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■xShv *£amr**ic*^Tmerican


iVdi-hcl Mebty Mornlo,!. b)

GEO. S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors,


CVirevr Of Essex and Applrtuu birtii-,


Tho circulation of the Lawrence Ameri- can U tbe l»r«oit or any paper In the

County, and more than FOUR TIMES that of :my other

Weekly Paper published in tbls city.

Mf Rates Of Advertising sent upon application. I Jk%$W)@'WMm lS¥llf liEl,


iEhc ?ai(y American T* 'HIT—

BVEBY EVENING (H u a a ■ y r x c c pled,)

■■ (he largest Dally ID the city, and batfoarlfmea tin circulation ol mi) UIII-T.


Y at. *"■ ' '■- «oaths «S 0 A n*i, aoi paid *■ advance, *S.


r II K i •' i i. i < ; v

STEAM PRINTING OFFICE ' la the targes! and most thoroughly faralsberf la : eastern Massachusetts, Usvlng toe aioil Improved

ssodernPrMses.end with constant additions of the NIWIIT ITtlll OP TTPI,

and with ear extensive rarlaty ol work, w* are able to fnrniah tbe Beat Qaallty of Work, expedl tloaily, and at low prices. Order* by avail promptly llled,

GEO. S.MERRILL 4 CO., Proprietors,


Challenge lurtlbtr will Rl.e I


AMERICAN SKWIM; MACHINE It la boped that thoee persons who are conttaDtly

aaaertlof that the button holea made on our ma- chines will unravel, will put Ibia challenge to the

*j»-Read the following report of the Committr on ttrwlna- Machines at . chauics' Charitable AaaoeUtlon fair

grepor ; Machines at tbe

._ .heritable and October, iWto:-

Jbe American Ituttou Hole. Oi'trttaming, ami String tiachine combinat.

TIM* la a new Invention which Is Just working its way Into public favor,and In destined, without doubt, to take a front rank among the first class Famllj Hewing Machines, combining at it don, in one mackivt.the ability to ilo all the variant kindt "f ptain ami fancy tewing ilont on anyfirtt cross machine, and also, the working of button hole; and overtttming. Neat in de«lgn, well made, ot good material, and requiring bnt a lew moments to change from a Button Hole Machine to a plain Sewing Machine and your Committee <lttm it tretl worthy of Ike higtieti premium In (he gift or thit Aitvciution, and aurard a UOl.p MKUAI.'.

LUCIUS A.CUTLEK, Bunt City lio-pital, liar rlaon Ave.. I*. SI'.UiLDINO.

88 Lincoln Street, NATHAN C. LOMBARD

M chanlcal Kuglneer,

1 1

10 Slate St., i -. 1 - ii- ■


tSlha, Overseams,

Fells, and Works Tucks, , Beautiful Cords, Braids, *ra Button and

Eyelet Quilts, Holes, that Fringes £ will not Gathers & qjW-J*^™^ n f Ravel or

Sews On, i*i-«--—-^ Wash Out.

% $ q '%'%'§

B V Y 1 II E

Wheeler & Wilson

"(She ^JH/mericcm.


Staunch, Smooth, Quiet Running)

Easily Managed and Adjusted Machine in e particular.

We give our whole time to the


And keep a

LARGER ASSORTMENT Than any other Agent tbls side ol Boston,

We are also Agents for tbe

Howe Machines, For jtanufacturins- ana **mily :>■ -i^, wo

hare, also, tbe


And many other kinds, constantly on hand, rang- ing In price from ftt to S 14a.

W* WARRAKT every Machine we sell to give ptrftet tatitfaction. We sell on inttallmtnti. Ii

INSTRUCTION furnished either at store or residence gratuitously,


Weed, Singer, Florence, Wheeler A Will Leavltt, and other Machines, which wo will sell cheap at FIVE DOLLARS down, and FIVE per month until paid for,


General Sewing Machine Agency,

164 Essex st., Lawrence.



Unquestionably tlic best-known ami most thai ought; tested


For nl] klndfl of work, heavy ami Hghi and the most popular, in


Thin practical nnd ca'lly managed machine I ow stood Hie lest of lime and thorough oxp

ment;and the thousands who have lortuuai " ours frankly give It the preference, ns

very best, both In this country and In Kuropi "ludy, capital and Inventive genius have been

ut 1 il to Its Improvement for years: till now

WITH ITS NEW SILENT FEED, ur "Lock-stitch" Machine has no eoual In orld. The WHKKLKIt & WII.KON'e) i« r

able, economical and noiseless. It answer* wants ol the household completely, and

ANY KIND OF SEWING ed In the family can be done upon It with

greater rapidity and case of execution to begin- UITS than can bo accom]>llaheit on any other. It has received Iho Highest I'rrmiitmt over all—as a Family Uscblne—on both Hides or Ihe Atltnllc.

Those who want Tbe Dent should ob- tain W1IEELER& WILSON'S


Facts Worth Knowing! ONE SAYS,

I have used the. Wheeler A Wilson BcWinL- Ma- chine lor fourteen yearn, tun 11 "»ik» *- wall nnw as the day 1 purchased It, 1 preftr It to any other.

ANOTHER SAYS, 1 have used the Wheeler A Wilson constantly

for more than ten years, on mostly heavy work, and II has always been In good order—not even a arrow loose, I prefer tt to any others.

ANOTHER SAYS, I have made over 3,000 Ladles' Clonks on mine,

besides doing my family sewing' ' <iual to the Wheeler A W

ANOTHER SAYS, used my Wheeler A Will

id ha' fort

twelve years, and have not spent u dollar lo pairs. Ills, without doubt, thr hex family chine made.

Hundreds of such Testimonials

K1 A it n; K K D XT C K D.

Portland Itallroad Wharf every Tuesday and Friday al 10 P.M.

Train leaves Lawrence (South Side) TI'KS DAYS at 8.*» P. >I. (express,) FU1DAYS ai 4 P.M.

Check baggage through via Steamer. No hack- ing in Portland.

Tickets procured at Boaion and Maine Depot, Lawrence.

Staterooms procured by writing to KOS8 ft STUBTltVANT, Portland, Agenls. :tm"sgi

Inside Line to Bangor AND


Tbe Urge and elegsnt Steamer CITY OF HICBMOND,

CaDt. Dennlson, leaves Portland Kallroad Wharf every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 1'. H.

fare from Lawrence to Bangor, H.00. Ni hacking In Portland.

Train leaves Lawrence at I P. M- Check baggeKC through via Steamer Ticket

procured at Ticaet Office at South ijidc Depot. Staterooms procured by writing to KUSB '

tjTURTKVANT, Agents, Portland,.

r A Wilson Machli

H. P. PAIGE, Agent,

305 EBSCX St. and fi Lawrence St.,

3m LAWRENCE, MASS. loll'.




Kmploys the most eminent instructors, and afarM advantage* sujirrtor to any Blmllar Intti- tutlou at minimum rates,

Fall Term Opens Monday, Scpl. II. don and after August Iheirraduatitigclup'B,

> when

qoallfled. Circulars, containing full Info'rm.itlori mailed free upon application to

email K. TOUBJKE, Dir

CUAULES V. JACKUAN, Dealer in all kinds of



JaD Upposlte Talbot's drug store.

EDWARD FLYNN Withes to make known to the citizens of I.iw rence that he has enlarged his Green House and



DENTIST, Has Removed

NEW OFFICE, aSS Bnei itreet, - - Lawrence.

jell Dearly opposite old office.


Holland Bitters, Tbe Celebrated Holland Remedy for


Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Headache, Lois of Appetite,

Deblltly, Costlvenuas, Piles in Both Forms,

And all Diseases consequent on a Diuor derotl Stomacb and Liver.

Lln»ay'» Improved Blood Searcher. Cures Krysipelas, Scrofuh

I do boldly say tlierr Is 11 oompsrc with my stork >1

Diseases,Sore Kyes, Pitajph acsldlleads.MercurlalDi

hllity,halt Hln-ii 111.

stock of PLANTS, pubtlo to eiamlne. nothing in the city Plants. My

Verbenas and Geraniums are splendid, 1 have a fine assortment of I'liuit- Tor Ailing Hu-hrl- nnd Runllr

Staads. 1 have fin-- larsfl Ucranlums, of alt shndes ol color, for tilling Vases; also,

BouqaeU, Baskets of Cut Flowers, ■nd other Decorations for 1'arlicl, Weddings, und Funerals, arranged to order at short notice.

Green House, No. 2(i Meadow St LAWKBKCK.


Mr. Flynn will open a BTASII run TIIK SAI.K of PLANTS, on Monday next, on the south side of Essex Street, OFPOMTn J. D DREW'S DinlNo SALOON. *■>«

PEDRICH .v CLOSSUN, Anctloneem, Real Estate Agenta nnd Appraipierfi, No. 381 Easex at., Lawrence, Maaa.

Always ready to give their personal servlrr and serloua attention to srlllng Real and Pemonal Kstate at auction or otherwise, obtaining Money and letting the same at fair rates lor all concern- e.|, negollalliig Murtgayes and looking up Titles, Renting property and colleetlng Renia, eto. No Title passed of property —' feot; ~


Johnson's Rheumatic Compound, Onehouaeln Msssarhusotls sold Hlly boltleso:

Johnson's Rheumnllo Compound, with Ihe agreement, no rure money relunded, and

haa only had three hollies rrfumled. Why endure aching limbs an < Hllff

Joints when there Is i>uiti n certain rrmedy


Huston, MASS.

Prepared only by R. E. SELLERS A CO.,

Hlmojeia* I'ltlshurg, Pi.

■ ill 1

) Money Ii serurlt

HI. 1,,i,i

..n .1 but 1 11 buslm , inlru

wlth-s -menl of sun nipt payment — with the ■


Important ■ business, pr lairlB*Jif.u sume lime looking writ 11 purchaser, that his titles 1 all which he Is entitled holding that confidence of our fellows wlihli l» oniy obtained by strict attention to btulnttl, and tli. hit!heat type of honorable dealing

w-Tirm« reasonable, and aecordini; in the work and responsibility. Call upon us.

Real Estate Office, Essex 8t, No. 881. B.H.—Property for sale In many sections of New

England, but more especially in Ihe illy of Law- rence and vicinity. No better city In the Union for a permanent Investment,

Read Real Kstate column In Lawi and Lawrence Dally American.


One of the first settlers In the Wild River region WHS Ditvld Homcrby. lie

n (julet, wcll-niertnlrij' man, content e Upon tlie reMilts of honest toll, and

iiucloua to rentier unlo every man III** bouxlit his land when it was

Obeap, in fact, when Iho price had been merely nominal; and with what buntlnK and jUhlnjr, nnd cultival1nj[ such land M

be was Inclined to clear, he managed t" live very comlortably.

Another of the early settlers was .las- pcr (.ripper. Hut Orlppor was a difler- ent sort ol a man from Sotnerby. lie was close nmi trltky, ntul could bear down very hard upon Ids neighbors !n I'liiKiiing his own Interests. He boasted to hie tHemls Unit no man should over- reach him.

Aye. Jasper Grtpp, but thou may over- reach thyself, We shall fee.

'lime passed on, and it became known Co the lumbermen ol' the Massn'inoit that the best |iine in the county came from the Wild I liver region. One day in early -lifinv.' a gentleman cmnc up from the distant city and looked tip and down Die river on Jasper dripper's land; and on the following day lie was joined by two other gentlemen. Gripper had olten thought what n splendid place that would be (or a dam and mill. With a firm dam ilic power would he enormous. There was. only one trouble: Ihe extreme fresh- ets to which the river was subject in the spilng ami nntnmn would render it difli (tilt 10 lix the dam. Hut then .here were engineers who could overcome nil £iich difficulties.

Finally the gentleman who had first visited the fall Introduced hiinscll to Mr. Gripper ns Mr. James Hates, and frankly stated (hut be bad been commissioned to examine the fall, ami if he thought prop- er, lo purchase It. .Jasper Gripper was keenly and sharply alive. Ills eye teeth were cut. He knew Hint for Ecversl years (he attention of lumbermen had been directed to the Wild Itlver pines, md that, lately, people hud discovered lint the luud was of the very best quail* y. And, moreover, he knew that the

fall upon his laud was the only Bite upon ihe river, anywhere In that region, where the dam could be safely erected. There was another fall six miles below, upon Daniel Somerby'a ealnte, but it was a wild, roaring, turbulent character, locked In thojaws of towering granite, where no mills could he poesiblv built.

'■ Of course," said Mr. Uates, " we can- not think of P*J|»« •••"">• /u' ,m) water

privilege, and but very little for Hie land which would be required for our build- ings. The expenses of erecting a suita- ble dam will bo very great, and at best we run gnat risk. You will be the gain- er In every way. Not only will It open n ready market (or your lumber, but the value of H11 your surrounding land will be enhanced."

Mr. Gripper winked and then nodded. lie bad his own interests to look after. If he did not look after them be was sure nobody else would. After a deal of thinking bo snld be would sell the water privilege, together with ten acres of land adjacent, for two thousand dollars.

The agent was astonished. He consid- ered tbe price ridiculous.

'■ Why," said he, " you did not pay so much for your whole territory,"

It made no odds what he (Gripper) had paid. His price had been named, and the company could take It, or let It he.

Mr. Hates was no*, authorized to accept such terms. He oust confer with his principals. And he went away.

few days he came again, this time In company with three others. They, went up and examined the water privi- lege, and then came back lo Mr. Grip- ptr's, house, where thoy Informed that In- dividual that il he would throw In (en more acres of land, Ibcy would accept his oiler.

Dripper thought he had them. lie had thoroughly digested the matter, and bad come to the conclusion that the water power would be of Inestimable value to a company able to improve It, and that they were bound lo have It.

" Gentlemen," said be, "my oiler of two thousand dollars was made for your acceptance several days ago. I did not leave it open to your pleasure. I have ilnce been examining the property more liorouglily. anil have concluded not to

sell less than three thousand. Why, bless your soul, man!'' cried

one of ihe company, " do you realise how our mills erected upon that site, would benefit you? Tbe value of all the rest of your property would he doubled —aye, quadrupled—the moment our wheels were set In motion. We bad sup- poseJ yon would freely give Ihe water power in a responsible company who would Improve It."

Mr. Gripper Unshed scornfully. He knew bis own interests better than that; thoy could take tip with bis offer, or they could leave It, ns they pleased.

After much discussion, Mr. Bates spoke tints: .

'■ Mr. Orlpper, wo would like your fi- nal oiler to remain open to our accep- tance three day.«, at the end of which time you shall have our tuiBwer. Will you accommodate UBV"

" When I said three thousand dollars," replied .Mr. Gripper, " 1 meant lo Include only ten acres of land. If you want ten acres more, I must civil it thlilv-fUe hun- dred."

And wiili this monstrous proposition, which was to be open three days, (he parties separated.

One ol iho genllemen of Mr. Bates1! parly was Ilenton MclntOKh.lbc most ac- complished civil engineer of the day.

•' You spoke of another fall below here," he said, after they bad left Grip- pcr's residence.

" Yes," answered Hates. " but you will llnd it utterly Impracticable."

Sdll Melutosh desired to look at it, and thither the party bent their steps.

The full was found lo be a tumbling. dashing flood pouring down a declivity of at least seventy Icel In a distance of twenty rods, leading and surging over jagged slielvcB or rocks Into a boiling

I chasm below, while on both hands arose

perpendicular walls of solid granite, showing that at some period far remote, the mountain torrent had literally cut Its way tbrou .rh the adamantine ledge.

Mclntosh examined the lay or the land below the fall, and at a point not far dis- tant In that direction he found a shallow swell, or golly, overgrown with' grass and shrubbery, but with a deposit of rher sand upon its bottom. The appearance of tbe place attracted bis attention.

" Probably," said Mr. Hates, •' It la where tbe melted snow and heavy rain flod Its course from Ihe hills."

" 1 think not," said Mclntosh. " Tbls sand Is from the river—not from the hills —and you will observe thsl it could not have been backed up by any rise of Hie water below. Let us follow it.

And they struck Into the water path, and followed it up around the ledge, by an easy and gradual ascent, until it led them out upon the river's bank, nearly a quarter ol a mile from the fall.

"Eureka!" cried Mclntosh, clapping his hands exultantly. " Here we have a water Course, marked out and graded by Nature herself which will yield a power Immeasurably superior to Hie one above. And moreover all danger from floods is debarred."

The others quickly comprehended the value of the discovery. They saw that by cutting a canal along the old water course—a course over which the river had poured a stream at Its highest Hoods, they would be able to control the water nt will, and to use It over and over again lor the consumption by mills, set one be- low the other along the gracefully curved track. And two things more: The sites here were more favorable for building here than were those above, with butter timber land Btirroundlng; and the furi- ous cataract would not be between their mills and the market.

Tbe next question was,—who owned the newly discovered privilege? It be- longed to David Somerby. They visited him, and carefully opened their business.

" Look here, gentlemen," he said, af- ter they had beaten Hie bush awhile— their experience with Gripper had made them cautious—" let us understand each other. Tell me plainly what you want, and I will tell you as plainly what I will do on my part."

Mr. llatee made up bis mind that be had an honest, strnightforward man to deal with, and lie stated bis case plainly and frankly. Ho not only told how the company would develop the water power, and erect their mills, but ho went on to point out the advantages which would result to the owner ol the adjoining land, both In enhancing the value of (he land

prey to remorse and bitterness of spirit. The company before whom Melutosh

laid their report,appointed ■ commission, with full power to decide and negotiate: and upon visiting David Somerby's sec- tion, and carefully surveying his terri- tory, they concluded lo accept his second proposition. So he surrendered his land Into the stock of the company, and be- came one of them; and we mav here re- turn k that six months later he wss not a little surprised upon being appointed su- perintendent of lb', him' nt"' gangs, with a salary such aB his wildest dreams of wealth had never grasped.

The water power wn* developed under the engineering of Bentou Melutosh. and it proved even greater than he bad anticipated. The mills were erected— first mills for sawing lumber; and then mills for grinding grain; and In time other mills for making cloth, and for fab- ricating various other articles necessary to the comfort of man.

The land of Jnspar Gripper was of course raised by value; but It availed him not. The sight of David Somorby. wealthy, and respected and honored witb offices of profit and trust, while he was shunned and shut out from tbe public confidence, lillcil him with wrathful Buf- fering. Verily he bad overreached him- self in his narrowness nnd eelflsbness of spirit.

To-thy a flourishing town is upon the ■Iteof David Somerby's section, and the hum of thousands of busy spindles makes cheerful music for the prosperous and happy operatives; and from Its tire- less looms and clanging forges How s out wealth to the nation.

"SThc ^Cmcrican* LAWRENCE. FRIDAY. SKIT. 1,71.

and spruce timber with wblob It was cov- ered.

Mr. Somerby listened attentively, and at length told thorn to cnll upon him on the following morning. He wanted to sleep upou It-

That evening Jasper Gripper called down to see hla friend Somerby. He wanted to purchase live hundred acres, more or less, of the pine Intervalo and spruce upland adjoln'ng bla land. Grip- per fought shy, and hung on. and Somer- by only got rid of him by assuring him that he was at present not at liberty to sell.

"Aha!" chuckled Gripper. " 1'bem mill folks have been here. They want the land; Well, well, let'era buy L; I shall own all the land between It nnd their mills, and they'll find it hard work to get their logs up without my consent."

And Gripper returned to his home firmly persuaded that the company had resolved to purchase his water privilege. O! why bad he not asked them five thou- sand for It?

On the following morning, Mr. Hales anil his friends were punctual, and when Mr. Somerby bad been asked what con- clusion he had arrived at, he spoke as followB:

'■ Gentlemen, I have thought the mat- ter all over, and have made up iny mind. I have two propositions to make, and you can accept which you choose. All told, I own about fifteen hundred acres of land In this section, and the river cuts it nearly In halves. Full half of It is rich Intervale, covered with pine, and the rest Is upland and hill, with spruec. hemlock and oak. Flrst-1 will give you the land for your course, and deed to you the power, and also give all llio land necesBary for your mill buildings, pro- vided that you, on your part, will set at once about developing and improving the power and putting up the mills. Or, I will turn all my land Into the stock of the company, at a lair appraisal, and be- come one of you."

Mr. Hates waB authorized to accept the first offer on the spot, and to give bonds If necessary, for the performance ol the company's part of the contract. But be liked the second offer best, though before accepting It he must confer at headquar- ters,

Mr. Somerby Informed him that the offer was open to him for as long as he desired.

On their way back Mr. Hates and hi" companions called upon .lasper Gripper,

" Gentlemen," said Mr. Gripper, as soon as mutual salutations bad heeu ex- changed, " you will understand that when I offered the twenty acres of laud I did not Intend, for tbe price named, lo In- clude the timber standing thereon."

" It makes no difference," returned Mr. Hates, with a smile. " Wc have concluded not to purchase your water privilege."

" How?—not purchase?" gasped Grip- per.

" No. We do not waul It." Mr. Hates didn't Iblnk it necessary to tell him of Ihe better power which they had discov- ered.

" But—gentlemen! There mu«t be some mistake."

They assured him there was no mis- take at all.

Mr. Gripper Wts in agony. He would take two thousand dollars. We would take fifteen hundred. He would lake whatever they were willing to pay. II* would give them the water and ihe land, If they would put up their mill* then-on

Hut they would not do it. He hai pushed them Jtift one step too far, Ii seeking to overreach them he had over reached himself. And they left him 1

GF.N. IU'TI.ITR ox Tin-: LABOR Quits* TION,—"I have heard much of the wrong which would bo done lo the capitalist in the shortening of the hours of labor; that the wotklngmcn had no right to a diminution of those hours. I have re- flected considerably upon this topic. I observe that within the last thirty years the progress of Invention In machinery has bcou such that Its pioductlon has In- creased four-fold. That is to say, by the aid of machinery (ho workman can now produce four limes as much as he could a quarter of a century ago; assume, then, lhat it WM ntcr.gaary twenty-live years since that ho should work twelve hours a day to secure that amount of production which would make the wages an equal share of the profits with capital, and bis production equal to Ihe demand, why. then, should he work twelve hours now and get only the same wages, when, by the aid of machinery, ho produces four fold mof-o than theoV

> mink the workliigmnn Una « iigut t" claim, if be chooses, n dcduntlon In bis hours of labor, as his share of the be-io- flts given by the goodness ot God in the Invention of machinery. All that has gone to the producer, which ho Is not. The workmen Is only an aid In produc- tion; It is the capitalist who employs both Hie laborers and the machinery who is the producer.

Let me Illustrate: Thirty years since there were Iwo newspapers established In the city of New York, the Tribune and the Herald. They were edited and con- trolled by the snmc men as now—men of the highest class of talent in their pro- fession; the profits arising from tbelr publication were only dollars then where they are thousands now. And why ? Because with all tho labor that they could do upon the then printing press and the compositor's case, and with the celerity with which they could collect news, it was possible to print only a small number of sheets. But Hoe's printing press, driven by steam, and Morne's tele* graph—both the Invention of working- men—have made It possible now to send fifty thousand or more Impressions In a few hours. And the profits of these newspapers have risen to hundred! of

'thousands a year, and the capital quad- rupled to mllllois, while the compositor and the pressman get scarcely more than then.

Let me be not misunderstood. I do not complain lhat Mr. Greelcy ami Mr. Bennett have mule the thousaiuls which their enterprise, industry and thrift have earned for iheui; they bavo received their just reward; but I am asking how mi I when have the compositor and Hie pressmen received any substantial bene- fit, from this hundred fold production that their labor rendered, aided by machinery, has given to their employer? Reckoned in connection with bis expensesdhe work- ing printer gets scarcely more now than then. Hut his employer gets a thousand told more now than then.

The -Inn i' of the workman in this pro- duction can "iily be attained In the reduc- tion of the hours of I uhor. It cannot be done by raising tbe wages of labor; be- cause the very facility and fecundity of production by machinery lessen the de- mands for labor, sothat wages cannot rise beyond a given point. Although I have used ihe printing press as an Illus- tration, yet this same fact runs through every branch of the mechanical arts. Take the cloth of which the eoat Is made that I have on; twelve per cent, only ol the cost of that Qloth Is the labor em- ployed to niHko It; ull the rest Is capital, machinery and material. Double the price of the cloth, therefore, and the amount the laborer will receive from such rise In price will bu only nominal; hence all tariffs for Hie purpose of pro- tecting tbe American laboring man, as it Is called, are vain and useless; and tbe common cry of tbe politician that high tariffs must be Imposed for the purpose of protecting the American as agalmt the pauper labor ol Europe—10 use the catch words of the Slump— Is simply Illu- sory. Tho substantial difference between the pay of thu sk.lkd labor of England and the skilled labor of this country is scarcely twenty-five percent; and. at we have seen, only t«< Ive percent of the en- tire cost of this article of flue cloth \* in the lubor. Ho Hun the -'■- = ■.-1 ■ -1■ inaiui- fncturer, so far as labor Is concerned, has

SATURDAY. As might have been expeciod, the speech or

Gen. Butler eause.1 the papers which ha men- tioned, to open a tremendous Are upon Mm. There are flat denials, charges of falsehood, blackKturdUm,and an uproar generally, hut tidiio of thorn seem to bare tbs most desperate hope or disturbing that tmperturbablo genius.

The long talked of eetebratlnn of the occupa- tion ol Home hj the King of fatly, by the New York li.ii.iir-, came off Friday. TI10 prorcs. sion wns guarded by 'J00 policemen, hut no one troubled Ii. Ralfl fell In torrents. "00 pot ice- men were detailed to protect the picnic. Ycry little teems to ho said ulmnt ihe affair.

Some fanatics have l-ccn mused by a Catholic priest In Mexico, to assail Protestants. Ho was locked tip In .Ull, anj n, mob attempted 10 res- cue him. The government {Catholic) and the troops (Catholic) resisted, and the latror fired upon the \w>': killing many. The nob then tel fire at several noInt!i.

The steamer Lodona, which loft Now Yotk on tbe ISta, foundered off St. Augustine, Fla., on die ir,!h, and ibe enptafn and twcniy a( tlio passengers and crew were lost. The cargo was valued at SM.OCO.

Twollrliisb ihlpS have been lost off Cape Horn. An unknown schooner was sunk In tbe Drilish channel, nnd many vessels wrecked ttpon tho Irish coast. Elgbl lives were lost on one vessel-

Mrs. Oobum, charged with having palioned her first husband, I'uiTenlicrKer, In Ohio, has been honorably actpiiitod,

A fire at Ambny, Ills., destroyed the jsll and other property, Friday. 1-osi, $300,000. A prisoner was burned.

Matlunant yellow fever )ia< appeared ,,, Charleston, and Is spreading.

MONDAY. The fearful disaster on the Batters road Rstor-

dar, is the Icomre of to-day's news; ihe Beverly accommodation train from lloston was delayed ten minuton and did not start until twenty minutes ; , 8 p. It. At Revere (formerly North Chelsea), it was tweniy minutes behind time; the express train started from Boston on time at eight o'clock, and rushed with full speed, overtaking the Beverly train; the locomotive rushed nearly through the rear car of the fore-

1; the ear was smashed In pieces, and manr were killed and wounded; tho connect- ing pipes of the locomotive lmrst, nnd many were scalded by the steam, somo family ; tho list of the dead foots up twenty-aeven, and the wounded forty or fifty. Among the former was the celebrated Unitarian divine, Itev. Or. Gannett ol Bosion, and Rev. Dr. Hason of tho f-'irst Baptist church, Cambridge.

The democrat* oT SAD Bernardo, Cal., seem 10 havo forgotlen, or tJm were never Informed, now me rcffcuion ol tnelr southern protuiypts ended, for on a recent occasion whon an Amer- ican flag was raised over a hotel In tho place In honor of a republican meeting, a number of tbein wailed upon the landlord and demanded that be should "take the thing down." In- stead,the landlord displayed somo thirty smaller flogs from tho windows of the honse, and when tbe "chivalry " attempted their forcible removal they were iKDomlnlottslv routed, several of them being knocked down, Including Ihe chair- man of a democratic club.

The laying of ibe corner siono of the soldiers' monument on Boston Common, will take place Sept. IHih; the First Brigade will do escort duty; the Posts of the Grand Army all over the state are Invited. Boston pays all the music hills.

The remains of lteoforth, the oarsman who died I>I the St. John's race, havo been taken 10 Kngland. His crew and a rival crew from ihe same river, tnke patt In ihe great race to-mor- row, at Halifax.

The broadsides against Osn. Butler In some of the papers, are continued. It Is not stated whether he pays (or tlicm ns advertisements; be Ii to spenk nt Worcester, Wostfleld nnd Clin- ton.

Count L. Cortl, Italian Ambassador at Wash- ington, has ln-eii appointed an arbitrator under the Waihington treaty; he has no connection with the AUhatna claims.

Capt, EfM, the haughty British captain who run down tbe American war vessel, the OncIJa, causing the loss of ninny lives, is dead.

A canal bom was tun down In a fog by a steamer on tho Harltan river, New Jersey, on Saturday ; font persons were drowned.

Four bodies have been recovered from the wreck of Ilic monjtnr Weehawken, sunk In CharlcsUiwn harbor in IMS.

The law (nr tbe suppression of the liu Klux, has, without any kind nf dou'it, proved a bless- ing to the south.

A frsJgbl and a pasatagsf train collided at Weetport, 1'cnn., on Saitirday; six persons wero killed.

Tbe girls employed In stitching boots and shoes in Lynn, arc arrayed against ibeir em- ployers.

Point Apltro, the capital of Cuadaloupc, has been entirely destroyed by (Ire-

It is expected that lbs French AsscmUv will adjourn Sept. IDA.

Gold 112 1-'.!.


There was never a better opportunity to be- hold a large body of soldiers to advantage; tbe sun camo out blazing but a small portion of ihe time; the number of spectators was lass this year than nt any muster of the bri- gade fur five years. It was iho same with visi- tors at the camp dnrlng Hie week. Tables were set for forty In some esses, and bnt six partook of tbe dinner. At Boxford, some ten or twelve hundred were provided for ut tho tame table. Whether this scarcity of visitors was owing to the fact thai several camp meet- ings wero In progress, or whether visitors got enough muster at Concord last year to last for two or three years. It 1« difficult to say. Ann the review and dinner, the Governor held a le- vee at the marquee of Gen. Plerson. There was a brigade drill In the afternoon, which was witnessed by the Gorernor, and a dress pa- rade. In the course of tbo day two soldiers of the nil Iteeimcut were overturned in a boat, and were saved wilb some difficulty, A Law- rence lady fell over a stone and was somewhat Injured." She fainted, but aflcr a limo recov- ered; the Surgeon of tho 5th Kegltncnt was In attendance. Col. Freeman, of tho 1st bit. talion of cavalry, In Boston, was attacked by tbe mounted guard, Chelmsford Cavalry, while crossing the line, and scverelr cut by a sa lire.

I.AST DAV. The oneampmrnt of tbe (Second llrivsdc, fur Ihe

year 1ST1, waa broniht to a close on Saturday. The encampment haa heen aceond to none ever held, In order, ijulet end respectability, anil the musters of tlda year, thus far, have done much lo remove the feeling that hnd been created against them In prevloua yeara. Tlionault I,., Iren im- proved comfort and enjoyment lo the aoldlers, Ihe netfhbora and the visitor*. (Jon. 1'leraon. bis pro- vost marshal, the brliade icnerally, and the 81 ale police, are to ho congratulated, and are MlltM to great credit. Thu military rum rue need pecking- and preparing to leave for borne aa aoon as hreskfasl waa over, Saturday. The Ith Light Battery started for Lawrence shortly beforo nine o'clock. They arrived, over las lower bridge, about five o'clock.

commenced raining briskly before Ihelrarrlvul they wore their light blue army overcoats, and pre-

1 a very military and very brown appearance, (i,i 3d Light Mattery at half paat ten, and ar- rived at Ualden about one. The Oth InTanlry were Inapeetcd about one o'rlock, and llio tub ar.d S1I1 bad batta)lion drills during the forenoon. The Blh marched for Lynn al 2r.M,tand It was there dis- missed. The (tth marched for Ralem about the aamit time, The cavalry company look their ow lime and manner of getting home, llanyof lliei had driven down In wagons and kepi Itiem there.

There was great delay In providing eara for Ihe Lawrence company of Ihe Olli Infantry regiment and the Lawrence Brass ftnlcin. The were advertised 10 start at a quarter uf live, but It waa forty mlnulca ;,ti t that before they were ready. The train did not arrive In this city moch before half paat seven. All Ibe baggage was left behind, even ut that. Tbe management of tbe Kaatcrn railroad, which baa charge of Ihe balem and Lawrence road, Is severely criticised. On ihe. day brfore, the same 1 rain was ten or lUiorn ruin- ates late la atarllng.

Tho Otb Iteglmcnt never appeared losogoodad- vautage as at this encampment, and wonsolld com- pliments from all apeetalors for their splendid msrrhlngi Co. K waa one of thn best drilled upou tbe entire field, and very handsomely led iho col- umn, while Co. I evidenced by their btailng nnd good appearance thai Oapl, Ueaef only rciiultes

talnlng an equally good position. The Fourth llal- tcry, befnra l*a*l»a aaaspi *«. Lri^i-m, nf lh« unusual compliment of a special order from tlen, Plerson, warmly congratulating Hie company on lls appearance, behaviour aad drill,

only three cents 0 1 ibe dollar thu advan-

luge of tliu Amerl .ii luniiufacturer; und Ji-t It Imri been (.> md convenient. If not

necessary, in prot .1 thi-i fabric by thlr-

iv-flve per rent, cent ot which is

1 iii'.i - 1 ; the reel (bo capitalist prui rial."

diitj, only three per eceessry to protect Hu icing needed to protect iu'er ot the raw mate

Tho day was very tine in tamp, though op- pressive in Hie Interior. As early as 'even O'clock In ihe morning, the bent In lAwrenea was mo>t Insufferable, und the nlmo'pliero op- pressively close, and ibis ronllnucd heir all day. As those who visited enmp thsl day neared Salem, however, they were relieved by a fine bretM, und between Hiu clouds which were a protection most of tlie day, and the bree/.e, there was but llllle discomfort from ibe heat The rain had laid tbe iiust, and tbe ride

1 rialem lo the camp ground was decidedly pleasant, except to those who hnd Ihe mlsfor- tuno to KOt Into one of ihe many vehicles which rocked like a cockle l>oat In a beavy sea The dust not to be somewhat annoying In the iirniir. :.ii<- vicinity of itic ground, and for per- haps an eighth of n mile from tt. There was a presentation of a wheelbarrow to Major Sut- ion, of Ren, I'iersun's stotT, by Gen, Cunning- ham, i !.,.'.-,■.-! spoilt by Hen. Cnn- uiiiisliiiiii. Major Mutton and Col. Ilobart Moore In IssilDR lorno breech loading mus- kets. The te,ting wai done at the residence of lister Simon, In North Andoter, and a wheelbarrow was used to rest Hie lancet upon, which Keeked more htilleis than tbe board. 1'tic Qo Vet not arrived at about quarter or 1 <ve|vc, cscorti il ircm the depot by the Chelms- lind cavalry, wilh Hie Dunstalde Cornet Band, mounted, A heavy cloud of dust kicked up by tho hone*, was the penally for greatness. A stihuoof lllteen puns was fired by the ttb l.iel.i Itsliery, Capt. Merrill, upon bis arrival. The review by His Excellency took place shortly after, and was a splendid affair, (in nii'-t ol ihe review ground there was no dust; tlic troops marched by companies with steadi- ness and precision In the thrilling moslc of the consolidated bands, some sixty or eighty piece", and made a mmt beautiful al'pcarance.


Colllalon on the Baatern Uatlroad. Twenty-Plvo poreone killed, and nearly fifty wounded. One of the most frightrnl railroad accidents

ever occuring In Now England, took place at Revere, formerly North Chelsea, on the F.est- ern Railroad, on Siturday night; the Port- land night F.xpresi train running futn an ac- commodation train that was behind time, crushing ono car and shattering others, the

■teiiin and hot water scalding many, nnd Hie lamps setting thu debris on fire 1" Complete the horror.

yet, it is Impossible to tell by whose care- lessness the Icarfal mull was occasioned, but thai 11 was owing to tbe most culpable negli- gence somewhere, there can l>e no possible question; the muster and camp meeting at- tendance during the week hid caused some lit- tle Irregularity In the running of the trains, and nn accommodation, consisting of baggage, smoking and three passenger cars, crowded, and drawn hy iwo engines, left Boston for Bev- erly at quartet Iwtore eight, Saturday night, being a half hour behind lime; this train had mado Its stop al Kevore, ami WOI just starting from the depot, when the eight o'clock express, consisting of a baggaice, two passenger and a Pullman car, and which makes no slup at ftc. vere, came plunging ai (ull specif into Hie forward train, crushing Into the rear ear of tbe train, iho locomotive passing two-thirds of the way through the car, carrying everything be- fore it, crushing and maiming nearly every passenger, and killing fifteen outTit(ut- Seven more died within the next four hours, und five died on Sunday. To add to the horror, the connecting pipes or the engine were broken, and in an Instant Ibe wretched sufferers were ihrouded In a cloud of hissing steam, and del- aged with boiling water, which brought instant death to many »i the wounded, and will prove fatal toothers who bad probably not been se- riously injured; ihe shock also overturned and broke Hie kerosene lamps In Hie smoking and baggsgo cars, and almost Instantaneously Ihe former was tn a bls/.e, lighting up the scene and revealing ihe horrors which a moment before had been hidden by the darkness. Tbo il.ii,,-- spread to tho two passenger cars In front or the one telescoped, running wllh al- most the rapidity of light over tho varnished surfaces, and defying every attempt at patting them out. The cars were moved farther dewn the track beyond the bridge, and allowed to consume, while oil turned tbelr attention toward the rescue or tho unfortunate victims In the renr err, which, fortunately, had not taken fire.

Tbo scene was one o( unequalled horror; Ihe passengers who wore uninjured, wtHi ihe neigh- boring residents, promptly Untied their atten- tion I J the rescue of the living end dead from tbe wreck; Die last car, which was nearly op- posite the depot, and shattered into fragments, was the scene of the worst character, 1 the dead being taken (rom here; although the Beverly train was slowly moving, and tbe rear cor received the force or the shock, the other can were considerably broken, as were those on the express train- As rapidly as possible Hie broken car was pulled to pieces, and those confined released; the scene was one of inde- scribable horror; ihe shrieks and groom of the wounded and the scalded, their frantic calls for help, and ibeir wild ejaculations caused hy a ffCnsyof pain; the removal of the dead and wounded, some pinned with splinters, some with arms and legs broken, many mangled be- yond recognition, and tbe majority of Ihe dead apparently free from bruises, but ibe peeling skin and the deathly pallor which overspread the flesh telling plainly that steam and scalding water had been (rightluland effective agents of deaih. Tbe bustle, ibe confusion, the flashing of lanterns, tbe running to and fro, the whistle, shrieks and tbe bell ringing of engines which had meanwhile come witb can to assist in the removal of all who must be moved; and ibe glare over allot the conflagration but a few rods off, made tho picture an awful one. As fast as they could be extracted from the wreck they were tenderly carried into the station and laid upon Ibe Door, while shawls and coats wero thrown over tbelr face*. Some of the

wounded were taken to the nearest bousea, while those whom it waa found necessary to send to tbe hospital were placed upon tbe Pull- man car, and one of the engine* attached to be taken Into Boston.

As nearly as can now be ascertained, ihe fol- lowing I* tho list or casualties .-

LBI>.—Rev. Ezra S. Gannett, "• D* pas- tor Of Ifae Arlington itreet church, Boston; Rev. Simmer It. Mason, D. 1> , pastor of tbe First Baptist church, Cambrldgeport; T. F. Bancroft, firm of Bancroft & Purlngloo, Lynn. Gee. YV. Bancroft, firm of C. C. Farwell & Co., I'eabodv; Aaron Erlckson, Swampicoll; F. G. Swallow, Swampacott; W. II, Emerton, archi- tect, Providence, It. I.; llcrvey A. Foster, Miss Emma Foster, Edwin F. Sinborn, Providence, R. I.; Fmeet S.Merrill, Ttaavere; W.H. Jef- fries, Harriet F. Sbattnek, Charles B.Sbattnck, James Hums, F.lla Pearson, Susan F. Cbener, Lynn; W. A. Seeley, Beverly; Richard Fit7.- patrick, lloston; Mr*. P. C. Jasper, residence unknown; John B. Wells, Mary A. Crowley, Boston.

Two tinrccofiniml bodies remained nt the Town Halt In Revets, and three others arc re- ported to have died Sunday afternoon.

Wo UK DSD.—Il bos been impossible, to pro- cure a full list of the wounded, but the follow- ing is so far as known correct :—

S. F. Miulge, fatally injured, Bosion; rratik B. Cotton, treasurer of tbe Grnndy Co., on Congress street, Longwood, scalded la hands and (ace; Edmtiud B. Hull, firm ol P.. B. Hull A Co., C: High street, Boston, hands badly scalded; Jacob Allen, Lynn, badly scalded; Ann Rawson, Lynn, probably fatally in]arod; M. Mansfield, Salem, bruised and scalded; Mary Lee, tialcrn, arm badly broken above the elbow, and severely scalded; C. W. Poulson, Wilmington, Del,, general railroad advcnlslng agent, very slightly bruised; John II. Butts and wife, Silem, severely scalded ; M, Richardson, Chelsea, badly scalded and bruised; Mn-Che- ney, I.vnn, Milv scalded In tho face.and one eye destroyed. lierdaughter-ln-law was among the killed. Her grandchild, a bal>o of a few months old, rocclved a few slight bruises. Win. Lloyd Garrison, Jr., of tho well known wool bouse of Bailey, Jenkins & Garrison, severely but not dangerously scalded on the head and arms; George U. Hill, Lynn, badly scalded; Frank Davis, Charlcatown, slightly scalded; Mary A. Call, 11 Centre street, Salem, severely but not dangerensly scalded; Fnnk Fiizpat- rlck, Cambrldgeport, arm badly crushed—since amputated; Jefferson Itowe, Portsmouth, N.H., right arm broken, and compound fracture of the loft leg liclow iho knee; Inward Williams, Lynn; Frederick 11. Browning, Huston, slightly Injured; Ann Foley, No. II Grove itreet, Bos tun, badly scalded; John Buckley, Beverly, seriously senided and burnod.

The station master and Ihe conductor of ihe accommodation train claim that the red signal was at the mast-head, and the two signal lan- terns at iho rear of iho train, as a warning to keep hack, and this statement Is corroborated by number* of people living in tbe vicinity, who any the light* were plainly perceivable half a mile down iho track. Tho engineer and tinman boib claim, however, that the weaihcr waa r« ihtasi that thoy cculd not see them, and they tti|.|,o..d ii- way was clear. Tho engi- neer leaped from the nt it,, some time with the fireman.

Among iliuic killed who are morn promi- nently known were Itev. Dr. I ; ,1 S. Gannett, the linn.cut I'nllarlan divine, and Rev. Mr. Maaon, a well known Baptist clergyman ot Cemliridgeport.

There was, or courio, great excitement in Revere, Swampacott and l.vim, daring Sunday, and thousands visited the scene of the disaster; an Inquest Is to be held at once, nnd wo trust

responsibility may be promptly fixed.


The speech of Gen. Butler, delivered at Springfield, Thursday night, haa created 00 little sensation, and much amusement at the humorous and terribly sarcastic manner in which he bandied hi* opponent*. A salute was fired upon hi* arrival, and there waa mu- sic from tbe Armory Band. Hon. KHphalet Trask presided. Gen. Butler (tret proceeded 10 delend himself against tbe attacks of republican papers. He expected them from democratic journals, and tbongbt ho had well earned them by tbe bard blows he had given their secession friends at Ihosoutb. He pointed out hut record In the war, and explained tils quarrel with Speaker Blalne, which was because he insisted upon tbe WH for ibe suppression of the Ku Klnx being passed before Congress adjourned. He charged ono of the editors of the Springfield lUpulHiaii (Sanborn) with deserting Charles Sunnier |n I MB, and also witb getting John Brown Into trouble and then leaving him In Ihe lurch. (Sanborn, who was present, at- tempted to speak, bat he was biased down amid shout* of "put him out.") He also re- marked that he had, twenty live years ago,a personal collision with " Warriogtoo," the Boston correspondent of the ft'DuofVrm, and in addition to tbat, the owner or the paper was put in jail, in New York, by bis fButter's) nephew, acting under orders {not Butler's), and tho consequence was tbat no one named Butler had anyibow in that paper. Hoex- plulned that the attack* of the Hartford Cou- raut were owing to but having displaced Ibe owner of It In the army, for Intfficiency. The hostility of the Boston Journal was shown to hg possibly owing 10 tho fact that one or Its trustee* (Jewell) wa* a candidate for governor, himself. He showed that one or hi* friend* had handed It a short account of a republican meeting In Beverly, which nominated him for Governor, and they refused to publish It unless 51J was paid, It waa then printed la the new* column. Tbo hostility of the Boston Ad' twftscr be attributed to bis having some years ago compelled it to publish a retraction of a gross libel on Miss Anna Dickinson. Ho showed where be bad a financial dfsagteement with (be republican party, and claimed tbat I . S. binds should be paid In precisely tbe lame curnncy a* tbai of tbe pension* of wid- ows and orphans of tbo war. Tho speaker discussed ibe labor question at length. Much of bli speech was devoted to arraigning the State government of Massachusetts for tbe lust ten years for extravagance. The address was receded with great cheering and roar* of laughter at lime*.

stKaaaatoiK, MI„ Aug. u, tt. IIIITOI: —I saw in the column* of your

paper recently,an Interesting letter from No. Ilridg. ton, Me. The writer gave a description of Ihe town, nnd nf tbe route "to, Portland. A sejuuru of a wick tn this town enables ino to call attention lo

B number of objects which were not mentioned by your former correspondent. North llrlilgton has only lo lie belter known to male II a favorite resort for lourlsta ami families who desire a pleasant, qulft home ilutlng the summer months. Nature li.i« lavished a weallli of beauly upon the turruuml- Ing landscape; below the main street of Ibe pleasant village lies Long I'Ond.n i.iiv-- «ln : of waler wlili h reflects tho neighboring bill* Hist form a rich bark lo a picture roti'poicil of numerous ponds, 'julet villages and fertile plains. The spproscli to Hie town upon tho steamboat Kebago, gives another picture. The poll's and obliging captain 1 uptaln Wales) Ii ready to ghe any Information eoncernlng Iho country which borders Ibe lakes and river hla graceful beat glides over. In the distance are Ihe Wlilte Hoanlaloa, Mount Washington la distinctly seen lowering above ull Its adjaoent peaks; a little ut the left tbe CIIUCUMIA range la distinguished by Hi long. Jagged outline. Nearer liars Kearaarge Mountain, andsllll nearer Pleasant Mountain,w j and beauly make the traveller Impalie climb Its sides.

The drives about North llrldglon are beautiful. be " llldge," which llio Inhabitants nrc anilui

have Ihe slrnngii visit, Howard IIlit. the highest Inhabited point In Maine, Knar's balls, when water dailies over plica of huge rock; Ihese many other puiul* of Interest conaume 11,e lime of those who llnd "In natural scenery a constant companion." The citizens arc cordial and polite to Visitor*; they arc Intelligent, and appreciate the natural beauly of Ibeir village. Tbe hotel ia kept by Mr. Hale, who haa already establish^ Hie rep- utation of the bouse for neatness, quiet, and a good table, There are boarding house* where prices per


Ur. Greenlcaf, who died so suddenly last Friday night, waa a resident of North Ando- ver, where he bad been employed In the ma- chine shop for some twenty yeara. He was taken III and dlod In lhat town.

Tho next praise meeting, which bas become such a popular institatlon In onr city, and which Is always anticipated witb *o much pleasure, comes off al tbe Lawrence street church, on Sunday evening next. If ihe church wero three times as larue 11 would not accom- modate all who wish to attend. The luauu-, mental ramie will be on a large scale. It will

Flat cornets, one E. Flat comet, two trombones, one alt born, one berftone, one tuba, two (lutes, two clarionets, four violin* and two double bass viols; this collection will make splendid music In itself, but when accompanied by a powerful organ, and twelve or fitteen hundred

I voices, the effect will be grand. Tbe meeting will commence by ttieilnglngol the celebra- ted <,twin from Mozart'* l'Jtli Mass, by Hie choir accompanied by the band and ihe organ, after wbJi h ihe line old fashioned hymn* will he sung by the whole audience.

Reported among the injured at the Itevcro railroad disaster, i* tho name of Jacob Allen, Of Lynn, which we Infer must mean our former townsman, Jacob A. Allen; he is snld (o he very badly scalded nnd jamhod ; a young lady employed as bis lioU.kccpcr was also injured. Mr. Allen died Sunday night.

The horses furnished the Fourth Battery, by- Mr. Ilrewster, were a splendid sot or animals, working admirably, nndwodouht II any bfli- tery in tho slate was ever pni ideil with finer teams,

A hint Is given from IbiHon to those whu have boxes In our post office. It Ii a common practice among box holders, many of whom do not care to have Ihclr number known to others, and which it is against the rule for post office clerks In reveal, to open Ihclr letters and throw Hie envelopes upon Ihe floor or tbe itreet with the number of the box on them. One man re- cently arrested In Bosion called for tbe letters of no less than sixteen firms and persons, bis information baring l>een obtained In this manner.

ie in. battery did 11 ck, nolwllhslandlng It

- i"olr

■tart 1

*eek are VI It Is not t

inable, eeassry for me lo glvo the Srldgton; lhat waa dlltli

cr correspondent.

oute from Hly staled


Aug. artih, Wl. 1 I'll I'll AUailCAM:—TbS dining-room al the

lli'i'Oii House was a aeene of unusual ricltatnciit on Wednesday evening. Tho employees of tlic house gathered together to the number of about siveuly- flve, In the smalt dining-room; everything being arrangrd. a circle being formed near Ihe door, wllh the bund on the right, they sent for the superin- tendent, H.U.Davis; on hla entering the room, the band struck Up "Hall lotheChtef." After ibr band subalded, Mr. H.MirUl, lb* head waller, stepped forward, and In n well selected speech presented Mr. Davis with so elegant Wallham watch, of the best manufacture, and In,mediately after, Mr. DeUraan preatntrd him wllh a splendid gold ring. Mr. Da via was taken unaware*, be not knowing or having the least Inllmsllon of the af- fair, but responded in a speech very acceptable for the MI .-■.Ion. After till" the band played many fa< millar sirs, *nd all separated, well pleaaed with the


TIIK HEW EBULAMD FAia.tobe held In Lowell ■■■ 1 ' ■ 1 ■ 1 tth, otb, 7lh and Blh, promises to be Ihe successful ethlhlllon 1 eer held by the S..- 1.1 > . Th* grounds are ample and all could he de- sired . there Is a superior half mile Irotllng course, an abundance of pure water for driuilng and other purposes la provided, with other conveniences for the comfort of man and baaal. The ususl arrange ments have been made with the principal rallruada In New England with regard to the transportation of frelghland passenger*. The entries of stork, sheep and poultry have been more numerous than usual, and lb* eiilrlrs In other departmenla will be ei[ual lolliote al any previous Fair. During the Fair then will be a balloon aeeeaalon, a regalia, and other entertainments provided by lh* clly uf I^well. Kvery effort Will be made by Ibe elil/.'na of Lowell lo pro* 14* fur the entertainment of the thousands who will visit the Fair.

Tor: statements in regard to amallpo: have been alluded to a* concerning U of the New Kngland Fair. An olHclalstaum the Board of Health, made en lh* Itad ln*t., that there were but il casa*, Including tboae of rlololil. These are situated al least a mile li< Fair grounds, and are confined to a single locality Theru haa not been a new case reported alnre lh< 1"tli, and the disease 1* rapidly disappearing.

resdy I" siarl about Ao'ofook. — Sentinel, We ■■ 1 conceive ths object of a at. lenient like

.bersofthe Ilattery wore only ordered to assemble at fl o'clock, lo assist In list- icsslng and the other work of preparation for amp; the .*>»/ installment of horsea was required

only ten minutes earlier, while Ii was actually nearly half-past seven hefurc allot them bad ar- rived; and titling hsrnosecs and saddles to fifty horses, especially by men largely unused to the work, Is not eisctly a ten minutes task, so that talk abonltolng " urged lu be rridy to start," tan mla Utea aflcr Ihe Drat horse was lo be at Ibe door, la, we submit, a Ihll* 100 steep even for credulon* ears; light u'cloek was the earliest hour Miggaalrd for a start; whatever may be the short comings of the Ilattery boys, being two houra behind time cer- tainly I. not one ..I them.

HUDDRM DKATII. — Mr. (Jeorge L. Qreenleaf, a oarpentcr, well known in ihi* city nnd North Antlover, aged about .... years, Hlurleil abortly before eight o'clock Friday evening lo attend a meet- in;; nt Iho latter place; he waa taken III upon Hie way, but some medicine seemed to relieve lilm ; be died, however, about ten o'clock. Mr. (ireenleaf was a mem- ber of 1 in- Second Itautlst cburch of tbis city, lie hail been engaged In the flavin & I'urber machine shop for upwards of twenty years.

— »♦>«— ACCIHKNT.—Mr. Baldwin Coolidge out

lii < foot with nn axo, ipjfte severe];, while culling stakes a day or two since on tho circus ground. Dr. Garland took charge of the wound. *-•-«>**»

OBN. HUTLF.K'S Oman*..—(Jen. Butler, in bin Springfield speech, read the fol- lowing extruct which event tho rounds of the democratic papers at Ibe south, In 1001:

" All iln1 M;i--.i< liii-i-tN troops now in Washington are negroes, with the ex- ception of iwo or three drummer hove, (Jen. BuUef. in command, in a native of Liberia. Our readers may recollect old Hen, the baker, who kept a shop in I., ■treat, and emigrated to Liberia with a small competence. (Jen. Ilnller I* hi* son."

The ConnecHctit mind takes to economy very naturally. An old lady living In the Nutmeg State has tabooed candles nnd taken to gas, on this gronmt; »h? save gas Is hardly half a cent a foot, while candles nro five cents a foot.






TSeekljj ^T?IK»O '23rcpiiie» T U E8 D A Y.

Horror upon horror' Iht- I til 1*10

A Fragment of Peraonal History.

•• Don't try lo palm yourself "IT »" a gulli-it pabgo HI oilier tlmn n Mrvllti partisan, until [JCIIIII! bow careful yon were not to'.-nd I'resldent John- inn or op|>o«c Ins policy until aft IT ihe I'l-nuit'-ol-dil'nn act look your pocket under its protrctloD, tin! then, how rnl- iant yon wore! Ami. Georffe, juat one word more—before you Rtrike un oppo- nent, be aura tlmt yon can bit hardest' " fienttntl.

| WH were iinile well aware that DOW

and then, of lute, presuming upon the.

Iur#t*tfulncaa mititral to the lapse <»f

i yeaia, some unscrupulous opponent had

steamer Oroan Wave, exploded at Polni t' enr Flih Hirer, twenty mtlaa from Mobile, on Sun day. Sixty or aevuutv pertains were killed oi wounded: itii'IMHIIO ol nine tern havr hen recovered. Il Is believe' that t<>rtv wen' killf* or .1:.i win if. The bum I. ul H tried I Mat iiinmini on an exeitrsli.n to IN-- Point, "lib 1*0 bnn

drat perf-ona, and the passenger* ha.l l-i-t it-.t j been quittlv but huhi-trimi-dy eirenltiling j to he any cniupeiliWin atti-mg those pres- • ■il l>oard again lo ri'tiirn. Tin* Iniler wa* old I ( .. ftnutlv ..■.■ I,J Mr f Inn T» ■nt n^. it 11 ..riftn iii-Ai «in. ninivH Itni wi* cot- 11 wiw iwai i> -..nn 10 .11 r. uwi, \j, .,1 rou.,,,.,,.1 It. >K»i ... .I.K- »»!.. " ,,,,„„. ,,,„ „„,,. ,„,„,„, r„r mm Tlle


viously advert I ""MI, the real anil personal

estate belonging '-' 'be Lawrence Worst ed Company, was offered lor sale, at auc- tion, thin afternoon, by Mi-.-ri. Pedrlck

A I IOSAOII. llut low out of town people were pres-int, find the party, some twen iy-llveor thirty Iti number, was composed

mostly of our k-udltig manufacturers.

Alter dcs-crlblng the property, and sut-

ing the terms ol'sale. Mr. 1'i.lilck said

he was ready for a bid for the real es-

tate,—whleb Included all of the LnUdtogt, the water power, boilers, engine, p'plutr,

ilc It was some momenta before a bid could be obtained, there not up* earing

The damage to the rultluk: -M '... I . ■■ Ibe Eastern railroail, by tbo Saturday RljEhi atUir, will not lie lur from tld.'MJO; ike claims lot damage* will amount to several hun- dred thousand dollars. The stock ha* depre- I'.i'rl 9?! -V) per kbare since th J accident.

Horatio So-mour, ihe democratic cnndldnte t-ir i-tt -1.Ifii! la Ihttet, is|m hll abhoireuce o( Hall, Tweed, Connally and oilier* (,r the corriinl Tammany Kin* in New York City, whom the democratic paper* are so vigorously defending.

A tremendous tornado visited Ihu vicinity ol llotlon, Sinnliiy 1111;lit about eleven o'clock. Houses, steeples and Ireea were blown down in weral towns, and doing ranch mischief. IL

was lelt al l.aronla, N. II.

The hostility between the people and Ibe po- lice In Dunim, hat not abated. An attempt bas been made to blow up the monument iu King Ueortto Fourth, at Kingston. Ireland.

The i-learner Linda, running from Portland lo Yarmouth, N 8., went ashore Sunday night inalo«, near Ibelatnr plaee, and wu louin loii- All liiuitls mre saved.

Charka KvtlbMr, of Sc.lhnH -> Magaxlna, dkd rai-eiuly in Swltscrland.

WBDNEQ DAY. '!!.'.■ 1'. 8. - 'i i[j 1 - 1 ^r. ■ ■. lias rt turn el Irom

(ireenlainl. It won I »u far north tint there waa no nbibt, and onlr a short twilight. The Congreai lei I the expedition lbs: i« Imund foi the North Pole, pursulna It* way, all Mauds in !(ood spirits.

Thirty-Ova bodies have been recovered from the wreck of the steamer Ocean Watt, whbb exploded near Mobile. It Is (cared lliai the Inns of life will prove (.'renter tlmn Hrn esti- mated.

*>ne Van Hsnn pftsied a rerlitlcute check upon a Xew York broker, and obtained ».V).O00 in gold. TMe name of the cashier proved a forgerv. Van s.inn absconded with his pltin dor.

Tbo Klckmond, V» , police refused iu allow colorod masoni to mnrdi 1 tirt ui;h one ol ibe City squares; this uutrago will be looked alter

Itev. Dr. M ■. ■.:■ killed by the llevcro rail road an-ldent, Mad nn Insurance of VJW\ upon bis life.

Andrew Johnson, ibe iraimr president, i» opposed to iho demorratlr new depannre.

THUBBDAT. Tho exciiement mid Indignation over th: rr

rent railroad horror at Itoverc, is unaosie.i Tho stfair Is recelvtog u searching Investlsjailoit at ihu Rovera iuiiue-l Ihu cln/.ns ol Dm

"lc 1 Ma< 1 Alder wh-i

. II,. 1

ment ot the k.istern r-dlroiid.

Tho funeral services ol the laic Dr. l/m h Gannett, took plucu m tbo Arlington eJ'rc.- Churi-ti, Buatun, jeitenlay afiumoun; nearl' all ot the ctufio men or (ho city were proun , and 1 In- nt-rvlces were moil ImpfSMfre.

Tne Oerman Democrats aro lavursblj- dls- (■n-eiiii,: the propriety of joining ih« Itrpubll- can party In a body, on account of ihu reoeni frauds emanating: irom tho Turn many Ring.— Welcome, Friu!

(len. Ituilermadon must telllogandeflealva speech nt Mechanic Hall, \i'orce»ter, k*t even- ing. The hall was rompletely illluil, .-.<: 1 the Oeucral enthusiastically received.

The door ufa lar^e grain warehouse In Lou- isville iraro wav yesterday morning, killln. three men. Two prominent merchant I had lust slapped Irom iho building.

A tcmueraocu ticket will bo put in tho Hold at tin-1 ..inn.- -.. ■ I.-:I. A convention Is culled fur the Ith dav r>r netolar. at Trem T«i>l. to iJiji:iLij.ii-- caudidatcs.

The "iruuk invsivry," in coo net t ion with the abortion ca»o in N'uw Vork, Il still in ibe ■ Iml., although the otlkcrs pr'imlse au earl) ■oluilouof lb* affair.

Tbo Labor Uuform Tarty bavo voted tu hold tbelr State Convention at Fratnloghaai, ou the tlrst Wednesday in Oeiol>er.

Tho storm yostcrday reacheil ibrongh Heine and Massachusetts, and vast uinuiiivs or rain loll, doini; much damage.

1'bc greai fuur-oarcd International nice, ai Halifax, was postponed until ibis forenoon, 0.1 account of the ncaihcr.

Tho national debt is 85? 22 per head for the populsnon of the Country, that of New York city, liaj.iUl par JiuaJ.

Tho Contoocook Valley ;N'. 11.) Agrknllural lair, takes place nt Illllshorotigb, Sept. i-'Ji andWih.

PBIDAY. The |{rei II;.!n

Thuri lay. It uas won '" Ibe aylor-Win- >hlpc civ.ilie tippo it ion 10 the lit ilorth IV. 1 m the rl rcr Trno, I c tlan l The .1 -.mine six marl n miles, was rowe 1 11 I . 1 liiintcs ami 1", sCi nds. Mmiy Ibous in. 1 of . liars IV I'll

stake. upon tlit re ub.

The schooner K* c w» n 11 don n and .11 ui, bya. booner mil. own it r Kai 11 in ■ 1 Me Thcs huoncr .1. S. I 1 pa in, was caps! oil It

tii... N irrows, Nuw fork, an 1 the -tenon. r .In njaiu »m lotall wn .1. .1 oir the 1- roaal \ 1 lues In t

Tli ■icomer .lava 1. he ■-■'. 1 111-1 , run down .uid ml in hHlvea Il c N..r VCC.IJII Mat!

Amu from I'or'inioutl 1 . IJllt- ee. I- ecel

of the rrew of lb l.nt r ware lit, ii n OU


Mi IVcscott. s„ wrlnt ui. en 1 ot ihu V. stcn

rallio il, upon wbl h tins t aught. 1 >ok dace

reibii ed some wt eks a«o hll r nlgnai in tt

Uke tleci Sept. Is

Th lending IK inns of N.w Yoik. huv.

callat a meeting 0 the r ounir) men, 1 Sll|'

press irp;aii grltidi

111 iiisiinmiiiiii liko tbe ahove. hut v

lianlly expected tbat tin- political edit

of the ScHtinfl, than whom 00 man more

fully knows its utter falalty, would

ho guilty of tin- impudent meanness of

giving public currency to a He at once

no mallcloua and easy of disproof.

Let us turn liat-k n little, unil see to

what weapons this libeller resorts, to

make good his vaunt of " striking hard-

est." Tho " Tenure or Office Act" wnB

passed by Congress on ihu SECOND DAY

nt UAECII, 1N67; lor more than sir

month* preriottn to the enactment of this

hill, us most of our readers will recollect,

the AMERICAN was bristling with iKira-

graphi in denunciation of the traitorous

c mrae of the President, and on the prior


ii-i bciug iu .-e--imi, nor to convene be-

fore- December, when tburo cvi>lud no

shadow of atuhoiiiv or poiver to urevout

a removal from oflico by l'rcidenl .lolin-

SOD, tin; editor of tlio American, then

Postmaster ol Lnwrtnu', publisbed in

these t'oliimns, over his own Hignnturc,

mi editorial rcviutv of llic jioUtlcal >iina-

tion, concluding in iheso words: —

Tho end anil result of the recent con- vention, anil iiinri- cmiihtilicttlly the tin- mUtakitblu action and decbrationa ol t!ie (hiel Magistrate since; tbo nail and dickering results ol that policy n« devel- oped ui New Orleans; the touching ap- peals ol th'i devoted band ol patriots Whoso erics come up Irom the sull'iring South,—clearly Indicate no utter ihi-'iri- ur<- from the principles upon which the union nun ol the country, the men who, trill) dlo ml I elli m, belli

country snrrewi .Siiiuh.

I" tin

Vll the t lea of tin


i pr a/fad

«•>,!/, ktc i party

U oppoaed and declared IL 11 rth, that our tonsuo would be

nworthy ol siicifli did it longer refuse ll< ranee. The time has come when vi-rj patriot must stand unequivocally ml outspokenly lor the rijjtht, and, h<-

ng the success of the pulley Oil

■ry nbel

the tin

1 III inlii

■or.liil „|,pr erhea.l North,

ill.' sol 1 to tin

oligarchy, the n iilighud 1

i-r ui lb 11, ami tin

Innugurn ilrlghis.- tionoi i-qual and complet

we-shall nive such effort to the defeat "/the nsto /'' mncralic coali lion, ami the maintenance intact ol the principles ol tho great union parly elect- ing Andrew Johnson, as expounded and enforced by the martyred Lincoln.

It 1 he avowal ot these sentiments la in- compatible with offlcu holding under the present administration, wo shall "ac cept the situati ui; " hut wo can neither barter principles lur position, nor remain silent when silence becoiui s approval ol wrong. 4i. ». M.

There may have been no special cause

for commendation ol this position, though

wc have mure than u BVOI« «r *--j

pleasant uongiaiuluwry letters, then re-

ceived Iromsotuo ol the most prominent

Rcptiblicatis In [lie slate,—but we ask

attention to tho dates we have given, for

surely John K. Tarliox, who made sun-

dry pilgrimages to Washington 10 bring

about the removal from office- of this

same editor, an I who filud as onu of his

tending papers, rt long li*t of extracts

irom theso columns, denouncing tho

['resideut mid his new "policy."—Ac

certainly cannot plead ignorance or for-

get fulness of these lints, and the SaiH-

in ', in ils lianlic and braggart ell'orls at

" liaid hilling," 110 lesb than the author

o. the article Irom width wo quote. Is

personal property wan ueit offered,and a Mil was asked 'or the Spinning Machines,

ot which there were flve, but not hearing

any response. Mr. Pedriek invited the

party to the basement,where were stored

some one hundred and sixty braiders llut a single hid was offered for these,

and that so low that tin: machines were

v,lchdrawn. As there seemed to be no

demand for the personal property, the

sale was closed. Since writing I he above, we are In-

formed that the Wright Manufacturlux

Co., have purchased all of the machin-

ery, etc., at private sale, of tbe Lawrence

Worsted Co.

OKN. BtTLEit's rtPEKi It at Worcester,

on Wednesday, was iu decidedly better tasto than the previous one at Spring-

Held, where the years of abase by the i?«- ,■■■■■■'■' 1 -i-> in- in Ii .1 <■ tempted hh'i Into

excess of language; tie had an immense

audience at Worcester, despite the storm; declared his determine)Ion, IT chosen

(j over nor. to enforce the laws, avowing that It is alike ibe Interest of both prohi-

bition 1st S and license men to know wheth- er the prohibitory law does or does not

.-ill--; the ■tv.him 1.1 of the people; he

stuted his conviction, that under the 11 h

Ameudjieut to tho C>>ustliu(iuii, women

now have the right of suffrage, and de-

elared most emphatically, hi- adherence

to the Republican Party.

Death of a flood Man.

rtraeoe 1:.- Coolldfa dtad at Ua nahlaaM on fri.-jii-i-i •in-'-t 111 itil* eil), I'.-IJsy momloi, at about qaartcr lo eight o'clock; the Intelligence, ltii>u|h not entirely unriuected, *1ll ''- received wlili a ■ tirlli of |>aln i.v it,.- Iiuiidreds of our CIUICBI

who have so king known, renpeeted ami loved lilm : hla iterllot lotesHiy and honesiy of character and km.I..1 "- of heart were w.-ll calruliled to make mmiy warm friends, and even ili..«r wh > nometlmi-n winced under his slroDg, |-lmn ailnionttlons, lust niKH- of tin lr adralratloa for bis eirnrst and well mi-mil rffuru al relorm. Th* deceased, about two yaara dgo, was stricken with parallels, but he par- tially ri-eovured, wlih ibe exception of his left hand and arm; a Hula over fuur m.tnihs ago, bower<-r, ba wma analu taken down, and hs* never left the in ..-■ -ii-- ■ . Uurlug ii..- (alter part of bla lllueaa In- m:!i ful inu.-li. ait.l ■ mvl befora be died b« com iu. 11.1.1 aluklug rapidly , ba died very peacefully.

Daaoon Coolldia baa been Idealised with tbe Ma- lory of our ally alnna Its Infancy ; be waa born In lUli.ii.-rll. M... In till, and wtaconrtqueLily abuut Hfiy-iilue yrar* of a*-*.; ri moving to H nj in-. Ha., for a ili.t... I,.- went frum it,, r.- lo Woburn, Haaa., wh.-.. he ',;.-.II- ,■ |,i 1 :|,.ii uf au acsdt m> . ha at one perlud prtiluual) pinct:ced law, but Ibe pro- ft-..I.III waa not lo hla i.-n- an.) he abandoned 11; In l-e, In- waa Isdaawd by hla biotber. Thiimaa Coolld^ eiilrrthi a-rvlce of fie Baarl Ouipnny of ibla city, .» ai. aaalalMII vnglut-er, and lie Waa In 1I1. 11 employ .11,11. thu Una tie waa niruck dilwU) Tor aume twulvt- ur iiii.-t-n yeara he w,n chief toigl ueer of III* compsii), and tu that capacity laid out and aupiiliilriidid iho cunairu. Ilun u( tli* new


U Lawr* ou. of

At fill cld.nt oc- ,., M-milaj

lb early on

•ward wa* wutd. us a

city from

Uli'l - lollli i-putatii

'ton .vililullic, whose


curred 10 Man in llowa*-d, u

Last, wb; In his dea]

sVedncsday mornlnir. Mr. II

m the employ ol Gearlu .\ llo driver, and was driving m Mil

North Andover, when his h

denly took frlyht at soraetblnv Iu

tbe road, and J implnj, one side, tbr«W

lilm our, striking on hit head. He was

brought to his residence, and died as

above stated. His funeral was attendetl on Thursday, by tbe Ancient Order ot

Hibernians, of which the deceased was B

member, accompanied by tbe l.awrcnc.i- Coitu-t Hand.

JACOU A. ALLKX, for in my years n

resilient of our city, and lur.i long period

ol the firm ol Wilson & Allen, ut ibe

Lowell street box factory, was one ol

the victims of tbo Itevere col-

lision on Siituriluy; Mr Allen removed

to Lynn some years ago, and was pro-

prietorol tbe Bay aide Washing Liquid;

his oflico wus in Itoston, and lie waa re-

luming home on the Ill-fated train; he

was badly Bcaldi d, and died on Sunday ;

one of his sons, Milo L. Allen resides in

our city.


Richard Robinson, a member of United

Brothers Lodge, residing near the Ar-

llngtoii Mills, dim) Wednesday night

Mr. Hohinson bus been sick tor some

time with typhoid fever. It is expected

that ho will be buried on Stinday, by the

me tuber.

'1111: It A IN CALL.—a 35 inches of rain fell Wednesday evening. Tbe fall of rain for

the month td August is fully up to die

average. The prospect In Ibe future tor water supply. Is better than it was a year

"go at this time.

THK FOURTH BATTERY, of Lawrence, made our town lljiti"; vialts last week, in their way to and Irom camp—the march, including the stoppages, using up eight hours They went through our streets at a lively rule, and fairly earned the title of flying artillery This bat- lory consists ol about ~:> men—all f'uie- l.'iiking, stout fellows, nnd ns well be- haved us they are fine-looking dipt, lico. 8, Merrill, editor of the American, is their commander, who In iho War lor thu I nion commanded a Lawrence com-

iy in Ihu fourth Regiment. The nr- inent of the buttery consists of lour BS twelve-pounders, and their capa- ty of milking a noise in the world

i be nticsled by our clllzens who re- mber Hi" day ot the IV„body ohse

Thennin.ri lb-men cnn-i,is


.llUM.IUV Dlglll

The klilBllM til

at lb.- Huhil, 1 vac irldd In lur Cbi past UIIIH in

ot the linmacuUtaUuncepiion, tba band fii lug oriu of iho new roernurtal SUH.IIHUM.

thu ilillrcli I III! wen- pertormc.l, t the nurlal service rea.l tiy Itev Falher Mtirpl after wlncb I he cortege pniceeded to Iho n'i eicry.ibi; band playing appruprinta mua Tbe kniKht.s. as u-ual, in ado a Kplriiiliil v paaranre, and me laneral was vtry irjlcinn « 'piiet. A> tin! brotharhooil left tbo i-emetc thu rain .-.unin*tu-ed i«ih.-K quite brlsklv, u

td in < (low ring mart Ii In heir bull

Tuo m...:.'.; si rvleaa ot tb lai s Ituai an lien- Mann Coc Jus wire hi:II a his laio n •lik-nce

Proapeet <• met, on Mai.lay alu 'noon Ihei

were com I cted >r U.v. C. 1 . Pi her, i nit It' v

Mr. Witoo . It v. Mr. .li- ger of Hie l'-ii" ebnreb wa nut nt Initnc. A vi ry lam tt mini

berol car in Kcs were in ihf pn -fsslu which followed t ID ri ■aim to Ibe ecu eit-ry. limit not Urn lor ibu wlshca ol ihu ■ lum-i-

of tbo ili'ceasci , ami bail be loners heel at the rhl reli.i 10 ■li-|ii..||.-lilllli,ll won .1 buvi

l*cn niucl arc icr.

Mr. K.lwin K. Hanborn, who wa» ncablod had Iy at iho railroad collision, illeil nf hla i jories Sim.i.iy morn I nit, ai ihu Marine llmptii Ctaelaea: be »as mi rxcinpiai v young man, ai

Husieand Murilm

,. Tbo i lhl» ilf* f.l 1

< ilucallou, which wan tt sained l.y j.-«r. ul

> inch, iu maln'ala it-.

■ bol.liy 1 rMTilslently a

I'lly Ulaalui ll.iar.luf Ail riurs. Ills

III ll.l I dirk I

tjle, with plume

lary critics considei the beat in tbe State,

lied into

■ -nib

icnt. Their number, "Fourth Hit 'TV,

oil. et tin- hii

Id Fourth, under iho com r townsman, ('apt manil ot

Charles II. Mi Mich gallant deed I'cabwlg /'res*.

Our SUIIJUTS who left the camp at S,v.irnj.- s.-oit nti Sainr.lnv, did not ^ut away much too soon, llrnl ibt-y been tburo at elevc o'clock Sunday nhcht, tfie chamcunro that tli a hole L-amp would have been laid Hat by tbe " cjcloub" which raged In that vicinity, ot wlmsu commit wariilnu wua nivcn by iuu uevernment in Bainrdsy ufiernoon's paper*. h nun not nil uui ii lure, tttouah a SIIOUK

wluil prevailed durlnit tfau day. Ai H ramp. aeon, lance treo- were uprooted, un.i on.! ic 1 a,.on .1 CulUKu, cru'blujj ui tit.-; the roof ol the Lincoln House waa lorn <>tT, and all the 'uthiim bon-eaoi ihu O can llou-e were tie -•royeu- Tho bnardtrs all turned out, aid

H(.., aud waa s di ac<i

in...- n.v I'.n-.i church

a of ih. ctiui

r..nn..i, i raa or T-.TJi

Mara Huee, when he ftlUD*- t., in.... It wllb lhat

ervmulaalNMi be baa

w, ik, rapwelaJlt la taw

.'■..'.'. Him to hla new Bz ;;.:; every guod

a, and lakaa

"■ ■( --., carried away,'

bnneaty and plely. II

lence, but ha was not a

thai kind ot properly.


;, • „t life lime o

ate much o

- Dedication or St. Mary'a Church.

Thla long looltt.l for event will take plaee on Sun- day morning prat, w'hen the mattnlfl.-ent i >!■■ will IK- ankmniy dudtcatrd 10 Ihu aervtcu of Almlghiy; ihe ercat work of erecling [bla elrgaiil luti- plu. v. l.i.l. la aucb an arcbltcclural urnameut lo our city, was In 1- '.',, under il., ausplcrii ol the late itev. Louis M Kdje. who did noi llvu lo be- :■ -I I iho consummalIon of his giand . -,i. r i■ J I- ■ ['In- corner .i.-u.-»..- laid on Sunday, Aug. 10th, I860, win n tin- nildnaa was delivered by Ur, Hurl- ,uij of Philadelphia, Tin- building, when aiilahad, will bavo cast •hum (iWOuO. Owlug to Lull imili un th* p-ii uf IWOor iin.'. or thu eontraetara, autnc L.f Ibo ww. will hg lucomplolu on Ibu day of the,.il, but owing lo llic em-nalvc nnd peculiar rhamctur of ilie arraugemeDta, It CBULOI be post. puned; suuut two thousand Uriels have been lilven oul Iu m.m'n-r- of the eOCtatJ; It la believed H...1 1 Ibum aated i

n-ro i- suuillne sp.icc fur iwu thousand allll. the scnici-s Bill b,. cumrauueiKl by Iho ceremony

' drdkallon, which will bo performed by HI,til iv. J. J Williams, lilehup of Uaaaachusvtt*, who 111 uHo celabratc -,,l. m.-i potitlflcal high maas ; he Ut be aided t.j live olber blrhopa si.d aumo Ihlrly her members of thu clergy. The mualc of the aaa will lie -ii; K by Ihc choir, with lav urgan iDipaiilmvnt, ,n .] the Lawrence CorDet Baud i ay al Intervals ih Gloria from JluJ.rf. 12 Maaa, ranged for ths band by Mr. Ilrcnnau, and one of •VaJln'i ahdantia. and aoteral nlber plecea of .-:..! mualo which they have been pracilclng for .me inn..! The .ddrea< will be dellvured by Klghi iv. illahop llacou of Portland. Sunday sur id moat i.lhcn will hp held in fntnrc In lb> I... -I On Sunday tvunltig Iheru will be Vuspora i.d a baaedlatlon amide*. Tho sermon wll ciieheil by one of thu vl-ltors.

Tax or tho City Fathera. of in* ol.y go m«nt pay Is

um..U'iiliia In th- aynreg.iu iu •- Ii iS.ul wL

tlb3'c 7. la cuuttlhutid by the n r aud aldiva

ond IO#t.M by member, of the CJU lUll, ua fullo

-4, 11, W. Davis, »T1 21


A. A. Currier, tones UeaeMah Plnnuser, W» M

J.mesl'ayne, •Hi w J.imea A. Treat, r.%a K lleutge Lamb, 82 Ii

W.F. Culler, i2 ?.■:

cm> ITard 1,—Oeorj(e U. Mnuri, M. I'-

Wiualow Bag, r, ll) 4<>

.1. K.GItbetl, SA «"

Ward 2,-A.Cl. Stone, 2* »S

Edwaid McCoy, •i oe J. G. Abbot!, 31 M

Ward r.-A.S. Hunker, ISO to

Uanli. O'riulllviin, IT 12 Ti-i,■■'!>, Il .i.-j . 17 12

Another Confidence Man Tripped Up.

:■'■'■; I,.-ii C. I'-'-U.'.', aliat Henry A'.Noli, aliim Ranur W, Smytb, wa- beloru Junue Sievcim, who htilil a apjcial hin-i. n ol Ihe po- lieu court un S.i'iinl.iy alitrnin.ii. ami held in ibo sum ot SltOO, lo answer hriote iho liraurl Jury in Ociotier, to tbe cbartte ul obtaitiiiig money on lalso pmancea. Tho Uusimi Htrali ol ,s lnv, .,/,-,■■. the following account of 'hem ;

S .mo weeks ago a yoiini: man named Ste- phen <' Dirttaa, call.,1 at Urn offlcu of 11,.- Aiuur- cau Tract Sociuty, in this cti>, ami aaslred to

hecooie ibulr aicetil for auniu sort ol tiuslneNH, llo wll hi mi truuhla In K rat no oil himi-cit lino

Xranl anil nolieli sub-criptlons lot a oroJJ pu

n-r cailuil the Cttriatian Vmhlv. Taklug a few couie.-i be -,i uu-.i un bis travels 11..-, liy his own sntiuraent, vialhrd L .well,

, Linu, Batwa, \.-.IHM, „,, ,M..I,

IIIVll" ulleie bo mufii

idly. To . - ihist tie recciv

r.pto ken ii-- .. ,i hook with -.',l.i, I, hu

provided l'..r ihe fiirpose, (iml in which hu inntie ilupn.ulo copies ol nil rucelpts given Hu miuhi bave prospered bni lor one import rttn point—ne omniuii t.) send ihe cuim-ripiiun* in ilia S'Hdeu, and iwu up the dupiicaie ro- cvipta, li hen this Umi.: iiuij been going on tor ....ML iniiu ihu SJCICIV ln-cume enare Ihev Imd cinploied un uiipnnttuhiu agutit, und iliev ut once look moaMirt-n IU tuusc bis arrest. The .UNC. was given IO ill. S ato pul.ue, and rletect- ivo I'u.knam has liiiil cQarge oi it since. Ilu In.-, male uuny .nve-ti^ationg, ami finally eol- Untd ihe fellow koattrday iu Peabody. He bruughl him to, and to-day look lilm in i. ■ ■-1- n. ■■ lor trial on . i.-.n.. - ot anibfuia-

this Dodge, Ii ape-em

A Hi" lit' p W uug n I al )0I

• .,n ■ -.n'li dO'lgcr." -■IIH.IU: ■ iii-in lli-niv .tilth. Hu H a lull

t, havmn a d«rk, tirn In-:, a in.,Li-i i

tin- |-

tried . sea Kitty

Ui'ti in Ihe r uigh: i-ioitiu-. in

. liie hole tent wag entirely

Heiri Ora V thu bead waiter,

iiji ii.-- a r saventy feat, upu

ral houses in J tree* were hi

her luwna At Ai..n. I..-I. two s

Ueit roved, a .<! the damage In t

In ftrst si.d laat

III. who w

n ofihec child of 1

two of 111 have lor and Mrs

he I i li- dded icortfu F. 1 J lii City .

Il 11. of N nh Amli ver, w 0 artiv ed n ihnt tv Dill ', on his way to It a e van m, nt a t Lin 1; In- .laced Ils

ft in a fa on tbe * press train, lit carpet I going out iu pur<ha>« a ticket he saw tb* at- com modal iuu tram standing in front of ihn ex press, nnd being lold It would go first, r.mclud- ed to ebangs, and went hai k lor hla carpet- hag; he struted ibis, and haMened abeail to Und himself bus than a hair unnute ton late, ttic n' .. ■ 111 nn 1.1 n 111. u iiu'ii iii-i oul 01 the ilepot as he came for ward ; twenty aeeonda earlier and he would I. .■■■■ taken passage nn tho very car thaw received ihe terrible Shock ol the expreae 1

Mr John Ibis res petted larmei years on ■!,.- 11 his hie, died on I the J.-iirs. Defense.I Meihiu'ii Vini,. .in I ilnnoiighh thu Intereata of that town. I I'litlarian church in Lawrence,

Mr- Annu W. lViirsoii. tor »


s, a well known ami great 1} , who hai ruilded for many

■ we ton. 1, alelhuen, If not all day, at ihe

I reel.) r of U,u (entitled with

attended iho

. bands marked profuse!* cu a." noli aa a mutnen'e, , and a manner al once

dark 1.11."ii tiuntUng fur Bib .oil, splmlhng l.g . VIL II li.l: II.!.., a Vi 1 Very (luetil luugo □ lid unil prepoaaeaS

Daring the Investigation which culminated n Ins arrem, n transpired that he had been ■ |.erit"iih' <|ui

"lav" "dunn Real." lie iinneil up at IIIUD*- VII k iluiiug ih" CHIIV p..rt of this in.nun, an ailed iii.un u wontiy rliiaen of mat pla. imneil Fnn.i.h, in wh he represented tin iu >»ui 1 lie buaunan who was wnh a p.iriv tli - ups.t uu.l .itiiwnei ut Mi Ue,eri

Hu a eba. 1 Mr. f well 1 ■

11.1 b. He itfhi a

lek, was ile>tl K< t in Mi. Deaeri cited iniereal and


i, Wiley & Sione'a arwithrtre Tbev

iliome ® O • • t p.

Lamp iiii.i-iii .■ at Eppiug will !« continued 10 next Tuesday, "weather" or no.

The young ladles are said to know several of the love lalea In Wbltford A Klce by haul.

intuition for ihc ifii:h School: "What is rain?" Answer: An umbrella when It rains.

One of our clti/ens Is In ihc Abt>oit of going to Burton, dally. lie visits the Custom House.

The man who set bis mutress on fire the other niuht, while smoking, speedily ha.', a hut-tied.

The mouth of our river has been full of dead men—beden. 1 her *cif Raihercd up and

The frame »..rk fur a portion of Ihe new Atlantic mill Hansard roof, (I already on, and nelng covered In.

The asaetnori tail rear taxed In the cltr, All acres of land, ttff? dwelling houaea, 937 horses, and 1 Til cows.

No u«e to steal the tarred stones where con- crete w.,lk» are beina put down. They are nol eoal and will not burn.

Y.'urir fellows drop a line into ihe Merrimsc when ihuy want a fib, nnd imo the Pott Uttlce when they want a wbo.

Cool weaiber will be along by Sept. -7h, when the repobllean State Conrentfon is held, • ml candidate* can run.

R.v. J B, Moore, of ihe Unitarian ehurch, has rviur. 0.1 Irom his vacation visli, tookia much heller lor bis respce.

The I.:,., k -ni:i!ii uf DaYl machine shop are very lamlli are worthy men for all tbat.

A basket of very nice pears comes to as from ibe nets ol W. II. Sall.hury, E.q . tor

winch will Miss S accept Ibanks.

Moil people have returned Irom beach and IPOUUIRIII, umi tne- unwonted s.iuul ot tbo school if-1. waa heard ngalu Monday.

Tbu kllowwbo emptied a wesbbosrl full ol water over iutua onc'a buad, couldn't gel off on the pka of h) dropaihic treatment of the cAuo. 00.80,

Tho Sunday School lmf nho thought Adam wua a sporting cluraeter Iwcaine ho not up tho first race, was Ignomlniunalji sent home to bis twana,

Tiiliiut means to hare fome of bla medicine well sliuken bet ore being taken, not cuntldencu in Ii. The latter is not apt [0 be shaken alter 11 is unco tried.

Hum haa.commeneed covering the roof ol the new and eleguut Baunders' nioek, antt iht ■ nji'il of tar pervatles ihe ■tmosobera around IVt Uflke corner.

MM. Jenka is not poetical hut very practical. She so)-, (here la more love m a barrel 01 Hour or a roast 01 beef, than in all the roses and wooublnes that ever grew,

St, John's ]■ j'l.injuil Society are to bold a festival in the city hall, on the evenings of Sept. 18ih, IHh aud lam, lor which extensire preparaviono are being made,

Rev. J. II, pastor ol St Juhn's church, und who I* one 01 our Uest scholar*, propoaea 10 give instruction to a small class in Gorman ; particulars in advertisement to-day.

The announcement in the ccntus report, tbat 1..1-W. [.. .- llaS :. i: I .11 l.illull:-! Or 1 111. II-.,.11,1 cbiltiren under lour, docs not mean that only lour pn -MI- are looking after them.

The man who -ut down in the Spicket Hirer the other nij Nr under thu lrapresalou that he was ut home, rumaiked thai some tool waa &l- wayi leaving a pan of water in Hu; chair.

Mr, Bills, iho musle teacher, unite approves of ihe pitch which Horn is lo pui on Sounders' in-" ;:. iii;:ii UN It is. liu Is of opinion, also, that no perfon's voice h nt&tclearer hj ttrnin tug it.

Among thu hor-ei entered for Iho races at tbu New England Fair, u Lowell, next week, aru C.aik Kuaulding's ucw horse, " Frank ['aimer," and A. II. Bus worth's " Hector," of Ibis cliy.

Mr. Ocorgo W. Horn will sown ba around .S.imiiicro' hloik with his III end Rravel, and proposes to Sffoi 10 It until the Job of putting on one 01 in. nesl composition lire proof roofs i." Bnlahed.

The showers of Wednesday, terminated In a i -■ -.-., ..-'.'ui- and refreshing rain, and our sirects selnom waareo deserted «» appearaoce -s during* i»e evcniDg, tnursuaj ..... onrfoftbe

iiiom glorious ot tbe year.

Several ol our jrwutig menus, who wer Ing on Murblthead Neck during iho gulu of Sunday nlgbt, speak tu strong terms of Ihe j-ovirltyoi thu hurricane, and the contusion

MeilmUUi Oterio men, drew upon nn -■ pockets, made Hn en aaaemeni 'u taku dinner wiih onu oi them, went to meeting, mi.i all eapurlenoe, set ail the peDple io weeping »lih tiU paibos, -aid ho wanted In hu H iiiK-.Hn.ury, to'd lois or Sunday lien, cnllei Iu I all i he inuiiuy be could, and then, leaving tho parson's dinner wait- in^ . Ilu was next heard of In Lewi-ton, and He n in I'ar-liuei, ln«uata, Uauuor, &c.

'I his 'hip is onu oi the moil plausible fel- lOWa onu -i meet * ith in a life !>mu. Ilu is pifieii i.n HII klinia ol suijocts Say a hu has ■tudietl rhetoric, notmii, chemistry, matbamai' lea, law, Iheologv, and lots of oilier "hluher i.ran. bus." Ho .peaka French and Snenlab, is wnh Oerman und onu ur |«o oiher ra0|naues, but Is noi a plnl.ii.ii.'Ni as Ilu I,.it wrt*. and bupes tu roeril » imiter laic, is un .T- r. n.-i i penman, with n, im-uliv of Irulta'ing Hm band-writ Iml ol Uiheia, cms when be la'ki ot I.!-, nioiher and h-r precepts. Is unable io accoiini lor hi* penchant lot Crimea, aa)a be dob'I know ah. tie u.i.-aii'r reform, dls<-B*a*i ■ rime in ihe ihe.ny. ugreta ilirn Hie ml-»lon- «rv and devoui preiem-a Is saci-esalDi aotlac, and nmrc ... among pn.. ptitpla Hi in piofefaori ..I',..,.- he li.i- served rwico for fmt.-a-le.i.e.ii m tin' pen In-DP lary a- .loiei, Id., where be knew Cfwa, "he c. lehrated

C- .-I-IONCOINCII..— fills binrd mil Wedn. -. day evening, In tin- absence id president Stone, Cuiincilmun K.lwin Aier.ul Wards, was chosen president />'V um rhe council concuired with Iho Alkruiu,i >u all nl ibo ' U»i- iic--. aent down, uml there was no new injo- nesa. Counrllnicn Stevens, Wbeckr, Hunker, Dcacy and O'Sullivao weraahsenl. Anj.iurned tor two week-, to meet at JI-J u'c'ock r. it. Wednesday, Sept. is b.

luce-, on ibe Kppitig Camp Uruiiuil, thnrsday. It was like lieing in a perfect sea ol roses.

nclueni it Thu pjei

wild ii

i who llnd ihcmsehe- in the S ailon II 'a..- culls In ihe mnrnlrar, are apt iu conclude thut iboy are In a tight place, or have been in one the n'.'lr belori, to wit: a rum i." '.-. So much lor /-■..>. ci.mpauy.

The ii-. iniier.-, ol I'osi 42, O. A- R , at Low- ell, will re-prouueu tbe "Drummer Boy," on the lour Bight* during ibe Nuw England Fair. I'bero is li-.|.-i.i running ■ special train fur this city, ol which due iiuiice will ho given .

Among tho tents ovenurned by the wind, on Murlilchesil Neck, Sunday night, was thai of Mr. II J(. Wlmtier, ot this city, who has been spending tho hot season In eampini" nt thai point; Mrs. Whluier, who has been in feeble healib, torHiuaiely returned to Lawrence Ibo nlaht before-

At the Hamilton camp meeting on Sunday, Rev George P. WiUon, ofihla city, presided *t Ihe aervirea In the i iicrnaclu In tho after- noon. Mrs. Smith, a colored ludv, ol Brook- lyn, N. Y , narrated ihu particulars ot tbe Re- veru railroad massacre, which came under her personal ni'servailon.

Several well known uuntlemen In town, who iliink it spnrt to wade swamps, explore forests, climb muuiiialns, tear ihclr trowscrs and burst their hoots, arc about to start on a hunlmg and ashing expedition amnnu Ibu wllils of Canada and the provinces. Tho praise meeting Sun- day night has no connection wi'b ihelr de- parture.

Tho work of laying ihc main rlpcs for ihe purposu ol lighting tho Common with gas, it progressing finely, and la expected io bo com pleted next week. It will then take but a short time io lay iho branch pi pea fur the lamp posts Thla improvement will be balled as one of the mom important mado by irar present city gov

Itr. Jefferson Rowe, who was injured et Ihi Revere disaster, Saturday night, is a ncphes of Ur. Alexander U. Itowc, formerly station agent in this city. He was baggage mower of Ihe express train, and wus cauitht between two cars when they were driven together by the colllaiun. His right arm was amputated in Boston, Sunday, and he is doing well.

The law, iiirnliiy; over hovs under It, who commit crime, to ihe Proha>eConn for punish. naiit, is a numlrj-;, and iho sooner It is repealled the better That law teems in have been cre- ated to shield o(Tenden irom Justice, for it la c.imparaiively few who get pnnlshed by it. There aro almost as many great rascals In our midst under 17, as there are over ihat age, and they arc let louse uuite too much.

Some people not quick at understand in:* don- bio IM n,in \ cons-trued tho i- un,!. that the audience at s free church were made" good for nothing," into the Idea Hint Ihey were made wnribless, tin Ihe contrary it wa meant tbat they were mndo " good," for noth In-r, without money und without price, by the teachings received ihere. We should dislike very much 10 ho compelled to make a nuatnwa 01 carrying around the American every Satur- day, und explaining the humor therein.

The i-nrtv who go out upon tho war path, not in Pmnegana, lo dbnorh the peace or Can- a 'a, I>UI M : ..i■ ■ ■ ibe .leer, heurs, wolves,mcosc, p.-uirrel«, woodebucka, lose* nnd other beasts. bird* mill ll-hes of ihat happy luuil, ure mak- ing exieiisivc prepiraitone. They are seen to »a'lt i ui to K ai'-kill's anus, ammunition and tabing tackle, alao to the several grocer Ira, and come luck Iu tlu-ir rooms loalel (houuh the guns aru noi | daily. Both ihcy and Ihe gum alore-ald, are expected to go off aboni Sanirilny. Ii is reported thai iliey huve made an a I tempt to secure one of the Lmhi Bjtiery guns as a part ol their outfit, as tho uru hound to make the Canada finest*. i-Od the beaats) howl. An extra car bus u -i. -. cured tu transport ihu nmipnient and provb inns, no onu pa»sen«. I »n Ibe rnilro-id belun alluwutl io carry over four hundred pounds o baggage, No spirits more ardent than mem tiers or ihu party will t.u taken along. 'A least lioro Hils side'in' Una.) Venn in, mi ha. contracted to dispose uf every car load ol

i-. Ihi <m ■■> Hie niua-ui- i. o.q-trc.1 a bcap




Hev. K. I*. Ingcrsnll prcnilii'd at the

South Church on Sabbath evening last,

before the Young People'! Christian As-

sociation conncctcii with tbat congrega-

tion. His text was in Gen. 281 10—1:1.

It wits a practical dlaooune, containing

many valuable suggestions to thu mem-

bers of the association, in regard to the

large field ol Christian effort in which

they were to labor. The encourage-

ments and incentives to such benevolent

work wero dwelt upon in an impreaaive


Mr. G. W. K. Galllshnn bai preseiitud

to the writer some large and delicious

peara of the "Clappa t'.tvorito" variety.

They ure equal if not superior in flavor

to the B.trtlctta. llo act a few grnlta

three years ago, and has this season al-

ready gathered eighty sizeable pears

from them.

Admissions to the Grammar school:—

Robert B. Anderson. Thomas Burnett,

Annie Boll, Wm. I) Buckley, Nellie C.

Chandler. Bertba A. Chandler, Elmer

Clark, Herbert Clark, Josephine S- Dur-

gin, Ilitttie L. Erving, Lizzie Lawson,

Martha Manning. Horace Nelson, Annie

P. Palmer, Gardner Uuaseli, George O.

Russell, George Shaw, David Smith,

John Smith, Win. H. Stickney, Lizzie

Stokes, Jano S. Tliotiipson, Andrew

Thompson, George Tyler.

A party of about sixty ludi-s and gen-

tlemen, had a picnic at Bailey's grove,

on Monday afternoon and evening,

Bo:iting, plays, music and dancing

pleasantly occupied tho passing hours.

Buckley's baud furnished tho instru-

mental music

Th.- officers of the Essex Agricultural

Society und others, numbering nearly :i

hundred gentlemen, by Invitation visited

Dr. James It. Nichols at Haverhill, on

Friday lust. They were first entertained

at his splendid residence on Summer

street, with a view of hi9 hcautiltil pic-

tures; one of them is a line pointing ol

his farm, situated upon the borders ol

Kenoza Lake, tho fr-tmo of which Is of

remarknblo beauty and richness. Ilts

extensive library, containing rare and

costly works, was much admired by the

visitors. An enclosed case of authentic

Greek, Roman and Cufie coins attracted

much attention. Ho has eleven hundred

different specimens of gold, silver nnd

copper coins.

The company were Hion conveyed to

the farm. His stock consists of twenty

cows or the Jersey, Devan nntl native

breeds. One cow gives twenty quarts

of milk to a milking. The grapery cm-

braces the Hartford Prolific, Delaware

and Concord varieties, and the vines

bear abundantly. Oil arriving at the

lake nn ample table wus sumptuously

spread, and the party partook of the

choice viands with a zest. After lull

justice- bad been douc tu the edibles,

brief speeches were mudu liy Dr. Nichols,

who presided, lien: Parley 1'oore ol

Newbury, Hon. Allen \V. Dodge of

Hamilton, Ex-Mayor 1-ay of Chelsea,

Warren Ordway, Esq., oi Bradford, Gen.

Wm Button of Salem, Hon. John D.

Lyman. Ex-Secretary of Stnte of New

Hampshire, John B. Clarke, Esq., ol

Manchester, -N. II., und others.

The Doctor's farm consists of one hun-

dred acres of land, about twcniyllve oi tmUtrA, ■» nnder cultivation i ino year he raised one hundred and six bpsheli

of corn upon a single acre, nnd hu thinks

his croji the present season will be mar-

ly or quite as large; liu has cut the

present year two and a half tons of hn)

upon an acre, ami will bavo a largt-

second crop. Probably no man In New

England has done so much ua Dr. Nichols

in applying science to practical agricul-

ture. Mi- experiments with fertilizers

bavo secured valuable results, and while

he greatly enjoys the benefits of his en-

thusiastic efforts, he is equally an Clous

that others should sharu with him in

uny discoveries ho has made in the In st

modes ol cultivating tbo soil successfully.

The company wero much gratified iu ex-

amining his premises, in viewing hie

crops aud in listening to his earnest re-

marks. As most of tbo gentlemen pres-

ent aro among the sturdy yeomanry ol

old Essex, and arc progressive io their

notions of (arming, the hints thrown oul

by tho Doctor in tho course ol his Inter-

esting remarks upon the subject ol par-

ticular interest to them, must prove val-

uable. All are greatly indebted lo Irim

lor what ho has done to promote th

groat interests of agriculture.

Mr. John 11. Junes, a lute graduate oi

i In- Seminary, was ordained pusior of tht

churches at Bristol and North llltuim-

lleld, Ohio, Aug '22}.

The Ilrecbln, Scotlnnd Total Abstinence

Society have just sent to John Smith,

Esq., of Nil- town, on the occasion of bli becoming a member of tbu Society, a sil-

ver medal, on which Is engraved tbe dale

of his membership, and the following In- -.■I ij.uiiii: "Presented to John Smith

E-q., Andover, America, by Die Itreehbi

Total Abstinence Society, as a token ol gratitude for tho generous, tinsollcitetl

pecuniary assistance lie has given the .So-

ciety, which has greatly Incrcuseil Its use-

fulness In the cause of temperance

Brechln, June, 1871." The medal, which

was conveyed in a beautiful morocco

case. Is a very handsome one. The

ire Is convex ntnl polished, around which Is tncteliilly entwined n tbhile In frosted

»ork, und ttio engraving is spleiulblly done, displaying a great amount of artis-

tic aklll. Altnjfcthcr U Is a gem, of

which the recipient must be grutilled. The follow lug letter accompanied the beituiiiiil present, and expresses, In a fc

Ifcllous manner ibu beiirilell esteem Ol

the temperance Brechhiiles lor Mr. Smith,

iu consideration of what lie dot e for tbe im Dru i'cm cut of the people of Ids native town.

Fftm il.. OJ/i., Brmnn uml V„mmith, of thr ilf.-hhi Tutul Almtim »-■. Nan, in,

Brtehiu, 'July, In71. To John Smith, /:'«/., inthivn; Amrrica.

DKAK £IH:—We ban to Inform jou Unit yon have been enri.llo i a memlier of tho "Brochm I'mal Abminence Society," acrontlnitla thu re- qucat >on made dm n-ih uur President iu Mm laal. On tin* occaaion wc luke- llic iit.crlj nt u<l<lrc>Mii{~ a very lew wonts to jt.n.

To i.iii-. h.-. mi.i iho member*, it ■ very lirauftini in nave ibe natn i of MI ihoruu^b a i. UI|nTiiln'e ul..nil . on our nil-Ill IJ t'-i lull. Itu ill .-ii ini.-ii'-i mil led lii tli.- canaa oi lotal m-Btliicncc, in well kmiAii tu u«.—10 tome nl u- more ilmn lurti teara a|to, Your now lie- euaHnir, a ■ember ol ibe aucbl) In u tvin-ti.c oi iliu coniinnuiiiD oi thai Inloreat, ■lid i-viticcn lliHMrciiciti in .mur ileslru to ceo jour native cltj pua>eaa ibebteulog of nodri-

Vnu an- well aware of the Oppoalof iiiliuun- cen iiiai are In lire-bin lo i -iii-uiaticc work, and of ilm iiiiti.i.ii i . the aociety he* hail tu iiiiiivuil witti, M. .v., i,. e.l korcelv i.v anv- iiniia'on thatau'j e.. in.nip, icreat binder- ance lo U« i.rour. •- lur :•" it, uus, Ilm w«nl ol ■ |.ro|iur pla-a 'or our meetloua. Ily your II n- erality ibul i. anie bappll) no longer cx- \,\» I'ur.-.iLti it, und ibe aenerum help of in.ii.i- m our in) a'.d nH-thborliuod, are now pt>.ioai a mmtn dluu« hfl • f our own, whieb wc ure iii.i I.I anv, IIUK gnaily Inciested, nn,l j II riall) IINI.-.-W. .1.. .Hi ...Lliiinlrectly. tl„i , »iM-iei)'< ...e-iil..— oi ia rancowork. A,

nut with I liu Silver Medal sdi' wnb tins brief U(1IIM->S, on which i-, engraved the .1 of your memherahlp, and for wlmt it Is presi'ined; and we spenk ihe ictiilmciini of our hearts wlnn we say, that Ibla tanirb.le cxpr.-saion of our feelintrs BtTordi us much pleasure, nnd hope n will lie accepiahle to you. We hope also Hint your, lute t

in tbe temperi iciuiy ami a« Individual*, tu

K-reater effort In ilm Rood work. Believingaa we do, linn un active total abstinence society In needed for Ihe real advancement ol temper- am-e sentiment and iimcti.-e fti any locality,— that which will ever determine bow tar any letttalativc enactmeut in tenable In it* inteitritv for llie BUpprosnion of tlie "Drink Traffic," eillier in a district or a country,

Trnatlnic tlim t>y ihe Divine hlesnInK on the continued and peraevennif exertion* ol alt tem- perance refurmer-., Ihat a lin«hter day ihnn ■ny wa have yet won, will dawn ere. lonjr on the temperance moiemeut in our land, and free it irom the Inxnarina aud blighting Influeu- cei of ihe III'I.X i.iiili.v' .■■! |i.

Wa arc, ll^tr Sir, jccrdy,

a.fiiLi.1!* PreBlrlenr. n. Biki Cit. BXDRB, \ IrC ■rehi.lcrrt. A McKoa^B-f, It* I'd Set-. \\ I.LIAU Kv tt JA

It.LIAM M -4i.» Smri

bOLKToa, fre -urer

.1- UK* UlNI .1 MCKKHZIB, Ji IN t.'Atlll 1) VIDSMITI 0 ouut Sir. EH.

em* ■ UanMotill one, week em! In rAuf.aiHb N. Ch apbt, OhlMi u.Illi. ; K. A. Iroavenor, ai.1h.oi.le; Chaa R. Hill, Ka*t KilllDgly, .; Ula ■ Uraea lb.; A Q. 1'liim-


Reg* In nirurm Ibe Inlmhltant- of Andover uml

■ .11 i.-i.-i-.1..., ilialrlel Ihnt hi- Ii..- opened the


New and Well Selected Stock



I have all the Kail Styles of Hats and Ribbon-., pollars nntl Luce Goods.

»#-Special ordern fur BF.AL /. fC/.'can be had

In a day's notice. lliepl


TOWN NOTICE. Tlie utidcrtigDed will be ID ..,-.,i„n al their

l: , i..r lui-iii. -., un IHINDAY AKTKKNOUN neat, September4111,


"WT A. O O N 8.

WILLIAM POOR, Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm unil HuHJncaa Wagons.

»<-lt.-;.;iiriiif{ In all it* branches; and all work warranted »■ i.-|.n-. ninl.

Auduv.-r. March 'it, 1871. tf

THE STALLION ID .A. IT LANE, Will isrva a limited number of KOO'1 Harei, dor-


Elm House Stable, Andover, Ms. Tti.« beauillul ynuiin animal la 6 years old Jama

-. Ia;i, la ol a .In liUik color, Id 14 handi h1«h- ■relghl 107-1 IL". He waa brought from Maine b]> Ur Daniel Laoe, ot Tewkabary, Maaa,

Dan Lane wai aired by the fiimnui BtallJon .eD.Htierldiu, ralaed aud owned by Doct. Bar-

I. i;-li, ol Dexter. Value, tun. Hheri.i.n wa, -Irird by Ihe well known Itrottlaj Htalllon II [rain )rew. The dim i.f ti.u. Snerldan w»i Kate, a nan- of j-reat enduram e, well known in Unlit- he wil out of the K.rr.r Mare, ahewaillred

by -"rate, a lluu lb. Btalilou, Imporled from

Pi tla; , . Dual ■KnOd,...u«Mer. l'll.-«1er, ]•- . Ml- M.

K. Iloire, W. S llnjie, !,)i.o; Mr. Utilllii, Con- -wrd.V.ll.- r. A. Itodaea, Lynn - J. A > era and ramlly, Hedfordi S. W. Hale, K.-ene, N. 11 : C. B. Eahabnaa, I-.wa; fi II. Dana, Andover; N. H. t>a na.r.inlun.l. Me.; O. M Howe, (lifnr.l j U. W rorarlbat'X«-»tMirsh,K. Y.i Krai.k W.ltwblBian, Port Intnl. Me.; C N. Kinder*. Haverhill. N. It - Ur. and Mr.. J. II. Nlebola. Huverlilll; John C. Hiir.J, New V..rk ; 8. W. Hal... wife, tan Bed .l*ii*h- l«f, RMIM-, H. H.; HlaaKtMaaB. Ta>l<>r. W..ic.- (er; Mlaa Kiln Weld, WtnehrMer; Hardln« Wcioda,

, Cunn.; L. II. WliihiiK and

Ami... -, Sept. 1, IWt,

of Andover.


LOST- Between BOItee and AndoTer, two TICKRT8

til l-awreui-e, Ki.n., l^-u.-.l by the Pennnylvania It r'ortu U-2U. Numbera 7 aud M. On. IK'kkT in Chlrauo, of name lame Korm 18 Number "MUt. Alao, three IICKhTr) Ii.--- ten tu New Vork, In eonnictlon with ibini.— I'llene llek'ta lu.vliiw b. en Ktui.pcd over llie llnea

i - i- ■ .1. v. Ill I.. .-■ uouae to any one but the ..wn- r. Ihe Under will be lltum Iy rewarded by ■cmlliiu fieiii in K. II. MM IIV, Kitehiiurfc-, Miu,

Andvvar, AU^'. ;'i, 1871. ;n-

wife, Mai Vt.

ihu I'unchanl School oonnnoDoed on

edneidaj with sixty-three soholars.

The following IIILVC been ailmUletl to the

junior clnss:—Frank Orlando Abbott,

Albert Aaa Abbott, Laura Abbott Ames,

Jennie Elizabeth Bancroft, Flora Belle

Urjuiit, Harriet Eliza Curler, John

Clark, Jr., Sn-iio Lavinia Furnlmm,

Sarah Francis Holmes. CbarloC Hurry

■Tonkiaa, Kallti I'lummer Jenkins, Mar-

garct Iones Mltldleton, George Daniel

Millett, Xellio Elizabeth Morrison, Em-

ma Hannah l\t 1 mer,Lizzie Abbott Pasho,

Henry Ferdlnauil Pearson, William

George Poor, Edward Stanley Hiohanis,

Hannah Matilda Rollings, Sarah Eliza

Thomson, James Albert Toivlo, Mary

Lizzie t'jiton, ILtftic Caroline Wheeler.

The now High School building is «r

nearly the same dimensions as the 0110

burned, but some alterations and im-

provements have been made in the inte-

rior arrangements, In tho first story

are two recitation rooms with double

desks, anil the school room with eighty

siiif-le desks. Tho lurnlturo of the rooms

is of oak, :iu 1 ample blackboards are

provided; iu the second story is the

spacious hall with a platform at the

north end ; io the basement are the play-

rooms, laboratory and furnaces; all tho

appointments in and about the building

ure in.i-L' in excellent taste-and nine dis-

crimination. Tlie best of materials wero

used In the erection of tho building, and

thu work lias been done in the most sub-

stantial and approved manner. The

wood work was done by Messrs. Abbott

"t Jenkins, the brick work by Messrs.

Gilo k Allen, and the stone work by

Messrs. Farnham &. Callahan.


A new branch of IHHUCM IS a'loiit to Miirt here; ibe ilrm will he known as tbo Datl-ml Vato Sione Ware Matin'Bciurln-t Company, the old pottery within ihu file, -.bop yard, i- i.eli.» Bftnd up, and will bo occupied by ihl« company IU iuo MJ*U»)|M»*« of eartburn and "tone ware of all tleaeiiptloni. Tho company Hatter tbemaelvea that they will he able to put 'uto tho market a better clans of mono ware -'i HI Is now to be found, and at price" an low -tioihcr manufacturers. Amnnir iho various irilclea mentiniied in their circular, ure water keje, jugs, pitchers, churns, batter pom, butier boxes, preserve, cake, pn idiiiii and bean po:s, "eer hottlos, fcc, &P. .Mr. W. P. Van Kleeck ot Charleston is tlio sitiurintendent ol thin cs-

Mi'n in-.- -ii'1 ■■!■.-:■ ..-.I putting Ibo Qle works In repair! the hell rinL'S every day, a'ler H si- lence ot about two jear*. IO call tho help, and ibu sound Is I.III nu unwelcome ODB.

We learn from ihe new cltv of llo. ivlllo thut ihinus are proureihln-- there; lota aro aellln-| Jritly, ami men are enKaited clearing »ivay the wood, ami laying out s-omeol tbo m«ln aineis. It la expected thai pirtioi will soon hen In to hulld i tho bull will then be kept rolling, and wc shull huve a baay towmhip lor our nearest nafghbora,

Our constablca hail rtuitc a llvelr sklrinhli on Wednesday, with Ihrte inunK men who have recently come here to work. Their per- arabnlatloni "under ilm beantlfal moonllgbt," ihe night before, dulled iheeiliis of their ap- petite for attending, na n«oaJ, to their dally nv- i.cations, so ihat when the morning hell rdii^r, their place ol business did not find them ot band. Affairs inigbl have gone on as smooth- ly at wl-h any oilier hcer frolic, hail It not been that "llonnaii" made the discovery lhat scvet- al articles of gentlemen's wcnrlnt- npparel dls- •tppeared aiiout the time Uiey were around. Two ol them denied ul] knowledge of the theft, hut No. 3's case was not so clear, lor he WAS

seen io stow away n coat, pair of pants and boots In n pile of wood, In which plaeo ihey were found by ihe constables. The three were luken before Justice Poor, No. 1 and - receiv- ing a discharge on their own ... .■ ■n..-.-,i..-. while l!io cvidenco against No, S proved sulll- cicnily strong for holding film over Tor trial. The u-iiml fine for beer ■-■■ 11■ n;r was. nnoiher re- sult of the interview with the Justice.

' i.|.i ■ ir-l.i[. Notice.

IIHVC Inn ■lid a-ty I Of !»

alelv oce by H. r. Heard I _ . ou i.-MX Stie.t, win-re thoy will oontlnu

the ■ ■ . iv and Ury Uoods bualoesa. JOHN L.DUITII, ALBKKT H. MANNINU, ISAAC 6. CAKKtmi.

Andover, Aug. 17,1671.

NOTICE. Indebted to the late firm of II. r

requeated to make payl either of the Butiscrlbera, who arc the aurvlvini partners of the concern.

.mi!.-. I.. '.Ml I II. ALBJ-ftT S, MANNING.

Andover, Aug. IT, 1871. atagao

In Btt-rxkr-aptcy. lliitrict or Maaaachuaclts.

llie uiidi-r-ij-iii'il Im t"fn duly unpointed As slKiiee ol the t-alate of JONATHAN I*. UOWK, ol North Andover, in Kiild District, who has been a.tjuilgeil n bsnkruin nn his own petit'

Uto. II. I'OtHI Andover, AUK. l»Ult H>"l. au25

iff ft of Mnsinchntttt*. i I. S. ] To MICHAKI. CONNKI.l.V, of North Au

duver, In ihu county of Kasex, nnd lo any am all other persons claiming nay Interest In

About one-hall gallon of whiskey la one jug. Abuut one gallon of rum II one jug, About one gallon of gin In one jug,

which, by \ Iriueuf a w rraui issue J by tho l'ollci i -in i of the city of Luwrence, within and lor sail county, have bern sdzed at tbe dwelling hous. and place of common resort of said

Michael Connelly, Iu said North Andover, on the laili dny ol Augost. In the your one thousand eight hundred and sevunty-one, the value of which llouors, with the vessela containing iheui, does not, In ihe oplnli of said Court, exceed twenty dollara.

You are hereby r. quired to appenr before la Police Court, to be holdcu at Lawrence, In au

of Essex, at f \--i o'clork, A. M.,on t mber, In the yr-

.iiniiy i .6111 dny .-iClil liui

ii--unr ■ :iii.I i In ' and t

I l<> til-

any you have, why said liquors, aud thi eoi.talning them, should not be lone!ted lor being kept lor sale by said Mlelmel Connelly In violation of ihe laws of this Commonwcaltti,

Witness, WILLIAM SIICLNS, Kmjulre, Jutlli of said 1'ollee Court, and the seal thcreol, at suiil Lawrence,this list Ii day of August.In the year o thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

C E. IlltlUOS, Clerk A true .-I--. -v i r. -.r. SIKLV1N UKAL,

■i...- ■ ■ Constable of the i '' .ill I.

and pla


TJ.e full a at ihu ordination of Ur. John II. ClirTord, Iho First Parl.h In North Andover, on Tbnraday, Align.i Slat, 18T1. Voluntary on tho organ; SB- them; Introductory r-rayer, Bav. H. Q, Boane, .Sa- lem ; reading of tho aenptarea, Rev. Winer (1. Gage, QlouceMer; hyrun; aerniun, ProleaaorC. C. Kvi-rott,Cnmhrl.lae; prair-r of ordinal Ion, Itev H. S. Hunting,, 111.; hymn of ordination; charge, Rev. C. T- CaniU-IJ, Eaal lloiion; rlglt hand Of felJowBl.lp.ltev. C. A.l!ayi|en, Fannlnglon, Me.; iddreas lo the aoelaty, Hev. C. C. Vlnal, Ken. nibuiik, Me.; closing hjmn; hem .lictlnn hy the

Wliilo all tho service- were interesting, we may not be thought Invidious In referring, Is an especial manner, io tho admirable oharga Id Iho Hoi-ieiy l.y Itev. Mr. Vlnal. Having re- cently closed a pasi orate of thirteen years wlih ibis people, there wan an nppropriatcnesa in as- signing to him tho part in il.o exercises which ho so lltilngly performed, His reference lo Itev. Snrr King and Itev Ur. Gannett, both now deceased, who participated In ihc services of his ordination, and to ilm many irlendtot Influence and wisdom who, in his early minis- try, encouraged him in his labor*, and have siuee [■-.■■! a wav, was touching und impres- sive Iho oxe-cll-nt i ,,ir. i i- sinning, led by Air S. A Ellis of Lawrence, added much to the iiili-rt-,1 of ihc, occasion. I lie pulpit was pro- iii-eU and i.w.< uliy deroraUd with heanilfol lloaen.

lilts parish was organized £365ear* ago, and during il.k piulrac.ed period has enjoyed the mlniMri of many eminent nnd excellent men. then iiuiinjniiti 111 thu sckflltin ol ihclr yoilth- itii pastor Inspired ronfldence ol his luture nsc-

0/ .Vatsncliii [U8-] To W1I.LI.IAS1 HUUUAllD.of North

Andover, In Ihe county of hsaex, and to an) ■nil all other pi-rsoos claiming any Interest li

About thirty gallons of ale In one alxty-galloi cask, which, hy virtue of a warrant Issued hy Ihr l'ollci 1 1 iu 1 of ihe city of Lawrence, within and for lair.

ity, have been aclzod at tbe dwelling hous. place of common resort of said

William Ituhbard. In said North Andover, on ihc IMh day of August In ihc lur oue thousand eight hundred am sivetily-oru-, llie value ol Which liquors, with tin vessels cuUtalxllig t hi ra, does Uot, Iu thu Oplnioi Of said Court, exceed I wen I y dollars.

You are h.ieby required to appear before said Police Court,to be holdto at Lawrence,In said oountyif (Cat-exeats' 1-ao'clock, A.M .oathc id' day'ol ■- i-i .■!..!.- 1. In tile )car one e J .... - - -. 1. 1 elgli hundred und seventy one, to unswer lo the con pluim against su it llnuors and the vessels coolalu log th. m, and for trial, and to ahow cause. If any >uu i.sin, why asld liquors, and the vessels eon talnlriR ilioni, .k.uld _,■ ti« fv.rri.,-J lor ocm* kept loraule bysaiil William Uubbard In violation

snl 1 ■mill. Witness, Wlil.lAJi BTaVsHS, Efqulre, Justlr

of said i'ollc* Cuurl, unil the seal lliereof. at sal Lawrence, Ihls indi duy of August, In the yea onu thousand light hundred und seventy-one.

c. K BK1Q0S, Clerk, Atruecniij-Aitrst, MELVIN HEA1,

^(ug:-r> Constable of the Commouwealih,

Com ino 11 teen//A of aTauMfetaatKa, [L.S.J ToOEOHGE MOKTON.ol North Ando

vir, In the county of K.ier, und to any und al oiher petnons claiming any Interest In

Annul fnrli ual1*na of ale In 1 wo barcels. which, hy virtue of a warrant li-sucd by tl.e l'ollci Court of the city ol Lawrence, wllhlu and f r sal cnui.Py, have been K, 1/1.1 ut Hie dwelling house un< place 01 common resort of said

(icorge Uurion, in said North Anduvi r,on the IMh day of Augurl 111 Ih.- year one thousand tight hundred ILUI, th- value 01 which liquors, with tin vessel- containing Hicm, does not. In tho oploloi ol ssl.l Cuu I rxieeil twenly dollars.

You are hereby r< quired m appear before said Colic.' Curt, to be imldi-n nt Lawrence, In said

- in --. -.i 1 ■- ■-. . 1 : ■ ..-. i.:,k. A M .ontheiat' nt Mepl.-iuber, lo tin-yinr one thuusand elgli

and ■ •nty-o , to ■ oluii.t agulusl suld liquors and ihe vessels conti lug 1 hem, and for trial, and Io show cause, If an) >..u have, why sulil llquora und ihe vessels coo mining tin in si Id not U- f..rleited for heing kep lor sub- by suiil Ueerga 11 or ton In violation of th

Witness, WH.IIAU ai Enquire, .lusllc uf said Police Court, and the seal llnrcoi' at sail Lawrence, Ihls ISUi i\»y of August, In Ihe yea one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

C. E. llKlliO.-s, Clerk. A Iruernpv—Altrit, MELVIN I1KAL,

-.'tig'-. Constable ol the Conimonwcalth.

ANDOVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Fall Term of Ihe Tublic Schools

will commence ns follow* :—

Abbott School, September Itb North Holt ■■ .September .'.th, Vale 11 .. Osgootl " ■•

HENRY IJOYNTON, Andover, Ang, lfl, 1871. 3tagl8 Secrelary.


Oall at


Barnard's BuiMIng, Alain St. And.,vi 1-, Aug. IK, 1S71. IB*

Furniture ft Picture Rooms, Opposite tho Memorial Hull,

- -.11

found a guod assorlment of lied - Sinks, W1r.l1 Stands, Tablra

. 1.1 leaf, Husk, Excelsior,aud Mtuireases. Alao, a general aasorlrnenl ol

TO LfcT. |ffl..rK';:l.'K^';;,,",!*!;.,ro,i «!#'£A",;':i'-'::;;:,:::" 1,';".,,vir it: l'i.l ig" "HI le I-I wlthrii! Ihr land. Tli"

Hi.- l„ 11.1. I.i.puri'ur LK'Ultik LUM'Ki;.


mUuie, r

Ihe itndi-rluklntr, we take j vi ..t you » small token uf ■ klndnc"*, by presenting

IV, wlihl-iiir by her-Id.' Ill BAM IIK It It V,

Norlh Alldovei.

I'lOTHHEH, Oval ami i-quarti I'lcl HVninea, Loosing masses. Curtains nud Cur- isiii Kixtur.-n, Cord and Tassela.

1 1.11 1 in- trimmed and hung, nnd general Job- bing done.

Picture BVamea made to order. JOSXI'II AR1IUTT.

Andover, Aug. II, IBT1, tl

House and Land IN ANDOVER.

The real estate or dames Mldgley, shunted on Main street, Is offered for sale. It consist* of a dwelling house, with II roiiros, painted Inside and out aud blinded, a good ham wlih retlar, nnd ■ i' ..nt --ii. 1 Ii of an acre of land connected

•*■- tiull.llnga are all In good t one. Upi

aia n never fa ling will nt excellent water eril li 1111 trees- Inquire Of

Andover, Aug. li-, isr (1EOKI1E FOSTER.

fif NEW MEAT MARKET idov.-r and vlclnliy that he has tuirii the sb ■Iy oi-eupled I.T Yalpey Hroihera, corner 1I11 and Central Sts.. where he will keep lor si ar eassoriment t.l Meiita «nd Vanta

reeolel.arie. II. 1MI0I.T.

■J. to. 1. trtr

FURNITURE. The subscriber continues tin

e.-l. 11. at to the lost OQIce. Cpholsterlna and .airing done In • superior, and 1'lciare jrnrs on tmud or made to order.—

REMOVAL. I he lubaorlberi bavr rt moved tbelr local bum.

,s lo Ibe .Miat UarLet fbriuerly occupied by Ohl 0. EMnt ua llalu 81., neat to thu TrJsrn louse Heals and vegetables constantly lurnlsh-

1 ut 1 he II arket or delivered al Ihe resldeuers ol uslornrrs within nasonablcdistance.

VALl'EY HH0TUER8. Andover,.Iune2, 11471. if

kru gland, TEH Ms, a-*:,.oi).

Ten Dollars to be paid at Klrat Service, Fifteen whan tbe mare proves wllb Foal. All

eacapes aud acoidi-nta at the risk of the owner.

• ar-l'AN LANK received the First Premium at Bangor, Malm-, In lIMW.lur best .1 year old, and trotted 1 mile In 3 minutes; he also received the

tbe Middlesex Agricultural Kx- ' tbe W ' blbltlou, at Lowell, in 1K70, lor 4 year oi

Andover, May Iti ISM. Il


,a. ulwayi on hurd a large aasortmeut of

r.i*!:i.«, rnalteta, Ko^-fs. "■!■»-•. *,...

W'I.II ht will I ralsh at the aLoru si u. tie «m the beat manner.

il*0,b*V|-M sever;! Corpse Prrservlrg Ctr. t, l.<- I- pr.] and to furufsh Ire and pruservr bod e« »liriide-ir>'d.

IOII STBIET.wlll ■oinplly allended t


Fit .—It costs Qfe boys of seventeen or olghtccn yeara of age, about fi.SO each, for bathing In the south canal In full vlnw of many females, nnd also riding horseback In the neighborhood, In circus costume, with only Iho tight* which nature gave tlieni, and which, though worn eighteen years, were allll In good repair. A Ur. Adam hid a set of the same, but he Is aald to have become ashamed, or afraid of violating the city ordinance, and lo bnvr afterwards run a llg leaftunlcorapron. The police considered the riding 1 by considerable.

Two girls of four Ken wer court aa vagranls; ihey wei faat lor their age.

d In toe - - barkr.l

held for .llie probate becoming much too


p drunk* paid fines,

[DAT.—Judge Btevens Is 1 lined *...■*" for gelling d waa drunk the day helot 1 nne.1

Augustus Couth rr was held under tbe general charge of Idle and disorderly, until In-ran be ci-

Bridget C'ullcn was charged wllb an assault upon ibe Ilennesseys, wbo live in the honse with her, and Hint waa continued.

Catherine Uanley was charged with stealing fur- niture from bar mother, nod Mffl waa continued,

A gang of Luis have been robbing the fruit trees or Sir. IIUKII luilerly.on Broadway, and when be remonstrated Ihey would Insult lilm, aa he Is too lame to capture Un-rii. AI last a policeman tried his luck, und out of lliem was caught. He will le handed over to the I'robale Court.

BATt-UDAY,—Seven drunk* were disposed of ul •'J and costs, amounting tu about *: MI each.

One parly was lined In Ibo sum of " -.<•> for mak- ing a dlslutbance.

A common relief was lei oil' for aboul $10. Richard F. Sullivan, John Taylor, Wm. Beanie,

Daniel Delatiy, llcnry Lowe, JobB Corliss, John Sullivan and John Morlany were arrested Banday morning for playing cards, and each Hoed lo the amount of $0.(10 each.

Patrick O'Btlen was Hoed (flO.Ou for* drunken assault upon his lather.

Mary McCarly, for stealing, was lined tJ.OOanil

Tti.ariAV.—Thomas Kecokan wai lined aw,nil Tor an assault upon aone-armod man named O'Uon- nell, who tends an elevator In one of Ibe mills,

Joseph i-.iii;.-, formerly a gardener In tbe employ of Ur. William Harbour, went to tho house In an intoxicated condition, and demanded ihat the lady should alve him a rucommendallon, 8be of course declined, and ho commenced Insulting Snd abusing ber. *--<

up for Ihrr ilniiiKard months.

Five druuks, $&.(-0 each,

Wl;i)N„S0AV.—James Martin was lim-.l ji and costs, or thirty days In ihe house of correction, for gelling drunk,

John Only, a lad of In years, wsa brought In drunk, and got clear for |l ard coat*. His reasons for being in ibla condition were being out of em- ployment, aud " 'round wllb the teller*,"

Edward Plynn's purse was drawn upon to the mount oral and roals,and Ihe fee of lla'or Brown,

who pleaded In his behalf—Intoxication. Jackson Howe, for being drunk and balling from

ihe hills of Vermont, was checked for thirty days at ibe II. C. It was bis second offence, ho being before ibo court but a day or two since In Ihe same sondlilon, and although bs expressed a desire to be hung, If caught the third time, he was sent up, Judge Wright stutlng thai banging was beyond his Jurisdiction.

Julius de I.aKoric, without provocation, commit- ted an assault upon Bamucl Daws. Officer Bean was called, and brought him d3wn. The judge sent him up for forty day*.

Tin-nun A v.—Business waa quite dull thla morn- ing, but two parties putting In an appearance.

One 1; ■ 1,-.- Uodwell found It an unhealthy oper- ation to try to defraud hla landlord of Ibe necessary feee to square hla bosh account, and a* be couldn't remain al the Lawrence Hotel under thla arrange- ment, he concluded to try Bberlff Ilerrick's llolcl- on-tbe-t*plcket,rorlhc term of 00days, by Iheadvlre of ihe Judge.

Henry Smith-heavy wet-Mdays.

THE H01.EOPAT113 were In council In lloston on Wednesday, and jravo ex- pression to their Indignation at the treat- ment or tbelr profession at the stale house; Ex-Mayor French of this city, was amon-r the speakers; these phyai- clanB are clearly In earnest, and deter- mined to have fair treatment. A large committee was appointed to wait upou Gov. Clallin, and political action was attongly Intimated; tbe press and the peo- ple are almost unanimously on that -itle of llie question, and medical caste, Uke other humbugs of the past, must give woy.

Tl« FIRST HEAVY ARTILLERY regi- ment ro-union, occurs at Stanley's Grove, Beverly, on Thursday of next wnek; there promi-ies to bo a large attendance of tho member*, ami a most enjoyable time iu tho miowal of old fiiendahipfl; many of tho members from our city are going.

TllllfEW ENUI.ANDKAIK, at Lowell, com- mencing next Tuesday, and continuing through the week, promises lo lie a great mceeaa; the Krouudi aro in splendid order, and are supplied ny au abundance of water from the aqueduct of the Lowell Locki and Canala Company- Passengers and stock can be landed from the Lowell i.iiinu,1 tars within fifty feet of the fair grounds. The trotting conrae la In excel- lent condition; the stand contains covered seats for two ihouaant* persons. There are several large oxhliiltlon canvass tents, also a nulldlng containing throe large balls for ihe exhibition of machinery, works of art, and miscellaneous articles.

There have already been 471 entries or cat- tle, H4 of hones, 65penaof sheep, M pens ol swine, and isj entries of rowls, The latter are to be exhibited In a tent specially provided for ihe purpose. Very large entries have also been made of agricultural Implements and oth- er articles, among the famons hone* which will be exhibited are young Horrill and Draco Prince. A balloon ascension will take place from the grounds, and there will be a grand re- gatta on Itio river during'the fair. Tbe gover- nors of Iho New Kiii-land Males and many other most d 1st I np tilled jerroos have been ta-

iled ai f-uem of tbe society. Tbe attractions, taken altogctt-er, uro ol a high order, and there Is no doubt that a vast crowd of j erson- wl 1 be In attends' re. The nearness and extra railroad facllltlei lo 1. ■ furnished, will render tho fair so acresslblo aa to ifford our people inch n opiioimn.-y as they seldom have, and Ihonian'.'s will go up. of Richard Robinson, will take plaeo Miiul.i) , „[ -j 12 1-. It,, ir m bis late res- idence near the Arlington Mills. It will be at- tended hy the 1'nlted Broibers Lodge of Odd Fellows, with tlie I ewrente Brass Band,


Tins da;*, I by I ny t.hhu

Ing. Hot.

c with i> thusc familiar with Hie climate of epldfmles, especially favorable fur iiio progress, of ronm dtseaaei, The lerrlble ravages which jellow

it prese .. the


WKSI.RV I'AHK. We.lnr.Jay Af.n 'Irst sounds mlllurj, aud I he sere

held ai Newmarket, < four mllBI east of bei sallty lu lwu. In til ■ Ol ClOtll 1111.1 Wind


K gf nes


nd carpel i


lit liH ipoei !i el Worcester, on Wednesday even in it, lien Bailer effectually it It need the in- sinuations nf snme iif tlie newspaper* of (lie Stall', that ha «i.> intending lo deaeri Hie H*> putilfcan pany, and oppose Its candidate, should he nut receive the nomination ; here arc one or two extract! Hum hi* aildress:

"Hut lei me not he mi-understood. I am iri-itetiil in my Utpubfieun li-llow-rftlxens for tlioii -I:; [in ! in thu hours ul trial through wl't.-h I hi; i-.j.uiry passed. I am [trnteftll to

Itmii party 'or their mpport of me in cn- Jeuv. :-!: the liberties oft coun

in probably the ttm .- f. nimy ahout .llrt and pestilence, in.- dar. Sometime*, troiuiih, li die* *• tew Words ol praise Would..'I be : luiili about :.- * . '. i ■..■■■ .■ we i

I lid II

and I find Ih.r have to lift on (lira, It.) Why a

K—(Mr* A.) Ittiao hard moving my hlne when I sweep. Mr.. B.) Von •i.nie raster*; I have *ome on mine,

great help, ill re. A.) Well, you nd all the lime you are movlrif It.

iavn'1 you seen thoae new ChaplD't, (WO (in one end at

tho Machine and one on the mher, ralae one end of the machine and the odd dialer drop™ ID place, IbeB you can roll II anywhere; those you apeak of are out of date. You will liud the new atyle Caatera for all ll'sl class Hewing Machine* at M. J. Una pin's, lieiii ral Hewlett Machine AtiN.-j.m E>ni




Hi it-,. a

■ t.« i; pi

■l:.llll. Ill,, II-,..

Perbapa l un wrong D Kilit kl*i"K crtdtl f.,r iII.- 11. - r f■ ■ r i r i n i ■ eof good WO k. li may II ■' woman- 1*b." Inc! tie your ear a moment, ml TOU iball hear what heso quolnll n marks ui for. A few '1*1 ■ "K". o n a detail for he aflernoo 'a work, waa written—■■ ■ uarterof a Hi condition of th.-streets, md the an cl paled ap roach of the cholera." Sow Mends, 1 want lo remark juat here, that a eonaetonea ■ tuna to be a moat mlaera. Lie paeare Inn In almost any trade especially In theprnf.'a. "'i <-f a .nill driver. 11 .ei ma lo me simply l.n liarolta to frighten ncrvu ua and timid people mi. nil aorta ..I uiliuciils, liy propheaylng evHawhlcl mi.y never Dome, and If they do, will rage all Hi. IWII, for h vlnfl I..-, si feverishly an- llcipaled. io I wrote 1 e urlloln f im my own standpoint inking r.ccaa un lo rema k Ihiit while til.-1 alih ■ red for thu advent of an epidemic, ll waa rxlremely foollah and Wicked fur new.paper. Id frighten lb* public Into cholera or any thing else I then aald a few wurda In commend ai Ion of the sanitary i.ondiilon of our at reel*, cihortlng of course lo conllnued vlgllanc; and whit do you think that " chief" did ? Hem me my proof with the good worda marked out, and on ihe margin waa written " womanish I'' " change at once." What did X do? Why, changed of courae, nccordlng to ordera—and never Hopped once lo bite my nails, or any >' pshaw I" I said II the chol- era ever rsfc-.-e In Itaeaa parla again. It would he on account of the gross negligence of the men who hevs charge of our streets, inc.. Ac. I That wu " manlah"I»upp-ne, and all right, for there waa no more fault found. When " he" tecs ihla, he'll Inugh.nnd run hla linger* ihrouuh fall lutlr, [n trick ofhU]and any " wotnnulih" ngfiin! I knew the couldn't keep it to herself."

I believe I am a good woman's right* woman: but It 1. no me, I cannot go nu far In till* doctrine oa many of II* capouaera, I believe In distinctive wo- manly and manly attributes. I don't believe with JL.n Anthony, that a womnn can do man'* wort— tint U lotay generally. That ahe can do Juat na good work, I believe from the lioltoin of my heart. If we no buck a Ultle, we lind tb*t girl* a* carrier* of bundle., mall bags, Si-., nro utler fbllnre*. Thla fact Ul" Anthony demonstrated to her great an- noyance nn.l dlacouragement; for she tried the ei- perlment,and moat f.iiLldully too, when »ho first atartcd the devolution tt 31 Turk Itow, Theae girls were not sironi; enough pliydcalty.-and hadn't the necessary "cheek" [that'a Iho word] lo innurc prompt niu-niion from nlerka, and men In authority.

Susan looked over her npuetucte* and acolded; toldtheni ili,:. i. .'.■■. -i ,;;. up'totlioto they were brought lu contact with; they muit not allow them aelvc* lo be put down, or made to Bland aaldo for others, which appeal* were Inrariably wet v. lib tear*, or Indignant proleatatluna thm they did the beat they could. Now one little girl who went to tills olllce, determined to do ■ boy 'a work because there was no opening tor her in her own aphcre; who carried Iho heavy mail bug*, and bundles of paper* almost a* big na she wa* herself, whom Su- san sorrowed over because she looked eo delicate, and whu wa* finally compelled to leave on account of Illness, ha* since fonud her place. It wasn't compstliig wllli boy*, carrying bundles, or running op and down Hftlra. l'urkor l'lUabury wa* tho first to dlicover her worth a* a proof-reader and a writer of short, aauetla articles, tilncu then she ha* steadily gali ol, and to-day oceuplc* a front place in Ihe rank of poetic literature. The same work ahe could Dot do; but better work she baa done, and will continue to do, Xow there arc aeverul women employed on our dully papers la reporter! and editorial writers, and many declare It %-rj easy to point out ihe article* rarnlehed by these women. Well, why nol V Wouldn't thing* he ex- cruciatingly lame If lb* qtaJllj of the brata was the same In both sixes? It seems ao In me. A idea, peihsps, but there It |»; nud you are welcome to it. Women, ns n rule, will n-M write contrary lo Ihelr conscience.. They will pay what they believe lo be trua, even If It spoils an nd rerllscment once In a while. I abonld like to nee a piper entirely owned, edited and comrollnl by women. Ohl ihe truth* thai would be told! the nalla that would be hit sou*rely on the head, and drtviii inl But tho good time la coming; within the last Iwo years wonderful progress ha* been made. Women walk Into our lecture rooms, the- atre*, boards of education, political caucuses and chnrches, lake llielr scats at Ihe general reporter's table, and co to work. lieechcrandCurtl*— I hare heard bolli confess themselves belter reported by women than men. "They catch the salleni points, and don't botch the Job,'' say* Uetcher; and tbl* la a just criticism. When I commenced I hnd no Idea that the few word* of my chief would II fiord me a text for n aermon. It ha* oullo put mo in the no- tion of giving you aomo idea of the women em- ployed on the dally and weekly area), I will be- gin next w«ek wllli the New York Her.ihl.

I have Just Balahed readies, [inte in ihe day, i know,| Cbnrle* Keade'a Terrible Temptation, Is- sued by Harper Bra'*. From wfaal the crlilcs had said, I expected lo be ahockud every tlmel tamed a leaf; but I wasn't, mid what In the world folkl have madoanch a noise iiier the volume for, I can not conceke. The plot Is dei-p, though not Intri- cate, and It Is no more so millions I than other works by the *mnii author. I unJintand It I* already being dramallreil. Thorniia Jefferson'* great griiiid-dnua- ter, Sarah N. lUndolph, hi* Just presented to lh< world the domestic life of this great man and states man, This Is n remarkably Interesting volume, and the delightful It has afforded me of Virgin- Ian lire, a* well a* iho character of the man, whorr I have alway* venerated, amply compenialc* for the time spent In Its perusal,

Antoinette Brown Blnckwell, [he "prenchen has just written a novel,-■'The Island Nelghbi It Is aald lobe weird and dtrldedly sensallonnl. Don't know anything about It myself, not having road it, but you know I believe women run wrllo books, ami write (hem well, loo.

Trnly yours, l:. K.


VACATION.—The eummer vacation, thai Indefi- nite, but over welccmu relief from the dulle* and labor* of tho more actlvn season* of the year, Is nosrly ended, Already the duaty atragglera from the mountains, Iho lakes, and tho seaside begin to make their appearance upon the streets, each eager lo convince hla henrer of iho superior utlractlongof hla favorite resort. " Picnics,''".clambakes," and other method* oT making the " huuted term''still more uncomfortable, will soon be among iho things that ware, and tho "solemn brood of care " will •till plod on with renewed enthusiasm, and In- creased devotion to their " beings and aim,"

llt.'Hisi.-s. All the manufacturing InH-rents of the town »ro In flourishing circumstance*. In the boot *nd shoe bu*luusi, ihu fall trade is In exce** of previous years), thu order* large, and the sales quick at reoumerat Ive prices. Tho carrlagu manu- factory of Otgoud Itroihvrs, Is doing an extonslve business. Large additions will soon bo made lo their establishment, in order to meet the Increased demand fur Ihelr production*,

NBW Di-n.DiNCH.-Mr. Isaac Pet ley hns a dwell ing bouse on Pond street, nearly ready for occupa-

.»!,] n i Ig'ibor. A h f.uiid. Ther nine, Cnaa A*l Due, llrudlii-ad Av

other* on Ihe other side of the mauling plane, Mr. .lu),li Uaigh has a bouse on 1'erklns Avenue.

One leaves Lawrence at half pn*t eight, luvesiliig capital m Ihe amount of «, and getilLg tlckeia to bring him here and lake him home. At .-few market - there la a change of ears, and those of the Concord jtnd Portsmouth road are taken. A ride of three or four miles bilng you to the nearest point to the camp ground, and there Is a variety of vehicles, in which for ten cents you can finish your Journey .or you can "frog" It Ifyou chouse This distance I* bul three fourth* of a mile, One might hunt for a long lime before a muro Invlilne. piece of country could be round. You are set down upon a smooth piece of ground, outside of a long, well built, hlgb picket fence. There la nn entrance wide enough for a leim or iwo lo paaa through. Through this, one passe* immediately Inlo Ihe place of meellog. The preachers'at and Is at Ihe foot of a gentle declivity, and accommodates sumo llfty person*. Wooden aeat* with backs, onou|h to hold some four or live thousand persona, cover the rising ground opposite the aland. Thla is a space of three or four acre*, and boib iho seals, ihe stand, and the tents and houses Immediately sur- rounding Ihe meeting place are sheltered by tho pines of ihe lovely grove. In fact every house and tent, In what I* for the lime being, a populous can- vass and wood town, are tqually well sheltered,

Letua walk around the circle. 1'irst upon the left, Is Ihe wooden collage of Bishop Bntor, where Brother Pitcher, of Iliivcrhlll street, I* located, then comes the Greenland, N". II., tent, decorated, with three large handsome wreaths, with boqueta of flowers inside the wreaths. It baa a wooden floor. The next Is that of Exeter, then Plshorvllle, then Concord. N*. II., [decorated with wreath* of evergreen,) F,a»t Salisbury, Sejbrook, Nurtb Su- lem and K;iplug. The end* of Ihe lent* are towards the circle, and they can accommodate all ihn way from firty to ono hundred and '(Ifly, according to their lire. Pufslng Iho Kpplng tent, we come to a row of neal,tasteful and cheaply built wooden oottagei, ond to the circle. One of these Is occu- pied by Col. Urodhead, and the nexl by sir, Hand. of Concord, who act* aa chief Of police. Ill* house has two bow windows, and is taalofully decorated with wreaths, haiketa of llowcra and other orna- ment*, Thero are two other collage* here,ono of which I* a monogram, auppoaed to bo tho owner's Inllials, Some of tho front* of the bouie* are en- tirely open to tho circle and the " mocllng." Blany of ihe house* In the place arc perfect bower* eud miracle* of neatness. Uauze form* tho front of many. There are several room* even In the small- est building*, lloitoflhe people luera lo desire opeonosa and sociability, and cxcluslvcncss ' utter- ly Ignored.

Pasting the cottage*, we come to the tents of South Newmarket, Chester, Londonderry, Ray- mond, Pleaiant street, Balcm, N. II., Kingston and Muthuen. The last named I* In tho rear of tho speaker's aland. The inscription upon It 1* " How goodlynro thy tents, oh Jacob." Salem,N. II., coma next, aud then Garden street, of Lawrence, a very large new tent with board side, Tho front Is very handromely dressed with wreaths mid a cross. Boneook,H. H.,coraes next with the In- scription "Oli how amiable aro thy tabernacles, Oh Lord of Hosts." Portsmouth, N. II., with a cror.* and wreaibs. Hnverhlll, Newmarket, Dover, I. represented, then comes Ilavcthlll Street of IJIW-

rence. A ilmplc croia ia Ihn ornament to Ibis. In front of the Ureal Pulls (Hlgb Ml reel) tent, fa a eery elegant boquet. Neat 1* Ht. Paul's, of Man- i-liesier. and linn conies ihe Rochester house and lent, tbo best appointed Upon Ihe ground. The mono oil lb'- lent Is,"' II,illness becomvth the houne <f the Lord forever." The Cheat ant Street, Noah in lent bring-, us oomplotelj around ihe clroto and

On tho ■ alluded to

Ualll i

he " quart-re" ol llampetoad, Manch.-.i.-r. burch] Bristol, Union Village., Great Palla.

(I, Hampton,, H.dmon Pull", Bandown, Chleeatar, Franklin, N, II., Amesbury, Salisbury nud some other*.

The weiilher was very line to-day, up lo liulf p».t eleven o'clock, when the worshippers were dilven to their tents by a smait shower. There wss anoth- er about half past one, n harder one at two, and a pouring rain for an hour or two, commencing at three or four. It was necessary to hold the meet- ings In Hie tenis most of the afternoon.

mi Aiiruv

« cratoful to them than I

I look tiptin iho Kepulill- j Miss I. S. Moont will reopen her Kindergarten ■:,t parly of progress. I I C1a»a, at the ABMORY of the Bonney Light

in ■ ,r;v e.- the party ; llatlery.on naverhlll Slreet, on TPF.8DAY, the uttitry lln'iiif.']- the jirrai ItKli or Hi plrmbrr, nt a quarter before SINK.

he llalh>n and thu glory ' Those itbo raiv desire lo send Children, can Moveti wnotrj, and I "i<itvlK Bwo I. ft. IIOOBIt

«, nut ID see the Rppn!

tlmt I wur which dlsriiiilei and the fn'iire of ■ di-iif,,..:i rlii liimi paity li j u-til, nii.1 ihmisuhj [am In lo-nlnlii. I speuk to sou now, fellow ReptlbH t-noa, as a Rt-pubik-ttn. They tell jou I desire to hreals up the R-puhllcan pnrty. By no tut mis. I desire to preserve the Republican party. I He-ire in keep it where it stands. I voted with the moil advanced Republican* In

Couftrnsa, and tbo man I voted «iili mtcner in ConitteBi mi) other man since he has been there, U yonr own tlepmaentalive. Look In the tilobe and see our vines ■■i,n,-i M- shte '■>

Ide there, upon nil the ^rint Rep u hi lean que*-

A.-mii, i!i.-, i, ; you that I desire to break up Ihe Repulilli'an party ; that I shall bolt from the R.-putilii-dii party; and the gentlemen ibnt tell yon I bat have a meeting down in Boston, and toe* call gentlemen by circulars, and li>

rlou* contrivance* known to politicians, and t Hit in there, titid they tell yon In that meet

in;' thitt ii I am nominated by ihe Etepnhhoan puny they sbull bolt, and then go round and

no me of bolting ! Didn't Charles O. Da- rn tlio Jewell meet in K down there, got up

by circulars, sent 10 the members ol thu L*J|[tl- turc,—didti'i he there suy that If I waa nom-

inated bo would bolli Well, let him. (Laugh- Whore we cm lose one vote by boltin g

we could get thousands to lake its place—thm ' thousands conlrl fill BO email a space; and

nt the very mnincn! when tbey aro crying out "Gen. Butler means lo boll," ihcy tell you ns as they can ipeak, that Ibey will bolt, Inn certain contingency.

Tho Democratic party in the North has no power except as an adjunct of the South, and there Is no hops for the country in that organ- ization.

Wo are on the evoof a great Presidential election, one in whfelrwe shall scitlo forever llio great questions for which our brothers and sons shed their blood. 1 can sec no man but President Grant with whom wc can go into the coming contest wiih any hope of sucee«j. I don't wnnt 10 sec the Republican party of Mas- sachusetts net inlo the position of a defunct or- gani/.itlon. Wu haveg;ot to set an example in this rcgatd to our In tho Southern State,!.

The Republican party bus bad a larger lease of lile than noy other except the old Whin party. (Jur only hope for the future lies in tbo success ol iliu Republican party. Dt T 1 SHALL

STAY is THAT 1'AiiTY, and when I go ottl, the party will go oat with rue."

The blame of tho Uto disaster at Kevero, seems to be definitely fixed upon the engineer of the express train. Whatever may have been bis orders, lie had no right to commit mtmter by rushing his train at the rate of for- ty miles an hour around « curve, knowing another train to be ahead. The conductor ol the accommodation train swears before the cor- oner that ho had the right of tray, and that the regulations state dliUMtl* that the trains behind must look out for those ahead. He says that he did everything poiblbla to avert disaster. The evidences show that his train has stand on time but once or twice in ten days, which was no (null of llic conductor; there lias been it largo indignation meeting at Swampicott, at which Wendell Phillips made a very bluer speech, and demanded thu engineer ol Iho cxpreis train should be rto-

prboned or hiinxi Ibe Sew York papers ttyle the ufTalr "The Massachusetts murder."'


lirilddl which ii

tlon. Mr. tleorgo Klmhall and Htepben ()s|ood hav

Deal and substantial residences In process of creel Ion ou Washington Square.

W. H.ii. ii... I.... .'i h lion 10 llio froot of hn the olfiee of tho Collector ami Treasurer of the town, slid the Georgetown Savings Itituk.

Tho second story Is occupied by Mr. Read, pna- lographcr, who displays an ei tent Ive assort muni of stereoscopic view* of OeorfetOWO and vicinity.

SAUtor Ki;.M. KhTATe -The dwelling honse on UaverhUI slreet, formerly the residence ol Charles Hoynton, was recenlly sold at auction. Wm, L.H'good was the pnlchaser.

FIIIKMKK'-S Bngln* Co. proposes to nltend the iiiustirat Pnrismuiiili, on ihe iHh of September, Th* *'Washington Drum Corps," whoso nightly rabaaraalfl uie so famlllsr to the icsldents at the " C'ornrr," will areoinpany them to " cheer them on Urn way."

" Cblilskl" fxhil'ilnl aflhe lowp hall on Monday evening, the '.is.h Inat. Parformaneei upon iho alack wire. ventrlhn]ulstn, I'uuch and Judy made up Ilia exhibition.

SCHOOL*.-Tbi full i i Ihe school* com-

The camp was visltod yesterday by a deluge such as never camp meeting experienced lie- fore, except, possibly In the days ol Noah. Af- ter a verv pleasant morning, Iho rain came suddenly at half past eleven, just after Ihe ser- mon at tho stand was finished and a prayer meeting was in progress, and'To yourtonts, <> Israel," was tbo order or the day. Thero was a uritnd stampede fur tho canvas and wood shelter. After n light shower at half past ono, and a heavy one at two, there was a slight Let- up for an hour or ■<>, whon the windows of heaven wero opened and down came the rain iu torrents, and this continued far Into the night, with but short Intervals of lighter rain. Tho oldest dwellers in camp meetings never saw anything like it. Pans were filled ihrccor four Inches deep, with rain only, in an hour, though tbo Instruments for measuring ruin would probably not have indicated anjlhing near that amount, The stoutest and heaviest of canvas was not a full protection. Many of the large tents wero abandoned, tho people tak- ing refuge lu the wooden buildings. The ladies of tbo llavcrhill Street Church wero fortunate- ly provided with a wooden bouse iu tho rear of the housa, into which they could retreat. The gentlemen took refuge in the cottage of Dlshop Baker, Br. Pitcher's tiuartcrs.

Tbo Garden Street tent stood it pretty well, but the water drove tbo people into a confined space. Methuen came out all right, no one getting wot. The beat house on tho ground, that of Rochester, waa worst off because it had no lloor. Tho water was quite deep all over the bottom of tho bouse, where tho floor should have been. In some or the tents tho water was six Inches deep in places. Tho wa- ter was rushing all over the ground In brooks, and almost rivers, and It was almost impossi- ble to pass from ono tent or house to another without wading in up to tho ankles. Very sharp lightning and heavy thnnder accom- panied tho rain, a portion of the time. No lit- tle consternation prevailed, and there was Inn - nine; about, and dragging bods and bed clothing in dry places, but at last all were safely bestowed, and calm prevailed. Tbl

ornlng broke, clear and line, and all bands, oven those who were so dismayed last night, are laughing and froheking orer the " grand damp."

Rev. N. M. Uailcy of East Salisbury, preached this morning upon the "hard facts ' of the Gospel, and censured those who construe ihe Gospel in a manner to make the punishment of sin too easy for tho Binner. Rev. Mr. Wilson of Lawrence, addressed about 300 children at ono o'clock, and Rev. Dr. Harrows or Uaver- hUI i'i. .I'll'- l the regular alternoon sermon upon "the power of ihe I'tiseon,"

Thu ruin caused a vast amount ol damage in Iblapartof ihe country. There are some live Of six ttlOUUnd poison* hero to-Jav- s.

10 l-'J A. M., by ihe pastor.

OWING to lhi> Camp lunlliii; at Itpplng, the lla- vcrhill M. h. church will be closed nest Sunday, S.pi.ul.

CnxrMKXCland Praia* tinning on the Common at \ hefor« all o'clock, llabDMh evening rjli.a-lng conducted by Iff. Elll«, wlln Instrumental music. Remember the time. \ before six.

An Interei-ling temperance meeting win held last Sabbath, In the Part at the west end ot

How TO K-riUn.iHH -permanent health when ha* been uiiib-rmlnid by dynpi-psla, torpidity i the liver, illurrtiuea, vi-rltaju, lowness of splrll loss ol sleep arid appetite, Is lo occasionally pa tuke of Atwood's fgdlnlneTonic Pilfers. They e:

lr*a|M American Oflior, I.sun-

GERMAN CLASS. Hav. J, II. I.I-K desire* lo form a class ol

Ladle* lor t'ic study Of German. Ihe number Is limbed to alx. Terms, twelve dollars for a course of twenty four l'ssons, to be completed In eight weeks. Application may be made at the Book- store or Uerara, WIIHUIHH a BlCK, where t. xr books inn he obtained. It'Sttatal






229 Essex Street.

Wanted. A SITUATION by»,oun£m»ii, 11M worked

six ,<?nra In a fMMfy ..ore. Would drive teem, or work .ten,tiling. Good referroce. Addreil

2111.1 C. T., AMEalCAK Offlre,


Selected «ldi care for Fmnlly use.

Extra large No. i for $2.BO per kit. Hucb a* sold for f i .50 last year. At

C. P. WIGGINS FISH MARKET, ' ii :lw.ii:l'.' ;CJ5 t i.mmon ttreel.

A PROFITABLE hTSIiVKSS. Intelligent,active men or women,young or old,

cm have ;>/fru«ii(. targtty paying employment by taking an Agency for any town In the V. a. for

The Long Looked Tor Mnatt*rpicce--The Cruirnlnr Work of hla Life.

Henry Ward Beecher's LIFE OF


Sure to outaell any flout ever publi$htd. Pro- ipectm Rook$ arc note ready, and territory Kill be niriiMiVif In reliable Afjratta on early apptica-

*-pl> to JT B. FUHit *V ; 11 BromDeld St., Bo*-

r l7Ucttatottt.,Chloaco.Ill, 4tn*l

LOST- In Liwrrnee or between there and Medium, a

ady's Gold ItKK A8T I'lN Inlaid with hair, and he name uf " Mul.LIR " cngrav. n on the back ol lie pla. Whoevi r finds the same, and will leave s at the Allv'HICAS OFFICK, Lawr nee, or nth atr.SIt.VHt, at the Horse Railroad Depot ii Muthuen, sball bv sullablj " " sitn-il. Il-ei

To Let. The BN4KX II nfM.; in Li

lass., has been tlmr.iujr.lily repaired, nd la now lo let. A rare ehai *~ it enterprising man. IbehouL

i...u> ...1 uuiiis \i rnomi mure, If deslreo,can be ■id'ii-.i lo Ihe house. The sltuallon Is the best in the cliy for ihe aeeommodailon ot lue iraTeUlng iiutiile. Apply uu the premise* to

II. P. LINN, I.awreice, Ana. IS, 1R71, Im' ajrlH

WINDOW SHADES. received 100 pair*. New Mvlea W

le to keep a* lar*e an assortment of ihn aa can be found iu Kssex County.


Ihci disc


AI KK, New and Old, of various kinds, for MOUM.'S Sufe Factory, :i b'udbury Street,

DteodlsgH class Hunk Work made to order.

Wi.i ' :,j.n Ci ..;,i u s ; ii.v, may bo speedily re- ■ uacltated and ihe Reuiral lienllb rnuterlally bene- fltted by piiiloklnt; of Sinolmidor'* Kxtract of Ku- chu. Ii prevents or counnrnot* kidney, bladder and ftlandular diseases, aud those arising from Im- prudenca and dlssljiatlon, fteneral proslrutlon of the nervous system and complaint* Ineldcnlal lolhc

^iriho. MAI.OY.-ln thla city, Aug. Hih, a aon lo Mr.

and lira. John I'. Uuloy. M11,1 -l-:i;. ■ in Ihl* city, Aug. U, a daughier lo Mr.

and Mr*. George L, Miller. Uri.Mi:.—In this city August 2uih,n (on lo Mr. It

Mi-. (..- :.- li.:- ... .

^(larriatjco. TAItLI'ON.-t.'AI.IK.-In this city, Aug. ilth, by

1I> v. I.. I,. Wood, Mr. Oliver ll.'larltonandUIss Laura S. Calif, both of lluvcrhili.

DI*NLA1'—Fri.LEIi.—Aug. 14, by It.w, L. L, Wood, Mi. Henry C. Ouiilap and Mis* Annlo Fuller, both ofLuwrencu,

IIOIIINSON-WALKl-:it,-In tbl* cily, Aug. 2Stb, by Itov. L. L. Wood, inn. II. Itublnson of Law- ranee, and Lucy M. Walker of Union, M...

DICKFDltD- Puber, Mr.


nMoi li hi-


We lake ph terprisinn to. whose patent utti-.iicr wheels is

tire in


innoUDt inn ibat our en- Mr. ri. A. Arthdiald,

s for thu Mutiufaciuru of well known in this viclni-

J weeks.

licit. KsTATK.-Thc following iransfers of real eatate have been effected by i'cdrlck S; Closaon. al auction ami private Bate*;—Charles Vunghu's house and land on Oak slreet, lo James Murphy; iho widow Phelsn'* Iwo houses on Kim street, at aim lion, lo .lames Murphy, for |Hl»| the Allen prop- erty on Kim street, nt anetton, 10 Caihcrltio l.coby, for »li!i*l; the John P.Trull farm tu John Wilson; a house on Morton street, Io John I'. Trail] the Keuford cottage on Prospect 11)11, to Catherine Bailor, of St. George, Me ; al nuctlon.a lot of land on Concord street, to Jiiiura Ouland.for HI cents pur foot| ihe properl] or ll. K. Hoed, on Lowell street, lo Mr. Ame* of lisle k Ames; Woodbnry St Urlmas' store to Kord llroihers; a lot of land uu Harston street, balance ol tho llrcwater lot, to James ijnk-l. j ; at auction, a lot of land on Luke slreel, for 71 cenl« per foul; Intoflnnd on Orchard •treet to Charles Smith.

<M;i'|>Ti:i; -In ll.i-lon 1llKl,Unds, Ail*, ■-■■■i tleorgo K. Wnrcoiier, son of Ihe late Henri Worcester, of Audovur, aaud 'M yuara. llo waa lieutenant of Co. K, 8tus Itegl., M. \

during tho late war, and has since been engineer nglue No, II, In lloston. Ills funrrnl w*s largely

attended by meinbers of iho (1. A. It., of ihe lire de- partment, and by the Free Masons. JOHNSON.—Ia Andover, Aug. mh. Haggis ll..

dausbtcr uf Solon Johnson, 11 mna. PINOltEK.-AI flraflon, Mnas., 11th lnst.,Ch,.rl. s ft I'lugree, ul cotisuinptloii, 34 years. Ills remains were brought to Meihnen, his native

pUee, for lulciiuinl. COOLIDOE.—ID Oils city, Aug. 2Mh, li. ... ■-., Hen.

Jamln Cooiidgr, aged ei jrs.'.i nms, 11 dye. IlIl.ICV.-lu this city, Ana.SO, Uri.HoDora III-

ley,at >rs,4moa. HKtlW'N.—AUK. Salh, 1. Uubtth.diUKhlerofllei I.


At iho Carpet Mnnuinctory,

No. A North Pine siini, Lawrence.

All work Intrusted to us will bo promptly and





Now offer their entire stuck uf

Spring and Summer Goods Al l-rt'ntly K.dnt .d Prlrfat

Dress Gtvoda marked down from $1.00

lo .'.0c, from "fir to :t7 l-2<\ from JWc

to tfio.

asTWt are determined to MAKE A CI.KAN 8WBBP of all oar Summer Oonds, preparatory fur the reception of Fall Oooda.

I'lraae remember that we are

Head-Quarters For ,11 kind, ol




A.. Shiiip.. iV t;«..

213 Essex Street, 213


249 EH.I-1 Street, - -

: CO.,


M."W. COPP8 & CO.,

rjuocessors to


Are now prepared to show the Most Elegant

Stock of DRY QOODS •*** offered In this

city, and at the Jfosf 1'cpular Prioe*.

Oar DreSS Goods Departmont *imids unrlxalled, and we Inrlte etpetlal attention to

our new and beantlful display of SUITINGS

for the season,

Our silk Department U filled with RICH

ooodi, including the new Sedan aed Brus-

sels; also, Japanese In plain, stripes,

checks, and figured, and Black SI Iks f" crcry

grade and qnallty, and at friers that defy


CASHMERE SHAWLS, a New Btook throughout,

Woolen Shawls m < a be found In any market,

rry color and style

Wilt are Importer? Agtntt for theeateof the

JOSEPH KID CLOVE '" M* part of the state, thereby enabling na to offer thero at P47

cent* per pair. Every one buy* them,

Our Black Kid I* the BK8T In the market,

and always glrcs satisfaction,

Just received two cases more of those Lowell

Hosiery,ud W|U hr "°Id ll 1018 <",nt* * pair-

COTTONS—A full tine from 3 4 to 10-4, in-

cluding many brands never heretofore kept in

this city.

arl.Alillia will please remember that every

Department of our store la filled with New and

PreSh Goods, and we CAM and WILL MAKE

IT FOR Til KIR INTERKST lo give a* a oall before making their purchases.

faithfully executed, ftflecis


advise all persons to glve"BEACH'S WASHING SOAP" a trial and then

deolde what soap Is the cheapest and best.





Comer Court and Hanover Sts.,

James Carter, SO yrt. lib, Maty BtU.deughll

.d Surah J.Itrn CARTBK.—Aug. lDifa QAUDACKK.—Aug.

William and Barak I HVIM.l.lVA.W- In Ihl* clly, An*. Mlh, Kl'c

O'aulliVan, BgedX0)ra, lil'HS -In Uethuen, Aug.Mtb, John lluss, d> yr QltKRNl.BAr.~ln Andover, Aug. Silt, OeW|

formed a stock company hy disposing of a portion ol l.i. interest In tho marhlnp. Tho OmpanT was duly organised ihe ,11st tnsi ,and win bo designated ns the "Archibald Whet I Company," with a capital of SlIKl.OOn.

Hoard or officers is as follows : I'resldent, John ('. Ilimlley, Lawrence; Sucrclary and Treaa- ttrcr, Jacob Emerson, Jr., Ucthticn; Dlrcciorf, ,1, C- ilnadlcjr, Liwrcncn; 1„ Downing, Jr.,

Concord, N. II ; Janice Wright, Boaton, '"Im Gale, Lawience; Joseph How, Hcthnen E. A Archibsld, Superintendent. p ihe present Hie business will he ptose- cutcd at Mr. Arehlbald's old atnnd, but ihe r.»in].ii'r.' contemplate, at no dale,(reel- ing a new and com mod Inn n rstahll.-linitiii, probably In [,-iwrenco. Time forbids ns enter- ing mom exp'H'itlT into Iho pariienlsr', but with such nn array of names m we have n»e.n- lloned, antl Ihu immense amount of business capacity thereby rcprestnicd, success, ami prosperity cannot lull to nitcml loll enterprise from tho 11 ...1111111 .

a. yrs 'TIKX. In H.-..V. Ritna, Hire ul u,i»

, Colorado, AUB- ns II I'm

i. ll„le ,„d ,-,„


\tik/ Mlh, U.I.M, daunhter .if William & -i Kotb, lOmoa, IN.—Aug..Wit.,lib-hard Hobliison.Myr*,

KN.-Aug. With, Mr-. Amu tlralchen, i'H

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! '*


If yuur bluod 1* poor, If the countenance is pallid, If you feel weak and disinclined to exer- tion, try


I'lilbtit'-. Iran Tonic will do you Rood.

Is your appetite poor; You need


Are j.ui troubled *llh Indigestion i

Talbot'i Iron Tonic will help you.

TALBOT'S IltON TOM*' I" -, l:luj' l.irL'f ly *ll through .New I.DI-I .

ii. .id »tint reliable apothecaries say i—

rwburyport. Has*., July 1, IsM.

335 Essex street, Lawrence.

M A man VT. Cm-rs. Moava A. II* UU


G. D. ARMSTRONG & CO. Are opening a full line of

Cottons, Flannels, Prints, Woolen Cloths for Men's & Boys' wear,


Which we offer at VERY LOW TRICKS fore

1': inlH. fast colors and New Styles, for H cents per yard.

Heavy 40-inch Sheeting;, [J i-2o. Bleached Sheeting, 12 1-L'c.

Hamburg Edgings, Lace Edgings, A full line of Small Wares,

HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, All at the Lowest Marki t Prices.

We hare Jnat opened a new Invoice ol famou*

"Rising Sun" brand

Black Alpacas and flrillianiines,

oss riioiHAxn rouses

Cotton Batting, 20 CENTS.


S89 Essex St., Lawrence.

TAT-.T-. SEA. SO 1ST 1S7M.-

W. II.VL. mink..! :.!l W| Sr.l.ll ll URP.IH

OOOD. .1 eurh

LOW PRICES ■ will Insure their SPEEDY SAt.X.


Marked Down 25 mul 50 per tent.

KepubiK'iin State Convention. The Republican* of HattnehniettS nreluvllrd

ll.l , IT. «'(llti;K8TKH,r.i, HIT r.' II o'clock, of nnnilnailUR caudlilales olf.cis to be (tiled at th.i

to send deleitate* to beblal MMHAMI a' I WKIiNKrOiAY, Hepti A. II.,far the pur pot < lor the nirhms Hist.- Novitnbcr town «nd ejcfi ward of a clly is entitled tn one rk-lejjat'i and also one additional delegate for every two hundrrd voles, and for every frncilnn us i»r*i> as ODfl hundred, cast for General Oraat In such b.wn or wurd in IB*.

[ly order of tlie Itepnbllcao 8tat* Conimiltce. IJBOUOK II. I.OItlNO, Chairman,

OKD. 8. MKI;HILI., Beer*tary, llonturi,, IWIi

-Ifnsrs. Tall-nl 11, cmirtilerable .| . iiiiin nt lir.ii 11.u irom ■ hum- who li effects "ii ' I.. ■■'.■■ in will quirid, 1 deem It nn m.irt stioulil lie upprlsed ol lis ._.. this place.

Hrspectriilly jours, U, II.IIUIiOK. Apolb.

Ncwburyport, Hats., July 17 i.iioT lino's: i. —I llml ttist your Iron To

'- safl>lr


used It, of Its Kiind Justl.e ibal >ou

bus mil the

All FroHU of Ika < onpnny Divldt 4 to lit Policy lloldet-aj.


Mutual Fire Insurance Co., I.AWRErtCI, MA.-iS.,

No. 339 Etsei Street.

A.J.FRBNCH, Resident. A. W. 8TKABNS, J. A. TKEAT, Vice Presidents.

J, K. NOBWOOD, Sec'y and Trea*.

Iisiili-I Ssunders, Jr., Morris Knowles, Wlllism A. Id. ll. I), frank Rohlnaon, UIIHI.II> K, IHU, Moses I'erklns, J.M. i .in. l.i. .lames II. Kalon, .1 A.WUey.N.Andover, Oeo. rosier, Andover, 0, )-,. , Miiluin.

to open b»u.. ly 171b,1M71. nt ot $,t(l4,,ttoO of wbleh will be

nr If i.due, 1 Ihl lib, ll

■i truly -.1 y that It Is one ••! till tl. let I ever sold for restoring llic del.llli.l . m to Its n.itural tone.

Venn, truly. aa b. A. Hi'CONNKM., ApotBroary.


I all ever Iho country for One Hollar * i.lx bottles lor rive Dollars,

at tiny of the Lawrence Druggists fur it.

HOT 1IHOTH IKS, proprlt-tors,

Lawrence, MOM.

I, Wholesale

.in*. Allred J. French, Ueorge K. Oavls, A. W. Stearns, ■lame* A. Treat, H W. Wilder, Patrick Unrphy, Wllllnm R. Hpalrltnir, II. I'lumrper, 11. O. Clement, 1'atrlck Bweeney, Frederick Butlrr,

pl.-lined r.i be Insure.I. * Insun-d Ihe day weeommi

We Insure only Brat rlass property. We respectfully Invite all who have such kind

of property, to examine our rates aud our seour ii). Oar system of management will enable n* |0 Inaure at low rate*, ami will make It perfectly aalr for tilt-Insured. •: jjt,|

AGENTS WANTED. Wr trd.thlrty-flve m-!,;-

-slravellngAgem.'orO.. NEW W <L WILSON'S 8EWINU " iu .?i..r,u 1-rnHsyiTsii ■ nun e.asttri' l»hlo Horse, wajrou, and nuint Inrnltbed. Urn who remain with ua not lf» ilisu four month*, will liave traveling expenses West rrlunded. Ottod references required In all ossn. Address

Imfl ]a|« WII.I.I A VI St'HNKK k TO., No. llo Wood.-tlreel, Pittsburgh, Pa.



i ......Iny, i ml,,. A KaiurdHr Un niiigN. lltee.-J.H.ICOKGAS, ML'Kl. UOl.T, Janitor)

»9-We call 8PKCIAL ATTENTION to our


the BEST IN TUB CITY for the price.—Our

One Dollar Black Kid Glove

New Fall Goods AT TH1T



Second Door from Post Oflice.


SlltV. •■:■■.• - tO


T. A B. b*f to infnrm their euMomrr* and Ihe public generally, tnal they are now prepare) to ■bow a Una of Fa'l Goods which for YarMy. Quantity an<1 Quallit Is not surpassed In the ettj ; while our prloiawlll be fouuo lube the I....v. .. In the market.

Ljron*and trlab Poplins, 91.2Atott.7A pt-r yd., and Colored, Hlurk, (lull and halt* lustre,), 24 In. vtltlr.

Colored 8ilkn for Linlnfig Bnd DIVSJHM In

all eolor« nnil tturillllen.

Silk Velvets and Velvoteons. Kepp and Terry Velv. Is lor Hulllii««.

Plulds, All Wool Popllu.TblbuU.Berge Clothft in plaitls and stripes, and n full lino of Black Alpacas from 2fte. lo Iho bjfhent numbor mndc.

Flannels, Cotton Flannels, Blankets in 10.1, U-4, and also Crib

Blanket* at 91.79 a p^Ir. Cottons, Linen*, Towellnir*, Crashes, Dttperf,

Ticking*, llenims, and

General House Farniahiog floods

Boston Wholosala Frioea. Boat Print* at mc, pood and fusi color*,

A largo variety of Hamburg Tritnininga

and Inscrlions, cheap.

Saab Ribbons, Velvet llibbons, Laces,

Handkerchiels. Linings, Hosiery,

GloFoe, Corsets, Real and

Imitation l.rtcc Collara in endless varletj,. lllaik kids.sf.(Mi a imir.

e O O S H AW T_ s, for FALL wear, New and Doilrable iSlylei, will hr

*o1d at a Great stal gain.

Trade price fo.&n, trill bo sold for 94.0(1 and N<60.


NO. 230 ESSEX STBEET, Secontl door from Post Ofllcn.

T A VI u Ii A- 110 I. VON,

Si,,'fi■.-..] ■ |„


Ici on parla HVancais,

omt K <ir


No. 330 Casex Street, Lawrence

All persons doing business liable lo SPECIAL

TAX, and who have not already at piled, are

requested M call forthwith, and thereby save

tin-in.i Ui - earpensr and trouble,

Omca lloun, from 10 1-1 A. H. lo U 1-3 H., every day rteefil Saturday and Sunday.


I', f. Assistant Assessor, May Kid. ItTi, ■ |


Superintendent of Cemetery. RoHitlenr* 2li Morton Street,


Pnii<=>r>Hati!2riiifj:s. I ail st,i,.. Large stock.

..'.. I'.n lull y9». Hood' .hOWD .llllulil grunblui,. WHITFOHD 1 Hi, B

\ EW - I I ES




Dry Goods Store, S23 Essex St., Lawrenre.

DKFsSS GOODS. In ilils .Irpui.n.ut we shall make a special

.11.11 lo please Hie i-tiuili'K teaean. Our stork eomnrliea all grade* lu Itlaek Alpacas and Bril- IianUne*. all ahadr* In Coteied Alpaca*, Kmpreaa Cloths, Thibet*, Poplins, etc, etc. We are re- i-elvlt.s; eaeh week NhW MOVtl.TlEhl from Hew Vork and Boston.

[1 * ■ A apcclal bargain In Black Hllki at is'*..r»0 ymil.

BHAWL8. II... Uesl and Neatest assortment uf styles In

tVnoleu HOawla ever seen In Lawrenoe. All New and Uealrable Patterns. Prices VKK V LOW.

Also, a splendid assortnunt Caabmtre Shawl*.

BLANKETS. BOO pstrs Blanket s, boufbt before the rise on

this class of foods ; s-1II tig at l.LnN THAN TUK WUULKOAF.K PUICKto-day.


WOOLENS. Cloth* for Urn's and Boys' wear selllnc VKRY


PRINTS. Good Print* In Dark style*, for Iho Fall trade,

H eiMitM yard. Warranted mi colors and perfect goods. Also, larf e lot of Print Itemnant*.

COTTONS. IVlVo B.ill continue lo .ell Cottons fit

Old Trice.!



IB dosen Two-Button Klda In beautiful Fall ihades, *l :■;. a pair.

Good quality Kids 75 cents pair.

E. H. DREW & CO., No. ,123 Essex Street, Lawrence.

R E MO V A. Tt.

We have Removed to our New Store,

No. 143 Essex street,

(Four tloors below our old stand.)

And have just opened the

Largest Stock OF

Fancy Goods To Ire found In the city.



(i. H. SMITH'S,

No. 1-13 EBWI Street, Lawrence.

Formerly No. IM.

To Let, Store No. 145 Essex street,




Ill-h'll-, llHlnilxks, n t iiiiiliii.

Hiimikeri iiiel", etc.

We feel ourselves called on ncaln to CAUTIOK CIINrtUWHUa aaalnsl the Indiscriminate use ot Irl-li fabric* made up ii. Imitate our Jtoodstnlnld, trademark and ffeneral appearatvor, and lo warn ■in in thai l.r. Ir milt »sl.-;;n;ii-l Is to see that the nii'i hi i real of our Urin,

J. S, ItlCUAltDrlON, 80NB ft OWOKN,

li stamped on each article. Determined to confine ourselves, aa heretofore.

to the use of yarns spun Irom the choicest and

Inqnlraof Hail ;t i ( -,ii.. . - I , JSI1II.1


SI ORE SHADES Mad* to order, and put ap it sb-irt.-ti noilre,

The Kalem Mhade Hollar lias f.i-.-n adjusted lo BtoieHbadrs. It la Oillv eqmal to IheHrav.for one-lull the mooev, ft UlTMHi|. k RICK.

striiugi-st l'lax,by the ti.-tt inarhluery obtalDable: .iiilli.rin In welfht and elasticity—maoufaciured i.nd bleached under our own •uiierinlendence—the

fruarnnlrifti '"j our Stal


Belfast. Ireland, e Mo., 15,1171. -'im'' fJeS*



0.. lii SXF.LL-S lor lli.ui.

I. yo. wl.h for euid

SHIETING FLANNELS At bow Clteca, j..u ana Ui d it.-1 at

ISo. 818 JEs«ex .street.

Kew Styles for shawls; Curfftal psttern* Just reeelved. Call and examine

the quality and price*.

COTTONS OF ALL KINDS For -ul.- cli.-iiji.

40rWe call especial notice to our

Waterproof Cloakings

ID lllnak*, Brown*, and Fancy Colors.

WOOLENS for Men's & Boys' wear.

All kinds of Tailors1 Trimmings.

If you want a


For Ladles, (ients, or Children, you ean And a Uood Assortment at

S. F. 8NELL'S, 313 Essex street, Lawrence.

"And Yet He Is Not Happy.'


I. A. Whlteomli's Old Stand,

183 Essex St., (Second Store Above Jackson, >

CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hat", Caps,

Trunks VnJiaea, Hues Ac;, A-c,

to be foond In Lawrence,

No denier ean ritDattaKU. us, for none ean do business to better advantage. The crowded Mate of onr store shows that the public know this.— But the church Is not full, and all who rail will he promptly accommodated.

« Weil Wo« Always That Way."


" Wo may bo hapny yet."

Kids. Kids. Kids.

Meaara. J. (.REKNtVOOD A CO.

Would respectfully rail the attention of Ihe Ladles of I.awreni-e and vicinity to their

Very I-nrur Aaaorlmenl of

KID GLOVE8, In Blarh and Colors, ve different 'lualitles In each, with full line ol sties. In addition, also, nity doiea Oportaa, all Bhade* and Tints; thirty dosen WHITE, all numbers.

• • li.. |i ....ii.iam ly on Hi »t quality Tre- (ttweae. Large line ot Hisses', In oolora.adJptrd for ibis season, at AOc.nta per pair. Onr stork la aarum*.

Ladles -.■.i-i.iii.; to purchnse

HAMBURG EDGINGS, will And our suprrh line uniijusll.d In <|ualllr, variety, or price. All wldth*.-In

U H F. H H TR I MM 1 N U 8, we have the Real and Imitation Malta Late*, Prlstfta, tilmps, Itultons, eie,—Our »lock of


I* in ii r 11 eiilnri;i-il this season, and well worth Ihe I- , r of any l-aty drslrlnp; a in:A VTIFVL «OA'.V F.T or NOBBY RAT. Kverytbla* desir- able and cheap.—All tho*e looking for feneral

Dry and Fancy Goods, will find our rrltntivt line in keepInK rrlth the lime*, and at prices that will warrant an lmme> ili..le sale, defying say and all competition.

CTfrlve us a call at Ihe old Familiar Htand,

.1. OitFKNtTOOD * CO.,

No. 177, Cor. Essex & Jackson Sts.,


Warrens' Roofing. For nearly Aftetn yean I have been conversant

wltb the workings of "Wsrrens1 Itoollus; Mate- rial." During this period I have umd It upon many ooslly atrartures, erected for public and private usr.aroone; which may bo Included Hit Free City Hospital, and Cathedral llnllding, lu this city, and the Ht ate House, at Consord, N. II.

for Itcelrt yrart wltb Warrens'Routing 1*, thai roof* oovered In a proper manner wltb It are *a- perior to anything that I am oonveraant with, ex- cept copper. Yours trwly.

J. l'llKsTON, Arohltert.

1 have used " Warren*' Felt and Compoaltton Roolug" upon building* wbleh have cost fvom »:i,0Wto»l&ii,0O0. I consider it the Beat best to copper, and tar superior to tin.

;-i A I'll I .1. Hi:..'.l.i ! i., \:,i.,.. ,

The abuve Irsllo.onlals, from the leadlug Ar- chitects in Boston, Indicate tbe value In wl.lrh the above Hoofing is held In thai clly,

In no preceding ytur haa an taany rtaat I-LAHS

uwiiusm been eovered with It asdurlUKtbe last. It* superiority haa never been questioned where longest In n -. .

Tho publlr; aro cnuttonetl not to lie

misled by nnj otlier matorial, nimilar in

ap|)oaranoo, ant] roprosonlotl lo bo tho

samo as WABRKNB'.

•BT I'lu- nndenlgned is alone authorlied to uie Warrens' Rooflag In thla vieinlty, where, during tbepaat nine years, he haeeovereil many valuable building*,—In the aggregate, hundreds of thous- ands sqaarr feet of surface.

Prepared with ample means and faellltlrs for tbe ooillnurd prosecution of the business, and thankful to his friend* and tbe public forlavors In tbe past, he will here-after execute all work Intrusted to him with fidelity and dlepalcli.

<iEO. t-V. HORN,

Common Street, near tlie Depot, flmtl ImtiM Lawrenoe. Mass.

i:M AHI.iSHI l> IN.Ifl.

The Clieaonst anil Host I'lmn t.. liuy

Paper Hangings A NO




New Goods in Every Variety,

•misapls At tbe Vrrr Lowest I'rloe*.

Do you want to got Pull Weight not 12 or 14 oi. for a pound? Got BEACH S WASHING SOAP, It la a

superior snap, full weight. Crooera •All It.



oi !%D KHoT ion Hilt iii-ij*.. The to. -'I i'mirtiil Km. rniinai.irs i-.i-r known. Now I* tbe time to use them, and sleep ta r**oc.


A. W. STlAfiNi & CO

lr- re-'n*\ew ■■ *

■ l'

ooiec »dwi h muoh care •■..

■ ffer ihn. al I'try 'uie I rf«i


Rave opened a UN Hue or the REST Make an.l guality of Itlaek silks, which every lady, whu hss a yard or more to pn rub ate, should be sure to oall and see before partlog with her monr>.

\i'\. nud Handsome Carpels.

**rWc have received, dircet Irom the Uill> an. Agents, Choice and Vary Klrgrtat I'atl.rus a •Darpestss for thla Autumn sale*, wbleb we in willing to sell at a small advance.



e opening a large assortment of

All Wool mid Cotton A Wool Flamifls, Rlnnkrts,

and other rotatbrtable I'all lioodi at Low friers.

Tailoring Department.

Fine Goods and Stylish Work. A. H. STEARNS At CO.

are opening Fine (lerman, Freweb, Weil or Kng- land and American Cloths and Suitings, and have a competent Artist Tailor, one who la CAPABLE and ULisERVIMi ol a LIBERAL PATRON- AGE; and we would PARTlCULARI.r\w\\y tbe Young Hen, tbe Middle Aged Men, and Old Hen to examine onr in-;-/ and Priret. Work and Trimmings warranted to be of Ihe let. B*H, and a I'tiRFKCT FIT and sailsfaatiou guaranteed in all cases,


A. W. STEARNS & CO. have in sum a full line of all the li.-it ftlnkea ol Rleached and Brown COTTONS for Family or other use, In widths running from 17 to 00 Inches wide, and will be sold by tbe piece or yard al the lowest quotations,wholesale or retail.



Ltml-ri and r'nutunforsofriljlrs and Atrrutafer

HtiH.'ii.-(.'>. ruti.riis.

But (crick'- CKLBBKATSD J'ntlirn-.

HtitlrrlrliN 1'nttiirns.

Ilutl.rii k's CKLEBRATBD I'niieni..

MHriiiK.liiriii mill iiusrl.-il) Mepotl In advnnrr.

Autumn Fashions. gVLadles1 and Misses' Iiepartment lor Drr..

Making, Hulls and Oarroenit, h prepared to do all kinds uf rsntlly or oilier S.wlui: at popular Lov> Prim.


[Vr-TIIi: BEST AUENTS WANTED. Itrftineit lo hr Ihe Hlnn-iar* llihl, Commen-

tary lit tturrifn.

The Unnbrklgetl and Knlitrgctl Edition of

DR. WILLIAM SMITH'S Dictionary of the Bible.

The Original English Kdltlon repro ■■

H » «itli

ntanllold teatual error* i or octrd, and Imtiortant!". mi..I.- III..l.i th,. .'ii ol the two MOHT i iiMi'r-n M Kdltor* it. America, 1IOKA- TIO H. HACKKTT, I). 1)., and fc/HA A11 HOI, LL. I>.

In four volumes,Kvo. (:i.ith,*'.f,..Ki. Rhi-ei.,* «'. Half llororon. |:ii, Hall call, eatra, *M.

The work I* su,d bv subscription,and Agents are reminded thai this work IK naviian. OHI'E- TITIOal, and that it re<(ulrea no aruument to prove lls olalm when a pcraun bus made up bis mfu.l to get tbe in -1 book on the subject.

Moi-le purchasers can nliiajn the work !■/ spply- Ing direct to the publli.bera,

II 17 RD A lion; II TO \, lit Astor ri-ee, New York;

I'HK It IV Ell HI DK 1' It KSS, tllagll Cambridge, Mass,


BTaAMlH- f,„ the last FWH v..An*, has ..|.rn.rt

Rooms al

'201 Banei alrerl, l.uwrfiui',

where he will he glad lo i.t.-et his fri.-ndt and


CF*riirlioiiliir atlrnilon jini.l to IIOVS'


H.'iuiiriiiv nonlly tl.iiie.

*myl» »fil Fssea Htriil, Lawrence.


Sewing Machines ta nn-iiox 11.1*

1 ft 7 1 , Superior In Stylo and Finish

to suy murhlue j-et offered lolhe puhlle.

SIMPLE! DURABLE! PRACTICAL! and adapted to all kluds or woik.

SELF ADJUSTING NEEDLE and other Ni« l'r.\Tt UK*, wbleb make tl easily inaoafli .1 bv Ihe Ineaperlenetd operator.

TKIIMH I: u . A.-I ■■ i -i WAMTKII.

OFFICE, at TKM PLS PLACE, BOSTON, Mass. ISIeop^eoplaRP 11. ft. WILLIAMS, (Jen'lAK'l,


A J'iiiH't- for tbo People, ilovototl to l,n-- ormtnra, Oanera) Iniorniaiion, and tbo Great (Juostioti.T of tlio daj.

Our f HI.II li Lithograph, ID ■ II, or


Presented to each subscriber.

Tt mi-, unit AO "I'm- per iiiiiiinii.

Now Is the time to subsrrlbe.and secure the beginning- of the New Hiory, "Anna, or lha Step liiniKliii r,1' traoalated from ihe Orrmau bv Mr*. Louise Pollock, expressly lor ihe'Cbrrub.1* Tbe I'aperand I'leturr may be obtained of New* Deal- er*, and of most country I'rvgglsts and rlmjor bysrndlnu toeenu to the Publisher*,they will be lorwardid by return mall. Address

J. LATHAM a. CO., Editor* and Publisher*, *l lap'M Wi Washington street, llosion, Mae*.

Canvsasers wantrd In every town and connty.


Emerson's Stnxlng School. Corn).lint hy onr ul the most eminent teachers

lu Uie country, ainl arranged carefully for the ase of Hinging ;-■ In.i.l T.aehera. There I* In PAltT l*t —A (lo.iii Kl.r.NKMTAKr OOtttUK,

" tnd—A FIKK CoLi.gCTton of IICVLAH


" ^Ird—A XlHHKII 111 t.'HVHI'tl Tt'NKS AMI AsritLMs.

Send stamp for HpeeliiiPti Paget. Hend S7.SO p.r doien for tbe hook.

OLIVKK DITSON * CO., Boston. .:. If lillMi\ A in.. New Vork. 1 fa«4

BEACH HOUSES For Sale or to Bent.

Four Hi.user on Hnllibury Bfavtk, for tale, or

will be rented for any length of Unit. Contain

e.itnpl. I, eSMklrg and table .mini wllli each house.

Apply to i ir A it i.l h V. JACKMAN, Wood

Dealer, Mill Street, Uwrence, or KKANKLIN

UICUAHDSON, rJalisbury it. .. li. tlTagll

W. 0. Q. M'RINGEIt, M. D.


180 Essex St., (Sims' Blorlc,) ag-l LAWRKNCE.

I. X. Y. TJ. M. P. T. Consult your Interest, and buy the

Salem Shade Roller for 50 cts. Warranted to give entire satisfaction. Noeord; no tassels. A Steel M.r1ni; that win nut bretk or get oat of order. W.i 11 roll li k BICE.

Wo Acknowledge Mo Nnpetriora In tho Manufacture of

BX.A.lsr^ BOOKS- irl'i a*, instead of baling of peddlers, who

invariably ate pour stock. WIUTfOBD fc RICK,


tin iiuhik.and ttpectaUg tboie Intrreited in Ornamental Carpenter Work, are Invited lo examine t L.I* new invrution by which * gig aa* is made to travel through atallonar* boards or planks In any desired direction, cutting oat shapes at tbe pleasure of tbe operator.

It ran be seen at tlie Steam Haw Mill nt L. li bAHOKNT,

Miiy ntreet, Tower Mill,

Send lor Free Specimen I'HICCH I A'OrP READY.


FOUNTAIN op SACKED SONG. The leading Masidan* and Choir Director* em-

Kha.isally pronounce this tu IM the very MKUT rol- ■i-tiiiii ul Musi* ever published for tbe use uf

"hiil"., Hrh>..l. A t mnvtalInns. THE FOUNTAIN ON Hit RED SUM,

contain-. "Musical Notation," "nlnsjinu Department." " Vocal Call ore." " Oleee and Part -1'iifs," "Choice Collrotlon of Hymn Tune. Anthems Hentences and I limits," and " Conan-- KBiionai Tonaa."

Prloet tl SO. $13 so par doaoti Kpeoimen oupy sent, poat paid, un receipt ot

price. I'uMi -i-.-.i i.y r v

WHITE WMiril * I'EKBV BOSTOW. Mr.Leonard Marshall'searvIce*fbrConvention.

msy IK- secured by addreailug aa ahnve, or Itoosn 19, Trrmont Temple, i... .,,-.;,

U IH'M-niii* «r RICK. 1'ock.t Hook.. Hill Honks, letter ii„(,ks, la

every variety. W Kesax street. i

Jjptrial JJottcts. CoiiMtuiptiuii,

ns ciRK A<ru ITS rni;vE.%Tnr


The New ih-inln-tuitt *



AKBK8TS * rBKVKHTH CONTAGION. i.i-ii hi private dwellings, hotel*, reabumnte,

0ur ^piff-^Sox. -Alukli.y up

a have been more ul youug tula year

,k, i- r. 1,1 ii..- HI™ bv Ur. ii.-, H ,1. .iim.i.. ... II i, unfailing U« bliil.».i'li.> f ilr— ii.i -IUIII ii. Ii I« "ll a..iirliut, «-1I-.'-IIVIII. inn. Tin- iwawrt-d l'..i.i. ami Man.Iras.' Cilia ar* ll.i-lli.t ,.«.-!-.I,. „lltl H I... I. lu.kl..| ilj.- Itn.- ll,-,l TK-J-UIII.!- ..Illi-- • «., • .-'' ■■*i»nmptlim <irt*ui .■ hi itnurpila and ■ luncilirtially .11-alien-, I ln.i'. ..... ...>_ .,.,... •.„. i,r,.ii,inaliii^- "•ymMlblH

' - III- tiuTbllK- -I'- ll ..i i!»• I .uii. mi.ti'

Hi-. ii».,li,n

IOUI imioi.

, illinium

;*« prupenle. ol

.1 NITP1.V or l.i BLOUI).

w iMi'i.r, puhliu schools, hospitals, insane as) ill Ills, ill <|« II- s»rlc», Jails, prUuus, poor-bouses, on ships, stcuin boats, and In tenement lioum », markets, fur water ftulj trncatkiua closets, urinal*, sinks, wwrri, i ■ - -i>" ol*, stables.

,( ipriirir III nit ■ •intttyii-in mill pttlilrntiat du- IS . 1 -in. typhoid lever, u.[. lever, small

.,.„ .,,.!. ......1 pox, scarlet fever, measlm, diseases of iiiiliumi, cic. Prepared only by

'"mut'V.iVll nM, I'll.llhM A, CO., I7i. William Ht., H. » VIIDI ami t kslbto Hold by all druggists.

CL.A 4 4 K llil.i.Ki.K attd Hudson Hl«- In.ill ui. , al Claverace. N. Y. lor

I.Klh sexes, term opens September Ith. Hn, ALON/ ' FL.u K, A. M„ I'M -i.i. in.

"Cash advinvr* rich widow.

Very sail.— Thi tanliltHiHble ladies I ttian ever.

The Chicago Post goes "cnt'lmniicklo- nuuilu'' OB* better with '*.-|'ll'.t;tferrll><i»- t:i--;>-»i;i-;\ ,"

Fun, commentInK on the proverb, "Peace hath her victories," layi, l,Juit

The EUas Howe [Cabinet Making.

SeWillg Machine. 239 Essex Street, Lawrence, UP STAIK3.


S tall In lu< ■ tlifl

1 the reaper . .n..1 then

Book Agents, Bankers, Merchants! With Ninllh** Haw Interest auil Bualura* 'I'M til- ■ you caP, 111 a moment, reekun imnn-t on f i I.. I I". '■■", I rum . mi' day l.. rive yeara. at 6, fl. 7, R, 10 uuil la [■■ . trill, -..-in , lioat paid, for * I .'.--■■ Active AajcMta Maal'd. rUud fur sample. copy, with Agent'* circular of terms, etc.

K.B, SMITH fc CO., Publishers, Dell , Mirhlgni:

LEADERS. . -i.i.« ..■!..i your addree* IO

..I ni,.|..-llli- ..-!■ ■ - 111.-Ktrali- i.l- I

I., lm-.t-.-ii uuil itnipli-in tlu<.

rlHiialhalMpalrail ami JUt-a*«l In [li.-[..riiaV.| ^nDi.-rliiu.K |u. |..u

IILI'. Ml ewutlWI

LUnod liirltlir MI-I I.( ..iin-riiiii tuan.

BAND iiKuauif v


SO 111 Ikl IS Hi break ! ' . \« TKOI'BI.K t<> ■>■■! on !

Neat,(iinli'fI, SlylMi! ASK 101 I! SHOE lit ll.Cli 1'IIK IT !

|llT|/\T«S.lioli"l tiBvlu. .Iro.K »nd v.lli

W. K.slM(iM)H,34.'. Main HI.. Hwtlur.l,Co..

$8^ SKLT/KK.

A nolile Iowa W.JIII

all summer for her husbam ran nil with one of the lartn hamlri.

Women, a* telej(rspli operators, have proved a itreat aaccesa. Theyaend the eleetrle wpaik right through a lellow.

Cuttle Hilll browse pleasantly around Wtbub Avenue, am! ask terrilled chil- li re n If they will uke a horn. [Chic. Itep.

An exchange, wanting to compliment H "live stock Journal,*' aaya It la edited by a man whOae head l« lull of live atock.

What la the difference between one of lieorge Eliot'* noveln and a picnic? The nne'8 a "Mill on the flo-S," and the oth- er's a till on the moan.

A modem thinker saya ninny people will be Mtonlabed when they get b heaviii. to Unit the aitgela laying n< ■ehemea to be made archangels.

A remarkable baby ■ ^ald to hav been born in Nevada, weighing twelve pound.*, "even In the feel and live in the head. There was probably uo-body born.

"Vlll you duke si,Hiding?" said a fier- totaltcr to a friend, while atandlng

liAHNAlU) n to the rll iscn.H of LawKDM

11. 1 Tcndera bla aerviccB to Ibi

.i-.i-l vicluliy tur tha mauoli

GREATEST PERFECTION ! Furniture to Order Thr t'lpi-ric Ml.. I,ll. in i i-

.. Illl lllff.i. ,'11

e* or many yrari In all branrhn enabli'H blm toaaaureaatlnfactloi i.n of all urdtra Ipiruiled to blm

'OTCKI© isaiA<&ccD3am


1 I.I you want a luperlur Walnut Bookcaar, I- ' .i- — Wardrobi-. fldtbimrd, Hi'dutt-ad, llurrau,

i> Uob, i iDi.i Deak. Ofltce Table or houai> ufflce r'urnlturi' uf any kind, made of the beat

■i-k v.ul, tilt- brat 1 or i.ltiiii' 1- UMIII in i- uf any kltii .

of aeusoued atock with tilt- beat workmauablp



»H3 E«SFX ST., I.AWRK.trr:.

. ar n lave "I II I do.


ll-iii In aii.i- i.f lit fur

i'» Mm riai-t t■ nill11-in i n.iihlv Irani trlivilii-r Hi' 'lU.ill-ll'f l.ltllll.' 11'.' 111.'.I nili.e even i-f allill.l. I ul Smurr- mil il" tin■ I* I.I, ll.r- Uui.ilrako I'lll, . .; ilii'lhrrr uirilii ill'- n I.I.I ilin niii|>l,' limtnii n..t ■.'.'.■ ':'""'1'"1!1.':.. :',r,,i'

a |,ni|ilijliuli'rlc ai(iilii»i i-.'ii.iuii|'-

.il.- I.., nil ilriimrii-* a I'. lioviMVLS A CO., Agcnli, notion.'

Tli" KIliR of nilnrral SitrlMR*

II i'rum !■ very millri-r. ll.-- -,!.>■ -Ti-.i- h.i- br.-n «. led win llu-r artilU'lully mcdh-ali'd watera may n a- rtiual to tlio-i-wbl'-li hurnl ■parl.liiiK from tl •artM lo.-lf. Tltevcan; and tliiMtluir Apftlei wlii-u iiiiiluublt'iily pari- and ^i-iului, jirunn il Fart.

IlK CAIITIOUa. A' i KIT HONK OTIIKH. Hill.I) BY ft I.l. imi.U'il.ST.'i.

l .It.CIIAI'MANS UUOMCBA KYItl.'P rur If Hy.eutiTy, Dlarrhu'liea ami Hummer On riluliila of Cblldrcii. E'rlce Ww. UKII, Mdolt rro|.'r, Iirt-at r'altH, S. U. hold by alldruxdii

, let i • hike a

my AI'ANKNK l'M'l.l! WAItK. rdir or llu- dny. ItuiiNenold artiolt" mnd. [i.i-. Dnriihli- an-l i li.ap. I'alla, mills iinnn win, aloii lam, tic. Band for rlrcutur. is..* lli'.'.'s, M»nut'r«,:i.VJI,.arlSt„ N. V

3\ .ii

CO 1,11 VS rVRR pre

1 the ul Hlur

. Clraul by.llltl.N M.COl.nV, 1

H. HENDERSON'S Famity Liquor Cases.

•oh OIM ■ ■ r One Dotlk) of ■lil I'M h Hi .inly . I llollaltll (.In.

Olil ll> . U hl.Ufv- Ulil I' Mifrry Fine Old i',.a. | ill.I llun. IMMI fur.- » 1 the vi ry lle-t tjualuy. rill' i.

$30,000,000 Insurance Capital Ktprescnteil.

LIFE- A-Aun, of, A--I i.- $1S,12U,08U

JV-The ^tua'i r.iti-, are lower than any other Company,

State Mutual Life Assurance Co., Of Woiceater, Mais.

Chartered 1844. Accumulated Fund, #1 ,«W.Sn3.1» i ,..-., . paid, Dividend! paid, M1.1J73.M

Principles: CASH lu all tiiinlniiFi.—CA1IK In tin-a. lectlun ol

rlHka.-1'KUDKNCK In Inv.-llui; the uma.—ECONOMY la mail a^i-rn. ill.- ANN IAI. DIVIDENDS ol aurplua.—COHIEIBUTIOM

tad at. r Yuri

Agents 1 ■: WILL PAY AQKNla (:io I'Klt v. i ai

Read This! U.AHY Or

.. Addreai H, UAU.vtua


X. O "W ELL. bo new ami fa»t HI.-HUI.T

.ENTERPRISE Will make Two Trlpti to LOWKLL


Leaving the foot of Water Btroat

At H 1.2 A. il. and 4 P. IN. Leave myl Lowell at 10 A. M. ,V .1 1-4 P. M.

Fare. 10 cents.


New Advance Cook Stove-

Reasons 11/11/ it it the l»-l Stun in

l/„- H'orltt.

It has heavier (.'listings.

It has a bi'tter Flue. (No other like


It has a Letter Fire Box.

It han a larger Oven.

It will bake quicker.

It will work in a poorer llrnfl

It wilt hake with less fuel.

It will bake with an old fire BBTTKH

than any other store.

It has a new patent hot closet in front.

It has a perfect ash pit.

It is the only store that hat-a perfect

hot air draft.

For heating water for the bath room

it i3 unequalled.

»ao. HI: HILL



inrut, hoai .■Ilr |il. nniii \i..rk, apply

Addrt-aa tCU.,Ju

A Million Dollars.

TUP TJfilll7,or Yiiuiigan.l lllildl.. 1 Illl JDUUH. llrti to read junl now, la Thr SHtnft ffl.tft, ur .s',7/- IT, irn-iili.iji, The autliur, Ult. A. II. llAk I.H, bus ruturm-il from Kuro|ir lu .-xcell-iitln-nllh, iiuilUnciiliiili.-l liii-1't.'oiii.iilllui; 1'livalolanultli.- I'KAllllt)Y MKDIUftL INSTT- Ml IK,) liultlnirh.aL., llontoU Uiimi.

.tltinioeii 1 'InHUM a ! ! 1 '■■ great I ■. 1 Indian dellcaoy. l'uddlnga.blunc munjtL^t'tc.are to dullolaua when made train 1111.1,8 EAST INDIAN MANIOL'A.lhatlt It vri-lromed at every

111 u t<> lnvalidH. One package, niaki pui|iHnK', tor '<:, ceiita. hoM hy nil tirotrra- Vrepuredonly liy [In- HAN IOC A CUlll'AN V, V"7 Wii»lilu)(ioii mri'i't, Hew York. llniHagln

TVII« I he reply, \'. II. valk!

A liotuehfilder, In fllllnjr up his census filiedule, under the heading " Where horn." ileacrlbcd one of his children ai '•horn In the parlor," ami the other, "np tain." On one of the lute terribly hot days, a

little hoy of three years ami a half, who was i»'r°i>lrlni? very freely, ran in to his mother, laying: "O mama, I's lenl;liiK all over!"

A eynlcal man says the rea*on women are <a foml of writing letters, is that they rejoice In the opportunity of saying all they wlBli without the possibility Interruption.

Mrs. Petroleum Slioddy, riding past thohiiM of IhiniboMt, Iii the park, ex- elulmctl, with di^ii^: -How could they let that patent mullclno urn put 111" ■tattle In this public place!"

A ITartfordcr drank strychnine and water, very naturally ml.-taklni: ll lor Hartford whl-kev. A punch composed

pliiiie, whiskey and vinegar pro- longed hla earthly struggle,

i'fommodutc the. racing proclivi- ties ot East Klvcr steamers, a Now York paper suggests that they obvlatu the evil of lime losing at way stations by llrinir l',i -71'iij.v-i-. ashore with a mortar.

A supposed explosion at Savannah was only the collision of a brick wall with the head of a little negro. Tim youth was rendered quite faint, and the brick was ruined for building purpose-.

A wise old gentlemen, who knew ull about It, on retiring from business gave the following sage advice to Ills son and successor: "Common sense, my son, la valuable in all kinds of business—except love*niak1ng."

An old bachelor Bays that giving the ballot to women would not amount to anything practically, because they would keep denying that they were old enough 10 vole until lltey got too old to lake any Interest in polities.

Thorough—ilalrdicsser (to perspiring customer during the late hot weather) — "llalr cut, sir?" Stout party (falling Into the chair exhausted)— '* Ye — " Hairdresser — "Much uff, alrr" Stout Party (Phew!)—" Cut It to the bone! "

Uathcn.aad SfwaUo »i IhcsatBetlnie; multra brauil "I Ullllner'i ftddi of nny m.u-rlal.

We can u"i< (lie cb-ap (iliiied t'ottttii and d.i better work than any ol her machine with IbabeM Clark'notton. It in tr-in liable to get out of order than any other muehlmi It wear" lonittr, runa eaalcr, and inakeH lit* nulne than any oilier Family Machine. It httuU the tttt of rU'win* Machlnea for Family Wort ol all kind., Stitching ir- in Iln1.11 miinlln to beavlut beaver wltlioiit .-'..1 :i :;■■ of TcDilon, Needle, or I bread.

We aell thrac Macblneaon ISSTALLMRNTS, ; !■ -.; ■ if, 11 S put them In vat niunf/i on lrlnl,und

cjlvr you your choice of any lu thu market.

ajar'nunietlon girtH at Jlottte oratorontany lime either iu Lawn net', Andover, or Metbui-n.

All kinds of Sewing Machines bought, sold, exchanged, repaired, and to let.

RE TA I RED, de a* i;.niil aa nrwl

CALL OX BARNARD. Do you want a new

u \ 1 1 11 i:*.s OH i.or\.;i;, or your old one repaired!

CALL ON BAHNARD. CarSatlafactlon fruuranterd In all tasM, He

conOdently refers to all who have favored him with Ibelr patronage.


239 Kssex Street.

(Third storv- Old American Ofliec.)


Oast Iron Hubbsd Wheels, By bis Patent Press Process.

vole mi. whole (ii lag Machine l>u

ie to the SPW

Axle lor Tv


Mc LEAN ic Uuul'i;U Improved Elastic Lock Stitch


Sh,it.U.<l H- »•;,,., M.irhhtr in the W'nrhi.

"The McLoan & Hooper'*

Will Stitch, Hem Fell, Tuck, Quilt. Cord, Bind, Itaate, llralil. Embroider,

and (ialher

most pcrfrct manner. It um-H n ahottor nee thnn any other two-thread inncbine, am

nil sew from one to sixteen thick lies sen of Muslin without chnngo of

OK u.i. M*n

mill llnunliiK l'nrts WOfOaM,

or Kvsry DeHcrlptlon,


Wheeli not only claim, bat 1 modi ii] ■ ii.i to the ordlni

Wheel, and ar.- NOT yoKK HXIKSMIVK, no c iulereKti-d ahnuld rail to test the mutter himself. ap7


I'OI.ICIKS NO.N-KOKFKITABLK under aaaured a company.

thr law of Maliachunetts, giving to the am full i-uolvalcnt for every ilnllar paid totbeco

NO MTOCKIIOI.UKIts to make a prolll „„. ie bnalncai,a]l surplui and the entire aaaets Ol

the company belonirliiK to the 1'OLICY HOLD- ERS alone. The widows and orphans of the in sured are not required to take any part of tin

1 n -11 . when It become* a clafm, In the pre in .11 in notes of the dee.eaned.

The. Interest alone received on the Invested Funds of the Company, In the liint ten years, hai paid all the losses by Death during that pi-rluJ

'nt.ofall other expenses puny can show as ^ood 1


! t'j |mr : ataoniaeiB uu 11 orW, will aa»a time ami money by Balling at

5Mf Kssex Street, Lawrence,


SEWING MACHINE. ll does Hemming. Felling, Tucking, Cording,

Binding. Braiding. Fringing, FairutiUK, Kultlini and Htitching mi at the same limr, without any bastlug. JOUN WAKMUKTON.AKeut.

F.ach Machine Ii furnished with two bemmers, feller, braider, quiltrr, SBlf-aeajner, Oiler, Screw driver, bobbins, I dot. nuedlea, and printed dlreo- liatit'/ret.

Price (.'.'. no- with lock cover, »M.O0. Terms cash, or montlilv installments.

JOHN WAKl)UKION,t»oi.R AoaaT, OIBce at the Clothing Store of W. II. Bridgman, flleodlyjaia »SO K..I-I St.. Lawrtacai

rublod me beyowd a

>'gl. ttawof 1

hlrty 'nrtj lUi-CUilui-rci-n It OtiMT LKtCCu'lUlii


FIRE. Franklin, of Philadelphia, Ass Hoy ul. of England, " Hide and Leather, Boston, " Bay Btate, Worcester, " Kntorprno, Penn., " Fin , Now To Buffalo F M., New Weu'cnester, tiuoon, EtiKltitul, flocurity.N. Y.,


1 S3,087,4S2 8,372,778

42S.305 198,017 (111,054 use ,060 473,577 480.314

2,338,802 1,880,333

•s issued and losses promptly and honor isti'd at my OtTicc. I ii--i-i 1 ■ nil- n il to parties having :e lo effect lu larjje or small amounts, no a rull before renewing your potiol'

Hide and Leather Insurance Co. of Hoiton, Mass,

Capital, $.",(10,(1(10.00 Assets, ■11 fi


«M3 Essex Street, - - I.awr I*. O. Box 38.

SWTmlnoulal.oert thirty years „| Lowell Still 1, I.

He, T.Oiiiir-.K-1'enr .Vtr.— Mils 1) (but 1 lime l.'i'D ullllctedovi iili my body which in". Ii cm dWlbe. My sore 1, cure that it doat trouble a>> smurt ai a youn^ man, celebrated liiack Halve, remedial ever offered lo can have reference to this case tnrou

1>H.T.O.,IIKS- Hoir.Sir—We buvn used th ret of your wuiidi-rtul Kid Slrengtlniili-g 1'liurlay and Itlirumalic PLASTERS in our Inn.ily, which art* the best In the market, as they do not erack and dry up like all the ri-M, and sllrkniueh longer.

THOMAS HF,AN, 14(1 Valley street, Lawrence.

])K. T. UGDEN, t>otc proprietor for the U. 8. and Canadas,

No. '.Vi Allen Street, Lawrence, Mast).


II K A UT I) I S K A HE -t Krgnli

lug Iba llrpl.LI

before the iicoplr, I. II. nl.l.ll.ll'.N In i( K all that ll

Boots and Shoes.

Boston it ml ITIiitnc Railroad.

B U It M K li A It 11 A X G E H E N T. On und after Monday, July 10, 1871, Trains arjti

leavelhe Depots in Lawrence, as follows :— For Boston, (from North Derot) at HJtt, 7M,

B.36 A. M.,anU 12.16, S.M and 5.30 V, at. For Boston, (from Houih Depot) al fi.i!7, 7.^5

•0 40.0.42 A. M.,siid la. IN, -1^.43, U.\b, .I.4S, 5 Jit ■|. "i, ..I- and ".'.I" 1'. It.

For Portland, (fr<m South Depot) at B.a, J0J0 A. M., and 1.0&, 4, fl.os, 510,10 P. M.

For Hayerhlll, (from Soutli Depot) at 8:ii> and B.:io A. M..and 1.05, 4. fl.05, ru.ioand 7.DB P " and from North Depot at 7.10 P. M.

ThcH.35 A. at. and 1 ta and 4 P. M. trains . ncct at Dover with trains on U. A W. It. 11. for Itochi'ster,, and Alton Bay.

Trains leave Boston for Lawrence at 7, 7.10, B.40, 10.15, 11.30 A. M., 12.15, 3, 1,30,0 and « P. M.

* Kxpresw do not stop between Law- recce and Boston,

t Tuesdays, Thur utiiys und BatardajPI only, vKxpress Trains, and stop only al Haver hi 11,

Kxi-nr mid Dover. Wat. MKBRITT, Hnp't,

Lawrence, July 10,1071.

KEROSENE OIL LAMPS. I have received some New Putt ems of Kerosene

Oil Lamps, both In Ulaifs ;md Bronze. Alto,a line assortment of

Chaiult'liera, Pendants, Brackets, Lanterns,

.„„. NF.KHIKH TiirtKA n,

',-!:.n- ; on l.u.l.l.

III., IT., hair ... coming oil! n. Iia.lly lli.l .1 iv.ry dr....

In, I u.cil to (fit * lianJful. ivli.cli, nut wl.l.lng to

throw nw.y, 1 I.I.I by la . box. I litvt used two

ol b:i ml In






199 Essex street, jyll I.AWHKSCE.


bottles of your Hair Tea, and now 1 do cot get

enough to tie the ends of my braids, and have to

go lo the box for a few balr* for that purpose. I

think every lady ought toknow what a remarkable


Ur. KKNMHIV'H HAII; TBA.a complete Toilet

\iiiili- to beautify and Invigorate the llalr,li

at (1.00 per bottle.

Read the followliia;

Sewing Machine Sales for 1«70 The Singer Wnnu/'g Co. told 1X7,833 IfiirAinei

l he Wheeler a Wilson, " M.WH do. I Mac Inn

i:\i.u\ snivi: u imtiM I;I»

In every partieular,


E. R. & W. B. LAMB & CO., 1B5 fc 107 Baaea Street, Lawrence, Mas*.

within and for tha r Tuesday of ttuv. nilu

Hespectliill) litx U H. KMSI.KY. f I..1* she was lawful!) lulu. AH KMsLKY, itli.iM Inriii. i lv ot said I nw

ol (hi ,e rtupreme I ill Sill,'111,

Hie Hrst


dav of DecinbiT, tn t ■ ■■■I alaty-lhrre: and IHIH it ml Hie -,il,l I'llill

reMed vour ilbvlla It, ,Vl Ill

lime gruaaij BtRlected to |


Hew Ihrough til'


beat for str.-ngtli, ami It will

eatlre range ol rmnily "mil.

: ll.-,i fU.|li,anil

$-10.00, boiDg $20.00 IOBH

.evenly-on. CAHQLINK M K M ■ ,EY.

f ilaj MonaaeaflR of Vauaehi mil.

Supreme Jiidlclul ( no I's Of. tlee, A April ti

Upon the llbellant ■ >o nottee to said I'lii'm

■tlrsteil ™py of her Mil bereon, to b,. pnbJlaaaH

piitillciitK-ii lo be tifly l..l*tt, term of till Court, to be held at Sale for the en my of Kssex,OB the Hi it hi .day ul

nil, iliat he may tlii-n

t.rater of said libel should nil tie pr nii.l Attest, A. A. Alllli IT

The f.ireii oiuir H a true copy ol H I llbt- und ul

attain Attest, A. A. ABBOTT.Clerk.


t'uilila alwayaoa I....1.1 to lendoDiiOodaerurll).

DUNCAN ntioi), ■lilHKmi't Bt., U3mje J LAWItENCK.

In lliuik IIlite J.


of Ins of M.i-

i- is hereby glvenll ly appointed a«aii;

WILLIAM S. rem-e, In Hie con

Dli-trlil ul Mas- , ra. ,i l ■ ii, I, : i i.' ! hav i.-esi)llhee-iat.-of UILHOKK, ,yof ka.ea and stal

.Harris- Atyeuti


case were recently dlstiiiaalnn t lie bsuo. "At ull evetittt," salil tliu younger ami more i-ii'ini -I'l.-.M.', l,we tutve justice on our BlJe." To which thu older and wa- rier counsel replied: "Quite true; but what wc want id tlio chief justice on uur bide."

A \ t.iii■ :■ i.nly WUH eiitertuitilu^ some Iriends the other e?enltijr, when one Raid. "Mlas .your braid is ■■ ii ■• sjfT *• Slie clnpped ber hands tu her bend and found nothing unallpped. The gent Io- nian quietly pointed to the braid of her dress, about half a yard of which bad been lorn off and was lying on the floor. There was un audible auille.

A rural itent of eighteen summers In- vented in a banana on the ears the other day; lie carefully removed the peel and put it on the seat by hlx aide-, then be broke the fruit up in small bits, eyeing It anxiously as he did BO. When this was done he picked up the peel, and shook It In his lap, and finally threw the pieces out the window, remarking as be did so, " That's the fust of then prl/.e packages I ever bought, an' It's the lust, you bet."

Apropos of children's balls at Long Hraucli, the following correspondence Is made public: "Miss Minnie Smith's com- pliments to Miss Haggle Jones, and de- sires the pleasure of her company this evening. Refreshments at 11." The re- sponse was: "Miss Maggie. Jones's com- pliments to Miss Minnie Smith, with re- grets that prior engagements preclude lh" pleasure of acceptance, She is to be whipped tit 7, and sent to bod without her supper »t H "

There is auniclliiug very Biuualim in the idea ol what may be called the "llt- iiei-N ol thltiits" In regard io mutt'-taking, which occurred to an hmiest Highlander, n genuine lover of " Mircxliln." At the doyr .,t tin- village hotel he. observed, -hiii'liii/. a miignlllcimt tuan. in lull tn tiitm, rtnd noticed »Uh uiueli udminilioii the wide dim undo us ol his nostrils In a line tiirniil-up nose, lie accosted him. nnd. as his most com pi I men tar v act, of- fered him Ins mull for a pinch. The stranger drew up, und rather haughtily

Oh," said

Graver fc Baker, Weed, WUcox AUtbbl, Florunec, American Button Hole OnlU Ui Ul.

Klnklcfc [.urn, far ham, Wilson,

1,7* do. 600 do.

Bartletlleveralble, " 4W do. Uartraw fc Kaulom, " I:" do. Lamb Knitting, •■ 131 do. McKay Association, '• lit! do. C. I'. Thompson, " 10) do.

I'ri.m which It will be ai'in

Tlie Singer Co, sold 44,625 more Machines than any other company.

THE 8INGEE Machine mill to all that any machine can tto sne-

ers it fully. And Quicker and Easier, Ills easy I o learn to run and very easily kept In order. Altmachinet icarrnutftt anil hrjil inurtler. hitlrt "

s soldo ilpayni

that's nod at l«

:ety, lor thei

hi a email i ide- I'l.r-

l I ;J E S S E X S T It E E T

(.'. IC. A J. P. ['1U.SBUKY,

MACHINISTS, (SnOOfMOre to Webster I '■; ' ii: fc Co.)


Cotton & Woolon Machinery

MACHINK WOUK UKMEHALLY. rullr>s, ((earingand Shafting. Jacl Screw*, All Bull* on hand,or made tn order;

5So all kinds of i ..lull-., dune. Ufc.VKItAI. .mil WOBKaud Hill repairs done

promptly ami faithfully. | (or. Dealers In Uiinufaolurer*' Supplies, ,|.

Foster's Huildins;, Corner of Frank- hapf lin and Metliucn Streets

country tow | g) in un who Is ihe pastor of u small Hock ! who esteem him very highly, and whom | he is loud ol catechizing. A lew days

since, while taking a ramble-fttrough the village, he Stopped nt the house ol om- of his parishioners, und utter thu usual sal- utations bud been exchanged, the eon-

"Well, Mi: tell UK


"Very K-rluus Indeed/'replied the do<

I'll \s. A. UOI.DM.UITtlt n.

MK.TIHIKN, Mass, "^ °"

Becond Door Wuat of Stone Church. I the v.\\

Mrs. W- -, wlmsti husband's i. happens to lie Adam, replied:

"Well, well, yon have It, doctor. see, Adum went lo climb over the f the other night to go to Deacon M- for a buttle id whiskey, when an om

ok Ills lo.

Ill 1m Illl III

3!^, 3NT. KC O "W E , The only Authorized Agent lor l.itw-

rcnee mid inethiien.

OfTite at No. 18 AmcBbury Street, LAWBENCE,

Where may he found, also, a good assortment ol r 'i :■ r. .'.itinii! Room, Dlnlog i; ,

KITCHEN ^CHAMBER FURNITURE All of which will be sold as low as ■

MIL A. K. COBURH Is with me most happy to see bis old friends I Itemembtr the place. IN AMKHllUltY STREET,

A few doors from Bat ex St., Lawrence, Mass. UlfJcB tH. ti. HOWi..


Drain Pipe Co. W. A. KIM BALL A CO.

have been appointed Afetila for the above Com. pauy, and oner their Stone Ware at

Wholesale at Manufacturers* Prices. DKAIH I'll'K.the very best, as low as other ol

Inferior ijuatlty,

WRINGING MACHINES on arranged sny oue In a momenl can decide wind) iattio tn-«L All kinds of Machines repaired all lie Huntware Store of

IK. A. KWBAI.L J: CO., '217 Kssex Street, - - - Lawrence

W.A. KIH1IALL. ,.,;:! W. F. KIMhAI.L,


A Double Light of Ground Glass.


REVOLVING iiAck-i.iini Mi

tor "BKHL1H UK ADS" and "TtKHUKANDT" Llghtta*.

MIL initn

Ili.r, removed from Sims' Block to

r Ur. hiild. I'-llltii • )

C. C Fellows & Co. Sncc.or. to




D.ll.T. I.

Books, Stationery,


Chromos, EngravingB,




Ladies' Traveling Bags and Baskets

Albuiua, Mirrors, Chess Men, Writing

Desks, Knives, Razors, Portfolios,

Work Roxes, Pass Bookfl,

Pocket Books, and

Fancy Goods Generally.

Picture Frame MANirFACTORY.

Pictures Framed in any Style of


At short notice. Large assortment ot

Frames and Moldings ConstitDlty on hand.

Umbrellaa for sale, and Parasols and Umbrellas Kepalred at short notice.

Door Bells. Door Plates,

Woather Strips & Holdings

The Very lleat Church Wniie Iloofc JUST itUAIiV.

The Sacred Crown; rollection of New Hymn Tuoet, Antheiug, Sen-

tences, Motets and Chants, For Public and Private Wor-hlp,

tORether with a Complete and 1'racticul System or Klcmentary Instruction, written expressly fur this work) a large collection of four-part Songs, (jlei-s and Choruses for ainfjlnft Schools und Mu- sical Conventions, by

II. F. Ilodttea, the well known Author and Conductor; Associate Kdltor of the very successful work, "Jubilant Voices," and O. W. Foater, one ol onr most popular New KnKland Teachers.

Prloe 11.60; SU1.50 per dozen. The authors have apent two ycara iu writlna,

arranp/lnft and selecting for this work, which, la addition to their best efforts, tins a larger number, a greater variety, und a better selection of contri- butions than any previous Music Book of a similar character has produced. Wo have luree orders already for It. Orders will be answered In turn, and special terms msda to 'I'uachera and choris-

-- Specimen copies sent by mail, post paid, on ■-*•"- LEE * BUtfAltl),

I'lltllinlll r.i, lloslon.

For Purifying the Blood.

No Family can afford to ha without this valus- ablo remedy. It clears the Brain, relieves the burdened system, and makes one altogether


I'OClptOl' tl.< 4wH iag'-'S

md ' Irwl


-thing connected with the Kerosene liking the BKBT HEI.I'.CIION 10 1-

(uand lu the city,


J. U. HERRICK AND S. M. FRENCH iimliT the name and style of J. Y. KRKNCU A CO., respectfully announce to formvr patrona and the public generall), that they may still be found at the Old Btand,

71 Essex Street, (139 New Number,) where Ihey will always be pleased to ahow their large and carefully selected stock of Men's, Wo men's, Boys', Mlxses', Youth's, Children's, act

BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, Bt all times, a good Assortment or

RUBBER GOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

not elsewhere to be found In the city. Their Goods, as far us possible, are made to

order, nnd reci Ived directly from the most respon- sible manufacturers.

*»T-Thcy are mn.K Agents of the


alHo ol the Capln Call Boot, of ull width*; also of the


«a>Qt SMI 111


anpeart io us In many forms, smong which are

Palpitation, Enlargement,

lilieiitniiti-iu, Spasms,


and Water about the Heart.

We present the following voluntary testimonial, which Is bat one of many :—

; fru« Jeremiah Smith, Concord, X. H.\

1 have l.ii'ii very much troubled with Heart Dlaeaie lor thr last seven or eight years, not he- ing able to do any laborious work for two years. I have been constantly trenhlid wHb u-vei-'ii about the heart, pn-aii.g i.« day v.iihout !»}■■■■ ercing pain. Dr. K. li. Uoore, of Concord, am other physicians, cullid my dlfliculty Kheumaliaiu of the Heart. Have been iireatly troubled to get my breath at times, and had severe sinking spell* accompanying diniculty of breathing, to that I have been in great danger of Immediate death.— Have used but two bottles or the Heart Kegula- tor; and I hough I do not consider myself cured, Ban saj llu.i Lean do a day'a work without any iliiliciiliy, nnd think I shall eventually become al- entirely well. 1 have Induce* others to try tl.e UK Alt! It Kt.CLATOK. and would uratHully reeomin, ml it locll. JEltfcMIAM SiJITIL

1'rL-e, a I. CO per boidu l; -iitfUiii

niflgists, coi

THE LOWEST PRICES, Also, some new patterns or

GAS PORTABLES, Which 1 am selling at Low Prices,

B. -A-- FISEE'S I*aper Hanging and Curtain Store,

No. 275 Essex Street. Lawrence, Mass.


No. 80 Uiilou Street, i Sear Corner of Hanover Sireet,)

BOSTON. be adviinlncrs offircd lo dcpwltora by this

i Interest on the first

retained the si an of twenty yei

._. and sale ol lio solicit and hope to merit a patronuge.

QV'Fleaae examine o purchasin";.

■vices of Ma. it. B. ■s experience in the is and Shoes, they hare of the publlo

r (ioods before

lank . /■■irsf.-Depo^its i

day ot every monili, Srcond.~Xo eitru iMv l.l.-inl" u

tho full earnlngi are divided

It is a Positivo Cure for Biliousness. Con- stipation. Dyspepsia, Fever and

Ague, Headache, and all Diseases having their origin in an impure

slate of the Blood.—As a

Medicine for Children it is Invaluable.

Sold by Druggists throughout the World,

Price, 50 cents.

.....Vi"! month!.

Third.— Dlvliliuds are put upon imerest osloon aa declared, so Hut depositor* receive Comjioiuid Mercaf. ROBERT MAB8U, GEO, C. TUUMllUI.L,

■/resident, Treasurer. Exttvtive CommUtft. TI llyagll

Ct.lSTuN Vll.KH, llKHUt C.IlKOOKS, TtlOB. L. JKNKH, I)ANIH, IIWllllNKT, Wsi.C. BtiROKas. Quo. M. DEHBT.

Kcrvouineti, BatADACBK, NKCBAI.C.tA.ctO, How few there arc who have not suffered with at least one of the above distressing diseases. Uow few there arc that have ever found anytblDg thai would relieve—not to mention cure—thosep:Ji fill afflictions, RKIUUS' ALLKVANTOK ll .. bona-llde remedy for each and every one of thoae prevalent complaints. It not only relieves ID- stantly, but positively cures every case, when used according to directions. The astonishing success of Dr. Brlgga' Allevantor, as a luuilh medicine, is an established : be convinced. Bold by all dr


189 Essex Street, Lawrence. J.D. Uerrick, S. M.French.

Agricultural implements AND


No. 217 Essex Street, Lawrence,

(S'rarty opposite the Post Office,)

arc the Sole Agents Tor



DR. J. 11- KIPDER,


27 1 Essex Street, Lawrence- They luu



'.lu ti<l up a HagniHen lOlograpble Novell n-

The public are i vitcd locli. LLrhIN A 11AHOS.


aiieORBOB TO a u a a ILL



-■ 14_i»iatere«i a .teterence— H.icull) 'nl.i Uentu College

Aew No. 383 EBSOX St., (old No. 112.)

TIIK I .MintsillMMI,

After thanking the public for their


would respectfully call their attention to the fact that he


And i- prepared to furnish

Builders' Materials ' IU 1 (.....Hi. -. '.!■!,:.:' ...I i . . A largo stock ol

Fine and Black Walnut


On I.and, ami mnil.' to ord.r.


PINE FINISH LUMBER of all grrtdes und qaallUei, la stock,

All descriptions of


Packing Boxes, Mil.!.' at short notice.

I am constantly receiving from Lust, larce lots ol

Spruce Dimension Timber

Suitable lor Small Frames, which lea:

lMlt-n Instantly relieved and soon cured by using Dr. J. HUGOS' 1'ILE KEUKDIES. They reduce lnHummatlon, soothe tho Irritated parta, and have proved a blessing to the a filleted, wheth- er internal, external, bleeding, or Itching piles.— All kinds lu nil stage* must yield lu the wonder- ful Influence ol these never falling remedies. Bold by Druggists,

( ii ii | a ui |iI lo II, Bronchitis, Laranqylls, Cough, Hoarseness, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs readily relieved by the magical and bcallntt Influent-,- ot BUIHUS' IIIIIOAT and i.L.Mi HI.A1.I-Ji. Sold by DrugglMs,

I'.nu.i, m - .... ., ii M. ;,■ \M -i, CAI.LOSITIBB,

ETC.—It Is an astonishing fact that nine out ol every ten persons wo meet are sorely troubled with their feet. Very few arc exempt, Dr, J. BHICUS' Popular ltcmedles-CUBATlVB and ALLKVIATOIt-ure reliable and certain In theli effects. The Curative for sore and lender Coma, Bunions, Bad Nails, etc., li a soothing balm for

■ ni < i the i

i Corns and



Boston Dailv Papers Delivered

.VI IHltMH. ol .ub.rilb.l.. In Lawrence or

M.'ll'ui.u, wltuoat ,.tr. . li.r,.-.




L a i* \* e Ordered froi

Ash, Oak,

B c li o el ii 1 o s

Southern Pine,

Black Walnut, and


X3OIII'<1M ;IIKI I *I:I ul*



At Reasonable Prices.

PAPER BOXES. ' BOXOS of all description!


Main street, Methnen, Mass.

K. \\ MtJKHK.

ile to aelenlille minds. ;■..:! by I A Co., 11. J. Ui'iiliain, Cburk-s Clarke, Law

* Druggists generally. it" Diov

It A L L A R D' S


Buckeye Mower, and Reaper, well known to farmers. Also, Hie


The Universal Clothes Wringer. Itnlilli-v,'. rulciil


PORTLAND STONE WARE l'ij" ■. Also, a


FISI1INU TACKLE, of a novel style,

HARDWARK of every description. Ha; IS


pneryrrnw MEDICAL


The oliject in establishing this Institution WAS to attain the greatest perfection in ihc preparation, praciice, and use of Vegetable Remedies, and to sccuro a permanent place where families, invalids, or any person, could obtain the best medical advice, and such rem- edies as each might require, without the use of poisonous drugs.

Dr. Greene has been Physician of the Insti- tute since its foundation, now more than twenty-five years. Dr. Greene is in his fifty- fifth year, and has devoted his life to this branch of his profession; and his success, we believe, is without parallel.

Among the diseases to which he gives es- pecial attention may be noticed Cancer, Scrof- uln, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Consumption, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, Asthma, Nervousness, Hhcumntism, Paralysis, Spinal Diseases, Dys- pepsia, Liver Complnint, Female Complaints, Faint Stomach, Erysipelas, White Swelling, Salt Rheum, Canker, Deafness, Kidney Dis- eases, Seminal Weakness, &c.

By order of tho Board of Managers, Dr. Greene's Medical Pamphlet, descriptive of diseases, and their proper treatment, will be sent free to invalids; nlso his Trcatite on diseases of the Hair nnd Scalp.

(Address K. GREENE, M. D., 31 Temple. Place, Boston, Mass.


Scientific and Popular Modical Works

Manhood, Womanhood, & Nervous Diseases!

ll iiJ.imlLu Br THE

Of Chicago, baa opened an office li he Is treating successfully all Eh on a new system, which most approved mclhodi -'- Including the —

Lowell,where Dlieaiet,

mbracca the best and .ii this and other coan-


he Toot,excludes i any other Bboe inun ii.if lo

nirs, no ( hurl the feel. Made ol the best

'■i.i f double sole, Also,

Misses' and Children's

Boots and Shoes Mi!-, be found at


n'agll* Lawrence.


ish thoroughly ind of water, heating, and s\v ix. of Fuel, Clothes, ant

Wnrrauted not to In jars the moat delicat' nl'i'i .i.inl II.I othei

i good for the skin THY IT, WILL YOL'

M.u.iii.v-ni. .i by A. L. Cutler eV Co.


IN MAN LINE Splendid & Powerful Mail Steamers

TO ASD HIIDI Ll\ I.Hl'OOl, CalllQR at O,uocnatown,

are nppolnted lo sail as follows :— CITY OF BRISTOL, Thursday, Au«.M CITY OF BltOtiKLYN, Baturday, Aug. a« CITY OF HBW YOltK, Thursday, Aug. St CITY OF PARIS, Saturday, Bent. 2 CITY OF ANTVYKItF, Thursday, Sept. 7 AndeveryTIIUHSDAY, and BATHKDAY from

Tier IS, foot ol Charllon street. From Liverpool, via (Jueenstown. every TL'KH-

I'NKCUATTC or DltY CUFl'INU, which relieves all pain and removea all congestion in a short time; aod removes Tumors and cures Blm- matlsm and Paralysis; and INHALATION OF AUTOM1/KD HEDICINKB, He treats suoeess- lUtly NEUKAU1K' ANI> MXRVOUS AKFKCTIOHS. All forma of Beofula, Fever Bores and Old Cloers, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Dropsy, Constipation, alt Bkln diseases, Pulmo- nary Consumption In Its early atages. Paralysis, Kpllepsy, Bait Itheuui, Headache, Heart Dla- eases, Fever and Ague and Diseases of Children, etc. lie cures ull diseases ol the

THROAT AND LTJNG8. lie cures all DISEASES OF Mil. Ill Ail I u

applied to In their Hrst sliiires. He cures more cases of CUltVATCKFH, WEAKNESS and


and sll other deformities, than any other physi- cian In America. He treat* these diseases on en- tirety new principles, and with a new apparatus.

tie bus bud an extensive practice and wonder- ful success In the treatment ole A NCEHH.

He cures alt diseases of the EYE AND EAIt. lie has had an extensive practice and great suc-

cess lu the treatment of ull DISEASES OF WOMEN. He baa oared women who have been conSned to

their beds for years, He lectured fifteen years lo Ladles on the disease* of Women, whion glv him a knowledge and experience in the I real me of these diseases unsurpassed by suy other phy cian. He never fait* to euro

UHEVlUATtHM In all It* stages, no matter how long standing.

CATARRH. He Is treating Catarrh on a NKW SY;ITHM , whl.-li

Is a sure cure lor this terrible disease, with which almost every person i* more or lea* afflicted.

Cem*nltatlon Free. Ills consullatloni for years have averaged which gives Mm an experience unsurpassed by any olher physician, and equalled only by a few. He does not promise to cure all stages nf diseases, and no case will be received where there I* any doubt ol cure or relief.

While all diseases are curable, If peeper ly treat- ed In their flrst stages, all ttagei of disease are not curable, A ease maybe curable MffMewtt not iicr', to-tlay but not fo-Morross, hence the dan ger of delay in the treat meut of diseases,

Dr. Knapp it no travelling physician. He only visits a few places near Luarlt, occasionally, tn accommodate hi* patients In Ihcse place*, und others who may desire to consult him.


R. HTEDDY. SOLICITOR OP PATENTS Fur Intention*, Trade Hurka or Dctignt,

No. TO Stale St., opposite Kilby St. BOSTON,

After un extensive practice of upwards of thirty /ears, continues lo secure I'UILUIH lu the United Btales; also, in tin-tit liiiliiln, France,and other foreign countries. Caveats, BneclIIcation.1. As- signments, and ull paper* for Patents, executed on reasonable terms, with disputed. Krieiireh made to determine Ibc validity and utility of P. tent* of Inventions, and legal nnd oilier advice rendered In nil matters touching the ■nme. Copies of the olalius of any patent fur nlsheil by remitting one dollar, Aislgiiiiifiitr, recorded In Washlugtf-


11 !■ I- .1 III.

iu.i iroiii FIBST CABIN.

i-erpuol, ITS and SiW Gold. .ivcrpooi and return, #ns and tllJu Hold, log to location or rooms. accommodation* by this tine for Cabin

i.;. I" .ii, uneunalli-il. BTKBKAGB.

To (, ii-iMivn. Liverpool, Londonderry, or n 1 and mgow, »:ln


i'repal.l certificates Irom Liverpool, ijueens- own, (ilssgow anil Londonderry to Boston, #.'ll, Jhlldren between 1 slid U, half fare. Infants *a.

I'assngeTlcki-lH I-HIHII l«. mul Irom any part ol

in Qreat Britain


il in I.111.I Ire.'

icCo's Office, For frelKht I-.: MLH. line

M.S. CHEAOI1, Manngei Or P. Ill itrilV, U i Eaaei street



UENT1RT. pyn,„--,. I.,.-, removed from Andover to

T&fc™*;* l*:*hex Si., Lawrence. Nitrous oi ide (ias administered, llelerence-Facultv. Harvard Denial ColleKe. No. S71 Kssex ML, (over store of H. B. W. Davis,

Tailor.) mrM

the I'niled State* potttttet tape- riorfaeUitit*for Maining Vatetitt, or atcertain- ing Ike patentability uf invention*.

Alt necessity of a Journey to Washington to procure a Patent,and the usual great delsy there.

on his part, It • to apply lob

arc hire (arrd 1

TESTIMONIALS. " I regard Mr. Eddy as one of Ihc musl cap!

and suci-essfp] practitioner* wllh whom I h bad official intercourse.

I'll A v HABON, Commissioner of Tatenti "1 have no hesitation in assuring Inventors lhat

they onnnot employ a man more competent and irutlworthy, and mure capable of putting their applications In a form lo secure for them an early and favorable cons id cm I ion al the Patent Office.

EDMUKD BUI1KE, Late Commissioner of Talents.n

"Mr. II. II. Eddy tin* made forme over Till K- TY applications for Patents, having been success- fhl In almost every ca*e. Such unmlstokiibleprool of great latent and ability-- ' i. .on ud AM. Inventors care their patents, a* Ihey may be the most faithful attention bestowed ou their . ie*, and at very reasonable ehsrge*.

Boston, Jan. 1. 1H7L JOHN TACHAKT.'


Are invited tu send their order* for

Brass Instruments ToJ.C. HAYNKH a CO., whose large exeellent liralromenls, nl muderate prl nishesone of Ihe very best opporlunllli lection.

AI II I- ■- |. 1.1 .ii .1 Instrument Store may also be prueured Ihe best


IMANOH A BfauTLsODKONfll for sale and to let.

llHiid 'MI :. . ■ I .■■ M. .■■',. Music Bonks.and all kinds ol Mu-le-i' M rehsndlse.

JOHN HATES & CO.. 33 Court St., i) NIIMI'I, Opp, Ihc Court House, Boston

Jo. 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston, (Opposite Severe Houao.)

Dn. W. H. I'ABKEB, Aiiistant Physician. everybody,

two yeart.

A Booh for every Blain. \ THE SCIENCE OK LOT, OR SELF-PnES-

EBVATION. A Medical Treatise on the Cause and Cure of EXHAUSTKB VITALITY, PHKMATJ BK DKI LINK IX MAM, MBBTODI ASD FBTMUL DKUII.ITT, llri'OciioMnniA, and all other JUe- ease* arising from the EIIKORB or YOUTH, on THB, iRtll.tCHKTtOIta OK EXCESBB.8 Of inullire year*. Tbl* Is Indeed a book for every man, Price only $1. 283 page*, bound In cloth.

A Hook for every Women. Entitled SEXUAL PHYBIOLOOY OF WOMAN AND HER DIBEABEB; or, WUMAI TBBATBM or Piivaioi.oeiiCAt.i.Y AND PATIIOLOOICAI.LT, from iNrANCV TO OLH Aoa, with elegant Illus- trative Engraving*. \'M pages, bound In beauti- ful French cloth. Price %i.

A Book for Everybody. Flattered by the reception of, and great demand

for, the above valuable and timely treatise*, and also to meet a great need ol the present age, the author ha* Just published anew book,treating exclusively of NERVOUS AND MENTAL Hit. EASES, 160 pp. cloth. Price $1.00, or SENT rnKK on receipt of %t for tbe other two books, pottage paid.

Theae ere,beyond all comparison, the most ex- traordinary works on Physiology ever published. There la nothing whatever that the Married or Single, of either Sex, can either require or wish to know, but what I* fully explained, and many matter* of the most Important and interesting character are Introduced to which no allusion even can be found in any other works In cur lan- guage. All the NKW DtacovaniKiof iheaatbor, whose experience I* ineh as probably never be- fore fell to tbe lol of any man, are given In full. No person (hould be without these raluabli books.

" Y.M e A III.I; HOOKS.—We have received the valuable medical works published by the Peabody Medical institute. These book* are Ot actual merit, and Should find a place In every Intelligent family. They are not the cheap order of et-omina- ble trash, published by Irresponsible parties, and purchased lo gratify coarse tastes, but are written by a responsible, professional gentleman of emi- nence, a* a source of Instruction on vital matters, concerning which lamentable Ignorance exists. The important subjects presented are treated with delicacy, ability and care, and, at an ap- pendix, many -ireful prescriptions lor prevailing complaints are added."—Cool Republican, Ltrn- cotter, JV. H.

" The author ol these book* la one of tbe most leirncd and popular physicians of the day, and is entitled to the gratitude ot our race for these In- valuable production*. It aeema to be hi* aim to Induee men and women to avoid tbe cause ot thoae dlaeaae* to which Ihey are subject,and be tells them Just bow and when to do it."-(7!roni- ILO, Furmi iir/Con, Maine, Sept. 7, ISflV,

Either book tent by mall on receipt of price. N. B.—The Author of the above named medical

work* ts the Chief Consulting Physician ol tbe Peabody Medical Institute, and Is so constantly employed In consultation with Invalid* from all part* of the country, that he ha* no time to attend to mere business details. Therrfore all lelters should bo addressed to the TK A BODY MKDICAL INSTITUTE, or to Dr. W. II. PARKER, the Medical Assistant of the Author, and his Business Agent, who, as well as Ihc Author himself, msy be consulted on all diseases requiring skill, sccre cy aod experience. rvnov4i>b

!■ VIOLABLIBacan r AKDCgaTAinRKLiar.


lu Chemical nnd tt.dical Science.




one mixture ol ALL THE TWELVE valuable active principal* of the well known curative agent

PINE TREK TAR, UNEQUALKD In Cough*, Cold*, Catarrh, Asth- ma, Bronchitis, and Consumption,

CURES WITHOUT FAIL a recent cold in three loslxhonrt; and also by Its VITALIZING, PUUIFYINU, and STIMI- LATINO effects upon Ihe general System. I* re- markably efficacious In all


Including Scrofula and Eruptions of the akin, D)spepala, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys Heart Disease, and General Debility.


Volatile Solution of Tar

whole apparatus can be curried lo the vratporket, ready at any lime lor mo most effectual and posl lively curative use In All lH*ea*e* of the NOSE, THROAT nnd



TAR AND MANDRAKE PILL, tor ii.' In connection with the KLIN tit TAR,I* a combination ol the TWO moil valuable AL- TERATIVE Hedlrlnrs known In the Provision. and renders this Pill, without exception,the very best ever offered.

Bend for Urcularof POSITIVE CUHE8 to your Druggl.t.orto

L. F. HYDE at CO., umYmh3luk«Dy BOI.B pitofaiiToas,

110 £, 22d Street, New York.



PublUhed Friday Horning* by

GEO. S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors,


Corner of Kseen HIKI AppMoit (Urn '■


The circulation of the LiwrenJu Ameri- can U the larKflit of any paper in the

County, mil more than FOUK TIKBB thu of ..nv other

Weekly Pnunr published in tin* city.

- Ratal of Advertising n< I UpOU HP1.UC.H0U. j AHB@¥11 ADYEHf ISEH,


(Sunday rxcepted,;

Ii the largest Daily In the dty, *ad ha* four liar* lIn- circulation of au> other.


On. Year, ■ ■ - *A 00 | Six aloatbt • ■ |I I When not paid fei advene*, I-.



STEAM PRINTING OFFICE I* the largest aad moil thoroughly furnished la ea.iernMMtaehuartt*. Having the most improved modern Presses,and with ceaMant addition* of the


and with oar euienstve variety el work, we are able to faralak the Best Quality of Work, expedi Uoaity, and at low prices. Orderi by wall promptly Blled,

[ GE0.S.HEKRILLftG0.,pT0prletor8, l SM IBB1X »T., LaWRENOf.


Challenge! The subscriber will give a

•75 MACHINE to any person who will unravel a liuttun Hole, without uuttlng the thread, made by lniu-.-li on the

AMERICAS SEWING MACHINE It t. hoped thst those per.ou* who arc constantly

asaertlng that tha button hole* made on our ma- chine* will unravel, will put tills challenge to tlie teat.

WRttd the following report of tbe Committee on Mewing. Machines at the Ma*.aofau*eu« lit cheat**' Charitable Aaaoelatlon ralr, September andOotober, IBflV:—

The American Button Hole, Overteamiug, and Setting knehinc combined.

Thle It a new Invention which la Ju.t working It* way into public lavor, and la destined, without doubt, to take a front rank among the first cla** Family rlewlne Machine*. comMvtinp n* it don, in one machine the ability to do alt the vartouikintli of ptiiin oHil fancy taring ilnne on anujtrtt clii»* machine, and alio, the working of button h-iel, and over-senming. Neat in design, well made, ot good material, and requiring but s few mono-its to change from a Button Hole Machine to a plain Hewing Machine, and your Committee, rftrm it worthy of the highff premium in the g-ft of this Allocation, anil award <i BOLD MMUAL.

LUCIUS A.CUTLER Hunt. City iloapltal,

I.D. erAULDi>n,

NATHAN C. LOMBA ti>. Heohanlcil Kngln er, 40 Stale St.,


Hems, HJ Overseams

Fell*, *jf*ft and Works

Tucks, ascT^S v> Beautiful

Cords. \5j*f^"fe S Button anc

Braids, lfyQ\ § Quilts, JX jf*

V, Eyelet J Holes, that

Fringes, (<fel«£P5iV Wk will not

Gathers, ot 3B&*§Jt&J ■'„ ^ Havel or

Sews On, ^-ir*^— -^ Wash Out

% ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Wheeler & Wilson

Free Homes!


Cheap Farms


18,000,000 ACRES 01 THE

Best Farming and Mineral Lanja In America.

3,UOO,O0O ACRKS of Choice Farming A lira*- in;. Land! on the line ol tha road, In tbe

8t»t« of y,oru»kti, in (Ac (/real Plntti (*«<%, now i mi IAI.B, for cub or long credit,

Theae landa are In a mild and heullhy climate, and for grain growing eud atock ralalng, unsur* paaicd by any IB the United State*. Prices ranging from S3 to SlO-per Acre,

HOMESTEADS FORTcTUAL SETTLERS. la,500,000 Acre, of Government Land betweea Omaha and North l'lallo, open for entry ai Man* STK*1>S OMJ.Y, SOLDIERS Of THE LATE WM!

Tree Moim-u-' <l of 100 Acres, Within Railroad limit*, equal to a

DIRBCT HOUNTY of «4<W. Bend for the new edition of descriptive pimph'

let, wltb new map*, mailed free everywhere. Address O. W. DAVIB.

Land Commissioner U. I'. K, R. Co. 3mHlaWI*epH OMAHA. M I..

Staunch, Smooth, Quiet Running,

Eaally Managed and Adju*ted Machine in every particular,

We give our whole time to the


And keep a


Than any other Agent thi* ilde ot BOIIOD.

We are also Agent* for the

Howe Machines, For Mann Teetering and Family Sewing. We

have, alio, the


And many other kind*, constantly on hand, rang- ing In prloe from $/f to $14B.

Wa WARUAXT every Machine we tell toglTe perfect laiUfaCtlon, We tell on iiulor/menff, II

INSTRUCTION fnrnl*b«d either at etore or rcildenoa g ratal ton* ly.


Weed, BlBger, Florence, Wheeler A Wil*0B, Leavitt, and other Machine*, which we will aell aheap at FIVE DOLLARS down, and FIVE per month u mil paid for.

M. J. CHAl'IN,

General Sewing Machine Agency,

164 Essex St.. Lawrence.

Unquestionably I ho beflt-knowD and moBt

thotoughly tested


For all kinds of work, heavy and light,

and the most popular. Is


Till- practical and ea-ily managed machine ha* ow Mood the tent of time and thorough eaperl- iciii ; and the thouaanda who hare fortunately sed oura frankly EITS It the preference, a* the ery beat, both In thl* country and In Europe.—

Study, capital and Inventive genius bare been de- oted to ita Improvement for yean; till now

WITH ITS NEW SILENT FEED, ur "Lock-*tltch" Machine hat no equal In the ..-rl.l. The WHUELER ft WILSON'S I* reli-

able, economical and noliele**. It answers the wants ol tbe boutebold completely, and

ANY KIND OF SEWINC. needed In the family ean be done upon it with greater rapidity and eaie or exccnUon to begin- ner* than can be accomplished on any otber. It has received the Hightit Premium* over all—at a Family Machine—on both aides of the Atlantic

Those who wimt The Beat ahoiild ob- tain WHEELERcV WILSON'S


Pacts Worth Knowing I ONE SAYS,

for more and It ha* alway* been In good order—not even a ■crew looiu, 1 prefer them to any other*.

ANOTHER BAYS, I have made over 3,000 Ladle*' Cloaks on mine,

beside* doing my family tewing. I think there I* no machine eiiual to the Wheeler ft Wilson.

ANOTHER BAYS, I have n«*d my Wheeler A Wllaon for more than

Hundreds of suoh Testimonials Could be at

H. F. PAIOE, Agent,

305 Essex St. and 6 Lawrence St.,

^She HXmerican. MY BEDFELLOW.

Into a ronntry t/*|0, and during court

'And Yet He Is Not Happy.' young man bat no


I. A. Whltcomb's Old. Stand,

183 Essex St., i .'><■. -urni :i;..if Above JackaonJ

where he ha* the LA of Men'*, Youth'*, ai


Furniahing Goods, Hats, Caps,

Trunks, Valises, Bagrs, Ac;, ore,

to be found In Lawrence,

No dealer ean I'KHKHSKJ.I. n*, for none can do builneaa to better advantage. The crowded itate Of our (tore *howi that the public know this.— But the church is uot full, and nil who call will be promptly accommodated.

«' Weil Was Always That Way."

CA I. h EA it IY. CA L I. O FTE V.

"Wo may Iio happy yet."

Warrens' Roofing. yeart I have been conversant

^ht? H}Cmevxcan. LAWRENCE, FRIDAY, SKIT. 8,71.


wlth the workings of "Warren*1 Hoollng Mate thl*

For nearly f

_. Daring thT* period 1 have uied it upon many coitly itructurei, erected for public and irlvate ute, among whlcb may be included the i"ree City Uoipital, and Cathedral llulldlng, In

thi* city, and the Suit House, at Concord, N. II. I have great confidence In It* value and dura- bility. UR1ULRY J. F.BRYANT, Archlleat.

Among tbe public edifice*, erected under my ■upervlaTon and covered with yi the I nalltute of Technology and


and covered with your material cof Technology and the new building

of the Natural Hlitory Society. Myeaperlr--

Sm LAWRENCE, jelii




FABK K K D TJ O K U. Steamer LEWI8TON, Capt. Peering, leave;

Portland Railroad Wharf every Tuesday and Friday al It) 1*. M,

Train lsaves Lawrence (South gMflTJJM' DAYS st 0.4B P.M.(caprei».) >HIDA1S at * P. Ml.

Cbeok baggage through via Steamer. No hack- ing In Portland.

Ticket* procured at Boaton and Maine Depot, Lawrence.

Stateroom, procured by writing to BOM ft STUBTEVAHT, Portland, A;-nt*. amUigt




Employ* lbs molt eminent instructors, and afortlt advantage* inferior to any similar Insti- tution at minimum rate*,

Fall Term Opena Monday-, S«pt. 11.

Pupil* received and elaislBed on and aftrr Angnit ■i». 1 hose I nteu.ling to enter tbe gradual leg Class, are requested to ftva notice when appljfng for admlasioB. SItnatlon* procured for pupil* Salt quallfled. Circular*, coiiUiaiag full Information, -jailed free upon applleatioa to •

0[iag4 E. TOURJER, Director.

for fieelre year* with Wsrren*' Hooting 1*, that roof* covered la a proper manner wit hit are sn- perlor lo anything that 1 am conversant wltb, ex eept copper. Yours truly, r J. PRESTON, Aroblteet.

I have ased " Warrens' Felt and Composition Rooflng" upon building* whlcb have cost (rom $3,000 to 1 consider it the next best

Tbe above testimonials, from the leading Ar- chitects in Boston, Indicate the value In which the above Roofing li held In that city.

In no preceding year ha* so many rinsr CLASS

DwnLLinoa been covered with It as during the last. Its superiority Hat never been queitioned where longest In me,

Tlio public are cautioned not to bo

misled by any other material, similar in

appearance, and represented to bo the

same aa WARRENS'.

jgs-Thc undersigned is alone authorised to use Warrens' Booting In this vicinity, where, daring the past nine rears, he has covered many valuable buildings,—In the aggregate, hundred* of thous- ands sqnarc- feet of surface.

Prepared with ample mean* and facilities tor tbe continued prosecution of the business, and thankful to bis friends and the public for lavor* In the paat, ha will hereafter execute all work Intrusted to him with Oddity and dispatch,


Common Street, near the Depot, «n« lashtt Lawrence, Mass.

Inside Line to Bangor AM)


Tha ISTR* «■ elegant Steamer CITY OF ItlOIIMOUn,

Cnpt., leave. PorllandI MeJIrond: Wharf every Monday, end Fridsy at 10 V. M.

Fare from Lawrence to llsugor, 14.00. No hacking In Portland.

Train laave. Lawrenee st * P. M. Cheek baggage through via Bteamer Ticket*

proenred StVacaet OhW.t South Side Depot. Staterooms procured by writing U ROSS ft

KTURTKVANT.Aienta, Portland,Ma. 3m«a||4


^J^DENTIST, BC |j£ Has Removed

Pf TO fltfl ^CJJXI*^ NEW OFFICE, aSS Essex street, - - Lawrence.

Jel l Naarly opposite old office.


Holland Bitters, The Celebrated Holland Remedy lor


And all Diseases consequent on a Dlsor dered Stomach nnd Liver.

Llnsay's improved Blood Searcher.

nt'licFscr, Cures Erysipelas, Scrofuli

I Heads, Mi r.-iiil blllty.Salt Hhenm.'le.

Johnson's Rheumatic Compound, Owe house In Massaehu.ctt. sold tiny boitle*i ol'. Bheum.llo C«a^MadVwHJ,*» agreement, no cure money refunded, and

ha* only had three bottle* refunded. Why endure aching "mb* so; aliff

Joints when there < *uth a oerUln remedy.

Sold by 0E0. C. GOODWIN & CO.

Boston, Mass.

Prepared only by R. B. SELLERS «% CO.,

W.imojels* ntuborg, Pa.

CUAULBS V. JACKMAN, Dealer In all kinds of



Jso Opposite Talbot'i drug atore.

"it D W A R D FLVNN Wiihes to make known to Ute citlsen* of Law-

hat he baa enlarged bis Green Hones and stock of PLAHTI, which he now invites the public to enamine. I do boldly say there Is nothing In theeity to compare with ray stock si Pl.uts. My

Verbenas and Geraniums sre splendid. I have a flue assortment of

Plants for filling Baskets nod Rattle Stands.

I have fine larfre Geraniums, of all ibades of color, for Ailing; Vases; also,

Bouquet*, Baskets of Cut Flowers,

snd other Decorations for Parties, Wedding., and I Funerals, arranged to order at short notice.

Green House, No. 86 Meadow St., LiWWHOl.

EDWARD FLYNN. Mr. Kl> nti will open a HI A mi roa TUB BALK or

PLANTS, on Monday next, on the *outh tide of Essex Street, or>r>oilTi J.D DBKW'B Dinnta

8ALOOX. *">" .

PEDRICK «V CLOSSON, Auctioneers, Real Eatato Aieats ttasl Appraisers, No. 381 Eaaes si., Lawrence, Mauw.

A iwnvs ready to give their personal *srvloe and serious attention to ■ailing Keel and Persoaal Rotate »t auction or otherwise, obtaining Money and letting the *ame st fair rate* lor all Mantra. ed, negotiating Mortgage, and looking up Titles, Renting property and colleellag Rent., etc. no Title pa.sed of property unle.i the .sme be per- fect: no Money Inve.ttd but upon the most un- doubted .ecurlty. All business 'ntrtrtsd tons will besltended lo promptly, snd all will be hon- o.ably dealt wlth-.trlcl integrity being tbe one imporlsiit element of surer*, in the Heal Estate hu-ln(.«.prempt pattaruliol hu In all honor wild the *e,ler aucTowner, at the PBBM time looking well te tbe tree Interest of the unrchsaer, that his title* sre good, snd th*t lie (telj *S _iT.v a. <■ ^.<KI..I tn_n,us ifcarlng and

■ellow* which I.

"THE OHEH.UB, A Paper for the People, devoted to Lit-

erature, General Intormation, nntl

the Great Questions of the day.

Onr Superb Lithograph, SO x M, of


Presented lo each subscriber.

Terms, only 00 rents per annum.

Now I. tbe time 10 subscribe, sod secure the beginning of the New Story, "Anna, or tbe Step Dsaghter," ' ***** '™ "■-'•-"— -liter >■ translated irom the Herman by Mr*. _)ul*e. tor the "Cherub." The Paper and Plotnre may be obtained of Newt Deal- er., and of mo.t country DrsgglsU and Apothtea- rlea: or by sending-fiO cents to the publishers, they will be forwsrded by return mall. Address

J. LATHAM * CO., Editors nnd PnblUhart, - IapM 203 Washington street, Boston, Man.

Canvassers wanted la every town and connty.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure I "


If your blood is poor, if the countenance is pallid, 11' yon feslweak and disinclined to exer- tion, try


Talool'a Iron Tonic will do yon good.

I* jour appetite poor t You need


Are you troubled with Indication)

Talbot's Iron Tonic will help you


It selling- largely all through New England.

Bead what reliable apothecarlM say :- Newbaryport, Msas., July 1,1871.

Mutri. Thibet nr-^-UBVlna; dliposed of s jonttdsrable quantity of your Iron Tonic, and hearing from iho.e wbo have u*ed it, ol Its good

STT.T"— is .— _•—• -■■■ H an article I. re- Jastics thst JOB

week,! once rode-«n horseback at the

end o'i a weary day, passed in a contiu-' uoua mud hole, stutlOetl with ptumps and ornameutetl witli lozs, that a benlEhted

country calle'J a roatl. Night had al- ready closed In, and I was guided to the

hotel by a thousand and one boya of the

place, and the noise issuing from tbe bar- room, no less disagreeable. I found the

landlord shut up In a corner pen, dealing out liquid in ■■mil v to his customers. To

my 11.111"■ i for supper Hiid a bed, lie re- sponded that 1 could eat my till, but there

was not a bed unengaged or not occu- pied In the house. 1 persisted nnlll the

wretch Inlormcd me that there was a

" feller" In No. I! occupying a dor.ble bed, and I could " roll In ihero" If so

minded. It was dismal, tnit my only hope; eo

after the evening indigestion I climbed the rough stairs to number six. I was

told by ttie landlord to walk In without

knocklRg, and did so. It was a cheerless room, without car-

pet upon tlie lloor, or curtAlns to shut out the blank night of tbe windows, that

seemed to stare blindly in on one, and

wink as the candle flared In the wind.

1 found my companion measuring off his dreams by snores, and undressing,

rolled In," as the landlord bud sug-

gested. My stranger turned over with

something like a growl and a grunt, as I

crept to his side. Tired SB I was, I could not sleep. The

bedtlck felt as if it was stuffed with grasshoppers, and the pillows were of

the sort to slip up one's nose in the night,

and be sneezed out sometime during the

day. Besides this, my bed-fellow Bnored abominably. It sounded like a giant try-

ing to blow " Old Hundred" through a tinhorn, without knowing exactly how.

I bore this infliction rs long as 1 could,

find at last gave my friend n dig In the ribs, exclaiming at tlie same lime:

11 I say." 11 Hillo—sh—what Is ii?" he asked In

a confused way. " 1 am sorrv to aisttirb you, but I think

It my duty to Inform you that 1 walk In

my alecp." " Well, walk." u My Christian friend, 1 am well aware

that tills Is a free country, and if a man

wishes to walk In his sleep there is no

constitutional provision to prevent him. But I wish to remark that If I do walk,

you had better not interfere with me." " f)h! walk; I won't say a word about

It." '■ Well, don't. When addressed or In

terfered wi.h, I am apt to get furious. I

nearly brained a poor man with a dog

Iron the other night."

" The deuce you did." 11 Yes, I did."

" Well, that's rather disagreeable. A fellow might, under an impulse, blurt out something to you."

" Better not." " No, I should think not."

Along pause followed this. At last

the now wide awake lodger asked ab-

ruptly : " Did you notice my hat on the floor?"

" I believe I did." " If yon walk, you know, I'd rather

you wouldn't step la li." ■ " I'll bear that In mind."

After another pause he again asked : " Did you notice that door on the

leftr " I saw a door on my loft." 11 Weil, If you walk, I'd advise you

not to go out there. It opens on a porch,

only the porch hasn't been built, and It's

twenty Icet down Into tha stable yard." 1 don't believe I shall walk out ol tuat

door." >' Don't think I should 11 I walked

ueb." I supposed my Inquisitive friend was

dropping Into a sleep, when he again

broke out l " I say, did you really brain a man

with a dog Iron?" " I tried pretty hard."

Then came a silence that was not broken. After a little while I heard my

bedfellow creeping softly from the other

aide of the bed. I oould hoar him feel-

ing about for his hat and his clothes.

Then I had thu satisfaction that tbe door had closed ooltly on my retreating tor-

mentor. I rolled over and slept tbe

sleep of Innocence. The next morning on descending to

breskfast, I found an old friend seated at

the table. We had not met for years.

Are yon stopping heref' I have been trying; but I am nearly

dead. I alept on a bench In the bar- room, amid a lot of drunken brutes, who

sang 111 ngo for wagers of drink all night."

" Could you get no bed?" " Yea, I had a double bed to myself,

when that stupid landlord aent up a craiy

fellow, who walked In his sleep and

struck out with dog-Irons." " Good heavens, Olllesple, was that

you?" "And hang you, Weeton. you don't

mean to say that v-' served me that

trick r It was a case that called for diplomatic


'ajSeefetB OfttVavV 'jBreuifiee


Tbe Investigation of Lhs Kastera lUllroatl dlaaiter I. continued. The evidence of Friday ■hows clearly that then is an Insufficiency of rolling stock; that the Saparln ten dent has com- plained of it; that trains, on the fatal week, ■ tarted behind time almost Invariably; that a fast express train Is run upon the road without the modern brake Improverhrnts, nnd without a telegraph; sari that the rrahit are always ov- er-crowded. The blame, however, it not re- moved from the engineer of tbe express train, wbo seemed determined to make hit time, even at the risk of human life.

One of two sisters, between M anil GU years or age, who resided In an old home near Wln- fleld, L. I., and who had no rommttnlcnttnn with the world, died, recently. The neighbors heard a howling, and after some delay, burst Into the house, and found it wai the surviving sister, who had become a maniac. r>he was la- menting over the body of the dead, which wai much decomposed.

The second mate of the American ship Roch- ester, hai been arrested in Liverpool, for fatal- ly shooting down a sailor who was the ring- leader of a mutiny. The mate of the ship Thomas Dnnnam shot a sailor dead in New York harbor, Friday, under the same clrnnn- ■ lances. A pretty hard sot go down to the *ea In ships about these dayi.

President Grant has been Invited by ihe Lt. Governor to visit New Druniwlck, lo be pres- ent at the opening or the St. John's and Ban- gor railroad. He declined on the ground that ii would be a bad precedent for a president to leave hi* country during hla term of office.

Oliver E, Papy, the Flshervllle, N. It, bur- glar, Is held In SHOO only. Hi* parents are rich Now Yorkers, and allow him S12CKI per year. Allen, the Concord burglar, has just served out a term of four years in the Connecticut State Prison,

The term of office of Thlert, a* President of Prince, lias been extended. He is sustained by the people, and has been congratulated by the European powers.

Patrlcl. II. Moore lias been arrested In Wor coster, for swindling Catholics out of money. He pretended to ho collecting for the Dublin Cniverslty.

Sadler, of the Taylor-Wloihip crew from the river Tyne, England, won the scull race and 8.100, at Halifax. Three miles In SA minutes, 'I seconds.

John Thompson declines the ofuce of Super- intendent to ihe Eastern Railroad, to which lie was appointed shortly before the late disaster.

Gen. Butler. In bis Leominster speech, re- marked that he thought that the re-election ot Grant would be the salvation of the country.

Gen. Butler has made another great speech, this time st Leominster, on Friday night.

Pb<ra]S Park, Dublin, to demand the release or the l-'enian i i|nivi-s. There were several collisions between the police and tbe people.

Tbe .ludge of Kings County, New York, charged severely against (he growing crime ol procuring abortion, and agalntt newspaper! who advertise the hit tineas. 1 ~ "&

An t)rat,gemsn was pOtsoatd by an sntV Orangeman In New York, yesterday, lie pal Parlt green In the milk can. It was an old quarrel.

A policeman of New York list been klrked out of office for refusing to proteo Mrs, Gen. Sherman when Insulted by lisckmen In that city.

The woolkti mill, at MJpk-ville, hear Prov- idence, were burned Sunday nlghi. Loan, |]S3 000. The watchman perished in tne flame*.

And now lt li claimed that the progress of the Italian King of Spain from Madrid lo Va- lencia, was "one continued ovation."

A galeswepl over the island ol St. Thomas, Aug. C2J, causing much mischief. Thirty pur- sons were killed and many injured.

A fishing >; ht.oner sunk in Pentiaml Frith, Scotland, on Sunday. Five person, were drowned.

A typhoon, near Hong Kong, drove VI ves- sels ashore, and also did mu<-h ilamap.p on land.

Tliete was a hurricane at the llahamn 1-1- auds, Attg. 23d, Four vessels were wrecked.

Ten persons were killed by a rail road acci- dent in Northern France. Sunday.


(Prom ihe AmeHetm, Aug. Mill, MS*,) Tbe ceremonl** attendant upon laying the corner-

stone of ihe new til. llary* Church on Hararhlll itrcet, look place on Sunday; they were commenced by a .Solemn Illgb lias* In the stone church, st whirl, the Itlgbt Bar. John ,T., Hl.bop of the >>lorc.e, was present. The celebrant was Itev. 1*. ti'Itelrne of Koibury, sided by P.ev. P. Cnrtlhy, Deacon, and Itev. A. L. Roach of Ablngton, Hub' Deacon, Rev. Bherwood Ilealey, Vice President of tbe Provincial Eeclc.lastioal Seminary of Troy, Mi Y., aeted a. master of thBceremonie., Therr were also present the Very Rev. Eugene Horlsrty of Pbllsdelnhls, tbe very Rev. P. Blanton of PblUdel plila, Itev. T. Oalbcrry of Lanslnburg, X. Y., Itev. Ambrose Mullen, Pi.ildent of Vllianovs College, l'enn., Itev. Peter Crii'liien and Rev. John O'Brlen or 1,-wi'M, ltov. .lolin UcDnnald of llaverhlll, Re*, Lenta at. Edge, pastor of the church, and Rev. Fattier Gallagher, bis associate, and Itev. .1. D. Taaffe and Rev. Wm. Orr of the Chnreh of the loi- macolato Conception In Ibis city. The ebnreh was filled toovetRowlng.

Ju.t before the services rommeiiced th* Irish Benevolent Boclely, Kdwsrd Devlin, Esq.. Presi- dent, marched In wltb thi ir beautiful banner aide by side wltb a handsome silk American flag. Thi young lady *ocleliea, the member* attired lo whin

blue ribbon* and white veil*, also entered tbe a and took their seals', they were about twe

hundred In anmber. After a portion of tbe mesa ws* eelelir.led, lh<

Rev. Pr. Morlerly road the Kib chapter of PI. Luke; he then commenced Ihe sermon approprlaK to tbe occasion, taking his lest from Ihe nth chap ter of St. Paul', epistle to the Hebrew*, H'lli verse

We have an altar whereof IJMf have ni powei

Another Radical outrage! The public debt of the United States was reduced nine milli'M*. In August.

Ihe tabernacle." We have space to give but a brief notl>-e ( th

Vlderable quantity of you —-iring from those wbo have ■ effect* on Ihe system where

- I deem It

i itoarlng and oidlng that contdenee of onr lellow* which I* my obtained by strict attention to bu.laets, and

the hlgbeat type of honorable dealing ae-Terra. reasonable, and acoordiag to the

work and responsibility. Call upon ui. Baal Estate Office, Easex St, No. 881.

M. B.— Properly for tale In mnny .ectlon* of Hew England, bu, BM« especially la the «»T °r rence and vicinity So better dty in the I for a parmanent In1—*~

■tea? Keel Estate eolnna in Lawrenee HtnUnel I -^ H ,.l Lawrenee Dally American. Insyll ' *•*■"m *"w

rred, I de«m lt BO more th.n luiUee mat ynu old be apprised of It* favorable reception In

i hi. place. R,'pMthc?raDnE.AF*.hM.rr.

Newtwrynort, Ha**., July IT, 1171. Hasaaa. T a I.M<>T Baota:

aeuifettsw.—I lad that yoer Iron Tonic ha* In •very ease given entire »elI.faction, gad the la- creasing demand for It Is due, I think, to the tact that all who have utcd It recommend It totheli friends I and I can truly say lb»t li M one of the best article* 1 ever Mid for restoring the debilitat- ed system to Ha nitaral tone.



Is sold all over the country for One Dollar a l.ntiie; six bottles for five Dollari.

Call at any of the Lawrence Druggist* for it.


Lawrence, Maw.

GEO. C. OOODWIII k OO., Boston, Wholesale


"NEW DEI-AMI KK." — Ex-Prealdent

Johnson haa Just been Interviewed at

his home in Greenville, Tenn., by ft cor-

respondent of the Memphis Appeal.

He takes great interest in the political

movements of the day, nnd the Demo-

cratic new departure Is an especial ob-

ject of hia aversion. On thta po'nt he

aays: "It were infinitely bettor that rad-

icalism should still riot in plunder and

power through another lour years, than

that Iho Democratic party should tri-

umph by base abandonment of honesty

and principle.11 Throwing aside the

freedom of the negro, the real of the

constitutional "patchwork," as he calls

It, Is "revolutionary, destructive of pop-

ular and States' rights, 'and should bo


tie wbo wants content can't dad an

easy chair.


Some young men wbo were In a boat Sun- day afternoon, near Charles River Bridge, Bos- ton, got tenillmg, and tbe boat was overturned, nnd two were drowned. Afterwards one of the bodies was found, snd placed In a boat. As It wai rowed under the bridge there was a rush of over two hundred persons to tbe other aide, to see it aa It came out. Seventy feet of i lie rail gave way, and forty were thrown Into tbe river. All were saved.

The democrats and republicans had a big fight at La Me/ Ilia, New Mexico, Sunday, A tig. STtb. Seven persons were killed, and thirty- eight mortally wounded. They were mostly Mexicans; the republican candidate for jndge was among tbe killed. There waa also a fl|bt near Las Yegaa, in which two were killed, and ■even wounded.

r. 8. Senator Conkllng of New York, ha* made a speech in which be bitterly denounced the New York City Minorities as a disgraceful set of thieves and rascals. Be urge, nnlon on the part of the republican*, and remarks that tberenomlnattoa of Gen. Grant Is a foregone conclusion.

Miu Niliton tottltOOO worth or diamonds from a car window in last April. Search proved In vain until a day or two since, when they were rooted np by a calf, and picked np by a laborer's wife. Nllaaon gave bertSOO.

Two officer* of Garabaidl's army fought a dual with sabres near Wtlliamabnrg, on Friday. One was badly wounded in the arm and faint- ed from iocs of blood. Tbe canst of the duel waa a ailly speech.

Tbe mining nsws from Utah is brilliant- true. Brlgham Toang never did a batter thing for hit people than attempting to prevent them irom engaging in the gambling butlnCM of gold and silver mining.

Walter Montgomery, the well known and talented actor who appeared in the Boston theatre, not long since, committed suicide ID London, Friday night. He waa married on Wednesday.

Sixteen of tha ku klax were la tha bands of lbs l\ fl. troops at Greensboro, Saturday, and

of a brave bat defeated people,''

The financial rerorm party of tbe city of New York, are enrolling every good citizen possible in each ward, upon their lists.

The Superintendent of acboota In Ling I* land City, has dismissed all the Catholic teach- ers, and substituted protctant*.

There are bad reports (rom the Sterling mus- ter. Tha stats police arrested four soldiers and two citizens for gambling.

Several ol the leading communist* hare been sentenced lo death, and others lo Imprisonment for life, and banishment.

The Stales Island ferry boat SuperlnleBd- ent and others, have been Indicted for the Weatfleld .laughter-

A woman has been arrested la New York for eniking nine jonng girls to go to a Galveston house of III fame.

Tba corner stone of Dr. Miner's tine new Unirarsallst church la Boston, Is to he laid Bepl. I'lih.

There la a report ihat there Is to be a Carllst uprising agalntt the Italian king of Spain, on the 10th.

The Salem Cadet, are to encamp at Ipswich, from WadnesdaT lo Friday of this week.

The Prospect Park lake, Brooklyn, K. Y., which covers fifty-four acres, I* finished.

Tbe Wheeling Iran and Nail Works ware burned Sunday. Lot. «WO.urn.

Puerto Plata, San Domingo, was hnrned An- guii'iiat. Low fWn.nOO.

Gold t la.

mind richly stored wlib scriptural lore. Though tbe venerable and learned seholsr wi* quite feeble, hi* voice rsng through the great building like the sound ofabumpei.

Dr. Moilsity commenced hla discourse by »ptak- Ing ot the inpcrlorlly of men over tlio animal of every class, InasmBeh a. lie was tbe only crralcd being lowborn had licen given a soul and theei clntlre and grand privilege of enjoying religion, and believing In and worshipping Und, and adoring lllin In sincerity and truth; of contemplating 111* attributes and admiring Ilia love as our ralth taaafae* us, and not only to worship Him In tbe soul, but to earnestly endeavor to express our apprsolslUm of HI. goodness externally, mighty firmament wiUi it* myriadi of clustering stars, I. tbe drapery aa it were, of the footstool of the living Ood;— tbo trees and [he fields, the rolling oeesn, and til nature prompt* ibe exclamation, '■ Father, thy Providence geverntth all thing*." When adversity* upon u. what a relief to fly lo th* Throne of Idm. ii and seek comfort, and then, though HI* dispensation* may seem dark and mysterious, yet

Him clearer, though not as we sasll sea Ulm in Ihe future, Then Ihe whole son I will espaad, and we thall exclaim with David of old, " Lord, how wonderful la thy name."

From prayer in the cloeet, men have naturally learned to assambl* together to emu in mi lea is to such other the Ir.granl odor of their adorallOD, and offer la a striking and reverential, yet Joy an* mea- ner, their offerings of worship to the King of Glory, In elvtlUed or barbaraus eonntrlea, the frst work of man has been to erect aa altar for Hla ■hip, of *ome hind. The shepherd on the Alpine hill*, and the hunter on the trackless prairies, a* well aa Ihe isge and the philosopher, worship In their own way. In the naroeof aod.cllta* aria* and nation* are formed, aad lbs rites and eererne- nles of religion form a common bond of union among men. The I.ord has been abased te hallow one day of tha week and command that Ihe people on that day eisemble together to worship Him, re- turn tbttr thaeksff slags and present their petitions.

In nely writ w* read variou aaeonnt* of means men have takta at Uaua to eiprett their religions feelings, and adore and prali* their Qad. Wbea lira*! waa liberated from tba bondage of Egypt, they erected a portable alter, aa ark of Ibe cove- nant, Which accompanied them la all their wander- ings, a* 8 monument of tha goodness of Qad. As It approached the wells of hostile cities, Ibey crum- bled In tha dust before It, and aavegt armtaa aad before It In dismay, thus vrenffnltlng the preset of Ihe Almighty. It pleased the Lord that when

tattered to them, aad he had Messed ih..m with abuadancS and prosperity, Ihst they should ereel a gorgeous temple la white to worship and honor him, to correspond with the change la their rlrcumstaoce*, and aaltabta to Ihe wealth

and now It waa but right IBM they should build a tempts of greet megotftaeuee, aad eantt Ma wor. ■hip to be eeasptsaous before Ibe world. So well pleated waa lb* Lord with their set. that at It* ded- ication b* declared Ihat he would always be peea- llarly present there, and that hi* ears wonld alway* ha open te receive their snpplleallBD.. The Israel- ite* rooked upon thai tempt* a* bl* esfselal aMdlog place, aad their people eemr- to visit It from every part At a distance, mn, when In prayer, tamed toward* J*rn*astm, where waa ihe temple of /Ion. A* David prayed with face toward that ehy, Ma thought* were carried hack to Ibe leant* which be well remembered.

Man elnoe then have, from Urn* to lime, mad* earnest effort* lo adorn end r*nd*r splendid Ibsar •anetnarte*. fainting, poetry and scelptur*, Bad all that art and •ndene* could furnish, bad beta called late requisition for tb* purpose, aad to rea- der hi* worship Imneateg, **4 It 1* well and right thai *neh abonld be tbe ease, liar* la* uembUag penitent would be aereenad from th* frowa of IIMVBB. HOW unstring and ooosouag I " of Ood to those wbo labor to do hi* will. Bate be* light dream* down upon them and light* their way, The humblest, here, Ilk* th* Prlae* of Glory, eaa kneel In adoration before the Three* of Heaven, and eaa anew his God, and with *s*aS*Vnt heart re peal, "Oar Father which art la heevea." Here anal te that temple *oon to be raised ap high toward*

en, on yonder site, by your generous, * are set iuduMilou* piety, will hi* pr.ataa* be mid*

manifest in your midst. Even wbea tern or three are a****at»td In hla name, be Is there. Bare, When calamity, nilktaal, local or family, baa fall**, lb* b*H*v*r ean are**, *• h were, tb* betas of lb* eJt*r,sii.1 throw himself upeaUod. WheathsUra-

another pathway to Ihe region* of glory, The Manuel one cannot crush tin faithful believer, tor- ture or dentli etnnot take away hi-faith; wHIihlm, Death I* .wallowed up In itHory. The cefflo, the pall and Ihe flowers I. but a scene for Ihe world. The incense ascending I* emblematical of our pray- ers, a* Ibey are waflrd In the Throne of Heaven. The believer 1* not dead, bul slrwaetb In, ihe Lord, aad the- requiem tell* the dipartnl brother logo fort', to 111* Ood.

Tbl. I* the .lay th.- Lord bs* made, and It I* em- nently filled for th* lajing of the corner-etnot of

sn edifice lo be erected lo hi* glory, R Is a season Ing and hallelnjah*. Fain* prophet* bad

■poken ihat onr faith would be llmlttd lo narrow bounds, bul It had eatended to a degree lo call forth thanksgiving. From a comparatively few, it* be- lievers had increased to*, and now Ihe numbers were still swelling.

Tbe speaker concluded hi. address by expressing hla eon fl Jen ce that hi. hearers wonld continue in Ihe path In which they bed started. Their gener-

needed no urging, they ceeded no rxhorta- ll wonld be bat an tinderserved reproach

lo attempt It; and when Ihry htd placed the cross ilgh up upon the new ilnielore, where the Brat leama of the morning sun would be shed upon It, here ws. still work for luem.and their ie*l would i*ve no limit. Tbl* building waato becrceted into

a hall, where the cause of lhs orphan could b* plea.l for, and other work In tbo servle* of Ood l-e done. Tie bad perfect confidence that tb* change* contemplated in this building would be carried out,

lid be well with those wbo had kindly and patiently listened to him. He judged of tbe fo-

re by Ihe pasi. Their efforts wonld be blessed, id In this and In that new temple, the ear. of the

Lord would always be open unto them, their pray- graclouily received, and llielr want* reme-

died. We hate not been able In the abor.- lo present

ill of ihe Ideas of the venerable speaker, much less hi. flowing and cloqnent language, but to glvr a general Ides of Iho nature of his address.

At the eln*e of the service. In church Iho eongre- gallon passed out Into the street wblrb was already

iwded. The procea.lon ws. formed, conslallog of ihe boys of the Sabbslb School, with trl-colored rosette*, snd Ihe girl, in white with green ribbons

wra*lh* of roses, tfie young lady *oelelle*, the I, nenetolent Society, Calholic Library Society

and other associations. The tiabhalh School slone number* four hundred boy. and six hundred girls. Ttie reverend clergy followed the escort lo Ibe

which htd iieen planted at the Katterly *nd of tbe building, the future location of the eauelusry and altar, After bleating tbe gronnd around It, Ihe Bishop and priest* proceeded to the south- wcat corner of tbe funnd*lIon where a platform had been creeled and the atone prepared for Ibe eeie- monr, a bol* having been ent In lt ahont fourteen Inehc* long, twelve wide, aad twelve deep. A tin box wo* (llliil Into Ihe hole, On on* parchment deposited lu It wa* Ibe following insertptIon :

If rnu-itim IIKI lUnimini. Die mm * Augustl A. p, i■»".", l'io Mono, 1'oiui-

flee Han; fellelier rcghante; Andrea Johnson h>- rumpub; Federal America Sept en tr Ion alls Presi- dents; Alu II. Bntlock Hassaehntenala Status. Oubcnatore; Pardon Armlngton urbano 1'r.iiore, n e rermo. I'atrle Stan ton or d; Erem; S. Aug.; com, Oenerall; bello Inte.tlno eed ato ft italllu* omnlbu. re.tllule.. Illmu* fc Itevdmu. Joannes Joseph William* Eplscopus Bostnmensls >jn*rtiis. Hagoo Clerl populliue corcurau pre.ldrnir, l*p- Idcne baas ingularcm novl tempi! In honorem II. V. Harla-Zeloetlabor* lie*. Ludlrleo M. Edge, o. a. ■ Pulor* extrucndl, Solemn eereatonlu. posull, conslllont Caihollaorlum t'rvl* Laurentll Succrnceullum Xeeesiltstlbu. Provldetur. Archi- tect! fin nun. Klety fc Murphy.

There were also In Ihe box American coin end •"dp, ■ nipy of the Lawrence Ameilean and the Sentinel, * parchment containing th* name* of sub- scriber* to Ihe amount of *)!& and upwards, snd other articles. Th* ceremony wa* performed In Latin, and after the usual forme ol the chnreh. A* no measure* were taken In *o**on to keep the platform clear, a crowd nulled In, greatly lo Ihe annoyance of the clergy, and prevented tbe ihon ■and* ataembled from witnessing tbe ceremony, which the, c«nM have done bad ibe pisiform been kept free a. WM expected. After tb* atone W*B laid, Ibe clelkal procession paaicd around ihe foundation, reciting the formula of the obnreh, blasting, and sprinkling holy water upon the foil datlon.

Tbe crowd ****tnbled upon and about th* ground must h»ve numbered all cr eight thousand. colt*ctlon taken up In th* church after Ibe sermon realised about SIMM, and the amount deposited on the corner slone was over t3S0O> Some of th* waalthy Calholic* gave ewo each. W* have pre- viously glean Ui* proposed dlttMnsloB* of tb* new buildlog. It I* te be HI Icet on llaverhlll atrtst, by SO feet In width, *x*tM M the tranaept, wber* It will be lit feet wld*. Tbe *ave* are in be thirty- flv* rrnm lb* ground, ind ibe eplr* fit fiet. (Tb* Clly Hall l* 1M f**t long, TO wldt, aad u* •aft* 15S fost from th* gronnd.) Aa tbe ebnreta will tttnd ea high land, tha spire will b* **en at a great distance. Tb* grand rntrsao* Is te be en Hampshire .tract,and tbtrt I* to be * amall ehsptl IB lb* tear, and a *kert dl.tane* farther east, on Havarhlll at re* I, a brick parsonage. Tba ebureh will b* eonetraated of granite, uaflnlabtd on tb* face, obtained probably In **w Satam or l'clham, X. H. It* cost ta estimated ai Mtam. Eeetay a Hereby are tbe *rehit**U, and fbey have adopted tba Goth!* atyl*. A sum haa been r*l*e<1 sufficient to greatly forward the work, aad Lbs energetic pa* lor, Rev. Loal* M. Kdg*, aad hi* aeslous peeete Will not relax their effort* null lb* great week I* completed.

commencing, "O give thanks nnto the Lord for i good; for his merry endnreth forever;"

and the 150th Psalm : Praise ye tbe Lord. Praise God In his sanc-

tuary; praise him In the firmament of bis power.

Praise him for hit mighty art*; praise him according tb bis Mrnllent grealneas. * '

Praise him wltb the sound or the trumpet; praise htm wltb tbe psaltery and harp.

Praise blm with the timbrel and dance; praise him wilh stringed Iniimmenti and or- gans.

Praise blm upon the load cymhali; praise bim upOD the high sounding cymbal..

Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord- Praise ye Ibe Lord."

The band ur orchestra waa composed about equally of l lavcrblll and Lawrence musician*, the brats.pleces being principally from the for- mer city, and tbe flutes snd stringed instru- ments of Lawrenee. There were 11 piece., on- staling of comets, trombones, altlinra, tuba, rrollna, flutes, ilarlonets, bats viols, &c. They played each air through before the congrega- tion sung, and as tbe young ladies have it, the effect was ".lust splendid I" Tbe people, aflor bearing it, bad an appetite toeing, and they did ting, every aoul of them- The piece* were, "Come tbou i-'utint," " Hock or Ages," "Miall we gather at tbe river," "Coronation," " Near er my God lo Tbee," " North field," " Portu- guese Hymn," Homeward Hound, Mission- ary Hymn, and Old Hundred. Tlio meeting was closed with prayer and benediction, and Ibe vast concourse slowly left tbe home. Mr Fisher and Mr. Wilson made some remark* In connection wltb each bymn before ji wa* sung. The choir sung two other pieces In ibcroiirse ol the evening.



I' \ HK, '1 liiir-.liiy evening, Ang,9



Gtn. Boiler, the Indefatigable, apoke at Lynn, Monday sight, and WM enthusiastically reeelved. To-night tba aataaebuilc gentleman holds forth M Ware, aad Wednesday night at Fitchbnrg. Hi* friends la CfatriMlown nave secured Washington Hall for a beadqnejters.

* in tb* ■ , aad i woauaed ti.lilt, wbo ean beer it," sbedewa Ml heavily, end there I* aa cbaim la soag, bow awodlj, haw pleasant 1" tb* hou** Of Oedl

Here tb* penitent can ery onl, like the pnblleaa of eld,i't«rd,o*m**eirultoa>s,a*iaBerP Hstetae nuptial bend It lUd, and aer* tb* priest U qnaHfted for fata labors. U*r*. tbov* atl.taih* altar aad tb*

Tb* reverend gentleman dwelt at length upea th* prtvllen*Ulea*dbyb*liev*rB!BlMO**JkjataCba^ M be exalaatvelr thrir owa, the HaatHsalfoa of the

II -r sill water wltb tb* body of Jesw*. Another moetter awetlag hM bean held us1 Hew gnat Is oar priritaft, u b* •eewedtebwM

Tba plural sense ean be need In this notice, ai ibere were Iwo of these moat aceeptahts, wholesome and beneficial feaita for ihe people on Sunday. How the conductors of Ihe meet- ings ever succeeded In Inducing good aad educated musicians to " lei themselves down" enough to play mn.le that" et;, one oould ap- praclate, nndetitaad aad really enjoy, laMead ot faaiMtlc Mlectlon* from some Garaaa er Italian oratorio, (fee rendering of which was only attained by the most prodlgtoos labor on tha part of lbs wesielsas, aad which eoald by DO possibility pleaMsnyoa* but theatatlrss, except tome two or three hundred of las ar- tl.tically edanated la town,would baa ajott

that the thirty tboaaaad aaaU he" plaasea/at least oecatlonally, as well aa lbs maatcktM aad the three hnodred.

Th* first of th* meeting, was held upon lbs Common at quarter of six, aad a vast number of people were hi attendance, dueled by Bar. Ifr. Wilson, wbo addressed Ibe people, as did also Dr. J. H. EkMat aad Mr. George Smith. Bar. Mr. Flaaer made ttw prayer. owSM sight or ala* pktoe* of the lla- verhlll Coraet Bead poared forth at inlervala the Una old paalawdy such so the Ponturuem Hymn, Old Hundred, aad other comporiUoas such aa those of Pleyel, llaodtl, aad others, which tbe modern maiirians are stragglrag so ftasparatsly bo pat npoa the back tb*lv*t,and lo force epoa the people those of setae Signer, who** "chnreh" music I* aa lagMkras coas- ponnd of walttei, galops aad •trains orTJhoo Fly beb*i*nf>aeaaraaally daced. To say that tha people I* small pnvlM of tee praise Bssahag. The right chord has bean struck, not only npoa the violins, bat apea the heart* 0f the ltateaert. The ossocteYiosj*, Mven glgbta of the fores, an- Joymeol, valaa and affect of mask, whjoa are generally moat lamanabty Iffaored by maaV

are retnu-ded. Sacb saaslo weald bring great crowds to bsMaaraaue as well aa reUgwas

a. Bead, of aaaele fwhtch did not play wkat ta at Latta W Greek to alaa WataS of tba neople.) ware UMMtdhaetive fa the great refortnalloo or 1H1.

The Uwraaes Mast •arareh was agam jammad to Hs atsseet caaeelty at the araJas ■es'hng la the tweaiag. aad haadraas went away, a* eefate, aaaU* to get la. Aaistaagia of tea anssbar neassat was 1300, bat twoutetu- careful awe, who ooaatofl, aaade H 17W. The meeting was to tosiaataea at t o'eteck, hat ai by aevea e'cJoek every seat was fllktd, aad ato atatae war* orewded halt aa hoar later, B was decided to coaaMaee at that tiBM-

The chotr sang the "Gloria'* hi ha*at|ls,ae> eoma««lad by the baaf aad aha oraaa, lev. Mr. naaer that read from the Wee Piaaa,

Ihe regular service* have been tntitit Inter- rupted by rain; they wcte opened Monday evening at ihe aland, llcv. O. II. -lasper, pre- siding elder, delivering a sermon from the "M verse of the l.'th chapter of John: —

" And I, If I be lifted up from Ihe earth, will wilt draw all men unto me."

Tbe feature of the sermon was tbe necessity and benefit* of ronserratlon. The discourse Tuesday morning at the tnnd was by Itev. Mr. Cbuit of Canada, whose text was the 17th verse of ihe Tib chapter ol John :—

" In tbe lasi day, that great day ol die feait, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man tblm lei blm come unto me and drink."

The idea* of thta discourse were the univer- sality of salvation, Ibe peculiar features (,f the announcement, and tbe plainness or the direc- tions to come and drink.

As considerable rain fell about the time o( the close of the meeting, m>na were held In tbe open air In tha afternoon or evening, though service* were always held in the tenit when not upon the stand, except on Wednesday even-

hen it WM hardly possible In most place*. On Wednesday morning the sermon at the stand WM delivered by Rev. Mr. Down* of Salem ; he look for tbe foundation of bl. dis- course ibe 38lb, '3th, 'ana, Slat verses of Hebrews 10th :—

He that despised Mote*' taw died without mercy under two or three witnesses i

nr now mnen sorer punishment, suppose te, shall be be thought worthy. who hath trodden under foot lie S.m of God, and balb counted tbe blood of ihe covenant, wherewith he wa* sanctified, an unholy thing, and balb done despite nnto the Spirit of grace ?

ror we know htm ihst hath Mid, Vengeance helongelb unto me, I will recompense, taith the Ix>rd. And again. The Lord shall Judge bis neople.

It it a learftii thing to fall Into tbe hands or tb* living Uod."

The reading feature WM tha fesrrulnM* of falling Into tbe needs of Ood. nhesa Indigna- tion WM M Bowerfal M His love, aad pointing oni tha way of safety through Jasna. la tha afternoon there were tent service*, as tba out- side seals aad the gronnd were wet- Rev. Mr. Brittain of Dover, preached from Ibe parable of lbs prodigal son, In the Garden H reel tent; Ihe tremendous storm In the evening did not pre- vent many prayer meeting.. J

Military camps have their reveille baata, alto their peas on a trencher, roast beef, drill, re- view, reueai, tap*, etc.; Ibere It system here, also; the "reveille" Is rang at a 1-2 A. at,; breakfast at 7, dinner st 13. snpper at V'famity devotions In each tent morning and evening; lent prayer meeting, at 8 \. M.and T 1-2 P. M and preaching at the stand at 10 A. «-, 9 and p. «-, wbea poMlble, At 9 1.9 i: a., com' " taps," or lather a ring of tbo bell, when all wbo dwell upon tbe gronnd* are expected to put themselves In their little beds, and all who do not to retire from tbe camp; the camp is welt lighted at night by slreei lamp*, aad the aland and ibe seats sre by no means wanting la that respect; there sre six policemen npoa the ground, though their services are seldom required i two or three bootblacks were nabbed Wednesday for plajIng cards, which Ibey must have brought la theft- pocketsi (hey were ta- lented after being adtaoarehad. There were perhap* two iboaaaad porsoae npoa the ground Tuesday, aad doable that number on Wednes-

day. The flaaadal condition of tbe eeeoclaUnn

which haa charge of tba camp ground and ihe arrtusgetaeate geaerally, m very good; the re- ceipts of the paat year were K«l, and ihe *x- n*as4Iiares«3,7ia,ef wbiah $3300 WM for the aew uttordsag heace; Ihe faeome U principally from tbe froflu of the b«er4fag hoesei Ibere Is also some from tbe sals of lota, the par cottage allowed by railroads aad ether soarces; the ooaidtag house ft a large wooden building in which the stores are kept aaHttawotmUacdoa*


from home, and put It out in a Held to gran. Tbe animal, a valuable one, fell Into a well, and In Its struggle* to get out, killed Itself.

The camp WM aroused early Tnesday morn- ing, by the startling cry of (Ire. It proved to be the cottage of Rev. Mr. Chandler of Green- land, on Wesley Park. All hands seized pells, soil a line waty formed to, the nearest apriog. The bouse was saved, after being much dam- aged.

■ *)**>«*>

A Lawrence Bwaln on a Bender.

One day last week, when the well-drilled and over-worked clerk of tbe Municipal Court WM pushing things, and crowding his aore- baaded complement of -inner, through the dock with a perfect ruib, ha Introduced to the conn a fair haired and festive youth named Peal Harrigan, wtio balled from tbe Arcadian city of Lawrence, where, indeed ot goat., milk and honey, a .mall army of bard-working, free, fresh and artless voting spinster* are frd on corporation atewi and nth-ball.. The aforesaid l'.iul, when duly totter at he was then, 1s quite a modest vonib, and very rircumspeci. Having bad no opportunity to clean up and (IK up before taking bl. "po.lsh" In the dock, be did not look quite as genteel and ban-ho\ like as he evidently did before starting out on bit spree, wblcb terminated lo a drunk of no mean proportions. When be arrived in Bos- ton he bad money enough for all practical pur- poses, snd after he got a few inches of "first- offence" balm well worked Into bis blood be did not mind putting ou> a dollar or two for most anything or with Say fait little synn Ihat he might meet on the street. Havinf! done the city proper pretty thoroughly, he at last wandered out nearly into the temperate ward* of the Highlands. While in this neigh- borhood, and under a very heavy presure of mm and sweetened balm mixtures, he fell in with a good-natured and talkative young fel- low who had In bis possession a nice young Russian terrier dog, and slanging up his salu- tation with words well calculated to takedown Paul, he said to him, "I say, Kevsur, don't you vant to buy a dorgi" "Ytti," quickly responded Paul, and in a moment more (lie trade wan closed. Paul reducing bl* pile by paying three dollars for this Russian blooded pnrp, The money was all that Ibis "Keyset" shyster wanted, *u off he went leaving Paul in ol Ihe dog. He tried tils l>e*l to coax and whistle him along, but be would not come. As a hut resort, be grabbed hold of one of bis (ore-paws, and tllnglog blm over bis shoulder went plunging along tbe street with a first rate stagger and full or talk about bit dog. In a few minutes more be ir-Hlnwilh an officer,

one of our observing R. P's, wbo looked blm er very carefully, and then coming to the

conclusion that be had stolen tnmebodt'a dnj.-, he put the collar to him and without much ceremony pu.bed him oil to Ihe station feMM and shoved blm behind ilia bars for the night. This wa* a decidedly new feature or hi* spree, and one that Paul was not exactly prepared

He could say nothing about the dog that il tatiafy Ibe officer, to making a nlghl of Ibe station bouie, be was wafted down In

the Tomb* In the morning and there falling In Ith the proresslon of some thirty or forty

olber bummers, he was duly piloted intn ibe dock lo have a \-\ Uriel tall tacked on to the end of hit spree t In due time be was rung np for being drunk and WM very quickly waxed for a dee of J:j and costs. Tbls he promptly paid and than to depart, when hi* asm t

a* called again, and pushing np w th* front of the dock be vat confronted by the officer who arrested him, and told him Ihat be wai charged with "the larceny of a Russian terrier dog, valued at 820, tbe property of some per- son unknown." Thta stanled the Lawrence swala, wbo wai far from home at d without friends. But ibe officer went on nnd laid hit ■tory, a* already recited, making tha case look a. dark and myaiertou* *■ possible. And in- deed 11 did look dark for tbe boy. Bul It waa Paul's mm next, aad bit contorsMioaa] sow- ar* being pretty good he readily got tbo ear of tba Judge and tbaa told him all about hli big spree, ihe balm be had drank, ibe pretty girls bo bad treated, and lait but not least how be got syndicated by Ihe chap wbo told him tha dog- Psul WM duly sobsr now, and being badlr scared bo told a good itory. At all steals be mads a good Impression upon tba Judicial mind of Judge Pannenier, who, after giving him a pfaes of good sdrlce. aboat •preei fa general an I dog trade* la partfcaJ**, told blm that be might go free tbli tfaw, bul (bat ho bad better go home before engaging to any more dog speculation!. So he want, bill Paat, roa'fl be tu a bad box when thoM chipper lit- tle factory girls fled oat what a naaghty bey you ware wbea last at Ihe Hab.-B^ic* HsraW.

will I fa attached; the aide* are ptoteeesd by slats sufficient only to prevent the useegentaated from getting in without going throagk ibe roewi of paying; oUerwkts tbe side*are seen, aad tbe top or toots, for utore are fhatofiheat, area/ stoat «t*nva*t, bat aot saaMsetly tight

Lfcwaixoa TAX f*Taas m LOWRLL.

Among tbe nou-realdent laxpayara of Lowell. ws Had lhs name* or Dental Saaadert, Jr., taxed for Ide7.ftl. lotory Wright, fWSM; heirs of Thoeu* Wright, «l*t M; V, Ji. p. Wright, glnUOO.

*>■*■*>* a ' ■" ' rate* yeue ate. Eiiiroa :-Aa a yea* ttw i

HOC*** *f tb* exhibition tad ftatltal given la aid •f lit* Ollt* Baptist Church, of which dee aaitae WM given telb*^»t*Wc**,IwW*«bwr«rt*^«cti* them, bet would staswly **y that la* exert*.as on beta waning* were a awrfeet eummi aa ato art* •veulag Ihe saateaM WM small la eeaaeoasBM of Ibe severe olerni, bul on Thsraaag trveaiag Ihe aadleae* was targe, aad *Mm*d to *efrMtate vary ataab lb* vtrtoatparU supplied, a*m*lyth* metal, asssual aad phtsteal.lfwe may toa*****J»le**a*; tree* Use eatHtat ptet.atsd by the toX*Mbea*e,

itoawart aad bead ware sot V«*T Sto to Mtaaee *** tJ^boaU^o^ttoeeMseM. r*r*Bk to fsaJaaY *a* the

realty M Indirectly aaMttbtaed te biifere saatat

The astablfabmsat ta ■aesgetf by linaii' " ""'• '--,-—■ ' tuo UMoetodoa. Tb^nwatdluwtsewffta *w>o/n^ iiiajfaai of the atoBekialaa, aad Rev. Jaases

It ta ante that we do aot bear ta this eaasp the avarry soaada of the dswatoaad ttwS,aant

maafcof tha bands M M SwamaMxM cagapt e sre ao bands but praying beads; aeUbar

Is cachleenoa proToksd by the ttttes wbh* the tttrs la teats gfve fdasaaasives at aratter, as

rrleaatr aad gVadswaae sadrlt p«v»*« u^ j, ,*.

fteahls«,a^lheavM eaaaot bat be *aore or MM aa%ato< trethedaap

of the plaos, krnvtag it a hem whoa be eaaae. I»a» eieajiraiaat ta ahaaa who toaa ■

ttosp httoroat la chrtatiaalty aad chart* exor-

TEMPBBAMGE STATionos.— air. Ed-

ward Younfr, chief of the BorexU of Sta-

tistic* at WaaUnf^iH*. baa uidudad 1st some recent Imrwrtaat saatatasats tha

following tlgnrtx of tbe sale of llqaxata

la taw Ualterl rHataa drntikg tba natnl

year ending June DO, 1871: Whtahtw, vifloajm gal*, at fl retafl,

rttVtaam. i^.«*wa,-tk»>

rteVweea, te,tse^si fata, at

the foratar heetbraa preyed for a Ifttf* rain at

>«aag fhaawsa wU ham to pray aa. ^«*a.;a*wa-a*a-ts^d tb* prayed wkh tieat seal; the boy*, who had l>tevlded fhtaaasfvii wlU a bushel or *o, com.

toe heavy f« kJa», W varied ate ptaisfsa wtta-" Dasa's eaa, SSMM Lord, hM -atastoaT'taadewaalaei^


Ale, beer and porter, *«T*eev0M bbes. Mgfs> retail,

Kalive b

awtat, Bars la a awn wartod, oc worae th an

waatad, which would pay off tha aatioaal

debt Ii* four yeara; or which, If turned

Into prodootlve Uveatmenta. W0wM give

aoch a start to the ytmfhnmj of tba

ooontry as waa never knowa. Tbe flg-

aree, to wboovcr will consider them

carefully, an more clwjuent and aag-

geativa than one of Gougha apeeofaee.

Bis* B*i i,.-A frfeedly gams am* played upeu the rah- Groaadt at Lo-aH, bstwean the M9fm Ctar. of that city, aad the Alert Club of Lauiusi Tee early hear at which the Uw- teaea beys had to reiare ht>taa, brought the eaatotoacloM whoa fret six Inalngs had been played, Tha atpprre won thaguuMbyaacore 0f»to7.

taareaash to he owe of the tetetga moaey order oaoto under the aew swraButomirat with Great Britain and Irtli tat Itt of October.

m ■

ISthc HHmericcm. LAWRENCE. FRIDAY. SKIT. 8,71.


There I* * had state, of tbintis in 1 nitiliti. In the coorM of a recent riot ■ bar of Iron in throws oat of ■ wiDdow upou the police, ind th«r captured the hou*e ami all in It- Tbe mob, to attempt! OK to ramie Hie prisoners, BHrlj demolished the house. The feolioK <* Intensely bitter against the police and soldiers, and the two latter entertain tbe •» feeling agaaott tbe rnoh. It permltied in flre.ibey will maka dreadfnl daughter. Winwn were am on*; the nan active or the rioters.

Tbe freat fireman's mu-ter commences at Porutnoaih to-ttay. 3,.VM Mreraen. 30 steam sti .ini Ore engines, 39 bund engines, and 11 hu.ik aod ladder aod hose companies am re- ported. At tbe clam hake there will bn SOU bushels of clams, l.aofi lohatcrs, .WO dcimn ot rum, ami V> barrel* ol aweet potatoes.

A jn*rty of iiilirin attempted to capture a man named llanoa, at Bloomtteld, Mo., on rUiodaT- The fellow and his friend* managed to kill three of the entases.

Tbe continued payment of the t'ulted But** national debt eaelte* nu little wonder and ad-

miration In Kuropc, and American credit 1* (to- hi:: up, up, up.

There li»» been a Kn-m storm in Minnesota and Nehraaka. A number of. building* were a/uatraiet, A man *•- blown from a train of rare aod kllleJ.,' rti- * . ' *<

Hon. Charles Allen formally declines being a randtdata again for the place or Attorney Gen- eral of the irate.

safe and loik factory inatl, Tuesday night.

lt> Wrliflit Brsld Mn.nuf*cturlt>eT niwuiani

We ire always pleased to note (he suc-

cess of »nv nr our locil enterprises, anil

we know of none more worthy of men-

tion than the above. From It* Inception

to the present tliM k baa been favored

with continued micce**, requiring con-

stant additions ol space ami machinery,

ml to-day. In quality, quantity and vari-

The New St. Mary'a Church. DEDICATION ON SUNDAY.

History of tliu CLmrcll-Doucriptlon of the Hu i ldl HH--U ifiLi Concourse of Peo- ple-The Mayor and City Government j end o( |lle ,rBnMp,r The aililre.* was d and l^eadinir Citizens Present—Tb« Ceremonies by the Bishops and other Clernry - Discourse of Bishop Bacon.

The Imposing ii'i attendant upon the

IfcN'eale & waa burned .

Loss, 120,000.

Four id' tin: female Incendiaries of Paris have bees sentenced to death, and two to imprison- ment for life.

The New England Fair opened at Lowell, Tuesday. There was a good attendance.

.'(din Morrissey is to build a church with bis winnings at a horse race.


The firemen's mutter at Purtsniouth, was uno of the most brilliant affairs of the kind ever witnessed. Tbe reports state the trains on the Eastern railroad were detained three hours, and the mngnlllcent procession did not start until 4 r. x. The clam bake was a full success. The Mayor ordered all the liquor shops closed, but bis order was disregarded, and hnndreds were under the Influence ol li- quor. The rum sellers are to be prosecuted. Great numbers of the visitor* find themselves unprovided with Inditing or food. The Wash- legion of Lawrence, plays Sib, to-day, and iho Methuen steamer, lib. Ol tbu hand machines, the Merrlmac ol Norm Andmer, plays 2jd,

At Milwaukee, WIs., on Wednesday, Gold- smith's Miilil ironed three heats in 3,301-2,Ml

and ■' 39 1-s. The time of the second heat was given different, one Judne making it i 17, an- other 3.16 a I, and a third, 3.16 1-J.

A learful explosion took place in a coal mine In Wtnan, Lincolnshire,, Wednesday morniOk'. Some filly miners have been nil till from commuuH-aiioii with the outer world, are supposed to have pcrishuu.

Near Wtikcsbarre, Pa., a child Tell into lake. The mother Jumped In to save it, another child, being frightened, followed the mother. Ail three wore drowned.

A submarine diver at St. Louis, got bh air pipe emungled at the bottom of tbe river. Ills helmet wns pulled off and ho was drowned.

The llollenbeck mine at Wllkeeoarrtj, Pa., "caved In, Satuiday. Six acre* sunk -JOO loot.

It bad |mvi„i|.'i (, .,.M ,ii,,u ,| ,|

A baby, weighing but one pound, was born at Ballville, Ohio, four weiaa since. It now weigh* mo pound■.

The Globe Woolen Mills, at L'-ica, N. V.. were burned vYtHlne*«le« ewniua:. Loss, fyflti- otsj.

MeCarty, a conauhlu who tfa* wounded In tbr Dublin not, i> reported as dylD|{.

The election In California is viry close be- tween republicans and democrats.

SI. ii .u Vesuvius is again la a state of erup- tion.

Hull M3 f>9.

Tbu firemen's mutter at Portsmouth, closed ye* erday. DilgraesfOl rowdyism Is repoi in the evening, an<l it was not safe for ladles to !'■■ on the streets ; one waa knocked down anr beaten by one of the red shlried heroes; tin im in- n of Lawrence uud vicinity had lelt be fore this. The steamer City of Uavcrblll look the first class steamer pnr.c ol 8100, playing 188ft, 1 lu.; the BDCQ Htimpson ol Blddeiord, the first pri/a of the second class, fflOO, 168 ft., !> in.; E. A. Straw, Meihuen, *.'d pnw, 2d class, 1100, ia"lfl.,fl in., tbo WashiiiL'icni of Luwrcnco plated Ii7 It, -2 In; the first band engine prim

was given tu iho Kxcelsior of Winchester. Masi., $100[ n,,,,,,- 0f tbo hand enninet diil better than tumo or the steamers.

The republicans of California have elected Newton Booth Governor, mid the whole stnte ticket by four or five thousand majority , all those elected bold office for four years j they hare little sympathy, however, from eastern republicans, owm* to their scandalous Chinese doctrines.

Gen Duller addressed the people of Salem last evening; there was an Immense Crowd present; hu was Introduced by Gen. Plcrspn ol the Second l'i i ■ ..I.- lie expressed his feter- mination to II.:IIL it out with the papers which attacked him, until one or the oilier went under

Tho ROOM rue on Charles Hirer, yesterdor, was one of tho most laughable affaire on rec ord. There Were six wash IVba ilrwwn hy sla geese each, and a man in each tub. All of the contestant* were overturned in the course of tho race. It wai won by Harridan's geese.

Tbe horse Dextor's time, 'J II I I, bar been beaten by Guldsmith's Maid In 2,1ft I-'.1, or 3.17, and Iionncr la dethroned.

The testimony In the Eastern railroad inquest is closed, and the verdict will probably be given Hstnrday.

At a Duilur flag raising in Olmrlestown, the audience wai addressed by Major Italian, and two colored men, ime the well known lawyer, E G. Walker.

Clark SpaldiiiK's Lawrence horse, Frank Palmer, made 11.83 at Lowell, yesterday, "dis MuelUtt" (he whole field.

Some Uexicsn* alMrkcd the American Bark, Brother, and capidrcd It alter eight of tbem were killed. The Hanreil Home was also at tacked hv ih«m '-•• •>•"*■ •-....<. .....

. ,. ....... mentis great exrfis- uent in Toxas.

The uteitmer leader, from Danltlc lo Am- Ittrdam, bus been lust with tbe officers and


A few copies' of tin- iloyttnt plctun

tbu now Ht. Mary's, proatjiitoil In i

ty of Its product, atatide unequalled by tiedlealloo of Si. Mary's Church took place on

any In tlila t'ouutry.

Plio maniifdcttiro of braid In this coun-

try, la of coiiiiiaratlvely recent date, If be-

Injr secured t-mlrcly by Importation, Ifll

within ten year*, wru-n It* manufacture

waa bc^uu IH'K- h) a few aoiall!-

lishiiients. |nlSA5ihe WHIOHT M AM. -

rAUTUKUIQ Cu. waa formed, and waa

Composed of Meaari. A. W. Stearns, A.

S. WrlKht and l>r, A. J. French. These

IfMtlemofl are all well known lor their

Mrlet Integrity. B^rawd buslneai quallfl-

oaUonit ant) llnanclal ability. Mr.

Stearns, as treasurer of the Company.

assumed tba financial inanajtemi'iit of

Hi-- cotiecni. lutrodaolog their Uraid* to

the market, and purchasing the mateilal

for It* mafluftseture. Mr. Wrlgbi plteed

hltntelfln the eoually responsible posi-

tion of managing director, and the suc-

cess, attending hi* labor fully ■uatilni hit

former repntnlton as a manofacturer.

The demand for the braids of this es-

tablishment compelled larjre additions to

tbelr iii.n-liiiii'r> :i[.d tmililin^-. itn'1 about,

a year* since the manufactory' ofTlr.

Jeisle Hciivi'ii was secured, and has since

been running under their direction. But

still the demand »us greater than their

ahtllty to supply, and during the past

week the Coinp .■•., i II. v'.vi] the purchase

of the eni Ire machinery used in the man-

ufacture ol IJrald by the I.uwrenee Worst-

ed Co. This purchase comprised lome

one hundred and stivonfy Braiders, lo>

sTt'ther with tlie appurtenances connected

therewith. With thl< addition making in

nil nearly six hundred Braiding ma-

chines, Ihe filling of orders,—of which

llicru arc many large ones in waiting,—

will be greHtly facilitated, although

tbelr immense business will keep the

newly aJded machinery In constant use

They also have plans matured for an ail-

liition to their mil! of three quarter) U* prn

In variety ot Its productions, this com-

pany stands second to none, while in

colors—and Us superior tlnisli,—It

no (-ipiuU. But litlle Braid Is Im-

ported at tho present time, and to the

excellent quality ant! large tptttntlty pro-

duced by this Concern, Is this fact m:ii[ili

attributable. Some adcpiate hlea ol tin

business transacted may be had from lln

fact that the sales to a nlnglu linn In New

Vork, lor the past year, amounted td

fifty thousand dollara; and this Is ilsf

trueofnllrm In ChleagO, While then

have been Inuumorabl: establishment-

starleil during llie past few years, then

are but few that are in existence at tin

present lime, and but a small percentag*

of these can be placed BWOnif lite sue

cesBlul. chief among which i- ihe Wrlgh

Manufacturing Company of nur cln I'hls ('iuiipau)'s bra1d< arc sold by ticui

ly every luadlug J djber in Beaton.

'•Biurjf,Aiis!" "DtlKOLAiar— "iVbni

night have been," but wasn't, a tragedy,

s said to have taken ploco in the vi-

■inity nl tho depot ot tii« Soit'.li Side,

LIIMIIL a week since, As we have taken

in obligation U|H»n tho geography noi

• i reveal the geography of the lucaiiuu,

ir the names of the partita who were

h-pply intcresletl, they will of courst

lever ho known lo this world through

mi- columns.

A gentloinan rendered nervous by

tividinj; accounts of burglaries, in the

.luirriC'i'i, ami who pussoil sloeploNs

II.I.I ■ in conscipiotico, wblle in that un-

easy condition towards day light one

night, "saw n noise." It was as ol

law—log mid boring. Me; lud been

lioii-d all night witli visions ol large

whiskered nnd fierce burglars. Some-

thing disturbed the operator, and soon

all was quiet save Ihu muttered roar of

Ihe Meriimuck over the falls, and the

sound of officer Bpoflford'a boots in tho

distance. Scarcely wailing to swallow

his coffee, beef-steak nnd rolls tho next

morning, llie citizen ■■ ttrtcd lor the

north side, and inado n straight coat

fail fur Kitiid.ill's hardware store, nnd

invested a heavy amount of capital in

anus and ammunition. Provided with

an Immense navy sis shooter, a keg or

so of powtler, nnd builds lo match, he

Icl'l for homo. That burglar was not to

escape with Impunity by considerable.

Procuring tho aid of his neighbors, they

watched nnd waited. "In llio dead

waist and middle of tho night" the nois e

Came again. The revolver was levelled,

pickets and sentinels had been thrown

out to close upon tho fellow when bo at-

tempted to escape. The stir alarmed

him nnd be fled\ but was not tired upon,

as ho moved loo lively. Tbu individual

had whiskers, it Is true, but four legs

and a long tail. Ho was one of tho ro-

dent lainily, nnd he roilo off with im-

mense speed upon his trotters. The

chief of tlie artillery suggested that

"mum" waa the proper word to bo used

in this connection, and the others rat-

ified the suggestion. A revolver is now

lor sale at a slight discount. Apply at

tho depot.

(IAS OH THE CouuuN.—Our citizens

will soon rejoice in the presence cf gas

li^ht on the public park, of which

they are so justly promt. There will In

eluvun tight posts distributed through

iho various paths, and although tide

colmtins to-day, have been

lino oird, with gold bordor,-

haudsomo picture fur Inn .1.1

Inuniug. K,.r sate, ai uuly

each, at (his riffle an I the i


" ISIII'IMMM ,Jl>l US W.l.-M "-I Siii'iml, which wo last wink, b y* luce

trovcrtihlu bids ol iieonl, squar ■ly c. viete.l ol an unqualified falsehood instu of honestly admitting an error. >r in

fudy retracting tbo slander, flounders

through the mire of n half dozen fresh

fabrications, oaoh as baseless as the fust,

nnd then impudently prates of its efforts

to bring us benighted neighbors up to

its own standard of " Independent jour

nalism!" When ihe s.„lim! shows

that it has decency enough of its own,

or a sufficient estimate ol public regard,

to retract a lie when squarely nailed hj

tho record, possibly its model of •• inde

pendent Journalism " may sufficiently

nttrncl admiration t-> add a fresh hall

dozen to iisstibs

ent tin re is nod.

rary will it, I ring,

which tli

a'ipiion list, but at pre*

nger that any entempu

upon the |i« ruli.ii fiehl

iifl tai

I pape

nl 'Ii.-| sitioi


Hasday last, and were witnessed hy a great coscoorse of people. Amont; th»se pressot were Ills Hosor Mayor K- U- W. Daris, mem- he ra of the City tioremmeot, ■~i'lio"l Commlt* tee, the Uifth MhenfT, Oast. Moratlu O- ib-rrick, tbe Po'tmsater, and sereral leadlna culicns uf all daDutnioatloBj, sod tbelr ladiea. It la prub* able that at least three thousand persons ware seated, and a thousand or more were Handing; jet so vest are tbe dimensions of the building that there was no apparent crowd except dur- ing the egress from the bottle, at tbe close of tbe services. The dsv was hesutlful, and for an nour or more belure tbe tinie ot tommenc- HI.:, tbe people were pouring in. The use of tickets prevented ihe tremendous rush waicb other*Iss would baveot currcd, and evurvthing was quiet, orderly and well waneied. The kteoilemen who acted as ushers were especially ■uccessfQl ia this department.

It Is to be regretted that it was necessary to

dedicate tbe cburch before It was entirely fin- ished. The five large windows, presented by llvu societies, each window an elegant and cost- ly representation in stained glass, of a saint, over and In th« rear ot the altar, a large, win- dow at either end of the transept, presumed >>7 Hio Iwys aad girls of the Sunday School, and two other large windows at the eeaMnd oi tbe Inilldlng, were unfinished, and tbelr places were tilled with canvas. Nut much over halt of tbe pews were readr, either, aod settees were substituted ; and some other tilings, Inside aod out, were necessar; to completion- For many reasons, however, uno ot which waa re- spect to the luemorr of tbe laic Father Kdge, who had set bis bean noon the dndtceilnn oi the church daring tho "uctaro" of St Augus- tine, that Is, wlibfn eight dajs of tbe anniver- sary of the birth-day of tbat saint, It was de- cided not to postpone from the day onglnallj

1IIBTOBY OT Mil nun, n.

Si. Mary's Society In Lawrence, was first gathered by Rev. James O'Donnell, in the carl} days ol the town, some time in 1M\ after that of the Itmiiactilaic Conception was (armed The first church used was a wooden building, but alter a time tbe congregation increased BL

rapidly In numbers, tbil In tbe last of Felun ary or early In Uarch 186$, tbe foundation ot tbe stone edifice lately used hj- the congrega- tion was commenced, then extending hack huwever, Irom Ilavcrhlll Street, bnl a portion of tho way to Oak Street. It was creeled over the wooden building, hut a few years after- wards It was enlarged and continued lo Oak Street, nearly doubling its dimensions; and now the society havu been compelled to pro- vide themselves with a still larger place of wor- ship. Father O'Donnell was of the order of St. Augustine, but ho obtained leave to go out and work upon his own respon"it>H||y, He went

to two or three places, and finally settled in Lawrence- The enlargement "f the church took place in 1800, sod on Sunday, April "th, IKl, Father O'UoDMll died, quite suddenly, us Ue (ill iatod In his church on tbo previous Sali- haib. He had an insurance of yio.linn upon hi> I He, and waa aliout negotiating tor one of «.T000 more. Of this gentleman, the Lawrence

S.HKKICAM «f April l:i.h. IW1, ssvs:

"Father O'Donnell was Bfty-Qvo years ol <iiie. Hi- long residence here, hln earnest tlevo nun lo the Inioresn ol his neoplu, and his cner-

aetlcelniiti lo promote the public good and cu- naiicc lln; general morality ot the community, ..i'i won lor him a high position in the sOeO*

lion of his own people, and in tbu esteem of ihu "hole community, to whom his diets*! is i great loss. Toe funeral set vices were held *■ the church, on TucuJuy. In tho presence of ■ii immin.-o concourse of people, It'iv. J. ,1. vVililansol Boston, ofrjciaiing. The lemalns acre ib'putiied In a uravu made in the church ui i'I, HI ill c west of the building."

The deceased was of great value In the com- munity. At one time, by his own personal ex- ertions and management, ho averted what would ittive been a serious disaster unti calam- ity. We have not spaco lo enter into the pnr Ucnlart here, but many of our older residents will laiueuiber the circumstances. Nu man ever lived la Lawrctico who was more general- ly respected and IHJIOICI.

At tho death of Father O'Donnell, Rev. Fathers Stnnton and Gallagher wore In charge, and afterwards Itcv. Fathers Ambrose and Ed- ward Mullen. Tho church was taken Into the hands of the onlcr of St. AngiHtinc, and con- tinues In Its charge; In August, 1609, Hev [.HUM M. Edgo was appointed pastur of Si Uary's, and he almost Immediately commenced the work of preparing to erect the now church i he had implicit faith In his people and In then /.nut. Wo find that as early as October32nd, 1800, after the service in the afternoon, bean nounced iliat it was decided to htilid tho new churth so long contemplated, and Invited con- tributions for that Object, Quite a largo sum was sutiscrllied upon the spot. A widow ladj gave $1000, leveral others 9300 each, and a very largu number SlOO ml,, nn Christmas day, 1865, over S-luOo was raised tonanls th< IbandatloOj ili,< work was suflldcutly ailvmicee tor tlie corner-stone lo bo laid on Sunday, Aug l0«h)1866i a full account of ihu ceremonies on ihat day, with a sketch or Dr. Uorlart) 's dis courxe, will be found in the daily American oi Sept. 2d, and also In tbe Lawrence American oi Friday (to-day). Several fairs havu been iiel.i in the years since, at each of which some eight or ten thousand dollars was realized, A large number, ll would nerm. about every member, oi that great congregation, subscribed $J5 and upwards, according to their means or steal, many of tbem repeatedly; they evidently be- llered In laying up their treasures lo lleaveo, where money does not depreciate and where tblevel and burglais are unheard of. Many hard working girls lu tho mills have considered (l.i. the best Investment they could make, even of hundreds, and cheerfully gave them lo the

uso. Tbo work went on surely, and as rapidly

tineas their especial pntron in heaven. All BUS falls ibi.lUtt lima, Jesus ii met hy bl- are, of course, Catholics, and It is an organlzs- ' blessed mother, The cross U tatd upon Simon tton within thai Church. There arc nvcra of t.'yrene, The face of Jesus Is wiped hy Ve- other orders, with similar objects. I ronlca, Jttttl falls a second time, The women

On ihe Ith of July, |OT0, tlie first cross was of Jernialem mourn Tor our Lord, Jeans falls a

raised on the building, on the Bradford Street thM l,n)B. J"«" *» stripped of bla garments, Jesus is nailed to tho cross, Jesns dies upon the cross, Jesua la laid in the arms of his bleaied mother, Jesus la laid in the sepulchre.

At the side altar nearest Haverhill Street Is a full length etatue of the blessed Virgin, full Has of life and richly dressed. The face is very lovely. She stands upon a serpent, with the forbidden fruit in his mouth, and upon tbe globe. On the oiher side is a figure full six feet high, richly colored, representing St. Jo- seph, alsotwltb a fine face, with the boy .leeus is front of blm, holding a glube with ihe cross.

There are ore rrry rich paintings, about twelve hy fourteen feet each, on the walls at tbe rear of tbe altar, wlih a large number of figures in each. Thty are by Messrs. Lang a Klnkclln nl New York. They represent the Annunciation, tbe Birth ol Christ, the Cruci- fixion, the Keenrrectiun, and the A»cen»lon. On ihe wail at the noith side, facing the audi- ence, I* a representation of the Cburch above., and the Cburch on earth. In the figures on earth, are represents ihe Pope, Father O'Don- nell, Fathef Edge, Father Gallagher and oth- ers, hkh and low, rich and poor. On tbe other aide ot tbe chancel is a painting representing ihe reception of St. Augustine lu heaven.

by Rev. M- J L Doserty of I former resident of this city.

estCBirrtos or THE nvti.utKo.

The mighty temple which has been reared by the iteedlaat and long continued zeal of the people of St. Mary's, displays its msgnillcsnl proportions on tbe souib side of Haverhill Street, on tbe opposite side uf the one previous-

ftb the front upon Hampshire Street It Is built of light granite, obtained from West- Ton), near Lowell, from Salem, N II., and Hal- lowed, He- It Is of ihe Gothic style of archi- tecture. Tbe plan baa been altered since It was

■n, adding greatly to the beauty of the structure, and not a liitle to the expense. Among these changes has been the introduc- tion ot the "clear" story. It Is i!0 leit long on I Haverhill Street, and "0 feet wide, except at I

transept, where It i- 10'..' feet wide. fTbe ! City Hall is about 120 feet long and TO wide.) The tup of the steeple, which is on tbe north-, west corner of the building, is SHS feet from iin' ground, and tbe top of tbe cross which sur- { mounts It, 'J33 feet, IS feet higher than tbe top | of Bunker Hill Monument. Uf course It can j he seen at a great distance. Tbe top of the] eagle on City Hall Is |M feet from the ground. Within, Irom the Hoor to the apex, tbe befghi When the building Is DuUhod, there are to be

la 67 feet. From tbe ground, outside, lo ibe j uPun "he outside, life sized statues in zinc, of top ol the clear story (lo the eaves ol the upper I lbo Bussed Virgin, 8f- Joseph. St. Aumsilne. roof,) It Is 56 Teet. The ridge-pole Is 83 leei ! St. Monica (his mother), snd St Thomas of trom the ground. The height from the Hoor | Villanoova. A chime ot bells Is also proposed

to tbe-celling of the "aisles," (wbieh are on each fide of the "nkve" ot tile bdlldlniF,) Is 3.V leet. The altar Is on the east cm', and the or- gan gallery Is on the west end, or front. There I) a gallery in each end or the transept, capable of holding some two or three hundred persons, hut thero are no other galleries.

for the tower. Tbo altars used are only tern porary. The gas* fixtures are of in entirely new style. They are put up by Archer & Pan- coast of New York. There arc 431! jets, In ad- dition to ihosu inside the altar, probably fifty or a hundred more,

TbeanhitLCt of ibis grand woikis P. C Kee-

-hreo entrances to the church, one from ,hei'•*. Kiq , or Brooklyn. Tho stone work was

Hampshire Street end or Tront. and one at each : *>' Kr- J«mM Train*, and the wood work by -..d of the transept, from Ea verb 111 and from I «r Jrtmu« Uu,«". °f Bu'1'nWon, \ t. Tha Bradford st.cets. Confessionals are at each , original estimate ol the cost of the building „ide of each entrance. There is a small chapel, w" »1C0,000. It has now cost opw about 08 feet long hy .W feet wide, also of gran-, •*'*.«••«■* it ll expected that hy t

bs, in the rear of the chnrch, and attached to It, thi! end of which is upon Haverhill Strcot. It isdcslgnod to use this for marriages, baptisms and small gatherings. Un the other side of the chancel Is a vestrv room for the use of tbo cler- gy; and tho chapel and tbo vestry are connect- d by a pasiagc at the rear of the altar.

everything has been completed, upwards or (PJO.000 will hsvo been expended.

TIIK DEDICATION HUT ICE*. The services of dedication, so Img and

iously looked lorward to, were half-past ten o'clock, Sumiuv n iferjry in attendance were Ills

1. llsy Uud ar.p turn from Uaugur, tcuipiaiiuu i sin, liuuur M Hut saintly SHaM WBtf Hist SS*

lui.isi- ini-, ... s'.i-i'i ,i ».,ik, i, ..ii eaudrsa ut ai. AUtfuatluu, mUu IHIIII .1 tu Uwvll lu llie t>u>ru>l

.11 ,-.,nii. ||,nil » ,-,,■ » i ,i..,i will, ihu iti.'ir jr.,i[i.ii. Tu-dsy ihuy , psrhaps, loot

luiiiun ui|fh and witiiBS* ins cunipiEUou ol '1MB, ll.ij, *!■ liusl, luuK diiAiiaini pi IJ

•■'"I .ti >- luii ur grauisda. Uud graui stsiwsi ildlug outu^iuiud, Is Hi.-

a i in-1 wry.

■■u l.» luUUaUluUa, Htlu VuulluUld 111.: Wulk, <Ju I ovmd Hu-> spaaa Ham, lln > cuuid l*U at Ida Kwp;aM M,I,I- ...d da>S uf ISU ili"> II.M- win In levisiug luaans lu uuuiplEte ths WurS, aiid lu Juur- inyliig Hum ti.niMi, tu iu s'lbot yuut Ultla but ;■ inn-Hi, I'MIIIIIIIII,:,,!,:, aud ,i, , ,,,,.h,ii.,m,.k u.,- wura

umirswssKs, u.

luuy sivou ties

i........ r LI,,.„, .ud


US tfeM JuyuUS lay ll Is Inn natural lu

* n! jun Cuum tU M

f. INII.,1 yu

d luVB HU

ud's. IbU cd

U» asa «s«vj ii luu" stasu' L a liuuau u

sjatl :rr ■Warn rasas duwMa zzz:

■ajssiy auu asm JUULU IU u.r sival Uiua ur,aud Usa

..[...II . my, nl,,nun txtsstuowd wbsuu BsjSl

.roper to say that the uliar and chancel arc in Williams, ot Boston, Bishnp of M.-i-

IS •luime >. :l .1.1.11 |,

1 mill inr .. mi'm rid Hunts, ii

le lllihl ,1 Hi,in Hi, Dus ton Cutnnmn, TI O |K).ll ,11-Vlll'llll. HI 1110) itternastluMi in t'O l ,11 1151! ,l|» tin slneU. »,■

ha 1 l,u|., "I »l« Hern til j; lijrhl w „M bi U....I,—III! S:ill ■ us ore us. il nt ll n riiniv. lu I O (' i II.ill. Ii i-

ii linik™ ~,i.i| if g much l.i.'lhi '.—'lne Sentinel with fliaiwC te iKIii- ini,.|..>ly. off. rs u »>ut a column

nl suygestioiiB wijokly, nn to the man-

net- in which this paper might lo be

euniliicti-il; I'Xi-iisi! us g.litlu neighbor,

but as we have before remarked, cbnrit}

l]"jriiis nl home, anil until you have

matlo f/onr plnn BO fur sucoosalul na to

secure as many hundred renders ns ours

has brought thousands, it would lie

cruel lo rob you of any talent might

bo so much bitter employed in your

own columns, than in gratuitous advice

in others.


int.Mined thai, ul the rcijaest of many ol

our proiuiiieiil citizens, Gen. Benjamin

I . ilutler will spoik in Nils city, on

Saturday evening, September Itith, at

the City Hall. The Goneral speaks at

the City Hull in llnmhlll, on the i:llh

lust. His Hiibj.-ct will be the political

issues <if tho tiny.


/ill be a AT TIIK Sot TH Sjt)g,—Tlit-ri'

irass blind concert nt the W?«h-

itcr lliiuse. South Side, I'll WCIIII.MI.U

as could bo sapectsd or desired, seldom never delayetl by lack of funds- In November, l'i.,, tho new building bavins received Its root, it fair was held In It, and a handsome mm was

On iho S.'itb of February, 1*70, occurred the death or Father Edge at tho St. AngnaUnc parsunage in Pbl'adelptiia, where hu had been upon a visit for a lew weeks; the sud news was entirely unexpected, and caused deep urief ami iilsmay, not only -n.; his people but amont: ail classes of our community where Ini wu> greatly honored and respected; Father RdgB was a mcmtier of tlie school Com mil tee, HIH

his lire wa« Insured at tw.. different DIRCH («>

llO.tfOO, ami the entire l'i0,00o was paid to his in -loved church. The funeral took place from he church on Monday, Feh. 24th, the remains

Having iM'en brunght to Lawrencet noiwitii siandlou a heavt snow storm prevailed, there i»ii« an Iniinense turnout and procession; urea' numbers of ihecler«y took part In the services, lie wss Interred In the Catholic remeicrj; it was not lonx after this that his faithful co- worker, Faih"r Ujllagher, also rasicd away truiti amonn in.

1 be death of Fuhor F.due, isd as it was to die society, did not prevent his tfrnnd Concep- tion From in-li - carried nut, Ills people rushed forward, as it were, tu fill the Rap caused by hi-full, un.l Ihe ureai work was continued with, ir anything;, Increased cnirgy and Mat. At the lime of the death of Father F.due, or bufore, ihe Mn leiy had the innetlt of iho advice, coun- sel and Riddance of the present accomplished pastur uf tbe Church, Ihu Very IUV. Thomas Qalbetrt, Superior Of the Order of St. Augus- tine In ibe 1'niied States, one of ihe most tbur- oiitth scholars, and courteoui and unaisumlea gentlemen that any Chnrch can boast. He has neon ably assisted hy Father J. I' fiilmorc, an active snd zealot)* priest, and also by liav. Wil- liam llarnett anil Rev. Tliomus Field. All are memWrs of tbe Order of St. AuKmttne. The native liom American, generally, has tun little Idea uf rrligioiH orders, and we do not know that we can enlighten tbem much. St. Auaus. tine (sometimes called St. Auttlnj lived In the 1th century. Me was one of the four (treat doctors of the Church, and his life was such, while on csnh,'hat Hie Church declared htm s saint. The Order or St. Ait*im|ne, Which has been eiUbthhsd forseversl hundred years, I* composed of men and women who t»kc certain vows lo nl>stain from secular pursuits, and de-

vote themselves to Ihu priesthood, l'> conduct- ing churchc", to ediu-ailns ihidr people: and the ladies,to rdorsilnn, vklrrn* the lick,earing


i-r i lisriiy generally. They r

; tbo easi end of ibe to seat three ihnusund II hold a thousand or

an alcove, swelling out a huildln|{. It is proposed In tbo cburch, but It wl two In additloo.

Within, tbe walls and coillnt; present a most beautiful appearance. They have been frescoed in the illuminated style, by Schumacher ol 1'orilinil, a work of great diltlciilty, labor and coat,occupying months In ihe execution, The principle colors arc red, blue, green and ullt. there nrc a fcreai variety of designs, figures, emblems, and monograms Introduced, such a* iho cross and crown, the bishop's milre, the kjys.lbc ladder, hammer and uplkcB, tho crook, the bi'ile, wrenthi, I 11 S, nnd other mono- grams. When the gnat height of the ceiling ni'l the calls is considered. It Is a matter <, roniirutulation ihat nu accidtni occurred dnrinj ihu proi>rcss of the work.

Over Ihe windows scriptural texts arc tnsle- t ul ty Inscribed as follows: —Convert us, ifa Ood, our Saviour; In Ood Is my salvation aim roy glory; Trusl In Him, all ye conurbation ot people; I will rejoice under the covert of Tin wings | The Lord loveth Iho just; A hymn to all Ills saints; Seek ye God, and your soul shall live; Belore prayer prepare thy noul; Oh Ood, come to mv assistance; Thou url the Ood of my heart; Blessed be the Lord day by dtiy ; I'rai-e ye Him, all his ntigels; HteHsed bo the name of Ills Slii.lcsty forever in all bis ways; Olie us help from trouble The Lord Is in his holy temple, let the earth keep silence beforu him; I have chosen this placo to myself for a house of sacrifice.

Over iho windows of tho clearstory are I bete inscriptions :—Adore tho Lord in his holy court; lleverenco my sanctuary—I am tho Lord ; Let my prayer lie directed as incenso in thy HIKIII ; I will yjorlfy Ihe placo of my feet; Ood Is our help forever; My mime thino ear unto me mid

Lord, all jo people; Offer to God the srCritics ' recited at I of praise; My house is the house or prayer; j mass was i Ask nnd It shall bo given you; Holy, holy, ibe i ollidatitii Lord God uf Hosts; Great I midst or thee; Man em thi Indeed, the Lord Is lu thi:

Rev. David Uncon of Portland, bishop oi Maine; Ht. Rev.Stephen Ryan, Bishop ol 'Buf- falo; the Very KLV Ur. I liu lotion ol Provi- dence; the Very Ktv John O'Donnell, Vteat General ol Ha>bua; Rev. Mr. Collins or Wutcr- ■ord, N. Y i Rev. C Dally ol LansinRhurp, K Y.; IMV.J J.Frdiganaud Rov.T. O'Donavan, Cambridge, N. Y,; Rev. T. K. veny.Cohoes, N Y.: Rav. J Kevony, Troy. N. Y ; Rev. Dr. James OTUra, Syracuse, !ti Y.; Rev. P. O'Brien, Boston; Rev. Francis GoUesso, Marl ioro; Kev.A.M. Uarln, RsV.J. McUrath, Rev

John O'B.-ltin, Lowell; Kev. John MiDonalo .nd Rev, Richard C'utniulugs, Haverhill; Rev. t.. Mutphy, Fail R.veO Kov. L. UcMahou, Sew Bedford ; Rtv. M. J. L. Dulierty, Muford ; ReV.SherWOOd ilealj, Boston; ReV.C- I. Me- liraih, Sumervilie, and SOIIIU others.

The lecal clergy nero the Very Rev. Thomas Oalbcr.T, pusior ot tbu church, at,tl Siiji he Order ot St. Autiusm I. I'. Gilmore, Rev. Wn

In Amt UH Re Hi nu it and It, Ma ry's, and lln I humus Field, else

Wm.Orr, pastor of the Church ol '.be Imtuueu late Couception.

The services were commenced by a proces sion of prlesls and bishops, beuded by tbe cross and bearer, a eundle bearer on each -1.i.•. twelve acolytes: the bishops came last; ■«

. procession moved irutn the altar ihroush Ihe Lord Isjusi j or(J|Mj a|sltli lb0 i-awtc„ce Cornet Band, T.

thy Kane, leader, who were stationed in the organ gallery, played the hymn, " Saving lb wo bow before The*." At tho corner stone Bishop Williams read the opening prayer, and then tho proccssjou passed out nrotiud tbu building-, chanting the " Miserere," tbe hlsbop sprinkling; the walls. After a brief the Blur, It pasted aronnd the Interior of tbu chnrch, tho bishop sprinkling tho in-dde w

II be here; Incline jibe hand playing "God In mercy hear my re me; Praise the! prayer," and then ibe rest of tbu liuny was

hu Blur. Solcmu pontifical lu^h hen commenced, Bishop Witllatui

ttleurant, Rev Mr. Duhcrty m be that is In the ; deacon, Rev. Mr. Collins, mb-dcacon, and Rev bread of angals;! ur, Keveny nf Trov, and Rev. Mr. O'llara place; ihe place J aesconsot honor; Rev Sherwood Heal; or ibe

Other mottoes are:—To Hire, Oh I.ord, I I'be choir consisted of twenty-six voices. Mis: lifted up my mil; Into Thy hands 1 commend ; Walsh presiding nt the organ; the prill my spirit ; Forsake me not. oh Lord, my God , fial lOprBnoi «'tro Miss Mniilv Walib, Mlssti Pay thy vows to ihe Most High ; Call upon mo. Muhony, Girney, Keongh and Duherty; Cull In thedrtv of'trouhlc. iraiio. Misses Lorden and Donnelly; tenor

Tho chapel Is also handsomely frescoed In M""" K-oehe. snd tTeler; bass, Uessrs. Me the illuininnted iityie, In largo triangles with Duna1,1 "r Concord, Water and UeAvoy oi enililemi- The window! of ihu church, most ol, '-""til; the music sung was ihe Ktrlc, Gloria, which have been placed In position, arc all 0f "*snruis, and Amim Del, from Breams' Mi

stained glass; they were made by Morgan ol ! m '*• ,no Vle<l" "> n M' Vl

Ntw Yuik; the glass h Imported In sheets- plain rod, green or blue, a* the cs«e may be, and then cut in vsrions shapes ns may Ii »ircd; there sre several hundred pli

1 Wcbc-

jifertorium from Louis Larobillotte,

The discourse was delivered by Right Ilov David Bacon, who spoke substantially*! I0I

s In each l,,w* window,and fitting ibem together i'i present; the different designs, and securing them hy lead work, is u mailer of great delicacy, skill | and tasie ; the cos I ol each window Is upwards I ■if $10(1; several persons have contributed a1

window eacli, and tbrir names nre Inscribed at

the Iftjtlom of them; among the name dee those ot Michael and Ann Summe tUfferly, John KlJey.Jonn deCourcy Murphy, Peter Uolllhan, and II. I). Linn; the windows are In three piris or triple; those wb' have presented one-third ol a win low are Jo* McDerinotl, John Mahony, Mrs ,1. Daley, Her. nanl Wufers, John Leonard, Margaret Rey- nold", (a Latin Inscription,) and Ellen Ryan, ll. HIM. ' M and M. Carney, Philip D.iUn, D O'Donnell, Mary Oarvin, Mrs. J. Corcoran, Ambrose Uositer. John Paul, D. D. Msbonv The window* of the clear story are also of stained glass; all the lower windows arc tnr

mounted by emblems i ihere I* also to he H

memorial window for Father ir Donnell, on th. north side, and of Father Edge un the south; the An.lover society f Ishei one of tbo win- dows over the altir.

Around tbo walls are bung groups of iiatn- ary, or in relief, In frumen about IHO leet imiare, from six in twelvu llguies in each- The figures are colored, and many of iho lace*, osneeialiy ih.«wuf ibe Roman soldiers, wonleifu ly is-

Intbi .iof the father, Son

rend, my dearly Del

IT ot Proverb*, Slatei

ml Holy Gin .'d tirilliren

" M> ii.-Hutu* "

those wblab oar D

s we no-! "'"" '''""'■''■ »' rs,Hugh'N"' J'1"1 * , Patrick ' "h" 80M«,t"« U(

,.._. .i.. but it woald S-.-I wsnllng in ■ l

him fowirj be i

which lie L-iiuld r.

The work ft


p with the ddlilri

y ilesily betovtq lirelhri-ti, sru

Is* Hatlonrbssdelsatdtoapply r lovely )• ihe heart uf Jeaaal

utily fur love, to rsdcfm atsn, it,.,! Ids I, i|,|ilnr»s w<iul,| l,E

Ir.M If he could not daei, with

«:,:,'! w*nl shleh ha, as mst supposeibai hs would oi till IK ll.-uv.-o lu Ihe hurt. tiiti-d ■ BU-IIUMI IO remal iiwo IKIIIJT |M brvml

■np> ibe throne thai was ,i i.flhi K.ihvr; he lustl- i With mm; he lift In. In,, to iho mil id 11:..«-.

ad ili' occupation uf |h* Cat twits t^hureh whan ii- Imlill. hvr Souses, lalo Imlld ihrm Esrlha bunoi ml Ihs |lury nl God, be who dwlsbu to dwell isona th.. childnii nf nsoO, a- well sa fur tils dwell >* pltee, fur he has ordalm-d lllhst men shall have i- prlvlkfa io Mn .i his dwalllsg |iisce upon iha irth. she c.lla upon her children in ibalf poverty i |lve fiMly, abundantly, and wltboai ™t.inK i,,

niberof Csthnll -JIIP.I toguaer u who dHllabti

Thei represent I ■ally,.le-

deuined to death, Jesui receives the cross, Jo-' ediilts ohkh

t ■ re. M

pray* li*rr\ Ben WUfala, ult pray.

I pray Ii

ilt.d Pr.

■ II.

■ bear

Christ « pray.

way all



I* recrivud nn l.iJ'I. Ia nnl ihia worthy of luve and VaSSrsltoB? Can you fear todu toe ramh for U.«l'a house? Everything brsutiful In aatnre Ood asll* for. God .i'i I a temple in Hary aa hi* earthly

Tbl* (rand building speska loudly for the tncieasc ufCathollc* In lUf eounlry, and ihelr progreaa, and il.-munatraii'. Ihat they are ever ready to erect and ornament tho boss* of Uod. They have recoorse a all that art and science can luniiah, to cause tbeae hurobel to pitSMtt as rich and attractive appear'

auce aa possible. They are not only persecuted for tbatr faith, but for tb fa love of tha house of God. Bui tbelr love abates not; they only love the mare. Too have not been warning la your istl lo this ob- ject, and he will five his blesalng. He I* always ready tu protect those who love his houae. I if all the multtludca iif Catholics ID this country, you are oenalnly out wanting- In issl for religion. Thai you raay de*erve his blessing, visit this house often to offer God'a secrlttc* In prayer aud adoration, and you will be under the proteclloD of alary, mother of Ood, that pure and moat holy temple lu which the Delly dwelt. Hi member that when you enter this building, you enter not only Ood'* house, but that through which you will paaa to the eternal mansions, for Un. 1* not only the house of prayer, but the gate uf heaven.

Alter the discourse was rlnisbod the balsnce ot the Mass was celebrated, and then ihe rler- ify retired. The Hand played the Gloria Irom Mozart's 12ih Haas while the congregation was leaving tbe bouse. The music or both the choir and the band was extremely well ren- dered, and reflected much credit upon singers and players- It was nearly two o'clock before Hi" audience Inr tbe house. *■

A'collection taken up in ihe morning, real- ized about SI.OOO. In the evening there were puntidcal reapers, ai which Bishop Bacon of- ficiated as celebrant, Rev, Mr. Collins, deacon. Rev. Mr Keveny, oi Trov, mb deacon. Rev. Mr. O'llara and Rev. Mr Keveny of Coboes, deacons oi honor, Re*. Mr IMierty, master ul ceremonies; ibe discourse, wbieh was upon devotion to the Blessed Virgin, was by Bubop R>an of Buffalo.

ii of the ] i in,. ,!

IBUSg places ol Ihu 1,1,11,111,, », anil ,'..,■. Ihey .... mi.-I III, lug laid prMSI auU pvuptej hicn tuu CaUxdM aluiM ouuu 1.11411. uud ..,,■! ttuipiei, t

lucauron, ■eutlalof religion;

udutfauuiiai will In. »u ■lab. rat **u.po««uCl tu

,,:■■■ will cuiae down from i. ■vs U N..d 1111 UVL ) In ibla va.l edlrld lug prai.ia lu 1 mil U, I hey v. i .1 i,i ,-,, i , o i tu- VM •u alora God. Your huuw ts ll 3 tiuu.e. .ina

III dwell and ooi.ili.uu 1 It, a il he s.e.ilk -■

VhuuLVer thai Bkeildc* Shall be Offenul Iwi l onemanlol ,our ilua.l la bio ud • ill llow.not

a Lai Vary, hut for tho ...ti,,. ect, to blul u ,1

mrsluaj ihta alas •nilil a thi ureti to the lu ro

■vr* ■p ■erela. Now |« o lime loaetk Jour Goi , fur the *y and ibe ho sr Id eetao when be will 10 lor get temper Just ce ith luoroy. Tlie Bastuu r tlie. ii o leal ft mer UMaiiar.and nowlail ■ Mm to ask for Ii.

Again. In [hi* house y u wl sr iho word nf ud, nut Ihat of man, 11 B Will In* met by in ski „ eutlhe lip. of man to In part d« food. Mau » II

Uf gold or , r nl . I eaten; win-1 In-


Uud, »

an and pure, the fu< manner, If you hear llie word I

« "tie with the gift of Bloqusno ur irum film who, as tlie prophet, elutlers ss I ■peaks, to >mi It la llie aame, pure, uimdiilieralei dlvlso word, whli'ti WIN HVS von ifjou li.ii-u to I The prle*

: In. , pies D lei IITe uf Idleness and tale, or lo EU i repsiatl because,line Peierasd 1 sill, Oud called bin Wulk H* hi* Vlear. He ssyi to In , "Ho wh you hear* me, your Word Is my wi rd, wild i] y.,u, de.plse* me. Their .uitempi 1* Silt tlpC but upi.n me."

Here you will present j larlafat t* lo be rr and hy bSpllSBS, and nfl. wiinls i. coullrma receive the gilts ul the Duly Gh • t. Here run hive lost Ihe grace f God.y nu will a.

aronnd the altar. Vnin you par ■keorika meal you eannot buaav I. Hers the clear and opeseonfri lunofj, sorrow *"k f.,i Gud'.p.i Ihe priest name, will prosoasce it if you ■ mid alnc.-ri ly rwolve npo Sineliil.l nl. Her ing selected your p inn , fur life, j ,ii will pr

Mutniy to the Old Country.

On the 1-| ot October, under the spt-Cttal

.. si .) iremi, miHie) call Le sent Ihroilgl

I ' •■ I'' -i OtB O v.riM,

■• \ l-n ' I Oi..! 11

■: '■ ■•' ■; "H- *»" f-'ve

i.eiietj ii.iv..uiiije [it uiir re.-ijeuts win

are seurJIiiji small sums to their friend-

HI RliitlatliU, .Scotland or Ireland, as th>

(iiiverimiein Syttem |* not luresi,

quickest and most ecuiiomlcal, but abwu-

luitly raft-: money cannot be lost by thli-

mettiod, and the new ajstem will be s

treat blessing; lo tbuunaudt uf our |>e...

Pie. ♦ i s ■ *

JUST THIS.—The uuibitioua youti^

Celt, wlio boaflis of the niiiuui't of n-

s|ii-ctuliilitj' nnd bruins lie bringi to ttie

ranks ol bis fellow countrjmen in out

city, nnd who lias latteDed alike remorse

lessly UJIOII bis tiuiioiiulity, his polillor

and bis religion; whose, diny lulmitin-

tinns in the Stltfinel are [irivntely npulo

giiiA] lor by its owner. Is very itnxiou-

to know why the AMERICAN does not

sjy this or tbat; well. Sir Patrick, to

speak after your own uoltly oolite mnn-

ner, wo don't know that it is any of your

business; whenever we want only a sin-

gle subscriber, perhaps we'll edit thin

paper to plcaae you ; but the success ol

your method* in the Sentinel, has not,

we submit, been so brilliant, ol results as

to induce our adoption thereof.

ltAtLitOAO ACCIDENT.—Mr. John Malcolm, a Scotchman, or about 33 years of ajre, me. with a sad accident upon tbe Boston h Maine railroad, last evening, which resulted In iht loss of his rijtbt arm, tbe use of his right leg, and he may lose bis life from ths effects or tbe Injury. We learn that Mr. Malcolm resides In Lynn, and was on a visit to Methuen, over the Sabbaih.and returning home, by mistake, took the Boston &. Mulnc cars instead of tbe Salem cars. Tho car* had moved out of the depot and proceeded as far a* tbe crossing at tbe ca- nal, beroro Le discovered his mistake; he Im- mediately jumped Irom tho platform of the car, and was thrown under tbe wheels of lbs Lowell train, which was just coming in. He wa* car- ried to the franklin House, and Dr'a Chamber- lln and Saraent were called in- They found it necessary to amputate tils right arm. The rlsht leg was badly Injured, though no boner were broken Tbe flesh and muscles were torn away, and should he survive tbe effect* of M.- Injuries, It Is doubtful If he can regain the use of his leu. The gentleman has been In this coan-ry hut a few monih*, Is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and has a wife and Ihree Children now residing In Glasgow. We leirti that ho was somewhat easier ibis morning, bui still in -. critical condition. Wouldn't the sys- tem of hanging placards upon each car, denoi'- Ing its destination, be of much value ai the sta tlon, and also lave the railroad men mucn an niMBtico from man* questions irom thosenoi iBmlltar with the lima of arrival or depaitun ul irains? Thin method seems iu work .vei] at me li.siun station.

si rVice


FfcLLoWg FUNEHAL. — Huriu

JVI r ibe reomins ol Mr. HtebaTii

i occurred Suuduy, ul 2 o'clock

in Lbe MlterntHin. The ceremony wiu

under tho uusploea ol United Brother

Lntdge, No. \2'1, attended ><y th« Law.

rvDOe HI.IM Bund. About one hundreil

members were present, a lew IIOLU othci

lodges putlicipiilliig. Services were con

ducted tit i In bouse by Kev. J. B. Moore,

unit the usual < dd Fellows'burial Bervici

waa pttrtormed at tlie grave in the cem-


POLITICAL.—Tbe town of Uoiion im-

electeU two delegate* fur Dr. Luring .

lii.H k-iniir i l...t- three, and Suuderlano

[so, lor (Jen. Ilutler.

Murblelieatl, on Wednesday evening

ctruse Uvo limier delegates.

The Hulcui caucuses were called (or

^uti.idny ev< nitig ; (Jen. Umler was then

aiiiiuinictd tu speak there to-nlglu; now.

tbe caucuses are postponed. MUaip! i«u« UWIUIIIHII„,.UII. ...U...I, oaoiy

hlghiened, and call* loudly t,,i Immedl

ate oaucuaea In Boston, lo present tin-

evil results of Butler's machination* and


requested to stale that the ladles of our

city, who have been designated as nf the

Uummlttee In relation to ihe lurilicuiulng

lair ot llie .Society for Prevention ol

Cruelty (o Animals, nre desired to meel,

on Monday afternoon next, at -i o'clock,

at lliu vestry of the First Baptist Church j

ertrji toiht nn the list Is urged to be


, ,

FIRF.MKN'S HAI.I.. —Tlie members of

Meiriniiic Engino company, of North

Andover, will open Ihe duueing season

In that town hy a ball nt Ktevens' Hall,

on the evening <>f Sept. 23d. A good

time is nlwuys hud til llie entertainments

ol this company, dipt L. X, Duchesny

is l lie popular loreniun.

Two brothers nauutl tlogle, of iligli- gnt« Hprings, Vt., in the course ol six l.i\ B' Sahing in tlie Misahujuoi Buy,caught

eraging Ahsteirfjrr.

9 named is

ity, in the

.lust now

UH |>ike, pickerel utid buss, '" Album uiida each.—8t.

I the brothei

Mr. Thomiu llogle, of this

mpiiiy ol Mr. John Ktiseel



Mr, William T. Stark hits taken the

store iii Barnard's block. Main .Street,

recently occupied by li. Emery Smith,

where may be found a, new tinil well se-

lected stock of millinery and fancy


Mr. John Bailey, a native of Haver-

hill, but now a resident of Iowa, is on a

isit to bis friends in tils vicinity. We

had the pleasure of meeting him a few

days since, and obtained from him val-

uable information respecting the West.

His homo farm embraces I ii>0 acres,

and he owns about 0'M> acres of outlands.

The price of grains at his place is as

follows :—Corn ..'."> per bushel; oats .65;

wheat $1.1U. All the products of his

farm aro readily disposed of for cash.

A farmer from the vicinity of Baugor,

Me., was iu town a few days since for

the purpose of buying a place. He

stated that the farmers in bis neighbor-

hood were eelling their hay for $2o per

ton, and cowa eould be bought for $16,

It will bo seen that Ihe selectmen

have again advertised for proposals to

build the new road to the depot. Their

instructions for have been

'amended to obviate the.error previously


Mr. La Koy F. Griffin, lato Principal

of the High School in Beverly, has

charge ol the English department of

Phillips Academy, in this town.

Kev. Mr. Thomson, Rector of Christ

Church, takes a vacation of a few weeks.

Re*. Mr. Brainerd, of Quincy, will ofQ-

.'iale next Sabbath.

Charles Boyle, a heckler In the fac-

tory or the Smith & Dove Manulactur-

ing Co., in Abbott Village, had one ol

iis Ivgra broken on Weitneaday. while

moving slock Imin one of the mills,

lb. si.HV oi I loll nnd lllggins vrnf

utt red by a thief, on Thursday morn-

ing, about 2 o'clock, ile broke a lsrge

llttbt of glass in a rear window of the

•tore, and squeezed himself through,

over a sink and iuto a. b irTel containing

t small quantity ol flour, where he lei I

uis footprints. Mrs. Durgin, residing

HI tbe next building, heart) tho glass

ireak, nnd culled Messrs. (Reason and

Fanisworth, her nearest neighbors

I'hey immediately repaired to the store,

ind the thief suddenly vumosed leaving

iis coat in thu building Mr. Faro*

•vurih fired u pistol tit him, but misted

iis murk. The rogue broke a pane o'

,'I.IJ.M in tlie cellar window before enter

ng ihe store, but could not effect an en-

ranee. The glass in the store windows

it) larger than in the celUr, It must

Dare been a small fellow us Indicated

■y the footprints, and by his getting

through such a small aperture,

Mr. Charles W. Sanderson, Mrs. J

W. Edwards, and Miss Surah B. Ed-

wards, all of this town, sailed from Bos

ton lor Liverpool, on Tuesday laat, it

the f'timini steamship Malta. Mrs

Edwards will remain some time in F]u-

■ upe, and during her absence Mr. Sam-

uel M. Downs will occupy herresidence

Mr. John Dove has recently erected

in 18 foot windmill upon Ids premises.

It was made by the Empire Windmill

Company, Syracuse, N. Y., tho cost ol

which was |400. The building, mast

and pipes cost about $fi(X), making th

whole expense $lutXi. It Is used for

pumping water from tbe reservoir to

ihe house and barn when the springs

are low, and the wells about the build

ings fail. The power is equally applica

ble to all kinds of machinery, and would

propel a grist mill. "Raising the wind'

iH all that Is necessary to carry it.

Teachers of the public schools :—

Grammar, Rosa L. Pratt, Agnea H. Don

aid, Katie W. Cook; Centre, South,

Irene F. Ward well,Frances K. Chandler,

Clara E. Clement; Village, Mary E

Gile, Mary F. Merrill, Ella F. Merrill;

Ballard Vale, HatUe E. Abbott, Mary E,

Blxby, Ilattie Brown; Phillips, Hattie

I*. Hervey, Lizrle B. Abbott; Scotland,

E. Frances Cullahan; Holt, Annie M

Stoodley; Frye, Carrie B. Holt, Mar)

E Jones; North, Louisa Locke; Ab-

bott, Hattie R. Abbott; Baiby, Fannii

A. Hardy; Osgood, M. A. Whitehouse;

Centre, West, Hannah B. Abbott,

Tht-Cromble Street church In Halen

• M It-ttM'tftsirfl on\ bi-t I'M i

I Henry Tlisj er ol ibl- loan , ffl -aifi

The Fall >r i ihe S .■•!< , ■ t.

t pi 1-, wli . a in... ... 2J, H iilddle olasa now nouibttra 20 the sum <

lass 27. slid the special uourse, 7. uiak

nu* an ugi>ieyaie ol 77.

Mr, Horace I.eaviK of the Seminan

nas been supplying the church at Hiram Me.

Ills proposed to lay the corner-stone

if ihe Memorial Hall building noon, snd

o deposit under It, town documents; ;

IUl of all the soldiers In Ihe late war, be

longing In town, who died in the ser-vtci

ir have sinco dec eased; a list ot all »h<

nave contributed to ihe e'ecilon of He

finlldinir; any photographs or decease

"tldlers furnished by tbelr friend*; *nil *

-hurt sketch of the rl-e nnd progress m

■he undertaking. The photo*? rsphs cai

be left with Samuel Raymond. E q . airy

itne during tlie coming Week, and It

would be well for the friends nl slide- natSSasd ...l,ll,.iw tnins |h*l his rnwnl |.

correct, Notice ol the precise time for the

ceremonies of laying Hie corner-stone will be given hereafter.

"w A- a o i^r s . WILLIAM POOR,

Manufacturer oT

Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Business Wagons.

M-Kepalrln*: In all Its brandies j and all work Bled.


THE STALLION ID A. 3ST LANE, Will serve a limited number of good Hares, dar-

ing llii- aeasun of 1S71, at tbe

El in House Stable, Andover, Ms. This beautiful younjr animal lad years old Joa«

S, 1S7I, I* of a Jtt Blark color, IB 1-1 haada hi*h; wnUti* 107(1 lbs. He vraa broaabt from Mala* br Mr. Oanlt-1 Lane, of Tewkiburv, Haas.

Dan Lane waa aired br the funnm Btallloa lira. Sheridan, raised snd owned bv Doet. Bar- l.]).'li. of Dex:er, Maine, li.n. Bhrrldan was ■Ired bj the wrll known Tlrottlnn Hlallton Hiram Drew. The dam uf (inn. Hm-rbian was Kate, a mare of ([real induraui-e, well known In Maine: she was out of the Ksrrsr Mare. She was sires bv P'rate, a I1U0 lb. Stallion. Imported from kToKland.

I Flt.MS, »25.00.

Ten Dollars lo be paid at First Bervloe, Plflees Dollars when the mare proves with Foal. All escapes aud accidents m the risk of the owner,

SSTDAS I.A.tK rerelved the Plrat Premium at Banfor, Maine, tn 1 MB, lor belt :t year old, asd trotted I mite tn 3 minutes; he also received tbe First I'remlam at th "" Lowell, I

This Horse needs < to be ■jipp'ris'. ii,

Andover. Mar 13,1*71. If


has always ot band n larne saeortmentof

ColfJne, t'tthkele, Knlir. Plntrt, Ac.

whlob ht- will I rnlsli n !!»■ *l.orte*i nr.l'oe and Mn- !..-■ ; manner.

Altn, lia vltipr severs I Torpsi I'rraerTil'r'S, be Is prepared to furnish ice and pre.ervi bod et when desired.

tirdiTslefl at Hesldeoee.OD llirn RTDI-at, * 111 be promptly attended lo.

Auction Sairs by (ii'ii. Foster.

House arid Land in Andover. i\I*J"«52.*oy at public auction, on WrDNBS- DA V, September ifth, Hie rial e*i*te of James MlJgiey, situated on Mala street. It consists of ■ dwelling home, with II rooms, palmed Inside nnd out ind blinded, a food barn with rcllar. and about one-fourth of an acre of land connected therewith Ihe bulldlDKs are all In good repair, and the locution I* a pie.a.m one. Upon the premises I. a never fa Kn* w. || ol esr-rllent wa-er ,ml severil fruit trees. |so to be paid it «*ie

iilltluiiw will be made known. ' * I, IH71. It

TO E0AD BUiLDJEES. BKAI.KUl'lltlPOSALB will be received nutII 1

o'clack, l>. M., on the i„i I. day of Seplcmbf r, IB7I, for balldlnf a ItOAD In Andover. I'lan* Hmi sptrfueatlons maybe examined upon application to.lOHN Il.FLINT.Cbairmsnor the Selectmen of Andover, to whom all proposals are to be addrened. Tbe il|lit Is reserved to rejeot any and all bide. Indorse " I'roporal for Building U.I.KI IU Andover."

JOHN II. FLINT, i Selectmen

LEWIS G. HOLT, ) Andover. Anduver, Sept. 7, IBII. lw;«f

Strawberry Plants. Head what tbe al

itrawtMrry plats

snaci say; — -■ s.-i „„i

, siisin ibl* lime."

the In-fit N hailing at this iM>int. THE NEV? VABIETY.

President Wilder, All nicely ronled. Not man;

cd variety to «parc. fcharp'i

*,„!,,. ,n. 1, li

TO LET. asSSfl, A furnlehed two-story dwelling HOUSE

i**jA 1, -iiu.,iii! about hair a mile from tbe •asjat. theological Hi tulmrj. |f deslft-d, the iiuil.liu** will be In wtihnut the land. Tbe ■watt, a slnate WoSMS. would like to make an irrangemini to b'.arJ with ihf family BMSBtlu the hunre. Inquire of (JKOHUE VuSTEH.

Allilm r, 8*1 St

ilhas ..M.-i, dwell wllbln H c of prayi-r, Uau o»ti prsy In

A I,*ROE and well nrrangnrl Herlia-

riiim lias nenillj- lieen prisented to the i fi.Mp«r«tsi

llljrli Selioul, hv Dr. CI. N. Chiimborlaiu, I monofthi*cH«t

«it this Hty. Il Illustrates very fully the ' tha word,

flora or New Kngland, un.l will proven WILSON'S ALBAHY.racis.p.rhundr.n.

valiialile motlllS uf inr>ti uelioti in tlie j fly eaprea*, C. O. D. .'. MUIIUISUN,

SL'llUOl. SteepS BALI.AKD VAL«, Hast.


ii'-fr« to inform the Inhabitants of Andovrr and

<urroundln| dlstrlot tli.t he has opened the



New and Well Selected Stock




I have all tho Full St>lea of Hat* and

Kibhons, Collars anil Luce Goods.

SaTSpeclal orders for l.ACF.fn be had

n a day's notice. tlsept


LOST. H. tw.-fii Itoatuo and Andovi r IwoTTt'KETS

■i Lawrence, Kan . i.-ued by the fsa**ylvanla It H.I'.I. (-\irti. II-.'H Niimtir f 1 ami N. One TICKET to Chlrauo, of same Issue h'orm IS. Number i:. ■';. A I.u, three in I.I'iMmn Bos- on to New York, In cunn.cUon with ilinn — riiese ilek'la liavlna bien slopped uvrr Ibe lines

'III be ui no use to any one but the

Copartnership Notice.

and style of SMITH, HAitltiNO A Co., and bav Uken tbe itore lately occupied by ll. I*. Beard k "o , on Essex Wteett, where they will continue the t iroei-ry aud Dry Uoods business.


Andover, Aug. IT, is'i.

NOTICE. All per ons Indebted to the late firm nl It. I'.

in-M i, \ i ,i , nn- requested to make payment to either of the subscribers, who are the surviving

Andover, An*. IT, 1S71.


('.ill at


Barnard's Building, Main St. Andover, Aug. 18, 1871. 1m*

Furniture ft Picture Rooms, Opposite the Memorial Hall,

Where csn be fonnd a Rood aaiorlment of Bed- steads, Hareaus, Sinks, Wash Stands, Tables, Chairs; Hair, I'slm Leaf, Husk, Kxcelslor, and Wool Hattreises. Also, a >ooeral assortrnrnt ol PIOTDBE8, Oval and Square Picture Fniini'H, [.nuking Ulasin. Curtains and Cur- tain Ktatares, Cord and Tassels.

Curtains trimmed and hung, and general Job- nlnf done.

Pioture Frnmes made to order. JOfjEril ABBOTT.

Andover, Aug. II, 1ST1. tl

0 NEW MEAT MARKET lli, -iihi-.-rii., r IU-I.-IA Intoims the clllaens of - aitd vlclhfi) ih*t he has taken tbr tbop

npled hy Valpej I ,. ,|,,, ■ romer of Central »ts., where he will keep (or rale

■iir-ii.i i.t of Meat* and V.-selablea. Ar> II red * In-1. iiciiirtii, free of rharae.

II. 1-, HOLT. rr.J i ■ 1*71.

FURNITURE. The suhscrlbw oostlnue* the

iiruuure bu'lnesa at 1,1- establlahmvnt on Main treei, msl to ihe t'ost tilDce. UpholslerlD* and "pairingdone lo a suirrlor manner,and Picture rames consiantly on hand or made to order —

- ■ askew, sbrouds, i—■ -i.,,.-, , mm i M , BUI anetlcs, promptly fur

Andover,Oet. 7 1S70.

ilshrd _ lr.IIkl.NI K

lUHhle price i HICNMY

REMOVAL. Th* subscribers have ri moved their local bn*l-

HVS to tbe aleat Market formerly occupied by luhi fj. Film on Main St., nest to the Town House. Heat* and vegetables constantly tumlsli- ei at tho Market or delivered at the residences ol 'luatumers within reasonable distance. "

VAI.PM BROTHBHS. Andover, Jane 2, 1871. tf

In 11., nl. i-ii]it.- v . Ui* Met uf H ta-achnsetti.

Ihu undersigned has buen rtnl> appoln.ed As- -iguee of the u-1 ate of JUN-\TI1 AN I*. HOWK, H .N ,,rin \.i-i,,.. ,. in - ,t,l DIltrlM. ,.!.,, has been •djuilged a bauk'Upt un his own priliton

'.I" ILflH-K, Asalanre. Andnver, Aug Wit, IO. m'J i

—It will ba ratnuiabsrwi un»t laitlst-try

measures were taken hi-t. spring for a

jrratid stnte Fair In aid of tlm «ocltity for

the I'rewnilon of Criiultv to animal*, to

lie held tho coming season. A general

committee was appointed to mnke ths

necessary arrangements, and although

from that time Ihe matter has not been

brought before the public, the committee

have been very Industrious, aod accom-

plished a deal of effective work. A geif

■ tai committee of a thousand ladles, rep-

namtlng all sections of the slate, hae

been elecied, anil the Fair will be

held the two week* alter Thanksgiving,

at some place yet (o be designated,

probably, htmuver, In Horticultural

Hall. A committee from the various religions -octetles In our city, ha* been

selected, and It Is lo be hoped Ihat

there will be a cordial response from

our lutllcs ihat Ihe Lawrence tables at

he Fair, may be among the best.

THE HAVERHILL COMMON.—We are mrprUed to learn, from the Haverhill

Bulletin, ihat there are a CIHSS of people

that enterprising ctly who desire to

make n common pasture of their line!)

but beautiful park, by advocating ihe

doitblfiil economy ol not placing a fence

ind It, in place of the one ihat has

been removed. They have even gone *o

far us to get tip a petition ngalnit it, to

present to the City (ioverniueiit. But

the utrangest thing of all, j. that a news-

paper can be ftititid, In this progressive

age. to advocate lueh a movement, for

SUCD an one is ihe OttMU Of tbat city.

l.t)MioNi)Kitnr, N. Il.-Jcfferson Mar-'

dj'a house and Imm in I.ondondi rrj»

were burnt on the lat inst.

-S> o m *? <S> o a o i p.

Tbe wotk or plastering the walls ol |be ■tores in Hie elegant new building »< lh« Munn. Saiiniiers, tins lieen I'uninienreil, anil it is expected to have Hiem ready l.-f iicu I'm,' y in a ittiort lime. The roof and lower have been covered in, ami punUllj alateil, and iho showy and capacious window! inserted, which already gin* it an imposing appearance. It will lie tho most elegant building In tbc rttr.

Some thieving rascals—one or more—Hole Sheriff Harriet'■ burse and uirriHjiu,yesterday, while it was standing ut tho ruiliOad station, ll was afterwards louud -i ,<!■■: :ti:: on Oak St., iy the police. Tiie parties will do well hi make the matter M-ht wltb the hhcrtlf ut once, One fellow ha- been spotted liy the 1.. I'.

Tbe dandnif public will be pleased to learn tbat there will be one ul IhOM popular i■:■: i ■ ■ ■■ at Music Hall, on Friday evening ot ibis week- I In- uamea 01 Mo-iv rptmin, Yalta, und uih- ers ioiereaied in the parties whleh vine so sue- cessiui lust winter, is » MiiHi'ivw Kuarauice iwr a piewant time.

The lan [bat Mr. Slevtn D. Uiowdl, at bui popular mum,.; room*, tins told at retail nearly twenty ■ livu thousand cigars of tbe "A. U. N." brand, within tbe past ei^lneen months, is de- cided I.YHIL-IIO: ui tbeeuoitencwol ibut peculiar brand ul the weed.

Tbe Caucus, to nominate delegate! to tbe Republican State Convention, to be hulden at Worcester, uu Wednesday, tbe 87th lust., has been called lor Monday evenlntt, the23ib lust-, and will probably be bolden in the City Hall.

Our lormer townsman, Mr. John linger, one of the Boston & Maine's gentlemanly coiiduc-

- torn, now running between Beaton and Ne-w- tiurjpiJrl, was'last week presented, by his Somerviiie friends, with an ele^aut gold bad|te.

It ii amusing to read a severe criticism un an eminent clerical scholar, a graduate ol our uigfceat literary institutions, when u is known lo emanate Irom one who is scarcely able to write three kuutences currectly.

Tbe sidewalk around Mernmack lllock, Jdck> aou o.reet, is being rc-laiU, quite 10 tiie Uenijlii 01 pa**er*; it htts lung On.u iu tbe CULUIIIUII ui a uuuuci curb-Moid,

btautilul auiumu tints ale i.u*. inn ILK •'• "r ptM! ou the uavca ut ausllucu IbrVHAb our paras and avenues.

The lln:lliln:li. 01 NI-IJIJUII] 1 ln.HUj.lin [ll Post tfU, U. A. it-, bave ru|ievtluilj uuciuieU tui iiiniBimii to I'uii... i,..i.u III mo uereiuwuiea ■• Iba Bouiiera' Atouuiutui, in isn.n.n, »unu is »v lake puteu tbe ltt.i* lust.

'Intie was a brilliant UIMI.UI) ol Nurihcii. llgbu on Ihurauaj cveiilun.

A home Mini carriage belonging to the Hiab of Uurgo.1., KiUiUajl & Cu., anu Oil fell '>> a nui. Ol Mr. ttumos, M»B o.ei.uiuiu. Uu* luuiuma on Cumiuoii buvei, near ine Cits Null. 1 IM

bursu, buy and cuinugu each rictivcU suiui. Nllfclii II.JUI lui,

Ine Fine Heavy Artillery had a pleasant re- union JeslciOaj, at be Vet If, an niLubiil u. WlllCil Will OL pUUilahCU 111 OUf IICXI l.lllli IMtr-



ry, like the Dial

I uf 111.


ImvluK ituck to Luke W. Worlliiey, ntm I dlluH slul.n, ui- aumuibliitf ul Lhe klud, MIIL

tog down Jamea Breslaban, who was pcauu patlarna. The pockot-buok ul UIULLT '• mini present i|uhc a preseul—aOlca|>|HMMI promlae* to keep on speaktiiK iu ins uiil ii i. as If he waa poor. Succeaa iu Jerry.

One drunk, ffl.80. Trusted.

MONDAY.—TUB Court roam was will 111 laomlng with aptctatura. either aunuus or M to tbe result ut his over tbe bad doeda ul Hied in.' the duck i Court.

The (i.m case, tbat of one Thomas Welch, fur b*> 1D| luund drunk, was suudeuly disposta ul, to tin tune of asi and co.u.or iu tlaji,

Tlmuihy Canty and 't'humaa Oall^lier wen brought In lor rnaamiradlsiurtiance, M«|nr lirowt eiplaiuud lb* matter aailaiacturlly, ai.d llmutiij was let ufT lur a slu|le dollar, and Tbumu «» quired to come duwn f 5 aud eusts.

Michael Iviiiuidj— ; HIIIL-S—ouce furdiutiken and B|(alB fur aaaauit, was llutd t~ and coal*.

Uaulel Ureeu.fur an aaaeuli, paid #10 mid o- wedMlebael MoNulty waa Aued *J" ami eosm an asaault on Otlk.-r 111 ullu.

cktma eicDiluut auvtcu waa given by tbe Judgi the Uurau fatally, la rsgara lo tbelr weakness lui klsUng up a row. Miuhael was warned not tu •bus* his wife Mary, again.

Mary Conway, asaault, *3 and eons. Uanlel Magle learoed this murulng, that driving a

horae faster than 6 mllea an hour, would cost bin f 1 andeuita uf prosecution, or:» da>sln the II. U.

Palrlek Donahue waa charged with keeping lb quora for aalc, without aulboilty therefor, and lined flu and,

Oae Freeman Hardy, a tall, well-dressed, side wbbjkered, eurly-haired, good looking, high step, ping Individual, of the brunette persuaslun, occu. plsd tbe seat on lbs right of the dock, a la mitilairt, "lalleiton the rlgbt." Tbl* chap had evidently taken advantage of bli good leoka to ensnare one of tbe tender hearted sex wllbln his mashes, He au far succeeded tbat he Waa brought In this morning to answer to a charge of adultery. Freeman was changed to bondman, and required tu recognize In tbe asm of *.'"*J.

Martin Keitlng was also charged with adultery wltb Mary U'llrieo. 11- waa bouud ever lu lb* sum of taou.

Tti-itiAV.--Aiiuihur large haul ol tbe unwashed was eiuugnt before hi* liuuur's august praavne* this murulug, and duly dlspuaed uf.

.1..HK.-.. w iiduii, . i iii. .ii.i.n uruuk, rtijulrlng fuui or Dvu uieu lu Orlug hiui in, wa* let UUHU lur *- aa* Cu*t*. Jtuuva baa iiui u*u Mud uue-luunh tbe ouu. bar ul krui* h1 UI|I>I) ailutled lu ■ num. *Ud n is, p«ru*ps,Jual aa well lur hiui unit lit- Is su snuan-U ,

Ch*il*a Dwluali and Id* w alon, v«ry wull U>g«lher. 1 la apt lu gal loiu in.. u*>m ■na m»i cnatlv* Is uOU*»d

A flung Visit last v rai cosing tit this >u iime, now renewing tl

the olden time, convb ul those of our friend

lib III tbelr vaiuti ii entbuaiaailc en't'i

and cuindirts. Otd *'■>■ by a stuge drive ol i»m ■be Sara stuiten, sue miles ilong tbu cuii>i, when the tide is out,

i,i |,i,i tk.jiiataatbc nncr resort of Ireihntssaiitl vlitoroi til ui nl Hie i.anen**s w!io had Ineludedibh

II nip, rt'turninic «nli e< upim it» ntiractluo*


lid H ball

in-. lugndi

II tin!

i,'ly lur

ad, ha I Ii.n

Hording tUe grandest anve to be luund HI uny pleasure ie»orl In New England, there uic two mrfe liutc!*, aud several smaller; Hie Old Diehard, a lotge three atory boune, Irontiug the bcavb, baving been built a number or yean, Hml capable, we should judge, ol accommodating home iwu bundreti and filty guests. Aimusi opponiie, a K-w rods further up the coast, la the Pplendid

eean House, a new, [uiir stury, Mun-iml lowl rneture, completed tin- preMlnl MMaon, tiiih

pia^Kas Btrucibing entirely aruund, am' uhriuM every one ot it* two hundred and u<id rownia atlordiug a line view <M (he oieiiu. Mr. Seavy,

piupiletur, bus kept u smaller houso IieH' lor many yeare, and with an appn Clatlve^m*

nof tbo public wuiits, concluded umect ol tbe tluest fluniim-r hoiela. laVlio tuutid

upon the New EngUud Coa&ju'' i' .Hi extreme goojMVjrtune, our townsman, 1*1 M. Davis, Es<i-, was secured as superin-

tendent and general manager, and a season ot ual success and aalistacilon has followed;

tbu bouse wnl comfortably accommodate over Four hundred guests, and tbe number has juce during ibe season, reached tee hundred ml rii:>. '{'he rooms gre large and nirv,—| luite In contrast with so many beacb boieis, null vuutibited and almost wholly uewiy mr- no-heil , ihe company has been uiuong the

desirable,—including many ol ibuprotm- Tauiiliea of New Unglund and New Yoik, ine and nil teatily to tue splendid mauage- of n.r rluperiiitentleui, who lias proved

just the >■■ 1 = 1 tor the place; every thing has like clock work,—tbu employes ever wil-

ling to exert IhumseiVei tor MI careful a maii- , aUU I(IU j,ii-. •.--■ ui'. always in the must

Hie busiest at u was over, *

ic in linUing u IU0 st pleaaaut lull

we wuuUer ll IU ii. . .'ii House

so unarming 1 i rule,—and will, »u pass d ■ in, ol the pieas

», Halting Hie eai cade, a mil iba

Uotm.«OU teKiu la* lew ul uiui

palk, a eule nd d giuVe, luua

lia pootiojl.y IU ui.i'l. aud lb

Hi.uii,,-., a/men III aoui.ioii to Hi

ocean vie*, iu 111 ■ tie to add lo Hi

this locution. X Xt year, the De

Jl.iint ut n, which Is i

Tue great fair now being held at Lowell, was opened on Tliur-d.ii liiotntng, in a most set s- lui'turv manner, hoth in the muiiauers of the New England Agrtcu tural Society, and the public generally. Rafb train urrivinu i- beavi lv laden wltb pa»aengera, and ever* available Ntyle in rnnveyance i? u»ed m linng vUliora to the I'air (trouada, trnni near and far. There I* mid rn lie the finest display ■»! ■Iwh ever made at anv previuus exblblibin ol Into Swift- ly. Ti.e nilginol Fair OroontlM bave been BriHily enlurucd, many Improvement* added, ami now an- in a condition to wurrant every ciinvenlenre nett-saury In the ancreui ol tbe en- lernilse.

Tbe principal leaiurei ol Tuesday were tbc rare*, the ilr«t liirsinule teams, and horses that bave never tieaten 2 W There wete fully 20,- oou pitM.nt, including a large nnmnei of Ndles, on ■ be Oround* ut tbe ilrne animunceil for tbe 11 tt\ race. Sjven boraaa ware entered, and tbc purse ul J2.V) w»« awarded to King William, owned by -T. \V. MePiilTee of Portland. Time, 2.40. Tiie second race was looktd forward to with much Interest, It bong lor double teams. Four teams entered, and tbe purso of Sl'iU waa won by Klebmond Hoy and Oeo. McClellan, ibe property of A. W. Worcester of Boaton. Time, 2.10.

The Fair Grounds contain ■ Dlty or sixty relri'sbment booths, and there are some dur.en or more aide shows, around wblch crowds con gregated during tbe whole of tbe day, prcfer- ing the fun there (o tbc excilsnient of the trot- ting.

The judges were busy examining stock In the riogs this afternoon, but those wbo bad to multc tbc awards of premiums in tbe exhibition balls could Scarcely attend to their duties, so dense wan the crdwd ot visitor)1.

Today there w ill be an exhibition of family horses, and other horse stock, and ■ grand cav- alcudc ol all the horses entered for preminms, us well ns the cattle. It is Intended to make this one of the great attractions oT the fair- In the afternoon there will ho n trot lor three min- ute horses, a pacing race, a race by running horses, and a trot lor 8*49 horse*, (st least the Jailer is cxpoi'led,) and there will doubtless be even a larger attendance tban has yet been seen on the grounds

Firemen's MutUer at Portsmouth.


city of Port ut Mi.- most brilliant,e*-

.elebraiion ot firemen ury. rtuveniT two lire I went) seven ol which

• i ro a

I In hnnl ut l In: I

'. Ilia Mentis her reu.iouatid rest.


John C. iluau'e iu "inaugurate) a ju.. ul Uelegates Irom III

i.u MoVbNKNT.— The follow uonciy "in."in.. ,-.i ua having al gaibeiing" In InUUtttcoul K-q ,un Wednesday er*tting,

uraoie tu Oefi Uuiler. It Will be seen that the list la one oi eminent weight and respectability : —

Hx-Msjura Itoliiusand Bouuev, J, C. ley, Dr. l.amb, aWqiiirt) llariiion, Lawrence, ihompson, Kuox aud Sunburn, doctor* Hum pbrey and Fellows, Col. Coao, K. II- Currier, i.. I-:. II , Rev. Mr. Moore, B, II. Steuman, W.K. Tedrick, G W. Hills, Cbas. Builtn, J, L. Cook, John C. Dow, Fred E. Cmrke, dpi. Langmnid, Cbas. Smith, Messrs. Uotiiil, Ham- lord, 1'helps, Closson, Itideout, Mills, Kellei, Mclntlre, Shore, Pdlsbury and many other*.

Hie puhlUbed report says It was decided tu appoint a committee of two in each ward, M canvass tbe city for signatures In opposition to duller, and that one gentleman ventnred tbe prediction tbat Butler, If nominated, would run 10,000 votes behind hla ticket.


At a birthday party In thl* place, consisting eight ladle*, tbelr unliud age* were 012 years, i averaue ago 70 year* , n monibl. In a buui[iiet llowers sent by a friend, wa* Iho following;

.TO lilts. CLEMKN'T.

SI. is I n espectfal greeting We would kindly send,

Un her birthday's return, To our aged friend;

With thl* no*egay of Howe i Mai store Fro

To cheer her arrival At four icore and four,

With many kind wishes, That thl* day may prove

One of quiet enjoyment With the friends you IOTO ;

With iln'ii- rich resourens Uf love and of lore,

They have gathered to rheer you, Al four score and fuur.

To 11 v< Its a

r tbe past,

n each year

And trace the love divine That ruled over It all.

Could they cull ftoi The sweetest It b

What a bin Imucb ul hioaaern* For lour wore und four,

Of all your compannns

he remainder boaa and u .■■■!. nnil ladder cum [lames. Among lUesf am ih» Wasbmgtoi !tearner und Union book mid ladder, ol ilili L-lty, ibe B-A-Straw ateatnur of Hetbuen, am the M.Trimac hand engine oi Kortb Anib.V.r,

Flu- two diijs' ilill-ti-r Was prctucMl by i Drill lit 01 Ijreh'lit'bi procuiMUtt ou Tues-laj - uvetimg. tbe PurlalUOttifa deuannueOt turned L-III III mil nunilier-, mm inun fi-.-l ihrutign itie prinnpil streets to tbu depot, where ttuy re i.ived BUIMOI tbo Visiting firemen; I hey alter- Wanls proceeded lo ihe Couri II due, m. I ibeie a lormal cxebatiue ol courtesies were made.

Wednesday ni'ii mil:- opened in a bristht aud . i .,.i .HI . manner, aud during the forenoon

companies ill firemen eounuued to cume ITum all part* ul New Bugluud. Tbe fort) Ma>sa- I'liiiietts companies arrivid in a body soon alter noon, and lui mediately lull Into the hue of tbc procession. Owing to unavoidable dela> tbe htm did nut move till nearly four o'clock, und iu ciifiseiiuence thereof the route of the [irucession was considerably shortened, from that oruinally contemplated. The largo nuiu- her of companies, the mnuy bands and drum Corps, nnd ibe variety of uniforms iii.i:e t3C proeesslon one ol great magnificence and splen- dor. Thousand* of people crowded the streets, and good order and gayety prevailed every- where. The line moved to Picrca's Island, where bad been pitched three hundred and fifty tents for the accommodation of tho visit- ing firemen, and a monster collation prepared. Some idea of tbe magnitude of this iinlet little picnic may be bad from the fact that it re- quired ninety bushels of charcoal and twenty- lour cotds of woou to perform the. cooking for this least. Among tbe minor items of this gastronomic feature, were three hundred bush- els ol clams, twenty barrels of sweet potatoes, On thousand cars of corn, two hundred pounds of butter, and other articles in proportion.

Among tho notables present at tbia celebra- tion are Cov, Weston, of New Hampshire, and his stair, Mayors Jones of Concord, and Pcrnuld of Portsmouth, nnd oilier leading men in tbe

A l.t nit-Hoi .i PANIC—One of the peers ot Kiiyliimt lately motln liitueelf very seriously ami neetllmly wretched about lite fidelity nl Ms wile, though there wa* ionic CM one for hi* doing -o Dm I up Iho itriny bill debate, tbe ladj'a noble hlifthuml, win. In us iirotid und fond nl her H» be should be. KM JUM about to arise end deliver a violent Httnck upon Bomeihitijt of somebody, when a tele- BTitn tu put Into bin hands. He read it, dirtied |>ule ami fjultted the hotiKe. called a cab, drove to the rhHringl'ross station, nnd went to Dover, nod was no more, heard of until the next day. when he returned to bla own home, and to hi* iii •: Inquiry was told that the comite?? was in her own room. He hsMened to her. and a ierrllle row eiiaitpd, the exact woids ol' which no one knows tmt them- selves. At lull however, he biux out, " Then what did you menu by your lele- Krainr" " Jleau'r What 1 (aid of course. What are you talking ahom ? " " Head it for yourself. uii.i|i|.r;i.-< ii butbantli flee with Mr. Pray (or me

Republican state Convention. lhi< BepebMaansul ataaasajhamt• 4reInvited

to si II ; ii. ii, .iii r iu a Mate Coaveution, to In bildat alv.onM. s' Hii.i., In WOKt:KfjlEH,(.n WKDmUIUVi brptrmbcr ^ 11 o'nluak. A. II., lor the pnrpoee of BOSBlnaiinir candid at is lor the various atite omcr* to be tillnl at tin- November elerllon, Uach town and eaoh wird of aelty I* rnliiled to one dilr^ate; and also onr ■ddllionil drlr(alr for etery two bundnd voles, and tor evrry fraolioD a* large a* onehundnd, caat for General Grant In ruth town or ward In IMS.

By ordrr of the Itrnublloan State Conimlitri'. UKOKQK Ii. LOKING, Cludrman.

•. i.u a. M iM in i.t., Secretary. Boiton, Auf.U, 1871.

New Fall Goods



Sceond Door itom Post OftlCf.


Soeeesiiors to


" returned Ihe still She did read:—"l

lo Dover straight. For a moment she was

startled, but then hurst luto a hearty lit of laughter, " Most dreadful telegraph people, No wonder you are out of your mind. I telegraphed simply, ' 1 lea with Mrs. , In Dover street. Stay for me." Hii lordship was so savage at the laugh he had rallied against himself, that he was at ili-si iuHlcnl to make a pnrtla- tqentary tpiesiLon of Jt, but,distenls>jr to more judicious advice, retrained.— Lon- don Court Circular,

A hoy In a country •ebOOl was reading the following sentence: " The lighthouse la a landmark by day and a beacon by night," and rendered it thus: " The light- house is a landlord by day nnd a deacon by night."

" Paucaa am> faiton" inhemmeof Hr*. Ann a. riii-pbin*' nvw nutcl, nuw in press, and 10 Ov uuull.hte tn a ftwd*)sby T. B. iviiiuui & brothers, Philadelphia. It will oommaud a vrry larax Sale, for " 1'aUcr* and Prlaons" 1* an entire UBW novel from Ihr pi-u ol I bit laleuled American

■ ■■in ii in ■> lat|e duodtrc 11 liunaFelltriHl tbu lu r if I . ■ in ]...| 1 . cover;

in a leuer tu thim.

RETDkNSD.—We take pleasure in annonne- lag ibe return of tbu Hi v. .tubn Hogg, pastor of the Presbyterian chinch, In this city. Mr. llogg baa been auseni frunj i!. i • country for M

tew months, visiting different puitlons ol Fu rope. Previous tu hi* depannre he bad been physically reduced by bis enerffttlr endeavor* in hmluing the new church nnd parsonage, and Kreatly needed the vacation his peopir -o gen- erotuly nlfurded blm,

war* *puk*u lur him h> U* « ifta

Ull.t .. . 11.. ,1 to 1' a s> "!■■ in. favor. Ilia case waa couiluu d 1

tn* Julian giving au ijii-i-ii.-iii Mid Valv

on 1..1..1,) uruila nd rvuieaiv* lli.reiJf,

John Dllaeull . ■■ii.i-i .■::.■ ■! A •} lui

aaaaull. Juhu v. aaawlud W the ■Uu

the naturu of th aaiaull, ami inusi

luiu a rapid al> nut oraiorj and prot

■hurt dUtauoa wli.ii he Waa iul*rrii|ilvU u, the wol tby Judge, with lb* quistlou/'Jubu, bav* you baau Jriukmii, tills niurning :"' "rJpvaK a Hill* sionei, •lrl" 11" Unlahad bla itory lu a more mudurai, manner. It was now John Itjau'* lurn lotaal bta Hory, and ha evidently nude a point Iroui In- up ponanl'a eiperlnnce, for be wa* wr> alust and di*< Uact In his uttaraace. Drlscoll mul> in. in>i urn* but Ryan won the heat, and was cuntlnued lur sen l*ne*.

WKDHBBDAV.—We ihould say that there wen ■till a few place* in our city wheru vli« iplrli* cuiilt be obtained, by the reenrd at Ihe l'ollcu Conrl nil lb* put few day*.

Thl* moraine, Michael UcLc*r, Samiinl Butler, Jeremiah Murphy, and Edward Coyne werr rich third $3 and coat*, fur drunkvnne**.

One John Anderson, aiplred 10 a couple of gold ring*, and look ihatn In an unlawful manner, for wblch he wa* taken to l!erilck'» r*ncbe n> remain ■oat* two month*.

A. W« Norrl* wa* IndUcreel enouuh to throw hoase refuse In ih* public *ireels, thereby commit- llnf a nuisance, for wblch he paid *1 and corn*.

John J. l(o*ch w*s brought In by Col. Baal, nnd charted with being Idle and disorderly, and also with drunkenness. This was ■ hard looking roach, and although h* bad amployrd Major Brown 10 make the matter all right wllh the court, ho seemed toll*** a desire 10handle hi* own cue. After con- aldsrabl* cheap Ulk between tbc prisoner and Ihe witness, tho Judge thought tbat Mr. lloach would b* much bettar off In the " Hospital,'1 better known a* lb* House of Correction, for a ihcrt lime. He waa accordingly sent Up for .10 days, for being 101* and disorderly, and Qned *3 and costs, or 30 day* additional fur being dronk.

TimasnAV.—Tb* Coorl was on llm* Ibis BOfw INK-, aad a llltla more so. The following case* were quietly disposed of:

Ann Clark and her loving malernkl relatlva were brought In for drunkenn*** snd disturbance, and wer* dlieharged by hi* Honor, much lo the dlSfSSt of tin: ifflcer, wbo had lo make gresi cierilons lo bring them in.

Patrick llurpby-lhu one with soiled linen, dis- torted feature*, and a lough looking euilnmcr withal,—wa* al*o up fur druukrnnei* and dlilurb- aao*; but be didn't get oil' free—nut much—It cost him t£ and cost*, lie called bis neighbor* bad 11.inn ., and Ihe nest lime lie Is hrnuglil In for this offence, up be goes, with no chance uf paylnK. Ills Honor Is going to put a atup 10 this kind uf

A well known fcngllah lord is said l" bave given the following instructions lo In." atewartl: " We are u\;\ tlown, a largo paily, in ■<- diiy ov two, to eal Strawberries and creniii. We ahull want pleuty ot the hitler, su don't let any ol iho cows bo milked mean w hi lo."

DKA 11 Kitt'M SLANHKK.— N*nctisll-. !'•., bus 11 .ul easeol il|Hii,i|..iiiiii . love, uiid 11 death OnUStttl lij alnlidi r. A woitliy young lady waa engaged to .1 )oung man, and wus soon to In- uninieil Souiu mulk'i.'UB mid envious pi-ruon Stltrtud It vile blalidel' uoou ihe girl, <■ it was UIOHL particularly Htthj, 11 w.i- " nuta" for the toul-mouibed goasipe, male and ieluale, who 1 uslicd liuui uuuai 10 house retmling the astounding story, lor tho more preposterous Iho charge, iho more Best attends ii; it was ihn talk of the tea table, the social circle, and ■!ven of the porch ol the church; none took pains to iiseertiiiu whether it was into or lalse, as could easily have been done, but preferred passing it along ns a tit bit of news; tho rarity of Christian ohnrity never was more apparent, es- pecially among those, who made the greatest professions ol Christianity and worn tho longest laces; lliey did not consider charity or even justice any part of their religion, hut circulated the slander with all the enjoyment of a de- praved appetite. The young man who waa tu make tho poor girl his bride, was a coward, nnd deserted her with- out explanation or investigation; she drooped nnil died, though previously in good health. Her innocence was proved beyond a doubt, but iho spoilers had done their work ; though they had driven a young girl, belter than they ever dared to be, into the grave, ami even blackened her reputation when dead, lliey went to church ami thanked God that thoy were not ns other men and women were, and stood ready with whetted appetite to gloat in tho next dirty talo that should bo raised at Iho cxpensn of nny one in the community, no matter how pure.

Essex AORlOOLTUaUL SOCIETY.—This society will hold its annual exhibition the present year, at Ipswich, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 30th and 27th. The Society, Committees, nnd Marshals aro to meet in tho Town Hall, at 10 o'clock A. M,, and the Society In tho same place, at 11 o'clock, for the choice of a President, lour Vico Presidents, Secretary, and thirty Trustees.

All animals or article* intended for presentation at the exhibition, must bo presented and entered with tho Secretary or his agent at Damon's Hall,.at or be- fore 10 A. M., on Tuesday, that thoy may be examined on that day by the several committees having charge of these sub- jects.

Tho halls for tho display of manufac- tures, products ol the dairy, fruits, vtg- . tables, flower*, etc.. will bo open lor 1I10 admission ot tho public on Tuesdaj lUenioon and in the evening, and also

.111 W.dnisday, all day and evening i'i I-MII.H 1 X lit Ml tug Irulla, Bowers or veg- . luhh-*, 11 rv rnjiili-d to niv.', on 11 eapi ,ie ,i niun^ lli>' Min , th" mini

• ti.-i-ti lit. ,i.,rt 1* well is Ih.- placuv.ii, t«

The iniiii-i uu ni seasoi. in Busion is gelling faiilj under aay. Tbc Museum, alwaja a quiet uiui safe place for the lastiniutti, pre*cou ihe new piece, "My Taclc's Will." Tho Glob* has taken hold of Tom Taylor's plav, "Vic- tim," and the comedy "Forty Winks." At the liii.Tmi Theatre Mr. Mnr|>hy is mcctlnsr with success ID "Help." Al the Ho*ard is a vari- ety entertainment.



A.. Sharpe & Co.

213 Essox Stroet, 213

I4WBEM0I. ■, ,






I Dry Goods Store, 388 Ewox St., Uwrfnw.

We hi., m.rkrd Ul G*T

IIIHIIW al neb

LOW PRICES U will Insure their SPKEDY BALM.


Marked Down 25 and 50 per cent.

i T. k 11. !■, ,■ in inform tin u r-iiiurun* mid |bc I ptlblb) ^>-IIIT-*HV, iiui i Uf y are non rr.|i»rcd In i thaw a Hue of tall tiuoda mhich for Variety, | Qaaalll* and Qaalll* Is n t *urpw*rd In the rttl;

while our price* will he found 10 In- tin. Lswtil ■ In the market.

I Lvoni and I rich Poplin-. *1 ^lofl.To

per yard.

| Black and Colored Silkl, (lull :tnd hall

hi-'tro.) 11.25, 21 inehea wide.

| Colored Silks for Linings and Dresses iu

all colors and ipjalllius.

Silk Velvets and Velveteens.

Krpp and Terry Velvets for MI.HI.-I.

Tlnid.H. All Wflor-roplins-.Thilict*, Serge Clotba iu plaids aud stripes, and a lull lino of IJIaek Alpacas Trom 25c. lo tho highest number made.

Flannels, Cotton Flannels. Blankets in 10-4, 11-1, and also Crib

blankets nt *i.',".'. u pair. Coitous, i in. II', Timi-i'i: ■■, Cruhta, Dtapws,

Ticfclng*, Denims, and

General House Furnishing (ioods


Botton Wholesale Prices.

Best Prints nt 10c , good and fas! colors.

A largo vnrii ty of Ilamtmrg Trimmings and luserllons, cheap.

Sash Millions, Velvet Ribbons, Laces, Ilandkcrchiels, Lininga, Hosiery,

Gloves, Coracts, Ueul and Imitation 1-ure Collars in endless variety.

Good Black Kids $1.00 a pair.

We have just to hand, dlreet lin


OltKSS GOODS. W* shall i' i'.

, I'onliup, • rk Vfc,»'\OVKI.l

(lur stork ml Jin!

UTThc aiientloa nf irtccri and nil.t i -. is called to tho card or the LawrcDCC Tottery.

Tun BUD ov HofE will hold its regular meeilDRS e*erT Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Our young frlenda and former members arc •■nt. I i nl I v invited. Parents are Invited to cone with their children. Place of meeting, Essex Hall, over tbe Post QAlce.

XIOT cuiacii.—Praa . H, Sunday &chool *

1 10 1-2 A

The paitor or Central ehnrch will rnuitaenec, upon the nrit SabbsUi, a •■■ i ;■■■. of *n*rnoon **r- mun» ii pi TI " Tlic Life ami l.*hor* nf the Apoattc Paul."

Un Bri(|*' Com im.l Bunion Remedlrs. -

Try Dr. Brlia*' Pita Knm-.I1,., for I'lii-i..

OOaUMi — Brln'a Alleviator and Curative, Iba mi!> reliable and efflcaclou* remedle* In the world for the apoed; cnie or Corn*, Bunion*, Chilblains, inverted nail*, ete. Sola! by druKitiU,

100 s.iii;s, New and Uld, of varlons kind*, for sale nt Mniiii';. Ksfe I'actory, 74 Sodbury Btreet, Boston. UU ml I.*; H

Urn class Bank Work made lo order.

Brill's Throat aud t.unn Ueater Is reliable.

I)a. Bainna1 Allevaoto

ri|*uit;i i: -{Mia A.) ll >

"> ' . I.- |jM

ll,.- mlilribi* IN loin |(i'iii..uiiciil lij Hun. .1 il.llnnn. A lull pi

. I I C*tr*

A Kcntieman In JclTeriou City, who was troubled with bed bogfi soaked Ihe hid with kerotane and turned In, leaving the ll«lit burning, .lusi an ho was ilrcam- Ing that a reglateDt of bllgl were draw- ItiH up a set "' I (-'solutions eoildfrnnlng h 1111 for nsltiK kerosene, lui was iwakeiitlil by it llrctiiaii potiiiinjr iho A»jr/-h' "' ;i

...I. ■!,,. arlruilnwi "Tli

ih. Sociilj ni)ll»- na< jib N. Lluwt.ol i^rnuimu ol Ih. i, will l.i' IssuHi

(1r.viiiu- tu the ' Ihlbllhni, Hi.- ;i I DM la in.y in- rniiovtil Iroui

tbu fallow puis nl S o'clock, l>. II., on VVodnewloy, tbu second d..y ol th« Fair, and articles Irom the lutl ■> ul t'Sliibilioii on ibu day tullowlog, but not hclurc tlu»i. periotls ri'spectlvely, that tbu pub- lic may huvtj it lull opportunity lo exam- un; their ineriis, and that the nrticks nmy be delivered with care, and no pre- miums will lio awarded or paid to per- si in H violating this rule.

THE I'lMiiiAi. or TIUKIIK CAIIY.—The ohstqiilesol I'liri'lMiCury wore llttnifjly iinosicntiiiioii". and were attended by a ■ante assembly of mourning friends of tin; deceased poetess nnd her sister. The remains rested on a bed of fluted whl'e BHtin and lace. The fentures were ralm and in a quiet sleep. A shawl of rare old lane enwrapped Iho upper part of the body, anil was fastened In front with a golden pill and a tube rose. Fresh red loses encircled the head, and on the lid of the casket were n number of crosses and lyrai wrought ol tuberoses. In tho church, the collln WOB placed on a raised catafalque In front of ihe pulpit, against Ahlch rested ft larjfc floral cross. At the head of the lid stood a lyre composed of tuberous, and Ihe rest of It was covered with crwaea, vitenths and loose flowers During the solemn service nilss (."ary"* ■■ Nearer Home,"printed copies of which had been tllstrlbuled, was suiifc wllh pa thcllc (ft'eet. At the conclusion of [lie exercises, a long line of carriages dro np to the door, tho mourners entered, and the cortege moved to (Greenwood, where I'lmbe was burled by the side of her beloved sister Alice.

nl [ Hint llnm »*ri'»l hv.p. (Mr-. A.) Well, you

I** in lift one • ud all 'hi- Urn.- >uu are tnuvInK It, Why DO, bavn't lou *««n tho** new

t* Camera at «. J. Ch*i<lnV two on one and uf ■fMfelM a*4 on* .... Hi., II ii.-i, I..I-" ..[,.■ 1'i.ii i.t

in ..i.i ..- and iii. udd easti r drupn In i I,.. ■ , then i spaa, of ... aiyle Caater.

n U. J.Ufcav nay.M B>an


li-IVi- rail BPKCIAL ATIKNI'ION lo Oar


the BMT IN THE CITY for the prlce.-Our

One Dollar Black Kid Glove

la unsurpassed,




How Offer their rnUrr slook of

Spring ana SunJmor Goods

At Greatlr Heducd Prlceal

Dress Goods marked down from $1.00 to ftUc, from 75c to 37 l-2c, from 60c to 25c.

aftsTWe are ilfl.rrulued to MAKE A I.I.KAN SWEEP of all oor Bummer deads, preparatory for the rrorptlon of Fall Good*.

Please rcnMmbf r tl

Head-Quarters Forallklmdiof


e O O S H -A.-W L s, farKAI.L*rcar,Ne*raDdDe*lrable8ivlr«,wlllbc

•old at a Ureas Bargain.

Trade price $6.60, will bo sold for $1.00 and $4.6o.


NO. 230 ESSEX STBEEt, Seeond door from Tost Oflitv.


10 plfl L.IIII rid h all h'Taitrs In lllack Alpai I au'inrs. all ahudrs la (.' Alnac I'loihs, Ihlb.

\ ..'ik i!,,.i llgsiuu. ,■ . \ -|iri inl hnreiiin hi IlliieE Milks

nt i*3.50 > Hid.

SHAWLS. T'IF and Nrstr-t assorttntnt of styles la

WHult'D VII.IWIM BVCr M ill 111 I I AH'IK!'. All NiW and lii>n:.i.ii Palleras. 1'rln's VEUY LUW.

Also, a splendid assortment Cashmrre Hbawls.

BLANKET^. Ulutilii't-, Imiir...

this class ol foods; ft tlln*> al 1. «mi|,h.i.\i'.K PRICE to aajr.

FLANNELS. r.acnrl* ot all kind* la fjreat

mcai i ■ ■■■ • 'i [■■ ii- ■ arulf, st the

WOOLENS. Clathi fur Urn's aud Bov*' wear ilKAI'.

sellloK VERT

HUNTS. (in.'ii Prints in Dark stylis, for Ih* rail trade,

* ci'iitH yard, Warranted I'AST cnlnr. and irrftft i■.■> ■ -1 -. Alao, latgr lot of Print Remnant*.




llo lo SNKI.1.'S for Hem.

U >«u ...), for i;i,.id

SHIRTING FLANNELS At I.i.w I'rit.., >,.» e.n Bod Ih.M ml

No. 31U lisi'x street.

\ew St)Its for Shawls; Kl'stot p.ttrrnsjnat received. Call aad •laaalsw

the qaslltv aad price*.


tril'r call especial notlee lo oar

Waterproof Cloakings

la Stuck*, Brown*, tad K*u«y Color*,

WOOLENS for Men'aft Boya* wear.

All kinds of Tailors' Trimmings.

If i'ua waat a


And .

8. F. SNEI, L'S, 3IS Eau-x atreet. Lavrpnce.

(T»'t! el ill ooiiliniic to pell Cotlom Old Prices!

COTTON BATTING. 1 >. i,'; pay £0 ocnt* for . i ,. r ; ■■'. of a pou

yuu can buy of us "th. Atlaiiili nil . -. ' h Of* Will 11

Ih. AH.siile Mill* B.l- li roll warranttd a full pound, for


ltd patterns,—price* wm LOW. ■a il.'.'in T ullu:-. Kid* In beautiful Vail

shades, (IIS a pair.

Good quality Kids 70 oantl pair.


No. 323 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Kids. Kids. Eids.

Messrs. J. I.HKIMUHIIl A TO.

Would reirectfullT call the attention ot the Ladles of I.nwrenee and »Iclnlty to tbelr

Wry I.arar* AaaorHnvnt ol

KID GLOVES, In Black atd Color*, re dlffereat qnalltle* in each, with full line ol «lt.s. ID kddttloa, alao, tifty dozen Operoa, all tihadrs and Tints; thirty doren WlltTK, all nnmbcr*.

far-Keep constantly on hand first quality Tre- t.Kite line ol Ul**r*', In eolnrs, adapted for tbl* -i ■JWIII, HI .1" c ni* perpalr. Our stock


£49 Essex Street, - - • Lawrence


II II U, wh. 1

. Yd I it

■ ..■■T. > HaalOM for puildtugs, el All |roeers <t*a«H

births. I"'VI. -In A.-i....... -.|.

tlla.Oei.lB« W. Vf. IJ.,1 ill'M.I-.V. . H il. .'■■■ & lire. K.lni.i

H. in. Bib, a -un to Ui


flOLUBd-('AVBKN,-ln this rltj, Nepi. flih, by ll.v. J. A. Lowell. Mr. IVarreo 11. II,inn-.- ei-l HI** Mary A. Cavern, bolh uf Lavrenre.

rAUMKNrm- W l-l.l.l MITIIN.-In M.nili H". tun, : i -1. u .'.ill. by Iii Henry A. Confce, Hr. !■ ■!- ward I'm in. in.1 and Miss Ad* 11. (V, in, ,:i- 11.

IlATFlKI.D-.IAt'ltHtlN.-ln South Bo»ton, Hepl. 61)1, b> It**, H- 1 r. A. r .■-. Mr. Aiilmr 11. Ilnlbeld aud Ml.* Aildlv 1'. -lai'Ssnn, fntmvrly of Ibis oily.

LAWTON-JCrPON.-ln llil« cliyiSep- Tib, by lt.v, Albert Walaun, Mr. Samn. I l.»wion and Hiss alary Ann .Irpaon, bui.b of Lawrence.

lluliNK- -HI is:;.-- in Ballard Valt. Auu. 31*1, by lle». ft. II. tlreene, Mr. Byron F. Home A Ml** .),... |ii. iv,.' 11. mi", both of 1'. i-i.

COLBY—«LBAMON.—Io Melhu*n,Hepl. I'.lh, b» Itvv. ,1. II. Home of Lawrence. Mr, Joseph K. Colby of Boston, and Hla* Mary Ada. daughter or the late Klml.all C. Uleason of Heihuen.

KITTIltllGB-WItnsTKIl.-ln relhara, N. n.. M in. lib. at lb* parsonaK*. by B*T. AnHUalua Berry, Hr. Kdward O. Klllrldge nnil Miss Addle Wl-l-lfl, In-Ill I'M', ll:i,...




Ici on pnrlo Franoais.

SIOUK SUADKS Made to order, nod put up at shnrtrst notice.

The Halem Sbade Boiler has been ailjuated t It Is fully equal to Hie lira}, to one-half tbe money. WHITKOBP a nli.'H.

M.W. COPPS «& CO.,


Are now prcpursal to show the alust fc.l(S*.e

Stock of DRY VboDS WW oflerrd In thl city, and al Ihe ASn'f Popular Prices,

SWUio. NKWMAS -In AII.IOVIT, Sepl. 3i], Carol I ni

wl.lnw uf Itev. WlllUm J. Newman, *i|eil 18 ODIIY.-ln r.nll.iM Yale, rtepi. U, ,\an<i <»i

■yed 0 roof. LOW.-ln this city, A Of. 39tb, Jessie, dauytltol of

Johnind Ann !■■>-., riKLLKIl-S.—Hepl. 1.1, Ada .fane, Usuuhttr

Thomas and Mary Ann Kellurs, V moi, llldyi



229 Easex Street.


ndvlae all peraona to glvo"BEACH'8 WASHING SOAP" a trim and than

daalde what aoap It the ohaapaat and beat.

WIUTrOHD A Kit'*:. Tookrl Booh*, RID Books, Letter Book*, I

every variety. 2n.i Kssex straat.

ourDreaa Good* Department stand* unrivaled, and we Invtle eipfinl attention to

our new and brantlfnl display of t-ClllMit-

for the st non.

"in Silk Department is filled aiih Ul

Uoodi.lnoludmi the new Sedan and Qrus-

acla; ai*o, Japanose la plain, ibien,

atwekli and Dgnrvd, and Black bllka im-wiv

Krada and quallte. and at priorf that iltfy


CASHMERE SHAWLS, a We« Btoak tiitmii I1...1V.

Woolen Shawls to *»er7rolor and style

lo be found In any market.

aa-Wear.' Importer*' Agtutt for Ibcssjeol the

JOSEPH KID CLOVE '" this part or the , thereby enuDiinr. u> to offer them al M7

1 per pair. Srcfl one buys them.

ir Black Kid I* Ihe BEST In Ihe maik.t.

aad aJways (live* aMIsfaetloB.

.last rerelved two ca*e* more of thoso Lowell

Hoelery, and will be sold at 10 14 cents a pair.

KI-I.KTK, Ladles wishing to ptirohnsr

HAMBURG EDGINGS, will nnd onr superb tine aoefjaalled In qualitj, railely, or price. All width*.—In

n n r SB Tit I MM INO Pt

we have Ihe Heal and Imitation Malta Laeea, fringes, (imipi, Buttons, etc—Oar slock of


1* nuieli 1 III.IT(;I d this season, and well world Ibe Inspeetionof any 1 ady dntrtog t llEAt'TirUL BOm/STotiVOBBY PAT. Kverythlna desir- able and eh- :i|-, A I! thoae looking fur general

Dry and Fancy Goods, will find our fxttniht line In keepiiiK with th* limes, and at price* tbat will warrant an 1mm*. dlate sale, defying any and .11 competition.

«*T(ilvr us a call at Ihe old Familiar Stand,

.1. mtSKHWOOD * CO.,

No. 177, Cor. Essex & Jackaon Sts.,



We have Removed to our New Store,

No. 143 Essex street,

(Four doora lielow our tild utantl.)

Aad have just opeaed the

Largest Stock or

Fancy Goods To l>© found In tlic city.





14.1 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Formerly No. If.I.

To Let, Store No. 145 Essex street.




Are op. mux Mew and Host I'opuUi -i; Ir. of


■elected vwlth much care m'be Ho.tuD, New York, and Pbltadalpuia Market*, aad will

tbesa at 1 'try Lore I'rlcti,

B.—n**»e examine before yoa pmrohase.


IIare opened ■ fall tin* of lbs BEST Make aid Qaalltr of Black 811k*, which ersry ladj, wbo ha* a raid or asore 10 parcbasr, ihoald U s.r* lo eall sad see before parting with her sooner.

New mid Handsome Carpels.

»*rWe have rreclved, direct Hum tbe Mills and Agaata, chuloe and Vary Et*naul I'aueras ol < 'm'lU'ts. tor il,i. Auii.niu i*le*,whtob we are willing LO sell at a *saall adrauoe.


*A. W. STEVENS & C0.

Are upenhif a large assort nent Ol

All Wool and Cotton & Wool FUnaeli, lllnnfcils,

andolhrr eomfurtable Kail l-oodi at Low I'rlet*.

Tailoring Department.

Fine Goods and Stylish Work, A. W. V| I AKVS A CO.

are opening Fine Oj rroan, French, West ol Ung- land and Ann riraii Cloth* and Suitings, and hare a nun],1 ii nt A flint Tailor, one wbo I* UAPABLP and DrlHGRVINU ol a LIIIKRAJ, l-AIHON- AGE; and we woald IA frn<Tl..ti:t. j lm n. the Vnung Hca, the Middle Aged Men, and Old Hen to examine our rTorl- and Price*. Work and Trimming* warranted to be or the I ex J.

flesf, and a TKItFKUT UT and satisfaction gu*ranliwil In alt eases.

A. W. STFjitBNH k CO.

A. W. STEARNS & CJO. have In store a fall lint or nil Ihe Best Main tl Bleached aad Brown COTTONS tor family or olhrr oae, in widths running from '. to VO Inehe. wide, and will be sold by lb* piece or yard at the lowest quotations, wholesale or retail.

A. W. STF.AHN8 ft CO.

A. W. STEARNS & 00.,

I.Mitrrt and Otiginmtor* of Style* and Ag*s!s for

Hullfrirk's I'ulli«■«,

Rntlrrirk'n < ll.i:itit A I I 1> Put terns.

Hulterlrk'a ratlerna,

Sattrrlrk** CKLEHRATKI* I'nih ins.

■Irtropolltau and Qaarterly Heport In adraaer.

Autumn Fashions. aV-Ladle*' and Ml-ie.' Department for Drer*

Making, Salts and (Jarmenl*, Is prepared to do all binds or Family or other Hewing ai popular tow Prlcti,



G. D.

line from 3* to 10-4, In

prer heretofore kepi It COTTONS-* r«i

olading many brand* i


*jaT-LAt>IKS wilt please remrmbrr that erery

Department of oar store Is filled with Hr w and

Freih Goods, and we CAN and wn.i. MA Kit

IT FOR TF1KIR ISTKUKST to filre n* n otll

belbre making their purchasen,

335 Essox street, Lawrence.

REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. The Itepuhllcai'* Of thl* elty are re.i.iepl d lo


hoi< p. In-iiri*

tlic window I. Imt tills

rTho I

An fndiatiti ttaylHiir »n " * Irnin, lielnjr iinxloiis to s^e what he see. thrtiat 111" l>f«tl OUl »f MIL- wlllflow mud Into unuihw traiu, Mil now shows BlgiiB of preiiimiire bnlilnois.

FBER BAITHTB IN I.VNX.—U'o loitrn nun llio Lynn Reporter that n Dew thnrcli, within thu nlove ileDoniiiiatlon,

",l!,(! will be orgnnix H on Thursday evening I of thl* week. Bov.J. Unrnbain Davia, i ftirmerly puetor of tho Irt-o Buptltt

"^J' church in this city, will be installed an A^«. I pastor, nt the stme time. Bev. j. A.

Lowell ol this city, will deliver tlic t-liKi'ifo to the pastor.

CITY IXA-Lsl., Monday Evoninit, Hopi. USili. at 8 o'elook, lo choose intern Uelegates to attend the Bute Convention lo be bolden at Wonesier the trtttlMl . for the nominal Ion of HtateOltirer*.

Al*o, lo elect a City Committee for th' ytnr mlng.

lij order I} Cottawltlcr, U. A.WADSWOBTrJ,

LAWRENCE POTTERY. The underslgni'd ha* purchased tbe stock an

oolsoflhe sliOMi concern, and Wilt continue Hi naniifaeturr of

EARTHEN WARE if all kind*. Orders solicited. (Joods d nlthln IU miles Hiea»*ge allowed. Prlee Msl. nmlib* KOB'T

I'onnonieMiiAn/ .l/rirsncaafeff*. 11.. H.] To LOUI8 l.KMOIH, or kfethuan, In

the county of Bsiea, and to any and all other persons claiming any Interest tn

Ahoat one half gallon of whiskey In two bottles, About one half gallon of rum In one Jng and one

bottle, AI i lifteen gallon* ol al* In one barrel, whtrb, by virtue of a wsrrsnt Issued by ma, hare been seised at th* dwoliug house and place ol ■■ i in i»»n resort of said

Loals I.essulr. In said Melhuea, ou tlic ^sth day ol Angus., in Ihe year on* thousand eight nuadrad and seventy-one, th* valac or which Ibiuor*. with the vessels containing them, does uui, In my opinion, exceed twenty dollars.

You are hereby require.I to *p|M'*r before me., al my Ufllce, lu said al. ilium, in said counly of Us sea, at two o'clock, P. at , un Ihe llth day ol M,i,,|„,, |o the year MM thousmid eight bun died and lo ininer In ihe eomplalul intslnxt said lliinor*, and the vc**ei* ooaiainlng them, and for trial, ami to show oaasc. If any yoa b»r«, why said ll'iuor'.snd Ihe vessel* eontalnlnK Hum, should not be tiiifeiinl for being kepi for sale by said Loali Lvmoir in i lolatlou of the law* nf till. Commonwealth.

Witness, By hand nnd seal, al Mellmen, thl* Mth iUy uf Aagast, lu Ih* year one thousand i i;;iii liundrrd and leTeoty-one.

W1LIIAH M.ltlKlKHS. Trial Juelloe, A Iruocopy-SAtlesI, MKI.VIH URAL. :fl1*rp8 Constable ot the Couiiiiouwi uliti

l>la otiilinn ol i npHrliierahlp. Ihe copartnership briuiofore eaiatlng nndn

Un iiyl* ul Uasi.'. BIKBH: A t>i.,Carpent*r* wa* ill.,,,),ni 11,,, ,i ii l.y sautaal eoaaent.


I*wreBce, Sept.l, Ifdi.

The baslaeas of tbe late Ursa will be eoutlaned under Ihe style of UTFKI K a afcDoxALti. 3lta*<

ti;tia W.Ct-rra,

KINDERGABTEX. Mias I. S. MnotiK will reopen her kindergarten

Class, at the ARkfOKY of the llonney Light Battery, on llavcrhlll Htrrel, on TUESDAY, the lliili ■•■ September, HI a '|uartir before KINK.

Those who may denlrn in send Chlldnn, can .drireii »l«a I. H. HOURU,

IteagSJ Anirrlean cDi.-r, l.awmier.

German Class. I.', ' I. II I I ll'I'MH

for the slndy nfUerasi dollar Far

twealy-tour to weeks. Arpli< store of Mess

cms, tu be completed In i i. !■! ilou msy be made at tbe book . WIIJTrORD k KICK, i ohialned. lt*.tiI*rpA



Are Superior t<

Every SAW I't-rfert antlnrAClii

*«>-t IT »ale by lUrdwtr end the Mam

WELCH & GRIFFITHS, 1 l.j & 147 Federal St., Botton.

ARMSTRONG & CO. Am opening n full line of

Cottons, Flannels, Prints, Woolen Cltitlia for Men's & Boys' wctir,


Whlfh we offer at VERY LOW PRICKS for a

Prints, fust colors nnt! Nuw Stylec. for M corns per yard.

Ilenvy lii-lnch Bbeotlog, IS l--f.

Blenohed Slicellng, 12 l-2c.

Hamburg Edgings, Lace Edgings,

A full litif nf Small Wart*,

HOSIERY, GLOVES. &c, All at th* Lowest Uarktl Prices.

We I, i\< JMI opened a new Invoice ol famous

"Rising; Sim" brand

Slack Alpacas and flrilliantines,


Cotton Batting, t(t CEMTR.


yflii Exapi St., Ijxwrence.

All Profit* of Ihe CumpRtiy Dlvldrd to Its Pollry Iloldeir*.


Mutual Fire Insuranoe Co., LAWBKHOat, UAU.,

No. SS9 Eesex Street.

A. J. FRENCH, Prealdent. A. W. BTRA !..•'■, J. A. TKEAT, Vlre Prvsldenls,

J. K. NOKWOUD, .-i .''v and Trea*.

DanUl Sauader*, Jr., Morris Knowle*. Wiliiim A. Kassell, I), i iLink Kobinson, WlllUm U. Hall, Moses I'erslns, J. M. K.Ufl.ld, 1,1... . M I : I „.

.1 A.WIIer.N.Andover, ';•■". K.I.IVI, Aminv.T, ('. K. »..,«, M.tlieen.




Sewing Machine, Arknowluilgeil to be the Beat Sewing

Mtwblne In the Market.




v II.

ou un .i.nn.M

H mi i: A CO.,

11 Temple Plaic, Bostun, wft.wd, Nefesatarttft n.K.A(..n.

SAWS Of nil deicrlptlonf,

i all nii'.ii....

Warranted! )U l.llllNMllli ll.


dTKAiiirs* for the latl ravn ntAM, ha* opened Room' at

201 r.»»ii htraet, I.RWirari'i

where hr will be (l*d to suaet hi* Mend, end


WPaititiular attention nald to DOTS1


"my in UiH Kssex Kir.'.l, Lawrence.

vETNA Sewing Machines


18 7 1, superior In Style and Finish

In any saaehlne je% offered to the publlr. SIMPLE* DURABLE I PRACTICAL 1 and ndapied to all klad* of work.

SELF ADJUSTING NEEDLE 1 other Haw KsATraaa, whirh make then illy rnsnsKi il by Ihe Inexpelirnerd operator. I' I.lists LIHHAI.. AilKN IS VV AM Mi.

UKP1CE.M TEHPLR PLACE, BOSTON, Mas*. meo|ieeopt*t» n. ».Wll.MAM8, Oen'l Ant.




Corner Court and Hanover Sts.,

lew* |a«M

A. W Btei

H W, Wilder, I'atik, WilllHin H.siuahllBK, II. I'lumtrer, II. I). Clement, Patrick Hweney, rredcricb Bullet,

Thl* liiminii. a- d Issue Pollcls*, S*o:

i $:mn,mnt * in. un. of whlrh willb* pi fld*ed

Insured tbe day We Insure only Drat ria** property We reaprciiutly Invite all who ha

uf property, to e«*mlne onr rates an Ity. Oar system of manairment w

safe for Ih* insured,

PaperHanpnffs. Pull liylet. i.»r*ji' stock.

W»" ean *ait yoi

LOST. In Liwrrnee, or between there and Methuen, a

lady's Oold HRKAKT I'l.f Inlaid with hair, ai ' the name of " Mini la" eu«r»yen on the back the pin. Whoever fJndt the same, and will le* II at tbe AHKIlH AN llll'lli:, l.awr^aee. i witta Mr.8lL.VKR, at tbe Horse Railroad hepoi In Melhaen, (ball lie snlubty rewarded. tr .1

For Purifying the Blood.

.Nil laii,ll> e:tn iilli.Ml In I.. •Ail'inut till* rains able remedy, it ileai* ill Uraln, irlltves the burdened ayrlvm, inul makes one >ilu>jp-thrr


It in a VoaiUvo Curo for BHIoruneM, Con- Ml pat Inn, Dfipepeifl, Fever nnd

■Vgne, Headocbe, and all HlsiaiesbavinK ihetr origin In su tmpiir.

stale of tbu Blood— Asa

Medicine lur Children It 1M InraluKblrv

Hold by UtugKlst* tbrougbuat the Wm 1.1.

Trice, 60 eentR.

IllltHIUlIM) 1R5H.

ThoChMneel nnd Itont llarnioRay

Paper Hangings




v Gootls in Every Variety,

SmlaapH At tbe Very I.oweil I'rle**.



If yoa MM; a New School Music Book, do oot weary yourself by looking over a li.i t list, hut mini at oaee for this favotlie eollecllon ol beautlfal HI in in i K. ..ii i*.

IT Wll.l. M<IT DlaAPPwIStt ml .

Price SO cenia.

■ ■ i.i, i ■ ; i HI. receipt of above prlee.

OI.IVKH niTSOK A ft)., ll...i-m.

C. H. DITHilN A CO.. New York. «Is!

WINDOW SHADES. .last rxHv'-il IHO pair*. New Rtyle*. We

ealeulst* to keep as l»r*> an assfirtmenl of Ik*se Uood* at o*n he found In h>>ea County.

WHITKilKl) a III' ll.

To Let. The BltMX lldtlasT In Lawrenee,

Ma**., has been tbornafbly repaired. •ad la BOW to let. A rare thane* for ac enterprlalng man. Ihe house oun- oca*. 11 rooms more, If desired, can be the linuw. Th* illaatlon Is tbe b**l In

tbe dly for the anrnmmodailon of the travelling public. Apply oa the preml*e* to

B. P. LINK., Au|. IS, 1*71. I«*.j|li

We Ai bnowiedge; flo Sapertera

added t

Bai.Ajisnx BOOKS. nstead of bwylag of peddlers, who

wniTffOSD fc RtCE. Iniarl mt%

Do you want to got Full Weight

not IS or 14 oz. for ■ pound'? Got BIACMS WASHINO SOAP. It l> ■ superior •oop, full weight. Orooora

Mil It.


At the Cnrprt Mnitufactory, No. 5 Kerth Pine meet, l.uwr. nm.


l*l*Cl**l wills ear* for S-'aa»> 11> uae.

Extra large No. I for $2.00 per kit. tlacb as told for «I .!,<> last year. Al

O. P. WIOCIN'S FISH MARKET, lirtltngH .>«» Ootaametj Mrawt,

Wanted. A NUTATION by ayum ■. man. Has worbcel

lla: years In * ;'roeery slore. Would drive team. in Hurkal -njlhlii*, (l«od relereuee. Addtwi*

«'*! C. T., AMMii,■ i* ..«,,.



m ■





,9pr<1.-«t jBottrrs. The t'rui-e and Curf of CoDaumiitlou.

The primary unwof Consumption If derangt- I ■Bent of il.e Jlgr*ilve oriruu*. This derangeiueut prc-isre«.lfrlririil miiriiion and assimilation. Hy | aislniilallun 1 mean (hat prnee-- tiy which the nu ■ mm-nt uf tlir food is convened into Wood, and | thence Into III* aollrla of the body. Persons "lib digestion thus Impaired, having the slighti-i i.n- ' disposition to pHMUq dlsesss.orlt the> lake

i*; andlhoh ,v case "i Coiisump- ■ KOn'l '''I"' ■' "■" 'nd en Ural thing In be *cli ami bowel* from

Will |.,- I m ,,,,.. I M. Hun wltbuul Ural i healthy aaalmllatlii

■I] diseased IT - And •llrau which I" riii-v'lnjr ttiaj-a organ* »° "'*' 'I'"* «•""'" pwforru llielr ru act tons, and then MH U|> nod ra»tor« the liver to a hesllhy aeii'iu. For Mil purpose, the -urest ■ u<l beal r.-ui" '1) 1* Hctlenck's Mandrake nil- — Tha«f ttlli cieau*e the • loruach and bowH« ol all the dead and morbid •limp lhat It cau.log dluMMw and dMay In the whole "y*1em. Thay will rl*«r out the llvar of all dlsraard bll» that haa accumu- lated there, and aroaer It up to a new and lienlih.y

, which natural nod healthy bllo la

Tn* ltd.

f5.l -Iren

omach,bowel* and iseofrichenck'* Mandrake 1*11

■ In ihr -i '. an excess ul torpid, anil ihi' appetite la I

lil'.S Cl.-.llK.ll

til anil suppo t Mcht-I

alkaline, unit If u*>- w

give |.IT in in. HI tone II>

ay.T..<n 'Or Ih* II -t pi

■ rleawet-d Tunic pri

III- nu purl ii m »rgan, a I p. = IE ■ -. and i-1 ■-1 i ■ ■■ i »«.".1diw.-i"


sumption la in |f< t uii a good au|H-ill trvdywUvro'

get strong 1

1.1 In .'" .'',,''"!''' ■<iu reual h- . ,tr i-j Ii II

oluiiHa'^irvu' ■troyail.or ev m ii

sound luoc,, Tills l» k'n medicines H COU.U Ulpt lull 1 hey will cl< a., out

if the orm may b... l.t ilia Wlill. 11-11.,' ft uuld I

■pup in door lu BO ill niul dump wi

■Heir jAflvrrt.Sfmrnts. The Nt'it ItiainltTtunl 1



ARREST* .v r*HE\ENTS rOMAUION. t'*ed in private ilwuPluR*. Holi

public school.. ' , i.on

[now, di-i>en- -hips, -


r walvi

I ■ !,-

pox.'scarlei Ion, ii.,-.i»)r., di-mai-n of aulruabi, • lc. Prepared uiiiy by TILUKN * tO., IJrt UTIIInm HI., K. V

Sold hy all .Inn,'*'-'*.

JiLAVKKA'K C'll.l.K'iK Klv .(111!

. U., rri-sliiMii

Book Agents, Bankers, Merchants! SVIili Nuillli'* Nrw iHlrrrat IIMI Bu.lura. Tablra Jim cull, In a niinui n( rvokoB inti nut on • I in (in iHiti, I nun one iln> t.. Ilvp ji-ari. at fi. (I. 7, - iu.u.1 IJ 1.-T.- Mrnl.l-oKt |.»ld. f.iril^O — %ctlvr *fc" ti'a Wnntrrl. Mi'iid or >>ainpli-

B. II. nMITil ft n» . l'»h.T«. 1> troll. Mil-Ilium..



Ml III I lnliri'ilh! > Nl> TIKIl'lll.i: mi" i!

v I'M, Oenlecl, si j! Ask 10! llMllir. Ill II.I:II FOB IT1

PAniMSSr.'." W. *:. BIMOKDrJ.Mo Mai

.llrflll l-llllll

,«reli«onli Ii

1 wiali It dUtiiicily unilir«luod thai when 1 r«( .1 in in. u.i .i i .ul. 1.1 tubtcari-lul In ri-if-trdiotakln cold Wlllln uilUK my mtrUlrliir*. 1 do ao for a ip« lal ri-aaun. A man wlio lni<t but paril'lly rrcoviTi- from Hit. tfTtota of a bu.l n Id ii far mora liable ■ arelapac ilian one who baa DMA entire)* curcl and It i» precisely the KBIIIC ^n rogiird n lion Ho in,; an tl ,erl.-ciiy

h.-re if II- di ipriil., >f the db

ntrrnuannlv caution p Imonary patlp..

■,,,.1 pleaaant.

of latnr. Thcirranrl with my nil..- :n.i! mil Ilimt-aCt ij

ii tmy or 1ft • (acuity do. Ar to thu patient In '» '"'

ill wind* uf eprln,) It i. .-.iM be ■lllolded from all Irritating lulluetice motl Oaallnil "houlil oe ob-eriril In I 111" pnrtlculnr ul without It a cure under almost any clrcuinKlan

Mlblllly. The lid b

■id all the cepto ■hol.n

o lunft

■mil i In. body Illy of lleth ami HM r, fin.

I wm my-.lf ciirt.l by Ihld ir.-.Hin. nt of tin wur-i klmi or i int-ti III|.I i.n., and have If fat and hearty UMM mauy ycara, wn! moaily K'HiP. Ihnvc cured lliou»iinil» mnti-, «IMI

vrry many liars breo cured by Mil* whom 1 hare never leen.

About the flrst of October I tttpeel lo lake poc MHton ol my HI build ng nt llie uorlheail cor- ner of sixth and Arch atrei-ta, where I "Imll hu pleaard to yive ail vice to all w. bo may rrqulr* It.

iVull dlrnlluni accum|niny all ni) retuedicn, >o :'.:;'.. i ■■ .TI In any part ol the world can b* readily cured by a mirlil obaeriauce of the mmr,

J. U CtUHKNCK, Si. U., rhllndilpblu.

I1KO. V. (IDIinUIN A to., Affrnta, lydeai IIIIS'ION.

.! KuM .llllllllllil ! Ullllll.M 1 — The it I.ulUnil Ik-iicy. I'udctliiKn bl IDC mi IV

■o delloi iiin when made ro llll 1.


table. II 1. lb. mo.i uuirl OU V MB- hi




The D.w Mid l.lil rtll-.ltU.T


i: v i II v

At M |.a A. M. myA Lumll . i Itl

t. i m i» A v.


frit ■:, At„rix»

inui.f.. r* uU.-.tliiKlto ■ l; ii. is- i[ii:illllc«, iwirn

1 he 'j'jolluu hu* brvu net medicated watrra mny no

irrl iparklinf from ilii ■id Hu r Ape,

>c, [iron ■» tin-

' il.11 IIV l»KL'UOIdTS.


Jvi' i \ i.-i: llie.ird'rofl

Ult.CHArMAS'rt liym-ulery, Miirrb

j,lolnt. of ChlUlieii. frleewo. uwi. auiinit, I'mp'r, Ure»i p'alLn, N. II. bold by -<■'-' 'I' 'i-'.' -< '

AMCMK PAPKR WABB.— Kconomy lloo-eliolil arliclen oiado

Llurnble aD.l cheap. I'ailn, milk paUM, wii-li bowls, Klop )»r., etc, Semi for circular.

JB»I1.1I» lli.i.'-, Mauuf'r-, .tli P»atl tit., N. Y

COL.Bt**H CinK h ilie beit medicine pver prepared In CHKCI HI lilarrlien, Uyaenu-ry, and

Miiinmir I'ninpliiliilH. C'lraulnni Kent free. I're pared by .luuS J|. t.'iM.H V , 111 I.cxlnKion Hlreol, LUKI ROIIOU.

H. HENDERSON'S Famiiy Liquor CaseB.

K.nli PWI- fonl.ilnl.iK One Bnllle of III.I !■.,!, HintKly. I IIIDllaitil (Jilt.

Olll M V U 1,1 .lie* . (llll I'M I.- M,. , . V- I in. Olil I'm I. I III,I II.,.II in,...

(, im run I red I'ure and ol Hie very HPHI ij.iallly. I'llli !■■ ■KVetH J'HI.I.IK-.

Sent by Kaprcn I . u. U., or l'o>t Olltce order. II lli.M'jhhSUN, 1*1 llroad SI.,.New York.

Agents I Read This! .AltY

Uow a l«r.<

O., Mar.liall, U


A.,,ii - ■ II. Vl.iii.M.l; rt.

•30. I- Ni- .< , ,.Oll p

■i in- tell i a, UU., Jawkaun, MIonian.

A Million Dollars. Y.KX AS WAI.Si

rHEbuoK^jr^rs' fK

■ v\ Mii'iii >\y\i

New Advaucc Cook Stovo

u. „ uhij is the best Sto


[r7-IHK BEHT IfraliNi-d /,. be •/(.■ s

Tin- In il.riii^ni mi.l KiilurgtiJ Edition of

1)11 WILLIAM HMLTH'8 Dictionary of the Bible.

iiALkLiT, Ii. U., and fc/.ltd

a can obulii tbc work h, «ppl

s u on; II TON, r t'laoe, .New York ;

r it B s .'■


It liii» heavier Castings. It hd« a bt'ttei Flue. (No other like

it.) It has a better Fire Box. It lidB a larger Oven. It will bake quicker. It will work in it poorer tli It will bake with less fuel U will bake with un old fii

than any other stove. It has a new patent hot tins It haa a perfect ash pit. It is the only stove that has a perfect

hot air draft. For heating water 1'or the hath room

it is unequalled.

il i if i>

r II R


n front.

EVERY M'ovi:wuiinvn:i» In nar-r |tartieular.


I'UK 1A iK 11Y

& \V. 11. LA Mil & VX lu? Baaax Sire et, Lawrenee, Umi,





Kiii!iN»l*.iy- null imd n


430Eaaox Bt., MwJ



lue-iliiy, frulitv A ^iHunliiy lie

In.(UU, .,1 II i! lonitPllll'e -J, II II'.


BEACH HOUSES For 8alo or to Rent.

Ncnd lor I'm* N|ieclnifO Pattnul .V«IP tlKAIiY.



hi.IN. BtnglttB Si

-.nipt." ■■lb.ilc Coll.eilon of Aiiili'iu-, s,i,(.iii-i-K ai.m.hantf,"

Price tl .r)0. p.. |rl',-.' "'ubll'-bid by' ' '"" _'""


lluet and Tart ilyntn Tuni-K, iml "Congre-


ill on. 4w1l taif-A


r expenafi \V,m rclunded. ulreif In ulU-nm-. Addreaa

H'11.1.1 AM SU11NKK at CO . I in Wood Street, I'lltaburalt,

The Sacrud Crowu;

or I'nl.iin .tint I'tiiHlei Mi.rabiii,

v,.rk . . U-.- .' ■ ul ', rnur-p..rV.s \ > ni.iU iioru.. - lui.siHKl'ixMi-houlaund llu-

». i\ HwllRra, i.U known Anllii.r^n K'umlurlor : A«..clale

, ' . W. I*»

'■'.' sf:t r> \ i.n

ilc a. I. he:

eg " — L.—.

The iilckof tlmu-Old Nick.

XD l'p-Tr«ln.-.\ sltorl nklrt.

A tiljr ttilujt on Ice—lh« price.

The rwt of tlio week—Sunday.

lie wlio avoids the temptation avoids

the --in-

A model for n bust-altnost any patent 1 '■ ili-i model.

A good riHtne Im n alreet railway ctm-

duotor 1* "Otoar."

How to make ttio time IT" fast-—Une

the spur of the moment.

Virginia boaati nf lier "hot springs."

Hut rtummnri are r-iioncrh (or nu, thank

von I

Il a person would keep dry on a rainy

d«y, we wonlil advise htm to eat «alt


lira. Qubbtal nay* her husband Is ex-

HCtly like s tallow CHiidle, because he al-

waya will smoke when In* i- (tolnsj out.

A whlie boy aaknl a ynunjf Aejrra whai

h« bud such H short no*e <"■>' ' 1 'spose

ao it won't poke Itself Into other people'i


Woman's Rites PutMns nn her r-hif-

non, arranging her ourls. but toning her

trailers, am] adj istlnif her Orecian bend

and ililiifri.

It will be news lo many thnt Wilklc

OOIHDS ha* become a convert lo the Dar-

winian theory—but he's curolnifout with

a new tale.

A. A. Stevens threatens to reply "in

person" tn the World. II he does, It will

lie a reply of very little weight, —say

-about 06 pound*.

The foreign Item that a Inure Hereatet

ha* been exhumed In the Eternal City,

looks a* If enterprising Unmans had gone

into the < ardiff (Jlaut business.

The World says that Gen. Butler is not

only a grandfather, but U laboring to

prove to the Massachusetts constituency

ihiti tie is a great grandfather.

A negress In Walllngford, Conn-, see-

ing a large balloon come down near her,

declared that "de Lord had come, for

sure, and was down thar on de fence.

A Brooklyn mother advised herdaugb

ter to oil her hair, and fainted Hat away

when that candid damsel replied: '*0h,

no, ma; it spoils the gentlemen's vestst"

A sensible lady, of mature years, says

that It does not look well for a young

lawyer to put his arms around a itlrl st a

circus, and comb her hair with his lin-


An Indiana gill undertook to break a

colt the other day. At last accounts her

head was two sl/es too largo for her bon-

net, and she 1ms ordered a set. ol false

teeth. One of the earliest scholars of the Gov-

ernment Ruard, mi being iidd ihn! a rep-

tile Is'-'nn animal that creeps," and being

asked to name one, promptly and trium-

phantly replied, **A baby."

An Indiana wayfarer on a Chicago

train, being anxious to sec what he could

see, thrust his head out of the window

and Into another train, and now shows

signs of premature baldness.

A daikey prisoner In Oeorgla Ingen-

iously remiitked to the Jailer, -Oh look

ar dat snake dar."— and ran like the

iirlght eyed guzelle. Neither snake nor

prisoner has been seep ulnce.

Uarrv—"Your dawy; Is wery thin, Wil-

Ihtm " William— 'He Is wery bud; but

•vhen be dies | am going to si nil hlm

Barry." Uarrv (In'liiuatiniily). -Hudn"t \ou hetter Stuff him afore lie dltwt"

A boy In a country school was rending

the following Hcni-nce: " rh* llithinmise

is u landmark hj day ami a beacon bj

nlghr," .ii,.i rendered Vt thou: ■ The light*

house is a landlord hy ilav and a deat.on o*, nljtht."

A luarrelsonie couple were discussing

the «ui>j-ei of epitaphs and louibsione*

anil the husband said. ■* my dear whm

kind of a stone do you suppose they will* rue when I lilet'1 " Bthnstonc, my

love!" WHS the hlVejcLii.nate reply.

The Fag End of a Quarrel.—Stem par-

ent: "Leave oh* lhat nolle directly. Jack,

you naughty boy ! It's all over now, ami

Bertha's left off crylujr these ten min-

utes." Jack— "B—B— Bertha began

crjln^ helore I did! Boo hooT— ti'unvh.

•' I know what your beau's prettv white

horse's name lr," said a little hoy to his

grown up sister, the other morning: "It's

Damye." " That's his name, 'cos laat

night I was ouislde the fence when he

stopped at the front gate, and I heard

hlm say, " whoa, Damye!"

A darky. In attempting to cross a hatch

way, fell through, and his bead struck a

big piece of stone coal, breaking It fine.

Oil looking up bo saw his employer, and

fearing he baa done something wrong.

exclaimed, sorrowfully, "Golly, tuassa,

I's rial sorry I broke dat coal!"

Happy Bridegroom, —"More money.

madam! Have you forgotten that my

money hat* bought everything you pos-

sess—the very dress yon stand In r"

Fair Bride.—"No, sir; nor have I for-

gotten that your money has bought what stands in it!"

Bucolic newspaper men are In convul-

sions of laughter over this Item: "A new

garter la heralded. It is a heavy, round,

elastic chain, much the style ot the heavy

uold chains upon which loeketsarc worn,

and has a book and eye upon it. The

hook Is pardonable, but the eye Is repre-


Tim Emperor Alexander was present

:.t a collection in Paris, for one of the

hospitals. The plate was held nut to hlm

bv an extremely pretty girl. As he gave

his liuils d'or ho Whispered, "Mademoi-

selle, this Is for yonr pretty eyes." The

ghl curtsied and presented the plme

asaln. -What." said the Km

"niorer" " Yve, sir," said she, ",

want sunie'hlng for the poor."

i ti. OrlKiUiil llii" I The Ellas Howe

Sewing Machine. Family Sewing Machines.

JIST IMPROVED* ,„,..„,vn,



aBvWQKl© [MA<?M!ia[!


i All the Attachments and Modern


Hems, Quilts,

Fells, f * Faggots,

Tucks, Embroiders

Cords, Folds,

Binds, Ruffles,

Braids Hem


Oathera, and s,.» Oil a the *am« time; makea heautl u Mill Ml raid of any ni itcrlal.

We can DKC HIP CB' ap Ulaird Cotton auddo belter work than any ol her machine with the beat Clark'a c> tton. It la leaa liable to m-t out of order than any other machine. It wean longer, runa caaler, and mtikoa lua nolle than any other Family Machine.. It htnttt the hut ot Sewing Machine* for Family Work ol all klndK, Stitching trom tlueal muolln la heaTleit beaver without ohaage of Tenilon, Needle, or Thread.

We aell theae Machines on IXSTALLitBtrTS, lfdsatrsd,BaalpM them n. .■■■■' M...-,.'|. on r i:. I glvo you your obolee of any In the market.

MTlaitract Ion given at flouit or aloic at any time either In Lawrence, Andover, or Mcthuen.

All kinds of Sewing Machines bought,

sold, exchanged, repaired, and to let.

We devote our whole time lo the Sen- ine IMachine busiucsa,

ll-ive t„ en iil.l-llxl. It Will hi:

oord, bind, unlit, gather,etc.,.

etery variety of family newliii

Theae Machinea have beet

now,madp at our Hfiaclout

ew Vork, where In gathel

u. fell, tuck, braid,

ic. etc.; lu fact,do

n Tor VtaiS, and are

r.i ii.i. In theclly ot

d together the laleit

and moat Improved machinery known In the man-

ufaotureof aewlog machine*. They are tnadeot

the beat material), and Ihe uaperlence of twenty-

live yean la their manufacture enable* ua to guar

anlee Hrat claaa workmanship.



283 Kssi:\ ST., LAWRENCE,


$30,000,000 Insurance Capital Represented.

ItoMon mill tlitiin Kailioiiil

s i ■ M M K K

On and .fur M euve the Depot*

For HoK!i,i.,ilr '. ;■: A. M . :,!..: U

For Ho-lon, |l

A R It A S G E M K N T.

inday, .luly 10,1871, Traina wl ii Uwrrnce,ai followi.:- .m North He Otl at O.itt, 7.110 li, and i.:iO 1*. M. »tn Mouth Depot] at §.tl, 7M

-Etna, SWTh

LIFE. r Hartford, Aaseta 115,1^0,060

' .KLiia'a rates arc lower than any other

Ami guarantee lo MVl




Conatantly on hand,

MACHINE STITCHING Dona to order at short nollee.

THF ri.ACF. TO nthf TOI'R





199 Essex street, i> 1 I LAWBKNCE.


Read the lollowinir

Hnving Machine Nales for 1870 The Stitt/tr J/nnu/'o Co.told 1*7,833 Machinf

A «ei in

4 ivlih

the littht bun

i iiX thill it I'.'*


id blWR.




No. 23U Can

i:n li v. I-


Cast Iron fiubb it W Bv In- Cal'lH i'ri - l*n.i.

'. . *,<ih'I AHMKEtlUR,

btreet, Lawrence. A itentleiiiau who h i.l i.k-n a

aalnea- liable to UPKCIAL, a h'W il-iyi aloee for i

not already at piled, are ,.-r.-r ilepot. ene II in he ted «hh i

tliwlth, and thrrrby niitr iniasniitl part-els lie reached i

lire anil iroubic. rope Alth mi iffiirt, when he w

J;..I , tl and nave a vitruroui null

Mill ni Hblch WHM ii sharp rhijf lr day and hnnday. bell* "Wh-il are % ran rlmrlnx h.

ill NKi II Bl'ltlt, I'.uV" ««. ih*- tllaei.iirt.ou and i- r. I..l,.anl A.KI- .j-iui ul ihe mi ul.u- * B-cail*

tin car tn stop lit both ends,"

li Mill aai.1 lliorntlgbl) ij'.it't replv, tuat left a convulsed

nU|lh"it l!i>di)iig?Vnl|l ami diseoBillted c luctor.

UHK vr * \ VINIJ "Atom." oflht' M-rMinl Atlvoi

in- Wheeler a Wilson, " ■SrfjDfl lowe Machine Co., " T4.IM

Drover fc Baker, " A7,tKI .Veed, 35,00* iTUeoa aoibbi. 2tt,B(W ''lorance, " i;,ft0 American linttoa Ilolt, " H,a;3 IJold Medal, 8,01*

Himplklty of couRtructlon.

Symmetry ol lorm, and beauty of IliiUh.

Rapidity and -iillni-ii In operation.

Kaae with which It can be managed.

-Non-lint,, nt) to miss stitches, having a mineable

head, which can be readily adjusted close to the

shuttle, whpn u-ir.j either thu tlnist or eoarMSt

A shortrr mid rmulkr ueod!.-, lu prouortion lo

thu slie of the thread, than used with ,itiy oilier


The Lock -nidi, ullke on both -,■!■■ „i (he fabric.

Kconomy of Ihiead.

tstrengtli and Urntaen with which Ihi seamn

arc drawn logetlier.

I: iMItnini..,., :. I:I,I- .. regularity, mid beuuiy

of silted.

Adaptability lo the wIdeal raa«« of work, new-

lug the ilnert aud nOantat fabric-*, and UBII.R

i , I K Well the ,i M--JI and ■■ -t. and all luler-

dlate grades of Bilk, Coitou,nnd Linen Thread,


Each Family Machine 1* furnl-ihed wllh * 11. tu-

rn, r, Feller, llralder, QeJItar, and Daage, 13 Nee-

diet, ni-,iirieil,i'. Bobblu*,'.' Needle 1'lni ■>, 1 Screw

Driver, 1 Oil Can,and printed Directions foruilng

the Machine.

Machines sold on Monthly Installment?:,

J.S.Harrison. -Agent


We nre also Agents (or the


Improved Elastic Lock Stitch


Cabinet Making.

239 Essex Street, Lawrence, UP STA1HS,



State Mutual Life Assurance Co., Of Woieerft.T, Ma«».

Acouinulnled Fund, V -.■ - I,..--..- paid, riw.i6o.iio Dividend* paid, **l,s7-.!.wi

Prlnriplea: CASH Inall l.i.,ii„--,». c\l:l-. In the selection o(

rlKlw.—1'KL'DFNCK lu Inventing Ihe premi- um*. -KCONOMY In management. -A NN I' A I. Ill VlDKNliS ot i.i,.|ilui. I H.N I IUI1I NUN Elan of distribution.

I. PDL1CIEM NON-FOKFK1TABLE under the law of Haaaaehnaetta.Kivlna; to theaaaured a lull equivalent for every dollar paid to the company.

NO STOCKHOLDERS to make a prorlt out ol thr tnihliiei.1,1,11 surplus and the entire asset* ol the company belouulntr to the POLICY HOLD- ERS alone. The widow* and orphana of the in- sured are not required to take any part of the Insurance, when It becomes a clufm, in Ihe pre- mium notes of the dercseed.

The Interest alone received on the Invested Funds of the Company, ID the last ten years, haa paid all the losses by Death durlnjr, Dial period, and thirty-live (Hi) prr cent, of all other expenses.

What other Lite Company can show as good a

FIRE. Franklin, or Philadelphia, Awets *3,087,4t>a Koyal, of KBKland, Hide and Leather, Bosti Bar State, Worcester, Entorpnao, Penn,, Firemen's, New York, Buffalo F M., New York

9,272,778 426,300 19a,BL7 611,684

Wei Queen, England, Bocurity, N. Y-,

1'ollcles Issued and loss My adjusted at my Oltiee, Special Inducements offered

i: -HI :. II ■■■ lo . ir. ■ i lu large or ■ Ulve me a call before reucv


473.677 4B6.314



promptly aud honor-

lea hnvlng

«... li/l-', •ii uu, r.ia auu ' r M.

fr"or Portland,(fri m South Depot1 at M.US, ^'.30 A. M-, and I.0B, I, 6,05, $ fflM P. 11.

For Uenr^eliiwn and Newburyport, (from South

r Uai , (iron, x.ulh Depot) * 1 I.on, , tfi.ft

and from North Depot al P. M.

ThaHJM A. M.nnd 1 ui and -1 P. U trains c( neel at Doier wllh trains on D. 4 W. I:. R. I Rochester, FarrnlDBton, and Alton ftay.

Tralnf leave BOKIOU for Lawn-nee nt 7, 7, HA0, 10.16, 11.11) A. M., la.15, :t, J :in. 5 and II 1'.

■ r,M,re ■topbetw

KEROSENE OIL LAMPS. I have received some New Pattern* of Kerosene

OH Lamps, bolh in Ulaaa Hnd Hronic. Also,* fine assortment of

Chandeliers, 1'endanta, Brackets, Lantern*,

and everything connected with Hit riert»ene trade, inaklua the HKHf 8KLKC1TON to ba

found in the city,

AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Also, tome new patterns of

GAS PORTABLES, Which I am selling at Low Prices.

E. A- FISKE'S Paper Hanging and Curtain Store,

No. S7fl Essex Street, Lawrence, MUSH.


S A VINOS HANK, No. 80 fnloii Street,

iXcar Corner of Hanover Si reel,) D OSTON.

The advantages ctfrred to depositors hy this

Fir»t.~Dipoilti nre pul on Interest on lliellrsl

1712. gg§ 1871. Uniti. lu Weight iu (...lo.

Kverv Man hie own Doctor by ualBft Dr. T. IH.IU ?.■.- i ■ :■ i ■..- .i i thu-li Halve, winch

li kindK of Old Sores and i, Felons, Bunion*, Kuri.H, Ab-av^a^e.JSaai*- Mtpph frame is lu-lr i rlc bv Ihe roll, if ci f Hie L'.H. aaTTeslinionial.ov

Da. T. OiiincN—Dt that I have been ultllc >n my body which I an d.-Hi-ril.e. Uy so

Ii don't no youngn

rklnd 1.1,

ii by mull inlly.

> 1*

>■ part

i Ktiindlna :— \ , Lawn-ore, '

Is to eerlify

'"..*"nd "ll I

w,aud 1 feel a* smart as a young man, tl.rouiili ihe use of your cplpbrated Riaek Salic, which excels ail other remedle* ever offered lo the public. Ail parties can have reference lolbl* case through Dr. ■ y,|,-i,

Dft.T.OiiliH?l—Dear;Sir -We have uned three wonderful Kid Sir. njdli, ning 1'leuriny

umalic l'LA8TKR\ lu our li.ii.ily, which nre the beat in the market, M they do not eraek and dry up like all the reM, und atiek ruueli longer.

THOMAS BKA.N, Hi) \ alley street, Ijiwrence.

DB. T. OGDEN, Sole proprietor for Hie V- S. end Canada*,

No. :;;S Allen Street, Lnwrenre, Muss.

.1 ,I,I Hill III

Boots and Shoes.


UK ART DISEASE. We pul ihe Heart lit gnlalor before the people

believing I'm It Is a prejiaratlon In which ill can place implicit confidence u* being al] that It represent-.


nppeur-i lo II- in many forms, turning which are

Palpitation, Enlargement,

Rheumatism, Spasm*,

Oialfloatloo, and Water about the Heart.

We present the following voluntary testimonial,

HERKICK AND S. M. FRENCH under the name and style of J. Y. FRKNCE1 ft CO., respectfully announce lo their former patrons and the public gem-mil), that they iniiy still be found at the Old Mtand


Parham, " l,7M do, Wilsoa, •* BOO do, Hartlrt Reversible. ■■ 4W do. Mariraw a Fantom, '■ an do. Lamb Knitting, " 4J1 do. McKay Aasociatlon, '■ Vi'.i do. C. F. Tbompaon, " 100 do.

From which It will be seen

The Singer Co. sold 44,625 more Machines than any other company,

THE SINGER Mac nine wit! ri« nil i*a{ an* machine can do tuc-

ctufulty, And Quicker snd Kailer. Ill* caiy to learn to run and very easily kept In ordar. .Hi ■wolffici warrvititerf and kept inordtr. Initructiongiven, if.'"-'. Machines sold on easy terms ol payment

Ivd, 3XT_ H O "W E , The only Authorized Agent lor Law-

rence and iUelhnen. Office at No. 18 Amesbury Street,


Where may be found, also, a good assortment ot Parlor,bitting Room, Dining Room,

KITOHEN al CHAMBER FURNITURE AH ol which will be sold as low a* any In the city.

UK A. I. t ■DltrilN I* with me, and will be moat happy to see his old friend* and customer*. flcaesiMr the place. IH AM I;HIM I1Y BTREKT,

A few doors from Ussea St., Ijiwreuce, Haas, TUfjetr M. N. nowa.


A Double Light of Ground Glass, j



IflK. Illhn

Ha* removed from Sim*' Itlock lo

'271 Raaea at., (over l»r. KidderSOIfiee)

Hide and Leather Insurance Co., ol Uoston, Muss,

Capital, $300,000.00 Ansuts, 415,905.00

JOHN EDWARDS, 2H3 Essex Street, - - Lawrence.

P. O, Rox 38.



mini Residence, No. IS Oak Street,


C. K. A J. P. PlliUlBTJRT,


Cotton & Woolen Machinery AND

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Pulleys, Gearing and Shafting, Jack Berewa. All kinds ol Boll* on band, or made to order;

alao all kinds of Forging done. GENERAL JOB WORK and Mill repairs done

promptly and faithfully. Dealers In Manufacturers' Supplies.

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Streets

pHan* I.AWRBNra,

A PK0FiTABLE~BlISIXKSS. Intelligent,active men or women,young or old,

an have pttatant, tun/- (./ ;.nv.'»/ employment by aklni; an Agency for any town in the U. 1). for

Henry Ward Beecner's LIFE OF


Sure to u iil-tell ntiy /;."/.■ trer pnhtitlieit. I'ri tpectui llnakt are new rratly, and territory wilt t nioarded tn reliable Ageula nn early applica- tion. Term* liberal. Appli lo J. B. KOHU A (JU.,i47l'arkelace,N.r.l 11 BromBvld Hu, Boa- ton, Mass.i or 1?UState SI.,Chicago, ill. it' si

THE i \ i) i: it s i (; N i: n ,

After thanking the public for their


would respectfully call their attention lo the faot

day ol every Second.-N

but the full e minus i

Thiril.—Dividends are put upon as declared, »o that depositors r«


Ivc Com/iouni


e or many yen

DII of nil order

s in all branches HHureHutisfnction Intrusted to hi

CoiNinifff-r, f lly*l(ll IIKMIIVC.IIHOOKU. DAM1BL H.WlllTSKt, Uhn, a. DKKKY.

tlK, NKl'llAHllA.CtC.

o not suO'ered wllh a.

i-ssing diseases Row

r found anything thai


Nrrvouaneaa, HKADA Uow few there are who ha least one of the above dlati lew there are lhat have ev.

Id relieve—not to mention cnre—lhosepaiu ful affliction*. BRIOOS' A 1.LEVA VI oil i* u "tona-tlde remedy for each and every one or thosi .revalvnt complaints. It not only relieve* lu tanily, but positively cure* every ease, whei ii-,ii accordlug to directions. The astonishlu) success of Dr. Brlggs' Allevantor, as a la mil luedlelue, Is an established tact. To try It la ti be convinced. Sold by all druggists,

l'i!i-;-i Instantly relieved and soon cured b) islng Dr. J. BKIUUS' PILE REMEDIES. The) educe inflammation, aoothe the irritated parts, .ti.l have proved a blessing to the afflicted, wheth

ii)i pile,

■dlis. solo

raid, bleeding, o . All kinds lu all stages must yield i ful Inlluencuof these never falling r by Druggists.

I' o it s ti in ]i 11 ii ii, Bronchitis, Larangytls,

Cough, Hoarseness, and all diseases of the Throat

and Lungs readily relieved by the magical


an:,—It is an astonishing fact that nine out ol

every ten perxona we meet are aorely troubled

with their feet. Very few are exempt. Dr. J.

BRIUUS* Popular Remedies—CUR ATI TE and Al.l.rJ VlAi'ult—are reliable and certain In their effects. The Curative for aore sad tender Corns,

Had Nails, etc., Is a sootbln|r balm for ipldly cures the worst cases.

. lor the cure of common Corns and Bunions, and the prevention of all Corns, Is apui-

NuM by 11. H, Whitney ■ ;li •

71 Essex Street,

large and carefully men's, Hoys" "'* Infants'

(1,19 New Number,) i be pleased to show their

r - ck of kt " Chlldi

BOOTS A Nil SHOES. Also, at all times, a good assortment of

RUBBER (100 DS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

not elsewhere to be fouud In the city. Their Goods, as far ns possible, are made to

'!■■! i r, .in,l received directly from Ihe most respon- ■:lli manufacturers.

»3~They are sni.fc. Agents of the


also of the Capln Calf Boot, of all widths; alao or the


rhichit l ni u I of a

!»i>m Jeremiah Smith, Concord, A'.,

I have been very Disease lor the laal lug able to do any

li troubled with Heart u or eight years, not bs- oua work for two year*.

ntly troubled with »ev..e r,tn

other physicians, cullid my difficulty liheun n.i>.<. of the Heart. Have been greatly troubled lo ■. i my breath at times, and had severe sinking spell" accompanying difficulty of breathing, *o that I have been in great danger of Immediate drain.— Ileve used but two bottlea of Ihe Heart Regula- tor, and though 1 do not consider myself cared, t"ii .-■! tlini I can doa day's work without any

■■■'- k 1 'hall eventually become al- I hi

t Ilk Mi 1 1(1 I.Ill .1 tr Induced others ti_ lit.nml wonlil [tratelully il-itl Ml AH SMITH.

ier bolt to For sale h- drug lyi'sgliel

4LOUT BHU'M, Drurnlsts.eo

Ices of MK.R. B. venty years experience In the Ie ol li.,in- and Shoes, they merit a share of ihe public

SMITH, (a man i .mil... i i.l , UU and hop patronage,

lyPlease examine our Goods before purchasing.

J. Y. FRENCH & CO., 189 Essex Street, Lawrence.

J. D. Uerrlck. H. M. French.

rounded feet,

Furniture to Order The eaperlei

ofll.e business with the execu

Do you want LM», Wardrobe, rjldeboard, Bedstead, Hu

adles' Desk, Office Desk, Olficu 1 able, or house or olBco Furniture of any kind, made of the best ol' seasoned stock with the best workmanship i


Do you want your Parlor, Chamber, or Office

IE PA 1 li E V, lUOWl U1U.WI


Do yon want a now


or your old one repaired /

IcALL ON BARNARD. aw"Satlslactlon guaranteed In all case*. He

confidently refers lo all who have favored him with their patromigc.


239 Essex Street.

(Tliinl storv. Old American Office.)


\ In c cllon

1 Invited to calL i.MKIN a HAafOa.

The public itfont


Drain Pipe Co. W. A. K I M II A I.l, At CO.

hsve been appointed Agents for tlie above Cess- pany, and offer their Stona Ware at

Wholesale at Manufacturers' Prices. DRAIN FIFE, thu very best, as low as other ot

Inferior i|ualtty.


817 EH.

; Parties wHiIng to purchase the Best Bei i Msi'hliielti the World, will save time and mi I by railing at

649 Essex Street, Lawrence, To «ee the


SEWING MACHINE. I It dor* Hemming, Felling, Tueklng, Cording, I Binding, Braiding, Fringing, Fagoting, Itutlllng ! and Htliching on at Ihe same ilioe, without any I basting. JOHN WARHUHTON, Agent.

| Each Machine I* furnished with two In -miners, ; frller, braider, qullter, self-scamer, Oiler, srrtw

driver, bobbins, 1 dot. needles, and printed dlrrc- I Hoot,free.

Price ffiA.00; with look Dover. «(H>.t». Term* cash, or monthlv Installments.


Office at the Clothing cliore of W. H. Brldgnun,

<McodlyJal3 540 Kasex *t.. Uninnr.

For Purifying the Blood.

I. KIM BALL ± CO., Street, - - - Lawrence

ally iiii>i:iti:itiiijjly ..

m lik't tn buy some ,


Superintoudnntcf Cemetery.

Residence lit) Morton Street, LAKREM0E.

I'd oiler i

ever washed.

M|I if I thuuithl yon

I. X. Y. U. M. P. T. Consult your inter, at, ami l*uy ll.r

Salom Shade Roller for 50 ots. Warranted t« eite entire ■Ml. fact ion Noeordj no i.i--. i- A Steel aprlnij lint wtl' not brei* or snout of order. W.ITTOBD V RICE.

VY. O. O M'ltlN'til.H, M. IL


IMD Esnex St., (Sims* Block,) aif4 I.AW1EMCC.

it in it Positive ('nre for Rlllouanei sti|t;ili<in. Dyapepala, Fever i

Ague, Headache, and all Dfsi-ast-s h in| II

he Hlood -A

Medicine for Cliililren it is Invaluable field by DrBfglata thioughoui the World.

Trice, 50 eonto.


And li prepared to furnish

Builders' Materials Ulgood qMlUIWiltlkOrtlOllCe. A

Fine and Black Walnut


(,„ h


PINE FINISH LUMBER Of all gr.ides aud u,ualltics, In stock.

All descriptions of


Packing Boxes, Minle lit Short notice.

I .'tin consUully receiving from East, I.n, >■ lots ol

Spruce Dimension Timber


Largo Schedules

Southern Pine, Black Walnut, and


ItiKirtlsiiiuf I'lniik

Always In slock.




At Reasonable Prices.


i* Clarke, Lawrence, lv* tnov30

CIIAS. A. (.(H.lisilIT 11, iH. I).,


Second Door West of Stone Church.

XJIt. S. O. B A.N O It O F"T,


has removed from Andover to

'3 Eaaex St., Lawrence. Nltroua Oxide (ias administered. Reference—sncuRv. Harvard Dental College, No.373E«se* St., (over store of R, R.W.Davis,

Tailor,) in.-, i


A lady writes:—"About six months ago my

hair was coming out to badly that at every dress-

ing I used to .'.t a hnndful, which, not wishing to

throw .i-.v.i.v. 1 lulil by lu a box. I have uisd two

bottles of your Hair Ten, and now I do not get

enough to lie the r/ndo of my braids, and have to

go lo Ihe box for n few hairs for that purpose, 1

think every lady oo,;hl toknow what a remarkable

Dalr Preserver rou make,"

Agricultural implements AND

£1 J± IRHD "W-A- RE.


No. 217 Essex Street, Lawrence,

(Nearly opposite the Pott Office,)

are the Sole Agents for


Buckeye Mower, and Reaper, well known to farmers. Also, (he


Tlie Universal Clothes Wringer.

Hratlley's I'liient




FISHING TACKLE, or a novel style.

HARDWARE of every description. tai'lB


Of Chicago, lias opened an office in Lowell, where he Is treating successfully all chronic IHieatc*. on a new system, which embraces the best and most approved methods In this and other coun- tries, Including Hie use it Kl.KCTKUTTY and PN KUMAT1C or DltY CUTI*! NO, which usually relieves all pain and removes all congestion In a short time; and removes Tumors and cures Klin- mat Ism and Paralysis; and INHALATION OF AUTOMl/ED UEDIC1NKS. Hetreats success- fully Ml.I 11 M.'.l' AMI Ml liM.l .1 Al I I- .Ml All forms of Scofula, fever Bore* and Old Ulrera, Dyspepsia, Disease* of the Liver and Kidney. Oropsv, Constipation, all Bl "

IH,*. .1. II. KII'DKK,

^E<gglLl)KNT\L Sl'KGEON,

No. «71 Essex Street, Lawrence-



Tlie object in ettabllahtng tnti Inttttntioa wns in uttiiin the KTealat perfection in tlie preparation, pntcttoB, and ate of Vecctabtc Kcmeilifs, ami to secure a permrment j.lnec where fnniilies, invulid*, or nny pertott. could obtain the. best mnliciil mlvice, nml Mca rem- c.lies u each mh{bt ttqulre, without the nte of pouonOQl drii|rj.

l)r. (irwne hu been Ph.vsiiiun of the Insti- tute since its fmuulnliun, now more limn twenty-fin) yearn. Dr. Greene is in his finy- lit'ih yenr, ami hfU dovoictl his life to th*U branch of his profesalon; iiml his success, we believe, is without pnrnllcl.

Amon^ ihe discuses lo i liich he pives cs- pcetnl attention mny in- notked Cnnctr, Scrof- uhi, Catarrh, Braoehlida, Consuni|ition, Heart Disease, Nenralfrin, Aatbmn, Nervousness, It he n in lit ism, Paralysis, Siiinnl Diseases, Djs- Kpsia, Liver Comnhiint, IVninte Complaints

lint Stomach, LrysipeUU, While Swclline;, Suit Rlu'tim, CnnkiT, Deiifncs.s, Kidney Dis- enst's, Seminal Weakness, &c.

By order of the Board of Managers,, Dr. Oreonc'i Medical Pamphlet, descriptive of dlfKOWa, and their OKiper trentment, will lie sent free to invalids ; nbtO his Treatise on disi'a>es of the Hair nnd Scalp.

Address R. GREENE, M. !>., ;:t Temple Place, Boston, Ma--.


Scientific and Popular Hedical Worta

Manhood, Womanhood, & Nervous Diseases,

Arliclc to bcsul

"old by DruHttM

llAlit I i-A, ,i complete Toilet

V anil Invigorate the Hair, la

everywhere at fl.OO per bottle.


IMper nOXO

Main Btreot, Mothuon, Mass.


Hi* Ktsy to put on, comfortable to the foot.raclurii

the dirt, and wears longer than any other nhi niado for the same inonej. It commends Itself evrry Farmer at slnht. No lacings, nu gores, t ■earns to rip or hurt tholVet. Had* ol the best OAK Kir, wuh one-half double sole. Alao,

(it'iit'n, Ladles', MiBsts' iintl Chiltlrun'u

Boots and Shoes Hay be found at

II. T. CLAY'S, NO. .-.17 ESSEX ST BEET, llm-iiflll* Lawrence,

IN MAN LINE Splendid & Powerful Mail Steamers


CalllnK at UueeDstown,

are Appointed to still us lollotvs -.—

CITY 111" BRISTOL, Thurs.lav.Aug CITY OF HKOIIKI.YN, Saturday, Aug. tn CITVOKNKW Yl'Kh, Thursday, Aug. "' CITY OF 1'ARIH, Miturday.Scpt CITY OF ANTWRRP, Thursday, Sept.

An.leveryTllUItbliAY, and SATURDAY from 1'ler I.'., tool ul Charlton strcel.

From Liverpool, via ij.icrnstown, every Tl'KS DAYandSATL'RDAY.

FIRST CABIN. To and rroui Liverpool, %?:, and #;»

To rj.i.r.i and return, fl M, * according lo location of rooms.

The acco in modal ion* by this 1 I'.mitit.' !' sie uneijunlled.

STKKRACK. To Qucenslowu, Liverpool, Lo

'" ifOITj t:,« Currency. Children

*l..'l Lu i,I,

1 for Cabin

.slftare sfree

rrpald rrrtlllrate* Irom Liverpool, (Jueens- n.lilisgow and Londonderry to Boston, $34. I.l.i i. between 1 and It, hair lure. Infants ( .. nsKuge Tickets Issued |i> and In.m any part ol New Fngland StalPS at lowest rales, rails pa>abh In OrMI Britain and Inland free

or rrelght or passage, apply ul the Co'* Office, Slule ntrtet, Boston.

M.8. CRKAIill, Manager.

lr I*. Ill KI-IIV. ilr. BMOI slir.'t,


DR. A. W. IMIttLANii,




i«i I-BSKX ST.,

LAWK naoa •sT-Nltrous Oxide

(Ja« Administered aWRefcrenoc—Faanlty, I'liii*. Dental College

Now No. 288 Essex St., (old No. 149.)

;.,-].. e*. Paralrrii , Heart Dii l of Childrer

instlpatlon, all Hkln . ■y Consumption In Its early s

tCpllepsy, Halt llheum, IIeadai eases, Fe etc. lie cures all diseases of the


applied to In ilieir first atagag, llccuresmon cases of CUHVATURES, WKAKNKSS and

DIM;\NI S OF Tin-: M*IM:, and sll other deformities, than any other phyal ciau In America, He trials these di-vascs on en llrely new principles, and with a new apparatus,

Hu has had an extensive practice and wonder fulaucceas In the treatment ol CANCERS.

Hceuresalt diseases of the KYK AND KAlt He haa had an extensive practice and greet suc-

cess In the trealment of nil l»l!-M-:A-.l-:r-i OF WOMEN. He haa oured women who have been conlined ti

their bed* tor years. He lectured fifteen year* t( Ladles on the disiasrsoT Women, which ulve. him a knowledge and experience in the treatmeni of these diseases unsurpassed by any other phyal clan. He never fall* to cure

RHEUMATISM In all its stages, no matter how long standing.

CATARRH. He is treating Catarrh on a KhWr.YHTKM,whlcl

la a sure cure lor this terrible disease, wllh whlel almost every person Is more or leas aftllcli d.

Consul tail Ion Free. 111. consullnlion* for years have averaged several thousand* a year, which gives him an experience unsurpassed b) any other physician, and equalled only by " lie does not promise to care all stages of dii and no case will be received where there Is an) doubt ol cure or relief.

While alt diseases are curable, If pcopcrly treat cd in their first stages, all itage.i of disease are not curable. A case maybe curable thinnonth not next, to-itay bul not to-morrow, hence the dun ger of delay in ihe treatment

Dr. Knapp U no truetlliug phiitician. He only visits a few places near /.. ir.f(, occos' accommodate his pnilents In these p ■ ■ill.TI- who maydcslre lo consult hltn.



Fur Invcntiont, Trade Marks or Design*,

No. TO Suite St., opposite Kilby St.

BOSTON, After an extensive practice of upwards of

sl'a tithe Cnlt. Males; also, In Grent lliitaln, France,and otli rorelgn countries. Caveats, Hpeclllc«tlonp, A ilgnmrnts, and all pnpera for i'aleiits, i-xccul.

-—s, with dispatch. Keaearch Ihe validity und utility or F_

,m— ui IUIIUIIUUI, and legal nnd other advice rendered In all matters loachluK ihe same. Copies of the claims of any pstenl Itirnl^lied by remitting

made todetermln.

sfvpe. dollar. As.tgniiM nth rin,r.led in W'

A'o -foein-i, in the I'niled States / riorj.i.-ititin u,,-..I.I,,,, ,. I;,ti ntt.or as. ing the patentability <\f inventions.

All necessity of a Journey lo Washington to procure a I'atent.and Ihe usuul grent delay lhen

e here i red luvcutors,

TESTIMONIAL!!. " I regard Mr. Kddy as one ol the most MM

and successful practitioner* with whom I I. hadofDclal Intercourse.

CIIAS. UAtJON.Comtnlsaloner of Patent

" I have no hesitation in aisuringlnventorsi they cannot employ s man ,,tore competent truitioorthy, and more capable of putting II applications in a form lo secure for Idem an early and favorable consld.-ralkn at the 1'ntei.t Otllce.

F.DMUND HL'RKK, Late Commissioner or Talents."

"Mr. It. II. Rddy hs* made Tor me over Til IB TV applleullon* Tor Tamils, having been success

'■■- 1 -- ,-:'. .1 '« j.|..i.| I In almost everv case. Su great tali nl und abiliiy <>:

recommend A I.l '--■- I'll.ii mis,

faithfala ses, and at very re.

n..-t .ii. l, ii

ton Ull'l) . ly be *

tion bestowei

o nro- I Lading



Are in vised to semi their orders for

Brass Instruments To J.C. IIAVNKS k I'd excellent Instruineate, < nisheaoneof lh« very I lection.

At this ceh hrati-d luslr red the best

tno-lerate prices, i opportunities lor *t-

iiettt Store may also hi


I'lANOM A MELDltKONH for sate Htid lo let.

Hand Music, Nheet Uunle, Music Books, aud all InJs ol Mn i, -,l M. i , 1,;, .,,1; ...

JOHN BATES &CO.. 33 Court 8t., lymhlPb opp. the Court House, Boston

4 Hul finch Street, Boaton, (Oppoaltn Hovoro Houao.) ' »

DR. W. H. TAHKKIt, AsslsUot Fhyslelan.

Medicnl kmnaltdge/or everybody, 2W,000 copir* sola In (ien teari,

A Book for every Ulan.


Dr.'-i.iNB IK HAH, Nxnvoua AM. PHYSICAL

DaaiLiTT, UVI'OCHO.MIHIA, and all other dis- eases arising from the ERKona or YOUTH, on THK IHDINCRKTIOKB OR Kxcaaaaa of mature year*. This Ii Indeed a book for every man. Price only s>i. Mi pnts-es, bound in eloth.

A Book far every W.piin.



fri. in IMAM I TU OLIi A I.K, with elegant lUun rutlvc Kngravlnca. IAD pages, bound In beaull

ful In

fur, tin

- _fl pa| h cloth. Price aa. A Book for Kverylioily.

Flattered by the reception of, and great demand """ "ibovo valuable and timely treatises, and

ai*o to meet « great need ol the present age, the author ha* Just puhllshed a new book, trestlm exclusively of NERVOUS AND MXNTAL DIS- EASES. ISO pp. eloth. Price il.OO, or IEKY I r. M. mi receipt of ♦■! lor the Other two books, postage paid.

Theae are,beyond all comparison, the most ex. traordluary works on Physiology ever nubllrhed, There Is nothing whatever thai the Married or Single, of either Sea, can either require or with to know, hut what is fully explained, and many matters of the most Important and interesting character are introduced to whirl, no allusion even can be found In any other work* In onr lan- guage. All the Ntiv Diacovt aiBsof the author, whose experience Is sueb as probably never be- fore fell to the lot of any man, are given In full. No person Should be without these valuable

"VIIMIII.I: IIIIHHH. Wr have received the vaiusblc medical worka published by the Pea body Medical Institute. These hooka are ol actual merit, and should Und a place In every Intelligent family, They arc nol Ihe cheap order of at omlru- ble traah, published by Irresponsible partfrs. and

Eu re based to gratify coarse tastes, but are written y a responsible professional gentleman of emi-

nence, na a source of Instruct Ion on vital matters, concerning which lamentable Ignorance exists. I'he Important subjects presented ar* treated with delicacy, ability and care, and, as an ap- pendix, many-useful prescription, for prevailing complaint* are added."—Coos IlrpubUcan, Lan- catttr, N. n.

" The author of these books Is one of the moit learned and popular physician* of the day, and It entitled to the gratitude ol our race for these In- valuable productioua. It seems to be bl( aim to Induce men and women to avoid the oaaar ol those disease* to which they are subject, and he tell* them Just how and when lo do it." < hIH. icte, Farminaton, Maine, Sept. 7, Ir-rtll.

Either book sent by mall on receipt of price. N. It.—The Author of the above named medical

works la tbe Chief Consulting Phyilclaa or the 1'cabody Medical Institute, and Is so constantly employed ID consultation with Invalid* from all parts of the noun try, that he has no tine to attend to mere business details. Therefore all letter* ■ hould h* uddreiaed to the PKABODY MEDICAL 1N8TITUTK, or to Dr. W. H. PARKER, tbe Med'cal Assistant of the Author, snd hi* Buslnrss Agent, whot as well a* tbe Author himself, may

IMlH all it


NEW DISCOVERY It C/itmical nnd M.dical Sritnrr.


FIK.- t and ONLY SOLUTION ever made In one mixture ol ALL TIM TWKI.VK valuable active principal* ol the well known curative agent

PINE TREE TAR, UNFQIIALKD in Coughs, Colds, Cstsrrh, Asth- ma, Bronchitis, snd Consumption.

CURES WITHOUT FAIL a recent cold In three to six hours; sad also by It* VITALIZING, I'lilllFYlNO, and STIMU- LATING etreeta upon the general System, is re- markably efficacious In all

DISBAejBR OP THK BLOOD, Including Bcrolula and Bruptlona of tbe skin, p)* Dlaeaaea of the Liver and Kidney* lle-iit Disease, and General Debility.


Volatile Solution of Tar lor INHALATION without application of II EAT. A remarkably VALUABLE dlsrovrry, a* the whole II i i ;i nu us can be curried In Ihe veslpoekrl,

*'—- lor the most effertual and pusl Hlvi oln

All Dimum of the, trOBB, THROAT, and I, UN OS.


TAB AND MANDRAKE PILL, rur uie In connection with the ELIXIR TAR, I* u combination of the TWO most valuable Al- IKHATIVK Medleluea known In the Profesiioa. aud readers this 1*111, without exoettlon.the very besl ever offered.


Druggist, or lo L. 7. UYDE * CO.,

BtsYl Mi: ii MA ->[,j aoLi raoraiiToiu

110 E. 22tl Street, New York.




I'abllihed Friday Morning, by

0B0. 8. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors.


Career of K*tex and Apptcton street


SUBvCBtrTIOX—|tM per pu <n aJrancr; li lOt lA Bdvan;*, |3 W.

The eAroulatlon of tfie Ltwrence Ameri- oinu tlttlWHit Of any paper In the

County, and mar* thin YOUR TIMM that of MIIJ other

Weekly Paper published In this otty.

SBf* Bat** of AdvefU.ltig asat Bpoo applloeUon.

■®h« 3>allg American n-Buinsu

EVERY EV t NIN 0 (Boaday eaeeptcd,)

la the UrttM Dally in is, dtj, .nd hi* tbartlaiee ilir circuiaiiuu u< an) irth. r.


'•a* tear, - - • B* on | -*la Man it,, . . aj | H'l.t n aui paid k* aavautr*, B*.


I I-: A M K H i


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE li the l.r,.,t ddd noil ttordddUr Inrai.h.d !■ ■MMM HMHAHMMi -°d,rr.r-r,.(r,,.r>d with ..Idltlon,of ih.

HdWd.T ITTLIt or TIfl,

add .lib onr ctt.n.1,, r.rl.t r ol work, w, ,r « ■Mltd faralah tin Sett Q..IUy of Work, ciptdl Uovilr, ddd ,t low price*. Order, by real! prowtptl) Iliad.

OK0.8. MEKHILL 4 CO.. Proprietor!,




SBUICAJ. SKWIXH «A( HlXr ltlilta^'a*Mhe^p*raon-wlM*r*roB'l.T>llT

■mrltM that Ihe I attoa hnle-. ■at* oa »»r taa ehlaee will anr.vel, will pat tbl* challerg- to tb* BE

_ kit*** MBMaebaae U> «<-■

Bi.Bi.»Wd1.d» fig, eiwaeaalm angO-Aebsr, IM:~

Jk4 jimtriomn Maftom HaU, Owami*o, I ■ .AW.Bg A a-AUM tmmbi—d.

TV. la a ir» iDTPDtlea wbleh k )a*t working It* war -ata pu tills IBTO*. and 1* (Wllntw, without dfkabt, in take a frost rank aaaowa -be Brat ela»a fiahj rttalH C,™,*,-,,..■ rr. (la-fir., ... •*« ***4*t*A\«t .*(.«t» ft) do mil (Ae raw.*".H c. o/ B(.i(a KHdV /aaed/ .ene,-.,! rfoae mt MWSrat cm.- ■JDMN, ■art D/M) ll • vorkluu ol h^tli.u h-tt;

4*\ (MM (Bate la,,ai>d rt*.a1ria*- net • ■•* n.un e twewaaa-t frvaaa Bmi.u Holt- at, bine to . ,,i SearuM MeeMne, eat. yaw. Oi-al'i" d-.w (< • MWrweWa/nte Mr»«-f /rtai^at .a far „/, of I dtmmmm, mfmmA« HOLD M*D4L

LV I US a.CUTI.tK, (*a.-i. Clir H»p-*al, Hitrlion Avc .

I I>.Hl-Al.LlH>(l !■« I .Ion.Ill Mini,

NATM*N C. I.' MH.K *. Ufcbaiilcul Ki ■ IOI ■ r, W Sia

t? a tj a s s


Wheeler & Wilson


I miiii-sll i lily thf l.fkst-known and mo-

I1..1 mi-'.li y U-rllt-d

Stauiich, Smooth* Quiet Running,

Eaally M»oa«rd tad Adjaitrd Maobinf li every partlcatar.

We givn onr whole time to the


And keep a

LARGER ASSORTMENT Thai any Other Af en! thli eMe of Bottoi.

We are ajeo Afnta for tbe

Howe Machines, tat Haaafactariac aad Family BewU|. We

h»T«. aleo, lb*, iinoni. raoRKncE* Aad many other klndi, ooaeUntlr oa hand, rang-

log IB price from $5 to $145.

We WAEBAXT ororr Maoklie wa eeU to five •w/fd aaiit/aef .o«. We tell oa intUUmtnti. If BeeireB.

■ffBTBOCTION tarnlehrd either at itere or M f r*t altoatlr ■


Weed, BiBfer, Floroaoe. Wbetlrr * Wll-on. LeavKt, aad other Naenlaei, wbleh we will aril aheap at riVK DOLL ABB down, and FIVE per ■watt. «BIII paid for.


General Sewing Machine Agency

164 Essex St.. 1 awronce.


MT. nEKKH'l AM) ,lHfflH\ AVD IKTBB*.Htlvi|T LAB It ISO*,

P A H K it- K r< u n V D (tltamer I I,vri-t< I", • ap> i <-.m n. '■ ■ •-

Forland Bailroad Wba.1 rwrj Tu -da) ■• d FrtBayat lOF. H.

IMa Iavea I.—f.ho. {«o,ih MBol H'r>. DAT" M B.BB P. M.(d-xpr»») . Hll'A.« ai

( b*«k bxcar" thruBnh via liiniBrr- Bo back iBXia POrttaBd.

Teketa nroeart d at Boawa and Heine Drool

B—BIBB.0 waaavaraB b, wriUoa to BO-B ■ BTUBrk.VA.ST, rwrtlaad, Ax-aia. imltagl


For all kinils of work, heavy and light, and thti moat popular, is


Tbli practical and rn lly nanaerd macblne ha. oow atood tbe trii of tlmr and tborcuiih raprri meet; and tl<e thou* nd* who have loriunao-l) avrd o«ra frankly K>ve It the prrrVreoee, ai th< vrry beat, hoih In ihlM countr> and in Kurope- 41 uriy, capital and Invi-ntlvt- genius have bem df votrd to tla Improvrmont for jiara; till oow

WITH ITS NEW sil.l\ | FKED, onr "Loek-atlteh" Maehlnr haa nu vuual lu tbi world. The WHKKI.BK 4 WII.MIVB li r.-li able, eoonomleal and nolxt'li'M. It anrwer* lb' waota ol tr-r bouavhold cumplelrly, and

ANY KIND OP MiHIMi needed h> the lamlly ran ho dour uponltwlr

ji'iiiil and oaae of ■kOOB l»i> to bt'gli a (hat any 0

The Elias Howe

Sewing Machine. JUST IMPROVED.



as^isca© ^©(Nflragt,






Hi nili,







Hem Siltrhea,

<inhrr«, and SrwiOn «t theaame (Imp; makes leautl ul Slllliner'a Folds or any mtU-rlal.

We can UHP the eh'ap i.:, ■ ■! Cotton and do ■letter work than any other macblne with llic bc*l

i* habit it- ::-■[ out of order uny Mm Jlllill, It 1

■naler, anil irakcx Ira* noine than any otbi i -nii.y Machine. It >■■,:,!.< the list of clewing \iachltiit for Family Work Ol all kloda, btltcbiog roni Qtiot mu-ltn In l.. .\.i i beaver wltbou ■! Of TMetOB, Ket'djr, or < bread.

We -ul! three Machlmaon tXBTALIMBNT.i it'Mu and

"©he American. [ftflBlBll]

-The Wreck of tbe Mermaid."


Il'eak, O aaa, on the eoid, -tuny beach, ''in- hula of tha llabera, ye alarioM ean reich.

I **•> ihai th ■ llf hwai la niundli I the nek,

.« ih-y r .n- t (i i tit- m >r i to ih rtii- i.,(■:■ ol iIn- d<*a4 M) ['■.'(! nu rhea'llThanda era circh-J lu And aronnd iln- p.i<« bruw ibe

Tne Adihermen'a wlv

■■yea what a aljhl! ■O * t,ii,.; |i ■ of the seat, tawead la olaapad.

Mir beaeh coma down, T.i l.rar ibe aad atofi o' h m ihat wa* drowned; And n'lirr* ibry wept, wblle the moatritera taraed

A« they thought ofibe ahlp la tbat terrible gale.

Oh I >heti iheea'led out, tbe Ooeati'a josng bride. And B .a'i d ao gvaocfHtIV fu'th on Ibe tMe, Ail pruttppcia wria olvir. all Vlaluna were brlabt, And the bearta of the eaptaiu and aallur* were


rj.,ll),jci gently, they laid hletawny; Afid ciiidimy and long aermnd the burial daj; \nl ibe era. li boat on. never eea^ing Ita roar. Anil we i h ■'! t ht of the ooe who bad entered death'.

Those who w tint The Br-nt should ob> tain win:i;i,i;i{.v niLBON'ti


Facts Worth Knowing! ONE BAYS,

I have need tbe Wheeler* Wllaon Sewing Mo chine for fourteen yenre, and it work* aa Well mm ae the day I (.urcbaacd It. 1 prefi r It to any other.

ANOTHER BAYS* 1 have need the Wheelrr A Wllaon rnmiantl;

for more than ten yeari, on moatlj heavy work, and It ha- alway* been In good order—not even » •crew looae, 1 prefer them to any othere,

ANOTHER SAYS, I have made over 3,000 Ladlea'Cloakeon mine,

beaidr* doing my family rrwlnu. 1 think there It BO machine iqual to the Wheeler A WU*0B.

ANOTHER SAYS, I bavo need my Wheeler A Wllaon for mnrctbai

twelve year*, Mid have not >l>eiit a dollar tor ri palra. It la, without doubt, tie beet family m. ohloo made,

Hundreds of suoh Testimonial Could be alved — teatiuiiiii ■•■ turh a* cannot I

H. P. PAIGE, Agent,

'105 Essex St. ai.d li Lawrence St.

tm ' AWIIENCE. NANfl. |elS

,lT0 ]ou yi.ur choice of any lu Ihu market.

gaf-lBBtraetloB ftraW at Iloune or .it fme either in Lawrence, Andovcr,or Methtten.

Alt kinds of Sewing Machines bought, ■nil!, exchanged, repaired, and to leu

We devote our whole time to the s<« - I lit; .Hili llilir lniiilH'-i,

And enntentec to 01VB sArisrACTiox.



Conitently on bond.

MACHINE STITCHING Done to order at abort notlee.






199 Essex street,



■ AHHfc-1 Mf-IC -flHti'l. l> Vlil W«)K '

I ,ll, i,„Ml.

Mondity. Srpl. I"



i>30,000,000 Iii:in,u,i i- Capilnl Keprenutited.


i'inicierrd for the AKctCAS by llary Amee At-

llit.' uses of hospitallly are very little)

underi-toud amotiK us, ■■« that we fenr

ItwtlfraJly, Ihere Is B Brnall chnnce of in-

ien:i!ii.ii<: jfodft and angvls ttnavrareo, »■•

the Oreeltl and Hebrews did in the >ren-

c-roustimf orhoepliallty. when every man lind a clnlm of Hie roof of fellow mart. Now, none \* received io a bed and br ak-

iii-r unleig he come as a bearer of dis-

patches from " liU Excellency Ko and Sol"

Keverence the highest, have palience with the lowest. Let this day's perform-

ance of the meanest duly be thy aim.

Are the stars too distant, pick that pebble

that lies at thy feel, and from it learn tbe all. Go out, like Saul, the son of Kish,

look earnestly after thy father's goods and a kiupdom shall be brought thee, Tha least act of pure r>elf-rentineintion

hallows for the moment ol] wlihln It

sphere. The |>htlnwtphf-ri may inMetid (he d-vll tempt, yet Innocence, tliouith

tilled and bleeding a> It goe*, oiuil

reach nt last the holy olty. The power of sustaining lilmeelf and gtddlog othen rewardit man sufficiently for the longest


He was (rue, for he knew that nothing

n be false to him who U true, and that

(o genius, nature haB pledged her prniec-


Oh, painstaking frienda! *hut )*our book*, clear your minds from artificial

sense, and feel that only by spirit can spirit he discerned."

There In no higher ploaeura tliau to nee a selling, of a v lid, Impnanloncd, many-

sided eagerness restraining Its exuber- ance by Its tense of liine.-.-. taming Its

extravagance beneath the rule Its tatte

approves,exhibiting the soul wltbln soul.

and the force of the will over all that we inherit. The abandon of genius has Its

beauty,—far more beautiful 11is voluntary submission to wiso law. A picture, a de-

scription has beauty.—the beauty of Die; ihchH picture*, rhe.-e description*, ar-

railKr-ta U|»>n » plao, niHrle «uhseivlent to i ptrpoxe, h inn liljflier DBBIltl ,—- hat "I

[lie wind of IUNII letliiu upon life. Art if HHjire, but nature new niotlled, con-

tlmseil. We are not merely

Ike mirrors, to H fled our own nines tn

thtise more distant. Th" mind has a light

of Its own, and by what It rc-

ereates." It is many, working together, who do

the wii'li The water* eprlni; up Ineverj

direeiloo, as I ftle rill-, enett of which pe>-

Itirius it- pait We see a n.< vi mini twar

n"( iiu.". with tlila In the regltn nt ex

■Ot -tcleueu, nud we have, no doubt that In ih.' 11.n. -r ut liny years, a new aplrttua1

elrculuilou will be eompieheoded a- cleailj n- lie ciiriilj Inn of ihebloodh*.

(■. 1 "I'ir.ti'i . Director

Inside Line to Bangor AND


The lanre aad elegant Btaamer

CITT OF EICBMOND, CBM. DeaalMB. leave* Portlaad HaltroaB Wharf .viVy -o-eay, Wedwe.da, and Friday nt 10 P. U

Pare tree* Lawrence to Bugor, B4.W- M< baehlnglafortl.aJ.

TtaU leaven Lawrwaee at * F. M. Cheek banage throagh via RUamer Tkketi

proeared at Tloaet OBea at Booth Side Depot. k- -rlllnu l„ Kill1' _

. xmtagt J proewred by writing to WIBN k

STOBTBVANT. Ageate, Portland,!

I'llAHl.Ks V. JA( KHAN, Dealer la all kinds of



)a6 Oppoaite Talbol'i drag aiore,

LIFE. tfurd, A.ael


^DENTIST, Bat Removed Ifirt ^fXJjJ& NEW OFFICE,

3M RSBBX atraet, - - Lawrawee. Jwll rlaarl, oppoaite old once.


Holland Bitters, The Celebrated Hoi land Remedy lor

Fever and A.tfue DHEA.P. OT Till! KIDNBT8,

""fffXid.. Indlgritlon,

LOM of Appetite, ., Coetlveaaee, t'lle* la Both Forau,

And all Diseases consequent on a Dlsor dered Stomach and Liver.

Unsay'* Improve*! Blood Searcher. Care* Bryelpela*. Rofofala, Cloer*, Cataneoai

Dleeaeoa^orw Byee, Ma-leaoatVe race, Beald faead*. atereartvTDIeeoaei, Ue-

bitliy ,H*H rthenm.tu.

Johnaona Rhaumatlo Compound, OB. hoaaeln Maeeaeliaietti .old Mt) bottle, o.

JohBaaw'. Rhrnmatlo Compoand, with the aarr.mmt no rure tiionry H-IUIHIMI. and

baa had three bottle, r> funded. Why en'lare aehlna limb, an BOB

Jolnta when la inch a certain remedy.

OEO. C. GOODWIN & CO. Boston, Muss.

Vreaaredonly by


iJawleie- l-iuebarj, Pit

EDWARD FLYNN Wlehei to make known to the elf Item of Law l-euee I lie IIHI. eii!:il j ei| hi* I . ! r n 11 . :i, M . .:.■ atock of PLABTB, which he now invite* lit- public to eanmlne, I do boldly .ay ther li nothing la tbetlty to compare wltb my .tock el Plait*. My

Verbenae Bind Coranlume ■re apletMlld. I bate a flee ai.ort ment of

Plaats for flllini Uaaketa and RuaiP Btnnda.

I have Dae largw Oeranlnm*, of all nhaile* ot color, for filling; alto,

Bourmets, Baskets of Cut Flowers, and other Decoration, for Partle., Wedding*,aad Faaerali, arranged to order nt .bort notice.

Green House, No. 26 Meadow St., LAWBBNCB.

RDWAKD PLTNN. Mr. r'lynn will open a STASH roa THE s.ii.a or

PLANTB.oa Monday next, on the tooth tide ol Basra Street, OITOBITB J.D DMV8 DlBUlO 8auMja. *»fjj

PEDRICH *V CL4M4SON, Aucttoneera, Real Estate Agenls oml Appraisers, No* 381 Eases st., Lawrence, Mans.

Alway. ready io give tlielr pertoaal icrvlee and aarloa* atlenlion to «elllnn Heal and Personal Kalatr at aaoiton or otherwlae. obtaining Money aurl letting the .erne at fair rate* lor .11 concern' ad, negotiating Hortcage* and looklagup Tltlea, Keutlng propertv and oollretlng Hum, etc No Title paced of property onle*. the tame be per- fect; BO Wonry Inn.ifrt but npon the mott un- donbted .ecartty. All bu.lnet. Iiiru.ted to u* will bvaltendeo top Ompih, Hid all ■ 111 be hon- orably dealt wlth-»inct Integrity being the on- Importatit element of iurcen In the HealK-tait

eltna, of, A.artt «1B,)20,0P6 sarTbe Ai


itate Mutual Life - Assurance Co., of Wot renter, Hi

Chartered 1844. Accumulated Fund, fitf'.'MW LOMC. paid, rio.i».oo Dlvldeodf pah), 4aits?2.M

Prlnc iiilnn: ABU In allbnaluent,—(JAtlK In Ibe .election Ol

rttka.—PBUDKNCK lu Uiv.'ttltig the nreml- nm..—KC"N"al Yin management.-- ANNUAL DIVIDBNDB ol tucplua.—CON1K1BUTIUN planef distribution.

ALL 1*OI■ICIBH NO^-fOKFP.lTAItLE lie lawol alaiaachui ullequlvileiitro

Mi S I 111 KM lie oii-lini. ', all 'it- company hi-li K« aloi '

■achutetta, givlna to the aanarad a orevery dollar JIHMI to thi-co iiipnny. ■ OI.DKUtt to makcanroHt out ol .11* and the entire a*.H» ol

required to lake tin \ nit of tin n It bewooaee a claim. ID the pre-

I Hie. The IulerB»t alone received on thr

'iindt of the Company, In Ihe laat ten ■JIII all the lotaea by Deaih .lurlnn ll tnH ihlrty-flve (SSI per cent, of all other

What other Life Company can thon record 1


su*lnea*,)>rtimpl paimei i»oi an-ti nr *e let and .

I ,. tin,deal h<

holding thai oonflrtt ute

Bar l'i roi* ri.'r-' t work and re*pou>lh1lli}. '•all upon

Keal Estate OfBcv, Essex Si. No. 881. Bin utauy nr iimm of Ban

Bngleml. but moieehiet rrnoe and ttrltiliy Vu better city „'t.,'.'Un*o.

and L* * rente Daily Awviltan.

FIRE. ITrni'.klln.of riii:aiiel|.liln, AMI

(toy.H, ut E"Kland, Hide and Leather, iii.-nm, " Bay State, Wotoetter, " ffinterprme, Pcnn., Plremon'a, Now York, Buffalo F M-, New York, " Wea'oQeator, " Quaen, England, Security, N. Y.,

• S3.OB7.452 fl,B7a,77«

41!S.:«)a 1B8.B17 611,654 KH0.060 473,077 485.314

2,338,662 1,880,333

Pollole. t.*oed and lotaet promptly and honor- ably adjoined at my Office.

Hperlal Inducement* offered to partle. having lu-urunce to eOeut lu large or "m.ll amount*.

Olve me » call before renewing your pollck. elee where.

Hide and Leather Insurance Co., of Do.tun.MatK.

CafltaJ, $800,000.00 AHBOIA, 416.HOO.0O

JOHN EDWARDS, £83 Rears Strcut, - - l^wrenrr

P.I). Hoa a*


AlUillTKCT OrpicK, No. BtfH EafBX RTHSEV,


•'PrrVulilBg I" '■<■'■ thing, prneilclng aitoiher. They are as difleieut aa a gutxl ipiurter anil a boyus shilling "

[*o I've been thinking ever since I saw Parson Uaron r'qualts tip up n sherry

cobbler as If he loved It, and was used to ihe performance. Goodness graeiou*] I

blushed up AS though 1 were the guilty

mall, and never opened my lips fur the

day. which later clrcnun-tatice wa* noticed b.v tny husband who li qu'red if I

, (great thoughifuluess lu hint, I hope you know). Now 1 have an much

charity an the rest of my sex, but when I

see a minister letting his light shine out

of A rum barrel, I am given to Inquire

why the proper authorities do not take away his license. That is why the end of his nose wears such a pink tinge,

always Imputed It lo erysipelas, reckon that dl-ease bus (o bear a great

deal of Hits kind of butden. I always thought his thrusts at Intemperance

wtie weak, a< If made with aleniht-r; but supposed ''eoneetentloitl scruples"

prevented his waging warfare In the pul- pit against the monster. 1 have wondered why he so evidently preferred the society

of Mr. Vineyard, the rich liquor dealer,

and family, all of whom are low-bred and illiterate to certain Otheti of his

church, but suppose I know Ihe reason

by this time. Bless met how ideas come

rushing in when once the scales are dropped from the eyes. Wonder what

kind of a world we should have If all onr

t-uliitunl guide-boards had such a lean- ing as 1**1900 Sqnalesr Wonder If lie

thinks he can hood-wink the eye ol

Heaven as he does the eye of his trust-

ing, adtnlng, deceived church? Wonder

if he believes In the existence of the

Dippy Future be predicts await saints, or it, when seemingly inspired

with the majesty ot the subject, he Is

only worked up with ihe spirit of the demon that bus scattered his cut He broad- ens, over the land, until lew can sn) I

"I am not ol Ihu defiled:" And lastly

I wonder il 1 cm sit under hi- preaching I n.itei r No! Kvtrv Christian feeling liiil.Ill- It. N'i't Let Hit! itnike ni) |in-

ii „i mid leave. Utlltlhllliy ami gulls n'ltmli. be hf>uMi pth-ol tin-church.

Wlh love Hie livnfl become* ;i

rule, garden, wnh sunshine nt

nd exhaling «wect odi

1'. It is a barren di-ttt,

with ... h. ■ .



What the Democrat* Hunt do to Suc- ceed tola Paul.

COKFFitEBATEXBOADS. ) twlch is In tbe HAM *" Kentucky) }

August lit 1371. ,

The outlook for Iho Democracy alu'l

j tst et good this year ex I should like to It will take the closest kind oi

tijgerln, an ihe beat nanavetnent In th.

•vorlil, to make a eucoest, and I reel)

ilon't know IE It can be done at all I'here ain't much *en-e In our leaders

Tweed's stmling In Nuo Tork. too noi more In quantity than I soppo-e he

reely waetttf, W*M dona toe openly for tbe good of the party elsewltere; and be-

■ides this ther alnt tbat unanimity, Ihe general oneness of aenilment In out

rank* that iher had onght tu b-> this year. t'ne fact Is the th iin-ci-lsy comprehends

tltogether loo much—It bee too hefty an

'iKSoriliieiU LV principles for any one

party to swing. I (lev spent mail) xtixous hours on the question ov meet-

ing this trouble, and ht v at last redded

on A system uv woik which, ef followed

nut fidihiully, may give us tbat success

*e hope for.

Our spe kers mn*t for once Inform itiein-elVi-M ez to the Ishoon now tielure ■he pn.ple. 'l"he old fpeechea wleh we

bed In Jaxon's time and wlch we have

yoosed ever sence won't do any more.

We bev got to gel up new oneB, sure. Ail our extemporary speeches must be

carefully prepared. A carefully pre-

pared extemporary speech la liable to run .-mouther (ban an extemporar)

speech wlch alnt carefully prepared. 1 alias prepirc tny Impromptoo speeches

afurchand. An abllshnlst kin yoo«e the

same .' pei-cli all over the country, but we

can't. In view uv the diversity uv opin-

ion there Is among the democracy, thl-

year, I would suggest to our epeekcra In tbe various section, uv ibe country thar

they observe the foliowln skedule closely :

In Noo England—Advocate the payment uv ibe bonds In gold, and bear down

heavy on theni mlzahlc, Qod-forsuken scoundrels who wood Impair the nssheel

■■re *ll hy ;. suggestion uv paylo uv etu lu paper. Explain io your that

payin tho debt in paper alnt payln It at

all. Tell em that paper Is promises to pay, and ask em who Is to pay the psper

and when I Ezfor repudlators, Iw-h em I

l*im tbe finger of scorn at em I Hold em

up to the execration uv a civilized world.

Wind up with an elegant and elokent trlboot to the Pilgrim fathers. Toskrlp —In cotton nnituifi.rsu.rLn townB advocate

A high perfective tariff ami show tbat the

democrisy wuz allus a tariff paily. in

tbe woolen towns they don't want tariff so much, and in them draw It mild on larifll Al»« wn that nlararer eancMlon. Ae. sert boldly that tbe dlmocil-y acquiesces In the amendments, and wood hev shed

Its l«-t drop of bl KMI before any

man, white or colored, shood be deprived

uv any rite. Hay that perhaps Rome dim-

ocrats mite hev been, at one time, op-

posed to givln uv the suffrage to the nig -

colored man. bat it wuz becoz they feared tbat they wuzn't educated up to

its proper yoose. Mem—In Noo Eng- land be shuor to say colored man—nig-

ger, never.

IN NtK> YOHK t'lTY.—Denounce wlih wl herlu luvecilve Ihe bloated cotton lords

nt Noo England. Bev down with sevei-

Ity onto the very Idee uv a tariff. Assert that the democracy Is for free trade in Its

broadest seuse. Urge the payment uv the debt In gold, but denounce the nn- thieves Just the same. In Noo

Turk ytioee tho term "ulgger" uiluz. and «ay that the glvin uv (he ballot to a raw*

at slow In Intellect, which litz not )«-■ emrgetl from bathrtem. Is an ouirnge

which no irishman klu submit to. Hear

down heavy onto ihe nigger, aid Inter- sperse your r-pteches «hh Ir-quenl quo

tailiu.s from (he hleh poet*. Ef ym

wear a a-reen neck-tie and carryaeboii

eluh uv blsek horn, mid hev a shoif nl-eSk pipe -lickHi utit uv your vest |mrk.

e -It will he ail 'he Letter. loN-o YorV

y.iur speech tn-y he mostly detoitd io l e iilgg. r anil be pHiilculHr, in ihl» ct.u.

neetlou, to alliig nay "d—d nigaer." I'lnt the flogt-r uv shorn at them wlch wuuhl

attli'ate with em. ami wind up with a glu-

ing trlboot to Noo York.

IN PKKNSTLVAKT.—Tariff to ihe Hub and uv ibe higher* end iwiat protectlv-

kind, r-peak uv ibe wealth hidden In her

mountains, and tbe i ece.s ty uv protec-

tion to develop It. Remind yuor bearers

uv the old cry uv "Polk, Dallas, and the

Tariff uv '421" and denounce (lie free traders bought with British gold. Pint the finger or skoru at em, and wind up

alluz with a glowing trlboot to lha great-

nls uv Pennsylvany. and the nashnel debt also, for tbe people are mixed. Its our blauls afore election" to please the

people. Is TUB NORTHWEST. Accept ihe new

departure, and as-ert ihai no democrat

lo-iies lo bust Ihe amend n lit*, or lo z any Idea of any surh thing ; >penk uv the colored man cz a man and a brother, and

refer gratefully to his services In the la>e struggle for the maintenance of free gov-

ernment. Denounce (he tariff (In the rooral deestrlcks) <r a swindle onto the

west for the purpose uv buildin up the bloated manufacturers of Noo England

and Pennsylvany, and agin tbem bloated manufacturers pint the wltherln finger of skorn. Oonclood with a elokent trlboot

to the grandeur of the northwest.

IN OHIO Mixed. In (he northern counties accept the new deparcher, In the

middle and southern, oppose it. Be high

tariff in the iron and coal counties, and free trade In tbe corn mill wheat counties. Dodge the debt question, nml pint the

finger of skorn at them wlch wood drag

in Irrelevant labooa. ''ouolood wlih a

gloolu trlboot to Ihe greutnls uv Ohlu.

IN KBKTL'CKY.-Denounce nlggcrlsm

in all Us forms, and urge repoodlaaben fa strongly n possible. Hay that Kentucky

will yni.Mi ton i el need he. rather than permit niggers In be on an ekallty with

white men, and I lm the linger uv skoru

st thmn which wood degrade the while man to I hit level. Cnnclood with A g mo- ld irlboot to ICeniueky.

The Kentucky speech win do for all

fair and the Smith. »ieepttn South Carolina and Mississippi, in those Stales yoose Ihe

speeches made for Massachooslis, |nr In Ihnse Uiati-K the nigger* are in the ni-.J tr*

tty. And lu tbem tbe tluger uv ikoro

must be plnted at thetn wlch wont recoaf-

nfze their manhood. You mile also con- clood In these States wlih a g'owln trl-

Loot to their p esetit and future great- ness .

I wood also suggest to our spetkera tbe

-trlctest ab-Ulntn from Intoxlcatln floo- irle for at least three hours before each

-peeeh. I, ker hez a tendency to muddle, and tie IInte* nquire clearness. I ihoti1

I could Indulge without danger, and the • e-oli nt four drinks wot ihat I made the

Ntto Yolk speech In Pennsylvany, and

(he Kentucky speech In Iowa, I | luieri • he finger of skoBti at the wrong j cpl.

in all uv them places, and gn[ my glowln irlboot" io their greatnes* horribly mixed. The sp ekera may fill theiraelves ex they

choose after meettns, but never before.

Ef ihl> programme Is faithfully carried

out. I hev no doubt eg to the result. Vlo-

tr) Is mini ef we don't fool away our op- portuufires.

PATB^F.CM V. NASBT, r. M. CWich wuz Postmaster.)


(From HsrpM'e Weekly.] Ihe monicurdlally hated man In New

Yotk at the present dai— hated by men

whoee frlendehlp would be a dishonor— Is Thomas Nnst, the most successful,

most widely known, and most gllted hu

morous artist whom ihe genius of Amer- ica hns pioduced. Though of foreign

birth, he came to this country at so earl)

an age lhat his menta, and moral devel-

opment belong wholly to the laud uf his adoption. A more thorough American

does not breath. Tie whole range ul

his art Is Instinct with the be*t and high- est (bought of the New World. No oth-

er COMMIT could have affoided the sau.e

kind u! culture which has made him what he is—ihe tortmnst caricaturist ot

ihe age. He thoroughly appreciates ihe

bou"dles) lu spiiulity which innk.-s every

foielginT welcome to our shores, and in

recognition ul the free born citizenship si'iiku hid own nationality lu lhat of his

adopted country, and devotes his best toletiip. |o her service. Ho was edooaled

a Catholic, tut lhat has not blinded him

io the dangers ol ltouiantsni. es- pecially In a rr public like oura where (he

maintenance of law, freedom, and older

depends upon the IntelLlgenee or the peo-

ple. The Catbollo church, as an ectiesl- asilcal organization, has never been the

ol'ject ul hi- satire; It Is only such mem- bers of tbat communion us seek to pei- vert Its machinery to political purpo-es

whom ho oasiigaies. Thomas Naat la the son of a musician

In the Bavarian army, and was bom In

Landau, Bavaria, In. the year 1810. When he was six jears old his parenis came to the United States bringing their

hoy with (hem. Thcv were very poor, but their Industry presently made them

comfortable. The boy showed from the

beginning his fondness lor drawing; and although his parents were very sure that

It was folly to devote himself to anything but a mechnuical trade, be persevered In

his artistic studies. Upon leaving school

he drew with Kanfoiann for six mouths, and had no further hisiructluu Irotn a

muster. When he was fifteen years old Nast

begun as a draughtsman for un lltu-irated

pHper. He gate hlm-elf so ardently l»>

hie woik, sparing but lour hour* for

rleip. still dlligenily drawing and stud)- ing (luring Ihe rest of Ihu night, lhat he

h.ui.d he was hjurlng bit sight and his

henlih. Three yeara of diligence ami rucct-ps made hi* name kn^wn, and leav-

ing his tXctUr-he woik upon ihe paper, hu was M> piontably employed that lu

February, 1SU0, he had money enough for

n visit tu Europe. He wmt to England wlih an engagement to send hnrm-ptciuics

uf the piUe tight between Ueenau and Sayies. From England ho puahtd on to

Italy. Mid leached Uenoa In time to meet

Colunel Mullet's txpedldon to boulhern (rail ; and crossing to Sicily, went

ihrough the li-luiid with Garibaldi, and was alierwrirds at the sieges ol Capua

and Gat ta. lie nisde >kettlies ul Billow memorable events he saw. for American

Englli-h, and French llliieiratid papers;

■nil ult i a rapid tour hrouuh Gcrnar). Swl zenaud and France, the young artist

liitdid again nt tbe end ol a tear lu New

York. Ills first Impulse was lo paint pictures

suggested by Ills ItnlUn eiperleuce; bin

the tpt-itlng of ihe great esinpalaU be- tween ihe North and ihe Soiiih drew lil-

lieiiit and ui'iid io another thnne; and In ihe year 1802 he bc.Bn the reinarka- hle series of DIuntiHtIons which frutu ihat

i lino to Ihe present day have appeared lo

this paper. Our reuuers will remember

the run iked impression ihey made upon thoughtful ml mis In every part of lie

North. Ills artistic aellvily was not confined

to newspaper wurk. In !>'■.'. he painted

a (haiscliriblit: picture called "The

liili.n Advance Hrrivittg at a Plantn- iton," »n i i'i-u.1.. ol Kin lidiin'a imirtii to Ihe sen. It was exhibited nt tho National Academy of Design in this city—if tang* lltg a picture over a door where it. can not be seen may ho called " exhibiting" nnjlhing but the stupidity of iho hang' in;: committee. A year ur two later he painted " The March of the Seventh Itepiment down Itroatlway," WJICH the first call for volunteers was made after the firing on Fort Humter. Like tbe first mentioned work It was full uf char- acter and movement.

In 1800 Mr. Nast designed a scries of grotesques lor the Hal (T0jiera,—^ gal- lery ol scnji-s.itit leal popular portraits, unique for the purjtose and very success- ful. Knell picture was n palpable bit. But of all Mr. N.i-i'-. works, his pictures for this paper are undoubtedly tbe most charnctciirific and Important They argue the cuso to the eye, and conclu- sively. A lew lines do the work ol many Words, anil with a force of elo- quence w kick to wortls can rival. Tlitf r i ft", cllvenesn is unquestioned.

It Is -eiM that iliu Boss and Head-Cen- tre ol ihu Tumn'iiny ring himself hns de- clared In his wr.ifli lhat whilu he doesn't cure a atraw tor what ia written about him, the great msjoriiy ol his constitu- ency l». Ing nnahlu to read, these illus- trations, the meaning of which every ooe can lake ia at a gUnoe, play tbe

mischief with bis feelings. Mr. XnaV* recent pictures, suggested by the riot of July 12, aod the New York Times' ex- posure of tbe King-, ttrc among tbe most powerful of his efforts. Every stroke of his pencil rate like a clmeter. His ca- ricalurea of Tweed, Sweeney, Connolly, tndll ill aroadmlntble in their grote»quu lideliiy. They never can be llvetd down ; nnd It future ages know anything of the worthy quartette just named, it will be owing to their merciless caricaturist. Doubtless they would rather court ob- livion than endure this Immortality of Infamy. They are naiur.iily anxious to avoid such unp4e>aB4Vot notoriety, and they also naturally supposed that a very simple means would remedy tbe difficul- ty. Believing tbat " every man has bis price," they tried to buy him off. To their astonishment -hay found they were dealing with a man wan was not for aalol They then tried the efficacy of threats. Letters of the most violent character poured io anon him, some an- onymous, others signed with the writer's name, threatening violence and even death unless he should quit caricaturing the Ring, political Romanism, and the worser sort of their supporters. The pages of this paper show and will con- tinue to show that threats are quite as impotent as bribes with Mr. Nast He la not to be bought or frightened. We have already mentioned, lo a late num- ber of the Weekly, tbat he la a member of the Seventh Regiment, and on the day uf the late riot shouldered his musket and marched with bis comrades in do- fenne of freedom, equity and order.

^he HXmetican.


Verdict of the Coroner's Jury.

The fury In ihe Revere Inquest.took the

case last Thursday, and have been con-

sidering the case ever since. It was ex-

pected that a verdict would be rendered Saturday evening, but an It was not till

nlier midnight that the Jury harmonized

■heir somewhat coi fl ctlng views, the coroner did nut receive the verdict nu yesterday. The verdict rondared was as follows:

"An Inquisition, tsken at Revere on the .',' li uf August, 1*71. before James B

F irsythe, uneol tbe coroners of buflolk Cuuuty, upon the view of the bodies ol

Ezra S. Gannett nod others, then and there lying dead, by the oaths of the Ju-

rors, whose names aro hereunto sub- scribed, who being duly sworn to lnqu!re

on behalf of the Commonwealth, when, how, and by what means said persons came to their death, upon their oaths do

That th» persona then and there ly- ing dead csme to their death through a collision of trains on tbe Eastern Rail-

road, at about twenty minutes past eight o'clock on Ibe evening of the twenty-sixth day ot said August, near the railroad de-

pot. In said town; and the Jurors further find lhat the direct cause of said collision

was the negligence or John H. Nowland, conductor ol Ibe Beverly train, (tipnn

which said person* were thus killed,) and Aehbel S. Brown engineer of iho collid- ing Pullman train. The former failed to

noiiiy tho latter by signal, or otherwise. that his, the said Nowland's train, had

been delayed on the road (after starting)

about twenty minutes; and said Nowland would have known, had he consulted his

watch, that the Pullman train was over-

due, by Its regular running time, before he, ihu bald Nowlaud, reached Revere.

Tbe engineer of tbe Pullman train bad

an unobstructed view, of at least half a mile, of the Beverly train as It stood at (ha depot at Revere, directly before the

collision, and could and should have seen

the tall lights of said train in season to avoid (he collision.

The Jury further find that Samuel O.

Loot, depot matter of Boston, WAS remiss in duty in not correctly transmitting tho

order of tbe Superintendent to the engi-

neer of the Pullman train "to look out tor trains ahead," thus depriving the en-

gineer of inloi tnai ion that might have en- abled him to avoid tbe Beverly train.

The mure remote but not less certain

■use of the disaster was the delay In tbe time of starting the Beverly train from

tbe depot In Boston, said delay being oc

casloiied by a gross Inadequacy of rolling stock necessary Tor the safe and timely

transmit of the pasaengers on said road

The Jury also Hud (bat frequent delay*

In the fluie of starting (occasioned by ex- tra or excursion trains) delayed (be run-

ning uf the regular trains, (bus adding to

die perils of railroad travel. The neces •Ity of telegraphic communication with

trains on the road, the need of improved nppl'ances lor the safety ol trains, the rl>h from tire attending the use ol explo-

sive burning fluids, the want of a siding at (lie Saugus Branch, and the entire In-

-i.lll ieucy of accommodations, have tat'ed to receive (hat consideration which

lheir importance demanded. Wo there- lore ii i id that the President and Directors

of the Eastern Railroad Corporation are,

to a great extent, responsible lor the loss

uf life aforesaid. In witness whereof, said coroner and

tbe juror of this inquest have hereunto set their bands, the day and year nfore-


^JWItl8 Tlewe ^rcvitte. SATURDAY.

Railroad Bt-cfdeot* are the order of tbe day A stock train of six cars, and a caboose con uinlng six men, wbl's staBdleg on tba track of the Delaware, Lackawaaa A Eastern road, was let loos* by the eartaeasnou or the brake- man, and descending a down grade, passed (hroagti a (annet, and (Hanged low a loaeatd coal train; three cattle dealer, were killed, aad ihe others raore or lew* injniwd.

A brilliant democratic tcberne wa* concocted by tb* would-be governor of Msine, which was

•end secret elrcnlars to party-leader, through the S'ats, announcing thai tbe democracv would win. If their full vote was polled, owing to tb* ajteiby of the repahllean*. Tba circular* were not to be sent oat till alter tbe Maloc weeklies war* pablltbed; the election occur* Mnndav.

Now tbat ihe great Fair I* over, (here Is * general clamor about the imalt-pox fn Lowell. [t I* aalJ to be confined to ao particular por- tloDorthOc'tr, but evervwhore prevalent. The authorities are very inactive In relation thereto.

Tbe dwimcUoa, by Are, of theOakdale Hills and dwelling hon***. Involve* a loss of nearly

. The village of Oakdale will snfler mnch, as the mill lotereit wa* Hi chief .tip- port.

Tbe rxrrutivr committee or tho Woman Suf- frage movement have resolved (o send a me- morial io each Slate convention, asking an en- dorsement of their cause In their platform*.

A fleadl'h outrage wa* perpetrated at Cape Bllsabeth. on a daaf and dnmb lady, (be who of Major .'blooey; the criminal wa* one Alvin Jose, of ScarboTO.

The tourbcrn train from Loultvlllo ran Into tbe rear car or a train standing on a sido track at R.odolph; two persons were killed, and sev- eral wounded.

The New F.aglantt Fair cloied yesterday, having had one of tbe most incceaifut exhibi- tions ever held In the New Bnxland States.

(Jen. Batter ■poke to another crowded uudl- ence, at the town Hall la Hiilord, last night.

Tbe republicans bave carried tbe state ol California ht a majority of £000.


Tbo carnner'a Jury In tho Bavere horror, brought In a verdict, after midnlgbl .Sour-day, In wbleh conducior Nowland and engineer Brown, Ur. hunt and Ibe president and direr. tora of the Eastern road, were chanted wiib bolDfe responsible for tbe recent accident.

A. C. Tabor, lb* druggist at Wa.hlngtoo wbo cauied the death of a child by an error In filling a proscription. Is to he arrested snd tried for tba offence. It seemed to remit from the man's Ignorance ot" hi* business.

The burglars are Mill busy at Nashua. Sat- urday nlgbt a shoe shop and grocerv store were entered end robbed of good, and money- In Lowell, a store wa* entered, and cigars, liquors and cash taken.

A despatch to Washington announces * ma- jority of 7000 for Ihe republican governor and legislature. The TVi&unr claims (fast this Is a different "new departure" than wa* anticipated by the democrats.

The olw-uon la Uaia* occurs to-day, and the republican* claim that ther will seer* the "late by 6900 majority, nnt withstand In R the apparent apathy lu their rani,..

The railroad shops at Cambrldgo City, Indi- ana, bavo been deetroied by nu Incendiary lire; lot* I7o,0t»; no Insurants.

Tbe funeral ol Ken forth, tbe oarsmen, took place at Newcastle, jesierdsy. One hundred tbou'snd people were present.

Frank Page, of Groveland, accidentally shot himself wblle oat in a boat gunning, Saturday afiornuoD; hu died Inatantly.

Tbe tblovlng magnates of Tammany ring have declined tbe idea of rcilgnlog, at re- quested.

Another larg* gathering listened to (Jen. Butler, at Haverhlll, on Saturday evening.




AjtDBBW lit-itMiAM,

JoilH II. I'm><nut,


Remember Oood Words as well aa III

Some years ago, Hon. Horace Ureeley,

In a tectuiebefnre a Press Club, said: "It Is strange how close men read the psper.,

We never saw anything that anybody

don't like, but what we soon hear of It,

■nd ever) body tell* us about It. But if once in a « bile we say a good thing, we never hear of that—nobody seems to no- tice (hut. We in a) pay some man a hun- dred compliment* and give him a dogen pull*, nml he ink'- it a» a irlhute to hie IfwatNMS. anil never think* of ti—nevei thlbk* It does him any good. Hull we happen to -»>■ anything ltd* very man ilon't like, or roiiii thing he Imagines li reflection on him or his character, see how quick he flares up and gets mad

SYosw our oten corr««ixifloJrat, NEW YORK. Sept. 7,1871.

DEAR AMERICAN: Wlih Macbeth, we find ourselves asking, "Can such things

be, and overcome us Ilka a summer's cloud, without our special wouderf" One

day we are brought to tho very verge of

tbe Inferno, with accounts of crime and

suffering, find ourselves compelled U> look Into details so loathsome and soul

rasping, that In agony of spirit we cannot

help wondering If there Is anything worth struggling for, here or hereafter.

Tho question of a charming little six-

year-old, the other day, to her mother,

must come home with especial force In

times tike these, when the clouds above

our heads teem so strangely dark and

portentlous. A man, dead, or dead makes little difference which,

In a terribly mutilated and disfigured con- dition, was being dragged from (be gutter to a hand-cart, as mother and child

passed. After a moment of quiet thought, the little one stopped short, and

looking up Into her mother's face, In-

quired: '•Mums, where's ffetff1 with an accent

on ihe deity which lhedepih'1

her feeling on (he aulj ct. !!<>w iimcl- that wee one has )et in learn 1 Wuwt lee- sons of faith, and loving (rust and endur-

ance I And yet, after all, she wa* very

like the rest of tho world. Two or three

blocks from the scene of horror, an or-

ganist ground out a familiar dnnc'ng tune. In a moment a little head was

cocked, canary fashion, on one side, little

feet kept time to the Jolly strains, and the

man In ihe hand-cart was forgotten.

Last Saturday, after having boiled down and arranged to suit a given meas-

ure, several columns of disgusting and harrowing detail. I found my-c.f. at (he

conclusion of said work, In (he vnlley of despondency- I never should rally from

that mood! I Jtsei* I never should

What was there In life to recommend It

to Intelligent notice, anywayf "Band-

tuann" was proposrd lor the evening, with "perhaps you will forget the disa-

greeable, if you go,'' I went, snd did for

get. What kind of stuff are we made ol T I ask In all *erloutne*a. It was not

much the acting of Bandmann, although

that was a rare Intellectual treat [the play was NarclsseJ, a* (he combination of

tight, niu-lc. new face*, and (bat subtle,

magnetic effect, altogether ludetcrlbable.

Among the audience were several well known gentlemen of the pre**, many of

them In the capacity of critics, others having gone to be entertained. Among

the last mentioned were Col. Knox and

well known to tbe public, anil cui.flJned very fine looking, 'tie WHS ai Intimate

triend of Albert D Richaidson. aid -vasj

ennatandy by hi* side during bis last III- tieas.

John Hay I had never seen before.

I.Ike most Imaginative tiidlv'dual.. | had 'nrmed an Idea of (he person--! ap|war-

tnceof (be father ot * Llitle Bieeches."

Let toe iell you what It was. He was forty-live, perhaps flfty-flve. tall, raw-

honed, utterly regardless ot toilet (fleets,

careless and slouchy, with a look of th fi-

ance written all over his homely fane, which made him an object of both terror aod aversion to critics. Imagine my sur- prise when a tall, delicately formed and

graceful young gentleman, tastefully and carefully dressed, was pointed out to me as John Hay.

'But It can't be!" I said, emphatically. You sec my notion* of this gentleman

were so decided that I fancied I should recognize him at any lime or place. To

And myself so utterly mistaken, could not bnt be a great blow to oneS. belli f In the

value of the Intuitional.

John Hay's eyes arc dark and pleasant,

and he wears eye glasses. His hair Is also dark, and heavy, hrusht-d smoothly

haek from a forehead which la broad and unusually full in the region of the pcr-

ceptlres. With the exception of a bri-

gand looking moustache, bis face Is Muoothly shaven. The .' t entttnltt Is

unmistakably fresh, boyish and winning.

John Hay belongs to Ihe editorial staff of of the New York Tribune.

Among the lady writers for the daily press, wc flod

Mill. U, r. DL'TTB. of the Herald. Mrs. Butts is the only

woinin employed on Iho regular stuff of

this paper, ami Is a brilliant and paint* faking j iiiiimli-l. The huihsnd of (hi* lady WAS formerly conneo cd wlih the

same sheet, anil after his rjawth she made

application for pleco work, which was cheerfully fuml-dicd her. II r thorough,

ness. dispatch, nml unu*i,a1 InMree'tial. Ity, were the au'-i-ci* of onn<t<tnt coin

tnenl by those wh >-e hu-diics- ll 1- to lo<k oii( for talent, ami (be result aa* all In. vhatloti to Join the staff M It-iti* I.RS

a hrlght, winsome, eaiotul illy womuuly

face, although Judging by Una and meas- ure, her features would be very far from

regular. In reviewing the past, she says of herself:

* I thank Ifesven (hat I knriw bow to work. Should anything happen to my

literary prospects, I could make my llvlu*.

as a dicrisma'er, milliner, seamstress, housekeeper, cook or laundress. I hnvo

done my own linuce woik. and gloried lu

It. Have inudo my husbands shlrls. and wgshed and Ironed them —not only be-

cause I could really do them held r IIIHII

a professional luundress. but in order to eke out a reporter's meagre salary."

During the few, ihe very few. years of Mrs, Butt's domcr-tlc life, sbn wrole a

great many pneins ami short articles,

which were laid away for future use, al- though at Ibe time she scarcely exptoied to dispose of any of them. Since her d - hut lino journalism, these have all been

sold at fair prices, and now there Is a market for everything which comes from her pen. Before the lady'* inarrhtge. she wns connected with n young ladles semi- nary In Newburgh, where she taught

French nnd German for n year and a half

wlih perfect success. Such versatility of talent, and adaptability of temperament

may hu uncommon, but It certainly de-

moiistrules lire weakness ol uur system ol education. To know how to dooueihlug

well, I* certainly a great accomplishment, but lu lliese days of competition and go-

alicadativencss, i. I, by no weans enough, Mothii-.M-c ft, ii, ihat when Ihe day of

trouble comes, your daughters shall he

prepared for It. Our public schools imvc again com-

menced, theatres are opening, opera la In

rehearsal, ami the Tammany fight rages

more fiercely than ever. The meeting last evening at Cooper lust Unto, clearly

shows the depth of feeling existing In

business circle*, In regard to political mansgemciit. How will it all end?

Truly, E. K.


We clip the following item of local In-

terest from the report of the Firemen's

Muster, hy the Portsmouth Chronlclt:

Union Hook and Ladder Cu , Ni. 1. of I, um-uce. Mc- , 1U men, ami lh< fr drum Mid flute curp. of Hi were the guesl- of Uarahaldl ll..-I. ami I.idderL'o, id ibis Oil) ; a eoniiui n-e of one hum Hie luMer company on Thursday morning p'neeed- ing lo ihe Firemen** eamp«n PlureVs Island to conduct the Union- lo I In h pre- ciou-k prepared quarters for the day. The drum corps oi Ihe I.awtence Com- pany won goners) approbntlon during Ihe procession on Wednesday, by the pleas- ing music they produced,

We hear the deportment of the btys of

thl* city ami vicinity were urehHbly

-poken of. Much ad oira'lou WA* inched ny iii*; ease aid -twadili*** wlih notch

ihe Washington sieamer Hoiked. BMI l>» elegance waagei.erally comiuenied upon.

It Is very unsnilslactory lor ibe tliemen

lo attempt pluming for prise* In a strong

and continually changing wind. It U claimed that the successful cotnpeiKori had (he advantage of a lull In the breeze,

HI the time of trial. The Washington*

have thrown water an hundred leet far- ther then their record of Thursday. We congratulate the "K. A- 8traw" members

upon their lueoBBB, and hope soon lo know thul they belong to our own city,

as oUlseos ol ihe most northern Ward.

bout It. All our evil Is duly charged tu us, but we never, apparently get any credit for what good we do." Human ■ , nature hasn't changed much since Hor*. ««sW Hay. The former, an old Journal- ace wrote tbe above. ' 1st, [not an old man, by BUT means,] Is

BmtBMs* CAUET-.—A day of erjiymrnt is In Mora (ur the honorary member* and friend* olCo. K ,61b Kegt. Arrangement* for t-t.-ei practice, cbowder, eahiMi.on drill, and a grand hop, are In ptenarstlon for ibe 11th of Ociober. Tbe tall gatherings of thi. eacelicnt company era duly appreciated by a lar-te nu uber uf our clt'sena, wno are fortunate enongb io bave ibi Ir name* on It* roll u( honorary nvmbtrai and Ibe line condition of ibe rottipinj, never to good si now, will add bu*ta ol raw liked* lo Us ranks. We ntideraiand tbat iberxhihiion drill "III be • brilliant lea ure ol tbe Oceaatoo, and will tali* place ID ibe centre of the hall, preriuua to ibe promenade concert. Much tn- tereit will ha 1*11 in iblt B-irlonof ibe da)'. fauivltiee, owing to lb* enviable rrpu.a'ion achieve,! by the command, In executing movr- metitt aod ib* manual of arms la a mperlor


Whatever you wo neighbor to do toyoi This la the whole law tbe exposition of It

ild nn: nl-h your do it not unto htm.

; ibe rent is merely

r I •






^he Ittimevican* LAWRENCE. FRIDAY. SKIT.,


A thoi king railroad ace (.lent occurred yester- day D.mninic. near Si Loads. A parly of *1x- teeo ladiea and gentlemen had started inr a picnic, and were proceeding 10 lbs nrnunda in a Urtie furniture w-igiin. and In cro-sing ibe rallroaJ were strncS bj ihu onitltio of an excur- •tou train- Ww prr-uns wire kilted, and out three of ibe party eac-nJtd unii | -red. A «twd vis* of ihe railway -ouul he had in either di- rect ioD, i,nt the party were Uns-inS, and did not sea the ears, or hear the whistle nr bell of

the engine.

There wa» a terrible Miller expirtalrin at the Cunii Hat Factory In Newtiuryport, yesterday morning. Sis persona were killed, and several wounded and missing. Among the killed WM

Mr. Ceorue Blherldtre, of Lawrence. No can* baa Item axitfned fur the explueluu. The lire- man states that there was plenty of water In Ibe boiler, and a preSSUrs ot bill seventy pouiuls HI' ■'■■um It wit a lorty-horse power boiler. Ore at exrii count prevail*, ihrotighoii t the city.

The repuli .' or Maine, have carried ibe time by olcfill thou-aid uulcrlty. Portland,the home of 11,1' democratic, <niulidat« for governor, nn<l eliimtd beyond n iloulit by ibe democrats,

Rave a majority ol" 27S lor Perhnm, Ail Ibe republican representatives arc eletttsd. Lcwls- lon, Dart got »nd Augusta roll up handsome mnjarltie". Wall d'ino, Maine!

Jake and Bet ley Harper, broiber and slater of John Harper, owner ol tba race-burse Long (allow, were round murdered ut their brother's residence in Kentucky. Some ot the negroes II Tin it on ,,,<1 r>rv. II-I l-i'L- lirpn arrested as the miirJetci -.


Maine Heaponda to the Paclfllc Blope>.


Oen. Firhum Kr-rieeted by 11,000 Majority,

The re.uh In Maine li unexpectedly gratify- ing; tbe election baa been one of great qtjltt- INI, and the llemorrary had great ho pea of reducing the RtpttAttcafl majirity. But the people seem to have coroe nut, and (lay. I'er- bam ban a majority two or three thousand (Ittttf ihun last year; the legislature it rejjui. lu-an by tbe old mujorltlea, and tome of the emus, la»l year carried by tbe. democracy, have given rou»ing republican ni*Jorltiea.

!;■■ i. ii from MO (...-. i, ■ cive Perbam 4" BASf Kiioball, f»,?Hj majority, U 878 The towns in be beard Irom wilt timke Perbam'a majority 11,000. Tbe aggregate vote ibis year will be 101,000, against 06,676 laat year The mnj'ir- Ity laat year w«i B.STUS.

i, ■ ■■■ i MM which :,i,[ year wen I democratic,

swung back again, making a republican, gain ol 517 ; llangor repeats the lame story, with a gain ol '.'30! The Democrats are overwhelmed with disappointments, and Itepuhllcans every- where jubilant.

Boiler Explosion At Newbaryport

A I (iwronce Man Killed.

ning, jail It-fort T o'clock On> tbe large mrai lory, on Merr p loded,

iust Wore 7 ■ the Curtis Hat Fae

lack Street, Newbun port, ex ing tb- Nilkr house, badlj

AdeMii l;l., on i SSOO.Ww i

snrancv, i hiroyetl.

The Va

irnlng ol iiic, In which 1.1 property was burned, lo- ' 1 lie railroad simps Were lie-

t Mat'.- Fair com men CM to.mor- row, and ii successful exblblilon u anticipated. Kx-Uoreruor Unilock of Uejaecbiiietlt, will

deliver the suldreM on Tbnrsdar-

Uoo. UrecnOetd, a wealthy young man rciiJ- lug in ItAcbcatcr, N. II., comutltted lulcide, Saltird;iy mornln.', hy shooting Mmielfj he lenves a Iiiiuily.

An isiquu-tt I. Iwlng bold in Lowell, over the

i»dy oi rereaa r«rkloi.»bo was lonnd drowned In the canal, under antBlclom circumstances.

At Ihn Inlematlonal huui race, at Saratoga Lake, ihc Ward crew won the contont by hull a lengih in iiventi-fom HCOfldl.

Poatmaaier Plunmer, <>f Newburyport, was severely Intured by jumping from a carriage, attached to a runaway hone.

Whllo rjeeilng n party of toughs Irom his saloon In Lowell, Major Donovan was rolihed offlSO.


The "rtng" of ilio New York corrnpUonlali has at last begun t;i quiike ami lrem>ttc. Con- troller Connolly nai been -r m '■■■ i u ,: millions of bonds IO the sale keeping of other far"'", ami his itorj of bis voucheri and evidences lor the pablle money paid out by him, ticing "atoleo," wui II lltilc too much for Mayor

Hall,even, and ihe mayor asked Connolly to resign, thinking, doubtless, to win public favor by showing viriuous Indignation u Connolly'l i.i Yi. liut nil of ibe Ibicves will -it a severe investigation front the public.

The funeral* of the »Ictims of the Sewburj- port boiler explosion, who resided in that cliy, were attended u-Mcrday arternoon by very many of ihe clil/ens. A military and Are com- pany were in attendance. Ily order of tke mayor tlm bells were toiled from three till live o'clock in the afternoon. An iniiucm has been I'ommeticod and adjourneij to Thursday.

Much comment ii being made on the victory of the Ward crew over Hie English crew. It was not i xpeeled, us they rated below several oihir cretv.i. A subscription has been marled, to ratio lundl to give ilium some elegant testi- monial . Several New Yoikcri have given S100 each.

'Ihe annual stniu fair of Vermont opened yesterday, at the plcnsant town of Si. -lobni- 1'iiry. The location la charming, but la dellcient In facilities or access from distant portions of the sia'e, und the entries are constnucntly much less numerous than on Former oecusions.

The eoul trade is hating an upward tendency, with oo Indications ot stopping till it bas reached an enormous figure. This is occa- sioned by some of Ibe mmes being Doodad and unable to wuik, and also the increase ol lolls by the orrj Ing companies.

Tbe Ne* Uampebire state (air, which com- mences nt Dover llie 20ib irlstunt, havo offured prenilumi for boric trotting and running to tin •rouuut of S-'.nOu. Ihe untrlce will close ot Tuesday evening, Ibe Inib.

The London Journaliare cxcitedl> illacuulm the question as to the success ol' Camose labor in America, In connection with the recent strikes ol the labor unions in IlugUnd.

The A mo Mi e ng Company have Just coutpl their great dam nt Unmhesier. It ii eight [eel wide at ihf lop, four hundred and ten feet long, nnd oil ft.'.O.blln.

The ttxi-elalor Hose Compnny (if Litvill

with their carriage, and Ibe American Bras Band, arc on mi excursion to Norfolk, Va.


Tor many years, primurily \>a-

t'unse It wna MO much cauler, nnd Un-

challenged in tbe nbwiiOfl or any sharply

contested ii-nc or nomiuation, the !(>■-

[HI!,In'in "w iii- I'i.n\ I'tiiiiiir. huvu liccn

liilil with pntcticully no reatrictionn aa

to meroburablp, anybody ucitif; adtuiitcd

to lliu bo<ly ol tho has), where it 1ms, of

course, been itnnngsiltlu to difttlnguilQ

dfl.'gati's trotu apectaton; in 1H0H, we

liiitik, »n effort wits made to admit only

dulegutca, but u the tickets were ar-

ranged to be delivered only niter tho rtr-

l rlvnt ot Hie iiipmhrrs tit Worcester, the

Idablu hole utnl coiilllsion, sub-

itaattall; broke down (be plan. This

year tho ExectlUvu Uoinuiltteo decided

to iseuc blank credenliali, through the

Chairman of each, town mid city oom-

ittce, to bo Ailed nnd oertlfied by the

caucus officers, upon which nlonu a re

lelegatea to bo admitted to the ball.

Spoakiugof thla niungciut'iil.lhu Spring-

fluid Hifjiublkttn says:—

"These tickets will bo issued to the del- egates elected lor tbe Several [owns, through [lie republican city or town thereof, and till questions Irregularity or ol rivalry between

caucuses and delegates mttit b< thcitlid i tht$t heal committee*.*

On the contrary,—that Is just what

the local committees are not to do; ihe

State committee has no power of Itself,

utitl most assuredly has not undertaken

to delegate to others, the decision ol any

question of rivalry or irregularity, and

wo are sorry that nny such dangerous

doctrine should be promulgated aa com-

ing from that body. Instead, tho cir-

cular issued to accompany tho oreden-

distinctly states to the chairman

Ol the local committee:—"In case of ft

lisputvd or double delegation, you will

please withhold and icturn the Creden-

tials, leaving the question for the ron-

vention to decide.**


ml re

■jrorl fa*


to 1.1 Fl (hot

n*.':ii- the main building, and hurling dealt and destruction In lis path. Si ol iho . mploy ees were killed, and many others i.a-ilj wound- ed. Tim names of tboae killed, are:

Charles Uojle, SO jean old, wbo leave* a wife and two children.

Nicholas Turcstll, 'ii vears old. Ueuhen Uace, aix.itt SO years old, single. James L. Jackson, lit jean old, all ot New

bars port. George Kiherldge of Lawrence, wbo leave* a

wile. Albert L Page, Newbnrjport, single, w« to

have hwn married on Wednesday. Tbe holler waa built at tbe Atlantic Works,

Bast H.iMoti, and has been In UH but fonrteen months. It bad a guaranty of ISO pounds pres- sure, and It bas not lieen run at much above 'JO pounds on tbe average' The nreman says that there were two gauges of water In the boiler a moment before ihe explosion.

The engineer was at breakfast, and It was unlortunle that tbe explosion occurred at tbe

K j moment It did; the drying room was situated directly over ibe holler, and utterly destroyed, and the men at that time were there, changing their clothes before going to woik, or about tbe engine room ; fifteen minutes later, and they wonld all bave been In the main building at work, and probably no lives lost.

Tbe side of tbe main building was blown in, no thai it was necessary to shore It up to pre- vent tbe whole atruciure Irom falling. The tali chlmner of the factor? wai overturned, nearly the whole thickness of tbe lower part of tbe chimney being blown ont. .'smes Jackson waa blown through the roof of the boiler room, over tbe Curtis Hat Factory, and over the roof or the shoe manufactory of J. I). I'ike&Co..a building live storlee high, and bis body fell, scattering Ills brains on tbe next bouse. The damage to the building Is estimated at from geooo to 810.00U.


Iii u leading editorial on Wednesday,

liscuswing iho contest for tho republican

lomioatlon, and the strength developed

ty tho peculiar canvass of Gen. Butler,

tho Boston Journal urges a friendly con-

olidation of his opponents in tho cnu-

ussei and an ciTortonly to elect nnti-Dut-

«r delegates ; wo believe there is another

Krarae, wiser and far more likely to do-

feat the nomination of (Jen. Butler,—the

withdrawal of tbe oilier candidates nnd a

union upon Dr. Lorlng. Thus far, the

number of delegate! chosen for Mr. Hire

nd Mr. Jewell, can be counted upon

ne's fingers; Mr. Washburn Is receiving

onio local support, butevorybody Inside

of politics knows very well, that ho is

only being uaod as a decoy, whllo the

only candidate who is receiving any pos-

sitlrfl strength against Butler, is Dr.

Lorlng; his supporters are in earnest,

not rallied for a moment or a single con-

test, but positive Irlends, willing and

determined to "slick," and if tho sup-

porters of tho other excellent gentlemen

named .desire lo secure the defeat of (Jen.

Butler above personal considerations,

lliey should withdraw those names, and

concentrate on Dr. L ring. The people

cannot bo rallied simply against some-

hody; they need a leader, and to know

who they tire to support, nnd the very

livisions and uncertainties in the position

.■! the opponents of (Jen. Butler, tiro

giving liim alrongtfa among the musses.

Men are not easily transferred from one

candidate to another, and nl the conven-

tion it may be too late to effect n union

which might now be had on Dr. taring.

■ ■ i i,. ■■laws, ,..ii

I STATR POLITICS.—Maiden has ohosen

Butler PclcgaHs; the remaining four In

Plymouth were secured also for Butler.

Tho Chtirlestown caucus was large and

turbulent; the auti-Butler chairman was

declared elected, when the But lor men

withdrew, and two sots of delegates

were chosen, the opponents of Butler re-

taining the hall where the caucus was

called. Lvi-ri it and West Newbury

elect Butler delegates; Bolton and Woy-

immth were carried for Inuring. Sau-

gue sends two delegates, one for But-

ler, one for taring. Woburn three for

Butler and two opposed. Paxton two

Tor Butler. Amherst four for Washburn.

The rrieods of Hon. A. II. Bice, bave

issued an address in support ut his nom-

ination by tbe Republicans.

Lynn sends 21 Butler delej:H!t'F.

AccihKKT •—A sad accident occurred

to a little fellow, tbe four year old son

of Mr. Daniel Emerson, residing near the

corner of White and O.ik streel*. It

seems that ('onion's milk team was

driving (piite near the sidewalk, and tbe

child wus just climbing on to the walk

as tbe wbeela passed over him, breaking

Ida leg. We understand that Messrs.

Uarland and Seyfarth are attending the


AND VET.—And now comes P. M.—

which Is not poBtmuster, but Patrick

Murphy,—and declares against being

considered the nuthor of the falsehoods

of the non-apologizing Sentinel; we are

very glad to know it; will P. M. accept

our most gracious "apology." And who

nest will clear their skirts from the

slander! of course not the Stntimt, oh

no; it "never apologizes!"

Flrat MUSH. Heavy Artillery Reunion.

The third annual roonloo ol Ibis Essex County regiment waa brld at Utaadlsy's QfOVS, Beverly, on Thurrtlay, and waa a moat auceessful reproduction olour two previous meetings.

TramportaUon between Hilem and tbe grove was provided In borse eara aad barges, as special trains rould not t» obtained, as ripttctcd, on tbe Raslera railroad, although Ihe grove Is conilguone lo their track. The grove Is not a Ural-class place for such ■ aiiiberlng, still It U quite well adapted to our pnr- poaa; tbe weather was, a* uiual with as, propl- lloaa, and nothing occurred to oisr In the slightest Jegroti, i !,.■ harmony of the occasion.

There wore about 250 men of tho regiment prr«- aat, and l>Jles, rhlldren and friends swelled tho number lo between TOO and 800,

fctualr waa furnished by the Paugus liaml. sod dsnclng, awlnglDg, and oilier amaseroenla were pro- vided, and Indulged In by those who wished, tint til theio aeasfed m poaaaai llilla ■itrtetloa for the men of the reglmrnt, who wern too much occupied with the revival of old memories and the eichanjre ot greetings between comradrs who now aeldom meet, but who had marched and fought and slept together through many months of weary aervlre In camp and Bald,

CM. Greene and hla daughter received an enthu- Slaatia areellng on tbelr arrival, lluslntaa was at oncu emereil upon, and the following ..fflcera choaen for the eoiultig tear, the Aral two b) acclamation :

1'resldent, Wm. tl. Qreeno. Vice ['residents, Nathaniel Hhhiawell, Wm. (I yrrrow, Joseph W, >,,IKI lit, Ueury alaBee atid UeorRe A. DaVlf. bee- retary, JaJBSSjO. Buvey. Treasurer, Uenjamln [>ay. liii-'iillve Commlitee, thr Pres. and Hee. tx ojlcio, J.mea t'ope, Samuel Oallon, Chas. W. Uumfurd, .Terry Dunosan, Oliver lllll, K. Kendall JanKlDS, Chas. It. Ayer, Ehen Dmie's, Sidney U. I'araons, Edward Arnold, Wm. II (i win, Chaa. V. Noyes.

It was (Mad to hold the mil reunion at U alnot Orove, Hlddleton, on Thuradsy, Brpi. 1iih, IST'J.

Business havlDg been dispatched, dinner was m-n In ordrr. Tbe chowder was eicellenl, and Capu Itoads deserves more than a passing word for !>li success In this department. Tbe groaulng tablea were 1nsde<iusta to the task of bearing Ibe profi aloo of (,'ood tblnga that were brought, and ware speedily relieved of tl".li ample burdens by thi magri s The dl lowed by lbs uaual pirade,

s Iho Icaat Inlersstlog feature t column waa reviewed by n, who was present, aa tbe

Tint Ol'KN Am MEETING last Sabbath

evening was largely attended; Rev.

E. W. Stlckney gave a plain, ptaetlcal

sermon from 1st John, 1st chapter, 0th

verse: '• If no confess our sins be Is

laltbCul and just to forgive us our sins,

and to cleanse us from all unri^bieoiis-

It was attentively listened to by the

larjie audience.

Although Ihe minister was seventy-

one rears Ot ay;c. his voice was good and

his thoughts clearly and logically ex-

pressed. It was a beautiful sljht to see

this aged servant ot God preaching the

gospel of .lesus Christ, in the open air.

It was announced that the next meeting

would be a Temperance meeting, to be

addressed by Jiev. D. C. Know Its, ot

l.m*. ell. anil I'ev. J. Hogg, who has just

returned to service from Scotland,

Thr service at the [all, on Sunday

morning, was a service of snu^, and con-

sisted in singing the grand old h>mns

and tunes thut were sung at the Lawrence

St. church, the Sabbath previous. Some

thirty ol the singers from the different

churche* of the cliy assisted the regular

choir, and all of the prisoners were fur-

nished wlih the hymns, many of them

joined In the fringing, ft was a beautiful

■crvice and must be productive of good.

The orchestra of the Free rung. C'liuleli

aided very materially in the service.

Sheriff Herrlck thanked Ibe kind singers

for himself and the prisoners, and made some closing remarks.

nine II vo j •-1 ti

i .it New York.


Anoihui victim Minor. Poatroaslci

had hem in llw employ of the Guveraaieit tor thirteen team, and is n defaulter In the *nm nt tl.'iO noo, oil drawn within ths prm two year-. Ho ha* nut hoen prosecuted, as lie confi'iscu his unlit, uml surrendered tils private property, IncIndian a vsliublo residence, worth ninre than ton amoum tifliis prcu lit ions,

rutmasier Udyard Hodges, of the has I'ttn rbarfted uiih u defalcation of

i has in en imprisoned In

,n my,

. Mi I Ho I br front ut Wa-hlngi n. and iv.1- thought lo be 1 rnau af strict Inleur IV ; hltt Wail Street spacu latin s fiiH iho Isusl of hint.

lie (In tier and Wendol Phillips apoka ti an a idienea oi II (MHl pi >ple, ut Hallhhun Bear . irMcr.'av I'lillllp • aid thai Huik wasi to nnl) ii...II 1 i athi in ihu luiiitr reform en i uld ploeij it o r i-iinnM 'lire. |n Hie even Ing t iu Oenaral s •oka in a larice au.iiin.-c a II (de Park.

An hit ratio adc li New York cliy on Wednesday, Inunn-n |olnt'il In tho profession, li iselaiun that :iO,i t,() pi ppltj wi uld have been in the ran hail it nut rained.

tlov. u.iii.mi:. ,.i New York, has refused rommnle ihe sen ten re of Hnrklmiti, and he n atfordingly he hung on r'riday.

A lerrlhlu storm has occurred off C>ipe lloi In which two Biltlali vessels wete funk, » several others damaged.


Ai Ihe irain from Portland was coming

into tho North Andover coli-

ilitl with a freight irain. at the first mat!

crossing below ihu depot. Tho facts, us

near as wo could learn, are as follows;

The tr.iin irtuti Portland was some lif-

leen minutes late, and sent a telegram

in iho No, Andover station, which stated

thai [lie train was thirty minutes laic.

Acting on Ihe supposition that a hull

hour would intervene before tho arrival

of tho Portland train, (he freight moved

out with tho intention of backing upon a

siding, to allow the passenger train to

pass; they had just got to tho switch,

when the late train came up. A flag

hud buen sent up the track, and as soon

an il was seen, engineer Pembeitou re-

versed his engine, and, with the brake-

man, jumped ulT. No one was Injured,

except the engineer, nnd he only re-

itivetl sortie bruises, which nro not se-

rious Tho cowcatoher ami forward

trucks of tho passenger engine were to-

i.tlly demolished, ami tho engine thrown

down upon the road bed.

The f.njji! iliglue was injured eoine.

but not disabled. The train had arrived

irom Boston, und tin* passengers were

ed In ' train Mir


. Ilolh

1.0 list:. It el ■>f ; mltted i

An i.iuniiiloria ilc nfL, r look •line Than- dar evening, in i iB stor of K, ''. Wilder, at Lowell, Albert ]■ Prait ( iitered t to bbirc. anil aivuwil Ha' rlors Daniel Lane, o circulating scandalous report tn rega nl to bla famil.. An altercation ensued Prati lljrul, and L*ne uetiing ihoi Imt no faulty

A disastrous 11 r occurred Tester lav ninrnlni; si Saratoga. lh reu hoi la were burned, also several other bull lings. t Is ela mod ihe loss will reach SJIIII, U0, Al the o I'lipatus cs- r.ipeil unhurt.

Parmsitrr lludge, ihe lefaiilthi K arm* paj. m.i-!.-r. has Wr|l| II a cm fesi-liin. ach now (edit- lOK'iuleb'flinesal > ihe go ernroen ol IIM.OOO.

The Ill-nun r.ili Slate r nventm Held, re-ioinin.t .1 Adams by sec l,t m at ion. .117 .owns wore i, 1 ht HI i delegates.

Ami bur iiar'u ixplo-t jo,—thl time of tor- ped i w irk*.— baa uvrurra 1 in No ts' Voik city. Bi\ persons mm killed a Dd elvli Nouotted,

The Lynn Rej iMicar.s held a ively raueus last evemog, m * bich .i lull bro ' of li delesatri wcieih nan lor (ien. Hi Her.

The Lowell tr <■' ''"Ulp nv, sh rh has Rone to Norfolk, Va. \ a-e 1 r, rim* M inroc Touts- day oo a.

An r-njtlne was sent fur, from II

uml look Hie Portland train down

iialns were delayed some two or three

hours, and it will require several hours

to clear the pasaeiiRtr engine from ihe

track. The Portland train was in charge

of conductor Weyraouib, and [he en-

gineer, Mr. Pemberton, has run on the

road for over twenty-live years, this be-

iiii; hU llrit accident.

l'i •inii'.M n Oatccs.—The democrats of this city held a caucus on Monday evenlnir, in tho Free Evening School room, to choose del eicates to the State Convention Tho room waa welt ailed. Moses Pcikins was elected Chair- man, and Ablel Morrlnon, Secretary. The fol lOWiDK were circled dclenaies 10 Ihe State Con-

John K. Tarlwa, J. II. Brown. Patrick Mur- phy, A. it. Urewster, A Wlnkley, Tbos. Km ney.Jobn Han, John Kiley, A. A Lamprey, T.Corntlie, Thoa Green, Dr. Roberts, Caleb Suundeif, Capt Deacy, Thoa. Criflln, Patrick Murphy (printer), S Bims, Peter llollban, Ed- gar II. Drew, Wm QallUoo, Auuuatus Nlcker- san, Moses I'crkln", .1. T. O'Suitiran, Terrence

Donoatme, E W. Colconl, Time. II. Conwar, A.S. Bunker.

A City Committee, consisting of the follow- Init L.'Cnllemen, waa chosen:

Ai Large— B. W. Coloord, T. Conielie, John Hart.

Ward 1 —Henry It. Thompson, Win. Cannon, J. 11. Brown.

Ward 2—.N.Sims, C.T. Emerson, Edward Devlin.

Word .'I—A. A. Ltoaprey, Thomas (Jriffln, J. T. O'Sullivan.

Ward 1 —Patrick Murphy (printer), .las. Noo- nan, A.U.Clark.

Ward :.-Stephen Hills, Cornelius Tltthe, 8. Wooilhall-

Ward 5—Alonio Wlnkley, A. S. Bunker, TbOl. MMIIIIU.1,1,11

Aiidiesses were made by John K. Tarhox, .1. II. Brown, and J J Doland, Esq.

HH. ETHKBioor..—The death of Mr. licorice Elherldge, a victim of the terrllilo boiler explo- sion at Nowhuryport, has cast a tfloom over our i-1r .-■ ■!.-., a number of whom were person- ally acquainted with the deceased. Mr. Eth- eiidgo nas one of our oldest residents, havlng been brouabi up from bojhood In our midst; his parents lor many years resided on llullv tlreei, where some three years since his father died of consumption. His widowed mother ■till retains this residence, which was also iho home of the laio deceased, It Is scarcely a year lines ho celebrated his nuptial ceremonies. A few months since he went to Newhury port, and was emplo>ed at ihe Curtis Hat Manufactory. sthere he remained till ihi< mornlnK ol the fatal explosion, whirh turiiunated bis eanhU career Mr. K(berii!t[t>, and the members of his lamlly, bave been Constant attendant' at the II aver bill

St- M. E. Church, of which wo think ihcy were members. Ihe limit residence, end sterling tialts of character dlaplajed by the deceased, havo mule fur him hosts of friends, who deep ly sympathize with ihe hereaveit relallvea In their hunrof artef. Mrs. Ktbetidsni was to arrive ibis aliernonn with ihu body ol her husband, when arrangement! would l* completed for the funeral Mi-vicos.

SMASH 0P.— Two brothers, named

Clary, hired a team at Btowell & Spuiil-

ding^ atublo Sunday evening, and on

coming out upon tho llaverhill road,

from tho eastern side of Prospect Hill.

collded with soother team on its way to

llaverhill. Hoth carriages wero broken

to atoms, ant! tho horse belonging to

Stowell & Spuulding ran against n tele-

graph pole, and wai immediately killed.

Tho llaverhill horse ran some distance

towards that city, and wus found at-

tached to tho forward wheels, in an un-

injured condition. As far as we can

learn no person was Injured. The

young man in tho llaverhill team, Mr.

K. II. Wentwortli, tells a very slruight-

forward story about the matter, Irom

which we inler that the parties in the

other team were soinewlml intoxicated,

and purposely ran into him. Tho horse

which was killed was a valuable one,—

said to havo been worth three hundred


CKLESTIAL WttnniKO —Our columns else where record the marring ol Robert Smith (we have bis name in Chinese, but bavo no ttpes lo print II,) ol Boston, and Miss Annlo Larhle of Lawrence. Mr, Smith is a young Chinaman of very prepossessing appearance, wbo, alter paying his passage to ibis country (92t.O), was sold aa a slave in Cuba, hy Ihe cap- tain, where, niter living some time, be was purchased hy a benevolent gentleman, and brought to Boston, In which city be has lived for several years. Miss Lachlc Is a young Chi- nese maiden who bas lived in Lawrence nearly seven years. She talks English very well, and was lorrnerty a member of the Evening School, She has been emploved at Ihe Pemberion Mills for several years. They both are thoroughly Americanized, and will reside In Boston. We wlih them much ]ov.


The attendants at the morning and afternoon

services In tbe Lawrence Street Chnrch, on Sun- day, were delighted by the presence, in addi- tion to ibe regular musical staff of the church, of an orchestral accompaniment of twelve pieces, constating of stringed and wind instru- ments, all under the leadership of Mr s. A. Ellis, to whom much credit is dne for tbe mu- sical interest awakened in our midst, aa evi- denced by the crowded houses at the popular gatherings known as Praise Meetings,—ema- nating from tbe above society.

For a few monihs past these meetings have been held at various times, generally within Ihe above mentioned church. One week ago, on Sunday evening, a meeting was held on tbe Common, and there were present ela or eight pieces from the Baverbll! Cornet Band, and many voices; later In tbe evening a similar

meeting was held in tbe LawrcnceSt.Cban-h, and the Instrumental portion of Ihe mnslc much improved and increased by the addition of ten pieces, mostly Irom tbe Lawrence Brass Baud. At an early hour ibe house was tilled, and hundreds were umtblo lo gain admlialon. Tbe mnslc presented npon these occasions, were tbe familiar tunes and hymns used in divine worship, which could be participated in hy the tntire congregation,and the grand effect produced by, and enthusiastic reception given to these musical productions, awoke tbe de- sire among Ihe members of ibis church to In- troduce orcbeairal music into tbelr regular Sabbath services. It wag therefore decided to make the trial tbe coming .Sabbaib- No pre- vious muice of MI h Intentions having been given, there was hut tbe utual congregation present at the morning session.

Tbe services were commenced by a voluntary from the organ, immediately followed by tbe familiar tune, ■■<>:,! Hundred," In which tbe entire andlcnce Joined, being led by tbe organ and flail orrarstra, and Ibe church choir. After an Invocation br the pttstor, ihe tune " St. Tuoiaas" wus penormed. The mornlog praier was fuhoned by the tune " Halley." Iu the atieruoun ihe antbtm " Lord of all Power and Mi«bi," was presented, also ibe tunes " Mountain " and " Cowper." In all of these pieces the otcbestra was engaged, and the effect was most pleasing.

Tho lollowlng gentlemen composed the or- chestra, and performed on the Instruments at- tached to i inn names :

John Carney, Ut violin; ■ 2d violin; J. r>. Bootbman, Unto; Geo. Carney clanonene; Oeo. Tyler, double bass; Wm. Chapman, 1st ti flat corntt; ..—■«

2nd Bflatcorntti Mr. Frftag, 1st E flat alt born; •"■"■" , 2nd E flat all horn; J. Butter- woith, B flJt baritone; Wm. Abbott, K flat tuba.

We understand arrangements arc lieing per- fected lor ibe constant presence, at I.-mi for the present, ot these gentlemen, and we hope to soon he able to announce other societies wbo have adopted ihls excolleni method of improv- ing their church music. We know of no ob- jection that may be brought againm its general adoption, while we can tee many advantages accruing iherefrnm, It can hardly fail to create a higher musical taste in our commu- nity, and must of necessity inspire and encour-

age our musicians lo pro mice a higher class of music than lhat which Is simply In demand from a brass hand for street mnslc We wish ibis "new departure" success, and tbut it may bu the Initiatory steps to a general revolution in eburcb music.


Nu articles heeding apology have ap- peared in the Sentinel, and no apology lias ever been made —Sentinel.

Sever apologizes; of course not. A

wise man may change his opinions,—a

Tool, never. And n lie well stuck to,

servis Ihu purpose ot an Intentional

falsifier as well as ihu truth. And when

by tho record, we convict tho Sentinel

of a deliberate falsehood, instead ot a

manly retraction, ii adds fresh columns

nt lubrications, and defends itself by

vaunting its policy ot "never apologis-

ing," Its imukmss is commendable,

but alas for llsdecencv !

(its. BPTLKH is to speak In our city

hull, on Hainrday evening; the address

la announced, and we are Informed will

commence at 71 o'clock; the hall will be

lur Irom si 111'lently large lo aecumnio-

.Iil tin *U1 id tu

M.UNI; driven soother nail beside that | tbelr tors on Ihc

■ if California, In ihe Democratic coffin. should goearly.

lo be uld in


mgregail II. Thr.'

.HIT seavicit il Churcl

of the will bf


aeb- a* !..■,:.,« ■ -.MUM,Win, hy Itev Lowell, Afternoon, (m parenli

Wbolara,) h> ll.-v K, B. Wllllaroa, Andi tnlr-B, hy Re*. C. B. Kl.her, LeWMM ■ 111 commence, morning al half past tt afternoon, three o'etoea; evening, st arvt Culleetlona will bu taken up al lbs elm service Iu uld al ihe church, bileneh

ulni n .< Mill

Alls ml.

I'KIISO.VAI. - Capt, Albert Finder, for many tears ihe popular commander or Co. G, of tbe •Uh lieut. of Mass. Vitl's, has received the ap- pointment of Deputy Siatu Constable ut the Commonwealth, In plaie tf Joel powers of Lowell, resigned. Pap!. P. has heen In the em- ploy nl the Government, In the Post Office «t Lowell, for some Hmc put. and will brlnsj ahll tty and courtesy to his new position.

STOLBN.—The horse and carriage hchinulnu to Mr. [i, in,II. wbo lives on Prospect hill, was

stolen while standing at the Universal tsl Church last even in a"- The pulu-e were looking It up, hui h H not round it this morning;, It would he well for persons who leave horses standing in -II li plates, to dttucb ihe reins and lake

them wuh them.

lino. TARBOX, in lib Bplingfield

speech, in which bu so gloriously de-

pleted the democratic prospects, very

■trangely omitted any reference to their

great triumphs in Callfor 1 Ma

HAS the Sentinel beard from ihu

ioasln Calltorula and Maine?


Ureat Is the power ol principle. Sl'ce slavery was abolished in this country by the act ol Ood, tbe proclamation ol Abra- ham Lincoln, and the patriotic ftriuneas of ibe American Congress, I; ■ J ■■ -1 -■.. Bra- zil, and Spain have followed our exam- ple. Anil now Simn. (n semt-barbarona country, with nn enlightened monarch.) strikes off tho shnckles ot her bond-men Very soon, In all the world, tbe sun will not rise upon a tini-iiT. nor set upon a slave —[Albany Evening Journal.

DR. LoBlKOn ADDRESS, at tho Low.

ell Fair, is most heartily complimented

by our exchanges \ it wus indeed a most

eloquent portrayal ot the power anti

richcF of our Commonwealth,

AT THK Cm- II.w.i,—The Sr, John's

Fuir occupies the halt Sept. 13th, Mth

and 15th; Oen. Itntlcr the l'ltli; Lin- ifard'f troupe iho Ifith ami ibe Did well

troupe the remainder of ibi week.


SATI ai>AV.—To-day ctoaea a v*rj- KOO<1 wrek'a work In our local court, showing lhat the wicked arr quite nnracrom, and a little on the Increaae. Dooilnlck McNulty wasflnedtl and coats, er thirty days In the bouae of correction.

Michael «,: (,.■.,- ,„.i Ann Mutltn wore each aunt up for a like oOancv.

A bad boy, hy umroc. I'atrlek dnllivaa, wbo would ""' work or go lo acbool, and was a source of trouble lo bla pervula, waa *ent to the II. C. for alatj dayi.

John UcLaufblln, for aelllcf beer, was fltied tbe regnlar S10 and roan. Ilc appealrd, and was or- dered in recognise In the sum of S30u.

Mono AT— There waa a brilliant reception at bla Honor"! piaoa of bualness tills morning. Tbe guaats, soeae fourteen ID uumbwr, SMmed to take a

Interest lo ihc morning seeeloa. Boma bandred and forty dullara were anbecribed for

tbe besMflt of the county, aa follows :— ataria aflller, as a common raller and brawler,

waa aaaeaaed Se and eoals.

Johanna Klood, a qolte respectable looking woman, who pload "guilty a little." to a ebarge of die- turhancu, wash i off for one cent, and Ihls so tlckltd

v old lady that she went " out oa a fly." Thomas McDonnell, drunk, fl and coaie. Walter Bell and Thomas rjykrs, radi #3 and

coets for being In tbe balmy stale. Jt-retnlah Cobbll, a very realise looking would be

aport, and wbo coualders blmself a ynuuit blood, evidently, waa taksn In for being drunk, and It cost bla mother SS etc., lo get him out. We don't knnw but he may be ol tome value to the worthy lady, but we have never seen Ibo rascal In a sober oomli. Han,

Thomas nrooka, by Ihe kind Interposition of Major Brown, succeeded In clearing himself for the costs of proaecuilon.

John Cary, far being drunk, $.1 and oosls. Dennis Mabony made a treat disturbance, and

assaulted officer Varnurn; he got |:» and coate for th» former, and 11" and coats for the latter charge.

lei O'Conoell and John O'Brlan, for making urbanoe, were lined each • 10 and half the

-costs of proaecuilon. John Ssreeney and Hannah Itaggerty, for the

same offence, were likewise served. Thomas Diion, liquor selling, * lo and coets.

TeaaDAV.—There wss quite a falling off In the bualnoss at ihe Court thla morning.

James W. Ht. vein and John Countrey were found guilty ofdrunktinneea, and fined |; and costs.

John McLaaghlln, for sclllc-g liquor, #10 and

WEPHKaOAT.—There were four hard looking ustomers, and severslly disposed or. Bph tlolden, Luke Keho, Msry Murphy and one

Uicr, at SS and costs.

TIIL'RSIIAV.—Iluslness brlghtpned up this morn- ng, and mi Interesting audience werr In the dock. One John Colby, who realdra out of town, got

[ulte drunk yealerdny, and as he told a very plain, uDvnrnlaht'd talc, tho Judge let him oh* at drat

Mary ailnahnn, a regular old sucker, was let off for SI and costs, while ber neighbor, slsry J. Mc- Carthy, got off fur a penny.

a young Bof-ion ir-dy, by tbe name of M. I,. waa tbe bright particular atar of the morning

llstlon. Attired In a faablonable and nobby hat, and a blue silk dress, the attracied consider-

ation; but her plug-ugly dimocratic conn- sas able lo aland any amount of scrutiny, repelled the numerous glanrea with the'

most fascinating smllua. "Mlsa Berae,aland upl" She atood. "Wero you ever before a Court be- fore?" "No, air." And to many other luqulilea of the Judge, she made almllar replies, ihowlng lhat aba waa a good girl; at any rate, tbe Judge let up on her case, and fluid her one cent. A harder looking old pell we never saw.

Charles l.„kln waa brought in by Col. Beal, on Ihe charge of stealing a silver watch from John Shaban, and fined |20 and costs, or 00 days In the n.c.

Some oTonr citl/.eos evidently believe. the Clinton Cowrenf, that

THE BOSTON M MAIM; ArcinBKT,—There were eight cars on the ;-,i — i-n ■ iritin whirb collided with iho freight train «t Norlh Ando- ver, yesterday, anil tlio platforms nf inme of thorn wero more or less damaged. Sumo nf ihcm overlapped, hut the concussion v.-, . not Mtllli i.'ttt to cause Ulascoplng. The passengers

wore well shaken up, but nono wero seriously hart. The blame for iho accident rested with the engineer and conductor of iho freight train, who knew that the express irain was due, and Suj.t. Merrill has shnnn euro mem! able real In tummarlly iHsmlssiPK them from the employ nf tbe road.

Arnonn ibe pasietifiers injured were Mr. Jo- slab Leach, of Kiiiiiclunhpon, and Mi. T.C. Kalon, of UriiiMWick, Ue. Mr. I«arii was standing in the aiale nt' the car, having just re- linquished his seat lo a lurtj, tho ear lielnK crowded, when hu was thrown faead-foremoat over a seat. Mr. Falun was hurt In ihe lace and had one looih broken.

In speaking, nf ihe accident, ihc Button J- •'• - i,a; says:

ately, the trplnttT »l the expreai i no

,. Ids ""!-:■■' oil :

thus prevent whai mlRht hu

The la .. proved am ts are, Ihe ta


S li d

u horn r ml II few

flintier lo gO, and hud sir atlv si in elf sie

Dag was versed h

tunning very seen by the »B

« *vtl


ii iho s i who then off. No

like tu prove.

The Ward brothers rent-bed llitlr hoi Wednesday afternoon, and "ere received w a great tleraonstratluii- Cannon were llri anu flags profusely displaced every v, here; ill sav that nuw ihey have biuicii ihe best ere in the world, thai ihey shall row no more I'm oared races, and none at all .luting ibe rent I der of ibe present season


This great work, upon which the eminent Brooklyn divine has bestowed so much thought anti labor, and which hai already excited an extraordinary degree of Interest in religious circles, fa now completed, and in a few days will I* ready for issno from the press. Henry Ward Ueechcr, if not conspicuous for mere ihe- utugleal depth and acutcness, stands acknowl- edged tho foremost palplt orator, tho most widely known and influential pastor in Ameri- ca; whose great conceptions of the Savionr, unbounded love, fervid imagination, and freah, rich thoughts, have placed him without a peer

In our land, and surely commend blm aa fAc man to undertake such a work as he has now completed. Mr. Deecher considers this ibe .'wink of his life," and the volume trill, with- out doubt, fully sustain hla expectations. In bis preface, llr. Beechersaji:

"I have undertaken to write a life of Jesus, the Christ, In tho hope of inspiring a deeper In- terest in Ihe noble Personage of whom tboae matchless histories, Ibe Gospels of Matthew, If arli, Luke and J.«b« •» ibo oblel authentic memorials. I have tndearoretl toprtstnt fcenci thai occurred ttco ihou-'and j/targ ago at ihey

icould apptar to modern ci/e.% if the events had taken place in our day.

"Writing in full BJ mpnthy with ihe Gospels, aa authentic, historical documents, and with

the nature and teachings of the great Person- age whom ihey describe, it Is scarcely necessa- ry to say that I have not attempted to show the world what Matthew and John OtrsA! to have heard and to bavo seen, but did not; nor what ibings thev did IU,I sec or bear, hut In their simplicity believed that tbev did In abort, I have not invented n life ot Jcsns to suit iho crit- ical philosophy of the nineteenth century,

"The Jesus of the four Evangelists for well nigh two thousand years baa exerted a power- iul Influence npon tho heart, tho understand- ing, and the Imagination ol mankind. It la thut Jesus, and not a modern substitute, whom I havo to depict, in bis life, his social relations, bis disposition, bis deeds nnd doc- trine*."

Thla great wotk,of which we have examined specimen pages, is written In Mr. Beecber'i liest style, vigorous, earnest, faithful, fresh and attractive, and cannot tail to bring out, in new beauties, the character and attributes of Jei It bas in-.-ii issued In two styles, or sixes, an imperial octavo, splendidly lllusirated, and printed Irom new type, on fine calendered anu toned paper, wuh broad, fair margins, and delicate marginal rule. It contains iwo superb maps, constructed lor this work from the very latest and best data, Intludini; tho English, Dutch and i'renth governmental anrveya ol Palestine, the present explorations of the City ot I.-I ii-.i!' in, and every attainable amm-eot exact geographical and tophograpblcnl infor- mation.

The other Illustrations are: a Frontispiece, " Head of Christ," restored, painted, and on- graved on steel by the famous American en- graver, Wm B Marshall, from a photograph oT Leonardo do Vinci's rapld'y decaying mas- terpiece In Milan, " The Last Supper '—a real- ly grand work of iho engraver's art, a beautiful ■teei-plate litlc-page, enclosing a vignette ol " Heihli hi ni," and a series of fifteen large fall- page wood engravings, together with many smaller cuts printed In ihe leal,

Tbe Illustrations are from new and original drawinus never belora published, having been designed expressly for this woik, after sketches takt-n directly from the places represented; they ..■ ■■ a w* ami lull Illustration ol localities, people and cimoms among; tbe scenes of our Louis earthly labors, and, as artistic produc- tions, arc believed lo tie superior to anything before published nn that subject.

The other style li In regular octavo size, giving ibo •nine reading matter, In similar type, hut on a "mailer puge. This edition con tains also some valuable illustrations, tho maps uml fwotisnleca mentioned above, and four flue lull-page, wood engravings—a com* pkiu tn ' plan mill longitudinal section of the great Temple nt Jerusalem; a page of moil interesting Tiistorlcal head* of Christ, nnd Others.

The two editions will be bound in various styles, the tictavo from >.'<..V) In %>'. (x), and tho Imperial from 17-M lo *l.r>- The work is pub- lished by J. B. Ford & Co., and will he sold only hy subscription. Bev. 8. M. Weeks will present it to our citizens, having already com

menced thai work.


The convention at Springfield wound up

with a fee!It)** nl good nature on the part

of lhe delegates, Adams mm renoml-

nnieii for the governorship, by acclama-

tion. Resolutions were passed In their I

usual pious forms, among which was one '

denouncing the- prohibitory law and ibe j

■tale constabulary. The following dele j

gates nt large lo Ihe nations! convention j

were chosen'] Deo. Vf. Olll, Chas. O.

I if eerie. JoaUh U. Abbott and lien. W.


,'FllK I'IOIMIITKE ot ladiea In relation j

tn the lair lur ibe Dumb Animals, will I

hold tbelr next meeting at Ihe First Hup- j

tlst vestry, al ;t o'clock, ou Monday alter- '

noon; till are urged to be present. Mi.ilnt.1 Wabswrt Hall, rlun.lay I AUrriulitii, ccninipnclill St 3 <A,l,""->-

The Serlaa of Republican Triumphs

The returns of the Maino election, so fur as received at the hour of writing, indicate not only that the republicans ol Maine havo kept intact tho majority of lttBt jour, but havo Increased it by very handsome figure. Tho Old I'll ._ _'lne Truo Slate has done well, and shown that her people nro not to bu diverted from the cnuee ol the Union nnd of jus- tice by any sophistries intended Ui belog their judgment and instigate selfish In- terest lo oppose the general welfare. When the republicans lost New Hamp- shire laat spring the democrats accepted the unexpected victory ns a premonition lhat the yeur or Hair jubilee had coroe. Immediately they began counting on success in Connecticut, and to make sure that tho omen of tho New Hampshire election should be confirmed they re- sorted to fraud, in which, however, Ihey were detected. It is just to the Presi- dent to say that ho saved Connecticut to the republicans by the timely nn- nouncement that the consummation ot the San Domingo scheme would not be pressed. Connecticut was just pre- served, yot tbe democracy Imagined the convalesenco of republicanism wus delu- sive, and that they would not have to wait long before counting other States with the backsliding New England com- monwealth. But the measure of thoir expectations bas not been filled. Val- landighum's pronunciumunto, galvan- ized their hopes into a spasmodic liveli- ness, but It was only temporary. The movement counterfeited vitality, but il soon became evident that the party was iuunimate—dead in trespasses and sins. In North Carolina, the republicans acheived a signal victory in an extraor- dinary election which would never havo been precipitated by the democracy without the fullest confidence of victory. In tho territory of Montana the republi- cans swept tho field with unhoped lor majorities. In old Kentucky, tho for- mer democratic majorities were so enor- mously cut down that a brave minority of republicans huve all the encourage- ment of esseutial victory. In Wyoming, whoso lust legislature did not contain u republican, now honors are easy. Late- ly California, of whose confirmed de- mocracy tfau party in the East did not permit a doubt, has slipped out of their grasp and again enrolled horsclt with the long list ol republican states. She is a fair offset to New Humpshire; but New Hampshire will return next year, and California may be counted a nett gain. Iu this enumeration of substan- tial republican triumphs tho recent mu- nicipal election iu Wilmington,Dclewurc, -ilioiilil not bo overlooked. Tho Oblel city of that conservative border state has elected a republican city government by 300 Ua-jwrHy. This was a complete revolution. And now Maine! The en- thusiasm over tbu one trophy secured by ihu democrats last spring haB by this limn completely evaporated, and what with tbu subsequent disastrous reverses, und Ihu newly ruvealed corruption in its own members, tho prospects ol the party iu tbu wrong are happily ol tbe gluointeu character.—Boston AdtrrtineT.

NEW diiKBT alisic—Tliu long establish til lios ton miale publishing house, Hirasrs. Ollvt-r Ditson a Co., «1 Waahliigion ilmt, an Issuing ihslr full catalogue of new muale; nmung the choice plecea •m itwfollowing:— lit ir. BrnaVj Ctong and Chorua, as sung bj J. II

Hurridga ,el Nuvcomb and Arlington's Ulnstreli Potrirj by it. I.. Cary, Jr.; mualo by U . bui-ach

Oat-V To LoVKj ror.ijioB-tl nnd ating by Char In

Tin; K'lra Ni..-Itni IlyJ.W.Tur

Ily W. New

[i Till' Comic

Am no I l,ovi: Tur.r? by DtWIlt V, Bpragna; maala by A. Blauanaiaagal.

MART DARUM, UASI DBAR. Wards from ibo Waverly Uagazlue. Music by 11. rnar.1 Covarl.

NcvRRMonnvoSKKTavBHlLE. Ballad. Worsts by 0*o. Cooper; muak by Kdwln Cbrlslls.

Ai.Lvr.itnsHr Atlvtra—Sriwrsaado. l*ar K. Kit. ter*r.

AIH Tjiollrn; fur I'lann ami land.


Duet by John Parry. Clem's CiiAsr.; Val.e Brilliant*. By 0. at. II f mil I MI ton Tni*| song; by Jules BMBdtel TiiK BI.OOH1MO RtWK, Marr.utka; by Kilwatil


QIITE A DirrnnitscR.—Ttm Boston Adrtrtiter, having accused ('til. It. tl.

Usher, U. 8. Marshsl, with being Brmth

at work for (Jen. tlutler, ibe Colonel

writes lo deny the statement, hul with

characteristic liaiiknMS HIVOI a half dor.-

en roasons whluh iiidtion him <■/>*»'» and

iiiiliii-lH-iUnllj lo support lien. It.



the nine h*

tor'al oen-


nl i

etl by


it> A HAY - Tbe l/indon

■ In r-nwerml uld iii lavi.i' of

"if nu vnneiii. and In an .di-

uiiiiK Import ai Ion nf foreign

i(ivi'« it support, on hoth

-.i.iutry uroiiiiils, lo Itrlllsh

ilo Ir inovinii in for the retliic-

r ii-riu 'il dally labor tn nine

IH."—Indlcnt* '.ililoriila and

i^)0 m g tS OoOlJJ.

irj . i-ii tm .i tun clatsr, ask Mr. Crow- ell, at his dining roema, for an "A. C, N."

It required -ii thousand feet of tin to cover the spire of ihc new Si. Mary's chureh. Mr. Binttbam did the work.

From the larue number of lady ittbscribers, we infer that the American i« makin,- quite a " hustle " In our cum mutiny.

The First Baptist Sabbath School, to the number of some isro hundred, held a most en- .jovable picnic on Wedne-sdav, ai Puller Pond.

Tbe manly i-ame of base ball flourishes In ir midst. We noticed eight separata games full operation, on tbe Common, Saturday af-


Tbe pea-nut stand, in tbe city haM during the St. John's Fair, is a new Innovation, and, attended by a fair damsel, we esssfnl.


"OTa Tbesaudi

Hod groan, ever on time with hla goods, la hnslly preparing for tbe Fall market. Every- body knows him, and he keeps just what

CIVIHI.1V wants, in bis line.

Mr. Daniel's team, which was stolen from the tluiversallst church last Friday evening, was found the same evening tied to n pomo

one of the streets of Lowell, by lbs PflHcS of that cliy.

Qallp desires to know if our down town Cor- oner ia so deeply in politics that he cannot fur- nish an account of tbe "ioqueet' on Wednes- day, or If be considered tbe case onlv that of an 'ordinary' republican, and not worth notice i

There waa no balloon ascension at Lowell last Friday,as promised. Thla is tbe second or third time that our people have rushed to that place to witness such an exhibition when announced, and returned diiguited- they will be very apt to remain at home In luiure.

Lingard is coming, with his well organized company of comedy and opera artists, and will perform In the City Hall on the IStb lost. "El- be; ortbeCberry Tree Ion," will he presented, after which l.ingard will appear In his popular songs and wonderful impersonations of public characters. We feel safe in predicting an en- enjoyable entertainment.

There seems to be quite a failing away of horse flesh In our city; a few days since Mr. Edward Wright lost a valuable horse, and on Kridav night two horses belonging to Mr. Colqu- hottn, tbe grocer, died in hia stable. Last even- ing the horse belonging to Mr. C. 11. LiulcDeld, the civil engineer, ceased his existence. It Is said that Mr. Colquhonn's horses were poisoned.

E. A. Flske has just returned from a trip to New York, and bas completed

one or tbe finest assortments of room papers and window curtains to be found outside of Boston. It will do one good to glance in at bis store and examine the fresh arrival of goods. Wc think tbe Major's pride In showing his stock almost excels his desire to dispose of

The cosylltth periodical and fruit stand of John f. Page, located in Ihe Post Office en- trance. Is securing a liberal share of ratronage, and well it might, for here can be found all the newspapers and magazines, and a fresh as- sortment of fruit and pure confectionery. Courteav and good nature do a vast deal in trade, and Mr. Page Is blessed with a liberal share of both.

Some of oar citizens enjoyed a pleasant little excursion lo Aodover Pond, on Wednesday morning, and spent tbe day In flsblng, etc. At noon ibe party was Increased by a few arrivals, and at about three o'clock they all sat down to a good old-fashioned clam bake, such an one as Andrew Daily so well knows how to prepare. The pany was under the marshslship of Mr. Dyer S. Hall, the well known cloihler, and en- joyed themselves finely.

Skiffanil Gay lord performed before a crowded house Tuesday evening, and gave a most ac- ceptable entertainment. They presented many new features, tbe best of which, woe ihe ap- pearance of the troupe In white fares and white snlis. We hope that the burnt cork business Is about done with. The singing was exc Uent. and the dissolving views at tbe close of the per- formance were received with great applause.

Oar table has been benefited by a magnifi- cent bouquet, largely composed of choice dah- lias, from tho gsiden or Mr. Samael Stearns, Broadwar. whose annual display of this showy flower, Is excelled by few In tbe county; many of ihe specimens of rare perfection, and the whole most tastefully arranged. We are Indebted lo the same friend, also, for some ol

the most delicious pears, or different varieties, we have tasted.

On Saturday evening, about nine o'clock, a telegram was received at ibe station bouse, stating that Dr. Savory's team, of Lowell, baJ been stolen. lo fifteen minutes from tbe re- ceipt of the despatch the team was brought to the station home by che police, they having found It near Woodbury'a stable. No knowl- edge was gained nf the thieves, hut they were doubtless the same parlies who took Mr. Den- net's horse to Lowell the previous night.

The team owned by Marcus Dodge, became frightened Snudav morning, while standing near bis building, and ran through the street at a lively rate. But slight damage was done to either horse or carriage. In the afternoon a horse, while fastened to a post, broke his bridle and ran furiously through Essex and numerous other streets, and finally went over the Duck

bridge, and on to Andover; no one expected to see the team brought back la a good condi- tion, but such was tbe case, neither horse or carriage receiving so much as a scratch.

"The North Star" is the name of a new and beautiful locomotive, Jast received by tbe Bos- ton and Maine railroad, from Mr. Blood's works, at Manchester, N. II , and which was run to day for the first lime br Engineer Wil- liam Smith, who Is fully entitled by compe- tence and experience to run such a machine. It weighs ihlrtj-two tons and thirteen hundred and fifty pounds, and Its tender when loaded with 6500 pounds of coal, weighs twenly tons. Tbe cylinder is 17 inches In diameter, and the stroke 22 Inches. The engine has an Iron ten der frame, Waabbarne'a steel wheels, and all the modern Improvements, Tbe North Star is No. £0 on the road.

The "babes In ihe woods" ofOanada, who left our city some days since for a banting and dshlog excursion, have been heard from, and seem to be enjoying life finely, but from the extravagant stories they send home gard IO tbelr advrniures, we think tbelr con- sclenrcs are In a remarkably elastic condition. In a letter to one of our young Illuminating merchants, Irom one of the party, the doubtful statement ia made that three of the children went out fishing, and In two hours returned with "177 trout, weighing about .rf/rj/ pounds each." Although the person making Ibe above staiement is well known (or bis strict veracity, wo are Inclined lo think there must be somo mistake about the matter. It looks dreadfully fishy. We Ihink we wonld "Chase" a man who laid a tinv pound irunt on our table.

Tbe l.'nlnn Hook and Ladder Company, of this city, of which W. M, Hardy is the efficient foreman, and Mr. P. B. Watson tbe clerk, are quite enthusiastic In their praise of the hospi- tality shown them by tho officers and mem- bers of Garibaldi Hook and Ladder Company, of Portsmouth, during ihe late firemen's mus- ter in that cliy. The Talons were the guests ol ibe Garibaldi company, and every attention was shown iliom that could bo desired. Sucb grailtndo will not soon hu forgoiton by tbe via King flrenirn, and an early opportunity Is hoped lor ion-lion ibe compliment, Thecom- pany were accompanied by the Lawrence Dunn and Flute Hum!, who gave great satis- faction, and aitracted much attention and la- voruhle comment from the cltlMOl and press




On Kriday laat a Httlu son of David

| .ill-.>ti. a^ed ten years, fell from tbe new

brick building, in Abbott Village, a dis-

tance of nearly twenty feet, and wan con-

siderably Injured, but no bones were


Lewis G. Holt, of ttita town, lias a

black anil white liulstelu bull, two years

old last May, which welched on Monday

last, 1 Hid lbs. Mr. Holt bought the an]

nial of Dr. Joseph Klttredye, of North

Andover, when four weeks old. and Ills

mother took the first premium for cows

at the Kssex Agrii-nHiiral exhibition two

or three years alnce. He Is superior lo

any bull of the same breed on exhibition

at tbe late X. E. Fair, at Lowell. A cow

of this breed waa sold at auction after the

Lowell fair, for firOO,

We are Informed by the town Itepubll-

can Committee, that Ibe caucus tor the

choice of delegates to the State and other

ventlons, will be belt! st the town

ball, on Saturday evening. Sep.. 23 j.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Johnson have

e sympathy of the community in ihe

death of their youngest son. Mr. Frank P

Johnson. lie will be im--.-tI by the bus

Iness public whom he has so faithfully

served as a prompt and eltlclent expres-

inan, but his luas will be MI ill more se-

verely felt by Ills deeply afflicted parents,

Tbe comer stone of the Memorial Hall

will be laid on Tuesday next, Sept. 19th.

at 4 o'clock p. K.

The dedication of'' Spring Orove Cem

elery '* will lake place on Wednesday,

October Ith, at a o'clock p. u. Further

notice will be given hereafter.

Rev. l>. C. Lltchfleld, formerly nf An-

dover, and now settled nt Brlcksburg,

N". J., was in town on Thursday.

Joseph Abbott has sold out hla furni-

ture business to Samuel Woodman, late

of Laconia, N. II.

George Foster sold the " Midglcy "

place' on Main Street, by auction, on

Wednesday last, for $1,9.1(1. Purchaser,

John Sullivan.

Rev. Joseph Cook, of this town, sailed

from Boston to Liverpool, on Tuesday

last, in the Cunard Steamship Aleppo.

The beautiful residence of the lato Ben-

jamin II- Punchard, altuated In this vil-

lage, has been sold to William Whitman,

of Boston, Treasurer of tbe Arlington

Mills, in Lawrence.

Mr. John Dove has a benullful llower

garden. It is enclosed by a high hedge,

neatly trimmed, and at tho southern end

upon a terraced lawn, stands a venerable

and majestic old oak, which casts Its am-

ple and grateful shade over the green

carpet beneath It. Settees are placed

under the tree so that one can sit and

view tbe splendid flowers, embracing the

richest and choicest varieties, and pre-

senting an enchanting scene. The flow-

ers are brilliant and sparkling and the

light of Mtn'li a fascinating picture will

well repay visitors who will no doubt be


Elbrldge 0. Wardwetl waa taken be-

fore Justice Poor, on Wednesday, for

drunkenness. He was found guilty and

sentenced to the House of Correction for

two months.

Oaestaat If anslen House, week ending 8spl. 13tli, Hrs.T. II. Brewer and aliler, Cambridge; W. H. Ilubbard, Louisville, Kf-| .T. J. Burns and wife Olo-eeater; Daniel F. Applelon, Dr. Charles II. Osgood, John Citron Smith, Mr.. Srallh, Itlaa Nellie Smith, Silas Ruth Applfton, Mlis Halllr Thayar, Hiss Brown, Hlas Davlaon, New York; Hamnel P. Ilar.ij-, Lowell; O. W. E. Mltohsll, Ki. •tar, N. It.; J, it Fnllerton, Wastbrook; John Wolvenc-D, B. V. C. Wolvsrton, Trenton, N. J.; <;«o. Olfford, N«w York; C. II. Leonard, New York; Miss Martha Robsrts, CbarleaiowB; A. Blanchard, Lowell; Mr. fc Mrs. .1. H. Robb. Boa- Ion; Henry D. HobaoD, Wlscaaael, He.; Clsrener Vsa Benthoaan, sir, Rlnhardsoa, Lincoln; If. W Carllon, J. Worthing, Boston; K. A. Behaoffler Brookfleld; I,. Mesrham, Chicago, III.; alrs.Sam'i D. Gorman, New York) Mrs. M. J-, New York; Mr.Oarrett,Boston.

The Free church have resumed Sun-

day afternoon services.


Bridget Mea, In descending the steps, wbicb were loose and -rave way, leading from ber boarding house,, on Wednesday, fell and hrokt her leg, near tbe ankle. Her friends carried her to the hospital in Lowell, Tor treatmenr Mr. Woodlin, who met with a similar accident some months ago, has ahandoned tbe crutcber and is able to be about again.

On Sunday night some desperadoes made a "lowl" attack on the henery of Mr. Newton George of Wilmington, and departed wlib feathered stock to the value of about * ::

AT THE NEW ENGLAND FAIR, at Lowell, last week, Essex County was represented by two herds of thorough-bred Ayshlre Cattle, one belonging to J. D. W. French, of North Andover, the other to F. H. Appleton, Wist Peabody. The show of Aysbires was acknowl- edged to have been the Quest ever exhibited before the N. E. Society.

Mr. French carried off Ibe flrat prlie for his yearling bnll "Fit/ James," also first for his heller calf "Moss Rose," and second for his yearling heifer "Roxanna." The Essex boar exhibited by the same gentleman, took the first premium In his class, also the Sweepstakes Medal, as tbe best boar of any age or breed on tbe ground. Mr. Appleton took the third herd premium, and second premium for bis ball "Bruce," the first and second premiums for bis three year old heifers, Lily Dale and Las- sis.

In Haukrti-itcy. District or Mass., ss

The undersigned hereby gltes notice of his ■ polntmtnt as assignee of the estate of

SAMUEL B. IAKIKK, of Andovsr, ID the county of Baaex and state of Massachnsetts, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt by tbe District Court. AX*:I, DBAKBOKN, Assignee.

Boston, Sept. «, 1171. SIS

Estate II or nee P. Itt-nnl. Notice la hereby given that the subscriber has

been duly appointed administrator or the estate ot tloraeeP.Beard, late of Andover, la the cexatr of Kssex, Merchant, nveeased, and has taken upon hlmsrli that trass by giving tbe law directs. All persons timing- demands upon tbe estate 01 said de ceased are required to exhibit the sane; and all persons Indebted to said eslate are called upon make payment to

JAMES D. DODOE, Adm'r. HethafD, Sept. IS, 1H7L als

Estate Hannah H. Foater. Nolle Is hereby given that the subscriber hi

been duly an-jolnted exerulor of Ihe will of Uanoaa W.,

late of North Andover, in tha ooanty ol Essex ■Ingle woman, deceased, te ' upon himself that trust by

awf h i.-n

directs. ihc estate of said deceased are ' ••> ■ hlblt ihs same; and all persons Indebted losald estate are called upon to make payment lo

MU8ES FofilKK, Kiw:iu<.r, Andover, Sept. S, inn. »13

uih. sied lo puli- ln ihls 'Mnnei'tloii Wa

lish the iiiilitniiig

CAIIII — To iho public of Puiisniuulh. We, ihe inemliers o. ihu Lawrtnce Drum and Flute Band, return our sincere ihanks for ihe kindly reeling ibnt was manifested towards us on our visit tu your city, Sept. r.,h anil 7th, l«7l. And

ul>n unr lliimks tiir iho handsome boiiinets that were presriilud in us uy Un. T.ovenor (Joodwlti. Mi. John Sla'M and a friend un-

Yum •rely. nf/.. r t*. i I\ BasW.

slai 1 in Wa

nu- I on Sunday iiiitln. It contained three

horses and 200 sheep, all of which were lost.

The work was of an Incendiary.

Auction sales by Geo. Fosters


The right of choice to Lou In tbe Spring, drove Cemetery, will b* offered at auction on WEDNES- DAY, October Uh, 1871,-lmmedlalely alter Ibe servieos of dedication.

Sept. 13, IK'1. :li

Oxen and Steers for Sale. The subscriber oners tor sale a pair ofiixrn and

a pair of Btecrs. at Bit AM BERRY'S glaofbtcr llousa, (»o called,) North Andover.

StoaplB* MICHAEL luiihi-:.

FOR SALE. I One pair or WOKKIN'l OXEN', rive years old;

i wilaht ucu lbs. 11, p, HOLT.

Andover, tjepl. II, ]■-, 1. tf

REMOVAL. The subscribers have removed their local busl-

ni'» lo the Heat Harket fermerly ocenpltd by I John O. Ellnl on Main St., next to tha Town

House, steals and vefstaales canstantty furnish- 1 ed at 1 he Market or delivered at the residences of

oustomers wiihin reasonable distant*. VALPEr liKOl HLHS.

' A adorer, .In us 3, 11)71. tf


I* A 1. I. ST V I, EH

Hats, Uibbons. Flowers, etc. A Iso, a larxe variety of

FAKCY GOOD 8, Which includes the newest styles io

Collars, Caffs, Lace Sets, SoaiTs, Ties,


Hamburg Edgings from 10 cents a yard.

English and American Hosiery.

Orders received for

Tretoiirsc Celebrated Gloves. l button, 98.00; 2 buttons, $2.50.

I'ciiViicienc, Thread, and Ouipure £tMsa.

Sbt~3peclal orders for Hoods not IB stock can ba

had In aday'aaolica.

Andover, Sept. is, 1671.

TO EOAD BUILDEES. SKAt-RD PRrlpn»AT< lv>'! ' - •••" «"■'■ "'■* '

for baildlBR a KOAD In Andover. riaaa aid speelrieailoDS may ba examined upon appllcatlaa to JOHN H. M.I NT, Chairman of lh.' Solectnn u of Andovsr, to whom all proposals are to ba ■tilreared. Tbe right Is reserved to njtct any it- 1 all bid*. Indorse "Proposal for Building Koad In AEdirver."

.t'HX II. HI-fT, )-tetecfrrcB til-N.I. IHlVMilN, of 1,1.wis B, iii'i.T, ) Aadovor.

Andover, t-ept. 7, 1ST I, IwJ'K*


Manufacturer of Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm

and Duslneas Wagons. m

J0-Bcpalrlug la all Its branches; aad all work warranted aa represented.

Andover. March 2t, 1871, tl


has always oa hand a large aasortmant of

Coffins, Caakets. Robes. Platea, Ac.,

when desired. Orders leH at Residence, oo 1

he promptly attended to, Andover Jan. 1. M70.

um .HTKKKT.Wlli


jita>land, altuated about half a mile from the ^s^LaS Tbeo tog leal Demlnary. If desired, the bnlldlnga will be let without the land. Tbe owner, a aingle woman, wonld like to make an arrangement to board wlih thr r«mlly iirropTlnj,- the house. Inquire of (iKOKiiK VuHTKIt.

Andover, Hept. I, IB7I. St

Furniture ft Picture Rooms, Opposite tho Memorial Hall,

Where can bo found a good assortment or Bad- steads, Hnrriiirs, Sinks. Wash Stands, Tablea, Chairs; flair. Palm Leaf, Unsk, Escetstor, aad Wool Mattresses. Also, a general assortment ot PICTURES, Oval and Square Plotursv Frnrnpa, Looking Ulasses, Curtains and Cor- tain Fixtures, Cord and Tassels,

Curtains trimmed and hung, and general Job- bing done.

Piclnrei Frnmss made to order. JOSKl'H ABBOTT.

Andover, Ang, 11, 1BT1, tl

tf NEW MEAT MARKET The Subscriber hereby Informs the cltl-ens of

Andover and tlelnily that ha lias taken the shop ately occupied by Valpey Brothers, eorntr of ■lain aad Central Sis., where he will keep for tale ala-Y*aisorimcntof Meats and Vegetables. Ar- ticles delivered whendeslred, free ofebarm.

H. P. rJOLT. Andover, June U. 1871. flf

FUBNITTJKE. •"■J^^^^^sSBB Tb« sabaorlber continues the Htirnlture bBBiaees at hla eatabilsbmcnt on Main street, next lo ibe Post Ofllce. Upbotaterlns- and repairing (tone In a superior manner, and Pleinrs frames oooatantly on hand or made to order.—

'- Sbronds, and Piatps of i"

Andover,Oet.7 1S70. TfcltKKNCs. It

ile prlr KNHY

Strawberry Plants. Head what tha almanacs say: —"Sat sat

strawberry plnnta * limit thla lima."


President Wi 1 d©r. 11.00 per do*. All nloely rooted. Not many

more of tbls celebrated variety to spara. Sharp's

the word.

WILSON'S ALBANY,rui..per hundred.

By express, C. O. D. J, MOBRISON,

3ta*pft BALLART) VAI.F, Haas.


The first savors frost visited ns on tha otghl of tbe ■th Hf-n. greatly Injuring vegetation, aad giving i ijiil.'ius to m..m of our growing crops, (hardens ■..iviiiK shelter from trass suffered llltla or none. i ici.l'a wonders are almost nightly displayed la tha magniricsnt, but myalerlons Aurora Boraalla ■Uilcli appear In varied and beautiful forma, now roailng along the northern horlton, skirted bj UM

aitandant murky vapors, and tban leaping up- ward from i score of points Into long waving shaft a converging towards the goad th, thence unite to creat r a coronal, that far outshines all earthly orowna, and worthy to grace tha brow of Omnlpotanee, Oar young ladles of Sslem wbo have passed the aaason atiha "ProSte tlonse," Whllo Mountalos, ars ei- psetad baok tbls week. Their happy lot waa to unite pleasure with protit. They will ba slncersly welcomed back by all their friends. A myaurlooa affair occurred on Saturday Evening last. Several persons In tha village saw a eloao carriage rapidly entar it from over ihe bridge, having a wblta objeer plainly distinguished inaid •. When lbs team n a bed the Town II iusa, It su ppel, and i w.i man leapad out and hurried behind It. air. Bsra Itobloaon hearing tbe noise and supposing asslalanc-s waa ra- qulred, look bis lantern aod weal oat, Inundlng lo help Ultra, when the two unknown rushed to tbelr tesm, Jumped In, and drove tlat towards M. 8alaas. Ooa person saya lhat they heard acraams, aa of a woman, lisne from the carriage. As tbls occurred on tha same night of the abduction of a famala from Baverhlll, It la anrmlsad lo bava some oonnwstton with It. As Mr. Parley Merrill waa driving hla horse ibrongh tbe vUlaga, a faw days alne-s, tha animal stepped upon a " rolling atone," "wring a had fracture of one of his ten- As tha boraa did nol stumble or even rail, It la a slogalar eaa-s. Be waa killed. We are glad to learn that a subaarip- tlon has been well signed by many of onr liberal citizens la or.lsr to express tnslr sympathy fjr kf r. Merrill In his loss. Over one hundred dollars have been raised, and It will prove a judicious gift to an honest and Industrious man,

Ssiem Literary Clnb bald a msatlng on Monday avsnlng, and after aoma preliminary buslnaaa ad- journed to Monday avanlng, SspL IS. Tha Clnb will Iban meat at Mr. A. II. Merrill's rsaldaewa, on wblcb oecaalon an Addrasa and Discussion will b« among the excrclirs. It Is hoped that all members will ba present,

Hepalra on Ihe M. r Church, In our village, will oommanca very soon. Tbe organ hasbstn taasu In pieces and packed away snugly In Mr. Anslla's bouse, and the work of demolition will begin at once. It Is certain that a new roof Is to hu pot on, a steeple built, tha lengthened, asw windows put in,.ml Ii I. tslke.l of, lo raise IhebalMlngso ** lo give Increased room hr a vestry,



Cheyenne, when anything happens, the

peoplo consider It a duty to hold a meet-

ing and pass resolutions upnn It. Tbe

other day a woman fell Into Crow Creek,

and sank. A large crowd of men were

sianding upon Ihe bank at the time, and

they instantly proceeded to organize a

meeting for the purpose of devising

means for rescuing tho woman. After a

spirited debato, M. A. Arnold was elected

chairman; and on taking hla seat, Mr.

Arnold not only thanked the meeting very

warmly for tho compliment offered htm,

but made a long speech, In which be dis-

cussed the tariff, the coal product for

1871, and the Alabama claims. A scrlea

of resolutions was then offered, and after

a prolonged discussion, and the accept-

ance of several amendments, they were

passed. They embraced a protest against

the depth of Crow Creek, regrets that all

women were not taught to swim, and a

resolve to rescue the particular woman

who had fallen overboard. A committee

of one was appointed to dlvo for her.

None of the women In Cheyenne can hold

thetr breath more than an hour at a time,

so when this ono was recovered, she was dead.—[Ex.


Thf following extract from the Salem Observer contains sumo suggestive thoughts for the active republicans of this city, who are opposed to the Domi- nation of GOD. Itutler; there is Imt one senslhlo melhoil for such opposition, aud that is aupixirt of Dr. Loving; any other course strengthens (Jon. Hutler, as many of his opponents hereabouts al- ready perceive. The Observer says :—

The Republican nomination ibis year undoubtedly belongs by propriety io Dr, Loring. Ho is fairly tuilitlutl to It by virtue of the nreviuua relations of him- self ami his friends to the convention of last year. The Republicans as a matter of honorable usage, In accordance with party precedents, should be u unit in la- vor of Dr. Loring. And (Jon. Mutter even, ought to be found In the Doctor's support, as a matter ol common grati- tude, instead ot seeking lint nomination himself. H« goes back on his firmest supporters in this district, who are Dr. Lorlng's Iriends, by Ignoring his duties towards the Doctor as a man ol honor.

The Boston Republicans, however, choose not to recognize Dr. Loring's claims. They prefer to risk the defeat or thulr party rather than permit either ot the Essex candidates to be nominated. Tbey oppose both Loring and Butler with equal pertinacity, and the abuse which they now shower upon Gen. But- ler us the most active contestant, may at any day bo directed upon Dr. Loring. They could secure the continuanco of Republican ascendancy in Massachusetts by the generous and cordial support of the Doctor, who was the natural candi- date ol the year, but they prefer to di- vide, distract and defeat tho party by running Rice and Jewell. Nothing could well be more foolish. Thu fran- tic efforts of a few partisans In Boston to lorcc Rice or Jewell upon the conven- tion will come to nothing. There is no party In the Commonwealth outside of Boston In favor of either of these candi- dates. They are really weak men, and io a contest with a giant like Butler, are euro to bo whipped; it Is feebleness against strength. I f Boston doesn't want Butler for Governor let her go for Loring. This is good advice, and were her politicians less blind and obstinate they would see and accept It. Mr. Klce is a very respectable man, unquestiona- bly, but It la a misfortune that ho Is not great enough for tho emergency. Mr. Jewell is respectable also, but it by any extraordinary freak of politics ho should be nominated for Governor, thousands of Republicans would prefer to vote for the Democratic candidate. Wo see no way In which the Bostontans can avoid Gen. Butler other than by adopting Dr. Loring, and Is it not the part ot wisdom for them to conquer their prejudices and give tho Doctor a cheerful support.

Next Sunday bcitiy the flfili anniversary of Bcv. J. H. Moora'a settlement in Lawrence, be will preach with reference thereto, in the morn-

Hi: linn viii vMs OF THF. POLITICIANS.

Pour candidates for the governorship have established headquarters In Boston. Mr. Wasbburn sits calmly in his banking office at Greenfield, while the contest for the place goes on, evidently content to leave the decision wholly to his friends and the people; all the others have gone Into the canvass like business men, know- ing that God helps those who help them- selves, and that except Governor Claflln there 1B nobody who can be the next gov- ernor of Massachusetts without making earnest and persistent personal effort to secure the coveted prize. Gen. Butler has perhaps the finest rooms. They arc at No. 22 Peru her ton square, where be has his business office, and where several secretaries and attendants are kept con- stantly at woik. Here visitors arc re- ceived In au ante room, where they take positions In line (there Is always some- body waiting to see tho Genet aO. At the proper time a card goes In, and pres- ently the visitor follows It, and Is received with bluff or cordial weloome, and hi- business attended to. These offices are the ones formerly occupied by the Hart- ford and Erie railroad company when tho state loans were copious and stock spec- ulations plenty. At No. 32 in the same quiet square, may be found the head- quarters of the " Jewell movement." You find a pleasant room, and all the business connected with the movement goes on here. But there Isn't a great deal of it. Dr, Loring " sees" every- body at the rooms of the New England Agricultural society, of which he Is pres- ident. These rooms are In the Studio building, first flight, directly over the entrance, and here you may see the gen- ial doctor every morning, hearing from bis friends and supporters how the townR In various parts of the Stato arc going. There Is no secretary here to receive visi- tors In formal style, there Is no passing of cards before you are welcomed. The friends of Mr. Rico have removed their headquarters from Young's, where they were for a week or two, to a small office room In the second story of the building, si Washington street. It Is a central lo- cation and Is very handy for the confer- ences of this gentleman's backers.—Box- (on AfRdoy Chronicle.


FIBXMKN'S Mi:BTBn.—Washington Knglne Co., No. 1, attended tbe recent rant tor at Porumoutb, where ihey maintained their previous reputation of a well organised and efficient company, though they /ailed of taking the prize. The activity and efficient of thl. organization la chiefly dependent upon tlie eiertlon. of lta popular foreman, 11. New- ton Harrlman, and bit assistants, ell of wbom have labored with commendable seal io make thii one ol the beat companies In Ibe Stato,

MMMERiSif.—Prof, Oadwcll, lb" greet "masmer tier," psycologlat, Jco., gave a series or entertain rasnt. at the Town Hall, during the peat week, to large and delighted audlencea. The subject* appeared to tm fully under the control ol the oper-

or and many ludleroui anil smuslng scene* were reeeated, PKaSnXAC..—Rev. CtmrUii Ustctier, kl>n, on aC

oount of hie health, ha* realdtd In Florida the paal year, ll vlsltlog the people here, and daring bla visit will rrwrif bla paatoral dutlee with the •octety at the fiouth Church. Her, Mr. Marat), of the Peabody Memorial shnroii. I* spending hit va- cation with frlenda In Vermont.

KlCim*iOrt».~Tliu esnirslons of the eteamer " Escort" from Xewbnrrpert to Portland, Port*- uioutb and Ibe Isles of Shoal* baa afforded recrea- tion and enjoyment to large numbers of citizen*, all of wbom returm highly pleated with the encnralon.

SAUintiBT.—The Zenobla, drawn by f"<" of Nelson's "fiery charger*" conveyed a largo party to lb* "Salisbury Gathering/' on Wednesday. Thii method of conveyance It regarded aa much tafer than ordinary methodi, a* all danger by faat driving la oovlated.

KUSBU-FBUBSIA, TRBATT,—The fol- lowing secret treaty has just como to llglit, and has been sent over the cable I

IJOMDON, Sept. 11. The following are the principal conditions of tho treaty be- tween Russia and Frusla at Versailles early this year. Should war involve Austria, by Intervention or otherwise. Russia was to act with Germany, fur- nishing a specified number or troops and ships. The two Power- were to make peace only on tho following terms:— Austria was to runnunco in Invor of Gurmany all liohemiu, MoravU, Silasla, and the Duchy of Salzburg. Austria was to renounce in favor of Russia tho provinces of (iallaoia and Dttlwatlft. Wuen the changes became n worn plished facts Russia was to cede to Germany five towns and harbors on the Baltic Sea and a part of tho coast, and Prussia was to regard the treaty ot l'uris null, and pledge herself to armed participation in the conquests In the East with a force equal to Russia, and to the subsequent partition of the conquered territory. Russia was fooled, as was Franco in 1800.

A fowl conundrum ; Why do chickens have no future exltiencet Because they have their necks twirled In this.


We copy from the Journal an abstract of the speech of lleprcscntatlve Tarbox, ot Mils city, at Springfield, Wednesday evening, preceding the Democratic Con* vcntlon; he wan Introduced as one of tho ablest ami uio-t eloquent orator? of [lie Voting Democracy :

"Mr. Tarbox was giteted with loud applause, and in bin first sen lei ice rtj deed that he had the chance to speak from the same pliitlurin which had Is'eli been graced by thai great mm at.d *uiM>rb military bero((>eii. Itutler). I'I with his speech, Mr. Tarbox claimed that the Democratic party was right In IStH, at least the majority was, but it WHS sold out. He knew of no new departure. He wanted simply to re nfflrm the principles of tiic party, ap they were in the days of Its glory and triumph, ll was the duty of the party to accept the situation, and ihe amendments of the Constitution, it was right, sensible Und politic to do so. If the Democratic party attempts to fight the coming national battle on old Issues, It will simply immolate Itself. He not only went in lor accepting the situation, hut claimed that the Democratic party was uiore liberal than the Republican on the question of suffrage, and In proof of this cited the laws of Massachusetts, which he claimed excluded thousands from the ballot. While accepting the sit- uation, he had no sorrow for the past. The party did right lu aj proving the amendment to the Constitution. Speak- ing of the Ku Klux, be claimed that the worst of the po-called outrages were In States ettroed by Republican govern- ments. Grant was going to remedy this by bayoneting Ku Klux, If he could spare soldiers from their present duty of pre- serving peace In radical conventions, and enforclug his San Domingo usurpation.

Mr. Tarbox then discussed Butler. 'I he latter complained of burdens of tax- es. He caught that complaint from the Democratic party. He (Tarbox) be- lieved liutler's remedy, for It all was simply, to use his own clegaut words, a change of pigs at the teat. (Laughter

,d applause.) The gigantic burden of xatlun came from the National Gov- nment, mid there Itutler never does

anything except to go for government pay. (Slight applause.) Mr. Taibox then touched upon the labor and capital question, and said that upon the Demo- cratic party banner is now Inscribed Hie words'Revenue Reform.1

In his allusions to State politics, Mr. Tarbox said that the Democratic party declared their principles as plainly as Butler did his position on the liquor question. He complained that there was nobody in the Republican party to defend it against the doughty warrior, (Butler) who Is hound to carry off Its laurels. (Applause.) The speaker complained that the Republican party had coquetted with the liquor and antl-llquor law par- ties In a shameful way. Oen. Butler, the spokesman of the National Adminis- tration, arraigned the Republican party for Us corruption, and there was no an- swer. Human Imagination, however, cannot conceive of a Government, made corrupt by Bullock and Claflln, regener- ated by Uenjamln P. Butler, Can you imagine Butler a reformer? (Laughter.) Butler says the Republican party has be- come corrupt by long continuanco In power. (A voice—'Amen.') To reform this, Butler proposed to Musi the repu- tation of the party, damage It so In the public estimation that he can say to It take me or perish, (laughter) marry me, oh sinful harlot, or lose your reputation. Suppose Oen. Butler perfectly honest (laughter and cries of no, I don't), what can he doP If he means business, why ttid he wait until he found that Clallin was not In the field? Is that the spirit of this true reformer? The people of this Commonwealth, said the speaker, In view of the past, doubt Gen. Butler's zeal for reform, and for that reason they will say to Mm. notwithstanding that be Is the administration candidate and the most likely candidate of the Republican party (laughter), that never, since this Government began, has a man filled the executive chair upon whose personal character rested the suspicion of corrup- tion ; and whatever be the truth about Gen. Butler's character, that he Is not the man, like Cesar's wife, above re- proach. (Applause and laughter.) Mr. Tarbox closed. In spread-eagle style, about the division of the Republican par- ty In the country and the probable tri- umph of the Democrats in 1872.

Where August's mantle swept the ground. I.Ike henchman, bold, with shining brand. October by bit leader stands, Intent to prove hl» loyal ptlmc Beneath, the fiery Beorp Ion's *lgn. Soon, covering their slow retreat, The haughty Centaur eteroly keep* The fur aloof that wildly targe

Learn that happiness is not outside,but inside. A good heart and a clear con- science bring happiness, which no riches and no circumstances slono ever do.

33irtl 10.


ANNOUNCEMENT! atbei o the If hour) Winter maeki

Autumnal Influence*, tweet, lie fore my raptured *ena«a meet. Earth, iky and aea unite to pay (Had homage to tho Autumn day a; And '■■'■■ li In varied way dellghta To bleat the harvett-tlme to bright. inch, labored gtfiaaround me aland. Produced from Nature's plenteous hand; And all beapeaka her potent power To charm Ibeae fair autumnal hour*,— A Oiling thrlnc, where the may pay Fond tribute m the lingering day-, Noe, tokent of tho harvett near,— The maize reveal* lta golden ear, And Hi I illy bendt lo eatoh the song Of brasses, n* they float along. The yellow heaps from clambering vine., Lie mellowing In the warm ennshfne. The luscious applet on the ground, In templing boapt lit thickly round ; Whom' varied huet betrny the kind Of nectar stored buneath the rind. The awlngln* alckle ttrlkea the grain, (Sweet recompense for oare and palnsl; White laughing urcblni bind the matt In luielou* bunches, Arm and faat. Yon •millng fleldt, with glimmering theen, Where dancing ahadowt fleck the green In verdure all renewed end won, h'lnoe Autumn breeiea cooled the SOU, Are vicing nobly to excel In iwecter-t emllee, each other, well, The deep, dark woods are fluahed oftati', With glorloua lints and regal ttatr; Whose flaahlng huss on branch and crcai, Uake envlout the crimson weal. Now, heavenward, on rapid wing, The robber hawk ascend* to fling, With vengeful swoop hla downward way I'pon the unsuspecting prey. When .HIM aa night creepa slowly on, When lengthening thadows bide the tun,

.Tho whip-poor-will, wlih plaintive song, It heard afar, the woodt among; And fearful awalnt with terror qnake, Lett the poor bird ttt walllngt break Defore their doort, with warning brealli. Hare harbinger of speedy death. 'Tit but a fancy,—yet believed. And anilont boon give no reprieve, When lucklcii bird* otiay their power • On doorttope, at the evening hour*. tl'er tcru and rugged paatnret gray, The robin lakes hla akyward way, Atid soars Into the higher air, To gnit the Autumn tklea *o fair. At eve, the Hart, with clearer view, OBIS kindly down the ethereal blur; And fiiU-"i-!..■■!. In her pnfeot time, The moon In calm refulgence ihlnea, At the tun, from Neptune** bread,

gold bit gtorlout oretl, o'er the fl.ry tteep,

Till evening wooa htm back to sleep; Then trails his mantle o'er the wen, A loving benediction, blest, A* holy pilrst, with handa ouliprrsd, Invokes a biding on our beads, And leaves an Intluenec behind To soothe and traoqulllae ths ml ml. Mala* brings hla couriers on, That Roreas wildly rides upon, Bent to outstrip the lagging Winds, Aud leave them waiting rar behind, lie rudely dashes o'er thu earth, In lull career, with frantic mlrih;

New fcntfland Falr.-Cloaing- Day.

Friday morning dawned upon the city uf Lowell and lta great agricultural fair, iu ibrj most satisfactory manner. Full twenty-five thousand persona were pres- ent at tin? fair grounds duriug the day, :t larger Dumber than on nny previous day. All of the largo manufacturing corptwations were shut down, and every one joined in tlie dealn for a grand gala day, 'I he exercises consisted of an Im- posing pioicHfliun of tho military, fire- men's and civic IKMHCS, numerous races, the great agricultural dinner, oration of Dr. Loring, etc.

The procession wns headed by a pla- toon of police and the American Brass Hand of Lowell, It was composed of four companies of the Sixth Regiment, under command of Major Hart; Post 4/i, G. A. K.; Lowell fire department, headed by the Lowell Foundry Band; Ancient Order of Hibernians, with the Lawrence Cornet Band; we noticed .Messrs. Conlln and Ford, of this city, representing the State Society of the order, at the head of this part of the procession; theDunstable Cornet Band ; Spaulding Light Cavalry; followed by carriages, in which were the Lowell city government and the officers of the society, with their many guests. Tho procession was under command of Gen. W. 0. Flake, as chief marshal, and was the IUOBI brilliant of any ever formed Is that city.

Tho races were an attractive feature, and wore witnessed hy thousands of people. Wo notice among the entries for the three minute race, that of Clark SpnuUling's b. g. Frank Palmer, and are highly pleased to state that he took the purse of JL>OO—time 2.33.

Among the lists of premiums we find o following names belonging to this

city and vicinity:—First premium for draught horses to tho Lawrence Brew- cry Company; do. for bulls of one year and under two years, to J. D. W. French, North Andover; do. for bull calves, to Hammond Hoed, Esq., of Lexington; second premium for cows and heifers, two years and under three years, to J. I). W. French; first premium for holfer calves to J. I). W. Fronch; third pre- mium for stallions, three years, to D. B. Webster of Lawrence; second premium for mares with foal, to S. Bardwell of Andover.

At twelve o'clock, the orator, Dr. Geo. B. Loring, was escorted to the judges* stnnd, and delivered a most eloquent and acceptable address, In which he gave an admirable presentation of the prosperity and resources of the state. It was one of his finest effoits.

The grand dinner was next attended to, and some six hundred persons sat down within the mammoth tent pre- pared for the occasion, consisting of offi- cers of the New England and North Mid- dlesex societies, Invited guests, and hold- ers of tickets. After prayer Dy Bov. ffm. Burnham, the good things upon tho ta- bles were thoroughly discussed, and then followed short addresses from Mayor Sherman, of Lowell, Dr. ix>ring, Gov. CtlAln, Hon. Ueo. S. Boutwel!,Gov. Per- IIHIU, ot Maine, Gov. Wcston, of N. II., Hon. David Necdham, of Vt., aud others. Hon. John A. Goodwin was toast master. Excellent music was provided by the Lowell Choral Society.

Tho entire management of the Fair hag been most successful, the courtesy and atteutlon of municipal authorities ol Lowell all that could ho desired, and al- together New England Agricultural So- ciety has every reason to feel proud of their exhibition for 1871.

N m Mr,sic.—Wo arc in receipt, through Uessrs. J.lf. Richards a Son, moeie dealers, of Ibe follow- ing sheet music, among Ihe renent publication* of White, Smith & Terry, »S and 300 Washington St., Boalon :— Tin: IIEART, O, prite It well. By Bernard Covert. Tins WAV, FATKRU; Song and Chorus. Dy Ml*.

C. L, Btevene. VCKITK KKtXTima: o, Give Tbanka unto the

Lord; an opening piece for Divine flertice. By J. K. Trowbrldgc.

I)K*n I'AHEKTS, Orleve no Cborns. By C. T. Lang.

TIIIKK or roua HEAD is THK sung by Bo! Smltb.

Kveama SHADOWS; Fanlssle for the Piano. Irving Kmorson.

LITTLB FOCNTAISS; a collection of C. A. Wbtl songs; arrnngrd for four hands, by William Qooch. Oil, Birdie yon mnat never tell. Beyond the Clouds. Father, Pray wttb me to-night.

Ulna1) I'OLKA. By Minnie I'phi TIIK I.AICIUM; DIT-TT and Chorus, from Opera

Brigands. Kiss MF, DEAR TnmtT, ARfi OO, }\g Dr. A, D


i Me; Song and

IIAI.IC.-Iii lhli.-1ly.tivpt.Bth, a daughter to Mr. & Mr*. UeorgeC. Hale.

UAItVEV.—In l.mwir'tn'.', Sept. 11th, n, daughter to Mr, &Mrs.J. F. Uarvey.

Ill 1,1. — In, Hept. Mh, a daughter to Mr. a Mrs. Joanna Hill.

CADAOAN.-Io this dly, Sept. litb, a aon to Mr. and Mi.. Michael Cedagmn.


It AUmSGTON-UKRY.-ln North Andover, »tb ull., by Rev. B. F. Hamilton. Mr. Joseph DeWltt llarrlnfloo.or Walrrford, t't„ and Hla* Jemima Crry, o/N. A.

M A NX!.'-,!; W A ISi IN .|S, Lowell. Sept. 13lb, at 'he Won hen Street Baptist t'hureh, hy Hev. F. H. Morse, the paator, aaeleieil by Rev. B. F. Hamilton, of North Andover, Mr. Albert K Man- ning, of Andover, to Mies U. Lli'le Wataoo of Lowell

MOOBE-POTTKIt.— In Andover, ttepl. U, by Rev. Prof. K. C. Smyth, Mr. Joseph R. Moor* to Miss Lucy Potter.

DONALD-eOWBB.—In Boalon, Sept. 14th, by Rev. Dr. Webb, Mr. William A. Donald, eldest aon of William (.', Donald uf Andover, to Mis* Nelll* P., daughter of Uaburn Howes, Esq., of Boston.

rJMITII-LACUIK.-lri this city, at lbs resident* or Rev. (ieorgc P. Wilson, City Mlssloasry, Mr. Robert Smith of Bo*ton, and Mlaa Anal* Lachl* Of Lawrence.

ST ARK-ANDERSON .-In Andover, Sept. Stb, by Rev. K. 8. Wlltlwas, Mr. William V, Stark ami Miss Kllen E. Anderson.

MOL'LTON—BARKER.—In Andover, June 3Btb,

tyvath*. KTHF.RIDOB.-Kllled by the boiler siploaton at

Newburypoit, Mr. Georga 11. Ktberldif* of Law rsooa, St yrs, 3 mo*, 2t dys.

WEBSTER.—In Mailmen, Sept. I3lb, Dana B. Webiler, aged 4 moa.

BABRY—In Andover, Sept. B, Mary, daughter of John Barry, aged U *aos.

JOHNSON.—In Andover, Sepl. 11, Frank P. John- ton, ton ofSamu*! K. Jutaoaon, aged I» years.

GOLDSMITH.— At Onlnewvill*. Florida, August 'Juiii, Jarrl* Goldimltb, fomsrly of Andover, aged33 yrs.

STEVENS,—In North Andover, Sapt. 14. Hman Patera, wife of Horace N. Stevens, aged SS. Funeral service* on Monday, 18th, at half-past

two o'clock. Friend* are invited lo attend without further notice.

Republican State Convention. The Republican* of Massscliusetta an Invited

lo lend delegates to a State Convention, lo be held at MKCIIANKV HAI.L, In WOBCKSTEK.on WEDNESDAY, September S7th,*t 11 o'clock, A. M,, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the varlons State offlcn to be ailed at lb* November election. Each town and each ward of a diyl* entitled to one dtlegate; and also one additional delegate for every two hundred voice, and for every fraction a* large as one hundred, caat for General nraat In inch town or ward in iMW.

By order of the Republican State Committee, GKORGK B. LORING,Chalraan.

GRO, S. MEKItLL, Secretary. Botton, Aug. SB, 1B71.

REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. The Republican* of this city irr requested to

meet at CITY HALL,

Monday Evenling. Mt-pi. astli, at 8 O'clock, to choose fifteen Delegate* to attend the State Convention to be hold en at Worcester the 27th Imt., for the nomination of State Officers,

Also, to elect a City Committee for the year ensuing.

By order t.'lty Committee.

311 t* KM tlft 23 1I.A.WADSW0RTH, Secretary,


advise all persons to giveV'BEACH'8

WASHING SOAP" a trial and than

decide what soap la the cheapest and beat.

Fall Campaign of 1871.




s beg leave to call tbe attention or the pabllo to onr increulBf facilities for snpplylng our nna- tomer* with nil the Latest Styles and Designs to be found In the above named branches of bnslnrss nt the LOWEST POSSIBLE PKICES,

ay-Onr stock of Oarpotlnirs Is now complete, comprised of Xagllah and Americas productions, which wa offer at LESS than ruling prices. We call SPECIAL attention to this branch of onr bnilness.

DRY GOODS. We are now opening Now Goads* In

every department. Onr

Dress Goods and Shawl Departments

are receiving UmSL'iL attention. In short, we axa determined to make a SI-EI lat.TT of every department In onr store.

trWc shall open In a few days a large Invoice or choice Dres* Good*, Shawls, etc., from Flew York.


249 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence. September, 1871.

i«ply e shlsi relry. High towing. In Ibell lordly 1't-ide, The sturdy asks tlia galu drlj ; Though shriek log through their wide spre Tbe fUtlOUK bla*t would m.ike alarm. When enters In the Autumn gale*, li-i.i mil lb* "oietllaiing scales," September leads the Jocund trsln, Drllgbtad, In Its youthful relRo, To Hi,mil Us royal robe* around


Tii« Offle*r* and Member* of K. A, Straw, B. F. E.No. I, Methuen, Mass., wish to retnrn their most hearty thanks to the officer* and member* of Waah Ington S. V. E. No. I, Lawreno*, M***., for the

it performed by Ibem In connection with the renee Bras* Band, through their dly, on lbs

morn of onr departure for muster. To Geo. Alklns, Proprietor Fraokllo House, Portsmouth, N. H., for hla gentlemanly manner aud satisfactory eon ion I en clea which we received at his house during onr two l*y» visit in ittld city. And we will here note, should any of our friend* or acquaintance* aver do- ilro for llotol accommodation* nt Portsmouth, do not fall lo call on Mr. Atkins. Proprietor or Frank, tin House, wber* th*y will And all Ibe modem eon venlencles of a (Wit class Hotel at reasonable ratr.

i. 11. Mudge, SB State Street, Portamouth, we are under especial obligation* for attending lo n* the hospitality of bis home. Host assured, friend Mudge, that said hoiplultiy wa* gratefully appreel ated by Ihe Straw*. To the Engineer* and A**l* tantsof Portsmouth Firs Depart meat, and all frlenda that In any manner contributed for our pleasni w* extend our warmest thank*.

Km i> SrKAn, Clerk. 11. C. lliciiARnsoM, Foreman K. A. Straw M. F.

Ktlglnr.No. I.

THE TiiKi.t; SIEVF.S.—"Oh, mamma r* cried little lllanclio 1'hilpot, "I heart! inch a talo about Ktllth Howard ! I did nut think slio could l>c »o very naughty. One—"

"My deal,*1 interrupted Mrs. l'liilpot, "before, you oontioae, wo will see If your story will pass through the three sieves."

"What does that mean, mamma :"' In- nntrod Blanche,

"I will explain lU In the drat pince, is it true r"1

"I suppose so; I got ll from Miss White, and she is a great Friend of Edith."

"And dues she show her friendship by telling tales of her F In tho nextpUce, though you can provo it to bo tine, Is it kind ?"

"I (lid not muitii to be unkind, mam- ma, but I am afraid I watt. I ttbotild nut like Kdilh to speak of me an I have spoken of her."

"And Is it necessary P" "No, of course, mamma, there was no

Deed for ma to mention ll at all." "Then put a bridle on your tongue,

dear Blanche, and don't speak of it. If we cannot speak well of our frlenda , lei us not speak ol them at all."




O 3ST L~5T



H O D G M AN 'Si

229 EHCI Street.

Brin', TbroM md I.uni Il.H.r I**.

A. Sharpe & Co.

213 Essex Stroet, 313


We have marked all cur SiKiMKti DRKII

GOODS at neh

LOW PRICES as will insure their SfKKDT 8ALK,


Marked Down 25 and 50 per cent.

Commonwealth of Haaaaonuaett*.

KBBKX.M. PHOBATJC COUHT. Io tti*helr*«t-law,neitof km,and all other per-

•ons Interested In the estate of FBIBCIM.A It. (JOIt 1.188, late ol Hethuen,In said county, slof[l* wonts*, d*cea*ed, Greeting:

Where**,* oartaln Irinirumeiit,purporting to lie the litt will ami teatarneat of aald iirre***d, has been presented to aald Court, for probate, by Joseph How, who pray* that letter* of admlu irtration with the will annexed, msj be'

*»-We call BPKCIAI. ATTKNTION to ottr


the BR8T IN TIIK CITY Tor the prlM.-Our

One Dollar Black Kid Glove

Important Announcement 1


Hi" jast reciivrd fron New York laletl stvle*


Ribbons, Flowers, Feather*,&c,

Which lh»j or.r at


A I.ri. ...ortnrDt ol

H A. T S,


We Buy Direct from Importere.


Sell Cheaper than an; other place

in Lawrence.


No Trouble lo Show Gooela,


A fall line of

FANCY «008S, cn.iaieTiMQ ov


Collars & Cuiis, GLOVE*.

ftJ-Kid Glove, only S5 «nt...£9

Sm.ll Ware, ol ,-v.ri d.irrlplIon.

W. h.T. 111. ...orloirnt of

Jet and Plated Jewelry In Uwrenoe, aad


Oar Motto being


Kerne inner tbe flare,—

\V. It At; Kit & CO.,

1 e e K s S K X S T It E K T,

New Fall Goods At TUB



Second Door Iron. Post Office-


Baocessor* to


T. k li. b*f to Inform their customer* and Ihe tsablle leneeattv, that they are BOW prepared to •how a line of Fall Good* wlncli for Variety, Qaaatlty and (Jaalltf Is nnt snrpaased In Ihe ■ ity; white onr priciv will be found te be the Law-cat in ihr market.

Lyons and Irish Popllni, »1.A"» to $1.7.'> per yartl.

Black and Colored Silks, (full und boll lustre,) $1.'_»I3, il inches wide.

Colored Silks Tor Liolngs and Dresses in all colors nnd qualities.

Silk Velvets and Velveteens. Hepp and Terry Velvets for HultiDss.

Plaids, All Wool Poplins, Thlljuts, Serge Clntbs In plaids and stripes, and a fall line of Black Alpacas from Sie. to the highest number made.

Flannels, Cotton Flannels, Blankets In 10-4, 11-4. and nlso Crib

Blankets at ? 1 .'.'■' a pair. Cottoss, Linen*, Toweling*, Cra*hei, Diaper*,

Ticking*, Dinlms, and

General House Furnishing Goods


Boston Wholesale Prices.

Best Prints at 10c, good and fast rolora.

A largo variety of Hamburg Trimmlnjjs and Insertions, cheap.

Bub Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Lares, Handkerchiefs. Linings, Hosiery,

Gloves, Corsets, Real and Imitation 1 Jtce Collars in endless variety.

flood Black Kids $1.00 a pair.

e o o s H .A.-W x, s, for KAIX we*r,Ntw and Desirable Styles, will he

■old at a (iftn Bara;alii.

Trade price •.'..iO, will be sold fur 11.00 and *i.ri(».

nt MI- MI'.I- i: Till", \nnai-■• :

NO. 230 ESSEX 8TBEET, Second door from Tost Ofllce.

TAYLOR & BOLTON, Suocetfor* to


Ici on parlo Francais.

blrn, Hi* therein named In aald will lia

Court, to _ Ibe Kh 'clock in tli*> forn

e holden at Salem. In *ald county, t Tuesday of October neat, at nine le forenoon, lo (how cause, If any you

have, Bfainrt the same, And ssld Joseph (low le hereby directed to

Sve public notice thereof, by publlihlag tin* ci- tlou once a nat-fc three sucecssivo week*, la

the newspapefaVHd the Lawrence American and Andover AdverlUer, printed at Lawreaer, Ibe last publication to be two days at least belore said Court.

Wllti.m, (icoi^'i: K, t ltoatc,K*<iulrr, Judae ot said Court, Ibis twelfth day ol September, la INc

JS NG RAVING. .IOIIN 11. WKI1H, Kojraveror lioor and Num-

ber Plates, Nane I'lates for Carriage* and Machinery; Badges of every design, made or OoH and Sllvtr; Die*, Seals, Key Tags, and Stencil Plates made to order. Corner of Common and Amesbury Htrrtotn, LAWHKKV*;,

N. 11 -All kind* of .IKWKI.RY neatly marked and repaired, 11" l*ep)2

MISS LIZZIE K. HAKItlMAN Is prepared lo give

Private Lessons io Vocal Music, and will vikit I.awrenoe on Wednesday* *nd Katnritay* for lhat purpote. Order* received at KI.1.IS at SNOW'S. Terms made known upon application. Satisfactory rrfar*nee given.

Lawrence, Sept, Hi 1871. laalt I

Commonwealth Of Maaaachuaoti*.

BSBKK.M. FBOBATE COURT. Tolbc heir* at law, and other* In termed In tho

••tateof BtaumK MOBHKI.L, late of I^wrenoe, In aald county. d**«*M*d, Hreetlng :

Wbereas, Mary Horrell, admlnlslralrla of the estate of aald deeenaad, baa presented to said Court her petition for license io sell *o much of Ihe real estate of *ald ileoea.rd *• will raise the ■urn of thirteen hundred seventy-three dollar* and ■eventy-eleht cent*, for the ii*ymenl of debl* and charge* of admlsjttratlon;

You are hereby tiled to appear at a Probate Court to be lioldcn at LAWrenrc.ln ssld county, em tue Sreond Tuesday of Noveanbrr ulna o'clock In the forenoon, lo *how c*a*e, II say joo have, axalnat lb* aatne.

And said Petitioner I* ordered lo serve ihl* cllstlon by publlehlnf the *a*av once a *eek, three week* successively. In the Lawrence Amer- ican and Andover Adverllirr. a nrw.paper print- f d at Ijwretice, liie l*it )>ublli ilmn lo be (wo days at Irast before said Couil.

Witness, GKOKOK V.CIIOATK, Kniuire, Jndge ofiald Coal I, tbl* twelfth day of Hept ember, In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy- one, sepltt A, f. ijoODKLL, Heglster.

To Koad Builders. Healed 1'roposa]* will be received until on*.

,>', toes, T. M..OH the'JM .l.y >■■ BepUs»b*r, 1171, for liulldlng a BOAO lo Uetbusn (on Clover Hill, •o called.) Mali! mil l> .tout -*> fret In Isnglh. Speeltlcallon* nay b* (iimlned upon application lo D. IIKKCK, Chalrmm ol Udeotmen of Ut- ihum, to whom all propox>lt ure lu L* directed.

'I he tight to reject any and all bid* I* rexervrd. H, fli.m'K. ) geleetmea j.C.WKHHTKK,? of E.P. BAMUBNT,) Hathann,

ileltiuen.Sept.B, 1*71. I »" !•>■

STORE SHADES Hade to order, ,'iad put up at eh*, test notice.

The Salem Shade Hollar ha* been adjusted 1 State Shades. It I* full* euual to the Bray, fu one-half tbe money. WII1TKOH I) ft EICK.


F. V. Ill 1TKHS dr CO.,

Are now prepared to abow the Host Klegant

Stock of DRY GOODS ever offered In city, and at Ihe »ft>it Popular Price*,

OnrDratft Goods Department it**>di ■nrlrallcd, and we Invite especial attention to

our new and beautiful display of SUITINGS

for the season,

Onr Silk Department Is »1W wllh KHll Uoods, Inolndlnf the new Sodftn and Brus-

sels; also, Japanese la plain, stripe*,

checks, and figured, and Black Silk* In every

grad* and quality, and at prfrrs that dtfy


CASHMERE SHAWLS, s New fl throughout.

Woolen ShawlS '" every eolor and style lo be found In any market,

«*yWe are /«;ir>. frit' Agents for tlie ialr of tbe

JOSEPH KID CLOVE >■ ibis parlor the state, thereby enabling; ua to offer them at M7

oeat* per pair. Rvcry one buy* them.

Onr Black Kid Is the BKSTIo the markit,

and always give* sutlsfkctlon.

.lust received two oaaeu more of tho** Lowell

Hosiery, aad will be *old at 101-1 cents a pair,

COTTONS A hill line from 3 I lo 10-4, in.

eluding many brand* nerer heretofore kept In

thu city,

SWl.AIUKS will plea*e remember that every Department of our store lg tilled wllh New and

Fresh Goods, nnd we CAM and win. U.I Kit


before making their purchases.

335 Essex street, Lawrence.


Oeaawasww/aatlli *>r Sfa**ae*iat*tt*.

KB*RX, aa. PBOBATK COUBT. To the heirs-at-law. next of kin, and all Other per-

sons Inlerestrd In Ihe estate of JOHN BUSS, late of Methuen, In said county,

the Isst will and tesUment of said deceased, has beeu presented lo said Coort for Probate, by Abby S. Buss, who prays lhat letter* u*t*- maatary may be Issued lo her, tbe executrix therein named,

You are hereby riled lo appear at a Probate Court, to be held al Halem, in aald county el K**ex. on the Kltit Tussdsy of October next, at nine o'clock belore noon, to allow cause,II any you have, against Ihe same.

And ssld AbbyS. HUBS IS hereby directed to five public nollce lliereof, by publishing this etlatloaoneca week,1orlhree*uccea*lve weeks, la the newspaper cnlli d the Lawrence American sod Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, Ibe last publlcsllou lo be two days al least before ■aid Court.

Witness, George V. I lioale, Kmjulre Judg* ot •aidCourt.Ihl* twelfth day of September,In Ibe year elulitern hundred and seventy-one.

sepls A,I. HiM.I,, Beglster.

r'alntr Besjamln t'oolidgr. Notice is liertbyvtven thai the subsoriber has

been duly B|>polnled executorol the will or Benjamin Coolldge

l*t*of'Lawrence, in the county ol IC**ex,civil en- glnaer.deeea.ed, testate, and liss taken upon him •air that trust by giving bond*,** the law directs. All perrons having demand* upon Ihe eatateof aald 4*Me*ed are renulrrd to exhibit tbe ssme: aud ail persom Indebted to *ald e*ule are called u|nm U»*n«ke payment to

BALDWIN OUOLIDOS, Kxec'r. Lawrence, Sepi. vi, 1S7I, *is

4**35 A MONTIt- Kapen.e. paid-stale or Ke- •"•'•maJe AM - Ae3druMgA(..N.

, aaeipal i Aurnts-Ilors* and outfit furnUtied

r Co., Haeo, ate. Iwagl







Dry Goods Store, 333 ESBCX St., Lawrence.

DRESfl GOODS. IU* deparltuenl we shall make a special

effort to please the coming seaaan. Our stock oomprl*** all grades In Black Alpacas and Brit- llantlnes, all shades la Colated Aloicas, Umpre** (loth*, Thibet*, Poplins, etc , etc. We are re- ceiving each week NEW HOTBLTlKS from New York and Boston.

[L7~A special barfain hi ninrk Klllts at *'.'..">o raid,

SHAWLS. e II, .t and Ne*le*t a**ortiui-nl of slyle* In

jleu Hhawl* ever *een In Lawrence. All New and Desirable Pattens. Prices VKBY LOW.

Also, a uplendld assortment Cailimere Shawls.

BLANKETS. SIOO pair* Blanket*, bought before tbe n.e on

this class of goods; selling at LrlMs Til AN THK WllOLKHALK PHICJC to-d*y.


WOOLENS. Cloth* for Men'* and Boys' wear selling VKBY


Good Print* Is Dark Styk*. for the Fall trade, H oent*> yard. Warranted i **i oolor* ana perfect good*. Alto, large lot of 1'rlnt Remnants.

COTTONS. We still contlnne to sell Cottons ttt

Old Trices!

COTTON BAITING. for :; (or r N of a pom.

- th* Atlai.llr Mill* 11.t- tl»»[," each roll warranted a full pound, for io mm*.


(lonit qanlity KIIIH 7* cents pnlr.


No. 023 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Kids. Kids. Kids.

Me-smriu J. <iHKKNWOOn A- CO.

Would reepecttully eull Ihe attention of the Ladle* of Lawrenoe and vicinity to their

Very Large Assortiaeal of

KID GLOVES, la Black and Colon, ve different quallllea In each, with full line ol site*, lu addition, also, BRy doieu Opuras, all Shade* and Tint*; thirty doien WHITE, all numbers,

aa-Keep constantly on band first quality Tre- rwsaana. Large line ol Mine*', In colors, adapted for thl* season,at Wstsjt* perpalr. Ourttoek I* KKPLKIK.

Ladle* wlahlng to purchase

HAMBURG EDGINGS, Will And oar superb line unequalled In quality, variety, or price. All width*.—In


we have the Beal and Imitation Malta Laces, fringe*, Ulmp*. Button*, etc—Our *tock of

MILLINERT I* much enlarged this sea*on, and well worth the Inspection of any Lady desiring a HE A VTIFVL RONNMTorNOBBY RAT. Everything desir- able and cheap.- AU tho** looking for general

Dry and Fancy Goods, will Snd our CJ/i-nurr line In keeping with Ihe time*, ind at price* that will warrant aa Imme- diate sale, defying an; and all competition,

**T-Glvc n-> a call at the old ramltlnr Stand.


No. 177, Cor. Essex & Jackson St*.,



C. 1). ARMSTRONG & CO. Are opening a full line of

Cottons, Flannels, Prints, Woolen Cloths for Men's & Boys' wear,

YARNS, «c,

Which we offer at VERY lull MUCH for a few days,

Prints, fast colors and Xcw Styles, for s ft'iits por yard.

Heavy 4t>-inch Sheellng, I-' |*9o.

Bleached Sheeting, 12 l-'Jc.

Hamburg Edgings, Lace Edgings, A (nil line of Small Ware*,


All at the !,owf-1 Pricei.

We have just opinrd a ut« invoice ol UUOIIi

"Rising Sun" brand

Black Alpacas and BriHianfines,


Cotton Batting, 30 CENT*.


28fl E.wi St., Uwreiicc.

Paper Hangings, Fall 11,1... Lar.e stork.

Do you want to get Pull Weight- not I* or 14 ox. for a pound ? Cot ■SAOh"* WASHINC SOAP, It la a

•uporlor soap, full wolgnt. Orooora aon It.

KINDERGARTEN. alms l.l.jfooas will reopen her Kindergarten

Cbua, at tho AKMtlRV of the Itonaey Llgnt llaitery, on llaverhlll Street, oa TL'KSDAY, the lUlh Wf September, at a (]inrter before H1MB,

Those who msy desire to sead Children, can Bildre** Miaa I. 8. MOOBK,

It^agU American Uflloe, lawrenoe.


Superintendent of Cemetery. Residence 26 Morton Street,


AGENTS WANTED. Wai-ted, I hi My rivr rn< rer-ili- *oui>« nsn, to act

as Iravellua; Agenl* for tlie NSW WHIRLS It A WILSONS SIWlBo INsA^Wfall ID Heitern feonsylvauia and Kaitero Ohio-

■ In with u ind outfit

hive traveling eaaense* We*t reloaded. Hood reference* required In all eases, Addres*



Oo lo SNELL'S for them.

If you wl*h for good

SHIRTING FLANNELS At Low rrloc*, yon can And them at

No. 313 Essex street.

Hew Styles for Shawls; Klegant piltern*Jim received. Call aad axaaulaw

the quality and price*.


We call especial not Ice to our

Waterproof Cloakings

la Block*, Brown*, aad Fancy Colors.

WOOLENS for Men,a& Bo*«' wear.

All kinds of Tailors' Trimmings.

it you want a


S. F. SNELL'S, 3IS EBICX .treet, Lawrence.


We have Removed to onr New Store,

No. 143 Essex street, (Four ilrn.p; lu'I, >v, onr oM attiml,)

Aad have Just opened the

Largest Stock OP

Fancy Goods To be famul In tlie city.




No. 143 Euex Street, Lawrence.

Formerly No. 161.

To Let, Store No. 145 Essex streot.




Drain Pipe Oo. W. A. KIMBALL *V CO.


Wholesale at Manufacturers' Prices.

WRINGING MACHINES so arranged that aay one la a aaoaiont ean decide wliloli Is ibe best. All kinds uf Maohlurs repaired at tlie II aril stare Store of

W. A. KIMBALL dr CO., 217 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence





Comfr Coutt nnd Hanover Sts.,

ftwi tatrtj

LOST. Ill l.swrenre, or beiweea there and atethusn, _

lady's Oold IlltKAriT I'lN Inlaid wllh hair, and the name of " Hol.l.iR ■ ea|rae*a on tbe bach ~' the pin. Whoever rinds tlie same, and will lei it at Ihe AHKKIt AN OFHCK, I*wrrnee, With Mr. Kll.VKK. al the Hone Railroad I'epol la Methuen, aball be saltably rewarded, 1P ■!

To Let. The BI»X llOIIK In Lawrence,

Ha**„ ha* been thoroughly repaired, aad la now to let. A rare ehaac* for

_ec eatarprlalag aaan, The house oon- roons. 1'J room* a*ore, If desired, can be

io th* boase, Tbe sltaalloa Is Ibe best In y for the aeeOMasodatlon of lb* training

Apply on the prenlsei to 11. P, LINN.

race, Ant. IB, 1ST!. InsfiglS

He Acheowleslfe ffo Buperlera In tbe Maanfaotnre of

BX.AJSTB: BOOKS. sW-Try us, mitead of baying of peddler*, wb

Itirarlsbly use poor itock. WnlTFORD ft RICIC.

Cheap Farms I Free Homes 11 OK TIIK LIRE OF THS


lii.OOO.OOO ACRES or itie.

Beit FarmltiK and Mineral Laind* In America.

3,000.(MM) ACHES nt Choke Farming ft Uraa lag Laad* on the line of the road, In th*

Sfflft qf AVorosid, in the ifrrat Plattr. Valley, Bow INK BAI.B, for cash or long credit.

The** lands are In a mild and healthy climate,

I'rh'ra rnngine from fX to ft II) per Acre.

HOMESTEADS FOFACTUAL SETTLERS. 2,600,000 Acre* of Uovenunent Land between Omaha and North 1'latle, open for antry ** liu wi • HTIfADR IIKt.T.


Free llomr*tea»t of ISO Acre*, w iti-iii Railroad limit*, eqoal lo a

DIHKOT BOUNTY of «400. Bead for tbe new edition of d**crlptl** pamph-

let, wllh new msps, mailed free everywhere. Address O. r. DAVIB.

Land Coromlisloner U. P. H. R. Co. SsallawlsepS OMAHA, Mas.

I. x. Y. u. M. p. T. Consult your Interest, and bny the

Salem Shade Roller for 50 ctt. Warranted lo glee entire satisfaction. Hoe

lay thai will not brea _ _ WlllTKOKIi ft KICK.

A. W. 3TEARN8 & CO. Are opening Kaw aad Most FopaUl Styk. of


•eleoted wit h muoh oar* la th* Boston, Hew ■ oik, aad rblladelpaia atarketa, asm will offer them at Very Lam frier*.

N. •J.-PUaa* riimls. befbrw yon p«roha*e.


Hare opened a fall Una of the BUT Make aad yaality of Black ttUks, which *»«ey lady, who ha* a yard or more to paraaaae, ahoald be ear* to oallaadseeberorepartiBgwIihaaravoney.

New aud Handsome (arpf ts.

**r We ha.e reeelTw), direct from the Hill* aad Agent*, Choice aad Vary Elegaat raltern* of < is r p« t ss for thl* Autumn tale*, which wo are wllllai to sell at a ■



Arc opealng a Large as sort men t ol

All Wool and CoUam * Weal Flan net*. Rlaaknt*.

and other romforlabl* »'all Ooodi at Low Frleea.

II Wrl spring tbst will not break or

get oat of order.

WHITrURD A RICE. Poeket Book*, BUI Book*, LalUr Book*, la

eeery rarlrly, MS KM*a street,

Tailoring Department.

Fine Goods and Stylish Work. A. W. STEARtll «fc OO.

are opening Fine Herman, Freach, Wast ml Ung- Uad and Amerleaa Cloth* aud Suit lag*, and have a competent Artist Tailor,oa*whoI* VAPABI.*: and DKbKKVINU ol a LIBERAL TATROB. AGE; and wn would PARTICULASLrimriU the Vonng Hen, the Islddle Aged Men, and Old Hen lo examine oar Work aad Frieu. Work and Trimming* warraated to be of the rVp But, aad a PERFECT PIT and latUfactloa guaranteed la all caici,

A. W. 8TKABN9 ft CO,

A. W. STEARNS ft CO. nave la Store a full line or .11 the Beat Makes ot Bleached and Browa COTTONS for Family or other a**, la width* running from 17 to DO Inches wide, and will be told by Ut* ptee* or yard at tbe lowest quotation*, wholesale or ratal).



Lfatltn and Originator* of Style* aad Agent* for

Hiiltt-rii-k'* I'nlteru-,

Bettetlck*a CBLBBRATED PaMtetes.

Bnllerirk*a I'mtrra*,

Ballerick's CELEBRATED Petterea.

Metropolitan and Quarterly Report In adeaaee.

Autumn Fashions. aarLadlei1 and Ml****' Department for Dress

Making, 8sIt* and Garment*, la prepared to do all kind* of Family or othar Bowing atpopalar IrOas Priet*.



H-IKAI'.S'.' for the last rouit TKABJ, ha* opened

Room* at

3S1 Easei street, l.awrenre.

where he will be glad to meet hi* friend* and


OrPattlculnr attention palil to BOYS' Clotiiltiff.

Re pairing neatly done.

▼mylS IdOl Kssea Hi reel, Lawrence.


The ('ln'ii !»■;;! and Best I'lare to Buy

Paper Hangings AMD




New Good, in Eyerj Variety,

«ml..|,H At lta. V.r. I.ow.ll I'rlc...


The public, aad ttprttaUf those Interetled In Ornamental Carpenter Work, are Invited to •samlae this new Inreatioa by wbleh ■ gig *aw 1* made lo travel through autlonary board* or pleats In aay desired direction, ratting oat shape* at th* pleamire of the operator.

It ean be seen at the Mteam Haw Mill of I.. 1> ■AKOtMT.

Msy street. Tower Hill,

WINDOW SHADES. Jast rreelrcd IN pair*. Bow Htyles, We

ealculsle to keep as large an aasortmeat of thsse Unod* ss can he found In Ksaei Connty,




At tlii' Carpet Manufactory, No. A North Pine atreet, Lftwreace.


■el(Cl**l Wllh ear* far Family ma.

Extra lire* No. t for »2.0o per kit. Bach *• sold for #t*ila*tya*r. At

C. P. WICCIN'S PISH MARKET, tlf :iw*gl« 3*S Caaaaaen Street.

Wanted. A SITUATION by a yoang ataa. Has worked

ilx year* la a groeary (tor*, Would drlr* learn, >r workalsaythlog, Oood rahreao*. Addraaa

llVsl C. T„ A NIIII AS Oaaae,

BEACH HOUSES For Sale or to Rent.

Foar Hoases on Ballsbnry Beach, lor *ale, or

will bt rented for aay length of time. Contain

oooapltte cooking and labl* oatSt with each host**,


Dealer. Mill Street, Uwreaee, or FRANKLIN

RICHAKD80R, BalKbnry Beach. tfagll

LAWBENCK POTTERY. The nnasrslgned ha* purehasad th* Mock and

tools of the atHiv* onnocrn, and will continue the wianiifartBre of



EARTHEN WAEE Order* *ollolled. (.oodifellTSrad


Special »ottrr». ■ t- tn

lurru hr dl*--

1 hr CM«-« and s. are. "I C««"Mnpil«. Th* prlsaary eao*e or Caoauinpflon ii derange-

ii of the .lit'- -lite organ*. Tbla *■ finif n i ami a'.lmllalHin. II)

• ••lmilail»« I meautu.ii ptoe*.* by which the ■■■ irlmrbl of the food I* concerted Into b ood.nnd thauoe Into ihe solit* ul the body. Person* with .(<,-.<. Ion that impaired, havleg [ha .light,*! pre- dlsooeltlon to pulmonary diai-as*. or il ibey IBIS

"--la I* have MNSfHH •" • forma; and I bold ibal It

eld, will b Ibe Lang* In ion will *e ImnoMib inn 8r.

Ml. TH* W r IN,-.I'.1.1 • Bn<l -IMB

111 I lll.y I

pin ><1 diffitlo* BBd M drat thing tube

ilfir Adi'rrUsrraruts.

the New lii.inletteiai I



AKKK^Th * rKkVKNTa COM AitloN. L'*e*l In private, dwellings, hotel*, rueiaBiant*,

puUliorhoul. ho*plial-, ln*ane aeylBra*. dl-pen- ■ ■■ .ph.—

Ihr d-B I and morbid film- ihat I. g < and decay In th- wti..h-*y*i.-iu. 'It.ey wl oat the liver of all .i|«. a.rd bl <■ mat has a; l*n d iheee, .nd m ou— « up to B M w aad 1

Kir..".'! rjt.■*..(>

• III.' IIT -1 '«»". '»' w id, heart, appetite and oreytf IK*


At f|l>

soh.-u.k'e Bi'aierlyr t lhi-*J

• Ion and then d to il

. Tli,. ,im».

'!"< I

MMIMi Bud tlirn a- . eapel all Iht • nwllT'ii rue capccniraiiao. whei I1 ihr grr* healing ami pu.l -» of BehaBea'* Pulmoulo Hyrup

a ud cavil lei are healed op sound »ti-i rm i> ii I rsr I. eared.

■|n.- rll Mill thluf to be dene IB i aamptlun I* lo HI Dp a food appetite --- <iifi-mi»B. M> that tb* body wi.i grow In a' ■■' and p i ilruug It a prraon h <• diaeoi-d lungr " ""

■.in I i-..>,■

t.lka mutter . = 11*■ ■ - rlpa-u, I low par. Whall< uiTM iit •M"«",» food app* body lo gTJW In fl •' i I

. . tvlly lanrot I. Ion,; a» tb- ayati

aoTI rruaiii hcl'li nn, mi.1 oi.l, to anta ■ on Ii very ball, it tl lUUg*


r«, .i.

A*pr. I, for *

• 1,1:1. ,. i. ml lottnyt-u, and ifti . ...„i.ia, typhoid lever, .lilpfever. -a

L*U«, -ruin lever, ,..,,..I. -, 'IM i-if "I" uUIUi*.". ■iu. i'ripuri'd UB.y i.y IILUKH * CO., I Mi William tl., N. V

hold hy all druddi.ta. ^^^

.I.IIN'. I Huh , <III >.|i minr lib. Kn.

K.M.. frualdt-Bt

8ook Age.its, Bankers, Merchants I

t ,t.ld. furfti.M).-

E. II. .-Ml I II It CO . I'ublla I>■ 111■ i . Mirblfan.


The CONGRESS AECTIC. . Th« BEST wltilrr UVEBfiHOK ! " KO BPCKLE8 lo break 1

' -NOTBOlllLEtopulon! * Kemt,fi«Bteel,Stjniat


Much in bilJl -llif Bl»lml)t-[.

BuckjtJiniitoii -i Imti"" pannier.

Blue tliliiii- -xuttluy uttf » bfce.

l»i'-i't'ini€ GaniL'.—A Minx '■*' t">y-

Pasted to »Thin! li'wliii/.-l^v.- i«-t- teri.

TbaBeat Time tu rut rom.-wiwn Ii feetlM.

Not .1 f*vtirlte cumiiitr re-ort with •otwoMMft—Long Itruiu h.

Jotb Billlnjr.8 hui ••n«T«hewd of tlie «am« rnnn hMikdrfn/ f"r i-tmi" '"Ifil crow £ times*,"

A new-'puper idverllwiueol full* fur A

plain emit, tthu- tu drew n Unit- hoy flv< years old.

An Itiacrlpiion upon a church-boll In UtlMfRUkoe, rwads: ■ la un niury oi Minn e .(. Hodifflii, weight. "21 pound*.

A fnwl comin Iriini: Why do c'lhW-n* iniir no lumre txl«'«"»i r Bevauw iht-y n»vrj their D«ck< l»lrled In this.

Do want of (oul ami a llin.«Mnif have ihe «aine *fT<ret Upon bn-r-Yed, dc- eldediy, for Doth nuke the holler

Teaelier— ■'Oorty. yon were a veiy food iiirln>-d«y," Qerty—"Yn, iiia'aiii; I eouluVl help heinif KOJII—I had a sllll

The Oiljlnal IIOWR

Family Sewing Machines,


vluc mruiu; and vail Utah eaa'a a ap^Hali}

,31b Mam bt„ liartlurd.Coiit

ntlnly «OBP, I-


tlty Irri In Hit'

._.., pi-r-oui. L-UTCII «1th only on llf« and ipjiiy lltr lo a uood oli •*.

in out the r-IUUllHll .". n<fliru II. (el u|i a aooddlli'i

lion, and Kl cli-^r the ayMi'm t.i an TUT niprn,.- un, .. lona*, «& itever thi< form may b>-.

Ii U iiu.iortaLt iluil. "hi1- u-lu* richi'u.-k leluea, ri'.' rhould \>". ttirclm-d not keep ID d.i.T* lo eoul and damp Ulirbt I.I .1

I a

like cold btr; av.df

II.1 iBko out door nerclie "nly In a lie

dl-ilnpily undrralood that when : to be c

cold ivul'.- urloa my mrdiclnt-a. 1 d< lal rcaBoo. A man who baa bat p«n frniu the effecti of a bad e Id h far arclapee tuan on^ mtu ha* been r •nd It u> prerl-rly the *aaie ID frK*r tlou. Mo lonj! *- the luim* are hraird, Just -o mui; la ihei» laimln' full r.turn uf ttm .Ii- Ha*. Hcuce

ion pulmonary pa

akin | •olor a IBM aiyn«o>«r«a nore liable'o ulrely cured, to eoo.ump

aot penally

«>?al lum(*a

■bait ■ Mil > ma- It, a. ..!.. - to tua blUuK > of »|.ri!i< or -ill. I.I. .I from


;.tv .. U ■

Irlne* r^n 1.1,1 iii-i- .-..i sully do. I

I tne paileni or rap irroi ibeahllliDu w It rh ul'I be carv. tig li.Qiirnce*. lln iwt-rilnibu panic

I by HUH Ul

■1. II SwIlK.N lt .11. V

I. u ir.nvt IN IU

-ft 1 « . *«• iea I ti ii ! t — 1 hu an-

llr.nj l-udii , bi-*n mauae,

hen mi He from lit i.l.'.S

VI t,N IU'A.1 al 1 la * 1 OUinl

l- ihi iu- 1 Ha- ri loU- * ■. etaMe

II.. KIIIK "I M I. i... .II S,l lef J and r.irrdi.l'a aTJVrrva

SpHiim lh<

HffeireiFtnt StttnrT Aptrir* ne. batten altoatii K ii- «ondeif<

unlc Ap' i II r.t and "i.i- i(n i'i i- ■. .**n i Irom ivery Miiirce The quc ll..u hash eu -r id whether nrtluclallv iinuir-.i. d wateii> rrny DI ■ eiintl to thi»e which bur.i ipaik li>« from ih irtliit.eli. Theycan; and the r>Mia>r Aperleii hen undoubti'illy pure nud gi-nulne, prove* til

There ut a chap out W«i o red that when he +»- > • ijfht he )i ink-'ii lor nil ■i e,k» bruin luorow.

■•Now. J ihn, * k U.l .nod boy, hi) r - ton &> t

with hi* ut before


yon ■' I '

. I Ii-

All the Attachments and Modern


| Cabinet Making.

239 Essex Street, Lawrence, Ul' STAIRS,


P. BARNARD I ifiiii of I »« f- a'v foot

Furniture to Order.

i i\ i-k. <l hiiu ' vi-r -i, IIIIIIIJ ihin-

i E i-'ern piper, having


i upon .'

-ily a-kt I T

hleli tu leal lid

HOI from ''What 1 km

fart. Its .

flOLU Bl ALL l»«l uDUTH,

I ill l HAt'HAN's CHOI.k.UA BYKlir I ' Uyienlery, " ilalot* of L'liil Ptvp

T\l J II

llli.rrli.i-hia at.d cummer Torn OKU. MuuKK

Palli, N.«. Hold by all druwlite

I>K PAPttH MARK. - Kanaota) ti r of thi. day. Hounetiuld article* m*U<

Dmppir, Durable ami ehrnp. I'.u ■. PI.IU |. m- a-h bo«l»,*lop lar-, He. Smd for circular. JaSHINOB UHI'K, Slmuf'ra, IM I'taM M„ N. It

|IM.H\" Cl MK <■> |.l.|.M..l Hn.i-I . . -luniimr i i.mplalut* ,.*r.,lbi Julia

i..Ik i LI

l.i.l , Mi Lil

H. HENDERSON'S Faun y Liqu r Cases.

I.I l'«l. H It. Kyi- M hi.Mr

I 1,.. 111,1 .-,. uarani*-.ti I'ure un I •

PltH 1. -■ \ Mint by Ka|Mta-U «

II Ufc.SliKliHu.-4,

, Holland (Hi.- v ul.■ Pal. 1. . . , 1. | (Mil H linn

the very nroi i ■ , ..i. . . • K IHtl.!.%•.- .D.,or l'(i.tlllB.eordrr li llroad il.,.N.w Vuik.

Agents 1 . i tVll.l. I'AV A » t'lO ''» '< M *■ low a larifi cmuml

Bead Tnisl iBH'lb A HALAltV U KK and H i|"'imi •- i moii to --'-il our aew an An.lri * .11. WAU

a;iu. UK HILL PAY *30.

■piy lor i i.,Ja«a*<i

eacerd twi nty dollat

of which lli|iior*, v It m.duea my opl


1 and letratt (lit laid ll.i.Ki II, and lor ina r. why

ipear before mr,i

I tlir HUI .I.IV . ■ii., nd ehilit Imi r to Id.' e.itnplaii

any ,oi I lli|uor-,iniit ihe vi**>el*romalnliii nut tw torfited lor In luat kept fn null l.emoir ID Tiolallou of the law

t M."IL

I'le by aald or till* Conn..

"if.,. --. my hand and i 'i'l. .I.y uf Alien...-, in t rUhl hundred and aevruty on-.

Wll.l.l VMM. li'lUI It*, Trlnl .lll.lln A Iroerrppy-Atle*', UKI.Via IlKAI..


A Paper for Uio People, devoted to L ernture, Graernl Inlorniatiun, m the Gn*nt Qni'illons of the day.

Dur Hnncrb Lithograph, W x 24, ol "It A I'll A EL'S CHER I n,"

l'r.*<-nted tu each mbaeribrr. Teim-t only GO eenta per auuuin. Saw la the time lo *uhaerlbe.and aecurr tl

i.-i -HI..!;!■ of the :,. .i .'.-..ii . '■ Ann*, or Hi.- Hf D.IUfhl<r," It ,11.1:11.-.I I Hllrlnni.flilivMl l-onl-e l,i.lH»b.e*lirte»ly lor the -t'hnub." Tl Taper Bud I'lCture may be obtained ut New* Dei era,and of mo-l country f ,,,■,; I ■'-,.-r-l Apolh.e rli»; "i hy undipn iu rent* to the [■(-■■■

A Million Dollars. ■osrvl ul tbi-buiiui

i ZUHA4 09H llrvauw*-) .

i'H£ wwKE.'rajjirasa'i* it.Lti/H/e IT ^e'/./reafi-nilfem Ih.auiboi

i.yaioiauiil'ib.'l'KAMt>"Dv' HKIHUAL IN-il'l • I, I'fc.l Kulnuah. .it , Hu-ton Hail.

J. i. tin HI * in., Edilaraaad i'i i" ■« * :*p:M Wi WnohliiKton (tre.t, Ihmton, Uiv.

Caaaawrra want id In Faery town audaonety.

livnoi or l --. AS . I ASSK.*M:H,

Ho. 230 Csiex Street, Lawrence

All Penan* diitnf b«»laeaa Itahhi to BPtCUl TAX, aod who hat. nut already aipllrd, ar

reqaeite.l to call forthwith, and thereby pan

thrmnelve* future eapenae and trouble.

nrrica Or DM, from IU 11 A. it to U 1 ■■; V

t«M day ear ■Id Saturday and Sunday.

DKHKl 0, ItUKH. 1 . H, AI-'I-I in Aaaaaaor.

Hi ri<l. In 1. i I

Ail ■•fOltle. u - c.iniimny Divided I i * I'IPII. i llnliteia.

PBSIBBRTOrl Mutual Fire Insurance Co.


No. 339 Fabex Street.

XO LET, Essex Hall.

(UVLK POST OFVIUK,) ue«iliiy, I udiii Al Mitiinhiy KveniiiK-.

liKiutreof llali ' .ii.ii-.lif-. . J. tl. kUIKUAlt, I Tremout Stnet.ot villl hi. BOLT, Jmltoi t Court Home. n* fem


\ Double Light of Ground Glass.




nil. i.M'i,n llui MIIUH-II from BlBU< Block to

171 Raaei al.. (over Dr.Kldder*aOMee]

• here, ID ronueothm with Sir. UAUUB, he ba< .Sluillu.all rrptelr wit)

The lateet exira1

,bout Frtr.nliu": C'neh y»ur 6iilie.llii ate In An/uai- Select tne dorp tullu me* If loll Would K« X""1') "weet, nal ih: butler.

Mr-t. I'dllenco (.Veil ilck ofCraii Lak .1 one hundred years of u^e uuJ a H«V< ntlonary pentloner. Oho eata wlthoi he use of a|H*etavles, and nun bake biv-d ii four Inn ;tta (r\

A ■.-..!. v, i -N1,', ■ to make himself In-

t-r.■■■thix. ii-kcd, ''Mails, what do Jim uijipoae [ wai a hundnd jeara auo?' •Just what you are now, ii"th tig at all," jvai the prompt reply.

Homebody once a-ked Tom Corwln II ie had hoard a certain ntory oT I ■■ . ■ I) pjampbell'a. "Was it about lilm-eli?" hi- i-iired Mr.Coram. -No 1 believe not.1'

■■Well, then, I never heard it," eald Mr 'orwhi, gravely. Two lovers atood upon Hie ehnre ol

I isaaehuaetia II o. blddinjc a sad Ian- veil before Selh tons hlui.elf imuv. ■Til mirry you when I come back, my Bally Mm," >;iv* be; and Mien he tonk a lltlh uiiaek, and called nway to sea.

(■;'i;i pulillelini are Ketllnn; ns irl.,-.i (In worde) as nnmo of our Weal-

rn I-IHIII ■■■. One of I It em any s uf an op- t>uneiit: "Ho would he but un average io»r In «ny drove " That poliiiel.tii vroiea.1 bud alhiiifr a*ever wae 'penned '

A Palmer four*y«»r-«ld, who hud been old hy bl* mother "hat u pretty thing h 'mild he to huve hrmheis and el-ten- -keil lu til* in X' eVeiillid piajei'. ill t tin

mod l.u.d would kiivu him ' six y broili- ra nnil .i huuilfi d slater*,'1 'I'm- molhei huUjcht that was a-kiiij,- for too inm-h, oul did notaay Adieu.

A v K inui. lerotiadlnx mn% the ■olluwiiii Under the wro'ii; window,

■Xyde.r Caaora* My dear Caiiora—"

i.i-1 nt that potut mi old derated lier In i.d out the "lin'o-e Ii till -in ■%

h%\- been applied. It will hem. trl', tuck, braid

oord, blod, uuilt, lather,cte.,etc., etc.; InfBet.dg eiery variety of family aewlnu.

Theae Hachlnci hare been for year", and are

now, mode at our upaclout faetory Intherltyoi

>ew York, where la gathered together the ateit

and noil Improved machinery known In th* man-

ufacture of tewing machine*. They ar. made ot

the bell material), Bud the eaprr l-nce Of twenty

Hi'' y ear- la Ihi If iminuUcIure enable* Bl to KU»r

anlev Hrltclaaa work i auitilp.


simplicity of -

Hymmelry ol lurm, and bran-y of flnlah.

Hapidlty and etlllneaa In operai Ion.

K*»e wlih which It can be manaatd. Non-'lab>llly to nit.a ailtrhe«,h.vlnf a muveable which can be readllv ai'Juated rloae |.

ihuitte, when uilng elibt-r the nncatorcoi


A ..ii.'ii.'i and amaller neadl», In proportion to

i'if alie of ih thread, than with any othrr

I he i ooaSllirS alike on bolbildeiof ibe fabric.

I . ..i.-..i,n ot thiead.

titrongth and fl-mneiH with which (hu leami

ire drawn to. ether.

\'.i iinilu- i-, nillaCfa, rrKularlty, and beauty

•f ■ link.

A I'KIIHTABIJ IIIMtKSS. FALL OF 1H71 I'l'.IIUer.t.aet ire men or women.vo»na or old, i

tsgxssftsz&sg sztiZm*; N"v' F'i"h <""' s'M^ii The l,o»l iMwk'H In' Hie.ierpieee..Thr I > i, (| \f

trowiiini; H...U ot In. lit,. Ik W W M

Do you want a aupi trl*. Wardrobe, Hldehoard. Bedatead, Hureaa,

adlei' Heek. OSce Deak, Ofloelable or houae or olBee Karnltnre of anv kind, made of the beat Of leaaoned atoek with the beal workman*hl[) I

CALL ON BARNARD. Do you want your Parlor, Chamber, or Office


REPAIRED, and made ai good »• new I


Do yon want a aew


or j oar old one repaired I

CALL ON BARNARD. earSattifartlon gnaranteed In all oaaea. Ht

eoBBdeatly refer* to all who hate favored bin with their patronage,


239 Essex Street.

(Third atnrv. Old American Office.)

Henry Ward Betcber's Lira of


Smre twOMlaell IP.II/ Bolt tpftui hotil-4 art «• !■■ Tt...iv avoided lo •• ilnblr A|. lii'H. Term* Ubrral Appl> tl»,'lll'a.kl r.N.V, 1 ton, fetaaa.] or Ujauttai.

free i tiHrtbrtf Pro- »>.<I tr, Mf..r« vHi >■< 1. M enr'kf a, fi irti- In J H HII..1 * 1 llron.fleld HI., Boa Chicago, 111. at' ll

Warrens' Roofing.



j No. 375 Eseex street, Lawrence.

The l.argeal rilork In UBIBX Couoty of



No. ".'.".'' Essex Street. Lawrence, MASH.

Kor iiuarly JUtei with the workniL'a ol " War re rial." During tbli period 1 hav

private nae.amonu whlcb may I Free City lioaplul, and Cathedi '*"' city, and the Htate Houae, ~*

I have been • limning Mate- e UH.-II Ii npoD for public and .r included the al Bnlldli Concord

lug, In i N.H.

Among the public edlflcei, erected onder my inperrlaToa and covered with your material!, are the Inilltnte of Technology auo the new bnlldlng ol the NatnraJ lilat.iry Society. My enperlenee lor (arefM raari with Warrena' UooBn. ' roofa covered In a proper manner w>ih 1

■■•■iit copper.'' it ii

l, thai n a proper manner w'tb II are IB-

o nnythlna tnat I am oouvitiaiii wlih, ex- rot ra

'■i' i' I My to ihr wider t rargeof work, irw-

thc flueal and Maratat fabrlsa, and odig

■ I■ y v.i-11 the iin—t and esaraeaf, and all Int ■ i .i. !■■,.'!, ■ .r :l;:-..r,.!i.,i-.lM.-l Linen Thre*. ,


Raetl r'amlly Slachlre la fun Uhed alih a Item

mer, Keller, Braider. Qul tot, and Uaage, VI Nee-

rllcp.B'.oned.a ■> ' ' I Ne die Plate*, I Screw

Driver, 1 till Can,and prlDied Direction* furnalag

Maebinea sold OD Monthly Installmenta.

eT.S. Harrison. Agent



V 'UIIK m*n bain Toar dear V*a>

A a/jhoOlmaMer tel l - * inn

try vlllatfo. T >eaelon 1 had r.-umHtiK-, ant) uru | espied i

ihls the dune ttrlofflve. T

v ihara,

b. low li-re."

■ hu lolluwlnu ^ood hill IliHfjnlet coiiu- nil mornlnu tif ih>

lUI'V iy


Huguiltci I raphlc .\oveltli

: public lire i ivlted to eall. 1.1 h hi:, k IIAMDR.

Very lle-l Ihuiih l|n-ir Uu.-I. JUST BKAt'i*.

The Sacred Crown;

For I'IIIIIII to«eilirr With * of fc| try I Una worl. , a lug.' e»llrc*nni of four p*n aoagr,

■ mill II- for flinging Hebooli an,l Ma-

- and 1'ni.Hi' Hnrahin, f..o.|,l.l<- and I'.aciii-al ■*>.!■

n-irucll-n. willi.n 1 of four

lira! ■• nil .-

the ■ II. P.

n Author

II. W. i ., i. ■ . 't <nl»r New Knglll toil; 113.5 > per .1

a greater varUi, ,BR

nlrend/ "iird anil .[..cut term* | lera nueeimeii oopl j.-.'. i, i ..I (I UO.

!•■'.*-'.. lajiJW

M in b. in,,.] ,Hp-l paid, 01 I.Kfc n i* >Kt'AKM,

).:.:,.■■ Ii, .i, ii.

E. A. ARCHIBALD, llannfacturer Of

j&8t Iron Hubbed Wheels, By hi" Patent Press Process.

ktle. nnil ItiiiitiiiiK 1'iirl* lor I euro nnpon**

Ml Kvery Deacrlpllon, ii t nit r, N , M A H a.

lerSlgaa -1 ■. - >.■* I. = ■ 3 ■ not only claim, hut ..-■■ .roved to be ao moch auprrior to ihe ordln*r> Vheel, and arc anr VIIKI: ixrumvi, no om atamtad ahould to tent the matter foi

i . K. A J. t*. I'llJJSHL'KY,

\d!A.CJri INISTS, iHaaoeaMra to vt ebetn Duailn A Co.)

Manuucturera ul

'otlon 8L Woolen Machinery ASH

MACHINE VVORK QENERALLT. i'ulleya,<lrar1ngand Shafting, Jack Hcrewa. All kind* ul Holla un i, ,r made toorder:

lao all klndi of Porgjau done. UKNKUAI. ."ill WMtlhaiid Mill repairs dOD<

. uTi|.tiy ..I,.i ralihfollv. iiealrri iu Haunrjunurrra' Huppllea,

"'ostei'h l^iiiiiiii.i:, Corner of Frank- lin and Methnen Streets

C7-TIIK BF.ST *Oe!fTH WArlTKD. "rafined f" he 'In' •■rnndned tllMe Votnmrf

Inrti in .linerfoa,

I he Inuhrldjfed ami Etibirgvd Edition ol

I)K WILLIAM SMITH'S dictionary of the Bible.

ni* nlded , nt: "I K

ti It."

II eal ii| ml) ttr

ii-.liil. eieaapuikted. Il rent, and Hie Ho* rlppli u\ ihei teacbur ulwaye a

We arc also Agents lor the


Improved Elastic Lock Stitch


"An ounce of prevent ion is worth a pound of ruiel "


IT your b'ood I* poor, if the eonnienance |r you feilweak and dUlncliui-d tuexii- tlon, try


Talbol'a Iron Tonic will do yon good.

la your appetite poor* You need


Are you tronbled with Inrtlgeatlon I

Talbot'i Iron Tonic will help you.


la *elllng largely all through New England.

Bead what reliable apoibecariea nay:—

Newboryport, I11-«., July 1,1S7I. Aferirj Tarbol Beo'f e-Havinn dl ooaed of a

considerable u.alilly o. your Iron J ml: . u-i li.'.ili K '"'n-i ho.. Who have uaed II, ol it- K"" effect* on ihe ayati-m where ruch an article i* ri ■ .jiff.i. I deem it uo more th,n JII.II.I- that you ahould ie apprised ol It* favorable reception IN tblf plaoe.

lieaperlfully yours, U, 11. UODUE.Apotbecarr.

Newboryport, Han., July 17, 18? 1. HuaKa.TaLBOT Bao's:

Uentttmtn —I Dnd t^at your Iron Tonlo ha* In every raaa glvcu entire latl.laction, ami the In- rn HHIDK demand for II ta due, I think, to the faot that all who have uird It recommend It tothrli frlenda; nod I can truly lay that It I • one of the beat article! I ever aold for reitorlng the debilitat- ed ayatem to Ita natural tone.

TALBOT'S IKON TONIC 1* iold all over tba coaotry for One Dollar a bottle; alx bottlei for Five Dollars,

Call at any of the Lawrence Dragglate for it,


Lawrenco, Mass.

(I KO. C. UOODWIH A CO., Boiton, Wholeaale Agenta for Hew Englnlid.

KHTUM, Arohltect-

I have need " Warrrm'ffeli aad Compoaiiloi KooSna" upon whleb have oo*t iron is.ouuto t>uiJ.oi« 1 Onnaider It the nea b, .1 ti ■■upper, and lar auprrior to tin.

NA1 il 'L J. n H A nl.r.k, Architect

The above teatimoalkla, from ihi- leading Ar unitrcta In Boatoa,Ibdicate tb* vain* Iu whirl, ■ he above ItouBug II held in that city.

In no preceding year baa aO man) rmar el.** iiu-Ki.i.iM.- b.rii ouverwd wltb tt aadarlnatt» iaat It* *nperlorlty haa uever been iiue.ih.n.. whrrelougeai lu u*e.

The pulilie nlf cautinne-d not U< '" misled hy mij other uiatenal, «ilot!in it i|>|unr.un'i . amf ru|«rc-B<-ui*'d to tn tin

■'.llui' Hi- l\ A i. lil.M,',

V.rreue1 Konfl a ti> Una alrtvltj *b.

Boaton unit Maine Rnllrond.

SL'UHKR ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, July 10,1871, Train* wll

leave the Depot* in Lawrenee, aa follow* :— For Boatoo,(lrom North Dei ot) at UJtO, 7.30,

Ml A. M.. aad, S.iO and 5.-10 P. M. For Ito-ion, (Iron South Depot) at « ZI, 7.U,

•9 40, tl.12 A. M., and 1«.1H, *IH.l3, ltM, 3A6, 6X1, •A -M, Lu ami fOJOP M.

For Portland. Ifr< m South Depot) at 8.29, $0.30 ■ oil 1

nth Depr-I) $ til WP P. H.

Wn ai.d Mewbnryport,(from South ForO.... Pi pot) at (-..'.) A 11., -I. " "-> "'.

For HaverhllLlfroir M.UIL Depot) al B25 and » SO A. M., ami I Vt «, « 06, |« 60 ai.'l ? On P.M., ■ mi from North t>cpot at *.M P. M.

Thi'H.w A. al and 1 (15 and I T. M train* con iiect ai 1» .. i wlih liataa i. l>. * W K. K. foi Kooaiatvr, Carmington, and Alton flay.

Train* leafr Borton for 1 awn noe at 7, ?M a40. | is. IIJO A.M., in. 15, i,iM,taadir.H

* e.X|.rtr»i Traloa.aod do not it op between Law. re' re and rlOrtto.

t luemaya, ThurBdayaand Saturday* only. ('■-|.i. ■■ Iralue, mil nop only at Ilaverhltl

d DbVer, \VM HKHUITT, Sap't.

LaWlilWi. Jalj ie. IHSI.

1 ».!■


aa amart a* a young man, ihrnuah ihi u.e of your teiebrated Biaek Halve, whlcb excel! nil olher reinedlc* ever offered lo ihe public. All panic*

,n have reference lo lhln c**e through Dr.Ogden. Da.T.OoDan—Dear Sir •—We have u-ed three ' your wondertul Kid Htrengthenlng Plcnrlsy

and Itheumalle /'/,.(>' TFK\ In our t:iin 11 v, whleh are the beat in the market, aitbey do noteraek and dry up like nil the re»t, and it irk much longer.

I m »MAS IIKAN , its Valley itreet, Lawrence. DR. T. OODEN,

Sole proprietor for the U. a. and Canada!, No. 39 Allen Street, Lawrence, Mass.

Boots and Shoes.



hefoie the peo|le, i' t. »t.i. r. m,i D bine all thai It


at in many formi, among which are app can

Palpitation, Enlargement,

Rheumatism, Spasms,


aud Water about the Heart.

We preient the following voluntary testimonial, whlcb I* hot one of many I—

I *>oai Jtrtmieh Smilk, Concord, A'. B.\

1 have been very much tronbled with Heart DUv.p.,' for Ibe laai leven or eight y ma, DOI ha- Ing able to do any laborlooa work for two jean. I have been oonatantly treubl'd with n-v-r* »aln about the heart, paoHng iu day v . I ..m iK|iti. erclag i>uin. Hr. K. li kiooie. ul Cobttiu, ai il oilier phyilriiti", oaJhd my difficulty Khenn inhm of the ll< art. liavi bern ■•■ atly troohied lo n I my breath at time*, and had a*verr elaklag rpella aoeompanytiig dlbleultf of brrathJrg, IO thai 1 have been In great danger of Imn-ri'lale di atb — H i v.. u».d bat two boith * of the t part Urra1* tor; and though I do not oonilder myaell cared, e*n -■■ v thai I ran rioada)'* wirh wlibi at any ilinltnlti, and think I >hall event«aIly leeome al moai entirely uell. 1 have icdun i other* to try

i HI' A It 1 llll.rl ATUH.KIIII noutilllla'etully ■■ H Hit nit. .Mill II 1. .Ifcltl'.MlAH

fl Essex Street, (139 New Number,) here they will alwava bepleai'U to»howtbei< -g* and oarelull) n-ltcii-d .lock Ol Un 'a Hr . u'*, Bo)f', Hlaac.', Voatb'a, Children's, ar

tOOTS AM) SlIOEb > lao. at all tlmei, a Kuod aaaortmrnt of

I If li •■ H HIIU US I„,„.I,'. ,\...||«l K.-bben,

r ■■1, ,1 IU Lil', '1 i ..oil .11

ao H. IIUKft*

( oimnmi Mr I'L, near ibe |>|M.


Read ibelollowlac

Sewing Miu'IihiPNuleslor 1«70 told 197,833 Mnthinei raaStSfat1 Mahttfg

rue rthoeiera Wli.c Howe MiL-hlue. Co., Urovcr a Ujkcr,

. llr, k tilhbi,

a llils fur osu:

■qnallf Every valllngr on Ihe w ■IT ii|iiinnii;h nl

Tu kitten wish t

-all. why t 'I mil nil aland in

A ll tl It JBWl. A' <l

limn bai'k II

md moan, ui II 'l wi-r ove that made Uiat fell

bawl; hi and Blow

r kf. ii,V

A liumnroiH paper imi a tut kllm tintliiu; ild* Menu: An nil |teni Is wnlh 'iiar In nil Harden. Presently tl e mil* nan comes idony, ntrMde the high «■' leu wall, iiinl icives hi- euatoinary >el

Uid gent hears Hoiuethiuif. hut In-ln ve-y deal, i* tinuhlu to umkn nut j i< nhat Is wantetl; so he puts hit en

i in![.■■[ In place, and ilevailii)f Mm be duo over the wall, exclaim*, ' Here!

Milkman lukes It for a dish, and emplli k quart of milk Into the old gem's e;i Koes about hi* business.

Omen Qretnwood, wr'llng Irem 1 •*•■ ver, says : "Na'iirc did anleloufg HU 1 mm originally, lu uHlxlutf t.. ihem in ik by whlcb they can bu seen nud

■ iln

n i Ihei ill*

mien taika In tii liille had heeti in a stal ■ hat he

ih. illv 1<«


plavlng t )iroitt o

iee» ion iruleb near by. Al mother went out to h noihlnff of the kind < She became InerediiIon ■f don't believe)nil mi <r ruu*i have lh«en von eblltl.' To (Id- Ibe ii: ilnnanly reapnti M suesd my Imaglnatiun

run lorn ihe hoi

.ii>lr»> lllulun, '• 4*0' do. i RBltllag, '■ HI dd.

H. Kay A-.ociatlon, '• llB do. 0. *'■ Tiiomp-on, " lOi do.

from whlcMt willbeiren

Tlie Singer Co, sold 44,625 more Machinei iliui. au> otber uoupany.


BEACH HOUSES For Sale or to Bent.

Fonr Homes on BaUalnrr Beach, for tale, or

will be rented for any length of time. Contain

complete cooklrg and tablo outfit with each hooae


Dealer, Mill Street, Lawrence, or KKANKLIN

it U'lt Alll'S. IN, Hull-tin. y Beach. t '"a It

ill save lime nod money iy calling at

£49 Essex Street, Lawrenco,


SEWING MACHINE. It doe* tJemmlnfr, Felling, Tacking, Cording,

Binding, Braiding, WlDglng, Figutlng, KuffUng and Stitching on at the *ame time, without any

.edlci, and printed dlrec- iloni, fret.

Price S&5.C0; with look cover, a re .00. Termi oaab, or monthly In it ailment*.

JOHN WABBDBTON.SOLBAogaT, oilier at the Clothing Store of W. H. Brldgman, ■MeodlrJaU B40 Kiiea Bt.. Lawreaei.

Mend for Free Mpeclmen I'u^e-! A'OIF READY.


FOUNTAIN OF SACRED SONG. The leading Muiiclani and Choir Director* em-

Dhalaally prononnoe Ibi- lobe the very 11SHT col i.ctl«n of Mu-I* ever publlahed for the n-e of L'kol a Nln*(lnK "rhoi.1. A, I onvrwlloma.

TflH FuuMAIN OP 8ACIWD SOSO contalB* " Ma.icai Noiailon," '■oiuglng ^^^^ool Oepariment." ■' Vooal failure," " Oleei and Part tiongi," "Choice Coll otlon of Hymn Tunea, Alltlirwa, Hi nlrnor* auil Clianl.," BBd " CoUgrc- iiatlon*! T.nea "

Pi Ice fl SO. tt3.50 per desen. Ppeclmau cipy aent, puat paid, on ricelpt ol

price. I'ubllahed by WlllTr: HHirii A PKRBY, BoaTON.

Mr. Leonar't Marahali'a eervlrea for Convention* m*y be aeenred by addrea*lng aa above, or Koom lit, fremoot Ti mplr, Boaion. awS tagU

ui -mull, i." l-lilin..V ALLkVAN'K-b It ,.1,-n.i, r.iuii) lui msi. and every ulii vl I.I,,- rt'vairnl*. It iui ..I.IJ lailrtim i u.ini), but puallively cure, every oai>t, »h. i-ed ..;-.. i.ri.Jiik io (iinrii. in- T hi aituuiahn UII.M Ol I'i Brlgga' AIIHI.III.PI, ar a lali.l ..edlrm., If an eatkhliahro taut lo trj It lal ... ounvluced. cold by all oxuggiate,

lktlwaj laitantiy renevcO and aoon cured u • •lug UI.J. BalliUci' I'll L UkMAl'laJI. Ibe i.iiu.i' Inflammation, auuthe the Irritated parti .nu linn' provva a blenni I-K to the afflicted, whetl r internal, eaieroal, l.l. • mm, or lichlag pile* -

All klude In all abmjpM muii jmil lothewondei lal in[tu.-ii,-,: ol the** never laillbg remedlea. Hol> by DrugglaU,

OaniawptloB, Bronohltle. Lnrangytlf Congb, lloarieneia, and all alaoaaeiol IheTbroa and LOOK- readily relieved by the magical an. nealiOK Influence ol BUIUUb' I11KUAT an. I.LMJ HaiALKU. Sold by DraggliW.


BTC—It li an aitonlihinj; foot that nine out 01 every ten penona we meet are *orely troableo with their feet. Very few are exempt. Dr, J BBIUUU1 Popnlar Bemedlea—CUBATIVL am ALLfaVlATUrt— are reliable and certain In thati efloota. The Curative for aore and lender Corn* Bunloni, Bad Nalla, etc., li a Boothlni! balm foi wounded loet, and rapidly cur. a the wont oaaei Alleviator, for the cure of common Corn, am Bunioni.and the prevention of all Corni.liapui lie to aclenllllcmlndi. Sold by li. M. W hi tin ; * Co., tl. J. Den ham, Cbarlei Clarke, Lnxreace, ■nd UrugglHt* generally. IvA lnovIO

,{a man ot iw.nly ■ un ml -al. ol I

ind hopi to merit Icon, and r-hoea. th a ihare of the publ

9 Pleaee , .irehaaing.

J. Y.

139 Ksat 1,0 Herriok.


x Mr-eel, Lawrence 8. M. rreaeh

generally. lyliigHr-l lalebyTH BOT BKO'H, Draggiiti,e(

of r"»*e*. and uin itreeia, I.awrenee.



No 271 Essex Street, Lawrence-

pncnTfiw MEDICAL



a*ywiV». '<■(. h epi IliOl '"' 1° avrtt? "'

-' ktpt i'- ureter /■ ifrncfloTiafrrt.. aruttt. M.,i'i. II.. i .aid on im) turn, ol pa}meni

:MI, isr. H o "w E , Ihn nuly Anihnrixed A e- . t t... I.I.K .

I-in i- mill tli Mill. n.

Office at No. IM Ameebury Street, LAWBEMJU,

vTheremaybe f.uii.., aiao. a good aa<onmept o' I' Koom. Iilnini Koom,

KITCHCNACHAMBER FURNITURE All ul wlueii ii III hr aold *a low a* any tu tbe city .

UK A. r*. CIXtllHll la wlih me, ahd .III be mo.i hupp* to -e.' til* old frleidaand ruaiom,ra llrm-tnUr I*. pWe. IM A ui.s|i['u\- *«TnFKT,

A few doi rafrom v —ex St., Uwrenoe, Hu*. ItlJeB RI. N HIIWK.


New Advance Cook Stove- M.iroeci.. |.15 Hail cull.

■ nl K/.It

loth. #.-i mi.

■ nd Am

nl i tnnd I..

Ull -ll'.J.'Cl. .in obtain the work b. apply-

II o r t; II TO N, .-.'dweerfn

ii r li I II

I'll F. It I V K i; s I UK I' II ESS, ■I .,,.. , ,I,.I.M ■,. . U*e*.

, Net

Ssm. ifd-dld y'ju (hie) ■ ol my w o^

I liute un Ihi' h nor ol kn Wile, sir.

UIHI'I Hpnloy,lae, Sam, don' —hi.!—lo«U-i. Ii-ii'- no h ever. Dlitn'l -ee lu-i V

I .ii.I not. How yer know yer illdn'i':

»B tail aaa(lde)iiievilii"«hou*i a* a laiii|i-p"«l, a-aiitl nhe w,-

e BitythliiK

MX your


SuperinteDdent of Cemetery.

Residence Zti Morton Street,

I. X. Y. U. M. P. T. fon-ult your Inter-at.,uyihc

Salem Shade Roller for 50 cK

iiinhei ■Hi r

(hie) lie'

(teatoni uhif it i$ ihe but Stove in

the World.

I» has hciivirr CaAtings.

It h.ia a better Flue. (No other like


It has a belter Fire Box.

It ti.ta ii lutgor Dun.

It will buke tiuiuker.

It will work in it Doorer draft

It will hake wirh lesM fuel.

It will bake with an old fire BITTBB

than any other stove.

It baa a lie w patent hot closet in front.

It h.ia a perfect nth pit. \ SOLDIERS

It is the only stove that has a perfect

hot air draft.

For heating water for the bath room

it is unequalled.

"And Yet He In Not Happy.' W 11 V .' Became tbc young man haa not

become aware


I. A. Whiteotiib'B Old Stand,

183 Essex St.. (S -i-unit Stoie Above Jaekaon.)

where he h.i the I.AKGKsTand FtNKST etoei Of J1.1,V, i outli'*, and l hlldr.'i '.

CLOTHING, Furniahing Guodu, Hats, Capb

Trunka, Vnhaea, Uaga, die. At.,

to he I ii ii u ,1 ID Lawrence.

No deahr can IMIKUI'I.I. oa, for mm- can d< hoalD*** to betier advantage. Tbe crowned *la" of our atom >hnwi that the public knowthl-.— "ut tha churoh 1* not full, and all who call wlllb' promptly accommodated.

•• Wail Wit Al»aj» Tlmt W«y."


"We miij ho hnppy y.1!."


' W. 0. FEUK1X8,

ir you need a New School Mulic Book, do not weary jnnr.ell o> iooklna i»V« a lung 11 • out irnd at once for thla favoiltecoLevtluu v be.uiiulm HookSuaoa,

IT WILL NOT nihArroisr roe.

Price SO rents.

Kent, i •■•i paid, on receipt of above price,

tiUVKIt DITBON A CO.,BoiU>n. O. 11. DlTSOtl A CO.,ttew York, 1 !-"•

Cheap Parmsl Free HomeatI ON iIII. use or .iii--.



Beit Farm in/ and Mineral I.ami- in America,

I.Olio noo At H B" ol I hole Far mint; A Oral in;: I i" on Ihe line ol the road. In the

Utah nf Svbratka, in tt>t '/not PIMM IV/iy, MIW POM HAI.K, toroaah o, long credit.

Theae laud* ar* In a mlhl and hui.lthy climate, and Mr grain ifrowlog aad atook nil-lug, uniur. paa*ed by any la the United rltatei. Prices rnnunr from B? in *10 per Acre.

HOMESTEADS fORTcTU'L SETTLERS. a,600,000 Aefaa or Government Land between i • w..n* .imi North Plalte, open for entry a* HUMK-

Drain Pipe Co. W. A. K I M II A l.l.

i appolnled Ageul* for I

4'II.-\s. A. GOLDSMITH, M. ».,


Second Door West of Stone Charcb.

i) it. 3. C BANOAtOF'T, O KNT1ST,

has removed from Andover to 373 Essex St., Lawrence.

Nltrou* Oxide Qai adminlitered, deference—Faculty. Harvard Dental College, No. 37S Kui'i Ht., (over atore Of 8. B. W. Davit

Til! or.) mvW

ro. ! above Con,

any, and oiler their Stone

Wholesale at Manufacturers' Price>


rhlchl-rhe I thr Hani

•at. All kind* of Vjiohln... rrfjalr.

W, A KlVH.tLl M7 RAM*a Street. ■

1'LAUE 10 U I Y


A lady write*: —"About ill months ago m

hair wai coming out PO badly thai at every dre»

Ing I mi'l lo gi l a htndful, which, nut wlnhlng i

throw away, I laid b) In * box. I have u-rd t»

bottle* of your Hair Tea, and low I do i ot *-■

■ „'i to lie thr . i ■!- uf ui; bralda.and buve t

■rn o tl c lw.» for a r. * hal-l lor that purpnie.

Agricultural implements AHD

HI -A. rt ID ■WA. HE.


So. 217 Essex Street, Lawrenc*

{Nearly opporite the Post Office,)

an tbe Bole Agenta for


Buckeye Mower, and Reaper well known to farmer'. Alao, the


The Universal Clothes Wringer.

Bradtey's Patent


NEW AlSrr> aTJB'irinOTrVKI FTSHINO TACKLE, of a novel ityle,

HARDWARE of every deeoriptton. HarU

U TBMPU PIALI. BOltOR, MAU. The iiiui- in i--i;iti,i I,in,.; ti.i li, uti.riueT i. to altata iln: civ;iti-t i criie.kin in iha

,ire[iuriiii)n, pructlee, and HMJ ot Vcj;etaUa K.ui'di ■-, and to secure a i^rmnnem j liwc where families, Invalids, or any pernon, could ibtoln die best medied mlvice, and nich rcm- •dku a* each minht require, without the uso if poisonous ilnifrs.

Dr. OreCTM haa been Phym-inn 0f tlie In-ai- ut,- since ita foundniion, now more than

twenty-live yenrs. Llr. Crcenc in in hU n'fty fifth year, and haa devoted his life to tlii* branch of hi* profession; and hia aucccea, we believe, i* without parallel.

Amon>r, the disease* to t liich he pves ea- pecinl attention may be notkxl Cancer, Serof- ula, Catarrh, Bronchiti*, Consumjition, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, Asthma, Nervotuncsi, Uheurantisin, Paralysis, Stiinal Diacaaca, Dyi- pepsia, Liver Comiilnint, Female Complaint*, Faint Stomach, Erysipelaa, White Swellinc, Salt Kitcum, Canker, Deafness, Kidney DU- iiM'■■, Seminal Wcaknesa, &c.

By order of the Board of Mantiem, Dr. Orccno'i Medical Pamphlet, descriptive of diseases, and their proper treatment, will bo sent free to invalids ; also hia Trcatixc on

34 Temple. I'lacc, Boston, Mass. lyVagiBrt) .

Scientific and Popular Mo di c al Worki

Manhood, Womanhood, & Nervous Diseases,


GARRETS™^'" 1 * a

h GEO.W. C11IPMAN & COS ij

Comer Court and Hanover Sts.,

SUOl .


i" d ■>( IflO Acrea, Free II Wlihia Haliroad limit*, equal to a

DtRFOT HOTJNTY e»r »4DO. | Bead for Ibe nrw edhloa of deecrlpilv.- p-mph- 1 let, wilh new map*, tnat!*d fre* everywhere.

Addreaa 0. r OAVIel, Land CommiMiouer I.'. I'. «. K. Co.

3m" law, ".p" II- . II i, M IL

F.VEBV NTOVF. WARRANTED I In every par«rw|ar.



W. H. » AMR & C(\,


Httoat of o W^Hl'liUD a KIL'k.

tt o li. --I'HlMiKi;. M. It.

I'llV-H IAN AM) Si JtGEON, iHtl r'^iaei St.. (Sim«* fl C" )

.1 I. -W..F.M-K.


CIRri'LAII f**H» IIANI1 HAH' HOOD NIM CHUbH.CIJT fcAW.,1 ur .,: ..-.. ii,,,!,.,;..

Are MI|.. ..... to .11 ...... r..

Eveiy SAW Warranted I IV.U- t ......I ..'..'» Ktl..(Hil(i. .1.

\VF I. I'll Ui & 11.

c; « i rei in l.i.I-i... U-.i.o.

^1'NA Sewing Machines

18 7 1, Superior In Style and Flnlah *

tu any marhlne yet offered lo the public . SIMPLE! DURABLE! PRACTICAL! and ii,l*i11. .I to all kind* of work.

SELF ADJUSTING NEEDLE and ethey NEW I'r.m ins, which male them raally maaag> il by tbe inexperlrnei d operator.

TSJIHH LlllKIIAI.. Al.f.NTH WlNIKII. nrKM'K, .1 TKUI'LK PLAOS, HOSTON, Man. l'itoop*eup;i|» II. :-. U ll.l-IAMS.I,, li I A:;[.

i'., nil j- I oi w«t>r, at Ing, and

W .in.iiii. .1 not lo in- lure the moat delicate

■ lir*-- and no olher aoap a ao good for the akin rill IT. WILL VOL" *

Msnufarfurid by A. L. Cutler A Co.

H'jf.TiiN, Via**. 3mT1 ttgtrb


'If Chleago, haa opened an othrr In Lowell, wher. irliuentlng aocoearlully all Chronic DUtaur ■ii a new avatrm, which embnoe* the best an■ >ioit approved method* in Ihii and olbrr eeai rle*,lnoludlngihe u.e if H.HIViriTT an -y KUMAT1C or IlrlY OirPPI^O. which uma<l

bo'rt tiavtsM r" moVe.-'Tuni" * aodoure* Mhi iiatom and I'aral) la: ai.d INHALAih-N Oi iltTi'MIZhf MKIM'INKS H'Ireal* laree* iH> KBUKA -»'c aBti Mavi'i'a Arrvcuos

' il form* ot a, Pever i*ur>* aod 111.1 Un ei hapepara, m*ea<-e* of Ihe Liver aud Kirtim ■ nipev, Con-Ill a'lon. al Hun dui'.-e.. UlB ' ii > i o *unipih>n I It- ear y aiaan*. I'aral)*! illep*y. tBlt ' beam. Headache, Heart l>i ■ ae*. r, ver and A. u. aud Hl'iaaiiof Cblldri • ie. He ur.- *H dt,ea».. «i ll r

THROAT AMD I.UNOP, tleuurr, all D|ir;AeEt* Ol Till. HKAKT

iiplled (o n. 'I..ii Hr*i *i-gr*. Hr en re* mo taeiof .'i;iiv M'l'l(i->. H MKN< Hi* and

IHMISANiM t F Till SI-IM, id all ..ill. i deiormir.e*, lhai an) otheipb).

i. In anrrlra n> irtalalhiM rfl<ife*oi>, ,1 hew p,lnoi|<lV* anaiil a m < .||.r.iu '.■ ' ■• i a.I an i atei *iv< practlc and «one. •■-■ IU i|ielre»t.|.eulnr» VHM 'ae.r-.lll dl-e* I 111. LY*' A^P i" A '

ill l \ I - i !■• W<»!vll-:> .

L< i. rit i.

So, 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston, (Opposlta Bavare Bonse.)

Da. W. H. PARKER, Aaalatant 1'hyiidan. P evert/body. I (WO MTmri.

A Book lar evn jr Blan. THE SCIKNCK OF LITE, OB SBLr-PRF-B- KVATION. A Medical luatlar OB IheCaaae

od Cure of PxM AL>TIP VITAUTT.Pat*AII'SB larLiw* ta MAS, N»avi>ua *M> PHYSICAL •aaiLiTi, HYi-i'iiioNMiiA. and all other dl, <»ia arising from thr Mit-on*. or TOFTII, on HI- lr*|.i~i nnt'.ns Oh fxciaaKB ol mature -Bra. lb'- li Indeed a book for ever) mm, "ice onlv t>. Wn pages, bound I* oloth.

A lleink. for every Wsmaat. milled Uli XI AL IHYMlH OGT OP Wr MAW Nil Mr Ii IH8KAHKK; or, WOMAK T»g»T»D f PiiraioLoei'AI LI An» PATHOLOOICAI I T, "i.. IM AN. v TO mi, Aoa, wlibehgani lllas- HIIVI I ne-ravlnga 1W pages, boond in beanlh I rreaeh cloth. Price •>.

A llooh for K»arTrporly.

Hatter.d b> the ii-i- ot, and great demand r, the above valasth ano nmelj Ireatlaei.snd -o ta men a grrat men ot Hi. nt age Ihe ■■hoi ha* |u.i |iit-in-i id a rm t,i ok. treating iv.h id rHVi'i AM HfMAlMtV \t-lH. I&O pp. elimi I rlri 11.00, or IUT

>iKB on receipt ol BS lor th* othei I wo book*, -lav. paid. rheaeser.hryoBd all oompan*oa, the most ei- .. riliiaij work* Oh l')i>*lolog) ev. t | Bhllrtiid err i- uoil.ii'*- whatevii thai ttu Ifairtedor

"gle,of -'bet >» rn iltb-i r.qbrioiaM MH.V. , tint whal I- full) ixflalierl a|.C BSI) Mail ef th, n,i.>i iBlortam *nd Imeitetll |

gur-a, no I the be-i

Hit pnt on.romforlsbletnihr fnot,e

he dirt, and wear* louger than anj oth

v. r> Karmrr at *'ght. No lBeini/i, no gorei ....„,- to rip or hurt thef-et. Made - n x air, stub on. -half eoa^ir sole (ient's, Ludies', Misses' and Children^

Boots and Shoes May be found at

H. T. CLAY'S, NO 047 ESSEX STHEKT, Ha1*rie L..rence.

INMAN LINE Splendid & Powerful Mail Stearnera

TO AHD PROM LIVRRPOOL, UalliDK at Quoonstown,

HI - nppolnted to I-HI I as lollows :— CITY OP DUBLIN, OlTY OP LllNIMlN, IIITY OP I.IUKHICK, ii 11 OP BU'KIKLYN AndcveryTIIURriDAY,

Thunday, Hept.jl Baiarday, Kept. £t IburnUy, Bept.^x flsturday.Sept, 30


For Purifying the Blood.

No Kamlly can afford to


It is H 1'iiHin vi- Cum for Bilitiuxi BtlUHtlun, l)v*|.i|)ni;i, Five

Medk-ine l.-r Chllilrtn

"V Pier ta, foot ol Chsrllon From Liverpool via l)ue*-nitown, every TUES-


KIK.Sl■( A I!IN. To and from Liverpool, *,".'i and ISO Oold.

To Liverpool and return, |i'i/> and f-ISO Hold, aeoordlng to location of >oomi.

The accommodationi by Ibis line for Csbln Paiaeugers arc unequalled.

RTBKBAGK. To Quuenatown, Liverpool, Londonderry, or

Glaagow,»;tii Currency. Children belweenland 18, half tare, infants free.

Prepaid cerllflrates Irom Liverpool, Ljueeni- town, illiagow and Londonderry to Bo.ton, %S4, Children between 1 and If. hall lare. lulanl* *:,.

Passaga Ticket* laaued i.'and Irom any part ol th. N- w i nglaod Mali* al lowest rate*.

lira t* payabl. In Oreat Hritam and Ireland free of ll I

Kor f-elghl or passage, apply at tha Co's Offloe, Kki Mm.' *tr .1 itn-i.ui.

H.i CHKAOILMansgcr. Or P. Ml HI' Eanei .treet,



. A* Hi -rt attooaaok TO

JLJf w. w . a n a a » L

;,//,, BiiuaroA TiWiMnTll IffiSrfCU IIKMTINT

Wfrji ' in.i kaaax ST..

iV'^sr? •• T aarNltrona (in

'!** Vd^ilnlalrrre

M... -.., iM S». 148-J

■■ doe* not to -III t

'^"■jj1? °' %m\ *''

■ h. I .id whn tlierr I*

. _.II properly tri. -tin Hi. I- tli-I atlkP'f.all *r<ip(a ol ithnir , piole.ira'le A e**e w a) IH • ui*l If Itilt' •at nri-f toii> > I u not In AITI. e, hi t.Ci lbs da ;IT oi .1. lay lo ihe •realmsm of oieea rs.

Or, K napp I« no ImrrtH-p pnyUUtn. He onl visile a frw places mat, ooeaalonally, I icrommodate hi* patiemi In theae plaors, an. others who me dr-itr io oonsnlt him.



For Invention*. Trade Mark* or Dettgni No. 7« Stuto St., opposite Ktlby St..

BoaroM, After an eateailve practice of upward* of ihiri; years, continue* to secure Patents InlbcUnltec Sialea; also, In Great Hrltaln, Prance.and othei foreign countrlea, Cafeata, Bpeolllcation*, A* slgnments, and al) paper* for Patents, execute* m reasonable terms with dispatch Rrsearshe- made to determine Ibe validity and utility of Pa tenis of Inventions, sad legal and other advice rendered In all matters touching the aame. Coplrt of ibcolalmaorany patent furnTihed by remlltln* onedollar. Asslgnmentsrecordedln waahlnglon

An Agency \n (Aa t-nit at State* potMtrt rape- rior/acititle* for obtaining l'atenU,or ascertain- In./ the patentability uf invention*.

All necessity of a Journey to Washington to procure a Patent, and thr Banal great delay there, ore here saved inventor*.

_ . Jj_. _. and ineeessra) practitioners with whom I have 1ml official Intercourse,

CUAtt. MASON, Commissioner or PatenU." " 1 have no hesitation in s SIB ring Inventors thai

they cannot employ a man more comprlmt and Imitator thy, mad more capable of patting th.ii application* in a form lo secure for them an early and favorable consideration at tlio Patent Office,

Hi'll'iH HI II KK, Lste Co Mini I si oner of Patents."

"Mr, R. II. Eddy has made forme over THIR- TY applications foe Patents, having been lucceia- ful in nluion every case. Hueh nnrnlafokiblr prool of great taUnt and ability — *-

II n.l A

Boston. Jan. 1. IS7I.

on In- part, i io apply to lurn

DANDM KVKHVVtllERE Are Invited to send their orden for

Brass Instruments I'oJ C. HAYNKR tOO., whose large s'oeh ol

III.ii" tine oi the Tery ben opportunities lor st-

hrated Ihilrument Store may olio be prei red the I.

VI. i Af

I'lANOh A MI-:i,ODKOAH for aalr and to let,

Rand «ti-lr, Mie. I Mufir, Hooka, and all rlndaot Wn.lesl M rrhandtse.

JOHN BATES AGO.. 13 feDrt Bt., ijmbJpb up,, lb* *_»uii IJuuic, Boiton

- Ie li ui i' l|, All the M« •1 i-llrl.Ci ll

i IO 'he lot 01 -..I -hoii'n I

-. ,lh:.-l, I srj ml •' »i»>. Itioet Ian I'ten v i nu * of thi author -ur! a> | n.l i 1.1\ i evil be

nab, an glut Ie 'all Ul .-in the-r vali al I

ViLI Bis «■ tm a » « in... in.IMI. ih ii bli n.mi.-I v ,». ! ul.ll.l ,c I) ih.<") •Heal nMirui. The*. iWiol* ar. oi act* i ■ i-. in ,1 -1 null ih ,' .. (,l.-ei || . 11 n II ii l.ifi i .

■ i'y Th.) aii rot tha rlmi , n'li cl ilrnj In, •■ ira*h ii.ii'.b ii I.J ii,. f|ot 'ho |nnlis and i. I,*n'p' t. gratify eoarn 'astr* luim HPIII.I

e.p. „., i I'll -e* ollr,


tb dclloary, *l I IT j oitii, mil) '.-r(nl i mplalnl> are added afwr, A. // " The author ot thrar booh,

I rt-.itilee ar* trial.<' •• can and, *, at. *|

•orlptloB foi prevailing r»«* SepmWemm, hum-

V Of tbeBBOSt

grstltBdrol out race for thi se la- ■ blr productions, ll seems to be hi* aim to

nduee men and women to avoid tbe cease ol hose diseases to whleb they ore subject and ha • II* them Juit how and when to do II."—C'arowi- •■I*, >v,irmtrppr(in, Maim, Sept. 7, U-6V.

Kllher book seat by mall an reoelpi of pries. N. IL—The Author of the nbovr named medical

• orki Is the Chief Consulting Physician oi the

-art* of the country, that he has no time to attend o mere business details. Therefore all letters hould be addressed to tbmABepYafRDICAL NSTITltTK, or to Dr. W. H. PARalCR, the

Hed cal Assistant of the Anlboe.sndhfi Basiani \gent, well as the Author hlmirlf.may '"■ consulted on all diseases requiring skill, leer* •y nnd cxpetieuce. I vnorlob

lavioLABLa Bxexscy AUD CXKTAIM Rauxr.


In Chemicml and Medical Science-



TAR. PlHsr snd ONLY aoi.UTIOlf ever made In

one mixture ol ALL TH* TWELYK valaible active principals ol tbe well known carsllve agent

PINE TRKE TAB, UNEQUALRD In Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asth- ma, Bronchitis, and Consumption,

CUKES WITHOUT FAIL a n .'int oold in three to six hoars: snd also hy Iti VITALIZING, PURIFYING, snd BTIatl'- LATlNli effect* upon Iha general System, Is re- markably efflcaclons In all

niSEABKM OF THE BLOOD, Including Scrofula nnd Kruplloni of the skin, Dyspepsia. Diiesiss of the Liver and Kidney* Heart Disease, and General Debility.


Volatile Solution of Tar

lively C4 All Dieeaees of the NOSE, THROAT, a


TAR AND MANDRAKE VILI, .- In aarrtlon with the RLIXIU TAB, la

a combination ol Ihe TWO most valuable AL- TKRATIVK Medlrini* known in tbe Prorrsilon, and render, this Pill, without *xcet,Uoo,tbs very

r"*nd for Circular of I'OK HI VKCUHBS tayoar Dmiglst, or to

li. r. BTDB * CO., nmtmbiiHtMBr ai'i.a raoraiBToaa,

UO K. m Strett, Naw Tors.


'xSKe -Satprence'TlTmtricaii


fublUbfd Friday Mornings Iff

GEO. S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors,


Cornet or KIMX and Applvlon bin els


Tho circulation of the Lawrence Ameri- can li the largest or any paper In the

County, and more than POUH TIM KB that of any other

Weekly Paper published In tin* city.

»*- RaUa ol Advertising sent upon application.

"Sfh. 3>ail8 1fm«rican

KVKKY EVENING (Bandar cxerpted,)

Is the \*Tg**l Dally In the ell y.and hai roar tlsnes the circulation of any other.

M-iwi;irii(iMs IN ADVAHCE,

One Year,. - ■! :M. Months - - n o When nut paid an advene*, pf,




STEAM PRINTING OPPICH II the largest and most thorough IT furnished la eastern Hesaoenasetts. Having the iqoit improved modern Presses, and with con itaat.ddltloni of the


and with oar extensive variety ot work, we are able to furnish the Best Qaallty of Work, eapedl Uomly, and at low prices. Orderi by mall promptly filled.

GEO. 8. MERRILL ft CO., Proprietors, ■H tSSIX IT., LAWRINOE.


Challenge! The subscriber will (Ire a

$75 MACHINE erson who will unravel n But utiing the tbread, madr by lilmi

AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE It I* hoped that thoae peraooi who are constantly

asserting that the button holes made on oar mu- ch! nei will unravel, will put ililn challenge to the

A*T-R*ad the following report uf the Committee on Mewing- Machine* at the Massachusetts Mi- clianlo*' Charitable Association tfair, September

A Machine* arluble J

andOotober, IBM:—

The American Button Holt, OrerieamIn. Setting Uachint combined.

Thin li B new Invention which la Just w< Its way Into public favor, and U deMlnid, w doubt, to uke a front rank among the Urn Family Hewing Machines, combining at it d one machine, the ability to do alt the variom of plain ami fancy teving done on anyflrtt clan machine, sod elan, thr wnrHni- nf * "— " and oner seam i good material, sod requlrini •o change from a Button llo lewlnglfachlnc and your Committee deem iivelt worthy of the higheit premium in the o<ft of this

ilrlng I n llole

a few moment! inge fl

Hewing Machine and your Committee orthy of the highest premium in the gift ot Mociation, and award a GOLD MMBAt,

LUC1UB A. CUTLER, tiupt. City Hospital, Harrison Ave,

I. P. 81'AULDINQ, S8 Lincoln Street

NATHAN C. l.iiMHAHli, Hecb nlcal Knglnc r, 40 State St.,

Hems, A Overseams, Fells, and Works Tucks, — -> Beautiful Cords, \* Button and Braids, • \ Eyelet Quilts, J ( Holes, that Fringes, ( M, will not Gathers, & A 0^ Ravel or Sews On, * j— u_^. ~" Wash Out.

Staunch, Smooth, Quiet Running,

Easily Managed and Adjusted Machine In every particular.

We give our wholo time to the


And keep a


Thai any other Agent this side ol Boston,

We are also Agents for the

Howe Machines, For Manufacturing and Family Sewing/, We

hare, also, the


And many other klndi, constantly on hand, rang- ing In price from 0B to $145.

We WARRANT every Machine we sell to give perfect tatitfaetion. We sell on inttnllmenls. It desired.

INSTRUCTION furnished either at store or residence gratuitously.


Weed, Blnger, Florence, Wliccler A Wilson, Leevltt, and Other Machines, which we will sell eheapatFIVE DOLLARS down, and FIVE per month nntll paid Tor,


General Sewing Machine Agency,

164 Essex St., Lawrence.




^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Wheeler & Wilson


Unquestionably the best-known and most

thoroughly testctl


For all kinds of work, heavy ami light,

and the most popular, is


This practical and easily managed machine has now stood the test of time and thorough experi- ment; and the tbonsands who have fortunately used ours frankly give It the preference, as the very best, both In this country and In Enrope.— Study, capital and Inventive genius have been de- voted to it* improvement for years; till now

WITH ITS NEW SILENT FEED, our "Lock-stitch" Machine has no equal In the world. The WHKKLKK A WILSON'S la reli- able, economical and noiseless. It ans> wants ol the household completely, and

ANY KIND OF SEWING needed In the lamlly can be done upon it with greater rapidity and ease of execution to begin- ner* than can be accomplished on any other. It has received the Highlit Premium* overall—a* a Family Machine—on both aides of the Atlantic.

Those who want The Beat ahonld ob- tain Will-:ELKII A- WILSON'S


Facts Worth Knowing! ONE SAYS,

I have osed the Wheeler k Wilson Sewing Ma- chine for fourteen years, and It work* aa well now as the day I purchased It, I prefer It to any other.

ANOTHER SAYS, I have need the Wheeler ft Wilson constantly

for more than ten yean, on mostly heavy work, and It has always been In good order—not even a screw loose, I prefer them to any others.

ANOTHER SAYS, I have made over 3,000 Ladies' Cloaks on mine,

besides doing my family tewing. 1 think there Is no machine equal to the Wheeler ft Wilson.

ANOTHER SAYS, I have nsed my Wheeler A Wilson for more than

twelve years, and have not spent a dollar for re- pairs, It Is. without doubl, tin " chine madi

without doubl, the best family a

FARB H, B) X> U C K D. ng,

ry Tin ml* Steamer LEWISTON, Capt. Deerlng, leaves

Portland Ballroi " Friday at 10P.M.

Train leave* Lawrence (South Side) Tins- DAYS at 6.40 P. M. (express.) FRIDAYS at * P.M.

Check baggage through via Steamer. No hack- ing In Portland.

Ticket* procured at Boaton and Maine Depot, Lawrence.

i* nroenred t>v wrltlne Ui g*aiagt

Hundreds of such Testimonials not be

H. P. PAIGE, Agent,

805 Essex St. and 6 Lawrence St.,

The Elias Howe

Sewing Machine. JUST IMPROVED.






Fells, - . ■W *^ Faggots,

Tucks, Kmbroiders

Cords, Folds,

Binds, <^^* Ruffles,

Braids, Hem


Gather*, and Sews On at thesamo time; makes beautirul Milliner's Folds of any material.

We can use the cheap dazed Cotton and do better work than any other machine with the best Clark's cctton. It Is less liable to get ont of order than any o:ber maehlne. It wears longer, nine easier, and make* lei* noise than any other Family Machine. It head* the titt of Sewing Machine* for Family Work of aU kind*, stitching from finest muslin to heaviest beaver without change of Tendon, Needle, or Thread.

We sell these Machine*on INSTALLMENTS, If desired, and put them In one month on trial, and give you your choice of any in the market.

•#-Instruction given at Home or store at any lime cither In Lawrence, Andover, or Methuen.

All kinds of Sewing Machines bought,

sold, exchanged, repaired, and to let.

We devote onr whole time to the Sew- ing Machine business,

And guarantee to OlVf SATISFACTION.



Constantly on hand,

MACHINE STITCHING Done to order at short notice.





199 Essex street, |yll LAWRENCE.

3ro LAWRENCE, MASS. jelti

Inside Line to Bangor AND


The large and elegant Steamer

CITY OF RICHMOND, Capt. Dennlson, leaves Portland Railroad Wharf every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 P.M.

Fare from Lawrence to Danger, $4.00. No hacking in Portland.

Train leaves Lawrence at 4 P. M. Check baggage through via Blramrr Tickets

procured atTlolet Office at South Side Depot. Stateroom* procured by writing to ROSS ft

STURTKVANT, Agents, Portland.He. KmHagv


DENTIST, Has Removed

NEW OFFICE, 2S8 Esiei street, - - Lawrence, jell Nearly opposite old office,


Holland Bitters, The Celebrated Holland Remedy lor


Dyspepsia, lleidache,

Debility. Pll

Indigestion, LorlorAppetlle, Costlvcnuss,

olh Forms, And all Diseases consequent on a DIsof,

dcred Stomach and Liver.

LInsay's Improved Blood Searcher. Cares F.rysipcles, Sarotala, t'lccrr, Cutaoeon*




Employs the molt eminent instructors, end nfforiU advantage* nuperior to any similar Insti- tution at minimum rates.

Pall Terns Opens Monday, Sept. 11.

Pupils received and classified on mil after Aagnit H. Those Intending to enter the graduating ofais, ■re requested to give notice when applying for admission. Situations procured fur pupils del; qualified. Circulars, containing full Information, mailed free upon application to

otlegi E. TOUEJEE, Director,

CHARLES V. JACKMAN, Dealer In all kind* of



J.S Oppo.lte T.lbut't dru, .torr.

EDWARD FLYN N Wlihc* to make known to the cilixensof

that he has enlarged his Oreen House and stock of PLANJTS, whleh tie now invites the public to examine. I do boldly say there Is nothing In the elty to sompnrc with my stock >l Plant*. My

Vorbenas and Geraniums arc splendid. I h*To a fine assortment of

Plant* for lining Baskets and Rustic Stands.

I have One large Ucranlumi, of all shade* ol color, for tilling Vases; also.

Bouquets, Baskets of Cut Flowers,

and other Decorations for Parties, Weddings, and Funerals,arranged to order at short mill.

Green House, No. 2ti Meadow St., uwasMci.

EDWAKD FLYNN. Mr. Hynn will open a STAND FOK THK SAt.n or

PLANTS, on Monday next, on the south aide ol Essex rttrcet, orrounkJ, D DEEW'S Dsnino SA1.00S, ■ 'apai

PEDRICK A CL08HON, Auctioneers, Real Estate Agents and Appraisers, No. 381 Essex nt., Lawrence, Mass.

ready to give their personal service and




$30,000,000 Insurance Capital Represented.

LIFE- Minn, Of Hartford, Assets $10,130,086

jar-The jKtna'i rates are lower than any other

^he ^Cmerican. UNCLE TOM'S STRATEGY.

Uncle Tom was taking off tils overcoat

by the blazing fire In the sitting room,

and Hetty'* mother was helping him; BO

Hetty went Into the kitchen and busied

herself dishing the hot sausages, flaky biscuits and fragrant tes, and outline;

them on the table beside the bright green pickles, golden honey and crimson jelly,

which were already waiting to furnish the weary tiayeltT a supper.

It struck uncle Tom, while they were at the table, there was a grave turn to the

corners of his favorite Hetty's red mouth,

and a sad look In her eyes which was not there at his last visit, and he missed her bright, Joyous ways exceedingly.

And after supper he noticed that,

while they all chatted so merrily, Hetty sat silently knitting and gazing Into the

Are. Now uncle Tom loved Hetty so much that he could not be very happy

himself while she was Bad, so his lirst

thought was to find out the trouble, Itiat

lie might apply the remedy. lie said nothing that night, but the

next morning lie was standing alone by

the sitting room fire when Hetty Bwcpt the hearth, and as she finished, he put

his hand under her dimpled chin, and

raising her sweet face he said kindly :

Hetty, what Is the matter with my little sunbeam?1'

Hetty dropped her blue eyes and an-

swered : 11 Nothing, uncle; what should be? "

"I don't know," he said, dubiously;

but I'm sure she doesn't shine SB bright

as she used to." All Imagination, my dearest old un-

" said Hetty, as she dlsengngcd her

face and went away. But not before uncle Tom had seen the

tears fill her eyes and the grieved look

deepen about her rosebud mouth.

Now uncle Tom was a sharp old fel- low, and sometimes, he knew, the surest

way to a discovery Is to keep still. But he keeps his eyes open, and that evening

when old Snuire Parker came to Boe Hot-

ly, he saw that Hetty was dreadfully

vexed, and her mother greatly pleased.

He thought be knew half the difficulty. Later In the evening Wallace Curtis

came In, and then uncle saw the light come to Hetty's eyes, and the bloom to

her checks, spite of the hall frightened

glances at her mother. He glanced at

his sister, too, and saw that she sat up* right as a post—as stern and grim as she

always looked when she was awfully displeased; so he knew the other half,

State Mutual Life Assurance Co., of Wotoester, Mas*.

Chartered 1644. Accumulated Fund, |l,Wj,fi<U.W Losses paid, 71B,lo0.00 Dividend* paid, till,!., :.!,nrt

Principles! CASH in all business,—CARE in the selection of

rtHks.-l'KL'DKNCK In investing the preml- ums.-ECONOMYlnmanagement.-ANNUAL DIVIDENDS of surplus.—CONTRIBUTION plan of distribution.

ALL POLICIES NON-FOltFEITABLE under the law of Massachusetts, giving to the assured a (ullequlvslentrorevervdollarpaldl "

NO STOCKHOLDERS to make the company,

sproflt oatoi Ml re assets ol

sured are not ■ laired t

lum notes of the deceased. The Interest alone received on the Invested

ds of the Company, In the last ten yeais, has _..— tht| periodt

_..ier expentee, Company can show as good a

record I

FIBE Franklin, of Philadelphia, Aaiets $3,087,463

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Wbat other Life Company can she


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blllly.Salt Rheum,

Johnson's Rheumatic Compound One house In Massachusetts sold liny bottle* o

Johnson's Rheumatic Cum pound, with the agreement, no cure money relun.led, and

has only had three luiitlea refuiid'-d. Why endure aching lltubs anil Kiln hv rut


Ktitate at au< Slid letting the same at f. ed, negotiating Mortgag Renting property am' -


Hoyal, of England, Hide and Leather, Boston, ' Bay State, Worcester, Enterprise, Penn., Fireman's, New York, Buffalo F. M., New York, Weato beater i Queen, England, ' Security. N. Y., •

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ealt before renewing your policies

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.prompt piiynten honor with the

B looking well In

Sold by ledy.


Boston, Mass. Prepared only by


H:imoJelO* ritubnrf, Fs,

In the Real Kntale . ol cath procerdi.dral-

Iho true Interest'uf the purchaser,that hi* title* nre gcod.nnd Ihitheget* all which he Is entitled to —thu* securing nod holding that confidence of our lellows which is only obtained by strict sllenilon to business, »nd thu Iitglit'iit ty|>e of honorable dealing

ay Terms reasonable, and according to the work and responsibility. Call upon u*. Real Estnlo Oflice, Essex St., No. 381.

N.B.— Properly for sale In many section* of New England, bui more especially in the tUy^of * *"""

for a i better city In the Union

Olve me eltewhsre.

Hide and Leather Insurance Co., of Boston, Mas*.

Capital, $.100,000.00

Assets, 41/>,!W>.00

JOHN EDWARDS, 283 Essex Street, - - Lawrence.

P.O. Boats.



nilill Residence, No. It Oak Street,


He saw Hetty Inrk her hand away from Squire Parker, as the vliitora departed, and standing purposely between his Irate

sister and the younger ones, he saw Wal- lace Curtis take the same little hand and

raise It to his lips In the shadow.

And after they were gone, he saw that Hetty kept the other little hand clasped

over the one which had received the ca- ress, as If she would keep the sweet Im-

press there as long as she oould. Uncle Tom bad half an Idea that after

she had shortly dismissed Hetty to bad,

his sister Maria meant to consult him re-

garding these affairs. Hut sister Marls knew that soft-hearted Uncle Tom too

well for that. Besides, she was provok- ed at him for not telling her more about

bis own affairs. Many times Bhe had

tried to And out whether or not his busi- ness In the city was prosperous, but be-

yond saving he had enough to cat and

wear, he would tell her nothing about It.

So, as he would not conilde his affairs to

her, Bhe would not confide hers to him, and he saw that any agency he had muBt

be through Hetty herself. Next day be watched for a chance to

speak to Hetty, and as he stood beside

her at the parlor window, Squire Parker

passed by. Seeing Hetty he made a

smiling bow, which was answered only by a cold nod, and then uncle Tom asked:

" Hetty, girl, which fl It to be? " She gave a look which showed she un-

derstood him, and passionately anBwcretl:

It shall never be old Parker!' What Is the objection to young Cur-

tis?" asked uncle Tom.

" He's poor," replied netty. " And Squire Parker is rich, Is lie? " " Yes, and fifty years old, and as ugly

aa sin, as you have seen yourself."

"And mother approves Squire Park-

er?" pursued uncle Tom.

"Yes; oh Uncle, what shall I do? they

have determined I shall marry him at Christmas, and that Is only a week off.

What, what shall we do, t'nele Tom?"

"Well, perhaps we'll see what can be

done," said Uncle Tom, Blowly. "Just

keep quiet, Hetty, and if I can help you

I will." Hetty gavo him a thankful glance, for

her mother coming In she dared do no

more. But Bhe sighed as she thought only money could help her, and uncle

Tom probably had none to spare.

Uncle Tom's sympathy did not. In- deed, seem likely to do much good for Hetty, for the day before Christmas came,

and he had never even said another word

to Hetty. Early In the morning be went over to Hie village, He met Wallace

Curtis and told him that Hetty wanted him to come out in the afternoon and

take her slelgh-rldlng.

Wallace looked very much surprised, for Hetty had never made such a request

of him before; but he promised to conic

and then uncle Tom went home.

At three o'clock, accordingly, up drove

Wallace, In a handsome sleigh and two

strong, bay horses. Hetty could not quite conteal her surprise, at which Wal-

lace looked very much puzzled, but only repeated his Invitation to go out riding.

" Hetty cannot go out this afternoon." Both the young folks' countenances

fell, but uncle Tom put in a won) r 11 Oh. yen; let tier go, Maria. I should

like lo go with then myself." " Very well, If you will go, I have no

ohiectlona," snld Hetty's mother. And Hetty said, " I dure say we can

make room for three." And Wallace, thus urged, could not

help saying: "There arc two *eitl* In my sleigh, though he did not look very

well pleased with the arrangement. " Put on your prettiest dress," whis-

pered uncle Tom, as Hetty passed him,

going to dress; and she wondering!

willingly obeyed. When they drove off uncle Tom auO

Hetty occupied the back seat and Wal- lace the front, at which sUter Mtirla looked well pleased.

But her expression would have changed

had she seen them Just after tlioy left town, for then uncle Tom said:

11 Air. Curtis, I have a fancy for trying your team. I can handle a horse III am

a city man. Please change seats won't

you?" Wallace, nothing loth, immediately did

so, looking- very muoli delighted with Mm

change. It was astonishing to see how

deeply uncle Tom Instantly became ab- sorbed In those horses and as for the

lovers, they reaHy were so absorbed In each otber that they did not even notice

which wny uncle Tom was driving until

he slopped at a large, white gate, lending up a snowy lane U> a pretty farm house.

Then Hetty asked:

" Why uncle T*m, where are you {,'0-


" Going to takcyou In hero to sec n lit-

tle plseo I bough', to-day, answered un- cle Tom with a smile, springing out and throwing the lints lo Curtis to drive

through the gate.

Why, this Is I'earson's place! " ex- claimed Wallace.

Twss. It's nine now; I bought it to-day."

And Wallace and Hetty both sighed nud snld nothing.

They saw fires blazing through the

windows of the pretty farm-house as they

drove up. Uncle Tom fastened the

horses and led the party into a co?y, bright parlor, througl- a cheerful sitting-

room snd out into n great cheerful kitch-

en, where tho kettle was humming nway on the hissing stove, the table spread for

supper, and u smiling maid In readiness to receive them.

" This is Mr. Curtis and his wife, Mol-

ly," said uiictc lorn, at which the girl

courtesled prettily, hnd Wallace and Hetty blushed, while Hetty said:

Why, uncle!"

Well, If you are not, you soon will

be, lor tho parson will be hero in ten

mluuteB. They arc determined to make you marry Squire Parker, to-morrow, and this ts the only way 1 know of to pre-

vent It. Curtis won't object, I'll be bound."

" That I won't," spoke up Wallace. And Hetty, through her crimson blush-

es, managed to ask:

'■But Is this really your place, Uncle Tom?"

"No, It is yours," HHIJ Uncle Tom, smiling.

"Ours?" cried Hetty and Wallace in a breath. - •-

"Yours. Hy Christmas present to you," said Uncle Tom.

"But I thought mother thought you were not rich," stammered Hotly.

"Well, I happen to be quite able to af-

ford this," laughed Uncle Tom; "and If I

choose to make my money help two young people be happy, whose business

is It? Come netty, choose. Wallace to- day, or the fat old Squire to-morrow—

which Is It?"

"Oh, Wallace, certainly!" cried Hetty. And that yonng gentleman Instantly

took her in his arms and kissed her, right before Uncle Tom.

"Come now! Here's tho parson; so

Wallace, we'll make It fast and sure In ten minutes more," said the good old

uncle. And so they did. And then Uncle Tom

and tho parson staid at supper with them;

and Molly, the Bmlling maid, wkom Un-

cle Tom bad sent to the city far. and whose father was one of his workmen,

waited upon them.

Uncle Tom would not let them ;n ■ back

that night, saying he woulti ride in with

the parson, and bring sister Maria t<> sec them in the morning. So Mr. Packer

and his wife took possession of tliclr

pretty home at once, and everybody ex- cept Squire Parker was well pleased.

And the last I knew of thorn, their be-

loved Uncle Tom was spending Christ-

inas there, and trotting the youngest

boy on IIIB kne3, while two othcrchildrcii were rummaging his pockets for candy.

"©he HHmexicati. LAWRENCE, FRIDA't. SEPT. L'L',71


A nendiah attempt was made to throw off the track a lightning express train on thu Erie railway. A heavy piece of iron was fattened in ibe rails, and the train went thundering over It. Fortunately hut one car was (brown from the (rack, and lir the use ofthc electric brake, tho iraln WAS speedily stopped. Probably plunder was tho object urthc villains connected With the affair.

The steamship Columbia, from Glasgow, was discovered to bo on flro while coming into New York harbor, Friday morning. The cargo con- sisted ot cotton and woolen goods. The Are was not subdued till the hold bad been half filled with water. Some J3CD passengers were aboard, and great consternation was caused.

An extensive and wicked conspiracy has been brought Lo light by Judge Bedford, |D

Wall Street. He said millions of dollars were to be locked up, thereby checking trade and commerce, and Inciting the finance of the whole country-

The cltl/ansoriUverhil! are quite excited over tho manner in which ibelr caucus lo choose delegates to the Stato Convention, shall bo holdcn. Some want a general, and others ward caucuses.

Jacob Vanderbi It has been arraigned on the charge of manslaughter, as president of Iho Statcn [eland Ferry Company. Ho pleaded not guilty, and n continuance or ball was granted.

A colored woman, by the name of Hannah Rolwrts, after living in years, was burned to death by her clothes catching fire Irom a light- ed candle.

The disruption of the Tammany ring Is said lo be complete, and a fierce war Is going on be- tween Sweeney and Hall, Tweed and Connoly.

Peter D. Y'eotnans, a well known cattle deal- er, died from taking a heavy dose i<f corrosive sublimate, by mistake

Tho last day or the Vermont Suite Fair brought a dim attendance, owimj to tho cool wealher.


Tho lay lug of the corner §tonc of I lie soldier* Monument has engaged tho attention of tho citizens of Boston, to-day. Tho cere- monies occurred on tho Common, at the place known as King-Staff Hill. The pro- cession was the featuro of the occasion, it be- ing composed of Iho entire First Brigade of iho Stato Militia, members of the Orand Army oi the.Republic, from various parts of the Stato, and numerous other organizations.

Paymaster Hodge, the defaulting army pay- master, is fn close confinement, and will be tried for his dishonesty by a court marshal. Several prominent bankers arc said to bs In- volved In tbo affair, and will receivo an Inves- tigation. The defaulting paymaster has fur- nished evidence which will folly Implicate tbem, and It Is now in tbo possession of the Secretary of the Treasury.

Mr. Henry O. Wright, a conductor on ibe Old Colony and Newport road, has been ar- rested on a charge of manslaughter, in the case of sirs. Catherine Butter worth, who was killed at Littlcut station by being ran over whllo stepping from the train. Ho was held for UEHI In the inm oi tiooo, ball being Imme- diately furnished by two ofthc lending cltlxens ofthfl town.

Mr, Cl.ii'. T. Symonds, of Chelsea, the Ticasurorof tho Chelsea Uas Light Co., com- mitted suicide on Saturday, lie committed the deed in preference to appoarlng before tho courts to nuHwcr to charges of a criminal na- ture. He was well connected and widely known.

Kliodo Island celebrated thu dedication of her soldiers monument, on Saturday, the event calling out ono or tho most brilliant pro- cessions ever witnessed in thai State. An ora- tion was delivered by Kev. Augustus Wood- hnry.

Hon. Caleb Cusblng, of Mass., and Hon. Wm. M. Meredith, of Penn., have accepted ap- pointment* to Geneva, as counsellors under the Treaty ol Washington.

How Daniel Webnter Prepared Ills BpMOtVM.

In one of the debates In Congress, which suddenly called Daniel Webster to

his feet, he made a brief, but most elo-

quent speech, apparently without oppor-

tunity for previous preparation. In Lhe

course of his remarks. lie threw out the following sentence, which has ever since

been admired as one ol the most harmo-

nious and cxpreaslvt In tho English Inn- guage. He was speaking of our military r-nnftW wltb flsssr HOH ft.H raised their flag against a power which, for purposes of foreign conquest

and subjugation, Home, in tho height of her glory, Is not to he compared; a pow-

er which has dotted over the surface ol

the whole globe with her pOBBCsslons and military posts, whose morning drum-best, following (he sun in its course and keep-

ing pace with the bourn, circles the earth with one continuous and unbroken

strain of martial airs of England." As

he sat down one of the Senators congrat- ulated him upon his speech, and alluding to the above passage mud that to him it

was Inconceivable how Mr. Webster, in

A speech so manifestly unpremeditated, could have formed so perfect and so

beautiful A sentence, which with hours of study he could not improve. Mr. Web- ster replied that the ■entencs was not ex- temporaneous; that In li:' Himtner vaca- tion he bad visited (JufcbeC, und while standing on the tnassive and almost Im- pregnable citadel there, looking out up- on the wondrous scene of national grand- fiiraudof nature's loveliness spread bc- lore him, the Idea occurred to him. He Immediately took bis H>at upon a gun, ami with pencil and paper xki-tchcd the thought iu the most Appropriate language he could at tho motiicni command. I ,,. on iirrivliig at his hotel he sal down at his leisure; and wrole II, and rewrote it, Kith many Interlineations Slid erasures, until he had modified ll Into the form of words which sstllHi-<1 him. He then laid It ;■,■..!<■ In hi* retentive memory, to be used when occasion should offer. The opportunity arose upon that day.

An English pn

will he twelve liim

men in Heaven.

ache r believes there

ninny women as


The City Halt, on Saturday evening, was more titan llllcd, it war- packed,

crammed, und hundreds who sought ad-

mission were compelled to go away, un- able to obtain entrance; seats, gallery,

and aisles were closely tilted by an enthu-

siastic crowd; at 7 1-9 o'clock Gen. But- ler, accompanied by members of the City

Government, Ex-Mayors Wright and

French, and other prominent citizens came upon the platform; the Lawrence

Brass Band played "Hall to the Chief," and the crowd cheered lustily, AB soon

as the cxcltemen tsubBlded.IIon.W. II. 1'.

Wright, In a few words, presented Gen.

Butler to the audience. We have space for only a brief abstract ol the address,

which occupied two hours, and was lis-

tened to with attention, and received with earnest applause.

Con. Butler commenced by adverting to the Importance of the occasion,—they had sat bored iu discuss principles ol government and to con- sider what lows xhould be enacted and how un- forced.

I propose to present the views which 1 have, fairly and fully, carefully snd candidly, ad- dressing your judgment rather than your paa- lons, for there Is nothing to bo gained with

the li.tclligcnt people of Massachusetts, by misrepresentation, by mlsMaietnent or by any address to the feelings when ilivy are about the business of life. I am before you In some- what peculiar clrcumstaoces. 1 am a candi- date for oflice, herallied to you by a thousand slanders and n million calumnies. I have fear of them. I have lived man and bov In your neighliorbood for forty years, and hero I need spend but n few moments In discussing these thing*.

Now, said he, I liavo been called a self-con candidate. Self-constituted, I belfevi that's the i.nwrcnco phrase for It. (Cheers ant applause. I I simply said, If anybody wants mo for Governor I am willing, and I said no more, when I found a most delightful stream of calumny poured out upon me hy the newa- papers. Well, I said nothing about that; I am a patient, quiet mini lor a while, and will bei a thing or two if it don't last too long, After a little while 1 was asked by the laboring men of Springfield, MASS., to come up there and give them my views upon tl*e question ol I reiorin.

Thai seemed lo be the last ounce Dial broke the camel's back of the putk-ncu of tho news- paper!, for they came out upon mo In a way ihni would astonish me it I was nut too old to be Ulonlsbed at anything. ■ Boisterous laugh- ter.) Well, they proceeded at once to descend to such utilise a* 1 bad seen over and over again in iho rebel newspapers. There Is not anything original Aliout it; tne malice was the same; the abuse was the same ; it only comes through different channels. Well, I went to Springfield, and I struck hack. Immediately I did that,

" why," tbey said, " what a quarrelsome man Oeneral Butler is." (Laughn-r.)

Ask your honored Representative, Gen. Banks, with whom 1 havo sat these years In Congress, If I ever commenced a quarrel with any one, — or If, when one was commenced with me, I ever let up, till my assailant was sorry. Now the wbole reason Tor this abate was that I had said I thought there should be some legislation between capital and labor, am ready to prove what I said, end In order that the truth shall have tbo full effect upon you, 1 desire to impress upon your minds the fan that I am giving you tbe exact truth.

Tho General then proceeded lo read from tbe Auditor's report, the official figure* showing the state expenditures In is-.l and ls:l, Unit placing copies of the document in the band* of ibe chairman, and another, to follow as he read, and verify his statements. The General went over In detail ibe increased coit of state government, during these len years, and was especially severe upon the numerous commis- sions, which ho asserted, had so large a control of stale affairs, that the Governor and council bad very little voice in the matter. He bad a bono to pick with theso commissions; it wsj said that the state did not pay thom; no, but the money comes out of the people, in one form or another; tho Education Commission, costing S8.00O in ISfil, had run up to $18,000 In 1ST1, and white tbey had presented elaborate reports on iho colleges, and normal schools, and other places of education for tbe children of those well circumstanced In life, they had found no time or money to expend in the ne- cessities or wants of children of the working people, those who, from the absence of their parents at dally toil, needed some care. These enormous expenses must be decreased, and tbe sessions of the legislature whlcb now sits one- half the year to make laws for the other half, mast bo shortened.

It had been charged that tic wished lo break up the Republican Party; "1 break up tbe Re- publican Party!" Tho parly which has elo- vated millions from slavery Into manhood; the party which carried tbe country through tbe war with rebellion, and mode our nation stronger, purer, better; No, I wish not to break up the Republican party, but to partly and strengthen it. It was the brainless, sense- less, would be leaders, who are driving from the Republican Tarty every man with an idea, who ore trying to break it up. Oen, Untlor read from a Lawrence paper, an account of a private meeting to organi/o an anti-Butler movement,—"private," said the speaker,— "except that they invited In ono blundering fool, who went out and printed their doings in his paper!" (Immense applause.) He had one of tbe papers originating with this meeting, Intended for signatures, pledging men to op- pose Untlor. He was most severe upon this movement, denouncing It as an attempt of cor- porations and money to control the vote* and consciences of their employes; why not let men come Into caucus like Intelligent freemen, and act their will,—why attempt to pledge them in advance, except for Intimidation I Why go round as these men, to their overseers and agents, at some of them aro doing '■ Now. why do some men go round lo operatives and endeavor to pledge men to vole thus, and think ihayoawdolt In a **cret maunor and dole*I the will of the people, bow Is this? Why, It makes me think that I bave been put back twenty years. In 18..1, they put up la their mills: "Any one that votes the Butler ten hour ticket wtl! be turned off;" and I made them take It down. {Loud cheering) Nowhcroaro men holding• secret meeting to get up this cir- cular; and, continued the General, it may be that It you don't sign this paper you will bo turned out of employment. Now let me give you a piece of advice. Whenever one of jour overseers brings yon tbit paper, sign It precise- ly as you would If a man should slep up to von and point a pistol at your bead. It is not Co- ercion any tbe less because It It covert. If they want to combine labor against capital, there Is no better wny than by putting capital Into the political scale against tabor. Why, alter you hare signed tills circular, you will be instilled In voting just the tame at In tho case of a highway robbery, of doing just as you please. I want every man hero, said the Gen- eral, to frown dawn this Insidious, ibis Ill- judged means of coercing laboring men, and let me tell (hem that ibis combination of capl tai against labor will only conspire labor agatmt capital, and when that conflict bcgli God help tbe capitalist. Here is an attempt lo interfere with tbe libenioa of tho laboring man, and here is where you want to go to the next Legislature and make a penal State prison of- fence for any man to attempt to coerce oneol bis employees into voting otherwise i likes.

He discussed the prohibitory law, declaring himself in favor ol its enforcement, and lllus. tratlng how it was for lhe Interest both of li- cense men and prohibitionists lo have it en- forced,—not against tho poor seller of a half pint In some cellar, but equally tbe Revere, Parker and Tremont Houses. An order had just gone forth to have lhe ttaio police enforce tbe law; why, Just now? only to attempt to bead off Gen. Butler; but they can't enforce It, they don't know how; David could not wear the armor of Saul, nor they his ! He wot a manulacturer, but believed capital and labor should have their differences settled not by combinations or strikes but by Intelligent laws; be counselled strongly against strike*; capital, when Idle, loses only lit proflta; latwr Its all; the workman had a lietter weapon than strikes, —tho ballot. He argued strongly In faror of the right of lalior to new concessions; ten hours for women and children wot sufficient, and the law should grant them protection. He had been in the labor movement for more than twenty years, wben lit agitation reduced tbe hours from thirteen to eleven. Ry tbe multi- plication of meant and machinery, men could complete four fold the work of a hall century ago, and the hourt might safely tie reduced.

The newspapers wero abusing him as Ibey abused Wendell Phillips last year; tbey called Phillips a liar; why, said the speaker, the word of Phillips would be taken in this Common- wealth, In preference to that of alt lhe editors who can aland between here and tho place where they will go to If they don't atop lying! (Great laughter.) Some one In the audience cried out "spoons," whereupon tbe General, coolly turning over Ibe leaves of hit scrap hook, tald, " I want to read to you an extract from the Ware (jtmrndard ot September nth, |B7L Ileie it i- " The special reporter of the Boston Journal, who is accompanying Gen. Bailer and bis suite on Ids tour over tbe state, Is onr old personal friend, and a young men whose ver- satility of ulenls enable* him lo furnish reports for the Journal, Boston A-lnrtitcr and the New Yotk World. In his report of tbe Butler meeting here, he taya tbe bore ID the hall oc- casionally sang out' tpooni' while the General was speaking. We denounce this at a malig- nant falsehood. Not the faintest whisper of the kind was hoard. But the reporter did offer a dollar to any hoy who would cry out 'spoons' In the hall!" [laughter) Now, said the Oen- eral, boy, you have earned your dollar. Go home. (Greet laughter, and no more cries of "spoons,''i

The management of the Republican parly in thle state, bad reduced lit Immense majorities U> almost nothing,—it had driven out tbe pro- hibitionists and the labor reformers, and snubbed the woman suffragists; bis mission was to tiring back these men of progressive Ideas; the labor reformers were mu likely (o succeed in the Republican party where they belonged; the old leaders of the Democ-

racy, when it was a party worthy tbe name, left It on tbe breaking oat or secession, and It wot now being ran by fossil Whigs.

Some one In the audience tent up an Inquiry at to whether Oen. Bntler, If not nominated by tbe Republicans, would accept any other nomination r The speaker first wished question bis questioner; would tbe writer of that query, support Gen. Ilutler If be NaU nom- inated ? would he answer; no response. Tbe writer, tald Gen. B., It well known, and he hot repeatedly avowed thai If Gen. Butler should be nominated he woald not support him, and yet he hat the audacious impudence to tend up here, asking a pledge of me, wben be baa clearly avowed bit repudiation In ad- vance of all the bonds of honor by which men are supposed to be boaad In political tctt, Now, tald the General, at of the 204 delegates so far chosen, 10* are for my nomination,—at I hare not been fairly beaten In a city or town where there hot been a contest, [ have no rea- son to anticipate any failure of a nomination at Worcetter; but If another be fairly selected, it will be well on my part; but irby secret cau- cuses, by fraud, and trickery the people are cheated out of their choice,—then. In that event, the people, should, If they wished haven candidate of their own.

With more comment* on the anti-Bailer meciing and itt plan of operationt, the General closed; he evidently had tbe sympathy of hit immense audience, and was repeatedly cheered; at he concluded three hearty cheers were given for tbo speaker, and many crowded around to shake hands wftb him. At a later hoar, he wot serenaded by tbe band and visited by a number of our clli/ent at the residence of Col. Sher- man, and about 10 M o'clock, left in a car- riage [or Lowell.

»il*-ln*l. LOVE'S CALL.


O come, my love, to lhe wood* with me, Where Naiare bold* ber revelry; Where the cricket's shrill whistle, As she tits on the thistle, Olve* token of welcome to dice.

U come, my love, lo tbe leafy bowers, Where love's aweet power will gladden the hour, Where th* green great 1* *pringlng, Ami the bright birds singing, Aad fragrance dl.tll. from the flower*.

Hero, here well meet In this sweet rslrest, Where lover*gladly meet; White our heart* she II beat With therocollecUon Of elierlulled slfertloti, Till the bliss of our love Is complete.

THB OLD CuaioaiTV Siior.—We ere in re- ceipt, through tho New Kngland Newt Co., Boston, of tbe second and third numbers, for August and September, of this pleasant maga- zine, published by II. K. Woodward, Boston. It it judiciously edited, and IU pages fresh tnd ttractive; It alms to present the best reading t a low price; it very neatly printed, and

merits a wido circulation.

M: (in « MI Aimv JoiaKAL, published by Ur. Wm. T. Collins, Washington, D. C, it a spirited and admirably conducted paper,—and, with lit loyal lone, army reminiscences and excellent miscellany,—with it* oolumne or mat- ter especially interesting to the soldiers and stliort, we fall to tee bow any of these survi- vors can well do without It; we know of no oilier soldiers' paper so deserving tho name, and cordially commend It at such.

THE HOLK or BtsaiMO, lea new work by I.. O. Rmerson and W. &. Tilden, and pub- lished by Oliver Dltson ft Co., 377 Washtng- ton street, Boston. It Is a book especially in- tended for High Schools; the index Includes the names of about a hundred and seventy piecetof music. Beginning at the end, and turning backwards, we find about fifty tune* and anthems for opening and closing oxcrclset, all arranged for four parts, or treble, alto, tcnorandliass. So fnr.sogood. Tbo "boys," whose voices have changed, wilt not now here to sing tbe air, but will find a simple bass ready for them, and if there It no irue tenor in the school, the lack mey be supplied by a soft treble or alto voice.

The three and four-part glees and songs In the body of Die book are well selected; a good elementary course fills about forty pages, and lhe whole book cannot but be valuable for use In High Schools and Academies, at well at for all classes Including a number or young people A dollar sent to tbe publishers will bring a specimen copy, post paid, for examination. Ur. I* O. Emerson Is extensively known at a successful teacher and composer, and Mr. Tit- den bas had valuable experience In High Schools near Boston. For sale by liver & Co.

FiiomniToRv COKVKKTION. A call has hern Issued by tho prohibitory committee, for a Mtato Convention, lo be held at Tremont Temple In Boston, on Wednesday, the 4th day ol October next, at 10 o'clock, A. H. The basis of representation will be ono delegate for each town, and each ward of cities, and one additional delegate for every two hundred voters or fraction thereof


i correipoiulent.

NEW YORK, Sept. II, 1871. DtaB AMERICAN I — Last evening a

Btorm seemed impending. Gray, misty

clouds gathered In the north and west; the wind moaned and whistled, and the

weather-wise declared (hat tbe *' line

storm " was upon us. This morning I was brought to consciousness by the face

of Old Sol, pressed so close to mine Ibat

my first thought was one of resentment. The Impertinent fellow! how did he dare to enter a lady's sleeping apartment, and

stare ber out of countenance? and at such

an unheard of hour, too. Then I be- thought myself. Ah! 1 didn't close tho

blinds last night when I retired, because a man [of course It was a man], by a

select few called tho "clothes pin barome-

ter," Informed me that I should certainly open my eyes on a rainy day. Ho, being a consistent person, (here the writer stops

to take a long breath, and look over her

account book to see II she hasn't previ- ously done or said something that would

lead you all to a contrary opinion,] 1 im- mediately forgave the brilliant, beaming,

loving, old darling, and amused myself a

while watching the witch-work of light

and shadow, and the coriucttleh game ol hldc-utid-seek, forever going on between

the mischievous globules of dust, and the

dancing rays of lhe sun. Now, how sig-

nlllcant such an experience Is, and how very true to life. I.w me tell you what

the lesson teaches. First, never to place so much confidence In the statements or

prophecies of any one, as to leave your

door or window open lor Intruders. If you do they will certainty come in, and

If they enter without making you mischief then I don't know what I am talking

about. The. next lesson is, If von do find yourselves Imposed upon, and possibly

Insulted, you have nothing to blame but

your own foolish credulity, and the only way out of lhe scrape is to make as little

fuss as possible; In short, to back out.

This brings me to a subject which I have been looking Into for sume lime, and

which I have promised myself to write

you about, whenever I should become possessed of a sufficient number <>f facts

lo warrant me In so doing. It Is the sin-

gular i r 11 f ■ 11 - - r mnnllested by the young.

middle aged, and old, of both sexes, snd all classes, In tbe different systems of for- tune telling. Now, I desire to be thor-

oughly understood. That there are phe-

nomena challenging the respect of the most scientific, I perfectly realize; none

more than I. That every year brings forth startling revelations, apparently

setting at defiance all known physical laws, we are compelled to admit, snd do

so willingly, believing that there arc more things in heaven and earth then our philosophy ever droamt of. It Is only when we sec this really great snd

wonderful something, this link not yet cemented between (he actual and the

Ideal, (he physical and the spiritual,— msde a medium for (ho entrance of every '

horrible humbug, we feel disposed to Ignore lhe whole scientific realm, letting

every Ism under the sun alone, content- ing ourselves with the hard facts of to-

day. Devils have always stolen the livery of the salute, and now every old soul In

the country, falling In their legitimate or Uleglllmale business, cover (hemsclveR

with the cloak of science, and are known as '• clairvoyants," " trance mediums,"

etc. These frnpostorB are more numer- ous (ban any other class of professional

tricksters, and do more harm. Arsbclln

In love with Edward, who does not recip- rocate, resorts (o Madam for love powders. These are obtained, and exor-

bitantly paid for, and when Edward calls

upon tbe fair and weak Arabella, he is treated to lemonade. Directions state,

that for the "powders" to take effect,

the pair must be alone. Tho result is readily anticipated. If Arabella Is only

weak, and not wicked, tho morning sun

rises upon a very unhappy girl. If bad, (hen she Is lubllaul, and calls upon the

love powder man or woman Immediately, lor other Instructions. Such cases u

(hose are of every day occurrence, and

some of the saddest scenes ever witnessed have been caused by this species ol

diabolism. Girls carried nwny by In-

genious advertising, and the representa- tions of others, desirous of attaining some

end which their own fascinations can not accomplish, or to peer Into a future whose black curtain Menu the embodiment of cruelty, flock to these holes, and there-

suit Is. In a large proportion of the cases,

moral decay and death. Hero (he seed It sown for that harvest which (ho abor-

(loulst, the grave, or a life of disgrace \u

sure to rcsp. Not Infrcojuenlly these po-

tions are composed of sugnr.nud of course produce no unnatural pbyslcnl effect;

but they aro usually innde up of somo

powerful Hlmulallng drug, which for a short time deprives the victim of nil sell command.

A servant girl, employed In A well known family of (his city, was the other

evening brought home to her mlstrotr, entirely out of her mind. The case was

so pectilii'r, and RO horribly suggestive, that (he ludy determined to look Into (he mystery. She found, after sharp Inquiry, Hint n yoiiuf,' man who hnd persecuted

the girl with his altenlluns for several months, anil whom she thoroughly de- tested, had spent that evening lu her cotnpuny, at the house of his sister, who

must have been-concerned In the diaboli- cal plot; and that while there, lhe hostess

excused herself to visit a neighbor; alfo

that tho girl partook of refreshments,

drinking a cup of tea at thesamo time, A friend of the villain confessed, after

some cross questioning, that lie accom- panied him to a brick houce up town, the

night previous, where he bought some lovo powders, which hv said were to be administered to the gill, whom fair and

honorable dealing could not prevail upon to return his affection. He could not tctl

where tho house was. or what was the woman's name who put up the dose; all

he knew, was that his companion paid 6"i

for the powders. The girl Is slowly re-

covering, and the wretch who sought her destruction has fled (o parts unknown.

Similar cs(abllBhmcn(s are also resorted to by women suspicious, or desirous ol being, ol their husbands; and when

doubtful of their wives' constancy, or wishing to find something upon which (he

law will enable tbem to build another

marital establishment. In these places

divorces are planned, families separated, and the whole Bacred fabric undermined.

It can easily he seen that those who have the public good al heart havo not yet

touched the root of the trouble. It Is nn

undoubtedly the thing to ptinhh the

wre(chcn, calling themselves doctors, who

tamper with the lives of our women; but how much good will be accomplished, while (lie prime movers In the work of destruction arc allowed to deal out their

drvellsh doses, and In other ways to mis-

lead and destroy. Ho much for humbugs! Now let us

turn to new bonks for a few moments. Those of my readers who aro Interested In the stil)|eet of elocution, tboio of them

who have pour health by reason of weak

lungs, will be woudi-rliilly Deuefitjed by s

careful study or


Just Issued by Harper Bros. 1 take pleasure In saying (hat 1 have made prac-

(Ical use of the exercises ou the first pages, not for elocutionary purposes, but

for the sake of the lung development

which lUCh exquisite exercise Is sure to produce. Those not familiar with the lormatlou ofthc throat and the respira-

tory organs will llud the study very sim-

ple and interesting, This volume cannot

but bo ot inestimable value to teachers of elocution, supplying them at all times

with tho M.. hi kind of material for train-

ing. Person* of ordinary Intellectual

calibre can most certainly Instruct them- selves In thin accomplishment, and come

out from lhe study first class elocution-

ists. William Blank's last novel. "A Daughter ol Heth," Is a little too sad for me, the characters move naturally, but

not to my mind. Tin; fact Is I am not

especially fond of most of the character! I come iu contact with III real life. This

book Is written In the pleasant dramatic

style common to lhe author, and has for Itt "heroine" a little French girl, whose funny idiomatic mistakes arc (be only comical parts of an extremely sad story.

For those who like to weep when they

read, thll Istpiltc ;*.l to anything re- cently published. The mall 1« e|o»1ng, I

Sin told—so 'in Ever yours,



I ;

TSthe Hftmexican. LAWRENCE. FRIDAY. SEPT. 88,71.


The monument celebration in Boston, yester- day, wu carried out In the mo>t ((ratifying manner. The procession was one of the moat Imposing that the hub ever witnessed. Over 4000 members of the Ormnd Army of ibe Re- public participated, assisted by the Kitit Brig- ade or Haii. Militia and the Button Fire De- partment, with many civic organizations.

Thomas S^Joatelfn of Charleston, He., wu knocked down and robbed of a wallet contain- ing S'lt'J- A imaller wallet, containing a sum of money, and a gold watcb, did not meet the eyes of the robbers. Mr. Josselyn's skull was fractured, and but little hopes are entrrtalned of bis recovery.

Tbe troubles in the Sew York "ring" of thieves and robbers or the public treasure are constantly assuming new phases. Mayor Hall is trying to clear his skirts of guilt, and has tendered to Gen. McClellan the office of Con-

troller. The General la deliberating upon 'he matter.

The terrible powder explosion at 1'ioche, No- i, will result in the loss or a quarter million n| dollars, and Ihe death of six persons, large niiniber were wounded, many of whom will ilio; :!«o kegs of powder exploded, level- ing all tbe buildings In the vicinity.

The Boston Fire Department parade, yester- day, was a splendid affair. It wound up with a untiid dinner at Music Hall, where plate* were spread fur nearly JOOO p>rsom. Mayor (Isiton presided, and speeches were made by many prominent gentlemen.

Twenty-one new easel of mull-pox were re- ported in Lomll, on Hun.iuv morning. A new Board of Health :n. Iteen appmi.led, and iomo hopes of stopping the scourge are entertained.

Oen. Butler had anoih-jr enthusiasllc meeting at Kail Kiver, last evening II" claim*, np to the present time, n majority- of seven delegates to the Worcester Convention, over all others.

One of Moieby's lieutenants bss been re- moved from the Government employ, and oth- ers who were disloyal to the country will fol- low blm.

Another rail way horror in France. At Cham- pigny an accident occurrud which enured tbe death of nine person*, an-1 Injury of many oth- ers.

Mniiy Washington politician* are going to attend llic Worcester Convention, so great is their interest in Massachusetts affairs.

The French diplomatic representative In Chi- na, has received orders to make a common cauio against Corea, with America.


Few places In the Commonwealth have a deeper or more general Interest in the present gubernatorial canvass Ihsn our own city. Gen. Batter has many earnest and aalve friend!*; among our large laboring population he boa en- thusiastic supporter?, and bis Interests aru not likely to suffer by their negligence; on the oth- er hand, there Is smong our Influential Repub- licans a very determined hostility to this can- didate, anil a vigorous movement has been or- ganized, and li being prosecuted against him. Tbe people are awake, and the large meetings which have been the rule elsewhere, will And no exception here; in some place* tbeoarn esineta of rivalry has induced a bitterness of contest, and a reaort to unscrupulous means to secure the ends desired, not pleasant to eon- template and very far from conducing to har- mony and good feeling In tbe party hereafter, but which may, ought, and we are glad to know, in our own city, is likely to be avoided.

The dl| committee have recommended a bal- lot for delegates, which IN accepted by l>olh parties to the contest; in the absence of Col. Parsons, the meeting will l>e called to order by N. W. Harmon, Km., temporary chairman of the city committee, which will Insure entire fairness to all parties, at the outset, and we an glad to lean) that t»ih the friends and the op ponents of Gen. Butler have expressed them selves In favor of a mutual agreement upon some fair minded, non-pattl/sn gentleman for permanent chairman of the caucus, and upon tbe remainder of the officers for the evening hi", to which no one drairing peace and a fab

eipreasion, can object, will relieve the caucus | discovery of a load of hay li from a needleas, and perhaps exciting struggle I white It WHS passing through Lawrence


Boston l[. .-■ihl'.i report of Ocn. Butler's addriHs hi this city, un Saturday night, and the substance la already copied Into the Advertiser, and before to-morrow will be Ilytng through a More) ol other i> ipers, Is thi- statement:

Gen. Blttler had been handed a paper with a onestlon on It asking whether, If he did not get the regular nomination, he should bolt, and he declared that ii he did not get the nomination, and the people wanted him to. he should run 18 an Inde- pendent candidate.

Now, we venture to assort lhat of Ihe more than two thousand people In the hall, not one but the UeralJ reporter so under- stood (ion. Butler; he stated ilmt he was confident of the Worcester nomination; but that if, "by trick", by secret cailCUMB, by knavery and fraud," the Republicans were <■)„ <•!• >( out of an expression of their real wishes,—then, and only then, If the people wanted an Independent candidate, they should have one.

When will the opponents ol Q :n. Butler learn that such misrepresentation only weaken*, them with the people; everybody here knows that (ien. Butler did n»t say what the Iftrnlil attributes to dim.

UAUOIOCI IXCtMDURtSM. — The alarot of lire occurring at about ten o'clock thi! morning, was caused by Ihe

11 at

A n in i' <V> o o o i fi,

Very heavy frost last night.

The Superior Court slls in ibis city next mouth.

Senator Morrlll, of Vurtnont, was In the city on Wednesday, and visited some of our large manufacturing establishments.

PU'iniKH ot- 1'UAVBL is the title of the pleasant volume with which Mgaant. flurd & Iloughton, Biverslde Press, Cambridge, close tlielr handsome edition o( the complete works of that charming writer, "HANS CHRISTIAN

AXDKRSEX. Tbli volume Is a gallery of such bright and lively sketches as only Andersen can paint, of scenes from his travels in Sweden and Switzerland, andamong the Hart?. Moun-

Ballcy Bros, have a tine market, and rather . tains, c»ncludlng with a very Interesting ac- ake the lead In displaying fresh and tempting j count of his visit to Charles Dickens' house,


The Tammany troubles, In New Yort still ihe excited questions of the day. McClellen bss declined tbe offer or the '!'■:■:■ HI. ,.-'.■.! II.- ho could not sec

hope for an explanation that would restore confidence In Ihe integrity of any one who hod been In any way connected with the manage- merit of the city finances. There are suspicions that Ihe thieves are all working togother present, and their pretensions to hostility to one another U only to deceive the public.

Tbe destructive conflagration which oc- curred nt St. Albnoe, on Sunday morning East, caused a loss of property to tho amount of 9H2.000. Over an acre of ground was burned over,embracing the business portion of the south side of Lake street. Many of the largest business houses were destroyed. Some twen ty-flve buildings wcro burned, Including foni large blocks, and some thirty-five huslncsi firms are among the suiTercrs.

Tho official returns of the recent election in Maine give the total voto 103,633; or which l'crham, Republican, received ,'<S,1S7, and Kim ball, Democrat, 47,SM; leavings majority or lO.ftK for Fcritem.

The annual exhibition of tho Horticultural department of the Ksscx Institute, opened at PJntnmer Hall, this afternoon, and will contin- ue till Friday.

Uov. WarmOtb,of I-oulsiana, has l«cn dial .",-.-■! :.. mortal > nmuut by Mr. J. A- Wallh,

of Sew Orleans. Tho Governor refused the challenge.

Tho postal money order system between tho United Mtatcs and England will go Into opera- tion on the 2nd of October.

The ncrnus)!) army have been placed on i pence looiing, 'and Its effective strength will be reduced to 100,(100 men.

Ward caucuses will be holden in Havcrhitl, on Friday evening, and a lively time Is an- ticipated.

den. Butler spoke to tho citizens of last Ab ington, last evening.


The committee of seventy who are luvestlgat ins: the Tammany frauds, expect lo seo Mayor Hall and his associates In State Prison soon. Tho Mayor has been asked to resign. Connnl ly offers to disgorge bis ill-gotten gains, and to submit testimony that will crlmlnalo Tweed, Sweeney and Hall.

When the result ol tho ward caucauses In Boston had been known, last night, the Butler men of wards three and six, lo the number of nearly three hundred, formed a procession and marched through tbu principle street* In that locality, bearing llmlor transparencio.'.

Wesley Foss ot Stafford, X, 11., left his home Tuesday morning, and was afterwards found dead in a Held near having committed suicidu hy shooting himself. He was iwenty- llvc tears of age, and recently married.

An accident occurred on tho Portland, Saco and l'0[t»mouth railroad, latl evening. Tho six o'clock train from Boston ran into a sand batik, owing to a misplaced switch. No person was Injured.

Arrangements arc Mag made for a grand Firemen's Muster, lo be holden at Fitchburg

on the loih and lull of October. SMsrtl) has ticin offered in prizes.

The Fall exhibition of the Lowell Ilortlcul- lural Society commenced yesterday. The dis play ol Hulls, particularly pears and grapes, is an excellent one.

The new Hoard of Hcalih hero commenced to forcibly remove small-pox patients, acting under provision* ol the Genera! Statutes.

Yesterday morning brought a snow storm upon M- in.' Washington,and ihe Ihcrmomctc indicated :7 degrees.

There is a Colored Agricultural and Mechan- ical Fair in session near N'aihvillc, Tciin., at the present lirao

FRIDAY. A mammoth cheese has been exhibited at

the Industrial F.xhlhition at Buffalo, weighing three thousand pounds. A day's product of 2,200 cows was required in its construction.

Tho Itopublicans of Chelsea had a rousing caucus last evening, over two thousand people pan lc i pat In g. The full delegation of twelve were elected lor Butler.

The first trial of Ku Klux under the recent Act, has been closed. The Jury returned a ver- dict convicting eight, acquitting ihrce, while live pleaded guilty.

The Lowell mill operative* have at last se- cured an hour for their dinner. Three-quarters of an hour have hitherto been allowed.

itochefort has hr-on tried by Court Martial at Versailles, an I sentenced to transportation for life 10 the | cmil colony.

At Nallck, (Jen. Butlor received an enthusi- astic reception la»t evening, and spoke to a large audience

Ware held their caucus on Wednesday, and elected three Butler delegates.

There are thirteen new cases of »mall-pox

reported in [.owell,

Tut: 8T*TK CONVENTION.—The Republican Cuecuiive Committee, at a meeting on Satur- day, decided to issue ihe admission tickets to delegates, at Worcester, instead of sending them to ihe town committees as lint proposed; delegates must present their credentials io the Secretary tin Hie afternoon preceding and morn- ing of the convention, receiving admission checks io he taken up on entering the ball; each delegate should have a separate certificate ol election, ami not, as is usual, the entire list from a town or ward be on one sheet, and H|! who ran ►lioiild secure their tickets ilm af- ternoon l.cloru the convention. Tho galleries will be open to ihe public. The full number of delegates to the convention, will be 110.*.. In- stead nl UHIJ as "taint by several of our ex- change.,—six new towns having been incor-

porated since the printed list was Issued.

tbe organization, Insure peace and fail ne** at the outset, and lie heartily promotive of harmony and union hereafter; then, with an

pen and clear ballot, the will of tbe majority can be fairly expressed without a squabble.

And now let both sides also agree, as we be- ev« they will, that this Republican caucus

shall' In- only inch, a meeting of Republicans d no one else, and frown down any sugges-

tion from actively mischievous democrats as here than thoso who belong In tbe meeting

attempting any Interference in Its affairs. A >, fairly organised, and an honest

ballot. . . . . .

THE NEW DU-OT.—The completion of the new union depot, on Iho south side of the river,

rapidly going forward, and the last of Oeto- II will probably llnd it ready for occupancy.

Some delay was caused In preparing tbe foun- dation, and a number of days was consumed In putting; In a sewer to conduct the water away j

nb this exception there has been no de- Isy to the workmen. Tbe main building Is 129 by 38 feet, and tbe wing In the rear Is M by .'18

Tbe southern portion of Ihe building Is to be used as tbe gentlemen's room, and within

this is an ample anto-room. Tbu northern por- tion will lie used for ladies, and this contains

mmodious ante-roomi- In the front and of tho building Is tbe ticket office, open-

ing into both tbe ladles' and gents' rooms. ig of tbe building Is to be devoted to

the restaurant business. Opening into both ailing rooms, through windows, will be placed long counter, where will be for sale the usual

articles found on the counter of railway restau- rants ; and in the rear of this, a space has been sot apart for a dining-room, and there will he placed therein ten marble tubles. It Is Intend- ed to make this a llTst-class sating saloon, and doubtless the travelling public will fully appre- ciate the change from tho uncomfortable place devoted to this purpose In the old depot. A commodious cook and store room are attached, while on the second floor are four spacious apartments for tbe residence of whoover may have charge of the catering.

Tbe station is located a few rods beyond the junction of tho Lowell railroad with Ihe Boston and Maine, which will probably necessitate a rhango in tho location of their track. Mr. Henry J. Couch is the contractor lor building and lurnlshing the now depot, and tho work Is apparently being prosecuted in tllO most thor- ough and rapid manner.

The third annlvrrsary tervfcet of the abo church were held on .Sunday, September IT. Kcv. I>. (J. Knpwlcs of Lowell, prcichud an o* re lion In the morning, from the test recorded li Numbers alv: U, He vary forcibly showed what ■re the signs of the times, and what they wl ■nit In unless a mnjonty of Christiana have another spirit with them, and follow Iho Lord fully. A largo number of peraona gladly selr.od the opportu nil) la ln'nr lb* popular preacher once more, asi! were well rewarded for io doing.

Bat, K H. Williams of Andover, presetted In the afternoon, to parents, teachers and ichoUn, fron Tho Hong of Bolomon I: «. " Feed thy kids beltdt the Shepherd's tent." liesirdalaedlaavery ple«lB| rnannur, tr*» they should ba f.-l while they are kids, and irAcn they should bo fed, and last, but not least, htm Hi'-y should be fed, aud how Ihe kids runl.l help lo fae.l themselves.

Itev. C, K. Flalitr preaehud la Hie evening from LUIS i : 11. " For he ahsll be great la the alsht of the Lord." Afler a brief introduction, lie (bowed what generally makes man great In tho slibt of men,—birth, wealth, arid ability to do what other men eannot do ; then he showed whit greatness 1* In the sight or Ood—Its luperlor value, etc., and Blewd wllli an earnest appeal to the audience, in endeavor to bo great In the aishl of Uod.

The voeal and Instrumental music added ronshl- ■blo to the lalereat of Ilio aorvlcea, which were rgely sllended, and very InlelcallriK throughout.

THI DKI.HOATKS.—Lowell, on Wodnesday evening, as was expected, gave llntlcr her solid delegation or 22, chosen by wards ; Drscut also choso 2 (or Butler. Newton elected 7 i [Sutler. In Boston there was a series of largo and exciting caucuses. According to tho Mer-

•il'l and Attvrrliur, Butler carried 'A delegates lo p.i opposed; In Ward 0, whero Mr. Jewell resides, and there is also a heavy colored vote, the Butler men succeeded, and ibelr opponents charging unfairness, withdrew and held a sep- arate caucus; giving this ward to Ihe hollers, and tho delegation of iho ell* would stand, 38 tor Butler, f.l opposed. The Advtrtiter't table gives Butlor ku delegates, thus far, IJ 378 op- posed and for all others. Tho General, in his speech at New Bedford, claimed, to last even- in«T, that of 117 itologaics elected, ISO were pledged to him; ibat would make the count stand, to ibis morning, Butler 2tWi unti, 297. Wo give tho figures of both sides, and our rend-

ers can accept just which are most pleasing; probably neither are entirely correct.

Tho Hi raid of Thursday evening, says, edito- rially, lhat Ward 0, Boston, Is fairly to bo counted for Builer.

Ksstx AOjtlCOLTrjAL SociETr.—Tho pro- gramme of iho Qftv-flrst exhibition, at Ips- wich, Bepl.Mtb and 27th, is as follows:—

Tutsi"AY n 1-2 o'clock, A. M., ibo society, committee anil marshals meet at town hall. 11 o'clock, A. )i., annual election of officers. 1 o'clock, f. M., committees examine stock and articles exhibited. 'I o'clock,)', M., trial of draft oxon and horses on tho street at Town

Ulll. WtnMHiiAV. Ii) o'clock, a. si, ploughing

match, at Manning's Neck, tl 1-3 o'clock, A, «i , address by lion. Joseph Sidney Howe, nt First church. Procession forma In front of Agawam House. 1 O'clock, p. «|., annual din- ner, In lent on exhibition grounds. Exhibi- tion of stock, agricultural Implements, .lie, on Mount Pleasant, near tbe depot. Fruits, dairy products, vegetables, &C , at Damon's Mall. Admission 1'. rents. All entries of ani- mels, etc., will l>e made at Damon's Hall, at or !n-im '■ lo o'clock un the 20th.

strcot. It seems some hoys set tho fire

when i In- load was about opposite Kim

street, and when it was discovered,

had Arrived In front of Mr. ltrewster'a

stable. A number of gentlemen near by

threw water on the barnltisT ,|,-v- but It

wast being abandoned when tho steamers

arrived, and a stream was soon In opera-

tion, which checked the flre. Some ot

the Hook and Ladder boys arrived with

their carriage, and Immediately went to

work with their books, and the crowd

attempting to assist, In tlielr seal

nulled iho entire load over, crushing the

rack and rear wheels, alt of which seemed

needless. A hi<;li wind was blowing nt

tho time, and but Tor the opportune ar-

rival of tho firemen, a coiHlujfrutlon

might have ensued. Wu learn that the

boys who set the fire are known. The

team belonged to Mr. Joel Kichardson, of

Muttmeti. and about a ton of hay was on

the wHgon,

Will Oen. Butler Bolt?

We lind io tho Journal's report of Gen.

Ittitlcr's speech on Monday evening rtt

Fall Kiver, tho following: —

"They ask mo whether I will holt, mid lo that I mean to make answer once fur nil: In ctiao tho will of the people is fairly board and fairly expressed nt Wor- cester, / Bhall bow to (he will of the peo- ple. (ApplutiHo.) But Kthe will ot the people is choked off, preventing its ex- pression by tricks, chicanery, secret meetings or conspiracy, why, then I will take care to illustrate tho maxim of tho law, that fraud binds nobody. FAIR


Now let tho opponents of (ien. Ilullcr, wlitj have been crying so lustily about bolting, put themselves in an ctpially bonorablo position; if Gen. Ilutlcr is fairly nominated, will the;/ " bo bound P " I'air play, gentlemen,— hut do not cry " bolter," when you are threatening,aye, vowing to bolt yourselves.

DEATH oijjjf A ClNTBHAUUM.— Our readers will remember in these columns, a few month.) ngo, mention of Mrs. Han- nah Andrews, of I.ovell, Me., great grandmother of Mr. Rural Andrews, of this city ; this aged lady died, Aug. -Hth, being advanced to I":1 years, 3 months and li> tlays. Mrs, Andrews' maiden name was Klden . she formerly resided in Itttxtoii, and was, we believe, a native of Itlllcricn, In this state. A week before her death tliero were live generations of her descendants around her bedside, and .« 11:- [in- -i- nt the hiiii-i nl, In OHO slip at

the church, were ilvo perfectly white heads, of uge« from tWt to TO. Her hus- band was a captain In the war of 1812, and she has been one of Hie pensioners of the government; the has over 'Jill) de- scendants.

THE SHAM. POX IS LOWRI.I,, is fear- fully on the increase again, and Ihe citi- zens ore becoming thoroughly nlarmod , a letter from a prominent gentleman in thai cily, to a friend here, on Monday, states lhat there were IS or 20 new ruses reported the day bofore, Our authorities ought at once to adopt the most stringent measures against Ihe introduction and spread of tho epidemic here; not a mo- ment should bo lost.

THE DISCOVERT of something looking very much like gold, on l'rospect Hill, awakened a little flutter of excitement among Its lluders, hut we do nut learn Hint the assessors have increased their valuulion of the properly in that section, or that mining operations have been com- menced in any of the cellars of the reel- deuces In that section.

FREAKS or TUB TtPiw,— Our reporter wishes It distinctly understood, that It wus a perverse freak of Iho types, and not his Joke, that in our paper lust even- ing, transformed the announcement of indwell's next play, from the " Lost Heir," Into the " Lost Hen ; " Tho com- pany have not yet gone Into n search for inlstdiiK bldde-dom!

fruits, and other articles in their line Doa. S. S. Crocker, tho well known paper

manufacturer, formerly cf our city. Is a repub- lican delegate from Leomlnster; ho I* lor But- ler.

The Interior of Grace Church is receiving a new coat of palm, and will he frescoed throughout. It will bl ready fur use about ihe first of October.

Tho pilch of the ornan of the Lawrence street church, has been raised a half tone, ihe belter to chord with tho brass Instruments now

used in the Sunday services.

Great preparations are being made for tho Odd Fellows' celcbtatlon at Lvnn, on Ihe :*.iih met. We hope to soon he able to publish the full proceedings, and matters or interest con- nected therewith.

Blue and Grey, presented some time since, by Post 3o, tl. A. Unrealized »1>r.MfJ, above all expenses; this will he expended In the granite work around the lot In the cemetery, devoted to the burial of soldiers ; a very taste- ful deslun has been adopted, and the work will

be In preparation during the winter.

Mr. Sehaake, the philanthropist, has returned from New York with one of ibe largest and most fashionable assortments of cloths ever ex^ hlblted in this cltr, and he Is determined to let no one suffer with the cold this winter. If ther arc disposed to patronize him, for he hss fixed his rate of tariff at ihe lowest figure*, while hi* styles are all fresh from the mint.

Bldweli's troupo will lo-nluht present the well known and much admired play, entitled "The Octoroon, or Life In Louisiana," and Ihe Inimitable Yankee Locke will assume ihe part or "Salem Scuddcr," the Massachusetts Tankee who goes Houth as an overseer. Tbe play is an excellent one, full of humor and excitement, and will doubtless draw a full house-

An oil lady, who labored under a mistaken ides, while passing Sharpe's dry good bouse, was observed to witness with much composure,

ibe anxious approach of a man with a red flat.', from tbe onposlto side of tho street. When he came within speaking distance, she exclaimed, 'Nevermind me. sir; I've badil!" She was brouftht to her senses when informed lhat a blast was about to occur in the cellar opposite, and there was no fear from tbe small-pox.

The Fair of St. John's Church, which Friday evening closed a three nights' siege upon the pockets of its many friends, closed In Ihe most satisfactory manner. Each night tbe hall has been well filled, its several attractions liberally patronized, aud wo hope to bear a good report from Its Treasurer, as to the entire receipts. Miss Ada Salthouso received Ihe largest num- ber of votes for Toy Stove No. J, and the slice of cake containing Iho gold dollar was taken by Miss Kita Fletcher.

Shopkeepers will foci good to know that Bos- ton people como to Lawrence to purcbaso goods, as they can get tbem cheaper here. A gentleman was up from Boston ono day this week, and In passing Hodgman's store saw some of the new Btyle of shirts, callod "Che- viot,' and Inquired thalf prlco. Ho was in- formed, and immediately took a pair, and said he saved three Hollars, as they wcro selling in Boston for that amount in advance of Lawrence


TUB LINOAHI" BVrKaTMaHBirr, un Mon- day evening, was of the very best present- ed to our rltly.ens lor year', and was heartily enjoyed by one of the largest audiences of the -.. n-'-n As a whole, iho company Is a strong one; Llnffard is a host within himself, un- doubtedly the best mimic and peraonaiur ol the .lay, some of his character presentations being almost perfection, and the changes made with marvellous quickness, benign Horace Greeley hclnK transformed in a twinkling into ihe Emperor Napoleon, and King William into ifen. Butler, wlonlng the most enthusiastic ap-

plause. "Naval Engagement*,''—a really Una com-

edy, was ... II ; ..- i presented, and kept the audience In a roar ot laughter throughout; we

ilougbl if, as a whole, any company has ever presented a mure enjoyable entelnmsnti Al- i.-e Dunning was 'Wcei and cunning us usual, adding her line voice to the sprlghillness or her acting. "Marriage at any price," conclud- ed the programme; the bouse was an excellent one, and all wrre well pleased.

Tt I'OOIIAI'IIIC — The second number of ibis elegant publication, ha* twen Issued; it U reslljf a gem of nice priming, exceedingly rrediiablfl to New England typography, and welcome io every offlce; L. B, Wilder fc Co., publishers, t)6 Congress street, Boston.

NOT TIIK WUITKU.—Ex-Mayor John R, iiollins states that he was not, as was stat- ed, the author of the query propounded In writing to Ocn. Itiiller, in relation to bolting, on Sulruday Evening; iho ques- tion was handed Mr. Kolllns, by another gentleman, he merely passing It to the messenger lo take to Ihe platform.

Kocatl ON am.—In Ids address Satur- day night, Qen. Butlor rend the proceed- ings or the Anti-Butler caucus, which he denominated as private meeting, but lhat they a»ked in one blundering tool, who rushed out mid put In print all tlielr ilolntrs.

Mil. .Tons MALI

u few gentlemen •■•< plan a subscription John Malcolm, tho

ii.H.—At ihe suggestion of n mot to r,>n-n;i ,,n what uuld ho rained on l . ).:il i of ran who met with the »c

verc railway accident a short time ago, at iho depot, whenhy ho lost his right arm, and hi his right leg so severely bruised lhat ho Is n likely lo have the use of it for a long time to come, if ever, n meeting was hold on Wedi day evening and the following were elected a committee, with power lo mill to their number:

.1 11. [.tie, President. Hubert Christie. Sec rotary and Treasurer. ThOS. McCubblu, John Paisley, Andrew Mitchell, I. Uthb, J. J. Dolan, Hubert llemlng, Thomas W. Kanada, Wot. Lawson, Alex. Duncan, John Fleming, Win. Knight, Mr. Robin too, Mr. Wilson.

The above committee were authorised to re- ceive and uplift subscriptions in aid of the ahovo object. Tho committee beg to ihank those of the Washington and Pacific Corpora- tions who io nobly contributed, and h is pro posed to raise a sum sulllcieiit to keep him un I his Umily through the winter, and the commit- tee huve thoroughly Investigated tho c.ise, and found It a very wor'hv ol ject,

Subscript Ions will ho thankfully revived by any i.f the inumhcM of the iMinmlttee


The following circular bu3 been Issued

by the Chief Marshal of the grand dem-

onstration to be made by tbe Essex Coun-

ty Odd Fellows at I.jiin, on the 20th

lnst: i.Tssc, Sept, 18*1.

OiacULAU: Issued for Iho information or Lodges and Kncampmcuts attending Ibe public

demonstration of 1. O. O. 1\ of Essex County, to be held in this city, Sept. 20, lH71,aml hy direction of the Executive Committee, ihe fol- lowing regulation* will ho observed:

The several divisions will commence forming at 10 o'clock, A. « , In tho following order:

City Marshal, Escort of Police. Chief Marshal.

ALU. Aids. Band.

First Division, under charge of Division Mar shal II. O. Grover, P, II. P.

Palestine Encampment, So. :!7,of Lynn. Bay State l<odge, No. 40, of Lynn. This Division will perform escort duty dur-

ing the day. S.n'1111,1 Division, under charge of Division

Mamhal Summit Encampment, No. II, of Beverly. Ilass Kiver Lodge, No. 111, ol Beverly. Third Division, under charge of Division

Marsha! Cent. Thomas II. Armstrong. O/ias Encampment, No. 40, or Marblohcnd. Atlantic Lodge, No. '-">, of Uarblehcad. Fourth Division, under charge of Division

Marshal P. 0., C. U. Smith. Kearaagc Encampment, No. 30, of Lawrence. I'nited Brothers Lodge, No. 122, of Lawrence, Lawrence Lodge, No. 1.10, nf Lawrence. Monadnock Lodge, ll'i, of Lawrence Hope Lodge, No. 31, of Uethuen. Fifth Division, undercharge ol Division Mar

shal P. C P., George 8- Fears. Cape Ann Encampment, No..'l-., of Gloucester Ocean Lodge, No. 01, of Gloucester. Magnolia Lodge, 110, of Manchester. Granite Lodge, 1-7, of ltockport. Sixth Division, under charge of Division

Marshal Ueo. J. Dean. Eagle Encampment, No. \ii, of Havethlll. Mutual Relief Lodge, No. 83, of Havcrhlll. Mi/pah Lodge, No. 131, of Ilaverhlll. Protection Lodge, No. 117, of Georgetown. Seventh Division, under charge of Division

Marshal, P. C. P., Simeon Flint. Naumkcag Encampment, No. LI, of Salem. Fraternity Lodge, No. 118, of Salem.

Essex Lodge, No. 2d, of Salem. Danvcrs Lodge, No. 163, of Danvers. Eighth Division, under charge of Division

Marshal 1'. C. P., Cbas. L. Avers. Mcrrimac Encampment, No. '., ol Newbury-


iJuascacuqucn Lodge, No. 39, of Nowhury- porl.

1'owow River Lodge, No. '.HI, of Ameshnry, Agawain Lodge, No. 52, of Ipswich. County Committee and Brothers unable to

walk, In carriages. nttlcers ot Grand Lodge and Grand Encamp-

ment, in carriages.

Tho procession will move promptly at 11 o'clock, A. M.

The route of the procession Is not long, and the column will not boon iho march over an hour and a hall.

Tho City Malt will be open during the day, frco lo all Brothers and their ladies, holding tickets.

The following are hereby appointed aids to Ibe Chief Marshal:

Major E. A. Flske, Chief of Staff; Col. J. D. Drew, Cot. Andrew Ewell, S. V. McCleam, ''- A. Johnson, BenJ.Serlhner, Jr.

s. B. Ban ED, Chi f,Un. .A«i/.

here It was his good fortune to spend a son. Very few authors present so fresh, Invit- ing and good-humored stories of travel, catch- ing always the light and sunny phases of life, enlivening the journey bv anecdote and story, quaint observation and quiet humor, In- h al- ways entertaining, and this volume Is a fitting termination of the edition, which deserves a place In every library.

This series, which we have found occasion repeatedly to commend, Is In every respect creditable to the careful bease by which it has been Issued; there are Ien uniform crown octa- vo volumes, each complete in Itself, printed In tue style for which the Hiverside press has be- come famons, and clegnntly hound. Or Ro- mance there are four volumes, The Improvisa- tor, Tbe Two Baronesses, O. T. and Only a Fiddler. Of Sketches of Travel, three : In Spain and Portugal, A Poet's Bsssar, and Pictures of Travel. Of Fairy Tales and Stories, two: Wonder Stories for Children, and Stories and Tales. The Story or My Life completes the number. We welcome so excellent an edition of so charmlm; an author. Lee &. Shepard, Boston, and L- Stratton, Lawrence.

STOKIKS rnoa Oto Baousa POBTIT—

The best evidence or the real power and beauty of Ihe old writers, is the hold they retain, de- spite the freshness of modem literature, upon successive generations of readers, and we turn over the leaves of these old masters with tho warmeal afleilion of youth. Mrs. Ahhy S. Richardson, whose pen is a graceful and pleas- ing one.has published, through Ilurd & Iloagb- ton.of the Hiverside Press, Cambridge, a vol- ume of Stories from old English I'urtrr, caps daily Intended for the young people, and cloth- ing in attractive language some of the finest tales of tbe best poets of the olden lime; Mrs. Richardson, in her preface, tils how tho re- membrance of her childish enthusiasm over some of these same stories led her to ilus task which she has entered upon with an evident enthusiasm, and there Is a delightful sparkle to the stories She presents which cannot fail lo klndlo an interest among her readers. The volume, which It is ulmost seedless to say, is very neatly Issued, contains tlvo stories from Chaucer, four from Spencer, and seven from Shakespeare. There is no attempt to preserve In the narration, the languareol the originals. Tho stories aro translated Intousljlo adapted to the comprehension of .'hildrcn, preserving tho incidents and the lessoa with faithful care; It is a most welcome addiiion to the book list of this season, and will both please and Instruct the young. For sale by L. Stralton.

FOUR, ANO WHAT THEY DID, is Ibe llile of a volume of short stories for tbe children, by Helen C. Weeks, whoso "Aitisleo Stories" have won the hearts of all ibe boys and girls who have read them; she Is acapltal teller of bright little stories, and this volume, with as many fati I as a cat Is famed :o have, Is certainly in her best mood; ibo author gives tbcoxpcricnco of children in Ihe far West, and has made a very entertaining book in Its way, insinuating good lessons in an unsuspected way, and cal- culated lo i mprovo and amuse at tho same time. Lee & Shepard, Bostoi. L. Stratton, Law- rence.

laexij or a Woman') Right, is the title of Mary Clcmmer Ames' new story, Issued In pa- per covers, by Putnam,New York,and for sale by tho New England Mews Company, Boston. The subject may brleiy bo described us the conttastof domestic unhnpplncss with domes- tic bliss. Tho characttrs are forcibly and deli- cately sketched, and the general treatment Is stIt-possessed and adequate. In what may bo

styled the mechanical execution, Mrs. Ames hue Introduced a new point by inserting sub heads throughout each chapter. Every portion Included tieneaih each sub head,thus possesses a compactness and tatclslveness which cause It to stand clearly lortb, and in some instances to form a picture hy itself. For sale by L. Strat ton: 7,'J cents.




'.'he ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the Memorial Hall took place on Tuesday nttemoon, In the presenoa of several hundred nerfiona. Rev. Dr. John

Taylor called the attention of those present to tho object for which they had LS-I-IIIIJII- !, anil read a list o( the docu- ments contained In the box to be deposit- ed, lie then requested Mr. David Mltl- dleton to deposit and cement the box in the corner stone, inn] Invited Mr. John Smith to assist him. This having been done, Dr. Taylor made brief and nppro- priatc remarks referring to the town as of great historic Interest, and Rev. Charles Smith offered a fervent and im- pressive prayer, solemnly Invoking the Divine blessing upon all contributors; the workmen employed; the soldiers and tlielr friends and the community gener- ally, in the wotk so auspiciously com- menced; giving devout thanks Io Al- mlghiy Cod lor our social, civil mid reli- glous blessings and Imploring upon all the riches of Heavenly grace anil conso- lation. The assembly were deeply im- pressed with the solemnity of the occa- sion and lingered about the hallowed spot with heartfelt interest. Messrs. Taylor, Mhldlcton and Charles Smith are of ihe building committee, and Samuel Ray- mond, Esq., another of the committee who has rendered nothing service as a member, was present. We noticed In the assemblage Mr. Frederick Noyes, the old- est man in town, ('apt. Thomas C. Fos- ter, and other vcui'rablo <-iii.---:i- who took a lively interest in tho services of the hour. The box deposited is copper, BxlO, 0-1 inches deep, hermetically sealed, and contains the following :—

History or Ibo Town of Amlover, ]«3t>, ipof town, IBS3.

A lint Ot v Valuation of the town, I WO, f-Cu and IS AuJitor'a Report of Iteeetpta ami Kipi idliurr

,'1 years, July t, IIMII: ill ■charged Dee, 1", It*M, fur Ulanbllily, ami died Marrli -ill, 1-:::. ul disease CO i Iraeleil In lbs lervfeej burled lu VTesi Cemetery, AmlH-rr.

George 8. Farmer, Sergeant, born in Salem, May 2, is:c>; mustered into Co. If, 1st Hui. n, A., July a, i--i aaeorperal; diseharfed to re-en list, and re-

U'd In mimu company aixl hftjfllllent, ti> llu) It of Bairn, a. sergeant, .Ian. 'J, 1*01; died as

|n!"i.i.i i of »'f at Andi-raoiivllli', <)«., Si-pi. 10, 1WU; burh-.l l» tho irenohMBI AnderaoDvlllc,Ua.

Urorge W. Grant, bom In Andover, Jan. SI, HUB; nnsurad into (Jo, II, Ut Haaa. II. A., AUK,

2, IWJ.for By my and rcglm Jar

lery, AnduveT. l.owta (). livid. IM.I-I. In Chatham, H. II., Peb, -,

IH3U; Unstated Into Co. II, 1*1 Mas*. II. A.,.fuly.'>, I-.U, for ;i jeara; discharged by piplratlon of SIT.

vtoe, July \ IHI] died Jan, 1, ItOiJ, from wuunoa rivvivi.l at (jpuisylvaola, Hay IS, 1SS4; burk-d In Houth Cemetery, Aodover.

Snoch M. Hater,, born in Andover, April 14, UR8< mastered Into Co. II. I.i Mn—. II, A., July .1, for ;< yearsi killed June io, wu, at or near I'ctersburif, Vn.

Franklin Hardy, bom in Wobam, Feb. SO, IS80; Mastered Into Co. II. Ut Mass. II. A., July 1, lUrtt, for 3 years; discharged to n-cnllti, and retaliated In same company and reglraftnt, Dee. S, 180.1, for :t Tears, killed at or near Petersburg, V.., tlet. !, ISM] body not recoven.1.

George E, Hay ward, bom In Andovcr, Fvb. 13, is:i7; mastered late Co. U, 1st II. A., July W, isa;, fur lliti'c yearn; illiu-liiiwl by t-splr it tun of arrvlrt', JiilV a, 1M4; dint July-JI, IMS, from i inn -W wound throng* tbe stomach, rewind at e)th>l«)l- vniila, Va., Hay 1U, ISStj burli-d In Ibe Houtb Cera.

Jonathan A. Hull, born In Anduvcr, April T, IB41; mastered lato Co.ll, 1st Haas. H. A..July 2J, ISCS, for ;t years; killed May IW. 1104, at Spot- sylvanla, Va.; buried In Die Held.

James Jauulth, Corporal, born In Amlover, March 13, IBM; mustertd Into Co. U, iioib Regt. Mi>., lufanti-y, Nov. IS, 1SSI, for Syaara; died of dlseaae at New Orleana, I,a., Dee. 1, I■"'-.:; body

Henry (1. Klmball, born ; mustered Co. O, 44th Kegt. Wasa. Infantry, Sept. 12,


l.flHl ofdlBP t New-

inUilli I I'KV

i« the tiilo of a new, eijr,bt-psn;e paper, devoted tu the interests id' the trades menliunud, ihe llrst number Issued last week, by Wm. May- nanl A Co-, llostnn, the "Co." t>oinn none else than uiir enter prising and onorRaie. friend Howard, nf ihe I'eabody Press; Ibis number Is well tilled with matter nf interest t-> this great Iraule, and we arc lure the wide-awake publish- ers will make It a lively ami valmhle sheet.

ISSJ and 1S70-71. School Committees1 repot I from IV

II, Inclu-lve, tiLcrpt ISK-.lnnd IM8T-S, An abstract or the origin and pro

"Memorial Halt." A list of ul I v.l., have conliibuted I

Lawrence American of Dec. 23d, ]S70, containing lli'- report of ;i public meeting held on lliu ITlh, to consider the erecllon of a '■ Ucmoilal Hidl."'

Luwrence American of March If, 1871 j report of annual meeting on Ihe Glh lnst.

Doslon Traveller of Dec. 21, l^U, report of the lobrallon of the LiOth anniversary of the landing

or John Smith In tho tolled Sialca; sketch of his Ufa, etc., etc.

fongrtgaiionatitt of May 17.1S07; biography of "John Smith, of Amlover, by 1'rof. E. A. Park."

Lawrence American of March 18, 1571; an ac- count of the "presentation of the freedom of the City of llrccbln. Scotland, to John Bmllb."

Same paper of May 20, 1S7I; an account of Ibe " public welcome and reception to John Smith on his return from Europe to Anduvcr.

Same paper of Sept, 1, 1N71 ; copy of proccedlnga, etc., at Urechln, Scotland, on enrolling Mr. John Smith as an honorary member of Ibe Urechln Tulel AbsUucnce Society.

Photographs of John Smith, Peter Smith, John Dove, and Joseph VT. Smith.

A list of all who enlisted In the army or navy during tho rebellion, from this town, and who be-

Tlie record of 40 soldiers and acamen who lost their lives in the seivico of the Called Stales, or who died of dlicasc contracted therein.

A sermon on the donih of Waller L. Raymond, by Bar, li. 1). DabblU.

Pliolographa of deceased not ill era of Andover's quota, M* , Culler, Hastes, O'naro, Maion, C. P. ilamard, Russell, MeQurk. Clement, Raymond, VTardwell, Trull, Do.lwell. E C. Merrill. Word- man, Bsgley, S. p. Farnham, O. B. Hayword, K. O. Frie, O. L. Fsmliam, K. K, Bryanl.

Memoir of Ills Honor Samuel Chill I pa, by flee. John L. Taylor, isifl.

Triennial estaluguoof tho Theological Seminary,

Wo offer a contribution to an Important philosophical work not yet announced, on the Isothermal lines of Thought in two Continents. Just ns " Pllpat's Fables " was banging in the dij-piuaa IOWUI ■• tCm Iklto.alde P»a>, Pr«. fessor n.-tik'v was wrlilnp; to the editor of ■' Tho Academy," London, his letter on Ihe Im- portant discovery of ihe SjrlM translation of the original Sanskrit version of Pilpay's Fables. Doth the original and Ihe Byrlac version had hitherto eluded the search of scholars, who bad been hunting lor them eversince the sixth cen- tury, and the importance of tho present discov- ery will bo understood when we give Professor Ucnfcy'sitallcj: " The coloring is still visible in thoSyriac redaction and hence it is possible, indeed probable, that we amy be able complete ty to restore th* Sanskrit form of the original i,i all ntential point*." Meanwhile, before that is done, Proleasor lU-nw might have ob- served, If he had been addressing tbe Rullclln instead of tho Academy, here la an American edition, quilt un wtelligibU t; Ihe ordinary

n aid r, and containing some of the best stories In tho world. Tho italics arc oorown.-fi/rer- *i<l.: llultobt.

1) or the Theological Seminary

A. Park, clinpel am! .Sent., library, Theo

i lie i ml Army raiiulti.

Tlio-rnll parnilo of the Essex County 1'usts, (i. A. It . .it Sttlom, on Thursday, (tot. I-, promises to ha an occasion of grout interest; nearly nil tho Posts in Iho county will Join in tho demonstra- tion, ami If tins weather in favorable there will iluiihtle-ss he n thousand coni- f.ulr - in lino, with ei^lit or ten hands of music. I'u-.i :i',i, of this city, nt a lurgf meet in i; mi Wednetnliiy evi'iiinji, voted enlhnsiastically to join in tho parade, ami a roinniltUtG WAS nppolntod to secure imisie, ami make other arrangements; lite I'osl has alsi. decided lo procure hcllH, probably white, with thud. A. R.

R1U clasp. id i npi are tu he pr .led at Iho meeting next week, so lhat

tlm stylo may lie agreed Upon in season fur this occasion; a lull attendance ul MM- members Is desired next Wednesday, and from Iho wide-awake .spirit of last

night there is likely tu l>i< a largo turn-

out to tho parade.

Mr. Cbas. 1), llammctt, tho cashier ol Hie Merchants Dank, in Newport, It. I., has proved ti> he a defaulter in the aninnni Of III.OfK). He has been taking funds for twenty-two years.

Tempor&iKO Mooting on the Common.

Tho Lawrence Tcmpcraneo Union held an open air mtctlng Sunday evening, which called together a very largo audience.

Dr. Kldder, President of the Union, intro- duced Itcv. Mr. Hogg as the first speaker, as ono whom the people gladly welcomed again after hu long journey abroad. Jlr. Hogg spoke earnestly ol loo elements of power in temperance; llrst It appealed to mon's sensual nature, second, It was deceitful—" Wine Is a mocker." It deceives when men depend upon it fur streiiKth. Alcohol affords no real perma- nent strength, no more than the lash that Im- pelled the tire 1 horse to go a little (aster add. ed petinancmly tu his strength ; this point was farther and clearly Illustrated. lie closed hy appealing to temperance workers to Irusl in Qod to bav; Hie element of religious faith more decided and active. Mr. UoaTK was listened to with cr.;ut attention. After ihe singing of temperance hymn by sn excellent choir, Itct Mr. Knowlcs was introduced with tbo regret that tho rules of bis denomination had tako birn away from a city where ho had been s much beloved and whero he was BO useful.

It afforded great happiness to the vast ai dlcncc now gathered (at ',-2 past <) there wci at least two thousand people on the Common) tu listen to the clear voice am) outspoken sen- tiincnts of this eloquent advocate.

Speaking of the expenses of the State Oov- ernment he said Gen. Ilutler left out In his ac- count the most gigantic expense and swlndh ot ail—theetpeiut oj rsc nfuor trajjtc.

It was not Tweeil, Connolly, and Hall that was the matter with Now York city, it

eight thousand rum shops; abolish them and the ltitti/s will slink out of sight. Ho urged the young men to avoid the intoxicating never in commit suicide In lhat mean and ardly way. Ilo expressed his MiiipaUiy for all who were wronged ; no c wronged hy iho liquur truitlc us tbo women and children of Ihe Uod. ('I the remedy he said he endorsed heartily all lint prtvlmis speak- said of tho necessity of faith In tlod; wo must remember that as (led works through human machinery, wu arc to use all moral means and not fnrgct that Ihe bailot was also a God-given

power. Mr. Knuwlts expressed bis delight at meeting with his old friends, and excused him- self 1mm l.ntlu-v -|, '-II account of (be severe labors of the day.

The meeting was a great l>aeea*S,

COMI'LIMRSTABY TO (ir.S. UVTI. Ml.-— TbO Kadii'sl Republican Workin^mon'a Associa- tion, or Waih trig ton, I), i: , held a meeting last Friday, and uasse<l rc-olniloiis Highly nnn- plimcntury in fieri- UntJtsr, and expressing: tbe con* lei (on lhat hit success in the paodlng con- test for the lli'puMican nomination aaOuvemor of Hassachntetu.will go far towardi strength- ening the hand- ol ntdlcul men everywhere.

l»Ti>. Catalogn

1870-71. Photographa of Prof. B,

.lurmili.ry buildings, Then. Sent.

Cataloa-uoof Phillips Academy, 1S71, Memorial of Momuel Harvey Taylor, mi, wllh

puoiogrspn. Pholographa of Ihe present Phillips Aeademy

ami of the doiniltoilea, Catalogtio of Abbott Female ArsJemy, 18T0-T1, I'hologrsphs of Iho some, and of .Smith Hull. Memulr of Benj. II. 1'unchanl, fjumler of l'un-

chunl Free School. Address nt tho dedication of the I'unchiir.l Free

School, Sept. 2, 1850, hy Itev. Ur. Fuller, Photograph of Ihe lint runchunl .School building, Specimens of Amlover and of Anduvcr National

llsnk note*. Specimens of U. S. fractional currency. Specimens of l,'. S. nickel and copper coins. Boston ncw»nnpcrs of Hie t^tli nnd I Bill Sept.

Deceased soldiers who enlisted lo (hu credit of Andovor:-

Snuiuel Alken, horn In Dundee, Scotland, Jan. 0, tB3B; muatered Into Co. 11, 1st Unas. II. A., for 3 >eers,Jnly33,lB*3; v.-.-, ,!i» i n^. i i.. i . .: i and re.enlisted In same Co. and Rsgt, for three years, l-'i-h. ;-.', 1 ■-'■(; wiia killed In battle, at Snotaylvualn, Va., May 10,1SGI, and was burled in the Held.

Thomas A. Bagley, bom In Cumberland, Fug., Oct. 0, IHI : muatered Into Co. B, Mass. II, A., for 3 years, July S. 1ST.1; died a prisoner of war at Andersonvllle, Qa., Aug. 0t, ISM, and was bur-el In the trenches.

Epaphrus N. Bryant, barn at, Mo,, April 3A, 1827; mustered lutu Co. II, Mass. II. A., fur II years, July t, ifcOl; died July 3 18111, from woonda received In battle al Hpolsylvanla, Vn., Marclt 10, 1SU; burk-d at New Market, N. II.

George A, Bailey, burn In Andover, May It, ISO; muatered Into Co. A,9fttb Kegt.Uaas. Infantry, for 3years Oct. 22, 1&I1; discharged lo rc-onilat and lu- enlisted In same Co. and Kegl, Jan. t, 1SUI, for 3 years; killed at Winchester, Va,, Sept. ID, ISM; hla body waa not recovered.

Janio* II. Bailey, born la ; mustered Into Co. It, 1st ICoss.ll. A., for 3 years July 6, ISS1; died ricpt. Is, |SSI, of disease, nl Waaldnglon, D.C.

Charles 1'. Barnard, born In Andover, Del. 25, 1911; mastered Into Co. II, 1st Mass. II. A., for 3 years, Aug. 7, 1883; died Dec. 2, INJI, ut Anapoli*, Mil., whllo on hla way home from Ihu rebel prison .it AnderaotivHle. Un.; burled In West Parish Cem- etery, Andover.

Israel A. Berry, bum lu Sllddlclou, June IS, 184T; mustered Into 2d O. Slinrpahootera for 3 year', Aug. 29,1SSI; discharged for dlaablllly Aug. B, I1S2, and died from dlseaiu contracled in the

Willard O, Bodwell, born lu Vermont, lie bjlanitcad, Canada East, Aug. 22, ISIS; Blaster! Into Co. II, 1st Mass. H. A., for 3 years, July 1---I ; died of dlseaau at Fort rllrong, Vs., March 21, l.-'-l. and wna burled In Canada.

Frank Oaaaella, bora In Scotland, Nuv. enlisted In the U.S. Navy; died Mept. II, I SHI; fell from masthead at Kaj Weal, and Wa silled; body not recovered; served on board Iho Ohio, Snbliie.niidH. II. I.eo.

Joseph Chandler, Jr., Sergeant, boi April 13, 1930; muatered lino Co, A, 2dth Keft., Mann. Infantry, Oct. t, IHI, for 3 years; died of dlaeaae, at New Orleana, La.. March 10, 1H03, Is buried at Weal Pariah Cemetery, Andover,

Charles A. Clement, Corporal, horn In Ando Feb.::, 1841; mastered Into Co. C, I3ih Itegt., M Infantry. July u, IS0I, f„r 3 jrnrs; died ejept. IHii.t, fr>>in a K»" "but woiiml llirontrh (lie lunys 111 the battle of UuHjsbnrg, I'a.; burled In ibe South I'ari-h Cemetery.

Qrativllle K. Cutter, born In KramlBgbara, 11, HUD; mustered late Co. II, ut Ma-., II July:., 1601, fur 3 years; killed in battle ait sylvanla, Va., May lu, ISO I, end wna bulled li Held.

Jan. 1. INK), aged about -IJ jra.;

Xewion I.ovijoy, born in Andover, April 2T, 1813; enlisted In Co. F, 13tb Kegt. U.S. Regulars; died July o, 1803, of fever, al Vkksburg, Ulas.j body not recovered.

Joalah Mason, born in Andover, May 3D, 182*-; muatered Into 1st Co. Sharpjhoolers, Sept. 2, ISrtl, for 3 years; discharged fur dlanlilliy, April SB, ]>02; died Apr. 7, ut disease contracted III tho array; burled In the South Cemetery, Anduver.

Bernard Mel lurk, born In Ireland, May 91, 1820; mustered Into Co.ll, lsi Maa«. II. A., July 5, 1801, for 3 years; disc barged to rc-enllat, and re enlisted pi panic company and regiment for 3 years, Dee, 7, IfcOSj killed at Oold Harbor, Va., JUDO 3, IS01; budy not reeovemd.

mca MtCuiker, born In Ireland, May 5,1S^7; lend Into Co. 11, UtUass. II. A„ July 1(1,1804;

died Dee,22, ISM,a prisoner of war al Salisbury, . C.; burled lu ihu treuchca at Salisbury. John It. i''i, horn In Ireland, June 7, 1823;

muatered Into Co. It, ulli Moss, tniantry, July 14, 18fil, for lou days; dlaebarjied by eiplrallou or service, Oct. 27,1801; died Dec. 21, 18GI,ot dUeaao contracted in tho army; burled In Calhollc Ceme- tery, Andover,

Kdwnrd C. Merrill, born In Andover, March 27, IBS); muttered Into 1th Mass. Haltcry, Nov. 7, H01, for 3 years; died Aug. 27, 1802,at Carrolton, La.) body not recovered.

Jams* W. Merrill, horn In Uethuen, July 23, 1812; mustered Into Co. If. -IMIi Kegt. SInas. In- fantry, Sept. 2,1802, for 0 rnoa.) died Jan. 2<), 1H'3, of disease, at Nuwburu, N. C; burled at West Cemetery, Andover.

!■; li..ii-l <• II -.i:,, l.,,ii] In Ireland, Aug. 17, IbW; muatered Into Co. H. tat Mass. II. A., July 0, hot, for 3 years; discharged lo , re.enlist, and re-enlisted Dee. T, 1*63, for 3 yeara, name company and regi- ment; died Ort. 27, \Wi, of wounda received at Upoisylvanhi, Va.. May 13, ISM; body nut lo- co vered,

Andrew K. Patrick, born In l'alteraon, K. J,, Nov. ST, 1817; mustered Into Co. K, u3ih Regt., Mass. April 21, I- .1. for 3 yeara; died from wound* received In. battle- of the Wilderness;

Walter 1,. ll.iimand, born In Chail*Ktown, Aug. 23, 1849; muMlred Into Co. U.Jllh Mnns. Infantry, Sept. 12, ISOJ.for y montlia; discharged by expire- lion of service, June 18, 1083j mustered Into Co. I, lit Mass. Cavalry, Jan. 0,, fur 3 years; dli-dat Salisbury,N.C„ Dec. 2S, ISfll.a prisoner of war; burled In ihe trenches.

James II. ftolhwell, born In Andover, Aug. 31, 1812; mustered Inlo Co. II, lit Ma.s. II. A., July 22, 1862, for 3 yesrs; kilted May 10, 18UI, in balllc at SpotnylvanU, Va.; burled In the Hold.

Charles W. Ridley, born In Lynn, July 11, 1HI2; muatered Inlo Co, 11, let Muss, II. A., July 21,1862, for 3 years; discharged io ro-enllst, and m-enllsted

iy and regiment, to ihu credit of Charleatnwn, Keb. 2D, IKill ; killed In battle at RpalsylvanlU, Va.,May 18,1801; burled In Hie Hold.

William Rnssell, born lu Anduver, Harsh IS, 1833; muslered Im-i Co. II, 1st Unn. H. A., July ft, WU, for 3 year*; discharged to re-cnllsl, and rc< enllaleil In tame rnnipany mid regiment, Dee. 4, 1883, for 3 jcaraj died of wounds, July tl, 1804; buried In Ihu Month Cemelery, Andover.

James Itupnell, born In Blddrforj, Me., K.b. 3, ISIS; muslered Inlo Co. II, la| Mass. H. A., Aug. 1, 1803, for 3 years; died ef disease, (Jet. 10,18>n, nt Forl Albany, Va.; burled In the .South Cemetery, Anduvcr.

Leonard W. Ryley, born , mustered Into Co. It, SBtli Ueglmont llaaa. Infantry, July s, ism, for 3 yeara; iraaabrrad to Veteran Reaarvo Corps, April 10,1801; dlid August 3'MHii:,, of In the army; igcd abont J'i years; burled In Episco- pal Cemeu-ry, Andover.

Oeorge M, Hinsii, Drumiiier, born ; mut- tered Inlo Co.ll. trt Muss. II, A., JutyS, 1 Sill, for :: years; died July 25, 1802, at Fort Albany dlaeaae; sued nbout IH years; burled In the Bomb Cemetery, Andover.

John A. Trail, born in Reading, Pub. 12, 1«30; mustered laloCo,D,30th Iteglm Kipi, ID, 1842, for U muulhs; died July U, W08, of

lutun Itnuge, l.a.; burled

'1'hi! |{i'|iiililii -in town oommitteo rwvo cnllml tin- ciiurua for tho cbolco of dele- yntcs in ihu Huvcrul couvcnlions, at the tnwii littll, on Siturihiy evening next, Supt. 23il, nl 7 1-2 o'clock. Thoy have HUggcstoil uo"pnrticulnr mode ol elect- ing the delegates, hut tho fitirost way to cliooio tlnnii is fur tin; friends uf tl^i: tlif- ferent gubernatorial candidates to pro- vide ballots with tho names of thoso wlio will represent their preferences at ihe state convention. This town is en- titled to four delegates* and it is hoped the republicans of the town will very generally attend the caucus.

Rev. It. F. II ami I ton, of North Ando- ver, will proticll lit the Free cltlirell, on exchange with Itev. Mr. Williams, next Sabbath.

Marshal Itlooil ha* oreced entirely i new bulldlnjja on hla phue, lll^h street. j The main house Is two stories. Jlx:tl!. I with a one story extension 10l32 It , has a hay window iinl other Improve-

ments ami ponveulcnces, and H handsome finish. The barn h 26x25, with French roof. Henry IE. Abbott, builder. Her- man Abbott Is erecting a ooffln ware house near his residence on High street. It Is a story ami a hall building, 20x30, with French roof and n cupola. John 11. lEea, builder.

Mr. O, I'. F.incrsoii, of tho last class in ihe seminary, was ordained as pastor of the church at l.ynnllchl ('mitre, Sept. 13, Also, at Iho saute lime, Mr. l'f A* Shaiif- ller, nf the same class, was onlalned as an evangelist With special reference to the foreign missionary work. The ser- mon was preached by Rev. Prof. E. C. Sinyttie, of this town. Mr. Shanlller is io -*npply tho church nt South Brook* Held, ono year.

Itev. 1>. A. Kactoii has tendered his stglinllon as pastor of the second Con-

grcgetlonal cburoh, In Dnnbtiry, Conn., In eonsequencu of continued ill health.

Joseph Abbott continues tho picture frame and looking-glass business at his olt] stand.

Thomas B. Mayberry has contracted to build the new road to the depot, lor #1,8.*»0. It Is :>l rods In length, and Is to be completed by the first of November. The work has been commenced.



Hats, Kibbons, Flowere, etc.

Also, a lar^e sty of

\\ im-i


Delude* the ncweal styles in

Collars, CulTs, Lace Sets, Scarfs, Tics,


Hamburg Kdgings from 10 cents a yard.

English and American Hosiery.

Orders remind for

Trefoursc Celebrated Gloves. 1 button, (2.00; 2 buttons, $2.&0.

Icncieiic, Thread, and Quipur* Laces.

!«- -i-.i-ml ordrra Tor Uaoila not In atock can be

had In a dn)'a m-ti.--.

Andover, Sept. 16, 1871.

(.! EOR U ETO W N.


-^T JA. Or O N S(

IV I I. I, I A Al 1 (> i' II , Manufacturer or

Express, Market, Butcher. Store, Fai and Ituuincss Wagons.

MKI:M \N COFFIN 11 * \ r

A I! ROT, VA «:■! «: ill


hleh he will I i lien ai theahrrtei the best manner.

Ina arverul Cornse PNM-1 reit tururulahlce :ni-l pre

TO LET. amm A furnished twc-aiory dwelling lloi'si; llila,. s»d Uarn, togtlhor with twelve, acres ol Jjii^Hland, situated about hair a mile from the ^■■' Ihcologlcal Hemlnary. If dealrrd, the hulldlngs wilt he let wlthoul the land. Tbo owner, a alnfflo woman, would like to make sn arrange merit to board wllh ihe family occupying Ihe house. Inuuire of GKOItUK VOBTHlt.

Andover, Sept. 1, 1871. St

Furniture & Picture Rooms, Opposite the Memorial Hall,

Whet * fOtt! ii a good assortment or Hed- inka, Waih Stands, Tables, i Leaf, Musk, Kxcelalor, aud

ric.u..—At u largo ami enthuiuuillc esacus of iho Republican party, held at Tarn mHny Hull on Saturday evening, the iGth lnst. tlio following rcaohitiuns woro unsDlmouflj ottoptcil:

Whtrta*, The itepubllcans of Geor({etowil deairoua oreeearlM tbo nominal Ian (,rtjeu. llui for liovenioi- of Ihl* Commonwealth, by ibe Hi ConventlO:i tu lie held at Worecster, Kept. 37

ftetolrttl, That Ihfl ilL-legatea etiuaeu lit this cm- oua he, and tin y are, hereby lustruetud to use all honorable inciuiii In ai-curu his unriilmillon n'. that OoBvoBtlon,

Tlio eauCQi then proee<!.le<l to ballot, and Hon. O. B. Tenner and O. W. Covnton were olected dolcnatos, with hut two dusentlng votes.

LKAVI; or AiiSEsrr:.—Miss Sarah K. Ilor- nor, v/ell known througnont llic Smtc as a pop- alar and successful teacher, whoso health re- quires ti milder climate, hn^ a.slied and obtained k-avo of absence from tlio charge of tbo Kinder tiarlcn rn-houl bete, nnd accepted a situation In iho Stale University at Tullaliusscc, Florida.

Emms Pcrler, a graduate of tho Georec- Iligh School and of the Salem Normal

School, occupies the position, atl interim.

IIKII. ESTATE. —Mrs.Louisa Klm- ball has recently disposed of her residence at South CieorceloH-n. Mr. Q.W. Noycs was ihe purchaser.

MuBicAi,.—The mcmhor.i of ihe Ueoruetown Musical t'ninn hold weekly inucilnga for re- htsrsal, preparatory to tbo National Jubilee to be held a>. Boston next year.

ileads, Bureaus, Chairs; Ilalr. I'a Wool Mtitreasea. Also, PIOTUHE8, Oval and fJnuare Plotiwe Fl'smes, Looking Lilaeses, Curtalus aud Cur- tain Fixtures, I'ord and Tassel*.

trimmed and hung, nml general Job' blnft dune.

i Wv

Jam.s II. Eatlea, born In Dover, N. II., July *l, 20: MM

183-Ji muatered Inl* Co. II, lai Haaa, 11. A., July B, S. (lotm ISfll, fur 3 jeara; dlacluricd in te enlist, anil ie- V. i-nl i.i !•.! in same company and re'almuai, Keb. '.".', bur*. W 1681, tor 3 years) killed In battle nt Bpoteylvanla. Va., alar IU, IBM, and wna Burled In tbe Held.

Oiln L. Parnbam, l.l.-ut ,bnrn In Andover, June 30, 1*33; mualerrd Inlo Un. II, M Uau, II. A., ni llnvir, 8«r|t., July ft, 1871, fur 3 I ear a j promoted 2nd Itusiuo; Lleul.. Oet, Ob, IW1; di.dut IVterabur*-, V.l., June 17, 189J, from WOUIKN II-IV.IIII UN Ihe lllUi, iil„| H'-v-y, was burled lo the \V. -l 1'iirl.h •■•••„ i, >y, AndoVi r. .1. T

Tbe ■ mil I, Will! i is v

Is as follows: "/A-aufiW, That we lender fljn. ttutkr r.'-

ncweil assurances of Ilio appreciation ;i;iJ gi.n- iinJcof our people lor his conilnuom ■■niit gles in our behalf, for hi* uncaulog interest In our safety and welfare, uini for Ihe heroic en-

durance with which he hears ihe itiounuiii- luad of couiiimoly, falsehood and reproach

wblch rebel iiialinniiy ami disappointed eon- servaijvo hatred unito to heap upon him, and uiiler which a less bravo nuirit or a less de- voted purpose would sliriiil. anil wnvor."

Rouge. William II. Wardwell, horn In Ameabury, March

25, 183B; !■:.-!■ i- i Inlo Co, II, let Mass. II, A., July G, 1801, Tor 3 yeara; killed Aug. I, ISfB, hy beiriK run over hy a Kcltfegiin at Maryland llelah hurled In North Andover.

Thomas Wardman, born In LnglaDd. An((. IBM; muatered Into Co. II, bOlli lUgUMBI MH

Infantry, Jan. i, IrOf, for 3 yeara; died LXec 1804, a prisoner of war at hanvllle, Va.; body not

11 led or died of n ed In rebel iiriao


Nocdetl Improromcntj liavc just In imulo nt "tho ilepot. The jrontlemcn's room lius boon enlarged by an oxtotuioo of ten foet on tho north side, ami a hand- some veranda eight feet wide has boon built over tho oitlsitlo platform on tho cnsl side of tho building.ironi the exlen- sion to the northern end. Tho plat- forms in tin- inside linvti also been new planked.

At a apoelal = i■■*: of the. V. A, .- Club, bi on Wednesday evening, Sept. 13th, tbe fullowl leaolutlons wero iioaDlmouily adopted:—

WhtreoM, dud In hla wladom baa aeen Si to move from us one of our number, Frank 1'le: Johnson, Ibcreforu he It

Relottttl, That In hla death, we, the members of the V. A. S. L'lub, mourn tho loaa of a genial eoi

getle member of our Aaaoelallon, Iteiol . That : parrnl

brother our bearlfell III' hour of their great grief tbem ihat we will ever remember him who lua left ua ao early In life.

Itcialrr.1, That as a token of reaped lo ory, the Clou aiieud Ihu funeral In a body, and ■lao wear a symbol "f mourning fur fifteen days ,

Rrtolrtd, That ihaau reaalntlona in, printed tin. Lawrence American and Andover Adverlls and atao n oupf he preaenled l« I lie pareDti or .Iteensed.

In I. I

1. c It. Walter, . 11. Illgiii

11 o. K. lli.o|. K



'. h i:

oil, I'lllallel : Mrs, c.

M Hull.,

Mis, M i,y V. 1 iv.-i ('III i-i-hill, hill ,-H-l

'. II I...I.K II: wl,., 1 1


! Will 1

1 II i. 1 ,i|«


.1 1 ll III

Auction Suli's by Gco. luster.


leht of choice In Lota In the Spring QrOVe tVmelery.wlll be ofl.Ted at nu-lion on WKHSKS- DAY, Ikiober 1th, is?!.—ImnierJlatrly afler the alrvlcei. of dedication,

Sept. IS, IS71, ai

Standing Wood & Houae Lots IN ANDOVER.

Will be Bold al pobllo auction, on SATURDAY, Outolier Till, at (INK o'eloek. I'. M., on llic premi- ■ (■.•boot twenty aerea or Mandlinr IVilDIi on Hummer rtrrci,<ipiiosiir* tho Imusenf Henry V. fa«hO. It conclata of hard nnd pine wood, ami will be sold In loin lo Heoomuiodati. The wood1 la to be cut ati'l removed from Die premises before tbo Iln-I or March next.

Hume lol.u o'clock, 1*. JL, on the premi- ses, eh veil Uini-'- Lots id '"."(--I i.-:-' - leii.^liuuted a tew rods eaat of the houre ol Henry K, Fan tin, un Hummer alnet. ("ondllions ofenle exceedingly favorable, nnd the lou very iles'ruhle for bulldiutc imriiows. .1, I-', ItASSf"""

Andover, Sept.«, 1871. :it

TO LET. 2 .,;% The ■ ii! i i-i r will let, on reasonable BeeeLteniie, ono-liiHl *'f I"-' IXvHIIi.g II-

gT^ the Hull H.-hool II,,MM-, He HISI .... a Waler 1'ower npwn his pretnises, which Will be lot with Ihe ien. nienl If desired. It U desirable for a wheelwri||M or ulher inechaalo rrqiilrlnjt water power. JAUKS 1'. t H.

Andover, Beft. 99, 1871, 31

CtimmoiiKentth of MaiMtttlnuttti. |L,S.| To JOHN in: isiiil.l . , i Andover. |

thi) counly of Keaez, BOd to any and all oilu pelion* claiming any interest in

About one pint of whiskey la one bottle, Aoout forty fallen* ol" ale In two barrel*, which, hy virtue of a wnrralil Usued by ihe 1'olh Court of ihe city of Lawrence, within and fur ml county, have been seized al tin duelling hourc an place of common resort of said

John!. lu raid Anduvcr, on ihu ISih dsy of Sep|cmb.-i lu the year one thousand eight hundred an seventy-one, tin'value of which llouurn,

-. i ■■.. : ■ i--i!ii liiiiii;- i IN in, does not, in thi of said Court, exceed IwcDly dollar*.

You are hereby r. quired to ipnear before said I'ollco Court, io he holden ut Lawrence, In said counly of Ur-ncx, all* o'clock, A. II., on the Hth day ot Hi i.■!..[. in the year one,I right hundred and seventy-one, lo answer lo the com- plaint against mild llijuor* ami Ihe vesse|H conlaln- lug them, and lor trial, and lo show cause, Ifany you have, why said liquors aud Ihe i, ■, I, ,-.,„ lallllng tbem shunlil nol In lorliiled lor belli'' keiil for salu dy h ,i,i John Drlscoll In violation of tin laws ol this Coin moil w call b.

Witness, WILLIAM HTI.VKSS, Ki<|iiire, .fusilcr of said Pollee Court, and tho seal Ibereol, at said Lawrriiee, this lilli day of September, in tbe yenr one thousand eight hundred and

C.K.BKIlillS, Clerk. A true copy-Attest, MKLVIN 1IKAL,

vi-'i-li.:' Couatablc of the Coinmonwealtb,

KatalO IH'III;I' L, €.rt■ i■ J< 11-;11. Notice la hereby given, lhat the subscriber bat

been duly appointed udmiuUtratrla ol the ealatt of George I.. ttreeuUiaf, lale of North Andover, In the counly or BMW i-nj ■ in. .. .|i .-. .i -i-il, .!.,! ba* taken uuon her self thattruatby Hiving liondr.n* Ihe law dlreel* All ueraona having deinunili upon the estate u

hlblt the >.„■,,,.


the opinion

Ml led • Bid rlr.TBBod B. ■nd all peraoui Indehled to said e upon Io make \>-.i\ nienl lo

ItUHANNA K.UKKK.M.EAr', Adm' No. Andover, Sept. Bt, IS71.

Oxen and Steors for Salo.


In HiiukriiiiU'y. liistrlet of ftUae.,u,

r»l|,'neil hereby (elves n "

of Andove. . ._ of 3L,s-i,eh>i'i-i(K. wltlilu *ald district, who lias been mljud-eil ii linnkrii],! bv Ihe IHitrlct Court. A.\K1, UKAItttDKN, Asalunce.

Iloston.Sept.U, iSTi, ill

Katato Mi,un i- l>, llriird. Notice IH hereby given lliul Ibe aubscrlber has

he. n duly app'iiiihil adm in in n. lor of ihe es:nte ol Horace I'. Keald, late ot Andover, lu the eonnly ol Ksicx.

.Methueu, Ucp


Ml-.rt II, DiiDm-:, Adra-r. ',■ I. H11

mih w. Poftter.

UosK lepl.a.ln?!.

HI i.

I1EMOVAL. nubaerlberi have n moved their toei.l busi.

ibe M<al Market formerly oecui'dd Ly i alulll .«.: Tow-

en made to order. JOHEFII ARUUTT,

1.1871. tl


rl.L.y. ii« §j.

vrgiilablesoaustantlyfurnUb. delivered at Ilia realdeaeeaol arwDalde dial ante.


The Subscriber hereby informs the citizens o Andover and vicinity that he has taken the ibo| ately oecuplrd by Valpcy Ilrothera, corner o Main and Central HIH., whero bo will keep for tab a larueasaoriment of Meats and Vegetables. Ar ticks delivered when desired, free of charge.

U. P. HOLT. Andover, Junca. 1871. H|f

FURNITURE. The subscriber continues the

Furniture business at hla establishment on Main street, next lo the Post UOIce, Upholstering and repairing done In a superior manner, and 1'leiure Frames constantly on hand or made to order.— Collins, Caskets. Shrouds, and l'latea of all

inetlea, promptly furnlahed al reasonable prices, TEltllKNCK IIKN11Y

Andover,Oet.7 1U70. ft

Strawberry Plants. Head i almanac* say: —

rite abaut title


President "Wilder. s I .on in i .i.i/. All nicely rooted. Not many

more of this celebrated variety loapare. Sharp's

the word.

WILSON'S ALBANY,78 eta.per hundred.

Ily express, C. O. D. J. MOKKISON,

;ilscpH K ii.i.Aim VALE, MBSI.

Particulars of the Attacks on Ameri- can Vessols by Mexican Pirates.

NEW YORK, Sept. 15th. The particu- lars nf tht! attack*, nn the American bark Brother', In Simla Anna bay, by Mexi- cans, show tlint Santoi Pardon, tho con- Blirnee ut the reaul, uhd his clerk, Ra- nion Rlppell, let] Ilio nsantilt. (^apt. i'iiui -■'■ii. of the hark Brothers, while on shore nt Santa Anns, .in-. 20th, was forcibly detained by ihe civil authorities uini Informed that one of hla sailors must be given upon account of a debt of 8200 to a citizen of Santa Anna, And that two other*, one German ami one Chilian, must alto he given up because they de- sired io leave tho ship. (Japt. Tnnraton ■aid that these men had been legally and honorably shipped; that they were not Mexicans, mid that tho surrender of so many of his crew would leave him In dis- tress. If they were taken it must be by force, and lie should lay tho matter be- fore tlio Li, s. Government. To this tho Judge replied : "We do not care for your Government, hut Shall hold you a pris- oner until these three men nro put on shore with their clothes and mony tlue them." In ihe meantime tho boat of Captain Thuraton had been taken pot- ■esalon of by order ot the Judge, and a crowd of drunken desperadoes placed in it anoWlrected to board tho bark Broth- ers and lake Sylvcr by (orce. This or- der was executed. Captain Thurston II- nally consented to deliver up the atllora on shore the next morning and returned to his bark, passing through the crowd of roughs who shouted, " Kill him, kill him." I'lve hundred dollars were duo from the consignee for demorrage, and Captain Thurston was invited by tho consignee to come ashore and sign a re- ceipt for It, hut refused to do it. On the night o( Ilio 27th, Hlppell, tbe consignee's clerk, mid ten men camo aboard with tho apparent intention of despatching Ihe vessel, but Immediately drew revolvers and cutlasses and attempted to arrest Captain Thurston. The crew defended Captain Thurston and completely van- quished the altnckiuK party, the captain's sou killing four men with his father's re- volver. The lust one killed was Itlppoll, who fell under a suhrc blow from Cap- tain Thurston. Of the entire party but two escaped. Thi steward of the Broth- ers l.inl lour teeth knocked out by a bul- let uml was the only ono of tho crew wounded. Ho left the Brothers lu a boat just as two more bouts full of Mexicans unlvt'd lo renew the attack, and wus picked up by (he Harvest Home. The Mexicans then attacked Ihu Harvest Home and were repulsed, after losing 10 or 12 killed.—Bort on Bttald.

Fon Euaora.—Mr. Noah PuUen, Mr.«. Har- row, Mr. & MM. Samuel Stott, Mr. James Houston, Mrs. Seavor, Mr. & Mrs. John Lowe and lauilly, ara en route Tor England, having secured passugos through Mr. Duncan Wood, 571 hncx Street, Lawrence. Mr. Wood accom- panied the puny to Homon, thereby heinjr, able to attend to their many wants, and saving lliem ■ 'ii i■ lii.L■ \r iroutilc, wblch, vro arc bappr to nay, was highly appreciated loth by the pas- sengers nnd their friends who accompanied ■hem In llostnn. Panics Intending visiting tho mother cnnniry, or eendiiiK out for their frlendi, will Dud it to their advantage loconsoll Mr. Wood. .

tn-I'rolesBiir Howe requests us lo state, thai ho win bu nt his class rooms, i-> >, )■;.-,i ■-. Street, every duy and evening or this week, and can In conmlied by Indies ami gentlemen In reference lo private or publi, instruction in tin; "fltlence of l.anKiiage.' lie giv" a thor- ough, practical knowledgo of grammar lu icven icparatetxerclaei of an hour each; and hla system is endorsed, not only hy the boil scholars ol Lawrence, but of America.


From OUT oic« ci>rrnpotxit>-nl. SKW YIIMK, Sept. Mb, I8T1,

])E.*K AMKBICAW :—Tin-letli-r of ItyorHodfM, the defaulting p*Jmaster, to (Jen. Brlee, adnllttng embezzlement of four hundred thousand dollars of the government morit-y, ha* created an laleDfC r*- citemcnl III both political and nodal circle*. Com- ing just at Dili time, when in.' whole coo Mr* I* In an uproar In reference to the allrft-d frauds of 111.- rint:. it strikes upon the public heart with •-!ru■ ■ ui- and vital slgnlneance. During the few year* In which the major ha- brin currjiiiB mi llil" ditulr-a- lion, there. Ill* boon "m-iibi-r *l*ep to hla .■>.-», nor • lumber lo hi* eyelids." Each ring of lit- door-bell

who a Major llo.lK,-. hss

w thi

the Street, m*

repayment; ll Blngular that i

pricked sunicl. can have become of so large ■ su'i port ot ltie Controller la, thai In nave himself, he ban appotnti-d A Deputy Controller, and that Mr. toaerve, Ex-Mayor lUvMDejer

, tot hi. ■ uf

uly i< lake tin- .

vlaed tl:l- BOH' with Mr. 8torrs who"hJ»^IyaKU

It to I* done

both sill lent and uprluht, Connolly' ndvliera ncg- lect to ■

ir what probably makes bu

become* of aubordl t little dlffer- isle*. A few

headi,ri ore or c««, taken oiT here •nd there, are of until

Itla full Id hold

. allhoUKh ll does Hood lo keep a ma

eem M If the i In tftliio for

fat a are «"SP be Impeached, la

owerful republic Ilk t not poaalble

• thla to So «r-


t .nge financial affair* Hut weak ran may not be led Into temptation 7 In other iv ■ r -1 ■■. la It not poa- alble to iU thlnga io that men can nut stcnl'! The defalcation! of \ mm In the New York poat olllce, of Hodges In the war department, and of Sernme* utthe Atlanta pott office, all occurrlnij within the pait weak, Dlalale qhow ihat ibero Id something initftity rotten In executive administration. Isn't ll about time to overhaul the federal treasury ? The secretary himself atalei Ihut a difference of more than one hundred nillllona of dollar* exlata between the accounts and halancea of the aecrctary of the Ireaaury, and thoao of the United Stale* treasurer. How la aucb a atalement lo he recon- ciled wlih that bonoaly and elllclency the people have a right to expect from the lieada of the govern- ment? I have about made up my mind that the theory of Adhemar, contained In the " coming del- uge," would he about the thing new, could It only be put Into Immediate and practical uae. If the vice and corruption ink:!iL be washed off, leaving the fulka in charge who aro known lo be honest there might be some hope for I lie aalvatlon or th> few; ii thlnga look now, general contamination 1 all there It ahead. Joking aaldc, thlnga were neve HO mixed ilnce the " big machine" waa flrst act li work. Uod knawa what It all means) Wu poor fallible mortala can only look on and wonder. Tli newa that "the women " aro going to cilabllih themselves In Washington thla winter, has pro- duced a decided bun In all clrclci. Mrs. Wood hulllaaald tohLvotakenahoiMoln timidly, wlilcl la to bo the headnunrtera of politicians and llteraltl. Blie Is to entertain handsomely, and if rt Ihla instance la reliable, thin lady knows how to do it. Tho " conservative aulTraglala ''— Liver Howe, Hoar, and Stone will not rerognizi movement with which the Wuodhull la associated. "T.T.," since Ids life of the lady, la bnnished frt all conservative society, and ia no longer by tin Itostonlani conaldered u friend to sutTrDge. 1 opinion In regard to the Halo pamphlet which making auch a noise all over the country, Is quote the remark of n well known New York edi- tor—" tbo honeatesl article Theodoio ever wrote." In regard lo Mrs. Woodhull's personal appearance, no clover artist with eaael and briuh could bavo sketched her more rorfrctly. Jler face iaaa lovely aa a pout's dream, and the moat truly aplrltuollo of any face I ever looked upon. She la graceful and earnest in manner, and an unexceptionable conver- sationist. Aa a public speaker she la a failure, and this certainly doea not acem to reflect much credit upon her guardian apirll Demosthenes. To me Mrs. Wuodhull seems like any other modeat and reserved woman who considers It ber duty to ha- rangue an audience. Btio abrlnka from (he ordeal, and Is glad when It tt over with. 1 know nothing of Mrs. Woodbull'a " medlumehip," although I do know that her advice la (ought and taken, not only In regard lo aoclnl and domestic matters, but In reference lo the buying and selling of stocks, and all financial matters, by well known men who be- lieve | whether auperatllloualy ornol, I must learn,] that abe ia led by supernatural Instructions. You may argue from Ibis great degeneracy—you proba- bly will, and itlaqnlle tight that each one should hold but opinion/irmly, but wlltisl conscientiously. Theodoru hat as good right to his opinion aa Hor- ace, but the gentleman must have known while preparing Ibl* article for pubtienlion.lhat he would make himself the laughing alook of (he whole country. It Is probably all the same to him. Tha first radical step la alwaya tho most difflculi, and T. T. made that stride—|upward or downward —which'/) years ago. I don't know how thla question of woman'a aulTrage U regarded in oilier stale* at present, but I do know thai In New York and Brooklyn, many wOta en who were rapldly wbcellng Into line, became ao disgusted with the mixing up or lama with the subject which should have been dlaausaed nhsoluirly pure, that they turned about and went home, and there (hey bid fair to remain. Thorn Is aomcthlng abominably disgusting In tho mull" handed ua (o swallow by aome of (heae ndvoca(ea of so called freedom ; and there Is something very reproaching In (ho manner •aid obnoxious stulT la poised back lo those hospll- able radlcala by ninny respectable thinker*. The really Intelligent among *0 called Progress I vee ace in to bo calling Into requisition tho beat of (heir forced. Andrew Jackson Davis,—"The Boor of Or- ange,"— a man who haa atrlven day nnd night to accomplish some good work for humanity. Is de- voting several haurs each day to (he "Cause nnd cure of Insanity." The cruel management of luna- tic* In some of our asylum*, alar(vd this philan- thropist 10 HIT If (he menially diseased might not be me', and ministered to In a more natural, loving and certain manner. He haa awakened some of the best miniI* In the country to the (ruth of his theory, and there will probably soon be an Institu- tion founded, where the friends of the brainsick may leavo their loved one* with every confidence they will bo sympathetically and scientifically treated, and with a reasonable hope of tbcli

SATfnriAV.—The countenance of the good na- clerk wore *ti unusual aspect of cheerfulness ila mornlog, which null have been (he reault of a

good morning'* work before hlni. Aud drat upon the llat waa our mutual friend,

Abel y. Jordan. Thla case wu one (o allrac', tho sympathy of (he crowd, for Abel well kuowa In M j to wield lb* whitewash brush, and apply hla trowel I In A adentlAe manner, wh.-n tuber, but (hey any he has been on a ntupeinloua drunk fur a week, and It 1 wim necessary (u bring him up lo Interview hi* honor. The result waa a familiar lecture, and a letting up for the eo»ta of praaeeutlon. *l" and do

Abel, and attend lo the want* of your family.

HUP lame* Fame; waa aim drunk, and mm ma- nly dlapoaed of at #3 and cost*.

The court was honored with (he prehence of a aid headed and rrviii'isil looking gentleman, win' eilde* in Duver, S. II. Then- waa no doubt of

hla being druuk, and lie waa Bn*d j ■ and coftta; but ifter telling hi* worship of hi* many trial-, chlel liming which was the lo*( of hi* wig. he let him

down lo * l and ooat*. ii Clark, one or the fteqiiBDtrn ,,f this .lock, her at>pe*raure again Ibl* rooming, having

found drunk by upvclal olllcer He tea If Al- though an old *inner,ab* gut off for a single dullar and cost*. I'oor Ann, you'll get a ■weetener Hume time, If you don't mend your evil ways I

I'uulel Magulre, a hard one, and very drunk, second onence, *i and eo*t*.

John Urecn w** brought In drunk, and when aaked If he waa ever before bla royal presence In that condition before,be replied: " No, ycr Hunor; but my wife waa many a time,and I've paid ye ■ hundred dullara and more, to got her off." llul II didn't seem to aiTect the court much, and he got $3 and coal*.

Frank U'Dunnell, for *n asaault, had to pay |1U and coals, or gu up for alxly day*.

Alexander Clifford, who pretended lo be an ofll- eer, and *«**ulicd ■ very worthy man, wu* bimud over In (he sum of t'>0U (o appear at the rJuperlor Court. Thai'* all.

MONHAV.—The prlHonei'a dock hod lo bo enlarged Ibl* morning, by the addition or about a duten alt ling*. Borne llilrly highly Intelligent and thrifty looking citizen* of foreign extraction, put In an ap- pearance at the appointed lime, and wcro each ■erved up In due order.

There were twelve ca*e* of drunkciinc**, and with but little variation * tine of |.; and coita waa lm-

John U reave* and his wife were brought In and heralded aa being common drunkard*, and received six month* each, They retired tolbo regions below amidst a prolonged howl from the gentle companion of John.

Three chap* from Haverhlll went Into tho place kept by John I'eroe, and *ome one gave him a bad looking face; It waa finally aaddted on to one Mur- quer, and he paid $3 and coal* lo make It all right with his honor,

John Burns made a disturbance which cost him |

Wm. Sullivan w»i *ent up to board on the county for six month*, a* Marshal Dateheldcr Informed h la honor that ho had got tired of furnishing him with a living at the .Slatlon-house,

Thomas M Inabun made an assault on ofllccr Df li- ne! t, and had lo pay 110 and coil* for tho same.

Itlchard Iteland and Joseph Bishop were charged with a mutual aaaault oa each other, and got on" for half the cost* each.

Bam I'lurce, for an usaull, gol|l, but after hoar. Ing the whole afTalr rehuhed by Iho other parllea connected therewith, hi* honor ordered the clerk lo l*auc ■ warrant (o bring him before the Court again,

alar*,. Hyon, lor an aasault, got (3 and ooiti. John Plannagan, a boy who aeemed lo have a

worthy mother, and who would bo la a row, wa* lei ofTforono dollar, which his mother |>*ld.

Elbrldgo V. B. Joseclyn, who keep* a rather du- bious looking placo In (Jrdwuy Illock, was caught aelling liquor therefrom, on Sunday, and paid Iho county ten dollars and cost* of prosecnllon, lo keep him oul of limbo. The vigilant L. I'*, hnvo an cyo upon hla plaoe.

Michael Kennedy waa charged with keeping open shop on i lie Lord's d*j, and for lack of evidence, of the legal wa* acqultlud; however, lawyer Bacon got hi* hvo dollar* from the victim, and we don't know but bo may have got Qve more from the Democratic City Committee, for delivering u " po- litical harangue," a* the judgo lermod It, denounc- ing Uen. Bullcr, and claiming hi* visit to this city a* the cauao of so many arrests over the Babbaih. Iflhlsls the caao we Ihlnk tho General had better oomo every Saturday nlgbt, a* a good many Dem* would gel a more com fort able, and al the same lime, a moro deserving homo ihan they now have.

TLEBDAV.—Right more sinners brought up with around turn, and duly put through tho Judlch

John Barking, drunk, #1 and costs, Patrick ill Cormlck, ditto, $>i and coils, or 30 days; ho took the 30 days, to splto iho Judge, John Urady and Simon lilrker, half teas o'er, |3 nnd costs; Michael O'Ncil, aomewhat drunk, fl and cosl*. Cornellui (irady, a common drunk, 40 days nnd no aKcrna live.


Bev. B. F. Hamilton was dismissed by Council, from the Tiln.Cong. Church, No. Andover, Hepl. 13th. lt«v. Chart** Hmlth of Andover, WM moder- aior, and Itev. K. S. William* of Andover. acrlbe. Ilev. Mr. Hamilton becomes aaaoelata paalor with itev. Dr. Tliomp«on of the Cong. Church, BoMOn Highlands. The Council pai-acd resolullons, moil Oiirdlnlly endorrlng Mr. liamlltun a* a fallhiul preacher and a mr> aueetaaftil paator", The pasto- rale of Mr. Hamilton has been very anl1afaeti)ry; the new church haa hern built, the congregation In- ereaaed, and bulb by his bereaved people and Ihe whole Andover Conference, will he be greatly mlMad.

A oorrcpondenl »l North Andover write* to us in regard in Ihe unsafe eondlilon of ihe load over Ihe hill which piia-e* ihe two ancient burying place* of Ihe town, and directly In Ihe village. This high way. commenc'rig al ■ point on the main county load, opposite Ihe 1'hllllpa mansion, terminates In a quarter of a mile In the square before the 1'ulta- rlan meeting houae. Kor the whole extent Ihe lo- cat ton Is elevated, commanding on all shka, superb look-off*, l>e*hle* paaalng line realdenres, charming- ly surrounded Wllh luleful grounds and tine nat- ural picturesque aceuery. Hummer icjouruera riding about Ihe beautiful highway* and bye way* of the Andover*, are especially attracted to (hla spot, from whence, (oo, (he smart American cilyof Lawreuce Is *een In the gentle distance, occupying Just Its proper plaee In Ihe foregrounds of one of the grandeat landscapes In New Kngland, Now our correepundenl tells ua that at the beginning of this road, directly In front of the house of the Ml** I'hllll|i*, the travelled portion of It, and all that por- tion or It which Is used or can be u*ed for carriage travel, Is little better than a rough carl path, whol- ly on ono side or the strip originally laid out for a highway, whilst the rest of th* open entrance to the road Is asleep bank, forming a convenient slope for a main drain, A more unsafe locality, both for Ihe travel on Ihe main county highway, or Ih Is afore- said short road, cinnot readily be found In tho set- lied portions of New Kngland. What should be done, la uiiber grade Ihe whole width or the road, a* laid out, brldglBg the drain, or else build up a wall, lo keep ihe travel out of danger.

It seooi* abturd, siys the writer,lo make* news- paper matter of this; but tho worthy townspeople have grown up wllh such a familiarity of till* dan- gerous apot that they cannot bring IhetneeWee lo the though! of remedying It by ordinary mean*— thus iLi* noilca.

TUB ■' iVtW tailtttllus." of Swnaeriaiid.

have foruml ti provisional central com-

mittee to consider several questions;

first, whether church ami State thould

be separated; second, to eotmilt as to

church ami pulltlca connected with the

Intended revision of tho lltir.d; third, as

to the or/util/atloti of resistance against

the Infallible hierarchy.

.'Wiioiiu-oo 1EXotice».

On. CLOTH mata for stoves; new pattern juat opened at BTRON Tut ill & Cos.

.1. B. WHITMAN, Piano tuner, will TUit Law- rence, Sept. 23d, for iho purpose of tuning pi- anos. Order* may lie led at wjer A Co's.or wlthC. T.Beeille. •JlltTUlC

WANTKII IMMEDIATELY.—A smart, active young man to learn the Dry Goods husineas,— one whose parent* reside In ihe ehj. Byron Truell & Co.

n RemeJIe*. Use Brlggs' Corn and Bun

Try Dr. Brlga*' Pile Bemedlea, for Pile*.

COBHB. —Brtgg'a Alleviator and Cnratlve, the only reliable and effleaelou* remedies In the world for the apeedy cure of Corn*, Bunion*, Chilblains, inverted nalla, etc. Sold by druggteta,

I>ii. BKinna' AlUvantor cure* Catarrh, etc.



BTAKKORU—IlOUOnOX.-In toll clly,e>pt. 21*1, by llev. Oeo. P. Wilson, Mr. John 11. Stsfford and Miss Sable A. Ilodgsou, all of Lawrence.

Fall Campaign of 1871.



FA r. r. SEA 1B71.


* city, Hept. » rj, KM|., liy 1

arjt. iVIlh a heart and hand for

Al a caucu* held in Steven*' Hall, Wednesday evening, Sept. 20th, Ihe following named persons v.i ir chosen dolegatcs !—

STATE CoaVEKTIoX: L.H. t)uclicsney, Joseph S, Taylor, F, J. UoL'larey; all for IlonJ. K. Butler,

Oowrrr: William J, Dale, Joseph X. Tsylo Worthy Sargent.

BCRATOaiAL: H. J. Jenkins, Wm. J. Dale, Jr.,

TOWX COatJatrnx: U.8. Jenkins,Hiram Berry, P. a. Haundor*.

Merrlmack Knglne Company glvo a ball at Ste- vens' Hall, this evening; music, Osgood's full quadrille band; tho atfalr Is In good hands, and the deserving boys of this excel Icnl organliallon ought to have ■ full hull,—Ihat (licy will tnjoy a merry time I* afsnrcd,


HOLLOW," by Ihe aullior of " East Lynne," 1* In press, and will be published In a few days by T. B. Peterson It Brothers, Philadelphia, frcrn the Au- thor's Manuscript anil advanced Proof sheet*, pur- chased by them from Mra. Henry Wood. It will ba Issued In America simultaneously wllh its publica- tion In London, and In uniform atylewllh " Beisy lUn-"," " Rolsnd Yorkc," " Tbo Channlngs," and all the previous works by thla favorllo and popular author, " Deno llollow," while containing the characteristic features ot Ita author's stylo maybe considered equal If not superior lo anything piovl- ously written by Mrs. Wood. This lady has n mar- vcluous faculty of charming her readers, with Ihe skill with which aho puts her characters on stage, of multiplying bar plots, of sustaining her dialogues, and of intensifying all her minor dents: and as tho work Itself pre*ent* alt those chsracterlstlcs of the suthor which have established her reputation among Ibo Hrat writers, Ibrro li little doubt of Ita succcs* with our novel-loving community, the story Is one of absorbing Inter- est—Interest that would bo unpardonable lo snliol pale Its detail, a,nd thereby spoil the Interest of Iho reader. "Deno Hollow" will not bo laid aside with- out esgor perusal to Ibe end; for the reader will bo constantly led aside Into new avenues and lanes, wllh siuti enchanting views and scenory.ihat he never wearies of the path; there aro so many new faces among the minor actors, and such a magic In- fluence thrown around all they say and do, Ihut his Interest never flags for a momuiit. Tho book will b* handeomoly published, In clear, large print, on line paper, which will make it a luxury lo read.

Wm.and Andrew Hart,for making nduuurbar, ere earh tlni-d #10 and half tho costs. Samuel Pierce was brought before (ho Court ie samo offence be yesterday received a aenle:

of tl for, (he Judge thinking he didn't give It him quite burd enough Ihe first lime. Law Hurley drmurrcd sgalnst thla stylo of Justice, s Ing It to be ngainst the laws In snrh caao made and provided, and Ihat a person would never know when he had got through wllh the Court. Ills Honor couldn't see It, and after a large amount of cheap tnlft, l'terce was bound over In Ihe sum of tuOO.

WEDNESDAY.—There hn* beenn comfortable fall- lug on"of the victims to hi* Honor's Seminary, for llils moiuing l i.i half ndoronputln their lestl-

Michael McDonald, drunk, let off fur a penny. John Collyer, drunk, $2 and costs. Burnnrd Do- land, ditto, fl and coals. Kllrabeth C'nry, same kind, 91 and coats. (Jrorgr Chnmherlnln and P*t- r Ink lluii, each charged wllh making a disturbance, got *..-, and coats, each.

"TH« LADY MALLARD" GBAI'K.-TIIO culture of the grnpe in a large proportion of this coun- try, tins, of late years, been carried on In a very extensive manner, and many new and valuahlo varieties have been produced, nnd hailed with delight br those Interested in its culture. It Is therefore with a pnrdonahte pride that we call the attention of our readera to a new variety of grape,—a seed ling.—pro- duced by our well known citizen, Mr. Lauren Mallard, who rosldes an Haverhlll street. The plant la of accidental origin, haying aprnng from aceds thrown from a window, and thought to bo a crosn of the Dclewaro and Isabella. When discovered, It recelvod but passing no- tice, and no particular pains were taken with its culture. Last season, after a growth of ten years, It first produced fruit, and the yield was most abundant. The cluatera were quite large, and exceedingly compact. The berry ia of an ovate form, and In color, a beautiful rod amber. Its flavor Is the most delicious and acceptable of any crape wo bavo eaten. This season a like flattering result hoi been obtained; the vino has proved Itself to be very hardy, no particular pains having been taken In IU care, anil it hns received no protection through the cold weather. It is also entirely free from the causes of rot and mildew so common to a large number of vines. Out not the least valuable feature is ita early production, ripening with, if not In advance of the Hartford Prolific. It has long been the aim of our Now England grapo growers to get superior fruit, early In tbo season, and wo think the Laily Mallard will stand second to none In this respect.


II village was treated to another installment of melody and sweet souods, by tho brass I, on Saturday evening. They marched from ibe ball at six o'clock, making a bait un- der the flag .-lull, where they discoursed a pro- gramme of considerable length, to the great delight and enjoyment of the whole neighbor- hood. At tho close of several of tbe places, the performers were greeted with sounds of ap- plause by ladles and others who had assembled in iho vicinity. The success attending their efforts, and tbe remarkably rapid progress made by the players. Is ibe theme of general remark among our citizens. Mr.Spencer made a circuit of Ihe village, soliciting contribu- tions to help tbo band, and his efforts were crowned wllh great succcsa. The chliena gen- erally contributed very liberally. J, P. Brad- lee, KM | , gave 8100, and promUed the band tho free use of tho new ball, with fire and light, as soon as It Is in readiness.

Workmen bavo commenced on tbo new en- gine house. Ita location is near tbe Dearborn place, nearly opposite the schoolhouse. The building will be 31120, and will bo tilted up In a manner suitable and convenient for those who nre to mako their abode therein.

Mr. William Brclbrick, who has, (or the post twelve or fourteen years, had charge of the re pairs at tbo mill. Is about to become established In ibe filo business in Worcester, with Mr. William Hart, whose shop Is already estab- lished and doing quito a successful business.

Mr. John Ash worth picked some ripe straw- berries on his place this week; the price per IKIX is hardly down to 2/i cents yet.

at the re*ldenc* of John It. Perry, _. , tt, 1.. Wood, Mr. Oeo. B, Armetrong, of lloa*, N. Y, and Ml** Addle T. Perry, of Lawrence.

KOORS— BAI8MORK—In this city, Sept. 14, by by Kvv. L. L. Wood, John Moore and Kilber Balatnorc, both of Lawrence.

TIEUNKY—ELLISON—In this city, Sept. loth, by Kvv. Urn. I'ackatd, Mr. .Line. Tl.rm-y and Mix* Kllisa Klllson, both of Lawrence.

ANDUKW8-NKWKIX—Sept. IH, by Itev. Oeo. Packard, Ur. Joseph K.Andrew* to Miss Olive Newell, both or Lawrence.

CHURCHILL— HAItUUS.-In Wakcllehl, Sept. .: il, by Itev. U. B.Chapmnn, Mr. Joaeph E, Chuicblll, of Lawrence, and Annie L, llarmna, of Wakeileld.

3Wh». BIXBY.—In North Andover, tiept. lillh, Henri-

en*, youngest daughter or UaUblas and Mary A. Uliby, aged 0 mos, lit dys.

EMERSON.—In KMngham, N, H., Aug.iMth, Mrs. Mary Jane Emerson.

UOBEltTS.—In Andover, Sent. 7tb, at ibe rrsl denoe of hi* son Jsme* P. Itoberte, Jsmes W. Huberts, formerly of North Heading, agedoti yrs, 11 mos. Ills remain* were taken to Salem for Interment.

KIDDER.—In Cambridge, Pcpi. loin, Kaucy, widow of the laie Francis KIdder, formerly of Andover, aged B'i jr*. Her remain* were laken lo Andover for Interment.

UOWARTH—In Andover, Sept. lath, PrancU, Infant ton of Oberlln B. llowarth, aged 4 weeks.

STEVENS.—In No. Andover, Sept. 14, Susan Pe- ter* Steven*, aged 3d. When the aged die there ia great consolation In

the fact that Ihey have lived their appointed lime— the measure of their strength and years. Wbcn the young leave tho earth, wo naturally wonder why their life Is not prolonged, especially the live* or those who *cem to us to bo so necessary to the wel- fare and happiness of others. In Iho doalh of Mrs, Steven*, tho sadness Is deepened by tbe tboogbt tbat abo leavea those to whom ber continued life en oartb seemed to be very Important. Bow great Ibe loaa of so fallhiul a wife and affectionate mother! Mrs. Btevens was a woman of high Christian prin- ciple. In * quiet, nno*teni*tlous manner she dis- charged faithfully all ber varied duties. She wa* not unmindful of others, bho was a kind neighbor a sincere friend, a food wife and a devoted mother. For several year* sickness ha* rendered her unequal to ibe discharge of all the re*ponatbtl1tle* which do- mestic life brought lo her, bat 111* due to her mem- ory to say tbat she blessed hi r earthly homo by her amiable disposition, her tender affection, and her religious pilnclplc. IIay her family be sustained and comforted by the precious memories or ber do- mestic life. May they feel that their grist loss I* her great gain.

"O spirit freed from earth I Rejoice, thy work Is done I

Tho weary world '* beneath thy feel, Thou brighter lhan th« sun.

Aiocnd I Thou art not now Wllh il.- ... of i.! i i-ii birth :

The living Qod hath louehed thy lips, Thou who haat done with earth.''

We beg leave to call the attention of the public to our Increasing facUltlrs Tor supplying oar eua- tomer* with all the Latest Styles and Designs to be found In the above named branches of boaters* at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICKS.

•*t*Our stock of <H rpel IIIICM is now complete, comprised of F.ngllah and Atni-rl -an productions, which we offer at LKSS than ruling prioea. We call SPKOIAL attention to this branch of our business.


We are now opening New (Joods) In every department. Our

DrtnU Roods and Shawl Departments are receiving UNISIAI. attention. lu short, wf an- determined to make a SPKCIAI.TV of every department In our store.

•irlVi' shall open In a few day* a large invoice of choice li]..- (ioods, Shawls, eW., from New York.


249 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence. September, 1871,






New Fall Goods



Second Door from Po.l Office.


CAMPI ELL a TAYLOR.!Dry Goods Store, 32S Essi-x St., LawrniM!.




T. It It. bef to inform llielr rualoarr* and tbe public generally, that they air now prepared tu ihow a line of Fall Uooda which for Variety, (Jnnntlty and IJuallly I* not surpassed In the ■ ■ 11> ; while our prleea will be found la be the Lowssl in Ihe market.

niiiiss GOODS.



229 Essex Street.


Autumn Announcement Ie a full aisortnent ds adspttd to the


n Friday over


NF.w Hi-Ric—llaf No. 300 Woahtngtori among their recent I lowing :-

irs, fcmlih, While * Terry, Street, Boston, send us, from sues of sheet music, tbo fol-

IABI.IOIIT; song and clicrui; com- posed by Gco. Itae.

MAY 1'OI.E DAstOlj by H. .1. Hcnnell, THE SCOTT C EM TEST A BY tlti.oi'; by A, MaReney,

bandmaster ofTBth Illghlamlers. Ir KVHB ICEAHETO LHVK TUBE; comic*»ag; by

Oeo. Legbourne. These, wllh olher choice selection*, for sale by

Bill* fc Snow.

THE PEHII.S of A hunter's lilo hi tbe Alps ■re graphically described and llnoly illustrated In the sketch entitled, "Iletwccn Lire and Death," in the Illustrated Cbrlsiien Weekly for this week. "What tho Yankees are doing In the Eoal," tells us of the Koliert OIICRO at Constantinople, founded by C. It. Robert, of Now York, ten years ago. With it ore Riven viows of the College, ami portraits nf the founder, and ol RUT. Dr. Ilamlln,tue president. A chanufng Illustrated poem, entillid "The Kitten's Sermon," will specialty interest the children. Two line enaravins* arc given with tbe article on the "Temple at Jerusalem,' allowing tho Tumple restored *nd "Chrisi casting out Ibe traders." The publisher" de- sire agents with 'wht<m tlcy will make liberal arrangements. Address Iheni nt 1'* Nassau street, New York.

The author of"! lie New f impel of 1'ence," which circulated more than a half million of copies tt few years ago, will be out ihis week with a racy satire on the Parwln theory of Sex- ual Development, entitled "THE FALL OF MAN,

tfn, LOVES or THE QOEILLAI." Car let on &

Co. aro the publishers.

PICNIC OV THE CENTRAL Oilmen,—The mombora of the Sabbath School and Society of tbe Central Church held n picnic yetterday af ternuoii, on tbe shore of Haggott's Pond. Not withstanding the prospect of rain, a large nura lu-riif tin1- congregation had the courage to atari on the trip, nnd before their roturn felt amply repaid lor tho ciTort. Soon alter Ibe party ar- rived upon Ibo ground, the table was spread and ample justice done to the viands, aftci which the groups amused themselves by walk ing in the grove, enjoying Ibe swings, or row ing In boats over tho beautiful waters of the lake. No accident happened during Ihe day, and ibe picnic was felt to lie a marked success, in spite of a slight coolness of the atmosphere. All returned home In Ihe evening, xllKhtlv wearied, but feeling that they had galnod health and vigor from the excursion. Wo wish tbat such days, or half days, of healthful pleasure could bo enjoyed more often by the inhabitants of oar I'li-v city. Many do not rrali/.o how much recreation the beautiful grove on the shore orilaggoil's can afford them for a very expense.

igof last week, at Iba n hall, waa but poorly attended, though those tent et'Joyed themselves very well,

new band ll organised In onr village, styled the tialcra Cornal Baud. Itoomprlses tweuty or nore pieces, and mrela weekly for Instruction un let Ibe direction of Mr. Williams, of Uaverhlll. IVe learn that :i Is making good progress tn 11* Undies,

'I'll- Urcbestral or (Juidrlllo Il*nd, A. N. Ho**, eader, boa received a now accession In Ihe person if Mr. Kelly Webster, a clarionet! player of much ability lor one *o yonng.

The demolition of the Methodist church building progresses rapidly, It h*a been decided lo raise Iho structure, and build a wooden basement, auord- tng space sufilclent for a commodious vestry.

Salem Literary Club held a meeting on Monday event eg, at A. II. Merrill's reildcneo, which was fully attended by members and visitors. An ad- dress by Mr. Merrill, a poem by John O.Crowell, and a dlscuislon upon the "CoropuUory Education Act," occupied a portion of tho evening. At re oets Ihe company partook of slight refreshments, and agreeably whiled away the time In games of Tenplna, Tivoll, Chequers, ke. The meeting ad- journed at ll r. «*.. to meet In one week, at "Kock- logham Hall,'' (William ti. Crowell's,) when a poem will be road liy A. H. .Merrill, ami tbe ques- tion, "Ileso I ved tint Bachelor* aro tho b*ppleat and wisest men," will bo dlsouased.

Grapes aro abundant, and hundreds of bushel* nnd a ready market at low figures,

II would surprise some of our city cousin* to find bow tbe country boy* and girl* supply themselves with luxuries lo tlie shape of nut* and aueh like. on.' family In our vicinity gathered laat winter, thirteen bushels of hasel nut*, for eating, and then complained or a scarcity before spring, flics.- null ara fair eating, and aupply quite well the wanl of other*.

We find from Ibe report of prffM at Ihe N.K. Fair, that Mr. Kira ltobluson'a boar took the 1*1 premium for boars of that olaas, and Isaac Wood- bury's yearling bull llocktand, a diploma and $10

On Sunday, a largo number of people a**ombI•<) at "Island Pond," to wltoess a baptism by the Csmpbelllte*. For *ome reason unkown none took place. Keiiglou* service* wore held there during the day.

I'lurabsgo 1* found In lumps as large aa pigeon's egga, lying about tbo "old" farm or J. U. Ewlns, Esq., situated In Iho woods. Il Is very pure and Una.

Mr. W. B. --[ Informs us that h* ha* taken tbe *t*nd of E. C. Gordon, and opened a blacksmith shop. lie Is a good workmsn, skilled In all Ihlnss concerning hi* trade, and will give perfect **tl*fao- ili.ii In bis work, at tho lowest possible rates.

Wo learn Ihat Mr. Wallace Hall Is lying seriously III, and but alight hopoa are entertained of his re- covery. Ills dlsuasola of Iho lungs, being the ef fact* of a relapse after a slow fover.


A CARD. Tbe Parish of St. John's Church beg sincerely

and ooidlally to tbank Ihoie friends who so gen- erously assisted them in making their fair, held In tbe City Hall Sept. 13,14 and li, a great snocess.

Special tuanks art due to Mr. J. F. Cooawal.t. for kindly forwardlnc free ot charge, from Bos- ton articlos for Ihe fair. C. AUKltCltuMlllK,

11 Heeretary pro tern.

Lawrence Lodge, No. 150,1.O.O.F. Officers and Members of Lawrence Lodge arc

renaeited to melt at the Lodge Boom on TUBS. DAY EVENING, the :jith Inst.. at I o'clock, P, M., as businesi of Importance oomes before the Lodge. It W. r. BUXTOH, Seo"y.

Wanted. A CLERK in a store on Essex street. One who

Is not afraid of work, and means businesi. Apply at AM BRIO AN Office. tfn IsepZl

To Stock Raisers. For sale, by A. W. BTKAKNB, a foil blood

JEE6EY BULL, 10 month* old, Uood oolor,and well marked. 'a*eep2*


No. 260 Essex street, Lawrence,

* pleased to announce to the Ladles of Lawrence and vlolnlty that to her stock of Beady Made Garments she has added a choice lot of

MILLINERY GOODS, Data, Bonnets, Ribbons, etc., etc.

In thla department may be found Miss KA'I'K l'RESCOTT, who wilt be pleased to meel her friend* at this plaoe,

Our assortment of Ladies' and Children's


Is unequalcd In quality and cheapness.

Water-proof Cloaks Ready made, and made to order, as desired,—

igant, Cheap, Durable Hsepta

Your petroiiege Is Invited.

of all our ususl Un

Fall and Winter Trade, embrsclng as complete a ntook of

Rpy & Faacy Qm&§ as can be f*und In any large retail store.

e*T*The following departments aro carefully stocked with SELECT GOODS, to all or which

call the fli-aciAL attention of Intsndlng purchaser* :—

DRESS GOODS—Flain and Fancy.

SILKS—Black and Fancy Colors.

CLOTHS—for MWs and BoyB' wear.

CLOAKINGS — Velvets, Plushes, and Velveteens.

SHAWLS—Woolen, Worsted, Cashmere nnd Paisley.

WATERPROOFS—from tlio cheapest to (ho I i all wool.


llouackeeping C.ootla,

such as Table Covers, Cloth*, Damasks, Towels and Towelfngs, Line at, Cottons, Ticks, guilts.

Nottingham Curtains and Curtain Lnoru.

HOSIERY and UNDER CLOTHES. Ladles', Gent's, Misses', Youth's, and Chil-

dren's Vest*, Drawers, and lioslery,

All Ironirht early, and at no advance nu last year's prices.

a- XJ O "v B s. Wehavc Just opened a caie of KID OLOVKB,

comprising Ihe fuli<<st assortment, and every shade suitable for the rail and Winter trade also, a full line of Hlacki and Whltcs.-prleei $l.ooand »l,itt.

Fancy Cloods and Small Wnrea In Immense variety,

tyl.aro nnd Linen Collars, Sets and Handkerchiefs In Tape Bordered, Uen Stitched and Embroidered. Veils, Barege*, Orea*dines Ulbbons, Dress Buttons, Bralda, etc,, etc.

Mg-We desire to call srectat. attention to oat

Black Alpacas and Brilliantines, their character li ties being

Brilliancy „/ Lutlrt,

Pvi-mnnrnry of Ih/e, and Durability „f Chth,

and can only be found In thi* city at


Lyons nnd Irish Poplins, $\.1

per yard.

BUek and Colored Silks, (full and half

lustre,) $l.So, LM inches wide.

Colored Silks for Linings anil l>ren«e*.in

all colors and qualities.

Silk Velvets and Velveteens. Itepp and lerry Velvet* fur Suilluf*.

Plaids. All Wool Poplins, Thibet-., Serge

Cloths In plaids and stripes, and a

full line of lllack Alpacas from S.'ic.

to tho highest miiuhcr inaili',

Flannels, Cotton Flannels. lilankcts in 10-i, 11-1. and also Crib

Klankets at $1,75 a pair.

Cottons, Linens, Toweling, Crashes, Diapers, Tickings, Denims, and

General House FurnishtDg (iooda AT

Boston Wholesale Prices.

Pest Prints at 10c., good and fast colors.

A largo variety of Hamburg Trimmings

and Insertions, vhenp.

Sash Klbbons, Velvet Ribbons, Laces,

Handkerchiefs. Linings, Hosiery,

(■loves. Corsets, Real and

Imitation Lace Collars in endless variety.

Good Black Kids $1.00 n pair.

S H A"W T_, S .

for r'AI.l, wear, New and Desirable Kiylrs, will be sold at a Great llsrealn.

Trade price #."..,f.0, will be sold lor 94.00

and $-1.50.

lisinluis, all shades InColared Alpi

tiur stock s nnd Brll- >, Klnpreaa

oeleloK each week NEW York and Boston.

i! , V special bargain in Him t. Silks at «?.50 yi.t.i.

SHAWLS. Tbe Baal and Neatest assortment of styk* In

Woolen Shawl* ever seen In Lawrence. All New and Desirable Patterns. I'rlcm VKKl LOW.

Alvo, a splendid aaiorlmiul Caslinn rr Shawls.

BLANKETS. •MH> pain Rlankrl*, boiiKht hi-lore the ri-e on

this class ol goods; sllluffat Ll-S I'll AN TUK WllOLKHALK THICK tO day.

FLANNELS. all kinds In Qrtwl the

WOOLENS. Chillis I'orMtn'samt Roys'wrir »elllni> VKKV


Good Trial* In Dark sljlr*, Tor tho Fall trade. N eenta yard. Warranted KABT colors and perfect Rood*. Alio,l*r*;u lot of I'tliit ltemnanl*.

COTTONS. ryWfl Btill continue to sell Cottons nt

OH Prices!

COTTON BATTING. Don't pay 10 cents for :i 1 or 7-H of a pound when

youcanhuy of us Hit. Atlatsllc Mill* Bat* tttij,'." each roll warranted a fall pound, for


I.arue lot of Uambuig Edgings lust received iplendldpatterns,-prices VKKr LOW.

23 doieu Two-Button Kids In beautiful Kail


NO. 230 KSSEX. STREET. Second door from Post Ofllcc.

TAYLOR & BOLTON, Successors to


Ir.i on pui'le I^rtincais,

I. X. Y. U. M. P. T Coniult your Interest, and bay tin-

Salem Shade Roller for 30 cts.

shades, #i.-.\\ a pair.

Rood quality Kids 7

E. II. DREW A CO, No. .'»23 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Kids. Kids. Kids.



t;o to SNELL'S for them.

If you wish for good

SHIRTING FLANNELS At Low I'rlcr.. yon ua find then .1

ISTo. ;518 Essex street.

New Styles for Shawls; rglRI pillems just received. Call and examine

iin- quality and prices.

COTTONS OP ALL KINDS For -till- Cheap.

rW> call eipccli.] notice to our

Waterproof Cloakings

la BUoki, Brown*, and Fancy Colon,

WOOLENS for Men's & Boy.* wear.

All kinds of Tailors' Trimmings.

if juu warn a

NICE KID GLOVE. Or HOSIERY OF ANY KIND, For Ladles, Uents, or Children, you nan dnd a

(loud Assortment at

S. F. SNELL'S, 318 Essex ttreet, Lawrence.

Important Announcement I


II... Ju.t from New York I.I..1 .1,1.


Bibbons, Flowers, Feathers, &o.

Winch the; offer at

V E 11 Y L O W I' I! I V E S.

Wliat is Truth?

Warraated t no tassels. Met oat of order.

ol break or ulTKOltD k KICF,.

Special Notice! M. \V. t'OPl'S &. CO.

Have In store, *nd are now rereiving, one of the



©IT ^@©©s er.r opanfd Is this elty, and at PRICKS, the j

tontldently hfllrve, wlileh will conrlnre Ihe

public that thej IXTItXIt BVBISM88.

Every thiiiffN"ew IN


No. 218 Essex street, Lawrence. Agents for Essex Dye House.


The new church of the M. H. Society of ote- tbuen, will he dedicated on Thursday, the jHth lost., at 2 o'clock, r. u, Sermon hy the Itev. ]. O. )■' i i ■-.■-■■: I of CambridKO.

On Wednesday evenlnji, the 27ttt Inat., thcro will in1 an (>r(;an Concert, commencing at a i)uartor before oi«ht. Oeo. II. Ileyder of Hoi- ion, organist; II. 0. Wotister In charge of tbe vucal part of the concert-

TUc Irrepresil'ile"Brick Pomeroy" will ptih. Ii-t'-i, in a few tl*ys, IkroHgh 0. W. Oarlcion k Co., two now booka,onc comic,entitled 'BBCIK

DoaT,' und one setiou-", entitled 'Ooi.i> IIIKT.'

At St. Denis, nrar I'nris, a bridul i>:ir-

ty had tlic mlifortUnfl lo go spend :t day.

That village is still occupied by tho (icrnitins, who mnko tlio Itihitbitnnia keep curfew-bell timo. The p»rtj in qaeitlon were ion happy ti> reDiemli ihi.t, nod :>U WLTO marched off to prise Happily Hii commoadar was Inforniod ol tlit; peculiar clrcutnitanooi of i he case, and sttt tlicm at liltorty.

A tingle establishment in Sheflleld, Eng., »sos ll:ll Ions of sbcitt steel a year In making pens, averaging 1,000,000 pens to the ton.

-The folloniuu

KilM, duly no, Explosion of ferry bust

Wealfteld, *l W, V.. nu AUK. SI Ksllrosd dlssslorat llan-

■or, He., 2 " 14, Bleamer eiploslon on

Lake t'liataii'ina, U " 11, Fire dsmji ciploston In

Coal Nine, 1'lltalon, II " Ifl, Hleamrr l.oJon* wrrrki-d

onl'lnrldaeoast, » •■ ■.M.Culllalonon I'hlladrlphln

and Ktlerallruad, « " ii',. Collision tin Kaatern rail-

road, near Doaton, 91 " Ht, ICipluslon of -i. ..iii< i .

tiesaa Wave at Uobtle, 111 Ity ilmwliInK, burnlnK, runaways,

falls,cuts,broken limbs,

District Court of the United Stale*.

Dittrict of tlais.~—ln Bankruptcy. This Is i.i .-in' notice that a petition was pre

■cnted to the Court on the IHih day ol Uarch, i■-,■ i, t.> JJANIBL H. KULCH, of Haverhlll, bankrupt, praying that he maybe decreed to have a lull discharge from all his debts provable under Ibe llankrupt Act; and on Ihe lllliday of HepUmber, A. 1). 1871, upon reading said Is in ilerid by t lie Court tint a bear- ing be had upon Hie same on the troth day of Oc- tober, A. D. 1871, before the Court in Boston, In said district, at 10 o'clock, A, M., and that notice thereof be published In the

Boston fust and Lawrence American, newspaper* printed In said district, once a week fur three weeks; and that all creditors who have proved their debts, nnd olher persons In Interest, may appear at said time and place, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petl- tii.ii -hi.uld not bu granted.

KDWAHD lil -. i I r. :* r - _-.-! Clerk of District Court lor said Diet.

In llnnhruptt y. District Of Mass., ss.

Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned has been duly appointed assignee of the estate of UKOKOK HANSON nnd NATHAN M.IUINNK-

WELL, {late copartners under the name of Hanson fc

llnnncwell,) hoih of Maiden, In Ihe county of Middlesex, wlltiln ssld district, who havebreti adjudged bankrupts by the District Court. .Sl'Kl'llEN W. KU LLKIt.

Cbarlestown, Hept. u, 1B7I. MB

In alnnkrupic,. rniTtticT or MAM., as.

t the underrlgned jnea of the estile

TKASK k CO., of lloston, In the county of Suffolk and slate of Massachusetts within said district, who have been adjudged bankrupts by Ihe District Court ol •aid district. <■ K. KKI.SO, Afsigner. .:. Hept. 20, i ; i - *Z2


Dress Goods. AND




Flan ii el i,





White Goods,

Hosiery, and

Small Wares

every Style, finality, anil Mako.






Tuliil fur the month, How many of then* l..i

ELASTIC STITCH Family Sewing Machine

Can be bought In Lawrence only R

Mrs. V. BARNICOAT, Authorized Agent,

No. 2fi0 Essex street, Lawrence, Where It run be psld fur In KOtmiLV paymants.

'dine of this Machine Ortr Every llri

Private Lessons in Vocal Music, and will visit Idlwrenae on Wcilncsilai ■ ami Hnliirilc). fur ttml purpose. Orders reriiw.1 ;.i ii I I-- h SHOW'S. Trrros made known Bpon appllosllon. .-■ in-1 .-.■;■ i , n fetenre jtli

Lawrence,Hepl. 11, I tmfl I

i: sG u A V iN a. Insurance BMlul aeel- JOHN 11. WKBB, K»*;raver of Door

I.,., l'|.... . \ ,iii>' l'!:.t. - fnr (:,,,,

What ii paper out West unconsciously printedi "Thegroom is a Christian und

I the bride n llnptlst."

. tithi i

in be /'in i II!'i seen by e: i.ln< tl Dnam at Ibis istabll'timenl

fciT'-!>(in'l fall to nxani

aily mad*


s ihe ont i. t*ep»

87 CENTS AND #1.13.

M. W. COPP8 St tO-.

No. 88fi Essex street, Lawrence.

Republican Stale Convention. The Republican* of Massachusetts are Invlt

to send delegates to * Hlate CottTenllon, to b*ldat HaCHAXK ' 11 M I , I- MUKi I:MKK,

WKUNKH11AV, riiinniiber yTtli, al 11 o'clock, A. M, lor ilu parpOM of uuiiilnailnn caudldal lor tbe nrlotM Btala ottlcrs to be Hlled at t Nuvi-mlH-r elreth'ii, Kach town and each wa of aeliy 1* tatItbd lo one d, lej-ate; and also o adilltluual ■!■ -t..-- for every two bundred rot< and ti r every fnictlim as larfc as onebnndred,

Mcsars. J. <■ It II- > » (H)l) <V CO.

Would respeet fully rail the *l tent ion of Ihe Ladle* of Ijtwrenee and vlclnlly to their

Very I,nice Attnortnicnt of

KID GLOVES, In Illack and Colors, ir different iiualltlea In each, with full line ol size*. In addition, also, Bfty iiii.-cii < rperna, all Hliades and Tints; thirty dosen WU1TK, all numbers,

«sTKeep constantly on lu.nd Urst quality Tre- ronsae. l.iirKr line ot Hisses', ineolt>rs,atlspled for this season,at MtfawS perpalr, Ourstoek Is BKPLBTX.

Ladle* wlahlnf; to purchase

HAMBURG KDGINGS, will tin.I our suprrb Hue unequalled in quality, varli-ly, or price. All widlh*.-ln

I) ll /■: 8 S TRTMMIN a 8,

wo hare the Heal and Imitation Malta Laces, Krinses, tllmps, lluttons, etc.—Our stock of


much enlarged iM srusun, nnd well worth the tnsperllonor any I.inly dtalrlnc; a HRAVTlrUt. JtllKXXT or KOUUY HAT. Uverjllilna desir- able and cheap.—All those looking Tor geniTal

Dry and Fancy Goods, wilt Und our rsttuilrt line in keeping wllh Ihe times, and nt prices tint will warrant an Irame- dlateaale, dclylng any and all competitiou.

•trfllre u< a call at Ih* old I'uinllinr Stand.


No. 177, Cor. Essex & Jackson Sts.,


For the Fall Trade. SMITH, at No. 143 Esaox St.,

Is now nji. iiitn: a full line or

niti-:ss tSOODt, SIIAiVLN,


Kill Gloven, only "ifccnttt.

Ladles' Under Vesta and Drawer*.

Linen Table Covers,

Towels and Crashes.

Ladles' Under Vests or Drawers, 7.ri cts.

Waterproof Cloth,

Cotton Flannels,

Haltnoral Skirts.

Qood Cotton Flannel only 12 1-i! eenlH.

llooji Skirts, Cora-els,

Hosiery and Qlovos,

Hoop Skirts 37, 40, &0 eta., and up.

Jewelry and Silver Plated Ware,

Itoal Cluney Collars.

Cottons and Prints.

And a full line of

Dry Qoods, Fane; Goods & Jewelry.

The Empire Sewing Machines re Ihe Latest Improved, Host Blmple, Compact nd Durable llaoblaes ever made to do Sewlnf .—

Will Hem, Fell, Bind, Braid, Tuck, Uatber, Frill, Fringe, (Julll, and have all the attachments applied to all Mowing Machine*. Tiny have * Straight Beads*, Wheel or Drop Feed, are Simple In eon- -'ni. 11 II. i- -. :iy I mii-mt, not liable tofel out or Older, run light, and are rotuparatlrely Noiseless. In all, making

TJIK Sewing Machine that should be Used in every Family.

SOU) ON MONTHLY INSTALMENTS. tlO down, Sid per month until paid for.

G. H. SMITH, A|;eitl for Lawrence and vicinity.

PaperHanp:in(?s. Fall Hlylea. IsfttgS Stock.

W* ean suit you. I rambling.


IC A. T 8,

1.1 BTYt.R9 ANli PRICPS.

What Is truth In relation lo Dry COOdS ■D'1

CarpetO *? Sevea-elghtli* Of all the adver

tlsemeats whteh are read la everj aewspaper

published In the United States purports to adver-

tise the Largest, Host Elegant, and Cheapest

Stock ta b.' found. This, tbe writer believes, U

not over stated. Allowing, then, one-eighth

of the advertisement* to br made up largely ol

true representations, It la of vital importance lo

Ihe pun basing publle lo Investigate this mailer


Take, lor Instance, rarti article yon wish lu pur-

ehaie, and make a personal examination ol it, t lie

uastltv a* well as the price, at say alx of tbe best

stores In our eltr. I irntute the assertion that

tbe pnrobaser will not only aava money by so

doing, bat will have parehased goods of far batter

quality, whleh will b* more satisfactory a* well as

proniablr. This Is a satjeet of no oUALI.

INTK1IBBT to Iho pockets or the clllieo* of

Uwrenco. Besldts, MNK-TKN1IIS of the

parobaaea made out of town are not so cheap or

satisfactory to the purchaser a* could have beei

toade deliberately and kit T'tl HAM Kit la oar

own oily, to say nothing uf Ibe experiment »J

earkhtni aelty already over growl and oae ol

the most wealthy In tho Union, to the detriment

of home. Spend your money In Law retire, and

therehy enrich younelvrs and encourage others.

And when so doing, In making your Fall and

Winter purchases, please call and rxatnlaeour

Urge and Beautiful Atsorlmunt of SHAWLS,

embracing every variety of taste, and selected

with especial reference lo Ihe waats of the Ladle*

of Lawrence and vlclnlly. We may also say wllh

entire modesty, that onr stock of IMM-MM

(.oodN, adapted to Ihe wants of Ladlss,

Ulaaes, and Children, is mote ccmplele In all

department* lhan we have ever displayed before,

rimprlilng all of the different qualities of Blaek

and Colored -SI I.Kh. from 41.04 lo $S.C0 par yard;

all of the New asd I'opular BhadesorCashOKfts,

Thlbeta.Hatteen Cloths, Irish and Lyonsl'opllas,

Kmpreaa Cloths,—Very Elegant 8l)Ies In Plaids

and mrlprs.and some very LOW priced la rath

variety, so Ihat AU may b* aoeommoaaiad. Our

atoek of I in11n«-1-. UlnnkutN,

CJIIIIIH, etc., Isrciy Isrge nnd deserving, aa is

also oar assottmeniof Ladles' sad (Ual's Uodsr

Garmeni*. To Houlo Kurnlihere •>• bold

out every lnducemmt In tho Larueand Vatitd

btoek of Woolen, Painted, end olhi r Carpets

Of New Patterns, Bedding, etc, We have a Very

Large and Choice Variety or Small WAfOi,

suoh n* Ladles', lienl's, and Children's tllores

snd Hosiery,from the best makers,lo«ether wllh

a full line of Laces, Ttlmmlngs, Buttons, Velvet),

Plushes, Velveteen*, tie. We have all Ihe Late

Pattern* nud Newest Designs In K. 11 atterica k

»tyie« for ibl* Fall and Wl ntar Oar-

mentt on sale, together with Ht>les and

llr*lgni< of BV own BSAsHasa and oulUlter* In

Ladles', 0*1 i, and Children*. Wardrobes,

REPUBLICAN OADCnS. he Republicans Of Ibl' city are requested to

bar Plates, Name riaies (or Carrlagt Uaohlnery ; Badges of every di-slun, made of and bllver: Dies, Seals, Key Tags, snd mined Plates made to order. Corner of Common and Ameabttry atreets, LAWKKNIH.

N. B -All kinds of JKWKI.KY neatly nistktd


>l otnlny Kvel

at tl o'clock, to . 11.. ■ ■. Hie Sute Conveultuii theSnk inst.,fort!

Also, to eleel a IKI eusulog.

By or.I.-.

:i('i ISMMSinC ;islri-d. lyii [sepia

MALI,, ilnirs Mupi. afttfe, iftim Ik legates to attend to in holdin at Woreeater i.T..n..ii ..I r,tan- omcers. I'ointnltti-e lor the year

'llv HI. . .

II. A.WADSWOBTU, Secretary.

We Buy Direct from Importers,

Sell Cheaper than any other place in Lawrence.


No Trouble In Nhow f.ontlu,


IANCT ftttftBS,

/, I tf K A \ U I. I .Y F. V

Collarr? &r CttHs,



Jet and Plated Jewelry


Unr Molln bcln,


W. HAtJEK & CO.,



03"K il Gl V6S only IH

N.lltl 1 « urea i.l rvery d

asarWc wuutd Intlte the UKNTI.KklUN ol

Lawrence and vicinity lo uu exsmlnatlou of our

WOOLENS RW tb.-lr Pall and Winter wear,

which Is e(imposed of West of, l.oud.m.

Scotch, Iturrls, Kdd)'s, tuid Other Amrricnn

makes of I'antaloontuy and Bulling*, which we

are prepured to mftko Into Coats, Pant*

and VoStS InaSlJle which I'ASSOT lilt.IO win and deserve Ihe popular favor. We also

muke Ladle.' and CMMru.'a Suits and Car-

men ta of every JcaerlptIon in (lie no.l Hljll.h

and Halilied manner.



N OTICE. Tlion.ln KAI.LF.HV, CflTKIt al A. W.

aiKAtiN*' for Ih* Issl roffa VKANs.hs* opened

Booms at

■iiu Kaafll street, Isawrassc*

wl-ere he alii be glad to iua«t bis rrirmls and


lyPartieular nttcutlon paltl tn 1W»YS' Ulollilng.

Iti')i.-iii'ilik. Iiiiilly ill.lie.

"myltt r.Mil atsarx Strut. I.

LOST- In Lawn nee, or Intwrrn there and lli-lhui-n, ■

Idy's Uold It It I-: AST I'lN Inlaid wllh hslr, sud be n,i <■! " " engraven oo Ike back ol nr tiln. Wboevrr finds thi* same, and will lean

■tt the AMKItlfAN (ll-KICH, l.awr.tiee, or ilth the Horse IMlruai) lU|u.t n Ueiliuen, .lull be sallsbly rewarded, tC -I

8TORE SHADES >Iml" to order, nnd put up st shortest nollcr. The Malem hlisde Holler hi* been adlustidio

■tun- SliaiU. Il la fully Miuitl lo the itrtiy, Tor me-balflhemouey. \\ INI lull Ji A KICK.

LA WHENCE FOTTBRY." 'Ihe uaderslgned has |iurchaaed Ihe stock snd

oolsof the above concern, and will continue Ihe nanufartnre of

EARTHEN WARE f all kinds.

• llhln 40 m •rlcelJat. :

1 SIM1L1MII1) 1S5S,

•ollclted. (ioods dellvrrd ..i ii,-.- allowed. Hend lor ROUT 1'. Ill It.MIAW.

WANTED. Wanted, thlrty-IIve energetto

a.TrsMllns-Agent.fortheME A WILSON'S SEWING in Western Pennsylvania and Horse, wagon, and untilt furnished, lien who remain wllh us not less than four months, will havr traveling expense* Weat relunded. Uood reference* required In all caaes. Address

ImVlsg^l WILLIAM HUUNKR k CO.. No. 140 Wood Btreet, Pittsburgh, Pa.

I for I i town InlM

By orderof the Hi j-uhllcjn Slule Committee. I.MUl'.i- I. I.'-.-!."-!, I I,.,1:1.i.,i.

llOiS. UaaaiLL, aeerclary. II,--:-'., Aug. 28, 1H71.

IMPORTANT NOTICE. W« would advise all perioni to glvo"BEACM'8

WASHING SOAP" a trial and then decid© what aoap la the cheapest

and boat

Hit Acknowledge No Suporlera In the sfanufaoturr of

BLANK BOOKS. AayTry us, instead of baying of peddlers, who

Invariably use poor stock. — WniTWIRD fc KICK.


Toys, DOIIB, China k Fancy Qoods, 19 Park Place, nrur Hroarftrag, Hew York.

On account ot the sudden death uf Mr. II. lilth- m- t. the whole stock ha* to be laU out at cutt prict UU January, It:2. Jobber* and Ketallers will Dnd tt In their Interest to examine the stock before purrhaslng elsewhere, Hample boxes at * U), |4fl and $:M, ami C. O. D., to any part of the country, -'m<i Jseplfl

111 Itiillknipit-y. DISTRICT nr M .. ■- as.

The undersigned hrreby gives notice of his ap- pointment as AsMenee uf the estate of

WILLIAM H l.uli.Kl., of Lawrence, In the county of Kasex and state or Has*achus< tm. within said dlalrtet, wlio has Im-n adjudged a bankrupt by the Oistriot t'ourt uf said district. AHBlllH K. 8ANHOKN,

Lawrence, Bept, !l, 1871, Jl|law


(;. 11. ARMSTRONG & CO. Are opening a full line of

CottrOns, Flannels, Prints, Woolen CloUll for Men's it Boys' wear,


Which we offer at VKRV LOW I'ltlCKH for a

Prints, fast colors and Now Styles, for K cents per yard.

Heavy 40-inch Sheeting, 19 1-So.

Bleached Sheeting, ll' 1-1'c.

Hamburg Edgings, Laco Edgings,

A full line of Small Warcn,

HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, All at the Lowest Mar kit Prices,

We have Jual opened a new Invoice ol famous

"Rising Sun" brand

Black Alpacas and Brilliantines,


Cotton Batting, ao CENTS.


289 Essex St., Lawrence.

The Cheapest and Best l'lnre to Buy

Paper Hangings AM)




New Goods in Every Variety,

flmlsaplt At the V.-rv Lo ■*t I'riM

mil i roiii> & Rice. I'ocket Books, Hill Hooks, Letter Books, in

iwry vsrlit)-. 3CS Kssex street,

Do you want to got Full Weight

not ia or 14 oi. for a pound'? Cot BEACH'S WASHING SOAP, it la a superior aoap, full wolght. Crooero

■ ell It.

Emerson's Kinging School. A NEW BOOK,

P. <v ii-.l es| eelallr Tor filnftnf Classes, b? I.. U. KMKKKDN.

of whosa books Ihe sale id A Million Copies

or nore, proves eoncluslvelv thai he understand* the wanl* ol the American Mii.itil Public.

The book run talus, In Its three divisions, an l-.l; Course, a food variety of seoulsr music, and a collection of Cbnrrb Tunes and AtllllfDIS.

Price $7.60 per Dozen. Hample Copies sent post paid for 76 els,

OLIVER PlToUN a CO., Boston. C. U.DITHon*t-O..Wew York. tflM


S. I. fl rd \y It l> rs,r* for t'.inll) Ma*.

Catra large No. I for $2.00 par kit. Such a* sold for *t.*o last rear. At

C. P. WIGGINS FISH MARKET, nif [twaglti i*i I'liminoB Itrael.

To Lot. The K.ssnv linilBRin l.nwrenee,

Isaa., ha* been thorouflilv repaired, nd I* now lo let. A rare rbavee for r, enlerprlalnf nan. 1 be hoaae eon-

ms. Yi room* more, If desired, can br added to Hi* house. The situation Is the beat to the city for the arrucauodatlon of to* travelling i.nt.hi-. Applv on lite prccaiaes to

11- P. l I:.:-.. I.swr-scc Auf. IS, tH7t, lm"sslH

WINDOW SHADES. .flat r. . iv.l too pairs. Mew st,|... Wa

caUulat- lo keep as Urge an aasortneat of thasu Hoods as i-in he found In Kssex Coualv.

Will 1 t-'oiti> k KICE.


»ft<\al Wtttcts. The Cauac and Cure ol Consumption.

ili si ml 1st

I, ll.,' irimrni in mi* food is cjnvertcd into U.UIHI, IDU thsnee Intu ilia solln* ot the body. Persons with digestion thai impaired, having i In* slightest pre disposition la pulmonary disease, or I] I lie i tale cold, will b« vi ry liable to have Consumption ol the I.mi*. In some ul il- furtii» , au<] I holn that It will be Impossible to run .ut IU-.«I Consump- tion without llrst restorlii|| a guild digestion aud healthy iHlmllii'lon. T*l- very drat thing tu be done Is to cleans* the stomach and bowel* from ■II diseased mum- and •Inn- which Iselo.ulog lhe-e orgaua so thut th«y osnnut prfurm tliflr liim-n , ami then muse up and restore the liver to a hesllliy actlun. Kor Ihla purpose, thr -um-l

iedy ■• Sohrnca'a Madi"-'" Thw-c 1'lLfa i Hi.- .ii ul in'

uut •>■!■ llvrr I.ted thrr

■oli- .y.t i l.i

I i.i .

Tk*j ulni,' dlac

> .11 ■

• ii■!■ It up lo a nrw ulni healthy -■■Tlon, b/ which natural Mud tiralthy bile ll secreted.

Tha stomach.liOwela ami llvrr are tliua cleanned by r !■. u-i ..r fchvork'* Mandrake fill*; but there remain* in (he stomach an races* of arid, lb* or- KII I* torpid, and the appvllte la poor. In the

wela, the lart''ala a. r weak, and requiring

the T T valuat

system fur the tli and ultimately wak* goud, ht-ilihy, living blood,

cure most case* ul consumption I* thr free and persevering use of Auhciick'* 1'ulmuiiic H, rup - The I'n J ----- ■. - - - ■ I .■ i«.iiri»)n-a tht- ayMi.-m. purt- llr* the til-ioil, i*i)-l n r.iulm Nhairhi-U inlu ihr rir mlallon.anJ thence ili ■:: i -I to the diseased

, There it ripen* all morbid matii-r*,whether *-- ll u»Hh«;i'"tii-N or tubercles, and then as-

■r- tu expel all the diseased mailer In the form of free i-Hpectiirallsn, when ouce It ripen*. It ll llieti, by Ihe (real healing and pun^' itruiierrien of Scheuck's 1'ulmntilc Hy rup, i'i,r all HI..:, ii and cavities are h-aled up aound, and my p.llinl la cured.

The ess. nils! tlilug lo be <l«nc In curing- Con- aumptlon ia In get up a fond appetite and a yooci dig .-■ -.-I. -i. '-. .'. the bud) Hill Km* In tit all and ■ et ' ini'.-. If ■ I-, r I.-II haa dlaeaa- d lungs, a car


Of ifrnfts, a good appetite, a body jo gro« In,11 . and ft I

, llv.

Consumption. I

tlon, and |lv« N

should lie exercised

ni^iii air, and

in the other to in-.:

cured tvlth only one e lo a -.i.-l Old axe, tines will do to care


Dial and »

■ II-..1-.- that la In thr the form may be,

Important llitif, whllu using rtchenck'* mrd- -' --ii In lakeould:

hir; avoid .nly In iigc-

lahlni lailnclly , i : i ■ :■ ,i that when I rec

ommeud * pull, ut in be carelul iti regard to Inking told while using my medicine*, ] du so for a apec- lal reuaon, A m .:■ who Im* bul parllllly recovered from the ■ JTecIa of a bud eld I* fur DON liable 'o a relapse tiiin, one who haa been enllri !y cured j arid It I* precisely tlie *ime In r.'Kurd

Ho 1< led.JUM

u.ia a* I aoloug i mill.

I per fee rofa enl .ling'

e itlsthV . i pulmonary patten.* against

<-*[iu»iug iin ri;-■ HI- . in an ,'irriiua[.]i< r.- Ilial 1. ni.l 1,-cnlal and pluinant, ('unllrmed eomumptlve*' I nil |fi an- n IIIUIS id aurea, which the leant ohange ol uiiiiM'i e will li.Miiine. The grand aucrel ol my auccea* with my inedlrlnca conilal* In toy ubilliy to aubdue lull iiiirniiMnn Inateud of provok- ing; it, ii* muny of ihe luctilly du. An Inflamed lutiK cannot with aati ty tu Ihe patient be espo-ned to the tilling bluat* ol wluler or the chilling wind* o( aprlng or aolumn. It nhould be carefully • i.i. i.i. -i i:- .in all Irritutiiig Inlluencea. The m- moit onulion shnuld beobaerved In till* particular, a* wlthuui 11 u curr uud.r ulmuit any tlrniui.Lan- oeaj»anlmpo*.lbllily.

Tfte perion aiiuuld tie ke-n on a wholerome and nutrltioua dht.and all Ihe medicine* continued until the budy ha* realorcd to It the natural quan- tity ul ili all and ilieugih.

1 wui myielf cured by till* treatment of the worst kind i.i Cutiaumpllun, and have lived lo |{et

mo»lly gone. I have cured thousand* »I■-<-<', anil very ninny have been cund by thl* truatme. whom 1 hiive never aeeti.

About I he flrnt of October I expert to take pd ■eiBlon ol my in w building ill tin iiurllieaal eo —T of Hlxlh and *"

%tve 'MxtvtiamtnU. BURNETT'S

COCO Al N E. A -.ti.j- I of GMan \"' (>i/,*te. aVafclMrl'

edge ft tkt *e«' tirtitn-ilrr i,l tht unm-lh niul txuuty of l)„ h<iir. J(W. Ill'KNhTT k CO., Hoatou. Hold by all drufifl*!*. Iltn-ot' •■/ imitation*.



TIUI P18 CENT. riBHTMOBTOAGBLOArtB HI Ili '.til.!- u ,'i..,::;-.

.1 \i OK it. HlllFIIKltU A, Co . BARKIKB,

Nu. 31 I-III.—tu ei, Srw v...k.

Ne». 148 A l.">7 l.ii S,illi"-t.,riin'tii;.-. Ol.K "1IANU ItQ.iK of II.I.IMtlH HKl.LUI-

i : i .. i.-- i l ui.i..

LTDaTa? *^,» """ «'»"TH TO ALL will. r It L. C. M>H IT; IS M: lo Jaa--7tl • l.V> to July, •-{(■ $ito to Jan., ■;:t TTlio >«i-t liinll-,t. Kvery week a Lecture Kuom Talk by lie-Holier; Bermoo or article by Talmage %*r-u.t only lo llfrektr in popularity); Mr*.

Wllliug'a great trrlvi itury eapu*IHK aeerel work- tu^a ul |[oniaul~m In An.eHca, and much other good reading. Ii. ffwMtal.lH Xatmu it., N. Y.

PDCC1''' |>l"i''"ini;ri-iii>- .(.-, aT f% awat*l.«Mt«ii->fr.i('ilwrekl)-;iO»tar*

"-"bed. flue *te*l « " i. U" HI - make »

s-.nir.l-> Uai

H. HENDERSON'S Family Liquor Cases.

I- ul. Care containing < in,- Bottle of Old l-.le ll..-..I-. . I Mallaod UIN.

"1.1 llj. VMH-U.,. Uld PaU -lien y. Flit* Old Fort. | Old Bourbon.

(iuaranteed I'ure and of Ihe eery !I.-HI totality. PHICK HKVKN Hiil.i.Aiii

--■i.i by BaprcaaC.O. D., or I'oat orn.- order. II HI MiKII.Si'N, 11 Itruad .it., >,-» York.

I* ITwi" VTV ■',1* l ''■">"** -"■'■nf: and valid r A II..1 l^clamia. H,m.:ulrca»eaa*peelally. W. K. c)IUOND8,3ti Main tit., Hartford, Conn.

i STIIMA.s HIIMIAU-i Permanent Cure


_._ ItayKcirerandltoie Cold. Becu mm ended by 1'hyalclau*. f rice

* per box. rum by malt, poalage uald, ureeelplol price. WM. II. ( AKNIIAII


el*thelii*4 0f (Jill

Tnrrant'a vi-n i-iit Scit/cr A|i.-nim In Ihe ..|. nUlii.- goblet, giving aaaurunce to Ihe invalid that hi* lliir.i wlllbedeilcloualy aaauaged , thai hi* atotnacli will be refreshed and purlned .

Hie rtlineulty will pan anay wltliot that If the condition of hi* general health I* paired, ll will be ipei-dlly restored. Ofc.iurae will take care to iniu-urr none liut I


, 1'all*, milk pan*,


louuea irec. r.J.ttmtinniif Co., rTurctHer, Mat:

Kulde to



e.,ulre ni-ilu-

any pilrt of the world ._.. ,dlly cured by » alrlet nt.«i rmnce of Ihe anme.

J. II.8CIIK.NCII, M.U., riillnilelphla. KO. C. UOCHMVIN .k to,, Aaenla,


Jtlnniocii I tiI.Mit.■ n 11 —Ttao great East Indian dollclcy. i'Uddinj;»,bliini- mange,etc.,»re *o dellclou* when mude from I1ILL1) KAHT INDIAN MA.NIOCA.ihut It 1* wilromed at every table. It lathe moat nut rltloua vegetable prodnc- tlnn yel dl*covered,nnd la nature'* -: rent i'-t bleai- ing lu liiviilldn. One puckuge make* *lx dellclou* ■.milling-, for :\1 cent*. Hold by all (irocer*.- l'fepiired only by IheUAMOCA CoMl'ANY.WiT HaalUnj-iiiii utriet, New York. 3m1*glH

n>-rili: I1EST AfiEKTH WANTED. Urmtiurtt tu br thr Ntamhtrrl fa„imrit-

f'i; a in .IniTlrii,

Tim UnabrWgod nnd Knlarge.l Edition of Da WILLIAM SMITH'S

Dictionary of the Bible. The Original Kngllah Kdltlott reprodueed with-

out mutilation,ten mid lllu"tratlnn eoinplelu, with

atldlllon* made under the diri-eilim ul Die two HUNT i»m>M»l Kdllorn in Amerlcn, MOIIA-

. 'ITO 11. tlAlhl;rr, I'. It., mid K/ltA AIMiOl', LL. D.

In four volume., Hva. I'li.tli, .i.'i',.(*i, Hheep, f.10. Half Sloroeco, *:(i. Hull cnlf. extra, *:.rt.

The work 1* aold by «Lil.*erlptlon,ain1 Agent* are remlndnl M. ,: thi* work I" HKTUHtll UatPa- TlTl.i!*, nnd that II re.,uln * no aruuinenl tu prow tta claim when a penou ha* made up hi* mind lo get the BUT book ON the aublecl.

Hlni;le pnrohaaer* con oblalu Ihe work by npply !■■ triVt-el f" " llabeta,

ll a ft; ii TO X, II I UD 13 AHII

I'll K l( I V E US I n K 1' II K SS, it'ingll Cenabrlitge, HASH.



Tiirsthiy, Trlttuy *V Nuinrtlny Kvi'iiinea.

In-iuireof Hull fommttlee.-.I. N.MOIM1AN, TtTremontHtnet.or SAML'KI, HOl.T, Janitor, al Court llouto. tlVft-IU

Uommnnwonlth of Maenitcliiiaoita.

1->MI.X, ■••". I'KOUATK CIH'KT.

e*lnt,..,r IlkNMMiN 'il.u.iii.i.i., lute ul l.uwrence, in...1,1 couiiti..].--;......!, llrevllDii;

V\ her. i . M ,r> llurn d. iidinliil.lrnlrlx ul Ihe relate <■! -ani .t.r.a.i.l, liaa pn-aeaie*] lo laid inurt I,, r pi nil,.n |..r iteanie lo tell m much of Ihe renl i-tiiteul *iiid il,c.n»ed n* will rah ■ mn ut thirteen hundred -■ vruty-lliree dolln ro-venty eight e. ut*. I..r Ihe pit) luenl ol del charge* ol inlinlnlatratiuii;

Vou are hereby cited lo appear al ft I'ruhetc Court l«i be holdrn ul l.iiwreii.-e,in aald county, ul the Hc-unil Tue.duy of November next.ut ntui o'cluok In the lorennon, lo >how cauae, 11 auy yon have, again*! the aMDe,

And .aid M'tltlnnir I. orden d lo aerve Dili ■ it.Hi,,n by puhli.hliig ihe ..nee a week three weeli luoeeealvely, In Die l.i,wi,nce Amer

id at J-uivrenie, tin- lu.t itioti lu be Iwi deyeal lead before laid Court.

H'ltucaa, UKr-iH.K K.CIIOATK, Kautilre, Judge .■r*ai.H'ouil, tin. Hv. Kill dayol September, III the year one Ihouaand eight hundred and aeveut one. ..pi:, A. C. liiiouKl.l,, Uegleler,

Oommo iwealtu or Maeauoii'K COURT.


si'i'oiji .-led' In the eaUle of 1 dS.laleol Hetbuen.lpii

oilier per mm M.l.A iide.-utity ireetlng:

l!",Mre*e'l! ::;l,::,;;;:i'i"l;:,"i:1'1 ■iiiM-.l, ha.


lilaa t

the ,-|.a[..-r In

lad publlcaliuu lo

WHneea, (jeorge K. ITioale. »:•<,•, I re. Judge m

...pi:. iOOOKi.l., Kefle

■iiTiallti Of Maaaaenuaett


KUrttt, late ,.f Meihu.n, in .uld couetv ,.o.nun,dee,-,,.e.l lireeHaj,:1

lliMa.rwplUmi^'anmV.^.'Ir'^Wd'de"^ |.e,-n pre-ent.-d tu -aid I'.iurl Inr ' i'rubaV-■', 't

And *aid Abb) S. Ku.* I. hereby directed b give public nnilce thereol, by |.ul.h.hiug thl. onee a week,lor three -ueeeH.lve we.-k*, In the new. paper full- -I the Laurence American a Alelover, printed at Lawrence, t luat publication lo be two day* at least b. k •eld Court.

Willie.-., tleorge r'..'1nnite, K«.|ulre, Judg* »ai.U:..url.thl» twelflli .In) ut >ep1. niber, lu t year eighteen hundred *ud .event)-one.

•epla A.c.iiooHKLL. Reglaler

i:»mn' Bt'tijnmin Coolldufi, Notice I- her.-by u ' thai Ihe aubacrlher h

been ,li,l> appointed ex. eiilor of Ihe will ol

•" I'er- indebted lo n..i,l . -Int. .ire called upon lo make pa) in. nl I,.

BALDWIN i mil lln.K, Baoe'r. I iiwreliee. Hvpi. U, l-;i. all

w 11.1,1AM H . < OI.IIV,

Suporiutondout of Cemetery. Kt'siilcnce '^ti Morton Street,


UOW TO OET RICH.-A ... ■a n,,,,,.i wealth. Any one, by Itrl to rules iald down in till* book, can become weal- thy In a abort lime. Agent* will And Ibla ihe belt ■elllog book In Ihe market. Single coplea aonl poat paid on receipt ol 60 eta. .-«■<

1.. II. II. A -Ol , 1 I,..llil-Hiirl III ].-,('..nil.

IMPEBIAL^TSINGT TEA^ 1* a choice ill nek Tea, Orange 1'occo flavor.— Otirea headache, .inlet* Ihe nerve*, refreshes the

jund. Ounce .ample by mall Addrei* Ihe (MtKAT KAHT

CO., 1*. O. Ilox a,NM3 llonon. SI a**. I Mil A'YV'A I

THE C'IRTAIN lt.visi-:ii. How 11 I* done, and who does it. The Alena

llook, lit.' page*, gorgpoualy lllutlruted with cut., fioalilom, eie. Bent by mall, IMeWelf realed, for titty rent*. Orand Circular Iree. Addi

SOMKTIIIKII i,.it THK HARHIID.— Worth a fortune. Send your address and stamp to Hoi

•I.'. ■■-,.!.-, i ■.-1 In- -.-. Ma**., and gut It.

I'URE FOR FEMALE WEAKNESS.- ^ Made Iroiu an Indian recite. A certain cure without supporters. I'rcpared and sold by Mrs. LiMrs llm.i iiKit, Itandolph, Uaa*. Send *tamp lor circular*. Hold by all I>ruKKl*l>.

1,003 GIFTS. tint,,.! ti.ft Offerer! awl Dittribution for tht

Hi u. lit \,f i/„. F..H>,.IUU.J A*ijtnm of Srw York, and S-Mi.W „,»/ ««,/,„•»•

firphHi,*' Home, Watkin'jlmi, li.C, To be held In Washington, (aa eoon aa all

Tlcketa are aold, of irhlcIt Ten Days'No- 11..- -.till be Klven,) nnd nut Inter than Novem- ber K.ld, 1871. Entire number of tlrkcta, Sa.oOU— • '■ each. 1,001 <;in«, amuuQting tu |jmi.u00, to be

warded. Mend lor Circular, giving Hat of Gifts ml Keiernic-rit. Ticket* can be hailof

I'.C. UKVLIN, (Jeneral Agent, III Nastau atreet, New York. Agent* Wanted. Hoi*. II. MCIM-LLOI till, Klkton, (.,„„„, H.-'.lilW. f. CASII.K. H„ltlluure,(t-(,m,u^,■ Hoi. J.H. NKOLKV, I'.tlfburg, Trustee.


A Double Light of Ground Glass.



lilt. Ill 'Kl.-e

Ha* removed from Him*' Jllock lo

iTI ISaafli HI., <ovi-r l»r. KiildrrVi (Hlirr)

where, In connection wllh Mr.JIAMOK, he has Blled up a Magnlllrj-iil Sludlo, all replete With rhotographlc Novelties.

Tim public nro invilod to calL l«»M LUFKIN k ilAMfiK.

E. A. ARCHIBALD, Manufacturer of

Oast Iron Hubbed Wheels, By liia I'i.tont Prcu IVocesM.

Allen mid Itunnltiff, Part* lor Team

WsafOBIt, Or Kvery De*crlptlun,

JIKTIII K.H, M A a a .

tsTMnce theie Wheel* not only claim, but arc proved to be ao muck superior to the ordinary Wheel, and are N.iT f.iUK RXPKHIITS, no one lotamted ■-1.■ ■,11.L Tall to i- ,-t Ihe mailer for Mm.-ir.. ,„,

Cabinet Making.

239 ESHOX Street, Lawrence, VV -lAIKS.


II. I'. KARNARI) I. tiller* hie -ervic.-a to the cltliens of Uwrnee

a^iirnituro to Order. The experience or many year* In all bran.he*

of! he lui.lii.'*«,.iml.|e- hiiti u. *aaure *U| I-ruction with the execution ol all order* I lit mated to him.

l>o you want a in per lor Wnlnnl Hiiiikca*e, Kta- f re, Wardrubr, Mldebuard, lledatead, llureuu Ladles' Peak, OfTJci- Desk, OIBce lable.or houae orulnce rumilur. of anv kind, made „t the best ul aeaeoned aloefc with tliebesl workmanship 1

CALL ON BAKNARD. I'o inn want your 1'arlor, IThamber, or (ifflce

H A' P AIRED, and made ns i;ood .. ■ new I

CALL ON BARNARD. Do you want a new

Mil iiti;sN oic IIIIM.I:,

or your uld one repaired t

CALL ON BARNARD. •a-S.tUA.aOon .uur.ntprd la .11 c.irt. II.

DO.l4.ntly r.-fiT* in .11 olio b.»e ...orcd bin wltli llirlr p.lronnir.


239 E.sci Street.

(Thiril nlcn-. tll,l Amoriran (im.-r.)

LitllfJ anil ulUTi lilt* lilt: parse

To Hiu ill irmlifinen.—A bul thing to IXJ Ollt ol" Uiapi■:.

Wlio jiaya [tic bljclient arlcu tor u home?

Tint wuniiin wlio married for one.

Tin- ililTtrente between a sick j(irl and

» brickbat ia the difference between M

tniaalle nni) a mini Ul.

What waa the proverb that Kiny: I.ear

beard from hie two daughters? "Go,

lather, and fare worse."

Most of the vhudows that cross our

path through Hie are caused by our

atamtinj; lu our own Until.

A young lady being aAed by a boring

l.oliiii'ian which party she was In favor

ol, replied that she preferred a wedding


The Arlztina Miner knows of a terrible

wariiltijr to teetotalers—a man who has a

■ mid bar In hi- etoniach caused by drink-

In^ river water.

Why are young ladies, at the breaking

npoj a party, like arrows? Because they

can't KU

(>l< without beaux, and arc in a

quiver until they get them.

Mrs. Jenkins complained In the even-

ing that the turkey she had for Thanks-

giving did not set well. "Probably,"

said Jenkins, "It was not a hen turkey."

(>live I.ogan Is going to lecture this sea-

son on "Nice Young Men." Last year

she lectured on "Girls." A crusty bach-

elor friend hopes to goodness that she

wont get these two lectures mixed.

A wonuin being enjoined to try the ef-

fects of kindness on her husband, being

told it would "heap coals of lire on his

head," replied: "I have tried bllin' hot

water, but It didn't do a bit of good."

A bachelor remarking that a hot Hat-

Iron was good to keep the feet warm in

winter, was answered by a blooming

young lady, that a very great Improve-

ment had been discovered on Hint inven- tion.

A married man in New Hampshire has

adopted an original method of economy.

One morning, recently, when he knew hi

wile would sec hlta, ho kissed the servant

girl. The household expenses were In-

stantly reduced f}2ii() per year.

Josh ISMllngs says: "The live man 1/

tike a little pig; he 1st wcaucd young, and

begins to root early. Ho Is the pepper-

snss ov creation, the allspice ov the

world. One live man in a village \/. like

a case ov itch at a dlstrlkt lltool,—be sets everybody scratching at oust."

A fellow, having a spite at a sausage

maker, rushed Into his shop, when crowd-

ed with customers, threw a large dead

cat upon Hie counter, and said: "That

makes nineteen! we'll settle when you're

not so busy !" and make his exit.

Horace Greeley, In his religious ad-

dress at Akron, Ohio, spoke of the Al-

mighty as (ho "author of all things."

The LonUtllle Ledger trusts that he did

not design to involve his Maker In any re-

sponsibility for that book about farming.

Sec it?—To learn to read the following

so as to make good sense, Is the mys. tery:

I ii ■ ■■ read see that roe. Lov« la up will I'll have Uni that and you have you'll Otiu and down and you If

A New Hampshire man, when asked

to give his consent to tho marriage of Ills daughter, turned, with ft beaming

face, to the applicant aud answered

frankly: "Yes, yes; And don't yon

know some likely young man who will

take the other?''

A minister asked a little boy who had

been converted, " [Joes not the devil tell

you that you are not a Christian?"

"Yes, sometimes." "Well, what do you

say to him?" "I tell him," replied the

boy, with something of Luther's spirit,

"that whether I am a Christian or not, It is none of his business."

A Yankee in Texas, who eat listening

to the stories of a Loulsianlan In regard

to Ihe marvellous growth of sugar cane

on his plantation, near New Orleans, fi-

nally said, "That ain't nothing. I've seen

canu In old New England inor'n a mile

long:" "What kind of cane was It?"

was the general Inquiry. "A hurricane!"

answered the triumphant Yankee.

A Rock Islam) constable makes tho fol-

lowing return ;—" I executed this speeny

l»y trying to read It to John Mack, but

he was drlvln' cattle on horseback and

run laslcr than I could, and kept up such

a h—1 of a bollerin I don't know whether

he heard or not. This is the best I could

do, and don't know whether the speeny

Is served accordln to law or not.

"Attest: Ki.i SMITH, Constable."

A man was brought before an Illinois

magistrate and lined $<i .",() (or being

drunk. Ho smiled blandly, and drawing

out a dollar bill said: "All right, Mr.

Magistrate, [ suppose you remember

when I sold out my saloon In l'ekln I had

8"» 60 on Ihe slate against you. Yon

must excuse me, squire, lor the little

spree of mine; but I didn't ace any other

way of collecting my bill against you

than tills." Exit inebriate. Audible

smiles among the audience.

"C.-ijar." said a negro to a colored

friend of his, " what do you link Is de

most useful oh do comets—dc sun or do

moon?" " Well, Clem, I don't know dat

I should bo able to answer dat question,

sceln' as how I neber bad much book

larnln'." " Well, Cesar, I spec de moon

otter take tie first rank In dat partlklar."

" Why so, nigger?" " Because dc moon

shine in dc night wtien wo need de light,

and de sun shine In do daytime when de

light am ab no consequence." " Well,

Clem, vou is dc most lamed darky I eber

seed. I guess you used to sweep out a

school house lor a libin."


'Drunk for a Woolt."

Came *har[> tu the llnteiilne e ' Where la Ihe woman whu doei Ihla

Bald Turn, wllh a sliruy, " I fe*i Ihe'a had 10 |lve up, Bhe was uhustl iVheii elio left Ihe i.lllcu si all la*l nl.

p/el ml.l

An I, T. 1-abont Tin ■thy Hncll Whi | lu- I Is over that 1 *t week's spree And ■niii,a tu his tense* send him i. Hie.

111! he's It I..-day *lt.c -it hi. list. 1.

he's *ho rn hie

And I'll el e him a hlat n the evil if.lrl An 1 lei t ii whole '. I.n-.r go.

Tim a good fellow—he' -i. .. ly a hut;

"drunk for ndelck for i

week " dayl«

* yountj II

•In; The woman who falnti Is sent out to (lie dug,,

While the I el low whu drinks Is kept ID. And why I Oh 1,1 hal l*a riddle confessed ; The anewer I'd give, hut Its never been eueaaed.

It. W, KA NT lit em 10 K.

"I nleh I could miail Ootl as my little

dug minds me," salt! a little boy, looking

thoughtfully an Ids shaggy friend; "he

always seems so pleased to mind, and I

j don't." What a painful truth did this

child ppeak! Shall the poor little dog

thus readily obey his master, ami we re-

bel against Cad, our Creator, our Pre-

server, our Father, our Saviour, ami the

bountllul Giver of everything we love?

There are two things, each of wblcb he will seldom fail to discover who seeks for It lu earnest—the one, the knowledge nl what be ought <o do; and the other, a plausible pretext far doing what he likes. The latter of these, the earnally-mlndcd might find in any set ol precepts that could be framed, the former, the splritu- allv-miudcil will not fall to obtain In tho gospel.

The Original HOW K

Family Sowing Machines

All the Attachments and Modern


have been applied. It will bem. fell, tack, braid

oord, bind, quilt, galber,etc.,etc.. etc.; In fact, do

etery variety or family tewing.

These Machine* bare been for yeare, and are

now, made at our spacious factory Intherltyol

New York, where la gathered together the lateit

and rnott Improved machinery known in the man-

ufacture of sewing machines. They are made ot

the best material*, and Ihe experience of twenty-

Ore year* In their manufacture enable* us to guar

antee tlr.t class workmanship.


Simplicity of construction.

Symmetry of lorm, and beauty of finish.

Hapldlly and etlltoeei In operation.

Eaae wllh which II can be managed.

Nonliability to ail** atitcbe*, having a moreabie

head, which can be readily adjuited eloee to the

shuttle, when uilng either tbe uoeat or coarse»t

A shorter and smaller needle, In proportion lo

the alie of the thread, than used wllh any other


The LockStllcli.allltH on both aldesof ihe fabric.

ICconomy of thread.

Strength and lirmnea* wllh which the leant*

arc drawn together.

Koundnris, TullneM, regularity, and beauty

of stitch.

Adoptability lo thr widest ran^e of work, tew-

ing the lineal and roarteit fabHot, and utlng

■ .|ii..lly well the Onest and coarsest, and all Inter-

mediate gradet of Silk, Cotton, and Linen Thread.


K.cti Kumlly M.n-hine la furbished with ■ II, in

mer, feller, Hraider, i.Hill i,-r, and Uuage, 12 Nee-

dle*, Dobwlaj.t Needle Platen, I .Screw

I'river, i Oil Can, and printed Direction! for utlng

the Machine.

Machines sold on Monthly Installment*.

*T.S. Harrison, Agent»


Near Hampshire lire

JiEACH HOUSES For Sale or to Rent.

>'otir House* on Salisbury Beach, for tale, or

will be rented for any length of time. Contain

complete oooklng and table outfit with each house.


Dealer, Mill Street, Lawrence, or KBANKI.IN

KICHABOSON, Haliabury Beach. IflTaBll

C.K.AJ. P. 1'1J*1*»BURY,

MACHINISTS, (Sncoessor* to Webeter DustlnlCo,)

Manufacturers ol

Cotton & Woolen Machinery AMD


Pulley*, Gearing and Shafting, Jack Sorewt. All kinds ol Bolts on hand, or made to order;

aleo all kinds of Forging done. OKNKBAL JOB WiiKK and Mill repair* done

promptly and faithfully. Dealers ID Manufacturer*' Snppllet,

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Streets

ir'ape LAwnawca.

We arc also Agcntu for Hie


Improved EUatlo Lock Stitch



Read the ibllowliif;

Sewing Machine sales ror 1870 Tht Singer ifanuf'g Co. told 187,833 ifachina

Tbe Wheeler A Wilson, " B.1,20M do. Howe Machine Co., " 7i,lM do, Ororer ft Baker, " 67,402 do. Weed, 38,002 do. Wilooi ft (llbbt, '• -.'iv/i. do, !■■[..J-.-II.-I-, " lr.eeo do, American Button Hole, " 14^7.1 do. (iold Uedal, " 8,9)2 do, aKlna, '■ fi.Ku; do. Umpire, " 3,MO do. Kltikle A l.j-nii, •■ 3,4^0 do. I'arham, « l,7M do, Wilaon. •' soo do, Bartlet Roverelble, " t-,-, do, Bartraw ftKaotom, 420 do, Lamb Knitting, i i do. McKay Attoclation, " lro do, C. V. Thompton, " in.) do,

I'ri.tii wliioli It will be teen

The Singer Co. sold 44,625 more Machines than any other company.

THE SINGER Machine mill do alt that any machine can do rue-

eeit/iilty. And Quicker and Kuler. Ills eaty to learn to run anil very easily kept in order. All machine* warranted and kept Uardtr. Intt met ion given, orati: Machines sold on en*y terms of payment

^H, 1ST. II O "W E , I lie only Authorized A Rent lor Law-

rence nnd Mclhnen.

OfBce at No. 18 Amesbury Street, LA.WBENCE,

!Bt Ol ng Hooru,

KITCHEN « CHAMBER FURNITURE All of which will be told at low at any in the city.

MH. A. K.COBUBN It with me, and will be mo* t happy to tee hit old friends and customer*. Item r mlit r <hv pin re. 1« AM KHiii'HV STREET,

A lew door* from Kurx St., Lawrence, Maat, Itfjev M. N. HOWE,


New Advance Cook Stove-

liaisons why it is (he lust Store in

the World.

It lias heavier Cattinga, It has a better Flue. (No other like

it.) It has a better Fire Itor. It haa a larger Oven. It will bake quicker. It will work in a poorer draft It will bake with less fuel. It will bake with an old fire BKTTKR

than any other stove. It has a new patent hot closet in front. It has a perfect ash pit. It is the only stove that has a perfect

hot air draft. For heating water for the bath room

it is unequalled.


In iv.:-, particular.



E. K. & W. B. LAMB & CO., IM fc 1S7 K.-.x Hlrril. I «wr.npr. Hill.

IV. 0. G. gPKlNGER, M. II.


1H0 Esucx St., (Sim.' Block, I atf4 l.AWRKNt'K.

"And Yet He I* Not Happy.'


I. A. Whitcomb's Old Stand.

183 Essex St., (Second Store Abort Jackson,)


Furnishing Goods, Hats, Capa,

TrinikH, Valixea, Hnfra, tic:. .V <■.,

to be found In Lawrence.

No dealer can rxuKXaxi.L ul, for none ran do buslne** to better adrantai;e. The crowded aiate of our ttore ahowt that tbe public know thlt.— Bat the church It not fnll,and all who rail will be promptly accommodated.

" Weil Was Always That Way."


"Wo may bo happy yet."

All Proflla ol the Company Divided to it* Pollcr Holder-..


Mutual Fire Insurance Co., LAWRENCE, MASS.,

No. 339 Essex Street.

A. J. FRENCH, President. A. W. STEARNS, J. A. TREAT, Vice Fretldentt.

J. K. NORWOOD, Sec'y and Treat. TORH I

Alfred J, I'rcnch, Ueona K. Davln, A. W. Stearns, James A. Treat, S.W. Wilder, Patrick Murphy, William It. Spaldlng, II. I'lummer, II. D. Clement, Patrick Sweeney, Frederick Butler,

Daniel Sstinders, Jr., Morris Kuowlrs, William A. Ruaaell, I). 1- riink, William M. Hall, Mime* Perkln*, J.M. Kalrtleld, Jamct II, Eaton, J.A.Wlley.N.Andover, Ueo. Foster, Andoecr, C. E. Uost,M 1Inter

Till* Company will be ready to open bu.ii and liaue Policies, Monday, July 17th, 1871. It ha* already property to the amount ot $30U,000 pledvcd to be In tared, •100,000 of which will be Insured the day we commence butlneit,

We insure only flrnt elatt property, We respectfully Invite all who have tuob kind

of property, to examine onr rate* and our aecur- Ity. our ayatem of management will enable ut

Insure at low ratet, and will make It perfectly flUyU safe for the intnred.

Warrens' Roofing. For nearly fifteen yeart I bave been

with the worklDKi of " Warrent' RuortneMsti- rlal." During this period I have uted It upon many costly structure*, erected for public and private uae, among which may be included the eree City Hospital, and Cathedral Building, In thl* city, and Ihe State Home, at Concord, K. II. 1 have great confidence In Itt value and dura- bility. ORIDLKY J. F, BRYANT, Architect.

Among the public- edifice*, erected under my tupervltlon and covered with your materials, are the Institute of Technology and tbe new building of the Natural History Society. My experience (or tuftlve yeart with Warrent'Rooting is, that rooft covered In a proper manner with It are su- perior to anything that I am oonveraanl with, ex- cept copper. lourt truly.

J. PRESTON, Architect.

1 have uted " Warrent' Felt and Compoaitlon DuuOug" UIIUI. iitfiNiua* wiiicii uait, »« riva •3,000 to •100,000, 1 consider it the next belt to

The above tettlmonlaU, from tbe leading Ar- chitect! In Boston, Indicate tbe value in which the above RooBng it held In that city.

In no preceding year baa to many MUST CLAM

UWBLLIKOS been covered with It at during the last. Itt tupertorliy hat never been questioned where longeat In use.

Tho public are cautioned not to bo misled by any other material, similar in appearance, and represented to bo tho same as WARRENS'.

WTbe undersigned It alone aathoriird to me Warrent' Rooting in thit vicinity, where, during the past nine yeart, he bat covered many valuable building*,—In the aggregate, hnndredi of llioua- anda tquare feet of surface,

Prepared with ample meant and facilities for the continued proaeeutlon of the butlneit, and thankful to hla frlendi and the public for favor* In tbe past, he will hereafter- execute alt work Intrusted to him with fidelity and dispatch,


Common Street, near tho Depot, omit Imbiio Lawrence, Mas*.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! "


If your blood Is poor, If the countenance ll pallid, if you feel weak and disinclined ioexer-

TALBOT'S IRON TONIC. Tnlboi's irou Tonir will do you good,

Ii your appetite poor 1 Yon need


Are you troubled wilh indigestion r

Talbot's Iron 'Ionic will help you.

TALBOTS IKON TONIC i ■ selling largely1 ill through New England.

Head what rellablo apothecaries aay I—

Newburyport, Mast., July 1,1871, i.'. -■- -. /;.-."..' /.,■..■.- ii,,u in- -u-i I of a

■■, i ,i,u- quantity of your Iron Tonic, and hearing from iho*e who have used It, ol it* good effect* on Ihe *y*tem where aueli an article ii re- quired, I deem it no more than justice that you should be apprised of lit favorable reception in

Newburyport, Kill., July 17, 1*71, MKBHUH.TAUIOTBHO'H:

tlrnttrmen :~I Hod thai your Iron Tunlo ha* In every case given entire *sti*iactlon,and Ihe in. ITI n-iii,; demand for It 1* due, 1 think, to Ihe fact that all who have uaed It recommend it to their friend*; und I can truly auy that It iaone nf me betl urticlrt I ever aold lor restoring the debilitat- ed ayatem to it* natural tone.

Youri, truly, ti. A. MicONNELL, Apothecary.

TALBOT'S IKON TONIC mnlry for One Dollar a

boille; six battle* for Y

Cs|| »i sny of the La' ■ Hollar


I A I.HOI It Iti >I Hilts, Proprietor*!,

Lawrence, MIIAB.


Drain Pipe Co. W. A. KIN II ALL .V CO.

have been appointed Agents for the above Com- pany, and offer their Stonu Wire at

Wholesale at Manufacturers* Prices. , I'lUlN l-ii'K, HI.- very best, at tow at other of Inferior quality.

WRINGING MACHINES ■o arranged that any one In a moment can decide which I* tbe beat. All kind* of Machine* repaired ■t the Hardware Store Of

W. A. * CO., 217 Buex Streot, - - - Lawrenc©

W,s, BUtB*LL, agll W, K, KIMBALL,

A PROFITABLE BIISIVESS. Intctll|[ent,activi

can have pleasant, Ukinif an Aftency for any town In the'f

Tho I .in- rorMaMtfrpiectr—The Crowning Work ol in- Life.

Henry Ward Boechor'a


Satra to ataUrll any Rook ever pubhthtd. I'ro- sper'iK Hnokt are tune ready, and territory will >* award*! to reliable Asrcula on early applica- tion. Terms liberal. Apply to J. B. Mlo m\ CO.,ilTFarkHece,NV.; 11 BromrleM\? Bo7 Urn, Mats.; or 170 Slat.- St.,Chicago, 111. tlHel

FA T, T, OK 18 71. FlL-.-ll id Suit. 1712. 1871.


a Partlet wishing to purchase the Beit Sewine

HaohinelB the World, will save time and monev by calling at '

649 Essex Street, Lawrence, To see the


SEWING MACHINE. It does Hemming, Felling, Tucking, Cording,

Binding, Braiding, Fringing, Faceting, Kuffllng and Stitching on at the same time, without any basting. JUIIN WARBUBTON, Agent.

Each Maebine is furnished with two hemmera, feller, braider, qulltcr, *elf-aeamer, oiler, aerew driver, bobbin*, 1 doi. needle*, and printed dlreo- tion^frte.

Price »4S,M; with loek cover, 900.00. Termi oaab, or monthly Installments.


Offloe at the Clothing Store of W. H. Brldgman, TMcodlyJal'i B49 Kasei St.. Uwrtnta,


Sewing Machines

1 ft 7 1 , Superior In Style and Finish

to any machine yet offered to the public, SIMPLE! DURABLE! PRACTICAL! and adapted to all klnda of work.

SELF ADJUSTING NEEDLE and other NEW FEATURKS, which make them oaally managed by the Inexperienced operator.

TBItMH I .1 MKHAI., A.IKNT8 WAltTKD. OFFICE, ai TKHI'LB PLAC'K, BOSTON, Mail. I'JteopHeopJsgB ll.S.WtLI.IAWS.den'l Ag't.

i>■ > i.-i- ur

U.S.AS8T A88RB30B,

No. 239 Essex Street, Lawrence. All persons doing bualncia liable to SPECIAL

TAX, and who have not already applied, are

requested to call forthwith, and thereby save

themiclvci future expense and trouble.

OFFICK Hni'iij, from 10 1-2 A, U. to 12 1-2 M„

every day except Saturday and Snnday,


I.'. B, Attlatant Aaaettor, Uay23d, 1B71. ii }

"THE CHERUB," A Taper for the People, devoted to Lit-

erature, General Information, and tho Great Questions of the day.

Our Superb Lithograph, 20 x 2\, of


Presented lo each tubtcrlbor.

Trim*!, only 60 cents per mi num.

Now It the time to subscribe, and secure the beginning of the Hew Story, "Anna, or the Htep Daughter," trantlated from Ihe German by Mrs. Louise I'ollock.exprenly forthe "Cherub." The Paper and Picture may be obtained Of News Deal- ers, and of moat country Druggists and Apothrca- rles; or by sending AU cents to the Publishers, they will be forwarded by return mall. Addrett

J. LATHAM dr. CO., Editor* and Publithcn, '; : .ij. ■'■ 2«2 Washington ttreet, Boiton, Han.

Canvassers wanted in every town and county.



Beit FarmlDK and Mineral Lands In Amorlc*.

3,000,000 ACRKB of Clioloe Farming A Oraa- liic Laudi on the line of the road, In the

Sfnfe of A'ebratka, in the great Platte I'atlty, wow yoR BALK, for cash or long credit.

Thcae lands are In a mild and It... it h>- climate, and for grain growing and ttock raiting, unsur- passed by any In Hie United Stales. Prices ranging from *>X |e SIO per Acre.

HOMESTEADS FORTCTUAL SETTLERS. 2,60O,OOO Acroa of Oovernment Land between Omaha and North Platte, open for enlry aa timi>


Free Homestead of IdO Acres, Within Ballroad llmlti, eqnal to a

DIRKCT BOUNTY of »-100. Bend for the new edition of descriptive pamph-

let, with new mipi, mailed free everywhere. Address o. F. DAVIS,

Land Comnilsaloncr U. P. It. It. Co. nm.niawj.epfl OMAHA, NKH.

WELCH & GRIFFITHS' 11. i.i, n it


SAWS of all dctcriptio

Are Superior to nil other-..

Every SAW Warranted! Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.

*sTl-'or sale by Hardware and Country IVealers, and the HanuiactureM, Sm^lsHDb

WELCH & GRIFFITHS, HS & 117 Ferlcral St., Ilostorr.

r I. A C E TO Ii U Y



Corner Conn and Hanover Sis.,

I.I» ind of water beatii

will be fount! a «HBAT MAVIIia

of Fuel, Clothes, and

Warranted not lo In- jure the most delicate fabric, and no other soup Is *o good for the skin. TRY IT, WILL YOU I

Maiiufueturnl l.y A. L. Cutler A Co.

:ttn' tagll'ii

For Purifying the Blood.




No. "75 KhMcx btrect, Law re inc.

1 lie Largest Htork In tisiira County of


E. A. FISKK'S, No. 276 Easex Btreet, Lmwronoe, Mau,

Boston IIIMI Maine Kallrond.

ia a Positivi' Cure fur liiliousness. Con- stipation, i)i-jn |. .i i. Fever and

Ague, Headache, I .,'[ IilrtrKfn hailug their origin In an Impure

■taleor the Blood.—A* a

-dlrlno it.i Clilltlren it ia Invalmtlile. Hold by Orugglats throughout the Woi d.

Trice, fill cents,


On and after Monday. July ID, 1871, Trains will leave the Depots In Lawrence, at foltowi :—

Kor Boiton, (from North Derot) at »>.», 7.31), tUo A. H.,and lif.lS,.1.40and a.30 I'. M.

Kor Boston, (trom Houlh Depot) at H.-J7, 7.M, ■«i0, W.42 X. M., and li'.l», Mif.43, UM, :1.4b, bJ2, •a.a>,7.maodfu.iop. M.

Kor Portland, (frem Houth Depot) al -.-.'.'r, yU.30 A. H., and 1.06, 4, 0.00, 4 t«.M V. M.

For Georgetown and Itewburyport, (from.South Depot) at h.:\-, A. M., 4,60S P. M.

For llan-rlilll. (from ttoutb Depot) st n.2fi and 9.:io A. M„ and l.ofl, 4. fl.oa, tfi.wam ; IM r. M., and from North Depot at 7.10 P. al.

The tt.i.'.i A. H. and l.os and 4 V. M. trains con- nect at Dover wllh train* on D. A W. It. K. for Roenester, Karmlngton, and Alton Bay.

Trains leave Boston for Lawrence at 7, 7.HO R.40, 10.16, 11.30 A. .M., 12.16, 3, 3 30, 3 and 6 P. II.

t Taetdaya, Thursdays and Saturday* only. IBapress Tralna, and stop only at llaverhill,

Kxeter and Dover. WM. MKRSITT, Sup't.

Lawrenee, July 10, i«,ri.


SAYINGS BANK, No- SO Union Street,

(Near Corner of Hanover Siroet,) BOSTON.

The advantage* offered to depoaitora by (hit bank art—

/'ir*(.—Deposit* are put on Intereat ou the flr*t day ot every month.

Seeond.~No eitra dividend* onee In five yeare, but the full earning* are divided once in every sis month*.

Third.—Dividend* sre put upon inlcrcai as toon aa declared, ao that depositor* receive Compound

ROBERT SIARSH, URO.C.TRU1TBULL, President. Treasurer. Kxecntire Committee. 11 tlfagll

Ct.lMTOH VlLK.1, llr.rlHV O. BROOKS, J -. .1 I :-. 1. ■ . I'■>-..! . U.WlllTNKT, W«, U. BUKISKBH, UKO. H. DKKBY.

Nervouineaa, HkADACBB, NKIKAI.QIA,etc. How few there are who have not suffered with at leaat one of the above diatresalng diseases. How few there are that have ever found anything that would relievo—not to mention cure—those pain- ful afflictions. BUIOOfj' ALLEVANTOK it a bornvHdc remedy for each and every one of thoae prevalent oomplalntt. It not only rellevea In- stantly, but positively ourea every case, when uaed according to directions. The aatonlahlng auccea* of Dr. Brlggs' Allevanlor, at a family medicine. Is an established fact. To try it It to be convinced. Sold by all druggitla.

Z*11OH Instantly relieved and aoon cured by atlng Dr. J. BKIOUS' PILE KB1IKDIES. They reduce Inflammation, aoollte the irritated parti, and have proved a bleating to the afflicted, wheth- er internal, external, bleeding, or Itching piles.— All kinds In all stage* must yield to the wonder- ful Influence of these never falling remedies, Bold by Druggists,

and Lung* readily relieved by the magical and healing Influence of Bit Hi US' T1IRUAT and LUNG IIKALKK, Sold by DruggliU.

Corns, Hi-Miiati, BAD NAILS, CALLOSITtEa, *TC.—It li an utonltblng fact that nine out ol every ten pertont we meet are torely troubled with their feet. Very few are exempt. Dr. J, BKIOUS' Popular Kemedles-CURATIVE and ALLEVIATOR—are reliable and certain In their efleeta. The Curative for

rpldly Alleviator, for the cure L_ _.. Bunions, and the prevention of all tie to scientific minds. Hold by II, M. Whitney k Co., II. J. Deo ham, Charle* Clarke, Lawrence, and Druggiata generally. Iv* InovSO

CHAN. A. l-OI.DS.lin II, Al. D*|


Second Door West of Stone Church.

"mid lu Weight in Gold. :»ery Msii hi* own Doctor by u.lna Dr. T.

OiiDKN-S(,-l.l,ral.-,i III.M-UMulv.-,which lie warrant* tu ttire all kimla ut (U.lStiren an.l

I Hrulaes, Cancers, Cnru», I'. Ion*. Bunioti*. llurn., Hull-, M-ald*. and tor AL-ce-pr-, .Sore Nipple* Kroken Hreai.ta.and every other kind ul nor. - I lie human frame I* heir tu Ilia! la eurable 1 xlenuil'i

, Prieciiv the roll, SOornia; 00 by inutlto any nan

j «*-Te*tlnionlal,over thirty year* standing:— 1 Hit. T.'i,,,,KN-/i„.;. sir .-Thl/ ^".'"'eertify

that I have hcen altilcled uver BO jt ar* With s son , oil my li.rily whiuh hu* troubled me Leyund all I

cure that It don't truuble me any Dim , nnd I lee I as smart at s young man, liiroukh Ihe use ofvtiur "kbrsted Hlack_ Halve, which excel* all olhf-r

ind'Kbeumalic 'I-'LA'STKit's;iii o'ur .uVnily, whlen »r« the best in the market, as they do not crack

1>K. T. OtiDKN, Sole proprietor for the U. S. and Canadea,

No. ;i:) Allen Street, l^nwronco, Mass,


DENTIST, haa removed from Andover to

378 Essex St., Lawrence.

Nitrous Oxide Oat administered, lu iVt r-rii-. .1 ... rri 1 -, n : 1 ■■.-.,,: Dental College, No. 37:1 Essex St., (over ttore of 8. B. W. Davit, ■Ilor.} my20


A lady write*:—"About ilx month* OKO my

hair wu« coming out to badly that at every drcia-

log I uted to get a handful, which, not wiihlng to

throw away, I laid by In a box. I have uaed two

bottles of your Iluir Tea, and now I do not get

enough to lie the ends or my braids, and have to

go to the box for :i few balra for that purpose. I

think every lady ought to know what a remarkable

Hair l'reaerver you make,"

Dr. KutaiDY'l IIAIR TiA, a complete Toilet

Artiole to beanllfy and Invigorate the Hair, ll



._-- longer than any other Ska*. made for I he same money. It cummenda Itself to every Farmer at fight. No laclnga, nogort

Gent's, Ladies', Misses' ami Children's

Boots and Shoes Hay be found at

H. T. CLAY'S, NO. 517 ESSEX STREET, .■lm^«BU. Lawrence.

IN MAN LINE Splendid & Powerful Mail Steamers

TO AND FROM LIVERPOOL, CalliiiK at tii.e.'iifltuwn.

arc appointed to snll as follows ■ — CITY OK liCBI.IN. Thurtday, Bant ill ■ItTY «>' I.ONIMlN, Haiurdav Kept il C TV OK I.IMKHICK, CITY OK BHOOKI.YN, Bnturduy, y, pi. 30 ■ 'everyTItUHSDAY, and MAIUKUAY from

1'ler ti, foot of Charlton atreet. From Liverpool, via QucenHiown, every TUES-


It A T li a Of t- A an A u K, I I KM CABIN.

In and I ruin Liverpool, §75 and »l*l (iulil. To Liverpool and return, *i:ti and |1U (Jold,

according to local I on of 100ms. Ttic accommoiialiou* by Ibis line for Cabin

1'aasennLT* are unequalled. STKKRAtiK.

To gtteenaiown. Liverpool, I^ndonderry, or ta^RekS0^TW*. thl"*r« hetwecnl'and 12, half lare, lufanls free.

rrepald ecrtlMeatet from Liverpool, ;,.. !-1T^' t-il"1"

,ow "", I't,n«>onderry to Motion, |a«. Children between 1 and li, half fare. Infant* #6

I'aasage Ticket* laaned to and from any part ot the New Klgland Mates at lowest rules. V

otdi* * p"1'"bl* '" <irtmt UH,""> "'nl Ireland free

wVttt'flirttVSutlaS'' aI','1)' " thl' C°'' 0'Bfle■ M.S. CltKAUll, Manager,

Or P. Ml Kl-ll V, 34S Eatipg street. LAWkBNOE.

l»R. A. W. 11(1 vV LAB n,

\ ■ . J' - etjo<:nsoii ro

; ■iV&/iyi w-Wit "•■"'■ L

'*v«a*Si-ffci''11- "I:NTIHT,

Hat Adtnint*terrd <a-Referenoe.Kioulty, I'hlla beats 1 t:olie»e New No. 'itis Essex St., (old No. 14«.) |

Boots and Shoes.



under the name and style of J. Y. FBKNCD k CO., respectfully announce to their former patron* and the public general!), that they may Hill be found ut the Old Stand

71 Essex Street, (139 New Number,)

BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, at all times, a e,ood aaaortment of

RUBBER GOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

not elsewhere to be found in the city. Their Goodt, as far at postlblc, are made to

order, and received directly from themott retpon- HI tik manufacturer!.

»■ -1 In- i are sol.K Agents of the


VOQLE GERMAN SL1PPES. **rilavlng retained the acrvtcct of MR, It, B.

SMITI1,{ manulacli . lollelt and hope patron uge.

B^I'lease exftinino onr (iooils before purchasing.


139 ESBCX Street, Lawrence. J. D. Derrick. S. If. French,

Agricultural implements AND

KC A- It ID -W.A. BE.


No. 217 Essex Street, Lawrence,

(Xearly opposite the Poxt Office,)

are the Sole Agent* for

HOLBROOK'S SWIVEL PLOWS, which are too well known to require any commen-

dation. They have, atao, the ft,mum

Buckeye Mower, and Reaper. well known to farmer!. Also, the


The Universal Clothes Wringer. Bradley^ l'atrru



FISfllNQ TACKLE, of a novel atyle,

HARDWARE of every description, Uai IS


Of Chicago, hat opened an office in Lowell, where he Is treating mccesafully ail Chronic Dlteatei, on a new tyatem, which embrace*, tbe beat and moat approved methods In thlt and other eonn- tries, Including the use eT ELECTRICITY and I'.NEUMATlCor DRY CUIT1 NO. which utuatly rellevoi all pain and removes all congestion in a abort time; and removes Tumors and ou ret Rbn- matismand I'araly*!*; and INHALATION OF AUTOM1ZEI) UE1>ICINES. He treats auceras- fully NEUKAL'iit AMI NKitvom AKratiTiona. All form* of Scofulu, Fever Sores and Old Ulccra, Dyspepsia, Dlseate* of the Liver and Eldneya, Drop*- ''■ jpajr, Conatlpatlon.all Skin diseases, t'uli

y Con.umptloninltt early stages, I'araly Epilepsy, Salt Rheum, Headache, Heart I


DISEASES OF THE SPINE, and all other deformities, than any other physi- cian In America. lie trrata theae diseases on en- tirely new principle!, and with a new apparatus.

Ho DM had an extenalve practice and wonder- ful m cc eat In the treatment nl CANCERS.

lleouretall diieasctof the EYE AND EAR. Ue hat had an extemlve prsctlcc nnd great auo-

ccti In the treatment or all 1)IHI;ASI.;H OF WOMEN. He hat cured women who have been confined to

their beds lor years. Ue lectured fifteen yeart to Ladlet on the dlteatei of Women, which give* him a knowledge and experience In the treatment of these dlaeaiet u usurps Hoed by any other physi- cian. He never falls to cure

RMIKUMATISM In all Itt stages, no matter how long standing,

CATARRH. nelstroatingCaUrrhonartitvvfirBTrilf.whkb

Is a sure cure lor thl* terrible dlaease, with which almost every perion it more or leas afflicted.

Conns I ta Hem Free, Bit oonaultatlont for f*J**_ n"*e averaged several thousands a year, which glvct him an experience unsurpassed by any other physician, and equalled only by a few lie does not promise to cure alt at ages of diseases, and no case will be received where there la any doubt oi cure or relief. '

While all diseases are curable, If peoperly treat- ed In their first itagcs.sll itaget of dllMM ■« notcurable. A case maybe curable tlii'month, not next, today but not lo-atorrow, hence thedan- ger of delay In tbe treatment of diseases.

Dr. Enappf* no travellingph,/ti,-fun. lie only visits a few placet near Lowell, occasionally, to accommodate his pall en 11 in ihete placet, nnd othert who maydetire to contult him.


R. HTEDDY, SOLICITOR OF PATENT8 For Inventions, Trade Marks or Desiyn»y

No. T6 State St., opposite Kilby St.,

DOSTON, After an cxtenalve practice of upwardt of thirty yearn, continue* to secure 1'uUnta In Ihe litilled States; also, In Urvut lirltaiu, France, and other

1 of Inventions, aud legal and other advice lercd In all matter* touching the same. Cop'

me claims oreuy patent furnished by rcmiitl 10dollar. Aaeiaiinn-iiti- n Ll.[.l.-,i m YVHshlngli Ao Agency in the I ntle.l stutr* potttttet tupt-

rior/ncilitiet for obtaining Puteutt, or ascertain- ing the patentability of invention*.

All necessity of u Journey 10 Washlngl!-.- ... procure a Patent, and lay I here are here saved Invcnton,

TESTIMONIALS. " I regard Mr. Eddy aa one of tho moat capable

and aueeessfiil practitioners with whom 1 have bad omclal Intercourse,

1 II A,. UASON, Commissioner of Patents." "I have no hesitation in assuring Inventors that

they cannot employ a man more competent and trtitttcorlhy. and more capable of putting their applications In a form It) secure lur t hem ;iu early and favorable con*lder;ttint at Hie Patent OIBce,

EDMUND ItCKKK, Late Commiaslouer of Patents.n

" Mr. H. H. Eddy has made for me over Til I It- TY applications fur Patent*, having been success- ful In almost every case. Such unmlxirikable prool of great talent and ability on hi* part, lead* mo to recommend A I.I. IIU color* lo aniily to hlru lo pro- cure their ptiienls, a* they may be sure of having the most faithful attention bestowed on their ca- ICH, and at very reasonable charges.

lto*lon, Jan. I. 1871. JOHN TAOOAKT."


Are lnvllcd to send their order* for

Brass Instruments ToJ.C. HAYNES * CO., whose large stock of excellent Insttumenlt., ut moderate price*, fur- nlahetoneur the very best opportunities lor ac- lection.

At 11 i" !■<■:. :.i ,i, ,] luslrtimcnlHlorcniay alaobe prtieuntl Ihe belt


1'IANOS «fe MELOIHOONM for sale and to let.

Hand Music. Sheet Uualc, Muilc Hook*, and all hinds ot Mu-lcul Merchandise.

JOHN HAYEBdiCO.. 33 Court 8t., lymhapb "pp. Ihe Court Home, Boston


II K A R T DISEASE. We put the Heart Begulaior before the people

bi-lievlug lhatit 1-a preparation In which all oat reMMent* ■»B™«B«« "* *"" H ■'! that ll


appear* 10 us In many forms, among which are



Khttumtsttsm, , '



ami Water ubout the Heart.

We preaent the following voluntary testimonial, which la but one of many :—

I From Jeremiah Smith, Coneord, A'. //.]

I have been very moch troubled with Heart Disease (or the leal seven or right years, not be- ing able lo do any laborious work for two yean 1 have been constantly troubled with ec-viei r*<n about the heart,piunlng 1., day ml rut r>j.,,. eeeiiig palu. in. E. (, Uoore, ol Conn tit, a <i other phyalclans eallid my dilllcully Rheun uilne of the I lean. Have brra greally troubled to .«■ my breath at times, and had tevere sinking epe't* accompanying dillleulty of breathing, so that I have been In great danger of immediate death— Have used but two bottles of the Heart Regnia- lor: :u.d Ihough I do not consider myaelf cored c.:i i-.y thai I run Ho a day't work without any i!i!liculty,i.nd think 1 .1 all eventually become al-

f.rnT"x:''|i\i*.,.:,ri ^u^^^lX^Z recomnetid It 10 ail. JEUtlllAU BM1TU.

Price, *1.(0 per boille Eor sale l.v drurglitt generally. Iji'egiu-b

DB. .1. II. K1DDEII,


No. 271 Essex Street, Lawrence-

jansfflpim ^INSTITUTE:


win to Mtuin thu f>ruiu-.-.t ]^-rIW-iion in tin- nmwratlon, practice, and IUO of VcccMblo JteiiiLtliis, nnd to Mcuro a permanent place where fttniilii's, invuli.lft, or nnv j«-r>toii, coultl obtain the beat medical advice, and inch rvin- etlies ns each miejit require, wiiliom the mi; of poifonoua dnujt.

Dr. Greene 1ms been Physician of tho Itisii- tatc since its foundation, now more than twenty-fire yean. Dr. Greene in In \m lifn- fifth year, nml hits devoted his life io tlin brancn of liin profoiaioii; and his aueecat, we believe, i.n wlthont pamlli-l.

Among tho diseases to % hh-h he aHrea oa- frccitil attention may be noticed Cancer, Scrof- ula, Catarrh, Bronchitis, CoiiMiin|ition, Heart Diwasi', Nfural^ia, Asthma, NcnouaiMHa, Illieii]n;iti-m, r.iruly-i.-i, .Sj.itnil Diseases, Dv>- pepnia, Liver I oiiiiihiiiit, Female Comiiliiin'ts, Faint Stomach, Erysipelaa, Whito SyreUins, Salt ltlwiim, Cariket-, Deaftifss, Ki.lmv Dis- eases, Seminal Weakness, &e.

By order of the Bonnl of Hnflasm, Dr. Greene'* Medical Pamphlet, ttetenptiro of diseases, and their tiroi>er treatment, will lie sent free to invalids ; also his Treatise on ■ it- .1- - of ihe Hair and Scalp.

Address H. GREF.NE, M. D 34 Temple Flaw, Boston, Mass.


Scientific and Popular Medical Works

Manhood, Womanhood, & Nervous Diseases,

No. 4 Bulfmch Street, Boston, (Opposite ltovora Uouae.)

Da. W. 11. 1'A KKKil, Assistant Physician. ■dgefor everybody, iald in two year*.

A Book for every Man. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, OK &ELF-PREB-

KKVATION. A lletllcai Treatlie on the Cause ■nd Cure of KXHAI-BTKD VITALITY,rRKMATvax In-. 1 IM-. 1.1 IIAK, Nauvoua AXH rilisll'.U UKitiLiTT, BrrOOHOKDUA, and all other dls- eaics arlilnf from the EHIIOIIB or YOUTH, OR THE lNi}iacKKTio*ta OB EXCESSES of mature vears. This Is Indeed a book for every man. Price only t)l, -.>.. patfea, bound in cloth.

A Book for every Woman. Entitled SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN AM) ll Kit DISEASES; or, WOMAN TREATED Or1 PHVHIOI.OOICALLY AHU PATIIOI.OOICAI.LY, from IHFAVOT TO Ol.11 AOK, with elrf ant Illui- trallve Kncravinga. ISO pajei, hound la beauti- ful French cloth. Price *.'.

A Book for Kvervbody. Flaltered by the reception of, and arcat demand

Tor, the above valuable and timely trealMei, and also ta meet a great need ol tbe present age, the author has Just published a nrw book, treating exclusively of NKKVOL'S AND MKNTAI. DIS- EASES. 160 pp. cloth. Price ai.oo, or BEST EIIKK on receipt of fa for the other two books, poatnge paid.

Theae are,beyond all comparison, the most as* tnionliiitiryworks on PhysioloKyevcrpobllshed. 1 here is nothing; whatever that the Married or Single, of either Sex, can cither require or wlah to know, bnt what is fully explained, and many matters of the moat important and interesting character are Introduced to which no allualon even can be found In any other worki lo onr lan- guage. All the NEW DiicovERiKsofthe author, whore experience I* such as probably never be- Tore fell to the lot of any man, arc given in full No perion should be without these valuable

"VALUABLE BOOKS.-WC have received tbe valuable medical works published by the Peabody Medical Institute. Theac books are of actual merit, and should flr.d a place in every intelligent family. They arc not the cheap order of abomina- ble trash, published by Irresponsible t-nrlie* and purchasoil to gratify coarse tastes, but are written by a rcsponalble brofeailonal gentleman of emi- nent*, as a source of Instruction on vital matters, concerning which lamentable Ignorance exist*. The Important subjects presented are treated with delicacy, ability ana care, and, in mil», many -. .-h, I - complaints are adtlei easier, If. H,

" Tbe author ot thcae books is one of tbe most learned and popular phyilelani of the day, and Is entitled to the gratitude ol our race for these In- valuable production!. It seems to be his aim to Induce men and women to avoid the cause ol thole diseases to which they arc aubject, and he tells them Just how and when to do it."—CAronl- icle, Farmington, Maine, Sept. 7, IBM.

Either book sent by mail on receipt of price. N. 0.—The Author of the above named medical

work* is tbe Chief Consulting Physician 01 the IVahody Medical Institute, and la io constantly employed In consultation wllh Invalldi from alt parts of Ihe country, thil he hal no time to attend to mere bualnuss details. Therefore all letters should henddrcMcd In (he PKAIIODY MEDICAL IKHTITUTK. or to Dr. W. U. PAHKKK. the Medical Assistant «r tin- Author,and liia Ituslnrss Agent, who. as well as the Author himself, may be eonsulled on all discuses requiring skill, leers cy and experience. fvnov4nb



NEW DISCOVERY In Chemical and Medical Science.




TAR. FIRST and ONLY SOLUTION ever made in

one mixlure ol ALL THK TWKI.YS valuable active principals of tho well known curative agent

PINK THEK TAR, UNEQtrAI.ICD In Coughs, Colds, Catarrh. Asth- ma, 111 ill. ,1 Ii .. .:::-i ConiUmptlon.

CURES WITHOUT FAIL 1 recent cold In three loslxhoura: andalaohv ,AT7^L1/r.N(J' l'U«"«IKD and 8TIM1?

. , , rJ!',TlB UP°» the general Hystcm, Is re- markably efucucloui in all '

DISKAIEtl OF THK BLOOD, Inclu.llng Scrofula and Eruptions of the skin, Upep-ra. Diaeise* of the Liver and Kidney. Heart Dliraie, iod General Debility.


Volatile Solution of Tar lor INHALATION wilhout application of HEAT. A remarkably VAI.tlARLl-! dlarovrry, aa the WDOI* sppsratuaciin he carried In the veil pocket,

■• 'my lime tor the mom rlfcctualand poai 'elyci ela

All Distant of the N08B, THROAT, and LVNOH.



lor use in connection with the KLIXIIt TAIL Is .. ..:inl-lii:.tlon nl ihe ilVU tnosl valuable Al- ™UTl¥l U. Ilcl.e.k.owa la rtVp" fes.lon aud retitlera ihla Pill, exception, the vcrv

t'Bt ever offered. ' Sand Tor Circular of I'O.HITIVE CUBES to your

Druggtat.orto * Ii. F. HYDE ft OO.,

'.iii'-i.ili.ilnlMiij B(„.K PHOPRIETOHI,

110 E. L»2t| Street, New York.

^he -Samrence^Cmeriean


Published t'rlday Moruingi l>»

GE0- S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors,

PosTOrfirK IIMH'K,

Corner of Kurrx mid Applet on Street*


The circulation of llio Lawrence Ameri- cin la tho lar«o« ot any paper in mo

County, Rod moro than TOUR TIliBB that of iiny othor

Weekly Papor published in this city.

- HaU* of Advi ■fut HI .i|.|.U,-.tiiu], | jkmmo'WM'm ASYSifisEi,

'She 5»ai(8 American nun

EVERY EVENING (Saadsy exeeptad,)

I* the largest Dally In the elty, and hu roar tlaae* i in' circulation of any other.


»»•■ Vrir, ■ ■ ■ ffl 00 | Six Month* • > fl 0 When not paid ha advance, $8.


i // /; A M !■: i; I C I S

I STEAM PRINTING OFFICE : I* thr large*! aad aao*t thoroughly faral*bed la

'■intern Massachusetts Hiving thr most Improved mudernPre.irs,snd with eon slant additions of I he


aad with our extensive variety ol work, ir are able to rurnlsli tha Brit Qaallly of Work, eapedl tioaily, aad at low price*. Order, by aiail promptIj Died.

GEO. S. MERRILL & CO.,Proprietors, •M faatx |T.I I.»WRENCI.


Challenge Tl nh cribi r will give a

$75 MACHINE to any person who will unravel n llulton Bole, without outtlnvlht-lliread, made by hlmpell outhe

AMERICAN SKWlMi MACHINE It la hoped that thoaeperaons who arc constantly

asserting tlial the button hold made on our ma- chine* will unravel, will put (his challenge to the (eat.

SuT Kcad tha following report of Hie Committee on Sewing Machine! at tha afassachuiei's Me- chanics' Charitable Association F:ilr, Heptcrober nndOotober, 180U:—

The American Billion Holt. Overtraining, ami Sewing Machine combined.

Thla !■> new Invention which i* Ju»t working Iti way Into public favor, and I* destined, without doubt, to take a front rank among the ilrst class Kami!) Hewing Machine*, combining u* it dun,in one machine, the ability to do alt the rariouitiaiii of plain ami fancy taring 'lone on anyfimt c.tiiti machine, and alio, the working of button huli-s, and over teaming. Neat ID design, well made, ot good material, and requiring but a lew Momenta tochanee from a Button Hole Machine to u plain

id your Committee deem it veil eil premium in f/i« gift of thin


Mint. City Hoapltal, llarrlxoii Avc, I.l>. Hi'AlILDlNO,

88 Lincoln Street, NATHAN C. I.OMI1AKD,

Mechanical Koglt

■wlnu Maehlnr, aud your <: orthy of the highe*


Staunch, Smooth, Quiet Running,

Easily Managed and Adjusted Muchlne In every particular.

^ ^ ^ $ $ $


"Wheeler & Wilson


Wo give our wholo timo to tlio


Aod keep a

LARGER ASSORTMENT Than any other Agent thin side ol Bint on.

We are alao Agent* for the

Howe Machines, For Manufacturing and Family Sewing. We

have, also, the


And many other kinds, eonitantly on hand, rang. Ing in price from fS to 9 t4S.

We WARRANT every Machine we Bell loglvc perfect tatitfoction. ffc Mil 01 iuntntlmentt, II desired.

INSTRUCTION fnr].i..ii. .1 either at itore or residence grain It oualy,


Weed, Singer, Florence, Wheeler & Will Leavltt.aad other Machine*, which we will sell cheap at FIVK DOLLARS down, nud frTVKpst month until paid for.


General Sewing Machine Agency,

164 Essox st., Lawrence.

Unquestionably the best-known and most thoroughly tested


For all kinds of work, heavy and light, and the most popular, is


Thin pracllcnl and easily managed machine ha* now itood the test of time and thorough experi- ment; and the thousand* who have fortunately used ours frankly give it the preference, as the very best, both In thii country and In Kurope.— Study, capita] and Inventive gculus have been de- voted to lie Improvement for year*; till now

WITH ITS NEW SILENT FEED, our "Lock-stitch" Machine has no equal In the world. The WHKKLKH ft WII.SON'H ia reli- able, economical and noiseless. It answers the wanta ot the household completely, and

ANY KIND OF SEWINCi -eded in Ihe family can be done upon It with

greater rapidity and ease of execution to begin- ner* than can be accomplished on any ol her. It has received the lllghett l-nmium* over all—as a Family Machine—on both aides of the Atlantic.

Those who wiiut The Beat ehonld ob- liiin WflEELERAr WILSON'S


Facts Worth Knowing! ONE SAYS,

I have used the Wheeler k Wllaon Sewing Ma- chine for fourteen years, and it works aa Well now ai the day 1 purchased It. I prefer It to any other.

ANOTHER SAYS, lhaveuaed the Wheeler ft Wilson constantly

for more than ten years, on mostly heavy work, and it has always been in good order—not even a ■crew loose, I prefer them to any others.

ANOTHER SAYS, I have mnde over 3,000 Ladles' Clonks on mine,

besides doing my family ecwint;. I think there is no muchlne tqual to the Wheeler ft Wllaon.

ANOTHER SAYS, I have used my Wheeler* Wilson for morclhan

twelve years, aud hnv.. not -pent u dollar for re- pairs. It la, without doubt, the beat family ma-

Hundreds of sucb Testimonials Could be glvi'd — testimonials »uch as run not be

H. P. PAIGE, Agent,

305 Essex St. ami 6 Lawrence St.,

The Ellas Howe

Sewing Machine. JUST IMPROVED.

ALL A N /» X E E IT.


©E^/dBa© GfflA^ClMIE©


(i at hers, and Sews On at Ihe aamc lime; makes beautiful Milliner's Fold* of any material.

We can use the cheap Glazed Cotton and do better work than any other machine with the bed Clark's cctton. It 1* les* liable to got out ofordcr than any other machine.. It wear* longer, run* easier, and make* leta noiie than any othor Family Machine. It headt the Hit of Sewing Machines for Family Work ol all kind*, Hutching from flneil muilln to besvleit beaver without change of Tension, Needle, or Thread.

We aell theae Machine*on ISSTALLJIKST8, If desired, and put them in out month on trial,and give you your choice of any In tha market.

•Vlnitructlon pit-en at Home oratoreatany time cither In Lawrence, Andover, or Methuen,

All kinds of Sewing Machines bought,

sold, exchanged, repaired, and to let.

We devote onr whole time to the Sew iiifC Machine bnaiueaa,



Constantly on hand.

MACHINE STITCHING Doa« to order at a!





Employs the most eminent Instructors, and afford* advantage* fuperiar to any similar Insti- tution at minimum rates.

Fall Term Opena Monday, Sept. 11.

Pupils received and classified on and after August Hk Those Intending to enter the graduating- class, are recpieitcd to give notice when applying for admlaaion. Blluutlons procured for pupils duly i [it nl 111 ml. Circulars, containing full Information, mailed free upon application to

ot'lagl B. TOUKJKE, Director.

» 11A i; i .1 :.■; V. JACKMAN, Dealer In all klnda of



Jan Opposite Talbot'* drug Mure.





199 Essex street, jyll LAWRENCE.

ELASTIC STITCH Family Sewing Machine

Can be bought In Lawrence only of

Mr*. V. RARNIOOAT, Authorized Agent,

No. 200 Kucx street, Lawrence,

Where It can be paid for In WDSTIII.V paymouta.

The Value of thh Machine (her Ever;/ ttthci

r ready made

FLYNN tho cltfaemof 1

Iraen Ilouaeand k of PLANTS,

ubllo to examine. I do bol< othlng in theeity to ooropurr

E DWAR D ihe* to make known to

I tint he ha* enlarged I

Plants. My



$30,000,000 Insurance Capital Represented.

LIFE. jWtna, of ll.irtrord, Asset* *1S,12O,086

•ar'i'lie /Ktua's rules are lower than any other

State Mutual Life Assurance Co., of Woiccalcr, Halt.

Chartered 1841, Accumulated Fund, i i."" ' ■'■'■'. " Losses paid, 7iU,lSO.oo Divldcuda paid, iiii.h; .'.i«.

Prtliclplea: CASH In all business.—CARK In the selection ol

risks.—PRL'DKNCK in Investing the premi- um*,—KCONOHV In managemrnt.- ANNUAL DIV1DF.ND8 ol surplus.-CONTttlBCTION plan of distribution.

ALL POLICIES NON-FOHFK1TAI1L1C under the lawof Massachusetts, giving to theasaureda

--- J illar paid to the company. " a profit ontol

nllre utaetsof the POLICY HOLD- md orphan* of Hi. in

lu 11 equivalent for every di NO STOCKHOLDERS to make a


can be plainly seen by examining tl Drcases at this e*tah]l«uini

hyThsii't fall to examine the Dresses. The ••aUOVKH ■> HAKKH- is the tmi.Y

Machine that will Kmbrolder a Pattern. «eep'«l

Inside Line to Bangor AND


The lartie and ilrpanl Steamer

CITY fit' HWMMONP, r..t Denulson leaves Pcrtland lluilroad Whnrl i'vrVy alonday, Wednesday and Friday at In P. M.

Train leave- L.iwn Check biglfa^e tin

procured at Ticket (if Staterooms prorm


i Rangor, i*&-

at I I*.


Has Removed

NEW OFFICE, 258 Eaoei ttreet, - - Lnwrenee.

jell Mearly opposite old office.

Verbenas and Geranium* are splendid. I have a line assortment or

I'huit- fur flllinsr lln-hit- and Kustl HtnndH.

I have line l;u , ■■ Oeranlum*, of all shadea of color, for lining Vases; alio,

liouquets, linfikttlH of Cut Flowers

and other DecoralIons for Partial, Weddings, M Kuueruli,arranged to order nt short notice.

Qreen House, No. 20 Meadow St.,

EDWARD PLY UN, Mr. Flynn will open a HTAXII POM TUB IALI 0»

PLANTS,on Monday next, on (he south side of I. v Street, OPPOMTR J. D DItKW'S DlNma

SAIXM1N. Zfi^i_

PEDHICK A CU>SSON, Anctloneera, Hi nl Eatnle Aeiciita nud Appraiaera, No. 381 Eaaex at., Lawrence, Mnan.

Always ready to give their personal service and MiioUK iitlenlltiii to SI-UIIIK nnd I'ernoni.l Kxtate at auction or otherwise, obtaining Money and letting the name at fair rales lor all eonrern cd.negotlallng Mortgages and looking up Title*, Renting property ami colliding Rents, etc. No Title pastil u( properly nulei-s the same be per- fect; 11" Money Invested but upon (he niorl un- doubted security. All buiinemi Intrusted to its will beatln.ded to pron.plly, still all will he hon- orably dealt with -trot linearity belnu Ihe one importiM elem. lit or (.ueeesi Irr (he Real Kslale l)ii!>htesH,prompt pnyiui nit. ot ei-li nroci'i ini; lu allliouor with Ihe „-d,-t nnil owner, ol the same lime looking well to the true hilere.t ol (he pLircha*ir,llint his title* art- good, uuddial In j;el* all which he Is entitled to—thus securing and holding that confidence of our lellous whleh Is only obtained by strict attention to burlness, and III, lii^!:. .-I HI I i), iilinjt

AgrTrrms ressonable, nnd Hccoriiiii,; lo the work sod responsibility. Call upon u*. Real Kstnte Office, Ksscx St., No. 3H1.

N. H.—Property for sale In many sections of Nea England, but inure e-i.eclally in the elty of Uw rence and vicinity. No better city in the Uuloi for a permanent Investment.

lte:id Real Estate column In Lawrence Senllne and Lawrence Dally American. ' myU'

the company KRS alone, sured are no lull

show as good

or the deceatcd. The Interest alone received on the Invested

Fund* of the Company, In the last ten year*, has paid all the losses by Death during that period, and thlrty-nve (SM per cent, of all ottie

What other Life Company can record)

FIRE- Franklin, of Philadelphia, Aw Royal, of England, liiiln and Loathor, Iloston, " Bay State, Worcester, fcltiterpnao, I'enn., Firemen's, Now York, " Buffalo P.M., New York, " Weatoboater, Quoen, England, Seourliy.N. Y., "

Policies I sal ibly adjusted

Sperlal Indi

■ $3.087,4b!l e,«a,77e

4as,80S IBB,017 011,654 860.080 473.677 480,314

2,338,803 1,880,833

eil and loiae* promptly and honor- tt my Omce. icement* ofTered to parlies having trect in larire or *mall amounts, eall before renewing your pollcle*

7/if/f and Leather Insurance Co., or Hoston, Mass,

Capital, |:i00,000.00 Asst-tfl, 41fi.Soft.ufJ

JOHN EDWARDS, 888 Essex Street, - - Lawrence.

■ Hvasdtaxq'lbv.i .„ . ... „ CHARLES T. EMERSON,

AK(J1I1T£GT. OFFICE, NO. 22M ESSEX STUIKT iiihil Eealdence, No. 1C Oak Street,


'©Kc "^Cmcrican. The Beauty or the Family.

1 Take care, Minnie, don't trouble those laccfl! That's my Honlton set. The Valenciennes and the rest are there Bomewhere. Do you see anything of my

aoie? I'm afraid the flounces will set creased. Get it out as soon as you can, that's a dear. Thcrc'u my Oas- sine, now! Toss It this way will you? I never know where anything Is. Fanchon did my packing."

Who's Fanchon r" ai<ked Minnie, from the depths of the huge trunk.

The French maid whom Madame al- lowed us grnduates. She was the dear- eat creature—so obliging. I never had the least particle of trouble with my wardrobe. Fanchon kept It in order. How ridiculous ot mamma not to allow us a French maid I I positively can't do my hack hair;" and Miss Lucia Summer- ville lay back on the couch from which she was watching the unpacking of her trunks, with a very decided pout on her pretty lips as Bhe recalled her mother's unfashionable prohibition respecting the much coveted accessory to a fashionable young lady's toilet.

Minnie laughed a gleeful little Bilvcry peal.

" I'm glad I haven't any dignity to sup- port, or any hack hair to do," shaking back the wealth of curls drooping over her happy face. " A French maid would throw ine into spasms of nervousness. I'll learu to do your hair as well as the Incomparable Function. I shall love to do It, Lucia," stopping to caress, with dainty touchCE, her sister's luxuriant blonde tresses, thinking how beautiful she was, and how nice It was to have her once more at home, alter all these years at Madame's widely celebrated " Fcn- blomi do demoisclleB."

"Oh," sighed Lucia, whose thoughts had ruu in a widely different channel, " how dull Mlllville will icem after New York! I shall be bored to death in a week. How you have managed to live here Is a mystery to me ;'* forgetting that, in her BelflshnesB, she had never once thought of proposing that Minnie should accompany her to Ihe city and share In the gaieties with which the politic Ma- dame secured the patronage of the daugh- ters of wealth.

111 don't suppose there's a soul in Mlll- ville with whom I shall care to associate; and there won't be any opera, or any one to practise my Italian songs with; for, of course, yon don't pretend to sing,"

" Only Blmple ballads," said Minnie, humbly; " but Mr- Laurence sings oper- atic songs beautifully."

» Who's Mr. Laurence?'' opening her eyes with a faint show of Interest.

" He's father's partner. Don't you re- member I wrote you lie was from the city? You'll see him this evening."

" Young or old? Married or single It's Just like you not to have told me all of this before. I was going down In this old wrapper. You may hand me that blue tissue. There, these bows go so. Now my pearl brooch;" and Miss Lucia, scenting a possible conquest, began to bestir lu-r.-i 11 out of her lUtlessness suf- ficiently to make an elaborate toilet, and when tho beauty of the Imnily descended to tho parlor, she had apparently quite forgotten her ilisgust for Millvlllc socie- ty-

u How Mr, Laurence will admire her," thought Minnie, following softly into the room, taking great pains not to tread on the train which her Bister, with remarka- ble unconcern, trailed after her.

A frceh collar and a knot of scarlet vel- vet to fasten it and match the baud that looped back her curls, and little Minnie's preparations for the evening were com- pleted.

Bestowing herself upon the most com- fortable end of tho sofa, Miss Lucia awaited, with what patience Bho might, the arrival of the expected guest, while Minnie, never having served an appren- ticeship under Madame, or learned that a woman's highest duty and privilege Is to make herself as Idle and bewitching as possible walked over to tho work table at which her mother WBB employed with the family mending, and taking up her needle, was soon deep In the mysterious process of repairing a pair of her lather's well-worn hose. Such dear little busy lingers, ever ready to lend their aid when assistance was needed!

Lucia, the pet and beauty, had always been Indulged and spoiled by the fond parents, while Minnie, the quiet, unpre- tending younger sister, was overlooked until some one wanted a favor done, when ft was very convenient to remember her existence. Luda'B accompllBliments and graces wero the boast and pride of the doting father and mother, and as tiicy had cost a pretty sum In the aggregate, it was the darling wiah of i lie parental hearts that Ihe beauty should, by making a splendid alliance, repay them for all the trouble and expense bestowed so lav I'-lil.v upon her.

Pipi Summervllli) arose with great empressement to welcome Mr. Laurence,

"My eldest daughter, sir. Lucia, toll Is Mr. Laurence, the junior member of our linn, and the son of one of my best friends."

Mrs. Summcrviile looked up from her sewing to welcome the young gentleman, aud gave her husband a glance of com- placent satisfaction. Minnie glanced up brightly, for Mr. Laurence bad been her very good friend, and she was glad to see him; but Bhe never could talk to him as Luela was talking, of Verdi and Oll'en- bich, of Nilsson, Kellogg and I'uttl, of overture, symphony and chorus, and "f the respective merits of German, French and Italian operas, it WHS a little weari- some to her, but that wns probably be- cause she didn't understand enough about mush-, having never listened lo un opera In all the seventeen yeaisof her quiet

that Lucia had a molt wonderful voice, and could not bo urged to sing one ol her sweet ballads after her sister's Mulshed performance, although Mr. Laurence begged for his favorite "Nae room for twa!" in a way that would have satisfied any one less unselfish than Minnie that he cared more for tier simple heartsongs, than fur all Miss Lucia's noise and bins-

life. llyL-iiiul b)(jMi«s l.ucin was pirsimrted

to favor them with a sprelmeii of her fa- vorite style, anil dashing Into a lurles of noisy runs ami choking trills, she pro- ceeded i" exercise her vocal organ*, utter a fashion entirely new to Mlllville. The fond parents exchanged glumes »! de- light, and Minnie held her needle sua-

I pended In breathless awe, nnd decided

"He only asks me out of compliment,'' thought the little needle-woman. "He can't help admiring Lucia's singing; it Is like what he is accustomed to. I'm glad she la here to sing for him. It will make Mlllville more pleasant to him. He can't help liking her, and who knows—"

And who knows!" echoed Mamma Summervllle, when, In the privacy of their room, the fond parents talked over tho events ot the evening. "Who knows but It may be a match? You soy he is wealthy?"'

"A cool hundred tbousaud, and bound to double it within five years. Couldn't find a more desirable son-in-law if you wero to search the State over. Knew his father from a boy. Honorable, straight- forward business man ! and the son re- sembles him."

"He came from a good old family," mused Mrs. Summervllle. "He'll prob- ably settle in the city, which would just suit Lucia. She's fitted to take her place among the best of them. How nicely thlngB do turn out now and then! Seems like a providential arrangement, don't it, father?" in which pious opinion Mr. Summervllle was fain to acquiesce.

Thenceforward, when Mr. Laurence called at the house of the senior partner, he was entertained by Miss Lucia, to the almost total exclusion of tho other mem- bers of the faoilly.

From the first Sabbath succeeding his arrival at Mlllville, he had availed him- self of tho Invitation to occupy a seat in the Summervllle family pow. Hitherto his seat had been next Minnie; they had sung from one book, and her sweet young volco had mingled wlih his pure tenor, but now be found, spite of all bis engi- neering, that Miss Lucia occupied the most conspicuous posltlon,-aud that the only avallablo place was beside her, while Minnie, under her mother's wing, was safe from all except an occasional glance.

lie did look at licr, too, In a queer way, Minnie thought.

Sometimes when Lucia was doing her best to be entertaining, Mr. Laurence's eyes wandered over to the lltllo curly head dropped above somo piece of needle Work, nnd Mfi.iilu, liuihlnjj) u|>'nli'.

would encounter a glance half reproach- ful, half entreating, beneath which her brown eyes would droop and turn lu ut- ter confusion, to the work In band.

"Of course he will love Lucia," thought Minnie, "she is so superior, so well fitted to grace the position lie can give her as his wife. How beautiful she Is!" paus- ing to look at her sister in unfeigned ad- miration.

"Minnie," said a voice, suddenly, be- side ber, "how bavu I offended you? You hardly speak to me now, and you haven't sung for me In an age. Some- times when I come hoping to have a quiet chat with you, I am so fortunate as to catch a glimpse of your profile from the opposite side of tho work table, nnd fre- quently I don't eeo you at all. Why do you treat your old friend In this way ?"

But before Minnie, In much confusion, could frame a reply, Lucia Interrupted the Incipient confession, and claimed tho gentleman's attention.

"What did he mean?" Minnie queried, "by talking to her In that style? Had she failed In sisterly kindness? That WAB

all he would ever claim from her;" and In spite of her, a little sigh half escaped as she glanced at Lucia's radiant face and marked how Mr. Laurence bent for- ward to hear what she was saying. Just

he used to listen to her In those happy days before Lucia came homo. If Lucia had not come Just yet? But then Lucia was BO queenly, so altogether superior, while she, Minnie, was merely a quiet little body, with only her ono beauty, her abundant wealth of curls, and not at all likely to attract tho attention of a man of Mr. Laurence's elegant tastes.

But of what wns she thinking to allow herself to run on In this miserable, un- slsterly fashion? and Minnie took herself severely to ta*k, and took such extra pains with Luola's back hair the next time It was "done," that the beauty was particularly gracious, and In the exuber- ance of her gratitude, promised to take her Bkilful little halr-dreuer to the elty when she should have become settled there lu a borne of her own.

"It's coming afafllr* thought Minnie, bracing herself to bear the commence- ment of her sister's engagement to Mr. Laurence; but ihe beauty was before the glass, trying to decide upon tho respec- tive merits of lavender ant) blue ribbon when brought Into contact with her fair complexion; so Minnie stole from the room and went out for a little wulk, thinking to quiet her nerves and get bnek her old lightness, of heart out among Ihe daises and buttercups, fur she had grown strangely nervous of late. She accused herself of envy and malice, and oh! f don't know how many other dreadful ilnn, lor which shit could scarcely hope ii he forgiven, and her poor little heart *-as sadly torn with Ihe conflict of emo- tions. She wanted to feel glad that Mr. Laurence was to he tier brother, and blamed herself severely because the thought of a near relationship was not to be altogether crushed nut. .She strove to rejoice at Lui-la'rt happiness, and re- [■!.■ i:-!n ■! herself bitterly when the old thought of "what inl^ht have been" ob- truded itself. On the whole, ahe had quite a dreary time <>' It, HIKI her poor lit- tle heart wn* doomed to yet another pang, when, ii| ri turning home, she WHS in Inn nod In In r mother, In a mya- lertmis whisper, thai Mr. I.iurenco had asked n private aiidleiiee with her father, and was at Unit blessed moment In Ihe li- brary.

"lie's come |u:i-h for Iditla, of course. Sn tlint'n settled. Your slater ban made a splendid en que-t. I always* knew Lu- cia would di> well, and that the money bestowed upon her education waB not thrown away. We'll have a grand wed-

ding,—six bridesmaids, and everything in city style; and I'll have the parlor re- furnished, and a new set of china. Hut what's the matter? Von don't luok well."

Poor Minnie! she tried to rally, and then, as the climax of all her troubles, came her father's voice calling her to come down. She must congratulate her new brother! As well first as last, and so, la a fit of desperntlon, she descended to the library.

"Perhaps you knew that Mr, Laurence asked to see ine?" queried papa, flourish, lug a red handkerchief, and peering over the tops of his p-pertacles.

"Y'es, sir; that Is—mama just men- tioned it.*'

"Then you knew nothing of it he- fore?"

"Not until mama spoke of it." " Bather a queer proceeding," mut-

tered pupa, evidently disturbed at Home- thlng.

'I'm sure, sir," said Minnie, bravely, "any one would have seen that It would have come to that in the end."

"Bless me! Why, your mother and I thought all tho while he wns after Lu- cia!'

"Yes, Blr; I was almost certain of It, from the time of tbuir first meeting. He could not help admiring her from the outset."

"But, bless my soul! It isn'l Lucia he's after, at all. It's yourst-H!"

"Oh, I assure you, there's some mis- take! You have misunderstood"—

"No mistake,my darling,—If yon will give me the right to call you so."

And Mr. Laurence stood before her, papa having prudently withdrawn. In or- der to allow the lovers to explain the strange muddle Into which things seemed to have fallen.

"But—but—I thought you loved Lu- cia!" stammered Minnie.

"My dear, I loved you before I uaw your sister, and I used to fancy you cared for me In something more than a friendly way, but of late you have so persistently shunned ine that I could bear It no lon- ger, and came In to-day to ask your fa- ther If he had any objections to my ad- dressing you. He has given me his, full permission to win you If I can. My little blue-eyed darling, you hold my fate In your hands. Which U tt to be, a sen- tence ol banishment, or a life of happiness for both?"

He held out his It and?, nnd Minnie ran straight Into his arms, and was received with such rapturous kisses that quite took away her breath. Tho little curly head was on).v "heart high," but It rested now In Its rightful place, and Minnie's heart stuiggles wero over.

Papa and Mama Suraiuervllle could not get over the alight put upon their fa- vorite; but she revenged herself by the capture of a Cuban as old as her father and twice aM infirm, who was reputed to be worth Ingots of gold, and who actual- ly <U<t own hall a dozen sons and daugh- ters somewhere near her own ago.

So It was not tho beauty of the family, after all, who went to live In the ttyllBh city residence lo which Mr. Laurence took his bride.



[(lathered for the AMUirAS by Itary Anns kin*.]

To purify mankind we must resort to something more effective than morel teaching. Wo must llnd means to re- move from human bodies tho chemical, electric, mechanical and magnetic condi- tions, whose existence underlies, sub- tends, and causes all the FIIIB and crimes that are to-day rocking the world with agony.

The love of a true woman delivers a man from the thrnlls of avarice, lust, an- ger, despair, ii'uihol, gaming aud Idle- ness, — tho seven deadly sins around which clusters the brothel, jail, State Prison, suicide nud the gallows. Want of lovo drives man, and woman, also, lo all of thcBP, and worse.

Reader, never mr-asuro a man or wom- an by the speech ol people. Have l.iii h In your species, have hope for tho good time coming, havo charity, for the great- est of these, say what you will, Is char- ity-

We have many lessons ol civilization yet to learn, and the reputation of the nineteen!Ii century v HI ono day be quot- ed to prove Its barbarism.

We have no business, says the law, In passing bad money; and wu certainly have no right to traduce and scandallxc the character of another, nnd plead Igno- rance.

The truest man IB he whose nature Is one half woman. The true womm Is she who can enter Into, appreciate nud enjoy the Intellectual and splritunl as well as the BOCIH) nature of her husband. Such men make the most lusting mnrk upon the Walls of ages; such women hit ml themselves down the longest line of cen- turies.

The mnii In a fool who slops lo lifted (n the little tattle about Ida wife, and (he wife [a worse than silly who listens to scandal about her husband; and good uaturcd neighbors, especially mothers-in- law, are very apt at that sort of thing, and it would require en angel's arithme- tic to count the millions of families whoRe peace lias been utterly destroyed after that fashion.

A haling couple arc ns truly unmarried by their hatred, lu (ind'a sight, as If ten thousand judges h;n! decreed the di- vorce.

Be careful, oh woman, that you do not, through your vanity, Inflict a wound In the heart ol your lover that may rankle through Hff. ■ nd cause you many a hitter and regretful 'ear.

SATURDAY. Collortor Murphy or the Xew York Cmtoni

House, is charged, by the Tribune, with rob- bing the Government of 91 i-j,0O0, and supports the charge with affidavit!, clc. Murphy fa de- nounced In a bitter editorial in that paper.

A Are oceurreil at Iltnjion, N. II., yesterday morning, which totally consumed a barn owned by Mark Wllloughby. Several tons or hay, a large quantity or oats, farming tools, a horse, cow, and two bogs wero lost.

A severe (rost occurred In the vicinity of Keene, N. II., on Thursday and Friday nights, and water fro/o onc-rourth or an Inch In thick- ness. At Concord ihe thermometer indicated i'i degrees.

It is proposed to havo a grand Butler dem- onstration at Worcester, the evening preceding the day appointed Tor the State Convention. Tho Genera] spoke at Attleboro last evening.

A disastrous fire took place at St. Johns, N. H.,on the morning of the 99 J. Many stores. Tour hotels, and olber property,were destroyed. The loss will reach SIOO.OXK).

Two men were fined $5, in the city Of Low- ell, for refusing to be vaccinated. The new Board of Health mean business.

Three persons were Instantly killed while crossing the track, In front of an engine, near Watertown, N. Y-

Patrick rjummings, the oldest resident of Lowell, died In that city yesterday, at the age of 102 years.

Secretary Boutwell will speak fa Cincinnati on the 9ethi and at Cleveland on tho 29th inst.

MONDAY. The excitement over tho Tammany frauds

li daily Increasing, and It Is feared a riot may ensue. The controllot's office li at a dead lock, and the city employes are clamorous for their wages. During the Injunction no public money can be disbursed, but several financial Institutions have offered their aid to settle out- standing bills, which are said lo amount to $100,000,000.

Hon. George W. Benedict, of Burlington, Vt., died at his residence, on the mornlou: of the 1 lib, at ihe aee or seventy-Hx. years. For iwenty-two years he was a prorcsior In the University or Vermont, and for liftceu years ono of Ihe editors or ihe l-'rcc Pntt, In and I8SB be was a Slate Senator.

The Lowell people are having huiv times over the small pox excitement la that city. The city physician and the Board of health are at loggerheads ia regard to the control of (be pest in 'ir. A new hospital ii being erected.

Tho two boys, Wm. Carroll and John Har- rington, who placed an obstruction on the Erie railway, have been tried and convicted. Tiirj,- wcra fined SKio each, anl two and a half years imprisonment.

There lias been an extetmive tire In San Francisco, and property destroyed to Hie amount of Several firemen ant) others were injured.

All the Oreoleyiics In tin employ of the PostOfncolnXew York, have haen discharged. It is said there are one liun,lrel or them.

W. I*. Henderson's large saw mill, near Fair- mount, was burned Saturday evening. The loss was quite heavy.

Secretary Uouenson is announced to speak to the Philadelphia RePuUleanS, In that city this evening.

A fire at Houston, Texas, dcttroyed large ■tores and one residence. Onerollv sured.


Singular Caee of Telegraphic An- noyance.

A maiden lady, Mlsi Caroline Smith, residing on Prospect Hill, IHverblll, on the road to this city, has made serious complaints, to the city government, since the building ol the international tele- graph line, that she Is much disturbed, broken of her rest, <xe., by the transmis- sion of messages over the wires. To remedy the trouble, as far as possible, nnd glvo ease to the troubled lady, the city government had the telegraph poles and wires removed to another location, so that at the present time they are at the distance of some rods from her resi- dence. But this has not ended the com- plaints, and the city Is petitioned to re- move t.he telegraph line still further. Last week a committee was appointed from the Board of Aldermen to wait up- on the complainant and ascertain the ex- tent of the injury alleged to be sustained by her, aud at the meeting last Wednes- day evening Alderman Wentwortb, from that committee, reported that Miss Smith Buffered much from tho noise of the telegraph wires, and recommended that they bo removed, which recom- mendation was adopted. The PublUher thinks the city council are paying (oo much attention to Ill-founded complaints, and questions the lady's sanity; and we beg to suggest that the public will make the same query about the officials who endorse her notions.

AI Humr ■ III), n lew miles In.ii Mauc i Chin ., 1 u., there is a eou.1 mini whlcl lias In 011 in Ihe s nee a perit d un tedal ig is:. which pear the llr c was discovered, li;iv lug ma lo ■!■ :■:.!.1.


lilts of Iron will prevent water from becoming putrid. Sheet Iron or iron trimmings arc the beat. The offensive smell of water In vases of flowers would be avuided by putting a few small nails In the I., it Nun of tho vases.

Our enterprising and energetic townsman, lldward P. Morse, has already proved himself to have good business qualifications In the suc- cessful enterprises which he lias carried for- ward, in the short lime that ho lias been oper- ating.

The muin building, containing his mill and box manufactory, has a holler house and large lumber drying room attached to II. Ho is ex- tensively engaged In sawing and planing, and making paper and wooden boxes of all kinds. Recently he has given his attention to the man- ufacture of mouldings, wood gutters, conduc- tors, and black walnut stair posts and Iialus- ters. His shops are well furnished with plete outfit or manufacturing machinery, of tho latest and most improved kinds.

Ia the paper box room, wc no'iccd two new machines, which perform a great part of the labor in preparing the box. By the aid of these, Mr. Charles R. Ayer, who has charge of this department, can, at short notice, and with a Tew hand), fill the great number or orders constantly coming In, mr boxes or every con- ceivable style and the.

Mr. Ayer Is ono of tha best box makers fn the country.

A low pressure engine of one hundred and fifty horse power, carries Hu ■ null and the Bay Siate hat factory, on the left, and Tenncy flt Co's hat factory on tho right of It. Mr. Morie erected these buildings, and now losses them.

Ills yard in front or bis mill always contalni a great variety of excellent lumber. By taking advantage of the market, and making large purchases, lie Is able lo sell at a low figure, In addition to Meihuen, he supplies Lawrence and the adjoining towns. He has a wharf In Cbarlcstown, ami Is largely engaged In the lumltcr irade there.

He has contracted with the Meihuen Compi ny in erect ten large and substantial dwelling houses on ihe bank of the Splckei, on the nortli side of the street extending Irom Hampshire Strcel to Sawyer's store, and is rapidly com- pleting Ihe Jot). We notice that he is also building a dwelling htntte hack of the Baptist church, ror Adams Ooggswell, and ono on the Stevens laud, for hU foreman, Mr. Ilaskell.

Itcccntly, Horse purchased a tract known as the Stevens land, which adjoin* (Jochrane's homestead, and Ihe Foots cslstc recently pur- chased by Cocbrane. They propose to lay streets through this wbolo tract, which consists ..I twenty acres, cut It up Into lots, and erect first-Haas dwelling houses on a portion of the lots, and put the remainder Into the mar- ket, to meet the wants of our citizens.

Nearly all of this tract of land contains the choicest and most valuable building lots within the town of Methuen. Their location, for the purpose of business and tor healthlul and de- lightful residences, Is not surpassed in any town In i ■■-(■. County.

Varmint Corliss Is erecting on his corner (where (here Is always room for anotheri. a amall structure, which Is to be occupied by the Mitchell Brothers as a meat store.

SherrirT Derrick has purchased Charles Aus- tin's mi in. mi Howe Street, opposite the red aclioolhou sc. Ills son, a recent graduate or the Agricultural College, at Amherst, Mass., !■ to operate H. The land Is naturally very good, and the Tarm wcl! located.

There wan a slight fire In Ihe jute mill, on Wednesday. The fire from a nail or small stone in one or the cards, canght a piece or jute, which was carried by the Tans Into the conduct- or at the back of the building, which always contains a large quantity or waste. The blaze from the waste came out of the conductor, but was soon suppressed by a stream of water from the mill. The K, A. Straw was promptly on the ground, prepared for work.

WATEIIMELON FESTIVAL.—The mem- bers of the Band of Hope were given a Boclal festival Saturday P. M., by Mr.Wil- son, their guardian, and a jovial time they had. Watermelons were brought in by the cart load, and the little folks Boon made themselves quite busy In devouring the luscious fruit. This festival Is of an- nual occurrence, and usually held as a picnic, but the air was thought too chilly at the present time, and It was decided to hold the gathering at their hall, over tho post office.

LOWELL ASK THE SMALL Pox.—Tho citizens of our sister city arc getting thoroughly aronaod in regard to tho small pox, which is rapidly Increasing in that city. On Sunday some forty men worn earnestly employed in con- structing a temporary hospital for the reception ol patients, and It will he roady for use to-day. In all the cbwrchea sanitary suggestions were read, emanat- ing from ihe newly appointed Board of Health. There seems to be a doubt as to who 'liall have control of the pest hnuso—the city physician or tho board of health. Orders havo been issued di- recting tho fumigation o[ all public car- riages nnd llio horso ears earn tiny, and every precaution la being taken to keep tho fearful disease within its present bounds. Iu the meantime our own citi- zens should excreiao the utmost euro when visiting Lowell, and glvo the In- fested localities a wide margin. Too much precaution cannot be used, nnd all who havo not been vaccinated should give Uio subject their immediate atten- tion, as advised l.y our city authorities in postern about the city.

Tin; BALL AT NORTH, under the auspices of Mcrriinac Engine Com- pany of Hint town, nnd occurring on Friday evening, was a decidedly Bite- ccssful nffuir. About one hundred and twenty couples wero present, many of whom wero from this city, Hnllard Vale nnd Andover wero represented by a number of firemen, and there was quite a display of the militia, iu the prcsoneo of members or Co. K, and tho Fourth Buttery. A good social timo was bad, although the gathering Wits ft little too largo for comfort in dancing; hut UIIH was remedied after the supper hour, many taking their departure at that lime. Excellent music, a good sup- per, nnd thu courteous attentions of dipt. Duehosney and his assistants, ren- dered tho affair ono of much pleasure to nil who wero present. ♦»«>«♦

TIIK NEW EKOIKB HOUSK.—The newballd- lag for the use or an engine and hose carriage, »imuted un Garden street, a few rods below ihe old engine house, Is being pushed forward in a rapid and thorough manner by Ihe con- tractor, A. A. Currier. The main building I* 60 x 36 feet, the ell 30 x 30 feet, snd the tower 10 x 10 leet, snd 70 feet high. There Is a spacious cellar to be used u a store-room, and for cleaning boss. The first floor Is divided Into three apartments; the front portion will lie used for the engine, and ll Is contemplated keeping the city hose carriage here alao; a small and well lighted room, 20 % 20 feet, Is located In the rear of this room, to be used for the company meetings, and It Is said ihe mem- bers will spare no pains In making it comfort- able and inviting; also, in the rear of the en- gine and carriage room, In the ell, is an apart- ment to be used Tor the stable.

The second story Is divided into a ward room, two sleeping rooms for the use of the drivers, and a bay-loft. The stairs wilt be I ruled In the tower, thus giving access to th« ward room outside or Ihe main building. Ilag-surT, somo thirty leet high, will lie placed upon the building, and surmounting thli rest a vane, bearing a large gilt figure The building will cost abont 911.000, and be ready for use early In November. Mr. Cbss T. Kmerson is the architect, and Mr. A. A. Currier the builder.

THE PHANTOM BELLS. Unveil*] in yonder dim ethereal sea,

Its airy towers the work of phantom apeli*, A viewless belfry tolla Its wInrd bells,

Pealed o'er this populous earth parpatnally. Som« near, aoine bear them not, but aye thay be

Laden with one strange note that alska or swells, New dread as doom, aow gentls aa farewell*—

Ttma'a dirge, born* avar toward enmity. Each hour lu measured braeth aobs oat and dlaa,

While the ball lolla lu requiem-" touting, sw*r-

Th* sole, sad burden of their long refrain, Still, with those httiir*, racli pang, each pleasure

Ska, Itrlef sweet, brief bluer—all our days are vain,

Knelled Into drear Torgetfalnaaa at laat. I Applelon'a Journal.

Rev. James P. Lane, formerly pastor of the Free Church in Andover, and now settled over tho Congregational church in Bristol, R. I., is on his vaca- tion, and with his family spent a day or two In town last week.

rsTThe ilnvorbill Publisher reports a novel method of electioneering In Brad- ford, where tho principal of the High School, on the day of the republican caucus, distributed anti-Buller tickets to the pupils, with instructions to tako them homo to their fathers !

There Is life In the old laud yet. At Allegheny Springs. Va, a few days since, one thousand people participated In a grand masquerade ball. Belles from all parts of the South were present. »■♦««>

A lawyer in St, Louis, who lost his railroad pass, and Instructed tho conduc- tor to arrest the first man who presented It, found It himself, presented it, and was collared and locked up before ho could explain.

KLSJOAMT,—Wo have been shown a Tew sam- ples of s new style or window shade, at tho store or Msjor E. A. Flake, which, for elegant and utstjful designs, surpass anything wc have ever seen. Delicate and Iteiittirnllr colored Itowers, trailing from suspended vases, and in- tertwining around rich panel work, form manr ol tho designs, all of which sre executed by the band. Instead or being printed or stnmpcd, in the usual manner.


William, lalo of Nurlh Andover, de- ceased, had a life Insurance polity for 11000, la the .Kiaa Ia*uranee Company, at Hartford, futile The amount ha* bean promptly paid lo tho admin- istrator of Mr. Kamford'a eelate.

I.i: BOH TON, the admirable fashion pnbflsbed br S- T. Taylor, New York, has been received fur Ocioher, well filled with Illustra- tions of ladle's garments for Ihe coming season ; it gives two large page colored plates, snd u host of pattern* snd useful Information.

(lot in s Aos TSACTI.—We receive Nos.'•!,.'! and 1 of the Golden Age Tracts, written and published by Theodore Tllton. No. 3 Is a bi- ography of Victoria C. Woodhnll, a most re- markable story, which I* provoking not a little noilesi (be lire of this lady Is a curious com- pound, and tt li difficult to know whether It I* written In ihe earnestness of supreme roily, or as a huge burlesque; It Is rich, however.

It Is staled by llev. Mr. Marvin, that Gen. Butler, while In cummnnd or the army of the James, allowed no liquor to be sold or used. In a respectful manner (says the Lawrence American), "we are obliged to state that Is simply a lie, Kvery sutler sold, every brlrade quartermaster sold It by the gallon, and there was no staff quarters better supplied with liquors than those of (ten. Butler's staff. From Peie Haggerty to the youngest aid, liquor was In general use, snd 'ien. Butler knew It-"—

TIIK Lire THAT NOW the well-soiecicd title of a volume of rtrmons by Itev. Robert Collyer, tho eloquent Chicago Divine, from whose pulpit the fire I* as brilliant aa the sparks formerly struck out Trom hit anvil, and whose blows for Christianity are as hearty and vigorous as fell from his muscular arm In bis early manhood. He Is indeed a wonderful preacher; hi* thoughts swell with Ihe fervO or n great heart and rich Imagination, snd bis sentences arc ot golden words that burn ami leave their Impress. I.■Incited as a blacksmith, converted at the ago of 21, he became a Methn- dlst local preacher, and his subsequent accept- ance of 1'nltarlan views, and his almost une- qualled rise lo fsmo and power aro well known. This volume contains sermons upon a variety of topics, which are marked bv all the author* fuice, tenderness, eloquence, originality snd sweetness, snd cannot fall of interesting even those who do not accept to tho full, their tbo- ologlcal teachings. Published by Horace B. Fuller, Boston: for sale by Whltford & Rice.

'lui. 1 M'i i ■• oi' Pit.i'AT.— ,L»op, who has so long stood as t>« Table teller, 1* rivalled by the old wisdom stories ol Pilpay, now pro- duced In a handsome volume, by Hard A llouglitun, Riverside Press, uniform with their attractive edition or Aiop. The ancient rep- utation of these Hindu fables, whose origin Is traced away back among the Sanskrit tradition, their quaint manner of telling truth under the guise of a story of animal shrewd- ness and Instinct, their fresh, attractive style will bo sure to awaken wide spread interest In them. Unlike it'.top, these fables are not short dls-connectod stories, hut are linked to- gether In one narrative, each being woven In to sustain and complete Ihe entire story, and yet sll having distinct and individual cbarer- terlstlca and purpose, and still preserving with gnat nicety the peculiar character!sites of the animals that act Ihe parts. It Is really a book of natural history as well, that Is the history of the lion, jackal, fox, and others, In their mental and moral nature*. The fables have been translated Into moil of Ihe languages or Asia and Europe, being first received In Eng- land In 1,570. The engravings In this edition are by Anderson, the celebrated artist, Lee k Nbepard, Ilosmn, snd I.. Stratum, Lawrence.

■I HeraU. I tritle We would thank the Ihraid to be

more careful with Its credits) the jtsBennu hu made no such statement aa the above, which we read for the first time. In the columns of the fferaW.

OUR sttentlon !■ called to an oversight In onr columns, In connection with a report of the premium! at tho late fair of the Now En- gland Agricultural Society, In which ll appears Ihst the three year old bull "Bruce,'' the prop- erly of Mr. Francis II. Appleton, of West 1'ealiodv, was placed second lo "Fits Jamas." This, we are informed, was a mimke The bull "Bruce'' took the second premium tor bull*, of three year* old, and upwards, and was second to the sweepstakes bull. Fits .lames took first premium for yeiirlin-i balls.

Tin LAST KNIUIIT. A Romance -Oar! and. From Ihe German of Anaetaslua Gran. Translated, with note*, by John O. Sargent. New York i llurd A lluugbton. Cambridge Riverside Pre**, l.-e A Shepard, Boston. The "Lost Knight," It a series ol ballads

founded on inrldents in the life of Maximilian I., M.'iU—l-'ds. The author, known to the liter- ary world as Anastaslus Qrun, Is the Austrian Count Von Auersberg, who ha* been In public life as the loader of the liberal party In Aus- tria since IM8. Of late years, Indeed, bis liter- ary fame ha* eclipsed his political, which was partially uhirured by hi* apparent desertion of his party . He bad appeared as a poet, with occasional short productions, which marked him as a writer likely lo achieve a wide repu- tation, when he produced this book, which from iu story, and from the power which he displayed gave him at once a high position, which be bss ever since maintained, as among thu best and most distinguished poets or Ger- many- This volume, which the publishers have Issued in a solid small qaarto or MH pages, aad most scrupulously printed, present ed for the first time in English dress, will just now bo doubly welcome. The author lies a Hold sbundsnt In material, and ho ha» gleaned from among the choicest and moit Interesting i the stirring Incident* oftbst berolc time, Ihe magnificent nuptials of Maximilian and Mary, the contest between France and Germany, and all Ibe circumstance of roman lie sdrenture, render the subject a most bril- liant one.

Mr- Sargent, tbe translator, Is a native of our country, has lung iiecn known as an excellent poliilcal writer, poet and scholar, eminently well versed in ihe modern languages and lller- a(ure, ihe author ol several productions of great merll, and peculiarly well qualified to ap- preciate snd sympathize with the author; be dedicates Ihe volume to Oliver Wendell Holmes, v Jl. Tor sale hy Stratum.


4 I

! ■


l&he Hifmexxcan. LAWRENCE, FRIDAY, SEPT. 29,71.


A Milwaukic, ffl»„ dlapalcb atatei lhat in view of the court* punued I'f Bunner, relative lo Ooldimlib Maid* irutiinK, the* offer to put up *..'■',■'■", «" ?In.1"1" lhat Dexter cannot vlait Mllwaakiean.t beat the Maid'* time; ihey farther offer lo pm up #,OD,(H» that l>«»ter cuu not iKMit the Mill In a trot! in* match at Cold Spring covrst, Mllwaukle.

The Ancient end Honorable Artillery Com- pany propoie lo vMt Europe mrnu time next year, and a committee uf twenty-five have been ap->oinieil to make iliu Decenary armntte- mt-nt*. Next Monday l« their Fall field day, and tbey will i*uy Pwd, ■MwrapanM by the (ler mania Band.

Sonic of the Path Journal* have milt the discovery oi a contplraey In that rity, lor the restoration of Napoleon li la Halmed that 1'ie- tri, Napoleon"! Prefect of Police, is at the head <>( the movement, and at-ilng under the tHrttt Inttrnrttoaa uf the lat» Emperor,

A t'miotn II HI.c Inapfctor, one Uc Laugh II n, »j« murdered on Sum'*) last, for having 01- tlered (be H *ure of two hundred mule* wbirn

Thu various lal»r Intarrati In New Voik arc nrrurcluu for a general strike, that will far ttlipu a»j lormer proceedInRS o( ihc kind in

thia countrj.

The Combination fair and Hume Show opuni at Portland 10- Jav. It i«r xpVt }J to make ll tlio most «i crc Mill Hint lia IllTl red for many

3 ear*.

ei' ft.. 1, nl. it m> 'tins at WOT-

renter, ttii- ,v- linn nl.i-h klip idwhly licad-

dnaatd 1.) ■ in W|| : d inn y ptn ninent >peak-

The hou ,. md .arn o Michael Nay*, ol

Bui IIJiui 101 wr o Inrn d ye Icrdny morn- log,

Tbc yellow fevtr nlata In Cliark-imn. S. U. Tbirty or forty deaths are reported weekly.

The delegate* to the Siate Convent Ion will very generally no to Worcesier today.

Slate Senator Polk, of Now Orleans, is :i vic-

tim of ihe yellow levrr, In that city,


A laruc n bar of iho delegate! to the Wo?- ceiter Convention arrived in tlmt city on Tuca- day, and at once proceeded to the general head-

quarters, which was the Bay State House The State Central Committee were present, and actively ronnlilerirn- the lie*! method of organ- izing the Convention In a speedy manner. Each of the llncc Ktitiernalnriil candidate* had their baadquMten at the May State Nome.

The boiler in Ilardeman'a Hill, iwcnty mile* north of Montgomery, exploded -ciu-nlay af- ternoon. Of eight persons etnplOfed In the mill, live were kilted and one fatally Injured. One person was hurled one liumirnl yards, and turn In fragments; another was Mown tllty yards up hill, and terribly mantled. The mill la a total wink.

Cierlei K. Pierce of Limerick, end Win. A. ]■' v.' of MIII .i', were Inttantlr killed l.y Ihe caving in of swell ihey were dlgglftK on the larm ol John Lee, In Draeut. They were bur- led at a depth of ibirty feet from the surface.

A -ecu ml ilemona tret Ion has been made l.y the "Women"* Club"ol Waalilnglon, for the * up press Ion of the social evil In that wicked city, hut apparently without mceeta.

A peace jiiliike was he'd, lint evening al Mu- sic Hall, in Bo'ton. Thu best minical talent and able ipcakerl Acre present. The udniis- alon was free.

A dispatch from lUelgh, N- C.saja that twenty*lwo nwrnben oi the Kn Klux, who urc under indictment, have inniessed their gllill

Another plot has been overhauled to place Napoleon on a throne. This time it i* Bel- Klum.

The lli.verhiil people are having a tine time at tin- |i|(eun Miootfng ut Keoo/ t Like.

The (Jirninti troops are faat evaeuatlnf* France, and returning lo their homes.


The Republican* „f lUuacbuaptta are In bo eonKralulftted upon the liarmonl- oua reeulia ol the ''onvi-ntiou on Wodnet- iley; not thai the end reached wan In ihe only path of Mr I adorn ; nut thai other lead- ers ml/iit not hitvc twen vltoaen, rrjually honorable Mid even more deaervlnjr; nut that the Htumlurd lia* UIHU plaoed In the only tiiiinl- able In hear ll pr Ity at trie head of the old column ol our Common- wealth. Hut that, after ao animated and exciting a ranvaaa. Into which a degree ■if puraouil bluemtu end uoellllty had bMn Infused, without a parallel hi Amer- ican, politic*, a convention, one ol the ui '•■■■! ever held in oor Stale, with only -i\ vut'Hiit Mjata in its toll ol more than Him Utembere, slttintr mi entire liny and until alter iiihhiixht. ahould be able, by the juatiee of \<* ue lull itml IHIIIIVSH Ol detrition; bv the mutual coiiceealoit oi pereonal preferences; by the graceful withdrawal ol candldatea for ii- highest honora; and <>\ itn* honeat, hearty, man- ly concurrence uf the lemlinjt contestuut. in come out of no lleree a contest »lth iiinlli iilcil ranks iiinl an uitbrokeu front. < il -i iu^ an unexceptionable candi- date, whose banner will rally the ion): Hoe ol Maaaachueelts IreeDien to another ax- isiilt ami a victory.

The Convention, largo, cuthtislaatle ami Interested as It was, proved oneof the most orderly ami good natured ever con- vened in our cum moo wealth. The ('res- ident wan a capital officer, cool, Itn- nurtial. thoroughly posted, and with the ability to keep the Convention sharply up in the work before It, while all sldce tu ileco-iicst sppmwl determined lo cxer- else to ihe tulli-t. lalniena ami good lea- ner. The wlthiliawnl ol Dr. taring, vhich lie t-ffecteil In one Of Ids model peeclies, lor the elegance and eloquence

of which he Is without a peer, simplified the canvass, while ita tone Hint Spirit won hundred* of Iresh friends for the future; Mr. lllce, Andlng his friends largely otit- numbered by the supporters of Mr. Wash- burns, followed in a telling address, i>]owing with allusion! to tlie record and future t,f the party, and closing with a declination 10 he longer n candidate. This permitted u com hi nation o( the friends of all other candidates against Gen. ItUtier, anil, an Ihc result proved, securing his defeat and the nomlnitlicn of Mr. VYaahburne by 171) plurality.

The action nl Qcn. Hntler was juat luch as hit Irleiula have assuredly predicted from lh« outset, and which the slanders and calumnies of his opponents could not disturb or change. While all eyes were upon him, he rose, and in a frank, digni- fied, earnest speech, accepted the verdict nl the Convention, t ndorscd the fairness of its action, and urgtd his friends tu continue Inside and not outside the re- publican organization. Ills honorable and characteristic course left the Conven- tion united ami hnrmotilotis, and with 10 excellent n candidate, without divisions or i-iilfep, the party will go forward with :i single purpose, and to a result already


Very Largo and Exciting Convontio

Nomination of lion- \

' Congress, and thu ft nch Chang) j and minimum law* aa will tin

In II r revenue I and navigation lawn a* will tend 10 restore itio

i.u..: !■-■. of iblp-huildlii.1 and tblp ownlnu to a j condition of he«lthtul prosperity should lm ! made without Ions of time.

.Vaatiburn. , R,,.,t,.<i, That the Kepuidican party of Mai- ! aachuteiu Is tnlndful of Its ohliicatiom to the

Afternoon and Uvening Scaalone—Mr. I i„y„i women of America tor their patriotic de Waehburn receives 643 Votes, Butler votton to the cause of freedom, that we njolce 40-1, Lortng 8. Rice 1 —Butler Ad- I '«» l*>e "ate action of Siate Legislauirea in re oreeeee the Convention, and will not ! cofn./log the ntneH of women lor puhllc tru.t


lati.iMi^AHi. The later afternoon trains Tram Boston and

■l-i'whir.-, hrougbt large nuaihers of delenatea ind others, and the corriders of the Hnv Htale,

up s'aira and down, began as early aa live o'clock to present an extremely animated ap- praraaca. Ihe Stale Central Commiitee aa- stmb'ed in one of the parlors at the liny State liuuse, iiiiimt i o'clock, fur the purpose ol con- sidering a icreat variety of niatleri, hut chiefly in rclaiion 10 iho matter of Issuing tickets to the delegates. Dr. lAirinn, the ehairman, pro- sided. AlmuHt Immediately alter Ihe doors were dosed, Uen. Butter asked admittance, which i i-irit- uranted, the (iencral read a letter which hint come to his noiice, and copies of | which he hud had printed and distributed by bla friends, KollowinK la a copy of the letter: j


NoKTu*MCT(.N,Sept.'J:t, 1S7I. > hUlitMoftkr Repubticnn

(iKsri.KMiN:— Your printed report of dele- gatea rbuaen in Hampshire cuuoiy i-* noniulte lull. We want to keep up an big a »0ow ii.. HUM Putter aa possible, and then It In bad enough. I cunleaa to my (cars that he wilt get the uoDiination. 1 hope that Springfield will chose a contesting delegation. In my opinion it will tie the nest way to keep out LbOte elected last night. If not successful, It seems to me nu barm will be done to try. Much depends upon the make up of the Com- mittee oi Credentials. That must be managed. Hampshire county—Batler "; Washburn, 38,

Yours, truly, Li KK I.VWVN-, Collector.

and that in view of the irreat favor which the movement has received Imm many of tbe It- publican patty, the suijcct of surfraue lor women is a question that deaervea ibe most carrful and rrspecttul consideration.

Rtmteed, That the llepublieau party of Ms,- aaefausetia join with the citizen* of the state generally in recognising ihe llilality and ability and honorable methods with which Ills Excel- lency William Cl.ittin has discharged for three years the hlKb trust committed to him as chiul magistrate, and that he has won the cordial ac- knowledgment of tbe entire people for tbe gen- eral Huccesa or bis administration.

O.i i. »■■'■■ iiiMiu.; at ■'- o clock, Mr. Kicc, of Worcester, moved that Hun. A. 11. Kiee tie re quested to address the convention; the motion was unanimously passed, and amid considera- ble applause that gentleman mine forward upon tbe platform. After tliunklug the ronVenilon for the opportunity 10 say a few words, lie re- ferred to the use or t>i» name as a candidate,

disclaiming n"v activity In the movement though he felt highly honored hv the interest his friends had shown In advocating his claims He alluded to his course during the campaign claiming he had conducted himself according to his ideas of propriety and manliness. Keel- ing it was his duty to preserve the good of the state above anv office in the gilt of the people, he therefore formally withdrew hi" name from

Clal ed that Mr.

the i' meil. mil

Lyman, who is A member of the State Central Commit- tee, had no right to a voice In regard to the credentials uf delegates, on account of the par- tisan spirit shown in the above tetter. He then retired and tbc matter subsided, tbe com- mittee taking nu action on bis protest. The next thing considered was the matter of eon- tesUngdelegations. It appeared that in Iron ' Slielburne K to II' cases there were con test I tig delegations i ot Boston

After a lively dlecoukra between Rice llutler in regard to a partial report of the com- mittee on credentials', a motion was carried to

adjourn till seven o'clock. S ion after seven o'clock the Convention re-

assembled, and the committee on credentials made their report, as follows :

Whole number of delegates, 1HW, Towns and cities represented, J141 Of the contested cases, the lollowing mem-

bers, who have received tickets, are entitled to seats: From Athol, Adams, Ward S, Cam bridge, Chelsea, Chlcopee, Cbarlcstown, Uanvers, Glou- cester, llardwick. Mllford, North Hridgewaier,

t Ware. In Ward .'. ot tbe city

I. 1 in Teahody no persons

flen. Grant at tbe next presidential elccilon." Oen. Bailer's remarks were frc<rient!y ap-

plauded vociferously, and al the close cheer on cheer for him arose.

Tbe platform was adupti'd, with an added resolution complimentary to Waahburn. The ballot for the Attorney-General resulted In the choice of Chan. It. Train, of Boston, over 1'. l.i'n'iv Aldricb.of Worcester.

A resolution was adopted pledging the party to do ita bent for the elevation of the condition of women by investigating facts, and giving uch legislation a* i-ball be for her benefit and

tbeadvautageofail. TbeU.kct was completed as tullows:

Oliver Warner, Secretary of Stats; Chas. Endicotr, Auditor; Chas Adams, Jr , Trea-

The fallowing on-tin- tnrinbt'ra rifled upon the tiinte Central Committee, frum Ksst-i Connlf i—

I«t Distrlrl-JwniihH Lewis, of Lynn. ■8d •• a*o. u. Lartag, of Ha|un>,

■M " IJM, H, «.TI HI, ,.r LasrreMta. lib " Kben T. Colby, of Salisbury.

■ ■ill " l.fl I ,Sh»w, of Ituckpurl.

The following Memorial was presented from ihe Mass Wuman Suit rage Assocla'Ion, through

Hon. Chas. W. Slack of Boston:—

v.. tu. Htpitbiienn rnrin or afasancawaeU*, in Shile 1'uiirfiitiim .Imrmtfeif The Mun-ai'liiiiiiiN Woman Suffrage Assoctattun

reapoatfalli rf<iu»t ilie Kefeblleaa party of Mas- •achuaetla, In .Stain Cunveullun aatembli-d, to adopt arvaulutloa coDllrmii'tt Ibe ilijhL uf women to the elcellve I'riin.lil.,- unilrr our form of government, and to take mn-li other measures as la II* judgment seem tiral ealculateil to enable thu women ot Mns- suchusella lo eieretiv this right.

Women have IB* same personal .mil propuHy rUlus as men, Tbey should have the SSBM power to protect ihi-lr rights. In a republican government self-protection takes tho political form of autrrsge.

Women pay laaes, and should have a volre in Ihe

n hour's dttcnasloo of v

It'ichufort has petitioned Ihe «i" ommntatton ol his sent ■•nee.

llio Woatfior or soptamisor.

Those who Gxamlno tho following record will not be surprised to learn that IMMIW loll for an hour nl Jefferson, N. II., lust week. The mercury this year in September, has ranged thus far much lower thnn during tho correspond* inir month in 1870, and there is n plenti- ful crop of colds, coughs, and sore throats in conaerjuenoe. The following la from Uto hooks of Mr. Oilman, at tho canal gate:—

September 1st, se m



The RepjBbllcsni of .Vow Vork are having a .■■ruiiiiv ilme at their Mate Convention. Some of the leaders of the party express confident hopes Dial the delegates of Murphy and (Irce- Icy to the Uepublican convention et Byrteoie, will i|uanol and cause a spilt In t e Itcpuhllcan part-, and enable Tamman- to carry the State. A terrible light ensued yesterday afternoon, be- fore the organisation. New Yoik rough* broke open the gallery door, overpowered the police- men, and entered the contention. It was half aa hour before all note expelled. The police, during ihe attack, drew revolvers, and knives

and slung shots iluurinbed everywhere.

A fire along iliu coast of Lake Michigan, be- tween Maniionoc and Ahnapee, is sweeping houses, stores, and piers In its course. A man Who escaped through the flames, at ihc risk of his life, slates that twenty-two houses and horns arc already destroyed. Thu people are burylnj; goods In the ground to save them. Tho losses in Kewaneo County amount to a ttuarterof a million dollars. All communica- tion wiih the burning section is cut off, and un- less rain lets in, the loss of life must be fearful. The lake it the only resort for water, as the wells are all drv.

Tbe Trinity dm. m» ml cry Knights Templars, from Augusta, Mo., arrived in Boston, last evening, and at once proceeded to the Wavetly House, in Ctiarleslown, where Ihey aru the guests of iha Hu. 'i de Tame-.


A brig

Blend, u siood I >y i put off In weio lust.

The New York Kepublican Convention ad- journed, ntter completing its nominations, lust nlttln; tbe (Jrecley wing, after withdrawing, held u meeting, and are lo Issue an address.

The board of tuperrUors are delaying the pro-eoutioiis againtt tbe Tammany thieves, by

nd papers to tbe committee

"raised o:i Orogbeda liar, En- ay, and while the lifeboat men outit of Ibl heavy mrf, a woman t mid saved one sailor. Six men

refusing the nl -event.■

sive ind t t mill, nil Hu iiuva, iti I1 ne:i,

Tumble is leered in N'* paid city laborer*, who a towards a r.ot by the rmgh

The Democrats are hewalli donement uf the Kepublleau hopes for " Jack " are lint.

Hon. John p. Hale, was km


frnrti ud.

CJarvcy, the great plsi rinir, has lied to Europe.

Tin: M.i .,i I,I

lo endorsing the tusulLol the \Vi>reestcr (.'onventlon, niter Ids Jcli-at. altlioiiuli no siir|iilae to hi- friends, was i|iilte dltTerent from the slanderous kitsliiiiHllons by U\a opponent* throughout the niHVA**; from first to last,even niter Ills tlMlurt avowal «r spur i in rebound by an honest convention, I Jen. Hntler ha* been pursued by misrepresenlallunH as to his intention to he a candidate at all ha/nnh. and if possible, break up the republican party. Ami jet, with the I ict stilling him in the lece, that his defeat was only aennm- pllahed in the ron vent Ion, by the votes of those who openly and dellantl) their delermiiiiiuiin to hnll frii.n liiation, if made over so Inlrly, tien Hnt- ler, true to his repithlieaii eonvlelions, came ti| hly ami honorably, and de- clared hie tlelvrnihiatloii to accept the jiiilgnii-Ni of his enunciate*, ami in good faith to by the notion ol the convon-

OVEKTURNKD.—At a young iinm in n Imggy was turning from llroadway into Kssex atruet, lnwiirihs tlio depot, on Monday, by somtt means tho vehicle was overturned. Thu top was scmirut- eil front ihc body, rind the horse started with the remainder nt lull speed around in front of the depot. lie was thrown down by runningagninst some obstruc- tion, and the shall was broken and other mischief done. The occupant of the huff/gy picked himself out from the ruins antl followed the horse very deliberately mid coolly, u* il sin h disasters were ijniii' .-in cvery-day occurrence with him.

Afters sliioni—

Vuteil, That the Secretary issue i".■ f. ■ ■: . to the delegates having credentials signed by the mil ■ cers of the sevcrnl caucuses held at the time and place designated, under the olllcial call of ihe several city and town committees, and that all contesting delegations have their claims re- ferred to the convention, to l>e considered snd reported on by such committees as the conven- tion may appoint, or as the convention may otherwise direct. It was also decided lhat the delegations claiming seats occupied by those admitted on lirkcis should be allowed access to tho gallery, and at a proper time their claims sbou'd no In inrc a committee of the conven- tion, and all have a fair hearing.

The I.orlng meeting was organized by tbe appointment of W. P, Phillips, of chairman. The speakers announced their de- termination to sink to Iioring. or go tor Butler. A meeting of the friends uf Rice, and another of the filends of Wa-hburne was also held. The Butler rally al Mechanics' Hall was one of ttie principal events ol the evening, and the as- sembly was one or tho largest ever gathered to- gether there. Every scat and available stand- ing position was occupied half an hour before thu meeting was opened, end the audience were a little Impatient for the appearance of tho dignitaries upon llio platform. At three min- ute* of eight tbo dignitaries made their appear- ance, and a couple of bands in tho balcony started the well-known air "Hail to thoCbfef." Mr. Jerome F. Manning, of Worcester, called the meeting to order and Introduced, aa the President of thu evening, llon.G. M. Butiriek of Barre. The President delivered a short ad dress, mid alter stating that General Butlci would shortly appear, which announcement was hailed with cheers and other demonstra tmn-. he introduced Albert Palmer, of Boston as tho first speaker, and ho occupied the time In defending thoir candidate, and favoring bis nomination as Governor, till tho arrival ot Ge Butler, who was received with tho most enth siastfc demonstrations, the audience rising to their feet, cheering, and waving their bats and handkerchiefs, while the hands again played "Hail to the Chief." The General thanked tho audience Tor Its cordial reception, and said tho approval of tho people WBB belter than gold and this reception compensated for tho irutf of iiiili and vituperation which ho had waded thrcugh. The cheers uf Ids filends were aa barbed arrows in the hearts of his (Buller'i enemies. If his canvass amounted tu nothin|i lite, It would bring him Into closer intimacy wltn the common people, and lhat would bo

'■nu iliiru; that ho had loutt dealred. |Ap- plausc | He now adverted to the Intense feel- ing against him by the official cliques and rings, and said that even the pauper nnd lunatic asy- lums with their inmate* were brought to bear against him. [ At this stigo of the General's remarks some one in the audience sung out. " That's right, General; " "Give 'cm hell;" Cries of "Put hlni out;' "Order;" etc. | "Oh, don't put him out," said llutler; "we don't hear the truth very often now, and besides, he may be ono of Hie escaped. | Hoars ol laugh- ter greeted this repartee, and tho General then resumed his remarks. | Somo thirty minutes were occupied by Mr. Butler, when other speak- ers followed, and Ihe meeting was closed amid loud cheering and much enthusiasm.

M(IRXIM) SESSION. The hour for the meeting of the t'oiivcniloti,

11 o'clock, found every scat on the floor occu- pied, all the delegates having received tho tick- ets before that lime; soon alter 11, Dr. Loring, Chairman of the State Central Committee, stepped upon tbe platform, and was cordially applauded; after reading tho call, and stating some preliminaries, ho was, on motion, unanl- mouilv Invited to act as temporary Chairman, mi.I accepted In n speech of great earnestness and eloquence Cant- George 8. Merrill, Sec- retary of the Stale Central Committee, was elected temporary Secretary.

Tho usual committees on credentials, perma- nent organi/ition and resolutions, wore ap- pointed. On motion uf Gen. Butler, the re- maining seats in ihe galleries, to which admis- sion was by I cket, were thrown open and "the people" lei In.

Congressman Dawes offered a resolution, » blch he supported In a strong speech, declar- ing members, in contested cases, entitled to seats, for the present, whose credential* are en- dorsed br tho local committees; Gen. Uuilcr opposed tho resolution, and quite a abarp de- bate in- ii I between the two and others; final- ly, on motion of Mr. Went wort b of Lowell, ihe matter wnn reftired to Hie coniinitle on creden-

i Ward G, Bojtoi ■el delegates are entitled

Mcnec* Sara-em, being sworn, lesilfle.l ; Ws- eatled to examine a woman found dead ; the house was No. 4U West Cross BtfMt; found a woman dead, with her hack broken; warned to have been done by contact with aoitiu lirau, labatanee; tin- bones were badly smashed, such a blow as wss inflicted would kill any one; Ii seemed lo be a very bsavy blow, In thu lower part of Ihe bark, near Uu pelvis; the skin was not broken, and no other fracture of any bone ; think On) Mow received Was On- cause of her death; uudonlood. wbuo I wu called, thai thu woniao was killed by an engine □■ the railroad; ahould judgu the Injury 10 bu tuel ai would hava been Inflicted by an engine In motion

UHO. Uublnaon, re-eellad: TbS englue waa run nlng alone when 1 saw ll; the iiasaenger cars were about 12b feet lo ibe rear of thu engine; It la the custom to detach thu engine from the ears, before reaching that place In the ro.d; i| la their cuatou lo whistle about thu lime Ihey come In alglit from Uelbuen; It ».. Immediately afisr the regular whistle that the alarm waa sounded; would nut take more tbmD a oiluute from ibe tlms tho whistle sounded for ibe engine to reach where tba woman






republican caucus for tin; choice

memory ot nnliijunrinns who love to re- fresh thu preacnt with tokens of the hero- ism of the [mat; Indeed, should wo not all love lo cherish sueli memories?

The story of the " Frye elm " ia inli- nnitt'ly associated with ono of the brave achievement* of colonial limes, nnd, too

of delegates to the several conventions, I with till Essex ancestry; with a word was held in the Town Hall on Saturday ', preliminary it is as follows:- evening, George II. Poor, chairman, i

anglM t plea

applying bla b wua on ibe same side uf tbe waa that wua k. 111,-1. betweer aput where abe waa fi.uu.i, an died feet of her.

■■- ■!■ 1 U ■: ■.. ,,.:. eogln* In Mancbeatar, N. II.; an rente, Manchester, and « woman with my engine tw. half-past five o'clock, on L.T!b,ISTI, a few rods from


t.<,g|!>, i La

mount ai Wnmen ..bey

nilltai uftai and ahould ha


I Free hi riitis.— Tuscan Lodge

held their annual elec- tion, .HI evening. About one li nnd rod member* wen present, Tho lollowing were il. lie,I i-lliivrs for flu- ensuing year:—Worshipful Master, C, W. Wiiterhtmsi'i Senior Warden, li. K. Tilllart; Junior Vfanlen. E. M.*; Secretary, I'. li. Kobinson; TreBeurcr, Kniiis Ilccil; Senior Dea i, W. F. Farnhum; Junior Deacon, W. S. .Miller. The officers elected will lie [nslnlled mi Monday evening next.

Itov I'KOUM-II— A hoy iinnicd .lolin . Ut ii.K.ii. Donnelly, alwul lour years of age, son

til Joseph Donnelly, If. Allen street, was drowned Tuesday, by lulling from the bridge on Spring street, into the Sulaket river. The accident took place nliotit h.ilf-pnst twelve, and the body was re- covered in about an hour. Coroner Siowe wns notified, but be deemed tin lni|itest unnecessary^

.1 .1. Mfl.vitKs. Ea^., of Liverpool, the manager of the famous lloyal Insurance Company, of Liverpool ami l.omlon, « n- In this city. Wednesday, ami In company with Mr. John Edwards, the agent of the

1 company in Ihla city, |iald a visit to the " ' I'aolllc mills. He was courteously enter-

tained by Mr. Fallnn. ami i-xpressed his pleasure With the excellence of nor

I'M!-, propo- 1 arc entitled to set 1 the ■ m:. ■,'ni.' (ft

seats. From lUvcrhfll, no deleestc at lariii entitled to a seat. From Hvde Ilatk the con- icslliiK deleiiatoa are entitled to scats. \ mi- nority report was presented by Mr. Went worth of 1 ..■■.■,■■■.i. flen. llutler moved thai tbc report, except in regard to the town of Penbodv, Ward (i of iloston and Hfdo Tark, be adopted, and that ihosc eases tie acted upon separately. Tl,i. was opposed hr .ludKe Hoar and Mr. Morse of West Hoxbnry. Mr. Wentworth said they found lhat in Ward 0, ot Boston, the sit- ting delegates were t-lioscn in Ihe place desig- nated for the caucus, and are duly cert died by the officers thereof. In l'cabody, the sitting delegate* were likewise chosen at (he regular

iKCns, lfit to 10. Oen. Butler's motion was lanimously adopted. Tho Chairman then tilted that no person

from Ward 5, in Qosion, were entitled to seats, nd the delegate at large from Haverhill, was lso Ineligible. Mr. fJcrry of Hyde Park, one

of the delegates ruled out, said he had been a member ol the Uepublican party from Its in- fancy, and ho had given money and time free- ly to tho cause. Mr. Cheney, Ihe oiher mem- lier from Hyde Park, said Mr. Ballon and him' self had come to ihe convention with tickets duly signed, and asked lo be admitted, saying that lie, and not the other gentleman, repre- sented the Itepublicans of Hyde Park, and af- ter a short discussion, the bolteri (anti-Butler) were unanimously admitted.

A minority report was submitted, relative to Ward '., Boston, and to Feabody.

The Ward 0 case Came up next. Mr. G.O. Stiatiu, l; staled the caso lor ihc contestants, laying all tho blame of the disturbance upon the colored men (Batter), and charging that there was repeating and voting hy Democrats and buys, and said lha> under the circumstances of fraud, ihey couldn't help belting, being un- able to got a fair vote. Mr. Ruflla followed for tho sitting (Butler) memta™, detailing tbQ

proceedings as described In the papers. Judgo Hoar followed, saying lhat Ibe com-

mittee cons Id ered It as a question of evidence, and thai II »m established aa a i,„ i thai there was a mob noise and confusion as made It Im- possible to proceed; that It was proved that more than tho majority of votes cast, voted Il- legally, and the majority of the Itepublicans wtre obliged to leave the room. They thought a minority ought not to lie allowed to carry ibelr point by such laciici.

Mr. Carter, of the minority ol Iho committee, said be did not Iwllcve It was a matter of evi- dence. - Only five minutes were allowed to each side, by iho committee. There was no evi- dence Introduced, except these flve-mlnuio statements. He was satisfied, if there was fraud, it was on tho part ol Ihe bolters. The plans appeared to have been matured before- hand.

No farther discussion look place, and tho vuto was then taken, the delegates voting by counties. An hour and a half wus occupied In laklnu ihc vote, which wat announced ot half past ten

I In' only t ITvclual safeguard ofinillvldusl rights and nu-rsoual liberty, tbe only practical guiraiily against corrupt political cumbtnatluiis and class legislation.

JiHIi FaKKHAK C'L.iBKK, ['resident. .lit.lA VTABP Howe.

Chairmen EaeeatWe Commltm. Worcester, Sept. IT, Mil.

Mr. Willcomb of Ipswich, olTcied the follow-

ing resolution: — ftVsoOT'', Thai the Republican party will do

Its heat to elevate tho condition of ihe wages- receiving ponion o( its citizens, by lull and hearching inquiries into the facts bearing upon their condition, and hv such leitMatiun as lhat inquiry shall show to lie lor their advantage, having respect to tbe judgment of the laborers of tho Commonwealth themselves, as to what measures shall he best adapted to their wants.

In the list of vice presidents we find the name of Dr. A. J. French of this city. W. H. P.Wright, I 'l , was one of the committee at largo, on resolutions. Capt. tieo. S. Merrill headed llio list of secretaries.

Ar>.iiiurncd sine rfn at 1 i'..

noord railroad; kilted a < or i hu .- rulnutea before UM afternoon of Hept. he Cross street crossing.

it 1 Hral saw t.ur I was about Iwunly rods from when I rlrnt aaw her abu appeared to bavu

MOM Up from ihe ■ i .,ikHI.-E.I ; dm was clcur j track at that time; she waa milking from me, gradually m-arrd Ibe track; when I thought ■Mi- in danger I blew 11.- wbiallu with suverul

whaicve: rereed the engine; lo Ihc signal; she

I. paid i the

i thee ; did i led tier

ie train waa abuul tblrly rod., behind DM, ami ful- iwlug; I had to gel out of the way; I ran down ud fit tbu train pus ma and then went baek| rben 1 Ural whistled the alarm she waa uol neur nougb for Ibe cuglue lo bavu hit bar If shu hud lafntalned that distance, when I gut back found erdead; waa detached from Ihe cars, because It

1 Iron the

III ll 1,1 Me creili! ■ llH-liigl.e . l-.nil. i

nnd | ;. ■ i in- i ,i. i

great model maim fact tirlnjt eitabllah.

" ' *+++*

TIIKODI> FKI.I.OWS made a very line Hpoearnnce as they mareheil tp K*N street this niornl g. on their \ ay tn the

C.unty cilebiali 'ti at l.ytm; In- ranks were *,•«1 r*■ full.

liaile. The convention was formally organi/o '. on

repiiit of tl,o committee, \i) choice of lion (ten. ¥■ Huur, ol Worcester, as chairmin, with Ihe usual list ol Vice Presidents and Secreta- ries. After inner by Its v. Sir. Wood, ihe President made an earnest and tolling address j ul I l I, ihc loiivoi i adjourned tu it o'clocb.

t; 1 I KMIIIA M.,»Mi.s. t:.. i;.invention rea"*ei«bled at a >|uarter

past iluce ,, > link. Hi. Luring read n letter I ruin tiuv. dull to witbdrawliiK blumelf as a candidate, Hr. Loring ihen addressed the con-

.andi.luic fur tho lioveniiimbij., and feeling it inr the itituiista of the Uepublican party, he withdrew bis name from the contest.

Mr. K'CS of Worcester, ottered a motion MINI

when tbe vote for candidates Is taken it he by iMllor, and that the vote of each coiit.iy shall he kept •>> itself throughout, lie did ibis tu - cause ha wished t!iu hallui to be such thai no one Could say it HUB ■ I - unfairly.

Tbc Coanaltteeon Resolutions agreed on tbo following ^solutions as their report: —

Whereas, The Republican party needs on "new departure," but a strict adherence to those principles that have preserved the I'nlnn, secured freedom and equality hefore the law to all classes, and diminished the burdens of thu people iiv un honest and economical ail mini, traiinu ol tbe government, therefore

/(....iiVeir, That the Itepublicans of Massachu- setts renewed I * give their adherence lo the great principles that have guided tbe National ftepnblioan party.

Hi •••!! • if, That i lie present National mlniinis- irauoii b> ihe largo reduction ul tbo National debt, and lot its linanciiil tnanagemi nt, is en- tlilrd nxiiir rum mend at Ion.

Kr*ulitii, That the Kcpnbliiun jiarty ol Mas- i.ii ■■ ■.! > has been and is Ibe parly of progress and reform, tlml Its great mission is to hlotoul ul) elans, that it knows no class to be favored, and will permit none to be Op- pressed; by regarding all citizens of the state us i quali More the law, ii seeks to secure for ill cm ihe blessings of free education and pro- leition In every held of honest Industry and ihe position ol Massachusetts in Us credit at home mill ulmni,! uml In Its rank umong the must forward slafei of the world.

//.,.,/. ..i. i lint ihc lone eon tinned depression of American "hipping Interests should receivo the immediate- and careful consideration of

i. of

of Ihe ci the Feibody Total Tho rcpr

case «al adopted, oxcludlng boib delegations. At a little before eleven o'clock, tbe grand bus! ncss of tho convention began, and a motion was made that iho first ballot be a formal one.

Vote declared at hall past twelve. Whole number of votes, 111'.; Necessary for a choice 609; Alexander 11. Bice, 1; Qeo. B. Loring, 6 B. F. Hutlor, HI I; Wm. Ii. Washburn, 643 K. W. Kinsley muved tbo nomination of Jo- seph Tucker for Lieut, fiovernor, by acclama- tion, which was carried, Gen. Butler then catno upon tho platform and said: "Gentlu- men of the Convention, I - ■ 11■ i ■ ■ ■,- It may noi i» uninteresting to vim i<> know my views of the result, and IT It please you I will slate ihcm to you. After tho retirement of tiov. (Jlaflin from the canvas 1 allowed my name to be brought before ihe Slite, and followed whin measures I saw lit 10 induce a relni the Uepublican pailv In two liadiiig I was met by tho press, by organisation, by patronage of tie' Statu tlovcrnuient, and even by our Senators and by somo of my colleagues in Congress. I have endeavored to treat them one and all ai ttepubll nu, and to hold high tbo lianner o( ihe Republican parly, anil so much u-i in mo laid so lu condiicl tbe campaign as lo lead lo goo I results for tho party. I was then met with threat- from many if I was Dominated thuy would bolt. This would have Justified mc ia repudiating ihe nomination of a convention thut had in it men who in ■ uen threats. Uut I am a better Republ that llieV lendoi i-.1.1*111 And now, buviug seen tlmt this convention has been conducted generuly in a spirit of fairness, and (hat there has been aa little of fraud and mistakes at In possible, and having fairly sub- mitted my claims to ii, and knowing the prest heart ul the Siaio does not believe the slan- ders of my over zealous opponents, I acknowl- edge ni) sell hound by its decision, ax a man of honor should lie.

With thai I have said enough, but 1 cannot i i and give from ihe depths of my heart, my thanks, nny, thanks sic not enough devo- tion lo ihe almost WO men who stood truo lo me, against promises, ami threats, and blan- dishments till this time- no man ever had such

: .li before, and nu man shall do no more to deserve than I do. Inside thu Uepublican party the light i-hall go on lor its regeneration and purification, lor the advancement of labor, the mission of the pariy, and I summon you while you yield to Hie decision of the majority, yon no on in the work which has been begun, and sooner or later thu end will be Attained When our true nodes shal I have been learned. and when the slanders repeated shall have been lived down ai slanders limy he by find and true men. I tender my thanks and hearty congratulation" for jmir .success which hasn't been weakened by my own. tuber things ihait lioastlng should be Ihongbl of nuw I thank you for the spirit of courtesy and kindue.s With which 1 have lieeu treated. Let the party reform Us errors in its own way and press on for the nomination and election of

Fatal Kallroatl Accident.

A* the liulf past live train from the

north was approaching this city,on Wed ni" .1-iv evening, a woman who proved to he Mrs. Jane linker, wns struck by the engine and almost Instantly killed. From the testimony before the eoroner'i jury we learn that the 'Jeccased was the wife of Sir. Itctibeii Ua- Iter, and resided on West Cross street. Having business down town, she ascend* ed Hie high railway bank, at the over- head bridge, near the cemetery, with the Intention of walking down the railroad to the depot, i ,ulte common practice by Ihe people living: in that vicinity. The northern train was coming in, and the engine was already unshackled from the cari<. as utusl ut this point. As soon as •he stepped upon the track she was ob- served by the engineer, and the alarm was given. It was shown that BIIC had Mine lo step one side, but she seemed be- wildered and continued on the track. She was struck In the back and thrown some twenty feet down tbc embankment, un<] immediately expired.

Coroner Stowe being called, he sum- moned a Jury, and an inquest was held this morning, In the Police Court room. Tlie following wt-ru MM- Juiura. II. M. Whitney, foreman; Melvln Meal, A. It. Brcwstcr, Timothy Oajfood, K. S. Sor- ter and Dyer S. Hall.


At the Inquest tbc following testimony was taken:

lteubcn Dskcr, being called, testified: Reside 40 West Cross street. Wife was killed about J I o'clock, yesterday afternoon. Did Dot see h killed ; laal saw bur alive on Lake street, about 10 minutes before she was killed; abe waa gulag to get a pair of shoes repaired ; did not know at lb time whero she was going; within fifteen or twent; mlnules afterwords I was noll'led thai 1 was want ed al the railroad; went there and found my wlfi lying un Ihe bank, dead. Heard a whistling about lhat time, mure so than usual; she was in tbe habit uf nubia" to town lhat way, aa abe Ibuughl It nea

Lucy ,1. itr.'Y, bolog called, testified: Heard unusual whistle and was attracted lo lunk at railroad; saw awoinsn, alandlng, I thmight.on side of iIn. track; saw tho englns pass where she was; when tbu engine passed did not si was within one hundred feel of the track ; im tbo opposite side of Ihe track from whero I waa ■landing-; inoaifat the woman was killed, and was ulnii.l lo go and aeo her; 1 went In about llfu-i-n mlnules afterward* ; saw her lying doad ; shi lying on the bank whon I first saw her dead; never was so much attracted by tho sound of the whistle before; hear ll every day; have lived there two years.

Ilco-f-sltoblriion testified: Was acquainted with Mrs. Baker; saw her killed yialcrUay; first saw hor aolng up from thu street lo the railroad track; board tho eoglno whistle as usual; afterwards beard several short, sharp whistles, comBMBOUIg noar Ihc llttlo pond, west of ihe railroad; when I first saw her on iho track, the engine was qutto near her; saw Ihe engine strike her, throwing her down Ihe embankment; ran to I gasp Iwlcu. After tbo wblsillog It was abuut a toloute before she was struck; whui I llrst saw her, think she was so far away from thi track it,.ii ii..' enalao would have cleared her, If ahi had nul Hepped in the way of It; she seemed be wlldercd somewhat; I went to her; saw her down tho embankment, distant about T feel. There ii fence up, that would Indicate lhat there should be no passing up to Ihe track; It Is nol a oommon thoroughfare; sho waa knocked about twenty feet dlaiaol, and three or four feet in tbe air; Ihe en- gine was alone; saw tbo flremia put on his brnkes ; itirniiii.r cars was following; the engine kept on to tbe turn table; the engineer and Dremua cume back aoout a minutes afterward.

John P.auveui, bclag sworn, loaitlted: Baw a woman pitched from th* bank of tbe railroad, by Ibe engine; didn't see her before tbe engine struck her; I was up at lb* Arlington Mill, distant one third uf a mill-; Was attracted by Ihe engine wl,lu- ll.-, hear the whlsile every day; waa more than usually attracted by Ibe locliny, Irregular whistle; the Aril tlmr ..r th* alarm whtatte It was but an lii-lBDt before It alruek lha woman; there was ample lime fur any oue to get out uf the way after tbo alarm whlelle; the place Ie properly guarded by a fence; aaw something Ibruwn down ihe bank, wbkb Ibe enilna llrUOk; went to the scene about tin pen minutes i flerward, and iai dt-ad, and tiling II

ward, and saw a woman )>b.g .a lha object struck by tbu eii- ii from the track about twenly at about Iwealy-nve mluulea

i, testified: Llvi

aft.-r iti are s killed; .aw h. r on tli •ban k | 1 sard an Beta at wblilibig of Ihe Bfl eat -txiii one bunilrril rai is fro i.i 1 • tree n -ra- atlracti-d b* Ihe e ■III a whl-ll ; went up to nt bank, ud •aw kin II >n I 11 bar

just s.t ■ 1 glue tbr w her; w- dead w ten 1 saw hsr Aral 1 ■ n I ni'I 1 saw her ha Kill the eieepllo or being 1 jrned ver IS M . . -hi did when Ihe engine left hrr; there waa more than nsual whistling of the engine; bave heard thu en- Mine wblsllu an alarm before, but never heard one so loud and shrill as that on yesterday; think It Waa about half-past live when the accldonl occurred.

Henry Jeffrey, being sworn, teetlned : Was uol acquainted with Mrs. Maker; saw her llrst about ten minute* paat six uVlock, on thu afternoon ut September 271h, IST1| saw her lying un the bank of tbe railroad; was coming borne from work; she wu on th* east side of the railroad; tuok Dbargo of the body; I am special pollci-niaa; waa directed In lake charge uf ihe body by the coroner; look il to bar hutband's house. No. I'J West Cross Hire. I; •laid olth the body until the arrival of coroner's jury, tin- body hid been handled aa raors than waa actually necr«anry, from the llnia I llr-i look charge of li, until the arrival nf lh<- coroner's Jury; con- shtered I waa on police duly when I look charge of the body; tin- ooroaer and lutf relieved mc from duty at abuut qurler I'""1 aloe o'clock; Ibere Is nulling lu |nuio any person M travel by ihc path

Sclent tu In,He all' Dial il would be trcspia- m t,„, ,,| lhat way, live abutii one hundred foel front win re airs. Baker was found Joadi Ibe embankment la a-ldu em.UHb any person Hi -land while ihe en- glne paasea; ITiini ibe plan' ■ here »!"' woal up lbs ttabanknunt,to where 1 found har lying, Is'about •Illy yards.

mite above where tbu l of blowing the rcgu- ; duu't know win. lo

warn; suinellmes there la a great distance between thu cars and locomotive . the coUductur uf Ibe train regulates that; 1 could not have Stopped If there bud been no train behind mo; If I bad Slopped tbe cars could have been slopped; If I could have stopped in time tu anvo her, 1 should, aa I could have got out of tbo way of the approaching train ; I run on llio road every day; peuplo travel that place considerably; I always keep a laokout at that place; dun't know that 1 have ever sounded un alarm before lo people In that vicinity. Ilsvo been an engineer eight years; never had an accident be- fore. Whun f guvu the alarm thu woman paid no attention; did uol appear to hoar Ibe signal; she acted like a deaf person; when 1 went back asked if sho was deaf,

Ulchnel Kslley, llreman, being sworn, testified : Iteslde In Uanchoater; am Mremaa on the Law- rence, Manchester and Concord railroad; waa on the engine yesterday when tho engine etruck a woman and killed her; the alalemeni made by tbe engineer is substantially mine; no new facts could bo elicited.

Tbe Jury returned Lhoverdlct,that tho eald Jane Baker came to her death from Injuries received by being, struck in the back by danchostcr & Lawrence railroad, at about half-past Ive o'clock, on the afternoon i>( Wednesday, the tTthduy of September, 1611, Tho Jury further find hal the railroad corporation have used duo caution

against public travel at tbe place where the acci- dent occurred, by fences and all available means, which should bu MI Hi.-lent warning to any person not to Ireapass. Tho Jury further I'nd that the ei gtneer used all possible oare to prevent Ihe sec dent, by algnats, and reversing bis engine, and it,. In no manner can any blame be attached to any of tbe employes of the road. The Jury also recommt the authorities to enforce the law In relation walking on Ihc railroad.


Tho Republicans of Lawrence, in accordance with the call of tbe city committee, gathered at tbc City Hall, on Monday evening-, and bell oneof the most onthuslastie caucuses known for many years. For an hour before the time appointed for opening; tbe meeting, ibe hall was completely filled, and although much ex citement prevailed, yet everr one seemed good uaiuite, ana inuut u|.i,u hat lug B.U open and fair caucus.

Both tho friends and opponents of tien. Dut ler bad been hard at work to bring full strength, and [n this wo think each fully succeeded, for there must have been at least 1000 people present when Ihc chairman called the meeting to order.

At 3 o'clock Mr. N. W. Harmon called meeting to order, and read the call for the Caucus. Ho atated that the friends of tiuu Butler and those opposed to him, had agreed to recommend the following persons as officer of the caucus:—Gilbert E. Hood, I'resldent A. J. French, Secretary; vote counters, W. F Gile, A. C. Stone, W. B. Coan, J. O. Abbott, b, C. Drew, W. II, Lougee; for cbaHenuers, D. Blaisdoll. J. W. Weeks, C. A. Brown, I'. M Black, Jus. A. Me ten If, ,las. M. Currier, E. 1' Poor, Albert Kmorson, Chas. il. Giles, John Phillips, Jr., X. A. Holt, Oeo, W. Merrill

Mr. Hood, in taking the chair, thanked the meeting for their confidence, and hoped tlmt each person present would assist him in curry ing out the object for which they hud me

an orderly manner W. II. P. Wright moved that in con*c|u<

of the caucus being so large, and both pm being prepared with printed ballots, each per son entitled to vote pass over the deposit bis ballot on the table In the presence of tho vole counters. W- F. (lilc moved an amendment that the check list be used many persons were present who were not publican voters, this being tin) only way the wishes of the republicans could be shown Wright opposed the amendment on the ground that time would not allow tho using of tho check list, and though the friends of Gen. Bui ler were as anxious as his opponenta that none but republicans ahould participate in the vot Ing, ho did not see the need of going through a list of some sixteen or seventeen hundred of republican voters, that would take till m In order to get the wishes of the party, Glle again spoke in favor of his amendmont Mr. Sherman supported the motion. The amendment was then put by the chair, and lost. Mr. Wright's motion being put

ried by a large majority. Wm.S. Knox moved tbe following resolution:

ffceVfrftf, That this Is a Uepublican Caucus, an that none but ivpubllcana bu allowed lo vote ft. delegatea to the Worceater Convection, and that a Ittful'lietin means a voter who baa hltln lib-iiillled wild ibe republican parly, or who here, after Intends In good faith in lo bo litentllled the republican party,

Mr. Sherman supported the resolution, and hoped that the Mends of tien. llutler would vote for ii; Ihe resolution w»s then put hy the chair and carried- The voting took at, forty-live minutes, the result nfwbleb was-

Whole number, linn Necessary for a choice, ."illl Antl-ltlltler delegates. &1Q llutler delegates, i;80 Mixed vote, 1

nnd (he (fuller delegates were dee amid enthusiastic cheering.

After the repoil was read Mr. 1 that a coin milieu of live bo app, chair lo select llftcun persons lo ■ committee for the ensuing year; the cum mine appointed by tho chair were A. ■{. French, \V S. Knox, John R, Rollins, W. H. P. Wrlgh and Tempest Birtwull. Mr. Wright move that the delegates elected to the convention lie authorized to fill vacancies. The commlttet reported the following names as n eltj commit tee: N. W. Harmon, tl. S. Merrill, end G. k Hood, at large. John R. Rollins, R It. Hnnl man, W. II. P. Wright, O. K. Davis. John Bam ford, A- J- French, W. li. Coan, K. P. Poor Levl Emery, Johu Phillips, Jr., Wm. Smith, Werner Bailey.

The above report was ado Iton. The niecilnu then arl

state Prof. II . on his "fl

ed elected,

nib uiovod led by tho

our licit M IK.IIII-mid iiiusi iuindigent i say he ia entire master of his calling.

and E. Kendall Jenkins, secretary; the delegates to the State Convention were chosen by ballnt, nnd to the other con- ventions by nomination. The rollowlng is the result: —

STATE CONVENTION — llutler Ticket: Wm. C. iJonald, 78; Lewis li. Holt, 7»i Joshua II. Chandler, 71); Chas. C. Blunt,

; Thomas rJowell, I. Opposed to llutler: John Corntdl, til ;

Jumea B. Smith. 60; B. Franoia Holt, til; Chnrlea I,. Carter, (il.

COUNTS' CONVENTION; (Jeo. II. Poor, Geo. H. Taylor, K. Kendall Jenklne, George Foster.

SKNATOHIAI. CONVENTION : William Chlckeriog, George W. Chandler, Geo. Stewart, Charles L. Carter.

The town com in it lee of last \»ir. wrti- sistlng of K. Kendall Jenkins, tico. U'. Foster, Charles C. liluut, Wvman 1>. Huseey, and llenj. Boynton.were unani- mously re-elected.

Tho proceedings of the caucus were characterized hy tho utmost fairness and Impartiality. Tho organization was given to tho friends of Gen. llutler, without .*!'in.-nu-ti. The cheek list was used in balloting for delegates to the State Con- vention, although there seemed to he no necessity for it, as no one, not n voter, would probably have attempted to vote. The committee to nominate delegates to the other conventions, selected four friends of Gen. llutler, and four opposed to hiiu ; both parties were entirely satis- ied with the manner in which the pro- eedings were conducted ; there was no

scratching of tickets excepting candi- dates who were too modest to vote for themselves.

I'tie tenth In the course ol sermons to the people, was delivered last Sabbath evening, In thu Town Hal), by Prof. J.

Churchill, ol Ihc Theological Semi- nary. The hall wai completely lllletl, and the Professor jjave a very eloquent and Impreselve discourse from Komnns,

By request uf those who have had charge of this course of sermons, Ihe care of sustaining them has been given Into the hands of Ihe Voting Peoples' Christian Association, of the South church and congregation.

George W. Chandler has been drawn juror for the October Superior Court, criminal term, to be boldon at Lawrence.

The attention of (he ladles Is directed to the auction sale of millinery goods, at the lower town hall, on Saturday af- ternoon and evening of this week.

The Andover National Bank has de- clared a dividend of $". per share.payable on and after Monday next, Oct. 2d,

The dedication of "Spring Grove Cem- etery" has been postponed for one week, and will take place on Wednesday, Oct. Hi!i. The address will be delivered by Kev. Wm, B, Park of Lawrence.

Mr. Henry T. Arnold, of the last class in Ihe Seminary, was ordained nt Lyman, Me., as an evangelist, Sept. 27th. Mr. G. II. Freneb, a graduate of tbe Semina- ry In 1807, has received a call lo settle over the church lu Johnson, Vt,

Kev. James Thomson and lady, of thia town, sailed from New York for Liver- pool, on Wednesday last. The visit abroad is for Ibe benefit of Mr. Thorn- Bon's health, which has become Quite 1m paired.

The first of a series of six lectures upon Egyptology, was delivered In the Semi nary chapel, on Wednesday afternoon, by Ilev. Dr. J. P. Thompson of New Vork. The audience was large, and the lecture able and elo^aiit.

We ere requested by an Individual, l invite all persons who bave borrowed books, tu return them to their rightful owners. If Ihls is done, we -bull receive a copy ol the Adjutant General*! Report lor lsU-1, which lias been gone several years, and breaks tbe set. Another pel sou would gladly receive the History of Andover, which he lent a long white ago.

James A. Roberta has sold bin real es- tate on Abbott Street, to Luke K. flow- ers of Medford, formerly or this lown.

(iiu-ata at M.-in-l.m llouii-. week ending Sq.t, 111 Barn'l Wlllta ami win-, Aiulover; Franklin Ulbba wife and ehlld.yiai Lovatl, Beaton| KloharJ Latb era and wile, M.„ Kama Lateen, sin. Andrew Wst-MM, Hew York; C. Hulberl and "liter, llo-tun; Mr. b Sir.. K. Uniely, Mi.. Moaely, N'ewbnrrport; Char Ice Wheoler, Lynn; W, J. Poater, II. Osfeed, H. D. Williams, V. Creamer, Salem; Alfred U. Hull, Anduvtr; Mr-. Carrie E. Spot'



I'. Hay ward, Nuw York; J. B. Homtra, Hi C.W. Ruaaell, Annie Illanchard, M. Kiln Itm Lowell; 8. W. Hale, Kaeae, N. U.

Cattle Snow.


The lllty-llrat exhibition of the Essex County Agricultural Society was held at Ipswich, on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. On Tuesday, at 11 o'clock A. M., the election of officers was held, Gen. William SuttOD, President, and Chas. P. Preston, Secretary, were re- spectively re-elected, and a board of thir- ty trustees was chosen. Aini.nj; tbe trus- tees wc notice the following: C. C. Blunt, Andover; I. Herrick, Boxford ; Sherman Nelson, Georgetown; D. II. Siickney, Gmveland; L. Emery, Lawrence;.!. S. Howe. Methuen; J. Flint, Mlddleton; J, 1». IV, French, North Andover. The un- propitious look of Ihe weather prevented a very large attendance, hut a goodly number were present.

On Wednesday the wuulher was de- lightful, and the attendance very largo. The annual address was given by Hon. .1, S. Howe of Methuen. It contained many valuable hints upon farming, and abounded In good sound sense ihrouith- out.

Tlie show, aa a whole, may be consid- ered an average one, and there were very lew contributors from this section of the county. On ihe premium Met are ihe ml lowing; Durham hulls, J. Klttredge, No. Andover; two-year-old Ayrshire, II. o Hen iek. Lawrence; farm and drill horses, P. Holt, No. Andover; bread, Mary Marley, Methuen.

Dr. Iliird of Ipswich, hi charge ol tbe hull mill vig. table hall, had a Hue dis- play in lhat department. D. H. siickney of tin vaileilesof grape', which were delicious and beauti- ful.

Vor the Uwrrnee dmerl&M. North Andover : Momorlnla or Indian

War Tlmes-The Frye Elm-Anciont Houses,

The noi.i,1 "Fryo elm" on the old highway between thu north and south parish** of Andover, is crumbling i„ iliM-ny, with old ngc, liiiil within :i lew years, this .-.lull Iy tit-.-, ;i well rceo<-- nixed -ul.. -I the .lit's of Indian ! rttirlitre, has aloud jtwt over the vlllilgu | il North Andover, bi-aulilnlly vigorous; nil n..w Hs i..|. is ham of foliage, Its ' ..■.ni, .I i.l.l limbs Mri-t.'h iilolt in pililul ! iiv,KMtIon, iis nlurdv lornieil trunk in I i.i.i; uml color shown decrepitudit, and | Im- are .1 indications that a! i'« more binrnis will end im Ijviug

record, save as Hint shall last in tho I

the close oi King Phillips war, A. D., HJTfi, tilt the period of final rid- dance from French machinations with the Indians, by tbe fall of Quebec, any up to a generation preceding the Ameri- can Revolution, the eolonista of this por- tion of New England were exposed to depredations by the Indians. The in- lluetiee of France, who held the country to the north and eastward, was thu most potent cause of these distressing hostili- ties. The colonial government offered rewards to fighting men who would attack these hostile Indians. In 1724, so threatening was the state of things that tho authorities themselves organized an expedition to destroy their principal village. This was done, and Father Sebastian Haste, one of the leading Jesuits who had for many years been prominent in exciting hostility to the English, wa-s killed. On the head waters of the Stico, at a place called Pigwackett, now Kryehurg, so named from Jonathan Fryo of Andover, who set out this "Fryo elm," there dwelt a famous chief, Pau- gus, with a warlike tribe, who, secure In their remote position, made war at their will upon tho frontiers. To over- awe or to destroy this liili-, a gallant company of men, mostly from Essex County, set out in April of the next year, under Tupt. Lovewelt. On the Kth of May, alter almost incredible dlshcartcu- ments, a portion of the company reached the spot; fought the most bloody battle in Indian warfare, killed Faugus, anil accomplished at ft frightful sacrifice of life, llio main purpose ot tho expedition The consequences resulting from this fight, the heroic hardihood of tho men who ninilo it, together with the thrilling narrative and incident concerning it, have caused, and must always cause tho Pigwackett fight at Lovewcll'a 1'ond, to be a conspicuously memorable event in colonial annals.

On an April day in this year I72B, upon tho slope of tho hill which stretches down from the old road above North An- dover meeting house, towards the pres- ent cily of Lawrence, a young graduate of Harvard College, quietly antl alone tlug up a sapling elm, bore it to his fa- ther's house on tho hill-top, nnd with a presentiment of his approaching fate, set it out before the door, declaring ns ho did it, "This shall be a memorial for my friends to look upon;" and It has beon and shall bo, tho spot at least. This young man was Jonathan Frye, chaplain of Captain Lovowell's company, who prayed, and fought, nnd died in the wilderness of that bloody brook at Love- well's Pond, in Pigwackett light, May 8th, 1725, and the "Frye Elm," of North Andover, set upiby his own hands is his memorial.

A half century ago, this tree, it corded, measured in circumforonco two feet above the ground, thirteen feet eight inches, ami seven feet above the ground eleven and ono half feet. Tho diameter of its limbs exceeded eighty feet. Peculiar appearances In tho sur- face of its main trunk has given a degroo of credibility to n tradition which runs, that tho townspeople at some former day, in order forever to preservo this elm from tho axe, drove spikes into such parts ns might ho so exposed nenr the earth. Certain it is, howevor, that many years since, on llio occasion, ono winter, of a great scarcity »f fuel among tho poor of North Andover, the select- men of tho town finding this tree con- veniently in limits of Ihe public road, proposed to cut it up for firewood, whereupon, Mr. Sam'l Knnpp, principal of the Franklin Academy, n flourishing institution of tho time, moved by a beau- tiful sentiment, which ought never to be lacking in our old communities when ennobling memorials of the past urn in question,— came generously forward and bought tho "Frye Elm," taking n formal deed of tho spot, thus dedicating it perpetually, a memorial consecrated by tin heroic death in the service of Q community and country. Mr. Knapp's act in this should be remembered; he thought that such a record, with its souvenir, should not bo suffered to fado out in ft few generations; that every token of heroism in tho past should bo sacredly treasured.

In 16118 tho Indians made nn assault on Andover, nnd Un -re is at least one house now stnnding, in good order, from which the occupants wore taken. This is tho P.radstrcct Houso, on the Haver- hill road, near the village. Thoro aro parts of houses certainly which were built before 1700 Perhaps some lover of antiquities in tho Andovcrs, may bo in- duced to prescrvo tho last fading memo- ries of tho ancient houses which may he left, nnd the Burcst way is to put thorn In the newspaper; for tho modern press is a capital means of taking enro of his- tory, local nnd general, as wo make it; llio daily press is certainly Iho best source for local history. '/.KM.

Flowers, Foathers,

Ribbons, etc., In Auduver,


At tlie Hew



Hats nnd Bonnets Made and Trimmed


WILLIAM Y. STARK, i ti...,'., i-.v with c. C. llolbrook, Boitoo,)



Tho LIFE OlFwU.1 LC»: ; lu the Uniti- of Ihe (>oa|iela.

11 r KKKI.KItH' IIAItLINKll, l>. !>.,

iWlaltr School, Au i. ■ ■ ■ I., ..-. in U-MI,"

Price, $1,110.

e rontlnanni narratln

n-i'tii. r ..f inr'l

, j„ I.,1.1. „ MB Irl Hi,,

..pi-urn iioi-; nnrt in Hi.- fuul-m 1 mad,' lu |n"«Kf. In 11..- Old Tm-a.

in. :.t ri-lailiiK tu Crhiat ur ijuoti-il by Mm. Mir lite or oar Lord ha* ut-rn of late y,

aeate 1 In tucfa a taultltud,- of forma, coin Hie vlewa and tln-urlm of sui-b a inmtl inla i II.nuI', i lull It la hoped [hi )ir,,|,.-]it . Hurl i.> i'H aent that lire fa tbe exact form ol the J r, cord, witbout addllli.D or abate meat, may tend I tin- Incrraae of the teal knowledge of the lilt- i tlif Saviour of mankind.

Tbe work la »p.'clally adapted for -**■ ihi"'" "

I. r..| "in,

tlie family and In aabbath-a-hoola and Biblc-claaari.

■rp2U UAHHKS F. DUAI'KH I'ul.'r,


TOWN NOTICE. undenigned will be In aeialon at their rorbuiinc-i.on MONDAY AFTKRNOON

Beat, October Sd, JOHN 11. FLINT, ) Selectmen RKNJ. BOYKTOH,! or LEWIS O. HOLT, > Andorrr.

Atiilovrr.Svpt.iU.lhTl. It

Commonwealth or Maaaachusr.lta. ESSEX, as.

To the htlrt-at-law, and other-. Inttreated la the .■-tai.-of WILLIAM BAMFOBD, late of North AmiuviT, 1» aald county, maoblaiat, deerued, loteitate, Greet Inn:

Whereat, Ueorge Foster, the adrolnlatritor of the. -'

tbe eatate of aald deceased, You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate

Courl,tobeheld at Newunryport, In laid county oi Ka-rx, on the Third Taeaday of October neat, at nine o'clock before noon, to abow i-au-e, If any you bare, why Ihe aame ahould not be allowed.

And the aald adminlatrator if ordered lo terve thia citation by pubM-hlng the aame once a week In thu Lawrence Amerloan and Anduver AII«IT- tlaer, a newtpaper primed at Lawrence, three week* aucceaalvely, tne laal publication lo be two day i at leaat before aald Tneaday.

Wltncai, Ueorfe F. Cboate, K»q., Judge of (aid Court, thia twenty-aeventh day or September, In the year eighteen hundred and *eTenly-one.

et-pifli A. C. UOODELL, HegllUr.

TO LET. mThi- tubaerlber will let, on reasonable

teimi,'-luill of hi- Dwelling Home. It oouilat* of eight rooms, and la tltuateil near tbe Holt School Houae. tie alto hat

a Water Power upen til* prewUet, which will Iv let with Ihe tenement If oealred. It ia deiirable for a wheelwright or oilier mechanic requiring waterpowcr. JAMES l\ KOBKHIB.

Andorer, Srpt.K, IH71. St

nul nil other

A CARD. The membert of the Ilaltard Vain Ilraaa Hand

take thia opportunity of eaprettlng their thank* to J. ]'. BR.AI.LK-., Ktq, and other*, who have ao freely and aeneroualy contributed fnadi for the benefit of the band. They wlih, alto, to tender their Diaokt to Mr. JKIK. jru'i'ru for hi* effort* fniheir behalf.

Italian! Vale, Bept. IS, 1B7I. It

Audio.. Sales by tieo. Foster- on SATIIHDAY nrxt, Heplimber 30th, at 2

7 o'clock, r. Id., at the lower Town Hall, Mlt.i.i.SKIt V -lock of good* belonging to] Mary K. Durgin. It conalit* ol Flower*, Velvet*, Silk*. Hlbbona. I.acei, Edging*, Button*, ai ' great variety uf other urtlclet uaually found millinery e*t*bll*baient. Sale poaitlve; te

Andover, Sept. 39, 1*71. II

Standing Wood & House Lots IN ANPOVKR

public ancfloa, oi * *' .un the i.i


Com-aoiuemffh •>/ .irn-Jiicftuj-fi-. [L. S.J To .mil N' DKISCOLL, of Andovt

tho county of Ktiuz, and tr- •»» ■"•• ■» ■ pcraoo* claiming any lotere

About one pint of whiskey In one bottle, About forty gallan* of ale In two barrel*, which, by virtue of a warrant IteMd by the I'ulkr Court of the dty of Lawrence, within and fur aald county, have been telied at the dwelling bouae und place of common retort of aald

John DrUeoll, in mid Andover, oa lha lftth day of September, la the year one tbouiand eight hundred and icrenty-one, the value of which liquor*, wllh the veeiuls containing them, doe* not, in tho opinion uf aald Court, exceed iwcnty dollar*.

You are hereby required to appear before Mid I'ollcc Court, to be bolden at Lawreaoe, In aald county of E**ex. at ■o'clock. A, M.,on tbe Mil. day ot October, In the year owa ihouaud tight hnodrcd and *eventy-one, to anawer to tbe com- plaint againtt aald lluuort and the veatrlt contain- ing them, and for trial,and to *bow oauae. If any you have, why aald liquor* and the veiteU con- taining them ibould nol be forfeited for being kept for tale by **ld Joha Drfacolt In violation of the law* of Una Commonwearlh.

Wltne-t, WILLIAM STLVKas, Kaqulre, Jaatlce of tald t'ollre Court, and lh« *eal thereof, at laid Lawrenee, thi* day of September, la ihe year one tbuuiand elgbt hundred and lavrnty-one.

O.K.UKKJUH, Clerk. A true cnpy-Alteit, KELVIN HEAL,

2UepW Conatable of the Commonwealth.

Efitato tii'orn^ L. Greenlcaf. Notice I* hereby given, that the tubaerlber hat

been duly appointed admiulatratrla of tbeettate Of Ueorgc L. tireenlear, laic of North Andover, In the county of Etaex, carpenter, deceased, and ha* taken upon her- ■elf lhat Irutt by giving bond*, a* the law direct*. All peraon* having demand* upon Ihe ettate ol laid deecaiod are required to exhibit Ibe ai ■ ml all pernona indebted tl upon »*" " '

No. \.i,i.iv.-i. .■..].!. ■■;, 1B71.


Kalnte Horace I*. II. nut.

_ . Board, lute ol Andover, In the county of Eatex. merchunt, uecea*ed,and bai taken uponblmacll that truat bv givingbondi.a* the law direct*. All peraona having demand* upon the eatate ol aald de. reated are required to exhibit the aame: and all peraont Indebted to aald ettate arc called upon lo make payment to

JAKES O. DODUE, Adm'r. Mi iliii.-.i, Sept. IS, l»?l. lift

Eatate Hfumah W. Foster. Notice fa hereby given that tbe tubaerlber tia*

been duly appointed executor of the will of llm li W. Foi

.toy ( I baa lake-

late of North AIUIDV tingle woman, dtceated, upon himM-If that trait DJ law direct*. All pertoni navlng; demandiupon the ettate of tald deceated are required to ex- hibit the aame; and all per ton* Indebted lo tald eatate are called upon to make payment to

HOSES FOSTKK, Executor. A ndover, Sept. S, 1871. 116

la lliinkruntcy. Dlatriotof ltaaa.,ia.

The undcrtlgned hereby give* notice of bla ap- pointment aa aiilgnee of the eatate of

SAMUEL B. LOOKS, of Andover, In tbe county of Kaaex and date of Uaaaachnaeltt, within aald dlttrlcl, who ha* been adjudged a bankrupt by the Dlatrlct Court. AXEL liKAKBOUM, A-.lgnee.

Uotton, Sept.0,1171. «U

Furniture ft Fioture Rooms, Opposito the Memorial Hall,

Where can be found a good aaaortment or Bed- ■laadi, Bureau*, Sink*, Waah Stand*, Table*, Chair*; Hair, Palm Leaf, Uutk, Eacelalor.aud Wool Uaitreaaei. Alto, a general a**ortmrnt ot I'lCTUHEb, Oral and Bquare Ptoturo ICI'IUIIBK, Looking til at let, Curtain* and Cur- tain Fixture*, Cord and Ta**el*.

Curtain* trimmed and hung, and general Job- bing done. J'irlure Frnmet made to order.

JOSEPII ABBOTT. Andover, Aug. II, loTl. tl

Will be told i I.-I.I'M i 7th, a

.Summer .tru I'aahu. It co willb'

J he I the lira


, oppotlte the bouae of Ucnry F. i|*i* of hard and pine wood, ID ia lo ace u in mod at.. The wood removed from tbc prcmlie* befoi

Same day. at KOUH o'clock, I*. M., ou the prom I *e*,rkven House Lot* of 14,000 fretraca. altuated a few rod* cat! nf the hou.e ol lleury F. I'a on Summer atreet Condition* of t*le exceedingly favorable, and ihe loti very det'iable for bulldl'- purpoae*. J. V. BASSETT

Anduver, Sept. tt, IBJ|. :lt


The . i,' li i of rii,,1,'r to I.ota In the Spring lirove Cemetery, will bw otared ai ,in.<ii,.u ..„ WE ONES- DAY, October nth, 1871, Iai medial, ly ufurtbe

' ' dfcailoo. Sept

AN DOVER SAVimil HiMi. he roin.flng I* a Lit ot the amounlri tlamlliii lie eredli ol di-poiillort In ihe Andover Saving* ,k whkM have not been entitlid lo dlvidenat luterot for two )eira nrxt pteiedlng the date MIf, i , ,'IIMI- tbe aame exceed* the imount on

Hury Bl"<id, Itobert Winning, I" .ir!::- I ■ I'. . E.-luil-oii Stenmi

Andover, l,',.' ■■, I awn nee, KS3| Heading, ftW. 0 HelMuen, ■.riini. Hi .iii'K- il'i ...

JOUN F. K1HBALI., Treaiurer.


ha* al way a on hand a large aajortmentof Coitfaa, Caakcta, Robee, I'liiiea, Ac.,

which he will I rnlth at the aborleat notice and the belt manner.

Alto,having aeveral Corpie Preferring Catet, he it prepared tofurulthloe and preienre bodlei whendeilred.

Order* left at Kenidence.on UIOM STHXKT.WIH *" -omptly attended to.

- * 1B70. Andoyer Jan.l,


Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Butcher, Storo, Farm and ItusineBa Wagons.

ear-Repairing In mil It* branchei; and all work warranted aa represented.

Andover, March 31, io71, tl

FURNITURE. •ubieriber ooatlnne* the

Furniture bualne** at hi* eitablifhment on Main atreet, next to Ihe l*oat Office. Ilpholaleilng and repairing done lo a auperlor manner, and l'lclure Frame* ooniumly on band or made to order.— Cofflni, <:a*kcl*. Bhroud*, and I'tatet of all varietli*,promptlyTurtilihed alreatotiible print.

TEltUKNCE HENKY Andover,Oct. 7 1870. ll i


Andover, June". IM7I. II. P. BOLT,


RKMOVAL. I he aubtcriber* have removed their looal bunl * to Ihc Meat Market formerly occupied by

>hn ii. Flint on Mala St., neat to lha Town Houae. alealt and vegetable* canalantly lurnlah-

1 at the ltarkrt or delivered at th* reaidenecaol Mtomera within reaionabto rtlitance.

VALI'KY BHOIIIEKH. Audover, Junta, isri, if


.ndlng the fai'l ilia

ir. TlK' building li

tllmle, and spla.hte ew»)

lie birr feet, utterly unui niba water dfui ..r it..'

.. in. |.r.T»tory

t ..!.'■ ■ '-n»i in liUdirection bj hnndredsuf poor wretches who have been In'111.' wilier* <j!

gall and bitterness through the InsOBOirmallly ut

the precious Ml la scoundrel. Then there1» Hawaii.

from whose bill i- pnjrcled aprajr of lh( Quest and

DHMl dsiillng dMcrlpllon, Su, between Cupid and

Dill graceful aquatic bird, tie itiu.l delirious ini'lo-

dlin its warbled. A short uUead la a clr-

vular platform, occupied bjr

■I'll il I* |.r, l.bjc

jof of the ■jU.ality »r the in

it this orchestra I* engag,,]

noon and evening during Ihf

naeleni judges, lu

untry. So belli-r

i perform every nf.


He la uf i

■ally 1,

e your i-iliiiiu liiIgbt,

Ml yuii

111.1)1 u

ID tha top uf 111,

I:>af black cyri

I he jollies

wome <S>o OCII

I tilt 1-UHTC-tH'L- II. ././- J- ■

mi enlarged form tho pri

t'.VIl fVI'tl-

. N.,"

Keating hnau'i a partli

ll head, hut lie lui a pair of spark-

nry .l.lkleiicy. Then, Keating bus

klu.l Ufa motiilai-I.e, a full face, an »-(ui-

llne nose, and au expression whleh shsolulely tie-

flea description. It Is nad, divided ami absorlul

while directing his orchestra, but change* Immedi-

ately, aa the weird notei die away and friends crowd

arniiad to aaluto him, Into llie keeneit and moat

rollicking eppreclnilnn ..f b.'a surroundings. Reel.

liiK'a poilllon I* very prOmllMBt; but IIIH long (Jon-

II III-III il Hotel eiperhncu ut the Dranch, ban ao hi-

mlllarl/ud him with human nature, that crowds are

of little aecuunt. *»iice, when ludh-a drew near,

and In wblipera luml enough to be distinctly heard,

would Inquire, of each other, "I wonder if lie 1*

msrrhd?" a blush waa very likely lu in-inlle Hie

young man* clieek; but now he listen* lu ibis and

kindred questions and remarks, without a change

of countenance, .-o much fur gutting used to It.

Of cuune these ladles have no Idea (hot llielr won-

dermenla arc loud enough to b_-heard. Oblctr-

t alnly not I Who laid ibey did ?

A ahurt dlilttnce. from the nn;.l.- atand I- tho largest


III Ihe country. It wua designed by Mntllu w*, and

attract! unlveraal attention, troin 11M: curious as

well ai the tlilraty. Almuat all nrllcles uf native

produce are repreaented, ai.d every Llnd of a ma-

chine poaalble to I mm! tip, la eihiblled In motion.

Ai ihe rear of the building, wood aawlng and wood

boring It carried on, btlck* and carpel* arc tnm.c,

•lonoa are Crushed, wool cirded, and papere pilnt-

ed.and n lliouaand other llilnga furwhlrli I have no

room. Thoapnccdevolrd 10 ait, In the. exhibition

la greatly disproportion it Ir to the import mice of the

-ut.I. el. Whatever may be the renaon, lbs proprlc-

turaand patron* of Ihe Innliute evidently leel that

the eihlbltlon la for uio rather than ornament, fur-

gelling that true art la In the hlgheal ecnas useful.

Art, In In patient, liborlous details, applied lo inr-

chanlcal aklll, glvea Ihe ei.julalto finish that man

pilcoln European work; and until we ecasc lo act

art oalde, ai something purely ornsmcnlal and Inx-

urloui, we ahitl not attain lu the bcit success In

material Induatry. Xvcrylhlng: that cmiavc labor,

everything that evince* Ingenuity and Innnllon,

aeemi to be truly American ; but perfect llulsh, tin

flue, delicate liat touches of the arllit, we are com-

pelled loo often (o »eek In vain. So we avail our-

sslves of Yankee skill for our kltcbcn and our farms,

and Import our ealhollca. Undoubtedly this mile

of thing* la slowly changing, but It abould be ibe

duty uf uur American loilllule to fully guage Ihe

preaent progreia ol American art,

The art collection conalata of icvoral groupi of

pholographa of more or leaa mcrll, a few chromoi,

and aiculpture depnrlmunt. Tho Inrgeit photo-

graph on exhibition li one of Iho

Here .in Ihe phllotophor, hla mild eyes calmly sur-

veying a dreadfully blurred copy of the New York

Tribune. l.v.-rj In,In before this picture, and

aa may be euppoiud, the comment* arcvHrlou*.

"I knew, when he balled out Jiff Davis, that It

waa Just a dodge for the Presidency," said a, sharp

featured man, after a long aurvvy.

"A dodge to the wrong direction," growled a Mi-

ll'-, llght-coinpkxloncd, blonde mouitached. duvc-

colored pantalooned Itnllvidnnl cloie by. Then fol-

lowed B political dlacuaslon which, If 1 only hid apaee, would be fun lo give.

"How the old fellow It us uacd up the buy Tlllon,

eh ?" laid another man, evidently very Jubilant over

tha auppoied demolljhlnent.

. "Dy Ucorgol lhafiiol" IauKlicd hi*companion.

"But I muat confeia I don't like IIr. Greelcy'a no-

llona about aecond marrlagea. Ileaay*, you know,

lhal they mix thing* up *o In heaven."

"How doe* he know? Una lie ever been '.here:"'

lii'iulredipeaker JS'o. 1.

"Perbap* so. He I* a splrlliiullt.1, they say.1'

"I don't believe hu'll buiomncli iivene to making

a change when ho land* <

doei mil up thingl a lltlle," observed a knowing

looking lltlle woman, Kilh a mltehlerou* rye.

A chroma of II. W. Needier la very much looked

at, but not generally admired. All I ran think ol ia

a big fnt boy, who lisa been ahut up In the dark

closet for making too free with Ihe pi

niiiL ii ;■ facea U Ihe mlnialer. Here w

and wc never lire

graphic power dlepll

Il would seem that, as a general thing, iiriisls In

literature, palming, or eaulpMrc, are luecossful in

proportion as Ihey blue new piths, ami produre

works that smack of the soil.

Is represented by hor lllrtan

figure, holding her timbrel

e most shapely arm,—an


a very noble head, by the way,—Ihe llust of I.

coin—which is undoubtedly a good likeness, but

fearfully suggestive of death and tho grave—and

two portrait busts of children, A few relievos bans

here and there, and this I* all. Tho fair iculptur'

eas 1* expected dilly at the Hlnk. Sho ha* prom-

ised to show Ibe public how she worki, snd this

will certainly ho a molt entertaining fustura of the

eihlbltlon. You shall hear all about It when shi

We leurr

will nppta

Mr. Hoard's dancing sellout llttl

work, unil he- now hi>ld» his leailo

inftittch w«ck, at Mu-h Hall.

At'tive preparuiiiiu" uru lieinn itn'iimi inll |"H.I I--, target ibOOt, eniertHinmciit nl the Sliennan Cn S. M. Decker.

" The Square Tlilnu " mid tin- arc ihe popular brands ol eliin1"" now lieiru' soltl in Bosiun. Mr. Cri'iVL-ll I ,.t them at his dining rooma.

Tho anelne baa been re ved >rom the spire of the new St. Mnri'tt rimrih, ami the people can nnw gtuu upon iti clearly defined otiillncs, lo their h-at-i-.' conient.

The well advcrliseil entertain men I of A.ken's dramatic troupe, oceurreil Tuesday evening, ai the City Hall, and was a most CttdiUhU aflalr. Althoii^b ihe nljrtit was luite rainy, the hall Mi well filled.

The liiilldinu being ire lad bj Marcu* s. Podftc, Biq,, on the corner of Lawrence and Common streets, is fast nearing Ks completion, and will In' unite an Improvement over ihe old shed formerly at lhal place.

The Mojor Bay* that the owner can have that other delicately shaped plove, by calling at hla store, and for tho Information of tho fuir damsels who bnvo lost gloves, bo frankly states that this one l«longs to the right one who ban Ihe one left.

The ladies and gentlemen Inlerenteil In the new Methodist Kplseopal church in Motbuen, propose lo bold an Organ Concert I hla evening, The fact that Mr. Ceo. I!. liyder will preside at the orgnn, will lii-urc a dclegallnn of the musical citizens of Lawrence.

Tho cheap and annoyinir side show, which pitched Its canvas Monday, were promptly or- dered out of town Tuesday, hy Mayor J>avla. It Is reported that they came from Lowell, and our clli/.ens did not care to have such en excel- lent umall pox breeder within Iho Itml is ol ihe city.

It is thought there will ho ltet«eon three und four hundred Odd Fellows who will go from this city to the Kssex County celebration at Lynn, next Friday. The lodgci and encamr- menli from this city will form one division, and will be headed by Brown's Brigade Bund of Boston.

Mr. II. J. White, residine on Tower Hill, in tills city, evidently knowa something about farming, IT Horace Greeley don't. He planted two potatoes, of the Early ltoso variety, end the result was the production of over two bunli- cls, the combined weight of which was one hundred and foriy-Iour pounds. Beat that!

Johnny Morrlssy, the veteran and ever pres- ent democrat, was, of course, in duty bound to be In attendance upon the Republican caucus, on Monday evening. When once there he could not resist the temptation to take a band in tho evening's excrclaos, end, bolng of the Impression that tbo people were voting for Governor, he procured a ticket headed Governor, Benj. F. Butler," carefully tore off all the delegates' names, and passing rostrum, deposited hii ballot, saying he was "bound to vote for Den, but didn't care a d—n for ihe refit of the ticket!"

The exorrliPfi wire rxceerllnglj Inter. eatiuic ilir. nyh■■in. in <l ><ll Hie inoreBO on account ol HIP c>.> I-1I< nt music lur- nUlie-l by eight Ituliee ami • i-iitk-incii, with Mr. Albert Siuitli as leader. Mr. Itytler of Uosiim, presided at the organ. The |)iil|<it tiiiti orulieatra were profuaely

I decoratet! with beaiitilul houqufta, and everyHilti* inillcnted good male and nice .1.MT.,„,:,,;,,-,,.

The chtirvh is |;l x 7^, and 11

unu hill ol nhieh has been [>a lain-iiS ,.,-w-. a,;,! unchidli.. uiohitu live persoti-. The l-clilml. :«■■<! 1 IK- )iri»>|)ecl.s ill ttlth the Indelttllsmhlr labors .

I lb 12 IHKI.

A Belentlfle Journal propound! tlie in- iiry. " Win nee ccine ileus?" to which rt'eMcin iiHpcr rcs|i>inils thai it is not

ilf (0 inn resting mi Inquiry us tbequea*

li i

HI gi ,1 |,l, lire In

slder the kind ii.iei.-t .,| ihu other boele- tifs In (own. in this enterprl'c. They have I'untribntcd, in vttrluiiiJ way*, to heU» the cau«e along, mid it ia devoutly hoped all may share in the riches ol heavenly grace, and of all may it be Bald, ">ce bow thi ee rhrUllana love one an- other."

Mr. .I. O. Parker bus sold liis house and Ian! (.n Union Street, to Eben Km-




■Lu - Ihu dock In —Kor the past I

louse has been ai

and an excellent opportunity bsd for tho circulation

uf pure air iIHHUKII the usually occupied cells; bul

I , i'l i> night tlio ally pound keeper* druve In a

"i iIL.I herd, and Ibl* DMItdBg the cleik was made

hsppy by iho cheorful ftslure* of four uufortunatu

beings, who wero complained of for being drunk.

Mi i-'. M -.ill. -II wasflnodfl and costs. Petrtek

ainilli, ditto, and also William liurlon. Juhn Ford

gut $1 without.

l)no li.itiU-l Dttlury was bruui(bl up forselllns

liquor, and received the usual 910 wllb.

lloNtiAV.—Tbo business or Iho court revived

this morning, aflcr having ouniparatlvcly nulltlng

to do for two or three dsjs.

Patrick Wilson and Jsno Klshop each found It

cost ilirin only onr cent to have a hlRh old spree,

and will probably have another one next pay day.

Win. W. fllusrt and Catherine Heaver, for tha

nine offence, had I o come down to the tune of ;■-.-"

Michael Mshoney, some ■ ; n I, . ■ und costs or 00

Edward DotMrlJ and Ssniuel Houah, for msklng

a disturbance, paid $3 and half the eusls escli.

TUKSIIAT.—An Increase of vlellms waa Iho remit

of the last night's vigilance of Ihe I,. l"s, and te

hard looklog sinners bronglit up at his Honor'

footstool this illumine.

John Davy. Uosei A. Doha, Jame* Huifey, Haul.

Sberltlan, and Mallchl Hums were all drunk, an

each paid lines ringing from 1 cent to *S.S0.

Mary ll.-cttii wa* brought In drunk, and when tit

court a*ked lit-r bow many limn* site had b>>en bi

fore it, she replied Hint she did not know. She I

a tough looking old pelt, and was let on" for a do

I .it, snd trusted UN next pay dny.

illy, foi

A- I t Kl

hex ned to be i.ii- -il fine

.1 of Ihi large,

Johsnah Dowry, whose

tongue, waa lined t.'i snd -


Drldgel Cullen, a tiller at;


WKriNK.aivw.~-Five boys wire up for stealing

pesrs, and allowed lo go homo nltli their parents,

with a promise to be ready to go before tho I'robtiie

Ooatt whenever Marshal Ilachelderculled for Ihim.

A timely lecture wa* given by l.i - Honor, warning

boys aiialiist stealing fruit, cbiliblns; sliado trees,

elo-.and ihe five above aMBtlnncd lad* were appoint-

ad a comraltlco to Inform all Ibe other boys In Ihe

city that Ibey could not follow up sneh dopredallons,

without feeling Ihe etf.-cts of the item lawi.

A cue or asiiult on an offloar, while attending

to lil 1 dutiei at the City Hall, on Ihe night of the

great niitii-, wn finally decided lo he "not gullly,"

and the pally was allowed lo depart in puaco and

hsPPli ess.

Essex County Agricultural Exhibition.

The grand old forests anil wooded liill- Blden of historic F.ssex teemed io put on their moat brilliant roben lo couiincmo- rate the farmer'a Teatlval which opened ut Ipiwlcb, yesterday,

Kssex county has a wide ami honest reputallon for lot luxuriant product! ol the soil, and the fnlr just clotted has not redacted from her glory. The Knaex Agricultural Society In ait itinerant one. ■ ■■■■ :'i. no fair K round *, hut liolilltijr Its annual exhibition! for two successive years In different sections of the county. As :i result of tills Ihcy are obliged to dlapenie with horse racing;, usually at- tendant upon Arrii'iithirul Rxhlbltlunt.

The exhibition at Ipswich, this year, although not attended by so many peo- ple, wits, lu point of extent nnd excel- lence, aheitd of Other years. The exhibi- tion of pears was extra line, die people ol Ipswich taking niany preasiuma.

The exhibition of fruit and vegetable! win* In Damon*! Hall, near the depot, and was well tilled with the entries. In the collection of vegetables, among which were miininioih beets, huge cubha^es, and mouBlroilB turnips and onions, we notiuid a EqnBlh weighing 110 pounds, while, laying beside it. was a ciookneck. wel^liing 33 pounds,

Space will not allow us to mention many article! worthy of notice. A nov- elty was presented, which might rlgtit- fully be culled 1111 " agricultural llower," that ol a perfect formed dahlia, made of butter, very neatly done hy Mary S. Caldwell, of Ipswich. The little town ol Groveland, in the northern part of the county, Betting upon the hanks of the MerrlmiK'k, carried away many of the tirst premiums ol the day. Mr. Kustlce Italch took the Unit premium for plough- ing with horses, Mr. A. L, (Juirnby ilrst premium for the best Concord and ling- ers Hybrid grapes. Mrs. Dean II. Park- er lor the. best display of wild nnd native ■lowers linely arranged In a cioss. Hen- ry t.'. Fegan, although claiming no rela- tionship to " lUirnliaui," has good taste in his selection of fowls, he presenting for exhibition line specimens of " Light Brahman" and Duff Cochins, for which be received the Ilrst premiums. These f ■ ■'- i: also received the premium at the New England Fair, ut Lowell,

Mr. 11. H. Stickucy also received sever- al premiums for line collection! of grapes and fruit.

The plowing match took place at 1 o'clock, on Manning's Neck. At 2 o'clock waa a trial of draft oxen, nnd If we be allowed to judge, we should think the society for prevention of cruelty to anlnialB might Hud a field for its opera- tion. Hero was n load of 2S00 pounds [tut opon each pair of oxen to draw up the hardest hill In Essex rouiily. Al- though the heavier yokes reached the top, the lighter ones "must tlie without the rdght." The committee expressed their disapprobation. The annual ad- dress was delivered lu ihe Flist Congre- gational church, ut 12 o'clock, by Hon. Joseph Sidney Howe. The dinner was intended in ihe society's tent, after which remark* were made by the Presi- dent, Win. Button; also Allen W. Dodge, t former president) who thought Hie ex- hibition better than the great cattle show, at Worcester, where the Hull of Haitian was running Wild, He was followed hy Dr. Seeley, of Haver- lull, Hew Mr. Morong, Mr. I>. P. Ap- plcton, Treasurer or the Wultham Watch Company, Special premium offered by Dr. l.oriujr. for I lie best teamster, was awarded to It. S. Hray, of Ncwlmry.—

^Mrtho. D(1UUB.-IDthis clis.BVpi. J0tb,a

Mrs. Marco*S. l>utltfe. KNOWLK8-—la Ibla«liy,a«pt3lsi

Mr. tic airs. A. ll.Kiiuwk-s.

auu to Mr. ft

a dsunliti'r to

UctiBAItY.-ln thlsrlly.NrrU SSd Mr. k Mrs. Ittilli Mi'IK'sry.

KABNKBT—In Ibla ell*. Sept, 'J5il ft Mrs. John Usnitai.

s daus-lilrr to

a son lo Mr.

OATS.—In ihi* rity, Beat, lltb, Mr. ft Mr*. X. Kdwin (.ate.

■laughter to

11(11,1.AM) -In thii flty, Bent, iS to Mr. ft Mrs. A.M. Holland.

It, a <tan«htet

WII.KINHON.-In this .iiy Bepl. ll. ,-. Mr*. W'llklnsuii.

lUl, a son In

Bl CHAN.- In AnJov.r, 8ipt, i'.il. Mr. ft Mrs.Uaorga Buclian.

a daughter lo

/HXiavTia^e». <JllANbLKK-llKIl.KKY.~ln Uolllusrllle. Ills.,

at lite reslilritrf of iln- fulhir of Ihe bride, hy lies. J. It., Mr. N. W. Chandler of Ht. I.ouls, Mo., an.) Miss Ulara I.. lI.tLi-y, datiBjbler of J. J. Berkey, Kst|.

VAM'EY-WAITK.-Iii Portland, Kept. SO, In SI. Luke's Cburrh, hy Itev. Mr. Hayes, Mr. Charles A. Valpet, formerly of AndoTir, lu Mlsa Velua V. Walie, ofl'.

M.Mil.AM) -TII.I.Mi . In Host.

t Msrland of Alidovt UN..)-

Scathe HuBlNr-OS.—In this

only daughter of ( sued SI >ri, 11 mos, i dys.

i-1..- ii it* none to her grave, she suffers no morr.

Shi' tins psssed over the wave to tho opposite shore.

And with lungs now Immorlil ibe Joitts In the sohg

Uf praise wllb ihe angels, a hrlshl. hippy throng. BOYOB — Hept. 17th, Mnry J. Bovs*>(«| jrs.

BUTTBBS.-Bept. itth, Fred.rlek Ratters, aged

BJtLLOX.-Sept. llth.l )'" .1. Kel

nford, Bant. t I.I-:A \ i:i AIM', ii, i'. 1'urley, youngest dstig li. Cleirelsnd, 1 yr, H in

KILLAU.—Ia Wllnilt|l< Klllam, aged IH years.

PUBT19 -In WIlmlDftt

KICnARI)3UN.-[D Bomervllle, Ijepl. i r'. Klehar.lson. aged ti" jrs. a mos, 1'J t remains were iskett to MetKuen lor inter merit.

OOKDCW.—IB Melhuen, Brpt, tttb., J. Klmb il 1.1.1 nit, aged 1 year, ' mo*, H dya.

, Hept, IHUi, inner ,1.

Sepi.Tih, Wm, Portia,

Jroa II,r

PROHIBITORY CAUCUS. Tlie Prohibitionist* ol l.awrenre are rrr|n<iled

lo meet ut

TEMPLARS' HALL, ^Corner of Kssex and Lawrence Stt.,) on

Monday Evening, October 2, at H o'clock, to choose Delr*;ale« to attend a Htale Convention (Tor nomination of Mate Officer*) to he Dolden at Trcmont Temple, In Boston, October 4th, ls7l, and Tor the transaction of any bmlnesi tint may come before them.

UlttrtiL'S JOSEPH AUSTIN, Chairman City Committee.

For Sale, in Methuen, ■pa**, I H-+ mile from City Hall. I.awrenre, iTJjLeitate of Ihe lute Mr, KB BUM KM, MMeentalalng

Four Aftr- of t-Aii'lli'iit l.innl,

NEAT (' (i I i A i. I: II O I' 8 E

This pbtce is - ,i on Howe street, in a good and healthy neighborhood, and approachable by two j.-.m.l road* from Lawrence, Will be fold on reaionablo terms.

Apply at the AUKKICAM Office. scpL-J

Dancing School. Mils WIIKKLKU will reopen her Afternoon

Dancing School on SATURDAY, October 11, ■lock, at AKMOltY HALL, over 1'ollco

Station. inn.:1.': --~ oS li 13

The "Desmond" Property l'OK BALK.

Fall Campaign of 1871.



.- beg leave to call the attention of the public

■ r Increasing faollltles Inr supplying our cus-

ra with all the Latest Style! and I>estgni lo

he Found Its the sbove nsnied branches of buslnrs*

at Ibe i "H i i POflXIHLI i'i-l'-l .

New Fall Goods AT TIIK



Second Door from Post Office.


Successors to


rPHim i« Tvufli!


PRINTS, », V and |0 cent* yard-warranl.d rail t'olo


roar I'Mlliplt Ir,

Ices. W

■took of < iiitiii liiU'- is no*

omprlsed of Kut'ilsh and Amerlean

.which we offer at I tisa than ruling

call -ii ■ I A i. attention to Ibl* branch

KID G cpiiti —$1.00



fl.-j.-i J„.I- |«lr.

D R ^ IV,-

0 0 I) s. NOW til'llll" I

every department. Our

DicaH <!ootl» ami Slntw] DoparlmiTi

i. ailentloo. In short, 1 are reviving are deiermlm drpartmenl in our store

•ar-VVe shall open lo oT choice I'll--, tioods Vork.

BYRON TKUELL 249 Essex Street,- - -

September, 1871.

& CO.




A i. i. NE ir u no OS,

'li'-l I>t'-irabli' l'„[[,'rtH,

/. (' II* A* M r r A S H VI! I <■ E 8,


229 Essex Street.

The site of ibe Desmond Itrolheri' containing 1,1 two Tret ot land, on which cellent Itone cellir liO x'Mj ulto,l splendid 10 hone power Ktiglne and 10-horse power Boiler,— all in prrfert order; also, two good wells of water, ■Situated on Ittosdwuy, opposite Arlington Hill*.

The estate bsi a frontage of 131 feet on Broad way, and li very dciirablc for llmiufsi'iurlnK purposes. The enaiue and boiler sold se pa rate, Ir required, very cheap and on easy terms.

For farther paltlculars, apply to

tftlsepW A.V. BUOBKK,

Ku, 4 i'.-ini..-I i,M, Si , I ..itvi'.mi'i.

rie'TV YKAliS AGO,

What change! In the world «

it InJrcd;

STATE FAIR FOR OUR UU.MII ANIMAL! A stnte fnlr will be held in Ilotton during tho two wceka after Tha>nkagWInar, in aid of the Society for the Prevention of Cru- elty to Aiiiiiin!'. To carry out this fnlr, a general committee of one thousand la- dies lias been chosen, including members from nearly every town lu Llie slate. In udtlitlon to Ihe usual articles solicited for fairs, donations are reqtwated of all the products ofthe soil, fruit and vegetables, also butter and cheese, and nil manufac- tured articles. A BIIIKIU barrel of apples, potatoes, or other fruit or vegetables, will be welcome, 1'rcserven, pickles, and dried fruit are solicited. A commit- tee of ladies in our city nave taken hold, of this matter hi earnest, nnl are to make a vigorous ellort Lo have Lawrence do Us full ibare In so ■-. ! .-m-i The committee includes tlie following:—

Mrs. w. II. Salisbury, T. W. lime, s, W. Wilder, Geo. S. Merrill, G. K. Fisher, ,1. C. Hanboru. N. Q. While, 8. M. Bled- man, KufnsKeeil, A. J. Kreneh, L, Ueaob, Alvali Bennett. A. 1*. Clark, Daniel Siuni'kr-. (!eo. Weaver, Geo, MeFarland, Henry A, Bucll. E. I.jl.ird, l'red (.'lark, Joseph Fell, !>■ F. Kiley, M. I'entleigast, Misses Maria M. Durant, Nellie llrown, Mary L. Batintlera, Alice Stevens, Josiu H allies.

The work ol llie Society Is a nohlo one, and funds are greatly needed; members of the committee will call on our citizens for contributions, and WtJ truat thoy will meet with n liberal response; lut all do something, and those who can, do much.



J. U. Bmilli send* u* notice that he will arh at the grovs, 1'ollcy l'ond, on Hunday.Oct.

, isrvlcc* at 10 1-2 and I, The meeting will lie il In Ihu hall, llo also announce* preaching In town hall, Salem Village, al J r, *., of Ihe iimti

r. ll Wm

Bo, , n>iihj .V i

Literary Club held a public meeting

O. Crowcll'i residence, on Mondar evening last; a

u company tilled the rooma of the ancient man.

. Many of out bcil clllien* ■lib. llielr ladles

c present. Aflcr Ibe literary oterclsea, the

,piny Indulged In sweetmeats, cake, fruit and

qual'urs." Urs. Dr. Howard plajed on the

plant) for Ihe gratification of iho guesla, who were

exceedingly well pleased with lite admirable skill

and aplrll of playing. Qalla a number of our musi-

cal friends sang aacrcd music, acromnsnied on the

piano by 1'rof. O.I. f)ilor. Il wai a very enjoya-

ble sffair, and all pressnl.from oldest to youngest,

note well pleaaed with the evening's enlertstntneiil.

The next mealing will be held at Iho house uf Ueo,

C. Gordon, E*q,whena paper will be read, an

cany delivered, a . i.-n- n dlicm-iuil. These

meetings supply Ihe luck of oilier attraction! Ibl

r loclablo

•\[\ the tlm

mpa tvlng nelghh and

s Hall (whom we. tnenlloned Isst week

s being slck)d1ril on Wedncsilsy mornlag, Sept.

nth, and was hulled on Thursdsy. A large num

•r of the relatives snd frlvndi of ihu deceased M-

awed his remains to ihe new cemelery. riuddeuly

emoved from among o wide cliclo of friends and

broken wife, bis lo*« I* keenly felt-

The town authorities are building n new tomb lo

ti,.-.-'■:,.'uty. designed Bl a public recci \ log tomb,

for which an appiopriatlon of |4i (I or »B00 wiu

made at our la*l town marling.

The spplo and other frull tries In this vklt.lty

are giving promise, of a lood fruit soasun next year,

being set full uf buds, which may resdlly ■

. ami Mrs. Isaac Fletcher, ot this cl registered at I.oiKl.m, on tho Iflih but.

Kor tho Lawrence A.'


The seasoni come and go,

And the question seems lo be,

iluw long will Winter's ice and i

And Hummers sunset glow.

K.iehBiigc for you ar.d me '•

'Ihe seasons coma and go,

And Ibis Is the reply :

■ttlhers have lived to fourseore

With mlnglrd Joy* nnd lean,

And why not you »nd I ?"

Tlie seaaon* , and go,

1 he hrurse moves slowly by ;

TheMilemn fuuersl tread


Soon'I willbc ynttaud I.

Than will Ihe sun and snow

Ihe name, nnd age we died,

"Thes.s»on* runic and gu," I heard u voice repeal,

"There shall be no more snow,

No weary, wamlerlng feol;

With patienoe labor here,

A day—a monlh-a year,

Tlty work ou eurth eom|ilele."

What is that which he who has U not docs not wish for, hut ho who bus t would not part with for any money T bald head.

A. hoal of flrtilhett To travel flfty miles a

Our fathers found a Two hundred now—ot

Be drawn by the llurce Iron Bleed. The Bova then 'dressed' In home spun ' Clothes,'

With cow hide shoeirupon their leet; But now they're •CLIITHKII' at UKOB(!K KKHHo's,

Corner of Beat It and Washington tjtreet, ■IwHeodls'-'B BOHTim,



DRAMATIC TROUPE, (iii-bi" n.i nnd lira .a Rand.


Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 2d and 3d.

Engagement Extraordinary! Of the Beautiful and Accomplished ACtre**,-

MLL E. ZOE, The Cuban 8ylph,

who will have Ihe honor of ipgsUrlag on MON- DAY BVKMIRCJ loChas. Koiter's (ireat Urntn* ol


Tho Sowing Machine Clrl, mid on TUKSDAY KVKKIMI In Fulton's tlresl

Drama or

N I T A : Or, Woman's Constancy.

Supported by a lull and KAVltnt Company ol

MERTOPOLITAN ARTISTS. Admission 35e. Reieived Hrnta 50r.

Deals can be secured without extra charge at ICLLU k SNOW'S Huilc i'Mio.

Doors open uttatiM


T. fc B. beg to Inform the public generally, that Ibey ate now prepared lu show a line or rail Uoods which for Variety. Quantity and Quality Is not surpassed In the ,-lty: while our prices will be found to he the Lowest 1st I lie iitirkrt,

Lyons and Irish Poplins, 11.22 to 91.72 per yard.

Black and Colored Silks, (full and hall lustre,) (l.Sfi, '2i inches wide.

Colored Silks for Linings and l>re«aofi in all colors and i|ualllies.

Silk Velvets and Velveteens. Itepp and ferry Velvet* for Bulling*.

Da-ids, All Wool Poplins, Tliilicts, Serge Cloths in plaids nnd stripes, nnd n full lino of Itiack AJpacns from 25c, to the highest nutnher made.

Flannels, Cotton Flannels, Blankets in 10-1, 11-4, anil also Crib

Itlankels at fl.T'i a pair,

t'ultons, 14MM, Toweling*, Crashes, Diapers, Tickings, Denims, and

General House Furnishing Good* AT

Boston Wholesale Frioes.

Best Prints at 10c., good and fasl colors.

A large variety of Hamburg Trimmings and Insertions, cheap.

Sasli Hihlions, Velvet Ribbons, Lacca, Handkerchiefs, Linings, Hosiery,

Gloves, Corsets, Real and Imitation Lace Collars in endless vnriety.

Good Black Kids $1.00 a pair.

H AWLS, -, r-uMoy. ,u„l \




A. SHAltPE & CO.

Autumn Announcement We hare now ready lor sile a full aiiortnent

ol all our unnl lines afUoods adapted to Ibe

Fall and Winter Trade, embracing an complete a itoek of

Dry & Faacv Goods s can be found In any large retail store,

#*r'i'lie following deparlmanti are rsrelully locked with SKLKCT GOOD8,toall of wbleb ro call the M'I'CIAI. atlentloa of intending

purchasers :—

DRESS GOODS—Plain and Fancy. SILKS—Black nnd Fancy Colors. CLOTHS—for Men's and Boys' wear. CLOAKIKGS - Velvets, Plushes, and

Velveteens. SHAWLS—Woolen, Worsted, Cashmere

and Paisley. WATERPROOFS—from the ohaaraMt lo

tho best ail wool.


flontt'Leepiiig tioods,

suoh is Table Coren, Cloths, Daaaaski, Towsll and Towellngs, Linens, Cotloaa, Ticks, yulll*.

Nottingham Curtains and Curtain Laces.

HOSIERY and UNDER CLOTHES. Ladles', dent's, llliaei', Youth's, and Chil-

dren's Viiia,Drawers, anil llosiery,

All Imiik'hi earls-, and at ao odrauce on last rear's prices.

Gr L O "V £1 S. We hare jast opened a caie of KID QLUVKH,

comprising the fullest assortment, and every shade suitable Tor the Tall and Winter trade; also, a lull line of Blaoki aid Whltea,-prir*s ♦ I o-f and H.i6,

i miry Goods nnd Small Wares

In Immense variety.

rv I.IU'I' and Linen Collar!, Sets and II nndkercblefs In Tape Bordrrcd, Hem Stltrhed and Kmbroldored, Veils, lisreges, UrensJInrs, Uibbons, Urcss Buttons, Bralda, etc., etc.

• «-Wi- desire lo call SI'ITIA I attsnilou I

Black Alpacas and Brilliantiiies, their cbaraoterisllca being

Unlliam-y nf Lmtrr,

Pt4t>uutmeg of t>ye, and Durability of Cloth,

and can only be round In Ihll cltf St


No. 21S Essex itreet, Lawrence.

Agents for Essex Dye House.

S O O S -H. ATW L S ,

for FA L I. wear, New and Desirable Styles, will be sold at a Oi eat li»rg«lri.

Trade price 95.60, will be sold for 9-1.00 and $4.GO.

UKO.O.OltAY, Agent

BOSTON ANI> UAINE EXTENSION.—Tha Boston A Maine R. It. extension to Port- land was put nutlet' contract last Satur- day, to he all completed the Ut of next June.

Ql.AMlDHI' -•■ Hi I KKltfl Pas NATIC,

Taoui'it.—Munilnv nd'l tndar net. 3 1 and 3d.Bn sa^erotntui Uli'ei iB,lha 'ulmi bylph, We i Inv mi Monday nigh "llcrtlia. H

Inu; Machine |lrl," be □ ily coir pan; having

, hy exan I Of I spil lum

'^IJuoinco© ^2Ttoii*;c0.

LIZZIE K. HAltltlMAN liprepsretl to give

Private LOBSOHS in Vocal Music, and will visit Lawrence on Wednesdays and

Saturdays for that purpose. Orders received

at ELLIS ft SNOW'S, Term* made known upon

application, Batialactory r. ferenre r.\

Lawrence, Sipt, 11, iin" I

Commonwealth of Maaaaobusetla.

pad in

III- Mi Mm i; TIIK Ai'l'itl --:


Second door from Tost Oflice.


Huocessor* to


Ici on parlo Francais.

Bln,-k AlSIScas A Itrlllliitil ,.,.., s


Plushes & Volvotoons,



. sr rr i-: DREW'S.


No. 323 Essex Street, Lawrence.


arivloo all persons to glve"BEACH'S

WASHING SOAP" a trial and then

decide what soap Is tha ohoapoat

and oast.

I. X. Y. U. M. P. T. Coninlt your Interest, and bay llie

Salem Shade Roller for 50 cts. Warranted lo «We entire satisfaction.

A at< - get oat of order

sprint; thai will WtilTKOIt

Grand Annual Opening

The Ladies* Emporium.

Finest and Best Selected Line of Goods

WK HAVE k VIC It ni'KNICU.coD.iitinjtof

Ureas Oootlf,


Shawls, Dress Trimmings,

GloTMA Hosiery.

We are opening M1VELTIK8 In

I-ong and Stiuarc, Striped and Plait)

Al.. i lull ii".- of

Paris and Vienna Shawls, In ojieit and tilled eenlers.

Velvetee&s and Plushes in urn! Colors.

While Corduroy, Cloak ings,

Alpaeas, and



A "id' adid lint



• oT It). AMtKIS

a 8IW1.

S. V

3 IS Essex SS KM.'8.

street, Lawrence.

llie heirs nl law, and ottn eitile oT K*l.l'ii O. lii.AiSDAi.i-.. late ol Lawrence, lu said eount)-, genlleman, deceas- ed.lastate, Uieetlnf:

TVbtraai, John li, Norwood,the atlmlntitrator of the estate ol eshl deceast-il. 1ms presented fur allowance the scoount of his at) tu In 1st rat Ion upon the estate of saltl die aseil,

You are hereby died lo aiipear at a I'rohato Court, lo be hulurn it I.awrenre, lu said count j, OD tlie Ifecond Tuesday ol November neat, at nine o'clock In the forenoon, lo show cause, if any you bave, whf the nine should not be allowed.

Anil laid liilmlitinmior Is ordered to serve ihi* ' llshinu ibe same once a week, three

iiiy, in the i.iiwn-iu i- American r. iinewinsner nrlnted a'

least before said Tuesday. Witness, lieorit. K. Choste, Ki(|., Judge of sab

Court, thli twentieth day of Heplomber, in tit year .ins thousand eight hundred and ~

aapaa A-t'.


^ID STipjr.'

:.(it»tii)Ki.L. iteaiii


stenner I

ilidlrs It

other birds. A few wild plgsoos are aeen, an. ilui-ks, K.-si', nuns. ""'I rabbit* will furnlsl

target* for our amhlllaui gunnar*. VIATOR.

tltorlKht of playinK It In lleKa-teiti Smtes and Perm. O.t TuanUy nlttltl, "Nl a,'' tbe ■ola properly of Ull'e /no, ami played only hy her. A potpetunl Injunction was Lit-tme-l t>y Jinliri! <'ii w-l.i-l.r of tlie Sit Court of tbe rnftad Statti, at Pt.Hat elp 11, on last Mon- tlay, Inih'.i Wliet Dortha, Mt-aininK my per- ■on lerforminit tliai play in snr of ibe EM tern State! or I'#nn., bul Mli ■ /■■ v. antl tbli coro-


Tin; dedication of the new Methotllst

Bplsoopsl church, In Motbuen Village, took place on Thursday afternoon, with a very large nudience 111 attrndaueo. Tlie extrclses were as follows; It-udln;; of thesoiiptures, Itev. Samuel Kullv; Rltu al, HOT. D.W. Downs,Haloni, N. II ; In- trotlnctory prayer, H:v. I»r. Harm*4. HavcrhlU; Serinnti. Itev. Ira U. Rldwi-il, (ainbrlilyeport; Responsive reading. Rev. J. Noye«, the pastor. An eunn-t appeal for aid, bv ROT. H. S.Cliatlhoiirite, of Lowoll, secured tho handsome aum ol 11,4*10, Presentation ol the church, hj Oliver Klmball, Cliulruian Ol Hie boanl of trustee'. Declaration, Conseorstlon and benediction by l{t:v. O. II. Jasper, P,

tlr ladle* of Lawrence, that Ihi

iilngs good lldlngi lo you. .1.

□I a Urge invoice of Human Huh

, Mon.luy. rlept. Utb, vthleli hi

larhcl ruai

lljNcwitvawts,art elegant■ssortment iuat opened by BTBOM THI ai.i- A Co.

LOurLSTB OtJiiiT ioR Bovs. Fenno, al bis new nore, baa inaugurated tbc ayatem uf dolhltin boys, romplele. BOJB' elotblnR, l|.,i. i-Hi-l Caps, Boots and Sboea, PurolshlOR Goods. Corner Washlnitton and licacii urccti, Boiton.

(Cy Oress coods, a (all line of tbc rboireit :.!.■!'. ba fuimil In tbe market, are at llyron

Triitll A Co'a,

BUI are golrg sta'rush 1 present, a* .1 He- V Co. itr llli K full seta for S3.

B ]lrlags'l?oni Huitlo n

¥ l»r. ilrlggk' I'll.' Itemed ss, for 1'ilet.

!■:■<. IV. ..'» ailevlsto and Curatlri tit.! reliable and enleue.lous r nil-.ih'S In the world

of Corns Bunion*, Chill. sins, ted nails, «W. Bold hy dtumiUtS.

a. Uuliifia'All vantaru esCalUirh.ele

Igg's Throat ami I.ung II sli-r li r< llabls.

To Stock Raisers. For sale, by A. W. STKAltNtJ, a lull blood

,1 1 BULL, It, months old. Hood color, snd well marked. SlYatpH

Paper Hanffinffs. Fall Blflfla. lMt%v Stock.

We oan mil you.


Tim Ch«*»lMist and Rest Place lo lluy

Paper Hangings




New Good* in Every Variety,

(nlitpl. At lb. V.rv Low..I Irk..

New Strict I

K I. KG A NT lit: SI HNS.


FURNITURE The leowetl Prleest

I .iiic Curtains, Draperies & Bedding.

We Inviii- tboie In stint of 1 ninlturi ol any kind, to cull and examine uur stock, and Ihlnkfl would be for their adTaalafe, tor the following realooi:—

1st —We purchase oar lumber from tbe mills at the Wrst.where it la taken direct from the forest; and Import our Upbolitery goods Irom Ihe manu. factnrrra In Karope, therehj isrlna tha proltol lite Importer snd the Lumber Dealer,

3d -Wi1 Niaiiufticture on * large itaje, and are eniibletl lo get the beat workmen beoauie we can

iploy tin-in tin- >.m round; and In manafaotur-

Special Notice! M. W. COPPS & CO.

Have in store, and are now receiving, one of ibe


ever opened In thi* eliy, and at I'HICKH, Ihi)

conKdently believe, wbleh will oouvlnrr tbe

l-nii'ir th ii they 1/fttS'lt lUStXKSX.

Every thinfi*N"e-w IN

Dross Goorta, Shawls, AMD


Blanlsots, Woolenn,






White Goods,

Hosiery, ami

Small Wares

In every Style, (iuality, nml Make.

We would call attention lo a



For the Fall Trade. SMITH, at No. 143 Essex St.,

Is now opening a Tull line of

111(1 SS coons, 811 Ail is,

I I, \.\ MI.S.

Kitl Gloves, only 70 cents. Ladies' Under Vests and Drawers,

I,in.-n Table Covers, Towels nnd Crashes.

Ladies1 Under Vests or Drawers, 7/> els. Water-proof Clotli,

Cotton Flannels, Ilalmoral Skirts.

(Jood Colton Flannel only 12 1-2 cents. Hoop Skirts,

Corsets, Hosiery and (ilovcs.

Hoop Skirts 37, ■!■>, .10 cts., and up. .Icwolry and Silver Plated Ware.

Henl Cluney Collars. Cottons and Prints.

And a full line of

Dry Goods, Fancj Goods & Jewelry,

The Empire Sewing Machines are tbe Latest Improved, Moit Simple, Compaet and Durable Machines ever msde to do Sewing.- Will Item, Kelt, Hind, Braid,Tuck, Uathcr, Frill, Fringe, ijulll, and have all Ibe attachment* applied to all Hewing UarMae*. Th.-y have I btrsight Needle, Wheel or Drop Peed, arc Ulmiile lu con. strnotlon, 1- L. -ily I'nderstood, not liable to gel out of older, run light, and are comparatively Nolsal In all, making

THE Sewing Machine should be

Used in every Family.

b(U,n ON MONTHLY INHTALMKNT8. ||0down, 4H> per monlb tiiilll paid for.

(J. H. SMITH, Agon! for Lawn-nco ami vicinity.

Important Announcement


Hare Jast recited from New York tfttfltl llylts


Ribbons, Flowers, Feat hen, &cM

Wbicb Ihey olTer at


A large assoitment ol


Wc Boy Direct from Importers,

Sell Cheaper than any other place

in Lawrence.


No Trouble to flbow <>on<U,


riRdT ft«OBS,

Collars & Cnfli?,

Kids. Kids. Kids

What is Truth? What li train la relation to Dry Goods and

Carpets'? S**m elglnh. «r all the adver-

ti*ements whh-lt an read In every newipsper

published in the luited Htalei purports to advrr-

the Largest, Host Kleganl, and ChMfsaat

Block to be fuand. This, the wriler believes, Is

over stated. Allowing, then, one-eifbU

of the atlveriliemeat, to »e made ap largalr oi

Irtie reureientitlons, it Is of rilal Imports nee lo

■he purrha.lDg poblle to laTsitlgatr this mailer


Take, for instance, ear It article joa wish to pur-

chase, and make a personal rxsmiaatloa of It, the

qaadtr as well aa ihe prlee, at *ay all of tha belt

stores In our dly. 1 venture ihe assertion thai

the pirobasrr will not onlj save money by so

doing, bul will Liitvr purrltasid gooai of far belter

qiiallly, which will ba more mlifaalory aa well aa

profitable. Thi* li a snljeei or no nil A 1.1.

IHTIRUT to Ihe pocket* of tha eltlaatM ol

Lawrence. B«ildts, N1NK-TK.MTIS of tha

parohases made oat of town are not so cheap Of

satlshciory '.o lite purchaser asooald bavebeea

made deliberately and MUCH KAtUKH la oar

own clly, to lay nothing; of the experiment oi

enriching s rlty alrrndy overgrown and oar ot

tbe most wealthy In the Colon, to the detriment

of borne. Upend your money In Lawrence, and

thereby enrich yourselves and enconrige others.

And whin so doing, lit making your rail aad

Winter purchases, pies se call and mimlaeoar

I.argr nnd Beautiful Assortment or SHAWLS,

embracing every virlety of taite, and selected

wllb especial reference lo Ibe a an is of lbs Ladles

of Lawrence and vlciuily. We may also say wllb

entire modes)/, that our slock of Drena

l.ootl", idapted lo tbe waata of Ladles,

Hisses, and Children, Is mote complete In all

departmtnls I bin we have ever displayed before,

comprising all of the .lifter, ut tiaalltle* of Black

and Colored SILKS, from sM.OQto ns.u. p,r yard :

all ofthe New and 1'otuUr Shades of Cashaaeres,

Thibet*, lattwM Cloths, Irish and Lyons Popllai,

ICmpress Cloilis. Very Klrgam Stj Irs la Plaids

and Ktrlpci, and some very Low priced In each

variety, io Ibat ALL may be accommodated. Oar

stock of I In n in-1H, 111 n n K c t H,

* lull I M, etc., Is vsry large and descivlnf, as 1*

also onr aisoitment of Ladiai' and Us it's Under

Garments, i.. House Furnlaher* we hold

ont every Inducement in tbe I.srye and Varied

Stock of Woolen, 1'alnled, and ot In r Carpets

of New 1'allsrns, lleddlng, ale, Wa have a Vary

Large and Choice Variety of Small War**,

such as Ladles', Gent's, and Chlldrao'i Gloves

and Hosiery, from the best mskrr*. together wllh

a fall line of Laces, Trimmings, Buttons, Velvets,

riushes, Vrlvcteeaa, rlc. Wc have all Ihe Late

Patterns and Newest Designs In JC. Hattsrtck H

styles lor thii Fall and winter Gar-

ments on isle, together with HI) l.-s aad

Designs of our own Msffats snd oulSlter* In -', Oewl'l, and Children's Wardrobes.

a*rWc would Invite tbe UKNTLKHkN nl

Lawrence and ilclnlly lo an examination of our

WOOLENS fc their Kail and Wlater wear,

which 1« composed of W, n of England, London,

Scotch, l.'arrsy, Kdd>',, aud olhrr Amerlraa

make* oI I'sntalooceiy and e'ultlngs, wbicb we

arc prepared tu make Into Coata, Pants

and Vests tniHijiewhich .*.P»N«T

win aud dcierva tbe popular favor. We alio

make Ladles' snd Oilldrtu'* Suits and Oar*

mentS Of vmj description In the moil Stylish

snd finished msnncr.



N OTICE. THOMAS . fl'l'i f.ll at A.W.

MI i- . t.-M- rOr the la*l rolin rasa*, ha* .ipened

Boom* at

3t>l Bases atrect, Lawreaet>,

where be will be gUd to meal his* and


IdTrl'arliiulur aUvntlon palil t" HOYS' Clothing.

Kepalrtiig nrnlly slonr. ' Mt if 31*1 Kssea Hire,


Id respectfully of '

md vlciuily lo their

Vrry l.nrffi- Aa-ortmrnt t»t

KID OLOVE8, In Black and Culor*, v

, wllh full Hoe ol si Hfly dozen OpornM, thirty doaca WAITS,

-lull HI,t tiuslitlra In es. In addition, also, all Sbades and Tints;

aa K. >|i'i 'iin I y on bv.nd first iiualliy Tre* fanass, Large line ol Uim*'. In colors, stuplrd for this sen son, at 0Oc nls per pair, Our stock li,KTK.

Ladles v...!., i..- to ptirohaie

HAMBURG EDGINGS, ■*»«! j, J In quality,

Q$*K,ti Gloves only «-r> cents ,£U

Siiiull \\ iiif- of every ilescil|ilhni.

We hue. lhv largest asiorlimiit of

Jet and Plated Jewelry

S K I. 1. T II K C I! K A PEST,

Our Motto bring

•AT S l/.KH stY/J SUM.I. i»noFirs.


1 & e K H H K X S T It K K T

rarlety.or |)rlc.

7> It K « 8 T II I H M J N <l 8,

and Imitation Malta

li.H ■ ■ hy . the hundred wa can do i those who manufacture only by tbl

■ iiutiitIty and variety e ihs room to display seln Boitun, thereby chsnee lo suit IhsLr

eheapcr tin

3d.—We have donhlc ll f good*, and nearly dou hem of any Furniture In

offering pureha*ers a belli taste,

in., Oar rent li ehea| i in num. hoaso In amount of gooda sold we can asTord to aell willing to do so.

HALEY, MOUSE & CO., 13t*9* 411 Waahlngion St., Boatoe.


Tit.* public, and ttprctttlly those Interested Is Ornamental Carpenter Work, are Invited to exsmlue this new Invention by which a gig aaw la made lo travel through In sny desired dlreeUot, pleasure of Ibe operator

ll ran be seen at ll.i ti AUDI-NT,

mnry bosrda or planks g out sbspei

lav, Mill of I.. 1..

llli DOZKN


I ii one and two buttons, si

87 CENTS AND #1.13.

M. w. corps & to. No. 335 Essex street, Lawrence.


Paper Hangings i ur. SAI.I AT Low I'liin.", UT

DKJfNITT A B L 1,8 8,

:i8:t Washington street, Boston. BWfeodt***

WINDOW SHADES. Jusl received 1W pair*. New Styles. We

sh nisi, to keep a* large an aaaortmtat of these loods as can be found In Ks»ea County.

\MII1 f Hid" t HHI.

Wanted. A t l.l-.KK In a store on Ksiea etreet. One who

■ not afraid of work, and meani buainMs. Apply at AMBaiOAK ORiee. tff Jsepil


May lltb. 1171.

y Ktrert


lowrr Hill,

ENGRAVING. JOHN 11. WEBB, Engraver of Door and Num-

ber Flaws, Kama riates for Carriage* and Machinery; Badge* of every detlgc, made of tlold and, Dies, Beats, Key Tags, snd Htencll I'late* m»il.' to order. Corner of Common and Ameabury atroota, LAWBK«. a.

N. H - All klndi or JKWKI.K V neatly marked Mi repaired. In l"P"

Fringes, Hlmps, Hull.-us, Hi-.,—Our slock Of


li much enlarged tbl* seaaon, and well worth Ihe

Inspection Of any l.auy d.nlrlnn a HBAUTIPVl

IIO.WKTot KTOIUI Y HAT. Everything desir-

able and cheap. -All those looking; for general

Dry and Fancy Goods, will llnd our swsewesM line in keeplnK with Ihe lime*, and at prices that will warrant an Imme- diate sale, defying any and all competition,

aa-iilv. ui a call at the old Familiar Bland.


No. 177, Cor. Essex & Jackson Sta\,


All ProBla of th« Conpaay Ulvided lo its Policy Holder*.


Mutual Fire Insurance Co,, LAWRENCE, MASS.,

No. 839 Essex Street.

A. J. FRENCH, President. A.W. NTKABNH, J. A, TREAT, Vice President!,

J. K. NORWOOD, Hee'y and Trees. Dtaaosoasj

Iraniel Baundrrs, Jr,, Morris Knowle*, William A. Kuaarll, I'. Frank Uoblnsuu, William M. Hall, Hose* Perkins, J. M. Fsirfleld. .lame* 11. Katon, J A.WUey.N. Arnlover, IJeo. Foster. Andovrr, ('., M.'lhi.en.

LOST. In l.swrenre, or between there and Methuen, a

idy's ',.,i.i HIIFAHr I'lN Inlaid wllh hair, snd he name or " kliii.i.ta" engraven OH tbe back (I he plu. Whoever llnd* the ssme, snd will Iravr I si the AUKItll AN UFFICK, l.awr.nee, or i iin ill l.i i i HI. ™i the Horse Kailroad lleunl it y.-thueu, shall be suitably rewarded. tHIsI

To Let. JJ'llI... thoroughly

it, A rare •llanre for »su. The

added nose. The itsallon Is he t>est In he .11 sernmmoilallon nl lite ravelling

public. A|.|.ly H tie prem II. P LINN.

•ace. A g. II, ISfl,


0. I). ARMSTRONG & CX). Areopenlugulullllueof

Cottons, Flannels, Prints, Wooli-n CloiliH for MOD'S & Boys' wear,


Which we offer at VKKV LOW 1'IUCEH fora few days.

Prints, fast colon »nd Now Styles, for 8 oenta por yard.

Iloavy 40-Inch Sheeting, iu l-3o.

Bleached Sheeting. 1^ l*2o.

Hamburg EdgingB, Lace EugingB, A'full line nf Small Ware*.

HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, All at tlie l/i*r« Hsrkil Price*.

Toys, Dolh, China & Fancy Goods, l.'i fmtU I'laee, ntitr llroatliray. Sew Vork.

(In sccount of the tudden death of Mr. II. Min- im t, Ihe whole stock has to be sold ml el rail ,-.j.-.- mi January, IBTS, Jobbers aod Hetallers will Hnd It In their Inirrnt to easmins the atock belure purrhsslng elsewhere. Hample boats al • 10, « I" and | .". *ent C. O, ]»., to any part of the country. 'in" tieplA

Do you want to got Full Weight

not 13 or 14 oz. for a pound T Oot


auporloraoap, full weight. Crooaro

■ oil It.





Corner Court and Hanover Sts.,

Alfred J.KrenBh, (leorgsK. Davis, a, W. Hlearns, .lames A. Treat, S.W.WIIJer, Patrick Marphy, William tt.SualtllCk', II. Plummer, II, {>. Clement, Patrick Hweeney, Prcderlok Bailer,

This Company will gad lesae Policies, at has already property '» >'. pledged to be fniured, | 1 tu tired tbe day wc conn

We Insure only Brit ch

We respectfnlly Invlli of property, to Ity, Oar syste

■Jay. of S-if>»,»0»

i.ouu or which will be ■ti business,


I who have auch kind r rates and onr secur-

of tusmr meiit will enable us ,1 will make it perfectly


ii- Just opened s new

> Rising finii'

nvolce ol fumoi


Black Alpacas and Brilli The besl goods fl


Cotton Batting. 20 CKNTft.


289 Essex St., Lawrence.

vvlUTI'dKlf <V mi i:. Pocket Book*, Hill Book*, l-eltcr Book*, ii

ev.ry Terlety. !» «••'« *n»*,

Hw* lagVft



CHERUB," A I'.I|IIT fur Uio I'coplo, ilevoted to Lit-

craUirc, <i»ncral Information, find the i H '-.a ' ."n-'-t i.-ii- of tho day.

Out Huperb Lithograph, 20 a M, of

"HAi'imu.'s CHER It 11."

Preecnted lo each subscriber.

TTTMB, oaly SO oca Is per inium,

Now Is the time to subscribe,snd secure the beginning of Ihs New Htory, "Anna, or tbe MUp Daughter," translated from Ihe Herman by Mrs. Louise l'ollock,eapresslyrorlhc"('harab.A The Paper and Picture may br obtained of News Ileal era, and of most country Dregglsis iid Apothrca rise; or by leadlnv an cent* to the PablUhrrs.lhry will be forwarded by return null, Address

J. LATHAM * CO., Killlor* snd Put.llshsr.,

i lap'tf WJ Washington street, llo*toa, Mass,

Canvassers wealed In every town and county.

It will wash thoroughly la any kind of water, without h.-aiiBg, and will befoand a

UHKAT lAVmtl >f 1-... I, Clothee, and

Wsrrantad not to in. Jar* the mn.i .li-llcete fabric an.) n.i other soap Is so go..! for the skin. -"*•■" -■' ■. YOI;I



Koi sale b) »ll Grocers.



: '


* £prrial $ott««.

Tin' (Hu-r mid Cnr« «l ''iMi»iii


$i*w ^flvertisemfnts. Gut Jplre-Sux. StvUlt-ti mlir*- i.«ir.[.;i:-.

Early pearl —A lui'iy'" to

bWlthyu- !■.'"".«! "i

l>t« ir . .1 bin

'. fr m

■ ll Jl.r... 1 muru. i r.i -1 ii'

lunetlon-. ll-- up ;

n the wt 1 iM-y ..„, T.II. liver of ." -1; laird I ben and HI..II

by Hi- U.« 1 Hebi n.l

B;:i"vi • »H-I tl

« poor nU

ndfrrah: II will rial.I organ, ami


COCOAI N E. A ^K^^J^"/^'}!/^^^;,*Jki^}y Theer-p ol Litrtty—A

-I'?E|*t. ''«ii'']r,?"^.'i«"l/-t^-^-1.'V,*,»;'/'iV*.""''*""* ^ Uovtriy is not :i Om- - astiHiiud 111 It |i.

ILLINOIS iaVMrrH«nT NKrVltlTIKS .. . .. ,. Tr.N I'MI 'KM l;K.lilsi'FI(KD I lie Is tuo ,'. mill In

TOWN AMiiiii.vrr B'INIJV ,.. r,...,.j.., PAYABLE BY Till: MlATF. I llr-A-HRER. ;" «*•"*■»><-■

TEN 1'Klt (KSr MKNi M«RTU*GM U»AIM | |,„ ,„„, M|„ (JI1 ,.v, -,-< „■

JACOU H. MHIPHKHO ■*' CSJ , | ll^lit on pulton.


but belnx



Howe Sewing Machine

ANKKH . Xo. 21 I'in.- -tn-.l. Xrw York.

><•-. 139A 1.17 1.HSIIII«'«I..<)>UIIK«. IILU 'HAND HO I. ill- ILLINOIS Shi. I'111-


• 1 to to July, '.".*; Avrs. ..i .i.ii.. 'T.'l 'I lie MotbodlMCt Ki'ty week a Lt«U> Room

. [In, ys In I ichi-lor'fl button*. t'HKhlonabltt vli-tiK--Flirt wi ,fi,il"- [iri'tty Mir.-; |>rotcnil yo ve with IIIT older sister.

en. Ag.nHirakeSriuday MmnrilHy tMaxillr,

H. HENDERSON'S Famiiy Liquor Cases.

i ■ •eh rase containing One Bottle of ■-..I I'.il. Branily. i lllii,

in.I lly. Utiliki), oi.l I*,il. Mirer I-1... in.I i'..i i I nut llnni ixi

Ouaranlcrd I'ur.- and of ihe very Be-i <Muin>. I'll HI.. MNVKH HI II. I. in-

>.nl by Fsprrs. Co, !>., nr l'o-t Olticc ordci ii UKNDKUBUN, la Broad si., New York.

PlTHmlHlnolloiled having strong JUI.IV. .1 I Tl I »rluillaH. J MIIILUU ca«r. a .pi-clal

«*. K. KIMOND.S, IH.. Main St., Uarllord, Con

/mlatily); Mr,. Delight to lurk .ml

A ■ ■■ i ■■■ ledgloi 1 i.t.e.r.l.le Iiy Dl|hl 1

- by

AI a lj>t>K Hrancli li"'< nthi-r tar,

weekh-Jojear- ngs lm tn «ub

oni< lutlr uirl u.-kiil in will) her. "Indeed 1 H< I't,"

■ to ll


met ■ re*

Hallow.!!, Mr. plv : "whal ilo 1 want H ot he rj-i-l ill;;-

A I O 1 1 LlHi\.«rurtii-AsniM

Hay I.- Ill '. .1 !■■■ I'!. ■ :■ ".-. I'

t'4 urr box. ri'-iiL Iiy mail. |H»la*« t l|.lolpru-. WJI.N.r.WlNU -I- llrut-lwiy. N. V.

I »ll IXUKlil.L. I'.O. ItoK'

f.'l^tuliiu uial M..I »..

1 W..1. II. imio'iiJM C„I,1*I.I:.M

..1 .l.fl..^ « r ..■.-..■.. it ■hmtbl

IHU.t OUUII.i abuUhl '••■ ob rrvrJInlb

oi>|l-«nlm ottltiillly. 1 II wl

natrttloui i nl ami nil t ll' IN.'.liCIl lUilll ll.rlio Hull lb.' I lltfOf

11 If r,.,,-,l b tlil. irrii wiiml khnl

:i,C'.";„' niuilly Ri.n . 1 bnva in

llri.1 ol Uolt ierlr«p*r ■ration nl my i.rn buil'1 KCT of Sin

lull illr. 11 lU .111) |-

rijillly em

a ico. i . lllll)l>\VI\ * in. Iln.. ON.

irlnir, m« tor? Aii oh I huly ohMTvlnie 'i i-i^n ovi-r a

tallorhiK MtnbHuliitifiit, henrlnx tin- In- «*rl|>Hon ■■ Fountain of Fashion," i>x- claliutil, "Ah, that inii-i In' th" 1'lan- wlierp ttii! • julrtR come Irom!"'

The young man who «aL in a toll on a punil until after inlilni>tht~bucmi«i' no- body came to pull It aihore by the rope with which it was tied to a tree on the bank,-nrrlveil liotnt- Irom llie country yesterday.

A comnn-Monnte ll taton laily feting n v«K<ttabl« huckJter beating lilt horte crn elly, crhil nut, "Have you no merry?' to which Hie astonished man replied •No, mem; I've noihhig krt but jrreani and cueuinuera "

Oreeley'artcliH] for preserving peaches: Cut In strips not leas tlian fifteen luclie Ions; spread Hum out on the grass to bleach lor three days, ami finally tprllikl' 11 it in with cliuiaraoii.und pack in alr-tlgli

llabltal Ilia. i. Hun of

mt Seltzer Apeiienl 5 K.,bbi,aIvln-j Mturaao* totb* liir-1 will bi' ilvili' ...UIIKI-II .

« atommili will In' ii-l'ii'.ti.'il ami (.itrill.-.l, 1„. i. l.\.il.b. In- will by „|; that 1( In- IH CIIII.H|IU1..!,

- 'II |...-- u»»y wliliuut II pnnK; ■ml ......_ ..r l,|. „,,,„ r>| l,,.,,]! h |. | 111

i', hr II..In...

[■nli- in |.MI. in.' noII

LU HV AI.I. putuoia-


• In

lint III

JAI'AKKNl Ib.-urit.rol

. IIM ilay.

lopjat etc. ap. I'.ll.. milk puna

-.,-I..I lor i liciilar. «,:iw IViirlHI,, N.V


Attachments ami Mode Improvements

bfiii sopited, It will ii-iM. ON. tuck

, blii,l,.|iilll,gailicr,rtc.rtcelc.: lu

>- vark'ly of family icwni^.

fur HwhliM b.'t-n for years,

uow.mailf a( our ipwloui luriory In tin

York,wh«rr I* catlwrej togeiner tb moil Imprnvi'd uinclilmry known ID ll

' Cotton & Woolen Machinery AND

MACUINTC WORK GENERALLY. Pullcya, (jfaring sad Shiftlus, Jack Scrrwi. All kind, ol Kolia on hnnil, or made lo ordir:

il..i all klDd. of KurK'uK done. liKNKKAt. JOB wuiiK ami Mil! repair* done

promptly and ■.:',:..;■ l>-al,Tn ID Mnmii.n't'i r-T-" Supplli-i,

Foater'H Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Streets

b u BEACH HOUSES braid! For Bale or to Bent.

, rosjr ii..,. ■■ ■■ on Bsllrtsrj Brack, for lale, or

n.lait- , W||I br rrolrd for m,. l-i.xili uf i, Contain

I'll*" (it complrlr k,i, and tublf oultlt wllli cacti houar.

I«l«-«t j Apply to CHAKI.KS V. .IACKMAN, Wood

■man- | Dealvr, Mill Street, I-awrfnci-, or IHAMil.l.\

nl.i.' nl a

lb.. !.-■■.! mail •ape Tbsyars saadeol RICBARDSON, sallitrarr Brsch

of twenty ttlmjll

Ore ■earn In Ibelr ma iituciurf raablM ua lo suar

im>>- tlrat clans work "•"*""" ITS POINTS in EXCKI.l.KNCR AUK:

Binpllclt* of i-OUKt uctioo.

Sj iinn.-iry of torm and beauty of tlulab.

Rapidity sad Mills >■ In operation. Ease with wliicb It :in bf man:IK. .1.

Nuu liability to mil atitcliea.huvlngamovrablf

head, which can b,- fsdily sdjustsd rlo.f to the ■hattip, when ualiiK either the tlne.t or cosrient


FALL OK 1H71. New. Presb ami Slylieh

it o o M t'A r E u s ASH


No. 275 EM*CX strict, L;IMrence.

1 he Largest moek in K•.-.■.* Coualy ot



No. 21b Essex Street. Lawrence, Mass.

Boklou mill ,llalne Itntlrond.

The lol UWIIIK epitaph U

an attori cy nawed Shaw:

" Hero lies John 81 Attorney at law; Ar"lwl L"1" your pn John Shaw,

Miiniiirii | Mnniocal I — The greai Kast Indian delleaoy. ruddlnsa, blaoa maB|e,ele.,are ■o ilfllckniH wlun mu.If from lltU.'a KAHT IN MAN M.VNUU'A,lhut ll la welromed St every

it l. ihi-uiuat Dnlrllloui YPgt'tableprodi

,.,,,,,, .'■"l,.':„'l..i«, lun'. irrcaleet bh'i

hold by i nly by Ihe MAMIO LUMI'AN V

V.; Mil. IIKST At.KNTS IVANTED. I: l„ tl,r S(„,»liir<l Hitilr C'uMI uirn -

tary in Auirrlr.i.

Tli« irMurUlgotl and Enlarged Edition of DR. WILLIAM SMl'l'H'S

Dictionary of the Bible.

mil h/KA AIIIH

SCENTS LOOK!-*" I .shHi'itut'i tlrarkft lind ut loKaeilree. TJ.IImtiWt LO.. wn-mur,«.™

1IOW TO CET RICH.-A «n lutdt « II honrm wi'ititli. Any on.., by mrlct ulU'iillun to mil. laid down in lliin book. I:BII Income weal- thy In a .liort tlmf. AKfiits will llnd till* tin- b.'nt .riling book In the market. Single coplc. ai-i noal paid on receipt ol ail eta. Addri'.a

I,. ll.l'KA.-ii:, I ii' n:) n.ilir, r. mi.

IMPERIAL TSING TEA U a diuicp lllach Tea, Oriogo 1'irco Savor.-

xitilfin. il.lKi pi r puund, Oimri' .alnplf by mall on riciiit ot l-icia. Addri'^a the tiltKAT KAHT IN HI A TEA CO., I'. t'. ltox'J,n^:( llontoii, HsM.

t:m. WR WILL PAY |30. Atji'i.i" #W per week to anllour gnui nnd mlu-

able .ll.oi.viriia. If you want peruiaurnt, li.inor- ublf iiinl plfuaanl work, apply for parlh'uliira.

AddrcM liVl.ll ft bO.,Jaokson,HlehlKaa.

Tilt. CURTAIN RAI8KD. Mow ll la done,aad who dooalt. The Alena

Honk, lu; nagf J, gorgfiiiialy llluatnilid Wllli cilia,, s.tit bv'ly M'alfd.for

H. Ill and Circular, Irff. Addri'aa WAIlltttN BHMOMS,

nS8 ltroadway, New York.

SUMKI'IIINI; i..ii tiia HARuian. — Worth ■ fortune. Send your iddre.a mid atump to lloi

.1.-, South I,.ii .In. r. M:i--i.., and gfl It.

I'URE FOR FEMALE WEAKNESS. t Made Iruni tin Indian rrcli.-. A n-rtaln cure

radaadiold by Mrs.

1,003 GIFTS.

In] ;.;il . .I'l.llli [1 •

ii i i: ii ,\ no r t. II TII N , H A.tnr |'li««. New York;

I'll K K I \ E RHI ll E 1' It ESS, ii'iugu r.o„bii,igf, u«».


K & s o x H all, (OVKU POST HKlTiK.)

TiiCNilny, rrUlny A Saltirdny FviniiiB"-

In.iulr.' nf Mull t'onimiil.i',- .1. II. MliltliAN, TITrt'innnt Mir. •>, ur MASH hi. IIOI.T, Jaullor, at ( i.url llnu.i', U"lfelU

Qummouwealth of UaasiicUiniottn.

1. -i «, - . I'ltOHATi; niilir,


IIM Moiher-iu-l.-iw. IIR stootl nn Ills heatl on the wild sea-shore, and joy wan the cause of Ihe act; for lie felt as he never had Ml before—Insanely glad, in fact. And why'.' In that vessel that left the bay lila mother-in-law bad sailed, to a tropical country far away, where tigers nnd snakes prevailed. And more than one of his creditors, ton— those ob- jects of constant dread—had berths In the ship rnrirt", whose Balls were so blithely spread. Oil! now lie might look for a quiet life, which lie never had known as yet ('tis true that he yet possessed a wife, ami was not unite out of debt). Hut he watched the vessel, this singular chap, o'er the waves, as-she tipped and downed; and lie felt exactly as If "the edifice was crowned." Till over the blue horizon's edge she disappeared Irom view; then up lie leaped on a chalky ledge, nnd danced like a kangaroo! And many and many a Joyous lay he pealed o'er the sunset sen. till down with a "Ii//." sank the orb of day, ami then tie went home to tea.

[sr.KRirr SERVICR.]

"Offls's of JOSH Itll.I.INtiS > FAUUBHM AI.MANAX for 1S7.V* (

Mi UKAR MR. EDITOR: Sum men are bom "rate, sum men clt

grate after I hey are born, and stun men have grateness hove upon them.

It seems to me that I am all :: of these men liovo Into one.

At a mass meeting held In Pordunk county (ml natlff village) the Inhabitants past the following preamble and rcso-

A aliortrr ami amaller needle, In proportion lo

Ui« alae of the thread, thin ua.d wllli any other

The Look Stitch, alike on both aldf a of the fabric,

hcooomy of thread.

Strength nnd ilrmneaa with which the seam.

are d-uwn together.

Roundntai, tullneia, rr-ularity, and beauly


■ptaUUly in the widest rsn^e or work, lew-

the Ilmvt and roaraeat fabrics, and ualng

lly well llie 11 ii eat and coaraeat, and nil Inier-

ite grades of Hi Ik, Cotton, and l.lnen Thread.

AH ■ESsniilKS Fl'KNISilEl).

Kacli r'aaifly Uneblno 1. furnUlied with a Iletn-

i.r, KelliT, llralder, (iu liter, and Outgo, 11 Nee-

IIM, na.orted.a Bobbins,2 Needle Plates, t Screw

>rlver,l OH fan,and printed lUr.ctions for uilug

■eld In Wai , iF.MAi«yi Inuloi

, n.r. - a Ii I, of i. hi. Ii IV ii llm «■ No-

ivHl be Klvrii.Ji.iid not later than Novitn- hl, 1-ri. hutlre number of ll.'kfla, Sii.uoo- :h. 1,00 11iil'ia. amounting lo iiiiu.iiuu, In In- tnl. Hind lor llrculiir, diving lm of lilll.

I'.'L!TI^\ i.l's"'L.fufrill'ABi'nt.

1.8, NKULKY, 1M

Machines sold on Monthly Installments.

.T. 8. Harrison* A^enti

4 4 3 ESSEX ST It E E T,

We alM nts for tin

lutes. H7..C i* Idly good I

AllmliiDN shfuild be bon 1872.

it n Kat lor Die


hi-t*.lfihil,yol Siptfin l.uu.l i Nh! bun.In.I uii

A.!' lillHIIhl.l., I

wonttii ot Hasnaonu

I'ROIIATK CiHUf.'NI ol km.mi.I all st,d lu Ihe i -1 it,, ol I'll


I.illll'l-.l.l , l!

i .llaaaarUu



No. 260 Ksscx street, Lawrence

M I I.LIN KKY i, lllbbon-,.!.., etc.

may be fouml Mi- ■ KATK

i \/'i:i; '..i/,M//..v/>

IMilIc ll.iiiii

itil>K(.l.. R.'i

I I'lMtlltlRC

Wator-proof Cloaks


EARTHEN WARE ..f ill kliida. Ilrdera aollclled. (iondi dellv.rdt w.thit, lo mile. Ilriuka^.- allowed. Send lor 1'rii.i l.l.l. :im'i,s- HUH'T P.UURN1IAH.

We Aitiiiowledicc N<> Saaerlers lii Hie Manufaciure of

BLANK BOOKS. •a-l'ry us, niMieiid of bujliiK of peddler*, who

II.mi lull!) iiM- pour .lock, WIMTTORD * HICK.

Cabiiit^t Making.

■,!:?9 Esaox Street, Luwronco l r STAItUt,




TAirnitiiro t<> Order. the experience »'«*»« y*a'« In Bll braaehei

with lheexei;ut,onolaltotdvra Intruded lo him.

Ii.. >i.u want a ■apethir Walnut Rookeaie, h'ta- x.r., W.,r,lrot„. p.|,lrt,o.r.l, lli'd-t.-ad, llur.'iiu, I.adiea' ln-k. Ilfflee Beak, IrTSoe luble, or Imu.e oi udlee Ku ml lure nf am kind, mailv of Ihe beat ol aeaaunrd -i...k u,ih Ihu be.I workmanship '

CALL ON RAHNARD. I in i.u « .nl your 1'arlor. Chamber, or I ittlce

Ii ll I'A I R E I),



! nr your old oae repaired i

CAM. ON I1ARNAKD. r^stlafactiun guaranteed in nil aau-e. lie

.', That Jmli i'.illi he sot apart, fund hereby la expressly sot apart) tew beget the h>b.

i;.f,.h>n.>. That this Allmlnix s-listll be buxotted on the tint nv lien llelober, wet or dry.

Rrsolnti.l, Thai this Allmliiiis fihall kontaiu milk for babes, meat for ciders. and crums for nil.

/.Vso/Hir-iJ, Thai Knowor bill Ihe nik, and .loner was the fust man who went a wnalcitiir, but .fnsh ItilllnKs has the right ingredients for n farmers' Allmlnax.

Ilwvlnhit, That t'•nl'' wins the battles of life, //"/"' benutlfys thorn, and ' rWt'fj, makes them Immortal,

RpMihitni, That mote ilojrg thiui n man wants are a niilsaiico, and less I hail lie liaz not, i/. positively no loss.

Wrai.tutVif, That we fully believe that man cum from the monkey, hut whan the monkey emu from, we don't sccui te kno.

Rmtihiieit, That the thanks of this meet- ing be sent lo Darwin (or lew the mon- key) we don't knre whltc-h.

jfrsofifJiiJ, That all the nuzepnpers In our beloved land (without distinction of color) be allowed to print these Itiflntrs.

/,'. ao-ru/fit, That this meeting now nnan- linusly bursts mildly, slutin ill.

JOSH IIILLINIIS, Sekretary. DITTO, Alliniinaiker.

P. S. The Hinting did bust ipilct.-.I. II,


Improved Elastic Lockstitch



IC i i.l the following

Sewing MafhineSaIesforl»70 Tht Si»>,rr itanvfp Co. '»!•! t27,H.l.t Mifhinri

The- Wheeler AWlllOB, " S.l,a)H do, JoweKsoblM Co., 74,160 do. trover ft Biker, K,WXt do,

Weed, .15,Wi do.

WllCOXi Hlbb-4. ■M,bV0 do. Florence, ir,(iui> do, American Button Hole, " H,57:t do. (Juld M,.Ill, »,vu do,

Abtaa, " r.,hOU do, Kinpire, •> :i,6fi0 <!.!. Klnkle A, ' 3,4'M do. I'arham, 1,7iWl do. Wilson, BOO do. Itartli t Itevcralble, ttM do.

llurtiaw A lauteni, ■ I'.'O do, Umb Ktilitlng, " t:l do. McKay Aiaoclation, I2D do.

C. 1'. i liumpHou, ' 101 do.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!"


If your blnod in poor, If Ihe eountenancr la palild, II you fuel weak and diaincllned to exer- tion, try


Tnlbm'* Iron Tonic will do you food.

la your sppetlle jioor < Von r.if J


Are you troubled with Indiceillunl

Talbot'a Iron Tonic will help you.

TALBOTS IRON TONIC la -. I Li nj: largely ull tliruiiijh New 1 "n.-!:, ml.

■tend a lint reliable iipotheeurlci aay :—

Newburyport, ltu*a., July I, ISTI. JrVMTf, Triifnil llro't.— Hurlnc diapoaed of a

coualderable ijuantity uf your Iron Tonic, and hearing from those who have u.-ed ll.ot Ita (rood effecta on the ayatem where lucl, an article la re- quired, I deem lino more thin Juetice that you ahould be Hjiprl.ud of Ita lavorable ice.-ptiuu In this place.

U' ■■[" .ihillv youra, C. M. llOliHK, Apothecary.

Newburyport, Sinai., July 17, 1871. Hasaits. TAI-HOTBBO'S:

OeaffeaHn —1 llnd that your Iron Tonic bus in every eaae given entire .atlsfucllon, nnd llie In- eraulug demand fur it la due, I think, to Ihe fact that all who have uic.l ll recommend it to their friend.; and I ran truly aay Hint it ia one of Ihe best articles I over aold (or rent..ring the debilitat- ed ■ . ■■ ■ in lo UH natural tone.

Youra, truly, ». A. M.CONNKU,, Apothecary.

TALBOTS IRON TOXIC la aold all over the country for One Dollar a bottle; .ix bottles for Five llollnra.

Call ut any of the Lawrence Druggist* f"r "■

TAIJIOT DltOTlIKRS, Proprietors,

Lawrence, Mass.

OEO. 0. 000DW1N ft CO., Boston, Wholesale A jii in H for New Kngland,


Drain Pipe Co. W. A. KIMIIALL & CO.

Wholesale at Manufacturers' Prices. low M other ol

WRINGING MACHINES an arranged that any one In a moment can decide which ia the beat. All kind* of Machines repaired at tile llardwiire Ijtoro of

W. A. KIMBALh 4 CO., 217 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence

W.A. a IMP. ALL, agts w, r. KIMBAI.L.


AIT. Dri.illii'i' ,\r\i. JIAeintii,



Bteamer I.KWISTON, Capt. Deerlog, leavei l'ortluud Railroad Wharf every Turaday ami Friday at 10 F. U.

Train leavca Lawrence {»outh Md.-i I l I H DAYS at 0.40 F. M.fespreaa.l FRIDAYS at i p.m.

Check baggage through via St. II.IT. NO hack lug lu 1'ortland.

Tlckelt prorured at Boalon und Maine Depot Lawrence,

S 1 II II K It A It II A N (. K M K N T. On und after Monday, July lo, 1871, Train, will

leuve the Depot, in Lawrence, aa follows I— Fur Boatun, (from North lift oil at U.V5, 7.;10.

v.:ta A. M , ami U.U,S.40and6J0 v. M.

For Bo.ton, {Irom South Depot) at (1.V7, 7M, <VAt>, ».« A. M„ and I', 'li.i3, W.«, ■!.«. oja, •S.1M,7.Wand tv.tu f. M.

For ['ortland,(frrm Houth Depot 1 ut S.-J5, (US A. M.,»ud IM, i, O.oo, 'j tiLWi I'. M.

For lieorgriownand Newburyport,(IromSouth DepoOat s.'.'.'i A. M.,4,6.US I'. M.

For llaverhlll, (from .South Depot) al H.M and «.:in A. M., and I .oft, 4, il.os, iii..'.u ami :.u,i I'. II., and from Horth Depot at 7.10 I-. H.

I ii. -."■■ A. M. mil 1 ".-. in,.I i I'. M. tr-i.ii- cull nect al Hover with trama on D. A W. It. II K.I Rochcaler, Farmiugton, and Alton Bay.

Train* leave Boaton fur Lawrence al 7, 7.-1U, 8.1U, 1U.IS, I1JM A. M., 11T.1S, 3, 3,;«i, 5 ll P. U.

■ K\[in■►- Tralna.and do not atop between Law- recce and Boaton,

■ Tue.daya, Thuraduya and Salurduya only. , K.i| Ii ,iir.. und atop only at HHVITIIIII,

Kxeterand Dover. IVS. UKKRITT, sjup't.

I.awrcnee, July 10, 1871.


No. so Union Street, I Near Corner of Iiunover Street,)

BOSTON. The advantnceB ottered to depositors by Ihla

ttrfh— Deposits arc put on Interest on the llrat day ol every month.

.S'rconrr.-No eitra divld.lida once In live yeara, but the rulleurniiiK-. are dhideil once ineviiyaia niontlia.

7'fliV'/.-Dlvld.i,d.i ar,' put ui.nn inlenat imaoon aadcrlared,au that depoeltors receive t'orsiioiwd

ROBERT MAIt.SH, UBO.C.TRUUBCLL, President. Treasurer, Uteciilive (ammitltt. II 11y«t)ll

"And Yot He Is Not Happy." ! rilY? Because ihe young nan has not : 1/12. 1871. LOUIS WEIL

I. A. WhiU'omb'fl Old

183 Essex St.. lSecond Store Atave JacksonJ

when- !>•■ ha. the LAUdKHT and FINKST atoek of Men'-, t uniir., Bod Children'*

CLOTHING, Furnishing (lootls. Hats, CapB,

Tnniliv, Valisen, ItHRi, Air;, Xr„

to be found In Lawrence.

No dealer ran tstiKiisKLi. ua, for none can do i'ii-i n. -- to belter advaaloge. The crowded alate of our Itoro aliowa that the public know this.— But ihe churuh ia nut lull, and all who call will he promptly accommodated.

" Weil Was Always That Way."

CM.I, K.i HI. Y. CALL Ot'TF.S.

"Wo may lie happy yet."


Worth it* We tit in (Jold. Bvery Man hi- own Doctor by uaiug Dr. T

DI.DKN'HI clelirated It lua<U f«H 1 Vf. whlcli he warrant, tu cure all kinda of Dl.l.Sorea Btul.i-a, CueiTH, t'oiua, Fi Ion-, Bunion., Itui Boll-, (icalda. and tor Al.aei.-r-, Sore Nlpp Broken Br.-a-la,i.ud ev.-ry oilier kind ot .ore- ''nn...;. frame i. In lr to that I- rurable i sterna I'rlei bv the rull, in cent.; no by limit tu uuj | Of llie C.Bi

ao-Te.limonlal, over thirty yi ar- .liiudiun

-Itoi el, La

• la to r

all I

lie . in..

.Nr III- I.NK Uow few there are who have nol luffcrrd with at leaat one of the above dtatrcaalng diaeaaia. Uow few there are that have ever found anything that would relieve—not to mention rurc—ttioaepain- ful amtcllona. BBIGGS' ALLKVANTOR la a booa-lldc remedy for each and every one of thoae prevalent complaluts. It no aluntly, but poaltlvely

.iry nnr ,, only relh...

aatonlalilng d according to directions. T lucceaa of Dr. BrlL'gH' Allevantor, a medicine, 1- an eatabtlahed fact. To be convinced. Hold by all druggist a,

I'lliH luatantly relieved and soon cured by ilng Dr. J. nliH.d.V 1*11,K BJCHIDIKS, They

reduce luflammatton, aoolhc the irritated parts, and have proved ablcaaln^ to the. afflicted, whette cr Internal, external, bleeding, or itching pile".— All kinda In all alagea louat yield to the wonder- ful influence ol theae never ruling remedies. Hold by Drugglata.

(' o n . u in |i 11 a ii, Bronchitia, La Cough,'iiif.. and nil dlacaaea of tl and Lungs readily relieved by Ihe magic


Parties wiahing to purchaae the Brat Bewlng M.u'hnu-1 II Hie World, will aave lime and money by calliugat

fill) Essex Street, Lawrence, To aee the


SEWING MACHINE. It does Hemming, Felling, Tucking, Cording,

Binding, HralilltiE. Fringing Fnr;ullng, Hufllini and Slitehlug un at the aame lime, without any baallng. JOHN WAKBURTON, A|[ent.

F;ach Machine la furniahed wllli two liemmera, frlli-r, braider, outlier, .nlf-aeamer, oiler, screw driver, bobbluo, 1 doz. uecdlea, und printed dlrec- Uoos,A««.

" Ice 155.00; with lock cover, *IW.OO. rtna caah, or monthly iuatullmenla.


Office at tht Clothing Store of W. H. Bridgman fftoodlyjall 940 IXaeea St.. I.>wrcnc«.

Warrens' Roofing. Kor nearly S/irrn Mars I have bi

with tlie working ol " Warrena' Rooting Mate- rial." DurltiK thia period I have uaed It upon many co.lly structures, erected for public und trlvutc use, among which inuy bo Included the

ree City liuapltal, and Cathedral Building, In .1.1.. -14.. un.l ,|jr dial, llni.u Al I'lM^nrrl K 11

on my body which lm. can uV-fribe. Mi aore cure that it don't trouble me any now , and I lei ! an -tniirt ai a young innii, through the u»>- of your celebrated Black Salve, wlileh excel* all Other remedies ever offered i» the public, All parti., oau have rrfereaee to this case through Dr.Ogden.

DK.T.OunKH—/leor SiV-Wi- have u.ed three of ynur wundtrlul hid tUreiigtlietiltis 1'liurl.y and Ithfumatif f LA ST F. Its iu our fuiully, which are the be-t in the market, aa tliey do not crack and dry up like ull the re.t, und >nek much longer.

THOMAS BKAN, Mil Valley aireet, Uwrence.

1)K. T. OODEN, Sole uroni


Boots and Shoes.


%. No. 139 Ef.-iKX ST.. LAIVRKN.R,


11 K A It T Ii 1 S K A SE. ideiii nor before the piople.

whlchi that It


Pftlpltl lion. Knlarg

1 lieiuiiAlisni, Spa oils.

(is rlflcatlon, ami Water aboil III! Heart.

We pr

which 1

eaent tl

but on

e following

of many :—

oluntarytea llmoni.1,

! t'i ■m Jtrt miirft SmUk (oi,c„ if, A "1 1 hai

Di-ea-, ■ been very murl, lor the la.l -even i In do any ■ i'"T "i.

r.'iUhi work

d w yea lort

ih Heart

of the tlesi

J. 1). IIERRTCK AND S. H. FRENCH. nnder Ihe name and atyle of J. V. PBKNCH A CO., reaped fully iinnuiiiiif in I lie lr former patron a and Hie publie generall), Hint they may atill be found Ht the Uld Stand

71 Essex Street, (1^9 New Number,) where they will alwaya be pleaaed loahow their large and carefully mk-fted -lock uf llen'a, Wo- men'!, Boye', Hla.ea', Youth'., Children'., and

BOOTS AND SHOES. Al.o, at all times, » good -lanurtment of

RUBBER GOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

here to be found In the city. iooda, aa far aa pu.nlblc, a

d received directly from them oat fi -1 ■.n

■ in nid, .VII. t conlldencc In Its value and dura- UB1DLKY J. V. BRYANT, Architect.



ITc.—lt 1* su ii.-ii'ii: li.i;:: fact that nine out every ten peraona wo meet are lortly troubled with their feet. Very few arc exempt. Dr. J,' Popular Kemedlea—CURATIVE and ALLKVIATOR—are reliable a ud certain In their effect a. The Curative for aore and tender Corni, Bunions. Bad Nalli, etc., la a looihing balm for wounded feet, and rapidly curea the woratcu9ca. Alleviator, for the cure of rominon Corna and BunionB.and the prevention of all Corna.laapui- ale to BcienllflemludH. hold by 11. M.Whitney k Co,, 11. J. Denham, Charlea Clarke, Lawrence,


Srl.i tnl wllli care for Family iiae.

Extra large No. I for S2.SO per kit. Such ai aold for |1° JO laal year. At

C. P. WICCIN'S FISH MARKET, ■! i .'.■.: ■ ■!"■'' Common Street.


A Double Light of Ground Glass.



Fur "BKBI.tN ItKADS" and "RKURRANDT" 'oitrt <•)' the United A'/"/

uf Mais.— lu BaHlmplcj, i la ■ thai . petil .spn

Tha Singer Co. sold 44,625 more Machines than any other company,

THE SINGER U Ikal uif/mir. i do <i

Ueno ,r.l fro tale.

(You all may from history worm ii , There waa Lewis lbs Bulky, nnd Henry the

John Lackland and peter the Hermit. Ami now when Ihu door-plnlea of inl.le


Mr. Box, pruv.iiie.1, iievi I doiibl. • I Mr. Burn, in Id- (rate baa no fuel.

Mr. Play fair won't m« al bar at d ol i Mr. Coward waa white,! In a duel.

Ur.Wlaelaadunce, Mr. Kins In a Whit, Mr. Ciifflii Vui u.nly ■pHghtly,

And huge Mr. I.lnle broke down In a Rig, While dili his r.,i Mr. fiollghtly.

Mr.. I kwAli : ■* i|'i In Indulge i irm Ml. An.'l '■ ...i nl". lute lury,

An.lou.k Mr. I.l.m. Itie.tll.S l|.i-"Mr. I. . Twiaked Id- I" ll"' lobby ,.f Hiury

nd nothing bi

ow bold, in w ,t f.UI'l.-.l ..fill

CtllfullHj And ..'.I' -ki r ..nd Faaler. It la eaay to learn lo run and very easily kept lu order. All macMnti

graft*, llachlnea .old on euay teruia ol payment

M, 3ST_ K O 'W E , The only Authorized. Agent lor Law*

rence mid 111 iiiiiin.

Office at No. 18 Ameslmry Street, I.AWBEIiCE,

Where may be found, alao, a good aaaortment ol Parlor, bitting Room, Dining Room,

KITCHEN OL CHAMBER FURNITURE All of which will be aold aa low aa any In Ihe city.

WR. A.F. COUURN la with me, and will be mom happy to aee hia old friend* and cuitomera. I'.emtmhtr Ihrplacr. IH AMKHHtllY HTItKKT,

A lew doora Trom F.aacx St., Uwrcnce, Maaa. fltfJeB si. N. IIOWK,

New Advauce Cook Stove-

uicha ilnwu Mr. Roe

WILLIAM \^. I (>\ ,

SupurinLoudontof Comotory. KeatdeDce Bri Morton Street,


lit. Ml Ull- ilk.': Mlaa IM»I I

Kver alnrn -lie Mr. .-will bubble


Mr. M< l.-ulf run i


Ur, Darker'ass

Mr. Uileaueve llr. II.dolied all-

Mr. SI ir-P"-.' «r. llardu-r .an

Mr. Wild With


23d Essex Street.

(Third Story. 0|i) American Oflicc.)

1 Ur. Penny, wlmae father wa. Kicked down all the forlun

j Urge Mr. L.-F, vru 'a the ,,|, I Ur. Oo.ideu.iuih la but a I I Mr. Cmlaahonk alepi inio lb I By ahowlai bl> leg lo an h

How I hope JOII 'II ai-knuwl

lit asms iv/itj it ta the first Stove in

the. World.

It heavier CastinfrM.

It has a better Fine. (Noolherlike

ii.) It tins a better Fire Ron.

It lias a larger Oven.

Ii will bake quicker.

It. will work in a poorer draft

It Will Lake With less fuel.

It will bake with an old lire HKTTKR

than any other stove.

It has a new patent hot close! in front.

It lias a perfect ash pit.

It is the only stove that has a perfect

hot air draft.

For healing water for the hath room

it is unequalled.

1 i:\ srovi: uiitiit\nii tu every ptrheuisr.



K. It. & W. It. LAMB & CO., 1U.1 K IBJ Kaai-a Street, Lawrence. Mnai.

W. O. (i. HPKINOEK, M. 1>.


180 Essex St., (Sims* Hlock,) Ri[4 LAWRENCK,

... uurt on Hie vsth day ol Mi l' ■] I.. DANIKL M. FKI.CH, of llaverhlll, bankrupt, praying that he maybe decreed lo have u lull IIIM litir;;i Irom all hia debts provable under the Bankrupt Act; and on the 15th day of September, A. D, 1K71, upou reading aaid |ieHliiin,lt la ordered by Hir Court that a hear- ing be had upon the »amc un Hie 20th day or Oc- tober, A. D. 1H7I, bfl'irf the Court in Boston, in aald lOo'clock, A, St., and that notice tln-reol bepubllnhed In the

Roilon Full and Lawrence American, newapapera printed In aald dlatrlct, once a week for three weeka; und that all creditor- who have proved Iheir debt., and other peraona In Intereai, may appear at aald time ami place,andahowcauae, If any they have, why the prayer of the aald peti- tion aliould not be granted.

KDWAltD, Stan Clerk or Dlalrict Court lor »ald Dial.

In Ilunkruptcy. l.i -1J if I Of MM-., it.

Notice la hereby given thai the uuderaigned haa beeu duly appointed aaalgnee of the e.late of CKDltliV: HANSON nnd NATHAN M. llt'NNK-

WKLL, (late copartner! under the name of II

II 11.1 lintli of Maiden, in Ihe county of Mlddle.ex, within aald dlalrict, who have been adjudged bankrupt* by the Dlatrlct Court. STKl'IIKN W. KLI.I.KR,

Charleatowu.Scpt.U, 1871. MT:

In Hnnkriiptcy.

by it —Tin'

A of Boalon, In Iho county of Suffolk and

. . . that the lii 'it'ii. il haa been duly uppofnted aaalgnee of the estate


of Haiaieliuaettl, within laid district, who

Chirleitown, Sept. 20,1871.




UMT^ -fjm

than any other HIn made for Ihe asme monev. It commend. Ilaell lo eviry Farmer al alglit. No laclnya, no gorea, n ■earn- to rip or hurt Ihe feel. Made ul Hie be OAK h ii', with one-half double aole. Alao,

Cent's, Ladies', Misses' ami Children

Boots and Shoes May be luundnt

11. T. CLAY'S, NO. ..17 KSSK \ ST It E ET '(ill* iiy 11* Lnwreiii e.


A lady writes:—"About aix monthi

hair waa coming out au badly that at el

Ing I used to K't a handful, which, nut v

Hill l're-,r

, I laid by I


ua. t have uaed

ind iii.w 1 do not get

y bralda, and hu

Dr. KhSNKlll'* IIAIB TlU.H coluphle loilil

Article to beautify and Invigorate llie Hair, la

■old by Drug|(lat» everywhere at ||.fal per bottle, lyfleowjf'JUb



Second Door West uf Stone Church.

nit. i.rrii.1*

d from Sims' Block to

271 Essei *t., (over Dr. Klfltler'sOfflrr

where, in connection with Sir. 1IASIOR. he hi fitted ii]. a Magnlllcent .Studio,all replete wit I' ■r.i|.|..i Novcltlea,

The public are Invited to call, tc mi I LLFKIN k 1IAMOR.

E. A. ARCHIBALD, Blamifaclurer of

Cast Iron Hubbed Wheels, lly his Patent Press Process.

Axles unil Uunnlng Paris lor Team IVngons,

Of Kvery Deacrlptlon,


»*-Since these Wheels not only claim, but arc proved to be ao much superior lo the ordinary Wheel, and are saiiT ViiiiE KXPKKSIVK, no one Interested aliould fall to teal the mailer for himself. ap?


,. removed from Andover to

'^73 Essex St., Lawrence. NltrouiOxide i;.,-. admlnlatered. Rcference-Facultv. Harvard Dental College. No. .173 .■.■-.-. Ut.,(0ftr atore uf 8, B. W. Davia,



Among the public edifices, erected under my aupervl.lon and covered with your matcriala, are the I imtlluli: or Technology and the new building of the Natural History Soeiely, My experience for (-■■■ .''■■ yran with Warrena' Rooflna la, that roofri cuvrred In a proper manner with it are su- perior to anything that I am couvi raaut with, ua- cept copper. Youra truly.

J.l'RKSTON, Architect.

1 huve uied " Warrena' Felt and Compoaitlon Booling" upon building, winch have coat Irom t:i,(»"' to tlun.OOO, 1 consider It the next best to copper, mid superior to tin.

NAT1IT.J.BRADLKF,, Architect.

The nbovc testimonials, from the leading Ar- chitects In Boston, Indicate the value In which the above Rooting ia held In that city.

preceding year has so many FIRST CLASS

. \>.-i been covered with It as during the last. Its superiority has never been questioned where Inngeet In use,

The public aro cautioned not to be misled by any otlier material, similar in appearance) ami represented to be the same as WAIRBUS*.

la'lln' undersigned la alone authorized to Warrens' Rooting in this vicinity, where, during llie past nine years, he haa covered many valuable tniil-i iiij:-., ■ in the aggregate, hundreds of th tnda square feet of surface.

Prepared with ample means and facilities for the contluued proserullon of the bu.inesa, and Lln.ukful to hi. friend, and the puhllo for lavora In Hi.- past, he will hereafter execute all work i in in i. d lo '.iln with fidelity and dlapatch.

t. i:t i. W. HORN,

Common Street, near the Depot, Dml Imhitf Ijiwrence, Muss.

Si-mi lor Tree Specimen I'uges! A'OIP READY.


FOl'NTAIN OF SACKED SONG. The I. un,!.: afDSJeJani and Choir Director, em-

nhuilenlly pronouni'. 11,1-to In-1 he very IIK*T col- leclluii of Mii-1.1 ever puhll-hed lor the u.e uf Cliitlra, SlngliiK Mclioola Av Convention!,

•vnt: VM'STMS »f s tfi;i:t> soxi; conlnlna " Muclcal Notullon," •' Hinging School Deiiarlment." " Vocal Culture," '• lllee. and i'nrt

.:-,;.-.i, of nn S5E&3; ■. .Hi-

nt et nd Ch and "Cot

C1HCIH.AR SA.V.s II i.Mi BAWHi Ml ll HI SAWS, CROSS-CUT s.\«s,! nf all descriptions,

Are Superior to tall oilier-..

Every SAW Warranted! Perfect Huiisineiioii gnnrnuteed.

n#-i ar sale by Hardware and Country Dealer., ami Hi.' Manufacturer-, .'iml.nnb

WELCH & GRIFFITHS, U.1 iV 117 IVil.'iat Si., Boston.

UK. A. W. lit! W LAND,

*"^'v§WSEB&to ^ " ,':N'rifc*'I*a

yjl^ «r»u£"o ' ^*-" tlniAdminlater

BarHefercnoc—Faoulty, "hKa. Dental College NewNo.iJ8«EBSBxSt . fold No. 1«.J

For Purifying the Blood,


ll Is nPosillvoCure lor UilioiiniH-ss, Cmi slipalimi. D»spn|Mln, 1'cvcr and

A-ui', ilontlachc, and all DI-. :i-i -. baling 'In lr nrli-ln in au 1 input

Half ol Ihe Blend. - A- a

Meiliiine far riiihlren il is

I'rico $1 50. Sia.fiO por dosen. RpCOll&en copy .eat, post paid, un receipt ol

price. I'ubll-I.ed by WH1TK,-SMITH A I'F.RRV, Iti.sTos.

Sir. Leonard Maralmll'a aervlee- fur t:nnvcntiun. may be .ecun .1 l,y addreaalng aa above, or Hooni 1'J. 1'remoul Temple, Boalon. ' -Hell lagVI

.ETNA Sewing Machines

18 7 1, Suporlor in Stylo and Finish

to any mnrhlue yet offered to Ihe public. SIMPLE! DURABLE! PRACTICAL! mid adapted to all kinds of work,

SELF ADJUSTING NEEDLE and other NEW FEATURES, which make Ihem ea-fly managed by Ihe Inexperienced operator.

TKltHS LliiKllAt.. AilhNTH WAMTKO, OFFICF,,^! THMl'I.K BLACK, BOSTON, Mass. ISteopleoptaiS U.t). WILLIAMS. Qea'l AgT.

urrtCE or


No. 239 Essex Street, Lawrence.

All peraona doing bu.lneaa llubluto 8PKCIAI

TAX, and who have not already spotted, ar

requested to call forthwith, und thereby sav

themselves future expense and trouble,

OFr-toi nouns,Iron IOI-^A.U. to I*MM,

every day except Saturday and Sunday.


U. B. Assistant Assessor. May gad, 1871. 11 1

Emerson's siiminii School. A NEW ROOK,

Designed especially Tor Sinning L. O. F.MKRSON,

or whose books the aale ol A .miiiou Copies

or more, proves coucluaively he understands llie want, of the American Musical Public.

The book coiltalu., in It. three dlvl.loti., SB good variety of

M-They are SOLI Agents of Ihe


VOOLE GERMAN SLIPPER. Jaflluvlng retained the services or Mu. R. B.

SMITH, la man of twenty years experience In the ilacture and sale ol Ilouta and Shoe., they It und hope lo merit a share of the public


CyPlcase examine our (lootls before purchasing.


139 Essex Street, Lawrence. J. D. Ilcrrlck, S. M, French,

Agricultural implements AND


W. A. KIMltALL & CO.,

No. 217 Essex Street, Lawrence,

(.Veon'y opposite the Pv*t Office.)

arc the Sole Agents for

IIOLllROOK'S SWIVEL PLOWS, which are too well known to require nnycommeu-

dm i..ii. They have, .il..., Iho ftimous

Buckeye Mower, and Reaper. well known to farmers, Also, the

It h A NCSA It D I'll URN.

The Universal Clothes Wringer. Ittiulli ) '■• l'ntciit


NKW AND TCF'K'ir.C'riVit:

FISHING TACKLK, or a novel style.

HARDWARK of every description


or Chicago, has opened anolllceln Lowell, whrre he IB treating' succeHafully ull Ch route IHtfttff', on u new system, which euil.raci - the best und most approved method- In thin nnd other cotm- trlea, Including Ihu u.e nf F.LKCTltllTTY und PHKUMAT1C or DKV CCI'l'INO, which usually relieves all pain nnd remove* ull congestion in u abort time; ami r.inon;.- liino.ra nnd cures Rhu- matlamand l'nr:dy-iu; iitnl INHALATION OF AUTOM1/F.D MF.DICINKS. He trials succeas- fully Nia' AMI Ni.itvotH AKKITIO.SS. All form, ot Heofula, Fever Horea and Old Ulcer*. Dyspepsia, Diseuae. of tlie Liver and Kldne)

id my dillieuity Rheuu :.••<■ ... be.ll areally truuhleil lu «. i

'uin at time*, and hud severe .Inking Fpell- panyiug dilliiulty of breithlnK, iu thai I ieen in great danger of Immediate death— used but two buttle, of the Heart Kcsuta-

■. d though I do not consider myself cured, i tlnit I cm iloaday'a work without any l'\, at i' i hi nk I - lii'11 eventually become al- ii i ten well. I line irduced olhera tu try KAltl ItM.C: A'H't'.'ii'.l would i.-rati tnl 1) I i! lou.l. Ml ill Mt All i-MlTlI.

e. *LI0 per bOllle For -Mill- I-' dnifglrtl

DR. .1. Ii. KIDbKJL


No. "71 EBSL'X Street, Lawrence


1) . (ir ■en,, lias IK il I'livi inn nf ll. flisii tutc Ml) o its Tom or. thai

;;;:;; iV< . and has ' lr- .i.i'i;

ll.'M.t.ll hi- Ii his t ii ■(

.i iii:

lull. A

1,11,1. h civw e«

ills 1 III •ill.' Til, iln.lK- iii-. I'm

1 Cm 'IT Sen. Iletir

l)i-i Neil lii 1-ill Asihn i, Ni It lie IIl.l -in, I'nruh ■-.-: Sl-IH il Din IS, , l)v.-

Ril I St imncli, Er -i,,f!i.-, wiiin .llin. Silt Itlu tin. ('auk. r, D.nlti - K III v 1 li- ca*e St ilillal Wen .tie-- ii

It • .>r.ler nf tlie! < ' Man llf'l ra Di (lm nr's Medical •umi.1.1. ile-i VI- 0 .li-e unil their iroper nviiiini 1 ill 1

lire to ill va) i ■; ulso his '1 ili>i'u-i'.- f the Hal unil Sea 1''

Udress K lilii'.l'N 1' M ll 34 Te nplo Pint C, Uo- on Mns

iy': glgpb .__ Scientific and Popular licdical Worku

Manhood, Womanhood, & Nervous Diseases,

pHepay, Hall ay, Salt ItheUlil, /ever and Ague^

■infi- ll cadache. Hi

ndDlaeasea of Children, in ol Ihe


applied to In Ihelr lirst IIBL'I*. He euro more cases of CURVATURES, WF.AKNKSS and

JIISI'IANFS or THE NI'IM:, and all other deformities, than any otlier physi- cian In America. He treat, these illaeaaea on en- tirely new principles, and with u new apparatus.

He haa had an extensive practice and wonder- ful lucceis In Hu-treatment ul I'A NCBUS.

He cures all diseases of the BYB AND FAR. He has hud an extensive practice and great suc-

cess In the treatment of all IUMI:ASI:.H OF WOBIKX. Ue his cured women who have beencontlned to

their bed! lor years. He lectured llfterii years to Ladies on the diseases or Women, which u'lves him a knowledge and experience lu the treatment of these diseases unsurpassed by any other phyal-

lle ir falls KUEVMATX8M

Us stages, no milter haw long si CATARRH.

is treating Catarrh o wt,i. I lor Ihla terrible disease, with which

almost every person I) more or Ivsa aflllclid, «■ini'.iiii iiMi.ii Free. Ills contultntlons for

yeara have averaged several thousunds a yeiir, which gives him an experience unsurpassed by any other physician, and equalled only by a few. Hu does not promise to cure all stages of diseases, and no case will be received wliere thcro la any doubt of cure or relief.

White all diseases are curable, IT pcoperly treat- ed In their Brit stages, all ilugti of dlscaac arc not curable. A case maybe curable MIsttosiM, no( but nut tu-mornit. hence the dan- ger of delay in Ihe treatment of diseases.

Dr. Knapp is no trnrrtlino p/ijMiVion. He only viaitaafew placea near l.oicttt, occasionally accommodate his patlentr '- olliera who maydealrc to i insult him.

isie, i eollee i Ot Ch eh liinin

Price $7.fi0 per Dozen Sam[iIf Copies sent post paid for 71 BIS,

OI.1VBR niTSON A CO,, Boston. 0. ll.DITHtlN A CO.. New York. I IsSS

Cheap Farms! Froe Homes!!


lU.OOO.OOl) ACRES Ik'sl Farming ami Mineral Lands iu America.

Of Xthratta, in th, f/renl Phil, IViHrs sow nut SALE, for rash or long credit.

rnNCinK rrnni fi tn $111 pt-r Acrr.


so/tHEHS <>r nn: I.MI: WAR

I nr llaillt-i.|pnd nl Mill A,,,,,

III ItKCT' 1U1UNTY ..I ffliiii. Hemlforll w edition of d.Mrlpilvr psmph-

I. t, wilh new null-, mulled free ever) win re. Aildre.' I'. I'. H.UIH,




For Tnvemttoni, 7Vede Marls or Datgni, No. TO State St., opposite Kilby St.,

BOSTON, After in extensive


T thcolalniH of any j>ai, nl liinii-hed bv remitting one dollar. Assignment H reenrded In Waaliltiyton.

A'n A</rocy in the I nited Stolen iwssrilti lUVC- HOT fmMtie* lor uUtointo., l:,l,;it,,or aseertaiu- luy theluttriitnbltily of inventions.

All ueceasity of a Journey to Washington lo procure a Patent, and the u.iiul gn at delay there,

ll-i'.l 1 l-l.1 ea 10 aecur

iu tireal liri rlea. Cave d ull papers

aeof upward-of thirty

«in, 1 riilife.nnd other 1-. BpcelUcatlous, As- for l-alfiita, executed

a bam .id luvi

The Sal. .tore Shades. It .ne half the tUOlle

TKSTIMON1AI.H, "(regard Mr. Kddy aa one ut tl

ami sucee.i.ful practitioners wllli . hadotnclal tnlercuurae.

0IIA8. M ASON.Cotnml-ionerof I'atenti 11 I have nulienllutioil in ii.aurlngluvenlora that

they cannot eiupluy a man wore Competent null Irurticorttiu. and more ciipulde uf putting their nppllCMtions in a fur in lu secure lor them nn early and lavorable eoiisideriitlni al the Talent Office.

BDMCND IICKKB, Lute Commissioner uf Patents.n

"Mr. R. II. Eddy IISH made fur sac over THIR- TY applleulioii. for I'alenla, buying been success- ful In almost every case. Such uumMukablc pioot ofgreut lull ul and.bllliy on hia psit, lead, n.vlu recommend All. inventors to apply In him to jiro- cure their patents, as they may be sure of hat Ing the mu«t fiilihrii! iiltintiou heslimed mi Ihelr ea- ae., und nl i. r> r-.i- it'l.- .'liire.-i..

Bo.toii..luti. l.tsrt. JOHN TAdflAUT."

IIAMIN R\ i: It V » II ER I-:

Brass Instruments

I'lTAHH, FI 1,'TINAB, I, HI I s, FI.AtiKOLKTH. ft AI i:i ,om:tiNH

No. 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston, (Opposite Hovero House.)

Dr.. W.II. 1'ARKKR, AssUlint 1'hyslelin. AMic'/t knowledge for everybody. 2S0,IXW ce-pin

laM in two tear*. A Book for every Man.

TUB SCIENCE OF LIFK, OB t'KLF-I'ltFS- KK VAT ION. A Medical Trenllse on the Cause and Cure of K\ nAt'.sTitn VITAI.ITY.I'KKSIA-

; MAN, NK DKnn.trr, HH'oriKiM.Ht \, and all other dis- eases nrislng from the F.iimiits Ol YOUTH, OK T1!K iNIIIKCIU'.TlllSS nil KxctSSKB of miituri- years. This Is Indeed a book for every man. Price only (1. SSfi i .; . ■. bound lu cloth.

A Hook for every Woman, Entitled BKXUAI, I'll T810LOQT OF WOMAN AND D1SBA.SKS; or, WOSIAST TKKATKII 111- rilVSIIH.0llirAI.1V ASII l'ATIIOlOdICAl i.v, from IXPAIIOY in Oi.l) AOR, wllli elt-((nnl llln ■■ trailve Kngrsving*. )to PIIKIS, bound in beauti- ful French eloth. I'll..- i i.

A Book for Rverybody. Flattered by the reception of, nnd great demand

for, the above valuable mil timely treatise!, sutl alao lo meet a great need ol Iho present age, the author has Ju-t tmbll-hcl uiu-w book, treating exclusively of NERVOUS AND MENTAL Ills- EASES. ISO pp. eloth. I'rico |1.00, or SHUT FRKK on receipt of *.1 for tbe other two booki, postage pfild.

These are,beyond all comparison, the moat ex- traordinary works un Physiology ever published. There I* nothing whutcVer that the Married nr Single, of either Sex, can either require or wish to know, hut what Is fully explained, and many matters of tho most important and lutercnting oh a racier arc Introduced to which no allusion even can be found In any other works In our lan- guage. All IlieNnw Dim-ovi/Hir.s of Ihe author, whore experience in such ns probably never be. fore fell lo the lot of any mini, are Klven hi full. No petaon should bo without these valuabl. book*.

"VAl.UAm.K BOORS. —We liavo received tdr valuable medical work, publl-lied by the I'eabody Medical Institute. These books arc ol actual merit, and should ilt.d a place In every Intelligent family. They ire nut the cheap order ofabomlna- blu trail), published by Irrc.puiialhtc parties.and Eurchu.ed to gratify course (nates, but are writ ten

y ■ responsible iiiofc'.t.iohul j;enllemsn ot emi- nence, u* a source ol'lnst rucllon on vital matter*, concerning which Iniueuiable ignorance exists. The important subject! preacntcd are treuted with delicacy, ability ami care, and, as an ap- pendix, many ':-.Iul (.rescript inn. lor prevailing complaints are added."—Cool Republican, Lan- coder, y. Ll.

" The author ol these books i* one of the moat learned and popular physicians of llie dayi and la entitled to the gratitude ol our race for these In- valuable productions. It m-rrtii to be his aim to Indueu men and women to uvold Ihe cause ol those diaeases to which they are subject, and he tolls them Just how and when lo do lt.''-t'sron(. icle, Farminyton, Muitie, Sept. 7, IBflB.

Either hook sent by mail on receipt of price. if ni Ii'.-. infilled N. Il.-T'hu Aut

works la the Chief Consulting l'byslclai 1'eahudy Medical Institute, and la so constantly employed In cuu.uliutluii with Invalid) from all part* or Ihe cuu II Iry, l In. l he has no time (o attend lo mere business details. Therefore ill Iciiers should be addrc"id to ll,. I'KAIKlllV MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or to Or. W. II. PARKER, the Medical Assistant of ihe Author, and hia Buain, sa

' who, is well as Hie Author himself, may iae» requiring skill, secrc



ill}' 1'iual to the lira), fur JOUJ WUlTrXlttD k Rick. > lymh:

il- "I Musical Merchundlae. JOHN HAYBSciCO.. 3J Court Bt.,

Opp. the Court Hot


/.. Chemiial and aVerfJMs Mettre.


FIRST and ONLY SOl.lTION ever made in one mixture ot AI.I. Till; TH'KLIK vulu.bli aellve principals ot the well known curative Sg CD I

PINE TREE TAR, UNEgiTAI.KD In Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Aslh ms, Broncliltl*. and Conaumptlon.

CURES WITHOUT FAIL i recent cold In three lo six hours: indalsoby It- VII'Al.l/INIi, |'l Kin IM;, | ,s| (Ml l.ATi.Ni; „|„.„ n,,- e11:, t:,i M).,, ,„, ih ,.- marknbly eltlcnclous In sit

niSBASlKM OF Till,! niiOOII, Including Scrofula and Eruptions of the .km, Dyspepsia, Diseases of tin- Liver and Kidney- Heart Disease, and General Debility.


Volatile Solution of Tar for IN II A I.ATIONwilhonl application of II LAI. A nm.'irknlily VAU'ABI.K discovery, us the whole spparatus can be carried In ih- v. .t poeki i , ready al any Hint- lor I he mo-i ill'.i-lual and pol lively ruruivi use in All lUwrnr* of tht .VON/;, TIlltOAT, anU



TAR AXI> MANDRAKE I'll.I.. lor use in coiiinellnn will, n.,. RI.IX1K TAIL Is

1 " ■ IM ,i- fill,Without exci|li(ili,the VII

- idfti . li.i.l.r. rt'tisniVECUttE.'i lojoi

L. h\ i, . UK a\ CO,, '■il'h:ill!BOHiy Hlll.K I'Hdl'HirllUtS,

110 E, 23il BtntOt, Now York.