iMEMCAH - Memorial Hall Library


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OEO. S. MEEEILL, Poit 00M Block, LtwreuM, nMf, .

SUBSCRIPTION :-$2.30 per year, from w>

50 cents will be deducted for strictly advance payment,

Tbe ritrulfUinnTf the" LawrMMM American Is [he Inrg.-M ot imy |Hi|M-r In thu ( ..untv, (in.I li, "V" ' .. ' Al",,,v'r Advertiser " ilcpiirtmcut glir* It an slim.,.! CI-IIIKIVC J.KMI circulation in A adorer aau North Aattorer.


I.!!'-■ 11- ; an !■■ i ,ni' 1 i i.i . matter.



EVERY EVENING, (Sunday Excepted.)



SUBSCRIPTION, Inhhaacc, S6.00 per fear.


THE AMERICAN ELECTRIC PRINTING OFFICE la the largest and most thoroughly furnished In

Eastern Massachusetts. Nino power presses; constant addition* of th« newest type; the best quality of work, at low prices. Orders by mail promptly attended to.




Lawrence American, LAWltENCK, MASS.



BICKJVELL BROS. For hot ,v,\il hnr wear, th,r, I* no other styl. suit .vltl.l, ran nlve » boy BO murh ,tyle and .o,„ r„rl Ma ■tllor', suit. Mothers win „,„>,.< n,, >„.,.- ,.,.,« «..* ft,, ft*.,. rvuc.tlon comfortably, neutly,,nd tor u little money, ivlll Oo,l the Mils*suit Ju it therlghtthlni,• grand assortment oiaEhSiV wmaadSSlgSs^Ehw.

im:':;. v.:

gig; SEN I).vi «l.\"p 1 ■ '■


i%i.!;;^: A PCs\lT0 ","';T'::'"1""""rrr,^'"

iM",r« *■■".?.' •WB»JJuri.Vsi:V-f 1'u '..,..-.'..,.:,. 1'.


RETAIL T.;ADE. D. 8. ami C'hloro

form administered.

BLACK S1I.KS, Velvets, Can" meres. Silk krlnges,*, (iluves,

A. SIIARI'K * CO., tiS Ksscx a

BOOIS & SHOES, a full and eninplcle *lo.-k, in |,rl.-es In suit ihe llini--,

'• 11. KOIHSSUS. -"-'l Kmn'i Street.

HTOVE8, Kanpem

Forearmed wilh Ay no fear

,cr\ Siirsatmrllla, there need bo "r WJajwpdn, Khcuraatlsin, Niu-

rHi^ia, Suit Jj.,.,..,,, fetter. Eczema,

Catnrrh, Li*^ troubles, or any of the

pffjAKA H. \^J of Women it if

IT IS TUT. STANDARD Sethsrllv siil> tV .J.*. Sujirsms Court and In

. thaCeVt prinilr,,, ciiln\ ami li re.omm«uaed ky lhoSISIoSu.i'1^1 1 Srncnllli: S?. States.

To Hi nutiiy i-tlinr Thimble Juuiuipi na iiavo



CoivtsIrdfl« OTCf 35,000 Titian, briefly •1 ■• -rlhing tli" Count rip*, Cities,

j Itlsr

' c.AC.n::n

r PAdT OK THE CLOBE. KunrMlim In every l-'-chool, ""■iy l'ire«'flc.

Kfliio. * Spring * V&ler. Tli Breat Table Water Specific.

The only oompany following Uiecuatom of forelfn •pea In supportm, r. MBDICA.L BTAff-ff for Die bena- At of Invalid, drinking ■'Londonderry Utlila,"

Taken In Ita nature state UTiriA la the OMXT BXMIlir giving trtiof hope to toe Tlotln of ■KIOIITB DISEASE. DIABETES and OBAVEL JtUETJH ATlBlf, OOUT or anj dlaarwi oauHKl by noaa of Urlo Atud In the blood.

M. •lh,FMHk...«.|ii»llllr..'l IJTIIIt Uoau.Mulln.

trsnutf-'r ;\imp\UI nmMxInv Prlet Uit mn Tnlt. Kialii.ffmr >-flht m.*t rmt*rnt pllfitt.liim i M d yult.

MM in IhKounlry, nulled frm to na* oddrex.


EAGLE PUNCH. «i ■ Irll- fnr

I-, bfj li Kiiowln«tlia(rn

(IM', nf Hit' llntr-l i|il;illli tif (IIL-P'IIIII

been a rti-hlilcrHtiim, wi- hnvc ,nit up ti |<u>» uu-m ■ ■ii )■■■'.'Ill> -:i> i- III.' llili'-.l i-irv lllll li] III.'

Try It, mill JOB "ill tir convlnrrtl. PRICK PKK IIiil'IT.K, - $1.2C.

We also lmttu- the llneot Whlnkey nimlc, Inlu'leil K. .1, While, »>..i <■••! .1 ■»>'■"

Price per Dottle »t.OO mitt «1.2.".. sn,.| pri.'i- Itet to the told miiiufiiitiinis

and |'IM|II i.'i'.i ■,

T. I,. S1IITII & SIM. 98, »■». ATffD 09 ■*>. MARKET «i III I, i .

noNTonr, MASS. ; iir.':,.]iMi.n;


LITHIA SPRING WATER, A Delicious Medicinal and Table Water.

This Sifflna-Water eontaln*, lieiMi-* Uie enr IxmaktH ill lime, mnlit mtil IIHIKIII elil, fclRht •ITHIHI I.I l nrl.i.i.Hli- at l.ii til in.i in the •Uallou, innkInK linn H NperlMr fur liliniinm- alem and alt Kliliiry in-in.i -, equAl to Carliliail nr tin- two Aiuerlnm l.lililn HIIUTS, While Hi.' prlcea for tin- present are far JsStfs


<>III autlioiiied AirsnlH for I.nwrenntj nnij

" JAN. It. SIMPSON &C0. WFor U'-tl'imriUI* mlilivei L. I. t. Co.

N;i-lm.i. N. H. JlllCHlCWtf

MAssAtm sin is



■|.n... Term Sept. «, 1-MI.

rCtrtna I'rhratirr 3, ISST. Tul- f 1'. VT It., .k. Kin i:. for |> ii ti.'ii

E. IT. HUS.IKf.r., PrlnHpetl.

2. ".toiioi-I m.nt r.n- vou *** Utlkintr lilmuU"* V. hut

*J" wnyCaar t:illii oUmL '£ ThryK-iythntforltrlKhts' „ I)I.H!mii.KI<in.-y,MviTOT ™ (ikultl r<iru|i!aliita,tl o, rr-m»-tlv Imi IMI C'IUMI.* -1 Ite-w-HeL.-—-

L5B '-^--.-•.- wfe


Fine ■a, BloNketa, Robea.trIIIpe, if


COOKING riiiliii.-.-. Si

■x St. UOURKN, Dlaortsei

oinenn Hpi-il»li). ill Kuwx St., Lu*- ■ili.-i- himrn i to 4 .in'I 7 to H |i. in.


1 Valli-y ntnvt in ir tlm Coiniiuui. uiUco hinirn, I'.l .-ii,.I ; :■• .' !■ III.

DR. J. H. KIDDRK, HurK«w, No. 'Jim K-:, x 31., oicr Uie llay

Stnti! Iliuik. I.awniM-c, Aiiirtj. linn, (Mumform or Ktli-Ttclvi'iuiH prifimti. Climcil (Jurlnir iln month ut A UKUnt.

DECKKK & WHITTtER. Choice Groc-iTlc*. Mrlrlly (iiiru CofTecg,

Spinca HIKI Cliolifut Ti-nn. Tliu ljual Dnlrlcauf Huiier .mil Ohaan. iw Aimnlnnj meot DIC. N. It. UIJ.SSI l.l„

DENTIST. 3'*fl Kaaex ilrect, Lnwrcnce.

I llll'-.' 1-lOHU1' ■IllVil!.- All;- li- r

1? N. HARRIS. Tifwiuror of 1 i. tin-H. Hunt Jliii-I.ln,- Co.,;(!,( iSr.Mi.lwm-. -

Turl.lm. Wnt.T HiH-rt-, Knllliix Mill-, Wii-hi-rh, I-'UIIIIIK Stork-, i,iK-. l!i>Kiiiiiiiir.4, At:, An. 1'lnuH i iiiiii.-li,'. i nn<l nil mill vturk Uuno.


Portraits ami Lniulnriipe*. *« laass Street, TitWlimiu

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea,Fan- \* rv GuiHlitainl PriHliioc.

SHA'n'CCK UltO-S., cor. Essei A Ameaaiiry.

Cl O. IIOWAKis. M. D„ 181 J • KHKCX St. Iti'-ttlfi.rc TU linnk-ii St.

(lrui« hours s to It ii, m. ■• in :t umi 7 to » p. m.

HOLTACO. ICE i»K.\i,Kits. tillli-i) with llmrln-.u 4 Murk, 2ft-| K«eex St.,

MIHS KAY, FAfllilnnable Dresn- innkiT, li.iirYni.ikJ 111 Street, Law re nee, Uass.

MV. FOOO, l>rcss ami Cloak a Mnki-r, lIHHik M„ (m-M to brlrk lilm-k,

corm-r J11cW.11 link.) Mn. Iiliifsilti-hliiir, ami Plaitlutt; lliitt.111 II..I.- Milking. KoniiL-rly at ]U0 i:--i\ Street.

Ha»n. Peritomil

Q.BWniG MACHINES, the Now O Iliinic, I»omi.-ll.-, Hnu-ln.J.I, nutl nil utli.T first ilnne. newiiiK MIII'IIIIIL-H. uilii'i-, JT1 KMUX SI. W. HAUAK, A^'iit, Ainu iiKtiiiU for Ho. ■MnTK PAMM KAHIIIUNS

J AllJORs,l<'r<Mi<*li. EimliNlianil

t*. W. BCUAAKH A Vo., Post OOoa BltMk. r \ ii,<n;,iiiipi>i K-ii imd I>UIU«!«- 1 tic .......I ■

li. UKHNUC WOBSS, W Ksscx St.


iCflMBRIOaEHUTUUFlREl.r.CQ jffar you a itwaj, rcllilila aid cariftally managed Ccnpiny In which to Issuro yotir "BW^LLIHSaadFUEMITTOr." Thayare Q9w paying (>'i << return premium on firs year policies, They have never assessed, have paid all losses promptly and thair rates ora as low as any Uutnal Company, f. W. Oct. Pns. , Atftd L. liaiteur, Stc.

FtrbtMTwict afffy to JOHN K. NORWOOD. Agent


s«SI from Maw Vork ever)- Sutimlny toff

GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. Aiii\s,»ooTi>tso. ,sKt:t>M»CLASS aao.

LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN, (1-, Mil' 111 it HIM] lllilvnrils, ;ii-,-.i|-.|lnL' to i"". sj:iri, sit-*.mire .nitnin-,1 >■-•!'. pnpatd,tan.

DENTISTRY. Dr. IN. li. Brandc, the Dentist, I...- it.'-l nt No 2'J8 iss. v si., Hwocncy's

llloi'k, gives the very bent work ut ttio lowest poaaltilcj prleca.


A Set oft 'ii- hest (iuiul'iilli. 97.00 (lohl l-TMii,;., 151.IH) 1u.1l up MHver ' fiO .'.-iits. It.ine or Cemont Kllllnga, '2li " Kxtniitliijt Teeth, 25 " (iiia tsdmlulateretl, Mr,

Batchelors Celebrated Hair Dyo. lIllillllMl llll.

J. .I|'«.

-..ilur iln« aeper. HoM ■ll.lnilitiu. Appll«d

'tWIgF«brf, SbEotlOihSl..S.Y ...f.

S300 REWARD. Tin- nhovo reward will l>e pnitl

for the arrest anil conviction of the person or |>crsoiiN who cut and liijurcil a number of HII A»K iKi:i:s, mi .ini.ii-..Hi st.. North Aiiilnv.'r. EUEN;SUTrON.

Forewarned of danger by the toiuliiion o( your [ilood, as shown In pimples, Hutches, boils, or dlecolorattoiH of tliu skin; or by 11 feelinji of lanjpaoT) Induced, parluipa, by Inaotlrfry of the itomach. liver, ond kidneys, you : diseases nrMnffc,,,, ».„,„,„„„ u

ahould ink.- Aye-, Sarsaparllla. It will ll.e blood, bearwood. BiK dprtna. rinew^u^Jinvltrorat, yoot blood, ami | Ohio, writer «XypT^ S^irtS ta

-1 been used in my tasji], for a number of yenra. I was a cnaaiu sufferer from

Dyspepsia. but A)Trt Sarsariii«atffected a perma- mmt eurr. Seven y. .11,^ „,y wifc WfU troubled with (ioltr. : tmo ^^ ,pf

Ayr* Snrsariuril!,, cur. *!», md she hlig

never had any return o( Hidlarase. I re- pinl this prepnnition n« thtWst molti-lno in use for the blood." H. .Vn«rd Wnlr, 75 Adams st., Lynn, Macs., ««naM: " For many yenrs I suffered tcrribltirom ini|j. gestlon, Dyspi'imiu, and Scrofdk Almost hoi*lo»s, I took Ayer"! Sar- T

1H the vital oryant to properly iierforni tbulr func.ions. If you suffer from

Rheumatism, or N'ruraltrfs. a raw botlles of Ayer's Sar- eapatilli wlH nAtn and cure you. Alice Kandall, 21* Tffawmt at., Uoaton, Mass., writes: "1 ha.-.- j -n troubled with Seu- ral^'in, pain in the side, ami weakness, ami have found froatar .-lief fniin Ayer's Siir-rtpsrilla timi; from miy other remedy." J. C. Toliniiii, i I-i Men-lmaok St., Lowell, Miws., writes : - In no nlber rerm-dy hnve I ever fount suih a happy relief from lthiruiuatistn M bi

Ayer's Sar saparilla." It instils new llfo Into the blond, sod imparts vitality am] etrensth. BaiUg bkhly eoniinlraUd, it is tbo most .. "i i;. :il blood purifier.

saparill and am a well man to-day." He sure! fret Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the most tborol and effective blood purifier. The bcsl tbo cheapest.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass., U. B. A.

For aalo by all druggUtB. Price $1 j six bottles for $5.

Life Accident and Fire Insurance JOHN rmVAEDs, - AGENT

Insurance Agency HI llll MM- THE l-lli.UIWINO


■ ». Y. W.-iihrsl. i, New York.) Wairrtoevn, v. >» York. Orient, Hi,. I. tonu. if i-i-itli-ii. Conn,

< <•■>], ,„ ii),. Roaton. Mmiiiiinl, noalon, ■ at Alallonal, Woreealer. Hiiii n. Knilanrl. IUIM. rial and Vuiili,,,,, 1'iii-ln nil Jt..j i.i. KnaJand. .'1. 11 •■ I II. . Co., Parle. London Aeeuranrr, I ,,|.. h. ml. (Ill aril Ian Aiiamnrr, V-'*K and. i.on,Ion and l.aneaalili, i II^IHIIII Travellrra' Life and An 1,1, ,u, ||„,

Mate Mutual I.lVe, Worceater.

TilOMAH JtEVfNQTON LINU F.esei street,

postoftios n,




Carpanters' 814 Marliiisls' Toils, FAHIWr'RS (NO CONTRACTORS



KJyill Iy


\o. TO atate St.. opp. Kllby »t., Boston

Seriiivn PlttlBtl In the Ilnltril States; nlno li lln-iit llillnlii,Kr;in,iiin,| IKIIIT fiirel^iiroiiiitrlei. Copies in Hie ilrilni- ,.f nnv I'iHenl rurnl-lii.l In renilttliiK one ilollnr. Ani>li(iinieiits reeonieil a' WnslilUKtoii, N.. njd'n.v In Hie t'.ilte.l Staiei pOMMWCM superior riii'lllili-s for olilMiilna* Ptttenti ornxi'crtnluliii.' (In- i>:il.iii,il,|]i|i ,,r IIITI'IIIIOIIH.

It. 11. EIHJV, SotL'itor of Patents.


"I i ■ i: ii 1 Mr. Kdtlv n>i une nt 'be most rnnslili nml siiei-eiiBfiil |ir:u:titi»iu-r* wlili whuin I him liuiloniiliiMntiTtourae."

CHAS. AlASuN, Coinm I winner of PIIUMIU.

worthy or more eniialilen. __. narlv nml (moralilu coiinlileratlo llfllt-e." I II'.II .;, I;I i.'i-.i .

tale OonunlMtoOar of Patents.

lliisro!*, Oi-tolier 10, ls7f. R. H. EDIIY, Eso,.-Ih.arSir: Vno iirorurcl

for mc In IMn, mv llrnt pstvnt. Hlneo then you tan srted for nml niliiw-l tne In Jiiiminil-of easex, ami pmcm-ml insiiy piiteTits, tvlasur* ami cvteiisliiiin. I liati' iN-eailtuislly emiilnviil Hie best nKiuiele* in New Vork, I'll I in. lei |>h la ami W1n.tllnKt.111. hilt I ntlllakeyoii nlmo-t Uie wliole ' IT litmliiesi, In your line, nml advise olliers to

Vnii'rstnily, QBOBOI DIIAPKIL t'liiplnj

I!..-I.>n. .Innnun' . isse.


It. W. H. BARKER, Will receive pupils In

Oil Painting,In Ksscx Hunk Building Cor, Ku-

ban Sts., room It.

ml !(.>!.,.-,.




SEE THAT urnir OTEB oout is UHTIIOKEM. Ourfrtitlf-markanntrvlevfrybolitB. Jnttcktim

£my Drop h Worth its Weight in Goldl HrYALCAM.a JOB



THE WONDER OF HEALING 1 P11r>. nilnd lllredlna or Ilchlua, It latba

For Barne. "FIS-MIJIR. Wownds. Prulan anrf *J.*ln*fli|«»ll™-att'l,I'Ui|( |«Ui and hialliHt

id Sore! 1've». In eftoct njioo laeiinj'!'- "■


ZV"m ' ii,.usnuui_..

I'or Intlamed and ,-..., tli-«■'.!, luatinrv.ii.- inxliiioly „

' ■ l«J, Uj Ike l.a.ll.V Frlri to Ita woodroua i-owi-r.

For lireia. Ola Hoeea. or Ope ^-gffmnffi mm of I

" lUusuLiluisit rtui

I... Open tVnunde. hnche. Farearfcr. IIHr. ..r In.r.-I.. Kor., i'H. it* actloit 1I|NI|I tlliex in n.,«t r, u. .rkntl .!■■.


Cniif Intl.—J'fi.vrr.v EXTRACT ha* IWn tm(- taterf. The qmuine. hat thr B»rus "POMPS EX- TRACT" bh>u>n In tht ijiat*. a<vi oar tifcfure (rods wnrit on eummndi'ni/ bit/ mrmpjrr. Sime orAer ft KutiV. MBM ineist on hating POSITS AU'-

ACT. Tat* no other pri-pamMoa. . It U nenrr mhl in bulk or bg nwsMvn,

IT IB IMiri TO USB ANT PtUIFARATtOX XIOSTT THE Oenutne WITH ODB DtBacruiKJ. Umit Kx- temnilu and Internally, PrtCea, 60c., |1. |1.7fl. Sold evonrwhiTc. a*- OCB NBW PsMrnLBT_wrra Bnrcnra or otm


. POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 rUU. An,, M-w Tort

Tlie " Three-Legged Brand of Yarns," arc-noted for their general superiority over all others. A trial will convincel'f4,",

Ask for the "Three-Legged Yarns." Sold by all dealers.

Trade Mark WOOD'S Genuine Selected



Four yeara ago the republicans in

ibis section of Kuex county in Uie preliminary gubernatorial contest,were substantially unanimous Tor Hon. W. W. Crapo, and be received a hearty support at the convention from tbe

delegates of Lawrence and Ita immc diale vicinity. This year, however from the first mention of the nnme of tbe Hon. Oliver Ames in connection with Uie governorship there lias been a marked public sentiment in his favor

and the feeling has become so strong that the announcement now matte that

Air. Crapo is again a candidate will not lessen the support which Mr.

Ames now receives even from tbo.e pctsonally most friendly to Mr, Crapo. Tbe Boston )'.>-!, witb its characteris-

tic care for the best intere*t of the re- publican parly, hearlily suuporia the candidacy of iho Hon. W. W. Crajm.

This is only following the lead of the Springtield republican, but we presume

that notwithstanding the opposition of 'In •*■! two papers Mr. Ames will con- iuue in tbe fluid.

IT is refreshing sometimes to hear a

a*a talk who knows what be is talk- ipg alvout, and has something new to say, iusiead of talking to bear blm-

self talk, or with tbe often offered ex- cuse (hat If they did not talk they would not say anything. In

the latest issue of ihe proceedings of the United States Naval Institute Lieutenant Commander P. M. Ilarbcr

has a paper on the number, size, type &c., of the VCBSCIS which abould make up the U. S.nsvy in time of peace. His

Ian of a naval construction board is that it should cou^ist of olllcors of the

Navy together with a member of the Senate Naval Commitiec and the

House Naval Committee. He is op- IKtsed to civil experts on the board and asserts that '-there is better tal- ent for men-of-war designing among

our coustructors and engincera iu the Navy than can be found anywhere else in the United States," lie is in favor ol small vesaelB, from 400 to 1000

tins, iu order to make the best possi- ble use of our small total number ol

m n in case of an emergency, and

witb urging that since tbe United States is a nation of pe:ico its defences should bo invulnerable, ex-

pensing the opinion that our powers ofotfcnaccnn never be great except possibly toward the end ol a long war,

Be would separate entirely the sea. for a general war, from a

:e navy and calls attention to lite

sity of OOtllkg stations in order

mder men-of-war effective in iof war. Tim latter augg?stiou

an taboriHid otic to determine white

is in ilour power to secure the islands in tbe sWlf ol Mexico, hut tbo govern- ment onfcj United States is too cum- orous a %|y to move in limn about

Mailers like these arc

t no uccomplif<liin<> iirii..'!i .,■ cos:. And

opposition of tbe guar- inoney.

Weekly News Brevities. filial.

Turkey !■ aald to be largely jncreastn<( her arm- amunL

The Anglo American Cable company has passed Its sum! annual dividend.

Tha Preiiilont Is sahl to be undecided wliat to .to with the oli'..nun-,-iu In, bill.

lluilnoaa men at the west are organizing Lo re- sist tha e\n-fiui' demand* of labor.

Tw« Weat Virginia youtlia fougbt a duel over a young Imly, aud both were killed.

An attempt to "corner" the whukny market Is inose.1 In a dospateli from 1.0111 ml lie.

Over one hum trail and flty men were employed at J. P. -,inn,■ A Co.'s works, yestenlay.

A fanner and Ills pair nf horses were killed by lightning, at NurUi Itatdeld, Mass., yestenlay.

Illncklmrn h.i- been nwanled the first prise In the I,,MI,lun chess tournatnont, aud Hum the aec-

Ihese tliinjl put oil 1

the object 1 then comes thS

of the 1

ice of charities and

[ recently closed a some thing

not ulingsjlhcr (table," some of

"D. I),

not ex-

ity. At id Hint is

tlie* pTor d if il


Int im 1.. 1.1. for p lea and c

FOR PICKLING. , |, Li , l,,,l- , pick-






I IIJ.I■:.:.




The Best Cigar EverSold for 10 Cents.

Kqual to the imported, and incom- parably superior to any other 10 cent cigar in the market. Ask for tbe "N. and S," and judge for yourself. Sold by all dealer*. S. S. Sleeper & Co.,

j Maiufacturera, Boston, Mass.

AT Ibc confe conections long pension in was baid which

flat, stale and u which was nd Wright," the dispai

pUin further U lo bii all events, be is tigl snougb. He ssid relit was the work of the cln

ilid its work isiilhfully t have nothing lo do. Auol man of tbe name of Wines

propounded some very sensihl on Ibe subject of liquors niu! report ol acotnmitice on slat

Ibc causes of pauperism and claiming that ignonnce, Idleness

2, Insanity, poverty and orlme the causes of pauperism, which I1

back in the human constitution of ciety. This is a reminder of the

mark of the Saviour lo His disci

'The poor ye havo always with YOU,' ihe remark Itself proves Mr

Wines'stnletneul, that the scuds of pauperism are in the coriatituiio: man. Industrial changes, Mr. Wines observetl, hive Jed to 1,000,000 un- employed men who are allowed to de-

generate Into pauperism and crime. "Obliteration of alcohol," he said,

would greatly benefit the tinman race, but wardens *f penitentiaries say a great majority of criminals, murderers and thieves are not there on account

of intemperance." This is soiteihing new and startling, for it baa been one of tbe strongest poiuts of (he prohibi-

tionists that our penal institutions are tilled up with tbe victims of strong drink, and ihe reason we have n re-

lortnatory now iu addilion lo the state prison, is largely from a theory which

philanthropists have been cherishing, that many criminals would never have

been placed in the awkward position of incarceration if they had let liquor alone. It is well to look at this ques- tion on all [mints, and conferenesa of

conectionu and charities, if held more frequently would be ol most excellent

service in the way of enlightening the public mind.

It Is omclnlly announced that Sir Ulchaol lliik- Ht-iiHi if 10 bu tlie new cldcf aecrctary for Ireland.

A steamship has arrived in New Yark which Is Intended to transport i-cirulruiii IUTOSJ the At- lantic In hulk.

Chinese pirates killed three oflliws ot n Dutch Kteanml.l,i and took the other* captive, demand, lugtlft.nuu raunom.

Boss Raymond, Uie alleged notorious swlmtler, wasnrreiteillu New York, yunterdny, for ]iau- lug worthless cheeks.

A body supposed to 1M) thnt or Mr. Conn 111, the missing editor or Harper's, was found yestonlny floating tn New York bay.

The Irlnl or Howant W. Spurr A ('o., for sell- injr adulterated innlanses, ended yesU-rdny In the dlscliurge ot the lie Tends ula.

At Hulwrt (i. Th.imp<.iii'* 1 ■ L I In New York ycHtcrdtiy, Smntviry Whitney B|. pen red a* a pall bMffffffi by m—I of Hi.- I'reslihuit.

Tln-.liilill.iMif lli-idcltwrg Cnlverslty, 011 Uie ," .' I'M ■■! '1 . .nil MI ,-,, 1 ,,] ||, I,,.i,iil:i

ii..n, was celebrated with great eclat. At a meeting of the Panama C'aual rompnny,

In Pails, yesterday, M. .le besaeps ducbired thnt iterprise woul I i«- 1 |il,i,-,i in lssii at the

.■-inn ii'-'i cost, and 1 hid the business would earn per cent, pur annum.

Haturdny. Public, Printer Itiiun.ln has resigned.

The MonLiuk mill in Tall Itlver has been sold

Handbills denini.illng home rtdc nre 1 ■ clr ['ulateil throughout Wales.

Muinlirtno Sjiarkle, Palo Alto and (toaslp woo -, • 1, 1 'i.,. ■■ rncea at Cleveland.

The government DtiUhed lu case in tlie uimirlj. tits' trial at Chicago, yesterday.

Tha I'resldenl ImivuUHil the bill for a high- way bridge across 1.. ■ v.. - Cham plain.

It l»aiinounceil that Tennywui tins n-atly tor publlcntlon 11 .Miiitluiintlon of "l^oeksley Hall."

Henry I.ngue, of HolyoLo, is allogoii to have inadea dellliraUi attempt to poison bis fatuity.

tioorge A. Jenki has been .-niiiirn,i-.| eolliTtor- general and It. Iteilminna liuur.ial revenue col. lector Tor the district nf Maine.

A bnllooii riiiitnlulng an neroiinut amt mi an- tranomer, both Krcm-hmcu, auci-easfully made the vnynge from Cherltourg to London.

A pouch e<iiitalnlng#no,Msi wus stolen from a postal car between New York ami Pltteburg. JuneAKh. Tlietnclhiij lieuu kept aecret unU

A limly found in Lake Krle, on Thursday, Is l>c- llcved to have beta thnt of Itmlolidi rtchnnulielt, wlio Uircwr the bumb ut the Ilnymnrket lu Cldea gO, May llh.

Mr. Henry Matthews'appolnlnieit as Kngllsh hunie Hiiretary is due to the .picen's n.lmlratlon of the testimony whti-h he gave In th 1 Crawford- tnikeillvuree trial.

The terrllie storm of yestenlny mnrnlng mm fnilowod by another la»t night, nml much dumsge Is ri'inirteii by lelegrnph. A four-HMatSd Henii Ship 1* ashore ou Uoi-kanny btM li. [tOflg Islnm

Tlie train liearlng Oeoetll I/ignii, tiovernt Algeraad a numlier of Urand Army men lu an Pranciseo, met with a terrible accident In llal yesterday, Allthu pummn hewuver,u*ea|ir ulili ibuir lives.

It hae transpired that the recovered mall bugs 1111 board Die lost ■ ;■■ mi M|, iir.-goii oootal inn. li duUnble imillcr, and hereafter mure lame will lie cmployoil to prevent thin plu xmUXKling. As fnr as ixiSHlblo It is pmimiHid to bring to account Ihe senders of these goo<l

It ha* Just rome to light that the last IcgULititn- ■>f New York eiisi-Uil n law eicmpllug from ini. iiilou the nasci* nf all turelgn and dotneith: ma rlncaml llix- lli-iirnm e companies doing liuitnesa In the state. The promoU-r* or the scltemu ara, ltlH*abl, to tmvehnif the money an veil to the

Monday, Western crop reports Indicate that tlie drought

has il.uie much damage.

Abbe PnUM I.hit, the eminent musician and eonpOOtr, died nt llayreiith on Salurlny.

-the suit of Ari-.hhl*hop Wllliums against the c*tnle of Kr. Cruildon ol 1-owcll lias lieen scttlH.

Iiiiportani ptriUtoal reform* nre being nUcui|it- •'•l In Chill, among them being 11 change In the IIUHIC of electing the |ireshleut.

Seven |>er*ous Isiund from Phltadelplilato New Vork ID a yacht were drowned by the cupalslug of Ibuir vessel lu Friday night's sto

The I'nrnelllu-sln i>ai'llamciit have deeldcd to lie \\\f new government lime to pcrfei-t an Irish ill, but they will ■ ■■ --1 -~c on the prohlbliiou of vletluas.

The Qrood Army boys, a* lliey dally )i Ihraugh Hall Lake City, hold meeting* and m

seeches to the Mormon*, which aglbile lluiee ■ulry

llrlgndlcr (ieiiernl Cook, V. S. A , has Hid dtai-gea RajalnM Oesawol fflUJoke Porter \mm nn 1'orter'i crllli-lsiu of Cook at the seven daffl battle In INU.

Itraritinn frlgite Aimlrante has aniveil a Ni>w|s.n ami «111 remain ludnyi. Prince I*i!

Uie catholic uliurel there yerterilay.

The Mnniirneturcrn' nssm-iatliHi in Ilnv-kUin U ordered the Shoe SbOfM cli.aeil in rnanglUBUl I ■ tllttl ri-m., with the LasHfl iinlou about 1 011 ,',i-,11 workman.

In n letter lo Virginia ricetorn, en Solh-lto I omkes a violent attnek U|K>I

1 Hoar, Kdiiiunds and Muliune sml tin 1,'l'lionc loiiipnny.

rnor Ireland of Truns ha* letegra|>he> 17 Riiyat ■ ninl the i«..|,lc cd BUlfo nlu-Mil on ilielrnwii aiv-nunl.

in the dtsiith* 1. ji.iiti.1 by the u-legraph Ki.-of WlUluin .1. tii|H-laml Of tireat rail* :, promiocnl Inwjer; Calvin Seat

■tain l*vl Kme

B nji the Wronr; llotiao.

UILMT of \ ,uin:; I ■ Lawrence House at Old

Halurduy night tliero was a Aliline and the Law-

rence genfcp,,,,, atun.led, and enjoyed themscdvesV,,,,,, ot lhct0i ,.„.C9H|VL.]j. When the li%r taiin, f))r returning w their hotel, <>\0( the party who was a tittle bcfoj.'-.-An,i came near IwconwBg beealnMd, - ■ u i ^ oll tl|S wav and bruu>>t dp at the rear eataWee of tbe Ocean Hoft, which be mlslo.ilctor lilff own botel. He was espied by the Ught clerk, who per- ceived that be was jot a giicsi there and

latod blm out of the bouse rather more suddenly than WOOB| is- consistent with grace of nmllon. Us got to bis own hotel atlaat, but Howe he Minaelf, perhaps, would not be able lo explain. The other boys are having great sport at Ida ex- pense.


Crack sine 11 Try to Enter the Store of Dean & Haxelttnc

At about half-post twelveo'clock Friday imiruiiig Mr. K. B. Marler, who resldus at »'■ Tremont street, In the block occupied by Dean t Hazeltinc as a grocery store. was aroused by a sound of breaking gloss and hurrying footsteps. lie went down stairs by a side entrance which opens on the street, hut no one was visible. He again rettreJ, but unusual sounds again aroused him and he onVc more went down, and saw a man as he disappeared from view. A glus door front next thu entrance to Mr. Marier's tenement was fonud broken completely out, only a few splinters of gloss aematn- Ing in the door, which led to an uuoccu- tenement on the secontl floor.

A short, time after Mr. lloroca Peters, ho resides In the next block to Dean &

IIa7.eltlne's store, 2(15 Broadway, waa awakened by some one trying to force open a window In his house. The attempt continuing, Mr. l'cters discharged his re-

the atr and tlie Intruder dlanp- I'i-uiv.l. That morning it appeared from an examination of the premises, that an i.tti'tnjit had been made to force an en- trance Into Ihe basement of the Dean & Hazcltlne block, for a basement door had loi'n severely tried, but no entrance! bad been made. There was no money left In the safe In the store, as tbo proprietors


The Testimony at the Court on Saturday Morning.

The Inquest Into the death of Hannah Langyan, better known as Hannah Con- way, was held before Judge W. Flake Gilo ID the police court room, on Satur- day morning. The seats wero not very well filled because the matter had been forgotten by the regular jury.

Charles MeCavoy testified to seeing Wlllam B. O'Connor atrlke tbo Conway .woman with what appeared to be r.11 axe witb 0 curvet) handle. This was 3unday morning. He heard the woman cry out. Cavey was out in the alley and saw the deed through a window. He said that tbe oxo produced In court was similar to the one he saw O'.Connor use.

James Galfrcy also was In the alley with Cavey and testified to hearing an outcry but did not see O'Connor strike Hannah. Heard O'Connor say that he would not have her in bis bed again as long as he lived.

John Cross, who owns a shoe storo near by, gave some unimportant testimony.

Patrick Hli.'glnn sold he was acquainted with O'Connor.- He came to me, BaldHlg- fili.s, Monday, and asked mo to come to the house with him. There he olTercd me some articles which he sold he did nol want, as he was going to give up the ten eini-ni, for his state aid had been stopped, Kaid that Hannah was no more, be bad


BAKING POWDER 11 Btttl« with vide ■ottths to adult a sjnw.



MRS A. A. GEDDES Teacher of Cooking.

I have 11-ct llnntfont'* Ilaklng Powder fi "* "I* nib*. 1 have lesled II llion,uglil<

NM'KK failed logvl go,,!) rosultr " '' linn* were fully c*rrlii| out. I

c.iiNil to any In tlie market,! ltuko much pleaaiire lu

iiij cooking clannui, am* to 11

were accustomed to deposit every day, killed her with an axe and burled Iter In and had an entrance been galoed there the naxt room. Said to inc that 1 should would have lieen a small haul. There Il"'"' something about It In the papers next

.■ins to be no clue.

<;IIAM> Aim 1

Xeoilliam Pont ;to Takes a Trip to the Itcach.

It was a very happy party of foor bun- Ired grand army men and their friends

who took a special train over the Boston & Maine railroad Saturday morning for Old Orchard Beach. The train was in hargo of Hoys! Beols, conductor, and

Charles Hall, engineer, and there were lisagrecable stops or intolerable waits as ■ sometimes the case with excursion

trains. The train consisted of seven cars and there was aboard the happiest crowd possible to be cougregated together 011 a trip of this kind. When the party ar- rived at Old Orchard they amused them- scves in a variety of ways. Those who were of lively dispositions pa'ronlzed the roller coaster and rink, walked on the mooth, hard beach, or disported them- elves iu the surf. The more sedate peo-

ple Linked on In amusement and pleasure, breathed In the cool breezes from the breast of the surging Atlantic, or sought rest and coolness lu the recesses of Kern Park, so beautifully supplied with seats and rustic arbors. Altogether it was one of tbe pleosautest excursions the l'osl has has 1: n. the day being all that heart .■mil.I wish, and wbeu the majority re- amed, Ot night, It was with a feeling of Intense satisfaction with the day's pleas- ure. Quite 0 large number avulled them- selves of the privilege to slop over, re- turn lug Huuday night.

There are a I fi-vt 11 IT11:-

n nil* life w 1,1,1, 71... . tmi.luteli- certain,

that l»r. Pierce'* "I'le* laveno uipial as .1 cathnrtl,

menu of the liver, sml bowels. They are v-ery xuiull and their action I* pl.saant. 1 urely vegelabl,., iwrfectly harmless, ii ctnia a

mt I'niKiijsfa Pa nrtlr 111 tarangi

Viol. AUdrugglais.

I'lllit'i ill Of I »iv Viilrs

The funeral of Dr. K. 8. Vales occurred at two o'clock Friday afternoon, from tbo family residence. lit) Summer street. Ser- vices wore held, kev. J. M. Diirrcll, of the Garden street church olllciatlng; there was also singing by u quartette, The remains lay Inclosed In a casket covered with purple broadcloth, and pre- sented u very natural appearance. The plate bore the inscription, "liugene 8. Vales, 1849—18*0." At Uie, head of tbe Ottknt rented a beautiful pillow, with the Inscription, "Husband," in blue immor- telles. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Kllott tendered a large open hook of white carnations and roses, which bore the Inscription, "At Heat." A large creseut Inscribed K. 0,

M." was the gift of th'j Kdtfhta ol Machahss, while a handsome anchor In BOrlbfll] "Monadtiock" was the tribute ol the Odd Fellows lodge to which the de- ceased belonged. A beautiful anchor, Inscribed "Papa," was tendered by the lit- tle son of the deceased,while Post M, G. A. It.,tendered a large star, appropriately I ihe,I.

The tribute of the Knights of Pythias was large and coflly, being a representa- tion of the symbols, of the ynlcr, and with lb. letters "P. C. B." each 011 a field of flowers of the some color aa the colors of the order. Kearsarge Hiicampuieut also tendered a large itud handsome piece. On a pillow witb a background of Ivy, was tbe tout and encampment symbols, the tent in while carnations and the symbols made up of many hucd (lowers. A pillow and sickle was tendered by Cliaa. Kllloll. At the close of thu services, aft*1' a fore- well look had lieen taaen of the remains, a funeral procession WAS funned, nml the remains Mna to Belle vuc cemetery, where they were interred. The procession, as well as the funeral, was In charge of C. II. Smith, and was participated In by tne following: Lawrence Brass Band, Need- uani Post 3.1, G. A. It.: Monadnock lodge, I. O. (). F. [ Kearssrge Kiicampment, 1. 0. I». F.: delegation Qulndaro Lodge, Knights of Pythias; delegation Essex North Med- ical Society; delegation Kuights of the MachnlHB.

Ifyoa'huil taken two of Carter's l.lltle i.lvrr •llt* Issfora retliUig y..u would nol bavr had Hint iiiiigue or Had u«lc lu imi inuulli till* luidiig, h.e|. with you tor isicaalomd ■e ilweodlw

day os,ho was going tt give himstdf tomorrow. I asked him why he did nol then, and if he could sleep there with that corpse In the room. Ho gave some cusc for not giving himself up then aud replied that he could sleep there with the corpse. lie said that she would smell in a few days and he would lie arrested any way. I went to bed that night but could not sleep and Informed the pollcu. Did not notice that O'Connor appeared excit- ed.

Captain Carey of the night watch de- tailed the arrest of O'Connor and C. G. Merrill corroborated hlin. Frank Hut lett also testified tu tlie same .-li,-.-i. Dr. V. W. Kennedy gave the result of the au- topsy Tuesday morning, which was tbe .-nine its given In tlie AMKIUCAN of ihst dote.

City afnrshal O' gave the most Important testimony; be testified as fol-

O'Connor siid on the night of the arrest that he killed lluiimib and burled her In the woodnhed, but where ho killed uer, how he killed her auil why he did It, In- would not say. In an excited state of mind, however, that nlgbl after he was locked up O'Connor said i "John Desmond wlH never again have anything to do with llanunli. He ruined her and 1 am glad 1 killed her." O'Cjnnir said that 011 the *J7tb of January Desmond callud to sell fish and while be (O'Connor) was gone after a pall of water Desmond and Han- nah went to bed. AB O'Connor returned he said he heard llauunhsay, "there conies Jockey," and be saw them get out of \M_II.

He never lived with Haiimih after tbalbut ho used somelliues to come to the house,

aud last (Saturday afternoon, aho asked Mm to co-iie to her house. He went that veiling and she came home with blm, re-

maining till night. In the morning he spoke to her about Diamond and she - ml

be would do more for Desmond and liked him better than she did him (O'Connor,) Thru lie struck her with tlie axe, and lie- Ing afraid that she was ouly stunned he hit her several limes again. Then he laid the body In the m-.U room where It re ■named oil day, and several persons came In during tlie day. At night hchulllatlru and burned her clothe-, and Irled to burn the body but could not. lie then burled It In the woodshed, after cutting II up so as to get It Into the bsg in which It was found. He washed the room up very clean and weWtsffd his own clothes so that there wero no slnlns to be found any- where. After making this statement O'Connor said lie was sorry lliut lie hod told any one aboot 11, as he had not In- tended to do so.

last HH months, i have le-ied'lTiborougbl'v'j,,,,? In...- M.w.n failed logvl good ruaiilu, v,|„. Ilrvell. in- ii.'i-i- fully out. I ,-,iii,|,|,,r |t

any In the market, and second I ,,,. ach plea*nre lu n-i unending It Ut

1 nv irtombtgcnm-ully ...ii K A, i,T:iniKs

XI Innman Street, Camhrtilgeiiort, Mam

MARION HARLALD, The Mil-known Authority on Cooking.

I cheerfully commend tSo Inn*" of t'i ,.1, ■ -,■ 11..1.1 .„■■ 1 1 of America. They dBMrraa In the and kitchen I'll,-iiii.ue In tin- family n

rc|.nrnt ik Ing I'r, .the llim.ekecner.

li,.nor..lib- a place asdiiee bit Acid


MISS PAKLOA, Of the Famous Boston Cooking School.

Sd.WseulUi'i'i'.'iV'aL'". M. PAULOA.

naklujt Potvili r

Tlie Hoi

klna I r<tr 1

Is for aale

Rialonl Otnlnl Works, Proildence. R. I. For *.'nli- la l.n »■ • in ,- |,j.

S. KNOW1.KS A (To.-, 7U Mali, St., Mel'AICTIIY llltus., IIAKT ft MAlAiNKV, I. I.tiNKWUN. Ii(ltamii»litnt St., ii i'.i-lsv.,),^',''','\',K"1' »''"""Iway, II. ni.'Mi 1M1. ,.■, tin. i.|»,u 11. ANfillKWs A . ii„ 71 . „„, „ ^L , -^ Ult.'-,V..;.o„.n s,., '' U. r.CIIAHI.'I'iiN, |i,| Cmu,,,,, .St.. C.A 11.AHK, T. WKHU, I,. A. II.\sTI\(j.a, ' .HUINIiAI.V.Ho. ij.wrcne*.

And all oUier ifmnmt, mhOeodwSai


Blood Purifier No physician In America onal repnutlo:

mlly curing 1'ai

O'lny ha* s . ..\J.riAmv.l Tu.,,„■'., >,-rorWIa, a

tlonsf reiiiitallon as hit. IS."C. KLnWKItforraill- Iy curingi'ai lli--,' deep -. l.ii ,,.,l,iil.-Mi,-ui.-,ll, ,| H„rld reganled as well nigh Incurable. I»r. Mower', ttlneil Purl Star, more iimn anything el*,,, un* contrihuied lo


diars]lolled n-piiiatbm by l_ „ lu *|Hvdl]y cllmltiatlng rill iH.buirio thels*ly,aiid kly eupplylog 1

iB|» nu- ll I- 1.

( ihe inir.- nil. i,|.. H| ilth. Thlsprcii

ditto. ,,,M.i. taaetl MI, mill, loinlilnallon of Ihe il Iy blood reinedie-.

One bottle IN eiquitl tn olsrht of any otlior blood innll. in,. |n (ho market.

CANCERS, Tumor. Si-rnfidaBmlolhorterribleld.HM| iroul.iM 'led hi'I I.,, 11 |,r -,. I :,!,., ,|,,|, n j....... .,,,,. ,pl. t I eminent ,,N>-I'la.,~ It U, o "'•I' " *tl\l. Ot lll.iHUIITIIii.-JKH-..-' nllh an rival urr.sual In .■radliailni; nil i.'i I,IH of disease from Ihe ltloi.,1, cleaM-lN( nail aaAeMtug Ihe akin, and


—The niirrlago of C. A. DoOooraey, Ksi|„ ami Miss .Llz/.le Roberta, occurs early In September

—Dr. Bylmlef Melvln, was thu llrst man to pay a tin for the year lssii, and John Parkinson, of 1TG Water street, tlie Booood.

I'n-*ldi-nt Arthui'a law pnrtner, Mr. Itsn i.ln-lge (lyiir, ol lUlmny, N..]., A. A. Drake, , S. i. MUH-k hveluiuge, Kuv. Ste|ilica Mel N. >.; and many other* are WIIIH-BKC* th,.i ncr* ".skin Suive**" i* a safe, mire and ■'-1' rl' Iy h'f -kin eoiiigilalnt* uf every uaml di-gni-." U aud TS uiuts, drugglnta

Puliner Co., S. \. liwlaeo-i '

iMinlers cauaoil by a bilious state ol the can lie lined by u.liig CarUT'. l.lltle

;- >opaln, gilpliiM uidlsi-omfurt nlleml lug their use. Tryllicm. ilwvmllw

Puxn'S KXTUAIT, for Internal as well *„ ?x lernalBliplicfliliiii, I* reengnlii.l an ulthaut 1111 cipial for neuralgia, n^us, hemorrliuge and lo

■i,,,.,,,,,.,,!. dwlwewl »«♦« a. _

HATKKVMH symptom*. tblUorihe ■111, '■■ .111 11

til: Inflamed leof Uieouiilrlle, tear

■ iniiini, aun.-iiiig the lung*. An acrid , «s retell, the dlw barge I* arcoiD|iaulHl lmruing *eu*ntbm. There are nevcre

■pasm* or sneering, fi-rouenl attacks ur headache, wnnry ami liiflnined eye Kly'* Cream Italia Is - "vmedy that can lie ,ii.|>eiidcj upon, in cant*,

ilriiggl»U; by mall, n-gisU-nsI, iu rent*. Kly Urnthurn, DruggtaU, Usregu. N. V. dwcod

The farmers, In their swamin, we're su Coiilil nml id., roots and plants tlintci

IT by their knowledge the/ only knew For Just the. dlswaau eacfi one gre*

Takcvuragunowam (for knl*..;,llier HI

As on this remaly you can rely. dwh

-A study of the Interior of the resi- dence of lion. Muses Stevens lu North Andover. Is an education in art and archi- tecture.

■ The horse atd wagon stolen from Mr. Haynor of West Andover, Friday night, was found Saturday ubnndoiied lietweeu West Andover ond Lowell. The poraou

1 stole the team had left It after badly using up tlie horse and wagon.

Mr. William W. Dean of the firm of n A Haaeltiue, on Broadway, is the

tlrst child burn of 4«erleen parents born in Lawrence, having lieen born In April,

. Mr. A. Jopliu of Hampton, comes next, who was bora lu Februurv, ISIS.

A photograph of tbo notorious Rider Wallc and family wits picked up in H.(- verblll on Wednesday. Tim %wkgronod of tbe picture Is a reprise mat Ion of Pnra-

.with this Inscription t—*•! will guide I." "Faith's way," and "KtienexeT.'

—Charles T. GIUIs, clerk for Decker & Whlttier, and Miss Kdllh K. Boulby, a salesloily at A. Sharps & Co.'s, were mar- rled on Monday by Bar. O. ('. R. Wal lace at the residence of the bride's father, Thccoupln will take 0 Wedding trip to Nova Scotia.

—Fire was discovered at a few minutes after 1 o'clock on Monday In tbe roar room of Mogoon Bros, store on Broad- way. An alarm was rung In, and was re- sponded tu by Atcamcrs 8 and 4 and the Chemical, as Well a* the boss carriages. The flames were confined to a point near the store, from which the lire probably Ignited. Tbe Chemical pat out the tire In a few minutes. Tbe loss was small.

Try It 1 liei-lor le accept any m table, and la

;i,-i'i,,..,',!! Iioynml a ilini V.III will ncvci- ■emisly. It In [■iin-fy vego .|ll.'.LI.-llUi,' ,„„-l'

Perfect Spring Medicine ever made. A lilFT. lt.i,i,-ini„-i i,.- ,.lll —41

Co'llUbdll' i,'o,',',".r,,,1'l"',,'l''h' VK"r l",''L' with shn,,),,-,n..., and 'n g'n'rii"niimlIi"r"of valuable for lie and nt-rlid*. (ilve lisma ..r Oils paiwr when yuuaemt. Addraas,

FLOWER MEDICINE CO., 170a Washington St.,


GUNPOWDER AND gun* wen. first Invented by Swart*, a

monk of Cologne, in 1.140. n,. never dreamed of the mischief and sinTerlng lie madft 'po*nlblc. But when C. IM.IIAVKS A H»V* of ib.-i ],-- StSSsI IsbsHle and soil, through druggist* and grocer*, tin. pure (j. u. Taylor Bourbon and Ilye WhUkey, Uiey put within II.u reach «f every one a lUudnnl nitlcle of nWltlnlaal vlrtui* whone o.\. celU'liee is ni,e,|iniili-,|.

WSUDI Tin: Lm OK HmiTT irlcdln a smile, they .11-1,..,- a row

p-arls rlisilngln inirlty Lbosn wlileli tin- dir, brings Up from Ihe bottom id the r.-r-ini Se What will ls-*t )in-«iTvc Ibena gritia nf lliemoiitl .Siizolii.M-, the eelei.rate.I iH-antllh rand pn'ra-r ntlve nf the tee tli dweudlw


DYSPEPTICS I have been a great "iifTercr for years

"lib »li,ii 11,> |.u\ siei.i o ,-.. n- chronic <l>'s|>epala. I have trlM s«>vernl ■neiti- elues rei-iniiiiiii,i|i-,l f,,r my eoinplalnt. anil reeelved no benefit mill: n.i„ I tit \< Kl I I M 11)1 ,|{ BiriKKS. !(,-. ■ cK Ing so 1110, li I,en. Ill t'coiii 1 I1.-111, I res! It my dnl.v 10 cc 11,1 ihfin to the public. 1 II i-s. A swiii 11.\,

Knojliieer at Woter Works, Ni, ll.-v t rt.-j. Mass,


CIDER BITTERS Mil,I :ir.' 11 ..-",',I l. ill, h,II In '-..ili'i, ■ami the torment* of prickly it.)*I, ikln bintior i.i liTltalloiisof every klml. Il- lni>nilleiiUar< 1 pure sml mild that It can be aafely uacd 011 tin

■nostdtulcatesklu. ii'i eenU. dwlwowl

Contnlna no nlcnliol or wutcr, hut Is POIII|>OHIMI wholly of jnicoN from fruits nml i-xtrnrts from roots IHTIIH, milking It ii jilt'UKiuit s«im- inor iliuik. an Invigorating anil str.-ii-ili'iiin:; tonic, ait',; a Hiiro cure for Dnpepnta, l(li'.'iiiiintinin. itlitlarlu, IliimorK In tl., Kyritem, and kiiidiiil complnliitH.

Doolitde & Smith, 34 & m\ Tremont Street,




Lawrence American, LAWBBKCR, MASS.

KlllliAV KOKNIMO, AUil'ST 8, IBS*.

AVoekly News IJrcvitlcs. Tuesday.

The imbue debt tletasased daring July *».nw

•I'IK'IV 1 S II $M e lii Haliim >• I.i-1

ollectot in Washing

• In the Kant st


Bsscher's BBMIUU

to* Torrttotry Hint in

There vftuin destructive li J.oul* stoel-yurili, yesterday,

Tin-1> It'll lining Tim- lil II lw« U-viniT \nve, been .Igiieit by lhe President.

Col. II. fl. Smaller WM yesterday rniilir t •Iloctorof i utumi .ii Huritngi.'ii, \ t.

Kit) Jmin I'.irtcr ws» ecu'illruicil I.i the |>o*l!Ioii IMI the lidi..t ll.lln nhleh In' w* ilnulc.l.

Ii in "«ii| tint transatlantic itfaniablp companies. will dhclpllae 'in' Rod MM company bj ■ ntttag raws.

fhtlf seem- to IK - nut- i|.mil! :i> I.i tin1 pfUwagi, nf the r'urttUcalfaiiiiblll.on lnu' lo llioiihlir* np- position.

Tli* New Vurk 11 rand Jury baa been Instructed ID [iivciUg-nlc 11H' elmrgcs prefericil i.gainsit one mission, r -111in-■

Further return* from tin- French elections as. nun- i rapubUflu majority In ihe chamber abusl an large n» hiTi'lufiin*.

JaratM A. I.. Widnier. n llnstnn lawyer. It un ik-r arrest mi the I'hnrtre "f cuilic/nlcnicnl i>( trm-l fundi atsvuatJng tn tUBWillo,

Itv order of ttoverwor Inland, the |udge and ■fcorlffa who aided In Uw alleged kidnapping of Arri'*iiri->i have been umicd.

Tim Irish Siiitnniil league liim ordered Us brancbM In i "UIUT Kerry to prepare ror ■ gen ITIII itrlka again**: ibe paj meal of real.

Maorice IL rtynn, to whuta Bollla M. Bunlre ■ml timt nutabte letter, has been iIlamWtNl from 111.' County IMiiisraey lAeenlm t_ »lilinlt l< •■.

President Adamaof the I'nion Pacific Hallway denies that lil" company ha* obtained control >■< the Oregon Hallway and Nnvlgtilli.n < pany,

The def ■<■ "t the iinnn hlsi* was opened In earnest al l.hlrngn, yc-aorilny, with :in endeavor m prove tbnt Ibe police ihr. » the bumli which ilia the-taiwblol ax ibe llayninrket.

THK Comoro Islea, of which Franco |

has just gained twsicssion, lie be-

tween llie *;rc«t island of Hadagaseal

and Africa ID the channel ol M../.;in-

bique. The most important of ibe

group arc four in number ami contain

aljout 7i),ooo inhabitants. Bugar !■

largely cultivated and exiiofled anil

tlaic aru Home nftDOfUllurea. '■ I'M

hern expwed ibat llici-e iilaodi would

..',1 vvcLiaall; t>» brought umlcr tin-

confral of Pntnot. u lor ilio period of

forty jca's the l#l«cd of Mayotla IIM

been invncil by tlmt nation, bavins

beta i.'-tillirmci In its poaaOMloo in

1846, by the ratification if a Lreaty.

Tbo scene of Mi Irealy, recently

signed is Johanna, a cit\ un no island

of the same name w'lkii baa lot

a port at wbUib hlii|is have called to

Dtmta provisiins. t£tvtt *-'• »• B«'I

Uobiltaaraiwo otbrr lilandi wbart

lopplieB maybeproiuicil. Tbo conn-

try ia roouolalooua but tbo soil i- far-

tile and ibo islands arc a valuable ac

qulsition lo la belllgerant Franco.


The (inuid Army Trip t« (all fonifa.

Third i..-i'.-i-.

■aaaW <>

i Hi.- i:.

i iiiii)>uiiv, :u -«iiitii r'ran -.■i,iiii, .ii il»v, agalii*! Ibo lAmlaa' ortlweupi Tin'* BfU-rwantK nun lui ■ 11- rclun il„ guu -hut.

The -Mt.' I'T.ililliltmr) t •minlii.i mi nii.l iiil.i|iiril Pi-milullimi ilnir nl K> vcmoutaii'l di-n iin.lliK Hi-' IMrtjrmore bltterl) than M'llll.lll 1.- t lill Wll ,..i, r,-. |.i

The KnglUh ruUer Ital >l. :< H i Vln iir.Nl. of penph'In Harli ihoail harlm

.linlK>' ' J.I i lltu $ Sen Vork, ■ ■ *lfr \\, nil

r ''" V l.lllir 1 i t iiti't law- ■ that tin rltiirtti fully In 'Mtlgnto ■ *l wrote tli irrai

Hull (. write I'll II' of 1 neat ciu I'll, il.

Mayor Kblrldm of PHI

eleetetl 1 >-the Ih-i MM rat*

TBR report accompanying tlipaenale

bill to appropriate 1708.73 in llfcti '-t

roinmotationa for tuel anl qntrtan

and extra ilnty pay t" each of ilia por-

8on« named who were on duty »!lh

Lieutenant Grcely la the A.relic rc-

giona, with die usual provlaionn it aiy

oi the nineteen persona may IIHVJ died

previous to June 30,1884, l» accm.

pinied by a lew couroenlariea nn t' ■■

tardineaaoi tbo trananetlcm of ini-i-

DCBS of Utl.-t nature whU-li are well

chosen and will bo appreciated by

many thousand.1* ol ciltzent "I the

United Stales. "Fourteen of the

nineteen persona named In till*, bill,"

they aaj, "are doadl" With reaped

to the living it «oca on in any: "At

the talc of piogreaa which ihcir prayer

fur relief has made nil in iv b« <le-

ceased er.i action is tai.. n. Tm* lain-

ilies oft hose who h:»vo died, nilhnne

exceplltu, aro in n ■('■ s-itom circiiin-

atances. Il seetni a eommi nlary upon

the administration of p'lblic iilUir* thai i A

these mm have been so long denied ly

that which men In aimilar ;;inl.'* in L,

the army receive ou duly nl I. ".jut

Whether the defect abkh bin de- £

pn\et them of thiaeaista in the Iaw,jm

in the administration of it. or in llie

Dw n, Cou>funo, Monday, July 88.

wo tlioiHaml, one liunilred miles from I.-, ami already Ova thousand two bun- i feet abova the aea level i )iwt throB-

nriliH tin; dlatauce from Boston to Ban Praaclsxo. The Union EHudBe Railway, with Its courinolag link, the Central Pa- rltli-, wan, la, aud muat contlone to be, um' ol the marvels ol American clvlllxa- lloni a reckteea man wontd he have been who. even thirty years ago, b"«i prophe- HIC.I the completion of an iron highway tbroogfa the heart of the Rocky mountain* across the continent, along the trail «l the Intrepid pioneer, brnnaont; today it naatbeoriglnaJ tranM-cbntlnenUl'UnBfPom Kansas City to Denver, tbenee to < rune ami Ogden] the latter, and tn-tneipil rcail from (iinnhst u> I In-yrim--, ilie Oenver Junetlow oomteetlon, the Ota- uon short line, ami numerous mountain ruada, altogether

Anon 6000 MM i- or RAiawAv;

i Us lufiucoce upon the progress ami clvlli- | /.Uiini of llie w edt. can not IICOVI-I-mtlniat- ,-,!. unil m the bnslncaa capability, the pluck and the energy of Oaken Ames <>i' Ma-HnacbUMsiU lathe country Indebted for iii.- success of the magnlllcent anterprli-e. oajiaba I* practically the eaatein lermlBua of Hi-' nonhurn, now the principal lino nl iho i'nion I'.miic, although Councilitluil- ■D the opposltu, easterly bank of the Mis-

souri river, Is tin: transfer stal center the various railroads fri ulsoharulng tnelr pas«*engcrs Into the ureat siaiioii. wltere they embark on the ciu-sof the !'■ V. for lh« trlji west'.vard. Here we were met by .1. W. Uurse, the uriieral pannenger agent uf the Uulou I'.i- ellle a'- Omaha, by Col. Bain 0. Jouua ■ mi Un- tfvaugetle-t, but a li.'lli-r man,- «i"

■ 1-' un |i.i--i ngcr anent and by past Coin- u, ■ .' i ,,i i i I Paul Van Dor Voort, .i . nl h... . ■ . li'iit, all ni" whom have

' I,'-, II •■■ i.-i'M ittu.H In their efforts to auc- rtss fully arrange and carry out the Grand Annv excursion to the liohh'ii liitc. Ni ■ lirasba is peculiarly

\ un SMI \un\ si ni-:,

:ih.nil every other man yon meet wcai iutf ,.,!■ bailtte of the organisation, and a y«-ar i,r [wo ;i majority "l both hrant-lii's of itic l,'gl»lature beliiK uomrsAles. The I'M

I'ncltlc may eijually as well lie cm-iil.-i

the tbooaaoda of exearatooltta travelbng I LAK(iK TAX PAYKHH. westward over Its Hues; the prtee of # tickets was advertleed to be ptJM from _ . . ., . . Boston to California and return, bat that CorponUott, and the Amounts WU finally voluntarily redmid to 0-U, ami They PSI the pries of msaJa at the aatiag UOU-CM

alon-x Die- route were n-ilucfilto the (Iratid Annv 1 nun BS to BO cents, ami the hill of fare was nrat elaas In every raapaeti t» addition, side trip excurak>aa were pro- vided al a) t one-third llw regular fan-. Today three speelal trains, cinniyloj,' over a thousaud pi-nple, have enjoyed that Incomparable trip to

CIJUR CI:I:I:K CANON ANH nil fAMOt'S i ui c.

The eanon Itself 1 have described to the AM HUH AN readers on previous visits, but u^ heantiea are ever new, ami Its wonders pall not upon eye or mind, nu matter how frequently seeo. All of the railroad- frum this polni Into thofastneasea of the mountains are nocesssrlly narrow guagtt, the abarp curves prohibiting tin- employ- ment of ears or t ho standard pattern. The unusual number desiring lo participate In this excursion pretty severely taxed tin- resources of the little railway, and there wane rush for seats whenever a train

In; an one of these drew up, a group of the Slaasacuuscfts |>arty dlsee'v- ere I

ludiviiltial rirma uml Aasoriit

tions I'Hjhig # 100 niitl Over.

The tax rate In Lawrence this year Is

BIO to on a thousand dollars. There are

wo? rateable polls on which the tax i« s-

eaeh. The total valuation of real and

personal eetats in the city is tar,lQS,SU0. Itenidentstoc.iholdirsof Ihe four national

banks are taxed »M,»JS. (I'he taxea on I he

corporations are given below, as well as

Individual:, llrms and Associations taxed

ime hundred aoilara and upwards.

ooaruuTions. Ari'lillial.t Wheel Co . •*■ <** Mlil, ailituik- Hllla Hay Multi Hat. Hank Borttw -\ Lowell it a ll,Mtuii.V Mniiklt U.wi-U'rii.l

AN uii>i;n\ AIION

intlrcly open, on the rear mil stationed themselves ti vUere It was thonght thai ,Ln"; llie dlaUllce was « >ut ou rnshlng for the | loors were found to boiockw a-us coming In a hurry. In n lozcii comrades wore over tin

r ii train

lui ii slcnlated,

both llleci-.iW'

moment a side of tin)

. into the windows, ami as the hurly- ■ly continued, a score of ladies follow- in llie same manner, and as usual Mas- huaetta was not left. A ride of four- n miles across the plains brings us to iii..II. ituBtllnn undertbofoot bills, here fcond engUte U attached to the train

Bxlng, we sweep Ind

1.73U t

ni l.lttht Ml 1.UVHI lliirni'rtii C

» Nivlnso Hunk

i .'•■.; i- ].'..-.i".i i.i

*xi f. I-JII> nu

Mil i.u 4.iu.; m

7tt H ii,ii..i in

lA-.uuinl .(..lui Una Heetoi V UM|UWU ll UIKU Samuel Mr. i.urjr Jelviulnli Ji Mi-lanm-y A i « Mark A K Murk A K lm-l.'e M-t.ln y II l > »lal SJ Kllt-n A Hahonat htarj Mrs Mull.-y Mil luirl MomiliMii M ,<i II I) Miinnlii'-, II -,||- Miiriln Ii N A i; M li .n „ M,HII..I K,,-.| Ut Mil i i \\ in M1-M.1-UI-.I..I1M li HeAlltnirra lt»ni>rn M.'i uln' K.hvunl Mi-I urtin .M:iry Met inrv Andrew ■' Melhriiiiiu.liiliiis HeKvo] Jaawe .M.f.lliin An-lutmlil SI. (.r.-..-. r M<IK,.» M.M.11.,1. Mi.-lun-l T Hetlsn A 1, Melvia SywaaterDr Helvla gP 11 Mi-rriiiiti J rVaah Uerihiui Tliuli li. r Merrill GmN Merrill Mlelmel l> M.'iriniii.k Iron foondw J„B ' Hills ll r MiHiers Klljnli M MOTgSJI I're.l A Muni* Ueo A It.ilKirt I'

...., .„ I>:MI v an M

I.', in ■JI.. ;:. -■-1; :-;

:n:, -it 1.' I, an t: I7« V*

MHIH-JH-'I.T,<t Lawrence it Harruaac Paper Cu Sii-rrlMi-t.- Vnll.v II It It Hanroe rvit* I-»I«T CO lVmli.-rt.iii S«l. Uiuk lli.l IM I1..M-,, A.n'll IMelll. Mill. Paanbortoa Ca KasVall eaper Co - ■■■ H'r'gCu - -II Paper Ue

iiinitmii Mill* tu CM un

1,44* -X

whli Mi.'

-.-uial ; ni'- Col.

rapacity, is a ■ ageut, and 1'aul V:i s known by all the eon

nly loi ibis urn re had 1 little str ml h

M,;ie .1 very large \m idllclah of all grai nn 11. Naturally, an

has been blasted outof tliesultU rock, am the train twists along the serpuntlm -nurse of thf swiftly desceudtng creek. ■ro-sin^ ami rt'-eros.-'iiiii, nhtrply turning ilmoxt a right anulo to avoid a massive cliff, then

M.ihiMi A TiurLi:

where ditfereut cars on one train will be moving In three directions, agaiu dodging beneath "ovei-haoging rock" an liumenne mass of grnnlie, of hundreds of tons weight, projecting over tin- cotlru width of the cars, as If threatening wralbfully to crush oat the puny eO'orts of man In the invasion of nature's wild-, all the while climbing skyward with au average grade of 70 reel to Uu> mile, at one or two

oiiiw rencbtiig 200 feet, un every hand IM mighty cliffs lowering from 700 to miO feel, which, but for the turtuom

All-till i > Aii-nnn."i


Chpleur In Its vicinity.

Kowibuiidlai mi !

TheCrot 11 l-i-lri. e r'reib r k Wllllo 1 b.r itpt-miil Hi. .. l.-l.r.t l.-n M. 11 .IV l.'.l.l riht j, ,,.,'-:,i j ol llie llliMlrl 1 H 1 lik.'l it>.

It 1« run ■ml thai wine •{ III, l,i,(-1

iuekeil .nit • f llie N, 111 re i- " -kpiieklil I-HI

ni.-nt «lll reak u.-' iank« 1 '1 M 11,111 " "' day.

Three ni ■j were 1 11 - .,, ., :

rtaTRwl w 111 IHllllplll-ll) 1 11,. r»l,lH '> ' MA worth (abimpe f«i»«i 1 I"'" .llli.-.!.

< .rtain .( Ill,' Ti n. -i- 1 nil, Men fill

ba«o -tin fartlwr wtliiioi • ir 1:11.'. ■" - paaaage b ini-ellli.' nit

'■ lu ll> II

nul ordeia as ronttlrued, is 1

lieal ,.„:... ipivi.ri-. Tiieaa

1 silcileil fur ilits expcliihin

cause ol liioir supili-r pro'

atrenglli and (ndiiniiice, nnd I'M1

suit proved tin1 wisdom of ibo cii

They enlisted for this haannioua

age, understanding that Llie cjnin

tion nskcil for would I c nccortU'd

it is also a citciimttincc worthy o

consideration in their hcbali thai i»

pruintili-'ii lias loiluwed HI

Inr iluii acivices, and Ihe platilila ol

Llie |n" [do ure futind n poor Fubs'.t-

tnlc lor the money which tbey ask, lo

■ tl.ev ire eiitilltd, wbitli lliey

have come to require, and which they

trout I have recdved b-.v\ ihe> le-

niued in Washington."

~?: rd - I Hpl I al train

.iliiilraftlv ar

.■led. No at v llie tlious 11 [mil the or

I is belli.

ills ealiluated il lomorrow night in nddltlou to Um h cars briefly stopping here, t mad will have so sleeping ears on 1 way lllb-d with Urand Army |ieuple, n ih.i't mi Wednesday lUorubiK. t-'1'1 "'" will successively leuve tins place, at lilt, iiiiiniies Intervals, from this point 1 s. tii. .11 of the New Knuland iron, in nii-i-ftil charge of Mr. jieuuls, will

III' III,' .In in, ib< Ah


of llie 1

\u inn

n iis grandeur at Arkansas, ibis \-

ful of all lim Colo aea »; llinre Is a strange fasclna- 1 in 11n- weird wiillness ol tin* seene,an

■ now ami then an unearthly screech, little cuglnus puff aud pnll op some

i-lally lieuvy grade, then whirlthetrsln nnd a curve with a swiftness that

■ Mini. In >nii|i oil'ilu- fear cur, darling

HK ANn iiiniu ii'lioss THK s"riiE*M,

nse waters, muddy with the wash >:-i many mining camps, dashes Itself ii foam agalnxt tho huge boulder* lliat

ivn little precipices, an

.Mm W narraelouili Ifishk

ill II.011111I1 M

III u,l N. llli- Y ■■ Alls-rt

lt,iif.liiinii Win H, In/In smuli I.

il'- l„;... Th

ins!; the rnimert ■ yards ailjoltiln; ■ ■.:,; inn are . ,

I Ir

u of Itlabo Springs is passed, from 1 a ir.iil leads U» Chicago- Lakes, 1 feet above llie sea-level, the bigh- itln- nl water In America, ami the of llii'tslinll's famous paint lug, "A

u in the Itocklea." Further un is :re.t uiiulug town of Ceorgetown, in on threu slJi - bv moiuiuina,

has i-nlnj; are buril dries and aiisn ' Jds, thai or I

nl KI4.I win ,II'I:

IliRUt Kl>.-I, I..,'.

I-.I«I.I tilei

ol a , r ■■ 11 ill! >

vlifi'e.ibo is It- s this yi-ar reach '■J th • tow . ilu- tram

ive by

to Hie ar " in

inlay 1 . itiuir Iwu crossed the Missouri river over the ' ■■n-ai. Iron bridge, ntretching out its ll ■ sjiaits of J.".ti feel each, at a height of au I iwt uliove high water mark, lo Omaha,

skirting .b rough a untaiu tof

on this cniitiiH'iit. The grade was too great to in- overcome by a straight array m- even a zlg-zng track,HO our train bear- away to Ui>< left, around llw mountain side, and then by a sharp curve to the rigliti crosses tli.- stream, turning down- ward, although still climbing the moun-

nplete bmp.

lintier l-ie-Ck liiitler A Koldnson HUN ton w in V II) -':"■»'* Uaboti n

■■ linn HIS In h. i nil ft True 1 nllaidian Idehanl

•■ Itumphery

r fiirtbe ou Ir

Army is the he

ibe world. 1!L'

Tin' i rwi.l Army HSau l-'raarlM-u.

M.iv r i.rni-e .-r lUOSll idnH »f< on

d ami mil stale of in i-s; llie si ■tliilrliig 111 there was 1

\v iturloti Joiind 1

.long tin- route; at all sliitioi

an reach, are itiiiilin Mi-s < ty, a place h:i in Ilu- tar ut

■: , Ian


Iray's l'i lit- sea lu

ik tow- el. So


t! :i. lln- tr e bridge.

all, twi-


>r tolU'il Ves, llie lug and

1/ ri. SNAK



grasped the arms • iv men refralnei ly nut nl' tin- cur ■■ and all came ex md glad wonder

g 1 >wn. th ',■.' '4^

the luturo mid pnividd lor

9fan army which dull lit -. L Norih Plain

eipi ..1 lii 1 tl,i

\ 1,'ll.r fi..n lUU-iiii-nily for lie life.


from now The '. niaon :.

ly Imi t icre ju-lgni'iiil Is i- li

I upon bet an..- im 11 pi ins

,| yriitvn IV1.n1 w-il .!..:■ -;

M.di!t.%i I!

Uicr, an iluii

future is I.M.dil.i "d'y U'"

that pioindioii i« possildd,

honor* l.lo retirement ia a>si

cause he rcHutpnshes, when

braces the profession of n n

oppoiTtiniiifs w'nit h civiliiti'

Df laying up pennies for a 111

iirofa.lva.iceini-,1 bv steady

lucky apvcuhili'in Tin' liei

ernu.1 id is l'i ■ ' 1 ' "'e-.i

,,„■ »ivuiv;iiuwiililiers .t pi a

peel in lile, provided lln! il

Ibe 11..I ii.l-' fealu

; !- uf ii..- Pluto, rli

irlionof lb-' s.n ,>nllri Iv bare, a- ...i.i iarg'T "' '

ilv b.iit'iin of Hi

11- Mourcc llian it ,!' tiii< ivau r a|

or Ijein^ ^walloive ilownvvjyd foiii'.'i

of th<;

i-s bet nee ti a (a*.k - seen -Itltii^ >ltu- nr whisking I bin

, fVe.

A IMsttiitfulstied»;;uition

Major A. W. llreely mis reculvcd from

'larti.r iuehe: : tliab.i

llatiil Itook ol (.1

lie .1,-.

uf WillUui IV. foamier of the society,

with (!.■■ Inscription "(ivUKMVs I'll

li. ii. llrllaniilu Hex. r'vndiUor, MOCCC

eyx." On the reverse i- an allegories

female figure ai.d a-ro.ireseiitatl if thj

.-. with Lns'trnmeuts ol navi^Ui

|i) the '..'ft baud of liii) llgure htsparlii

iiuioiiL.i map. III her extended ri;

laurel wreath- The instriptlon r< od

I'erras Rcclnaa*, 1( >)'^ Ueographloi

L-iety, Loiuloii." Around t iin-ilal are Hie words "Majo

frobnte Court ■tireniiMil

ight lo d'-;

■is ol o-ii^... '.; 'i '■■• after cloven

yearn* duty,'.lie augoieiilcd pnj nol in

anv case to exceed lotiy-tlve sixtieths

nl tlio einoluiiien's lor the relinquished

unissioo. This tinnlilicatiou will

have llie i lie. 1 of constantly ad

vantin.' the ineiiled protiiotlon of dill

cci-i who origiually entered llie ranks.

The ordiunry liuesun» in ail the

hranehe* of si rvice also henetit by the

*wly introduced regulations. More

"f I abundant ami palatable rations arc

n'st.'provided hir rank and file and hot 1 ■ hrcalifasls—a novelty—ate lo be aup-

nii'il plied llie private soldier, according to :"'- standing orders. The pay ol llie latter

III"," has, besides, Iwcn sensibly imreaeed

The wills of tli follow

proved ou Mouda ■ at Sal

Aiiplelou, 1|MWI li, Mi

o.iu I-'--ll length.

llie shrul.iw of Hi leluhllld Ut li

* M. NichuK llaverlii

There were graiitetl.

Inventories of the were tiled: William MuJ hill, *i; i-enee, aJMO; siarnh Ari


cast Its Im-


llslitd at Itevei'l). Mai

Slnjor Merrill'* at M.i

l.etlf rs City

clouds pile v hi railtaatlc altape!-

lyiire, ami

great rays were cast athwart the in sky. Uluuiiustlugand beautlfyln* using hours of day. Denver, «i«i ■ I the Uouutaius, gum) ulglil,

raarlts C. Osgood >'in (W***8.Ci.

iVuivnit ami ls»\\i H Cricketers. s

. o' N. iv England has i longi'imllmiud light for

orlekel held as hsslicen I mil Law

tear* took tli lei

• |i:l .i.ak team into the Held. -.IK till' gton ele<

EIr Ibe l.awrem e AMI.I:I-

alifornla with the U. A. iirsioulsts from llie east, Is writing very Interesting articles for that in relation lo the trip.—llaverhill


Fourth Letter.

Dtomm, OdtoRam luesilay, July 2|

The 1 nimi Pacific Itallway have dof everything possible for the comfort

teams ever n New 1'nglatid crease up to that

TIj ■ |.i'.i two seasons Lowell has ,11, i , if, ai.-i to-day that city ean ;n„ -ni. the Held which ean fairly

xt to the I.ongwooil-i. ami if giving that club a close in,'!! of Lowell Cflckat are

HIS to BM the two alpha meet, as the woods would nu.I in the I .mveil play. ,.„■ i' worthy of their steel."—Bos-

on (Jlote. 1

ukod i

KMderJaall hi ley Urn* KllU-lei. .f.ilill I, mball Wui'l' l,i,.i,,il rtint l.l.M-.ti'l Meilt

and Ktlw^nl V

■ IM KiiHA Win S K.irl. i lnlsllioin I !,:i.-.llli:.-ii- lir.,-

Muses kuk W 'UltllUlllJllrSe Murpliv I'a'rlek Sils-n llniil.-t lull's N.-i .Hi.nn .1 Im -^ Nelaoa Mm ia \

Quo A ■s llvmitnu;

Utdway Aanm Man M hulrs

l»llui!l -., O.wtd.l Win

UT e. |!.- HI ;i., .'.i [:;,. :t- i'JJ tu-,

I Oea tl'M«h.".nev M l'aiiru Mary Mrs

,, K'ltt anl he 1-nrk-l W K 1'i.rkiu.on John Cull. I-...H |i,,ii.| 1 l'i.yi,„ fays,.ii Carle »n


Opening of the Niitionul t'onvcii

(louutKuii I'raiii'lsco.

The national encampment of llie Uraml [ at <

Army of the KeniiMi.- began il- -e-.-ion at

San Francisco Wednesday

a throng "f apactators. Oommandsr 1 Chk-f Burdett, lu Ids opening atUI

naitl that the membership (lu good ataml

big) of the order, March Hist, was gOA.QSJ

a gain of 26,048, The number of comrade

remaldlug members is ;IL'I;.4:I;>. There 1

abundant reason fop congratulation a to

found lu thj exhibit. The lime has

when the-rowing weight of years

elently excuses nuvy tliousands o eoinriules from seek,

yet out of the diminished ant I

diminishing number of com rait

our ranks, We gathered In

me during last year a new me

Of J0.G03. This Is a greater

intituled our whole luemliersi

and at the close of the year in!

General Burdett stated tluil

current of the iinnrU'nnasterg*" IshOWB

balance of cash on hand 3m' 18M'

•28,861 0U. There was onJT1 Mme'M- jits for the

Tun BOB-

MI: ttossii*. Andover Advertiser.

1888, Ai:i,'.N)U 40. The net

rear are therefore 8ii,«a;

gestlou Is made that tlisf'"'1

vested III I'nitetl Stati

port of the adjutant gi

expended for charity _

•176168 H7, but th/:I",rl of tl,e in'

spector general shovi"'"-v"L'l,,Ull,re ""■ ,

der this head for tf """ p,rt0d * "U I t;Mi;l...slsoulo|//;':,i:",,J

The re inws ninount

year t» hi

his vacation,

irkeri Morris,


I. Kauir-nanof Blcknell's, is w


.Messenger Uerrow goes down to |

for his vacation.

■s. A. S. Dodge ami the Misses

are ntUld Orchard.

—City Treasurer Patrick Murphy has

illruied as post tu Baler.

-The family of Agent Stone of the

pacific is an Nuiilasket liencll.

—The water la the Men imack is higher

than usual at this aeason of the yeur.

—The New England Water Works As-

sociation will nieei in this city III Septem-

l ;.*>. .'.41, 7 ou.

IS, I l.OMllM.l

. in.; l-j -IS go, II lop, I„1II>,,-

t.i siileni. 7 :«,'.i ■■'■> ■■ p. in. smiilny * St ii. in-

sjilpmtn An.l.ivi-r, 7 -im, 11 »a Sim-liiy ii::k> JI. ia.

North, lay "

The Lawrence (

series of sports mi 1

icketClob have their

s grounds Saturday,

eaoe of 9308,

the relief fiiudj


171 SI !.:i I;I Jin si

■i.; ;-i ■j..i :.2 "::;'.{";: :►..-. in 7;m :,: It-.Hlev ■:_■'.■ I- K.,ver*

I'll 41 liu-loii lii II Un.-ill


Ityley t

111 V.'

nil H'I Bargim

t.7' :.■ 1 -. .,1


im ia

i:ll n7 >,„':,.,

W ].- *?'* IJ7 HI

1 la ■•: si,.,uii

S'i 7-

...j .'. -.,,,,.-. s,.t, .■ --Illllll

1... ;u ■'

[ 70.

8, ,1. Tllden


11 |, i

Going Kant, I .*,'., >i.,47 p. in.;

38,037,, •j>, :. :n, 7:12,

13.'..! i:10,l 6,4u, 7:4a

; 12.V*. 5:«

4 :4:t,8|>. m.

',,', 9 i.i p. in.; -nn-

.: I5JH, r'J'l, 4r«l

ihd ni ha


-11 :ll feeble

lie, yet his sudtleu demise

was cat'rely unexpected.

cause of death was a fall-

lion Of the heart, following

.. of diarrhoea and nausea,

as peaceful and the tpilet

is! was surrounded by the inunedl

iberaoftbe family, Mr. Hideo's

Miss Qonld, and the doctors,

ei B. Siniomls nnd Samuel Swift.

ysls and butlity iiillruiilies Incident

Inge bad reduced Mr. Tllden to a

nere skeleton. Owing to paralysis bewiis

[liable to close bis lips, aud Miss Km in a

ioold, Ids faithful companion, has placed

o his month every particle of food lie has

eaten for the past year. Ills daily routine

was to arise nt about 4 o'clock In the

morning, call his vajet, take bis medicine

and breakfast at about 0 a. m. He kept

posted on all the Important political

movements of tnc day. The morning

papers were rend to him ut lirrakfust and

when the meal was lluished lie received

the reports of bis dlfferentnmployes. Mr.

Tllden was a native of New Lebanon,

Colombia county, N. Y-, where hu was

born, February '■>, 181*.


isters ol

i Eagle,



not yet SVOII III


run ;;n

ii ii,n-i i,.r

The New Bedford Standard 1s recom-

mended to send its syllogism to llie gun-

smith and have It cleaned ami repaired. It

says: "The elms mi Boston common are

full of cocoons. They are also full of

sparrows, l'tgo—but we can't make the

syllogism work."

Mr. Sweeney of New York. Once called

the brains of the Tammany ring, says the

only thing that could induce him to re-

enter politics would be the desire to bene

lit the party. Doubtless he means the

grand old parly of the name of Sweeney.

When Mr. Morrison accuses Mr. ltnn-

dall of having a '-fiscal distemper," docs

he anticipate hla "taking off," iu respect

to the duties, or what?

The Sultan of Turkey bBi presented

Mrs. Cox, the wife of the American min-

ister, the grand cordon of the Order of

Chnkat It is a wonder he did not chuck

■ beautiful slave at her aa he did at Mr. Cox's Illustrious predecessor whose wife

was not with liltn.

When the Mikado characters which are

produced In Ice cream arc passed around,

Ynni Yum will go first rate.

We have nothing in this country to cor-

respond with Hie celebration by Queen

Victoria of a fifty years' reign over Hit

BrltOBS, except the "golden wedding," In

the celebrating of which our American

pieens have the pleasure of congratulating

one slave apiece.

—Among tfie arrivals at the Lawrence

House, Old Orchard Beach, IsF. M. Howe

of this city.

—The new Pacific counting room build-

ing is progressing well. The arc

at work upon the second story now.

—The Ku.ssell Paper Company are mak-

ing improvements In their mills, aud will

put in one or two new water win

—Misses Florence and Isabel,

Editor Charles S. Dana, ol tl

were in town Tuesday, from

N. H.

—The need of a new h irse

through sections of the city in

opened up Is very great, ami ihere

seem to be money In each a line.

—The general careless and Untidy con-

dition of the principal business streets of

the city Is a matter of continual comment

and adverse criticism by the tax payers.

—Mr. Oscar K. Currier received a dis-

patch, yesterday, from Milwaukee, an-

nouncing the death, in that city, of Mrs.

],. L. t'aufy, formerly Miss Cora Potter

of this city.

—The stock lu Hie new railroad 'e-

tween llaverhill aud Lawrence Is being

taken rapidly, and by the emi of the week

ll is expected that the •*JO0,o00 worth of

shares will he subscribed for.

—Frederick Douglass Lane, of the class

of ■»", !,. II. 8., has successfully piwetl

the examination for admission to the Har-

vard Medical School. He Is a son of Jan-

llor Lane, of the Boston and Maine north


—The Boston A Lowell railroad reports

an unprecedented volume ol business for

the present summer. The beach and

mountain travel has not been so heavy ii

many years ami the freight business I:


—Major N. E. I.add.ol lirovcland. who

has bean a railway postal clerk for years,

on the Boston and Maine, between Boston

and Portland has been removed by the

powers at Washington. Mr. Lnild is a

republican ia politics.

—On Monthly morning one of the men

at work on the new mill of the Washing-,

ton Corporation fell about nine feet from

a staging and struck his bead on a plank.

It was feared for some time that the man

was killed, but he finally regained con-

sciousness ami will probably recover.

—Mr. Btek of the Industrial school

brought to this office Tuesday forenoon a

branch of an apple tree thickly tilled with

fresh pink and while blossoms. Appt

trees in bloom In August are ijuile a rare

occurrence, especially us full grown fruit

can now be sen upon the trees.

—The quickest transfer from one mill

tary company to another ou record, i

thai In the case of Daulton nnd Heavern


Memorial Hall cktfOU this week.

Mr. L. II. Fumes is having Id* vacation.

Mrs. 8. 11. Shenell Is In Brooklyn, N. Y.

Mrs. W. H- Jewell Is visiting Keimebmikport.

Prof. D. Y. Comilbck is now at Moose head Lake.

Mi-.,'. Nellie ami Georgia Kuow arc at Ken- nel nmk port.

Mary Blood uud daughter are al Ilamp-

□tl family of Salem are at

ceapy the pulpit at

returned from tlai


I'mf. J. P. Taylor will i the (-Impel next SHIIIMIII.

Mr. (leorgc H. Gilbert Im Ocean Utilise, Nwiinipiicolt.

HUMS Carrie ami Belle Pearson arc i|«mllng a few days with frlends in town.

Mr. Alonao I.. Rhode*, with J. B. Whiting, i.- visiting friends in Philadelphia.

Mr. L. P. Cutter and family are among the many Andover people now at Kcuuuliuuknort.

Den. J. A. Siurrellnf Mt. Vemon, K, 11., is pending a tew days with Rev. c. ('. Carpenter.

Rev. J. J. Itlair preaches at llie Walnut Are. ■liiirili, (Dr. Plumb's,) Boston Highlands, next

Unite a number nf people from thin town joined Hie 0. A. 11. (lid On-hard parly, last Batarday.

The Albion's tit Lawrence ilcfcalcd the Abbott Village, cricket club, lasl Nitiirdnv, liy a score of 71 to 41.

MlM Jennie Snow left on Tuesday fur York Itoach, when- -in- 1- lo pax* two week* at ibo Miii-shall House.

Mr. Thomas Unwell ha* finished work on the tmikUag lately owned by j,,im Cummx-k \ Son, and has rented it ai a li'ani.

The Rev. (*harlc» II, Bliss of Chicago, who Is ■Bannering here, preached bill Banday mWakc- lielil, where lie wiu KUirktl for many years.

Prtif. Bark, in-foinpanled by his dime-liter, left on Tuesday for Ticoiuleroga, N. Y., whore they arc to lie the gucht* of llev. Joseph Cook for a fortnight.

Mr. Maurice Lynefi of Baltimore, Mury-iund, known in ei'tleiiinslii til precinct as rirolhcr Raymond, Is visilhi;; his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. J ui'i ii Lynch.

new lbelsil.1 sure has liecn placed In the of- ol ihe li. ami M. rtanoa. It is a siipem

jilece of Hiirkniaiisliip ami scenin tlnni.iialily proof against burglars or lire.

Her. WHlinm O. Ptsir jircaclied an ehspirnt senuoii nt ihe Soutii church last Sunday even- iii«, selecting- fur bin text, "Not by might, not hv isiwer, hut hv utv fnirll, snith'llio Lord ut llosls."

Chief of Police Choever is very tiicrcssfiil in raiding the nun dens. I a-; Friday Die Conway brothers visited Trial Justice 1'isir, who cliarg- il them with Nle^iil keeping of lutoxleanU. I'pon lieiini found guilty they were each iiiinl *100, costs of eiitirt Hin) two months ilnpriinilr- meiil. They appealed nnd were bound over to appear nt the next Minimi uf ■ holier court- Il> .eeiii-. i.iliiiblr Hull their i.]S.'ii violation (d tlMT law uliould not 1JO punlnhcd lu a very stuumary-

The 'iiik-t neiglilmrlieiidof West Andover wflg of Buttery C, who have been dismissed to nut „ tittle alarmed lasl Satiinlay uionihig when

)■"»«»■ "-'»">■ c i r ,i,r ,1...i"^.S'-ti'^Sib"„n%^"Tr! they may enter Cm lists In the ride shoot- \\niinui Kavnor ol a horse and c,pen road

lug. It was nil accomplished Inside of ] ^^Vi..,,^?"'.- *"?*' l"U'* ll",,1"-lt^a *nA -n" two days.

Mrs. Mc]liiuahl, Wife of ex police ntllcer

Matthew McUoiiahl tliedWednesilay

log, of apoplexy, at the age of 4;i years.

She lius been a resident of Lawrence for

the past :nj years, and a nu-aber of St.

Augustine's church since Us establish-

ment. She haves a husband and three children to mourn her Iocs.

The follow ing notice of tbo death of a

former Lawrence cltlaon I* sent lu by friends of Um deceased:—

£', Died lu Sun Anxclos, Texas, July ;•!>, of

:« consumption, John Gourlcy, aged 31

w I years, 4 months, is days. Mr. Gourlcy

was u resident of I.awrencescvcral years,

and a member of Grecian lodge of Ma-

son-, being nn uprignt man, held lu nigh

esteem by all who knew him. His health

falling lu the summer or 1884, the doc

tors advised a change of climate. At

their suggestion he left tho city In No-

vemlicr for Ban Angeloa, finding a home

Willi bin Wife's brother, who reside

there, ami at whose house he died. Ills

health seemed to improve for a tinu

the disease taking a fatal turn, he failed

steadily, aud on July 10 betook his bed.

He died trusting In God. He leaves a

wife and one child, and a large circle of

friends and relatives to mourn theli loss. He was biir'.cd July ^;i in San Angeloa,

with masonic honors. He hail relatives

in Lawrence. Lowell and New Hamp-

shire papersplease copy.

Die.l—In West Sorreuto, Fin., July 27,

Elisabeth A., thing liter of Albert Croaaley,

aged IIJ years and four months. Mr. ami

Mrs. Croaaley resided in Lawrence until

April, Itklt. Deceased was born in Lons-

lale li. I., ami hail been ill for some two

months ol a cancer trouble which caused

icr death. A husband and three small

■hildreii survive her. She was a member

if the Northern Mutual Belief Associ-



A Cant inu to TfUChirn.

ct me warn teacher*, especially young nnea, ilnai aiteuipiliiK I.I reply to any v., i .■■!. by a iilnr when they do nut really knew what iwer ti. ttltc. N,i one ean Is; prepared Mr try question which can lie Baked. The veriest

foul can n-k nnire In live minute* Ibioi the grout- philosopher can answer In ■ II retime. I kuow

llie leinplallon Is grwil Ui glvti a reply ol iiime snrl, wli.t-.h may lie right or niny he wrong, "tor fear ihe lebolars sliuiil.l ililuk us Igii.iran!;" hut that temptailou mutt bo hauled with. The real reason why an answer Is attempted, ninety-nine ease* nut of a hundred. Is pride, and It I* prbla whteh will cerlalnty have a fall, Turlf llie w-hular .|.,e*ii'.l know nt mice llcillhi.. reply wasngne-s, ha will ii'ineinls'i' U nl «..nie -t lunpportiiue tlme-]iertiaps i[iinle hU nwn wnrls agnliiil him. Then, In teed, will the scholar look down anna Unit Iciieiier. uint pruUhly give him a far lower plane In their regard than be really deserves. If, In.wevcr, I heir lenelier lo generally well-liifurnied ami well a lie ail or lliem, he is 111 not sink ut nil lu metre-liniailoii tr ho bonssUy confesses Hint he caaaol suawur SOMM partleular qssatian— It Is generally one <-i last—on ihe spar of Usemontaat. -h.mill carefully trsaasre the qnesHos,

hat be oMalna the oomct answer to it for llie very ncM time hu meet* hi* class, and

inld give them the reply, wlih tiny other lie foriiiatlon about the ■uhjeet he may think nt. i

peak from a lively experience on Uila mat. A few iluysarier 1 took my first nnd only , ivc hud il lesson In which loma nl the .lulus ot Ihe l.aiel were inentloueil, is we spoke of iliiiii. I was suddenly taken

■back with the quaaUSa, "Teacher, whut'i liltlli.-m iiiiiiiuliilii liilliewtirhl:"' I eonress I had some iOH or nn Idea Unit I', was 1 'lilinlIIirti/.n rorttnialely. my better nnluio ansMIUSrett, aud 1 a.iiiiiiu-tl i did not know, hut added, I weald tell them In the nrtern.Hin. 1 know that I bare never torgotOm slneo theu that It Is Mount Bvsreat, sad I do not think tlmt they have ftn-goUua it either. I toiiiul lluil llie l«,y whoasksd me knew It, sii'l hml I iiiinle a guess, wnul I have Uipptd mo in Hue style.—The Quiver for August,

Plnatfl OfTho "Trail'.;" I*npcr.

Some of the most prolltable newspaper property lu this country Is found In the plants of the "trade" paper. A glance within a newspaper directory will con- vince any one of the completeness with which this field Is covered. There is scarcely a trade or Industry or enterprise that has not its representative journal— either dally, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Some of these aim to cover all the news points lu the trade they repre- sent, aud ghe. besides ireneral informa- tion on the subject, editorial ami other comment relative to their particular trade. Others, through neglect, iuability or laziness, have let their advertisement! grow up till they have choked up the news features. This is especially true of the older and richer ones.

The advertising space invariably In- creases at Hie expense of the news IIIIIII-. The advertising rau-s are very high, as the price charged for subscrip- tions is but a nominal one. In fact, many of the magazines distribute a good- ly part of their circulation gratuitously and they can well allord to. The journals of the brewers, Iron men, furniture man- ufacturers, aud the railway papers are by far the richest of the hebdomadal news- papers in (his city. Most of these were startetl since the great lire, and have waxetl greal upon the manufacturers whom lliey represent.—Chicago News "Rambler.''

Instituted i formation of the stealing sent lo Chief of I'olice Cheever. Almiit ■ n'clm-k the tanunit was ilium! on the Lowell roa i, th? harness oh* the

and the eerftagn alongside the road. Mr. or appeared very happe when his pnipcr- .« returned, despite the fact that the bone

bad bean badly used, it wa» a u-i.i piece of il tilt; liibercanls are being li.nply

looked for.

wiurr .-■ mitlee have practically r ad-

MM M ■Hi TI lii ■-•:

r l*u ■Nil 1

A i.i i

■ hnviugaiivliilng like the rtenwMrt,tMeampMtow

iillcid prufcsnlein prviluec Hers, ami gl»e them names hit Hint nf the leiiulue, ami, on,sound like It. Peres rtiL-gi»ti will offer v.m traali .sli.iui." -I'sp-li lu," "(jip-


Eggg By Weight

iinoying to the breeder of blooded fowls to find, when he offer! for ;s nearly twice as large as bis re, tiny bring no more per tan tlo the smaller ones. Also,

■niisuiner Is often vexed to find that II-l pay the same price to-day for a II eggs Weighing a pound that he yes-

terday paid for a do ten ami a half. Be- sides, au egg, from a well fed fowl is heavier and richer than one from a com- mon fowl that Is half fed, so that weight compared to size Is an indication of rich- ness. Thus, eggs of which eight will weigh n pound, are letter and richer than eggs of apparently the same SIKC, of which ten arc required for a pound, i >f course, with eggs at four and five cents a dozen (ami hundreds of dozens have been sold iu the past years at these figures), It is not much matter as to Bias) hut when the price ranges from 35 to 80 cents per .lo*., it is a matter word, looking after, li is high time that thht. otd'atylu uf buying and si'l\lu<r, oggs wore discontinued. It Is a Mil' of the past, and reminds us of the times when dressed hogs sold for a dollar each, without regard lo size, and ,.,-n- dull sale, insist upon It, then, yon who raise poultry and eggs for the market, that Vj,t>. price for eggs shall bo no much per pound, aud then It will Iw some in- diiccineitt to fanners to raisu a belter class of fowls, anil all will get *vl:-; tu lliclr just due,—Aiucricaa Lural Uoruc.

..-. 'in I". -ini'lhi'V arc . heap, Init plain mimltu Is i-hcnpcr an.l Just as cflli-a eloiis. Ask f.iv llenson's, wntrh the fuelling and l,«,k l.ii-tin-"Tliree Seals" trsile mark, uinl 111,' wunl •tupclnu." v> liu.i. Is eiit In the rentrout the genuine. ' dwlwood


tli meslUi'0t A'thlir'/t Inw partner. Mr. H«n. .im;-lil.lHe nynr, i.i llJhnuv, s. J., A. A.Urubo jM.. S. Y, MUx-k K\chimife; lior. !*n>pu>ir Mcr- H4L N. V.; anil imoiy nlhe-b are witnesses that ■nbner's "hfcln Huecei,'' i, B nalv, soru un,] ■p-J'ly Tor skin eotnplatnu or cv.-rv awaaddegTea,'' IS and 73 c*nu, ilruKalnu1

l-albarC«.,8.Y. dwlaood "

A Lightning Story.

During a violent thunder atorin, which recently broke over a country town in France, a curious Incident happened. A young woman caught In the storm was 'hastening homeward, sheltering herself as best she could beneath an umbrella from the drenching rain. Suddenly she experi- enced a strange and alarming sensation, the shock being simultaneous with a very vivid flash of lightning. She felt "quite upset, greatly alannetl," but nevertheless proceeded ou her way,, and It was only on reaching her resideueo that she dis- covered what a mil mw escape she bad had. On removing her bonnet she found that her hair had been literally cut off, her head presenting, as the hair fell, the same appearance at. though It had been shaved With a razor. The effect on the girl's mind of the discovery was so great that she has been confined to her bed ever since the day of the storm. It is not the loss of her hair that affects her, but the recollection of the narrow escape she had, has so entirely upset her nervous system that the medical men atteut^lnu her ex- press the opinion that ll will hu some weeks before slio recovers from the shock—London Standard.

tern of H thenist ti(»K!"M). On the ftilfli of die 1 i.i. T it will lake (11*74 Tl.of pipe, WOO feet of 10 inch, 21 foot of H Inch and 3000 feet of (I Inch, 'the work is to be completed by October 1st., a bond of gtOOO having been fur- ilshed by the comiianv as an earnest of their

iiiieiiiiniis to tin faithful work and closely ally themselves to the contract. Among tho other companies sending lu ht-ures ure Ferris A Hal hulsv, Jersey Cltv, N. J., far #IO,a7« and Thomas F. Marvuy of llosUui far fduOO. Oth- ers desired to lile Itinircs or tho work but urr BCeoont Of Ihe scarcity of pi|r .le-irc.l thetnuc to be continued, but this nes not thought ml- vlsuhlc by the committee.

Tho marriage of Ml«n Maggie Collins.- anil Mart in Dngaii was macnilloently solemn izrtl at St. Augustine's church, lust Tuesday morning, at ill oclock. When it was announced that the

High Bridal Han, both ii trading parties nnd uiter stranger* ratlirrrd to witness that l«nilliful servioe for which the so- ciety is famous. A few minute- past the fixed hour lie htiiio, dressed In bridal cloth trimmed Hilh lace ami holding a I mm pie t of roses, tripped up llie aisle in company with the liesl man, im- mediately followed by the groom wllh ihe bride's sister, while fnuii the organ came forth tieelsofi le rarely equalled In that ediliee. Ihe marriage was performed bv Rev. Father Hi i-. ■■11, cousin nt the bride, assisted hr Pro. ilurilhey, O'Brien, Murphy, Cnrrau and' BnBfl- van. The shigttig WHS nsiiallv gissl from ill-,- Fact thai the \l - (lalviii of Ijiwrenec, sofct* (icleut in eliiiii-ti miiile, were present.

At the numthlv meeting of ihe bOSMe/tcbool committee the fallowing yonng ladles were as- signed the ichooln alioiit'towii as followh -

■Jml class (irammar, Miss Alli-e Jaipiith. 1st intermediate ((Iramuiar Iniilillng), Miss

Mary ¥.. Copehunl, South Centre, first iu-lmnry, Miss Marv K.

Carter. Senior class, Abbott Ylllage, Miss Family

Me Id rum. 1st primary, Miss Emm*. Oonld. gud prluijirv, MUs Uertniile Mason. it is a singular fad that the vouug Im'.tornr

the Village school arc all recent aa-m- l*rs of I'uiiclianf.

IiiteniieillutuFrve Village, Miss F.n,tn»Ward Phillips seh.M.I, Mis- Miiiili* A. ^d.oniiii-. Istluteruiedlttleal lttllard Vale, MUs Klla

Baton. 2nd granminr, Miss Florcnco Ayer. It seems uiifortunale that our schools must

sustain such a multitude of changes In teachers bin the appointment* »rciu good and, altlmtigh the disgruntled continue to llml fault, all will no doiitit, hi the near furore ebiion« of the coiutuiltce.

!ure acipilosee In the de-

Aicttcr u iiisile Tlmu Wliluo.

As I was taking a walk, I notfeed tw little boys on their way to school. The small one stumbled and fell, nnd though he was not very much hurt, be began to Vrhloe in a babyish way, not a regular roaring boy cry. as though In- were half kiiled, hut a little cross whine.

The older boy took his baud in a k^nd, fatherly way, and said:—

"Oh' never mind, Jimmr, don't whine; It Is a great deal betUtr, lu"whistle,."

And he began tu whistle in the niorrlest way a encevhil bov whistle.

slltumy tried to Join the whistle. ••I can't whistle as nice as you Charlie,"

said he, "my lips won't pucker up good." "till, that la because yiuihave not got

all the whine out yet " said' Charlie; "but you try a lnjuute. and the whlatle will drive kke whlue away."

So be did j and the last I saw or heard of the little fellows they were wiilsH".ug away as earnestly as though ihit» waa the chief end of life. —Laxly Dew,,

Are s :iile.[ In ., ratlle. u„-\ .li.,|,,... a row < ichi-is rivaling In unrlty lUonw which the tllvi lii:im- ni- in.III 11,- ;.i.,i,.i,i or the I'erslnn sc. Want wl\l Ueslpresent-then, ireuisuf tlieuuniO .Hofouosr, the .s.-leliiiite.tlK'ioiUileranilpreser am* of Ihe nielli. tlweoitlw

Carter's LIUle Liver Pills may well bo termed "I'erleotloti." Their xentle a. li.m snil gwo>l " feet on tho svslem, really make them a perfect Unto pill. They please tapes who use them.

"Mrs. Allen, have von anv objections to hav- liiganowsi-iaii visit the Interior of the Poor larini "I should be very glad to show yen through the house," was the reply ; amlluconl- inglv we were shown up stiint n/vlsit the hsuao of tho issir, the desolate ami unhappy tl* hon e> of cveryihhig and erorylimly that rulsfurtune can make miserable, this was the scribe's innate aggregate of a "PISK House." At lirst we did imi see much of anything, sort of bowtldand, the thought slrnek mir mind -'this can't Is' tlie jHKir bouse;" Inn U|HIII knpiiry were assnrc.f that we were In the m>r*l Of the tnumtes, ami sure enough Murllu Rovsy Is coining down the- iiirrltlor, lint ■ ->. ami just as |Milite as yosslhle. "Here l* wlwre Martin sleci*," said «nr atten- ilftyt, ami a Isroail, iptlrk was HKT lesuU id our entering his -Uei-ing a|iartmeul; stuck tn the wall anil selected by himself asm two of tho fuuiiicst advertiBeiuunts which, we, were in funned, ure ckxttd.v irnr.nlcd by theis--

■u|iant. All of llw other adjoining rooms were, .[sited ami will, wo venture to say, bare tW iu- sisx'tiou itt Hit- most »ke pi leal. Thu;farwa*|ieci fr.un the house Is something lieautaStf, II is uoahtful wheihera Iwtier site i^mUl have lieeu sek'ctcd fOt an liiklitulloii of this kind; Ihe view of the surrounding country It ooiuinamiiug nail indeed enviable. It was * pk-asurc to mXlei- tlini the Inmates vlsll one aimther making ikorl hut verv pleasantiiills, nil lirealhlng the same pk'Hsaut atwiosiJierc. While tlio ni'>ieiit arc -I'.iK .' .ii ineir liouies l.usllv cmiiloved In work of pleasure lo thtmselve*. Illile do they think uf. the privDiiou* whleli arc umlvMuue and the- mlsvrv evlsllng tu homes of tbt* kind. What tu. >viy Christian and admirals* life is dial of the woman who voluntarily sails after the deprav- ed, the Wicked and m-l, cheering theu- unhappy moment* nml ios|ilrmg them with rhrisllau thoughts. |aarlilng them t>< letaaprtse the ihlugs that are beautiful in U/o ami Auallv, bidding farvwcll to the liuiue ami nialnm whjeh canseil- such happiness, enter the world determined to. amiril eoiuiorl to llw ulltlcted. Ilofare oar de- parture the very gloomy Impression of |ioor fiirin IUi' iniiivly 'lisiippeared. In fact, altheex- pense of rvprt'tlon, we were very much Im- pressed wliu the absence of every tiling that was

j uncongenial iu tbo least. Iiut wag

' ^assBBBBBssBssaBfjai

Ml" Xrllie Kaiiies In in town on » visit.

Dr. Dromon luu returned from IJIocL Iilaad,

Kov II. F. Wilbur will preach uext Kubbiilli Bt IlilUTlnl.

Mr. Oeo. V. Mason* dniititiicrs arc at Chat- ham, ('"I"-' Cod.

Mr. Itciij. Drown ami wife are vIsitiiiL,' at kUlgartuwu, HIM,

The family of H. 0. Iluniiuiui start for Cros- ,. ■ iL isr.u ii tomorrow.

Itev. J. W. BaUsntma, of Durchuter, "ill «■ . n|.y die chapel pulpit next Bundaj.

Mis* Blanche Poor will accompany Mr. II. 11. iinriilmiiiH family to Crescent Uesch-

Mi-s Surali S. llluiit Ii spending ln'r vacation VLTV pleasantly m OCMD Turk, uni Orchard Beach.

A trial ooatatl between the Andovtr ami Hal- laid Vale eBfflnae will ukeplare Batorday af- teniix"', ut -l.'M, at Hallar.l Yak'.

Henry McBUaroey appeared before Trial JQI. ii.-r Poof, la*i Saturday, dianrad with beating in- win) lint was fiminl not guilty.

Mr. .1.1-1 cii Smart Ims rercntly liu.l a l*?auH. ii moiitiiiieiit cm-ted to the memory of tjis

parents, m tin Bfdaoopal ebnica yard.

Tbe Urral Legion will meet at the Vestry of tliu Old South dumb Saturday afternoon at iiiiU pant two. It bj hoped Hut nil the regular members ami those who are intending to join can I* prct-eut at tlii- meeting.

The CoiigregalHinaUal any*: Prof. ('. M. Mead, late uf Amluver, now Bring abroad, ru- rently addressed tbe students ui the llnpilm College, llegeut'n Park, l»mloti, and nude two pottitH, vlr.: tho need of i-ulllvutiug candor and chaiitv nf jndi^nent as to men and method*, also die Imperative need of unwavering loyalty 10 eonvictkitiB of truth found d on the revela- tion o( O.sJ—sentiments which were received with applause.

The Fanner's Club, and soeh other persens BJ ,l«*lre t» join them, will make their annual excursion on the iiith of In, They will lean Amlurer depot pmnipllv at H.IOH. in. (or llav- arhitl hridfre, ami (lien take the steamer, City of Haverhill, galling down the Mcrrimack to Black Bocks, and sncli u wUh can no to Salisbury beaeh. The fare will be one dollar for the ivunii trip, children half print. Arrangement will he made to ai:cmiiin<>dntc frlenda from Bal- UnlTate ami Surih Amlovcr, nolice l>elii« glv- en H cln-ul'Jrs, to l>e dUtrllmtcil. The Amlmer unlieslra lt-i- Urn secured for the dav, which will no doulit add life to the excursion ttbleli Is no throughly enjoyed annually. If jnln nhnulil Interfere of'course the date will lw postponed.


Mr. (Jeo. I.. Barker has returned frui; West.

The distribution of tax bills will eomi at once.

A lot of new Ixioks have liecn received t i!,c

F. llot.T, 1< ■ Dealer, OnlerV t \ it'- ll -, tkdlai I v„ie. Order* p



REMOVAL. iivlnjr thnrounhly renwdellad UM atora rare :..';il< ,1 bv I', V tV;. ami lltlcd Urn -ai MilliiK-n l*:irlort», I wi»hi.i iiiini'ioue loi

HENRY P. NOYES Would rc.p-i-lfiillv mm in- n> the i-itl/en- At A ml,HIT nml vb-lnilv thai In mill eoiilliiu.-. lbs KH inn lire I.j.-,ln-— iii all ll- brain-In-*, at tlie <>l<l

slmid of Tln.mii*. Uuwcll. on Pal* Bb

Cabinet, Ipholstcry, Cnrpcl and Nhadc Work.

■ii H'l Cm ri In -■ ,

. ..'MU.'.IM:;' Ml i -inioK it, ,t-

.!>,! It,. 1,1 I UK.

SHADES and FIXTURES Constantly en Hand or ihii-liiil to order.

k Is llr I Hn«, ami I i-^.n fflvc Iny '"us u liem-tlt of naif years nxperieiwo iu

J. E. WHITING, Watchmaker and Jeweller,

80LD AMI SILVER WATCHES, Krench und American Clocks,

Solid Silver Ware, Plated Ware, L-i>'-r( H-i ■. itud I-.)«' tiliiHses.


J E. 7/HIT ICC, llarnnrd'a lirlek Uonk, MAIN STKKKT,

AM)(IV|.;i(, MASS. Janlwly

Stoves, Plumbing,

... ..lid will carry . m at the old moid. Maun/ l,i in In nf Mr. i' i -. 11■ I c fur twenty veara, he

I l> tmnlllar with the l.u-im-.-., and n'Hi ami n-i-i-lve the iiairoiiairc nf all it'* ru-Mim'rn and umiiy Othera. He arge iiiliHtliiiiii In the atnuk. ami oflbrl

Ubfl Mr. Oco. I-. llnrria hits lieen appointed ft

p diiemaii.

There will l« no net vices at the I'nitarian Chuntl • I ill ii,.. A :i.' ii-l.

Laajw covered accond lwi»e for the La men DM at Kew'uiiryport, Wednesday.

ller. J. H. CIllTord, Of (iennantowii, Pa., wa» in town recently fur a few days.

The police are on the lookout for Sunday llshenneii at Lake c:ochicbewick. *

All the aliad haU-lied at the Point this seaaou were ptai-ed Iu tbe river below I ho dam.

The Charitable I'nlon will resume Its meet m.-.- the lint Wedueiday in Septeuiltcr.

The Etnincta will have a ioclal BMcmbly nt Steven* Hall, Friday evening, Sept. 17th.

Messrs. Frank KHi», Tlios. Ilaverty and John Smith have (tone to the Indian Territory.

It !i probable that there will lie no more ahuotiuK for the Suttoii medals thin seiuam.

Mr. Kdwanl McKonc baa liecn awanled the contract to furnish coal for tho school hiiuacs.

Mr. Charles H. Mores lias lieen elected Su- pcrhiteudctit of Schools of 1'orbiuiouth, N. 11.

Mre. A, W. Lralnenl and Mum Nellie A. I.vou lira atuppftiji Ut the Ocean House, Juniper Piilut.

Kev. N. H. Martin, of Dollar! Vale, will Breach at tho Methodist Church a woek from


The former resilience of lion. M. T. Stevens Ii to l« remodeled and will 1« occupied by Mr. S. U. Stevens.

The lint Kiidon of the Sewing after tho ammiicr vacation occurs Saturday after- IIIHIII, Sept. 4th.

The Selectmen have appointed Mr. John K. IiiKilIx Forest Fircwiml, under Chap. -J'Jli of the AcU of 1S8G.

Mr. William Town* cut his ri^'lit haild M- verely with a scvlhe last Friday. The, wan dressed by 1)r. Wall,

Tim mutual mecllnx of tho Brick Store Co. will lie held at tho Centre Pott Olllcc, not at Fuss' drove, as has been advertised.

Two members were received into the Meth- wiist Churrli last Sunday U|KIII profussluu of faith, and two probationers were received.

A number of prominent citizens are advocates of Hie project to have tho town purchase tbe Suttoii grounds on Main Street for a public park.

The rite of baptism was Conferred open one candidate by Itov. W. W. Ualdwin, last Sun- dav afternoon, iu tho Merrimack river, at tho Point.

A team stolen from Mr. N. C. King, of So. lAwreiiee, last Monday, was abandoned by tin thieves at the Centre, and mred for at !.:'■■ stable until returned to the Lawrence police.

Principal Klnley ami a number of the youni* Kentlemcn attendants of the Johnson M; :li School conteiniilaie camping out fur a few days "dowO river," a mod portion of llio lime to IK; devoted to surveying.

With tho exception of oltlciatins at the Sun- day services, the pastoral duties of Kev. A. II. Amory, rector of Grace Church, Lawrence,who Is alweut on a vacation, are performed by Kev, K. 11. Parker. •

Hon. N. P. Frve ha* collected ft copy of ench year's SchiMii Coiumiitiv's Kaport from lH.'si to the present time. They will lw brand in one volume ami placed in the Selectmen's oilice at the library building.

Hon. N. P. Five has turned over K. C. Bnaaell the inonev received for delivering tho memorial address on Decoration day, to aid iu the purchase of a large tint for the soldiers" lot tfi the comotery.

The Selectman have patltkmad the Jmljnj of Pniliatc to appidut F.. W. (ireene guanlian of F.ilinuuil Drlerley, a apcndtlirift. In view of the man's habits and the fact that he and his family are liable to Isi supported by the town iu tbe future, as they have lieen in the past, this was considered the better course.

It was suggested last spring that a large Iron urn la) placed in Hie centre of the soldiers' lot iu Kiilgewood Cemetery and kept there. This would is- a decoration that would l>o pannanent and beautifying, but as we have Do O. A. It. 1'ost iu town, tho funds to iiurchose It must be ralseil by subscription. All wishing lo con. tribute fur this purpose can hand their amounts to Mr. K. C. V,\\/i.r.\\. lit whobe charge the mat- ter la.

Mr. Daniel Donovan, a well known clli/eu, died at his residence on Sargent Street, Monday morning, aged 37 yean. The deceased, who was wann-hearted ami hospitable, had many friends. The olwcip.ies occurred Wednesday inoniiug, ltev. Fr. I'lielan olllciating at the re<|iilem blgh mass celebrated iu St. Pi 'rick's Church, South Lawrence. He hehmgo.1 to Court Columbia, A. <>. V. lie leaves a wife mid live children. Consumption was the dis- ease which caused his death.

At a recent meeting of the Ciichmhcwiik Company an effort was made Ui reinstate a Mr Hums, who was discharged bv tbe Hoard of F.ngiiieere last year, but an adjournment took place liefore any definite action was taken .Subecotieiitly, at a special meeting, Mr. F.vans who was discharged at the same time as Mr. Hums, was re-elected a mender. There is con- Hiderahle feeling iu the organization over the matter, and a nuinlicr of Mttbui threaten to resign.

Tin. Shcrl-Iron, untl i .i,,,,, , lMinoltliiK- Htenmllinllng.V t"on

Ale,* tVork »r Itcpatra.


WALSH. Antlover


Orders Handled with 1'romiit n ess and Despatch.


F. A. Brown's Fruit md Contectlontry Store. DOKTOM OI'KICKS

34 Court Squire end 77 Kingston Street. '. IIHO.VN. H. K. VYIIITK.

1 llRve aieo an i'\ccllt;Dl Hut. ft

ART MATERIALS. ill of which 1 would aai ui it ly illrm-t yen

solicit a coutlni'iUnn fiC vnur patronage. Kes|Hjclfully



PIARMACIST, <NnrcM.w to J. J, ttro..

Main St., Andovor, Mas;



LcMtflt n„<l Until WltUcAMtiCoal. I "i.-.- i.iniiln.; .« «* •>

l.jkenB Vr.ll.v li i Ash " Hhiimohen 1Vt)lU Asl, " CiltiilierltiiHl "

Bart and Soil WoA, Preparcti Hoi, HAY ANOBIRAW.

UtlKIn Hmt. '%W'l„lii station.

MIKS Nellie it-TI'-rcoba-i gone to New Uodford,

laaa. Mis.t'my H.TiijIoraiid , la uS liter arc v.sVUng

Mrs. A. H. Clark ami children wore at Juniper Point this week.

Mr. KM m u in I Hill has given ii|i Id* "stand" ut

iiisiiury beaeh. Cyrus II. Gage is ttimporarlly cmnloyw) on um^kara'expna*. Two private panle* hell iUcnl.w at llarkcr**

t.mve, tVertncsilay. Will J.Toel, formerly of |U4»DVII, ha* been

visiting friend* here. Kd. P. learll Is lmlliliiig nn a.ldlllon W Ida res-

ilience, ou Kant strict. Hiss Lillian H. TroW Is visiting at Juniper

I'uliitaml the Willows. Acllliens'exiurslou %<t Salisbury beach and

lllack- Koeks U lalkeil of. The family of Mint. John II. Koran, of the He-

thueu Co., is visiting In Haiib.inilon, '.ft H.

Tho usual notices, forbtildlmt haiidng la the Splckct ami other places, have been posted.

The families of diaries II. Hall ami dimming* ■nHJT have liecn sojourning at Juniper DA

It is expand lliat the woolen mill will aaaln begin operations about tUo llrsl el next month.

The annual picnic of the Uougmgntlonnl society, M Cani>u.e Lake, last Friday, was an enjoyable

The material to be u*ed in widening lngnlls bridge 1* halflf hauled and Urn work will soon bo


Omtns—cartee'i iiuinin 1 u;n i;..ili-..»-1 Street, i Alntiiver, April 3, 1W.V

Special NoUte. nilcrslgncil h:is purelmscnVW-.

Johnson's Andoyer an. Bostiiiprcss, ' will coiillnuc the same iiml (Itben: :WCuiii-t Si|inire; It liux 13 Mori'hitnls IUIW, Ii'

atoru in A int..i IT.

.1. Ii. CIIANDi


Fulling in That, ThVIr I^-at

Will Not lUrst fntll tt

Stripes are Floatlna; <lv»-i

nrs Say Thej

a Star* and

the Penln-

We nm Imving a struggle tM homo rule at irown iliorn that is of imvnwtto tbo United

KIAU* (LI well n» Canwlit, lint tjw Irish Hs> teat. intln>aaiuccau«'OvepJut.liiwwt the one nennT liv, wliihi tbo light |«-omlnr« to uo Jurt H bittor mid tho prtnciplcB tbey strugglo for aro Jttit the



Il(i:\l II BAT1HTES, 12 1-2 cents per yard.

PKIME1) L1WNS, 12 yards for 50 cents.

25 pieces of BLACK I.U'K IHATIMi. only 10 cents per yd.

I'KKM'II' tTi;K>S onl) 25 cents.

Low prices in SUNSHADES.

SIMMER SKIRTS very cheap.

EmiSlI MOHAIR, only 12 1-2 cents.

■IMHIill BLUE PERCALES, choice styles.


cs siiatiiiltig the ManeheBterA 1-aw mi track, nt l.owcll ami uatfuod Ka« -plaiikeil.

OatirtfO K. Ileed, i

Oil Painting. Zi The nhaerlnor will Wko pupils In (HI

n<l Clinn-iml hmwhig. A ho union* HI piilntlng l'lrti|iic-, Kuns, Table U Kor toi'iiia apply to

Mlt.I.IK ■< jyuwtf Su or

VruTlCK I* hereby f Ivun, .hat tke sulwcrllicJ I* aaraMtn dulynnneliitt will of Ulchael 1'. Merrill, lute wf l.swren. In thiiemiiity of ptn, merchant, ilremiWd, - tale, ami have taken UIHIU tm-nsseUci that uii-> hv giving lumil* a* the law directs. All per*on* li;n mi: iii-niiiii'l- iipnii the esiata of aaldilei'easeil iirci-e.|tilrc(l l« evlilbtt thi- same: ami all pei-»i.u» IttdabMd to said entail) aro called upun to make pay meat Ui


f. 5, 1 --•;.

1 hartiumiUi, Wft**-, ha* recently removed lo this town, having leased Mt* half of Mrs. AI1»rt smlUi's luiuae.

Miss Mary S. Wheeler t* nogollatlng with s ll„ntoii theatrical eumpaay, with a prospector an engagement fur the next sea*on.

Harry r"iH»,Kil.lIatch,,.Frwl S. Hlcknk, I.ln. Koyes and tioorge A. Taylur tmve been eujeylng M camping out trip to the Weir* this week.

The appropriation for repairs on highways In the village district I- alwul eahauated and the commissioner mis but a few men at>ork at pre*

The room above the II. It. It. station Is trt I* i'.leil np fir a lawyer's olue.c, and. Will IN) orcu-

[ by WlUluin ltowell, Ks'i-, fornierly of Troy.

OnaoDOHtol 111 hcnlth, Charles W. Kenlson Ims Jeelded-not te localo In the «c«nn.ireturno<I to town last week. Ho went r* tar t Kiin-um, where tic has relatives.

It Is reporuM that the Melhucii Itoot nnd Shoe fjo-'i building has been leased lo Lady Urelhoi*, a largo iiniiufacturiiig nrm of BNOktW, who will lmiin-illMtely begin operations here.

At a recent trial of Charles M. Currier, proprl- .l„r.,tilie lllversld-' hon-e, fur sellbiji ll.|Unr lthoiil a license, Jama* *>■ I'nrker. arbil a* ainscl and made an eloquent plea lit behalf of

amrrDtxo MXAL BT natai. Tbe homo rule demanded on this aide of tbe

Atlantic tt by Nova Scotin, Prince Edward UUtul, New Bninswk-k and Newfoundland. Nova Bcotin cbunw, however, to have tho grent«Jt grievance, which can only bo satia- IIMI by a rojionl of tlto union with Canada and

inoxation to tbe United 8tates. Ily a Rlanco at the map it will 1* aeon that

no portion of the tlCMh ■( Nova Hcotu\ rcew-hca in high a laUtnde aa the eUte of &luino; that bt, thia atate abuta off the Inter- f.iir.-i" of Now ltmnawlck aud Nova Scotia fnim direct enbtem communication with tbo markets in Uio roat of Canada, unlosa they carry their prodw-ta by an all water route northward, and then down llio Ht, Ijawrenco river. They aro shut out from their natural market in the United rttatee by tho tariff, aud ban i* where tbo ahoo pfnohee ami whom re- lief would crane by annexation.

Nova Bootin was settled originally by Frenchmon, under which it Imro tho namo of Aoadio. Those aUnple, alow-going peoph), whom Longfellow has Immortalbwl iu veree, were aupplantad by atolid Engllahinon, and ihiring the prooent ceutury by staid Scotch- men. The present generation of Nova Hcotlans am largely doacendanta of theao aet- tlorn. They stick to their primitive method* of doing moot everything, even to the grind- ing of tho grain and tho tilling of tho soil, aa shown in our illustrations. They care little how tho world wags around thero and are conservative and a block to liboral or rvpeal legislation.

NilTIt'E Is hereby given that the subscribe has been ilul* nppiilnted administrator of

the estate of Joihmi I'liolps, lute nt Amlovev, In the ''oniity ot K—c\, farmer, ilm-eased, and him taken upon himself that mint bv (tiring bnnil* as the law directs. All )Mrnan* having ilemanda upon the estate of said dfcca-e-l are rrunesUil tn e\lillill the lUtoie, ami nil inTiions inU;l I to aabl estate to call upun make payment U> WILLIAM H. I'HKI.I't*. A.luir.

Andover, July ,_-, I ■■■■:. Wtt

from my pasture at Nm-lh Amlnver Center. .NTHMV i-nw, I'llnr brludle ftii't white. h;n mil tnree teals. Whoever will return her or give h f.irmalbin leading to bur i-ei-ovcrv mill lie pro lerly n-wnnled. F. K. Cl.niKR.

I.n« nuwe, -Inly li, WfO. Itwil

weekH F'lUt SALK-lhestor White Plgi old. Apply to It. fi. WHITK, High BttM

ftjierlal bargnlti.1 In all ik ;«irtmcnU for nest Ml «biys.

W. H, EATON, WATCHMAKER Jjl3 OPHCIIIH. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Music Boies

t>rcfully Clean.,1 anil ltrimlrcd.

ctuelcs und Kyotilussea Acaurutely Flttcil.

With Anliur llllss. Druggist.

WOOD & COAL White Ash ami Franklin Coals.

Hard anil Soft Wood. l'ropared If desired.

nm SAI.U iiv

JOHN CIIANDLKU, ANDOVEU Order* rcoelve.l and hills settled by



over. Hay M, IBKfc J. W. WAUKWKI.I

^Icfcinlnnt. ;ty|iosla*t week ma/lo us nay thnl thero

services at the Cnlversallst chuivh the until. OJ the watrary there will ho

*ll the iirst of Septemlwr, when It I* ex. ■, Kav. A- I*. Waleh,


wtlnglseallol ftw Weibios- week, to miotlti the town hall Ml

,n tho billowing articles: lowii will vote to reconsider the voto

otrcalealatesltuate'l „_M*a*«s*, nllowert to enter Irnln* initiniler article tl>\ of warrant of

ii^' an I m-t thercnn. To see If ■rUe tho town to

person wlinMsjs his particular drain Into such ilruln "•VaniiMii sewer, a proportional y

of the charge «\lnklng and repalrlni i if tho town will nuthorl/c

pay for ewers voted to bo built tho I If the town will aiiilmrUe

i small piece of land , ami act theroon.

A. W. STEARNS & CO. OOO to Oil 33sao3 Stroot, Lawronco.

ollir niwus

11 IO eon struct 11 present year, tbe soleci with .James M.Kh


Itichiird ChHiullei

About two voars mm from Dnth, Me., 1 nvnwcil purp""o of ro WMbar ho liecania

Ibrr |s)hit mi and i« now a festive iilumc, or whether ho luiowu, [or nothing has I


llosTOV HAttM.

Best Equipped &> Most Successfnl in America, |{.f.p,mNi pi. I, is trt, lo.-ib. in tb

and cmbraeea

Hraiiihei. Wuiientu uniy ln'L'liuit any tti..., . ,,■!■.. I,llli\lllll!il lll.lllli -lii.ll. I I.'.:" aii-onlliig Ui nl.illtv. M-p.iraie ileparttmmi * " Indies.

(iritdiiMtes Able.I to Employtllciil f.iiilli Nehool . u.ko our rmirfa

ami llnli.liluic<iirri>r their other school wbrk, '"

OurNprrlal Tin rr MmMlii' Ciin .. Is taken by persons whuse tlnio asd means I llmlU-il.

Tni:tol.i.i-..iK lb 1.1. c.l is lllii.trateili gin pan leu lain and will lie mailed tree upon :i| Hun. Kor fiinher pnrlienlsr* address or cull < i..cnni;it,„aiiiiii;i..ii -I.".'

Will Make the ■ Ilnat.

Traynor put to mit, with tho id the world.

raged, landnl at it, skippi-d west under n nom do wrecked, hi not

(I of him tichard

another 40 j-eara,

>mo fired ninhitlon Traynor

A WOVA BCOTIA rtHHlXn VILLAGE. But after twimty year*' trial ot tho con-

federation, during which tho taxes have boon piling higher and higher und tho commerce and Industrie* of tbo country liavo been sink- ing lower and lower, tlto Nova Scotian has •t hist awoke to tho necessity of a repeal of tho union with Canada, and be Is aa persistent hi his demands for justieo as ho was hereto- fore doggixl in clinging to tho existing taw. They hnvo recently olis-tod a local nwwmbly overwhelmingly in favor of home rule, and many of their prominent men declare that it their request U not granted thoy wUl apply for annexation to tho United Htartoa.

Many paragraphs of the numerous peti- tions that hnvo boen forwanled to Ixrth the Canadian parliament and to England, recall similar tWrflainta of tho American eolonJes prior to the revolution. As for back as 1H17 the Nova Scotia assembly pussod tho fol- lowing:

"We the representatives of Nova Scotia, bnving njwimlilwi for tho purpose of con- structing an lulniinMrntion, cannot sopornto without making known to our constituents

utuiuiinous and unidtei-ulilo determina- tion to use every lawful and constitutional means to oxtrieate this pmvineo fnun tlio oin-ratioii "t the 'British North American ait' tin' pa^oR0 °r whilh' ln Ulw imP,riai legislature, waa obtained by falsehood, fraud and duocptioa."

Traynor c and < ~ ] a simils|

Ct f W any mnn who will ut tempt tho Clinnillci- informwl the doctor aU>ut « ago Hint, he bad mailo up his uiind b ucrusstho ocuon.



LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Will attend to tho srllhiB of all kinds of Real Ksliitc nnd Perm nm I "ruperty, In or out ot town, in, leiisoinilile terms.

lii.MiU-:Ni K-r.liu llmiM-, Amlnver, Mil--. mylitvilin

Emmn :i. E. Sanborn. M. DM GBBEN BTBBET,

Antlover, - - "«'■ Ddbe fliittr* uto 10 a, »., 1 tos and T to C |


Chartered Blocks mil Hat sssiranfl 1» t-1 t>" cent. Wot rpsa III Capital Inwentetl lo ths TreM'Sit Time.

HIS Company new owns the Advertiser Itulld tng, Washington St., H,n.tnn. ami Ilcrlnim

Hi i II. I Her, nenr IU" tun I'.^.l.''HI'■-. {""''"I", i amounting lo .. linv. Amei



llrp.irlua !■> All I,,


ORGAH-:-AND-:-PIANOF0RTE-:-PUYIII6, V. O. Box 340, Audover, Mass.

Old md HW faces will be welcome at the little store aroumltlw comer, Blaiich- »rd'i*, 57 Broadway, wlu-remay he found ii.i.l.-. for summer rcntlltiK, plain and fall- acy stationery, blank nooks. A few sets ot croqoflt at a bargain., is." iy

• lislfs

. aro the ipei-tiMnfr LBONARC

H , lllii.l.l' St., I' ■ !.■■'■

■ml for

Million Dollars win s. Oraen of Kal

'■'>' i ItiHiiu :


CONSTIPATION, ",..v:'".'.,;:.u

Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient

Sick-Headache, ;:.


<;.i.\s. li. .;



SHOP ON ESSEX -ST., auil am prepare.! to ilu all kind* of

CarriaBLe. Siinanfl. Ornamental Work rully .ollrlu.1.

( HAS. i. BOOM:.

('. W. 8C0TT, M, n.,

SarjLeon & HomtEopatMc Physician, Barnard'i Bluak, AnUover.

FOR SALE. 1 flraf rlaaa two horse lUti^lel Cart,

1 HrstTluss three spring MRM KX |>rpss or

StWO-MSktOd licinucrallc Wnpon, |an<l 1 H.-.-iitiit-biriii two scatetl iriitully

Apply to 8. I>. tHSXHAN,-Xo.AnirnvcrDt-iiot.


Express and Jobbing.

Agent for Assorlcnn K\press t ompany. M J- K. dear's niuM: Utart, hank I'.uii.ilii;'.


one fiinilshe.1 for fniinilntlnii- ami other -.HI -lu.rl n.itl.v. l.-lbr- e ■""■ n nii.l vlelnlty, iui.1 1 l-y experlci


CAUPESTER A3il) JBIILDER, Uu lid Ins: Lumber Constantry on hand,

or (urnlshesj at short notice.

|, April 11, UH.

TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCKUN-Rc, it understood Unit ttvm this date any bills

roiilniele.l tiv Mr-. Mnry Kcslaiid, i.f imlovw, Mo»„ vs.-111 not !«■ pabl by the sub-rrlbcr, MID havbid left uiv lieil ami niraln-t my wlnhes ami ilcsplte liie mutt larclul altuutlons.

.IUHN KKKLANO. Amlovcr, Mass.,.lnl» 11, less.

F«dts Cot

hi An.lover, on summer struct, a ■nun Ilounr, •* rooms; Imrn, shnl, K»OII

-, two scrusof iamb mi (rail Wee, •, (.•rnpc«, *e. Kor particulars In- M C. Mi >i--f., Anduvcr, Mass.

M l-.AIiuW QRAS1 sultp

I. l'lie-1

private, sale, In Int* bi inscrs, alK.utT acres. Anply Ui Imliii-tratiir of Hie estsie ..I Hie p., An.lover.Mass.

ItjpftEMI WAi;t>N R>B HAI.K-IInt III tie 1Ju*ud enn Ini "cen nt Win. 1'oor A Son> Kh.ip,

An.kivir.u-.'o'inlreof Ji. M. Ilaywanl, Ilallanl

The particular imp of the nowa- papcr olHce who i« OMtted willi Ivpo- jrnipliical liliinclers has playd many n prank in his lime, hut |wrhaps nonr more lively than that which a Berlin daily journal has lo relate. The art criiiQof the papi*r spoke in his nolice of the Berlin Art Exhibition of 'Mhe iKirirait of a tall ncullemtin," hut the* printer—who may possibly hare hud his own itleas on lUe subject—inrneil the German into wiiat In Engllab is "the portrait of a red nosed foul."— (ialiguaai.

They tell of ft clergyman in Lynn who hired out t'» » church at a n<nni- nal fialary ol 81000, n|ireciiiK prirate- |y to make the church a present of 81000 of It. A con^!"p««'ii>n in Con- necticut heard of the 81000 preacher, thought he must be extra good, of- fered him 14600, am) cot hta« iuen

the Lynn people understood why he pretended his ealary waa 84000, " Y. Sun.

The poverty of professional men up in Toronto U said to te something atartling. Only ono doctor there but an income ol |O|000 ft year, ami that inc'udea tbn interest on his previous savlops. Only four make $:},000 and fourtoeu 82,000. The lawyers aro still wor«« ofl. Toronto has aa in- come tax-

Keeper—Stand buck there, gents! That monkey is vicious and might claw von.

De"Twivli|jeu—Aw ! no (ear, doab boy- The be^gali won't claw me,

Keeper—I don't believe lie will. Them monkeys are very peaceful with their own kind.—Philadelphia Call,

T.'OltSALK-ACanj-aAl In gn E reasonable terms. Apply i

i., AutlovtT, Mass.

tl caii.lltlon, at . No. 30 Halcm


iilatahle Ui the t i-,.- i bo rellinl upon to ami 11 cures by -«-

StsHag, not bv oiitniKlnir nature. lUmoltaWe vio- lent purKBllveit y.iinsel

- sornllowyoiir.liil'r - take Ihcni, slwnjn

ibis cle^iotphsr ' pr.-pur.r'

*"v tMXMtttnH nOAT. Tli* beat In Chandler is to cris* will

be twelve Hart Ion;; nt tln> Isjtlora with alarm t fourteen too) gunwaJa Bba U U> havu wau>r- ticht i-(iiiij»nrt:i«'iita built torwnrd ami art. T'l-unlvt.peii hiiuif in lii-r will be, a its-kpit in Uwcoth-T. In wiilibslio "ill Is* four M andindiiilithirtyinrbea. BasJdea a Inrco wiplv "f (ool,abe 1* Ui U-littcd with lite ■alia, cork picks**, Hfc Una*, a Uoyton rabecr suit nnd everything that can comfort tlto

«7W»i __._; _..


dlil a to for (lei

Gapt, Oognran, the DssMoontio nnmlnao f„r governor of New Hampshire, was l^rn in that stntf f-irty-llvo years ago. He nadaatad

Dartmoatb In IMVj.lmiiioliately untonsl tile nrniy tuiil was prrnnotwl captain of bis company within a year. After tlw war ' studied law, nml 1ms practicctl it slnco his ad Dilssiun to tlto bar Iu lfcGd.

A CONKIUVATtVE. luwrnhly of 18M i«ssetl tho following! it previous to the union of the provltuia Si-i.tia was in a most healthy ttiuinclal

IJT sixteen years under tlw union, Ipivernmints lutvo found that ttm

mm which weni urged ogalust the ternw II at lin.t apply witli still frrenur force

' til.- first year of the union. loUdile, iiHsiunlitv nWi in tliti

cnsioiLbiii,^ miuvu-i in Nova Booda,ai adaapsM «iih onatoOM duties enllectul in Uulnri^pj gueliei'.

Hcutia, in 1*1, had a JIOJIU- Jiff, and in lWW—Urn yi«r

hefom tV union of the provlm-.*— sin. lni)*sfci *n,;;si,(iirt worth of pssls. dutiable nm {„*, „,, which she oofloeteq •l.'iKVHH/lof AutUfc beliiK i\r.i „i. each *|i*»\»j(-orth of tfoods Inij-nbil.

>ti ot ■ ine >; i ■ ■■ ■ wi; h tho coolness i-tw of tho otiter. lio {sMseaart

il.-inliii-iu. military jmynhjun, and unco his ruint iliiol iiinl the publication of an arlicHi in 'I'IK- I'aris Fifpu-o, In whk-h CoulatiKor Is mentioned ns "a ns>nace to tlie repuUic, owtngta awmmiribb^itmWlkm that will not Mt until be-has cither phuigwl Franco Into a war of i>". <-ti::e witli Utriuany or bos hod hinrself pr,K'!aliiKnl dictator."

'1 his arti'-ly has ant all Knrope u;:o«. and on i :IM ■! i .'ai i' -II of li, iiilfinpier's i iiivi It Is found he lias 1, .■!! gnvcrncil by tin- principk) tliat might, ttuiler whab'vor form it manif<«U it-It. overreaclH-s right in spite of all the lino oawyt to prove tho contrary, and with I JI

Fontaine hn believes "tho loglf of the strang- est H nlways tho best."


skiiib of Hoe of Our Host Promising -!.>•>■ W I Iti'l -.

Alsnit thnii ytsirs ago an unpretending bookWH sent to tho newspaper roviowc.-a,

in n i]ui-t way, as ijulet almost as lb own lib'rury stylo. At flrat the critics did notODtto ii inii.-li. Its name wnn "The .Story of it Country Town," by E. W. Howo. Hut o:ioi!;:y n friend brought it to the notiooof tbo tttorarj editor of Tho New York WorhL

-,!■ waa so entirely simple, so limpid, at the sail to tltne so uiiiijtii' that the tssik

reviewer rwoRtil/" I at OIUSJ tlutt hero was a literary discovery of worth. A long notice u given U> tho Issik. Next day every copy it on sain in Now York city was sold

Mr. Howo was perceived by nil who read tbe book to Is, a genuine American novelist, an i :;:■■■■' li of our own soil, not nn Imitator of Kngihli and French story writers. The notii-o in ThoWorld gave tbo "Htory of a Country Town" a Imnin which has not yet dlwl out. The author nteived ad- vantageous offers for otln-r hooka fnnn lending pnl>- li.ln-iv. Nliuv then

—'■The Mystery of tho Lock*" aud -The tlooo light Boy." lUli nro eharactcriadbytl* same tnitiiut, ipiii-t li'i-nii-y f'ylciis tho llrsL Them aro touches ol pathos in them that have never been ex- it Hod, tli.-i-o arc strokes of htnnor worthy of

y- ■it IK II-I, tin author has never yot done

hit Iswt. Be Is a busy young newspaper man, bditor and proprietor of The AU-hUou, (Kan.) DoQvOklba, His series have been written oubiide of working hours, and much of tlii hurrioilly and wnarivdly dono. After niak.*nsmall fortune as iiiwsp-,p<rpropriptor

■nay all hois; that ho will givo himself up tovel writing altogether. Ho U-lls us tliat

; a lino of his llrst Issik was written by

sunlight. __^_^^^_^^___ THE ANARCH13"! '.RIAL.

rtilsspi's Ciusii Olcbro—Its KriiMlions, Pj.tHHl»*l Who Were Aiiarcbl,

Cmo »f tho most n-mnrkablo trLila tlint over cngagiil the art. nt ion of any court in lliis country is undoubtedly tlint of the eight Anarchlsbf, of Clilcjtgo, who are on trial for their lives, tlw ru-t with which they are chnrged 1* lug tho murder of poUoa olllcor Mattliiaa J. Degnn, who was ono of thoso by Iho eJLplosion of tho dynamite Isiiuli. August H|ii.w, Kaninel Fieldon, Ml- cluul ftehwuh, Chris Spies, C. It. Parsons, (lc<irgo Engi-1, Adoljili Fischer nnd Louis LuigS ,iro t,w ttccustxC

Tin iitbu-k on tho pollre oeeurml, It wilt lie remciuls.Titl, on tlio evening of May A UflL Whllo tlio llrst shock of the nflnlr histeil

thought that It would he next lOOB- possiblo to obtain ovidenco to convict mem- bers of such a soTi't oath-lMiiuKl no.-lety. Rut as the trial progressed tho pF4iwf*utlda Ims baaptd MfpttH upon surpilso in the way ■ 'f .-I iil.-ni-o,:.bowing innstintllng way that tlio nxplcdon of tho bomb In tho old Hay- marketn]unro was but tlm first nvivo Ins itin-ftilly pliimii"! nnd long organised pui-jsw.- of aiiiiiliil.iUng Hi" i».!i 1 Hrodepartment Of tho city of t lii.-jigo, when tho illy would he fdven over topiUugo atula n.'js'tltlaii of tlw •gagas In Farta donng the ntgq of the com- mune.

Henry lrvlnu's Cruise.

Colonel E. A. Buck has chartered for Henry Irving the splendid old schooner yacht, Kambler, which Com- modore Thomas used to sail. She ia chartered for 20 days, with $100 de- murrage for every extra day. Dayton tier former smiling,master is engaged, and so I believe are all tbe bands.

There la to be a party of 13 guests on tbe Rambler, and tbey are to aail up the coast aa far HS Maine, atopping lo see friends at all the watering places from New London to Bar Harbor. Tbe yacht will he put into commiaslon by Aug. 10. Irving wilt sail from Southampton on tbe Ftilda and arrive hero about the 0th. Ou the lltb be gives bis welcoming dinner at !>ol- monico's, to which distinguished guests from all parts of 1:1 ■ country bare been invited. Tha next morning be goes aboard (be Rambler and starts on bis cruiie. No rbks ol calina or slot ma are i" be taken, for a steam tug will follow the yacht through the whole voyage. The expenses, of the

uise will not be less thau $.">000— an average of «2<r>0 a day. Irving

* everything en prince.—N. X. Star.

We Propose to Make This an Extremely Lively One.

We fill Sell Our Entire Slock of Beady Made I lite Suits, Clith ruits, Jackets, Wrap and Jersey Waists]

For Less Than Wholesale Prices.

wa.-iMips: lnipo. -ltd."

To a newspapel general of Si

Tho Unitwl Wnl will Is-gin wh brU-mntJonal RJM stroii™ States senaU> tlie adi hy frw trade I think, tasjeoed) jmrtieulurlY !■:■.■! ugninst all f..i-- .k

■oth tbo Canadians nisi T tills UIIIAIIIV ovor txi I

mt' an:.i x"I lo tbo I

IViHumt hnraa rule Hoi i' for a struggle, which * stars and stripes aro I

liionKovermnoiitrolli-"- *■ i, whllu NovaMitiila

I por *10uon giKiils

ndent Wie attorney

nation ff Is ntnnvnl from

tho Lits'ral tmrty ailu{suitliH IHiiod

to ts> darrred, •ulta» would bo mg tali 11!

THOXAB COOSWKI.L. Ha was alsotffi a n-pmii-utailvu to Ihf r/-n-

ami enartln 1W1-W, wwconUag a llcoubil- can majority of cm in bis town, Olhqonton, and WHS the U'-woiTutw' speaker of lh in l«;j, ainlrKiti»ln statn swintor In l>o ('iitii. Ctqpmvll was i batnsan of tii" iswini i orlcctin-'i nl ' ' '■■ In '"' I li" «' •Jectwl sr41 'tor of 1. [knap county. Ho

!i large landadeafcato tho manag i

Tlu-riii:itlM-|"ovi-i-.if Aysr's S:irMt|iarIlla Is M wrll known t" Afntre tlis tpeataof aid of any Kagasratedar naOtlaai jHutltii-ute. Wltaeiies f iu autrnloDi i-iircn ar» ui uny llvlnn In ■ lly uii'l liiimk't ot tho land Win • Dr. J. 0.

Ajur A tn., Lowell, Mims., fornumex. dwlw


Tim Frrni-h Minister [-.i-.i.'tii' nil

bttHnaapaetad that hn|>|i just now id I I'JirojK' is as.

thin;: to htipisni tuep.1. BurrusHfi: -nt (pivvnimnnt in onr sisUT

Ui be, therel< an intsim di-sit ■hmon for a horo—a strong,

(aarinai laadar, ono who will carry fur ahovo tlio lnw. U Is ttm old stor trogi tafainfl a kliiff. Tlwy tn«l fonUtn]it tli.-1 it? kin" that JupiUir w on account of (fie rnmiliarity sm-h a I mltted; but they WITH "impelled to n-j ami Bear ti» llork, tliclr lub>r king, win vouml thi'in aa ho wllksL

Ixsiking linikut tlw list of Icadnrsof tl r'lvuch people, frooi "Littlo Wap." todn ln-lta, it ui'iilil npp«ar that tlto stork Iti woi< what tln-y 'it ;i''i.i.iv.!. HI,.i i ■! from hit past career, tliis is about wlmttli'j aro going to huva in tho person of Hen. IkiulangiT, tl"' prewnt mintoUT of war In Uu do Frvyi'inet i-nhiuot,

All disorders cBiinnlby i ■ yptrill can 1H I III-'I 1>> UKI w fills. Nn psln. KripliiK lustnalruse. Trytboia.

- ■■':'■■■ ot tha i ui. i ■■• MUle ill see i n fort ulli-iul


Irn.nnl I'lirtMl niitiitrtl.- In <l

■Uinmi'li iiinl IHIWHIS. >.| their tu'tinti Is |.i 'H--1 H-rft'i ily iinriiili'ss. ii peal

HCOTT'K r.qVLHlun »»P Pt'ltK Corf iii i i <ni. tvltb iij |ii.|iiiii-|iiin<i,

Kor Wiwlbiit nisoises uf tlill.lron, U'lit<re llio digestive powers aw rcelili) ami the ordinary C.MHI <loen aetsaSBj toaonrlsb iBraUkh Ibis sew isitli ns RMMI ami medli-lm-, KIVIIIK

Btreritth and ilosh ntonco, ami Is almost as pal atulil'-as milk. Tako no other. dwlmeml

H*T fKVKHls a type of catarrh h living per 5viiiiil s. It Is mt IIHI l>> an liilsmcil n II f IIH- IllllllSf III'■llllirillti'iif the (ills, ilmisand thrum, tiirritbnrtin- limit*. An arrlil mucus U seeniaq, the dnsasarM l* ius-oni|ianled with a biiniiiiK MMIS*tins. Thero apasmsiif snwsbiK. li'-iiueni niim-Un wslcrv and Indauutl e*us. Kly's (,'n: n r« Iv ilislcsn !-■ i|i'inin.l."l ii|i,>ti. ... ■SaJranSfs;B*ml)i aagMand. w cants. Kly Uroiburs, Lirufjrifts, UWCUT>, X. Y. dwoud

Hl-FKR l!»

To Bccnre a inry, irxj citbvns woreesamlned hffmv tlie twilflh was scliw-tcd. The llrst eciinfitloiL-il evniit of thi trial wns the tosti- inony "f Oottfriarl Wallers, an Annnhbt,

iuniing stiib-'s ovitU'ncc, sworn tliat he hod balongaa toaaarmodbo lyof Anar Mata, iul whodaseribodtn detail thu preismdluna tliat hail IRXTI mmlo by tlio lead-,* (thu do- fi adsote on trio!) for tbo cnptiiro nf the c|ly. It wan, ha said, tho^MTpoas to (Usable tbe Ore d"!«rtmontaswi-!lns!h-!«i!iiT. BedsacrJbada maattng at which be said It was deckled that they were to kill everybody who i»j|ifa»il them. Itwnsafcsi pro;Nn<dr.t thiit in'* tln;< that Aiinivbrsts slsml.l inin::|n with th erowdstn the cliySstncts, und kill evi ryhody rbebt nml left, Tho stato has alwi pradoead n witm ■«, WIMIsm Hollnger, who ■weail Unit l,,:ii. I., :■•: -..ns lb" tmin v.lio intidc llio filial boaat>, v iiiicotls-r wttDcaaastettlfy UiatHpii in the bomb ami Bobnaabalt threw it.

OUsar seiiattUona of U» trial was (he pajdoal ,1. \, i.ijiiiiint of tin' fact that ths Chtrof

" 9, aa welt as llieCuundLin govcnitnout, ■ml detectives

H r* of tin-si AnarehJatiti i"s ii thw, and ,! t. -Iiv,-. ;LI.;:I;I1 ill th" p!iilli|i::iiml tb ir rotneotlva prvernnarnti postod

nry movo of tho A^archlstn, Boddei ■ii li ilibi-tivo was unuwnro tlint any but biiii i If was in tlieor:;nnlz:itio;i, so ■beau n.ii"S weni assured iJv.t .»cb tjvo was I'-rfonniii^ bis work honestly iyally when the teporta of all tbo ra- iv agreed. ThUliu-t fenttve«f tbo case

rlntq auniav orgnuiMiti'ins tl -M.for it provoi the Im- if i,. i ping their nerota from tlw

i. Men of Itir Time. f I nm bul srnafcnvtiMSKithncBbtof

ioam "in i; ^ j+y ibnt 'i'lmnms .. QpjBkl i am! eoo mnn Mini-, nt ,. oBufii nu to ntetbe threa men

havi spoken wUlom in atop/ ildl.-iwr dismiss tntoobliv-

nd for tli i i,- ■■ in-ii tnry

■ iKi". and tin- ■■uniiiifesbw," , .iani," MM-Bllitl, l-'tt.-r fur nls of J tin Itusldn, ThoitKifl i-I Tennysoti.-llugb altll">

Lucky Italtiwiit's Cms

As one comes in from the south bv rail he Is Btruck by the apneuranca of he train ot private cars, tdnmling ou

a silling in the depot yard. They are Idtteretl with the name ol K. J. jlsltl- winandofthe Southern 1'scillc rail way. Mr. Ualdwin is more widely known perhaos, as "Lucky llalilwtn," the California millionaire. Two of I he palace curs are IVr liie ime of fam- ily, and tlie others not materially less palatial, are uaed for tfaaj tr&nHporin- tion of that gentleman's Ihorou^htirfila ot ths llouia racing stable. No horses were probably ever trans[iortcil 3000 miles more royally than me the*",— Saratoga, i.ei u-i.

Simpkiusun came home the other night Irom a long aeries of bi.liard oames at the club, which hail been interspersed with frequent V'ails to the bullet in.puisuitof intpiralion and gooil fellowship.

When he arrived at home the bil- liards were htill uppciraosi iu his mind bul the bullet was uppermost in Ilia head and his movements. Mo openod the door very cautiously, intendiug to make a stealthy but hold (lank movo- meni for the bed. He stumbled on the threshold, however, reeled against he door post and fell Rat iu tbo mid-

dle of (ho room: Ilia wife jumped up with a sUrt,

moused by tbe noise. "Why, John 1" she exclaimed.

What is the matter?" •**l all right, my dear, *s all right,"

said he. llI carromed on the duor jamb for (he bed, but l'laytd it tu") lull."—Boston Keoord.

The lot of tha average monarch is not an extremely happy one. An Ko gliah slatitiuian has recently compiled I u statement of iho nunber ol sover- eigns who, within tin- historical era, i have ctiwe lo violent or ignominious eti'K. On this Hit am 2J>M kingal nmi emperors reigning over 74 nation*. Of these 300 im overthrown, fi4 were deposed, 28 commuted suicide, 2:1 hecama insane or Imbecile, 100 were killed in battle, 123 were cap- tured hy the eneuiy, 2^ were tortured to death, \5l tern assassinated, and 108 were hanged, shot or beheaded by their subjects. I^sa than one-third lived out ili« te rcigus prosperously.

Wilber Ayrcn, P South Jiorwallt, Ct. butcher, came near being frozen to death in his refrigerator the other day. He went in lo inspect tho ice- box, when the door, lastrucd by a ipring )oi-k closed upon him. He Hied MIII "li his ini.'iit 10 burst (lie door

open, and shouted till hu was hoarse, but his cleikB hud Kone away lor their nooning, nml no mm was ubout the place. Me dually mtnuged to tind u truck In tlm door, aud tearing away he itilble plunks anil a layer ol cuur-

conl, he ui:iua-.'ed to hurst tho duor open MI.I crawled out und fell on 1 '■<■ ibnir, where hu was found badly hriiiaed, uivl with ona u-iu and one side paralyzed.

A Swedish jonitiulisl who has visit ed the Chicago court room where 1I1* Mian-hlsls are on trial, w;it parlictt- lurly suuck by the preoftitaliou of bo- qiicla hy outside litenda to aunrcliistn. Ilu says it would he possible in HMMwta a Miiull aleel aaw or a dynamite bomb in ibi-Bi- bouquets which would either comiibuie to the liberation of the an- .11. bi-;- or reuse destruction ot life, and thinks that the bouquet ftttOtt shoultl be slopjied by the court, li ought not to need arguments of thi» nature to induce the court lo put a Mop lo 'it- li 1. 1.-1 ..ii.-.

The best cusu of abnent minilcd- OCM of which wc have heard waa that of a professor ; while he was criming the street, a watering carl let its Hood loose upon him. Thu professor quietly raised his umbrella und walked two Mree;s before he discovered that the sun was sinning biighily.

A gentleman once asked u little girl unouty child, how uuiny eistors she had, aud n-astoid three or four. Her mother asked Mary when they were alone, what induced hor to tell auch an untruth. Why, mamma, cried Mary 'I did not want him to think you were so poor that you lisdu't but one child. Wouldn't he have thought wc were dreSul poorr'

This is 110 Idle assertion but one that we ran anil will make good. We have been making n deep cut Iu prices of

Ready-Made Garments and Suits

For tlie past few days and now we ImTo decided to eommenee elean- itij?. Hearing and rinsing onr entire stock nnd thus make July a real

Hot Month for Business! We will make this sale fumous for its low priees.


Titlklntr About Hot Wentlier

'-Talking about hut weather." said ■1 hrnkeiuiui. "that wa had the other day won untiling loutr, sido of what I have seen down 011.H10 Southern IV olfit), I waB braking down there last lumtner, and in aomn "o them dead, lescrl valleys "o Ariz >ns, where rain never lulls and the faun's ulways hlia- terini;, I've seen wetillifr thst'd re- mind a man of what's iu store for him after he leaves this vulu 'a teurs nnd boariliu' hOQH*. One &lf Inst sum- ncr we were rimiilii^ >doug in that

country, wheij an accileut occurred MH'h as 1 MHOH wits never Ituosru ii. all 1 lie history of rnilroaditig.

"All of a MI 1.leu the locomotive was seen to be bouncing M-m.r bka iv ball, an' tlie engineer was n fright- cued that lie shut oil sieittn as quick as he knew how, nnd whistled like •In n cull all of ibe mi-it Torrent. Wo rii-lied up ahetul RJIII ho told us what hail happened, but wc huiglicd ut liiin and mad-e so much fun fit him, lb: 1 b* liually pulled open the IhrotlU ag'iti just IO Stiiiw us tmil he kne«i whitl hi: was talklut; iboaU I >n>pa to drop dead in St. L luis, nn' he cut up iu n meilicsl college, if lhal locoiuolive didu't bnuuee .jn ■ t Ike n ship iu a swell. W« v-civ ini so uHghiauW tbal

e begged the cicitucr to -but nlf cum ami etop her. Wiint wns ilia attci P Nothui', the rails were so i.l ibi.t ihry -:i:^>'I it « 1 Ixtlween

the ties whenever the emjln* Btruck 'cm, an' the wheels wcrti so hot that they wen pcuiuliiiL' out flat. Yes, htr, if we'd run a mile fanner we'd a-hti'l noLliin' hut fqurtre wheels under our locomotive. None of us ever aten tin cuginu ru 1 with sijuafu wiim 1-. nnd so we didn't try it.—Ciiicftgu Herald.

Two bdies tiro cm*versing on the qualities ami deiueiil* ut their own fair sex. Said oue with B twinkle of her lieauliful eyes, *'l have never kuown but two women who VCN really pcrlect." "Who was the other?" asked her companion, with a siu'le on her thin face.

Tailor—"You have recently inher- ited n nice lump ol money from your uncle; why don't yon pay tnc?" Cus- tomer—"1 halo all outward show. 1 lon't waot it to lie aaid that my newlv acquired weattU has caused a depart- ure from my former simple habit


ax*, nsnnoa xmnesr BOULANOEK. On, It-ml'inger'a earner thus far has tsim

like Hie upward lli-lit of 11 n.' firtnn' sill Isar watching. Ho Is tho young- i»t.if tlie Fnnrh genrmls, l-'inn TrtiH*iniit« aa ll-1-. Mi" "HI of a Bn-ton lawyer, white hie mother was butUah. Thus be oomhlwa

Ifs-mnrh. Donntile -lsui|u tor fsirtaiti- sii-i | ^ll:,t,^^l!'^<,': * liiuiii Kf'st mirk, ll

TIKI Itiei "i MIM,

■ '.wi,. n^.. ii.ei tin- ".lit rhctin Huu l«il Uisi IIIH lieml wa« a mass ,it wires, ami I i,^.B 1 lH'irnti n> h™: alt liii|»'i <ii nn-lns I1I111, lint my

X I' Vl'nlHntili, ilriisn'i-t l-niilliiNilnl.'il -,li|.|iui lllllri'., ami In. ' "1*: ' I .lav I* I- ■« (st ami. Lipiwr a- anv Isihy yuuerer

"'-: , -sw, sii.l h« tis« sat a «im uo lil< liewt, anil Just u-. „( Uilnl thai after fa viii«-silt"* miirti, tliat a fev

ilnllsrx warn, ut sulfur IHuer* sliuulil, lire lilu -Mrs. lUil, I^uwcU. dwiwiMd

KNIIW TmsKiJ' l-y na.llna Uie Ult, the 1**1 wei!i™i V-ITS ever Pahllsaao M j uunf and mi.i lie ataU mfs-lax.. - wirraply

Are you ■n-inri«-.l si nljjhl nisi hroken nt your rest by n HII k elilM suir, TIIIK aml.-rj III« wild pit hi nt iiuilni. l-'tli.' It so, seuil Bt mtrii stsl >;. I :i I10UI11 ot Mm. Wlaslow's ^M,IIIIII«- «yru|i lor Cliililn-i, Tfs-tliliiK. lw TMIU«' I- Imakiuiililo. f •rtll relieve tlsi |Hi»r Itute auiri-rur uainvtllau'tj Heocml ii|Hin It.mntliers.lheni l» DO mlnuki- IIIHHII tt- llcurvs ilyMQU'ry sml .llarrliisa, revuUhv UiO aloniSi'ti nml ImscU, • nn- H Iml eolle, M.rit-Jm UvsKunis, re-limn Urn lnllaiiiiiiiill'iii, ainl n\\r» law. ami uiH--rKy lnllie«tnilni./-t«,'il. Urs. wfSV low's .-v-illilnit fl,ni|i lur ItnlLion Tt«'lhln;( li uluaaaat lolfie taxti, sml Is tlm |irm-rliiui tine nf lliK olilest sml IH-SI li-n- ■■>■ nu" " uhyslrJaiis In tlir UnlUsI HUlis, ami Is n stl ilruss-i-ts Mruiutkout Um worlU. eava a Wttla. cta,aodlyr«bl

isssBayajfj •■« «L


ie K'v. J„lin Sraitnt. F.M Drsur*, N- riles: " My wllr ba« t*™ < urcil ..7 Kr>.

._.■• ot l««t( Mnndiiid by I'lln'H -Skin- I Sui-rcss.' linraiiiiminiani rwliuhud Itarbrr'a I li, b, mni ■ nn"-l"-r ui ptaan who s«a>nl


SKIN-SUCCESS tint Till* ; »i tiin.t ir- F.,if/r,l wii* unable walk and was laid up is h<M|iluila, but wilho iir.rinaiirul curs, aniil si'ii yrrni aic> I u»



'Skin-Success" STAMHINE*gS*g!»

VI ,«, , I, I l,y . I , ..l.l Ufc JL. I'..! I -MI.L: UI.I- I ..,

I(.i|iilivs P,i tMtkltifc. S-ii-rs llim-, Uhor ui»l 1 .-v. CUM Trov isumlrv .ml jch^a. Il'iiuif »■■ n'lT IH.I i-niml- uf OMtoar* ^nnli. AAv.iiirsi.HiT (or MTAIHIIIM;. oaUsfaa- IW" Kiiarai lor in ■>■ mfuwlo I. KIMI'LF. KKI.I: for ii-tt.T -t m.|i.

ThR Gen. Fox Starch Co., I ■ l1,,...I .1 , ,- I. I ,.,-<.ir. In I 'ft

VhsM and Y\MNTK" -1 want yon lo .!■• imrli.r work (01 ort; r-wv| A. LOVK,


PARSONS wonderful diieoTery. Ho others like thnta in the world. W r of disease. The information around sach box 11 worth ten

ThtM pills were a wonderful discovery. lo others like then in the world. Till positITMT enra or relieve all Kuanrr of disessa. The information around each box is worth ten times the cost of ft Ui of pills. Find out •■Mfssjk BBSJ f|H H ^KSV

Jsmt tlirm. and yon ■ Bl afl>«aUBB ^•'<M'U)V,-<"--.'1'1

will always be thank. IH^H ■ BBBBL*' bloodaadcur. ful. Dae pill a dost. i^lj^B ■ ^il^pw 1« Parsoas'Pills contain H^RP' Hj ^•sfp^^ worth of ^ny oil. noibine; harmful, are ■ IB fBBI^^Mrrriedy ret disco?- easy to take, and ■ B ZftMSB WHW""1

^1 ^B^ be made to realize the marvelous power of then* pills, tbey would walk 100 mnos to f*t a box if they could not bo had

ilboot Sent by mail for 28 cents in stamps. Illusirat d pamphlet free, postpaid. Send for il; ie information it very Valuable. I. 8. JOHHSON & CO.. tt Custom Houso Street. BOSTON, MASS.





The Urund Army Trip to I'uli- Ibniia.

Second letter.

July -27,.

Krini Niagara oor train, again In three, sei-ilous of nine tar* each, cped through rlii- night, over i!)i- (iranil Trunk l{:iilwuy, crossing; tin- Si. Clalr river, which always *i.rn- to now in UP wrong direction, (ii- rcctly north Into l.u«c Huron, then n:u- tmitnjt tb« entire wirltli of the slat- »>f wfablgan, passing through Uinslug, thn tpfinl, ami about noon roach Chicago, lie entire parly making li«a« l-*iuar tcra at be palatial and always inviting liraiid 'milit Hotel; tlio afternoon was spent in

lien the city justly Imtuts arc among the iisl In the lulled "Stales; ilwiu are five LboH, ■urronndlng the city, and con-

ctrd l>y bruail lioultvtmls, mil tit fully npletod, hut iifl'onlliiji the promise of •■ uf the most magnlnctut drives in the iintry. If llio mater III prosperity of

Chicago haw sutlc.rcd from the inflictiuti ol soel.illsm, It Is inn apparent upon the sur- face ; mi every haml splendid liusli Lfloua an- in progrtaa, ami tbore in the name bustling activity which has ever characterised the Lake City, mid given it ■ach marvelous growth and prosperity. At live o'clock we are oil' ugnln, IhSSl.] brief stops proving exceedingly rot ful and enjoyable. Kroni this point to the Missouri river, we journey over th« Coun- cil HI mis line Of tbe I'hh-aKO. Milwaukee ami St. l'aul Hallway, which has extended its arms westerly and northerly from Chi- cago, until it embracea a rich Mention of country with Its I minis of iron ami steel. The Urand Army of the edit lias travelled over this line before, and lias always found Its officiate alive and active, leav- ing nothing undone for the moat complete comfort and enjoyment of excursionists. Tbe ilrst section of our train to Chicago, waa In special charge of Mr. W. C. Toll. mag, of the Grand Trunk Hallway; with the second is Charles A. Brown of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. I'anl, and in

of the third Is Mr. T. Deunls, of on 1'uciiic Hood; these gentlemen


of these lines, have labored Inc for weeks to Insure the fullest sui this excursion, and by their coustant courtesies arc hourly adding to the lndebt> e.iu.s- of the entire party to them. From Chicago Mr. Brown will have general charitt of I In' entire train to Council Binge), ami from there, Mr. Dennis will (»■ in control, l.otl. themi gentlemen going through to Han Francisco. Last ovenlng

niter leaving Chicago, and when the tallies bad been removed, we enjoyed a parlor concert for an hour, an upright plauo sc- copying Hie center of the aal< night urew on apace, ami ttie room was lietng transferred into a sleeping apart- ment, a wild whoop came from behind one of the hanging draperies, and it non-

lethlng burst Into the apart- tt a garment that might have between a slate prison suit and of one of Illinium's downs,

or served a* a compromise between a ten cent bathing suit and a squire's wedding dress, lint this early alarm subsided as, despite the dhtgulMv. was recognized the features of the elevator supervisor and legislative faetotu f the Commonwealth '>; Massachusetts; he declared Unit his idgbtmure attire was a icenulne l'aj-inwh, Imported from Lynn. During the night.


Berlm n sat dnwnin,: behind the house on a bench over which the lilacs formed n canopy, filling the nir with Ih-ir bash IMtsTlllWl The, houso wasaftna building, wtin white wnlla an.lnr.«tf <f'v-ml«:ihrisl tiles. It U>V>ne<ed t»i Berbanw mother, tbe widow Lephowlhnh, ami was situated In the-Oalhehm aubnrb of Kukoff, not far from the uuatun houaoaiul ekms L> U>e woods.

Dame Lepkowltarb wiw a rich women, abonl 40 yean of age, whom every one e» teemed ami fennel. They i»Us-m«l her U- aanss) since tbe death of her husband aba had alone i.cloiiriLiU>nHl thn pn.peity and its de- I-■'!■[. II „■-. mid. besldea, carried on n ■... ill Erade in tallow and wood, They wen- adaed with fenr when they saw her gn-nt pray eyes itii-l In-u-ii her voitv, rasping und harsh asa saw being Wparntetl hy a file.

Nut being- al.le toned or write, uhc sent her mm toiehoot when (piiU' young. KITIMIII

read to Ii -r the hooai and paraTs, for (his woman, who could not decipher a letter, hnd aborning ileslre to know all that trnnsiund in Vienna, i" Paris, and In tla> distant coun- tries. Hho loved Berban as a mother lores her only child, hut she to. >L good mn> not to let him know it. Was it not enough that from morning till mghl HIUI thought and worked for his benefit!

Serlian was a dreamer. The only thing that gnvn him any I" His inotlier had Nsight this iiLstrume hisamiiaKtncnt, as she thought her HO

mil, bpcnuan lie was so much alouo and gir himself up to gloomy thoughts.

The jieople in the neighborhood wvre <if an entirely different opinion of hint They thought him ill. nnil in>t one of them would liavo given two grosehen■fram's for his life.

I 'ii i J o ■ Laphowitach <'■-•■■■ far from mi-iiiri ing thut he uiisled n hand to nurse, him. and that that hnivl should lm a womnu's haiul. For tbe moment It was the hand of his mother, hut later it would I"'that of another, of which, whan an disposed, he could control—that was (vrtain. H» ought, like n eliild, to puas fre one iinnd U> another, hut it wns n dillleult alTiiir to hring aixait, as he did not np)>ear t<. please with his girlish fait* and Monde, curly hair, nnd he will nail to bare a dislike of any ono who wore long hair and flowing robes. When a bennttTul young glriappeared Imfon him, or a sweet voice called him, be WHS In- clined to run away.

He did not go to the tavern or to Imlls, wet never seen at the fountain nor at the night watches of the spinners, the favorite of tin! young pi-opli-. None of themt p hail any attraction for him.

her became anxious nlmut hii chilly when she saw him sitting, as now, like A prince rbnrming bewitched by n fairy

He bad been there for some time, lost in thought, when suddenly a strange noise sh his iws and disturbed his meditations

il at tbe matui time sec in tin- quiet "f tbe evening t< market place, and to echo magically fro houses and the gardens. A sweet harmony ruled tins noisy concert, Kcrlwn arose, and with the violin ami bow in his hand folk slowly this melodious mil. Crossing the largo garden*, be found himself in the street wbicb Kilt-i the market place of Zukoff. There eomjuiet crowd fonncd a circle; soldie: Jews, servants, ehililn'ii and in the center young girl of great beauty was making large black hear dams'.

Whil- be turned slowly on his hind feet, l< ting escape every now and then a grunt sntisfai-tion. Iho young girl heat a lamliourine, the dull noise nf which, uniting with the ring ing of l»'lls, sent forlli a regular marked with melancholy chonls.

The profile of the young girl, whose flgiiro slender and straight, stood out supcrbl;

against the hrillhint evening sky, like th pi-rtraitofa Bytantine saint in a frame_ u

•ered with beautiful little red morocco Units. She wore a short. striped jacket; around her nock n eollarol coral and silver, which fell on her pmbroid

1 chemisa A nil cloth wns wound grace- fully around her head, and gave to her fins' an < biental and romantic character,

V lell from nil sides. t\ cried out law thanks, or.d suddenly began dmi'v. Hhe kilum-tsl hers. If voluptuous went around the circle, skipping with t music nnil casting her gk spectators, Honwtbnes she bent her body with wonderful niipplcuera: ]...-..I nil the points of her tin's, letting In bead fail on her breast All of In manta were exeeuted with remarkable gran1

and without tbe slightest taint of coquetry. Then she seised her whip nnd snapped it,

nnd M"'kc in a comnuuiding tone to the bear. T!ie animal understood all of her signs, ami ncted with tbe blind obedienco "f a slave whe loves nnd f.-urs his mistrem. He wit down and gave his paw; toy down, and tbe young girl walked iii triumph over his wrinkled back; he Uieredand shrugged ns a clown, and then at a new signal bo gave himself up t<> n sort of |i-oitouiiine. To llnish, he threw him- self on tbe ground as if dead, and the young girl stretched herself out upon him, takingUx position of a conqueror filling an enemy to

Serhan stood there without moving, hut did not take his eyes off the girl for an I net it.

-I io not go near her," said a neighbor, i las Menscb, the tailor. "I know her well; i Is as arrogant as she ia savage, Sh" is col! the princess of the hears. If I offer you a advice, it Is to keep out uf bor way."

ThLs warning come too hite. As the girL advanced toward him to pi.-it up the plo I nev wl:ii Ii had fallen nt his feet to him that she suddenly snatched away from him, nnd that shehni under that magnificent embrolderei Then, when she hnd replaced the collar aglne bear's neck and quitted the place with Hm, Borbnn felt as if he also wasattaehsjlfci a magic chain and obliged to folio" h. re, ainsl

i \L right, giflstoiirnsi

vae.Slriend a ud tfct tfcrban

you wilt nave to (icnonn. "What il.. you mean by that." "I will show von nt DUCO," She quickly

took the chain frum 11M- l*'Ui's neik IUI.I put il on sfc rlian. "Come, now," she cried, "give attention, for if you do not work well you will have nothing toetit.und if you are dLs- itssiient 1 sliall pttuiah yiai. Forwaiill" S i liiiu got up. "Dance, my U-ar, dance!" She eomne'iMi'il Ik'iiting th. Ijcnlioiirliie

mil the young man lugaii todancc, Isith of iheni btugbing like two simple children.

Meanwhile tiie bear bad advanced towards kara, and was- looking much astonished lafuna, in her Innocent hapjiinees, did not

stop snapping her whip, "Come on, Ivmiok; my friend, if [tpJeaaos you. Hop:

imp:" Theanimnl stood up on his hind feet and •till as if be was going to throw himself on

his young mist rim. tterhan, mhnuuterstaod- ing tbisdechuatiou of friendship, and fearing that Cadina was in danger, placed himself in front or her to prated h r.

■It straightened up his ears, gave a low growl, and diking Herbon, who still held his fiddle lx>w in his hand, unfortuuatelv. and

•atcnisl the luiir with it uunwan-s, jumpst upon him and seiaed him in his pi".. The young girl with all ber strength at tbe boast, nnd heat him with her whip till she

n [asbed Berban, whose blood was already ering the graw, and I he young man, pale his lips, sank-to the groom] at Odlna's

feet She looked at him in terror for a moment,

and then threw herself ui>oii liiui. "Are you dead.'" slm murmunsl, shaking in violently. No. he still breathed—his heart bent Cadina at once regained her premuro of

mind. Taking from her pocket a small silk handkerchief, which she wore nround her neck nt night, she tore it In striiw, dragged Serhan to the edge of the brook, washed his wound with cold water, and stopped tlie flow

load, which was spreading profusely. Berban won opened his eyes mid looked at her with a smile.

BheUeda imii'lug" around his head over the wound, and after having fastened the lienr to a iris1 she ran across too prairies and fields to the nearest village, which could Is1

s.s'ii througii the lilrch "tnsw, and whieb nt- tracted attention by the three golden cujjolas of Its Orei k church.

When "he returned she was accompanied by Jew iHtrhcr, who was also n [irofe*sir of the

healing art, ami by tw en carrying After the wound was freshly dressed Serhan iva* cnrrhsl to the village, whe engagisl lodgings for hei'M'lf and him at the barber's.

Tbe wound was not dangerous, but poor Serhan had a raging foyer for more than a week. After that be convalesced rapidly, nnd niiotlr-r wivk had sconvly parsed when ho was able to leave his bed.

Cadiiin,wbo bail watched by him day and night, conducted him for tho Ilrst time out of tin' house, He m-ateil himself hy her siih>, his face beaming with joy at once more being iihle to look upon nature'ln nil Its glory,

-Now that you are well," said Cadina, without looking at. him, "you must return to your mother, ajid 1 will go my moduli with my I war." ■Do you believe I will do that

Berban, quietly. "No, no; 1 go with you, tf

:;!^;„r;.-,.",\ii sif\ %,;::;.!■;,;;::;,:.::, !:r

a% WM. W. COLBY | 'JR l NEIttL * ruiiKISlllMl t NDtiRTAKK j ".'f^.^V^ "/.■■ !'."II'IO'.' VlVr."'/.'.rV'-'i

Salesroom 2HG. K*«i'Ienrp, -JSo Con)

mnnSlreot. j«nHlyr

5c. APiECE ! 3000 PLANTS.

i/^C\ k.f '„ i lleli.,1. s. Vrrl ; .id < HIT- ig^VOi ADVERTISING i Kanllioiinnw, jfL^f PaystTeet I P"":""'-™\|JY^T"' |^*^D™ ™™±.!' t, S.WA-T£RSJIAM,

""••••liKelli'j's HOIK Slorc, Lairrrnre, .3---C0««.lc„O0* P..

IliKli WIITI. AllllOTlT

'•=r^r::r::!r:.""i!l0Lh\ VMS Hil'ttflniiH

QANKEHS. , lonlir. ,«wuleil torl-IMll »r on

ThoH. P. Hubbard Co., I„*«n•«uriil m«i .•..,, Vork iitHikil.

> »iii..Hj.oMn:\i r. 1XVIT- u jJudicious Idnrtising igsr.ts and Elicits, j j i '" ' """ ""■"'• ! 1U inbers of tlie Nea Ycrk SUck EieUsgs sad I New Ha»on, conn. . Proprietors of Poor's UinualofRailways. i*'V™°—T*B..'rV,'.''™'«."«.."r''''ii *~> W ,1.1. BTttKKf, NKW V<IBK.

IJSfNTSWaMTfeb ;.. IVi'rwi Ii-" l.eiiel II ,\II-.I I' . I -• !il;M-l*i il ,.,,,. ».,, I.-.U.:... >■>.


of uif link (orluoco. ,

■•.in. I... .1 ■.'. ei < ion i u \ i ■> i \ sit M, T..lhUt IH IKK'"1' '




stoinai h' Indies keep the wine pure in ;■ water in another, the latter tnf ;it t!^" stations. Tliere iiru'jotne

iwlni'eveii mor<*u ut ■«• lu* lliL,<:,■ ,,f

white flannel, the whole .■ur.''"*tl1 lu »" oriliiinry small tin hox. FdrnaiUes who always feel the heal of the carriage to he ■■dreadful," this Will he 4'luxurious re- (Yedimeut.

Never ijuit your little hsnil-iiati. for a simile moment, In which /on have money and trinket-, il'you even leave the car- riage hrlntr it with yon . never deposit It on u table or ehalr in a bullet, it might tnku mysterious Wln«S ami fly awaj. What Is most often reitlllrett, und that Is a-, ft rule overlooked, i.- to have a supply of writing materials al handy To these may be added a few nccdleaJSircad, sels- HIIIS, pins ami thluih'e uji^fepalr on the moment any accldenU*- ■ aid. A'

r.iUlli: i Her-

you eome fmm'" -rrom tne mountains over yondi

the Hnnanrlan frontier." He iu.liiil notbintj more, hut hetm

apTvohor. Ho could not mffldantly this ndoruhle crontiire, whiho innoe was li>,'liti-t tiy two (;ri«t, SH.I eyes Peered from beneaUi her monnltlrent hair.

"lillt Why do you follow me sol If it is t Joke, I think it has lusted too limn."

"( rn the contrary, it Ls a serious matter." "lln^of you to return," said she sweetly B.r!h'" shwit hia hem I.

■ill "I will not." '■ And if I eiimmnni! you to do son Rnyinn

this she not up ami walked majestically toward him. Will you listen tome:"

"Nor "Herban, do not make me angry with you,

I have conquered my Is-ar, mid i am likely to be able to (pit the better of your obstinate iufntuntli'ii."

"I IH'K of you, Cadina, do not send me hack."

Thopoor hoyliml partly risen, so that he fount I himself on his knees lief on- her, n-jjnnl- iiiK her With lUpplii-atiiiK P}'™- Hbo fame towards him, hut wrui silent. Suddenly a smile Kpnnd itsalf over ber line face.

•'liemaiii, then: but, liko Jvanu^, my boar,

wnrliKe aiul itjrategia tribe, and that nil the redcoats In Bri'Uh tluiana could not SUCOPHS-

fully attack the plus'. Kach path, as 1 after- wiirtl came to know, wosdefemhsl hy a sort of uhatt.ts, mid a sentinel or aoont was always on duty. Our advent Into the village created but little surpris-', and thin mostly oniony the woman and children. Thia waa pretty nis»l proof tlmt the si-ht of n white man wns no novelty to the men. Wo warn held under imnrd on a piece i>f vacant ground within the village for u few minutes, while one of the natives went off to see the chief \ ami during this Interval I said to the men:

" 'It H true, mates, th«t we linvo Isvn nuule prisoners, but we must hope for the licrt. It is mint likely, from the looks of everything, that wears being held for run ■■.n Incase we are aapttrated hero and one of us 1ms tlie luck to get away, let him toko the creak fur lui compass to gel back to the river.'

"i'riie growled back in nu nngry tone, nay ing that but for mo we could have, I - iot- themoir, but Keys was silent. 1 think *' wns Donslderably overcome by our situate1

After a hit the native returneil, ami wav"' ■«rat.i|niid rmnehid oif in diiri'W'nfcil 1S

(" t: uis. 1 was eondncted to a small hut, **,"''l

i 'lennsl lo have been empty for soinr '""'• c. il left alone in the <larkueas. These <•■ ""


,„, Fourth nf Joly, ■urleil up in their l*sls

i had fmlnl

s unit pains in their

A LITTLE SUFFERER CleMied, riirilli'il.iiinl Iteiiutifleil

lij- Uin I'nlinii'ii Itiuirilli's.

•,.i Hut.* TI^II ten fn r„„.iimMlel

rt" i nnyoi guard, but I kept my eyes opeu the village and knew that it Would " " sii.le for me to Hud my way out. I f"und a bed of leaves and bnuicbi-s, fr« "'.va-lf upon it, and after a few niim|t<* f*"" to

thinking over Uie situation I f*H ad.^p, and it was ann-up before I opened, °* t'vu*' " native hud alreiuly entered th* ^ with •»>' breakfast, which consisted of »*'» ™ which the meat might liave been rs> ■■t'"l' r,,r *" ' isaiM tell or ml. He alas s-ought n ealn- iMutliof water, some groundlUt" "f i'^asant tnsU-, and n speiim of fnu' resembling the Ainericiui niaudrnke. I '** ,,!,t,n« break- fast when-1 beard a great*00**0* •" mv/

running, but It p i': nu hour before 1 . y exdtomeot A nn- X:o tho house of the fi's, greatly agitatiil. i him was a heap of sJflad on the garments 1 entered tho hut Keys

but l'rico has l«s.>n nd a

break to get away. united some of thn

he gave thotn a sharp light, I saw his dead

ight me here.' mt a bail looking fellow,


i fraloi ire ." What ore you thinking aboutl"

■■I cannot live without yon; no, I cane*' Cadina drew near the young man andfe80"

her great, 1- nut if ul eyes ii|"iu him. "Why should I hide it. rrom you,'" saJJ she,

sincerely. "1 also wish no num but ye*. Hut you nre rich and 1 am n poor girl. YVMt will the mother sayl cannot bn,'ftnsflatti you ih> not spook soriously."

"Do vou love llK'f "Yes." "Then I ask for nothing more.* Borban stood up; f"r the first IMS he showed

signs of energy. After ho pajiJ the barber, having still s.nn" money, he hii«l a carriage or tho Jew and placed Cadi it. Then ho started fi

hnd belli n h a she xjr him aaaln.

ineaaki t.

Herb™.. •■Whom do you bring aV'theref "A U-ur nnd a itiHii-wfhn replied. "Will

you have ber for adatunfrri' Bhowlllbeeomo nt orientnv wife; ami,* not I leave yon to follow tier and her bar"

"If she la a good \ft"

"If she loves ; Wisd you love hor, whether slie U'ri.-hor p.y.I give her my blessing.n

Cn linn Iss-nm.i ^ rlsui's wife. The jieople of Kukoff were sjs'nliihed nt the change they saw in Herbnnjeto all at once became an- other man, wiaarlght eyes and joyfulspaech;

oiiuwtnl, who pleased everybody. as,Ate tailor, was not surpriseii.

learned the cause of live then conducted I chief, when' I found Un the ground hesj clothing which I reS> worn by Price called to me:

•'Oh, Mr. Tbi

little time agi 1 think H

nativiw, and for they fin: body

"Tbeohlv lie hailadrJ' and cunning look about his eyes, and fc" watched and lideri>:d attentively while wi)»'ospeaking. Near him sUxwi n native .3vS° provtsl to Iw an Interpreter He htvtfrshmilr been In tho employ of the KiiRlisk'"r honiuld sjiwik fairly welt At

■ un tbe chief bu asked of us; writof ihook his head, while I said yes. Ho

jiloccd l-l'.'i-e mo pn|>er, ink and pens, r a confab with the chief, he Kaiil: write i|.I.I;:I. Ono of you dead,

buy others. Want muaaets, powder, .itchets, Is-iiils nnd cloth. Ho buy you in

lays. No buy you, you no get away. Write imick. Coiiuo take him down to cuntain.'

I taught the idiu at once. We were to tw held for ransom. Kailor men uan tiio pen little that none of them con boast of their

!.■■!! that ilins'tiou, but at the end of half an hour 1 had llnishnl n letter to tbe i-nptnfn, telling him all the circumstances and entreating him not to leave fate. It wns no sooner plnccd in an envelope and directed to him thou a native seised it nnd hurried away, and Keys ami myself were taken lsiek to our acjwrute huts. This i as aUuit s o'clock in tho morning. By noon the fellow was hack with on nu which read:

"Yon must try to cscn|>e. I have no authority to trade off the g-nsls. How much do they wantf Could a Isiat load of the mer release you!'

"The chief and his interpreter wcre-watch inp; mu ts l read the letter, and they wen ■|uick to discover that I had hod nows. The interpreter could not read writing, and they must, therefore, take it as I gave it. I ex- plained tlmt the captain had only a few goods left, nnd that ho advised them to duct us to the nearest outpost down the river nod iiinke a bargain with tho authorities, was plain tube seen that they were disap- )i ;u;. I. ■: i ufter a confab tho interpreter was ordernd t<> say to me:

"You try ono time again. Captain gi' canot full, we let yon go. He no buy, wo kill you. Wo no take you down the river.'

"I wrote another letter to the captain gii Ing tbe above information and appealing to him not to leave us to isuish. For the wages which would be due us u|*>n our rotura to Georgetown he could prolmbly II..;.- ,\t in*. .

"What fa maw naturair said he to every one nt least ho|sil he would make tho offer he out; "tsffeu taken a wifoerho can conquer I the effort. As subsequently appeared, he did wild beassrwby should she not conquer him/ j make the offer and a good anal mom. n«of- Itlsnotp nin that she iscallol thol'rinco«i feredfour moaketi and n largo quantity of

of tho l: ii the French,


muokati other Imrtiir for our safe return, but the stick was the natives wanted the gissLs in advance. They were a suspicious lot, nnd would not trust the cnptnln to stand tohis hnrgoin. On the other bund he had no faith that they

hnftaar I 'f f. • f .r tw ^Miic'jJ ^^l^r

i i rjnv'town, British Qutana, a general trailer rjfnatDort named VTilliam Chester fitted out ■ minll schooner to pmonsd Up tho river Ks- anuilio to barter for the native products of Be country. A berth was offered me, and I iras only too glad t" accent it.

"The craft whieh our owner fitted put was an old master which had been wrecked or condemned and sold at auction. The schooner

led with two small boats, which nd p-it'hed. As to the cargo, I sup-

pose it. was all ri^lit, and there was no reason to doubt that the captain, whose name was

1 Hm mate, whose nnuio was re sailor men nnd knew their

business \\,. numlnred twelve men aboard, nine of us before the mast

uly on our voyage two days covered tlu» mason of our tsang

wind was not

ml rtfl-r expected la, , r two this bn


ring above the last military p-wt ing the natives, with on);

i ri- lld While •del

dise.. In sii j |,

iven- always [irovided with muskets, hen we came to anchor at night a

strong watch was kept, and wo made ready against a surprise. After the first four days we U'guti bartering fi r iH-It-:. roots, gums. IVIHULH and thn like, and everything was plain sailing. It was on the tenth day out, at about mid at'iei-noon, that trouble came, Wi « •■ towteg the acnoonnr nheojl against a si ■ h curmit, U a portion of tho river split Intnossroralrhannelsby IMIIM. 1 waa or- dii,| int'i the snail boat, along with .lames K . - .■, I U ilhaiii frii-e, sailor men. to sound n i'mm ! sad pa k out n l-'Hh for the night WmTeths srhooner was being held by the yawl, we forged abend around a bend in the river, and the thick forest shut, out the craft from our vision, It wasnt two minutes after we lost sight of the schooner heforo threo canoes, each holding five natives, dashed rail at ns from the mouth or tbe creek. The black fellows made no noise, but paddled full at us. This put u-iinntl*. you understand. There bad been no hostilities as yet, and it would not do to fire upon them, though, nu the other hand, we couldn't understand why they were making for ns in that manner. Wo didn't have more than four or five minutes to ■pare, I was sounding, while Keys and Price wem rowing, Price dmpgied his oar and raised a musket, but wo protested, and lie hud it down again. Next momeut*wa wiresurToanded,andadoten of thefellowa luid their hands on our Ismt. They were armed with bowi and arrows and old liritish muskets. While they offered us no violence, we muld plainly understand frmn their ge»- turns that wo wen. prisoners. They took the oars and muskets from our boat, and In tho course of live minutes we found ourselves In tbe stream from Which they had ilrst ap-

"■Mub-s.' says I, ns wo worn being towed ashore, 'its plain enough that we have heon 'mi'!.' pi-i- -sand disarmed. It doesnt ap- pnar, however, that they mean us any great

Thai* lie our wisest plan

"I . ink nf the

oke the L.'lel

we would be »k, but in pirn in-into the ya

landed • the f that tw

painter ■II went

nptl reek at a smart pace. The forest was side that It was twilight in

there, and We could hardly *<*■ each other's Fives. The crock was about thirty f.s't wide and quite deep. We wem about half a mile from tin- river when we heard the n.|H>rt of a musket. The gun had been 11 red on h-mnl

ooner for a recall. The report some- what excited the natives, and at thecotn-

I of their chief they pulled ahead thn faster. Print was a man of bat tamper, nnd when he had reenvered his wits and realised that we were being carried off, he advised that we make a fight for our liberty. While it might I.' that th,. natives understood a few

is of Bnglish, it is mure likely that tho of bis voice and bis excitement gave

them the run t hie of the fellows In the yawl ith us had u musket., and he cocked it and ikl tbe weapon within n f oat of my mate's

breast That was to warn him that any ve on his |»irt would bu his own death, 1 he s. mi mbsfded. I think we must have gone up the river

hilly eight milm Is-fore we enme to their vil- lage. It waa not on the bank of the stream, but half n mile awnv. nnd appruacnul by1

pat ha through tho denso fon«t that ft was plain to wwki-staud Uwv were a

returiusl empty handed, (treat was the rage of the people thereat was brought out of my hut and kicked and cuffed about until I full exhausted, and tho same treatment was likewise served out to Keys. It waa only after they had tbus mal- treated us that the captain's letter was shown to me. HccxpretMcil his willingness to pay fair ransom, but w-nnted me to make the natives understand that they must act fairly in the matter. This I tried to explain to tho chief and his interpreter, but they either could not or would not understand. I think the killing of Price was also a knotty point in tin transaction. They prolmbly expected tho captain would sock revenge for that, and that if he got the opportunity he would force them to release us without ransom.

"I went to bed son- nnd suppcrlesa to pass a wakeful night Karly tho next morning I was ranted out to write a third letter to the captain. While I. of course, desired to aavo my life, I hail pretty fully made up my mind that thn uativea had no intention of giving m up. I wrote to tho captain to that effect, telling him to give them nothing until we were brought down tho stream to a point where we could !>■ exeltnnged. Tho fact that the village was full of stuff for barter, that the tribe had fought shy of trailing with the schooner, waa proof to me that they wore In a hostile mood. H;s firmness would resull in either our death or lilxsrty, and that proba- bly l.-fore night.

"The morning was very hot nnd close, and before u o'clock 1 observed that tho birds about us were in a state of alarm. The lives soon exhibited a nations and uneasy spirit, ami finding that little or no attcutioi: wan pal I tn me, I walked over to whore Key waauonflned. As soon as we put our head! together we became satisfied tlmt some teni bio sto in was brewing, Tho air continued to grow more hot and stilling, and at about in o'clock there came an earthquake shock which nearly threw us down. The flret was speedily followed by a second and third, and, ns tlie huts began to tumble nnd tho trees to fall, everybody ran away. Keys and myself tooka)«tli lending to the east and ran for life, Isith of us having noticed that the forest was more open in that direction. Wo were neither hindered nor pursued. It enmo on to Mow a hem \ gale soon nfter tho shocks, und during tlie Ilrst hour of our wanderings we were in constant fear of death. Afler going eeven or eight miles to tho east we eanio upon a sparsely wooded plain, and it waa only then that we made up our minds to escape, found plenty of wild fruits and fresh water, and during tho whole day we did not meet with a native. If. was long after dark liefore we lav 'Iowa to nwt, and it was soarcely day- light before wo wore afoot again. ^

■Not to weary you with uninMiSing de- tails, I may say that for seven Vwn held to the east, sometimes having IIWWJ htlai from meeting natives, and sometimes beaten out that we would willingly have sn rendered. Toward evening of tho seventh day, when wo had rnade fully WO mile*, wa came upon the river which; dlvnk* liritish frmn Dutch lluinnn, WI,| providentially at th.- camp ii aume Dutch military nflicers who ware mi a hunting excursion. It was months niter this before I reached Georgetown, while Keys never there at all, being carried nff by jungle fever. I hunted up Copt larkins. who bad long ago given me un f,.r il,«d, a„d

rightly treated in the nuitter of wages, a berth on a hrlg about

to sal! for Liverpool, He had refused to the natives any ransom In advance, and after waiting for three daya, without hearing any- thing further from ma, hail begun the home- ward voyage."—Hew York Sun.

ml aid.d I

, Taste, of linking Powder.

early •llbaktaf powders have their pec a- and taste, some very prominent, especially mire than (he prescribed quantity Is use

The alum powders leave a slight bluer taste ... the lin'Si1,i|iiltuprunfmaTOi|iran excess of the pewacr i» used, TII« rruimi tartar powders leave a peculiar lasu dlmculi w daserlbe, Inn what insy be termed a "inking; powder" tame, ror

reatn wmo preludlee «.\ I-I , ajralnst llic use of onlliisrj liHklnu POWder. The lukbiK powder mane by Prof. Hereford artnnllr leaves no fur dju taste hi the bread or btteolt, even tliouRh s

lHrire ipisnttiy i„- aned. The taste Is natuml sud i-lnus, and this combined with the healthful nutrition! qualities or (he powacr renders ft

the Meal linking powder.

Bathing cloaks of Turkish towelling are made to reach the leet, and ars SoUthed by a monk's hood.

I like the heroes of many a fight to relate, as all sleepless they lay,

Httvpln bad chimed

si: "What a perfectly glorionoday! y, lmd it can only come once in tho year!"

•v six poti-nit mothers who loved the six ,- boys, (Tore resting at last, now the daylight was

done; for, with the wild racket ami riot and noise,

No JKXU-O bad ln-en theirs since the dawn of the sun.

And they sighed as they said In the weariest way

(And full cause bail they for their foldings, I rear): -

"This bus I toon such a terrible oar splitting day!

How lucky it only cornea once in the year!" —Ht Nicholas.

"Yes, my son." "I was born in January, wasn't l!" ■Yea, little boy." "Hut there ain't any dust in January. The

irrouiid i" all frown in January, ain't ill" Kor heaven's sake, Johnny, don't ask so iiv foolish quastiona" But I am made of dust, uin't Ir" Yes, of course." Why don't I got muddy inside when I

drink waterI" tloo.1 parlous, child, do give men reatr

Vilse fo regat nem lal denirir Kw omy kamerou ssvil !;••

Nnd phitardcg veale denhld n

Iheenrct our hole Kiaudc I byyourCljdi KemcillCK. WheiiMx month- old Ills h'fTl:

n Hits report at Pure hand

nioowellend IUKI m-n appuaranei of ilmll. IVe uoolllccil It, hut all In no purpose. ii llic monllis alter ii beenrae n running sere. ether sores formed, lie theu bad two sorts

U'li I I. and a- his 1,1 1 Invents more and ilmpun Iliuuktcul ■ r..i- ibew n> break

alt. ( tuw alter ; -i lienli it, il Imiiv mat- ■r forming la earh one el llie-e the ilcep onus i-t lieture heiillrij.', \v hl.-li nnul-l llnally grow , ami were taken mil, thee tin v Wunlil Iwal uphllv. Hi I lliese IIRIV Imnc foriiiiilleus [ reserved. After takinir M .lu/eri am) n Hull unt- ies be wus ei.mpletely cr ' ge nt six years, a siren i-urn nu his Imails must i , restroiig, Hiuusli lie i.iii-e feared lie mailil never e able In li-ettieai. All lliat pliyslelsas did for tin ilhl hhn nuiEtmil. All w ho saw Hie eliltd lie nre using. I he Lulle.irii Keuiedles sad see htm DW, eonsider It a wonderful cure, if lbs above in t- are •'! anj u-e lo von, veil are at Itbenv lo RS them. II Its. K -,. iHtH.t.S, Msv ii, 1885. 019B.(lay St., L'.i jii-.n. 111.


I'liechtlil was really In a wor a|i|iesred to his irrsmlmotile

""""" ""SiS ■i.mlltluii than


Cl.TICl'UA KKMKDICS snldliyallilriigitlsts. I'rlee Li Tiirtu,.V)c; oi.VKNT, Sl.isi, MiAr, « els- I'repnre.l l.y I'OITKK imt o mm AL Co., r... i.,.,,

MIIIH. Send fur puiniililet.

•cud for "How to Cure ftkin Dlseaocs.^

Tin, Itiisliklr Nomad's Skilled Arehery.

The ItUHlikir nonuubi of the f'nspiuii stoppsj uive to sulnii-st partly on the preduce of the hose, but are bsi |>oor to use (runpowder, and

can Isinst of nrrow artists that would make Maurico Thompson stare. Their veteran hunters think nothinR of skewerinR a long- ■eggod hare in full career, or hittiiiK a tlyinu bustard (Otis tan la I, a lirga but extremely shy Rnine bird, at a distance of eighty or ninety ynnIs. They practice shooting at a gallop, forwanl and liackwani, but few of their champions would have lieen nblo to pull strings against the long Isiw men of tho Ilia, k Prince, Htruth, in his "dames and 1'astimes of old England," atates that several kings, down to the tunes of Henry VIII, (ntenlieb-d all other stsirts in onier bi insure supremo skill in archery. The boys of the yeomen began to practice about as soon as they could stand mi their legs, and tho marksmanship tlius nttaiiRil actually surjuows the average proficiency of our musketeers, tin the testi- mony of n-imcroiis eye-witnesses we must lx>- Jicve th ' in archery contests tillt) yurda wa' the usual range, at which distance a veteran archer thought it a shame to miss a stick ns thick as a man's thumb.—Dr. FslLi L. Os

Improved Crops In .11 n-«nili i ■ -., - r I ., In Massachusetts, by tietter agrtcultaral

met hoc Li the corn crop has been so increased and improved that with the present value of fodder, they can raise corn cheaper tbau it can In' purchased from the west, and at thn some lime improve tbe fertility of their lands for other piirnrtoal Corn folder is now largely fed in the place of hay, the product of tho gross lamls being sold in towns. Orson fodder Ls preserved in silos to a consider- able extent. ^^__

Disinterring the Item of Pompeii. Excavation goes on constantly hut slowly

on account of the |mverty of the government, and one mny watch tho prO-OBM and see brought to light a statue, a pnvement, a fresco or a sleeping apartment. What will I „■ done with the vast ainuiint of antiquities to bo un- covered in tho remaining two-thirds of the city, no one can tell. The museum of Naplee isfull nnd tho quantity of antique material found at [tome and all over Italy is crowding Uin public galleries everywhere. Why does not some American millionaire offer to assist In disinterring the n-st of 1'ompeii for n jsjr- tion of the antiquities, which with commend- able public spirit he could givo to some mu- seum in New York or Snn FranciscoI

Most of the picturee, statues, frescoes, pave- ments, bronaes, jewelry, etc., have bean taken Emm the bouses of Pompeii nnd placed in the great museum at Naples, which is ono of the most voudorful in the world. It is so rich in objects of various kinds, in (Ireek vases and in I*onqn:inn antiquities, that it would really re- pay months of study. Persons coming to I ionic should also visit Nap lee, which Ls only live hours distant, and the visit can tie made even in summer with much loss discomfort than Ls usually rapnosad, H would not Isi iwrhajw worth while merely to know its pis>- ple, if time preesBs, but the three great feat- ures of the place- . anivins, Pompeii and the museum—nre worthy to bo classed among the wonders of the world.—Foreign Cor. Ban Francisco Chronicle.

Where Oyitent Were First Planted, Wellftaet, on tho tip of Capo Cod tiny,

claims to be the ilrst town in New England to engage in oyster planting. Years ego they imported from Virginia tkJ.flOO to T0,UUU mol- lusks. and dropped them in tlie water that lira near tlie town. Tho meaty bivalves thrived for a time, and those engaged in the Industry made money, but in ISS0 the inton^st in tho trado relaxed, and the oysters died out. Oently a few energetic persons have combined and sent to the south for another Instalment, ond propose to revjvo the industry and umku it permanent.—Chicago Times.

I>erllneof Prices In England. The London ltankera, Magnziue says that

within tho last few years "colfoo has dropped more than 411 per cent, sugar fully :XI per cent., tea ncnrly !>t) per cent., wheat ntxmt All per cent, butchers' moat ID per cenL Of metals, ropiier has fallen about 50 per cent end iron nlsiut *i5 per cent Wool hao fallen nbout lit) percent leather is at must tho only article dearer now than it was fifteen yearsngo. Most of tliu largo decline hastuk- eu place since lsiji"

New Brooches. A novel and very beautiful brooch seen re-

cently i: 1.1 a moonstone for its center, from this radiated numerous gold thivnil* in Curved lines that modo tho bnioch ncnrly round hi shape, and at the end of each gold thread quivered a tiny diamond. A popular brooch is ono of the many forms of gold knots, cbased, plain and set with gems. Very popular, too, nre the Hower brooches; si times a cluster, often u single (lower; s< tbnes entirely of gold, again cnntneliKl or with pans. A silver pin that has pn Very acceptable is the clover leaf in ena that exactly rimulatca tho natumt leaf In color. A new gold brooch, just Introdm Is in form iif a largo knot or isiil of gold iri too open or pierced work.—Jewelers1 O

wTisn miiT *Mslrk, wegBTehnrCssUirt*,

When she woo ■ <n,iw, she orlaa f»r Caatsrta,

ft'hen oha bnnonie Miss, uhn oluug to (^wtoria,

■Then ,ho had 0U(Iron, she go,™ laem C'Mterto,

Ksow TursKi.r iiy readliiK the SJ'II Mfe, tlie IH'SI taeittiiil werk ever piihllsl yooagand adddJo sged men. wl

lay, Send Uirre twiucnt -u-nnp- lor pi.siage i «.' niii send yeu Dr. Kaufauwvs great work, i iiilnreil |i|iit,'~ friini Hie, en dlseiise, its can mid lionic euro. Address, A. I'. Uriiwuv A I Boston, Muss. dwaweo

THAT iuur or MISS. Auntie, three week- age had the salt rheum

II-III^-I-I n lai lie I- II

iiw.iiml Ii

,1 I h hopes or nil-las lilia, l.ut i ■-"■!■ -l sulphur lllui'r*. and ml r-iiippeviis am Imliy Tiniev mt a-ore on his head, limt Ju.t IIOIIIK nut .iiioirh, Hint a f,-w -iii|,lnir llllii-n -1 1.lrnrc liliu. 'ell. dwiweod

AllVIL'ITdjMOTIIKKS. Arc you dlsturls-d at night and broken nf your

reni hy a sick ohlW sijamng and crying wiih pali of cuUlrin teeth? If so, send at once aud srcli tmttlu of Mrs. Wlnslnw's SSHIIIIIUS Syrup fo Uliildren Teethlnit. Its value Islncsleiihilde. I will relieve Hie \ r little siitlemr unmeitlatelv thqiend upon It,mother*, tliere I- no mistake alsiiil It. It cures ilyneiitcrj- ami dUrrliieu, reimlalei tho eloinach and bowels, enreit wind rolle, -.itterm thognms, nslirres tin- linhuiiiiiiitlim, tone and energy lulliewlioles/stem.

• " ■■hlldren vFi

low's *Mithlnu"ttyrup for t.'hlliirca feeihlnit'Ts pleasant to the tasle. and In the preserlpiiiiii of ono of tho oldesl nmt lw«t fcnuile nurses ami nhyslrlans In the United Stales, and Is fur sale hy ill ilrmiKlsta Uinuigliiiut tbe woldd. l*rli» ■::> oe-nt a bouie dweodlTfchi

HCOTT'fl Unil«Mwn of I'IIIK

Cod I.lver Oil, wltti II j papkesphlles, IW Wiuilliig i|..-..„, of thililreii.

Where tbe dtgestivo newen are feehlc and tl ontlnarT food does not 160111 hi nourish the chili

both as food and medicine, eivtl mil llesh at mice, anil U ah

atahle as milk. Take no other.

ITCH, Mi. Mcaiy, by t

Three Summer Daimrrs. Thn ■ the l viler at


great ihingei ■try turn. They are illmuU>, foot], un

i'ogunnl Hgalml them l-emi t res Jail ante I MMI '• (ilNOKR. rivalled household panacea and truiel-

llnk'i oiii|iuiilnii Is sure toi'hrck Hiiy lllstUrbanoS '1M, tnslanlly relieve cramps mid pa'ns dlb'CHlIi-ii, ileslniy disease germs in k, restore the ctrculallnii when sus-

pended hy a chill, n frecpicul cause of cholera merlins, break up eblds and fevers, and ward »n" malarial, contsfluus, sml epidemic laflasaees.

iHPunn's Uiaaaa U a delleions combination Imported lilnger, < hnlce Amma'lcs, and nli I tru in ty, and Is the UIICMI extract »f gtnge* ■ eointHiiimh-l in the history of mrillclno. s a siiinmer .Irink, with hot or cold water, or i, or ad led to If unmade, effervescent draughts nlneiul waters, fUXBOM>*S Uuron forms a

refreshing and liivlKnnuhi|lievcrsKc,iiiieipialle<l i slnaplldty, while free from aleoholle rmetkm. llewsre of u,. ■.... "gtngers,'' ofTensively

argod hy merueaary ilru^glsts, when you ask for

SAMOKD'H OCNGEB. .sold by nil Druggists and QrOOCrs.


1 mill-, irn ml

ved limit.' hy the I ntli ura ■ i'i.i-i.., II,, i,i...i per feet pain mid liinHiimiiiiloa ever il. New, original, Insluri- h'l safe. At nil drugglHt*.

fur SI I«I; or pi.-uge free »r l-oiirr d ( Ii, i.H. ul ( .... Ol...tint. Mass.



CREAM BALMr- (,'ir i UtUi

in. Vwrn


HAV FEVER, Not a Liquid, 8*v$ or Pinnl, rjrrr from

iniwtout Drvgi d QjTensiee odor*.

A piirttele l- applied to each nostril and laairrce- able. 1'rlce .Ml cciUs lit llr.igitlsls ; hv mall, regls. tered, HO its. dnulars free. gl.Y hltus., tiriigglsts.Uwegn, N. V. augSeuilwKuril


Thc<:rciitcst Invention of tho Apro




STARCH nn»nurs so IUUIIM,,

noF,« HOT KTKK TO TIIK IHOSV. Keaili fur u-e f mi.mle; «aics lals.r, tJsn"

sml irniilile. ,.,III.,IM ■ nil i|„. lnt.rcilleiits UsiiE In liiiini|rvnicii;jflvesii hnu.l-onier HUIUII lliau any other smnh ever mniiufaelnreil; Is put ■■■ lii full |,..iii-,i [..,. 1.1.^. , simn welgbta, iH.inel einia - Iwo ,n 1- ,,f „uy ,.ther Stan'h. .Sii|,| hv nil ilr-lchiHs grocers, nle. supiily MAM- I'l.K PACKAsilW Flu;K. jylnsasBowlyH

THEOHIOIDEA Is thai l!:e best, loharco in nnr.e too good ; anil only lbs liuesl leal careluUj cured and prepared is used in tho mnDurai;tiir« of Happy Tlitiu^|i( wave line pine; loUcon, Gtxxt chew or smoke. Free from utitks ntni stems. Always moist. One trial rtrovea it ilio best. See for yourself. 10c. pieces-



Host Successful in tlie Tariff- .. i U..«.0...- t....* i'll. Hill Be-open Vnnduy, Sept. (ilh.

TIIK CilVRSK or' -il in i- ti..„.,;,,■!,. ,™„ ini,l |,rmili-il )■» j ,ii. HI.' lor Uieilncl,* ■ ml w,«-k nf evrry liny life.

THK F*l'l LTV eiiihrniT^ s list of rwentr leoehrni sisl ■-•*MIIII(., • Ir, i, .1 xilh -■>,.,• 1.1 rer.-r , ii,-- i,, |.|,.[l.i, ,i. i in , .„n ,|, i.;irfiiiunt

TIIK »TI III:M- ..■ i-,,j ..I ., ■:, , full ,,[ ,li/.,, - »(?■< —•■' mi, ni-< u'i.iM, I..,

II, linlismlimlJi, lm- I, - TIIK |>VTIIO\\I;I; i u

' il in Oi' w.irl.l. T4TIO\ nf thin PU-knol f,

!,:. i,.■ i urilcr oml

i- 'I. ■! sie. Cm-

mrMii ■n.W«i,li i.l,.,. mi.l H- Hi, sl.i>4anl li.»„u. Illinnf llr. klll'l I- i;. in t:,U, l,V,|,n.l.-,||;iil

TIU: M IHMII. Ill ll.lll>'.. HeiulnUty locate.! sn,l imri— I.l ,.,n-ini,(.-.|.

M'Kl'lAI, rtMHHK laiorlhamO, Tyl~ Wrt' Oiy. f linifsMfri.'ii ,III,I ( .,, v,.,,,,,„|, „. ,• mu, I.. Iiikn* V ■ ■in-elnl i-our-..,

hlfl \TIO.\K hi lls|,,l|,ll, ,.,m|.l..v- I tcmlihlswInK.l.

iinioi.Un.-r ,\IIB, ■•vl, (ho Principal mnv K- ilnilyrr,.ui)»llllt„V|,sMli,s.lii..,|_U,iilkn_n

Uuii i-uiiL-i-riilii£i.-uurM> of nt


artcr's Mltle I.Uer Pills maj ««ll bo tenrie.1 ■ erfoetlan." Tlwlr KCHUU aubm ami UUIHI of.

rocton tho svsleiii, really uiake Diem n iMTfect llUlo pill. '1,'hcj l?Ha-e di.,-e who use them


FREDERICK F. MOORE. U. D. (Kartard. ■■ .TO Federal sn e. o. Maleou, Mass.

I»NI':IM'N id'IIM-licet inn dSp.r nff \

racial aflaoi loss trust r, Kulie or tawtery

I, v In . ad wlthom the uie i.l R >odelvuUnii fnim Inislti •mm IIOUKS— from

»ii"-"l" l>s

inpli i. to i o, at. Jnily.

APEfi ,Jji7". u-^"ta« am'tirr of simol-i. IVKR 4 SON* our suthunud atmusv

.... ,



O-IESO. S. MEEEILL, Pott Offioa Blook, Law-sues, tlu-.

SUBSCRIPTION:-$2.50 pet year.from v.h;CS

50 cents will be deducted for strictly advance payment.

Tin- <'lrculnllfin of tin- tjtwtvnce Arecrlrsn Is the larai-l of any pn|.er In the fountr, ami II- "|"*'l;«l " Aiiilnvcr Advcrtl-cr" <lij>Nriiiu-itl irlvt*« il sn nlm.i.1 •■■.elu.lie hx-al circulation In


Knlcn-il a. nci-ond oUM in.-tit.i-.





SUBSCRIPTION, li Alliance, $6.00 per tear.

DEO. S. MERRILL, - ■ Preprint*.

THE AMERICAN I- LECTOR PRINTING OFFICE tr. the latest and most thoroughly furnished in

Eastern Massachusetts. Nine power presses;

constant additions of the newest type; the

best quality of work, at low prices. Orders

by mail promptly attended to.




11 am iimr!, lt.,|M"i ami NpirailiTS only 8 Conts eiu'h, 10 Cents per |iuir.


Lawrence American, LAWRENCE, MASS.


i»li„ ,

SKMlj-iVixir'- fiK!TT.I'..n',. .-..-it *Ulf«t. v............„■.., |V*

\V?i. :::■: ' '' [ AliKvIS

>.„,., A !*„,>» •'•■'■ tmjBliltDJj



W. "OWl,AND, F>. D. 8. i HKNTAL Sl'ltliKOX, NHPX St., I Jiwreino. linn, LHier mid (Jhlm

II :i' linl I, I ■ I' n '

Aulhsrlty with dm U. S. Sunrsms Court onrl In ' th.Cov't PrlnH-.T Ollin'/'H i- re.-nmrnrriaocl

by tb. ititns-j-j'i i.,r ;.,>,nni»ii, :H states.

JUST ADOED A Hew Pronouncing


w Cor-'ninlr* nrw 2B,OOn Title, hrl.fl,

Bi , i.r.





Tho H. P. Hubbard Co., SUCCMOI to H P, HU8BARD,

Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts, Eitiblnhed 1B71. IncofMistal IE

New Haven, Conn. !«*"Ouii 200 Por.i CTHIOOU* or I NSSMMMMS," OsM F-.r. on Ar-n.ii


A :-; I

BLACK HILKS. Velvet*.Cash meres, Silk r■rliiii.->, Hull,,11*, Uluves,

A. .HIIAUI'K A CO., alt Sussex 3 BOOTH A SHOES, n full and

i-nmnlcte Moek. ill ]irliiM i,, BU1t Ihe limes. P. II. HIWINSUM, m K-ncx street.

COOKING HTOVES, Rallies, KUniaCC. St,I,. nl;oilt MlU're StOVOS.

.liillNK. HSUUAhf, WD Kssas St.

pl.Alt* H. KOOKKH, DtseaaeM \J ot Wutiu'ti a HiM-Hnltv. »ll Kssev 81., Law- now. i rOot lunar* I to i uml ; to u p. m.

Dlf. M. J. HILL, l'HYSK'lAN.

Suite llmik. Lawrence, .'»:.! S. (Ml, ( lit, mi form or Klhcr given US oivfi-rrcd. Closed < In Hug tin

i ii t HI i: ,v win i i lit,-. \J Choice l.mceili-. strl.ilv |.nre rr.ff.-M, Soloes ami rholcc-.t Tos* Tin- bet liitirlc*ol ItutLcrniiiii hoco. i(d Amobiiry street.

Dit. N. B. UlohhLL, DENTIST. Ksscx struct, Lawrence. Ililleo ITIOHU-' ilurliijr August.

i; N. IIAHKIS. 'h..i,„ • 0r _I'J» the It. limit Miirlilni' I',,.. .t!(4 llnitKltTiir.— Hitler \Mie,|.,riiLli,lht Mill-. WUHIIITH. Kiilllntc MiM-k-, lii).'-,, Ac.ftc. I'liin*

p BOGKHIKS. Flour, Tt-n, Fun- VT rvi;.HHl-iii„l J'r.i.liiee.

SIIA'Pl'l t K BftUL, cor. Kssu A Ameshurv.


\1 IMS KAY, Faxhloimhle Dre»n- i' I milker, 100 Ftiiiikllii -I i .-,.■!. UtTtROS, M.,--

M V. FOOO, DreM ami OlOfkk • Muker, liMJuk St., (in-\t t,> l.rluk 1>loek,

e.iriH-r.ltii'k-nii mul n.ik , M.ielilur siitoliliitf HIKI I'IIIIIIIIK;>,In Mukliitf. Furmvrly Ml tun KBBCII Hm'l,

Pi:i»t£i( K

CEW1MOMACHI O llomfl, Oiiiiie-lle, II..II.I

<;iA>HHON. Ap-

:\VIN<J MACHINES, the New i,..[-i. HIKI nil other

. (Illlre, ,171 Knurl W.IIAUAK. Ajtt'iH. AUi> iiKttiU fur 1»»

F. W. sCIIAAkK A ill., Peel Offlos HliH-k.

lAMOIt, liu|inrl«'i! ;iit'l OOUIHX-

11. DENNIS HORSE, IM Esses st.


% CAMBRIDGE MUTUAL FIRE IS^l offer yoa a stronj, reliable a-i cir:failj mana^sd. Company liwhicata inEcriyoaT

[j "DWELLING andruiNlTraz." Stojrm I: aow paying «W '> raturn premium on five i: 7ear policies. Ttey havo never assesssd,,

have paid all losses promptly and their rates are as low as an? Mutual Company. J. W. Cook, Pnu . A0td I.. iUriour,

ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line oi advertising in American papers by addressing Geo.P. Rowell&Co.,

N«jw«p«por Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York.

SeniS lOoie. fur lOOPafJ* Pamphlet


Constipation Camo*, directly nr Indlrcrtly, fully ouf-lialf t!«» Miff ris^. whleti affll.t niaukiml. It i* uuiully fmlucuil by Inaillvliy of tho liver, ami tuny |, ■ riireil lir the use »>( Ayer's Tills. C, A. SeboOHniJ, Great Bend, Knii>;i-. wrlUs: I havn im ii Arer's I'IMi rorCoaUveness, wtfh Uic niot-t Iwnoflclal rcwlta.*^ J.lHadbolm, Newark, X. J. wriie«: " Aycr's Pills cund no of clirotiic Canst ijiu:;.ni.** >i:,rt|n lii«|i. Hutnin-. Ion, Intl., writes: " Uwt ytar I luflbml much fi"iu nillou«o«s|

And Headache After ii'In? one bos nf Ayer's Pllli I was quite well." cy. Hopktitk NVvud*

City, Jlo,, writes: ■■ I ban used Aycr's PfCs, nitd t:. ■.:.: i:. ;,-sw ii,„ i„,'t ;„ n,,, world. They have cured no of 8lek IlrtdnclrO Blld Xeiiraliffo.*^ «-, |.. j.,^,., Kil.^. liimid, Ya., writes: "I have br*rj a sorere siiffercr from Ilendlihc, Ayer's |>li;s nflbrd tua speedyrcltof." A. .J. Forsterf Dsuphlu >\., Jlnlii.c, Alt writp*: " Vor

ii number of years I Iiuvo Iwca troublid v,:;U Cjlistii'&'.li n mill Heads,),e.. After trying a nuiubur of wxuiWd Liver lOTtgoratort, without benefit, I wimt is t

Cured by Using ROT. Praoch B, Hirto

subject to Constinatloii) from which I the Use nf medieliies of v:i;-io;n ktltd*. Wlh. They bavn cnUrtily corrected my general health." Hermann l.ri .'.■■ "CosttTeoes*, Induced by my erd i,1.:.

seeedln^ly troublesome,

£3 •. Atlanta, On., write*: " For y».K7, j .v... HOcrcd mereajrlng liir rnvenleneejC r .,. ,„

Some tnonlhi use, I began »«»%,/,«*( i' eeatfro habit, ami hare vastly ■proTrd . i ". Iry cngrarcr,Xewarti, N. .l..wii:..;

babhs nf life, ill oti3 time Ins-nine rj,r,u:.,. I'ills nfiiinted ma ipenly n-li* f. :<n<t tlu-ir

OMOafcrna] UM Ins stneo kept me nil right.'' Ed, 0. Eastetiy, Reekford, III., e*iiM

Lbs', he bss been cured of chronic Cunslijmtion by llntuicof

Ayer's Pills. \ Hold liv nil nrmnl.1. I Sold l>y all Druggists.

Pfrpstwl by Dr. .T. C. A11

far insurance apply to


llee'n's .L'-I.lenltiiiu. we llnvr p^rt n|i n I'lUiiell Hull *oiuml«!«rur» i«iv Is tht; tbicst ever juit U|K>II tin tosrket.

Try It, ■•J J •"■ " 1M '" ' ""* '"'' *■ l'UIFK PBB IIOTHiK, - »1.aF.

We nl-n bostte Hie fli».-t Whl-key node, lobeletl Best, M'hlt., »i"l <Jol* »«'•

Price per Bottle gtl.OO Mid ftl.2.-.. Sm.I for price \\*\ NO Ike vulu wsiinfinturert

""'""Tri'siHITH & SOUS, -■.. mi. AIII »» »<>• uun •THK«T,


Orders executed for cash or on Margin for all swurltlfw current In "i«-j

Mew Vork market.

ivitKFjponni^d! mviT'-o.

Miffibers of the New Yirh Stock Eicf.angeiod Proprietors of Poor's Maoualcf Railways,

Jjl WAlili r-ntKKl', NKW VOUli OfllUJiUlT


Soil from New Vork every Saturday fur



Lite. Accident and Fire Insurance JOHN KHWATtDf, - AOBST

Insurance Agency

COJS/LFA.JSTX ES Franhlln, nrPhlUitrlphla, Vm. 1*1 1111- I I I I Mill . I.I I'll . lirnniu ,»,< rli »„. U, V. \V. .1. I>, .1, i . >, i, I .II It. Wotrrtiiwu, Xm Viirk. Orlrnl, llu. H.n.l. I'ona. Hi i lit- ii. I'liin, I iiiiimiiiiwrilth, rlnston. Nliau tnul. Hontaii. lit \I.Ih.niti, Wsnreeater. Qiirrn, I:II([1HIHI. ■ iii|>. rl*l nuil Ainili. i II. i:nclni„|. ii I. KnglaiHl. Irlrlr,t|iolo Inn. fa., Paris. l.omlllll 1 inn s in • . I i,.;l,iinl . tiliarilUn Amniranrr, l;nu mid. l.,i ml- in n nil I.nlli II ill ii . I Hi;!., 11,1 . I i ti,. II.r.' I.lfr auil A< t l.lrnl. llnrt-

IfcHltCMa, Ntair i ii i-iff, tTaroestei- T lit) MAS HKVINOTON,

ana I£ssn strrrt, 1 ;.M t, n, , .




Carpenters' ai^ Mmts' Tools, FAftfO'S /ND CONTRACTORS



DENTISTRY. Or. IN. K. Ifrandc. (lie Dentist, located at Ho. 22* EssMS St., Sweeney'

Illock, uiveslhe very beat work at the lowest pnsitlhle


A Set oKiVC best (Jutit Teeth, 87.00 Hold Pllliiiga . ,lJII.OOiind up Silver ' g0 cents. Iloiieor Coruent KlHInjts, '■• ' Kxtractlns; Teeth, » " (.,!-. ml i" i ii I- I <■< •■' 1. *"


5I1> KHME.V ST., *JySi ir



\». 7lk Mm. HI., app. Kill., M., Itn-I.i


IT is nimorci] that Ihe the Popo Im- for months been cniidactiDg negotla- lion* with China, in the hope of brins. ing the Holy See into direct relations

with the Celestial Empire. The 1V| IB to have a diplomatic representative at Pckin. Perhaps this is the best way in the world to reconcile tin an

tagoniatic race'), but the union is not without its incongruities.

Ki;u AK and molafaes MfM to be even chcajier than they are now ir re- ports from abroad are reliable, and the sugar men do well to take thought

for iheir tarill'. Depression in agri- cultural circles of liarbadocg. Is re- pot ted, where sugar is selling at $2.15

per Inquired pounds, and molasses at 10 ceu'ts per gallon. The produce

shipped from Rarbadoen for four weeks in May, was l;J,."JL?i> hluls. sugar, ami

19,018 pbns. moln6ses, ngainst 2^,629 hhrls. sugar and 16,907 phns. molas-

ses, for a Porrcspouding pafiod lost year. H is remarkable thai with a de- crease ol supply pi ices have also fallen,

but there are other sugar producing

countries besides Karbadoes, aod the most di'lant portions of the world arc

becoming acquainted with each other,


II.i: THAT (TRIP OVER CuliK IB fNUI.i I.! V. tWf^fla^rMrfcaroiiJidcTJfTyboWe. Jnatckuett

tvery Drop I* Worth Its Weight In Gotdl



THE WONDER OF HEALING 1 litrl'ii... Ull-i.i ltl.-e.liiit- or lichlns, itlstbo

pr.oi.slkiiimiir-iii.'ly. (■'or lltiin-. i-,nl,l» \\„nnd>. [IrulT- nint

h|irnln». 11 miiniiiiwlk'il—stai)>i>UiK |«lu«nil DrmiiiNt

MIES. CONSKNO, a South American lady has had a screw steam launch built in order. She is reported to be

the lichest woman in the world and is Usorlbtxl by every traveller who visits

Chili. The launch is built of steel and

s in bo used as a teudcr to the lady's large yacht' which is employed carry- ng coal from Lota, Madame Conscuo's

lominions, to Valparaiso. The tenaer is I'mished in polished mahogany and was built in Liverpool. The lady is saitl to enjoy the singular privilege ot

befog empress over tt tract of territory lied I.ul;; lying three bundled miles

to the Boulh of the port of Valparaiso, and she rules with absolute power in the heart of a tree republic, which is, after all, not more than every Ameri-

can woman can do if she chooses, to

rule in the free republic of a free mau's heart.

TIIK Persians ha\e never been mong the foreigners who repelled the

United Ktatus, and have alwnys been ready to unite with u§ in international exhibitions; their goods of beautiful manufacture being the mOBt attractive of the products of the loom which could be iiiruished by any ualion, so

^ that it is not Burpiising that conces- lioiis have been granted by tho Shah •X Persia lo Mr. F. S. Wiuslon, cx- Iliiiii .1 Males minister, for tho con*

siBJction o!'ruil ways between Tchcriin, ■IxAcapiial of Persia,and Bmblre, and Mi'tyd, near the Afghan frontier. iv,ih lux-h branches as mny be found

neceessV for ihe development of bnal- nesH on'thi> iiinn] lines. As a guar-

antee tbeghab 1ms granted Mr. Wins-

si lrt*nty years' contract. The maiorial wn| have It) be conveyed to Meshed Irtifg St. Petersburg by the Truns.CVpiisj \\ac.

r lull il and Sorr BfOI*- ■—

It 1* thr, l-adle-' N-rh-ru j-i.Iil loiWunuJriiiiB i» — -

l-iir I lerr«, Old I ' ',n.In-. Fser-irl Kert, ilmu'tiuti ii|».ul!

er I'in n Wnundn. lira ,rl IH-.-.M. Kurn nit«tr, murkulii,;.


WsHtOW. rXHOW EXTRACT ha* htm <mi- taUd. Tlu genuine km Ih* ward* » POSITX EX- TRACT" ttoimia Ihe gla*»,aiut onrirfrfur* trade •mnrk n» mirrourutin/f bnff wraM>rv. Son* other i* genuine. Abea,,* in*i*t on having 1VXIW EX- TRACT. Tai* as other preparation.

It it never iild in butt irr by mtanre. IT IB fSK*ra TO vn *»T pSxpsHATsmt FTOII-T TUB (rcnuins «TII OUB mOBfTIOtlS. fTiMlt Ks- UrnaUy and Internally. Prices, GOc, f 1, fl.TO. tkikl

POND'G EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ate., N"w York.


LITHIA SPRING WATER, A Deiicioiis Medicinal and Table Water.

■ Sfrlra »»' HI.ih,. -ill... III!


1nir \ if Mine, -"In uml miiK'i' -la, JMSTM


t.ralti* nf (arbiiUHlr of l.lililiin. In I In Gallon, iimklnii ll n« :i Mpfelfle for Hhmnia. ami all> »<•.*«••, *a|iial i furUliml nr (In- tan Aiiui'lenn l.tthlii iwilern While the |iiier« for tin- |ire»eul are fai below


' "rlAS.K.SIMI'SON it CO. I . I . B. in jnlcmlCeWtt

"ThegtbOTfl reward will be paid! _ Citr th* arrest und eoiivlftloii oi -.--,,„ tho |M-t'M»ii or pofHoim who fiit'YV stud lujurod a itiiinlier of Mil AI»K h r i.^TiitT "i TKttKalj «u .-*«JMI»IHI Stu North. AjR JBBKN BUTTON, j

L WOMAN «»r BBNejE, ENKil vtfllillll* for our laisbsssfli -v iiiHiiii'ea»l»'rm..tiOi. Ps

lieill IH.-ltlee. Ilererellee* .MhllllK, '1- .1. .HHtNstiN.Msiiai,'er, 1« Uaivlny st., N. '


sortli' 1.1- nuije eii|iiilile ,it -erllliiiK fur llniu ;i e:irl\ tilnj luviT.ihlr i't-iilli.n lit Hi.-' i OUw." ril'MIMI IIUItKK,

Isle t:mnniti,.loiiLT of Patents,

iKisrtiN. ((■■tolMT 10, 1-TO. It. II. KIHIV, KsQ.-lh>arsir: Von prucitre

fur me In IMi>, mi llr-l lintenl. [lien yn

«■•! agsuctcf Ii. New Vork, l'].tla.|.-l|.lil-i an. ,Vu.liiiiiri..n, 6UiJ iriif .-on iiMii'-t thewliol. •f my liiisliiu..i, in >..iir llio-, tndl *'i\t*. oilier* t< ■ni|iliiy voa.

truly, UKoltUE DRAPEs]. To m, Jiiiiunry 1, issn. *iy



Wlllreeelto puplU In

Oil Painting, In Kssox Dank Ilulldlng

Cor.Essei nml Ijiun-nec St«., room It. llniir- frorattotJJIOaml I.Mtoo.

I'slntliigi- for gala,

Mil U>~« Blw -Tik I. finrri n.iM ... ««■.. bm u™.

U VJdWs>saWss{j9»Mitst«B| N»-d.i<.,tN>la.4*T Itlik.r■!, FOU»«"i»'" ' f not rssalrSSj IwrniurWria. Tln-.wfc.,-»n HsB

rfM^MSUsfcrlsSSfc Aliawr*.



KING OF'EM ALL! '-Happy Tliouirlil" Ware Liiic

Plug" i 'llt'Vt till! Tolmcco stand* on it* own mer'f. To protect tin- cooiamer against imitations, it is made iti e patented shape nf its own. The sides are pressed in a wave Hue. liny lilt


lib g tobacco and voil will livp ll. |ni\

IB :i kill'.'. Try it aini judge foj

yoi rself.

STARCHINE Wo,derlyl Retormation otmu/nmc in Laundry Starch. ^■MHII liliiK- Ii ttA

1-nll.hlna Wnili t-.rn.ty. Ue,jnlp'« IM ranking. Bares lime, tataw ootl money, lilve-. Jr,.y lniimlry mnl K]o.». K.|III-.: H t.. ;:.,.■„: ,f ,.r.ll,t:;r/ -tir-li. Auk your (.111.1 r Mi »T*HI Nll^K.»e lloiiaiiarnnt I or NAMI'1,1;

TteGm, Foi sia'icii Co., Circinmli, 0, u|.|e-i -aaroli r'uetury lu I'.'.l. Ksiab. u».

Weekly News Brevitie*,. Friday.

Imllan CommUnIoner joniiHiin um roilKiieil.

TliuaiNH Moonllitlit Is tlie ilemorrnllc .■:i!i.||.Jut(i furtlio K»vtnniril l|. of KHIISIM.

A ltu- was smoiiK ycitterdsy't wliiicHvei* In t)ie uiuin-liUu ilefeine.

There in- unusually gtio.1 phtflng tu the tour nanient at Neweastle, N. M., yeatenlay.

Tlie I'.tiii-h |r.ti !i.i nt ssscmlilcil ycstenlay. Ifaakar I-cet wt« reeloeloil tiy the rjunmons.

Charles A. Itnnnnml Samuel -I. ItanilBll wltllic ojMNg the oqlTlisaiari nt Mr. Tlhtpu's runcral.

Tlie DiifT'ito i-.iiT-, yesteriUv, m-ir won hy SiMifonl, OBwiI', Msrry WIlkuMsmlHamtirlno si*rkl«.

The Hteamtr WIT in. with ISM) |Mtrsons mi linanl. Is r.i r I-.'III- at New Tort-. She left Bremen M the Mih ultimo.

Tho SpcrTT Miiiiiitnnurine euin|,:in>, Ansonls, C'inn.. tllrliled -t j«r eent. af ltu eamlns;! stnouf IM V. ..| |.|,|, M -.,. |.■....,. .

AtauieetliiK of the unionists In Lorn Ion, yet, tenlsy, Mr. ChnmUrlsln aniiouneeil hlniMilfs follower of I-or>l llarUiigtou.

Tlio rotton on Onfinl stoamihl|i 1'svnnln rauKht tin'on the outward |..i- ..:.■ frutii I: ■ i..,i. but only ttirtio liulcu were tnjurtxl.

Wlllitr.l Plerra ctthcr rommltteil sulehle nr was mimlereil In a i,.,ni In Lows] IHISDII souuil verier ilny. Iletiaa relatlvea tu Huston.

Alcxn.nler (iinimm licit wasiunsiiR u hnlt do/. en einlneiil Ami-rteaus who rotrolvud houorary le;. 11 !■■ at Hei'l. lliei ■_;. yeiitorilHV.

In the yneht rare Inim New l^tmlonlo New|Mirt tin- Prtwllln li-ittlm M.nyfl .WIT mnl I'urltan ut "le liriln. Tim Atlautle wan far liehlml. The .Sa HOJ wn> i.i ■■: . the StlllllSHII.

The |M>.slhIe drtciillon tiy Csnullnn offlrliitu at Shelliunie of the tilnuee.ter HehiKuiur Itnttti i| hy Gowotd tieneral I'lielnB HS the flrtgrniil unlriige yet DOrpotrated.

Saturday. Tim inltishtK steamer Wcrra has boon arat

Therc art' rci.ort* of A-latlc eholem In WIi


A Peculiar Week's Committals

At The House Of Correction

l.n-' week the committals at the house

of correction numbered eighteen, and

show a very unusual record. Of the

whole number only thrca were beglunen

In crime, all the rest belue old offemlcra

The entire lot was committed for drunk-

ennoss. One had been an Inmate of the

Sin-rill's residence fifty one times and hi

was only thirty-two years old. another

matte his thirty-fourth trip to the stone

bultd'ng and one woman had twenty-four

imltmcnta credited for ber twenty-four

years. Just glance at the record ami

draw your own conclusions.

I .-in ml lie. I. B NetveoniinltUIS. I

All for ilrunkr-nne,".

ii. A- It- National Convention.

The Unlnlcn will OtW toll for ROwpOrl until Sun- ay.

TheCniwford illvuree nisi has hucu made ah- solute.

Im It:in 'Ii feai.-l I'eltltt at lawn tetiniH, In New ssstlOi N. II., yettenlny.

The new >eeretary has already set atwut re»torliiK order In llclfast.

Uenerat I.ueien I'ltlri'tilld,of Wlneonxlon, Is Ihe ■sf eomiuiui-ier-ln-ehlcf of tho ti. A. B.

Theoiieratlvesofthe Pura Itiihlior Shoo Corn- pit ny nt South r'nimtnffh.iiii will jirolMibly rOM to Hum to work,

Ity eolllioon with a Bat ear, sti expresn train wanileriilleil mar Itmltleboro. Vt., yeBU>rdny.

The Ituirulo troltbui; meetliiK closed ycstenlay aftera Mgaty awocossftil sraak. Mitbel A.. Pan

i. unit Arab wen' the winner..

The dimilnlon nppollate court has nnleml the release or Sprotile, the American who was con- leiniiixl In death In Mr I It nil Columbia.

, According to the tYasMngtcai ■-,:]■■ -i i. m ■, BsarsiarT KodlcoU will hnlhssnlaiiniiassanilin the e.iultrtl durlnK tho

Twenty live sanllnu boats owned In New Hruiiswii'L, but hnllliij- from l:ii.l|Hirt, were

Tlinr.ilny by Uie diimliiliiii K"ver nine tit aHeonlniliiiivi.

W. U. Cox, ilcnimrrttte ennirrcie-iimiifrom the fourth North Carolina dlstrtet, has Iieen de- feated fur reiiitnilnnll'iii luiiiuso of hi. * I roc•

I on clyll service rofiirm. imlnB, the woultl lie cause nt war with Me\l was found (tulity by the Mexican court and iinmleil for scute lice. Ills ilciueanor al tho

trliil was rii a racier), lie throughout.

baartag In tho ease of dm mi* .loner i In New Vork, yatrterilay, win full of sen.

-11 tlu n a I episodes. The liifnininis II-IUT wus put ijvL'leHce'uml fully iilentlDed. It eamu out .Squire admitted writing It a. H lilessiiiitry, Ihat Im supaeoad that il hail been destroyed. Uayor Kl-n.ii testlHed that h

9qnlra for ills prosaal paoUttm riaip eil lo Ki-t rid of i'liomiisoii thai M.|uire in fairly suoeassfal in Dostoa,

I., Aiilcnuaii WalU', WIIOMI ie«Umoiiy rouvlrtad liuliue. In -iL! to have toM the grand Jury ilam- oelnjr (Mega about Squire ycstunlsy, and ll IN

thought- that both 8qatra uml Pl/an will be iu-

ll lie lln.ile.l' |ie< sunn hi-

ll" tli.-,„■!,r.l„.

chilt- ttay.

Monday. Ti.e pope la reporM serloasly in. Mlehael Ihnlll uinved In New Vork i

The Committee on Resolutions at the

National Grand Army Encampment at

San Francisco, Friday, submitted a report

denouncing polygamy and asking for its

abolition by rougrcss.

In the afternoon scrvlco pension blila

were discussed and a Mass nch use Its rep-

resentative offered a resolution favoring

the passage by Congress of the levering

bill, which provides for a pension of >■■• a month to every surviving soldlci

sailor of the war, wTicther disabled or

not. The Conmittee on Resolutions, to

whom the matter was referred, reported

adversely. Mr. Bennett of Indiana

milted a minority report favoring the

measure. A vote was llrst taken on the

latter, and it was defeated by M7 to Hti,

The majority report woa adopted.

During the pr.>ceedlugs (Jen. Sbermnu

read an address speaking of the orlgl

tlie order and the part taken by Its ir

bcrs in the civil war.

St. Louis was selected as the place of

the next National Knu am [uncut by a vote

of 21.1 to 171 for Nashville.

Lucicn Falrchlltl of Wlscousin was

elected (Jommandcr-in Chief, (ion. S. W .

Backus of Sun Francisco was iinanlinoiiN-

ly elected Senior Vice Conintantler-iii-


McKay MachlnlstH* Picnic

The McKay machinists had their second

annual picnic at Canoiilt* Luke, in Salem,

N. Ii., Saturday, at which ulxmt seven

bundp'tl people were present. The fob

lowing sports were amuug the cntertaln-

im UL- of thctlay : The i:'.-> yards batidici>p

ruiinlng race, won by James Koblnson,

llrst, W. Judtl second, Biley thlrJ. Olass

hall shoot, six balls, John Wright llrst,

broke 4 halls; Jobu tilidden, second, broke

Cuarles Itahb, tldrd ; Wright and t.lld-

tlen «hot off the tie, Wright winning.

Three leggetl race, 'Itoblnson and .Iinlti

Qrst, Conlon ami Colllus second, FiUgir-

ald ami lllley third.

Potato race—Judtl, llrst, Jiobinson, sec-

ond, HI ley, third.

1'utting 1G pound shot—Coiilon, llrst,

25 feet 10 Inches; Trail, second, 24 feet

7 Inches; Kobinson, third, It foot Winches.

Hop. tstep and jump—Coition iltst; Hob-

Inson second; Trull tlilrd.

Raea for men over 45 years of ago—T,

Reagan, fir., first; A. McClomi, second.

Obstacle race—Jin Id, llrst; Itoblnson,

cond; Conlon, third.

Dory race—Simpson, first; Blythc, sec-

ond; Donovan, tblrtl.

The starter of the races was lilt hard

Fox, ami Robert Durkc ncled as referee.

The I ti-i Sad JUltea Over the IE< -

■ iusius of John Wallave.

The last rites over tho remains of the

John Wallace, au employe of the Boston

A Maine railroad company ant) a member

of Tiger 3 cng!nQ company, were held

Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the

Pirker atrect M. K. church, tho Bov. C.

M. Mclde.ii officiating. The church quar-

tette furnished music. The floral tributes

were i A sickle and wreath from the em-

ployes of the I'. 4t M. car shop, floral

cross, I'niim Honk \ I.rnlilei ; floral trump-

et, Tiger 3 engine company; floral cres-

cent and star, with beautiful floral pedes-

tal, Washington 5 engine company; gates

ajar, Mutual Relief association; broken

column, Frankliu Hook & ladder com-

pany; an elegant piece Inscribed "Faith-

ful," board of lire engineers; floral pillow,

Kssex engine company; floral pillow in-

scribed "Husband," from widow of the

ilei eased.

The members of the fire department

were present in a body and the OfOOOJ

Lou was formed as follows: Atlantic 2

engine company, F. B. TllUm foreman;

I'.--'■ \ 4, .l.ihn lirlcrly foreman; Washing^

), A. Nowcil foremau; Franklin

Hook st Ladder, J. A. Bracken foreman;

1'nlon Hook l Ladder, Patrick Diueen

foreman. The pall licarers were from

Tiger o engine company. The procession

after the the services at the church, mo

ed to Hellcvue cemetery where the remains

were interred.

The Mayflower won i II siuurilsy.

i.cucnil Plu John Po IN relln-il lint.

•eli'l cup at Vew'iHirt

rite 1'Blversallat National C elrs, N. IL, was elated on 8

Killtor Cnlilnir Im. Is-*"!! .entciwe-l In \leilco |o y, .II r- liu|iil.uiiiiiiTit and a line of -'.-.

It l> Mild to IM- true that a successor lo Collector i ihlcn or New Vylk will .osu l«' a|>|nilulct|.

t.eti. I-ewWiillace .poke at Hie orlj-lnal Chan- itun.i nvetlag last saurtlay on Turkey ami the


it collision on the Chesapeake and < iblo Hull f.uirlriilii men were killed awl two filially

THE li:.u vrau li me (Jcnnnn ami

British go\eror%ita have agreed upon

to separate then possessions in the

Soulli Pacific oceaa, is very much like

ihe iu.ticinsry lino'iomelimes used in

a mom whkh is ilirkj..,i i„i0 kitchen

and pailor by a -. :i» in die carpet.

The line is suppose! to stait at n

point near White U6% in the Hth

parallel of south laUitui* :Ul,i crosses

ihe Salomon islands. ' Three large

islands lying north ot sVni(;ainville.

Chaiscnc and San Isabel, Wl ;„ j,.,...

session of (iermnny. Thc|ine passes

in a northeasterly direelioti th-vait] the

Marshal I island". The S.ud|nn and

Tonga islands will remain -aji'inial.

There is to he mutual freedom |f ir,de

in the South Paeiflo, and ieefcriJ,.rtl

treatment of Bi iilsh and (lermanVips.

Lautl tlisputcs are to be referred -j,, a

mixed commission. This deiiinieriioii

baa nothing lo do with cotooieeVl

present organized, hut rules bate In in

instituted for the govornmool of lUe>6\

one being that no penal colonies nil

e allowed on any of the islahdt. _ . 7 [Vi glvi-hlm the Austrian Ulssion, ami It I. under

MKTAI. lies arc to be used instead of -V*"1 llml "ln,'h 1* wi"i'»gioaccept the post.

t Hll.'ll -

mfiilly pnswi n Snmbiy lu t


Terrible foreat fin-* am dolag a urest amount f ihirniiK'' In mime aoeMonaof Wlmon.ln. Many iiuilllis ore boiiifli'K*.

The produntloi --, 1-e-llninleiliil #rtl,.-nO,«HI. .

lion of silver f.",l,'.m,noii.

Two rei'kle-- ciKi|icr» i-uei ihroifirh the Niagara vatrJpwl lieeuiiitriy eonairuettMl eooh.

Additional troops baro been sent to Belfast u> sappmaarioters. The riotbrokooat sfn.ii on Suiidiiy, and several liven have lieeu lost.

Two strike. In this .lute are ended, and today Ihe eiii|ilnve. of Die BridgawalOff ■ inn Work.mill uf tin- Purs Itubiwi Works will resunM work.

Thedlantombareil i-> i> of u man was fonnd in .hire box In a swam|i nt Wa1llu){fori|, Conn., nn [today. It i» snppaaetl to !»■ a BOM of oturder.

Ihe rumor thai the llaltltnore and Ohio IU11 :iv i.oiupauy hsil porohoaed u l:ir«i' lot of land onllng M How York Ilay Tor lermliial facllllles. rstntradlotod,

It Is sold that Bseretary Laatar, who dl.hkes oinmlssloner lllack, hn. Induced the President

ail government 1,.1'llnii v Called at I'enlmdy ln-l

lli-spproval uf eltUuuo of HsMrday by Ute strtklng tan

The mul> captured the nteetlng ami voted -iluil'iii. 'Ieti"iinelnj' molts and violence.

in tlie question if they favored s The mcvtliiK

broke In In disorder. Later a notttog "f inw iihl'iliigtclti/i'tii was bold at tho Selectmen's i i, Sti'l riiriiiiKi'iiienti made to meet any trouble dwi rasyortsotoilay.

He llutl All Kye To Itiihiness.

wood in Framv „„ ... R.,.,.11HW1„, _nt( u> |.1|,1_ t[i

railroads if tlie friends of the more- | tiioVtotou. ,n i- <>r >n

raent are sutccr-sltil. The object is to encourage the iron and aleel int'ustries, and the tniuislcr of cominerOQ is in- viting (codecs tor 2"»,000 steel alcepera as f ,:;(ju,t)ijii of Lhem will be required

every year for fifteen jears befure the whole of llic mileage now existing can

he replaced. It is estimated thut at present prices It would require an ex-

penditure of 11,1.00,0(11) per annum uporrsteel, This is the way govern- ments which absorb the big arteries of ihe transportation may take to recompense the people for taking their

opportunities away. A govaoment monopoly unless it n conlrolled by

some such patera*) influences as those which proinp'eil the above suggestion is as bad for the people as nn individ-

ual monopoly, but il BO controlled, wtlh prices Axed upon a living basis,

the people as a nation receive more tieiniit Iroiu public works than private

schemes could possibly furnish to i worbins mrn j ;in r.,ii:,l Mi l-tlvs, spralas,i worittDgmcu. |sssfia. Tryic

i ins uiolh nnecdoto of a funereal char* ■ tor. -CVII any of yoiitell me wliy Got* fried Miller is not at schoolT saitl a •ocher to la-r schelars a few weeks ago. p went a .in hsml like a jnuipltig jack. WellV" waSMIn' inlei rogatlve response. Please, m.t'Sii, " auswiretl a little boy. rith a i ■■ .iiu lhat slntost took awuy

ireatb, lil| ratbst's dead ami uncle 1'ete'- rii ";uy to

my ought t' IUS an eye I •Sannlerer.

■ J,,' I! not perhaps ay that the relative referred g ytmiig umlerUiker. That w successful

bu.-1111'sa.—Boston Budget

Terrible Accltlcnt.

Friday forenotni while shifting in the

MtOfl & Maine freight yards, Bottth

Lawrence, a lumber car was derailed In

the rear uf ('olllns broom factory. Mr.

Itditi Wallace employed In tlie yard,

at once engaged In lifting the car back

with tlie aid of a jackscrew. While so

ployed the uprights holding the lumber

in place on the platform, gave way ami

I'll tire load was dropticd upou the un-

fortunate man crushing lilm terrrlbly.

The right foot » :u terribly crushed ami

there was a comminuted fracture of the

left thigh, lie was taken to the city hos-

pital, where It was found necessary to

amputate the right foot above the ankle

joint, Dr. Carle tun performing the oper-

ation, assisted by Dr. Dana. Mr. Wal-

ls Hi years old anil has a wife ami

two sons. He Is a member of Tiger :i

Engine Company. His injuries are very

serious. Ills residence Is on South

Broadway. r. Wallace died Friday afternoon at ■">


Stolen Tt'itm Itecovercil.

tin the night of July 2'.i a horse and

wagon were stolen from the stable of

Charles Wyatt lu Mlddleton. The same

evening a lot of shoe leather was taken

from the shoe manufactory of Morrison

A Tyler In the same town, undoubtedly by

the same person or persons who borrowed

the team. On Monday forenoon Dis-

trict Officer Batchclder, who was given

charge of the case, found the horse lu

North Autlover in the pasture of a mail

named Peters, where It hail been turned

out by In-v- win found It beside the road.

The vvngnu was found In the same town,

und near by, not far front the pasture of

Able! Wilson. The thieves had evidently

Uesonie frightened ami left them there.

T.--P IsMds

r.Il U-.V I'ahiiei t J.. Sew

11 vs.tu... I

mil uo, Is without ot or snr iiui.mi

d ul weir l

i:iM>! ill ions.

At a regular rsvlew of Kssex Tei.t, Nn. I

K. O. T. L'.. the following resolutions of

respect and condolence were adopted. Where a-, lo Hi. all wise wl.ilwm It tin- |ilen»r.1

tlie Mur.1 II. i. loreiua-.e from Our review, heir IHII.H MthcjtraDd rovlewaboveo«rlate Brother IIIHI -LI kt., I.iiv-in1 o. VstaS, Ihercfore In It

Hi-sol vi«l, Hy K..ev Tent No. I, K. OT. t , tlist In the death nf our llrotlier we mourn Um In., nf ■ me who wans kind hu-imint sun father, mm It lie loved furUie nisny virtues he jiossraMsl.

Resolved, Thnt while we are l.ith to sever the plca.sut and Irnleimil rrlatluii. whhh hnvc e\ [.led U'lweet l<-|«itrti-d Iti-.the, ami tnetulicr. ■jt Kaacnt Tent No. 1, we eauum iimt n ,„ „ i( heart Vi mourn without bops, llml wu . may .,)| meet In Unit ti 1 review ulnrre.

Btsolred. That w the brrssnd widow and or- phaa an attend our bearfet! -unustiiv in Uil. their tiour of ■IHIelloo. Y ' " '

Eowlved, Ttmi entry f,f H^M, r,.h,.ii,ti,„,« i„.

in. »ssinlaii oturroi e ItUnUj of die dei.en

LSWSJDfOa, Aug. 0, I- -.

III. what relief they have y.|«-|i.l«. dl//liieKH |,sl i,'ti*orderedsWiiiarh.A


Duat to I »n-l.

Funeral services over the remains of

the late Mrs. L. L. Caufy were held Sun-

day afternoon from the residence of O. K.

Currier, 27B Broadway, Rev. J. M. !>ur-

rcll of the (ianleu street M. K. church of-

ficiating. The floral oneriug* were very

e i tens lie ami lovely. Among them were :

gates njiir from Winconslu Cominsudery

Knights Templar; cross and anchor In-

scribed "Cora," Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Em-

erson; sickle aurl wreath E. M. ami Mrs.

1). R. Sanborit; cross and crown inscrib-

ed "wife" from husband of deceased;

crescent Inscribed "Mamma" tnudaagk*

ler Margie; lyre with brosen strings, lu-

scribed "sister." Mr. and sirs. <i. K. Cur-

rier; basket, (ins and Loulsu Currier;

bouquet of 26 carnations, representing

>f deceased, Mr*. Fred Potter, East

:ord, N. H.; pillow Inscribed -'sister-'

Walter B. Putter, Milwaukee, Wis.; open'

Inscribed "dtiULdtter," Capt. E.

Caufy; boiifpieis. F.. !■;. t'aufy, Milwau-

kee, WIs; Fred Hiinkiiis. Loconla, N. II. j

Miss A. Atkinson. The pull bearers were

Frank Fuller,Frank E.ndiuau, Arthur Col-

by and Mr. Leach.


A new elegant front Is to lie put luto

the store lu Sweeney's block occupied hy

James r lyonard, the clotltler.

The South Congregational church Is

eil until Swot. 1st. Tho Friday nett-

ing meetings will be held as usual.

—A sermon in a good slate of preserva-

atlou bearing date Isi), was found re-

cently among the rags at the (diodily mill.

The Sons of St. Qsorge will picnic at

Cauobie Lake. Aug. 21, when the sum of

ftSO will be given hi prises for various ports.

—Dr. French's farms lu Melhuen Is de-

lightfully skuuU-d overlooking the river,

and great improvements have been made

he house.

-The dreaded baflslo bug has made Its

appearance on Ant lover street. South Law-

uce. In some houses they have been

iligetl l» take up the floors.

— Alexander Cohen, the Pole living In

Audover, who attempted suicide the other

y, has In his possession a certificate

nving that he was once a tutor lu the

famous Oxford (.'Diversity, England.

John Harmon, who left bit position

on the I'acitlc to accept a more lucrative

me at Norwich, Conn., arrived In town

Saturday, anil gave the help formerly un-

lilm on the Pacific a picnic at Laurel

grove lu the afternoon.

-The little temn ladotiglng to the

hlldreu of Dr. McAllister attracts great

attention In the streets. It cops Is ta of a

pretty little dog cart drawn by a prattler

poot. Wlieft tilled with tin chihlreii ll Is

a very attractivcfsight.

Lleiitcnaut Grealy and family are

idiug the summer on Plum Islind,

Newburvport Harbor. He says lhat bis

stay there has bsnedtted bis health more thou any sojourn since his return from the Arer^c ret-ions,

Mary McCarthy, a w-es-rer on Ihe

Lower Paclilc. raaldlag on Border street,

lloappesred Toeodsy. Her name had

IsSfJO coupled with that of a married man.

forking In the same department, in an las -

Idlons way, ami the left Iwr horns on BO

ount of the talk which resulted.

—Diiisinore's plea nut house nntl

gionnils on the snores of Corin-ti's Pood,

rYlndbsrs, N. II., nine miles from Law-

rence, make a very attractive and well

kept place, und largo numbers tit IJIW-

:e people spend Sunday there. Many

nn- also boardlDJ there through the sum-


-The Lowell assessors hare round Hint

real property of that city amounts to tcs.7!i:;,iri;.-,, ami personal property to SI I.

.etSLKfli lnt.ll. y.-,:;.lts;,.L'>^. Last year

the total valuation was •5|,ao8,:b'i.l; i.i-

rease, 8L7ij;,:»;i:i. The total lax over

this year was »S-I,'.N>L'.SO, an increase of

139,478.41. The rate of Uxati.\n luis been

fixed at SKI on sluon. The number of

polls is lii,:**J4, an Increase.

// JR. uottfirifc


BAKING POWDER • Battles with wide mouths to admit a spoon,


1 li' IM

MRS A. A. GEDDES Teacher of Cooking.

I have, used llor.fimf. llaklii,- I wder for IhO last «l\ month.. I have'd u th.-roiiatiK .uml have sr.vrHfalh-l I., yet K I reKiilt., a hen tho ■llci'iil.iii. were fully nut. I cn.eler It eipial to any In the market, and sis-ond t., none.

I take much iilea-un- in .,■,■.,!,,,,,. ,, |M,L ,, ,,, my oeoSUf elsnaai. nn-< to m» ini-mu generally

A LICK A.i.l:iHil^* man Street, CainbrldK-eporl, Mass,


MARION HARLALD, Tbe weU-knom Authority on Cooking.

, ! ,',hw;r,f,"llJ 1",»[n"'"l l^e-'lluklna Pn-iuixnt Ions" or Pron»».ir Hoi>furi| In the Hi., i.. , iiers of America. They deserve im honnrsble a •■lai'e In the .l.irer.H.iu mid tin Inn. anil.

family meillcliieclutst. esjMAlUON llll:

MISS PiiRLOA, Of tit Famous Boston Cooking Sch-jo'.

1 hste n-i.i Borsror.1'4 Unking I'nt.aratlon With jier feel suecoBK, fur llreint, lb, nit ,,i,.| ( n\,,-


Il..r.r.„-.i'. n>klH(- Powder Is for sale h> sllliri„w,, Taf IV,

Tim iL.r.for.l Cmk llouk sent free.

Rynford Cfiemical Works, Providence. R. I. S'ur Male lu Inn i,y

i. IiM>Wt,i:s A Co., J'JMalu Ml., Mi fAKTin lllt'ls, HAItT * M.\l.iiM-:V,

■I. I i.Mdti.As, i:i li;,,,,,,.hire St., K. I'. pdWKl.i.l. A IIIIM....LI iln^lwav

■i. AMiltKM - ,v i i>.,;i ( ..n.tnon st

■ \' J |IAUVn,Ni "" Common St..

f.WKBlt I. A. (UaTmoB, J'.llNl.AI.V.Ho, Uwrence,

And all uUier lirooers. mhfleodaO u

LaGtate Kojtt



It NNM lie ii-c.l with foidbleuce, when tin lumber I. unsil'lc to our." the child, as a sale UIH ■uballlnto (or mother's milk.

The BEST rooo to be used to connection with PARTIAL NURSING.

No ulln It and will Is.-r


fly the UM of thl. prc-lnrcHcd nn.l aasnr SI I ml Intel I, filial le-ull. In ll.l-. ilnnded ilb

A Perfect Nutrient for INVALIDS In either Chronic or Acute Cases.

wer* ™. iMrAn ■ tl.llll'liaueo ol

■elli.lio.1 by the child.

il Ulllk In n-leeteil by Ihe •■li.i .Is, sml lu all nrinliiiK dl'i>:i~e.

" ibiritbiu. snd pabUalile. i ,",i."/ii!;.

150 MEALS FOR SI.OO. r UniriclKls-*!.')''., SBD., *1.O

■blot cnllllct "Medlcnl


DYSPEPTICS time boon it fr real sufTcrer for yearn h wiml oi', pttyslelHii enl's clirontf

■lyspi'pstit. I have tried sevontl nie.1l- iffMS i-eeomiiieti'iei! for my complaint, i'1'l It ■ eile.I III! I,I'll, til lltllll M'.lllL'

I1KACK KIT'S ( I OKU Ml ri'KKS. Id - i'i n in;- so in in li I,, ml.i from I hem, 1 feel II im dtit . in i !'• ii.end them to tho publie. CHAM. A. s,\M(tiii,\.

r.ii|[liioe>r »( Water Works, *• i. Iteverley, Situs.




ueo peinuu.-l-<..;uu Dully t,i„:« . ' ,tn:.n,,,

kiolT.M ot I.SKI, ,u PIKK Cod Liver Ml. win, ll-rnopho.phllrs,

PorWoatllUt l»lrei«'. of < h1l.lreu, riiere Ihe dl(-T.l1ie ]n,wer» are leeble and tin rdlustrr food lietM not imii UiiM.uri.h the child ■in act* I.a!i ii. I-...-i aud medicine, gtvtni

.treiiCtli im,| rich at once, and Is nlun»t M pal tnbteos miUV. Tn'ti nit nlhar dwlraeod

Ir roa have n I old, Couirh, (dry haeklns

Contftliia no ult'olio] or tvulcr, hot la to in po -nl wholly of J n ice* front nn it s iirnl extniels from rootH uiul Itorh*, niakiiiie it i* |ibM-.'inl suin- ttni- ilrmk, (to invip;or.'itlii^r ntttl StreiirrtlK'tlillg lOnlOf Itllll It 'lire OUre for l >\ -pn'|i-i;i, Ithrntiiitllaiii, Mnl,ii-i:i, lliinitirs hi tho System, itnil kindred coiii|ihtlnU.

Doolitrle & Smith, L*-l & *J(I Trcinoiit Street,


WINDSOR CASTLE WAR built I* Kdw.-inl III.In]: c. T >,,,

cattiry exuri'tsis were a orHophtte I'jtnm, Wllh only one esccptmri, whhh K-lWanl setj mm-h n-v-reiied. he fonot hod plr^m^ to the IfUI'.ll Would li-li UjllN.fl Of 0» U. O. ■[■:.: Li ll.,.,, boflOml lljetVhl-k- v, Mhlihl-. , ,| c.flh'111'eaii.le.bil.b.lierl |.-.i11v. „ |B |B.„|c.l hi C. II. OR A1 ES * MDHis, ]„„ :,„,| v,,„r »„,,. ear and ItrngiM hS'/o n.

A f''.,ooH» divine ouea said, "a good li'ljjar is somethiii"; to tl.ank God for." We have produced the aeir.e of perfec- tion In the s, s. Sleeper & Co.'s braml of "\. &, S." Loog, rttrui^ht, II:iV:in:i filler, with a Stniinira wrapjier. fjives these crtgars all the e.ssenti:il rtoallttas of an imported one, and makes it in- comparably superior to any oilier li>. Cigar in tlie emrkei. Tlie "N. & S." is sold hy nearly every dealer, ami a single trial will convince any smoker of tbe vast super Eerily of this brant), s. S. Sleeper & Co., Propt's, Boston, Mans. Try tlie *'.\. & S."

Liver I'lll*. TI") ulllelt.'t • ■ i- '.i ■ ■ D i action 1<




I/iwrencc American, LAWBRjrCB, MASH.

IT is claimed that the international IMJCASANT OCCASION. Natural History Society.

exhibition now in progress in London j lNewt.p«per Man Handsomely


Weekly New* Brevities. Tuesday.

Mr.Til Ion's eatnls »w uotesoeed ItjBtn.frss. I'n.' furesl in ■- ihr-it.ii the city of Mxnpit'lU'


TV testlnxu

A M'l Ii ill in itiv .'I.I 1.In

Henry I

..i sph


I tlu feature <ii lb


ml tillen Terry am) her .laugh i"i arrivi i in He* York, ycstenlay.

ThciumagH bythe lire HI Spencer, WI*., I* eonahlrrablj more thin waa reported.

Tii.' Brit!"ii „'.m i ,in.. HI has ordered Admiral » IHDWUUltlD lO Hit: i..:i.t nl Suva Kootll Wtlh I.,,.



One of ihi' "associated" nrockton »hoo maun f:n I:.I. i. I,.i. t..L.cii Imil. In- |ji,i.-i- an. I will n open III. fucloi> to-day,

'Hi. furtun I.--1 Hi.' ii.'. i mm Newport to Net lledford. Tlw Sachem Wiirt lir-l among tli

:■■ -ii"< -- i he Ualaua ban Joined the Beet.

Two I'orttaad Bihlng schooners have. IMW

M'l/.r.l uiT IH'I iin-imnl l..r ashing within Inn irtllt "i the share In flotation ol II .— law.

Tlii-n: In ground fin supposing that U wi albert .1. i ....I. \, ..f Durham, whom nintliah hudy was f.niu.i In Walllngfurd, C*nn., mi ttw .lay.

The news from warlike to day. 1'iittl ll.t.'.Mill,'. I 111. [.','ILllt

I. •■. . i«ir. ' U

,,,!,,, ,11

Hiiulm ,t Co., in.- i;.i ii autlnithrs nor arts effected i settlement with tiii-i who will resume work toil*) on n

ini.'.-r i


Tin- Baltimore .iii.l I Hilci Itatlmad rompanjp K obliged in decline Umnigh rrclghl hual HI Son 1 nri owing t.i luU-rfCrimea i■>■ Hi. ijlvantn itnllroad roroyanj.

Mi 1 ' ■ IUJ I wio. tipped out of ii I.;ik.' Mi'mjiliriinfti.'.

».| JlO.'l. , ill.| .).'! ■. Tbu others wen n M

In' ranr nt Vnitii.l.i't >,~i,i,l.iy w: ,il:ii.. who . , II) ontmwt il i II Kyi i. il.-in. v met "in, in. nii-Mi'ii'l m from tin' l:ist |iart of the raw.

'In- I'n -i.lfiit him .iiil.'.i Hi.- senate 1U..1 IV. ( . Matthews, the AMmny r

■Inn, u. -in-.'.-.'.I Fred noughts. ;,- I ■-.IK, nt Wa»hlnglun. II. L ,- nUn I . . , I, ■ II l.i .urrewl Mr, II.J. Will-i>f Hi" I II in i nf

I tin-

The li- ii. : Hi.' , ,i. Itollin Knutn' jet, uuti, i

Wednewlav. ticoiw A. and Bo

Hi |[n. Iii-I.l.

I - iiiln-. his loot, I Jury. llothnn

IrnVrnwolllt', Win.,

Daniel Ueu ■ »'

JB the most euzccss'ul that hits over

been established. U hut far its »ini

tin- illudration of luc history and df>

rttopUWDl of travelling by Inii.I. sea

tii,! air, unit there in a notion dirrotew

to exhibit*. representative ol '.he manu-

factures ami commerce of In* world,

which owe »o tniu-li to the *cui< ■ \:<>-'i\'

if modern Klenoa ID orottilnj and per-

feeling ili" ineatM mi i methods ol

iDovemciil (rotn piano to pluco. Navi-

ation i-t rtpresflubed by tmnli \* of

reaaeli* indent and modorn, illu«tra

tivc ol llie inodtHanil ni u^rial* ol ton

•traction, llicir cmjincerii ^ and other

appliances, as al-o ot Jo.i-. of <v,-rv

deaorlption, docks, I, u !i-n -i, lijjlit-

houae-t. Ilfn *aviu<; tppira'.us, MHI all

other maltera in any way connected

with tiavt-llioy by walrr. In " r.' sec-

tion 8-H apart foi- land travelling, the

history ol uteara as a motive power l«

fully lilntlrated, and oarriagee are

■4iii n*. ii of all ftgei ami oounllie* by a

full collection ol moilela ml examples

of all rppllaacee for ibe oonvaveoce of

travellers iiu 1 ^:o uls. The tlopattmenl

of commerce an I manufactures Uluh-

ratuB tlio growth ami development ol

home and foreign industries. A pro-

po^ul lias been madn l»v the mayor ol

Liverpool llml the surplus funds o(*tbc

exhibition shall be devoted to the

foundation in that cHyoI :i school for

lecbnicul, artistic and Industrial edrj-

Cation, to boar llni name of Prince

LeopoM, who on the occaslou of bis

la-«i public appearance, which occurred

in i!.at city, earnestly advocated d

Citise of technical training. Tiic c:

h liitiuii I uildlngs occupy ;!■'< ncrot rl

lh- Rlgo Line Hall v-i no, wli c i waa

le it by the corj orulion ul Liverpool

for ll c pit j oie, li i" stiil that ihere

it LO iinl'ii^^ing alLi'inl-ii] ■ ■, mi 1 it is

cheering o u-trn with what cimpla-

c my they talk of a "jturplui'' dltor

paying C'Xpor.scs. Mlmuup.ills will

inauguratd an cxbibitou in a lew

weeks ^;;tid wo fanry the Hiaiia^eis

establishing an histltulniit witu lit" sur-

plus idler all is p.vd. \\\ e.rne-lly

h'ipc oi.o vision will lade.

AT II meeting ol naval aichllt-c s

held neently in London, the spictl ol

War vi mc's wasdiscusacd ami Aduiir il

Key i- rc| orted us aiyiiis Lliut duriuy

;he la-t six years i', bad Icon the du

aigo of the Brills'.) uaml authorities to

make tlicfr iron dads faster by one

knot I lion ihos ■ i f other powers, uml

the wji^ht of opinion was against any

sacraQce of speed io other ipmlitiet.

This has too slgnitlcatioiH worthy ol

note : one is that Lite Hi ili-h Iron dads

may be depended on Io* chasing nlher

oruisors, and the other that when siic

is eliascrl she ba-i llio best ipialili -a-

tions f"i' getting away. The new

heavy iron clads now designed oi

bciug built iu England ate to hav»! a

ipeed ol'Hi to 1H knots with verj

thick armor and guns of from C;l to

110 lon». The American*, on the

other html, are building light, im-

armored cruisers a'iih a Rpe^d ol 13

and H knots, nrrl those they have or-

Jered aro not planned for any luster

sailing than the huge Kngl ch ironrliida,

And this with the iVt so plain befire

their eyep that an unarm >rtl emit i-.

the one of all others hi need addiiional

facilities lor getting out of tlifl way ol

the shots of the foe. »Iolh (ierminy

and (Ircat Britaiu make speed an es-

sential point and nro planning lor

buildingcruUers which will make m >re

tliA'i e'glilfcn knots an hour an 1 in the

universal expression of opltil.m us u>

the importance of speed ive.i when

cither speed or armor mutt bo snc:t

flccd, LliO naval attlh iritles of (he

United Stales fc'ionld this lad

into consideration and be prepared In

chase llio llrilish iron clads and catch

them. The regattas between the


Keniembereu ■>> 11 is Frltsada.

List Kmiilny licin^ tHettHh annherssry

ni Uie i liiiiiiitv nf 0. II. (Hidden, of the

I. l.'U'rani, lie decided to give u cjutet little

BUpper to the Dttmbon of the press nf

Lawrence, and aecOfdlnglr Invlivtl them

to dine with him at the St. .lames, at fi

."» ni'lock Monday afternoon. Antony

thoae IT. nut were Win. 0. Merrill and.).

A. Dcnnlson, of the AMBMCAMJ Charles

S. Dana, II. Krank ILhlretli, D. B. Ualhiy

and C G. Merrill, of -.lie Esglei II. W.

Duulton, uf the Neiilliiel; Thomas (alla-

Itiin, of the Journal: John T. Brown,.rvp-

rcwentlhictin New York Clipper; Ed. I.

Konrnan, tin New York Oramatle News;

John 1\ Finn, Wllkes Spirit of the Times,

and Parry <\ Wlggin, The Sporting Life.

At 0.30 o'clock the baptiuet was served,

the menu l.t in- as followsi— n>-ti:r-oiili!i'f 8li.-!lV

" H-k turtle enup. >.uiuiiii anil groan peas. WH-l.

Turkiv IUKI riitnlieri V nnu..-. alri f Oeef, tllah sraty.


Bannnu r'rltli-ra. 1 cheeaB.

119. Mull U-ni,..

»v -uir-h liKSXtlld. lllll.'lH'HV l,,.'. U'liit.o pfe.

u.l. I Lai. Milk.

Following the bsD(|U0t W. ti. Merrill

calletl to order and called upon the oioat-

lairs of the press present to respond to

toasts a- tullows:

The Lawrence press—nrst In war, first in p.-iiri-, ami llr-l in llie pockets countrymen. [Prank Illldrvth of the

i > ii '.i.-i ml proof

The AngBM meeting. Momlnv evealSg.

In Armory Hull, was well attended, not-

withstanding the heat and the large uinn-

berwhoan abseOt from the elty. Dr. I

F.iiiina M. Suuhorn, of Andover, read a

paper on "Trees," partliularly the trees

of N.w Bngland. The subject was treat-

ed In an Intelligent and exhaustive man-

am' ami proved of much interest to all

present. The uscsof forest products anil

tin- beauty, variety and Importance of for-

est trees was Hneij Illustrated. A com-

prehensive and dear description of the forest trees of Kew England was given,

ipeclmens of native and forelgu woods

lilted. Quite a lively Interest was

awakened and the discussion that followed

was prolonged till near ten o'clock. Every l ni: ii f this young society makes plain-

e faet that It has a mission, even with'

Lawrence for a Held of work. Cases have

tx'i'll protidi:il und the nolle, tioit t.f t mi-

■Itles, documents, specimens and relies

ill commence. The hall will lie open

next Monday evening for the purpose of

recclvlug gifts or loans. A standing wel-

come to (he Intelligent people of Law-

rence Is held out to join this association

and shore its work and its beneflts. Cer-

tainly In the coming winter months the

meetings may be made very prufltable and

unjoyablr. Mr. Hedge, at the Public Li-

hrary.or ilther W. ]£. IV.lrlek, Dr. Cham

lierhpn. Dr. French, Ii. II. Tewksttury, or

any of the officers or committee, will re-

celve or transmit to the society any gift

,.r loan of specimen or curiosities that

citizens muv contribute.

Hospital Notes.

The following donations were received

St Hospital and Children*' Home during

.ii.nth of July, IHtHl.


Would Llka To A«fi*pt Mr. Mur- The Iluttery Ituibllntf (•> bo l»is-

pli>*s IteaUfuatton. iioaodofat Purcetl snie.

Inboard of aldermen. Wednesday uliiht, : *An order was adopual by both brauches

the following letter wn- received from Iof the cll» Kovcrnmeut We sday even- City Treasurer Murphy; . ln^. providing for tho sale at public auc-

inim or nrKTREAStREaAXPCot.LXCT. «0"to the highest bld.ler, of the battery mi or TAXRH. LAWUKMK, Mass., hulkllngatthe corner or Haterblll and Aug. 7, issti. j White itreets. Itls singular that lids elty

Tn the City Council of the City of Law- government shonld havo so bnpoverlsbeil ■euee. (ieilUemeu : lining lloniinrued by the city in Its seveii-nioiith.-t' r, uri I lull it the President and confirmed by tin-Senate postmaster at Lawrence, before tenderinu my resignation as City Treasurer, I wi-d '

i have i audited itn.l I lluft you direct the oe to .roplov a com-

petent accountant to commence the work sunn a* possible.

Respectfully Yours. PATRICK Mritrnr,

, Cltx Treasurer- Mr. Stanley said il would' be a proper

;ne to audit thu hooks when the resigna-

tion of Mr. Murphy had been tindiTed

und aecepted.

Alderman Fellows said that If Mr. Mur-

phy was In the omce while tin hooks

were being audited be eould be of much

service to the auditor In niatiy ways. Ho

could explain his accounts and show l

accountant what it would taku the latt

a greater time to find out for blmse

Stanley said It would belong to him to

explain anything which eame up if htiiad

resigned and was oat of office.

Ills bondsmen would not be released.

until hb aeeouats were audited and ap-

proved. The tnnller was finally referred

in llie committee on finance an 1 the coun-

cil concurred in the action.

It seemed to he the earnest wish of the

aldermen, or a good portion of Hum, that

Musyliy would resign so that they

tfoino nt'ceaaary In bell ntl every

■f land lite city owns. To show

to what straits tbo administration is

come, mi order was Introduced lasl night

authorizing the selling of a lot of land in

the Arlington district, less than twenty-

llvu feet long, and considerably narrower.

Now the battery building ami land are to WBOld. Itls a , r Urn.- hi sell lu|;i||tmyshavehc

rhen there is no demand for it. and if the

Ity is lucky enough to get half the value

if the lot "und building It will be siirprls-

ng. A forced sale of lids piece of pr<>|>:

arty means a sacrlflcu of a third of the

worth of It. To what straits Ins the

present city government brought this on*

fortunate municipality 1

HOMI; GOS8IP, « - - —Tim "ilretchen" has super set led tin

Mother Hubharil for children.

—The (Irantl Army excursionists aru ii

leYotiowsh l'ark, Wyoming Territory

--line of the most beautiful rc.idence

In Lowell is of llnyt, of (.eini.ti

cologne fame.

—Joseph A. Denn

been elected a nieiid.i

Press ItlfluClul)

— The gar

beautiful wi scarlet bloat

--The Sail Fran, i-co Vx\l publU-ff :"

n of Andover, lint

of the Litwicnc*

""■ 'ii tniuipel. vines arc v*r

i their hanging clusterd '

The A I


Kill l or ■ ■oe I), lent Ion Hubbub.

of F..Iiu>r Cutting

Andover Advertiser. ;

-i;.iiiliUt.Tdi.'in>r I'.lilor ftittltig j i an aut boriUes has attracted tbo '

i the »ln.le Tuntlnent, and illas- itt.-r fn'liog thai exists between

banks .if the Rio liniml.'. the long BBries of

hii'l. the lawloM bands on both ,,.; tbo river have pnu-Ucud on one nn-

■ llioail IM.IIM.

*,:''-"litl..' I" f". „n,iosUycum 1 ....... ,.l.i,l.


H's K. Sliijcii'il, who was expected to

ml to the above, sent his regrets that

s unable to be present,

'dead-head privileges—so overrated dearly paid for by

Ives.- IM I.

e Lawrence Press now and forever* -Mark W. Haul to

■ suburban towns


Response bj .J.

elty of Lawrence Iriy years old ami vice. Responded I of the Eagle.

genial host; may his larder rpulunt as Ids stomach.—

ml wtyld > by fJlis

John T .V II.

Tin- day we celebrate, and the victim of he tragedy.—Charles S. Dana.

At the conclusion of the tost Mr. Dtna

•resented Mr. Ullddcn Iu behalf of the

neinber-of the Press or Lawrence with

in ul.gtnt. gold headed cane. The recip-

ent was unable to more than express bis

hanks, so surprised was he at the gift.

I was snltalily Inscribed and will be a

i.nilnual reminder of his Journalistic


riie L'nloti Sunday Scliool Assent.


If..11 old linen, from a friend. Lady's wrapper, from Miss Packart Large basket of (lowers, Mr. Hur I l-'J dux. napkins, Miss Julia Sea Roll old linen, Mrs. W. F. Urajwr,

I; ,u, ,1,1 muslin, Mrs. Pbelps

(ni rants lettuc ', green pe s an I How- !rs.Mrs.U. Olge E Davis, ^' ■I h A dot el'.

gs foi bed in piei s wa .1. I 1S- 'I'm. .Mum WlHSJ uckaud LI Wo *|. 111 IV.

Chililrcn 8 cloth ug, it frl.-i ,_ Clothing Mrs. . i:. witu Food, M -. W.

ib. Mi * Robert 11 irmoi Chihlren - ug. Mrs. < . i. ■In ve Children • clotl ug. Mrs. 1 . s. .■well

- Large quantity berries, M s Ueorgo K 'In.].in. Ll-llte,'l bunch is panslcs Mis C in

I'leseolt. Sweet pills mill old iiiiislin :\ III •ml it'eading natter front box tl 11, shu ,,;

Lowell de] it. Olio-hull bunhel currauts, apt. II. i;

derrick. Two lai g,' pii hers nice lamb broth

Body of lluitlti IP. Steven* Uncovered.

Wednesday a.m. llie work of dragging the

river for the hotly of Hal tie P. Stevens,

the daughter of E h ". Htevcus, was

continued by the police, but the search

Wcduusdny p. m. the body fl

in the river at the rear of thu

Charles Stevens, Lowell Roai

can he learned It was on the

river at this point.

i recovered

'sideline of

Mellent portrait of Major t"i

III in its (Irantl Army edition

--Large numbers of the II

.irk duriti.

.atlon, Iu the mills,


Hkhiml Curden of SolfttA jrtri'/ico Is

,| his resi-

Ol.l inns] Free re,

inger Sett urs on Hewing machine by ing Machine Co.

eti-iguf tin ,'inliU'.

day School II

vicinity. Tl

the lirst met

until the M

day was und

M. tiarducr,

,X,cll, lit Nil]

llTJihtid, which closed on

as demonstrated that the

i a felt want among Suti-

1 Christian laborers in thht

attendance was large from

ig and sleadily Increasetl

ion closed. Tito opening

the direction of Rev. F. Of llli:

did in

cliv.wne ,i,l.- Illo-t

.on the audieuci

lunlaslic Cltaulai n to Itcresl olhei

I III pies

for fut

Rev. J- H. Parsldy had uev

1 iu New Hampshire, but his "Christian Responsibility in

Work," made a most potent

We hope be will lie secured

iseinblles. Rev. It. L Moody,

formerly of this city, Illustrated his own

theme With UUlotIC skill by pictures made

with his own crayon. The sec,ml day,

inch;' Congregational control, was very

strong Iu lectures delivered. Rev, Smith

[laker captured the nudiencewlth ids tell-

ing lecture upon "How to Teach." The

leading lecture on "Free Baptist Day" was

I by lion. Uforge F. Mo-!., r. re-

eele.l Ul I he Presidency of Hills-

EnKli«l and ourselves, 1;

,,,00,1 . ! yac :ts is tested,

cal va' Iti w .;; wi; luolc a


TiiEltt; will lie no war w t'i Mexico

in our little, rind the foolish uuing

pcojile who are saying m h si h

Ihlncjs lull better go over In Tonkin or

some pl;u" where iliey havi* ll^hliug

once ll< a while, and gel a little- cold

lead in Ins veins. The rankling of the

Jvr.imposed panicles of a little cold

lead in a fellow's blood will do more In

tool Ids ardor lor o light than r.ams of

■■.!i:i.ii,.'. 'ii faVor o| arbitration, .Mr.

Cutting is one of llio'tone's of Ameri-

cans abroad any one til whom is likely

!■. bring the r< iry into trouble it ar-

rnnocmeids between coiintriis were

couilucUd on that lu.-i*. 'Ucre is uo

cfMinliy in the known world more

irieodly In us linn Mexico. With

I'otllriii :>>/., who did us the honor tn

come up ami visit us urjd sec fur him-

self what the I idled StuL.'.i were like.

at the head of tbo government, BII in-

flucnce lias I ecu < xcrtej over all their

instiltf. ons to gradually mtnlifv Mid

shape llieui into as perfect means fu

tli- enjoypietit of liberty :n our ow

furnish In us. Ivvuy iJf'portuidty I

become aeijuai (od wil'j us w'jic

could poiftsitih be utdi/.cd, has reo.-lv«

the ftltenl on ol Luv Mi xit-an*, and

thev have tss'ti preeeat au ki'cat na-

jiinii! oci asion i, ami stgni ied :u c ei)

way ihe'.r appprcciatlon ol our uiieii-

tioud to llicm. Texas emu t.i be

spoiling for a light, ami her experience

wub marauders may justify a olighl

feeling of irritation, but tlte ji-.tioii

will never I.e. plunged into bloody war

on such n slight pretext ns that, and

t!j'.re w no chance loi' f|>i'cuUtioq in

that Jireetion this Bummer. There

will floubllcss be trouble between {ho

Mexican government and the parties

who hold Mr. Cutting if ii-ey tlo not

let, him go, autl lhat is the reason !'ot

ttic calling out ol troops in Mexico,

It won Id he :t good scheme for our own

government to lay down certain rules

to govern Americans in foreign counv tins mi that they can keep out oT

trouble, lot the moat important possi-

■ii n try

lie C, "Some Lnilu r Shr

i I',

ellWl n 11

most scholarly and finlslie

flic lasLday was iiud-r the din

il,c Methodist church, und with such a

oterle of lecturers as Urs. Uuekley,

'ii n '■ and Hamilton, it need no! be said

lhat there was no diminution of Intcrcot

ml strength to the last. The four Icc-

ures delivered by Rev. J. M. Durrcll, of

In- , by, reciived ardent enconlum fmui

II who were privileged to hear them and

ni more germane and helpful work was

,,ni' than by Mils eminent Bible student.

"he weather was charming, the nudieuees

elect and all went away with glowing

■onls of appreciation. Special rcsuin-

inns of gratitude to the committee to thu

iimmltue, Rev. Charles 1'orkl.urst, Rev.

ills Cole and Rev. 11. IL French, who bad

rrangcj for the meetings, were ffntliusl-

iifticnlly pas-e.l by oneof the largest con-

aregailoiis. A pel

il was cinislituiei

iatherings, as foi idist d.'uoiiiiiiaiio'

iurst. Rev. iHis (

Uev. I). E. Miller.

Lloiuilist llie lull,.'

I. M. litithm, W.

muiciit As..'i]iblyCoun.

to arrange fur fmunj

iwsi From the Melh

Rev. Charles I'ark-

le, U-v. II. II. French,

From thu ( ougv.'ga-

lug gentlemen ; Ilev.

II. Sperry and ti. F

ilson. Baptist: Rev. F. M. Gartl-

- .lohn-on, of Nashua. J, N,

Free Baptist: Rev. (i. C. Wa-

. v. T. Iltllman, Thomas Spooner.

uveineuf brs passctl the stage ol

in nt and lipping Camp (Jround will

ler have Its own successful Chau-

Hun tern sutil Plshcr

liere have been a great man ■stloi

i i-l I Gc


. !■:■ J. M. Hale of 11(1

good story at his

It nt lb

road su|.erseiled the flow stage coach,

i the worthy old gentleman looked with favorable eye on thu Innovation. The

tlrst morning on which he started out to

ake the train for Boston, he timed him-

iclf to bo at the depot three hours after he time advertised on the lime table for

he train to reach his station. "For,'

'aid he, "you necdu't tell me that when

thostage has often been twelve hours

behind time, that the train will not be

correspondingly lato." uf course be

found that thu tram ha I gone when In reached the depot, lie tried it the next

morning one hour after the time snnoun-

il, still ilLlheriiig lo Ili* belief LhaL no

liilc conveyance could be made that

mid leave promptly at the time

rd. Again he was obliged to return

home babied. The third morning he put I

ii apiwaraiift! live minutes after Llie

■, with il,.- same result, und it was not

until the fourth day that the insistent

lid gentleman found that the train

reached his town promptly at the time

tdvertlscd, and so managed to board it

for Boston. \ _ _ I'.litperisiil III .Vitssucliiisrtts.

The si'iiii-aiiiiual pauper returns from

a son of

pending hi

re Longfellow laid th

show that there has b.eii a e insideralile increase among the paupers fully sup- ported by the cities and towns diirlug Lin year, and also among the i -line poor, the latter having gained betw en 230 and HUO, or more than Iu per cei t. between ■ Inly 1, IBS.-., and July 1. 1M-.;. The whole number of town poor fully su ported has Increased more than "00hi the same time, or something more than H per cent., while tin- number of partially supported seems to have Increased n. more than il percent. • .-*-.-• The Lawrcnce-Haverl 111 Ball-


■ctlng of the merchants of I.-i

■stcti i mill, betw

it. i,. ;ti"l llshci'inen as t.. when the

•oi some special game or llsh. For

on veil ieitce we publish the lollow-

'IKII -when not to be taken : Black

"'tween Dec. i and July I, the pen

I'l-oiii bJ to 820; trout, hctwocn

und April 1. penally 8'i to 120;

'tween Aug. I and May 1. pen- ■lo to »-,.,: smell, l.clWC'U Milled I".

this city and Ilavirhill. was called for

Wednesday at IU o'clock. Mr. Charles

('urlUsufllavcrhil! was present mid dis-

pliyeil the plan of the route and answered

many tpieslhins. lie stated that 1403

shares oni of the 82IKW shnres of capital

stock bad been subserllied for and there

were mot left unsubscribed for ^Waliarvs. Il was tic wish of the IIIOM'I'S in i.lie mat-

U-r lhat the new railroad might be repre-

seliled at this end of tile route that some

of the road's interval might center here.

Several persuus wero present anil Mr.

Cuili.- Htatcdthal there were promises of

liberal subscriptions. A second meeting

Will be held Iu a few days.

SligTitly In ICrror.

usually accurate Boston Advertiser Mia' "Col. lieorge E. Merrill uf

TganUud ahtl led th*. forces " the vote against tlir is a

iblC fl'-lls,

! which ha'

■ certain In have UCI

: wnicli I'u would

war with tins

lied lor the presence in

its of our ships of war,

individual indiscretions

I in the same men at home

ilgn them In oblivion or the

■a 1.1

i lockup lor an indidttiile periol. I

f Mr. Falrfleld

.uwcll who was known

[« as 'the handsomest eoi

Bunion i Maim, road."

thful .lays when his alt

t upon u young lady

I. UiM! morning, when thai wonder wl

n was crowded, be surprised •oventy-ib .civ body, except Ids Intimate Irlends as meal timi

Ueu Uie train ivaclictl Lallan I vale station j up Iva oi

by shouting out In bis loudest and most j loungers, tin

Atkinson:"' tide pojlra

hapter of Hie tl. It. A. tfk

stlluted Wednesday at Knights of F)

Hall byC. J. Speus.dy, supreme suere

and W. II. lioyt, treasurer

Boston. After some preliiniusn i

Mr. Chester was voted upon niMJarcei

forty-seven members were present,

chapter starts offwith flatterlHryroHp,

for the oigaulxi being Herri mac.

The officers Heeled for the ensuing

term are: Jud^e, It. IL TA-r^sbtiry; ad-

vocate judge, /. T. Merrill: advocate, it.

F. Dame; past Judge, James Meek ; scribe,

C. II. RusselliColleCor.A. D. Blaiichard;

treasurer, (J. P. Wiggln: chaplain. Mrs.

Clara Morgan) guide C. B. Merrill:

warden. Mrs. Mary K. Wbit.-i sentry,

James Morgan; trustees. J. IL Eaton, i>.

S. Mill, I.. S. Cdllu-.

Examinations, mrgeous. Dr. C. N.

Chamberlain, A. J. French,T. I'l. Doland

Delegate to the wpreniu chapter, Josepl

L. Morgan.

The uex rill ■■! '11

nil. Au;'. •-••.. at r

giied lie charter

i'iiuia.-l, must In

nl sjascnt ihomi

olir-r to rw a cli

10 p. in

isi and

at th

All wb

Stuhlliig i'rot)

A dlfSHch from I.

AdveHi.-,!- says i For

the B. .V L.

rcll to the Do 1 HI

in- past the

the uhihl

aaaorad tones, "Atkinson

niiiiiig in great confusion of '.-guiiteitanc

after he had rectified the mistake.

II these '

■pie keep Uhtnsejrna Yet,

i|i|iroilc!ies. the ocean gtvSB

;s shake off tb.'lr

uotns fly open, the living

rward to the dining room.

PostOfl & Lowell g,

freiytil train have been tampered w

doeta of ears being broke into and ci

of thues thrown oil'while ttie train

going ut a rate uf 20 miles in; hour.

sfuctors IL.yes and Laflammc have I

■t work oil the case for about 10 ill

and have arrested two men belonging

Portland street, Boston, giving their

names as Bin lib, mid another named

Michael Walsh of Concord, N. II. One .,r

Hie Smiths was arrested last week, the

other last night, and Walsh last night for

stealing rides. The detectives have been

on the trai.l every night for more than a

week, but could llntl no breaking. There

have been casasuf sliocsfrom i.yiin found

at Winchester Highlands. The detectives

have seen men climb on the irsirr and

leave again during its passage up, while

the train was going a- fust as 1,1 miles an

hour. They also noticed men at many

points along the line doubtlessly waiting

to receive the goods as they were thrown

oft* by the men on the train. There is a

large gang of plunderers in the operations

on the railroad, as ronslderable pruiwrty

has been secured from the trains.

Endorsing Congroasnian Allen.

A rreeilngof the American Agricultural

mid Dairy association was hold at New

York on Tuesday, to wind up the cam-

paign against, oleomargarine, which cul-

minated lit the pa-sage of the oleomar-

garine bill. A*. I he conclusion of the

meeting, an address was hsucd to tin

farmers and dairymen of America, con

than I | graiulatlng Utorn on tl|ft success of the

crusade against bogus butter, warning

lliein that thu eueuiy are at work to de-

feat Congressman Alton, of Massachu-

setts, and others who voted for Hie olpo-

"largai'lnc hill, and urging them to cotin

tcraci sue!.' attempts, advising them lo

;..ln ami support the grange*, Wid to

leglslaure., who In turn

American (iirls Who Oi

said tlmt Mm can girls am

Abr. ad

has eighty

ibe i eneli foreigner

ti il,., -ompai In.lepi


lllpo- the length

lie F or a

of :i American girl, or hi feet seir-respect is vel voting men fre.| am afraltl of vonrAi rounds herself in lu-i hedge of dignity that It is Impossible to pass; and with her charming, easy man- ners and light, perhaps slang talk, one dare not take advantage of it. tor she will Immediately assume a 'keep oil' ihe grass' expression that will stpielch thu cheekiest


i'n. Tic: girl who conns abr

has m -in

The Will! of a a thing girl. I alone i:


purpos, --outfiid with Hi in you Imagine.

ml with the remarks from their freedom e. going oat alone,

unknown tor an Italian or French n America for two girls lo travel .nothing; in Europe Itls Nnples Cor. New York Mall and

mu.-t al h naturally

-for instai

Advice To A Hoy,

Illabel breaks forth and one ceases to wo

der. /

ill choose

United Suites senators favorable to their

interests, and inviting them to attend or

send delegates to the mUional convention

at F.iiludrlphla.

let away from the c .w.l a lilt • while i'V rv dav my hoy. b (lid one s de and lei world ■un by while ,'ou get uci iialiiled WI h voursell, and see vhal kind if a fel- low you a e. A-k voiii -.-If hard n esilons ah itit yourself; llud on all vou vi u about to irself. Vscertain In iu orlRlnal sources ir von n re really ti - manner of man pe ,ple -a foil arc: tl il OUt If vou are nit ays h< nest; if vou always ■ell the

■feet truth In tiu-incss i •all; if

V" ir hi, js as gOO and upr-lg il al 11 i,, lock II night as Ii Is at Hoot ar as soi lid a tom'N-rance man o a llsh- ni C'.pt lltion as you are at a Sundav sr lool pi nlci if you ; 1 a boy ■.v en toil co to Chi ago a- von are at, In lie: if in short. ton really are the so tufa voting man vuiir fatlu r hopes Vt i are. t mother are a ml i' IT swe theart believ - yon are. Let on in

1, hi lii crins with olil'.-elf,

Ime vmi c ny boy, •me out

fr tn one of these |»1 iv tie Intervh ws you w 1 be a stronger, b tier, pint r man. Ii. n't for let this. Teln Bchns, am it will th you gt od.—Burling on llawkc e.

The broad sombreros shade and protect thu spinal cord, and keeps one from tak- ing a sunstroke. If you expose thu spi- nal cord to the sun it Is going to make you sick. If nothing worse. The poor Mexican* who are out all day do not lake sun strokes, because they wear somlaeroa. Tim iiiiiu who wears the stln*or high silk lii.t dOCS 00t go out in the beat of the

id ■ niiiiLs, when she carries a parasol, and the poor Indian woman nt her work either wuaia n lartte luu or reboao over her head, which also protects tin- spinal cord. So. io ray mind, I have proved that If one shades the spinal cord they need have u< fear of the sun. — Pillsburg Dispatch

People who have been carelessly eating pineapples, believing lliein to be harmless, will be pleased lo learn that the rind of the fruit contain-. U add rolson which IN likely to cause sore molitli aud lips. Cuba salt Is used as an antidote.

having edgcstiines placed art*-1'

deuce, at the corner of Abbfti'1'"1 l'*r,H:r


-At the lawn tcnuls7^"I"nei,t at

Hours' Head, Hampton ■.•1,L lll(<t weck' the ilrst prize was wont J^'Musou of

this city.

--llaverhill streetA8** l°°k ** '* there were not manXyst-homoa In that

locality. Most of in-sMooces on that

street are closed.

— Dr. 11. C. M

Briggs, of Ibis of.«

Hun in Acedia,

scene of Ktntil

MnnT nutay***" tlu> 'lors0 cni' r'l'c

to Melhuen si Curta Andover these line ,,!,■ ttie [iloasure of the trip.

IIU i-^enjoyablo one.

.jinit Monday, the ottering ol

i,:imer at the funeral of John

Wallace* """'"V- was by mistake omitted

s a cross and crown In


. Luke and .lames Henry,

■> city, and owners of large

In I'lielnisford, are now owners of

die and thriving mill Industries iu

-safllea, Connecticut.

-The large clnmps of willows Hint line

o road on both aides between here ami

Unveil, ami which were recently cut

,1,'Wti, so dense were they, are growing up

:i^ain with surprising rapidity.

—The illness of Mr. Stanley of Port-

land, father of Messrs. Charles and Huui-

ner Stanley of this city, has assumed a

very serious phase this week, and Hie re-

latives lu this elty have been summoned

—There was a celebrated Herman pbysl-

iitn at the Saratoga lloiimpatliieConven-

tion recently, who was ninety years

He came from Bethlehem, Pennaylvi

attended all the meetings and seemed ns

young as the rest of them.

-Rev. 0. C. S. Wallace uml wife are

visiting their old home lu Nova Scotia,

situated lu the heart of the country de-

scribed in Longfellow's EvangellOQ. He

will also spend some time in Wulfvllle,

where is situated Acadian College, his

alma mater.

—The funeral of Ilallic 1\ Stevens,

whose body was recovered from the

river Wednesday afternoon, occurred

Thursday al three o'clock p. in., from the

sldence of the parents on the Lowell

Wat.erhouse &. Parsons acted as

funeral d'rectors.

-A hnly san that nt a well known gro-

cery in town the clerks are all such

mashers" that she feels obliged to dress

up, no matter how great her hurry, every

she goes there for groceries. She

says it is no place for kitchen aprons aud

calico morning sacqoes.

—When the Invitation of the Herman

Lyra Society to Uie city government to

attend their festival Saturday was read

that great and good board of mayor and

aldermen Indulged In a loud laugh at the

expense of the (iermans. The German

vole was not thought of tit that moment.

—At the recent golden wedding of Mr.

and Mrs. Dodge at Mount Vernon, N. H.,

Hie elegant dinner served was ordered of

a well known Boston caterer by Mrs.

Emily Simpson of New York, the daugh-

ter of the worthy couple, who celebrated

the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage

—The n urn her of deaths in the city lust

week was 13,from HIP following causes :—

Apoplexy and dysentery, one each; chol-

era infantinn, two; disease of liver, one;

old age, two: gastro enteritis, general

paresis, injury of Internal organs, malnu-

trition, hepatic clribnsls, general debility,

one each.

—Miss E. ti. Welherbee has written the

words of a song for Mrs. 0. A. Frye, llie

well known contralto singer, of this city,

which is being set to music by Prof. W.

J. I), Ljeevltt, one of the prominent musi-

cians of Boston. Mrs. Frye is to sing it

in her concerts and dramatic work tin

corning season.

-A young hnt fell down lu the midst of

a knot of men Bitting In front of the Tiger

engine bouse not long s'nee, and they,

thinking to bother the mother of the little

creature, picked it up and hid It. Where-

upon Hie old hat came down and tried her

sharp teeth on soim-of the men who were

glad lo take llie young bat out of Its hid-

ing place and scatter right and left.

—Lawrence can beat Lowell In parks,

tint Lowell can beat us out of sight on

houses, some of the new residences, with

their beautiful lawns, in "Telephonla

as It is sometimes called, because of the

large fortunes amassed by successful

■peculation In the telephone, remind oni

of the villas of Bar Harbor ami Newport

—The venerable 8. C. Noyes, of West

Newbury, well known here, was at Boars

Head, Hampton Beach, tilts summer, aud,

although over eighty years old, would sit

up till nearly midnight to enjoy Hie pro-

gressive euchre parties, In which he took

a greai interest. On bis return home, he

seni a dozen nice combs for prizes in Hie

next euchre party, as he owns extensive

comb facto/iea, The ladles sent him a

vole of thanks, which have been printed

in the Newbury paper, much to the ohl

gentleman's delight.

—At the head of Wler River, Nantnsket

can always be seen on Ins raft, picking

over Ids stock of old boards, nails, ropes

old Iron, barrels and rubber boots, packet

very systematically, a hermit, who ha:

lived on this raft for about three years

being the only siirvlvluu one among iiisj

who died of yellow fever on a steamer, .".

years ago. The pleasure seekers In boats

up this river often make this u little slop-

ping place, It being quite romantic to sail

up to this raft and visit this strange man.

who is very kind and social. The 1. I. 1. C

camp.composed of several Lawrence peo-

ple.were quilewell received ou -u, h:i vis-

it, tlio U'.d'.es being helped ashore by the

hermit. The LL L C gave a clam hake

th sweek, serving It in the regular Rhode

Island-Clambake style. Several of the

steamers bringing friends from various

places to see thont In this easy style of

life, enjoyed yesterday tbe benefit of a

dinner, under the supervision of Dr.

Marshall of Momervilie. The entertained

parly consisted of Dr. Bryant and F. E.

Stanley of West Bomervtlle, E. Burke

Belknap and Byard Whitman of Lawrence,

George L. Dexter jf Lynn, Lemuel J. D.

Mo-her of Lowell and Harry Thomas ol

Last Boston. The visitors left on the

afternoon boats hoping to visit this beau-

tiful spot and again pay their respects to

the camp.

present rupture are r. Cutting, while alt ' American cttlsen,

lives In the Mexi- can town Kl Paso del N,irte, and edits und publishes 11 newspaper called El tentiiiela. Ill this

" journal, which is ft? printed In the Span- .- Ish liyigungc, be st-

SH-Tta1! u-'i "■ ''ivnl

named UedIna,wbo bail lamed a proa- pocttu for the pub-

!,TTIN"' li.'iuioti ot nnother He uenoonced the new en-

n scheme for swindling ml- Itledinu promptly had re- Mexican court, and forced hia

assailant b> sign u retraction. Mr. Catting immediately cms^-d tbo Ili« (irande, and published in nn American newspaper known

"he Kl 1'aso Herald ft card reiterating bin -lion that Medina was it swindler. Un Cutting's rcNirii to Mexican soil bo wus

arrested a second time on Mexican will mid kspt in juil a month, when be was offered by the supreme court , 4 i Ihlhuahua his rreedoin uponlsuT This he b reported to have ro- fuatsl, on the ground thai ue had appealed to the United States government for redreas, which S.S.IHS to lie slow about coming, and In the meantime the whole border becomes In- rUmctl. It is naff to say that tids affair will l«' diplimintieidly healed between the governments, but that the hosUUty which it has ettgi ndi roil will cool without some blood spilling biatot so certain.

IU'W^pi,] nrpriss ver1l--.iT-

i i-r,., :.:. a K; (,. in. Ration to Andover, B i ls,84o, (.-en, in., >ioi,|n),e.ue.ii. u

. 9M, s.m,s.-«. I ■I -'■'.■■ O. 7 US,'

33 n. m.; li jo. £

1 IKi. 10:ilo.m,[ . I, O3B-1J0, I1.U0 ■'»i, 1 :;m p. m. \ s-.':i, S'8s,sas# .

IJ I7, It1»l,i'o0, 7 », *«.-a p. m. 4.-J.'., ikK, *;.«,

II JO n. to s.lli*. !i.;i;>. 7 tl.'.l Kl

Lowell toAn. n. in.; I* 15, l 11 .V,, II I" p. III p.m.

An. love i

'. s i:, n. ni, IJ in, (•Kriiiii soiuHaiile.)

■II.«..-<I.7.I7.S.1':,S.:L'I,!I,:,;, to«i i ... -t syi ■* ,. i ..-. - .... m 7S

rl,.| iu at, a MI. a ('.-,, ;i is, ( -j.-,,.-, :,„] :

iiu.luy 7 A\l,n J3a.n..il2:2tl,4:W,6:M,

,.t„j BBMttnto An.lev

huntay ■ M p. n. Uotaa North, S23a. a.


Salem, T M, B M TII a. m.

m, it «B

illla >Jist, 81J3, '. n.h p

i i. m.; 12 flj, 4 ti

. in.; t i'l.ii y.m

, S:ISn.n,|g«fH

liJB, 13s, l.-OS


Hot! don't mention it.

llaiul concert tills evening.

Mr. Geo. II. Parkar Is at Ipuwlcb, Mam.

Public schools will O]H;II Monday, AURUBI

Mr. George H. (illliert left for Saratoga on

Mrs. Geo. W, Chandler and fanilly aro at Hamilton beach.

Mlsn Uitta E. Hoi i viilthig In town.


»iinli uf )'l,il.i,l,'l|,lii,i, r*.,


m Vsmso Trait of BasnslHIes r.xtenila ArrtHM the t'outltifiit.

(tors llnyinond, ono of tlio muwttnici'cssful indlersof the age, is now in jail in New

York for indulging in his favorite pastime of passing tsifrus checks. Through tlio courtly of Iniasi'tor Byrnes wo an- enabled to give his portrait, as secured for the Boguea' Unl- lery, in the bops that In case he uscu|ies con-

let Ion tiiis tiine newspaper men mid hotel keepers, whom ho has a perfect mania for Bwintlling, will be chary of him.

Raymond's aliases would make aeitydi- ctory in tbemsolvea His Amerioaa eoiTer

Is'gau on a n-|v>rt- er on a Kim F'nin- cisco paper hi lsti Being possessed of a K'xxl lutsieiieo and nn sxoeptioo- nlly flnent pen, ho earned money rap- idly, but ben-, as elwwhere, hLs Mle-

par writer simply enlarged his faeili- tii* for swill,lliu,;. When his biitpii- H"«a H*V«o»n. ties lieguii to pile up so that there was danger of bi« being imprisoned, ho turned his face eastward, leaving n trail of swindles aeroHH the continent and along the Atlantic seaboard and in Europe. His exploits wiU he ns"alksl in Virginia City nad on Tbo Denver Tribune, in Ugden, Uiiuilia, Chicago ami on The Times and Enquirer, of Cinrinnatl, Hem h" ;■ ■' i-.i" an altercation with the circus

" ubiiisoiis son, nud a seer which he reeeived then hits done him good wrviee in his stories of his ullegisl war experiences.

In 1S77 he was "ii The Ilnlliinoro Amerienn and later In Philadelphia, and finally on llie New York Herald, where lie wrote Die de- tain: of President GaThekra sickness and death. He was lining first class work, mak- ing fill a week mid swindling right ami left. A Unit this time he learned that a Miss Lime Undennan, whom he hml known in Cali- fornia bud fallen heir to 1100,000, H" made violent love to her on paper, Indnced her to c(iiuei.iLst, innrriLsI her and stpiimtlend her for- tune. He then paid attention to adrs-tor's wife. The doctor, getting one of llnymoiiil's pictures from her room, used it for pistol jiraetleo for several wwks sons to familiarize binusi'lf with Raymonds fsatarea After- wnnl he Ls saitl to have used the piutol on himself.

His earear from this time nn eould scarcely Isi cr .l!"d. He made ft tour of the southern stat.-M market I by a constant siicevmlon of switiilles and OBCapsa After tuueliing ut Bos- ton he started a news bureau in Iiondoil. Ho WBS next war correspondent in Egypt, Then be turned up in Australia and neaped Gran- nie there by fleeing to the Sandwich Islands. He was next heard t,; in the Faat Indies. In Calcutta he ran a ! . w-witb forty-elght ser- -ants nntl tlm rtii t of ec|tii|iUKcs. in l'--l

ha loomed up again in Paris In a nsl fesautl Turkish costume ns Raymond Bey.arepre- acntative of tlio kbedlve of Egypt In a few days he disappeared, leaving fabulous hotel and other hilts unpaid. He then made a raid

foreign consuls and few of them es- caped.

itnymond bos undoubted genius as a swindler. It was (he experience of those who knew him that he could go into n place a ]>fr- fect stranger and in a few boors so work upon the credulity of people he met Hint they wunl,1 IK, more than willing to trust him with anything. As he nsnaUy wanted to be trusted, tills mesniori/.itig faculty stooil him in excellent sorvlOB, It is estimateo Hint only a small portion ot bis exploits are known. It hitO Is- hoped bo will now l*. effectually

cagwL „____^__^^__

Free cliurch Sunday School picnic at Hag- gets pond next Saturday.

Mr. Jose |>li M. Ilnullev lots purchased the fine black horse recently owned l>v John Murphy.

Uev. Charles it. llli-- delivered a Keratin of (•rent interest ut the Old South church, .Sunday evening,

Uev. Moses Sinltli, a tending clergyman of Detroit, Mich , preaches ut Hit FreeciiiircJniext ttanday.

John Hart of thin town, another virtue of wife abuse, was lined £M.(iO at the pullw iiiurt Lawmnce, last Monday.

The laying of tliat brick sidewalk on the pert stn-et sine of the Town hall, which we auUcl- piitetl sometline ago, bus ul last ISSJU at-iaiui- plished.

AH soon as many of our townsmen return fmui the seashore and mountains vigorous work will l>e o|a-nttc>bcoucei'iilng the propi,»eil lior.-e ruilroail.

The brass hand rc|«atctl another of their vcrj' euji.yiibli! lotuvrts at North Andover last Wn trie-day, IIUJ.II to the etlilli-attoti aud enjoy- ment of the iiid.iiiu.iiit.,

ltev. David |i. llremer of Boston will supply the fhsiHil pul|iit u week from next Similar, Aug. li>\. Mr. Krciner in spoken of as a young clcrnyiuan of UDUSUal ability.

MUs McKeen sjient n day or two In town last week, on her return from her sojourn ion cat it llm White Mountains at Waierville, N. 11., end l.i now at Soutu West llarlur, Mali B.

Mr. Geo, Howartli.thc wellknowii wool nnjcr iu the employ ol Cruten ami Heartily of J'liila.- tlelpliia, with wife, is risking the faiuliv of 'I li'.m.i- lthodes of i In - town.

The Andover brass hand is no less noted iibioiid limn ni home. It has bSM enxagetl to funilMi music for tin' Caiudonians of Lsa-reoi-a on August 'JKth, il liehig ttie oii-aaiiin or their annual picnic.

Mr. Geo. W. Foster has returned from a rather, protracted wcntem trip. He relates many mtsrestmg facts, holding the miiii'.piuuti- ed car for many minutes with thrilling tjisrac- nrtistk western,--.

Ilecnuse of the absence of Trial Justice poor Jamas Toomey, of tfasj town, •anneaiM u-lure Judge Haruiuu of Lawrence last Saturday, cliurgetl with drunkenness. IIu was Heiiieioc'l lu an days imprisonment.

The mystery of Mrs. Catharine Low's tll«np- nearanot HI thu BMngMt that has oeyurrud m eiislcrn Massachusetts for in any ys*ri. BU h.i.-n.nv l«eu gone nearly a month, with no definite clue to her whereabouts.

To sit nud think for n tnfnulo of tl* ninny pul.lii impr.jvciiu'iiis on foot iutowii, Isusoun-e of pleasure to one who isprogiv-sivclv iurilned ; water system, home railruiid, gas, new hotel,. new public school buildings, ww biiiUhugi tor Alili'.u Acadsuiy, etc.

Il • 1,1,1 - i fnun

For Oovernnr «f Tennessee. A. A. TAYLOR

The Republican candidate fore rof

if tlmt state, and lit 87 years of age. He Is by profession fanner and lawyer. At thence of 111 hi,

canvassed the north to raise funds for tlio Fast Tennessee Relief association, nntl the executive ability he displayed on that mission for one so young pre- saged a career f<ir

n of gnat public ■fulness. He was fled to the sUito islaturo in IB;.*.,

hut declined a st- olid nnniiuati'in. lie has Iwi'tt A suite

A. A. TATiim. elector Oil several occasions, and canvassed the state as A

stump Speaker. Mr. Tnvlor bt a neph- ew of Landon C Haynes, antt Inlkerits much of bis uncle's Kcniiis. Hr. Taylor lives ou a farm inherited by his wife, which was once owned by Joint Bevkar, a former governor of Teiini<Mn<& Ho has Is-gun nn netivo and ngi;n-stive eon vans already und dXpeotS to bttng bis state over to the Republican column.


The Senate pesutsins John Clootie's Sue- cesuir Without Ilchnto,

When the BMWte refused to confirm Mr. Goods, of Virginia, after he had held the ini- portanl poahsoa of solicitor general torn ,¥<«r, It was supposed there woultl ts» some ilillltulty In securing nn Incumbent for Lk* position that would meet with their ojipruval, but on receiving the nomluatioo of Ueorgo A. Jenks, of Pennsylvania, the senate paid him the high rouiiJinH>nt of confirming bis nominal ieu. uiiitHsUntely.


Mr. Jenks had but recently retired from the Office of assistant secretary of the interior to take charge of the estate ,,f the Into Mr. Dnfaols, his iiiillionnim client, but it after; wanl lenkisl out that the pwiiion w-i- nut nu, Bgnoable one to him. IV p ■srt.ion of sollci-' tor general hasn saWiy of *T,0lM> atteehed to it. He la alas h.«.. I.-!,',.« HI ,X yoarftir nianag- tngtlte, iiui-jisehtttU',

I To gather pifirls from Ocean "s ' tilviT" K'l'!"« n In illvrrs iilui'C- '- -.uurmt.uthsofst-

Llke tlinnii In ImsuiVs aiuiitli that ililuo! by Uie SWUKIST itlvlnu,


.- our last Issue that we lelernunrd to hulict the Chapel niteiitlaiils

with a, las|.Sabbath, and allow South church congreganon the omission of uiid-stiinnier service. 11 WHS wholly a ty-

pograpklealerror which is greatly regretted.

The lawn t,f Mrs, L. S. Waterman was -ger- feilly aglow wlrh spii'inlor last Tuesday laien-

icii Miss (irate Langlamls enlertalneil her friend.- l#yond the highestexpectatisii which they eould have anticipated. The merry laugh- ter, the pretlv dresses, ibe U-iunifully ilesigued lanterns eould not fall to attract the atleullon of the passer by. At IJ o'clock the parly re- paired tti the home of Ml-s Klsie Gilbert where entertaiomem was pravkled until ouite a late hour.

hiin ssgaeious I.IIMIICSS men coulemplnle erert- a hotel iu this town replete In aei-oiiiuitsla-

i. It has i-'.'i, further said that, If such is tlm f, It woultl not only t« an excellent Invesl-

inont but a blessing for the business men of the town. Now In attempting the erucllon of such a house Hie utmost care will I< t he taken l<>- seiure the l«st possible site. It Isiertamlv what Andover needs ami what Audovcr will have. In: llie very ueur future.

Following is tbo programme of the band Can- cer! this evening. M 1: ■ 11, selected i'olka liumorlstlc, "Jollv Hears , Srliletnarili! Academy Waltres, Missud t'oiieert I'olka, (Tuba soli} Smf.

Mr. W. ii. i, ;, .. Selection from Mikado, BaBJvaa, Mountain Violets. Schotllsctuj, Jubilee, Cumes Selection. Finals.

lUv. C. K.tllisH ofriiicago.who Is to preach nf the ('hn,iel next Sundav, is pleasant Iv uien- iK'iied by the Wukelili! I iii/cti. m its li^l Issue. as follows:

At thu Congregational Cliurcli Inst Snmlny marfilng. iU-v. rharlc* It. Itliss seoke with pow- er and eloquence on the spiritual cotitlitluu sml future of our country, mentiouiiig many res- suns for anxiety und discouragement, uml also many reasons for ho|« and faith, llii iimgre- gatit.n of alteutive listeners was mails up large* ly of former paiishlonert. At the evculng sex- vii<c Mr. I .ir-- delivered HU atldrcss on the con- union, pri*|>ects and nectls of New Mexico, dm* Ing e picture of iho aaosaraphy. |<cople. n>- «,nines, the etlucatinuul uml religious life In that „,. .H tcrrliorv, with ihu graphic ]iower of ■ me fully master of his subject. At the close of the meeting ninny old friends Improved the opportunity fur personal greetings with Mr. and Mrs. Bliss.

"We have met the encinc, and Ihey are ours.'" The nourishing suburb id Hullurd Vale was thoroughly alive lust Kntunhiv afterniHin. It l«- lug the ts-easion of the trial,if tho new Kikliv en- gine against the machine which has done seven- teen years Mr vice for this town. As earlv as one o'clock the member* ol the tire department gaiherrdaniuml the house making necessary Ar- rangements for their departure lo the acetic of ihe trial. Alxiut two o'clock theS. F. F.t'o. Hied to Ihe station, dressed in uniform, uttrmtiiig ciiiislilerahle attention fnun their suldierly an- IK-nrNiice. They were met bv the Itellnril'Vale brctbeteu and handsomely treated. When the time of nclii.n came rottad a ven* uervuus havor of the visage was noticed, which, twingr observed, it wis forted u|mii the miml* of uinnv lhat, if ihe con ten was an amicable ouo.enih com- pany hud UebTinlucI to bend every sinew In ortler to secure victory, tiuinedlaielv l«for» the irlal s i in sea sleu paraded the streets in thu following or.ler:

Chief, (;vo. W. Chnmlli r. Assistants. U. p. Chase, W. S. buiioU, John

B, Stark, N. D. Muvo. I..oi.ii . Vale brass Bead.

Andover S. F'. E. (V,. J. p. Hradlee H. F. K. Co. B. F. Smith H. A L. Co.

The engines were placed tut llie bridge rui An- dover street, s,ud » hundred feet Of hose un- reeled up the hill. Ala given -i:. M. ill., .ih flre- kyanad the fuel u their naacJnnes ami in four minutes No. t vomited forth volumes of water having nenernlcd tola*, of steam. Un- fortunately; No. 2 lul Hired under a Jlsul- vuutitge at the coiumeneruioiit for, desulie the faetufaojual pressure aecordhuj u> tha'gimge, the attempt to start II proved unavailing. This nf course cause,! consltleral'ij) exeltcnauit tor a uiomeiit the lamentations of the suhurtauiltcs Ivhigmany. It was finally dlscovervd that Ihe gate had not VStin opened so as to drnfl water thfUUgll the suction hose. Mflicii OOOS uitire they secured eiputl fisitin^, Uith isjm- panlssbent lo work with a vim. I .-,■ ant strcsni plsyvd was won bv Andover It lielug homoaisj. Ihe next tyir|*iullcnlsri every- body ni-^iiie-.-r.l was won by Kiilhinl Vale, Jm the very heat ot tho trial when excltesicui rim riot, the piston rod of the Aiulnvei luachlue gitve/ way hreuVing liters IK In two, It is ruilier s- >lrt,'l'jug [act lUrtt III the Inltlst ot their excUe meat, tl 11. llowarth, tlie etigluecr, slink lo hln |s»l, the engine hnvlng geuerntctl HIT Itw. ol sleitiu. After the contest the members repair, * to the r - lo enjoy an extcllcut stipt'si iwretl by the tUllard Vsle niemlaie, il r. i mutual good natuie Atsnoitlcil. 11 b genursj eeoeauM Uist Amlover is Ihe champion, I must also !"• at kuowledgcil that exct work was accomplished by our ueighUirs

. i


Hta Ifiiuic F. Pan-lev is at Mm. TUtoa'l 00 sVilcui St.

Mis* Sara llaanon i* nt Berwick, Me., for tba summer.

Mr. and Mr-.. Hciirv MiLawlin arc ill Krmif- luiiikpurt.

Mr. II. It. Tuttlc and wife have returned from u New Hampshire trip.

lira. Ji.lni V. Cogswell and Ml.-s E. M. Ilnrvcy are »t P.irthuiil, Ms.

Ilev. C D. Rice of Denven will occupy tlie pulpit u( the Tree church out Babuatb.

Tii* family nf J. A.IlnmnareatOld Orchard np*iiJi»" their vacation vary pleasantly-*'

inspector Call of Swamnecott, Port \l*,h in luwn visiting friends, «ith his little itepCT.

Misses Mamrlc HIM) Katie llon^van arc visit- ing In New Yitrk, New Jersey and J-liila.lflpL.ia.

Miss Julia Bonn, aeconPenled by Mi-- Sura Jtlaclt, U flatting at her MOM hi llulliiwell, Maine.

'['litre IIH." nceotly iwcn lost in town n nrttet brooch, valuuLIc from lout,' assiHintliui to the one who ii.iwiii-..- il* liini. See "ad."

Mr. F. A. Sawyer will not ran I.:- Thursday mute, Aujr. la, since Iiu him decided to allow all Iiu empluvcs to join the Furiuers' excursion party.

In the absence nf ilio rfsriilnr wwrcspt indent, Mi. tic. A. IlijfKlns will hare chana- of tin. coloma for the next fortnight All items or Ineal Intercut he will he glad to receive.

Major William will occupy the linuse recently vacated by Mr. Chat. Haywanl, where lie will give hoaril am im mod at ions to tho»o ■titilenu uf Phillips Academy r Doming ut Com- Rons.

The Irish setter owned bf Prof. Illnckn wan killed Wnliie.ilrtv. IUIVIIIK hiHlcu-d ipiltc a severe hit« upon .1 child. It will I "■ remeiiilwreil that a correspondent, at T the possessor uf a (lowerv pen and an aidant admirer of the seller, gave tin- renders of the Ad vertisen-iilte a lengthy description of the dog in qawtloojaortly ago.

(Undents In astronomy have tssen on die look- nut fur the put few davs for the meteoric show - era. It is a fact that tlie meteors ure collected Into aevernl groups, Home of whirh travel, like cornels. In elliptical orliils round the nun, and that what we call a shower of meteors is due in the earth's lircakiiig through one of these groups. Two such groups as we refer to are well defined and we hreak through them In August and Nnvenils-r In certaiu years. In past yean tho showers have been pcrfertU mag- nlth-eut. Tb'a year, however, for many good reasons, they have been rohU-d of their hrillnin- ry. or have iiot appeared iu licit ahuiulaiire as

Mrt. Maty, v,ifeof James Grieve, died in Frye Village, Wednesday nioniing at an early hour, at tlie age of '•■'! years. Since her arrival jii ttils country In 70, Mrs. Grieve ha* always proved her unfaltering loyalty to jier family, whodeeplv nionru her loss. TUe evils of iii» ..- and lingering Illness were supjHirted by her, as we learn froui friends, with such patience and even i-hecfulucss, that one would almost luiag- in>- -In- derived in.11 from circumstance* wliicli are usually regarded as of nil oilier* the tmut dispiriliiii,' and oppressive. The funeral service a^ later plii.-y tu-im uftcvii . HI attwooVlockliiFrve VilLigaTinll, to l« con- ducted Iiv Kev. W. U. 1'oor. The remains will be interred In the South graveyard.

It Is always our nrsj/anit natural Impulse la have a dog .li-|»>»i-.l 0/ when he has I unified in- juries by biting. No/ It Is a fact tuat If a dog aim ply "bites a person through crossness, the vic- tim sustains no datuteroai injtirics, but It has been further handed down to us thut in ease the aaimal is running mad, the bits often proves horribly fatal. It has uo doubt eomc under your observation that brutes are often tunlall/.ed and consequently must offer objections. When fciuh la the fact, able men contend thut to ehaiu tho dog for a few weeks and keeping rinse wuteh of him during that time, it Is very easy to de- termine by Ids developments whether he is mud. Hi 1 he o|ieratloii of such proeediire wc would lie able to save many of our canine friends which are ofteu honest, arnjetluuate ami superior.

of 1*..1 (Julie a large nt ■idana of Mr. Nalh tntiu, to wltaeai the •-■iiijiiL' ratetu Oower. Hon. N. !'. Frycle-tilh'dal t re the Count v t''oiuini.-.-tiiin-r-. iv, t.i caishler the re-dlslrn (Hilly for rvpteseiilati»es to die

DUimt Officer Batefaeklet Tai toten J

"allol at (he . WnlneailHV

: tg of a ntgnt

The annual •xctirsiim of the Farmers' Club, which la to come off on the rnh. Is not merely a pastlmo; it la not simply a rest from the m. ■-■■ saiit loll and conllneiuunt of farm life, however much this may lie needed, and uo one will for 11 moment deny the ■ulmuutial lienetit or such an lutemiptlou now und then, but it Is of general interest to the citizens of the town, In that it greatlv enhances the social and nelghliorly well being of the entire coiuuiuiiity. It breaks down t-lais distinctions, brings strangers together, unites all in one common piir|H>su hi minister to each others enjiivment. Smhitatlierings, where parents ami children, friends, iieighlairs and cltineiis, old and young, all mingle in social ac- cord, give a oneness to die community both In avmpathv and action, thut are seen ami felt in all ifierelatlans of life. It Is hoped, therefore, that a wide and general interest will lie mani- fested In this excursion ; and that not only the hanlv sons of toll, but their wives and dangh- ters.'thair neighbors and friends will join In this customary aunftal reunion and pleasure trip. The ride 00 the boflt down the Merriinark, with the Orchestra will he wpeolaDy enjoyable.

Ilev. Wm. J. Tucker of thla Uiwn mndueted the lattftoni service over the remains of Samuel J. Tlldeu, the verv distinguished statesman, lale ileeeaaetl. Tlie Herald .orrcapuudent writes hi that pa]ier as follows:

Tlte vacant cliairs were then offered to the ladles present and were imiekly filled. There was eTulence of good management throughout, for the santiiiK process did not take over three niinuu-s. When nil the chairs were taken Bar. Dr. William J. Tucker, of Andover, Mass., Mr. Tllden's former pastor, stepped from a DNUOO among tlie crowd and wcut to die entrance of the blue room. In this place he could lw seen Iiv all iu the room where the Yaaket lay, and could be heard by all In the house, although he was Invisible hi tuanv iu the dense timing hi the halt. He Is not a clericnl looking man, and as be wore fio gnwn or other emblem of his call- in*, in it even the i-onvrnlliHial while cravat, all wi.o did not know him were sarnrised when be liegan ciulelly te read the I'resliyteriuu burial service. Afier the reading, which occupied live minutes, a select i|uartet of singen. from the dty rendared "Abide with inc.' They were M;li lour.I at lite foot of the stairs, and hud an accompaniment OB a grand piano. T)r. Tucker then made a short address. He said: "1 do not purpose hi Interrupt this ae vice with any cuhigy, for that has been already pronounced in a great degree through tha spontaneous ut- terances of the press, moreover this is not the place for remarks of that chancier, met as we are as the friends and associates of Mr. Tilden who knew each one of us, the worth of his life. Hut I cannot forget that he who was m custom- oil to receive us here with larne hearted hospi- tality in life now lies there In the semblance of life and » s are gathered here in the presence of death to uo hhu respect. The most Harding thing about death Is that we suddenly tease to euuimuuirate with our friends with whom ws have lieen accustomed loS|*ak. 1! ismarkedly ao iu this ease. Itisltke the sudden destruc- tion of a great library. Tho minds are few In a century that are titled bv nature and training for counsel. We believe that Mr. Tilden was exieptlonally endowed with abilities for rc- Hearcb, for Investigation and for the forming of a sound judicial opinion. And lie mis wonder- fully fitted to exercise leadership by the fepKt* nimi ..M.1- convictions, not In the brilliant. Im- passioned speech that charm* and excites tha muttitudes, but by tho power of eahn, cold, clenr reasoning, enforced by a powerful diction, ila was a wise leader and counsellor of men." After further analysis of Mr. Tllden's mental characteristics. Dr. Tuekerdlscussed his relig- ious tendencies. "As I knew khn," he said, "he was a simple liellcver in our simple faith. I know him its a nun who feared Ood ami ae- eepted the essential fads of tlie redemption. Fearless I v I siirrcitdir him in that faith.' Dr. Tucker spoke in measured tones throughout his accent being clear and his voice free from sensa- tional Inhection. It was a plain, simple, but eincv.'re talk about the friend whose liody lay before him, He never rose once tato oratorical flighta or indulged In iiiclupltta* When ho had finished Ha) soprano niiBrttt, Hiss Antonla Mciiue sang fl solo urranfluent of "One Sweet- ly Solemn Thought." Dr. Tucker than deliv- ereM a most eariwst prayer, die conclusion of which'was a touchiu* reference to the servants of Mr. Tilden, whoso" strong and devoted but unwilling arms "ere altont to Jn'ar die Iwidy ol u great and uidfonuly kind frieud \- IU linal Testing place.


CoLector Greciio is tUaMbntbtf "io Ux bills

Mrs. Goo. I.. Harris and children ."m al


Ilev. W. W. Ddldwlu l» at Mt. Desert, on Ids vacation.

postmaster Filling will probably 1* re- nppolntcd.

Mrs. Arthur Johnson and children, of Cam- (IBII, N. J., are flatting iu town.

I.caliy pitched for the Havcrhills against the Mnrlhoros, at Mdrllioro, Tuesday.

H is pnilmble that the Andover Drum Corps will soon appearoa the Button Grounds.

There are more North Andover people taking vacations this summer diau for many years.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morion will celebrate their golden wedding Hatardaj evening, Sept. a IU..

The Tennis Clubf have a progressive tennis party 011 the Centro common Saturday after-

Hon. John A. Wilev would make n strong miidhlate for the Dcimarnts lo luutiinatu Tor congress.

George II. Oillwrt has left 'die Mansion House, Andover, for a brief spate, and is at Saratoga

Miss Hattle I*. Stevens, who committed anlclde by dniwiiing, last Honda*-, was well known here.

Fast Glands Harris and Sargent attended the session of the tiraml Lodge of Odd Fellows, .at Uoshm, yestetday.

Messrs. A. I,. 1'cri.ins and C. (i. WoodcorK •each captured a 'lack bass weighing 1 lb., I w., tit Lake Coehlchcwiek. Suturduy.

Mo meeting of lusiniiers of die Fssex Agri- cultural SiH'iety was held Tuesday evening, on acconnt of insiiftlilent iitiendatice.

.MM,in l.vs'i listened to a most enjoyable con- ■ccrt given by the Andover Brass Hand, on ihc button Drontuls, Wedoemlai evening.

A bureau of a peculiar slyle and over 100 -venrs old. Is lielttg re)«ired by Haniard of l^wrcnco. It Iwlongs Co the IJUV family.

Nereral memliers of lite Andover Dntm Coq>< were struck with apples, thrown b| a i-mwd a sMMNllums, while playing lierc Wedwsdai evening.

Wyatt's -lai'le in Mi.ldlen.i the ownor. The lcathei*htoleuai th« BBI 'time has not been recovered.

Mr. A. H. Durgin, well known for his rmi. ineiil connection with the (iru'uliack parti nd lire depaitraent, died Honda* evening, of ii-phot,- fever, after a few .lavs' illness. Dm >a the war be aarrwl iu<\.. ll, 2Sd Maine ttegt, iu which he made an excellent reenrd. r*i«i ther of year.- the deieascd belonged to Us CiM'hichewick Coiuiiauy, and served four yean as foreman of the organisation, He hail u tret) ■ >i'li-:in-..' disposition, was genial and well liked. The funeral occurred Thursday after- noon from his lute home, Ilev. Cha-. Noyes oltlciating. There were a number of Hurai tributes. iPoat 38, ti. A. It., of which lie was a member) nod the Cocslobawlck Company at- HUded. His afifi was 4ti years.


l/vaii I'.l M illiuery I'nrlorK, I u

11 ■ .il Aliduver tlint i tiuue my bUbluesa in

Hats, Boiineis, Dressfflakins. I have ulso an ci 11-1 lent line of

ART MATERIALS, tt i.d of which 1 would earnestly direct your nt llllloi..

I millelt acotidni'-itlim of vonr patronage. ih's|H-ctfiilly


Su olnad Is a list of those or upwards: — iiitrniCT. DrterVay, !d,

. I'. adtrtck, ..Uliriier, .Clarke,

.1. \V M..I--. I-:. MoSana.


X lax of

K-. 1.1 7t 10


illllp. s..ii: W. 1'. . . Catherine ib-KMi. J, W. RicluiriUoii, j. M. atoaai' J. 11. atone,

.._ A i'uller, J.A.Wiley,

aiii'iii iiitrun r.

. Averlll, W. Iktrrlan,

A. Herry, -. si Worry. I). Cnrlehm, J K. Larleton, T. 1,. AC. II. turn ham, J. I. & M. A. t'liriihiim. It.'aruioii,

.1, I., r'aruum, KsUih'ntt.haelc-Koi-t.'i. S. I-...i.i-, O. x. roster, I., l-'iolhlii ;ii;illl,

ue it-Umy, C't.STIli: DI8TUICT

itaof Chaa.V. Bailey, . J. Mary L. Itarkor, kin. l,i*;llLl lili: lliinllcv, t:. c Barker, Johii Barkar, Natlinti Itnrkcr,

A. itultcrllel.'

ftaai ;: ui .,.1 *i

03 W l«t at ai M


Special Notice.

Johnson*! AMoyer and Boiho Express, —d will continue the won,- imderu,.,. ,T.,„U.

Offliws: Si Court S.|ii!ire; lo»V|,«., tinier IHJX U Mercli:uiis llow. itosfc*. .u„ii,i n[.


. u.

n-ioa, van SAM; IIV

JOHN ( 11 \ Mn.i■:,:. \ MM>\ in; nlers reeelved and bills settled by

■iiilIN II OHAMDLfnjt) JaB ly OpiHisito I'urt on

U. Bandy, Vf. ti. Hughe,., .1. r. Jenkins A sun, Miss Kith< dobn* 1 :.-t;iii- of 11.on,.1I1 Klttrcdire. J. V K mil. li. W l.oriiiic, I. A. l^jrtn-,', .I. A. Montamnery, MtKri HuiuinliOsiriMHl, Wm. i-etiis, r.B. i:- .. .I.N. Krvimlds. II. .1. /. H.Q, > M. T. Mevuns A Mil M.T, Mlevcns, * T. (I. Waitlwi II, A. Wilson.

J,0 BasTOrd A<:'-, Martha M. I|.MIK--S, I mate "i s. s. I."-.- Kstatesf N. nsrlfl. n Sievc.i*, l-hlllhis Wrooks,

M W MM iWt 1ft II IN) «i Ta

mi. .1, IV Itnttli- MlehaelCiirney, W.A. K'l^ell, Oeo. A. itus.en, W. 11. Salisbury, II. ,\1 IVlittuev. J. li. W. Irranon,

the selllns or all kinds of Iteul Kslale ami IVrnoiiHl I'ruperly, In or nut uf toivn,

1 leiixoiiuble ti-rmx. KI.SIIIKM i-.— Kliu House, Andover, Mass.


Emma H. K. Sanhorn, IU. 0., <.ICI i;\ BTBKBT,

Andover, - - Mass. Uftlee Hour* ft to HI a. in., 1 u> 3 and T lo s p. m.

n in ■J.-Hl jt

B K.lini.T, b-e neater. Order Boxeaatn A AlilHitl's, Andover, ami at Crt-cue lin's, llidlanl Vide. Unlers prompllv i


p$3 . VKVNAItll, Sexton of the Smith nl iu nhnrga of the cemetery. All tml done with |>ronit|inesH and at »>. Ib'sldencii Central street. 1*.

HENRY P. NOYES Would respectfully announce lo tlie elll/ensuf .Vudoici and iMnlty thut In' *llll continues tlie KuriiHurs liusliii-.~ In nil il.- Iiiiiuehcs, at Hie old

stand of Ttiorttiis Hnwell, on I'urk St.

Cabinet, Upholstery, Carpet and .Shade Work.

A I" i -«i 11 oi I. ol Tin oil il I.- li n.l I oi , -i lot., t.lilips ..Hit I ,.ill!;.-.. It,-.1-,.,, I . mill

Kitra rinper . ni|i"i, Umiln^ llil I lillll -.-11. ill-; Kill.

and Id .1.11.if.

SHADES and FIXTUf.ES Canstantif on Hand

My st.iek Is flr.-t e1

louiers tlie iH'iiellt o Uie business.

J. E. WHITING, Watchmaker and Jeweller,

GOLD AMI SILVER WATCHES, .r'lvjfb mid American Clocks,

Solid Silver Ware, Plnted Ware, S])i-.-i.ieic'i nnd Kye <*liuaea.

—BnanuaocD IH<;T. —

J E. IVHITI; G, Binwrd'i BrlA Bloek, MAIN 0TBKIT,



Orders Handled with Prompt- ness and Despatch.


F. A. Brown's Fruit and Conlectlneri Store. HUSTON omcBS,

34 Court Square and 77 Kingston Street. II. I'. IIU..MN. M K. WHITE



PHARMACIST, I -.i" ...... i., ,, ,. ii,.„, ,i * c-a.,)

Main S-,, -■I.i :

Andover, Mass.


1.1-lilKli iimlllnril Whin- AsliCiml. Free Itiiriili,.. .1 »« « Lykcn» Vullei Bed A»h " Sliiiinokeii \Milto A»h •' Ciimbcrlaml «

Hard and Soil W prepared Wood, HAY AND8TBAW.

OFnca~<:arti>r'p Dulldli,. Main street. \ iiu. -K.ulin;..| Mlrm-I, lfc,r (.'J-UIKIU Miitlun. Aiul.iviT, Aprll.1, 1KK.V |y

WOOD & COAL U'iiife ANII mill Frunklhi (!<!■{.,.

Hard anil Soft Wood. I'rciu If tloi

NEW DEMURE. Daruard, i hats taken w


Garriase. Sinn anfl Orasmental Work

C1IAS. A. IIOONI' January 1,1898.

Stoves, Plumbing, Tinware.

nl tho Klm-kln

. mnklUK liiriri'Sililltl" hii-sif n-i-iiitiiii-nt uf


MICHAEL T. WALSH. Essex Street, - Andover

FOR HALE. 1 first cl.i'-i two horse Olngla Curt,

complete, t flrttti-laaathrpioaprlnBllnlitKxprrflflOr

(irocer'a Waxoit. J fwomnfrtl Oanaocintlii w»Ron, ami

1 siiiii" two M.iii-ii Ktiuilly L'urrytill.

Also one light Buggr. ii S. 1). IIINXMAN, s... Ai.-i.n .- li,-,.


Express and Jobbing-

', iLmk Kullilliiit.


Tlio in\ btlti arc liolug illmrlL-uui).

lii'u. U. VYi.o-imaii 1B ciijiiyiiiK a vai'iitlmi.

The fci-hnol rotnmlitfC mot rtatunlay ovonliuf.

Mi-ts Ilt'lon It. Plurco In visiting In Nuiilurkc'l

Tlie pablle si-iionis will raapaa Hondajr, .soot, -itli.

i at rt.ilisliury iMaafi,

Oil Painting, Etc The nulinrrtlHT will take pupils In Oil PalnHan ml chttn'oni in ,,i ii,- AIHO avttarn Niieiloa nr iialntliiir H]ii.|m-, I-.IIII, Tulilf Covers, otn. Per u-i-un apply m

HI I.LI K a. AimoiT. jyihvtf Hummer st, Amluvor.





Ilrpnlr(nR In All ItsjBranchra.

n:\t lii'K

ORGAN -:- AND -:- PIANOFORTE -:- PUYIN6. 1*. O. KHM ,'tHi, Amlovor, il.t-i..

Kunotie S. dsil

lira. Rd. 8. Taylor U nutleatlng a'. Hwirboro' lieai-h, .Me.

Frp<l ». Clark lifts ln'on "ofi" for a week enjoy. Init a vni'iitliiu.

r. Oaaar Bunch apant the KsMiath with iii« Ity lu tiiwn.

laaliialap. Hnaantaned last wank from Texas.

Inliii K. lavynr nml wife have jjutip to ,1, t'liuaila.

liiscl Morrlll li nuiiiimrliig uiiii frletuls «cll. Maine.

11. Fellows, of New York ctly, Is vlsli- lu towu.

Miiry, L'harliitte K. nml Katie L. Pnilltt

nii'l Mi»n Ooriilu Km, inlinnl liaanh

slwall in i ;i- -iiu' II novUoa h Manda iu HUferd, R> O.

of i ii.- DapttatolHnnb) lian h u Cartaaa L'lly, Waitlm'n VI

llu, N. 11.

I>r..lohu II. Wo morJy of Mt-thiii'H

There wai nn h> ChniH'l, We'liiomh

OtfAB. 11. iIILlfEUT.


<*. w. sco'irr, .M. I>.,

SurBBoa & HomaMpathic Physician, ISiiriiiinl's IJliick, Atitlovcr.

Natliau P. Abbott,

STONE CONTBACTOIC. one rurnlHlitxl fur fniiiulrill awl other p •B, at Bhort until*'. I.VIUir-i nintiiirli-il (HI u nml vicinity, anil luillt Uy enuerleui

N OTICK Is hereby t;lven, itmt the milisi-rllirr*

, Lite Of I.HV . ■oiimy of Ki-tet, im-nhntii, iin-emi-il,

o tnkun utiiui ttii'innelvc* thnl t: All pei by sHvlnR ii Issnthe

liming ilt'iniiiiM' IIIIHII llu- c-liilw nf Krtlil <li-i-i'u-,i-il are n-i|utreii In exhibit Uie i-iiiu,-. ami nil II,-I-.,.II , Ili'lebtiMl to Hiihl enliite «ru iiilii'il upon tu nuke

NOTICE tabaraby alranthat tlie labacrlba hanlMien iluly S(ip"lute'i mlmlnlHlrntor nf

ilnU! or Joshua 1'uslpn, lul- uf AmhiTcr, lu Oiiutv ol Kft.rx, fariiier. -Ici-es-eil, nsil tisn

taken ii|i<>u hlmnelf tlmt triml In- Klvlilir IK.HII' n* the law illn*el«. All per-ioii" narlHf ilenuinil-

ii tho eslntu of »nhl ilrcon«ei| are roquosteil to Milt III*! •nuie, nml nil pernou- nileliW f i mil't

istatn W rail upon make imymuiit to WILLIAM

a II

Mary heo until by Ihu nuliserll

ivlnj( loft inv bsil IIIKI bonr-l H^nlim! my ul ilesplta II,i- mutt i-arelul ntUnitlniiH.

JOITM KKKI.ANO. Aiiilovrr, M.-i , .f„ i- H, lxni.

StKATBU tilt STOLES—Sunday, .inly nil fmin my piialureat Nurtli Amlovor Contor,

.lorsey Bow, gpjor lirtmllf sml wiilio, him oail llui-e tent-. IVIMM-I mil return her or tflve ti

inalion limiting tuber rvi'tivcn «ill be pro " rl srilfil. "P. K. CLsniin.

.awrenee, .Inly 14,1*sn. Uwlf

F-rrn a

MALE—In Amlovor, on suiuinur street, a Cottnae llnniie, n n"ini»; hnm, nluil, «IH>I|

II of vrnUir, two acre* of laiul, mi fruit inn-n, iilos, iicam, yratie., 4e. Fur par In Ire ol JIIIIN L. MuasK, Amlover, Mmu,


■ADOWOBaSSnl privMa "!*, in lots to ill luirehnserM, nlxuil 7 IUTO*. AupJ}'

W. H. I'he.(in. nilmliilHtnitnr of the estate of Isle li- luii 1'in-lp.. Amlover, n , -.


. H. HitAiu.i.v, T.vii.'iu, UmTlttMl * fUWffillB


Snoeiui harh*alns In nil u< pitrtmonts for next 110. lay,.

W. H. EATON, WATCHMAKER (NO OPTICIAN. Clocks, Watches, Je«elr| and Music Boies

I -i . . I'n I I > » li I'm il nml Krpnlrrd.

flfa niul I*'] K

IWHll Arthur lt!l-

BALB—Hut llltlo n be atan at Wm. 1'iwr A Snl ■hop,

-, oi'1'u.iiilreuf IL M. Ilnywiinl, tlalmnl lltwtf

t'fWrlaTii a Oarryall in *i>™i lomiition, at ranaonahleterras, Apply to No. *j unie.

St., Amlover, Muss.

Fit SALK-flienlur iVhlle Plaa, six aid. Apply in 11. s. Wiim:, n. i. stn-.-t,

iiiiiisKs AMI i viti;n(ii;s TO LET!

The iiili-erllior h.i" pomhaaatl some fine hor»os ami o.M'i'Ui-ut nirrliiKOH wlilrlt be will let nil favorable tarnta. Krulilrurr nml Nlnlilr on IliiMik Nlreat.whniKlie will beglad lo H alt oil hln pntnuiH-

Amlnvor, May 20, 1S«. J. W. WAftmVKLI..




i-e L...

tree Amlover. IKwtf

U.--T—Whil.i ttrtvhujt about Amlmor, n anm


Apply u. i

Commercial College, It KM Ol M » -

Best Equipped & Most Successful In America. H,-o(irin Wept. I. !•<*•«, r.irf In- Unit Vn

Tlie eonrse of slmly Is oloel! itlookKc

Mioiiier.liil ArttliiiM'lle, l.uw t . Iiiillvhliml In.Inn lli,n. nit'.l pnixro

Bni,r'lln« to sbillty. S.'J'-iruW ilepaituient f ladles.

(■radnale* Al«c4 to Kinptoi mrnt. l"n)in< Si <.i-il„»|r, , , ,Mlr ,.ll1Ir

as a DiilnliltiK on" for their other sehool work, ! fore ifniii.i; Into bimluesn.

OnrNprrlnl Threp Hnnlh.'tiinr.r Is tski-i, by J-I-'--I>III whom! time nml meiinn a

aili^liiitlioMlfoiUn »ann-ell]Hl-

Tho raeiiiliemof Mjhtlr' ln|





,11 of <h« In-

Inn.. Tries'!

■CM nowutl.

I a-hli.i.Hiile IMeasurs

ell no l-luue— l.ookoi

11111 un.l Illshlaiid

mi >.-I-II.-I -■

Onoof Qa unit|iie t< *f>f indnnntl, which attnu-ta Uie straiij mMntplraitariy] amiUhllltnp rewirtji, tl fjtajll in an aiii|itnlhentn> for li rise 400 or SUJ t'---t on i-.ii'i It rrua I. Hi-; He wouhl form nn lump growth, hut, by Hi-' liaprl liielineil railways th« the cniwuliiK gluryof tbU QOol and Invi^nrntlnir, ntf hills liuvo a trrunt iwrtion dt'llghtful it in n try ht>mv*r iiiawiiif |s-ijilii, who c

nnal ■■.-it to tho * i-,-ii-.r i ii- tfi at i In- lieailii] rnilwaj, jiaviliuns i whicli ore f[wn, fiiii to a liiiv.- U-.-H the Bcuuos < cunvuuUotui, and n I in-*, a lirW deacrlpt found amis*.

MOUNT Airnuni/ii<yEr) PLANE.

On the siunmit of (inen hill, now mnm familiarly known ai Miubum, was Imilt inloTJnmninmoth iiienp pavilion HtrrJlW foot, nml aa lunphithuati'lucli is uwd for ilraiiinlii' nml e4reus frformalices and iliiiii-in,;. The groundallivide.1 into lawns and Hower Knnlotw, atienoath the bn»d apreadiiig ahodu trees aKfrenhtnent tallies. The grand pavilion la nailike Indeal^nand detail like resnrta at Cf lslatuL It tains 'JOI refreshuienufcies, special frivato dining roonia I grand onhestra.

hU pavilion and grols will comfortatily accommodate .ri,(SJ(] JUT*. Binoe ihti I>sik out house, as it is calietjmo into existence, it has utulerKono nwnf provoiuonU. principal umtincment #io presejit tune i* dunciiiK and (icriunn e irta.

Tho success attemli ;ho opening of tho Lookout houisiwaaiuit if not phenomenal. ThoiisniKui Hocked to 1 nvilion and flisnUtl the Kniumia U) overtlo ;. Thua it wan that tlie thousands who w doily turned away lor lack of worn nuedi nothcr "hilltop" re- siirt, and they were usfng in having their

$!^/,c&)b>9kMt> ^^C^'^^^TOB.


FREXCII BATISTES, 121-2 cents per yard. nmn LAWNS, 12 yards for SO cents. 23 pieces of RUCK LACE lit \Tl\(i. only 111 rents per yd. FRENCH SATEENS only 23 cents.

Low prices In SUNSHADES. Si mint SKIRTS very cheap. ENGLISH 11(111 VII!. only 12 1-2cents. INDIGO 1*1.1 K PERCALES, eholce styles.


A. W. STEARNS & CO. OOO to'OUisEsaoxiStl'oot. Xaa-wronco.

tlio gnmniis atvl huiiriliiga, wtiteh, from their IHUIII-T inuke the whole qnteaslifUoaday. Thuaivnuate' ;ht from UM ltelvwierv, over- limkiiif: Hi ■ --if., i, unite ii- Hue as that of tli" day. Owing lo tin; dense Htnoko fn>m lnnu- mernlilc factories ami mills, which luuiBsovcr tho city "nil Is'iicath your gaai-, makes the myriads of lamps give a nickering and uncer- tain light through the murky tilnckncw. The horizon intuit [len-fptihln, and above thebltliv- black domo of beavcu b tilled wiUi Uie lights of LI ink in;; spheres. Than ft is that wo may gaae overhead and down the ncroU of dis- tance, on until tlie cyo resta at our very feet, we sixi nothing tait blai'k night and blinking stars. STuAY BAND.


I -I O. l(i>! ..■- - of ll.iiTnlo. Likely to Bae. N «•*•! «■ I". Uo II inln.

The pwit'Kfii of jiuhllc printer is considered n very lm|H>rtant on«' in tho guvornmuut, as he control.-* afioutli,.VMlemployes and expends over 94,900,000 a year in the work of printing ninl liimllitg tho various government publica- tion:!. Mr. H. )'. Itouiuls having resigned, his successor is said to tie (i. n. Rogers, of Uuffalo.

Miss Annie paabotljr, nf La. atouplM with frtendi in Ibis tm

rotraaka. ItiiKlness 1*qntta brisk nt Tei leaasttatlnf Hie rumiluu Ol i orka alcUa. I'rliu'lpnl Wooil, of the htah school, Ury luereancil, lmt tliexclinoli-iiinnilltei

locuteriuln the Idea.

.« Murlou B, OtU nml her sUlei made an extemle'l visit with Mlaa Ada M. ney. Imvu returiieii to their Nashua home.

Tfti rennbllean Baa>ataa« on meadwa) heen ii'insrcil a lew (ctt fnrt 111 r north an jiulreil. It will n-relve ;i new ooM uf paint,

A piirty of youiiK Imlles, of this tewn, paid I vUlt, liut week, loNlr. T. W. II. Hussey, tlicl former teacher, at tils seailde resldemie, Marlile head Seek.

Mr. Oanar Iltirseh was recently K>

eiil/iry sup|ier \iv Die pmnrletam of Hie woolen mlllln I'roil.lcliee. U, L, nf wlilrh ho Is the su. perl ii ten ih< nt.

Miss Sallla r'. HiillCy Is sinKlng In the choir of tho Church of the timid shepherd (l"nlvcr*all»t), of Ijiwrenee, laklng the place or Mrs. Dr. N. IL llumiell, who Is eiijoyhig her vacation.

Tneruinor given pabllottj to In this column ist week, canoei-mus; tlm Methunn Boot nml Mioe o„ proves lo lm\Q lieeu rounded on fsct. Casey ro».,of llrockMii, will remove their husluess -re n-i 11; ;. uBdarataatl that n new ooaspanr

wlllliu ronnml lu which they will put a certain uitnf qalak ofeptlal against tlm shop an I ■ consideration*. It Is thought that naaotla. will he e-impleted so that the works can he

Harlad aarly In Sentoniliar.

The ipaeJal Iowa meeting which was enllsd for fadnaauaj afternoon, st the lawn hall, waa but leitKiTly iHternied. H.ti.tinrjrent, L'sq., offlclutcd H luoiji-nitor. i: was vatad to noaualdar Uie uie wberaby the town voted ibaC the ownara ef rnl e.«Uiie sltiiaunl un strts'ls euutnlulng sewers llahl enter aahl sewers, under article *M af the urrsnt id the ln»( anutial town meeting. Voted

loaaUwrbta UM itlnntninn ta usass ararj person, antara his partteular drain Into suoh main i"i'eoi on newer, a projiortloufll pan of

tiieeJinrge of making and repairing tba aanw. Voted t.i authorise the lown Ireuiun-r to liorenw iiiiney to pay foi thee.iiistructli f sewers voti'd olie on..i iiiu present year. Voted to untliorl/i- lie seleetnien to evelinngs u -innll pluee of land

With .fumes U, ICichunlsuii.

nus, On the helglita oAe west honk of Milk

creek, a tributary oiid at its Junction with, tho Ohio river, is PS|H hill, reached also by an Incline, the heailfwliieh tcnuiimhs with a grand pavilion, cdlrt garden and •lancing halls. Tho gnuindfre very largo, with a net work of pleawlwalks, shailed by hun- dreds of trees, bcrni which are convenient n'freslinu'tit UbletfThe Kroumls. pavilion and terrace overhsfthe entire city, a score of iierhaps ten mi On Uie oppnsitu side of Uie summit yofVikfrnm a point where

' grai-eful mirve to tho ti a dim, uncertain lio- , acnet* tlie blue grai*

tut liletnrvt*|Uo hills tho left, on the oppo-

ul, low, blue lunks ore of the turbulent, grcen- nislica, with tlie songB of

ry, into the uinls-r-hui'd peaceful, sedate and

sn-ii'-s on, around and f IVico's hill an among

alley, which, gisl seducll veneHH of tho .ilt and the Hudson, or

awe-lbiring splendors of tho Itisky moutitainaiioits no word painting, for the Ohio is a ling swath which mows its silent, shimmed! way through suhlii nature In bar fintfcr moods.

Price's hill is tiri-hsiUv natroui/jsl bv a ph. Um IVcIKnd, win. 1M.1.1 ..11 tn picnics and NOiialjblhi and parties, in white

tho 0Uo in- i --ul 11. Tho eye nf

rizon thirty niiles llehls, K" uiiii'-ky. Neiii, site shore, tlie i bmkeii by the iiilfr dytsl Licking, w l# sawmills a waters of tlie j grander Ohio, from the -.. the grandest it gardluKsnf the t Aibxondocks, Cni

and summer, in viliott-t inthi Di'tnocraUo nor was held.

issif the Qqaat dambi iify. It was heitt that the

ig convention of 1 ■ -t

Whit i Old piTK Not tholi angular thaypci Hamn'i

Kinds of Old I'eoptP. hat mnkes the society nf somn

Ji.n llliwelcoine and uuendumlilel lr vein, but the |--culiuriticx, the licHiif L'niSer mil cliarnctcr which ;nit tlio yi-irrs to liestow upon them. wo all AiKiwti men and woman

irrylwily won led MST lawamaa flmy lively, BO enrac^winmg, so inspiriLingl

Th>y were not always young lu years, but did anyone ever think of them as old; 1 linvn iu mind n woman who w much younger (ban In r grown wm and daughter, eonsc- i|u»nll.v much mure nopnlar,

'I'll" ntniiis]iliero of ii mnu or woman who baa a warm, choary IIIUJIUH In Ufa la plea*> nut. Wo leave tho prem-noo of KU-II a one feeling brighter and youngw, no mattur what Lin or her ai'e may !<•. The other kind of old iiersrin— Hie grim, forbidding. fiircwi-M-viiiii-world cn'ntmi'— make* every one around him feel as old as a worn mil ]iiu:ii". on.I iii.|,iP-.ilroii.i in liatios nml jihih osopners alike—Oertrude Uarriaon hi Boaton Ulolio.

olllkmald Tnnla, Tlu1 mtlknv.ld tunio is iKininiiig as jinpular

aatbel I l-or-.-iDiiiil iiliirt provfld lass -mo iner. Thla natty overdress, aJsu ciille'l tho I.i.-ii.- tunic, N pretty for dream of two fabrlcB, one itrinarl, tin otbar plain. The DTOn I Is turned back with a deep rerom, anddrnpea high on the left aide, tho narrow

■minder la nf the imrattfa yMk„lli..!ic..wiiv.-l,iK.-1,,t!1,.stri|S'formHtlie yoke, and the gathered portion is.if the plain rnalwjn] If L, plain.round wit 1st isprefcrretl, there an. n brHand asah»aVted ot tlio aMna, w1taann>Ucefnlda "f tlm aamo rToaatng aach OtllCI CIUHL


-t.KLKMIALtiH.-ln this cits, Aug. [•-v. tinrk tarter, Mr. IV-njainlii f*. u-l MU< Mary C. Uraeahalgh, w-.m oi

r*e flaitaparllla If designed far tliose m>« > spring uiedtrlne to purify their hlnod,

TitKfoiXMit: Itfi.t.rTiN itllust rated - gfaa full I hulhl theiii up, lii.eens.! their uppetltc. and reju-

{m^'^rVurSu.^nrttulaV: Nomherpreparatloa C.E.COMEU,«MMiWa«hl-)riowi«t,w»s«.iw. »*woll moots this want. Its record of tatty years

Jyt'wnrlm | Is one of constant triumph over disease. dwlt

nElxvai BOL'SE. ' use la one of the most fa-

ns ts lu the city, sltuut'it ut l or the ( fton Incllnu 1'lane railway,

•poa the eilge and over- lie Ugt -lilfs which overhsik Mo-

feet below. It is by for ly rivals for licntit v and I, l.rat.d Hlghlaml Imiisc.

the lAuurul Mill Oraak ndtoy, awaymo the nortbwesrt, the ser-

illy traced by sliimmer- Htnlight, whito ban mid

lost behind tho holm's of led settlements. Turning,

nitb|cily while another vfow, I, but none the li-w ts-nu-

'roas n wide expanse of the velvety lawnaand

if L'lirton, olio of lliolovt- lo America.

', pavilions, esplanade buildings cover tnoro ' hill-top resort iu the ■impriao nlsmt twelre a a iMirk am;

dy walks and bean- ie Is largely used

IvatonartJai In sum- Idinga being boated lll,(«W pe0| I hAve I iii one evi uing. all titties, und tlie



The QlVSjt liiuioemt Slrrps Amid III*

Atirrsturs In the Country Ilurrlng

Uroiiii,t-A tVhlte-I>ra|>ed t :,,,I„I,,,„..

Ills Laskeaa Portrait—eaaaaaMfaaj I'ark.

At New Isdiannn, Columbia county, N. Y., the mortal r-innins of Hamuel Join- Tilden were buriml, Hatunlay, Aug. 7. There, in the little iimntry luiialet, his life starttsl, sevrn- ty-two yeurs ago. When It hud worn out the l-.iv and taken Its fli«ht to uuleiowu

realuis. tlu< clay mold it hail Inhabited was given '..■!■ i. to tli- same kindly earth at New

Lebanon. Tho portrait in the illustration Is from

photograph to- n .wily a few

gaining li .n.l strength

(!■■;, WILLIAM F1KDLAT H'-iKIW. Williuiu Kim liny llogent was Isirn in Forks

township, Kaston, 1'a., Jon. 1, 1KU0. granilfathor, Joee]ih ItogiTM, came to Amer i.-nfioni In-hind In 138ft Ilisfnther.Th J. Itogcrs, washy trade n printer. He waa aa eOtier In the war ol I8U, lien. WUHam F, K" --r-. itubiUil bis military spirit from Isilh his father'i and his mother's relatives.

His first work wna dono-on Tlio Boston Whig ns printer's apprentiii-. In ltf.'H ho wont to Philadelphia und obtained work on The Philadelphia Inquirer. In 1MH he came to HuITulo and Is-gaii "sticking type" nn Tho Coaler. Tula he loft for work nn Tlie 1U- publie, a paper then entirely independent of The Courier, but which wm afterworda CIJII-

anliilati*) with its linger rival, and which has now susja'tiikd. Qeak lingers establlshtsl tlm Itrst Kuu'hiy newsistpiT in Buffalo— The Weekly KcpuMlcan. This pajs'r, however, '■■■■ii e, ii —l puhllcutlun. He Itieti wtmt Isick on Tho Courier, where he rcimiincd until the outbreak of the relwlUon.

Hhortly after his n-tuni from the war be wna nppniut"d city auditor. At tho next election he was made city comptroller, and. nfterwanbt WM cliited iimyor. In ItttO lie was chosen tonpnsicnt the l. hut iu eon- gress, whither his father had been flirted at the beginning of the century. Ho was ap- Biinted uuijor k'enernl nl tlm I'mirthdivision

" _ 8. K V„ iu .'-.rvuary, ISTU.

Mrs, Ken st or Ilolpti, It asenm to 1st Just dawning on the mind of

society that the wife of Met in tor Joseph N. Uolph. of Oregon, is one of the nn- -I l«-:mli- ful women In Washington. Alnnsitany man who Is a millionaire can lie n Ontted Htatea senntor in these days, but not every 11 natiw has a licautiful wife. In the alisence ofothsr

in I: i ii to distinction, this is uno not to be de- splseiL

groui: 1 than i city. TIKI gl acres, iu whit innumernl sluide tl tiful (I< for picnics, balli mar and wintc. by sii-am. As lii-nl frupii'iitly lss-n entd The entire placet ndimsMiinisfroo,

The Highland h< 1HO-.1 rosliiouuhleofi hilunt'il at Uie head Mt Adams. The ijiillii and extensive. The ably seat -',IXXJ persoiil L'p ladies' drcivsing nsnui thtatl

■lining rooma, ll'r. every detail, being decorated btthohlgt Hu imJng nroand the bnkatihm Another likiii d^menatord Is situated to t hall, which is used for Srivnte and pablie ncntOB, Thh

oor Ls also Head u n roller skating theraorof thU Imilding is tlie plntfl wooden skeleton work from which

est and p resorus. 11 is ilined jilnue „n

will com forty. |.;II|I-I-:.

ud extensive

years ..rilft h i m yoL

talk of nomine tins him for the presi i li -i II y in 1 ->-", with

or without his consent, ltivul caisliiluUs v, ill undiiulihslly 1'11'iitlie inoiv fncly tiow, i-ill und Inlh'in as tlie Hage of Ureystonc WHS. Ho was the shrewdest political oigan- i -IT of bis time.

Humor hod the distinguished old man Isv ii"thi-il to moil., women than was the luck ol any other bachelor of his time, yet he lived ninl die.| single. Tliere Is not even tho rtroid of an ivirly love disap|sjintmeiit, such as in vesbsl I'nvldent Itui-hanan wiLh nunnntir Interest, Ui gild Tilden'a blunt uiivaruUh.d Liictw liirlnsil. He tqijawniUi have reuuinisl single IK-CIIU-*. be liked It U«t that way. Hiul lie chuseii h,. might have l-s-i, A Isu inlor prusideuL Them Is every rensou to believe that he might have died president hod he afl- eept.ililii. l)k'iiioi'rulli- nomtnation In 1^4. U^ i-oulil have hail it also In \***k As It was, he was a pn-^idi'iit maker, and perhaps that WHS as much cisiwilatton to him m having Um nirtrm fur lilmaelf At any rate, it «* far hm Imtber. His letter of deel In alien ht lhae gave the notuiuatlon to Mr. Cleveland.

We Propose to Make This an Extremely Lively One.

We will ,i:ll Onr Entire Mock of Ready Made Mis Soits, Cli-fli roits. Jackets, Wraps M Jersej Waists

For Less Than Wholesale Prices.

This is mi iilli- assertion lint one that wc MS anil will make good.

We have been making a deep cut In prlres of

Ready-Made Garments and Suits

For tlio |i»Ni few days anil now Wt IIIITP iJcriiltMl ID coiumnm' clcaii- IIIR, daWfaaf and rl-isinij our onlirc stock mid thus make July it mil

Hot Month for Business? Wc frill inuke this ttlti r.iintnts lor Hi \<aw itrlrcs.

MIL1!. DOLPil. Sir- Hs-lph isiiluillviMif the Pacillc coast,

and la a poul ajwehnaai of what It win do In th.- lli-.c nf r„fr srotnan. Mr. Ihilph la a law- vcr. like nil Um met of the United States a n ■tors. He was district attorney for 1'orllnud whan the lady married him. if praMattuna) heautfoa. aw tn bo tin fRaWon vi this country, she uiil l-'i.ui'of tholirat.

They lave M; chilihvn, wiid to tut vry beantifnl nil of them. TheeUeaelea dnuuh- icr, who made her detail Into aociety nt a brilliniit ball la-it winter. Mnilter and daugh- ter ure now traveling in Europe,

vi idl tl lady baaaUMdUnowand nreotni ■■ ol natnra »Ueh am batatr even limn her l-niiC.-. Mic and her IIUSIHUIII (ii ;■]! up a handsome retaJilMunent, noted (ta it hospitality. She prontdee at dinner and other [■a!:, i null tact and BWDB, Bhe ta wtltj i ml I'liteitiii. I,. - in ponvoraatlon, Klio has h.n-. of t, i.-ii.l- wlinari] ihawn to In - ),., j; .j i-.,. |. iiu ■ :■ I ; - - -i nalnn\


Tho pmsldont attWsW Mr. Tilden's fun (ral uml btoml with bowed head Wwiib the collluof the grant master Ihmns'raL Hnv- ern! member* of the, oabinot ul--- cnmo over from Washington to (lrcyston\> to la> prcoi'iit.

A HtillihiK and pleasing feat ore->f the scene in the bad* lay In state at utvyetone was tlw abaonreof hoavy black ilnipcry nlsiut the revered rainalua Thu cntoiolque, wlwro the s- ■■. I ■■ .i :■■:-■ in his own room lookluif out ovur tlm Hudson, was covorud with enow white haiikiluiTt. It was baautiful and imlipic.

Mnnv (irin n- men hnvn "iliiit like a tn>o at Die top first," as Ihian Swift said of himself. Mr, Tilden wax -;nin-.l that most sor- rowful kind of ilocny. For some ynara I tin I«n!y has boaa prui'ticnJIy deal Bo was w> poralyail that U Is ban l to sis! how ho kept In the llcsh *i hins. Iiiu vis-al chordscwusil to ml sev- eral ynirs ago, and he OOnJd only speak iu a wblaper, n kiw tliat the listener lutd to band iii>..-n.i ,i to Hr. Tiidmis Upatohaar, His I II 1 i ■.*(.-« nsi-l' •.. his il^'lit Iininl slii.nk wi tlutt tf he wihheil to exti tnl It in gm'thu; bi a Mend il had to lie ,ii,.; forwanl with a sud- den lmnttbs to DUUM it mova at all.

When he walked it was with a slow, shuf- tliiu; step, [mjiiful Ui Is- wn-ii, IHK heaiiiiR waa the only eanae that n-malncd to hhn per lis't. Yet hh initnl was strong, and cryslal dear to tlie last. He waa «■ t)'-l('i-v-i tlutt for •"iiu- ;. in . 1: ■ I ins bad tO U- (ail liko a child; yetwitliiu a ("« months ho dlctntod and lamed a, dneeanant -ii.-m' ii..;- :M', UIKI thai it wakii| up tlio whole c<sintry. The dts'iimenl wag hta letter ta Senator linwley on oar need ot ooaet dafeawai ami fmtiflca tests. It oontmandad n'. lr ui imniln-rsof both political paitlat,

The TUdeU burial plot 1-, irf uuiipjo aiul beauUfui design, rr-daibly Mr. Tilden hlm- i.lf phuuMsi ([, for it WHS ll«- work i>r no or- dlunry mind, «w plot i« m tba vOlacaonne- !■ - and I laid out Inetreojar form In tor IIIIIIIIII um Inn til ihu uletiinan'i tatber ami uiiiiher. A lall i liar Me burial um Is placed above them. Then a etrctdes walk runs around their (rrnvm Afbr that eenwe n circle of fimi burial j.l :,. tl- i. another circu- bw walk, then ancdbee roaaal of paTapleaa K.-ur wiillotvnuaUi from tlm ccntial (rnives, \V4*tri» thn Tll'h'U MI,. , -: ..:■-. rcjsise, out to tl«' riroum/iwnci of the vsholabortal plot Mr, Tildi'U is Ini'.'i'il In the llorUi west curlier gnvt of vie Inner rtroaa, How hh Riavu hsiks you aae (rant tba plcturr.



iiiiiit.A\:i itorar. the hattle of (rt'ttshurg, nml tho rery esten- sive MtvviKii - ilisplsys that nru frepjent on summer evaning* Ibinnlng tlio entire length, mil r.mhlng far cut over tho edge of tho cliff is t!n.< Qalvadere. I He jl't>ruf which li partly etono, w:ib a acntln^ capacity of T,U l, Hi'ntand Ih -co, at convenient distances n"i eh-gnnt sialiu-s in atone, tironac. Iron and marble; also bedaof baaaWb) flowers, which (111 the ci.ul mountain air with thi-.r derm frngramv. At the north end of tho Belv- dei-,. is a li- ■■■ (rrotto orcliratrn iilntlorm In which oi r tlm varimis bands piny. The other end nf the Belvedere tcrminat't with n lovers retrcal in tlio sliiifS' v r nvawtiiHt ..f blaiiL iis-k, thu Insidu il wliich IIIM it v fantastic blmpes, with eialiettto fonuatlou-. ovcry where mid a atpjlary canopy.

Tlie views fiiiiu all pnita if U»> j^ound, n>id eBpedally from Um cwplaamlo, Balvedanaml baleonios, are ea prand many (n the Ohio volley. Tlie Ohio river, which from hero can lw snen for five miles, spanned by threw mu^r- nlfioent brtigea, to flood toitb every kind of craft from ih»bln'h Isii-lt i onoe to the mag- nilli e-[t double-deck sti-anmr; th" rotrmntlc beauty'if tlm Kentucky hiils and bhtu praai tielils; UM pietnn*i)nc snai'ry of the I.iekilig valley; th-i |.,iiriiiin^lii!»i*""p'"f I'd. n par It, faigctW «i'ii a full fie*of Uncin!inti, Gar* Ington, Ki'W|sirtand l.iidhw, fonn n imiiO- rnmn of tlm crundest and i»"' orind .

Beotric and gaa kunpe a« pad throughiait


o( un nniua ml like It. > • will offer j-tn

" whlct) Is cm In tl tX",


New WntrrRillN nt the White MotinlnliiK.

Lut winter, wlieti a heavy white froM, fovercd Hie mnunlnfoa, L. K. Ntlllle Of I'lii'ir 11.1 l ll'llici'-l (ID Hll'

north si 'e ol C'tinnon Mountniii, in a r.viiio where u sircam risen enat <if CoppsmlfM ]'ro>jk, u ohm rut in the trout on UM trcLH, showing tlie. nli- nctice ot (ini'-i. urovrUi, unit, ns he tlKMight, n Hume, in llu; nek or a laOd sliilo. It uoi boloc pnolimbli to visit the rtpol [tlicl, ■ he wailed unlit tliia s|H'iitKi wbeo in company wit11 Mr. Waldo oT llostoti he fttancrf on a toitr nt iiivrhti^ation, which reaultcd in the discovery of the prettiest •valfTfa'ls about tlm AVlute or Krniiconitt Motin- with a lie-iining amilc, in a loud ami laliiR. Tin' flmt lull ilic water luinhlca , chccrfnl voice pruulaluicil, "A wurt!" over a In nl:.-n !. ili:c at nu nni;le of i llarpct's Ilu/,ar. ntioui 4.1 dww* about iftiO feet, m>m-', ■•• -* ■ .i » ly th« whole being viaihla Imm helow. i A Maine Nuntlay-achool teacher, A Miorl .liaittoce nliove tbll fall in an-' ,M,nt o" clearly dcliniog Ibo relation of

Teacher ami Scholar- —. 1 ■ ——

A young leacber In one of our pri- mary ilcuarLtneiila, Bpent llin greater part of an afternoon iu doacrlbing Lbo appearance and linhiia of the mulo (o her daa*. Anil when nbo bad flniabed she aaitl; ''Now, ebiltlrcn, I want you all to try und rerjemLcr what 1 havo lold you, tor I shall call upon ono of you to repeat it tomorrow." Accord- ingly on the morrow alio l>egan by aaliiug. "Wlml did 1 talk about yei- terday?" Up flewi a dozen hands in tba air, Bigntfyinz that tho owners were ready with the answer. "Yon may nil nic, Carrie," aaid the young teacher, aiugling out a flvo-ycar-old.

i iln i'. more beautiful limn the llrstt,' where two streams eome ueni ly to- getlit r en top ol n ledge, nml tnakn a uerpciidrcoliat fsll of 3? I-"-' feel, na DjMUQrtd willi a lint; und plumnnel. The two stretimt, only loriy or lllty fuel apart, pouring over lbo rock pro- iltiee a lieniililul t licet, l-'ivni nbove Uie Inlln Hie bonnes on 8oga\f Hill can bo'WCD nbOTC tlie topH illho loieal Ireca. A short dttttoon niiove IbOM second lulls is another, not ijuiie per- p»n<lieulav, of about HO feet, and still huyoml a Oatceda trom one lo twn rods in witlih, ami perhaps torty m-i Imtg. There is a loge.ii!". toad to with' in a half a mile of the place, nml the remainder of the WRV is not very bad walking,—Conuetd IXottitor.

I.i\ in;: on Yiu-htN.

r Hutu li»e*u wlin hstfl IIRCI roller ther have djaneaela, dlsalneis ualn

iii tns tin Imwcls, take " few tlll..'I,lv.r I'lll-, JS'j- «lll 1

■ iirkci i ■ :;:>,[:"

..■,-- n ti

II re til in an .iliist Itnlli TlH-y nn- clniip tji i :iii*e th«y {D.M'U iiniir nt Um liiBTCli-iiLmUkJi .i.i.i. i llcii.r.n'ii vsluslilc. TIlP latter si. in'Miipi in .el. |'h-«>;iiil I cure Ins few LIMIT - allmcnu wlilrli net cvou rrlluso. Tlie DnbUi HI a-:inicda|{iiiii-ti>e.i;dleifl sinleln," •'(.'spiiiln," ■! apsiiinc" pfsaiors, mil. I.- liiten.'.'l U. ilreefvi!. Ask I and lisikfur ibr "Three .St*Is" trade mark slid the wgnl "LaptUw" out in dw oentrv,

TtLDKNl rtiiayK.

Ibis a peaceful essiOtrr cmveynrd. The thonRlitaef tbu-rMBje ■•( Oreyatene turned to that in hi. old days, rather than tn the morn pr-I--nt.■',.-.cvmetcrlos nearer Nor York cliy. Mh f: Iv were l-i-esl.ytiTlans.

Orcystono la a beautlfnl iiiuntrv mat on a Duel on rt.-.-T hill, above tin- rilbujeof Yon- ben, nine uiilea from New York - ity. Mr. Til.leu's city !e.iii,-,nf drnna-rcy park, in Row York, waa a luxurious und beautiful man* ■ton It had been uri-innlly two I ssn, which were made over int.> one. fcs clic.i<-(«s Inasiiui lills nml library of ;ni,t«n vdnmea, which Hew York city hup* s> PSMWHUB

legacy fnnn thaaage, AttbsafeofW Mr. Tildenwaaa mtsisu-v

eeasful btwyer. Be bocama each m ruilr.m>l nml inltilni: enti'rpriws l^'fia-.' herns afcjeted gOTernorof Now York(tn Is"j. IHsi-sUita is wtiiaausl at n.aoo.eua, to bo among mure than t wenty heir*.

ns Csnrn i.' Ka nntirr what dlm-tiM) von msr linvc. lie «n tliaithc nicillelns pm Hike. 1» n-llnlile. Micti iiiiiilclnn vim wIlliilirnvB flnd .iiilphnr LIU.i They are mrt n chdi|

liililren tn tin- Kpisco|ial Cburcb, was anrious (o im|> on ber extraordi- narily dull OWN the'propricly ot being conn.-med. Tlie age ol 12, following lbo usage ot tho ancient Jewish Churcb, was especially emphasized. After a full discuBiuou of tlie matter the tencber tested one of ber relative- ly brightest scholara by suddenly ask- ing : "Now, what Is done to children properly Instructed, when they reach the age of 12 or thereabouts?" "Lick 'cm !" waa the prompt reply. Couflr- iii.iiiMii was not further touched upon at that lesson.

A Utica naturalist says that song bints in that region are fnsL disap- pearing. The wien is almost un- known, the bobulink, that formerly abouuilod on the M'.lmwk mcadowa, is disap[iearing rapidly, wliila blue birds, yellow birth, orioles, and even woodpeckers, bighorn and crows are liecoming ■oeroa. As a conactjtience, be says, fruit trres and all aorta of

".elation am Biitlt-ring from the rav- ages of loseoU. l'ot hunters ami bird

There moat l'e a large sem!-tsiBhion< nble Quatlng |«>puIailoa atonnd New Votk during tba summer aeaaon. All over tlie haih'ir and up (he soiind, as far BB Greenwich, yon will fiud vaehtsj varying from $.Vl0 alo,p» to •;,(i1000 | %££ '^Tm ZlT^'^Zlnlhr schooner., anchored m qntot "«!'»" | t|lc disRupearnncc of lbo birdF. I New and mlels, and serving as KjdjfiDgH York Sun for ili.eir owners ard Ibcir owners' families. On the larger vessels men ' Matthew's mother took bin on ber and women Mn, ealllng from place lollnp ^ losprete opon him Uie duty of place as the humor catches them, flu lie smaller ours bachelor parlies bob) merry revel. These latter are nearly always young men in business in Hie eliy, who attend to their occupations by day, and go cruising from Satur- day till Monday. Many oft brae mere- ly lease a yacht (or the nensru. They

obeying bis parents nml heiug kind to hh little brother. YVuilo receiving these inslructions, V.auhcw gawd at her with so mnao 'm neatness that sbe lelt sure a fee> impression was hcing matle upo'i'.'ue young miml. Hutwben she coy ''nrougli, tho pleasing illusion *b> ijssipatcd hy his remarking tiry-

keep the pantry fall of cold inenln anti-'j: "Your chin noes np and tlown tilv prepared canned slnll, and. i'jK(. ftiuny all the time you're talkio1

ilien alilodiodi seaman serves u craft and to tnk uie ill ll' - f,:y

meals nsb^c. Qn(, MJ*. ^.am nail their "**a ot it when they H dors not cost them

Uie cl M'tf.-uiiii.- ktnaiii

AclearciiBi|ik\|eii ' boule's tills are-


nml licrt.n t« I* t- -dClr u DsllTAn" ,,md In lh< 77~"— ,-* ilwJweml

A cerlain clergymtiu was sent for suddenly to go to a eoUagO, where I o [.-MI-: I -i man in lied. "Well, my friend," stdtl the. pastor, "what intluc-

f anything, more I ban to pay ed you to send forme?" The patient, room rent aiid board ietore, and U.ey \ who was rather .leaf, appealed to bis have a great deal trora Inn while the ; wife. "What docs bo any r" temperature is nigh.—Kew Voik j aays," shotlUd tliewomati

News. what the

deuce did you send for him for?"




AT unrui pomiBLB nut i -

26S Saeox Stx*oot, - — IjCiwrcnco.

"Hi*" pill* were a wonderful ditcoTcry, Bo otbcrc liko thrnt in the world. Will positively um In re all manner of disease. Tae information around eacli box is worth ten tints tho coat of ■

>. tot [.;!!:,. Fmil mil BOSS aBBS*. BBwSBQ aaaaaaam, >CDCG' Cn° b°S *"' about them, and JOB ^^J^^k H s^saaseaaasaV d" wikUlwaytbethajik-^B^^B ffgTW blood ant! cure rarca-

Oae pilladoM. ^^^^P H ^eaaaaaW ic

P-irtontTdl* contain ^H^pF H ^*SJ^^^ worth ef nay ctli anihiag harmful, are ^M ^L—, H enoa^f^Brrnuily T"-

lo und^H B VMDV''''1

MiM.avin-HI ND BHsBBwBftB ^saaesew in LI


th< marvelous power of these pilli, they would walk 100 minis to gut a boi if they could not bt hid ,thout. Sent hy mail fir 85 cents iniitamps. litutral I wpiM free, postpaid, Srnd font;

a> iaibraauon is very valuablti. I. S. JOHHSOX ' CO,, M Custom House Street. BOSTON, MASK.

Make New Bich Blood! TOMPKINS 4


j . . . ,. i

<nn i hturter IJI'-r i,-ctf.n two, chap srHr ■■■•tii-ii to nil i

■ i H ■

■ handlM', gmid- or nil" r .•'hi.i , HI' J'11 ' ■ weight tig, in litmg iniii tin* ..iii'-i' ihrlr f "• • w.,.,;,i„.il„.l „.,...■ ic.Und seelei

mKli ■ , will I* liable i- tho |*naltlot proi hied I']

'",, 11. tin ■ "■'•'■ ","' J;,!i''

I-'.VIIMIII"1' MM i-.'.'r" " ' '' .■ ' ■■

III* 111." taW" iwli-x Int.- tlrt> .1-.ll.ll-. half t.. tli

l.tnuhl l.llIC • 1 . ■

\ 111 Si ll-' i , nl

I", 1 Palls, ,..;„,■

1.1 an I'..

,m.u.-« luii lT.T--ii.i;,ri..*iiT Paris.. -i.J,. M.;,,,, I'..|.,-ll, -t..r "II, Pumice Stone, nib, white nml red rum, ..,.,-■ Shin*. PlIU Pomade

,1 i',i,.,r Lime, Itallrt'iKli oh.r..| ih.c.drv ami limit, If.ft, IT I

I ,.; , : |(1 .-■ . Hoof I'MlltiOtl,

KowpTrr' llnrk

spirit- sure,

: - Col-rt W. A >

tVillinma' HnrSoap, Wi tic, W i stall i,




Largest & Host Snccessmi to f&B World, Will Itc-tipen Monday. Sept. Cth.

"■■ "•' r~!'"1':'l,':V..!!\.rV.:': , li. I in II i" ■' " ' ■' H«i "' l*'o"

I'IM''-.'i I'iit Vr'-' ■ '*■■■- :■■:''" "f '",!l

Klbi^oSpriiijoVBJor. : m Brnl TabU Water Specific. j'*■»•,;.'•■": ; ""'"'

T«kf.i In >■■ "" ''"* '' It; . i- i > ' ' ■ ' • __

■;V"'l,;';,.";.":,.'::"i ' ';•.... cunEFcn 1:;",^.;-.-i';;';-'""

WKisi;B:KYi.iT;!:'.::-.M.,.':.:::;'.s::::.;.,:;.li. liunollrftliUB, >■■•;•





. Iloliffhtriil SiiiiiMu-r tui>l On'-n

>.roomi86. Rcwiler. .- . l-...n jSIXCllTjCii--:i-'J..J . n^nsireei. i«..HIyr BOSTON TO HALIFAX,

M vss'v. in sTrrrs ' p,rt tjlWtCStoy, C. E., PiOiJB, H.S., STATE NORMAL SCHOOL j and CtarioHEtown, P. 11.


1 . II HI ••-I '-I' '■'

! ' riiiitiiix , i won1

- - --.-:- ' i. « ■■■--•.•.r

■j I K..- 'i .■ i - I'tr F.K it. .i ■ ■'.; ■" :1' "f. "


■ . ..


IUnd Carriages id k& llnru..,. ,ni,..,i <.:•■•• .\::.-l ..... .

:.-'; .', r *.'. i - ; . ^ ,.,

l„l« 111 \' .:. - - - - ,i ,'.v


I . TS

: \V"'.,;' ' tali A. I.UVK,


jGerman Remedy. B TRUTHS FOR THE 8ICK.J


The Ci-iim! Army Trip to (nli- fornlii.

Pram I K'liver to Milt l.;il>c

Fifth Letter. i„ ihf Am- rwMMi


July ^,.>. 1886.

tin Wedoemlay morning, Inlj >8th, «ra tvyrctfolly bid r»rewell U\ iKnvir, in, \UI..I with tin' marvcHnoslf ilL-liuhtful wi'.nki'i' which furhinw tuu (flveo li- Triiui tin1 Iniiir uf ili'iniriuri' from Bos- Ion j (Una) a brtfflit imnnlilne, with tin heat <>i nii.l-.tHy lampcrt^l by refrrahiiiK iiii'iv.i -, an.I 'iiiiv uui! iilgbt when tha oo»- crtiis of a blanket KI> not dwlrabla. 1I.IM.I- la perhapa the moat dlatluctlrely New Knglaud city In all ibeveat; ao tw aa appearancea :.ri>, it miftht here been liuUi in Usmacbaaclta, and then Mken up In "lily itinl propped in lu present locatlop

L tha

I ..Ml in mi; MKKIB,

i »nr boapltaJjIc friend McNamart, of for- inrvl-lr-, iiiii n. with fii'nln kindly grcet- hga,aud we oujtbt not to oodt BMntlonof

j tbeeflbrtu Itibenelfof the exciiraloDlatu bv porite Ad*, Mt.- Bcneral agent .<f the

IbinUL'b the pen

Til A II.':

insular foi

il fly feet (Hi ateep

I t!., I i i I'll


TV.' . • . ! : :„»L. '

!^JBB|2 ,'3^'. iM! .LHW i- r'TWtj GOLD MEDALS


between then, down Miijc-iv, or io» other

with IncrMtlblu awlft- touhJ aronae euirloua !

j.aloii>y in li, ;WIN ,if ib« projectorn of the line tu ein, ronrM oo tht eon- tiix-nt. Ki befn Ift-tho "Uetll'a Oato"

ipectuN aeeni to have i^b regard, »r to have ill preaonce In ibis ln- nse tirruliir cavern ol dreil»orfeethl(ih, where

., 4|mistily [■wecpHriilillil Liu- f tbiiiiialii—itloiit; Kclio lanuti

M.iXIwToSr: CUM -.

rislnt; abriiinull uf rounded seams and ■ dee, a.s ifilabne aabjected tu the

iry tops t.> li.-iii.n ni fluoda—we pase loiiu eattie ttal and the eaiiBtry U uvi-

iiuly adupue tln-ir anceeaattll ktsep- biii; tlie w^tdluithe uniunulns \n pure and abiindiinB|i the snowa NO dry m

thai Hinhoaied *erda aufler tuber, Avoiding lliat

iifort of tin

.if UIIK (jreal inrjHjrailon,

.I. iirw, tUern I. - IRVH I

|.iii|ni-e in" fnrtbur in evi >lt)le. tl.L ple.i-.n- DIUl

toiirlau. From Denver to rnoyennc, lu iiuie-, when we again slrlko ihe nmii liii". J L■ Mi] whirl) we ilelioucbed L<> rea';ll the former city, thi ride along the foot Ullbi i~ one of evorchanglng i>anoramie beauty; the leaner range, tloae benldc wulch we ride, mid ovA Which, In wind- in:.' way, wo climb, are monutalua >f HU

in. ,in licigtit, while behind them Ihe mightier peaks rlmj like huge avntlnele (heir lops, when unobaenred by clouda preaentlug cooling ylewa of


from which the breexoa aweep down t« temper 'h. heal of the July aim. (.'hey eiiue, the enterpriitluv anil thriving capi tat of Wyoming terltorjr, la a pbtcu ol from "000 to .-iMM) Inhabttanta, Unreal ilrill'C "f tllllliy ol Hie Lireill ei'.Ule kitl^s iimi »ald to possess larger wealth, pei rapilii, [ban iiny rityiu ibel'nlteil Slates HI. tin atatiou we are met by Iteynolda Pout (if tin' linmil Aiiiiv, oceotnpai i>> the band and olIlcerH of the I7il fantry at Fort Httaeell i H i" midway

rlh lielwl-ii B a stnotfh bleb UtaUl How, tnlul

itain faslncs.He ■


here, evidently, In erne rotoeuh 'ti*n »f earlier agoe, a

adlhiorol Had iM-en thrown up. kvn a- -, leuvIni; two ragged

walla of >V>iiL eclluK fnun tblrlv to « aurfai

'Hiii e; tbeee wail- are a flfei art. and the rock or or **'

av- n

Mormon element, (he latter now number- hig acventeun per cent, of the pOpQbUlon, goes on with ever Increasing bltterneas. Tin- presene.' of so many Urand Arinv comradea during the week, mi made the occasion of a series of Immenae Camp Fires, daring which the burden "f the n'l- dreesea, theTtey note being given by the local speaker-, WU ilery .leiiunclatloiis of Ihe disloyalty of the Murtnoii church; such eharactoruttlc western plalnnewa i>f

pcech, i


The Prison .'I

With - S!n' »ptVSdt tlie i . . Eartheuuera witii i Viiilll Hie lilue iliii

furtbei In the utinns we have line ili-.'innl'oit li morning wen costs with Hi ton we . _ Post of the fi the Brat Injll more fnmeil eal reality. Territory." die I

at the o'cleck i tiu first glimpse

istpmore humidity esplte the se

, lenee.l VelV little Ihe weather, and ibis

place our thin larmeiitii. At Bvana-

iy parnsworth Vriny, ami here saw bo "noble rod man"

SOUL; Hutu practl- hed Ogden, Utah of the union, and

itial Psclnu Hallway, .fternoon, catching

InceRearing DeoV our seetUm r,f tb ' i-li' V" ears has held ,ti.

dvnnce, ami we Ie taken over the Utah nti a I Hsllroad Ihb city of the .Mor-

mons, where welnain uiiiii Satorday morning, ami of


el ling uf things and events English, would startle the

Beuse of propriety of an eastern i ndlenoe i for Instance, durlugnai ch by Associate Ju»tite Powursof the Siipivim-foiirt, one of I're-ihii-iii Cl-'Vchind's ajipoluti^a, lie Hliiiilcl out by mime the editor uf the

.ilium paper, sluing Juat befoni him, i gave him ;i terrible castlgation, wiih .liii ihe vest and lenee evidenced cordial

aympatbyi the-fuel that the leading Mur- mke m oath of allegiance to the cliiiii h, superior to all others, placing tbe rcefeslsstlcal power above that of the na- tion* and that on the fourth uf July last year the American fia^ was hoisted at half must mi all the Mormon bnlldlngs, was severely animadverted upon. 1'pon the diabolical doctrines, Inhioltooa practices am! sad effects of Uonnonlsm, we .in not propose writing In this letter; but It pos-

UlB most perft! L uLTlUHUuilleal or- ganizatlon upon the time of this contl-

nt, tho power of whi-i. has enabled it to defy the lews of the land, to roai itn

id ami baldly defend its doctrine* of itlnesH In this hnul until recently ua-

troooled and untouched, and to-day to paralyse the arm of Congress ami prevent further measures for the extirpation of the "twin relics." This afternoon we enjoyed u trip *,o ami


Tim most desirable liatblug points are at Qarfleld Landing and at Lookout Point, about -<> miles from tho city. Here, at the foot of the mountain, the groat In- land sea spreads out, its waters clear as crystal, and green or blue QS tbe varying liynt falls upon the surface, where the waves dash In gentle foam upon tlie clear pebbly beach. Sail I^ikc is about Ko miles 1 Rg ami 80 miles wide, and there btcouTlnclng evidence that it once cov- ered an area vastly greater than at pies- .m, ii- waters In some fur off use proba- bly estendlr-g over u lame portion of the territory of I'tah. Pour large rivers constantly pour into Ha great volume of fresh water, ami ii has no outlet, evap- oration keeping it at the present level; Us watei - are more -all than anv known lake In the world except the I lead Sea, live barrels of writer from Salt Lake aflord- iu- one barrel of-all. presslou however, i- likely to be ob- tained from a


atcr In Ibis hike Is clear mid spark- ling, ami tbe great lake, with its nack-

oundofmoantams. its hilly Island ami ng reaches of gently nloplug shores esciits ns attmcuvu a picture as the eye ii rest upon. Donning bathing salts,

He plunge Into the water; delk ft ami warm, with afvelingasl

had been dissolved therein, the bmly Is pervaded with the rarest tions of pleasure; there i-so itin lu the water that It Is utipleu splashed into eves, nose or mouth, dense that one has only to fall hack, and tl atat ease on ihe sii fact. ;in effort is reuulrod to got nuath the water. A more cxhlli thoroughly delightful

. r asatera lilll-., -,■!*. Hi.■ zili;[« - ikhw aud i muni-

rl.l-l.U- ■-. Ml -

.1 lie.lTil. every Tile II

Hut, ut th< sametl Ides yniiai'u u i

ovary one's itustil I.I...H.I.I- 111.' lull,II Ii. s; ihskea »ff, ami '

tiered up by relief r.iu (f(>t -.. [miii|iei |,l;i. ...I i) mpatliy •limulnlcl

Ju of ili.un yniirw:

IHl'lillHOIIH'ltlllH(tlVHII.[ lu- ll i. li-er lie -li|.(n-i| tnui llie Ilfemiti l.-H in.' luii. (., f,„-.. in "I nitli. i in.I.- .ij.oitil.'i,

mt ii

mil m ■It, n ■an of ii^i, luii i I'm,i

unit :mil uitii-iit mnaet. <u \--w vi r illier nuiii u|.|M-nnoi. e , ulili IIOli ii>Krest|iu-li, MISIV luuklRg rin.i ill -->-.lnj[ imllilnif e\ee)i| u ecrtillll low in (litiirc iirininl Uel-vevli New York HI HII.I h.itr ever Uw eonUaent o(

y«u, n tieitrtv i K tiiiin el r iPi,iiiiik.-\..'«r«-iiv- i..

, H hln,lit iovjit iliilli nliy. \IIII

ISD|(USge, .ill mill II 1.17 ... me unit erml realm, lleiuli


Assin, young mas, inmate of the |irl who. |>erhu|it, tiave I iken lint Ihe Hmt t toward ndo and broken UMIUKI In n eaoked w-itti weeiU, I address you, HU.I

hy llie UndlUSt niill-e*, rSqUest ynur 1 And, If It It the Ur-t time Unit you have I'-em'ii, pesderover the sxpresslve

ihlsnlth'B, mi'l believe lilui when he lbs lint fault is the chill of tlmiil

TV other the offspring or guUt.M Nu1

,,'iil.| ny Siwllije t.i yuur iin'icnt 1 l.leli It only the ter]H)r ami nluiwruelueV' 'c,nl'

tn-.inltj nu.I .miy ci.ntlilcr jeur ovse ""*"• lu

yon? r.ihner, elenn-r, limver mmui iiavctueh] you w.iuld cut the eordejblaus you louetTSilaUes 1 life. Then why freqnentlni these pest hi -leti revel In the fell family ■etluetlve, ova Slohl In their hands, when tin wttte.s scalpel as ratal leythostdeath. Wny 1 ■ontsot wlili Hume muru if wlih-H our ynuiiK elly WhlahCODH) furtli b)«

persplratl mil imi will benoexeep

Wll elerk i>r llie fiiiljrtr uf 11 e niui]li-1|iul'.iilll*t ill ulu.lly nil.I |,i,,i,i|,il, .Ineei win. v.m run

utlly lllul eitiier; ynu liine huil neeH-ltui (re- jueully Ut tec them hi l.uwrtnee, y.iu will not nlsntte them tlK-ru

The ilm three vonm, uf i r-r will he the hi.rilfBi, lint Ih.'i n III lie ) ear* n-|i|i lr witli In

rwylnynt the v fur VOIKI all IHM of Calcutta, proud and (rum llie tuetnl life


it ranawaywUbthe reiimv entitled

siiumiini drink Died

hu eontlnuslly i».) nil atHlttunec there till

-ptillctl hy tlitt nU- iluRrnilntlon 1» merely

liy » (iN.llitli acttuii. Ily inn yuii toon route lu look

r.yr i uiii.ii

I hy we tee you turned out linniiueruiiil then ln|ite

ami when you umve at that ro-ur tliure It only one reilci'in y.HI, anil thai It

• ml uii. . l"till



Gatchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye.

:; nk> :;"'

el.ina from 1.

irire.l, -III r. 1

IV - UstH

l-e to top ol III

UII 1 loin Wil

t lictlim of th

e ■nn'iH- l theorem uoi e-1 ly.

tl ''(,'1 II 1

nl l

il its

tilroiiil line. In

llie -lb' lor a

s hieil lULillgl.

lllelit 1 IV 1 grntiilo, eret nl by ihe L'liioi

\l Mo i.UVni 4HH1





■iilus and per*

el.leil for tl 'vernnce the na

n irk, W ell 1 uiiuress Slid l'n-nlenl

r. ■i,.. i ,/iu llie vast nat iral advantage



nl- -. ml from the

III 1 : Vil lit) of rallwsv, "f fi n .1 Itn It IllilucellleU s for the initia

I 1) o the

r.a lit.

WOik, -o -, in

il.i:i-l-, --, is

. that II ie

.ll .MIS llie III-

upielo tlie pub

votild underlain It ,!■. .uui when ir was uniiiii ti in ill- -.I.I igly Limn ll| "

M IM, .- I.I! - Itn, came stui lily I > the re.-

;' V Ul ll I'll ;,.. "veal ul.

s man.y cmiro

use. ami bus

ItV.hts resoltitt

;e. his (.raetica

sniphi fortum

In II... the ,-i];i[l|e. Iimi altWuufa fliere-

II .inn nts mil alnios





1 w;

nl Ie others iln

lu'-iint .1 no

cessfi.lly ace.

w back, he fuh . UII the gr.-J

mpllshcd. "Iff

ti r An ^j us Ids ass.i< ale and stroe

n ,.,.,' Rl 1 <ne MAI*on. n a state s.'iX

';, l-i'hv iiia vast

111 Bllll pi ■.■!■!■ country ■•i|)iW<l

s, in an iiuw'l

■« eer ... 1\ lich the wide vi.rl.l wltJur-

,U,e ilrapeil 11,1 the feelings i

.<- In rehithm to th. whb have been prosecuted iwtrs, ami nre in hiiliiiLf or h [pans the scats f..r Hie

Catlion, Taylor ami Smith, line Hu- triple head of tbe on tin. bla'-k covering is the : "First President m exile for s sis,.-.1' Oil either side are

bearinjj iho foil iwliig' ie iweire apostles nml cmii i here in jeopardy,- -in prison

foreign fcunls. while they prefer to oil rullierthnu man." u l'i'e-i.hii y bf Ihe stale lutvlng

■ I i lie vengeance of thetrenemles, and their cruel disregard of law,—their rs nml vlsltl are like the angels, seer,

!y by iiiosij who In..i' faith " l'huTabernacle was begnu'ln July, 1-iT, il iluislieil almut twenty years ago. The

lUlldlng, but with greater afhltectural ; It la. Used In the winter When

t is difficult to licitt the gn ■made,

■■I - ■■..'.

i, It i

" I ■-' !■- Mb, Iimi ■ . I Ihmo. a ' "

eily. It |.n nirhg.

r -i I l.ii.-r. Il:ti...mncmc ■Loin.- Iii-n. [, „ml li..||lr..«irn ie.iiuill..| r..,i...|y. N,ieJ |,v rtrUBITWie,

**«C'E'S PM,r.FTS Anil «"... '" nn'' <«*>i«e»l«. Ilit'o. ■ |,j iifuifMmi,,.

sntnptlnil enrc or IT. IfembiiUK's liver regnttitor. From this Adul we s«?rep

'.,'., '■ ■' down Into the willcv. lescending fully two liiuusond f'ct, tiinesb u hue sheep raining country. '""1 i'»ld more of ibe

1 i.mui -...I i: in i K si i si nv. lieaiilamls crown.-il with ta-lleati-l bat- "sis. tiemeiits, plains cowred with apparent ruined cities, strange forms »l huge ani- mals, as if pelrinVi while missing ihe plains in some older period uf colossal

■ life. Night fall lintls os upon Uie edge ■•] uli.,. of the unproductive, uuluvlllng desert

Iiiiuis. which we nearly traverse before sunrise, soon after which ».- reach tbe

one mnv uii.ler this roof. dsprluklingofHeverhlll, ami lavor from Chicago, Milwau- iili.'-ier, N. II.. it would be eel a more delightful set of msler. They dad something

in on every day ami evening, and have no time Inspire. Last Saiu-day night ii was a successful hop, largely attended l»v hotel gnestd and cottagers; Monday night the second progressive euchre party of Hie s. a-nii vi.i.s given, and the presents were iiilt.jtH! and novel, one uf the ■'boobies", that Is, those who win the fewest tricks, was presented wiih uu K- uiense waier melon. The Jii'1'-,, encamp ment furulsbed tb« oluor ,irlw,a Jl( .^

shape of pretty baskets, Mlsa Alice Mason of lAwn i" .. won Ibe lirst prlso, none ui the "boobies", I am happy to say, Were residents of our-smart little citv. > esterday afternoon there was a very ex- citing bowling inatcn, ladles and gentle- men |iiirticipailii:[, where prizes were also awarded to winners and losers. Today there i- a lawn tennis tournament on the

fairly look upon the rum. i-enemy ami a siulnf legalised Hnr|iy on tuelety, ntlll yuu are u criminal the tame, though you never HUH the

,[ a prltmi, for 1 Oonsldar that every tliue iiitoxlcatutl frum a or from

tro else, yea perpetrate a crime. A erune Die law, for tlie law any* to: n erlmu

nat society, for society |iro.'lalms Hi a crime God, for [(It book llSCUSroa It; -,. you are

■, If iinytliliiK, better tlinn the rumtelk-r htm If, ami you need not affect either to dotjilte or hhune hlin, for ynu uru hit eompanloa W vhs) • \ lilt copartner In trade, ami a nice clean, hon- L iruilu It Is. Ton are lint entitled to tho whole-

sale compassion that multitude* of people liemow you, though with the kindliest and best liiten-

Uoas, and you know your nut, mi l although you .il tu enlisting iMs aysspsthy, yos are fully : that its leiiitency It to fagfauo yuu and a psnpor of you, IniHisd of mon, yen up,

amusing an utnhlttonaud a manhood dormant 1 half dead, or perluipH ulinoal ublIterated. It

Is tlmply providing yon with a pair of artlllelnl legs lo enable you to walk because you uro down,

long ut these legs uru kept under yuu, you'll get along somehow, but the moment Itn sympathy and relief oeam, sad the lags ara n DMVetl, down you come aituln hunter than before amt every tlmo ynu full it It HO much tint mm linlcult to arise und by nml by vou will full fi

i(.io.| and ISJ unable to get ii[i uiiil no one will lift you' Thut't yuur poslllon, a erlinlnal nml a fool from the very ttart. Albeit, renumber that however low- you may have fallen, vou are net tbelesi entitled to full, deep, eouunott te Christian sympathy, sad you sen always gel lull Which Is not in tbe form Of money, fooi Clothing, but lu advice, couuti'l and direction that wilt place you on a plane above tho me ml leu itnrl the sup] i lit nt, where you can teen clear ro. ahead and nuueb os yoanell bi sueeess.

Uui we'll suppose a re format I on, and thai y. do really \,.;iit to help yourself and bonesUy wi to gOjwest, you may urne—ut alomotevery one your elrcumsiiinces does urge—thai the (Over

should lend :t holplng hand ami provide tliu means to transport. 1 answer, No. This would lie a bad move. Everything -1 1-1 Is- left lo yourowttpersonal reeonrees ami depend ui yuur own enterprise, otherwise the same old sting of orUaelal support till] remains i ■upporl and tclfnilaaee uni further off ever. No.eltUent of this Republic li.ive

right to the land, Unit's ootteeded, hut the tin: governmeul gives a plough or u

horieur lenus m.iuey, itgne-too far, U Is not a charitable institution, nor Is Itn pawnshop. It gives a .-lour tide to it furm, in id n good one, thnl's enough. To five more would be degrada- tion, liumlllatlnu, a premluai on hllenutt. It would linn.Ilcup your energy and rettraln ynur ilu-iit. I have teen II tried Lime ami again, lum-

my knowledge UBTC been sent to faroin In the weM and to other places nearer home, given

.Ie.■« of land, provblod with an outfit, tniuspurt I ;i chance to begin ami nearly every oni failed

udterabiy. Why? Because they received all Hit- for ■lothlngaml did nut value It, lever learned

If ilepiinleiic, did not go out to tho land with will, ami to returned. How did they gel hark?

for they were without menus. They enmu be- muse ihey willed it, were detenu l ins I in ,-,,|li:- and did so. Nuw, If thete people had gone out by their own exertions, had provided for lliem -civet und made up their minds to remain, they never would have returned, hut be now .01 lift in cl and on the 10111I lo Independence.

If, ut the great war rrctiilcut ha* wild, Ihe 'plrltof our inilllutionslsdcilkaU'dtolhcpriipii -illnii 1 tint "nil men an' born ei|iiul," tu at unite, we are all born able to take care of ourselves. We are a thriving, IhduMi'loiispeople, with lulln- Ite energy and reoouroasiSlI we should ask of the government Is 1,1 protect ut in our rights and nothing more, l.ei me Impress upon yon the fact thai the mad to personal Independence l» open and thai the government very generously )uiii*3* within your reach the meant of comfort and pros- perity, the rest lies with yourself.

Hut) 011 will very likely say, referring to the Irishman I hnvc .(noted, that his ease ami your, nn: m.t .[iiite |mnuicl, for lie was always a tlurlltv and temperate man, while you were always tad still remain exactly tin, reverse, therefore hu Could make bit way when you would fail. This I will also answer by inking other questions. Ili.w Is ll Hint ihe beggar nml thu trump without

,'y, friends or.Ie. eniclothes, Inun-d to drink nml degraded, In numbers of esses far worse than yoiiai-., leading a lost and ambulatory life, a Uypt>>- an 1 an IshmaeUte with only his wils to live lc , v, Ithoat a country and without a home, eanliiuil from Sew Orleans to I'ortlan.l ami from sun rTSucIsco to New York without nssan* and souiom go hungry nml never go dry 1 Dew Is that? Because they Intend to do It; they will it -11 and they tin, I've met them time mid again In New VorVun.1 tn Ijtwreneennd proved It tv lie without n doubt. Thin Is a fuel buvoml all in,- advenluic. If they can seoomphsh this, umuut you get West? Voucnu If you thins, so.

Allow me to give you an iUusimllou. hmm,K

perhaps a humlrsd 1 WuU\ tits'-,,,.,, „,,, 1110„,

SSI?!SSJtW*,,< "'V amanlng. In my of-

,-pl -irtlcllon—the f.iuuilatloiiof our f.irtimet—tin

1 1 n work that never dune lu your ea-leru l.lcthpliict

" ■nU'Xvi ' jpon long years of foe

|.:,-.-e.| unit Iniiii-il liin-vii. the or.I.rut 11 M.u -hnll bai- iluoigcl, tin- -11 ci -i.l-l ii-hcred In. and willi heallli i-e-lon-l an. light nt sir, h.i|ie will spring uiumpliniil cm look Inrwui-I ulnl npwaiil ouee more. ■fees, till- "sect-pied time," mis prnilcrei Luuity, and -■> change the whole .urrelit of'v tli.iughl-,;vour iiuliin' and vnur life, ll w 111 in you up with the courage ol sell-retp ynu back your manhood and your | iveyouu cuiuiry and git e you a nnme, nun

hearts grow liubi ainl iln dnni-li .'il.'iini, ii|i,ni Hut if you persist in a wan and downward course, and sllll I mum the orn, llie play house, nml the harlot's den, vou I go down its Uiou-alids of brother uufiirtu

nnuit nre dully going around you under Ihe ttir- .1 tides *f Intemperance ami IH- burled forever ninth the wlntluillig •[iniginlres ,,t t Ice li..yond >n the mutt ardent opilu.iot'i. hupe of resuiTee

lion, ami "Wlille you tint, without one nnu to tnve, Your eouulrv MOOBHI—\ gard.-ii ami u grave."

I', s. l.csi.WoH-rii, thy Missionary.

Ho Hcautifiil Ami Ho gad.

An artist, talking of places for summer study, remarked upon the ^n-at uutuher of spots which are now said to be in- fected with malaria, aud wondered if the Introduction of so specious sounding a name had not something todo wlittll. It ditl not use to be so. lie said. "The first time I ever saw the word was upon a picture by Herbert, in the Luxembourg, twenty years ago. It was a beautiful picture, full of soft, dreamy sentiment, as I thought when I looked at l(,>btit now I know thai the mime, which was slmplv malaria, meant lliat the mist on Um water was poisonous anil the dreamy women, hnlf-eovered with their mantles ami croiic'ieil in the boat, were to ill to sir.lle aud the youth slamliug with n pole lu tils baud hud not Strength to push bis boat, inn let it float down on the sluggish otreaip.

t know how much of an allegory Herbert meant bis picture to be. bin now, when we know that nearly every part of Italy is becoming aBeded with the poison ami that almost nolliint; Is done about It, thu picture recalls Itself as very tragic as well as beautiful. It Is like Italy itself, so beautiful ami so sad."—Phlliulctphiu Times.

From 115 lbs. to 161 lbs. To the Cotteara Kcmedu^ I owe

My Health, My ll;i|.]iiuess. nml My Life. y

A day never pa«iitliail do not ihlnk and speak kindly nf the IJUthMm Item.-dies, seven years ago, nil of a doteii lump- formed on my neck, ranging in stae from a .hetry stoae lo nu orange. The large ones were frightful to look at, and palnfnl lebnar; people tiinied ntide when tliey saw me, In disgust, and I was n-htmed 10 bo nil Ihe stn-et .,r in noelety. I'liy-iclaii-i und their, treulmcut, uml nil medicines fulled todouny good.

in- nr of despair 1 tried the Ondeura ltcmfdles-< utleura, the Great Skin Cure, and Cutleiini Soap,: Sipllslte Skin Ueautltk-r, ex- tenuilly. and tudeura Besolveat, Iho new Blood I'liriller, Internully; llie mnull lumps |nn 1 call them) gradually disappeared, nml the large ones broke, to id...ill iivn week-, dlteharglng loi ,|iiaiilltles of nintu-r, leaving l*„ tlkdn seurt _.. my ns.'k lo ditv to tell the storv of my tufferlng. Mv weight then win. one hundred ami lift ecu tlekly pounds; my weight now I- one hundred

Inigbi l-oiil'vilv.''fe'i-i,ll.,.liiclies. Inmy trsveot I praised Ih.- t ulli-urn II-.-inc.tli>. Sarth, South,- Kiiht. and West. I.i I tun 1 K» BXMStHBSl IWI MV IIKSITII. SV lltl'1'tSKr.S and HV 1.1 FK. A nr Incut New Vm k di ng^l-,1 n-Le-l nu-the 01 her

Ihiyi.u still u.e the I utlciiru lt,m. die. ; ok to («■ In iM-rfcci hi-ulth :•" M v reply was, ml shall iiilwavs. I have never known what ss Is rliice I I'liiiimen.-e.i using the Citlleura llet ,' Sometimes 1 um laughis! nl by

prnl-lng lln-tn In p.-nplc not ae,|ualntcd with their merits, but Inter the v will com.'lo their ■eateosad believe the tame'at those Hint use them, nt dozen- huic whom I have told. Mny tho II ' when there shall be n large Clittciira Supplv House In eterv ylly in the World, for the 't of hiimioiliv, when' the liillcura lie me

ihall be sold IIM.I, so that there will tu) rarely a need 01 ever entering .-, dntir store.

M. IH'sBANhS. 110 Kullou Ht„ Sew York, N. Y.

X f

lb-urn RemsdlM are n positive cure for v f nl --kin nml ll I IilsMsesi, from pies In Si-i'tiful.i. ".Id cVerrwIiere. I'riec:

nun 10-11, M> cents; Soap, i.-i e.-nls; lletolveut, #1.011. I'lvpured by the (VJTTBU DKLU ANU t iif.WH*!. Co., Ilotton, Mtst.

•end for "How- to (trt Hkln Dlscaseo.

lor the Stomach's Sake. Kor tbe ttnmneh't aske, a lltlle HASPoao'SGrg.

OIK Si tills tessnnot the rcarlsmottluipuriiilve- ly ilcinnuilcd by every one, l«-canno

It It sure to rhsek evory dlsttirbanee of the stomach and bowels, by whatsoever caused,

ll preveutt Intllgcttion, tlatulenry, and colic. It -ii-n .-y- illneate germs lu water drunk. It rcttores theeln-nlutlan uml digestiou when

suspended by n chill,—a cause of 1 holem ntnrhut. II lirenkt up colds nml simple fevers, and It tore ie wan! of maUtinl Influences. It promotes sleep and allays nervnusncHS. It eiuillcntes a craving for intoxicants. 11 Is the liest nf travelling companions. It Itlinrlvullednsa sunn tier medicine, and It the in.. 1 Ginger In the world.

Prepared With the utmost skill from Imported (linger, Choice Aroinalht, and trench Brandy

KAsroiti)'* Groan is vastly tii|icrtnr to si' other "gingers," all of wbl.-lisre mnde wtllieom- mnu alcohol, Largely Impregnnted with polmmous in-ii oil and tirengtheneil witli esyenno pep|ier.

■ANPOBlVfl GINOEIt Is sold hy DntghHB, Qraesn, and Destert.

< 'iistiiny; s Manual in Court. a

A raw citizen In Idaho, says the Wash ingtou Critic, was elected a Justice of the Pence, and the only law book he hud was a Cushlng's Manual. The lirst case he- fore him was that uf a cowboy for steal- ing a steur. When the case was called the only lawyer In the little town was

1 here 10 defend the prisouer. "As there Is no ceiinscl for the other

side," he said, "I main- a motion that thu case be dismissed."

Tlie Justice looked over his Manual. "A ni" 11"n has to be seconded," he said. "I second the motion," promptly re-

sponded tbe prisouer. "The motion has betiit made andseeond-

ed that the case be dismissed," said the court. "All In favor will please say 'aye.'"

Tlie prisoner and his uttorncry voted aye.

"All opposed say 'no.' " Noboby voted. "Tbe motion is carried, nntl llie ease Is

dismissed," remarked the coun. A mo- tion to adjourn is now in order."

The prisoner made the motion, and the court adjourned.

A Il-.iy Who Wants An Education

ACHING BACKS "mk Ikvkti Pain, Weakness, and In- allou of the Klduevt, Hlionllnr

through the (,oin- flip and side . I.nek of Strength *,„[ activity

relieved lit our ml m — tr ami -peedllr cured hy llie « i.Mi nn. Ai>ll-l'nli> riaitsr, a glnal.cli'Hniit 111111 infallible antidote tn pain and in it:, u.iooiion. At druggists, S.V ;*ive for SI.OS; or postage rrce.,1 I'.utrr Urugsitd Chriulewl Co., 11..-1 mi. Mast. /

The Orentcst In wiition of tho Ago



amt will seal some L'.'.IHI; this also has* an I imauilfu! jjrecn, ami the miji.1 drc-.'s of ort'nn. of homecoiisirmii. n;oi(the walls tho young latliua ar«'a very pretty sight.

citing an . 1, in other parts of lb. poVtsnl scenes In the his-

L-]I. The lamest plctiire -Moroni showing Joseph Smith

os w.-rc hul In Um Hill lunth," these plates contained

of Ihe

in in two

which tbe prophet Joe pretended to In- terpret by Hiviue aid: thu church attend- ant who accompanied us, remarked that U10 Book-of Mormon contained tbe bis im-y of n people existing upon this conti- nent thousands of years, Just as the ISible pic-iiiti d the history "' "ie ancient Jews

ither continent, ami added, that wo hod best go home aud ponder on these

things." Tills edifice was completed seven years ago; Um Mormons have in addition, 21 nieet'ng houses lu Salt Lake city. The new Temple Is an elegant Btono edirtce, which, when completed, will 1 ■■ one of the handsomest structures used for religious purposes in the lilted suites- wink begun on this building In 1858, and three additional years will lie rennired for Its compietlen. Within the em losed area In which arq these buildings, is the En- dowment House, where the plural wives an; "sealed" to the Mormon-; on the op- posite aide of Um street Is the Tithing House witli its ample etui,i-tircs ami large storehouse,, to which lite Mormon people arc rcnotred lo bring

OMU ii.vni OK Aid. TIN: rnoni'CTfl

of their Meals, their cattle and their earn- ings. Thclrrepresslbb thu adhercifs of the church and the auti

\n on- 1 furnishes ^-oivil music is

spin ions purlor, The geiltlei go Bsh- |ug 111 the iiiortilug aud come home with marvellous |,:-(;.|,,i ial yarns width, of course, nobody believes, Burf-bathlng -ii,.., to bo going uui of fu-liioii, and very few people here meddle wiih the "briny. The skating rink is hermetically soiled, and boating seems to be n thing of the past, ihus fashion, the fickle dame, .1 ■- crccs. People still sail over to tbe Shoals, however, and the drives to live and ] Itlle Hour's Head um alwayq In order. H makes ono feel uL homo to see so many Lawrence people living m cottages OQ the bench. Tho new residences of Mr. Liintn- ilus Bench and Mr. Patrick Murphy are a great addition, being very pretty speci- mens of arcb'tcrluro.

Thus have I sounded the praises of this shore old, yet ever new, and call upon tim (Junker poet to sav again his lieunllfui lines on Hampton Beach so often quoted-

limn It- while IIin-1 f glintnii'ling sand TUJHIICIC the Inn- ,,] lU-nien oil bluer waves

Ksow THtsm.r t.i- reiniiTtg the i.i., tin- l.e.t ii<. dli.ii work ever pi. young and lilSid.o a-e-1 mini. trlvrsply


So ncitiir what dhwase ye ay have, it" sure that Iln- medicine v.ui lake li reliable. Sueli a meilliine you will nliin) - tlmi sulphur litters. Tncy art) not n ctieiip rum drink, but are made id the choicest ns. 1- and lierbt to I si found in th vegetable kingdom.--Dally Argus. tlwiweod

««J 1 "a- a|.|,'lie,Ho lu'Sew York', by .1". who.-liiliiieil to 1M- rciltieeit

Ic asked nld and a transport to placp, iihuh, inn-., n-iiiin-.l ),,■

i|iilt. Hoosld"


waited bin., telei

ml li

Id Inn UU

1 tat i'i| mil the duck nml bright spot. illng on nmii parts ol a c|„i,,|, d

career at would probably make the deepetl Im- pression on llie ear ol sympathy, lie was an iideptdn his liiislne-- a in I had -I of Ihe finm iiignrlKliisc|iurnbift Irom the polished Is-ggur. I wa-rutliera thalllme, In itea||nK with pbllo-oiilier-iiflil-, stamp und he rather .11-

1 found bin work that he might 1- '-- tmi ngc money, but ti wa

I and w-rtgglcl tunic II s..rt« ui igoaees n

Id ami tin-lli-.l ..lit. Ku-titiiiillj I gol him u

nor- U r, iioiiiting bit- his liiiun-. Hut a la,' \i is In the steerage and his pnde ■ ill-Ill l 1 lii:in:i.'i- In i,-.'t I,tin ti.- 1- ' 1 1 ,,

r.uid cabin, lie nen r ti-nvnlbsl ....,-, ■,, WBSnt strong and sure to be sea-bk he pteinb d, ' nted. prnved, went on his marrow bones to Is' , uuiiled, but It was 11,, usi>. I wns bcKlnnliig to

1 ' Iln -'b lilin.aii'l it-iimliii-il lit in. H ia-t llie ~'~"itut Iniiir 111 rived, 11ml with tujttiv tenrt, uurt-

.. .„,!,,,. I.. ..... I ..*.— . I.'.. ,....!.. ..'. ...

i.ilely ..hip swung -lowly fi'omheri

RCH Tlie case nf a waiter at Hoars Head

llou-l, Hampton Beach, ought to attract much sympathy ami assistance. He is a lame boy, about fifteen years of age, whose home is In Hpping, N. 11., on a little farm, when he lives with his mother. Through the rn rallties and failures of Hoyt, who has beconjH notorious, they have lost the farm, and consequently their 1 onlv means of rapport. The boy Is very desirous of attending school at New Hamp- ton. He is bright and studious, and ob- tained the prise this year In tin: Hoping school for the best declamation. He 1» earning twelve dollars a month at the hotel tills summer, and heiny missed 01m day last week from ids accustomed place at the table, it was ascertained that he hud goue home to Bpputg to carry Ids month's earnings for July to ids mother, Ihe lirst money lie hud ever earned. Hero Is an opportunity for those blessed With lids world's goods to assist in n

worthy object, by ' -'.plug this bright little fellow Who bus made himself a fav, r- Ite at the hutel, lo the education he is so desirous to Obtain. Any Information In regard to him will be gladly given by tlie writer of this communication.

KMUVY/U. WrniidtnKK .

Fees »' Vou BOI AlKi/1-.s common, porous plasters— which yon can get for asoogst any .d the Cheap ,ln|in druggist.-you Have merely-thrown «wuy vsur nt.mcy, [or DOS H.u-oti'sCt|H'lni-li]i~lerih worth theii) till. The reason is this :—It. 's 1. the .miy porous pluie ter III the market iln; i„ I -,L|v ami -kil'.lnllv in,nb, ami M .i—iillcallv luiiii.-.u'iii. mini- ale no more, knaii nominal Imitations of Ueuson'n. They nrecln-np bccnu.i- thev po-^css thmoof the ingredients which remler lliii.,.n't valualile. The latter are jinunpl In mi, pleasmu tj wear, nml cure lu a few h.uirt ullmeutt whlelt othert will

ileve. The public, nre cmitulli ealleilotJsptlclH," "Capsicum/1

1 inu" pfaturs. as ,s deceive. ,\>k lor Itenson's

''llitce SeitlB" trade murk nisi

nFliriRrs pro milini.. HOIS SOT NTIt'H To Till.; lltnv.

Heady for use In .me minute, savet Intmr, time ■id lreuhle;e,,ntaiii. ai! the li.^icilimiU use.1 by

ftlll llnuiul pni L.ign pound ei|iiats two pound. s.iM In all lli-lcla—griM'.-rs, ■ I'I,KI'AIH*I.I;SIHI:K.

1 -Imrt welgltls. One d any other March.

-■a ttyiplySiAM- JylTsaU-siwIyN

warned again

the word "Capclue" cut in the ct ,ili\

-■■"^ E m—*.'- * i.. ..'..,■■,.,.- -.,,, .,, - , ■ill cl|n,.i«. K..|,| .,-r.*l,..r» oirh. I 1 I'wliin .,! til..,:.," Vtli Mi " In-LllitU, O'/OOAIX S. CO., UatUl


Normal Art School, _ -amndi.-i- f,;r i,,li.,1s-i,.n ,,111 p,-,-«ent Ihcm-

lloslait, at 1 Km eirctilnriiiiii furt!n-t

•J- II. 11 VIM 1 aiiglwAsat


■ partner, Mr. Kan -it I.'II"..HV,N. J„ A. A.llrske, ''v.lismre, IJcv, Stephen. Mev

y otliera nre wilnetset LI.IL iceess." Is a sale, Mini a- .

skin c.impkilnU of ii avsl 7 1 d-u,

To get relief from Indigi'stlon, blUoossess, con. •Mpsiton or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or piitgui* tbe Imw.i-, Like a t,„ .|,,B,-., o( carter t Little l.lver Pills, they will please 1""' dweodlw

The farmers, (n their iwaaps, w.-'re sure, Could Uml ibe rmits ami plains thai cure;

If by their hi.nwleigc t|,,n ,,nly knew V or Just th.- dlseam! each 1,11c grow.

Takecmrage now and "swamp IC.i«t" trv- (for kidney, liver and bladder complaints;.

At on this remedy you can rely.

To gather pearls from Ocean's vases I liver* go ib.n 11 In dlvrrs places; Hut at our nn.ulli- uf si reams and Ivivs, >o pearls do Asian swimmers raise Like Heine lu beiiiuys mouth thai shine Made by tuu HO/IUHJNT uivlite.

THiMT ti-t oblktrea ingcr r iii-iii- pi 1 i-lnal 'J'.o Inn K in 1


«look lit'mnle


a giwul deal If I 1 11 have," -nl 1 laiv 1.01 frl ■, nil -|".t- and lilnt.ihc-,

ns 11 grater. Tell mo the sis-ret of ' ' tn always looking

11 Me-lleal lilseovery' .... ien ihm was done,' my skin, which

. ltigan lo look;

1 reply. "Or. y 1 lei tn<

,::c- oul

lost of the poor fcmglUbinan 1 had bee, philosopher and fiicml," AIB.UI three iiiohtlit afterwnrdt, ono tttltrv

aUci'ii'Hii., I wit- walking -lnwlv along 1 Hltcr .irect on my way to ihe hast river, noar lluu long line of ehesp bsljlag hmw, which at..uml In the Im teiitt, or railu-r, oollart, of that vagrant haunted ttrevi, when a llguro so what familiar la lit outline, place.I it-.'11 upon the pnvemenL and moved up lo me. I looked tt It lung and wistful ly. Could 11 pos-lbly U- |H. „f ti,,. [,-unlly Vaults No two men are ever eviutly alike. Vet, tlie features won- painfully -inking, ft wan hnmed in-. ..-pulchnilfrleiiil. Wllli in. erTert I eollected

-.but I c back. Y01 l gel tin


went bmttier's hotu '■!"•' and reci-lved me i-oidly. I was al-.ul lo e\ . jMi-tulate and explain Inn he didu't wall and kicked inc.lown stairs and Into tin- -trei-i. What dn you think of llint fur 11 brother' Hul what did " come here for - How did vou get hack to New

I bit something like yourself n i' k-nii- n two week's lodgings nn'd s putsngn out. Tknt was a preStr gim.1 shot. | telt now the meaner if the two. 1'bl ton .inn. -,hi the stirrnge* I ven- tured locmiulre. Noinmeh' They do kiting- a little better on the other side. Have you hail any work tlaoe you camef No. Ami >1 hat are you

• Jin v


t..rzi.y,spEEc:i.vci.<n^ cv


THS PALMKROO.. 122 Nsoaau iClf.r-

te*;,Joha s,.thI,|»,inn,[,cr,N. «.: My vole taw !-.,„ , ,lrro „, tTy, ;f usmli.i^ hy Pahnrr's "Skin-

u'hIt.i;ii"-^.'''V',.^;!,; ''/'"'-i U'jii.!,iloi'iii hkni .liu-a,^ have alto betn \f*Tf*itly IK*,J l>y


TThen ikdiy wsatlrk, wo gars her QeetSfta,

When she wsa s Child, thi fried for Costorls,

sYhsn sb« booante Miss, tha clang tn CsstorU,

ffbsu so* had C lilldruu, the gave thorn Castoria,

As TltKV L'ASNOT Possllll.i make a poreut platter having unvthlug like Hu medicinal ipmlltl.-- nf H.-11-.n.'s, the camp (ollow ers nf llie l.bnruiai ciilli al pi —h.n |ii|,.lu. 1 tout »f warlldest pl-tters, and give tlieto uanii-i » 1. 'i--iiol.l. Iii print that of the genuine, nml when carelessly sunken, totimt like ll.

-»|i Jo' ' , _;yletl

slclue," or "1 ,-ipuiii 1 in,' with the name .... We earnest]v eaulinti the ,-nbli,- agnlntt the whole iih..'1.1 im'in. They are absolutely useless NH

remedies for dlwasi'. To IH- sum they are sheep, hat plain muslin It clu-nper ami Just aa etllea. clout. Atk for lb-, wiil.ii the spelling uml look for the "Three Sonlt" trade mark, and the

- ml 'Cupclno," which Is cut in the ceutre nf the Uwlweod

amide, Cheap John druggist! will ofev roe tvesh -irlously stvlnl "Cap-icum," ■■Cnpslelu," "Can

•■ illnr' •■'"-•— - '-—

SKIN-SUCCESS the wi™"« ii™'." '^c';;'//^ i""i(i'"i *»h «ifc:l;vj.v.ffl.1^:^'''v?r"»»»^'» pili I... -,-J«,bu|»rill™n

lii.r 1, » Un, totCMS It ,:.,,,| ,lir /. , . anrlmo,, ,hrn I have had n.. in urn

C. borcllo, i^o Cherry "■Ublt,"-K vVonj




"Skin-Success' rsis>i>>. rassaasa.




OIEO. S. MBERILL, Fort Offo* Block, Lawrsno*, Han,

SUBSCRIPTION:-$2.50 per year,from which 50 cent* will bo deducted for strictly advance payment.

Tin- Circulation of tin l,ii\nnH- American ll i in- largest of any paper in tin- I ounti. mid It* special "Amlovcr Advertiser" dciuictmciit gives It an almost cvclindvc |.„-nl In Amlovcr and North Amlovcr.


l'-uti-ti ■! us second-class matter.



EVERY EVENING. (Sunday Exempted.)



SUBSCRIPTiaH, hi Adniice, $8.00 per rear.


THE AMERICAN ELECTRIC PRINTING OFFICE It the Itrgett End most thoroughly furnished (n

tastern Massachusetts. Nine power presses;

constant addition* of the newest type; the

best quality cf work, at low prices. Order*

by mail promptly attended to.





BICKJVEL.L, BROS. Thflsft are the regular tfi cent goods, all slzps, except the ton Inch. Economical buyers should not fall to procure at least one dozen of these goods without delay, as they will go very quickly. Price per dozen, $1.75. __ nn#*o


, u*. d, i, KS*I»

AhtNio5T'.!:'-,-.'--!"--"3'\wii3 •WftSlAUuyituj'rou'u^ii to., t^itaVwa*- r»


tm si.. i*«i. in i-. uns, i.Hi' !■ ;n"i riiiiiiii fiivm administered.

IT IS THE STANDARD ' Aetlarily with the V. B. tuprrma Court and In ' thsGt.vTPrtritl'io Office, snd Is rs-.ommeodsd

Bythastatelup'li'if Schools lii JSSUtei. Tu Ita tunny other va-uaLiln features w* hate

H JUST ADDED HI A lew pronouncing

Dr GAZETTEEE E 3 07 THE WOULD, ~ ft Cnrlniiih'. oirr 2.1.OOl, Till*., l-rlrf, £ 5, tli- l-»i.i.lri... Clllia,

8< i It,,,.:. Ii


BLACK SILKS, Velvets, Ca»" men.'*, .silk Ki n,L-. -. HUH,,,,., t;iove*.

A. SIIAKl'K * CO., 313 KHWX 8

BOOTS & SHOES, a lull and complete Murk, lit prices to milt DIP times.

1'. II. UOIilNMOf, -"-i I-:-".! Street. COOKING STOVES, RanfeB,

Kiirim.i- s„1,. ,■,,.,.„( «;,K,i(. M,.!-■-. JOHN V. IttNGIIAM, 3KU Kssex St.

C LAIC A ||. ItOOEKH. DiKCHMM of Women ll specially. !Il I. -r\ 8L, Law-

rclice. i nil. i i.M-n .' to 4 nml 7 lu Dp. m.

I \H. M. J. HILL,

np. DK. J. H. KtODER. Dental

Surgeon, Ko.VM K.*cx. St., over the Hay Statu Hank, Lawrence, MUSS, lias, Chloroform in- Kthcr t'iii-n as preferred. Closed during the month of August.

Dl< KI;K & WIIITTIEB. Choice Groceries, strictly pure Coffc

Spices ami Chnicem Tin... Tin' l«»t Dull-ten of I Liu tier anil Cheese. tIB Amesbury street.

Dtt. N. I!. KLShl I.I-, DENTIST.

I 3-i9 Essex street, Lawrence. OlUce i-li.-.i"1 during August,

"P N. IIA It IMS. Treasurer < ' ±ld* Iho It. Hunt Miulilnc (i>„ ;i;rt ltsoudwav.- Turbine Water W 1 1.-, ruin..* Mills, Washers. KuLliiiK Stocks, t.ig*. IK'K'ilnhirn, 4c, Ac. l'luita furnished ami all mill work done.





LOWIBT Slices— PnoaiPT Trt*HeacTioM«— juoicioua ULicTione—Conaptcuoue Poei- Ttoaie—--EXKHIENCIO A-eim-raNCt—-UHBi- MID OPINION* AND COMPIDINTiaL BtaviCC.


/ ' HOCEUIES, Flour, Tea.Fao- V.T cytiiMHlaaiwil'twIucc.

IIATTLt'K KKtJS., cor. JTittt A, Amt-abury

GO. HOWAKh. M. l>., ISi • KUBIX St. Iteslilelice ;u Gnnlun HI.

r* C to B it. m. I to! anil 7 tu U [>

HOlaTACO. ICE IIBAMDKM. Office with lluKlieu X Mack, ha ft

MV, FOGG, DrcHfi and Cloak • Maker, 10 Dak St.. In

...iiii i-.J,„-l-i.]i iiml i Mk 11

RertOrM ll"' eotor, Rjoef, nntl youthful rn'*Iiiiet.noriheli:iir; sihiiuliteaarlfliantl

tiiMirloii* ETowtb; tln>rnu;:lily (IMBM

llneulp; preYeiitttbtwlrilat ami tauaotai iiixl la the mint cleuiily uml efleetlve I rcpiimllini fur the lialr eter offered to the public. Rev. .J. V. D»*t*iPOit, IllliinU BeWl. Texan, wrlle«: "Ayer'-i llnir Vlgvr, ti-cd In my family aoveml ynra, luti BO etiunl Rt a ttreeAtag, nor for iiKYcntlng Uto BBIT from fiillln:; out or lurnln| tTeinsiturrly grny. It rnnlca

nmanit ih" flr^t luxuries of our

home." -Mi-i IYER'S Krtta Roto, lu- ■vrsoll. Outarlo, writos: «m&) Iwoitlna uiv h«ul ateRt <-f tkudrulT. nml nrcventlna 8«M Hend, A;-fi'a Hulr Vigor has nlso ewued my Italf t« :^>iv lt:\t'.rl- iiiiliy, rt-ultlns In i«y imw poaws*!"^ bair forty-two Imliea long, RIKl II* thick M couM l>fi dodreO.** The wife of Pr. V. 8. Lovelaee, I^ivflrMovllle, Kv., hail YCTJ bad letter son'" «lion ln-r bead, BSAttng the li;ilr to fall out. Ayer'a BJdrVfcje* henW Iho aore*. mid In lea* tluili twelve montba Irraduewl liulr u foot lonff.


J. C. AYER A CO., Lownll, Mass-, U. S. A.

For ule by all Druggists.


No More Bald Heads, To prothiro A W crowtli of hulr

on bald bead*, In UM ease of person* advanced ill JMBTt, 1« llot RlWRYR pO*- Bible. Wbeo the plantU mv deciiyed mid Koue, no stlmulaet cun ivMoro tlieiu; but, when thry nrn only lluwUTO, from the need of some exeilalll, tbO RppUOr- tloa of Ayer-a Hair Wgor will renew ihdr vluiliy. ami n new prowtb wBI re- mit. I.. V. Tampletori, Sewbern, X. <.'., wrllea: "After » protrairtid H*na*R, with fever, my Iwiir all eanic out, (savfllg ma

entirely bald. 1 ptocurcd R bottle of Ayer'a Ilnlr Vigor, nttd, be- fore I had tved oQ 111 contcnta, n

thick powth of hair, nearly two luvbc* lons.eorercd my beod." UD.Mo/unkln. rcrrvvllle, KiU writcii "BaJdners Ii hereditary In my family, l'lve years ir.o

hair on the tOW of my head vn bc- eoiniliS weak uml (hill. I prOOOred Aye;Vi Hair Vigor, thJ BppllCRtiM of wliicb In- Yhtoratod the hair roots, ami Mt4 out a new gWWth of yottstt Mir. To-day my hair i* na thick nud flgorott* El ever. I still u*e the Vigor oceanionally to keep my scftlp in ahciillhy condition."'




Lawrence American, LAWBENCE, MASS.


iii<Ti(r«iH» Dm.H.o. rewewe ■"••" ■ [•TiHTia »r CMT n »»* ■■*»*•*•■**


The H. P. Hubbard Co., SUCCMKKS to H. P. HUBBARD,

Judicious AtWartising Ag»U and Eipirts, EtUbliihad 1671. lncorpor,t«<l 1B83.

New Haven, Conn. jUB 200 Pass CaraLoaui or In

I NI«H^,"II«F«1O.».«»«

PliDKMh *, OLOSSOK. Ap- iii'nl«cr«, Real »taui Aitcnti, Lawrence,

Mass. 1'uraoiml eUentlun to all bu*lneBa. SEWING MACHINES, the New

llutno, Home-il,-, Ilminehutil, ami all other flr*t rlaaa Sewliift Machine.. OlUce, 371 K*«ex SI. VT. HAtiAlt, Ai(riit. Also iiK^ut* for l,l>- kusmo I'M 1.11 t'AHinoh'a I A1LOUH, French, Eutrlirth and

Amerlean Noveltle*. r, W. SCIIAAKK A CO.,-roBt Office Itloek.

TAI LOB, Imported and Uome*. tlc Oouda.

, ll. DEmfU MoitsK, m Kma SL


3 CAMBRIDGE MUTUAL FIRE i:^.:C offer yoo ft strong, reliable ft^i eireriUy manasea Company In whleh to Insars your "DWZLLnmaaariniKiTTraE." Totym now payins m'■» rst11rn P™01*11111 on flT' year policies. They have nover asiasssd, bBYi paid all losses promptly ana thoir rates are as low fts any Mutual Company.

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>l 1 I r..|...l,. I n«. Co., Perl*. I,o 11 it on Aasurrtnrr, lii«l«n«l. linitMllnii l«iin"i ■ ■ ' ■■- UIKI.

i.oinloii nurf'»*hlrr t" URlanil. Travrllrra' l.tfr nml Accidrul, llart-

t..i.l. I "ii-.. .ilnlr Mulnnl I.lfr. Worcr.lri.


■isi 1 ■:..■■« street, Uwrrarr PoatOffioe BoxHH.

ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line oi advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,

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GREENHOUSE BOILER, ><*. :■, Veen in u.e il --in years.

IIHIUCQ. .i>~L*k* Hie Inip , |i,nilcl<iii« lnjurlmn,

rlii-apantlri*nK<'r<)iiaarticle. Thlaei>iwoii whi*r.', »l iiiii-.Uin-il. IT' HII'I.KKf ackmiwI.iilL-. i„,.HI 1.111..1.' tiiat Hi" ciimjiiier seeks .rouieily on Hi" iiwd repaiatloa ot

POND'S EXTRACT. We 'In not prrautne to arralim all {triiKRlata. but

tl'r> V»MS'«Mri!rKXl'lt'\™T 'llicy" sliou'u ln.1.1 ui«.n havliiK It anJ IHHIIIIIK etae.

W irsclvi'.ico Ui liii ItruutlaU for prwcrlp- tlntn, .i'l ri'lyliijt u|"'n ihflr skill sml PJIUTI, -tu -,- In 111U |<itrllciilar |ny 111" liiulu -t prleea wllllii|Ely, ms wn wnulil nnj mln-r i>ri-(. — l>,n I'll).I, Ian. Mir llt«,ii. Law)IT, Ac .&'■ Mm wn wniilil n,,[ »!!..*■

11 w>, say tu nur ••]•'. c.uatoinnrs and ilm.u WHO want I" try our arllcl" (or tin: nisi lliim.

rl-IIXn'K KXTRtl ii: .I.iir in ii.ur lirui n.wtliatllB*'

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f, and while ynu lats lor prracrlp- IAKK I'IIMI-

DENTISTRY. Dr. 1H. K. Brande, (he Dentist, located nt No. 228 RHCE 8t^ Swoeney's

Ulork, gives Iho very beat work at the lowest possible prices.



Wo. TO etata It., opp. Klltiy St., Boston.

ml tarni"! iiutkr yntitii-llcn- 1 aiiyililtiuliiil- 1 .111.;; |'I)MI> r:\Vlt \<"l'.lnl-ll:. !■. in nil.a, wlll,1ii.w.T}iiiiriiiM[iM-i..aiii1r.iii.nmrr|,tr>||-H KX't'H KT Is [tic aa wliprevei mNI niily seo that yon S>'t It In thr Ol.l) "II |.K. li,vrrcliaiiKril, ,.f |l„ltl,: win. in Iilnwn In u„- UIHH. I•*!« mi 1 Hi- iiiiii<im,liii:li»"il lu Imn tVrapiier wltli uur tnlkiw 1'aiuplileL.

THE WONDER OF H€ALIIH0! FOE PILES. ETJENS, smTEITEN3, DIAB- ER(EA, STINQS, SOEE THBOAT, ETES, FEET, rHFLAlttLATlOirs AND BEMOE- EHA3E8 OF ALL KINDS. »S «frtt^hen. UitJ InltmaUyand MMsalV. IficutiOc.t 1,11.76 r-UMt'B kXIKAt r CO., 30 ftU Ate., Kswlerh.


I no half liorsc power. Prices »ery low.

W. F. KinTKR,

Appleton St., LAwrenee, Maee.

A Set of the best (Juiu Teeth, »7.00 (ioUl Kllllnge. yc»I.OOendiip Stiver * "" rente. H.ine or Cement Fillings, 2fi " KxtrHrtln*: 1.1 tli, 15 tiasKtlmlnlsUred, —>



Order* exeeested for ensh or on Margin tor sdl eoruHtlei current In '"te,

Hew York varket.


IIinterstfIIIleiYofUtosiEicUngeKM ^zS^SS^&i fraelt'ors of Poor's ManmlotRailways.

43 wAi.i, rraKKT, imw VOBK 0.10411 lr


LITHIA SPRING WATER, A Delicious Medicinal and Table Water.

This 8prti»B Water enntnlns, liesMea the ear iHiliaUis of Time, noils UN mat'ii, sin, *-l«BI ,r«lBiortsrl>oB<t( of liililum 10 »«>«

. .a. I'-rer Hheuma.

rteeures Patent* In Uie t'nlteil Statei lireat llrlutn, ITancaml utln-r f.irelKncountrlea. Ciiuleaoi the claims of any Patent fnrolahnl ijy remlttinit one ilnltar. Aasljftimenta reennli'il at Wa.hliitrton No aaency In U>« lhilte<l sttnea

ili«rloi-fii.lllil'-t,iM.lil:iiiiliii-' I'ateiita - •*-- palentaljlllly of Inventl»ti*.

E1)1>V, BolldUirof Tateula.


"I reear.1 Mr. Kitily a. one of the mini eapal.lo smt successful practitioners with whom 1 have Iiml olBctril Intercourse."

CHAM. MA.SU.N, CommlHtiloner of Patents.

"Inventors rannot cii.iiioy a person more trust- worthy or mure ■ ,.f accnrlnn for llietn an curly anil favoruM, 1 mi I.IM.IUOH at the PuU-nt Ufflou." KIlMl'Mt UUUKK,

late Commissioner ot l'atent*.

>■■ 1-111-.. Oetolier 18,1871. R. II EDDY, Esq. — Dearer: You procurcil

for me In IH40, mt first patent. SI nee then you hare aeUil for ami aikiset] me In liumlreila of cases, snrl prociirc.l many patents, reissues ami extensions. I have oeen.loiuilly employeil the hest aerneles in New York, r'lilla.lel|ihls ami Wash 111*1.111. hut I -till rive you alimwt the whole of my 1,1,-lin- ■ -, In your Hue, ami ailvise otliers to

°lnt,°y Yours truly. QBORG1 DBAPEK, Boston. Jsimarj 1, 1W0. " 1?

^TARCHINE WondiTful Relornutlon Slftnuunx in Laundry Starch.

BHMtarehliift. lronln(r, * e*e"R»a>*»»,B,»,1""""|.€,||.hlB*;»lede Eeay. Be,(ulres no cooklnf Says llriio, hil«r ami jnaiirr (ilvos Troy Isniulry unl-li ami jtloss. ILIM.,.1 to over two iwmmla ef oivlljiary ularrh.

SLKPOSi Co., CiKiniifl,0. Olilest SUrcli r»cWry In U.'S. Kstsb. IBM.

i wTilxiii or the IHO American I.tth while the prir*s tuw tne presrBt ere tir below.


ir nut :/■■ l Ageuu for Ijtwrence and


Ladies using our Three- Legged Brand of Yarns are invited to favor us with their opinions regarding the goods. They have been pronounced the Acme of Perfection. Sold by all dealers. Lewis, Brown &Co., Selling Agents, Boston, Mass.

THE Panama Star and Herald pick*

up a New York paper on tUe atate-

oient tUat the island of Juau Fernan- dez, wee without inhabitants from the time of Alexander Selkirk up to some dozen years ago, and says to the best

of its recollection it was used as a peaal settlement by Chile for year*.

Some beautiful little tiny baskets arc made there at the present time, of (Hires as fins as a hair, which Bad their

■ray to the UnitedJ^we through the hands of traveller*, 'who buy them of men who come oil from the island in

boaU, and bring tliem home for sou-

venirs. ^__

TUB French government has rn-

structed prefects to make reports upon all cases of crime incited by inebriety,

and a commission of inquiry will be appointed for the purpose of ascertain-

ing bow much truth there is in the picas of the advocates of persons ac-

cused of criminal violence la which they plead irresponsibility because of alcoholic dementia. Gen. Boulanger, the French minister of war has inter-

ested himself in the question of the eirect of alcohol upon the soldier and has instituted ua inquiry as to the effect of alcoholic liquors in reducing

the height of those addicted to their use, and also tho extent to which

soldiers are unfitted for service by drink. German military rules are very strict on this subject, especially in time of action.

THE Prussian government took time

1 iv the forelock in its dealings with anarchists. Of course the authorities ■were no better aware of their presence

in their cities, and there were no mote of them in nuntbers, and they were no

more outspoken and independent than they were here, because we know that wo had all the wildest of them. They came over to this country for the t?x> press puipose of promulgating -their

doctrines with larger liberty than they could enjoy at home, and they have come to us in their strength and in ever increasing numbers, and yet, BO

secure are we in our belief in the good sense and consequent good behavior of

nil intellectual people who come to our shoreB, that we have allowed them in"' speech and freedom of action until there is a prospect that the destiuct'ton

of property and the co&ts of (rial &c of anarchists who have caused this de- struction will amount to many thous-

ands of dollars. Before the news of the outrages In Chicago reached the

people of Prussia, a decree of the Prussian government placed all public meetings in the vicinity ot Ueilin and Potsdam under police control. This decree did no> meet with approval uu- ill the trouble at Chicago reached ihcm, wl'en tho view of the people ex*

perienccd such a ro-aetion iigitinit all the socialists and anarchistic oppoal*

iou with which the government hut to contend, that it would seem from the tone of tin1 press of that country that tho government will be upheld in al-

most any measure it may deem neces- sary to preserve society from tho per-

nicious growth of these principles in

their midst.

TUB war between Chile and Peru,

whieh resulted in the impoverishment of ih« latter and a feeling of resent- ment between the inhabitants of tho two countries which it will take years to overcome, has been brought vividly

to the memories of the people ot both commies by the erection and dedica- tion at Valparaiso of the siatne ol Captain Arturo Prat. It It said to

pluce tin) Maine of Lord Cuchranc, who gained the independence of the country, quite la the shade. Captain Prat lost his life In an act of individ- ual courage, f)y.htiDg against terrible

odds with the Huascar, he himself and nnc brave follower being killed on the Huescur's deck on to which they had

leaped from the sinking E<meralda, which went down with the Chilian flag fifing, carrying with her 1C0 brave men. The ceremony of unveiling the statue took place in June and WHS per-

formed by the President of the Re- public. There WRB an immeuse con- course, of people in the pUzi, ami the

newspaper account says that "foi

Weekly News Brevities. Friday..

The new town of Lusk, In Wyoming, has been lestroycil by a tornado.

The strike at Salmon Falls, >tthoii(h not set; tied, huts fair to be amicably adjusted.

l.iml-e Mlcnel was amnnir a luudi of French ajrltator* who were sent to prison yesUirdity.

The Waterbury, Conn., murdorcr iv:m yoater- I .iy bound over t* the superior court for trial.

Tho dominion government ha* ferbld den Amer- ican dsblng vessels M enter the Day of t. Iialeur.

Four more tilouceater fishermen are reported last from their vessels off Sable Island, Ooerges.

The New York sloop Prlsctlla arrived at New Bedford yesterday. The Puritan Is stltl at Tar

Itayanl has Anally provided for Mr. KeUoy by making him Judge ot the In tern niton*] Egyp- tian commission at Cairo.

Lightning struck a barn at North Cohasaet yes- terday and caufed Uio dMtruetlon of the building and conaiderable propsrty.

A terrible triple tragedy occurred at Chatta- nooga, Tenn., yeatenlay, the result of a quarrel over a clergyman's daughter.

Tho Walllngford, Conn., murder Is snore or a mystery Uian ever, now Unit Cooley hit* turned i|> in deny that ho has been killed.

The expected bond call was Issued by the troas ■try department yesterday, The cull U for (lu, "MM, of the 3 per RsWt loan of 1 -■-.'.

At a council of free traders In Now York yes- terday It wn* resolved to make a atmng effsrt this fall to capture the nfticili congrea*.

Tho despatch from Portland to Uie Itoaton pa per* on tin- i"Hi iii-i., giving an ancontit of a mu- tiny on a Lamolne schooner, was whotlv false.

I.on I Randolph ('liurchlll Is said l* have nearly tii.i-lii-il n scheme for the government of England, Ireland, scotl-Mid und Wales which is expected to satisfy every one.

An Important speech by Premier Salisbury, which Is Interpreted as a declaration of a policy of cocn-lnn, has aroused hostile comineut through- out I.ii :I.M,II ami Inland.

It Is announced from Washington ttikt, In on sequence of an appeal by Secretary 11ayard, President Plai has exerted hi* personal Intlii eneu In L'uUlng's iM'hidf, and Uiat tho speedy re. lease of the lattor ts expected.

Tin- nliii i-r -.jiiii-i- i t-'iynn u set down fer September .'>Ui. Mayor lirace sUII keeps on with the investigation, lu spite of the efferta of Hqtflrc's counsel to jirocure an adjournment. At yester- day's sesMun tiiu defence apenly proclaimed an Inieniloii to impeach Chamberlain Ivin*. Squire said that he was ready for a trial In court.

Saturday. The Iluugnrltin town of llullccn ii.i--i.nii di

slruyed by flra.

Forty miners perlnhod in a colliery disaster at Leigh, Liu,--:!- lilii1, j,\"tci"l:i>.

Mi. William II. Wobstcr Is the new chief exam Inerof the ll.servlce.

Colonel Stephen M. Crosby gtiye a reception U Souator DBWN at If loghaia last evening.

Rates for |>astace to Euroi>a from New York aro sUll being cut by the steamship companies.

In the trotting at Rochester, N. Y., yesterday, Harry Wllkis won another boat from Alajollca.

The International cricket tournament began at Seuhrixht. N- J-, yealcrday. Tbe Canadian uaru

Tho British cabinet lias resolved io Investigate tho cause, of Uio Uelfast riots. A royal commis- sion will tie appointed.

I...i'l Lansdownc, governor general ot Canada, has gone to I-on.lon to lay the fishery ipiostiou before the llrlUsh government.

The popo has placed the Knights of Lalmr gaiilcattoii under Iho km, ami enjoined bishops to proceed against It us against other secret societies.

Colonel William Kent, formerly well known ss a merchant In L'nneord, >. II., and as an ofitclal

■ t tin' i i.-[..ii in t linuno years ago, died at Cromwell, Conn., uu Thursday.

A serious conHlet of oplulon exists In the treas- ury department at Washington between Assist ant Secretary Falrehlld ami Treasurer Jordan, and It Is hinted that the bitter will resign.

The bearing In the rase of Squire was closed yesterday by Msyor (.race. Ilct* are offered that .-.|olre will In-in office longer than liraee, and Ivlu's Impeachment Is considered almost certain.

Interviews with tho medical men who sltendoil the vnrlous persons who have died from the fam lly of Mrs. Koblnson In Somervllle bear nut strongly Uui terrible theory heretofuro hinted at.

It was reported lu Washington last night that the patent nRh-e hud deb)nntiied to reinstate the t.niy telephone patent. Ex Solicitor General !■■ iiii- been nppoliilcd one of tho govern incut couusol In tho suit against tbo llell coin

Monday. Arguments In the anarchists' trial In Chicago

are going on,

' Hiiui- HI Hi--1 iiiii.--'- In Washington Icrrl tory aro reported.

The funeral of Colonel William Kent biok place In Concord, N. II., yesterday.

There are no new development* In the Mrs. Itoblnsoii of Koincrvllle.

The sixth annual open regatta of the Hull Yacht club was held on Saturday.

Michael Dnvltt spoke to l.l.ftOO people about tbe 1 -ii question on Saturday at Chicago.

A lire In a drug house In Hartford, Conn., yes- terday morning, eauso a luaa of * l",'»»'-

In tho race tmtween the (jonesla and the Ires ir the iii" May cup, tho latter was the winner.

At Its meeUngou Sat unlay the democratic state nnmlttoe madu arrangement* fur the state | .,«

Plug Your Jaw with a chew of "Happy Thought'' Wave Liue Plug Chewing Tobacco. The best chew a man ever put into

his mouth. Does not crumble. Is free from sticks and stems. Always moist. The best tobacco in the world. Makes a good smoke or chew. Sold every- where. Give it a trial. 10c. pieces.

lialn last week lias probably saved the corn and grain cnips, which were wltherlnK In tunny parts of the West.

The Democratic Stile Convention will be held at Worcester, Sept. tt. Congressman !-overl*g will preside.

Hon. A. It. Alger has beeu chosen Secretary of tin' liemocrallc state Central Cutnmlttcc lu place of Col. Covency.

The umpire of a ball game nt Medfurd on Sat- urday wa* Instantly killed by being struck with tbo hull over heart.

Gen. C.C. Auger was shot near bis residence In Washington yestenlsy by two rowdy negroes. Ills injuries are not serious.

A former postmaster of Esetcr, N. II., has been charged wlUi the emliexziciimiit of money order books used during his term of ofUoo.

The |iii-[ni i-ii-i general lias Issued a circular of Information and Instruction relative to Uio uni- versal delivery of special mall mutter, to go Into effect October I.

1 in- yacht Frolic, which en pulsed In Thursday' nipiall In Undid hound, has been raised nml towed to East Koatuu, but none of tbe lie-lies of Hit tlniH have been recovered.


Wantonly Weds Without Mis Worthy Wife's Wllllng-new.

"Kb mon," It was a middle aged English woman

who on Friday Interrupted the city mar- shal, Just aa he proceeded to test the qualltlea of a clear Havanna presented a few momenta before by tbe Eagle reporter.

Well, I was, tho last time I saw the mayor," responded the good natured and fat lunctlonary, aa hecan-e to a prompt attention, and gallantly doffed his bat.

And wnal could I do for you, madam, this morning?'

A legal document was at once unfurled, and tbe atory of wrong doing on the part ef faithless man quickly told. Her name was Mrs Ellis; the document was an Eng- lish marriage certificate showing that many years ago she bad been joined lu the holy bonds of matrimony with one William Ellis, since which time ehe had lived, she claimed, with William, seven years In England and four In America. William some time suice had deserted her and married another woman and now re- sided with the latter on Water St.

The city marshal and Mrs. Ellis number one proceeded to the inHl and called out the recreant husband, who when eouf root- ed with the charge admitted bis marriage, but claimed mat tbe woman before him, had married him with another husband.

"Not so now," exclaimed Mrs. Ellis, "yon lad knows full well the 'uaband waa laid away money ayear agono In Chicago. Let him come now and be with mo for awhile. Let tbe other lass look to walnl now."

The marshal thought the anarl needed a bit of uuravelllnic at least and so es- corted tho much married William to the police nation. He was arraigned next morning, and Although Lawyer Knox tried to convince Judge Harmon of the prisoner's Innocence, Ills houor was bound not to be bluffed so soou after tils vacation and Kills was held lu SOdO fur his appearance before the upper court.

Ruins Stauley.

The sympathy of the community IH cor- dially extended to the Messrs. Stanley, of this city, In tho loss of their respited father, ltufua Stanley, of Portland, who was no well-kiiown to many residents of this city and thoronghly liked by all- Mr. Stanley was Past Noble Grand of Llgo- nlo Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, becoming a member lu N< vcrober, 1S4D, Past Chief 1'atrlarcli of Eastern Star Encampment, also past Uraud Patriarch of the Grand Km inent, and Past Grand Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Uulted Status. He was Pant Master of Atlantic Lodge of Mii-uii-. member of Grceulcaf Chapter, and of Portland Commandery, holding also otbor Importeut positions as a Free Maaon.

In the lodge room he was rarely .■■nr passed as an orator, being a bold, fluent, and convincing extemporaneous: apeaker, holding the prosperity of his lodge very uear to heart, and promoting its advance- ment In a marked degree during a lotig series of years.

Mr. Stanley commented his business career at an early age, about the year 1S40, In Market Square, Congress street side, Portland, one door below the stand now occupied by Guppy A, Co., and having by bis perseverance and energy acquired large business Interests both In Portland aud Massachusetts- As a son, a brother, a husband and father, It was the endeav- or of h s life Ui leave nothing uudouc. Furthermore he wan true In his friend ships, "a friend lu {lime of need" In emergency, because he was ever ready and willing to aid in any way In his pow- er, proffcriag his n-l.u unsolicited. He will bo greatly missed by a largo num- ber of acquaintances, and tbo family have their heart-felt sympathy lu the loan of a busbaud and father.

Total Eclipse of the Sim

A total eclipse of thu sun occurs Aug. I'-".'. which will in- visible as a very small partial eclipse lu tho southern part of

England and the United Status. The path of totality commences at the Isthmus of Panama, crosses the northern part of South America and some of the adjacent Islands, croHSus the Atlantic oceau lu a southeasterly direction, strikes the roast of Africa near Tlenguela, and ends In Madagascar. The conditions for observ- ing it arc more favorable than tliey wen In the total eclipses of iss'l and 18M> wheii the Hues of totality passed almost entirely over tho Southern Pacific ocean.


The Annual Sports of the Law- rence Cricket (lull

WANTKD-A WOMAN OF 8KNSIC, MKIl ■v uui resp*ciablllty for our business In

ber locality. Salnrv al-mi t»»> l"*r month. Per- manent pimlllcli. Ileference. I'Mhilllgi '!■ E. J. JOHNSON, Manager, IS Barclay SL. N. \




Will receive pupil* In

OH Painting, In Raies: Dank Ilulldlng

Hours Cor. Essea and Jjiwrenee St.., from 9 to i: ;■ ■ ami Ll

I'nluilngs for Sale. UlyfeM

to 6.

MnTTI BSMi sr. srsies, tart Umsn who writs to

l_l II I I f«. Nil Inf.irmaowi .t™i wnra mhl-h

UuUXI.h^rnwtS^fXiP^H.. So™ ha™




Spring Term bejrli tlon am use of Tt

, Kept. f>, IS1I1. I I ,i,i i,or, ;l, us;. Till ,1-llooks Inn. rsit partlcu

K. ii. in *<M:I,I',I„, i|,,i.

roller. Flui PILES.:,;-; no salve, no supiioallory. Mu B simple remedy, free, l>y MASON. 7*.Nassau St., N. Y*

No purge* llory. Sufferer* will lean ef

' - wlaresHinaC. J

Thirteen people, members *f two families,were dlscouered noallugdown the Ohio Ktver in im old boat, all of thcin helpless and most uf them dying of hunger and fever.

Two drunken men lu Cornish, N. H.,-hanged a third Inebriate yesterday, and were unable to cut the victim down. It took three hours to bring the man to bis senses after hu bad been taken down.

Krivm inUtnlghl on Satunlay until daylight on Sunday a lieri-e .Mo ffght waa carried on fmm lionsetopi aud street corners in llelfast. Jl.inv Ware wounded and one man Is known to have ban killed. The crowd was charged by iho mop*, and some uriesls were madu.

few seconds afUr tho figure of tho

hero of the ?ltt of May, 167i), niul of

his devoted comrades and followers was unveiled, there was a silence,

which W33 broken at length by a

mighty, patriotic and enthusiastic 'Viva!' which welled up from the throats of the densely packed multi-

tude fiat filled the square, to which was Joined the roar of the guns of Fort

Bueras, the guns ol the ironclad Al miruiiie (ochrano and the battery of the regiment of civic artillery as they Ohsetiulcs, fired salvos of 21 guns each." Speech •*- making by the President and other The fB«ral of Mrs. Johanna Barry officials followed. The statue of Prat mother of ex-street commissioner Barry, is 6ve metres in height. The base js in occurred at nine o'clock Monday forenoon, form of all reek cross in the extremi- Services were held at the Immaculate Con-

l>i ion cnurcli, high mass being celebrat- ed by Rev. J. II. Devir. The display of lloral offerings wns very line. At the con. elusion of the services tho remains wen taken to the Immaculate Conception cem etcry for Interment. The pall bearers were; James T. U'SullIvan, M. O'Mahoney


tics ot which are placed the statues of Serrano, Rlquelme, Aldea, and a sailor. There arc four has reliefs presenting the fights of Iquique, Puma Grucsa, Angamos and Arlca. On the facade fronting the city thete Is the Chilian coat ol arms, and on the three others there are tho bows, in bronze, of Human galleys.

1'owderly Is a Protectiontst-

Gen'.lcmen, I am a protectionist from the sole of my foot to the top of my head. I not ouly believe In 10 per cent, but I bellevo In a 3d per cent, tariff and as tnuoh more as the exigencies of home In- terests require. 1 believe In a tariff on everything, raw Included. The only raw material la that covered up In mother earth and from the time It Is touched with a pick until It is mailo Into that (holding up bis pocket knlfej it needs protection because It Is all labor.


Mr. John I>. Judklns, a well known ami spected cltl/.cn, died Saturday forenoon

at llie family residence HI Lowell street, of heart disease. Ills age was Cl years,

months and 27 days, and ho leaves to mourn his loss, a wife and two sons, W. T mi .I A. It. Judklns, tho former being teacher of drawing at tbe Hiiih school and the latter a resident of Newburyport.

Mr. Judklos was a native of Sanbornton, N. H , but since l-".-.; has madu Lawrence his home. He was a carpenter by trade, nud waa employed for several years In that capacity at Josselvn and Webster's foundry. He waa latterly employed In the Arlington mills, where bis good nature and manly qualities won for him many steadfast friends.

Tbe death of Mrs. Mary E. Mandars oc- curred Thursday at her residence, X:i2 Elm street. Deceased was a member of the Did Besldenta aasoclation. She leaves one son, K. F. Mandcrs.

Saturday afternoon occurred the annual sportaoflhe Lawrence Cricket club at their grounds, lu the presence of the larg- est audience seen on the grounds for a long time, as many as two thousand peo- ple being present. The athletics were all that could be desired and the club made a profitable thing of the affair. The re- sult In the several aporta follow:

Members' one-Iourtb mile handlcap~$5 to first and t:i to second. Won by Geo. Colley and Will Hennessey In the order named. Time 57 seconds.

Horliontal bar exhibition—prlxcs, S3 and 9*2. W. Glbba first, and E. Glngras second.

Standing broad jump—prizes, ■#,■; and 2. Fitzgerald 6rst, 12ft. 5 1-2 Inches; Thos. Barrett second, 12ft. 2 Inches.

Three standing Jumps—|l aud 82; Bar- rett first, »7ft. 8 1-2 lu.; Fitzgerald sec- ond, acrt iin.

Three standing back Jumps- W and «2; James McDermolt first. 80ft. filn. i Fitz- gerald second, 28ft~ 8 l-2ln. McDermolt broke tbe best previous record a foot and Fitzgerald brohe tho best record live Inches.

Polo vaulting—*5, »3 ami «2; Thomas Alken and Geo. Slater divided first, James Mi-Dei im.ii .uu.) Samuel McCotley divided second and Geo. Hartley took third.

Hitch and kick- S5 and |3; Geo. Slater, full II--.. N. Y., first; George Hartley, Lowell, second.

Jumping the horse—James Fltzpatrlck. A very good exhibition was given of leap- ing over two or three horses.

Sword contest—purse of (150. T. Cottanach of Providence, first; George Koss of Philadelphia, second Tin mcr had fifteen points to his credit, the letter eight- This contest was fought out on foot, the horses behig unmanage- able.

Tug of war—A gold medal to each member of the victorious team. Won by the McKay niachluc shop team, the other contcatlng teams bulng the Arlington and Pacific. The gold medals were presented by Aaron P. Ordway.

Kunnlng broad Jump—$.i and f.1; Me- Dermott tlrst, 20ft. tilu.; Burroughs sec- ond, »ft. 81n.

Wrestle, catck-as-eatch-can.—Mnllhow Tracey first, f20; John ltlley second, 910.

Kunnlng high Jump—9.1 and »U; Mc- Dermott tlrst, 5ft. *U.| Burroughs set ond, oft. 2ln.

Hunulng, hop, step ard jump—Bur- roughs first, t'.i i. 21n.; Mcllcrinott, sec- ond, 44ft. uu.

Bicycle race, two miles, gold medals- Downing or North Audovur ilrnt; Fuller second. Fuller had the lead until tin sixth lap around tho quartur-mllo track, when Downing made a pretty spurt and passed him. When at the end of this lap Fuller took a bond ur and Downing took the race. Cummln^a of California started but dropped out after going two laps.

One hundred yards handicap raco-s't), 920 aud 810; A. Dohsou first, E. Dono- van of Natlck second, Thos. Burroughs third. Time 11 1-2 seconds. Dobsun was handicapped 2.i 1-2 yards, Donovan 20 yards and Burroughs li yards.

The members of tho press wish to re- turn their thank" to Mr. W. Marshall for many attentions and favor* shown them.

The committee of arrangements to which tho success of the sports w«s. no doubt In a (treat measure due, consisted of Messrs. W. S. Brlce, W. Smith, W. Oonlle, J Wright, S. Colley, J. McLochllu W. Gallagher, W. Murshail, H. Dawson. W. Smith acted as til rector, J. McLochllu starter, Jepson and Gallagher judges, EJ. 0, Holske, referee.


The Lyra Glee Club Blatlo Hrtppy. The members of the Lyra (German)

Glee Club were Saturday presented with

an elegant silken banner by the lady

friends of the club aud tho occasion was

made a Jolly one as may be seen from the

following programme. At three o'clock

a procession was formed at Turn Hall of

thu l.aivri'in.i; German Societies and a host

of visitors from similar organizations

from Boston, Unveil, Manchester

other cities. Following was the order of

proccsflou : Platoon of Police.

Lawrence Brass Band. Manchester Glee Club, 2S Men.

Fred Sheer, Leader. SI. Aloylslua Society.

Schlll r Lodge. Liberty bodge. Geriusn Bead.

German Turn Veilu. Friendship Club.

Social Labor U-oituu. Society of Harmony.

German ltd let Society. QlM I'lub GloekifNo. 16.

From the Turn Hall the procession

marched to the City Hall, when; Mayor

Bruce was received, theuce through Ap-

pleton, Essex, Newbury, East Havcrhlll

and Prospect to the Hl-jhlan.l Cottage,

when the column halted. In ImUalfof the numerous friends of the

Lyra Glee Club, Mrs. Clementine Huepf-

ner presented an elegant silk flag, bine on

one and white on the other side. Preal-

dentC. 8. Lieppold, of the club, responded

appropriately. Tho lady frliii'l* of the

Verln added lieautlful Whits em-

bossed rlbln>nstthroiigh Mrs Henry Si:buii-

laud, Jr. Sln-Her I<odgtt presented a liind-

soiiiu gold plate for the staff, appropriate-

ly inscrLlied, while other societies pres-

ented six similar plates of sllvl

Glee Club saii(f several selections, and

Mayor Bruce extended a hearty welcome

to the visitors In behalf of the city. Tho

whole occasion was thoroughly enjoyed

and was followed by a grand concert and

bull Saturday evening. Nearly 1500 at-

tended the festivities, both day and even

Ing. The out-of-town guests nearly all

remained here until Sunday evening.


BAKING POWDER i Battles with wide mouths In ilill i MM, (S:ore* to the floor, the strength.givhur phos- me ieni.>ii-l»i Ith the In an, su.l watch ire required i'J* Uie svstiiin. No otln-r Hakiag hlffaWiw. II costs less, and is healthier and survuger tliau any other powder. ,



MRS A. A. GEDDES Teacher of Cooklnc;-

I have n-ed Iliirshinl'* linking I'owder for the l*st six louiiiis I have tesUid It ib„ro uglily, sad Inivr Mr.vrli falli-tl to tret g 1 reaulta, when the illni-llou* isei-c lull)' carried out. I cmalder it equal ii an v lu tis mnrket. and second to nour.

Itakn mueli pleasure In ni-oni mend Ing It to my eooklug I lasso*, *J*w to mv trlemla Kruerallr K A.tlKHtllDS, 71 lurmau Street, Camhrtdgeiiurt, Mas*.


MARION HARLALD, Tbo well-known Authority on Cooklig.

1 cheerfully i Ions" uf I'rofea of Aimriea. They do.

ll -H ■ I.I ' i,i-i i o us honorable a pl*ce

In the sUire-mnin sii'l kltebena aa does his Auld rUuipbatC 111 Utu Isiullv im <ll' Im- I heat.



MISS P^RLOA, Of the Famous Boston Cookiag Scksol.

I hare u-■■■! Ilursronl's Ivnklug 1'iirpsrstloa with iwrfsiAtuer"'-

llarsr.rd'a ItaWIng Powder la for an I* h>«il t.ioc,,,. T'-VII1.

The llur.furil Cook lluok sent free.

Raifonl Cvo.nlcal Works, Proilduct. A. I. r'or Mai* IN I.ntvrrm r liy

S. KNOW I. K* ft Co., 70 Main St., MeiAttTUV lllliM, HAIti A Mi llSKV, I l.'iM itNAN. lilUninpstilre St., rJ. I'. i'OYVKLl.1, ,1 111;. .....;.I ll,-..;„|M:iv, II. HKnMtiM), -,j, Itniadwny, i>. AMUtKws A ( ll., :i ( mon St., IKMiAN IllOtS , W7 Common si., u.y.i n.\n 1,1-.IN, lui coiuniou su C. A. CLAltK, T. WKBH, I.. A. HASTISlifl, Jons lawrenco,

And ull itc, U:-..,->■;,, mli*eod» •

i*ej| Lactate

YSoi TloyjitsJJSSfe


(eonflilenee, when Uw


The BEST FOOD to bo used Ii coMECUn with PARTIAL NURSING.

Re other fond ttes. It eaiisei .. id wlllbeTvd*Udbyili«<


illy at ,-.) ill.

Ilv Iho use nf this predi;, ■l<il Ml. .1.1 ■ Khnllsliil riHid, fatal n

easti van be suvely prevented.

A Perfect Nutrient for INVALIDS In either Chronic or Acute Cases.

Hundreds of pbvslelans testify In Its great value. It will be retained nl> veil II WSlir ii.i.l milk U Tci.clcl l,y (lie alomiieb. In dlsjiep. sis, and in all wsatlna dlneaws It has proved the most and patataMe-aad at the name llinetlie at economical of I'ouda. r*oi nn lu. i.ii.t may lie madu

ISO HEALS FOR $1.00. Hold bf Ilmgirl-ls- iV... Mr., »l.fK>. aw A II liii«ri>iiii-/ ■ i.iui'liiei eiiililct "Mcllcal

Iplnlous on thu Siitrtllon uf InfanU — '


DYSPEPTICS I have linen a great sufferer for years

with wintitiiy uhysteltin eaUa rhroatle dyspepsbt 1 hive tried *evnravl aneall- elne* r.'i-.Hiitiieiidi'il for my complaint. and rce-lvr.l to, l.eiielll iintll iislns; I1KA< KKT I'S < I [IKK IIITTKHS. Ke- eelvitta s« in isi-is iieiicili from them, I feel it m) duly tu recmntiiend them to the public. CHAK.A.SANHOKN,

lCngltieer at Water Works, No. lleverler, Man.


CIDER BITTERS Contains n» alcohol or water, tint ii <■ posod whollyi»1' jtiitt's from Iriiltsaml extracts from roots aud herbs, maklnu; It a pleasaiit Ham- mer Oi iiilc, ail Im Igttriilirig unit sin nirtli' oiiit: limit', and a tura cure for Dyspepsia. Uht'iimetlatiu Ahilarla, Humors lu tho Hystom. and klndrod complaints.

Doolitrie & Smith, 24 & -<» Tromont Str«i-t,


TO THE PURE ALLtbtajtsarrpuro. I.lfelatnoWinrttowr.ste

wltha.lul'i r.tioni. TholH'st laalwayse^w-a,,. est. AiliiKerausliinn is are the nbusenf % gooil thing. T. e (J. O. Tnvlor Hourlioii ami Bye Whiskey ts anabmlgtety poresletjhsllc stimulant uneijiiallid (or mcdlcil purpoaes; sold by every leading Druggist aud rea-,1e<^«iii1. i.riH-er a* of standard (|uallly. Il ll tailed by C. II. (iltAVKS ft SONS, liostou, niul I* gnnrnutnud.

rtlea, who care mS whsi harm tliey ■ur system. Von can depend au evary

Il.ntiii- of Melphiir Uliti-ra as U-Ing a reliable med- icine. It Man-he* out and cleanse* from Uio 1,1 1 all Impure mailer, and makes you feel Ilka a new persan.~lki.ton Dally Ulob«.*ja*,d wit weed

CongTCHSiiiMii'M Aspirations.

The attitude of Congressinan I.'HIL.' on the aenatorlal ((Uestlon Is to tic commend- ed. He would like to be senator, H 1 Is not afraid or ashamed to say so. Still he will make no unseemly struKglu for the place, nor will he allow his pleasant re- lations with Henator Dawesto be severed. The people want Governor Long In the senate more than he wants to lie there, and they will so ■iflQJJ themselves at the proper time.

Using ftn!y the choicest grade of to- bacco, Iri-i-'l from stems and devoid of all jiiii-niiiii s and noxious flavoring, commonly used in cheap cigars to cover the vile, rilliug of which they are ciimoo-f"1, wra'])d willi the best of Snmalra leaf, the MH. & S." cigars which we make are OUABANTKKH lo be no* only the tiept 10c. cigar io the uiaike', but lire from *!1 headaciie produt-ingr nml other dangerous symp- toms, lOmUuM tiotict <l after smoking. Ask for tlic "N. & S." mil see for yourstlf- S ild by all dealers. H. S. Sleeper & Co.. l'rnp'rs, Boston, Mass.

ollcl, belli and nursery, %'• in-.|,i:il,--l fur ■i ni. ever) dwlweod


1-AWItl \" I ■

Lawrence American, I.AWKBNt'K, MASS.

FRIDAY HOKHIBO, 11 01 ST." 1--,;.


Weekly News .SIT. if its. Tuedulay.

The Galatea lini Ixt-n drY-dockd in MS* V.irt- Th* war of mies between the rontliieutal tteaav

»lii|i ltm-f continue*. There were ""■»«lcnnl stints la llcifaM in-

jured Ml era! vc.iter.tay. - from Ireland lo tin- I'bjcftgo Na

UoMd Ctmveetftoa huif mlml Thr .'resident left Washington nolclly yester-

day on lil« trt|> Is Hit' Adirondack*. W a»h1i.,rt >n ha* no atln.cth.n«> now lb*'

1'n rital I »»,iv, ami the . ily hi ilr*.-rli .1. Tin: cigar MkraV "trlke In New ^ ort Is at i,a

end, the -IrlkiT;. reluming lo IhcJr Uiwht*. Iti..!li.'i- IU.I.'H ml mi', ,.f UtVCB, n ■- -Ir.mndl

jcwr-lav, la U atterapt W re-ciu.-a4.icr. .if hi — ilw Xavrlau—order.

Sir. Bayard cnaplaln* tilt nef. .nations »iiii Mexico regutUag ih.-< niilng ecus are in- t. rf. i.-.| mill by republicans.

W*S bftlWad L-i.l night, InirtBg a twi. mile SCVlh-u iu ilarkaci-. 1-... atari. *li»vm>.

Tbo American war vessels near liijullmi >H tan wiirn rUh.-iiiiCU 10 carefully ol«y ihe I'.um- ilUn lawn ib.mi Uic three-mile limit.

Tbe McMkboMm <>f UM Lowell Bteaenery have toted in scale tin' capital Hook trace ».i>,.,•.,„!,.1 t> place tea eoT|>ontloa on a sotutd i.a-;..

Uennraltiarlaad answer*, sevvralaf the charges against him regnrdbiK Hie r.m I.. lee nil 'I'rir'jiii.ino matter lu a reply ill.'I j.-Mci'dn) to peodlng *uiin.

The lateat rcatnreol the Bomerrllk ptdsotttni bormr H mi HUi-rr-Iliig nintemenl regarding lm death Of .llWrr Mcrpcr In th« l|. I.; . . I hah!, vrllli facia about faffed letters un.l lul.diig uruLieri).

The I'rcnhleiil ha* iiuiciide.1 the elv.1 Mrvtee rulMootbat appolnUng oflloeri will as Tar as possible !>•' hep, in Ifnomnco .>f tin uollthM and lebillw -In in bug of applicants n hu hiive passed oxamlnadon.

Tbecaaa ol Hr. Everett with aiding and abetting Pi the Lancaster National hank. funds nf said hood11 ante up fore < ailed State* Coraml sal' day, and was further r mUnu |«, for tht-rcaeon Iturt Dr. Nolaon Is still uuabl. to appear.

Nelson, charge. It-Tit McNeil, .. emboxillng tin . .iiitlniiani i' he

* iiiii.M reater


In Korwlrh, L requtl biurnan ni ,U In | rogreM

hanged lilin-.'li ... -i.-i ,.ii. Jem ..f H Mil.,...,

Delaware d •laleconvenll

iiiorrntK hnd :i III te-l.-nlni.

biriny Unit :a III. ll

There nrt< n Iruiii'i- - ii tn

dgrutofaM-ti n< ami Peat*

eiiicul or t c labor

The WMerh da? with adb

irj-,1 ..Toi rllmtlonof |-i

if.-t ,!..-.■. >"•'"' i ■ .

flroe mil :il \\ r father lluoi Mtfard, has he

Mill,Pie, H >o ww

The llrorkh ataodatlll. wll

i lalHT matter ■op"* i« ;i letllcine


The iin-aidrmtlHl can. Ima Houae, \e.i fork, after an u

irlie.l ul in Mini ri

l'..-IHI'l e frol.

Tin- ly li(

)il Hie Milter n au-ibothMntj



Iluatei Led i.|

Bet oral 'in- .1.11 111 ( hl.'.'l.- ■Wltcltiuen art

mlly ntlcmpta in wreck trnli l.<lh->e<l|..he

.. Tttiidlx »•"' "«

ycati r

1 I' ('Hini.llan -l,l|.m.,-l.'M,'ii.-.,

tlio dianlnlon .TIIII-I ■>) - Ilia ii -..'I- fur tlulHtlllg the ll

KtieUni] will not withdraw mi.-!... II BuMla ,.|iii. - .

nr the Afitban buuodi J....I

A quantlt) of p Ihe ».ir..i thercl lngtim. In to lw re a* far a* uoaalble ' The While MOM

>' h> Ll In Wii-h

ml iin- ,1, .'in

The eimv. )n.« i In Cll

■ ■f Hi. IrUh V::; onalloagiii Ul- after! n. There I" «

ll aghl Ine -,,,„

II , i bo -i Hill U '•( '."'II 'I

'I lllI.H.llI .. At riill.i.|i'i|.h!ii~l'Ulj.|il)>hi.i Tl.r Ann il. :ui UfU


.,-Ui.,ii i,. Kgan ,|.ih kly P-I.IHIUI mHook la|HuU


Two Important Offices.

CIIII.K is coming tprwurd wilti rapid

stridet to take its place anioii^ the in- tt'llet'tual nut on ■ ol ilic world, Kvcry ioducemcDt is otfered in iDCouragv Uic

development of tlie bigbest and best' |-j rt i m literature to be produced in the conn- ; VfRl. bPajf. if., OUrreilderS try, and the si'tiooU are placed on Liu best possible footing. Tlic nalional I holidays occur in September and a

eeneroos patron o<" art, l>on Ftclerlea Vcarcla, lias olfcre 1 pri'.oi for tii.*rary

compositions am Hinting to SI 100 : for an ode in tieroic Tetse to Cftpt.

Arturo 1'rat and bis comrade-i in tlu-

•M flght of May tl, IOT9, 140*;, an- other for an epic IMWIU to tlie gbry <>(

Cbilc in tbe war o ihe P*cl*c, 1400 ; and <00<) for an estay on tho at ate ul political acicace in Ctiil*-. and ihe f>i si tuaatii* of giving to it an impuUe In

futorc. Tbe Council of Kduaailoo will decide upon tbe merits til' the composi-



Alleged Illegal Use of their Funds While Serving as Treasurer.

l iso Dsficit Slid to Amount to Considerably Mora thin $500,000.

IT if found tliat there will bo UMIV

trouble in Spain as Don Carlos baa ir

ceived a Stgaey from ibc late ComUaaa

da Cbambord of 110.000,000. lie baa ihe means if be will take meas- ures to disturb tbe reigning dynftv

rery much. It it paid tliat bis friends bail a p'au, supposing (h.* latest beir to tbe tbrone bad been a girl, to mar-

ry tbe little Queeu Mercedes to tbe son of Din Carlos, wbo \t now Qfia< n years old. Tli s wou d tiave heitled all

wound* and icrminnted aa old feud, but mi fortunate'.)" for lb la arrange- uicnt, there is an heir to the throne who, i( be lives, will perpetuate 111*

causes for strile, Dnteat, as tho »Ti>ild is now tending, Spain abould as-ert its

independence ami ooaclilde to govern itself, leaving a!) the dynasties nut in

the old aoa ^leaking their reprcsenta- tlvcs, ;ike the French people io quiet-

Suii-ido of thi> Iic.iiiiller.

Rtunon were clrcalatetl Monday after niKiii Uiat serious Irrenulnritii's had liecn dfaeovered in tbe transactions of tlie Treasurer ot tbe Atlantic Cotton Mill, and that ihe discovery resulted In the sever- ance, of tils connection with the company Io question. This was made a certainty by the publication of a statement In the Boston KvenlBg Traveler, authorized by the Directors of the Atlantic. Every effort was made subsequently to ascertain the character aad extent of the illegal acts charged against Mr. Cray, but the officers of the two companies concerned refused to speak specifically as to those points ami Mr. Uray could not be found. Hon. li.beii M. Morse, jr , counsel rorthe cor- porations, was reported as stating that the deficit would amount to elOO.OOO, and although his absence at his summer resi- lience In r'alinoulh prevented an absolute verification of tbls report, yet the source from which It came was mcta as to leave no reasonable doubt of lu correctness.

ly Ukc themselves out of the c Kiniry. ! Sllcll information as could l>e gathered Is A republic is what Don C-nioi lias ] given below. reason to dread, not th.! title kiug ol j The authorized announcement alluded

! to above was us follows: The Directors of the Indian Orchard

Mills artl the Atlantic Cotton Mills, bar- ing heard of tbe Illegal appropriation of their funds by their Treasurer. William i nny, Jr., demanded his resignation, which was tendered. Meetings Of tbe ttocknold- ■ rs nf both mills have been called. The

too of the Indian Orchard Mills li

iii; ,t'i i ;i ;il

■Mi. importance io!*. Four ne-v

u coiistruuied

A fading throne.

I; ■ i\, as well i Germany, attaches o

to tlie speed o:' war vessel torpedo boat! havo been

by Scbicbau of Elbnlg which nro said to be remarkable for their speed and also fur the saving of l\nl, ecceediog,

even, the rate contracted for. TJB

first boat during six lioii*' S'eiming averaged 22.24 kuots mi IMUI*. NO

report has been published rclalive to

the BCOOTld aud third hut Hie p •rlono- nnce nf the fourth la said to hive bren remarkable. With a crew of IS men,

coul for n run of 1200 miles, and 1 Io

tone of ballast, aho attained du

I'lieil E.luiumi Uwlght Treasurer pro in., ami the directors of the Atlantic uton .dills Lute elected William Hooper

i Treasurer pro tern. Tbe two companies named have their

olll.e together at 87 Milk street, room 35, Boston, and a call was made there for runner Information concerning the mat- ter. The gentleman In charge of the of- fice said tli'U a committee O' the Directors nas »t work upon the matter ami until ii- report was readT nothing additional to the above announcement would be given out. lie believed that the report would be ready

three hours' run an average apeo-l of jln ul"

21.C knots, .the. maximum speed reached during an tiour'a iteaming 'J.'t knots, ihe highest ever rec irded. Rissia ii'iw possesses the fa*(eil lor-

pc !o boat, atid ueitiier England

nor Germany will conteti it.with her, hut the Spanish government, which lias contracted w:tb Varrow &. Co , for

it a is Secrecy was maintained :i> to the iM'nre and extent of the alleged irregular I ties, and also as to whether or not they would seriously affect the com- panies.

Directors' meetings of tho companies were held Monday afternoon, lasting until n n'l lock in the evening. From those meetings Mr. Edmund Uwlght, the new Treasurer of the Indian < Orchard Company, drove lo his rcildence In Winchester

tbe construction of two torpedo u.»ala and was there Interviewed by a rc- or tho Falka (Austrian) typ?, the porter In regard to the matter. Mr. Sliced ol which in BgbtlDg trim, carry-, Dwlglit pursned.lhe same course adopted

,- , . i , o.i i. . : by all Ihe officers and Directors of the ing 1< tons, is guaranteed nt Ju-kaota, 3 , , , . . enmpaiiv, nuuiclv, refusing to give any

,nd wl.H! r.iiiiiing lialil '■'■. koui. [ „„„,„,„„„„ „0„™r„i„s Hl0 affair. Tho

I company, he said, desired to withhold all lU further Information until thorough Inves-

r.-j.., .. I ,il INI Gloucoater

The annual "river ilay" at .Vnulsqnaui yeatcr day waaa great tneueni.

Aa ii.-iiii.o Imruur tn Prnrtdonec killed a rui tonior yi-rjienluy hi culling bis utroat.

Tbe town* of Ituyhilon and i*hnupatnn In thl ataU- relebraled men oonicnnlali j uMeruaj.

bUots between Clitm'M) ami JauaneMi have .» Klro thin. ' Ulle.,..n . \. Hove) .V ' ...

i,.-nt rat A. M. Uanlgttult,oiiForibomuM |. Inaat niUn.ui raea In ihe aonth, and ailji general ol Sondi L'aruUnn, died ycatenlay ■ a*r' «f na.

Mr. i.iiurlr. r. M'l-i.-e. LrokiT and ilis-V cbange member, lhn.ti>n, failed yeaU'nltty, i ■■, lu part, l»j LhedroplnSuw V« .>.-«( England.

The bod) ..f iiihlriii-fthel II. Mll,Mi-..-t J-HIK Island -.'iin.I last winter, and tvhlrh found yean wlaj nt u S«mtlipoat, luia las n 1. ili^l laat .-f a Sorfi Ik. Va., Keiitluwan.

A (.-rrllilp iiiei.leiii hn|i]H' 1 yeitorday m "iiarrnw guage road near Urnttlehy>rD, Vi. engineer nod n |<s wengi r were, and > gerloiialy tidufed by the train lulling tlirou brhlge.

Selther S.tnlre nor Flynn appeansl In , yHtenUy when ilietft»ae» went called, and lawyer* wer i ready to pleiwl, Theuottrl the .1. tciwl.inir. iiiuat appear tislay in pertoi amteraplea.

The IrUh ooavenilon Itil blenmi asiemhtoi tenlaj aftornoou and also held an uveulng gt»a. I'realdent Kuan mailti a itpeen h. and - Juitge ritaireralil »f Utw Innail, lempornrj ' ni,.ii. i i.e i.rganlaaUou or ll ouvcnUuu b yeteoaiplele.

WindowUardcnlov lu Japan

■An old friend of nun.- who has traveled among the. Japan.- e tells me that tbelr love of flowers a '1 yuuus plains is In reality an absorl 114 pasalull. Ill the amallest of dwidli L:S there is an like niche, in or npon which .lowering plants are arrange*I, but they huve in sown districts a moat rcmarkahlw custom h corueeibm with window gardening, whirl I will describe to you. Ju bouses where in reside one or daughters of a tnar riageablc age, an empty flower pot. of ni ornansental character, Is enclreled by i ring, ami "iispemled from the window o verandah by three light chains. Sow, tin .lull, i- of .Japan are..if course, attmetlve ami their Itoun us as lovesick .ts those ol other land-. Hut instead of serenadlnj ivy luooBllglit »ud ojJicj: delleaui ways o making an iiupressiou, it U ethmetu- f,. the Japanese lover In approach I lie dwell in- of his ladv bearing some choke plan Ju h:» hand, which he boldly, but, ht u hope, i. i. leittu . proceeds to plant In th1

This takes pla - fullj

■ I:IN:. Ottl ured tin her a

lid I Ik

Id ladv or her i am ni:i ri thlanctof sne- Til ■ge; at any ru e, dtir ig his long re-i- «le lee In .lapAU mi frl. i 1 tell, me he never he trd of anv on ■ helm. deu-cu-d in the lU' or Interfere* with i i aiij way. 1.1." l.i t is, till- net f plac ig a pretty plani In o the empty t HM-C |i .1 i- cpilveli II' U» a oinial propos 1 to ll! vonng lady who th ells Within. The ■oiitbtul gardner, having settled I, s plant i" his mliid, re-

Wt, iin! Hie l.i v Is f, e to net n.s HIIC

plea-.-. If lie - the r ght niiiti she takes .i ■ry care of lo gilt, « alerslt. and tends It. un fully wit! Ic r on ii hiimls, Unit all Ill world ma>

I as .i - 1 know that the

ntior. Hut If h.

U »ot a favoiiti or if stern parents ob- !. Die plant i rcuioi >tl from the, J Hie next lilt ruing i ids ii withered on

tli fcraouuli ■ ■!' oil tile lath below, hi i

Wl i.i. it luu an not tl. ■ right man, it la ■in U-evMinil Ui ...-.■ ol window gar*l«'iiiiig IIIIIMI ,e :. . ■ and dhap

W Hun-1 el ;e 11 LtiUiei ' Moral Cul.lnet.

THE result so far of U

of the committee by Congress to in- vestigate the labor troubles, has been,

to say the least, not vei v encouraging. Almost when the last gnu was being

lired, sn iuquisttive member of the senate inquired of ex-(iovernot Curlin,

tbo chairman of the committee, what progress had been made. A'lention j clerk

igation could he mad" and some sellle- lent of the dlflleully arrived nt. Ho I'ould give no Idea concerning the extent f Mr. Gray a transactions, that

| the credit, of the company which he repre- I senled (tbe Indian Orchard) would be In | no way impaired, and that Ihe Atlantic

footing. "The Uwlght,

called to it by the introduction of j lolutlon lo allow the com mi lice to ,

sit (tni'ii.g llie recess, with the usual provisions forepeot)ing money nflKed

thereto. Mr. Cut;in eapluincd that Die comoiittca of seven Lad accom- plished a great deal ol work, but he

had nut much lo show for it as he said the report, was not in a condition lo ho

pre sou ted, although a few (Mpies had been printed. Evidently lite Work had

not been wiiat Ihey dreamed it would

be, for they must hi\e hail a strange idea of what would be required in the

way of information iu order to lormu- latc u plan lor reconciling cnpiigJ and

lalior. They wcut i turned lately after liciog appointed to Si. Louis, ami thou

separated, four of them went to Tuxas and Hire? ti Missouri and Kinaas,

Why they choae these div'ant ataUs, distant from the centres of the greatest

strikes sod the farlheBt rcrmte fr mi the probable vicinity ol what would be

expected lo takp place is calcul tied lo arouse antagonism between ih-se

lorces it is dllHcult to say. Al al ovants they asked a good many c|ues-

tioim, and the witnes-.ei counted up

ttiree or four buudre I. but one all im- portant witness, so Mr. Curtiu is re. ported as siying, uould td lie ij-ns.

tioncil on account of hi* physi -i! c in-

dition. It was M.'. lloxi-, and hav-

ing appeared upon th" committee In St. Louis and been dismissed o-i 0C- sount of Ids cimlition, t.i yyent to

L">ng llriin h ;iml the c nnniiltee of- lared lo saer'tl.-e their eoudort and the

dutv tl«*y owed their country, and go

t» tint colehmUd watering place il neerl ba, to examiii.! Mr I/ugie. and tike h.s te-t'ai Miy, but lm physician

absolutely forbalj it. and afterward

broiigh' bis pn'ienl to XrtW Vorli and bu-k In S'.. [.►■us. and s ill o'yeutctl ; , uia ig ex tmiued by the lihor iiiv.eiga.j;- on acojuul ol his physi-

cal condition. It would ha very in- teresting to know what it is about Mr. iloxie wbi. his so essential, for Mr. Curtio expressly aays thai, his lestt*

motiy was thought to be Indispensable to the presentation of an intelligent

report. It is Imped that Mr. Iloxie

will ho brought round before the nest next session of Congress so Oat our

committee tvill not have ant in vain.

11. li!»r STIRRCK *>'!■ SKII.I. ■( make lleuH>na*a t'a|aaiu f*la«ter« ll i pi b rs, and aim. the lie* gener

everything in regard to the deplorable af- fair that wo can as yot say." In further conversation he said substantially that last Saturday Treasurer Orry made something of a statement showing that, there had been irregularities on his part, hut now his whereabouts are not known, lie is tlion-l.t to have a large personal estate and has lately dealt largely In real estate lu Itoxbury. A meeting of the stockhold- ers and Directors of both companies will be held at tbe ofllce, 87 Milk street, Fri- day, Aug. a:, after which the officers will lie probably able to give some information more definite,

Mr. Uray Is about 53 years of age, and is a son of lion. William Gray of Mount street, Boston. Mr. Gray, Jr., has nine children, three of whom arc mar- riud. He has been married nearly thirty years. His wife, who was u Miss Cun- ningham, came of a wealthy family, asdld Mr. Gray. Her father was an Irish gen- tleman wle> came to this country many years ago with a large fortune, lie died a number of years ago, leaving a widow and four children, one of whom married Mr. Gray, Jr. Mr. Gray and hi* wife have occupied an elegant atone mansion, with about twenty acres of land, fronting on, Howard avenue, DOB too, and extending through as far as Blue Hill avenue In the rear, for a number of years, nlrs. Cun- ningham, th*. mother-in-law of Mr. Gray, owns a large amount of teal estate in the vieluiiy of Howard street ami Howard avenue, and Mr. Gray has been acting of late as the manager of this estate. He lia;. bull! ahont twenty new houses i»u the land of Mrs. Cunningham on Sargent St. ami Howard avenue. His own estate and the atone hJUse upon It, it is said, was made over to his wife some time ago, ami is supposed to be heavily mortgaged. I'er- auns acquainted with his habits say that he ItW been speculating In stocks un.l bonds for year*.

Mr. Gray was a member ol ii,u Hoard >f Park Commissioners from the lime of lls establishment until within about a year. All his property is said to lw cov- ered by mortgages,

Saturday afternoon a mooting of the ij.mrd of Directors of the two companies wis ami Mr. Gray, who it was known had be- n using the ei.u.panics' money to a large extent, was called In and told what was known. After some time be stated Ihat if the Directors would give him until Monday u'. If>o'clock he would be able to pay the full sum, utj.l would meet them in the same place at that time.

The Directors accordingly kept the mat- ter ipiiet until Monday, at 10o'clock, when Ihey met again at tlie ofllce of both cor- porations. No. S7 Milk street. After waiting for same time, and finding thui Mr. Gray did not appear, they notified tiled' counsel, Hon. Robert M. Morse, Jr. Ue considered .: best to place detectives on the track of Mr. uray, and Messrs. Wlggln *. Wood were notified and at once went to work on the rase.

Mr. Graf has spent the greater part of the summer in ervudng about iu his cele- brated yacht, the cutter Huron, sometimes living on board of her for weeks at a time. Ue started uu a cruise Sunday morning with his brother lu-law, Mr. James Cun- ningham, ami a parly uf gentlemen, and the party spent all Sunday and Sunday night on board of her, arriving hi Boston early Monday morning, A lauding was

mnde off of Central wharf, whcr« the yacht was anchored. Mr. Gray and his brother-ln law left ihe yacht, Mr. Gray saying to Captain Watson that he would return at J o'clock, and giving orders to have the yacht lu for departure at that time.

It seems according to Mr. Gray's chil- dren, that he came lo the house at about 10 o'clock Monday morning, immediately went to the stable, harnessed up the horse and buggy ami drove off again, nobody

n WShcrc. He told one of his sons that he was gulng oft', but would return at

o'clock lu the evening. Nothing was en of him afterward. Mrs. liray aud two daughters are at want, and have teen during the slim-

mer months, ut Old Orchard lleaeh. The iiber children are still nt home, and they knew i -t I,:LIu of the affair il it was told them by Mr. James Cunningham and Mr. Wood. They of course were very

inch aStOalsbed at the uews and express- I great sorrow. It was decided to at pee notify Mrs. Gray In regard to the

matter, and sh* was at once t'degraplied to return home. «

Mr. James Cunningham, the brothcr-lu law, said that he had had suspicions that all was not right for a month or more in regard to Mr. Gray's aff.drs. He had not seen him since Monday morning ou the yacht.

A reporter visited the Atlantic counting om Monday afternoon, but Agent Bat- 's w-is at his summer residence In North

Andover. Paymaster J- C. Bowker said that lie had nothing to say regarding Mr. Gray, supposing that reference was had merely to Mr. Grny's resignation. When iiif.'i in.-iI that Treasurer Gray was charged with defalcation, Mr. Bowker was dumb- founded. "I would not have It possible," lie said, "there must be some mistake. It cannot IMI true, 1 cannot be- lieve that Sir. Gray Is really a defaulter. He may have Invested Hie funds of the company injudiciously, but an embezzler —Il cannot he." Mr. Bowker had the positive knowledge that Agent Battles,

i was then at his summer residence In North Andover. knew nothing of the al- leged defalcation. They hod been In- formed a few days before ihat Mr. tiny was no longer the Treasurer of the com- pany, but neither Mr. Battles nor himself knew why the change was made. Mr. Bowker bad always had great, confidence in Mr. Gray, aud so had Agent Battles. The highest Integrity aud sianchcst hon- esty were absolute requisites for such u responsible position as Treasurer of a great company, where a Treasurer Is al- most tlie supreme authority.

was the general opinion among those i knew the condition of affairs In the

company thai a heavy loss of funds would cause It lo suspend operations and go In- to insolvency. A t>tockholder who was iuiervicwe.l .-aid that the discovery of this

■vclopincnt explained why the company had been making no money ami declaring

llildeiids In Ihe past year or two. In year the company ran behind over

stu.noo, and it was attributed to dull ,'S. He thought it was explained now.

On all sides were heard expression] of surprise and Incredulity that Mr. Gray should he considered a defaulter.

The Atlantic Cotton Mills Corporation was organized In this city In is-bi. The capital stock was fixed nt IA.000 shares. at |100 per share. July 8, 1*71'., the value of tlie stock was reduced to0300,000, and the number of shares was reduced from 15,000 to 3000 Early in 1877 tlie capital stock was increased to eil,o00,000. The circumstances which led to those changes and their bearing with reference to Mr. Gray and his family, are such as lo call for explanation. For many years Mr. William Gray, 8r., father of the late Treasurer, had been Treasurer of the cor- poration, but gradually ids administration began to arouse the fears of the stock- holders.

Iu lisT*' the condition of nit.iirs became so serious that a special meeting of the stockholders was called June «. The Treasurer. Mr. Gray, Sr., stated that tho total assets of the corporation were 82,• 203,000, tbe debt •842,500, leaving a sur- plus ot $1,742,500. The Insurance aggre- gated tl,342>000,or $5W,000morv than the existing debt. The notes of the corpora- tion were not indorsed aud were there- fore not negotiable. Mr. Gray explained tliat when the notes came due, he and Ids sou, William Gray, Jr., had taken them up, and had Issued their personal notes for that purpose. Tho total amount thus loaned was 0501,5.11, 67. This was rather more than he wanted to do, and he thought the corporation should lift the burden from his shoulders. This state- ment was a surprise lo '.he stockholders, and several plans were suggested for the purpose of remedying the evli. At last the whole matter was put In the hands „f a committee of live, who should decide Upon the best course to be pursued. That committee reported Juue 1Kb A majority condemned the law that permit- ted Mr. Gray to obtain such a large inter- est (one-third) in the property, and then suggested as a way out of the trouble the incorporation of -The Atlantic Cloth and Supply Company," with a capital stock of 0500.1100. It was proposed to make contracts with tho Atlantic Cotton Mills to furnish supplies and to receive and sell Hie manufactured goods; also to guarantee for live years the payment of Hie interest and sinking fund of the first mortgage iu the Atlantic Mills. The At- lantic Cotton Mills would be permitted at nuy time to break Ihe contract upon pay- ment of 6125,000, and the Atlantic Cloth and Supply Company could not be held by the contract longer than fire years.

A minority report was presented, that also having in mind the necessity of Im- mediate action.

Mr. Gray denied that he had sought to obtain control of the property, and al- though aaked lo resign, refused to do so until the corporation bad tided over IU present difficulties, Three of the direct ors at once tendered thelrtreslgnatlons, ami their places were tilled.

Another meeting was held July H, The stockholders claimed tliat Mr. Gray hud not acted in their Interest In disposing of Hie goods of the corporation. Mr. Gray resigned as Treasurer aud selling agent, Mr. Heiuy Saltoostall was chosen Treas- urer pro tent., and a prominent firm were appointed selling agents for the corpora. Hon. The directors recommended a re- duction of Hie capital stock to SUMi.bMl by reducing the number of shares to 8000 Alsij, "that the directors be au- thorized to take proper measures to call In outstanding certificates of stock, and issue In lieu thereof new certificates at the rale of one share for every five shares of stock now outstanding uT said value.'' it was then recommended that by iucreas. ing the capital stock to (1,000,000, by Is- suing rooo a-1 i:i.DM.ii shares, a sufficient amount of mo lej would bo raised to meet their Indebtednrsg. The recommenda- tions of the directors were adopted. This plan was successful, us tho next annual report showed. At the settlement of the books, December 2, ls7i;. tbo debts of tliu corporation abrogated but £tDJ,- ooo. Tho now stock had been tukon ai once, ami the money thus obtained saved the corporation. Tho report a* to tho condition of the mill property, presented at the annual meeting, Jan. it, 1877, was very favorable. At that meeting William Gray, Jr., was elected treasurer of the corporation, a position which he contin- ued to occupy up to tbe time «f Lls re- cent resignation. \

The following Is the statement of I bo audition of the Atlantic Company, pre- aied at the time of the last meet-

Reali |aSB,SN ii *'.» V(|s <>u ..-'.. labtl recdi.iUe ui;.i*u Ms

ele., H'JBS 0.1

. :l|.llal -t.4'1. ai.'HD.iMi UU IK-nl. Uitl.tMl Wi Pratt aad l<>** Lati It Reserve jr.*-.; :io

The following are the officers of the Atlantic Cotton Mills, elected at ihe annu- al meeting. Jau. 10, lHftU: Froaldent, Chas. H. Dultou: clerk, Henry N. Low; treasnrerer, Win. Gray, Jr.; directors, Chas. H. Dal to ii, Henry Saltonstull. Sam- uel B. Sawyer. Chas. II Joy. The agent In this city is Mr. Joseph P. Battles; the paymaster, Mr. J. C. Bowker.

There are employed at present 1TO0 operatives, and 'he monthly pay roll aver- ages ■-■■■.'"■•>. There are 2000 looms and 100,000 spindles, and 4M.0O0 yards of Sheeting and shirting manufactured per week, for which 185,000 pounds of cotton ure used. For Ihe past year the mills have been running with a full complement of help, aud the goods of the company have found a ready sale. The quality of the cloth manufactured has been much im- proved In the past year and business has been better than for throe [or four years previous. During Isst not over two- thirds of the machinery was lu operation and the dividends have been passed sev- eral times.

The mill property consists of three largo mills, one seven stories tlie other two six stories; ahuildlng containing the office, marhluc shop and cloth room; four boarding noose Mocks and two valuable parks between Essex and Mcthuen streets lu the centre of the city. Tho ma- chinery Is not all new but is In excellent order and condition, while the mill build- ings have been kept In good repair. One of the mills was built In lsis, and a large addition was put on in 1888j, the second mill was erected In 1849, aud the third In 1853. • The reticence of every one who Is ac- quainted with tne particulars of the al- leged embe/.zlenient still continues, It can he stated, however, on the authority of one of the mill directors that the amount used by Mr. Gray is between |500(. 000 and $U00,00O. Tim stockholders of the corporations are anxiously awaiting ihe meeting to be held next week. The most unaccountable thing, after all,

is the whereabouts of this large sum of money. Mr. Gray himself says ho sunk It iu "building operations;" but, HO fai eat, be learned, his operations of this sort were usually profitable. It was stated In Wall street yesterday that Gray held 20,- 000 shares of Now York & New England stock which had been marketed this week. A visit lo the banks shows that no very great amount of paper is discoverable.

The maniglng directors of the Atlantic mills are now engaged upon the books of the company, but at present the exact amount of tbedefalcatlonof the late treas- urer cannot lie ascertained with certainty. In an interview with a reporter,Tuesday, two of the principal directors, who Were anxious that their names should not appear n the matter, stated tliat the trouble wai first discovered through the examiner ap- pointed by the directors to look over the books. On last Friday a deficiency was discovered and immediately reported to ihe directors, who were utterly shocked by the news, on Saturday Mr. Gray came to the ofllce ami was confronted with the charge. lie was seemingly taken by sur- prise ami after a moment or two confessed his crime with apparent remorse. He ac- knowledged that he had embezzled the funds of the corporation to the extei.t of between 8500,000 to fth'oO.Oui), hut when he was questioned as to the use to which he had put the money the only reply was, "Building operations."

"We believe," said Hie director with whom the reporter was conversing, "that Mr. Gray has told the truth regarding the amount, and do not expect to Hud It will exceed 0800,000, and even If we lose ever*/ cent of this amount you cau say the sta- bility of ihe Atlantic mills will not be af- fected in the least,"

Mr. Gray, when accused, promised to meet the directors on Monday, and they had every reason to believe he would keep his word, but were disappointed.

His bondsmen, who are thoroughly good for the amountof their bonds, which however, are but nominal, are Mr. Gray, sr.. and the uncle of the ex-treasurer, Mr. Edward Cunningham, tbo former for (30,- 000 and the latter for 85000.

William Gray, Jr.. had one of the best salaried positions in Boston, and he could have held It us long as he chose had he not yielded to the temptations of the stock exchange. Ho had everything that could have made life happy—a delightful home, a beautiful family, ami a handsome income He had not n sociable nature. Though a club member, he was not what Is called "a club man." Nor was be a high liver. He demanded that every thing about him should bo of the choicest de scription, but he was not extravagant In the matt.-r of dining or of wines. Ho did not, in recent years, seem to care greatly for society,though In the early days of his marriage he was (oqd of the distractions of the drawing room and the dance, ami of posing as a "young man about town." During the last few years be developed a taste for domestic life. He wasimt often away from his family, for which he ex- pressed the most profound devotion. At all times attached lo some hobby, he had gone through the various stages of flori- culture, and the raising of fancy poultry, and hi' finally settled down to yachting as his chief pastime. His daily habit was to go to his office at fl In the morning, remain there until 2 In the afternoon, return to his home, and from there take Ids horse and buggy for a drive to Harrison Square where Ids yacht, ihe Huron, had moor- ings. Ue would remain on board until Q o'clock, or thereabouts, and ll.ou return lo his house on Howard avonue. Al- though he had been more than once com- modore uf the Dorchester Yacht Club, aud H now a prominent member of the Eastern Yacht Club, Mr. t;ray has never been really popular among amateur sailors. He rarely entertained on board his yacht, and seemed to prefer to hold himself aloof from the festivities of his associates. To- ward the cotton trade his position was somewhat similar. Indeed. If there was uot among many of the cotton merchants a feeling of antagonism toward him, there was at least a position of armed neutrali- ty. This was caused by his business methods. As the purchaser of cotton for his mills, he transacted nearly all his busi- ness through his brother, Col. Edward Gray, formerly a member of (iov. Huston's stall", and now a cotton broker, with an office on Mitt street. In this way, the fsnt'lj management of the mills seemed still to continue at the expense of William Gray's popularity among the cotton deal- ers who could rarely effect a transaction with him. By this system of purchase it Is supposed that lie obtained profitable perquisites which added materially to the salary of #10,000 which he received from the Atlantic corporation [not 8t00u as stated intlilsinoruing's.iapersi, and8*»<W0 from the ludlan Orchard company. Gray's family was a very expensive one, consist- ing, as It did, of himself, his wife, two daughters and five sous. Two other daughters are married, one to Mr. Dudley U. Fay br Beacon street, a g-nlleman of considerable wealth, and tho other to Mr. George Lewis, sou of ex-Mayor Lewis of

Roxbury. Gray was supposed by bis friends S-id neighbors lo be a man of great wealth, but, so far us can be learned, his property Is lu anything but u satisfactory condition.

Agent Goodwin of the lmliuu Orehnrd mills, posted orders ou Wednesday, ' morning, for the concern to shut dowu I uuiil further notice as soon as the stock I now being made op Is run out. All bauds ' desiring to find employment eelev, here Will bo paid at once. The agent declines lo ' express any opinion as to whether ihu coin- I puny will starL the null again. Most of j the bauds employed In mill .No. 2, recent- I ly burned, have left town, nud those be- longing In No. I will follow them to other factories, so the lire and defalcation take 1200 people from the village.

lu an Interview with a gentleman who hi undoubted authority In the matter, lie stated to a reporter that iho Atlantic Mills would not be affected In the slight- est degree by the defalcation of William Gray, Jr. 'flic Indian Orchard Mills was the principal loser. Besides, the Atlantic Mills were financially prepared to at aud a loss. Tho mills would not be shut down, and would be in no way affected.

The saddest phase in connection with the alleged glgautic embezzlement of Win. Gray, Jr4, was developed on Wednesday, when his body was found cold in death with a bullet wouml In the heart, on the Blue Hlllsof Milton. Tbls discovery wai net unexpected, because of the dream Stances attending his final ami hasty de parlors from his palatial home Mouduy forenoon, tho premonitions entertained by certain members of the family tliat he would seek suicide rather than face tbo disgrace of family aud persunul standing, and inure especially the finding o€ Ihe team on Tuesday night.

Medical Examiner Bturterant, whose residence is at Hyde Park, was notified of ihe lluiling of the body a'H.ut uoun, and before 1 p. in. he arrived on the spot am viewed the body where it bad laiu undis- turbed from the time of the discovery All the circumstances of the case pointed so plainly to Hie fact of suicide that Dr. Sturtevant unhesitatingly decided that no official action beyond recording tho facts was called for ou his part. He took charge of the revolver with which th. deed had been committed and left It to the detectives, who wen: present to set to the proper removal of tho body.

The detectives, upon the first know! edge galuul of the finding of the body had scuta message to the family of the deceased desiring them to send out sn undertaker of tbelr own choosing, directions that he should remain at the farm house at the oajso of the hill until the medical examiner had performed bis duties. They bad, however, provided H

bier and covering, so that Immediately after tin! medical examiner had declared his judgment that It was a case of sui- cide, the body was conveyed along tin footpath tn the base of the hill.

Dr. Sturtevant said ihat Hie revolver used was a new one, slightly tarnished by exposure to the rain of Monday night. It is of tho braud of Merwtn &. Ilurlbert, and of 82 calibre. One of the seven bar- rels Is empty. The wound was found two and and a half indies below the left nipple, between the sixth aud suveuth ribs, nud directly over the heart, showiu; thai the bullet must have penetrated th heart.

In the opinion of Dr. Sturtevant death must have been almost Instantaneous The vest was unbuttoned ami the niur/.l of tlie weapon must havo been placed lu firing close to the undergarment, which was scorched where the bullet passed through. The wound In the body was a perfectly smooth round apertur. shirt was slightly torn where the bullet had entered, and !',;■. wxs doubtl caused by a convulsive clutch made by the victim after the pistol had been dropped from his baud. The body wi so far examined as to ascertain that il ball had not passed through, but Is lodged Within the thorax.

ln the garments of tho deceased were found a linen handkerchief, drlvln; gloves, s pocket knife and black rubber pencil, two silver dollars and 50 cents h change, aud, what there seems to lie no ready way of explaining, six brass pistol cartridges of a size too large for tho re volver which was used.

Wednesday morning rumVirs, which ni first could be traced to no auihcntli source, gave the alarming Impression in business circles that the llrm of White, l'aysnn .t Co. hail made an assignment, owing to Intimate business relations with tbe unfortunate William Gray, Jr. Dili gent Inquiry soon proved this rumor lu be false, hut led up to an equally alarming one, that Samuel K. Paysoo, acting pre: dent of the National City bank, had made an assignment, and wits so heavily In- volved la the ruin of Mr. Gray that hi: case, financially speaking, was hopeless Investigation of this latter rumor estab- llahed the fact that It was partially cor reel, though in tlie more important alle- gations greatly exaggerated.

It was stated that Mr. Pay son had made an assignment to Mr. Samuel Johuson, of the firm of C. F. Uovey & Co., but this was untrue, negotiations to that effect having onlo been begun by Mr. Richard (ilney, Mr. l'ayson's lawyer, are being far from a consummated fact.


Tho Former to Itrliig Suit Again* the Latter for


This week's l'uck bus the following, from which It would appear that a suit Is n In- brought against H1150 E. Dick, for conspiracy:

••The following letter Is a very bad specimen of English; but that is because It Is trsnsluted as closely as possible from tbe original.whien Is In very bad German :

I'MUX AssTJuni.Y, No. 7WA. K. of 1.., LAW III:M 1;, MASS., July Slat, IHfl|i-

Mr. A. j'. Vorholt, 34 Harotofa Ut. Laitrmc*.

DfcUD Silt:— Whereas the Puck, pub- lished in New York, has repeatedly had the audacity to seek to drag In the dirt the righteous cause of the laborer, by lulumulous articles and caricatures, we, fie German Knights of Labor, consider .irselves obliged lo ignore the same, us w -11 as to avoid all persons and places Widch are la possession of the so-called journal, ruck.

As you are known to ns as a subscriber to the said journal, we request yuu, by way of giving us your co-operation Ihereiu, to discontinue taking this jour- nal. You will 111 n in r observe, that this matter has been put lu charge of a secret committee, which will closely watch the carrying out of this regulation, aud will give to the Order lull report of your ac- ti ms.

Ily order of the I. V. No. 7303, K. nf L, (Signed) HUOO E. Di< K.

Secretary. Tliis letter was forwarded to us by Mr

Vorliolz, to whom it was addressed. Wi do not know Mr. Vorliolz; hut he seems to lie a man of a philosophical ami plucky spirit. He writes us briefly that Hi Kulghts of Labor seemtn be

"Part "f dint iwwer That ever Wrong would da, and Itlght acttevei pointing his moral by the statement that this same "boycott" notice has only served to Increase ruck's circulation lu Lr-iv;,,. He adds that the only person who b<s suffered by the action of the Kulghts of Labor. Is a poor iinlrin old Gorman, who has made it his busluosst Supply the weekly papers tO regular pur- chasers, and who la uow obliged to glv. up his principal means of subsistence- his customers being obliged to order dl rectly from the newsdealers. The old man labors for his living, but he Is not a ■•Knight," aud he has no rights.

It, rests with the l"rjseculing Attorney of the district to deal with Mr. Hugo Dick and his accomplices as they deserve to be dealt with. The case will be properly presented to linn aud We shall expert him to do his duly. Aud if wo find that these men, or any other set of nieu, are Inter' faring with our business in such manner as to cause us positive or pecuniary loss, we shall protect ourselves r.galust them, by process of law, us we would protect ourselves against any other set of con spirltors. So far, Wo have had no oect slon to trouble ourselves about our dolcgi But we d-cline to rest nudor tho Imputa- i,on of being a foe to honest labor.



-Wells street, cently laid out across

And Still They Come.

Samuel ti. Smelling, of Bo-ton, treas- urer of the Lowell Bleacbory Co., has been arrested 00 a charge of defalcation. TbjB uolteatent in business and social circles, co a sequent upon the Gray defal- cation is thus greatly lucreasej. Studl- ing was arrested by the Boston police at his palatial residence ou Commonwealth aveuue, after the directors of the compa- ny had thought that he had gone to Can- ada.

Tho directors have, been Informed that the defalcation, will reach gauo.oou

Tbe Pembcrton Mills.

The l'ctnherlon dye house, which fell a victim to the flames on the tenth day of last April, is now almost entirely rebuilt, and nothing about the mills now remains to call Is mind the recent fire which proved so destructive to life and property. The new building is lire proof and Is lu everyway superior to the old one. All that now remains to be done before the building Is ready for occupancy,Is to fluish tiic work of laying the floors aud building the stairs. Tills at tho most will take but a few weeks- Into tlie third story of th.1 new building, thirty cards have already been moved from the main mill, while lu the lower story dyeing Is already being carried on, Within two weeks, 12 pickers will be plated lu position, and the work of hanging the shafting pushed forward. Workmen are now engaged lu building the two new raceways leading from the rear of the mills to the river. Tho race- ways are of brick, Ho feet In length aud 13 feet lu diameter, and when they are completed, work on a new dye house, to be built upon the rner bank will bg com- menced-

sror ANoTutsK How iiwli money you have iiiroan ewajr bay- ing wfirUih-n* mi-.ii, in. -. 1 ir.'eared by iiii[irln--l- pi«d |iarile», wln.enie.iiii *hiii harm they may dnlJ.jiii.r Hy»toui. em. >U-|H-iid .in every isjltle .if Sulphur Killer* as Is-lu*- a if mou- II nNnvlira um and ili'iiw* from ihe hi I all hnuiii'i- 111:111, r. ;m,l mnLi * J.ill feel like a new j.ev-un - II,>-.I.MI Itaily til.Ae. <!» j«, ,„I

That llml, languid feeling and dull headache Is very dlaugna-nhle. Take i». n,f Carter's I.I lite Liver I'llta uefiiru retiring, and you Will Hud re-

tuf. Tbuy uavsr fall W dv gtaal. dwaodlw

Perfecting- Arraug/ements For Tiio Annual Cattle Hltow At

N.'W lilli'\|..>l!.

The committee of arrangements for tin i-atHe show aud fair, to be held In New bmyport, Sept. 2.S. 20, met 011 Friday President Ware of the Essex Agricultural Society, presiding. It was voted to noli annual exhibition Iu City Hail, the husi neas meeting la Fraternity Hall, and ihe dinner in Cadet Hull. The oration will be delivered by Rev, J. D. Kiugshuiy of llradford, in the Unitarian church. The plowing will take place at David Bmltl field on Parker ;street. The following sub committees were appointed 1

BALL. Superintendent, E. 1'. Richard- son of Lawrence; assistant, Muses A 1'lummer, Newburyport; aids, John W Sareeut, Leonard W. Smith, William II Bayley, T^o*. P- Hale, W. R. Johnson Benjamin Akcrmah, Newburpport; Geo, H. I'lurner, Newbury; T. V. Thurlow West Newbury; Aaron Sawyer, Ames bury; Ge rge lVtlcuglll, Salem; Mrs, Charles 1'erley, Boxford; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Woods, Newbury; Mrs. T. C Goodwill, 'i'lioiuas Capers, Newburyport Nathaniel Ladd, Groveland; Clara Hale, Rowley 1 William Merrill, West Newbury; Mrs, Win. Homer, Georgetown; Mrs. S. F. Newman, Mrs. George H. Plumer, Newbury; Mrs. N. A. Kaason, F. W. Sar- gent, Amesbury; Lizzie* Bavley, Delia Noyes, .1, G\ Evans, Helen A. Pike, Ellen Couch, Mary lugraliam, Newburyport.

Fair Grounds. Superintendent, C. C Blent; aids, J. Otis Winkley, E. Kent, Faul T. Winkley, James Noyes, K. G. Nu- son, C. W. Majrulre, M. H. l'oorc, K. S. Bray, S. F. Newman. Jere Cashmere.

Flowing. K. S. ltray, David Smith, Hiram Young.

Loading Teams. Jerc ('ashman, Chas. M. Magnlre. David Smith.

Dinner. IL B. Bray, B. P. Ware, J. Otis Winkley.

Church Service. W. It. Johnson, M. A l'lumiucr, J, Noyes.

Band. W. K.Johnsou. W. H. Bayley, J. W. Sargent.

Chief Marshal. Col. Charles J. Ayers, Newburyport.

Reception. President Ware, Secretary Low, mid Ills Honor Mayor Dame.

P lieu. Ills Honor Mayor Dame, It. Johuson, 11. F. Stanley.

A Tall Chimney.

When the new chimney now being con- structed In tho yard of the Washington mills is completed, Lawrence, more than ever, will be remarkable for the tall chim- neys of Its manufacturing concerns. Thr Washington chimney, work ou which was begun two weeks ago. will be 250 feet in height, or twenty-five higher than tin tallest chimney of the Pacific mills. Thi chimney, although circular in shape, will be of a stylo unlike any other In the city inasmuch as It will not gradually taper towards the top, but Instead, will be built upon three different hatters, each teeth

f these three, as Hie top of the chimney » reached, being narrower than Hie part

below it. The base of tbe chimney Is 25 1*1 feet la diameter and the distance across the cap at the top, will be i« feet. The brick walls at the hase ore three feet n thickness and the cone two feet, thi

latter tapering towards the top. The Hue eleven feet In diameter. Work on tin

chimney is uow progressing very favor ably; it has already reached a height of thirty feet and Is increasing lu height at the rate of live feet every day. About a

Ion bricks will be used In its construc- tion, and, unless something unforeseen occurs, the work will be completed by December. C F. FOBS of Lowell Is the contractor for tho building of the cL!m- ney.

The Lord's Prayer. •»— The spirit of the Lord's. Prayer Is beau-

tiful. It breathes 1 A filial spirit—"Father." A Catholic spirit—"Our Father." A reverential spirit—"Hallowed ho Thy

name." A missionary spirit—"Thy Kingdom

come." An obedient spirit—"Thy will be done." A dependent spirit—"Give us tbls day

our daily bread." A penitent spirit— "F'orglye our tres-

passes." forgiving spirit—"As we forgive

them that trespass agalust us." A watchful spirit—"Lead us not Into

temptation, but deliver us from evil." A believing and adoring spirit—"For

Thine Is the kingdom aud the power and the glory forever. Amen."—Ex.

A "PlUlKTBII." icnCnl. Seller* given yuu a "pointer" In

stock", my friend, leave thorn netundy alone, ■■ui nil--u vmir own fe. Ilnga tell yim that yuu avr iuilii|.|ttun of Hn- heart, asthma, hniuciilUn r eatarrii rfhleh unless arc apt to run

Into consumption, b.ssi in., n.lnnxiltton before It '- ■—1 lm*.. All tlie dlscHsra enumerated, and

-, mi■■!• trim) lininir.- hluod. Put the llvur . lien, the lurgeM gliilid Hi tlie huluau body,

and yuu Will speedily rvgalii your loot health, ami .our had feelings wlifdlMMiear. In-.PIerW. ■■Uoble" Medical Discovery" will a.-cituplUh t'iu wurk tuecdlly aad certainly. Of your druugUt.


Andover Advertiser. the Spleket, has been graded

Common street, from Amesbury to Hampshire street Is being regraded.

nrn in. i- resort on Narraganselt Bay has five guests and eight servants.

Postmaster Murphy received his emo- tion Tuesday morning from Washing-


—Mrs. Greely, the wife of the Arctic xplorer, was educated at Plnkerton Aead- my, Dcrry, N. il.

-John II Home, of Uils city, has been panted a patent for a rug engine for

beating paper pulp.

The "neck-bang" Is out of fashion, ami ladies who cut off their back locks are bemoaning the result.

The walls of the now office at tbe Upper Pacific mills 11 re almost completed; tho roof will bo placed lu position lu a few days.

—The modem bustle, on accouut of Its hags dimensions, is the most uncomfort- able of fashions, the women who wear them being obliged to sit bolt upright iu Church, borse-cars and carriages.

The annual reunion of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Volunteers will occur ou its old camp ground, a', Lynufleld, Satur- day, Aug. 2s, the twenty-fifthaonlrersary of the start of the regiment for the war.

—Battery C holds a Held day, Septem- ber 17. It Is as yet undecided whether to bold ihe drill at the city farm or at the Kussell farm, No. Andover, tails of the event will be sgssad upon Monday evciiln,;.

—A thlrxy-lnch brick sewer lu being constructed In Warren street, betWi Lowell and Butler streets. The progress of the work has been greatly retarded by granite boulders, which have been en- countered, and made blasting necessary

—A handsome, gray haired Providence gentleman, fifty years of age, who ii lug In London,; slipped on the sidewalk there the other day, and was amused when the policeman who helped lilm up'sold, •■(Jnite a nasty fall for uuold gentleman.'

—The scenery at F'ort Ontarlo.Oswego, N. V., where Lieut. AYaldo K.Ayerof thii city Is stationed, Is very beautiful, the fort overlookiug the lake. Tuoro is r great deal of gayety in the town on ac- count of the proximity of the army of- ficers.

—A pnithm Is ID circulation in South Lawrence, asking that the city erect an overhead bridge, across the tracks of, the Boston A, Maiue It. U. on Foster street. The petition Is receiving many signatures and will be presented to the common couucil, at Its next meeting, by council- man Wanl.

—Ex-Suporlnteudent of schools, Harri- son Hume, of Boston, on seeing the para- graph In the AMiuticAS last week iu regard lo the waiter boy at Hampton beach, who wants an education, has generously offer- ed to furnish tho boy with all the neces- sary books to attend the school at New Hampton, N. II.

— It Is said that Mr. William Hooper, the treasurer pro tern, of the Atlautic mills. Is to lie appointed as Mr. Gray's permanent successor. Mr. Hooper is well known lu Boston. He is the son of Mr. Kobert C. Hooper, aud brother to the gen- tleman who has recently become engaged to the daughter of Mr. Fred Ames.

—Dr. J. J Luplame, of this city, leaves towu Saturday, for Montreal, where he will confer with the presldeut of the Canadian Colouizutlou Society, lu behalf of numerous French Canadluu families of Lawreuce who Intend shortly to remove to Canada and take up farms hi the val- ley of Ottawa.

—A new counterfeit quarter dollar has made its appearance in this city and many people have been taken ln by it. It Is of date 18"., and Us appearance Is very de- ceptive, thcstamping.exceptlnthe words "In God we trust,'' being well done. It Is Homewhat lighter than the gouulhc quarter, and ringing it ou the counter will betray its character,

-The new Washington mills now present a busy scene of operations; the buildings along the river and canal bank are more than half-way up, while the work of tearing down number three mill is well on to completion. About a hundred thousand br.cks are uow being laid dally, and the contractors expect that the ex- terior work ou the mills will be completed by January 1.

— On "Labor Day," Sept. fi, the work- Ingmen of Boston are to have a parade. Lieut. Doherty of Company B, Ninth In- fantry, Boston, Is to be marshal of the parade, which Is to form on Columbus Avenue, and march by the State house and City hall. limitations are to bo sent to lie governor, llcutonaut-goveruor and ad-

jutant-general, as well as the mayor and city goveuineut, to review the column, whlcii Is expected to bo from 15,000 to 20,000 strong.

—The Lowell police say that the Week- ly payment system by the corporations of tlie city is the cause of au Increase of drunkenness and other offences, aud that if It Is continued, Judging from present Indications, the number of cells at the police station and jell will need to bo In- creased. There were 35 prisoners in the twenty cells at the police station ou Sat- urday, and 17 pcrsous were fined for drunkenness that went to Jail, the largest number of nun-payments at any time.

A Much Needed Improvement.

I'nder the direction of Superintendent Wlllilngton much needed Improvements are being made at tho house of Atlantic snglne No. 2, Foryears past tho sleeping rooms of the apparatus drivers have been located in the rear part of the house, and after an alarm of lire In ;thc night time, the drivers were compelled to traverse the entire length of the building in order to reach their horses, thus losing several seconds of valuable lime. To remedy this two new rooms are being built for tho use of tbo drivers, the rooms being located directly above the apparatus, and occupy- Ing a portion of thejward ono polling place. The rooms are ten feet long and fourteen lu width, and aro connected by loors with a hall way, from which a brass dldlng pole leads to the engine room he- low. By this arrangement, on bell awakened during tho alght by an alarm of lire, the drivers can get to their horses below in the engine room without the loss of a single second of time

Thoroughly Bad Itiisiness.

One of the most conservative merchants in Boston said tins morning tliat the lluaucial downfall of WllU>ra Gray, Jr., seemed to leave no surety that any man would be honest, Mr. Gray's wrongdoing Is a shock to tbe community and a terri- ble blow to his family, which has always bnrno an unblemished reputution In lu various branches in this city.

In betraying the trust which had b£*n committed to him, he not only tae injured himself, but struck a serious blow at pub- lic confidence Iri tho character and stand- ing of buslncws men everywhere. Such romlssness Is not confined in its effects to tho Immediate perpetrutors; nor can tho damage done be sumn\cd up In Its effect upon the persons financially Intere*^ [Boston Advertiser EdltoriaL

llnllroad Trains. r tn, ii 50, 7 (7, S :!», SJJ »■«. Audio

11 :10a- in.; M Sn, ii:*•>,-iu SJtH, ll.ail |>. in. Suin'ii i asks da, vu p. m.

Boston to Audio er, n :i»i, ; an. i oo, in -a a m ■ l':iaim.;J:i;,,:i-.'ii.i ■«., ftun, .; no, i; ;;;,,;,«,, M.u9 ■ ).. in.; Sunday,«.uua. in., S Wi, <;-en, 730 p. m.

Aii'lnver I.. Ijuvn-ni-e, 7:«l, 7 .Ti, s 23, 8 ,ls a as lu il, 11 :(..;,. ui.. U .v.', I '.M, I ou, .1 .17, t IK, 4Jn* :. (PO.SJVI.B 47. 7 :ll,T M, 11.4.-. ,..,» .suiHnj.a.a ti UK a~ni.;<J.I4,(U7.S .IS p. in. ' w -

Lnwrem-eu. Andover, ii Id, 7 V>, s no, s «. a-aa ■ ■-' .io.!' I..., ii <«,„. n... li I.,, I.- 17. 2 on, i so a ■•>, t.o-s. * 4ii, ,-, a.-,, ;ii;W|.; Itjp ,: ,£ ,KM • s-Ulldlll 7 40, S.|S „. |„; 12 |Bp .4.JA cj- .7;;- •oJi p. ui. (*Krom -.ui I, side.) '

Anunverlu Lowell, S..W, 7.47,;. IOW 11 10 «. 0... 12 i.;,2 n-i, ;t I,',, 3 Is, 4 2.1. .', M, 7 TV s..'i-.i. H.3-.. Sunday 7:4U,S'SSa. in., 12 2.1,4:12,4:8?

Lowell to Andover, 11.0.1,7.10,7 *0,H.9.1,0 33, || a. .in., 12 I."., 1 ISO. 2 a.',. 3 0.1, a 40. 4:1... ft 111, «ST v.. II,, III si,,,.i... ■»... - ... „ ._ . ....AV^n

Andover !■> saleni p.m. Sunday s:v3a.

Salem to Andnvor, Sunday ii .'ii j,. w.

iolng- North, s 23 a. ■e.U p. in.

Uol _ S.16,.. i: p. i

J :*!, ii:.TB a.m.; 12 Vi, S 41

uu,! i :3A a.m.; 1:4.1, Op. at


ll.ll,> I


bund cuncert at Frye Village, thin evening. Rev. W. G. Poor preached at Acton, Sunday. Mrs. S. F. Abbott hat gone to Siiuudersville,

Mrs. Iialiella Brown luu gone to San Fran- cisco.

J"''" II. Dean and family aro at Hampton

iiiliig and wife are at South Wait

Mrs. Wm. S. McHea of Saratoga luu been visiting Mrs. Mary ttoas. ^ ,

Rev. W. r. Merrill ii expected to preach at tbe ."south church uexl Sunday.

Mr. It. A. Watson visited Revere and Crei- cent Item he- laat Sunday ou hit wheel.

Mi-- Nellie Chanlller and Mis* Alice Bods-ell of Salem are Vatwmgal Joaenb Cole's.

The boarders at Mrs. Berry's formed a merry P'enie party at llangett'i Pond, Wednesday.

The annual Imskol picnic of the West 1'arbh ebons wH» held at ttggjscri pend, Tsasoey.

C. C. Blunt has bseu appointed a trustee of the Kssex Agricultural Society from this town.

Mls< Fannie Berry and Miss Dora Mason have bees enjoying the sea breezes at lUmntoa Beach. r

O. Chapman is repainting and otherwise re- Silrhig lua buildings on tbe corner of (ireen and

ahi Sts.

Mhjs Walker, Misn Baleen and Miss Orlm- C^'BalL *"' -rU vl*itin* "w homo of

Mr. J. A. Dennlsim and Win. B. Cartwnter aro taking a two week's trip among the bills of Neiv Hampshire.

Camp 13 S. O. V. was Inspected last week br Inapaetet Hoagkmi of tilomester and found to hi in good comhth.u. SJho Frye Village Cricket chili, m a retiinr

game with the Albion* of Lawrence last Satur- day were defeated by a score of ou to 14.

The Rev. David H. Brewer who Is to preach at the Chapel next Sunday, Is assistant to Dr. \\ Itlirow of the Park 81. church, Boston.

Mr. Samuel t'iilllins end daughter, Mrs. Jaiu.s Menus. Ml.-. K.itc ami MUs l.ila Mourn and Mrs. s. a. I^xkeareat.Cape I'orposJe. Me.

Mr. Oeo. Smith and Donald Ciinrrlilll spent a. few .1 ivs at home this week, having sailed from lliddefurd Pool to boston m fonr and a halt days.

Rev. Chas. R. Bliss of Chicago preaclaal* th uhditfiii ,,iii,i elijipn-nt discourse to one of the Hums) IwdaSBBSl of the summer, at the (Jhapel Sunday morulng last.

The sign which has done service for so nianv years over tbe poM-ottlie door, has l*en re- palmed and now presenu a very ueat appearance. Work done by Chas. Boone.

Our types turned a proper name Into a very improper one, two week*ago, when lu »i«aking- of John blunt, tin- si f John, the ion of Isaac they made it the sou of Noue.

The annual cattle show and fair of the Essex Agricultural S.x-iety will l« held at Ncwbury- |s.rt, Sept. 38 and 21). C. C. Blunt of this lowu will again be a u peri u tern leu t of grounds.

Another successful raid waa made but Sat urdayby Chief of Police Cheever, the victim thi e being Mrs. Haley on the Turnpike, on whose premised were found some forty Is.tilcs of lager.

John Law was before Trial Justice pggj. fint. urdiiy, »u charge of a ssault ii]>oii Jo hu Lord and being found guiltv, was fined with costs t< days in die House of Correction. Ho took tho latter.

There was a delightful literarr entertain in tut given by the boarders at Mrs. Berry's popular summer resort, Tuesday evening. Tbe part* were admirably sustained by Mr. and Mrs lJeWlutof Astoria. N. Y. The Misses Scars. Miss hdwards and Mtss Uurie of Boston, aud Miss Dora Berry and Mr. NMaaTSOnot Anduvcr.

The hand concert last Friday evening at- tracted a large uuuilicr ol people to the square who heartily- enjoyed the excellent programme presented. While cverv ule.-e was well hau.lh-,! the tuba solo by Mr. W. II. Hliudea deserve* s|H»niil mention fbf Its tine rendering and tin selection (rum the Mikado waa also well ra-

lly some unfortunate occurrence it was staleot In our last Issue that Kov. Moses Smith of De- troll, Mich., would occupy the pulpit at the rrce church last Sunday, when tt was aho Mated at tbe same time that Rev. Mr. Rice was taproarb. This waa probably due to the fact that Mr. Smith'* name was sent to ihe general Instead or the local orhce. Mr. MinltL will preach afternoon and evening next Sunday the. TU, and Prof. J. W. Churchill the BlS.

Tuesday morning Mr. James H. BtOlBl started out to sell sonic apples and left bis horse fastened to a post ou Mam St., in Marlaud Vll lage, while be went into a bouse. Hardly had he left Mat. when a bicycle coming suddenly along the sidewalk, frightened him, and break- ing loose he ran fiercely down the road. When opposite tho residence of Oeo. W. Dove, some- body in attempting to stop him caused him to turn up the druiBwitv, where he waa oaptund having fortuuately done no damage.

A few wido awake Andover boys with a party of young ladies spent Tuesday evening at Hair- getti Pond. Mr. bailer's dancing platfonn

very short notice and with Die |iarty

til'reshlcnt Arthur a l»w partaer, Mr. Ran, •era; Judge liyar.n \: .hu,> ,V.I.,A, A.brake r,sq.,N. V Slock kxi'liijuge, Hov. isu-phen Mer rtti.N. \.; andI tmuiy .*Hir. are wllneaaes that

'- "Skin Success" |a a safe, sure ami

was pnt Iu trim o the aid of Mr. Jameson soon hud the jolliest lime dancing and laiigbW' till ihe grove and [Kind rang wlt'i echoes. At 0» they repaired t. 3r if, weu*Uown

,li„li,'j li.ll. wbore ronv.limcnt. wera served i,, llio general MMBtuio. .if all. After u little iiioro UnoJng lb. purty returned to Atulover b,ivlii« IteU a. one rciiiar ketl. a "IMOUM* time. L

Juhn FiwIcrTrow, who died In Orange, K. J . .in tlie Ml,, waa Iwni In Aiidnver, Jan. 'Ml IHIt,

lie learned the printer, trade ut iWard (,..ul.l, and went Ui New Yurk to Mck bfctte- lune. lie mined ll n, ,t,e |„d,u,.,ii„„ „, ,to New York Litjlllreetorv, whirl, haa fur year. ,'»,„.• hi, name. He wai ,|,„ nf Iruw, l'rlnilng and lluok-hhiiHii. OaaMOJ It, New Yurk l.u, had metSs? retH '„ lin.lne... Utely he hail «i.nt miieh time ',, luukimi a[|r, the Intere.ta „l ihe New Yurk Juvenile Aayluui.

The uulot premise* nt Rev. II. It. wmrar wore an asia-et oi nuu.ual anlmatlun on the afternoon of Tuesday, 17th h,st. u was. In fact, the rwoaslun ,,f the we.hluiu eercuinnlcs l,v whirl, were unite,! Mr. Isaur H. B«r«iws si>nu4 the hue uu-torofilio Hantist churrh at Hamil- ton halls, N. II., and the danihler, Kllen. uf mntleniaii al.ive num. M>. lliirge., I, »_ naavher lu tlie department uf latin, lu the Roee „ In.tltulluii nf learnln«, Xew|«,n, K. 1. Thl. L, the arhuul over which Mr. F. W. Tllhin, fume? |.rlnci,u, of Phllllus Academy, „„w ir-hto Asehuoltnall, quite , e.sful In .-t,rh!e |i.i|.ilstor«.llw. Mis. Ivllhnr.-wiiCK - inilnllre.den. few years shui, w™ 1 Si h, Uke. M her return, a posllluu „, "„„T.I tsennnn In the Anis.itAra.wn, A,,.n,h,.- .,...,. ,.rf,,r,.,e.l ,;,, ,h,tie.*"„ ll^.S'S the cluse ot the tat «lmnl venr. Tlie«.,«l wishes of many f,l,„d, .;„ ^Sfim^SS couple" In their how. In Newport: m

„,",';,' teWf l'"ml,™ 0. North Andover, residing fur the summer „ „„ ■«,„. Ma.i.h.u

the loth hist ud he, Wends, far and ie., reinemlieted the event by kind message, I... ,,y um I ,,„! » I,, I prnfuslonTf'ffll3

l,v wiSi ;; , '" '."H "Uoyment nftln- 11 \y«, ™ EfS SSI " "."Mi- tir. \t Ithrow—and Id. family, hPllt ftjov- *arat,,,»rc,ti„i.^ro,Bn't,nrini™»k, ........ .hua« .fie* wai enhanced by tbe kind „■„.' J1 .? "I!"""" »|*l, mmiSM them. Un„!

ii TBS !¥* """' W|l"»m llfde „t Ware, who had thai to reached the SfSSS wa^'mr"„*,f"!|,',":■ "I !"■'"« b, WOTU, Of warui thnstlan sentiment, las own feelings and .ongratnlail,,,,,. Nephew, ud nine?. K"n IWSW^LSS^mi •»■' "tlier fa, .diy friend, ud neighbor. ,d runner years, hr „2 "K* coturratulatkina with flower, an . ,X, gjts. A txaJJv floral preaent of re -.enable,

Miss Farnham and her sister, gn askaaa J smith, wi,,, i. «wa*iaaaK 1 °l*^Smsn heahh. and

many ksjl at n

from ilicii

are In the |„,--,--n enjoy a vlvacily of. far car ier period of

nlriu vtltd life. The hearty'wklt end i|*«.ly remedy for skin uiinpUiaSs nf every I'rayer of every guest en the alsuTT.

Kara? - - * -"■••dXw1ru^r»v^HE'r^"'"


■MMMHB SflgMWiiilS!iifilMifittSi:i:

Mri. 8. Annie Fortis I* spending a WMl Wli |tou.

Mr-. Thomas Kidd and Mm. Alex MeKei and daughter have returned from .1 trl|> lo Europe.

The drum currta were present at the house wanuiiiff of Moses T. Stevens in North Audi. Tueadai eveuhiif.

F.l, 11 their ■*

harges of pli-knleere from Wulnim y to ll&Kirett* Partial tissued llirolitfU

this initii Wednesday morning.

Work has been com men ceil on the house of Jot. M. llradlcy. Hardy & Cole have the DOS- Irani for the wood work and Thomas O'Brien the eU-n.

I). Clifford of riiiliai.Iv.ilc was brought up Kcfore Jadgs Poor Wediieadav fur using often- ilve laiiKiiain; lit t'red Dower* of the same jilace, and in found guilty. He paid lino and costs amounting hi #/.ult.

Though everything seemed to Indicate a Bloomy day, nc vert lie leu this fai't did not lire- vent a larate number Attending the Free Church 8. S. plow at Haggettd Pond last Saturday. As It wai, a t*ttsr day could not have been bad lu which to enjoy the aiuuseuieuts this cool ami ijulet retreat affords. The committee in cliurip; made every arrangement possible fur the pleasure of the jili'ulcers and It was a universal- ly conceded fact that all bad ipaut a pleusant day.

cation retreat In a little chaired In the broad Atlantic, some 19'or 20 miles from the mainland,Mock Island, forming a town lp "Little Hbody," and :> miles by fi In extent. It Is nuliiue in appearance. Its lil.iory and the characteristics of its people. When first discovered U wu well wooded, hut is now almost tree leu a. It is vary hilly and abounds In ponds of fresh water, lieariug, some of them, a line harvest of Mile*. One of these ponds Is large aad deep enough to float a large navy and It la a fond dream of some of the i>eople that tills will he In a few years opened out Into the ocean, from which a very narrow strip of land divides it. The soil Is saudy, yet liears excellent craps of of grass, com and potatoes, custxiu- ntlng much to the support of Its 1,200 Inhab- itants, whose main business, however, Is fishing. Settled by Kuglish emigrants in the early history of the country, It has remained a little world by itself, with scarcely any matrimonial relations mill tliu mainland. This Isolation has within a (aw years been broken In upon by the Increas- ing popularity, of the Island as apises of sum- mer resort. The Inrush of the season gives a new character to the and makes things look quit* lively. Flue hotels and private houses entertain the many visitors at very reasonable rales with very satisfactory fare. The main attractions are the chance for rest, U alMolute as you choose, the Inclination to rest In the drowsiness one Is almost sure to tin.) coming over him, the ocean view so lw.ui- tlful and expansive, the tlno beach 10 invititijr lor walk or drive, or bathing, la a bay wanner than the Newport water, and hi ■ufflclent for the purpose, though not ipilte mighty as that of the more fAiuous resort; facilities for Hsblng expeditions and the air


pure, BO inspiring and.Invigorating. Well, we ran honestly say, if the seaside agrees with yoarcoustltuuon, yon can scarcely do lietter than Uke the ls»at fnmi New London or New-

t week. We may add a word 0

Following Is the list of those 1 of 900.00 or upwards 1

AbhlUtUcO I. Anbott John 11 A'li.oii Chas 1. Abbott & Jenkins Ail-In ri Vil i. ■ in I 11;, n I. Amlover M G rm.k Mi . Kdwanl Ilsrnard J VT HrowD John .1 estate of ficlkiinpLnnan A ftudwell Henry A llama-It William estate of Jlal'lwia Curtis II Beau Sarah A t Lu<-v HiiHtgMt Hn M X. Heard El ~ •f Huston A Maine R R Co riiair.h r L Cornell Ml aaatter I'niii.ii J UraiMir W K lliian John H l"'Dwalng.P J l>omis S H EsiiiesJriato Kills Nathan I'.ahin James estate of ■■W—B JOSfPB estate of l-.-Uf.n4-i J W Fouler A M fimUri' Mm-ei K..-1.-, vtUII French Mary K Flint John II Flint a-'rauels A >"ay 11 A (,..:. 1-milh W(i IMMnnirJiM A iirxvMIC Unwell Themis (IlLifln- > H estate of Holt T A Holt T A A Co Hardy A Cn'.a Haioii N W ■Hacks E V Hopkins LA it.i|ikin- I. it cretin

Johnson F n Johnson M l> Jackson C II *"S K

it , 1 1 M E l..i. L- > II Morton llnrcus Sloans E Y Mill* Itcbcccii It Parker C II nrry M A poor Gen II Ilo]ies W [■ Kliiley tieorgo! Hu-hardsuu 1>C r;.i ■■ :M Hoodv

ttmlth Chan trustee Aaulth Chns rfmii li B F Manila J L -„ii. F n

smith J II H111IU1 A Manning Hntltli J II Swift Nstlisnlnl estate of riwlft Jiilmillliau estate Of Hlorrow J J trustee Taylor J J* Kilward Tyor II H 'Cv.'f HIIIIIKTCO Tutts I K eslaie of Wilson Horace «Thluier Nathaniel cstatoe

■0 16 Hi ml la sa

840 80 U A3 M 41 v. m U'i :*> M 11 not .w -:. » 00 n M

M TO M in Kl I'.", Ml .1.1 -,* Oil

.411 50 MM "i :cj

iM f0 m- us no *: tfi so tti i..i n n

1M 13 11.7 Mi

7.' N IMM ■ its

MH 00 61 70 vtt !>i |M M 111 10 nl Ul u 00

11- l.fl j:- 11 N 1*

317 4B M 73

Hi 75 91S M 14143 M M

III M I.:; .'1 160 60 ■.-.'■: «.i

Satttnlay the memlwrt of Cocli!cliewii-k LoU.i,'''. with their fsmilic, have n basket pie at Russell's Grove.

The Interiors of the school boojM are Iwl tboroiiitbly cleaned i:p preparatorv t.i the co meiicement of the fall term.

A^c immlier of s|wct«t(ir> uiiuessetl I games at the prourtsslve tennis purtv, on 1 Centre common, Saturday aftenioou.

Stcvenn M.ll« suspend oj<eratinii> i..-inorn: in order to allow the emphivce AH ip|iortuu to attend the excursions ami picnics.

The librnry room li far t-io siunll for the convenience of patrons and the proper arrange- ment of Inioks, und uddilioual s]iuce is much Deeded.

On and after (kpt. 1st, Collector (Jreenc will lie at the library building Wednesday after- noons from a to .'1 o'clock, and Friday cveulugs from 7 to B o'clock.

Mr. Alfred 1-ane. his hecn awarded the con- tract for performing tbc carpenter work on Mr. ('has. B, .Stilling's residence, and Mr. Henrv Keulstou will do the masou work.

At the annual meeting of the llriek Store Co., held rei-entlv, tbc following officers were re- elect-d: l'reshlenl, Hou. M. T. Stevens; Clerk

il Treasurer, I. F. Osgood; Directors. Hon. M. T. Stevens, I. F. Osgood, Jas T. Johnson. A dividend of $2 per share was declared.

The two-mile bicycle race for a gold medal, \ aliie-1 at ?.vi. at the enekf t grounds, South Luwreme, last Saturday, wai won by Frank M. Downing. Time, (t m., o3 s. There were two other contestants—Mark Fuller of Law- rence, and II. L. dimming* of this place.

Passageways hnve lieen made lietween the ouis on I*TIIII side or the hallway In the second

story of Hi* Merrimac Selnwil building, lu order to ensure better means of egress in case of Bre. State Inspector or l'ubllc llulldlngs Hunt lg etpected to visit the town to-day, when a plan for exterior (Ire escapes will lie decided

Tfv Invitation of Hon. M. T. Stevens, the Amlover Drum Corps, accoiunanled hv Supt. Jewettof the Marland Mills, visited his elegant resideme, Tuesday eveulug.,aiid were very hospltalily entertained. A uumlieriif selection's were played by the corps, and songs were ren- dered by several parties. During the evening a line collation was served.

It was discovered Sunday that some person ■ persons bail again destroyed some shade

trees at Hilt Crest. This recent outrage Is the third of a like character perpetrated at this 1 "laittiful estate, and the con tern ptlhio acts Isave

oused considerable indignation among cit- izens generally. A reward of f«M is offered for the detection of the rascals, and It Is hoped that they will soon be detected.

A iictition. ltearinjr the signatures of a num- lier of prominent Lawrence and North An- dorer cllixeas, has lieen presented to the County Commissioners, for a bearing in relation to the

Sbuwsbin bridge. Il was learned vosterday that a hearing will Is) held ut the library build- ing, Thursday, Sept. 23d, at 1) o'clock, A.M.


LttVtng TrihtitCH to BUM Lav!ula 1 urn hum.

.- #0

An event of an exceedingly pleasant character and fraught with the happiest recollections, occurred at Seminary Hill, Andover, last Mon- day. It was the observance of Miss Lavinia Famham's SOth birthday anniversary, and. although formaline- were eliminated from the affair, to render It lu harmony with the iiiiiet tastes of the venerable, and beloved lady, It Is rare Indeed that such a display of genuine es- teem and allcctiou has lieen made. All day ning and Into the evening hours frSnils, many of them prominent in business, official and ocial circles, dropped In, and extended to Miss i .nil;,.in. their wannest congratulations, was assisted In entertaining the callers by her sister, Mrs. Susan J. Smith, who has reached the age of Sit, aud (Jeo. II. Gilbert, Baq, a nephew, and appeared singularly bright and active for one whose life has spanned so man; years; her mental powers being as keen and vigorous as ever, and she |H«»esses a 1 velous memory. Tbc air iu the apartments was 1 icrflime-laden from the mass of lloral reminders of esteem, aud many pretty and ex pemou- articles were presented. A few of the gifts were: An elegant silk purse, from a young lady friend lu Boston, which contained HO gold dollars. A cosily gold pin, representing rt pansy In design, a superb diamond glistening Iu th centre. Handsome birthday card, painted In India ink, having a gold frame, and bearing this Inscription;

Arise and call tier blessed, eighty years, Each one a tongue to speak for her.

Itcautifitl and uiiii[tie lloral piece, the base lie hi g composed of cholco rows, with a bonier of croton leaves, and the figures "80" appearing on cither side-, a wish l- , made of carnation pinks, with the Initials "1,. F." was supported by four pillars arising from the liase. basket of eighty rows and one of alike uum1>erof pond lilies. Many fine books, including an elegantly Iwiuud volume of "Pilgrim's I'm gross," aud numerous articles of brle-a-brar. Among the long list of cordial letters written

absent friends was the subjoiued from her pastor, Itev. Dr. Withrow, of the Park Street Church, Huston:—

>t'ii DEAR Mist FARKIIAM: To the chorus of igrnlulatlons which is ready to salute you as

you ascend the snowy summit* of fourscore, iou allow us to add a joyous word? Tou

know how much wo ail love you, and that our solicitude Is, that the next lecodrand scorn

Of years may bring you only rb.licr glory In the lengthening rays of evening sky; luid a brighten- ing promise of tbc coming morning without clouds In "the land that Is very far olT." Hay Ills banner over you ever be love.

Very sincerely, J. L. Wniiiiow.

Saratoga Springs, Aug. 13, Ksi.

Keep cool—If you can. That's the golden rule for this 'weather. It's

the t>ne rule everybody should obey. And r its much easEer to keep cool th m many

people tL'ink. really t% people ti.

Don't h.'irry, and bother, and woi

y get a 1 have

ueh better havi

-, ami fret, when it Isn t altogether necessary. Some people like to hurry*. «rul worry, and bother, and fret, of courw, hut If vou are one of them deny your- self the pleasure fur a while. Take things easy and let somebody else have the other kind of

Don't work yourself to death. There's pleas- are as well as profit in honest ioil,"»c all know, but one innstn t be looking for pleasure all the time. You may get rich bv toiling early and late, and never taking a moments rest, but, after all, the graveyard Is a BOOTjdaco to enjoy the wealth vou have sciiiilred. You handsome monument from the heirs onrlebed, but , _ little leven-bv-niue head-hoard somewhat later on, and let vour heirs enjoy the pleasure of hon- est toll themselves fur a few more years to come.

Don't worrv yourself to death. Things have lieen happening ever since the l*ninnliig of time, regardless of von, anj they are going to keep. right oti happening, whether you worry or not ''lie old saving, "Don't cross a bridge until you w;ne toll," gives yon goon advice. It's apitv /or a man in hot weather to have all the loll, and trouble, and excitement of going over a rlcketv structure lieforehand, and then to IJud, when'he reaches the river, that the bridge Is burned and be has gol to swim.

Don't fret yourself to death. If things hapi it is not your fault, or, If It Is, you can't hel as long as they liar* .happened- There's a law here Hi Massachusetta against ail 11 Iterating milk. It's a bad plan to spill It aud then to water it with tear*.

Don't liotber yourself unnevesiarlly. TOLT bothering next October, when it's coo ■Isattlirr and let other people, not ao wit Hi.' bothering now If they want to. Wl man wants to do some (withering for you. mean ami fc'lnab. to prevent him. You si always humor other people s little fanelei whims In thia rasfarii: . , „

You'll lie surprised to find, If you try, nianv things there W« that you uucdn

H hapiH'u, n't help It

REMOVAL. rcuiodclle.

t'ailkbrli io> I. I wlilito

IWMCiiledbv f. S. I tor Millinery I'arlor ladlm of Andover Ibai 1 mu iiu* n-nut i<

tiuuu my business iu Its varloun br»iu'l>.


II at which I would earnestly direct your

M 1. II , :[|„,

ItCdlHftfUllj . J. lluWAKD.



PHARMACIST, (Successor to J. J. Brown A (u.)

Main St., Sept. 35,1*0.

- Andovor, Maes.

1HIV7. isstl.

JOHN CORNELL, —1 >i M1K n—

Lehltfh and Hard White Ash Coal. Free llurnliiff " " " LykenH Valley Red Aftli " SIminokeii Whin- A»h M

Cumberland "

Hard m Soil Wood, Prepared Wcoi, HAY AND STRAW.

1—CarWn-s Bulldlr YAKIi-ltallroad Htroet, 1 AnMover, April 9, 188S,

Joa. H. ItiiAin.EV, 'I' U 1 ■ 1 ■:. Cl.DTIIIKB X r'riIHIS


Ipeela] bargnlns In all d<;iartmenU for next Klierl;

Stoves, Plumbing,

The nndcrslgned bss puri'luixeil the stock In trade of the laU; Wlllain Itiinietl, and will carry on tile business at tbe old »tiuid. Having been lu the employ ot Mr. ttarnett furtwonty years, !*• bclievus In' In familiar wltli the bushiest, and hopes to merit and receive the patronage of all Mr. itiirneii'K i-u-!"iners ami many others. He ts making large iiddltlnns to tbc stock, and offers a large assortment of good* In his line. He is

preflurcd to give promp* "**

'!■. Klirrt-li'iKt. mill <'o|.|i I'luiolil ut, X, .m II, «linK A. >*

>ni Work or lt< |m 1, •


MICHAEL T. Ksst'x Street.

WALSH. Andover

Special Notice.

Jotmson's AndoYcr and Boston Eiprnss, under that name. t; 103 Arch St. , Ikmton, and lit bis

.1, ll.rllANI>l,KK,

WOOD&COAL White Ash iiinl Franklin Coals.

Hard and Soft Wood. I'rcpared If desired.

• i "U BALK BT

JOHN CHANDLER, ANDOVKR Orders recolve<l nud hills settled by

JOHN 11 CHANDLElt, JnD ly Opposite I'ost OAlce.


Express and Jobbing

Agent for American Kxpress Company. t J. K. Sear's aboc miore, Bank Building.

Oil Painting;, Etc. Tho suhscrlhcr wtll take pupils In Oil Painting

and Charcoal Drawing. Also orders solicited for |>sliitliif Plniiuo., Fan., Talde

For tenus apiiiy '~

Order Ho\e» nt iti-ii

EDWIN H. BAItN'AltP, rulnliiig, tihulng, 1,1:11111 n.r find I \i !■■■!■ Hanging. A IJ.»I.|

assortment of Itouiu I'uper* mu.tnntly on baud and fur attic. hbu(i K.i ex ntnet. mv It ly

OLIVER W. VKNNAIH), Seiloi) of the South ChureJi, and In eh.irrfe of tbecrtnetery. All

'urk In the yuiil dune with promti»nesa and nl i-asoiiablo raii'h. ItcHldeiicw Central street. 1*.

O. Box Mi, Andover. sep7 If

HENRY P. NOYES Would napeetfoBf nnnounce to tbc cltlsens of AciloMT ;LI.,| 11, In'ily Hint be "till nintliiues the Furniture lin-lin—■ ID nil II" Insiielies, lit the old

mand .,r Tlionuia Howell, on Park St.

Cabinet, Upholstery, Carpet and Shade Work.

A lnii;<' »)III k of I'M nil lo if noil ( iivnl l.lni|i. and Fringes. Rrnsscls »m 11 Nuprr Aarpels, viniiln^ OH Cloth., tin Inn Itrdu

and It..Mini;.

SHADES and FIXTURES Constantly 00 Hani or fiiil.lx.l to ordrr.


LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Will attend to the selling of all kinds of Ken Kstateand rersoual l'ro|>erty, lu or out of town

easunable terms. LSIOKNCK— Elm House, Andover, MSSK.


Emma XI. E. Saiihorn. HI.!)., OKEEN 8TKEET,

Andover, M

WIXLIAH TOOK, ■ MvMiii-iiitni or—


it. pa li in. In All It. Hi nnch.a.

Commercial College, r.iiMov, KAMI.

Best Equipped & Most Successful In America. Rroptu.KMcpt-1. I«.-.«, r.te-lie-HHli Vint.

Tlie course of study Is elcetiTeaiisl embraces the followlntt sulijecii. rWL, Ki-i-|iliift; Penmanship; L'oiiniR'n'lal Arlibiiiiiii . I.nw ucd t orre«|iond- .•neoi MhortUnnd. Tv|«-Wrltlnn; the KntflWi Branches, Studenth nuty l»Kln «t any time, re

1 In li..ll.|[lti»l In.triit-tlou, mid proxress iccoHllik' to nlillltv. isep-triite department for ladles.

t.ridnsti'i Aided to Ktuploj-nient. l>nltl|pNrhool t.mituates take our course

in a I1II<»IIIIIK on* for lb. Ir other school work, be- "i !■ (.-"Hi,: into tiusliicss.

Qarltpeelal Three Months'Tsarsr J« taken by jiersuns whose time and ineiuis are llmlle.1.

THKCOI.I.KOK HI 1.1.1:11 •• :iilu»ii'Bie.|)irtveBfull nnrileular* 11 nS w 111 IH' inutted Tree u|> m aiiullca linn. Kortintliei' |.nnli ulsr- n.l.irr-i-.-r call ui>nn I '.Uit'UNKH, tMtlllVBaliluK* °" ■*'■ "•*■■»•».


W. H. EATON, WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Music Bout

1 «rt rut 1 j I'linunl anal Repaired.


A Fin3 Twc-Story fionse and Ell, with eljcht moms, built ln|l^\ .1. Ms;,llv ItuMeil,within three 111I11 uift,walkofidiuri'hoB. cliools, awn-a and U. It, atallon, overli>okins a iiii-l thrlvlnsr villa.*.-, UK. tbe bniutlf ul > alley

of the Minnfldn Klver. I'rleo at'slo. alav be len from cars lu inisHlng the SLHIIUB, East sble. flee It and uddrcKH

II. M. HAVWAKI), ItnlbinlT.ile, Mass.

FOR KALE. 1 first class two horse Dingle Curt,

complete. 1 llrst etnas three spring lift hi ICx.ircSsor

(irocer'a Wtsgon. 3 two-SCMted l>cinocnitic Wagon, und

1 scconil-bund two scuted f ninilj- Curry a 11 ■

Also one light HutSKV.

Apply to 3. D. HLNXMAN, Ko. Andovor Depot.


The suhscrlhcr has purchnseil some fine horses and excellent curriHtcrs which he will let on favorable tcrnm. Realdrnrp and htalilron Brsok Htrent, n here he will be triad to wait 1 his palruus.

J. W. WAEtltWKI.1., Anduvur, M:IT 3D, i-■■■:.. tf


CARPENTER AM) BUILDER iiiiiiiiiiu liiitnberCoi

or I'u rial shed at I

Andover. April II, 18M.

EJ ESSa. "B tn, Host lil«rti t*rjn«. VESZm MMJfii

liKiiHliK N. GREIVE, TI'A. 111 1:

0RG»N-:-AnD-:-PIAKOFORTE-:-PL„YIN6, P. O. Box 840, Andovor, Ma... IB, I*-.'.. l]r

I'M AS. 11. (II1.licit I .


0. W. SCOTT, M, D.,

Enreeori & Homajapatliic Physician, It.iriinrtl's Block, Aodovcr.


Nathan F. Abbott,

STONE CONTRACTOR, Ktone furnished fi

ttlWII llll. vicinity, 1 id built mj-7 ly

and other pur- ntrnetcd for In v evperteneed

1 dual

't iton Don't

1 run sfler • Jiorsecar. and wait till the next oue comes IMfi (in,., viuirsel. better and the wwJd wo rcrlline; If yon don't nt there19 soon, rush aud push to iret the best ulaco iu a crown. You war fret it If vou do lint the chance* are the (tan* »'»"'' 1* w,,rt»lUc ':',"»*- VoH can gel a place mMttmo^ti without tftltfBMg; 1>'>U l

work any battler Of more than yon iia*e to. Always put olFtH. ;:>momiw what can he done jnstas well then aste-dar; when tomorniw comes circumstances iaay htive changed and you wont have to do It at all.

In a word, then, don't worry, don't '">'. 'hin t hother, don't harry, don't work »uy hurdsr than yon most, aul »

Keep cool—If you can. a. ■>.


J. E. WHITING, Watchmaker and Jeweller,


GOLD AMI SILVER WATCHES, iKrench ttud American (locks,

Snliil Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Sppcliielrs und Kye CHstaiea, t:STABl.IHIIKI> IVIi

J. E. WHITIriC, Bsrpanl's llriek, MAIN' 9TKKKT,

AMMIM'.il, MASS. janlw


Then is luit little sickness In town st present.

There li no change In this representative dis- trict.

AlHiut 105 ton* of coal will bo delivered at the school house

A ODOf »f the town's valuation liooks Is lielng made for the state.

The Tennis Club are tn have a tournament, the dale to lie announced.

Her. W. W. Baldwin will officiate st the Methodist Church, Sunday.

The Riversides defeated the Deacons by a si-ore of 4H to .N. last Kriday.

The Orange members md friends picnic al JlusseU's tir.iva next Wedaiesdny.

The Y. P- M. h. and S. Society are to hold a iMiiur 111 IHtiMie i-'inl, .Saturday, Befjt Hlh,

It j* probable that the schools will re-owen with the same list of teachers as taught last term.

The annnsl picnic for the otuellt of the Or- phan Asylum, occurs st KlvershJe drove, to- morrow.

A bicycle race l«twet for the' championship talked ot

t ' n'i'li K Is hereby gittn, diat the subserlberi

will lull tale, bv artTlng iHinds as 1 driving tfiflMUMI U9< nre rMSirM w eslil

ill of kllchael 1. __ to 11 urii v "t Exsex, men-baut. deceased nt,.. anil have taken upoa thrmselvss that

the law dlrecti. All persons f said deceased

lilhlt the asms: and all persoiiH dented M HtM estate ars called D|ron to maka

\ nt'. A, 1K8S. ItriM

Essex County Representative Districts!.


Hi v. J. 11 -'-MIII v, .ii In town last week.

IMevanl Snell Is seriously 111 al his name.

The vacation season is drawing to a close. Stevens street bos boen cut dawn and widened. M;-i 11 Aivni i; m- Is nt West n iiri|,■[.■■, 1,

N. II.

Chat. \V. Kenlsonlseaiapliijout at Salisbury beach.

Ulerlous weather the past week far tho "stay- at-homes."

Slsry and Kntlo Smith have returned homo York laeiich.

"Kverybodv and their wives" h ivo gone to the beach loilay.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sawyer have returned from Uunndn.

Frank I.. Whlttler, of the Eagle, w as at H.imp- I'm iieieb last week.

liearge Nertnam and family harn ruin need to this tewn from Lowell.

Mrs. E. J. Colu p|M-iii last week at Cedarbruok Cuttagu, Old Orchard beach.

Traders and r'armors'cxcurslon to Black Hocks and Salisbury lieach, to day.

Una. I.. II. Carleton has rcturneo from an ci tended visit with friends In Maine.

Cnlhath fonnerly of the Kxcbnnge hstad, I now clerking at the ltcvere house, In Lowell.

The work of repairing the western abutments

ritigall's bridge Is being rapidly pushed for-

An unusual ijiilsini'*- |,erva,|et 1 ti■■ village to- ay on ■OBSJOM of tho exodus to Ittack Itoeks and

Malls bury lieach.

Mr. I-M. Nichols retains, with Mr. A. J.Moonr, e same nosltlan he held mi tier 1). II. i'atlcraon. crosl dealer.

Mr*. Ella H. Hitching* lest a purse c iiiLiliilnr sum Of. money 1,11,1 DAperl of vilne to tbe ewu. Vone day last week, uu I. m ivn,- •treet, or In

the village.

nx raidod the hennery of a Mr. Uiker, Just iff I ii-i.ii -:>:•■ 1, ■ night lust week, ami MM.

led in getting away with seme of the pour try. Tlicnalmal was seen, but not soon enough

lie captured.

Blather Trow, who Is wielding the pen for the ilein Telegram, formerly of the Met bur 11 Tran-

script, thinks that me republlcanx of this sens torlul district should nominate cUhur ex senator ]■:,■„■ M I! \ ■..-■-. . for the ponitloD. The rislcn. editor's advice In certainly worthy of con- sideration.—Kaglr.

Thomas McNsmtra, Eugcnn Murphy an 1 Al- fred Hamphrey, eoinineuly kuowu as "rail Ulv- er," all of this town, were nrrcstod In Lawrence, last week, fur stealing a watch from a guest at the Highland CitUge, where they were putting In their time. At the trial, Tuea.lny. the former w>s found gnllty and flned »30 and costs or six months in the bouse of correction. Nothing was proven against tho others, c 1 eept that the 1 In bad company and they were discharged

ryo AI OAI.LWHUM IT MAY a ■iVcj.KN ».- It Irrstood that from this ilale anv bills

contracted bv Mrs. MBIT Koelauil, nt Andover, Haws., will not be paid by the subscriber, niie having left my hod and board ugslnit my wishes ■ml despite iii,. mottcareful attentions.

JOHN KKEI.AND. Andover, Mass..July 11, I--,..

LOST—Lady's longCnshmere Shawl, on the llaverbill road, between Phillips' Academe,

Aii'lmii, naid one mile below .lulmnon lllgli School, North Andover. The shawl has a black ccnlre, was -Implied and i-entalned a sanral 1 iiaille. The flmlriwlll be roillably rewarded hi ;mllig It at this r. I 17'IJlvt 11

Orders Handled with Prompt- ness and Despatch.


f. t. Bion'a Fruit and Coiitactloner) Store. noSTO!t OFFILKS,

34 Court Square and 77 Kingston Street. H. I'. IlRnws. M H. WlllT,:.

NEW DEPARTURE. > the ■ .i!/.'n- of And

that after a long iiasoa'htilon wlU) Mr. K li.nii.Li.i. I lu.ctukeut)

SHOP ON ESSEX ST., ami am prepared to do ail kinds of

Carrianc (HAS. A. BOONE,

STBAVtU «JEt BTOI.EN—Sunday, .Inly llth, from my pasture nt North AadoTor Center, a

Jersey row, color brlndle and white, hats only teats. Whoever will return her or give \f.

leading to her recovery will ba>pro,i«rly

."OH SALE-In Andover, n Cottage House, t* rooms

ellot asunt'- ipliles, laaWM, gr-jir-. Ac. *'"r p.i.ln ,1 juire of JuHH C. Moai-h, Andover, Mass.

Snmmer streel, a barn, «hed, good d. Mi null trees,

piirlli (ll.uv in

F'OJTBDr-On fie premises of the two sows, one Jersey and ,

while, marked with two stattlgbl " IBdttwH J.J.rjOWS mo. Andover.

EXPRESS WA0ON roK k-ALK—nut little used; can be seen at Win. Poor A Son's shop,

Andover, or enquire of H. M. Hnywanl, Ibdisru Tale, Mass. luwtf

[70HSALE—A Carryall In good condition, nt I 1... 111' i. [■■■ in

^.1., / clover, Mass.

'uit SAI.K- MU ** hi- Pigs, six weeki - eld. Apply to 11. 8. Wimii, (Hgh atrpet ndovcr. lfwtl

OST—While driving aliout Andover, against L' sndovi

TO Ll J-Sf. I


KAItMEK.-ln Andover, July auth. of heart d!s eiiw. Porter r'nrancr, aged so yrs, ft nans, S dys. niNK.-In Aaiduver, Aug. X, of heart disease, Edward I.. Stone, ngi>d fu yrs, 1 mos, I dys.

tlLEIHHf.L.-ln Andover, Aug. 11. Snwn P., daughter of Mr. and Urh. Wm. Ulenhlll, aged tliuos, 1 dy.

KEEPK— In Andover, Aug. ll.ot eoinnimptiim. .lames O. Keefc, aged lUyrs, a RIOH, -1 dys.

PltVE.—In I'niema. Washington Teirliory, Ang. 4th, of eonsuni|ill«ii, tienrge K. Krye, son of the .ii, Ullbert i-rve, formerly of Amlover, Miirm., aged IT yrs. His remains were brought Ui Sort acmt. Kamaan, his former home, and inu-rred In tlie Evergreen Cemetery.

Tlil)MP!H»N.-Jn IIIIH city, Aug. 11, Isabella, wife of Kdwnrd Thompson, ngcil .'si years.

Litiftson the death of Isabella Tboap- •■1,11, tiniiijhur of the Igto ^stues l'eehlcs, Cobourjr, Out.

laenr friend while o'er thy grave we bend To lay lliee In tbe tomb, Mfihlnkn of piiirerlin;- great thou had, Hut now thy sutTerliiij's gono.

I^.ng hnst Ihose weary eves kept wake, Tliv laiitTerliig longitld haul, nil lew v,ii: priui-,1 |ur lliril -wect "leeaa Tre Kloep tliats eiimc at last.

Ufflp on, thou much loved BMBM of friends, 'llt:<tr\--l, lire, Imnl lied jialn- Thaisi-laa+lng t-yes though closed In death \\ c yet shall see again.

.mrlltejr asS of kindness shown, ft mail* ysu feel ao pr*ml) We iin.r.jin f.irpettluat Mail),-, Tho «in 1 ir of gratitude.

A tender, lovlnghearWd wife, A nmlher kind and true, A sister in affection great, A friend to all nhu knew.

We part hut for a little while; Our lime 1- near at haml When face to fsce we meet again In bright taoppy land. j, 11.

The Essex County Cammwsloners liovjj

iiiiMi.-.l redUtrlctins tho county of Essex or KeprcietiUtiva' DlatrlcU, uml have all-

Ided the county a* glVM oelow Into twen- y-two district, with thirty-four Hejvre-

seuUtlveti luateml of twenty-one districts,

last year. The county gains one Repre-

sentative over its uuniber of last yesr. Salem loses B Representative. Havcrhill

had three RepreseuUtlves, and now has

four, wltti the addition of Bradford to Its former dhttrlct, whlcUconUineal Methuen.

I.jiui Is prttty welldlvldcd. iwampscott

Nahant and Lynnlleld are added to Its re-

spective districts, and yje city tl|us gains two llepresentatlvcs over its former num-

ber of live. Marblehead und Swampscott

divided, and Marblehead is now a (Un-

met by Itself,' and consequently itcmo- cratic. Newburyport aud Lawrence are

Democratic districts, but the remainder

appear reasonably strong Republican. County Commissioner Colby opposed the

ision of the Methuen district with Hav-

crhill, tbo retaining of Salem lu three dis-

tricts and the division of Lynn. Commis- sioners Raymond and Bishop voted for

the list as given. The districts arc if fol-

lows, No.' 1 starting with Salisbury In-

stead of Cape Ann as heretogoro 1 No. 1 Two representatives—Sillsbury,

Amesbury, Merrimac and West Newbury;

voters, 3477. No. 2 Two representatives—llaverltlll,

wards 1, 2. 4 and ti; voters, 8378. No. 3. Tw» representatives—Havcr-

hill, wards 5 and 8, Helbuen and Brad-

ford; voters, 3710. No. 4. Two representatives—Lawrence

wards 1, 2and3; voters, 3689. No. 5. Two representatives—Lawrence

wards 4, fi, 0; voters, S703. No. ii. One representative—Andover

and North Andover: voters, 2023. One representative—Grovdand,

Georgetown, Boxford andTopsneld; vot-

ers, 1764. N0.8. Two representatives—Newbury-

pert aud Newbury; voters, 36C«. No. 9. One representative—Wen bain.

Hamilton, Ipswich and Rowley; voters,

1918. No. 10. Three representatives—Glou-

cester, wards 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Essex and

Manchester; voters, 5100. No. 11. One representative—Rock port

and ward 2, Gloucester; voters, 1751. No. 12. One representative— Beverly;

voters, 2437. No. IS. One representative— Solcni,

wards 1 and 2; voters, 2089. No. 14. One representative—Salem,

wards 3 und ."S; voters. IMt, No. 15. One representative—Salem,

wards 4 and ti; voters, 1985. No. 16. Oue representative- Marble-

head; voters, 2000. No. 17. Two representatives—Swamp-

scott and wards 2 and 3 Lynn; voters,

SO. No. IB. Two representatives—Nahant

and ward 4, Lynn; voters, 3230. I, Two representatives—wards I

and 1, Lynn and Lynnfleid; voters, .'1338 No. 29. Two representatives—ward* f aud 7, Lynn, and Saugus; voters, 3457.

No. 21. One representative—Peabody; itcrs, 2192. BJ.av No. 22. One lepresentatlve—Danvers

slid Middleton; voters, 1814.

Fpplng, Camp Urourul Motes. . „ Never at this season of tbe year were so many

people living on the grounds. The oottage nearly all occupied. Lawrence, Havcrhill and Dover are must largely represented. The series of meetings during themouth of August, eiirCcUl- ly tho Sunday School Assembly, have alrawn anorc people than usual to this grove. Several aieiw cottages and better ami inure expensive have been built within two years. Conductor I. of the Counonl * Portsmouth railroad has built a line cottage on a most eligible and beautiful l< Ion . His family remain on the grounds during bit entire season. Mr- Oxford has Iiu 11- IIMI Dorr CoUage. N.itwIttiHtatiding the prediction tlu-i the old stylo of Camp meeting Is su|ierauuuateil, three barge church houses have lieen built tho present season, Saletn, North Sa- lem and the Klrst Church or Mim Ic-icr. The latter will bo tho loest society laouso on the grounds, which Is very crenitable to this old church. The following clergymen have doml clled on tlie grounds tbe present neasun Kevs C. U. Dunning, James Thuridon, ..nines f'iLc, C. H. Dlnsmore. L. L. Kastman, Wm. Ilcwcs, 0.11 Jasper, Otis Cole, A. K. Lunt, C. II. Fowler, C. Parkhust, II >1. t'rensh, D. K. Miller, .1. M. Wil- liams, J. W, Adams, J. II. llean, 0. W. 1. . ■■. 1. H. B. Copp, D. W. I J. if. Durreil, J. I). 1 ■' ■ 1 ■ it. I-:. {.. House, Win. MeS.nly, W. H. Jones, Wm. Ramsdeu, I. J. Tibbotts, J. F. -iniMiii... ■■i»d anany others. Itov. L. L. I ,■ m so long aud helpfully associated with these grounds, h<,Mi himself (cn|ionslhle for the Sab- bath nud weekly religious services. Rev. II. H Hurt well Is bore, and how could we get along without him, to genial, happy and helpful Quaint "I'ncle John" Sanbnrn Is here and Bfl Is n character Indeed. Twice has hu visited the OH Wor'al, and pleasantly and Interestingly garrul eus, you have only to "rateh ou" anywl hu will Instruct you by the hour. Tho

■ 1 ,■•■ Is here, to look ospcclatlr after the clergy the wicked youth. One was ho:ird In pray, [ up these anlnlsters so that they ■ an do t-n-h

work." And In the same meeting, with clergymen prenent, the siiiue indtrhlual remarked 'ttiut lliuudo her nmlte to hear a innii.1.1

that he was tired." If Methodism does Set else H develups personal cmcolt to a slrlkln greo aaaiiing some who du not noasd eniiargei

that Hue. Perhaps no where Is lids 11 lie, nisi cleaneiit more prominent than on the I ground. Il Is laecauso of this that a most 1, young clergyman wits heard to say at 1.1-1 plug, "This Is the paradlso of eranaii." Surely III.III> people would remain at this gn.un,l hmger but for the moildlosurae and critical xijlrlt. whiuh 1 In MI very go,,.I people manifest.

Ban Harlier htlll lives lo ilcllrcr milk so promptly. It Is auundng to wnUh him on his r ..nil of delivery. Now on the run, now talking ■ : -r ■ ''. :.t ; 1 ■■. . -.- man In his small ser- vice than Jay Uould with all hli business Inter- ests.

It Is <(u1te a harvest lo the farmers nhout, who And . 111 irk aalos far nil provision-,and vegetables.

Rev. Charlas I'm kin.1 v and Its v. I(. it French have purchased togetlier tho Anderson t'uttnge, nn Ilroadhead Avenue, Kev.J. L. Felt hu* pur- chased a eottagu on tbe la***, avenue. Mrs. Bur pee has purchased the i. ft Bean cottage on Fer kins Avenue Mr. Chick, of Croat Falls, has purchaned a cottage on Cass Avenue. Bar. C. M. Itlnsmnre has purchased a cottage ou Wesley rark. It'» espected tint St. Paul's will build a large society hunse nest tieasnn. Tim Assembly Council I'ontemplate mi auditorium which will seat a thousand people.

The monotony of life In thn grove Is hrokon li- ttle arrival of the mnlls.oiieeneh way dally, when the little offlt-e Is thrnnged, the lint called nlphn- laetlcally and the recipients, with n klaid of tri- umph, sclr.e the treasure and depart to make Die

round autnmiallcallv nu the morrow. To hare large mall here Is sEwwrk of reuown aud canios no little nrejtlgc. If yon are coming, therefore, lay In with ail your frlriel to write





GBHT SQDiBiiR 18 SfflMiR SmS! 100 SKERTS ONLY 63 cents. 125 SKIRTS ONLY 87 1-2 cents.

200 8KIRTS ONLY $1.50. 150 SKIRTS ONLY $1.25.


One Case of INDIA TWILLS, Fall Shade, All Wool, only FIFTY CENTS per yard. Pieces of BLACK INDIA TWILLS, same price.

Also 25

A. W. STEARNS & CO. OOO tO OUL 33SS03 Street, Iiawrenoo.



I^)i of the Klo Oranile, Where Lawless

Bands Do C. ngregate--Seones In 1 :l, IVMI., anal on tho Departure ol

Troops From the City of Moslco.

There is 1 -1 ■ — -1 on the Texan moon and It looks as if somebody was going to lm hurt tae- fnre anotha— foil moon eorrtee around. It Is all about the slowness with which Mexico I if 'i ■■ ■< ■-1 - In rectifying the wrongs which have been committed ngainst Anierieuu cltlsens.

A 8TRKKT S<'gSE II« KL, PASO, TEXAS. In El l'aso tint excitement is grvutest, as ft an hi'iv t hut Kdltor fitting iiuhllsbed the

liifl against a rival Mexican editor, for which ho has ninco lieen arrostod, tried by a

court and imprisoned. In front of the Central hotel gmuiis of men rcgularlr oongregnte in tho aftennsnua, and in Increased numbers in tho evening*, to dU'usu the sltua- tion. In many eases thcagt men BOM thirty mile* to liniuliv if the wnr, which they cou- aider inevitable, tins yet U 1^111.

Home of them oven neglect their crops of onlon,<, cotton, tolaacco ami fruit, which has boen 1111-1 ;i.! nit tills season. In thn t. 11.- talk of a raid ova-r Mexican terHUiry. This aoenis to be the general dodre; to mnko a trip to tho city of Mexico, not so mix-li to ruseut tbo in- sult to tlie American Kaglo as t> 1 enjoy an ex- cursion at tho Aimri u.i govenuneut's ex

Tho accompanying map of tbo HIo Grande, from El 1'nwi to its mouth, shown the tanpBrV

out |>ouils and tlio rail- r. 1.1 - on tbe 1 ■■ Tt i. HI of the bordaW which gives both governments the moat troublo. Tho pafMon of tho He 1 Grande used as a

1..1 v between thetwo !■<■■. would make a

aigbt lino equal to

Washington and JelTi Mo. While tbo Mexican Imnlnr would straight line rxteml- W11 ■Inn -i -i. I" Denver, will give some Idea of culty of governing the bonds which HI •■ liiiblu gate in a place where they havo simply to cross tho river to ■ - - ■ ■ J. j ■■ ■ j urn \-111111 'ill for their lawbra-oking. Then It most he remembcrvd that the constant fenr of revolution in Mexico ban driven tbo govern. iivnt to adopt laws which appear harsh to tlinsn who havo bocorno accustomed to the freedom permitted ou tbo American side.


, ;>.-i-t. .j by Hev. B. F. Ill■lt(,l>S-WIMH li

I.)- Kev. 11. K. Wilbur, ssslsted by I hronsen snd Rev. I. .1. Uurgvaii, Mi _ Kurgesn, of ■tsnett,|U. I., mul H__ Kllen Wilbur, of Andoier.

you- At Mr. T, i. .■

Tlie young pc.>,i

grimnge to this •■Several panic

. let : ■1.1 tat

's, a farm hnuse near, anal by rial family, luteloais ]■ e ercani t ut almost nny hour tn tlie day. 0 mn-c b^'iuent and hiapjiy |dl-

i are here wltli barges and faros ■y roawinshle ]ir1ees eenveynuec 1 IrSsiMi, PMIHIJ and oilier pleas.

Besides HUM already in^nlioned, ynu m greet these genial faces Mrs. £. 1- IHtnla Mrs. John 1 .1 ■■IIIIK. Mr>. L. \y. Taylor, Mlsn Vesla sliHekfiirl, Henry Wllkes and family, Mrs. itiii'ly, MIJ.I ii' ■ 11 here nlnce May and will remain until 1 iftslier, Miss Jennie Dawsen, Mi Hush, Adiilplius Walker, Mrs. dohn Barker and children, Mi-. s,ott ranilinn, Miss Mar Faro- haaa. A. hmuli iiinl family.

A serlen ut temperance mc'lings eotnmeneeil Tneaalay, tie t:ui,iiii«l will 1,1,1 tlirouj-li Frliliav. Mrs.J.M- liurrell.of thU city, haas aarnniKci|„ very itatenMlng iirograntane of anlsslonary a«r-

Koomntid in mi. I - MM !«■ -■< inclon ihegrouiKli at very reammaide rates. The water of btnh the Kulphur ami Iron •[.rings seems mare delli|ou-i and In vlgorsilnu loan ever U-furc. If the virtues •f these wiaiem were kmnvii to the Invslld ami traveling piildle. llils grove would he thronged during ilicrnilrc season. Kov. 0, V. Diinntaig, rnisldlng elder of tlie Dnrer Dl-nlit. deserves much credit lm lii» liven le.iere-1 tu the grnumU aud lav lm- mi reneweil Intel and utilising1

■licit ihe ciiargeA and JMUptWtaMo -t sod enieriirlse In bcnuUfy iU losely and nenlliiful resoK.

Nroirsnnt',,, „*■ ruHE

Cod I.lor oil, with II] tinnhesphltsa,

In Uenernl Drlilllty, Emaciation, Cousumi.tini

ami Wasting lu ctilldren,

Iss most valuable foaxlanil medicine. It create an appetite fur food, struaigihens tlae ncrvmn aystem and builds up the Ixaaly. It Is prepanxl la a palatable form aad prescribed universally bypaysiclsii!.. Taksaeotbcr. dweodla


lictetien of Two 1'liti:re-ijop names la

New Jersey. Time out of ml nil the three rrrnund floor

roquisitos of an Aineriewia housi' hnvo been Litcbcn, dining nxim and parlor. Tho e . ni'i, thin, luive been aung on theso three

'ntkils to give them variety li mgi

HOUHR AT OBAKllB, K. J. A pleasant example Is the one In tho illustra-

tion. A striking looking house It is, with tta brick walls and Ilomou tower. If might venture a criticism, It would lao that tbo t'.ver would havo been much more cfToctivtj if it hail been carriod a story higher, unil tho gaunt, factory Ilka chimney beside It lieen put ittsido bistead of outside. KU1I tt is p[a> t 1 a-. -1 !■:■- as it is with its bint of Hhlito castles slid dungeon kotwas.

Auuiaiuo featumund the most attractive of all i.i tlio round dining room on 1 he ground floor of tlio tower. It suggests a great round iiit.lf In tbe e,.liter, like King Arthur's, and P nuance mid legend without end Tlw r,ln- d'lws in this tower dining room command views from three tiulnte ut the compass.

CnOPKD PI.A5. Above tho dining room, upon thn second

four, U a Iteautiful rounal tower lied room. Ou tho second floor there are four rooms and shall, while the attic furnishes still further acfuuma Mint Ions. For a handsomo house, iniilt of HUpcrinr ii-.--ii.-nnl, thn ocsrt of this mansion is not 10 great, being *A,4(KI. Rlock mortal' is used in tlie walls. By way of ring- ing changes within tho narrow limits of l:ii. hen, dining room nud parlor, this ilo- aigner has dnno well.

The original building in New Jerocy has brown brick walls inottlnt Uarough anal 1 In-. ■.1 :li with floeka of black. Tbe rlay wed In making tlieni contnlneii an uvorplus of iron in ntninka. Wham they ctuno out of the kiln tlii'y were brown mottled with block sisits. "They will novor do," said tho brick- nuiker, and threw tbem asiile as uselen. Hut an architect, with an eye to effects in color, by chance sow them, grastiod tbetr possibili- ties immediately aud tuouo a most artistic bouse wall of t hem,

The part of New Jersey next to New York city la dotted all over with lioautiful resi- dent*, Rich New York men have fled over the l - i-1. 1- w-tth their money and built tliem bonieu. In defiance of musquitoa Husqui- tns are not so bod as city taxes and caiJnuuus

for land.


BYRON TRUELL & CO. We opened a Bale or

Fine RussiaGrash atlOc A CASK OF



Fine Cambrics & Sateens !2 i-2c- FINE FIG MUSLINS at 12 l-2c.

Oriental Laces to Close.

And to wind up Hie upasoii, we place all our

REMNANTS ON CENTRE COUNTER, and t-lOHe out at a (ireat Reduction.



249 ESSEX STREET. How t« Keep Meat in Suimmr

TROOPS LIAVISO TT1_ CITT Of -R-ICa Ono piece of news tlint biw li. jj«il to fur- icr lnllnmo in st tern is tho fact ii.nt troops

are on tbo way from tlio City of -fexica for duty on tho 1».1 ■ I. r. And there is no ctotosal- inar the fact that tho Auieriean irorrtTiinont tliniuarb the mtivutnent of Its war vessels and tho l.uMle fiiin.i ■■ ii" troops Isun-paring for trouble ou the bards*. On Imth Rides these precautions are li. iiu; taken none t'xi awon to pre -•■■,.- order. For ft is unlikely that) Dm present tel!l|>el i if lliepi'ilile mile die until there Ublood shed, even through Insurrection

Mexico contains nt tho tan went tliiHiapon- ubUonot 11,(«M.I..I. In enso of war ;*n,tm men could 1st.-IM -1 for service, but tbo wherewith to equip Vhoni eouli| n«t bo so caajly hwl, as sloKiroy crodlt stands about tho lowest uuiona tho list of nations, untoss t In rt. was a possibility of bcr dol.ift tbo United Si.ii'« sonio injury, when English capital woulil flow freely to tbe Mexican treasury, but at an exorbitant rato of lutervst, of course, on av.'count of tlio :!:uui,ci of ropuilio- tlon,

Wars cost money, and millions awl miV lions moni than tlii-y usd to. In IM^ tho Unluxl KtoU-s overran M'-xioi «t a taital cost of soiiH'thiiiR over *VSI,I»IO,I«»I. Todo tlw wimo thliiff liosv would cost at least fVXI.lKKV ijuti, b* thu gtuiao worth tho cundlof

Commandrr William .?. Sampson. The itev,-su|sirintondent of tlie Tnltid Htates

naval ocnileiny at Annapolis, Md , Is t'om- mandcr William J. Hanipwin, wh'*u i»irUaiO accompnnii's t ills article. It "ill ha asntlsfneti'iii tatM innlliors of our cmritry to know thatlhelr™inslivi's ore likely Ml*1 safe strife the i I' my ,..,..'hari;ciif mamlor S.mii win. K$ It will requ/a- n | Saiu-Jintocriirli tl • di:.r:iii'-cfulpnicliee ..£ "Jmissli" wlucli has; pieViiilKd there for yean ami which lias p-ulte.1 ti. tbe co*- »• ■»■ UXMOa. nc.iiiui,. r many boys for Ufa.

The n-'W ■iiiK-rlntcieleut it a strict dls- clpunailiti. Il« was a New York li"y and is now +1 years old. Ho onto ml the Naval iieudciiiv in lim mil Kradiiiitid at, tlm lieaif ofbiseliuei In IMil. ilo wrve«l ilui'tnR tbo war intlic Potniiiui- fli4tlU, tho Riilf M|tMd. run ami in tlw n»«-*"T Be*-* tt Charleston, H. C, U'iUK msiof ttwfa;w Ott bO-t- tlie Inoni tor I'nMpx-o who escapad when It wna dHtroyol 'e- a Confederate toroedo.


Another one of those suburban Immm h shown i;i tha womlen COUORO giwn bi'rewith. In the now msthi'iies, any harnsn built of wooil in a fantastic -ii ,|«- i. » ■■..ii.i/,^,

This Itouso iviitaiiLt sevvu lorfio rooms on tho ttnH and Heiunl rVsars. TIH' thin! story rooms oro pli-anuit and inmimslious. Tho total cost itf th-) house is HfiOO, This ineluibw tlio bafkUng of n rtstfu where it lseulhd foe. Too collar walls am of m>lld st. me all lht> way up, ami i:s Door Is thoroughly .,,.,,„ rtr.-.l

Tlio (Irst UrJor vnri*» a Wtla. from tho old plan, In that, in partition to UH> tlire*. rtsitns so often luciiltouasl, it lau-i a roaxsitton hallos one outers off thephuBft, fit« houm whrm many porsoiin nm oor.Uiw w>'l K^UI this will bo a convcnii-msy

Summer, si bousckeciiriR know, is the titun when it is ilifllcult to bang nintit )<>!)« enoujih to lm Ictnler wilh- oiit Its tt'coming tainte-l. Thn nullior of Hie nliovc-ntm«(l wuik advlMI lhat the joint he semrelj l»oiinil with •I'UJC fug nettles, llieti biiD-{ up in a OMIVU

~:Jllkr- J'";t- Anotbtr siroiiln way is r<> moisl- en a clean dolh with malt vuic_«r, iin-l wni|j il ttiim-i the meat; wbUe • thinl plan, easily carried out liy noun- try reiirfeDts, consists in coveriDg the meat wttli bultcrmilk, which njiisl he renewed rvory urcontl day.

Buticrmils: is anid In ho joo-i lor sonkiug old (iftitne*, lines especially,

TheouLr.idci)f thohousolsmt uniiitfi fiaMi- woilt by the intr'alnction of iliirerent putt'-a'in Of Wa'iallier I- nidin;.' mid |)oilll. This iimll tlio faahton, but ft cannot, bo. und t<a b" ra'iilly oninm.'iiLU. When UMI fasti Ion gon by, tlio pnt-hwiirk v/<a>lwork will not seem a tlniii; of beanty,

&k/\ there Is no closet roran in tin- di:iinp; room. This, too, may bo the faatdoa, bat it t» net eniivcnieut. There never s ill IK' any- I Inns pnUliT than the Quo poravUin mid plasRwnre wbi-b one canKlit Kliui;i»* <if in old -time chinn afessta In tlio dining room.

Evcti- American inust rojoico nt tiyaiii- provad nreliitccturo (or bomes w_lcli tin- new time is lirin-inR tu. Tbo |a.*sIUilli'*of oriua- inciitni.t'ii in 'iu>a}( ami bill k work front cur mnnv coiwra»l Amsrioan daya an only i> ';.i.i- U»:/ t- > I"? ondOl-toOd. Ws have braiwil. rr>l anil yellow and pate crosn brick in . npiisi'o tints, all from Hi" naturally <iilor»d artays. l'alo cream mils, wi:b rod ' i '.i. •> WU ti i'li mlngn, or the n;ijK>:ite avi^Til iiaukoa U-ouU- fut nml orslsUc (KWM tin would brown and creom 'if^iu (■:. :!i r

How t« .Itidire Canned UOIHIH.

A hint now about tinned goods, meat especially. Note, wheu about to imrcbaas, tbo condition or tho tin; if bulged outwards, doti't bnvo it, even as a gilt! We explain the process, of canning, to give- weight to our warn- luff.

Tbe meat is packed in (ins while raw, then st-ated, and cooked in an outer vessel of tailing water, with sometimes the addition of a chemical to raise the temperature. When cook- ed, tbc can is pierced, and, as soon aa the air and btcam have been t-X|>c!led it is soldered. Experts know when it is ready for soldering ; a moment too

■cm. ami (he mi'-i !i;.'i Is douo, be-

which tan he made tender by ihe Ueai-I °*°"ir*,riH ,*'t1 ,n* tho tin bulgei,

menu The uu,. aulbonly is loud it. ! a_"1 tho meal,„w!11 Dot. *■ -ood- °.° llto praise of .olicvlie acid, "which | 'he f?1"''' if "10 tin,h" ?imk' " I-

haa t.o injurious etfect ou the aysumJ u inf»ll,b!o B,«° "f. go^lness; whila; tho aiitiscptit: proper) great." To prepare it, put a drachm nt" a win., lio'll*, anal (ill up with uke-wuroi water. Meat just com-

mencing to fiutnl'v ■bouUI he brushed over with this at interval- ot a. few iaiuuU-8 for half an hour, '.lien wasbvd in warm, and lastly iu t-uld water. Dry well baton cot>kinji, il'ii is to in

infallible proves a vacuum, whL'ii is natural, as the meat shrinks win n no air is left In the tin.

Some tuny ME*, what matter if sir lie lett in u..,iin? Simply (his: nilro> t*en, an 'j'temeiit of air imparts to bod- ies wlVh which il comes iu contact, a ter,iieucy to change and decoy.

Oft«»< on opening a tiu of preserved

muted. Another way t« use the actd '< 'O0,U' ,,eopIe *M i,earti lo Sl1^' "l,,e

■ io dissolve anuatter of an ounce, in ! air is "MP,0K. »'8tead of which, a pint ot cogua.-. Tw» OMmw of tbll *• ,U-*! ll"",'D,t *°1"id ift lUB rc8lllt

solution may bo ad.led with !,,,vautu«-e;orihe,lir m^°S ir" -i"^" proof

t iv i. ■ ttttils. Aiiolht

Ihe papers for laying mi jam, in lite Holtttiavn ; Ihosa lhat louth the preserve we mcau, not ll.e outer wTtkp*Ts,

Joiuta of meat will kee[> good, even u the hottest weniher, for » month, if

that there was a vacuum, , !yo so far u to say that, a:

use—souk i

Well, we luming the

outward algn ol goodness above re- . ferred to ; a label bearing the name of ! a good ciportcr or importer; and ulno : a reliable vondo- of the article, wheth- er meat, fish, milk, soup, or veycla-

| hie, ihe chances nrn a miliion to ono against any being injured, much lass poisoned, by linucd goods.

Another caution, though: always look out for any hula globules of aol- alcr that someiimcH find their way in- side the tin ; ami tuke care, specially in the case of salmon and lobster, to empty Ihe contents as soon, an opened, into an carthenwaru vessel. This is necessary for everything exiept milk. Cassell's Magazine for September.

Many grown people might apply to themselvea this remark ol a little •'• year-old Tioian lo oue of bis mother's callers a few days since, "Can you write me a letier, dohnny?'' was atk- ctl after the caller had been shown some of his first ellorts iu penmanship. "Yes. I could," was the reply, "but it wouldn't mean anything." The same precocious child when asked once ii he taiuld sing, said: "I can, but I can't make music."

IJ- lay n"i'.n.iw ike !* leuw nf ieC*l worti ertr puldtolicii f..r

w imply ."ia-aiee-l

TIIIC I'oso's EXTRSCT (.'<>., T« HfthAvss-r, v. V., publish a small book free, n-'U-n what the paniple u-e Pond's hxtra.-i I^r, UCaliles laeina: Kuoil for pain. dwlweud

.rters l.lttle Liver Tin nfWr You hardly teaUse thsi It Is medicine, when ■•I'elc il>-(u|.-ln, m.t 'llHe-il"i'.|ul,lu^('srt.'r's l.lttle a.lva-r I'lll-Uicv aare vesy

'-B-Ht ,T,"'r,™"l"i.saiiall:tioliii,li-S..i-., nil it..,,1.1.- licm a..,,.id .wood UTU an ralloTSd by UMU-uss, dweodlw one IJOI si Uou^h life wu worth htlo|.

plunged Into boiling lai, when cool wra|i|»eil in straw IDU oewn in ennvaaj bngH, thru hung In a cool |ilarp. Veni j son is said lo he deUoloua tl bprinkled ] whiio ftesh, will, n inixliire of i-har-j coal, gtiiL'ci, pepper, and pimento, all s

in powder; afterward a sewn up, aod ' buried six feet in the ground, where it' may be left for thtee weeks. I: musij be washed before cooking at a brisk fire. Salt should never be put on meat to lie hung, It has such a hard- ening tendency.

Perhaps few things .are purer and cfllcacio-E than a weak solution of permanganate ajf potash lor restoring meat, game, or i»oullry already taint- ed. How often will a few hours work tbe miscbiet in sultry weather, the meat changing to such on extent as to appear almost irremediably spoiled ! However, by washing in the fluid it can he sweetened. As long as the liquid changta color— la, loses ii* pink tint, aad becomes greenish-brown —It >am-t be reneweal. |When il ceases to chaogc color the meat will tlo. Aft cr this itcatmant it is more suitable for braising, toiling, or stewiog, than for roasting or buKing—although it \mp ynu f»i as ti via snttsr was mu,. ci.i- maybe UlIreate.l tf well dffd aod ISX^^^^^^'^ floured.—Cauell a MlgtwlW fOf OtO-1oafctssiis/waartildiisssiis truni.e—Dr. Kilaner's assmsjass. I Oeean-Wee.1 raajulstes. -."-c_. aadciuTa. * ' dwlt

Tm KKIH-U nuaauuioi S? BOKSrtKIMT, asswrlsfs B tbs ini-l . 'to otfTjiJu-tl an a Mntli wash. IL In- Bone el M la.Tliniri.i«'rt!r* Of (lie ta«mti«riH 1-HIIII y..»

"-"lOUsg the ttmii", tt ei'ii dwouallw s them i.i ui ■

PARSONS ■oaderfal discovery. So othtn like tb«n in ths world. r~" r of disease. The information around each box is worth tax

PILLS ___i pills were a woaaWU tUawrrcry. Bo othtn like ibtta in ths world. Will pooiUtely enw or relieve all manner of disease. The information around each box ia worth ton titaea the coat of a

l-oi of pilla. Find out aeaaaaaBftw fjawm H n ^SM-EeaV 'ec"' Cjnboiw-il

then, and you ■ Lamffc US LBhl .Sanaa*, doracrotoo^iyibo will alwave be thank* fill. One pill a doae. ^^ PvaoasPdlsrouuia^Bj^F ■ ^^^ worth nothing harmful, are ■ ■» W anj-^^Breraril* yet PUT to lake, M|| H ^_-tV'r-

inroimn-■■ aH HH laflaafafJ ^aaaa^ be made to the marvelous power of these pilla, they would walk 100 iniiea to r»l » box if they eotUd not b.

,lhont. Sent by mail for 2(1 centi in stamps- DtattrtUd pamphlet frea, portpaid. «■ i information ia very valuable. I. 3. JOHHSON L CO.. I

id for i House Street,BOSTGH, 1IASS,

Make New Rich Blood! S. W. FELL



fGerman Remedy.} |rBaTH8P0BTKE8ICKT

Denny Healry of tfcll City om in Five


A prize light between Jimmy Gallagher

of lioatorj siul Uenny Healcy of this city,

took placo Sunday morning a*- 5 o'clock

near Kllot (Me.) bfMgl connecting New

Miinij >hii .■ ami Maine, tlvu miles i' HII

Dover, N. H. Word wan cent out Satur-

day night that tlie mill would take place

at Berwick, Me., Mrs s the river from QfmU Kails, at HiinrUc. Tills was done to

deceive the York county ahttrttT aud depu-

ties wlio were on Hie lookout for the light.

It. was voted that should the tdierlir and

police officer* surprise the parly uohoily

should run, that • II hhould resist any at-

tempt at arreat. The parties fought In a

2.-.X15 feat ring. Ted Timothy, champion

liglit-wcifclit "f New Kugluiid, was ap-

pointed referee. John Scanlon of Dover

acted as MOOnd ror Hcaly aud Jim Kelly

of Lawrence for Gallaglmr. The «ght

was wllh bare knuckles to a UnUh.

There were live ihrct-iuinute rounds

fought, In the first round llenly forced

the lighting and gave several well directed

blom, drawing hlood lrora t>al!aglier's


In the second round Gallagher put a

stunning blow ou Heotj's nose, felling him

lo the ground jii'i at the close of tlie


Third round—Doth men clutched at the

atari. Th'jre was a severe struggle, end-

ing in (iallaghcr planting a severe blow-

on llculy's chest.

Fourth round—Heuly, though sulTerlng

keenly, made a thrust, Landing two seven blows ou Gallai/hcr'rt face, nearly knock

lug him over the ropes.

Fifth round—(lallngher made a dohh at

Healy ami landed one powerful blow* on

Bealy's right cheek, aud at the close «l

theiound knocked Heaiy to the ground

completely demoralizing him.

Whin tiie sixth round was called, Hotly

could u»t respond, lie complained of

pains In tbe client and loss of wind. His

second and frlonda used every endeavor

to get him to come to time, but could not.

1'he light was awarded to Uallaghur. It

for a purse of 1250, which was hand-

ier to hint, beside lialf of Hie specta-

tors' money, amounting to 8104- Healy

was given the oilier half of Hie ,'pcctators'

money. Gallagher was just as fresh at

the finish as at the start. Healy complains

that bis stomach was out of order, ami

claims thut he eiin beat Gallagher at a

U^ht to take plxce Inside of 30 days.

Gallagher's weight was 17.1; Qealy'a IW.

Ii is estimated Uiat changed bands.

Hcaly was bucked by Lawrence, Dover.

Blddeford ami Portland men.


— Agent Illack will clean out the grat-

ing pits 111 front of Essex St. sewers.

— -Lieutenant finely of Arctic fame Is

maiding in Hie Simpson collage on I'lum


—The general absence of the small boy

fjom the streets when a base ball game Is

In progress Is a fact worthy of notice.

— A new I'on ladder rack, large enough

to bold thirteen tire ladders, has just been

erected In the yard of the Central Pacific

hedge on the beautiful estate of

iltrd Phillips In North Andover,

r the handsomest specimens to

be seen anywhere.

—The San Francisco Call says of the

Q. A. It. convention: Past Com inaiidcr-in-

Chlcf Merrill Is looked upon as the great

parliamentarian of tbe encampment llpo Hoi ope i Aug. 30th

with Thatcher, Primrose,and West's Min-

strels, to Is; followed Sept. 1st by l'at

itooney, and Sept. 3d Collie:a "Banker's

Daughter Co."

-The masses of golden rod In the Holds

and now and then a yellow leaf ou the

trees, Hie shortening days and the chirp

of the cricket signifies thai the last month

of summer Is here.

— If there Is a class of beings that will

lie glad when liie schools open, necessita-

: the return of out-of-towncrs, It Is

army of homeless eats Hint have been

left behind to get a. living as best they

S300 REWARD vnnl will Iw Tit** ItlM

fur tin- II the IMTM>

ISO Federal *ti-

"< "i i;ist'iisi'si(nin'l(«'tiini;iSiM'ci«1t>-

;,';,'„ isp*.**. &»■<*»§ v-x^::,;:;^^ savrgsi

..,-/•,.,-,(, r/r-rfru

itfftnnivt oJuis. A Mrttetolaaapll

■0,1.' I'll.'i' 'iOi't'iii»ntlirui[i[^iB nu-ed, 80 ata. Circulars tree. l>ruwi*»i ovttgv, s. Y, an

-Tbe contract to build I'M- Arlington

district sewer in Mcluueu, connecting

,'iih the Lawrence system, has been glv

to John II. ISarryof il.iscllV. Thellgures

f several other builders were very

i Barry's. — A very pleasant wny of pas-dug a day

ir from the dust and heat of the city la

i take one's family to one of the many

beautiful groves art uu I Lawrence, near

the river or a pond If possible. Jt is a

gala day for the children.

—Truant Officer McQowan has been en-

gaged during vacation In taking Hie cen-

sus of the school children. The work In

How almost completed, anil the result of

his labors will be presented to the com-

mittee at their August meeting.

-It matters not where one goes sum-

mering, lie will always meet some familiar

face or somebody who has heard of him

i fact which proves Hie world to be quit*

a small place, after all. This fact, is also

werful Incentive to good behavior.

According to instructions from the

engineers of the tire department tppara-

drlvers, while exercising their horses

will hereafter con line them to llxed limit

iear the engine houses. The drivers are

orblddcn to exercise Hie horses

itvud siren*.

—Miss Edith Klngdon, who is In I

Ion with the Daly Company of New York,

s one of Hie most beautiful of American

actresses, anil Is creating quite a furore.

She will be remembered by Lawrence poo

pie isi Hie role of Kve de MtlvohM, in the

play entitled "youth," as presented here

by tbe Boston Theatre Company.

-The Jarvls Engineering Co., ill Oliver

jet, Hoston, bus received the contract

from M. T. Stevens S. Son, woolen manu-

facturer* of Andover, te put in a complete

steam pliitit at Franklin Falls, N.iL They

■rill set two 130 H. P. steel boilers with

Hie Jarvls patent furnace, using Hie Ulief-

lleld grates. The uew chimney will have

• following dimensions: 48 feet at base,

54 inches at lop, and 180 feet high. This

Is tho fourth mill they have Sited up for

this concern.

-At Jackmans ferry In HaverblU, on

Thursday, Mr. George Marble bad the ex-

irdtnsry luck to catch a 11-pound

salmon with a book baited with a while

■n™. Uu iflw the rare tl.-h Jump and

angled for it.

- Employes of the Catholic cemetery In

Dorchester, Wednesday, discovered two

pine boxes which had been thrown

ton walls, and upon opening them they

were found to contain the partially de-

composed bodies of lira Infants,

—The riiali School record of Miss liat-

a P. Stereos, whoso death by drowning

took place last week, is worthy of men-

tion. In scholar ship, she was remarkable,

her attainments In the languages, espe-

cially, being really wonderful. Her de-

portment was equally praiseworthy, and

her quiet, ladylike demeanor, her modest

appreciation of her own worth, aud her

remarkable record as a scholar, gained

the love alike of t«aeliers and classmates.

The sad ending of a life so brilliant In its

early promise and the grief of Hie parents

who arc deprived of their only child,

awaken tho sympathy of the entire com



Ills PhysMwb In Han Fruuciseo on (he LovorhiK I'M'.

In the National Convention of the

Grand Army of tho Kepiublic, at San

Frauelsco, Aug., the great contest of

the. sessi in. Hie pension question, came

when the minority of the pension

commuter—Comrade llc.incu of Indiana,

presented a report In favor of the famous

ering scheme of which the following

Is a copy : —

De it enacted by the Senate and HoUBe r lietreseniativc!., etc.. Thai a I officers,

soldiers and sailors who served lu tin- rmv, navy, or marine corps of the I'nil- il States for a period of not less than

slvty days, between March 4, 1861, and July 1, lHii."i, and who wen- honorably discharged UwnuTrom, shall receive a pen- sion of tf.s per month during Hie remain- der of their lives. This act shall take

fleet from Its passage.

Congrei sinan Hcury U. Lovcrlug, of

MflHsachusetts, at once took the floor,

and advocated bis measure, urging amoug

other things;

"There are two parties, and only two. u the pension business. One Is the laim agent, and the Other Is the advo-

cate of the eight-dollar bill. Hue Is rep- csrnted by the bill which is in thU reso-

lution, ami which lias been subtultlcd to you. and the Other Is represented by bill IS»« of this last Congress."

At the conclusion of Ids speech the

floor wns occupied by 1'ast Commandcr-

lu-Chief Merrill, chairman of the penj

slon committee, of this city, who spoke

substantially as follows:—

CoMMAMlKlt-IN-( IIIKV AMI COMMbKBt-— If the Grand Army of tlie Kepublle wish to accomplish anything iu pt-usl n legis- lation, tu do anything for our dtatoled and needy comrades, we are to do ll -.landing side by side, shoulder to should- er, as wu did in (hiolden days. If we divide our councils. If we antagonise one another, bow can ,ve hope to accomplish anything in peuaioc legislation? Ihne successive national encampments have said, two by unanimous vote, aud a third bv a vote nearly so, that it was WUHII

to ask of Congress only part of what our \ friend who favors Hie $8 per month a*k-; j that it was wisdom te demand of Cm-1 gross, Ills), that the needy, Hie sick disabled should be pensioned before ask- ing Congress to go further ami give pcll- Hluns to the well men. [Applause.]

Now comrades, the dlUhrance hrtween «t}8 per month men and the Pension umnilltee is this : They believe In ask- ig *e for evciybo ly How. The Puna Ion

Committee believes that It Is a mailer of wisdom to ask llrst the pensions for the Tipples, for Hie legless, iho armless, the 'yeiess.lhcsick.thcmcu in the alin*house, and that, Hie well men should stand as Id u while that procession goes upto tlie front. [Applause.J .My comrade, Loring, says Ibere are only two parlies in this pension business, the $S. a mouth mnii and Hie Claim agent. If that Is so, the National Pension Committee and the national en- catnpmunt are branded AS standing with the claim agenis of the country and against tbe veteran.

I resent, In tbe name or the national encampment and the Pension Committee, that Imputation. [Applause.] My com- rade has a gootl deal to say about the claim agents and a certain fee bill. Claim agents may light out their own nailles with hlui. 1 am not Interested in them. The old law gave lo pension agents 810, in each ease to be paid by the applicant in advance and to be retained by tin- agent whether successful In the case or iiot. The result of that law was to maki claim agents induce everybody, wheibe they thought they had a claim or not, t< llle a claim, pay their «10 In advance, and this dishonest claim agent did not

hether he received his pension or ow, tlie agent may receive »2.1 |f siic- Bssful, and the amount that the claim

agent receives Is less than e>|.". in eui case, because that la about the proporth

l;s successful claims out of 2j. My comrade says Uiat if you pass the

8S service pension bill, a man's houorabli discluuge is Ids pension certificate, and bi has nothing to do but lo go to the post- ifflcfl and get his «H a mouth. What

arrant nonsense. If the >*S a month pen- sion bill should pass the applicant must sen I his application to the Pension Office the same us he does now. The Pension Office does not accept, and you will never ;et. a law through Congress to accept, u irinted piece of paper that anybody may

ciuuterfelt as evidence on which a man .-hall bo puld Simla year. Tbe Pension Office will send to lliu office of the Adju- tant-General to Mud If what Hint man savs is true. You have got to go through now. And as to claim agents, l know that there is a syndicate already organized lu the city of New Yon, having Us agents under pny over this country, ottering in take tlie applications, if this bill should pass, at #lu for each applicant.

'lids national encampment has author- ised Us Pen-Ion Committee to goto Con- grass and to ask, Urst, that the needy mid sick and disabled be pensioned. Pension nill l.ssii makes it Incumbent on mi man to prove he lost his health because of his army service. If to-day he is disabled or sick, If next week or next month or next year be becomes disabled or sick or in uccd of u pension, he shall go ami be put upon the pension roles, without proot that such sickness or such disability grew

' army service. This bill has passed the Senate of the United States

nd Is pending upon the calendar of the louse, and but for some reasons that are ibvlous It would have passed the House

at the last semdon. It is upon the calcti- lar of the next December session of the House of Representatives, We have

iked continually, by your Instruct!an going to Congress ami saying that we

thorlzed by \oiir vote to speak tiou, iind f.n- four years we have with Congress in > *ur name, say-

iii-e you authorized us to say it by le thai we wanted the needy men

and Hie disabled men pensioned Hrst; an i now If this national encampment should

rsc that action the next Pension Com- mittee goes to Congress and tells them thnl for four years we have not known what we wanted, and now we want Con- gress lo turn oil' on tbe other track and do something tlse. What possible hope It there of pensions for well men when, by ail the power of the Grand Army, so tar, you have not been able lo get them for Hie disabled alone'/ Hill Mtffi will coat ibis Government from forty to Mlty mildons a year. The entire surplus is only ubout that sum, It it Is as much. Tbe universal service pension bill will cost, according to the lowest estimate of its friends, >■■! ■ "■■. and according to the estimate of another of Us friends tvT,000.000; according to the beat estimate that I can make, 8111,000,000. Twenty years after the war can any rensonabh man expect that Congress is going to pas: a pension bill lhat will take more money iii.ui there Is surplus lu the treasury, and that they w ill lay a new war tax in order to pay pensions. If we ask so much we will get nothing. In my judgment. 1 say in the name of the IVnslou Committee. acting under your Instructions, dolns what you have told ns to do for three suc- cessive years, let us llrst demand of Con- gress that the doors of the shall be forever closed against any needy veteran, that ihe disabled shall be pen- sioned, and thai the strong-limbed mid able bodied men will stand out of the procession until the cripples and Hie sick and the poor gel their pension. The ad-

dress was received with prolonged ap-

plause, al the conclusion of which Hie de-

bate was continued by Senator Thay

NYbraska, Patch of Massachusetts, Camp-



Chlcaeo, nswtasuUI nnrt St. Lonla aire

Ilccoialnc ateamtlfal, ir <l«ml—Re*!

Ewajvass la Hie Indsatstal »"<i Ossstw

live Arta.


Denounces tho Knight* of Lnbor

luid.CondeimtK Them. \

The following article is embodied in a

llspatch sent out from Quebec and is a

translation of Cardinal Titschcrcau's letter

to tbe llishops on the subject of the Knights of Labor:

Your Lordship: On tne 18th of May last I represented to his eu.h.encu the Nural-nCa Hani curdinul prefect „f ibe sacred cougrega- (h'htimr ull-■ l.m.l, tloii of Hie Propaganda the divergencies , Said the legend of the iron heart«sloIdhure:h- of opinion expressed by 1 lie m-wspnpers ; ,,„ wh„ ,„„,,, ,ier fa!lll, „„.( ,„,„„.. Rot rich of Canada and the lulled Stales on the in ela**ic whularsor the lon> i>r tho schools, suhjeel of the society of the Knights of I(l|t f,ml„„, f„r prowls in war or shrcwdneen Labor, condemned in September, 1884. As ! ia government was the old walled city. Bra- il was pretended, the effect of this sen- i (m,i n„t evr.n Kniit wealth, ns wealth is tence stood suspended by an appeal ! counted among l.-uikers in our day. Yet affirmed to have U-en carried before the Nllri.m|ierg's Imnd laid jt.vlf like iron upon Holy See utter modifications bad lieeiioji the cities of the middle ages. Her nun- made in the constitution »f this society. | men-ial Hiipreiiiney neule it*-lf felt nroong I begged Ids eminence to make known I them all Yet that |,:e-.d away and left— with certainty the position of the church ! hat* Nuremberg^ hand still was upon nil lu regard to it. A letter from Ills Kml- (l,. i„niU It is mnnif.'st. tiMluy, not only hi nence Cardinal Slmeont. dated the Vilii < ] lrr,1H>, |,ut Lifar Ameriiii tint influeti of July, Informs me tltat on the ttiltt of June last the sacred office, nfu-r a re*

inatlon of the (piestlon, maiutaiu-d Its judgment of 1884, absolutely in the same terms which are reproduced lu his letter as follows:

"Considering the principles, organiza- tion aid rules oT the society of the Knights of Labor us ihry are set forth, this society must be classed among those which have been condemned according to the instructions of this supreme congrc- j gallon on the 10th of Hay, 1884, that the bishops be enjoined to proceed as well ngalnst this society a. against others of ihe same kind, and to employ the reme- dies ordered or advised in said Instruc- tions." Your lordship wilt recall that on the 5th of October, 1888, I made DO rep- reseutalion of my own upon the princi- ples of Lliu organization and the rules of 1 he society, but I purely and simply trans- mitted to the Holy See an authentic print- ed copy tif its constitution, with a prayer to examine It all the more carefully be- cause this society seemed to embrace all branches ot work and workers, which, moreover, Its immecleurtv Indicated. The pretended appeal to the Holy See has been long invoked lo create the belief thai, pending the final decision, persons could continue to enroll themselves or to re- main in tho society, provided always thai Ihev were sincerely disposed to obey the final sentence upon the apical. IT that appeal had been reidlvmade, It Is Impossi- ble thai tin' sacred office should not have

liwdoflt, because this matter be- longs to Its exclusive resort. Consequent- r, the decision of the ST'.ll of June, com- 'uulcalud to mi- bv His Bmluunce Cardl- al Simoon), is in reply lo it. The original enteuce 11 is been confirmed In its form nd tenor; whereas, In this last decision, s In the llrst, the holy ofllce recommends

the bishops to proceed against this society manner prescribed In its instruc-

tions of the 10th of May, 1884. I cannot set: t bnt there can any longer lie any doubt

the rule to be followed by the Calll ollcs of the whole world over whom the Jurisdiction of the sacred congregation L-xtends. Having discharged my duty In conveying to your lordship this decision of the Holy See, 1 beg you to accept as- surances of my devotion. (Signed)

E. A., CARDINAL TASCIIKBIUU, Archbishop ,>1 Quebec.


Ills Otls-r

I the ..f tvv - I':

.d te

idi'nt llughts mis a double t1

having nine bras room puniios" President Ci ficsw*.William M. Polndcxter ft Co., of W;.s!iin :t.'ii, theduty ot pn-iiariiiR plans for 1-outpl t. ly remodeling end cjrtonding the cot- tage. '


A contemporarr mentions a case be

yond '-lie ordinary oculist. It is that o:

a young lady, who, instead of a pupil, has

u professor In her eye.

Stephen Krotlle, who made himself

famous by jumping from Ilrooklyn bridge,

Jul" 28d, receives 8100 per week from lib

managers, for exhibiting at various muse

Ellen Terry is reported to have a won-

derful dog. She bolus In her hands two

t.nscnlts and calls one Cllto and the otli

I■:11■. -■ The bow wow cats the Faust anil

leaves Hie Cllto.

The Chinese government wouldn't let Germany build any railroads In her do-

minions, but the Vulcan shipbuilding

company of Stettin has received an order

for the construction *>f two heavy Iron-

clad corvettes, each of 7000 tons dis-

placement, and to he lilted with engines

of 6000 horse power.

The llrst car load of wheat for the SCH-

son arrived in Dnluth August 5th, from

Amenta, near Devil's Lake on the Mani-

toba road. It came aver tbe. St. Paul,

Minneapolis and Manitoba railroad, called

in business parlance the "M. & M." and Is

No. 1 hard. This is the earliest of any

season since Pnluth was made the depot

from which wheat is sent cast and to


would ni.l be much to be wondered

at if something should happen to sever

amicable relations between .Mexico

and the United Slates, there Is so much

said a'-out Kusciir aud Culling.

irr. IJOCIS sumrs or ABT.

Ancient Ninvnilieru iron work and braa work, Nuremtiei-g wood carving anil ivory, pointed gloss tinltufad from her church win- dows, made centuries ago, are stwllai] to this day. In Ht. Louis young lilaekwidtlis belong- ing to the School of Pine Arts study intently the esipii.-itely wrought iron work ot the city widen liongfellow has written about Inona of his stn>iiRt*t poems. Wealth tlropn away, the aupreiniiey "f War Wid eomniereo deport, but good work lasts forever.

It was rlun'iiils'rg's skilled mechanics that have made her glory enduring. It Is tho len- minfor America, to lean to-day. The true artistic spirt is that which advance* the eom- inon Industrial oceupntioiui and brings them to their highest excelleneo and Iwnuty.

Art Is not a number or pictures hanging in a gallery. It is that which iiutkea beautiful tin- laitdsnape, which uu»u™ tho caipentar work solid in Its construction and perfect In Ita flniali. it is that spirit which prompts the worker to complete whatover he- touches in the Iiestpotttihlo manner.

This principle of ihe application of the ar- tistic spirit to the common industries of life has token ilis?per n«>t in the west than in tho

■ast Tho rutult is seen in all the large cities of the interior ami of the west.

In St. Louis there Is, In the trunsenso of tho term, one of tho licst art school* in tho country. It is called the School of Fine Arts, ami has l*on for seven years COOWOted with tho Washington university. It has a museum of onrfOB and art works, presenU>l by Way- man and Isalsdla Crowe. The director of the school ia I'rofessor Ivea Ita wise aim is not to imitate old masters, but to give simply a training or tho eye, liand and brain, which wil assist the iron molder to make better stoven, and the tapostry designer to givo us miintlionutiful wall paper.

Tho American InniLscngie- looks as a rulo as though it hod been elnwed up and thrown around loiwe. Tho art spirit Hint is now lieing Ismi and trnineii in the west will in time change this till tho country will look like a series of lawns and gardens and lieautiful pieUu-oH. "Tho work to lie. done hi the west," says Professor Ives, of tho St. Louhi Art school, "Is to do something with raw material.''

There nro not many copies of old Euroivnn pictures In the St. I/iuis Art museum. But there is whnt Is better, reproduction of works of the finer Industries lu metal, wood, ivory, porcelain, etc. The school is doing a noble work, anil will inako a, groat inrpresHiuii on that jMirt of the country.

TUT pni:siiH:sT'a IIOCBK WHEN rruciiASED. UCs present bun- a view of the homo at the

time of its purchase by the president In an- otln r is shown the remodeled structure which retains aoaroety a vestigo of the original dwelling. The two-story Ktoni- housa nejns to have entiivly dis;ippeiuisl, and on the site Btanda as beautiful a mihurlwn villa as can tie f->und anywhere. There nn- few Lk'.'ilii i.s in tins part of the country wnara the aareteh of landm'U|K' isiunlivecdliisl as it is at this ele- vation looking southward from tbe president's private residence. Dther extsutivi* have lieon owners of real estatit nt th" enpital, but Pn»iilent Cleveland is the first to build a country home for himself hi the uoichlsirhocd nt the White House.

From 115 lbs. to 161 lbs. To tin' ( uti< in a Rpim'dics I owe

My Health, My Himjiim'ss, ami My Lift>.

A day never passe thai I do not ttdak and speak tlndlj i.ftlie Ciiili urn ltemoiliea. Seven years agOi all of a dosen lumps r -. i mi m. n«ck r.n.ii-iii.- In ilse frmii n ehetTj atom lo an orange The Ui«e <ine» were frightful tu luok ut, and painful to hear; people turned astdo when lliey «« me. In dlsgitm, nntt i HUB HHIUIHISI to lie on the strvcl or In society, Phyhtrlaiu nmt Ihelr treatment,miUnliuicillcWie* (alleiliedoany good. In a sjoatont of despair | tried Uu (Juilcum Osnedles-Cutlcara, tlie Orenl Skin Cure, ami l.'utlriiia Soup, uu ex.,ulslte Skin Ueaulltler, cx- t.Tiinlly,andCatleara Kesuhenl, the new lllood Partner, Internally) the small lum)ia (as 1 call lliem) arndiiatly disappeared, ami [he large ones liroke. in tvvti weeks, ■llirharglnir large 'IlianitlLi'S niter, li'iniiinlHi. pltKlit -< ;,i s U\ my nei-k tu day to tell the storv ut mv suffering. ■My eelght then win one liumlrvii aixl llltern llekly (HIUIKIH; mv weight now IK one hundred ,inl sUlV line i,,lhl, luulllit iHiiiuils, ntul my i.ijtht |n oiilyjlv.: feel, live Inel,,-,. ti, mv Iravela

. pratM-d Hie Cull, urn licmeilh-*, North, Houth, KitM.and West. To t titiecK* RKHMHKIIIOWI MV HEALTH. MT flAI-l-ISKNS Nllil III 1.11 i: A prominent Sew Vork anianrlstBakod me the tuber ilaj, -Doyuu ■till u^,. ihe ( ntirnra l(rme.llea; ■ uii !,H,k lu l.e lu p-rteet h.-.iltli:-■■ Sly reply vas, I do, and Btiall always. I have never tnown what Hh'kiiean Is Hlnee I .unimeiii eil lining llin Cutleura Kemedh-H-,' s.,me(1uas 1 am laught-it at by frnl-lug lliem to people nut ■ -iiialin. ,1 Kith thefr inerlu, bul sooner or later UICT will come to tlietr ■> ■u:.- .01.1 tulleve tho same na IhoMthat nae them, nn do/enn have whom I have told. May the -ii*.- . M'.r ii Inn tin re Khali lie n large Clitfrura Supply Hoiihe In everv cliv In the world, for the iH-lirllt of lilniiiiiiilv, wl.ere the (minim Rrme- tlU-ft ihtill l* sold UM.I, BO Unit ihere will bo rarely a neitl of ever enuiiiig n drug alore.

U. IICSBAMiS, UttUitOB Si., New Turk,N.T.

Cutleurn Itemedlea are a poriMye care for every form of Skin and lllood meases, from Plmplea to scrofula, sold r*crvwhere. Price: I utliuni, !<» reulr.; Soap, ■•!• rinla; Iteridreat, Sl.oo. Prt'iuired by llio POTTKK IJRi'o .MI LIII.MiCAl. Co., UoaUiu, alnaa.

Bend to, "How to Cure akin Dlaaaara.

OlfJi'i ' ■■■ Wsnthaailsi skin i;i - ud TIB Baby Humors, i,Bt. n IKI HA StiAr.

bell uf (Kansas, (Jrosve

the Coiuiuunder-lu-chief.

Kt.vsCnr.An BAUl u by my druggist a.* a pn ifsve been using Itsa < AiiKiint and have found ltiUll.:il luattuoiivi

• if Ohio a

iuer.>r lur

UK '

'I liuye tried HI.IMV but ally's Cream

I have ever found. kiiowof llncflU-acy,

o.. l^bUahcra ii.ll:ilni|H)il», luil.

fie I

Some Great Men


\Vh.» Worko.l.

(Jurius, ^ y ? Look him isy ou Ufa lit

mi nt work, boys—gootl, hanl oik? Then 1 am ashamed ol

ou—ashamed tluu yon know so little bout oteat men.

Upon jour old Roman lii-tory now, nd road of Cincinnaius. On ibe day

on which tbcv wanted him lo iw dic- tator where did [bey find theu ? Iu the tiehl, ploughing.

What about Mi drovu 1'yrrh.iwoQto up ; you wilt lint) h ll« faiin.

The "real Cato; you have surely heard ot hitn—how lie roso to all the honors of ihe Roman. Male ; yet he was often seen nt work in Ibe field: with liis staves.

Scipio At'ricttnus who conquered i i ■;.:.■ ■■! ami won Carthage lor Borne, was not ashamed to labor on his: liirui

Lucrotfa, one of Hie iioblest of Ho- man millions, might have been seen many a <Uy at tvoik tipiuuing nniouo her maidens.

Better even thnn iho example of noble Romnna is Hie advice of the wise man: "Whalsnever ihy band Bndetb to do, do it with thy might." Better ttint) ihis, even, ore the beautiful New Testament wortls; "Nut slothlnl in holiness; Icrvcnt in spirit; serving the Lord."

There I After hearing of these in- stances you will surely be ashamed uot to work.—Philadelphia Call,

The Sea-Water Treatment.

io mutter wind dlwviae >■• ay have. Iiul Hie iiiedl.liie yuu take li ivllahle. Sue

liii-.11, lue I.IUH 111 ulwiO, llnd Mll|ihnr l.ltlers. Tuey an' not i|eh«l|i rum drink hut arc made of llie iinolee»l r.HiU and lierl'* 'olio found In the veKet«bI«klHfdom—IhdlvArsua. Uwiweud ■»♦«..« AM. THAT aciKSCB AMI HKII,I.

eonlil do in innke 1h'ii-.,.u-'- i ;i|ieliia 1 luatera Ihe ks'ht iiorou* oho-terii, niul nl"" bio Iwvl j-ener:il fMenial reaaody in the world, tins lieen .lone. Whenever III* pwiallile lo Improve mem It In done. Ih-niioii'* Mart era are not mnile u> iu,iio»« upon the etrdiilnuii. hut to cure illoeaae. Ihelr eminent amretii ImE iirtH-ur.-'i I"r tlu'in U,e volun- tary endomeniint at :*>*> \-\" .leian*. |ihiirmmill.U aim droaiclatatl.i-oiiKh ' '"'i"1" ■o"' Hie oliUpnaeu orelereiiee of the Inlelllttent puhlte. They are iiromol, iHnveilnl. - I. ;nily nnd ei-rtsln. They cure where nn other, will even relit te. KefuaulNilUttltmaatyleil "i;at>-l«-ln." ' Capue.Ui" •r "Ctipaleuiu" litunU-r^. l(.-|.iit«Uc druitlKU only. Tho "Threo Beitla" irn.le mark oa th.- gen ulue and the word "Capelne" cut lu OM centre u( the pla-ter. dwlwsod

Some of the I'rris physicians warm- ly recommend the treuimeut of obesity by the administration of sea water, combined wUh a resilience at the sea- side. It i* urged tlint i^oa water, taken intcratilly, acts like diuretic and purgative salt*, a retnarkahle fact bo ing tlmt iho diuretic < (Net increases when the purgative diminishes. Tlie water is to be obtained when poajll from some depth, and ;,ir (torn tho shore—beir-e tj^B Uft to scitla for six to twehe hours, and filtered. It

;■' ■! i. j ■ three timea a day doses of a email tumblerful, or in half that quantity nt a tima with fresh wa- ter or milk. The claim is that sea water thus used, facilitates the oxy- genatlOQ or the blood, and that it hoV

j ien3 the elimination Jol Iho «fet« ma- terials, lu combination with this treatment, sea water baths arc to bo taken, |fiee exercise is to be carried out, and at the same time fattening loods are, ul ceutw to be avoided.

TUB BKMODF.I.Fn nrtUSB. The Improvement In the hoasa baa Ixvn se>

rantl through tho odditfon of a roomy urtir story and two-story piazza* on two aide* of the building, fueinx SOOth and west. A new addition ban been iiuule to tbe eiViwJoo, nl«i to !«' eODstruetod of Mono, whlefa will contain Ehe l:i:.-h-n. with t#TVIUUI1 idoUkl overhead. The interior or the building lew boon arranged to suit, the wonts nnd tostosof MI-K Cleve- land, whose In ten *t hi her siflnirlinn home b not Icai than that of tho presiilent. Nearly every afternoon slnoe the worktueu began op- erationa Mm. Cleveland has found it a pleas- ure to wnb'h tho iiro^rvwH «>' tholr labors, while the pestilent also llmls n new diversion from tbe cares ol state in seeing tbe homely cottage tmnsfonneil into a la-aiitiful dwelling,

(if eouivi all the modern improvement*, oonvanlences nnd appUanoos for household comfort "ill IK' pul IIL When eonipleted tin iv ■■■■ ■ lion dining'room, reivptiou room, two* parlors, one of which the pnsMant In- tends to oecupyu* hin study, on tho lower floor, Uwidiw the pantries and largo kitchen. On the M'.oml llisir will Iwthreo e)iaiiilM>ni and dreaming rooms, bath rooms, ehweta and strvnuui' rooms. Tin* attic story will contain

For Ihe Stomach's sake. ForUie stomaelrasake, a lltllo HANrOKD'aGnt.

OKX nt thin neaaon of the year la moat Imporallto. ly deinaaded by every one, becauae

It la iiiro to check, ctory illaturiiance of tho stomach and I.OIYCIS, by wliataoever t-auaed,

11 prcvenlH liullKeatlou, llnluleaey, and eollo. It ilentroyii disease nenna In water drunk. n r('- th.- .'ii.'ui.iiinii iin-i digeation when

suspended by a ehlll,-a cause of cholera inorbua. It break* up colds and simple fuvcra, and Is sure to ward off midartal Uiflucocct. It |in>molea slstp and allays uervoiMiiesi. It eradicates n ermvlov for IntoxImiiU. ll la the bout of travelling e/impanlons. II Is uiirlvnlled as a uummcr ineUldne, and la the anest uinxcr la tha world. frepared wltli the utmoat skill from Imnortod

tilnter, Chul.-e Aromatlea, and Freniti Brandy I RTOnO'S Gmem la vaslly superior to al

other "Ringers," all of whleharu mode with coin- aleolioi, largely IsaptSaniaUd with polsououa

fusil oil and .trruL'ili.'ii.-it wlUi cayenou [Hupsi


Is sold by DraaataU, tins-era, and Doalers.

four coiiiawKlioiu chainlKTH. From the road- aide tJie view will be very picturesque, with a J^K«1 sett in:; of trees nnd an extensive sloplnc lawn on nil aides. The i;r"iiii'K liovo btvn very mueli unproved during the president's poHscasion of the property, nnd landseupcgar- doncrH have bean engaged to farther adorn the grounds and lay out new appraacbai from iho main road to Die buiidiiig.

The president oxpeotB to take possession ol tho house alaint the tat of Lk-Uilier, and dur- ing Ifrs. Cleveland's visit north next month aiTBJigeiiieuUi will Is. made for furnislilnglicr ■uburbtui home aeeontin^ to her own taste.


CHICAGO ART IWST1TVTK. ChlonRo Li n inagnitleent money-making

lty. Bxoept in the buying of foreign pic- tun* with the wealth ninilo In Chicago the universal western art movement haa not yet mado itaelf greatly felt thero however. It has an art school called tho Chicago Art Institute. Tho hntmVomo structure shown In tho illia-trntion Is at preaent In process of erection-for tho Institute, Wot mueh progress hostss-n maile in the one hii]s>rtant field of the industrial arts. Tho only eomputont American designer nnd decorator In tho wholo city i" » nradunto of the Ht. I»uis Art school. But nil this will bo changed spewIUy, Chicago peoplo wiy. Tlie city is too new to havo done mueh but croato wealth so far. Tho fin' was a gnat blow, too. For many yean nothing could bo attended to outside of the line of strict brent 1 and butter getting. Now there is more time, and Chicago energy will U< equal to this <ii]|, as it always has been equal to every other. There is a pottery club in tbe city, nnd tho art matitutu ia at- tended by 400 pupils.

ACHING BACKS (Teak Backs, Pala, Weakness ami In- ibo.iuiiilluii of the Kidneys, HlinoOnir i'lilin. thi-oiiKli the l.oln-, Il1|, and Slda I'ldna, I.aife of Stn-nirtli and m llvlty

llrrril lu onr nilanlr nnd qxcdlly cured hr tho tml. ■■■ ii A,UI-I'»|„ riaatar, a new.arb Sliud. elejtinit iiu'l lufallthie nnttilotc lo pain and

:>n«miiml Al dru|r«lsls. Me ; live fur »|.00; IW (HisUse in ■ .1 I'.in.i l>>,iHni,,l Chemical t'o., Iloatuu, .Sin.

FOOD Tl'f < Tel

tH.rrf,,, Ml> , MF-K-aj ■ MtVIM-V rfffT-IsT


ft^^*5**^ ^^w^^^~

niTTALO I.mnAHT ANH AI1T lilll.OIM). Skipping in n lino oast wo Ilnd that tliu

little city of Buffalo boa made creditable pro- gn«s in art. For twenty-four yours it has supi» t"ilnflne aitsncaileiny. A lieautiful new library building has Uvn erecttsl, and in this them aru accominoilatlons for th aendi ::iy, which hna HO l-m.; upheld the banner of art in putfalo,

Thuiiiovemcnt U-gliLS to show itself in 1m- provtil uiul . ■ :,i! ,:nl homi« for tho iieoplc, which niv springing up all over tho country- It U es]ieeialiy gratifying to noto tho change in tho building of country homes and farm bi iii-s that has coitio elsiut In the lastbn years. Thin pleasing and artistic rural archf- teeturc is a sure sigu of tho growth of tho art spirit

A recent writer in Nature givee au iti-i iiTicc Of ri nun liable adauliOD iu

elejihuDtfl. lie observed a young one to go to a lenee ami pull oul a bamboo slick, which he broke in pieces, but he threw all the pieces away. This he re- peated till he lound n piece thai suited biro. ThU he passed under his arm- pit and be».an to scratch. Pawn lull a great elephant leach, six: indies l<.n.- and thut without a scraper eoultl not have been dislodged. The writer adds that the custom is an established one among elephants. They will also break oil hushes, strip them nearly down, nnd use ihetu lo whin away Dies,


tstrnci for, liosldt

Thai tlrrd. I:inj-u1it focllnft and is very dlsiwrevnlde. Takelwouf l.lverl'ilh before i-ctlrlng, and yo lief. They never tail lo dogoisj.


lull haailaoha

AOVICBTO MoTHbaa. Are yon uUttUrboil lit nU'lit and broken of your

real by a sick rMI.I mi irerlixt and,Tying— '"■ of cutllim b«th:' If so, rend at "


of So/onaiT, remlera It Hie moil ngn.euhlr tJu ever tilted us a toolli mmh. It Jinn none of the acrid properties of the astringent tooth pom ders, and instead of oiiiiriti-ilng the gum*. It ret) ders them llrni mid eliistle. dwetallw

I that It la medicine, when

liter a

HEIU r.r SrKNCKB, One ot the great Hinds of England Is ]ia»

big away from anio.iffmen, llorliort Sjioncer haa ls»eti tnndilc I for years with "Wrslstenl iiw .urn in ion I IHTVI illness. When liNo-isittil Amerii-n in 1888 bo carried .\ hop pillow**ilh hint everywhere to pnshu-o sleep. Hut the obstinate trouble seems to Is! getting tho liet ter of him nt last. Herbert Bpenoor is not n very bid man, ns wo count age now. Ho wai born in Derby, England, In VSR, Ho b not as old as Oladstouo by eleven years, nor ho* his life boon passed amid anything like tin wear and tear through which tho great pro mier hut lightly carried his Tit years.

Mr. S|in-er win edueate.1 l.v his father, who was a t iviier In Derby. Ho carl) showed gn«tfondneai for ninlheniutlow and natural history.

He wns intended for ft civil engineer, r.iul angaged lu that pesftwrion at Hot. Dal *< man, o:!i r v«u:ig men cniwdiil Into ft that HID Held was ovorstoekoiL Young Bponom abandoned it to try IJU'i-nture. If be had bad his Is'giiinius in our tiitw he would bavt found the Jinirieilisti:' nnd library Hold erowdidtosuchatkqrTea that the civile nivr's professkni wuujil !«• emptiness In < parfson,

Darwin, Herbert Bno All lllfl ltU> \a ..i

hts time. Th- two miiuts oepttbot liurwin's ran rather tothofleh'l ol active experiment, and research among ani- mnJsand things, Sponcei^ more to develop- lug phflosophlca) thought in the study ami library, tynpnocr n as as ardent a\i cv.ilutiai 1st as Darwtu, but ho was mom interested in evolution as applied to government and society. When only •» years old be public! a aeries of papers on the pn^orsriberoof gi eniment. {lotooh tlie hoinim■» iuid unllg Civil ground tlmt bsi much government was worse than none at all.

His first Important work was pubUi IBM, when bawaalUreanold. Itwaa' StaUosi or the CrmtUttons I:--- m iul to i Baraplitcas8peduatl,and tbe First of Them Developed.11 It la a striking (net In the ntroer of this great thinker, that that first book of his has neve, betai exeeHed, if. Indeed, it has been einmlisl, by unything he wrote btier.

t.lttle is liiiowllul Ins privitto life; ut loOJt It se-ms as if thero wot Uttlo to know. He is a quiet, elderly bachelor, ami baa dwelt bit Iionilon talghig bouw tlmt< out <if mind.

' A Genuine Oronutl Swell.

.iii.fTl/.n'ci""! ■Ill Vi;KHiK\..n.lail",iWii!i"ni;eill*lr aatol r™< r., faaawtlS T,7TiT " y dI,-■•-<-HI ■,«!•, Pcrfrrt nilrlrl.1 in Ml

s snw,v--r>-i.-rj. TSR ggyiO ^uUkiw«^oiii"X''ooV1i^ t.oLii'ii

WlMmql-i,,^ feOUlO^, H,i;«.-i( ,,,.,. tsuo-mivi^Tn-,.,,,,,,., ,;l

i -ft 'ii..iium)*u|[i r\uTi, l^oumX --l.t to I'UwIftt,.

-S.UIll pill) W|^),iJO.J ■tai.a'i -M ' A"I»IIIUI)I t.i,-,

'>■"' ■i.ippiisJO'i.i'.'n,- JO .1...-i. :,.]!.. . i

v «nol cuq 5.- - I ll.H^Lj JO OH

Dcllglitiiil Slimmer and Ocean

EXCURSION. BOSTON TO HALIFAX, PortHawkcsharr. B, B., Pictoii,N.S..

aci Cbarlottetown. P. E. I. I ' Tlie iteamshlps fAMMU «r i:s-

TKIt 1,-m,. s„k-.-,.„'- Whi.rf.C.narrr-s SI reel. IJustnii.every SATt'UI>AV at U noon, tnnnoc- lliihs made and Mir..uKl. tl. k.l- solil to nil iHilnta 111 Nova Sei.lhi:i«.lr.ipe ttn-Uin.

SI»K< IA1. StrTM Kdwlnirto ihe accident tt> "teainer"ti*TK CITV." Ihe Merrimne baa iK-en lempurarlly withdrawn. n 111 resume her trips-

lion I.F ni,iln I.. Ik., Aafe> l-l._ pairs t" ihe Gate tliy. complrtin .Send for circulars

W. O. UlNti, Mckern.n'» Wbarf, or ' " W.SA«i'sti\,-.ui\Vu-hl.ijrta.St.

Ueuernl An ota. 1lna«n*|aii


7 p[H ;*\rr.vr or tit


H". It. t'l.ARK ft COH of IIISKKAIflLIS, offer Firtt MiTtgiiynon par** In Miunttntn ami ha- t-o(f> lu nni ts of **w uiul upwards; Interest from 7 tu a j-cr eeul. Mfrtyayn on Mxnnmjn.tit City I'riifirrty, lstercst 7 per reiil. Mlleen years cxperle

.Send to P.. rt—i njti.-r far rnmphM Slid ref*- lHl.irr veil Invest else where.

«K«K«K WALI.AIH, AKent, 1!) Milk St., It,i,'in II-. Iloaton in .'..ii:;iiLS


Near CanneItownt Ueaver county, is a piece of land, the surface of wbicb pnlsales like Ibe waves of Ibe ocean, or as if lirca-tliin^. There are, how- ever weeks between breaths, so to •pca,k, ami all upheavals >re followed by explosion* that ore heard for a con- siderable distance. This freak ol na- ture comprises a portion of the farm of Burns White, who believes it to be tlue to natural ;;s.i, wbicb is.fountl in paying (lufintitles on a- jntiiii-; farms. Umdliml, Venn., Era.

bottle of Mrs. WlnsioWs 8ta>UiinK fyriip stuolslncaleuliiUe,

' net a hw

Children Teetldna;. Its will relievo Die i .n-r llule MiTerer Immediately, Depend upon It.inothers.tliere 1. no uilsu.kealsinl it. ituuri-i rtrtsnuirr and dlsncaas, roftnlatea Ihe momai-Ii and UiwelH. ciin'H \> In.I eohV, snlli-na iheaiima, rtnluei-s the liilnmiiiallon, and ft tea

."... .^—u~i.. ...«- Mm. vVlns-

. __ tlie proaenpth „,.„ of lite oldest and bc.-t female niiraea and phvulciana lu the United SAatca, and la for mile br alld.-iUDflaUl. lhK»lu|lMnlt|,MW . WOTld. "

pleasjoil to ihe tiinU-. a -— of Ihe olde

ililjins lu Uu l.-u«KiaW tat ■ a^Seiiaa,

inner, Mr. Ban; rajjrii J., A. A. Ilnike

Ksi(., N. V. Htmk KxeliuiiKc; llov. Sleplien Mer rltt, N. V.; and many others are wlineaaea Unit I'iilmer'a "Skin Hueeess" Is a aafe, suro nnd speedy remedy for skin roinplalula or every tutmu and dee:*w." "J'i nud 7.\ i-A-iits, ilnixulsU' Palmer Co., S. Y. -iw !«.■.,■[

Ir yen feel as IIIOIIKII water was (tsthrrhiK

iear! trouble—Or. klhuer'i


Take one ot Cartor'a i.. u '.■■ i -i ■■ ■ . t : i . after eatliiK 11 Will lellele dvspcpsla, Bid 01

- ■- UHI .jslei e lone and »lgar lo t

Whsn Ilaby ma s-.-k, irn s;.r* l,er Cwtnrla.

When ihe .-. n. a Child, she cried fur t'aaloiia,

rVIieu she bnoamo allw, BILO olnng to Caalorla,

Whau ah* bad CUdran, aha gave thain Caatoria,

SllllfNI.1tM.MO, OS* I'Mtr

ro.l I.I v. r Oil, with ll>'|tophoaphlt«a,

hi tii-iienil Ikcblllty, Kmaclntlon, Conaumpllon

and Wasting la Children,

Is a most valuable foodumt medicine. It creates an appetite for food, strengthen* the nervous system and bullda up tho body. It la prepared In a palatable form sue. prescribed universally by physicians. Take DO other. dwoadlm

A "fMlMTRK." When CoL Sellers gives you a "pointer" Ii

slocks, uiy frlrnd, leave them severely alone bill when your own feelings tell von that yoi have palpitation of the heart, asthma, brouekltli or ealsrrii wbl. h unless .lieeki.1 are apt lo rut. into .-.insiiniptlmi, heed the adtnonlllnn U-fore It is loo late. All the dlsesse* ouumeralvd, ami others, arise fnun impure hl.««1 I'm ibe liver In nelloa, the largest glnmt in the Ionium body,

it yon will ai>eiiHly rei.ahi last heallh, 1«dfeulliigswllliHsn|ipenr. iJr.I'lrrcv's

notlahthe druifglsi.

ujjga wutH I sapeeaT iol.len Me.IU.-al nWovery- wfilac

tarkaiioedily aud certainly, of yoi Uwlw


WiMm dfHali HruMhils. EM

''■■". A. » ■ !'■■■. n SjagjlTft

jgaam, B '• ■*!". *'r

qi-t ' PrtM 75c.' Trial B THE PALMES OO.. 12D Nassaui<™.la.r.

n...k ■ III :

m I . -ij ..r on ro I ■■-' friciTBe. Tr:




Skin-Success OB n. iaa>aaBBBBa liaaaaaaaaaai




Poit Offioe Blook, Lawrence, Hsu.

SUBSCRIPTION :-$2.50 per year, from which

50 cents will bo deducted for strictly advance payrrMnL

The Circulation of the l-awrcucc American la the large! of any paiicr In i; . C.uiitv, mid 11- -i»-lnl '■Andover Ailvcrtlt-r" in j'h'i-s Iran Aim..-I I-M lu.lvu local clr.'iilallon In A.ubm-r ml North Andover.

i:\ii - or AuvEiiTisiMj BKNT os AJTUCATTOS.

Entered an scroiid-elii** n





SUBSCRIPTION, la Adrance, $6.00 per rtv.

QEO. S. MERRILL, - Proprietor.

THE AMERICAN ELECTRIC PRINTING OFFICE h the largest and most thoroughly furnished in

Eastern Mastachuietts. Nine power presses;

constant additions of the newest type; the,

best quality of work, at tow price*. Orders

by ma it promptly attended to.


SCHOOL Get the Boys Ready for School.

We linvo just received an invoice ol our Fall anil Winter stock of cclehrutccl

ROUGH AND TUMBLE SUITS, For Hoys' Wear. Mothers who would clothe their Boys for school, neatly and economically, will find correct styles, hpnest goods and verylow prices, at






■aeon l.o,


The H. P. Hubbard Co., j SuceiMort lo H. P. HUBBARD,

Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts j EtUblithtd 1671. Incorporated 1885.

New Haven, Conn.

**T~0UH 200 P«ac C.TALOQUI or "LI.»I««!

nim««».," BENT FNSE ON Arpuetno*. j


A. form 1



rx ft.. Lawrence. Gnu, Klher and Chlnro

BILKS. Velvet*. Ca»b k Krlngcs, llmtriii*, cloves.

A. BIIAHI'K * (Jo., aia KKM-M)

BOOTS & SHOES, a fall at,*, complete stuck, 1.1 i.rlrc* I.i Mill l|„.

1'. II. HnlllNMi.N, i-n |>K(.X Street

pOOKIMO STOVES, Ktti.ffi8, V F«maff«. Sulci^-cni Miigco Stoves.

Ji HIS r', HlSuiIAaL rei KH*ex HI.

ni.AUA H. KOGHKH, DtMAtwM \Jat Women a ypeclnlty. 311 KKSV ri'iH'e. Ofloehottniioiaj ' -

J)tf. M- J.

I Valley street m-.r the C.

: 10 :i p. in.


XJ su J. H. Ktlini:,;, Ittntal

Surgeon, No. iieiK c* St., nvcr the 11ST Stale Hunk, Lawrence, .11.1 ,. Cm., chloroform ur Kthcr given AH preferred. Closed during the nontb ol August. DKORKK & WHITTIER.

Choice Oroecile. Slrlctlv pure Cntrecs, Spices and Choicer Trim. Tlic liet l.ulrle of Butter and Cheese. N Amcdwrj itraet,


Office close'1 during August. N. IfAltlfis. TioHMirer of in- li 1J11 ur MKIIIII.- I-,J.,:H4 Hr.iadWAV

" lug Mills WAKlii

ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line ot advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,

Nawapnpsr Arlvartieinri Bureau, . IO Spruoo St., New York.

Sand lOote. fop lOO-Paga Pamphlet

E, Turl.


pCA.Mv ltUftMKLL, 4 Portraits ;

I'AI'KK and ■into it on HI. at "■11 .ifll.O. S ll Mm il-iri' 10 inln-ril-"' III sny pajM-ra, 11 will pay ymi In write 11 a f.n 1111 climate. StAli-linw llllli li.lmw l"IW. Ami Hlnri' >..ii»:int F«r ten reiila »i. will iwitiil <-oni|>]i.|<- illrii-lnrv «f A in.-i It Jin Kawapevees, I lir 1 ■.-. II ll Mill: ll VHliiiilile iiitoniiitl Inn for H.IVITlkn. tSTI- MATKS t'ltKIC


*{■ par^r I* kppt on Hie nl the «nir>p of


AGENTS fji«8 B'JILPiW PUSS PHIUDaPHM. LdllMAItOat LowoBtCa.n Rate. Fntf

utftfirai SON'S uwiuu LONDONUKHKV

LI7HIA SPRING WATER, A Delicious Medicinal and Table Water.

This Siiiinir WftUr cntitslrid, IK-AIIIM HIP mt bonate* of Time, MHLH «11.1 iiuurm■„!„, i-l|r,ht Uralas uf Carbonate of I lihlum la Ihc Ijalliiu. mnklii)(tlAi'«M|ie«-lnr Tor Hlit-iim-- tlsm and -H Hldiiey IM.rasrs, «-.,i,m u> •4'srlsbail or the two Amerliviii l.ltlils wntrrn, while the prleee i*o* <n« are far feSWWi

SAMPt.KS TO rllTMCIASS FKKK. <hir Aiithurlzeil AffMoti f'>r I^iwreura and


JAS. R. SIMPSON & CO. »#-*'• n- teAltmimlAld Aildreds L. L, B. Co

KssriUA, N. IL jnjeodcowtf


333 HsttX Slreot, UliMlM.

OKOCERIES, Plour.Tea.Pan- V 1 r-y lo.i.iln mill rriMture.

' ■ "TCLK HICUS., Oor. KAKCJ: A Ameahury.

HOWAHIl, M. !>.. 181 G. ■ Mil. .

K-i Remtdai 7I» (iiinlcn St. - M.I T lii !l |. I

\l ISS KAY, FaNhlnnablo Dnw- 1T1 muker, liHi Finnklln sm-ci, Lttwrence, UIIKH.

\| V. TOGG, l>rp«n ami Cloak ill • Maker, III (»nk «t,, (nevt lo lirlck lilm-k, :«>rnerJark»»i] 11ml u»k 1 M:n liluestltrhlnH: Ami I'lultliix; llult.iiilltili; .Mukliij/. r'ormerly ul loo E**M Strett.

Pi:i>Ki( K A 0LOM8OW. Ap- prnlAers, Hen I KHUU- AurniH, Ijtwreiu-o,

Mil--. r.'i'MiHiill llllelitliin lt> all liil-lne.n.

CEWlKti MACHINES, the New O Hume, I ie,[i.', II..H-, l„.l.l. im.t nil nlli first I'ltwA M-winc .MiiehliH'.-. uniee, 371 K««< Ml. IV. lIAIiAH. Aintit. Al*(i IIKVIIU fur t) m-lMTIl" I'AI'KH K.IMIIIIIMH I \AlLOUS, French, BBffliah 6D.I 1 Ami'rlrati NnvellieA. r. w. ■ ( 11 1 \M. s. co., Poet CMUt Bk*

TA I I.OK, liiijiorlfd iiiiii DiniMr.- Ile i, u.

II. DEHKIB M<-i: 1 . 1 - ■ 1 . v


jCA^S"IDGEMUTUftLFIREi;^,GC ]ff:r 70a & strong, reliable and cirehlly ;r,ir,i-c-i Compoaj In which ts insure yanr " EWELLIKa and mNITITBE." Thajrirt i'.w paying CD o return premium on five year politics, The? bars never ossesEsd, have paid all losses promptly and their rates are M low at any Hu:ual Company. 7. US Coot, Pnt, . Al/rtJ L. Harbour. S*(

for iHSuranct <t,'ffy to


Sisters of Charity, attacbed to St. Uary's Infant A -\ linn, Dorcliester, ,M ;■■■ ■., certify to 1 in luestlmable value of A>ir» fiurxapariltu In 1 hi- treatment of euro cycM ami sktn ilbeaAes, among the nniny unfortunate chiklren under their cure. Mrs. 3. I' Jtodwell, Wilmington, Uius., writes con- cerning Lho treatment of her daughter, who was troubled with sore eyes, at fol- lows : " I gave Aycrs Sarsaporilla to

My Little Girl, aiid must say that she never took anything that helped her so much. I think her cyc» never looked so well, us now, since they were iitlivinl, and her general health IN

Improving every day. She has taken hut half a bottle." A. J, Simpson, 147 East Merrimaik at., Lowell, M;i--.. writes: "My weak eyes were made strong by using Ayer's Barsaparlila." C. E. Upton, Nashua, I?T II., writes: " For a numtier of years I havo been troubled with a humor in Jny eyes, r.nd wiw unable to obtain any relief, until I commenced


Ayer's Sar aaparllla. I believe It to bo the best of In all coses requiring a powerful alterative blood puiifiars." treatment.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Apt* & Co., Lowell, HIM., V. 6. A.

For B8.I0 by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles for $5.

Charity mny bo " fairest and foremost of the train that wait on item's matt dignified nu.l happiest state," but the dignity and ba|» piuess of man cannot Ions endure with- out the benllh that may lie obtained In a few bottles of Ayer's Snrsaparilln. A.YV. Tarker, lumber denier, 2011 lileury street, Monti-eal, fjue., writes: "After being troubled with Dyspepsia for a year, and

with Salt ltbcuiu

For a Number of Years, I was cured of both diseases by using six bottles of 11 Tss"e(ttrwpirmi" M.ti. Traine, Iiu.vbury. Mi-., writes: " I have found Ayer's Karsnparilla an eill.a. iou1, remedy for bilious troubles and I>>»i>i |>- sla." Henry fobl>,41 Itussell st.,Charle*. town, Mass., writes: "1 was completely cured of Dyspepsia, by the use of Ayer's Sursaparills." Win. Lee, Joppa, ML, writes: " I have trletl Ayer's Sursaparilla, and it has done mo so much good that I shall always regard It as the best of blood purlilcrs." 1/iiiiu.m pujiileluiu prescribe Ayer's Sar-


Lite, iicciitent and Fire Insurance JOHN 3 DWAKDS, - AUBKT

Insurance Agency UKrRR.KMT. TIIK KOl.l.OWISO

CO l^FJLHTX BS Franklin, nf Philadelphia, r»a. l'i llii-J Ivalila. of Pa. Utrnua nntrrlrau, M. V. \V. .,,(,,.,,,, \i ., Viirk. Hi'l'H.iHii, Mrw Vorta. Oilrnt, IIHI MOI .1, Conn. II. ■ I.It K, I mill. t'ammnnwraltli, tlostou. Sli.XVM.iK. It.i.l .,■■ . 1.1 \ntlonsl, »\ 111 1 . nl. 1 . UlM I II. I llKl-»ll. ■ ■■prHal and Northern, I :n<sjlai«]. Hoval, Knilaud. Mrlropolo Ins. Co., Parla, I.OMII.III iusrsni.-, 1.11., Unardlan Assurance, IBasg and. London and l.nnea>lilr<- KIIKIHI"! ■ Travrllrrs* lit. and Aerldoit, llarl-

f.inl. Conn. Mm. Mi.iu.1 Life, Woreestcr,


•■3 Essex street, Plant (.>ffi,





•.iinr rng For Mick Nlnmti ll, CUKfc P«IC r„rplil I-lver,

Hill.Mia llradarhr


Sail from New York every SnHinlny for


LIVERPOOL AND QUEEHSTOWN. uliioti I'iiHKAfce, $•<> iiml imwnr>|i, neeorillng t. Hiltl.m. Sceoml rlam. fliri. Sleer«K" OHtlt'iinJ


rlnfiirmiitton apply I. """TlltH», MeW lnrl

E Bt., or t« PATRICK


Tarrairt's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient

It IsKCOlle I" It" A.'Hull. It U 1.11 ;i I :i 11 !■■ to the U- I. ■ ll can IHI relief U|xm to cure, nn.l ll riirns liy ^f- tilting, not I. L outraging

Sick-Headache, r&tSxzSgs ^ 1|D this eli-KHiU iiliiii-iiiiH'.-iiil-

anl |.n |i:ir.Hli>ii. whleh — for more than

apuhlie favor. DISPEPSIll. tie »(*.' l'i drugffUtM rrt

CTARrUIN^Wonderliil Reformation aiAKtiHIWi. irl Laundry Starch. -^■^Bssas BssAnk,u. ,1..,.., ......i..b j ■taraalssg. 'IrawLsagsV

Pollahsssg '1 mi. 1 .I.-I IB:. MAMS lime, lulior am ir laundry flul-h ami DIOM l„„n,,lrf uf ori|j;i.iry

Rr^inlres no money, titves Kuuf to over Ask your grei-i tlon iriiarnntiv . . KRKK fur letter stainii.

Tbe&eo. FDX starch Co.. Ciacinnati. 0.


Fiiia GaiTiagBs anil SIei£lis,l ^7

DENTI3 TRY. Dr. II. E. Ilrnmli". the Dentist, lni'.ileil at No. 22S KaW St., Sweeney'

Illoek, gives the very beat work at tho luwciit possible prices.


ASi-i'iHiH I (ium Teeth, 97.00 4.old I'illii.:--. 811.00 and up Sliver * 80 cents. Bone or Cement Fillliiga, '-'"1 " Kxtraeting Teeth, 25 •< tins ml in i iiKt rrt'ii, 25




CarpterY at* Marbinists' Toils, FARMtR'S iND CONTRACTORS



"JUl 1,


no. Taaut.a... opp. Htibj. at.,>. in tho iiiii.-l Mnt.. .I.I, lipi'.IHrtt«lli.>THnp,.nn1|i,ll,,.,fon'l.-, uiilrl Ciiul,-* or tlio ,'lnlin. of .II), I'ntint Im.n I..-I l.'oiltlliiK 0110 ilollor. A^.l^nniool. r, nloil a Wo.lilnotoii No n^rnry In tho I'nltoil SU' t«).«i-.«o«.m.,ili,i lo. IIIH.-f.iMlitoliiliix 1'ntoi or n.oorUloliiK HIP onliiitotaiitv »( liivoiitlon..

if. II. KIHlV,tt..ll,lloro( I'



BEE THAT Kllile nvi it CXUlK Ourf>radVMrwrfco*wiruJeTJervfJOfliB. ^tsicbieai iTnr/ Drop h Worth Itk Weight In Gold.



THE WONDER OF HEALIN8 I For Piles. Itllna. Hleeillnu t>r lulilnti. It Is thn'Sl kinntii r>m.ily. For llarna. KCald.. Woamt*. Itmlvea ■■■.!

t.|iraliiri. il In un1110all.1l—NHM |alii aij.l tii'tlm* -- a l:nrn Hull iiumri'T.

Kye-.- II" ' 111-.1.1 _.-l1i'«5"'Ii pi I.i to iin *oat - -

Fur llcera. Old Horea, Ill

let, Its action upou LQise w I


Open Woonda. nf Iti-.-i... (M,ro r. uiurksliiu.

CMrtton.—rnSOS EXTRACT hu &«■« fmt- fatal. ThtgtmHn* Art* tAs sMnt* "fOMTH BX- TRACT" Womt *n the afau, and oursJisM froifa ti.'i,t<'iuurr.n.oi(iHij \mg Krap]>rr, Son* otArr i» KuiFic. Atmiyo inoiU m having PQMM EX-

ACT, TWanoofAw Ition T »,./,/

or MMMfpM, in bulk or by moo

IT is vnsAra TO usa AWT PBBTARATHIN T.tcarr TilS Omuls' WITH OUB MltaCTaOMi. fitad Ks> im«iU« .niJ /ru«-niiH(. Prices, Boc, 11, (1.T8. Sold

POND'S EXTRACT CO., T8 Fifth Avc. H-w York.


A 9

Salesroom 286. Ceutdeoat), 2$& Com

moD Street. janl"lyr

JIarneasra, Blankets, llarbes, TFhlp

IC50 & 5o8 KSSKX ST,


DiiAitl lrJ.6 i _ ., tatflliHli.u, ." r III. I HA,

i vn lii'. 4 Un lr t V tubliied. _„ »50CHANCn3. Vrlea,*/

-J AB'Imi, S---.I fitain;, l^iJatakapav IB&0 X-rii 60. Hi >. SU .L. rsUTV*.

TKBTIMUNIALA: "I rejrnnl Mr. K.|.|y A* on« ot the n >Bful |iinrtlll.iiieiB wllli v

•t eniifilile nin I liurc

lisil Mill, s.ii Intenourse." I II A - MASON, I ..i I ■■■!.,tn I of I'.ilml .

■ "Inrentor* ennnol eii,(jliiv A iiemon more trust- worth)' or more raunble of aeeurlnir for ttiem sn early an.I tiivornlile . .HI-I-I.I-IUI.II nt Itif 1'ateiit Office.." KIlMl'Nll ItUKKK,

)ii:r CiimmlsHlutier uf l'ulents.

ll.i-ms. fletolier in, ISTfi. R. H. F.IHIV, »uj.-l>eArBlr. V»u |.r-«'iire.M

fur me la |S4n, my tlrnt pAlent. Slneetheuy. have aeieil for and ailustnl me In luiu'ln-ila I'ASI'S, nuil |iroeiir>'il inaiij imleuts, reissues AI extiiiislons. I linii' iH'i'AKloually liesl sfreneles In New York, I'liiuKieli. Wsrihliiifton. tint I still rhra vou nlmoai the ■if HIT liiialness, In yuur line, AII.1 Advise rjthen I employ yuii.

iourslmly, QKOBGI DIIAI'KIL Huston, Jaiimii-)- I, |SM|. U|y

|.|..yr.| till- <l|.lilii mul



Will receive pupils la

Oil Painting, In Kssez Bank Bulldlnf

Cor. Essex ami Ijinrenee SU., room II. Hours fton

*ly Ml

«-SBfjh,aa-.j psteaaufsaarareS Cats •4. fsasHsAMM r™». Ksssimjlsrtatsi

Diltlcx • Spring • \Afer. Til Great Table Walar Specific.

Thecmly oOTnpariT foliowhujthe nustam of fonMan Spaa In auppit-lliiKaMGUIC'ALBTArr fbr tho baue- ■t of laTaUila drtoklna''Londondanr IJthla."

Taken In ft* nativn atalo UTIIIA la the ONI.T UHLDT BiTlna A WT of Imp" to the TloUto of BBir.l'T-0 DlafeABB, DIABBTBl and OIIAVXI, RHKUMATIBM. UOUT or an.T dlaeajo oaiLKd by asoaaa uf Uno Aei.l In il... blood.

a. ulae asiarW asa>ssassislsr.1 f IITHM U»H.M_UH

irsaa.l/i.r I\,mp>ll. I rwnl I«D 11-I.T OVa,.| TritC moHiaU.<f—mr..f InrnumIrmmrnt)*wi.-...n.o.d two. MnawA (■ Ihieounlr,, m,,tl~l frrt In a*r mlilnn,

LDIDOIDEEEy LITHU SrEIIQ VTiTEB CO. lasttia,, I.E. roa BALK u Asr ui'miTt at

JAMt:si B. MIMl'fJO.-V, Lawrence, Mass. Jyl^lwHinii


Normal Art School, nli Tear nil] beiln Mil \- TK.TlltKlfJO. - for s.lnil-slon will praMBt fees*.

SHII.H.I, lean tVa.iiinRtnn HI,,

ir nii.i fun her l.iirll.-ul.ira, iu|i|n«ts . li H tin til i, PHnclpal.

Lawrence American, LAWRENCE, MASS-


NEARLY all the injprovemenU of

consequeuce on fire arms are made on

the big guns. Trial* have recently

lieen made at Thorn, Germany, with

a new revolver cannon, which fires

ten consecutive ehota, and in intended

to rales the moat in case of an attack

on the fortress. The results of the

'.rial were considered satisfactory.

ABOUT two years ago we had occa-

sion to remark that India was in hopes

to outrival Russia aud the United

Stales in the matter of the production

of petroleum, and that England on

that sccotint would fuel much relief.

It seems that the borings that were

commenced at that time in the vicini-

ty of Sibi, have not yet proved a very

great success ns far as oil is concerned.

Oil has been struck at a depth of

about 500 foot, but the supply has

stopped after a few weeks flow, and

tbe i|Hestion now agitating the Im.ii.iu

government, accordiug to the Dabore

Civil aud Military Gagetle, is wheth-

er a hoiing should he continued to the

depth of 1000 leet, iu the hope of ob-

taining a steady flow of oil. It does

not look very proiuisiuj;, from an

American point of view.

THERE is no danger of war any-

where in the world al present. Russia

is not tueiuacing Turkey, lor a decree

has lately been lasued by the Sultan

placing the TurKtsh army on a peace

fooling, r,nd ft Is quire certain that be

anticipates nothing of lho kind, fur

the Grand Vizier has been assured by

the Sultan that he should issue an

order for Hie "demobilization" ol the

Ottoman foiccs, which i« tbe foreign

f n" breaking up tho existing organiza-

tions. The Greek and Rnumelian

•roithle-1 h.tviug eiibMileii, the Sulttvn

has ordered the reserves which had

been iucorpoantcd, to he dismissed.

He has not only settled himself for a

nip in order to reeovei' troin his re-

cent disturbed condition of mind, but

when the Grand Vizier hiutcd to him

Unit. Russia wan concentrating forces

al Bessarabia with hostile intent, his

ftlghim "pooh-poohed" llie idea. A

man and m Sultan who can in ilia face

ol nil Russia Is abL'o concen-

trate, if she so desiren, has tho hardi-

hood to "pooh-pooh" must be pretty

sure of his case. There will be uo

lighting by Turkey liiis year.

THE unfortunate bursting of some

of the Knapp guns, may have the

effect that the criticisms which John

Rouh'i ships had upon bim. There

arcso many competitors in the field lor

every improved arlicle, watching each

other in order to get the bett*rol each

other, if not by fair means by fool,

tbai it seems rjs if the -■in.'. utunoi>o-

lies would come to llieir death, not

tuTOOgb the influence of the labor HS-

-II. biti.'iM, but by the ambitious eflortt

of men engaged in the same pursuits.

Tiiere is one aspect of the Knapp gun

manufacture however, that forces

itself upou the traveller abroad, and

that la, the universality of their use.

Wherever there ia a fortrcis wbich it

it proposed to render impregnible,

there the Knapp ^un will be founJ tie-

cup) ing ili.i place of honor. Bolotim,

whose have bjen the

scene of the liviest.nellon of the past

decade, has become an arBenul as well

ai a general military depot. They

have at Sckindir four large powder

magaziues, nine depots fur stores and

clothing at Bozarchane, seven milita-

ry hospitals, and a general arsenal,

wbich coutaius 70 Knapp guns, 100

caunon of different patterns, and .100

torpedoes. But notwithstanding the

pjptilatilY of these guns, it is plain lo

the eye which has watched closely '.he

history of tire 9rms, tbnl not Kuspp's

guna, but gome other guns wilt soon

usurp the place now ocbupicd by them

and once by the Armstrong, which

may still be ac^n on some of our most

prominent coast islanJs, all ready by

the size uf them, and the sombreticss

of their color, to bink any craft afloat,

which dares to try io look ihem out ol


Odd Fellows* I'uriiile.

The blK parade of ibeiicM Fellows, In

Boston, 00 Sept. Md, promises to lie an

Important event I.i lbs lilstory of the or-

der. Chief (lias. li. l'orter has

Issued a circular to the organizations

which are to parade, In which he an-

nounces that each eanaapoMlrt and L.I.L-.I:

will be Instructed "ii Hie morning of their

arrival where tbe light of their line will

rest at the formation of the procession

Koch body must be In position promnlly

at I o'clock p. in. Tlie procesalon will

move precisely ul 1 .:tt) o'clock. Tbe Army

of Patriarchs Militant, under command

of Lieu tenant-<ic Hi-ral John C. Under-

wood, will lead the cnlumd, anil Hunker

Hill Encampment Will be the special es-

cort of the chief marshal.

KCOTT'tl KMt'LMiuis ,,l PI in; Cod Liver OH, » it h IIj-pophaaphltea.

In (icuerul Del.1111), Ktnaclation, (.ousutnpUou ■ml Wasting ID ClilHmi,

Is a ruoat Talii& I I .m-l t>i,-.i.. -...-. Itrreafes sn A|>|ioiltc fur fuo.l. sirengthen-. the nervous syatem anUbollils u]i Urn body. It Is prepared lu a oa Is Oil) If form ..mi preserllieil universally by physicians. Take no other. dweodlm

IryeuliATP tiurior, (or turner symptoms) can- eer, (or enneov -vminoini) acrofulu, eryalpelaa halt rlieem, i-hri'iili weak neawn, ni'i'Touanean nr oilieroum|ilaIiili-Iir. allsser'* leuialu ulll rin i.i-r ami e.nni. dwlt will correct auil cure.

Weekly News Brevities. ITirinv.

At Washington—Motton, 4; WashlriKton 3.

Tho l.ini-iun Mill eompsny has nisdo an as- ■Itfrnnent.

A boml call fur f 1 "i.nos.Oi'o 1 per eeats. was made ycalenlay.

(iiviit ,-r,.ii ■■■,: It'.l llie arrne of the BraUlO i Vt., ratlroai) aeelUent, yesterday.

Tbe i i.: \ ■ -1 ■ ■ I Peace union held Its seeond •lay's mucUng at.UysUe Blver, Coua., yesterday.

Mr. S. (J. tinelllnir, cs-treasurer of the 1-owoll bleaeliery, was arrested ycstenlay for embeiEle-

Slnc policemen In ltdlfast have been arrested for murder, lu connection with the recent rioting

The atacahohters of tho llbjlilan-l and alfddle sex reads yesionlay, ratified the oonAoltdatlon of those roads.

Tbe government closed Ita case yesterday In iln- preliminary bearing lu tho Hoblnson case tn BomerTllle.

A yachtlrig party c«ro|K>sed nf Kuw York ssd Itosten people had a narrow escape from drown- ing ucar North|M>rt, Me.

The Judge's charge In the Chicago anarch tat** trisl was 'ifiiven-'l yesterday, ami tbe Jury re- Hi i-il to con at tier lu verdict.

President S. Rtodilard Hlanebanl, of the Ham tlK.ii >atlrtnal hank, of It.,.ion, died Bt his sou's

isldeuiw, Chelsea, yestorilay.

Tho stockholders of the Boston, VVlnthrnp A Shore Railroad eompauy have voted to Increase the capital stack to the extent of aw.MO.

Four lives have been lost by a storm in a Min- nesota village, Hcvurnl Injured and twelve of tho mi. ■.-in i. II il. iin;.;-. whirl. It contained were de-

Tho Irish convention In Chicago ",y ester. I ay chose John Ftugeralil, of Lincoln, Neb., for pi-e.ldent. There WAS AIM wrangling about It, anil iil-n at times over other matters The reso- lution* were adopted as re|H,rtcd. The speech or the day was made by air. Redmond.

The ilrlti-«ri parliament met yestcnlay. The Queen's S|xs'i-h was presented srid a reply adopt «l. It was very general In IU terms sml of ni speelnl sliriilflcanee. In Imth houses the Irtsl: <iuesllim ws* uppermost. Cm principal spnechci I.CIIIL' ni.-i'lc by Mr. i.I,nl-i.on-nn.I I,.i.i lUndolph Churchill. The sessional hill was passed In the commons.


At W-i- inM. i !, I:.,M..II |]; Washington,

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes has emlsirked for

Mr. MMWU gl' latent IKIII.I call.


Itct clnt ions as to his HYstem of Keeping Accounts.

s hi* reasons for making th

A severe hall storm was experienced at Han oocfc, Mi) .yesterday.

A great esaja. meeting of Irish Americans win held In Chicago last night.

There Is a fnlnt prospect ahead fora scttlonient of the llrorkl'in labor troubles.

Thnriilversul Sraen union concluded Its Ian mini Mystic River, Conn., yesterday.

Tho schooner Hollirook has left Halifax, Con sul (.enernl Phelun li.ivIng publ lho 040(1 One under protest.

An Investigation was begun at llrnl tlcboro, Vt. yesterday, to ascenaln the cause of the recen railroad accident near [lint place.

Mr. ¥. Ashemion of Now York has boon found not guilty ot ••revelling" at Newport. Ho will endeavor to obtain daiuaees from the city for Us

The Island of Mli|iielon, orTlhe Newfoundland ■ ■ ,:.-i. bus been v I ailed by a storm, ileslrovlng houses nnil shipping, and causing a considerable losaef life.

Kx-Treasurcr Siitlllng will go Ium Insolvency M soon as the papers can lw prepared. M', Hlg gleaef New Turk ho* made a partial explanation ol his relation» with .snelllng,

Allnf tbo anarchists who hare liecu on trial la Chicago have lieen found guilty, and all, with tho excepAonof Ncehe.aru under tbe death ptnalty. Neebo get* In yours' iniprlsomnont.

The friends of .lohn C. Kno, the absconding bank president of New York, are trying hi have Hie Indictment* agulm.1 Ml in iiunahed, In order that he may safely return from Canada.

In the British house of common* yesterday Thomas Power O'Connor replied to sir Randolph CliurcliIll's remarks on llie ltelfust riots. The Ainciican fisheries i|ucstlon and llie Russian af- fair were also under debate.

A flood Is dslug serlons work In tialvestnn, Texas. A severe storm Is raging and tho wster

nvertlowed li miles Inland. 'Several per- huve besM drowned. On the beach the water

IK I.-, feet deep. Ilnvse* aru floating through tho

There Is trouble tietwecn the marine and Daberles depaitments In Canada. Tbe Utter Is Hid to be deficient In the nineunt of Dues and licenses collected from American rssawaa to the

unit of about t'hl,oiii. An ttiveulguihiu is


Base ball Sitnrday: Boston, 11, Waahlugtiiii, fl.

The new Ciiihollc church at BraokUMWH ded. leateil yestcnlay.

rrltMM Alexanderabdh throne on S.imnlay.

The Oeimxratlc .state Convuullo il, Sept. .In.

A lire al BsUs r'raiiclsco, aused a !..-« of ttJsil.W

A Boston man swsrn the whirlpool rnpldn yes" lerdA)-, and was not killed.

Prof. Calvin K. Htowe, liusbund of Harriet Bcccher Slowe, Is dead al tM.

ennntial meeting of the New Koglnn.l turn be/Irk wns bigun Saturday.

The corner stone of (be Odd. NUrws' building, In Ucdford, wns laid on Saturday.

Local revolutions are going on or threatening In tiiree election districts In Mealea.

Terrible reports of loss of life uod ilnmsgc liy lie atorni In Tcnar ■ fioiu UAIVOSUIII aud Iclnlly.

Two hundred dies were lost on Hattinlay, by be liuriilug of a sieamisiat on the Volga river, lu


Reports rrom thu eirn belt show that lho crop s suffering Iwdly. Tho wheat pfospacs*. are un-

it Is said the State Department will make Con. ml n-1.: ii.i in the ■ .i i .-.■■ -..! io fotcr a backdown la IheCuttlug case.

The croquet Uiurnameiil at Norwich was euded i Saturday. Botsfonl was vbtor, leading Ja- IIIUH by one game.

Senator Fryo made a ringing speech upon the i e Issues of tho day lieforu a large audience nt

Houlton, ale., on Saturday.

Jlreln Karlvllle, N. V., destroyed every busi- es establishment, with the exception of one del. The loss will approximate Sl.ofsi.usi.

Mis. 3. J. rb'hliisnn and Or. C. 0. Beers were rialtfiiod In the fkuncrvHIc police court, on lap nlay, charged with the murder of 1.1/ile Roblu-

e.l from tbe Bulgarian

salurday night

In llie trial tsVSM |n \,.w VorL on .satunlay tho

■. The Albintlc -. oinl, (lie PurlUiu third aud the Prlst:lll«

in mild that tho supreme tribune of Chlbua. Mei., has ilecl.l.-.l that Cutting shall lw re-

leasi"!, tile Imprloinmciit uf LWO months that lie ilrendy stitTervd Ising sufllelent punishment da iiuein e. The lino ,.f Siuo I* also to lie i-c-


The Date Fixed.

The date for the iioldliig of the Hepul>-

llcan slate couvcutlun baa been ilnally

flietl for the Mth of September and

Treuiont Temple, Boston, still remains

as the place agmoJ upon. This action of

tbe commltti'e will make fie OsUttpnlgn •

brief one; and it may also be an eventful

one. Certain It Is that with the senator-

ial and congressional content! entering

Into any combination that will tie made

by the politicians there, will* be much

ground covered lu a short space of tlmu.

»Kwow Tnvsru- i.y reading the Science of Life, Hie IH'-SI uinilenl w«rk evi-r, published fur

wirrspjy young and mldUlu aged a

Private Expend** uellcved to Have Abnorbed tho Money.

It la a source of much wonderment to

all where the vaat amount of money said

to have been taken by William inn\. Jr.

went to, and rumors of rash and heavy

speculation have been current. His own

explanation, and the only one given tbe

directors when accused of the embezzle-

ment, was that the money bail been sunk

in bnildinif operations, but It seems hard-

ly probable tbat so much money could

have been lost In such a manner, as the

property could not have ahrunk to such

an extent. Nothing can be absolutely

learned at prevent as to wbat disposition

was made of the money, but thn rumor

of speculation is believed to be unfound-

While tt Is true that Mr. Gray did

dabble to some extent In stocks, his oper-

ations, as far an can be learned, were not

of such a character as to embarrass him,

nii'i there appears to be more reasou to

believe that his dealings have been profit-


Messrs. Jackson k Curtis, who were

thought to have acted as the late Mr.

Uray's brokers, on being questioned aa to

his alleged heavy dealing In New York &,

New England stock, characterized tbe

statement as nonsense, and said tbat be

never recently dealt largely in Hi is stock

and rumors to tbat effect are without

foundation." They would neither deny

uor aiiirin that they had acted as bis brok-

A gentleman Intimately acquainted with

the condition of the affairs of both mills

stuted tbat, In his opinion, tbe money used

by Mr. Gray had gone for private expen-

diture; not speculation, but very beuvy

current expenses. Even of this there can

IR- no certainly until an examination is

made of Mr. uray's private accounts,

which has not yet been done and pr

lily will uot be until after the. book

tbo corporations aru thoroughly gone

through with.

Humors have also been current thai Mr

Gray, who was trustee for the estate ol

his mother-in-law, Mrs. Cunningham, ha-

unt handled tbe estate honestly, mid thai,

with the mills, she has suffered bv him

It now seems probable, that these runmri

are not baseless, but nothing dcllnlln U

known aud may not be until a statement

Gray's private sflalrs Is made

which will perhajis disclose much that li


A high official of tho Allan tie mill said

yesterday; "Mr. Gray was practically ab-

solute as treasurer of the Atlantic and the

ludlsn Orchard mills. Coming of a stock

of unquestioned Integrity and looKPtl

for various reasons as one of tbe

strongest men in the city, his actions

accepted as correct without a word

of hesitation. It is true, though It has

not been staled, that Gray's peculations

begau somewhere about i-/-i but tbh

fact was learned only after tbe shock of

last Saturday and Monday, when the

books were overhauled ami tbe crooked-

ness traced back. Gray carried on hb

thefts In this way i As treasurer of the

Atlantic mill, be would lend a large sum

ol money Ur the Indian Orchard mill. It

then being on account of the Indian Of.

hard mill, lie would make use of It for

himself. He also would lend from the

Indian Orchard mill to tbe Atlantic, aud

then, as bo continued to do tbls, the

llciala of each mill woubl suppose that the

llicr was all right. Thu bookkeeper

could nut tell tbat tbe acts of their super

were not proper, and so, by some In

geiilaus twisting of accounts, which even

yet has not ticeu fully explained, he con-

trived to use the money as he wish

But bow Is It that tbo auditor did not

discover that something was wrong?"

'I hsrJly know myself. I think

though, that the auditor knew that the

uuts were not straight, but tbat for

i' Lime he said nothing about IL. Why?

Well, because he understood tbat It was

duty lo audit the accounts of the

treasurer's clerks, and not of the li

er; but as soon as be found out that It

was bis business to look afler tbe treasury

he did so, aud Ihc result was tbat meet

Ing last Saturday which called Mr. Gray

tn account, and which he did not dare face

again Monday, although he promised to."

A matter which in In the air la brought

up by tbe question now asked on all sides

1*1*1 not Gray have an accomplice?" 1

Is rumored tbut be did. Il is uot believed

Itber by the detectives or the business

men that he could have done as he did

without one. The books of tbe two

beM kept ul one headquarters, sep-

arately, although Jointly as a lug luisine:

It Is given out from an Inside

source lliat the well founded opinion Is

tbat none other than one of the book-

keepers has been for a long time In col-

luslua withOrty, audthatonehasprotlted

by llie aid of the other. Uevulopnieuts

on this point are expct-led very soon.

U Lincoln of Callin 4 Co., 214

Church street, New York, lho agents for

the Atlantic mills, said Friday. "Tbe At-

lantic mills arc all right, even looking at

the defalcation In the worst aspect. The

oncern may not lose more than a nominal

mount by the Gray defalcation, and at

lie worst, ll. can only Impair its capital

,o a moderate amount, which, will nn

loabt be promptly made up liy Us stock-

holders. The company ,Iuui a first class

nib of 1"2,INIU spindles, which would

:o.Ht to build to-day al least *,I..'.UII,IMHI.

The Indian Orchard mills will probably

have assets enough te pay their debls,

but the stockholders will probably he

pretty well cleaned out. It is not likely

that there is auy truth in tbe ^tuteiueiit

about forged luduriiements by Gray, and

I don't kuow of tbo aligbest evidence that such paper Is out."

An estimate of the property of Mr. S.

IL l'ayson as assigned to Mr. Johnson,

toe figures dcing made up In the case of

the stocks either at the quoted sslllng

price or at par when Pot upon^ttie market.

shows that the real estate has a probable

value of Wlt.uoo. the personal projierty

in Belmuut *o,0OU; stocks, $8.17,rrO0; debt due from the Ilallowel! Mannfacturlug eompauy, 976,000, making a total roujih estimate of the market value of bis entire assignment of |l,S8t,S00. The valuation

the New York propertv canuot be arrived at, but will Increase tbe above amount by several thousand dollars. The liabilities are not yet known, but are roughly estimated at «:;.'.■<.),ooo.

What Attorney Ueneral Sherman Thinks of a Common Country


It will be remembered that the house of

representatives last winter, afler con-

siderable debate, voted to goat Mr.

Charles S. Hltcbings of Saugns as mem-

ber from ithc Llth Essex district. The

ground on which Mr. Hltcbings'opponent

based bis contest was that voters who bad not appeared before tbe registrars bad

been put on the list because they were

known to be In town. It was also urged

at that time, though not openly, as an ar-

gument fur Hitching*, that If he were not

admitted the seats of about half tho rep-

resentatives would bu open to contest.

Tbe same registration question has been

broached to Attorney General Sherman

several times within tbe past fortnight.

Accordingly be has written the following

circular letter:—


BOSTOX, Aug. IN, lrMG.

Hear Sir: .It Is clearly the duty of the board of registrars of voters to require every applicant for registration to appear la person before the board and Biibmlt himself for examination under oath In regard to bis qualifications to vote; also to require such applicant to write his name and to read tbe constitution; (Acts of Irtst, cu. nt, sect. 20.) and if tlw ap- plicant Is a naturalized clti&eii, to require him to producu bis naturalization papers and make oath tbat he Is the Identical person named therein. (Sect. SA.)

Tho practice, which I am Informed has grown up in sonic towns, of entering upon the register, by one of iherogistras, the names of persons known lo him to be entitled to vote, wit hunt Hie personal at- tendance of such persons and a vole of the registrars, is coutrary to the spirit and hater of tbe law, Improper and illegal.

Very respectfully yours, EtMiAii J. Siii:itMAN.


He Pauses Awny Hiiiulay Morn- liitf at Hartford. at 1—

Prof. Calvin E. Stowe, formerly of An-

dover Theological Seminary, ami husband

of Harriet lleectior Stowe, tllel at Hart-

ford, Conn., early Sunday morning, aged

8t years nmi 4 months. He had bs*M 111

for nearly two years with Bright'a disease

of the kidneys.

Mr. Stowe was bom nt South Nallck,

Mass., April 2ti, 1001. Be was educated

Hist at Braiiford Academy, In Massachu-

setts, nnd then at Gnrhaui, Me., ami en-

tering Uowtloln College, was graduated

with honors; going from tlioro lo Dart-

mouth as tutor. He nmn led, first, Miss

Eliza Tyler, daughter of I'rof. Tyler, of

Dartmouth College, but she lived only a

short time. I'rof. Stowe then accepted a

chair In LaUW Theological Seminary, In

tbe suburbs of Cinelnnaill, and In IsM be

married Harriet Beeilicr, whoso father,

Be*. Lyinau Bcteber, was one of the

founders of tho Institution. In ihc same

year I'rof. Stowe was sent sent to Eu-

rope by the Ohio I-ogl-laiuro to examltK

the Prussian school system ami ascertain

If It was practicable lor tbe public schools

Of thai Slate. Thu trustees of tbo Lano

Theological Seminary also commissioned

him to collect a library for that Institu-

tion. Prof. Slowe and all his friends

were strong abolitionists. All his chll-

drou but one were bom la Cincinnati, the

twin girls, Eliza Tyler and Harriet Bcech-

er, coniiuu first, ami a son Frederick, be-

ing bom within eighteen mouths after.

Georgian* May, now the wife of Mr. Al-

len, t!ie ritualistic rector of tbe Church

Of lho Messiah. In Boston, was tho other

daughter, and a sou died In infancy fa

MM. In tho following year Prof. Stowe

resigned bis position and returned vast to

take a now professorship at Brunswick,

Me. There Charles, tho youngest child,

at present pastor of tbe Windsor Avenue

Congregational church, In Boston, was

born. Prom Buwdoln College Prof,

Stowe removed to Audover, to fin the

place left vacant by Prof. Stuart. He

remained there twelve yours, removing to

Hartford In IHGtl.

MuHonic Yfrdtntloiift.

U * Uorsldrds


BAKING POWDER n Battles with wide mouth to admit a spoon,

am rxqulred by the system. No other linking Powder dims thl*. Hoist* lean, and la healthier vid stroiigiT than auy other powder.



MRS A. A. GEDDES Teacher of <'ookliig.

I have nscd Horsfnrd'a Bsklng Powder for the last HI months. 1 have tented It thoroughly, and have Nk'V Kit failed lo gel good Ita, when lho illwcQ were fully carried out. I e..n-i.ler It equal toanj In the market.and to none.

1 take much pleasure In reoom Ilns It lo If cooking aaUMS, sad lo niv lii. ifcnemUy K A.UEDDK*), K liiii'iimi Street, Cniiilnidgcport, Mas*.

no&i MARION HARILALD, The well-kDown Authority on Cooking.

I cheerfully commend tho"|tsklng Preiwrat Ions'' of l'r.,fess..r ll-incim-d la, tin- Hmiackeeprra of America. They deserve as h.niorihir a placo in iin- -I,...■ r.H.ui .n,.I kli.-iieos a* docs Ida Acid I'boapliHle lu tbe i;iinll> incII. In.' chest.


MISS PiiRLOA, Of the Famous Boston Cooking School.

I have UBfl Mm ..i, ,.i . bUasr l',, ■. .,„ with pcrfoet muri-isn, 1,

Si. J'AltLOA.

Unrsforri's Baking by .<l <.,„,,.,., —

The H,„>fo

Ilia ■*•■ r Is for Mt* ir. Cisik Book sent free. Chemical Works, Proiidence. R. I, For Male In ImuniM liy

H. KNOWI.KH A Co., 7t) Main Hi., Mi i tllTIIV IlitOS., I1AIIT A MAI.ONHY, .1. I.OSKItliAS, I-il|».!ilrO fit K.P.IiiWKM.I.A Bl(>>., "i Broadway,

*'■ MS Broadway, "

■l 101 Common St.,


II. HK>Mui

[.. A. HASTINGS, JtJllMiAI.V.s,,. Uwrenro,

And all oUiur Grocers.

The following arciheolllclal visitations of It. W. Andrew C. Stone, district depu-

ty grand master of the Tenth Maconle dis- trict of lids state:

Cochtcbewlck, No. Andover. Friday, Sept. 10.

Tuscan. Ijiwrencit, Monday, Sept. Ll.

John Hancock, Melhitcn, Friday, Get. 1.

St. Matthews, Andover, Monday, Oct. 11.

Saggahcw, Haverhlll, Monday. Get is.

Phii-tiiclan. Lawrence. Gel. «U.

Grecian, Lawrence, Friday, Nov. 8.

Merrlmack, Haveihill, Wednesday, Nov.

Orphan! Picnic St

The annual picnic lu aid of Hie Orphan

Asylum was held Saturday afternoon at

itivorsiile Grove, Suuth Lawrence. Tho

atteudanco was very large, about two

thousand persons being present, and al,

thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Boating,

;lng ami other pestlntoa wero In-

;ed lu until tbe [alter partoithuafter-

aeon when the pragrsuontc of iparts wis carried out. Tbu hundred and tweiiiv-

yanla dash was won by Tl thy MeC.ii.hy, prim S.J.. M'.iC.irlhy .i)„i won

lho tM yards uauh and Moured another *.*.

prize, The running high Jump was won

by John Donovan, prize «:', Thomas Bar-

ren, taking the second prize, of 81. In

the hop, step aud step contest, Thcaans

Barrett won flrsl prize IS, vud Uonovuti

second prize tfl.

Its! I,' -;:tl Anpot't. 1 as- .

Ir. William Gray Jr\ ibfulcatlon. It

Mid, Is to appear In a ucw tipeet In

the courts of tbe slate. A highly Import-

ant legal (piestiun is likely lo arise as to

the respective liability of tbe Atlantic

and the Indian Orchard mills fur the do

fulcatlou of Mr. Gray. Thn transaction*

were carried from one corporation lo the

other conslaully, and It Is an extremely

question In law as to which of tIn-

corporation* Is legally responsible for

the debts thus Incurred. It may lake a

blerable lime to setlte this, aud il Is

slated that the most einiin-nt ]. :■:11 talent

will be engaged to comluct the eases by bu! li parlies.

jLactate food



It may bg i 1 with 'ciuiblenci', when tin

Tli BEST FOOD to be used In connection with PARTIAL NURSING.

No other fis-1 .'it.-ni. i-. ag iiirfTnjIl In SH ea.e*. It niuaes no illstiirbaueo ot dlgeatlo ami will lie relished by lho child.


By the use of Uila pmhireaU'd sn.l *SHU) a- slmilsti-l K.HHI, lalal reiull- tn iMn ilreu.le.l ill* ,HI, l.-il.-il IT-IIII. In tl.l.

turcly prevuuleil.

A Perfect Nutrient for INVALIDS In either Chronic or Acute Cases.

Hundreds of phy«lclnn~ i.--ilfv to Ita grral value, ll w I -n-t.iiiii.l ivh.-u.-ie - vv,lt.-r and nillkl«ri-h.ct,,H,y|li.. K u<-li. In dl-is-p sla, and hi all wa-llng .|i*.';i—« U li:i. i.r..i.- ■ most iil.lilll.i.iM nn.l pnliitiible, ami ill llie aaiiio »'"«"»" Hi • uombad of roods. F.n Bu In- fant I liny li. ln:i<|.

150 MEALS FOR SI.OO. ••Hold by Hrugglals-ZV., .V«-., Sl.fln.

S*-Au luU'ri-Mtlnj |.)il.i ,-iinilc.l "Mcllcal Opinions on the Nutrition of liifanu and In. valid*,''free on appllcsllos. WsUs, Iti.-har.lsoii, A Lo., BurUngloii, Vi. jicJthlwilmu


DYSPEPTICS I have been a jM-eat stilTerer for year*

with what ni>-physlcbtn rails chronic dyapepsbt. I have tried severul medl- cines recoiniiieiideil my (-omplalnt, nnd ivrrhnl tin benefit until using IlitAIM irsillll.l! Ill Ll f.ltS. lie. celvlliaaomuch benefit ft I In rn. I fi■< I It m> duty to recommend them to the public. ( IIAS.A.SIMIIIUN,

Engineer m Water Works, ttj. Iteverley, Mums.


CIDER BITTERS Contains no nlcohol or witter, hut IN comiiosi'd wholly of julcus frnm iruils anil fxtnuts I'rnni mots anil IMTLH, mukliig it a iili-Htoitit stnii- mcr drink, an iiivljronitliiu; ami sttroiigtlit'iiliifg tunic, anil a *ur*> cure for I »>-,„.,,>[;,, itlicmnuitiiuu, Miiliiriit, lliiinors in I In- rSys>teiiik

mul biiiili'i'il i pin [nl .,

Doolitde & Smith, "1 & sM TTOIIIOIH Street,


BOURBON KZ applied In a SOW .■d.ciiii.eri a

■peak ..r c.m-,,.,,,^,. m.m„ i, meaning those el the „!.', „tlo„| |t tH np. Ib.tlieli.O.TaylorM',,,^.^ „, ,„,, M,l|ir

bon, meaning a Mfe.r,''..,!.,,,,,,, ,„,„,.„ „„,,.,,..

Itye shows w!-rttlsiiiesni. Asa roar Hru»- glst or tir-M-srfo,.„,,,,.,,_ Tll,|„r n,u,|-,n and ltyoW!ilakcyv»„.| yutlK1.i ,„ ,,,„ „,k „,,,, ^y

by C. ||. QKAVKsl * BOSS, Bosfm.Aj-.d j. uot e.,uslled f„r purity or mcdl.



WAVE LINE PLUS TOBACCO. Why ! IJeemse it U in every way

lopnrlor to all other kinds. KincBt tobacco in the world, and ft trial proves it. Try it once and judge (or yotireelf. Ten cent pieces. Shies pressed in a wave line. Take no others; every- body sells it. A trial proves it best. In of PraWSftii'a linn

s'tlon la always found lu Ihc US 'Ills lor huadachu and conall|m




T iwnanrA Arr.pririn THK signal Corps School of atone* L,dVYICI1LC rtUtCIlLdll, ti0ll at FortMyerJa given up, ami



"Weekly News Brevities. I ursdiiy. lid ii "tied

'..itiin nulls m i»<i

i'ii the polo

one or two batteries of artillery arc to

lie left there. FUi is the result of (lie

action of Congress, sod may or may

not have been bMD advisable.



up" yi;uterilay.

Weavers In the V-wmarkcl >i-r, are nu on strike.

The English pole MM « gauMS .1! Ni-'m^irl ji'^d-nlny.

The annual reuul..u el Sew Hampshire veicr mi- BOfUHl\ M Weirs. \. II.

Three of (In- anarchist participants In ihe t'hi- cage tragedy nave been found tn uttawa.a

sunn.'! CoWlne, the well kamra AeeOtol manager, rilo>l In New fork on Sunday night.

A Bobai Belfast reused the pelleamen sealer ■ Iny wllb rteaes, but the military restored order.

In the British house of i-ommiiu*, l:i»l evening, i ., i . . tlen IM-I-HJI.-II ni'1-.t of lbs session.

The Hivi'itiHi boan! of aldermen bsvs taken at-Uou upon tin: present labor troubles la that im...-.

tin. Cleveland set Iku maoluaery or the llluiie- np.ills exposition running Ijy touching a tek'ifrnph key l>i the Adlrondacks-

From the Adirondack reglom, Col. Reeve, of TtuiuitessM, baa received hi* cmmls-luu a* «• i-l.-tuiii aullcloar or tbe treasury.

Till' frond lli.ll ysi'lll mrp iv ait lt:'M \< Ml r- .lav off Sandy lloak, but light winds ountpelbnl a postponement until Wednesday.

The Maaaarbaaetta railroad no ilsaloner have decbtefl that the request lor a mil road Ha timi at WhHU'iy ihoukl be compiled «lib.

M«T. U'l Ion, tba papal aUogUa, now In To route, tare that the uroDunaUtnteato regarding Hi.- Knights »t Labs* L« nbnulam the work) owr.

Tneatorrof IhedepaalUoe of Prince Alosen. der, of |jii^-:irl:i, la given rin- morning. U la ■aid ha In conilneu in n moiiastery. soiln 1* in a state of aetge.

General Hail or wnrkmnu Powderiy, of the Knight* i.f Labor, will accept no political uOh-i- jin I lie dlaelalou any sympathy of the order with tbe anarchists.

Tbe will of i ii'ii. Van Alan, probated at New port, y eaten lay, bequeaths large Huron i<> rein lives ami, natkn: cnirlliigenelos, to the Hetropnll. 1,111 Mil-.' of Arti.

Culling wai not at liberty yesterday, thegmuad (or action by tbe court boiug that Medina yeuld npj in. mtt.lihaitlw law problblllng tbe residi ucc in Mcxh tori will In enforced against him.


THK approval ot the livcraivl linr-

bor bill will keep llio ollicera of the

corpi of MgiOMrs otttivelv eugagMl

daring the eomlos yenr, or Hie 4<iUl

apprefJiliUoa of tlA,OQO,000 will en- iitilo tlHHn to irnikti » t'air itaieuun: in

the iprlogi but until lltctt rjptblog will

he-tlunu !>t))oinl malting roaily to he-


An Honest Man unions his Follows



In his Mnety-Seooml Year.

Alt cago- IriU'... . IbM

Thofrainp mectlng^n jreatwrdar.

Ail r New fork Mr yeaterday.

An nnuaually large in were laobl ye tenlay.

Thi' h.'iniHT.iii.' onigri ilrendfiitly nhoit of funds.

Tbo atoriea of aurrerlnf,-1



t Ka*tiN>n ! lorleH .11- |MI

ahlrv V leraii in ,i. ley, I

Tin- 1 . ...!■

I' . ill*

Uiinj of 1. cl'- liairiinwd* in' ciiimlns cniW.-lnmli uh< hv i >o i ii i i and 1 nil. 1 -;.n land ulllti n

Tl..! f II ..■I nimiml c... vi' of the s ASM* i oi r'liv Knglneer^ in I HOBBI

nt ri-iiM.l.o. P.

Mtn-ti damiiKR >a plniti ml II... ImiK c.fthr llveaaroiri u'l,' .i-ii.i' reai . ..I n ; .-ff i CcKlnt 1.11 Mo ila,

A llrln ri'n rl of mi hi. -li,::Ll|..ii 1 1 Rtfll |)biiU>)rni|>li) ba< )n-l hoi-u i .ll.'.l by I ..!.-.. llrkorina <■ ii . vurd.

The \ i. t. urn the IM*l.o howm ■I. 1

Tna member* mnl hipodi c»f iIn

Signal Bureau* Submit, a 'aiteWHy to

the ittOTltftbto. (Jong'StulatlDg tliem-

BC1VC» at lb* L-rJil of tlie itrugglfl lb»i

their tlcleat IO not marte.l by any more

deplorable features. Kurt Myer has

been triven tip a^ n (r:iiuinj scbcol hnt

ii will allil be mstnialoed as an army

pnst. Tlie weather bureau remains in

tbe signal service ami in tlio army, ami

General Elazcntays liny can rtfl ml to

take iheir losses pliiloaopbieally. "We

won the fight," the Army and Navy

Journal quotes him as Bavins, "but,

ol course, UiefJ were more or less t-a»«

ualitle* rasmting from so sharp a bat-

i'liirty men are lopped oil Irom

thoeorps; but as it lacked twenty

two of being full, there ia iu realliy •'

lusa of but ei»lit. These will com?

from tlie permanent party 'it Ki

Myer, anil tlie eight men will bo in

tereil out." This goes to f!io# how

Very little the country knows nbaut

what really Impru'in wiihin tin- ih-par(-

men s, ant] a [>ui.lic man, who, like

General Haaee, makes n p.iMie atate-

mrr:t new ajuj tla'ii over his own

ilgnaturo la a publie benefactor.

I'm.ires in Minnesota ire what we

*hi.uM call veiy dull. Tlie principal

ilivoraion of Ihe p dilie.iun -ueuw to

ba to bring out nt-w runHithilos who

do uol need bringing liel<if Ibf public

because th -y :ire pretty well known to

begin wbh ami then lUry don't, wail

or coniplimcnta hut eny very Inrikly

hat they wanl to vo m C<Mit;res«, in-

to he povei'Lor. or lieuteittant fiovejn-

OT secretary ol slate, or treasurer,

whichever it may be. The most im-

portant person to alt classes is Mr.

Oilman, a', present ileifensnt gov«

etnor, hut wanting very much to t"

:lnf. He is a good republican,

a fanner owning acres mid acres ol

rich grass laud ami eultlvatea tbe ra's-

■I'sto-k. He is aUon lumoenn v i

ami employs large numbers o. men

who an; principally Norwegians de-

voted to him. so that he has a pretty

good following in the working class.

Indeed there seems to be little d*ubt

but ilia', he will poll a I iry;e majority

of the labor vole, Ignatius Donnelly

to llio contrary, notwithstanding.


Tlie (iiiitnl Army Trip to Call- torn la. •»- — -

Sun FranciscoX WelcoiilC ■

l-'.li.ll ill 1,1 I 11 K.

e f/tr

albnlatone an.l Mr. I'limkeU »|wakl«g.

lion. .Iaine»«i. Will Kn.-il tU- Maine rrpub ]|r«n fail eautMuigii yiMtrnlay nt St-lMtiro IJik.-, making mi ablu ndilreai leading [..-llilial .|um- a-,ii-..

He Hi.' iiiirt>Uitgnf an emlmiiliiient of tbe Irra.

ClU'il wltii fumliir

<iiiv..rti.>r Hill, terday In the I'lim «sr !tt|iilre hy May


PrortoeoU)Wn i yna^erday.

Bailey ILirllett died at bis home <>n HuM Ha- ver liill Street, at 7-4,". Tuoadar nttaTOhlg, ««ed -'1 yeara, 10 immiln, 4 days. There were with liiiti at 111* death lied hi* wife and venerable lurttr, l.'.tli iiicire tlmii fiiursnire year* of age, beakbi ;i niiiiiiit-r of other relative". BJaaick DOU ba* l«eii a [irtduti>red ofic.

Ualley Harllctt wm U>rn In the town of lla- verblll, Ma*., OeMwt 90th, 17M. lie came from a tejy dMh^wtabad tBCMbry ; his failier, ih.- Hon. bailey iiartlcit, wai the lathnate fi'leiul uinl ai.»iM*iateof John ami Samuel Adaihs,

Hii.l was with them In PbuadelpUs on July 1th, 17"'i, when the Declaration of Indepeadonce was i.riH'hunuid. lie wan a|i|Hiliiled ■btrln* of

Kasex County in July, 17SU by Governor John Hancock, who [invented bin eolioniKNliiii ill par. mm, .-ayitift, lliat be did so nith pacDUar pieaa- nre, It !VH!L; the <udy Sppobatmenl Unit had reifivcil ihe unaiiintou* approval of lil.s couiicit.

Mr. Harden held thU po»itioji fur over forty yearn, with a slight iiiionuissuin ot a few months, lie wa* elei-tcd to the V. S. CoiiRtvita in 17'J7, Mrving four yeun, and held various oilier pOfHIoni of honor and trust in the gift of his towntpaople.

The Lite Mr. liartlett was t'-e oldest sun of a family of fifteen children. He came hi Lawrence from WeatbenfleM, Vt., Nov. 10th, 1KIG, and haw been closely identified with the history and development of the city ever since. Mode*! and BUoMnialve in deportment lie was earnest and sincere in liii convictions, which he never heul- tutcd tuexpress when occasion required.

In Id* private and dullness life lie was a man of singularly correct mid upright habits; an earnest, comelentajna cbrlatiao, his Integrity was proverbial and hi* word mM|uestloned, and his faith In banian nature so slron;; that

although possessed at different limes of eousld erulde muann, his eonfldeuce was abused In many, and Ins resources lurirely dhntnlsned Io tliusc whom he had lie friended. Mr. Hart let waaoneol the few remaJrdug veterans of tin war of IB12, having serveal with his company Hi.' Il.ncrhlll Lishl lufunlry, at South Boston from Scot. IWh, dtls, u.nil their discharge. He mis made ii Mason In June, 1*1*. at Sewbury- port, and for some year* Inu been the only sur- i It triur niciiilmruf the original numlier eoniprhi- lug the lodge at Ihe time ho Joined it, At the time of Ids dentil he wan undoubtedly one or the oldest Hasans in the country, having been eon- necied with the older for ilxty-efghi years. He

wa* a ineinher of Bethany Cominonuery, KnlghU Templar, of this city. The family has laxsn remarkable for Its longevity. His father died at the age of HI. A sister, the late Mrs. Lungley, of Haverblll, al the age of MI. A

brother, lidnlu. at 71. Charles at WJ. A sister, Haruh, nt i'i. Kate at 77, and a sister, Mrs. Ai.liy Kiinball, survives him at the age of Ki.

Mr. liartlett loaves a venerable widow, aired Ml. to whine constautcaro ami devotion may in urea! inoasure lie ascrllied the remarkable age attained hy him. n - only remaining child, Catherine, is the wife of Louis D. Oalllaon, for- merly of this city, now of the pa bib hi Oj; hou rt of mid llalirou, New York.

The Wanliluffton Btotitnor.

For the rant live weeks, the Waaltlnir-

,\ me rj.'if II.


BAN FUAKI . C*i> . August nh.

Rome never gave to her returning vic- torious legion*, a onore royal reception, Ihan Han trancl-co low tendered the vet- eraaai the writer has attended eighteen of tlio twenty annual sessions "f the Sattoo* al Encampments of tin- Orond Army of the Hepubllc, and witnessed the ffcnurous boapltaltty of litiliimoro, the suleiidld pa- geant at Denver, ami the u?ao<l ttreutlngs at I'ortlaml. but. In extent and universal- ity of preparation, for beauty ami variety of out-door decorations, for


California wins the gohten medal. As wo come aeroas the buy, from every tower, flag staff and projection nu tin- lulls, flaga ami streamers w«r« waving thegiad greet, buta, Mi.i on n-acbiiiii tiie ciiy. Lhe ■•■. w ,-!- 11 resell tod only one w I It torn ew of bunting, ■napping out a thousand welcomes, while tin- buildings, throughout the entire busi- ness portion of the city, were fairly oh- scured with the profusion of tsateful decoration; lines of flagM ami atream liung across the sircela, formltca Inev direction, Htretchetl from almost cv window, so closely Intertwined as aim to shut nut Ih.- suullght, Whjle banii and devices on all sides bor.^ Inscrlptl of cordial tireellngs; aver Mark.

had ortlons, itL f<> ' rig

ho hs cstblLof siieci ornamentation any cil« has produeed. Ilest of all, was tlie uni- versality characterising tbe entire recep- tion to tho representatives of the old armies and navies i Dot a store or office, scarcely a dwelling fn all the wide city, from centre to auburba, but bore some patriotic emblem or device, attesting thai genuine throbbing* of great human hearts were behind ami a part of ull thU out- ward


Othercltlcs have,—other eltlea will vet,

street car; these cars run rapidly, almost noislessly, and climb the very s'eep hills, vlth no oeeaatkw of speed: Indeed. It eems on ImpoevthllUv to gurmoflht the harp Ineliites.—the grades Tar steeper han at any points on Prospect or Tower iills_withoui this system for street rail-

ways; with a limidml or more pasaea- gers, the cable cars roll steadily along, i lib no apparent cliOBge In motion, rhether aaccndlng or descundtntt the liarp imlines. Uut. enough for Lu-ulgbt.

nciilentsof Bncampraent Week.


SA\' I'ntM'Mo, I Ang. Uth.

A week of bitsv activities; tlie NatUiual Encampment, with its. Dearly live hundred delegates, tlie Wiiiiian'.s Kflief Corps and the HocJet) of the Army of the Potomac, in annual session; the streets, gay with tlays ami streamer*, thronged wlili veter- ans, the buy. the delightful parks, the ehtr, fort, reservation and other resorts, filled with men wearing the badge of the Grand Army | camp fires each night, tiie headqaartera or th.' Posts, the California delegation, the Loyal Legion and tlie i'ress Chill, oueu day ami night, with genuine 1'ucitlc hospitality,—alto- gether combining to make


to the twenty thousand or more at rangers within the city's gates; to this throng, far-off Hasaacbuaelts has contributed fully one-thousand, the I urges t number of any e&ateru stale. The National Km-amp-

was in ges»lon three full days, ths ig meeting lasting well Into tlie

night. Of the details, the AUKRICANread rs nave alr.-adv been fully advised by lel- graph;thc three nolaole eveuts were, Irst, tbe defeat, by an overwhelming 'ute, of the attempt Io deprive pa»t de-

partment eomiiiaiiders aim put national vice commanders, ol seats in tbe encamp- ment; second, the defeat ot Corporal Tan- tier, for Coinmander-ln-Cblof, owing to the iu terminable internal New York quar- rel, and the election of the genial and gal- lant one armed ex-Uovernor Kalrehlld, of Wisconsin; Gen. Kulrchllil was senior vlee-couimsnder In the early years of the Grand Army, when, from bis efforts al-

I upon the troubled wa-

flowcrs of the amni-troplcal plants grow- | lv remained in the presence of an atmos- themselves aH closely as a flock of sheer ing In great, luxui lotistiess in the gardens phera clouded with the fumes <>r opium, pack themselves during a cold storm, attached to almost every dwelling. Gin; ' iu sleeping epnrtuunls burdened with While every table, sofa, and even tin noticeable feature Is the entire absence of the special breath of aseore ofoccnpaota, stairways, were pre-empted for a lodgtuj street b of blacks, there bung instead, 1 but before the perfume of tnat midnight I place An Illustration of the chaepnesi mmierous little covered stands with one , lunch, terrlfiwdly ami faint, we turned ] of some article* of fond In thi or two chairs when- hoot blacks arc per* imiti. tilly located ; another pleasant "ab- sence, feature" is the Importunities of ba-k-men,—the drivers of these carriages seeming to c.mduct their bUalness With- out the annoying solicitations so common to the class almo.-l ewrywiier- -'it tin; excursion-, ami "Chinatown," later.

stt'iiin lire i

WR have lollui

ihe dyna aito gun

tharh'N ll. Wot,-. .is IliiUin i.' trntlon.

Rev, .lame* i . I:. ■Want Ueoelier, wm .Icraimeil yeatcnhi;

A mob related n (in


I, II.-' -ire oueihsi ti

-rs"-'- \c-Ienl:i>. Tin' . ilia ihlrd and Atlantl

V loiii'i.-eo year nil Kiel hai- been (».|-..iili

A I ambrldg> worn lui which -tie iwalhn loaat, she -howatUc '■

red the ho times ol

ever sitire Lit utcn-

atit. /ili-iskt, nf the Fifth artillery

called the attention of the eoiigressiim-

alcommitlee to ihe first experiments.

This gun, or something which will

perform nil that Us makers claim lor

it, is j-ist what we want. Ii' the

llrttiah, an.! the Germans, mil Una-

hian*, a»d Italians, are going to out-

run us, if they can, we want le be

mite able to give ihem a parting shot

whic'i tliijy will be likely lo remember,

i. c. it we should ever conic, to blows

again with any country which Heaven

rbrcfend. Though such conditions

arc not to be contemplated for a mo-

witb equanimity, yet, wlun

one U talking; about tbe possibil-

ities of war, utid lorctgn coiiuiries nie

perfecting their f>riificntions and their

matu-'iit. a* we nave n dynamite

in which can "heat the puUli"*, if il

works well, we onjht to enuournge

the maker of it. If the Hide town of

StoninRtio, B. I , could de'ctvl itself,

and drive lour of Her Majesty's ships

nut of th" harboi with two little IS

potindeva. it seems equally reasonable

lo anptmse that any o.wn toast towns

can tlel-nfl itself nuile salisf-ielorlly

with tlu1 guns of Lieutenanl /.liiiski.

Hehos siciired Ids approiiriation ol

$3,10,000 lor the coastjuctiou <>f a

dynamite gun iTu*mer, miH if he H g ■-

. permitted to tl mt around

world ihHih'i.d.y lustru-

lug repairs al the house of franklin II

and Ladder No. I. The repairs-and

repainting of the woodwork have j

bueii'eoinplctcil ami the machine is I

the most beautiful piece of apparatus In

lie Lawrence lire department. The bright

.■.I which the steamer was painted some

ears ago, has been superseded by a coal

f maroon, the same color as the nc

Tiger, and the Improvement in the loo!

of the machine by the change ol colors,

try marked one. A new seat has taki

the place of the old one'nnd the lanteri

eh vi ere formerly by Its side have bei

oved. en the hack of the seat Is

:ty scenic view of a brick l.tiiblitg

tlnines with the firemen working heroteal

to extinguish the fire; the steamer is i

itlon below tbe burning building, pla

through a Hue "f hose, while a lb

inn I ed i "ilrl the

showing up th-ongli

■lleiit advantage. '


. pretty lauds

,'ord "Lawrei

i Fn els. tit

■-I l Iself is a SUPFI

from across the bay, with tl high sand-topped ami rogg

e\|ieclalioils derived lions, but affords no fair

Sly beautiful city area i- fairly level, but slia

d il closely on the thr from the water front; In t

d in truth, until quite urthquakc" fear led lo tl ot.iv low edifices, but ti led that, t t fact, an the i . In

'.'hi,lot II V. i: Olid 1 ho ■ ililirsf


BAN FRANCISOU, Col., Wednesday Kvetiiiig. Aug. II.

Daring the scsions of the encampment there were excursions to Monterey and other points, ami after its close, special trips around the buy, to Oakland, Sun .lose (pronounced Ho-say) and to Sacro- meiito. Saturday was Harbor Hay; seven excursion steamers, gaily bedecked, were provided, it band of music on each, with an ample collation, ami at ten o'clock, amid the booming of •;.union, the squadron, each vessel crowded with visitor*, steam- ed into and

Ar.nrxu no: MtoMVti'KNr nvY;

the hills on everjs side, bare mid brown under the heat of the dry season, form a splendid background to the magnificent great harbor, shell-ring it In every dire timi, where Hie Hoots of nations can rh Itisafutv; out to and through the fumed G..b! Gale, * the pn oil, upo

ft he

A till

1 fit!

of , llighc lilrd, but not least la its Importance to lie fulure usefulness and prosperity of lie Graiui Army, the disastrous


Massachusetts comrsdes well know how he Department Convention was capuired V the advocates of this pernicious incas- re; paid pleaders for the bill ploughed lew York, until by the aid of one ol the actions tu ihe eternal warfare iu that de- artment, Its vote was secured;two oilier epartments followed, und the supporters


Hy; ix st


; stl » iii hclghl


oundli op.

ihe Grand, where our party foitalily | lartered and eared isltu the 1'alace, und connec ig. therewilh; Mr. Thorn Is ii ible manager, caorteoirsandattc lug nothing undone for tho co

" he hotel

my other

i-u-i o the most

I. for most

n.-lik.' jttcr s; th Bald

of the gr.

ers df Ihe Nad. of the Woman* gh repiltatioi

ml Kit- Keliel'

i with the miiadea everywhere; ihe i the curliest '"grand" ho- , and still maintains its -o, with a score of lesser owdeil to the roof, while raUi houses and iu regular , I be II, of sti

■s before the solh ible argnmotit. Thirty mlu

i were given to either side, und till; ,' allowance, by vote, was placed ii hands ot comrades. Luring in favor

and Merrill, (both of Massachusetts.} op posed to tin- eight dollar bill, and tin- de bate for either side, was opened ami ill •retcd, by these members, flu reuchinj i vote, the scheme went down under tin ■niphutic vole of st: tu favor to 321-In op io-ltion, and the report of the lVnsioi 'oniuiltlee. submitted by Chairman Mcr

-111, was adopted by a practically tmanl nous vote. Taken at logo the r, tills is Hi. nost deadly blow yet struck at this se luctive but pernicious tuquaurc.


which testified the love and esb 'old eomrades-lit-arins. Gen. icared to be the universal favo

ck io l.l flee


umfort or the liumei ■s, though the number mid the cheapness, esc

my I" i

over lli

ill diii;


enf, wtiic;

I wc filing 159 pounds, (

ugn-at speeei, m tm> 2 1--1 miljg, wc can j-.' our bands in 'rwl.-ty.-st.-r.lay. He 0.J(. pooitet, „,„] Wl,isll« wUllJolin

Hnl', of t'ic ('/ it, «>r Kizir William

aim their cruisers hit' lljjhl or llylit.

Tive ic Zilin-ki.

r . .: '■■ :\;.

■i, . ' ' 'HI'


lire in ihe el

o,.en door to cxcell

fire box behind also

skill in illustration,

views Hanking the

line is a view of a lake with wooded

shore*, while another represents a river,

with a Mailing boat drawn up upon Hit-

bank. The trimmings of the machine are

In gold and bright red, ami the whole

work reflects great credit, upon the painter,

W. W. King. The machine will be taken

In the house on Lowell street next wc-k,

ami placed In sen Ic.

Death of Amos A. Lawrence.

Anns Adams Lawrence, of Boston, died

Sunday night at his summer resilience in

Nahant. lie wat horn iu IHH iu Boston,

and was graduated from llavard in is:;;,,

H« iiegan Ids- mercantile life with the

ll: in of Almy and Patterson, w

he remained s year, then travel

mid subsequently became a partner in Hie

commission house of Lawrence and .it.

As the son of Amos Lawrence he rerr

a liberal Inheritance, which wa* lar

invested In cotton manufactures.

J.awruiire's life has been a busy and one a; trustee, treasurer an

presldeul of corporate institution

has I wen treasurer of Harvard university,

also of tlie Episcopal Theological school

at Cambridge. In 1*3:1 anil l-OI he was

connected with Fll Thayef and others in

the settlement ol Kan*n* territory and IU

development as a free state, lie was two

or three times the candidate of the whig*

*.ud unionists for ;,*overnor. tie leaves a

cm: ti'Miss iirnn: uiu. OK KAIIB

at the I'ajace Hotel Cafe, to lie sure, and ill one of lw I of the "high-tolled" [daces, the priees Were about the same in in Bos- ton or New But, ut, for Instance, the Nevada restauraut, which Fl I; Mmkey ami other of the mining million- aire*, frequent, a plate of roast beef of Hie very best Is but twenty-live cents, while al a dozen, clean, and well-eon-

I eating bouses, on the principal s, roast meats of all kinds, are/ lif- enls, an I other food at similar rates;

:-s a specialty of fur-

iv ho ii

A Pleasant Anniversary.

Mr-. Clarissa Abu,

the elgbty-th I'd lUll.ivi

Wednesday afternoon

her son. !'.. P. Poor, te

a few of her frlen.U,

ideni- of Rradforilsir.

as guests were Mrs. H

ami Mrs. Abii-1 |[. Clia

Unnui 11. Phillips. V

V.--.. Mrs. Mone-

a party t

in n - of t

Th iel SiiuthhTH, Mr.

h r, Mr. and Mrs

. John hear. Mrs. ,i an I Mrs. l.ydia

s m' the l-n per-

ipri-iic il..'

thus giving on ■vt-ram<

over HI years. Tbf at

anlly -[.eui. an I many

"iang syne ■ rcall.-'l

the parly sat down tu

rena*l which the> seei

lea was served fn.n

poor when a i.rid,-. .;

leaving for their hoi

|.'||: of


Hie Inu

Laid n< ir.-st.

Tut.RE lias ii.ei. Mre;

over the totinlry this ye;

or !»ck of water. Cattle

have stilleitd eipially

Montana, ■'" sceouut i

ni-;i::s i I l


I ull

nurse dinner, includlti i regularly served at ill urely nowhere on the i

I mate lure is

id tit i 11 ic

s per plat

here! The

of i lid Pn.lialiil


i all.i

istflll rds.


urfnceofold I1

iween the great headlands which majesti- cally keep watch odd ward beside thegato way to this golden slope, (fn Honda) there was a universal outpouring to Gnk. land, across the Hay: here was a greal proccsstcmrn brnurrfnlfeatTrreof which

s Ihe iOls,

id I: itel s act

of th

Utll II:,' beds of

1 lied. furnished .loss House,

nee of the great gi'i lien to the conference f the Six Companies, if the high secret socle

in ull of these, our gull i>u in asking that il.

e gorgeoH-iy cry pres-


id the guests in the barouches were nearly burled front light. Follow- ing the procession, was an address of welcome, with responses from Gen. Logan uii I other distinguish comrades. The Iny was extremely hot, tbe temperature rising nearly to loO ilcg., and the refresh- ingly cool breezes of San Franc ism, on

I'ere grateful in- led.

Gn Tuesday availed themselves SanJo-c, s elg rode amid asucces farms, past

KINK oueu w;t>s >

two liroo thousand ; esc Ut'sloli to •s .11 lanl; we iituei so garden


through a valley famed for it fortuity; populace

ng the mostextcivslvcand UcecBsfol ever unown In Hie history of th. place. Under in euorroons lent in the pit c-mitlv shaded public square, the ladies [i .1 provided a collation, nud the tables, rlth their es- pcclatly handsome dlspiay of fruit, with more substantial viands, w ire among the most attractive ami appetl; Ii,g wcienioin- l.ei to have seen; there v eiv the usual ahlresscs, then the dinner followed by an elegant exhibit of fruits and wines, nud a drive through the re) lly delightful town; where enough ladle were found to provide and prepare a colh tinn ample for the great throng, OJ i arris eil ti nlloi-d cu;,.i. ItJ f "i so rg. R [...iii.iu

itors; the lltlllospli.'l',' was tori- 1, a return to tlie refreshing 1 •eeres of tills

i ha

Indeed welcome. Today, a t a thousand, have gone by

fertile Napa valley, to the .■ of Hacieiuento, where Is a night, the tourists reluming As our party take their tit-

arrow, we have remained in id devoted seven! hours to i sum.-of the former Eastern

icfofc mentioned. The . hat

I of I

I Last, vie

i the Caii cLL'l

. of Invlt- of Kiv

c.-d no hesi- ts be turned f the apart-

niru'.s. and the attendants obeyed a* If it was a matter of course. Dear AMKHICAN

reader, did you ever visit

A CIIINKSH TIIKATURf No? Well, von ought to go,—for Just

live minutes ; " That would lie sUttlcleiil to gratify your "curiosity, and if you arc possessed with a passion for plays, you might be thereby cured of the malady. We were permitted to wander at our own sweet will, through Hie various passages, i.ito the dressing rooms, and with other I rgcr panics, to intrude upon th.! stage it.elf, while the performance, with Its n .surd music and ridiculous costuming' i< ml accessories, went uninterruptedly on; the audience presented a curious study; iwoWc hundred Chinese faces, with un- broken sombre surrouudiugs of black garments, not a smile, not a change of countenance, not a trace of applause in all the house. Decide the Cnlnesc ques- tion. In the abstract, as you will, we can but wonder If any other people on the face of the globe, would so quietly and uiiprolestiugly submit to such uninvited Intrusion of stranger hordes into all their apartments, and amid all their altalrs? v\e concluded this pilgrimage soon after midnight, by a visit to a Chinese Tea Saloon,


yvhen-, amid adormnent and cmbclishmcnt of oriental splendor, we uartook of dell- clously fragrant tea, with some of the preserved fruits Iu the preparation of which this people excel. The question asked of a stranger more frequently and with greater inleresb-ilness than any other, is: '-Have you been to China- toiviir" And then, "WeU, what do you think of Hie Chinese?" Any answer not Implying entire disgust. Is generally re- ceived iu surprised disappointment; true, it, Is, that the sentiment of the people of San Francisco, where the Chinese ques- tion Is more prominent thou elsow here, Is very largely against the race. Yet, it is confessed that thev make most excel- lent servants, are docile, faithful, us hon- est us tin; races average, and willing 'oil- ers ; that they d i menial service for which It Is dllicull to secure a substitute. The allegation thai they are willing to work for small wages, and that must of their savings go back to their own land,— will not stand examination; people of other lands have done, are doing, this, and there Is roam and better avocations iu this country fur all thus crowded out of menial work. Thai they live in a j manner destructive to their own lives and subversive of all public


and that they remain, and Intend to re- main, an Isolated people, not becoming a part of our civilization^ but continuing a discordant element therein, are fair grounds of criticism, and challenge the most intelligent consideration of this generation. Hut the Culiforniaiis have the solution of this problem, for them- selves, at least, in their Own hands ; they need neither new laws or more strin- gent Legislation. To-day, Iu the very finest residences, iu most of the homes of Intelligence, the servants arc Chinese; washing and a thousand other household and business employ men s are monopo- lized by them. The San Franciscans, who so vigorously denounce the Chinese, have but themselves to cease, lo employ such, and the question Is nettled; but so long as those who so loudly cry out the race, prefer them to others, they have ,


Lf the Chinese no NOT "go." Ten days of royal unstinted hospitality

are at an end.—California, at Portland, one year aso, promised great things for "Hie boys," and in jio item or particular has the fulfilment fnilen short.—To- morrow we turn our face northward and homeward—out through the Golden Gate and up to Oregon. San Francisco: Hail and Farewell. M.

is afforded In one Item In connection with the steamship Oregon, a Portland llrm accepting the contract to supply all of the meats for her paaeogers and crew. including chit kens, beef for roasts and steaks, mutton, etc., for one year, at Hm rate of 98,90 per hundred pounds. The run to the mouth of tho Columbia River, the great wutcr-way of the northwest, Is made for almost the entire distance In sight of the coast, which becomes more elevated and mountainous as Oregon Is reached. We crossed the bar, over which

mighty river discharges one million gallons of water per second, at noon of Saturday, and entered "the imignlllcent 'oluiubla. Astoria, near the mouth, is n


where now, jusl at the close of the sea son, quiet reigns. Ten years ago, sal- mon weighing from :iu to 85 pounds, could be purchased here at 10 to IS cents each; two years ago there was put up this river, 066,000 cases, each containing two dozen cans of prepared salmon; the river above tiie har has a width of four miles, and almvo Astoria broadens to seven; and along Its banks are scat tered canning establishments, this Indus trv giving employment to 1500 boats 8000 fishermen and looo factory bauds the latter almost exclusively Chinese. From Astoria to Portland, one hundred miles, especially the concluding hours of moonlight, the ride was delightfully at- tractive ; for so large a stream the river turns and winds to an tinex octcd degree, and as the light of the full round moon fell upon in 11 ti it till II end water, we caught

'ailing variety of bright pictures, si shadows reflected upon the urface of the stream, the moon-

beams ,


Andover Advertiser. ltallroatl Trulm.

o Boston, S:lt0, 7:4", SiKl, ]■: »!, \i -"', 'J n;i,:l:ls,,:AV

.ns, . io, ., i... :, ;I,I, ■; ir.', •; a'., -s.:l3 ,,. „,. ij 7 1" - f. i in. M III, 'I.W, ft.37, •,

hm i i ■ [.,on!l.i;.Si',T.I7,,s..*t,fi..'.-, io.M, il. iu., I.' in, .! .n..l i;.,:S JS,| i'., .'. Ml, ■} \tt i.:t'.l. SimilHy 7 :(!l,S:Xla.lll.; IJ-ill, * -Mi, 6:58,

I'l'll lo Andover,U.aii, 7.10, T 40. NX.,BX., 11 'OS ; 11:1.1, 1:011, i'S.1, Uii;., II 1(1, 1 10. .1 lo. .;:ISJ 11.10 p. in.; Sunday S.OO.d-JSa, in.;S;40, 1-M

Andover to Salem, '

Salem to Andover, 7: SUIHIHJ <i:3.1p. m.

Going North, I S3 a day U.14 p. in.

ib.K H 5.45,f p.

, !l:.l!» n. m.; 15:53, 5:49

1195 a.m.; 4ta, tip. m

; IS:M, 5:15p. in.; Sua.

8:58 a.m.; 1U19, 148,4aw uday t;

Hie .nt. i studded Gnind Army had-e yet manilfilc- tured. on Thursday evening, a banquet .tils tendered to the members of the Kil- campmeiil, al which WHS u rich BOUVCIllr menu, JTood In unlimited and wine in un- stinted quanity, followed by spicy speeches from Gens. Sherman. J,m:un. Falrchllds and others. The Caiifoiula vominiltee presented to each memlwr of ihe Encampineiil a souvenir official badge. a sol.d .silver Grand Army badge, sur-

Hitached ii.lioii oi the lutsldeof the In

oiial dor,- ello nisine.-s centre, San Fn en city, the finest n nlversally oonslrueted f there Is a single hr

mi n

■ol.llil lined I for ivclv

1 not 1 f the fact that ilding purposes.

html, S

itles; indeed

well he held which daily sun, sweep i

of mh

i- this c|ty,


, and then

iu at leas ; ihe trad, •egularlty

..ore lh» titli

streets of S in Francisi rival, over. arly as six

i may winds >f the

i year. of tilt

: every afternoi I'S have I u it clock, and later ale would seen

eye, I I quit. feelings.

id in all this vicinity the

widow and -i.-v

r -nrc's firm wi

racllle mills.

Tho Will


•ll Mr. ha

itlUng n of tin

l'( ses und ;.;. i'i US not

k lied, but arly the ent MM.MI II r\

'■;; >■ I i

of I'll V

t iliforniu ha a 't t r gill i a e to' I'll in v\ ■rj ganh

a trip over the bay to Gak- pportunity for a call upon

M1IS. AIlllli; I., WIltTtNG,

at the pleasant and commodious private hospital of Dr. Woolsey, when; she has been since, hy the overturning ofaYo- seiuite coaeli, her leg was severely frac- tured : the break was an exceedingly ugly one, uu.l Mrs. Whiting has been conlbied ton recumbent posture during thirteen weeks; she is now iiurely able lobe placed In a half reclining position, but otherwise than the slow healing wound, -he is as comfortable as the bcsl surgical

.ill, the careful atteutlon ol her cousin, hs. gwualben, and delghlful surround- ngs, .an possibly make her, and Is urely not pining awuv, bin she will lardly be able to leave the hospital nine weeks yet. fpon and beyond the itlls surrounding Kau Francisco are nany points of attractive luteresl to triitigers; of e.ittrse, all strangers go to lie tu M", where huutheds of seals disport hiiii-, Ives upon the ragged rocks rising ml of the sea, Just off Hie shore, while housnuds of sea birds fairly darken the ill- as they circle around other rocky cliffs.

further oeemiwards at the terminus of

f William (iray, Jr.

, Jr.. has bee

i obilg

loo II



not .1

eircumslnuees s

prohibited tin* n

nf eourae very

uians hive i,ua

court on tli" co

OH lion, and the

uitlins »!»"■» ll"

have a elsi it i

Mmvuni. I'h.ov

ed DC" anitaU;

ieut, no! lo say

very neat eututi

Ih-st." froi

of the hoi"


- f. How-employes

The bearer* were

David McAullffe,

Juliii Crosby ami Hiram Merce.


i iu toe sou hwest j

\ lo be careful and j

titieh. The lorce or,

•eiii* ulmot-t ti) have !

eol water, winch isj;. The t'a'if.r-|

<H|cd in ami out of

reel mclUods v! irri-

inlnil method.- ot' de-'

ri;h'.. o' thosr »!»>

|i I,I l. e water. Iu

ihe (.Ir II::: !. H I llcct-

„' [o ii very ii fotivcn-

, itloAtuing extent, a

rise is being accom-

[dished in the canal line. Tlie Sua

liver canal is a pail ol agreat system

planted by the company of tlial name

which have already expended nearly

RVdLOOO for irrigating purposes in tlie

northwest, and the system when once

tlevelopeil will 1 e worth millions of

doliaruto the farmers and stockmen.

The canal is about completed lo the

flume east of Piiest'a Butte, and wa-

ter is running through tbe Teton canal

for u distance of eleven miles. A

large reservoir is to be constructed,

eleven miles' npii;?, with an average

depth of about twenty-five feet, which

it is calculated ft'JI irrigate oi.o hun-

dred ami sixty seu'ions of land, aud

also be cue of the finest sheets of wa-

ter iu the territory. The great flume

east of Priest's butte, will he a mile

in length, and cost between $lb'.U(J0

and tf Jti.ium.

of William

p'.oi.ioi on fl'e at the Probate Court. It is

dated Oct. 17. l;..i.oinl witnessed by C.

\v. L.n.tig. W. \ Norrie and P. '-. Dow-

ney. No public hcpicts are made, it

bequeultis all his personal property to bis

wife; till the rest and residue of Ills estaWi

being devised ami bequeathed to his

father William tiruy. nud Frederick Gray,

bis uncle, iu Irust, who are Instructed to

,.a>' the income to bis wif, during her life.

and divide ttm fund among the children on her death. The rigid to occupy the

dwelling house by the wife Is lefl to the

di-crctiiiii of the trustees.

ju rasp of the wife's mania:;.' 610.000

to lie .kdJ'.'.J from the fun.I an I given

to each of thecJilldrea :.' of age, and if

.HI.i,-, to/i lo be held until ar.l. .n...: ■; .■ William 11 ray .-.o,...-, i- marie rxeciitoy nj

the eslnle, and Mrs. William Gray. Jr.,

giinriiuii of the ehlldron. The Uuatecs,

with consent of the wife, may dispose of

a.) the estate If they deem It expedient.

No bouda are required for any one eon-

oceted With ttu ;dmlnistrallon of the es-


■' 'ir' of re


pcctti Ig Ihe

M •s, flo Hi Ir

f t

Hit. SI ay of f arrival, c

iiichof ascoi which lie had pundiasi a inoiueiil alter hid ii wlimi two of the ladle quits the SUC Of a |>< up of choice rjowei thirty rose buds, eostli

Th the ab L' rapes,

fruit Is equally hum iniltmce aud excellcne California may well

,. IJ )! i IM.I: tin: worn n

-siorv dwellings; ivlu-re, ami unlike of our parly. Hie

nc in boastfully, of Hue rose buds

, for ten cents, but diminished head

i-itereil with bou- k measure, made

, including gone lv thirty cent

L-; ll

Of il

The ']'

eneed t

The Ctitliug Cone.

.'xas editor Cutting, wliai

unpr cm, i


Mexican authorities, was tak

Judge <'a-tenada's conrl agal

morning and the official mlnu

i 'Lihuahua supreme court, reclt

t-ree releasing him from furthe

wci ■ n ad.

The court's decision Is based entirely

upon the fact that Medina has waived his

right, to a civil suit, the court holding that

this ends the proceedings of the state.

(■lilting accepted his liberty and request-

ed a copy of the court's decree for his fu-

ture use. 'fills was promised him.

It is sal.l that the Mexican constitution

prohibiting the residence of agitators and

other dangerous characters' in the rcgub-

iic will be enforced against Cutting.

noi excepting Frapte and July: it prudui'Mou oi peara it ha-rio rival, pearlies are indued mammoth and hand some, but here the east can rival tlie Pu elite for flavor; strawberries and blue h.Tries we have here in prodigality, al though the best season is passing, am i, ■. apricots, nranges and plums are ol exevlKin quaytv: curiously, with nil Dili abundance, the reta.! price, is not, except in the matter nf RrafV, (.ousldernbly below the markets of New York or Bo* ton; apj.le.i u'( uol a success, growing Insipid, the supply, especially for cook tug, being Imported from Oregon, l/o^i are quite prevalent in San Francisco, at this season of the your, scarcely a

l morning t,iuce our arrival being frci [therefrom; they are (-.""^"cd, i j narrow ^iore belt, scarcely

as sen- lue [ntcfi"'. Snow rarely falls here, aim by tlie only once w thin twuily ycum lias there before hee'ti a Btitllelent quantity to whiten the londay grouiult BepU-mtH.-r is ihe warm. -I month

, "' iif the year, the temperature then reach- "' tt"' j lug an average of ii«*, while that of Jan- the de- uary is only ten degrees coldei. the fogs

and' afternoon winds are too strong for Invalids, hut otherwise the

Points or North Streeet, the California^ seem to consider that Chinese life is -i i-rt-aliin; of such hideous mien," that to tn hated, it uoethi only to be seen, and

A \lsll Mi ClUNATIIWN,

Is the particular scene to which the vlslot and obfuctorlos of visitors are invited

the Cliff and the Seals.—then Hu use. The City h.tsultogi

of (h pn.habl. the I

irtei ills of |]| Daddltloi

il sons of the hand of the Sun, employed is servants In hotels ami famllcs. Under he guidance of a former public official, iviio for some years was in charge of ihe Chinese district, and familiar with every (rook and cranny, shout leu o'clock last night, a little party of us entered Ihe much derided domain of this class; they tn*.' now emphatically a people unto tliom- selvus; a town within a city; one civiliza- tion,—or heathendom, ir you choose,— within another;'a spol of wild, foreign vegetation, within a Held of native grain; wherever t In- Chinese make for themselves II si'tiicment. other races abandon the tor-

st reels, the be-t hardly equal to one of the alley-ways of Iriiwrem-e, ore high buildings of wood; porticos, balconies ami stoops project Into even this con- tracted space

\M;I:I:I. I HI. SIM.II.IIT RKiotoJl coMKS;

tho "pavement" is of plank, with very narrow sidewalks, also of wood; the first stories are largely occupied as shops or -tails for the sale of provisions, us cob- liters or tailors shops, and the like; nar- row doorsum-n upon contracted stairways I. adlng lo the upper stories. Whether with the generally understood free will of tue occupants, or iu reluctant assent

over the ripples left in the steamers wake, the hbfli hills sharply outlined against the clear sky, pretty Islands dotting the river way, and the great ship gracefully rounded successive headlands- Every- body was sorry when midnight came, ami the steamer made fast to the pier at the 'capital city of Oregon. To-morrow we are off again, Eastward,


Their New Huililin- Now in Pro-

cess of Erection.

That the Arlington mills is one of the

most successful iu Lawrence, the new

Ills and storehouses which have lately

Mr*.*AV. 11. Katun ia at Juniper Point.

August Is bidding us a warm farewell.

Kssex enmity G. A. U. convention at Lvrm. Sept. K. "

Principal Bancroft and faintly arc expected home fruut Wc»t I'ahiiunlh next week Wednci-


Mr. Arthur filisa ha* liecn elected a meml-er of the M .- -.1. l.n-' tta Pharmaceutical A-isoci- stlou.

Even other IKW graduate thi* year I* cred-. lied with the ambition of becoming a "le.i.lim; Jitor."

A Dumber of people enjoyed an excellent .inert hy the l*md at Fryu Village, Friday vuiihig.


Along tho Pacific Coast to


t-:i.i;\T:\IH t.Kiiiai

the v.i.;,

nter i

, at all hours, d vited entrance i

s much as a w ■elliit:

cable raiiv s whisk yo i thr

wlmi gh a ■

.- of

.li.ll Wl.l so.. ent pleasure roves, drive:

! thousand acres



■csort. Already, spli and walks ore tempi

tid in a charming little v arge conservatory has

■. presented the 11 nest Ii idoriiiiient the eye c uld

sloping embankment of fai lolors,

llged, '.vri-e spread put, Urst an Miormous LiramlAriny badge, lift) feet across, then an Immense America) ling, then, stretching along tlie eiitin slope, the various corps budges,—then hoists, camion and ;i great variety of win , Ic vices—these, with the rich bark gsouui

rs, formed a picture oi ght. During our sun

here, wc have mei quite A

of Iu

Ni MUM: i KiiJIMI.


11 AYs A UK l>i:i liillll -Tt.l.V in.lltlin

jiistifving Taylor In singing of the

U'llVH' U Will

Stand* II uleep i s fts'I ;

lies and Deocmlien meet.

The city has an ex eel hint system of cable railways, running through the prin- cipal streets In all directions, one pecul- iarity being a sorl of •'doublcnder" cur. the forward part being open with seats facing the sides, while the other half of the car la closed, resembling an ordinary

lls- Fargo

Wi 1 II. of Lntl-clice Itectl and wife, keep the Arctic House a neat, lltile hotel on .Market street) Miss Phoebe Emerson mis a responsible posi- tion in one i>r the largest millinery estab- lishments in the city, and is prospering: Cant. fieo. (1. Darrcli Is at Berkley, just over the tfayt Mr. Jenvs W. Ipiusou is agent fdr a poWrfer tfolnpany, Is nwclud toa t'jistiliati lady, ahd hoe one child; .1. it. Parkuun is in the real eatttte busi- ness; Thomas t'olleii, ,-,o long In the Lawrence postofflce, h Bitlon with the Wei and has a nice little homei Ed. U. Dn b temporarily here, and made a brief call hl -"" hotel to-day; JoshuaNorw I,

N. TMVhilm-v, :;::.'';'"'k- l*n7Comy. •m of W. W-. Albert F. Horn, .Jerry ... Cornelius D^smomi, Irranlf Fowler, Mrs. Kcttlcr, formerly Martha nrdway. Harris Kpencrr Ashworth. brother of Thomas and others, who will be remembered in I,., are here Bailey Sargent, "the Golden Eagle" of vems ago, is apparently um In affluent circumstances, and his daughter Dollle Is employed In tho mint. At the California market we met u" old Met hue n schoolmate and townsman, whom we had not seen for thlrtv-four years, M. E. Swan, who tuts been here since Is.'.•-'.—one of the Swan family formerly residing what is now the Novlns estate,—and whose hand-shake hade world of geuuii, heartiness in it, There are

NO li:M'.s Vl.ilMi till. Ji'lhKK'M

in San I'rnnctsco, but for this absence lucre is compensation In the splendid

I or fi eressarily froiu the narrowness,—! Jo Mlo along constantly turning pai e-vvays, opeting doors ami peeping n living and sleeping rooms, with n

.■Ii freedom as if in u public thorough- fare, and with not the faintest rcinoii-

rance from the olmend-eyud occupants, no, If met in any of the eotrys, slip into Inorway and atoftd iu respectful silence Iel us pass; the various houses seem be connected by deviously winding pas-

gen, so thiti the IniniitiiS may pursue their way, like human rats, from one to another: we enter from one alley, and after winding and twisting around, eiiicige into quite another. The houses are partitioned off into little compart- ments, not much larger than a Saratoga trunk, very low, with seldom more than one, and often flo window ; on two or three sides are constructed bunks or shelves, three In number, one above the other; each of those Is the sleeping | lace of two people, so that a room, eight, or nine feet square affords nu abiding place for twelve or eighteen Chinamen; when they sleep. Is u more doubtful problem ;


they were strolling through the alleys, or -i.iosiFi" wltblu the rooms, scan efy one ssleep. N'ol only to the hei-ht of three or [our stories do these little coops

Into the rth. nd twi

,w the i lac , lilt

nl of 1:

rabbit like ar-

ivhi. Hit ghlof ' •a, and of courst

mi, is pu .-auvass i

ly fan- r hoard

sln-ir' with a tin/ vhil of opium and a low- bhrnhig, smoking lamp before hlh). the devotee of the drug till- his peculiar pipe. and sends the sickening odcrs iuto the close apartment. Whew I what smells comes to our nostril- as tome of these underground cuddy-holes were opened. One block, less than two hundred feel square, with fiur stories above and two beneath ground, contained nearly two tiiuUsaiio ','!;::'anicn. *.Ve strolled


protected by heavy double Iron doors: battered under sledge hammer blows where the police had attempted to force an entrance, a game was in progress, a iloicn nuiu surrounding the table; the itokeB were evidently not high, fur scarcely more Hum one dollar was In the ■•pile;"' the gambling was carried on — whatever the game was called,—by means of n set of mammoth, rrddiah dominoes; n- elsewhere, no one apptsred disturbed by our presence,


as before; In another like place, the play had been suspended and lunch was being .-•rv111, iii*li-eril.ahle coni^iunds wild inconceivable oders; wc had courageous-

POKTXAND, OCKlliiN. AllgUst loth.

The steamer Oregon, upon Which, on Thursday morning we took passage for Portland, Oregon, was, owing to the rush of excursionists homeward in this direc- tion, uncomfortably crowded with cabin passengers, arid, although a boat of ex- cellent sailing qualifies the heavy wind


Unit made the steamer toss in a manner borough I y disquieting to about two-

thirds of the passengers; amid the cheer- ful goodbyes of a multitude of longer tarrying tourists, we steamed out of tin* splendid harbor, through the Golden (bite upon the waters of the broad Pacific, catching our la-t glimpses of, und repent- ing our reluctant farewells to the city where all hud been made thrice welcome. Appetites have been so constantly sharp- cued while in San Francisco, and it being clearly evident that the capacity of the saloon for feeding the large number on board, would necessitate the serving of meals to tlie passengers by detail, there WHS an Immediate rush to the purser's of- fice, to secure seats, which were num- bered and arranged for the five successive tables demanded to complete thn list. The worldly-wise official, shrewdly an notinced that lunch for that day would lie served without special order, and that the assignment of seats tor later meals would be deferred until three o'clock; by that hour, alas, fully one-half the passengers were devoting far more attention to the question of how most easily to dispose of the last meal partaken of, thau any thought or care as to future provender, and the cunning purser was relieved of a large share of his trouble and perplexity. of the Marble's party of eighteen, four- teen were "taken" ami onlv four left, ami when the gong sounded, the latter surely Were not "left." Hut


created sail slaughter; Jolly Jack Adams crept Into his berth and turned his face to the wall, sadly murmuring "Things are not always what they seem;" the ro- tund Secretary of the Commonwealth, laid it bag nf ice over his manly brow, and softly muttered, "This world isalla fleet- ing show," while tbe bold Mariner from Hie mouth of the Mertiinsck, who had beguiled our weary wanderings with tales of the great deep, descanting glibly upon the beauties of St, ling on old ocean's; tran- quil bosom, and of the healthful dellght- someness of dancing over white-crested waves, and generally passed himself off as A genuine old salt, after devouring a big bas of lemons and emptying a care- fully guarded flask, retired to the seclu- sion of bis stale room, being heard to

wl out, as he disappeared for two days, thai there would be an auction sab- ot a yacht, should he ever live to reach Newbaryport. The four of us who were "alive"' struggled maiihil'y lq coukuim- the rations of the misjlug members, and the pilgrim from filon's Hill was suspect- ed of securing dinner tickets from the sea sick passengers, located at other of the tables, that he might securu a succes- sion of dinners. It was surprising on en- tering the smooth waters of


on Saturday afternoon, to wwuasa the sudden emergence, of two cr titico hun- dred passengers who came on ship hoard at Sim Francisco, but who had quickly disappeared and been no more seen dur- ing the entire trip; ou the passage we caught sight of a whale "blowing" In the distance, and afterwards, under the watchful guidance of Hie member from Andover, who had been appointed a "com- mittee on whales," quite a number wcu* successively pointed out; these whales are valuable for ^omme-rcAol, purposes, bul, uuth'r the the present system of cap- ture by shooting, their pursuit ia «ot profitable In this locality, owing to the great depth of, wiUoti the whole, after hr.iuy shot, is allowed to sink to the bot> torn, and |ts reappearance being waited fur, ami w|lu this depth uf water many are lost, so that the whalemen hunt this same class in more shallow waters. The Oregon had over four hundred cabin pas- sengers, and as a large proportion were unable to secure rooms, the sccue In the saloons, after uiue o'clock each night, WBB coirfnatolly curious; It was rooming "O. T. and F. T."—on the tables and un- der thefubl-fa i—mattresses wore

St'ftT.AI» tlVKKIIlK IAUIN li,-,|i

without one inch of space left vacant,

rs. J. W. II.II II ii'I. son . adlng the month of Aumi. sjH-n.lui:: Hu- mouth ,

Martha'* Yiueyanl.

bceuerectud, gives us ample proof,

sooner la-one new building completed than

plans are drawn for another. Only last

winter an addition was made to the cotton

department, ami an Immense storehouse

oiistnicled for the mills on Chalmers

street. Now the work of building snotfa

er mill is being actively pushed forward.

Die new structure Is being built at the

corner of Broadway und Chalmers street,

on the site of the old Arlington boarding

house, which has been sold and moved

away. The building will be of brick, four

stories high, with monitor roof. The

mill, when completed, will be in the shape

of the letter "L". and on the Broadway

ilde will be 2:18 feet In length, inside

tieasurc, and on the Chalmers -trect sldq,

2e8 feet. The width of tbe building will

be 100 feet. Each of the storiel will be

fifteen feet in height, and the basement

and cellar, ten feet. Tbe new building

will take the place of Hie old wooden

spinning mill, which lias seen twenty

years of service, ami has now outlived its

usefulness, and when the building opera-

tions are completed, the old wooden mill

und adjoining sheds will be torn down.

This, lufwcver, will not occur during the

present season, as It is Intended to build,

this year, only two stories of the new

b■dltllng, those two to be on the Chalmers

street side. The new building will be de-

voted to the manufacture of worsted yarn

both for consumption at the mills and for

sale, ami will give employment to ADO

more operatives than are at present em-

ployid. Along side of the present four

story mill and between it and Chalmers ut.wlU hi- erected a one storv washini 1 drying room. This building will join

the new mill and will be 12s feet In length

and varying In width from 5s to 04 feet,

Tbe new main building will be quite an

addition to the city's architecture. The

trimmings will be of granite, while the

four high square towers, one of them

containing a clock, will ad I much to the

appearance of the structure. The main

entrance to the mill will be from llroad-

way, at the south ecst .tower, near by

where Is now the present entrance, to the

mill yard, and will be separatod from the

office building by a passageway, abeut

forty feet wide, This tower at the main

entrance will be 120 feet in height, and

between tiie second and third stories will

bear the word "Arlington." Above this

will be placed the clock. At the north

east corner, at the junction nf Broadway

and Chalmers street, will bo a lire escape

tower, SO feet ill height and staircase

towers of the same height, will be

erected near the south west corners of the

Ilroatlway and Chalmers street sides of

tho "L." The engine and boiler plants

have not yet been decided upon. Tho

work is progressing rapidly, about SSO0

feet of the foundations having been al

ready laid. Tho old wooden spinning

mill, which will be soon torn down, is one

of the landmarks of Lawrence. It was

built In 1867 to take the place of a mill

burned on the same Bite the your before.

Operations In the mill were begun in 1808

and have slnre continued.


The Abbott Village Cricket club were de- feated hv a picked eleven from Lawrence Satur- day afternoon. Score 32 to 28.

Uev. L. EL Sheldon preached at tho Hapii-t church, hist'Mn nd ay, iu almciu-c of Itev. I). F, ttrooson, who occupied the Baptist pulpit at Muthaeii-

Thc official visit al the district deputy, grand master of the Tenth Itasoaie district to the SL Matthevv'fl lodge of tin* town, wllloccurOet. 11.

Qeo- E. Davis was arraigned before Judge Pour, Friday, for drunkenness iiml lieing found guilty paid line und costs amounting to f 11.41.

The new licit for the Bfaacopal church has arrived and I* ready to l« put hi jH.sitlon, ia from the foundry of Wm. Blake A Co., and weighs 1,827 lhti., the largest In towu.

Two such masterly, eloquent and interesting on..ii- have seldom l«eu heard in thi* town,

as those delivered last Sunday at tbe Free liurch hy Ihe Itev. Moves Smith of Detroit,

Mr. F. W. Tllion, who was principal of Phillips Academy frmu 1H71 to 1873, with his rife and four children, returned last Saturday iy the Ciinai.l Itaannhlp Patoula, from a ears residence In Europe.

The entrance examination for tho Punrhanl Free School will t« held iu the I'uiiehur.UiJjool-

I Saturday, Sept. I. at'.' o'clock a. m. All scholars from (he grammar school and others

ho jmnwse entering are-expected to '« present at that lime.

Mr*. Whilom R. Brady has been by far the i.i "-I successful fisherman who has visited Ilaggetts Pond this season j the latter part ot lust week he brought home a string ut baas -'oighliig some nine pounds, one uf which

eigheu one-fourth of the whule.

Mr. Alfred H. Lloyd of Montelalr, N. J., has lieen engaged to take Mr. (mile's place hi Phillips Academy while (he latter is absent la Europe. Mr Lloyd resided several years with his mother and brother In Andover, and was two- year* in the Putiehanl School. Ho graduated with.liBthietlou at Harvard College iu the class uf Httfi.

They J'ay Poll Taxes to City

Treasurer murphy.

Monday, two Celestials on whom tax

bills had been served by Collector Tucker,

called at the city hall, and rapped timidly

ai the door of the ticket emeu. The lad

who at present is acting as city messen-

ger, espied them at the ofiiee, ami polite-

ly Informed them that tickets did not go

on sale until the first Wednesday In Sep-

tember, to which time the common eoun-

1 aggregation had closed their great

moral show.

Chinaman want p'ay ploll tlax," an-

swered Ah Chin, and Chin Foy echoed in.-


Then why in bh&aas don't you pay it?"

Inquired the assistant city messenger.

"Where Tlucker's office?" Inquired tho

heathen Chinee," as ho tried the ticket

office window.

The twain were directed to tho treasur-

es office and they asked for Tax Collector

Tucker. They were Informed that ho was


' ! ii.i.m.tii wnntee |duy ptoll tlax,"

lisped the Celestials.

AH right," responded Treasurer Mur-

phy. "Fl! take It."

So, wantcc play Thicker, or ho send

pleeceuiBii after Chinaman, Hake, Wm to

jail. Tlucker bad, velly bad man. Have

Chinaman 'lasted last year. Play Tlucker

then all righ.tu',

hot ii tuns, far excel in their devices for keeptag cool. The liesi plan of this kind which we know of is the tent pitched hy N. Fairing tun Flint, on High street, while many people are sweltering under a superfluous supply oi l«d clothes, these fe-rt- unate individuals enjoy the hrueim- atmosphere.

l.:i-i week we unintentionally neglected a few posthumous words relative to a young man,, nho. mi to his death wits very favorably kuowa m this conn rin no- , llnv, j. n.0CIC.

To his hitiiutiiu friends he was known as morally exemplary. His death Is greatly de- plored hy the grief stricken family who have ihe heartfelt sympathy of their friends, as was evinced hy the large nuinls-r attending the ser- vice* at St. Angus fine's church Monday, Aug. lli; the remains were interred ia the Catfiolii; church yard.

A very pretty party was given Miss Claw Dell by Immediate friends at her residence, Saturday iiiien»»>ii and evening, the ot-casam bcliigliertwenly-tirst blrtudav. In the after- noon the happy company of young people en- gaged hi games of lawn tennis, croquet and: other out-door amusements ami in the evening. after an excellent and ample collation, repaired, to the house where they were pleaintly enter- tained until a late hour with snugs, piano solos aud other saelal games. It mi, in fact, a high- ly enjoyable aliair, thu whole beings very pleas- ant a* well a* an agreeable nirpnse to tee young lady.

Concerning the current difficulty wtfb tho American isiard of foreign missions, be. John P. Uelllver of the Seminary, expresses himself thus In a late numlier of the Independent:

The prudential committee ot the American board,while awaiting more definite InstrueUoD* from that lmdy, decline to commission men who- are not prepared hi reject tbe hypothesis of a posslulc (mure prolwtlou for such hcatheu as die without a kiinwledi-e of the "hlaUtrie"' Christ—1. e-j of Chris; as revealed m the verliat: narratives Of Matthew, Murk, Luke and John..

Objection is matte to this action of the prut- iteutlal committee by those who hold tbe hy- pothesis hi question, and hv many who do not. The discussion Iwtwcen the two parties Is llkery to t>e earnest, and unless care is taken to make the issues distinct it may lieeome a heabnl a**, and most injurious to the cause of mtosions. II, on thecnulrary, the parties, will take pain* to understand each other, aud If the churches sustaining the board will take pains to under stand the questions al Issue it is quite possible that s common position can le fuuml as a basis for continued rn-operatlon Ut the work of tho world's evangt-H/alien.

The prescui uUilude of the hoard la objected toon two dtatini-t grounds. One of these Is purely thealogieal. 'Ihe other is purely ecclesi- astical. The one involves the discussion of the iiuoMion upon 11* merits. The other Involves die claim that the elm re lies sustaining the Uisnl have already decided tho qiiestkiii for that body by certain proceedings of the national council, and in the precedents establish*! by a consid- erable numlier u( untable ordaining and Install- ing councils.

I'licic two lines of objections are distlr.ct ■; and It is Important that they u- kept ilW.lnct, It Is quite possible to condemn the uttiv.idc of the if t on the theological Issue, any; *t the same time to approve il on the ecr'.cslustiest Issue. Trivial as Ihe two Issues svuu at first, it may bo found 'hat the one i,-*,■',,,■. down to the ileejssst sources ef theolcgjcul opinkin, while the other may, liefore no arc through with It, uncover huge (ncor.sbteiirlCH IsHwren ottr recognized cuiigwgfttlr.ual usages, and ear luiiilunieniul OgDJItgullgnal principle!.

Dr. Gulliver then sutes the .iiiesilon thco- logicauv, as it baa bain haul by ti» CaivinUts generally, showing that there has been a grad- ual growth of more liberal opinions, and Uut these opinions hare been recognised m the home churches, with su Increasing antagonism between the two extreaei. He continues :

Now to apply all this to the policy of the American boani. Would It not lw pushing the new theory to an extreme, and making an su- re, as on able demand Tor Its (.deration, if its ad- vocates should .iiiiui that only those holding il should be scut out as missionaries? On the other baud, is It not pushing the eppoatte theory to an extreme, if IU advecstes claim that onlv those shiuikl be sent who hold tliat all hentkeiis dying without the knowledge ol tho "htatorlc Chrisl," are hn|*:lcs*ly h.s4? Ami may not Imth parties agree Iu taking a purelv agnostic 1 ..'..ii..ii of this sorl ■ The Bible gives no dis- tinct Information ct-aromlug those who have a sufficient aiuoutvlnf knowledge to obey or tUs- eheyUWjaod to acceptor rejei;t theulfbrof grate. Coiu-eniing all- such, embracing the vast majority of maukind, wo are elearlv- laught they will la> judged aceortltHg lo> the ileeils done m the body." Outside of tilts class, whether tbe beings in question ta> bvfSnh* «r utiote or heathens, we have no direct revela- tion, Wc are left to analogical reasocing,' ami to hypotheses which commend tbrmseives to

sensibilities, and help lo ltd '.he burden of a The clUaena from the Celestial empire If n*hhig worldfrom m.f hW^." What

„ ,, .... , , , ll"l"L that we should restrain a'.hrlstian dually paid their taxew and retired feeling '

cry happy that now "Tlucker" would

have no opportunity nor occasion t* ar-

rest them for non-payment.

Four Chinamen have thus far this year

oluntarlly paid poll taxes.

CM ixliil i Vo: e bo/.edniit your brtntli to *weeteu; it you i

, «; 3iv.uv.uiit hi aid digestion; 1'se Seaoqenl and ask no question. Ki'servt; your molars and ymi wont

greltlie use of So/ooosT. ilweisllw

Iter. W. W. Christian,,Qf Hon-oee, N. .1., su- UiorUi's: "I have koonn of I'slmer'* 'Skln-Suc- eess' since I3|tl VIJ years), and have found It to lie all Uuil U etaiuir.t for 11: A *mr, sure, speedy rvratalv fvr sklu cuuiplulnts of every iimui. and Jearee." ____, dwlweod

and tm thcHe, sleepy mortals bestowed' U»n.

agto efvei

desires to laUir amoug tint heathen from resort- such a relief, ihv.iigh it be no relief to our- ■ Or what are wc that we should Impose

upon suthaintn, a hvpolbcii* of our own de- vislujt, when, declining all tiyimtheses, he finds his relief In leavlong this appalling fact, like many another, in the hands ot Him who d< eth all thing! WSii1 If the candidate for the mis- sionary work Is willing to say, "1 have no dog- inii tu hold or teach almtit (he fiiiutv destiny of any oue, who, hv rca*uii of iuunaturlty or igno- rance, sre not fitted to stand before the judg- ment seat uf Christ, and, If I hold any pet hy- potheels on the subject, 1 hold it as a pure cun- jeetute," what should hinder that ho shouldn't he sent forth .- but, if he fancies that he has Scripture anthoiitv for his hypothesis, what- ever It may be, to that It becomes to him a dne- trhie of the divine word, which lie is hound fe>- teuch Iu season and out of season, who can wh jeet to his being advised hi remain al W'lir. where his teaching and doctrine will tie fudged by an Intelligent Christian public, rather than to lieconic, at the expense of the chnrches, a blind leader of tlie blind, anioug tbe hcatheu r


Mrs. 8. K, Way has'rctunieU from her n •.uminer Boropota trip.

Itev.C. L. Mills. Tlietilocirnl Seminarv '84, is visiting his family In this town.

Mr. P. J. Harmon has retumeil from a w trln to i "■! Onliard eti<i IUr I Lir1-,,-.

A llllllllKT nf OUT tOWIli I.lra-;un drive to Lynn and v

Was. W. I .orejoy has l«en drawn iunir tu I lie superior OOttlt to lie lialden at Newliuryptirt.

Prof. F. E. Woodruff will preach U.ih iiiKiii ninl nil.TiiiHjii at tho South church next ■ibMfh.

Rev. C. C. Carpenter's new on Bart leu street will lie ready for occupaucv the llrat of September.

We wo jrlad to note tlie re-appearance on the street of Mr. Edward Jameson after his k.iii- and painful Illness.

Messrs. Josupli,Wallace and ltoicne Cole with famlUcs nave hired a cottage for a short stay at the Salem Wlllowi.

Rev. J. W. Cnllwcll and family or South Peahotly, Mui., have l*en ^tending a few weeks In towu.

Quite u remarkable loud of hav welching 4,600 i!is., was delivered to C. L.Carter by Jiilm T. Woods of Uoxfonl, Thursday.

Mr. J. Lang'Ion Curtis of the Dwlght school ID Boston, with his family, are visiting lili father-in-law, Hev. Mr. Sheldon, tin- present week.

The Boston dallies speak of Mr. W. P. Wal- ley who lias boeu entertaining at Bar Hurl>or, as being a Boston lawyer and resident of this

Mr. John Clark who has for many years been a resident In this town anil who Is at present employed in Boston, has moved his family to Camlirlilgcnort.

Rev. John B. Lawrence of Wymnkittc, Kan- sas, IK vlalllmr at J. W. Poor's. Mr. I.itivremr ami Hev, W. O. l'oor were chums Irotb at col- lege and at the Divinity School and arc neigh- born In their pastoral work in Kansas.

Mrs. Elizabeth Uitt and children returned to her homo In Indianapolis Wedmlcsilnv ; she was arc-em pan led by her sister, Miss Kitty H. Burnett who wilt <i«inl the winter with the fam- ily or Mrs. Hltt hi that delightful city.

Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Hulmo were kindly ro- memliered by Mentis from I<awrence at their residence on Brook St., Friday evening last. The party arriving early, took them by surprise, but soou mode themselves perfectly at home

While driving down School street Wednesdsy one Juliii Ucvitii; in tin- employ of John Breen, Lewr-ence, was Ukcu ill on his hack, and full Ibg from the seat severely injured his head, cutting a deep and ugly gtlsh; thy unfiirtiiuatc fellow was driven to his horns in Lawrence.

The guests at the hotel and a few towns peo- ple were pleasantly entertained Wednesday eve- ning at the Elm House. Early iu the evening the spacious dining room was cleared and the

ii devoted to dancing the party w lilted away hours of the most joyablc l, ii i' i.,[-) music by tho Andovor " '-

i*i HI vet dc net PS where tost en- hestra.

On Mondav evening a meeting of Prohibition- ists was held lu the lower Town Hall. A town committee, was appointed as follows; Rev. Mr. Wllley, C. M. Baldwin, S. S. Strout, Rev. Var- IINIII Lincoln, Henry A. Hill. 0. F. Bronson ami C. W. Matthews were appoluted delegates to the State Convention to lie held at Worcester, Sept. 8.

and the rest of the evening was Tery pleasantly ■pent In dancing, singing, grmes, etc. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Ilulme were presented with manyglfts and a tempting it illation served. It WM nut until a late hour that the rriends departed, expressing many kind wishes for host mui hostess.

Andovor, as a summer result, has been more popular than ever and Mrs. Dr. Berry's house on Salem St., ban lieeu lust patronized. Among her Imardsrs ore: Miss l.iivinia Fnriihain, Mrs. Susan J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sears, and Hisses Sears, Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Lawrie, Miss Lawrte, Mr. A. W. Lawrie, Mr. Ahull Lawrie, Mr. A. D. Lawrie, Miss Leila Lawrie, Mr. Ellis I,. Mntte, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Briggs, Hotel Brunswick, Bostonlaus all; Mrs. Dr. Moore, UUca, N. V., Rev. and MM. Cbas. B. Bliss, Chicago, III-, MM. Edwards and three Misses Edwards, Boston i Major Cook C. B. A., and Miss Cook, Soincrville; Miss Marv Shurtleir, Dorchtster; Rev. Frank B. Hlnes, Yankton, Dak; Mr. J. H. Mcllbeuny, New Iberia, La.; Mr. aud Mrs. Augustus J. Fabens, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Emillio, Miss Alice Perkins and Mad&mo I. F. Emillio, Salem, Mass. The Old Mansion House on the hill has had among Its guests this slimmeri Mr. David Snow aud family, Mr. Amos Blanchard, treasurer B. & M. R. It., and MM. Blanchard, Mr. Oeo. II. Gilbert, aud Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Morgan Brewn of Boston; Mr. Oeo. C. Dana and family, E. P. Persons and family, and MM. Howes of Lynn ; Mr. and MM. Goo. W. W. Dove ami family and Mr. P. T. Nlckorson, Andover; 11. 8. Jos Jin aud wife, Oxford, Mass, and many others.

Prof. Calvin E. Stowo formerly or the Theo- logical Institution of this town, and husband of the author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin. ' died at his home In Hartford, Conn., lost Sabbath morning, aged tH years aud 4 months.

Mr. Htowe was I Mini at South Nutlck, Mass., April 26, 1H02. lie won educated nr-i at llrad- fonl Academy, in Massachusetts, and then at Oorhaui, Me., and entering Bowdolu College, was graduated with honors In 1824 and from the Theological Seminary fn 1828, golug froui there to Dartmouth as tutor. He married, first. Miss Ellia Tyler, daughter of Prof. Tyler of Dartmouth College, lint she lived only a short time. Prof. Stowe then accepted a chair In I*ne Theological Seminary, in the suburbs of Cinclnnattl, and In lfWtl ho married Harriet Beecher, whose father, llev. Lviuaii Beechcr, was one or tho rounders or the Institution. Iu the same vear Prof. Stowe wai sent to Europe by the Ohio Legislature tocxamiuethe Prussian school KY stein and ascertain If it was practicable for the schools or that state. The trustees of the Lane Theological Seminarv also commis- sioned him to collect a library for that institu- tion. Prof. Stowe and all his friends were strong abolitionists. Alt his children but one were born in Cincinnati, the twin girls, Eliza Tylerfasti Harriet Iteecber coming llrat, and a sou Frederick, being lioni within eighteen

. months alter. Oeorgniiina May, now the wife of Mr. Allen, the ritualistic rector of the Church of the Messiah, in Boston, was the other daugh ter, and a son died In infancy In 1849. In t!i following year J 'i of. Stowe resigned his posltiot and returned east to take a new professorship at Brunswick, Me. There Charles, the young- est child, at present pastor of the Windsor Avenue Congregational church, in Boston, was born. From Bowdoln College Prof, te'towe re- moved to Audaver and l-ecame professor or sacred llteratuc, to fill tho place loft vacant by Prof. Stuart. Ho remained thero twelve years, removing ts> Hartfonl lu 1WW, where he lived to the time of hie death.

Wednesday the remains were brought to An dover fur burial and during that afternoon the body hod lu state lu the Chapel, and a good number look advantage of the opportunity to view the remains of one who had been an hon- est man anda Christian among his fellow men. At thirty minutes after four when allthemonrn- CM had gathered together the Episcopal service was road uear the grave by'the son-in-law of the deceased, llev. Mr. Allen of Boston. The body was then interred.

The excursion of the "Farmer's Club" tbit year was In every respect a success. The day was auspicious, It bang neither too cool or un- cumrortaiilv hot. A little delay at the start only fiharoeuod the api>etiio for a keener enjoyment of this annual social festivity. Although over four hundred participated In it, yet ample ac- commodations were provided by the railroad compauy and also by the boat. The trip dor-

A. It ,*, .Jflll _ Andover National think Andrew,, MC ii.i. w Mr» Kdward i; u i u 'i J W II .1 .1 estate ..r Rrlkuap I.II ■■.dwell Heavy A llarneil William e»l Baldwin CurtUH lliiiu ci-trali A I till 111 l.llcy ,1

gill Mrs M N

IL.,-i..n A Matiic It It t hurrll *' I. Cornell John Cutter Usual .1 Draper W f Ii. ui .l.n.i. II JlSttllill* .1 .1 11..« i.- H M I ui.. ■ Pinto RIHl Nhtban I .ii.,IL .1.111-n■ - cntat I n,'i ..1. Joseph i I .v. " !■ I W rests* A M Potter Mows Foster S A A F II


I.IHV ME rail Thomas

lllggtns Kll esiaf IloItT A lloltl' A A Co Hardy A <-»le Hiuen N W Mlacks K V Hopkins I. A ll,,|.kln- ivtlll Jenkins W 3 Johnson V II .i.,i,i,-.uii M U

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I It IM si,,it. n Murcua Means E ¥ MUI- ii..i«-..«a B Parker U 11 I'cny M A 1'o.r'tico II Hopes W 1, III pier lleorge Khli:.rd«ni l> i: ¥re ■■ — -S..-11 1[..,..| v Hiulth t^bas trustee Smith Chas Smith II F smith .1 I. Smith 1' I' sii.ith J H stnltli A Manning Smith J II Kivlft Nathaniel ('stale of bwlft -bihnatlian estiite of

1HST. isto.


Lehlsh and Hnnl White Ash Goal. Free Burning " " *• LykenH Valley Ited Asli " Sinn-Liken White Ash " Cumberland "

Hard M Sott Wood, Prepared Wood, HAY AND s in \ \v.

__ ii I> F wtorrow .1 J trt istee

Tver II 11 Tver itiiliher C» Tints H K estate it Wilson Hon.ce rt'liitllcr Niilliiiniel nn WnU-rmaii 1, 4 Wlllmr H It Wilimr K II

\" no

i iu i.i-iuni'.

Allen William Aiitioit ■ Uaatataof (tlllO-tli.ld J V ltradlee .1 t* I'.'. i Amos IralKhend A kint/. Carter C L Cliitn.hlll.1 W i Li I in. i Mrs J Uutilil H A tiray !l J esta'e of llitvward II M llarrlili Mrs Hidden » estate of .1. .mi »■ It Mrs Jaijulih N

Mai mklc MaryH

QM F n J.I

IMlllllps Ai I'helps An _ Parley Marv u Snow Unvld SiuvtheKC Mrs Sawyer Sarah K

Abliott M D Allen at ti estate of ■toiler T 1' Hurt .1 C.snuv.ll 8 H Iblkor IHvld It.ilcy 1 estate or

Chandler Julin Couswcll .1 F i. ,i.. ui W bniM wm i l»ovo n w w Itovc Jobu Csl.ltC of imvel i. .id ■ i, a t'exxloll c Manly Wm Hardy il llaltNilnnioneatntcaf II i ■■■<■■■ E estate of .1. il.-i ■ I- M PhulnsFC I'lllnbiiry G H Poor Wm MhuUnck .1 C and Q Mi.-tiiiii-k Itros Health Piter -tatata of smith JnliiM-slutn of •■■ 11..i 'i .1 W Snillh A Dote Mfjr. Co. Kevp"- « i' s MT TorrU II

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The schools reopen Sept. Gth.

Mi-.. T. O. Wardwcll Is at Mt. Desert.

ill soon occupy Ids new

A windmill Is to be erected an Pros]wet Hill.

The Merrimack School building is to bo fur- nished with canvas lire escapes.

There was a general exodus of people to the picnics and excursions last Saturday.

Miss Lizzie Wilkinson and Miss Llllle Olio are to enter the tlouth Hadley seminary next term.

The athletic snorts at Oak Island, Thursday, were witnessed by a nuiulier of gentlemen from this towu.

A meeting of the Fourth of July committee will IN- held Moinluv evening next, at Merritnac IIall anteroom.

The ladles of St. Paul's Mission are making extensive preparations for tho sale at Merrlmac Hall, Sept. "tb aud 10th.

Hon. N. P. Frye'a name is spoken of In con- nection with the nomination for senator by the Republicans of this district.

Mr. Michael Harertv won the first prlr.e In the sock race- at the Sons of St. Oeorgt) picnic, held at t'aiiobie Lake, Saturday.

Battery C of Lawrence holds a field day Sept. 17th. ft Is yet undtTideil whether to hold tho drill at the city farm or in this place.

Mr. Jas. C. Poor, foreman of Ijikevie* farm, will take a herd of Ho!stein cattle to the Ne"V KtiKlaud fair, at Uengor, Mo., next week

There will 1*i a meeting of the executive com mil tee of the Village Improvement Society at Hon. Geo. L. Davis' residence, Thursday after noon, at a o'clock.

All those desiring to enter the Johnson High School are requested to present themselves for examination at the school room, Monday, Sept. 6th, at 9 o'clock, A.M.

Miss Sally Noyei, a moat estimable ladv, died last Saturday, aged HI vearv. The funeral occurred at her late residence, Tnesday after- noon, llev. cii.ii. Noyei officiating.

Officer Harris caused a disabled horse, which had fallen down on I'nion Heights, Sunday, la l« killed last Mombty. It had been purchased from a South I Jiwnjnce man lij- North Andover parties fortJU.M.

I have

ART MATERIALS, .-iriicHtlv direct your


i all of which] ■nlloii. rsollclt a ,-(,in Inr ■<■!,.II of

Itespcctfully M. J. UOWAKD.



PHARMCIST, (Nuecessor to J. J. Brown * fo.,>


stand of Thomas Muwoll, on Park M.

Cabinet, tpholster), Carpet and Shade Work.

A lnr*r O.II -t* of I'll roll II re ■ ml Coining*, l.l.n|i. and I .l.iK' -. Iti ■!>•■ >• ami

l.nri *M|nt< urprta, M.itlitm (HI ClOlhB.ltUllDg Itnlm

and it. ilitiui;.

SHADES and FIXTURES Constan !j OB Hani

My Is flrsl class, and I i nier« the lienufU of mauy yei

the baslnoxs.

Main St., - Andover, Masa. J. E. WHITING,

Watchmaker and Jeweller,

GOLD A Ml SILVER WATCHES, IPrench and American Clocks,

Solid Silver Ware, Plated Ware, SperUclea and Kye OlMies. KSTAUUSIIKU IW*.

J. E. WHIT INC, Barnard's Ilrtrk illock, MAIM .- IIM.I. T.


Stoves, Plumbing, Tlnwnro.

_..0 nndcrHlKncd lum pnn-li:i»cd tho stork In traduufthe lalcWlllam llarnctt, ami will carry — Lhe business at the old stiiml. IIBVIIIK 1H>CII In

1 I'liipluv of Mr. Itnini'U rurlwimty years, ho >.-|]..i.... he Is familiar with the tiuslncs*, and

s to merit ami rcrelve the patronage of all Itnmctt's cnniomrrs and many others. He

Is maklnif lar-rt' addition- to Hie sU«'k. aud offerH a lartfi.' assortment of RO>HI< in his lino. He Is

jircparod to gf va prompt attention to all

Tin* sihrrt-Iron, and Topper lVnrk, 1'tuni til tiff, Strain llrnlltiK A r'Hrnaco,

Haw Work or Repair*.

MICHAEL T. WALSH, KHNCX Street, - Andover

Orders Handled with Prompt- ness and Despatch.


F. A. Brown's Fmlt and Confectionery Store. mis'i'oN omen,

34 Court Square and 77 Kingston Street.

NEW DEPARTURE. I would ui.i,..i.n.v to tho rlttsrns of Andover

thai after a lono; association with Mr. B. II. ■laniard, I luivuMkcn a

SHOP ON ESSEX AT , and am preparrd to do all kinds of

Carriane. Sicnand Ornamental Work Vuur patrouajje is riinpei'iriillv

< II AS. A. January 1, 1NH.

Special Notice. undersliriied has purrliased Uie business

done under the name of

Johnson's iiiorer aid Boston Eiiress, d will continue the same under that name. IMBrea: :i'J 1 miri S,|iiatv. III'. Arch St.

Order box li Wer. lirint. It.ov. II..-ton, and at his store In Andover.

.1. It- I'll.Will,hi:,

WOOD & COAL. White Ash and Franklin Coals.

Hard and Soft Wood. Prepared If desired.


JOHN CHANDLER, ANDOVKK Orders received and bills settled by

JOHN II CHANDLER, jnBly i i|.|i,,-K.. I'M.I Dnire.


Express and Jobbing, P-articular attention prtltf to Furniture

iiud Piano Movlns.

Agent far Amerlean Kvpress Cwmpany. n t J. E. Sear's Shoe titore, Bank nulldlDg.

Oil Paint|ng, Etc. The subscriber will take pupils In Oil I'alntlt

and Chanoal Hrawlnr. AI«o orders salletu for pain tin jj Plaipies, Kalis, Tulilu Covers, ete.

For i. i iti ■ apply to


LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Will attend to tho sellln-r of all kinds of Real Estate and IVrmuinl I'roperty, la or out of towi on leasaualile terms.

Hi-.Mi.i NI »■: Hm llrm ■!■, Aadovcr, Mass. myUw-lm

Emma H. E. Siiniinrii, M. D„ <im-:i:x 8TKKET,

Andover, - ■ MHSI



It.]..trln. In All II. I.rnii, lir.


0RGAN-:-AND -:■ PIANOFORTE ■:■ PLAYING, P. O. Box 840, Andover, Maas.

Sept. i#, I1'-'.. ly

tbu I ■ITilt.

U fullaoe Troin tue

view on either bank prises, and the towns and hamlets tud private residences, as well as the old farm boasts w"1- thelr delightful surniuudnitfi, «ave a pin et'ineuess U> the whole scene which was * ■ Italile patuirama. The overhaugini BkirthiK the river edge was mirrored ■classy surface of the ealm stream, itreatlv mau- nlfylng tho encliautmaiil of the view, while the llvelv aud txcfttsg strains of i»uale by the or- chestra, miiiKlliiK with Hi" glee of the young folks put then hide iinupaiiy iu the best humor, The boat reached Its destination in ilue time, and the rrowil soon scattered, earh one as fancy dictated, lingering about Beach lUn*k, goliiK on to I'luui Island, or Halishnrv beaeh. Many -ruiiiw beuxik themselves to tao lunch basket, «.HuinK on the rloan, wann. white sand, and In Irt-ons H K-ial accord. di-cii*sed matters more conaed^l ii'«"'''« l"llllll'a "f the day i while others irrwtllH«l their api-t-tite, from the -team- tag chowder An-, savory viands of the hotel on the IMWCII Piii'i' W»d W» "oied for the arisua-ratic eottaj? of Lieut. Oroely of Arctic fame, which (fives a fjpr lookout upon the ..j-en aea. from a high blulTMar the shore, attracts many visitors to Its nearly barren sarface who would fain ealrb a glimpse cf Itii* note I hero ami suireror. Fanioni for its abundance of rtearh plums, from which it lakes IU name, t Las however, few attractions to detain iu loi- terers, and after a short tramp in the blowing ■and, gathering a few samples of IU scanty nroducU, the stranger hies himself to the car, and with its dummy engine it 1000 whirled to tlie ferry, aud Is hack agala to Black Book where the steamer is waiting for the ■•homeward bound." Nothing unusual occumw on th« borne trip. All were delighted with the exrur sum end pronouneetl it a most decidedly agree able Jaunt; promotion a! fi«Ml feeling and "»' fill, yet entirely free from all demorab/.ing .ll>i- patlon, Andover was reached about IM anil the company, with many mm pi (incuts and gissl wishes, datperseil to their homes to talk o tlie eveuU «V the day, and wait the coming the neii graad turnout of the Farmer's clu

l-o-.h »l 11 IU' A year ago he was not eipecied to live. I.I

complaint Hlini.xt killed liliu. He got areat m.... Irom three buttles »f imlphur Hitters, and six bottle* cured hlm.-h.iltor Weekly Sun.

this parish he made many friends.

There was a merry l>a«ket picnic at Russell's rove, last Saturday, under the auspices of iHhichewlik l,odgr'. It was cumiKised of

members and their families, and a goodly num- ■er attended, due of the features of tlie "out-

fine chowder, prepared by Mesirs. Iiur" wai J < ■!. i ■-, -II id 1'ulslfer.

About 200 |>eople attended the Orange picnic, held at Lakevlcw farm, Wednesday, anil it

reat) to IK B most enjoyable occasion. No h representative gathering of our thrifty

fanners lias taken place ittua the palmy dav's f the Farmers' and Mechanics' Club, aid

among those present were many of the prom- inent ex-mcmbera of the last-named organisa- tion. National Lecturer White head made an Interesting address on the order of the l'atrons nf Husbaunry, which was attentively listened to. Among the diversions was dancing, to the DiUflcof Colllus' Orcliestra.

Tuetdav afternoon, Distlrlct OfBcor Hatch- elder, who has been b>oking for Ueorge A. 'linker tor some time, was notified that be had l«en arrested iu llavorhill, and tlie prisoner was " jitght t/i Lawrence the same ev-hilng. While

'ked in the ceil waiting for transportation to Idiwrence, Tnekcr endeavored to commit

liclde by hanging. lie tied a suspender around his neck, then fastened the ends to an Iron bar, and enmtnenced pulling the knot tight. A prisoner lu the next ceil beard him ihoklng and called for I UM.-r Feniald, wtm ran o his rescue mid succeeded In relieving the man

Iwfore death ensued. In the police court, at Lawrence, Wednesday morning, Tucker pleail- ed guiltv to polygamy, ajid wont to jail in de- fault of 91000 boadl fur his appearance lierore the -. 11 *■ 11" i court.




\\ 11.1,1 AM AAKLAND, imlut«T. lVdftwM



.IVKK W. VKSSABI*. S«'Xtoi I'lmri'li, and in elmrh-e .,f the ecm.Ie ,iu the yard doiicwllli prmntftii's

aMimibh' rates. Il».»lrleneu Central sit . Ii- v ill, Audorer. sepT tf


FARM FOR SALE The old lwmtslead, or l.erhap- Ijetter known as ic Krve Farm, sltuaU In l-'rye Village, Is o*cre.l

fur sale.. oneaeipinlnlrd with the funitx of Andover,

thin place needs no words a>rrgnrdnthelfac.llltlcB which a well adapted piece af Hjirienltarai land

i'ii 11.11,1-.. II eendtns 40 acres, properly dlvidnl ito product nith'iiK, Pasiuni anil woml land. iu It ions of hay, and fnr earlr vegetabli-H Is rovurblal among the farmer* of this vicinity. The bouse is of tw« stories, with adjaeeat i>lmdi>

' authi'iisesi lu fact, tlie spoedtent way to a

I Is 111.,.lit .. .1 depot, ami

n concerning the sale of this

W. H. EATON, WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN, Clocks, Wattkts, Jewelry and Music Boies

Carefully Cleaned and Repaired.

. .With Arthur Bliss, Druggist.


The ..111.-- Ii:,n II se«l some fine horses iintre- which lie will let Itniilriicr and ftlahlf tin

heru he will be triad to waf

Andover, Slay 10, 1AO. J. W. W A It I > WELL.




A apecial mcrtliiR of Uie Atlantic Cot- ton Mills* wa» held at the company's ofllce in Hoaton at 11 a-m., Wedttewla>, l'resldeut Charles 11. Dal ton In Iherhalr.

Pulton read tbe following of tho directors, sftyIng In preface that It

untalnetl the result of luelr investiga- tions up to the present time t To the stockholder" of tlm Atlantic Cot-

Ion in ill- ,j consequence of the frandsof th« late

treasurer the directors deemed it proper at once to call you together upon a ween.'-* notice, as required by the ov-laws, and to prt-neut to you such a preliminary state- ment of the ■SUM of the corporation as the limited time permitted.

A thorough investigation Is In progress. Lhe results of which cannot be definitely arrived at until the complications due to the transactions made by the late treasurer between this company and the Indhui Or- chard mills, of which company he was also treasurer, are adjusted, either by mu- tual agreement or through the courts.

The lined property mt the company, con- ilstlng of real estate, mills and machinery,

Including 101,016 Hpindlcs aud 1U21 IOOIUH etc., at Lawrence, stands en the books af tliecompany at 1830,991.41. The cub. as- sets immediately available are i nsurance scrip fi.OM 0* iu.Hl-1 In process, cotton and sii'sdlcs, 'Mi.m Tl mods on hand, m.UtA la ..tlin A {.•:. lions, account, XHjm :i\<

l i..,..-iirur'h Ismd. «I,UOO '-u Bank balances and cash, 7,um IS

Total, aaa.oio».'. I IIP. I ! U-ll 1 I II -.

CaplUI stock, »l,fwn,000 IM Ke&H psyalile, M.'.,ois) ■»■ in..,. ■ 11. ■. f r • . U),:n7 111 l„|,»|.l.ll.idBDd, 33 W llorruwud money, ln.Mu Ou

Total, •itio.sat IU showing a deficit of »327.7.16.11 in quick capital and a surplus of usets over liabil- ities other thnn to stockholders of fb^J,- 267.30.

In addition to the above assets there are balance-, of transactions upon the books, covering several years, as due from the Indian orchard mills, which If collected would leave a surplus of cash assets above llabilltlc3of *»«0,274.8!t. The books of this corporation show an indebtedness to It from the Indian Orchard Mills of ftWa.dOO. This represents the balance of nit account between the two companies for money drawn by the late treaaurer from the funds of one company and plac- ed to the credit of the other. In addition to this account, It lias been tbe late treas- urer's practice to draw checks of one company In favor of the other, which have not been entered on the books of either corporation. The balance upon these checks appears to be lu favor of the In* dlan Orchard mills. Apparently we have a large claim against the Indian < irctmrd. But it should be stated that the latter company questions this liability, and claims that It should be reduced iu any event by th« balance lit Its favor on the .■hccki- as above stated. It also relies somewhat on a credit of 9220,001), which appears ou Its books, but not on 'hose of the Atlantic mills. This consists of a lot of notes Indorsed by William Gray, Jr., which the Indian Orchard books show tu have been paid over to tlie Atlantic mills, hut which were never received by the lat- ter. The directors of both compaules are endeavoring to ascertain and agree upon the fncts, so that -lie legal (piesllons aris- ing thereon IIH.V lie determined as soou as possible.

I'!-..- entire IOSH caused to the two com- panies by the dishonesty of tbe late treas- urer was placed by him ttf5M»SU.M| and it Is probable that this statement is cor- net, but until the accounts between them arc adjusted It cannot be known what por- tion of this loss will be borne by each corporation, nor van the value of the claim against the late treasurer be esti- mated at this time, but If the Indian Or- chard mills shall be held ultimately liable for the amount claimed of It by the Atlan- tic, the amount of the claim of this cor- poration against tho estate of William i .ray, Jr.. will not exceed 4U7,<>00, of which fi'iijuMj are secured by bis bond. There appears no evidence that tberti has beeu any over-issue of stock or of the company's paper In excess ol the amounts upp^arlug upon the books.

The msurauce ou tlie company's prop- erty is u follows:

Ills, machinery, and ■took In process, »l,4O0.(»> Ii,>..*■,IIiik- houses, C-ill.i:ilci, i ,.c and occupancy, stunli'iiow-K, cloth rooms, repair nhup

and cue tents,


C. W. SCOTT, M, D.,

Barnard'-* Block, Ai)dov«tr- rn'i'v.vtf


A Fine Tii-Slory How aofl Ell, oomA, built In |l- ., .IrllelHCllU llhhi Hirer iiilnuten walk ofi-lHurhirs, rsamiR. H, stall uverlnukliir a ■is vlllagr, iiuil llirlwnulifiil i alley ■dilii Klvi-r. 1'rh-e a-iftOS. Mnv la-

; boa Is, store i ....[ thrlvlit!

of the " •■2.W. ... , isslng the -i:iti East 'side

Bee It and adilrt'"-' II. M. MA V.'/AUD, Ballardvale, alass.

FOR SALE. first class two horse Olngle Cart, complete.

Brat class three spring light Kxpreas or (Jrocer's Wagon.

3 t wo-tcittcd Dcmoeratlp Wagon, and 1 seeond-bttnd two seated iTamlly Carryall.

Alto one light Buggy.

Apply to 8. D. H1NXNAN, No. Andover Deixit.

N ut han F. Abbott,

STONE CONTRACTOR. Stone furnlNhed fur foliii<

pases, at short notice. Cellars rn town ami vicinity, anil liiiltt workmcu. myT ly

by e\)o>rlcnce<i

lhe Li .-.'[■. i.n.u's long Cashmere Shawl. Havurhlli road, lietween l'hl]|l|>s'

Andover, and nnu mils below Job.... School, Nortli Andover. The shawl has rent re, was sirn|<|'cd and eouialned a small Imadlo. lhe fliidrrwlll be suitably rewarded b luavlns It at this ofUcc a ITd*i4w4t

STRAYKU OH STOI.KN-Hunday, July llth, from my pasture at Vm tl. Andover tenter, a

Jersey cow, oslor biindla aod white, has only tnreeteau. Whoever will return her or give In farmstlon leading Uiherneovei* wllllie pro ,ierly —wanleii. **. E. ULARKK.

Lawrence, July I l'Ml, lSr.II

Ti' LKT—Part of a furnished houseon Central Far particulars address Box MS, A ndover>

fic.hool again in two wwka.

Kr. 4>wen Oopp wasjn town last wcok.

H. 11. MarrU and wife are at Nantackct.

Hcury C. Nuvlas, Ms-)., baa IMM at Kaat

Mrs. John I.. Kaatar is scrlonsly 1)1 at he

Mrs. W. It. .lackuian hns returned home from Florida.

The lowlands were visited Saturday night with a slight frost.

Clara H. Whiteau<l Mabel Tbujcr arc at Ar UBSsjpa, Ma.>s.

Miss Annie Hello Homer la visiting friends In i:..-l Ilenals, Mass.

llev. Dr. Bronson, of Andover, ncriiuied the Uaiillst pnlfH last sundny.

Hon. and Mm. Jacob Kmi'rsoujh ivu been visit. Ing friends In I'arthiud, Malue.

William Itiiss, an old n-sldent uf Mcthuen, lied two weeks since lu Lowall,

Rev. II. il. French, formerly of the M. B. churiih, was la town one day last Wt-ck.

Mr. Jiel-oi I. will reiu.ilii as prtMlpa] •f iIn., high HROOl at Hi... old salary, #1100.

The I'alveisaltst rhurch IIOH received some nr-ii needed rrioilrs during the summer vaca-

Arlhur.I. Crosby has returned from Ids vaca mi, which I..- has i II spending at York l..u. Ii,


Tlie laterlsl <

Tlie excursion, last f'rlhiT, WM patronised by al*ut two hundred persous. Everything paused

. John S. Taplcy and her two daughters aud Hrs. Calvin J. Sargent have been at Alton Hay

.r n weuk »r more.

Ilethuen Is entitled to llx 'Icle-falcs to tin.' Slate roblbltlon ConvcnUiin, wiil.h will !..■ held at

Warrester, Wednesday, Hi!jjt. B.

Mrs. Cleveland, of LatffWMO, has purcliaseil the Kluibull—chasu li.iawj, eonieraf French and :hase 'treats, lu the new Arlington dlntricl, and rill open It as a hoarding house.

Mr. A. V. VVulch, r.r-j;.. r o>, pastor elect of the 'nlvernallst churtih here, will onupy the pulpit freak from a«It Sunday. Ii -^s probable I

rdliiatlou will take place, early next month.

Alfred liernard, employed in T.'nncy's h hop. fell tli rou if 11 a hatchway Innneof the roni sat*Frli|ay, and In the descent hu was caught

a hook, which priiiiuded frnm the aide, and c of his legs was lacerated lu a terrible manner. Dr. Wnoitbury wan Kiimiiioucd and sewed up the wounds, ami the lad Is new rsmfortable.

Tno union tem|M>ra^co meeting In I'hlllipi r-bapel, Sunday evening, WM largely attended Fallowing a Hltiglnjr service, Rev. Alex. Mclireg •r condiicted devotional exerriwis. The pnstar then Introiluceil Mr. (-ieorgo A. 1'enntr Minoeaiiolls, Minn., who delivered a sosacwhat lengthy address, which was evidently eoiveii by the audience, who applauded the speaker at the close of hln remarks. A collection wasUkcnin k-ehalf of the society with which Mr. f'ennlman Isconnej-teil.

David Stanley eaSM up from Itra.Ifor.l, Sun- dav, with a Hue team, for the purpose of cxeri'la- log (he horse and also of visiting relatives hern. After dinner he thought he wauld halt the horse hy the side of the road, and carelessly removed the bridle. The animal became frightened and the driver not being aide to hold him, he ran at a '•nine speed through l«well street, turning Into Railroad mpiarc, where he wan caught by Frank HrlKrmotl, who rtakud his life hy so dnlng. on tdie way toe vehicle collided with a post and was badly demolished.

Gs»T StsysHiiR IN SfiMMiR SHES! 100 SKIRTS ONLY 63 cents. 125 SKIRTS ONLY 87 1-2 cents.

200 SKIRTS ONLY $1.50. 150 SKIRTS ONLY $1.25.




One Case of INDIA TWILLS, Fall Shade, All Wool, only FD7TY CENTS per yard. Also 251 Pieces of SLACK INDjA TWILLS, same price.

A. W. STEARNS & CO. DOO to Oil Easo3 Stroot, Law^ronoo.

The asscnf ed valuation of tlie company's pro)>erty at I-awrence, May I, 188b', waa 61.414,000.

The lutercHt* of the Htockholdcnt re- quire that the mill IM kept In full ojiera- i ion, a* usual, and thai a regular aitpply of t In- Atlantic mill cottons be produced for the market*, the demand for which in artlve, and with a full product, there IM no accumulation at this time.

Till-) IM the policy of Uie directors. A special meeting of tho stockholders wilt lie called to consider what action, If any, will be dcrdrable or necessary iu ■ i ■•■ It ahull appear that the capital stock paired, also fur tbe election of a perma- nent treasurer, and for any other buaiDCH which may require attention.

(Signed.) 0. H. DAI.TON, Pre*. llKNRY 8ALTOSSTA1.1,. si'iin I.. BAWVKH.

C. U. JOT. WillllM HOfll'Klt,

Jodga Abbott then r>ald that lu all frank ness he thoU|{tit this tolieft matter that should come fronflhe stockholders them sclvca.

Mr. Osborn of J'eabody bldressed the meeting as a stockholder, following tho l,m- of Judge Abbott's remarks, bu1

ln« more sharply. Ho said that there bad been certain statements ID the papers timl certu.ii rutFors outside, the truth of which he would like to have stated. It hud bwa reported outside that there wan a clerk Interested In this matter, as well as the '.iv treasurer. "I want to know thing about this clerk," said Mr. Oshorn; 'I want to know whether or not lone his duty. If he hu been helping

Gray In his schemes, the stockholders should know something anout It. We a

ant to know what truth there is In the; stories.

It seems to me that the directors know now the answers to these questions. There Is a large number of stockholders here, aud this Is a good time for the di- rectors to confirm or deny theso state- ments. 1 ilestrc to know something more than Is In that report. It doesn't amount to anything more than we knew before. We have had experiences of this kind bu- farc. It Is only (We or ten years wince we lubl to meet to consider the same kind of a case. IT this thing Is to come periodically I want to know It, because, If it Is, I want to get out. (Applause.) 1 can't sflbrd to stny In any longer If it Is. For a while we have good dividends; but what good ar- tiny to the stockholder*, If, after a while, they have to pay them all out again, aud a little more too. Per- haps It Is all right 'or the big man. I have noticed that the/ get out of It pretty well, these big men. I dou't know how, hut they do."

A motion til made to adjourn or dis- solve the BMetlDf. The mover of the ad- journment, William V. (illc, snld that lie bail no desire lo choke off tbe fullest dis- cussion the stockholders might desire.

Judge Abbott said that lu the future in- quiry he did not want any Investigating committee thai does not iuve'igate. The report of the expert, Mr. ('ram, attesting the accounts to bo all correct at the tlrst of the year, wits read again to tho meet- ing hy retjucst. und to this Judge Ahhott directed his remarks. The export gives notice, he said, that he i- coming to ex. amlne the accounts of the cor|»oratlon and, of course, when he does coioc every, thing Is lovely. If an expert had been sent once or twice a year. Judge Abbott continued, without any notice ahead, just as the bank examiner goes Into a bank at the most unexpected moment, there would n Jt have been this trouble.

At this stage, It havlmr become quite apparent thai the stockholders had got all the information from the directors that it waa possible to obtain, the motion to adjourn, which had been suspended to al- low the foregoing discussion, was put and carried. Nc time was tlxcd upon for Ui* next meeting of the stockholders.

UOMK GOSSIP. m —Joel I'. Fletcher la erecting a cottage I Abbott street. —The leaves on many of tho maples

about town have begun to turn. -Water hills must be paid before the

tlrst. of next month, or the supply will be shut off.

The new residence of Fred W. Tay- lor In Allyn Court Is rapidly assuming proportions.

—Extensive repairs are being made up i tbe dshway, almost all of the side be-

ing replanked.

Fred Chandler, of the Kussell Taper Co., has removed Into the Meoro cottage,

t Jackson street.

—The Kveretl mills arc repairing their waste water way, leading from the water wheels to the river.

Several pretty cottages arc being erected on Itroadway, south of tbe SaundersMchool houso.

Justin K Varnoy. teller at the Bay National Hank, Is enlarging his cot- tage on Jackson street.

RCT. Hlchard Montague, of Provi- dence, will not be aide to resume his pas- toral duties in Septemlwr.

Albin Yeaw, of this city, and his brotbcr-ln-law, are erecting by contract levcral large brick blocks In Nashua, N. II.

-W. W. Downs has brought action against several Boston parties, charging onsplracy, and he Bueks to recover 810,-


The marriage of Guy 1. Colby and Miss Lucy M. Higglns, occursattbc Law- rence St. Congregational church, Wednes- day afternoon, September IS, at two o'clock.

Rev. Fr. Phelan, for tin past six months curate at St. Patrick's church, So. Lawrence, has received instructions from the Archbishop to take charge of the parish atCohasset, Mass.

The couuty jail at Salem has 131 prisoners of whom 20 are females. An unusually large number Is awaiting trial at the October term of the superior court which will be held ID this city.

Mauy of the street electric lights about town are covered with cobwebs, which cause the lamps, when lighted, to present anything but a cheerful appear- ance. A little cleaning wouldn't do any harm.

Three hundred arc electric lights, of the Fuller aud Wood patent, arc being placed In position In tbe mills of the Ar- lington Worsted department; the lights are furnished by the American Electric Light Co.

1'li.r Agawam boat club proposo to hold, early In Septeml>er, a grand illumin- ation on the river and a procession of boats. A meeting of hhe club was held last evening, to make arrangentcnts for the event.

—Tho Arlington Co-operative Associa- tion have bought from M. 1). Stevens 10,- 000 ft. of laud adjoining the Manchester «. Lawrence, li. It., near Manchester St. where they intend erecting sheds for their increasing coal trade.

—Mr. W. S. Drew, of Drew, Wheelock k Co., and K. B. Varney, of the Atlantic mills, have gone to ItarUin, Vt., to attend thu reunion of Orleans County Veterans, Both Mr. Drew aud Mr. Varney are vet- erans of thu inte war, having served in the Orleans County regiment. Both arc members uf Neudham )'ost,39 Q. A. It.

—While at work Monday afternoon, Hlchard Culllnane, a carpenter employed ou the new house of police officer Hauuc- gan, fell from a staging to the ground, a distance of 30 feet. He was taken to his home, 0 Durham court, and medical aid summoned. No bones were broken^ but quite severe bruises had been received by his fall.

—The Boston Courier says a syndicate In the Interests of the Boston and Maine railroad now holds a majority of the Bos- ton, Itevere Beach and Lynn and the Bos- ton, Wlnthrop and Shore roads. The Courier also says the Boston ami Maine Is seeking to obtain possession of the 1'rov- Ideuce and Worcester, thus making a line from Providence to Portland without change.

—A meeting of the board of officers of the L. E. C. W. was held at Salem, Sun- day. Oeo. Chlnn. of Beverly, K. H. Kob- son and A. N. Webb, of Salem, were ap- pointed a committee to arrange for a meet of the league. It was voted to hold a race meeting on Saturday, Oct. 'J. which the members of tin* board favored holding in Lynn, If satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Lynn Cycle Cluo Track Association.

—The Essex Bar Association suggests to the County Commissioners, for their consideration, thai in the new addition to tlie court house, there be on the lower Boor a room 80x04 feet fer the clerk of courts j one, lsx22, for the county treas- urer; one, 27xM6, for the county commis- sioners, with two consultation rooms, each i:tx20; ami that on the second floor than be a library room ,40x70 feet, court room 20X.16, sheriff's room l«x:t0, with ample closets, toilet room, etc. Tho As- sociation has a plan drawn lu accordance with the alKivt- suggestion*.

—At a recent meeting of Battery C, a vote of thanks was tendered Messrs, Daulton and Severance, who have lately been transferred to the lufautry.for their past services to the command. A roll of honor has been begun by the battery, on which will be Inscribed the names of those mm who have served one or more enlistments anil who have been honorably discharged from the service. Tho roll, as yet, contains only the names of Mark W. Daulton oiid George II. Severance, the former having spent thirteen years, in the militia here and the Utter seven years.

-The formation, of a policeman' a relief association Is being talked of by the mem- bers of the local force. Such an organi- zation would be productive of great good.

■The directors of the Merrlmac Valley Horse Railroad have filed In the city clerk's office a petition to the mayor and aldermen asking for authority to extend their tracks from the Lowell railroad, crossing In South Lawrence through Broadway, Andover and South Uulon streets to the present track at the inter- section of Merrlmac street; also to lay a track from the corner of Essex and New- bury streets through Newbury, Berkeley aud Park streets to Lawrence, thence up Lawrence and through Arlington westerly to Broadway, there councctlng with the main line. The petition will come before the aldermen at a special meeting to be held during the present week.

—The post ofllce department has just issued what Is known as "letter sheet en- velopes," the new device consisting of a ingle sheet of unruled paper, on which

the space for writing measures 0 1-2 by M Inches, with gummed sides and flap,

and perforated lines to serve as guides in folding and opening. On the face Is an ornamental design and the words "United States Letter Sheet Envelope," also a two cent stamp bearing a portrait of Gen. V. S. Grant, all engraved on ateeland printed in green ink. The letter sheet envelopes are of one denomination only, two cents, and they are sold at |2.r>0 per hundred, or at that rate for larger or smaller quan- tities, and will lie supplied lu separate sheets or in pads of twenty-flvc, fifty and one hundred each.

Tlie Soldier's Friend.

Rays the News.Messenger of Marshall, Minnesota:

There is no man better known in the national councils of the Grand Army than Major George S. Merrill of Massa- chusetts. As commaudcr of his own Post in Lawrence, then commander of the Massachusetts department, then lu I8HI national commander, and for the past seven years chairman of the import- ant Pension committee, no man more thoroughly knows the best Interests of the order, and none labors more zealously to accomplish the desired cuds. As chairman of this committee he has labored personally, and repeatedly, with each ses- sion of congress during the past seven

, and few men have more extended acquaintance with our natlqnal legislators. In the matter of pensions he has done great service, and in all new laws to this md, enlarging the pension, list, and tn- :reasing the amounts Lo the more deserv- ing and most needy, to a great extent Major Merrill has been the inciting power behind congress. With all that has been achieved for soldiers, their widows and orphans, It will scum strange to many when we >say that Major Merrill Is very conservative as a pension agitator; but such is the fact, and largely to this fact Is due the success attaiued.

For tbe last three years a strong Grand Army element in Massachusetts has urged an universal eight dollar a mouth pension to every honorably discharged soldier and sailor of the late war. It Is easy to see how readily a vast body of :!OO,0O0 soldiers would endorse such a project, when It would, during life, put nearly a hundred dollars a year into their Individual pock- els. Per contra, It Is readily seen that master minds anil firm hands would lie requited to oppose such project. In the Massachusetts convention, four years ago, Major Merrill was equal to the emergency. Then the comrade-, carried the Loverlng bill, so called, into tbe uatlonal conven- tion at Portland, Maine, for eudorsetnent. where It was backed by many of the ablest men of the order; but there again, Merrill, with hla clear logic, and tbrlllingly elo- quent plea for the needy aud maimed soldier, In preference to those well and strong, and well-to-do, secured the con- demnation of the project. In the recent grand convention at California, a limit struggle was made to secure its sanction, In the belief that in that extreme portion of the continent, with new delegates lo work upon, success might bo achieved.

It is to the class of broad-gauged, brainy, level headed men of which Mujnt Merrill Is typical, that the Grand Army owes its grandeur, and the high esteem In which II is held by the general public.

Itt'SllllltllMIS. . as- •

At a niiflliiji of the members of Co. I., 2ml In. fantry, li.-l-l at J-urt Nlohrara, Neb., on the even bsf Of Aug. IIHII.ISHU, tbe following rnitlwilwi -acre unanimously adopted —

Whereas, It has pleased thu Alml-chtv (iod to remove from our ruhlHt our U-hive.1 mimrndt'i I'rl- vuie l.ann-iiitt'ran*, Comusiir (j.-Jml Infantry, tin the i-venlii-r ■■( Aug. Mih, Ik-vl, and

Whereas, we Jeepls lament his limn, which do prtves us ol a inn* comrade, aud the uomjisny of an •xeWeBl sol.Her,

UCMIIVMI, Thai we daeiilv ile|ilnrr ear loss the death or our rumrnoe, who, .luring hln lung period ol service In ilic I nlte.1 suites army, I" M» iniinlv and H.ldiei IT comluct, frtumls all; we "lo hereby repress sincere sorrow al I... departure from our midst, and tiur appreciation •r Hln many noaUsM .piaUties,

tWoki'.i, That whlln we ilnplore his it. nth we sincerely sympatlilxo with all liia relatives aud friends, aud suture Ibein of our aOViilonat* re membra nut; «l tilai,

ICesolvetl.Tlistacopv n( these resolutions 1*


I118,lllCllES,Ilim!aiiIHEEPEES. anting to our pnlronsour unusually One line of t \ ui'i: i IM.S i(„.i i i*n, n - II K\ iOtlllS, select«d wllli special Wen-nee to llie Kail trade, we «l-li tnstnte uf thu

reasons why we can nil riltSTCLA-iS uOUDs at Iturroy PRICKS.

buy direct from the manufacturers In Urge quantities for cash, thereby securing the Imvrst prices.

We nrc always on tbe lookout fur new Inventions, therefore showing room novelties than can be found elsewhere.

Never lowering the standard of our stock by the Introduction of job lots, which would be sold at regular prices If they were worth It.

Uepreaentlng goods Just us they are, backed by a solid business experience of twenty-live years.

Kxpeuaee reduced to the lowest possible limit.

In the light or these facts, we request your examination of the tlnnst line of

FIVE FRAME BRUSSELS We have ever «Un»n, all or wtanaUrd maltri, nof-itf for their harinnttv In colorlnn,

and beautiful .lc.lB.i., lhe imllrtii.iil H tilth are n'curnl prlvalr tn snr Urns, and will nnl be round rlitwhrri. l»o not fall lo art onr sirlre* for tlir.r

heanlimi goods, salaclcd with special care for our Hu. Iin.l. .

THE LATEST! We have the pleasure ef presenting a tiennlne Novelty In the way of an

FXTBASUPIBJNGRAiN QaBPlT nijidr •tin. r.i.f ■■ inn ■<■> J.IIMV in ih. ntarhel, -.p.. 1.1 mention of whirh la

made lu lhe Philadelphia " <*,,,.-, Trade." which, among olher thin*, t-The dchlirn. lor thc-ic «nuilHci.-t ilm-c ihiien n* much ti« an i.rdlunrr layi-ntu, nnd an- ftt-n itny

as ehiboruU! as a Ilrussels. These goods are roulturd eieluelvely tu our Jirm. for Lawrence, and brine S'lner, Heavier, aud more durable, make an

ordinary Ingralu look cheap.


Our line Is very larir, inure .llnVrcnl makes than can Ufl found In many ItusKm stores l"ou have the advantage or sclucllng fruai tho MqssM* slock In 'l.iuireiue.j

UPHOLSTERY. lleliiy the, tlrsi to Inimtlueca Department or this klnil Into this city, It ,* witli nImmure we cm. -hataS

■ 1U rapid growl*, al prem-nt lllsovrrll.nliw 33 l-canni/n ,rX"uCTS\, would' call yuur attention to our Incuuiparabti; line ol

laces. Turcoman and Vienna Curtains, Figured Silks, Sash Silks, Petit Points, Plushes, Ramies,Cretonnes, Klc.

Drapery Poles from 25 cents upwards. In fart, a Drapery S to. h par r in Hence.

;. fspn na a chnnre to ngnre. We ran Make It j onr Interest . It.-mciitiier, the Lai geii -Slock and Lowest Prlrxa.

Byron Truell <fc Co., 249 ESSEX STREET.

l.ciltrs und Numbers.

forwarded lor publication t.i tl.e Army and Journal. Army und Nary Keglstcr, Hailr AMKH

-llcW fa Ihei, Mi. Limn me (ranc, I,awn

l'rrstdsiit, KI.II I nt fR-rgt. t

Seerclnrr, .bmr.rn llnNKt),, Corporal Co. U, ind luf.


DAHT1.E1T.-In thliir.ltr. Aug. Ulh, Mr. Itullri liiifili-n. agutl HI yrs, IS mus, i dys.

Jt.'I»KtS8.-In tills city, Aug. HUi, .Mr. Jului l»

To lie freu fmu-, sick headachn, hlllinuucH*, rtuisiipatiou, etc., u*u lartnr's Mull: Liver mis. Strictly vegetable. They ir-mily stimulate the liver Slid free llic.|,,inii. Ii li.,in I.lie. tlwoudlw

ADVlCg TopioTgEaa. Are you dlsturl-od at night and brnkcD of your

rest by a sick child suffering and cry Lug with pain of < lilting tt-etli. ir.ii, seSd at aoea and gela l-otllo of airs. Wlnslow's SiHitldiig Hvnip lor Children Teetnlnr. Its value Islui-alnilahle. It Will n'llcvo llK* jMK.r lllth: unffenT liuinclliitelv, ln-|K-ml uponit.tnoiliers.llM-re Is no mistake about It. it mrcs dysonhiry aud dlarrli.i-a, n-gitlates tlie. sltunacli and Uiwi-ls, C.un-s wind roltr, Mittens the gums, reduces lhe Intlainuiallnri, and gives

■■ ,.Wi 'ilnu

_ _ jldiist and Iwst fctnnie nur'ncs ami iihysleians in lhe I'utU'd ritales, and Is for sntti lij

Tlie Orocki tiseil the lrtleri of ilie lpliabctior numeraU. Tlie cumber-

some Hyglpm useil b» tlie li'im-iiis, and enlleil after them, consisted of strokes c I 11-111 -II11) t!) indicaie the lonr rlngprB, and two stn-su-gjiiine-.l (V) i« represent tho Imml, or life lingem. Ten hns :« picture of two Immls, or ttroV's (X). Hut when the BoiMni and i weeks workwlaUtie higher math- emstics or uttgiapted littnl stitiit in arithmetic, the* arts mucli more likely lo have used letters, iu order lo avoid ttifl clumsiuogs of tlii-M! ttutoerals ; in other words, they used what looked likti a kind of algehru. We know that they tried to simplify the Honaan nu- merals ui i; ■■.!!, hy n-'iki,.;.. I'uiir rind nino with three slmkrg instead of four, by placin"; (in 1 hefore the V and an I hefore lhe X (IV and IX).

Our use of the numerals which call "Ambit:" is comparatively rectnt, and it is believed that the Arabs not these numbers from Indin several cen. turles after tbe Koran was wi itleo, or about eijibt hundred years ait-i C'lirist.

Whether the Iinlinn ininientls were originally part of sotnd wnient alpha- l>ei, or .i scries of shortened tlong or- iginslly sonicwhnt likti tbe Romsu nmuerala that we still use, is not tcal- ly decided.

Tbe numbers used by the peoples of India wno wrote in Sanskrit were vtrytilie tho figure. 1,3,8,4,6,6, 7, H, y, and 0, that wu use (ottay. Kven closer rcsemblnnrcs will he found if one goes hack lo the carlieil tonne of our numerals j for, durtrig Ibobtt ihousand years, our numbgri have tin- tlergone some sliyht cha-iges. To- [retlter wilh these utimt nils, tho Arabs learnetl Irom ludtH IIDW IU do sums by nlgebra. Fur algebra, tbougll Arabiu wor.i, is a irieooo of whiu Arabs were Igaoraiit bv.iMi reached India.

It mfiv be said that the inventiou of these numerals anil of aljrebra for the higher malhcmaiit-s sWmps the old liiudeos net one of the mott wonderful races of the world.—St. Nicholas for September.

Commercial College, ItltsTK.V MAIIg.

Best Equipped & Host Successful In America, HropanaNent. 1. l«MO,far the ««lh Trar.

i,i.\. • 11 , .lrii-.'(jit.u Utrougtiuui tbe woiM.

'- a tiol"-

'I HI in- Axa A n « tu -11 targe |ir«llt <>D n worth

issrtli i, t. -nil- frttm lirmput ,i, >r... 'I ■ ■ ■, ar? Hi* men wtin, niirnaskiil fur a llcnsnn's Cap ■ lilt' 1'Untcr, Will ivc'iiiiiiifiiil .iim« cin'S)! ami ir.-i-iii -ui.-iiim.- ,ii- Iiniiiiii.,11. xsylngli ls"Jusi a« gnrnl." ■xiiiK-llinr-i ifarjwlll tin ui. sn.l sell tin- mlwrsIik Imltail'in wlilnnii rrnntk, all.i* tusc tliti customer iu nippuso ka lias IICHSOIIH. II ilic mluclfru plmur I* rflurnc.1, Ctu-ap Juhn will ssy he rnsiie a mistake;—!! uot, lie has Sane a

HHI struku or litisluen*. The public li.intHl agaliiaUuhn ami all his Ilk. Ii ■imUlile ilriijrijlio- .inly The gmmlne plasUir has Uie "llires Seats" trwle mark sn.l the wertl "cauouw" cut Uiiba centre. |nfc klwlnuvU

The ciiurseaf stii<ly I" d.-. (Ii cunS cinl.rnc.-s Ihn fi.ll.iHliiK siil.ji-.ii.. n.Ktk h".|,ltiK.l'..|iiiiatislilp; I i.iiiiMcr. Ill Ami lie. l.:i» m»l i (>iTi>.«i>uiitt cii.c; Wlmrt Hsii.1. I't|«' rtrlllua; IIH> Kntiltsh llnill. lici. Sdnlcliti, limy Ih-Klll n( mil lllilc, p. cell. Indlvian.l Inslrnrllon, nti.l progrssbs i' ■Iln« t» i.l.lllty. hcpiuulo .h-iMiriiiH-ni f..r la. lies.

l.i'i.liial, -« AM, ,1 (• I ■■■ |>1 •■ > I.II »l. 1'iii.n. Mehanl linutnale* Inkn our • „ui- ■■

us bUaMng ..IT f..iti.cir other Hcituui work, lw- Inre irolng It.t., bimlnuss.

fsrspul.l Three gfenlhs' Tonrse taken by persons nlinsc time aa>l means am

II- full

Jliu"™. t.'.lt,UO«tiuVn««'tV«ahlng»on'tl'.iin.l^



Order* executed for c*H*h or on Mar-gfa foe nil securities current In Mi-

Mew York market.

"'OM>i:Mi; rai'ITrD.

Umbers of the New York Stock Eickange and Proprietors ot Poor's Manual of Railn-js.



A man in Sullivan County, N. Y. owns a cow whit-h has been "ailing for some lime, tbe trouble mating to be a persistent swelling on one sitle. A few days ago the swelling was lanced, ami from jiho opening, the rib of a parasol, "twenty-two inches long was taken. The man who repairs Ms cow's ribs by inserting a parssol rib lo Ler side doesn't deservn ,our confidence ; though another theory is that the aui- malgot niter a^young lady Irora the city, and the parasol rib is all that was left of her.—Normtown Herald.

"Just si iclt your fork in der pread for rcc, off you plese," said Mr. Mint- /.enheiiTjer nt n I,oug Branch table d'hote to his vis-g-vis who was nearest

; the plate or baker's handiwork. The ; gentleman addrcssctl did so, left it

nn {Sticking there and went on eating, much lo our rierman fellow citizens surprise. iJchold how good and pleas- ant n tiling it is for brethren lo bo obliging and accomuiodgling.—New York Mail.

"Robert what did you say to lha had boy tnis morning, when ho taunt" ed you for going 10 Sabbath .School?" "Didu't Bay notlnn'. I Just went right on without sayiu' e word back." "That was right, my son, and l*m glad to nee you ii-tsl manliness enough not to outice him." "Yes, but you ken fieilf he. hadn't bin bigger'n mo I'd iliiimptU blazes oul'n bim."


Aad tlon't let tlie irerms of thni vllo rt1*esse, rs tarrh, take ruol sifil In yoursvrtem. Sal. plitir Miller- will prcveui till- suit will make you strung aixl hculttiy,- K.llinv Vt cckly I'ICBS.


Till: lli,i..Mv, or t'twst Mr-ritis. RlnUihea, plm)ilea, ernp-Moii* "ferer

rent aatl ciilarsiil gtamls, ani lint so

apt I" Htlaek lhe ilcllcntc tls-uci uf ■Jiii-itlig tilnniLI-ii :in.< i I.I mUU. Ue ui-,- In tltoi- mui i..i> 1) "U..|.|eii Mixtlcsl IH^nverv," (ho *n; |.uiiil-t. sn.l "lrcii(rth«lvi-r U> n..-. In nl solsaee. Il cures ajltlicse inniri.ln-- I..UUIK llicir,,ii.;iii lu till-bin. Iii tl me. ilwlsr

Not one li. twenty are free (mm Mime little nil ■nciit raiiKi! U\ iniu-.ili.ii ot ilic tiur. gMi Car U-r's J.llUe 1,1 rer l'1)|.. Ttlc n-»ull will l« a plea<uiiit surprise. Tn.j- altn jtu^mvc rvliot.



German Remedy.


I.urire Attendance at the I'icntc Bt Ciiitiihir l.iikc, «■ —-

Nearly MJO pMpai alLcfuleil llic plank

of Friendship Lodge, Nuns of St. (ienrRr,

at roller l'ond. otherwise kuown *» CM*

oule I.ake Saturdny. Tin- following ;iro-

trrummc of sports was carried Wtti—

Otic hundred ami twenty-five yards

inudlca|>—Alfred Thompson tlrst, price '7; John Evnns MCWII.I, yj; Arthur Fan-

ner third, |S.

BaBDlnsj bop, step and Jump --J. lltir-

own ::' feet, *»; F. MtCluud, 117 feet, Hi

nebea, (*.'. Burrowi yavc u exhibition ll In IV.-1.

Sack race—Havirty Urst, |S; HoCloWl

llgjr antl spoon rare—Arthur Faacher

irst, W; George Taylor $3.

potato race—T. Burrow* first, 98; III- lej second, 83.

Three loured ^raco, for mambi; > — I'oi- and Taylor Urst. «L'..'<0; Teller anil A-|iiiiwnll second, 91.50.

Hoys rate, for members' sons under 15 -Arthur Morley first, cup; Albert Tay- or second, medal.

Bwlmmlag race, for boys under 16 -F« llcAnllo first, S.l; .lohu Herron second,

Tlii' following consisted of the com- mittee of arrangements;

J. II. II. Tetter, Walton Hey, Robert Barker, Qeorge Ughtfoot, George Aspln- vall, Hli'hard Baowden, luvld Berry, Sailer Morley, T. H. Simpson, I*. C. I:IMII, Jeeae Ormouryod. T. II. Simpson

icttd ui starter, and Robert liurkcr as


The Army Trip to Ofttt- foraia.

AtJKHM tlie Mierran to tlio Fnclilc Slope.



Baa PaaHCiaoo, August, -

Three thousand tlvc hundred miles from home. Wo have not ■panned the globe, bat iin- ntntl—nt baa baoa tracer- a, and we fill asleep last nlichl, to the far-away null sweU of the waves of the I'acltlr. and beneatfa the welcome warmth of a pair of heavy blankets. In an ntiuospliere tan per- •datalgbthf the rafraahloi ^ooiues« of the trade wimls which sweep iluwn from Wic north upon this coast. We lert Salt 1-efcn City, at LBOoa the morning of Sat- urday, July 81, for the concluding stretch In our ten days westward pilgrimage] nt Ugllan, on the mulu line, the train waited an hour to replenish the Ice and water reservoirs i here, untie"* the present time system the railway scheduleehaagea from Mountain to Facltlc time, the third «alu of nn hour each since the start; it seems an odd arrangement, hy which, lu a mouitut


bat, our train starts at - 80 a. in. Moun- lalu time, and the Instant the wheels in motion, the (by Is rolled back one In and It's but 7.8fl o'clock. I igden Is connecting polut of the Union and Central 1'acllic Hallways, forming the great trans. continental system, eonoectlog the cen- tral states, ami through the other li the Atlantic sea-board, with the Pacific shore; originally, TO he sure, the Union pacific constructed the line far beyond Osilcn. both companies, under the stii

ngreealanal grunts, striving to ;ir us possible from either end

but aftitr conatdurable controversy, till- was agreed on as the dividing Hue. From Ogdeu. the railway skirts the northern] abnrp and

" great saline sea, for more ' — miles, over a pluiu clearly




Geelacieal Tiirinaily — T

Devil' ■ :i,:.-—vniti-y of i

Water-Ike Snow Eiv—n

Fr.ako Kivrr.

ir I l..i:Htl -

■ (rrrat Ther • a? ■ many wfltalars within mi tait.nn^l ir.4: — that nave nrv

Hi-ml 1/ Um numerous pii-lo 1-ooks, und tharu ore Jast as many more oasauo of the

»ei 1 In tiki neighborhood which dual i ii i. •;. on in booed when the par* non ■ ■.'-;.■ I '.'-.' i, : tee oaa in not miking It tv.i> ■•!'- :;■•, t'.ir Hi" whole country round- utiou! i* o:i" n.;i».i of rontiuuou" womlers, each aenoother portion "f the known or on- known world i in lH«L4t of. The Cinnnl»r tnauntaitw, the Devil's Blide, tile l^autitul valley of ihe Stinking Water, th« Tetoa Basin, ju-^t ooron the Continental divide, end la<t, hut not least, Henry's lake, over in Idaho—the*** and the other marvelx elotw hy »■]..■;! taken ua a unulc, ttiaatonol Included In tl bine a rogba of rtupi wondon, Cully ojual, if i to oil that is ronlaiiH^I mi!'«ol' tlH'pork.

TboChinobar mountains nn> hill of petri- lactfone at every kind, and tin* fossils scaP- lend all through Uv> eanyooa and n'"'fi«i "»d on the peala w-e numentus and varied enough to supply nil the museums in the country for

')n thcKumniitaof Uieee huge pllee arenndonbted evidences of the glacial periol. niac-icrs filst even now In the Wind river and Toton ranges, inueli below 1^,11X1

.nd loaying out ■ park proper, com- id. .us and startling

>1 iii'tually superior, in the tJSti sipiare

; high llj. c f the NOW diminished

ii the hill shies are trace- car windows, the older

watermarks, while a vast level are*) on the borders of the sea, is covered with -.all. aid lies glistening lu the sunlight, like a New Kngland Udtesbore, on a morn- ing after a light snow fall; with a mag- nificent sweep the train clnnns the moun- tains, snow-capped peaks coming again Into view,—higher and higher, with a splendid panoramic view of the brown valhjys spread before us on every side, iin, reaching the summit of this range, we plunge down again, liko the whirl of a winters coasting puny, the dark, blue waters of the lake, dauctng nader alight breeze, stretching away for miles from the whitened shore, until we came down agalu, almost to their level; we do not lose sight, of tin- lake until mid-after soon, and we have now bean under a July and Angus-. Mm, almost constantly for

A (SCOLOGICAL. CURIOSITY. But the most remarkable example of the

#glnclal [x-iiod In this region is a huge Imwlder "resliugon the brink of the Grand canyon, ntmut ft mile and n half Iwlow the great falls. It in very compact, a coarse, cry-italliiuj feUls- IMthie granite, in siinjie rectangnlar, tlio edges

" itn ruhii-a] diuiensious hat more than 8,500 feet. It L* within

a stone'* thmw of the brink of the canyon, and rests upon a serka of -dieets ofrhyolito, - v more than 1,000 feet mthlckneai, In aeaUng the i>nMililf» miunv of this rock one would naturally turn toward the south, the nureos of the Yellowstone; but tlio greet

1 wiutli «re volcanic, li"t known to iimlain a single

such r Yell.

' granite |ielili].-s u the beds of the

Third canyon, fifty ml soufiiern end of the Uallatln monntsini

Four roilea from tbs uortuorn bonh ofidc pork and Just aft ■•• p eanyon going south Is the famous Dev

nin; I'nun f" topi at on angle of ohou nil the world liki has been geueroui

i.iL---.>( the mountain degrees, and look' toboggan lUdo (hat prlnklud with einnn-

on "eitbjrskto rise two lofty

;.. wonderfully paired in lino that tine might very

■ ware constructed from a ■r than being, as they are, *irk of uoture. The slide point and shoots down a inj; up sharp and nhrupt on 1 The Induins

vil one 1 incline, pltch-

A OAIIOK.V or tncx. Tlie Vail v of the Stinking Water i.* the :,,,[ bmutiful llttki garden of Eden on the irth Ainerleon eontliK'iit, The title would

tt nvey the bupression that it is a bad , .■:. of ..I... ivi ■ ~ I ■ n- and vile

would indlrntp. Lm the a beautiful Uiountain rlvulotof

.HI [wrest water, but strongly vithsulpbnr. On account o( iis n. was luuuud bydw Bamiock

us, n long time :■., ihejuirk, "Yuskinmaya Wknata," wbL-h otvJaU«l into the vernacular aignliiefi bad

Ii TO it Is that the few largo game * still left alive in the northwest seek ... from tbo tviulv rifloot the hunter.

i et the

Mrm. OOSSinnt For»ki>r, or Ohio. Ittsssjilof tJovcrnor Jolni B. Fomk.-r, of

Ohio, that lie always tiu-sv.J what lie tries for the first time he attempt* it, but 1K> tries again, and the steond (fans bo gets it. This was the case wltii tlie govrniorslilp of Ohio. It is not Mated whether It wnn alsti his luck when he was OOOrtlng til- lady who is his lmihls.-i.i- Wtfe, whose atctttre Is liere given, or net At any rate, l.e lnn nwrni t/> con- BsMlsto himself on hi* good fortune in thU Instance, whether It wan lib llrjt or second

Mr. Julia Hundoy Foster Is now IH> ywirs oliL Shf was 1-ini in eavhann county, Ohio, and her father was acongroa mnn during the war Cnlike the wiM-.-r ton many Aineri- oanpnhtto men, she is mil euumted Bhe wasgnuiuaud at tbeOhlo Wcsleyan rlemals e.i!legi>, at !•■ lawnrc, :n that sinle, in 1888, During her pleasant school life here she met her husband that was to Is-, John Forakor. In igm sin- was married to him, be being then ft young lawyer In practice hi Cinciu- nati.







Weakened Nrn Hxelted t»j the >ows VtUM Crula Waa In Their NelgUos- bood—A Leua Ctwss Over the i— Kin- ti"; the Itrute.

s i--:. Franels Zsmg, of Brooklyn, a sore* -iy Are;; bear story, #i>nreply mori> tlmu in of *l:irvu!;..ii camp.

diU. 1,-1 Is the

II. ...I iin, nt Ttirlr

MLiriln:; n ; ..111.-1.

and Ilia Initruine

BOOlal (iiitlirrinjtii.


t—Tt.c l...-1 Couple

ARSONS' Tliflie pills we" a woaderfttl duioovery. Ro others like them in the world. Will positivaly ours

j all manner of disease. Tha uifonnat'.iD around sach box is worth Un limes the eon of a ieace. One boxvill


noth Mrs. Furnki r and her hosband an* ro- li-inLisly inclined, and are member*, of tint Methodist churrh. it. is said they still Uis-|i np the ancient custom of family prayer and grace at table. Mrs. Ferakerbas been always prominent In the missionary wort: of her church. Before she went to Columbus «lth the governor, she was president of the Wo- mena Hume nod Foreign Uhaioaary society of Walnut Bins, The name of tbs port of Cincinnati where the Porakers reside when they are at borne, Is Walnut Hills. It is a suburb, containing some of the most beautiful half-city, half-country homes hi America. A range of pic-turcsqae hiils sweep hack from the river in a crescent, mid Incloses the level which contains what Is now calks! Cincinnati, In the bottom. This is the part In which the factories and business houses an: A large part of the |w<pui:ition have climt-cd out upon the beautiful hi Hi for their dwelling (la.-s, end among those an- the governor's family Mrs. Forakor has four children, a boy and three girla Her tost-* are domestic The time she has t"' pare from home duty isgiven

dlgiouson : lenevotontwork.

Dr. Praab H. Ilumlltnn. Amongdistlnguisbed men reeenlly pcuswl

away is IJr. Frank Hustings Hamilton, of New York city. He was tiorii hi Vermont In PilS. For mon than a quarter of a century

has been one or the best known of Atmri- 1 surgeons. To the country ut largo bo bo- ne known during tlio long and trying Rut- ingsof Presldant Ooxneld. Ho was enlled n.t consulting surgeon by the nt* r.dsut

physicians at the time the prcsi lent

at allot, nod it- mained nil tbo

nthsUU the end. i-iknM's pliysi-

cians did not Im- press theireountry-

withth-iliali- niate ar.|\i nit n:c ■ ■'j'HLl:' •''^'I'-X,

ith their liotf - A-?fi'-"

luakerto tss' boned in bbenooounSj He says: "The day ■st round of rntions 1

hail discovensi the tracks "f a l«nr. 1 had :l them alstut until 1 wan exhaiuaod

trying to meet tlw beast, but hail utterly railed. This ilny n Ught snow fell in the iioniing, jm* enough to obecure tho trail,

but still I hunted 1 gBW it Up late in the ni 1.'rii.' >M and returneil to the camp. Hrnin-

il hail gono to thu shrimping ground and w still alwent when 1 laid by my gun.

Huddenly liuap|x*irel, niiming down Ceme- tery ridg«? as fast as his poor weak legs would bring him. We all started up and waited his coming in the most piinfu) excitement. When he reached the camp lie fell to the ground all out of breath. The men crawlwl to his assistance and two of them raised his head In their arms. Hi gasped and looked st OS wildly.

"•Uraincnl,' exclaimed the lieutenant, 'what is it!'

" 'Hear! Iienrl* was all he could answer, in u ebiiking whLspcr.

"'Where, man, wheref I eriod, reaching for my gun, all trembling and quivering with hope and fear.

"•Thei-e.1 he said, faintly, pointing towards the ridge; 'he followed after me; he's oomiDg.'

IN A I-EUKECT KRENZV. '■lliiw can I tell the terrible excitement that

prevailed) Tin- men wre in l perfect freuy, t.'ru. 1 suffering hud medo them worse than unreasonable Home of them could think of

hing but eiiming JMHIT lirninerd for not killitiK the hear, and were with diillmlty rtv Btrnincd from falling u|M)ii him to wnsik ven- geance. He did not teas his gun with him. Nobody ever did who went shrimping, and they cursed and raved at that mid burst into tears at their last chanoa, for life. Others— and7 they were the weakest men in the party—were for starting out at once for an all night hunt over the snow fields and fee- bergs. Nothing could lie more foolhardy. They couldn't bavo gono beyond tlio top of tho ridge wtthntit breaking down, to sny nothing of carrying ■! gun and tiring ac- eurately. The Ueutenent used his authority anil I ray influence to quiet tho men, and nt last tho plan of the hunt was arranged It was really only a few minutes, but it seemed an hour. Jan, tbo l^uimau, and 1 started up the ridge to meet tho liear It' he should con- tinue towards ua

"Hardly bad we got a rod from the camp when a long white in*.- appeared over an Ice- covered rock nt tin- top of the hills. The men tot up a shout end I think it unnerved me, but it was a long range shot, lusirtySOOynrds,

1 the target was small I raised my gun, and, taking quick aim. tin .1. The ball mimed, but it did not go wide of i;« mark. The in-ar

ut startled. He paused just too short a time give the Esquimau a chance nt him and

turned toil and ran. I heard the howls and ■uus of ihsappiiiutment. and rage behind i. I believe that some of those poor liaif- rvod, bnlf-fnacn men would have shot at ■ i:i their anger if they i.nd had their guns

' "Jan,' I said hastily,'take the course to the t and go round the ridge and kis.ji well to • west wi as to get between the bear and the tter. I will go in the same way on tho

know ihy t ,. uieil- 1>U. FRAHB HAMILTON. teal t rofe.-: II after all, even tho best of them.

l>r Hniu Iton was a graduate "f theL'ul- vend y of 1 eiinsylvanle. He was professor

valuable stir-

OII llm Flour—Tho PeSSt,

Dancing among the Crackers is usually a solii ]ierformaiicn. The nsl and lireakilown sometimes include ssvaral imrticiponU, but the "iKia MBl" is more popular than the ballet. As in "mivtin'," the men sit on one side of the house, and the women on tbu other. Tho lamn hha of decorum is piessrved in their no.'inl gullierings, tho men sitting or standing in cliques nt one end of tlie room set apart for tlio entertainment, while the girls occupy cluurs or Iwnches against lbs wall on th- ti]>|Kwltp side, maintaining a rigidity of

ition, with their arms folded and their torn •d on the sumo plnnk in tho floor, which ■id do credit to a well drilled military coui- y. Tho young men ore ordinarily pain-

ry liaslifuL No girl would dnro address a >rd to one of tho youths until he presents

himself U-foro her and nuikes a remark to tar, or asks a quiwtiou which demands a re- ply, and to do thin tbo young swain must, have

to uutku up Ids mind, flrst, whether ho SttttknsntJy overcome his liashfului« to t at all, and, secondly, what ho sliall say

. JI he lias made up his mind to say some- thing—a dileimna in which moro fortunate speakers than Crackers havo not unfrequent- ly fonnd thcmselve*. This remark which oc- casions such deep oogUsBkm varies, of course, with tlie taste and eharoi-ur of the speaker. If he is of spiitimcutal turn of mind Iw nerves himself to the emergency, and, standing l*»- ftirc her, tells bar tlmt "thnr's a powerful Uno chance o' dogwood blossoms on tlio creek, and bell (etch her some if she wants them."

Tho maiden, la-lug the flrst one addressed, replies thniiily: "I'ln 'bloeged to you, John; 1 like dogwood blossoms powerfully."

Another sis-aker now veutunn to lasKt tho nbjoct of his aduuralinn, screws hluisclf to tbf sth-king point, and, pommrisg a mental organization of an entindy practicid eliarin-- ter, prewnU hlnwlf with the words: "Miss Husan, you ain't seen old Brimlie lately; SIIO'B

got tho purtiest calf m tho Hcttlfineut, and I want you to name it."


To this bnphed compliment Miss HILKUI an- swers, with ahlu.h:

•Til pick out tho puniest name I knows on, Ham. 41 ay I as you'd like to name it after ynur sweetheart"; and with this qiceeh she sigulncantly glances in the direction of a girl v. tin is [ii'-.ibly her rival lit Hoin'ii adinii-ation. Hare, as elsewhere. It Is the tirvt stepwhiefa costs; and as those two speakers liavc had the hardihood literally to set tho ball in motion, conversation rapidly ensues, and tho revcly Ls fairly Jn'guiL 'FidiUin' Jim" * sin makes btsuppearuuee; important personages movo HI.IWIV, and, realizhig that there can lie no dancing until ho arrives, this distinguished individual consumes us much time and brings expectation to aw nharp a ixitnt as ho chooses. Keating himself in tho chair provided fur him, ho begins to "time up." This i-> n serious operation. Oh, shade of Fnganini, como not near this scene I Tho instrument—whiih, by the way, is not a Cremona, but none the less prised for all that—Is thumped from neck to bridge, and from bridge to end, in process of being i , . .i. Tho musician screws up a string and hulds his "liddlo'' to his right ear, then unscrews It a little and holds it to hu left ear; all this lieing done with the utmost gravity end a dignified expression of eounto- i.£iice which plainly says what ho has often disiui-cl in wo:iin, tliat "hooiu't nowhar Ixi- hindlianii in the caul science o' playin' a tid-

box of pills. Fiadout .,!.-..11 them, and yon will always be thank- ful. One pill a dose. rarsoas'Pille eoataia nothing harmful, ore oasy to take, eattse no th

PILLS do more to purify the bloqd and cure c h roD- le ill health thin S3 worth of sny other remedy yet discov- ered. If people could* be made to reaiias

saaannauuuaaMt of these pille, they woald walk 100 miies to get a bos if they could not be had itheut, Sent by mail fbr 25 ceoU in staiaps. Illustratei pamphlet free, postpaid. Send font; « iBformatiOB is very valiuble. I. S. JOHMSOH ft CO.. 22 Custom House Street, BOSTON, MASS.

Make New Rich Blood! b. W. FELLOWS,

OPTICIAN. no mure ti> h'n-c v.isir eves ]irii|ierlv llttcl livme tliua to (TO to unevpcrlenced ; all Hie lale.t liiiiiruvu-l liinlrumeats, and keep rviTvltibi^ In tins line of


B0S3 Essox Street, Lawronce.

but Now of C sUi CUIII'M th iv was

proof in the ightedln tbo arty uf liunti

Stink -s but

A 1. ig Wi \- I., u

Oil 1. days

lilt i i. III_-1

cud a i,. th, y were i

hi hy the im Tatl for

bio mi

. . .i

Th. Nut

■re, y. t ii.: th»i llnally i

,-:i) [sir

id they forti en., halk-tai

ail.) II;.■ire- ■ , » hero they

Ih ■ ] .: bun! mover iuu>

li.-h.aihvi;1 oft: ;;:,..: I throughout its course, in truly rapids 1'i.r three miles ulsivo t

to fails it flows through Immense with lofty Isuoltle wall* n>i each side

r. ;.. i . ■ t lii-rh. At tbo Twin or Little ;he river ii divided by an island, and Ik

1 l.:, 1,.t h low. .\ hundrwhof ( ■: nh n

-.ITI;I i np

i failtns health for tin

From 115 lbs. to 161 lbs. To the Cutirunt Itemcdlefl I owe

My Health. My Happiness and 3b' Life.

A ihiy never passes t hull do not tliinL and speak kindly of the Cuttcurn Benetdies. eeven years ago> sll of aaossn lumps fonsed on my neck ■ soring In nine from a cherry etmio to an orange The large onen were frlj(1itfu] t« look nt, and

jitnf ul to bear; people tnraedssMs when tiiey aw me, In duagUSt, mid i was iisluimed to lie un

the street nr til society. PbysMsns nml tlietr t rest mcnl.niiil ill! ineiilclnen fatlsdtodoany good, in s Moment of despair i tried the Catloura Kcniclles-Ciitlcurs, the Great Sklu Cure, and (iitliiirn oeap, an exqulstts skin llcautlfler, ex. temaUy, nu.i Cntleara Besolveat, tbo new iiined Partner, Internally; the tessll lumps (n« l call tliein) uriujunlly illsappenreil. sail toe hiriie ones broke. In shout two week*, iilnrhnrt;li>K large i|U«ntUlee of matter, lesvliijt two slljjht Hears Til niv neck Kuliiv t.i tell Hie ft.ii'v nt my niinerlnif.

Children rraylng to Jupiter. Who can tell what Ideas chlklron of a ten-

der ago acquire from what they readf lte- ccntly a mother saw h.'r two children, a^si respectively (1 and S years, kiitwling in the middle of the grass plot, with faces uplifted, bands clasped, and Ups moving evidently in prayer. Curious,as to their petitions, she drew nenr unseen, and overboard the follow- ing: "Oh! Jupiter, we pray thee ripen the grapes and send us flowers.'* This was said In unison. Tin ranger then added: "Jupi- ter, send the flowers to-day, just as many ni you can." Tho older took up the petition, saying: "Ripeo th" grapes to-morrow, fur we need them very much." Horrified nt this pagan proceeding, tlio mother exclaimed; "Children, where did you ever hear of pray- ing to JupiterT "Oh, we read it in .iEsop'i fables, awl If people prayed to Jupiter then why cannot we pray to him now I Wo want grapes and flowers now, so vfo lir.vo been praying to Jupiter for some time, so that he will bo sure (o hear us and give m what wo want."—Nev,- i.irk Commercial Advertiser.

:::i ent. rod tlio .:. \'.\ bang ■ rv of tlw brokers

nil .,■:!■ Lly ill: ! of tin' Li'-.:;-

imiglil it would lie funny to i- by 1. ttillg him ir: I rstali I

«.:- black. Hoo e fire or I having anything l«tter t<> j,! il T songs and mimic the

■v Their i«Tf(irnian.-e was .il to amuse the colored

tlie gallery, who stood at his \*& imy apparent dlseomfltiire, ami when ■r» were tired of kin^uiK and .Innciti;;. ;■ ] ii !.,. band In hi* r-oekct and t , ! i i ,■ ■• i ;■.... which hu threw .■':■ rsasons would pitch a penny to :_-.n I...VI. Then he left, with the GidedJy on bis side—Tim Argonaut.

tH a Voting Mnn. v son, don'l worry. Don'l thing thai ymi tliink may

l (nay die i - i-morrow will find you hoy. ml worry. Dnnt worry over n

nppennl ycetenuy, because yes- ndred yoarsaway. If you dont try tn rcneh after it ami bring

I't worry about anything that Le Miay, tweauao to-day will only twenty minntea If you ihm'l

holievfitti I your creditors you'll be reaily Ui settle In full with them at sunset. Donl worrj aiiint tldrurs you can't belp, becau worry,- niakei them worse, pon't worry ■ ': ul ! - v..ii can help, because then tin-re's mmivd hi worry. Dtsi't w.irry nt all. If ymi wmii I.I I* pet.ltent now and then it won't hurt you n bit to gn into the sackcloth mid ash<« hti.fness a little, it will do you good, iryou want to cry a little once in a long whit.., thai Isn't a had thing. If you fn-l liko guilt-rout „,„] elubbiiiK votirsilf'..-- casionally, I think ymi need it an.1 will lend yoti a helping hand at it. and put a plaster uny.mufterwnnL All tliese Uungs will do you goml. lint worry, worry, worry, fn-t, tret, rret why, there's neither eorniw, penl

nor resolution in i:. It'sjustw ilette. in Unsiklyn Engk'.

nakote Editor Off Visiting. There':; : ri law is a valuable institution

out west. A Dakota editor made the rolli tliK statement i:i hie paper btttwoekt "Th bcuig rather hard, wo are going to take our wife to the homeof our motlier-lndawnext week for a ihort visit, and wowUI give our readers n llttlo vacation hy not Issuing any paper. Tiny won't loso much, for there Ls little nows j;nititc just now, und we print this week an editorial on the tan ir which would have appeared nest week. Tho only thine, to leave out on this account U Rill Jones' advertisement about a farm for sale; hut Hint is of no consequence, os he hasn't paid anything for it yet. Brethren, white paper i- t.>o blamed dear t.. foul it away when our mother-in-law will keep us a week for nothing. - Exchange,

Demanded '•>' III* ltu«lne*t. "Why that cruel, relentless look, tleorge,

dear," the e-iked, 'havo you ceased to lovo me I"

"Ilu-h!" be whispered, hoarsely, "tho na- ture of my basiuoei domands it."

"Ob, tleorge, does opening oysters require such a cold, unpltylng expression;"

"I am no longer an oyster opener " be re- plloii, and tbo cruel, relentless look boeame ■till more cruel sod relentlessi -I'm a bog- gage uiasier. '-Life.


Th" hortor 1 rhts iro dun with, smoke

Al.iai; tile slum- the win-1 blows free, * Keen t»ili:rlit Uiwostho w-iinm-a Far out; steer thither, watch Kith mo

The temler HtarsL-nnie out on In^h.

Tlii- sky In deepenloR overhead; The sails Hap kmeo; the wind hamilod;

The water lii|m tbs hoal like lead; I'.ilnt rlppies plash sinbist the siio,

An I shimmer ndth unearthly Uftht, Ton harbor lamps are out .if shtht; Wm!rift into a starless sight

Togetbor on the ebbing tkts,

ll m si HI howstranaa the Udo Is slack, Wo i I h r- und -WP drift no more.

IV'lial ■■ ■ lUth I wot ii sweeps us hack T.i )•'■■ re tii- truth. !-,i':: Iin'nk.-rsiojr

Ab-iiit th- pjile. iiiillk'hteil lauUF Cm sny tell if we shall stand Safe la the morning han-l in lian-1

b'pon the steep und rock-bound nhon-' —U, A. Bimeox.

'•The faitiiful n*pui:unu understood the plan nt once, and sel out without a word. 1 crawled the rid-.■ as fiwt as 1 could, mid saw tho kar u 1".;^ way out of range still on the run. Unturned round for a second and looked kick, and then, as if s'iti..inl that bo was pursued, oonti uad his flight I didn't gi> straight nfU-r him, " keeping out of his sight as much as i**:i crawled, and ran, and slid up ami down ley slopes, making all the tline for the wa [was feverish with far. It seamed a: every possible obstruction cot in my w and many a tit. 1 Ml to tho ground, was a terrible clew. May 1 never have another like itl


"It Roeins Incredible now, but I actually went ten miles out of my way to iH't In front of that lienr. I knew that lie would etop run- ning when he got over hU scare and saw no- body in pursuit, and I had to take this about course to keep out of sight. Mighty little of that dbtoin-o was passed on the run. M.*t of it was crawled. Hut I bail no idea of giving up. I plunged on, and ut last, two

and a half after leaving camp, 1 piinnl the*position I wanted. Idhnbeda low hill, an, I then- was bruin 1,000 yards away, sittiriK down after bis hard run, within thirty feet of open water. I bad not succeeded fully in my plan. He could still escape, but bin liuck was toward mi- and 1 did despair. Ahnunt nt tho same moment that I saw the Is-ar I dis- covered Jan. Hie li-npuuiau, at some distance, and wnUitli mode for tho boast. With tho utmost care not to ahum him wo crawled over the ground, approaching nearer r.nd nearer to our prey. Wo had got iicrhaps half the dlstanoo wbeu Jan raised his pin and fired. I think it was bad Judgment, for wo might have got much closer. But there was no time for n-gtvt. Excitement gave mo more strength, and I ran with all my might straight toward the bear, ile got up nn< looked at ine, and sis>nuilnot tokinov whethr to run again or stand nml make a fight of ii [ resisl d tho temptation to Are at him unt I was within 150 yards. 'Then I rtopped rni hill;;, threw my cap ibmi, pulhil oil my init- b'ns. andni'UHl as deUberately ns if I were practising at a target. My excitement seemed to leave mo, or, rattier, to make me steady. I tank a long, careful aim and Brod Tlio l«ar turned sUghtly, but it was evident that I had ini~-v.l. 1 tired ogataquickly. Another mlssl

"My heart sunk low. Jan had not liecu able to get another shot, and was not now where be could ftro with any nope of hitting. Tho

gnu to nuikif for tlie water. Ready to die with despair if I should fail again, I took

itlier long aim. The bullet struck the U-nr in the bead, and

he tumbled over instantly, stone dead, "It was 8:30 o'clock, ami the place where

bruin fell was throe miles in a straight lino from camp, Wo left the 400 pounds of food lying on the toe and returned to the anxious party to get help in bringing tho carcass home. We did not steep that night until tlio dead bear was brought Into camp. The lieu- tenant gave out extra rations to the men who assisted in the work, and made up a nt<tw of all the scraps that were left of the regular rations. It wasn't much, but it seemed quite a fcust to us. The licar saved us, for just lie- fore it in its turn gave cut the rescuing expe- dition found us."—New York Letter.

My weight men \ ■ Iniiiilrril niel llflci i



die," Finally a delllierato plsaiento movement re-

veals the fact that tho liddlo in in proper con- dition, ami an audible and visihlo excitement is seen among tho young people.

"(Jit your partners!" screams '•Fi.ldlii!' Jim," drawing three violent strokes of the bow, and ottering tho command with n marked rhythmic accent on each word.

The "fiddle" and tho terpsiiiioroun tempta- tion have put all bush fulness to flight; the most awkward rustic can ask a ghitodanos under tho offset of such inspiration, and •■bonds across and down tho iniddlo'' shako tho cabin to its foundations Tlie fl,idler plays an ' Ijtdts lihu one in u sort of ecstasy, lib font keeps time to the measure of the rol- licking tune, while his ayes seem fixed upon the blue space which poem through tho cracks of the roof as if his soul wore II oat inn out, borne aloft Upon his own hnrmoniouiistniiiis. To the cultivated ear it is execrable, it is tor- ture; but "Flddlln1 Jim* 1ms passed beyond the regions of criticism Into tbs unalloyed bliss of one who KII-S mid knows no discord.

By and by the reel i.i finished, and only llic rdtnmrdon dancer: remain on the floor. Then begins tbo tog of war. Tho true Oreek is well known, and each contestant has his or l:.r bevy of admlrom

v/IM LASTS Tire LOlfOXST. ' "Now for who lasts tho!" Bcreams "Fiddlin* Jim." "Who hears if the river ii

This Inst defiant interrogatory is perfectly intclil rtbletothe eompanv, who fully nnpra- cinte ilie serious inconvenience which enters Into their lives when tin- river is up. Burning Horn" and swollen rivers, however, do ni-t inlrrmi t enthu-iastic tiddlers and dancers, A l lor siartllng feats i if agility on the part of t':c ni"ii. anil many graceful evolutions on t;. part of the girts, most of the dancers aro i .' lash l and take ihrlr nonts. lroTlngonn

.. '■ ..i p.. -i ,:i uf tlm Ihsir. These two ,ii.t do honor to the occasion. The fiddler 1-.I.-.H brought bock from his divine ecstasy to the rosJiuas around him. and himself bo- conn s an ardent partisan, ospoudng the

heliriil li- (inly live teel, live Ineli I pmlxed the t uil.iivii lb ineiileK. .».,m, i- Kimt, Hlld West. Tilt ITU III* lUMUHRtil OWK 111 IIKAITIt. MY IIAIIISfSS IIII-I Ml I IKK. A iiroinliicLi New Vurk ilriitcKlKtnskriluii'Oieii her ■ Isy, "I'D veil Mill III-C Ihe tiillnini Itftneitlen; vou look to Is- In i-eifii'llieiiUli'" My reply was, ] ilo, nml nlmllalwavs. 1 IIBVP never known whnt flekneux Is Mute I nininieiict .1 iihttiK tlii- t'ullcura Uemrilles ,' Sonieiiiiies 1 inn Inu^heil nl by l.rill-illK UirHI (i i |.. ■ -. - J ■ I ■ - III -1 :>rt(li:illiti .1 « till ttii'lv merit-, lint WHIIH i-i,r l.u.r Ui.v Mill cine In their Helices and believe the Mine ss thoM-tlist use lliem, s* dosciis have wliinn 1 Imvelold. Mnytlir ti)neTi !,■!■ Hlieti there slisll In- s Inrtte < ullenrs Supiilv llnusi1 In every iliv la the world, for the lieiietltnf Ininmiiliv, where llic t'ntlcui'ii Heine illcn ihall be eold n.M.Y, MI that there will 1* riirelvn tienlof evei eiiteiinK n ilnm SHUT.

M. Ill SIlAMiS, ■^lll t-'illlini St., New Yolk, N. Y,

in.'i I... A nil in, ArtlsW ridors, *„ Atlil l.:.|.li.| I'llll.l, AxleOtease, Ibtv Itn in, llet'.\HI\, BesslneJ Bias vitrnii


Itrisniih'; nil sin.-, RriisheH, all kiuds,

Carbons Addend Boap,^sandx fa-ed, "srrlsite Tup |iri'B»liiK,l'l,.»ter Purls,


I nil i hi im -i!. ■■ ;ivi. :i I-- m-rv i.,i HI uf -l..u nml Itlmxl linjilc In Scrofula, sold eter;

I'litliura, .** cents j Beep, '.'."i e* i. Prepared hv the Pun KICALCo,, lloelo

i. cure for .!■■, ■ . Ill-III

■re. I'rl. e


to Cure r L in Diseases.

Iiea.l', skin bl-nil-l.i-, nuil

Send l.II "ii,

niMri.Ks, it: Y\m BebyHm

For Ike Stomach's Sake. For llic ■tOttMCU's sake, II little Sutroon'f Gin-

OKI tut thlseeaenii ut Hie yiurls innst liuperaiivc lj- demanded by every one, because

ft Is sure to check every disturbance of the stomai nuil iMiwela, by wlnilsoever caused,

ll pruvents lndis-csllon, llatuleticy, and colic. 11 ili'strcys disease (terina hi water drunk. It restores the dronlatlen sad dlgssHin wheu

fUtaeaded by s e.hllb—a eaUM of clinlcrn mnrbus ll breaks up OOkts snd simple fevers, and 1B suro to ward ulT lualioial Inlluences. It (inimoU-selecii mil allays lie r von sac st. II eradicates a era' -air for Intoxicants. it is the iiest ut dm rolling eostps alone. It is iiiirlvslled as D suaunm medleiiii), ami 1* Ihe linest Olagor In Die Hurl.I. Prepared with the UtatoM nklll frosn Imparted

(Jluicer.thiilce Aionintlcs, nii-l French Ilrainly SAMijr.n's CnrOBM Is viialiy superior to al

othST"gingers," all uf wlil.iiarviiisde wltln-oin man aleohiil, largely liu[iregnateil with poisonous (u»ll ull ami Strangtaened wlih cayenne pepper.

SANFOItD'S GIMGBB. ■Old by Uruuslats, Uris-crs, and I n-:il.i -.

Kalsomhss, all time, Land OIL"....i (Hi, Unlild (jlue, 1, I'nrule, Mi ■ ■■ ■ , !.:..|.- Msptba, Keats' FoetUll, Onknni, Olive OU.' I--..I ■■ Add. I'srksifi1 l>ves, l'ulls, imper and womb l-nri-Civeii, Paris White, Tarn tine oil, I'aratlne Vt'ax,

mlk.i r nil

lies pumice Stone, Putty. I'n 11 Pumnde Knllnmil L'ulnm,' Huek sail, fur her lt"»f Paint Ull, Rosin, lli.i her Tubing, IfubluT Wncea Sprlnp hnleni Lend, SalllH-tie.

.Kiiiid PajxT, Mwliu: .Mu.-li I.I- (.11 flielliic, S-ii"pTive Itark, sperm (HI, Spirits Mitre, Spirits Turpcatl lie, epooges, Sulphur,

ni Skint. li.rlileef |,lnie, km, dry nml in oil,|l| IT Itluls

Certs, i'r..nin Tnrlnr, iiiiwner'- Korcecne, IiyewiHiil, Ktarry Paper,

(.'loth, 'lleil i li Hi.

K|iHnm Salts, Featlicr Dusters. "iirnltiin- i'..- ii

slv. Iron Pulls,] la**, all slatSi laulier Salt. Inc. nil grades,

lilveerlnc, Tripoli, BOM Leaf, TIHSI telers, W. a K.'s i,..|.| l'iiiiii :iml Kronie, " ■• kl«»iiri,,ii,

Arable, Vnrhlnh, Trngncnnth, Wnun-gan Soap,

lliirm-s- un ami Soap, Wliiih-ini Suio HcbclKire, In.llgii,

UT bus slain h

noulnna-er's (.rent Fault. The great fault which can I - brought

ngaiusl den. Boiilangcr—and for this bo will hejudg 1 severely by tin HU who pus* son truce mi him now or licn-afb-r—is thai h has Intro-

Ifll -i i.illy

lmwriski»Uwage,M, lj

We bnvo ton with this n-.iv factor which

den. BrHibngerbasmtrortucad Uttoths pub lie affairs of Praare, and perhaps oven of Durope, Uurtly, it ■. ( be rasnealvred that wben a man so amldtl ua as Oea Boulanger is, and In command of the army of a groat

itry, U rldi.'ulni—an hu has ln»';i by wuui* uewi-pupers—as -a Ilomipart'i without vic- t,a-i">." be le Incited to dealre to complete the resemblance. —Paris Cor. London Times.

inn l rlnm »f lliiruiuh. Bunnnb is one of the richest and most fer-

tile countries perhaps In tlm world, It abounds with forests of teak and other valua- ble timber. Cotton, indigo and tobsoi f a most niperlor quality an- extensively grown. There am largo earth oil write in uppsr Bur- mali. and also tin, lead, coal, Iron ami salt mim*. Amber is found In large quantities in pom,, parts, and th" niby mines of Baumo, northwest of Mnndalay, arc very famous. The tia.In in timber, cotton mid irndn U very liiri;e. The customs department told me that one day last month the value of the rice ex- por;.il from Thyet Myo was I.I.IM) rupees, ll. ild, copper and raw lilk are largely bnport- cd from < 'hina, I fear that it Is uininly owing to the rich aim fertile nature of the country that the present quarrel lias lieen picked with li urn mh.

Every year, in the cold season, caravans come from Baumo to Rangoon, guarded by wild and savage dogs. Each hassoveral hun- dred muli-s or oxen, laden with blankets, gems, trinkets, etc. They remain live or KX

weeks, mid return with Uanchost r, Bheffleld and Americau goods, 'lliey take ulsstt two months on the journey, traveling from ei^ht to ten miles n day ami bivouacking at night, -iiurmah Cor. Jiew York «tar.

Hagas I UK liiuTicoral. During Ihe progress of tho moonlight ex-

cursion at Dulutb, the other evening, attended by ex -['resident Hayes und other members Of the conference of charities who visited that city, a gentleman remarked to Mr. Haves that bo was in the crowd which listened to his "surprising inaugural address11 as president, adding, "but I don't, suppose you recognized me at tho time." "No," replied tho sx-presl- dtnt, "I recognized but one man in all that crowd. My attention was early called to him by tlm earnest manner in which he listeneil to ttmoddreja, and 1 watclml to see what effect certain portious of it would make upon him, and I was very much pbmsed to tea that ho applauded cften and vigorously. Tliat man wx* Vrvl l).ui!;lasM."—1'iotiev-r rross "Lis- tener."

WTien Baby v-n .|..|i, w., ;T.p nor Cubirta

V.'\ira elio W^I J Child, >'i- ertcd fur ( astorla,

Jl'lirn elie Immue MUH, NI.II rlnn; ui ("antorin,

Whou »ha luul Chililrju, sba gave theai Cutorla,

R Cream ltd dnit:.. It

Price 'si cent*, of driiitidht-.

leas arneis tbanto wsn t«i- tns sresperlty lbs! iiitininieiy resalts from honest dealing. These sre the aini Wh". w hen afked for li BpSSSn'S Lap cine Plaster, will rvcotnaielid mime cti<'n|i ami trashy substtliile nr imlisiinn, navln|[ it is "just se gmal." Seinrtlnir* (hey will do up ami sell the ml-enilileluiliatliiiinlilinm remark, allnwiiiK the customer t« mippni-e lie h:is Iteiiwa'*. If the valueless plaster I* n-lnrueil, Cheap John will My ha made a Biistafce;—ll not, he Dim dene i Souit -ivii.e of iiii.iii'--.. The nubile sre euu

oncd agslnst .lohu nn.l all his Ilk. llur of re ii.e.iuhle ilruyj|1-li only. The genuine iterniBli'i pin-I iT bus Ihe "Three" ti.nlr murk nml tin word "lapclne" cut In the centre. dwlWSM

POVS'S KxTHAiT—It* 'ale, extends to every I..» n.iii i.i ilie i-niitiii-v. There U only nne gtaa- ue PuDii's KxiraiI tor I'HIIM and luflsiniiiaUim,


IsTlinps in bur r bundreda. I* nfivr'd," says

i th- par;, n;


, lllp and . . -irciinili uml activity

rrllcvrd In me iitlaiite IIII-I -pec.lilv .'lire the Oiliiuis A ut I-I'M tit Plaster, a new :liisl,elcgBlitani| nil:il nine .uni'lntc Ul pnlli

" .illation. At ilnumMs. AV ; live lor Sl.OO; tape freeot Potter IJr ii a a ltd <


rnli-s of I luniv-i t!i able tor; tJam.

rolvo longer.

rns allns snrti

I Kit

ud Kitty's

in. Kitty," imprests Buns entl . . ,

ktUty proceeds to do ■ i i I . md, which

i i i by all tho 'i- -., iiorhnps,

tm.lufion, as Kitty is ud uinro rapidly than

li Tilt in; ed, but li.

ies tho reast. which, in ell probability, is a '•liurbycue,'' at «..: '•;■ .cab!,, cliicken pie divide.'the boat ii cb a tremendous "[leach cobbler." is' ■'• was"usually occur during tbo frail en. there is no lack of peaches, np- i »> a,.' I iicni-clona, which HIT dispensed in prodl . I icifii ion. Amons Crackers who are what they d. nominal., ■■•in.lcr conviction," tlint is, strictly loyal tn the laws and regula- tions of the religious body to which, they lie- long—games aie more in fashion than dances, and ull youna pi-ople, whntbor they dance or not, bike part in these amusements, Games am MI re to be I'In \itl after a "o,uiltili\" arid by thu moru discreet ol the Crocker settle- ment aro !■■■::• ii[,-iv,i mure dignified and far more innocent.—Brooklyn SIa^n.u..j.

A man in 1'awtucltct recantly made application (or insurance on a build ing situated in a village where tliore was no fire ouginc. lie wan asked "What are the facilities in jonr vil- lage for extinguishing Ures?" **VVeU, it rains somclinies," lie replied will great simplicity.

Smilb—I saw you carrying home a oouple of nice-looking watermelons last niLilii. Itrown. How much did they cost you ? Brown—I don't know yet. The doctor :B up to ibe how now.—Life.

sunburn, freckle", of the nkln. line Kurl Toilet ■■■■■.i|,. £i i, nt- everywhere.

:H .ll-lltfii I Wi.llelll:

Tu he free from nlek headaohs, lillioiimiciis, niistliistlon. etc . sne Ciirter'n Little Liver PilU. n-1. lly n^'rlalile. They 1-ntl.v Bllniillale the ;»sr and 'rce the trois hlle. ilwcisllw

N.&S. UUicfuvnrlleCljrsr of the MMt f.i-ii'Moii-. smoken mining the clergy, phyhl- rionn, Iswycr*, and aoaaela

_ seurs In every wslk of life. Thee flairs arc manufactured exclusively bj

S. S. SLEEPER & CO., llNy. Market Ntrcrt, ltn.mii, nt pure, long Havana t»l,:ier», frsu fimioi'iv forelRnlnirredlrnts whatever) with the my beet > iiisira iM-ii],|.i!i ■, snd npial I every vrsy sn Itupnrtcd cljar. The price of thlneigsrln lllceu Sola by nil deal SI I. I:, aure s try the "N. A K." wheu in'it vi ■.» "CHIC i.

•Ihe i>r„

•■iVlrhe.l. ."-t

NAlwEVipJlJj., ■UHtCMI -u .'■•n.'.'iM.llls^'i*! •km I.* I.- "t'btrbo Tal 1-I1U likrUHbr.


.. I^IHIU, WIHISINi,' I'.IN -M..1I., \\!iltlii(r,

UOSTON. Largest & Most Successful in the lorM.

Will Ko-open Honilay, Sept 6th. THIS < HI H-l. OP i- I I ll\ la Uinrniwh, mm

| mill \ITWL Heal, l'iiiiii* in fltled tot Uw iluUm uml urnrk of every iU) life.

— IE PV'I'LTV SBJWfjjl a, lUt of twrntr

.■mi- tn omneli-uej In Ull si-ri'llK\T<

mil", loll of ifljfurinr unt tral. Till-: lllnril'I.IMC I-.' I.l^timtonlor snil

l;i,-ill.l|-. Mll.lllllll. 111!' llli.HMh'KHiQll,

IIIK KKI'»TAI'MI\ "f Ihl* wnnnl for nrtof- miJits and Inidi-raAlf. nuil an th.. ftanilarS Inatll*- It 1 il. kin,I mteneiuU) nilejml,,lu,.l.

rilK M'IKMII. Ill U.liiv; i, „ onully localcd nml tiiinnM-lr ,^m"lniei,.|.

Hl'KriAL COIHHK. .<ihorf*lanil, TVp» Wrli- fou. i jesweslNea »au CnrnvsewMSss m»y i» uscu uVrVr\Ti«vsTi«« ll I.III.IN iMiriiileten lh,; mil, timlltlhiM'hoi.l.

Trull,. Mark



SKIN^SUGCESS •Ac. ami Ifit. Druiralsls.


10c. Uia UifwSLoiil


me st ym CUT , II per pie tlXVKLAXD, U.

II In you to ilo psi I.'i work for Imsip. plenty work; jn>o,|

, fl pir pleec, all nuil*rtsl» free. A, LOVE,


r^ by ruln.rr'i 'Slir SI.IICM. One a. j^.-.tilantcwliiihail |!arl*r llrh, and a uumher „t ntlicn who mitfrre liomdinncnl iloii div,,,,, h»le KUo bet }lr/t<tiy . *ff,( by US SSS,



Ilie I'ilrt; miimes j-'fti.rVK I "" SSMSM tS walk anil was hiiii up in h.«|.italt,hui without Kmiancnt enrr, uniil MVSn yearn ago I oncd

Jmcr's «Shln-Suirni.' It cured me ftr. /til/r, and lines tlii-n I have had no return

' the ir.iiihle."—Ktv. C. bottlio, ..yp Cherry






WOOD'S Genuine Selected

i* IMII.I:

! iii Spice! FOR PICKLING. »u ICvery Package-

ii to in para blr for pi



TbeOrcateKt Invention ortlieAffQ




STARCH ItFltl'tllFN SCO r<illl\i:.

MMi «OT MM i4 TO IIIK mow. Rrs'ly tor n«e In one nluuie; MIVM lubor, time

Sl>i1lmiibll';e..iiliili.. nil tli.' liiiircillCntaiiHCil hy launilryincii; eteess lismlonticr volliili than ony ■ilher fltareli cvrr iiimiufin-tuicil; la put np la run pound pwrkagra, no ahorl irdKhtS. (Hie |niuniictinnlatwn poumla of tiny mher Hian-h. s-.l'l hyiillnmlHiii., yroeer-, win, niipiily ■*»!- i'i.i I'AI h A*;i:s r-HKK. jjllaaawwlTM





me liiiirhomc power, rrires very low.

W. K. id I l i;i:,

Appleton St, Lawrence. Mass.

'■ ■"■'