LAM-1900-01.pdf - Memorial Hall Library

VOL 1900 1900

Transcript of LAM-1900-01.pdf - Memorial Hall Library

VOL 1900 1900


^miHI^H^^^^B^^BHI i3^s?s3?^g?(S^^ S*ffsl J* ^JtT5i,f^Ss,?^r*^rie^*i^wsis P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^P^H &B^^K32^W^;








For Cold Weather Cold Facts Do not Fit This Kind of Weather


tenant Governor Bates Sworn in Office


Selected Without Opposition —The Make-Up cf Both


sto and

Much has been said and written in tlio historic past about cold facts.. Borne wise iiK-n have repeutedly^sald thru'cold facts are stubborn fhjnsaj

The family man' is just now reallil ng the force and wiatliton in these aords. The coal dealer and plumbe r are his evidence. It la_8ti'Qng and

fconvincing.- lie has no'morn jtke for cold farts. He wants a/ham • . I, is a liood .-family, ,4nan he wants farts all the while but ho gets tired

kind becomes ehiHocTwJrh an overdose of facts kept in cold stnrog' (In a while he wants warm facts, and he .jbjjes not-want old .state ci US'' fucts warmed ovor'cithcr. He want them ln^origlnal p.uli;

evp.lh.oy are. You will find them in Ulrkncll

iron will find them in Ilicknell Jiros. r"ou will find them in Ilicknell Hros. 1.48 (o JM. Yon will find thcin In

find them in our Men's .and Hoy's Bheepskin-Eined' Coats and Horn fclbly true in our. extra large, extra long ■or men.

inauguration day at "ttslerday was the state house:

The (rioirtpnlcs took place in the l^cnse chamber wl bruise nr.d satiate met in Joint A* large number -fit visito

* presentT The lcoal logisihti in atlendiince.

J^ jdif oaili OL' office was Bros, glove deportment al 85c. to $ls. Istercd to Governor-elect Vv . Underwear" Pi partmontat 2"ic. to *£, Crane, Lieutenant lister ami-.-Overcoat Department at

our- Warm Winter'- t'ai)3. Yoh will gjraj (i iv.. You will find theft in our Cloth'tig and vou WUrTWd Uieut lui-

imd extra heavy blue Wool Shirts YorL-Willl find tlie warmest kind of warm fails In every depart-

ment of our store and you will enjoy the tact that forcvery dolltm you m vest you will get honest merchandise. _. '■ •

Being Paid by the New Sup- Bone of Contention in Case erintendent of Streets in Haverhill Police

McKenna Court


Established With Five Men to Patat Twenty-seven


Had Karl E. Sthlos&tein Ar- rested for Receiving Stol-

en Goods

Superintendent McKenna. cf the street department, has * begun tn parcel oul Rood Job*, presumably to those mut who figured in the late campaign Ar the ijitr nt which he has nt?rted off tho new year the financial aide, nf the department will he given a lihf k eye :iji at the expense* of the ia--payers,^ ..H-nw long they will K(and thla wisjjesnln deht paying i4*v chine rpmninlji) l>c seen

. Jijm 1. OOttftellorfl

*-H. fiint.h- (JdVVi'lKi

lei I

rf Hi-

eruor f'ran nnugural.


Uovei inn -elect ml the eight ■esldent ,;,'.- ire

M-llHIt'r — ■ ■

■'■A addr; as \v,v: hi- lt was «n inrt'ii" tft'i*4



JACKETS AND CAPE5 About 50 Ga ments the Balance of Our W inter Stock

Were Priced From $5.00 to $12.50 Price to Close Less Than Makers v-ont $3.98 tO $7.50 * * * «r>SEE OUK WINDOW DISPLAY.* * J *

£ (ROBINSON. »63Essex8t, mms

Wednesday's doings were- lirief---us well us inlcroting. The home elected Janice ■'■ Meyers, of ''am bridge, speaker; .':int. W. Klmbell <f* I.ynn. clerk; 1). V. Waldrcra, o Bdetoni rhaplafn, and Oa$t, -K 0. '!

A.daihs, .or !,>nn, aargeaat-at-arine Mr. Trendsy. of Wimi.c-ier, was eall cd in the chair to preatua., \>y, Cler


The continued ease of Karl K. Sehlossteln on the charge of recdvin-j; stolen goods was heard Wednesday ia th* Haverhill police court before Judgi Abbott. The corardainant,. August Stel^Jfr, of the Ooldlprtng' brewery of Lawrence, was represent<'d by IJIW- >i-r .1. .1. Mahoney, of Lawrence, anc the defendant by .1. II. Pearl.

ut-j The main evidence was given by .lohn 1*\ llnricy, a Pinkerton dettctive.

A painters' department will be; who was employed by the complain- opened anil this will prove con ant. He visited Haverhill two weeks clnsively that political debts must be! ago and Investigated the complaints paid by McKenna of course. made by the Lawrence "corn-

Four nuiniers will he engaged at pany that beer kegs' were K.W per flay. This great 1'1 force lelng stolen. His statem»nt was ilia' will have a foreman at *:i tier day. i1P followisl the Irani owned by SehlBs Think of it! Will the people remain, Bteln and driven hv a man named C'on- s irsfied thai their good money will nor. Dee. U, and found two upon go lo waste for such purposes! j which was branded with the stamp

The public property department of tn(. Cold Spring Brewing colnpanv. has charge of all the buildings andj „„,) ltlv Werc taken to the defendant'- cr,ii!»:iiientl.v the street departnunt's- p)aw ,n w(r(, s,,vori ,|0 a]m ^ ' iters lannot Inuli any of -.he' testimony that he found ctne keg which slables or tancee. |le had marked at thut place.

In the di partinrnt are 13 dump earls JollP iieQ formerly employed by tin and I! watering ''arts. \ common defendant, testified thut he Invented a sense view is tvery >ear a fresh. ^ajlc ,or sch.losste.iu by which the

el paint is enough. -At a_smalL branrt o( koB8 was rpmoy,,,! anu ther

they were stamped with Scblossteln't

Registry of Deeds Has Had More Work Than in any

Year Previous

A $10,000,1100 ORTGAGE

Working cf Torren's Land Regi&tiation—Indices


These ind1



Kiintiall, and did so until n*ae c:iu3Cn. ' '--"...

In the Mjnte, Mr. p.ji'l:'. <)t Ur til, of th»t bed; was railait to t . air lay Clerk Poa'.idgc, ar.;! prrsid

-Mr. Smith, ofJUddl ' : elected .i*H)r I Ti-.'i.lnit ol tlir soiiate. Henry. H

('.iolidce, cf f.'oneord. ilecl;, and Hi i:.v. A. V. Boa lerborn

i iiapkein. with Ceptain Adamfl rer L-'ant.-iiL-arn..-.

The senate is compose.1 cf 3-1 lipiii'- lieans und nine demuerats; while In the house there are nil! jreptlbUcaus, ',7 dem'icrats. two social democrat., two Independent cltmns. oniie- dem- diyatic idtizen and one republican dependent, a tofSl of 2S», ther

estlaffata the painters will cost the city al le-»st, *S120 per year.

OSly i7 carts afe to be painted, or run lie painted. To do this McKenna has engaged five men. A cart should b" palllted by a first class work-nan in nt -least a day. One coat should Millie-1 a year. There are -7 carts,

men and a foreman tc\ do-the -7/ork. Is this business? It npp»ar to be a piece of "highway iwllticn robbery" '.: Joniehody's nnr

More such matters will come ti light in a few days.

a vacancy nirt.

in the tith Ilampden dl


Maude (lonne, the Irish Joan of Arc who is well known to the people of this city through her visit here a few years

being ago. is to return to this country. At - present she is conducting a pro-Iloer

agitation in Ireland.

■] a)*, * a> ♦ at ♦»•.♦■ n ♦ H ♦M


«♦•*♦«♦ *t ♦ TOOHEY.— The funeral of the late

^Mai-y Toohey, who died at h«r hom.* on Ma red en street Tuesday, took plare yesterdny-^ at 10 o'clock from St. I I iitlrencea church. The remains wt-l ed In^a handsome black broadcloth casket with silver trimming*. Solemn high ma«3 waft celebrated by the Jtev.

-■'!■>. O'Donnell, aiijittd by the. lte\. I Vr. Fleming as deacon and the-* Rev.

l'r. Ryan as archdeacon. A larne number of friends were present at the Kei-vices. During the solr-mn rites Mrs. McKenna rendered solos and al

£ close B. J. Keaveny re^d.-red Jern- KaXMxu As the body was twing borne '"from the thurcb Mr. Kr-avcny nMtd--i- t cil Vearer. My dnrt, to ThT-e. 'Y\v i. barers were Pntilck Mc(!nrry, .lames

MeNamara. John IJnuehan, Ivuis fc Sweeney, John Foley and @ern&l'<l h nttllftghi^'. Huriai wan in UM Immacu- | late Conception cemetery. • .

I HKROLH — The funeral of Wolfi- . tame Mendd. Who committed suicble 1 by Jumping into the canal, was held I yesterday. Bfcrvlpe* were eon-1

; iincted at his l&to home 28 MJlford -tieel, at 2 o'clook and were largely

; nfieiub-'i. There were several floral I tributes. The remains were interred I In Bellevitc cemetery.

- 120 Per cent DISCOUNT Applied to the Cloth ing Trade Mean^WHOLESA^E COST.

->♦•?•♦ aV* .{-♦ !-♦.!-♦ k*i-<

We Nave Too Large a Stock Hetwei n selling "Odds and Ends" at ast and Selling a Complete and New-

Apparent t.T "Renuire f-tock Is too Comment.


(County Commlssionersi of Essex l'ay Hesperts to Local Institutions Yrs- terdav. . .

r»« r — The newly organ zed hoard of county

commissioners paid Its llrsl visit of tin- new year to county institutions in l.awrener yesterday. At the cOUrTHfATSB i-veryihing was found running atnouth { Iv, at the jail, ditto. As Su|>erinten dentSwan of the truant school made | his report la-rsonatly, the board did not visit that institution.

The following were pardoned: | Richard H. Lawless' North Andovrt. Jn for three months for drunkennrrs. ' John Fitzgerald, four months, idlej and disorderly; Joseph Norton. four| months, idle utld disorderly. (

There is nothing new in regard in I he King liearing.


THE DIFFERENCE THE METHOD 2<>Percent"cuf• SALE FEATURES GUARANTEE Money back if you want it

PRICE TAGS Wi" remain unchanged


name. The defendant claimed In his state

ment that it was the. practice umout hreweib to «3e other's kegs, and h' ilrnled ever having changed the nanu on more than one keg belonging tt the eomplali'iant. lie said he dtd thH as that company had taken his kegs.

On the cross examination he admit I ted-that he never knew of the Cold

,* Spring OMBfanyi by whom he was em I ployed for three years, ever- ehaag4n*r

the name on or using- the kegs of ; other companies in sending out thel: product.

Driver' Connor testified that he was employed by M. O'l^eary, agent for Schlosstein, and was paid by him,

i though the horse and wagon belong'd to Schlosstein. He said that, while he was employed for the past eight months, he had neve# taken but one Ueg of the Cold Spring company, and thai through a mistake. He also de- nied the statement made by Detective Hurley.

The latter "was recalled and he posi- tively identified Connor and. *aid he

[ met him coming from the passenger depot about 20 minutes after barrels belonging to the Cold Spring company had been delivered there. The two Imrrels he found in the wagon were lying on their side under the seat. He followed thai wagon to the brewery. Atter the arguments by the counsel, Judge AbhoTt ruled there was no erl-

j denco to show that the, defendant , knew the property named In the com- ; plaints, viz., 20 eighth barrels, was : stolen, and therefore ordered his dis- ; charge.

A new warrant was then sworn out. charging Sehlossteln with larceny of the barrels, and this case was contin- ued until next Tuesday for a hearing:

three things or barometer, .of, trade, bank--*, the registry o! deed;? and the express busi- ness. A --^rfipresenttttlvo of The American yesterday interviewed Reg- BtrtLV Sinborn at his offteu In the ■ounty court house, with a view earning the amount of business rauttctetl,

Mr. Sanboro talked psoinHy and intereatUgly. "W« bavo had a vory

;'UHV year." he said, "not taking intcj

coattt the extra work taken up by] • he office. The. T'lrreu's land registry j lyalem'Tn reality began last year, as: ,t only otartda In OcteB**r, 1W&J, That added mtwh work, and iif n kind I [a which ihe caret 111 tUtenflcfl nf met

ei-sed In the intricacled of the taw vas require.l. AH lb all, t!w Increase j .( work w«)uld auiount io at ittrt ■ :n percent for the year." "The Torren's ayatcm is now in fall

iperation. More iHWt.nwi was dom ; a this registry under it than at :;nyi eglstry in the state, with the excep-l Ion of tluit In Cambridge and proD- bly at Worcester. It really : mounts) 0 a guarantee and Insurance oi title.; his insurance is provided for In an iteresting manner. One "percent of ho asessed value of the pmperty egistered i? ctfUacted ''"'i KWS into i fund, which when It equals ?250,- .0o, will be drawn upon to make t^ood lefertive titles that, may have- been eglstered. Thus, if anyone In fair- tfsit, h«B a title registered, and 'ater ome cloud comes up or hilmant ap- ean who tan make good his Utle. he Riipposed owtiei' will to made good *rom this g-iaruiii^o fun'l

"Another matter of inteiW is the ■onuo.ldfttlon of tfie indices. This Is xtra work taken up hy the jfllce, and or which the county commissioners «Vf ibeir consent, li i» an im movement much appreciated by the iser cf anv Index and ia W«»U A'oitli he trouble. Miss Maratcn has been it work upon it for the last two vears and there Is yet muen work

"The largest transaction ever reg- istered in the history of the office la t mortgage filed during the past year, dvon bv the International Paper Company, cf $40,000,000 worlh rjroperty. for *H',0', to the Uu ted States Trust company of Vork. Kvery piece °f. V\°}^\



BricaBrac *

Cut Glass, etc.

elion and ToUI Ali- ag Statement.

Will hot.

Discount from the Price Tie-

The Discount

Regular, .rode*. J$ 12.0O

M *» Cent. Off 2.40 I

Prtefl NOW S 9.60 I

Suit and



What IK Going to Happen in Ihe \A*g- lnlative Temple, and Wften Polo Pre- dominates.

The following nre the dates for events In the city hall. As will be seen, the polo 'fan' has a chance to spread himself.

January 6, Polo. January 8, Polo. January-10,"White Kund lecture January 13, Polo. January 15, Polo. January 17, Highland club minstrels. January 10,- Firemen's ball, January 110, Polo. January 22, Polo.

White Fund l.eeture. Clan McPherfeon con-

Prices to Suit Purchaser.



♦ • ♦ WEDDING BELLS. ♦ ♦ •


rpertv conr Kus ed had "to" be deserlbe.1 In full an« Cap

—■gistered In! oivi

Newj Arthur 7. Russell, nee

0 Conner and Mattle Hatchelder. t^rom whom

Captain William Russell secured art the m-ortgage" registered in! divorce, were married yesterday nfl*

con>or:itlani tcrnoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Iho a copy

32 ;™^rytyKhHe- ovei'-Vo pages| . if description was registered, and t.he 'ecs amounted to $12 ol revenue stamps necessary instance were 0l » val"e °* *500fl' ^Othcr tvansaettons- were the registry of the mills, bought fcr Nathaniel Stevens. Wasliington 'mills Woolen company

ansm.ion. although all tort WJW™ in the body of the instrument is SUN a8U,,„' vaj.-i.lile ™*±?*"T-

VMore attachments nnve n-»n reg isterr.l than for any other year nii„ .how? their is more bualnw is there Is a call for money "The receipts of ihe qpci

than ten percent above the ■■Considering "virythlug,

Sir Sanborn, "I think

H. Farusworth perfonnad tha-aaM* Thej raony. 'Ihe contracting parties -vere

In this one unattended. After the ceremony a rereptl.on wes ■ held. Mr. and Mrs. Conner, will reaideVai 513 llrcd- way. ^\^ North Andover

$40,000 cash, by The sale of the

to the American as another- large


are tiibrt uormnl.

' eonrlud- that real

estate It has war times

is as cheap as It ever will be. never been Inflated -xrept in



He Has Drawn the Amount of $280 For Two Year's Work.

Ex-Mavor 15aton tlsitrd the nrer's oilieo-aud saw. llr. llalley yes tenlay and drew all that was duo him from the city as mayor for tho past I we vears. He received 24 eheel.s railing for tf.SOfl In all. Ho signed ffie rhe<k liuok kept In tho rlty treiLsu'rer's oftlce 24 times.

TO CDftx. A OpLl« IM OME D»f

Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. drove- signature Is on eaca box. 28«.

).♦ ).♦ ),♦ ).♦ (.♦ (.♦ (.♦ ),♦

You cannot afford to miss this sale, if your clothing wants are not all supplied.

s%9;ns Thursday the 4th and Coniinues Nine Days.


truant Officer .1, R. "M.U'Owan Is In pretty bad shaiie. The physicians ai- tendant have decided |he injury is a Irneture of the. hip. Mr. McOowanft luevious injury was to the same lii'di. Iillt between Hie hi and the liip This latest Thjury will keep him eon Plied for some lltttc time.

fbi.talho CigH.tOrU <£

1-oniA ,ll!!!K' Vti.. "ar» ilways Pujli


January U January (6

; cert and ball. j January 27, Polo. j January 29, Knights of i enueert and ball, » '. January 30/ Polo. | February 3. Polo.

l-'eliruary fi. Polo. .- [ Pelmiary ?, Spanish War Veterans I concert and ball. I February 7, White Fund lecture. >

February 10. Polo. February a, Polo.

I February 15, Knelsei Quartet concert ' FebruaiT 17. Polo.

Februafy 10, Polo. I'eluuaiy 21, White Fund lecture.

! February 22, Polo. I February 21, Polo. .

February |6j Polo. Man-h :i. Polo. Manh 5, Fulo. f March X, Canton Agawam ball. March io, polo.

ther irfl in ^hc

BiEF WINE AND IRON. i brothe -was

flank Examlmu- Miles, Mai. Cen. N. E. Miles, city tbdayajen bnaineaa, /

Hartley Buttnfleld. of N'orUi An- I dover. found on the eanal liank lb"

Colunilius coat discarded by Wolfscame HerOW win. iinnmitie.l suicide, and today took it to the station house

About M 6'clcck this rtiornin; an intnviraled man had a bad full at the eoruer of . Essex, and IVinlie.ton streets. After a struggle he regained

fooUng and went, plodding on Ml down the sti-eet.-'




Miss Ciawshaw, a nurse at the Ren eral hospital reported to the ponce station (his morning the less of her prckeihooli, wliirli eontaineil $17. She. thlnks'shc dropped it on Essex street

, between 12.30 and 1 o'clock Wednes- ' day noon. '

♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦* ♦ - ♦ CITT HAH MOTES. *

♦ * ♦ * ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ml.-is Barrv. «f Ihe city eb-i' oi

in fifis bad \\\¥ hjmor if havj « a telephone Installed upon her dedl.

The park rouiiidssien Intend*."to ret into the grTnK-" thla year vii'.i HM r. ,t and wilf ask for much money to prosecute iriiprovrments and roiislderV Meeswrry1,

No rt/sease was reporUd toiiay.

& J*. Mi 'X- O *!. Z A

'J »tk. Ilu Kinil YOJ Hate awap Brnifjl

This preparation Is made from LEIHIOS extract of beef. CITRATE

,it iron, and pure SHERRY wine. .It combines in a nutrlclous form a valuable tonic. It ha* stimulating properties for Impow^ished-fflood that

. ire Invaluable and ll enually good tn vat ices forms of debility.

FOLl P.H.S • • 50c CEO. W.


P O Block.





What do the Children Drink?

TVm't (fiw them tna or Mfffl©. EUta jron triad the B<M* food drink ralM OfiAlN-O ? It it <MM*xi* Bn«l.(nonri«hint< »rwl takes tii* pi nee o( coffee.

The iiini-o (rtrun-O vmi g|v<l the oMWroo the moff liorfttii «m dWrih- Bta thgoyhttali Rvstrms.

■Ofnin-O is inaJn of purr- grains, aud, when properly l»wpaMel Uutaa liko tlio i-Iioico gndea of Dpffea Imt eo-tta abbot j u much. All grocoia sell it. 15©, tiu<l 9t&

Try Crain-O! Intfenh«tyniiri:roctrirhcijouORAIN-0

Accept :i- mutation.





TO LET- iiud batb 12.00 per week. L. A. Holt, 233 K?scx street.

TENEMENT TO LET—Six room?, modern Improvements, In a now' house nt :i7 Kntaw street. Apply' on the promises.

l.awrc,iice [« in danger or a water famine awing to the low slate of tho

'river, whlrh has fallen so much that I It is impossible ti> secure a head of

-New tenement of four rooms! water for the filtering ballery. To Apply to; ivmonly this eonditlon of affaire the]

• water hoard has authorised the presi- dent and superintendent in hire a

I centrifugal pump to supply water to the filtering gallery.' This .will lie in- stalled at/bee.

The water board held a brief bur Ini „TT^" ~~ : 7"„„: pm'tant /session last niKbr. Uesides TO LET.-A tenement;- roar of 88 ,1(.t|n(, u^on tho nl,,.stion „, ,h0 wat,r

Cedar street (o a email family off .apply several of (hr. oflleiale won; two. Oood reference required. I chosen. The muting is understood

be tlie fen


Catholic Slaters Permjtted to Attend Outside Lectures in Secular Garb. Advocates of the higher education

of women are surprised by an unex pected and extraordinary concession from that. most conservative of ail llioritles, the Pope. The head of the French teaching Slaters of the Sacred Heart, a very progressive woman wont before the Vatican authorities not long ngo with an educational plan by which tile novices "of the ordci were to be allowed to take a normal school.course ouUlde their convent restrictions and taught by outside up to-date professors.

Some eminent French ceeleslastics favored tho idea, but to Rome it -was frowned upon, and a formal.refusa' was given to permit Its application.

A much more Important and wide reaching concession has now been made by the Pope In favor of the Mar eolllne Sisters, the most educational of till the religious communities In Italy. They are not only allowed tout tend the lectures In tho public ttui versifies of Rome, mingling there with laymen arid listening to lecture;! by professors of every menial order but they 'doff their religious dress tc

the Water Board LlSti Jln 8a When they return to Uic-con _ . . vent in the evening Ihey put on tlioii tVenifiq. . religions habit again.

Tho congregation of Sisters Is com i parallvely new. They applied to the

| Pope for approbation In December JSMi. lie has just given them a deiin lie sanction as a community with slm pie vows, the decrco being published by the Cardinal Prefect of Hishop; and Regulars the last week in Ocfo

Board Takes Steps to Prevent One


In the Department — Supr. Salisbury Re-elected by


CATARRH Cold*, Coughs, Hay Fever, Bran* chit is. Asthma) and alt Diseases of the Throat and Lungs*

non,if of MoaiMtM Vapor ire Intaftkd thrwiyrh th» month and omltti-il tram th.. o..«- Triu, I'lraiulnff and vapor U lug- all tbi> lntlmoM end fliaonffed parts which cuuuoc ho reached by niodlcine taken Into the ■tomtrh.

7* reaches the tare *poU—It heals the rixw fyl<KYM—Itqora to the neat o/ttUeate—It nets a* a batm ana tonifi to the whole tynfetn—fljWat <, IMS ArcUHt., fhila.


SICK-HEADACHE Dizziness, Malaria


Rth tow,ons! SUMACH TABLETS THE GREAT lyllSn 10 War One Gives Btttef-fMtkn Sick People Well. *«-!*-/ VllVLill

Great Su vsBeing Raised for Equipment— Little N w from War This M^rnii g

purging, piliu- w lucn .oinplraioti, hit rwase lhe«npelite, tune the euine tntCM, Aauie'cure lor lwj>r<:aeioii in" Spirits, \>i vuiistifs- and all Stomach, I,iver ami Bowel irotiblM. Lar((p Bui, 10 CENTS, (-'5 Tablet a). By mnil tor tivc »*cetrt Haiun*. I

For. Sale by John j. Forest, corner of Essex and Hampshire streets.


polo Notes \u

W>r. Krre in Now York there, has l»'on

tronlile with the State authorities where Siatera taught in some of the pithlic school!) In the interior eitles wearing their religious garb. A solu linn or tile ilifflrultyvniuy he foitntl Ir this new precedent/ established in Home.—X. Y. Jleraltl.

CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE. Finest and largest selection of bird

In the city, every tnale bird sold war ranted a good singer, will bring bird to any address to parties that eanno find It roBtenient to call. Money re funded if not as represen.ed. All coni municatlons ntrtct.y attended to. Ad dress. John Frasor, 30 Rhine street, o Park street, Lawrence, Mass.

BARBER SHOP FOR SALE. Apply at 71 Hampshire.sireet.

KOTI SALB—Tobacco and News S'ore. Apply at 49 Essex street. Selling on account of 111 health.

POR SALE—A pung newly painted and In' first erase condition other- wise. Inquire or Henry N. Hall, mi at and provision dealer, Methuen, Ma«s.

FOR SALE—A milk pung In good re- pair. Ai t)ly i«» Lakev.ew* inrm. No. Aodoveiv Mass.' ; ^~■ y~—!

Wireless Telegraphy. Wireless telegraphy is to be used ir.

, a novel and practical manner at Hall fax. The, harbor there is often dim cut of access, especially during storms, and as a result many vessels have been wrecked while approaching It. .Mr. A. F, Hamilton has now In vented au apparatus with the-objeci ui facilitating the approach to the harfenr and thus minimizing tho danger «;' shipwrecks.

The aparatus consists of what mta be called au electric buoy on which Is n hell, .connected with the land l,\,:; 31 :i suhmarlnn cahle. la :ui dltlon tii the bell the buoy is Intended to hold .i Murconl trausmltter front

runtirr •:., sweeping ehangei in the personnel of. th partment employes which ate to come later, when there Is to lie a general cleaning oHt of the employes in the department.

All the.members ol jLue.Uo.ard Wore present.

The first business was t'lie election of a Ruper'ntendcnt o[ the department ^nd cierk nf the lioard. A. 1.1. Salis- bury was chosen, he receiving the vote* of Messrs. Robinson, Knowies and] Oallagher. Drsmond and v\rundel dittj not vote. John B. Campbell w:is un- inlmously re-elected water registrar.! The engineers and assistants at the! ^f,.,, s| ,, b f. pumplnB station.were all re-elected. | „, s BlafSnSS of four or live miles

rhe salary of M. Collins, car.-, Now lho invontor ns3Prt9 that ln thls

i niaiiner all vessels provided with re- I ceivers suitable for wireless teles

London, Jan.'4, 1.80 a. m. Thcr Is a complete absence o| au.vthln new from tile seat ol war. The f( porl of the Boer attack upon JJolteno

_ not yet. eonfinned: Apparently General French holds nothing >H hit: fite miles <■( ColesbetakJuTlCtloJl. Hit.

—— j request, for reinf'ireementa dispels am1

It seems strange that a cheap outfit present hope that he will be able tii like Clinton has It In Its power to,1 tefXe one of the crossing of the-Orong (tuner polo in as good a city as laiw-j liver , ,» ., rence. It'Clinton had appeared inj iris probable 'that when Lord Rob- RroTtttrnr fnilie came shape that, thev; erts arrives fieneral French will bs showed up here it's good betting that| orrlered to cult his present unsttp

portril position and to concentrate Secretary Itlcrdan would have ciuuod the team not or lite league wllhoti: waling for the organisation to act iu the matter, and he would have been Justified In so doing.

The Fall River team will make it- first appearance here Saturday night and a hot game may Be expected. Manager Irwin recently secured ' llnl- dernese. late of the national league, and this addition has strengthened his team immensely. The Fall River team shut out the fast Brockton as crc'satlon without a goal the other night which gives a line on the artiste of polo the mill city team is putting un.

The various teams are gradually ac-l quiring nicknames. The home players' are known abroad as the "High Hollers," the Salems as the '-witches", and the Plymoutlis ns the "Pilgrims."!

-a,*. -I.J-^.J. 4-J.J.J. *,-»». w. m. OOOMO: 4, Realdence aad onice,

• TO ■•T.rklll


♦ 4, (Opposite Franca church) 4 i—OSee Houre: X » • r « • w •«" \» m <m m #

Boston* Maine R.R

M. F. Collins, ran1

tnUrr at-tiV- jiuunH>iiVS f-tatlnn, was raided from $3 to I3.W per dlera.

O- r'"",IJlrT>^^f^M*o•, "* *+>r> «ni«"",»--l londent thc' er of rnistng th sala j oE the wait'v registrar was dls;^ b.etl ! hut nn"action was tak»n.

It wa? voted to instjill a tftnphont'j t the rerldetwe of Kdward Vets, fore

rflphy can not only ho feiullly ivtil-nrtl Of dftbfor as they npproarh the coast, but can also ascertain their cxaci situ iion if they will only pay heed to th< sisnals transmitted.

The Invbfitpr'i iutention apaarenth man «P-¥epftlmfc-«*w, Uu prwliient, antlj ^n toJuiXB :t buoy placed in 2t± BDOI • <iB*al«lr,niUnl Mr , .. .> 111 ', •, i ■■ I ■/. ■, I t r\ -it. ... I, ,...,, . i. „;.._ i. n *

^*rr» ■• A> I tiL» .Ptji

MtUff li<-uKtJ itrioaa my*rt,

■iij (ui *i.u tutu V.«rj bv«!

f'7Tt ■ -A*4-:.j**aa...J,o*ftn.£ . A 'ma ttf.aex itroaL

•uprrint'i'il.'iu w^'ie aiM'iorlzed to ;n- • •» ec 1Y telephonic lervloe al UM limping station .and, high iervtte

..awf* JE 'i ATM AID.


ed th,.

i nnitnUtee bn si.. ■ .Mtleriii""! Logua* atii tetday afternoon and

RECHliiS WANTED for the 0. S, marine corj.s; able-bodied, iinoiar rled men, between the ages of 21 anil 35 years, who aro citizens of th-' United States, or have legally de ! clnred their Intention to become! such; must be from 5 feet 4 inches;. -The King dramati to 0 feet 1 inch in height; of good i prCFent 'The Cothon ebaracterannd able to speak, read1

and write English; jwy from $13 In 114 per month, rations, clothing anu raedlcal attendance free; promo- tion sure to worthy men; peoslot. fcr long service and tor disability Apply at 98 Court St., Boston, ot *i Merrlmack St., Lowell. Mass.

Bid ill Belknar


. company wll King' on, Batur

l;f\' aftenrooii inst'ti.l *if the 'The Tw Orphans' u- {irevtously announced.


.WANTED—Enterwislng man, small capltsl, to investigate good luel- nc»s chance. Call srJ!»4. Common street, H. W, Cnverly, Mgr., 7 to 0

n p. m. ref(, H.

nY afte

WANTED-A boy H or aiie. .Vpply at Kelley Broadway.


JJOST—A purse containing a sum ol money. Liberal reward will be paid oh returning same t-o this ofllce.

LOST—Friday night, a olark monkey ntnff~on ear leaving Methuen at o'clock tor No. Andover. Return t IS Hummer street. Abdover, Mass and receive reward.

In the po;;l tournament at the Youngj Men* Catholic a-soiiatioil the ^ollow-l Ing rrte'nibers have' qualified^ David O. Connell. John'fiibl>on"s. Frank Ken-! nedy, 1'hll' Illlfrirh. Ellcene McAu liffe, iMward O. Brieti, .leromo Keti nelly. Michael McAUMffe, James Fin-I negaa. Thonui.s Keegan, lositih Dta

i ley. Wlllnm Moloney and Kdwan ""'" '""'titirtv.' i'lie contest will ploaft aatur

ii y<'"'3 tii *>» evening and the, semi-finals '.villi urns., Hi |,0 u^n-ied Monday night. Three salt

'aide prices are offered for the winners. ' I The board of tlireetn^s will meet to-

night. Carpenter.'- are at work .repairiti:- .

th" nailer and new furniture W4l j soon be put-chased for that room. . j

ln-epll Oairy.r the' we|{ known, plumber, starts next week to put TnT

jtjtw.T-new needle bathe, and when they ■ are tlnls'ned the association will have

the finri liathing facilities In the 'city.

where there is the most likelihood peril and to I' signals sent by tin Marconi system or wireless te-leg- rapliy vehenwer there la any danget 0* a storm. The sileccssntl manner, m which the Marconi system worked duelttg ri.e international yacht race- has satisfied Mr. Hamilton thut. It ma-, be relied upon to do good service In connection with his imovs—N v


The Piano Fixture. .People who are bothered by a,vount,

musician practicing on the piano mai be somewhat consoled by a knowi edge of some of the many devices which have recently been patented for is. m , of sm.h students. Recently an apparatus closely resembling a thumb screw was put on the market and was endorsed by some music teachers as calculated to greatly increase the leach of piano players.. Now a piano player's harness Is given to the world with equally strong endorsements. It Is Intended to prevent pupils from dropping the wrists too low and Is fit led with handcuffs and an tnljusiabli strap, which passes over the shou'l aera. While sustaining tlic hands In the proper position for" fingering n,, keys of a piano It Is yielding to a stir nt extent to permit the hand tc reach all the octaves of the keyboard

l.e "oinnflind at lie \ar or Orang■■ nivrr. \s the telly Tctegra,,h savs 1 General French seems te be in a jioal tlon ot a infl'n having a tiger cat in

' tran and unable to kill it for wnn lot' n stirk.

A .despatch from Hover Farur 1 nottnecs that Lett. c. !.. i'ifciier retnrned there .,af.dy from Doliglasa

Since cormthdaTit General Jouhert' return to the front the cannonade o I.adysmitb -by the lloers baa' beet

| much livelier. Between Dec. 18 and Dec. 2^. four shells hilled one office and 1." men ami wvunOed thirteen ofli eers and eleven men. f Among the anneuncements of thos yrho volunteered yesterday appear th names of a hundred or more son o gentlemen. Many of these are Scotch The papers comment upon the fact -that in view

four men should entitle them to b. ailed the "Four Flushes." j- Lawrenece will play at Taunt on' tn-

n'ght and. will jump from here to Fall ilver where they play Friday night.


•y along -with! „£„,,£ ^^XwZ £ Tl "than stay nt the Olubp.

All parts of England and Scotland roiioi't lively voluntwrinff, a leatllnR feature bcintr the sumn raised by prl- • aie lUbMajpUon for volunteer equip f mont. Some ot the countries haiel'

. Riven sums as high as 80,900 pounds f j \\ is computed that the provinces havel alreadv ralspd nearly '.00.000 oound


WKSTERN DIVlSfON. TRATN'S l.KAVK NOKTI t r.AWRRN'T for BOaton—*.*), 7.28. »* 7,M( 7JS6, 8.0T i-x

S.fil ok, U.IKJ, y.^S ex, i«").JO ex. \0.55, 11.55 ex a. m.r 12.^,'J.fx), ^.M. S.2^ rx

AM, E.3S, C.30 ev^K ... in.; fronI" Somli ltopot, 7.08 tti-'m.

Pur J^uweU*-^i). s.flj, j.flfl, in to. jfl.BB a m.;l;!.;SV 2.30, 3,W, tM, ■>■)'. c.-.'u n.2-2 p m»; from South Uennt. 7.OS p. in.

Tor Andovor-6.40. 7.2B, T.30, T.'^&JB' n.oo, lu.Ki, JO.G;», 11.55 ;i,. w^-ff^JTtTiyi

,30, aJXL 9.S5JU,--W fTom Hou'.h Depot

rjwarnill-^c.E), 7.42. «,07, 9.00. 10.a U.J5 a. m.; 12.40. ].&0, "J.OO, 4.C0. *.4J 5.:i5. 5.40, ti.a), w.35 n. m.; 12.10 a. m From Sopth Depu.--rf.fl3, 7.4S, 8.2i 9.JJ 10.(8, 11.H n. m.; 12.50. 2.00. ^.in, 4.U 1.54, C.5ii, G.42, 7.00, 8.01, 10.30 *». m tt.UU U. 111 or Exyier, Dover. Hnmernwonh. Well Kennebunk. Biddeford, Saoo. Old O- chard and Portland—f.53, 8.07, 9.00 e* a. m.;- I.JO, 1.45, ', p. ni.

t'Vr Georgetown, NtWDurypuri, t".t,llHbu. and Portamouth—7.42 a. m.; 12.40, 3 ■ 4.45. K.70f). m. or Exeter/Dover, No. Berwicr., Kenn. bunk, Btudeford, Snco, Old Orchui and ror,l;iiut—C.53. 8.07, 9.00 n. m 1.50, 4.45 p. m.

Kor Merrlmac and Newton—4.63. « ■•! (P.; 12.40, 4.03; r,.;;;. p. ni

for Salem, Mans,, and Lynn—i\45. I.l:> a. ni.; 1.02, €.00 p. in.

For Manchester and Concord, N H 8.37 a. in.; 1.17, 3.44, 5.06 p. m

For Penncook, Franklin, Lebanon an White River Junction—8.S7, a. m.; 3.4 0.05 p. m. ■11 Warner, Bradford. Sutfjip'-e, ,iort IN. H..I Clarcmont nnd ".'li Junction—1.17 p. m


Jackets and Capes Is Still On

VOUIl INCOME Is o: less Important than what YOU SAVE Vnylng-gAods hert1.

Half rrioa Is what garmonts now.

we tell yon on

Jackets worth 5.98 Now $2.98

Jackets Jackets


8.98 10,98 15.00

2.98' 6,98

U.50 15.00

$4.98 $5,98 $7.98 $1.25 $3,49 $6.98 $7.98

T^ ♦ while London la raising 120,000 pound •»•»•• — »•»<»<»»♦»»<♦ (for the city corps:

(Frnm the Run.) -low~*>u4«ftr la„ii£fL!-. |n some nffainfl Jtfi

bear a* lazy heart i


ml <Jfl not Go'vernor Dowker colopv, u. O P oh tl.e goal because we P., conducted an ■entertainment "and

,mnn.'. Ret a «tart. I^ance jn Pngrim iiall Vast T otner matter- much too swift to ac^TTao Rroadwav

tion do we hop And perjiWr

Ashland nnd Plymouth—S.37 a. 1.17, 3.44. 6.05 p. in.

t-'or Lisbon, Littleton, (Vhiteileld Lancai^ ter, Jefferson nnd Fab>.in's-'-5.l7 a. in

For St. Johnsbcry, Lyndonvtue an< bherbrooks via WnUe River Junction 8.37 a. m.; 4,05 p. m.

-P«r-Mo»ti*«U«ir^JE:iatia JiinfitieD, .J3u.lli, iun, Bt. AioanB and Binntrfl via T* *~~ line—8,37 „. m.; C.05 p. m

.i-'c-r Miintreal ami Quebec, via- \l.■•.(■ and Boston air line—8.51 i m . ■>

eveoing. Comedy company fur-

rlshed \hn entrrtalnment. the various For Quebec, via White River Junctlon- ... -I iiiRhtiul bulls I,- numbers of whlcn were given by Jerrv «-«7 i m;. r,.o» D m.

cauTO- we connot atop. i y ,1,-rv o'Hrien noberr MC\iiimer LBAVE BOTJTK LAWRENCE.

wal ! i iting today abonU how. momho'E romnri=o,t th. 7™L ,. ,!F»' stations between E«ter ana North

*» ^4^&S?^n^ir^un^ rST"* iM " "*!.** ..':.* Coa/I*. librae flraicuen, David Gihson- ^r l-»<»ver. North Derwick. kennebunk ami T. r. Cottor.

_._ _ -w \ Iti'frfthitents wore served at Inter- -,. , , .... I mlaslon; it is -ml that Iticliiii-1 lUirdiiin1


tir-r- 'Ol that t are.'

-I'( teeiw tbeM so thin Ser than they really

IflST Oil STOLES—At So. U« renre Depot on Saturday night. Dec as, a large h-ather pockctlKiok. eon talnlng three Cil di»chargea from th United States army, a pension vottei or and eertlfieate. nlBo a pass Iron t<owell to Iliddeford nnd return 1 favor of R. V. Charters and wife, th finder will tie rewarded by retumin !mme to thia OWee, or 112 Congres atreet, Ixiwell. Massja


BOARDING ffll LVERY Beat la Lawrence - Iloraei plaead In

our ihaiK' receive the bent cara aad »dt»a *iv <*ets.aj«H -)a»m;«9i) pam In tirfect coadltlon-narrlaga alwayi clean.

We aim to have .11 team, kept at our stable a credit to ourselves and the owner*.


'J.'r Wheu vta want u One horse and StBllall ."nifortabU- -arrtag? you'll

tws,- nun then at < . ftflNNKV S tHAHLBT

f«i COMMON- art«■•:

si.uu.ii mumi; DOWN.

A large farm Bi-igli broke down jrel terdny noon on. Bradford street a»ai Fiankiin. The ' runner, a'n old on., gave way and tile load was let down on on.' side. Tin1 owner a man named) Perk, repaired it up BO that convey-! afte* w-is 1.1011 resumed to Salem depot K. II.


Come everj hodv to the fifth anniu ' Highland Club Minstrels. Entlrly

new, wondrously novel and refresh- ing, Cty hall, Jan. 1". Dancing afte the show.

The Theory of Hearing. j' In tliu' Physiological Section of th. , British Association Dr. Albert f:ra% 1 MIlasnijjBAiiread a.paper on "The Th,- i UPV of llosrlna" Uln xlaw „r it. fTlnT. i lion of the cochlea, as set forth In his ! liaper. is like that of Helmholtz. that

sound is analyzed lutojts almple con stltitent tones by the basllur mem Urane. Tho result of this analvsi-i is that variations in pressure on "tin uorve terminations will occur, nn.i that these pressure variations are analyzed in the central nervous system, in support of the theory he puts forward lie cited the close analogy whk:h It shows between the aense of hawing and that of touch. It further explain:, the existence "of noise as distinguished from musical sounds, and the fact l Ittit under certain clreumstam-es the ear is able to perceive differences of pliuavK.- -London Daily News.

'avis aeked-a college chap to mov. to another table In a New Ycrk eaie to »nabl,. Davis and his companion to altl agrtltor. When-iiri'iiiK Mr. Davis ap- iraached tho kind y-iuth": saying 'No tlcalil it will Interest you to learn to whom your ruitrt'.r.y w;is extended. I am Richard Harding Davis, and mj 'Hi ml Is Charles Dana Gibson:' 'Very: good:' replied the youth. 'It will: 'niibtle--*. please you to learn who ex-:

tended the cairtcsrt 1 alt the Prim- I of Wales and my/friend here, 'is the] Emperor of Germany!'

nap How would you liko to be the man

With a tlellth, and linve all the pretty tfrls beaming on vou,>

». at K It is possible that sik may becom. ,

an article entirely domestic in evciv *tep. Professor Carl llraun, of Ban-, gor. Me., Intends to experiment on n silkworm fnnn. and has ordered laO,-; I)IHI eggs frnm Japan, the worm's to h. ' fed on oak leaves. ■ m

No mnltar halt fciflllhT a hllnj man may MI in be never looks well.

« ■- * TUB Atlantic has collected a few

necimens ot the hymns our grand- 1 fathers and grandmothers used to

slug in aultl lang syne. They are not particularly cheering in their tenor, and the most of them would lead one I to suppose that our forefathers w.e.v rath, i- blood thirsty creatures. Here arc two verses from different hymns: Imagine the.fathers and their gooi wives gathered in the New England mtetiug house, trolling fortlt such spiritual songs" as these: Then blooming friends a long fare


District Deputy Annie Olnncv of East Poston. assisted hv Edwanl'l.ln- cnln. installed' Hfo newly elected ofll c-i-rs of Maty Ohllton colony, |f, O. P I'-. til Pilgrim hull last night, the ex- ercises being followed by a turkey slipper.


I-eon Viqcent delivered the third in the aeries of lectures on novelists al (•nice church chapel last night. Wil- liam Dean llowells was the subject ol Mr. Vincent's lecture which dealt in an interesting way with the life wri'- mgs of the famous writer.

Hero, old Orchnrit Portland—7.1 8.28. 9.11 n. m.: 'J.00, 4.56 p. m.

The 9.11 train coniUMit. tor all Station on the Maine Centeal aniLGxanil Trun' at Portland. , 1M p. m. train con nects with tna Maine Central R It at Portland for Lewiston. Watervtll- nnd way stations

Kor North Conway nnd way statlons- ti.ll a. m.: 2.00 p. m.

Knr Wolrnoro-9.11 a. m.; 4. Eff o. m. For Patiyan's—s.ll a, m.: z.rjo p. m.

SUNDAY TRAINS. For Boston unu way stations—7.2fi, 8.ii

a. m.; 12.10, r,.;J5, U-tfJ p. m.; from Soutl l>pol-4.20, 7.S7 ex., 7.4S p. m.

For Lowell—, a. m.: 12.10. 5.85 from South Deput-4.20, 7.4i

ror Havorhlll—12.10 a. m. 12.54, 3.20, ti.35, 8.25 p. m.

i.*or Mancheter, N. II.—9.20 a. m.; 1.0: 7.03 p. m. .

SOUTHERN DIVISION. For Boston—fi.30, 7.S5. a. m.; 12.00,

A Clearing out nf all Blankets and Comforters Before stock Taking. They mist be turned into Cash at once. 'noil Blankets for 2ae~ xtrtt Ones .4Kc

"xtru Large Ones jdc '1-4 All Wool Blankets always sold "or J3.»8"now Jl.ita.

- -H-4-AU Wool Blankets never sold less 'han $.4.98 nov.'«2.98.

A leader In a comforter for 98o. You cannot match It for less than |1,49. Only a few left. 11.98 Comforters now. $1.2a >2.9t> Comforters now SI.98 ^98 Comforters now 12.49

Barga!naTn~LadTeT"aiitl OenH"TTS"-" derwear all this week at


48 p. m. 9.00 a.


SMOKE + af •*


Mi la by 5 CENTS. Alnsworth 4% 3alncJr*

in. 735


11.15 12.00


The dmcers of Calanthe temple Kut.hbone sistere were/ installed last evening by District ISeputv Mrs. Mar- Peck. A supper followed the Installa tlon exerclsea1.



A Provident Requirement, ■rtnuny has a law, which has hem

We're bound to heaven, but' you ti hell;

Still (lod may hear us while we pray. And ihtinge you ere the burning day.'

NOTWITHSTANDING A change in drivers Ihe Townsend Laundry Co.," is doing laundry work In a first class manner. A trial wll convince ym th&. our family washin? cannot be excelled. ?_*.isend Latin-.: ■ Co.. 321-327 Methuen st. a-t. 6t

Ralson Shoes are the best shoe. made for the prce, $4. and an1 watet proof. T. J. Whlttredge, 180 Essex street. , /

Iu force lor ten years, which requires that every man with an Income of $7511 or over must insure his life against sickness and old age. The number of people, thus Insured WIN re- ported last year at ll.200.00ll. As fur as can be Mad conditions of health liaic had little to do with ability to secure the insurance; The inaurance companies seem to have fottnd it a matter of economy to adopt proven live measures, and have erected a great sanitarium for the treatment of their sick.

We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not ba 'cured by Hall's Catarrh


E. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo,' Tt

We, the undersigned, have known E. J. Cheney for the last 15 j>art;

and believe him perfectly honorsbl in all business transactions anl financially able to carry out any ob-

ligations made hy their firm. WEST 6 TRA11X, Wholsile Drug-

gists, Tcledo, O. WALIJING, K1NNAN ,t MARVIN

Whclesalo Druggists, Toledo, 0- .- Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in

ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of II.-

system. Price 75c. per bottle. Slid by all Druggists. Test'moulals free.

Hall's Family Pills are. tho best.

For Woburn—6.30, p. m.

For Lowell—7.35. 4.55, 0.45 p. in.

for Snlem, Mass—7.31 a. in.: 4.56 p. m ,-'or Ayer Junction and way. stations-

It.15 >\. m.; 4.55 p. m. For Folerboro. tire.?nnelo, Bennlngtoi,

Illltsboro and Kei-ne—5.30 a. m. For Greenfield. Amherst, Milford an.-

Wilton—S.30 a. m.: ^!M 4.55 p. m. For Nashua-4U0. '1.15 a: m.. W.OO. 4.™


PATENTS GUARANTEED sketch ami dtscripliou of auy invention wlli liroinptly receive our opiniou free concerniuic the i«iteutalnlity of mine. "How to Obtain a FHU'iit " sent uiwii request. Patent.1 aecureii tiiroiiRh tis advertised lor «ale it our expense.

Talents taken out through us receive aiweial no^tv, without charge, hi THE PATBNT RIX-OKU. au illustrated and widely circulated Journal, consulted by Manufacturer! and Investor*.

Scud lor natuple copy MKI. Address,

VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. {Patent Attorneys,!

Evans Building, WASHINGTON, O. C.



-■' 'i :"•;,- I-'II «ji .Ifufai;

LILLfAN II JEWEII i!0 H.ilniu At


CANTOR J A icri/i:j:'; v-dC'iio-tu.

.liviMffat aaKAlv:^ Bough'

Sun Would Soon Consume Ui. It is estimated that the earth re

reives not more than ,one thousand- milllonth part of the total radiation or the sun's rays If any considerable I the hose and played on a piano, portion of tins heat was concentrated | upon tlic earth It would not be only uninhabitable, but become speedily ' ooarfuatted. .*"

And lie It observed, this "burning day'", to tliem was- something as definite as washing day. This was was none of your vague purgatorial way stations, but as 1'ter.y a pit of tor- ment as the Imagination can well conceive. Here Is a glimpse of it: 'Hark, the shrill outcries of the guilt

wretches! Lively bright horror and amazing an-

Sllisll, Stare through their eyelids, while th.

living worm lies Gnawing within them."

, ... Hin An astonishing incident occurred

during :t recent fire in a piano ware- room. A fireman who had no pre., A genuine garment sal. vlous knowledge of music picked up garments to close out the

Shoes. Do you have troulhe to get n shoe to nt? If so have apatr of Ralston Health Shoes made to meas- ure, only J4. and a sure fit redgo, 1PC Easex streett.



! RT HE SAY I le.'ve used Elv'j. "- -■ ■ Crouin Pilm for cntaiTh and car r.„, T„J. .. ^ thnvonciily recommend i: tor what Ii Great Trade In Canes. .„. - viu: . Verv truly, JM- , II. w

■ The Congo region exports about 1- Hathaway, Elbjnb li N. X. OOO.DIIII walking sUcki a yms. r^-- ' IftHSn 1-- i ream Oalmjahd tn

ui t', tarrh. 11 i - !,!i j . ■ ,.-, n

of latlleaj reniaindiM.

of n winter stock. Many would carry oier tiiere goods, and no doubt nintii* would buy l hem at higher prices, bnl fact la Robinson thinks It best to make a low price and sell tbem now. Per- haps he is ritrlit. anyway the price, are l-.w enough so that ttie gtMriti v.ui ^'11 nnd If he loses the public needii' mind. TIP, Essex street.

256 ESSEX ST mi Program for Week of JAN ARY ». 1Q To open \yith a lireat FirBt Part with e-J combination of all the ladies and

chorus girls voices. DON'T MISS IT.

MISS VIOLET HILSON. Singer and Dancer.


TWO C.REAT RURKE SISTERS. Who sings Coon Songs. Hnek nnd Wing


Queen of Dancern. MR. HILLY LYONS.

Th'tr World's Greatest Female Imper- sonator barring none. Seven yoars

with Clci-obin's Minstrels. MARION and PEARL.

I .acrobats Without an Equal, ffonclude with Funny Afterpiece.

Doors Open at I. 30 pm. and 7,30 p.m. ADMISSION 5 Cents

CURE YOURSELF ! !/*> llii;€J for unnatural

diicliaiet'i.lutliiuiiuatloiiN. irriutinim ur uleeratuuia

• Tk'lurr. I'l III II i ii II H Iln'illlir4lli-f jf^nnni^o. I'alnlrtw, nuil nut ••trla-

iEEw..-sCHEIIIWLCo. •*»; Draiflsu.

or Mut (u plain wrapper,, ur a iMittina, Sf.w.

F.T.Kidd LOCKsnirn an<r BKLL MANQr-.R.



• eiephnne el0 ,,f |

•••>♦« ♦ ♦

, \J l\«tea» tlon from a Seal sacque to a slelghrobe made to order, redyed altered to prevailing fashion and repaired Improved facilities for tuning out fine work. Avoid Jhe rush later, and bring your work In now, Insuring closer attention. HERMAN R1KPERT, Practical Furrier Open evenings, Wl Bases street. Raw skins bought




..,ys 2 to-1 p. -n. 7 to J i ,m.

.. 3uars taiL /

T^/*/ /*d££', OASTOH1A.

hem ti., ^y 11* Kind Voa Han llm»s BcwK


, i . 1- !■ 1 ItraJOP 1'. H. Vol.

le 1 .\ , 'I'MI., Iliiilal.;, N. V

IOI irritate o. ( UtUK l|U| Rr>M iv ffrutcfelstfi at r.u nr HI Ml.] 'i ""iWy lirnthrrv m

n n Sr vr Xaw- Voik.

ne.--rW:f '.teniti .^Itt kin u- ,- l»ia;-i ijnnr

'''■'*5-~<^2gS .'lIEItWfv.j PUKcl

K'Y Ift YSA.-J-OLD Ntl i c s.

,tVB w.

FOR SALE A Boarding House ef U rooma

■ounectlons, dining room, large and "iry, eltuated on a ptomlncnt enrnsi ■ear Essea street, where a good tran- debt trade Is done all the year round.

for acceptable Idea*. State If patented.

THE PATENT RECORD, , Baltimore, all

the I'ATEIfT Hu-OHD tltiO . buniples free.

^.♦^♦.jj.*. I .♦. j.e>, ^♦^♦^.e>

t "Removal Notice J f BATI.KY ami CHASE ? 4, CONCRln'EKS, jf 4 1 lave removal their oftico to *^ + . 265 Ilavcrhill Street. %


When you ask for a Porous Plaster insist on having


♦ Heading, ♦ I'arty

day schaol. the following order of exercised watt very creditably carried out at the Christmas concert, Sunday evening, in the Congregational church. Organ voluntary. , singing. Ohrfstinns Snug Fanner

• Choir. • rteeltation. Welcome

• Mason Kent. Heoltutl.on, Chriatinas Greeting .... '•

l.illa Hamilton. Song. Christinas Greeting

School. Scripture lesson umSjirnyer. Singing, Holy Nighfffll. Adam

CholrT Recitation, What December Says

Harriet Hadley. Recitation. The, Day of l'eaco

Clarlbel Hunnon. Recitation. Jeans Our Pattern

. - Grace Hayes, flinging. Out from the Shadows....

Semi-chorus and school. Recita..,n, The Little Stranger

. Kalph R.okes. , . Recitation. Where the Light Shtnes.

Winnie Stowers.


Alderman A. A. Caffrey. who was jelootd an overseer of, the poor in I-aw- Kance, Monday, formerly l^sidml In the, ll'iirisli.

January is devoted to the l.oiy [childhood in the Cntholic church.

Pnrnary claew. Aunt Deborah's Christmas


The Most Important Organs

in the Human Body —

They Throw Out AH


Swamp-Root Cures Weak Kidneys

, Albert Currier ant Roland A. Pree^, colt attended th" ruld-wlnter reunion

[of the Methnen High School Alumni y. association, Thursday evening.

j The narrlMC W William P. McQuea- I tlou ami Miss Kdlth M. Urown. until

recently u teacher at the River school, will lake place Monday evening, Jan Hh, at the home of the brides par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Urown tr/-Vtne street, Gloucester. The resi ilcnre of the prospective couple will be on Stonlngton street in the house re- cently ofiMiJrtetl'hy Alfred 11. W4glan.1l

"and family.

Miss Ilosmer. Song, Night of Nights ..Van de Water

Andrew Gibson. Recitation. In the Field With Their

Flocks Bother Greenwood.

Recitation. Like Silver Lamps' Lillian McPhereon.

Recitation. I^ong Ago on »/nristmas, Charlotto Godfrey.

s. Wls Henry WHIard Soil. There's ^Wonjleilul War. l)r hit Mleglinny. Ha., have issued cards [for, the marriage of their daughter:

Alice, to John Hamilton Morco, of the |('elilre,'jn Thursday, Jan. llth.

Mayor Rbtpsra of Lynn, has nap- ipnjnt'.d Joseph M. Rusr.ell. formerly

this town, j! patrolman.

Address - Charles T. Woodbury.

Song. O, Christmas Rclls.RIng Out, School.

Missionary .offering. Song, O. Night of Holy Wonder —

School. Prayer and benediction.

Week of prayer services begin at th |M' ibocli.-t


Contractor Thomas Dixon oT l*W" . hurill SuniNiy evening. rom.e \B to erect a 2 1-2 story cottage each night except Sattrr- for p. Ryan at the corner of Main

7 '!(; o'clock

r Meserve tic Mice hours at th"

no as nr.ual—Wed -

* Collector Aiosl will continue, Ilia oft",

■'linen's office sami .idays 1 to » p. m.. and Fridays, 7

to </W p. m.r-unlil further r.'i'icc.

Hi, hard I.oyndi, y card. sr'K'r fur Maiis and Furlier Naeaina SUSP

Jliny. has resigned his position, and U !.-> leave town.

and Davis streets. The building i which Wm cover a finely located site

is to be occupied hy the nw.'.cr, whe Intends to rent Hie house he now live,; in on Davis street.

D. W. Carney'tias resumed his dn lies as superintendent of the Stanilan Oil company after a few daya' 111

'near. —

i Miss Mary Mackie returned to Bos- ton, today, after a visit at her home,

1 corner of Maple avenue and Secono 'I lie snow storm caused a postpone

umi of liraiU'tivet colony's annual street. ting, to Monday evening, Jan. 1(1.1 c A ,„„,,„„ anrt ramily have re-

B. Searle and CoTnf Ijtwrence have'moved lo Sa!em.__ iiccn awarded -the contract for bullillivr,; Tlck(,tB (r„. Uu, coming Illustrated SI.. F. Campbell's new mill. [lecture, concert arid ball, by the iJtw-

'—— Jrence Caledonian club and Clan Mc- ' .lohn O'nrlen. Jr.. of t lovolaiul ph0.v9OTlp No. so, O. S. C. at city

street, has accepted the position or h .j i^vrcnce, are fur sale by .lame* ^^irr!rrTTTmw.r~Ttnrc*,-H^^ —,—.—. entered upon his duties.

I Edward Montgomery, a young man The democratic town committee has Pmp|OVcd in the foundry, took a <imui-

I'Knnlirti with the choice of Attorney uty 0f carbolic acid by mistake Satur- irthur P. Chlekertng as chairman. c|„j., instead of some medicine for a i' J Casev secretarv, and Danlrl 1 ,throat trouble. Quickly realizing tic i.roS^n treasurer. danger he was In. he ran to a ,lrn. llrogan. i.res»..iei^ | alore. where antidotes were taken, at-

Rtv. Fr. Eugene A. Carney of Mar'- ter which a phy ' hoio recently appointed ret an assist- sought ant to M\- Fr. McMnnus. offered suits,

at the lirauguratton ceremonies

Does your backache? T)o you have palhs across your kid-

neys? Is your complexion chalky, gmy.

will to" -.' Is your skin dry or feverish? Are

there puffy bags beaneath your eyes? Are-your eyes dull, listless and dead-

locking" ... Arc you irritable and hard to please? Do you reel as though you have

heart trouble. Do yort have to urinate several times

in the nlghl? Is there ever, a scald- inir, harming senatlon there?

no you feel the'destre Immediately to initiate again, with no result.

Is your urine clouded, thick or milky9 —

Is there any sediment or do parti- cles float in li?

Don't neglect these conditions, and It they or any part of tbcm are yours, Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, will he found Just the me^folne yon need.

Here's o simple test for the kidneys. lu.,1 iiH certain as though a physician were in personal atendance on .your eaftoi Pour ^ome of your moaning urine in a glass or bottle and allow It to stand twenty-four hours. Then hold it up to the light, and If It If thick or milky, or if small particles loot,about In it, don.t haaltata tor a moment, but write at once to Dr. KiljiK i & Co.. mention the l.awrcnof Weekly American, immediately begin using the sample of Swamp-Root which vou will receive at once, absolutely free by mail. The results w|!| surprise yen.

Bjvamp-Rool is purely vegetable, plca-dng ta take, and is for sale h> druggists everywhere iu bottles of wo si7cs and two prices—fifty cent! mil one-dollar. Hear in mind the name, Swamp-Root, and the address, Blughamton, N. Y.

Dr. Morrlll attended the dinner given by the Massaeliusetta Union of Knights Templar committee to li.. members at the Parker house, Boston, Thursday evening.

idtutz Von Weber Mr*. Rundlett.

Mixed Quartet. O. for the Wings of a Dove Mendelssohn

- .Urs Rundlett, Miss Sargent, I PflK. rhrttcrwortli. Dr. Smith.

«i ■

ian's aid ' He sustained no serious

prayer in that city. Monda> .

Judge Five attended the- banquet land annual'meeting of the Essex Re ' publican club at the Parker house

Boston, Saturday afternoon. Ho was re-elected vice president,of the organ Ization. *

lteorfiise of the irclcment weather, tboAttendnnce at the special town meeting, Monday evening, was light.

When the meeting was called to or- iM, put :io persons were present, an.I only a few voters dropped in after- wards.

• P. J. Casey and John'R. Le»i» vere appointed tellers and counters.

On motion of Mr. Casey the town clerk was Instructed to cast one lial- ],,i for Attorney Arthur P. ('.flicker- ing for moderator..

Action was next taken on Article 2. reading as follows: ■ ' ,

Article 2. To see If the town will Anth,.,., vote to nc-ept the pi ovlslons of section Hecltation Ethel Duneo

1', chapter Gi8 of the acts of lS9s, H(.3noriaive reading said section reading as follows: 'la rteeltation

'tow I" which vote to accept the provls- Recitation .. Ions' of this section or have voted to singing. The accent the corresponding provisions Kxercise ... ol earlier' laws, there ahall be elected Recitation .. it li," annual town meeting In each Singing No Room for the K v, ar or until such acceptance la re yoked by the town at an annual meet

The Christmas concert, Sunday eve- ning In the Methodist eliurcli, KOI In charge of Assistant Superintendent of the Sunday school. J. N. Wagner. The program, which follows, was an excellent one: ^ Voluntary. Anthem by choir. Singing, Sweet Christmas Times....

School. Prayer Pas,or


School ...... Scott Pan'.

. Mabel Malthcsoi Men and the Stai

. Primary dept. Olephia Srilltl

At. the recent meeting of the Grange the following report waa unanimously accepted:

Worthy Master: Your committee appointed to present resolutions on the death of Brother WilllaniB, most res- pectfully present the following:

That, since he has been a member ef our order, he has taker) a deep in terest and has been an earnest worker In our cause, and his modesty and genial temperament endeared him to all our member*.

May we emulate his virtues and cherish his memory, -therefore

Resolved, That, In the denthv of our brother, George S. Wllllama, we real- ize the loss sustained by our Grange, and w'e deeply sympathl/c with Sister Williams and hor family.

Kesolvod, That this preamble.and rejoin!ions bo spread upon the records of this Grange and a copy sent to the family of our deceased brother.



Among those who have been given a place on the honor list for the fall term at Phillips, Andover, Is Joseph Klttredge Elliot, P. S. 1900.

George G. Davis was re-elected a director of the Hide and leather bank, Boston, at the annual meeting Tilcsd'tv.

Mrs. Wiggin, wife of Rev. G. O. Wiggin, and daughter. Velna, ul Hampton. N. H.,<ire guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Watts. Watei street.

A. M. Farrles haa purchased the lues Stetson place In West Boxford and moved thereon with his family.

Moses Pearson, with whom many of the older people of North Andover were acquainted, died In Brighton the ether day, after an illness of three weeks. He was 81 year* old. For a long time he was well known in the business section of Boston. He was the proprietor of a restaurant and later of a hotel on Friend street, and 'Mose' Pearson was a name which many a poor and needy man had good reason to remember. While his char- ities were large, his character was so peculiar that many will remember the latter side of his nature bCBt. He leaves o widow and three married daughters.

At the recent sessions of the pro- bate court. In Salem, administration was granted on the estate of Timothy J. Donovan. j

Rev. M. B. Pratt, pastor of the, Boston street church, was surprised the other afternoon to receive a call from an old friend of hlB. who had come all the way from Ijiwrence for the purpose of having Mr. Pratt marry him. The groom was James W. Phlnney, .« master build*!- of I-awrence, and the bride Mrs. Eliza W. Whittler. of North Andover. The ceremony was per- (ormed at 4 o'clock. * Mr. anil Mrs. Phlnney returned to North Andover atter the coremony and. will reside In that town.—Lynn Item.

A daughter watt born to Mr. and Mrs. John O. 1/irlng. Wednesday.

Mrs. Sarah Phelps has returned from Washington, V). C, whore she visited several months.

'Sylvia's Soldier' in to be played in Unitarian hall for the lioneM of Hi ' Charitable union.

At a recent meeting of the Middle- ton selectmen the board voted to ex- tend the time of completing the Mld- lletoit and Danvors street railroad to

July 1, lflOO, vrovid'ng the company would fulfil all previous engagements.

Electric cars will ran -to 1-A.wrfince and the Centre after the Burns anni- versary celebration and conveyancr will be furnished to Andover. . *

The regular meeting of the Neigh- borhood club was held at the house of Mrs. B. W. Farnuni,- Wednesday, «thi--w4th.-thtt-followlng_ Eiosram.. ol entertainment:

The Girls' Friendly next Monday evening Pariah house.

society In St.

meets Paul's


who ahall

Recitation Recitation Anthem . Recitation

Ings. Singing .. Recitation

lug. a highway surveyor hold his offico for one year, upon th election of riirh surveyor the offlce o. load commissioner- shall .terminate. I';,,,,, petition of V. It. Watts and others. ' 'T-lie entire number of votes caai

W;M 28, Uu count'showing ill yes an I (ifcjtatiot Sieging, I

i'here was no discussion of any kind Recitation whatever, and :'kbe meeting dissolved. Bxlrcisi havlttl been in session just 20 ralnut'o. Singing very likely one of the briefest town Roi


.Miss Grace Cheney Greta Llttledelr: Choli the Joyous Tld

Primary clas.- Maiiu Jacksot.

ilxcrrise Recitation


Singing.- Hing a Song ot-Ghidness. >lus Jenness clusi Marion Mattheror El,de Dimery bring you Good Tidings.

. .. Susie MrRridi Class No. T

Bethlehem Chlmfa. tatlon ..:...L... Selwyn Wagnc:

meetings ever hid.

President Jamrj P. Flynn. of tin Lawrence common council. Is a son ir-law of Joeeph H. l„lMere, and h l.-.s many friends in this town.

Rental k~ — I Offering. Singing. Hear

. Benediction.


the News.

, Rcr. Fr. .lolni M. Carne; 1 the young priests ordnin.'d

athcdial of tuo Holy Cross.

one of at the

n, Boston, No oveilim- work was done at R>« K?%dM has la-en sent by Arch-

Lavls and Furber machine company »|« ' w',,„,„„„ to nKg,st th(. Rev. Fr. v.crks Monday evening. |M T M(,Milmw. This assignment

is believed t ' The services at Str'Paul'a.-Sundas. were largely attended. In the morn- ing the mu deal portion was appro- priate to Christmas, and at night a choral service was held. Roth pro- grams wero admtmbly rendered un- der the leadership of Prof. Richard A. Redman.

be due to the fact tliat the Rev. Fr. Cronley will shortly leave for a well earned ■ vacation, which ..e will pass abroad.

It's Scrofula Contractor Costello Is building

ice house for Representative Poor Rlvervlew farm.

Mrs. Sarriuel Llgget Is home a a /visit to a.ynn.

Essay. Life of George Eliot, Miss H. F. Carleton.

Reading of poem, 0, May 1 Join the Choir Invincible.

Miss E. F. Carleton. Selection frgm Silas Marner.

Miss "I). M. Farnuni. The club will hold its next meeting

with Miss M. A. Berry. Jan. 10, pro- gram in charge of Miss B-, F. Carle- ton.

Roll call: Birthday Quotations.

' The last meeting of the board of inrliieers for the year was held Thurs-

'lay evening at the Kben Suttou house.

A literary aml'musiral entertainment will lie given Friday evening. Jan. 12, in Stevens hall, under the aus- liceo of class 1900, Johnson hjgh :ehool.

The annual meeting of the Indies' Benevolent society will take place place Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 10. at 3 o'clock, In the Congregational vestry. Every member is requested to attend. I . . ^.*-i

The, Burns club held a largely at- tended meeting Thursday evening President James M. Cralg in thi chair. The, hall looked finely in if profusion of~" decorations. Cohslder able business was transacted it business session, when two alpll lions for membership were rrcyived A very enjoyable social, with games and a collation, followed the minting the following program' being cdVricd out: Auto-harp solo ....."

Ralph F. Robinson. Song • — Hobert Law. \ Reading - • A

Mrs. Ihigald MePbatl. t Harmonica solo 1

Anderson Hamilton. Reading {

Miss Kate Tough. Remarks { John Dumas of a Minnesota HnrrJ.i

club. Kong ,

Mrs. David Crochet!. Auto-harp solo .>....,

. Charles H. Robinson. I Reading ■ \ '

Miss Tough. Song

Anderson Hamilton. The refreshments were provided by

President Cralg, in a pleasant remind- er to the ciuh thut he gratefully ap- preciates the kindly fisdlng constantly shown him by the members.

Miss Sadie Holland has. gone to spend the remainder of the winter with her relatives in West Pemhrtuke, Me

One member was elected and eight applications received at. the recent meeting of Rescue lodge. It was vote to adopt the credit system for enter lainmenl*.

The democrats will hold their cau- cuses in Stevens hall. Friday evening, Feb. 28.

Miss Annie Costello. of Main street, is the fortunate posepsor of the large dell on exhiblton at George A. Smltii'F

- '^roTcVWvr iirnBheriiT'rrg-tW. ~<Hie i>tp»- tvent to the holder of ticket No. 2" ■he owner at present unknown.

District Deputy Robert Hill and suite HI' to install the ofOcera elect of Wan .vlnet lodge next Wednesday evening A i^oHatloii will he served after the meeting.

Richard Monism y, coachman foi Mrs. George F,. Cttrwen. while light- ing a lamp on the premises the othei evening met with a painful accident , The ladder upon which he was stand- ,ng fell uiKbj he was rendered un- conscious for quite a while*

CAST0RIA Tlifi Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has boeo

iu use for over 30 years, Iiax borne the signature of i and lias been made under bis oer-

sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon In this*

All Counterfeits, Imitations mill ".Jiint-us-iroxl" are but Kxneruneuts that trifle with and enuangerthe health of "iilaiits and Children—Experience against Experiment.

What is CASTOR IA tiastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare* Kin ic Drops and Soothing Syrups; It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio sit) ..ncc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm* and allays Fcverisbness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rcl'cves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.


The Kind You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. Tilt CtltW.H COMMNV, TT MUHSM tTWtCT. -iCW ¥ft>H CITV. .


jrnr.E T.ILLEY

~)t Superior Owttlfi tr>

Flpwli Tins IU Hi'iiltli.


Juriffo Char!" S. Ulloy, nf howoll, han rpsi*n< cl frcm the bonch of th*- ™porior court. He is at preset hi ihe Hfluth, l)irt his resignation, tak- ing effect Doe. 30, i« in the hanrta of tlie Rovcrnov.

It ^'"fi'plven to Governor Wolcoit -•Gnw-tlme-aao. to take eiTeet Dee. 1fi. iuit at the requt-st of Ills -evcelleney was witlulruwn ul tlint time:-


You m&Y break, you may Shatter the automobill,

Put the- scent of the Rasotine Hangs round it still.

—Cleveland Plain Dealer.

amount qf money devoted to books, IEIOratories and educational faclltttati of alt kinds, is something unparalleled in th" history of the elvilized world.

It is a plensur beUa rina-

\i\ lienr the sleljfb-'

two (Mrt-'tlnr-rottertiriiis eKeorfd fldWfc

Mis3 Ida Jewett, a student at Bridco water Nurmal scnool, has returned to that institution after the vacation.

The feast committee selected hy the Crarse for the next meeting is .1. Hcn^y Nason, Oscar T. Young. John P. Clark, Miss Mattie J. Hayes. Mist Mary E. Towne, Miss Fannie K. Rea. Miss Ilnttle E. Rea.

Mips Harriet Condon has left towu for South Manchester, Conn., where fhe will rnt-fr at once upon her duties is tcaeher of drawing in the training school. Miss Condon leaves the Ips- wich schools rfgrett!d by all.-Ipswfcl '•el respondent Haleni (•azett^

'Th.imaa H". Gcaney is detained at his home, oh JMeasant street, hy 111'- n. .=s. j _".' '


Those little kernels in the neck! Has your child ever had them? You know some- times they swell, -become painful, soften, and end in a scar. Give such a child

just as soon as the kernel- appear. The little swell- ings will grow less and less and soon will disappear alto- gether. Contmue.theEnuil-

' Mon until the cliild has P*ood rifl waB basti1*' conveyed, to W hoW] Henner has returned from ""« UDUI me tnua nas fcuuu nearby ai)ri mw]ica, aU1 smmuorted.l

nesh and a healthy coloY.



"Matthi * H.' Cwrlpy from Wf <tl)iu(iU, Ke.

1 Miss AKnes Barty, of CairiTiridge visiting at John Nelson's residence m Pleasant street. , ,. ,"'

A number'of local Clansmen attend cd Um party, given by Clan McPher

Ijiwrcnr.., ThurHiUiy evenlhg":

All- rt \'>. Taylor and James v.itiii'HrWMl the McCoy-Maher in New York.

Mis<< Maria Goodbnt, the rocluw, who was burned to de;uh in Daiuers TursAay, had ivlativ.:; in this town.

ftfHw K.ithertne B./tttgWl rriuma CO Canrhrtrtge, Wcdnc-'day. to resume her fttudi-s r,i Rajleiiiti* eoilcge.

Henry L. "Ptielps is seriously :it II'IB hnmh at Marhlcridg.'.

South Carolina has a new income tax law which applies to all incomes of $2500 or more. The returns from ih^ej)J^c_t)on_pf Jhis tax are «ow 'all in. and they appear to indlcifro thnT the people of South Carolina are in an

Jailpe l.illcv has considered retiring nH(0nishing sum- of pnvrrtv. Borne from the bench for some time. His health lias not b^en of the belt, (MU there, is n*7 pecuniary reason why he -mould r-'niain in service longer liian he rieBii*es.

Judge t.illey is a democrat, and wns appointed by Gov. \yilliam IS RU;:holl.

He has represented l/iwcll in boili hrnnches of the state legislature. He was elected a member of the gover- nor's council In US4. and again wns lent t) the senate in ISsti. In 1SS! *,«■ rmitestcd for the seat in congress ;t the Sin dittriet with William A. Kussell. fit l*awrence. , He was rirfeat_ t-d In the congressional fight, bu reduced HusseH's plurality which 'n 1H79 wj»s 495.1, to 612, and In tin- councillor fight two years later. he reversed odds which had been against

IT immties reported no collections at all. Many other counties made re- turii; ( f fi-oiii jtl^ to $1JU, and in only can be used for any lire, from the base

'I'hr ICnglisli 'flngef jmrsc.' witli a strap Lhrough which the hand passes, has proved it*i right lo popularity by Itfcci ssiully re«lfjting a numlMT of at- tempts tq 'spatch' it duiiug holidays. A newer idea is the bracelet inns-, which consists of a padlocked Bracelet with stiung chain QjynJy attached tfi the. PUIT •.

the detnocratH to a victory.

for time immcmorb.1


'All,' said' (lie good old lady Who visiting the prisoners, 'how your

poor wife innsi weep when she thinks of you here!'. ■-

'Which one. ma'am?' ashed the eon vlcf"addressed. 'I'm lip for bigamy. -Philadelphia Ws-onl. .

The moat unhappy of all men is lie who believes himself to hen©.—Hume

X graphepbone party was held a 291 Broadway last evening. The en- tertainment consisted largely selections, classical and ragtime on Uie graphophone, under the llrection

Ichnel A. Dooley. A few songs Raymond Sanhorn were mttCQ

^eniSyeel. Ue fresh men ts wore served and' a very pleasant evening was passed by those present.


'ThcfiO dates appear to IK? new and fresh,' remarked the goat; '1 think I'll take some.' Thereupon he altaorbr-d

"* the 1900 calendar with groat gusto. or t..„,.!,„„„«

i | ihe gra negarf of Micr

eontestl *»*W b>-


Soiim people study all tluvir life, and tit their oeath they have learned every- thing except to think. —Domesqtte.

Unkind language Is sure to produco the fruit, of unkindneas—that Is, suf- fering in the bosom of. others.—Bant- ham.

.A novel fire-fighting apparattm Ih the gerv^ee of the San Francisco fire de- partment, and known as the Monitor nSttery, bears somewhat the "appear* ence of a sn.all <annojn mounted on Ctvo whAel?. It IH niiv vffecUve' suii- Rtitute for a water towgr, with thi* adii'd advantages that it can ba ob- eratcd in narrow streets or alleys, to not Impi M. (i >.; li. !i In .ul willi, and

in-nf. lip tu the;fjcmnh. floor- Front* point of economy, the iiHHchine ae-

i:i nt if HI, too. because . it re- Inn one man a-nd one horse.

.'■A n \\"ter towfit takes threy iri it tiid three horses to operate it. Hoie from ^i\ euRlnes may be concen- tratcd In the battery, and'the great force Of water is . asily handMI by the operator with a lever. The iotal welgnl of the battery'complete is l'iSO pounds, and, owing to it'; construction ; rd fiTe wrttefwey, n solid siream h* n.ri.wii ranging from 200 to 300 Wt; ;n i or4Mig to the pressure. At the Baldwin hotel fire two batteries kept t'ne blaze under eQntrol oi^the Market street side, showing their value in bases of large conflagrations. They have l-eeu* foand to he exceptionally useful alflfl, in lumber yanl fires.


I 111 Hie matter or ' ■ I At n roront. illnncr In New Yoi'k one M ol tho KpotohrrmluTK jokingly roni-'i DeWlvt C. I'pton, Bankrupt

I menlcil on prohibition in Maine, unit i K-Spenkef Rewl, whoso turn eanie ]

!°leii(leil bin olil home uKains'

In nanliriitcy, No. 2180.

lete Sni.t. N- E. Morton, of tho law

HS "haf ^oe,l""\w" m£m " nrrl"r:

On anil after Momlay. Ian. f. T^lui 10.3(1 p. m. rnr for Haverhlll will Tij

The rtoumlnliotit rlub IIOICIH IU nex' nioMliift nitlilMrn. H. M. Whitney at Sunnyslope Tuorday.

M;SK Hattle Stearns ami M UeBuamy were ehosen inomln' (liarltal'le union. Wtrlnesilay Vlnnio Cllman, MIHS Geor^le

RS Clara ■a lit the

Miss Hosmer

lie hold for operas



Walter Uviniraton. the ollleo boy nf Dr. Carleton. hail a narrow escape from sirloin- inliuy about 3 tfeJock yratenlay afternpon. At that hour he was drivInK the pliysiolan's li'irso. nt- taelied to u trip covered sleinll. down '

and MiiH Annie Osgood were in iharge! Common street toward* 1'jw"'"'"; of U.c .lifter and social. | «reet. At the tatter »trw •<'"'' '; 1 ' liiruinc the corner the runner »| tii'

TheoraeerseUe: it K»s« county To-' slelRb girt orajbl In thoatrMt "^^ n.onn Crangt were .li.talhd tmlay nl' traek» or the hoi* l.ocaniq r.Rb ton. rt U',-t Nowbuiv The sloiuli VOA «pp«l over and thu 11 ' ~Zr. horw tmlt«l ■ HP ■flonunoa rtrtft, :>a»t

lleo sUillou and towards Ames- MvlnKstrn waa thrown

out'fint-not Injured. Tlie hoi.,o was , eauglit r.n Methuon street at ilio e<Jl-

I. Violin solo— _•, \\„'.r nt ruuulnv. The slelcli w.n

To the creditors of IleWlrf C. Upton or I.ynn, In t!w county of Kmcx and iMstrlet aforesaid, banknipt:

Notice is hereby given that on Uu 2Mb ilny of December. A. D. 1899, ih« said fleWltt C. Upton waa duly ad- judicated a bankrupt, and that the flrtt meeting of his creditors will be lifld

Court Home. Saturday, the

l:tlh day of January. A. D. 1900, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend,

! prove their claimB, appoint a truitet. A Hartford (Conn.) fire Insuranr" ex'atoUve the bankrupt and tranwet mpany has purchased the house of such other busineea as may properir, •"' Imiay, in that city, which, [come before -■'■* """""'

ihlbition there.' He said that 'aim men-had lost all taste for liquor.

This remark was greeted with howls of derh.ltm and Barcaslic laughter; but Mr. Kocd never smiled.. 'The popular BilEtnke,' he added, 'is due to tho fact t hat whenever a New Yorker goes tolut. the New County Maine the hospitable people of that j in Salem. Mass., on sfate break the rule and give him drink ^nly to save his life.'

In that city, 1794. waa the first in this country he insured against destruction by

aid meeting. WILLIAM V. THOMPSON,

Referee in Bankruptcy- Lawrence, Maea., Jan. 3d. 1900.

The following program was lvntli red j the police «l al the':Musical club nioeling. Tuesday I tairy^BtreeU evening:

About 5tli was cleared from the twt. leoturcu held for tho benefit of thf .oihoson high seho<:'

Supt. K. K. Kdmunil.s. of Osgoo^ Hill farm, met with a singular ail'1

severe accident. Friday afternoon while ennervising some - wrlrTt alifnH Nathaniel Stevens' place. Ho had JUKI gqtten into a ilump cart., when th" body sprung upwards, the ottaehmeM TO the pole being unfastened. Mr. ICdmuntls was thrown against the barn with great force, and pinned there until released by a workman

Violin solo— Song without words. No. fl... i Mendelssohn |

Hungarian dance Arthur P. Chlckering.

Piano 8 hands— Trols MarehcH Herolques. Schubmj Saunders,' Stllllngs, Stevens and! Mr. Stevens.

Vocal solo— Her Nussbaum Schumann

Mr. Hassi II. Vocal Trio. 'Lift Thine Eyes,' from;

^Elijah ,. Mendelssohn Mrs. Rundlett, Mrs. ButterwOTHi

Miss Sanborn. Double quartet, 'He is Watching over Israel Mendelssohn Mrs. Rundlett. Miss Sanborn.

Mles Sargent. Mra. Butterwortb. ' I'rof. Butterwortb. Mr. Basaett

l>r. 8mlih. Mr. Wentworth. Vocal solo. 'O: Real In tho lxird.'

ner of Broadway, badly smai'hed.

Htx—Weeks seems to have lots of faith in hoino.'opitthy. doesn't he?

Di.\—Never saw anything to equal it. Why, last summer when he had an attack of hay fever lie married a grata widow.—Chicago News.

THKKK I. a certain •tyllfth ef-1 'tect about Mtlu^m made 1 from il»-se Celebrated Pat-1

\ tern* that I. net atuined by the I [ am of auy other pallet^*.



Comes from Dr. 1). Bv, rargllc. of Wnshltn. I. T. He writes:. "Four hotilcN nf Electric RRters baa cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her ptrent Hufferirfir for veal's. Terrible sores would break out ou her bend and face, and Ihe hestr-oocior.; could (jive ber n-^Ivlp; hni (ier (JUra I* complete and her health is excell- bnt." This shows what -Ibousand- have proved..—that IStoctrlc Birtcrs Is the be*t blood purifier known. It's y snprerae romwly* for eczema, tetter. r>- Halt, rheum, ulcers b-'Jils and runnlnr' '1

In the New York Rvenihp Post, of Jicc. :in, E. I-. Godkiti printed a seven column article of Personal reralnis- c-encpff, Urt-conoJudiog part of which is as follows*^^.

'ihe mass is yearly becoming more and more 0!fHou)t to move. The old art! of pofiuasloB are. 'already ceaslnR to be employed on it. Presidential pfectteM are less, and teu i-arrlexl by i.tthcrt ami article.*. The American.

I'fiple Is a lrss Instructed bO<ly than It died if, l-iv

and guMitig it in ojrder l^wflraci the iU? from- it is becoming pla^y. and t of thin n'T.'SMiiy DM ma4 RTBtein; irfefeti Is n

.= No-S«-*m-Allowance l^tternt.j ^5 Hive not in equal (or <nyle nnd ixrfcct | Ifi fit K»»y iu understand. Only 10 and \t, I r» ctK. uih nunr lnnhrr Rtild III neaity i "S r-vtTf liiy iral tnv.ii, IT hy mail. A«k loV j -6 thrtti. Got a ra^hion M.ert and we ou ^ iMlfW', Absuluielytheverrlatcnnylai .: A FREE PATTERN 3 of lie. .iwn t.e!eclina wilt be pirei •fi every Kul^cribcr to

rpgb the! ■ found In

horer. It stlinuhites and liowela. expels dlssetion. Imilils op

Mr-, where he visited Til.; r.'. "w.

Koekland, parents.

I'nder the direction of fleorge K. Ilnthorn, auperlntcndcnt of the .3un-

',oc. and It.oo, all druuyiie . SCOTT A BOWNE, Chtmls.s Ntv

Ills fare and nose wero badly bruised, and he rceeived n cut over tho left 1 eye, iieees lltotilil 'he taking of a:

immhei of ^tir :\< -. a

Miss Stnhoru. wane solo Tanze-i-ipricicn

'- Mr. Steven., \'o;lal io!o Mi ua l.ncl i.rayer'frori

laa^uelnaohn Only 50 cents. S"ld

liver, liMliiy- poisons, help: the stroiiRih.

T ;6Bn" J. For- . ,.esU Druggist.

*«••« tka ^A "™ ltil"' y-3 Hl« tlwfi

existence^ every where, h Rrowtng m< mid more poVerfitl and thus far i-1-'' •-i i<ii all attempts to bwertfjrQw. .At the BatiM' Ume k »aj say l,lil

pajj iiaKsn, Uie press and pulpit hayp hi fh de<tinrii.

. ! MI the other band, I thin!; the pron grcsa made i>y \h>- colleges thrmtgttmttl the "omitrv big or little, lieth iti the] Quality of the Instruction and ir


:fi biH iH^t fvv lady f.».*niUI take r^n-l - tutUul cotor«d pl»W»i Ul —

3lasTfaai[dr«tunaklNiMMontn:f* -E «ork hiunrhold him. , f K. .Stlb- , ;| nrtdKLlo-dM.ipr^w-nd y I ?.)■»"■ «cofy. r* l.a'h1 apfntt'^-anwl. . TSaaa. lur 1W*»». !

THE McCALU CO., EI38-U6 WMt-l«Hi St.. N«r YtrV. £

-f*"y,,- -t.

Free. Keystone

Silver White

Gelatine l If jomerocn Bat ■UpDlyyouMnd

-"■■■«- ■ffati

l>7 th* '■ » ':::l: ■ ■rtWi-ottntrj" *"{»!i Bii'#" «« null-.I for 15 c*ot.

| W>M„. I *rk*« HVrks, ■Vlr-tl thlUiOtMtirl ■! ...


> 1

There was no afternoon session the bublU* schools Monday on account of the storm. The no nessian signal, box 222, was sounded at 11 o'clock In the forenoon on the new fire bell. The rounds we stunk all right and the bell Is now be in good working order.

The first snow stotitK of the present winter was a good one. The snow commenced to fafl before day bre-ik Monday and it wats evening before the white flakes ceased to fall. During the ilny several inches of snow fell and A9B stiff wind prevailed quite high drifts were piled in some places. The storm was a coid one and those who were obliged to be out of-doon; found it decidedly dlpa-rreeable. Thg electric cars were unable to run scheduled time after early forenoon and hy evening they were not running on any kind of time. Snow plough! were kept at work, but the snow filled lu about H fast as it was remov Mtter it stopped snowing, howev the cars got along better. The town snow ploughs wrre out in the after- n.ooieand the sidewalks were in fairly nood condition in the evening. TSl ground was in a good condition to [ft com the snow, and if the weather continues cold sleighing will be good.

- Carl P. F.oas has been enjoying r visit with relative* In Boston*

Henry N*. Hull offers a pnng in flu. condition for Bale.

Operations have been resumed at jh hat factory after a hripf slim dowi during which repairs were made in th* boiler room.

The condition of Daniel. O. Tenney who is sick with typhoid fever in Ne* York, is reported as being slightly im

..Proved. The fever has not yet turned however. ■


TheLR*T. Joseph A. 'Foster has re Pigne<f the reotornhip of St. Thomas church on account of ill health. Mr Kr iter has been an earnest worker an' has manifested a deep interest in th* welfare of his ch'irch**whleh will OsUM his resignation to be accepted w!tl. deep regret. His parishioners and many ftiemU will wish for a restora- tion of-his health.

Edward U. Sncll has returned t> his studies at Am hers t college aftei passing the Christmas recc3s at hlf homo nn Merrimaik street in the east part of the town.

Or. R. H. Lawlor returned Mon day from a two weeks' stay at hh home in East Douglass,

The new year wad ushered In wi: a. snow storm'. *

The new bill in the tdwer of the ce1

tral tire station was Hounded at mid night Sunday, box :!4 being rung ii> The bell was used at this time to linj out the old and ring in the new year The striking appartus does not wot as well as might be desired. Then will probably be more weig'it. el tached to the striker, which, in al probability, will bring out a hette sound from the hell. It ha* been fvi? gested by some townsmen th-it i •would he a good Idea-to hnvo nn.r th-n one bell with a striker. Po4 hty the Congregational churth bell might he used as It has been sffiOS the fire alarm system was pu* in The striker was taken from this bsj] last Saturday and attached to :he nev

-pem~"—~-~ • ■ ^ ; ■'. • ■— .*■

At thjfc.Haniisl cburvh Sunday ■ ,, ,;-!i- ing the choir, under the direction i Mrs. L, >^—iiMStorson, organist, wti the assistance ofOosenh Howarth an

...Dr. Berwick, tenors, and Charles Baa iftster baas, making a "rho'.r of T1

voices, repeated the cantata 'The Hop* of the World' by P; A. Bcnnccger ■which was rendered the Sunday pre- vtous. The prugi*am_ wee as follows • Organ Prelude1 ...... fJOTl Offertory, Pastoral** .. Wt \f

Opening Chorus of Cantata. Ring Forth Ye Bells.

Part I: Tho Shepherds. - Part II: The Wise, \Kn. i Closing Chorus: Hail ttoyal Dalle.

Solo, Night of Nights. Vanue Waters Mrs. ('.race BannNtv.

Postlude Th. Steri TJiere was .alarge congregnti'.T pre™

ent to enjoy the music whl a was finely rendered. ' ■

The services held Sunday1 afternoon at the residence of Robert Clarke,,! ABhland avenue, Arlington Heights, were well attended. The Re'-. \\\ B Taylor was in charge. Brief address es were made by David Ackroyd, I C. Teale, William Bannister and W R. Dyson. The services were very Interesting. Next Sunday afternoon services will be held at the •tceidencc of William Halgh, 8 Ashland uveoue.'

The Christmas music renders! at the T'niversalist church was repeated Sun- day.. The program was fine y ftn* dered

Tho funeral of Charles B. UMmt;]- son, who wan killed or the railroad in Chicago. Sunday, Dec. 3*, was held Sunday'afternoon from the residence of his'father. Rdwtn, Rtchnrdddh, ;< the wesfHHtrt of the r.->rn. The ser- vices- were conduete i 1 >y the Kev. W. H. Marbl". of the Parker strpetl M. E. church, South Lawrence. The;*.' were'■iarjr>i> attended : - n-ulilmm- a;id friends. SeU*etlon> .- r- vn.lerr-ri during tht* service.-, by a qufcttat from the Parker street M. E. chinvh. Tim raauitns rested in i black uroadeTotbl covered casket wit!i>i!., i > inmr;us. The^p, were several dor il tributes, ki

*"■ i^osc of the s< i'i.cs ilu- remalcs

The Hev. Sam G. Nell. Mie Switch evangelist, assisted the it*'- Nathan Bailey in the Berrtoes at th'1 lluptfri 'Imnh. Sunday moruliii.. Mi. .V*d| presided at the niomiiit; jenrlce *»nd ronductrrl the »Hi-r meeting at the ciose^ of-, th^ evening HSrvlos, —- —•

The request made by ihe Inwiuess men of the town for a tel«ninne m the Boston and Maine sNktton WRa not granted by the rallr ad ofBelaJs.

During (lie recent roll snap ' I tie merCUTy bits lweir down', very near the zero mark in several places about town.

The Methuen club playtd its rlrst gjimes in the Merrimack Valley inte-r- dub tournament Friday evening, hav- ing as opponents the Peutucket club team* of Hnverhill. • Methuen won thrne points, while the visitors won five. Th* chief interest centered in a p<xd ^ante between Francis A. Mills of the Methuen club and A. W. Wenlhworth of the Pentucke- club. This was Mr. Mills' first game In s tonrnaraent with the Methuen club and he wa« looked upon as a winner. He satisfiea the exiKvtatlonsr of the local club members "by defeating \\enthworth. It was a rery close game from beginning to end. Mr. Mills ■ won out by seven balls. After the game a lunch Vn** served. The Methuen club will play its next series w!£h the Highland, club at Lch w.-ll on jKrlday evening, Jay. i_\ .

' The school committee has accepted the resignation or Miss Maud Mttner. instructor of drawing in the public schools, and has elected Miss Avis Foster to SHcceed Miss Fos- ter is a graduate of the Methuen high school, class o* ''.*>'• and of ihi; Boston Art school. She ha3 been .(♦aching fich-ool at Ka^t Mattapoisett. The committee also elected Miss Kane ot Oroton, teacher of the Bartlett scnool. .Mis. Alvlra G. Uusseli was tendered this school, but did not accept.

The Bridal Feast Is not ^frequently iWlowesJ bra long, lcuteti perio<t iri "enforced fasiing ami fic-hlv mortiiiratioii.- The check groWf hollow, ihe pyea Src dull aiid dec-p ringed, and the step is slow and langttfrl

.lobn B. Tapley. who *6a . oTiiiiied tn the Jifiiise with cola, (B aidf to b» out attain.

There is an

wonianlv organ- ism on a bom of sound health.

"Pavorite IVc- scription" coi> tains no alcohoi,

opium, cocaine, nor other nar- cotics. Accept no Milwtituite. There js no other medicine " just as'good" tor weak and sickly women.

'• I had been a Rrrat Miftprer from (>. male weak- llr^s for attom two yrni?,- wrttrs -Mr*. Hmma Kiihartlson. of (".oss, Wayne Co.. Kv. "CouUi not do my wort part of the time, i look four Ixjtlk-s ot l>r. I'irrce's I-avoritc rrescription and felt a> well as f ever did."

Vouug marrietl women will find a lasting friend in Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser. It contains 100S pages and ,js sent free tin jxiper cover), on re>

pt of 2i one-cent stamps to pav kpatut of mailing only. Clotli hintf-

»I stamps. Address "l>r. R. V. i'ierci.1, 'uffalo, X. V.

tnf> : n«i to •bcinj iron versa ti m. .^Vart 7 o'cinck nipper was served. The He.. Toman P. Evans, of BHterica. a form- er member of the ioiral chin-'-ii, - t r-ml irace. The nipper was provided! The district convention of II, by the ladles of the -■inuVi aid wS^TSlstere witl be held with FrienOshti an exceder.t jiie. ft cempjised seal- b mple of this town i u Wednesday l.ipcd oyfElnrsi cOId meats, '■'-■ After ternopn and evening, -lun. "t IhftUupper the roll was ealbd by the Mime time the grand officers o clerk, Dr. .fames Peiice. About . .!ia order will b. entertained bg the menibers responded ns ihe'.'^muwesi"femp'p; The pffieers owt of werecalh?d. The pastor, ;!)•■ Uev. Na--'•-'ph' will Reinstalled in the

tional t'h;Liigrs11 than Bailey, read -letters 'rom . -vera^ [»*• " members who were unable to be preS^--

wit. Following roll'call interesting a:l| dresses we're made. The Itev \v. li. Eteten, supcrintrndent Vf staw mis- sionary wort;, gave tot erecting facts loncernins the work oarrletl n in tho state, the Rev. yf. K. Whitter. M. D.. spoke npon the wori; of tbe.Amer ican Baptist Missionary union and the Kev. K. P. Haggard, of Assam. In din,.addressed the gathering on" Chris- tian work In Assam. The Rev. Na- than Palley spoke briefly on gen ral work. The remarks of each speaker wer-3 much enjoyed. The local Mip-

np the system atul : tist ( huich last year gave to benevo- establishes the j U?nee SI.7a per member. The amonnt

lragged-(>iu feenhg," which makes fife an utter burden. The great fntic-

wntch foil tnofHase arc not usn.ilU- antici- ]iated,or the wtlc- «y suffering might be avoided.

Dr. Pierce's i-'a- \Jorite Prescription is the best mend of weak and sickly women. Ii cures the womanly dis- eases thai rob the eye of brigbtnesi and the step of lightness. It tunes

Kirk K. lb-own has recovt br:«-f itlness and |s agalp aple W»

rttend to bis duties.

the Rev. A. y:. Cdlton. agenl ot Lb American Bible society, wii! Bpeak In i be (Vaigregational church at i> o'clock

J Sunduv evenlna. The leetine will i i given upon "The Bible in all lands

and is to be illustrated with 75 option sUdee-

Rew Centrals ccstmri hall Pridsy evening.

party In t

by the.resident membership averaged ?2.<il per nfember. The church voted

On Friday evening of next weak*the Uidirs' Catholic Temperangfl soclst) will hold a mfd-winter social and dance in the town hall. There hnve been many tickets sold and a large at- tendance is assured and to .those who attend a good time is promised.


Spottiswood .' 21 Haverhill

against 2: LAW* against

Driscoll . II. McEJain J. Ryan .,

Cribbage. . Moriarty. Souey, Methuen, ! R. Kelley, Murphy, Haverhill • on. D. Karragher, Methuen. : Manning. R. MeUaln. Haverhill Lawton, ('. nird. Methuen. I, agalns! I>. MeUaln. Cerat, Haverhill. 3..

Pitch. . ■I. Sullivan, .l". \\fack. Methuen. 3

agfflnst Crow ley, McOulTe, Haverhill 0; Moriarty. J. Wright. Methuen, 3 against Klaherty. Sullivan, t.averhll ft; D. Karragher, D, Knglisn. Methuer I, against Hre«nahan. Hanson. Haver- hill 1.

_ Duplicate Whist. K. Ufian. AVT Brady. MethtleTriT

against H. F. McKenna. OX'orrnor, Haverhill 8; .!. Soucy. K. Moriarty, Methuen fi, against J. Hannon. R. McBain. Haverhill 1; H. l^eary. T. i rangement Hynes. Methuen 4. agalnst^f. O. Mc- Kenna. Manning. HaverbJlL t>..

Methuen won two points at pool

At the meeting of Col. William U Greene post. 100. 0. A. R., Friday ivenlng Charles M. Sawyer was,^ dected quartermaster to succeed Jos- ph Martin, who has held the ofHce or lf» years or longer. Mr. Mar n was re-elected to the office o'

he recent annual election, but eouli :ot accept on account of Ills re toval from town. The newly elect

■d officers Will be installed next Frf lay evening by Assistant Musterlni Officer John H. Oeorge.

John Hancock lodge of Mason held a regular communication Fri lay evening and conferred the thir» >gree on one candidate. Refresh tents were served after the work.

Mrs. LJvermore will give a lecture in the Universaltst church, Mondaj svenThir" Jair."" Sr "at'--?-$& -o-VH»ek Mrs. ^.vermore. although advances m years still retains the enthusiasn mil vigor of earlier day,s. Those wh< aave listened to thla noted woman will he glad of the opportunity ti hear her again, and those who hav» iOt, have a great pleasure in reserve. fer Bnlijppt. ,p,iopIe w^om I hov

met,' cannot fail to be Interesting ,ua insuncti^t


The annual mid-winter assembly by he Methuen High school Alumni as- iciation was held last week t Nevins Memorial hall. There wat

tbout the usual number present. In- .uding quite a few young people from ut ot town. About 100 tickets wer* aken at the door. A novel entertain- nent WM provided. Cards with line f writing on them, such as What wa»

ais name?' 'Where did they meet? etc.. were distributed and the .orches ru rendered selections to, corrr spon< .-ith the lines. For Instance: Line oi he card—'What was his name?' selee ion by • orchestra. Mack.'. Wait?. Where did they meet?' selection by th* rchestra. 'On the banks of the Wa ish.' There were 15 numbers ren-

leitd b> t^e orchestra and the CAFd tolders endeavored to give the correct j .tlo of each. W. L. S. C.ilcreast. Al ; red Gaunt Ati Harold Oltphwt gavt ,

.he correct name of fach sstectfoi ■ nd drew lotrf for the prize, it wa-

won by Mr. Gaunt, a cluster of whit ' •arnati.ons. The entertainment was ntitled A Musical Romanced j After the entertiinment dancing

vas commenced and continued until midnight, There was a short inter- ™?adow\ He r,ame ln roHi9,on„W,^S mission during which refreshments | Edward B. snell tn playing 'hill-dill

to give to the Baptist church at Whit-' I'ae-\ N. H:, one tankard and two cups of the communion set formerly used by the local church. Recently the Church gave to the Baptist church at j Dunbarton. N. H., cm- of the _'i light chandeliers which was used in the ' . „ . . ~* church before aas ^"iatrEiiu.-. i An •Ameriean-liewler-Answered as tfl

^__ ' --■ Ice and Refrigeratorsr-

lath yoar a pritor of t»]^Wlpt of » communication from Un- ' as\'' which presents questions of

Baptist church.

Mpdj -Margaret Plelden, who passed the Christmas vacation at ' her home here, has leturned to South Bralntree where she is teaching school.

Carpenters are at Work making fur- ther improvements at the Methuen club house.

The rank of esfl'ulie *as conferred on oi^e candidate at the meeting of Rear- sarge ledge, K. of P., Tuesdav even- Inp. 'i'he officers elect will be installed two weeks hence.

Mrs. George-A. Rcmielt, of \\'ey- mouth, formerly of ibis (own w.^ Present at the Baptist church roll call Tuesday evening. ;

The ttev. and Mrs. Thomas i\ KVSJQ8, of Billerica, have been visit- ing in town. -

hnuvhofd sanitation that arc of viti! interest. 'I'neasy' asks first as to ty- phoid germs in Ice, whether they are rendered inoceuous by the rreestttg or not. it is the opinion of the most era* Iiienf bacterlolcgists that they ar.' not that their powers for evil while frozen aj* merely suspended, andthnt they isstte forth in full yigor when thawed out- Ice <lrop|>ed into iemonaile. tea or water, is. if contaminated, most po- t:nt,for harm, but is so universally ssed for cooling* beverages in this manner that it is doubtful if its power for harm,.can be" lessened. The most sure preventative RgaltlSfi disease from a jntfue of this kinn Is a shun;;. healthy body. Thai holds ' n phwee oi its own fo overcome and casl out disease. It i* only when the human iianie is weakened by overwork, re- covery from illness, etc., th;-* it i- most vulnerable.

Another point tomlvd upon by l'n-

P\ON T ever allow vourself to even LJ f'Mnk that there is anything -.• good as Allcock's Porous Piasters f r this dreaded pain, for

there's ni. There-may b$ Kid- ty Plasters f>\ilIeJsu to de-

ceive you) represented to be "just the thing," but t's not s< \ Don't you be-

lieve it. They're imitations of flBlcack's—i-'very one of

W them. Then there are " kidney * cures" .iiid all sorts of. other kid-

ney remedies to be used internally. Don't li 1 your^stomach with these. (ffndoubtedly, you do not know anything about them. Then, don't wait until the ■ pain becomes too deep-seated, but as soon as you feel it, place an Alicock's Porous Plastar over both kidneys, and you may rest as- sured that relief and cure will fol- low.

Be sure you jrst Alicock's. Never accept a substitute.


The following marriage intention was iiled Monday with the city cleri at Lawrence: *

that the drain pipp detugno'1 t \nrrv away waste from the Ice chamber 3ilj arr refrigeratot be : ixncl

sclta £ pecuHar. ffirPlddlBf HIMJH. Lyman P. George. 20. student. Methu Ihe ke box itself eatl l>e cleanwd and

en and Bertha J. Foster. Ifl. student, disintectrd to the farthest corner, but V; Bradford street. , the waste pipe defies nil effort* to it.-.

li :i:i*iny. Messrs

Osgood. Richard P. and John D

this town, have bee: anted a patent on an electrical

wo at cribhage. thri-e at pitch and twt at whist. HaveThill took one at p-ooi. one at eribbage and one at whist. Me- thuen has a total of 37 points to its crdeit while Haverhill lum 23. It is not known whether or not the six series will he played. The local ■«*■

•iy (s to be congratulated on it^ ine success in the tournament.

Roger Williams colony, of Pilgrim Kathers, elected officers for the ensu- ing term as follows. Thursday eve nine last week.

Uuvpm.or, Frank Buekminster; lieu (THint governor. Mfjlle A. Cluff; sec-

retary. Esta A. Ayer; collector. Gcorg-f A. Huhtins; treasurer. George W. ■Jopp; Nancy U. Douglas; sergeant at arms, Julia A. Emerson; deputy sergeant at arnu, "Nellie A Bailey; sentinel inner gate. Mrs. Margaret White; sentinel-outer gale, Charles Hmchips; pianist. Myra K. >iane; trustees, Silas L. Holman. Tames Peine. M. p., John Ostler; eprc^entativwto supreme colony meet

Tha local board al bealib specirtea- lions in regard to the drainage of ice chests are considered to be th>* most eciemlflc of.any In the Vnkut Stains.

. A double trap tysteoi is required. Thv Tfee_iJjb^.wiu£i^pjanTcd in tha ^^tj dralr. ftoni the ice box dischargtp into


Pflrt pf the town Wednesdav afternoon is ropcrted in detail ;n soother column of this ftssc The flre destroyed traltri- ings owned by Mrs. Charles M. Har- nisch on Oak street and also caused the death of her mother. The remains

the lotton) 6Ta hirgc paii. The OTP*r how from this jian goes into a vcnt-ul trap,_then'->e to the sewer. By this sys- tem *nc gas from the sewer or warai sir enters the ice box or refrigerator prooer. The drain p'p:\ usually only


A (IniiRhtor was tarn In Mr. anil Mn. Iloscop K. Oolc on Sunday. Dot.


tho holidays.

Monday pvenins #il p^ntlemfn's ,. „,-.- ■ , , "I night at the November club nnil thl 1.. l.,rh.,nls. of the (jtw- ,a(, mombor, of thnt ,;luj (.ntLM.ulnf(|

"fLr,'',™'""' f,'1,"°1' ,a :,< tom« for, them, in a royal manner.

-fteftrgfa Fratieia Dow, seevetary of was in

«» ln con- sultation with Town Clerk Mar-

^ ... ! 'and. .ICFeiih WyerseoiiRh has l.w>giin work

in the wool aoffng departraent.rtf t ho I pr0f. Edwards A. Park, celebrated -WfishliiMini mill.-. Ijinitme.— thin Dim blrthd»> InatHitemteyr—Ufxw-

,, , ,, 7," ,., „, , lornier pupils and friends o. the gen- Mi. and Mr«. John W. Richardson.'lai old professor-called during tu«

a:tend,.! tho funeral of Mrs. Richard- day bringing many kind words and

The masons have began the work the Bwx Inetltute. SaienV. of Pl«terlng the now house of l>v. J town Friday for a few hon«

Hamp- tokens of esteem.

of the elderly woman were located in' thr-v-eighths of an Inch across inside the barn cellar Int.- IB the .'iftniiiOou. sfcrdttU be st b?ast aa ' inch. Tht All that was found was the trunk of smaller bore furnishes ideal condition! her body, her limbs and head having for the formation of the growth refer-' been entirely consumed by ilu; fierce red to. but the larger pipe, if Straight,

It Hhowld be, gfres opportunity fo flames. Chief of Police Gordon was present when tie0 remains ware dis- covered. They were turned over to I'ndertaker ■ Douglas. "The facessfd was CC> years old tod had rasldod in this co-.intn- for nearly 30 vears. Be- si.i^-s Mrs. Harnlseh she leaves one Other daughter, who resides in Law- rence, and one son. . *

There is s mystery connectid with the < rigin of the fire. The y.umgeM son of Mrs-vHarnisch tells the storv that he-^aw some ItellaDS at the l«m loor before the fire nnd-elaim^ they

ng. Ester vill take Ian. 11.

wantr-d to enter the ba

e! ue-ing w4th i>. round bnt«h attached to ;' long ban lie-.- ■

There is no possible doubt that the coating ' inside the pipes, complained of by 'I'pcaHy' harbors millions of perms, good, had and indiffeient. The only sure way of cleansing is by a brush, as suggested above, in connec- tion with hot soda or simitar disin- fectant.

The comparatively ""few cases of disease aiislng froai i«> triperators can he ascribed tn

A. Ayer. The installation j not let them. There was straw undei ily place. Thursday evening

rn and be would| the ta<t t,li'-t * mievobe can neither walk, swim nor burrow. It can

Joseph Flynn. employed at Fred^r Ick & Bover's drug store tn the Ar- lington district had a had wouu<

inflicted in right foot Thursday af ernoon while skating on Nev*n

verV'rfleTved"'*ttr'*thP"""ha-Fpnv*nt;-----'-*Piw»' mn«fr-*-Hh furnialmtl . fnr rianriny by the [x-xinjjtou orchestra of seven pieces, there were 14 numbers ion The prog-am. 12 of which were fancy dances. It was a pretty and very en- joyable party.

I the door and it Is thought by Mrs. I however, be carried by an air ctirr. nf I Harnlwh that the jitrangers, (emched or Transmitted by contact. Bo as the I a match to this. It was thought thai walfJB and drain pipes of an ice chasj

possibly the boy might be In the barn are usually damp and wet. the maJe- ; with matches and "aused tne Ore bat volent mischief maker is usually held | when auctioned regarding tjbfA be last as long as it surrotindines remain , denied emphatically that he had had so. When he dries tin and blow* ; any matches. Ho said to his mother.s about is one of the times he is harm-

I know letter than to set a fire' He- fill. i felt badly to think that he should be

.u-L'd. bit-.,- . >".. - ■ f" -' '■■—Z—~

sop's mother. Mrs. Wear ton. N. II.. Tuesday last.

I William C. Miner, formerly of An A joint installation of the officer* dovar. and Miss Bessie Studley wen

of the-fl^-A-rrftvr-W-.-4t-. C. and Sr-of-tWrPFiod nr tint rnntrienee of thP brl-1"-i_ \ ., will be held Friday evening. Mrs. parents in Cohafsett Wedn- iday Barnes and suite, of Reading. will ! eenduet the ceremony. \\ir. B, A, Baldwin, who Is not

r. '—A . r -wiing on Locke street, has pur District Deputy Robert Hill, of ehased a houpe lot <mr Morton street

Methuen. Uncalled the retcntly elected „f the trustees -of Phillips academy officers oi Andcvcr lodge; I. O. 0. nod wjll erect a house thereon early F., Monday evening. A collation in tno spring. , was served Site? the Installation. I *

„ '.. ' , „ , I Col. George Hipley, who has been Leon Q. Sunnders returned to Col- (.0nfine<l to the house for several

by college Mcnday to resume his itudles at that Institution.

Miss Nellie r. Flint'Will spend the T'nter in Southern, California with Mr. and Mrs. F. A- Clapp, of Walie- fhld. *'

Zeso weather made its uppearftc-? In Andover Sunday morning the mer- cury ranging from five degrees below lero to three above In different local- ities.

George Chandler cut his hand while skating at Rabbits Rock pond on Frl- day aadjP^e siluhs were required to CIOBO the wouhil.

ks has nearly recovered and went to Boston Tuesday to be gone for flic remainder of the week.

Instrmt.or Benner, of V. A., (pent the Christmas holidays in Connect-

jieut. Mr. Ford, of the same in- atitutlon, went to his native place, Honover, Mass. * -

The weather Thursday was the coldeit of the season, the mercury in some localities going as low as 20 be- low zero.

John W. \Kii haidsun beCSB work Monday in Maiden where "-»&£_. ^ill be enjidoyed £sf some time by a con- tractor in that city.


•ami, onj>.„Qt„ vneU:f.„...Bkatea struck ^ -Ivnn's foot, inflicting an u« v nash. J;iairea 1]1 tnG "-«« f^ »

-The-yrmng umn aas-aartste4-to ^d-^.1.1*...^ 1- J hp i>oy wa.s l-l'\ ™ erick & Bowerj*«drug store in Railroad

At the Old South, chun h Sunday morning appropriate services wer< held at the unveiling of the window presented to the church by Prof, John Phelpa Taylor in memory of his fath- er, the -late John Dord Taylor. It. 1). The gift was accented in behalf of tho.


The Methuen Catholic Temperance society is the winner r>f thJesitver cup offered in the tournameat betweet. this society and the Father Mathew socifty w.on out by a store of nin^ of games was played Jht Ilaverhll last ' week and t/e ste%buen socleyt won put by a wore of nim points to three. This gives Methuer i lead of 14 |Oints over Haverhill, u< that If tne srxth.series is played am HaverhlU should win all \2 poj-ntj ih lead held by tho Methuen society w<ml<! not. lie overcome. This is the flrst time the Haverhill society hfc ever been defeated in a< i:t.

The playera'and scores in the "fifth serifs .■weiv as follows:

4 Pool. Methuen.

Carroll .; SO Donnelly ....;,.".." W]

srpiaro and later was taken to his nome on Stafford street. Arlington Istrict. where tho wound was'dressed- >v Dr. Burgess assisted by I>rs. Rob- iuton and Parr. No serious results xrs Hppi'f ht'inted.


A henring before the sel he petition of the .I-awrence aWrVM

thuen utreef rail road for a tfancldM 'o'lny tracks and operate an electric railroad from Mwrence to New Huan hire line, was held at 3 ovlock yea- erday afternoon. Chairman John D

'■'morson presiding. Selectmen Smith ind Russell wore both present.

C. A. IVConrcey appeared for the 'etiti'n-r-i and ttated briefly the ro:i- nns for appearing before the board

"person ToseYTfls granomolher rlivc. He was with h«-v in the house whtn the fire was discovered and went to the burn with her. He saw her releas the COfWa and then go to open -i loor so that the VMIS it uld j;.-; out. Thfa was the last that was seen of her -V.« alive. It is supposed that she |«to>t her Wo0lei way in the smoke ;ind w;rs-nveiroiic,'•°,W('" soon afterwards. TJu boy was cloa* '""'- pn°w enongh to the Ramea to hare-hhi far** ,li«l1 Mhool burned.. He had. endeavored to to)- ^u,^t 'te^artment lOW his grendmcther. He Wei taken to a neighbor's house and1 cured for.

The chief topic, of conversation in Die Arlington district today ia tho dis appearance of Jacob E. leaver, tho well known Broadway barber. ~-^

He loft his home in this city the day after Christmas. The family which he has left behind consists of a wife and lour children. Mr. Heaver tooi; his Christmas dinner with his family end the following day departed, givim; the impression that he was goinj: away on a vacation: He. however, tool-

assessors by the cliainnan of the WWHiai. of UlQ working..appliances d •♦♦♦•»»»»»»»»»»♦#»»♦ Hfm* »* l-'a^ ,>rim' (bis trade. This seemed quoer at the


F. Baton, of the Anuriej i company, has removed

was cleared out of alley yesterday by

Mrs, Needhfftn. one of rhr* publP1

deho"l, tedchcra, cave r.n enjoyable reception to a number of her friends m her home on Stevens street Wedhev day evening• The event win in honoi ff her ilater, Mrs.'Atwood, o! Ware,

who is visiting here, A most enjoy-

Try Crain-O! Try Crain-O!

\-.k jmar GriK-cr t> -day t" you ■ package of OUAIN-O. th*


new .- nf (...^1 drink nkei lbs pfa

P The ehiiiJrcii UIMV drink it withmii

ii:jury ss \v< II H ilic adult. All who U\ it. ttfce it. (UiAlS-O bae that rich - ;il brawn of Uoooa-oi Ja\H. btd it !■ mtide fr>'Ui paw grains, and

"t,h" numt deliertte Itoauch rueive* it wtthuut dwtyt*?- J Ui-'ini' f ■ nge#.

ftald by all grocer*.

Tastes like Coffee Looks like Coffee

ittwrMOltADJkO were eonvevpd to tor burial.

li ;nwood cemetery, <M

ll'.i' sfcntl.l lira" >:<m,-i I! poko in favoi* of tho inhered ftonu; nu.-ttions rut i>y i •M. Granvillp E.'Foa ptatm the r-u- pons (or changing the, location ftml askfil for and gave some reasons wh> he franchise Bhonltl he grannii. C. 11. Holrn.-n favorwl srantlun the j Jay evening. Jan. 1

etiiion hut thought some re»tfHtio]i uiil |,(, installed by <hoiild lie pasEed in regard to . low- ares.

I Alfred Newaholme regretted that tht ■rii;irtal petition had net heen granted

lytll Ihonght the pri^ent one could be I utilized.

i.n'cs Mr Richardson thought t'"1

trelBi of ■'!.< H *• M. H. R. in ■'!•■ 'I1

lli» noise thnt resident- -< n Railroad sfeii cinld stiind end if ei-ucissinr,, ,t|,

; ' tor an elegtrlc ro;td h' [wanted the B. 4- M. not to he Incou- I rlenced in bttUdlBK a new atatlon and

freight depot. Cfiiin.el thought the B. lt,S, "mid 1 ike lai-.of llicir rights.

I Mr \rnold expressed some tear fm- . tfie mM) of Hi- s.hool children nt

the Merrill street school and with Ins rrcmarks in. the chairman

the Iwarinu' cl.jsed.

The street railway compinv erect a new pole at the corner of l-ogan am I'l-ospect streets yesterday.

X lar-te Newfcundland des ml over by a tlelivery sleigh on K><i - street yesterday, hut was not Injured

The l.yra Singing society held It regular rehearsal at tho l.all on H, l i, ley street last night. "

At the meeting of the r.-on's cluh o .: Mimt»uu| lid.' cveaillK was passed. Light re- ''u' Second BtpUM .In tltioli and'fr.shmtnt' were ml. : l«dni Baton, at the We

li tonight .wlungteia N:i.

V I tional hank, of Boston, v. MI snoak on Minerva Rsbekah lo,|ge. ;o. I. Q. o. Hanking and the fleirim; House.

1-.. held a regular UNtlni Wl due .-da> ' ^isR Hlanehe Wlngnte is at home fin -von'ng. Rontne Imsincss was U"«n a short vacation. acted. At the next meeting, Wcdn-.-s

the ofnc?r?-elec Siieclal District

Deputy Mrs. Sarah llichatfl and suite of I-iwrsnce..

Mrs. Therm V. fisher Is ill at h-i homo on l«awrenee street.

Q. r\ Pepper, of Watervillo. Me., was* entertained Ttteiday nt the resi- h-nce of Eh A

t. '



hojd in Salem Monday adminisliattiiii^aiid all s:i was granted on the estate of Horaci ^a-oat. Chest S. Whittl.r. l.-tte of this tow-n.


Mary Pike and was born in I/>well In 1S8S, hut removed with his parents to Andovor when quite young. His father at owe time owned nearly all of Whst is no.w the trustees farm and also the per.. ': ..r land at the corner of Main n.Vi Men in streets nn which n«w stands 0. Chapman's restaurant and tha dwellings and club house in that locality and, for some years what is now Morton street was called Pike street by reason of Mr. Pik"'s e\- .iusive ownership of land in that vi- ciniyt. .Mr, Pike enlisted in Company H.

I [rst Heavy Artillery and was pro- moted to corporal in March 18'i^. H»-

.. WOT wounded at the battle of Hpott- l had frequent hemorrhages and | clvania. Maq in. tSGl hut served un "oughed night and day. All my doeton ; \ his term expired and wa i dlschsrg- said I must soon die. Then T-began ,.. [ni. g ||M to use Dr. King's New Dlwovery for H. vas a member of Gen. W. F.

The,fun- services were hem at tjle Old South

>itv at :' o'clock Monday afternout,. Th« Rev. 1'. It. SPipiiian olli. ial-d and the services were in eliar^c . f I'-sc dik-G. A. R.. and'lilirlal was in

time to his employes, who -saw him taking- thorn, but they did not remark It. Ho wai expected buck last Satur- day as that is a busy day in his well appointed establishment. Whew lie did

\ imt come back alter hclng gone a week one r.r two employes, especially llet one to whom he owes shout 100, lie- lamo somewhat foarfal that he had gone for gooel. A. B. Fletcher, tho ki'iiulrynvin. who has a mortgage, tif $436 on Mr. leaver's barber shop fnr- niture, 'got a tip' that Mr. Leaver bad skipped' and he. immediately toot: sups to makejiood his claim. With the assistance* of Attorney Joseph

He was the son of Willaiel ami i,„novnn, Mr FiHch„ ^y, poase88io.i.. of Mr. "

Mr. and Mis. Nathan II. Perkin.i formerly of Andover, but now it charge Of the town farm at Tewkr hury, celebrated their silver weddin Saturday evening but, Berefal t*n fiuaintances and friends from Aiulover wfiVS prsent. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins were present. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins among them a solid silver service the gift ot friends in Tewksbury.

George E. Pike died at the Imperial house just before 12 o'clock Sjinday night


Mr. W. A. Hlnes, of Manchester. Ia., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: "Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble which ended in consumption

MM.ihald on Cent,..I, " "" „ ,r' "■■"*? «ew u .eovery for; M,. was , member of Ge A - ...ifl * <-onsumptiOn. which completely cured ' nnrli„tt noat 99 0 \ It

_ * . CSCISS me 'would not he with,,,,, ,,t eve,, S2SS5JlhSi St'tS il It t-epst J5.00 a bottle. Hundreds

sessiem of the probate BOnrtj have-used It on my recommendation never falls to cur.

and Lung troubles.' Regular size 50e and Jl.oo. Trial bottles free at John J. Forest's Dra* Store.

Spring C.'ov. ceniele:--.

nirncti ROLL CALL.

Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stofnach ahd Liver are'ouf or order. All such snuild know that Dr King's New Ufa Pills, the wondorfu stomach and Liver Remedy, gives • i iptendra appetite, sound digestion an. i r"g.ibr i.nelilv h^blt that insm-."

,, l'.», present. T'no time between lierfect health and great energy.' Only i and, 1 o'clock was devoted W grartrt-«6r at Jrrtiu J. Korest'i drug store': '

'111,, annual roll call nt the Fits Baptist . touch was held In th" ctatrel icstry Tuesday evening. There wer

... OA»tro>iiA. smith. _jf iti f.'M YOJ HiH Hlwis P.-L£ '


All d.ncleirs told Reniclt Hamilton, of ' Jefferson' O.. after; suffeilng i8

i-nnths from Rectal Fisttila, he woitltl lie unlcs B i-irtly operation was per- ormed; but henireri himself with five

bOMa nf Uuckieu's Arnica Salve, the

L'aver'H barber shop ycstei- day and put ManueLajtoa, an employe of Mr. leaver. In HHge.

About three morips ago Mr. Flet- cher furnisho'tl the money. The mort- gage had been held by Mrs. Stanch- nold, ■ who- ke;w ;t boarding heiuse in the rear of MT. Leaver's place. It Is said that soon after receiving the money from the \mortga«e Mrs. Stanchneld closed her house and sailed for England. It is alleged that Leaver is now on his way across, the water. Mr. I*aver lived at II Trenton streei.

Mi lK«tver's wife said yettcrd.i that her husbanel luid left town and would not return again. Where be was at the preatint time she did not know, but hoped to hear from him wry soon.

V."'. leaver for years had a barber shop em Broaelway and from all ap- pearances seemed to be doing a gool business. His shop had the reputation e.f lining gexwl work and his patron, spoke very highly of the place ■

* fVM


i George: Stone, the heavv weigh Utter of the . itv. who has heeir .iolnk'. prcifessional work of late nlaylng hi all the museums throughout Now England the past throe months. Is ;,t

prtaeM fo.- this week plajing an en- gagement in this city at the Colurahls

^ threatre, and his many friends are in- mrst Hie cure on Earth, and the' beat: ^"'KinR in ,he opportunity of seelnB

Salve la the world. 2.5 cents a box. |mm' .. ._ . . » »i<»

£> eweyr*%r% theatre.

E. Dick Kider, Prop, and Manager.

W. II. A.Lhtnil. Resident Manager.

Next Attraction COMMENCING



fTn Effervescent Coneotion of Tuli- ronies Merriment.


\£ondon Belles

£ig Jhow


♦ ♦ # ♦♦♦♦♦„♦ ♦ 4» «

'he if will be o special mcetfog pf MeiTrmaeg cl'WRet «-1i;l> fBHWrTOW

iii b) al eight o'clock at the club banc*. .

District Deputy Daniel J. Murphy and ^nilc Installed the newly elected n'Mcers oj Havcrhlll council, Knights of Columbus, at its meeting last evening.

Special Deputy Mrs,- Alice (1. | Tntterenll and'suite visited Haverlilll' hist evening and instnlled tHe officers-. elect of Kcnoza Hebekah' lodge. I

Constant Coughingi


Rimrnt. Hi iii.

en trill elation. ApeHnl j

Dunning, church

before chapel,

Kins Dnimatic

White Hands


.liidc-e Sherman is h.oUUug court at I/owell this week. Yesterday the etOK of Fred S. Hirknell vs. 'I/vweU, Uuvieueb & Haverlrill Street Railway (empany was tried. A'tiou ht tort to reccver *700ti for personal injuries sustained tiv plfttntifi while a passenger nn pne of the defendant's ears. Verdict for

| defendant. W. H. IJarlicr for* plaln- and liT: Sweeney & Dow for defendant. ate impossible if the sltfn is d:

chipped, A faw applications of Greer

Ke-piendent with a profusion ■ Of t Jff * ijg* *jg *££** **g»l+*fi Handsome Costumes, an Olio of mer-■ ' "'' ™l^n "JO *Khi without making!^ ■ itonous ^iertainment, including the . V"*, iS? HtSSSLZ £ lt £HL>fl\fc HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Four NeTEh" ' Sisters, the \\m-u .i ■?&&&**- anytime. -Mu d .IKIU,«.J^ ***

[OreatCBt Lady Acrob-j, $10,000 cha flenge to produce their equal, New | show from star* to finish.


|L- H. Harrlnian, M. K., seven years' examiner In the U. S. Patent office; patent -law and soliciting pateeuts. First class service guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Central Build- '.nir. 4*V floor. Telephone 302-2",

For sale only by t

+ <•

John H- Greer Ph G DRUGGIST,

;59 Essex St., Cor rembcrton St.


:. W. Woosiury & Co. jflnJ Aook Over Our fine llGZ—Homestead property hi Andu

i\ M:tPs. "! ~ '"■- '■ " j !7S—8-room cottage In South Law-!

■BOt; mode-rig. improvements; near] rVndovcr street.

If I—8-room cottage on Abbott! ►treet; modern improvement; low|C/ocfa a„d £>janmds,

_Iii|ve,new cottages IB wsverly,—*--—- -... Park. Prices from 1600 to 12000; J200 are Jelling J^hetU at

276—Small "farm of five acres in Pel-, _ t ■ (ham; within two minutes walk of J,0W XriCSS ] proposed new electric road. Good [buildings. SI 100. i "'■ |

211—Cottage house of B rooms on StelvUTsTteW.—imorr- ~r~t~~ 4

'5—Cottage bouse with modern I improvement; 13000 feet| of land on: [Prospect street."

'Also three tenement house on Holly j [ .tret, near Arlington mlllsj price low j

218—CSttage bouse, six rooms, pan [try and bath. J1G00,

310—One half double cottage on [Cros3 street.

311—Small four room cottage near^ Hancock street.

122—Large lot of land bounded by: Walnut, Hampshire and Arlington, meets; also double cottage and large

[lot on the corner of Cbelmsford and [Arlington streets.

305—Two tenement house in South' Lawrence, near Broadway. Nearly new; closet and hath.

304—Four tenoment block and ten-j | footer, corner of Elm and Pine. |

306—Good two tenement house ot | Haverblll street, near Broadway.

30C—SO-acre farm in Derry, N. H. j [2 1-2 miles from railroad station.

Good building. Wood enough to pay for plate. Price 11200.

301—Good corner lot on South [Broadway.

Z9G—Modern 2 1-2 story cottage in iBodwcll park. Very low price.

..Aim of in} ate has...



Henry P. Doe, 289 Essex St.,


D:m A. Donahue has received the contract for furnishing the sweater.s, caps and jerseys for the team. Thp color is navy bine with white l-';:

en the sweater and Jerseys and a white mom gram on the cap.

Mb." AiUlie Wingate lias returned to ,'f-hool after the vacation.

Mrs Morrison, principal of the Rol- KIVB echool, wan looking up the record of last year's graduate* of yrptorrtay.

The orchestra rcbeftNea in the school ye-,t"rdny afternoon. CooAuc- tor Rowe has secured two new selec- tions which were used.

Ccnipjsny artnoi v.

rteroinn C P'oeting.

lecture bya Dr. Brooke dub. * Qrac Garden street,

"War of Wealth compuny, opera hoQM.

London bVllg, Dewey theatre. , Ralton'a assembly, Saundera hall. Ixctnre Second Baptist church by

John* Kaston of Uootcn. Chadwick club, Russell hall. Young

Men's Christian '«ssociatic^. Party. Ft. Thomas's church, chap

tcr hoKse. miMI , Oermuii Sit U Ibncfit soi'iety. Mat

th«s hall. Hallsville. badtee1 father Matbew, C. T. A.

It. society, Lawrence street. ., Mnater Rakers* association. E&'i^x

house, 445 Essex street. Hlack f'rlnce lodge, 36, K. of P.,

Rlack Prince hall. 288 Essex street. Davarinn Reading and Progressive

society, Itavarian hall, Kno\ strcct.

Mr?'. D. J. O'Mahoney delivered an' Hnth R»l>ekah-,lodge. 2. I. O. 0- totercatlmj lecture in the White fund I'*-- Ofid Follows hall, 30C Essex couree at Library hall last night, on street. "loan of ^Arc." * , Col. L. D. Sargent camp, 21, Sons

KlipX. T. P. Douohcc. of the John °* Vetcrnns. Needham hall, 239 Essex Hancock huiininee company will en- *&**• A , ^ ,, n „ „

'_JLganioact colony> 2Q, t . D. P. g .. Ilemmes hall, Salem Btrect; Soiifh 1-awrence.

Court St. Anne, 2RR, M. C. O. V..

Constant coughing i« not only very annoying, but the am) jnuoiw hacking j au.l irritation v^ll soon attack and in- | Jure the delicate lining of the throat and air passage*. A simple cough in bad enough; «"t a chronic cough U really dangerode. Tako advice ami use tho celebrated Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup at once and be cured.

Br.BuHs Cough Syrup Cures a Cough OP Cold at once.

Doses niv *mnll nn.i plfasant lo take. Doctor, '<<-.j::!:K!id it. l'tic^- 2.1 its. Al till dnipRi.ti.



rertatn hi^Tt-isistants with "J- banninH1 r ■'t ihe Ra|es house this evening at five n'eloek.

Prof. W. IB. Ratio* will give a re- C( eeptlon to hl« pupils of '90 at Saunders spy stlW(

Scrubbing Floors can never be made a pleasing pastime, but one - half the labor will be saved and the results-im- proved ~ by using Gold Dust Wash- ing Powder.

••Bd for f i •» booklat-" Qotdcn RUIM

tor nouMwotk."

TlV£S,V.,r.U^a*^tCQy.v^Y. Chktft St. Louts V;NcwYork lioitoi

r%j/S i&el$bachr%

..Qas J^atnp.. St.I o.

ha" ,onlsht- I Merrlmaek lodge. Son« of 'I ue many friends of Mr. and Mm. George. St. George's hall. P

Ifdward MeKone. of Lowell street, block, ji.11 Esse\ we re entertained last evening. AI Philip H. Sheridan colony. IS», C. «|*e-ial ear conveyed the HaverhlH o. P. FT; instatlatiou, Mayflower!

' ball.

Qeanthi ria^atore

illn Kind You Wi, tlaajt Bout

Pilgrim block. 292 Essex street. Onnd Canton Agawam, 17. P. M.,

*. O. O. i'.-. Knrampment hall. Odd feilow.s block, SOU E«ex street.

Tiiunr Singing society. Turn hall. Park street. M

A skin of hennty is a joy forever PR. T. KKI.IX (101 RAID'S

ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAO- — ICAL BBA^IITIFIER: , ITRtKlKK an well :..- !;::'[' !'!RS '!-.

SKlK. rfo othef ceamctlc will <!., ii

fiiends to the reception. Mary Ryan, of th:.i city, l.a^ bai:::

ilfl school j granted a panalca tf ?1? yer nr?it*a" At the monthly meeting of the Loyal

Legion in Dcston yesterday the death or Capi. Horace C. Dacon, late of this eily. was officially -reportedV" .

The district meeting of the Young Men's Christian association will In held in this city Wednesday, Jan. 1".

Joseph .1. Flynn, of the opera house. Il&» WlPmed from ■ trip to NTV.'I •-]'„ my smprise- 1 diacuver.-d HUH

[ the coffee habit was fixed upon me.




J)s an Appropriate Present for the Jiolidays

We have a large aa.wtment and Invite your Inspection.

I awrence Gas Co., ^"^■^ 370 ESSEX STREET.

Vork. .lerf miab GteaBOn, of N'ew l..)n Ion, ard I looked forward to the bever-

Cona., Is spending; a (efl llaye In 8#e at meals ■■ inditpsnsible. of relatives

^Ai the lest of &

*v T^v W luirmlo***

...MILLIXI:RV... -AT —


Also a Xice Line of Christmas Goods.

MRS. N. S.. BROpiEj 341 Essex Street, Lawrence.

that It is properly tmS36l , cept .ii" 1 liiui-i Ti'i'it of Binillrti e. Dr. 1-. Ai Bayre said to a l£3j

f Hit' hnut-lon—(a patlt-nt):— "As >(JI L'licjj wilt use 1 hum 1 recommend 'Oo.ur- ud*a ereenV M th* least harmful of ni.

>kin prenarattofts. For eule by al iruffatau and Panoy Onofls I>ealcr« ii lie fnti.'ti EMMMh b'anada imd Europe

I ItKll T. JtOtJKIN;4. PROP!, ::; (irt'iit joue* Street, ft. v.


v; J. I. SANBORN, M D.

T'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: Glcason Biiilding. Residence: 294 Bmaduuiy.

290—Good property on the corner of Office Huurs: U to 12. 2 to A and ».SC to 8 o'clock. Sunday, 2 to I.

Special Attention Glrtm to Disease, of Women. All. Chronio. Disease, of th. Vtom- ach, Nerve., Blood and .tCMaey. Special rate for diseases of long

standing. Have received a special diploma in the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Tbe No.. Throat. T.nng., Deafness, Aathuia and Catarrh Tr ta'tnd bj MbtWeated Compreucil Atr.

Haverhili and Vine streets.

LWOODBURY&CO. Re^l Estate Dealers anil Auction-

eers. 553 ESSEX STREET


Fire Insurance, 23 Essex St.



6-Party Metallic Circuit. Unlimited

Fitchburg Railroad. H00S-AC TUNNELL ROUTE The Bfcort Line aodall fidnls west


Lake Champlaln Route,


and all CanadlaS Points, 'alace, Sleeping er fltawlng Room

Cars on all through trains. For time tables or space in Sleep-

ing Cars call on any Ticket Agent o! the Company, or address,

,» S. CRANE, Gen. Traffic. Mgr. C. M. PURT.,.

.. Gen. Past- Art., Boston. Masa,

^■h. :*w



FLORIDA. Excellent Service, Fast Modern Steamship* to


From Pier 45 N. R. adjoining Christopher St. Ferry.


' TrTEO. C..ECER. Traffic Mgr.

WM. P. CLYDE 4 CO., Gen. Agls, NEW YORK. _.

A. P. LANE. N. E. P. A. * 201 Washington Street. Boston.

— —

town es the fluent PrncmlTeld street.

Sarah Lvrrt Dallcr-i ml Ibis -iiy. ma read at th-1 entcrtalainont to ite stvon al the \ndover (own hall .Monday ■ '. n;-v.

Mi.-; Sadie O'lltien, of tei.< city, rr- turni to St. Anne's n.'ariemy ..l;til- KorouRh today.

'T felt that 1 would rather do with- out the balance of ihe meal than thrt, coffee, and became ImpreBaed with Lite fact that' my free. Independent ntan- beod was practically none. V

j. ."My heatt gradually became weakit :.iiil weaker until it wns so cripple! that my feet and hands were always

I (old, except inimedlately afu-r drink- I ins cotteei-and after the eflect of the

MIM Helen PariTi' lias returned to ,-nne,- wore off, 1 bad that horrible. Rotten havma spent, the Christmfia ralaxad, lung-out like a dish rag feel- tacation in this eiiv. | ,n(( that ma()e m(. fiel ukl. an uh[

.Irifeph JValah. ef Kim stroat, la decrepit man at the age of thirty-live, routined to bis home on account of "When I awakened to my condition, i sprained ankle. , 1 quit the coffee and took up Postuni

Miss Winifred Harron. of Uoston.1 Cereal Food Coffee, finding it a mos: has returned to her home after an palatable and perfect beverage. My enjoyable visit Kith the Misses Dunn health has recovered,, its normal of Cross .street. | strenptth. and I am again a young and

healthy man. It Is very plain to me


11 » » > > 1 1 < 1

hi 1 ■

! ! 1


Maurlte U-'ltun has aev "nrm.'Otirjn with Lewis' wcyl mill for a mr-re lucrative pCflttton

Mtsa Anna Murpcy. of Hounington (root, arrived home y&t&rQiy from

1 tin- days vUH with 'friend.-, fa l'.)f-ton.

Arthur Crua, «f thU ciiy, will ar- rive home this v.eek from- a month'* vHt in New Vorlt.

■id his icourint p*ow tnnt **offe° was robbing me of my

strength and vigor. Posium helpeil mo n"it find built up my nervoufl sya"--

iein, "My wife, alto, has been wonderfully

1 'pnefltod by thr use of Postum Food Coffee, and we have been, engaged in an active crtlSadr in its behalf. Have found many people who had turned I'nwn Postuni solely on account of not

MIBS Hannah O Neil, of Lowell, who making it properly. It is cosy to make has boon working in the dining room if one will use four heaping tsUpOOn* n the Franklin house, his severed her to the pint of water, and allow it to connection with tlvit- hoU'l and re- hell long enough. We always use turned t.'i her hnnv. |'gnoU. rich cream, and sweeten the cup

William !Vmint, of Canal Btceet, to taste, it Is a delicious beverage, is qult.r 111 at his name. | "Tlie following^persons were al-

clnb of the Pa(;kard footed very much as I was and have


$2.00 la all wo charge for papering a room with elegant paper, border to match. First class work. We eell paper at factor prices. We also do painting

.whitening and tinting. Send a pctai card and we will call on you,

301 TiROADWAY. •* ■■— —-7^ ——'

Smoke Marid-Made

O. B. -A. •pift CENT CIGARS.

William Burger, Fine Cigars. °

f.07 Broadway, Ija«rence, Mass.

The literary school r.i'1 al T.:'0 o'efaek last even- filg ill'the school b'lildijta;. A plea^ inir' literary and mit«i;tl pi")^i-ani WIM

given. ^ After tltc i'0?u!ar meetiilB of the

YomiR Periple'? society of St. Tttoma ■' church tonight in ihe chapter home, thru- will be, n Whist pnrty .

The covered sleigh ot the Bmplrri steam laundry tipped over near tho jail yesterday afternoon. The horse tool! frlf.'at and ran away with the fnin. runners at'ached to him. After some difficulty he was captured mar - tatr, nf ra'therlne liijran, late of Lav.- O11I. and i+ampshir* streets.. , |-r.cnce.... in said eniinty. widow,

Low water in the Merrlmaek has.eleceaaed, caused a trUspenslon of operations at] WHF.RKAS Manchester, N. H.. but ' the. Essex ptirp^rting I

does not anticipate any stt.'lv; testatnenwof

11 covered tlteir health by the u^e <:.' Postilin Food Coffee: Dr. J. A. I sehuclke of the United states arniy.l

, also Mr. John Corcoran of South pma.| ha, with ihe Cudahy Packing Co.

"With best wisheB." W. H. Spauld- ing. lf,10 Cass St.. Omaha. Neli.

Coiuitionwealth of Mat.achn.ett.. ,' *


To the hoirs-at-law, next cf kin nndj all other persons Interested In the es-.

company trouble here.

The mid-winter assembly siven liy \. G. i.iibonle to Itis dancing ciaasts will take idaci' at Needham hall next Monday evening. New classes for he- ginntrt and udvanced pupils will be formed Monday, Jan. 15.

Dr. M. A. Edgnam has teeeived fro. ] the presidents assistant seeretaiy. Oeorga Cortelyott. a picture of the signing if the protocol between the I'nited States and Spain.

David Rrown and John A. Aber- efomliie have organized a new com

any under the style of tie

The Btit Un That H>« I'N Bee> Gathered la I;awrence.

Perfect Tlmii- fcecpeni ind alH Beautiful Caeei.

WATCHEft foi Lndlett and Gentle- men, In Solid Gol*, fi -Id Pi!le4 aad

Lowest Ptic

DIAMOND* Pare White Btonea Perfccs and Warranted.

King* of all style* and Combination*. More to show than anyone else. Oar J'rice. Mean* a Big Saving to

Sterling Silver Novelties*

a certain instninvu! be the last will and dd deceased has been

presented to w^ild Court.-for probate, by Charles A, DeCourry. who prays that letter-' testamentary may be Is- sned to him. the execufir therein named, without giving surety on bis official bond:

You are heteby cited to appear at a Probate Court to he held at New- Inn yport. In said County of Uas'x. on the twenty-second day of January. A. 1».. IMP, at nine o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, If any you have, why the same should not be. ' grntrTed.

And said petitioner Is hereby di- rected to plve public notice thereof by

Everything '.!ttre 1* In Novelty Designs. Bi Kief «' Suitable Pres- ent from GOT Stock.

Easy tc

In ■ Weld Boii

b n & Spool company, a <oir,oi.tlBn to I publishing tlris eitetkm one the manufacture of bobbins and spook week, tor time suwtssalv* wWKS

otton and woolen mills. | the i.awrenee Daily, ^ ^ newsoaner published in Lawrence

publication to be one day. at b-fore said court, and iiy mall-

''in;'" post-paid, or delivering a SOW cf this citation to all known persons In

Canes and Umbrellas. Gold anil Stiver Headed Canes la th* Latest

Styles and ai Low Prices. AJso a ■>)•> line of- Jewelrj ai......

Largest lewery Store, in Lawr


♦ ♦

for William Torbes

Service for Kesldence.

Telephone at tatr,

WANTED! rricdor S^njrjp, to lm\

eh Ann X'). 9

_ sons are* havln: Plans prepared for a five-story 40 feet Jnst

ufek building adjacent-to their, Mel. present block on Essex street. Tho in*, post building will be occupied entirely by Musk L Lillis and will be ready AUK. I.

The well known artist. Miss Ger- trude M. Copp has opened a studio at the fllcasor. building where she may found on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a. m. to » p. m.



♦ ♦»♦♦♦♦*«*»•»♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦


Can you afford lo be without it?

Manager ticulars.


-fr,i^t-.M. H»H4Mt*,H"f i J, " JOHN T. SULI.IVAK ^. j

4, ALES Wma and LIQUORS c£.

,1. 207 Oal« St, Near Lawrence ^


\t Idymouth T Brockton S. moutli .'.

\t I'llatnn .— Kail - River Clinton 1.

.erosted In the estate, seven dayB least before said Court ,,.„.,„.-

Witness, ROLLIN f ■ I1A,1UI^, Esnulre JndCS) ot said Court, this third dnv of January, In the year one tlnusami nine htindreii,

.1 T. MAHONEY. ReelsUr. ml Coulson.l Attys. 't-ll-lS nsCcurcy

A Qolf Caper* And RAINY DA Y SKIR T

12.30 an

house '■,00k postage

• s a combination not only neat and nobby, but is an absolute neces sity. These two articles of dress have come to->stay and no where

ch a Di<p!ay 0 these goods as in our Salesrooni;

, OST--This noon' between ' 1 o'clock, between Taylors stoi

,hI£,r:IHcr S *i £&%&«** a™s - ta *.«. ^^ stamps, etc.. which _;"■>"__ I;, .;„ other plices. ,lf%Jt'aRjf§^ policy -to buy for future needs

II furnish »lL_S*^ | yjfo,' their' wiveB or Bwecthearti. ^r a iljfJKlfiBHlr'brlstnius 1111.1 New Year I'

-v. Now i ,ilbe time to buy. We are glvim; ,- 1 1 I'Spcclal narfthllis front'this dntcnp 1 tinCjIiinU . ' Jan. I, 1900. Don't forget-the. place

5 i;sSi:X STREET, Wlicler & Wil ion Scwini! Macliirtp Com-

Telejjra,>h CO a. »i FLYISN)Manager.

NEW Telephone and

WANTED. Lady to Travel

on salary and commission: also lady

wanted to take half interest In a first

class dress making business and cut

'ting school. Address or call at room

18 Blakeley bnlidlnr. . ...-

minutely described. Kinder i„ rewarded h>' returnlpj same '1 . . American otilce.


At- l-.iie Cage was

this werk's session of the pro court the will of George L.

was proved. Admlnlsl-atitm 'tfanlrd on-tho *«*»#* of Uipilj

w 1 y .in other places. at the pricci at which we are selling these goods. Just how Low these prices are Vdifficult to tell without showing you the goods.

Come in and give us the opportunity to show them to you.


has • \11nle Ooodell anil Calliariii'' Ihe

MiiWnn. Inventories, were filed on law. estates of William P. Wart, tip: Charlotte Fleming, $2292.-9: Mary Davlson., »2Pi'<>: William Allen, »19.- 083.4S.,

I 'he full bench of Ihe supreme cap I ;ent down n decision snetcinin : ,111'titetioniiliiv ot the Tori-en

' provides for the ISjStT: Hon of titles lo inn,!. The eoint W8( divided in Its ,'iiii. 11. He'*" Lorloa writing 1 dlsssntbll opinion. In wit ' .1 Jitllge Latbrop concurs.


_ ^ » Office and Salesroom ss* Common S«eC. M*> M&

Uncle Yarn's Coffee. The* Finest of the World's Product. An Opportunity to Sample this Coffee, wiil be given

ie Citizens of Lawrence Through its Leading Grocers. Al I lovers of Choice Coffee will please watch this space



Dress Suits, Sack Coats and Trousers and House Coats.

Extremists hi dress are emit .ivoring */i Introduce the wearing of braided Beams on evening dr^ss trousers. This attempt must be classed with theie- »uui din- ID create a vogue for velvet collars on dress coats, lSnth are vsv Karirs of fashion that will in* 6* Shewed by men of taste, who are .jeal- ous of th*e" severs stmpHHty of"rvpti-- lag clothes, endeared alike by custom and tradition Occasionally n fad of

Thomas Wood & Co., Importers and Roasters,


^George O- Hoyt, Special Wholesale Agent,


LOST HER LIFE Elderly Woman Burned to

Death in East Melhuen


24 OZ. PACKAGE Many housekeepers «n, " I < .onsider the roke of »lii!« Glycerine Toilet Soap which I tinrl in each po< la-n- of Ivorinr, worth even more thmiTMh tocielher cost me

'^ashing Powder



this sort may bo tacitly saintttomsd by correct dressers, but they quiakly lira of It. My most men hraidetj seams. velvet collars and like innovations in evening attire are regarded as a ■necles of grntesqiieaeM in apparel to

| Stripes and (hecks In sack suits are ! little approved by the fastidious. Dark ] mixi'ires1 in rough fabrics, such'"as

cheviots and unfinished worsteds, are very stylish. Serges, sxoept rough eloilis. hare been relegates! to the bsxkgroiihiL Cheviots with a sprink- Hnj of red, brown or green In the pat- terns are eminently correct. Sack suits are cut loose, and hence keep nfi


Farm Buildings cf Mrs. Chas *'-~ivr ffirrisar-resiroyi'd rrj™

by Fire

■— First of the Year

Bargains. fs

V firo which nv f life mill the de


II' 'II .lllO'lt 1

iliul in tho to; traction of.a set of1

ccurrad yi-jt.-ialac I'etock .In the east*





tithe recently the design was so ag- j gresslvety loud as to. induce .a belief. I thin the limit had been reached | through sheer inability tu go further.

Fashionable hous.e coals are sold for %:. in |25. They are made of- fancy

j \Mi!s[.,is with silk figures, plaid vi- cunas, Bedford cords, velwleriis rtti<I

I hroitdf loili. prettily adorned aL Ulfl I end's, collars.^lapels and poctfet Raps'. They are to be had in plaids, checks and velvet*, lined and unliued. with

j silk rordnajt, aatln binding or quilted i satin i.uin^s. The range of prices is

Wfdst Merchant- tailors who are imlisput-

. ably the arbiters of fashion in men's : plothsa, liave decided to revive, braid- ; cil cdgt'B on frock and cutaway coats

1 During the last few yean raw edges ] l.ei.l sol.

Rvery article H desirable and wanted they arc pfactically uscleM to us, bu through the Iota we-,' unlimited. THftfffi OOOHS AUk ALU MARKED

Yoifll eagerly take tlien when you Oath street, nhoot hnl.f a mile frm; Ready for vmi ho*-,

Guy W, Currier's land known as Oak-). lands on Kast rarest. They were own- ed by Mrs. PharJes'M. rfarnisch and cijnipriM-il ;i one and a half story coN

4agi^wiiii_^tn__eJLajuLJli_h;^^ about 2fix40 b

AVc find on going through our steel; n quantity of broken lot3 -one of this.Hind, two or three of that and a couple of this -- and so on.

In the small amount in each lot >un they -ire just as good as

their shape easily Trousers are wldefXperu para nf \Jeih I than heretofore, and will doubtless be- ; Thl. bindings r nan ncd were lo -md ! fen long attain the*Enjrtlsh standard

ol fullness, ' ■ jBmoklng jackets and house coats

have not escaped the reaction from : gaudji colon that prevails in most '■ branches of men s apparel. ' At one

•inly' thi

FAB* ltI-;m\V. THEIR VAUTR ;v how very little they are marked.

G. H. KITTREOGE 389 Essex Street

The Pease Piano Has a

'";cord of Over Fifty Years )

b2,856Pease PiarusMacJe £

: ad Sold. A Record That

S/tftki for Its Se'f. Ex-

~ * !nc This Line oi Pianos

■ jre Buying. Sold on

! asyTerms

■ the change will he gradual. ' liorsenhocs have given a

fillip to the popularity of riding ' wbrps, spun*, horses' heads, crops, [.stirrups, buckles, /liillletrees and offev

M t 1 rt • v [** articles of jewelry (emblematic of ^« vea by ooying _YOUT | eqnestriantstti. fleedlsea to add. the

the fire started ait *th.- -r ba-m- i\*H<r v.i>. it- a qnaiUity. i.l tiaaw

had lieen placed! on the"o«tslde ro iw :• the cold "lit .Mr;;. Ha-t'iiisch WEg away and bar mothei. who waa '•'• vi-ai-i oltl; was in charge of tin- bouse-, St(fi diitcayerad smoke and i.'j in in- yestigating found the bam to be on (its-. Neighbors wpre suniir.-ii'-d and they at once c'lniiuf ut-fd tu teni.'iv.' the fiiruitnie. The games had gained mnsiderabie headway and it im- uosMble to check ri>nn: .Vis. Hamlseh's mother wswrfnto the harn and released iwo (/Tws and went Uaeh again to open a tfoor for the h* as i i con <-MI . This was the last --'- n "!'■ In r and it know n she i» - ished in the flame?.- A search was

It is predicted that ] tnavir aboilt the woods, but no Irac



t , , 4

In tbe Beit Tart of W »rd I, \ tdjtpeat to Electric Can, hj ♦ 1'ioneer i en re,—

Coal Dealer of Law-

$50<0 SIOO

I ow Rent and Light Exferi-

the So-Cal!ed Guilt Di...KD Dealers. The Fines"

Line of Pianos to be Fourrj

in Hsscx County.

onid be found in the Bn.w;and in- tb' >(niite^ nt. hon-rs jn_arijy..l.ixfip^ht Bjgj

. netitiragemehj. ■ ,." "~ i i.nte in the afternoon the itrqn*f of

her bod\ was found in MM ruina In the cellar Chief of Police Gordon! was present and had the remains! turned over to' Undertaker Douglas of. Mcthuen. /

Maynaiil Cunican. foreman for Wil-. tiam Jgckson, a farmer living in the Tirana ii i Valb'.v djatl'lct, discovered the flames and went t»> box K. loeatetl "t the corner of Oak and Pleasaui Valley street- ainl niirg in an alarm-.* The a hi rin was not received at the

.. should be annuHed Only [fire sta'ion at M-thiicn village. The ;1 a verjk small proportion of the states [bell struck only.a few times. The . of the Am.-rican federation allow the ' "ii:1

A\. O'/Aabooey, CONTRACTORi •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»„ muuiiiiiiiiimiiifcfcfc,,*

fewer and plainei) the ornaments worn 1 ianos From KNUEPFER ,!"' t:<;|ro1" the Proof of their owner's

' gooil fast e.

Wives and Mothers. Enables Me to Undersoil: 1 ca,nn,oj dose this paper without a

I reference to the unjust laws relating Ed?e itn vviVPS H,1(i tnothers, which disgrace

■ ■ the statute books of moat of the states

IF You are Looking for the

: Good Second

Hand Uptight

Pianos Fronj$ 100

o $150 See This

Line of Pianos to

be Convinced That

Knuepfers Music

SvOjtjt .s the Place fo buy the Most Reliable Pianos

GUESS COUPON. Five of these Coupons presented at my store' entitles

the person presenting them to guess a number. One of uhich'v.ill VlW Ihf

$350 PEASE Plf NO February 22, 1900.

.SBWIt. C KNUEPFER, 248 Essex Street, Lawr-nce, Mass.











R G. Knuepfer, 2l %Zni ft ew Pianos Sold prom $17 5 to $500

married lather and mother to ire [equally leeal owners and controllers '. n) their minor children Their legal ; ownership resides in the father: the I mother who borethem. who won ihem j at the risk of her life in the valley of j death, hi denied a share in th- in. Tlie 1 taws in many states not only give to the father the minor children, but the

, legal ownership, of the wffe'a person a'nd earnings, which praetlcaly re- dUCes hereto slavery. To the hnsbarid la-given the right of choosing the don*

■ leile of the family, regardless of the [wishes of the wife. If the husband dies intestate the law divides his prop* arty among his heirs, and. very often In such S way ;is t<» (Suite great hard ship to his wife. These unjust stat- utes are an inherilanee-frwmn bmg- gone past, and were'.not formulated by the Ieglsfetors of the present. The majority of Anieriean husbands and fathers are better than these Jaws. and merer enforce them, and many are entirely ignorant of their existence. Still, their influence is felt in the com' lumiity. and their practical results are always disastrous to the boms and the family, when Interpreted by men who lack an Idi at comprehension of the worth and glory of motherhood and home.— Mary A. Livermore in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for Decem- ber.

An Unbroken Rule. "Look at that bicycle." exclaimed

the woman as she Identified it in the cloakroom and saw that it had been knocked about badly

news ■ Liim that after, cnlliu;; the lever in the"tire alarm hot Coamati must .have jd>trf the floor, in which; i:-e a email pin would he struck and the current cut- out. (Vimeau was oi!) >ttoped Sy" tin wciXpr'"a8 to the, ringing o' the alarm and he said that fir dCJJ Qj ln*' box rrtnalned open fu'ivfive minutes befcre be closed it. ' sid that he knew how to rinirtw- an alarm on.*l in his opinion if swery- tiling had been in^wenking order the fire department would hajfe recetared tin- alarm all ri^ht. Kr.izin er Clark v. ho has rharpe of the fire alai'n. System staled to the wrltfif that lit-,

■■•I'd the box a !tej srrivfhg at ih-' Tire aiid f'j'iud it tn 1-e in pbrfecl work+ng '.IUT. How.v.r. bad 0\» alarm «oikc_.! all fight and the di - pirtnient rciptintled' nothlug could jiav^ been done o save thi buildings as (here was 1.0 water handy.

& L'"- part "( fh' furniture was i\. :, but tin- buildings were humc.1

:o the itrotTnd'.~There, were.two tons -;f hay. tai n;1ng toob), ?^> worth nt ■IIA'W. ami '" tiero. ' ■ > d « 'h tli! !:v!i. 'I'v., t-..,\ ij upd twq ' ■ were #aved.

The buildings Were in-'uied with A. ]■• Ma; h of i.:«wi>ii't>" for HWi tlto loss .;n' the hulldialgH and the contents will anmtint to Bearry t« i-" this amount.

Benjamin Harnlrch, elgh,l years old. the yo'tngest sen of Mis. Harn lech •aid tie saw pomt 'i la goes' a» Sr ti." barn before the fire, He saut ie- talk- d with thi MI and tfw> wanted ta go in the barn ami he wouldn't M

Finest and Largest Stock of

mSlr^ClEffMM We would invite you to call at Our Store. We especially

call your attention to Our Line o Carving Knives and Forkes.

The Treat Hardware

Supply Co,


S. W. Fellows *4 A manufaciurei's itocl

tf Solid col.I Bind .Bolld Oold Jewell? -or all sorts lnus hern con.siiiiiiMl ti

-me to be sold, by OQI

of the best manuli tur' era in - this country

.S'inii' of the b,..t i.;>r gains that may Ie f.iiin

in my store, arc i>ol Cold l!in«s. sentils: lurje and small las trous alamandinis an i-:utmrrK*-stows;' -^h«-

■ ai" RIAL sone3, glass.


S"Efl4t»i .M-oiit in ,:„.,, ''•'•■>""il .in-l opal ,i,u-a. ,-,■„„, ,,.„ ,,", nx diamond* in ,.a, h. Tll,.. dandy gooih: and are nil whjtfl 'lb- prii-cs run from ?; to i'l


Btom n.

We rin-

eaa save you about J3 on each

(t in b«l

.1 fa

AI-O f, nuire dlamoi chtr and tiffany s- tt ri

TheM 111.. krahtlftri thy an- a 1,,-d ,,f rii, .'

A lot ,,i Children.'! i;i,;_ '... ■solid (old an.l v«ry heavy, set ivii thre- M.II.S. We have tliern in th l.opular eolorg, They Inv.r oil f., Jl "0. now Jl ,0ft,

I'rop in as you aro passlrg ar. look at ,;„..„ b«r»aiiW. J\-. many raorc Uurnsan, . i | ,,-

"".many to (il: . tan come in and we will show then to yon.

We hair derks that s;i'eak Frend and Cerman.

. KUetrlc cars of all lines stop at on door. ,

Open every evening.

Commonwealth of Mainaohusctts

KM • \. t». rmir. \Ti;'t":oiur.

I" Hi- belra-at-la*, n«xi nf tin and all other persons uMerestld in tin

ite of George s Wllllama, lati "i North Andover, m said County farmer, cleeeutd: ," Whereas; a eeturo Instrument nur-

nortlng. to be the last will and teste- ■ ■ ' ..f said •'!... a ■■,! ha been pre-

seHted to-sald Court, in; prohate In ll.illl.all .1. William,... «;,„ pj^y, ,1,.,', letters lestamehtar.y, mav be lamed to her, th- executrix therein named, without glvlns a surety on bet offl.-ial bond:

.Von ar,. hereby riteil to appear at a Probate Court to !,.. bald ai salem is -aid County of tjsaex, on the lifti-.n-

-ih day of January..A. n loao, at nlni ' ' Jb tlv'-foreiHion, to sho^t ■ ftHge

II am M ij have..wlsji the Mnie should not-no I'raTH..!.,! patltioaer Is hereby direct- ed to mo. p„i.i:- noi:,-- thereof In- puHirslrtng this citation on-- i„ eheh •"*■ !"<■ ihr wreewlie «.-K< in '•'"' 5*wr»hes Rally \: lerlcan, a ni ws-

ed It! Uiur.iive th,. last pnojieatlon to I,- , ne ,,m. ai leasl

■ i'' 1''inn. and by marring ■ I.t4 01' delivering a copy of this

citation;,tp ail kpbwn persons Inter- t«d in tli- < - tate, .,-,i'ii .law. a!

l l> *...-» h.. t, J Tilt; MlHiMM; "TCI.F.l.U ll*h W is f,.-ii-«i,. ,:l\- ihf |..'IL-.I1I,->* ■ ,. t l&tOt t'niitHJJ, II- n-«- ..t llll< .1.1- I-...I1

W i'l«f. It* t.ujll'Ul l.i-*» 1* wUlhtarflatlvr pS) 11* thv


, them* Me said tint after t::>- Mr- . J?J?Li ^Jl!!*-1].""?111!!1? i1-" KM II LCti - ■ ■ t& 1 ■ : ; ; v. - ■

'I ';i ]■■ '"1 ■■! tl ." Iv- ' O'll.; II 11 5? ti iifi ''

however, ri;< ir "-■ -0;*''' bOHef.thfl :

tl: ■ t".y niiEh* have had matehei in■ ih" bi'ii/iiml caused th* Ore, H denied having becu it1 the'barn arlth ;iiiv mate.hi B, hdw* \ ■■;■.

. Mr-. ITarniseh had oeetipiod the hnljdjnas for 17 y 'ar.--. Her h;,.

urn K ■■■. '• :«iiii|.lviiin.i|ifn -ii.-liuM.-.

i r«MMrei UMI • tnnvl bu - ■■ ■. .. ■

Tin: MvrHv TI:I.W;IMI'H ft ft* 1 I • 11 ..1 i ttttie 1 ttthtt wprtiv r ri fml i.iyil.-, it ulvtHi >,,II MI m ti'.i-- tin- .iiti'itininiit in ttw HVi-rHKw *J r.erliv m„ -. H 1.. hrimiui ..( I-.!,- an.I 0 MM ( ■■!■. n| lapl> ■ p ■Dtl t:.n,_- i-m ^ V' ■%, you .fli-|ii |n know, .»! »OUl4 in*.- S» t -I..M if i*i niiuhiv .I.;, o ting 1 J-.--1,

1 he humble reply of th«>official it s nil Fmtjshed to pieces."

"¥es'oi,fl ■'Ami it was done on this line." •V'^'in."

' VY< 11. what do you propose to do about it'.'"

"I II report it to the foreman, ma'am, ;

and he'H report it to the station mas- • ter, and the station master to the sen- oral manager, and the general ma^ Rfer to the Hoard of■ Directors, and*. some day, three or four years hence '''" ™* f;,m''-v- l,',n' hoyi and otv |trl, ;i l.r-'>er will eall on y<PU'ai,d wanr to ■'!h' "1''L""' ■ ''■ I ' '■'' ; "', ,:'' know why you didn't travel with W>«r ' voungefcl eight yeara^ old. Mr; bicycle in a properly' maoia eftse. ,)-;nii>,1|'w mother had Ifred With he. That's our routine, nu'in an,* «•., I CV^r stnee the family eam'e to America.

*♦•♦»♦*,♦•♦ • <

Leland Belting Co. * *

• *H*»*M«M H«t»M*m a

rfieej al" ni elgbl years ago. The family '■••ni- in ".avrriii. from flermuny -'• yeftTa ago, There are fi\V -children Dr. J. N. Breton

yvfUesR Rolirn E. i1

. aid Conn tw, iity-i-i-i.i day „f uecembar, In y-ar oni- thoiljand sight hundred ninety nine

.1: v. SO-8-11.'


our routine, ma'am, and we sever Deviate—not even when the guards forget to leave us a niece of tho machine."—Exchange.

Study of Forestry. on or the nut year's work

Mb- school of Forestry at Cornell hows that this course lias become al-

and popular. The Man

I'l Urelu


ftbP wa> a god old lady and did rituefa ,v al; al'i'in the bo-s •. Mrs. Iloai.a I is been a hard working woman. During winter mouths when 'there Is II a 1111a h larra wot !■; to b ■ dOBS she !,..-. woii-o out a- the houses of ft>lgh- bo's. In siimia'c:- .h, > irried o.i ;!: ■ ,!1" farm as a man waul,I and has worked,- J^n!d» nud hard to bring u]i hi i- fi-mily. Sb*1 .va.=

'.AlauitiiAi. N"OBR THRO l'ATARR>(Xl, era! Ill health. tl;-. an,I i.-s .

ISKAffKa III-' AND I.I\,;s

:\i\'!:ss. Tba ■tckmiw. kiM -I '.«!,. whl-h .H th fore.

-1 1 1 f.ilihdill

Sy. I-.

- til* about trarcfl m -r the loss of lur - -1,1" "ean J» appropriation for inatrueti.iii thi'.-,.. , -..-■ ,-,., ,i a. ...„..,i , ,.,


■ ■■ rv -laf .;, On- «..-:.. I n, t :-.i„. n --, ,1, ,1 I,- L-.-I 11 l-.r »-„

- ,1 . „,,,- I,- -,11 ;• be« -t ;,!;''. •


ipiisitiou of a tract of 3Q.OO0 acn s In the AlirondaeRs-,"during a period of thirty yoars. for practical demonstra- tions), The academic y*ar began un- der some disadvantages, as this ana bad not then been transferred yet not- withstanding that fact the class rolls ia the foresty course shows thlrtv- ono. thirty-five and fifteen students for the fall. '

"of he The fan il nearby tu

,ti 1 uii

l:n- 0111.01- ..I/TU-IH '•:-.,-a,-r ,.

!'■>,... uballn I' - - - ■ . I ie ski::

. re offer- d hi until tli- ... i'iml

I, spi 1 lively. winter and spring terms

Where Smoking Is a Crime."' ~" Fringe's Antl-Tobaceo Society Is KO-

Ing to make Negus Menellk a member The society has learned that smoking *ou* Exhaustion, Impure : - almost urfknowj] in Abyssiua. and la "

f punished as a. crime when practiced 2«»^v~-_«___l-_^» Prencb explorers hare to smoke their *tre*t »■><! *<* » trlej package free



her and th de.ttruetlon "of her ,,, I! !,:,:■-'..;■

Wi men and tttm Imjmlretl grnoriil , r in ''' v-'1* u,u'-1' [•*** t"1"1' « ehi-ontc InvoJ. 1 ™ '"■ servo - affeetion*.. Brain Kaj N«rur- some "isWi H+rvdas Rxtntinitton, Bteeph w*

fs- pto, and iiii I'nronlc Dtwaimi mte- COMfUlij

n..w mam rUiiTwern frem [he above KE- .'ie"-as.-s ror ,n.,i:.v ,.■■■.<;■> rmrntaii Viih-

'■i't Beins ab** o. g«& cui twrl and 1 .-i how .;isii> iur.»i)i.. under i>:-. Breton's ■-•ittrrt.'iit. "vYhfr/f shall I go !■• ^.-F iieen? 111 my :: Mifferer iirtk-t-rmt ku,.w-

HR whotn hi tnifir. Go where thfUtKandti '■ othi r- ti,t\ 1- imtir and l n restorH -' P.rr.-ei lti.-.i.Mli. :!i.'....iiir,.rts ,,f li.mie fill i!n- .-ujnynii nt, 'if rHHHHv to Dr' :r.-..n-K ..|.1 establtuhed ooW. Ql

ring , ehronte i\tB*>.na->i ' thai In


Is sound and more refreshing alter taking a dose of Cleveland's Celery Compound Tea on retiring. This great vegetable remedy never falls to make life's battles easy to win, and life's trials easier to bear. Thoss who suffer from Nervous Prostration, Ner.

Blood or Constipation should tot fail to try It. Call on John H. Orcer, 259 Essci

1 "i- ti v.- f:itt*H in

- - skill,- 1 v'l«H


"■!■ treiument. vVhen mirr.-rim: 1- dlsenspN i>atJ(*nt« ahouM n(>< k mtv|i j't'tn an estieri whose expertenw mil

h« ■"' faaghl him t.» np].. p:. inflv ihr .,:•,,,„-.- r,.|I:i. , , , ,,

W '■■■ ' wr^ert l.r. i:r. :■, sTknuwledgea no .-.-..,.n.,r. An uo.-oni

'• larffe nrautlt^ dUHne m.-mv v»-.u - ""rtnnui expedsnee '.ifViv- 1, w« l>r. Brston to gusranti'

*■■ ■ urv toe ohatsnoU llnarrlns riis- '-■>-. :■• matter whai th* ,nus, ,..■ hint

ndlna?. T&erefore .uffrnra win inj s'..-,,, relief atut sure eun? shou 4 '■Wr.U I-- h.vum, wlww 1.,,,-' -XL- - nv* -X',.-,!.-,.,.,. ,-,.,i,l,-s hffti Co HtM I |'r ' treat***** at one*, without '• ■ ■MM rxm*rlm*at*, -thuM savins ih.- ■ tit-tit imiHi ilmrt, analety and

lr loni; X|XM|

pontlnsed iud! ever inrrv.t-.t. sii...s,^ is *Vld«! f IhklllfulM.-ss. 1 >. [>!■, Breton's sbllltyMij W«.|, aHnted V umphant Teattmonlats AonVthe moal 1 ■top}* people .,v,r ih.-lr nwn shmtlHrr^ bespeak t..r in-, Bruon the lisit t»v 1 ean )>.• sfN'ir nt his lj,sn»'iis.u

\ ions ssssy \H USStoM. It Is not It' littire. but treatment ■whi.-h in-' stett ;.■ 1 nmt ihiit DrixBreton can give wttlv "I" ''iiTi.-ntiRjr, Nonf nf nr.Ureti»i - i<»rk is liniflifd by undertakers ;:tid wii 1

KT.I vest,.nt* makers. it.- is not l.t l'i.rin*r-*hl|i.

ll,s .1 Knriish always in attemTa* < I.-«'t|.-H. ,-'rilbiy>' 1111,1 katltnfnv (, -

ta unlj. Othef do**s in grow?)).

. SIHMS nin'.l >.i,, tueasure anv,-irin.l nf SHERWOOD Pl'ltE RYE WH19 ] ; KKV H^Yt:.UU OLD. AT- M.,OAR 1

Whltlredge's, 1^*1 i:- NEY ,4 C.'S.

There are se>cnty.four gold mining -otui'itn >s In the Transvaal. '*"■

JOHN' P. HRTZ £ SON (F-.E-i ,.-,,, ... nitATEIl I'HII.APEl.PHU STOfK a)?!''.!.!- 1. for a pair ol AIJ-VANn PORTER a YEAltSOir. ',"- ■ «'••>■ WhRtaeogs •1--0 PIER CU8F. M. CARNEY 4 CO ' ''' ! 2^2 52 m',k" ' "'1MI"

- " _"".' * "* . n P^'r oi, Hal-ton ll'altn Bhoe for J(.

CASTOHIJ! lam flat _^lln tod Von Hair AlipisBiaJl 8<r°start


CASTOR! A For Infants and Childr:n.

ftie Kind You Have Always Bought

Consultation and Examination FREf.



Siglli'.Ul ^*6&rf%2iS °fflce 339 Essex st- °ver °yer & Co's. i,.»vi:i;»i; yias i.'iu 1:1,1.. M \tw


• ».»■•.«.».« .».».».»..».«.««««>t««»«. ►>♦«»♦«♦#»«« «>t»<«««l»l»l IIH«»« > ►..»»♦«♦#».».♦.♦••»♦.♦> ♦•< •*•*« 1'{••>»•»•••♦•♦•♦>»>>»»•««•»•♦>>>»>»»•»>■»■•<»♦«»»»«•»»«»»»>»»»»»«>»«*>•••>»»>>»«»>»>•»■»>»>♦»»»»>♦»♦•♦«»»»»•*»»>>>«»■»>•»>>•■»■••••■»«*•>»*•»■»»»••<

I'll en I u I i in |||| HI i (Hi IM I O " OH III IMI lie IMI IMI IMI IMI <l II IMI | I i I IMI (III



i i ■ i I I I I IM, I I I I IMI , . ., II II IMI IMI .1., I I I I < I . ,



i !


....DOUBLE DISCOUNT.... irji

i .

i i,o

WINTER Priced at $12,14,15,18, and $20

grouped in One £ot and Marked^

* $10.00

oil 1111 ir- on IM. n II

That's One Discount >#♦•♦••<>' •♦•♦•♦•♦•♦«♦**««*■_>€»» I »♦•♦•♦»<>••♦•♦« >>.».»•♦>».».».»>♦•».»>•»•»•♦•»••>♦•».

Discount Two.




Rebate Checks of the Merchant's Co- operative Ass'n Amounting to...


»♦•»•»*♦>«»•♦.♦.».»»♦»♦»»«»*»i•*»♦♦♦•♦•♦«« s


11 • M


.Ml I I ■


No Sale of Any Description Equals This "-■ ■ ■

Offer of the — i»:

ii Lawrence One-Price Clo. Co. —' - / *- ■

431 --ESSEX STREET--431


H '} 1'

l Ml' 1

1 J ' •

W"' ra J :

; r»

', i

1. 1 ]


If yon *;int yn eeiwlbchi^lK.-i<

r r.vikir.irtore. >nitijiincntsuic

Bell's Spiced Seasoning

to delicately tbvorTwkey, Chick Alex. Fowl, Pish, *tc. MJH awect hi-rtv, rWoicc tpkcik. »r io yrar» tlit llSBfT. Ot

all fitKim,

E ♦ DM. KMtBETT D. D ».




Enjoyable Event at Y. M. C A.

Kwjc St. ♦ I List of New Assign- fw»« - K&ef\iS' • ■ _,■,.


Wiw»-i* Form,.at,* Hwi[ Year's Entertainment


Gray Hairs , Can be tieferrod

|n?o/1firinff «nd an.l «4«etwth«ned. jen iH-ior.' liic mfe Then N i»" um^i' restore tflfr to KIJ> I

. Kept i Hlii-d

Seven Sutherland

Sisters' II.. ;r<m«r lint. St .vlp i' m i I.J.|IFI^ |.l dirt* tjdjH . [*M '.. .j;1'. M ill poatt.VUt) until lutttnv rompeM i.inn IL.I.III. . uini'i ■!•• iin-ii ■|HB.«I«J«-I |i

A Business ♦ r ♦ »• ♦«"♦>♦ * •»♦♦«•♦ •". ♦ *♦«>♦»•.♦ R

WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST ? Of Republicans Who Were on Djy Duty Tfcey cost you BO more when you buy

of us. We grind loiwa to fit each1

vye fwparntely. Astigmatism and'nil, fri'orn Of refraction corrected. Difflculi rases ;i specialty. Sati-uittion guar- anteed In e\*cry case. - - !

A. -J. WIU.S, Eyeufghl SpecliUl I i <;



in potters thin !«• "In ih" aollcf in r mi-iit In.v.- {jLiTiinn0'!' tit** HbSign

REID & HUGHES f-awrenco.

LAWRENCE_^JC^ Rendering Co

* ntvi.mts IN

fallow, Bones, Grease, Oils Swap. ll»il. f. .->ku.., 1-ttlU, 6wt», lirouud

Mono, J-iin;i iv Heal, Meat bcrap, ami bracked Hone am] rurtllUer


Office: " winter Street

5 Per Cent Sold Cuaraui«*od Tlonds of the Coium bus, Marshall & Northeastern R. R. for sale at par and accrued interest Sfc-nd for list of Rafo investments yield .eg 4 per cent, and upwards.

Joshua Brown &Co. BANKERS,

89 State Street. Boston^"



Served to Order. Regular Meals. Next Door t

American Express Office. 300 ESSEX STREET.

Mrs. Cow Perth wait. Prop.


ni'-nt of polirp ororerrf nnil the MMIM will so into eTwt toJuy.

Many of the nl^ht officers ret.iin tln'ir nrenfll bents Init there is a Glean t-wcep r-f republicans on thf day force. Seven have been ns»Jgn>Hl IJoJJliVtVrV to ni?ht duty but to far only five aaj ill--!, have been appointed io fill the vacani'it^. It may he thai two m" ili>> present day officers*wit] remain at there tloesn't' seem to he enough democrat* who fancy the day jobs.

Ev-Marshal Murphy will remain at headquarters for the prnsent an hi is engaged In til*' preparation of su- l ci'i'ii- coart cnaee. Assistant Mar- shal Kline baa MHked for a leuvp of Pi wial weeks which has l>een printed. Fx-Sergeant Woett hafl boen atisimied Officer Kiynn's route, on Baaex street. fli*V latter havini; been aealjUnd bfi day pentoi *

<)ffl«'fr Renrdon will mieceed K|ht-' hall tranaferred to nbjhVduty

Oflirer Martin has h*'en ttanaferrcd from day duty to Oflieer Logan'••-

rout'' on the 10 oVlork shift.

., M. ('. X. territory at the beginning ot day waKon man vl« k-p.b^l th.. _.,.,.<m(l hi,h. l)Ut it WiiH „.ni red to niKhL duty. hy ft ^^ g^ Dy Uo;,.,^

The MCtmd team then forced the nl.iy Harbour and Johnson Rcortcg

"'^u'^T^LVoailwnv ., .i«Jl*3 «hoo. team forK,n .S«d^T«w» shire, Concord to o'clock: after io,

Hamo-J Holly, until Hi,

Hampshire T<J

Holly to Haver-


Bass Ale from the Wood ;; East India Pale Ale.

Anheuser BushTSeeV Harvard Pure Belrs

; On Draught All the Time.



School of Dancip . c\ ['tree*.

At Needtiam Hall Every Moo-

Franklin and Cross hill streets.

BrooltM, Oafirey, radni;an. . Devlin Jolin I'v Donovan and Have.-;, uo change.

Hart on Racipalupo's route. TIerrick. no rhance. Johnson en Houshton'e route: K-im-

hall on T.ini'han's route; Logan on Whites 'route.

Lewis. McCarthy, ardson. no rhange

Bprenejaf on Thompson's route; Sul- livan, Prospect'hill until Ki.'on hie own route after 10.

ThoBtpajin on Harfs route, Vote, Wadltn and Woodcock; n<

thangc. Whito on Chavils route; Wueat on

l-'lynn's mute. Th-1 followinp are th-i t^ii Q'eloc

assignments: Thitlejlll">n rjii Bsairrefthid's come

Mariln od IAUMU'S route O'Connor on, Hnckman's route; Taylor or. White's route; Wright on Carey" route;

Officers t'lin'mr. Frenefi, MeCarli and O'Snlliviin will ti-.iv I their prea enl routes.

Huckman on VVrightV tome. The f5}lowing day men are trans

ferred to night duly: Johnson. Job J. l»onov:in. Taylor, O'Counor Bchenk, Martin add Kimbali.

Messrs. Beauregard, Sprang- r. White and Logan of the 10 6'cln,-k shift, haye been transferred to the ', oVIoek shift.

The following night men have be ;t assigned to day duty: Cuey, Flyi.n

hard, Linehan and Rionlan.

send sooting a elever throw, ilamll ton .liiiiheil the game for the high school by tossing the sphere, in it mo me.ut later, time Iwing called with the score 1" t" ,; in the high schoo^teuin's favor. Mr. Kox retereed very satis ra.toillv. i.

The basket hall'game was followed by an entertainment which Included soledtfbns in southern dialect bA- W )\'. T.Miap of Boston, piano s-olos by Mr. Ualeli violin solos by Mr. Ward

Rmtek an,! Rich I «< »" ^f^j'Jl^TT WC"" uinl.-i tho 'Uroction of Mr. FOX. Til" l.'irlir.- In chars*- of thi- tali)--

w-M'tv Mrs. Moora, Hev. Mi's. Page Mrs. K. E. Colby, Ri-v. Mrs. Tull.-r Miss Houston, Mrs. H.ncncer and Misi iMaclonaW.

in.- committee in charge Included Mrs. Fuel'. Mrs. lliirsc, .Mrs. Dtn'm- and Mrs. Ileald.


Mill . S[ rincs. Avk.

day Evening Private

; begin- will re

Ticket, three lessons, $i. Laaaons at. :\ Chester atree nr-y nd advanci 'l i to n i formed Jan. 15th.

New liall Room Dances for .VI- JTauced Cta?s. <

['HM'Anieii.'iui Minuet. Ai.ieilean Medleys. Illhi Two.Sten. ■ Waltx Cotillion, \aTcstn-n Normal Newport.

BTAQB DANC^g. Private Lsaaana boly.

pallet and Posing, ' Jskirt Dane". Son* and Dance. Rurk" and Wing, lush Jig, Sand Jig, Ree*r; American rlog and Uincashire, Clog. KANfV DANCES POR EXHIBITION

Maypole, Uo>;,i \. ,;,; isailer'.- daftce), Holo Tamlionruii* fcfsmce, Uaiti- i-ow dance, Mlstletos Minuet, Sklpplni Rope Dance, l'an Dame (duet <»i

I AST WIKTER'S OVERCOAT MO (tK)U| away from the In,,a Otu

car rniable work IQ cleaning, repair log and dying will renew It for th. wlni V, betides we allow yon 10 pci cent. oS on every dollar.


Richard CuMnane, ARCHITECT^

Plans, atpectficattena, ContractJ nut >'.v emetitN ytapani: at' abort aoUee.

d'«Nirtn»Pnditiir QJ Iniibllni-'B ' dmlnjl ^CL:t»tnj'*tloe given pf'^nnt nrr....»i,,r.

• -2SS Bases street, Room C and T,


Jan. 3. From a source many facilities for gaining

in»UXc news from South Africa a rep reeentatve of the Assoi-inted VPretss berths that Col. Pitcher's occupat"i of ponsjlas is regarded a;* merely the! first step ol General Methuens cftte* fully rnaUired plam to eutilank th- Boers. According to this,authority iti iM'i'obible Cnl. Richer in r:;n.jun; :i- i - H': lfil fitter it th It a rtj i with ,'Oeaergl Babfngton'e torn- from

, :i. -Tom Sharkey tonight received a challenge from Champion Jeffrfi* to fi.chr. S rounds within 30 days, Uaa winner i tak'-a 11, provided Tom O'Rourke i ejuluded from Sharlte; 's eorn*»t Shiiikey said he WflS gli"i 6f the <i[;

-ptrrtuuity to tight JetTrtoa on the terms stated, but would insist that fleorge Slier should not referee, the fight]

A LAWRENCE MAN llivr:- Sonic VITV I »..■ r i.!. ■ rl Opinion!

on an IntcrcStine Lotal Qu.slion.

The follnn-inR pneUe atatemenl riven by a citizen 1B true |n .very iiarti.i.lav. Enquiry is court, d.-the moi. doubt, the more need for conclusive, con- vincing proof. Lawrence people'havt positive proof In tho' opinions licit: aBd^hs-wHwi-lemt* (wsswi tYrimgh by scores cltiseris. This resident of l^wrcncn only rc-echoc? the sentiments expressed daily In thi, newspaper hy Ineiil eiti/, :.

Mr. Wm McKay, of i!., Elm strorl |ii 1 null


H,'s Cream Balm

Last evening aboi.t three huudn young men and ladjtsj assembled atjrHK CLKANSINO tlf V. M. ('. A. rooms on Appleton] ANt> 11BAL1NC street to enjoy the good tiim* provided by the association al its annual New Year's, reception. From 7.80 to 8.30

uu'i aluentbly enjoyed refreadtntents served by ladies of the several i-hurehes. During llu' servina ol tv>fr«*8hmeiits>'the A*." M. C, A. orohes Lra rendered several selections.

TII.^II fidlii*Jlin the basfcej ball game bgtwgen the high school team and the Y. M. C A. se< end dr-ven. Th- gam'*-was close and, two 1Q- tnlnute periods being- played. The line no, "'\l

Hieh sehoo-l—T-ownsend, forward: Hamilton, forward; Bedell, center;

guard; Rogers, guard. Y. M- C. A.—Johnson, forward;

Bowerv, forw-nrd: CamplM-ll. center; Quriz, guard; Boyle, guartt.

The basket was scored by Townsead on a fine throw. Score to '1 to 0

The next basket was taken by Camp bell. aCOfe I to 2.

After seven minutes play tinu- wa, taken 0"t. for Houston who was in jnrett. dishing was put in his place

A good basket by Hamilton then re suited. Score 4 Io J in l.ivor ul liiKfi Ht'llO.Ol. ,

Time was called the BOOT* being to -1 in favor of Ettsjb wh«ol. - ' "The 15101 fiuiekly went into the Y

ri'-ll II1MI WOI.II.II Mil" II.» -;— ,

dytrtg anergkn ul Unrir hair throu«li \\ f Isiltiud i. -■■ ul lb( •■ -nnplr and litlurttl W remedki.

Sold by leading dealers.


Easy and pleas ant to use. Con- tains no injurious drug* It is quickly ah-^

sorted.' COLD'N HEAD GlVea Relief at once. It Opens and

Cleanses tho Nasal Pa^J-aRCt.. Allays Inflammation. Heals and Protects the Mi'inhrane. Restores tho Senses of Taste and Smell. I*argc size, 50 cents, at Druggists or by mall; Trial 81*0, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St, N.Y.

Commencing Thursday January 4th. We Will Sell Men's Overcoats That

Were -$12.0044.00 15M MM $20,001


We give to all Buyers, The Merchants Co-Operative Association Discount of 7 per cent.

JCookin Our Window and See iOhat $10.00 i&Hl $uy in Overcoats

PClilrhf*;.-•■-* X-iaitits. IMaatonrt ti'nutif.

ENNYROYAL PILLS Original ■■•. Only Kcnalfir.

(MUBfl Dru*«lrt ft'Chichtu

an, «-BIIR1 with b'.-t- r:mn ftOlhcr. Kff>'ft* W ■■<>'••

Murn[j» fur (mrttouttn, I- Krllrr.fttr l.»4l»." - > i

Hull "

Reiuerjiher these goods are in every respect fine Linings, the Latest styles, Satisfying Qarmsnta b th

■All Wool. Rest. e need thr* money.

if Trlaiutngs,

r Mun |H,«MH» rc-.i,»...T>,»i- *—>'r*r-r. . t,*kls»l<.--U-..s*«.lls—KU,W1S

•>..<. hj .11 Lo. -I tiructteii. I' II11, \ II A., l'\. -.|itl*y 4it:u, CUoodwUi^C".,

Jatiwt*' V-tuLi. ■■'■■!i ".!»■•«.

You KToeci ttxo CUxrejrooattsa

Lawrence One Price Clothing Co. 431 ESSEX STREET 431


Arsenic Beaur- TabLls and Hid*

a hi'; t.omptoroon f r^atreen* SS) guaranteed specific, per- ectly safe anu suro In'its ic Ion, for '!»' rernoi..; . 1 vr.i .ti'. r': i.-rii' • <,| ;:■■ skin.VU

.-j^ Ptaalesj lili.t^iics, trecidtl 'TT< ' Stir.i^iu. Discfllorattona, Ecz;

la, BlaHTfcfersrtji. Kcagjitiesi b>0DCSi end re tares tlic BtpOtD oi Youth lo feded faces to^escostainrni; !0 days' uratmf.oi 50c: fldays'trcatm at ?i.C0; tttoxs* J5.6C 4th poftifiv ■■ 1,1 ni u* prod :•■■■ tin iiLvi- i. ,i- , , , . ;,oa

fJlUll "'i e . .; . tpn..:. . ■ ■'• Nervlla Madlcsl Co., sBatsn I JKLIM -IK.

lOltl Ly t Diut^i.t* CkhslAi I-'IUGJI

Soldi Tiy CHARLES E. SCHEFFLER. Druggist,

63* Essex street. Lawrence.

For Won.en. Ivr Tohnao'i Month!] Re

bapptnofli i" hundredi "i ..




nan's !tfo .. til] R* rBialnr bt Lto'hundredsofauxi i.-,w./d.-n-, aavt-

.■ I licit:' ■ . . i iCWti iSfl rolH' Ml ayswitoi .il I...I, i other remedy will Spain innlaTipiT, iiouuerfTiiUcewith

MYirk , hy UiiulLrat uJliuu.sf". uri'.- tor furtli-.'i tiarlii^ilars. All li"ier^ tr.'ilifiil'i> afiawuc'T. t Iir.K.iLTOl,MANCCt..lTiiTrcmutlt!>t.,l*y:Lon '

Lea & Perrins'l SAUCE


WORCESTERSHIRE Gives a moat delicious flavor to

Hot and Gold Meals, Gravies,

Salads, Soups, fiame, ^ Fish,

Welsh Rarebits, etc. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.

ALL THIS WEEK Kveiy Kvening al s, '■;\eiy Afternoon at t,

dramatic Company





'iU» hrlghtut liltle star of vhe i.ast.


1A' AN L'NB nnrERToiRB


Carmen , War Of Wealth . I^ost in London Cumberland 'Gi .. Tlie Cotton KiiiL,

White Rat

Thursday matinee .Thursday evening ....Friday matinee — Friday evening . .Saturdav matinee Saturday evening

Pricea—Matinees 10 and to cents; evening*, to W and ^o ce^nts.


SULLY & MOORlf, Singing

and Acrobatic Dancing,

Miss MinnieChurch French Danseuse

I'lllnKS -i:i. ninas: ' I". K mill M raus.

M.nin.'i:, in nml :i) cents.

CONCERT ORCHESTRA And excellent company, i leaded hy the Prince of • Mining and dam Ing Comedians,

Jere Grady Managpmeni CM. K. Robinson.

I Ciiiloud of MU'Dci-y iinil t-lectrU-al affects.


SONG,! DANCES! NCVELTIES! Prices, IO,-20,-30c Monday, Pawn Tioket 21P Tuesday, Muggs I^indini; ■ Wednesday, Bobs Thnradav, Ranch KfAg

1 i idav, Strange Adventures jf Mia RrOwu

Saiurday. Great IJrooklyn Ilandieai'

fi\-n i rriind

the Uodder river, will proceed to rear of those intrenehments which new prevent' General Method) from pro- eeedliig to Klmberley. Col. i'Hei h;is onlv ahmit forty miles travl ' fore he achieves this end ;uid. ii thi nndetHtaiidng iy correct, nn attack by1 Anything heavy. Tin*, kidneys

cneral Methuen and a determined) weakened and the secretions were i

I rad mOre sr less trouble fm years, AI t'iist \- tin] aoi

ihd it much as it was e«U# bai ka. be Gradunlly. hoWJVsr, Ii become mon serious. The palas<ln the bshh were*-* more severe ;ind of longer duVatlpn

was painful to bend (>voi l^-tr It mi

altert to relieve Kimberley may he . peeled any day.


N'I 'A o(ii,« rs ( f N" A, It., iudiii tot]

This signature on every l>>ttle-

"c/i^V-?)ijJ ..%& Julin Duncan's Son., Agents, New Yo:**

rublie insliilliition of ' iho following offirt.-1'n of Needham pusit 3*. <">• A. I' took pliuc laKt nlpht iyi Nwdham hall

l'ant ronimunrter, .loan Y. Hogan.

sular Rnrt nnnoyiiiK. (-conisnnced i j use remedies supposed lo bo good f.,i I 'In- kidneys, but found I hev would no! ' reacti mv comvlalnt. rinally i pi-n-)

cured Doan's Kidney Pills at Whi^ ncy and Cos drug btofe mi Ess/ >■

, sinvt. and they mu-hml the s|»l «■>. i,.' oui any trouble iind quickly gave UH- relief; H only n quired a few days' in-.itnieni before 1 noticed a, marked inipiuM-uienl.

There la no quesTloti .ihniit Doanfi | Kldfley TPmsjitlng 'directly on .the . kidneys and producing good results.

For sate by nil dealers. Price ■» cenU. Mailed by Poster-Mllburi) Co. Btntalo, N. v.. sole agents for th' I'nited States.

Remember ilu- aame pocn', and tak<. no other.


Installing ofheer. Com. O. \\ . .lun- kins. Sejilor vk:e.r eommgnder. Ileorge U. Congdon.v I

.Innior vice /commander, Roli'-r' llumphiey.

Ailtutant. .lames la\ne. Quarier mOKter. Charles E. Lochs. Offlci-r of the day. A. W. Grains" I'hiiplain H. I*. F'nwers. ScrKi-ant-malor. \V. I). Curtis. Quarter master"sergeant, 0.'"H i Tl"' dWterence between the ganujne

Drown. j : aml th'' Imitation, is the difference A collation«|a served in the hall | jj«Hr*en man) of the n.nili.j mark

after the ir.mailnilon. and a generall<">wn sales, and the one .advertised by liood time was enjoyed. ' '" Mnshbrglln-thla issue. At his

... .',.... etore there is. a gesntlna niark down Iofgenutne gooih.-nTid anyone tiuvirg

JOHN If. BETZ ft SON CBt4C-!gocds rtnrlmt (his sale will ho sun BHATKIi PHILADELPHIA STOCW ol n leniiltte buiwiln. I''-' RsseS street ALE AND PORTER, '5 YEARS OI.I>,-i tr.SO PER CASE. M. CARNEY ft t,<>

FLOWEKb I /e tile finest Selecti

. Jan,,a*?

Ipnt l'I*;>vers in the city. ('. K Wingatc. T8^ Essex Sine' - • attmemtirr vnnr sirW (rirnri.

HOCfi!5STER r.iEIIOTKCIIAN Kl' ' »r^rr' PIT" ii,.),) pars CASK. M.

CASTOR i A 3B* a.jant« an-l ClaicffCi-.

flie R:-,M ran H3»n ,'iiwajfs Bnsjti

Mrs. D, B. Clark writrr: "I have nufferrd from heart rt:sea*e twMaowtalc I e*mit\ hanfly wftik. '''" palpit.itinn f.fmy heart n-arly kill'-J BtS ol the least •.scrti.-n. TUi^wnit'i1

tqs broken down oenditloa of my genera hasltfa. I tUul.palna nil over, ami Dr.

■I^"1"-*''tt-fVi*ma.»'miol fiMtfi* cuft;^"m3:

I cimnut retommtiiM them ton strongly t< sick women.'' MttS..E>. it! Cl.ARK,

S085 BroSdwsy, Cleveland, O.

4^^4^.4M}<^.^4>4<^^44. ^J.^.J^.J.^^.^.J-JK}.^ •|«4«;H"H"M,*44'>H'<i?

jCurran & Joyce Co., t^^mmonst


JL For Cliristnias si. Family Trade vvi

anil Sew Year »f< iffcr tliL- Largest *|»

J Clarets s I Sauternes,

Wrtt# for onr FBFF BOOK "PAI.f; ANnWSAK WOMI'.V" (iflr-iocteriKlvf fr*p fOiitaltAMi'tH* hvlntteW orHt the-ir ottti- erery diiy Until I f. H., BmnlftT eiceptwl. Wrlwtonft F KI'K. iinwttion blink II y.m wlwh.

Dr.CoOvrrV- it,Ml *'"'• arenot-apurtcatiT.'. rr>iiniti,>iiti»f1 K.wiiiin v.ill ink"—'"«,■!),.-r wlib K-'.l I' ■!■» --I r I '■■.ii'rre'H l'uririit Ivf Tutilft

Dr.tndan*'* R*«l l'.iin wil «' B0i n boi six bjQzoalora^.SO; tb»yargattTaU'Bblpta . . ni mi t\,;n.,,»■■>* •'■ t'V Minil upon i-wip. ol ptltmt. ltutuM ml null iiiiiim.

THE FRAWXO-WflEBlCAN CHEMICAL CO.,. Mtd. L)L|»,.ivi4y.t1 241 T'cmont St., Boston. Mass., i lnTst <afffi St., Quebsd or

274 St. Dtflll Si-, Montreal, Canada.

riin.i Most Com,ik-to Assortment

Pure Liquors, Wines, Cordials.

Champagnes,"''°' »Ay house *n E»»«X county

iFish and-

Scotch Whiskies

' When you buy ;oi'AUTV.

n Eftsex from us

JHarvardAIes ? T r In Cases and Kegs.

and Lagerg

vnn buv

% ORDER EARLY. TWn accept no more Family Order: ^Uinn we can cr."i fully handle,.al aaV^ays giviilg tluin our lit-st atten

The finest quality of

$Ginger Ale JL 4* Made in This Country,


..ORDER EARLY.. Curt an & Joyce Company

AK.-iT I "11- OH'Sl-ll VICTORIA AATTEIUOiV K- Vl\.')&K9 SW/TOH '^KVS fl.-J* M I'lPM'-'V 4i


Orders 'K Clsf

433-COIVIIVION ST.-443 Our Prompt Attention. Telephone 632.




' I . I . I Ll I II. II HI




SEASON 1 ou: Discorvr SALE OF isovs ri.sTious

When tin> sale <>r wimer uwrnan is pa over tgol i«Eaon wq pnci-t-<- away 143 Hoy's Ulsters, age*'3 to a, s to 15 and r6 to t'.i. Tod-iy ore have only 12 ulsters left all tol.i. outside of our men's department. Cold weather, large dlscoWt, and the eoiifidonce of the people in our discount sales haa done the business. That isn't ao bad for old, sleepy fellows like US.

GLOVES .iinl Winter Caps. The comnm sense goods- and low prices in our Rlove and cap departments Ke?p them full of life with satisfied eustemcrs. in the meantime OUIl DISCOUNT SALE of Overcoats, Reefers and Dialers, KOCS on until further notice. /

Aft k n Mealed te.M -ta. the Local Public Buildinp a

Possibility ~ V 1'CJIli


Suggested — Congressman Knox Introduces New

Bill i i

Centrifug.a| Purtip Cannot Supply Demand of Fil-

ter Beds


Combined Capacity Will 3C0D Gal'ons per Min-



ON BEACUN 11 Socialist Member From Ht-

verhiil AgainstThe Lobby


The Committee AsignmenU --Pert State Hcuse



Dr. J. H. Breton Specialist—Chronic Diseased and ConstHu-

.. Hfm,-/ c/lffments of Longstanding Dr. Brelon treats successfully the "i" treatment

LATAIIUIIAI. DJSUASK3 OF TBX NOSE, THBOAf AND J,UNG8, ami CATARItHAL DEAl'W'ESS. That gen- eral 111 health, weakness, loss of :\\>]--- tito. ami loss of llcali. whirl) is the faro* i tinner of consurnnlion, can be en ml It the iiuthMit applies early and ■faithfully i-arrlH his advice anil treatment, l>ys- pepsiu, ami Mal-a«»i»nilatt<<n nC Food, Hiieumiitism ami Rheumatic* affections, ■ •f Ihi' Ili-art, Disease and Disorder of the Khlnevs ami Waddcr. 1'ileS, OIMIIU- nto and nnstehtlv plm-am**. of the Skm. The toco) and oonSUliilh-ital dlsc'ii*!lS Of \\ mneti and that impaired mineral health, which leave her u «-lin»i"« inval- id; Nervous affection**. Itrain ran. Neur« alffia, Nervous Exhaust bin, BleepUw"*- newL ale, and all Chronic Diseases sue- eesufully treated. ,.

Iliiw many utilToieis in iii.^easts ror many weary mil betas able to p-t ci how easily curable under treatment. "Where shall . •■*-■« cured?" many a sutTVrer asks not know- ing whom to trust. Go WOW* Ili"iisnn«ls (,r others have gone and been retttored to perfect health, the comforts of oo ami the enjoyment I'.retnn's lingering heen nfigl tu th-

l the ah"Ve ninth* with- i-«i, and yot rr. Ureton'a

Boon get w

society, to Dr • ■slahlished olllci:. All

ironic'M that have tod or have billed to yield inieiit of less skilled hands .11 under Dr. Breton's super-

"Wheu stiff erlnj; fwoin diseases natlcnta should seek udvic lrom an oxpert whose experience urn practice have taui;h;t him to unolj promptlv the proper renjefly aHiT*Tu> the www< As an expert Dr. Bretoi acktmwieoKes no superior. An uneom nionly largo practice during many yean with the enormous experience derive* from li enable* Dr. Hretim to guarant* to euro the moat ohsiimu* lingering die- «ajw>, no metier what mo cauue or.ho* imiK stiMi'iiiiK- Therefore suffcrcra wleh inn mteedy w»U*4 ana «uru euro Hboylj COlUIUtl Dr, llfet.Ui, WUUtfQ l"HU CKtell BIVC e\i-i j I. LI. t) enables him to appl, pruner treatment at once, without use less experiments, thus saving the pa tlent much time, anxiety and expenw

If long eoiititillcit and ever inereasinj success is evidence of akiilfulneM. tbet l>r. UrAton'a ability is well attested. Trl- umphatlt Testimonials from the most re Itahle people over their own slifiiitiirt^s bespeak for Dr. I'.feton the beSl bollel and such con bo seeh ;it his Dispensar?

A long essay is useless, it is not liter ature. ItUt treatment which the sick (Iff* and mat Dr. Breton can give wlthou experimenting. None of Dr.BretoW work is Unbilled by undertakers and witl Kraveslones makers. 11« is not

For some weeks nothing has been published relating to the new post- olllre building for Lawrence. The lull DM fbrought to The American's atten- tion' several communication!) as to what progress, if any. was being made, consequently the authorities at Wash- ington were communicated with.

The following ccrtespphdence is self- explanatory:

'rrensm*y Department. Office of the Secretary,

Washington, D. C, Jan. 9, 1900. To the Editor of The American: • Sir—Replying to your letter of the 4th Instant, inquiring what progress. is being Miade regarding the purchase of, ft site for the public building to be erected in I^awrence, Ma?s.. 1 have tc advise you that" the act authorizing the constitution of said building limits the con of the same to $100,000. The act also conta'ns the following pro- vision: ' .

'Nor phall any site be purchased until estimates for the erection <>t a building which will furnish suf- ficient accommodation fcr the transaction of the public business, and Whtch shall not exceed In cost the balance of the sum herein lim- ited after the bite shall have been purchased and paid for. shall have been approved by the secretary of the treasury.' No .suitable site for the building has

beeen offered or suggested at a cost

The work of scrpping the filter buls. was Mined last night and at 9 o'clock fit" \ynt-H' wgs turned on.

The fitter acted to perfection, but as the river had droppped again not enough water could be got to supply its deinami. The centrifugal pump was started, but even Its capacity 4,000 gallons per minute, was not enough to yield what wus wanted

As water must be had, the superin- tendent Ftops at no expense tcNget it, and ordered another pump, a smaller ine, that today will be set beside th» first one. and aid In flooding the hem. The combined capacity will be about 3,000 nations per minute and enough It is hoped to gain upon the.reservoir which nas touched the lowest, level known for a long" time-.

The usual depth of water In the ressrvolr is 25 feet. At present it I |b,3uj VI ]-2 feet. The estimated con- sumption is about 4,000,000 gallons per day, way above the normal, and caused, doubtless, by the cold weather.

Consumers are again warned ti bt as careful as possible in regard to ail waete,


Eulogies of the I-ate Vice President ( Hcbart by Many Senators.

Washington .Ian. 10.—Beautiful and

BUL«B In Violated in South Lawrencce

ol Stables

by Proprietors of


Premises Today and Orders Heading—Bakeries Dis-


which leaves a sufficient balance o" tha impressive tributes were paid by the

partnership. Ml irrs. J, English

for Ladies. Frldl ulngs only. Other

always in attendance K and Saturday eve days in Lowell.

Consultation and Examination FREE.

TREATMENT $5.00 PER MONTH. Until cured nil medicines ruinluhe

- - roupxya AXD (AXJ U2£Xi

Office 339 Essex St. Over Dyer & Co' LASVHlO.NCi:, MASS. ami ~2 (JACK90K s'ii;i:KT, iJrtVKi.', H.YSS:

VSM t VlSillri! VITALITY! MORMON BISH0P5' FILLS Ihh >>«■» »» «»

orcr M ytors l.y tho IflilCti i' Hiu UormonL^utth »nd 1»«: MkHMn. l'OKltirclv CHK8 •' "'•<■ <•'< c» in oljun" T««nf

the brain .ndnerrot money tcfuuded, with u boxes. Circuit-^ Irco.

' Add rosa BISHOP REMEDY CO.. 3an Francisco, Cat For Sale by George Bradshaw, Post Office Drug Store,

uitalilo Tor this CQllsctlon, v.hiih cm raprodactto:{> 'nun Drun™

v.nrlis or art Mil! dcliings^liliotQ- graphs of plaoes'laml building of hl»-

m -^ toriflntercst and'phgtograrhj of cnuii-

i|t*l|iiliipi|'J''i'it"tl4MHrwtJ't' |.'tit men: Lord Tonnyson. Robot) Ill-ownillK, Il.'iiu Kairar. Henry I'vins


At Hie last rafotlng of the board ol- tnisteea of Uradford academy held In lloaton last week Mrs. Annie Saw- yer Down', of Andover. was elrtml ,i trtwtee of that Institution.

The Women'., literary olnb,' of the West Parish, met Wednesday after- noon at the residence of Mrs. Janu'.t Olllen.^

Miss Katherine Barnett left this week for a, several weeks'• visit wlih her sister. Mrs. George Hit! at lniUatt- aiiolls, Ind.

col i, ha'i Itev. seen

lbrt#ln ami others. The entli lection, consisting cu* lm pictiif been tastefully arranged by tin F. II. Johnson and shoul I I. by all lovers of art.-

Mlss Maud liandall is teaclilag st hool in one of the schools in the western parl ot the stale.

Repri nlative I'oc.r, -f lhi< .1 l- trlcff w. :■ eiiiio'nteil on ;li" coUimltV.j of roads :nid brldgej hjr^pe I'ler Sfyors of the MaaaschueeTfs legislature yes teraay. ,/

The senior class of Phillips, ace&etn Irna-made the faUoylnE eleelloug <•,;■ class day: I'oet, .lean Ho-

'%'•- Koss.-W.y.; sulUliei;in. (i ' ■:" EJ- lon has" been placed theie in aerprd- ntond aferrtll, Cheyenne, VVy; prjpil^t, Hire with the provisions of the will of, |.;mcninn Woodj Baker, t'ltchtmrg:; l.i-.- be lute John t'orueii. For sevVj'fff torlan, cSrlyle Garrison, Metehnat. nonths cat tn'uteis and deeoratois tiave v|lle, N. ,1., orator. Henry Ila'ni; i Men at work np Htfl (oomsi Rtehhlns, Jr., Rochester. N. Y..

.^irull will be thrown open to the pubU Mt will be vemeuibered. that-t'.iis.

On Friday the art gallery whlcti had ecntly been fitted wp in MeartirlaJ

ttppi-opriution to i»rn3df^..tltjr^i>wWi. of the estimate required by the above quoted* provision of the law, there- fore the case awaits furthr action of congress.

Respectfully, H. A. TAYLOR. Assistant Secretary.


(Special to The American.)

YV'nKhiiigti.'hV -Lin. 11, - Ueprescntn- tlve Knox introduced In the hon>e y.-s- terday a l>ill to secure an increase to tSQtVJOO of the approprtatlori for the purchase of a sKfl Bttd Mie erection of a postofllce building at Lawi-ence,

•••«•••••••• ••••• d> OBXTVABT. «

?•••• •••••••••••• YOUNtJ.-Anne G.. wife of William

Voting, died at the family home, 40 Holly itreet, yesterday, after a long Illness, at the age of 03 years, six months/and 34 days. She wa:i born in Scotland, but hail resid"!! bell for some years. Tho remain* will be taken to Worcester and burial will be in Hope cemetery atjthat plm >■ Saturday.

• ••••••••••• ••••• *■> ♦ ♦ OBSEQUIES. ♦ ♦ ♦ • ••••••••••« •••••

IVK1NZY. -The funeral of Mrs. Alice OeKinzy, w|io died at her home af-i! Uowdoin Itreet Tuesday, nfxtitf a long illness, took place from ;tiic* fam- ily residence at Z O'clock, yestrday af trn.oon. Interment vaa in Bellevue ce etery.

Won 1.03t

.. II | .. 14 ID

. 12 11 N 11

.. 0 1.1 l III


Lawrence . Weynionih Brockton . Salem I'ly mouth Kail River Tuunton .. Clinton ...


Will often eau.ic a horrible Burn Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's. Ar- nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly, heal It. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores. Ulcers Boils, Felons^ Corns, all Skin Erup- tions, Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cents.a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold byklohn J. Forest, Druggist.

Bears ins bii'iutuu

TOH1A. The Kind You Have Almm |gaj|


senate today to the memory of the late Vice President Hobart.

His Intimate icrr-.onal relations (vllti many senatora and bie close official

■ iSpecial to The American.) liobton, Jan. 11.—As soon as the

hou^e assemblexl Mr. -Mellen, of Wor- cc.-ter, oiTered a resolution that the Boston & Albany be ordered to fur- btlfl tho members of the legislature With copies of the proposed lease to the New Yoi k Central railroad. He immediately asked that It be laid ovev until tomorrow, t-o eunsiderr.tiou W0J hot reached.

Representutive Carey, the .socialist member from HaverhiH, is after the lobbyist or legislative agents that ply their vocation In the state house cor- ridors and cloakrooms. He wants them kept out of the house and senate eorildors, the reading rooms, etc.. In addition, he wants them to wear some diBtlrctive badge,-oo that th* - new country members may know them on sight

This keapjpj them out of the cor- ridors, reading rooms, etc.. i« nothing new. In fact, they arc not allowed in there at the present day but through a combination of circumstances they get there just the suine. Members (an invite whoever they please in and some get past the door keepe" In this way. This privilege has been carried to such a point that a member tell.* the uoor keeper to admit Mr. Blank at any time as a friend of his and chat holds gcod for the entire season.

Ol courre- the lobbyist is ft very Iffoeable fellow to the' mes:i"tiger*, to the door keepers, as well as to every- body idee. The door keeper Ic&OVl if he refuse,; him admittance he will t-iui- ply hunt up BOfne member vho will

, pass him and give the member the filiation with all of ihera rendered j^_ A„,th?/(tllU,..„

his death a ulsthiei loss to every member cf the body as well as to

. J*erBcna! friends apd associates and party friends Joined In paying such sincere and eloquent tributes to the memory of-Mr. Hobart, to his char- acter and public services i(.s hnvo boen seldom paid to uuy public man. Ad- dresses were delivered by .Senators Sewall and Keahe. of New Jersey, Daniel, of Va., Depew. of I^'ew York, CncUrell. of Mo.. CuUom; of HI.. Da- vis, of Minn., Morgan, of Ala.,'Chand- ler, of NT. H., I-odge, of Massachu- BOtts iui'i others.

Enrly in the session Mr. Hale In- troduced a resolution of inquiry ad- dressed to the department of state M to the aetsure of American Hour bf the British authorities which moused more than usual interest brcause of the attitude toward Great Britain. It was not acted upon.


Washington, Jan. 10. — Private re- ports that reach diplomatic circles here from Paris indicate that the reciprocity treaty between the United States and Kin in c is in a hazardous Detrition with more than a possibility of a defeat when it t nines to the final vote in the Fr6nOfa chambers. Tho ad- ministration here is filled with grave concern' for the fhte' Ct the -treaty In the United Stater; spnaic and thus the convention In the singular posi- tion of being exposed to reject I each party on,:the ground that the livorable to the other.

on by, ^ h

The board of .health yesterday in- spected sltts In South liawrence whore stable permits have been asked tpr.n

To their surprise, the stables, whirl- are merely adltlons to existing stubles. were already built and occupied. One place Is transformed from a three- hers ■ establishment to five, and tfc? other has ft capacity of seven equlnw. This is in rtlect violation-of the nulea.

Upon returning to the office, before getting down to business, the Isrard discussed informally many mattera pertaining Jo the general health of the citizens _of theAcity. . Sanitary Inspector Culllngton was asked as to the wispection of the bak- eries. He had a_very pertinent point to offer in that connection; lejrtog- that he thought It necessary that two or three bakeries In Metliuon afco" which do considerable business in this city should l>e Inspected. It was •thought advisable to communicate with the Methuen board of health.

Another Innovation. v.hmmht Bflce«- y Is to fumigate the entire liousc,

where there has been contagicnr; tus- acse, instead of only t*he tfefe ehanilier. as Is now the custom.

Complaints in regard to nilc^ed nui- sances resulting fro;n dumping Bfchce near the Methuen line was received

The necessity of an inl'ectloui tii-- ease hospital was brought up in the preliminary conversation.

■When the board finally came In ir* der, it'decided that e hearing bhouJJ lie given in regard to the loutn side stables, and the date was set. for next Monday evening, Ja*i, L>, .u; ^ e^look




is that e.v- lenatora can 1.1 way a be admitted md there are a laige number if lobbylfts who ha\e previou?ly sat m the s ate. Mr. Carey proposes to label the legislative agents conspicuously and hope* his bill will at least partially solve the much discussed lobby sys- tem. -How the bill will be treated is a question. Undoubtedly sonic of UN mcttesciigi is and docorkeeper'* would like to have it go through.

Mr. Carey also gave notice latexes tcrday afternoon that he "will present ii resolution asking that the faotb*nnd figures be obtained from the Boston & Albany officials with a v*ow to giv- ing Information to the legislators on the matter of the Xaklng over by the state of the Doston & Albany laMroad thus solving the much m.n'3M 'tas') question. Mr. Carey will presen; this resolution today.

The presiding officers, of the two hrnnches of the legislature announced thcirt""committees ye.:terday and al-


Cut Glass, etc.

Prices to Suit Purchaser.


W; lington. Jan., 10;- Up to the dote of office hours the auswer of the Uritlsh* government to Mr. Cooate'S representations as to tlw seiz- in n of American flour and other good! had not been received at the slate de- partment, nor had Mr. Choate In- dicated when an answer might, be re- ceived.

■-.Th* state department, basing' Its Judgment on the fact that it "is still at the ambassador's request, collect- ing and transmitting to him Informa- tion relative to the characters to the KOMIS needed of the full presentation of tfte case, scarcely exjMcts an im- medliite answer.

though there were B great many dis- appointments there were some pleas- ant surprises.

Senator Butler, of Qeoiya^'twtt, so- cured the chai'rmaiudiip of the ways ami means committee, ReyjioJds, of Marhlehead, chalnuausliip ;f the com- mittee on banks and banking; Gard- ner, of Hamilton, clmfrniHushin of mil- itary affairs: Currier, of Mothuen, rocs on witter supply and engrossed billr; Reynoldq on mercantile uffalifr nwtl

j^ary attain and Insuranr-r.. Butler goes on cities and probate and in solvency. Representative WaUop, of Lowell, goes on the wnys and uitans committee, of which Carleton. of Ha- verhiH. is to be chairman aga'n; Mills of Kewburyport, gives tip chairmanshi; of fisheries for that, ot litiuor law; Ames, of Lowell. Is again "lialniiin o the street railways; Frost, of bow rence, Is on the committee on probajtt anil insolvency; Davis, of Anics-uny gets on roads and bridge*


e>d>e>e>»»e>e>e>e> ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

The class of .1900 held a special nieetthK yesterday at reeese and voted to uccept the invIllation or the claon of lli'ii to attend the senior piomen- ade. Alter the meeting the members of the committee In charge of the affair distributed complimentary tick- ets to the senior class.

Ai the collate English recitation yea- terday Mr McCohnor tendered the invi- tation of the general section to attend n lecture to he given next Tuesday eve- ning In the fchool by Mi*s Macdonald.

Wlllam Hou-rton holds the duck pin record at tho Y. M. C. A,, having bowled the score of 80.

W. A. Taylor and Miss Padle Tay- lor are on the committee of^.arrange* ments for the senior Prom' next Tues- day evening.


New.York, Jan. 10.-The' British steamer Hortensin, sailed today for South Africa with 25,000 huh«-ot haj for the Ilritish array. This is \ne sec- ond ship In three weeks dispatched by Ope shipper from this pen-t, leaded with fodder and provlsicns tor South Africa.



JCoortipation, BEECHAM'S PILLS

ition. liousness,

ladachc, in men, women or cMldrwi, cured bv


D. H. Hanson, a yo moved; to the genet morning in the police 211 Xommon street. with a. fever.

ing man, was ro- il hospital ti.n ambulance from He is stiffefjug


Robert Malone. living of 46 Aahlatti nvenue, Methuen, hail the thumb -o h!s left hand la--rated with ;i knit at the Pacltic mills esterday..

John Hansay. of 88 Valjey street, lud the tit -u (linger of his right hand lacerated at the Pacific nt!IU v lin > he is employed, Wednesday iitl.-riu n.

At the Washington mills y^eterday aitrriKJi n, Thom;;s Shaekleton. of Wartcn street, had the second finger of his right hand laci rait -i,

All three accidents were treated ;u the general hospital,


Wasnlnaton Jan. io MtsceUaneoua business of niliW importance occu- pied the attentl/M of the house Co- day until I o'efook, after which an* hour was devoted to eulOgiers upon the life and nubile aervieee of the late ' At tin Sfonng Men's CaUUtlic also- itiT'i'^aentalive Greene U Nebraska. t clfttlcn the pool rnatch bctv/een E The houec then adjourned until Frt-IGtirry and J. Kennedy was postponed

„ 'My'- "■"-" l;' ' ,v<"'"'-? *-«■ w'i!i he player! later TO CtJRE A COLD IN ONE DAY ■ , ,n ,he wwto Th» a|qasss ta «b.t- s

Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab | BEST IMPORTED VICTOHiat «..*D John Glbbone. Philip Holfrioh i lets. All druggists refund the monej . PATTERSON & ELTJER'S ftOOTfTTl, .hiine, Finnogan if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove' WHI8KHYS AT M. CARWEY & A meeting (.r the board of dlrecl signature is on each box. 25o. _^ | GO'S.' , -._ ^-._._, .*. I will ho held this evening*


Parlies were in town this w*cok lock ing for an opening to ptart the man ufacture of tobacco paper. The pro- cess is secured by pateru.3. The pro- duct, is used for el ga ret to wrapperi



Rendering Co. ™ DKALBRS IN

fallow, Bones, Grease, Oils Soep, IIlil... Skins, I'.lu, Set., Gronnd

Von., l'onlt, j K..1, Kwt Scrap, end Cracked Bon* »nd PartlllMr .


Office: n Winter Street

SMOKE -J- •*• +


Milo 1)5

5 CENTS. Atnsworth ft Soinclr*


•It is. reported from the ctAtKV hos- pital that the Jamlcsou woman, listen there yesterday afternoon cfjtcally ill from pneumonia, is somewhat ftnsicr this morning. The chances are thought good for her ultimate recovery.

TO ACCOMMODATE those who are partial to the use of atomizers in ap- plying liquids Into the nasal passages for iatarrhal troubles, the pObprietors prepare Ely's Liquid Cream ualm. Price Including the spraying tube Is 7.1 cents. Druggists or by mail. Th" liquid embodies the medicinal proper- ties of the solid [trepiration Cream Balm is quickly absorbed by the mem- brane and does not diy up the tlons but changes them to a natural aid healthy character. Ely DrOthOTi ;->; Warren St.. N .Y....

iviiUVV 11

the pr Karl Ebt-rt, itu ».*.i

giapher will nddre?R meeting this evening.

Mtrs Alma' Oswald li stud lee In 'Springfield.

The Rev. 1". H. PagfC at tended th t'on*neaatlonal church meeting in He linen U tl guest last evening.


■d hei

PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned II we fail. A»y One MOtHa-i

ntctch nntl -df-tcri-ttiutt (»l ;»u.y- iuvcutiiju.-iuU .. pWHBptly reoetve our opittiiiH free cvacernhig thC pntvotnbility of lame. "How to Obtain i l';ttinl" 8Ciil U|KIII ie'|in-t. !■' IhrouRh usa'lvertised f'jrNik'iit inn eK*p0M

I'siteuts taken out through i\t reieive >/»"•('<(/ wartiWiwltnmrtrhsTgr, In Tin- I'ATI-NT axco*y>, an illnstrnied and widely circulated journal, con-Milted i»y Manofsct«rer*«ud ItweMors.'

Send, for sample o»ny FOCE. Addteaa, VICTOR J. EVANS ft CO.

(PuWt Attorncjs,) tvan- Buildin,, WASHINGTON, D. C


A MKAITII-TI. WOMAN. la ofton (tiHtrcH^',1 by bray at or badly bleached bilr, the WPKKIAL II All!

BSaUKBRATOR is ill** mott luKtintt half colpr- itlg Known. Pnvlmt's iiny nhsae from Ulni'k to |b« liaht - Mt Mb blond, it i« easih MI>- pllni absolutely hamilesi aw

its use makes tin- Imir soft, glo*» antl I'Ll'I'TY. it is nsv.l and entlprntd l>> Society and the Theatrical profeaalbn I'vwywhcii W« Him- and letnni frc' -ample of ybnr hnlr: privacy wtured I'Hi.iifh fmrwttri Hair ■■llpgcncratnr

|si)iii. by iiitiKKisis and MJrdraien M 11 ■' and >8.00 or seal by rxnraae c»n iTpprpt pf -mini'":11 ■'' ii ii?i ^ Sol, IttnnufucturecH Biul Pali


Thin preparation Is nsde from I.EIBIQ'S extract of beef, CITRATH of iron, and pure BHBRKY wine. It oomblaes In a nutritious form a valmilile tonic. It has! stintnlatins properties for Impoverished blood that are Invaluable ami,Is equally jjooti In various forms of debility.



P O Block.

v< | •

i| i




I \\ 1 —

1 1 ii

1 1- 1 i

1 i ■_.-




^ -



Ija,. /IK*1' *M«ithl rMfyfr,* m»>'ii^».j*iara ■A^Hjy Wt.ri.**.>r,rrlr

Will CURE HOUR CHILD. Mr. Janwt Brn w«j, Whalloiilimnc, N. V., UTI I

, "Two year* ngo rur MHo son, Kn>''»t, ;Vm « '* i»k»iL ■ntli a tertit-lit rmM "**-— -.f rcsema MI hail that hla

*■ . ! \ r.uplift* leal*. Hit i »f hair but f IM

i.i'-lc that w« < id -thwVM*,* aMItfMtt I'irrirdlilm on our arm,

!•■ nuttt-rwoulit rir(polthl*h«ad. Wo UI4 not think lie wuulti live, lint we Have liitn Dr. Oreenc'* Nfrrtir*, M-n-l ,io<l IHTVB remedy ami h« got.

weltandfinowaitirlftht nnU healthy a rhtM aa any aitd h*% no return of lie ilisM^. I sen*, ttili letter for

putitli-utioii for the iroorl of other*." H T-iir cldlil )a al,<k or tuA fteline right,

rlvt> tt Dr. GreAe'i wolfderful NerYiiri. which 1i purely vegetalile •.•», harm .«•<,•. If you niiii v..n can hare Iho ad r lea of Dr. (jreeur,"! Tempi* Placn, Il»<ton. Maaa.,about

rctilld fTfm of rharce. Writs at once.


JCnjtivnblP KuW, at I he M C. A. Lost Kvuning.

- An entertainment was given in U'.is- st?ll hall lant pveiling by the ■ young men who represent {ha Ail 1M (IiVfsiun in the membership earnest. The Mt;e li^ht in front of the ;.al! iivlkutiiiK tliat the Heweya wero In the ieart In the contest did not dampen the ardor ot th« Miles contingent wh.0 are con- fident of winning.

.The entertainment was In charge of Krett Wtiftf and imhideU selections by the onliestrn. banjo solos by Harry flntchlns. violin ttnd piano selections by Mte& Frey and Miss hie hi-\ and amusing exhibitions of the pnwer of hypnotism by "Prof. Perron.

London. Jan. 11—4 a. in.—Dirrlng the interlude of uppareut military in- nctlvity. * and rrftlclal' s*jpnty. l-oi*d Ko^H?rt*'and l»r4 Kitchener have, af- rived at the seat of war. It !

M assum- ed that their clearer vision, sup-

ported by 35,000 fresh men who arc due to arrive In South Africa, within BO itnys. vlll alter the situation and thai tlift fourth month -< i the cam- pabm will witnei=t the beginning .of victories for .the British turns.

They arc not. however, expected to produce deflntte results Tor some days, but their mere presence will restore the shaken confidenc ,,of the men at




TOUT. *~""

TO LIST—New tenement of four rooms and bath-$2.00 per week. Apply ui L. A. Holt, 203 Essex street.

TENEMENT TO LET—Six modern improvements, In house at 37 Kutaw street. on th'dT premises.

Speaker Myers Announces His Be lections. .

The legislative committees were an nouneed yesterday. The local- repre- sentatives were'assigned as follows Iuzwell. ways nnd means; Frost, pro- bate and insolvency, parish and relig inns societies; Murphy, federal rein lions; Cloutier, insurance; Daly, la Jjor.

Senator Currter was given a place on three committees, jndiriary, engrossed biils am! water supply

Tin' moBt hmportant nnninittecs Me ways ami m*,;i!is, judiciary, maniifac ti:rrs. miit-tntiie aifairs ant) metr/)

WANTED — Thirty-five weavers for ■!-i njain, and box looms. A 1 mill, nUary $.¥ to fl! p<*r Vyefc-. Qbqd uneineiii > for families steady work '';i|| inim.-.irately. No. 543 Alain Dt., noom.St Woicester, ■■Ag;ua,-.x-Xlt politiin aaairs.—Alx. Ihjs^»ll w^a_jhj

only representative from this section WANTED-Situation by a reliable

I'i'o.tcstant woman as a cook or whole charge. Call at 311 Park arpcL'. a

YVA\TE1>~ tiirl for .general house., work, ajiply at ISO Jackson street!"? Itefcien.ce. ,

to receive an appointment to one of tii'-se.



!1avr Arrival ;it SIJII

rd Dcffutl Knjrlaiurs i»f War Causi*

Ix»rd Roberts finds 120.000 men on the defensive or watching- for an opening. Lord Methuen'b health, ac- cording to the Daily Mail has broken down and the field marshal may re- lieve him. Possibly some others Will be relieved of imp/irtant conlman There Is certainly plenty-' of rank In evidence in South Afrhn. In addl- tipn to the field marshal, there arc two full generals, four lieutenant gen- erals and twelve or fourteen major generals'.

Thei <■ is an unea.-y suspicion that when the 1-adysmlth caeueJRleJ an annoe-iced they will be disln-artcniit: and will partiully destroy the pitrlnti- gJow produced bar General WhHe'H viftpiv

The list tn, virtHrrs of diseas" issue*! by the war office gives S3 deaths from entevie fever and dysentery in Uuly- smitli in four Jaj'3, nv.aliiig the fan that the besieged are exlsttng ami.; had sanitary conditions.


rooio?.. a new Apfrlj

LUST—A purse containing a *Bum "ol money. Liberal reward will- bt paid on r< turning same U> this office.

TO LET.*-A tenement; rear of :'■.< Cedar street to a-mall family of two. Good reference required.

TO LET—At &5 Berkeley street, an up- stairs tenement of seven rooms; nor ■nd cold water, gac anil M moder Improvements. • •

'IV LET — An. upstairs flrM-class tfnenient of 'sr>ven roorua. with pr.utry ami bath room, steam li'-ai, and all modern ImproveaieP'A A;»- ply on premises, u HuverhMl st. n

LOST—Friday night, a slack monkey muff oil car leaving Methuen at t o'ejgeh for No. Andove- Return tc

M Bujoimer..street. Andover, Mass. and receive reward.

LOST OR STOLEN—At So. Law riueo Depot on Saturday night, Dec 2:t. a larse leather pocket book, con talning threo (3) discharges from th United States army, a pension vmicf. er and certificate, also a pass fron Lowell to Biddeford and return 1 favor of B. P. Charters and wife, th finder will be rewarded by returnin «ame to this Office, or 113 Congres street, Lowell, Maas.

TO LET.—A nice tenement 61 flSS LOST—This noon between 12.30 an roo£Ui at 83 BrookueW street. Ap ply- on the picuii '-.-.


The Informatioii Cout.uiied in This l'.uagraph. is of Mow Value Thau Anything Else in ibis Paper.

fharles Dilke Criib Yeomautry

isee Imnernil

The average man is it doubter. It Is due to'thin fact that we^are con- stantly making strides in science and physics, in the face of such t videnee ay is present below no man possessed 'with onlmary common sense can doubt. If flit* *>!..< call on Mrs. Jo- sepU Stafford, of 100 West strer-t, Utw- ren<e. and ask her if the following is not lltecally true.

Airs. says: Often I have been confined to mv be 1 for three or four days, sometimes a week, with terrible pains in my bach, extending up under ■ the shoulder blades, ana ,, severe headaches and dtftlnens. Some- *» thc nrf»tary «*t"atlon will times t*very jyart of iny '.oily pained ur ached and many a, tiiuo it was -hree. or four oxlocfe iu .b iJiorning before I <dosed ni"eyes to sleep. TOis n a measure deseribed mv V(;ndition before I i'sed Doao'4 Kidney Pitta,

lyondon, Jan. in.- Sir t&arlc I Dilke". mcmlier of parliameiiL tor th( ; forest of Dean, division of Uloucei tershire. speaking at Ctaderford tp night, said that A. .1. Balfour. the givernment leader in the house ol commons bad* uaereed that a*, siifi- eiency. of steps bad been taken by the government. considering, m knowledge, possessed ai the time, bp. had admitted a full knowle^--'e ol the Boer arnianients.

Sir Chirles declared that be was

and I In for five


FOR SAL:: horse . v/eiv hie D ■ boweH rtw

-A fir>t chun boslnees iin'g HO'i pounds. Can John v.". Ball's stable'

<t, Jrfathuen, Mass. (

t o'clock, between Taylors t-tor Uroadwaj And Bancroft's ware IK \n . Ess.A street, a ladies pockf liook coritainiag money, card tjMi medicines, obtaining little ppstuge, rtsmps, ete.. which can be; no beneficial resiilts. I desired to minutely described. Finder wll | BQ to the hrspiial lor treatment, Imt !." ^-A-.irde,! by returning same fe ' fa folks thought it liest to Btsy at i.. Antrjcan office. ^ flCnu. where thev could se*» after mv

prepared to ask in the house of com- m.ons whether the government had taken sufficient steps—the right itepi

"ue 're- gard to the facts' known at the time. The language l^ord Salisbury employ- ed In parliament, he continued, consti- tuted an itnneeessary ''menace—th- very thing which Mr. Balfour Bal■' it was a government's first- duty h abstain from—and mafic w;u' pTob

Stubborn COLDS

A ntubh*Bi. colil is easily taktn; It BticW Urnunin pinple all Winter nnd very often -develop; into bronchitis or consumption. You should cure a cold grompuy by taking Dr. Bull's COURI _ yrup. This celebrated retnedy is ac- knowledged to Im most efficient and reliable for aW affections of the throat and lungs. 14.cures a cold at once,

Dr.BulIs Cough Syrup Prompily curSs Stfbborn Coldi.

DOK<are«raatl nn.l lo lakr. notion n^omiuTOd it. rrictjscenu. Al all drusgi>.l»


For Women. IT Tolman's Ho^tbf; RflcolfttOf liiw broypl

bai'iiinen to limt'lie'l-i » wnmcu; Iia\ cererMBdOl tiaglefaiiurc; Jiii,tc«*tf*aef.relie."' in2to6iUv3 witimut fail: uo other remedy we 'i'>tl,is;iyo"i>-»" "" •■■'"^-■'"■ nolntertTiTjepAvit. .vork; Ui- mail« r .■»[ ofHcfi S?. write for furtbe I.irti.iilin All l-ri-r^ trethfntl> airnvred. hr. li.Ji.TOLMA.'. ( <>., iTOTrcuioutSt.. &>;Mr

Arsenic Beaut l Tabt.-ts AiicJ l>iii

I lm.Complexion Tre^ttjncn is a gdaiAOlced specific,' pe*- ieclly safe nml awe in il" it fl'rn, f;jr the reuKrtal cf va' Uitu disorders nl LIIC skin,via Phnplt^r- Blo'ches, PttckVi

W^* ' " Sunfcurn, Discoloratlnns. Ec?. • n, KlirtLiaes, HeisaiiB, Redness and n

Lara ifcs Uiocm of Voata to UCtdh<.-.. ■\-s flcaiatfrtr ■ :01 •',:. ."50c ).l.i)'5' treatm.,'ni;$t.C0 : : ':-; hov;; $3.C

h iTt-iriv ■. i i en uiafaiitefl to :>r ■'( ■« i ■ ■ i [H or i ■',.■-!!■:!;> :v . Ml • ' ■ ■■ \ .■! .Y- '

maifuq roct ;i>: ■. . JM :.-..a. :.n.-\ :

N'rvKa Utedfcal'Co., CaciM^^iaaaa .'.!.» tPlU*K CMCtAtaiM

Sold by HARl.ES E. St;iii£M^L.ER, Druggls'

639 Ess'i «treet, Lawrence.

Cominniin-e.iltli of Maisaehusct t»

PRO^VI:K roriiT.

$10,000 Worth of Dress Goods Slightly Damaged by Water to be Put on Sal -TUESDAY MORNING AT

^O'CLOCK These Goods aro FO slightly damaged that you can hardly flnd If

but they haitto go and SPOT CASH POl'GHT THEM, so that It gives you

- a chance to buy. ;

$1.00 GOODS FOR ABOUT 25c ■A general Slaughter of O;iods thrbURhout both Stores, will be inaiiKii-

r;i!.-ti in connection with tho above fttlo and you know what that mentis


Hcmember the date, i TESDA V, January 9th at

Essex To the heirs-at-law. ue\t cf khi ant

all other person* liierested in the «- late--ot Catherine Ueaan, late of \jvm renee, ' in aaW county, widen, deceased.

WHBRJKAS, a certain Inttronwrj purportiuB lo be"1 the lasi will o«P testament of s*»ljf «te: eased b. rn prescuted ti> said Court, for rirobafc by Charles 3 . I wCoorcy, who pra *. that tettere testann atai >■ may be I» surd to him. the e*ceUfar ther.-ii Di«ne'I, without glvjna surety on lib ofTU' bond:

Yon are heieby elte^d t(t annear a' iVonrs." Doctors tlcaf^T me and I too*)*Wfe Mure than this thc^^einmeri.^ Vy(lU.ltv (.[)ml tp , . ,,. 1(, ;[t Nt.w

., . burynort In siiW f/ounty

lid; BALE A ~*:•* egg Inenbator also one Improved tool power lathe \MresH or call al 12 Centre -

• Methuen. i


FOK S\LK-House and lot, 108 Ha verhlll itrest, formerly oeenyieel by

• Usuren Hallanl, T sevea rooaas^ h&ted by furnace, fine location^ and a goorl | i;t'c t'oc a home.. Asmall araonm of Bionej; down and the real on Biortgage al Ei percent. Bu- tna Andrews, !16 Essex Btreeta, (leit- tr.'l brliltllllg:

I LOST Methuen, a brindl bull dot?, six month's old. white breast nnderbody and tip of tall. Re- turn to t bailee Austin. Met'uuen, oi f M. K. Austin .t Co.. J^aw^nee and recoivc reward.

CANAKY BIRDS FOH SALE. Ptneat and largest selection of bird

in the city, every male bird sold war ranted a good singer, wilt bring bird to any ■Adratn to parties that ennno find it convenient to call. Money re funded if not if r< presented1. All! com municaiions gtiictly attended to. Ad dress, John Fraser, 3b Rhine street, o. I'ark.street, Uiwrence, Mass.

WANTED--iVw and second hantl rue nltnre bon^bt and sold V««T>T O*«- priues paid. Address Joseph A Myers. Ws Essex street.

'AetlVe nteu and wofntin cverywh; u*,tako .eulers for, jjffl uj Mood^| the great evynk^liM. Sell- ;u sanipb' enablinfi you to*make froni %.', to $7-daily. by mai! free m rc- ipiest. Address Globe Bible PubUsh- tng company, ~-> Chestnut street,

I'hilad. lphia. I'a.

WANTKD Room and heard fbr :.'[ middb aged gentleman, Btenna heal .nip l-.tfll. Address^ 1'

i.t-ST -.Inn. :■ IVmale St. RernaTi pup Vlth'Whits mark on face, Ftraj collar, Returo tq Cft Bawl stree* and i ■-. ejvc reward. i

FREE STBND N't) MONEY — \\\ litre 'watfhes. bracelets, rings, etc. ffX HlHng niir j.-w-hy novelties pend vonr name and address, an< we win ■ mail you eighteen scarf pins in enamel end different color Bd stones, to sell at ten cents ea**h the best sellers ever offered: wbfil sold, send i:s the money and W> will give you a wateh or ynu rhoice ofdsiir list of pTSmmnU wlilcli we send with the pint*" Anlywan* Jewelry'Co., North Atth iviro. Mass, i

l't :'N!> \ purse ei nt lining a sum of money. Owner tan have tli same by proving property and pay- ing charges. Inquire Miss' M Kirk, of Raid and Hughes.

U'S'i . -Between ttahslef siatio- nnd- -i* West' street last night :

- re4I-»M+Hls^riiHi«:F- *4U Jje_rew ard ed by leavlbg sani'. at this oftlc". s

is responsible for the fact that outset of thc war we were witbou guns enough for one army corps.

-Sir Charles criticised the govern ment's refusal of capable colonial

anis. I roa.l about Iioan-, Kttasj tr7fh <K»1«'«« - »<• *»■*»* *^ ui. „ ,,„,. ,.. ;T!ri and *heir acceptanee. instead of thee*

of JO300 imperial yeomanry Pills m«m a time in our papers, and jiie day I said to my daughter; iSel me a box. She procured one from AVhitncy and company's dttig Stoce yt Rssei street. I used the reuiely unl was helped, and I sent for more. Derm's Kidney Tills did me won

<ood than all the doctor and medl* im s l ever used. Considering that

( am three score and ten, they lid about all t could eaoeet. I always k*ep Dean's Kidney Pills and (ejH some occasbmally, a A ihey regulat. the sctton of the kidneys.

For sale b all dealers, jiriee "0 cnts, >r sent by Ko.uer-Mllburn and eom- pany, Rufl'alo, N. Y.. sole agents fri be t'nited States. Remember t'm

name Dean's and take no other."

Of the letter be said it had been alleged th$t 4hey were neither gcrf^' horseinrn nor good shooters. In 1'H own opinion the yeomanry, he said probably rode well enough but then was a very grave doimt as to th/ shoptlng capabilities of a targe per- centage.


Curious Dispatch Receivtd From eral Duller Yesterday.


I/iST—Saturday night a pooketbool .11 Steel BtreeJt, K,inder renrn t D. .?.. IVn-u-iils, •".:< li.iiklin street and receive reward, i

American utiue. — .woman can seen re

lil» ral salary ;-y>! addresihig w; n. aprjngileUl, Us

Commonwealth of Maa»chn>ctts

W'ANTRD—A rospeetible mai <-TI the read aad caaTSSs,

,ie a Boher man-. Atipl_v-.a'

i: . ■ \. a. HtUHATE CUIUT.

Snatal'K^3HTo ^.WHt*"' «" ,,f ^ *** all other ueraoss Interested in Uu (state of George S. Williams. 1st or Korth AndOtrer, in said County farnaer, deeeaeed: . ?.

I \vheieas,, a certain Instrument pur

i'lotbero. M.j

18 Concord hi ass.


Uus H x>id

Law rencq

\v \vi"Ei>. At once a enpahh young woman, to do M work. Ap-

-1 nieTthHe4»-t4*^airii-_ jaha^r hjom P.;-ii.i v. Dpwey House, Broadway M thuen. Ma. ■.

WANTRD—Situation as hoftftrKeerei Hyn ve-iuiK DSI n (f exp'-rienee. Ad .dfeas book-keeper Aanricin Office.

porting to U'. the last will -and t'Sta raanl i f.sald deceased bae heen pre ■ nteti te isatd Court, for probate, b; Hannah .1. Williams, who prays tha. letters testaaieatary niny be i«Kuc<l ti heP, the executrix tlereiu named without giving a surety on her often

w wi'-'ii- Si-.Maii'ui by„a siaole nsAtt : :,v kind of erorfe for thp winter,

i;,„..l references. Address R Am rl HI ■ . - s u

VaVt ttU' h'-nliy cited to appear at ; 1'iobn.te Court to be held at Salem, h said County.of Essex, on..the fifteen th day of January. A. I). 1300. at nin. ■3 clock in the forenoon, to show cause It nny yen have, why the same shoult. i not ho granted.

And said petitioner is hereby direct- j

5 Per Cent Gold Ouaraoieed Ronde of the Coium 'JUS, Marshall & Northeastern R. R. for sale at par and accrued interest Send for list of safe Investments yield ng 1 per cent.'and upwards.

Joshua Brown &Co. BANKERS.

$9 State Street, Boston.


NEW MANAGEMENT. Steak*. Chops, Qyatera

B^rved to Order. Regular Mealn. Next Door

AoiCFican Express Office. 850 ESSEX STREET.

Mrs. Cowpertliwait, Prop.

l« ^Removal cHptice. \, Iking

London, Jan. Iff.—The w»,r oJ'.i.-' announ'-es that the list of British ca- nulitips at Uidynniith U«t Satimln: has not yet l>ejn received.

The following disps.'.t ;'i datod a*. Frere Camp^ .Tan. 10. i:oon. has beei re'divert from (ieneral P.nllu :

A Transvaal telegram giVM th' enemy's los;; at l.adysniitii on Sat- urday as four killed and 13 wound ed and QUA nlttTi Ba i> ado Itted tll'-v liid endim-d a WlttwrlUl till from six Blanked bttttertraNuM beer deteafd at all Mint*.

Nstivea here ass.-rt (hat the Bool loss in one r'-mnund :do?n- w.w 151 killed and wagon loads -if wounded The Ir.-s is said n> aavi l" ■ ii tun ini the l-'ree Stat'is who were (on ed b) the .Tran«VHitlers int.-, the niojt dun- steroua plate?....

Th s rnrtriis dispalili i- all t'.i" 'ait offlve has issued tonight. Ii mjikes no; the slightest mention ot the SKJBIUOD or doings of the Brtttah (oreea. II niny l»' Interpreted to toean thai

1 i Lailysntlth is safe Imt II is more likeij \ intended to prapari the BrttUli pnh | Vie tor n lerri'jle list o( ca»u«IUt««.


port, in shid County of Kssvy, nn the twenty-second day ol Janttary, A. p.. IM0. at nlBe'rtclaci. in ib' forencon. to ~\w,w cause, if any ypi have, why the sain.'- should not I" granted.

And said petitioner is hereby fll meted to fire public notice '.hereof bj publishing thii citation once in ead week, for three successive weeks, ii the l^wrence Daily .Amerienn, ; newspaper publi-beil in 1/iwrence, tic hei pnblieaUon to he one day, a least, before saiii eoort, and ny mail tlig, ncst-IMUd. or delivering a copy c! this citation 10 ail known persons in 'crested in the "state! seven dScfa at least before said

Witmss ItODL'N K. HAH MOW F.qtiire. .Imifie of said-COUrt, tlli? third day of lanuftry, in the year onf th lusan-i nine bundle).

.t. T. MAllONKY, Register. DtC'iirey ami CouiSon, Attys. 1-11-1^

CURE Y0UKSELF ! as L..«.e

II titai" I. "!

Sold by DrucClNU. ur iM>nt in Hum irr&pM] by r>H|»r«aa, inpuirt, f-i f!.(ii. <T ,: hnttk*. *.'.T CircuUr atni uu i vuti

•• ♦ ♦ e> e> ♦


eil to give publrc notice thereof b; li'ilillshiiiK this citation once in eacl ua-clcy for three aooceaaiva 'WMKiil, ii the lAwrenee I'aily American, a news paper published in l^iwrence, the Ins

RECBLTTB WANTED (or the 0. 8.1 publh»ttoli t.i be one day, at leaat inarnw aoppa; able-hodlert. UBB»r4betqrfi. .saW Court, and by mailing ri< il m.n. Betweentha ases of U an ! ; "■ oenverfna a '0py ol thii

..■ .I -., :,vr citizens ot the citation to .all known persons inter- Vxiti ■ ' have legally 4»|»Wd in tiie estate, seven days a

their Intention to become fcawl before- uld Court, HK-ll. must 6e from 5 feat 4 imlic Witness, Rollin t. Harmon, Ks ID C n Might: of good ''l;':"- fe?j»5 ot saUI """''. thil

i otuua - ,- to apeak, -i-a-i twenty-elghl ..ay of December, In Hi. and i ti: pay from »'.) lo ';"' '"": "'U"s«nd etght hundred art

month rations, rtflthing and """''-'' 1UIU

rnedlcal" ait'n,lanc'e fr*-e; ' oronio-',,., uaa n..:,- M aajttty. mm J:ys"sff-.'

.rar lung aervioe and (or disabiliiy


4i Have removed their office to a •$> 265 llavcrliill Street. ,5-

REMOVAL NOTICE The f. . A. 'BotvUvvrteal Estat

and Employment Office has been ri noved to 42S Essex atreet. First-clas help, good sltunt<ons everyday.



Also, a Nice Line of Christina Goods.

MRS. N. S. BRODIE, 341 Essex Street, Lawrence.


sound and more refreshing aftet dose of Cleveland's Celen

'ompound Tea on retiring. Tbh ireat vegetable Temedy never talli ti | nake life's battles eacy to win, ani ifes trials easier to bear. Those wb(

■utter from Nervous Prostration, Ner. ous Exhaustion, Impure Blood W Constipation should rot fall to try It Call on John H. Oreer. 251 Essea ■treat and get a trial package tree

Ot every descrlp-

_ tion from ■ a Seal cacque to a sleighrobe, i made to order, redyed altered to

prevailing fashion and repaired Improved facilities for' turning out tine work. Avoid tho rush later, and bring your work in now, Insuring closer attention. HERMAN R1EPERT, Practical. Furrier Open evenings, 41)7 Essex etreet. Raw skins bought

♦ f r I ■. 1 PRICKS

PI. J. OBHILL, 398-387 ESSEX ST.


: rom~l5 tbflO g^et^and Vr. lilckel vho proves that any dentist In Lawr Or. Bickell and Bon. No charge for Jpen evening till n o'clock. Thirty -CELL & SON, Painless DaaUita, R( xirner Kraukilr



Without pla'ee. Only denUsts In Ken England who have an electric mallet for filling teeth with gold without pala Gold fillings do not come out when made by this process. Beware of den tlsts claiming to use Dr. Blckell's new metnod of Painless Extraction—as wa reserve the exclusive right In I-aw. rence for our own office. Best teeth will-pay J1000 reward to any person

enc uses any better quality teeth than extracting when teeth are to be made years' experience. Dr. J. K. BIC.

onis 4, 6. C and 7. B3T Bsiex auast,

»•♦«♦•«• »♦>♦•»<»•••»•»•«>•»



, • In the Beit Part of War! a, * prjjaceot to Electric Can, »j ♦ I'ioueer . Coal Dealer of Law- J rence,— ♦

t\. O'lAaboO^V* CONTRACTOR} «►♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ^kfc***»M%llala|ekla|afca)

Great SaleJotof^Odd Lots Jancy Chin*, Crockery, Bric-a-Brac, Cups and S.ucers

Plates. Bowls, Nappies, Pitchers, etc.J»J»J«

(1 st prices and even less. Every housewife usually has a, ncod cf more llshea and this sale offers the opppr (unity to get them ut the very lowest prices. TJie fancy pieces in this s.i:e will go at about half of Christmas prtcef.. -

. Interested? So will hundreds of others lie. Come curly, then.

. H. KITTREDGE 389 Essex il IF You are Looking for the -^



Now is your chan'e Hi Imv b. cost. We have gathered all the odds

j and asoa of China, Crockery aad liric- ' li'tina .a cur store and marked them , at quick-selling prices. If yon have tn.ny needs to supply iti this linf\ now ! is your chance. "Come today. (J. H.

Klltredge, 3»9 Essex street.


.1. MAHOHKT, Register.

Apply'nt 9S ('hurt Ht.. Ilostnn. <5 Merrlmack St., lyiwell. Mass,

WANTED—Wood choppors. to c« "■'iii'l in North 'Vninvor :tt once

;■ Peahody. Bm ■ h-h mill.


Wt Ii, ."inest relcctiot V 1 Cttl FlCJVTii in the. cil) {"•'.

Umpate. 183 Essex Stree1

Itamemher vour sirlt fri .-nil. <*"■

DR. J. A. BACON Ot th* New Tork Eye and Ear In- firmary, Wills Hospital, Philadel- phia, and the Baltimore Eye aad Ear HoaplUl ;

nice Blakeley Building, 477 Essex 81 - ■- Practice limited tp

c.ue,Ear. Nose and Throat Diseases Glaases Scientifically fitted.

H"nrs—» to 11 a. m., and 1 (0 5 nnd 1 to S p. m.

Telephone 4iS-2.

John F. Ketz and Eon's' celebrated] Philadelphia Stock Ale and Vort«'r !i]

..years' old $1."U per crtse, M. Carncv and company.

C3 J.\.*B*V ts xi ;E J» , Dean :h. ^ 11» H«lJ Km Halt Al*»e. M^t j

n — —



FLORIDA. tticettent Servico, Fast

' Modern Steamships to


From Pier 45 N. R. adjoining Christopher St. Ferry. ..


THEO. G. ECER, Traffic Mgr.

WM. P. CLYDE & 10., Gen. AgU. NEW YORK. . •

A. P. LANE. N. E.P.A. • 201 "W^hlnpon Street, Boston.

» ep e> »j »j »j sj»*.

Finest and Largest Stock of

We would to rail at Our Store. We especially call your attention to Our Line o Carving Knives and I'orkca.

The Treat Hardware and Supply Co*

Preparations in the

Transvaal Are attra.-'ing the attention of the world Our Green- brier Whiskey is Attracting the notici of thaw who need a pure wlKjksiime stimulant Vou make no tnis'ake when you buy it.

; 1

- -.--«• •. i .. -^.iC-R BEER'


I! 60 PER CASE. oa.




Holihan Bros. , - - - ■ .T". ■ .

for acceptable ideas. State if patented.




427-429 COMMON and 60 HAMPSHIRE STREET ♦ Special ;Att»ntlnn Olv.n to Family traee. i.


(- r *■ k k t * th k '■' >r

% HCRTH AHDOV«*. ♦ ♦ ■ r- ♦

■j -i . -i -'( -t -r -i •} -i •? -i

Th»> unnrninremcnt of Thorn is H. CAftney'8 death, which ORCumu IhurBday evening, About ti p'elpcTc,

i ans-* d raiiny expression* of sorrow, ;L» ho was held In iiulversal respect in tills section.

lie was a native of the Parish, and horn about 22 years ago. Passlns through the grammar grades, he at i.Mided the Johnson high school, after- wards completing tho course at Cau- nim'fl Comraeielal college.

'the deceased entered the office uf the Massachusetts Bleach and Dye works, resigning the plate to accept a poal-

■ jtkSB^Ml.. the U. 1>-Oucag«c.omuj)j)y live Uunp.'Nc\vTOrk.

,\bout six weeks ago he ri'liiriiwl home. He had been detained -at home tlie greater part of the time Since by a heart trouble, steadily failing until the end. rhe bereaved family »ere at his bedside when tho summons came. He, waa conscious to the lUflt. .

A young man of marked ability and much promise, his flue character, can- not, genial disposition and cbliglng ways won him friends wherever be went.

lie belonged to that popular organ- ization, the Starch club.

His demise on the very threshold of what bid fair to lie i useful and creditable career, is deenly deplored not alone by his parenlk Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. Geaney. his sister, and hrether. but the townsfolk.

I. W. Mard'ii has been swardod the contract for painting and decorat- ing the Itn'ge and banquet halls in ihid Fellrws building. \

.lanws A. Oolniihiiim, ngent for the .lull* llutwock Insurance company, niiciidcd the Intaquol Riven by Bhpt. T. 1*. lXinolioc at Hie LattWX bonce. Lawrence. 'I'liursday ovenlut;.

'' 'Tux Collector Moslicr II. Meserw will not be a lumllihile for ivilomln atjott.


Why is it that you art* not equal to the task Nature Kets for you to do?

Why do you find weakness atealins over you and growing day by day? |

Why that ashy, chalky complexion'.'1

Why that inability to hold your urine? *

Why these distressing pains acroaaj your tacit"

Under a .new arrangement *by the Vmcricun Woolen company, U-wls An usrson is to have charge of the Fair- field (Me.) mills, at, well as the plant in Skowhegan.

Thomas \Y. Wilkinson, who has rel- atives in Ndnh Andover, has been re- appointed assistant marshal of Dover. N. H.

Adams A Daw have practically com- pleted their contract In Acton. The former and hie family have returned home after quite a st»y in that town.

JoMph S. Sanhorn. a foreman In the avip nnd

works, Is at home on account of ill uess.

IOI Alumni assocbi-

All these symptoms are unmlstak,-1,,- , - , p rb M„, company s able evidences of t.idn-y trouble.

The kidneys, that make the human engine of life move a*t N-i'uuo Intended

I have prompt attention • » JJSkXSto 1 ll.h ScbooT „, U you need a med.elne for kidney I „ ukM ,acc ,„ <,,„(,„„ haU Fr,_

bladder or uric acid trouble you should (1 f vening Feb " ( Many a woman dresses to RO out, feels begin using the famous new discovery,' B' " 1 irresolute sits down, and falls into a fit

Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It gives Nl?x, s a ,.,„ bc observed (n tho' „f despoadent mt»..«:, J^S^^S^ quick relief and cures the most <)is- Calnoll(, thllr(,n M ,„e f(,Bat of tllc 'the matter, and she'll probat- y answer

Holv M.m« „t leans I "Just the blues." And what are tne 1 blues? Only another name, in general, disease'!

N1e\ ens rind Mist an- :u Washington

Fred South week with relatives.

tressing cases. ;, Hospitals use it in all.kinds of cases,

especially severe and urgent .ones. Doctors prescribe It fffeely in their practice and in their families, and use It when they need a kidney and bladder tonic themselves. -

Tens of thousands of grateful pa- tients have written to Dr. Kilmer and Co., and these letter* have lieen fash- ioned Into a handy volume of ready reference, which should be In every household. ThlB volume and a sample, bottle of .jjwamr-RooT wilt be mailed to any reader of this paper who will ranluiar'toee send name and address to Dr. Kill

, f,L i , « ' for, a disordered liver and a diseased J. Shanahan ha* returned from ^0


lacl cleanse the liver, heal (be

rirnvcland, when he passed a ™SacS;, JJ8* ,„e blood, ^d there'll lie no more blues. It can lie done by

.„ .. >. , the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Irore St. Michaels—the church of. Discovery. This medicine puts the dis-

tils Infamy, youth and manhood--j ei>C(i „,—,« of dineatioii and nutrition the funeral of Thomas II. Geaney was in[0 a condition of sound health. It held Saturday morning. " ' I eliminates from the blood all impure ami

Since his death many neighbors and pojjonous substances, and cleanses the friends had called at the residence to clogged liver. It contains neitber al- expieKs .their sympathy to the family cohol nor narcotics. and loos' Tor the last time upon thej -T har| tivrr coini>i«iiu for. the put finren

ynni. comnltarteii wUh dyapepib •ml jail

The remains were enclosed In an ele- «X?£?$S "t*imt"wTt'h° *i«?S S'r mer and Co.. and state that they read K.ll)t (,askot covere,1 wlth ,teel Kny\$2%^S^?*?&Z£™MJi*<m this generous offer In the lawrence liro,ai,0(t volv(%t an(1 „ vl silver. tu«doy me the g»rf. nor bwjnj»«c^ji;« Weekly .American < ' lr|mmings. On the plate was the aim- ^^^S„'^di^ii^r^i'S

If there is any doubt In your mind le,lo„ 0f name, date of demise vi,i or ms ■eie.s.m fettet.,' ,.ud o»e b«tic of as to your condition,, take- trom your , , th rt,,eedent I Or- Meree's Fivorile prcucrlpilon and have urino on arising about two ounces,t »T SSf-lX.-.. liS,*™'/., „ . ..! a.ined..^teijh.eesrounds..neef first!*,,«

.1. Casey

Mrs. Niiiser 'I . Mary II. Sirens mi a. visit.

Jcihn \. Driscoll ofSujiset hill farm, senior member of the lirn'i SI TrHfCOli ft .O'Brien, the well known ctmtMSltBt was i, raw n by the selectmen, Thursday evening, til serve as a jurvnian at the next term ol the BOMrlor eourt, which opens in Salem, Inly 13th,

Senior Warden .1. D. W. French presided a' the annual mceJ.lli of St. Taut s parish, held Thursday evening.

The rectcr. llcv. K. S. Thomas, pve» foetid the pnxecdiugs with prayer.

The records of the ' meeting, as read by ('apt.'--Andrew itceves, the clerk, weje approved.-

Treasurer A. W. BadS'?r present....i his report, showing the financial eon- ilition of the church to he in a satis- factory state. It was accepted.

An election of oAcnrij resulted M follows:

Senior warden. J., D. W. French. Junior warden. A. L. Pemandes. Clerk. William Kncwles. Treasurer. Captain Andrew Reeves. Vesterymen—A. W. Badger.. Chris-

tian Jensen. John Komerville.. Walter t;. Stone. George N. ileserve.

At a suhseouent meeting of the ves- try. Prof. Richard A. Redman-was le- chosen organist and ehorlster ,>n.l Wil- liam I^mhert sexton.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hclt. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. raster, J. Henry Nason and Walter Nason attended Ks- sex Countv Pomona Grange meeting, Thursday. In West Newbury. The next session will be held in Rowley, Thurs- day, Feb. 1.

The annual visitation of Bishop Lawrence to St Paul's church will taKe place Wednesday evening, January 31, when a class Is to lie confirmed.

Stalion Agent Robert I). Hanson re- ceived the appointment, ThunvJay eve- ning, of measurer of wood, balk and manure, from the selectmen,.

' At the County Pomon i Grunge meeting, held In West New- bury. Peter Kolt, Jr., was elected lec- turer.

The Be*, fr. Cttlloban. a native 61 Mils town, has been transferred from Marlboro to St. Patrick's church, l.ow- ell.

The following have been engasv-1 foi Ihe literary and musical entertainment to be given nt Stevens hall. next. Fri-

place It in n ftlnss of* bottle and let it stand Iwehty-I'rur hours. II, on ex- amination, it Is milky or cloudy, if there is a brick dust settling, or it any small iiarticrcs float about in it, your kidneys are In need of 'Immediate attention. ~~-

Swamp-Root is for vsflle everywhere in liotth-s of two sizes and two prices, fifty coats anil one-d.illav. llemem- bor the na«r>, Swamp-Root, nnd th; address, niugliampton, N. V-.

and prayer. After the records of the last meet-

ing were read and approved, reports of the secretary, treasurer nnd librar- ian were presented nnd accepted.

The school Is In a prosperous con- dition. There is a totol enrollment c.f 19*. The largest attendance was >o:t. The smallest 28. Average, 81.

The officers electrd were:

Superintendent, K. S. Edmunds. Assistant superintendent, Walter H.

Paul. Secretary. Charles W. Hlnxman. Treasurer, .Miss Lizzie Hayes. Librarian, George Kershaw. A committee consisting of Miss

Lizzie Hayes, Mrs. George A. Kenls- ton and Charles W. Hlnxman. was appointed to revise the constitution and by-laws. v

Miss Lizzie Hayes was added to the Mtdwond. committee for an entertainment fc-j Spray of pinks. Mr. and Mrs. M

A beautiful collection of flowers, in to take Iheae remedies." designs and sprays, evidenced tho es- p,. yiercc.'s pellets cure biliousness. teem in which the deceased was held.| _

Shortlv before !l o'clock the tiodv wasi taken to the hearse by the following f „ EpipUany, or the pall bearers: James Batterberry. of manlfostatlon of the child Jesus to the Lawrence. John T. Cipptngcr. Harry 1™^* ,n „,,, persons Of Iho three Lynch. WHIranr A. Lynch, and Fred L. McCarty

At the sacred edifice, where the Rev. Fr. McManus celebrated a. requiem high mass, the attendance was numer- ous, including a number from out of town, and fellow members of the starch dub,'a social organization to which lie belonged.

Miss Harriet McKone presided at ths organ. M. J. Mahoney sung the lie Frofnndls at. the offertory anil 'Cross anf Crown,' after the mass, and 'Near- er. My God. to thee.' was rendered by T. J. Murphy as the remains were borne from the church. The selections were finely given. ,

The cortege then proceeded to St. Mary's cemetery, where all that was mortal of a devoted i:on and brother, a loyal friend and genial companion, was committed to the grave, with prayerfill reverence

Pillow inscribed, Our Darling,' from. ,„„, wllat time'will North Andover lie Hie family.

Pillow lettered club.

Spray of pinks, Arnold and Charles

'Comrade,' Starch

auspices Ol : Mrs. J. T.

Miss Nellie li. Herbert Owen t)t>nu-

diiy evening, under the thi' Johnson high school Jit yuolds, eloeutoinist: Lindsav, banjo soloist: Mnislbh, lornet soloist: hue. elocutionist: Richard l.'imb. man- dolin soloist: Alpine orchestra: Miss Hair A. Lawlor, pianist: Miss Vinnre- Sillnan, vocalist: trio. Fred"'* Stone: vi-il n: Wlllleni Lynch, piano: Fines: Tra.'y, cornet. 'Sufierinteiident of Sc!u-ols Chick-ring is to deliver an address, -

Tlie annual lesjion pf the Methodist Sun,lay school hoard was held in tie vestry Friday evening, with the Rev. J. P. Menrs in th- chair,

'Ihe meeting opened with singing .. ■-. -....■■:..

the benefit of the Sunday school. Tin other members are Charles W. llinx- O'Brien. man. Benjamin Hayes and Mrs. Ab- ble K. Tufts.

John P. Bolton has accepted a posi- tion in the machine shop at Winches- ter.

If a sufficient nuber of tickets are disposed of In town for tho union Bums celebration, in City hall, Law- rence, Friday eve*ti»g. Jan. 2P. con- veyance will he furnished to North Aiulcver after the dance.

Martin H. Pnlslfer goes to Salem, daily, to attend the sessions of the grand Jury.

Snpt. D. W. Carney, ot the Standa.d Oil company, and Mrs. Carney went to Wlnthrop. Monday, to attend the funeral of his uncle, Henry Carney, a foreman engineer on the East Bos- ton ferries.

Miss Maud Milner began her duties. Monday, as intjau tor of drawing In the public schools.

Mrs. Robert Broadbcnt. of Dudley street, is Bpendiug several months with relatives In Ptatvrlle, Wis-i

Arthur O. Glle was the lucky holder of No. 277. and was awarded the pi|i on exhibition at George A. Smiths store.

Twin hoys were born. Sulurday. to Mi. and Mrs. Fred J. Smith, Second street. ,

Mis. .1. llvron Marston, H. Herbert Marston. Mrs. F. P. Berry, Arthur \V. Bassett, John A. .Currier, Miss Cora A. Bassett and MIso Mabel Fuller at tended the Mctjueston-Brown wedding, Monday evening, in Gloucester. ~~ -|e.

J. Barber, Miss Bertha Chadwlcl;. En-

Wreath, August Kuhnert. Spiny ol\ pinks. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-

liam J. Clements and family. - Spray of pinks, Miss Mary W. Mur-

phy. Spray of roses, I,oui8 and Fred Mc-

Carty. Spray of pinks. Mr. and Mrs. Chris

tiu-i Jensen and family. Spray of roses. William H. Ellison. Spray of nlnks. Miss Magee mid Miss

Condon, Jjawrenee. Spray of pinks. Mi's Mar« K. Quealy Spray of pinks, Mr. and Mrs. P. T.

Douehoe, Methnen.

wise men. was observed Saturday as a day of devotion In the Catholic enure* This feast Is sometimes known as Lit- tle ChrrstmaB. It marks tin; closing of tho Christmas season

Miss Lucy L. Kimball. ot Boston, has been spending u few days at Wil- liam R. Johnson's residence.

Albert Currier, lecturer. Harry C. Foster, Edward A. Fuller. Miss \seUlt M. Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Wlnlieln S. Hughes, literary committee of the Grange, have prepared the following program for the coming season

. January !'; Installation or officers by 1)- N. Cluff

of Drncut. January

\-Vuat part of the United States V.1B be benefited t.r our new possession)

Mrs. Susan 11. Mitchell has been awarded an original widow's pension| Anna M of $8 ,per month. .

Truant officer James M. Craig has been appointed Janitor of St. Mental's church by the pastor,1 Rev. Fr. M. T. McManus.

The report In circulation that James Paterson Is on Inmate of the Odd Fel- lows home, Is entirely erroneous. If- still resides In Clinton, where ho In steadily employed and much respected.

.» Attorney Arthur P. Chtckerlng has

innvhascd a lot of land from the Gen. Hun Button estate. It borders Lskt Cochichewick on the northerly side.

Finest W. Johnson, the well known and popuh.r foot hall player, who, it w ill be remembered, received ail injury by which his leg was fractured whil

ffected hv it?-John P. Clark. G;orgt Q. Chadwirlt, Mrs. Walter Paul. Miss Grace E. Farnham. Entertainment is charge of Miss Mabel F. Fuller.

February 13. Miscellaneous entertainment. Bo*

party—Miss Angle II. Whlttier, Mlet Blanche Whitman. Arthur F. Chad- wick. Clinton Nason.

February 27. An evening devoted to schools. Old

schools—Peter Holt, Jr.. Mrs. John Barker: new sehoolsr— MIBS Dollie N. Fnrnum. Miss Kale T. Fuller. Ad dress, subject and speakers to be an nojinced later. Tableaux in charge of Miss Ida F. Carleton.

March 13. Housekeepers' night. At the roll

call each houi-ekeeper will respond with a recipe which she has teeted. En ertainment to be in charge of Miss

Tueser.- March -7.

Seeds. Purity, selection, etc,—J Gilbert .1. H. Nison. Cal- vin Ren. Tea. in charge of Miss lit- tle, M. Barker.

April 10, Care of fruit trees. Do farmers

have as many small fruits as they ought considering their facilities? Best time to d:r|ic-r. of :.iiples—John Bar- ker, Gcfu-ee Hen. ['inaniiel Downing Hubert M. Whlttier.

April 24.^ . An evening devotee to exercises of

i. patriotic nature-Mi's. George O riimlwlck, Mrs. W. U. Hughes. Mass Wlnnifred Moxlcy. Walter II. Hayes, Arthur H. Farnham.

May 8. Mush ale—A. W. Bassett, I lurlow H.

"-—»——' ■ "'»' II—ISI ■

December 4. Election of officers.

December 18. Christmas entertainment—MJs* Ma-

bel F. Fuller, MIBS Dolllo N. learnum Mrs. Ida F. Carleton, Miss Mary K. Towns, Miss Anna M. Tucker.

Rev. Fr. Eugene A. Carney, recent- ly appointed an assistant at St./Pat- rick's and St. Michael's parishes, of- ficiated . here, Sunday morning, second mass.

Sadie Llttlefleld and Beth.i len. daughter-of Ur. F. H. Alton, Haierhlll, visited at the residence of Charles E. Meserve. Sunday.

Mlllard "Henderson, of Andover. has entered tire employ of Olrlt'er Charles W. Paul at Echo Gl.n farm.

F„--, Kti^i'l^'uMweir* Tiiepdoy evening's meeting of the Good Templars, and four applications cefved. A pleasing entertainment was glvsn.'

Miss Pearl ChBBev teacher at the River school, is boarding ot G. A. Marstnn's residence.

Nathaniel Day, Roy Day, William Doherty, George Pearl and HToward Pearl, of West Boxford. are. attending the Haverhill Business college. |

Mrs. H. I. Samuels, ot Windsor.) Conn., is spending a week at the rosl-. dncc of her brother, S. D. Hlnxman.

Harvesting ice .on Lake Cochichewick will be commenced as seen as the tem-, perature permits. There Is now a thickness of about nine Inches.

It is reported from reliable sources that tho Rev. Peter MaeQueen, ofj Somervllle. who recently lectured here, i has been asked to go to lite front in South Africa fo represent the London] Chronicle, together with some Amerl-i 'can journals.

Among those chosen to directorates' at the national bank meetings. Tiles- day, were the following:

Bay States-George E. Davis, Joseph H. Stone.

Pacific—Hen. John A. Wiley, M. Carney, A. II. Robinson.

Men bants—Herbert W. Field, Gesj E. Kunhnrdt.

Arlington—Joseph Battles. Exchange, Boston—'.Ion. Moses ii

Stevens. Shoe and Leather, rtoston—George

II. Mlffliu.

Mrs. Ellen E. Foster, of Rocky Knoll farm, is spending a fow weekk with her daughter, Mrs. George U'. Word, In West Andover.

The committee in charge of Ihe erf vate poverty party, F.rlday evening ol next, week in Unitarian ball, consists of Harry C. Foster. Emanucl Down- ing, Wilbur W. Ward, L. Edgar Os good, Arthur H- Farnham.

A. L. Fernandes has resigned iila position in the draughting department ot the General Electric Co.. Lynn, to accept a similar place In the Davis nnd Furber Machlue company's works

GASTORIA For Infanta and Chilflren.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

What do the Children Drink?

Ilnl.'t ..riv,- 'them -t'-a nr -effee'. 11:.v.- \..n tried the n. « food drink <-idlcd'c,i;.\iN-()y it i- -i,ii,i"u» nnd lnittrislling and takes th, pjaos o£ ,-,.ftc,-.

Tin in.>rc- Mriiin-tl v-si give llie eliildri-ii tin in.,rt- health you .ii-.tnl>- uh- tbrongb Ih.-ir sy-t«in>. ' lin,iii-l) I- iim.l,-' .-t j.iir- griltlia), mid when pi-i,ip»-ilv pii-j-iii'-l l-i like the choice grid,-'-.I njfir but iwt« ids.ill } as much. All Hi enj s,-llit. J.",,-. iui.12.-,,-.

Try Grain-O ! !

hi-Ui livai r,;r,l,,-r-;h'.-M""i:nAfN-0 Accept mi

The meuihly town draftfer Deceai bcr is as follow* - Assess! rs e $ 3!;3V i-' .Auditor ItP Collector of,taxes 480 kl Forr^-t fire ward -o ©I Animal inspector 300 pi SelK-tmcn T~> p(

Treasurer 129 ^t Janitor of town hail 12 fit Board of health officers H7 ,3( Board Of health exis-nses |iS .4." Fire dept. engineer 7-1 KM I'ir ■ dept.. Support of 1')3 B! Polli-e department • ■ • H2 !7t I'our.ty and state tax '... VJ20 ,0< • onlingent fund 81 idl Election expenses ii M Lighting street* -;B |3i rtegrsinira of voters >0 IK State and military aid «s ,h Memorial jW? Overseers of poor l'!3 ;7!i Superintendent of poor i 143 '« Support of poor ».XS'|4ju Snpt. and com. of schools .. '<*o Of Tciii piew, Janitors, etc S31!::i'i Mcses I'owne fund li W isupt. of streets H' Bf Pdthlng snow ^S,2.s Streets and 1.ridges Ji-'-llj MnoridsmiHng '•''■ "' rfyj-'walks iM tlH -Jnrvevlng '• IV vniam Imp. society ?E M Park'commissioners 200 M \\ ater commission*! s 241) 9!) ml on water loan bonds . Maintenance Water walks .

playlhg with the Crescents, desires to Meaalc, H. Cnrrier, Mrs. Calvin express his lusting gratitude to the Rea, Miss Athcl M. T.'ooledgi 'members of that organization and] May- 1'?. other friends for their kindly sympathy Cion,| r0all9. Rhrllk, Novtl, Andover nnd practical remembrance. b„ ...i^ned with their roads ami can

I they be improved—J. C. Poor, A. M. Holy communion was celebrated ai Robinson. Memorial reminiscences.

St. Pnuls church. Saturday, the feast War songs and recitations. . of the Epiphany, by the -eetui Rev. I t


PBrtiom of the Davit anil Furber Machine company's works nee '.i.'lm prepared by the Ijiwrence tileetrle-il anil Supply company for electrical lighting.

Tlie annual meeting of Olivet "hap- ter, Rpworth league, has been post- poned to Wednesday evening of next wc-'k.

A large congregation listened with much Interest to.the Dev. Dr. Barnes' eloquent discourse at the Evangelist MiMidy's memorial service, in the Con- gregational church.

.Miss Margaret O. McDonald. clii„s 1S00. Liwoll Normal school. Is netalin -1 »t her liome. on Suttnn street, ny ill-

Tlie traiisactions of the KsaoKi Ag- rienltural society have been issueil end sen: -to members of (the oi'gahl/.i/tioil. i:y Ihe retorts it up|«;urs tli-lt th/' sum of ?lrii,k.-'i was awarded at thje last fair in premiums and gratuities to l:'.3 individuals and firms in -Id dtrferoni iillc:i and towns. Of tin* iimount

^ June 12. Chiuircn's night—.Miss Cora A. Bas-

sett, Miss Mattle Hayes, Miss Mary lertHlnnient to be furnished by the children,

June 20- Open date.

July 10. An evening with the poets. Each

member to respond to the roll call .s!th a short selection from famous poets.

August 7. Officers.' night.

September 4. An evening devoted fo historical

subjects. Kntertaininent In Charge ol lCilwnrd A. Fuller.

September 1R. Lecture Subject and speaker to be

nmuninerti Jater. October 2.

Neighbors' night. l-bitertuliinieni furnished by Tewkshmy and- West Boxibrd Granges.

Octoiier Is. 1\-' leh had a vbmig man rather have

at .:i yrais el' ag"—One thousand dol- lars nr c good '■ilu-atioir.' M. it. Ales civ--. Benfauiiji—.I'ani'-ni. W. H. Hug'ieo. Herbert I,- Foster. l--n,in

She thinks little of her- self, and fails to notice how pale and thin she is grow- ing. She worries constantly over the baby that does not thrive, although its food seems abundant.

nourishes and strengthens the nursing mother am' 8ttp-

which l«\mor" pleeSure derived, aatlcl.] _i- . t .).'". 1,.,(,,,'.- i.,nfl .j,,- t-LM-.,-,« ,:,.,,- ti- Mull, Andover, only ""•"'" ">' ''enltatJimrr-Mrs. rjeonge) P"^ t(; t,u l,'lD) » moa tni-

plijce -Icaifnr. it T1t?~ 'A-V«-«L=-Mli. CilttlKl' - \on»g. Mrs,; bonC-tOlTlllllg ailtl fdt-DrO- ■ Nettie llerrv. , , ° i . i


rVoiii0tesiO»jeisHon,Cr«rful- ness and Hest.Contflins ndttrx Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC.

Apcrfrci Remedy forOoreitipa- tton; Sour Stontach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- aess and LOSS OF SUEEP.

Tar Simile Signalure of


In Use

Over Thirty Years


Mrs. Isabel.e M. it her home liy illi

Noycfi i»

I The next meetinK of the Grange taken place Tuesday evenlnK, J&U. 2:1. Topii' for discussion: What pnrt of the United States will .JC benehted by our new possessions, nnd what time will NorllH Andover be offected by It? leaders: John P. Clark. George O Chadwlck. Mn\ Charles W. Paul, MlrW flruce Farnham. Kntertainnipnt in charge of MIES Mabel jf. Fuller.

A confirmation i-lnss recciveJ ln- .tiuctlons at St. Pauls parlali kouwi Tuesday evening.

Tbe Lowell Sun, Monday, printod t. cut of the Rev. Pr. f^a'llnhan, with he following p^ragidph: 'The Sun takes pleasure in announc '

ing today the return to St. Patrick'-: uluireh of Rev. Fr. Timothy P. Calla- han. who made many friends in the parish during his temporary curacy nt the chureii iBst Februaiy. Fr.j Callahnn is a native of North Andcvc and studied theology at St. John's Seminary. Brighton, fron1 which heuas ordained vn year ago. His first assign- ment was a temporary curacy at St. •Jatrick's clmreh. leaving St. Pat- rick>i he received a ^rmaiit-Ht atwigip menl to the Catholic t-hun li hi Mml- boro where h*1 was mfrtius with •treat SUCCPFB when called to tit ■ large. dcld in this city. Fr. ('allnbni. (legatJ his duties yesterday with th«' celebra- tion ol tin- ti o'clock mom. He is an eloquent, preacher, nu untiring worker, and will mjike a worthy Hicecteoi* t> Hev. Fr. !vl<Tnard. wbose idace ho will fill.'

Alfred K. Xabon. and William I). Chadwiek, of Went Hoxl'ord. graduate i of barker Free ncbool, went, to Meii- den, N. H.. Tuesday, to nttend Kim- ball Fn.on academy, '''hey are pre- paring for th-- Massachusetts ln-tltnic of Teehnologv.

Officer Charies W. Paul, of Kcho Glen farm, is cutting olf the wroil and timber on about 12 acres, which lie ro- e#-ntlv nurchased of the Oen. lCbsn Sut

\ Total

oial iwlptb of fhe fair wet.< $:i,r,i:>.s>, nnt! the rxpen!»es $i.-r-i*U7:t, l.^uui^ a balance of■$<.,*l.tii*. The prljq «»ays

re imldiPhed. two in number/ one h> "alter H- Hflvws, nf Wesr V'I.MV farm,

upon.'-'Fermhig I'hder Ulns.*.'


Inn W;

B. Mfferve UlM \>r N'nVemu? i.

'unferrlng .'.vsrand second Nttveijiber ^!).

'onferring thirj and fourth

leg re-

ducing elements were lacking.

SC?»1 I ,.

ton heirs. He expecti to x.-ctire nbont 1 o<) cords ot wood -ml 7i Xima at tim- ber.

George P. Webster, of West Box- ford, la travelling for the Springilpld corresponding school, enrolling pup'la in New Hampshire and Vermont.

The Charitable union WlM give a l»ean porridge and succotash fsupper, M<>n- day evening. Jnn. 22d, In the rooms. Admission 21 cents. Supper aerved from 5."i' to 8 o'clock.

A large gathering of Patrons of Hus- %audry gathered in Unitarian hall, Tuesday evening, the occasion being histallatlon of the local Grange ol-. Hen.

Past Muster D. N. Cluff of Draont Orange, anslsted by Rose Penb->1y. of that, plnce. inducted the elected list •s follows, into ofike:

Master, Harry C. Foster. Overseer, Winflebl S. Hughes. Lecturer. Albert Currier. Assistant Steward. H. Dana Currier. Chaplain. Mrs. Wlnfield S. Hughes. Secretary. Walter H. Hayes. Treasurer. James C. Poor. Gatekeeper, Kdward A. l^iller. Pomona,..Miss Isabel F. Foss. l'lora, Misa Ida F. Carleton. CCK.S, Miss Lucy A. Preseott. Lady Assistant Steward, Miss An-

gle H. Whlttier. Pleasant events in connection with

the o"easioa were two presentations by the North Andover Grange.

Mofther H. Meseive. who has just fliiisli.-d very sucreesful work as beiul of til- Grange, received a costly past masters* gold Jewel. On one sid-1 is the inscription. 'N. A. G.. No. 12S. P. of H., S. G.' The reverse is let- tered, 'Mi R. M.. North Andover,

The remembrance of good will to tbe capable and courteous secretary, Walter H. Hayes, was a fine quarter- ed oak chair, of the Morris' make, handsomely upholstered.

Both gift* *werei surprises to.the two pnrtles named. .lames C. Poor tender-fi the Jewel and Kdward A. Fuller the chair. Their remnrks wero in ueatiy turned phmses aim the re- spnns* > w( ve peculiarly happy,

After infitallation there were sprcih- es by \isitors anil then the <uiii[);my n pa in*. I to fhe dining room, wbasa an spr«-:i'i received amole iusi the. Tlie committee having tliiK lea lure Mil hand was : J. Henry Nason irhiiinnanL Miss Mottic .1. Hnyes, Siis^i Kannle* F. Rea, Miss battie F. Ren, Ostit *f. Young and John P. Clark. ?

The out-of-to've people were: Hracut.

W Master Norman L. PPaVoy. Ovraeer Alton II. Bryant. Lecturer Calvin Richardson. Secretary Arthur \V. Col burn. Tr-asurer Franklin P. Fox. Steward Warren W. Fox-. Past Mutter I). K. Cluff. \'ictor N. ClufV. Mis. Vllhr Itonte. Harry M. Fox. Miss Julia Fox. It. 11. Coburn". Mis. R. !). CobuTll. Mrs. Norman Ii. Peavey. Mrs. IL N. ClulT. Mrs. Alton P-rygnt■ i — ,. , Mrs. Calvin Richardson. Miss Annie Richardson. Mrs. C. K. Jones. Herbeit Jones.

< I. H. Stevens. Lr. C. A. Hamblet. Corliss Smith.

. Mrs. Corliss Smith. ■ Mason Bryant. Henry F. Pcabody. Mrs. Henry F. Peabody.

■AM Sticluii'V. John W, Peabbdy. Mrs, John.W. Peabodv. Miss Ros.» E. !»ea1jXMly. Miss Rfitttia Leach. lioberi Le-ch. .

■ Mrs. ftobert l.eaeii. Fnrf Kill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fo.-s. lar.ipij .1, McManmon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Luswell S. Fox. (J. A. H. Richardson. Mi nnd Mrs. C. H.. Stiekney.

I.oxfoid, Mr and Mrs. Charles Voutton. Williao, R. Cole. Oliver Klllam. Mi H v.irv gpofford,


THERE'S NOTHING LIKE IT In Iho wnt, went, nurtli, or mnith. Till-: MOKMNI- TKI.KISKAPH In ..nil, ,ii-illy tho l.riuliii'Kt 'InUr P«per In i!»• I II li- niiwRnr i*Jfiil»y1ii.'«n- rlw>. Ifn tHiumml n«Wn in rmlhi.r1t*tlvi> HH thoHtrtml iu*wi ti* wm|ilt?tf>. Its rut'dtn new* IH o.lii|ilr uimPITniicliillilc. If hn« FMTIHI IcMimtH llmL cmiiDul bu i .hi el i rum any uthor §«nr«!.

THE MI1NDAV TEI-Kf-BAPH , U n* trotirt "■< liitir n ilii/.pn otlitr weakly i>Hi*rf. i*ut tntMhnr. It KIT*'« »•>« «lx ' IliiiPS tlie iiiU'llillnliiOtil Hi'' uvrrnt'o wwhty iltK'it. 11 i- lii'itnt'ul "l" oil" .mil MHtwHa of intfn.ii.1. utiii ihiiin*1 you i krv,«', voii onuitt ti> know, »r wiuihl liko io«*i.iw, 11 •«ii,..,|iiu>ri'*tliit; i'«1«er, I wtta IUI intrrcMtlni: t*W>n»tlt*f. - ^

*TIIK PK*Ti:KK«i;P«jKHBi»iT 1* nut <u,ualleil hy ttnyutber nowwmr en Hit- fw-e "t On- iilntnv riic iiicturei «n» tlmelT. liiti'reallinr. tit'wuy auil. iiuw. Tl»*y are in mm*) reap*"**1 "ui^riur tu lliforliriml phiAOfttpn*, aOU m, amount nf ilcaiTtpH'iH • Ill <l'i tbt'i" Oil! juntlco tbat your own ryw would.

ft.ld overywhere, l>y eyery ll»o dealer, awry <\*y Ui ilir wet*. If vuur dealer doea "of liHiifen t-. have II .-i, band. IB- B)«l ttmi he net il ruf jrou- IT he la the riuiit wimi ol ;i m*n. K« """ mil'i»iy you. II newvu't HU912 you, wo will.

TRIAL RATES FOR ONE MONTH. Sondav Osly, . "M CwMfc lUlly nnd NMUII»>. • Ouo Hollar

DAILY TELEGRAPH CO. 1IO Went 42d Hlrer(. F


Miss Myra Chadwick. Frank N. Chadwick.

Andover.' George D. Ward. Mi's. J, K." Gardner. Miss Kditb, Abbott.

Chief Toohey was before the grand jurv, in Salem. Wednesday, on a num- ber of ewes.

Representative James C. Poor BAN been appointed on the committee cu rOMfl lltd bridges by Speak-T Myi rs for thja yenr's U|l8latur«, Tnls COm- niittee i!^ cbiiBldered ona »'f (lie RIDSt important on the \U i.

Miss Ratle S. BttUlvail luis n nosition in- the cniiitlne (Ngeoil mills.


GcoTfre H. Mifflln was tmt. of OOOM W»ilni"*d;iy. ttir tlie first time since 1 ■::■■ recent iiiuetss.

llnirv Wliitehonse hNN returned frein Inner. \. H., and n^unieri his plnc«; in the machine shop..

The annual iw* tiim pi tlie K:nlich' HeiKVolent society, which is doiU '» ()i'(il .of gOOfl work, took ]>lace Wed msduv :,ftcrnooii. In the ConRrcgat(oii- al vestry. The result follows:

President. Mrs. Charles K. Stllliusi. Vlc3 president, Mrs. I'Vank W Kat-

nn. S'cietary, Miss Addic M. Carney. Tre.isurei. Mrs N I*. Five. Directors,- Mr?. Virnm TT. Wattw,

Mrs. Moses A. Dow. Mil. C. Summ-r Kelly. Mrs. William M. Me^uestnu. MIPS Vinnle Oilman. Mrs. G. A. fchrt- ton. •

CASTOR S A Die Kw rou Have Always 6oug!f.

Bears the /*^Jr fUgnataro uf C^Ct **ft %£%«


Would uni'lily leave you. if you used Dr. Kinjf's New Life Pills. Tliousnmls of snlfeieis have proved their maieh- tese nii-iii for Blck md NervooN rlead". aches. 'I'lu'.v iimkc pur»a UQOd KUl >itrotiK nerves and build up your |W.;I|I|I 1 :nv*v tn lake. Try thein. Only '2."i* cents. Money back if not MirAl. Sold liv John 1 Fore*t Drus- B'rt. ^^^L ... .« . ^^


i ■

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Allcock's Purely Vegetable

Absolutely Harmless Have No Equal


Always ftwada, Always Safe

(inatlr uMigmi Ut M s». Tar aars- isasa.i n» Lowell strut, aura I man to Kailr-iaa as« was atoppni n.wr «ar Butoa * Mats* nation by a Vwas'saaa. The borar-'s'kas wrr. 'Hi. in! in, aleldi was am wo'-h dawaaxn. Tar donor «K*B*4 wiia) a Ua4 saasfaa; ap.

tbe Crass* krM Ma .firs* ssnitina of la*- u-rs yrar Taur-'laj law week. Tbrr*. was-a large a:ieu-iaarr cf asria- lit-re. TV- praarltai lisslsm ww*. tly> iajatallaiioa of officers rrtes11y . 'InH by ia> Onmff. Tar nttrm ' fsdscttv fato osVe were as follows: Master, Masaacj Easenoa: oiw./ r K '. IKirakaaa n<-war4. Ass I- liarri. a-»iataat aViarl. Wester A VTVI. ihapUaa. Orman S pen: treasurer. Gears?- O. Mar*h r»Ury. Mm. Mary '. Cntov <-*l+t. Jean H. Crr-stry; cere., Mrs. I fe«aQ/I%aaaaHasa/r*Ma»ooa- Mlaa Car Ma lull Bora, Mta* Clara H.Cobam: la-iy assists*! steward. Mia» '.ora Uu'iaaa. 'TbV<*c-'moaile» sera ,*-- form <l i.v Pana Oraixl Master Ceors. B. f'roa*/T. *>f TfwiLilmtf. assiste-l \>t~ bit wif< . The work was f*rfornMii ia a uralsewortiiy' rcaaser. After the v«r. monir-x fbr ^oiopaar adjourned to. Ibe ijaiiouet .hail where a toUBiifnt n*l>l*r was served. After sapper the £.1 h. ring rHomerl TO the sail., belov where sNirt addrra^es were au'de. ft wa* lat« whri tbe meeting adjourned*

„ ..• Hal neat nv-ettnc Thnrsdar eves, traji, in ibe Jews hall Friday < laaaaf but, fan. I*. a leeturer will be *l~et

wore way» than otir ., (,izl<- .,. Two ■IMMTI 'Jf The li iw,' r.ilr arqwared to be a sorertr ba.< alreat'r l*en elected to tbl/ of-

I; mi seraast of the «K'an>' (,-tb have declined to serve •tie ilim ettewdaar* saw »r» H;

*ettrv-^-: Caow

XwrAcrept a&ubttUmte

|> |> ». (-



"f -f -i •} i -i •} 1-ltOVEIl A rizzix

The >o*tun>e V>r povnt, wrir held nn^" IV aaspl/es ->f tbe .\V. CasV

—m-nt, l-nt wavw^ ii angM well i^ieTBedsuen . ind Mrs

Oatral*. a<-ver I*-; Th<- Xew fore b<ard of. are said to le- i, ap of .Xrtlinnjm ' BKB. J Mar!and, whoevei he ir. hail tbarge of

A regular u:t**in? 'of Meiu'ien «,,-n^ it. Hoyal Areanum, W^JI be!d

iaet week at wbKb the tol- »ellii.«[ tK-keu. but be was b«irn ofteers were elected f»r the not i«r<!eae<i witb raueb re.;y -, year- Recent. Frank H. biUir In after th- a resent. Arthur Pedler.

Manr who lerj^h' / y Browr Meretar- -I llrkeU *er^ duprn- ■».■■: tb- i- F.memon; collrcsar. '^orce A asaawer m Thlrh the atTa:- ■, a> eaa 1 TajPJI, tt^aenrer. Tbomu K. ^!^1i. Ti' ***'» w"3 ""•, "-rr! Skmr.e, ,haplaln W. H..LMM Hole rant dom'teated CBrts*. life was

|.rlr. cake walk a»i. b had,x.ri,r. Hear, F. Wilie-t: .-ntrr. M?, rbr waer «wa, hwl here we^raa *' '»', r>l»x, J^_giilrr: I?" "S™1- **' tbf h-e. r-fcrlst it ik ni-Klel He

win A. Ilodtre: audfUhii toBSIwr." o(S~Wvr^nJF, K. ?, Bi'.»n. A. C. Hh«er E. ■

LfXATlOX URASTEI1 refentatires. Representative Pror> r>J I this distria Vaa gtrea a place on the

The board of seKrtsaen has sraniedl (otnniit|« on probate and insolvee-y. (He lawreoee s- Methaea street rail')

j-eani oM. Mrs. I iven«or» -ooke of were diMribuieJ u, thi Bt':0ite-r5 o! .he l^afavette ca the fit-'. «reat .ttaa she choir aad vleitiiil friends d-ir ns the ever wet. This w»> when he wm evenlsc.

a«S^w1rh^ t^SE Mr, Uve^or.-^* 'u^^^^^^[^^^v^^^!iRl^S&!ti r.v bewtde , horse ou whkb he^»as was entetutned at the .-wldetate <=/ ~^/M

UD0^b^" ^''^^ ,;TderaW; in years put. have tav"

""SI *"a.*,Ji.h**? »" e"^.'.0 Mr' ^^ B"""r " li"re3t* "^ •• o^rate uTr^ Tue5aT»f-'.he of J. Branch la.aH. ,.,; .otuid. table leaeth o.'. rio: .e Maaa. / teraoaa after which It was decided to three ntonths. Mr. and Mrs. inga,, who was the Bret to impr*-, her as A pratv weddtnc and .i»e w1tne*se1 ^™TWSMLI .. ZkL, <*r^Th- are still at Wellealev bemg a scperior man. H- was the bv a large number of rrfative. »d ^ '^ "J^^ " "*** '" 7

trt «eretafr of the flrv ,:-," board friend, of tbe .^nuactin* aartles ^SVfJ** "* coo"M]r

- ■ •,.- .... .^^..iui .1 c. u™., .-_ nctitiea CK me at Maaica'i etios; of Jbe «':«<tn.tnj The Methuen i ub wtlj plar In n Of <d-KwtidB. axt-av her ann-.tksj was wsa ^>!«mniied si St. _™.

■eoaae a seaool tea-hcr sue aad or- chur. b on Broa.lwaj Wedaeadir -,, tegln ^ ££,„ „^, „ tb, j Valler inter-tlttb tournament Fri Tht now routel «rie» ol same-- In the Merrirr.a

l-a«rence line, and continue throne J! even'ng with the Highland club

Pelbam H

« ,. i .in sauarej -r .„ street, thence to Pelt-am.! will be the conveyance. .

At a session of proba'e court In I^r,--

n to becxaB>e well acotu itiled with ntcrninr- >hen Peter Graham, wnc She followedhh ?.tc in h.r lee- »ert to Cuba v ilk £"»»*''? ^centre street to Merrill, to Brvwn ttl toaaB <«oiu a large delegation .,

in an Interesting matin - rt,: , -rat diring the Spanish war M-)Cros<,„T to Oakland avenueto Rail, chib members »ill ateempan) tb? p|ai -

?aj-srs.T SAW'S. an^%^xs^-W S?s -^ «^««»»— —!- •»—«-«. ears old. i=h*> met Itorji-i 'AVtv- a' poptiUr rratng la^j o( M-tbuenJ JJ Jrhn Onincy Artanfi, Hearr C Uyj-rcre unitrH in. the bolr hon*** of itat- *

^Sl^'i'1 ?' Sl!S!l*?:'2E2I.'-a*, h,lf «""^l! ,^-tf. R^* The annual election of officer* of the rence tbe Htst.of the w<ek .dmini«^.

Hears Clay aod told how she vras U-.Fr Nangle. of vj.-_ N- ^■';yvtr^y ^ten-cn ,Bd rfi,-illel :n the late Miss Helen A. P.«t. Henr," X. -. ;.— -twfAiorj of the CM boanl. wbk-h Flail i. administrator. Inventories

"IdSrt. Dani-1 W. Tmner. Jacob! Emerson. E. B. Homer. J. S. j><Ig*| Jam«e Skerr»»tt a member of th- an*. Cbxrles Austin. Paul Methuen hoae company, had a.

->— i^iirpre' keyless fire alarm box on t\- Th* services held Sunday .tflerntxi*., hibition at his house on I^owell streoi

at the resiienee of William H;wh *, th.« week. He is at a loss to ttm/w Ashland a *

r.*^d_. ty take plf fermlssion JvfW testerahz1

ww no r-tfrrt^sjsftia na-rr*^ aa fiTd'r Wa»: rut ifa/^rt

•as r'-'Oty oi p'jlde. Kow<v. r The tfMh'-rfrif was not et>>ssideTN an nrd*Ttr

would hare '***-n J'istifie'i '.;> ■ ■■'/ a et/-p to> 'iooifc, cf the n.o*-

ha«l thev I^pfKn-i sjiovBd when it was r/rtnr on. Tfcs suno'int o, fnjj don** i.y ibote who '<oaicht tif-k-

■.fTilr i» » aaf< oaai the N**-w Centrals will DO*, en-

'K-avf r to 0r« ni,(>ff>*-r party in this It/Wn for awtifl**. This Vsj first, inJ stnfcsblj tislir IW, I' hf,'»■<■ (r, lh«-y fchouj'1 *--r*r ask '(»r tt^- iw /-! the town hall again tfcsy l*»- tvftaSfiS '.n fhe ffoundp '»r nrA.har- Siif, r-jr.'l'j't»>'l ii,', ,'.--t party In an njsjti y tnanner.

fill ^wtfclllla.,llsul '»f (9W V.;.;„ani '.' ClreenVp'sH t»#, G A. K,.*

red V. •. ossee Prlday *-•.#-&*:.« 7 tft*- fr-St-k -ffOM ■attenttent^-^Tiieiir--

>' tag-post, T-M cWsrtw^TtjleJi VslVt r* rft-JpWn.frd hy past 'Oinpaad'-: f'eii-r. H fi^wrp,!-, aawttstsd (»y [*aiit ecssV

;-r ~.Wf,n I". Ktdley.'-'^d'ifatfrse4 Th',: vn'fr* of th**

post Tr.r 1 NJ6 ar»- ttt fotlowi Coflrt- nrsjiifeT, Al.>ert L, Uam»v, JK nlor vk»-

.'(id* r, Nathan A. Bmir.b, Junior riM '»,'!'. ir.lM sVsOsUO ilow- »,uii. •■•t::. -I'-r fbifleH. If. Sair-

' rhajilatn. fahin f. D Osorgf K

, W*'K«!!(U.> at'jut-'ii,' Jol 'i | Ta|*- lt) iiuil*s*iRsjst«f ■■mont li* I ward Hullksn. iHsWttl if«;ij'-r. Ovrjf*? N*. Il-rriwr'! OaAcer of taw day. Frank A*>- Wardvrtl. oft.'*-r <>f tlu. Kusrd. bavid i \pidd. After th*- cT'-moni"*. taw invaTHns; otUet prsseatstf tie retiring toianuiadVr, f. K. Deysr, with a handsv^me past «/.-?<;mander» tjsult;^- Mr. Doyvn r'-*p'/nd'•; brifffiy t-> *he pf»«wwtti>tkm. KdM'jj,,-!'; laal 'hr

erMopaay siajoariistl to ';.*■ aSsas] H I hail wb-re supp<:r »'w aeived-

\ lari,'- Databet of mr-mbf-nt of Qsj MHliU'.n (.lab rttassssftsi *he gum'-h f>*.- tsrsea the VJ**P*T and Home clubs ir tjbt hster-dsfb u^urnam'-nt at IAW- •Mi": Friday evsaias;, Tbt Hoot*

vicv.riou*. •

was a small strike at tbe tt'ohrtss. mill, which If

try <;^iiii' Bros. Friday Abtsst I- Ol ilw •' !■■ bli ' Bw-

' <i. rn.iiidcd H rai^' ol t*-n per- iij vaa.rt- *•"'' ln" maoaj!*-m**ijt

riiawSSs, to sgewstari«w4sM dcnfatid. (.'on-

-Wf*^--|fKes«»ntstiTea- to Rrsud i<mn- ifafvta A. l>>dsie'^ Jlterivat*-. J.

J Km*T»cn. The inntailation will k> ■fjslM-.-.-A. iha* netf roe«*t

S, Thfirsday A-T^OIDS;* Jan. U. I>ls- :"-,eUty ■/. F Thayr sad jalta

- .-form th- "•*ea»nies.

l-ivoie. foreman for John 4. (fee local „ well known tailor

atnw to CaasMla with-his wife «a«re ta-Jf" will attend a w« TVT S/IH fc* anaeat a. month during which urn*- tner wi" *l*H r* tad 'ri'rn'ir' st their former Blaew r-f

M- Hunker ha» sscaTrd th^ of Slat baJssr. of Boston.

dttrtPB IB4 aO*>*'ne#! of his for«-non Mr CaTlrf rOtBrt from ooe of las

I g tailoring fftablishments a. f/h* n*i b. „, .

py. B, H l^wlor* oflV* <n D-M FeTHowT block is-uoTT M«in*^^ as tebisjaojsg. WL-\.

lafWfl P- Ceorige. whose maxrlafc ^n*iu're*«^rtar print'd in xbxi

tt.fcrfasrrftCMi J'* f" -: * * }'ifi

».ek LJ M1K Bertha H fmifjl* Uivrare 1 he a r^numy «.-

ate- Mr. Oeors<- i,i;' (-*•« "I iotas on UK training Hhio En-

lerprfse and ss^eratl UM '-n.|..or of the l^v.-H. l-wr-'-n''- sind Hnverbtil stT*-»*t railway rom^any at (a* imsrt.

la'*-. Th« n«wiy atytded ecjaatc will r«*«id< to l^-iw- r< :.' ■

Ttaj retwUUM of Mi- Jni;- lieiajf WOO *a- b-irti d la d'-.-t- 8t "i fir il, tbe t**t paif of the to»« V\*M

HIM swek, *-T<- interred, in' beUevoe teiarWr. Ijswreaes Friday afternoon. S.r\,«.- . were L'td ji th

BEfHtfa MMii YKAK. - I

atiif "• " Fcirgive w oir as^kfsT: be taught bft* disciples to pray and on tl.-^ • prayed. Father forgive them. Yot not lee that the qart 'rf that mat' h-

t—-W-tJa-eWeXiisi atjaree *se:?te«: nr ine receptions^ At^Hn!^1[i?VaW8svA«s|s^^ - able things to her. thlcg> perhaoj. fi-Wwewhat fiatWKpg. Tnex pleased her. aotVeTfr. and at tie next reception she watched bun with great admin-

She finally disco^red. however. that to all the /oun^ taasea be catd tbe -arse sjood things and th\a cwnv;n- ed ner that she was no better >a his estimation that any of tJ.e otlier /occg Ud;^- presesited to him.

Mrs. l4Tertncre contin^"! by ipeak Ing of the life of Tboma- llentoa and that of Wendell Phillip?. She dmtlt tc 'rnaiderable length -a tAe sires t' thes* eminent m«n. Next aJMinwSe cf A^^am Lincoln and Ceneral Grant. detv ril/ing their ways :n a highly en-

ng minner. Mr-. 1^v»jimore ■ y^>-Tneg dTT^Bivi i>f th' siejt

per-on» she aa» sset 8CTO*i tbe a?ter. She has met Queen \'u toria "and the

fSbers of Iier family. She reJerred to OwSslsUaas, '.Le g-ea: **ft! | |ira While abroad she was de'enuined to bear bfm speak and tc ha — h*>r «. ifcbes satiffiet) SIM- ha-! to remjin in n -^-at fro:, t aO'clock one ift^r.-iooj • ntH o'clock the following morning.

Mrs. Uvermore referrc-J to other pb-a^ing Incidents in bar traTels abrcad &he rlosed bar l**cv:re at 9 s/esorb anrl ssssj immedia'ely oriven to laffwrenc-r Trtrrre- -nb*? toox a tr^rn for fk/*ton

-/) tb# sss^iofai i, tha*. all . ftWhalSJ, SH well ;IK lh<- -weav-

» in -this "titi ba« barn idrancad :i Dt -'it a/j'1 tli'i'-fOH' ■ ibey li'lit bo have Hi- sasne OsftrbaawJ- i,f proBfietori <[.-Am that this mill m b^en paying it-^ help hlgb«r w&iges sn have bs*a mtd sissiraartVa** t4>

i,Hi-- thai thf* 0 nara] ojajj \ari<i ■nnouneed Havtni

i u ■• ■• Hi'- »!«-r!inh'i> n£ fh» they arc- mil paying bli

than elvwhere They rluim thai f'l- glrta who have stxtKrlt, •/•!*

nt as IBtMa. ni'Mxy an Ik now mill for the si

,,..,.' i.,.. ii.-w sched Therefor* "■ grattt- tli«-ir ■^••uatuiU *f*tild Hlinply mean giving Iban tm ,..,. .,.•.(. than fHher mllta srs t lying Tb' strike i« o; small im- : ..,i.,r - - and ■•■ III not Interjfern nattch

On Hunday the ii< oraa. bad the first sanaoa H hi<* ninth year as pastor of tbe baptist cborirb, Tb'-re wan a large eongregation pita ent. Mr. Ilailey took f'-r hit Urgl KiimajiA H aii'l -■ '•''■' of the ninlb verse: "if any man have not ti e spirit of ("hi-ist he Is oon«- »>f hi« " Mr. Bailey spoke in part as ffllow.,: Here th" a,»o>ib- gives tu a standard by shi'h we may kbow wbttber »•• are Cbrtai's or ttot JiV -h'* spirit of

, ,'! T..». Cfbrtal be im,aas Uic priaeipi* ^ ' «lrlH *-lklrf ^.T!B dominated Christ's lif- while

f til' 'iliVHig ll'lIS"

1 '

tomlaaiew up<<n MM esrth. Thf i.rinclnl.- ol action an.I rulS-Of life. It sfll heli! us in iiviriK the Cbflat-Hte if *• »'- certain wiiat thou- principles <•<■ action «-iit.-i<-, > i hrlst't 111- •■■■■■ Three «/ th' m only 1 "Peak of this

m snd ' •-' il" ■ • m '■■ fundemenul In the lif» ol <-v-ry (Jhrtotlsn.

1.^-I.oy. ' Herein !' love, DOt "13t 'inii but Out be -rov.-ii at

sad K:IV'- himwlf for"u»." I'hn-.t was Oodyl f'-V'-li-tloti of liirt th lor man to jnan. l/>v- |irompied i l to lay aSd* tbe star* of bi.. ■ B- sod real h rows to the depth of human tieeil. TIl'X B'wD' 1 in BJiS- ntnra , "Cod a lovwo the aorld thai 1, ;.-, ,,. tSS besv Hia' l.'avri. lilt, onl) besottea ■■■" Chrl ' lift nrncmg tru a »si •' con i*ani revelation of his dean l'«i '■■ "" " This lov i» to have Itk refles llttenee In the lif- '' C*rl Man ibi^_ia!Jalrln.ii IssrWI leutt

eve .- ii hose 'T»mpaii^

"Ti:' niliiv maeUag t'ridav - ■ No ejier.iiii buainrSt "as I

Ai llhjc.t-jii Heishta n-liKi'- \ .ii lie I;..:'.: Kundft) .ftaraoos i -.—Idem-e -of •Williain llalith, -s

km* 1. 11.' o: ( lOli 11. .'. 1, » u.i^ (.;.-r II- da pe. .,1 in B Ill' tt . li',',! hi lh' a-h ..,: iiiiini K-0 1 1 • 1. cllned hi a'' ' pt. AI the HI :.l I . (II III- meet Inc.of the ' 'in!. ' aliolh' 1 1 is) hi -will h ■ i K .1,- Mi.. 1- il... an an

. .il; Ol ' a' 1 '1, Is fill UK II,. Vill - till il tit I 111


prayer, upon which Christ makes an> comment is "Forgive us .<r«r -tebts. a* we fotglve otte-de.i*ori." f»n | Mid. it r« forgive; m*n their tr»»- paiwteh. yjitr beavenly Katiier will also fofgire yasi: Em if ye forgive nH m»:n their tre*pasie». neither -fifi yonr Fa'her forgive poor tres- paM^s.

irj tut -xpe*» Ibe forg ■*m*■■- ■( your own trartsereB*ion>' * ijaiL-* 'i p. agtn yoa have firs', forgiven that on* ■ ho has nfll^nded. r*r **ven wr»n**-<:

Tittlr Christ -ould. say ; havi given you an exasapte that r> do r-* ( hnve don*;. "

lb*- H» *. K TTdltoh. *tat< igenj .of the Aroeik-an Mfaes wiscsaty, |pivi an interesting lectur' :? ';-■ '"'uigre- ■utional SsSrTi Qlhlilll. *J«Plag u*-

K-'T r.f - "Tb. Bible, lo al -l-finde.. Tb*- lectare sa- #ii with the fcf.-reopti'-. n Th'-r*- vli i tarz* andicnes praqeai to «ss> '•-■Mir'-. Mr. Ootlea s-iiake abmr—tn« organization of the aimesjeaja Bibb *u-s«Hy !»nd Ussb i,bo::i the (1r;> printing a.i-l di-tr»i»«.iio;: >A tbe iKofc. Be said that it eras not lbs »s York Jottraal or World that wsa fits*

oat en tbe t/'iuTirit/ ]„' tbe \>A>\'-. li« told iA :'.. »;i« M -in ITTT ofdi rill -; -"»"*■ I 3CIU to the liay stata (.x disitribntion. Tlj.s ctrfgres* b< said, ptoved fbeab th< first bible Fine IItu/tra- tions of uvtHUnsj aod u-n-Jj: the bible vn gfrco, He ;■■:•.. tan >.. '..'■ rtloa -of tb* "i.ib:-- la '_'-- different la:i^iia',' U% foi on riif-ir grjJvaJ Eg *' - tfe-tntry. i h-

■ >... ty ha '"■ ■ immigrants with tbe good book. Ir I rery ss^tartateteg mai.ner M. ' ■>]- ton feid of rdka .lir-tr' ottoa at Lbt Mob- in fsreigji lands, ln^udMg»So(Jth AnicTbja. Cential a\m'ri'ii. Meolcb A-la. China. Japan and ^'rba.' The American Itibb- soctcty has tnls- •ionarif.'!, at worl:. in these places ell the time. The Illustration*-, Fhowes th- '!.iffe_re>rjt ways in whi«h trie hjbb] in distributed In foreieiit Nsjntrtog; TiK Amerban llibi- soclaty 1IH.- glvei

:,n0O.(KK) iHgvii!' orinted in '" nl langoavrs. The entirn vac)

was clearly eiamined bj Hi Collon and bis oddrcas sms ilose- ly listened I". After the Isctars _ LuHe»tsem was take J- »P " on tbe work cf tbe society.

'i he Oia-cers-e'leet of Hope bwdft t I. O. O. F.. were hlstfitbul Monday evening bv District liepntv Gnirl Ma*- TeTR: TfUl and m!tr. The trrem-mlee were finely performed. Tbe idaseafg of th'- hylgc for en-uing six months pre Noble graod. Fred M. Swan; vice grajiri. William . r^ibem. .-'<re- tary,, Jchn F. Ridley; Ha loan A N. Rusi- flnanciaf scer^tary. 1>^, 1'. LcwjeU. r, •. n. g . Daniel T oaaav denJ: 1. *. n. %.. rA4*r Btodgett; r. ^. V e . George \. Wodfatl v. g . WMhaitt 4>^rdon: r y. •. fhllf les Bower: I. v. %!. I^u,-ence g. Heiii- ifn; chaplain. James '*. Mouom; war- den. Rol«*-r» Jamb-.-ion. Jr.; inside guard. Kb hard Csgood; outside guard Ctevxge W. Parnsa; marsh il. John S- 1 plej"., .At^.'' the |pei.;;i r-ion . .r:- mo-jie? reinancs "wre mi le Try' tJw grand oslfeera and i,aier tbe comnapy

^adjj.-ii'*--! t« tb*- ban.pieT hall. \Jiei* OJM <,f ijBssta Wrga.' :in» oyster top- pers was ssTveo. aTwtTn? number Of HoSf icdre m.mljers turned out to the inj£2)lat?cn an! ih'-r-? -vc?r.- Vlsltieg

■rn pnsent. — ' - - „

M. V joduian la fjtil*. rn Cbai i ■ '

Mr. and Mir (leorgt: w Gonp bav< pt'iMif'i f; m their visit Ho Tiuntaa

* A targe number'* ol townspeople heard tbe Rn 'T. fcrtward B. Mab at the I'nltarian churrb, l^wr.-nce. Bifnda} evpnlng.

Hi Char| If., I: tins town

■ Y I, li v,. wV'uw of Col. li [ii> a "di''d In r'oii''onl.'N. a/effk* I--".-."I wns. t-orn ir

in 102*. FeOtly in hot life ■he removed with til The i«'0i.iin- l> well Monday.

parents lo were Ittten

I.ow- .1 in

The M. C whist club b'dl an en- Joysble sacetiog Monda - evening with Mi. and Mrs. B. E. Hill at their rco- kalesjea on I'elham street. Ptaylaa »a^ < uJoyed for abour tWJ uotus : r.d a h;'.!f. aff-r which ref.v.--.:]r»*i".s arere

it «t-, nfaJahjbj sTbea tii' eriffiTs^nT disprnTd. Tb- nex mcctleg wit! be arrtb Mrr an 1 Mi-. Crjj.l; A Cordon.


life th.

',«! borae of hi. Oftotgc l; fiuri-

Of Oiwn-N'e, IBM riV..»> ill Ui, f rldajr morning. While the tb*

WUK driving <-u Himpshlre I ■' hori ■ i» camf> f-rl( ttened ol Hie

tries and -tarUd In ran M i-.- ii'' p| Lowell bnd . Hanioi bli ■ •.I :if njj Igh v,,i., oyi run ii- -1 und

in TO


Thou .diull b,v- tbe U.d M-v '^'l - .i , >|| thv heart Tboa sbaJj [ove thy n*i«bi»«w ■• •*• '" the.-nMiidi '-*' cht-st _iiMiuiiiiii- - tne life then love for oat lellowm i> reveal Itaelf i" betbfal mini

:i s^-if 'tenlul The sagiifid rlple tb"' d^iiiiiuHWI Chi was ^elf denial- V kno*

,„.: i UM-.I -'< .at ! brlat, that though be i M ricb y*\ hsi r^rMkea I,, bncamo p. or. lh»l >- ilnT.mli bis poverty might be rjeh

KTOBI tbe m-vngf.! t(» the - K> • i,< itiiil' marked the path !!..■ .^"I'^N ,,„,!' To one worf -•■' 3 M.H'-I' i svjn folltva von. vbarevai ii„ ■■ jeVfa said ti^ tiii" have notes; and lb« '''■ ' hau tU'sij but tha "' ■

where tp '"'>' hi' 1,r-: ' •I1( ti.- .l.-> l.,i;ai"ii Chrha

I the ihorougbheas of Mil denial

Tltla paner in reporting the IK»V arts, party luld In rba town hall Frl- Oiv evening did not'intend tbol anj bl-in*f hl.'^ild »•** i-Hjebed Hi Manrt** .losenh S. H.*i n*-1.1 for letting the ttall

v.',',','-': f«;r i!i<- party. The men who iiii"<i ' the hell pn»e M bin. with'""irood

lif i-i ■ '■- ;ird till.-. |'-i| er <!-..■-,* not care • to say tb*t th«To was reasc-n •\ ir.- hobtuld have ratttsed tnebi nl the ilme tbey made onplicatlon. Mr, s''ii:-nt oaes good ludgmenj In letting the hall and he bel|evej !i" uld on tins o< -■<« -i'i:i- for he tloee not agroe .with tbla pup"!- m .ill 11 said -if .iii-

Charles it. Ayr. BjuBBWasgar ai ibe htare'. hbns*r is eonbned t.* liid ie.'i- wbfBee on High atraet by illneag. Mr. jka-er coanmi nead bis duties at th«- atatt bouse last weeb, but upon taking told wa.s obliged to give up.

Otorfw s4 Oraaa, i r^ident of. I^nv;- rwtice, di*»d Ijbt Friday night at the sWassdasnec of his father-in-law. Jacob Fiokerri, at the west pifi oi tbe tovn. agajd S3 rabla anil aevaa months. ■Mr Crass had been COOttned to tnr- hoi;«e tara than a week. maUrial fever being the cause of ilaatb, Mr. (irasa wa* born in WaUrvIlk*. K. 'J. At the beginning of the otril war he en- liHt*-! in the tfttb Mainr r<-gimeu; and serv*<l his -ountry vjth credit. I r-on being nittsterad oat tit Bsrvlca Mi. israw lotatcd at Fort i'jirt*eld. M\. srhara he lived foi quite a numi'ier of fWl-T "H,^ wns ■ a member of the Grar1 Army post of that tv#wn. He had lived in Uw- v-i,. ■ :.trO';t s*'\en ycai.-.. lle.iitbvi a widow h** in survived by three wm.- Ityion K., of [/.vrrenee, ;Mgar N.. Of IJroohlyn. K, ¥*., and bowbj A. Orjaaa, ii. s^radoaifl of the lceal high hchuol now located in Provbl*n'e. It, L, an I oil- datrghtet, wflaa \ji;;.v*. Cuss. 'J i.e tnheral took "platM from tit? resident, of atr, FbX'hertJ Monday1 iiffWo-vm. tbi* aorvtces *bafag ^mdoeted bv \\v Rev, w. I. Wilbin.s. Tba raraaiftl rested in a black broad.-lotu eovevad casket with silver trimmings. Theie were at veral Bora] n [botoa, Inrladlng I ipray of -'••. pinks from ibe I'-M ,,.-«i widow . piilou- iuJirib' d I'.inn :.' from the children, and several sprayi of pfttks. At the con* lusion of *)i*> ser- rteea tbe rvtmaini tret*] conveyed tu Walnut Bfoys cemetery for burial.

townepcrple were-present snd oat of town g*jesU were in attendance from thi3 ettv, Lowell. Harerhili. ac-tot. fWaitrTille. New Vo.» and other places As the g^«-st^ arrived the> were f-c^ned to icatt b/ tbe nshrr? wlso »* re Edward T. Balfrey. James E rioTiahne. ievefBbrh CBrisfn. Wil- liam V.arfn ind Jam*> H. Cttrran.

At o'cio- i tbe gladsome stnins of the r.rudtng maj-ch froci Lch*ngrin played on the organ by Mis-: Minnie Connon. irnoutued tbe ar- rival of tba bridal party, whkb sl'»-1? proceeded u;> the centre aisle of tb* f-iureb to the altar railing win. r*- i U tefociiting rts»T)prsttes| were waitint-. flwt eeretroiiy rjjasa. took

plsce. During the ocrvlee there was ateglnf l* the choir aal solos were rerlered by Miss Katherin*- White,

Arlington Hetgbt-i.1 where rt came from. He has been kerr were well attended and proved *try\*mf explaining what little he doe. intereeting The Rev. W. B. Taylor *as la charge. Next Hunday aft-*r- noon services will b> beid at Mrs. Croseley's 6V Oakland avenue.

The water cemmissioners are n'<w occupying tbe room recently Taxa'ed by the serertmen in the town house.

know about it.

£ r#*'ai h h i- b > j. ♦ aaaaSOTassf. atk

•L/-J •» •» -iji-ii 7 -f -i Tbe week at prajcr is b?icg observ- At -tne regular monthly meeting of

ed ty the Congregational chtiri.-S this' «•* Aaoow FloriaU anil Gardenen,' - c;ul Friday thi srhedul? an-l

premium list for the annual exhibition was discussed aad revised. One pai>?- which was to have been read by Wat

week. Serviees are to be conducted every evening in Phillips chapel. The Kev. F. H. Page, of Trinity Con-

7 u» 1 nde was attended by h-r niter.; g—juonai chnrth. Lawrence, will M.- Saa* Cnrran. a' bR.:~msi.l. andi,-^; two ,Venings. Ali.ii Mclssac ra^ bcrt man. The} " ~ brele attired in a becoting .os- In ,ne future a musieal will be Of white ."Stin. <n train, trimmedi few ev*n mmah in u,. Bign xboni

She wor? a large under ,nf direction of Herbert Kay Nye. instructor of music, in the pnblic bs'. In her han-1 she carried a prayet

'•eck. The bride.r-akl locked pretty to a costume cf waits .-mii-lii witii te* ehe^s laee trlmmine.^ dbe alaavwasa-a large tat.

Tbe bridegroom and belt man wer? in conventional black.

With the ceremonlea over th-"1 couple wi:h attendants retraced Iheir ftepa from the ibur.l. ti.the strains cf Hen- delesohn's wedding rc.'irch rendered by ill.? Connors, the relatives and frleuht following Immalsslilj. At the chnrcb door many eongratulated .be newly wedded co'tple. after sraarsv tb-?y -x*:* driven te the home r.i the bride-, par- ent, at 3* Q.cond strait. Here a wel- ding breakfast was >erved from a to 2 oclo-k. by Catei.r Ijne. of la<. reme. Before the .-Drta-l .Mr. und Mrs. rjratiam vite i.utione.1 in the parlor, where th* > n i'l f».S the bssrtf ctniftratuiaticn. of many. - **

Tbe pot 'ilaritv of the nealy asddad cosale was teitifiel to by s large nn.i lya-itiful >ari»ty gifts. The presenrs Inetrtded a i-i-le tioarrt: bcoi-

M and writing desk lotnbineJ. btau- tif'jl 1?.r<lin!rre on stand, handsome Pictures and chairs and i pnirualon ol select aad em sjlae-r war- ar.d bric- a-brac.

Mr. ar I -Vr^ Graham, upon tliel; letuyn-Jrtm ■ weddlug tour, will tak« up their reetnence at 17 Lowell*t Methaea. saw will btjjt home tc fricLdi! after Feb. 1.

-Vr. flninam is at [resent first ser- geant of 'ompany V, of this city, and is deri-le-llv poaalar heie. He is a memBet of a numinr of locri! organ- -.?.: 1.'■!!-.


pal 11

Mrta UVBH .mi i:s I.KC'Tl'RE.

M... ma) rli" fix'* .< ii.. ah limn li'll'

hi Hrhfrl

'I In- '" n i v. is.ili-l i hiiirli ■ w.i.. 'III.'..I \'.u,.li.v »veniltg by i-n inn!

| wlii. Ii :i-- -..-.a■ *.1.. 1 I.. I,.:n Ml 1, Llviiii'ii'- l.-'i'i.. i'|ii.n 'Era

\'.'i i i II.!•.- v-<: |. • V'-li- Ill.iliV p it QII ■ !■-.,■ ' *

t him- be

lino lb

orvtce «'f man he ill h>pi , ,, ■■ inwfttl comlort', •■

, ;, ,1,5.1 ..tiii'shplTi-re nt tu me UU re loud '»i pointing 'f> ■Christ

,. jcamnlc Boi la He rwlly mir '.■xun-tde'' ix. *fl realty W invit-is-Uun'' 'K-llow me, H I(1(Jl, to follow '>rr-t than to rtrnpiy

cong* We

Ltwi .\11

bl mi RH

vhrb- r.i,t !H

1 toV«* -lt-**«K. i i I h< d

i, Llverraore ,cobimeuced Uor te [■ii. at* ; M .,-, \nfU mi'! ■ i ;tll ll'IH! ;.?ir| :i-hhtt. Sli*. .y^- i.:illMM. tainlng throughojtl. iibe 11 tllL It. I,.I- I li til I

tnii". or 'iiiiMfutMM'. tfbiefi tin' atidtenre '■■ i-iu .i i., tab . ! .' If, '■•' iltho ■ In t gglp i ii tba boil.-; III'-. HlUlld; V, Bh»- w-ild, Ul


On Hi'ttitdiiv Qvanlng iiie members of the choir of th** (,";-e-rtt <m:v< n met upon the invitation, of J, BrtLga, chorrater, u, spend a w hour. The meeting was held it; tb-- s<-hoolroom and finite u namber *»f tba avtojpra and tbelr fri"ti'U wer*j presant. Tba Bar, W. I*. T;iy|,»r v i. cglbafl upan to pre- aldi and tbe f>.Uov\iiii< pro-mm arsj •tbly tendered Bong As Voui Hair Crrowa Waiter..

Mssff I. rtaa Uttlesott. atriaT, i"ji tXRlaxe

la l^.wiy. Song,,The Village BU<rkamTta

! .1. !(cntl.-y. ■ ■ ■ ... Spng, TI^ VoltinUcr Ovgaabi. ...,:,.

I. Brbjiga. Beadlhg, Deatl l)oas>ted

.1. Asli.f y. goag, drondnia. Lasj .mfn ......

H. Kdnion Is; Reading, A Tu... (;i-f»>r dtery '.

MISM .1 Hirn-r. ini'ti. larboard Watch

.*: -ttri;fe*« HtH Mrs.i WUiiidajta. . Song, Sons of tbe old iwtt,

W. Brlggs. H. H. Crotnpton ai the or

Kan. W the cloag of the nbove i to- gram the IntrodiirtlrVn of j-am pUtiGt, and -the tinu- mad eni yahle. tirangei anil w»j;

The ITOtb annual church - meeting and rcl! eoH of thv First iCoagr^ga- tlonall cbmrch took place Tue&da>

Dg in Phillips chapel. Then wen nearly 100 present, whi h inelnd

1 l>ctween tO and 4« nen-resit!«m membcrF. At 5.30 o'clock a social was held followed by supper at ( o'clock. The latter was prepared b> the soeial circle of the Chord and comprised metis. bak*d tx-ans rolls, cake. pie. frntt. coffee, etc. There, was an abundance of evejy thing and the quality was excellent. After the supper came the roll call Clerk C. H. T.Mann reading the name of the members. The jnemb-.rshi, roll contains 2-J1 active members dbirins tne pa^t year six member. hart died.' six members hav-* U*ei uirmissed by letter and 14 new mem bora taken into the church. Fallow Ing the roll call a business meettni MM I' bi Reports were submitted bj the clerk, treasurer. Sunday schoo -uiM-rintcndent am!, the so tit-tic* connected wKh the church anc all >rrre trecepte<i. Officers f»»r th ensuing year wore elected as follows: Clerk, Charles li. r. Mann: treasurer, Deacon Jacob Kmerson; Bundaj sebaol superintendent. th»» Rev. C, H Uliphatit: standing crmmlttee. .fame. OftttltC Thaddeus Foster. Alfred N<->\s holme and Harry K. Moore. It wai voted to elect a itiw-ji- *-on,nitUet

tfnd the folowJng hieinl>ers were chos en to serve t«n it: Mrs. C. H Oliphant. Henry (Jatint an«l Judge \V M. Itogcrs This completed tba busl oasg and devotional services wen then held Resides singing ant prayer short addresses were made b> the Kev. ('. H. Oliphant and th- Rev F. H J,!age (»( Trinity church, laaw rcfflaa. The-exereriies- closed at ! o'clock and after a short social sea sen (He gathering'" dispersed.. The nic-tiiiK was one of th*' most sm-efsg- t il ev«r held by the 'burch.

tchrols. The first one will be held on Friday afternoon of this week.

A new gas light has been placed be- tween th*1 entrances of the Congrega- tional church and Ph.lHos chapel.

At the recent meeting of Essex County Pomona Gr»ng*-J)eld at West Newbury, Miss,* Bessie S-rsn. of 'his town, was elected a member of she esetutive eommittee.,

The Indies' Progressive sotiety of Arlington Heights is planning for an ente.utinmem to be given for the children some time this month.

Services are l»eing held nightly tbe Baptist church this week.

A large attendance is expected at the mid-winter social to be held Fri- day evening of this week in the town ball by th* Ladies" Catholic Temper- ance society,


The reception held'Wednesday eve- nln? by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Graham, who were married tn tbe morning a; St. Monica's church, was. ■ torse,y at- tended. The guests cere entertained during the early part of th" evening at th*» .residence of the bride's: parent*. 18 Ofgocid ntreflt, The house was filled to overflowing with Mend* of the touple. Many were present from Ijaw- renc-. The reception was an tafororaj affair. t^ifttlblneBlfl ir»srlj vxtwl aiul a mnaleal entertainment was pr.j.1!. 1. There was singing by Daii.l D.vv(r

and OfabeT! and aelactlOwU were render- ed on mosteal instruments by John J. 0"I>cnnell. John J.'-Mahoney and B*Jte . Aboctt rJ o'clock tbe large com; pony adjoarnetf to the town halt where thf remainder of the evening strjoyed in, dancing. Out cf tovra gneots 'Vfcr**^present from Havcrhill. Lawrence,.i#em. Boston the Ajaje^rg-^^--— Yuuaiiated'fectur; vers an»l other placC3. It was ii»'*Jt' .,; /hli .« »«•• #„V #fc, 1™-. ™i i„i v,. —u „ ♦».« fa^wbe. ... * hlldn'XKl in Art 101 the lwnel midnight when the featv*;tie* v^ brought to a close.


Mrs. S.irah A. Buckminster. moth- er of ex-Selectman Frank Buckmin- ster. died Wednesday afternoon at his residence on Barker street, aged T4 years and seven months. Mrs, Buck- minstrr had been In (ailing benlU for some time. Of late she had been s«r- iously afflicted with erysipelas and it IK thought that this "had considerable to do with causing her death. Mrs, Buckminster had not had tbe use of her eyes for pome years past. Bat Vat a native of Chester. N. H . where «he passed ber early life. She rled Dr. Isaac Buckminster. who proc- ured dentistry in Manchester. N* If. for many years. He died there quiU

ren Johnson, was postponed till nev meeting.

The new wood shed of John "E. Glea- aon's is completed, and the shafting will be put up this wee*. The cir- cular saw and everything pertainm* to it came last week. Powr*r erfl] ba fupplied by the engin* in Ibattfl an.1 Mcrrison's carriage factory*.

It 15 desired that j-iusirt lo^rs will not forget t hat the d Istlnguishesl singer. MIES 1-ena Tattle of Bosun, gives second concert In the Abbot academv corn^e en Th,-3rs<ray. r*cbm- ary 1. -

Tbe engine company announce that it will have a clam bake at the engine house. Friday evening.


An audience of about 4ou attended the concert given for the benefit off George Taylor in the town hall Mrnd.i - evening. Kach numiier on the program was^ well rendered and many time* tb- soloists were -recalled. Thf- part i.'i pa ting Ver*» as follows: Tb- Adolpbe Sax Instrumental Qoarie*^ 31 Roetob. Elmer Smith Ballev. 'ir-. cornet; David Scott Lindsay., se*orv. ccrntt: James Melvin KimbarT tenor sa-rophonc: Omar Pasha 6bas# baritone saxophone: Miss .Helen Churchill. sopran'i: Miss Rob*rr- sbawt v ,-soprano: Vlncenzo Capez:.'. baritone; D. C. Farr. flutists dranu;i- tie reader. Miss Sara Lord Bailey. Miss Lena F. Pcasley and Hiss Myrtis F.. Kenyon. banjo so.oisir- accompanists. Miss Bertba Shann John R. Hohnes.

Following is the schedule of the Phillips Andover hot k» y tsbstol

Jan. 13—Newtowne at Atniov. . Jan. J"—Cambridge at Andover. Jan. 17 — North Shore, t pli

undecided. 1 Fab, '*'—Rcxbury at Andover, Feb. 10 — WakefieM (place un-


Saturday. Jan. 13. at 3 p. m.. Hra. AttJiie Sawyer Downs will eive at tb»

for the benefit id the Haseltine si-h.'j!n:>iiip fund of Bradford academy. On Tuesday. Jan. 2". MrJ. I.v>»-na will lecture in Stone- ham on "The Country of Evange- line.''

The Burns anniversary wilj be cele- brated by the Andover Burne club la the town hall. Jan 26. The talent all ready engaged includes Miss l^oggat: soprano; Mr. Amis, tenor; Miss No: A. Whatmore. elocutionist, and Mb Fannie Bailey, pianist.

C. A. Downing Pas ra.o»ed from Walnut street to on- of the hou-t* t. A. C. Richardson on Mipie avenue.

There will be a prr.ise service of vocal and instrdraentil music at tb'

a ni'mber of years ago and a greater. Old South church Suoda;; evening nnrllnn nf tha •;.— .. -*— - - tl" I. i. sasrsWIasai ,V.. 4 Cn v sTa sat swl ■ i aa


Cotild not expre«sj the rapture o« Annie I:'. Springer, of 1125 Howarx street. Pbfladelpbtti. Pa., when shi fuuntf that Dr. King's New Dia. covery for Consumption had com- pletely cured her of a hacking cough that for many pears had made lire a burden. All other reniedie: iind ibKjtors could give her no helj but she saya of this Uoyal C'ure- "it ^.ron r< moved the pain in njy cbesf and I can now sleep soundly" something I can scarcely remembei doing before. I feel uk«. soundms itH praises throughout the rnlverse." So will every one who tries Dr^-King's- Ww Diaeovery for any trouble of the, Throat. Chest or Lungs. Price 5C ranta and Trial l»ottles

I Iree at John X. l-'orest's Drug Store, ey^ery bottle guaranteed.

portion of the time since Mrs. Bock minster had lived wtih her son. Sha was a good old lady and her death will be mourned by her many friends. The funeral will take place Friday after- noon at 1 o'clock.

IJ*ut. Chas. H. Poor of No. Andover has in his possession two hand fire buckets which were used by his father, William Poor, in this town ov.-r half i century ago. Mr. Poor has Jnat bad them improved in appearance b] ipplication of a little paint and var ni*h, Th«re is lettering c>n the front of eatdi btuket as follows- 'W. I M. F. Co-. 1828.". Poor was a wheelwright In this tOwn for a i.;: ber of years, bis place of business being located on Broadway. I'pon teavinR M.'thuen ba removed to Ando- ror, orbara he died alx>ut a year oga

There will 1..- a Tegular meeting of 3anMel Adams chapter. I). A. R.. at the residence of Mrs. E. W. Austin W. Broadway, Saturday afternoon at o'clock.



Owen P. Hynes is still detained from his work .on account of illness. Hfl foes out of do;>rs about every day, but seems to gain strength slowly.

Which the Adolph Sax instrumental quartet will render several selection^.

.bdiii H. Matthews has moved from Maple avenue to one of the new how ■ in Maple court.

iaaai"-T- iaW ■

sriasne David B. Ryley. night operator at

the telephone exchange, is slowly 1- covering from a severe bror.chlal a** tack..

Alexander Dun las will sever his con- nection with the bbyde and -sportin : Kcods store of H". F. Ciiase to accept a lucrative position in the Boston of- fice of the-American Woclen con3pan>. Mr. DirmiPH will sftter UIKHI his n* w duttei at once.

sToahlta M^lner moved Into his new house on South Main s-t^vet this we. I..



rnm"4 took Be-fith. k- _ydi'fe smo Ynu Haw Amy iboio.-.jdiU fcijaatare ST? . J/$jt t 5 '

Friday evening, the iimiwia llhrnl Shawsheaq todfe, 21, D. of H.. of An- iover. will be installed. Localjpjem- •jers.of the order will attend the- ,-.n-- mouics. On Werlnesday evening of icxi week Newell loda-e. 6. D. of H.. of lliiverhill. will be Inducted Into 0f- fce. District Deputy Mrs in:itd or this town will assist tn the nstullation

I Rcyresehtative Joseph E. lbuwell B»stt th. L _/) -he Kind You Haw k\nn Bou^l |°f 'hip town, hH« been appointed on

#3tbe •frtntadcer

A startling Incident of which Mr. John Oliver. of Philadelphia, waa the subject, is narrated by him oa fol- lows:"! was in a most dreadful con- dition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con- tinually in back and aides, no appetite —gradually growing weaker day by _ day. Three physicians had given me ' up. Fortunately a friend advise.l trying Electric Bitters, and to m>' waat joy and surprise tbe first not tin ffiade a decided Improvement. 1 rou- tined their use for three weeks and am now a weM man. I know they oaved mv life and robbed the grave of an-

Wllliam 0ther vicUs-s.*' No one should fall to try thPm. tmly W* cents, guaranteed. at John J. Forest's Dry store.. • Itjf— 1 'T'afS

CAMiOlt^A. owfatss . jf ^ Kiftd VOJ Haw Always foiif^i leans committee by ?";3W' \ ^ZF I I '

Jr Jheatre.\ K. Dick Rider, Prop, and Manager.

W. B. Ashton, Resident Manager. '

Next Attraction COMMENCING



Tn Eflw-vesceiit Concotlon t>f TuU- romes Merriment.

Zose St/aell's

X,ondon Qelles

&ig Jhow Itf-jdendent with a profusion of

ll;indH(ime Costumes, an Olio of mer- it or lOttfi entertainment, Including the

"Knur Nelson Sisters", the Vftorlu'a Hri-atest Lady Across, $10,000 chal- hmge to produce their equal. New ^lnnvfrom atari -to finish .■——- _

FOR SALE E. W. Woodbury & Go.

"03—Homestead property In Andu- VIT, Mass.

-78—8-room cottage in South Law- reiieq; modern improvements; near

' Amlover streetT 14-1—8-room cottage on Abbott

street; modern improvement; low price.

236—Five new cottages in Wavarly rarfc. Prices from 1600 to $2000; T200 to $"00 down.

276—Small farm of five acres In Pel- ham; within two minutes walk of proposed new electric road. Good buildings. $1100.

241—Cottage house of 6 rooms on Mclvin street. $1500.

275—Cottage house with modern improvement; 13000 feet of land on Prospect street. i

Also three tenement house on Holly .■tret, near Arlington mills; price low

218—Cottage bouse, six rooms, pun try and bath. $1600.

310—One half double cottage on Cross street:

311—Small four room cottage mar H*Hteoek -street,

' 122—Large lot of land bounded by Walnut, Hampshire and Arlington streets; also double cottage and largt lot on the corner of Chelmsford and Arlington streets.

305—Two tenement house in South Lawrence, near Broadway. Nearly news, closet and bath.

304—Four tenement block and ten- footer, corner of Elm and Pine.

306--Good two tenement house oi HnverhiU street, near Broadway.

:'M—"O-acre farm In Derry, N. H. 2 1-2 miles from railroatt (station. Good building. Wood enough to pay tor place. Price $1200.

301—Good corner lot on South Broadway.

295—Modern 2 1-2 story cottage in Bodwafl pnrk. Very low price.

290^-Good property on the corner of Il.tverhill and Vine streets.

E.W00DBURY&C0. Real Estate Dealers and Auction-

eers . 553 ESSEX STREET.


s T"fiK-E -'a"""'" •iri|>1' «'- feet about garmi-uts made a Irons 'tbjMt Celebrated Pat-r lli.-\t Is ui.i an. hied by t ally other |,.,ti,-i.s. S

fAmRNSW ■ N-'-Srain-Allowunce Patterns, S ttav* Ml an m\\ii\ f..r aiyk a ml perfect

• CM, «li )..><,« Kichcr. Sol,I in marly

! ihMI. (let a .■i«lnon Kf.MI undue nur i laalfW. Abu>lut«lyilM*eryl«ut«r|n

A FREE PATTERN E of be. -iwii wloctlfin will bcirlTro *- E every subscriber to * *:


1 A LADIES' MAGAZINE. in« that every lady should lake rtga- [

•g Urly. Beautiful ct.lore.l plate* ; latest; tg IMhrAnfJ Urriimakini,' economic.* ; fa Jg work : bi.i'Wiotil hints ;Tietion, etc. f •g senbe lu day. or, send 5c. tor Irtteat cor,. , j! Lady aj;ent!. v anted. Send (or terms, ]

J THE McCALL CO., £ 138-He Weit nth St., New York. _


In all Its stages there bliuuld be cleanliness. Fly's Cream Balm

1 '■ ■iiti-f". i(ii it lie - nod licals tho disused ItctiiTSLatarrl] antl drives away a cold iu ilic huid, quickly.

Crmra Balm la placed Into the nostrils, spnads over the meuihtanu and is absorbed. Reliaf U Ira- nifcUatc and a cm- follows. It is not drying—dot-i not produce ■DMttug, Large Size, SO wuta it Druj;- h'sti or by mail; Trial Size, lOcentrfby mall.

TLV BltOTHEKS, H Warren Street, New Tori:.

are impossible if the skin is dry and chopped. A few applications of Greer's titiHir-e Lotion w-ill. hoal the chappy and moisten the skin without making the hands greasy or sticky it can be applied at anytime. 25c a bottle. For sale only, by

John H< Greer Ph e DRUGGIST.

259"Essex St., Cor Pemberton St


Thomas F. Malone? Violated Hlil Parole and Is Sent Back to State Kami —Two Offenders Pentguced to Jail-.

Five, olfendtis ww arraigned be- fore Judge Stone thi« morning.

Thomas Malonev was arrested for dritnkennfss and disturbance. He wet not Inns'ago peroled from the state farm at I'rtdgewater. He was sent nek tliprc by Judge Stone. The QMS

of dl.xuirltunre was continued for sen- tence.

John Kailcrty. third offence of drun- kenness, was given three months.

Samuel Mitchell, a BtrantfetTln town." stole a comforter' from In front of Prank McQueeney's fftore on' Ks^ex street nnd was caught by Patrclman IVaoit. The OHM* gave him three moltha,

Atl(,ie Murphy and John Klley were fined $1 each tor drunkenness. They were aire^ed near Storrow park aliout 11 (-'clock last night. The residents hi the neighborhood were startled by the firing of pistol shots. The police wrre called and upon their arrival they found one of the watchmen from the Uussell paper mill grappling with a n:in irt the park. A sh.ort distance away the Murphy woman was found lying on the ground. Her flee and rh.thts were covered with mud and she was very drunk. They were taken t.n the station. The Murphy woman said she was 84 years old and resided tin -fiehool strt^fi. HIT hair was cu'. short, it Is supposed by the police that the couple were making a distur- bance, ^htffh - wwr rieard—by--eom*~ of »h»; mill watchmen and the latter fired the thotl to scare thrm away.


There is no special new*) from tho cdilice upon which the eagl^ perches. Intercut ii settled in the pro -Bo^r meeting scheduled for ..tonight. Ac- cording to advertising matter put out. it has been definitely decided that Mayor Leonard will preside.

No dtWMfee was reported today-*



Fire Insurance,

• • •

And Aook Q«ar Our fine

XX ,..Xm« of Matches...

Clocks and Diamonds. b)e

are Jelling Jhcm at Very

•Cow Xrices

Henry P. Doe, 289 Essex St.,


There is a Class of People \V1„, :,,,. too, | Jt.'c in nil Hi.-

,.l by Hi,

Uteri lu.- grocery sforotA new ] ir*

uratin.! ,M11,.I1 (iIi\IN-0, m:uh- ,f

|Uire gniin-, tliut ti'ii'S lIn- \>};n-< . f

%' iii.^t delicate >t»nm.-Ii tv- .cs it witir^t,, disirC". ;tnd i.tu

t v\ mj t.Jl it- fti.iti oiHpee, I' (iQjn imt co-it-■iivrr j :i- mn-'it.

Childri'ii uiayMrtiik it with-tent IHII-

L'(il. lit cents aiul*2~» cents |M-I\UUI k- Ijp. Try it. Ask for UltAIN-O.

Try Crain-O! :

( ' ACCfltl Till

I 0W

rKivtHyuii(;ii.\l\.«i I

PJ'k1>nf»trr> r.B(lt*h DU«M« Krand.

ENNYR0YAL PILLS 3tS! <trl«tn»l»S Ontr.H

fi'Ai CMU :>: I'.'i'l fur '"htfhntr-i '' - - ^»4W|R| i II ' in Kru mi .■■!" ■■In

EIDi noihrr. /.''»*/-..'.. ^" rf»». IfMltarfm*. *i

«• y-ii.i.. ,"tr.(«(#r.:

it olhrr. Krt>i*t Juniitruti* iw'itiri >ninHrf (MltariB

Itrtar Tor I.«dlr*."i"lftl" kj !"!■»» Mall, nyi.itt l',»H. rT«r.« fm*tT

i hl.Lr.i- r< £ir*,l,„ll«.,M»rtlK«r run.M» !2SR


The safe cure for HEADACHE. 2x\ i, l»ax at nil itrityiiNis; «miiple free. C«ierv Cracker Medlctne (> Minrhester, N. H.


SOMETIMES YOU DRINK TOO MUCH Sometimes you do both I ravins: a bad t s»te, c1<mded brniiiaml general

r>xLy lccnii|£ t»r the licit <A*y.

STOMACHTABLETS Will Brace Vow UP. Nothing no food for Sioinach Trouble*, Hihou.sue<s or Mnlwia, and Done KO cheap targe Box. to Caata (as TabloU.) By mail, for live a-cent stamp*. Made at

I*ks Jotaasov Laboratories, it stamps. Made

Inc.. phllaslslpatSk

For Sale by John J. Forest, corner of Essex and 'Tampahire streets.

I ******mmmmmm********mmmmmmmmmmmiy uH(HiaSevyprkisU.wo^

•••••••••••• •••&* •> HOME COHIf a>

• ••••* *-•••••••••• James Rhodes will lecture at the

Workingmen's college this evening at S o'clock on Co-Operatlon. A dlsctinnlon will follow the lecture.

The 13th annual reunion of class '87, of the Lawrence high school will la held at the residence of Mrs. Ina K. Mutter, 12J» Howard street, Monday evening. Jan. %'L.

The Rev. E. A. Whlttler will visit Sharon, Vt., this month.

The democratic city committee of 1900 will meet Tuesday at the ISsse* house for the purpose of organizing

At the armory last evening there was a squad drill of raw recruits for

■l*attery^'7'"f(trtt*-arntrmbiM--<>f new-men have b»en mustered In of late and last night they hold a drill.

Mr and Mrs. B. J. McGIH will Boston this afternoon and this evening will attend the performance of 'Sag Harbor.' at the Park theatre.

Miss Margaret Donovah, of Park street, is In Bo»ton today.

Churles \V. GrcenioM in-;i~teei t granted, a pension of $ti per month.

T. A; Amndel. of South Lawrence, hill accepted a poslilon wTTri the Bal- lardvnle Lithia Spring Wat •• cnui- pany.

The Rev. Fr. Given, formerlv <■; ptfi city; spent yesterday <n town.

Miss Mary Chase, Bradford street, h* visittnrin PitUbnrg,- f»a. -—■ -.

The choir of St. Laurenc- ^ d urch will hold a rehearsal Mils evening.

Miss Kathrrlne May. uf foster streot, Is visiting friends !n Maaefiester. N. II.

Robert Shiller, of XUaeBttfor, N, H.. is.visiting frlendl in town.

John Ilurly, of South, 'jRwreme, will start on a trip to 9»*VW, Olo.. ne.vt week.

John Hoffmah is 111 at his honus on ft nter street.

At the annual meeting of the Na- tional association of Woej Manufhc- lurcis in • Itostitn yesi.-.-rJay. William M, Wood was elected tn i,he exc-utlvc (O'timittee and George K. Kunh irdt ii member of the standing committee.

f- Five shares of Manchcst"!' & 1-aw- ri'iuc railroad stink sold-val 255 1-4 yesterday.

James Brbjpi'n. of this crtty, has I;OJI,- south on a business trip in the in- tereat of the United Slvr« Ma--linn ty

of Wlnclrrgtel form«rry of

Ladles J. L. SANBORN, M. D.

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: Gleason Bmldins, Residence: 294 Broadway.

Office Hours: 11 to 12, 2 to 4 and 1.3b to 8 o'clock. Sunday, 2 to S.

Special Attention Olvsa to Diaeaaes off Women. All* Chronlo Dlasmiea off tha Horn itch, Nerrea, Blood nnd Sidneys. Speclarrate for dlaoaaei or lonj | A „hill of bCn„ty is n joy fforerer.

standing. Have received a "pedal; j^ .,■[■ l'EidX OOU|lAUD'ti diploma In the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. The Nose, Taront, Lnngi, Deaffness, Asthma and Catarrh Trsated by Mrf^mtrd Compreased Air.

'Ahen in Doubt" use 1)11. ll.-MAUS T. I>. *: C. PR- MAUD RHOUUAT- 1NG IMLI^S.'ss Certain, Safe. All iliuSBistf. I2.0D i.'-ilinx. or by ni;\ll JJ.10 per box. DeMar I'rug Co.. Boston. Ma38.




L. H. Harrlman, M. E.. seven yearB' examiner In the U. S. Patent offlce; patent law and soliciting pateents. First class service guaranteed. Terms reasons,ble. Central Build- 'na. 4'V floor. Telephone 102-2.

J. A. Barrett,

DENTIST. 351Esse x St; - Lawrence


BKAL'TIFIEfl *h. mcitc will do It'

Removes tan. plfflpl—. .'reckles, motii outcheK. rasji ;imi skin dlseJsee and avjry Blemish en beauty

n.i defies detection

it baa stood tost *:f CO

■'in-* and is n> liarmli-ss I 11 •>■»! »*

sunterCclt of simliiu Bayre said to a lads

of thf rm«t-t*Nt-~*■*■ palli nO; "As >'"U ladies win use tjtem i recommend uour- aud's Cream' as the Least harmful of all the skin preparations, b'ur t*ale by an drUffffists anil P*oncy Qoods Dealers ii, lb.- I'nitni stut.s. Canada ami Kurope.

FR10D T. lltil'KI -S, PBCF., ^; Qreat Joins Street N. z.



C-Party Metallic Circuit, Unllmlte-l Pcrvlcc for a Telephone, at your Residence. . ^ , j

CnnVyou nltord to be wtthnnt It?

WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST ?, Jp^' p# Ktdd T hey COB1 you no more -wlion you buv

at us. W'l' l-'rind lenses to fit MDh ; cyo seiwnitcly. Astigmatism nnd al of retraction corrected. Difficult HM ■ siKri.iliy. K.itisiaai.ui guar-: antc.-.l in every case. A. J. WILLS, Eyesight Specialist





•iapbnn,* ''lo. 441-i.

company this city.

Th■■ii' will bv an athletic exbi al tne uipera (iojjJK nnxt Wodii'M l.iy cveniri.t;. wiildi will include uOxTng, wrosilinj,' :inil siu^infr. t^pnio Rood bouts arp i>roniiB<*(l. i

Lena H. Vincent lectured in the, Grace iliiinh chapel last rvenlun on 'Ameiiian huniorittts.'

Notice was WcaJYed from Facretery Kimball. of tbe board of eivil >x- amlenrs. yesterday, that Assistant Aiar iftnl flonghton had passed BiMMsafullS the non-competitive eXamln-itlon.

John D. (UUlUen su^oivd a RhrXfc last evening at hip slore. 78 Amesbiny utreot. and is now in it <Mit; con- dition. .> jsjgaiif


Innovations and Improvements Con- tinue to be in Order—New Registry System.

lnno\ations and improvements con- tinue to be the order of the day at the local postofflce.

A late feature Introduced lb the sys- tem of registeiy receipts put in opera- tion brHvr*en the carriers and tho sub* Hitinns about the city. The carrier who collect* the registered matter now gives ;i iToctpt—In form of stub In re- ceipt hooki-for all such mail taken by him. At the poetOfltc* a receipt is given to him for it. thus kmpteg all chance or probability of error minim- ized.

1'osfrnaster Brigham has luurd noth- ing tlinctly tn reirard to the hopae legl^U'ation of valuable mail matter. by c.urieiv. It la thought in Manches- ter that the system will be installed there en Jan. 13. Mr. thinks however that the report Lfi a mistake. It certainly seems the system would be introduced Into Lawrence as soon a* ehewiiere.

This month ftflttheal the lirri of th«' service of the suli-si:iti.

State Deputy Charles A. G. Winther of tho N. A.' P.. E., accompanied by

"p. H. Hogan. chief einglneer of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will pay an official visit to I^iwrence association. 2E>, at their hall, 339 Essex street, this evening, and propounded to members question's of Interest in the engineering line".

Heputy Supreme Governor Charles T. Qlllls and the degree staff of Lin- coln colony of Pilgrim Fathers, went to \u.i ion last night and installed the officers of Highland colony of that city.

Mies Cora ?;. ftfdrac deputy state councillor, will go to* Haverhtll tomor- row evening and Install the officers of Liberty council. Daughters of America, of that city ,


The Rev. John Snyder. who Is to niak» an address at the secontl Tor want Movement' meeting In the Unl tarian church next Sunday evening, was for many years in St. Louie, in one of the most prominent pulpits of the denomination where he attained prominence as an a1>le and preacher.

Miss Mabel Sharroclt will assist again in the morning service at (Ic Unitarian church nest Sunday and will play several violin solos.



Hanlel Gearln rs confined to his homt by a severe illness.

The concert and dance of the 'Big Five' will take place at Saunders halt tomorrow evening. Berry's orchestra will furnish music.

The old Thomas' property on Elm street has been purchased by Daniel J. Kenneally.

Edwai'd F. Sheedy, of I>awrence street, has recovered from the effecta of a severe cold.

.lames'Murphy has opened a provis- ion store In the new block at the cor- ner of Center aud Exchange streets.

the Arlington Lawrence.

district and


Lodge Receive ' : Visitutlon.

I.nwpuir lodge of I BUM e» cTil

hehj their

in Hay State Bank building. Deputy Kclley and suite of were present on an official Several candidates were

Cleaning Silver liuictd of acaurini aod rubhiai e*th nitce of

■ liver separata!)-, ib« whole acrvlce can ba •» eflactlvely cleaned in a tew minutes. Atieraach meal ihe r.flver ahould be put Inio a pan (kapt eapeciatly for the purpoae) and cover w ith luke- warm water, te which a taaspaoafull of

Cold Dust Wisling Powder laaddeiJ; act the pan on the range until the waMT get* to bulling point, than lili out each place with, a wire spoon and lay oo a sofi linens-loth, wiping .Quickly with chamolaakio. The niefca aoeleaa- cd will be liighty pollahcd and look like uaw.

Tl.t »t,UT« II hUn frnto Mf fra* U-.kl.t '■"! I>t V HULlfl l't)R Molatwutjt'

Seatttm uu i.^-^.i u i


to 23"i Essex St.,

Manager tlcularp.

furnish all par


EW England . Telephone and] Tflcgranft Co


$2.00 Is all w« cliarse for paprrltig * n with elGgaut paper, border lo match. First class work. We sell paper at faetor prices. We also do painting whitening and tinting. Send a:po«al rani and we will call on you.



qtiltrten DlBlri.l Flostrl) visit Initiated.

After tin- n tins a antsptuoua ban- f.iiet was enjoyed in (he banquet i.:.M.

Trailed Ruler Chat" opened the pom prnudlal cx^relsee by Introdocliui llrn. Jere J. Mihonejt as toaatniastej "I the evening. Uro. Mahonex presided

ml ■•nt.'rtalnliiK slylelind 1 'ilimortMiK allusiotis to a niembefn, '1'he .prograni



•II is stiange how people will try to. iUKcnt some cause for their'feeling mad rattier than to charge the trouble to «»me hahlt they may havt that thev have .good reason to believe Is the leal can.-.-. For instance, all the time Unl we were using coffee on our table I was ylnject to . .i-asiotial terrible bead- aches .and niy husband was naif si. W with JW> triHibles.

'We ifelt satisfied that coffee was the cause, but were afraid we would IMt like Postuin Ccieal Coffee, and therefore trlod In every way to think U at somethlnc In the food, or some other reason, was the real cause of our troubles. After reading several ar- ticle! In regard to Ihe evil effects of coffee -drinking, and the meritu of I'os- turn frond Coffee. 1 became convinee'l of the truth of ihe statement.-., and .ailed my husband'a attention to them

'll; was skeptical on the subject but to please me said he would ^lv Pomum a trtal. so he procured a Musk: age and 1 made It, but the milk we were ming was of the kind that pro- duced little cream, and that did not give us aj gootl a beverage as we found after.vards could be - secured with cream. However, in spite of the draw- back, we grew to like the lUitutn Food OoffeeT and lioth of us found ourselves greatly benefited by the change. My ceased to trouble me entirely, luid my husband was practically made over.

We were out of the Postuni for a time, and having coffee In the house and feeling so much better, we gon- eluded to try the coffee again, but In a few days my headaches came ba-jk so that we became satisfied wheie tlr real trouble existed. We used Postuni {or quite a long time, and still havlns tome coffee lfi. the house, tried coffee again, lniaglne our surprise. In dis- covering that v.\ nbHoiiger cared for the taste of the ordinary coffee, so the next morning we had a rare treat, in a enp of piping hot., delicious Pos- tutu.

■Coffee l» no longer kept in our house. _ Our children are very fond of the new kind of 'coffee ac tiiey call it, and we give them as much as thev want tn drink, without fearing to in- jure Ihelr health. I find that it en allies me to furnish, baby with a more abundant supply of'mllk than 1 coulu otherwise do. Postnm Cereal Food Coffee has Indeed been a great boon to our family. Mrs. Marv Wade, Sav- brook, 0.


Ikisten, .Ian. In.- A meeting of th. j executive committee of the democratic

rear) state committee was called by Chair- . ii,ian Drinkwater this afternoon to dis- iiith | cuss plans f.or tile entertainment if

11 in. W. .1. Mryan, when he conns to Hostcn on Jan. M, hut owing lo 'the i absence of Secretary MeN'nry, noth- ing definite was done.

it is the intention of the committee It is iinderttotMl, to give a dinner fcrj Mr. Ilrvan in ;the afternoon 61 fie day of his visit, with probably a,re-. eejjtlon of a more or less formal -ia- ture. Then in the evening as pr.ib- i ably announced will come the public Hireling at which- the silver toitffned ei.itni ,viii speak.


•is a combination not only neat and nobby, but is an absolute necee- sity. These two articles of dress have come to stay and no where else can you aee such a Display o these goods as in our Salesroom; and you known CORRECT STYLES cost less here than best ideas in other places. It is really good policy to boy for future needs at the prices at which we are selling these goods. Just how Low these prices are is difficult to tell without showing you the goods.

Come in and give us the opportunity to show them to you.


Office end Salesroom 556 Common Street.


..Qas J^amp.. Jfs an appropriate Present for the

Jiolidat/s We have a large assortment and tnrlte your Inspection.

I awrence Gas Co., *^-^ 370 E6SEX STREET.


XOTIOB ♦ a ♦ a ♦ a ♦ a ♦ a ♦ ♦ a a ♦ a ♦ a

P. LIBBEY rhe Tobacconist Will for the Next Ffre Days, Give the Following Oulfit




28 AMESBURY STftEEL: ■>♦>-« * «> r .>■>** + r » a. .♦.*»♦.♦.♦,

■ «#WgW Life Saver! In old and stormy weather, that la th

ounce of prevention needed, la our su-

perior and high grade Sherwoo 1

Whiskey. Absolute purity and Due

distillation makes the whiskey bene,

ficlal to the digestion ind to health

generally.^ -*a o*»protentlve aai'

cure for colds, grip, etc., It la unsor.


DANIEL F.C0NL0K Wholesale Liquor Dealer.


1-K) l>


I1BBW* t'li.lei'sllil'ts. e. Socks, per pali 11.11.ilk. .'ill!.i I Necklii-% 'I'ow.'ls

Nnpklnt '••••


evening ill graceful . tn.ui,- Severn lew Of Ihe follows: I;- in nks It 11.arks .

Richard Cullinane ARCHITECT.

Plans, Speclllcatloni, Contracts and Agreements prepared at short notice.

Superintending of buildings furlns ---jRtructlon given personal attention.

ti,-ni:il'l.:- .. Sele ilon

Bro. ,f. .1. Maliot.iy ..... Kistrlet Deputy Keiley Brother naiv llrotlier Pload linsiruntsatai) rafirey ntid Mackle

R, ,-.,II I, , ■ Itrother bow* Selection . Mrotiier .Mci.atighlin lien, uks Exalted Ruler Chase

"After the iMi.lerlng of .fiilil Utijg S'-le- the III.-li'li'-l'S and guests <',|);itl

ed. . ■ . . . J mum*.

NOTICE:: NOTICE::: I have Bold toy tin .perilm' aixl junK

buBtnan to my two uMbawt, Ousftave and Adclpli Crai. h»n, tin- llrtii oi

.", I MARK STHKI-ri'. I^WITUC.'.

Win will condual the buifeltrt in thr yjinx usual mnnncr.

Cl'rfTAVK 0. CltAH'HKN.


Leland Belting Co.

a»aaaaa»*» a »»»»«»*s)a>>t)t,,<),»tj» t<



i t


BelPs Spiced flaton l*rciiiMi, Tiiil«-T

Ow»rt. r-e»l, AW UX Meal*. (<»ntr end a handiH uri opt >«ner iki**?*, ia the MteL. J«i: -o*. arrcr M-i^d. MtaMtr. lice* duft;' it f«r

jo >«w»- Tkn >• taticty own m*lit-,. -ATI ;noc«*.


266 rSSEX ST8EET Program forWeek of JANUARY 8. 1900

MR LOTDf HOWARD, i nllli i|i;i|l .


Mllsi<-;|| Mitkm. MUW IKJl.l.V PAHKKK

I'ilrti-iii^ Suiibii-i. •. - • MISS UCLA VOATES,

Skii-t Ihimi-i-.


lt.^lll iul.l '..i .i 11 S:I:,II .

Dufft HirMH mi-iii;; hff.

<'»lllll|l|l-H il l| fllllllV I'uliiiilv

Sk.t.l, •Till; T" INS."

Doors Open at I. 30 p m. and 7,30 p.m.





I'lt tumuli, li In ',

Plymcmb. Mays.. Jan. In.- in a

. would not b" surprising if tonight's] Jjanv r.cni to ea't WeynKai'.h as,

i _ ■ . « . ■ Manr-jrer 1'ptrn's t~>y* are very rapid l.;i«r.-lii.- !••■!<• Tciilii lK-ri:U-.| |P ,i,e4r o«n rtoK. I

IJ. Henrv Moinn . would no ,!o..btl make a rapabl' referee for a tennis ur croouet mat'h. hut he lo >k- ■!<. id-

Ri-oc game of polo tonight before a crowd of T.'m people lb*' h-'ime team »as debated'by Lawrene*rby a acore of 8 to I. For Plymouth Tarrant Hayed a rood game for the first two periods, but Then seemed to go to pieces aru J-'arrelf and Jane!l- also did wrhV while Turner and Gavttt excaJM for the visitors.

Karh of the cool tende.-3 Liade *'Z stop* and Fuller nnrde nine stops In the l&st joal. Plymouth used In r new c-if '■!•£<' tonight which ar-

iilves better satisfaction than any other, can be run backward and foi- want without breaking the thread. It In a strictly relf-setUn? ri'-.-iil- li .an- not b-'set «h»j. V •» the best ma- l-Mlje to buy Sarni *f dub OI in ■uuments. *"**

The I'lt-.ilmt gewirfjg \f-i.'ii,,< mi .Earth.,

II !' FI.YXN. ACSENT, •■ ^7*. i:w»i Street:

fifty ^Wofnhep en the polo snrfa. Youtg Molten of Ea«; Weytncu'ih!

I'eeps opposing rashers at a safe dta-l taco- by continually waring his club •ihon there is :i «crimma^e nfar Hie] cage. Ht |s one of tha. b^sl goal ten'1-* ' ver seen here.

Tli*- varic :; *ool t'nds dor* t like to -" :n Ircn' ■'. llnitt's ykttHts drivu.' !i<n<e t.h.ev arc Biways 'iir-Uin'y ih<- nther defcrce plarert to wiv i tb< Ids tfllow.' j i

f/>ur (a:! R:vir.:¥ ret tint r?tht» •vhr-jtv ider than,ill- eld wits. -\r.i II defeat>d Laurence" anil EJS'

Ti'.;, •;•. .1-: 'Onvilt 1'rr Wryrxwlh in it* OWE rl»*. l! Jley .. iHviin.!.1-.. b.: TfiidUst t. j kef- e. Hsteh ainlovbtedly teak]

l1>moitl. Tanant lr. M' rr»r. ^r. | that if the sjntrgta ■eaarattaf •I! . : Jar.'li.. b. ».; r*ul'<r. g. Jr<nti- fr"m the r-h»r tlhfa i as tnallaf

rcnl'l Baal -birss m«rr jr.: ; < st-

Ido act i «. thers is a rat* '•' dyspep- sia, i::.: r».im of any st^a-erh trool-ls that csnr.t ha re- lieved st oaea and permsn»i.':y rcred bymr inartrsia ccnE.

At an dftjreitts, I *V a east Osjsfc j te Healrb aid medi- j ral sdriea fr^e. 1509 • Arrh street. Phila.

A Business Proposition ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

\You ;t»v Plymoutf.. plyaaoutb Ltsjrrenee Lawren«:e. liymouQi. I^iwrenee. l-i*ren' >■ Ijtwrem-e, I'iyrnonth lAwr^nce. Plymouth

CSgau i»y stercer, Tanant, oavitt. Turner. ia::ant.

Oavitt. ■ Turner.

Uavitt. Karrell. Hadley. rarrrtL

' r. S- J r'nti- fr


" i ■ :• hViVy

mnv.s riu.s»

-^ a>i round: ibat ^ vfry he .It into" IttC'locaJa at n -:v .

- ■' aft}-.

, '.". .:.!■'

u.:o in

:i0 : H i in


Kan I)1" i Plymouth.;. Itnuher—Tarrant. '■•: Turner. ?.: la- plle, I; -farrtrll. 1

""Stains—Tlbbltta il.' ruMi-t.-fe- -= Fi.uls Hadl-y. Karrell. Ileferee—Oakliy. Tlroi r-Kiosh j Attindance—Till.


At fllnton— f'linfin. t; Bro. kton.

(i)IJl NHKS.

Tb^- tii ki-r ptofim a"? la ;mt the result" of the sann * oi, the tape for the teneht "I i aJUmisrs at■ Plymnuih l-nwren* ■ aiw' Ka.l Ri\ir.

A prediction fior.i MkJsagM iMyer ci tlie Prod-ton*: We'll srla * ■'i. i at cf the ne«t etabt ^ar.u-s and ie ■•I ftret plac in i*o weak> "--lire-k- 1 'i lllZ'-tl"

l!oll another pill. Mr !".yer. and ■nav dre.»m 'if your ejab winning • ■■..!. e]fht

Baft 'Veymi.uth hani hick oil the 'i^d this week losing tvo ovcr- tim-- aaiaea.

.|i-.f,-r<i fktrley hi-n't mad- h!n ?p- naanusci h«re ret. f:t|t i,f the ,iht',-:: ,-ti-v- .loais seems lo 11" til- only nij:Ii who bnosrs bis luiairein.

The Raleni team will u'idouliti'1,1'- draw anot'i'T iiig houv Saturday nigl.t when lb-'■ T<-- *tk;.« eith the locals


tl. «07 Oak St. Near Ljarenrr J- rJT^.rllfiia,? .jilf all I1, ait. t..lnflll* f>

f Commencing Thursday January 4th. We

Will Sell Men's Overcoats That

;Were $12.00 14.00 15.00 18.00 $20.00

— FOR $10.OO^ I've Been Locking

All over town, and here,I am after that nice SAJ-ALl 1 was looking all-: \V« are wrving

ri:i:i: THIS WKKIC. eom-

We flffer One Hundred liollars He- ward for any case of Catarrh that ian- n-.t lie cured by Halls Catarrh

Cure. F. J. CHENEY k CO ••' Toledo, O

We, the underoiicntd. have Jinuwn P. J. f'beney for the last la'v

!and beliere blm perf.ctiy honora'd..- lll'IM 111^' Jutlilinv StD. tn all . btiiine** teaana^tklBa financially able to carry out any ob-

ligations their firm. WEST 6 TRAfX, Whol Sile Dr::i;-

insts. T'ledo. O. WAI.D1NG. KINNAX * MARVIN*

WasClsnla DrTtggtsta, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cute is taken In-

ternally, acting directly uiion the *ilriod and miM-ous surfaces of Ibe

-ystem. Price 7V-. per bcttte. Slid by all rirussi t-. Tctimonials frer-.

Hall's Family Pills ar-- the licit


Th« Ant'

Piaaatug of v ican 01:\e 0:1

iith 10 ! [itrcwltice


linvi- I ore ou. «- Oil. Be

aMI -■ure >an 1 t'Jl the

Ret ,:l

some .-. \V

'."> . 45 els. I'lS Jg fs. i■■: I'lS

17 is.

Lawrence Equitable.;, Co-ops.athe roie'y.'

•>00 B«8EX 8TKEET.


We give to all Buyers, The Merchants Co-Operative Association Discount of 7 per cent.

in Our Window and See Idhax 0.00 Will £uy in Overcoats

!M:»-niher Seat goods are In c.-e'ry ro?rf"-t.,f!Be.jwid;':.-t!ons of Talh-Hac. All Wool. Best of trta-ltlaga. the latest Styles, Satitfying Garments both to buyer and seil.-r. Wi need the money. -

TtToia JVeed. tlxe» Overcoats

Lawrence One Price Clothing Co. 431 ESSEX STREET 431


The fin? m*?. hani'al wurk rtdiie fc Mi. ■VhilnMor at his store ltd \:-±c ■tn t tlvfivfi liwofti th-1

th- (uat'inK-r. Thf annoyair- t::iT Ir.jr work iniproperlv done H avoWft Bere. U*| all in the |H-owUug DM

land'John BcTineldrr kncus how jo -1 I I.(/H} j.,1i nr r»*p«lrtn8 C«fl m 1 Eureka VwtlUmr, L-.-* watfh «lean<;J «"nd regulutil

t 1 flBMi Til Havr To Telegraph My. *"* of

M tlir city hall. lkKa,Vi men pbv I A**1. ;i <lean an<! ?* jentitl*- gun.'- and" fight

"pir-'Wlll v.vmv huh mitr'-'w-- Tn-. To r,.". ,n- .-■*. ".■■ IMghhw! ritih 4iak«l«7 B«il41ng - -477 Iwilt " Min?'rHs at City Hall. January ITtlr

PagWrt ccfit'inmes that will plea.-.? are (t<servedly popular here

Ui^TTTn. Iat» of M*rif$en. played in lfuwn'». place wiih Clir.ton TtmtdS} ntnt.

Th*- high rollent' will plsy -.t Ea*t Weymonth tonight. As the local* have r.on twr. games by . lo-- v* t>r« it


Real Estate Agc;:ts & Aocticneert. rira, Ufa, aad Acddaai lasarsxea


Fallows Dampar rtra and Wtter Proof Palal.

: CsUts !a all parts of the tlty.

«a«sn tt m U


the eye; mirth nnd noale will reign supreir.e. Uanclng aftof the show, j Why pay fid or 15 for a pair of . „ , I euaiom ibadc elides, when Whittredge

Sherwoo'' Pure Itye Wb,.,"Ki-7. \i J^ Essex fctrcet, m-ill make TO mfeilsnre years Old, a: M. Carney aM obmpany. a Pa'r »' Kal*ton Ik-altliShof' fgrTC"


270 Mcthuem tt.

Tuesdays: J to » p. tn. Saturdays: 7 lo » p. m.

I AST WIXTER'STVERCOAT No SSSIKBI away £:— .he iro.a taat

onr reliable work In cleaning, repair- ing and dyeing will renasr It for the wim'r. bealdea «• allow yon 10 pel cent, on* on every dollar.


Violin School Special atUnti/in given to iuslnjctiuas.

Willis Hutchins Studio, Central building. 116 E>sex St.. J^wrente, Mass.

Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from M and 7 9 p. m.

Donaldson Optical CO.


.AAAl The .oitcet fitting of OUKCS :n .1

sV-65- wT ». ^•OOW*oaL%X JtaJJ <•»»" « spec-ally J Rsaldencs aad 0«e. 4. optical Parlors over TUclfBett IfTth- 4. »TO sbearkHI »i 4> «,-« clothing Store. No. 4C7 Bsaei A (Oppoalts maek ebarea,—ale „ t Roomg r. and «, one 'flight. 3—f*9ea Hours: 4. - " , fa>ar«i<>sai<s>«»\<B>.slia>ssj Examination free. »

L r. 1. 1. IJL. L L I. •- •- L I. I- !- L 1. I. I. !. U 1. I. U I. I. U t. u«fe 1- i- *- .{• !- !- !-

.-Steinert's 2Qth Century Piano Sale- «





TIN: \\tiM»i;i;i ri. SIAIMIT m* \vt>\iTET:TTi, i-i.Wti' I:..I;I;.\INS THf inn-l.trt-vvt- 'H'lv-'-'T Mi-;»i« -wni ■'•', |-inniiir.ssi ■ I.M.SS IS KKACIIKH" ■ "ITII THE iii'KMMi OK THIS SAI.I:, IN \I.\I;M; rui: . IN i'i;i:i:j.i:ss \ AI.II: <ri\ 1 N <;. IT ST.\M»S INM.\T' U-'K A\'!> AI.HNI: iMi'ussnu.i: III-'COM


* WITH AN ri'iiitiir, Ti:Ni»i;NiA w ITII AI.I. ci..\ssi:s in-<;IM»|I-. WITH HEIUHIANIIIHE STKAUIEV Ai»v.iX«;tx«i AMI MAN-, .MANI IAI'TI -KM:-* I.WI.I.I: TO ^I'fi'i.v TtlEHJ aft * y' I'K.MANI.S ANM |'||.|. THKII: OlfUKISK, WITH S.\| A I.I.EI! I iKA i.KIJS I'NADI.i: tTi \\V\ I'lANHS KNi Y.VX AT <;l:l'ATI.V IN< IM'AS!:) I' Kit *KS. .STiil N i'.K'i "S i:\TU.\i »I!1H N A l.'V f.AI.C A I N '.j': . _ f r— --- . * * . I

m .>IIT;KS |'I:I;SI:.NTI:II IMIU.VO THIS IIKKAT SALI: AUK TILE WoxbEii OK nil: .CITV. riiyixf. A OltArini1 n.i.rsTK vnox^ir nn: I>O\VBI; w IJ:I,HI:II isv SK.IT cvsn AND THE i'.\

ifs rii.ri'Y. in iiANni.i: I:N(II:.MHI s Nr.MISKUS oi' I'IANOS ..,•"'.

m >tjL« .^ _ .



*'* ^We Offer in New Pianos the Following:^ fe * ;. ;. j. (. ;. ). i. i. .. ;. i. ,. .. ,. ,, ,, u u ■. u >. >. u I L L L L ■. •. '. i. ;. I. i. u K ;. !. ;. ;. ;. '- i- •- ;- .;- i- t.

inway, Gramer Gabler, Henning Singer, Steinertone, Emerson,

MasonSc Hamlin Shoninger, Pianola ■i -i •: ■! -i -i ■ I ■•! -1 •( -I -, -I "1 *l *f -i -< -; -( "I t -I T -f •i i -i •;, -i -i •( -i -i -i -i -j -i *i -i -i -ig|t . -«' -i

.^ IJ.snlis thosi- »,. |mre nuili.V SK( i lNI> II AMI SipLii''.iml I'l'KHillT ],iii.n..s nl ^..II.I.M Hills l.nv I'liros. Ami SKl'ttNH HAND (lUUAX% Urn.

I.l'l lllo I'OSIllls Sill-ill, J. II- llll-lllsi-lvis ; l.i-l H:,. nii^lllii'SI I'luiln |!:i'i-nilis I/MT klKtWU ill U'l'l-lll'l' slil ml ill ■■viilcn, ,- ;, Mil I In- 'i|,| u II nr .1 Hf.V IIMlllllV ,,,. ||„. B(,. till

pnilil of I his II-IMII. MreBt, |.ii'..ntin- Viilu^-s H hi, !, will ,.,,,|,,. , |„. v. .iti."l.-i -iiij; ,• :IJ| ,,l il n'lii,. ,ilv. n-i-nliii;; bll V ili* op|ll)l| unit it'K n llitl

i-i|lt:lll,-il nr ;l|i|il'iiil,'h,.|| .. ^J " * s^.;

Il mi }»l :l II,. si,,,,, j,, ||lv Ktivli. ||:,s Vl.|

*"* "^.

Z90 Sssex St J^awtence. NERT & SONS CO., ^^L

•; ■)'', -, •'. -; -i -i -i -i -i -i i •!- *i -i -, •; -i -; -i a -i -i\ "i *l *(' *i •i -. -i -( -f ^ i -j .}.. .f ^.\.'t-

ra WW^Wm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IPI fffPP^IiSSP & — ' ' ' 7 ">

LAWRENCE AMERICAN Ktti.c.lul H-ll l.ibnry 1 1 IP







\\o\l Known Citizen Passed AWHV Earlv Yesterilny After HHef IllnoHN.


James Bntetnan Out Saturday and In Again—Short Criminal Sculon or Court. .


Four prisoners stood up before the. bar ot In the oltce court yes- terdav morning.

William. Kellehcr pleaded guilty to assault on Walter Heliveau. Both


.Yin*. Kai'gout, rhurged With . Manslaughter, 1'leadn Guilty

am] Gt-ta Off.

(Special to Tot' Ainerirjj..) Salem, Jan. 18 -- At the superior

criminal court this morning, Judge Atkena on the bench, the case of Mrs. Ellen Sargent, of this city; charged with manslaughter was called.

AITH. Sargent changed her plea of net guilty to that of guilty.

The court accepted the plea and placed the case on file.

Attorney John J. Donovan repre- W. Scott

A Spring opening In January seems a little previous, but that is just what has happened in our Shirt Department.

HERE ARE THE FACTS. T hear'Roods were ordered before, the rise In cotton goods, and you B*V9f

dill and never will auaiu sec such value ut this price.

Ex-Alderman John Hart died :\\ 3.1j o'clock yesterday at his re*| idence, 27S Haverhlll street after an' lllnesj of less than a week. I

Mr.Hart walked out on the piazza al'° carpenters.employed by Contrac- last Saturday afternoon without a tor Dixpn. \Vedifesday evening they hat on ami notwithstanding he was ntt<1 a dliput* °.v«r ,th* disappearance exposed to the chilly atmosphere only »t a hasp t-hlch belonged on a chest a minute or two he contracted a I" *h'ch they kept their tools and severe col-1 which brought on con-l'"" argument ended in blow. Btl- gestlon of the lungs. He was taken1 •«'»" *'*» «*™* *^«> ,n„th; 'a™, 111 Saturday evening and on account ^ Kolleher. .Judge Stone fined Kel Mntei, Mre Sargent and of Ma old age he was unable to re-|,onCT *10 or, 60 days. I Peters the commonwealth. cover from the attack. He was at- -loan Ttartlett and James Batcman, tended by his son-in-law, Dr. Wll-i were arrested Wednesday afteinoou i(|t|inmmMi liaiu J. Sullivan and everything pos-'nt the corner of Haverhlll and Milton f* Bible was done for Ms comfort durliis Streets. They wore drunk and had been, « 0ITT, HAIL NOTES his Illness I thrown from a sleigh which they

Mr Hart was- born In Rosscar-'"'fed nt E. W. Wright's stable They » ,_^ berry, County Cork, Ireland, July 10, bad beep driving fast and the horses 1819, and was consequently 80 yeai-. <es* *er' cut' Batcman only flnlsn- and five months of age at the time fd a sentence at the state farm, last mml^C(,tll[cntA mratin|s (or the re- ot his death. He came to LawTenee Saturday. He *» sentenced to six when about II years old and for a «o*ths In the tarns* of cosrectlon this, " number of years was watchman at time. Bnrtlett was fined J*. the Pacific mills under Gen. Henry Joseph J. Oullette, drunk, was K. Oliver; Later he embarked in "nee »1. the grocery business near the corner After the criminal cases were ds-

pc-M-l of Judge Stone llrtened to the

The registrars of voters sue holding

HOSPITAL CALLED Board of Health Doe* Not

Like to Have Typhoid Cues Suppressed

IT WANTS $39,000


In this grand window display is aplacard which I'eada—"Any "hlr: In this window for SO cents." No man should fail to buy a half doien. sucn

value nt this price you will look forlater on In vain. »


Positions Secured!" Wo aid those who want GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. 85,000 places under

CIVIL SERVICE RULES. S000 yearly appointments. Prenanet by mall el. Government examinations. Foes cash or Instalments. A thorough and s"len- llHo eoures In all departments. Iteoulr^ s spare time only, salaries twico at much as prvato flrme for the same kind of work. The hours .of lahor areshort duties light, poeltlone for life. Take our course of study and wo guarantee that you will pass the CivH Service Exiimbwrtons. vt rito, - eatulog-ue describing course to

onclcising slump for our

Bureau of Civil Service Instruction, Washington, D. G.

of Valley and Hami(»hlre streets, pr.sed of judge stone iirieuea lotue ,mm.nt ,„„. In this business he acquired a for- arguments In the civil casa of David h tune and in 1878 he. roOred and hud lireen vs. Sheriff Cole tha evidence since lived a quiet life. iu which was submitted on Tuesday.

Mr. Hart served as councilman The decision will be rendered to- from ward four In 1868 and in 1870 morrow. be was elected alderman from the - —— same waul. He was one of the beat Owing to the 11 noes of the llcv. known residents of tho city and wss H.O.Norrls, Wt»mag Mtt o: the held in high esteem by all who en- M. E. church In the New Hampshire. Joyed h!s acquaintance. He was an conference, the Rev agreeable man to irieet and Ms pleas-

O. SI. Curl, ut the Oojrden street church, will fill hlH

won hosts of friends for position for tho ensuing week. Next Sundav Mr. Curl'B pulsH will be filled by the Rev. T.E. Cramer, of Somoroworth t N. II -

At a Boston auction yesterday I he and two sons following local stocks were sold: 'lwo

who ' llvw I'aclfie mUls at 220S 1-2; one Atlantic mills at 6G l-t; 51 Arlington mills at 106.

Ing way". him.

He-Is survived by a widow, two daughters, Mrs. Dr. William J. Sullivan anfJtrs. Frank J. lllley the later of/Boston, Frank P. ' Hart, at home and Malachl P. Hart of Minneapolis-

Mr. Hart was a member of Division 13 A. O. H.. and an honorary mem- ber of the Knights of Columbus. He was an attendant at St. Mary's church.

The funerel will take place Satur- day morning from St. Mary's church.

Friends are requested not to send flower*. . ^


In accordance with tho request of Mayor l^onard Clerk Corcoran has sent requests to the heads of depart- ments, asking them to state the

wish appropriated for So far four have re-

ported ; Schools desires I170,000--same aa

in 1W». Park, $15,000—110,000 adjancc. Pauper, 150,000 - the amount for

Itvf. Health, $39,000- W.000 more.

' The board will meet early next wock.

TUo mayor and the board of alder- man meet tonight at Alderman Sher- msii'a, Prcspcct street.


given free to all patrons Friday and Saturday. January l»th and SOth. Uttlou Pacific Tea Co., «5 Essex St.

Mntks /*ln»li«<I* t"

& sj&Sr C. E. Wlngate, the flortet. decorate the city hall gratis for Uic flreroen's ball tomorrow night, .rij-sj-y.-, iRNfif Bouquets will be given at the door 11.0 P io all who attend.


»e»e«e»e««>♦*»•♦•♦•» •••••••••••• ••••• ♦ lO^.ll BRIBPS. ♦ ♦ HIGH »OHOOL KOTXS. ♦

~zm lawyer Joh. K. S, Mahoney and

Assistant Dlstri<-i ^•torney R. H. Sherman are nipn >> improving and left today for a Itrl-,' . 'jOurn at Lake- wood, N. J.

At the anual minting ot tho Wright manufacturing company hold on Tues- day, the following officers were elect-

Charles W. Stevens, president;

The class of 1900 held an Indigna- tion meeting yesterday and drew up resolutions upon the action of Borne of its members at the school the other evening. The resolutions are to be presented to the teachers in charge and to the school at Urge.

Tho January Bulletin poster has made Its appearance. The figure Is

John P .SweenSt, treasurer"; Andrew tjtat of a polo player In the school Reeves, clerk; C. W. Stevens, John costume in color. P. Sweeney, Cleveland Swift. William Oswald, John R. Truetl. directors.

A meeting of St. Laurence's church c-nimittee will be held tonight in the basement of the church, to make ar- rangements for an entertainment to be given some time next month.

Joseph Moran has accepted a posi- tion with Joseph A. Myers the well known furniture dealer.

Miss Sadie Josselyn. of Manchester, N. H.,' Is visiting friends In town " Mrs. Joseph Thomas, of Boston, visiting in this city.

Joseph Lesry, of this city, is spend, ing a few days in New Bedford.

MIBS Susie Dowell, ot Lee street, Is recovering from her recent illr IHSS.

John Kenyon. ol Camilla stleot, is ill nt his home.

MUhnel Moore, of Chestnut street, is recovering from his recent 111- naas.

Stephen Cnllahan. of Haverhlll. was iu town visiting friends on Tuesday.

The broken windows in the base- ment were all taken out and new glass set yesterday.

Ralph Sawyer expects to return tc school the first of the term after a long illness caused by an injury.

Fred Bucbrdd ha3 not yet been ablf to get to school after his attack ot appendicitis.

DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP banishes at once a" forms of throat

in diseases and always effects a pcrman ■ ent cure. This wonderful remedy hat

cured thousands of sufferers from bronchitis, hoarseness snd othei bronchial troubles.

CASTOR! A 3|r Slants aiut '/ixiiariii

(lie taa >ou Han Always 6uug«


. who has beautiful soft and t glossy hair tho most Important 1 iitrlbute to beauty. The IMPEIAL HAin

HKOHNBllATOR. Ihi- acknowledfeged standard

Hair oolorlPK for Krny or ol •."Ci_ ed hair ' It is clean durable and! showed that by natural. Easily applied

SeaM tha {UgjiaUireof


lutely harmless anil any abso shade i

from black to the lllthresl ash, produced, and one appllca tlon

last months. Send us a »nnti)'e "f > "r hair, we will color and return free, pri- vacy assured patrons. .

Imperial Hair Regenerator sold by druKglsts and Hairdressers at $la>» and XI.00. ' ,

. Sole manufacturers and patentees, IMPERIAL CHEMICAL. MFG. CO.,

22 West 23rd St., New York.

George W, Woodard had his trottei hurt yesterday afternoon near thr Arlington mills. It suddenly bolteC anil when .-lopped it was seen that one of its legs was nit. Examination

the merest chance n tendon had es. aped Injury, one which It cut. would have ended tile horse's usefulness. Dr. Winchester dressed the wound.

.Members of the L. II. S. Alumn association who intend going to the midwinter assembly next Wednes- day, will confer a favor on the secre- tary by obtaining the»f Ock early.

GUESS COUPON- Five of'these Coupons presented at my store entitles

the person presenting them to guess a number. One of which will -V»w the

PIANO 22, 1900. KNUEPFER. e - - - Lawrence,/MasJ.

$350 February

348 Essex Street, - -„ •


Miss Besne Phllbrlck. of Hampton N. 11., was entertained by friends In South Lawrence ycaterday.

Mr. and Mre. F. A. Cooley are entertaining Mrs. Samuel F. Hardy of Dorchester.

Dennis Drlscoll, formerly of South LiWTence, is spending a few days In the city.

The Christian Endeavor society, of the city, was entertained by,the South Congregational chapter last evening In the church vestry.


Many Highly Organized


Will Demand a Contagious Hospital of Prcnnt


Tho board of health m4 yikterday In special session to consider the matter 01 the approprtatloti httxUKt fcr next year, City Clei* l*roor»n hating addressed a communication to each board or department askls&'what It required In the way of funds for 1900'.

Chairman Musk called Ute-meetlnx to order, stating its purpose. He said the requirements this year would be larger, owing to the eight hour law now In force. At least two more carts, with all pertaining thereto, would have to be purchased, and more men put at work, to bring the efficiency ot the department up to that ot 1809 under the new system. This would be about $1000. It was a fact that there was a balance of $2084.72. hut things were run closer In 1899 than 1S9S. But that balance might have been wiped out by any sudden emergency, so on the whole ho cou- 'Idered that the sum of $3»,000 $3000 more than last year's appropria- tion, would be about right. Other members thought a request should be put in for $40,000, but the difference was finally split and $39,000 deter- mined upon.

It was mentioned that the Essex, company hsd forbidden any more dumplug In the Shanty pond basin.

In a discussion that tollowtd ret latl-.o to the needs of a hospital for contagious disease, it was'decided'to communicate with the mayor, planing, ulm. tha fact, as WM ranted undor the statutes, that In llic opinion tt the board that a hospital was" nee sssary, and asking him to start the legislation needful. In case the gov: eminent does not take up the matter the board will purchase, has the right to do. A strong point of the communication Is the statement that •no beard considers It Impossible that tcarlnt fever and diphtheria ran Iw handled otherwise.

The matter of the management of the general hospital not reporting typhoid fever cases to the board, ?iimo up for severe comment. Dr. Kennedy Immediately called the at- tention of the hospital officials to the mutter by telephone, and doubtless the requirements of the board will be mere fully lived up to in this regard. It Is protwble there have been many cases nt the hospital which were not repoilcd. . >. . ....


Are definitely and distinctively

Diseased by Coffee Try a Personal Test on Yourself.

Not with all people, but with many, particularly those that are highly or- ganized—brain workers and their kind — the subtle alkaloids, contained in ordinary coffee, have a direct action upon the delicate nerves of the stom- ach, and by a pathological lar the nervous system is gradually and surely affected.

The result will show in a variety of ways, such as headaches in some people; in others bowel complications;

In others,

maintains it from day to day and adds, dinary coffee to Postum Food Cereal to the tlxlty of It.

Tho true, and only safe, plan Is to search for the cause and destroy It, then Nature Itself endeavors to set curative forces at work, and If the disease lias not gone too long, one may expect a return of health. If tho reader has any sort of physical ail- meut, and has been a user of coffee, let him experiment on himself by leaving oft coffee for a pwlod. say of two weeks or a month, and at tho

of Postum Cereal Food Coffee, and talto careful notice of the result.

leaving off the coffee take* away the cause of disease that is estab- lished through the nervous system (when such disease has been caused by the iw of coffee): the food cle-! other way can good Postum Coffee b merts contained In Postum Food Cot- made, and it may be depended upon fee go instantly to work to replenish | when tpaido In this mnnnei and rebuild the delicate gray sub

instantly, and the new coffee wll supply the demand for the morning beverage, and the work of rogenera tion will begin In short order. 1

One thing must be carefully looked after, and that is to have Postum Foo< Coffee boiled long enough to bring out the flavor and food elements. When prepared like ordinary coffee, 'hat is, by boiling a few minutes, or no boil- ing at nil, it will not furnish tie palatable beverage that It does when about four heaping teaspoons to tie pint of water are used, and after be lug on tho stove long enough le come up to a boiling bubble. It bo al lowed to remain boiling, slowly but steadily, full fifteen minutes after tin first bubbling Is noticed. In no

stance found in the hone throughout the body.

It Is well to remember that perfect health cannot be maintained when even a slight portion of this delicate substance is destroyed or lacking in

1 use a high pot to prevent Its boiling centers! over,-and stir it down from time tc

in others, kidney troubles. smothering sensations about the same time shift over to tho use heart; in others, dyspersla. and In many the power of the brain Is im- paired .

One thing Is absolutely sure and Incontrovertible,—when such people

use coffee, even In moderate quanti- ties, for any extended time, the slight hurt to the system, tfttBed to day by day. will finally pile- UP an account that must he settled phystcaUss and the" Injury will generally locate and center in some one of the organs of the body.

Different people will lie affected differently, but common tense should

uilcasA" syn^o, £^15.10* ™«$»> *« •"**££ uisiasi. oi j 1 gource fie reason for this statement whirl EfiJfiFS*«E£. It U not! can be easily pmvon by personal test good r oeoning to apply drugs In an Many people have been convinced of eZt to heal dl^lse, and at the ■ the fact that coffee I,

same time ^Tha^notTnlv'calu'sH It'Tf. *X'vX&f "win"find thatj In packages protected by tl deletrious article that not on^causesl " ■ <m ■■ fmm ^.1^, „,, „.,„. m„ki

the (lisoasP in

time, in order to get the good from all the mnterlal.

If the reader can usa health a.u

a meani* for gaining wealth or fan*. and for bringing about, the (Watt of physical and rr-ental jwac^ nnd hap- pineps that comet, from \ perfectly noiRfd condition of health, he can well afford to make this test, and make it at once Postum is sold b>

but have been unable to 'leave; flrst-olasH erorora everywhere. It Is - fa atom

sea) and

poison to

tho beginning. Lm they ean make the change from or


Miss Lillian liovett, of Farnham htreet, entertained «■ party of frlenda Wednesday evening.

Mr. nd Mra.'-F. A, -Cooley have

been entertaining Mraj Albert a. Ryder and Jennwfli. Ryder, of Chatham, th!a w«tk. f

Tha LadieK' Christian Temperance

1'OUSK DROPPED DEAD. A hor/p named Rats, something of

a trotter, dropped dead on Ha.erhlll *trect yesterday while ractns. Three other. Horses were with Rata

union will hold a union meeting in going at a pood clip when near the the interest or the temperance cau^e public library the hors^ dropped dead In the j&rker street church to- of he*»rt disease. .Melren, the butcher. night. - .__'_.'* %_ »■ i..afKy-f owned the, animal.


ImpiYHKive KervioeH Ovt»r He- mainH of Charles U. Ayor, of Methuen.

The funeral of Charles R. Ayer, who lie don Monday tcok place yesterday it Z o'clock from Mm late home on High street, Methuen. Hope lodge, 34, 1. O/O. F., and Col. Wll- Mam. Ti. Greene poet, 100, G. A. R.. of which he wna a member, attended 'n a body and there waa also pres- ent a delegation from the state houac including Cant. J. 0. Adams. Be- idde* the delegations many frlendf nnd former associates gathered at the house to pay their last tribute of affection^and" respect to the memory of one who had made himself popu- lar by his genial disposition and alfablr nature. Many expressions of regret at his death were heard at the services and they catrw from th<? h"'un. Many of the prominent citi- zens of Mpthmn were Included in the Qtimber present at the services.

The services were held at 2 o'clock the Rev. William tt. Oaskin. pastor of the Vniversalirit church, Methuen n]tin..iiii.;. Following the servict conducted by Mr. Qasktn can?" thr Odd l'Vllows ritualistic service, which was very Impressive. During thr wrvice u quartet from the Arlington mills band furnished appropriate music.

The remains rested Is a black broadeJoth covered casket with all- v:r..trimmings. On the plate war engraved the Odd Fellows three links with the letters V. T. C.", the badg< oi the Grand Army mtd the name of the deceased, ymu of birth and year of death. The features had a vory life-like anpearnnec.

There was a wealth of floral tri- hutea. At the head of the casket WO :i large pillow Inscribed 'HMtibjind.' from the bervaved wife. Next to thl, were thr» three Odd Fellows links on base inscribed. "Hope lodge. 34. I. 0. 0. F." from Hope lodg*. At the foot nt the casket was H handsome star on,base Inscribed, *Tcat U0, Q. Aj R.," from Col. W. B. Oiccnc pest. Othtr tributes of ajfaiwh -VVT% a design from associates of deceased at the state bouse; >i2 pinks. Post* master and Mrs. John IS, Sawyer; crescetit and sickle, inscribed. Min- erva, No. 20. D. of R., Minerva lodge; large cluster of Jack rose*. . Narrow Gauge, composed of five ladlOs. clus- ter of lilies. John 8 Tapley atrtl fam- ily cluster of pinks, Mr, and Mrs




Cot Glass, etc

Piins to Salt MaW.


BROADWAY pinks and roses, from slsur and nlaof, Mrs. Frederick Nlchola and MUa Bm- ui» lloyt; cluster of it pinks, Mr. and Mm. Julian A. IJodge; cluster ot pinks and roeea, Mr., and Mis. A'. H. Clark; basket. George B. Melle* and famllv. dustedVt Vlnks. Mlai A. I). Qulnton; basket, William Robin- son, Lawrence,

At the close of the services at the house the remains were conveyed to Walnut Grove cemetery and placed In the tonib to await burial Iu the spring. The remains were ac- companied to the cemetery by thu members of Hope iodov and the.Grand Army and at the tomb the committal service of the Odd Fellows was per- formed. The funeral oorte-e ws» headed by the.Arlington mills hand.

Three members of Hope lodge and three members of Col. TV. 11. Greene post were the bearers.

Postmaster John E. Sawyer was funeral director.

.. t Irbamuel H. Harris, Jr.; .cluster gf

TO CUBE A COLD IK OKE BAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druwl.U reftmd tha mamaj It It tails to core. E. TV. O tbnatura la on each box. He.



rarWild Cherry Horehound

Cures Asthma- Bronchitis, Couffbi ^oltls, and IIoamen'-r<H.



P O Block. fllve Rebate C'liecks on M. Co-op .V»s'i


35 c(s per hoHI4, Tour ciruRiriot has n.


M. rer C.tiaka a»d C»ld.. .i.Zit


Broken in Health! Work an Effort f Weak, Nerve-

less, Exhausted! Ton are out of health - in>vor mirfl'wbfttoitMM ttl

Tour IKT*I*R ar« wwUc tnd »h;ikr. Tjuu^'k" mi>ri.ii»ra UnMf,nluii*ti ,|, plnjrnloiit.wtlJi IIM *trofi«Mi,cii»rj[T •* • loft6*tfi*4k9**Mnt. Y-M to%a1 mtw-Jarp g*v weU, blui .<lt«<-...:rtBrd.aTi(inmliliiii(tof'irtt;ht «viili ^t^W- you. What foil Tou Itnii-t hnvo to mil;-- you - '""~~ well, Wjiureu* and Itronf asafn.I* !n-. (Irrfno'i Si-r* blu.«i BitU ^«rve rt'iiie*!*,Hut itrmt iiu-ilii-ine WlileL — baa rutf4 more r-cvi-le tiwn »uy other ruiiudj ta ttie #urtd. ~r

■ slr.Mkhaei Ikiberty, I foster Strert, Woiuirn, Man . I

**I mnvfTTmn'-h rundown tiniwii h;.r.|;T':iliI*tnwrtrk lan-oh^ LB th« in»n>inf :.« tirewaS When, I wei t toauToVl

tif^tli-fl m-\ Ir>old.aiai;d «««i> w-tl. ,n.<l ir,,,.,, i H-.jI,. ) , , 7?

HROSSES TUGELA Gen, [toiler's Great Advance

Enables Him to Take a Strong Position

The difficult^ swollen

in croBt- ivf-r were


MANHOOD RESTORED tl.i. ol • ta«. I- nicb I>l.j .1,1,,... »,i, nun n., „

"CUPIDCNE ' l T'l'SreaiVessubl. 'Vtulli>r,lh*prwr>}>-

~"> you of All ncr Lull M:i. Iri.j [

_L**J'~*rr5n ki'j^r;-. au<! lh™'.,arynrr'!'niolkl"inJiur.Ut» CBHOrM. <itr.*ntth"i;HBii.! r"*r..r''**'.inlMt'i<!1k«'r-«n!i.

<*J!W:a*!a!» """ "r!'" ' :,'1,,kmM"' ■"'""T r*-eeo« .r» tKrat.lrt wltti r»0«t»llU". < 1 I i;>KNKjlll!' fi. !•■ U.I..I<TI > n, |..,\vil!iHIU;.,i..|-. ralk.ll. WU> l».|inH,nl. il.O»abox.i.ixl .rf, a I Jo, mi. Irenlareml Icsilmon.nts. "

Address UA vol. ncoicixt: Co..

■ „ ii a>* ." .... ...,.-■ „o, milar au.i tesllmon.nts, nox arc. sail Francisco, ol. •■*■«!«*»

_ Lendon, Ian. 18.—4.30 a. n GLamataJ JL:.iI!.-i- i-nmnlaralj ;:n; the Boers :n.<1 o.-uplc! the nill yoml Pot_;|.-.i r's drift, 15. miles of felons', on Wednesday. J«n Tills tnteliigcnce Is contained m .111 exclusive n>*natch to the Tlrow, dated yesterday, ii" followod us the niovcmeut, by shelling, ilia Boci tr^ti(7TTiS«?t*'i*7V,;::'"'"*-**'J^™1^,a'T -^,'.NStA:<aw*i,**'.-

London. .:,in. IS— Th" Tim's mib- lls'Ht. HIP followtni; deinatoh I'mm Sp-<arti;:i!i.! farm, il;i[«l .km 17, n.20 p. m.

The force marrlird westward 00 w...inesii:i). Jan. 10. Lord Dimdon- aid. liv- ;l datUtlnc mov.«ni.?nt ot-.-niilod tlie hills ain.ii! Potsl.-t.'is drift, lj mllrs west of ColnuCU takhix ' the Bocre (fimpletely by auritilfiG, -

Thf same erenrng thb infantry fol- lowcd. (I.i:. Lytlljton's brigade .Tossed the river yesterday and to- day shelled the Uper tranches.

(General Walren'l for." i.i now em.-siiiK Trlihardte drlfr. My:- miles atiove. He. Is not ..|.|x>.if.I, although tho Doers are lioldinK a position live mlle^ from the river.

Another despatch from Farm ilitted .Ian. IT. sny.

'I'lv IIH1M1 eolumtl moVcx] to Spear- man's (arm beyond Spiinufleld. on

-.pearman s

For Sale by George Bradshaw. Post Office Drug Store.

►•»•♦•♦•♦• ■♦•♦•♦•♦a»<l^)a*a»a»

POR 5ALE! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

FIFTY In the Be« P»rt of W»ril k, nrCIDABl C *Jjacent to Rlertric Q»i», hj UtamHDLt lioneer Coal Dealer o( Law

LOT fence,—

I t\. O'/Aabooey, CONTRACTOR ♦♦►i.lijtiiaani.j.j.nij.i.j.i,^ <» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Jf \fou are Aooking for the:

Finest and Largest Stock of

Oahle 8 Pocket Cutlery Wc would invite you to rail at Our Store. We especially

call your attention to Our Line o Carving Knives and Forkes. i

The Treat Hardware and Supply Co,



~ ^iro in

Jan. 11. ■nil the

Th(rtatB»r incminR parem arn nut with extra editions conftrmlnf the tlpspi'.tclios from Spfaruniii's fnrm to the Times. The Daily Tflesraph'j convspondent under yt-si'iday's. date says

I am permitted to win- tram Bpe"&r> ; man's f:im that Ocn. LytUetoo >'<*- terdav afternoon fenlPd and forded Potffi«krfl drift and s<i/."<i with, lit- tle opposition A linr of low -ridgos, a mH^--from there-- 4*yrin« the night a Howitzer liattcry ,vas carried arrofis. Today, from Mount Aliee, nenr Swartz. Kop. naval guns ai-.l Howitzers effectively sli'dled "*he itoer iKisition which Is strong.

General Warren also today crossed the Tugela river els miles further to the west near Wagon drift, with all arms, in the face of a hot and 4HWM»-.-att»^Sk!»k. ^'brJtbPXimWmm/i,

and ritlfs.' He has effected a moat satisfactory lodgement two miles further on towards Iproon Koi>.

A despatch from Spearman's farn- tr» the Daily News describes I^>M Dunrionahi's advance to 8wartR ROp hill eommandinj; Potgietera drift and say«:

Goneral 1-yttleton's Nrignde Wftl °ni to hold a position en Bvterts

Ko,i hill. leaving a strong IKHI,. to hold Colenso and G« neral lllld- yard's brigade at Sprlnpfield. (Snr whole force advanced without diluv The ferry pont r.t Pcfgierters was on the further bank of thf TtiK'la tm\ W order to bring it. to our side Lieut-. Carlvle and .live men of the Booth African light horse »wam aeroti the rlv-r {inrt hi'otttfht--44 over. . ».-^,.

After four days' halt on the south tide, of the Tugela, our advance northward began <n Tuesday. Jan. 16. Gen tin* drift that evening and held th kopjes on our right.

Sir Charles Warren's division ho

BANQUET Of Last Year's City


■The ejty felh_ejB_gt_L^9 tendered themselves a banquet last evening" at the Franklin house. The affail brought, together not only the mem- bers of last year's city council, but many of those row serving, in ad- dition to mofit of the ,-ity officials and a few ether citizens. It prove I an exceedingly enjoyable affair, the pest prandial exercise* being decided-

■^ mtiP$$g ;miiof 'MttdmBtihV***^*1*** o'elotk the party filed- into the din- ing hall. ex-Mayor Katun ;<nd Mayor Leonard, leading. The spread) wa3 an excf.ptionally fine one- to .which all did justte.

Kx-Alderman Lynch opened the affair after dinner exercises by \\>A- f-oining tlip- guests and concluded by iptrodming as roast, master ox-Mayor Er.ton, WIIJ wna enthusiastically iv- ceive(V.

Mi-. Eaten eulogized last year's government and in his addres.s in " traduced figures to show how soc eea«fully affairs had been conducted last year. He introduced i\x Jhe fir ihpf-irirr ttlxyor Upnavd. Hi?

honor thanked those present tot '!■' Miiiiiii greeting..- }\v :»glt[. [t was early as yet to pass, upon th- work ol the government of I9M, He win quite confident that their



come,s from the use of the famous

Seven Sutherland

Sisters' Scalp Cleaner, and with perfect cleanliness comes beauty.

Mrs. N. J. Bell, Box 60. University Place, Omaha. Neb., writes: "Every head should be shampooed frequently with this wholesome remedy."

After each shampoo, when the hair as thoroughly'dry, the scalp should be treated with Sev^n Sutherland Sisters'

PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned it we fail. Any oneaending

■i.flfii nud drvcriptioti of any >n%'ei]tion win jiromptly receive our opiuion free concrrninjc Uic (wtcntalnlity oi tatne. " IIuw to ul.l.iin ;i, l'atent" isent upon retiiiert. Patent* aecured tii rough us advert i-fit ]>r snleat our expenw.

1'ntents taken out through ua receive Ipeeial Tio(/fc,witlioutchargr, in Tttr- PATENT RKCVRO, an illustrated mid widely circulated journal, conaultrd fiy Manufacttirf rs aud'luveators.

bend foraunflwpopy KREC. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.

[I^ic; Attorneys,) Evans Buildin- WASHINGTON, D. C


yttleton's brigade crossed | showing would be SH gocd it not bet' ter than their predece^orsr

Kx-Alrjennan l)i<k spokj for last year's board. His speech was> full

madp an p.ttack upon the memfh WU u1' ''IO^C hits.. He said that though Hank. The column Is now crossing th? aldermf-n were often oft. different

TO LET—Kew tenement of four roomi and hath $2.00 per week. Apply to L. A. Holt, 2S3 Essex street.

TKXRMENT TO LET—Six rooms. modern improvements, in a new house at .*r7 Eutaw street. Apply on the premises.

th" river. Sterkstroom. Wednesday .Inn IT. (.(neral Gntaere has warneel the

lioer commandment that If the wo- men are not removed, they must taka their chance of being hSo! fn the • vent of an attack.

All is quiet here. Arrivals from Bttoourt report thai

there was fighting on the Tugela to<lSy. The ivsula la. not, knowf? here.

polity they when t'.u: been lui3

TO LET.—A teaemcut; rear of 39 Cedar street to a -tmall family of two. Good reference required.

TO LET — An upstairs first-class tenement of seven rooms, with pantry -and batn r.iom. steam heat ,

• end, alUmrnlei-n inmrovemyyu t, ply on premises, 0 iiaverhlll st.

TO LKT.— A tenement of t rooms, bath and pantry, gas. Suitable for; a small family. Inquire at

. - Ku lieniiiugton Elrsefcj . .

FACTS m FIGTiON Experience o£- Lawrence CRkena are

Easily Proven to be FacUT

Outside testimony is apt to savni of romance.

The mo^t superficial will prove that the following statement from a resident of Lewrtnee i« ti. ■ Read it and compare evidence tram I-n,•

: ren.M aUmg with LcatUnoii ■ i"t»j;u |,ontwHf*---pTfr^j!atb'Hfthed"-ijirti' ^y wti4«*.

with this in The columns nk this paper. V J

"nveatigate still further and you


FOR SALE — A 2tW ezs incubator, also one improved foot power Utthe. Address or call at 42 Centre Street. M< ihuen. ' .. , a


toilet J*ets ... <-» J/t Wrong Jime. perhaps. But a Right Prtce r»

Von lifver Itnd Uie rlianc <• to buy nueh w>t« for so litilc Di'cdi-ntidiis ui'iil'iiik, I'.i-.iwn, Blue nnd Oreen.

jfJet $1,89 A Sit IIMIKII'IMIS ai-i- lonklllg for such lini^niiis uml we hiivi'

unJJ 20 scis t(i "iTiT..'ticia;v!

G. H. KITTREDGF. 389 Essex SliW

CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE. Fini*t and largest selection of bird

In thft city, every male bird aold war .anted a good singer, will bring bird to any address to parties that canno find it convenient to call. Money re funded if not as represented. All com munications strictly attended to. Ad dress, John Fraser, 30 Rhine street, o. Park street, Lawrence, Mass.

FOR.SALE - At No. 71 Broadway Metl.uen. 2 good work horses, 1 mail ft wapon, 1 travels runnel piil.g, -I sleigh. The Above will b tfotd lit a low pri-'e for ca.di. s-a

i'OR PSALE--A first class travel runner procerv sleigh in got»4 ir- pair, will be sold re.isonafc; T> ply to Gairy Bros., l"-1 Valley i treat. - n-a

FOR SALE.—Sleigh. Nearly New v:1 i ioneord street.

FOR SALE A Boarding HOUM ot 11 roomt

■onDcctloos, dluing room, large anr airy; situated on a prominent corm-i near Essex street, vfaere a good trao -l'-nt trade Is done all the year round

Furthpr particulars apply to Wm Foster and Co., 467 Esaex street Mb room with hot and cold vat*: Blrsaell Block.

will, ho farprlaad ut ^hr iiiiinlnT (A people in Lawrence who echo »hat (hi:. <iiiz.'U seys:

Mm. I. Nihloik of Ut, Niwlmiy Ptrei^t. says: I suffered from a.-fi- Inrr acroHK the small of my back. 11 was painful to stoop or lift anything of any weipht. and it was always more severe if l contracted a i old. My .!iniEhii>r uond Doan's Ki,J'ncy Pills and thov cured her in a abort while. This convinced me that tfiey were a good remedy and 1 procured ili. in for myself at Whitney ant runi- pnny's irras store on Kssex rtreej They did the same for me as for tny dansihter.

Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers, erica BO cents, or sent by Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agi nts for the LnltfMi States.

Remember . the name. Doan's riad take no substitute.

RECRUITS WANTED for tj»e D. S. marine corps; able-bodied, unmar ried men, between the ages of 21 and 3a years, who are citizens of the] XV.ted States, or have legally dc Glared tbeir Intention to become auch; must be from 5 feet 4 Inches! to 6 feet 1 inch In height; of good; character, and able to speak, read I and write English; pay from $13 to $14 per month, rations, clothing ami medical attendance free; uromo- tion sure to worthy men; penslot. fcr long service and for disability Apply at 98 Court St., Boston, or 46 Merrlmack St., Lowell; Mais.

-ides in matter* hf puhl Mere still good fn:n ' cares of n u aside.

Superintendent Biufe said IntWSMtlog thin?s in his bv dfMs. He eouieuucd t'.tt evcri municipal department was an edu cator. He was follow,..! ly Alder man I^rgu* W1IOM,,I ,I aiod wei.l for .ast >cat's con'miin council.

Al the nii..:rTlierhia;i spo's5 Curfew I'i'.lt. Mr. Bhornian tain11 that the en.'iirceijieut ot a c-ur.Vw r.rdlnance would iuipiove the nrrab nf t!,.. young. He hoped to see u in forca in this city.

i.tfjr 'Ire.MUM Bail ■••• discussed the "1' '.Hi... is and is . ■-4..-iliii;i!i Cal'.'.|.:in contributed a recitation win. li i (,..i the e.veciic

An: in,; these prise .t were tno fol- io.- PS.

Kx-.Mayor lCaton. K\-Mayor Katon. Mi.vnr Leonarl. Tieasl A, \ i. :i!],,.

U. V.. ilinhi. nil. P. J. O'Cfillaghari. Thomas I. .MeEneaiiev. <'. I". Hiley. laiii.-s E. Allen. E. I.. Anmd.'l. 0 .K. Wingate. M. F. ColllnB. John J. Hart. John J. Connor. U: F.' Kiley .lames McBrtde. F. .1. Whnloii.. Auditor Shea. ' Councilman Hartley. Councilman Clioale, ' t'oancllman Donahue.. Councilman Maxwell. Ccuiiicilniiiu .Vluelllig. Councilman Scanlon-. Councilman Kennedy.'. Ex-(tnir."ilninn Mowatt. Councfltnan Hart. Councilman Karrell. Councilman Counor. Coiincilmnn l'lyim Bx-Couhcilmtn Drew. E\-Coun<lIjHau Knnwies. ICx Cciincilmau TUeborg". Ex-Counciiuian Young. ' Bi-Coimdlian Pickles. Aldertuan Caifrey. Alderman I . Aldexrnan c.'iiiin. j:\-Aldermnn rick. •. • Lx-Aldernan Matthes. Ex-Alderman Lynch. , Csllahan. Hupe'rlnteiident Kingston. Siiperlnl n !. nt Hnrke. ■lames Sullivan. !J. K. Muray.

READ > Water the Cause of this Gigantic

Sale. Both Our Mores Wet Down in Good Shape

Qur£oss your gain

ii Wiwftfpiif .f ?r 'fr in! but this h the Strangest of all When the


and Damages Two Stores

"To. bad Said a Mad Man" as We Need ail the W tar in the River to Ron the Mills THIS IS FOR THREE DAYS



| Joan , Sons. Agent,, New Vorfc ^

*<•• » •* » » B* <*> *»•><•. _» • 4} ♦ :amoH »*0—T 4> (qajnqa i?wuj .itsoddo) ^

»• I1M».>I OM- ^•opjo P»» »3aspw»}x-

How We Sell


moil—;, cent Towels 2c yM\ pieces 10c Cretonne 6 1-ic yd

75 pieces .:. I.lgdt Print A l-2c yd' 5U pines 7Sc Chenille Covers. 39c

10 pieces 8c While Muslin, 4 i-2c SOO Sc Bleached and I'nlileaehed

Towels i -■;,, 40—«- 1-2 White tied Spreai'u" lv

.1- Bleiea .<• L'Bbleached Crash 4c 26 pieces striped Outing Flannel ic r.n-'i'.e >ComtB»tcrs if.- Hio pairs in-4 Cray and White' '

Dlansets 21c 200—Die l'mlirnll.1, Steel ftods Stc 100 Me Knit BMrts 18 1^ l*.n ralrs S9c Corsets 2,'c SOU Sluins Besl Saxonv Yaln To 3(.'0 (lents' r,e Handana llandkcr-

'hirfs + 2 l-2r l.'.D pairs Children's Heavy llili

.Mittens \c,



I. J. CflHILL, 395 - 397 ESSEX STREET


Boston, m ih,- Fir^t M. K. church U-l- nesday ej'enlng, Jan. ir. Subject, "Mud Ooclfi

"I»r quenc patby

CraiM re«cheift.s pitch of-eV and sij'iitl-i ., .■(■ vein of svm-

which rans r.nswertng lit evi-ry ii.itiu. Women wepfond tha nmn-wcrt? mlghttly- moved. .Delivered with almost Incredible Hre and expreaaloo. it Was one uftlw best ilii^s Kuaton had.'"- Bngton Journitl. <^ LECTVHB AT 1.13. - Tickets Bo.


in the Transvaal

Are attracting the attention of the world Our Greenr

\ p brier Whiskey is attracting the notice of those who need

• a pure wholesome stimulant Vim make no mis'ake when you buy it-


SITUATION WANTED.—By a slnsl. miin any kind of work for tli winter. Good inferences. Ad- dress 'Jt.\. American Office.

WANTED.—At ouce a capable young woman to do 2d work. Ap- ply Immediately to Mrs. John J. Hunker, Dowey House, Broadway. M.-thuen. Jiass.

WANTED—At oiu->\ lady witiiout in- HMinli nuice to trav-rl in Eastern Mo*-

taernisetta for well known house; goo.) salary and expenRes to actlv

WANTED—A BOber. reliable man, liv log in Ijawrence. to take charste o a branch Qft\ee for the' Balo of bis cuiu and crackers, day. Jan. IT, at. 12 0". Common ,«treet.

WANTHH Al' without .encumbrance and dblp i travMi to iBenajSe Imslnes^ out city. Addresi Dpeststatteri ' nr* this ofllce.


LOST.--If the gentleman who took " Hat from Trinity church on Sui> day r'ght would please leave it :it the Sun Office and get his « own and oblige the owner.-—

A-ttRMRDY fnr Nasal f^tarrt. which is drying and exciting to UK diseased membrane should not h? used What is needed Is that whicL Is cleansing, soothing, protecting and

Apply Wednes | healing. Such (a remedy Is Kly'; o'clock, at No j Cream Balm. Prtce 5Q rents at drug-

. '_ gluts' or It will he mailed by Ely —i—; -I Brothers, >; Warren

111 street. New

Halm wdie lie noslrils, spreads over the mem

hrane and is absorbed. A cold ii the bead vanishes quickly.

I JOST—Between paiiv. SKiierteiuo note«wnUal,.but4—AUuUi-_aUxei. on Sunday i.iRlii.

■eiii.iue required. Address D., this bBtrlch feather, plhk. The fir nl'iic

sse.x st reet

ndi r.l will be rewarded by brinKinK sani,

CASTOR i A For Infants and Chilarsn.

The Kind You Have Always Bough!

Signature of Qul&Z?&£&l'.

ii lbs, best Rolled Oats

19 lbs, Granulated Sugar

1 lb. F.vaporated Apples

6 lbs California Prunes

4 lbs. Washing Soda

,5 cansVan Camps Soups

4 lbs. fancy Prunes

3 lbs. cocking Raisins

1 Hdr'l best bread Flour $4 25

1 Bag best bread Flour 55c

1 lb. best Mocha and Java


Very best, table •Butter

per lb,

6T lbs. English Walnuts

5 bottles Horse Radish

6 lbs Commoi CrakCri 25c








CURE YO'JRSELF ! IV tl[g*U fur limiaflK ..

<llH*li:ilUctt,]|,llnlHM.i.tii.US, irrittilluns <>. iilct-rftlluni «>f m 11 c 1111 H mi'mbrantM.

P*iuIt tw, iiixl nut ttatriu ttEWi»litttt«C*t05. ItPll* *T pOtJtOTiOtlt.

LfisciNmi,,c MM ■old *** i>"i«»i»»*«. ^^mvr «rnt hi itl-.ii. writr »:

•v, prapald, to ■■'e*. $,

((MOBM 7 -i-ll. 1>U PHIUslt.

♦ <♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Vi# IWtasssV tlon from [



Holihan Bros, SOLE AGENTS AND BOTTl'i".^5.

427-429 COMMON and 60 HAfilPSHiSE

WANtKl)—Young man to travel.In Massftehueetifl for well known house. Salary .ilnl expenses paidi With Koo.l (^lamo for promotion to " active puny, Experience not essential Inn

.fence require,1. Address Active. . 0*6, ol' this elhre.

Mrs it'.f.Tcl. y yj-> Water slreel

LOST—A horse blanket, between Shaf- ts. |- and canal meets on Broadway,

■l-Ttider please address J. !•'. Itobin son. box 127, Andover, Mass.


\ 4 ■

4 I

4 | i

'■■■ ix'irai



'.v. a. pre and spoolers "!■■■ Apply at .l.ilin r Marston a

T.)II.K'r »CTP3; an llMlafM fine Toilet Sets in Pink Brown, Blue, and Oreen Decora Horn for II.N n sei. Kven If vou realh do not need n set you'll buy lieeausi they are so cheap, if vou do Met one you'll buy in a hurry nnd get tin lireaies! bareaii: hi a toilet set evei

__ -dleivd in this city. (1. 11. KlttiedKC vicinity of MS Essex :.t,eej.

ANTIID— Naw and sscond hand fui nkure bonght «nd sold. Verr be' prlees pai.l. Address doseph A »rera. >XH Enei .tree'

i.i '\'V

addres I I:I:.MX lending i

will 'end ]■: US 11,-.'.

each and SI ml As II .'■ <. S. A- I'. '- "-'■> i... :s- vVe niiiiisiev St.. I'rowdcuce R. I, .a.jasW<t

I.OSI'. — A robe In tli t'arlel-.nville. on Thursday mom iiiK between 11 and 12 o'clock Southern f'ine.^. N, (•.. |8 a u,.vi-1j 1 Inder phase return the sime to estSilisned village on the Seaboard carrier IS. I'.eiofflre and receive *■' Line, Hundreds ot'oorthersl rewalfd -. people go"there ..i.-iy winter end alii

- , seeej pleased at the grand climate I'ISI (in Monday, An. 15, :i K.qi.le , and the interest manifested on even-

liver watch with gi.M rliaii,, In'nd. Plney Woods Inn. an elegaiil '. Insci pUon "ii .use. Finder new lintel uifers splendid ncconirn. .1 .-

ptea* Lave :,i ;; |.;.;s,.x street and' lions, at very moderate rates and at a natural result U always crowded.

j You. tin lmv exclusion u, Southern Pines, so the fare cost bid Mile, lull it |s ale !>s bSSl 111 write

,1'1 f' ■' Accommodations at Plney Woods Inn. . '

Oar Prices are Always the Low- set Free Delivery.

E. J. Clement & Co

Of every descrlp-

„ tlon from a Seal aacque to a slelghrobe, made to order, re.lyed altered to prevailing fashion and repaired Improved , facilities for turning out fine work. Avoid the rush later, and "bring your work In now, insuring closer attention. HERMAN R1KPERT, Practical Farrier Open evenings," ' 4*7 ES3C3 street. Raw skins bought



1(11 Nl) A small .and of money near 1'. lioACfi. Owner can have same In I ! '"".'"oi...|iv llTi,i paying charges.I Call S Valley street.


376|ESSEX ST.I("~



FLORIDA. Excellent Service, Fast Modern Steamships to


From Pler4S N. R. adjoining ChristopherSt. Farry.


THEO. C. EGER, Traffic MEr.

W«.H-CltBE. CO., Ben. Agtj.


\,H\ i W^P^CITM, CO., 6e». AgtJ. , " 'j NEW YORK. I

j 1 A. P. LANE, N. E. P.'A. • ' A 201 Washington Street, Boston. '

KLOWEKh I W« luve lilt Finest Seiertion

t Cut Flowetb in the city. C. S, j '-Vinrrate. 183 Essex Strce' • kftnctnoer Your iirV fritndj.

Ilei Ticket Agent. II. & H.

tor acceptable Ideas. State if patented.


e*" the PATKHT KECOIID fl.ou aiu. Samples free. .,

M (Wf



for postmaster of Georgetown by Con- gressman Moody la well known In No. Andover.

TWO ItU'KllK-IS were admitted tO 111-.' Burns **<ul>, Thursday evening, ami three applications for membership ro reived. ,

Members and friend* of St. Mien ' acl's Charitable Aid society are to hava a social at an early date, the piac and time to be announced Miter.

The senior <-lass of the Johnson high Ffhoo! may well take a pardon - n! le pride in the capital entertain i faonl provided, Friday evening, nt Stevens hall, Un- the program waa one of high order, and admirably present-


Purely Vegetable Absolutely Harmless

Have No Equal •

Always Reliable

Always Ready, Always Safe Always Effective

JVetWAccept a Substitute

ISwsex county. In 1MB let- | Beavroren oi l*r he says-

"I lie success of Hie work iu our Ciunty depends upon the individual

I fSlideavorer. It is not oulv by being [faithful In the small duties Sod 1ms ' already Riven y.'ju thai we can hope to ' reach out for the greater blessings Itind move our country for Christ.

'.our district secretary desire* that [cspeetnl attention be Riven the fob : lowing points during the ensuing year: ; More earnest and heartfelt prayer I for Lb* presence cf Christ iu rjnr own n

«*■ ;nr ■' ,W'ff

The audience thoroughly nppivciut- ii th-? various numbers, and frequently manifested its aprobutlon by generous applause, " - \ - —I

There were sclections.Ux_Ul£.Alpinc ol-chVstrn, represented by the ifiUbwIng players- Fred Stone, 1st violin* Alex. Saturday. They made their headquav lilllesple. 2d violin; Ernest TnicYf cor- terg at Crows Nest camp. net; Phillip Parker, clarinet: William1 Lynch, piano: Joseph'Peate, trombone.' The Woman's Guild wilt give a sup- Ueadlngl by Mrs. Julia A. Reynolds P<'»" In the Pariah bouse. Friday even- nnd Owen Donahue; banjo solos" by|">h«. All niembers of the parish over Miss .Nellie Lindsay: vocal solos by' 15 years old are Invited. ■ A sale of George Onhamel; piano solos by Miis domestic articles Is to be held In con- Mary A. I.nwlor: cornet solos by, nP,,,i<,» wi,)l the supper. H. Herbert Matston; vocal solo's by Miss Vinnie K. (illman, and mendolin solos by Richard Lamb

Stronger testimony for our Master

greater effort to attend the union meeting of your local union. Support those whom you have called to latair In your union work.

Strive for a greater degree of so- eijbiiity among your own members; also, remember the stranger' within your gates.

Manifest a greater interest in the Christian Kiulonvor^' Help

hem *Tr>-"ffffce>mi...;:. . »:«tlttg»» Pray for them*

In the quiet of the morning make yourselves ready for the day by a llt-

be annual meeting of the Congre- gations! church was h*dd Tuesday eve- ' mug. - ]

Uev. L)r. Mames. who presided, opened the meeting with pmyer. (

After the records ef the la«i meet Ing were read and approved, report a of tl\e clerk, treasurer, church 8om- mlttoe and auditor, as presented, v.cru accepted. 1

' he 'various reports showed that the church, )n every department, was in B properous and thriving ci-mlHimi

Dr. C. P. Morrlll and Uenr; Hat horn served as tellers at the -'•lee tifj.Hi which resulted as follows

Clerk- D. \V. Carney. Treasurer--Frank W, Fishee Auditor-("Jeorge ft, llalhorn Deacons (four years)- Dr. i

Morrlll, D, W. Carney. Ijby members of the church ■our.nit

tee--Herbert M. Stowers. Prof. Fd-1

ward llui terwortb. Social committee Judge N. P.j

Frve, Prof, and Mrs. Kdward Butter*] worth. Mr. and Mrs. Vlrun B, Watts,


CASTORIA TTOvV^Ww^oPOvx\>^ocv^x>aV^


Past Chief .Tames Pringle of Mi-iviprson, 0, S. c.. Uevrjreuee

'liver an address at the Burns brat ion,- naxt Prldai evening, Fcllowp hall.

Mlaa lor acted as ■fiCOttpaUt, and Frank Mnekle. Arnold Mid wood and X. Ellsworth Planders were ush- ers.

A plenstmr incident In connection with the entertainment was the prcs- .ttUta.Uon.-ol a,large iiiuL beaut ii itl i his tfir of Amerb-an beauty roaos Co Mi>. Iteyiiohl:-; a ffift. from Mrs. M. Oar- uey, of Blm vale.

The class will realize a haudaom hum which will be devoted to carioel ing the expenses attendant upon grad

nation day. Tl e niembers of the class follow:

Classical conrsof. Miss Anntie L. Ste- ven.'. Miss Mary Hrodle; l-itin. Frank Maekie, Mias Katherine Costello, Miss Abbte Willis, Mlaa Annie Drlacoll, Mis Nellie Meseji-ve, Miss Jennie Wileox: English, Mjsf; Mary M. Taylor, Arnold .1. Midwoort.

Albin Degenhardfe Saturday.

was in Posltm

Mattliew H. Cirrley West brook, Me.

has nturned t(^

tie talk with Jesus, moments to Him

Give your best

Hantal J. Monday, on

Regan was business.

I tost on,

union meets Wednes-

Jobn Davis is detained at his h.ojne In the Centre by illness.

Joshua PheJps, til' Uiwell. and Na- poleon Dufresne. of Winchester, wert in town. Sunday.

The Musical club m<*ets with Mra. l-^red p. Berry Monday evening next.

John MeDuffle, of Cbirk.ring farm is to spar six rounds, for the middle- weight championship of New Kngland. with Qeorga Cardner. of Lowell, at the Lnwrenre opera house. Wednesday eve- ning

The Charitable day afternoon.

Mrs. James C. Poor i* i from an uttaek of tonsOlitis.

Waiter L. Carney and. Mrt. Abide K. Tufts are oaptarDB of Companies A and P.. respectively. Iu Rescue lodge, 1. P, (J. T.. in the credit svstem.

Mrs; R. - spending

Humphrey, of Lynn, ew days at the Fuller


The elective and appointive o;h>eiv of Waiiwiuet lodge, I. (>. O. F.. v«1 Installed Wednesday evening, by D. D Q. M. Robert Hill, assisted by tin following suite: C. \V.. Wlllin: Roberts; G. M.. John Lexbonrn; soa retury. Herman Lyman; financial s«- utury. -lohn R. V. Ward; treasurer, I . M. Smith; inside guard, John Slater. -,

N7 O. William KHIIM* and Condncto (b-or^e w. Railuy ui Auduvei: .by ateH utinrdeffr*-7l

Following the inslalliii;-, spsftchtnalflng ami a hlce oyster supper were in order,

Cigars were passed I:MI selection! by the Alpine, orchestra''lldd'd'to the plea-iue ot the enjoyable o'cision.

'I be board of offieers is 04 follows: Rolani! A. IMcs( utt. n. g. Samuel Hiailin. y. fr. iMnnnid D„SnrgfiBtu permanent sec

Mis. William C. Hrooks hns chosen a director of the liaaaactruaatta Society for tho Prevention .if Cruelty UJ Children. '" .

Mr. and Mrs. John Mcilngh. of 266 Hampshire street. LaKtfince, spent

| Htindnv at the residence of their son- been in-law. Joseph A. Campbell. Water

street. '

George P.. Loring ttas re-elected director of the Lawrahee riding parl; assoiiation. Wednesday evening.

The fellow-craft degree was work ! I on two candidates by Co*jiichewtcl; lodge. Friday evening.

The long-exjiected rails have arrived at the Middletnn station. The .-ltl- zens of that town are now quite well satisfied that Mr. Van Vlee.t hi maa iny ,'very effort to hasten the progrcs of the'electric road from Middleton to Danvxrs. 'Ibe ties are all distribute

■fl-bwsf-+h*»--iM'MHe. Four rails, shout one third of used, and the wires and spi at the station.

The Temple of Love initiated fom members Saturday "aftefUbon. It wai voted toehold an entertainment, and Mrs. Howti rd. Mrs. Spear. Mrs. Ab hie K. Tufts and Miss Fannie Haver were chosen a, committee of arrange- ments on the same.

The officers recently elected by tin Women's Guild, are as follows:

President—Rev. E. S. Thomas. Vice president—Mrs. Susan L

Ccgswcll. Secretary-treasurer—Mrs. J. A. El


Edward T. Pcndergeat, carding over- nnAt JnT| ater at Stevens mills, has been called

to Laconin,'-N. H.. to ■ attend'.the fa neral ef his sister-in-law.

will he

« ■ 'barles 111 Robinson Henry R. nblth John li, Lewft i, g. Willbini Halllda'y, r. s. n. g Gh nrge L. Barker. 1. s. n. g William 11. Somen ill.-, r. f, John Sumei ville. Jr.. 1, s. v John Shearer, r. s. s. Charles H. Driver. I. s. h. James M. Cnjg, chaplain.

gt, Michael's Charitable Aid society is to meet, until further notice on the flrsl and thin! Thursdays of eaeh mouth. Instead of on the seconl-iind fourth Thursday*. A reRular meet- ing will be hebl on the evening of th >8lh.

St. Miehaol'a Charitable aid aocifij has expended 1163.02 In henevolcn work tlurinK ,ihe six' month endin with Dee. 3t\ This aid has been give in every instance to North. Andove people, quietly, and without any r gard whatever as to the raee or creed

The XeiKiilmrlHHxl club li'dd a plea; rut meeting with Mrs. Albert Berry Wednesday 10th, •Birthday' iuota tlons 'honored the first anlversdry o Miss c.citrufb- Barry. A selection froi Jean IngJeow'a 'Sonus of Seven,' wa aptly re:*derpd by Miss Ph'ebe.

The program, included; Sketch of Charlotte Cuahman,

Miss K. !■'. Carp ton. Reading of poem, 'The Old Samples,

-q- ^ fttiss M. A. llerry. Iteaditu- •>( storv. 'How' t'llps'Was

cuied. ■ Miss H- F. CJH leton.

The. dull will iiohl fts next regular meeting with Mrs. H. H. Farnnmi Jan. 24, Program IB charge of Mas 0, A. Fari)ham .

Quotations: The Stars. <

Mrs. Abide G. Vvhiltier, . Mrs. 9 1., Ktttrsdge and Arthur G. Tufts at] tended the Essex County Prohibition

s^ ^JfrTlllam P. MeDonald won the first gcnileinen's prize, a silver mount, whisk broom, at a largely ettended

j whist pgrty, Thursday evening, Winchester.,

Peter L. Mean. I well known youitR man,-#died Sunday evening, at his hype on Water street. '

.i : was taken ill alwiur three nienthi ntre., and although he had skilful medi- a.\l treatment and the best of care nothing could he done to stay the pro greas of bis ailment.

He bad been very low for some day: l'U* bis great courage never failed hlni nnd to the last he displayed a firm fortitude.

The deceased was a native of £t. Mugues. P. Q.. Canada, and horn .^7 years ago the litth of August. lost.

The family removed to. Ro&nOrl when be was nine months old, after- wards living in Day View and lA-j- retmv in 1 SSI they tcofc up their reai- dence here and North Amha^vr has been the home Of the djpceKiseir»prac- tlraity tram that time. ,

He was employed as an coremaker at the foundry, whcie he had the reputa-

lull me^'titiK. \V* line (In. • nt Hpverly 1 he Hrsl ■notation -il is in spwmi levera

V. CM" m v Hh her ttft W. Mrs. li .1. Perl ina. in I hut I ily.

Ofictr Qeorge 1.. Hi i i.'is pnid visit . Thin-sdiiv. to Ilis Qinronts i Ipswich, liis iiiitivo place.

H n if ln'ing a faithful -worker a liiiputar shopninli". fj ' " '

Al'.vnys cheerful, Rtnero"rs and will ln« in alii others, he wits n filial son. a ni.'ilii inisliaini and a ltfetid father.

All liis .friends and atcQuallxttVkcef) rejeret hll dVath and dee,r Vv sympathtzu with tl" family.,

IJ I - loss is a severe blw.uts besidei a vvidow then- are five little, children. the oiliest not yet-seven yrtirs of at,Ti bereft nf a in-eadwlnner.

He it also siii-vived by.father, moth- er, live brother* and a sister.

A llsliini; party. ccmi>osed of .lames Caimichael and William Robinson, foremen lor the United States (,'nr- tridae coniiiany. Lowell, Clarence W. Reynolds and II. Kred Jerikins. had a pleasant outinii at l^tke Coehichewick.


All articles Intended for the town warrant must reach selectmen on or before peb. 10, to insu •(• Insertion.

At the earnest solicitation of prom- inent parishioners of St. Pauls church W. Henry Knowles. the well known baritone is to resume his former place in the choir.

Mre. Mosss A H.i>-3LVu AiMIe M.l Carney. f

J. H. Sione. rrof; Udwai'd Butter- worth anil 11. W. CarneY acted as a nonilnntltiB committee for the latte".

The funeral of .lames A. Dawnet, held from St. Michael's church Tnma- dav hiornlntt. was largely attended.

Prior to the time of services, rela- tive.-, frlenda and neiRhhors called at the -bereaved- home, on Davis' street, to view the remains and mlnKle their grief with tho sorrow ef the family.

The fine caBket was covered with lav- ender brocaded plinth, lined with white suvah silk nnd had sliver tnmniinss.

It wrs embedded .In a wealth ot beautiful lloral tokens, an cvid-nce of the esteem held for the deceased by those who knew him lK»t.

The liiBcrlptl.on on the plate read:


Dletl January 15. 190".

11 mtt'.s.. 1'. days.

A BleighlnK party, mad-: Eliza Rand. Miss Nellie .1 Josephine Callahan, Mis: Rliodcs Miss Alice Hoftnlt : Thereaa .Costello. enioyed

up ir MIBS \ Miss Jennie

nd Miss trip to

. ARCII 18 vrs

Tlic Kind Von XIavo Ahvnys Bmifrlit, an«l wliUli lias hcen !»» uxo for over SO year*, Jia» bonie.tlio Rijriintnro of

, anil has boon made under liis )><*• //£/?■/-#- minnl supervision sii.eo Its ltitkincy. Yt /■Cuc/U&i Allow MO ouo todecelve yon in tills.

All Counterfeit, Imitations nnd " Just-as.g<i-.d" arc but Experiments that trhlo with and cnuanger tlio health of Tntonts and Children—Experience ngahist Experiment.

Wt^at is CASTORIA Costorin is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parow gorle, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otiier Narcotic mil'' Mice. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm* and allays Feverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rel'evcs Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regrulates tho Stomach ntod Bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Ponacea-Tlie Blether's Friend.

GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY* Bears the Signature of

The Kind Yon toe Always BougM in Use For Over 30 Years

Carl Vottcr. general sut'ertnteptlefi for lion. M. T. Stovcns s.-nd Hon.s. i ) in rftarge for m<■ ^ureeei/ of Ossoodl mills. Tlic [iliiiit. .which, is hcins put in flrsl cl.'iss conitit.iuii | for a lai'E" linrlurlit.M. Will, ii is .-V|K'i*li'tl. t». in 01 i ration unaW new owpera in ;ih(iut n fn-rtnipht. l>:ivi<l Jaosson, fornifv-, ly Rfrrmd hand -at BteyfeaB niill«. has. l> en promoted \o rardijig oversea? at the recaaUy piifehaaed lepacera, John Caniplicll is liis sued sHor.- .

K ' — \bi>u! ":. youna ladtes^uiti BetttUCkne

_jou.'iM_Jli.> !*iuiKts._jjt. Uj+'...>>1j.asr>,.. Miinii and DdHha Reynolds/ Thursday eve n'.i-. ;ii ihf hom.' of their parents Wr and Ah's. C^orgt- fteynbmB. Bfl Water utreet. f>msid" the sterrtJ In- d t'nil sway, luii within the place ri nleaaare, enjoyment reigned saprema

Dancing and singing w-vv the priti **lpal features! and B faaai of good things supplemented the atVPT^tonai I

The Misi -s Reynpljda 'provetl thwn- selevs very capable hdateaBaa, nd tta ..<-,-.,sin„ v,s. w.t.d an entliv suVres j ducillil in ovi iv esKcntlal li> thn conii*tiny..;

Edward ,\. r'nller ha iiolnted rt OrangA i«tatf

Stephen Osgood,

bean re ;-r laput/T

i'i;t 1'iuly nominate

The Young Mother She thinks little of her-

self, and fails to notice how pale and thin she is grow- ing. Shu worries constantly over the baby that dues not thrive, although its food seems abundant.

SccH&5mnfeicrL nourishes and. strengthens the nursing mother :ind sup- plies to the baby'b luud the anil lut-pf<0-

lg elements which lacking.

William A. Krost, formerly tit North Aniliivi':. lias h°*>n elected a trintw and iiilleetor of the Salem (N. II. Coni;re(rational i-hiireli.

State liepnty ICilwanl A. Puller nt ii'tiileil the. iiiRtallatlon of Billerleh OraiiRP.oftieers the other eveninp.

Mr. anil Mrs. W. I''. Apthrflr uni Miss OlRn I'rntliiuKliam attendetl Mi- ami Mrs. Montgomery Sears' muslenle the other eyenitlK. in Boston. wller PaderWaskl'a plsytni mus the feature

James Aiisustine, only son nf Mr. anil A1M», William I'. Downe;. <' tl^vny. Monilay eyenilijj. at hbi lion ■ iMi llnyiR street.

Some years slnee. vhile eoastlOg til Weir hill, hfl met with an a eidein whieh inter on caQSpd an intei'i:.,, p-otilile. This liad liotller'd for i* Ions time, finally leadius tri inH 'Italli

A month ago he retumof) from tht Massftcbuscttfl (leneral IKMtMtal lyhei- even the eminent Mirgiral stall eoult not give him any pernianen! I 'liet.

His rather sadden ''nd cun ■ altei mash aeute sitfferinK. liorne with Christian resignation.

He was a good living youmt man el excellent habits, whose Rental dliiw si- tion and sterling tvoi-tii won film iiiani Irielliis.

The deceased was born In Winches- ter. hut had lived slnee a 'chili' in this place. His ago was IK yean il months and 15 days.

The community llncsra'-y sy.npaihizi' wit ii the tnniiiy. wiio nave bowl Mvere- ij- iifi'llcicif , v : icliness ami d-ath'.

upside its irnrents a stitnr, Mist "\, > S. I o* 2J i. survive lnm.

Ballardvale, Monday evonliiK. where they were pleusantly cnlc-,-!aini"l hy Miss Kate loyee.

.lodge »ye will speak, Thursday evening, at the Parker street Metho- diRt <-hurrh, under the auspices ot the W. C. T. II.

Friday evening the orders recently elected by Teivkshuiy ilninse were in- stalled. State Deputy Hlwiril A. Kull, i-, assisted by MISB Puller, olllclat- lug and giving great satistaition. A vote of |hatiks was given them.

Proposals for bids to furnish LOOO yards, more or less, of ston" rultuble for crushing, have b-en sent out by the selectmen.

■W*lle visiting in Iphia. 'the other day. with, a view 51 obtaining information about the charitabl" in- stitutioUB there, the Rev. Ft. Peter Knnan. rector of St. Peter's church. Mcetins House Hill, Dorchester, for- miTh- residing in the Parish, met with 'tin acildenl that will confine lnm to bed for weeks. In Philadelphia tin sidewalks were ley. Pr. Bonan, on the wa> from his carriage to the train ilipped' and fell and broke the cords of his right, knee, also badly Injuring .he liuce eap. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital for the night, and iub?oi|iu nth- was lirought to his horn. in charge of tin- head surgeon of St.. Joseph's. 111-. Bowles, of Boat.,11, is now attending him.

Invitations have been sent out. by Mrs G A Baldwin for the mania*;. Of ler -daughter. Mary Isabel, to Dr. Mind llar.-l.l Thomas, on WafflMMV

,-veiling. -Ian 31, at B.SO oilork. in ChriKt church. Amlcvcr. H-.-entioii ....mediately after .he ceremony at ., |Wke street. At home aftei In- ,'rst day of March, Hreenrldge. Btaten Island.

Preston Berry imi accepted a poal- tlon In the linsniithing departm uit o! the Davis X- pan).

Tlie following officers of Bradstreet i- lony. I'. O. P. P., were elected at the annual meeting, Mondav eienimv

B. S. Robinson, governor. W. H..Somervllle. it. governor. K. Ir, Perley, secretary. M. H. Manclu^ter. collector. K. .1. Kelly, treasurer. 11. A. Webster, sergcutit-nt-arm*. Mrs H. A Webster, chaplain. ■lames tbiei-ilen, sentinel i.f Inner

gate. Wm. W.oolley, sentinel of outer gate. K. I.. Perley. represoutal'v' to su-

preme colony. Trustees—E. S, Robinson. A. D,

Carleton. Wni. Manchester. | Installation Monday eveuimi. i-'eb- ruary ."..

Alton C. Muse and family, of N. H.. moved into Murphy's block on Halo street, near Jefferson square Monday.

No meeting of the fllrls' Pilendly soeiety wll be held Monday evening .Ian. U9, as Bishop I^iwrence makes his annual visitation to St. Paul's church on that date.

.lames M . Haves ivus di h inn .. [innc. loaded with grain, belonging to Addi- snn M. Robinson, near the Simon street station'. Monday evening, when the horse, becoming frightened, sud- denly Jumped, lireakinp the lraee< p'n I pulling Mr. Hayes nut oven the dashc ;- but only injtulng lilin sli-thily. Th ■ hiu-se ran to Us stable, i The harness was somewhat ilaniaged.

II. M. Whitney of Sunnyslope. ". , .v^—iltei| friends 111 Lowell. Monday.

SCUTT Hi BOWNE, Chcmitts,

i her Machine eom-

Tbe Roiindalnut Miss Suste Morrlll tcrnoon.

i-Iub n-eets With* ne\t Tuesday uf-

' The will el rteorge S. Wsllianis was proved at Monday's session of tho probate court in Salem. c

Samuel W. Townc of 1-MHUU.I1CI.-y. N. H.. who rerirtcii) resided here, has entered the employ el Herbert I.. Fos- ter al Itorky Knoll farm.

Rev. Fr. Johll P.. Cronley was the celebrant of the requiem high mass at St. Michael's church, where the last rites were conducted.

Miss Alice L. McKone acted as cr- gunlst. and Charnea F. Breeu i.nnij In excellent tone Nearer, My Clod, to The*.' after the mass.

The hearers were P.J. f'asev, M. J. Connolly. Harry Lynch,-kouls H. McAloon, John X. Healey anil John A. Uynn. Interment was ItiTTre Im- maculate Conception ccittcter-y.

The Hat of remembrances follow. Cross, from Mrs. Jamca H. Davit;. Bouquet. Mrs. .hinies Dooley. Spray. Arnold and Charles Millwood. Botuiiiet. a friend. Spray. Miss Margaret Cr.mmings. Bouquet. Mr. anil Mrs. Adilison Si.

Hobinaon. Spray, Mr. and Sirs. William 11.

C.ean.y and family, Spray of IK pinks. W. .1. D. I'lem-

cnta. Spray. Mrs. Thomas Drew. Spray, Mrs. J isoph Tempest. Spray. Miss Katherine Johnson. Spray of pinks. Miss Rose Ktwn. Spray. Mr. and Mrs. Uaorga A.


The nnnivci-siiry of Scotia's bard, to be observed Friday evening, al Odd Fellows hull, by the Burns .lit looked forward to with pleasurable anticipation by the public The twi), celebrations held by the club in the past have been occurrences of ejeat enjoyment, and the one for the 19th is sure to be replete with pleasure Past Chief Pringle. of Clan MePhei-.-on O. S. C. Lawrence, will deliver ar address. Then- will also be a cone ri at which the followtng talent is to ap- peal, and dancing will he taken up and continued into the morning liouri; held from St. Michael'! anarch", tbi morning, was largely attended. Mrs. - Dugnld McPhail. reader: Miss Helena Mitchell, soprano; Mis.-. Isa- bella Ranisay, dancer; Daniel Taylor. M...1-; R. w. McAllister Maao; Ulch- ai.l UtftlB, mandolin; R. W. Unaday, clarinet soloist. The Andover onh.--. tra is to furnish music. Car for Law- rence and conveyance for Andover af- ter the event.

Allle Badger has aiecpted the posi- tion of blow boy" at St. Paul'B church made vacant by the resignation o Fred Goff.

William Halllday has been rhoset chairman. Charles H. Robinson sen- tiny and Jobn II. Lewis treasurer o the republican town committee.

*!..: C^HT,'- R.MW r»in. .if »oww ertr.

OFFICERS Elected by Board

of <rade

A FREE PATTERN iln-r own MCliH-Mnnitii ('jrWywil • IIUI»KI;<|>II>'<1 1>liil<» ami UU-at, Uitirtlt . cX<|Ul>c|li- iilni Ml

aribrr. l{.aulil«! <'•!• lu-tmliou-- ni-iiriunl. ■■ll>' lHHO-ililU" di-t^i.i!.


The supper or the r*dlrs lenmiQ takes plact* next W<'(tn'wlny. iu ihr Mrthndist vc«try. Horn B to 7 OCloCK.

Rev. Kv. I'ronlry ^ilrM next wwk for liis trip abroad.

ilc-ovf^ s.inlni'. (or'hr«*klnn and en- tering too Phillips Brooks Uoxw. vo- crtved ;i sentence it' in months In the hoiwo or etrnction, at •*!•». Tufriflny - ,


T.o be bound hand and-foot by the eh tins nf disease Is the worst tonn of slaverv. George P. Williams, of Man- chester, Mich., tell* how such a slave was made free. He says: "My wife has bwh PO hsrploee for live years that she could not turn over In bed iilono. After using two BbttteB of Rlectric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and nble to do h-T own work." This supreme remedy for fe- male 'diseases quickly cures nervous- ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head- ache." backabe, fainting and Olzay spells. This miracle wnrkins medi- cine is a (iodi-senjl to w.eak, sickly, run i!-iwu people. Kv*'iy bottle guaran- teed. Sold by John J. Forest, Drtfg- uist.

DUvel chapter. Kuwortb league elected the following officers. Wedne;, day t'voiiinc for the ensuing term;

President, Mrs. George V. Cheney Tlrst. Vice-President, Rev. J, F

Mears. StH'ond Vice-President. Walter H

Paul Third Vice-IMesldcnt, Mrs. Ahlile K

Tufts. p Fourth Vlce-Presldeht, Mrs. Walt' H. i'unl.

Secretary. Grace^p. ^t'heney Treasurer, frank W.\ Manche, I T. Kinaneial seereUipy\ Kannic Y


HHSSS^SS^^.'•y£-SPJ*H!ll valuable result,. We should tike

The board of trade held Us nnmi-il meetlns Ian night, J. E. Crjmbie in

the chair. The reports of Treus-i- rer f'reoVgo w. Hall' an.I 8ecfetar> Chester B, Hudson were It M;IS voted that the Wll of copies of the secret be printed, the" snme suitable likeness of the )al Y\ K. Clarke.

The secretary read tlii. . the executive eonfriiiit<'e, recomioond ing the election of the. following board of officers, which wua voted unanimously. The list follow*: Preaident. Bernard B. Donegan; vice presidenU. Joseph Walwonh. F. I-.;,5™S Porter. William Foster; secretary. W^^feOTS Chester EC. Hudson; treasurer, George,, W. Hall; executive committee. J. Cj )U Crnm1<;«\ Portal M. illaek, .IIKIIU.I' Arundale, Dr. M. K. Sullivan. Jamei Pi I.anlKan, Heitmm }lnn kin.iu. A>. N. Ki;ost, C. F. Marshal 'and Wil- liam Foster,,

Three new members verb leclsi] tn membership, Mayor Leonard, C. I. Williams and Han-is Barman.

The following were appointed to draw up resolutions on th ■ death of [ion. George L. Gage; P. M. Vietor. W. F. Rutter and Jamas Flanagan.

President Donegau made queni sneaeb of acceptance.

A resolution was adopted i congress to authorize the mem by the president of a sion to study and report upon the industrial and commercial condition ofChina and also urging congress to co-operate that a suitable appropria- tion he made towards establishing at Shanghai an exposition lor -hi sale of American products.

This resolution was prepared by George F. Page, formerly president of the New Hampshire r.tate board or trade,

Secretary Hudfon In his report SiiVs. ^ \

We ne>*| a larger niemljershin in- our hoard. Many or the pion1

members have either dropped i oi active business, left Hie city gone heybpd mortal life


in oinl li flit-, inih -none •v<'ifvnr.(lt"»i>.'.rl».v »n»ll. .-|i l.lti ■ ! Up l.'-lUU- t.11 Ivt.

TllK MeTAl^L COMPANY, 1ft «.-i lllh NlW*. * Sr« *«rV Utj, S. ■•

upon which draw ad lib- business ven-

an elo-

eri MOB ting appolnt- conunis-

wish to locate in our iu-i I mine of wealth Impecunious firms may ii um in experimental i in**.

Whatever wealth Is represented in our board was gained by hard work and rough contact with the business world. It Is not to he expected thai }tr members should always stand ready to invest in every enterprise, especially those which have no basis of legitimate capital.

Its chief aims is to offer to capi- talists and investors logical Induce- ments tb i sialitiah new industries here or augment: thoee already exist- ing,. No hoMiajcs or exemption from taxation enn be offered those con- cerns which cannot come on their merits. Such allurements estab- lish a bad precedent and are unjust to those who have contributed to li.e growth and upbuilding of the <ity. We have no room for deeuy- iuK ent< rprlses ot misguided husi- ne-ri adventurers.

The Hoard of Trade Is a non-poli- tical inatitmlon. However its in- dividual members may act. as an or- ganization It Should'stand fr.r th«r highest type of cttlEonahlp and give its tacit support to the side of in- telligence and fitness for the i-1-

We want' snonslbilltirs of high public trusts.


Agricultural society was bold at the I'uiied States hotel. Iioshm. Wednes- day, President J. I). W. French in tiie chair. The latter mad»* a brlel addrestv. commenting on thtjnultiplie- it\ (.1 'fairs hy agricultural societies in bis state n-; deti lii'eula! t » ICK't! m > i ■ agricultural Interests. He advocated a revision of the state laws .>n this t.ubjei't. He also presented the fi rmal invitation from the Worcester society. Mr. French wns m-elected president

The s-hctmen have been notified by the republican town committee th;.1

they desire to Inld a caucus. Tuesday evenine. Feb. 20, En Stevens ball.

nelv blootl to vitalize this organiza-> You cannot divorce the attractlv*- rlnn and mske It a power in thd nev of a city from a husiness. social ronimunity to be respeeted for its or moral standpoint, from the poli- sincerity and unselfish devotion to tical influences which lontrol its the common interests of all. (administration. It the < ity's ap-

Thcre are now alx>ut Ir>o names proprUtletm are not judiciously ex- on our membership roll, but they pended, its moral tone jealously are not all however. in good guarded or the spirit of contentment standing. I maintained among its laboring

throngs, all the counter attraction* No one man can do much in a'of geographical position, railroad

community. It is the co-operation facilities, water power and,other In- individual engeries that brings ducements cannot outweigh the evils

of municipal mismanagement. Here then seems to lie the ke>.-tono

of* our'future history aa a city, upon which rest the chances of our growth and the expansion, and the real- laation Of.pvr hopes of becoming one. of the great husiness centers of li'-^tM-'t-rinv^-i, fatten ■

hop. ■fit! view of our destiny as a city. It is natural to suppose thai cities and towns.will grow faster iu the coming century than in" the past. Man is a social creature and he tends to hive in large communities. Thl i "mgested condilion will always pre- sent to the student of hygiene and In- dustrie! and 'husiners conditions itn pnrtant and growing "problems. All that makes u city beautiful, healthy, innvenlent and safe.' should be the concern of every citizen.

The coming year promises to he a busy and prnapertqua one, affording the Hoard of Trad'- new opportuni- ties and encouragement to us> Its: lust energies in promoting the vel-j i.ire apd material grovKh -of the



... , I tistrli t Secretary' George F. im. of Beverly, has aent out his

Ilfllhii n nuaI fireplug to the Christian an |

CASTOBIA For Iciaata and Children.

The Kind Yen Have Always Bought J

Are grand, but Skin ffflrtrption.1 rob life of joy. Tineltlens Aniici Salve rures them; also Old. Ittinn'iig apd Fever Sores. Htcers, Bolls,. Felons

nrns. Warts, t'uts. Bruises, Burps, Scalds- Chapped Hands. Chilblain^. Best\ Pile Cure on earth. -Drives out I'atns and A«o«ti. Only -•". CM. b .1

John Mahoriey. of Pi 0 peel Charles Ramsoen, of Bargeft! court, and four or ffvi othet young people were coaatlnft last evening o» IVrry st reel wil h a "dODble ripjiei'." The last trip nhoul 8.30 d^cloca^ vf i a fiaaatrdus one. The ste^ramanr riirt- noi .oiiiioi liis cfafl when

- The era of proaperfty whlcli bentftilOvw "■■ it- march in the western Mate*;Iwlth lht ''"""" "Kl' ,,; ' bringing. great iHwUiesa ne*Wty 4o all t^rownr_ tlint (piarler. has now reached Neu ; htm f:n;":land, ;ni-| the thousands of toiifiM '' in niHls" and shops will hall with H

■joy the advance in wagesi wWt li v ill mean so much t" them. In enjny-j S~'~ ing the comforts of life, er3.eVI

It is tint in the pvov-in-e.. • nf t Ii ■ Benntfco

badly ic^ anyone.' 'MuhouBy1

■ a [Sti (■<■ taken oul of bit i h »k In was bruised, while ibe oth-

er.- show more or tass < "nt w ''iis.

Iha Kind Veil Kan AWir. KOILTH

Cure guaranteed.* Sold by John Fpresta druggist.

_j$m KltlO YOtl HHVfl Al*

tieaid oi Trade to alv. bi^iar. // y/^T/ .pecuniary a)d to all concerns win) J? <-t« t**&X /&. A' $& r*K


< ma



The Rev. Ro.M»rf MacDonaUI. for- nurl\ pastor ot the local Baptist church, now p.i.siui of tlit* K.r»t Bup* fctti chunli at Brooklyn, N. Y., con- thieteil tho Hfirvice» Suutlay ''vcnlug nt Applcton chapel. Harvard college, at which he in one of the preachers. He tuck for his ttxt St. John «: 12-11: "When they were filled, he said to hi* dicrtpl*»n, Gather up the froirmcntf th;»t i-cm:iin, that nothing may be ICPt."

"God," *ald Mr. MacDonald, In part. '*)• at (in"1 the most lnvltih and mod* ic.jiiouiii ..] of heingtt. Our econouy, (nr..sis:s in saving what wo have;! \\\ *v* in.ja«ton •*'-**. j$m*&kWi *ml * * Katherine: up the. fragments.

"Thi.s saving la the lrswm of a! ttltlftgs, spiritual and temporal. Noth- ing In nature is over Irretrievably lo#t, thoMch she scatters her giftf broadcast. -There Is a magnificent 'iivl*1 of blessed continuity between earth and heaven, in which nothing is ever lost.

"So It Is in the spiritual realm- The departure of great men moans to ui* but the loss of their persona. Their life work remains. So it Is with the great paintings of the world which have their chief existence In the memories of those who nave looked upon thcm

"The greatest of the reformers were Martin Uither and Oliver Cromwell, and their missions were made possible by gathering up the scattayed frag- ments of liberal teachings. Nothing they put in practice has ever beed lost.

For 1*>00 years the religion of Christ was left in the hands of thd Tinman Catholic churth which he rnmo a great service of good'to the world—how great we can never esti- mate. All (lemonlnatfons will some day be one, the Ideal of Christianity, the beautiful Christian unity.

'For us there Is a giving rcsponal bllity and a gathering up. Every life is helped by the desire to help In this por.{. but even this should not he an

HI itself, but should be the material with which we can form ch-irar trr, achieve good works, and WlMfaHlll lAld enlarge Chffit's king- dom

iWhat do the Children Drink?

Ik-nt'i. itivi' tbcin ten ,.r rota. Km.' yon the now food ,lrink .••iii-.i GRADM)- it h iMw<™ mid MBrifhiBU mid Hikes the |.l i/.,. of i-offeo. ,.

The wore Grsin.D von -iv. id.> children Hi., ,,„.r,. health you illmrib- ut« nmugh tlu-ir si-urn*.

Gmin-O la inauVnf iiiu, Hr»iii., •ml wluo, properly pnnnd lula like the chci™ gradce <>f coffee bnt OOM« »i*.in > a. Ail **■»,., sell it. 10,-. awl S.H .

Try Crain-O!

Hit' selectmen. It la an folio While number of arrest* .

Charged as Follows I

Malo . II

fhe not

1 10.1

. LM

. 1 1

the deceased The services were at- tended by many friends of the de- ceased. There were several floral trl- tiutsa. At the close of the services the •emalns were MnVcyed to Walnut Irovo cemetery and placed In the tomb to await burial in the miring. The bearers were Thompson E. Oant- mona, Charles II. Hall. James A Richardson and Warren Hutching.

Aivatilt Cruelty to animals . Drunkenness ........ Disturbance Dipsomaniac Defacing schoolhottse Destroying Trees I Gambling 7 Insane Kenenlng nnllcend dog ..2 larceny Vr Lewtlncss 2 Millt-ioas .Mischief I Nnn-eupport of family... I Superior C'rt Capias, Rape 1 Stealing a rfde ;. 1 Safe keeping 2

j Trespass 3 |y.»ins V).S. Moils tor cheat f and defraud 1 [ Violation towu by-laws... j

Violation liquor laws 2 Violation Lord's day .... Id Violation pub. school laws 8

pale 1

P wvnt. vtur. The engineers; could (wring lodges, the gathering numb,, inter Into an agreement vvitn him nig ln nil over lib persons The in

f!,r nnr Irngrer time as their term of stallattui u'lunioulea wen- mttai m .1 'offke expires llicn. Air. ihicood Is ni by Mrs. Sarah Higham and mil. or

Itl capable electrician .and It eonaldcred Lawrence in a creditable manner. Th' 12 a gmal man to liiok'"aftei '!ie system.! elective officers ol the bidge -ire a

The recent trouble with :b alarm has JOIIOWB: Noble gr.ind. M" n.>^

nti Iwen remedied by a Hosmifman and M. Swain; vice grand. Mrs. Nellie M ;g everything br rc|Kirte<l to lie In good. Magulre: secretary. Mrs, Sylvia c!

1 working order new, | Hill: treasurer. Mrs. Mary V. s-jna-

1 ' nurglsrs were heard prowling about' l^ieke 7 the residence nr Archibald Hall, on 2 Pleasant street, one night hst wceek. 2 Thomas (Jail wan awakened and saw

l.j men with a light ut one of the win- :. dowi outside. Thuy Irnind tout thsy 4 had aroused noraeertl of the household 2 and they made their eerari". 1

dera; linanclal w-crctiiry. Mr». W. J

■I Miss trustees. Mm. Nellie

ttary, Mrs. Mary A. Coburn ar Camella A. Howe. After the eere- monles remarks wcxre made by tb" grand officers and ethers, after which an oyster tupepr was enjoyed In ihe hall.

The funeral of Miss Arabelle I'aitc Deputy Supreme Governor loale Ayei'J, wh0 died on Monday, was hehl We«i-

2 and suite, of Uwiencc. Installed thej nestlay afternoon at 2 o'clock from her a oficers elect of Bugev Williams eotaay, " Of PMgrlm Katbera. Thursday pveniiiK. ! Iff* word .wa" finely done. After the - installation an oyster supper was

| late home on llarkir street. There j wafl a large attendance of relative! and I frlcads. The services were"'Xojlducted I by the Rev. Nathan Ilalbv of the

.'oyed in the Crangr bunque*. iiall. The llaPti8t church. and consisted cf ](i officers of the colony f„r ,|,o amnteg

, term are: Governo.', Frank A. Oor- |don: lieutenant governor, Miss Millie

A eon has been born Mrs, Maurice • Flahive ■ street.

to Mr. and of Pel ham

The muslcaie given at the high senool rritlay afternoon was a fine success. A pleasing musical pro- gram was rendered after which a social season was en.loyed. Music Instructor Herbert Fay Nye has fixed 1-Vb. Hi as the date for the next m.tfieatc. A program will be ar- ranged by pupils of the school.

Wallace Mcl.cod was tendered fctewell party Saturday night by niiml*! of his Arlington district and village friends. The company seiiiMed about S o'clock and it wad midnight before the parly broke t.p. A g"!.crnl good time was enjoyed. Mr. Md.end has accepted a position rrr-fTnvtrrrl.ei. It. I;, mills ami left

Miss Araliclle Page died Monday forenoon, about It o'clock tit n*r home ?3 Marker street, aged 32 years and three months. Miss Page had been confined to the house for a' year or longer, her illness being caused by consumption. Mias Page was born in this town and holt always lived here She was of a quiet ahrposltjon but had pleasing ways which won' many friends tor her. She is survived by a mother and one slater, the latter being Mm *". A. Kmersoa. who resides In the vicinity ot Boston.

A Joint meeting of. the two lire com- panies waa held Monday evening at the central Are station, at which time the ftnnl reports from committees appoint- ed In connection with the recent fair were submitted and accepted. The committee on furniture was one of the last to report. It Is only very recent- ly that this committee finished Ita work. The last purchases made In- cluded a number cf handsome pic- tures, which adorn the walls of the recreation room and the hallway on (he same floor: The upstairs, apart- ments are now finely furnished. At this meeting 130 was subscribed by the flreniea for the fund being raised for Mrs. Charles M. Harniseh. Tho money will be turned over to Chief of Police Gordon, who has charge of the subscriptions. After discussing mutters of minor importance the meet- ing adjourned, There is to be a Pub- lic, inspection of the new station in fhe near future, the exact date to announced later.

| A. Cluff: secretary, Mrs. llsta A Total 210 19 22g-Aver; collector, George A. Hunting

N , treasurer, Oeorge W. Co;ip: ehaplalti,! Cases Dlspoied of as Follows: IJ™' N' ^" Do"*l<!li; sergeant-ai-arrmj

Appealed ;.. 3 MiBS •""«■ A. gmorsr.n: deputy ser Taken to superior court I *ea"l-»t-«rni«. Mto Mary Cluff, son | Committed to house of correction ■ "n<'1 of "ut*'r ?a|e, .Charles Hutchins;

under sentence ' 12 sentinel of Inner gate, Mrs. Mat- Committed to house of correction i wm wh"e: plauiat. Myra K. Deane

Indefault of fine 49. trustees. ,8lla.( ),. Holman, .James Committed to state farm at Bridge- |p'lrf0 M- !>■, and .lolir, Ostler.

Water i| Committed to tare of state board of j T"'1 R1thboiie (Sisters' district con

Charities.... tJcentlon will be held with Friendship Cotnraltted to Essex couiitv truant j tctnirle-. of this town, on Welnesday

itchool at Lawrence . I afternoon and evciitig, .inn. j(. Committed to fMiwonionlnc hoa- I _. _ «?r+

pltal at Foxboro I J"^ on'oers-elect of Uearsar^e todge. Committed to Darners Insane hos- l?'1. Ka'gBta o( Pythias, w*rf installed

pltal 2 I"*11*? "enlag by Deputy Grand Continued for sentence . ,2 Chancellor John S. Thorhber md

., suite dr lxiwell The work was fine- - iy performed anjl there was 11 large „ number of members of the lodge pres- ".ent to witness it. The ollicers installed

wen. as follows: Chancellor corn-

prayer, scriptural reading and a short address in which .Mr. Bailey 'spoke in touching terms of the life of the de ceased. The remains rested in a whl', plush covered casket with silver trim mint's. The plate bore the follow Ing Inscription:

ARAHKI.I.K PAGE. Died Jan. 15, 1900.

Aged 32 ynnra and 3 months.




iTnsi &

Delivered to out ot town officers. Discharged by the court Discharged by ottlcers Probation _ Paid fine ■ Ill

Total 228

Classification os to Age and Sex. als Birthplace an,d Residence:


tor there on Sunday. — I«T»I wn

Mis. Kilie I WebBter, of Lynn, was: the speaker for the• Progressive Spiritual society Sunday. Meetings were hold at 2.SO and 7 p. m., id Nowell's block, Arlington district.

Samuel Adams chapter, D. A. R., held an Interesting meeting Saturday afternoon with Mrs. E. W. Austin, on Proadway. I-iwretice. There was a goodly number or members present and the afternoon's program was much enjoyed by all. Re- freshments were served at the close, of the business meeting.

Undo:' 17 veara of ago Between JJ. and 21 between 21 and 30 . Iletwuen 30 and 40 Between in and 50 30 :1 Over aO years 22 7

mander, Arlou Dnvis; vice 1 haucellor. TlioraaB Dow; prelate, Frank A. Gor- don: master cf work, (leorin A. Hunting; keeper of records and seal. Fred Mitchell; master of finance. Ku- dorus H. Leavitt; master of exchequer,

le Ttl »f°rge E- To'Taend: master at arms, twaie. male it Ww4rd K p^,. lnner „u.,r(] Jw:(>pn

-Ji Khcder; ojiter guard, Wilili.ia A. %\\ White. Af«er the lutftllatlon a colla-

tion was served.

..2:i . 75

49 .30

7W 54 33 29


Kfmball ti Honed as a man.

Colby is ls?lng niea- candidate for seieet-

Th,» stablekeepers did a fine busi- ness Sunday. Sleighing was good and there wns a great demand for stable turnouts.

• Miss Julia A. Brown, of Ch-jlaea. formerly teacher In one of the public -chools here, visited in town Satur- day and Sunday.

Religious services h»4d Sunday af- ternoon at the residence of Mrs. Croesley, Arlington Heights, wore well attended and u deep Interest was manifested.

The houses of E. A. Archibald on Central street and Everett II. Arch- ibald on Tremont street hove been connected by telephone.

The nffcers-eloct of Minerva Metiekah lodge will be Installed on Wednesday' evening of this v/eek bv Special District Deputy Mrs. Sarah Hlehim and suite of Lawrence. Re- froshmenu will be served after the in- stallation.


The mid-winter social held in the town hall I'riday evening under the auspices of the Indies Catholic Tem- perance society was a most cnjoypbli affair, ll was a success both financ- ially nml socially. There.was a good attendance, quite, a few young peopl" coming from l^rwrenco. The grand march was led by Miss Mary E. Iarh;ui president of the society and Dennis Farragber, president of the "Slethuert Catholic Temperance society. The! were followed by about 50 couples After the march and circle dancing was begun ami enjoyed until midnight The Lexington orchestra furnished line music. There was a short Inter mission about lu o'clock during which ire cream and cake were served by Caterer Uine of larwrence. Ther< were HI numbers on the dance order Delta?* several extra*- There wer. several waltzes and two steps. Tie floor management was as follaws: Conductor, Miss Mary E. lAhan: as- sistant conductor, Miss Eva M. BTpatHiiwood; aids. MiS3 Margaret I ly ties. Miss Cecelia Healey, Miss Mar- pirit Maher, Miss Mabel Rounds. Miss Co-o]i:i Wright, Miss. Oertjude Malay. Mi.:. Bertha . Lessard. Mrs. Cavan- attgh, .Mis. 1 lannagan.

The Young People's Christian union, f-trir-l*ivfT«allst church, held uf »'n.

nual supjier and business meeting in Cniversalist hall on Hampshire street Monday evening. Supper wai served at 7.30 o'clock, followed by a business session during which the following of- ficers were elected: President; Mitchell Johnson; vico president, Henry F. Perkins; secretary, Herbert; Gordon, treasurer, Mlsa Anna W: Johnson1. After the business meeting a social time was enjoyed and it was about JO.30 when the gathering dispersed.

Total ...210 li» Residents 82 1,1 Non-realdents .127 S American born '. 8,1 « Foreign bom , ut' 13

During the year 18iij there were 75 lodgers accommodated at the polk station, all excepting one. being males

There have been threcr search war rants served for liquor and,throe eeatc

^warrants served for stolon pfoiiertv Receipts and ExpendVtuws."

Appropriation *2,i»00 00 Balance unexpended 1898 .1. Ree*iye*-of Wnv. Mv Roger*.

trial Justice, Ones in crimin- al rasea .;,',,

W. F. Mr/yes, clerk: Lawrence police equrt, fines

C. A. Stlllings, fines paid at house of correction ......

L. I., and H. St. .Railway Co., services of ofllcers

The building on Ixiwel street former- ly occupied by tho Paul Methunu company la now used by the water de-

"-. partment. Many changes have been M made In the building sjnea it was

vacated by the liose company. The

Willnrd II. Gordon, formerly of this town, was married on Wednesday of last week to Miss Hattle E. Sawyer at Leomlnster. They will reside in that town.

Hope lodge, of Odd Fellows, held a regular meeting Monday evening. Tho lodge voud to attend the -funeral of Chatles It. Aver on Thursday after- noon* In a hody. Members are re- quested to report at the lodge rcom at I o'clock The first degree was conferred on four candidates. Next Monday evening the second degree will be conferred on the saine candidates.

Oeorge W. Towne, of this town, has been elected grand patriarch of- tne grand encampment, I. 0. 0. F-. of Massachusetts. He will be Installed In Boston Feb. 7. The office to which Mr. Towne has bee* olected is the highest In Odd Fellowship in the com- monwealth.

Mra. Clarence W. Douglas Is recov- ering from an Illness which has cou- fined her to the house for several days,

Undies' night will be observed at the Methuen club quarters on Thursday evening. Jan. 55. The Islington r.r- bestra will furnish music during the

evening. YVhist and dancing will be enjoyed.. A collation will IKJ seived during die evening.

Fish Commissioner Wolvvort'j, of New Hampshire, has declared a num- lier of ponds In the state closed agaiust fishing for a period of two, three and lour vears. Included are all panda in lxindonderry. until 1902 and White and Island ponds In Pelham. N. II.. i:ntll 1901.

One of the lown watering i-arts has jUBt come out of the paint shop and is now In fine condition for next sea- son's work. It Is the «art driven by Joseph Moran, driver of the- Paul Me- thuen hose wagon. The cart was painted by James May. and the work reflects credit upon klra. The running gear 1/ red while the body is of a cream color with Town o! Mcthneu N. 1' In red letters an the side.

95 stable, which Is In charge of William H. Scott, driver of the Bolter ce- partment team, compns.-M a harness room , one box stall and one concreted stall. I'p stairs over the stalilp there Is a time feeder. Th? frynt lorm up stairs is used for a tool loom :;nj the room Infrontrof the stable down stairs Is.used for the wagons and tlei^bs. The alterations made haye put fhe lipuse In good condUirvn iiuii mgdc it verv useful to the water ilcrr^TuTcqt.

The casket was surrounded by beau tifut floral tributes Including a largi cross Inscribed 'Daughter.' from the mother; wreath of roses, pinks and ivy leaves; basket. Miss Ida M. Emerson: clusters of pinks and roees, Miss 11. Maud Merrill and Mrs. Minnie Buckley. Misses Grace H. ami Martha Page and Howard Page, John S. Tapley and family, Miss Addle Wallace. Helen H. Clork. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Silver; bouquets. Miss Hnttie B. Woodman and Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Stiver. At the close of the services the, remains were con- veyed to Walnut Grove cemetery and interred in the family loi. The'bear- ers were Arthur Kennev. Charles and Willis Hutchins and Oeorge H. Wood.

The regular monthly meeting of the Methuen club ws held Wednesday eve- ning, there being a good attendnuen of members. Representative Joseph E. Buswell was elected to membership. Alfred Sagar. Walter L. S. Oihreast

Pp p p I f your grocer cannot supply you send ut his name and ■ eniJBinli we will send you a sample package free with recipes by the leading cooks of the country. A full size box mailed for 15c.

MICHIGAN CARBON WORKS, Detroit, Mich. TtiAlargeKt makeri of i-.1 inline in 1 lei world.

>- I- h f h \- ■»- h i- h ♦ ■ sUTDOVm. m

•< -. -J *t -f •( -? -1 -J 4

Photographer HlUhcock will take a picture of the And.over foot ball team Jan. 21. |

Henry McLawiin nas recently nur-i chased a horse of Hoi-a><> 1'. Eaton. I

John S. Ronan is laid np with a bad hand, and a case of blood poison was narrowly averted.

Edith home

Main has returned to her Lakeville, Conn., after a aev

595 0

22 OU

Pnld services, night patrolmen

Special police ........ For use of horse For feeding prisoners Cash expenses Oil and disinfectant ..

--.Unexpended balance

71 iso 00 7*0 te 158 10

57 75 50 SS

3 i5

' Chief of I'oliei: Gordon is mwllng wl(4» f(ood success In <:oll>:kli.t? Pub

,t>crlptiooK for Mrs. Ha'-nisfh who wtii il<ft honiele&a with rivo chlllivn. bv vlie

117 wriiu"rninK of her buildliup) two wp'*Uti ago. Th« fund is still on.-'ri jtnd apy

\-> i; j loqtributlon, large or irfvwlt, will bo I welcomed by Chief Sov.lon. it is

_i_l for a worthy causy and all WIM '-hn $3282 15 afford to ft|ve should dJ1 so. SlrB.

Harnifioh is u good woman and has struggled hard to brintj up iV)r family of children. Her husbaiui was taken away by an attack of pneufuonia aome yoarp ago upd stneo -h.- lias (flborod alonfi to support th» family.


$789 I

Methuen court, 14b, h". of A., held a reguiiii- n.fciiiin Tue^Jav tiVtniug. Routine business wan *i-ani»u;i:eil.

Friday evonlng of this week tho j Methuen ctub wilt entertain U»e Ves-

ThC expeusfMi of the police depart- per club of I/iwell in the Inter-club nifnt have been soniowhut larger than tournament. * |ast y?ar for the reanon that U^ peo- Pl« living on the Lq,w3ll line of the Next Sunday aftemoAn the religious

t,. A H. strewt rarlwnr complaiped services at Arlinfton Re^ghta will b« mitch of dmnkon uersons lying held at the reshfcnce of William H.

along the street and t^have found i .Craven, at 9 Craven street ILhavfl em with •

f A. with

Heceesary to send offlcera with a team to that part of the town slmoat every Mr». Mary C.Dnroe mother Saturday night alnoe the first of July '•■ Dame, is spending n week •ifd oftentimes on other aigbts of the relatives in Urockton. week, to lake cart of some one that: ~ was lying" aions the Ktreet. There' Deacon Samuel O. Sargent slipped have been U9 more arrwta this vcar and fell on the lce In froat of the thnn lust: II'nlversaJUit church Friday afternoon.

We are very much in want of more'Fortunately no bones were oroken. cell rooms lu the polioe station. At He was assisted to Castle's drug store

where he rested for awhile before at He received the present time thero am four ceils,

two with four bunka inch, one with 'emptln* t0 P> further two bunks, one with oii bunk, in all 1ullc a Da(1 s»»KlnB UP- necomraodntlon3 for U BJHSMM. Ther I have been quite n number of times the last two or three yoai-j that we have been obliged to have from ten to 15 persons confined in two cells that will accommodate only eight. We nre also, at times, obliccd to lock up prisoners with lotteera. which ought not to he done. Tho ilre department, having vacated the of the town house, 1 would recommend that the police station he enlarged by the SSJ^hJ addition of the room adjoining, which -,.,,„„,.'' con easily be sitted up with .*lls to r^rinnlna I 1 H o'clock T^Z^:.1™ ™ ™™r"nt": "" l^tnaflon is eUendeT.o

Forty-five iihotographic views of Newfoundland nre now on exhibition at Nevins .Memorial library. These views are beautiful "and Interesting, and will remain ln the library until the 27th of thlH month.

The meetings at live Baptist iliin-'ii dining the past week have been well attended and a good degree .of interest manifested. They will be continued

evenings of next week, Wednesday and Thursday.

A cordial all to at

and DtmletW. Tenney were appointed eeal weeks' stay with her unctle. - Hte- U a committee to prepare resolution: on the death of Samuel Pedlei. who was an esteemed member of club. The club voted to purchnse a flag to be raised on the club house staff on holidays and at such other times as the executive committee .-.hall deem advisable. This complete! the bind ness and the meeting then adjourned.

Following is the list of new books added to the Nevins Menioriel library:

The Stories Polly Pepper told to the Five l.ltte Peppers. ABStt.ll.

On the Kldndyke, 961.Tl. Two Women In the Klonrivke. Ml;tt; Simla Clans' Partner. Alii 1.12. Reminiscences. A466.21. Salmon P. Chase. 4I4.:!.1.

—f>ttl" Haneh to rnllerj.. ■■" ' ■" Captain Kodak. 619.10. A Widower and Seme Spinsters,

A5W.21. Mr. Dooley .In the hearts of his

countrymen, 1157.11. The Other Fellow. Short stories.

A571.26. The Hall-Hack, The Solitary Summer. A5H2.II.

THERE'S jlOTIII. LIKE k In the SISV, well, north, or I f TIIK .MOK.MMi TULEHRAPH f U ronenK-oly 111.. I.nuliu-st ilailr paper k In tile ll It*iww«<.f thi'iln. 1..on- r else. ll» rtn»ncl»l news 1* autuoritmllTe ■ llu tlH-alrii-.i! in'*" In romulete. IU t rrt.lnu nuns I. n mplv unapproachable. I It haa piiL't'lul t,.niiir... that cannot he a obtained tromaur other aource.

.in li .



The democratic town "ommittiv bos organlzetl with Edward F. Moriar.v as chairman, Edward .1. Feeney secretary

land Jeremiah OIlFlen treasurer.

I'ntll the rain came coastlns was sood on liiptlst ha)l.

The .bowling ullcys in the aasenfcnt of the Methuen club house h:iv? been (lnllslli d.

The Methuen Catholic Tempere.lic society held a regular meetini; MM- ;H«i' "ovenlnii

that the next room l» fitted up to be used as a court room, and that the sum of $700 be aproprlated for that -pur-i Ti,„ officers elect of-Mintrvn Rebe- posc. 1 would also renew my recom- kab |„uRt. 20. I. O. O. Pi, »er» in- mendatlon of last year that there be stalled Wcdnesdav evening in Odd Fel- anotlicr nlgttt offlcer nppoiii.ted. | i0Ws hall. The exercises were largely

think that with the usual tppro-1 attended bv members of the lodge und priatlon of two thousand dollars, with nianv visitors were present from neigh- the unexpended balance on hand.1 the amount would be sufficient for th year.

Respectfully submitted,



The funeral of Mis. Sarah A. Hiiikaiinstel nml: pluc: .-'ri-irv iirtrr main from lie- i tsiajence or her ton. •„„„„, morlt|iS ag0 by the Odd Fellows pit-Selectman Frank Htii-Uminster, M Hai-ki-i- street. Services / wore cott- dncleil at 2 o'clock liy th* iU'v. vV. .1. Wilklns of the M. E: church, who

...paid a Iituiir. tribute to t^e memory of

Timely Information given Mrs. George of New Straitsvllle. Ohio,

Chief of Polite prevented a dreadful tragedy and Subscription.- are being nollcited-for mveii tYm |lvw- A frightful cough

Mrs. Charles M. Hamtach.- -whose ha(1 Trin k . hcr awake (.^^^gh,. building were destroyed by lire ln the she „„„ tr)ej ll)a„y remedies and doe- eastern piirt of the town last ,wee!citora „„( steadily grew worse until at which time her mother was also'urged to try Dr. King's New Dlseov- hurned to death. Chief of Police Clor- ,,ry f)nc bottle Vliplly cured her. and trot has a paaw and subscHirlions sh- writes this mnrvellous medicine can be handed to him. People dislr- „i80 cored Mr. long of « sevSre at OILS of giving to i. worthy cause ,an tack of Pneumonia. Such cures arc do no better than to contribute t-ome-!,H>gitive proof of the matchless merit thing to the lund lot Mrs. llarni»cli.| of this grand remedy for curing all

W "even I tie «nd transacted lontlnej Ry the fire she lost about everything throat, chest and lung troubles. Onl.i business. The Kitty Is not to i-emove, she owned and with her five children r,o cents and 51.00. Kvery bottle guar to the hull in Hodge's block, vacated was left bomelcss. She has been n hard nnteed. Trial liottles free at John J

■"". worklm; and is highly nioken.ForesCa Drug Store. - of by thoile vvhq know her.

CHIEF GORDONS REPORT. The Itourd of Hie engineers lias given

Chief of Police Albert B. Gordon' Kh-Iianl P.*6sgotHl entire charge of has nubmltted his annuul report to the fire alarm system until M»-l, of

The Life of the Spirit, 1355.11. A Century of Science, 13*4.2R. Through Nuture to Ood, 1024.3. How Much is left of tho Old Doc-

trines? 1537.7. 1— Contemporaries, A413.21.

F,dward M. Read, of this town, gave a performance with his trained bull dogs at the minstrel show given in the city hail at Uiwrence, Wed- nesday evening, by the Highland club of that city.

During the year I8H9 Undertaker itouglas of this town made six bur- ials ln Lawrence.

Undertaker Douglas has purchased one of the latest hack heaters. The heater Is a small affair and is made to place in the bottom of the hack. A piece of b-iiian coal Is heated' red hot and placed in the heater and the latter keeps the hack comfortably

warm for several hours.

Fololwing are the names of recent visitors at the Nevins Memorial 11- baraiy: Mrs. Arthur W. l,eoiiai-d, Mr. Hnd Mrs. A. S. Hopkins, Mrs. Mary L. Rose, Susan Nason, Boston; Miss Alice Belle Files. Wntervilie. Me.; Miss Fannie flroham. .1. F. Mears, Mm. Merrill and Charles T. Wood- bury. North Andbver: Mrs. II. Q, Sn- wull, Hanger, Me.; Mrs. J. E. FUh»r. Mrs. G. C. Bosson. Jr.. B. M. Frost. Nellie Mnbel Choate, W. H. Marble. J. I). Young, Miss Dora F. Hail. Mrs. Robert Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. J. F. Frost. Mrs. Frank P. Hugbee, Mrs. A. V., .liiiiii.;; Gorman and Peter Keenan. Lawrence; Isabel W. Stearns, ClncinnaVi. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Kmei-son. Pawtucket. R. 1.; Mar- garet Mills. Orange, N. .!.: Alice Ilalllett Gale Hoynlon. Alible Webster Moody Iloynton and Ethel Whlttior Boytnon, W«f't Newimry: Mrs. L. I). Stuvctis aurt'Aliso K. II...Stevens. Con- cord, N. 14.: Mrs. M.A Knox und Miss II. 1. Knox. San FrJrhcisco. Col ; L. Frost, St. Stephen, N. U.: C. P.

Waterville, Me: Arthur C. Framlngham: Sarah L.

Peckover and Ralph R. Stratton. Bos- ton; Rev. C. F. Socppeet. Paris, Francs; George L. Hrlggs. Marion L. Biiggsand Mrs. G. L. Brlggs. Clifton. dale: Mrs. Warren Upton. Peabody- Sarah L. ,-tlravpi). Chicago, 111.: Mrs. Hattle G. Copp. Hrookllne: C. W. Barker. Exeter, N. H.; Mrs. S. E. Frederick. Wilmington. Del.: Pearl St. C. Lovejoy, l.aconla. N. H.; Mrs. Robert lamps- and- Mbff-Jhme*. Con- eord. N. H.' T. H. Rennle. Granite villo. B. C-: Francis A. Nye. Brook- lyn, N. Y.: Porter H. Waterhouse, Mcrrimar; Noble Flsk, Salem. N. H. Miss Georgia Pettll. und Mrs. 0. A Raymond, Dnnbnry. Conn.; .1. E Chai-e. M. I)., and Georgia E. Jacques Haverhllt. , "


Cook. Wat< Bmrchard,

phen Jackson on Maple avenue.

Albert Armstrong will give bjs pic- torial recital 'Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush' at Punrhard hall. Tuesday eve- ning. The proceeds are fcr the sanlor class and a full attendance is deuireil.

Willie lliiililon of Alili ins village, was removed to the Ijtwrence hospital Saturday to be treated for nbcesses on his nrnu and legs.

Walter Coleman returnef Satiirdny from abusiness trip to Cataiiln.

The Newton Athletic clips defeated | the P. A. hockey team clajtrrday. to 0. i r -}

. - per* . . k... ^.yoii ..IH.-1H I., IIDH. or would lIBe l(.<rtow. It uj a iiiiulitr tnleraatlnf paper, w'th un Intereetlni:»innllty.

" TJtE PICTIRE HIPP1.E.1IENT Is not equalled b). :inv oilier new.paper on the race ot Die tclobe. The incline. are lluich, Intereetliu.-. newey anil new. They are lu m.nic reaia-etw auuerlor to the ortuliinl pli .tocrnpln. and no amount of .leaerlplioii could do tbeni Iho jn.M. .- that your own cj e» would.

Si.1,1 everywhere, bv every live dealer, every .lav In Hi,- week. If your dealer does not happen P. hnve It on baud. In- M.I IIIMI lie aet It for you. Ir be la the rlnht kind or u man. he will aupplr you. If ho won't BUppty you, wo will.

TRIAL RATES FOR ONE MONTH, tduv Only, . . ^.» Oala.

lloilv noil Kundnyi

F. B. Gout returned Frldjiv dov show at Providence, IK.

h- ,ni tin- T. TiiT

bull terriers which lie exhibited won hve- prizes: One first, one eecond and! three third premiums.

> A committee of three, consisting «ii lia 0. Gray John H. MMth»W» and George C. Foster. Was appqinted nt the last meeting of the A. O. U. W., to arrange for an anniversary celebra tion, which will he hrJ.d the latter part of February.

Thomas O'Brien has moved from tho Kimball house on Elm street t Lawrence. He v.ill continue the sale of vegetables in Andovcr three days In the week, for the present.

A barn. 30x40, ts being constructed on the Pearson, Bros.' farm by Con- tractor William. P. Nutting, ot Ijtw- rencc.

Master Haloid Cole, a son of J. Newon Colo. 1» sick with scarlet fev< r it his home on Chestnut street.

The Phllipirlgn of Jan. in ha» Issued a call for all candidates for the posi- tion of pitcher to report at the gym- nasium Saturday.

A. B. Wlggln. the veteran Geneal- ogist, celebrated his 80th birthday an- niversary Wednesday. Manv ft lend called during the day bringing tokens of esteem. Among other nreey>ntl was a cake in the centre of which was a to gold piece and around the ouir.i- edges was n circle, otvntaining 80 silver quartecs.


The Antlover club will have s "i-mokcr" nt the rooms Friday eVem Ing. The entertainment will be fur nished by Curtis G. Morse, of Boston who will render a miscellaneous pro- gram of readings, stories. Bongs and character sketches. Including lions from Dsvld Harttm.


The great progress wr the printar's are in the 19th century is fittingly marked in this closing year by the artistic calendar we have lust re- oelved: from N. W. Ayer & Son. n'-wspap.-'i- stttf mugazine advertismit agents. Philadelphia. True to their niotln of "JCecping everlastingly it It." Messrs. Ayer & Son have w made this calendar; year after ye;-, i that n demand for It. has sprung up that always alrsorbs the edition..' This calendar's proportions are commen- surate Witt! its dignity as nn art wori-. lint its size is determined solely by utility. The fifcuros are of tile gen- erous dimensions that ouickly catch the eye and make it a favorite willi business men; there-are also helpful suggestions accompanying enrh month's figures, and there is a tii-li ensemble of color and design. This edition will not last long. .

*t'S [■ ■ >w,»\*

"»♦♦. ♦*♦♦«**«»>♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OUT AN0 ABOUT. ♦ •' .. . ' - ♦ •>♦.♦♦♦«> ^j* ♦■ ♦:« pi :♦ ILjniJ JL-'ST UKKA MAN!

SOIll S'l


John Hiitfhesnn captured a largo owl Tuesday. Ills lordship has been in the habit of visiting tile lion roosts in the Summer street locality for some time and several patties have been watching for him. Iai,t evening he was eeen entering through the door of the hen house and Mr. Htttcheson quietly closed tho door and informed him tlhat he was his ptlsoner. Hei Is now In a large cage and has mam: admirers.

E. N. Snnborn. ex-engineer for tho board of public wtirks, is in town now convalescing from R severe attack of typhoid fever. , .

<T f M',-r\. . ry •/"■■H/i"-

In Pnnehard hall Tuesdav night Albert. Armstrong gave a recital on 'Jhe- Little. Minister" -by. -Barrtc _lt wns very interesting and many brilliant colored pictures were thrown on a screen. Through a mistake in the office In Boston the wrong trunk was packed. It was "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush" which he was scheduled 'o give last, evening. , This recital was under the auspices of Ihe gratia tiating class of Puncbsril and takes the place of the" fair which' Is usually given by the seniors to raise nionev for graduating expenses.

Breathee there a mun with dead, .

Who has never to his good wife .aid: jOh, I'll not forget a single thing. 'Hint you'vn requested tne to bring

let-- When I come home tonight.' And then | hettirns .empty-handed home again'

Chicago News.

Down at'Wasbington the other day some one in introducing Senator i/epew to Representative Dolliver. nl Iowa, said to the senator: 'This is the genti'cman who coined the catch line of tl'je last, national campaign. McKlnley and prosperity!' " Whei-'- up.on Senittor Depew replied: Natur- ally the sequel will he"McKlnley .ami 1:11ns



Yale CARNEY rfTihry Andovcr

May ]it


vnrsitK base liall team will at Andover, afoadayt1

• I. »..a .isjwi,

The cletwman's little bov . vv;i^ spending tlie afternoon with the blsli- op's children. 'At the tectory. he said. 'we'vt> got a hen that lays an egg every t,lay.' 'Pooh!' said Master llishop. 'my father lays a foundation stone once a week.'—London Glob'.

For an epitaph: 'He believed ln iJ

free gospel; itt never cost him a cent — Hum's Hor a.

Teacher-M;ike a sentence contain- Inff tne wind 'juirsnit.' -^ : —

Bright boy ewbo reads the napersl Were $10. now--$7.!i!l per suit.— Phila- delphia Record* ■


Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en- ergy are not found where Stonuu li. Liver. Kidneys and Bowels, are out of order. If you want these ijunliti''s

and th esurcess tbev bring, use Dr- iving's Ne*' life Pills. They des vclop every power of brain and body,

ply 25 cents at John J. Forest's drug

CALL... And Aook Qttc Cur fine

]Ot ,..£lne of Watches...

Clocks and Diamonds, ttie

are Jailing Jhem at Very

Aow Xrices

Henry P. Doe, 289 Essex St.,


FOR SALE E, W. Woodbury.& Co.


SICK-HEADACHE Olzzlness, Malaria


STOMACHTAGELCTS One Gives Relief-Mikes Sick People Well. •" iMirinn^.piiiii or iaewrantauw'Jtett the

by 'fiml lor OTe -■ cent stump.-. For Sale by John J. Forest, corner

of Essex and Hampehire streets.


F.T.Kidd tocKsmr4* am* ■ > BELL HANQBR.



i'i«nhrin. rlo 441-1.

1 iJ&rvKB ON -MI'D nor»s.

A. Ifcture upon "Mud Gods," iindu Hie auspices or the Ladles' Benevolent •OCtetJ, of the Writ Methodist rhim-r* M»d by the Rev. d. A. Crane D D WM delivered . at that house last wenfnp.- MarrV Breed for from and the dross or material things *»s the Itey-nnte, and, the title was explained when the comparison of Zulu worship or idols made" or dried mud was drawn. >■

Reference was made to the curse or liquor. The fate of Richard tatef called a greater orator than Abraham Lincoln, Robert n: Ingersoll r.r l.lyssev S..(irant, was cited. "It Is tee politician's greed for gold that allows bnr-rooms,--lioles ot iniquity -to exist. "So Boston consents to vice and Lawrence sells its virtue for this ■read." was-the statement of the speaker

A ilaia&j

BEECHAMS PILLS cure bilious and nervous ills, sick headache, disordered

Lliver and impaired digestion, i liii'i'iiliuRd9li'fiu, •HalKriLf MOMO, I M.»...a..»..»i*»..a a ♦ i a) . a> »^-»<t^>_j


i>ri>l>eity In Andu-

I*aw- near

2U5^ Homestead ver, Mass.

278—S-room cottage in South rence; modern improvements; Andovcr street.

141—8-room cottage on Abbott street; modern improvement; low price.;

23C-a-FIvn new cottages In Waveriy rark. Priced from 1G00 to $2000; $200 tn $;:00 down.

276—Small farm of five acres in Pel- bafli; wlthjjd two minutes walk of proposed TWw electric road. Good buildings. $1400.

241—Cottage house of € rooms on Mel v hii, street. $1600.

27G—Cottage house wltn .oodrrn Improvoment: 13000 feet of land OS Prospect street.

Also three tenement house on Hollv atrrt, nrnT- Arlington mills; price ToV

218—Cottage house, six rooms, pun try and hath. $1600.

310—Ono half double cottage 6n Cross street.

"11—Small four room cottage Bear Hancock street.

122—Large lot of land bounded by Wnlnut, Hampshire and Arlington Etreots; also double cottage and large lot ou the corner of Chelmsford and Arlington streets.

305—Two tenement Taouse in South Lp.wr^nce, near Broadway. iNeaily iif".v: closet and bath.

3C4—Four tenement block and ten- footer, corner of Elm and Pine.

300—Good two tenement house «i Haverhtll street, near Broadway.

906—"O-aerc farm in Derry, N. H. 2 1-2 miles from railroad station.

_ Good building. IVbod- enough to pay for place. Price $1200.

301—Good corner lot on South Broadway.

295—Modern 2 i-2 story cottage in Bodwellpark. Very low price.

290—Good property on the corner of Hnverhlll and Vine streets.

E.WOODBURY&CO. Real Estate Dealers and Auctien

cers. 553 ESSEX STREET.


Hands aie Impossible, if the skin Is dry and chapped. A few applications ot Oreer's Quince lotion will heal the chapps and moisten the skin without making the hands greasy or sticky It can he

-amiltal ai_ anytime. 25c a bottle. POT sale only t>y

John H Greer Ph G DRTJQOI8T,

559 Essex St., Cor Pemberton St

Mrs. Katharine A. O'Keefe-O'Ma- honey gave the last In her course of lectures on historic women In Library hall last evening. There was a large attendance and the" address, which was a fine one, was greatly ap-> predated, t dealt with the life and Viock QfwHairie' •>•—-->. Stowt.

»e*0 I , This evening at rne'Y. W. ('. A. *"""•••••••• ••••• rooms, Essex street, there will

cobweb social, to which all women rue cordially Invited.

The annual concert and ball of the

». >,JBSJ>™«iit.



J. A. Barrett,

DENTIST. 351 Essex St. • Lawrence

NOTICE!! NOTICE!!! I have sold my tin pedlar and junlt

busmesai to my two nephews, Gustavo and Adoliih (JraU'hen, the firm of

(JUAUUTKX RROS., . r.i PARK STRKET. Lawrence,-

Wlio^will conduct the business in tho*Bame usual manner.



-'•rwlan lodge A. F. and A. M.. Jill hold . its annual sociable in -Masonic hall tomorrow evening.

The following officers were Installed at Phoenician lodge, A. V, and A. M.. at Masonic tcmflle. 24ti Essex street last evening: "yv". m.. Arthur E. Colhy. ,. w., William A. Shal- tuek; j. «., Holman ,1. Stanehfleld treasurer. Frank P, Bugbee; seere tai;y, George 11. Merrtek; chaplain Otto P. Krers, marshal, Thomas I.. Sullivan; s. d . William H. Olover; j. tl., Hollajr tiatOiy~S. «., Oeoree D. Eltts; j. s.. .Iciome G. Knapp: i. s., Fred M. lUlton; organist, Kdgar H. Barker: tyler, Charles E. Stiles. A banquet followed the ex- ercises. ^

1 *^«^v


Fire I 253

nsurance, Essex St.

Office: GUason Building. Resilience: 294 Broadway.

Office Hours: 11 to 12, Z to 4 and i.Sii to 8 o'clock. Sunday, 1 to I.

■ptei.l Attntl.m Gl... to Dluans of W.nt.m.

AXD NBKVOUS DISEASES.' Chronic Diseases of I^ong Slandins

sineBjsfully treated. Special rates by the month.

i' ¥ %'y »i »wvw » ****** ' There is a Class of People Who are injured by the u-,. ,,f c,f, fco. U.ceiiily than him been plamd iiinllihe gi.iecry itofe*n new prep- nrali,,., eallei (I11AIK.I). made „f pure gniins. Hint ta'ces U10 pki f oof on.

The awafc^ delieiHe wttmiie h ' re. eeives it witliont dlstfOM, mid l.m \ few 1an t.U it I'rum eeffee.

1' d-X'S lint cost over { .'i- inn, I CWldrcn mnvdriiiki: wahgrml uc-i ent. 10 .ciiii An,) or, ,.,.„,.-. |.,.r j.u,!, age. Try ft. Ask f..r i i l£AI V-<».

Try Grain-O! tMl*t lint vonri:

Accepi tin iBtltttliin, *()»#« yoB(JH.U.\M

Donaldson Optical CO.

MEDICINES St'l'Pl.l i:li.

The Nos., Throat, Lnsli, BHIIUI Asthma «nd Catarrh Triat.4 hj Mulcted Compress.A Air. and by the most approved methods ol' medicated inhalation.





L- H. Harrlman, M. B., aeven years' examiner In the u. B. Patent office: patent law and soliciting patcents. Kirst class service guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Central Build- jig. v*j floor. Telephone S02-2.



6-rarty Metallic Circuit, Unlimltell - Service -for a Telephone at your,



$2.00 jls ail we charge for papering a roon. ! with elegant paper, border to match.

First class work. We sell paper ai (actor prices. We also do painting whitening and tinting. Send a posta-

I card and we will call on you. 301 BROADWAY.

ritrtiburg Kailroad. H00SAC TNNELL ROUTE The Short Line and all points west betwoeh BOSTON and ALPANT, NIAGARA FALLS' CHICAGO,


Lake Champlaln Route, Between... BOSTON

BUBLINbTON VT„ MONTREAL v aurt all Can:idlaK Points.

iilaiT, Sleeping ci iJrnwing Room Cars on all through trains.

Fur time tablew or space in Sleep- ing Cars call on nny Ticket Agent of the Company, or otlilress,

> S. CRANE, Con. Traffic Mgr. CM. PURT.

den.. Pass- KMI., Bostos, Mas*


The correct fitting of Olasses in dif- ficult cases a specialty.

Optical Parlors over Biclcneil Broth •rs Clothing Store, No. 467 Essex •treet. Rooms 5 and 6, one flight.

Examination free.

A skin of beauty Is a joy forever. DP,. T. FELIX OOIJRAUD'S


PURIFIES us wolt iix BHAUTiPTES Mi- SIvIN. No other fiismetlc will do it

Removes tan, plmplea, »r«cklea, motii outches. rauli airl Skit] diseases and cv.'iy blomts!) on beauty, defies detection

It has stood the teat of CO y.'iirs and Is •O hurmloss WO tnste It t(

?e that It !H properly made. Accept no counterfeit of slmllai

.ame. Dr. L. A. Sayre said tn a ladj of the haut-i'^n—(a ijalkmt);—"As you ladles will use them 1 recommend 'Oour- aud's Cream' as tho jeaat harmful of all the skin preparation*. For sale by all lt-uffKlftt-H4**md-Jf-Ancy'X2aodii -t^alars h-

Firemen'8 Relief association will be held in the elty hall tomorrow even- ing.

Paul H. Burn, of t^owetl, has hired part of James Rohin*w>'a bakery, next io the transfer station, mid, liaa opened a florist's store, with Frank 11. Bald win as manager. Mr. iJtirtt conduct? a very successful Horiat's bOtlnesa in liowf.ll, having his ^stabliHhmeiit near the terminus of the Ixiwell, IJIW- rence &. Hftverhill electrli road.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul HommerHng.who

homo to their friends after Monday at titrir home on l.nion stn'ot.

Charles W. WlllfQkta, the well known and popular flor-iiU. i* enjoying a short flnhfn? un.l (,'iiuning tri:> in Maine.

Mrs. Fre«l.3f»af:n. Of ramphellton, Me., who hfls lwH«n the eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Hos.'oo Doblp, returned t.o lior horn".

Max Emi:ir-.-: is r On fined t > hip' i»rother's hom-.j oft (Coat Havorliill afreet with BSTdrn .itincs;-.

Mr. *Bean, of Oldtown, Me,, iv=i?i the guest ot friends on Prospeat f-treet Sunday.

A large nilmber of ward rtn^ people attended th<- salad; supper- and enter- tainment given In the Garden street Mi'., church last e-vehlag. - -rr-


JaraeB Burns, of Saratoga 3treet, iu aHfferhw; frenran nttaek of ynetimonla.

!• red Allyn has returnerl to T« h af- ter u short Ulness.

Lorenzo BUrken, of New Voile, lias entered the employ of the Washing- ton mill',, for the pttrpone" (1r learnlnr, the wool it.falness.

Mrs. Tied Davis, of .laekmm,street, spent, yesicrday. In HavnrMfl «iih friends

''lie week night services at Trinity eliM-.ih nre being well .lttenital, Vr. OUpbint iloes not fail tf> rthw tils ability in his excellent talks upon var- ious t.lli jcits.

Th-i '-mployes of the New Knuland Teinlor.e company are liui;/ coiinecl- '.rp ti.liUs under the new Jackson 3't«a btoogttvy, .

The l.w monitor roof on the iil^tou rcill No. 2 Is llnislie.l an 1 is rei civ ng a coat of paint.

••••••••••••••••a ♦ T. M O. A. MOTES. ♦ * * •••••••••••a •••••

The entertalnmentin the Star course last night at the V M. P. A., was furnished by F. O. Harrell and Wi Eceles of Uoston, the program eluding recitations and feats of magic whin furnished plenty of hrmifvmcnt for the large audience present. ^AXter almost a week of triumph

the bine light has agala disappeared from the door. The Miles' have good chance to win now If they will all hustle as a few of their membeis have been doing, especially Captain Weiss.

The floor of the gymnasium has been accurately lined off this year for the first time' according to the rules.

J. M. fjwi.s of Boston, will ad- dress the men at the afternoon meet^ lug next Sunday. He will bring a ladles' orchestra to assist In the sing- ing.

["Hoosework is haid vyo^K>yithoatGflldD^st,'


A treat deil depends upon the care of crocks or la which milk is kept. They tbsuld be WMhed ■■ soon as possible after bcinj used.. Rinse tint with cold water, then wash thorouiblr inside and out with hot water, In which enou*h of

GoM Duat Wishing Powder has hcen dissolved to make a good suds. Finish by rinsing with scalding water; wipe dry and set Oat, 11 Kb. right side up, in the fresh air and sun- Shine, and they will be clean and sweet.

Tli. ■twvfi n bum our fta* Wkla* 'W>l.htrf ItLLU FOB UOUKVOaK"

lealfr*«oa i..|u*tt u>

Ohlsaga, SH.LSHSM, «•«. V»*s, lttm. *»wi

«ak •♦a»a»a*oaaas»a»a»e»»»»»»«»»)i>»><>,><<tt<j,

• * .a... *2P9»

(J. -C. Jloward left yesterday for Chicago, 111., hating been called thera by the serious illness of her little grandaon.

Mrs. K. J. Sherman ilnill entertain the ladles' Euchre club, at lunch at her residence on Haverhlll atreet to- morrow.

Mrs. Guy W. Currier is spending a week in Washington, D. C.

Miss Blna Pugh. of Chelsea, js visiting at the residence of Mrs. W'il- llam H. .loplln of 358 Essex street.

The track team held its first re- gular practice this afternoon in the city hall Captain llupf expects to put a strong team into the field at the Newburyport midswlnter meet.

tho united states, Canada and llurope. FHi:I) T. HOPKi-.S, fHOP..

37 Great Jonus Street. N. y.

Jr ...Jheatre.

nil. BULL'S COUGH SYRUF In tlie best remedv fer all ln'untihlal a'1'ections. It is a great mistake n allow a cough or cold to run on, for It may delveop serious throat or lunug trouble. Take Dr. Bull's Cdugh Syrup at once.

» m m » * * « <u

♦♦♦♦■tH ♦ ♦ ♦ ANDOVER ♦

•1H"fr^,fr<?"M"Mi'^'|"f'|"*' Peter Dushame for many years a

resident of Andover was m town on Monday visiting old acquaintance* and friends. "

R. after

. N. Hitchcock Is out again four days illness.


REID & HUGHES ....OTOlCAL i'i:rA!:T.Mi:NT...,


Can you afford Io be without It?

Manager tlculars.

will furnish all par

N EW England . Telephone and Telegraph Co


No Guess Work Here. Wc, Invite all ai vimlMi'llim hiail,.

.1. WILLS, 1.1 a tjuahea, :

il every dime al ,,IBC free of Charge, Kyesight Siicclalls't 3 to MS KSSKX s'r.

THURSDAY, Ian, 18-19-20 Tiirc —'—

Sporty Widow Burlesque Co....

Jn Up to Date Extravaganza,

A special meeting: of tho Andover Crirket club will h« held thtai uven- ip-K to hear and act on the report 01 the committee appointed to arrangr

for the annual festival. bicycle dealers are beginning to get In a stock of' whool^for the spring trade. H. F\ Chase received (•• (shipment of 12 (V>lumbiB^ thjla, week. ^ ' rt

The families of Wllliam'G." Drown and Joseph F. Cole had a dam bake at their camp on the shore of Ni> tcr'K pond last evening.

Misi Lena Little will give the se- I cond concert in the Abbott academy

course Lit the November club house. Thursday afternoon, Feb. I. at 4 o'clock'.

Ralph Hosa and Frank Williamson caught a very tmndsome stiinx of fish, id pickerel and ten lar#p perch yesterday. Some of the pickerel weighed over three pounds each

Handsome LathV ■Wttjl Music

■ yaw Hi'iii.i:KQi'Ka -


BrConnanu M mn.Ht bi'autiful In' Ann'i-lcan >!

POPUljAft PfttfLfiA'

M K-lnu. fnrnii'il

.%•• will

SMOKE *. + <*

ROUND'S M. ie b»

5" CENTS- Aiuswurth 4%



Unitaria Church....

RECEPTION TO MEN OF ORACE CltCRCH. evening the wardens of Oraco ehm-eh vestry gave a, reeeotifm io in* men of the narish and their .t'rienus in the parish h.ouBe on flurdetn street. Morn than 12f. were present aaid enjoy- ed a social hour,, nlaying cheekeni chesH, and vnrlous other &itrues. - Dur1

ing the evening a ligiit coli'nbion was served .'by Caterer .lami s Itohinson, assisted by l<>ank II. IJaldwin. Clg.iV. nlpes and tobacco were also piissed around. \ corps of young men of tlie Phll|ps llr.ooks club served th" colls- tlon to the guests. F. C.McDnffV'. .1. R, Ecob aml'C. .1. R. • Huroptueys were tho c-ommittee in charge of the affair. This Is but the first of what it Is hoped may become a permanent part of the chureh souial lire. Th" if forts of the committee was uppreilat ed by every man prenent as was les tHIed eo-by-the-general garyl wlllaad-. soclableness. The . folliwimr pi* gram waa rendered: Bong, Riding on a Donkey : Joseph Elston

Reading ,:.. A. Coxhead Song, J<laiUmc Lnshorta —

.'.,...-. Jolm "Horsuell Selections by quartet, consisting Her-

bert. Hell. Thomas Amiss. Robert Amiss and A. Coax.

Song. 'Slgnor McStlgr.. Mr. Bagsliaw Comedians Casey and Brlttner Accompanist C. U. Murrlll

EHch number was well received and the participants were obliged to res- pond to several encores.


We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that (ten- net be cured by Hall's Catarrh

Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,

Toledo, 0.| We, the undersigned, "have knowr F. J. Cheney for the last U years-

and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions anil financially able to carry out any ob-

ligations made by their!firm. WKST & TRAUX. Wholesale Drug-

gists, Toledo, O. WALDlNBi KINNAN & MARV1M

Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in-*

ternally, acting directly upon tho Wood and mucous surfaces of tho

system. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.

Hail's Family Pills are the best.

ITCHINO.- mjRNMflT^SKrN Dlh- EASBS CLRF.n for Thirty-Five Cents.

Dr Agnew's Ointment rejleves in one day. and cures Tetter. Salt Rheitro. Scald Heart. H»W».. ■«rb*'7 Itcn: runs. Blotches ami all .rupttoM «. the skin It Is soothing and quletinr, and nets like magic In the cure ot all baby Humors. **.-*«. Sob 1 by John H ■ (ireer, corner i?s6e\ and I SB hertnu streets.


.— ' r y Sunday j.nernlng Mr. Voung will

speak of "The Allegeil IVplorulile und CutlllllHIwi Spirit of the Clly Hull I'rii-lliicr meeting." Miss Mnbel Shsr- rpek, f.-ilo violinist will usslst in l lie


Sunday evcplng closing "Forward Movement Meeting" of the Ainerluin Unltartsjn nssoi'latlon. T.ITi orgun re-


Rev tll:ltll.

3.(1 nldress.

W II I'l'LSPORD. cr W'nl- 'Hnwy we I'reneh phrlst."

:Itev. .1 A.NIKS w inn iii Man.

.RfV. 10. A.. IIOftTO*; of •*rln- Ffllth-ill God."

'..A IT! Hi


James Giiligan. the well knowr training every <lny at tlu- gymtiuslum or the Young Men's Cath- olic association, and will he In the condition of Ills life when ' he niecls John Little at Brockton tomvniw night. His trainers arc 'I'liuni: Dohson and 'Jack' Gibbons, and hiiiuy wngers nre being made on both men. Llltle formerly lived In the Arlington district in this elty.

Jack O'Brien, the New York light- weight, started In yesterday to irain for his coming fight with. .Frank Erne on Feb. 2.-

The nevt fight that will come into tills city over the tlekerB will lie be- tween 'Joe' Bernstein and 'Ri-I' Mrnnd. Brenrtein .seems to lie tiio favorite tn the beUing. It will !»' held at the Broadway A. C. in yew York'city tomorrow- night.


•« Q*;miX'*>iG*.3..j*.. fcrnth. ^^^l

m*M (Th« BMl aN

T'.at Hal l?tl IWa Gathered la Lawrence.

Perfect fiiti*. Steeper, anl alt* Bea.tlfal OUH.

WATOHB» fo» Ladles and Qeatla- men. In Solid Goli, O M PHIel Mi

L owext Pt

DIAMOND^ Pare Wnlte Btonea Perfec* aad Warranted.

BInga ol all style, and Combination.. More to ibow than anyone elae. Oar Prleea Meant a Blj Baring to

Sterling Silver Novelties. Everything there la tn Novelty Dealgni. Ea.y to

feelect a Suitable Pre*- ent from Onr Stock.

Canes and Umbrellas. Gold anil Silver Headed Cane, la the Laten

Si; lei and at Low Trice.. Alao a an* line of Jewelraj al...«

Largest Jevvery Store, in Lw


tii ~Ui ESSEX STREET—141—144



\S a combination not only neat and nobby, but is an absolute neces- sity. These two articles ol dress hive come to stay and no where else can vou see such a Display o these goods as in nur Salesroom; and you known CORRECT STYLES cost less here than best ideas in other places. It is really good policy to buy for (mure needs at the price* at which we are selling these goods. Just how Low these prices are is difficult to tell without showing you the goods.

Come in and give us the opportunity to show them to you.


Office and Salesroom 55ft Common Street.

r «r » * ♦ o- •> *t * a) «> «.♦ t« ♦«♦.*• It ♦■♦*ta> * ♦ "I


P. LIBBEY rbe Tobacconist Witt for the Next Ffoe Days, Give the following Outfit




28 AMESBURY STftEEI. ♦« ♦•!♦»•.♦ H ♦ * ♦ it ♦ K ,

■ ♦; IT

«. an

♦: an ♦i av m •i K

I :« :« % 1 '« 1

1 I

MUNYONS I will cairutM

UttEj Ilfaeumatum Core will reliere lum- bago, triaticv and $.)'. rheumatic paina It two or three honia and cure in a f>w daya.

MUNYOM. At all drafgisti.

t&c. a Tial. Gnide to Health and mtdi ral adrie* free. VAX* Ar u at. PbKa.


Nothing but a \o ml remedy or ehange of climate! will cure

CATARRH Th*' sneciflc i

Ely's CreamBalm It is quickly ab- sorbed . Gives Re-*j H.f..,n, COLD 'N HEAD

Opens and cleanses the nasal neaaagea. Allays Inflammation. Heals anil I'ro- te* t* the membrane. Restore the Senses of Taate and Smell. No MT cnr>. No Injurious Drug, Regulai »iie :*) cent"; family size $1.00 at drug- gists or by mall. ELY BROTHERS, Vi WarrcmpferN-T.

CUeh«*w*r'. ftaflBI m»;.c»(i liraa?,

'HNYROYAL PILLS IfiV OrijlB*! BM) <-•:. lit* ■ *»*. A STrJN •*" »""' "■•»<*■■ 'i"«"iav

I a\Ut< Hiker. »»Arf*djv-«.i' ■-.. ajl


The Highland Club's Annual

.- ■■ . ■ -/ i - J C! acna*l aa«3u.

.i& •* Co.

NERVITA P^-LS '■ ll>. Usl Vigor sad St«loo«/

60 PILLS 50 CTS.

nr.n iil-.w to pale

fbpeL* ar.d restores ihr B< _

SSJM), with our bankable ?»arant*etocure or refund the money paid. sv-tvl fur rircular

.bit- tf-anujtee boad.


and copf of iwr bankable

Nervif a Tablets TCI.LOW LABEL* Immediate Rtsnlts

To iti?rl> jniarant^ed core for Lo«* of Power, Varic-<■•:<•. Dtdtteiosed Of NinnVkaa Onrarw, "«re-ts, UoeooMttor ataaU, \*rrrms Prr-slra- lion. Mjrswiii, Pit*. Jn-anitj-. Pnralysi" and tiia H«**i,U» of Ei<>*fit-* l*-*i» of Toi»rr«i, Qp:nir: or UqaoE. By nail in ulain pack.i**\ f 1.00 a hoi. 6 fr.r 86.00 with oar bankable frnar- asttaw bond t»eum >n a*"1 rtayi OT rtftmd money paid. A-idr^i


Sold »j „ CHARLES B, SCHEFFLER. Druggist,

HI Essei ttrset, LswTenct.

For Women. IT Tobnaa'i SI v..!\ Rag data, baabnajtii

hi.|'ijnr"'S» to hinvlreti* of aaAKMU W'ineii; Lj»t uvarhadaataelefai! :r^; i >age»t«aaaaralia.«fj 'taSioAdavawithf.ut fail; rv>'i;n*r remedy wi], «lotLM;n<t|uii] Moatu^, no interference wita VOTV; hy mail, r at ..ft,.V - -.<. vrite for further. |*ft- nljr. \11 lftt--r(,tr.'thr.:]l> aiiiw*n*l.- Jir. L.M.WJLMAN (1... ITOTlMUlilltat^ BUSLOQ

Smoke Hand-Made


William Burger,

The Highland club, «iih:h in rvr ct-nt ycarJi nan achieved quite a rep* Ktatkm M intetprfter^, i<> modern min«trrlsy. save, their :.nrnu.l Aot B.I pte "'>' ball last night., which MII- poaa d an> of its previous effort- in nf uttt-pilnnc*-. u won as ar-

< T^e bail «a& >rrowd>0 doors with as fine, an a.-=cm-

hlage as eirer^sthcred for a similar evmt in this crt^*.

There was no criticism to be made of th" estertainmeiit. unless It be that the dob evinced a disposiliou to gile the public more ihao its nionrvs wonh. it b»tng after 11 o'clock when tho aluMi was cosfetedad*

the curtain rolled up at 8 1 a aptefkdM Etoee picture, after , the colonial style,. The young ladies and gentlemen con-prising the teruinors were lavishly costumed the mode that prr.piled a century ago. The scene was brilliant Aith light" and color. the whole, eifect IMr.R hanaaome as well as oriKiml in coDoaptloa: u was a veritable tJttBti nf einrv and as the iltllllsH str.Tin-* ot the overtnr- aied away there «raa a anfepridid outhurM if ap- phune from the- dflllfMed i-p<*cta- ton ' . -

The cr~\ i>nrt program was entirely musical in (hasWter with the cx- eept]on of wight line- on local celeb- rities whirh 'Kt-rvcd to keep the auffl-

"n giw>d humor. Thpr,- «r«ra and aentlmental hallads,

all nin'U- (tendered hy the soloist? watated fcrjr a capable ehortw. Bvery nnmber wai de^rvedlf en*- >r--!.

The aeeoad p:jrt consltied of ckver vaudeville m La by protantonal p- r foiniers. oil of wen a*eU re reived.

After the show dancing was en- j(-v. l music being by i.u Columbian Qech^-ti-a^ —'—i——- I

lollovinj: is the program in da Liil_an(* those who assisted

arst part introduced the fol - ■ - ■ .

InteTloeutOr, George F Archiimld ■ Premier!,. Will A. Spaulding. HMi AnnrC Waterhtmne, Nicholas J. Bar tfr Mifis Kmily Snbvden. Samuel I-enke. Cnnflea K. Allen. .Miss Bertha Mean. Thomas \V. Begin. Miaa Nora O'Brien nnd. lames H. Mulhare.

VacnijajUL Miss Jia/garet Gavin. George A. Dvhamel. MJSS Minnie O'Connor. John Dcwling.

The program waa aa follows: Plrst Edidon.

Opening -ehon*? fcy entire company entitled, Highland Club Mer.lev Over- ttire " -^— ■

em e coon

Hinrah Uidy. Thnmas Begini

0\ -^— 9crond Edition.

ruDtMlUllHI the Premier Knrt Men ' Will A. PpaMlindi End Charles K Allen. 8. Sometime.

hUas Margaret Gavin. 7. Topical song.—It aceou there was a slight misunderstanding.

Charbs K. Alb*, 8. I'll Break i'p This Jamboree,

Miss Bertha Boan 9. My Little Georgia Rose.^

Jolin Douliiifc W. I've Just Received « Telgnm

Prom Baby. . Will A S'-aulding

11. Fir-\Uv Zfzay Ze Zuu. Znm. M:3Kis HerthA Bean.' "'^niv'ie Water-

house. Norn 0 Brien m&*f!ftiify Snowdr-n, assisted by entire chorus- The second part was fuihihh,ed b>

profev*."iunal performed*, tnclndlng: William 'Flilivt Tioy. Jo cbvtr im

persuiiatlana. Ib.'.vard and- Henry, In aflaugh

able sketch. The man who Cak*-waBr."

Baehcldor sisters, voralists. instru-i mentali»ts and dan-ere. „

Ed, M. Read, with his troupe of performing bull dogs.

Murphy and Willr.rd. in their com- edv 'ketch. 'Doughnuts.'

The principals were as follows; . Interlocutor. George F, Arcmbald. End ladies. Miss Bertha Bean.

M^s Annie Waterfiouse, Miss Nora OTliien and Miss E'nily Siiov.- den

tnd HHT. Will A Spa tiding. Thcs. W. ltegin. Charles F. Allen. Nuho- las J. Barry. Jam^s H. Mulhare and Frank I<eake.

Qiiaftette, ttisa Marmuvt' Gavin Georgv A. Bi:hamel. Miss Minnie O'C'-nnor and John Do'.vliitg.

Female roteea, Mi-n bUie \i. < ■ i- er. Ella M Staasfield, Katherim \U- Mahon. Ella A land. Edith Korav ■an. Oertrade kf, \v.*eky. Alice M. Mellinte Badle pn.-- Badh A- CbarltOR and' Mrs. B. N- t)ala> way. i

MaW chorus. John A. Taylor. AH- clbcn P. Patch. Frank A. Rutterickr Thomas Wilson. lames W, Robert son. .George A. Otis. Jr_. l/KJnaid

1 iLii-ling Thomas Shea


Sor*» lungs, pain in tha chest and \ .un- ful brcatfitng n.n^ qqlcfcrf rcliev. i =uid cure*! by the old roliabfe apecific, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. This remark- able remedy breaks up a cold in <">ne night and is, without doubtC the very best medicine for nil aflcotiona <-f tjio thrx>ataml lungs. It has cured thou- sands and will cure you. It neveroaV appoints Try it at once.

Dr-BulTs Cough Syrup Will quickly heal Sore Lungs.

D»s*s:irp raaH i UodMI recommcmJ BL Irrice .; emU. At all drur*ri«l»


Rendering Co. ^ DKALERS Ot

T'a'lnw, Bones, Grease, Oils 8u*p, Hide*. Skin*, P«tt*. S.l«, groond

Bone, I'onltry H«l, Xe.f Bcny, .nil Crmrked ltoa. .nd Fertiliser


Office: ** Winter Street

Rufus Andrew's .i Agency.

TO LET ! TENEMENTS 14 Pleasant Street, 7 jJBBOmp an

bath. 2"> Vino Street, r, rooms and bath. .Ill Aldorer Street, ]" rrr.mi l.ith

f'H •■:.■■(:• ami Stable. 'T■■ : Hollv Street. Two. Bailej. Street—One. Fc- fal^CbttaneHom*," T rooms i!e;j|


Fine Broadway.

Cigars. Lawrenc*. Mass.


Lawrence. Mass. Cfflee hours: 2 to 4 and 7 to 8.30

Closed Frtdar Erenlngs. TEI.EPH0!«1 41K-11.

1. My Geoigie Ijijv Ixive. N'ioholafe -I. Harry

-. ri.ry Pity Me Berause 1 in Blind " * Owns A. Dnhanrsl '. I Want ■ Pbilifilr.o Man.

Mi^s Annie. Waterman" 1. She Rests by the Sawanw RlTfl

.. _Mi«s Minnie O'Connor

Tlu-iiiii.s A boll I 1'IMMI.


We |,„,.,r „,,,,,, prrtmonyi :,lwul health rooe and hygienic li-.ine. :ibtwi ve«eiar,Mni!m. ntrd gaany n|., alens the same iin".

Rntanrtllitt may be found in (he 1 ti«- wnere no meat, psjatry (.r

|'M..- is served and tli« food erani, is in his slory. anil araunwnta and the- ory

and I.M nard Aldtroft. The executive staff was made , up

as follows: flc-orjlte H. tjord. chairnjan> (lei rgs C.. Paisley, secretary, (jeoree H. Home, tr.-a- ■ J2mes A. MeGabe E. X ia.ioway.

Harrv Crompton. George '" A.«H- hald. Walter H. Hldrey and n.. I.. Iteto,

M't=ical djreetor at:d ?tage mana- gsi <;■ rpe HI Lord,

Committees. Statre George H. Ixird. B. L.

WeeKS and James A*—lleCnbf. Advertising and Printing. K. N".

Gallowty. Georse (}. - l'ai.-l( y. Gee,' se F. Anhibald end Harry Cromr- ton ' . ■ ■

Dance. 'W. H. Hadlev. E. X. «*!'- loway a, r". Arehlbttld I. A. M -

i"1- Haverhlll Strtel'. Thexaluable i^evi Emery

1 abont C5 aeres.- I ^RXTR At. r:l-I litVi:




No, 9.

A Business Proposition Commencing Thursday January 4th. We

Will Sell Men's Overcoats That

Were $12.00 14.00 15.00 18.00 $20.00


We give to all Buyers, The Merchants Co-Operative Association Discount of 7 per cent.

cCookin Our Window and Set b&ha $10.00 Will guy in Overcoats

All Wool, Best of Trimmings, Rcmenlber these goods arc In every rejriect fine productions ol Tailoring,

Linings, the Latest Styles, Satisfying Carments both to buyer and seller. We need the money. /

You 3>To©ci ttL© Overooata .,

Lawrence One Price Clothing Co. ASl ESSEX STrVEET 31



Cabe. Ushers. E. X. Gallowav.chief: 0.1-

Frat.k Kelley. Gcorse Gilbert Fr- i J

■Coper. Charles E\can. Waiter Su':i- van. F. O. SpaiildinB. Torn Cook. William Kershaw. Frank Leaks' and Charles Morel-'nd.

E. X. Gallowav. grand <o*..dtic- tor, • ;■ •,

Aids.G, Frank K. Iley. Walter Sill- , livan. Fred Cooper, Fv O. Spaaldiii^. Charle- Baaan. Oaoript ArffaiilMtld an.j William Kershaw.

Gives better satisfaeticn tr.n'i artf other. <^n Iw- run hjekjaajri and :•■: ward without breaking the thread. .'• ls_a_i.tri<-tly self-setting needle.. It can not be set wrong, ft is the best ma- ehine to buy. Soitf fin? aash or in- stalments.

ifiiti-si Sewing M-i.--li'it' on Earth.

H. P. FLYXX. AGENT, -'75 Esses Street.

Saturday, J&n. 20

Jfteniocn and Enenin



galore advanced to rrrrrre-^ ,.'


.1. ALES Wats and L1QTJOCRS J.

J t©T Oak St Wear ,£

Violin School Special attention giien to Jnstrnctions

Willis Hutchins Studio, Central building. ' 316 Baaex St.. I^iwrent.-. Mas, °.

OfBce hours- Tt»aaa». Tbnrsday anJ Trlday from ?-5 and 7-S n m


t70 Mrth..^ St

Tuesdays: 2 to » T» m. ff Batutdays: 7 to » 't. m. Jr,

WANTED. Lady to Travel

on. tuJary iUd eommigatont, also -lady

wanted tc, take half Interest in a first

■■man 4c»ss making btwlr.ess and'eut

I'h.g aehnel. Address or call at room ♦s Blakeley building.

School of DanciP iloiwla* Evenins

treet i Ufll a

?-BrWr^-'srrrW ''"«' r''«'> and ?t?z. Dan. ins nejrinncr. im) those *>ksbias fn learn anv on# Barr'icnfnr"damre will." be

' Private In.triirt*!^ |n

ra itooin I>anr.e lUfn I

meat was never in!tnd«<Uter_h4ii St Httaclls, and atmo-f n-.a: that nor sturdy ancestor four scprf years in robui roaat iW>ef. pork ann bean ar«*t4j icnorant of of berit) . -

Our fcrefatkars bad ottk do fhm formula'e theories «bout ihe fa*,! ,-hry ate A warm welcome was exteMtesrl to any kin:! from-taeon in aeorus.

A he...,! , appetite and conunon sense are exfriien» jtilrjH to follow in mat

It ' :• ■ iiet of qrnins tntiT, beat

v- compared atUksSjsbis* and icge-, erfetit furnishes the n.o>t nutri menljH^ Jtt|rJi1y"eoaeentrated form :i:: I ■- dlgftttetl and nsstmHated more l"i/ My thi r. vegi tablet and :ru I;.

Dr. InUuat Reranuton on this rub- r iaj i: *Njpr*oi ns, people nm down in heatfTTand ■••«■ .liallty should eat TMI and plenty -k it. U

gestlon i- ux\ feel;,. at . easily br> corrected oy the regular

'. .Oyapepsi. Tablet* trier i.e.'i Hifll. Tlo Of tliese e\, -iI.-11.

taken after dinner will .iis NM Rfti ral thmisavd grams of meat, egjas ' ; ''■' ■ anlnnal foOT lr thn ■ botfra

■ matter .hew weak the 5tama h i no troutble will be • \j. . r. i |

if a regular pr.-s tice is majJe o: il tg Stuart's Dyspeiala Tahtets i>eeauae Hi" urply the v^risTri arid dtaatse aetf-i ' ' try u: i. rfei i rltaesi on: and every form ■•■; Indie stTgrl will hi , ojr.e by .iluir Use

Til ■ large cKs* <* >,,,.:. under to* hetrt rflrervous i. ■ should eaf plenty of and^Insure

'■'-'■ -i ion l.i :h, ,:.,;]■. I,.,

H a safe harmless digestive -ne li, in, lis-o Stuarj .■■ !)y:|M-psia Tabled

iseti of M]e najiral rHgestlve prin- ciples pepsin, rliaakaae. Iniit acids aa«l -.'ii-. aaich aotna'ly perfoim the woilt of digestion. Clrsap cathartic medcines mosnucradlng under the name of dya- Pepsia cares are useless for Indication a.s tliey "h.-l\. :. .' i: ] ■ . , . ,T„r ,;" [. ,, x

the actual digestion of food. ' . Dyspepsia in all its mauv forms is

simply a failure of the stomai h to n- t ■■-' feod and ihe sensible tray to sola* tee i:-let n and cure the ttyapfpaia Is to

;aily use at meal tine- of ;( prep- aration like stuan's Dyspepsia Tablets, whtea tj endorsed b\ the mwdioaj pjfo- fesalon .tnd known to contain arth • dfgestrvf oiintlples.

All drojadatu seil Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. indorsed by He med-

.rr.svion. a,, I known MWain active rfiojestivt priri<

All drusgists sell Stuart s Dv p ■ uia Tablets at .",«< for full.treatment.

A little l-oohlet on cause nml elire lomaeb in iii.i.- mailed iv, e i,v „,|.

thi Hre.-M:.' r I~BI iarl Co HfirsHSTI Mich. /* I


Turner had two teeth knocked out at Rrorkton.

ior—hunflo f"r,!1 Ri,tr "'" P'*>' hpr,> Saturday :ssahc-lievexini=l't ""'' Brockton Mondsv. •So. lived V. ri"' '-twenee pHvers and the loval hearth on l™'1f,'''rs ,viil c"3*0 'or Salem tonight

'on the six o'clock tr..|n. Tonight about 50 rooters Will a j-

eompacy the team to Salem. Th? Witches have again struck their cat. which means that 'our own'.will have to hastie to win.

It is two to one -that: Lawrence will not brinn any high roller skates to il :s this evening and Mar.att, Dwjrer does not intend they shall take anything like-a victory bi h

\\V n,*yl tl .■ ^amc SO. tvety other tceal in

tie- leasue has been defeptea by us. Lawrence is not. yet- on th- I Brm He.n Tlmi

No..end It Ufn't^Jlkely ra tH ■ocn either. - The Brockton n/ayers are .*ery mueh swelled pn their abil-

loiih ;?::]i[i] wanted to bit tl ui

h" wttli tkam, it c .in be

I'm e.u.j: ■.■cedu -cl, frat i. tl ' cri--, bill he has probabl] • hanged hi- mind now iimjiv let cut a tew links when they Brorston and win i, si<:> ■ lor staying qualities.


Stock Market Dull. But Impr raent 'Shown ,vn the Attyins -nianttT


256 ESSEX STREET Program forWeek of: JANUARY 15 1900;

Piogram for week of Jan. 13,

"rtfrTvGERMAN BOSS KCatecl Ar- tist and Vocalist.

PROF VriEKO. Great0 Musician.

MR. LESTERilOWARli Ootm '.

■MR. JAMBS DAUeV, Vocalic.

MM. DAN NASH, Characters at Initiations-.... - •• •'

MIS> DOl.l.Y PARKER, Ballet Da cer~«ad lljgh K:'k«r.

CoH'-lude with comedy afterpiece, |4 IOnlille.1:

A iKAi/u-- win:. ,♦

Doors Open at 1. 30 ♦ pm. and 7,30 p.m. ♦

AI>Mr8»I0K S t'iONiS ♦ i ~i

QUEFlTOF... .T~ t

SEA ROUTES; Merchants and Miners Trans- Co :


A Man oj r.Mystery


•P1RECT FROM BOSTON THEATRE One for All and All (or One."

The Realisation of Romance:

Mill rnbUtKluK W .<MR. JAMES O'NEILL> DRIIODnrT ln U«Mer * Co.'S Stupendously nUfltlKlIrl Stunning Speetat iilar and Scenic UnilWIIWI I Production of Sydney Omndy s

version of Alexander Dumas' storv




Strong Chara- American Types.


Prices—1.1, 25, ue and ^t*e. Seal

i en sale on and after Wednesday

Lecture Recitals , An evening of Old English Ballads,

Irish Songs and Song Writers, Scot- tish Songs rend Singers. Songs of Home and Country.

Benefit Free Home for

Consumptives Under th«> Auspiros of Tbo Young

1 Ladies' Chariiuble Association .-

Stats on Rale on and after Thurs- day, Jan. 18. "

As Played for one Year In London and New York by Beerbohu Tree anJ .Tame<) O'NelU .

Ten tale telling tableaux: throbbing with thrilling Adventures. *

WONDERFUL CAST INCLUDRS- lamed O'Neill. Edmund Breese,

■Jacnues Kruger. Ooorge D. A. John- BOO, Jefferson Uoyd, Mark Ellsworth. Arthur Garrels, Maude -Odell, Nora OBrlen Gertrude Bennett, Mlnnic Vlctorson. John W* Thorapoon. Ed- zttv- Forrest, Claude Gilbert and 25 r.thers. ' An army on Stage,

Toils upon Tons of Scenorv. Largest Dramatic Organisation i'n

Tour. Prices. 3.".. 50 75. and |1.00. The advance sale of scats *ill

fomm^nee on Saturday, J^n. *0, at 9 «.■ m.

.;-♦ ]*♦ .?-♦ !-♦ >♦!*♦>♦ *b+ ^♦^♦^♦^♦^



nataaaal Boaton Nawpon and rtaltlrrora. Ceai »ay to reach Richmond, AUaitU. A'aihlngton ana all pctuti coata and

A. GRAHAM, artnt, Baaton C. WHITNEY, TraftV Man

igar; W. P. TURNER. G«n. Paai 4 taraat I* t»«al

. OaaacmJ Oflca. BaJtlaiora ««

Ni •• Yofk.. Un. IT. ■ The nini k< t'was rjoil today but there ;.i- unn^atakable undertone strength, and the abaracter of -■.mull huytns dentead ahoved ■ ■ ■ !:'.:if :..l UnpFOw mexij . JffiLlini. the highly • pei MIT-T : v« .-(ill piTilominatetl but t!i. p*oporJ axcomodaUona an., enlalna ^aaax tun of the dealings In them wa" [•"■•■l. F?.r_ "wrtlCTiiira ao^Teaa not so »')L( ocalTi . ■ T 1

>"ui;.n. tobacco, 13rooklyn In .Mf tf -pnlitAn. Manhattan and Thirl' Avenur were fctUJ easily ta-e leader^

.o: .tUf!:.3B£mlaliQn7,, It'-nnits of a militnry uiccen for flffi

British made the London rn^rhoi atrone an«l the .-.tronsth was rafijected bftf. The upward conriw of stei lirm exchange and also 6f exchange OP Paris served to neutralize this influence, in spite of the contmaed fall in the English discount rate.

The St. Paul statement for the second week in January encourage:! btUrHlST in' View 'bf the incp^s» of %'.'] ,555 over last year s earn- inps' tt'_

the Increaifr-il grain niorrm'enl good export* demand for wheat ami* the roniltiiietL increase In the monc:

supply wen- all lactors of sfreagth |o EUK aaj the suitement of th WUBlrlHI " foroip-n1 "Trnd^ fnr I>e - ember.

PURE WHISKEY For Family Trade jCutter, J jSherwood Rye,| :01d Crow, ! IHermitage. \



♦ + ♦

- n-

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

f ♦

X ♦ No


Cor 50 South Broadway Shall nek St ♦


WHISKIES Drawn From ♦ -". , the Wood. ♦

♦ ♦ <► ♦•»♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦

n, fas *

We represent the highest type of absolute % pure whiskey. Rye and Bourbon. Fully Aged '♦ and free from any Adulterations J

"Our Whiskey reputation Is Behind These Favorite Brands. Orders Large or Small

Beceive Our Prompt Attention

|Curran & Joyce Company 433T,X"S'

ti n. ; . .'


Jr ►If





LAWRENCE, MASS., FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1900. ■ ■ , —\ ■"- ■

3p6dnl Sale $3.50 TROUSERS

Do you want a pair of Trousers for $3.00, which has .ill thr* Style, »nd Durability of ti-00 Trousers? Then come tu our Special Sale of 13.50 Trousers. s

" ■ '■ ■ ^CT-"is' .T." ~'™:^m2f''1lP' <T' > "■"#»•-

The British are Driven the Boers Under a

Heavy fire



Boy's $5 Combination Suits

for $3.00 This in the greatest value ever at fered In Lawrence.

Au* 3, i and G. Only a few left

His Garrison Retreated During the Night—The Latest



London, Jan. a. m.— The war office has just posted the fc.llowlne disDntch, from (Jenerai Dul- ler, dated at Spearman's eamp, Thursday? Jan. 25, noon:

"Ueneral Warren's garrison. I am torrv to sav. 1 find thJs had In the night abandoned Spion hop."

•*• 4-+ *-# *4- + + * * ♦ ♦ ♦ ARLINGTON DIBTHICT. ♦


Transactions Recorded at the Local Registry for th:e Week Ending Jon. 20:

Henry I.. Clark to Ellen Ayei (lector Burns, of Lowell, attended %'ood, Audover, 11.00

the What Is It Party, In the Chop tcr house Wednesday night.

John-Driver, of Brown, Btreet, lieu- tenant' in Canton Agawam attended tlir, (>ptr>u ball In Lowell Wednesday night. i

Mrs. Thomas Falrbaln, ot Wymun Btreet, in rapidly recovering from hot- recent Illness

James A. Rlcardsou to John Mc- Fantahe. "Methuen, S800 00. ....Essex tompany to Joseph Janvier Lawrence, $1.00.

Joseph Janvier to Albert Caron, Law- fence, $500.00.

Poitras Albert Caron to Oraer J Lawrence. SI .00.

, Elizabeth S. Dumas to Joshua W Forrest Donigan Is sick at his home Re0<i et 11X. Methuen. SI.00.

on 1*0 street.' - : I Bdlth I-yall et alii, hy stln.. tc An enjoyable whist party wosjield Charles E. Allen, Meth,u6rC'»304.24.

Eben Sutton to Benjamin Hayes r.t the home of Mrs. Olive D. Ride- oiit on Broadway Tuesday evening.

Frank Heffornan has returned to Haverhltl after a short visit with friends on Centre street.

Tickets are out for the drama and operetta to be given by the Young People's society ot St. Thomas' church, on the evening of Washing- ton's birthday.

Mrs. Asa F. Sawyer Is ill at her home, 6&1 Broadway.

John Mllllngton, the Park street dry goods merchant, is having his store renovated.

B. B. LeClair. of 411 Broadway, is on a business trip to Portland, Me.

u-n Miss Mae Williams, of 663 Broad- v.-ay, slipped on the sidewalk In front of her houso yesterday after- noon and sprained her ankle.

Lieut. John B. Powell, of Rattery C. is sick at his home on Whitman street.

A very enjoyable What Is it Party, wos held ot the Chapter house, ajoum- Ing the St. Thomas' church, under the management of the guild ot St. Elizabeth, Wednesday,night and the success of the nffnjr/ie due largolv to Mrs. George Smith, the chairman ot the committee. Supper was ser- ved from 6 to 8 o'clock and those-in (barge Of the tables were: Mrs. Thom- as Huby. MrB. John McCtuafne, Mrs. Frank Berwick, Mrs. I'imothy Knfc lett Mrs. George .Smith and tin. James Tctler. The felrothmenta were in charge of Mis. Joseph Jack- win Mrs. Mary Clay ten and MM.

Mystery table

North Andover. $500.00 Edward S. Rlley to James H.

Riley. Lawrence, $1.00. Edward 3. Rlley et alii to Harriet

Riley, I,awrence, $1.00. Ouy W. Currier to Timothy Kane

Lawrence, $1.00. Charles A. Sawyer estate to Hiram

N. Towne, North Andover, $1.00 Charles A. Sawyer estate to Hirarr

N. Towne. North Aaovi; $1.00. Flora E. Craven at alii, hy gnd

to E. J. Gagne, Methuen, $175.00. Alfred Nowsholmo to E. J. Oagne

Methuen, $1.00. Stephen Dunleavy te al to Eller

Dunleavy, I-awrencc, $1.00. Catherine Dorgan to Maurice J.

Dorgnn, Lawrence, $1.00. Ellse Lacalllade to Chadles Lacall

lade, Jjiwrence, $1.00. Mary Donahue to John

mings, l-awreure, $1.00. Fred Miller to Jonnie M

Methuen, $1.00. Jennie M. Marstem to

Miller, Ulethuen. $1.00. Joalah Bcdwell to Wallace W. Cole

And.over, $1.00. David S. Foster et «., to Isaa<

C. Bfown, et al., Andover. $500.00.


Veteran O'Connor Wins His Against City—Judgment in Cases for Edward C. Fish-' North Andover.

Suit Two

• of

.Judge Stone this fhorhlug i.e'dei"-'l judgments in civil cases tried since a week ago.

In the case of Thonias O'Connor, a veteran, who brought cult ngniEst the city for $36, was awarded JuuS' motit in that amount' Thon.'.v. O'Con- nor claimed that he was .1 vut'lmi in jn the street department and that un Nov. 24. 1899. he was discharged by Superintendent Hannon. He claims there was on oral contract that, he should have permanent emnloyment at $11 per week.

In the two cases of Edward C. Fuller vs. Newell E. Atkln-i. Xtrth Aadoxer .parties, judgment, was. :;»viui Lbc plaintiff. In one case the amount ^f—$10 was nwiiMprl tht) in thn oilier the amount was $20. Mr. Fisher sued '.o recover damages caused by hens ind cattle owned hy his neighbor. Mr. Atkins, trespassing on * his land.

Citizens of the City Sustain- ing Injuries Because of

Conditions of Walks


Is He Trying to Save "Sand Money" to Pay Poeti-

cal Debts?

The city of Lawrence is to be ton pratulated that recent changes in etate 1P.WS* make it impossible for the city to bo sued for damages, personal otherwise, that may be caused by the condition ol the sidewalks, ;is to ice or i-uow. On the other hand. Mrs Flvnn, Mrs.' Dillon, and many other people who lime survived broken bone.- or previous bruises, through ac- cidents caused by the renditions of the itrcrt?, are entitled to the com n.iteration, and sympathy of all who believe that the city policy does r.ot represent a cheese paring, "widow robblne" economv. aB now exemplified

su perl n ten tteirt

Problem the Finance Com- Inquiry Into the Death of mittee Faces at This Af-

ternoon's Meeting Edward McArdle Killed

on the Railroad


What Departments Ask, What Testimony ei by eJical


They Expended Last Year and What Thay Received

Examiner, Brakeman . and Others


The finance committee of the 1900 At 10 o'clock this morning an in- city government is this afternoon quost was held.before Judge Stone on

struggling with the problem of cau6- the death of Edward McArdle wnlch lag $6 to do the work of S6—in a occurred on Thursday Dec. 21. Me- word. of dividing $562,313.76 available Ardlc was run over on tho car tracks funds ot the city, among the depart- una when found was lying on a ihents, which ask only SHOT.904.43. switch under the I.owell street bridge

The law allows $12 on every thous- with, one leg cut off and sufeiius and of the city's assessed valuation from "other injuries. for expenses. This amounts to al- state inspector of steam and tlectrTe. most exactly $462,313.76. To this ra.llroo.aa Orafton Upton was present can be added tho revenue from licenses, nf tr,e Inquest in round numbers $100.00u. Prom ^ Q_ T_ ^ ^.^ ^nminpJ the foUowlnB table it will be seen that testified ns follows. Viewed body of


TO " ryi.

Thp male members of tlf vin- eiei'ations of St. Patrick's rhurcii, South Lawrence,, and -St. .Mii'lm«t'81 church. North Andover. are roquett4J to meet • at Remmea hall, r?.ik'in street. Ruutlny afternoon, at '. T.0 o'clock to make arrajjgemsnts for a farewell public reception, to oo ten- dered Hev. Pr. M. T. McManus.

In the ftreets.

U 1« almost an axiom that ail ti:oni0R of the city—i. e., the peonies — inlist be well guarded, carefully rom-n-ed and intelligently expended, but any thing th«*t rankes for the Rrec.test Rood of the greatest number of citizens is freely, even lavishly aided. Witness, for Instance, the l.asnino; of the "eight hour law." at a cost of 130,000 yearly.-

This is the principle that underlirji the -virtual sanctioning of the sanding of the streets, whenever It is nec;Mgarv —there is no doubt that it is of the greatest jfood to many people

nut th 3 present superintendent of streets, a young-man of good nhyi- ilme, but "short'' as to matters of the head—as witness the charges and in- sinuations of a democratic dally—i man with no more practical quAjifl- cations for the office than the ex- perience (if (tiPvlng a team and a year's relaxation telling his friends how he would provide for thcni. it they voted him into office.—this is the man who does not sand the streets until the need thereof has passed.

the departments ask only »607.!M)*.4H, _. . n. .., Miriii.ll

nearly |4ft.(KK) more than there are *****ldt $*£$£ a} S\f!°iS! ^

tZ*A tn? Dltnl at 2*i0 o clock on the afternoon liTen there are IHe8 cbar^s^in-'Bf EecT^l: TSe mtin wo. d«r!. The

terest and sinking -funds-that will right eg was complete^ have to be calculated lor. These above-the hnee and there was a corn- amount to $141,748.69. and the collec- J1^""^ f™">" ■>' ">• left leg below tlon of this is what brings the tax t,lc, !»•*■ °M ,cl>«k wos discolored rate up from $12-whlch takes care »■"' there were bruises on the other of oil othe. espense-to the $10* 90 or ll>"» »«™ *"» bruises on ot^r partj more which the cltUens will have 1m- of the body. Tho Injurie. ««tajned posed their, next fall. I "*™ Eufflcient to cause de«Ur

The following table gnei the op-' Stephen W. Arriagton. of l» 1 root proprlation for eoch department in street. South l„iwrence, n brakeman «»!*— its receipts, expendltul'es and omnloved on the Itoston t, Maine what it asks. U will be seen that rollroad, testified that he. saw Mc- Superintendeut Kingston ,1s excesslv- Anile soon after the accident and ely modest. ——



Br fca=Bracs Cut Glass, etc.

Department. Appro. 1899

$ 4,700.00 ^TjiWTOtr

Receipts. 1899



Emma L


—Brery farnicr in Essex county U inttrwtcd in the success of the new crearoeYy. ai West Newbury. W'.iV tljat object in view, fhe Auctbury and gntisbnry .\i;riulti:ral society will held Its ili!.t institute .meeting of the William Uawlton. Th.

*n in charge of Miss 1-aura Barnesi ir!xv)a ,„ ,|le towh hall, Wivt New nd Mrs. William Hyde. • ."uri,^t i.ury. Wcdi.csdov. 'an. St; at which

f'tiiv. professor of anl auslc on the grapb.ophonc.


I.ury. VV lime P. ■ tiuslnn'i.'y and dairying at the Massiichiisi't's AeT'C'irturnl co1. will pive h"-. new lectur... 'Massachu- 6ctts crcun.f'e'.' from a siu''y of most of the creameries Tut 'the tta c. ■ X

In the afternoon Pfttcmtr OooW) will rontlme ''is ti.!- 'long the line if prcducini; .1 rl'A !1r tho cheam- ery. showlnir how to cue f .r UJI milk and herd. I'rofeswr Ooole) has made the creamery a special stud) end he Is wl'hal n pleasau si>vikor. His iMtuiv will prove a Most in- teresting discussion-of co-o|..r;aiv( buticr ma'tlns in tiiis .itnt.

lion A. B. Bruce will be one of the committeo to receive Hon. \\ ■ •'• Hryanjnt Boston on Tuesday next.

" Second officer Fred O. Dow. of the steamship Ardandhu. which went

""down 'In Vineyard sound, was the ron ot John C. Dow, a pioneer res- ident of this city, now of Brooklyn. N. Y. — -• _;

Tie directoiB of the Boston & .Mltfne have declared a regular semi- annual dividend of $3 on the pre- ferred 'stock, payable.March 1, to stock of record, Feb. 15. ■ Congressman W. S. Knox voted to exclude Congressman-elect Roberts, of t'tiih. from congress, yesterday.

The case of A. ('. Kowler .will 'bei Newhuryiwrt every 30 mia™ fairl\e at N'ewburyport tmm In! 9.05 and 10.08 a. m.

Uornlag session will . o'clock. Arrangi'inenl- Iliad*' to have the ere o operation, and all are in- the crea-nory during t termiesloit.

Dinner v. ill lie serve i directly ;n roaa the sire pass th" hall iron'

it ln.lo

in m

heard In Boston tomorrow.

t the hall Electric

Havei'iutl anil lijiins H;tieftr


KlratrClasa Man on CwuipJ ton and Knowlcs Drt'HS Hoojlsl I.tMnns. Mu"f4t be yoUHK ttiial u-mpcralt'. Gon3 pil.v t" rign] | man. Apply ul WAIAVOKTIl BltOTIIKIiS, Mtii'ston aiifl t'anal Sliit'ls.

I «4»>t «»l<»»«»4 ♦ ' J


untairlon as reported

committee ii"'t Hiir

Nl I day.

The liiiance I iilteiuoon I 'i'here is at least ' the reservoli -a \vi;b .on.1 gain over I the 12 reet of watei that was in [he

PK8T IMPORTED VICTORIA ««<D1 reservoir less tlan two week FATTKR80N & EIDER'S SCOTCH I 1 he remit Is d'.'e lo tli, WHI9KHYS AT II. CARNEY Aitlnn of the water hoard W»- ~ . -J

♦ OBITUARY. - ' ♦

THOMI'SON— Edward Thompson, died thl li.odwell months end 20 days. The deceased! [jji

until all the accidents possible luivc haiiiiened, until outraged public sen- timent threatens to impeach him— then through the medium of his subordinates he explains how fhe law, the ntrlct letter of the law, says that t'e.e city Is not reoulred to care/for the v,alk£—in short tbat the inno- cent. Injured citlsen has only himself to blame for getting hurt, and n.ust bear hin troubles as beat he can!

Street, sanding is now a recognized public convenience and Is r-anctioned !./ the city Insofar that no protest

morning at hia home, JJJjfia ,-.e; been ontircd arrain.vt thr Ireei, aged 71 >cars. four; practicf. and has nlways gladly paid

expenses incurred. But the was an old resident of this city hav leg lived here for the past. 30 years. |(n] He leaves a large circle of friends tt. mourn his loss. The funeral will ho held Sunday- afternoon. Burial will be in Belitvue cemetery.

LACY.—Mary, daughter of Simeon and Annie I-acey. died yesterday af- ternoon at the family home. 92 'Oak Street, ageii two yeara. five moutiia and 11. .days The. funeral, will be In If: on naturdsr Srternoon Bbrlal wTJi be in the Immaculate CdnceptteK com- eter)'.

IlOI.l. INS.- Boson frtoll!us, an old resident, died this morning at home U DoreliesLcr HtVeeL. aged \ears. one n"mtli aud 22 cays. was bora in Wintworlh. N. IT., but had Hvml here for the--post JS years and leaves a large circle of relatives nhd friends to mourn his loss. Tho funeral will be held on Tuesday and the remains will be taken to Weut- v.ortb. N.' H., for interment.

present practical, competent "polltl- supcrtntehdent, saves money for

the cltv hy either waiting until the necessity, for sanding is past, or else until the necessity Is in part removefl- thus savins half the cost anyway'

Huuorlntendent Hannon, what- ever reav have been hie faults, at least got the sand teams out early—he was thoughtful of the life a"nd limb of the people — and their fnmi)ie*-~who elected him.

Superintendent .McKenna, with s blushing, snrlnking. becoming modes ty, only asks for $112,000 to carry on the work of the department this y

Asse^ors Bridge ." 2.5O0.OO St^fr City clerk's 1,900.00 1,755.85 City Engineer's 6,400.00 — City hall 1.500.00 , .1,724.00 City treasurar 5,500.00 1 Election .' 4.300.00 44..25 Fire : 46,000.00 044.79 Health 34,000.00 2,484,09 Incidents! 3.490.30 Lighting 31.J00.OO • 93.3:1 Park 5,000.00 82.50 Pauper '. 50,000.00 0,055.43 Paving 10,000.00 138.S.t Police 44.000.00/ 10,296.96 Public library .' 10,000.00 t,303.30 Pubic, property 10,000.00 ' 668.08 Schools :. ..70,000.00 K5.M Sewers - ■ 10,000.00 8.046,84 SldowalKs » • 7.000.00 2.678.23 Streets 55,000.00 20,375.80 Water works 15,009.70

Elp. 1859

$ 4, —frrSOMlf-

3,381.33 6,477.66 3.346.23 5,462,. 82 5,090. "S

47,189.35 34,399.37 199,241.61

31.393.39. .7,268.45 50.(152.64 5,020.6')

53.17fJ.50 13,30.1.30 21.661.37

166.657.94 •26.959.45 12,986.87 70,995.50

Est 1900

$ 4,800.01 —-hOOO.Ot

1,900.01 7,800.01 1.700. Ot 5.600.Ot 5.000. Ot

S8.60!),.0t 39.000.Ot

33,000.01 15,000.00 50.000.01 10.000.0" 53,000.01 12.000.0c IIO.OOO'.O'

170.000.00 27,000.0? 10.000.Of 65.000.00 13.187.43

A imiLLIANT YOl'NO ATTORNEY, talked with him. McArdle v.hcn dis — covered Hy over a three track switch.

Attorney Louis S. Cox. a valuable He was conscious and told witnefsei acquisition to the legel fraternity of that lie belonged In Lowell. Arrlng Uiwrence, has entered the law firm ten said that he was working on t ot DeCourcy & Conlson. Mr Cox la shifting freight ot the time of the ne- a son of Warden Charles E. Cox. of c.;dent whlrh occurred about II.K the state prison, of New Hampshire, o'clock noon. Thursday. Dec. 21. at Concord. He graduated with first inn train backed up on the private honors from Dartmouth college In 1896 track of the E". M. Slayton company and for three years' studied law in an(| Bfter hooking on to two curs pull the office of ex-President William M. Butler, of the Massachusetts senate attending the Bosun university lav, school at the same time and gradu atlng In 1899 with the degree of sum

Prices to Suit Purdnw.



lonaldson Optical CO.

ed out on the fide traik again, I< was at thU time when Arrinirton'f attention was called to McArdle ai'tei he had been run over. The witness thouKht that McArdle was caught hj

ma cum laude. Ho is 28 years old and tne ira[n „<, tt WH8 coining from the


Ij^. <Ji^nuid Heem to the average student •Jr* or nli'Mis that thore was enough to

Y)^, provide the few dollars necessary tut sandlnfi streets, but no, the most un- becoming . "economy" is prartlce4 while "pninting departments.' 'black- Vmithing departments 'wagon wirhlnc; departments' and poti' libTy several others not yet come to light, use up the peo- I'.'-'H money., It can be expected tha' the eitizens will rfee tailor depart- incnto. barber departments. Turkish bnth depaitments and perhaps a bureau of refutation of charges short- ly cRtabiisbod -.__

l.ast year:-there was *appropriat.'d IS2.P00 in all. dive Superintendent

nstive-of Manrhi»eter, X. 14. Mr Cox is a remarkably f-mart yount; iere ninrkK man and his residence in tliiri city ^^-^ wBTcli is sure to bo a -ple-asure not only to himself but the entire, legal profes- sion.

Mrs. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelonia. Spain, spends his winters at Alkcn, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains In the back of his head. On using Electric Hitters, America's great, est Blood and Norve Remedy, all pnlnj McKcnn:i ail the lee way no8slbl\ ;.! soon left him. He %ays this grand] lowing thai the estimated Increase in inedilne-is what his country needs. [ cxpenHf* raused. by the eight hour law All America know's that it cures Hver| --$18,000 to $20.000-j-<:omes entirely and kidney trouble, purifies the blood.fupon hia department. The illflVrence tones up the stomach, strengthens the between the two appronriations is neiH-es, puts vim. vigor and new life! t.l0.omt. Deducting $20,000 there b iuto every bcuscle, nerve and organ, (•>« HO.-OW, and the asstiropi oh of the body. If weak,, tired or ailln- ' , Bpojttnneoui that Supijrlntfiidcut you need it. Every bottle guarnntr-d,' K,iun,( inu-nds to jwv oil DOllticOjl only 50 cents. Sold by John J. For- ,(l>uti: in ,U||, that $10,000 is not enough est, Dmqglst. | jmi thal i,(. js taking sand money .for

, the purpose at the! expense Of tax* | payers— who pay doub'e, for they

bigimture 1&F&. rn ^&r

tlie expense of broken le iiifo Ore bargain!


F.N.ll!\ Mll.K I'KKSUNTATiON'. j

The Holv Nanie society. esidenl, .Mi. MiNulty,

tojJMlss Katharine tl. VVoli r„.iiisi with o hon-'suiu.' writing desk, wl aud a |iini"i lamp

•;,St 2U feel Ol Wild |n''HWW OP <t,lk StT, ai^fraeiation 01 I ganial of the anc


The Uev.'Ur. 'Francis K. Clark nilcd for the Orient on Wednesday

ibrough iusi from 'San fraaciaCO; Cal., on the presented I steamer Chim. Dr. Clark Is the

their juie inaliosahj uiiisical cabinet

i evening al Mi »S 11 OlBCil^- O 11 v:. e, as or

lint. Uii

pTeeldent and founder of the nattonail jChrHttan lindeavor ^jorteiy. He i married Mjss<riTii(jtt, tlaugSter i Mr

Miss \i.bott, dauglltei' o JJ. Abbott of Main street

li ago.

ilu- in the rt\er

past and present offldall ciety were preienl and white bad acknowledged elo bojai] ■ erred

time enjoyed,

' TQ CVRE IA RHIPPE TPt TWO ofjrtte ..ol »AY».

Hue- Mini feke Laxative M.noio Quinine Tablets, iicr than!.tAll ilrugglets refund the money it it ltd ■.. ..oe ai' fails lo cure. 15. W. Grove's slgl

1111 •'.■ is mt each hnv. 2Bo.


\bout :15 persons atteneeei the meeting called for last evening at St. I^turence's church basement. . among whom were many minstrels 61 note. Including Robert Evana. formerly of Germans minstrels, who tendered his services and will look after the cos-

Slnvton tracks and run over. There along the side" of the Indicated that he hod

been dragged, some distance. The witness fouid not tell how he was run

lover. When found McArdle's foot I was caught In a frog, i Patrolman Benolt testlded thtit he I s.iw McArdle coming from Simon Goldberg's pawn shop about 10 o'clock

on the morning of Dee. 21. He had been drinking and the ofBcar told him he hod better go home. He "aid h« lived in I^Jwell,

Patrolman Jordon testified tVt be paw McArdle when .he woe laker, from

m n^nnd ar^nglnro?'the mins^l »* «~J- <^»-' '"J-hc a,nl,u.; teaturea. Thomas Clifford, the ein- ««* n<- offlcei s opinion thai fnent Ilostpn barilone. has alo been he w.. icnaidtrably intoxicated a h. teeurcd. and will add much to tho """ »jeni to realize his condition, success of the minstrels. Much en- «•?«"* ~SSf^.b^ .,'rol"""i', lh thusiasm prevailed over the prospe.iu This completed the evidenc- and th. it th- show and there is at, doubt court iuspenejen the hearini; and WS shout Its success. Another meeting driven to the scene of the jee'ent t. will be ueld on Sunday aflomoon nt view the different tracks, thorn f.l thl 3 o'clock in the basement oi the "oston ft Maine and those of the L church and all those wishing .to ten- .»■ Clayton company. It Waa nol der their senices ip any rapacity will,Hear m his honor's mind on erhicn be welcomed st that meeting by. th'- tracks the man met his death. i.■jmmlttdet . . ' o . ' ' vr 'i1


♦ OBSBQUIEI. ♦ ♦ '■ . ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦.-♦-♦. ♦♦*.♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

be luuera! of Mr«, who died Wednesday

BHKKX Thonae Br at her bom" on Water street after a lonCpillncss. was lull this r.iorn- iiisf nt St. . Marys eluirch. llii'.ii ma., MILS celebrated by tlie lu'\ . I'r. McKenna at, 9 o'clock, 'lb'' re- -neiiw ICSOMI in ,i moss' rose .colored .e.'..! with silver-trimming...* Many relatives and frletub ot the deceased were ine-enl During .'tile sen I, ■•.-.

'^iios were renilere.1 b.c I'iRr.'ii-'; lireeu • mi yl file cio..e be fee^jngly run! !■■! "Nearer: mv Cod. to' Xhee. The

Vewrers were David Bree.i, l».ri-



f'iiy KBghteer Marble thi^ mornln, n'ade a survey of the sidewalk It trciil of tl. 11. Klttreelgc's stor* or I'-seN street „wlieiv Mrs. John Dillon fell vcsterdtry afternoon aiH broke her- bin.





Tbe correct fitting of Qlanea ia dlf- Scult cases a epeetalty.

Optical Parlors over Blcknejl Broth- ere Clothing Store, No, 4«7 Btoex street. Rootna i aad t, oae Sight.

Examination fre».

PULMONINE ji cts per bottle. Y.ur 4roe*4>t has It.


Fee Oeaarhe and CeUs


Alice l.ivingHtou, td He-VM hil itreot.'TPho ha;; lie.^n eoofined to h»»i it.uif the pasi few dav, with a BftVtn '.111, i- t'OV.' .-ilir- It: 1<" ( III II'..!,!! ,

"i i.- | ' j ili i;!" Ihr I'-.Uii.T; r- -Ir.o' lirtienei to an InterasUBf ndd.rwi in* tlie hall Riven by the Rev. p. II.

itrk Sullivan. Thomas Sullivan and Page \\ t'-Jmsibiv atterttoon. fatrlcH Sullivan. The r«main¥ wci.- «Ll« AcWi« CraUx -*Jhi iUlhtHy In- hlneed i'^fiM'l. MMI-\'> tomb (a dffini orsptwd and confined i» hmt homr



TarWild Cherry Horehound

Cures A»tliniii. Bron. IIIUH, Cuughs Cold*, and Hoarseness.



P O Block. ijaievs ftobnt** ' U. Cn'0j»-A*ra,


: I


Catarrh, Asthma, and Hay Fever.


Get it'" at-once and be happy.

i Voting Contest Coupon. This Coupon Counts for Three Votes.


:j As the most popular .frtpale School Ti mlicr or member ot.

The fact that merely local treatments will mver cure Catarrh Aathma or Hay Fe"ver cannot be too widely known, Catarrh, Asth- ma and Hay Fever are constitutional dteeaaes, hence we can be healed only through the stomach and blood. If wc introduce a com- bination of the proper remedies into the system-tiny instantly work upon the nerves, the circulation and the dilation,-a curative action Is brought to bear at the very root of the diaeuee; the mucus is cast forth, germs are destroyed, the raw places are healed and the whole aystora gains new vigor. Now this is precisely what takes place. when

Dref s Catarrh Cure. la lifted. It la the common sense cure for CATARRH, ASTHMA and HAY KEVEK and whenever It s employed there will lie greater cer- taltty (it a eure than by any other means whatsoever. Of course chronic cases take time, but 'persistence with the treatment and ordinary care will result in a cure In-the majorltv of Instances.

DREFS CURE Is also n very ready cure for HEADACHE and NEURALGIA. The most delicate may take it with perfect confi- dence. CHAS. A. DREFS, Mr.:;. Chemist, No. 2S0 Broadway

Buffalo, N. Y.

H. GREER, Ph. G. 259 Essex Steet

-And "■

Mule Member of. Lodge. Ciuh Secret Society or Fratetir.'i Order.


Yoiiiit; ('miii'si Coupon

Nanie of Lodge

or School

Cut out this coution. 111! il out 1>lain-' Iv and send It to the Editor Voting C( mest. American ruboshlr.e Cu., 254 RfeMx street, Lawrenc.;. Mass. Vote as otrn as you please. Contest closes May ;|nth MOO, at 8 o'clock p. m.


li is Likely to Ensue in PBtna I'l the Dethronement of the<Etnneroi

-A despatch from

LEADERS STILL They are Miss Maude Hall and Patrick

A. Daley Still at Top of Their Re- spective Classes in Voting Contest

Preparations I

in the Transvaal

Are attracting the attenti »n of the world (Jur (jrte-i tinet Whiskey is attracting the notice of tjrast who ncrri a pure wHolesovrS rtimulait' Y'ni make no mivnlre when you buy it. . "



427-429 COMMON and 60 HAMPSHIRE STREET Apeclal Attention Qlren to Family fr a«e. Telephone—22)

/ t/ou are Rooking for then

Finest and Largest Stock of

Csable <$ Pocket Cutlery We would invite you to call at Our Store. We especially

call your attention to Our Line o Carving Knives and i'orkes.

The Treat Hardware and Supply Co,

Positions Secured! Wo afd those who wai

CIVIL SERVICE Rt'LKS. (>ov«rnm»nt ex.'iralnations. (Ifln course in all (t*partiiiw much a* prvat« firms for trit flutit-fl light, position- Tor !tf>. T;ik<- i you »iil \f tb* Civil Service r.x.mii > catalogue ripnrrlblng course iu

GOVERNMENT POSITIONS". U.000 places unikt T&n yearly apBplntments, Prepares) i>v mall an i>ef catll or Inmalmfiits. A thorough and UCttm- i. ltoiiuir-» J«(HIIO Ume-only. Balarlei twice if

kin 1 of work. The hours of l«ln>r are short studs ■i'l we fuarantee thn-

ntloalns btamit for our

Civil .WIGI Instruction, Washing

<£amps Ordered for Cliristmiis jus t received new. As a nnisc

qiiciirc the prices have all siilTered a Ri-ent j-edin tic

mo \'ase Lamps, with vahesanil globps decorate Metal Lamps with I'ltnc.v Decnrated (ilnhes: Lamps MZ«'S and kinds. All sizes (I' Decorated (Hobes. Shades nf .Vai-iims Kinds.




.if all


G. H. KITTREOGE 389 Essex Slree

+ * THR


7 A. T«'» E »'• t^kf Town ii


t •3.

4 BEEB 4

■AT BOEHirS.lS ESHKX ST. 4..rrjfKNCE. ' « 4

Is pronounced by all In kt the Tien Lft?rr ,.|.T. j*

FIRST PRIZE—For the most popular female school teacher employed under salary by the city of*H Lawrence—a trip to the I'avis exposition, all ex-' | penses paid, the trip to include two weeks iu 1'aris and journey to and from Paris from Law-

—reucei..' •— ■

FIRST PRIZE—For the most popular male member of , any lodge, club, secret society or any fraternal organization in the city of Lawrence—a trip to the Paris exposition, all expenses paid, the trip to include two weeks in Purls and jouruey in and from Paris fro m Lawrence.

SECOND PRIZE — For the female school teacher— A

two week's trip to any resort in New Knglaud. Kovia Scotia or New Brunswick all expenses paid

SECOND PRIZE For the male member of any lodge,

cluu, secret society society oFTtiTy-'fraternal—or^ ganization—A two week's trip to any resort in New England, Novia Scotia or New Brunswick all expenses paid.

SPECIAL PRIZES—?30 in gold the one leading the list- of contestants the (20 in gold to l he of contestants the

largest number of days, iecond highest leading the largest number of days.


Ail aboard for P»rtf! If there lan't :i school tear-ber or'w

i r club in.■ mix r in Cawreuee who wouldn't like to lake in the moat > ; position, \yith- all expanses I|a"'. sho or Ic 11 n rara avl-.

rbe opiiortunity In win one ot these prhtt.8 ii.-icii i.y iho BuB-ACTerlcaw

s o'clock lust night wns:


Maud .mil. High. Teresa M. Twoomey. Packard Marie Saniiiford. Arlington ... P. T. noble. Oliver Bits II. HaW. iliith..^^^^^ t?race Nosliit. Wetlierbee Florence Griffin Lowell stnet Sarah Bradley, hijth schdol .... E. J. l>anforth..Oliver school Alice O'Malley. hlgli


I Patrick A. Daley, Manhattan club ! Janus Prtngle, Clan Md'hcrson..

m.inii!i mem is open lo all, .in lib • dl iC"" - lue that ibe cliaic'c ;* 0110^";^ lhai .. not to be allowed to blip uy.

The <( rtesi has now been 'on' for [pur days and the result of tfic voting sin,.', ibiit public interest is warmlni? Up. It will be warmer w'thir. a . f'w day*, v. h.n the friends of the various 'dark bnrses.' v^hii h are to enter the nice, pci _ into the box lip pups of ballets that are In ins aceuniutated.

Vcsterdiy Bhowed a notable itccos- Bton to the coupons, voted, but w ;t::- |.lohn_.M. Bweatt, K. of 1' out change in the relative posit bin W. P. Hlggllu, K. A. B. O... of the leaders. The vote for Maudei Luke J. Devany, Slgsbee A. C, li.ill ofjthe.hlgh school was Inoreag*! J- A. rttott, Pllgrihi fathers .-

■ tfl '';. Mlaa»TWoo'mey 51 rRvl^Wllnttin Mcol. I-:. S. c 1 rl 11 <! adde.l 22 to ic:r score,'i,iiibM';'Salinu.l McClliliob. I.. i\'i it II,- Vhue a new candidate cann* i'l.jl'. S, .Huqnewell Phoenlelait.' .Miss' Suclii'ord pf ibe Arimgton. wi'n Many Watts, Phoenician ...... -s ii.tcs,'- ' Jit. M, I'riestninn, llonio club.

Among flu- lodge and club niemb-i, IJe.s»pn I'ord. ci. MontgtMnery;..'. Mtliok ,\| Dtlley ol the .ManhuU 11 |-W. A. McCarthy, Jr.. ft. Excelbil:r

•b'cd lb coos t,, his total, niati Tr., v.)n!e ,1'uncs 1-ringle, o

uan Mci'iie:, ,11 jumped trom JJ t *i. malting bun a close second. new competitor, John M. Sureatt, i\ >1 P . starts 111 with G I votes. YV. P /%-ins mines up irom 12 to Cj. and here are iniiior chniifios'of interest 1.1

the list, rii • standing of the coatestanta

club itlg


Moved I'p l.on,Ion's

iii Sympathy Advance.

laniis Keefe. Independent cluji . M. .1. Connors, ft. Mayflower. Edward F, Kelleher. V. M. T. .s John Dolan, E. M. T. A. s I" J.-sHeBnessey, P, M„ T. A Win. Keefe, V. M. f. A.... Officer Llnehan, K. of C..... John Kent. ft. Montgomery Phil Hclfrldgo, Moon club .. Martili Hart. West End S.



London,' .fun fauiyhai says:

The father of the new emperor Is a' 11.t beau if the great secret societies known lis the 'Great Sword' and "ib^ Boxers.' extending over thn provinces uLUulUsm •riuijj.aad Hn Nan v.bub were, responsible for tic ninrdei ot .\i:\ Hrooks. tb niissiouaiy.

Various edicts huvebeen jssinjd with > i,Mv™or" riSo7a1i'oyi^>rW*»3ltii;is^i p. the ominous runiora rcsp'*ethtg*he fate of the eA-enipeni; are spreading widely. It Is alleged that bis de- thronement was decided upon at .1 council convened by ti, ■ empreft dow- ager on Tuesday. The Mamhuolan favors the change bib the Chinese proper oppose it and predict a tre- mendous upheaval.

Il is believed that the Russian and French legation- were notified of the Impending change and that they will support the. new regime, f* is also reported that a French naval force has already reached 1'ckln.

•The British and Fnited States b - gallons u b • line been favorable to v.eie kept In Ignorance ..1 lie new departure lint it is lo:se.|' i that li 111111 fli:i::-;e was senr as viceroy to fCwangau Tung tf> support the dowager's policy amr*to repress any hostilities on tile part of the Canton*


Will often cause a horrible. Burn Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucl'teu's Ar nlca Salve, the best salvo in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It. CurcH Old Sores, Frver Sores, Ul. cerf, Boils, Felons, foms. all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cere on earth. Only 25 cents a box. fun' guaranteed. Sold by John J. Forest, Druggist.


256 ESSEX STREE1 Program forWeek ol JANUARY 15 1900

Program fpr week of Jail,



FOR PAIN «.»™».wr..»i,-:v-_j,w»j(a^,/1



Never Accept a Substitute.

BELLAVITAi Arsenic Beautv Tsbiiis and Pill;

Th»s Complexion Treatment is a guaranteed specific, per- fectly sale and sun; in its ac-

I lion, for the removal of vai ions disorders of the skin, viz: Pimples, Blotches, Freckles,

\T± Sustain., DiscolorittotJS. Ecze- -nr. Blackheads, Roiitsness, Redness and re- mares the Bloom of Youth to faded faces.

1 (ciitainini! 10 days' treatment 50c; 10 days'treatment, $1.00: six boxes $5.00 rilli positive v.rituii nuaiantee to produce Ihe bcVi i».nils of rliPcrhilly i '..on:.1 fey, paid, join ,y mill en ice. ipt of piice. bcud Icr cucuinr.

Nrrvita Medical Co., cilruosajukuastt. -old Ly .1 DIU(,I;IC.S Cblca.o. Illlloby

Sold by •7HARLES B. SCHBFrUlR, Druggist,

tit Ess°x street. Lawrence.

THE GERMAN ROSE, Musical Ar tlst and Vocalist.

PROF. V11ER0. Great Magician am Musician.


Mil. JAMES DALEY, Vocalist. TCWNAS1I, Characters atu



Wilkesbarre. Pa.. Jan. 25.- A fear fill' explosion of dyu-'.niiti curie in the yards of the Jersey Central tail- ronii at Ashley, a suburb of this Sty. tonight, which resulted in the killing of Frank Mi Uauglilln, Michael tiird and VCiHiam Buckley all iirak-ni ::

nd the fatal injuring of two ftnknov.i

Xew York. Jan. 2~>. - THe stock tnar- ket opened strong and higher today i:i •yulathy with Uin'don, where prices were uo on the news that General ft'arren had captured the Boer poattlbn

SDion Kop. There a brie. ■nT-rinrt-nf .ll'lltf liti^-ree-rrf Tr^wlow.^, SnlvrMa' H"hrir "'»1 |W als iii expectation that there would ;'/1-, iv Injured. Engineer John Rouahl I low an leitsiile demand lor etuci.s, win ran a ride engine was severTtj But the traders qnlekly del", ted Ibr scalded. William Brown, night bo t'.iere .was no opposition outside their at the round bouse; Biakenou Itiiim- own ranks for stock., and ihi^OMH* I. liowe and . I'.aemaii Michael Coj to thpjport side almost Immediately. | were liadly Injured^ The a. rideir (RE Tliere seemed to be a geni rat fecllnif caused by the loss of the emu,! of iliat Warrens victory was not conolu-, freight train, which, > the foci ,,f ii.

tile The sagging of prices bclo

London iai!ty made operations jrtne stand'irrtr in Its- path end

'4-+4"t-t-f++<l++++**■ -t* }•♦ J-* ..♦.{.♦^♦^.♦4.>

pnnu-jlil-1 fur the forefgn i\rbitr;iK i nuw ;■ siiui. .|,rif(.-; in 1 Clrthc H UY ■ i \v\ II • i':-'.ir'Vi ..! ih.>- 'iii::h( r 1. '..■■ , I he induStrtal ripectBUl^ HbaweU.gai: ii. faympftthy wl^h fho ItUcrnfttioutxl. Int Ihey 'V^ri' nut up w .-■] • ;staiiifl i,i ilio alwwnwj til rrircif^ d.-nia?i'l.

1 . i a Solute ni.-i-iij. in ■ ■ -ii>--i;,j; il'-mur.-l i.r'unpte.l fiom« selling prfri-

.;>• ).«K. ilv b^ara asalnat the Indn:>- trialH in thv last hour, but prier-* awni

t H'jwiiiinf; "in move dfiVrtwafda' ::. upwur.i.i .ni.l iU.' si ml - ..!■;■>!! NMV- ■

•■ t '.'>■ •• \'--h\> \: )\ .■■■ 'n :. -n :.lii;i't ■ §*tow i.v" cp'riina; I. vi-1 ;ii Pomp '.-.-'

- I t«r Hulls i'nni'h Svn:-i KiTrnis!:-:

mu-sis uhst:inii:il ruillfui'l :t!i*l r.-lit-i. I'I . wtanraptfr#«: ii vcorks r, ■• i • mArKahlo MI,-.,'V Don'i rlwpalr: 'it

HeC__xaa rprtfiTnh !..• buL; a ,.mui_ ■ 3bl» with this v.cnilnfiil CT

■ ly iU

mounialn, daahiHl Jnt.o"'ai hflnin^' en-

sent Hying along the track Eo i ■:.;. iri,' fii^in.- Tin- Bhoeh exploded eat it.ntninii)^ ::■. bo&m uV j4y!i;nni RDd |8 < ai.; !•: '11''.train Wetfe wv.'i'kf T'-ii loVoniotSves vvera wreclteil. 'I''.. rounil i"in^.' ati<l a hjpge. !' i.tiun ol ll root wwa Mown off.


MISS DOLLY PAUKEU. Ballet Das cer and High Kicker.

Conclude with comedy afterpiece, Entitled:


Doors Open at I. 3(1 p m. and 7,30 p.m.




Every Barrell C arranteed to

Give Perfect Satisfaction Bail State

Brand Per

For Women. IT'fl Monthly KeKiilator hU l-rouglit

itV[>plnan to limnlm..* vr;tu*n>u* wi-.nifn ; havi aeverltadABlngM failure; ltmn;p»tcaaoBrclie.«i! •?i ii to T, days without fall; no other reuietly wil. to ti.)'*; no nan err, noiiHerfTcnce with ,r(.rk ; by nuii' r nt •■•\- ■■ -'.' nritu for further Lartinilan' All letter1, truthfully amwnreil,

•r. i:..M. lul.MANCO., "OTrt-moatSt.',Boston



TRAINS LKAVK NOUTlt LAWRKNCF Pur BoaWfl^r.fiJi 7.-.S. ex 7.1t\ 7.55. s,v; t\

8..GI ex, S.IXI. y.U3 ex, 10.10 ex, tU.5o, H.66 *-x a. m.; 12.2a,. 1.0U. z.SO, S.20 KX 4.0a, '».35. ...20 c-.\. l*.32 , . in ; frorj Bomb Depot, p. m.

t'ur I.on'L'M—7.3ft'-(..07, »-00, 10 ID, 10.5B a 2.S1'. 1.8ft 4.05, & % B.n p m.; I'rum South Dri>o'.. 7.OS p. in.

r'or Ana.jvci'-<i.:iO... 7.•Ji, 7.3'), 7.V>, 8.07. it-.w, 1't.if, i".:-\ n.rr, a. in.": 12.23. l.W. 2/M, 4.o;.. p. m.; t cm South Depot i uo p. in. or Haverhin—€.fiL 7.42. R.07, 9.00, 10.2, 11.25 a. m-: 12.*-\ 1.60, S.OU, 4.05, 4.4i 6.35, 5.40, 6.30, n>.io a. in.; 12.10 a. m. From South Dep<u— /.03, "i.4S, 8.2", J.U 10.33, 11.M ;i. m.J 12.5O,~2.00. S.lii, 4.1fi 1.50, B.S8, C.42, 7.00, «.(>!, 10.10 i. m. IMt «- m. or Exeter, Dover, Somorfworth. Well* Kemiebunk, HUklefonl. Saco. OM O-- chanl un-l l'^, 8.07, 9.U0 ex a. in.; 1.50, 4.45. 5.35. p. in or Georgetown, Ni-wouryport, Sallsburj and IVirtamuuth—7.42 a. m.; 12.40, 3.00 ti:.. S.H p. m. or Exeter, Dovrr, iN'o. BerwlCK, Kenne- bunk, Hlf.IderonJ, Saco, Old Oroharr anl Poriland—ti.53, K.U7, 3.00 a. m. 1,5ft 4.45 p. m.

■'or Merrimao and Newton—8.51. 8.07 a in.;. 12.40. 4.08. 5.^5 p. m.

'or Salem. .Jstasfl., nntl Lynn—I1.15, l.b a. in.4 Lift 'i.w i'. in. or Mancnerfter ana Concord, N. H - 8.37 a. m.; 1.17, :i.44. cos p. m.

■or I'enacook, Krunkun. Lebanon an White River Junction—8.37, u. m.; 8.4- il.rj p. in.

.'or Warnor, Brad Tor J, Sunape«*. New port (N. 11.."> OluruBiont and t.'larcmom Junction—1.11 ii. ni.

,'tir 'niit-i, LaconiA, Dnreport; Meredith Ashland end i'lyrnoutb—8.37 a. m. 1,17, 3,44. 0.O3 p. m. ur l.lMwn. l.luleton.Whltetield Ljincan- ter, Jefferson*aria Fabyan's—S.87 e. m

i or St. Johnsbury J>yndonvlli8 am sheibiook* via White River Junctlon- \M: a. m.; 6,95 P. m. or Montpetier, Www* luneHon, Bu.UnK iun, St. AloariM und Montreal via C. V in,-■—'.37 ". ni.; a.Ol p. m.

(■'or Montreal and Qutoee, via Monf?n ■ind ^oslop air line—«.37 _a. m.; 6.05 L. ni. . ur yueocc. via While River Juncllon- S.;:T U. ml. 6.06 p. m. «..„„

LlfiAVK SUtJTH LAWRENCE. ur, S.2» a. m.,- 12.W 4.15. 5.5* l». m.

ifor ISxeier—7.08, 8-2S ..11 a. i«.. 12.50 J.IHI, 4.i.;, U6, 5J8 v. in.

■ -, ,. iK'tw.--n Lxeter- ti,«l Nort> 0«nvick-T.eiT "%"x '*.'mLi *>**, ■»*- o. in. - or Dover. North Ilerwlck. Ktmietflnk Ba o, Old Orchard sintl Portland-L« 8.28. 8.11 u. in-: 2.00, 4.M p. m.

I'll- I'll irtH« ...liii.'cta for nil Station. on tb« Ualtie Central and (;rand Trunl. at 1'ortland. '•, . 3.00 p. m. train con m-cis wllh Una Maine Central H. R at Portland for Dcwiaton, Watervltlr and way Ftationa. - _—

I or North (jonway and way atatloaa- l».ll a. in.; p. m.

Por Wolfhoro—».ll a. m.; 4. 5S o. m. i'or rabyain-:i.ll a. m.: 2.00 p. m.

BLNDAY TRAINS- For Boston and way stations—7.23, t?.i;

ir. m.; 12.10, 5.:ir., (i.iij p. m.; from Houii De|K>i 4.2ft 7.81 ex.. 7.4s p. m.

For Low. ll B.15 a. m.J 12.10. 5.35 p. m., ■pini South Depot—1.20, 7.4S p. m.

ror liaverhtll -i-i-i" a. m*i 9-00 a. m , 1*:.5I. 3.*?), tl.35, «.25 p. in.

i-'or Mamhcter. Ni H.-9.20 a, m.; 10*. 7.02 p. n.

SOCTHEUN DIVISION. For Boston -0.30, 7.35 a. m.; 12.00, 4.K


3 GREAI -■ 'a-,»asi ilw



/\ Gigantic Purchase of Knncy Silkn for Wiiiits anil Dresses,

ulilch we plucp on sale- Sntunlny at the nnhcfli'il-tif price.—

49d5per^ Yard «i - • -*&

On you want a fancy Waist or a nice Silk Dress CHBAP? If so. cojn« t»ere Saturday.


Our Entire Stock of Jackets and Capes to he put on sale

Sotorday at 25 rents ofr-vtho dollar, rile greatest chance you ever had to prt a (!ood (iannent at the price ul a

■r-hpap one. r — '- ■ Tjiey must be tinned into money AT

ONCK; hence this enormous cut.

miRD A Clearing up of Our

.FADY MADE DRESS SKIRTS. We claim land rightfully I that tmr

Skirts are the heft made and beat flttinar.of any Skirts in the city, yet they must ho cleared out before lav«tU. turv. yo tli^tpn'Saturday and Satur- .la.v unly


Dl. J. dill 395 - 397 ESSEX STREET

PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Any oneKeudmi

sketch aud desctipiion of uuy invention »il jiroiuptly receive our opiuion free concerni" the p.ii- lit.ilnljtv of Kiime. "How to Obtain Patent" sent upon request. Patents accuit.' iluon-d us advertised foraale at our expense.

Pateuts taken out through us receive specie lode**, without charge, in TRR PATENT RECOUP,

mi illustrated and widely circulated journal,

(■"or \Voburn- 0. in.-


u ii a.

12.00,4. K

rn ,- 12.00, 4.IF or ■jalem, »aa»*-7.Sb ^. w.; 4.5o >•. >A.

I'or A'yar Junction and way Blations- 11.15 i>. m.; 4.55 p. m.

For Peterboro, Oreenficld, Bennlngton, iI!U«boro and Koenf—S.80 fl. tn.

I or Q1 -fit'id, Amhprst, Milford and Wtisiin -".«» 11. m.; 1;'. 00 4.55 p. m.

Cor N;i«t A—S..W, U IS A. rn.; i2.0tJ. 4.ft.

C-ftSH for acceptable Ideas.

State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD

Baltimore, Md. I'ATnST t.' . ) i: 11 fl.Oi.

■^■caui—K.II.!„;,..) jj;t^

consulted b; bend for


Evans Bulldin;;

iiufacturers and Investors, lecopy FREE. Address, —^

ORJ. CVAN3 a CO. (Patent Attorneys,)


CURE YOURSELF ! Vm \'-i::4i tqt

riiHfliMrKi'tOtirliiiiintfiti"'.'. irrft;itii'ni .,. ulceruti' til

•ntstwt, <>f in ii - "ii n.nirrutirifi-1. i f*fflUiwi. I'ltinlinH. und imt aat)'tu SGHEMJWLCO. H'-ui «>r poi*ouous.

' Sold by OmavlstK. ■ir imt In tiliiiu wrsr^'. I'V ■ \ [Trs.i, pn-pni.l. |l 8I.U). or 3 butttva. *J,/ i'if,u!-r sent uU laatuL


CALLING AT HALIFAX, Parlaiad Knh. i'1, Ntimidian K»'b It* l':ilifornia4i Feb. -1

First Cabin $50 and upwards. -He; dnetion on Hound Trip. Second Cabin t?r>; Return Jfiti.GO; Steeraga $23.50] Prepaid JlM.00.

Glasgow and Boston, via london* derry and Galway; second cabin $30 prepaid; steerago $21 prepaid.

For descriptive circulars, plans of steamers and other information ap- ply-to H. & A. Allen, 9a State St., Boston, Mass., or JaUMB Murphy, -''<■'• Gasex utrc-et, LaWreiicfi, Macs.


NEW MANAGEMENT. Steaks, Chops. Qyitera

Served to Order. ReKular Meals. Next Door t

American Expr^ Ofnca. 560 ESSEX STREET.

Mr*. Oowpi-rtUwait, Prop.



11 lbs, Rolled Oats 25c TI1/.T TllKOUlll.NU HEADACHE ,

j^VAi^»ifw«[wiw Apples per lb 10c

Mr.. Hlramer MtdwUa.

li Berkeley St., Lawrenc

Oraduated from the Roya. SehMl at Obstntrlcs at Dresden, Germany, 1 am prepjared to responl to all call, made upon soa.


Real Estate Agents & Aiu'tlofccts. Fir., 'Ufa, and Ajxidsai InsanuM

: —Aasal . ;_

Bnraka VantUator. Fallows Daaapar, lira and .Water Proof Falat.

Ren.* eollacted and proparty takaal ear* of.

Aacl fctat. In all parts of U# alty.

--■ ■ Saakalar stnlldlni m ,.i »t-

BACON aj 'i»S».i*i .r.i'isinnil'tlinl""-^' 6 1 bS C3ljfOflllE PflillfiS 2l)C D«« J> Aa merit fur .Sick anil Ne, view | lemlj "™" '-*•*"' ^ ^' -

strnnB nerves mlu'lllillil'II'P ydur'lieul'l!! USISV Bbll T0IT13t0S 08. C8I1 (C • i:-v lo l.ik... T.-y them. Only ;"| rents. Money hue; a not rnrcil. Bolt! ly John .1. Forest, DrnEgist

It':, folb to :.;lTei'" from tliat lior ii»' plague of ilie r.lKllt., ilrhln;; pile. Dpan's (Jiiitine'i.t cures. gjtffcfUy Itul rerniaiicnil;. . i-.\l any ,l;nc ■■nils.

,. 80c per Dozen

F. J. Clement & Go

flrmary. Wills Hospital, Philadel- phia, and the Baltimore Era and Ea.> Hoepital .

Once Blakeley HnllUlnaj,'477 Essex St Practice limited to

E"e,£sr. Nose and Throat Diseases Glasses Scientifically fitted

Hours-!) to 11 a. m., and 1 lo 5 and 7 to 9 p. m.

Telephone .15-2. '^K

Rchard Cullinane ARCHITBCT.

Plans, specifications, Contracts and Agreementa prepared at short notice,

Sopertnterdlnr of butl*ioew *urlnl eoiitrtcOja g:T*n Dereonal attention,


V .


Dessert FO* TO-DAY

L Lemon Jelly made with Key- \stone Silver White Gelatine.

i Recipe for this and many \ other delicious desserts in

every box I If your froc«r

{ fron . Ming)* i>«k«. lt*» with 1 MftpMbj-rti^l-mlluBcookdotthw i Mtluti'*. A roll ■!>• box iuaiMd

Umm tn the warld.


house he erected. , HOW'S THIS? ftir. Mnhoney followpd the fortunes We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-

of the IIHK 1I«' loved no dearly from I ward 'for any case of Catarrh that, ran- the lieginniiiK to the end ot hostilities! not

the wto df the rebellion. Cure He INK! three honorable discharge!!,

two from the navy mid one from the •18tit Massarhuaettw Infantry. He saw aervive in five lights on land ant1! water aii'i IHs record N one of distinction for valor. , i

He belonged to Post 39. (i.lA. R., j for which he always chtriahed a high ; r^Rnrd. and h-in rid comrades ,viH team [of Ills death with sorrow. V ,&W*^.^%.«lV'>#^i hail 't"en nil his children anirrorkft except I his wife nafiB-.'.way he still maintained 1 his xenial, cheerful ways to the end \ He was a man of rigid h.on«ttty and

sturdy principle and poMaaa the con [ lldence and respect of numerous


bo cured by Hall's Catarrh

F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo, O.

the undersigned, have known ,J. Cheney for the last 13 years and the costumea, unique mid grotes-

The members of St Mlchcel'a Charit- able Aid society and invited friends will havr a party on St. Valentine's cventttff,

.lohn V. Morrissey was installed as recording secretary anil Jeremiah Mc- Donald a trustee of the Inn Moulders'

[union. Thursday evening, in Lawrence.

I 'Sylvia's Soldier' will be played in K Costello a meat cutte. «ni-» ^rian haU Kriday evealn«i Feb.

ployctl by Charles h. Meserve. met wh fm. thp benent<> Charitable with an accident, the other day. W'UJIIJMJ which his right hand was injured. fcFoi-j ...

We, V.

and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any ob-

ligations made by their firm. WEST & TKAUX, Wholesale Drug-

gist*. Toledo, O.

Whcleaalc Dmgalata. Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-

ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the

system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.

Hall's Famllv Pills are the best.

, delegation from S. F. , Partner,

private auspices, and the affair was one of keen enjoyment to all.

Harry C. Foster and Miss Cora R. Ilussptt led thp march and were fol- lowed by about 50 couples In all shades of uniiormity.

There was a general participation in nuiking up apropriate to the occasion,

Mint' it was feared that blood pbi oning would set In, but this has for- tunately been averted.

' " **« P. Doherty, tho well known injIV-

nuin was driving in his yard Friday, morning, when the pung slewed, cap- sizing and throwing out the load of cans, filled with lacteal fluid. Only the contents of a few cans were saved. Mr. Doherty has a big route, so that, in addition to the expense, the accident occasioned no little inconvenience to him.

The Alpine orchestra played at an entertainment, given In the vestry of the Garden street church,. Lawrence, Wednesday evening.

Rev. E. S. Thomas gave a coasting party on Johnson's hill. Thursday af- terhoon. -, —

The money realized from the two lectures given in Stevens hull will ue used for Introducing gas in the John- son high school raom, '

There were 48 marriages in North Andover last'year. Thooldest groom was 58: oldest bride, DO. Tho young- est groom 21; youngeut bride IS. .

The evening gathering of the Neigh- borhood club on Thursday at Mrs. J. ('. Ren's brought out its usual pood atiendnnce. A penny for your thoughts, enlivened the social tpening if the meeting, after which the i'al lowing 11--ofiram was presented: '

was joined by Post Sheridan, 2 com maudei,

The handsome sum of $105 was cleared at the recent literary and mu Seal entertainment under the aus- pices of class 1900, Johnson high school. ' ,

Mrs. Abram MaBlen is seriously 111 'at her home on Beverly street.

Mrs. Eliza'Rundlett, of Exoter, N. IH., who broke a thigh by a fall on 1 Oct. 25, Is now able to walk about I her room, aided only by a chair which she pushes before her. For a woman in her 94th year, her recovery has

I been remarkable. William D. ; Rundlett. draughtsman at the Davis i ft Furber Machine Company's works,

is her grandson.

Mrs. Frank K. Howard, forniert.v of the Parish, baa purchased a large double-tenement house and lot of land on Sargent street, Lawrence, of Mrs. B. M. Howard. It is a fine piece of realty and nicely located.

one. had an original and 'home made' flavor.

The rule of the hour was fun. and everybody obeyed thoroughly the man date-in spirit, and letter.

The- cohuatttce to award the prizes Pjnter Holt, Jr.. and Joseph II. ~~ thosri» Mtminnfr >?r- <***> tsar.

agement declined to be candidates for honors and the gentleman's prhte was awarded to Herbert L. Foster and the Indies' prise to Miss Dolllo Farnum. Tho former's wai an ancient ami hon- orable make up of pntchwork. and lat- ter was attired in a costume 'bran' new of gunny sack. The costuming was to well done that it was a .natter of delicate taste to particularize. Hon- crnhle mention, however, might, bo made of 'Dinah' Ward, Herbert Mnrs-

C.dige Doherty. of Chelsea, for- merly residing here, is in town to- day.


Piano solo, Miss Bessie Ren.

Piano duet, Misses Marion and Alice Kea -

Essay—An Old Sea (oast Town, Miss li. !•'. Carleton.

Song—Just as the Sun Came Down, (i. A. Farnhnm.

Discussion of Natural Local 1'Vatnns; Poem.'Miss K. K. Carleton.- Talk. Our Woodlands, C,eo. A. Raft Sway. Our Mills; Miss Ida A. Atkins. i;s«a>. Onr llroolca, Mrs. fleorgc II.

(loodhue. Piano solo.

M<ss Btosa .Song—Love's- (lolden Dream.

litey c. A iKydrl . A series of tableaux. In charge of Miss

A. M. Tucker: Scanejr- from 'John Alden and Pris-

eilla' and Maud Muller Interview of Sir Walter

with Queen Elizabeth.' K"freshments were served.


Our hills, around, loom bold ami high. Above the lowland sweep

Where pasture land and meadows lie, 'Mid shadows tool and deep.

Their clear views reach afar and wide,. Above the nestled hamlet,.

O'er circling belt of forest pride, CKer upland, vale and streamlet.

They hail the flush of morning bright, The day-spring eool and tender;

The cloud-land wist on far-off heighi, The glow of sunset splendor.

They watch above our furrowed farms, They feed the grazing herd.

Make picturesque the landscape charms,

Rest weary flight of bird.

We lift our eyes to heights sublime. And strength to faith is given;

They bring the toiler's upward climb To nearer view of heaven.

M E. F. C. ■Neighborhood club. Jftn. 18. tWO.

Howard, the Bix-yoar-old son of Of bver Calvin M. Sanborn, cut his tan •mite badly. Thursday afternoon, while coasting in Phillips pasture. The services Of*a physician were required.

Mrs. David If. Meserve. Mrs. Chas. A. Newhall and Mrs Charles Noyes are the committee for the next supper and social of the Charitable union.

fryer .7. P. »: Mnhoney. Mrs. Ma- hod'ay and Assistant District Attorney Roland H Sherman have gone to LikeWOUd. N. J.

Edward A. Puller attended a. meet- ing of the deputies of Massachusetts ^late Grange. P. of H.. held with Muster W. C. Jewett at the Waldo tiouae, Wone^ier, the other day, for uu Liaultation .iuul ^ instrjicUoa-Jn,. the work of the rCfder. The new -onsti- tutlun governing subordinate granges i'''<'iitly issued by the State Grange, i■■■■cived eonslderaWe attention.

Michael Malmntfy, a brave veteran Q tft« civil war. paSWd away. ;it l.K o'il\ick, this inurning at his home. corner or llelmont and Hodges streets

. n'gt;il ao-y^rB-,. ■'- , .I.K' w".is bom betide the famous eh]

Mrs. Samuel Gon* attended the ser- vices ovef the remains of Mrs. Maw Ford, at Derry, N. H., Monday, atta also accompanied the funeral party to Lowell. the place of inter- ment.

Rev. Fr. M. T. McManus has been appointed by Archbishop Williams to the pastorate of the prosperous church of Our Lady of the Assumption, in Hrooklinc made vacant by the death of Rev. Fr. Morris. He will assume his duties-there February 12. For 1 years Fr. McManus has labored zealously and successfully ,in tho parish composing St. Patrick's and Si. Michael*! churches. A clergy- man of splendid executive capacity, a deep thinker and able in the pulpit, he"-Is always—the—Meal - CathoVle priest. He disliked praise or tfub lleity, but, was satisfied to perform his pastoral duties quietly and con BclentlOUBly. His departure will be regretted not alone by" his own parishoners. .to whose spiritual in- terests he was greatly devoted, but also by those of other demoninations. among whom he had many staunch friends.

ton, Harry Foster, who got entangled in some of the sacks of the PlawK grain. Albert Currier, Arthur Bsjsatt, Arthur Fnrnham: Harry Holt, John and Rmnnuel Downing. Misses Llnd- pny and Smith, of Andover; Mtrsea Kate and Mabel Fuller. Misses Helen and Bolle Konche, Miss Addle Carney. Miss oilman. Miss Osgood. Miss Mary E. Towne, Arthur Whlttter. Miss Ida Carleton. Master Whittier and nthertt.

Regan. Campbell ana Duchcsney Refreshments were served at inter- took part in the boxing bnuU, Friday mission, evening, In Lawrence. | A trio from the American orchestra,

Jjiwrenee. directed by Conductor A merry company of yomv.; people Twoomey, rendered excellent music.

gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ooff. Button street, St. Paul's parishioners enjoyed an Saturday evening, to surprise Frel excellent supper. Friday evening, pre- Goff and celebrate his iSth birth- pared by the Women's Guild. day.

They brought Witt them a beautiful Hon. and Mrs. Moses T. Stevens gold ring, with Carbuncle settiug. and Miss Mary 0. Stevens arrived This remembrance of affection was home, Friday night, from W*ashington, presented by MUs Agnes Colquhoun. D. C. who voiced the company's sentiments in well-chosen phrases, gracefully de- Wauwinet lodge bazar opened llvereM auspiciously. Wednesday evening, in

The recipient, to whom the call and Odd Fellows hall, to run through the I week.

gift were a great surprise, made a A highly creditable out-door con suitable reply, thanking all for their ^^ waB given by the Mechanics kindness. | Brass band as a preliminary feature.

The participants enjoyed an even- an() during the evening the organiza- Ing of rare pleasure with games and ti,m gave a number of popular selcc- other social diversions, and reluctantly tions in a pleasing style, departed for their homes only at the, Witnm< the nan, thronged by

(captain); point, Allle Badger; goal transferred to Woburn as assistant tender, Eddie Kelly. to the late Fr. Quealey.

For ten years he labored there to Two propositions for membership the satisfaction of all, and no letter

were received at the recent meeting test ot his popularity could hdve been of Rescue lodge. desired than that shown at the re-

centlon tendered Vtn by the people The reports of the various town of the parish U., Sunday evening,

officers are being printed. when 2000 gathered In one of the ' halls of the city to give him a teatl

The Roundabout club is to meet monial of their love and respect, with Miss Mary O. Stevens at Osgood while another thousand had to remain Hill, next Tuesday afternoon. . outside for want of room.

Until a parochial residence is There are three eases of" scarlet erected In this place, the newly ap-

ffver and. one each of typhoid fever pointed pastor will reside with bit '\t*.-.:_,_ TVtfeJRJL '■ . broUfcRT at South La^rxwace.^^ m.%

It Is understood that ReV.' F> Mrs. E. E. Wheeler, of LowMI, Cronley will not return to St. Pat-

Is visiting her -sister, Mrs. Charles W. rick's after his well-earned vacation. Hlnxman. \ The creation of a new parish in

North Andover means, of coursc,-that On Tuesday evening, February 1?., Fr. Cronley Is to close his wprk

the Orange will have a miscellaneous here. entertainment and, box party. Miss This resultant effect will bring Angle II. Whittier, Miss Hlnnche sadness to many Catholic homos In Whitman. Arthur F. Chadwick and the town where he was born, tor he CUntqn Nason are the committee of won the deep affection of the people arrangements. Every lady is re- among whom ho labored at all times quested to bring a box to contain her and in all weather by his noble card. and

*t$ff}i» Ladled.Benevolent society hold a special meeting, next Thursday af- ternoon, with Mrs. Charles E. Stlllings.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas'A. Johnson, of Chelsea, arc in town. ?■

character, self-sacrificing efforts, benevolencet

The withdrawal, too, of Rev. Fj A. J, Hamilton, a devoted and miich liked priest, from this town, will be vlneerely regretited, as he endeared himself to all he met, being'earneat, kindly and, affable.

A son was born. Saturday, to Mr, and Mrs. Evan WtlllamB of Middle

C. Junklns la gaining

be hall,

a calico party in Friday evening,

approach of midnight's hour,,, Delicious refreshments were serv-

ed in abundance. Those attending were: Miss Jennie Colaunoun. MisB Kathcrine Donnelly. Miss Clara HayeB. Miss Bertha Hayes.

~ MiB8»-\4cJft Mcllor.

Th" bean porridge and succotash supper. Momlay evening, by tht Charitable union, attracted a large attendance to the rooms of the organ- isation, and a tidy suni was real- ized. . 1

Mrs: W. W, Chickerlng presided over the home-made candy table. Miss Helen F. Stevens was the flower girl, and Mrs. Oscar T. Young looked after the finely decorated guess cako.

The axaet weight of the latter was five pounds and 11 ouueec. and Charlee H. Farmham, making the host gueag—five pounds and 10 1-2 ounces, received the cake.

The affair. whiMi was a very pleas- ant one throughout, was under the management of the entertainment (ninmittee Mrs. J, H, Rea, Mrs. John P. (Mark. Mrs. William M. McQuea- tofti Peter Holt, Jr. L. Edgar Osgood and Arthur W. Bassott.

The assistants at thi*- supper table were Miss Mabel Hanaford, MlM Clara DeBussey, Miss Grace Osgood Miss Addle Carney, Miss little Bar- ker -and Miss Grace Barker. j

Fred P. Derry and H, Herbert MarBton arc In New York on a busi- ness trip.

Monday all that was mortal of the late Michael Mahoney > placed aboard the 8.33 train and taken to Biddeford, Me., for inter- ment in St. Mary's cemetery by Con lln & Ryan.

The old hero,' who fought in num- erous engagements In the army and navy, and always with credit, too, received official recognition for his bravery at the storming and capture of New Orleans, while serving under Adrlmal Dewev, then a lieutenant

His captain in the army was Judge Edgar J. Sherman of the superior court.'

The remains rested in a fine broad- cloth covered casket with rilver trimmings. He wore the full G, A R. uniform, and on the coffin was placed the hat.

The inscription on I he plate rend: "Died January P>. 1900. ^llchael Ma- honey. Aged 61 years."

At thp expressed wish of the widow. there were no flowers.

Tho pall bearers were Past C*cun- mander James Lane and Thomas Creene> sent by Post 39, Contractor P. Hbgan, Alfa a member ot that noit, .nntl Michael Dowd.

At Biddeford, the funeral party

What do the Children Drink?

h'ln't jjiv.' them Rare you tried ilh- 1-sUfd '»iKAlN-o .-

tea * tew t, It jfi

* coffee. »1 drink

MIHS Emma Crowther. Miss Agnes Colquhoun, Miss 'Sadie Somervllle. Mis* -Maud Wailwork. Miss Isnbella Wardrop. Mies Emily Boynes. Miss Ida Christensen. Miss Alma Christensen. Frank Smith. Oharles Mid wood. Arnold Midwood. Ellsworth Flanders. William Dick. *- George Boynes. .Inhn Wilei'K. Fred- (ten*. Robert Wardrop. ilr.rrv Watts. Mr-'le White. Clarence Srqith. John Watts .'■• Fred doff, of ttoffs Falls. N. II.

Miss Susan J. Henry was buried in the Immaculate Conception cemetery. Monday forenoon.

Her death occerred Saturday morn- ing, at 8.30 o'clock, after an extended Illness.

She lived in Lawrence a long time, and resided, hete about six years, making her home with her sister. Mrs. Ellen T. Morrissey. .

The ,deceased was ah esttmabk woman, kind-hearted and charitable andfchelovcd by all who knew her.

Besides the sister mentioned, she leaves another sister Mrs. Katherin" MtGrow, of East Oakland- Cat;

The BCTT'CM wei-p h^ld at Michael's church, with a solemn quim high mass was celebrated by the Rev. Fr.- A. .1. Hamilton. There was a Urge attendance. "Jerusalen and "Nearer, My Ood, to Thee," were rendered by Thomas J. Murphy.

An elegant broadcloth covered eua* ket with silver trimmings, contained the remains. On the plate was in scribed: "Died January, 20, 1900. Susan J. Henry, aged 64 years."

Among the floral tributes were the following:

Wreath of ivy and roses, and cluster of calla lilies and ferns from Miss Susie. Morrhwey.

Spray of pinks and ferns, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Donohoe. Methuen.

Spray of pinks, Mrs. Wells of Ijowell and- Mrs. Tellier.

Basget of roses and ferns, Mr. and Mrs. Thomds Allen, ]*awrence.

John Ryan, John Shinnick end Thomas J. 'Murphy, of Lawrence, James Menry and Edward Carroll, of Lowell, and Edward Jackson, of Lynn, served as pall bearers.

The Ladies' Denevolent society meet« with Mrs. Charles E. Stillings, Wednesday afternoon...

.Tho quarterly meeting of the ofll- cer* of the Home Market chiV-was held at the Fnrker house. Boslon, Fri- day afternoon . Resolutions of con- dolence and sympathy were ridopied on the death of Frederick TC. Clarke, for many years an officer of the or-


Waller Mk Jbirnham and Luth'ox M. Child."of Hevere. passed Sunday at [he lonuer's home, tho reeldence of Captain and Mrs. John Rurnham. Both young men aiv clerks in the arboleaale shoo house of S. R. Tiling Sz Co., 99 SunniK-r sn*vt .«.»♦-

I people from Lawrence, Andover,'Me- thuen and North Andover, the scene was an animated one.

A profusion of streamers radiate from the main -chandelier, and the tables are gay in the brigbost of de- corations.

Roland A. Prcscott looks after tht dnncTug which commences at W o'clock each night. This diversion Is

Petitions are. In circulation foj- articles to be inserted in the annual sex street warrant, for the macadamizing ofi Main street between Church and Snt-j Mrs. S ton streets, and the construction of steadily. a concrete sidewalk on Water street from Elm to Clarendon streets. I There will

' | Unitarian Rescue lodge will begin the credit Feb. 16.

system Tuej'^y evening, Fsb-j ruary 13. Charlea B. Smith, an employe of

•-— ' jthe machine shop, while working The programme of the Grange for Tuesday evening, nearly severed the

1900 has been Issued. J thumb on his left hand.

Tickets for "Slyvia's Soldier/VFfi- Papers were read at Tuesday even- day evening,"l^cbruary 9; in-Alu^arian Inge meeting of the Orange by John hall, are having an excellent/sale. P. Clark and Miss Grace Farnhain.

—'- U ' ^ discussion followed. A pleasing The number of births l;e>ein '69 entertainment under the direction of

was 72. Of these 41 were of foreign Miss Mabel F. Filler closed the parentage. / >^ i meeting. The programme follows:

At the annual meeting of the Tableaux representing sceneB from Franklin, N. H., Building and Lonn Myks Standlsh Courtship, association held the other evening,, Reading, MIBS Angle H. Whittier. M. Duffy and Sumner Marvin were) Tableaux, Illustrating the poem, chosen directors. The former is the father of Supt. Duffy of Stevens mills and the latter a brother of Officer Fred Marvin.

"Oiling Up." JuM a little oil on the engine at the

right time may mean the difference l»e- tween life, and death to the passengers and crew. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of the engine, Dr. Pierctr's <-olden Medical Discovery i& to the deli- cate organs of the body. It eases their labor, pre- vents the loss of power and waste of energy caused by friction. Many

w% man who was all pftn ilowu, wlio&e liftibs ached wHeu he walked, whose back ached* when he laid down, who breathed with dif- ficulty, and cough- ed constantly, has been perfectly cured by the use of Doctor Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery. It pur- ifies the blood, strengthens the stomach and heals weak lungs.

Accept no sub- Situte for " Golden

Sedical Discov- ery," nor any med- icine called "just as good" by the dealer.

Mr, Ch*s. Hutiwick, of Lenoi. Macorob Co.. Mich., writen: " t h*ve n*«r felt better in my life than I do now. I have taken Dr. Pierce 'a Golden Medical Discovery TWil akM»p. I can now walk qnlte Well wHh a cane, and hope to throw even that away before lonjr, •*>« aa 1|>fv

l*' had to Hue crutchea (or nearly two ycara, I think I am doing fine. I do not cough now and I can Bleep like a school bov. Ywi muat know that I have been treated in two hospitals and by three doctora beside*, and received no benefit; an r think your medicine the only medicine for me."

Dr; Plerce's Medical Adviser in paper cover, is sent free on receipt of 21 one- cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierc.-, Buf- falo, N. Y. . .


Elizabeth and

Miss Susie valescing.

1*. Hinxman is can-

Maud Muller Tableaux, Queen

Walter Raleigh. Poems, appropriate to each

tableaux, were read by Mies Anna M. Tucker.

\n tin

greatly enjoyed by the young people who are out In force.

The different features are attended, as follows:

I'nited States post office, specia' delivery five cents, Mrs. E. H. Rowe

barge assisted by Miss Inez Gile. sengers: Fred Somerville and

Fred Howes. jSprona and flower?--Mrs. George L

Darker In charge, assisted by Mr*i. Frank M. Greenwood.

Fancy table-Miss Little M llarkc in charge, assisted by Mrs. Dnv!(, W Wailwork, Mrs. Daniel W. But- i-litYf- and 5RBB Maud Wailwork

Confectionery-Mrs. Thomas Som- rrvllle in charge, assisted by Mrs. A. U. Howes and Miss Malnl E. t'oan "

IVnnut grab—Miss Ada L. Carr in chttrge- ^*

Wheel of fortune — Thomas P. Wentworth in charge.

Kxhlblt table-John D. Lewis !i. charge.

Ice emnrh—Samuel Hamlln. Geor^ A. Smith, MiK. Robert Stewart.

Snooting gallery—H. Fred JVn- kMt-, I'.li H. Watts.

Th-1 following splendid collection of gjfts were donated by the lurjiet named:

China tea set from George H. Per- kins.

'labour, t. aiehard H. Smith. Helfor ti-'ull blooded Holatein,

rcristrn id'. .lanns C. PSbYi liurrel of potatoes. James C. Poor. IjOpr cabin nuiit. Friend. Order for sea^n's Ice, Frank M.

Greenwood. Doztn assorted canned goods,

Arthur W. Itassn'tt. I In i*ro I of flour. Francis E. Higgins, Furnishing and hanging paper for

rtumi. Mutthow W, Manchester. Bushel of, >otatoes, Oscar T

Young. ■ ■ Hat. A. Relnhardt. Castor set Hugo Bell. Pair of slippers. Gcorgo H. Wood-

man. Ijimp. Gilbert H. Kittredge. Silk I'mbrella, Prank A. Warren. New I'IOCCBS Oil heater, James W.

Leitch. lloy'H—wweater, -JMcknell Bros. Guau cake, John D| Moorehouse. ,

. Itox 50 cigars. A. P. Currier & Co.

Pair of shoos, Samuel Hamlln. Guess cake. 3. Frank Sanborn. Two months' siave. James, W.

ETTIOT: lamp globe. Ball &. Mullen. Month's supply of milk, Edward A.

Fuller. $1.50 worth of groceries, T. A.

Holt ft Co. Pair of slippers. Eastern Shoe

Co. Pin, Peter Reeves & Co. Picture. Knowles- & -Robinsop. Rocker, l\ P. Berry A Co/ Pair of hens and rooster, J. Oil-

ben Clwulwjck. , So/a cushion. Mrs T. Somerville. Cord of wood, Edward A.: Fuller. Lnmp, Thomas J. Murphy. Ring. S. W. Fellows.

. Dress pattern, M. Tf Sttrena &

Sons. ir «

Andover last year. The oldest per- son was Abigail Brown Carter, 87 years. Five were oVer 80 years, 1"> over 70 and 23 over fc'0,

The Charitable Union realized about. t30 from the Hupper, Monday evening.

Essex County Pomona Grange mcets at Rowley. Thursday, "Feb. 1st. Sub- ject Tor the morning session: Tho Object and 'Purpose of the Pomona Grange. Afternoon: The Hume.

The Good Templare have chosen Miss Mary Mowat, Miss L'zzie Hayis, Mrs. Abhle K. Tufts and Miss Annie Roberta. S committee to make nr- nutgamenta for an entertainment.

About tfo persons partook of an e*- cellent supper, Wednesday svonlng, in th^ Methodist vestry, prepared by the ladles' League, under the dirt- - tibn of Mrs. Samuel Ligget. Mrs. If. B. Eugley and Mrs. Samuel Smith, 'ng of the Indies' Benevolent soelet; connected with the Congregational church, the members came to th; Methodist church and had tea

I Ion. Moses T. Stevens was in Franklin, N. H.. Thursday, on bual ness.

James McClellan. of Haverhill, ha-s iccepted the position of weavln md dressing overseer in Osgood mills.

Binhop LAWraooa makes his annual -sltatlon to St. Paul's church, Mon- lay evening next at 7.30 o'clock' vhen n class Is to be confirmed..

Rescue lodge of Good Templars ■deeted the following officers Tuesday evening:

Chief Templar—Walter L. Car- fiey. ;

Vice Templar—Mrs. Abble K. Tufts.

Secretary—Charles W. Hlnxman. Treasurer—James Goff. Financial secretary — Miss Lizzie

Hayes. Marshal—Jonas Eastwood. Deputy marshal — Miss Annlt

Roberts Chaplain—Miss Eva Looker. Guard--Ueorge S. Gile. Sentinel—Anderson Hamilton. Alsslstant secretary—Herbert Rob-

naon. P. C. T.—MIBS Fannie Hayes.

Boglnnlnij, next month ReBcue lodce. week.

I. 0. G. T.. will meet every

la Hi iu tUgM thtre i •houid be. cletnllneM.

Ely's Cream Balm cteanaea, tootbM and heals the dlnoised membrane. It cure* < at srrh and driroa away a cold iu lb« licad qolcklj.

Cream Balm is placed Into tbs noatrili, spraada OTer the membrano and il abtorbed. BtUafUlni- mediataand a cure follows. It Is Dot dryiog—do-i not produce aneewng. Large Blze, 60 oentl St Drus- «Iats or by mall; Trial 81ae, 10 cenU by mail-

rLV BROTI1KR8, M Warren tstraet, New York.

Installation the first Tuesday alng in February.


With the transfer of the Rev. Fr. icMan'ui to a more important field f labor. <-omes the announcement that

i new Catholic parish is to be estab- Ished here, with Rev. Fr. lames Gilday as the first pastor.

His" brother. Rer. —Pr. John J liltlay. of I^wcll. has been appointed

.ts sucaowor to Rev. yr. McManni. ■ He, like his brother, was born in -owe]!. He niHde his preliminary tudies there. He went to Nlcollot ollege. (Canada, about the same time s his brother, and was graduated

vl111 the highest honors.

A committee was chosen, Thursday evening, by the Burns club to solicit subscriptions for the fund for widows and' orphans of the British soldiers lost in the Transvaal.

A reception was tendered Rev. Fr. James Oilday, the ncwly-appoimed paitbr of St. Michael's church, the other evening, at. tho home of Mr. ■aid Mrs. Thomas J. Enright. on Fletcher street. Ijowell. Eight clergy- men: friends of Fr. Gilday were pres ent at the banquet. The latter, who received th" best wishes of those ir attendance, has had many congratula tory telegrams. It Is not yet settlet when he will begin his new dUfJtJ but probably about Feb. 12th.

I'red P. Berry and H. Herbert Marston arrived home, today, from their business trip to New York.

Miss Alice T. Keefe, n graduate of the Johmon High and the Salem Normal schools, who has taken the required six months' course iu Lawrence Training arhool. was, Thursday evening, placeu on the un- aligned list of teachers of that city.

The Neighborhood club held a pleasant meeting with Mrs. B. H Farnum. Wednesday, 24th. Ninetccr ladies were present. .An essay, "Joan of Arc" was pre

Rented by Miss G. A. Farnhain, and the story; H<>w One Man. Loved,' WU.H read by MIBS A. M. Tucker.

The club will hold its next regnJa' mwtlng wRh Mlaa A. M. Tucker, Fel>. 7. Programme In charge of Miss M. A. Berry; Quotations: "The Cloud*." i

Despite the inclement weather, thtre was a troodly number at the Odd Fel- lows bazar, Thursday evening.

Berry's orchestra, which has been secured for the remainder of the week, wan in attendance.

There Is dancing each evening, and Baturdaj night. Prof. Flight will ap- pear in the vaudeville line.

In ..u&ditlon to other ladles, Mlaa Sadie Somervllle ts assisting at the

^confectionery table, where MrB. A. C Howes has charge

Mr?. William Halllday was one cf the assistants on the fancy tabte.

Mrs. Daniel W. Sutcllffe assisted« the apron table.and Miss Lucy A Presentt at the post office, where ihe specinJ delivery boys were Bert Conn nnd frank Hannoa.

All the arrangements are first class In every respect, and no better 'place could be selected to pass on evening of pleasure.

Electric cars leave this ev?nlng and Satur.lny night for Metbuen after the dancing.

The gifts are to l>e awarded Monday evenlug. at the hall, when admission will be free.

Rev. Fr. John JB. Cronley was given n banquet and testimonial. Thursday nvenlng, by I>awrence conn ell, Knights of Columbus. M. J. O'Brien, dyeing overseer at the Bright- wood Manufacturing jnills, nnd P. J. Casey were members of the com-'

mjll^ln ItT.D «i>'l 0«l* "torn*- Mh. t*tl»l -—TWffl *lih t>)M rifcWi. T«k* n« atlipr. IUI>*r

•*4 "Bailer rW 1—!•*>,-»• i»»*'.g "■- tan Mat). !»,««• Trtim»»i»i.. **••)

THIIlfS IITIIK LIKE II in tho eaat, weat, nrtrth, or poutti. THK MOKNIWS TELKaJRAWl l- conredodly the brljhteot rfaily paper in tbol'iit'iti. Its newa of the <lay la COD- clap. ll», tlimndal news !*• auilit.rtiatUy lta thcatrlral newp la cumi'lcte. 1» rartnic n-'*« t* almply unart|irna«:tiabiit. lilia* aueclal featurwt tbitt cannot bo (.biainud frum anrotlieraourcc.

THK MONDAY TKLEORAPH ia aa BOO*1 M Half a rtoaenlOthar WJ*ft

imea the oiiU'iialnmenJ tho »■»«'■*• ••wkly doea. It ta brimful of tale and atiM-dnta '»• peramia and tWnge yon kLrfiw. you oofilit t» know, or wowld lka T. ATA4? It lii; mlahiy intereatlmi l*pcr. vita an intereatlwc i.eraonallty.

THE PICTURE Ht'PPLKMENT la n.>t «inaUed "T any «tba>r r»o*'*pap«r m th* fioo "1 tl>" slvnc. The plot area an tlm«ly, intereatuw. '«*■'w^"*- Thov are in *»ni*« raafect* anperior W t he orilnal pfowipnT «»d "'' amount !7dP«7rtptlon"entilrt rt" »h«» the juitloe that yoarowo eje« would.

Sold everywhere, by tstfry ll»« dealer, avanTAr in tbo «**. it WAtf* 3 anpan^o^haMU or

^ppiy'roV. 'nU Utaaf to hate It on band, in-

ataTtSi ha Jet It for »«. If ha ta the rlBht kind of n man. he will i U ha wont aujiply you. we wii


Sanaa* Only, . • MjPg** Daily ud Saoday, &0*e IHIIeir

DAILY TELEGRAPH CO. 140 VMt 42d Street.


lffalr. TlckeU may be procured of Dr. F. 8. Smith. H. Herbert Marston. Mlfs NeJlle M. Rtllllngti, MUa M«b»l J. Chewy and Mlaa Alice T. Keefe.

The hearing, arranged through the etforta of Reoreaentatlv.! Poor, on tho petition • for conatnicttng a aoc- tlon of aUlto highway on the Air Une, beginning at the lawrenco line and going townrda the Centre. ioo!t 1 lace Thuraday afternoon In Boaton. Those who attended, besides the named, were ex-Mayor Eaton nnd Thomas Webb, of Lawrence. Judge. Harry H. Dow. Belectmen Haillday aod Moodj'. 0 Otto Kunhanh, 1'eter Holt, Jr.. J. B. Roblneon. Harry W. Clark, George B. boring and Dr. Joseph Kittredge of Brookllne.

Remarks, strongly advocating th» measure, were made by Representative Poor, ex-Mayor Eaton.Thomas Webb, Dr. Kittredge, Peter Holt. Jr. O. Otto Kunhardt. lUrry W. Clark, and Judge Dow.

At the close the chairman of the state, hoard of highway commission- ers complimented Mr. Poor for the highly creditable manner in which th" ca.e wus presented by the speakers

IT HAS 1IEKN FINALLY drimm- •trsted ihut Bly's Cretin Balm IB ;I sneclflc for Nasal Catarrh and BSltl in


"5?^^%^yi^? >° '•,™l«n!'!S I-sis' ..uoi|i|i»H 4«M il!H^f"".'l . i.v.uiiR-i.) vm

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Dnnnrirrrniri!' NeckttoB —

i T.riv.'Is

Napktna ■ •; ■

IHli U»*q« ctn. j .■is. | CtB.

S|eUll*l|,i [Sfiua ijf *"

and wen ' MM" 0 l-'i :.,ll.!::i rtl'eet:;


•uoisiiung iii'

UJ, UJIH1HK S,i|ill|JII| U>>m» I'MWIP \ IUIU; »»A|4mu»sead»j ."ii jd"»od

V 'JWMJ '\ .^m-'ilV HOS K.lwn.t,] ■ MV ^ItlAUUS.upUV 1" llosi-t/l ,>|lu„p.*;u<M "

' fl ,.vi v\:u CSBE M. CAKNEY

•HV. I'l a»|AJM BOOttMiM«. wipinij; ■«.„.»>« —— ■ .

• »|*pM«tf T' I" *.» >.'.i, ' jjqi lilo.ij l.iajjs u-'iu^ UU Binofl I'M I'

,„:■ :,,„| ton KSSKX fi't'liKKT.

Near Ne'wuury.. ,;i ^_,j.,,.. J i .. 14


Opaa Evening*.


Catarrh, Asthma, and Hay Fever.


Got It at once and be liappy.

The fact that merely local treatments will rwver cure Catarrh Asthma or Hay Fever cannot be too widely known. Catarrh, Asth- ma and Hay J*Yv«r are constitutional rtlseaies. hence we can be healed only through the stoniochand blood. If wv introduce a com- bination of the proper remedies into the system tiny instantly work upon the nerves, the circulation and the digestion, :i curative action is brought to bear at the very root of the dlKease;. the mucus is caat forth, germs are destroyed, the raw places are healed and the whole ■\ftorn gains new vigor. Now this is .precisely what takes placa when

Drefs Catarrh Cure. Is used, it is the common sense cure for CATARRH, ASTHMA 'and HAY FEVER and whenever it s employed there will lie greater cer- taltty M a cure than try any other mains whatsoever. Of course chronic eases take time,- but persistence with the treatment and ordinary care will result In a cure In the majorltv of Instances. ■

1>REFS CURE Is also a very ready euro f.or HEADACHE and NEURALGIA. The most delicate may take it with perfect confi- dence. CHAS. A. DREKS, Mfg. chemist, No. 2S0 Broadway.

Buffalo, N. Y.

H.GREER, Ph. G. 259 Essex Steet

Voting Contest Coupon. This Coupon Counts for Three Votes.

■ l''CMAI,K


- And-

Male Member of Lodgei Club" Secret Society or Fraletm'j* Order.


Voting CiHih-m Coupon ♦»♦«.♦•♦•♦•«

I j As the most popular femal< I Teacher 'or member of T.

-jVl Vntf For— j.


Name of (.edge , or School .'. .

Cut out this coupon, (ill it out plain- ly and send it to the Editor Voting Ccnlest, American Publishing Co., 254' E^sex street, Lnwreiuv. Mass. Vote

] as oten as you please. Contest closes May auth 1900. at S o'clock p. m.

LEADERS STILL They are Miss Maude Hall and Patrick

A. Daley Still at Top of Their Re- spective Classes in Voting Contest

London, Jan, -'7.--A despatch from Phnehal says:

The father of the new emperor Is at il,i head pf-thc greet secret societies known as the 'Great Sword' and "ihe Iloxers.' exteniling'over tli" provinces of Chill San Tung and Ho Nan v.lilc'i were responsible for tli" murder of Mr. Ilrooks, the mtHatftwffl-y, ' ■

Various edicts have If n issued wttb

•y the omtnons rumor rat/'of ihe e.v-enipemr are spreading iviildy. It is alleged that his de- thronement was decide! upon at a council convened by the empress dow- ager on Tuesday. The Mamihnclau favors the eflange buS 'he ('nines.. proper oppose it and predict a tro- mehdous upheaval.

It is believed that the Russian and French legations were notified ol the impending change and that they will support the new regime. It is also resorted that a French 'naval force has already reached- I'ekin.

The British and I'nite'd Slat,-; li - gallons wSu have been favorable to Kwanesn. were kept in igt.oranee o| the new departure but i* is ajg^rtetl that I.i Him. Change. v.;u sent-' as viceroy to Kwangs'.l Tune, to support the duwager'H'policy and to repress any

I iiosUtitrm on the

♦ ♦ <*>


Tn the fransvaal

Are attracting the sttenti >n of the world Our Green- brier Whiskey is attra:ting the notice of 'h-ist who need a pure wholoso.cie r-timulant You tiakc no mis'akf when you buy it.



427-429 COMMON and 60 HAMPSHIRE STREET special Attention Given to Family rr a<)e. Telephone—<2>

/ t/ou are booking for thes~%

Finest and Largest Stock of

table <$ Pocket Cutlery ■ We would invite you to call at Our Store. We especially

call your attention to Our Line o Carving Knives and Eorkes.

The Treat Hardware and Supply Co,

Positions Secured! Wo aid those who »•«? yOV'KKN A1H.NT POBIMOHBi KffiQQ rdaces maki

CIVIL SERVICK Hl'I.KS. T»M yearly appointment*. Hrcpat-MM by mall an Oovernment exfirninattoriri. 'evr cash or Inmalrru-nts. A lho>n(njtl and sc-ten- tllln course in nil depart tn<*4.j. kotiuip-a oimn1 time only. Salaiiee twice u? miif'h ««" prvttto flrmH for trie sume kin 1 of wurlt. The hourn n'f labor nri- whorl (lutien light, position* for life, you will ar- the Civil BerVlc catalogue dfurriblnt; COUTM lu

1111.I We (fliiUiml'i: th." itnilo-tiiij; biunii> for our

Civil se:»ici Instruction, Washing

Xamps Ovilci-cd for Clii-isinuiH jus t pecoivod mnv. As

qnciii'i' lli'f prices luivc all stiilVioil II gr«U I't'iliu-titm. iii-o 'Vase l.tnjips, wllli msi's .'iiid <rl<>l>i-K (itworateti Metrti Lamps with 1'anc.v DmirnfOtJ OlobeH; Lamps sizt-s ami kinds. AlL.sizt's if llecni-iitoil (Unties. Hhatlfs of Various Kinds.

1 I'onsi


alike: t.f all I'tllit'V


G. H. KITTREDGE 389 Essex Street

* ■ 4 * 7*. Wt f !*o Town u + * THE i:ELKBBATED" A* BEC8EB ♦ 4 4 + .» (i <auceu »j u< IO tue tl.r iltv





proDonnced by th liobt the Bf«f La^rr |n U.r

FIRST PRIZE—Fur the most popular fomaU' sthool teacher employed under salary By the city of Lawrence— a trip to the Paris exposition, all ex- penses jiaid, the trip to ' include two weeks iu 1'aris and journey to and from Paris from Law-

. rcnee. , /

FIRST PRIZE—For the most popular male member of atiy lodge, club, secret society or any fraternal organization In the city of Lawrence—a trip to the Paris exposition, all expenses paid, the trip to include two week* in Paris and journey Io ami frvm Paris from Lawrence.

SECOND PRIZE—For the female school teacher— A

two week's trip to any resort in New England, Novia Scotia or New Brunswick all expenses paiil-

SECOND PRIZE For the male member of any tody, / club, secret society society or any fraternal .or-

ganization—A two week's trip to any resort in -New England, Xovia Scotia or New Brunswick all fxpenses paid.

SPECIAL PRIZES-~.?30 in gold the one Wading the list of contestants the largest number of days. f20 in gold to the seCond highest leading.the list of contestants the largest number of days.


It is' Likely *»> Ensue in Ohfno Frt tlif l)cthiu;;inii'Ht of the Etnpciai'.


will often cjittse a feorrfble Burn Scald, Cut eir nruisc. Bucltlah'a Ar nir ft Salve, tho best uttlvo iu tln^ vorld, win kin the pain and promptly tteal It. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ul- cers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best iMIe care on earth. Only 26 cents a box. Cure guaranteed,. Sold by John J. Forest, Druggist.


256 ESSEX STREE1 Program forWeek ol JANUARY 15 190C






Never Accept a Substitute.

8ELLAVITA Arsenic Beaut? Tablets and I'lll-

Th» Complexion Treatment is a guaranteed specific, per- fectly safe and stfe in its -ac- tion, for tlie removal of vai lous dliorderi of the skin,viz: Pimpled. Blotches. Frecklts,

/ Suaburn, Discolontloaa, Kcic »nr, Hlackbeids, Roughness. Redness, and re- Glares the lilnom of Youth to faded faces.

ccjUainimiJQ. (lays' ircatmcnt 50c; 10days' treatment, $1:00. tix boxes $5.00 trttli poettlv* written K";irante« to prodaco the t.i.A-n r«SDltl or CQMrttllly rsfond isoo paid. o«ut

iy nijil un reci ipt f' piics. beittl for cncuUr. Nrrvlta Meiikal Co., cilaion & Jacks** stt- .

■?■:.! l.y .1 Diufcgbt* Cbkaa.o. Dlloonv Sold by

CHARLES B. 8CHKFFLER, Drutglft, •39 Kan-r street. Lawrenca.

For Women. I'r. Tolin.-.n'» Monthly UrRiilator ]ian brought

.t.,'1 iin-ss to hunilpediof au*inus wntnen; hftvt' '.i'vvrli;i't;i Hjnglu failure; luuK«att;asesrc]Ie.ei! in li to 5 day* witliout fall; no other remedy w il lot I. is: no pain, no tian^rr. no mi I'rf^rcnce with ■TOA; fry mail* r at ofli<o ?2. write for further

■nrtiiiilars Alt tettOTStfptbfllM> an»w«red. .JV-iLSLTOLJIAN CO.. 170 Tremout St., Boston

r—week of Jan. 13. THE GERMAN ROSE, Musical Ar

tlst and Vocalist. l'ROl'\ VI1EUO. Great Magician am

Musician. MR. LESTER HOWARD. Comedian MR. JAMES DALEY. Vocalist,,

Characters :*■

All aboard tor Parla! If there isn't B school teacher or i'

lorige or clyb membfr in Lawrence who1

wouldiTt like t" EaAe in tin- Ktcat ., position, with all expenses, paid, etm tn1 li*1 r; a vnv:i avl^;.

S o'clock last night was:

. TEACHER. Maud aall. High" Teresa M. Twoomejr, Packard Marie Sanuifurd. Ar4ingtQO P. T. Doble, Oliver Etta H. Hanar. High (Irace Neablt, Wetherbee

The opportunity t.o tfin one of theio prlais offored by (he 8un-American m.rii.u: nfent is open to all. and th-- in dloatlons aje that ihr chanoa i.i ono Rial i. Iiiil fn hf ultnwi'd to sUp 11>■ -

• Tie (ciitesi has now. been 'on' for ronT dny* and the reutrtt r'i" the rotfoK vlurj. that public Interest is warming ur- it will he warner within a few) dnyr. when the friends of the varioii' 'dark horses,' which are to enter tin nice, pul Into the box lift pi ley of ballots that are being acunmlated. Patrfrch A. Daley, Manhattan club

Yesterday abowerJ a notable aeeos-Uajaea Prlngle, Clan McPhersou.. aton in the coupons v.'jte'!. but witii-[dohn M. Sweatt, K. of P out 'hange'in the relative positional W, P. HI gains, K. A. E. O of the'leaders. The vot-j for MaudeiLuke J. Dcvany. Slgsbce A. C.:. Hall of tho high school was Increased ■'- ■'» Stott, Ptlgrlni Fathers .... flow "ii to !■:;: -Mis.; Two'iiuoy ol th*.-j William Mead. K. S. C -.. . Packard added 22. to her score * ma kf'n j 1 Samuel McGiBbon.L, .Y. C Hii wrine ;i K5W cnndlflnw uunii'-M.'l

EJfirencs Griffin Lowell street Sarah Hradb-y. high" school E. J. Danforth. Oliver school Alice O'Maliey, high


I s HMnnTWll Phg'TBlftlap Mini- SaudUfird of the Arlington. wl*u|Hatry Waas, Phoenician ?8 vjitct. IR. M. Prteatroan; Homo club

Among the lodge and ctTib fuenfoPi r,(Joseph Pord. Ct. Montgomery Patrick A. Daley of the Manhatlun|W. A, McCarthy, Jr., Ct. Excelslo club added P' votes to his total, ninl.-i.lamt s Keefe, Independent club .. ing it 73, while Jamefl 1-ringle. of Clalt MePhet.-'iu jumped' trom J:l t) "I. making him, a close second. A ■iiw com'petltor, John -Ii. Kweatt,. ic >f P., starts In with Gf voles. W. P. /«\ Tins moves 'nil from 12 to C2. an I l.efe are minor ehanges of Interest In

the list. The Mantling of the contestant.- at


Prices Moyed Vp In Sympathy with London's Advance,

\W York. Jan, !'.*>. -The stock mar- ket opened strong and higher today In sympathy With London, where prices were, up on the news that General Wan .'ii had captured the Peer position Bi Bpton \\r.\<. There was a brief period of act!

M. 1, ConnorL Ct. Mayflower. Edward F;'KeTleher. F,,M. T. John Dolan, F. M. T, A. S... P J. Henngapey, p. M. T. A. Win, Keefe. V. M. C. A Officer Ltnehan, K. of C.'..... John Kent, t't, .\timtgomcry . Phil Helfridge. Moon club ... Martin Hart. West End S. c



WilkjfKbarre, Pa., dan, 25.-T-A Jear- nil explosion of dynamite occurred in the yards it' the Jersey Central rail- road at Ashley. ■[ .submit of this city. tonight, which resulted in the klpi.i-; of Frank McLaughlin, Michael Hird and William Puckley all brak' m t: and the fatal Injuring of two unknov.;.

buying of profession. f men. Engineer John Rehrig was liarf ''• xpectation that thnvvould r..i , lv. injlned. Ku^imrr John Rol'trlil .■ low ;MI teithide demand tor ssee4ca, I \;h-> inn a side engine was severed tvit the ffcaders quickly deteeteil 1h;iL scalded. William Hrown. night - !«• - • tere vfax no oppsltipn outside their at tlje round house; BralcefflrnVThomi own rank;: for stoek.-; and ihey turn;d: Rowe and I'.aiiinan Mi' Cj | M« the ijort side almost ln«riedlately J were badly Iniurojf. The acrtdeni wtu There seemed to be a general feelin;? cured by the loss or the conirol^bf i tliat Wafreh's victory was not eonelu-i freight train, which > the fool of ti. -

The sagging of prices below Oioitutaln. dashed jjjdVi a hrlhlng; en tt« .path ;-ntl it w.:- _ -rrnr-,prrrrnVrr rnr+tx" Titadp -^periHimt^d^trm-Fhmffirrr in

profitable for the foreign arbltrag- RAuses, sine- prices i-n I <T.(\< n were w; ii EusiaJ i at the higher leytj*. Fife Industrial SpecltiUVs showed gaTfiH h. i-vniputhy 'with the Inter national. it 11 ihey were not so well siuttaln^d i.i the iibsnnee of foreign* demand. Ti*f- absolute Inertness of thi) buying d-mar.d prompted Rora^ selling pre^- ure,by the bears against the Icdirv

trtalfl in the. last hour, bitt prices seem .■ i unwilling' to move downwards :i. AipwjirdJ and (he Hhnri- >-...- .-.i her,-. ".'• eh Id'di « :■ 'ir;; a, iimfflA |elow the opening level" In '.(>\iti> >■

*+-f-f+*»»"f"»-f-Ht'+-«'A +♦, !•♦ y+^+Jk+jr+ty*^

s.'nt IlyliK! altitt" the \r:\c\: to ini; fiit'.iur. The 'shock oxpiotleil ' :ir eontathlns -:': liosjs ol tl'jruami and rs am \v. Efid [fain wrc w-.-.-ii;,- Tt-n locomotives were wro<!ked. Tl nmi.ii h-jJuSit and B bifgo portion ot U niot' were bjown tit'f. a

•Jim. HAN NASH, Imitatldris.

MISS DOLLY PARKER. Hallot Dai cer and High Kicker.

Coneludfl with comedy afterpiece, nntillod:


Doors Open at I. 31: p m. and 7,30 p.m.




r^A^^:a LHAVK NORTH i,A\vnENrr (•'or Boston—6,10, 7.13. ex 7.1C. 7.55, 8.U7 *x

8.51 ex, y.uu, $:& ex, 10.10 ex. 10.56. U..r.j ex a. m.J 1J.25. l.W. ^.S0. 3.2D ex (.(,.,, ',..:,, ,..2ti ux, f.32 ,. 111 ; fron Sowii Depot, 7.«s p. m.

for I..,»ell—7.30, 8.07, J.00, 10.10. 10.55 a, 2.31'. :t.2o, 4.05.5 ^". c.20 S-.32 p tn.; (roin South Deiio'., 7.08 p. in.

for Ali'loverv-tl.lO. 7.'i5, 7.30, ~.:<>, 8.07, OIK,,>, 10.5.', 11.65 a. ra.; 12.25, 1.00,

-8.30, l.Oi, 0.3ti p. in',; f r.m Bnlfh-liepoL





A Gigantic Purchase of __Fancy Silks for Waists and Dresses, ft'hieh we place on sale Saturday at the nnhcard-of price.—

'-&'_?*> "'- -4a—iv- '- *■- Wffl

494per^ Yafd \ Do yon want n faney Waist or a

nice Silk Dress OHBAPt if so, come Ijcre Saturday.


Our Entire Stock of Jackets and ('apes to be pttl on side

Saturday at 2B' cents on tho dollar. l"h,i greatest chance you ever had to ict a Good (Jarment ntrthe prlt'r of a

heap one. They must lie turned into-mrmrr-AT-

0Nt!B; hence thin enormous cut.


A Clearing up of Our

READY MADE DRESS SKIRTS. We claim [and rightfully) that onr

Skirt« are the peat made and Ueat Illtitu: of any SUirU in the city, yet they must be cleared out before inven- tory, go that on Saturday and S.itut- day only f:



Every Barrel! C arranteed to

Give Perfect Satisfaction Bay State


$425 Per

i.w p. m. or Jliiverhlll—CBS. 7.«. S.07, 9.00. 10.'i U.» a. in.: U.M, 1.50, S.oo; 4.05. 4.4j 6.a.% 5.40, 6:90, lO.rfo a. in.; Vi.iQ a. in. From South Depot-;,03, ;.4S. K.2*. 3M to.its, a. in : 12.w, '£■ 00. s.m, 4.M, B.W. C.42. 7.«N a.01, 10.SO *?. m. 12.00 a. m. or tQxoter, Dover. Sninorsworth. "Wella Kennebunk. Blddeferd, Saco. Old o--' chard and Purt!, 8.07. 9.00 ex a. in.: 1.50, 4.4J. B.W, l>. n> ( or Georgetown, Newouryport, Saliaburj an<t I'm-tamoutli—T.42 a. ni^; 12.40, 3.0"J l.t:.. B.M p. m. or Exeter. Dover, No. Berwick, Kenne- bunk, Iti-ldcford, BaCO, Old Orcharr and l'orJand-ti.M, *.U7, 9.00 a. m. 1.00. 4.45 p. m.

"or Merrlmnc and Newton—I.BS. 8.07 a in.; 12.4U, 4.'):. s.3B p. in.

■i.r S;ilcm, Mass. 1 und Lycn—7.45, t.\t< a. in.; 1.U2. CoO p. in.

•or MaiK liisfr anfl Concord,'N. H - s.^7 a. n.; 1.17, 3."44, COS p. m. or Penacook; FranJtttB] Lebanon ar. Whl'.d River Junction-^.37, a. m.; 8.4- CO} p] in.

>'or \VAm<-T, Bradford, aunapp^. New port 4N. IL.t riuTL-Biont and c.'laromom Junction—1.17 p. m.

c'or Tilie*i, fcaconta, LaKeport. Mrredtth Ashland and I'lymouiii—8.37 a. IQ. 1.1;. :i.4l', CD") p. m. or Lisbon, Littleton.Whltetleld Lancas- ter, Joffereon and Fabj.m'B—k.37 t. m

■ or St. Julinsbury Lyndonvjlle ant hherbrooka via White Hiver Junctlon- 8.37 ;i. in.; 6.05 P- m. or MeniVeii-r, sissex Junotlon, Hu.Uns n.11, St. Ai'oans and Montreal via C. V IIII>-—<.37 -. m.; ti.1,6 p. ni.

Per Montreal and Qusbee, via Mont^n djid Boston air line—8.37 a. m.; COii

fir 5u«D*o, via Whit.) Utver Junctlon- s.::7 a. m;. C06 p. in.

bUAVK SUUTri LAWRENCE. ,'ur Mernmac—J.0S, 8.28 a. m.; 12.W.

4.;5. r..58 p. „ntt eve V".xoier--7.03, 8.28 -.11 a. w.. 12.50

tt.00, 4.p;, 4.5'"., 5.88 p. in. or t-inttonH between l'^ct..-r ai.d Nort' Uerwickl-7.0*j «.M a- m.; 4.1*, j.a

O. -4U ,^_ . . . i, or Dover, North lurwlck. K'ein^runk Bnco, Did Orchard APd rot Hand- 7-ifc a.28, 9.11 a. in.: 2.00, 4 5i; p. m.

Phe I'.U train connects for nil Station, on the Maine Central <md tirand Trunl, at Toi-llnnd. '■ . 2.1*1^. m. Jraln con sects with tor Maine (." It. Jt at Portland for Lvwiatun, Waterville and way station!

, or ,-\.<rth Conway and way itatlons- li,ll a. m.l 8.00 P. m. .-

Tor Wolfburo—S.11 a. m.; 4. 'BS xt. m. r«-r '■■■ubya'-rrt-lUl a. m.: 2.00 p. m.

Hl'NDAV TUAflN^. [■'or Boston and way Htallom.—7.25, l.ll a. ni.; IL'.I", B.35. «.4ii p. m.; trom Houil I.N-i.-.t -t.'J-i, 7.37 ex., 7,4H p. m.

For Lowell -R. i:. a. m.j 12.10. 5.-35 p. m.; from South—1.20, 7.48 p. m.

for Haverhltf-13.10 a. m.l 9.00 a. m , UiH, ;■;.21, t;,35, H.25 p. m..

i-'er Mam heler, N. H.-9.20 a. m.; 1.0*. 7.02 p. :n.

BOUTHBIlN DIVISION. For ISostun -C30, "¥.35 a. m.; 12.00, |(R

p. in. For Woburn—«.J-* '" . m.; 12.00,

p. iu. . For i#ff!'in,M, 11.15 «. m ,■ u.ou. 4.^ ,4S p. m. or Rolem, Mas»—7.8b ... iu.; 4.5» 0. «i

For- A\vr Junction and way etatlons- 11.15 t\. m.; 4.55 p. m.

For Peterboro, Oreentleld, Dennlngton, Ulllsboro and Keene—fl.SO n. m.

For Oree"field, Amherst, Mlirord anri i\V1iii>n -M iW a. in.; 1Z 00 4.55 p, m.

Fo'- ,N).i*k a—*>..«'. 'J lft a- m.i il.otj, 4.A

msH (or acceptable Ideas. State If patented.

THE PATEMT RECORD Baltimore, Md. . I'ATr.NT B^-QJIP fl.ft,

par w.«ani. tumu^*free. -


Would quickly loaVO'yoU, If yotl llsel Pr. JHngls N'cw mm Pilla. 'Thbiisancls

-. «( aiilt(irer.s IWTO |uov^,l their match, liiw merit Tor Sick and Nervous (tead.l aches, 'nicy make pun- lilood and strong neryes and t.ulli] up your health —E-«v io Jake. Try them. Only ': \ cents. Money uacc ii not cured. Sohl

!■. ItUlls tToVlgh gyrnp K-lirnlnlua l,y J„loi I Forc.-t llruacUt mpstj .liL-tuniial rornfoi't and reHet' '"^WfflptTWs, i- work,, p -s. rel if;, r,l!:, oj ..urter' from that rrof

'.'.. ' i ,(n,;'"':;"" h:l^, ° :""' i;: rmai» omtimnt cUris, quickly andi „s'1'1' ' "!l "'■" v.cndcml re.". BemuviifBily. At Btty tlntg st«e ■"■I vex*.

Mrs. Ilc.lwiK IHrmirr Mldwlfs.

1» BerkaleiL SU, Lawreaee.

Graduated from the HoyaJ Seaeel el Obstotrles at Dresden, Germany, 1 am prepjared to respond to all call. made uiion me.


11 lbs, Rolled Oats 25c Evaporated Apples per lb 10c 6 lbs California Prunes Ik I R-J-i. BACON Daisy Bt.ll Tomatos per can 7c

80c per Dozen


ill. J. Bill 395 - 397 ESSEX STREET

PATENTS GUARANTEED Our Ice returned if we fail. Any ooenenaiiiK

sketch mid description of any invention uill promptly receive onr opinion'free concerniun the patentability of Mme. "How to Obtain u Patent" sent upon request. Talents eecuied through us advertised for sale et our expense

Patents taken out through us receive *]» • '■>' ?io(ic',withoiitcharBe,in THIS PATBHTBECOWU, an illustrated and widely circulated Journal, cotiHiiltt'd by Manufacturer] and Inventors.

bend for sample copy f BEE. Address,

VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. (Pattvt Attorneys,)

Ew.ns Bulldin; WACHINGTON. O. C-

CURE YOURSELF! I'lM- !'.».,'...', i ■ ■!

ill m-linn:. ■H.iiirl.iiumuii -, irrflatiuni ■>.' elctratlotu vt in U ■ ,■ II -.mi ml 1 i' ■

aloma.lno. I'lHIit.-KH, nlul not ttHtrm .sCHEIIICaLCo. l."'"t or l^iKoiiwin.

LpiNCitMKO ■■■ ■0,<, h-T »rn««l«il«, " nt hi pluin »r.i| ,i :

hv "Xpmiw. n-'pHi.l, in ■ •l.itn. ur 2 botllw, *i.VJ, ClfCttUl K»t oil r—ji.


CALLING AT HALIFAX. Farleies Ken. 10, Nmnidian I'Vli. HI I'alitornian Feb. 31

First Cabin |50 and upwards. In- duction on Hound Trip. Second Cabin t35: ileturn IfiC.Ou; Steerage JUJl.r.O; Prepaid »24.00.

Glasgow and Boston, via I^indon* derry and Galway; second cabin 1^0 prepaid; steerage $21 prepaid.

Iror deBcriptivc circulars. plan! of steamers and other Information rip- ply to 11. & A. Allen, 92 State St., Boston, Mass., or .lames Mnrpliy. 263, Essex street, l*awrcuce, MaiJsT '"


NEW MANAGEMENT. Steak., Chop.. Qysters

Served to Order. Regular Meals. Next Door t

American Exprer.a Offlci.. 3G0 ESSEK STREET.

Mrs. Cowpcrthwait, Prop..


F. J. Clement & Co

Ot the Ne-if York Bye and Bar In- ^flrrnvJ, Wills Hospital. Philadel-

Phla, end th. BslUmore Mr* aod Ke.- Hospital. . * .

OBce Blakeler Bulldlnf, «77 _ Practice United to

E«B,Ear. Nose and Throat Diseases Glasses Scientifically .fitted.

Hours—9'to 11 a. m., and 1 to 6 and i to 9 p. m.

Telephone .15-1.. ' ;


Real Estate Ap/.rts & AuetiohcerJi rirs, VUt, and InsenuM


Eureka Ventilator, Fellows Danpe'i tit* and Water Proof Paint.

Ren., eollected and property teas' care ol.

| Mel Batata Is all parts of tk> elty-

•lekelejr Xnlldlnf - - 477 •'- ■smsu If ul M.

R chard Cullinane ARCHITBCT.

i Plans, Specifications, Contrects soil , Agreements prepared at short notice I Superintending of bulldinge *urlol

com (ri ctJja t.>*n personal ettsntlo"'


.Ussw..^ -


Dessert FOR TtVDAY

{temon Jelly made with Key- \stone Silver White Gelatine. \ Recipe for this and many J \ other delicious desserts in /

every box. 1 If root arocer <*n not supply you i ■ eead ua nil nmi' and we will •♦lid 1 T #ou a sample i>»ck»»« free with r \ Wipes by"is leaillutcooa*ol the f . MKHtry. A fall lliibox BtUld J

for lft ueata. ■IIHIUI i'ARKM "oiil,

I>*lr*lt, MX*.


The members of St Mlchct-l's Churit- I aide Aid society and invited friends | will have a party on St. Valentine's cveniag.

bouse be erected. Mr. Mahoney followed the fortunes

of the flaK Ue loved so dearly from the beginning to the end of hostilities in thi' war of the rebellion.

tie luul three honorable discharge!!, two from the navy and one from the 48lu Massachusetts Infantry. He saw •arvioe In five tights on land and water ami his record, is one of distinction for valor.

He belonged to Post 39. Q. A. R for which he always cherished a high regard, and his old comrades .vlll learn

lift sorrow. gallant veteran had

W»*f*. .».: :v<m. ei«W»K his wife pass away he still maintained his genial, cht erful ways to tho end.

He was a man of rigid honesty and sturdy principles and iiossess the con- fidence and respect of numerous friends.

John 1'". Morrissey was installed as recording secretary,and .leremiah Mc- Donald a trustee, of the Inn Moulders' union. Thursday evening, in Utwrencc,

HOW'S THIS? private auspices, and the affair was (captain^; point, Allle Badger; goal transferred to Woburn as

i regard, and his i I of his death wi I Although the

We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- one of keen enjoyment to all ward'for any case'of Catarrh that can- Harry C. Foster and MIBS Cora R. not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Bassrtt led the march nnd were fol-

Cure. lowed bv about BO couples In all shades F. .1. CHKNEY ft CO., of uniformity.

Toledo, O. There was a general participation In We, the undersigned, have known making up npropriate to the Occasion, F." .1. Cheney for the last 15 years and the costumes, unique and grotes-

itnd believe him perfectly honorable inc. had uu original and home made' in .all business transactions and flavor, financially able to carry out any ob-

ligations made by their firm. WEST & TRAUX, Wholesale Drug

gists, Toledo, 0

tender. Eddie Kelly.

The rule of the hour was fun. and every-body obeyed thoroughly the man- ible. In spirit and letter ' The committee to award the prUes was Pauc Holt, Jr.„ and Joseph H WAiMNfi KI'NNAN & MARVIN Uiis ''ater tioit, jr_ nmi JMKEB ™...

wnoiesarc Druggists ioiwrotr: agement deillncd to bo cnndbliiUa IOI Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In- ' _ " ' ■ „„nM,lm^„.„ „,,„ .....a Cata

ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the

'Sylvia's Soldier' will be played in Unitarian hall, Friday evening, Feb.

,0th. for the benefit of lh» Charitable union.

'I The handsome bum of Jior. was

cleared at the recent literary nnd mu- nical entertainment under the aus- pices ot class 1900, Johnson high

James K. Costello. a meat cuttet em- [ployed by Charles E. Meserve, met

with an accident, the other day, oy | which his right hand was injured. For

time it was feared that blood libis onlng would set in, but this has for-

I tunntelv been averted. ' » *■<*'

p. Doherty. tho well known mill:- ES^i" I man was driving in his yard Friday i Imurnlng. when the pung slewed, rap- Mrs ^bram MaBlen ,, seriously 111 Isizing and throwing out the load of I h h on Bever, street.

cans, filled with lacteal fluid. Only;

|,n addul-i, to the expense, the accident^' "j* ^Sm^M^Z occasioned no little inconvenience to«J ^ ■ — J^ by a chair whlcb

*im' - she puahea before her. For a woman ,.. .. . . . . . . m her 94th vear, her recovery has The Alpine orchestra played at an ^ner remarkaulei wmUun D

entertainment, given in the vestry ot. °*™ the Gordon street church, Lawrence Wednesday evening.

hboori and the gentleman's rrize waa awarded to Herbert \t. roster nnd the

iA ladles' priW to Miss Dollie Faruuin. system Price 75c. per bottle. Sold-T|ip fdl.mN..B Wfl3 an nncJent „„„ „~n. by all Drusgtsts. Testimonials free. ora()lp mn|;o u of p;i„.hwork nnd lal.

Hall's Family Pills am the best. t(1I. Xv.,s ntt!red in a costume 'bran' ~ ~~. \ , ! . ,, new nt sunny sack. ' The costuming

was joined by a delegation WOm ^ E() wp), (1|)m, thal ft ww a )li;lUer

Post Sheridan, 28, S. . r. Parchor, of d(lH(.ate (a8te to partUtilart/.o. Hon- coniwaudev. rrablo mention, however; 'tniftbl !)■

, ., " made of 'Dinah* Ward. Herbert Mars- Mn. Frank E. Howard, formerly ttm Harry poster, who (01 entangled

of the Parish, lias purchased a large , of the Hnrks of th(l pi(M-,.,: 1 of doulile-tenement house and lot OL ^Tnin Albert Currier, Arthur Basaett,

land on Sargent street, LA«rencc, of Artnur Farnham; Harry Holt, Joan

assistant to the late Fr. Quealey.

For ten years he labored there to Two propositions for memberKlilp the satisfaction of all, and no better

wtre received at the recent meeting teat of his popularity could have been of Iteacue lodge. desired than that, nhown at the re-

certion tendereO ^.»n by the people The reports of the various town of the pariah U*i Sunday evening,

officers are being printed. when gooo gathered In one of the * halls of the city to give him a testl

The Houndabout club is to meet menial of their love and respect. wilh Miss Mary O. Stevens at O^good while another thousand had to remain Hill, next Tuesday afternoon. i outside for want of room.

—— Until a parochial residence 16 ' There are three cases of scarlet erected in this place, the newly ap

.fever and] .one each or typhoid fever pointed pastor will reside with hit .SP*W41^H>&tf*d^ hro&er at South Lawrence.

"*---* " rr**rsv-rnVdeftfiifflT that HWi"^. Mrs. fi. B. Wheeler, of JUowMI, Cronley will not return to St. Pat-

is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles W. .rick's after his well-earned vacation. Hin.xman. L The creation of a new parish In

^Jorth Andover means, of course, that On Tuesday evening. -February IS, Fr. Cronley is to close his work

the Orange will have a miscellaneous ,here. entertainment and box party. Mis* This resultant effect will bring Angle H. Whittler, Miss Rlanehe sadness to many Catholic homes in Whitman, Arthur F. Chadwick and the town where he wa» born, for he ('Union Nason are tho committee of won tho deep affection of the people arrangements. Every lady is re- among whom he labored at all times duesied to bring a box to contain her and in all weather by his noble cajM. and

and-Emanuel Downing. Misses Und «ay and Smith, of Andover; Micsea Kate and Mabel Fuller,, Misses Helen and Belle Uoaehe, Miss Addie Carney. Miss Oilman. MIBS Osgood. Miss Mary E. Towne, Arthur Whittier. Miss Ida Curleton. Master Whittler and othcro.

Refreshments were served at inter-

remarkable Rundlett. draughtsman at the Davis

i & Furber Machine Company's works, is her grandson.

Rev. E. S. Thomas gave a coasting party on Johnson's hill. Thursday af- ter noo HU

The money realised from the !v" lectures given in Stevens hull will ue used for introducing gas in the John- son high school room. '

There were 4S marriages in North Andover last year. The oldest groom was SB; oldest bride, .10. Tho young- est groom 21; youngc;-.! bride 18. .

The evening gathering of the N^igh- iiorhood elub on Thursday at Mrs. I. i'. Ileus brought out its usual good atSendnruT. A penny tor your-thousMs enlivened the social opening of the meeting, after which the following

"p^ojgTam ~twas presented^■-■- I'iano sole.

Ailss Bessie Rea, I'iano duet,

MisKes Marion and Alic%lE«a*/ Essay—An .Old Sea Coast Town,

Miss H . F. Cavletbn. Bong—Just as the Sun Come Down,

(». A. Pnrnnam, Ulseusslon Of Natural Local Features;

Poensf Miss K. V. CarteCon. Talk. Our ,Woodmn<is. Oeo. A. Rea. Essay, Our ihils. Mies bin A. Atklua, Ussay; Our ftrooka, Utrs-. tjeorge H

Ooodhue. I'iano solo.

M1M Stoue Seng— l.oves C.oklen Dream.

Miss C. A .Kyd.l. . '. t| lies ol' tableaux in charge of .Miss

A . M . Tucker: Scenes from 'John Aldan and I'ris-

dlla' and Maud Muller. Interview (rt sir Waltei Raleigh

With Queen Elizabeth.' Refreshments were served.

A trio from the American orchestra, lAwrence, directed by Conductor Twoomey, rendered excellent music.

St. Paul's parishioners enjoyed an excellent supper, Friday evening, prc-


High, Our hills around, loom bold and Above the lowland sweep

Where posture land and meadows He. 'Mid shadows tool and deep.

Their clear views reach afar und whip, Above the nestled hamlet.

O'er circling belt of forest pride. O'er upland, vale and streamlet.

They hail the flush of morning bright, The dayspring cool and tender.

The cloud-land mist on far-off height, The glow of sunset splendor. *>'

They watch above our furrowed farms, They feed the grazing herd.

Make picturesQue the laudaenpe charms,

_Reat weary; flight of bird.

We lift our eyes to heights subllm And strength to faith is given;

They bring the toiler's , upward climb To nearer view of heaven.

E. F. C. Neighborhood club..Jan. 18, 1900,

Howard, the six-year-old son of Of liver Calvin M. Snnborn, cut his ffteS. 'iiiite badly, Thursday alkernoon, while eoastlng in Phillips pnstur.c. The serVtett of-n physleian were required.

Mrs. David H. Meserve. Mrs. Ohas. A. Newhall and Mrs Charles Noyes are the committee for the next supper and social of the Charitable union.

i.a\vyer J. P. S. Mnhoney. Mrs. Ma- honay and Assistant District Attorney '"hind H Sherman have ;;oue to L-ikewood. N: J. ■

ICdward A. Kull<r attended a nu>et- ing of the deputies of Massachusetts Siatp Cranfce. P. of H., held with Muster W. C. Jewett, at the Waldo Iwuse. Worcester, the other day. tor ' "iiMUltatbm and InstrdotTon in the uork of tlie frtler. The new eOnatf- t:;ii(ni gov<^rning subordinate granges i"iitly issued by the State Iiruiuuv i'''ive(l ennsiderald' attention.

Mi'hael Mahoijey. a brave \eieian Of tli' •■ivil war. passed ;r.vay. al tttB <»'«l'ieU. this nioTrilrig at his home. * irner of Belmont and Hoagen streati fcgl -I I I ve-irs.

iltf l)om,beside the famous end i>j:;:;;iitie l.-jl;es of KiHarjn-y. in Hi - »imt> f>f Ki ii'.. Ireland ami i nw ! uin \ei;y jvsp-.'i tatde parents.

fuming tu the I irlted .States whan a young flftan, he .first sealed in Bldle- lonl. He, Thenee he to '«i\\- H-ne«, where bti Jivrd far aliiiiit ,'17 yeitl's, 1_ ■ ,

The deceased worked for a long time In the tByerett and IVmberton mills, being in eharge of the pfck'or depaft- "leius. tie relinquished work whan falling hoaltb compelled him to re-

• H« had llvfd In town only a few

Mrs. Samuel Ooff attended the ser- vices over the remains of Mrs. Mary Hord,-at-Oawy^-iL-H.. Monday, and also accompanied the funeral party to Lowell. the place of Inter- ment.

Rev. Fr. M. T. McManus has been appointed by Archbishop Williams to the pastorate of the prosperous church of O'lr Lady of the Assumption. In Drookline, made vacant by the death of Rev. Fr. Morris. He will assume his duties there February 12. For 17 years Fr. McMamis has labored lealously and successfully in tho

^>nrlsh composing St. Patrick's and SL. Michael's churches. A clergy- man of splendid executive capacity. I deep thinker and able In the pulpit. be is always the ideal Catholic priest. He disliked praise or pub- licity, but was satisfied to perform his pastoral duties quietly and con- actantlOUBly. His departure will be re^retted^ not alone by his own parisboners. to whose spiritual in- terests he was greatly devoted, but alEQ by those of other demoninations. among whom he had many staunch friends.

Tli» beau porridge and sueeotash supper. Monday eveuing. by ' the f'haiitahle union, attracted a large attendance to the rooms of the organ- isation, and a tidy sum was real- ized.

Mrs. W. W. Chickcring presided over the home-made candy table. Miss Helen F. Stevens was the flower girl, :ind Mrs. Oicar T. Young . looked after the finely decorated guess cake.

The axact weight of the latter waa five pounds and 11 ounces, nnd Charles H. Farmham, making the bast suess—five pounds and 1ft 1-2 ounces, received the cake.

The affair, which was a very pleas- ant one throughout, was under the management of the entertainment committee Mrs. J. H. Rea. Mrs. John 1*. Clark. Mrs. William M. McQues ton, Peter Holt, Jr. L. Edgar Osgood and- Arthur W. Rassott.

The assistants at the supper table- were Miss Mabel Hanaford, Mis? Clara DeBussey, Miss Grace Osgood Miss Addle Carney, Miss Lottie Bar- ker and Miss Grace Darker.

Fred P. Berry and H. Herbert Mars ton are in New York on a busi- ness trip. . *■

Mrs. B. M. Howard. It Is a fine piece of realty and nicely located.

Ceorge Doherty, of Chelsea, for- merly residing here, is in town to- day..

Regan. Campbell ' nno Duchesney took part in tho boxing boats, Friday mission, evening, in Lawrence.

A merry company of yotm<4 people gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goff, Sutton street,, Saturday evening, to surprise Frc't __ Ooff and celebrate his xsth birth- pared by the Women's Guild, day.

They brought with them a beautiful Hon. and Mrs, Moses T. Stevens gold ring, with carbuncle settiug. and Miss Mary O. Stevens arrived This remembrance of affection was home, Friday night, from Washington, presented by Mlts Agnes Colquhoun. D. C who voiced the company's sentiments in well-chosen phrases, gracefully de- Wauwinet lodge ba*ar opened Uvered. 'auspiciously, Wednesday evening, " The recipient, "to WhTom the call and "Odd-Fellows hall, to run through the

I week. gift were a great surprise, made a A highly creditable out-door con suitable reply, thanking all for their oert wft8 given by the Mechanics kindness. I Brass band as a preliminary feature.

The participants enjoyed an even- amj during the evening the organiza- lng of rare pleasure with games and tjon gave a number of popular selec- othor social diversions, and reluctantly tionB fn a pleasing style, departed for their homes only at the, Wlthm the httlit thronged by approach of midnight's hour. I peopio from Lawrence. Andover,-Mc-

v" thuen and North Andover, the scene

The Ladles' Benevolent society hold a special meeting, next Thursday af- ternoon, with Mrs. Charles E. Stilling-.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. of Chelsea, are in town.

character, self-aacrlficlng efforts, benevolence*

The withdrawal, too, of Rev. Fr A. J. Hamilton, a devoted and much liked priest, from this town, will be

j sincerely regreflted. aa he endeared | himself to all he met, being'earnest,

Johnson,'kindly and, affable.

I A son was born, Saturday, to Mr. and Mrs. Evan Williams of Middle

C. Junkins Is gaining

Monday all that was movta of the late Michael Manoney W&J placed aboard the 8.33 train and taken to Blddeford, Me., for inter- ment in St. Mary's cemetery by Con Mn £ -Ryan.

The old hero, who fought In num erons engagements in the array and navy, and always with credit, too, received official recognition for his bravery nt the storming and 'capture of New Orleans, while serving under Adrlmai Dewey, then a lieutenant

His captain in the army was Judge Edgar J. Sherman of the, superior court.

The remains rested in a fine broad- cloth covered casket with rllver trimmings. He wore the full Q. A. It. uniform, and on the coflln was placed the hat.

The Inscription on the plate rend: "Died January 11. I9(m. Michael Ma- honey. Aged Gl years.'

At the expressed wish of the widow, there were no flowers. ^Tho pall bearers were Fast. Com tnandcr James Lane and Thomas Greene sent by Post 39, Contractor V. Hogqn, .nlsro a member of poi-l, and Michael Dowd.

At BiddefortL the funeral party

Delicious refreshments KfiM ed In abundance.

Those attending were: Miss Jennie Colquhoun. Miss Kathcr!ne Donnelly.' Miss Clara Hayes. Miss Bertha Hayes. Miss Viola Mellor. Miss Emma Crowther. Miss Agnes Colquhoun. Miss Sadie Someryllle. Mis? Maud Wallwork. Miss Isabella Wardrop. Mite Emilv Boynes. Miss Ida Christensen. Miss Alma Christensen. Frank Smith. Charles Mid wood. Ar&Old Midv/ood. Ellsworth Flanders. William Dick. George1 Bnynes. John Wileox. Fred Goff. Robert Wardrop. Hn.rrv Watts'. M(vle White- Clarence Smith. John Watts. Fred Coff, of QoJfS Falls, N. H.

Miss Susan J. Henry was buried in the Immaculate Conception cemetery, Mondav forenoon.

Her death oecerred Saturday morn- :ng. at 8.80 o'clank, after an extended Illness.

Fhe lived in Lawrence a long time, and resided here about six yearr;. making her home with her sister. Mrs. Ellen T. Morrissey.

The deceased was an estimable woman, kind-hearted and charitable, and beloved by all who knew her.

Besides fhe sister mentioned, she leaves another, sister Mrs. Katherin^ McGrew, of East Oakland- Cal.

The services were held at St, Michael's church, with a\solemn re qulm high mass was celebrated by tfie Hev. Fr. A. J. Hamilton. Thrre was n large attendance. "Jerusalem" iiul ^Nearer. My God, to Thee," were rendered by Thomas .1. Murphy.

An elesant broadcloth, covered cas- ket with silver trimmings, contained the remains. On the plate was in- scribed: "Died January, 20, 1900, Susan J. Henry, aged 61 years."

Among t!'c floral tributes were the following: ^

Wreath nt Ivy and roses, and cluster of calln lilies and ferns from Miss Susie Morrissey.

Spray of pinks and ferns, Mr. ami Mrs. P. T. Donohoe, Methuen.

Spray of ptnksi Mia, Wells of Lowell and- MTS. Tellier.

' Rasket of roses and ferns. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen, l^awrence.

John Ryan. John Shlnnick end Thomas J. Murphy, of Lawrence. James Henry and Edward" Carroll, of Lowell, and Edward Jackson, of Lynn, served as pall bearers.

The Ladles' Benevolent society meets with Mrs. Charles K:: Stilllngs. Wednesday atternoon.

The quarterly meeting of the offi- cers of the Home Market club was

thatT4ield at the Parker house. Boston, Vvi- (lay rtfleVncon. Resolutions of coir doienee and sympathy were adopted on tho death of Frederick E. Clarke.

What do the Children Drink ?

Don't give them tea 6 Have yon tried tho new f->. called taUIN-0> It is imd iiouriiOiiot: snd tttW- t ,.i.-.^'.'.'.

The in..!,. <iruin-0 y»iu children th« axm health yvn tit'- through their iyrt< in'-.

I il'illll-(> th Itilldr (if pun kiul when prti&erlp prppar. like the choice grades of .. eof*lH fttiout ] a* tnm-h. All well it. ir.,-. nnilllo,

Try Grain-O!


■• tba lutfiti-

. I no tnlutmo. ' r- yuu-.KAIN-O


Walter L. liurnhum and Luther Kj Child, pf Revere, passed Sunday at Lite rornier's home, the residence of Captain and Sirs. John Hurnham Both young men are clerks In the wholesale shoe house of„S. B. filing & Co.. !t!t summer street, BuRton.

Jennie Miller, returned to her home in Amesbury. Sunday" fitter a fort- night's visit with Jemes A. Colnu- hodu.

was an animated one. A profusion of streamers radiate

from the main -chandelier, and the tables are gay in the brlgheat of de- rotations^

Roland A. ProacottTboksaiter tn» ditiK'-ing which commences at 10 o'clock each night. This diversion is greatly enjoyed by the young people who are out in force.

The different features are attended as follows:

I'ntted States post office, specla delivery five cents, Mrs. E. H. Rowe in charge assisted by Miss Inez Gile. Messengers: Fred Somerville ami Fred Howes.

Aprons and flowers—Mrs. George L Barker In charge, assisted by Mr-,. frank M. Greenwood.

Fancy .iable--Mlss Little M. Barke* in charge, assisted by Mrs. Dttvh W. Wallwork, Mrs. Daniel W. Sut ellffe and Miss Maud Wallwoik

Confectionery—Mrs. Thomas Som ervllle in charge, assisted by OTVs. A C. Howes and Miss Mabel E. Conn

Peanut grab—Miss Ada L. Carr in charge.

Wheel of fortune -- Thomas Wentworth in charge.

Exhibit table- John I!. Lewis ! (barge

lee ereain-Samuel Hamlin. George A. Smith, Mrs. Robert Stewart.

Shooting gallery—H. Fred Jen Mna, Ell H. Watts.

The following splendid" collection of gifts were donated by'*the partial named:

China tea set from George H. Per- kins.

Tabouret, Richard R. Smith. Heifer (Full blooded Ifolstein

I'pfKtajprcdl. .lames C. Poor. '-"Barrel-of potatoes, James C. Poorr

I^:g cabin on tit. Friend. Onli;r iur.aea-in's ice, Frank M.

Greenwood. Dosen asaortad canned goods,

Arthur W. Baasctt. Barrel of flour, Francis E. Higglns. Furnishing am', hanging paper for

room, MattheW V. Maachester, Bushel of potatoes, Oficar T.

Young. Hat. A. Rolnha-dt. Castor set Hugo Bell. Pair of slippers. George H. Wood-

man. I jimp, Gilbert H. Klttredge. Silk rmbrclla. Prank A. Warren. New Process Oil beater, James W.

Lei tcb. Boy's sweater, Bicknell Bros. Guess cake, John D) Moorchouse.

. Box r.O cigars. A. P. Currier & Co.

Pair of shoos, Samuel Hamlin. Cacss cake. J. Frank Sanbom. Two months' shave, James W.

EIKot. Ump globe. Ball & Mullen. Month's supply of milk, Edward A,

fuller. $1.50 worth of groceries. T. A.

Bolt * Co. Pair of slippers, Eastern Shoe

Co. Pig, Peter Reeves &. Co. Picture, Knowles & Robinson. Rocker. F. P. Berry & Co. Pair of hens and rooster, J. Gil

hart Chadwick. Snfa cushion;. Mrs T. Somervllle, Cord of wood, Edward A.- Fuller. I-nmp, Thomas J. Murphy.

. S. W. Fellows.

Petitions are* in circulation for articles to be inserted in the annual sex street warrant, for the macadamizing of Main street between Church nnd •?ul- Mrs. ton streets, and the construction of steadily. a concrete sldewjatk on Water street, from Elm to Clarendon streets. j There will be a calico party in

I Unitarian i hall, Friday evening, Rescue lodge will begin the credit Feb. Hi.

system Tue^iay evening, Feb-; ruary 1.1. Charles B. Smith, an employe of

•-— ' ] the machine shop, while working The programme of the Grange for Tuesday evening, nearly severed the

1900 has been issued. * t thumb on his left hand.

Tickets for *'Slyvla's Soldier." Frl- Papers were read at Tuesday even- day- evening, February 9, in.Fuitarian ing's meeting, of the Grange by John hall, are having an excellent sale. P. Clark and Miss Grace" Farnhain.

I A discussion followed. A pleasing The number of births here in 'W* entertainment under the direction of

was 72. Of these 41 were of foreign Miss Mabel F. Fuller closed the parentage. | meeting. The programme follows

At the annual meeting of the Tableaux representing scenes from Franklin. N. H., Building and I^onn Mylcs.StandJsh Courtship association held tho other evening, .—Reading. MIBS Angle H. Whittier. M. Duffy and Sumner Marvin were] Tableaux, illustrating the poem, chosen directors. The former Is Maud Muller. the father of Supt. DtrffyMBf Stevens Tableaux, Queen Elizabeth and mills snd the latter a brother of Walter Raleigh.

"Oiling Up." Just A little oil on the engine at the

right time may mean the difference lic- tween life.and death to the passengers and crew. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of the engine, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dfscovet; istojbe deli- cate organs of "the | body. It esses' their labor, pre- vents the loss of power and waste of energy caused by friction. Manv a man who was all run down, whose >hf*>» MKd *^>a» he walked, whose back ached when he laid down, who breathed with dif- ficulty, and cough- ed constantly, has been perfectly cured by the use of Doctor Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery. It pur- ifies the blood, strengthens the stomach and heals weak lungs.

Accept no sub- stitute lor "Golden Medical Discov- ery," nor any med- icine called "just as good" by the dealer.

Mr. Ohas,. llunwick. of Lenoi. Macomb Co.. Mich., write*: "I hive nev*r frit Iwttcr in my life than I do now. I have taken Dr. Pierce* CoWen Medical Dwcovery right along, t can now walk quite well with a cane, and hope lo throw even that away before ton*, ami an I have had to ut»e crutchea for nearly two year*, I think I am doing fine. I do not cough now and I can uterp like a school bov. You mint know that I have been treated in two hoapttaln and hv three doctors beatdct. and received no benefit; an r think your medicine the only medicine for me."

Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser in paper cover, is sent free on receipt of 11 one- cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierc-, Buf- falo, N, Y. - .

Si1 Rii Dre pattern, M. T, Stevens &

Sons. " "' . ■ ^«ri

Registrar of Voters Calvin Rea i- 1)1 it h's- home, Bruin Hill -farm. .


Officer Fred Marvin.

Miss Susie valescing.

E. Hinxman is can-

There were (13 deaths In

Poems, appropriate to each tableaux, were read by Mies Anna M Tucker. Aa*

Andover, last year. The oldest per-,week. son was Abigail Brown Carter, 87 years. Five were over 80 years, 13 over 70 and 23 over (JO.

T)?glnntn$—next month- Rescue North lodge. I. O. G. T.. will meet every

The Charitable Union realized about $30 from the supper, Monday evening- * .

A committee was chosen, Thursday evening, hy the Burns club to solicit subscriptions for the fund for widows and' orphans of the British soldiers lost in the Tranavanl.

A reception was tendered Rev. Fr James Ollday, the newly-appoin'.ed paftor of St. Michael's church, the

In all It* •taget tbtre A ahonld be cteinllDeM. Ely'a Cream Bain cleanae«(»ootbe«andhe2lt the diseased membrane. ft cares catarrh and Orlvoa away a cold la tba bead quickly-

Cream Balm is placed Into tba nostrils, apraaua over the membrmo and is absorbed. Belief te tfe- mediataandaciircfoilowi. It (a not drrimr—does not produce •necKing. Large Biie, M eentt at Drug- tiats or by mail; Trial Blxe, 10 cents by mail.

VLY BROTHERS, 5* Warren Street, New Tork.

KED •«!■! tiflS n>«ulli- N.JM. M«1H h blM rlbbnr.. Take a* olk#r. H«r>att

„ Btj «T J»»r DrMlM, «t MBd 4*. In r« fir Partlralnn. T«MlBS*aUU

i Ball. ll»,ftOOT^l[i»»l<. X.MhT

f.[.c llaaiaaa iHiaarr. 1*1111.V. 1'A.

Essex County Pomona Grange meets at Rowley, Thursday, Feb. 1st. Sub- ject ;or »he morning session: The other evening, at thei home of Mr Object and Purpose of the Pomonu und Mrs. Thomas J. Enrlght. on Orange, Afternoon: The Home. - Fletcher street, I,owell. Eight clergy

men frlends'of Fr. Ctllday were pres- ent at the banquet. The latter, who recoived th» best wishes of those in attendance, has bad many congratula- tory telegrams. It is not yet settled when lie will begin his new dull-at. hut probably about Feb. 12th.

Fred 1\ Berry and H. Herbert Marston arrived home, today, from their business trip to New York.

Miss Alice T. Keefe, n graduate of the Johnson High and the Salera Normal schools, who has taken the required S

'N months' course ia the Lawrence Training school, was, Thursday evening, placed on the tin- assigned list of teachers of that city.

The 'Nr:ghborbwT>d club held a pleasant meeting with Mrs. B. H Farnum. Wednesday, 24th. Ninetccr Indies were present.

An essay, "Joan of Arc" was pre sentcd by Miss O. A. Farnham, and tho story, "How One Man Ixyved,' was-rwiii by Miss A. M. Tucker-

The club will hold Us next reguhjv meeting with Mies A. M. Tneker, Fe.h. 7. Programme In charge of Mlas M. A. Ik rry. Quotations: "The ciouds." ,

The Good Templare have chosen Miss Mary Mowat. Miss I/zzle HaycV, Mrs. Abbie K. Tufts nnd Miss Annie Roberts a committee to make ar- rangements for an entertainment.

About 60 persons partook of an ejfr" celient supper. Wednesday QManlr.g1

in th^ Methodist Vestry, prepared by the Ladles' I-eague, under the dilu- tion of Mrs. Sftmuel Lfgget. Mrs. If. B. Eugley and Mrs. Samuel Smith, 'ng of the Indies' Benevolent society, connected with the church, the members c;ime to th» Methodist church and had tea.

Hon. Moscs'T. Stevens was in Tianklln, N. H., Thursday, on huai- uess.

James McClellan. of Haverhill, ha? iccepted the position of weavln;; md dressing overseer in Osgood mills.

Bishop Lawrence makes his annual "Sltatlon to St. Pauls church. Mon- !ay evening next at 7.30 o'clock vhen a class Is to be confirmed.

Rescue lodge of Good Templars ■leeted the following officers Tuesday veiling: Chief Templar—Walter I*. Car-

ney . Vice Templar—Mrs. Abbie K.

Tufts. Secretary—Charles W. Hinxman. Treasurer—James Ooff. >i Financial secretary — Miss Lwzie

Hayes. Marshal—Jonas "Eastwood. Deputy marshal — Miss Annie

Roberts Chaplain—Miss Eva looker. Guard—George S. Olle. Sentinel—Anderson Hamilton. Alsslstant secretary—Herbert Rob-

nson. P. C. T.—Mlai Fannie Hayes. Installation the first Tuesday eve

aing In February.

George A. Stowert. began work in 1 Byron Marston'fl departmental »h* Duvls & I'lirber Maehiii** eumjtuny id;uii tnthry to team the mucwnMi trade. >

The 'n-utini..- atrti and btrVs "^nnj hied ut the 'Poverty party, in Qrnnrje -.-., iy e^enij

i Smi

Charles M. /Smith.', of Haverh .visited. Wednseday. aKtha^resider of hip imclej Richafd R. >Si Miii lilehoiid afreet. J

The IterrlnAtck grammar sera hftekey team i- arrtltiKlng for u gal w'ih a (cam from Chrlsl clmrrt Th« make-ttR ol the. iifam is as ti.\

RrjihfltR, 11,,: Kelly. w*h ut.J Howard (leaney, t.!lftoT;'

'■'■•''T point »Unev u., w

With the transfer of the Rev. Fr 4cManus to a more important field f labor, comes the announcement that

i new Catholic parish is to be estab- Ished here, with Rev. Fr. lames r.Uday as the first pastor.

His brother, Rev. Fr. John J illday. of Ix>wcl1. has been appointed is successor to Rev. Fr. McManus.

He, like his brother, was born in x>wel!.. He made his preliminary tudies there. lie went to Nleollct allege .panada, about the same t'lme s h^nrother, and was j&aduatcd vlth'the highest honors. "^

From there he.; catered thy C^.ind emlnary. of Montreal, cbntructed. by 'le i4ulpliian Fathers, - where he led > class in theology,'earning al^:) r

ututation lor obedience to rule tp.a ir- le his superiors predict a HY.: odss'

career as a priest for mm. is life plnce his ordination ' a;* lllcd their prediction. His i.rj slou wf,i with the Rev Fr. Ish nl NullrK. Vlere. uHi\o\ml» | ii yonnft mUT tt* had praniealty tja? t& the parish, and conducted

atfnlrs aucceashrtly. At his own nest he wfii i a a*af >f'n< to

Joseph Mohan, He remained i a few years, and Ihea^^gi

Despite the Inclement weather, there was a coodly number at the Odd Fel- lows bazar, Thursday evening.

Berry's orchestra, which has been secured for the remainder of the WP**U, was in attendance.

There- Is dancing each evening, nnd Saturdiiv night. Prof. Flight will ap- pear in the vaudeville line.

In addition to other ladles, MIBB Sadie Somervllle Is assisting at the confectionery table, where Mrs. A. C. Howes has charge.

Mr?. William Halltday was one of the assistant* on the fancy table.

Mrs. Daniel W. Sutcllffe aa.-uF,ted at the apron table.and Miss Lucy A. Presentt at the post office, where the special delivery boys were Bert Coan and I'rank Harmon

All the arrangements are first CIBSS in -every r**pect, nnd no better place could be selected to pass evening of pleasure

Electric ears leave this ev?ning and Saturday night for Methuen after tht dancing.

The gifts nre to be awarded Monday evening, at the ball, when admission will be free.

THERE'S ■OTIIIt LIKE IT in tho east. »e«t, north, or aouth. THK MOKNINW TELEGRAPH Is rntirodwlir the brightect ilailjr peper tnlfaemion. Its news ot lha.lej'U con- cise. Its flimnclal nawa is auttiurttallje ltd thcatnpsl n«w« Is complete. Its

™hii special features Sat cannot be obtalnwi from anr other source.

THE HINDAY TKI.K41RAPH l» as uotwl a* half a «o«enoiher wertjr

lines the eiiU-iinlnm«t the .•▼«■«• wi«>klr due'. H l« brimful of tale and unXtVt't p»en» and thin** jou kLow, you ought W know, or would Mae t< Anoi. It iiT» mlghtr interesttiii paper, wita an Interesting iiersonalitr.

THE PICTURE HUPPLBNRF4T ]ff not equalled by any oth«r neweMpw .fn ih« fine <it Uu' K "'"•■ 'he picture*

/ruptii. slid i

cwsr and new. Tbe» ere In *>»"« respect* superior■ to the oruilnal phnUniru[»ln, ami no einount \Tdeeertpunn «•«"" B them the Justice that your own eje* would.

Sold eTerywhere, by o»"fli'« *>«'•;• ..»»rT rtav lu the week. It >»ur dealer

,l,t lb., lie «« II ["trail !9i JSL tiBbt nn.i nt i. mm, U WIII .uupir rou. II M "nn't mui'Vlr r»«. »0 """•

TRtAL BATES FOR ONE IIONTM. 8«..r0-ir. i • »»««»'•- 11.11. Md Han'.T, , O.c U«II«r

DAILY TELEGRAPH CO 140 W«l *2* Ulreet.


itfalr: Ticket* may be procured of Dr. F. a. Smith. H. Herbert . Marston. MIM Nellie M. Stilllmr.. MlM Mabel J. Cheney and Ml«a AUca T. Keete.

Hev. Kr. John B. Cronley was RIVIMI a banquet and testimonial Thursday evening, by Uiwifnee roun ott, Knights of Columboa. M. J. OIlil»n, dyelnjr oyerseer at the Bright- wood Manufacturing millw, and P. J. Cpsey were members of the com- miitee of arrangement*.

Thomaa iV, Wallwork, of Uoxbury. was in town Thursday ufternmin nnd eveniri'g. W* ''

The Ellens elub has chosen a eoru- muiee to report on the tM*sVbil!t) c eatntiH^liinR a eonl eUrti.

i-ssluUv. At hln own rnnsfen-ed from tli.-ve.l Rverett to assist Rev.|

ut^iflon uf High School Aliinnit RSBO-I

The hearing, arranged through the efforts of Representative Poor, on the petition for constructing a sec- tion of stato hlg|*t»-pn the Air Line, beginning at th* lawrenco line and going towards the Ce^Jfj. took lUcc

Thursday afternoon In Boston. Those who attended, besides the named, were ex-Mayor Baton and Thomas Webb, of Lawrence, Judge Harry R. now. Selectmen Haillday and Mood). Q Otto Kunhardt, Peter Holt, Jr., J. B. Robinson. Harry W. Clark, Oeorgo B. boring nnd Dr. Joseph Klttredge of Brookilne".

Remarks, strongly advocating the measure, were made by Representative Poor, ex-Mayor Eaton.Thomas Webb, Dr. Klttredge. Peter Holt. Jr. O. Otto Kunhardt. Harry W. Clark, and Judge Dow.

At the tloae the chairman of the state .board of highway commission- ers complimented Mr. Poor for the highly creditable manner in which th" ense was presented by the speakers

IT HAS 11EKN FINALLY deuitin- stiateil ihat Ely's ("ream. Halm Is a specific for Nasal Catarrh and cold In the head. This distinction tins l.-u achieved only as the result ol ■ n\- tlnueil successful use. A moebjdi condition of th*- wbraw'--in the. nx'-'nl Ultssagcs can lie curc.l liy this purifying and l.calini? hv .Inn I ' :- by druwlsts or It will ho. mailed lor 50 cents bs El? Hrothers. M Warren street. »w York. II spreads over the nieuibraAa, is anaorhefl and relief i» iirtniediat*. S ""'

"f1" mhl winter- reiurnffc -lohrisi, clfltlot-a^kw- pia(<.;rM, Friday eve-j Biinths nms ■t'Stevens hall. The Cirtumbian| ftfwtiin " ■'" ra has ij.^.11 engsgeii IIM tSs ..t

ojt,sironiA. ^* Tki Kind 1m Hi* simp UOIIJH


The case of William H. Bracket' for illegal keeping of liquor cam-1 up in court Monday afternoon. Bracket pleaded guilty and hin case wad con- tinued two weeks for sentence.

The M. C. Whist club *»«' plias- autly entertained Monti iv evening al Inc nnmc oi Mr. and Mm. Frank A.' (tonkin on Trrmnnt street. Whlht

j - ■•• i" ■ rij'-yc' tOt over two honra sod ■*lti . it—. uta;i;,i'.' r. fr\- 'u:U'tit3 v.'.Tf

BeTVe Id v.l


lire V.' :• th Mr. and

*rW-»*W .«•)» "V- Mr«

incton Height;" were held at the res- idence of William H. Craven. 9 Craven street. The Rev. W. B. Tay,- lor was in charge. The services were well attended and proved very in- ("rc-ting. Next Sunday afternoon service" win be held at the residence cf- Mr. Ilucklc>, 57 Oakland avenue.

.Tames H. Lyons has removed from Arnold street to one of the tenemen in his new block on Broadway.

The T?athbono slaters district' con- vention will be h"ld with Friendship (ample of this town on Wednesday .of tl*b-wcek. It will he In session

Herbert >'ayi ;|l'l'inon»and evening.

■ . v I A number of members of the Me lodse of Old Fellows held twj th"c" Catholic Temperance society at weekly meeting Monday even

and conferred th" four candidates.

ended \.Ot the

the BmO] Father

talk Mathew

B, A. Archibald returned Saturday nleht from a business trip to Cktcaso.

the rooms ■ loetety . in

Lawrence last Friday evening. John1

Wtakley look part in one of the box- Ing exhibitions.


' Methuen Is KK)B to liave ;i d.-nti.-,t in thf person ot Dr. H. T. Aim- etronjt. formerly a dentist in ttruok- linr. Jle tins hired ait QflhM in Mi" Odri v, tlotvs' building and wlH estab- lish hims^rr in practice.

rii.j-Uv Rollins, of Silnapep, N. "ft'.', i.-i viKirtnj,' reltttrtt in town, x

Thf* Rev,Mr. Mat Donald, of Brook- 'VII. N. Y.. formerly of this town, conducted th* ■eiTlcns in Applcton trhape] at Harvard College, Sunday

j niuiit, His subject was "The Oolclcn «*. Rule vfi Kellfiion."

Marshall P. Nye has hc^n confined tn \\in home <>n Summer utraot for a number of days as the result pt a .foil pn the ice.

R, Mania? Woodman, who hai be* n ill. is improving and expects -to be able to be out within a few days.

r——T4i*-F^peSUi' (xjnnectrd with the fire alarm Bywtsm was removed from th" old battery room in the Iwsement of the town hall to the central fire sta Mon Monday. The boxes will piob abiv be connected with the new "hat tery today.

The Methuen Catholic Temperance '■ctirty held a regular meeting Mon djv tiffining■ Th'n? was no businem of importance transacted.

Methuen court, 116, Foresters of America, will conduct its first annual con,ort anil ball !n 'he town bat] or.

. Friday evening of this wee';. The I^X3air__l] r»»ai wy tty ■"fo^wi- -en j'»y»bfr

The Methuen dub entertained the Vv-r r rlub of Jewell s Friday. It. was the third series of gamat in th« inter-diib tournament in which the Methnen club nan partbipated.

A large del-Ration came down from Jewell a special electric car i'^'ing the conveyance. There was a "oodly number of Methuen dub mem bias present to witness tin- ■ — ral rontesls and a few Hon.e club mem- bers of thin city were also in at tendance.

Considerable interest centered ir the bowling and one game of pool proved exciting. Byron Kmroon being, defeated by one ball. The Other ijnaip of pool was won haudily by Mills of the Methuen dub. in billiards the Vespers won both games. ,

'Hit flint string of bowling ivaa VOn by the Vespers, whin* the other two were taken by the Methuen eiub. Vesper won at whUi. Th* score by points was five- to three

Mn favor of the Vesper club. Bowling.

"Seeing is Believing." When you sec'^ple cured hy i

remedy, you must believe in its pcrtoer. Look around you. Friends, rtUtrves. neighbors all s jy that Hood's SarsiptrClz. Americas Greatest Medicine, c!e*nsed '.he blood of their dear ones tnd they rise en muse to sing Hs prai.'cs. There's no<h-ji like it in the -world to purify (lie blocd.


arid George W Vesper—J. F

H. ,1. Carwln t(-n.

Tenney. Sawyer. Dr. and C. \'

Harris, Wes-

were two Methuen can-iidates for th* vacancy occasioned by rhe death : r Mr. Ayer.

A number of members of the local fire department attended the firemen 'A concert and ball in the citydiall, Law- rence, Friday evening.

John Hancock lodge of Masons held a special communication Friday even- ing at which the second degree vaa conferred on ■ two candidates,

Walter L, S. Gilercas: lias been ap- pointed as a committee in purchat:-.- a lifts for the Methuen dub IH;USC.

E. J. Castle's grocery store at Me- '*■ thuon. The letter is an interc-uUigfvv0

one,' describing some of the ilghtinR

Jame H spot tii

- Probahly the most exciting contest of the evening was that at r.ool be- tween Qeo?ge B. Hill ef the Vesper club and A. B. Kmmons of the Me- thuenu. Tb^ I.owc-1! man had a fairly good RUrt but was coori overhauled.hy Lmmons. The game proceeded '.Vi'U the Methuen player leading t*(.. great- er pan oi the time and hip Bupportersl fbllo'wed predicted a sure win for him. They Crowta with Miss LeatUKl reasoned that the younger man. HUM would lose his nerve r>t the last cf tl:

'■ '*5**'U.\-., rajijkr ■■] t\\f> ed the reception given <in UdarJ the training ship Enterprise in' Boston, Thursday evening.

John B, U'a and All.ui Caitift, of this town, are students on the. fhip. From 7.88 until 9 o'clocs the receUtloii was held on the spar deck and the guests also nred the gun deck as a promenade. < At 9 O'clock the grftnd march was started. It was led by Chief Cadet OfTlcer G. 0. Bradford with Miss Hoody of Brujkline. vh'c

re a fetching gown of yellow crepon, by chief 'Engineer Officer

I. Ua, of this town, who was attired in a be- (ostume of bhie sil». Darning

The I.exingtnn'-irdi^ici will tiirni.-ii music. Dancinff will be en- loyed until 8 o'clock. A special elec- tri' car will ieaTB 'or Lawrence and Vndovcr al t^-1 clbsa oi fhe Oallc^.

Mi.-- Sylvia E., daughter of Mr. fend Mis Zencs B. Kdley. died latt neefe ;ir her home. Salem iVpot. N. fl.. aged 11 fe&ra, five month--* and 23) -lav: The funeral took place Sunday afterndon a) - o'clock.a The rentaina Were placed In the tomb at Bine Grove remetery and i-i the spring they will )>e takea to Stdnebam tor burial.

i ' srccrs.-=FFN RAID.

. The police made a SUtieewrful Houw nld Sunday. ii o'eloeS Chief (tf BoPt■•■ Cordon rrfotn'ianied t»> Petrol man Oliver and Special Offi- cers Emerson' phd^fclakc paid :i vtsil to tl ■ ' ■.•■<,. •: • ■ ■ Spied '.:" BTttfiira Bracket: at >• Broadway, oppoatte S:. Thomas' church, Without very much searching (he police found a jug con t;.ininir fl wnall quantity of whiskey. A few bottlea of ale were njuso HoUted, The latter Mr. Bracketr claimed fth< had fpj her own u>e. U i;i thought that Brackett has been doing QdlU B Mntocmr/ when the affeen found the Jug Of whiskey at hirt house he was heard to gay "the jig is up." is a cripple, botn of his bam:;- being paralyised, and undoubt- tdty this la the principal reason why he hub undertaken to carry on a liquor hsuineaa fnom which he could derive a pan of nip living without perfonning bnrd labor. -

Bruce BuHera ..

Gall ('. Lewis A. J,ewis

Totals .,

WolHran French Flctf her Patten White .

Methuen. ... 174 UO ... LS3 17.', .. 158 rM

14:1 179 151

ill Wl ~22'i m


4i)l 4ah

a. - , ■ ■ ST- ■ . ll'"' lfe ■■ vain ill' Ui tn ur sun. iJiiln .11- *Ditsi an.i that Emmom modi lm- i ,\\o*ta t^e grand raaroh 5S durii? prove all tho white. Th? men were about tie in bust few shots and every Spectator was on edge with excitement. Hill drew a position in which he had an opportunity of scattering the ivor- ies and he made a-um of nine. whl<-h put him out. The s£ore was 7"* tu 71

The second pool game had Cecil 1,

the tvenisg a supper was served.

A district convention of the [iatb- oue Sisters of this vicinity was held Bterday afternoon and evening Wftb

'ricndahlp temple of Methuen. The itrict Includes, besides the Methu. n

KKUUU i»uvt Kiimn na« Lecit u. 11- mple Howcna t Adams -pitted against one-, of Dorcaa temple ofl^weli'and CalantbTe the very best players in the leagtr F. A. Mills, and the result wa., i

n the new iwsses-dons of the l"ni- ted 3thtea. The letter reached Me- thuen on Saturday last and in >'.i'>- stanee is as follows: Bear Friend Edward:

I write you a few lines. Doping y<*M are in good health at this time M I am at the present writing, beginning to understand soldier's lifo is,

Our regiment has just participated; In an engagement which ftnrtEd ft» three hours and a half. It Vas cough fighting agd our company 'was right r tmr-nHdat of -it. -h«t- Ui& regulars,.

eret&x . <»t . Lhfi - battle. There were two liatailions pi the f9th I'nited States infantry on our flanks, our company being th* rear guard. The fight commenced between 10 and It' o'clock and continued until * J o'clock when the enemy retreated.

WIN give you f. few details of our company's work. We came to a halt at the foot of the mountain and re- malned here for about 20 minutes When our major went to the captain and asked fur three squads of men Of course we all'had fighting blood in us and as luck happened Mack. Puhtn fend myself were in the first three srtuads. We were sent up the mountain «Ith the fimt lieutenant Sad lie. i^ing a reugh rider, mor

GuidSj William Guard. Financier, Joseph N. Sargent. Receiver, K. F. Hi-own. Inside watchman, ('. J. .Taylor.. Outside Watchman. E. Qajnetti Trustee for-three years, i). F. Leg

gatt. All but the master workman were

present Tuseday evening to he in- ducted into office.

Railroad square has been made a tegular stopping pla-e for the elextrit cats t^awrince 'bcitmL Since the cs- tensicn was'laid up Lowell street ,'->\ are have been in ;> hfebl) ot com-

ing aowil the hill at;~a-hrgh-raie—of hiZiAb. »>.'d- «aicM< L«*»i*c"R*:**'v,^§J0O(J, out in the street to signal a! car before it reached the square they were almost sure to b,, left. The cars will now come to a "dead" stop et Frederick * Power's drug store. The m w rule went into effect Tues- day. ^

There was trouble at ■ party beld on Oakland avenue Tuesday night and Napoleon- Levique, \'i, and Id:'

' May .Jones. IS. w%de arrested by Batrdlman Qflver. The former was charged with drunkenness and dis- turbance and the girl with d^'inVn- ness. - #

v . . re planning for a drama and Mi'.jii'r to be given* Tor the public "» hitter part of I'Vbruary. . '


than pushed us- along, When uc arrived at our. posiUun on

top ol the mountain we rece i.'.:■ ^ tu lire so as to draw the fire from the flanka-s which we did In

_ fehAri order. Firing was kept up tot t'.mple, Howcna temple cf Ci.arlestowii,j f.e:r!y' three hours. We fired about

1 2v rounds . of ammunition end ' then received orders to charge. We charg-

70- S32 SOI 2I9«J

Vesper 18ft 1S8

. 107 182

.. 1«1

K*g 17! i."».; i H 132

129 199 IBS IM 151

HI <5'J9 m MI IG-J

828 771 7'JS 2J71

''.. Emanons Russeii ... .



v esjper.

112 . y3


Sherwood Leighton ....

.. 1 to

.. "i 50

Total ....



P. Fnnnons Methuen.

.. T< . . .-!.-.


1."» HM1 Adams

TotaT* . . 102

\". sper won at The flayers were

Methuen w. I W. II. Andrews

whist by US f(ll](»\.

. f;i'ori?p

1!) iioints.

;":13I. C O. Marsh


intent that it i sd case i he has] f- deputy collector, tf r.mtrMtA - KAKI n« I I'

Deputy Revenue Collet tor Random F. MrCrillis. of this town, seized the brewery of Karl B. Schlwstein, the Bradford, Saturday, for alleged viola- t'on. of the internal revenue laws. It is Maimed that beer trom the brewery has been sold in saloons from barrels from which the stamp had been removed for use -a aecond time at the htewery-,—Hie^alue, of the pfopcrtv seized was about $1".- t"»\ exclusive of the real estate, Collector Medillis wan at work on the Case for a number of days l and Sifter the seizure had been made and the ease p^eefnted to United st:;tci i ittrlct Attorney Boyd H. Jprtea the latjc'r made,the state waj the best prepare i vev received from a d Collector Mii'riliis wi>rked Yiav\ the ei''-e and surely deserved,ue com-i pllmeht paid hiiii by the district stfl loruey* ■ * • ' ™ ' ;

Tie latent route planned for tin. electric railway line through Salem. •; :; : - t'-.M-e.'. ■ i e-jjini'K -'<' the atato line, near the rehtdeoce of Prank IT VVimon, thenre b> the hlfch*j was (hTbnah the Saleni Getrter eftfli him' \ lllagee, thence acrdss the !■.•'-'- nr.d pasturea of E, A. Peit in fly, N vi - helrs'arid tnielii II w tin hi'-..way :it the land jrif George

I:.-■! i e" JBEBT -Croes' bud," soutlieidys BhQCe Of !'oli' y

iichll .it co.mei to Che Windlutni :<■■ ti., ace cn'n ing to th" wea> If 11 touches the Pefliam road, thence tliM »M!di«'H\ t" Gage hill and so

i to P- ihani and Xa-mua. Til* •opened iitic So Its liuilt by the Law-

. r- ni e ftfld. fttethueh , str< -,r railway n ■ nny from Lawrence to Pelhnni,

X V.. would probably connect, with

HEADACHE Pain back of your IT

eyes? Heavy pressure f\ in your head? And are you sometimes faint and dizzy? Is your tongue coated? Bad taste in your mouth? And does your food distress you? Are you nervous and ir- ritable? Do you often have the blues? And ■re you troubled about sleeping?

Than ymur liver to all wrong.

But there is a cure. 'Tis the old reliable

I On

PuiS They act directly on

the liver. They cure constipation .biliousness, sick headache.-, nausea, and dyspepsia. Take a

, laxative dose each night. ' For 60 years years they

have been the Standard Family Pills.

Price IS ccnti. All Dru(iisM<

■■'I barsnUnnAyw's PUlnrefQ' fcirlv lor nix uiojiiti*. Tlit-\ lu\ti enrod tite*ryrfri.ev.T.' hMfUth»,*nd ^ -IH lmw «»lk treuv t.m> u» (out OtUtnwttbom •rriritiic TirriJ vr out'

mystery. Mills proved himfcelf a Vc- mnrkftble player, making with eaM difficult shotK across tlfe table and breaking the balla ftuccesatully almest every attempt. Adams made severs remarkable *hob<, however, and sui prised his friends as well as tho Mc thuen people. Had he not been '•; aKuitist the real tning' he would hav made nn even more satisfactory show tng. The Hcore was 75 to 27.

After the gamt-s and prior tfl tht departure for home, the visitors were royally treated by their hosts, an ap- petizing lunch being served in the large banquet hall upstairs. A Hpeciit electric carried the Ijowell men home, arriving in Lowell about midnight.

The delegation of' officials "hh-h camf fnn: Hfston Thursday last week to anend Ihe funTcffl or CtUirle? R'. \yer, late tneaaenger at the state house.-comprised ■ ('apt.- ,1. '". I). Adams, sergeant a*, arms at the state house; Assistant Doorkeeper. Sergeant at Aims Maaaengar Ctfarlen W. Pnil- brii-k; ^ilaii££ Mfiasoiecjctj^^jjt^eb^ totin V'. Hollis and Sidney Gardner Repvesentuttre William il. Mardm. of BtOheham, and Surveyor uf ih«- port of Boston Jarcmhth i. McCarthy. The rarty was met at the Boaton & Maine station by Puatmaster John K. Sawyer and driven to th*. btte home of Mr. Ayer. Thf rtoral design which Hie delegation bronchi was a handsome one. It represented a nmsenger's badge and waa .inscribed 'Mussnngnr No. f»*' Th*-- delegation of Odd KeJ* tows present numbered Shoot 50 and Col. William ii. Greene postV 100, (.'.. A.%K.. «;>s represented by about 30 members, M the tun;') m- Walnut fiiove eemete. v. where the ' -.emains were placed to await burial in thf prlng, th- committal service of both

Uic-Odtl.Kellows and. the .Grand Arnty was iierformed, The pall hearers were Sidney H«>nre. Samuel Turkiug- tnn and Chai lea ll. Sargent, all "'f whom were in Company.J} with Mr. \yer during Mi., civil war. ind Kd- ward K Lyman, Bnbeb liutter ; nd QeprgS W. Copp from Hope lodge. The above is an addition to report of the services published in Thurslu.'.- Anierican. *.'•'.

Jhc ofTh ers-elect of Methuen council, IT, Itmal Arcanum, were Installed Thursday event fig by l>euu^y Grand Hegent William K. Thay-r and -fiulte. of Ildverhil*. The offieera of the coun- cil are as follows: Recent. Frank 11/ t'lark; vice regent, Arthur PedTcr; jrator. Kirk P.- Brown; aecretary, -i. Frank Smeraoa; coliectoi, Gudrge A. raylcir; treasure;. Thomas ~H. Shin- ier; chaplain, William H. Llttebrundt; luide, Kdwnrd A. Sawyer; warden, hh-iiry F, seuary, Rdgur L. Hlver! The chaplain, orator and nm- ry were al^ont and could not be in-


A regular meeting of Ihe Grange was held Thursday evening at Which a lecturer was chosen. The member elected wns Representative Joseph 1£. Buswell and fie consented to stand. Three others elected to the olftee de- clined to* serve. Mr. Bil&well was installed py Senior Past Master John H. George, assisted by Mra. I|ttltla M. Sawyer. The Grange elected m execu- tive committee a-*.follows: Gecrge W. Copp for three years. Charles 11'. Hi h- ardson for two years end JjJ. '- Burn- ham for one year. 'Phil ro^nuttte: i= to take the place ot' th, • nr.nd ol tfusteea. Resolutions were n loptod en the I'icatb of Mrs i*a <■• c Lant y The report of the State ".ran;.- wa *ead hy Past Master Hugh V. Oobnru. TbV report contafps* the InfornutUon t|\n' the largest rp#»rnl Essp*; county. The memo?:--hip t slderably over T

j (- mple cf Lawrence, There was a good : rdzed delegation present frt ra the, lat- ter temple and a goodly sj^endancf of members of the local temple, but the other two temples wt-e not rep

ented. Dorcas templets conducting a fnir this week in ..L^cwidi and thj.j accounted for the absence til a delega- tion from that city,.

Grand cflkers were present a^ ful- lows: Kirs.. Fannie Eaton. Grand chief, of Brockton; Mrs. Mary E. Beck, district deputy grand*'chief of Gloucester; jjrs. Lottie A. Morgan past grand chief, of Law;;t;:u-; Mrs. Mary p. Uoyd. senior past grand ihiei. .of Gloucester; and Mrs. Jose- phine W. Meaner, grand, mistress, of records and correspondene, of Sumer- vijle. The grand officers' were received by Mrs. Ella Rice and'oghcr members .of the local temple serving on the re- ception committee were Mrs. Lilliun K. Keiley, Miss Nettie L". Relle'y a-i Mrs: Agnes Harris.

fnviuricd in the gat her mc were vtoit- ors from tempTes outside the district, including Myrtle temple of Brockton.- Diona temple of Glocester, and John W —AWiggurn. mmph- tit A,qiP^yjjjfi


t contains, the iufnimaiion now a;raaniber of Goi Methueri' Grange bus Use regiment. I",. >'. V-. wh

■mliersbip of my Grsngo inj in I'.may, PbHiPPine ie ton-1 writ

7 Ir

An afternoon session was held Pythias hall in the Tenneyj blqck at 2.T.0 o'clock. There were 'about 5o members of the order in attendance. The afternoon was devou-d to the dis- cussion of business in connection with the order. The meeting adjourned soon • after ■"» O'clock and at 5.30 o'clock the company re- paired to the Orange banquet hall. Here n sumptuous spread, prepared by the ladies .of the local temple, was provided. Covers . were laid for 70 and nearly that number of seats wen occupied at the tWo tables, which pre- sented an atractive appearance and which were well laden with good things. Ihe. menu comprised cold turkey and other meats, rolls, baked beans, coffee, a variety of pies atui caJtea, fruit etc. There was an abun- dance of everything and the quality waa excellent. The supper committee comprised Mrs. Annie Coflln chair- man; Mrs, Jennie c. Park man. sec- retary and treasurer and Mrs. Mary H. Jones,

After all ha'* done-justice- to the Aldttds the company returned to the lodge ball where a social season was enjoyed. »-&t*T>45 olclock a meeting of the'lo-

ca*l teniple was held at which thj> re- (gtllUV c-lecttjd aflUerSv. wqn* installed., 'the ceremonies being fim^y performed^ by District Deputy Orafld Chifff"MrB. Mary E. Beck, assisted by Pagt Grand Chief Mrs. Lottie A. Morgan and Senior Past Grand Chief Mrs. Mary P. Lloyd. The officers'installed' were aa tnlbjws: Most excellent chief. Miss Mettle L, Keiley; eicellent senior, Mrs Lillian E. Keiley; excellent juntor,' ht£fL Mary C. Laavltt; manager of temple, ma. Margaret A. White trcfs ot records and correspondence, Mrs. i*. Louise Sargent; mistress t' ftn&uce, Mrs. Jennie C. 1'arkman; protector of tempi/*. Mrs,_ Helen F. Messer; guard of outer temple, Mrs, Agnes Harris; trustees,'Mrs. Mary H, Jones, Mrs. Jul*a A. Nichols and Mrs. Emma l>anitls.

After the installation ceremonies re- marks were made by the grand of- ficers and others. It was quite late When the meeting,was brought to a cjose. The evening meeting was at- ti inied by a much larger number than the afternoon session.

The convention en the whole proved very Interesting and beneficial to the members of the order present.

William Pmkii. av Methuen boy, who enlisted in the 1'nited States Bcr- vicc In this city lurt f.dl and who is now a.'mejnber °f Company H. 3Cth

• hlch is^ stationed islands, has

ten a letter ondar dat4 ot Dro^ to Edwr.rd J, Moriarty. clerk! at

cd down the mountain Into a field that was filled with water and there

.wo had to stand in the water pp to our hips long enough to get our breath itid then renewed our firing on the enemy. Wo fired about five volleys at thc-jJH and then made another charge Into a rice field up to our knees water.

^ Vicvo we were nearly played out an 1 this was the place the Lawrence boy John Nadeau, was shot in the leg He was about two feet from me ,r the time. His leg had to be amputat- ed and it is feared that he will dte\ When the boys saw that he was .wounded they got second wind snd made another charge, and fired about '.'" more shots, advancing about '300 yards. Luckily we reached a me* and 'WP ..thought it, was the best, one wo had ever seen. Every man jumped tn fieaa first, and remained there for an hour. Here Is where I paved th? life of George Mack hi Ve- thiien bny.l Tie jumped .'iiitu the watt* anS was tb^re fineooselouH when I discovered him and pulled

■mm-r-OU4,.t, -..AflfeE^ ■,-ml.]ti.n^.-J-iLn). fnr

sometime he came around all right. 'rhlf seems tn be all I have to writ*

about et present and will.close, boo- ing to see you and all the boy agiin, Stack sends his best regards to all the boys and grlls in town

1 remain yours, WILLIAM DI'RKfN,

Company H,23th V. S. v.. Panay. P.

ihe offcervelect of Mystic council, Home ICircle were installed Wed-

naaday Uight La Cringe hall, by Qlfc tlitt Dcfiiity Crand Laadei Oep. M. Colby, of I.awreii e\ ' Mr. Colby was assisted in the work by his wife. 'I h" officers installed were as fol- lows: i. B I' r, Mrs. Klary A. Co- burn; \ii-' leader, Miss Sarah w. San born; Instructor, .Mi i Alice M. Marsh; secretary, Mrs. L. A- John- sen: financier, Cyrus r. Siull; treas- urer. WffHtfm T. Pernald; snide, Wrs. Itc '■ ' -. V, Lyman warden. Mra. Abbie J Smart: aentlnel, Ed- ward K. Davis; past Icsder. Rev. Nathan Bailey. After the installa- tion ceremonies, Which were finely ; erfprmed, adjournment was made to the banquet ball where a- col latinn waj ser.ted. It was about 10 oVIqpk wi»en the dpseftng hroke up.

TB annual meeting <Jf the Methuen Historical society waa held * Wed* nesdr.y e^ening^at Its rooms lu the Tenn'?^ I Id■.;:. 1 hi re were present I Iw.■• !■ SO ;;n,i i'i members. The f.ld board of officers were ^elected as FoUdgrs: President, Joseph S. Howe; vice preeJdejiL Dr. James I'eiree: secretary. Chas; 1:. T. .diuin; treasuren Dt. Osongs 4B. AVoodhary; (Uiators. the Rev. ('. Ii. Oliphanr, Daniel \V. Tenney. Edward-F. JOftn- in. Mrs. Wood burn d. Nichols and iiss Helen Bimonds*^ After tht

busipesi session then was a talk bv "President HOW

The John N'adeau. of whom the le, ter speaks, was reported on Dee, s as wounded by General Otis, an ac- count of the same appearing in The .Sun at. the ttpie.

Relatives from the west afe visiting at the residence of Mrs. .1. W. Mann on Park atre I

Mrs, Mary Llveriaot* . Is to lee; fare Here again on QTednesday even- ting Peb. V. SlUJitfFti htM*r" at th* Universatist rhitrch and it is ex- pected atiat -he will be ie-ard hy u lerser audjenee than on her ;,v

' (*i l'. Wililatn' 11. ffrefene psstr^ftfo, a. .\ u.. is making arrangements tor tha oiiservonce of the 22d an- nivers.irv. of jjts farganizatlon c»n Thursday evening Pab. '..There will rebnbly ' be sn rnJ ilpllev.

i) I:\IH_OE

Mrs. S-^phronia. widow of "David Seavey, passed away about H o'cbTicit Wednesday .it hn home on I'nion street, agtnl 83 years, ten months and H daya, "Hrs. Seayey ex- perienced a paralytic shock last weak and on account of her s^vaaoed ag« was unable to rally from the effects of it She had been in a critical condition ever since she was stri- ken down and death came only to rci: >ye her lof her sufferings. Mrs. Seavey was bom in llatn|>stead. N. H., bill had resided her^ for over a quarter of a century. Her husband died sever, years ago. Mrs. Seavey was a Christian woman and had a lovable disposition. She was w<!I known In town and had a large circle of friend, all of whom wilt mourn her loss. She was a member of the Bap- tist church. She is survived b

mr^;i-two daughteis, Mrs, L. M. Nlcho ' with whom she lived and Mrs. Frank

Smart ot eel ham, X. H. The fun- eral will take place Friday after- noon at 2 o'clock from the house.

The entertainment given Tuesday evening at the, residence of Alfred Newsholmo rp Lowell street, under the auspices of the Arlington Heights Ladies' Progressive society, was well attended and proved a grat- irving euccese. Fully Wo. persons were present. James P, Craven acted as chairman and made brief opening remarks in which he referred to the deep interest which Is- being manifested In the work towards the erection of a house of worship in the Arlington Heights district following Mr. Craven's remarks the following musical and literary pro- gram Was carried aut: piano solo .. Prof. Charles E, Naylor S°ng ■ Miss Margaret Ueggatt Reading John Cunllffi Song Hiss D. Amis* Piccolo solo .... Richard Siiveruwii Reading . -.—• MlsrTJessTc Cunliff

... Riehar pi 1 vert horn

Old Children Ulo

Piccpio Piano Song , Reading , Dual

Joseph and HI Song ■...., Reading /

l*'a c h n um ber "wsar.

Thomas p. Frost, of l^tatrence, l.i- .Ixicri apt^cuiteti messeugej; al tu*- .st':>e house, -(JoMton. to succeed.Charles t^,. Aver, f tilts' town, and will eater upon'

"dllt iCNl tteeli . Mi, I'm! h ■.', y. .it oax. H" eervtil in' the , ivil ,;>i

th/* Kn.-:t Mass:" bi:.;e;ts pegHnant id for seretfi months was (pnflhei in cont*d«rat« prison Ht Andeiiionvttle.

Mr. I'lont's son, Archie N. l'ros-_ \ ' ihe representativea from t^it-j

- Many children look-tjjo, old tor their years. They goojwut with thin faces and sober manners not in keep- ing'with robust childhood. !i" it's your boy or -gifl, give

ScotI*6mulMca "I'v/illriii out the hollow

. place;, increase the Weight, [««•«■« ^

^tiiif bring a healthy color ' to' the.cheeks The im-

.continues long tease using-, the Get Scott's.

Prut, Naylor . SHai Heggatt .. .lohn O^nliffe

bar Bilverthorn . . Miss Airi'iss .. Miss Cunlifrc -fhte4y rendered

-+h^ ofi"Mt'thii n in Secretary Mann follow-

the -aame subject'. Mr. his facts from the toWl

Revolutlcn. ed him on Howe tool j£co.rdR. u»:H(; t|-:- Inform^ttop given by Mr. Mam: was secured i':"mi rec- ords at tile state house ' 'ihe meet- Ing proveii to b" an interesting

The Ladh ;" Aid sc (jety connected with the Methodist church held a pleasant meeting with .Mrs. Roscoe, Ftfield on Broadway Wednesday af- 'ernoon and ev*ening.| The afternoon was devoted t.'> sewing and from

li to S o'clock suppg] v. as served. Following the supper an experience Parti ^wjjs^jTjdjL,-—o-JJiffi>rent mem

contributed J1 and told how it was earned. A w illy sum was

iilized for the B icjety'S ' treasury. was q'iito late m the e^enrng

•wl*rti the company ilffpem d. 'three of the grand officers of Rutb-

bone Sisters were entertained In toll town after the dlatflct eon vent ion Wednesday night.' Mrs, . Fanole Baton, Grand Chief, was entertained ai the hi me of Mrs. John S. Mu- guire un Pleasant stfeet and Mrs. Mary Beck, District Deputy Grand Chj ■". and fftra, .Mary p, i.ivod. Senior Past Grand I 'J ■ ''■ - .it Mrs. -\1. 11. ffehstop*s home on StgyejiS

.-. ;re-1. Mrs. Josephine VY. M.os> In r Craii.l Mistress of Records ant! Correspondence 'was * at< rtainecV at the h'une oi' .Mrs.. Ixittle A, Morgan Past Grand Chief, al Lawrence.

•Minerv;i Rohekah lodged I. O. O. P.. is making arrangements for & turkey dinner and supper to be held in odd Fallow* uaaeau | halt ^ed tiesday. Feb. 1 (. The dinner and

i"1" open 1" the pub. supper v.11 Hi . h

:> Owen P.. to His .I'd street.

-Nape!, oil

Joni -. \\ ho on Oakl P,i

ai raigne J \ 1 he vou kg

is now cpnfined home on Pel ham


tuse wev

\ Ique and Ida were arrested at a-

av"e. Tuesday night in court Widucsday

man was charged, with drunkenness and disturbance. He was Boed $\ for being drujgk antl^ff


former custom of the Methuen eluh of entertaining the club mem- bers' wives and lady friends was re., sunied Thursday evening when ladies nlgbl nas oDSferved at the spacious club hOUSSv - .

There was v. large number of ehllr members and ladles present consider* Ing the weather and travelling. There la in doubt but That many were Iran away on account of the storm \. rt WaS*. fully t50 were present, irvbid- Ing quite a number? frt>m Lawrence, The guests were greeted by President Tiuvld M: Bruce as' they-oeelead. -

Th" auarthumti which Itoye be«g recently' reininielle.f and newly fur. Dished were thrown open to the ladles and opportunities were a horded lor a

most soeial and pleasant evening; The time between s^and a o'clock wag

devoted to an Inspection of the ctofe bbui ■ which has been changed toaq sldeiably sine the last ladies' night Was held. A Ik were tuuch delight.^ with the Improved quarters.

The Lexington orchestra wa« stationed In a small balcony at m« end Of the dance hall on the-second floor and 'discoursed sweet music dur- ing Ihe entire evening. The dance hall was well filled with those vha enjoi dancing. In the other apart- ments on the second floor several tables were used In card playieg. S:orr.e of tile ladies found much -pleas- ure in bowling while others were free to use the' pool and billiard tables, in these different diversions the tlBM was most pleasantly passed about 1T",30 o'clock when the aftatf was brought to a close. Dunn; ihi evening lemonade was serve | frf i04

hallway upstairs. To all the evening proved a incst enjoyable one.

Next Wtdnesday evening the offl- eers-elec t of Woodbine lotlae, i', - American Beseftf sHetety. win ot in- stalLed by Deputy Grand Presidi nl Howes of UoWelt, A full attendame . ftf members is desired. A :uppn will follow the installation cerenionn ..

At'a Orange institute held *n Xonh Tewkabury Wednesday German s. Phippefi of this town mad- an ad- dress.

At the Baptist church this evening the Rev. Nathan Bailey will prea '.: Upon'the subject "Multitudes in j»ui Vailsy of Decision."

Tic Rev. and Mrs. Donald, of Brooklyn, X ing at the residence Donald's parents.- • Mi\

Ho Ma

M. Tenney on Charles' stroc

of Mrssj, Mar- aud Mrs. j.

Mrs. Joseph K. Buswell hag< been vislUug frkmdH lu'tiiK'-.r"joiTT. no-u'jir this week.

Mrs. John 'V. Bod well, has been very ill at her home on Gage street tTili .week. Her condition todaj waa reported as being somewhat Improved.

• V.'auwinet lodge, of Odd Fellow-, is conducting a four nights fair in North Andover this week Bthleh is attracting# a number of local Odd Fellow i tach evening.

Ti|e streets and sidewalks were i-it in a very slrppery condition after^lhS n'in storm ot Thursday. It \vn; ;i.-i cold t'liov;;! -i f <■■■::>■ ai:d tbi.-. mort lag pedestrians found it rather'diftl- cult to keep on their feet. The diffi- culty was early remedied, however.-bv Buperlntcndont of Streets Hill why ordered saiuUug carts out.

This evehlsje fhe Methuen ahd Hon.e etirbs win contest la games In the Inter-club tournament at tfi rooms of the Ktter. Much. I&terei e.-i 'i r.s in the outcome of the bowlln and this poo] gams between Mills and Lee. A large delegation of (dub mem- bers will accompany the local play- to Lflwicncc.

Hetnuen c^jurt.HIT, Foresters nf America will hold its first annual co ' tert antl ball in the town hall tin evening, A good timt is assured i I who attend. The Lexington orehe/- ti.i will furnish musir, ,, ~^r ' . , ■ — •B»i * ^ '

'I hei' vill be a regular lommnr.i- ratlon.of John Hancock lodge of -MAKOU* thht evening.

An electrtc t: night and the dancing '■•:■ caa ■ in- N.

ear leaves for this tu">ui. tomorrow ev< nir.g attCf at the. Odd Fellow? rth Andover.

i' the other complaint. lit ) money and \\;m committed;

'gufl, 18 years old. waa charged drunkenness and hei' case was tinned tor

The with

aail received well earned applause After the program was1 completed

Chairman Craven thanked the talent for their servoces and also extended thanks to those who made up flic audience for their presence. The a "fair netted between 91 u and $l\*. for the rjrarchi building fund.

l-'red ,\\-ilninr\l). of Lawn in e, came before* Judge RSpgeri Wednesday to take the poor debtor's oath. The i ii.-ditor wits I'lmitia " ITjj.U;i'--,-iUi4--»*l«*-

IIUHNI'IIIHIWI By Uiwyera Sweeney and Dow. Lawyer Couls'on appeared for Wiliuarth. Afier a hearing the eoui't denied Wilmnrtii the -right to i ike the oath, -and he was commit- ted to the of correction. Seven ('ay.- later he ran aecure another bea,r- Ing before a dipcrcjit Justice. It is claimed that wilmaiih had property not long ago and. transferred it to hlfl wile to avoid paying his ereili- tors. He was refused the oath in Utwrenns,

Tnesday liieetiog oi ;•., A. o.. i

provement alter rlicy Eniuls'mn.

■niiis at the regnlo tn Upickel Pails lodge \\" . the recenllj e|e< '.-■

i rist ai led bv WSfpH'Y r Master Work ma i, Ed-

ward llowarth and suite, of Andover The cflicerf.uf the lodge lor the en suing year are as follows

Past master workman, 3dh~n N lluwK'ii .

Master WOtkman, James W. Gib

Oi oi'ge M. Affl riii p> ' ilii i town. Wliu hi s bet »-Wll|lli' <ei b E, K. M orri-

n In < n !lio;iil was u. BO" i i) ') ihB tlOB V. ven .1 In- umiU' lion

in tl II ■ il !:nn *

llinjjim mtl 1! 1

1 °^ t Hi.- IUS(.

Be- % s! i •et" new* IM • ■» - 1 -u« pi nee

r.-a.I ivr <.i... will 'Ii.- SfnicK oa tin II IT

Soi iiiii Frances Searle, daughlfr •' the Kiv. and.lira. William B. Searli died Tlr.ii.-d.iv at thttr reaidenc I.ownll s'.rcot. autt!

..^'•(1 i;:id ^a-trT^r: i'ln tli; i and herjdca^tTwiU be daeply rt;:i.r Besides a fffthar un-l metb«r Bhe: :

fuiviv.d by thi<-i> ki.jters and Iwu 1 .i. is. Ttoa funornl will Halje i tiurn thi) hoime Siindav afternoon, wtii oe in Boli.-vu*. cemetery; L:i\'. r< IK".

•••••••••••• »•*•« ♦ Y. M. C. A. MOTES. ♦ ♦ ♦ ••••••••••••••••»

Tbe ma!p rhoriis will hing at 3li' Paula ,M. IC. church on Wynian streel next Sunday ewaing.

i'ln' lit'.'. Mr. ijtonoman, oi' Qhlfl Is tu Bpeatf at 'tlio menu vesi next Sunday afternoon. T-hr male chorua win render aeleetions.

The Salem Y.jyi. C. A. bukct 1»B team will play here tonaorrow evcuj

lua. :TJl£3il>lilary lu'ld it lu.-ctrfti- a

iia.ins yefitenlay atipfntvin.

l--i:i,l. AND BROKE HICK AH V!.

Mi,. Manwret Shea, of 1T:> I'nli ,i,..a. clipped and fell on the J in ai !'ja I'nion atreej tlii.^ momii an«l !iruk» het right ami l^lu.:' !

wrlal 'ii.l .'limw. Shi.. \v:i- inovtal to ihe general boapital in -t' noli. ilia

i whli-li ■ hid' > M.ali I'll. Th.^a

vt t'oremnn. .liunes May.

verscfi, Kll Crantree.

m. at 12.M U-r\,r\i «>\.-ry i '.■ ii SimMBj lm |u.|e,i: Tins is to be

K''H;. .-o lli.n ;i h.-lier' t.'st o!' the alarm j I -an be nia-le. "I'IH- alum) minliU iHlrHtfl QU££ :in«! SO] be In DJ rfect, woj l. ' lijg order; When i wo i.iow ■ Sre I sou Dried It is roaaldei^tl thai evyj ■ liit.un i* in goori pnk'i..

Frlen.lHhin temple. Halhl.ono SIH- |

CASTOBIA For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bearr, tha

Signature of (


• •• CALL Jlnd Aook Ovar Our fine

>r >r ...Aina of toofc/n*.

Clocks and Diamonds. iOe

art Jailing Jhem at Vary

JCOW Xricas

Henry P. Doe, 289 Essex St.,


^^WniVrV1rn.,,V,¥.,V,V.rr,,Vrt,WAViAV»v g| WO COMP/tCr OP 3:'


I I I -: ■ 5 JOHN E. QEEEB, UWKENCi: |

n.ibkii you tn curry it with you nil the licut, tlms eiiHuriitK regularity

' in taking. FIVE DROPS to Ihm i/o...

IT I)yrpt|iRi:i, Sleeplessness, Nervous I'rostrittioti. llittir try it mid en.

Joy Hood health. 7$ cuff. ,I.VI> REMEDY Co., lirockton, Mass.

4. Residence aad OlBee. a. —ITO ■■T.rktU ■«. j. -(Oppoelte Preach ckorek) .*

Ss—OSee Houra: 4.

* » £—(oj

e» • c ■» •» 1

FOR^SALE IE. W. Woodbury & Go.

HOG—Homestead property in Audu- ver, Mass.

278—8-room cottage lu Soulo Law- rence; modern improvements; near Andover street. •

144—8-room cottage on Abbott street; modern improvement; low price.

236—Five new cottages in Waverly Park. Prices from 1600 to t20uO; flOO to SS00 down.

276—Small farm of five acres In Pel- ham; within two minutes walk o[ proposed new electric road. Good buildings. $1400. •

241—Cottage bouse of I rooms on Mulvln street. J1500.

275—Cottage house with modern improvement; 13000 feet of land on Prospect street.

Also three tenement house on Holly Btrct, near Arlington mills; price low

218—Cottage! house, six rooms, pan try and hath. (1G00.

310—One halt double cottage (.0 Cross street.

311—Small four room cottage near Hancock street.

122—Large lot of land bounded by " Walnut, Hampshire and Arlington

■tracts; also double cottage and large tot on the corner of ChelmBford and Arlington streets.

303—Two tenement house in South Lawrence, near Broadway. new; closet and bath.

204—Four tenement block and ten- footer, corner of Elm and Pine.

300—Good two tenement house 01 Haverhill street, near Broadway.

30!i—30-acre farm in Derry, N. H. 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. flood building. Wood enough to pay for place. Price J1200.

301—Good corner lot on South Broadway.

296—Modern 2 1-2 story cottage In aodwell park. Very low price.

290—Good property on the corner of Haverhill and Vine streets.

E.W00DBURY&C0. Real Estate Dealers and Auction-



Heads that Ache Al .pain in the head hi quickly

(■ured by Greer's Headache P.owdori. They remove the cause without caus- ing any bad effects.' Hundred? of Lnwmire upople have used them and amlorsi' them. Try a .package.

only 10 Onls.


259 Essex St., Cor Pemberton St.

J. A. Barrett, D. D. S.

DENTIST. 351 Esse x St; - Lawrence


Office: Glcason Building.

ResiHcne?: &# Sroadway.

Telephone. Office Huuro: 11 to 12, 2 to 4 and f .lu

to 8 o'clock. Sunday, 2 to I.


By tin- Itev. W. D. ftoborta, l*a*t lOvenliiK.

I lost evening, tli» Hlil'HIbl HrnokH L-iub, of Orncocburcb, held Its ragvj- J»r woekly meaning an:! semi-annual lU'tton,cf .officers.

Before, proceetlinK to the election Of Officers, tna Rev. \V. t). Robert--*. rector Of St. John's church. Bohton, nave an .interest ins address, on Phil lips PraoltB, from wliom this club Efts qelved its name. Mr- Roberta Wl for live years Dtshop Brooks? assistant; lt£ Trinity church,.Boston, and thus Waa able to sneak from a direct <*nv«\vled&' Of the the man. We toht of BiahOp Brooks' chuimirifTpe.'- tonality and of his remai kttble porters "i imaKhmtioii. Many reminiscences

jnr Phllrip Brooks' early life, of hit* preparation for the ministry, of tits flrsl parish which be Mi*»d in Phi la- I'elpMa,. during itie civil war. and Anally 0f his call to Bos. on and groat sty eeps at bishop of tlH dloiefce of Massachusetts.

Ml-- Roberta wai one of tlie speakers at tbe dedication of Phillips (Hooka, house at Harvard college, Tuesday and told UOW the idea of thjs memorial oitgjnate-.l and of the many countries nil over the world. represented' on tb. list of mtacrtbera to tlie fund.

Al the conclusion of Mr. Robert's remarks, the H«v. \. Jl. Amory and lleV. O. Plske maO" v. murks. '

The following officers were elected for the ensuing six numtba:

President, tlae Rey. V. Flake. • Vice president. Walter Livingston. Secretary, Mrs Brooks, . Treasurer, Harrv Tttier, War.leu Wilfred Klrlclapd. Membership oommlttee, Warrad

Deardon, Thomas Moss and Herbert WcstweU.

The rettfifiS Ofttcora v i n> given i hearty vote or thanks lor thalr abli services. On Feb. 8. the flub is U .have a spread and the following wen appointed as a committee on arrange- nientfl: Walter Livingston. WarraO pfiardon sad Harry Knanton. Th' -hill pins, which were received ;i samples, proved unsatislacteiy ;iiul tie member* are making original dfl fiigns. which will be icady for in- BpscUon in ihi'i-e Weeks<

l:& ti.»H«.», 'KRtt^MKDlCAL CO.,

If yrjiin-y.-lrm Is florttallsed by dlwaMi or cxttirti W4 cini iavo you. At ta >.i«'cuii-

ny youj cht mill* ini'l apjjiaitet mil. HctUMi 111 OUT

l( mi. -.uilffiiruny. it wur honor. No mtlfl, Ftfniiitornia- l.-rplnin «-n\. trov. BUFFALO, N.Y

Special Dlieaaes

Attestlom Glesm to of Womem. r *-'

AND SHRYOtffl DISEASES. Chronic Diseases of Long Standin

successfully treated. Special rates by the month.


The No§» Throat, Lmp, DesfMS**, Aithm* end Catarrh Triated \»y Mei^cated Couareued Air. and by the most approved methods of medicated inhalation.


In the bouas yesterday the following Mile ami petitions were presented:-

By Representative A. N. Frost. a bill ,in regard to the frjUinga 61 Ifie si'I'erlor court of Essex county.

llv Represent»tive ,T. E. lUi.swell. of MetbueDj a hill providing that* a I cities and towns sliaii Da liable for 2S per cent, of the contract price ot High way a coiistrueted i,. the liana chuscttB hiclnviiy commi^itfn.

By Mr ProaC a bill providing foi, a re.ommendaXiorr of mercy by jury landing a verdbt of murder in the fhst degree. 'The petition of tttie I-awrence park

coiomlPSlonerB, legislation to protect ■bade taees.

The petition of James R- Bimpaoo t; establish the salary ol the justic< of Lbe L.LV.i'eure police (OUrt.


Fire Insurance,

253 Essex St.


L. H. Harrlman, M. E., seven rears' examiner In the U. 3. Patent office: patent law and soliciting pateents. First class service guaranteeil. Terms reasonable. Central BulH- nn 4'b floor. Telephone J02-2.


Tuv.vl" Club Burli in rls III opi

Fitchhurg Railroad. H008ACTNNELL ROUTE The Short Line and all points west between BOSTON nnd ALBANY. NIAGARA FALLS <-.HICAGO,_


Lake Champiain Route


and all Canadian Points. ,»lace. Sleeping or ilrawing Room

Cars on all through trainB. For Ume tables or apace In Sleep-

ing Cars call on any Ticket Agent ot the Company, or address,

> S. CRANE, Gen. Traffic Mgr. C. M. PURT

Gen. Pas'- A»t., Boston. Mass.


mslil al Manager Rider's -( ri on Monday aveninn n ui-KjinlZfiti'in is new hi re with ih.' ^ i-l v liiKh"st 'I' In addltioq lo the Cwo ton hit! ipeclsTttBI are siiv.'ii. pai-h rai' lii'inc ii top iMitcht'v in their ' i-i'spw tiy,. lin... The 1WII c lie I'll: e.~. ill ' well made up and conalsta. of S i-hiipel> UIIIIIK ladies who w,ll le seen to ;"lvimtiii?e. The oil I h as reptlonallj Btrpse uncl conalata o 'Htlii distinct m'mbei';;. Matinea will ha Liven mi Tuesdi.y anil Wed hi >il,:'!'.

REMOVAL NOTICE The F. . A. Booily. Real Ent.n

ind Kmplnvment Offlee has been re mevea to 4J3 F-ssoii street. FIrsl-clBS uclp. food situations everyday.




leiepbnns rIo. 441-1.


•H'*! ~t -Mf-t-H :4^H- MIftB Anna Churchill, of Oak street,

lian uccepted i^ position .with .1. T. Lowney or ESsex street.

Jor.pb Marehanl. of Haverhill baa returned to his houHvhavliiK been vis- iting in this city.

Walter Smith, Of KarminKton, Me., is Kpending a ftw daya with friends in town.

John Vanston, of Newton street, la 111 nt his home. * • --

Peter McQuillan, of Hampshire Btrcst, who has bpen in Ireland for the pant six months, returned to his homo in this city Tuesday, and' re- ports a .very enjoyable lup. He has reBJiUSd hia position with James Fin- n< nan. the provision dealer.

Thomas Mullen, who has been vis Hint* friends on Lawrence street, has returned to his- h<nne in Providence itr i.

.MIM U'na Walker, of Pall River, it visiting friends on Newbury street.

tJe'orge A. f-now and Miss AJlcs R. J^ershaw were mnrrieil WedneK».lu>

JeveninK by the ,Uev. E, P. Tuller. 'pastor of the 3econd Baptist -hurrh.

John 0. Kastman,,, field secretary ot' the Hoys' club association, has been in the city this week in. the interests of a Lawrence boys' club.

The letture -on Venire', which was to t tkfl :>lncc at the First Metiioilibt. church lust bight, was postponed un- til next Monday night.

John Keel, the well known custom tailor, of this city, and llifes Kmma B. I-amprey.. ot Concord. N. H., were married Weanesday at the home ol the bridegroom's, father,, 20 Laris- downe court. The ceremony was per-

\ t'onnod bv the Rev. Mr. Wood pi STATE St. lohn's church. j

I The Washington mills will be clos- ed all day tomorrow for the purpose of taking stock.

Mrs. Crowley, residing at the cor uer of Kingston and Newton, strtetn, while crossing the street to" K'na/s store last evening slipp^'d and fell. She was badly ahakeu up and reeeivd a serious cut over the right * ye. Six stitches were taken.

Mrs. John 'Ilutctiins is visiting re- latives in" North Chclmsfoni.

George C. Stuart, clerk-at the post- offiee. is ill at his residence on Jack- si^i street with a severe cold.

Tfie Lawrence high school dancing^ class will linve a reception In St<in- ilish hall, Pilgrim block, this evening, The affair Is in 'charge of Messrs, Watts and l'lvnu.

Joseph Qajyey, <»f White street, the well-known plumber. slipped and sprained hla ankle quite aeverly yes- teri ay aflernoop, winch w'il neecesl tate his staying ui the house for reveral days.

Willlan: iMuglas, of IC.ssex i street, has accepted a peel lion as driver foi the Town-end laundry compaiiy.

Mettle Crane, of Etsex itreet, Is spending a teas, days In Providence, 11. I.

Miss .Wllie l.iiiiit^ai, i; ill si he: hniiii- on Water street.

The J-tVv Fr. Cronlt \ is to go ubroad'up a p^Baewe trip shortly, "and on his -ivtirn will resupie his duties at si. i'litrieks church.

Thomas Crnnois, tortnert} atook (Jerk at th» (Jas company. I.a.- .•<- ccpted the position of Ul«h1 waf hr- ivin at the Ksse\ streci offlcft, \ i'e 'i, p. Fri.s!. resign1 :\-

MiclKi.d NOITIS has (icceptfcd a |) H Uon as si>ek elerh at tin1 LawreSCB J;is couipaiy. Thomas fleams, of Boston, loriper

v nt this Hty, is in town renjWtrtg dd .ieq'K'iiitauecs.

Miss Llszlfl Qnlnn. "of the Home 'inniliir.' o;mpany. epetH Tin.-day in

Koaton. ■ Fiunk c. r.Mir.v tyi ■ i« uirjii 11 from

I a trip to \aine. I Miss Mny Handy, of Providence', R.

I., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fmm-i [•otter, ::t this Mty.

Mrs! John Manion has returned from Boston where shti went to at-

I tend the wedding of a cousin.

Manager Parsons has sold the pick of his t rack New Britain team to Meii- den, and after Saturday night New Britain will no longer be represented in the big league. Msnager Parsons gave New llritiiln the heel club In the league this year, but interest Iti the great game hes evidently waned in the Connecticut town, for the patronage

Jias fallen oil greatly -jf late. MnmiV- ger Parsons still has a Main;On T>oher- ty and may loan him to some south- eastern Icagu club.

Clinton will play here tomorrow Ulght, when the locals will try to get t v fa for that- shut out Of Wednesday evening.-

The 'champs' have hud a l>ml week thus far. They have lost two games Otttof three and have siuied oiilv six goals against their opponents It.

Pall River appears to be a dead one. Manager Irwla ban given the town first class polo and the newstmners have given the game rayal support, but-the patronage lias not been what It should te. Fall River, is a former big league city, uid no doubt many of the old Ume enthusiasts think the present ar- tlele is am as good n« what they were accustomed CD In the old dr»y«. They are woefully.mistaken . rIr*■ young- sters MI' today would beat the old timers to a pulp, and polo patrons get more for their quarter now than they evei gdt in their lives. Brace up Fail RlVer and support your tram.

J. Henry Moran is all right. So ftre the other referees. Anybody can referee pnlo. We wouldn't harm B man tor doing ti>«' besl a* can. -on our life.—Fall Itiver Herald . Good bo>: Worthy sentiment. Pass the news to Lawrence. Brockton Enterprise, j Henry is all right -but h" can't ring

'i'ibl Its ide Li

CASTOR IA Tlio Kind Ypo Xfovo Always Itought, nijd which has boen

In uso for over 30 years, has borne the slmintnie of ^m and been mini' tinder Ills per-

sonal supervision slnco its infancy. Allow no oise to dci'eive'yon in thl». -

Ail OoiinterfeitsTrmfthtlWis an?l •■i/»Wt.««-SA;jfi»rfJ«V7j;*Vr- V.\iK'i'inicnts that trifle with and ciuianeei- the health of Wants mid Children—Experience iiftuinst experiment.

What is CASTORIA Castoriu is a harmless subatltiitn for Castor Oil, Pare* (prfe, 1,roiis ii nil Sootliinir Syruj>s. It is Pleasant. It contnii'S neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Bill1" Its ntre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrislincss. It cures Dlarrluua and Wind Colic- It ret'eVes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Hovels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panaceti^-The Jlother's J.'riend.

GENU8NE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of

guers wilh an engag*- jjniiiilar rft- -:t. •rim- Ijllt ronu-s

lorsenieats. Iiuj^psques.

r,>iii-i' unni. aenralng to inforniatioi! at bind, plays a gome In the circle thai {■macks uf senaidlonaium. Pawtuckni Times. You Imve atrilck the correc iiorablnatlon. first time. - lliuc lucn Bu (crprlse.

"TjatlUus'Of N»w Httvsn aaya thai pain In Knglaml. Introduced property l>y "Hi rtgfet people, would be a great .', > W-i ;>n oliserter of people and nation aliliea uf natrons of the game I linil ti^at the Ilngllsh and Scotch are OL of the greatest cranks and enthuse both at the Biime and after, ■ A trip through England. Scotland, Ireland and Wales would be a good ope and to mv mind a financial Bucceaa.'

Kverybody likes to try i nd take a fnll out of Hllley Parsons: yet be ■ nice felluw and mighty dltver- Sum. are a little j.-almis of his aaaeaaai -ii- parently -BrocKton Enterprlaa.

The Fairitivcr Herald aaya at Tues- day's game With tjtwmioi : The:.' was but ul-diuaiy nttiMiilaiar. In sea- sons to come the cranks will eomu out and lill the. rink and break the:r throats over a Kull Rlvcv team that cannot canry daba for tlt<- one we hayc now. These ale youngsters who are'sut- prlsing even themselves with every consecutive content. And rwy rtWnt do a thing to these ilu.miiinus but lambust. them to a tune of seven >. one..

Tominv Connolly, the base ba)l urn- has been selected by the national

The KM You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years.

^^^ fli< 9*KT»-:m CBMMNV. TT MUHMV1 ITWHT, - HW Vom CITs>.

Life Save! in old and itormy weather, that Is th\

ounce of prevention needed, Ii our su-

perior and high grade Gherwoot

Whiskey. Absoltte purity and fluq

distillation makea the whiskey bene.

flclal to the digestion and to healtli

generally. As a preventive an*

cure for coldi, grip, etc., It Is unsui

passed. , 1&S

DANIEL F. C0NL0H Wholesale Liquor Dealer.

«t? AND 119 BROADWAY. COR. VALLEY "STREET league I — N big

referee six games! cacn week Britain News. well give the Igue J. Henry and a COtiple U

tin" him.



$2.00 Is all we charge for papering a room with elegant paper, border to match. First class work. We sell paper at factor prices. We alao do painting whitening ami tinting. Send a po«ui card and we will call on you.



SMOKE + + +


Mi 1e bj Alnsworth «V 8»lnclr«


oH-nThanT Hall -Monday Evening.

Tick,■!s:t IrPaawnu.ll 00

Brlynfj lessons al -'1 Chester strecl

J*r ,.,Jheatre. i.



j TimoUiy Doyle, of Wesi street, Is ! ill-at lib, rtsidencc.

!»••«•••••••• •>•••£ • LO.IGE AND CLUB ♦ * * Of«•• ••••••••••••

mi! Canton rtgawam. :. O. 0. I' ti 'lit


Itcmled Refreshment! w


drill ln«!


MATINKKS Wclllll'SllilV •



iNsri:i"i'i«N OF co. i..

The monthly Inspection of Com- pany 1-. 8th rcRlnieut. tooB plate al the armory last night. Major Bn- dredia, nt Boston, was ilu Inspecting officer, and eomplimentad the company virv highly on lt« Una annearance. There were inn tew absentees and

■the eoniiviny n He, ted gnat credit on Itl einhmaiidiiii; officers, l.ieiitcn- aota l.arrivee and Connors, by i" way It iicrfuriiicd the dmerent man' uvci-H.


lu Hldte of the weathei night, the meeting of the members of the Woikingiuen's college was well at-

4. The sneaker for the I MB was w. Mitehelni-n... who had

ftvr I*, mibicri NiiiHd.'.'oii Bonaparte ■I lie asaakaf rei-vrcd m NapBlWB ■ campatgna in Italy. HAVP' and Rus-

sia •ami also crossing the Alps. He part that Napoleon was undoubtedly ""' greatest general -that ever lived. Hut aa a mini and an emperor he had many faults Among his failings was his dealings, with the police and

spies He carried mil rime splendid public works, the chiet of y.'hi"h was lhc road over the Simplmrr

Dr. Bulls Cough Byron never dis- aniioints lliose Who .use ii for obsti- nate coughs, colds''and Irralions ot i' i th'r-oai and Itrtlia It atanda (in rivaled aa a ivmeiiv (or throat, and lung diseases. Bold b> all dtus glsU al ill cents.

A Rare Opportunity^- <)ur Annual Stock 'faking was completed ldst vrcck.

illlll \VP llllVO opi'lll'll ll]l 1MM11 v now lilK'N uf

^ DRESS ** GOODS J w new

Ii cannot fail to please the PKBB1JD BEHGBS, which

tenil ing


The folloPlng officers of lodge 28 American iMielit association w.u, uwwlle'l in I'cnibcrloii ball, by Sn prane Secretary, Maurice CarmicK, m Itisl waning: President Fred K. Abbott; \ice president J. C. Hul chine: oriitor, Miss Isabel Mel lit ..sis. -i iilui... loah .1. Henry: collector George f'l . beek: ireasurer, Mrs. Mar) Abhott; chaplain, .liihn Kbl Has: nji.rslul, 11. A.. Ilobinsun 'wj'den. Mrs. Ruth Henry: senlr> Mi CjillnTine .1. It 1

most careful buyer among iheni being the re iu such demand by th* liest trade In i'"'

country that we And ours.ivrs Inindre ds or pieces behind our order*. But we havh sclectcil scale of I u' licst .-if these and have played them on our counters for the rdtall Irade ol this city and vicinity. 'nine In :unl c»e iin in. They are beauties and, will be sure to please you. ■. , f


Office end Saleiroom $-,J Gqrnmnn Sfrrri


CATARRH OF THH STOMACH could often lie prevented had , Ihe liatiiul with a stonlaclwitnd discsliv crsalis preillsposeil to weaklfess been stimulated n> some such pure whole- some power as eonlulned In th" vei;et able pepsin on of which 111. Von sHau a Pineapple Tablets are prepare.1. But the world Is' finding il mil nreil leal science Is making rapid strides;- and tiie sufferers are not having ts-

Wajtz" guaranteed l.ssnns. Ball-Room, dancing.•*

two private y and Sill:;-

.Ctnill id.l *a aelii :t: u Him- il.-lra

>. „ br.eibi

i ... |e, :ia. F t'tli annlver*.ai'> I Cince ti.nigl>t

- I'ljace hall. ■ ill ftunikb tie

if A.. Will ci.teitain

, .Ian. 81 lierry's ..t music.

peel Ids "bled" |0 i e'.lts --'■■ Oreer. 25d B«

Cor For sab- bj

1> tab .loh

No Guess Work Here.


l.nyvi'tT.. c

S£ :ii|.i. in lb

it.. II In .ticll ■ a h.

W I'

It :hi ami II

liun't solng the O.nlf (Jills I be I.-uer t:ar+i*.r..t^ir!h..

'I i,e Fim'r Sporty .Bportfl


1 Till, map about I" O'.-UK-K. tl

rOMMQNWBALTH .OF MA8SA HFSBTTS. Stnt" ll.iiise. Boston

IM, umii The Conimiltee ot n; II, Service will give a Bearing ' ,.|;,s i,i|..resie.l in House bill N i

IB. providing for Iegtslati6n Jo ■■- •Vh.-li Hie salary ol Ihe wat'din

of the POlhe idurt of l.av II room' H'.S. State House. 0

Jan. -:;utIi. al l« o'ctoeli n , H. ci

Without platen. Only dentists In New England who have an electric irallet tor tilling teeth .with gold without pal»

jrr-ru. Gold flllinga do not come out wbeo I EC I ll^naade by this process. Beware ot den

tiate claiming to use Dr. Bickell's new metnod o3 Painless Extraction—aa w»

ave __ <t-t,\ . eCT reserr* the exclusive right in Law. $5 TO 3>lU A Ot I renw for-our own office. Best teeth

from 15 to |10 a set, and Dr. Blckel will pay 11000 reward to any persoai who proves that any dentist In Lawr «oe uses any better ty teeth tl at Dr. IHcMll and Son. No eharga tor extracting when tcelh are to oe made Open evening till 8 o'clock. Thlrtj years' «P"I™C«- S'lL«*ttSst KE1.L ft SON, Palnlea- Daartata, Re -.tna 4, 6, 8 and 7, M7 Basex Btme*. comor Fran*"'

♦ i ♦




in the Bert Part ot W»rl i, adjacent to Electric Cam, »j, Pioneer Coal QeUer of Law- tence,—

t\. CW&booey, CONTRACTOR

^ -i, * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »aaa'<'H'X''i>>>>»>>i'<

lust Great Annual Mark-Down Sale

HI eh. ..I Ha

I'e Invlle all 1 amlliiitiiui ma,

I «'U.l.fl, M # tiiiKhes,

,-,,1-y dimcul

sight Specialist I Tnwela 215 KSSKIt 8T NUP"*1""

Drawers , rii.brsbiils, cotton

S.H-1: b per pair ...-. i Handkerchiefs ...... I Neckticn ,-.

...a eta. 1 ct.

| horaea attached to Toyes, ice wagpiil while etaniliug in [ront of .the paroch lal rosldeiir on Haverhill street, took)

started to run away. Tin1*. Mil gait up Haverhill street topped llr- 111. > .el'' IU O

I •„■ I III.

Commeftces Friday, Jan.-19 , , 11.. I t l.:i::"i ' !" W» "!l;" st*eln thci

' 'i"bn","« till''0 r«vc,-v deseriplion; also a niiet mn iiii-.m,. and baits M the

! frlKlit ate !, w.entiit a i ., and wen

I Fianklia

>" street. No damn::..


.101 IN 11 It AT HIT M.H AMI I'OHTKIi. fl all I'Hlt CASK, M.

BKTZ &■ SON 'lill.Alllll.rillA



RACKET STORE in:; nml W6 l>^r.-\ WTlUlavT

.Near Newbury. •_ ._ xi „ i i . it Open KveulnCS.

I [1! 1 Hoarseness

Sore Throat *■ • »♦ »»>><»♦ V.:;.

*Mm C. Ea.«r»jr>.

■ -i -1 > .- *■.!■•-

oi Marl

^•♦^ ♦•»••••■••»■»«»« ■ MM. Ue ft#w*T

■■'. (ftp M ■


iaar. ta* ■*•- D»

I ti««M bit. MM

l»- Ml

■ GMJ0 -

11 r,«':

aaaa. f.«r ;«tritjfi,

- Sow. ■ST J»E-


Cough Syrup Caret Hoarw*ei» and &«« Tlaraaf.-,

•- Mar -'.ran

ot\ E ; aleaataj/eei-5

J 'T<i»f>». .V

Oft aa


[v, NOT WELL-KHan.'. HOUSEKEEPER. Ten Days Sacrifice Sale

HBKS C P*. >■*■."■ vaa in

..■ ■


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' ' by uuce or by

■?.-« I* Hs G- *« ta *-; --'.-•': t' *%ow »--««—Ofte -a ' Cjr liv

f-s*sc T-4* Fr tUi A*-/ Mo«ey.

::*'."■-: : .v_i>- :' .::W^i:

ftvirVGOC aa [1M T -7 Yaja* of i £» wor.iy af coarifey-.

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i coctiry U tpt-x: for ;,■•: ' it."a*fcr-| - taaataiT, tie noc-1 MR or

t£« &IL or •- Wto *4r-K-* - * llplj ealaaat* nvl Be .i** aai/

^Z^'^fr, *<H^-*8S*-


SEA ROUTES ■trefeatvari MIECS Traas- Ct

SteaattH* UKS

aVa*>.« Ft-a-jen mzA Borriawre. wa» u ■:»'» , EJf kasceal wrtxi»« ai* ail K.IU» ewara u4 M,

LKtrj3*A&L'*m »fcr t^ffa* TUT aaa**? "^ aaeffaatajafi a-V.f*ae

A. y ',P«KAM a*.*-*. :*■*-.*. M*M ; r »;••:->• rr. Tia« su» egar T '- :i.i.,;ll >aa fia

y -"-?-.

RCH >:r

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— .i-.:* ..' dHte I

.>«« tk* ». . -

*llWlr» o«;- - »-tr»<r* kMIMI «■ !*■* ^wple of" - • - cooBUT j isii! ^e '-"«• K4*

- -*: ir,n» a^i M I ■ T» tfcat ' ' tUl a»o>-at or«r w-kn: M s»»t

--•'. 'v- fob*. I» aur «»* it -»» ke« : tkat' >«M aoMr K.ZAI fciu

■r-1 nt :.jiA. in»tI *^*^ *i»ea«l*<i a .^aalu. '^tta—«&•' Mi:r ' ' ^ «*• *l««Ma» m**br* Of ti»

H '; A »««. 'aavja

- - - • ■

:«-ra» OaVw. Sbeaara an.

Violin School >»«rtaJ attaataai t ■«* to laati i<r.^-.«-«y

Willis Hutchins il« £!•*-! Sr,. Li»;n.-.t. Hut -CMka-aaan.- Ts«4iy. Ti.£.-»i»7 IL , ■M4al ' ::■■!}. m.


:ftwz . ■ -

■ ■■•«..' aw!


r OR ^Q.OO -Jaw««)««at'*a.

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WANTED. Lady to Travel

»at'»^ ••. uika ; -< I i-tr^t .i t it

''*• Jfaai .T.ik -.( ba* .M aaa

MaaTaalaaal. AMreal or, eill > # JK**»!»7 animtai.

Smoke Hand-Made C. IO. ^



Burger, f/7

FiM BfuiTVa/ Lavre ^M*u.

Wail Papers


1900 >

*< * - ik* re»jsinsrs»«oii o< iz.« «awr. .' -. ».a fas« x»ri-a Si- bod~ *!■ ■«..: "Z57-/*"" vMh '%oa, *i-

;- ft au! »*TJ- -»^a far dmi Tbo eaa

- . I -J^T KslMta.Ui, tkatakfc . • »»7 to iprraart tb« ekaapai -ta. a :

aar ia Mrat Tori i« . . ■ llfcaltj ta Brtat u >aria«

paaa aeamxu«aa. »ho alwari Loaat-. r h*» fc;r*^^ '^aggttota atcaju at •• oea-^ 2 poaa'l

■ M ■ I M ;"t ja« u =. .-.a aoar- — aaattfraa ta* •aaaaar ■ .--.t . _ *ia rather :3.s^lw4 it ti^ :€•, aaa

KviW it • ' ' ..■■• : '-cTtaiaJ7 a ea»* wb*rt tit L^-1" U-.noc alarar* ta* <"b*a^-»r,

. Fst-.ia&i- ^* - " - ■

o** BKUT -' ■ xu:. ' - »'«• F» caa

L • i-- •: ft/r :» ia»aa: *i : -

. • - . '■:'•■ •?':' ' ■ • .*.* way

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^ to.rfr- -

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r Cor Ukr«| boon Ad! '■- - ~ :- - H is

—4—featf- lMMar-^l*tfaM> *,.-.?■ mid*; tad 1 k4 to UM . t ■- > ■

, »* nrorr an4 citrittoos a di»L . 1

'»p*,n a* croq ■ ■ *

t»i •. - - -i'- Cara "' ■>*i| 0= tout or ia«a.r v

. t a . it of oai] Ml - - - '

,,_,.' ' ■■———:

' ■ -

$8. $8. $8 $8.

AH the Above Consolidated into One Lot, and for the Next Ten Days You Can Have Your Pick

FOR $8.00 Lawrence One Price Clothing Co

■ • >rf CBIS-

: .' ta:

■ • '

rio*- boar »i«yr»;-tAa^aroa losartr

-■! ■« I.

5 ia .iiroa-a. ^t-aa<i '

■ bac\ Tt'j k:^-: ttat

.-»>. of jroootli K »:at «j!*a auie:

»ark. «*«**»* Bre»a, t-.* t;i iiad.


S-ri>a-a. wr-re

431 ESSEX STREET it. j. UACAirrxEv

. ■

- -


Commencing January 29'S.

Friday m Sa1urdav! ■''"-'*• ~r l


is)aite BITE'S BopiEOTCo"»«rfy^



Ztptrtoirt for Jhis *W3«k.

. .«►

.Wo* J


Prices From 5 Cents to $2.00 per Roll

BC :r *-, poper R won I

. Opeiut

1f P or «

»r. ; »

IS:*. '

i . I ...



■!» n —rrr.-


r *

THF IVIMnCAD { THE WINDSOR t Rim — • Base Ale rrom the Wood*

t fcaat India Pale Ale. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


Uw aotalo nt^-i:. -


a o' ^ peaad .■'

• -

i Uua tr.w W » paoad oi * I ".. h ieais.

M la aafi UJ aa^ Iftai L. ra f'jt is::: foe .

at n ,. ... i p,.r

■' '

'' ■ '.-.' .x'.- a-aa given tm n-j that *h-n the lr.rome van-<! f - • '- ] aat nth tot ■ I ■•' fq .-•■:- atnea too lar| \V'-a: »h<r-: fo<xl ij • .

:'.it'ap a fa' Df . J « J'-ir. j-jli-;.

'- •' - ' 'ours*

" 6

. ■■ •

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■ th> <-rr>i of preparing t ; ..: .I'frviGU wa?et.

I. till

Philippine Worren. The aHaUnfaUc PhilitpiB* matron

| ■ md h'.-r ria igateri tad -•• In L . ■ - ■ - -- If to*?? ran i

that required for -drr. .:.f- or nho»v i: ■ UM paaMnt *'-.Tiiii share*"

, • '■:.•■■ ■ 'i» vork.-vhtterer It m»/ ■■' ' '■' ■ ' '' • I■■" I ■ : ^u un-

eg« A. ■'■ »ral«r baft


AHERJ ■■ Pi ;:-Rr-


- ■ .1 ard t»-o t - ' .. ■ ■ •


-'■' '■• ■ - " d X'.

GKAKD ( ■;< ;:KSTR \. !



Of I :.•• :-

.V' » 1 '' atatt -

( Mondar—A I>u«i on Wall Strn"

Taaadar—Jb Haauaoil on Salary.

W«!n«dar—The Kid&appert.

Ttinracay—The BnrsUr.

Friday—R^> Van Winkle.

Pack f-om Maine.

" ■ ■

* ■

It Itix -:

A Duel on A all St.

• • •


What Happene.: to gall

Wednesday—Worth a Million. Thnradajr—4 buel on Wai:

Kridar— A H'jsband en Salary.

Saturday-The Kidnappers

KH ri EIH l"i:NT.

1.*t* -!:* '-♦ ]•♦ ■■♦ ]-*£♦ ** !-♦ •»-♦ •!•♦ *♦£♦ !•♦ M

■ ■ the .-. i

"j ii.. '

,'nhfuser Bush Beer Harvard Pure Belrs On Draught All the Tim-:


l..'I.IM . Un :< i

■' .' mm ' ii t;; ■


A !«fJHT < P 1 ERROR,



1' Jn.H'fe-! i:.

i ni^tr brave


• 1 be

' : . :' ■ J ' pbla l ' ' ■■ " ' . .*• up or

doxn the n-.-^r. besidea attesdin^ to b«r d • ! ' ana i ■: • - in th conn .

toe .'arJanie.; pin . .

franta, pleklDjC a'ail^Kaoiptil ♦ C' " I.I. -.. eata abera. ih.v work '.* tef-aoai loiet* a tingle man-I*. tilla or hamlliertlil-f Tbeae I

•' '* ' ;■••■■'. hv \:..... f peaa n Edentt at^domeatic aetxa#a -i- *a*epl fiTady » maid ;

•r ii. .■ and erwi thi . tltlont art •■• < apl< d by bora Thej ' *"■ '• lt«j ab-

. ■' or aettae of sratltude, so ti.ur. -'ie Of

It an alt oat bopelaaa iind

Rufus Andrew's Agency.

TO LET : TENEMENTS 14 pi*aa*Bl ./'.-. ; roomt an

■Mb. -'■•.' .,' -' :• roo:.-, :.!,! |,

■"'•ir'-t, K ita^Dli; raorna, .bath.

Wol II IV Balle/ • . One*.

. r"' htooa* 7'rooma ' v w I: •■ aSiarj ■"■fan •at i-. ... ... , \


'' . . v ■ '

■ »A« o". i.'.

" •■ ' ■ ■ ■ I irvt im morntng" *ri

-. fi l.i: ■ ■ . ran • rffal n4t{fi4 > I T.,.;;i;t v<-rv anuaa \iVi'tempt*ta

a from Pi irain them aa tervaou Dl

A Giant.,i i. Paiag, th. afatea. h,, eoia-4*

■ pleted , ' it 111 on a »ciu«

■:- proport! with lltu Kwlng's n,.,.vjs r Tho iloora are tea ,fe»t h(go, and the

•» C»l!ine3 -and. windoa-a look li". i-a »f fabled nianta caatl'n. She It atill

growing aud it no* e:rht feet, four ehea un. ^

PURE WHISKEY For Family Trade jCutter, jSherwood Rye,l tOld Crow, jHermitage.



$4. A GALLON ,!

" ■

' ur;'1 I/inif I ri.-V |y '■'"■ vtu\>%\ > • 1 - John .f. PoraU drtui atore.


•U'THKNT ,,.. To Preterve Cheese.

. fChet t ». ba ktpt from moulding y rubbrag UM etal Mrt witi. ,i„iuer

;: '•'•■"»'K'--i :.: '.' •!:. I.;., (over with a whlta Ml . a' • -■" ' f'" IV ' '"o.i ■•.:• v,j i a Jry n'^ca

hal •).. ' "

'..!■ grai I-.-

r-'l.llOhh anil V II fill.


These represent the„highest type of absolute ♦ pure whiskey^ Bye and Bourbon. Fully Aged | and free from any Adulterations J

Our Whiskey reputation Is Behind These Favorite Brands. Orders Large or Small

Beceive Our Prompt Attention

♦ *aV


P.OCfiTOTER UEBOToCtfANEP I Curran & Joyce Company *£S? ♦

1 ♦•( ♦-{ b"f**i •** ♦ '? V-f ♦•!' O-f ♦-? O-T ♦-{ ♦? j^jyj ♦-? ^.-J *-J rf ^af ♦■>

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