug. -th. at New Orlean,. under ihe sule ma 'Bgement and ears <>fU«us. U. T. Heauresard, of LA., and Jubsl A. Early, of Vs. when the new scneaio will attain be adopted, where a in in can get ITS,. mtetjBOs, etc., the lull panieulara ol which will be sent on application to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans La. dwll

CSTASSUI OF Tilt Ill.AHIlsa. Slinging Irritation, Infl iininslim, all kidney »d urinary comtlainU, cured by "Bucbupslba. I. dwlt

l'.SAl'111'll. V/OMIK an msile pallid -ind unsitractiv* l>v functional Irregularities, which Dr. Plercu's "Favorite rre ■unption," will <nfullibly cure. Thousands of lesilmonlslr. By drnnglits. wsdcksatAH

TUAT IIISHA- i. or Minx Is three times the man he wis before he begsn using "Wells'lleslihRenewer,'' $1. Drugglals.


Hi.imaroHD's AGIO I'MOSPHATB ' in Nenous Deblliiv.

Dr. Edwin P. Vole, Portland, Me.ssys: '•] IISVL prescribed it for many ol tbe varloni turms of nervous debility, and II has never felled IO do good." li-lweod

Puny, weak and sickly children, nred Brown'i Iron Bitters. It will strengtheD and invlgnrste them. 'lUuii

HAT I- i \ i i For Hay Fever I rerommend Ely's Cr

Balm. It eotiiely relieved me from tbe first application; have b>en a sulterer tot ten years. Oolna limn botue and negle"tln( to tako tbe remedy, I bad an stisek ; after returning I im- tnedlstely resorted lull, ami Touud instant re- lief. I believe, bed I begun lu use earlier, 1 snould not have been iroubled. J. Collyer, Clerk, US Broad slit el, Elissbeib, N. J.

Mesirt. White & Burdlck, DrupglFti, llbaca, N. Y.:--! recommend to moss suffering (aa ] have been) with Hay Fever, Ely's Cream Balm. I have tried nearly all tbe reu.edles, and give this s Unloed prelerence over them all. It bas ifivdi me Immediate relief. C. T. Stephens, Hardware Uercbaul, llbaca, N. Y. Price, to

Mi lilt K\.

n S. Tapley's family are-at Bsllsbury

■topping for


tbe plainest face becomes attractive. Although ordinary dEntrtricee prove Ineffeetaal to wbiian

id Improve tbe beal'b or Ibe teeth, Bosodont adeiiuate to tbe task and does it thoroughly,

besides banirblng from lbs breath an offensive t. Teetb strengthened aid purified hy So

sod on t sre noi only whiter, but chew better otben. Ai tbe teetb Improve through

ie, satin r becomes a dellgbitul indulgence instead of a penalty. lilweod

should fiBt tbe Celluloid.Eye-Olassei arc

tbe best In tbe market. Pur tale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. Itlweod

Freibniis and purity sre communicated to e complexion by Olcno'a Sulphur Soap. "Hill's Iislr Dye," black or brown, fifty ctr.

Colden'i Llcblg'i Liquid Beef and Tonic In- vlgorator Is endorsed by pbyslclsns. Ask lor Gulden's; tale no Ctner. Of druggisli.


Wheat Bitten I preparation and to sion. Hit* eod

Golden Medical Discovery" Is not only a toverelgn remedy toi coniumptlt i. but also Tor conaanaptivenlgbt sweats, bruncmtls, coughs, influents, spuiing nl blood, weak lungs, sbori- iess of bieaili, and kindred affections of the

throat and cheat. By drusgisu. wedAisUk*

Hill ill liV II

Beautiful ibin snd lair conp'exlon, robust neslui. and ncwers Of endurance follow tbe use uf Brown's Iron Bitters. l;iweod

Wheat Bitten will strengthen yon and sails! natnre in removing e/ery symptom of dlseaM. Try tin in at onco. Sold by all druggists.

"Ilw eod


Tbe body ol Jnllui Bast was found by freight en h>e miles westof here, Tuetdsy morn, in a terribly mangled condition. Hli bead and isce were smaib'jd io ai to be hardly recognised,snd

imeroua wounds were fuund ou bis body. Mr. User wes agei.l fur ihe greet blood medi- cine, Bulpbnr Bitten. Bobbery was undoubt- edly tbe motive, U be wss known to have a large un of money on nil person. Ai we n

en there Is no duo U> tbe perpetrator*.— Colorado Rt» vt'iw cod

(ilioli AMU RaUAJiLS, A good and reliable fsmi'y medicine Is Si;.

phur Bitters. Every spring lor six yesrs I ive been ironi-led with bolis; iloce 1 begsn ing Rnlpbur Bitiera lbsve not bad a tingle

. is. You csn rely on Sulphur Bitten every time.—Editor Weekly News.

!*.2w eod

MBNIMAH S I'BI'TONMSII TOKIO, Ibe oin prepsrstion of beef containing In entire u a trl t io us properties. It eunialna Idood-nak Ing, rorcc-i'SDiraltn^ and hli sustaining ; ro|i-

t ; in»alusble for Indigestion, Dys[*psls. QUI pRMtrsUoo, and at. forms cf general

debility; also. In al! enfeebled conditlnis, whether th: remit uf exbsusilon, neivous pros, '.ration, overwork or acutn dlieaie, partkularly tl resulting from pulmonary complslnis. Cas- WBLL, tl AXAku & Co., proprloton, New York. Soli by Druggisu. ISIlylyl

PxKi-viAK Srxi'P ceres dyspepsia, general debiliiy. liver complaint, bolls, bomors, chrcnic diarrhea, nervous uffectloni, lemale complalots, snd ail dlseasei originating In a bad state of the Moot*. iswnijjjsrs*

If yon arealrequentcr or a resident of a mi utnatic dls.ricl, barricade your system sgslrnt tbe scourge of all new countries,—ague, bilious sod mief uiiitcoi fivers,—by tbe use or Hop Hit- lers.

Ludlngton, Mini, Feb.t, is-it. I btfl sold Hop Bitters lor four years, and

ibers ie no medicine that surpasses them for bilionssttacki, kidney complaints and many dlseasei incident to tbli malarial climate.

II. T. ALV.XANM.H. 112wo*d

Si:, 1. 14, 1880. Hop Bitters Co., Toronto :—

I have been sick lor ihe past six yesrs, suf- fering from oyipepils and general weakness. I have used three bottles of Hop Hitters, and tbey have done wonders for me. 1 am well and able to fork, and eat and sleep well, 1 crnnot say too much lor Ho|< Bitten.

Sixo* Ituinii: tQNrsos)

Why will you luffer from nervous disorders when the remedy Is so nesr at band r Uuiker Bitters never fall to afford telief to overstrained nerves. pllweod

Mr. Joi beacb.

Mr. Selwyn Dodge and wile a few weeks at Hebron, N. II.

E. M. Woodman ksi told hli driving borse to a genilemau In Peanody.

Walt, r L. ODcresit t* spending a portion ol bis vacation at Marlboro, N. H.

There will lie no preaching at the Unlveras> Hit church through the month of August,

Miss Llisia B. Currier has been viilting friends 11 Dorchester, durinsj tbe past two aveeks.

Eugene Sawsll li expected bo-ns soon, having sailed Irom Liverpool tne 13tb ol this month.

I. S. Cbsdwlck on Howe street, >ss been Improving bis premiss* by building an addition to bis bouse.

Mr. Charles V. Jackman arrived in town ii* week irom Dikota. Ho has been gone mi bere about six mootbi. The Metbuen Company li having two itnrles

added tu the old Jute mill, preparatory io Ha le I'ii Ihe m luulaciure ot cutton gooii. The plan for tbe oew school house Is nesrly

competed, snd will be ready lu a abort lime. Mr. Damon, nl Hsverlilll. Is ibe architect.

Misses Georgia Dewblrst, Sarah L. Sargent and Ella P. Bod well, here gone to Bristol, N. il., to remain through tbe month of August.

Tbe Grand Army post will bold a special meeting this (Friday) evening, fur the puri-ise of choosing a delegate to attend tne couotv con- vention.

removing machinery at Ihe cotton mill ot tbe Metbeen Company.

Ilev. 0. S. Bsketel, of ihe Metbodlit cburcb, nd family, have gone to Obautauitua Lake to

pass tueir summer vacation. They will i-« nb~ Bloutfuurwteki. r. Millet O. Coup loit a valuable horse, st b Andovor, by strsngulstion. Tbe borse

was tkd by a baiter and became entangled In sneb a way as to cause bis death.

Mtt. Mary D. Morse died on Monday morn- ing, at the reaklenceofberdaugbter, Mrs. Her- mon, on Lowdl ureet, aged 80 yean. The re- main* were taken toSaco, Mr., for interment.

Kev. J, W. Walker of llaasW, N. II., has re- ilgmd his pastorale in tbat town on account of ili-bcaltli, and will Join the Iowa conference. He was formerly pistor of tbe M. E. cburcb in ttli town.

A Are was discovered on Thursday noun, in tbe woods, nortboli^ie village, owned by Ed- ward Kimball. A detachment ot firemen were

■dered out and tbe tlimti were soon under their control.

Carbonneau Brothers' grocery team, of Law- rence, ran awsy Tuesday wfernoon, In this village, and scattered tbe contents of the wagon about In a disorderly way. Tbe wagon was a'uo considerably irjured.

Mr. Moies K. Klmbsll has. boos;ht a trac' of land lying between Broadway and Lawrence «'r,-ci-, furraerty owned by Mn. Divls, of Bos- ton. He will divide It into lots and put it upon tbe market ai an early dsy.

Mr. George W. Loweltloit his, intalninj vslnable paper! and J47 In mot ey.

In Abbott & MotTat's store, un Ilampihire SI., on Tuesday morning. It was found and re- stored to him by Mr. Mark 1>. Smart, a popular clerk of tbat establishment.

On Tuesday evening last tbe members of lbs Baptist society gavea p'eaBsnt surprise to the

itor's wile, by assembling at the parsonage large numbers, and presenting: ber wth a

chair, work baibel and a turn ol money. After he pieseotaU^n a One cullatlou wai served sod be evening was passed In a very agreeable man-

ner. William Currier and William Walsh orLaw-

rence, were arrested here on Sunday evening, by Officers Ingalli and Townr, Tor abuilng a bone which tbey were driving. On Monday morning ibev were arraigned before the police

n and ordered to pay a One of 9* and costa b lor cruelty to tbe animal, and 91 snd

costs escb lor drunkenness.

Overcome by tlie Heat.

Th i?> forenoon, ex-c sunburn sit James II. Cougblin, employed aa clerk in McEvoy'n

grocery store, was overcome l.y the beat

and fell to tbe fl'ior. lie was takeo borne

ID a comatose condlt lor,, wb*te Dr. Noo-

sUended him, and uow there Is every

ludlcalioD II' his recovery. Mr. Cough-

Ua drove ona of tbe grocery teams yes- terday and this forenoon, nnd-ir thu born

ug tun, wl'.boat toy shade over his head,

and It Is not strange that he wss affected.

OIlliTAICY. ■» -

Miimlny, news xHs received in this

city, ol the death of Mrs. W- B. Putnam,

daughter of Des. E. E. Foster, formerly

of ibis city, st Eppina. N. II., on Satur- day I sst. Mrs. Putnam was well km.wu

bere ss Llszle Poster, having graduated

from the High .School I'D the class of 77.

She bas been 111 but s ibort time, snd her death will be deeply leit by a large circle orscqnalaisnces.

Vennor Again.

A nd bere follow* the predictions! of tbe wise Vennor, for this week ;-- Sun. 23. Fair and warm, cool nights.

X4. Cooler sud moist winds; rains west sud south.

25. Oppiesilve snd windy, storms brewing, cool ktlktaU.

2C. 1' r< iiiu-iiL rilns and mnch cool- er; windy westher.

27, Coottnuea tool -r, srllh cocl to cold nights.

2g. Vety Due and plea.^aU In major Ity of sections.

One resson yon should use Uescb'g Washing Sosp. It Is lull weight, '



The tuard seel b regular setslon kfc-nday even- ing, with the Mayor In Ibe rhafe ind Aldeimin baundcrs SbsenL Tbe fillowing business was transacted :

rttiliimt -Or 71. A. McCornilck and othera, (or a aewer in Crssby street, referred lo the rum- mi.lei- on sewers snd drains.

Jobn Kord, fur sermiaaioa le obstruct franklin street, while budllng, granted.

C-H.Plpplx, t* enter sewer at 1ST and 139 Jackaon street, granted.

Eugene A. McCarthy, et sis for the acceptance of Myrtle street, n-Uirr.l to tie committee on streets. *

It. F. Boar, fur abstement of sewer assessment at his plaoe on Rsllro M atreel, referred to the committee on sewers and drains.

Edward Coslella et als for a street light at the corner of Allen snd Garden streets, referred to tbe committee on streets.

Liquor /.Minn. — Tho fallowing common v let us I ler s 1 loesses were granted: Kelson ii'.im is. It) Franklin street; John Kenyon, corner Frankllu and Valley; atlchael Kennedy, UO Elm; Mrs. Mary A. Wafers,03 Esses; WIlllBm Hagar, KOEIm; Thomas Dlaon, el Essex;Thos. Bouch- er, IU8 Kjsex; Edward Barry. 13 TI-1IT , Tnuiuas Ituuchci, al lit Ksaev street, was transferreJ to N icholas V nung, at ihe same place. The case of Edward llewett, lor a license at 113 Lawrence street, was laid oter. George Oallngion was given leave to with Iraw bis petition tor a liquor license at ihe City Hotel.

MUcellantetu—The bond of Eugene Panoeton ss civil sonstsblo was accepted.

ttobert K.llllk, nf the Industrial School, was appointed and confirmed ss a special policeman.

.luiiii Ugllvle n-ss apuointsd snd conBrmed aa a public weigher.

in fit an us sMUsctt.. ———sj

Absent. Councllmeu Kellehsr, Dick, Htafford and Kilurid*.

A'ew Ausfaess.—I'elitlonofE. A. McCarthy, for tho aeoepUnee of Myrtle atreel, irum Spruc« to Lawrence, referred; of Edward Costello and oth ers for a street lamp al ibe comer of Allen and Garden alreeis, > t-n re ■■(.

The hoard concurred in Ibe appointment or John Ugilvle as a nubl ic weigher.

Councilman Fisher io tret lucid a rtsolullon to the effect Mm! * linn be n, (>i "i>r iaii d from the cidental fund lor a ksmnered granite curbing around the common pond. He said Ihe atone curbing there now was loan uuuniabed condition snd was an eye-sore.

Un motion ol Councilman McCarthy the resalu tion wss laid on Ihe table for six monihs. .

Action on Ibe Sptcket river matter Is reported BjfB where.


LONDON July -'7.— The Britiili

(orces i>iic/ageil Alibi Bey's arniy

lo-itay and were completely defeated.

The iLiiterable ftiluro in not following

up the fleet's work by an imrtiediato ut'

tuck on the rebels was amply demon

atrated. Ths result of the encounter

was most disastrous ; the Kuglisk

forcejB under Ailitr.n being roliteil. The

loss was over forty killed and a large

number wounded.

A SplcvCommuBlratfon.

e called

WILLIAM BW1I.SV, Ados. jaMton,JalylUI,i«B. sjySiialll ,

FOR SALE. A new bou>e pleasantly loesled on Puuehard

Avenue, nearly opueaiie Tatk Sitreet; er would let a good tenement In same, to a lamilr having no small children. For inrther particulars apply fC" " asSsMKos, corner hummer street anp

' -tne. \v tftslfi

Everyone snows tbe lassitude wblrh comes over ui with the wsrm spring dsys. Everyone should know the restorsiive—It ii Quaker Bit- ten. Nothing else Is so bracing. £*lteod

II ow to mitigate the till ol wash day during these but inmmer montba Is north knowing, ws sre assured tbst James I'yle's Pearline does it effectually, wltnout tbe slightest dsnger to tbe tacit fabrics. tvlmtodjyl


Tbe sports st the picnic of the laaters'

protective union, of Lynn, attracted a

Isrge number of persons from Ibis city to tj ml tli's trove, Hag gelt* pond, ldondsy.

The rsces were as follaws:

Three mile unusre hcol and toe walk, Dr!«col] of Ljmi and Meagher of Law-

rence, tie; Joe PITDD ol Lawreocc, sec- ond.

Three rolle listen' run — (.'minors of

Lynn, Hi- , Bean of Danvers, second, While »' Lynn, itiird.

One quarter mile run—Qormsn of l.y ur,

first, HrQ'ilgsn of Cambridge, eorond, Baitye of Uanvers, third.

Boys' one mile wslk—Fitzgerald of

Lynn, Brit, Murpby of Lynn, second. Illuming hop step snd a jump - HcQui

gan of Cambridge, first, R'ley of Law recce, second, Flood or Lynn, third.

Hue hundred ysrd dush—Uctjulgan of

Cstbbrldge, first, Trull cf Lawreuce, sec- ond, Kufli-rty sf Lynn, third.

Fat meuv race-McInerey. {■ Fiynn of

Tippersry") of Lowell, first, Henry Golden of Lynn, second.

Tag war, two tt-sss from Lynn, Hay- den's vs. Ksfferiy'i — Won after a hard straggle by tbe foricer.

Tte refuree ihthe races was A. Turin of Lynn. Judges, L. 'J. Tbynne of Law-

rence, and J. O'Malley of Lynn. The

good dtporttsent of the "picnickers" was the sjQrce nf mnch plesssnt comment. This was owing, In a measure, to tho

committee wbo appeared tothorooghty

onderstand (heir business, forbidding the nse of "lotoiicanls" oa ibe grounds. One

person endeavored to sell intoilcstlng beverages on the sly, but was detected by

committee early In the day and

promptly ejected from the grove.

KIRK UK 11 i.Si.Vi

Ai 11* 57 o'clock so alarm of Are was

rung In from whs' boi no one could tell

by the sound. Box S3 wss slrnck plainly first, then M and so on until It was Im-

possible to tell what wss tbu number. Tbs tire extinguisher and two hose car-

riages went to the corner ol Essex snd

Jackson streets. It Was sscerUlned tLat this had not in<:u rung Is and Tiger en-

gine house was called by telephone.

Th-y staled tbst their Indicator showed 42. The chemical relumed snd on tbe

way to box 42 came scross the Ore In the

alley at tne resr of Broadway near tho

B. fc H. freight It was ID tbe stnsll 10 by 12 feet cook bouse belonging

to E. W. Pierce, bulcher. The damsge was very slight, being c.wflnedtoa few

boards ar'oand the stove where; tbe fire rlglustej. The man employed about

he place left, locking the shop at 12 o'clock, after putting a stick of wood In

Ibe stove. The causo o' the singular strokes of

the Are ala'in was that ofllcer Carey saw

the fire and pulled In box 21 at the 11. 4

M. depul, snd al just the same time box

31 at the Essex engine house was rung by some one wbo seemingly did not know

what ho was doing.


Un Valley Street and the Kerry Road.

Tuesday evening an alarm of Ore was

rung in Irwsajbog 17. To tbegreatcredll 'JI

tbe fire department It may be said ihst they responded v;ry quickly and a

hydrant stream wss rnn Into tbe house, 77 Valley street, within four minutes

after tbe striking of the alarm. The die originated In a six tenement house owned

ny Ellen Donovan, in the secor.d story In

a bed room at the resr. Tbe tenement woe occupied by John Illckey. The cause

WSS undoubtedly matches In the bauds of

children. An excelsior bed was in flames when tbe tire WSH discovered. The

chemical stream soon put out tbe fire, when It was round that the bed wss iU- stroyed also come clothlug banging na

books about the toom. The occnpanls

were not insured. Tbe building was

damaged about $1J nortb and was In. -tiieil lu the Londcti Aseursncj company

for 91200, with Tbomss Bennlnglon k


At 10.80 o'clock another alarm wss

struck from box 6. Tbe department

sgatn promptly responded but the long climb op Prospect hill wss a bsrd one snd

It wu* some time before Ihe engines ar,

peaied at ihe fire, which wae ID tbe Swa

homestead on the Ferry road, on the lu ther side of Prospect bill. There telng no hjdranl withlii nearly 1000 feet, an en-

gine was stationed at the corner of How-

ard and East Haverbill streets, snd i

stream forced across a field to tbe lire, When the department arrived the entire

roof of the h tuse was In flames. A half

bout's work subdued ihe destroying ek-

ment. The hon*e Is owned by Csptaln Janvi

rln of Ni wburyport, snd was Insured in

ibe Andover Mount company with John

K. Norwood, agent. Adjoining tbe house

was t barn belonging to tbe estate, In which was a targe quantity of bay owned

by K. R- Abbott. *'<manalely the


The lolhtwiMg beauiirul duty, written in an tre liuunc Isle last evening, I- rsa|>entiullv dedicated lo the large company nf "Is-lhls-tot-enaugb-iui • you Beads:"

He glided in lbs oMoe door Tnlsfleod with paba-Ual hat,

He gathered up his ulster shirts And gently down be ssl.

Th i mercury had risen on A ml broken through it's glass.

And frsnticlr we fanned ourselves Tbe hulling hours to usss.

He gaiad abeut, Hmn calmly asked "This hat enough for you*"—

He said no more—He had no dine, Tho uiucl Isge bottle dew.

Tbs inkstand and the scissors loo, -Mas' he left to soon.

Ilia erork was done; the local ssin Had fallen la s swoon.

MIKA - I, a daughter tu Mr

a llsllirrl Valc^olr ULIEBIf'K—ii RaStrd Vule.lnlT'lih.nisush tee la Ur. and Mrs CharlesE. Hsrrlrh.

HOSHSK.-ln tats elly.Jnlyilst. s son to Mr, and Mm. E. Kugen' Uessairr.

Hit all t — In ibiaeilv. -Ifly ;u,h, a aon (|(1 lbs) to Mr. and Mrs. Thnms* Brady, IW Kenuuiy street


Sunn: [i»|- I In tbe weniirrn part of the Slate, ambitious that Berkshire should have ine highest political gift which tbe people i-in bestow, has suggested the name of Joseph White of Wllllaiusiowa, as a uub«rnato'le( candidate. Hr. While was, for sixteen years, tho Secretary of the Slate Board of KJiicailou, and we be- lieve that we but record tbe general opin- ion of the educators and teachers of tbe State, tbst bis administration was lusbO- cleul and Inefficient, and that he wss an Impediment, rather lhan an aid, to the cause committed to his charge. Before his selection for that moat Importnut or* flee, he was never known as especially In- terested in educational manure, snd It was a ruhject ol surprise tbat such a successor should bn sppnlnUd lo fit! the place once occupied by Horace Maun and Barnes Seiars. Tbe general impression prevailed lust It was a concession lo sec- tarianism and locality, two of his pre- decessors having tu'eii IUJU of liberal re- ligious thought and one a Baptist, while all threo were fr»m tbe eastern part ol ■In- State Hr. White la of Berkshire, and sCongrega'.lo.iallst. lie kluditil no euthnitlssm, was* uninteresting to those who listetied to him at educational tnei-i J logs, simply because he bad nu proper knowledge of tbe subject, snd tberelore was Incompetent to leach tescbern bow to teach. Uutoor Is Dot wanting t^at, ultimately, 11 was hinted to blm ty ihe Board, that bis reslgnaltou would be ac- cepted, a* It was. But there Is an act of bid while secre'.ary, that ought ho be known, and tbat is thai be procured ur riermitt-.'d bis nomination and elecllou to the House of Representatives, while sec retsry, served ss such, we tbiok In 1877, (7) snd drew pay and travel itiei-efm-. b-- log $750 for the one and abo'it *'to (or lh< oiher, while at tlie same time, be was re- ceiving salary, #3300 a year, with a,low. anw ui (400 for travel, tbus pluralulng ooth ofilce and emolument, an operation wholly contrary to the spirit ol otir in- stitutions, and Well as to general fiutuic sentiment. Now his duties as secretary demanded bis wbdle ilme, sod be could Dot litiilniii v perform bolh. M -n-iv.-i be was made chairman ou tbe part of the House or Its "Committee) OH Education" to which w.t.i referred ail ID.IU.TS relating to education and among them bis own Report to the Board of Education whose, executive oillc-r be bltoai If was. By law most stsle odlclals are excluded fi oin be- ing in, rti'n i- "i the legislature, buv the secretary of tbe Board of education U not, because wheu the couatl.uilon was adopted, no sucb ofllcer existeri. lu oni judgment any get t km an who holds that

i', should uot permit blntself to take any other, and If be does so, be Is Jastly nuo-i.ii'ii.- to public censuro. Wu want no man for governor who may be on ths lookout lo see If he ciuuot secure, st tbe -aim- Urns, another place sud make so- other dip into Hie slatu'a inouey cheet.

A METHOPOLITAK daily hna ft of a local politiotan "ihriea lirandied" must have been pretty well sot DP.

"LAWK Tennis pants" uys a Bos- ton advertisement; »io do tbe player*, this wcaliiur.

IT m slated tbut tbe atrikin«r Uoa- too caulker* bave returned to work; tbe lieer business affords no evidence tbat tbe corkers bave been Idle.

AKH now a man bos eloped will) bis motbei-lu-law. Tills ought lo be a terrible lesson to young wi*es ond the moral cannot but be plainly inter- preted.

OXK of tbe AMEKictN atatf fainted "dead hway" wLile receivios; the weather probabilities through tbe tel- ephone yesterday. It was "higher temperature" did it.

HOWg-CLAHK.-ln Amlr-scr. July tllh. b* Kev. t'haile. S.|.lih. Mr. I.n.-t.n Ml„wr and Miss Nellie «., .,nlr dauihler of Cspt. Julio Clsik.sllof Andover.

KSST llllnWN In llii- elly. Julr **3'J£*% MwvsjSasi, air. uiare«.s»L. Kent and Hisa Bliss J. utruwn.

HAillWI.I.I. H'lllKl.l.KH In ,l,j, eiii-,.lulv IMh by U>v. Clsrh Ussier, Mr. Kimeon t. Mat,l*i II of .Hiunabatn. and MI.I Joieuhlna Bstbeller, of Lawrence.

HA>Kr:i.l.-~M'r-M LI; in ihiaeltv. Julr so, hlJiT?- £,,rk t*"1"r- Ur (,w,r»" w Hs.kell anal Miss Heeler A. dnencer,both«f Lawrence.

Mllli>)-. hi M u„ , Hurse, njn .1 ■ ■ u-.

s.U' I , An 30, William baundi

WVI.I.IB-ITI Andm Daniel, nunurAlei

. Jiiiytlih. Urs. BsarrD.

lov»r, (frje VllUie) Julj '. ssedTlyri, S uu*. ir, ;rrre Village) JulrM, ml-r Wjlile, ageil 6 era,

Macklimw IIuis nobby *tyles,at t urtK'M, ftOA Ksaex St.


is-rspiTsi, raur, iTfi.nunjf Tickets emir •». »hsr«s I* rra.p>rii*ai,

l:.S.L, Louisiana Stite Lottery Company.

IsearporslSil le tuns fir*! rears hr the Lesn*- Isture tor kVuenionai anil chsruatHe in>rsi>». ~"w*asjiMMfLMMM-u vUsh snrsswN luu1of|Vi0,00Jhssslaeeh»#Bad«>d.

Br an orarwbeluleipiumar vote II* franchise was rusdea isri ut the lu-aaenl niaie L'uaatilu- ti.i > a-luut.-.i Hecnmlier Id a. a , it;;.

The nnl/ Lut -ry ersr »oted un and endorse | by the peouie ui any elate.

IT .1 i.vaK BOaUSS OB POSTPOSBS. Its tirsHd SKfls Itasiktr DrewlasTS

take piare SS»nihij. A •Pl.)^li|l> "PPI1UTI ITI TO


i.amh .1 the r*ll*wlksj Sekeawe, cader the eiutiMim »ui>«rri*1on asd niina«a«arnl M uea ti. T BB4\7UraAkfi ur La. BM Jlf BAL A. KAHLV of Vu . who man -as all tbs •Irstvlnaanl Him Coiuinnj, bolh oat- ikusr and SKNiSHStjaL. aid BUBSt lbs sorreetuai. ul Ibe pubiUhed ntaclal Lists.

CAPITAL rHIZK, ETBOOO. IOO.OOO Tlrk.t. si I he IS.IIata BBjsShj,

S-'racilom IK Klftdi |« pra>p>rll*».


I CAl ITAI. i'ltl/k ,.-..-.,,

1 •to do

do ilo


1S.01S 9*,*S M.SWi ra^N


Tlie Amount Coulrlbuted Ovardiawn. » a-nrer 11. A. Uuell, of the specisi

cumralttee on tbe receol celebrsiioti of the Knurili or July, hits si last recslvsd a'l

bills sod puld f ui nil tlie money in his possessioD, and sill! the;. nmilD bills lo

the amount ol »13 42 nnpsld. Sich bill tbat he has settled has been approved by

the chairmeu of tbe dttTi-rect eDlerlsl--

The duly has not been a pl-sssut one, bat ll has been performed, anil tbst

well. His account now stands ss foilows: BSORIPTS

Received fmfu MM rial ion, »ift u 00 luhsecpiiuni, 70i 00

vtm 00

S200 00 300 00 300 00 as oo _7 n

no no |7| oo

14 M .W 00 .'ill (HI I ■

12 98 ioo 00 n oo

0 (HI « 10

moo , ,10 -11

12 00 111 (HI

1 10 2 50

P.t,. Clayton, children's entertainment, 31 40 J nines McCunnell, dinners lor seme, 3 40 W.T. Kluibail, cUildreui entertainment, S 50 u II. 11.n,i M, .111,11- i, llsrerblllbiud, 22 00 A. A; C. Mcrrlsun. prlntios;, 00 76 Spaldlng A Hurray, eaBfSSNH lesm, ) SO

Total arnount received, i M'KM.III-lira.

Jamie Watts, antiques and horribles, J. 11 Stafford, regatta, Jobn Itn i-n, military. Hotel BlW—fWlt-i dinner for b.ind, ii.ii A. Merrill, prlntioir, Haverbill Baud, Lawrence Brass [land,

K.Sbepard, reirebhiuents, HalLew drum corpl,

(I. A. II. dnimeorpi, U. 11. Trlckey, team, caoraiseri, Hill POUT. Dyer A C# . tirewurks, Dyer A Uo., bicycle medals, liver A Co , uie of piano, i'jie'i Saumlfrs, refreabmentl, Cornet hand, It. M. Cross _ Co., Isabel, ribbons, etc J. li. Mn!,,.in v, rinslnR eblrnei, W. H. Uerrow, rlnnlnn beds, K. W. Preiton, rinjinp bills. Churies K. Dyer, ringing bell*

ToUl psid nut, E2202 08 Ilemalnlny In Treasurer's band, h 2 08

!■ = ■—■* ixnin. 11. L. Cbard, rinsing bsils, lass. Loril, " ■

«2 SO 2 50

V. O. Oinsras, " It. A. Wadseurtb, prlntlnf,

'J BO N 00

Total, •IS 60

-The colored folks of Haverbill and BarJWi dld not reach this. Ths dsmag.

Lawrence are to bave so excursion to lo lne hon8e was nearly «0O. Tbe csuse

of ths Are Is a mystery, for th*> bollding bad been vacant for nearly six months.

Old Orchard Beach tomorrow.

—Messrs. Savage A Mallcy, hesldis

MklM the first pait sails for Itsrlow A

Wilson's If iastrel show sre also cnttlng and fitting epeclslty suits for tbs different

per'ormers. and the drsgiona' uniforms

for the I'stlence burlesque.

—The police sistlon Is receiving tbe

winter socpiy of coal."

—Farmers wbo hive p'snted corn, sre

satisded with the westher.

— Lawn nee is to be the hesdqusrters of the AnguetlDian Fathers.

--Il Is leponed Ibat a well known res-

tsnrant keeper io ibis city, his been em- ployed at Nau",Bnke;b8ack as a "dodgiT."

-Sunday nl-ht a horse was stolen

from the bsrn ol biti'beii Waddlngton, st

Salem, N. il., |Bd tbe Lawrence police looking for It.

The h.ti n.-. lual Of tlie list three

days wrs eicceded ID July 1830, when

ircury ranged from 88*1 to 38* for ten successive uajs.

— BMtl connly hiis contracted for IIS

supply of cosl for Hslein Institutions si

•0 snd 03.65 per tou of ^240 pounds of

Cumberlsnd snd stove cosl. s>

It Is reported tbat the Boston, Low-

ell _ Concurn rsllrosd mlend to get up s

grand rowlns reuaita st Laks MassabsHlc,

sni that fjOn in pilzes will be offered,

— Mr. Henry V. Chandler, for years KUpr-rinlf ndenl uf tbe Lawience Flyer snd

S|.iiu'i.- works, has tendered bis reslgos- liun, and will rellre from sctlve busluees.

-On tbe Fourth of Jol], a year ag<,

accidents in Baliimore fiotn tbe result ol

the toy pistol teaulled in not less than 20 deslbs. A good ordinance was passed by

the city council as soou as It ssscmhted,

prohibiting either the manufacture or the

sale cf tbe weapon that bad proved so

destructive tc life. The law wis well Sf> forced, sod, as a result, Instead of twenty

accidents tbli year from the use of such pistols, tnere was only one. A Baltimore

Journal advises other cltlea where there

accidents have been numerous to seod at ojee for copies of the Baltimore ordi-


—The srmy worm hen made bis ap- pearance in this vicinity, but not In large

numheis. lie is in Insect wllh tbe sharp-

est of appetites and most de*trnctlve

habits, making nd havoc in tbe n. Id* he visits. Tlie largest slaed worm Is sbout

two inches long, and aoout ss thick ss a

Fiber pencil. Tbey have s colored back and Wo ye;!ow atnpes, one on esch side.

The ycliow stripes do not appear until

the body Is nesrly developed, Tbey

Tin: HavcrliHI (iazeUa speaks of the "trade in door bolls being good Should think they would be. Most every body thinks indoor bolts are good this weather.

THAT "member of the Lawrence City Govertnent" arrested in Lowell, must be a special police oIBccr as we bave had time to look over1 all the other city officials and fail to And his name.

"A Kentucky man has for clock weights two pint bottles tilled with whiskey."

lift that clock was ahead of the sun every day.

TIIK newspapers are amusing them- selves this hot weather with coining new words for tbeir readera, tbu latest and best is the Albany Argus" Tug- wilsonian state of feeling brought oo by the terrifl ; rise in tbe ther _ot_e-

Corns, Bunions and Calluses. Call l»r the

til AN l KIHN KlI.LKIt.

and laks so oilier. A. core guaranteed, No Vine, no par. A brush for applying u ererf hott'e. A Iso s rnhber atonpir to prevent waste. Prepare*! only bvllK>HY if. UIVKB, (*_•*-_• elit, Csiubridite, Uses. For isle by nil tbs lesd-ns druulsts in Lawrence. Does sot leave

ir or blemish, n >r cnuse Ineonveiilenoe In any way. Beware ut imitations said to be as go,"l. 11m Inyjl

A GEOI-OOIST having computed tbat at the rate the water wears away the rock at Niagara, the immense (all will cnthely recede to the lake ,in 3,138,- 000years, the backujon at that resort are anticipating an unprecedented rush of visitors.

IT WAS clearly demonstrated on Essex street yesterday, that it takes a two borse job wagon, two local reporters, three job mon, nineteen bystanders, and 380 cubic feet of ctiss words, to pick up a barrel or flour wjicb has dropped on the street.

Il<,ll<,ii' tboudeepsm)dsrk brown Bpictetl Kolll A tbouiand sewers would drain tboe off, In vain,

The rlty fauiere take thee sew l.i hand Bring to thy waters purity sum.

Hull on! ibc-u cesspool of distilled disease, Me cleaning can iby nulsanoea abate

Vo more Elyslan odors you'll etbale, For by the god*, they're going lo make JOB


THKT are talking of organizing an annuity and benefit society for our dumb animals. Tuis is all very welt far horses, oxen and some other short lived amimals, but wbere is the Socie- ty which ever was organised for suc- cess, should tbey lake ll in tbe stock of "chickens" raised for botel supply. As well try to run a lieneflt society in tbe days of Methuselah.

LAM Sunday at tho Unitarian church In North Andover, the young l.'niversalist minister of Metbuen, Kev. Mr. Hill, altout thirty years olo, presided in the pulpit, and Uen. Oli- ver, eighty years old, or more than half n century older than tlie clergy- man, presided at the organ. We doubt whether the like ever before happened. ,

Alcohol, Alum, Ammonls, Ailetlrease, Benilne, Brooms,

etaofallslii Boras, Beeswaa, Bri-ali i- IN,-. Corks, Camphor, :...|B. Cream Tartar,

Win is it that people owning houses at the sea,side, stock ibem tip with hammocks,rattan sofas and arm chairs, aid imseine they have the most de- lightfully comfortable resting jdacc in the world? In point of fact, rattan furniture, and that diabolical inven- tion, the swinging hammock, come about aa near to atlording no'.hiuti for a weary man to rest upon, an human ingenuity can imagine. Why is it, then?

Ther ilrolled logaiber up the itreet Tiili Ind and gentle mold;

siie spied the legend on ibe ilsn, "I'-e (ream snd Lemonade."

She murmured gently aa they w»ke,l, "For imnrthlng cool I pine,"

She lalotly pulled hli trembling arm. He gmed upon the lign.

With illme, he asked her In, "Ur dear * ajett will you take?"

•■< ih, 11 vim please, *ome lemonade, gome ice cream and tome case."

"Thai's right my dear ; have somethlns -In1

The fsaplng youth replied, lie lianlic, grabbed Ihe Ice cream ipoon,

Arn ciunmilled "le.

S'>Mi people glow uniMually brilliant under difficulties. A New York man robbed of wuUdi and chain, kindly pre- sented one of the suspected thieves With a $10 note to return his property The fellow concluded it was better for a sensible man tobave ihe wealth, and atiOfdiiiglv knocked down his victim and captured t'te remainder of bis money. The assaulted man is now looking for some one to present with $25 to capture his assailant.

Uo not foriret when you are in Want of PuperllaugingN tirWln dow Hhaden, that the Largeat Assortment can always be found at G. A. FIBRE'S, _75 Eaiex.St.


Pearl lterby* Essex sir.ii.


ut t"artist's) ft flB


A foar-wbeel Hose Carriage, Amoskesg make IB ilrsi ulsss ciiniliuun; never bee a use.l; eic«.- lei.t opport'inity iiirae.ity or town iuwsetol MMUS lebiek; terms lei-.mitile. *iii,lr m or address J, A. K 1.1..r-<».< luet Knuinver North Andover Fire liepaitmeiit, North Oeuot, Ma... Virja.'l

Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, ut CurtlN'N, next diior II R K Station.



Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Chemicals

Colo all.' Csinolle A .- l.nai li \ HI n. -li, Castor OH, Uhaiil.Hs Mill-, Ublerlileul Mini Copper Klveik, Castile n»ap.

Mlseri Paints.alleoloi Ni-alsKoolOil, V.s,,|lll,,l,

r'aiaOnaOi. I'aranlneWai I'utiy, Parti White, I'uUsb, I', i.i,■■■■ i,,ii'-, I'M -1..-I Paris, Parl ■ Omen, Palm ii,.,-!..-.., Paia-r Palls, Heil l.-:i,|. Bubber Wagon Soriass Kosln, Button Stone, Buek Salt

lor bnraea anil cattle Mi-il ,,-, Sulpbti;

Hponses, "ItSwre;

l>owtier'aKeroi>eueOll, Haml Paper. DuslBrunltes, Kmery Paper,

*• Cloth, Kr ,,ll|-| I l.l-l. I .,, Floor id ii-ii. . riih i.l,,-. Furelturv Varnls h' -i lliv-i- t,es,

atlsrs'lei, Arabic, Hum 'I'i .ikii.-.mili UoUl l.eal. (•"I'I llronae. lilyei


[n.llao, Kalsom [jdlKlOII I Light-

's and Magi, Haltpelin, He.wina MaehlseOII, Stable Palls, Nban Bnlibers. Serub Hi u.-I.I i-, Tar, Woolen rtpnen, V'in,i,.w tlloai Water Pun-. West's KnatDnl lirrnlni

for Carnage Tops, Wlilie-asb Hriialies.

, H'niMiiiiiii "oap, Williams' 11 iin'r Bar

I (. S |i, Whale t) Whiting,

h.Wmsor - Newto TubcColun.

six Lard Oil,

In quantities to suit at Lowest Market Prices.

191 ESSBK ST., LAWKEN0F. llvlanl


A mrxlern limit DWR|,[,|X('. MOUSB,Wlli nr douiil" bsv «n,,n,w -, -.'1..IHM1 IMIOI land, rloe Si.tlti. t.aml tntlitramnitiiiot iw.OdO leet in be purehaseil wllh bou*e It ue»lre<l, Piiee i iirtiporii'i"'sHiiti lor seenerr ami ea-v

aeeesa to Lawrence not surpassed. Also other Iota or )aml near ssi.l loeslny ranging imu, 10,000 feel to rft.iuu. Prices low.

I have kite) lor sale IN small llnuse ],ui» iu\i.« (1.VM ll) Just ih.- thing inicniisses ami par tie. ol

in.HI r.,,1-|:i.:> |., i i.-i. > ..-.-ni.i .MH

ay part -lnwn, balsnne in MI months without tteieet, or in dullirs per m-nlh until all Is

Fmi'ilrenrW. WOOD,Union llelalits.tls-ble

VA8SAR COLLEGE. rnii.iihii-M-. N. T. A ■■m-i'-ii- noils

nnrse lor Women, wllh Sriionlsof Psinling I

Fine Manlllu Hats nt < tirfi-'s. Next door to II. H. It. (Station.

Commonwealth of MaasacuhMttB. ■ SIKX, SB.

PROBATS CJDRT. fo tbe llf ii;i» and others Inlereiled In

thneiiateol 11 *.•■ J'MIS. i it., I.I la oald

couuiy, ctrpenicr,ileoea>eil, fiSl-ll-il i

Wbereai. Harriet F, Flanders, ekecntrm of the last will and lostsuient ul IBM) deeeasr>l, has pre-cnted to said , „ni her |ielillon lor license lo sell so mueli ol till mil estate of asld deeea.i'd. ss will raise the sum at twelve thou- ■and one hundred ami nu -. n .< • I.HK lor the paymeni ol ii.-i.i-, lugieiei and eha.gca of ad- mii.lairatlon:

Vou aru herchj died in appear at a probate Court, 1) he bulden ul Salem, In mil noun- tr.on the Inl stun lay of Augu.l nise o'clook in Hie forenoon, lo allow e.uar, If any

Ibe same. mini I* ordered lo serve

IHIs citation i. pubhiblng the tfainu om-e a week, three weeks successively, in ibe

l.*«m,Mt AiKKii'iri. mm AKIKIVSB AtJVKinilKK,

a newspaper printed at Lawrrnes, the fail pub- lication lo be iwo day. st k'nnt before said

Witness. UBOBOBF. cniiaTK, F.i'iulre, .Indite ol said court, tnlh r = .... ■ - ■. day of July, in

t hundred and eiginy

I.T HAHOStY.Heilsier.


the year one

i lyrl H o


2» Hlgli St.t'Andover, Mass.


MAREUHAL NIELS. Baskets anu Deslfcns at Shorl_|


«,„<i ♦JOS ■J,«Vl

A piiio-.iion (i r rale* to elnbi should he sssds only to tin- oSh'o of Hint «n)iin,- in'Nrw Orleaai

For lunber Inlormsllon wnls r.learly.glvisg lull addreaa. fend orders by express, Kegli- lertd Uiur or Uonev Order, Bridressnl ealy lo

•J. A. HAt PHIIV, ' _ MOW OtlSMWS, I.a.,

i vt < iMtPiin ' •or s.i..ih nt, w«. hi»Kt.., B.c.

N.B.-Onlers adilrosaad to New OrssSBs will receive urootpt atleetloa.

weial Iwjyll H

CARD. We aiinoanee to our Irlecds and patrons ws

shall sell BALDWIN A SILLllUfc'J LADI-S

FBBKCU AID BUTTON HOOTS, the commoa sense itvte, plain toe snd flat heel, which li tar

hostslvle made lor oe_rwrl. Tbe sbovs goods are oaly In narrow width ana small sliss

M'» We make this very low prlei, wkleh

i»ws.vusder our regular piles, to redseeour

rseervs stock st ones. Tbe qnaiillly la llwitod, sad Ibe







Ws are Agests for tfc*





And Isvlle farmcri to Inipeot theie lapls- aieais before pBrabaalag etiewbere.

fure Paris (jreen, London Pur- ple, Planter, Sifters, and

Sprlnk IITN.

Haying Tools in Great Variety. HC#TT & VIETOR.IJ

:t|."> Common St., Lowrenoe, Vsud *m marSO


We call the attention ol our Lady Cuslowsrs once more lo the Special Isdncemsnts sre are



Fine Millinery Goods AT COST,

as we do aot wltb I

We make Special Announcement ol our

TRIMMED GOODS sell si a large discount, ssdas

and verv Uralrsbis ■'""!>,■" .vcrasai y BS tbei will last 'nil

as wnx orrsa OL<H

WF HAVE luard of Maine mosriiii.

iocs and Jersey mosquitoes ; but t lie orders msj i* left wHbl«.tav A BLTLIB.

wi'h'.iT.i states long for notoriety, ami

liave In iin-ii tlie honest newspa^r v<\-

itors of Nevada lo'Virculale IIIP story

of an Indian baliy being bitten lo

ileaUi by native mosituitoes of tbe

Alida Valicv. The account docs not

SiiniiMiT No kwriti'ituil Siiniincr

Underwear, at Ciirtln' .■>».*■ EHHCX


(hev sre ail ii. eailreall wilib t fovr days.


nntrimme- HATif and BONNETS nt Hcmurkubly Low Prioes.


WHITE TRIMMIN« LACES. Is Ureat Kedantion from reosnl Selling Prices,


At i, l.iiri,',- Ills,-,,1,1,1.

FLOWERS. rte have » very Sne i election of rinwers whieh we Wish la e.luie out. A., earlv Instwitloa will lie necessary a» we em not du|illcite them lor ihe same prices.

Also a Owl AssOrtssesl ot





give particulars, but the infant Wtt| RR?5^.Tl?„?5wH5SP'.

rsploly. Tbe worms avoid weeds | doaUWt divided Into iiortlons atnoitR "cboe.i ft* boih ««.. N • e»ifa« tail itusie | sod tbere wss DOtblog ID It ol a combos- entirely. Tbe inut iffectlve wsy cf I . __ u * i ■ n _ ° aad Art falv.niiy r.. ,..rai*.-r sod „K1 -K , ... ... .__« .fc L . i_ a uerd, beiore 1'einjr awn towed: or Wwatmsssior hojs. «raj_«iisi«rw_rB«r«r, tlble nslare. The only ezplaastloti tbst flgbtlny them Is to dijj a irencb.snd when ' . Friveie i«.ir.r.i__ i„r iwckward can be given was that MM one entered tfala Is well fliled, poitr kerosene In and | P°M'b1y it was one insect wbo WAS, yW^rf^aU^iee.isdy^^tjg^ I

tbe bouse and in using matches to look ] set It bn are, and keep it bp until tbe 'lllore l'ia" uniistiiiMy ravenoutt and so . lornew saauunae_i-'n't Ve»r in*,,• <tsai n;».

nar curd are consumed. ' took tlie child in bodily, for luncheon. m±5*A 1!"""'A'"" r",c'1'"'- 1 aboat, set the Are.

I WANTED. SAIiSMEM. Tn cursss for Ike sals ol oar KB

BU--S. UMoaall-) tadllUaa. S_l_~ espewn£p_A. WSaervacst rnjItssMll

"Tnwl MUM ^■nrKta

ol Fruit i

O—vs. W. T.


STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with- out physical pain. All this repre- sent! what is wanted, In the often heard expression, "Oh I I wish I had the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv- ing, you can be relieved and re- stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT- TERS, which is a true tonic a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases.

j..i N. Si., lUliimnrc

During ihc war 1 »a- in-

land in the stomach by ■< piece

of a shell, ami ha^e MlSered*

frumileveriirice. Ahoutfour

*/em*w ft brought on Mraly-

MJ, which Ittrj.t me iii bed si*

1,1. ■ml.'., and the be* iluctor*

in the city Mid I cwld not live. IiuHeredfearlullyfrori.

mdigettion, and fur overlwo

yean could nol eat solid food

and for a large txirtiun of the

lime in unable to retain e»ea !■■ ,:i'l nourishtnrnt, I tried

Mrowa'l Iron bitter*and now

after taking two littles I am

able to get ui) and go around

and am rai.idly imuruving.

U, i 'I Ki t.

BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir- ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to Ihe nerves.


A PsTtUT pill linn alvertiaea tliair pellets as "dead atioU ever/ time.''

Sometlting a little curious about that


AN Aikansaa bridegroom caught | the bride in hi* arms, at the conclu- sion ol the ceremony, ami tllslucaUd two nljs with a violent hug.—Ex.

'Ofcorset's—happened ao before.

Tut: STIUKK ot Keene'a Lynn Utt- ers lasts a long tin:?, and the ksters

are out so Jong, that Keene pro|>OBes 1 to have bis lasting done "'out" where

i the laBteri* are.

Ill-own ■ Iron ItiUrri", fur nal« by

A. r. ORI»WA V A, *■«., A ■. ;n Ie*,

Cor. f. .. \ St., and Itrnuilwav, l.awrenco.

Tun superiority of head work over mere manual labor was never more fully

illustrated than in the recent securing of |GOO0 by Mr. T. Wilson in twain minutes work, at the Madison Square


Asi> now a westerner named Don-

aldson wishes lo test his bead against Mr. T. Wilson Die distinguished gen-

tleman from Kngland, or the Oscar Wilde-like Sullivan. Not the largest

but the hardest head is t) win.

IT IS re|«ttcd from Detroit that they have Hies there so thick that the ap- potnnee of smoke is produced and the lire bells rung in consequence; Ly the way, it is a number Of (ties, not one, that is so thick as that.

A large number of lies too.

SOKI one says Jumbo is weakening

with the New, Kngland climate. Winch? We have bed, at least eleven

distinct varieties since the insect

struck this section and if soiie one of thciu don't ayree with him, then noth-

ing will.

NBTW YOBK policemen are grewlng brilliant. They found si ^infernal machine, supposed to be capable of

blowing up a seventy four, but ' fear-

ing lo investigate,, it, buried the thing in the liver. Time will proLably show

bow powerful It is.

A Niw VUUK daily in speaking of the anniversary celebration of Dr.

Fullons temple, beads if* paragraph "Dr. Fulton's tbree-yetir-old, Tem-

ple," anil the compositor wickedly throws it into Liu column of Races

and Horses.

THE WONDER OF HEALING! flfltarrh Thn *»<»»** ta the only «pe- \JCHtCU. 111* aUm tn un* .lin****,, Old in

UoaU, fee. Our" C'Mtnrrb t'«r»-.••>]■■■■ tally I-,. I«r.-I to i i.-t mrli ii. run, uiuUlna all ttia ramtln prwrtfca of tint 1 tin.iii mit i> Haiti Hyriugr iiivilitalilo lot iimi lu i-ilmrr-

Rheumatism, Neuralgia, f;;;",1;.;,: Loo ha* rnre.1 an ninny raw* ot UKM diatr. <«- llltf .■,.!.■!; l.tlnM us l!l.< Ellinfl.

Hemorrhages. SS.n"»',7Z'!;: Nuan, nr fn ... ..: y i..' - , iaapiwdily ct'iitmllid

Diphtheria & Sore Throatat'^J; promptly. Itleaaoreeur* Pettyladanaarotta.

Far ft:. -. IMiftH. III., .liuK «r Ileb- ■ ■* — ■ "1- tlm grcataat au>»u t'irl Irrr-.IM,! tom nr«P<n Wounds

llaaciiuu luiiiuIbMolaU< ■ : ,. n.-n.-i i. .

Ctmtt** -POXM F.XTIlACT ket kn ini- lottd. 7"** n**ii.ii.* ka- (Ac ttorll, ¥POMTM KXTRACt- oWn t» (*« glam, rin.i ,.„r yirtur* trair-miuk on •iirio«ti'f'Bi **/ trtnpptr. .\on4 ■-ri*l,rm

JUTUiCT. Tnlfn

POND'S EXIRAC7-. v..r ollet Cream "V... t .MJCalarrK tt

Dentifrice ... SCHPUiter 2

LlpS-ilv, 25 InnalertGauiF J.-.1.0

TdklSMpOCakn).. M.HaulSyrin^ 2

Ointment 50 Maoiuti'd Piper 2

Family Syringe, $1.00.

l,.i,if-, n-ail r»H« !>■ >". 51 ■'■'! 5*1 nf oatHw Palu^liU'I wUu'li "wtUpMl ■ ■ J' I- !"■! !lr.

l»"OI',( \t.v I', MI ■ i r :■ .-., ,■■, Hi-i. HT IT ufa l*aarajuiiioaaUaMT i'UkS'. on an-ucATtox to

POND'S EXTRACT CO.. 14 West 14-th St.. Nuw Yoi*

saw mi' i) »*pi!i ,,. i


AM MWhlHtg* |>uta it "TJe infernal revenue department."

IT IS said that alcohol equal to that made from grain can be produced from acorns.—Kx.

Poetic justice; many a corn, from

many acorns.

MI.LK. Aimee is in l'ara, Wilhelmj

il in Australia, Marie Eoze Is in Kng- rand, Lolta Is In London, Clara Lou- ise Kellogg Is at Saratoga, Minnie

Hauck is in Vienna, Kosc Klinge and

Adeline Paul are in Lor.don. Annie Louise Gary la in Portland, Fanny Davenport is on the Atlantic, Mary- Anderson and Maggie Mitchell are at

Long Branca, and the Dime Show at the city hall will not open before Sept.

30lh at the earliest. -

Tin- only men who are happv over the Egyptian situation are the news-

paper chaps. The political Situation is so dead that columns can be filled only with a rehash of old sensational

disputes—The accident column M mo- notonously empty, and the hungry re-

porter sighs in vain for a sensation. Aribi little knows how much attention he has gained from the American pub-

lic, by making bis splurge in the ditys of dullness in the newspaper world.

fofaiMKBS think the flats ot Wash iJ-■:■ = iJ CIII be improved. The coun-

try at large will think so too if Con erau doesn't hurry up &rd adjourn.— Herald.

Hut they can .only be improved by

filling up, and lh?y have hail plenty of

time for that already.

A TOTAL KctlPet, confined to tfle region about Atlanta, Gtv, took place pliuut ihc last of,lune. The "Knights

I Wise Men," all "negrjes, cotniog Itom various parts ot the world, inct there,and such a season of dark nights

was never before experienced

Tut: Ai \IIAM\ Advocate savs it

has uot room for a lull account ol the

Gtiitcau v winii.ii. and will simply

state lo ils readers that "he is dead, »nd wns choked to death because they couldn't hicak his neck." Knousjh



Electro-Voltaic Appliances TO MEN

•iiffiTli:-; fnim >rri(iii"*Ml(iiiMif«, Urn. •Ml neklllly. I.™ ol lurve forre i,r vlfor, oranvdliu-a-t-rvaulllnn Irum Aatatannd OTHKA

CAl'xin, or to MMJT alif »altclr,l wlili Klifiinm* U>m, NiMirnlitla, l'nrulysij, UIIIIIHI initlitililM, Kldnvy nr Llrer Tmnltlw. Umu Kat-k. Rup-

THK President of a colored club In

Philadelphia is in trouble. At a re- cent party under this management, the bead of the affair ejected oue of belles of the evening fir appaaring

without boae. Tue belle was so pos-

itive ili-it her style was cotret t that she sues the functionary for |50 as a compensation for the lost pleasures of

the evening. The justice presiding in tlie case will have to decide two very

delicate points. First, *■ to the dc- ! of openwork which fashion allow

ladies hose, and secondly, the amount of damage done the plaintiff

In the loss of the evening's pleasure.

How lie is to estimate the latter with- out attending one of the parties is n disagreeable query.

^bV ^ STOMACH __ «f*

FITTERS ad thn mud In:

■ »., ,. 1, BIlUc Ifl-lllL. «|i.-i-,l 'l ■ManwUlrlai I icrtile, ,-i,n|iif r.

ma" from an I

'■Ml! S. Urn HIV ■ -1 I'M- OIlllllC I 11nil("<Hon. t'lHl Host, i <■;'




to satisfy the ordinary reader, surely

WK are told "the evening wore on,' but we are never told what the even- ng wore on that occasion. Was i

the close of a summer's day?—Port land Transcript.—Perhaps it was i Hhit'tofthe wind.—Item

More likely 'twas the color of the

Sunset or the stalking forth of the night.

KVKN the Chinese arc gaining the

detestable English habit of punning Sue Sing the New York Chinaman charged with scalding a young git)

with hot water, was discharged yes tcrday, and his first remark was Sue Sing—no Sing Sing. He might have said, i inii:iiii in no Sttueware man

IT HAS been rcceutly computed, by

an nccurate philologist (lint there are 60000 words in the English language Ol this number HUH) are used by or itinsry men, 8000 by orators and 69,-

'■"•:! by lightning rod agcuts aud speakers at the Concur.) school of

I philosophy.

WK SHAM, have to fall back and let the Lawrence AuEiticAn take that -i:iil appointment, after all. Kpau- lets and brais buttons arc expensive. — Lowell Citizen .

Too modest, Sweetness; epaulets are not worn now, and you surely

wouldn't need to purchase material lor the buttons.

JrDAH P. 11KM.IAHIN, formerly V,. S.

Senator from Louisiana, is prospering

in the practice of bis profession in the Knglish couits. A recent review ol

bis list of cases, BIIOWS that it includes half of all the suits from the entire

realm that are before the House of Louis on appeal. His daughter has

married an officer in the French army, and his wile resides with her in Paris.

EDITOR MBSRILL of Lawrence is ■tlrring things up for the governor. f« there a niHJor-generalsbip in view? —Lowell Cltlxen.

A pretty larcum, but weak in mil- itary information. A mnjor (ieneral,

when the stnte ha* one—is elected by

the legislature, not. appointed by the governor ; wo n ill compromise un

Juogesbip of the supreme court.


Miss Marion Talbot received the degree of A. M., at the lloston Uui- vesityr commencement )ust held.

Miss Alice Freeman, the new' presi< dent of Wellesley College, who now has the degree of Ph. U-, from Mich- igan University, is one of the first women ii this country, if not the llrst to be honored with this degree of Doctor ol Philosophy, un;l what is still more remarkable she has not yet reached the age of thirty years, being in reality but twenty-seven, accord- ing to what appears to be an accurate report.

Poor Mrs. Carlyle, only imperfectly reading the moral of ber ruined life, used to wain young girls against mar- rying a man of genius. There is no evidence that the genius had anything to do with it. The stupidest man who ever lived, if he seta out upon the theory that marriage is to te an abso- lutely one-sided institution, cin make his wile miserable as effectually, though not so sublimelv, as did Car- Ivle.

The Cedar Rapids (la.) Republican says : "We answer the question, 'Who cares for the babies?'by saying thnt they best circ for them who labor zealously to make the world a tit place for them to live in when they grow up to be men and women. Every true- iic.iifl mother remembers thut there are other babieB than hers, as she hears the wails of the worse than orphaned little ones of ihc inebriate's household. Ah! who shall care lor babies of drunken fathers, in the pov- erty-stricken homes cuiscd by the rum fiend? That is the question which moves the hearts and nerves to action the eood women who work and pray to inaugurate those measures wherebv they hope to stay the ravages o» in- temperance in our land. We give them honor and praise, and bid them God speed!"

■tronicr than human prejudice;" anil tlil_ . K«iirimllv art aome m:nda prfjullr.ed agalnit "proprietary aaedlclnea." Sttoauaa tame tin I inrilicinc) «i* »li»iu>, llwr leap to the coiuduiloi thai all are. Aa well eejr, becauve tone phftl CIBBI are <|Uack*. all are. There are counienelti of all fiMni lalaga, eTen OIROM oolne and freeD hacki. Hut there U true uioney, and there an true medicine*. Amona the latter It II Ml1* Item, edy, true ami tried, and with tnu leMlmuniala of hundred* who have been healeil and »aeed liom the «ra»e hy l[ **<»" »11 dlaeeeoe or the kidnej a, the lifer, the urinary organ*, il itande »ithoui * Fer. 1'hytiriane pietcnbeit and toe akk hall

wllhju*. Inn"! it cheaper lo bujr a uotile or It rouueii, and take It art-unling lnnlrec,lona,than

IN HARD OR SOFT, HOT OR COLO WATER, ■ATE* LAltOIt, IIMKI.L.ISOM' AMI/ 1NOI.V, and alres untveraui ,...i;-i... ,;.,„. A corrcs|>otideni inquires Tor the

^^iidn^rrViwAisBortmiw i meaning of the words Pasha and bey ' ^'Jl'ir*li!:'-^" V'l,"',*'l,t- ,,'EA,{l',NE '* tho I Very simple. A i°asAfS—tl nothing

ONLY SArK Inlmr invlii« coniiiiumil, anO

alwiiT* Twrtr- iin>,iiM,v».viiii«,i,niiil nnmu of i mole or tesa than a Itushnw. Mr.

epow |tod IT I»TI> a x Aribi, the present leader of the Kgyp- . tian revolt is a Pusha. He;/—ii siar


Murray & Lanman's


tntbaaleanapl ■

ply another name for Beg, it la sp- kfllcable to the late Minister of War In the Khedive's counlrv. After this ex-

planation we hope we shall n>t be sn- | noyed by troublesome corrcB|>ondcnts.

I '• A Mtt. (ion n has slartetl ns a | rival to Oscar Wilde, ami is drawing I crowds to his lesthetic lectures in - London. He r.roiicuncc8 the present male atlirc idiotic, condoms hat. cost

, and vest, and reserves special bitter* 1 ness for trousers. He goes in for I Knickerbockers and stocking*, j shirt Ironts, no coat tails and no

■v ■[ pockets." 1 Mesni to have a men go on credit,

, (Brior your prejuill ■ hytician

b;r ii Ol

»tn* il at ei the cot t

A COUGH, Cou>oa toxic TIIKOAT ■ ■lopped, (ienlect (,eo.uen(1y reaulti tn able Lung l>l*ea»e orUooounpllon. Bkuwu'i BMUHCHIAL TSMQSUH do not diaonlar thqetomai-li like ooujrh ayrupa and aalaami. but m iSjunii

, allaelna irrliailon.giee n ihllla, Couih*. Catarrh and -Im-h Alniert and l'ublic

•peaiera areeuujectio. For thirty year* Urowo'i tlronrhlal Tronhea have been recommended by phyatciaoe, and hare alway* ulren parieot tatia- laulion. Having been teal, d by wide and con- •lant uaa lor nearly an entire generation, they have attained well meilted rank amonx tho tew ftauleremedieaoi tue age. S<i1d nt la oente a boa everywhere. 'Ilvreod Janllltl

Brain lo'nl pmluv. ly corel nerioul. debilltv and all *e4koen of the

generative orgaD>. tl, in for 95. All drng- giftii. Read lor circu'ar to Allen'* Pharmacy, 316 Pint Arerue, New Y.trk. 8old In Law- rence by enaii. i Clarke, 17U RICK Street.


HofstsswiBtonrsaai i Horaaal.l i Are you di«tm oexi at night and broken ol your

real by a eick chlnl Buffering and trying with [In- eicruiiiatlng pain ol cuUing teeth? Ii mi, go at once and get a bottle of NM. WmaLow'n SOOTU

tsu MOIIT. It will relieve the poor llltlo ouflVr- er Immeiliately—depend upon It; there ie no nle- lake about it- There ie not a molber on earth who ha* everueeiltt. who will not tell you at unceuiat It will regulate the bowela, end give reat lo in.- HI. ■in.-r, and relief and health to the child, operating like maaio. II la perfectly anle to oae In all caaea, ami pleaaanl u, the taale, and Ii tha preecrlpllon of oneol -lie oldeat and beet female phyelcleoa and nuraea In Hie United SUtee. Suld every wliere- Ucenli a bottle.

iriivrwid ian 0>ttt

The ad van tag si ot a reliable, fauj am.' emca- ciou ■ medn-.oe Ii l.ical"DiBbie, art«P wkea MI I,

IJ found, the bleeilDtf should be Ireeij epoken ot'. nui-li vi t'jet are puiteated >n an eminent de<rte b» Hu gmut (Miutbern roeaiclne,. ■■Sim. mom' Liver Regnlslor," whl'-b ii of parel' Vivetable coPipoaail, ol.talneil n I'H coun- try whorei nn Allwiae l'rovmencoie"m» to lev- placed [tin remedy lor the IMP O!Sufferer* from Jernngeu rni or tbe livt-f. Itiicoraojending i bit medicine to tbe public.

i'urcliaaera ebould be careful to lee tbat tbev geitbeOaNVini, maoafactnred only by J. II. /.KM.IN Jk Co., Pblladelpbla.



For IJyipepila, lodtgeatlon, UepreHlon ol Spirits and Jeneral Debility, In tbetr varloni formi; aleo aa a preventive sgaloit Fever and Ague, and other Intermittent r' *ere, the "Ferro-Pboeporated Bllzir of Calliay," made b/Caeweli, llaiard & Co., Hew York, and ■old by all dragg-lata, n tbe beat tonic; an J for patient) recovering Iron alckneae It be* no eqnal. 1jtnjan3l 81 -«j

Pi'aF CoD-I.ivaa OIL made from telec'.ed liven, on the tea tborc, by Caawill, llaaird & Co., New Yoik. It l> abeolut?iy pore and ewect. Fatknte who baie once taken It prefer It to all oiber*. Phytlclane have decided It »up:rk).- to any or the other otlt In the market.

CMAI-I m HAKD*. Face, Flrr<plei and Hongb Skin, cured by u»ln« lunlper Ter Soap, made by Caiwell, llatard A Co.. New Yuri .


certain relief lor tble coat dreaded of dlieaaci, we oaer yon Dr. Oravee" Heart Regniator, at '(> renti and SI .00 per bottle. You can o ttaln a |uraplilet free,treating on ayraptomi of tleait Dneaae. of F. B. logallt, Concord. If. H. For aalt by druggiau. 1 *la StvUeod

Oriental fl/ustoms. a> —

4 Harem Lite la Turkey.


a i— Owing to tbe nature of the institu-

tion, our knowledge of" harem life is entirely deritcd from tbe visits ol Ku- ropean ladies. The Turkish authori- ties, it must be confessed, are very

whoever be might be. But things arc more mercifully managed now, and tbe victim is smuggled on board tbe Sutlaa's steam yacht, the "Izzedin," to some distant point in Arabia or Asia Minor, and most probably tbe uiiiiUteriul career is terminated by Ibe simple process of admiuiitering a cup of "mocha."

The Sultan never marries. The . . mothers ot his children are stvled Sul-

aroiable in ihia respect, and little diMtanU, and have separate establiah- ficulty is experienced when the inlto- j meIltll. but as thsy have been alsvei

,t olli.-r IMHI-BM"* <>'. the Vital orgaiia. Ala>, wr-iits troubli-d will) dLva.*-» peculiar to taelrset.

Speedy nli'-f and fftniplctf rratf>mtlon to health L'II ■i.'.ii'.-. ,! I ti, -«- wre> the* only Klrelrlr Apptlmicr, IIIMI hate evey iH-t-HroiiolriirltHl upon-, I, nt lilr |>rin- rletle*. Tlii-ir tliiiMiwn t-fflc«iy luia bt-en pmc- ln.i.iV 1-lliV-ll 1. Ill) lilt' MUM Molllll-rllll mifi'i'M, ii>-«l liter tn.»<- 111. hlRbewl , BMWMweaSM IN iroaj asejMeal HTT.I a*lew lilti- MM-II.:I',1 from litintlrnlxt aim hNve kMH-n qnlt-kly anil rndlciilly . iir<-<t by lln-lr in..-.

Send at our* lor llluttruled Pamphlet, glvtug •it liilormatlun !rei». Adrtuae,

VOLTAIC BEIT CO.. Marihal). Mick.

floelSSlr M

duotions are good. The Turk iacom- mouly*believed to be a sort of Blue- '•esrd. It is not so. Polygamy is not the rule, but tbe exception. The lower classes never have more than one wile ; aud it is only in the case ot wealthy puahas that there are three or four wives, the latter number being I'-'Hall.T allowed to every Mussulman according to the Koran ; this is ex- clusive ot almost any number of slaves and concubines. The husband must ave no acquaintance, however slight,

with women other than those ot Ilia wo harem; and should ite observe

slippers outside of the harem door be



Tilt Dicliist

BLOOD, and


l|C ABU TI.I.V 1

■vjataaMa food property, and a

■ hich to build up Die vjrateaa. I Tbe Wood, B»!»*i.dNerveaanlWt»reaa

Uwliich bear Ui* atnUa of every diy work and iidln orderloaaTealelmewiniawaMlo

Rt'ILS *«■ HEALTH. J Wntct Tmura are prepared, ant r-tiJWw.m*- Nllim but by eolutton and are rieheet la tho ■PhOBBhatee, wh 11 & ilui aiareh and lmwre mat- ■ ur are tUmL'it'il, Tliaae maka In Uwci- Iflaolvaa a luala, to vrlileh ia adflod the beat and ■onotoeat medicinal qvaUUee, noceaeary M ■ ■aakeitetoaioeiidhl-.t.." Itujatoauehaarts- ■ ful, plcaaart totheUiia widmuat not beeoo- ■ ibundKt with the tht.»i-d and one ahaaa llalcahGlla Llltere which are scldaa cure-alla. Hlicdlctna la doubly afli-cnio when uaea vltk

~ " aoaa to uouriah while Itoorncte tol-l by dnuRiata. ai.oopvrbctue.



they are not permitted te sit at the table with their own children, although these very children are princes and pincesses His Majesty Abdul Hsmtd has only four children, and all by one wife ; but even she darea not sit down in presence of the Sultans mother, but must stand before her deferential- ly. The mother of a reigning Sultan —the queen-mother or Sultana Vali- deh, as she is called—is the first lady in thrxempirc, and always treated with great cerdtnonv. She has unlimited influence. Her position is unique, and her power in the affairs of tbe stale is as great as that of the (imtin

Win..: Ititlon are for aale i>v

A. P. ORIMVAVA CO., A|iollierarlee.

Corner Eeaex St. ami Broadway, I.otvrennc

Hop lllitoraarcHOUl i>y

A. P.OItim'AY * CO., Apothar.arlee.

Corner Eeec\ tn. und l!;ouil*ay,Luwicnco.


Curea. DyspopBia, Kervoas Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils. Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- plaints, Liver Complaint, Remittent Fever, and ail diaeasei originating in a bad State of tho Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State of the System,

eod* it/fata x K

Peruvian BTrnp la aold by

. Ollll-VtV ,V I IL, Vpothri a, In.

•IMU ht. nnd II tv ad way. I.iiwrcm-e.


latter to In- attributed intrigue and Jineime.

The Sultana Vulideb is at tho bot- tom of every scheme, aud dominates ber sovereign son to such ai extent thut every pasha courts her fa- vor. A great scandal and an auius- in % scene took place when the KmpreBs Kugcnie visited Constantinople a few years hack. Being anxlwi to recog- nize all the kindnesses and attention >aid to ber. Her Majesty, at a fare- well interview, actually kissed the Valideh on the cheek, looking upon ber in the light of a sister sovereign The queeii-motbcr was much excited and Hew into a towering passion. Here v.-us a direct insult from a gia- our. She took to her bed, refused fo*xl for four-and-tweoty hours, anil had Beveral baths before she could consider herself purged of this enor- mity, this terrible stain ; and this old bigot, probably herself horn of a slave, thought herself too good, foraooth! to be saluted by the beautiful Euge- nie, consort of one of the most pow- erful emperors of the continent ol Europe.

A new and elegant edition of Haw thorne's complete works, printed from new plates with the greatest care, and tchly but simply bound, will soon be

published by Koughton, Mifrlin & Co. It will certainly lie the beat edition ever issued of Hawthorn's works. The

st volume wilt contain a steel por trait of Hawthorne, taken from a pho- tograph in possession of the lamily

AHcc M. Freeman, president of Wellesley College, has been awarded the degree of Fit. U., by Michigan University.

WMTAK'B KiLitu of WILD cusaav caret eonrbi, cold*, breachlile, wbooplnf congn

ip, Inflneriia, eoOJampilon and all dHeairi, or the throat, long! and cheat. 50 rente and SI

bottle. teod*Jlyr Ti'tol

tK tn tin p"t day at home. Sumi 4>J 10 J>l\J a-- in''-. Addre-eSTiai IM. tluii.l. M. nm- tlTdeM


QUAKER BITTERS. limn mi t T.fdH-.i

i.tii'da Vl,,y n

HAY FEVER -A fair trial will convince the mntl ekci'llcal-

ELYS' CREAM BALM, PCa tll<> J - -a -. - | |.;i.-.;ii-i'-. Ol

.... ennainc tipaUhT a«-rt-uone. matli

Cntni allayi membranel linlneaT the head I col la, comnIeinIy )i<-nl« th. ui.' .,.ii»v ,ii i , •■ i i KmHi are realised oy

i,ml rn l!r;i,l i

,,,','iy'l ■i the Ii


II. Aaa n.lhr.ul.

ldre.reii.toi on-ir.iiliirv. blnlllr

111 TT


KI.Vs' I.IIHM UA1.M ni.,Ovrf„.M.v.

ll'll lit! IN ! H'.l 1 Ml 11V

■ H. Whitney A Co., K.II.K, ;i,j,Chni, ciarfc

J.fJ. Avore, at Oidway'a Drug Store*.

• adbr llrnmlif, Kane rally,

eod * ly ocU x

Klv'e Cr.-nm Balm, for aale liy S>. P. OHDWAT Av CO., Apnlhccarlc Cor.Knex St.and Itroa-lway. Lewrcnc


jThe Greatest Blood Purifier? ON EARTH,

This GrcntOrma.n Mcdiolno h comV pencil ot \'ellow Duck, >l:n,ftrafc( * CcTitian, TJnndcIInn, Jimlj-rr lit?., rlsa, etc, eomblned wlih tho r.x-1 tract of Sulphur, whith mnk'-i ir Hie Crcit.-»t Blood I'arlicrj known. 110 uot crcr tako

BLUE PILLS nr arsenic, they aro drmiy #l°ur Rid II l'lni-e T-nir tnut )-, -rCMncya orcfl rjicRiiiTTr.ns, xu> v-.t £:"■'■"' or-ior| cttaod bo*tuicUicUioovcr#'"0 Bl'l'-B

IiTourTonjuflCwtfl . re) alrij, .._ rinuttcrwiiataUil


'orhigL-cot-Jrho Inrnlld's T'rfcnd.5 .„ JTh«roi:nS,th«acodnni TS #ter|Da;ar.>*.rv,nriiadavt..

at& Iteracmbcr irhtit YOUI . I here, it m.iy Ml* y.'nrlf

lire, it hm mt-cit, li"!)dioda,H mOOKt welt until to-morrow,

Try a Bottle To-Day I Are von tnw-aplrltM and week, o

r.enffarinE iVmn Dm CTI-B™-* nt j-niith if ao, buu-uua mil twu wui «i JOU,

Bert On Mlauta Gere rer ToolfcaefceElSlS l Frtce, twenty ave oenta.

knows that ladies are visiting, and] vizier himself; oflen indeed '..lieivloiv cannot enter his own house. Then attain, if perchance be strolls through tho bazaar, there must be no recognition of any of his own women, although tlicy may be throwing away his money, tight and lelt in a moBt lawsb way on silks and jewels. He must not soy a word, and so strokes his beard mid passes on with an "In- Hliallabl" (please God), or "Allah Kerim !" ((Jod is great and merciful) ; lcr now he knows only loo well bow the money goes ! European ladies arc the objectB of much attention and cu- riosity on tho part of the women of a harem. Their dresses are felt, they are pawed all over, and aaked childish questioua iucessantly; for it must bo remembered that a large harem con- sists of vires and domestic slaves tbe latter can:ited by hundreds.

A young English lady, seventeen years old, of great personal attraction, and cugaging manners, some time back visited a harem, accompanied by her mother «nd friends. Tlie women questioned her, and would not believe that she bad "no children, or even husband." Oue of the wives, who took a great fancy to ber, threw her arms around her neck and entreated ber to stay with them forever. She could Uftvs any husband Bhe liked, and, was even BO kind aa to especially rec- ommend her own, adding that she was

he would soon want another wife, and that she, the real wife, would much rather it was this nice English girl, as then there would al- ways be tbe pleasure of having ber as a fiicml and companion. Here was a most decided offer. A firm refusal, however, of these honors caused much sui-prise and di?ap|>okalment.

Turkish '"dies arc very illiterate. and in very few cases are nble to reau even a French novel. They live a very quiet and happy life, on the whole, much of their time being tnk- eu up with visits, excursions to (he Sweet Waters, and dressing. "It is asked, "Well, what about marriage? There must lie weddings, wives and families?" True; but, as in other things, they have their own peculiar mode. The process of co'irisbip is unknown amongst them. The matri- monial negotiation is carried on by a woman of mature age, or by the moth- era on both bides, who arrange a mar- riage by visiting some desirable young lady at the baths. They chat aud expatiate on the good looks and accomplishments of the young man proposed, und all is done. The ./"fee never sees his wife until she lilts her vail in the bridal apartments. The lady is often more fortunate, as lbs takes care to have a look at the gen- tleman through lite small apertures of tho latticed window, or in some other inunner, when be at least expects it. The Turkish ladies are fond of giv- ing entertainments, especially a cuke party, called "cbalva." On arrival at the hostess' quarters, escorted by slaves and -euuuCiis, they salute eacli other gracefully by touching lips and forehead. They will then gossip qui- etly, and compare notes us to their dresses, jewels, etc.; and, if the bur- cm he a distinguished one, dancing girls are hired lo perform with cas tanets and tambourines, and thus linn is whiled away. Tbe signal for the "order of going" is given by claiming of hand* and ordering in the "dial va," which is rich and luscious, sorue- tlltng like our trifle cake. At somo of our dull and dreary entertainments Belgrnvia and Tyburnia we might well lake a hint from this Eastern lady, especially as she invariably bids adieu lo ber friends with the remark "1 am so glad it's all over!" not in- tending lo be rude, but simply con- gratulating herself that the little party has gone off to her entire satisfaction. Humor has it that the harem walla contain terrible secrets; tbat.traj: doors communicate with the blue Bosporus; and that mysterious pro feedings go on under cover of dark ness.

The eunuch is a great personage ir the harem or palace. Hie jvower it almost absolute. There is no limit to his control. Tte chief cnnncli in » pnlnce is styled Kaistar Agaci; be it black, and takes the position of second man of the empire, ranking with Hit 'irand Vizier. He is captain of tbe g'rls. It they are insubordinate he docs net mince matters, but chnstises 1 hem witl' rods on the bare body. Should the matter, however, be a verv serious one, they are disposed ol! These bbick eunuchs are hideous, un- gainly fellows, generally with short necks and long legs; they arc very haughty and everbearing in their de- meanor, and when escorting their charges on excursions, slash aliottt with llicir "courbalcb" or whip indis- criminately, to clcsr Ibe way for the pats of the Psdbbab. I bey enjoy princely salaries ; and tbe large for- tunes amassed by them result mainly from bnckshcesh screwed out of the inmates of the harem. It is from this class of Orientals that, tho mutes selected. Mutes nre still employed by the Sultan in b'.s palaces as guards and attendants, and are especially are their negatlva services availed of at the "1'ortc," where all official business und diplomatic inteiviewa are carried on. The mules (we are nol talking of the "Arabian Nights" and their faucdul stories, but in saber earnest as to whin is happening at tin present hour) arc selected from Ibe eunuches, and when very young have their tongucB cut out. and every means de- vised to keep them in a state of igno- rance, as they are not even taught tc read and write. The eunuches are also turned lo further account. When a Grand Vizier JB lo be deposed, or some other person la high office to be dismissed, such matters are generally carried through with exjiedition. The officer whose duty it la U> nnder'.ake (bis important mission ia termed "Black Ears.'* It is for him lo notify tbe Grand Vizier that bis power Is at an end ; he appears suddenly, alwavs at miilnigbt and without any Rind of warning. He receives for t'lis errand an enormous amount of backsbeeah. In former days it was his privslega and duty to strangle thsn and there the Grand Vizier or high functionary,

Buck Grant.

I Urn. Uraul'e BOB era* Xlttcnad by

■ Calirorailei

WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Bon Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and every Affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Sold by all Druggists.

eoU S ly feW IS

Wletar'a Baleen ol Wild Cherry le »i\H

by S. P. ORDVTST * CO , A|.othe-ariea.

Cor. Ksaxx ST,and BsueliWAT. Law re nre.

til* ass

Dobbins' Starch Polish. ■ An impurtan; dis-

covery, by which

every family may

give their linen

that beautiful iin-

iah peculiar to fine

laundry work.

Ask your Grocer


eu-l f v mcbl7




The Larireet Bad Most Successful Com-

mercial School In America.

QIVRB TIUISIMO nr PRAOTICI, in a SSUOT and TiuiKoroHLr KMACTICAI. ctu;a»a ui- srLiir Intended to meet tbe vranta of thoee who knnir by i>i|x-'ii in i- tbatoar fuhllo School* are pr "paring tee jouni in a nutter KtsxicR FOB

1 IIK IT iii-:. or UPS, and la the ri»n SGIIODL la im coanirv to preaeml a practical and useful nonrae or training enUral; void Of all the "' j fi-miblu lealuree ol Ibe oulluro* oramniiDK aveieui.

A* tboruueh anJ cniipleie MtlUf U fclven In inia MMM to mute win. detlre to prepare !<>r If KBOANTILR fuiauiTB ue la given In Technical Sohoola to thoae who ehoote a prauiaeion.

Next School Year Beg Ins Sept, 4, Pupil* received at any lime it ta.-re are vu j*n

elee. Por circular ol tern*, or admlaeion, ad dresatbe Principal,

EM, HIBBARD, 638 Waihing'on St.

MdlSwJye i

\ sain oi' cfoauty Is a Joy rorevsi DR. T. 1 EL1X OOURAUD'S


_ . nitler* era conpo*eri ol oholue If'iui.., Herb* and Bnrk*. nmone wbleh areUenli*.n, Sarnananlla, Wild Cherry, Dande

iiiil other berrie*. and are aopre- tin all their medlnlaal quilltlea. ly cure or freally relieve tee iplalnta: Dyepenala, Janndlce,

l.lver Comulalnu, Loa* of Aopetite, lieiilanhea, Dillon* Attacks, Khe matlam, anmmer Coiu- pl-iinl*, Pile*, lii.lm-v I»inM*e», Kcmale I>l01<-nl- i i.n^iuntc. l...w Hpiriu, Ueneral Debility and In fact everything canned by eu Impure elate of the Blood or deranged rondl'lon ol Ibe stomach. Liver or Sldneva. The awed Und lu theQuaker Uillcra a gentle sootbiLr •Umulenl ao demrable in their declining year*.

Eminent Phrelclun* preacribe Ihcre, and re- rinnnii nil tbit r um, anil pronounce them the tie*tCure lor all Di*ta*e* of tbe Blood, stemacb l.ivi-r and Kldaev. No one can remain long unwell (unlea* aRllcled with an Incurable dla e-iic) niter taking a few bottle* ol theQuaker Bitter*. ror *aleby Di uggl at* and Dealer*! n Medicine* verv where. •odilreon

'ARKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger Buchu, Man-

Parker's Hair Balsam,

bintJinPuker'aCi r

Tonic, into a medicuw ofaii h varied powm, as to m-i'^e il i!« gicilcct Ilia .1 1'miiicr and tha

Ilci'.IleallhAKtreagth Rentonr Everllie). It cure* Rheunuiliu),

Skcplesinni, & diican* <.fide 'inii.iih, Ilnwel,, Lunf*. ljvir ft Kidacyt, ireljrdif(*mUfrom

u" ri,le"- C">S" ww. and other Tonkt


THE Kim; or TRC RODT Ii the brain; the •tomach it* main lupport; the nerve* It* kengera; the bowrl*, Ihc kldoeye and the porrl Ii* aafeguurd*. Jndigeaiion create* a violent revolt A"ione tlieae aliarhea ot the reghl organ, and lo bring tticm back to tbelr duty, tbei* ia noihinK like tin- regulatlngjiurliylrg, Invlgornt- Ing, cooling opera Ion el 1 ARRAN . ■ BILTVIH

A i'i;mi:M . It renovate* the avatem and rettore* to health both the body and the tntnd.



\ itnnitard win* (or than 1 Battering enoomluna from ■ oil buuMk**p*raln ISaeity |whohiiT*u**dtb*m. ONf

rilbftn Ug

mrwrnzk? BVAPOBATOB*.

FRUIT m[nif ?mm


Wall, Bell and A Tents

Send lor price Hat, giving llluatraMoee ol lent*

.FAMKS MARTIN & SON. HO. 11* awd US fcnamereUl It., ■«•!•■


POT a SS pageTreatlae on Evapnra'laa frulta, eeelible*. Berrlei, elo. Seal lo all who aead

P.'>. Aldreaa, and mention lh<* paper. Samnlea mailed for 10c. HENRY MERRILL, Teat Newbury, Ma**.

DVBKT1AKRSI Send for our Select Liat ol I.orai Newapaiiera. Uto. P. Bowcll A Co., 10

Spruce St.

■.-..,, ,.,„„,,,/ ..„.,■ i.L,.U,lllr "ill I. .IH* It CVl-l j (tl.% . Af»..i1..ll.liv Mil-Ill- „,.,!. luUr wlth.ii.llaj-.iiy tiilli" -klu- klilK. V. II. T. UI'luiVl- i-.|,- I ...l..t»I-...u~..". ;. Fur tmir by all I'ninri'l- "i"l *«n'»> Widrr*

lirvuKhout Aw LMt.,Cmawl.« uid Kuniyr. |«-I»wan ' t«ut- liiilUll-iii- |i,«oiilb-»anl for airrtt-mlpeoo * »,» uuc wlllpu I In- aanH,.

)1 COW dm apll







Looking Glasses




lrtitlliiii IS 17 it 12 S. Ri BtrHt, R. LmO. Hi.

A. ■nillHillim »r» rrEiilar Kiadnalvi In m, it,.-,■,* mi anrgart. Year* of Sapeiieno* in tit* iit-A<m,-iii ■ Cbronlo Dluua hi** mini- Ih.-ii ikill .ud .hilil

tbat Ibvy hai* aogiutid a HHIH.IIHI KUUUHUU tbiutiih ttww Wratmi-nt otunm^icUrl run.

I^D.SC^TION tasaip

llMbrlng fr"i I tielluii fnr bminru or aiartia^r

'"l!r.""~,.lr-"*.": ""1',";';v",r; .!ll,i";"i~d! H. UlTTB, It M«1rtk*Htii *>U. *£"hUu. ii*

*ffi\ AaiMlrtlyltIwiWwlll.*lr.gMtir«

tm ■>' aammal BnlaBlan* and Inpoteee* t.» ife* a>ly "** 1 "*■• SB JBS'S " lim i""1"1*1 .*''" "*""- va*

aSit'jUmZZZZLI'm.', ■• CUSTMES■«««*n ■HiliMaiWiMHillMiiimWiMlIt — I U ■ASgn-ajjU "Jgg VTDtfi, *";.'.'.'.'."--■',

A curres[)Otii]eDt of tlie Cbarleston News and Courier writes from San Francisco: The story of how Buck

mil courted Miss Flood la in every- body's mouth in San Francisco. "We all like Miss Flood," said a Sao Fran- cisco lady, "llie ia so sensible, so dem- ocratic and so frank und womanly. I tetl you, we were all giad when she miltened Buck Oraut." When Cien. (irant arrived in San KranciBco from Ins trip around ths wcrld, he was en- tertained by QOTi Stanford. Charlen Crocker and Mr. Flood, (irnnt took a greut fancy (o Flood. A fine look- lnK K'r't with apnispectot four or five millions, is an interesting object ta any parent who lias a boy io fit out. She ia a splendid girl, aside from money. But as 1 was stying, Gen. and Mrs. (tiaut liked Miss Flood. 1'tiey urged Buck lo try and get her. He wns the ino^t devoted lover I ever saw. Ho wns at her side every mo- ment. Well, he finally proposed, anil Miss Flood, without any especial thought, said I " father agrees lo il."

Buck hurried back to 'Frisco, and wcut to tin- ricli banker at his olllce in the Nevada Bank. Mr. Flood listen- ed to tlie young man respectfully— yes, wiili pleasure. But still be turn .-it to Hut-k and said :

"It's all very well to talk about gelling married, but you have no money to support a wife with. What are) your chances in tbe future?"

Young Grant Baid lie bad no busi- ness. 1-ut was willing to do anything.

"Very well," said the millionaire. You go back to New York, buy the

stocks I tell you to, and deal for six months as I suggost, aud I think we can Hi you out."

He bought stock just aa Flood lold him to. Everything Buck Grant bought made money. Every point Flood gave him the great millionaire was sure to come out right. It was not long before young Grant had 8100,000 ahead. Flood lold hire to go in again and double it. Grant kept right on, Flood arranging it so as to make. Soon Giant had $2011,000. It began to turn his head. Everybody was talking about Buck Graut's suc-

He didn't think it was Flood, behind him who was making the mon- ey for him. But it was Flood, and he was doing it BO the world wouldn't say 'he marries my daughter for mon- ey.'" "What was the result?" I asked. "After younic Grant had made S200.000 and all the world talking about it, the FIooJs began to think it time to bring him back to California to complete the nuptial ar- rangements. It was then that Buck Grant began to get dizzy-hended. He waa courted and Mattered by other girls then, for the money which Flood had made for him. He started back for 'Frisco, but tarried in Chicago to attend club dinners and to meet young Indies. He began to forget Miss Flood, who is a girl of spirit. He sauntered alongover lo California. At'Frisco he found Miss Flood was down to Meulo Park, their magnifi- cent country seat. He immediately commenced receiving invitations, aud accepting them, from other young ladies. Miss Flood expected him to take the first train to Menlo l'ark. Mr. Flood was disappointed In the young man. He called to see him at ibe 1'alace Hotel. Young Grant ex- cused himBelf by suying he was sick. but tue great banker fount! be had made a mistake. Tu« poor, frank boy of a year ugo had become inflate J. Success had turned hiB huad. He even kept Mr. Flood waiting In his parlor while he li.iislu'd a eouvonwuuoo with aomc else. Tbat night Flood went hack to Menlo a disappointed man. He told his daughter thai he believed they had made a mistake Miss Flood's pride waa humiliate I. She had a great fight with herself. "She said: 'What would the world say? The envious girls in San Frun cisco are even now talking about me. So Bhe wrote to -young Grant, but never sent die letter. She said: -ll he IMII'I come straight to me I don't want him-' Finally, when 3'oung Grant called on her at Menlo Park, she was in San Francisco, and he did not see her. In 'Frisco she learned that young Grant lu;<l been flirting with several young ladies, not partic- ularly her friends. So she wrote him a plain note, saying she would release him altogether if jl would please him This tnvde young Grant mad, am), being half in love with another young huly, he continued his flirtations till the Floods gitvc out publicly that the engagement waa off."

"Did Hiss Flood mind it much?' "Not personally. There never was

very much love." She is still in great demmund, and even since then she has refused a marquis and a count, who were searching around, Princc-de-Bourbon-like, for a wife and/ a good deal of money.

Scene in a Colorado newspaper of- fice : Managing editor to telegraph editor—"anything newsy in the Slate specials tonight?" Telegraph editor to managing editor—"No nothing im- portant—stubbing at Lesdville, rail- road accident at Bonanza, fire at Dur- ango, poi*<>niug case a'. Pueblo, shoot- ing affair at Boulder, but no, lynching or murders—nothing important."—.

ORGANS riveOmavB*.onn:(-S.l*'t»Be*Ala.irioAi Jloj,'.

ltir>llldtn> Hih. Ilmmm. Ilr'uu fmitmtmw tin ,1

ONLY $30. TsM Ofaiut w Boit* en rfb Ou IXur,

_ **-* Jtrtthorrm Orq*w»

27 8topa, 10 Sati Roeds. $90. Moon U> Advenoe to 1138. Order DAW. Remit by Dank Prart. l'-*t CClre OtV.or, or E»(l*tere<l Latter.Do»ed and nhli>;>M wlUiouta Momenta

3un%»9i *CC' eekia voarown town. Torn* end BS IfJO O'l'it tree. Aliri-* II HALLATTS CO , Portland. Alain*. «lr dels

PIS. WEIK. «1l a dar at hone earn*- mad t CoatlrOutlilree. Attarei* Tiu* SCO ■•ta, Maine. Sly deal



VAl!*asitafttt(llr*etljr'*a IBa Kiiincve, Liver

nml n-iwi [•■ i ■ -'.n ii.i: i i-ii' ui once to ueallbjr

aclloa. HUNT'S KK.MEDY ■■ .. ..„.■, ■ m-,. „„.!

ipeeilj cure, uii-l linndrcila have teallQeJ ta

having I i: n cured liy It vrlicn ph;*lclae* and

irlenili 1IH<I gltwe them ii|) lo die Do aol delay,

b-jt try At om« itUNT'.S IIKMEhV.

iil\iv- KMiKliY cure* all l>i*ea*«*ef ibe

Kidney*. Uli'ller, Urinary Orgnui, Dropej,

el, Diabetes, aud In .-mn,, n. ,; H»d litwu-

Hi Urine.

1SI'» RBMKUV esres Tain in thaSMe.

Back, or Loin*. Ueneral I)e>illty, Kernel* Dli- e**ea, Uutuil.c-d alceii, Lin* ol Supaut*,

B'lilil'* )"-■'.<■■■■. ;ii.[ all ConpluiDla of iba

Urlno tii'iutal l>r*;aa*.

HU.sri KKMKDYgui.kl) imhir.railie Liver to tiiMkliy anllor, TcmovinB tbe caune* lU4t pro.

doee iiiii .ii ■ IIcHilaclic, n-, ■ ;-.-|. , ,, :.lU, blom-

acb.Cokiivenr**, (■,,.■.

BylheuaeoriiUNT'd IIKAIEDY.theStonaeb

and BoweJi will M'ff'lily regalo theiritrenvlk, and the Blooi] win be ]>■•> i. ■ n> in, ,i.

HUNl-S KSUBUY I* pronounced by the beat

doctor* lobe Ibe only cure for all kind* ol kid- ney dltaaie*.

HUNT'S REMEDY I* pnrelv vegetable, and la

A*nreourerorHeArt Dlieaee niid Kbcumatlam when all oilier medicine till*.

HDNT'3UKMEI>Y....rep.ired expre.ilytor the above dl*eiee*. and bn* never been known to tall,

One trie) will convinoe jou. Tor .He bv all

Droggitu. Seed for pamphlet to

Hunt's Remedy Co. Providence.R.I. Pilcee ?.V. and Sl.SS.

SJjr EufU rb x

Denver Tribune.

A Pennaylvanlan visited Boston last week, and was on bis way home when a telegram overtook him at a station twenty-live miles out |o( the city, demanding tbat be retiirnlimme- diately. It appears Lhat bis friend* bad actually forgotten to show him the cotnmou, and wished to remedy the ntrglect.—Norristown Herald.

Miss Helen Gladstone, daughter of the Premier, has accepted the vice principalship of Newnhain College, in pi iv of Mrs. Henry Sedgwick, who will resign in October.

A debtor who was aued by his cred- itor acknowledged tbat be had bor- rowed tlie money, but declared that the plaintiff knew at the time lhat it was a Kathleen Mavourneen lean, "A Kathleen Mavourneen loan?" re- peated tbe Court, with a puaaled look. "That's it, fudge j one or the lit may bo for years and it may be forever' sort."—Brooklyn E.igle,

A fcthtr scolds his son for his nu- merous youthful errors: "Reslly,fath- er, you were once young. Did you never frolic?" "Never," ssld the isih cr, with a melanoholy sigh ; "when I was young I hat) no money, and wben I bcoamo rich it was too late.—Paris Paper.

The Thomas concerts in Milwau- kee involved a loss of $3000 to the management. It ts always difficult In cities where tug whistles can be heard every day to make people pay for bearing classical music—Chicago Tribune.

At the seashore, as usual, one wave from a woman's handkerchief will continue to attract more attention than hundreds of waves from the ocean.—Hiiladelpbia Chronicle- aid.

(ENTAURJINIMENT Th* Croat Healing; Remedy,

C ASTORIA OU Dr. ritcher'e ramady- for

Children* Complaint*.



SM'Kf.'. IJ.H ,11,,,,;,! nil. u, 1 .U..I J I,,.. lOlabetet, Innontloeoceor Kulenllon, Urivil .'il.mi-tiL, Brick Duit IleiHielt, Mon* in Ihn

Bladdar, tauluUire, aluouu* or I'uruleai Ol.- oliaire*, [HavaM'a ol the l>n>»l^tct.iaii<l, Riieblx Dlaeaeo. It raiuiol U tno tiluhlv lei tmimni.ii it lo llioaenl either *cx »Dili-lid wltbtni dlaeate ofthe KMncya nr HUilder Prlne i <-t I -.m,. *l nix fur »V Ail.lirH- Mtff KNOI.AKU UEDI CAL IN8T1TUTS, il Tremgot Bow, Boaton

ttretoratlTi', *u|i|,liee power to urain anu nerv^a, reelurea vlmin v, Kite* »l)tor lo younic and old. curea nerroua dcoreaalon anil la-tliriiH.ielierenUie wnr.l *micUd InatanllT. I'rli. #l A.l.ii i--rn --nil M. ll,i-


No. aiTromom Bow, tSeetS, Haa*.

7 IT lain


TOPS, Oraamtnl,! mnA l01i«.

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Terra Cotta of all Descriptions.


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i^iMmiu Saloiroom 2SG. Kesldeno., J83 Com. noifSlrMt. llyrj.0 1

BY PEOBICK .V CI.OSSON. * eow Irrjant s

CUT THIS OUT1 *«;T«'ai5r»s40wV«"K W.h«™.lnlO l..dln, Cltl...

M.N.L0VEU aattat 'lyrmarl

Cure for Headache. ror Ihl* dl,li..,lDg m.hi.LV from whl^>,,>

.oionly.Lre he.d.rh. but ,l.,m,>.lon .,| 1"'™,' .Mlo.,, ..U.JnV.. of .iio.

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flWMIfcV9 ,1"i«l'.'.»l*0«i'1. » ootll... U»ud.'litlmo.. lithH.N.II.

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CHICAGO REAL ESTATE. -Mia pl*.e*<t promiilly. Alao bar, MDlINf

*«•«■elicited, keference* ->n application

*». '.CTIERUNO. 'o DaAssoan BT., caioaao, uw