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fort Offlce Book, Lawrence, Han

SUBSCRIPT IOr*:-$3.5(r per year, from which-' 90 cents will be deducted for strictly advance payment

Ihe CbvuTittVgi of the Lawrence American" li Hie urge-.! ol any paper tn the County, anil its suerhd " -'Aii'Lucr Aihertlner" i1i-|i:ii- I rive* i I tin aliiin-t cj-li-liv liical rlivii!;iili.iii in Italuver and SurUt Amlcver.


Entered im scetiuil class matter.



EVEI "^tHMT. kiftdey Ewepted.)



SUBSCnrPTION, la Adn*ca. S6.00 per TMT.


' THE AMERICAN ELECTRIC PRINTING OFFICE" It the largest end moat thoroughly furnished f*>

Eastern Massachusetts. Nine power preasea,

conttant additions Jl the newerl type; th#

bet', quality J work, at low price*. Orde/«

by mail piomptly attended to. *


MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIN Covered with So ties. Awful Spactaele

Cure > !u Five Week* by the Cut. urn Kerned Itis.

A (tout tin- rir-t nf April law I nottoi il lome ml EllW'llOa III.- .,-,, ...r . . ,i .-. n,v Uflv, 1)111

IOtli(Iit I hill I 'I III.ill "'Hie MINI- later on. when I. li .- t< In ItVH ) *.<• amiiauf n.i .put toil mi, <tii" urhi. li n mi" ..r hi in\ pro uc.coransii. leil rtldi 'I. hi ,,. I w.inl.l (nrralcli i-mv uttflit

until I w.is rnii, ilien ttiustikt "' lit Hie *•»!«■ being furmi'il

11 In vatn did I oOflltUl

iow»n i>er ahoat your i\ (IKMMHUS, Hml ulir

i.J.t Irani aim at Irameiiisle If. 1 lit1, an t ■ Dude in 11 t Bi'all ."■ ni'i lima gradually

. 'hi !■ I .ii and dlnappe i'i| tins I iv one in ii I i,i ■ I., i ii uiiv .Hi'. . t hail the ill-ean-llil.t.u ii..uiHiB.liiroroI la-nan taking thn KKMIIUK-. an-' In tour r I1v« .onm- entlrrlv eared. My ilmr-ass tin •tttmi ai il taorla la I (iiiw of B great .an wli-i hayo

iki-n ii". UKUKDIMI ami than urn for tin kiiiiwls.lv. nf tiii'<ti.<M *hy mottiem wlio baft ball- • allli •< siy crumMus . ii their tic ,.la ami bodlBA. I ''.in en I'M"' Kf i- T Hi II a V> Y"U My IKMIV an- e.iver il wltt; stales unit I wan an' ■wful ap'-et.-.l.. toll Imlil Now my akin la a< clear aa n '•■'■r'a.

QEO.COTKY, Blur Mil, Wla.

Cuilcura Resolvent Thrnw Wood and Skin Purlnir, anil r calf it

of Hum r )Caa><liu-, lutrr ullv (lu I'.Uanaa llie bloo-1 i f ii l in.|)ii.lt|i..- an l Lhux ri'iuovn III- Cause), i",.i (UTICUKi, tho gloat Nktu eure, %i Ii CUTICUMA S 'AP, BB rnqDlelf IkmbMiiln-r, . X'..II, 1 v (iii.-b-nr tt.o akin a ml acaluanor i >'o ihe ha'i). cui««vi;r>- aiicolctof BtfonlRin" iM-.iiina, li..nln((. ao-lv, ami i>!u.|>|\ dlavaaeaot ihuakln, acalp nri'i bloo ■

Sold OTnrv wlinre. Prlro, Cl'TICOBA, Bf>; HO»p BV; KR-M'I.YKNT «i. l'(i>l> Mil 'IT id.. I'.HT.H DllUO *M. I HEWI04L Cl»»P'HMTH». B It'll.

ANOTHKR of Ihe eiidowniontB capit-

ulates to tbe Blent fate which awuiia

them alj; the courts have decided to

app hit a receiver for the Progressive

Benefit or'tcf; had this been done two

months ago, the members would have

been better off by fully two thousand

dollars which hat gone into the pock-

ets mainly, of brokers and those cahoot

with them. *

PIIKI PLK4, blari-ln fi.i«, re-l

ml oily sklu enrad by

I loUK'atlmoulaia

I CII'T BREATHE. 0-i'X Ptl■«, Borrn-na, -icaknc-",

HHk'- f turli, Aeibma. PItu-l«T. HI li'Biiinnat on rrlievitit IN out

' i.iln.it. Ii" r ,i I ulli.in lull- at r. Not IHK like It for weak lu*a

Not ivliat we say, but what the people N;iy is what f-flls DANAS SARSAPAU1LLA. Be sure It li nude lu Belfast, Maine.


■ "Canker in tbe Stomacb unflted me for work!"





LEWISTON, MR.. MAY 15,1801. Gentlemen:—1 hart- been n cnultnual

BUITITIT for ti long time with Cnnkrr In llu- MOIUIK h, J'liroiit and

THE! KIND !m"h -V, umt IIIY li|»N liaic nciiUln-il uud swol- len very bad.

I lm<l ti U'irililcT>atl DMrtng fn my stom- ach, bail I mm.'In in v Nii>iiili,i'uii*fnguf;rt'Ht deal of *pitliui;-;il linns I was INtlElLI 1 \HTil.ll HIK LABOR. I connuItnl ;i IHIIIIIIIxiif I'ln-ii inn.-,umi

wua trcaliil liv M vcnil na gooil ones aa 1 coultl had !>

BIT RECE1VKB NO BKXKFIT. Last Marrh, n hov piif.ittl mr* nn nilvcr-

tlnemi-iitof HANA'SSAItSAI'ABILLA. I mad It and dccldiil tu try » Uiitle. TIIP

'drat Itoitlt- ereatly relieved me.

IliSTHAT CURES |l">ul.mi T i iln-tiiiii'tlint wnt.itiki'n,Ihad

(.VIMll IS MIS. IX W KKiliT, BD.l woinli'i'lulh ~iit'|iri-.'<1 lu riml in a - aell well, fkimw DANA'S SAKHA- I'AKU.l.A (in, cured me.

.(. V. BLOUIN. I.i'.wisitiN. Mi:.. MHV l.'i. iMH.

The ahovi'.I. \\. Blouhi DBrBXiuaHy ap- peared :.n.| Kiilwriln-1 mill BWore to the frutli nl tlif nlmvt) niiiii-mi'iit, licfuri1 me.

.1, W. WAI.I.ACi:, Ntitary I'ul.lio. I Dana Sartaparllla Co., Belfast, Milnt.



I li.(l«tiniuii.i>,

Urals the Siircs

Rettowj tin. BBBB n of i ■ ■. i'i it



A pmttel" t« Wrera'l... Phi temat ret, nn rt...

KLY nm»THKH«.r*Warrcn 81, Ntw York. 1 KtoillyJiM

sal llniMtl ti) li) ltml

MONEY W'isily invented will soon doulilu It-

m If, anil t icrtj an: often :in innny *|«- miiils of safety suiruuixling a good paving in- esttmni H one i li tat pays sMiiill div [dfiuut. The nrufng onptDiij nl every iei vest in wtt w the IOUDUBUOO

of dlvi'.l. inls, J'lif Atkinson |[yuni' FurnhihiDg Co., of Maine. orgMlsed in 15BT, has imiU Hi Hoc^holden R nml- annual dividi-inin of B p)erceot. suh (10 per i-etii. a yeiuj and is eaniijig a lniinl- aoinc nurplii' boBMM it i-* a buy and Beir iHiNiiiena ami a wife iniv.tiii.iii for lUdaiaea. The anthnriiod oapttal i^ •l,000,tHHi. of which 8670,000 faai bet n paid in To fnrllii'-r incrraai: tin bust nesB $rto,OiXi of ill-: Tnaaory Block il •fft-reii until March Id at par. 110 per ahare, I'cice ui stock will be advanced on i'lli- IHth lo take etteot on alum; date. Km full parUeutail ad-Ircss the companv. Box 1918, BOSTON,MASS,, or PORTLANP, MK.

NO I THANK YOU Wo no'lontior usatho

okl-r.isiii.iin-'i oorn- mon stove polish a ur home. r (•■ V/o Insist on havlntj

Enameiine. olnB i» paato, can- tplirilke ix liquid not burn, makes

,_ dust, no amalt; g-lvoa a Jot fl^ck alosa, and Is easily applied. Your dealer keeps It, try1 one box. It costs only 6 and 10 eta, or send £ tt'ta fortiaMlate

i. L. PHcSCQTT j CO., No. Bnm.cH. He,

awrence American laAWRENCB. MASB.

IT IS LIKISLV that Buch stipulations

as were found in the water leases of the

Issex company originally, and for aught

we know still Nffifaln there, that the

nmouQt of i ho rental Bhould be payable

in Bold, will IIml their way into new

documents deilning financial oliliga-

tioDB; it is aiatod that in New York

some lenders of money upon morlgnge

arc so nlarmed by the persistent free

silver agitation, that they are already

making the interest payable in gold.

THE QUESTION of providing more

suitable tenement*■- -for -tUs- ,uoorer

classes Is just now receiving csreful at-

tention in Boston; especially as the in-

crease ofi business is BO rapidly pressing

upon districts heretofore occupied bv

the Cheaper class of tenements is this a

needed subject for. cnniiidoratioii in the

interest of public morals and general

progress, and it is to be hoped that the

philanthropists of tbe hub may succeed,

but they hayua task of great magnitude

demanding long and persevering effort.

THE I'Kin.MOW of presenting the

long service medals to the militia is to

be made quite impressive and will at-

tract general attention; tho details of

rifying the lists'reouire so much lime

that it is not uullkely that the date may

be made somewhat later than the mid-

dle of February as Hrst proposed; in

addition to the presence in full dress of

the two hundred and lil'ty officers and

men entitled to the medals, a contin-

gent of tlin first regim.mt and of the na-

val battalion will be on duty, tho colors

of all of the organizations, aud other

aceessorie,s to a brilliant scene.

ONE of the plans proposed by those

who are discussing tho question or

roviding for lliu unemployed Is (hat

the state enter into a vast' schctnu of

improvement of the highways, the cost

to be assessed upon tho estates there-

by enhanced in v.t!u:; by this scheme

it is rlaiihed that work could be pro*

rided for-the entire army of the idUt;

hat the improvement would pay for

itself beside the■■ increased desirability

if all property. Thji is a pretty idea, but will •.(•in.- .in., ti-il ua wli.it mlv«ti-

llage it axnuld be in the1 rural districts

lo the ordinary farm lauds to widen,

vel aud straighten the country road*?

THE UNEASY eondittonof the demo-

crats of Massachusetts iu relation tu ' he

present leaders, crops out constantly,

and au open outbreak is imminent; the

leader-shin of Mr. Charles of- Boston,

.i comparatively new captain, is resent-

id by the older members, and in a cau-

:us i Ins week, such a veteran as repre-

scutative Moriarly of Worcester, open-

ly asserted his independence, aud bis

imrpose to vote upon all matters accord-

rig to his own. convictions, no mallet

what the self-appointed leaders may de-

crmine or the caucus dictate. The

auk and'filu. Who furnish the votes,

have been ■ very patient, but an open

revolt is near at hand.

THE savings bank commissioners re-

port that while they ban been able to

prohibit the transactions of business in

bit commonwealth by various corpora-

tions of questionable character, others

are hero of whose solvency they have

grave doubl, but'to prevent the opera-

i of,wbich they find no law. It

would seem tkat Massachusetts ought

xpresely to forbid the carrying on of

any class of business bv a foreign cor-

poration not provided for By her own

statutes. If i) business ia legitimate

there should lie a law to permit the peo-

ple of Massachusetts to enga^-i' in it; if

undeserving the endorserneiit of our

legislature, people from other states

ought not to be permitted toimpose.it

upon Massachusetts citizen*.

JUST NOW, as the aJEairi of the fro.

greasivc Itenelil order ore put by |he

court into tho btnda of ■ recelvat to be

closed, with liltlc prospect that the

ibilly thousand existing members will

receive an even dollar each as a return

for .ill of their couiiibuiiotis it is timely

■to recall a scene in 'our city hall, little

mori. Ihati a half year ngo. The "MI-

prenti's" were here to pay off the carli-

■91 maluring cci'liliuatcs; lb.: iiiv b.ill

WAS pnxmreil, A large audience crowded

door and galleries, there wTre tlio nc-

coinpatiiinetils of a brass band, <ira1oi>

and other wind instnimenisj ibe-mem-

bera'were talleil up and paid off with

great osteutalioii. As each jama, rcic viit

bis money, one of the Bitpremes luriu il

to the audience exultantly, with vaiii-

tions^of this speech: "The insurance

commissioner says that this scheme of

ours cannot be carried out; wbal do yuir

tbinkjibout it Mr. Corllliraite-holderr"

Thereupon there was great "bouts of

applause alnl laughter in contempt of

tin- bed prophet of Beacon Hill. "Wi shall,not only go llinaigli ibis yea*, but

ibrotigh a score of yaan," aihlid, 0TW

and over again, the bilatioiis supreme;

and then new members were oalted for

and more vicl'inis caine up, who doubt-

less recall willi sadness Ihcir cTetlnliiy.

Ah, says ong of the ormpjotei ■ ol Ebo

"long termers," that wius a 'TshnVl

lerm"' concerti; yes, but are the linm-

lermei-sotio bit more confident, more

absolulely sure tb;it tbuy know it allj>

anil that the insurance commissioner is

a fool, than were those shorl term u.l-

vocates onesburt yearagofTbe sclienie

is the s. , the basis [s the same,

and the crash will he the sunn-.

Weekly News Brevities.


Tbe Chilian incident ended so far as this country is concerned.

Garza said to beat'the- head of 40,- 000 well-armed and mounted revolu- tionists.

A despatch from Mentone sayB that Rev. Chas. II Spurgcon is in a critical condition.

ForUie. 10th time within the past year an attempt was niade "Wednesday morning to set lire to Burlingtoe, la.

Tho city council of Helena, Mpnt., has unanimously passed a resoluton calling on congress to pass a total Chi- nese exclusion bill.

The Chinese government has decid- ed to found a school for marine eng1- neem with ttie view of discarding the European officers of the rhinese fleet.

John fiulhrie.tho Lowell .coal carl driver who ran over and instantly killed Mary O'lially, a'girl 10 years old, was held on a charge of manslaughter.

Il is ex|n-ctetl that a report will soon be made to the FreiicTi^aTnrfnrorrthe subject of government assistance in the completion of the Panama canal.

The Freeman's Jorunal -Bays that despite the denials made by FarnelliteB negotiations for a reproachineiil Ite- twrr-n tho- rival sections of--thtv4ri*h parliamentary party have taken place.

The monitor Wyandolta, on her wa from Richmond to tho Norfolk navy van) in tow of the steam tug May- flower, ran agrounl near Powhattan. on the James Hver. At last aecouuts' she has not been floated.

Reports that have been verified have been received at Guthrie that, owing to the recent cold weather aud tbe prevalence of the influenza, the Indians of the different tribeB adjacent to Ok- lahama are dying very fast.

Tho New York senate yesterday passed the World's Fair bill. It ap- propriates «000,000, and provides for three persons to be appointed from each judicial district, sothat-4here will be 24 commissioners to meet irtAlba-

ny. . (Jen. Stanley commanding the de-

Ciarttnent of Texas does not believe the tangcrs will succeed in^capturing Gar-

za, notwithstanding their present plan nl operation, which is said to be* based i»n accurate knowledge of tho revolu- tionist's whereabouts.


Frank Schneider and his wife, Rosa- lie, of .Vienna, who were charged with having decoyed eight young' women from their homes on the pretext nl em- ploying them aB servants, and (hen muni.'ting them for the sake of their money and effects, were sentenced to dealh.

Joseph J. Ashforth, who was arrest- ed for embezzling funds of tho Royal Arouiiiin Building;and Loan association i.f ItrookMi, X. T , held for extradi- tion, was brought before the court of

Xieen's bench, London, yeeterday, fter Borne discussion of the question,

tbe bench-made the habeas corpus ab- solute, and onh red that the prisoner lie Uncharged.

The democratic policy with reference to the tariff in ibis congress, has been ilecided. The McKintey law will be at- Jne-ked-by separate btlh(nimed nt a few parts of the measure, and not by a gen- eral tariff revision bill. This conclusion Waa reached yesterday by Undemocratic members of the ways and means com- mittee after a conference lasting several hours.

The water works of Chicago were in trouble again yesterday, and there is still danger of another water famine.

A dispatch from Gautemala says that It IB reported "that Salvador is massing troops at Chalchuapa, under Ueu. Ezeta.

Succi, the faster, who haB been ,at- nMptlflfg a 89day*a fast in London, broke down/yesterday, his 44tli day, and began eating oranges ami drinking lemonade. As a result, he was seized with a violent attack of sickness, aud is now in a critical condition.

A Byndicate o? Berlin bankers is making arrangements to -receive Bttb- scriptliitiH for Both an imperial ami a Prussian 3 percent loan, which united amount to ;tHl,0IMl,IHKl,IHJO marks (!H>,- 000,00(1). 'The loan will be issued with- ouL'deiiiy.

Gov. McKinley is seriously 111, For aotne days he has been gradually suc- cumb! g lo an attack of neuralgia of the stum ch, but would not give up work. Yesterday he wua confined to bb bed, Buffering great pain, and Dr. Fu'lcrton regards it as avery M II.HU attack.


{'onllu"i:ilion at t'himay.

Death of llev, Mr. Bpurgeoi,

Great damage by wind in Vienna.

Death of ex-Co Duress ma 11 Ladd of Maine.

Death of George Howes of Montpe- lior, Vt. .

A New Bedford man missing; fears of foul play.

Rumor that iho Czar intends to rc- sluic Ireijolu. j^

■ Unknown steamship sunk off Capo Hciilopi-n.

John Hoey said to have formed a new express company. '

British ehlp I'eimlale and twenty of her crew lost off the coast of Oregon.

Democratic criticism of Senator Btice because of bis infntuatiun lor till).

Mass m elitig of railway" employes. to arrange for a consulidalion of In- leii'sis.

(iov. Russell I'll'ii-i s to qunsh In- dictment against l'restou B. hibley of l.'uiiiitciicui.

S'ow progKH of the commercial ne- gotiations betw.-cn tbe I'uited Suites ami Frauce.

Iteniai'kable bogus money in circula- tion in the west. Government detect- ives tijing.io locate the mint." '

Orreal eaoitemeni a,ai ' Biidgeport. ('onn, because a British sea captatu entare the harbor wiib a BriUeh Jack airing at the mizaeomaat iusteod of the siais alnl slrifies.

The democralic majority In Congress agiaei to be ^Btesred"' by the Btice- Guntuil-llill combine; Mr. Heed's ob- ji (i leaeoD In ali.bDKerutg; other Con- greeaional topics,


Hand Tub Veterana Make .Merry at (he ( Ity Hall.

The Hrst annual bail of the Lawrence

V.'iTa'i Firemen's Association was beld

to the city hall Frhlay evening and proved

asaccesB In every particular.

There wrs a lar^ ■ attenitancu anil the

ceremboles of the cvrntog were welbaml-

led by the old "vela," who despite ihelr

a.lvaucloa years ishoweil that tliulr ball

room spirit was not wholly dnad.

The eveiibu's entertainment com-

menced at 8 o'clock with a concert by

OollloV orchestra, of It pieces,which ren-

dered excellent maalc. throughout Uy

i'1'i-nlhij- The concert proiiramms was as

follOWM :

Vfareh .r.iin ayrfi|>1ionla "Lenore" lli.ll O^cnuro. Ksj ni'-U'l, Thoinae Vluliu aoln, O.'l ['.ilk* ai Him', ,

Mr. r. V. K.i.-.n .1. , i aiialli'T. p.i|.ui,u- H>i>j[4, Bowman I lllll.UI Paid-, M 'II I I'M, itllKMI.i 1) iralu's hiiiil.e, .in inipiWe, Turnnr (KeprviuinMnir irlgi .if H c illou atoamsr .lnwn nie

altasla.li)i>l lUver In alarurf 0»y..)

Following 'in- c Miccrt tbe greud march

was Inaugurated ui.l was led by Cul> Mel-

vln Beul and lady. The movemuntM of

the in ireh wu e v.-il .-x ".iii.-l. Tbe gaady

uiilf'inii of tbe old "vela" unutruted wlih

tbe m no bustneas like ones of the pres-

.int day Oretn-n au'l boih together wiih

the coDlumus worn tiy the ladles, a;ave

toe march B-id circle a very beautiful au-


Following the march dancing was hi-

aagura'ed sad was cunuinud uji to tbe

■ mall b itrrs la tbe morning.

Tbe 11jie.v '.■!■■ ins were v-.-r-. neat. Oa a

raised panel on the front cover bore a cut

ol it<i o:l L-III ■ hand etiulnu ready fur

action. The Order - nuiin.-i-.l H; dances

betilden numiTiu ' ft ..cleft, whlcb kept all

b-tpde li »* y '"' ib i a 'Ur for closing tbe leailviths iiiivcd. I

vThe hull was vi-ry lastefalla' decorated

with il.gs :ni.l bunllnx and presented a

very Inviting appearaiice. O- either afdu

of tbe stage were framed picmres of old

band tubs In vurlous positions rsrresefjt-

nn Ltres a*, mtihi. Iu tho.-e pictures the

oid "VBIB" could see the mldnluut alarm

I -avlug the Jion^o "iiow live y rjnys;"

"00 the roVl to'the il■-*■;" "Jump her

buys,**'-In action," "break her dawo,"

"ail.out," " well we not Aral water."

On the c;iitre,of '-he »t* e wan Died

an ii tt style hand tab bell, wblcn was

used as a signal to form sets aud com-

mence dancing.

During Intermission refreshments were

served In Noedliain ball. Tuts impromptu

te-tau ant wa* w.li^pa! r .1../...I, oyaU-rs,

|0« cri.uiu, cuit'..i; and cake, balng on Ui.- QlcllO. »

Tiiu arerat-n In the a'atlons ID the ci-n-

trsl portio - "f lbs city kepi opun houce

during tin. ■ Vtirilog and al.owud ihe vei.-

rins and ibrirfriends about. Tire vi■ i ■ leil tlr- men were all well cared for durl.g

t'e- evening.

Tao gem lemon having charge of the

fljor wen : KluiT Illl.'.-K.l-, Ml-h In 111'.,!.

* AIUB. M. N. Howe. A i. i i.ii.. ii- iv. AhiM«. ■ F..K. Ham: i K'lWlllP. Alibfttt 11. t- All.

Arthur Kinr-lty, Lawrence, one year lo the linn-., of correction.

James 11 ir.rry aad 'isrthnlomew Flan- nlunn of Lawrence, larceny of a teem) F auniuari aentenced to the reformatory, RifT.Tiy lfl raooibs In the house of cor- reciton.

The Indictment ID tbe Salisbury mur-

der case m. BUS that Guy Brown must

Btrasgle far bla life.

Tu.. superior court will certify the In-

dlcinriot to the superior c mrt. which

will set a day for trial. Tr>e Indictment

at(alcsL Brown Id In Hut usual form, and

dlvettt-d of all legal verbiage, merely

chillis him with killing Ssnborn by

shootiug him at bis home In Salisbury on

the night of Jan. 14, U. der the new law

of iMiil, Brown may be arraigned to tbe

superior eoort, and'posalblv this may be

done next Tuesday. Be was not la court

Saturday, and It Is not certain when hie trial will Uke place.


II K i li ,11. .lime. A It liii.«n".er. Itarid llnler. J. A. > e.ejuf. I I' Itmflt. Ii.ivl.l II. any. wm.Oaaner. U, w. n ■ii-iliuiise. iiiiinei ini-.ell. w. (;. i'Hr*iiuii, A ir Ki 1 ill Wi it. en. ... B, F M.g ,1'Uon. -inlm llu-rll. li. K. Hi.ami. Oii.n.ii . Lawrence. {.. II. I.mi.lljl.l. vv. H \ .,-. (I. It Sinllti. G M, i nitty. J. II. j.ir'inn. W. F llun'r. -i J. fttaaley, ■ Tims. Sim., 'inii. w. it. i.»iii-..n. j. in,.* a .rr.t.,

Tbemu-ii: whl ;h w..s fu;nish.- I for

Hie occasion by Oolllna' new orchestra of

lie. ■ i ph-cua waa the Oa-st u.inio ev<r

rendeniU by a too 1 oich.rstia ami wil

bear couipBrhon wl'h any IUISII: that lo - ever payed h"rc. It wt« 'entirely tp-w and catchy, end denum-iiu ...i tin! fact thai aTbeat erebeatn ean, i»y innHna an • ff'irl, do iisgonil w..rk a- ->■ in ihe MS'-. IHreutor K l\ r.,ii;t,s spent aeoatduratue time ami paloe t • make (be futeiaiis' mu-rc a MtcVess and hie labort were well rewatO>d

Mciubura I dropping Ont i Once . a<*Ot>, Now Only 600.

!■;■. i .;;;. - i- noi, itaiiMplibiK in Hojal

■ .I ■■ ..\t- of Kuijjbisand Ladlee Circles

us foionililv as might be de»lred, owing

tia Ihe fact thBtof late the membership'

of i he order has greatly decreased. This

is attributed to several causes, prominent

among which LB tbe formation of tbe eo-

■! irtiiiur. orders and cnnvlderftble dlaaat-

Ii-faction has been arunsed by the levying

uf a large number of assessments during

iheihlitr part of 1891. The facte re-

garding the latur matp'r are as follows:

The li ul Conclave pays a sick bat null

and permanent disability benefit and also

a dealh lam fit. Of course It coete the

members more to support all of these

feBiurts than aa though It only paid a

death beuctlt aa most of tbe fraternal

■•--< .-.-in. i\~, orders do. On this account

and lu response to a generally expressed

.ii'siie uf Its members, at a special session

of tbe supreme council, called lu Novem-

ber, a new class was formed called CIBBB

A, which 1B to pay only death and perma-

nent tlli-ahlltty benefits, with no sick bene-

llit>, which experience hail ubowo to be


This new class went Into efT-ct Jai. lat

and as all of tbe members were to be

iftveu the privilege of transferring to

this tew class If they so desired, enough

asM-smeuis were Immediately called fso

as to become dee l'ec., 01, is91) to pay

all .; • 1-ii.ir.y and deatn benedia which

were due. Tnis "eceHBitated a laiger

DQml>er of assesaimeDls tu be pa'hl In De-

eetntktr than u-ual, aud altbouuh the en-

(TrrtiHimher called during 1»91 for all

U-. n was but tweniv, the extra draft re-

saittd lu s !■. n •!■!■ i vi... loss In members,

to the ortler.

This has caused t-orna dissatisfaction,

hut)' Is hoped by the supreme officers!

j th a as ihe order has practically ti»cn it-

In ve.d of the drain caused by the pay mart

of sick biu. we. It will now he able to

n aajM DM ^loeeCrHosr.

The paymeut or sick beoellts In Be

oidtr ill this nature has been proven to

be y. lyiuB'.ly and a coastant source of

A OJ Alt I KK'S ( iti^u;

Gratial iJitry ita-ports on Suliirtliiy:

Sivi-ral Lawrciiuo .■seiitcncod

The uraml jury of Essex coim'y came

in at Hiiein s.iiunl iy mofBiag and r<-

iorte.i « lntiK iisi of ladlotWats an) aa mi'i-M y long list of 'no bi:is " Tin-

ses-L.u ate been one-rrf* thu longest ivi-r

held lu the county, occupjlng the entire

week. 'Judge Bntngett prssided.

Among the bnllc'.iiieiits is lieu of Guy

11IU.B' Ni.ava:* LivKa.riLLS i • '-ii a ui v (irine'i.iii- reevlsaieg iha ttean

it. itineli Allli■ btiM-t... Uirtiutdi ll.t 1.11111*. Ah, ||i»e.m-ry. l)r.~MII. «* I'Uli- nj-e. Illy e. rs I.III nt iiin.'.tiii'l m»le, lur,.lil iuer, alia, uunallp Him I'i ..,ii ill' I l"l il.. ... « lll« II, ' ll'.Mre.t Ml. ill.HI TIH l,..i, .in-.. >' Vi I..-. ..,;■..■*.. i.. -iiii|,- , fn- .it aarkf Uarki*an'l Sou's, Urii^vlai.

Tin-ji'xaainKM' III the nan* nf Wmrrli. tow-., >ftj>ir- »ti!|-ht

tf mi .n-inrli ,,M'I Hv.'r . 'i...|.li.u.l, I lijl Inrt;

!''.'. i."-'t"n'tr-".Vlin'."ii' ih'lMi'bQt ht*rl«M vf.i mil, i -" »n in....!,., lr.i, Lump then

R isweil Brfiwn.Vhari;..: niiii th" mui-

.n.r of the. old man Hsab ire lu Aoasbdtf.

rbe list of iudicuueiita IN IIHB itclnltl

and tbe Impartant cases follow* the [ilia

D..HIJ entered sf the end of eat "i case:

(lurry Austin of M.iliuvi), Ireubiug and en'enng j guilty.

Josephine II. Ri-rltibf Lawrence, for- gery j not guilty.

Towle ltisii..|i pf Lawren.:.-, assault With d.u.genius wespoiij autL-mly.

Kli-n Oaiieney uf Lawrence, assault; not gmltv.

Jam. cltiffTty and Barilinleinew Ki in-, agnu of Lawrence, Isrt.nv; gulny.

John B srei in y of Lawrence, larceny ; (f ur eoaots}) guilty.

Junes Wild of Laurence, breaking an.i

entering;* null ty.

Thomas I), Kuox, breaking1 arid enter- ing ; aui.ty.

Joseph WOK'S and Kate M iiahau of Lawrence, Biimu-ry; pot guilty.

Arthur Klng-h-y of bswreuee, larceny ;

gnhty. John Cunningham, John K iscli and E I-

waul of 1-awreici'i roolwry. —

The case of ( liarles V7. iniliiam wns

continued to til.'May term.

Io two other eaaea no bills were found

on one charge and an tadletafeot on an-,


Rev, Geotgf t, Andrews of Fasex will;

called for sent.uce. He wns convicted s.iin.' inoniliv^.:.. |.T setting (Ira lo Ins

Store lu Ussex. T»" cate Went lo tlie

supn-Tue eoortoB eswptl m-, wblcn were

overrnled. Judge 111 i Igi i senteocvd

him to four \. ira ID -■• u prl#oa. Andrews I-H rftfa ti iiiiiut.l grew

Will Bap'-lht mi i-i i. ■.: I hftB he.u s t-

!■• d as p iator of chute.1 V In thoinision,

H .kin. 'i IBQ " lor ubj - In Main-.

Other BeBtenrreB w. r« .'s follow i Topeau n.-ji.. i, Lyuej bresklus aavd

rfl id eut'-tllig, f).i. i; ]i i.sln the house i.f jl-'in cm ii. i ■-

Harry Austji., M. :hn ii, brSftltTtg surf esnatlaan Bra )•*"> lu ai its , I

it.-i j mill .1. Baltth idae, l.ijm, break- ing and ii.i.-iic . twe .e.'if" t. me bottse of iiyrei tlon."

foWH I ITOdft. fiwriiiee, breakfaar' airl Jii'i-rhig, llifte nil i uAhi . .ii-.-iif r..i-


John Bwrtoty, Uwranot, lareeny, Iwo \esisaud PII luiiithslu IIK i. mat: of cor- rection.

weaktn NB.

There arc two councils here In Law-

rtHOe, the J. K. Tarirox couucil has, we

understand, considered the matter of

transferring to some other order.

The Uen. Oliver council, which Is the

larger council, w,i are reliably Informed,

has given no iboosfat to auy such nctlom,

Prospect 11 til School House

At a meeltDH of the school committee

Thursilay evening,' the subcommittee on

HOOQOI bonsen uud saiihatioi), of which

Mr. J. C. Crumblu Is cbalrmau, were, In-

structed to confer with the cummlttee ou

puhiic prvpfity in relation lo plans anil

p. i .11. :i ■■>, ■■-. lor Hie II.-W(MI|. I'll llllllillLig

ou Prosefct hill; also to act ID an advis-

■ ry cnpUfcUy durinn the cmstructlon of

tbeeanffti Mr. Crumble has been giving

CODSlderable atti.utlon to tbe matter Of

•ate. si.il with the fteling that now exlss

between thu -chuol board aud the city

Hovi II.in. ,,' ft Is safe 'a so; that tbe cltl-

Xensuf ward we aa I I soon be gtveu a

school house' of which they can be


A feellni; of .dlshstlafaction baa pre

■.■.■■i -ii. i ■ the residents' of tbe city

over ihe nehty In '■ lu.g i lie at bool.

It will be a ureai inlsiake If the build

ing Is lot made si.fll.JeuUy large to pro-

■ ui.. fur iii- urowih I lujrii ra that la

sure to occur, and Hie expressions nf

li..-.- bavtBJ control are that no mistake

will be mad.-.

A Iberal tpproprlallnn for this rofcjec

Will miel wliji fueor with the taxpayer-

wlr i know that It is poor economy tu

construct inferior buildings.

Hospital Note-*

.Ttaa.fotlowin* rian.es have been re-

ceive I a-, Mi.-taltiinj! nnou'n.r- for Hi-

Lad lea' Balufl CnarKablu Society Id

elurga of the Lawrenne ti-neral Uosp.tai

anil I'lnldnii's Home during the month ol JaLUary:

J K. Norwood. J H N.nl' am i: v Win. K Waluott. J.Ji Hr. w.iir. A. A Lamprey. II. K W,.,s:,r. K F Chase, Methuen. I>.a Tnis II. Uoolldge, No. Woburn. N. p. Hoajfh'tia, _, lliiKn.ii tin - ~ ~

.Bdw. I'. Km. id! Mra J. M. II Ouirler. I - Mr., i. 11. Cl 'idler. Bin. gate g, KittV all. Mia. t:. K 1, ,.abury. r-..-d La.nl. W S Dr.-w, W. I>. , uirn.r. •' - - W. n «■'.-.. Ji-. II g *

DM I at 8 II

S: ■ -ii.■ by ;t Tram

i i ■ .t :a -2 i o'cl-ick Kit lay afi nog

I'nln. . It a'tiiai] of a'xmt 80 years ui

ager «tdtagai l.ll Nisrbury srree.t, WBs

s II k iy ., I.-Bin m theciruer of L»«ell

I i epahtrestreets Hi was toji.re i

about Hi lop II" was r-m ived lo' h*i> r '..-'I, As-l- UP Matalaf Ma i v Bid iiiU.-i li.-iol , A iphynlcim exam- i'id me li.Jnr-it man sn.l lound that uo bones w,i'.- Iirolo-,,. ' >

McKay oiuchlnlH N' Aiiiimtl.

I no annual pnvite s-.<mbly of tbe

Mi Kay machinU's w,s held Ha-urday

. niliigiu 8aun.li rs hall, and was tbe

usual pleasant gathering It generally

proves to be. There was a large at tend-

ance. All present entered Into tbe spirit

of the occasion, and a most sociable

e*enUtg was spent. The grand march was

led by John J. Glllesple and lady. Tbe

geotlemrn baying charge of the affair

were: Grand Director, John J. Gllleaplej

aids, T. D. Hussey, Jr., A. R. Iniihtm, H.

8. Wright, B. W. Want. O. K. Freeman.


Present to Manager Grant-

Manager A. L. Grant, of the [opera

huuse, was presented with a diamond stud

Saturday evening while the third act,of

"Tbe Hastier" was being1 produced. A

newspaper friend called blu from the

box office- osteiial hiy upon a news matter

and while the office was vacant Treasurer

Fljnn placed a little package and an en-

velope on the desk. Both were addressed

lo Mi. A. L. Grant. The envelope con-

tained tbe following self-explanatory


LAWBBNOB, Maas., Jan. 80, 1893. Mr. A. L_ Grant, Manager Lawrence

Opera House::—In recognition of ihe Ofih anniversary of your lease and manage- ment of this house, and In testament of the esteem lu which you are helu by us, and also to eUeet our appreciation of your many kindnesses and courtesies to us, we have have taken tbla opportunity TO show onr mutual good feelings toward you by pregentlng you with a diamond stud. *

Hoping that your future prospects will be aa bright and lasting BB tbe lustre of this girt, we remain,

Sincerely yours, Jos. J. Flynn, Kdw. C- Hatch, W~. A. Boneils, Jr., Loo Morse, 0. A. Sweeney, Fred. dcCrew, ii. W. Foster, A. J. McCarthy, Fred. E. TWIBS, Waldo F- Penney, ll-ury Simmers, Edw. B. Mallbe.WB.

Manager Grant wu of cenrae agreea-

bly surprised. The gem Is of the flrat

water and Is a handsome sparkler.


Imrreal It. Charred Hotly of au Agred Wo

man Found tbla Morning.

Another case, where an unfortunate

victim meets her end by en untimely oc-

currence, was brought to llgnt Monday|by

the finding of the charred body of Mrs,

Marr Crehan, in au stile ro>m at SSt

Oak street.

Tbe burned worn MI was a native of

Ireland. She Is a widow, her only rela-

tive living being a grand-daughter, who

resides at 90 Butler street of this city.

Mrs. Crehan was supported by th" cl'.y

and resides with Mrs. Margaret Connors,

With wboin she has lived at Intervals

during tbe past thirteen years. About 8

o'clock on Monday, Mrs. Connor's went

to tbe room of the uufonuuate woman to

awaken her, and found her lying upon

the fl lor 1 one cornero" her room. She

was shockingly burned from her k> ■ ra tu

the top or her bead. The room In places

was blackened, BB f the woman had wan-

dered about while her dress was on ure.

How tbe accident occurred Is not posi-

tively known but It la supposed her dress

caugatnre from a candle, which occupied

a plac on a stand,situated near a window

In an opposite corner of the room, from

where she laid when found. In one cor-

ner of the room washer beat, which had

tbe appearance of not having been occu-

pied du. lug; Sunday nlgbt, Tbe room also

contained a barret, uu tbe lop of which

were two boxes aud In one of these was

[half a loaf of bread, two trunks.a clothes

rai x. upon which were two dress skirls,

a Bi-cond table and one chair.

When tbe accident look place la not

known. Tbe last time, wheo she was

aeen, so far as has yet been learned, wa-

shout 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, one of

tbe neighbors having i.-.en Been her. The

medical examiner was notified and v(ewed

tbe remains, which wire placed tn charge

of Uurtertafci r J 1(. Mahoi>»v-


Is the wife of Mr. W. S. Huntley of Cortland, N. Y., a well known car- penter and builder. Her frank state- ment below giv 8 only the absolute truth concerning her illness and mar- velous recovery by the aid of Hoode Sarsaparilla. She Bays:

"C. I. Flood ft Co., Lowell, Maftl.t "Dear Bin Twelve years aio I began to

have liemnrrhages and four years ago beesjai n> low that the phyilolana told me

Then) Was No Hope and I should BOOH die. I could not be moved from my bed. Under my lace were napkins continually reddened with blood from my mouth, g r.uia rat aMkltaa; and hall no ai'll.iii of the Uuwela fur a ivi-eK. The dpelora said the cause was ulcers la (he stianacfn" At tills time my moUier said sho wauled to make one morn trial, and asked if I would take Hood's Harsapurllla. 1 tuld her it would be

A Waste of Money but finding It would comfort her, I began tak. Ing ft In a few days the bloating began to subside, I seemed to feel a little, atronger, hut thnught It iilily fimey, I waa ao wnakl could iiuly-takti ten ilrnps of Karsapaillla at flrat. In two week* I waa able to sjt up a few min- ute'every day la u month ■ raald walk

they were to ban for dinner, sml said I wanted something hearty. My mother waa so happy sho n n-.l. It was the

First Time I had Felt Hun- gry for Two Years

I kept on with Hood's Harsaparilla and In six months waa as well as ever la my life. It la now four years BtajM I recovered, anil I hava nut had aday'a ak'knraa since, nor auy hem..r- rhage- If ever a human being thanked th" good Lord on liemlr-l knees li was I. I know that Hood's feersaparllhi, snrt that alone, unipieatlnnalily Have* >«, l.ilr."

Heairs. fitwjn A Jaanlnaa. Ilia wall known dmjrRial* of ('.inland, fay thai Mrs, lluntlay "la a highly reip«ciedlsdyi her itatemantof what

Hood's Sarsaparilla

I CURE FITS! Wfewteat

ndleafouis. I h.'« uivla tti.id »««iurTr«S. KPI- LEP3TorrAI.LIMlSIi'HXi:^ii.l.'--l.ns«(iid». I wsnaat air r tan-if to •'.TO tiin.»f BSBW. B«wa* ottii'im bar* (all .1 li DOruvmfur?** i. •«™™.*liMra our*. aVnttatorce i,.r a tn«iti«#*«n I n rmaBaUMOf ■U Intalatila nmodj. Gin Eiprwi .v. I i'mtOfflc*. II. G. BOOT, M. Oa) ISt l».-... I hi., N. T.

Inspiring BeBnes at the Medlt. Enfranea-til.iwlna Pan Pictures of the

Shores of Two Cnntlnaats—Landing ai

Tangier—Walrd Night B*i>eri*a«ea, la

lite Anrlsnt Mi.orl.b City.

[Copyright, 180!, by Edgar L. Wakemaa.]

TANOIEH, Jan, 11.—At Tavlra we had no Alfflcultytn securing passage In a stanch coasting steamer plying between Lisbon and Cadis. After a day In the latter, once the emporium of tbe world and still the meet winsome anil beautiful city of Spain, we sailed on a smaller vessel, little better than a ferryboat, for the African coast, touching for an hour at Turifa, tbe south- ernmost city of Continental Europe, but fifteen miles southwest of Gibraltar.

In an hour'a time you have oorue abreast of Cape Trafalgar. Yoor suuttner'a course Is through tbe very waters where Nelson won his Immortal victory over the combined fleets of Qravlnn and Vllleneuve. All the mighty painting* you have seen, all tbe majestic monuments to Nelson underneath whose ahailows you have stood, all the thrilling prose and verse you have read upon this inspiring theme, fill and thrill your .mind and heart, until tbe air is dimmed with smoke, tho hoarse bellowing* of cannon deafen you, the sheets of Dame from those two aulld columns of warships blind you, tbe ahrieka of wounded and dy- ing and the crashing of uuuts add to the conjured horror—all for an Instant, maybe; but no poet or palnber has ever brought Its glory and savagery to your comprehension ao matchlessly as your own brief presence there.

And now Tarifa Is reached—Tatifa, cele- brated of all cities of the 1-atin race for the fatal beauty of its women; Tarifa, where the besieging Moors put to death the BOD

of lion Alfonso before bla eyes In an at- tempt-to effect the city's surrender; where mighty battles between the kings of Cas- tile and spam ■galnat tbe Moors were fought beneath is- u.-ills, where once 4,000 Romau sous came and took Lo themselves their pick of Spuui.-h women; where the Berbers flrat met the dispirited armies of Roderick, last of the (Mils-Tarifa, with its scores of lowers and gates, labyrinthine streets, balconies bidden behind masae* of flowers, and its half Spanish, half Moorish scenes and life which laan! and tempt rav- lahlngly to dallying and delay.

From this point, as your course Uaet to tho aoat li west for Tangier almost straight across tbe Strait of Gibraltar, the scene, on every baud is one of matchless beauty and grandeur. Back to the northwest stretches the Spanish count line to Trafalgar, low ly- ing along the sea, but witli a ^background of anilii luting foothills, breaking Into deep gorges and capped by lofty sierras, the whole checkered by vineyards and dotted with cities aud hamlets, in the distance aa whitens flakes of snow. Hack acrusathe wattirs to tho northeast looms gray old Gibraltar, a line of bailing villages, ar- senals, quays and moles at Its base like a slender ribbon of foam, it - thousands of threatening cannon above, hidden and aum- iii i ted by terraoea bright and vinos and gardens fair.

Ho ft ire yon Is Africa, warm and glowing beneath a midwinter auu. Away to the southeast Is the shadowy peak of Ape'a hill, at whose base Cetita lies. A grand and diversified const stretches westward, past aa yet Invisible Tangier, to Cape Spun el, the north westernmost point in Africa. Portions of the coast are grandly precipitous. Again great forests awecp from noble heights Into slumbrous valleys which uudulato softly to the sea. Tbe lights and shades are strange. The green of the middle strait blends into a.rosy puos toward land, this Into a brilliant blue far- ther on, and the couat line nt the water's edguaeems like a thread of lustrous onyx. Above this, brown, then purple, then ertv erald, and beyond there fa a glowing oh,

ears, oangieta aim oangiets or tinanng metrals, and bright sakhes. tmrelegged and barefooted, or shod with loose wnidals - all as uncanny and Wefrd a lot as ever looted e ship and butchered Its crew In the good old days of Moorish piracy and pillage.

Formerly these black Imps gratified trav- elers bodily, lifted them astride t heir ttacha or shoulders and waded ashore with them. Recently a diminutive landing stage has been built, but the treatment is qulta as ferocious, i Ordinarily the stranger's be- longings are seized and pitched Into half a doceu different small boats and himself made tbe unwilling subject of a fierce scramble, after which the victor pulls and hauls hla victim into still another boat and rushea him to the landing, where a separata bribe must be paid for the recov- ery of each article and a final heavy trib- ute Is exacted for one's own liberation.

Good fortune bad more than oooa attend- ed me through tho alert and cunning serv- ice of Dobrado,and it stood me now In good stead, getting me on African sell un- relieved of as much aa a copper flu, al- though his rugged diplomacy at flrat aub- Jeoted me to some disquiet. Standing in front of me, as each furious onslaught by a porter was made, ami without apparent effort of his giant strength, first with his open right haud and then with hi* left, he sent African, MoOr, Berber and what not alike sprawling to tbe steamer's deck. Bach jumped nimbly to bla feat and slunk

faint orange, as though the valleys palpa- bly (lung I sack tho sunlight which lingered lovingly above.

Feasting with eager and aelfish delight Upon tbe glorioua suores of two contf nenta, I had lost sight of honest Dobrado; Dobra- do, who was to have returned to hla place by the babbling fountains of Lisbon, from. Hi'ja. should I peraUt in tramping i henna to Tavlra anil the nea; Dobrado, who was now sworn servitor and friend; Dobrado, broad or grin aa (iargantua, and of beam as Quixote's no leaa-faithful squire; Do- brado, whom 1 found with towering eyes and hideous face, a* rapt as 1 hail been, scowling with unutterable hata at the fair laud of the Moors, lu his attitude, looks, muiu-rlngsanil unconscious gesticulations. Increasing every moment in rapidity and intensity, the whole story of the irrevocable vengefulnoHH of Christian against Moslem aud Moslem against Christian was told.

1 tonched the Gallegau gently upon the shoulder, and my eyes sought his Inquir- ingly. He trembled and was woefully con- fused for a moment. Then his great blue eyes Maddened, and he said softly and slow- ly, as though his heart mean while traveled a long aud hitter way:

"There is not a elm/a (cahin) from Ktn- tsturre to Palencia In winch thura docs uot bang Home fore fin tier's galta or bos (sickle) or aword upon the wall, under which the (lallegan Imy la not daily hrougbL tu swear veugaauce fur tho mur- ders of the .Mourl"

As 1 pondered over Dobrado'* dramatic action and words 1 could not but feel that after all ft is a plcasaiitlulng to live, as we Americans do. so far removed from the endless mental if not physical claahiugs of these awful hereditary religious hatreds of the centuries. _ .

Hut Jimt' now we have rounded Cape Malabar, ami Tnngier Hen before ua like a mass of foam churned in the soothing tides of the (iihrallar strait ami tossed into structural semblance upon tho mountain rimnnsi shore of the hay. Soon the mass of white resolve* Itself Into aplatcbea of brilli.uil white and seams and chocker* of shade, then into white cu bea of varying di- mensions. Gradually projecting corners and height i of snowy masonry take shape to the eye; and then tho pale pinks,, yel- lows and blues of the painted walls blend

' Into n rosy whole, broken only by a slender, 'square tower, with glistening porcelain sides, sud one huge, ruinous mass to which tbe city seaans to lead In giant housetop ■tips The one lathe lower, from the min- aret nf which thu .Mi.-i' in mii'/.'in ealla the faithful to prayers, crying Mohammed and Allah to the four quarters of tho earth. The other is Hut Kasha or castle, where the butcher Kirke, during' tho brief Eng- lish occupancy of Tangier which nave the wmld at least tho famous "I'epy's Diary." waa guilty uf more wanton crime* and butcheries than were ever .barged to fierc- est ami felbst tyrant Moor.

There is ho mobs, quay or pier at Tan- igers, and we eaino t. .ai.cli.ir near the shelv- ing shore, where the harbor aids tralTlo goes on with leiiuitrou* din and tin. Moor- ish custom* rnTicers squat upon their Laiinr lies tt;in~aci ioiiilieii iliirics in sever*

silence and gravity. On either side were iiiimbcrli-HH fuliiccia, With strange craft from Ihe lowcnMeditcrraiican arid perhaps two score of French. Spanish, Kugln.li and Dutch schooners, Larks and brigs . Rather a lonesome harbor teems that of Tangier, and the two huge Hellish men-of-war, which have been I) ing here several days in view of possible danger to "HritUh iirter- es(s,"(r..m tiii<- rlin-atenial revolt of Interior tnis-a, whonecm always to U- nl*mt to be .hiiin.'sotm'tliomy^uili-a-iirit.Jaroaght again th- UI-II nml liUTiihTtariiig hai^jag. I have foul .In a bundled oiler ;..,;, iho [hi. American govirnoetit possessed sulnclcnt ih.it-,icier Bad dignity tu exalte our n.-.g a (itl.c as well raupejqted oa nnyothertbat flu* si bo sea-

(■Viiinji itshoffii at Tangier is not alto- fetberaatai Ig latrfbcmatwa. Scarcely had Lntl ateamei iifel bored when there came •Wanningovi , tha rail from all quarters a bordaofswarl * tnrbahed harborn&rters, iln-HHcil in the oaturai black leathcrskiu of Morocco, many with !...,.■ rings in their

wit h hair aud mnttod beard. Hack, curling and glossy a* Astrakhan wool, sprang from the crowd full upon Dobrado. Visions of tragedies, dungeon* in the Kasha, consular conrt* of Inquiry and,International com- plication* (lashed before me. The two clinched, parted, clinched again, aud after various alarming contortions, fell In what •till seemed to be a terrific embrace to- gether upon their knees. Then such kiss- ing and embracing began as I hail never before wen between man and man, man and woman, or, stranger still, between woman and woman?

Soon they arose utterly bresthleae, but radiant. Dobrado half dragged the hoik Ing fellow to me, and after the latter bad embraced my Still trembling kneos. Dobrar dosaid apologetically, but laodnlcally?

"I feared I would not meet him, senor. He Is my kinsman from Mundomxlo, be- side the Ria tie !■'../.. Vou know the Galle- gans go wherever there Is money for to. He is half time portero and half time doe some service for a merchant here who has traffic with Vnlladblld." And then hesi- tantly, "Perhaps senor could find him use- ful in Tangier*'1

'Senor" could and did. "Benor," the writer, ahuns great hotels In his wander Ing*: loves to kuow tho lowly, and from their standpoint of thinking, feeling and condition to thus look through the back window* of foreign life ami ways.

No one can wholly toli another what Tangier IB like within lu ancleut city wail*. It has no stroet geography. Though It contains scarcely more than MO.OOu soul*, IU own Inhabitants get lost within It, aud there I* but one atrcct or way In which tho stranger Is safe (rum abaoluU wreck of

. consciousness of location. This extend* i upward from the harbor aide to the 8oc-de-

llarra, the great .,ntside market place of Tangier, just where you leava the city on tho way to Fell. Morocco's capital. Ouce a doxen yards away from (his narrow thor- oughfare of bacaars, and the prompting to prayer to Allah or Allah's subjecu for succor ha a quickly realized experience

Hut for Dobrado and his kinsman I should have (units 1 hack, passed the night wu sii b- the great city gate upon the shore beneath the stars and some handy tar- paulin, ami Incontinently "fled the place, upon the next day'* steamer for Gibraltar. As It was, 1 kept close to my Gallegan guides. Tbe evening had fallen before we Had entered the city. The Biuglethorough fare was a babel of donkeys, camels, goals, water carriers, (..in-legged African soldiers and meri:haiiisc|.f-ir> • their tiny shop*. The din of "ltul„k I Balaltl Halakl"theeqiilva lent for our "Look out!" shrieked by thou •and* of voice* in the choky, chastiiliko street, wasdoafeniiig. Score* of times on our half mile way wv were ground against buildings, wedged between came la or flung Into pitch black arcbwayH.

After au hour's struggle we turned "from tbla main thoroughfare and plunged in and upward among a nuute of atreuts HO narrow that opposing wnl 1M i oil I bu touched by out Stretched hands. The silence here wan as startling a* had been the din.- Now and then, perhaps, a ghostly figure flitted by Here aud there was heard the wiinpliiig sound of water front overflowing fnw ! ' Occasionally a run died form." ,. urn..".. an archway waa stumble | upon. Not a light was s.-ei. lu the «*h . : distance. Hut for the sUrs overhand, ■: was like groplug torch less through the catacombs.

At las! Uohrado's kinsman halted With the hilt of his b.-.ivy Mulfe. atmmlaa pon- derous as a Cuban machete, he knocked loudly upon a barred and holti'd door. A black face peered savagely from a tiny Wicket. Then- was parley which sounded like a mixture of the Romany tongue and Gailegan Spanish. The wicket closed, aud soon au old man clad iu flowing rubes, at tended by the African, return's 1. We were admitted to what ws-med the duugeuu antechamber toa larger ditngiain. Directly llubnuhi s kinsman allowed the way Up some slippery stone step*. Following a long gallery, we soon eim rged Into the open air. Thence we were conducted along what .■.j>jF■ ■:11■ ■ .1 to 1..' a crumbling paraja't, •Jut I was finally led Into a room perfectly bare of furniture. The place seemed to be a detached structure set upon a housetop abutting against the will Is of #aiill loftier a l" :■ -II.'■ Hue rugs were brought for a pullet. The African almtatt aa soon sp pcared with a cut brass lamp, a cup of Urn iu which miijt leaves were Hosting and'n small roll of. white bread. HudepuHtled these in the middle of tho fhsir ami disap pcared. Dobrsdp, who was lo pass t he night with his kinsman, showered the blessings of God BpOO me and left. I relished my food, put out my anlludli lamp, wrapped ntyaelf In my splendid rugi and passed my first night in (he land of the Moors In sweet and ttreiiiiili-s'shep.


A iSew Health Food has made il t appearattoB

health forvJ, It fa not only

butahcaltliy ,,.rl—a health

food that m^.kiS other food

healthy. T'; i-ime ia

COHILENE It tajecs thr rrfaes of hog** Lard which it.; notoriougly

unhealthy food. A purely

vegetable product— delicate,

digestible, and economical

—onetrial frivesCoTTOLENg

a permanent home in every

kitchen, win, rice it increases

the health and enjoyment

of every member of the

family. Try it for yourself.

At al! precept.

Manufactured only by


0 Central Wharf, Boston.

Scott's Emulsion of cod- liver oil is an easy food—it is more than food, if you please; but it is a food—to bring back plumpness to those who have lost it.

Do you know what it is to be plump?

Thinness Is poverty, living from hand to mouth. To be plump is to have a little more than enough, a reserve.

Do you want a reserve of health r Let us send you a book On CAREFUL LIVING I free. .

ScoTTeBowwa.CK*tnim, ijtSoulh ilh Avaau*. Wa-York. .

Your drufittl kacaaSctMt'aPjnuluanof cod-lnrcr oil—all araasjaas every where da. tu


DR. GRADY H*aBOeiwa this plan; That ha will riia.»a oinhtna fur arlslue, eoosnltailan or In* DM'., unilt the patient pn-rnmnces bloiself well. Tan •nl? tharac lielna; made la for awdlclDt* u*ad duni>( traaluiL'tit

Dr-J.W. GRADY. the Specialist, Performs wilehm wtib his ini'ill.-al lie»ini.'iit ol ili.'oi...i-.ii..m TresUsui-resamilT elinaio ami l-.i.L Ki.i.lin. .ii-.sh. -, MI.II n- iiM'sae* of tSe tu.), iKwa atal ping*, liver, kldi.ey and luari . i.n.ill In , Invite s'S il1sen«#i of Hie •lomaeh Ll. I Imve aelled nil elder me.h.la, tho to frs fu| .ii .„.' ...t the n.rv st.ieni (srlalng framahsn ui rai.tel.Sori.fulailnipt) aural. ■!■ Ul*. fe»ui PI on «...iiaeiei1 n.rili., rtiloitnl and -il'J i#, rieiimatl'in, numgla,sol ilt-s..|i*- eaaid c,,,,,. ,i.i, rmlll a, a,It r . ion, inripel a,

.■..■ii iic .ii.i I ■ H-H.I..H tiuiorra,tyt'lilllla.nsf*l l>ai>iiua, aMlima, lisv le^et.r'** .-old, w'nter .■iini.li*,-lir. i.ic. larti 'e ana tSalirtea, All may la rural >y tiila Mond.-r'ul *y»n m I n.a to lar advamt.l lldin-alMissi-h «ar„.l when ail olhar

He l.L.'i 11* Prlglitsnad. A small boy on Sixth street hates the

washing, prncean worse than snake*. Hla mother was scrubliiiiK him uud he* waa kicking.

"Why don't yon be a good boy," she begged. "Don't yon know that youTl go to the bad place if you are DOtrSj

"There ain't any water there, is there?" be asked.

"Not a drop," she answered solemnly.

"Then I trueee I'I'' keep db being bad." And he kept on,—Detroit Free IV'-ss.

What a Wmnan-a Clul> Has Doaa.

The Woman's Charity club of Huston started loss tlian (wo years ago a surgi- cal hospital with but forty cent»4in Ite treasury. It li.u. since then bought and fnrnirt.lt -.t ita prtacnt qnartbrs, support- ed a BtufT of nurses ami doctors, paid gsa.OOUforlaiidnn which to erect new buildings, has 118,000 at interest for hospital purpose* and la now eiamining plant) for a htw | >,000 bailding *naa to be erected. The ulnb has W0 tuoiubem. —liOBd.U I.i'tlei

- .V

iii.i Time < i,ii.iiu.. rmnafi

The im.toui of dcooratiug the Christ ouu aree, long *tn06 introdacnj into tbb country, was of (lermaii origin and of great n?i.'i;iiity In Pennsylvania, where niauy.of i!,i-settlers are of Oertnan (he ■cent, ('liii-trnas evo la olatervod with many of trie ceremonies iinu-ticed in the Fathisrl.u, ;. 'I l,.( 'hrisunaitreeliraiu he- forth in nil is splendor, uud Ijjojjjimt child—uec.-i-ili. ; to the Oerman logenil

.... ■ re, . tho air on golden wings ait.l i iiti.ii i tho Ismgh to produce in theM Id all manner of fruit, gill aweotin■-..:... apidua, nnl . etc., for tbe good elnl.lien. pRdl*4elnbfn ledger.

'ViT..!',?.' e« SJ l.:m rrn.' • S'rret, In.iJei and

r faoe removed iin

kuward I v .'■ H i limaa nlway, liiill(f.Mliiii auil I with twu buttiia of

J. •. ft, nil..-. i-.'J A i llti(ii..n. rliii.ii'c ■liiioiia- - tiiniai.'l"iilur.'>. I, r in jear*, cur..1 br three Isillif i.f in- -Mil si.I tmiiH,ii.i'i .ill. t

.hum l>,..! W wan.in streil, u,.c w..rm BB feel ling tiiiiivil In .' Iioiira. May la> »ccn at tbe ilu.-nr'i. nfHi'c

»■•iv Iranlel-, "ell. an, Hli.-I In . IT ere W yrsra lir. Uiudv oja tsic.l aud lar sight la now utrirct i

.l.ilin Nurrl*. fr, c i "f «>■( An.lr.yr. had a large tuiimr on Iienii It II yisra, wilareinuved

dealnt Al|.eMi.lllll,;i« l

hes'larnen, innml. •

...ry I-I a.lactici, 11 oral.

m .I. i. oa fa.la, 13 (nw.ii mirel. Iiiitii ninrka and UIIV. re, rt-niiiTtd lu one all Ing hr i Itetrl-

aimasi.i; at.t, m, K <ex Barest, BBttSM, t'dney in.'iiii ai.t HI t"ua piostrailon, enrel lu nun

in. i Brta

,:i£H";,i;::^',H;€xa:^,;??ii ""DRTGRAOY. SPECIALIST.



I'starrhiiirtd ana alltlPrasea nf tha e.ise, ear, il.r.ist, itinrr, r.i it, alnnm h, llnr sivl kl'lneys, llMitaatlani.Niiliwn, i.r.n.cliltla, i|L-nlne»s, ,aer

(■I ewirii.* |—hlilvelv csjwliisl Ij B hiitira Cnenatihe t.urn|M-an sia-1'I.IUl nu nil actual, tor. ami < hroide 'llsi-.J,.

I"1 l,n..l\ I- .. *n.i«i.'.l,e.l In '■<■ tie IF*.ling i'".|i in In Atnt-rtia In . ur na lit. n ■ o i. >l *. fa-e». Tr. him m.-l >nu atll W w-i |'ftg*' t H

l.ailli-a«l I lino Ur Un.ii tin Ir I (.-,,- ,.r|ii si) ireou •'* peenlUr ID II.. it >. v

(."inilll'tr ..«U7'i> lalfjis-, *sH . ,l.i u,.. I am .r. m '1 1 unmr* t.niiiv. .1 wlih«i.l ealn nr

use of aknlii:.

Or. J. W. GRADY the Specialist. who cures all <ilt*t„ Nt Hint'* Hnl rnsMAJi ■ Iot-AMKRwlllftlii. ...hatti-n . unit * jariii, lion >'HKE at r.l- ..fti.e

fi37 Essex Street in i in A nml r, u>U p. ra, (iffi.-e rleacd bunl,,<

m ■pTawii.irf igiijriiiii

Lawrence American, LAWRBNCB. MASS

rnmir. FEHIU'AHY », ISM.

w eokljL New* B**evlt**».


, The debt" statement *20,000,00 d crease.

■ Kutiara book; •( reply freni Admi rul letter's BOOT.

t olumlijH College Trustee* consider JirOJMMVU change:

aVu'utioual lin-uch of promise suit in a I...tiiii.ii court,

Senator II«>nr undergoing treatment "ill iliu hiimts of an oculist.

Btnwbip Kldi't wrecked on) the Isle of*WigU; net tiusscugtsra, rescued.

An Hililtti'imil dividend of 20 per itjii.. Lu tin M.tvurii'k Hunk rreollora.

Committee of 86 funned to protest ai;*iii!>t tin; ••niuip" JJemocrwtic Con- veuliuii.

A ('ati.iiluu blows up his "family in aitakapUag to th*.* OBt dynamite oaf* trtdgal.

An iulr-reslinj* day in Congress, Boat between IbermaQ Hoar and Eli- jab Morse.

llccjsion of the United States' Su- preme: court thut the Lottery law is ronatUuti

li'ivd^leilarcd J>v Hie I'nited States Supreme Court to have been elected <M'\ut;i(tro/Nebraska.

France and Spain at variance Ov. the !'<nnriii'riy^d treaty- Uf^otiatlous; ilaagef oHt quaYretl.

The Alaini of the (>arza re volution- |gl.i ;i* deacrtbed by a Mexican news- puper DtlbUfbed in Laredo. Tex.

Rumor of a hitch in the New Hump whirr Kxerfttivo Council" in the matter of i»p| mint incut by Governor Tuttle.

Worcester's special commission re- ports g eottpreoaiuin plan for the •MHtion vt gradei"crossing* in that city.^

1'irv in n Xi'w York toatmeatbow; "Igbl poriKKW jump trom tlie window* MX Inindml iiou-uuiou workmen cap tared bj labur organizations in Monui na.


Cruelty and blnrkmailm^ in the (i>i man nmuv.

Ciii-.il States sailorssai a) MoKeridao.

Ke.-lpriH-itv ivilli (ierina Idanv'a pyt"tainatfiii'

An tiuli ILtrriioti in ro u- pining itrenglb-

< wrlvle ■ W. Harris „f New Vork found guilty uf polnoing hia wife,

An unknown American vessel lost, wild all on board*,, off Cape Ann.

U OJltofaMker cdunty.New York, great- )v excited over a kidnapping

Loin.- bland Ballroad to tunnel be? iween the Nortb^aod Kaarrirarfc

Claim Igaioil the Chilian government J6M hv the family of William Kurgin.

Cleveland's friend-, practically ahan- ■ l.'m bope of ihe Proj{d«njUal iiomina tjon.

Revolutionary conduct continued by the DemocraUtn the CoMUKjfbml Leg- islature.

II« n, ESdwio (.. KnMmnti of Kieter npmioMed for Attoruev General of New Hampshire,

Thi di poaKon in the Sandwich (JJ. S'.) Savings Bank wW recover WO par cen*. „f tlieir deposila.

Banreur stminu-r School of Lan- fnMtmmajrbl transferred 'rom Bur- lUgtod, Vt to Exeter, N. II.

Mr. i nrliin's new scheme to give the New ttnkapd New Eflglaqd lUilroad

I better New \ ork connections." The H..iiie Cti'umHlee reports favor-

ablv oo % bill to repeal the Mail Subsidy- Act; ether i ougressional tnalier-. -Thitrwlajr - ■*

I Vormationof n rice mill trust. Deatlrof SlrMoreUI MacKeoiTT ' Dbtmbwd of the; suit against John


' Death of Col PotUaOfg, M,..

UieaatrotU fir« in the business por- Hott-OK Uanvers. *

AnouUpokeu priest cadtea i sen'sa- tipfi nl Bordeaux.

Ward VU'.erl.iin', the kidnapped bov aafeoj In- hOBte. |

Min'-ter-KgarLbt-e^pieii pnpnUr »it^ 1 iniian" owe more

id to be rioting

any..the l'r.-s-


lents for ilr. Spurgeou's

iTaoyj K, I.vraao of

Virtual ahandonment of the Ix>uisi- ■'■'ia loUer| hy jt» owners.

D ith of Howard H. Goodwin, a pri-iunn !it TaOOma lawyer ,

1'iuf. U'di, I. Knapp of Yale tvsigns to go hi i_ bioago Cniver-iiv.

Italy, Belfrium a.l gwiuorind up- -poaed to the new Frooeh tariff.

The Connecticut Suite House ihe seine of auolher legislative ructionA

Publlsbetf Of Cratwrtl But!e.r- hook r.'i,i- one to the Loffel] City Library.

''.iiiteiiiporaneous disappearance of funds and tax collector at Wilmington,

Btaamar itbnic at New York reports p -"ins: the abandoned Norwegun -hii, Florida. ,

Director Laacb heard on the silver • -lion by the House ' oreiaitiee at

A strange and distrcasiiuj, story of two victims Of th?grip at XIonroevMe. .tilth from buogor in the midst of plenty. .

The proposed amendments to, the In, tantate i ommaroa isw oppos^r by

. euuneil for r=ii!roadi h.-l'.iir ihe BanaU lOiniuillee at U\i.,hingt,.ii. ^


HfDtftNTBB dOUlAU x •

Ht Mar> ss Schoul Alumni Make Merry at City Hall-

Citr fir:; pri-srnu-d * v. rjr pretty scene W«4kaj liV .-venlog |ltie DCQUfoa belDK tl»- midw^Qier socitble of tbe alumni of K'. Msri *|Behi>oi. It pftired a' m-rti eo- j n i■■■ ■ »ffnr Tae youm utdlaa woo ai< leaded appeared to bsDdsome rrroloit r i.'umu, IUJ this wita the brjldsbtij

( tat tastefully decorstart bah, made iti.- scene one of b*aal*< Baetlog oaabmbal the .ball, the gaiierles ««N

''V« • l wita lace is', f I'.IC l p st,'). ■ I rae 1 the stage. From £ nfttil 9 o'clock OolUaa* oroaaaua raa^arad a <ietigiitfa! cmcert sml loeo tbe jtrsrrl mircb wu began. V t\ Sai!i»an; ibe grauJ coii doctor, :*il s-iin* O C'.u; lf». b«iDg ac i i«)pa« ■■'. ay ;>l-» slaw, Maria C. After tae'nj»r.b. dancing was began and kepi u,» iiu'.il tbe stroke of 12.

were Ri ■-( 'taring use tv-inog. Tbt att-odaiKje w s by IOTIU-

. r, i licaati bslBj - ■ i 'fiie )irm,g tidies SIKI geoilsmen ID

cbargewere: Grand COaJBOtAT, Corae- '.r^t- Si, ..MI, 'aisiBULt coodactora, n A. bUCanby, J- Mur,>tiy; aids. j.

■ R ...■ Sail'ti, W. J. CartLv. ft J. Htffer- DSD.D.P >'.aanagao,J. W. BrogBJU J. T. 'I'SirtiTsn, J. A. Porgsa. James It,

'■Biiphusbsn. Joseph Mi.' I OS key, J ;bn Giyon si»ii J«mes M rrlaef«-..i u ,i,.,.

-T.-uncipilonconiiDltUii-WW.C'jnjcvsed, of l'r,-i,!nH M M KtUurlea oKult. Mr-. U, J. Mabodcy, Mr.'. M:.()'MsQODe.y, IfUw i ttartha A, pray, N.lio Mshaney, N . M [i <•>. Hise A. 1) vine. Anole I,. O'Cbanoi'. Annie G. Mi IK-rmolt, aad IHnlel J. Murphy.Cbss. J Mir«rtby,4.J. Mei'irtay. Junes A. Dootay a*d Frank M Kcfrioakay.

1 i \i,.. it Kautbc's ttt,r:- :uarlt of the

MUCH sarcasm has been vented on tbe navy of the country, because of re- cent accidents to lie vessels, but the big British war ship Victoria, baa juat been wrecked, and will be a total lose; It seems that other navies meet with dhr

■st*1"' ________

U THERE NOT a pretty good b^'^ for an official inquiry into (he atate. menu of councllme^ brooks that a city official ttfer^ w purcBluc his vote by the pJomlaO of patronage? In Lynn a physician Is under arrest upon criminal charge for a like offence.

IT IS STATED that the democratic state committee of Pennsylvania will pay the fines of tho publishers convict- ed of libel upon senator Quay; it will occur to most people, that (hi- transac- tion will be a confession that the publi- calionjwas a part of the democratic pro- L't.mime. entered into for political elfei i; a partisan Mtcmpt to assail per- sonally a political opponent '\<r galu in party ends. This is is not an altogeth- er creditable position for the democrats o assume,

WHAT were-thoae "unarmed militia- men" at Bridgeport, Couu., about in attempting to pull down a British Hag upon a vessel? If there was a violation of law in Ihe act, as is alleged, there must be a legal leiucdy, auil of all peo- ple, members bTl force 'organized and main lain nl to preserve the peace, should be the last to participate in un- lawful acts; hut we wonder very little; the cobrse of GQV. Bulkley in relatiou to the militia of Connecticut has had n fearful infiurncc towards its entire de- moralization.

THK publication of the life of Stone- wall Jackson, bv his wife, recalls some of the contradictions of character in this follower of the confederacy. He declared his belief that the triumph of the north would be followed by n dis- solution of all society, and be the pre- lude to aunrchy, inlldelity and the loss of responsible government on this "con- tinent. Therefore he advocated raisin* the "black flag"—of "no quarter to (' e i lolators of our houses and firesides." This is pretty nearly the doctrine "f pirates; it Is true, while Stonewall Jack- son posed as a Christian, but he waia zealot if not a fanatic.

DOWN in Connecticut there was.a lodge, of one of the Massachusetts en- dowment concerns, the Helping'Hand, with headquarters at Lynn; recently a committee was seut to the supreme lodge to investigate affairs; their report Is not encouraging to the members; the officers admitted that owing to the fail- ure of so many of these orders, the use- fulness of New England an a recruiting field had departed, and they w obliged to rely solely upon the south aud west where their reputatiou had not preceded the workers, for any addition to the membership, and that the large cost of last vear would surely be in creased during the present.

- AFTKU TWELVE BALLOTS. ,„„.„,,,u„„„„ „„, ~~ ■ " -■' t I K- »B *A * *" iBiairt wu

Commltteeou Knflnaertnff Fail M w™° *"▼ .;** iht plie* they oo- toAgrreandAdjouru. T™ -'-»lly il thaUluM, so that wa

•Bill be unable to witness this Interesting

constating of Aiders . „" -"O Martin and Coun

cllmrn B' ■ .ookaaod ttarran met at T.S0

•J clock Tuesday evening In tbs city en glneer's office at the city ball. All ibrea members of tbe committee were praaant Aldermai Martin presiding.

Tbe ball waa set rolling bv tba Inquiry of Councilman Brooke, If Councilman Warren had tOstltnted an Investigation regarding the (Hness of Assistant Sngt- near Chester E. Hudson to longer bold tbat position.

Mr. Warren said that he bad gUan the matter all the attention faa could spare and had ccme to the conclusloa that dta< plte the conflicting at. rise he bsd beard, Mr. lindson waa capable of filling tbe position* In every particular, "Mr. Hud. son," aatd Conncllmau Warren, "la a thoroughly competent edgiueer and aur- v«i or, and just IRU sort of a man the peo- ple want for an assistant to Mr. Msrble. i.»ar eoglbeer may at any time be called awsy from us and Into some competent bands bis affaire would Beceaaarllly fall. No man can better look after tbe city's interests In tbls position than Mr. Hud- son. I kbow that there Is a political cltuoe at work to depose Mr. Hndsou from office end 1 want It distinctly under- lood tbat my views on tbe matter are

entirely unpolitical. I don't etabd on party lines when the welfare of tbe city

■• at stake, sod I am free to state tbat 1 have not heard any man named for the position who la better Oiled for It tban Mr. Hudson. For Seal !u my work I will

it lake second place to sny mad." Alderman Martin said be didn't doubt

Mr. Warren's leal but couldn't Lee how be coold honestly support for a public vfflce a man who neglected Lhe dutiea of ii- tffice In his grasplngs for larger >!um». }'H>, Warren, yon don't consider list a man who runs aoout the city hus-

thng for 111 lam political candidate*! and remains away from the officer meanwhile la true to bis duties, do your 'TIs an un- llspottd /set he has doiifso.^ Mr,Hudson during ihe past year bus not done bis dn'y to the elly. He bas neglected the n»ik for wblcli be ban been paid a good

, aud bas allowed ■ portion of that work iu fall on tag sbouidns of others. You say yobbavehesrd conflicting storlee but yuu are saibth-d tbat Mr Hudson will do far different in the .future. We

SOME inside workings of a' certain kind of politics were revealed at a com- m ttee meeting by councilman Brooks, Mr. Chesttr C Hudson has posed as e republican, albeit he has been suspected of coquetting with the ''emocrats; now comes the councilman with tbe st mom thai yh. Hudson proposed to fill a apecili d position with a democrat iu consideration of ihe rouiu-yman's vote for his iMectioh ""H ■siipi. ■ i.f atrmi with the funther statement from Mr, Hudson, tbat he was out with tbe re- publicans, and if chosen would" lill the pesitions with democrat's. If these statements cannot be disproven bv Mr. Hudson, the sooner be .goes. OJTB* to the democrau the better; , the republicans have no use for that class of political hucksters; men who openly offer to trade patronage for votes lor themselves may make good democrats, but the re- publican party wants nooe of them. Good bye, -Mr. Hudson.

have nothing to judge the fnlure_by oth*r than hy ibe put, and In my opinion some

ie ahai -in a .I be giv< u the position." M-r Warren—' Who would jou name

tbat la ilited tor the postlon." Mr. .■: ..' i- ■ -i <.,r : the present al-

tscheee of the engineers i lllce Hubert W. Prlt-simsn.' ,„

i.'in i i nun Brooks bad bnt little to aay. "You know my Ideas on tbls mat- ter. Mr. Hudson has not acted as a city

joffllal should act' and should not expect eons [deration from aa. " He apparently Isn't -s i-ilr-,1 with this office and during toe past two years has been reaching out rmm and left for almost every blgber officer. We can get a good man to All tins poi-1Uon and one who will be sails-. tied with the office and salary, I present the name of a college graduate. Mi. Ed ward P." O'Solllvan.

Tbe committee then proceeded to bal- lot, bnt twelve ballots showed tbe same r-suits, there being no choice. The vole stood Hudson 1, Prlestman 1 and O'Sul- Uvau 1. i.

As there were no chances of reaching aa aareemenh-tbe committee adjourned at 8 u'clDck.auhjtttl to the call of tbe chair-

FllW't UEl'MON

High school Chi art uf 111 Aaseiu ' | Me at (he I riinUlm

I'RACTUALLY DIVIHED,ll the con- clusion as to tbe national democracy, in a three column article -on the editorial page of the Springfield Uepublicau; the faction now in the lead, headed \.\ Hi;]. Gorman and Crisp, have, it is'declared, frltle sympathy with tariff reform, are willing to temporize with the silver riuestion until after election, and urge upon the (wriff reformers 'a delusive

d dishonorable expediency," which threatens to cariy the democracy down n an "overwhelming defeat." At

present this paper declares tbat the democrats of the house are "leaderless Md drVlded;" Utal with it* enormous democratic majority the house has made

lame and baiting start." and that there ;- nodent injj the repnbUi U claim asto'th- eil.it.iie,ii of "iharacteristic capacity for blundering ' on the part of the democrats. And these oSKcluiion- are a part of the toil" of the entire apti-

le, which ifrom the conspiiuousness fiven it may M CODaidarad inspired. ^n.e.iifr-e it is from a. Cleveland and free trade stand point, t-ut scarcely less i^uitl caul as a dolefuJ wail of despair.

THE OLD SIXTH reguiwm. baving been rightfully atconU-d by Command- er-in-chief I'almer of tlie (iraud Army of ihe Republic,, 'b« position it tli right of the line aa escort to the gTOat procession next autumn, Pennsvlvania protests on the ground that its awn troops were flrst in Washington, and now comes Minnesota, with a like' de- mand, because of the claim that its troops wen.- first offered to thi |Ovi r. ment. It is too Late bow to attempt to revis.. hi»tory which is correct, true, some two or three hundred members of a Pennsylvania regiment hurried "tq Washington, arriving there /'before the sixth, and tbey are to be commended! Tnls'llfied M**« (r.m poverty toaffla- for their Ion] promptness in doing ihe ; *ac' ■ ,,Q* brooght him no friends, as be

was *■■'. inVtwactlve man. He was as

The bigh.scho.d class of '91 held tbelr Orst reunion at tbe >'ranklin boose Tues- day evening and tbe event will be one lOLg retiir:ir»-rcd by ihrise wh'J w;«rej

present. About 8 o'clock the members lieusn to arrive and assemble In the par- lors of tbe hotel. Priacpal E. H. -Good- win and Pran*. L. Wnipple,.. formerly a teacher In the high -cbool, ware present as gne?is of tbe class, i

Ouring the early evening a class tneet- it>K wits lit;.l,o«er which Proeident Jo- seph K. Wilwonh presided. It was vowl lo orgsolse sn aasoctatlon to consist of atlj who had at any time been connected with 'be class. Tbe ulectlon of officers of ibe sssi-ciitluD resultad. aa follows, all being cirosen unsnimously: President, Lwn M. Clotson ; vice president, Harry It. Musk; sebrttary and treasurer, Aanle A.Toje, cisss historian, Abate M. Sewall.

utlve committee to consist of the officers snd J. J. O'SUIIITSU waa also chosen.

Following tbe roeetiug 'le- party form- d Ineonples, and UeaJed bv "resident J-

I, Walwortb and lady, repaired t., tbe in. i a bail} where an >icellent supper waa Mrvad. iftef ill -1 done justice

be hnaj A..H iu<nu ^he pn:-ldent rapped for order, tad with a few Intro- >iui tors rtiusiks | seed tae post | randial fi*it4*wietbe bsn :s>f the toas-master. lurry B tlwk. Tnettoaou responded to ware or fOtloWl ^Oat Class," J'...eph F Wa.aortb;-Uur S.booi," E. R. Good. win; "Our Young L.dics." Elgar H. Bar- k.r; '■ptlilooe. ti do.er." Leon H. Cioa- ' ■ u , "OorHuif 11*0,' Annie Ai. Toye; "Ciaea HU OIT, ■ Abohl M. Sewj-'i. In- ten fctiafl reaauka were alao mad-j by Mr. Wh pple.

Tr,e psriy returned to the parlors at tbe < i,-,- of iue atOnilaaa snd ,tbe time waa pieasant'y spent until shortly after mid- ngbt. I

Another Hopkins l>ead. '

The death of jCooaj Hopkins.Tuesday In California, removes the leal of tbe fiir..y '.hft f*as broOgwl Into prominence by the great wtal'b of datk Hopkins, the rail- road mil,i hairs.

Mark ;i,Uut ibli,k much of bis broth- era', snd did not mention them In bis will, o"l ihe two -urv »;cg orothrrs pr> i nted ibeir claims to tbe widow, and ei ch"re- celved an eigbtb of the estate, am intlng 'n each ca#-.- M nearly OS.tXXI 000.

cuDJuactloni but tbla evening tbe two planets will already have drawn so near together that their aspect will be that of a moat aplaallltl double star.


Lftdloa' Union Charitable Society Transact Bualueaa.

The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles' Union Charitable society wu bald In Pilgrim Fathers hall .Tuesday after- noon. There were present a large num- ber of ladles.

The reports of various commit tees were read and accepted and other routine business transacted.

rrealaetat Mrs. George W. Sargent stated that glOo had been received from the Lawrence street church aa thssecond annual donation to tbe endowment fund, and also a1 like aum from Mtaa Helen Brad lee.

Tin- members, who bava]aerved on the various Hay breakfast committees dur- ing past years, offered their services again and were appoints:!. Tbe work will be divided among altaoi; the same ladles.

A telegram from Bev. aud Mrs. C. U. Dunning of Claremont, N. H., waa re celved and eipreaaed their regreta at be- ing enable to attend and extending thanks for tbe invitation.sent them.

The ladies of the society connected with tbe Unitarian and Ualversallat churches eeived a tempting supper in tbe banquet Utallt after the "meeting. The members of the advisory committee were present aa Invited gueete and Included E. T. Barley and Revs. W. It. Glbbe, A. II. Amory, Thomas Spooner, George H. Young and Tbomaa Tyrle. Each of these gentlemen offered Interest!eg and sugges- tive n marks after tbe repast.

Tbe next regular meeting will take place March I, when the ladles of tbe Baptist chnrcb will provide a supper.



Struck by a Train at the Oagrood

Street Crossing.

The ill-fated Boston and Maine railroad crossing at Oagood street was again the scene of a fatal ac- cident Wednesday evening by which Alvln T. Mag.>oii, commonly known 'aa "Doc- tor" MagooD, a dealer in patent, medicines and herbs, tret an untimely end.

The unfortunate man was driving to bis home on IVrry stieet. North Andover when ih» accident occurred. He turned from Merrlmack street on to Osgood utreet and before be reached tbe railroad tracks he waa seen by tbe fltgmao, who says tbat ha signalled him with his lan- tern. For some reason or other the man failed to heed tbe warning aud drove on to the tracks just sa the passenger train which leaves South Lawrence at 7 o'clock came tearing aloug. The engine struck tbe horse In the right shoulder hurling It a distance of about 75 feet down the track. Tin- driver was thrown out by the force of tbe collision and struck a few feet from the planks In the roadway. He was killed almost Instantly. He waa lifted np and carried Into tbe flagman's bouse rt tbe side of the track. When tbe train escbed North Andover Dr. Howe was

summoned. He examined tbe body of the Ictim of the accident and pronounced

tbat death bad resulted from a fracture of the sknll oear the base of the brain, probably caused by contact with the iron rail, Tbls was tbe only Injury found, but bloodooted from one of Ma ears. Under-

k.-i't Waterlionea and Parsons were no- uil.-.i aud touk charge or the body. '_

The carriage, a Concord wagon, was partially demolished the right shaft blag iroken and the two wheels on tbe right were also badly damaged.

Doctor" Magoou nas a man of be* en 60 and 70 years of age, wearing a

full betrd,land was a|well known figure ahout bere. He will be remembered as having driven a bay horse which had tbe spring halt. He prepared his own medi- cines and drove about selling It at differ- ent liUi-i-*. i hit? of his prepsrMons was a linlmt-tn know as "Magooua liniment." A early, whom be sold bis medicines to sara"ibMrto berknowtedge be had been eugsged In this business at least ten years. Previous to mov Ing to North An- dover be resided on Canton street, this city, and be has also lived on Lowell street near the corner of Broadway, and on the Lowell road.

Ills daughter resided with blm in North Andover, until last Monday a he went to West Parish to live, since which lime Is believed that he has [lived alone, was a man of genial disposition snd was strictly honest. The flagman stated that he had cautioned the man before about driving over the tracks, but would re- ceive some trivial reply.

This croasing is a particularly danger- ous one and several fatal accidents have occiu nil there pre vloas to tbla one. ,.

best they couid fo; tbe country; but tbey were w,th5Ut arms, and we're not ! peBl,r Bl ** ud *Uri' lna bi* ODiy «' at the capita' as an -rganization. ■ The \ """^ * w" bo''0* Preparations to

aixth waa-the first military command to ! J* £LSV *" T ^l" '' reach VYaabiogtm. alter the call of the lt"» "T* "' ^ If0" 1UrrW g«* *._•! . * -l i . r a m»'.-i w, low. who, afrei treating blm pm.de.it for troops, and tins i. umv. r- fof . : , „H , h of


aal;y admitted by mtliUry auUtOritie.. L,u fxm0J£ G;d ftfoaaa a > ..ad The claim of Minnesota is atitl more j„t msirled. waa badly worried, ut 0, al>aurd thah that of I'eansylvania; Gov. , endurol tbfaan, with Us revelations of Ramsey oMhat 3<ate happened to be in ! bis lotiy and peaunousueM snd was dla- Washington when praeidant Lincoln j gusud wbeu the jury brought In a ver- issued hie call, ud the loyal Minne- Met for »75 000. Moses appea'ed. but solan promptly tendered a regiment' -*e did not staid a second trial, and be from tbat state, he offered" what the ' esa^tnaUasa' for aso uoo. si4.u- ili i not then, pcasea*,; .of cobrae ho L H* ]t*"h 1Q *«^u "orth g«;000,0O0. knew bj? wouldgrtjliem, and"so be did,'!- ' ' ~ *'-'*^r^Zf ' -.7*^-ssr. but il required .some ten or twelvedavs' Meettnv ot Jupiter aud Venus. time. In a rataai las'tta i f hi" ;,.r ftp -.T'~T". " the Lyon County ro; WKg r, SJar-'l E^1 "ly tttU?\ ' "* DOtlc«d during shall, MUnnesoU, ou ! M aay, for several yes: ad ,ian. sixth, discusses this : istuV at i-ncthj and although his co> Itts be welcome for bom. oi -impnon.be

IbTP^a Tew aysjaks 'oge' • of the br, and . -■ ■!*. Oats stsia. .| 7 bafk ' ■ beauty of the aval

e gradual drawing >nt plsnau. Jupiter nlng all tbe. other, ha) greatly to tbe g sky. During tbe

preset!', week th<>y will cootinoe to in plainly show, the libeurdity of Ota f>wctt „..a-itaal nnUl on Saturday claim af that stale and that tbe honor mon ^aeY mm ,w %l, c.OM! t^t(i w tfl<

Vlongs. where ("ommandar has placed „u<r., «»r. they will acua.iv mem blend- it, to th- old Masahusetts aixth j ad low on*, rnfortunatel'. tbe beml-1 R-Humphreys,

' _ . , I

Prohibition Club.

The vouiiii men's problb^tl on club me Wednesday evening and > 1 ■«■:. i :tl ■. ■■ far tbe ensuing year as follows: I'rosl- deot, R>yal Frye; vice-president, Dt- Id Wright; secretary, vvalter Pox; floantlsl, * -eretary.*Walter J. Hording; treainn-r, William Hil, It was voted u^m.-.-t ttie first and third W«:duesdays of inch month. At the oext inoeling, tbe fol- lowing -u-;., will be dlscnsaed i "Does probloltlon bave'a nenellclal effect upon the people of our natfonf ' '

rillshiirv CilW.iiry

At Westboro, Mass., Thursday, Jstiu- "■y -^ V tbe resldencevof her uncle,who

a wealthy manufacturer of that sec- tion! Miss H.-Lrii A. Piilsbury was uulted In carriage to Mr, Charles A. Pillsbury, of Tar .ma. Wash. After a abort Wed- ding trip, bidding goodtiye to fi lends and relatives, Mr. aud Mrs. Pillsbury will journey to Tacoina, wnere Mr. Plllabury l* In the employ of the .-,tv s- civil en- gineer. At home after March lOtb.

Cur th- Armory

The armory commissioners yesterday, seized tbe tot of land on Metbuui. Kssex and Ameshury street*, which they iia 1 picked out for aa armory site.

Tbe reason that tbe property v ,t* salted was because It waa origlanlly sold,, on the condition that It would be uaad for manufacturing purposes.

Work on the new armory will now be buried.

gucceaaMul Applicant*. »«, . . e,

Tbe following young ladles are tba ones wbo have successfully passed tbe entrance examinations and been admitted to the training school i Anna A. Toys, Annie L. OConnei.Haleu H. Kerr, Mary ' I • Margaret E. Loftna and Alice Eaaiham- Tber* were eighteen appli- cable In all.

U as Company Directors.

At tbe meeting of th* stockholders of tbe Lswrencek<laa ConipADV held Tuaa- dayFeb. >,'the fo,lowing were 'elected directors C. M. Beaver. C. a. DeUourcy. R. if. Smmoni. W. E. Parser. Frank Brewatar, J. LewU Staeknele and C. J.

6 Sullivan la Treasurer; y0 Head- way on tbe Sollcltoruulp.

Both brancnes of tba city governme^ met Wednesday evening, and elected I). C. O'SuIllyaa- city treasurer. The point made by the AMEBICIK on Saturday that bis neglect to ale his his bond Invalidated his election proved to be a tenable one, and the city solicitor's decision tbst s new elee'lon would be required, settled the whole matter. A joint convention Was held Wednesday evening and on tbe flrsi ballot Mr. 0'8alllvan waa elected.

The conncll again non-cotactarred to tbe election Of j. J.^Mahoney, Esq., as city solicitor, and again sent np Ihe name of Chas. A. De Conrcy.

i IN BOARD or ALDaamn. Tbe board met in special session st

7.S0 o'clock. All were present. An order waa Introduced providing for

tbe printing of 700 copies of the auditor' report, 300 ot which, and 800 of each of the other departments to be bound Into the city documents and MH-II more li pamphlet form as tbe committee on printing may determine, the expense of the same to be charged to tbe Incidental fund. '

The bond of Daniel C. O'Rnlllven was approved.

Michsel Mahoney waa appointed and confirmed a criminal constable.

The bond of John Bbeehan,. city mar- shal, for $600 with John Sbeehan aa prin- cipal and Cnarlss S. Wlngate and Samuel Knowies aa sureties Was approved.

While the conncll were listening to a lengthy reading of the records, tbe alder- men took a recess, and the committee on licenses held a meeting. Tbla committee sooq reported favorsbly on the petition of Wm. H. Donovan for an lnnholder's license at tbe corners of Hampshire snd Essex street ard unfavorably on tbe peti- tions of Hariiman Bernstein for a Junk dealers license, of Thomas Hopklnson for an lnnholder's license on Common street, and of Fred A. Paulson for license to conduct an anatomical museum on Es- sex street. Tbe report or tbe committee waa accepted and Ita recommendations adopted except In tbe case of Thomas Hopklnson wbo waa granted an incbold- er'a license, Aldermen Butler. Oallagber, Whltehonsa and Doyle in favor and Al- iierman Martin and Bolton against.

Tbe board then joined the council ID joint convention. _—_

IS JOINT CONVENTION. Boih branches went Inlo joint conven-

tion at 8.80 o'clock and elected D. C. O'Sullivan city treasurer. The vote Stood : Whole number, 34 Necessary. 18

Q. A. McCanby, 1 E. P. Poor, 10 D. C. O'Sullivan, 13 The convention then adjourned. Mr. O'Sullivan bas now filed his bond

and wilt enter upon his duties March 1. IN COMMON COUNCIL.

Tbe common conncll met .in regular session Wednesday evening every ber being present. Councilman Dow moved to.dUpenee with ibe reading of the records, but Councilman Kenned) desired tbeoi read and so ihe,clerk began a tiresome 15 minutes work.

A batch of business] was transacted in concunence.

An order came down from the aldermen authorizing the printing committee to go ahead and secure tbe printing of city doc- inn* utj*.

Notice camej'down [rrom the upper board that tbe Mayor and three aldermen had been appointed aa a committee to co- operate with tbe Grand Army in the re- ception of Governor Russell upon bis visit to this city next Tuesday evening to attend the O. A. It ball. A similar order adopted In concurrence.

U"on the motion of Councilman Ryan It was voted that a like ^committee, to consist of the president of the council and ont member from each ward, should be appointed. .*, .

President Kane appointed as members of that committee: Councllmen Wlngate, Wbelan,Byan, Flnff Barnes and Bralih- wake.

Councilman Dow»lntroduced an order tbat the committee on printing'''ah'ould solicit bids for the prlutlng of the re- portsj of tbe different departments and tbelr report be presented to the city conncll. The order was adopted.

After the order had been adopted Councilman Ryan thought that be smelt

at and be arose and said that he was about to make a motion to reconsider as be thought that tba order would stop the committee from awarding the contract to the lowest bidder until the report came before tbe city council but if tbe order could not be construed that way he wonld cot make a motion to reconsider.

Councilman Dow Informed his fellow member tbat tbat waa his intention. He said ibat he didn't think that there was anything in connection with the city gov erument In wblch there had been so much crooked business as In tbls matter ol awarding contracts for printing, and be for one should like to examine tbe bids of each Orm.

Tbe matter will come ap at the next meeting under unfinished business.

A queer thing about this matter Is that the conncll, a few minutes before, had concurred In an sldermanlc order author- ising tbe committee on printing, wltbom any bida'or any check whatever, to look after tbe city printing and make con- tracts.

Councilman Ryan Introduced an ordei dtrec lug the cblef-enalui-er to ceuee tbi Are alarm hells to be sounded every even- ing at 6 n'clock. He .caul tbat It wss to enable ihe^employts of the city and out- side laborers wbo close wotk at 6 o'clock to learn the time. It was amended bj Councilman Dow so as to order the dls-

iiuar.ee of, striking the alarm si 7. 4A p. in. As'ameLded ihe crder was adopted. There was some ditcuialoc, but on i He. vole no one was recorded In oppo- sition. Tbe only argument raised against tbe proposed measure was that it wan tampering with signals that should be used for Ore purposes only.

Councilman Duw Introduced an order tbat tbe committee en tlteetabe directed to prepare a list of streets to be watered the coming summer, ibe expediency oi bujing new apparatus, ripairlcg ihe old, sod of asseaslng tbe cuat of watering tbe streets and *uib other matteis.as*may be pertinent In uinection with tke order. Adopted.

Councllman^Dow alao Ihiroduced an order directing the committee on fire department to give an immediate report of any contracts It baa made. Adopted. This last order, the councilman explained was introduced, Jo that tbe city might ratify a contract made by tbe tin- depart- ment committee for reoeira on Engine 3. The committee bad no right lo spend more tban 1100 [without consulting the government, bnt tbey had made a con- tract involving t-lAO. It was simply tbat Ure city conncll might redly tbelr action tbat tbe order was introduced.

The council proceeded to the election of a city solicitor. Tbe Drat and second ballots showed divided strength for Charles A. DeConrcy, Wm. 8, Knox and J. J. Maboney. ,

Tke third ballot resulted Dt&araf » If ahoney 8, aad Knox I.

Tbe fourth ballot waa the decisive one and resulted DeCOuny 10 and Maboney

8. and C. A. DeCourcy was declared elected oa tas part of the coun-ll.

After transacting some minor business the council adjourned.

Paneral.of General Mauatrer* nr


Monday,thelfuneral of '.he late general manager and vice-president James T. Furber of lbs Boston aud Maine railroad waa bold, tba principal part of the ser- vice* being conducted In this city st the Unitarian church. Tbls amatl edlilce never before field such a targe and nota- ble gathering. It being decidedly Inad- equate to meet the demands of the i.an dreds of railroad men iu attendance

At *,80 o'clock tba |body of tbe dead msnager was taken from his late resi- dence on Blauchard street and conveyed to tbe church under tbe escort of a guard of honor. The guard consisted of the officials of tbe local Boston and Maine •h-.ps and was composed of William F. Cutler, N. A. Holt, J. B. Campbell, El- win Ayer , Andrew Cralg and Charles E Copp.

Upon arriving at the church the casket. was placed on a bier lu fro a*, of m-i altar where for over two hours tbe remains lay ID state and were viewed by fully fiOOQ people. Tbe remalnajwere encased ln|a bandiome

broadcloth covered casket, with heavy sliver handles and trimmings, and a mas- sive plate faring the following Inscrip- tion : --James T. Furber, died Jan. 27, 1R91.- Aged 14 Tears,, 7 mouths and 22 days."

About the casket were jtastefully ar- ranged numerous beautiful fliral tributes wblch were sent, despite the request for no flowers. At the head or the casket i large floral pillow re*:ed, upon which the Inscription "Father" appeared In blue Im- mortelles; tbis came from Mrs. Join R Poor, daughter of the deceased. Other floral pieces were: Standing cross of white roses snd Ivy leaves encircled by a wreath of yellow pansies from Boston anil Maine employees; pillow of white and varied roses, from officers of the road; large handsome tablet ;of rose sod ivy leaves bearing a white scroll with tbe Inscription |"Onr |Osueral Manager, James T. Furber. Finis," from; tbB offi- cers and employes af the road; standing crossof ivy leaves encircled by vrblte rose wreath, M-s. C. E. Ume ,wm"i bf Ivy, Mrs. JohuE Paige, Lowell; standing crescent and star from friends at Qrest Falls; .broken.^column surmounted by wnlte dove, by railroad employes ai Oreat Falls; wreath of Ivy and sheaf of wheat, I) wight Bramao; handsome tablet of roses of all colors and Other assorted flowers, from Boston and Maine em- ployes; wreath of English ivy from Qeo. F. Richards of Amesbury and numerous otner wreathes and set pieces. Tbe floral' display waa magnificent tbe pieces all be- ing large and undoubtedly the fluest of any ever seen at a local obaequlea.

The chnrcb was modestly trtmmeu with evergreen and ferns, tbe original front of the altar being hidden by sprigs of hemlock and clusters of rrljprrlr-

At the Lowell depot, tbe fonersl train waa In waiting. It comprised the lsrge new engine "Bethany," a combination car, *he directors' car "Sorrento" and -•ix coaches. All were heavily draped. Tbe combination car, In addition, bad the following Inscription on tbe shies, ''We monrn our loss."

Tbe engiae as well as being draped wa>| trimmed with flowers. Across the front was a maionlc repres:ntation of the "royal arch." This was composed of ivy, with supports of thistle balls. With- in the arch was a large floral broken column. Tbe keystone of tbe arch bore the Initials "J. T. F." in monogram, un- clrcled In masocle symbols. In the head- light of tte locomotive was the compass and square of tbe masonic fraternltv Bouquets placed here and there on tbe engine, added to Its beauty.

1'be train bearing the remains of the late General Manager James T. Furber, which left Lawrence at 1 o'clock, after the services at tbe Unlinrlan church, reached Its destination two hours later.

Al^along tbe line, at every station, town and city, expreaslona if deep sor- row— were shown for tbe departed. Crowds turned out and atood silently b> aa tbe train rolled on.

At Haverhlll, railroad sqrare presented a crowded appearance, fnlly 3000 people being congregated there to see tbe funer- al train. Tbe depot platform was util- ized by the railroad employees who stood with uncovered heads until tbe train had disappeared.

In tbe woods near Ward lliil a very touching tribute waa paid by a single sec- tion man at work on the road. As tbe tr.-ln apnroached, be slepped aside from the track and with uncovered bowed lu-ao awaited lts(passage. He never llfied hi* head to view tbe decorations on the mm, and remained in tbat position as long at- the train was in sight. This little act .caused,many an eye to well In the mourners' car snd touched a Under coro In ihe,hesrtsof many a sturdy railroad man on board.

At Exeter the shop help turned out and mingled with other town people in pay- ing their t Hum- of respect to tbe memo- ry of the dead.

A stop was made at Newmarket Junc- tion where a lunch waa In walling foi the funeral party. Fifteen minutes later tbe train started again snd from thai point made rapid headway to the end ol the Journey.

The depot and adjoining streets at Dover, N. H., were literally packed with people as tbe train rolled through that station: Uocovered heads were numer- ous, while despite the large congregation uot a murmur waa made above a whisper The clanging of tae locomotive: bell alone breaking tbe Btillness which retgu-

party from the cemetery the train waa made ready for lu return and at 6 o'clock steamed out »f tbe Great Fads depot. No stop was made until It arrived bare wblch was about 6 98 o'clock, r,

A guard Of honor, consisting of Joseph A. Edgeley, Esq., Samuel Walsh, Edwin L. Bartlett and Edward Folsom had charga'of the remains during the cxer cisus, at Great Falls.

HO Mi; OOB81P.



—Mrs. Rufun Keed Is spending the winter with her .son, Mr. Alblu Keed In Boston-

—The nurses st the general hospital have bestn buffering from tbe prevailing epidemic.

—Winter street Is being widened bs- *ween Essex aud Lowell streets. The gravel used Is drawn from Sale's bill.

—Scarlet fever Is greatly on the in- crease and some prompt steps should be resorted to lo check a greater soread.

—Mr. Charles It. Llttlafleld has left North Lawrence where tie bas resided for many years and has taken a residence on Farnham street, South Li wrence.

—Tbe conductors on the Boston A Maine railroad have received orders to wear crape on their left arm for six day* out of respect for tbe late General Manager FUITI .-r

—The flowers In' the headlight of tbe iocomotlve "Bethany," which drew tne Furber funeral train to Great Fa Is were procured by Engineer Chas. Usll and Fireman F. W. Boody- wbo ran tbs en-r glue. ,

—Contractor Sbannahan is engaged In filling: the low land at the corner of Essex aud Winter, streets, where J. S. Need' ham'a coal pockets ware ^located. Tbls property Is owned bv. the _ Boston snd Maine railroad.

—In the drug store of Frederick and Sower oo upper Broadway Is a unique wall decoration In tbe shape of csrtlfl- eaten of "busted" endowment orders. They represent 12000" the cletk tells you "and we have 11000 more yet to paste up."

—Fred*Paten, formerly manager of the Wardrobe, having severed his connection with that store, will resume bis position with the Lswrence One Price Clothing company, which he held for seven years, previous to Delng connected with the Wardrobe. -*

— Holders of certificates In tbe de- funct endowment ordera need not get ici patient; tbe receivers are busily arrang- ing the names to find who are In good standing, and In certainly tw > Instance! through the delay have been able to ma- terially Increase th - funds to be nald nack.

tstabloAfokeD Into.

Wm. Thorn, who resides at 12S S IUUI

Broadway, reported at the police station Wednesday afternoon that some one lia.i oroken Into his stable at tbe rear of 406 Andover street. The thldves stole from his wagon wblch/was 'in-the

"*"*abje, four ^quarts /of oysters some £o«p, a box of cakm and a qoanil iy of candy. '

Accident at the Pacific.

About 2 30 o'clock Monday afternoon Lilies Italelle, ian employe of the picker room of the upper Pacific mlU met i <10ite a painful accident and one which luay-resalt in tin-loss of hlB left baud Wbileatwork ana picker his hand be- came canght In tbe machinery, .badly lie- e-ratlng tbat member He was taken to the general hospital where Dr. Abbott at- tended to hi-* lujurif*. i'i.u hand is Udlj acerali d and from p. .*•»■;,■„ appearauci fears arijinturttined (hat amputatlou wlH be neces.-ary. Hate Ie la a lad about 15 years of ige and resides at the lower end of Essex street. J

ad, At jutt 2 o'clock tbe train pulled into

t he Great Falls station where almost th< entire town was found waiting its urriv al. The depot was crowded to its nt most, while about tbe trschs and itnati outside, folly S000 people were pa t'etitly walling the removal of Iheremaim from the train. Their wait, after tbi train's arrival, was buta brief oaa Tas pall bearers, bearing tbe casltot, fout.d tbelr way through the dense crowd aad rested It In the walling room where for a short time tbe remains lay lu state.

Aoumber of Great Falls people wt were eager to pay tbelr last dear trlbu to their former friend and associate re- quested that tbe remains be exposed to view which was consequently done. Tbe beautiful floral tributes were tastefully arranged about tbe casket and for some minutes tho remains tbu* restec*. Owing to 'lie lateness in tbe arrival of tbe trsij, a puMfc viewing of the remains was uoj allowed consequently the funeral cortegle was soon on its way to Forest Glade cemetery.

Sixteen hacks. Innumerable carriages and about ttro tbonaand of tin. town's people followed tbe remains to .the city of tbe dead.

At the cemetery no religious services were conducted. Tbe remslua were car- ried to the Rollins tomb, where once again and for the last time tney were ex- posed to view. Tbe casket was tb«n closed and the honored dead was laid la

is vault until changes Is the family lot 111 permit burial with the other members

of hia fam'ly.

Shortly after tba return of the funeral


Ellxabeth, wife of Jeremiah Sheeban, -Jiod at the family residence 200 South Broadway, Tuesday, aged 56 years.

Harold T., sou of George F. and Alice M. lltiui.i, died at the family- residence, OS Cross street, today, aged 1 year, nlnt month- and 2 daju. The cause of death was cholera infantum.

Mrs. Catherine McCralnor,one of South Lawrence's o'duat residents, departed life Wednesday afternoon after a short Illness with La Urlppe. ">

Mrs. McCralnor was 72 years of age and during the past 47 years has been a eeidentof tbls city-.

Uoife to Wanhlnfrton.

Monday, President J.1 K. Norwood of the board uf trade left for Wssblugtoi D. C. Ue carried with him two petition,-. one asking for a new government build- ing lu tbla city and tbe oiber for the Merrlmac river navigation project. These will be-placed In care of Congress- man Stevens.

itna Into by a Toum.

David Hafferty, residing at 215 llm street, was struck by a team at the cor oerof Lawrence and Common street* about 5,15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and ASH quite badly hurt about his back. H was sent h.une lu aback by UOleer Benol

flWtlK-ll (IT '■■•IllJuD >li..|,

I don't wonder that reformers shnddei when it conies to the mimes of streets. I myself have counted twenty-six King ■treats, sixteen CJueen street's and thir- teen Duke streets in this toWnl Th« ■■ Hi..-mi in,- will -repeat itself in street, paid, place, crescent and sqnare, uppei and lower.'east nnd west, until the brain begins lo soften. We've spent mon shillings in-directing cabs to. Glouceetei something or other, when we ought tc have gone to Gloucester something else, than I dare tell.

Bob declares he'll be chained to an ad- dress book hereafter. I suppose a goodt

deal of tliis repetition is due to tbi greediness with which London swallowi up town after town. But really there n no excuse for baptizing the same streets several times. One street in our neigh- borhood, not half a mile long, has thros names. It's a blessing to get into Picca- dilly, Oxford street add the Strand, for then I know where I am; but now 1 •MM to think of it, I don't know any- thing of the sort, for Piccadilly runs ints Knights bridge, that street runa inU

, several thin ns, the Strand becomes Fleet street id Temple Bar—or,- perhaps 1 ought to say, at the place whero Tampls Bar once stood—and Oxford street loses itself in Hoi born.—London Cor. Eats Field's Washington.

M.«i. :,i, Flowers. The most striking characteristic of

Ihe Mexican flowers UJ their deep, rich color. .The prevailing hue» are always glowing and intense. The tropical for- ests 6f the country afford a rich Held for the botanists, for in their shades bloom Ibe, most exquisitely tinted Howera and orcludA-Philadelphia Lodger.

■ a Purely Private Matter. The chaplain of a convict prison aaked

one of his bVk who was in dorance vile for manslaughter what man ha '—• killed. "It was a woman, my wife, i oota man.'' be replied, "bnt, sir continued, -it was altogether a privata Blatter, with which the public has no amcern."-<iood Words..

Sitt Alarmed.

Romantic Mi— (addicted to poetry)— Oh. I'm just in love with Edgar Allan Poe.

Practical Adorer—Well, thata all right He's dead.—New York Weakly.

Locsl Manager.

BAILBOAD 1'KAINH. WlaUr Ari*ne-«uient. October n, 1HII1.


Andover to Boston, 6 SO, 7:46, B:06,S.SS, B:4S •10A.ro.; lt.2i, H:37,l:M,S:as,*:ltS,6:44,- "

HunilaT, ,J:4»,8:BSa.m.; 18:90, 4 M, B:SS,fl;&7 Tan p. m.

Boston to Andover, 8:00, 7 :S0, 8:80.10:2B II :1ft a.m. li :00 m.; 12:31). J :I8, ?:S0\ 8*1, *.:«. fi:0ff. IMMI.H :», T.iifl, 11.00 n. ro.

Sunday, S.nn, 11 4S a. m.;S :00,fl:0t TflO p.m, AndovertO'V,awreiir.e,7:02S:a8,U:00,10MM :80

II *J a.m.; 13 :V>, I :0ft, 1 :ifl,3:N, 8:41,4 -06,9:00, ft:4ft, 0:47.7:31,7:62: p.m.

Siin.lay, 9:0S a.m., 1J:«. fl:)4,«47,8.-OBp. m. Lawrenee to Andover, S 40,7 SO, 7 Ml, B :«<>.»:»

10.0. 11:00 a.m.; 14:0% 13:4.1, 1:15 *l .1», 1(10.1:35, 4:1)0,5 la. 5:40, *7:04,»:*0 p.m.

8undav7:35, 8:15 a.ro; 14:10, *4.3ft, 6.358 40, •7 44. S:QBp. m.

('From Somn Slde.l Andoverio Lowell, 7.46,8.33, i.lOSftr rv:10

a.m.; 1437,1.40,3:44, 4:3S,5:JO 1:11, »:3«. p. m Sunday 7:45,B:3Sa.m.il9:3r ,4:34, 6:53; 751

p.m. Lowell to Andover, 8 :Sfl. 0:50,10:65 a. m 13:10

1 A0, B :0ft, 8 *l, 5:10, ti :1ft, 8:5ft. II IS p. m. BuDdarS-aoa.m.,l4;Oft,6-3ft,T:30 p.m. < Andover to Salem, 1:01, x7:4flA.m. li M, :4S

p.m. Salem to Andover, 7 :00, xl0;I5, l J 8(1 a. m.,

9:00, 4:40, 0.00 p. in. Doing North, via Manchester, "It a. ro., 1: 0»

6:45,*-47. Sunday H:M,a. m.«.47 p.m. Going Kaat,7:oasXK. 8:48, tf:00.10:MB a. m.

I3:50x, 1 :'J0,3:43lt*N,4:05,5:45, 8.47B&M, 7 :63n

Sunda>,V:08a.m. n ft n,6:47n, p. m. (ii llitv.-rlilll. N.Newburyport. H.ftM.Ha-

rarhlllandNewbnryrort) .

Speaking of the his; death rats for tbe month of .lanuaxT Inst ended, to lown cltirs. Pntnam.a

day* ago, we were informed tbat 22 deaths .,„-Wtn recorded, ilils belnjrtue (tro»l«st num- ber recorded In any ons month since tbe rebsl-


A special meeting of tbe school baard was beld left Tuesday evening; lo bear the report of tbi i lib-committee appointed to look into tbe mstU'ruf better school accommodations tor the village district. Tbe subcommittee looked tbe prenmct over carefully snd they reported thai a new liulltling WSJ greatly needed, the coat of which ought not to exceed $10,000. This report was accepted by the board, j.

We Uke great pleasure in endorsing tbe re- port of ibe autwommittee and It must be re- meuibered tbat those gentlemen who represent Hie hoard were1 actuated by the one desire by having at heart tbe liesl inttreala of iho child- ren attending tlie school In question.

Besides It will be money saved by putting np a new building. Let suy one try to convert tbe present structure into s modern school- houie, what system of ventilation coukLW-- usedf How umeJi would it cost f And-*uen completed the result woald be dlasatlslsclion upon all sides.

The people In Abbott* VlUsgs have shewn remarkable path-net In this matter. It will be remembered that la.t yesr tbe laik was "wait another >ear and vou may get a new school boose." The year bas come and we earnestly bope that1 the appropriation asked by tli* ■cbool board will be granted.

It will I* • great mistake If the building li not made ■ufflcieniiy '*rge to provide for tba growth In numbers that Is sure to occur, and the expression* of those baring control are ib*t no mistake will be made.

A literal appropriation for tbls object will meet with frtvor wltb the taxpayer** who know that It is poor economy to construct inferior bnildlnf*.

I MAILS Ol'KN. From Boston, New York, H.mtb ann West,g.0»

9.00 a. m. 1 30,4.80,5.00. 7 JO p. m. From Uaat, 1.3", ft in 7.46 p.m. rroro North, 1.80, ll.oo p. m. - FTom Lawrence 8.00a. m., 1.SO,ft.on,p. m. rrom Ballard Vale, 9:00 a. m, B :00 p. m,

HAILS CLOSE. Tor Boston,New Tork,South and West, 7.00,9.10

t. m , 14 m . r..4.:. p.m. . For K.-ist, H.00 a. m. 8.40 p. ta. For North.B 00 a. in 8.40 p. m. For l.imn'ni-i', S.OO a. oi. 13 in. 8.40, p. m. »o: [(al)ard Vale, llm. 8:45 p.m. Honey Onterofflre (^lompiillc and foreign) open

lmmH.HU. m. to « 00 p.m. Legal Holiday* office open from B SJ,i a. ro.

Scott Shattuck I* very ill-at bit boms.

Punchard fair tonigbt.

Rev. Joseph Cooke of Boston lecture* Is tbe town hall next Friday evening.

Hiss Mary E. Halley. the factory inspector, paid s visit to our mills during tbe present week.

itonly of great service to the public il to tbe town fathers snd other*.

Tbe young people of the Free church will bold a missionary meeting next Sunday even l"g. The topic will be "Lights and Shadow* in Foreign Lands.' All are Invited.

Letter* advertised Feb. 11 Barns W H ; Cam- eron Mrs; Coombs Hiss Qcorgte; Daly RJ; DalvPat; Grieves James; Galloway Jessie; Grav Florence H; Hantley Dr; Kiernsn Kate; Morton Emily t Morton Harry 6; Murphy Joseph ; Haenet Jos; Naaon Cha* E; Shea Fat Mrs: Smith James; Shaw John B; Stead- man & smuii: smith W it Mrs.

The Salem Gazette of Tuesday ha* a lengthy abitract of a lecture delivered on Monday eve- nine. Feb 1, by Prof. J. Kim ball before the the Evsex Instltue, his subject being "Arts, Present and Future," or "A Consideration of the Present and Prospective Development of the Domestic Arts " He maintained that it 1* not to be concluded tbst we have reached tbe height of attainment, but are to regard tbe pre<ent acquisitions ss but an Impetus for tbe securing or results'even beyond our fondest conjectural. A lawyerof tbat city state* that "Mr Klmbill has a bappy way of expressing hiniKdf, and Is thoroughly interesting."


In the course of s few week* town meeting day will be upon us snd It Is our purpose to consider for a moment tbe men whose term of office expire*.

First the retiring member of the hoard of selectmen Jobn S. Stark of Bsllardvale has been a memlier of tbe board for tbe past two years and so far a* we know bas performed tne duties of lil. office In a very acceptable man- lier, he It etvtt and ohltctng to all who ap-- proach blm either in public or private matter* and politically Mr. Kurt I" a great deal strong, r man today than ho was two year* ago We understand that be li in the field for re- election and we have no -hesitation In saving that Mr Stark will succeed himself. Of course there is »uine tslk about the centre district not being represented In tbe board but we fall to ■ee anv point in tbat unless It be a desire on tbe part or a few to dcnrlre Daltai ,i-«lc of Iiai lug a re pre tentative In the board which we certainly woujd not endorse, besides tbe chairman of lbs iKMird (minus ileeping hours) spends more time in the centre of tbe town tban In all the, other district* combined, but this question re- mains with tbe voters who have the right 16 "lifHiw their entire hoard from any part ot the town.

George A. Putnam as town clerk and collec- tor I* a mo*t valuable officer being kind and courteous lo ail who have occasion to transact buslneis wltb him. Ill* vast knowledge of town dullness and affairs In general make blm

"*" htithelp- ... AM.. Mr

Putnam's rs-ele:tion there Is no doubt what- ever.

The town'* monies ha* been caivfully handled during tbe past year by George A. Parker wbo ha* given universal satisfaction as town treasurer and'we do not xnow of any one more fitted for the position than tbe prcient in- cumbent.

We next come to tbe school board. Tbu u a work of love. The retiring member* are: Prof. W. B. Graves, F. O. Baldwin, Mr*. Lttxle A. Wii-,,,1 Ballard Vale.

For anything we know to tbe contrary, they might stand for re-election. There I* one thing to be considered In connection with tbls department. The members of the board have to give their time tor nothing and It undoubted- ly 1* one of the hardest position* to Hiand gWeaatisfactlon. There I* some talk about going back to tbs old iyitem of having three member* Inttead of nine as at present. We bope that sucb a scheme will not teceive conild eration for In our opinion the public s:booli oi Andover at tbe present time >tand second to none of any town and many cities in the state. No doubt some may find fault at the time de- voted to paper cutting, clay modelling and sucb like, hut we do Sot Iwlieve that even tbat time Is wholly lost to the children, for who can tell what may be slumbering in the breasts of some of tbe«« little ones and- all. thai It re- qulre> is a spark to awaken tbe desire for some such training and it must be remembered tbat ihl* MII ly is not given at the sacrifice of any nt Ihe more common branches of education. No indeed,.for auyoue wbo will Uke tbe pains to visit Siipt. Halstead's room, will he iho«n ■pex-lmens of writing by children not over ten year* of age wblch would put to shame some wbo have had tbe privilege of a college educa- tion. Our schools are something which every dtiun of this old town-might well be proud of

With regard to the water cotnmli*loners, James P Buttertleiil Is tbe retiring otflcial. No one will .loin.i ni* ability to till the position orovided hi* health holds good, sad we nope It will. ~

The next In order is a trustee for tbe Memo, rial Hall Lihiary for seven years.' Tbe official whose term expires is James B. Smith. It i* not nicemary for ut to say anv thing In favor or retaining Mr. Smith as he Will be unani- mously reappuinted If he desires to serve.

The town constable* are i George F. Cheever, George W. Hears, Charles l". Tuck.

Tbe fence viewers, and measurer* of wood are; John B. Abbott, Nathan F. Ahhott and George Bucban. That complete* the list ot ufflcers wbo will tie elected by ballot on the Hut Monday in March.

We wlah to s«y a few words regarding tbe office of Muerfnu ndiiiit of streets. This posi- tion is at present nir. ,i by Joseph I Lovejuy. It ii not an elective office as tbe incumbent is appointed by tbe board of selectmen. We consider that Mr. Lovejov has given admirable ■aiUfscllon. We do not Infer tbat he has satis- fied everyone- Oh, no. But where I* the men tbat can ? One must remember that our roads are In remarkably good cjinlitiou at th* pres- ent time snd much better than ever 'je to rei and we think ho stronger proof I* necessary than tbe roads themselves which fact muit be ap- parent to every one. Of course one cannot ex- pect country roads to be as.well kept a* those In the centre or Immediate vicinity. We ear- nestly believe that Mr. Lovejoy has proved himself a v.luable and efficient public servant In regard to the stone crusher It i* admitted by all tbat tbe lown made a good investment, for it ha* already nearly paid for itself dtmng the Kst year, etunieiblag like ,slx mileA of road

* been gravelled over, while several miles have been laid with crushed stone; abo new sidewalk* have been made and old Sue*™. paired In neaily every district in the towii. It must lie borne In mind that our roads were in s terrible condition wbeu Mr. Lovejoy received ids appointment owlug to the water pipe*leing newly laid. Following this came tbe introduc- tion of tlie ejeitrlc car tracks which broke up our main street for some lime and'was a tenribis disadvantage fur ibe new superintendent of (treet*. bnt everything I* corning out ahwlght snd our street* are again In first class londl- tion, and so f*r as our knowledge leads us. we do m.t know of another person more flttsW for the place than the present •uperintsndenlJC

Theregularmccllnirof Andovrr council & Royal Arcanum, trill lie h.-bi next Frldiy eve- ning at 7.4.*. o'clock. We hope that the Irothen will torn out in full toros and attend tie meet, ing* more regularly. It is well kjown to Tivery metntKT that the welfare of the/order de- scribed graphically tlio threats of (he i pentl* on the prosperity of tho Ahordinat* crowd to lymfi Mr Garrison, and the frurht ff

II* and it I. their duty t> U present at tb* •udlence, especially the ladies, many"' the** meeting* and Uke a deeper interest in wboa> escaped by the windows.

ythjng usruiumg to the good of tbe MOST, "rs. Davi* distinctlv reeslls b*r emotion* *» r ant Mr* John W- j,.«*it .« _~i . ,l" WM *',"m **l flee tbnmgb a wlmiow on »« .ratulatTmsovrtbeaiT ,.rV rettl'"1 '«»•>. OsrrlHon humsdly escorted by friend*

arrtis-n.: beu lay morn „. Bo h^thi ™*"«"*»■ » »•• one or lb* «.o-i and child are doing well w thriWng moment* of an avsntful UK, tend .*•

■ ha rsabiy remarkad Tuwday sight. "I>o*l<l

EDITOR AMDOVBR ADVEBTIIBH I DBARSIH: To those acquainted with mlll-

tarv movement*, especially In that which re- lates to evolution* of the batalllon and brigade, under wnat l* known** tactics, it cannot but be of interest to know tb*l anything that can umplify operations is of infinite advantage, not only to tbe greater effectiveness of such, bat likewise to the comfort and benefit of the (oldlera. * - - .--arc

I have, Ie time* past, been Impressed with Ibe great amount of drilling that loldiery, un- der the ordinary method of operating were sub- jected to, and often thought that much of It could be obviated by tbe adoption of different tactics.

It saaMMstHM whether It be Cooper, iScott, Harden, Casey, Upton, or anv- other thai baa been used, a vast anount of It is entirely un- necessary. Tbe methods nsed to bring a regi- ment from column of com pan Ie* for Instance, Into line of battle, by deploying or the ma- neuvering for change of front, can all be per- formed in tbe simplest, com pie teat and most effective manner, ,

Tbi* I* done under wbst may be called "Movement by right of KeglmenU" and Is all tbat is necessary to make sny formation re- quired In sctual service, and Una can be done in double quick or at any speed : and this ad- mit* of a brigade btlng manouvercd la verv much let* time than hy the present method* used

Tbe regiment can be formed ready for action in any direction; it may be drawn up with the enemy In front, or If neeesssry to change front to the ngbt or left, tbi* can be done, by a single command. For example;—Tbe regiment being In line, faced to the front, to move forward lu sight ranks i The color-guard stands fast, the two wing* are faced toward* It; tbe• conrniand "March" 1* given and tbe guard move* to the front, tbe two wing* file to tbe right and left following -tt.——

If it 1* desired to form line of battle racing to tbe front, when reaching tbe point intended. tbe command, "Forward Into line, march" 1* given, and tbe guard bait* and tbe wlug* form forward on tbe right and left st tbe necessary speed-

If when moving. It is desired to form line facing tbe right, the right wing baits and pace* and the left torm* "on tbs right, by file into line."

If It is desired to form line racing tbo left, the left wing 1* baited and faced, and tbe right wing form*, "on the left by file mm line."

If it is desired to form Ilns facing fie left, tbe left wing I* baited and faced, and tbe right wing form*, "on tbe left by file Into Mae."

In carrying out the above movement the offi- cer in command gives the only order neces-av at the outset, namely:—"Movement In E'ght Ranks"—and the wing* should st once pa e Inwardly.

Ally OBB familiar wltb the various move- ment* and urders neceoary lu. tbe evolutions required by the preseut method* In pamng from order In battle to order In columu, and from tbat to order In battle,'and. tbe march In line of battle, etc., can readily see the advan- tage* pointed out In the simple and effective

Slsti or moving troop* in actual aervlee. There s* been gradual bnt-steady Improvement In .

the style and make or armory, used:—tbe old flint lock musket, with balL cartridge and backibot ba* given way to breech loader* snd metal cartridge, and valuable Improvements have been had otherwise; but tbe harra**lng. Interminable, drill, drill, drilling which tbe present system of tactic* requires ought to give way to simpler method* aud tbe one above pointed out, I* one step forward in the march ot prog re-v OBSKHVLII.

:r of toe endowment* capitulate* to fate width awaits them all; the courts

have decided to appoint a receiver fur the Pro- gressive Benefit order; bad this been douo two months ago, tbe members wonld have been better off by fully two thousand dollars which has gone into tbe pockets mainly, of broker* snd those cahoot witb tbem.

Tbe successor to the late Councilor Charles F. Luring will be eiected by the legislature.

You may kiss me f :r twenty-live cent*" was tbe sign hungup in front of s booth at a church fair out In Michigan. The attractive- ness of th* young woman la attendance may ba judged rrom the fact tbat tho church finance* were uot materially Improved by tbls enter- prise.

Below i* a few unllsputable facts concerning assessment orders which may Interest some ol-


One assessmsnt 1* called for February upon lor. death*, or which 13 were In *l sssachusetts. Eleven of tbe deaths were caused by pneumo- nia. The condition or the W. O. B. fund, Dec. 31, 1S91 wasas follow*: balance on band Nov. 30,189 , •388,03'-'41; beld for delayed elsjnu, • IO.OOOO ; received since on aiaestments, «429,- 11b.,'Hi; received on order, *fl»76; returned anil cancelled *3(»0; total fund, HaV,SiS.97i paid death benefits, tMO.730; held for delsyed claims. *13.!W0; current cash balanu Dse. 31. 1891, C266,298 97. The resource* include Ifie above balance and estimated due from a**e*s- menu Jan 16, |218|0OO; total re*oiirce», 1484,- 298 97. Tbe liabilities are partially eitimau-d at #29-2,250, leaving $192,048 97 to pay deaiii loise* In January,

The membership of tbe order I* estimated st 123,0ir>, In 1410 council*.

The late supreme regent, Charles F. Loring. was a charter member of Warren council, Bo*-

ig bit membership there np to ttae time of hi* death, and not having tramferred to Bethlehem .council, a* wa* erroneously re- ported. _,

Both ol the local council*, Ando/er N ■ R>V ' and Indian Kitlge 1183 are In a very healthy condition,

TUB INITBD WOBXMBN. One hundred and thlrtj applications bare

been received al tbe grand lodge ulll r since tlie hut report. .

Summer Hill lodge 135 wa* Imtltuted it iaynard,Jan.25.

Mystic I'odg-J, Lvnn, beld a memorial service an 26. An address on the life of llm i ;■ hurcb wa* delivered by Supreme Foreman

Burtt, and memorial addresses on tbe live* ot members, who bad died since tbe nrgaa--

Uatiou of tbe lodge, were mads by different members.

Tbe grand muter workman bas l**ued * co- llar announcing the Htb annual session of

the grand lodge to be held at Berkeley 11*11. Boston, Tue-day, Feb. 23, at 10 a. m.

Winter Hill lodge, Somerville, initiated in new members it regular meeting Jan. 28. P.

W. Wlggin or Presenti lodge assisted In the ■it. Seven application* were received. The

first anniversary will be celehrated Feb 23, by au entertainment and supper, to which the fam- ines of membws are to be iuvlted.

Lincoln lodge;No 10 of this town it (lowly it sorely Increasing in membership with Bv

ery Indication of a bright future. The mem- ber* are making preparations for tbe celebrat- ing the anniversary of tbe local lodge the lat- ter part of tbe preaent month.

Mr*. Eunice It. Davis, wbo will'be remem- bered by our older resident*, I* st ber home *t the comer of E**l and Washington street* at Dcdham in acoudltlon, ber physician* f»ar, be- yond recovery.

Mr*. Davi*. who i* 91 year* of age, h*s had a ramrrkahle career. She was burn ii ""

white town, wbosS name wa* Robert Cra- Aftor als dsath, *ome year* later, st<«

led John Davi*. Theu she again <-■-.:■.■ a widow, P.m* being drowned In the Meriiiuse -'ver in 1833.

Mr*. Davi* wa* seen by a reporter at A 1st* honr Tuesday evening. Her grand-daughier, MH* Mary Howard wss Fanning ber fevered brow as grip 1* tbe com- plaint with wbjch the venerabl: woman I* suf- fering,

Mrs. Davi* became Interested in toe'anti- ■lavery cause and during the year* of "nndtr- ground railway" ibo'waa living at the West end In Boston and secreted many slaves in her bouse, and rrom,thence tbey were driven in a common open wagon to Providence, K- I , dur Ing the night

Among the mauy whom Mr*. Davis shielded ere Thomas Craft*, a bandiome young eo>

ored man an<l hi* wife. Mr*. Davis pimlilcd tbem with female attire , lo which they diasssd themselves, snd were driven to Canton Jum- iton, aad escaped the scrutiny of the■■i.ffktM who were waiting *t all railway »tatians to Providence on the lookout fur fugitive*. Crnfts and bl* wifa In their female alltre hosriled • late train, and upon arriving in Providence. were given shelter by direction of Mr*. Pails'- and finally sent to Cuba.

At* tbe time that William Lloyd Garrison wss making an anti^slaverv speech In Boston, end :he mob broke open tbe hall doors. Mrs. P*

Is wu seated mi the platuirm, and (lie has Jt-


not want to wlLueii or experience another inch sfUir."

Bin. Davit it tt,e oldest ll> log member of a . Jamaici Plum Haptlit church, and bad never ' failed to atk'tid It* meeting*, and was always

mycli ojtcuiued lij iu meml>en. Her condition la critical, and perbtpa a lew

days may lermluate tbe career ofa noble wo man who, "in n It wai perilJnus to do ao, did nut beiltate to rink burielf to shelter fellow. human tie lues flying from unmerited human

Although 91 years of age, ber feature* are full of intelligence, an i atill retain traces of tUe comeliness or ber youth.

Tbe schools bad one session Wednesday

or Mil call at

Tbe members of tbe Orange will bold a grand box party next Tuesday evening.'

The young ladle* bave arranged for a leap rear party to be beld la O A. It ball Feb. 19

Miss Anna Korunsan baa ticen unable to at- tend to liur duties this week mi account of lick DOM.

On account of the weather last Wedneiday arternoon, tbe lesion In gymnastic* to -tbe teachers wan omitted.

Tbe masque party In tbe town ball on tbe evening or Washington's birthday Feb. 22, will be tbe event of the season.

It li tho Intention of the ladles who beld the trades carnival, to give an entertainment to tbe children who helped them.

Prof. J. P. Taylor officiated at tbe Free church during the absence of ttie pastor, Rev. F. A. Wilson, wbo )■ at tbe sick bed of his father.

,Lsvl C. Young, our well known painter,, li busy beautifying the blinds of the semlnarr buildings and the Tobov house* at his shop on Main street.

Albert Katie was surrendered by hli bonds- men last Tue-day ; Ibc indictment against him is larceny and einbeszleuient. Tbe case Is tried today.

How lathis! Mi. D. i' Styles bought a hog seven mouths ago weighing 40 pounds. It was killed la-t Monday and Lipped tbe scales at 292 pounds. Next ?

The mcnitKrijof tbejAndover life and drum corps will MSwnSatejaaasHMiWBtUuid ball to be given tonight by the Lawrence corps. They will parade liefore leaving town.

air. ¥.. J. Howe who haa been frescoing the Jarror* of the. St. James and Windsor betels In

acksoiiviilf, FJa., has returned home and In- tends to tntdt here permanently.

The m-xi meeting of Pomona grange will be beld at West Newburv. Next Thursday even- ing Alma I>. Howell of the state grange will be present and address tbe meeting.

Last Tuesday afternoon Mr. E. W. Hurt lost ft very valuable cow by choking.. It appears that a eiccv of turnip on which the cow was feeding, stuck in Its throat, causing gtnngula- tlon.

Andrew J. Abbott our genial and well known tin peddler, baa been obliged to establish place* where orders mar be left for bim to call, when v«ni have any old junk or rags,etc..ieave yum-order with Oeo. 1. Abbott, at R . G. Pike's store on Pftrk stieet and It will revolve prompt attention.

Tbe Whatsoever Mission of tbe Free church held a soclahle Saturday evening. Tbe older cbIIdrcu prepared supper a(t»r tbe manner of thegro*n ii,. people. Then a piemant time was spent In playing games and listening to music mi l dialogues.

It bas Ken ascertained that a summer hotel Is to be 'milt here during the coming aprlng. We undei Hand that Charles L. Carter has had plans "prepared hv Mr. Adatns, ftrcbltect of Lawrence, for a liftj room building, tbe dining room to Hbal one hundred. All tue latest im- provements will be used to nuke the place an attractive summer hotel of the best kind. Mr. Carter liia had coua Hers die experience in tbe hotel butliics* and will make a genial land- lord.


Mr. r'n.'me M, wife of William H. Fur- si ii i. m er borne in West Andover last .S.mii.; ■ in the age or 62 yeuri and 9 moutln after one week'* sickness, pneumonia being tbe cause of death. Deceased was born In Jamaica Plains. Tbe remains were conveyed to Forest Hill cemetery hurt Tuesday for Interment.

Without the least trouble to ourselves we have leeored the following sums In aid of John McKenzie wbo ha* met with a loss which money cannot repay: Joseph M. Hradley, *0 00 John Cornell. S 00 Smith lie Manning, 5 00 William S. Jenkins, I 00

M. T. Walsh, J. A. Smart, OeorgeT. Abbott. Joseph F. Cole, Erwia C. Pike, Audrew J. Abbott, Charles Bowman, Jobu Anderson," r. J. ocut

1 i l 0.1 1 00 i n 100 I 00 1 00

Tho paper 1* still iu our possession; and |*r- soua who are desirous or rouilurlng a little as- sistance bv giving tbelr mite ibonld give ui a call.

The stormy uay Bignals for closing the schools has lieen changed and tbe attention of all ii called to tbe Tallowing alterations. Stormy day signals, ten strokes of bell at 8.30 a. m., and repeated in live initiates signifies no school iu the morning. If norm prevails tame

Tuesday evening Dr. Qrlffls of Boston gave a lecture In Old South rbnrcb on "A Hummer Ramble iu Dutch ami English Holland." The speaker Was Introduced by Lieut. Wadhams. The speaker first referred to tbe early history of the Du cb, and showed tbelr power of en- durance and resistance in ihelr struggle against Spain, which lasted 80 years. He ■poke of thi'li kimlnrii to the Pilgrims and also showed the influence of the Dutch on the early English sellers. The first printing wks done in Holland. It was Dulch Who wore the first surd* In England and they were of great a*si*tanco to ns during our war for in- dependence and the first to recognize onr Inde- pendence. Tbatwholl lecture wag instructiii', and although tlic inclemency of the night pre- vented many from attending and those who ventured felt more than repaid

Tiir. iT.NciiARD ram

The fair Inthr I'unrhard ball by tbe senior class opened very auspiciously last evening. The decorations In tbe ball are simply im- mense and cnmoluod with the various colored tables present a beautiful appearance, those preskfng at the several tables being clothed In Colors to match. Below are the colors of tables and tbe name* of those in charge.

Red.-picture taMlu—Hisses Holt. Duval and Bnlllvan.

Oranm, cake tablj—Mis* Gertie Durtt and libs Merrill.

• Yellow, fancy articles—Misses Gay Cutler and Cbandlec-

Green, fl iwer table—Misses Plddington, Roberta and Perkins

Blue, fancy ta'il ■ -Misses Cole, Tbayer and Abbott.

1 idu'o, cahdv tshls—Misses Burtt, and Bto't; Messrs. Bell and Nlms

Violet, fancy table--MUseg tianlv, Nolan and Abbot*. I I

Chocolate stand—Misses French and Smith. lemonade booth—Misses M. Saundor* and,

Spinney. Shooting gallery—Scrgt. Clias. Kamea. 1! ■freihmenii—Mossrs. Stewart Bell and

Niini- Tiie entertainment last evening wa* tftoKrOgt*

Iv enjoyed; it consisted ofa scries of humor-' Hi tableau* wbiib evoked a deal of applause. First, was "Tables Turned." Tbe offleers were drilled bv private Chandler. Then, "Tbe Gypsy,'' bv Miss Maunders,' followed by a iworo dltU by1 the four highest oftK-ors in the cadets. Also a lauglialjli] Liii on the "Noon Recess;" thi* was followed by a tableau on tbe "No School Signal,'' wulcb proved a bril- liant thing Tbu last but1 by no mean* least, was the production of "Alien lien Aben," with the following cast: , An Angel, Hiss Colby Ah!') Ben Alien, (in- Remington

Tuis completed tbe entertainment which was tti< roughly enjoyed by all present.

l-'rldav afternoon the fair will be ppen lor the benefit of the children and a sword drill

* will lie given. In the evening ft abort operetta entitled "The MimJrtoc How," will I* present e.i' * iin the following east:

Bride, Miss Florence Gay Groom, Capl. J- Percy Kobe its Priest. Lieut. Stewart Hell Baron. ' Berat. II Wright Buroiieai, Miss Maud Cole Others in alieiulancs, Misses Colquolioun, (JLI-IIC Holt, Miss Tbayer, Messrs. L. Smith, M'lUTT, It. I1L]II;T.„| ■•

The turfman wiio ha* named a tpan of horses A Mile Hoone-y and McOiutv, fiecause tiny nro cli'Stnuis, seems to have a tine sense of tbe fit- ness of thing).

The efforts to reduce the number of liquor hi rim s at the summer resort* looka like a deep scheme to promote the ev press bnainess, but perhaps it isn't.

■ Tbe members of the S. F. E. Co, Nc. 1, held their monthly meeting Wednesday evening. 'I I « ciik-inc wont mit tor practice on Summer Hi,, while the Hookj'id I.ndiier practiced ipoo tho Trasb-ei barn on Morion street, ,

Tbe ditcussionof "Highways, Rldewalkj and 'Villaite Improvement" will xxropy the aext meetlmr of the Fanners' Clab on Tlmr-.lny cMiiiin.- Fob 11 NutwItbsUndlng tbe im- firoved fnrthodl by whteJl superior material at n.ver cost U t<e>ng used on our roadljeds there

i room for suit^estion, cntlcUm and atudy of the whole method. Tho somewhat backward condition of this town as compared with other* in smooth hard sidewalks opens a considerable Held for criticism and town appropriations. An Informal discussion of such a topic previous to our town meeting Is probaiilv a sensible meih od of determining what we want and if w| are Hilling to pay for It.

The Elm Club accepted three application for membership at thvtr, meeting laat Wednesday evening.

A man named Mclntlrc hailing from Ballard- vale appeared before JuMico Poor thi* morn- ing charged with lieinic druuk and disorderly, He wa* sentenced m 90 days at Lawrence.

Abbott anil Mnrland't).- e employ or tbe liar

Roliert Taylor ii ,* left the employ of Uarland mill* aud secured a ootter [sltuitl m In a i chin* snap In L iwreoce.

Frank the 11 yatir old soa of (William Loi eeatbraiedblsb|rthdajU*t Saturday, by glvlug a party to all hla young friends. After a houa- Uftil co>latton the rentalndor of the afteraoon was pleasantly spent in games.

Mra. Robart of Cambridge la vlaltlng her sis Mr, Mr*. Win. F. Uledblll.

JUHH rariMoii..

Ftiday evenlaK the realdenU of Abbott

rlllaue were aatoolsbed when aware of

the fact that John I'der.-uii had been foun i deftd! at bis liouif lb tbu village.

The facts of the caae are «a follows:

Hr. !"■ t.i rTiti HIII' lioni- from work at

12 o'clock Friday to prepare ami eat his dlnnei (-is he I Win alonejftod It la thought

thai he parsed away dur'n^ the noon

hour as tie did not return to work.

Wnen tho fac'.ory sloppatl at 6.SO o'clorx

last eveolog i*Qe of nls ati-ipmateo called

up to Puujrson'n house feariug that be might be III, ft-t bo Is a very steady work-

ef ami in vi'T missei a day. The abop- inato ftaw tbe b >usi- wna la 'larkoesa and

upon trjinir the door found It open and

walked tn through the several room*. calling Peteraou by hla Cnrlatlau name

but received no anewen They left the

hjjUtj and went to a relative of Peurson'a

aud iM*)iiif-il if they had aeeo him. Re-

celvlng ao answer In the oegailvu John Buoaoft and Cbarlea Touson procared a

liDteru and quickly reached Peteraooe

hoase, and upon entering the kitchen

i icy were nurprl<ed to And the tmforLn- uata man lying dead npua the floor liav-

I in expired while eatlug his dlouer. l>e- cnased wti burn In Bxedeu aud wai 96

years aad 2 months old. tie haa resided In

Andover over six veare, daring which

time he has been In the employ of the

Smith nml DOTS U't'g. Co., aUbougli be

la ft tailor by trade. He leavea a widow

who reside* In Boston and three daugh- ters, one la Boston, one In Denmark and

Ultft Ohrlatlua Peteiion who realdea In

Lawrence. The funeral service was he'd Sunday

afternoon at bis late residence. Prof Tay-

lor officiating. Interment In Spring

Grove cemetery. *

Frye Village.

Mr. Alfred U. Playdon has got bis loo bouse* mil 'i with good traaspsreat loe ; hu did the wvrk last Saturday.

Mr. i loo In Q. liussey is dol&g considerable at hi* saw mill at present. Tola la grand weather lu which to get the log* from tho wuocU to the

Mr. David ' 1 atountlan has aecurcd employ- ment at Stevens mill", Uurland village. He en- Uuda moving Iron thisvlllago In tbe comae of a lew 'l»r«- ' "Thegoepol mealing held In the ball last Sun-

day evening was well attended Tbe mtetlub waa led by E. I1, Blake, who preached a very flue sermon on "Character Bultdlng" taking his ,. i: li ion i'.|j|i. ■■ I

Last datunbi- evruli ir, air. ii n. Holmes left his ii-a ui i . i. t.i ihe house of i. rleudon Waaliluglon sU i^iwrence, to make a call. Uu bis rei.iru «e touud to his suiprlse the team none. lie ui.iui- it the police of hi* loss and the prop- erty wna recovered and relume I to the owner

No doubt shout It this lime. The tea party will be held next KrMay eveolng. The young people have waltad tor the electric llglulug oompaaj to put In ibuse lights, but cannot wall any logger There will bo lights there Just thu aama, lnclud lug Mr. Joseph W. Smllh aud Thomas Hsyi.l, aud others wUo will I .Im part.

During the) coll dftj ■ uf laat Week the drtukli.^ trough iu .■"in...- i ..i no II iho fountain coulii not nc ai in- Men- .1 ou aucuunt of the masse* or Ice, which surrounded K.asthe water uubUitnjrover froae Into one solid mas*.

Laat Sunday morning aa Dr. John A.Lcttclw <u-..:uui|uuinti in ill* luotlier, ware Urlvlug so church lu.ni their I t in Uiia vlllige, tho horse became frightened at an i loctrlc car and made a auddeu plunge to one aide, tipped too huggy aud throwing the oucupauts ouL Tbe doctor had the u II l in it t under hit control, bowivar, and alter being a*slated lu righting the buggy It was found Hint nothing li ii heen broken. The doctor and hla mother, fort uanloly, beyond a little *hak- _lmj.jmj^icatmlln;urr*n4 proesseaed on tr.Hr way to churah.

. , Ballanl Vale.

| la tha abaoaee of the president Dr. Sbattuo'*

I Ties President niltlogun, anpervlted oyer things lo general. Tho orUeroootalDeil alitecn danoea and fancies ami wa* gene through with admlrabla laste, the muelc being furnished l>y the Andover inn i orchestra fcho fairly outdid ibamaelvo*. The marck waa led by Mr. l>rter

and Hla* Derrah. Tbe Door waa In charge of, Otla Carter with the following aids: Jame* Custu., J. W. Murray, W. 8. clemons, Frank Dewar.


Tho monthly soclsl of the Cosmopolitan sing tng Society waa held laat Satuhlay eveaing la their hall on A udm-cr street.

Tho elaborate Chrlatmaa decorations of ever- greoti Intermingled with various color* nf flow- er* had not bee a removed and the beautiful lit- tle hall pro*ented uu appearanoe second to none In thla vtelnlty.

The member* with ltdtea and a few Invited frlenda asacmbled la t h- bail about S o'clock and whlled away the hours by Moping the light fan taidcMlbe milsle of Partlow's orcheslra of Lawrenee, which gavo moat eieobent Mtlsfar- Hoa.

'Iho party proved tho mo*i enjoyable event your correspondent ha* ever had tni pleasure Of attending. Ertryhoily came Intent to have a good time and the happy, amlllog coualenaneea aaaurrd one of the fact that the care* of cveryilay life had for a while, at least, be*n forgutten and a wl*e plan It I*, for It not only bre ik* the mon - otony of life put lengthens one d*y*. '['lie music ceased about 11 ao o'clock, to allow tho asualUana to return home on the theatre train. Too merry party also broke op with manr good nights and quickly dispersed lo their aeveral

Thenextgrsad event In tbe annals of this so. clely will be a private masquerade par.y In ibetr hall on Friday evening. Fob. «.

Sam Moore 1* at hla home In Salem, X. II.

boata Iluck I* able to be out after a few day* Illness.

Martini Connell Is very sick, at her home In Eallvale. '

.< i. it-Tin linnnilih-i I- the house with an in Jurea nand.

Mrs. Morgan of LowaTToTreet, has gone to sfalden to realde.

Ita Alice t utTri'T of Tewkobury street, spent last Suuday In Lowell.

Last Satur lay, Mr and Mr*. Austin John, Central street.' A girl.

Mr. and Mr*. U A. Penney entertained the whist club lntt evonlag.

Walk r taMt Lawson uf South Lawreaes Tidi- ed lu the Vslu last sabbath.

Frank Uewir has left tha shop, lie; will piob- aldy Join his parents In tne west.

J. rt. iiark has his We house nearly niini, h* jtallduy-Tucsday. It wna It Inches.

MlsaJonolo H'luton of UaverlilU, I mint the fore part of the week in the village.

Mi*. II.IIIIIHII 1,-iinev i.l T.it ,II. N II, S|>ent onOay ami Tues lay with Irlemin here.

Frank llolden left the eipploy of Cr.ilghes/l i'l Kii.t/, Mi.iii.iv, he haa gone to lloalon.'

Mies Mill, n of Cowoll, wa* tho uueatof Miss Martha Lawrence on cheatftr street, last week.

Miss Agnoa Klley of Lowell, vtalted at An re*., euea of Thomaa Daley on lllver ntruet, reeent-

Charlie Perry dnlsbo I hlaJ*pprontlceshl|i jlaat Tuesday cveulng, and ts now a journeyman wooUorter. ^

A Lawrence party secured n 4 >, pound pick- erel In the -i. HI in 'ii a day or two ago. Haw Is that Mr. Haley?

Sunday .last, Mr. ami Mrs- Jaber* Kemlrlck, River street, received s,n 'addition of a urlaht lit- tle hoy t»then-family

i Tho Mlsaes Mamie L.'nn and Agnes Itlley of" I."v.i:ii, visited at the home of Miss Annlo Wumia during Iho latter part of the week.

The next entertainment In the Ilradlee course ts a lecture Feb. 10, by Ho*. J. L. Ulil, subject, "How we struck each other, Kuropc and I."

(tne of the twins which was born lo Mr. and Mrs, Napoleon E'arb last wuek, iliml last M-iti. day. Interment was made In the Cntliollceem otery.


ir older residents wtH remember ;!)£, MA? goon who formerly resided here, living nn Hlvor street,mi acoouat of whose aad end may be found lu another Gobtma.

Wm Horan got through the le« while skating near i..e bridge ia*t Friday evening and hut for the timely appearance of Han Itirns unit J. (iirmler, we might have had another urownlng accldunt to record.

Dr. M.tii:., k t i. ii.-i-ii buay troatlng' his many friends lo clgara ae-lsiicirilke on account of hts "ocw stunographer." The members of thu lla'r- m.iny Assoetailon aud » onmopolltsn society were not forguttun.

Mlao Knapp, th» popular teacher In tna gram- mar achool, gave her pupllfti about lo in jium. lair, ii slolxhilile tat: llii.rmliy afternoon,In Mr. M'as Duck'K tb'lgh bargo. Ii.wm Indeed n ra«e treat (D the seholiri' who feel very grateful lor the p aasniit ami enjoyable rtiie

Tko young ladles i in ployed In tbe shop took their guntlejuonadmlrors oa n Wagon party last M.iti.l if ■-.■ HI ..-. .-I-...., :,! . drtvoln l.awtenc*

j aud onburb*. Up>n tlielr ruttlrn :i eollallnn was served In the engine house, Afosars, Perry and

| Clinton acting aa caterera; Thia was followed by a ilanoo whleli wan aineb enjoyed. Iho Vale ft-irls ore hustlers. Their tre-ilmcnt of the anpn slto ftai I* *lmply Immenso

Till IIAUMONT l*-l>llll,l

Tli. I1r*t*ne1*l aiseatblv ny tbe Harmony as : *oclailon, waa held In HvA<li*a hull Ifttl Fit lay

evonlng, a y<ry largo at eieianco helng present ; and a most dollghtful evening was spent.


There will be a sociable at the Congrega- tional vestry, Tuesday evening.

A petition li ID circulation asking that an article be Inserted Jn the warrant, catling for an electric light at the Intersection of High and Preacott streets.

There are now six convalescing eases of scarlet fever In town. Two bouses wit] be fu- migated this week.

Tbe Washington correspondent of tbe Springneld Republican says i "Mr. Stevens has been of aislslance to Mr. Springer In tbe framlcw of a bHI dealing with the wool tun it'. The North Andoyer manufacturer haa been busy enongb since coming to .Washington to begin to itntik hnn pleasant It would he to go home and have a little rest. He has already won roach such respect for hla lound sense as the late Chester W. Ubapin eomiuamlsd during bio service In congress "

Hr Alvin T. Hagoon, who resided on Terry Street, in the Settlement, was kilted on tbe Os- Sood street crossing. South Lawrence, VVednes-

ay evening, about T o'clock, lie was driving homeward In an open carriage and apparently did not aee or hear the approaching trail until he had almost reached the crossing, although tho flagman cave the usual warning. When tbe engine had almost reached him, he en- deavored to escape by turning bis horse to one side, but the animal was atrnck and instantly killed. Mr, Hagoon was tossed into the air and fell headlong on the tracks, death result- ing instantly. Medical Examiaer Howe was summoned, and ha found that the deceased had kustamed a fractured skull. Tbe carriage was badly wrecked. Mr. Magoon jaras an herb doctor and peddled essence*, and lived alone. He was aboot 80 yean rdd. A widow, two sons and a daughtei survive him.

Tbe democratic town committee organized Tuesday evining witu the choice of Mr. Sam 1). Slovene *■ chairman and Mr. J- P. S. Ma- honey secretary and treasurer. Judge Well realgued aa ■ member of the committee, kls judicial potltion preventing Mm from serving in that place.

Co. L baa accepted an Invitation to partici- pate in the parade in honor of Uov. Ilussell at Lawrence, Tuesday evening. The govemor comes to attend tho O. A. K ball that,night In the City Hall.

Tbe grand fair, which tbe Kben Stiltons art; to en.duct, opens at Odd Fellows Hall, next Wednesday evening, conii.iilog tbrmuh tbe week. Music 1* to be f .nUuedlr the Me- cl.4iuc*'.iirjt» Band, oJ ilch Mr. John L Downing li leader, every night. Ten);* sup- plied with domestic and fancy ankles, fruit. confectionery, Hovers, etc,, will be arraused about the bull, aud a shooting gallery ha* also been pruvlded for. Many presents bave been receives! from Lawrence and local traders and tbe manufacturing establishments here.. 1 he company has given an ash chamber set, which wil> be the leading gift to be awarded. The at- tendance canuut fall to be numerous, as a large sale of tickets baa been made. Etery effort will be mans to make the fair a very pleasant pine to pals an evening.

Select party, under tbe anrpirea of the Culled Lady Friends, at Odd Fellows Hall, to- night.

Mr. George F. Long and Mini Hannah S. Lesgltt were married at St. Paul's1 rectory by He*. George Walker, Jan. Hit). They turn taken up their residence In Miudleton.

Mrs. Johanna Q. Moulton died at her resi- dence on Seeoad street, Friday, sgetl M year*. Sue was a woman of many oxcellcutqualitiea,

' ntly attached to faer home ami very Indus- la. Hev. H. H. Leavlu officiated at the

last services, beld at her lato borne, Wednesday afternoon at 1.3* o'clock. Tbe bearers were : John N. Meserve, Charles K. Meierve, Frank W. Eaton and C. M. Sanburu. Interment was In ltidgewood cemetery.

A rtftbbath School conceit will be held, at the Congregational vettry, Sunday evcn'ns.

The Bsiex Connty Commissioners have pre !iared their estimates for tbe Essex County tax svy for IMC.', to be submitted to tbe legisla-

ture. Tbe total Is 9223,890, tbe same as la-t year, though *4000 for trdaat sciool and ir>M)0 for probation officers bave been added a* new items.

The offteeji elect of Wynona Lod.ge, Good Tern plars, were Installed Monday eVening. A collation wa* served, followed by speech- making and a sociable. A number of Haier- hill Good Templars were present.

At the meeting of the Grsnge. Tuesday evening next, there will be two topics for dis- iu-non: The Best Metbi>ds of Keeping Farm Accounts; leaders, George L. Burnham and George A. Rea. What are tbe Most Trollteble Crops for tbe Farmers of this Grange lo Grow , leaders, Charles F. Bisbee and Albert lien v. A large attendance 1* desired at this meeting,

i business of importance is to come up.

A special town meeting was held Wednea day evsnlng, to specify what offleers should bo elected under the Australian system; also, their terms uf office. 'I here was a fair atten- dance. Hon. Willard P. Phillip* was chosen

niilerator, Mllon 8. Jenkins clerk pro tern., ul Peter Holt, Jr., and George A. Rea tellers. was voted lhatth) uaates of candidates for

the various town officer* should be placed on the ballot in the following named order: Town clerk, for one year; treasurer, oneytar; three eolecttnen, one year each ; one road com misaiencr, thro* years; one member of the •chool committee, three years; one trnitec of the public library, three year*; three assessors, one yesresch; live constables, one year each; one tax collector, one year; one auditor, one year;" three members of tbe board of health, one year each; three overseers of the poor, one year each.

Col. Milts baa ordsred an election In Co. L next Monday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, to elect a rb*t beuumant,and fill any other acaucy which may occur* Tbe company w report In full fatigue uniform. Ma). Ward \ II pre- side. ^ . ■

About twenty-five tnemhers of Wynona Lxdge enjoyed a sleigh ride to Haverhlll, Thursday evening. Cbeaey furnished con- veyance.




FOR RENT IN ANDOVER. ' Ten minute* wu'k from Million,- a

partially iumiHuf>d bouse of nine rooms and bath, furnaoe, dry cellar, stable and la'J. "Apply to

C. 8. Parker, Anflover.

T. A. HOLT & GO.. 11KA 1.KKS IN



' Timothy Red Top. Clover. Fancy Red Top Alsike.

Hungarian and Mlllett.

i ii en i af rubber f jotwear*

aaEWTs roa


X L, and SpeclaJ M ■■ ntir

For Coni iiinl Potatoes,consta' ' i.lian.i.

The Best Flour at Lowait Pri ins. Headquarters f.»r tirnln, corn Meal,

rnttoii Seed Heal, SborU aad Feed.

A larare nssorlment of RL'ttntCR FOOTWEAR, and In fact everyilnna; tnst may he found In a

Brat class country store. ,


Dress - Goods Pongee and Bombay



BARGAIN PARLOR, national Bank Building,

MilVST.AMIOVKH. (OpenTuesday, Thursdaj aad Saturday even-



THE CORNER I.R0f ERV j-- -f :11-: ri.AUK. TO BUY

Ciii'istmui Candy and Fruit I.srpii ami Boat Assortment of

Broken Candf, >'r-n.ti Peanut, The Best chocolate Crams, Plefis Boa

Bons,Muta, I>ate*t Figs. Layer Ralslna iusreiat vurlei y, llanunwa

. Grapes and Oranges.



~li™iiHir"' Real Estate Agency Office C?,s»y Block, Mover.

' FerBOns having Housea or Lands or ifils, to let oxchftQgu should cull at our office.

Also, Parties desiring to Heoure lion ..'■■ or tonementN, in any part of the town, will be rjuicklv attended to at reaHOtiftblo rated.



DRYGOOUoandBiiOCBRIES A tine line of

Stapleanrl 1< ney Dry floods. Trunk* Tniv. Bairs, rpets.pit Cloth*. Mat-

tltiK, Taper ilans;lri|rs> Curtains, uroc.kery aa<I Ulass Ware.

FtTTKRl liri'lniMl\r To the Ijtilleaof Andover ami vicinity: W.

have lust |iiit In a AOSnpMM II"' of (hacolebratai HUM. i i.k I*atterns

ami will rtw-ivo.llM! lit"st M.jla* direct fr.im Sew York eaib month n. aoon aa tney are Isaued Tf mean now'iibwm 1 paimrni »i uar a im-i so be save<l the tlmi of walling.

SMITH & 11 mi\li. 'ivssei Street, - - Andt

niy ntyta

Stoves, Plumbint?, Tlnwaro.

Ttii. MteasWlroN, ■** Cmsr Warh. I,lu,.ibin((,hi.-mll*«tlit((*.( un.*c*.,j

IH»tr tVurh or Hapalra.

MICHAELTT. WALSH Ktutex Stroejt, - Andover

3VIx-. Ohaa. BCxUBtor ' Bueoassor lo


Carriage, Sign and Ornamental


To LF.r. IlonveanJl 0*e acres of fosd lane. Mood aebnerv connected. Sltaaud ea Bai

Ai,,,|j to U. (fbapman. Main 8k. Andover, Haa*. wtr

NOTICK II IfKBUItr U1VEN, that the sub- sorlb ra have been duly apualuted Kieeutors

tit itn' will of Uenrs; < I.. Itavla, late of .North An- IBTS r. In she coneiy af Essex, manafaeturar de nni'd. [estate,ami have iniken upen thensslves

that «ra*t ><r |Cl*InK bunds as tfc.i law direct*. All oiTHeni bavins; iD-asands aswn tfaa eaute of said Id ,!■ id *ru required to eahlbll tkeiaiae, and ail p-rions ludebtud to said estata are cajlad upon to make payment to m

SKMBOKO. DAT18, I JUSKfH H.BTONg, flxec. SKA' ION" f. fBYB, )

January IS,1I*S. tstaa



Richmond Valve Steam and Hot Water

Thi*heater gives better saUafaeilon than any ther and la tha beat ililng ever invented.

Also a large assorttnent ef

Befrlgerotors, <!ae [Stoves, Etc,

&• Tour Inspection Is solicit d.

xa. X>X^ZDV Park Street, - Aadovtr


ON BROOK STREBT. flavins: severed my connection with Valpey

Hroa., 1 will put a Bmcher'e oart on the road

IVtoiaciaTvy, Aug. lO, with a large stock of

MEATS and PROVISIONS at Lowest Prices.

***-! tnli'ii<110 r.irr>'a. first class stock and hope to leoelve your patronase.

1:. A. Abercrombio.




and CANNED GOODS. —affair—




Will Lecture In theNesi

Public Library Building —OM—

Thursday Feb. 11th AT 8 O'CLOCK, P. at.

Subject: "Concord, Mass., Its Men and Its Women."

For the benefit of tbe

HOSPITAL. Tickets 50 Cts


Headquarters for Plumbing

Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copper Work, Plumbing, Steam Heat-

ing and Furnaces, — ALSO—

Soli ignis for the 6LENW00D STOVE. All work Neat y and Prompt!j doae

at l.uwi'it figures.

LOOK YOUR W:Rn°0BE OVER. NOTT is jtrte tin .(0 puiThiiw



"A Dollar Haved is a Dollar Earned itnny nnllara ir yoi Wetan save y.'it

will avnll \i LI -i ■ affiTileil by o


A 'I. , ril.la MlaUke. A celebriiLtil (lerman iihj-Bidan wai

onco calk'il ti|>uu-to treat mi arLstocrntk lady, the solo QUM of wlnate coiniilitint woe hiirti livitifr and lack of exerci^o. Put. ft wonM never do to tell herao, tu his nii'iliciil ndvit-e ran thus:

"Ariso ut 8 o'clock, take a walk in tlie park for one hour, then drink a cupol tea, then walk another hour arid take a cup of chooilnte. Tako breakfast at 8/

Batf oeodltloa imprtivetl visibly, unti. one morning tho carriagevl tho baronew waa seen to approach tbe physician' rsaaidencfiilt lightning npeed.

Tlie patient dashed up to the doctorV office, anil tin lufl appearing on tho scene •he Kaflped out, "Oh, doctor, I took tbe chocolate hratr* , """Then drive home as fast you can,"

ejaculated tfio aatute diHciploof A~x<-\\ lap, rapiilly writing a prescription, "and take this emotic. The tea must be nn dcrneath." Tho grateful patient com- 8lied, sin-irti:ill impriiving.—Chicugt

Tews. ,

Hou.n lU'iiiHrkal.lti ltellefa.

Tbero aro naluralista hi this day and ■ * age who Ix-liovo that home hairs will I TT,-... r>*TKimiATn turn to living snakes; that toads will \ MOU IrAllN rilNU", livo for thousands of years in the cavity _ -_ - _. J t>r-K~rockwilhout fund or water; ih.it Ptlpfl' 11.111U111 ^ and (ililZUlK, the bornoclo gmieo woe developed from tho bhelliii.li of that name, and that t b bird called eora is a species of winged frog.—St. Louis ^Republic.

i.ui.Imi aa a Center.

The city of London is put down by geographers as tho center of the landed i beiiii.-iiliere. In other words, a radius of about 0,WW niilea on the curved stir-' Kjsi face uf the earth, with London as u cen- ter, would describe a circumference in- *•_'! '" ^ cloaing nuiro land, than any 1,0011 Vnile j Il'p,*"^ §[,?*, circle that could be drawn from any AM»I>VK,H n other city in the world.— Exchange. ' . j >'. o, uoi u&.

J. M. BF 1DLEY Tailor and tta


wit'i •:■-. IK'II a

LEVI a, MAIN sr. Institution Hill, f*/1

>■ •null gi-ti.nl.l I, nlttliil-


OEO. SA^XJ3Srr>ETilS Practical Plumber,


Hodge's Bakery, I'Vltk ST., AMHIVKII.

A Isri" aasortnent ot SHORT RRKAI>, CUKRANT IH'ISH,


1'AM'IIV ran be proeared'for Cbrtalmas and NeW Year l(<ill<1nja

ii-iLi-i I.'HII. saiiiniar ereplnsa also baked Dasai ami in-"« ii in. IL I numl-ir morntB|B.

WeiliHiif Cikrs snd sneh like made to order at short auilra, at tbe


fTomap In the Mnllruume TJnlvenftj.

Melbourne university has conferred it* icgrefi.cd'iMtcliel'.iof uiediuiue fur the first time Djron a woman. Tho firat opening granted to wdiuea in the uni- versity was iHTinission for them to enter for the matriculation examination, and this was takmi by women for a long time as the end-all of their education before any on<> dreamed of demanding further pri viloges aa a student or of tak- ing a degree.

Thoejhiliition for French and Ger- man has been gained eatjb year for ten years by a wonuin, and for six years out of tho ten tho exhibition for English and history has boon awarded to women. In 1884 tlie first IJ. A. degree was won by a woman, and since then a creditable number of wmaen have presented them- selves for degrees each year.—Now York Bun.

An Old Elb of Wood.

In Oalve»toii, in sinking an artesian well, wlwc-U is now 2,(140 feet in depth, gray antl green clay, mixed with wood, limeiconwrelions and pebbles, were fonnd at a depth of 1/>I0 feet. The age of the wood is estimated at 200,000 years by Professor Kinsley, and in the stratum, which in lOfl feet in thickneaa, he found seeds resembling apple and hackberry seeds.—Yankee Blade.

The lee on Mrstte eond Is about a foot thick aad la said to b i of a v«r* iiwd,q«alrtr.

Ifnrnpa are qnlte prevalent araonc satiuol chil- dren and swollen faces are quite common.

The uabers ot tbe'Nevlos memorlil hall are

Conductor Arthur Horrecks ot the nleMrta road, wrll kntwala t «», IsofTilut; *erteu*lr 111 with pneumonia-

Tbe fuuiitT cemmlastunors lalltasto in a the county eipentep tof tbe iiruicni year will amount»»fJO,»»o. • \

Rev. Mr. Olluhant otthls tiwo and A. K. Win- ship are havlag aalic a nomrorerar i primary rasikod ot teacblns; aualltor.

Oeorge Jackson ot Keihuen baa accepted a position with the Ittj o( Ball a Uullenot Law-

e, an,i started M work In bis new position laat Hoaslar-

dertrude Mahonev, of the Lowell road, allend- d the flrst annual hanqiiai af the class of tl, L.

U.S. at the iranklla bouse, Lawrenee, last Tuesday essninr.

Instrudor Klihanl Foa nf Lawrence, had ehargeel tbe el hi billon of oal latbvnlua ai Seslus Ueraurlal hall last Saturday eseolujr. Tbe exhi- blUan wasladeed adrst clasp one and merited the tnaay warm oempllsssniarr words It lias since received.

Tbe mission serrloea at 9t. Thomas' church on Broadway still continues to draw Urge cons re ■alien* A larfe number of men ware present laat Saturday aad Sundsy wheu father Piel i ad.

seilthem on "klan aa man and man aa a fattier." Un Saturday and Sunday neat tbe ad dresses to men will beoatabe tubjtcts: "Manas s clilsen and man as a Cbilstlan."

John J. QllUsple of tbls town, nta elated aa frand conductor of the annual ball of the Mo. Kay machinists beld laat Saturday avenlss; at Saandara bail, Lawrenee. There waa a laraje at tendaaes of Metbuen peeple, especially among the fairer sex. Tbe ball was s grand success and a most enjoyable time was spent by all present.

Scarlet fever new seems to hold the upper sad in town, tbe grippe area being outdsae

Tbls fever Is, as Is well known, ot a Tory mails naat character, and active and prompt atepa should* be laken to check tbe epidemic before It haa obtained too fast a hold,

Neil Moaiiay evening a very iDtertalnlng atateopUcoa lecture will be given In tbe toWn hall under tbe auspices ef Wm. li. Ureene Tost 100 O. A. R. Tbe lecture will be on Ueursburgh

dfws of that noted battle will be shown The lecturer will be 8. F. Keye* of Boston, who carried a gun In the charge of the lod Mas*. reglmenCon Insflrstdar of that S<ht. Tbe pro- ceeds of Ul* entertainment will g* Into tbe pint's Washington fund. It Is to be heped that the entertainment will be well attended and that every friend nf the post will purchase a ticket. Tbe post haa fully decided lo attend the national U. A. B. encampment next September and It la desired to go with full rnnks,

asaxx AonicuLTUBtL utsTmm.

Today (Friday), tbe Kaaax Aerlrnltural Socie- ty held a very interesting Institute In Nevlas Memorial ball. There was a large attendance

maWawawaw) was manifested. The forenoon exercises commenced at 10 o'clock by Prof. Ja». u+jee*eraan Introducing tbe subject: "Bconoml. al Milk Production. Tbe afternoon aubjeot waa

"Usefulnessof Board* ef Affrlcuilurn '


Tbe town aathorlttea are not woolly neglecting the epidemic sf scarlet fever which exleia here. In the close wake of la grippe thi* terrible death dealing fever ha* atruok town lad since Ha arri- val baa made more than one home sad and has left voids In many hearts wblob can never be ailed. Wltb a view to cbeckloR tbe progress of this disease tbe *cbjol house* bsve been closed for some days past, but this haa not had the de- ilred effect. Tuestay agent Billey of tha Ltw

redoe board of health, and. his clerk, Mr. Heed, asae to town a d thoroughly fumigated tbe weet-

end school. Tbe town authorities are well aware that tbla matter seed* immediate attend .u and will shortly set to work system stilly to rid the tewn of tbls disease.


Another old resident of Meihnen has passoil on to but hi* reward. By the d-'ath of Silas Q. Mer- sey, wblchoccurrad Saturday eveslBg, Hie town lose* one of ber oldeat nan beat known cltlao. a, Tbe end came quite auddon and unexpected although the deceased ha* been ailing all HI* age was S9 years and a months an.i has been a resident of Metbuen for 30 years. Mr. Heraey wa* born in Hlnghnm', Mate., and when 32 year* of age married Abble Woodward of hla native town. He entered the shoe business in Bostoo shortly alter his marriage ami remained there several ytars. In 1861 became to Methi Under the name of S •} Unraey ft Hicks opened a »h«e shop here. In ISTlhs pu the Exchange hotel and lor rears he I proprietor. He personally managed tb until B short tliae aco when advancing year* and falllag health compelled him to give wa/ to an- ether- Tnr funeral service* ever the rcinalm were held Wasneaday afternoon at the late nomo of the deceased. Tbey were strictly private, rela. lives and Intimate friends ea I y being la attend.

. I. S. i'. 1.1NHI1I. I'lhllllKt'l..

The annaal conference of the Irat district of the Yoaag Men's CbrlsUsn Aisuelatlen wblob waa beld In tblstewn last Satnnlay and Sunday proved a *uece**,1n all particular*. Delegates were present from Ameabury, Newburvport,- Merrimac, Haverblll, Lowell, Lawrence, and Beaton. Ueneral Secretary ilarlow or Lowell, presided In the absence of Secretary Colloa of Lawrenee, who wa* detained al home by lllneaa. Thenrstday'aeierelsea were the same proaramm* wblah appeared la*t week. Sunday some ot the delegates occupied the different pu|. pita In town, James H. Bsioa of Lawrence, was assigned totha M. E. church and acquitted him- aelf with much credit. In tbe afierneen a meir• meeting was beld at tbe town ball, while, at the aame time, a wqarnn's meeting was conducted It the Methodist church and a boy's meeting in charge ef Samuel Ruaaell, in the Baptist cliurcb. la tbe evening a union service waa held In the town hall by tb* churches of the town. All of the pasters were in atteudaace and delivered abort addresses. Before tbe adjeurn ment resolbtloa af lhanka wm* passed lo ,i li* people of Ue lews wbohailKlvenuiithlerlioinesai.il tbelr bustaeasto the enuirtatument of the delsgates.

iin. ins- IR raisoK.

Barry Austin of.iblaiown sp|iesred In Superi ' T convi, Salem, but Saturday snil pleaded guilty to several csiiata of burglary. Hfl waaahown mercy by the court aud wa* rcntrnced to the state prison for a term of n>. ..m,. Austli tne "Swamp angel," as be Is bettHt known liy tbe pellcs hi* itia.il black pagna upna the history of Eseea oeunly crime, burg) try uolng toe great ofleace. Durti'g list winter the farmers of 1MB

town and towns adjoining, weru kept li stantautaof ter uciiy the aclluusefs mldnlgbl prowler who mails almost nlglulvl breaks times taking away nothing but cniablea. ,\n,f forts in> catch the feUow pr <*el unavailing a* 11 was Impossible to find h'a placii of abode. Aa the autumn pssso I add winter ami tie oeased am) ibsl'tlnam atnl,Kelliu 'nfarmcra felt relieved. Knnwlng full'wail imt Aastla waaihe perpetrator uf these acts, Officer liaioheliter kept a snarp eye cnl for the appearance'nf the n.n TheotSccr sent bis |><>rtraU aud ilnacrlptlno U all the cities and towns Is the 00*|tf and till apprelienslon waa thus seeureii. About a m>n tli ago Austin turnea up at liloiiren.tr. II arresied and t'urtio<l ever f» Offl^-r aaVwl At hi* hearing* lo Lawreacn he plcadtd Riillty and wont up to the lilg'irr court for sentence. He haaat last mrt with hi* Just reward and will and lotaef lime ilunng ibe i.cil five years In wl.lch to repent of his c ecktred csrerr.

WOMaN'H niini IIVJM:

Hut. uit* the. I IU'III.-- mid CMrvcM uf l niiiinif. Women.

A.W. Stearns&Co.


With its usual amount of Marking Down' is now going on. In no place has there been greater changes than in our



Bargains on every table and Bar gains that you will find have no equal elsewhere. WRAPS,



All Down tr CLOSE OUT.

A.W. Stearns&Co,

Boat C>-u.alltio«

A. W. Stearns & Co.


Has not been up to its stan- dard this season owing totha mils! Winter which we have had. However, we have disposed of an immense quantity of

j I'll! OAfis AND MIFFS.

The balance now remaing has suffered the pruning process, prices being in some cases reduced more than one naif.



MONKEY And all the Popular Furs at

Less limn popular prices.


(Special Correspondence )

NKW YOP.II, raj). 2. iBUa.

Watching a iiatic«t*-..ttie tidier Kigali i dancer who hss HnaBfQl w pwwIWsi, wijiicsn -imki: ti*r in.y fn.,t .. n ■.,■■, Iful with lirr h»ail, make t'icrn ibtiujb tbe air aa if tln-y etssn r4Bt'pl*) felty r-ilppff, I heard n KIDBII hoy Kalif.rj call out, "Sajr, tin *i.U t.alib tn i evrVtal" I began lu luull at In r then with the .yi- n( tbe ainall t,i>—that en uc who, lisvini.' ffiii all IOrU aud c ui- ditluns ut woiD.ti, was capablu of Jutlg- li.». The curves tif'n wuliiati'a body are ai once the must besulful ami thuroost absolutely undent In uin world, Aa Eve sUiutl In lite Oarduu nf E leu, with no .-lain of sin un her ami, MU la tbe em- tiiiiliiiieui nf * ninisi't feminine modeBtr. Later oo, even, when she has fallen, and aba Is ieiik.li>", HI tiid.i herself, trie ii'Tfuc-

of her form Is su grest that ym feel Ilk* bowing U'fure ln-i as tbu representa*' tive mother nf the wurld. The mnsll n ,\, with hla slang, had unconscliitinly reacbttd uut to tae greatest cbarin that a woman can possess, end beside which beauty uf face Is as nothing.


The perfect feminine ttgnrt*, as any mist win tell eoD.TniiBt never achleye an angle In any posltlun, and the woman must naturally fall iiit/> those aUHudes that form carves. If yua watch a' woman

i la simply herself, snd who Is nut posing for your beneflt, you will see thst, sitting, standlog or walking, she union- sclonaly does tins; and It Is only wln-u she Is suhjeet to that undesirable dlaease, faulty, that eh* Is stiff snd angular. Tbe

dancer admired by the critic at tbegat- Icry was not a very arise woman, ce.taln- ly nn' what anybody wonld call a sttul w man, for fat Is a* abaoldtely dastruot- Ire to brant* as are bags bones.


Naiuratly t-he women ofihe slags, the us h«at known to all, He the ones

whose fluun s can bo criticised. Begln- olng wl'.b the beauty of the suns, Mrs. Langiry, who can deny ber gracuf Her arm* and neck are perfect, but the lower part of bar body Is angular an* ungrace- ful, so, for that reason she la always clerer enough to hare her gowns so draped that as far aa possible the defects are hlddea. Her defects at figure are •.imply those of lh* English wo man In general, for she Is by no means, taken al- together! aa handsome a flgure as tbe

lean woman, although she nsually eorpanaes her In beauty of bnat *nd arms. Madame Bernbardt Is a seductive flgare, for slenderness does not of nsctsetty hint of angles and thinness. A small boned woman wnoseboneriTepfPflTwrered

y be as beautifully formed si the woman with greater belch', and weight. Jane. Hading has nssnntlaliy the flgare of be French woman of fashi in, the small sjUit) broad Kli.ttilders and large hips. It Is a figure that ore Is inclined lu call chic rather than artistic. Agnes 11 xith lia- grown too stou'. and matronly looking tu

criticised, but I bave tieou told oy ile who saw her play Cleops'ra that fu'fl i 'I Oantlur's Ideas of Uu beauti-

ful E^>,itlan. Mod}eaka |s angular. Fanny port la. Just now, a moat perfect

ftgufp, for, having lust some of her flusb Ing a large Woman, tbe amount she

still weighs Is only that which should be hers by right. Ada K-lian always 1m preaaes you on tbe stage as looklag all right, but you are nut coosclon* of any of Uftat charm of curve wtiicb It a painter's il.-liul.' aud the f*-t I..J-: "i of ao ni-tuy women.


The womsn who doesn't know how to make herself look better by nv disposi- tion of ber belongings had much bettei not attempt to do anything hut.Jet long, lank nature announce tstelf. Among the fashionable set, good figures are the ei- ceptlon rather than ibe rile, most of them being too fat. Of course, this does nut apply Jo tbe yoang girls, b*t they, like all American youug girls In lb* North are apt to be at the ollu r .■ xtreme, and that la, a little scrawny. We are of so many nallooalllleB that it IB abusing to l'i jr of a woman wbo traces her dhu fig- ure to the different liluod she luliei-ii.-. Hue aaya I got in» handsome neck and arms from my Engllsb grandmother, my tilps from ray French grandmother, my clear, pure sKtn from sn Irish grand- father, and Us smoothnims from a Spati- i-h niie. The smallnusa of my feet and bauds I inherit from my mother, who la an American, and my quickness la solv- ing all r.hla from my Isth-r, who Is an American politician born lu Ireland."


Jumping from curves lo politics, 1 should like to say that I am lo training fur tbe neit presidential election. This may mesa not much to most people, but It means a treat deal to me because my pillilcalcareer has been varied. At a very early age, and under the tuition of a (Quaker grand father, I was an old line Wulg; later un, when I learned to read, 1 in aame an ardent follower of Charlen Ktuarl, and was a Royalist from the back bone. Evidently I hadn't roach backbone for after a coarse of French history, I became a Huuoparlisf. During the Fran- co-Qenaau war I spent three days wltb some German friends, snd e-spriuaud that side, returniug home Hinging "The Watch on the 11 tine j" asths family were alt op- pised to tbls I changed my conviction and thi alarnellaiae waa thumped un lh< piano, and I tried to make It aound dig iilttnd on tbe banjo. After that I look a positive democratic stand.

A WUHAN'S I OKI Or I'UOTiri ion.

Mow, by ih«f atlvlce of some man, who thought that a! woman ought to know snmeiblng. I have been reading aboat tbe lanfl qne*tton,*nd I don't know what I inn. i don't know whether I am a b* liever In prolec'lon, or whether lam a freetrader. I like tbe name prolecllo* much better tban I tiki free trade, be- cause protection auggc*t* that of some OM taking care of you, which i*** wilier don't. But If yon could get things la without having to pay any daty on them, you lose the pleasure of amuggllog; though, If the duty were too high and you l*af< -:i.ui;lii, you wuu|tl have to give Op all yi.ur duds. I know what I do believe In—I believe In bums industries, aad If we American women had baif the feeling on that subject that tbe Engllsb women have we wuuld be making the Quest fab- rics in the wor>d here. When the en- gsgtment of that uutiappy princess Tic-

... waa snnoancece, Immediately the Connies* of Zetland beg to lake op a sub- ■■ i-11111 n >IJ In Ireland to boy her a wedding present. Was that suhacrlpllon going to buy her a piece of Jewelry la Lnndon or I'arls? Ortalnly not. It was to be spent In Ireland; It was to buy for her llie fines' piece of Irish lace that the Irish Uce makers could weave. Another SII'I-

.-i i in1 i.HI, taken up either In Manchester or Birmingham, was to bay ber brocade fur one,ef her weddlag gowns, tbe de- fign to be drawo by Eugllab wearers. N i«. that Is what I call patriotism, and mat is wbat I call encouraging home In- due try. I

CURVIt OP ViAfOUS Sntnlia; I en.

In the world ofltgbt opera, Delia Fox may be cited a- liavlug the most boyish flgure, Anna O'Keefn the most feminine

hu | lu the dr>.-Bhmakers' sense, hut Marie Jan ■ ■■ sen the moat absolutely perfect lu all

senses. Junt watch her as she moves; wherever she goes she seems to carry wltb her tbe perfect line of fascination. If she moves her hand,a carve is achieved from tbe shoulder to the elbow; if pbe throws ber foot In some careless position ■ lie line from the waist to the knee Is al-' most tbe sanies* that famous one which we call the line of beauty, and when she ntauds perfectly still, ber'feet cluse to- gether, her bands bv bur side, from ber neck down she Is a succession of beautiful curves, over which a French artist would rave—would do more, would make Im mortal. Hadte Martluot has a fascinating fluure, that, as she moves, beautifully gowned, as she ,always la, snggeats to you ber Intense.femininity; every rustle of her silk gown seems tto say, "I am feminine, I ai:i rayuierlooa, but bo sure tli it I atn charm Ing." J ibnstone Bennett, "Jane" Is a'glrllnh flgare, pleasing to took upen and essentially eugK^tlve of youth. Lous, we|i,.who ever thought anything of. Lulls'* flgure? She will look



In order to make room for their

SIPIRlIfcTQ- SIOCK, will sell for a few days the following

goods at panic prices.

About 20 pieces of Lowell Extra- Super Carpets, worth to-day 70o.—our price

to close, 50c. per yard. About 15 pieces Extra Tapestry Brussels

worth 80c. Our prioe to olose, 59o. A lot of best Body Brussels for $1 a yard,

worth from $1.25 to $1 40. A lot of short lengths best Brussels, from

5 to 15 yards, for 75c. Worth $125 in " -■ the piece. ft.

50 Axminster Rugs for $2.50 each, worth $4.00, together with many other

goods to close, at about half price. The above are not prices for the season,

being prioes only to olose this lot. An early inspection is solicited.

Byron Truell & Co. 249 ESSEX STBHJjJT,


Kate Kornvth has a most msgntfleen Biture, it is Juno-lix'ei but, if yu remem- ber. It was not Juno who fascinated man- kind; It waa the smaller, lissome and nor* womanly Teuu* whom they adored.

Christine Nlisaon long ago. grew too fal, aud then she is not womanly looking j abe

la loo suggestive r.f tbe Vikings to follalit bumanlty. Mrs. Brown-totter IB bony; but Mrs. Ilrrni II l'.ittnr la so essentially feminine that her bones seem to know h<>w to curve and m*ke the lines of ber flgare at least womanly to look upon. Mra. Leslie Carter Is slender, bot "Well- formed ami graceful; all ber movements sr- pleasing, and wbeo she takes a few dancing aiep* abe dellgbta the gallery critic by her llghtneia, and 'tie fact that she has no aogles. Many of the women of the stage have extremely beautiful tig ures, many more are, like those off It, too fat or too thin, and very often where tli-y might use lamb's wool advantageously ti i y apply too much, or dn not know ho<* louse It correctly Who of us has not a.ien a chorus where symmetry was exhib- ited by a series of lumps, presumV>ly fat, and then spacaa aa Hat aa the desert of Saharar


Dn yon want to know wbat ruined Ire- landT Absenteeism. All their rich peo- ple went to London aad spent tbelr money aod the shops ami niai-ufa-rturers at home suflVre.l. Every summer mlillona of dollar* are speol hy Americans In England sad Prance, to tbe detriment of the Industries lu tbls country, and, if they ■ I'Mi't look out, we'll suffer as Ireland has. I dq. believe that, with proper en- couragement, everything made In the work could be made Just aa well here, unless, perhaps, it Is the beer brewed lo .piihllii, which is said to nc better because of the water put in It; however, we oould bottle, up a little river like that and bring It over here. As a nation we can do any- thing we want, and I th'nk we are awful fools net to want. It la proper and right tolbe ambitious la tne*right direc- tion, and to long to oe belte. and nave things around you better.


I want to have it settled 'In my mind juat whaf I am lo a political sense. Ton want, if you have the righl opinion*, to slick to ihem. '

I wan' in meet an honest politician. You want, IT you know one. to herald his fame far aud wide.

1 want to see all the miserable gam- tiling Doles and dreadful places where onr young hoys go suporeased, either by banglug or by lire.. You want, If you have got any influence, lo ase it for this purpose. -

I wsot the weather clerk conferred with, 10 ibat we may have regularly clean Weather. YnU want, If be is an ac- quaintance of yours, to tell him tltla.

I Wsiit.-Mi'lt, there, I want MI- much ; anil you, you'd Juat. sit and t-mll*, and say It's one more woman Miking, and give her what she wants. Will she g.-i ilf There wns-a very pretty song sung here some time ago, ami the line at the end of each verse will answer that ques- tion, l'i-. "Maybe I will, biit I doubt It.'"

WALLPAPER It v it pay l r , one In '

ant of bisnul Se.to p*f ■•*%•■ on "iir beautiful line of nvnr l"1 "mi<li-J «;imj.i- - ni l..»™i pHi-ia. Atldn-M **. 1L CA1JY, an llmh SI., l^mln

... i' »... fB


/ot la!


•aitfihs >allLurtfe Oldl * Troubles.

35c and $1 at all Orusfliata.

£. MORGAN i SONG, Prop'*,' I'MttVl^CM'! . it. I.

gstatillsliM Cotnpan* Inn INK first ?I*«B fa III ties for hanJlliiB Ipsnl^Mtasi glflllll wishing t_ plane upon tha sssrirt

Patented articles, f-'nvelties, HI. , '[mil. li i u,», H-lse in i <1e>rri|itli>n.

CBAN M. M, i|l II -t 3M Desrbo n St., <;iilcsgo. III,

wiljar.iv |

it '|iisi 11 ini, sfi.-ie (its, ate. Ad'ire>a will

(Jiiarry, Bus ITi, Haw Tura

*■ ' MAHUIAt;! - - » ,v

IlKAK-WHITIVf AV.-ln IM* cllf. -I.«i> 1. ><r hev. r. W, Ryder, i> r< 1 K M*.i .u, I UiMta li. VI Mtn.a.>.

O^ARg-JOHVSON -in thla elle, Un :. by Ilev. V. W, KjUsr, ' ' alile/ I BUkJjtud La fa

> .11.. '(il'Tllkltl.AM' - t 'ST.A-T li-1. It. A. MrAv... . W'11,1 **a and Jennie Mr ■^n:Iin*ri-ni-'7- n ' ■ ' I a t


Soap Factory on Prospect fill

Burned Last Kveulua;.

Bhorlly befortt 7.45 ..'clock Tanrada/

•veolDg, L- Beach's rendering woika ■ on Prospect hill, iwlow ths gas DOOM dii-

trlc'. fu i tie scene of tt« liveliest Or* iu

these parta fur many * day. Tu works wt'ra • tout loss, ail of ths

' building* tetog bnrnad to ins ground, prfseuiiDg a very baanUfal acana maan

while. As tbe buiMiDgs were aitoaled oaUlde

of the hydrant range, and as It was In poaslole togrtatlhertvcr.tbe Are appara-

taa was tntirsly asalaas and all the nre- ini-ti could do wu to stand calmly by

and watch the cot Dag ration. Toe department learned of the lira be

•n alarm from bok1 9, titrated at the cor < aer pf Howard and 1'ieaaant atraeta.

Which ran* nat Just two mlnuten before

tbe .1.1.> 7 45 leal Utvka of the Ore slarm

bel'a. The responding spparatna made all

bantu to reach the slmaUoo of lie boa •aJ the horse" bails bard pull up the

Dill. Engine i. Hose 3, the Protective

W*K n sul ii is.' 5 went ap the Qarueo

sleet ex'eoslon. wbl'S the Hook and Ls.l- d r trock sped .up Hast lUvaraill street

t'pon first sirlvlnv at the i.»i. no signs

of Are null be discovered, but a moment

later1* lurm light m U" sky In Ibe direc- tion of tbe iBiluitilal school gaee evidence

ofablsxilo thai district. As tbe ap- paratus rolled over tbe crest of the hlil,

tbe Arec MM lie plainly seen bursting out

of tbe center of tbe f"»p raslury build- ing*. I', was no eaey lank for ths steamer

•u i li ■•>■■■ wagons to reach the burning

ba'tidluga as the only driveway W,'A|

■w.rks wa^daik and rax row and the I re- men found considerable.trouble In fludlng

llielr way. l>m ths arrival of tbe Proiectlvs

wagoo a chemical stream waa lorned on

the Are ID liiu vielulty.ol tbe boiler bouse,

but the eiity gallon* of liquid bad LU ef-

fect .in tbe derce Aim. a

■ Tne Are started In the centre of.tbe

building* In a store room n-ar the boiler

huu-e and U nupposed(to have been caused

by ititt careless handling of a lantern.

Tae i:n .».y cohdltlon of the Woodwork

and kuAimmsb!e- sutvstanca of which tbe

bulldlsgs were fllieil, proved excellent

fiit i for the Aanjt'h and soon the entire

centre of the works was adre. The Arcroen crowded about hat nothing

C'lU'.l '<■' d inu'to ssve tne buildings. The

nearest hydrant was over half a mile

■ way, while owing, Lu steep hauks U was /.niu.I bwposjibla to connect a steamer

with ,the rlveh The Are had things its

own way and toon licked up tne entire premises. Fierce U>n|{Ufisar>f flames HhOL

Afly f<-el |i trie air, while dense volumes

of xmoke and a perfect shower of sparks

floied southward acro-a the river. Tbe Ore prevented a very besutlful

spectscie, stiil wa» witnessed by bundr> ds

from this clly, who were drawn to tbe

ncene by llie rtn.-ctton In the sky, and by

theeuttre poriulace ol North Anduver. Who had tbe best view of the Are from

that side of tbe river. An hour after the alarm «as eounded, all of the buildings

werehltzmg d,-dantly though rot until

after mi.luight were they entirely con- sumed- '['hi.i morning a large hole Ailed

with charred rimers, twisted pipes and

dlssrrsuuud kettle* mark tbe spot where UM*. soap factory r.nmeriy stood.

Tne loss by the Are Is estimated at

•WOO. The bulldloga are partially in- sured. *'--*»?;

Etrly In the firs the Are men succeeded In rolling tiu'. s bun ir-l barrels of tan i.

■ ^■' fmin i ■,'>rr.\,j i*i< a', tn*- nortbiy end

Of the buildings.

Tne Are wa* Uncovered by a gas hou«e- eni|inni-.. who saw the flmiti* frun M rs-

tou street s«_be was going home. Harry

ViSMfaa, s pmn wr. was the Bret one at the Are, and says that at tbe time he ar-

rived there, the., gates, weru.cloawd and none of the. workmen could be found.

Bad btti i.i. st tbe alni-limm. be>tl

•truck inntesal of b i 9, the apparatus wouul have found it far easier to re--

apoud. As tl was the department was

rcunpelled to go a round I'I m; way. The destroyed buildings were built

about four years ago and were erected In

that' ui-of-the-way place eoas to prevent

tie offensive odor from being a nuls-

■nce to residents. The buUtiugs were ail CMBlbud to«.-tlier, were one* oryio

Advisory and auditing—Meeira. Sreen Carrpbell and McCnllum.

Music—Hasara. Barker, Austin and Kennedy..

Text books and supplies- Messrs.

Oibbe. Brewatcr, Cromble, Austin, Camp-

bell and Simpson. Private [-clmols—Messrs. Mallen.Breen,

and Himpsoe.

Evening ichoolt, drawing and permits for illiterate mlnora—Messrs McCallnm,

McCarthy and Barker. High school and normal department of

training school—Meiars.Brewater, Breen,

Anstin, Cromble, McCarthy, Campbell

and Mellen. Grammar schools—Messrs- McCarthy,

McCaliaas, Qlbba, Audio. Kennedy,

Barker and Simpson.

Halse-Messra. BreweUr, Breen nod McCallun. .-•

H.;h'n»l bonaea and sanitation—Messrs. Cromhie, Brewster, McCarthy, Olnba,

McCailum and Kennedy.

Minuia AM> raiHaiiT acHOOLa. ?rospect street, Storrow And Walton

schools— Messrs. Cromble and Better.

Newbury street, Harrington and Oik street—Meters. Brewster and Simpson.

1'trk. Ameibury and Hampshire atreel

-Messrs. McCarthy and Br« n.

Arlington, Washington and Franklin — Messrs. M.l >-n »,..! Oibbe.

Lowell street, Essex and Riverside-

Messrs. McCailum and Aostla. Saunders, Packard and Union street—

Messrs. Campbell and Kt-uoedy.

iiiviijr \s nn; OIUP,

And Fttllw to. Moralizlno; Doing It .HIIII l»--li^lttl'iiily.

itree and equai?'

and wire 1J0 'iy *0 feet. Joseph

sd charge of tbe work there an i

heigh Dana bail two assistants.

During the progress of the Ore. neither

Mr. Dutiu or either of the other work- men could be f .tun I. This and olbtf cu-

rious conditions of affurs gare rise to

numerous Incendiary rum ir> which were

promptly Investigated r>> Assistant Mar-

shal Mshin<y and Captain Murooy. 1.

I was found that the Workmen left tbe building stiorily before seven o'clock Mr.

Dunn annum down ii*n Lanterns wshra

ii-i .1 in the l>uildlngs and In all probabili- ties one of tlie*e was carelessly left In a

, dangerous plato' when tbt. work'! were

Cloved for the nltihl. i After the Die bad been buriiini; fir

nh ut an hour, aio* mm'ilin^ Butsej emn> - ted from the centre of trio II MM* in.l a

nmnii'tii Is'i-r an expio-l in of solve sort

occurred. aeSdlai a shower of ourninii

embers high Fn the air: ""flu crowd-fell

baik at ake try wm rntiaditfrat the boiler wsn golnif. up. Fortunately the butler garf bo iM.uiin- aiinongti feareol ia *g< I. o-iMU aeie enunsluid thioughuut the

Are. |

SCHOOL ItOAltu »■ —I

Mew Mt'inbrrn KnMwni ami For-

in.111.1o loinpU'ted).

The boB/d tif scbool . .'iIim'Mceiiici,

iii : st the high scnool Tnurs>iay, Mr.

Mi'C'ai'uin being the only aoaenlec. ftjayof Doe prahidadi

The newly elrcted commlUremen Jas. E Simpson of ward i eo and Key. W. E.

li'ivnf *iii fmr, were |o.-.nt and

were heartily welcomed by thu fi-liuw (■■nii'ii.l'i finm.

Sunsequent to »h« reading of the

minutes of the prevleu* meeting the momd.y report of the truant, officer waa

resd an 1 accepted. '

Superintend^] I Bales notlAed the board of the death of Mias Cora I. Klley,

late teacher >i'. t:,.-. L' .: .-i street school

Tne matuirof Ailing the vacancy existing ihere'wss left to the su'i-cominlttee from

ward six and the auperluleudeut.

Til*: Hhjeet of Introtluciug phyalcal

- cuIture luto the M tu.i.l- received fur<her

dlscusslun. It #as decided not to -In.

troduc* physical culture into the achooli

nntil the openiugof the term next Sep

tember. Theadvlaory committee throngh Mrs

Ureeti reported that the hoard would

have the privilege' of' selecting an In I stfinuur from the graduate* of the Hoi

man school of physical culture of Bos

too, * Tne order Introduced at the last m.el.

)Dg by c 'iiiiHium-m III Cromble that i

SiiH-i iii.nillMei' on school Iii ti.e ai.d sin

itary o ■ apprifnieil, waa takt'u from tht

Ulile' and unanimously , a^lnnted. Tb<

c iiuinl'-tce consists of a rainber from

each, wardi The graduate* of thu Tralntog scbool

who were placed on the unussluned Il-t

of leacbiryace, OlarabeV lUica, Rose

A Twrnnf. Mary E. 1>IW.I, Amy L. ! Hat tlta, MilJred Wll'-iug ou and Agnea

U. G>:d.n. .

The following alandlnu comutlnets were then sppoluted for the year > '

(Special ci r m • (i ■ i u. 1 it n ct J

Naw y/uKK, Jan. 18, 1892.

If ths grip doesn't kill you, It at least gives you s number of hours fir NflaO tlon. And In between tbe times wnen you are moaning aoont tbe ache In your back, about the funny feeling In yoer kuees, and aim sat choking when you cough, you can think over, not all your sins and th >se of your friends and kins- folk, but you in v.. -i.ill' i..i.: time to oo a lime thlnklna on anstract subjects. At leaat, that Is wjhat 1 called theaj,- th >ugh I am not sure whether It I* cor- rect or out. Uowever, It sounds well. So many thing* souud well lhat are not true; for Instance, was there ever a areaier nntrnth than thmassertiun made tnat "all men are bornoTi They are not.


Some a e handicapped (ritm ibe start, snd tl tbey come In at tbe Ani-b victor, they deserve NO much m<recredll for It. HsndlcBpped wjtn win1? Well, une man Is otn with superb health, who „ clean Id e of ancestry behind them, and In respectable surroundings Auotbi-r comes Inui Hie world luherltlng tbe lli- nesses of insanity or draukeuina*, of In il'g'-stlon, or u{ a b*.| beart, Bud aaong tbone wno will eoconrage everytnlng that is wrong In btm, Are unn-e. two men horn free and etjunlf C«rtalniy not. Is John M own who can take a glass of wine and enj .y It, an: stop there be- i an-.- be doesn't care for any more, on ao equality wp.h John Smith, who be- ■ ii-ii the sins of hie ancestors csnnot do

the same without becoming a drunksrd? John Brown who Audi It no trnunje ssy B pleasaot word to everybn<lv,on

an euualitv with Jotin Smith, who Aunt log Busiest an hereditary lll-temptr. hss ■«' mi" in ■ ir.n to be agreeshief I* J-ibn Brown wno would Ho in..re LBlol of stt-allng tbao be would nf n urderinn, on an tqu*IUy witn J .nn Smi u, KhpM father was a convict, whose moth, r1 bad n > Idea of wQat drcency and punty wer.-, and who came Into v i- world unwel- :umed and u cared (erf Why there Is :.< -n ii thiiin ss equality. I d'U't care f twenty Ihoma* AtflVrsons wrote that.

And I don't believe that. When, ail the-e tin ii i if to be Judg<d, Hist tbe ti-.t who made thum wm look at them as \,a au<quailtt; nut He ••111 think of tne

ikuess snd wickedness thst csme to . n by I heniance, of tru- Nurrouml-

Inus thst tended to licresse tin -.-. ami ut ihe I. iiiptatiiiiis that came in their

— Unit SII VHKK HKIMI»r Free? Are wo fr,(? I don-tt that. We

all of u- are d- p.-inl. nt. the o( i i ,.- ■ iirter. The social structure, wu. -n u,. ,.,- ■he home, tne marrlsui' slid morality, womd tumble to pieces If we *.r.. f;-. ,- Are you flee to du thing* tnat would cause B scandal to cum: uu >n >.>u ami an OerotmloK 10 yon? Are yofl free the evil words UiB< hurl an ither and tna' will as censluly rebyMdts s b loniersim? You do It, hut certaluly you are not fran

and that It is not, your privilege la proven by tbe fact that Just as certainly ss yi,u commit this crime or take tills freedom. Just so certainly you will be puuished for It. It's nonsense tiavlug all i.iti are r/orn free and tqual. W<- arc qual once In our lives, all of ua, and that s when we face (lea h. We nuv took ai

it from among silken spreads and l«ce-, or huulled uu In a dirty blauket, but It

just the same Death comes, aiid be It priuce or pauper, he h met in tbe same

ay. He looks at you, you meet blm, and yon Close your eyes Jmt.es doe- tne

- ich who hadn't toe food to keep

Maries proved nnfatthfol to her? "I^st alfht there were fuor Maries,

To-day ittereare <>u(nine: » There was Marie Benloa ami Marls Sston,

Asd Marts Carmlcnaul and me.'* Bnt the waich; to re urn to tne watch.

It Is set In a silver case representing a human skull, the Jaws open very wide and tbe palate, whl h Is of sliver, la tbe face of tbe wat- h, and baa apon It the hoars in golden 8 >msn letters. The works are where the brains would be, and there Is si*o encloned therein a Ut y bell, which, struck by a hammer, annonncee the hoar Tbe euitrav ng Is most elsborata. In front is Heath. M grim as possible,stand- ing between a hovel and a palace. At the back Is Time, devoarine everything. On one side are Adam and Eve be;r,a u-m, ted by tbe serpent, and on the other In tbe ('rnciAxiou. inside of the plate la a rep- resentation" of the Holy Family In the Ntai..e ai Bethlehem, with Bngels adorlna tbe Hoiy Child. Curious, musu'l It be? And a cheerf nl thing to carry ahont wltb one when one waa Vonng Bod happy, and life seemed fall of Joyl And yet, Msrle Beaton wore It wlto gltte and was proud or iu

WIIKKK IT'S FOLLY TO BK Win. To me ibe in ist truthful picture upon

it la that of Time, taking everything Pan-y the beautiful girl sitting d.-wn

■ ' lookin.'at that, and reabxlng tha^, every aecond that wss solng was selxinu heryoaib. her beauty and her hapvowsej tat waat was It glvlug to herf It was .'ivinit to her kint*itiiKe. Sue was learu- ng woo were h- r friends and her er.e-

ini.s;whost- Jure was tree and whose i was false. A poor compensation.

I think i for, after alt, ons trn- thine: has been wutten, and thst is, lhat "igno-

ace la -Jlss." Tf yoor friend Is untrue you, you are much happier not to

know I'.. If i .ii r lover Is hW, life Is e full of Joy If you remain iicnorant;

and If those you believe holest are thl- v«sj those you believe good are evil,

pleasure comes to vim m being told It. Indeed, amonuthe people I wmil.i

like to have quietly and painlessly pat to lea'hare those'who mi ar-.und telling von tblaca they think Von ..n«ht to know Ton oughtn't to know tbemlf they are gums; to bun yon, and who has elected

rs. Tom. Dick or Harry, to decide thai Is her business to tell you? If I bad y way, I w.m .1 keep people In a !i I-.—

ful siaw of ignorance all their lives. t*s all very well to talk about the power fkuowiedge. i,in we all have such a

little knowledge, and it was a very k ow- nj( ftenlleinao of years ago ra said:

A little knowledge Is a dangeroa* thrnft." If we could only get the right

of knowledge, hut we don't. If we d HI..v ;.■■,■ II now to do the things to

mkke people happier, the world ueiir.ra ly moreetj >yable, and yet It lsu'l a bad world. AllthU Is because I bave the grip. It is a nad thing to get; that Is, o let it get bold of you. It Ij a had mm; to let anything, or anybody get the

Krip on you. And, hy-the-by, if yoo nave It, don't tie dinkey enouiib to dose yourself on whi-lc y snd qu nine; but send for a doctor, who will decide whether there Isn't...enough whiskey in your constitution already, and whether

uinlne is the one thing that will defy iteanp.

i lie imilli KIND OK GRIPS. Gets grip, -uieiapiinricaii), on your

WeelhesrCe live, and then she will be a blitK of J >y to you. tie a urlp, positively, on the love of a

don, and in your time of trouble yuu will always bave a frUnd,

Get a grip, certao.ly, on some of the plea-nre of life, you've a right to them.

Get agrlp. a L' ■<<■] strong grip on what- ever you wan' ; but don't get the grin. I speak a* ooe who knows for fur four weeks it Las held In Its clutches




Paints, Oils, Dye Stufls, OHBMICAiS. i

klosfcol, tlnm, Immonla, ■mk«l

Very Inviting toltitev^a. ;'.f

A local shoe dea er wbo keeps

ta'uiShmi'M near Ibe corner of Lawrence

street, was considerably amused the other

'H. M; byfludlog ■ s>ring of shoes nnv-

itdl the store of a fellow sbo. man afier the latter bad '-im-ei] up his store for the

night. He met the owner of the shoea and laughingly told blm of his careless-

ness and advised him to go to the pottos

»taiIon and claim bis property. "D n't.

be In a hurry to lauijh Charlie."said the discomforted shoedea er, "1 Ju-t left tbe

po K .■ f'Btion. g«ri a ). ilice « Iflcer Jus'.

nruuuht in anothi r atflhg of shoes whu b

he fouid. DaUtlda your dotsr, Twas

found to I e iru- a Mi the local representa-

i>a-l i of the BottoB,, Fusiliers Is jsa; around theT;lgsr».

I — f\ County Tax

blm alive. WltKM WK AUK A|.j. BQtit,

That is me u«iy timn in jour life, my Irlend, tin' yon and the otner man are hsolutely equal. Wtiee th- n. ir of the irill-b throne d)ed a little while ago. We It felt norry ami sj mptthiied nn.-i of II wim bis .mother sud meu with the

young w an wb > wss to 5a»e been n|s Ife lhat wan right and kin hearted.

Tne new-papers had columns kh-nv mis death, ami yet In all mat was writ*, u the keynote never was SWBCI, BS U wa« in Hi. ileseripiioii of Mother death, thai, of auiristi iiuy Who had deilgMsXl in rail- ing nimsef a' 'Sport, - He was the same age as M.e Duke of Clarence. A woman *as weepiiiti tie side bis ik-a.l body ami he said.: "lie |»s fought many a right. !'.'.'_ JMJ. tried to tl«ht death, tiut death lownedhiiu." That's U." Ueaih 'doWu-

everynoily at last. And lu the sight of <bst unm de-troyer, the sou of the future King of England sod the lough Irish «.,y were free and tqial; hut lOev Were not tnntiNO. Put It own to the' grip, mt friends. If 1 am m >rs|ulug. Everybody ' ""nuns » sin one.- lu awhile, and t^e grip, with lie aches snd pains and Its borrlhle depre«slog feeing, would make an anifel fall from giace, -., what rsn you expect of n mere ordinary woman?

Tlik UTWI IN WOMAN'S WATOtssaj. Kvery girl at.Congtiiisi seeuis'in have

gut^nanew wauPvau.f the'o.. I- i r i. he better -*M -d.-t la she* to swing it on

her cnale]jjne, -o wear It outside her bodice, on her bracelet, or baHrl of all

I iu a ring. The latter, by-the-hy. Is ualiy set about wltb B baud of dls>

tii'.i.d- or pear's, and. Is worn on the illlle fjuger. The funniest of the waxh- sare tbone that are on rose, rob .red

garters, and which bave tbe hands o(T mis Is considered by ibe aversue girl to be a Very marvelous Joke, and for Ii she is willing to pay the beautiful -inn of fifty dollars, twe.nly-flvu huing re- quired for each little watchs Bowam, when she h.a» gotten llred of slmwlfiu 'heee to her girt friends,, she cau have tha watches Ire.hen.d up, hands put' on them, and ihi-v r m be kept for Chrlst- mas glftiHtext year fo* the small 'people In the numery. Tne girl who wears a chatelaine watch likes to have It .-i.e i- .■ I iu sliver upon which are nymphs and -a- tyrs In very nigh relief, and be-lde It Is swung a large silver key of antique de- sign, which Ts supposed to wind It; ^ilt alas! appearances are deceitful, and the key haa no connection with the wau-ti whatever; for although the case may ho old, or, what Is much more likely, an itn- Jj.illon.oX an old one, still the watch It- s' If Is of modei n oiske, aud la Wound by tin- sit-in. Whfn we see ih* wonderful enameled and curved watches of today, we inlnk we an great people i hut when Ii Mima |Q marvelous wa'chesMie peo- ple of long ago were far ahead of a*. When Itiam- de 1'olc'lers became a wid- ow, tbe gentlemen of bar court though t it tbe proper thing to give ber presents to alUv her grief, and most of them took theTirthof wBtrhea-encased* In skulls, coffins, golden shronds and hearts, de in OH that -rein.it to them particularly

i pproprlate to her widowed condition Midn'tlculated toallav ber grief.

A HOST W01»PKIl|ff>L WiTCTI, i which Is still In existence snd is said to . keep good time, was given by Marie

Smart, in her maid of honori Marie Bea- 1 tou. And,- by-t e by, can you over hear those names without thinking of that most.dellghtfnl book, "The Four Maries" or remembering the Jingle supposed lobe Said by Marie Stuatt when one of the

The Connty Uommissioiers have |ir*--

petk | Pared their estimaes of the Essei coun- ty tai levy for lift* 'o be au'imi'led to

the Legislature. T6« total is »2i2 MHO. the same as last year, though $,1000 for

truant school and A3HDJ f >r prohatloa iffli.-ers have been added ss new items.

The Lawrence home. of~ correction ex- pemlitiireeare increased from a)17 000 in

918 000. i |ie Salem hoa<e of correction

from $10,000 to 113.000 tbe Ipswich

h<>u«e of correction is redoced fr .in

•18,000 to iU,000, and the Newuuryport Jail from *■',.■■ to »'■■■■

la Mid Wii.i.r

I Llses nn a lone Hy tnilnic ri.i.nl nr room In

So mate to etieet iii) 1 uiely way, 1 jinn tnia roll, n i.l yti.n-r .lay,

Tim. ii.nsSi lull. Cheerleaa la 1I11 ardsi Sight, To Lie Hit hillt.| siiiler'n nlftht,

While Ii, re aM tin re >..u . areleaa Bit, Ntfw nn the -iiKir ■•-! v. n HI,

tn«Ld|»patar. . Ths WIR.IOW I. in'- |iili-« i.iri're.1 o'er,

» title I.;, eiill;. I'irrii n'.r the fl Kir, I lie.ve a ■!.h;

»*ar 'tis I fear tde r . i Is heat, tf winter', rltrt-i n.ndea t, at,

Wlllua. PM It.

Yet thou like me aiibt'rvlent sltll-

And alih-l'l '■ llite «ml fTrrywhire, Von ami I.

K|..,AU K IfaMR.

-Mr: Guy S'aff.rd of Providence, for-

merly,of this «|ki ba^- been granted two

pa.'e.nts, one for stop motion for looms, one for loom of i new pa'letn.

. <; alsrkhol id I the 1a»t

Jenslne tun.' Vttroii,


Lar.1 1)11, Unseed Oil, Liqmd tilue, LoDilm I'lirule, Mixed PalaUrsAskMst ..-puia, MsW root ou.1 Oakum, OUvs i HI, Uiallc Acid, Pacaag- ■"

Parlf Ureen, Paris White, ParaQae (HI,

'ParaHne Wax, ^rUHlcAcidandSoa,,, Pbunli Lead, Jairlaae Top Uresslng, Plaster Parts. jastile Soap, Potssh, Jaalor U.I. fjuinli-e SlOos, ;heli,i iu) sad red. Putty, Jbawotaaklna, jnlotltleol urns, iilora .dry and Is ell J.)|.i.,T JJlveil, wopiieras,. Uorks,

Keroasns, ly,« ■xl.

amery Paper, f men UlitiS. inainelicl t'lotk, £pa >tn salts, . 'eainer tuiaiers, ' fufnltuje I'.iii.h, ralv. I roe Pails, ilaaa,lall*laes, ilaubnr "aii, ■ Ii.., ill <radea, ili-erltie, i.ild Leal, 1 .!■! I'alnun.ttli-ontaa Ion A'autc,

li'llei. ♦tliro,

1 laeet Powder

£»»7i Put* i'omade, gal I road Colors, Ro>i hall for aorsta, ktool Paint OU,

nsltiwtre. Sand Paper, Se«lDf Ma^hlneUU, Shellac, Boap Tree Hark, Sperm ml, Splrtta Nitre, ■plrita TuruentUt, SimiKca, SiilpDur, Tar, TripoU, Tube Color, W. a N.t

" J** sUaurv*. Varnlnb, Wsuregan Soap, rtllllain-aBaxaoap- Whl tin*. "*""** Woo.1 Stains, WhalaOIIS

ID Ouanlitirs to Sail ai Lowest Market Prices.

191 Essex St. bAwnanroB, GOLD MEDAL. PARIS. lB7a

IV. BAKER .V ((1,'S

Breakfast Cocoa from »hlfh the etee^ef oil

It absolutrljf part nmt U U toluMr.

No Chemicals "uwd In tta en ;--o-.itinn. Il

i ,.:rr than tkrr* Umti th* ■*ftk Bl Cocoa mlird with

id U tl.. ■■ ,'...

ip. I ■:■■:.:■■• i...:., 11 r- atrengthen.ng, IIMLT J adafVec for lnTBikis

>ulil l.j ror* < iinji- ii»-""

W. BAEEE * i,u., Dorchester, 1

3r PAYING 5 PER CENT. DOWN and 2 per rent, at month ,

TOD can Own Real Estate rnat will add It* orislBBl eoat of purebaaetoiti

i sine »mr vest for 10 year* to come, neaide* ai leas.nl Income from the Inv* •tmeat-locAUxlli

»th'r if tne following rttles -Little Roek, Ark itUTRrt, Ark ; Memunli, Tenn, kfacaa, Ua. rmlnirham, Ala.: Koanoke, Va.; llilabtira .II., Tnninia, Waah.; Seattle, Waah.; ot •uaton, Tei. Ve airrse to purcnass for vou.'ieae title li ur name, or ihe naineof a truatee, see whsi

{ood priees can be reallaed, return to von Uu .rtmri.ai.spei- ceot. Interest and one naif Up

lEK-atmenta—adeef Larae or Snail Amounu klonev drj a but t or 4 per cent. ID sa«ta«i

aoK*. Th- Batft. cannot he aster than ths Baa


OTwraejera of the Poor Fall to Aer re upon a Clerk.

The board of ov«r*eers of the poor

met at Clerk illncbcllnVs tifflce la ;be city ball Fi iday afternoon fur tbe par-

pose of computing their organ laailou.

Tnsre waa a full atteodanca and tin meetlt X proved a lengthy one.

One hundred and twenty-one ballot.

were ti ken without a choice being made

for the position of clerk and an adjourn- ment was made for one week.

Mayor Dos presided and tbe mlnntes

of the previous meeting were read by Clerk IllncliCllffe.

A ballot waa taken for the cltriablp

wbtcb had ibe following reak.ti Whole number votes caa', Nrcesaary fur choice,

W J. Hlnchctiffe, I Duncan Wuud, Michael Knn, Tbooiaa Murphv,

and Ihete was n i choice.

A aecond ballot retailed ,aa follows: Whule Tiomber votes cast, NiCf-sSarj furchtilce, 5

Duncan Wood, \ W. J. Hincbvl.ffe, n Michael Rlun, 9

and i here Was no choice.

With but two or three brief Interrup- tions Ihe wurk of balloting waa tin u cuntlaoed until 6 16 *!.en It was aero b>

tbe clerk's book that 131 baMou had been

taken without choice, the laal fifty-four

hullota being tbe same aa the atcond one.

Mi.«s K llth Campbell waa elected as- Blatant cleik receiving 8 of theft votes

cat I. Tht.mas Marpby received the Other vote, j'j.t.

Several attempts were made to post- pone the el- ctlon of a clerk snd elect a

superintendent of tbe pnor farm, bat all motions to thst iff. ct were lost by tie

votes, tbe mayor, and overseera Bouith-

ton, Ilomphreyand McCarthy voting In

tbe sfflroiatlve and Aldermen Doyle and ,lia.iaia.-r, overseers Can oil and Balllvao

in the negative, Overaeer Collins not vot- ing.

Daring the balloting a motion to ad- j.-ufn for one month was lost as were

Jso other moiloss of adjoornmrnt.

Karly In thu cDnteal votes were thrown

way aud were given to iiumeruus well

known 'cltlsena.

In the 40, 41 and 42 ballotn, James T.

O'Salllvan lecdved three votes,

" Tbe Una adjournment, was made by AU

dei man Oallattber who moved than an ad-

journment till 7 10 o'clock tie wade for "upper. Overeeer Haughvon ajinounceii

that be could not be present at that tiiin-

the scrii us Illness of bis wife dtmand

ed his atleniion at home. An amendment

to adjouin for ote week waa made, ac- ipteu ai.d prt-VBtled.

Tbe board will meet next Friday even

lag and all milters will ba cli-ared up.

... . jfl ktM.wD pliimii-r »h» re-ldra on ML - iinil, wss awakenrilbt hrarlna KI,I» hn-vfcr^ht

j-eltnir uttt id i<edh< retiilnd'i bl->w • n ilit-ln-ail [lleliiinifdlalf-l) ar-inilrd «illi Hit- liiKKnr nml .afirr m rrltile .nujoin- »in-ii-iiltd In Iml dinr

l.lm until Is wile ohuioe.i be I nl at ihe at niton, Mr

Alll.K I.UANA TttfST CO., 7( al on 1/1, ii 11 r v g|

Jersey Cltv W.J.


N SrarslllH. 1 • , . fl M-HIIUI tl. a, si.

10 ll,.,"l-o». i II 11 &4»»*aia»e«ui l'.>i..t..i

iKjii^!::;,.'!...:.; \H Ppveras I Ague, i i.iil.. I J Piles, Tiludi" 1.W.I-,,. . Iff I'marrh. Ii.nii.no.. t-".ll JH honpiwt I outili, Viola


iiusNH- A\M\I:KVVKV.

Caledonian ' Club Celt-brute la Um or oi Ttn-lr Foet.

For tbe flfteaatb Urn- wlUiln as many Ktr-, the Lawrence Caledonian clabbeld

appropriate ixerchei Friday evening In observance of tbe annlver*ary of their

favoriiu rural poet, Itobert Burns. Tbe

event took place in armory ball, where a

Isrge number of the memncrs of the club

and their friends as-embUd.

ver the pisiform at tbe front of tbe

ball a pi tare of Ba n* baag apoo tbe

I, »*)i>ve wblcb wwfS) IMla u.iy draped tbe Auu-rii;sn Ami dcotU~tl fl ijs. Seated

u.ion tbe patfortn besldea Caief Kobsrt

Munitsll of tbe (Taledouian club, wbo

presided wext» Mavur__D^e, ..Chieftain

Tbomas 8. Valentine, Jam.s'B. Lyall

and Secretary David1 Anderson of Can tfi^Pberaon. E S. Hurley was upon tliit

pri>Kramme to di-llvar an arldres-t, but

owing" tolllflcsa"wts detained from com-

Ex-'Jbief Jamtn B. Lya.i spoae iu bis steed touching UJ.HU the bard*h)o*

sncOua ered by ibe poet during bis life,

and also of several of bla poems woicti

raised him from obscurity to a promi- uent place among the-writers "f verse

who a;e known ibe world over. Mayor

Doe also delivered a brief addresa. Tue

'•til'i^iiitf was the concert programme

wblcb waa plea-i'titr,ly rendered the ma-

jornv of the numbers receiving an en-

$ .


|..~i reri..d Mti-thrl: |ianj"a n •HeenriM. a>i, Tnaanry iii'ak for >aip is liou.r'' iMtreaas Ut-hualneaa. Tin: BWbarll. d <-aidtal I* II.IHK1,

A' a laa/alla '"' r

II In.in 'iu Hie -nit- nr.


mar flans, i hantwi'n{v f in) mj nnMrn ...U.K. I..„* ,nl.i,|.^r.-.l

J,h. Hi-aabl

s Ir'ni'iir'ain

itn.l.o- ■uriks ed and

H HaiiliKni. Opera Co


Wb «. ..:n i..:i.bhi. t-rli . forCosi WB h. UM " | :■! 11.

Whrr ,.. -bat 'I.l! ■ ■■ ^.-h-l-*ii-thi.pi(..-





.'■■."HOLESIUL: ', :. -MCII MOUSES „

v t. "-.iCO. [U ' NIWmHnTI OH 3. ■• ; —

_ .11 a'Xy i- \ilam».n'* n.iUlllit t niifh Balaam i harking within B week.

M VlilU & {JO f rVruMtrt 871 Kssex t. La*.n.nra, Mass

HsrsneU *

qv< •ure, (Scotch) Oreheatra.

-"i'H, "TasfS w.n a ltd was imrn In Kyle,"

Rradlng-WnDaln'rK.t.''' MI - >tattie Hiisaer.

•ytag, "Flow ■eniif D .*, -we.-t Afton,1* Madi«U liarnt.i. Ultihi.

Cornet aulo, sen et«d, J. E. Marti-r.

''ons, "Jehnnle N--II tri« rVitrj," I >- ;i -I i: -'-li

In., t. "i nil!.. I Ft.wtieu" MadaniUlhhauii.t Mr. Alien'r-imhls.

Addreas, Jamei H 1 va)! ,

Hoag, "<iae brtnK to u.e ■ pint ..'wine " Win A) ,>i.-r- iiiiiiir.

Ite.nllnK, "IWIi'lul l.u. k. oa," Hio-Mnitii- liuaaey.

Sung "Staro'ltuit'le iturua," Harry Tj^gart. —"'-■*'■ ■

i.Ui- M.i i

Honir, se'ltrt"[,

V |. -iln M.l I., filBC

Comic song, "r"iivii

r II. I*. Doc.

< IlarnUo i,l hl.t ••


lliinal. in.I It..l,

r face," i.

ill. I W»K f.iimd nn hla person. II mueol Boln-rt Tern. The ii "ten fi ■ lea IKuli! of Sulphur HbUrs l«""-l '-unn Mil. »«...; of rli.i.u.




In iiswrcoce aticrnooos.

It. M J. HILL* PiirsiciAJf.

Vallej street eesr the Common. Odrce hours, Isnd ; i-. ap.nt. l'|-;iM(|( K A CLOHSOS, Ap- I pralsera, Real Esutie A rents, Lawrence Mass. Personal Mlli-iitUni to all Uinlnuaa. UTHV hprrKH aavliuj teetb tilled, when

3DR. RU88ELL ess flfl Uiem without pain Uy own I'lu-nrrry. C'fe-11 ham.leaa. twelve ycara nfMllea In

iWrrnee. iteal -f refrreuees at olBee or bj mail (irDiw. S.il K*-PK iireet.

Ihe lerai f.i m of ««id crown and i.rl 'er work Anld'-Ial i-nn made without |>l*l>-i Burn

• hara; lor iln- ).»li li-n |iro<e«a. Vapor fi, ri trm-ima; teeth without pain fl ly lla



German Eemedy


TRUTHS FOR THrTsiCrl For tlioae ili'tttlih

Biboua Si-rllt dp|*uil on BiLi-Hta JfiiT- Taaa. It will rlire yon.

that tin damlall umi teellnp? If so. u< srtturn BUTSBJ;

t n,--i -"eliaiely i-oiifinril liithc

ni.lliai.il WUTI .-li.'i .. clerWa who do nut procure auDrl ercise, and all wlio are conAned (■ ■'■ ■

jMii.nl.: use Sri.i-u.i-. ' UiTTim. -Thfn will

not then be weak ami sickly.

.Si.ii.il w II I- for a caw when a HiTTMi

luiiliporr*. r.ilr v riCLPItl-R JUTTKte -.-■ 1 liealth Will In

o you ward tin-l«-t Me>lh tl Work publlstx d threelArt.siiiwi-i to A. i'. un: ..vv Jt U

i., sud rwvlvua copy thst


—— ron^~ J^DIES' AND OHHBREH'8

BOOTS KHJ> BH0L3. Avanttd SJBSWSS 'mnor* at


Sail from Sew Vork everj Saturday for

euseow m LOKBOMDERRY. CABINS.tjnoTusao. SK'.IISH t i^-stan

LIVERPOOL VIA Q'.FENSTOWrl. ialoon PasMmC, «AO and npn ,ir.|-. nfi-.r-llut ta locution, gtemid .li—, •:!.,. >i ct-riiKt: uuiwanl

#4H, pr.p-1.1, «44l.

For passaKr < ' HtWl

liNtn ML'Hi-lir, Ml I... ex St., I.fwrence

*V«I. W. COL3Y 'fM-.HAI. AND Kl'ItM-l I IMi \ MllltrAKr R

I - If

mm ... \.,- sreomn* '2S6. Resi louce, 2S5 C om

IIOTJ Htrajat "-H

«Falliii|[Sicte CAN be CURED.

Wi will SF.ND FRVT. he a UrgeTKlAl, liOl I IK;

■ I'm, a traathw on Eplltpiy. DON'T SUFFF.R ANV I.'ISGI Rl Hi™ Pull O*. 6c«, Suit sail County, and AgepLiiiily.

A44"**. THE HALL CMKMICAL CO., AllfiOr'sUDMiuiilAvsBuc.l'laiadcluhia.Pa,

Abercromlila awsW| --siarj^ue m-"

lltrry TagRitrt. |

The c-iiii-i-rt wat Bfailsjbt to a close bj lie singing of "Aul.t Lmit hyne" by tbe

mire party. TCe party tb«n fu-rnul in

..U|ili-n ami led by" Chief MiiQi{alI and

■vlfe and Mayor Doe ui I wife repaired • > Urn Ciifd-iniaii t lu'i's rootnn, where a

urkev supper was served by Caterer

KTUOO. TJie rooms srere decuxsietl with • trearaer^ of naMoual hutnlnjt, and upon,

'he srall at the res'r of the heal tanle

Were lantefuily arranged un.-in in il i--

aad S.: -ini-tiieinul :<\f. anrriuuiliti. a pit:-

■ lire of the pot, Jlu<-lni| the supper

warlel"sorcbe'<lra rendered several inusl- iJL seleCLlUHa.

Tbe itrsn I imrrli was inaugurated at

11.80 o'clock and dancing coafjluuud uutli s> late hour.

The follQeylag batl .-.barge of. the D >or ■. i 'ii.-.f It .'iiTt Mm .i i ■; asslslant coniluc- tor, Kir^ "Jhlefian Tnos. f4. Valentin-;

floor dhettor, Jamea Itolley; aids: vV*sl<

i-r La A ami, Aiei K-eble, Doajald Cauiphtil, William G Hlti llnu, Jiuioe McAllister.

KLBtMlOV • VOil)

No < iiv Trcittmrer II.i> l>et<n I.ejfull}) t I. •' ii (j

Alihonjch the ultj council elr-cted D, C p'SodlraU city tr ttfunrutt Iniiaarettaa- ■i.i), iln ii- 1- a . ,-;i tbat iiiv;i,.dait-. tbe choice,

Mr. O'SuJilvan bai.as yet, filed no bond,

and 'be on 11 nan tea specify ths' this VISA

m ct ssary document must he rli-d 10 da>s after tbe slMrttOB, Mr O'Bullivan wa-

eecied Jan. 4. His .Li.nd irtoald h«f8 been filed Jan. 14. As jet, linwevi r tuV'

city "all hu- qoi BSM I it. I his SK:*I HI of

the ordinances, Obap'ur- XLII1, la -T-rj itlear on Uw maitersnylnu ■

Sr-t MON- I, Kve.v boad reqnlrerl of city ultkers sha'l be In form, talufsetor* to ths city -nlit-itor and subject to ibe ap pnnai of the mayor sud aidermeti, ami' -ui'h bind nbnll be ■ xecuied, approved ttnl i'. Han ml l>ffiiie »nj sncli ulli- .n .-n,.: ■ nter ..| on ih« rttirir- of his nOcs ami witliln tin dais after bis election. ShouTil any -ut-h iffli-i-r fall to give such 'mml wi'hln th.- n'mo lit-n-ln required, Ibo eleo iloa ahal he soli, and a new. electlofi be held fi-rtli«i- .i

A in-w e scion for city trea"urer must

i* held, or Treasurer Poor will be Jam

PBAiU TfPKWR iTrlB! Inr'liualnen.. and nrlvaie enrrearnii,i,.,,r-.-. >tm pie, Huratie, ai-.-atae. Nt%, utS|mi-t- c*l iraeaine. i'.«>> n.ii «.-i onLni or-t.r. No priii-iii-.-(.ijiili-.it i..i<pi>i'ii,- It Pric #S 0.

A rt-p .i. Um- airs, i waiii.d In . vn-v io»r., lo

II -1 i MlPRl ih- in * nioin-y.

-l>t.|Ms|, Estj ,

otise by lllneas.

CONSUMPTION.' i baio a pirfitits ri.ias.ty lir tha rti mttliinmi: bj its

tu*t:i<iiMand«i>f o« i.t t!>* wirst k::<t and ..I i..nt srtsf.jB niTSlwisiniasl "laissMiaiitilwa is ISI ntlam

a 'ALJARLK' Til!-: ATlRlioDttiia ailc'asa tit aiiVst* Sane wao will tan J uia ihfirl:a:'.raMaut p.ti. laVtrsa, T. A M *•■.)! t. HU P<mi i*. ^ a

D?UNKEN^ •^ ILIQUOR HABIT. wAH me WOMB mcfte/savTOf/tcuift


II vr' I'I ■ WHS ..trh fM

-' ■ ■ ■ ; ■

M V «i:nv| y A i I-. I i nn Ms l.hwiuc


f Sherry Wins Bi'.^rs] A CENTURY IN USE. I Nrtrve Tonic Kttown.'j 1 Ojiptptla, Reiulstsi Stomach,

Lher and Qownls.


it ..-. u« issofu ■ ■ I ,:


■ ■ T

rottiiL AltmiinllsTHiKi-ib

Itut ili«- ( lioo-ii-n of Hla Asaist- nut C'ttUHes DIHCIISMIOD.

Tbe committee' on t-otllneerlnif held A

niiriiiiL' Saliitday i v.-niiiL' durlnb; wblcb

several pointed remarks were made. Al-

derman Martin presltk-d. Tue report of

City Engineer Marble was read1 and ac

Cepied. 1 Upon the motion of Councilman

Brooks,*. D. Marble was re-elected for

the current sear by a unanimous vote It was then moved that a ballot be

taken for Mr. Marble's assistant. Tbis met with tbe objecUoii_£f Councilman

Warren Who warned to know why the ffreseal incumbent, Cheater Hudson, was

not elected In a similar manner to the electldb of tbe head of tbat department

Councilman Brooks the maker of tbe

motion then told the member from ward five that it was not done because

b« didn't think that Mr. Hudson would

be elected.

i IUIC limau Warren wanted to know If

he had not been a good man for the posi-

tion siatlojr. that be had always been

of ibe oplnloD that he bad. Tbl s question in i n- tu. forth some pretty

nlisrp remarks from Councilman.Btooke. Hi.-,In Mib-iai.ee,said that both parties had

viidiavurtd lo keep poiltica remote from tiiia ii. [uu in. HL dnni .; ih.- las' fifteen or

aiiiet-n years. Mr. Hsrble had been

elected durinft every democratic admin-

station, since be bid held tne posl'Ion, be

i-susfc be was suited to the position and

bad cot meddled with politics. Mr. Hud

sou bas, however, IM-II In polillca /or the

pa-t two years, having run for city cleik

aod atreet commissioner. The council-

man fui tin-r aald that he considered Mr. Hudson in offensive partlzau ana be (the cuancllm ■") would n"ver role for him.

Tbe speaker alao stated tu "goring a re-

cess of i \.u recent convention of tbe city

irovernmen thu man lu question csmu to blm and. offered to give .-. certcln party

the position of second hand of the street ile art merit, If he (Brooks) would

vo'e for blm and he was elected. He alast

-aid tbat tbe office seeker made tbe re- mark tbat he had no regard ' T tbe re-

publican party and would fill all the jobs

.th democrats. It Waa the opinion of the councilman from ward two tbat Mr

Hudsoi should have been at work In the

.-■■nine, rliia department lnsir.au of trying

'u secure blsvote. ."Counoiiman Warren didn't blame tbe

man for be'ox ambitious and wanti»g to

go higher and be said that be was not Sdra tht'. the assistant eniitneer had neg-

lected bis daTta to "attend to tae matter.

AUIerman Martin tbeu had his little

Contraiv to his predecessor be

thought tbat Mr. Hudson was neglecting

ill in duties In trylni: to rnn hs

own campaign. He too didn't blame a

iv ui for being ambitious bnt be did not

Lhink that a man should neglect bla busi-

ness tu further such a desire. Re rtated .list be was elected to look a(t;r the lu-

. 1.--.1- of the people and be Intended to

do It as carefully as he would do If be

v i- .looking after bis own. H't belli ved

bat there should be a change in ibis

altatr. At the request of Conncllman Warren

tu ailj 'urumeut wat made until Tuesday ■ veiling.

—Tbe public scbool pupils and teacb- ■•rs nre an] itlffri s we. k'- vars'lon.

Titles and Plain "llii'sr." Not manj- years ago the title of doctor

was consiilereJ justly ua an honor and an evidence of .bound education and training.

.--Tha eilrtmrdirmry fondjigss Jn__tliia country fur titles of all kiiuls, especially those ot.doctor, profes- r and colone! or Bomo military eqnival-iit, hns taken away, nil the prestige from the name. Tim ilrtigtri.it at the corner is a "doctor," tlio ehiropodist is a "profeapor," and the advertising column*of some newspapers nre emblszotied with picttires of these long haired "doctors" and ''professors."

To a man wbo has been n gVoom the bentowal of "doctor meilidnjB," no doubt, still confers an honor; bnt, on tba whili., the title ha* become rather a trade mark and a convenient means of unobtrusive advertisement rather than a badger of distinction or evidence* of scholarly attainment.

Tlur ■ i-ii-mi to IM? a growing feeling that, nfter all, tbe title of "miBter" i* as noble a one as a gentleman needs or can desire.

This is lh<* title that is almost now a distinction among medical men, who ftt-1 their own strength and rest on theii consciousness of being masters of their art—Ihe good old title of "mister," which some of' the ) >- -1 me'n In the profession find ample for nil social and professional purposes. It Li certainly infinitely more honorable than any unarmletnic or tin- warranted use of the. title of "doctor." And I see muny indications that thii view is shared by the professional and by many who think they have a right by eonmay to something more.—New York H«raJd. „ .

It farm* Oft*, far Onee. , "How nowl What ho! dear sir," said

an old r.iiiii'l.-r.Btopriinginoatthe Waah- iiifrton-titutue in front of Imlef-i tulenco hall, "will you allow tne, h< >i tth tha shadow of this historic buildmy, tOBpoaj a few words to you?"

"Well, go abend," I said. "For"about the fiftieth iime*l read ths

Declaration of Independence today," he P*wUi|iH4>q,_--.Huiil. I [mnilorpjl long. Slid

dei-ply over it. I lielifve tbe whole gist of it is that all men nro free nnd equal. Am 1 not ri-hl?"

"Certainly. But what have 1 to do with tl'iit?" I asked.

" Everything, my dear sir; everything," he replied. "Yon are a good American, I know, and that fa the reas<"i why I ^wi-h.-d to say to you that men are not free and equal in all cases."

"In what i-ases are they not?" "Well, take for instance our own case."

lie said with all seriousness. "True, we are. both free, bnt we'are noteqnal. You have enough money about yon to buy a bracir. I have not. Therefore we are not equal. Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly. Here yon nre. Will tan place n'npon nn eqnal footing?"

"t'tnluiibteilly. Would that all Amer- icans Ihnti7l)t as much of our fnndn- incutnl prindplea."

Ami lie shot up the street rejoicing in the fact that for once heVas free and. equal'.—Philadelphia Press.

Tim i,i,.n Wiimi'a Light.

ShaEnglish flowwonti ia the wing, lew tanala of a winged bei-tle. Sola* BOppMA limi, the ligln -he bears..is be- ■towed ror l.- r protectJou to iK-aro awaj the ti: -1: i :a)e niitl otht r iiooturnni birds.. Olli--rs, lnw. v.-r, baliave that tbl gift of btuhtaaaa is (he very lure by wlmh ii-r t'.-.-s araawaltted Do tliscover and il.-viiur.:i-1. Miici, gpaonlatlcin hat been imlii! p 1 |D aj ho ih- natura of 'th'r glow worm's light, which isrfbt put out by w,rti-r n-r Nt-t-min-lv t-djui^le of giv- rug forth aay.heat. It bus iiet-n asserted •<- '■>'■ thllfiisiiig snbBtaiice con- 'l pborna, but .this has never-

-- C .inly it is ineapabbT UU i< .iting IfolttoQ to anything.

- B ii ngton Star.

HOME FURNITURE CO. Complete House Furnishers. LARGEST STOCK, f




COME IN AND LOOK AtoirGooiJo. No tronUlB to sbow onr wares.

Ash Chamb"r ots Antique Ash Sets Oak Chamber Sets Walnut Chnmbir Sets Hair Olotb Parlor Suits Plush Parlor Suits Orutberi Plush Suits Rug Parlor Suits Ingrain Carpets Ex i ra S pe r Carpots XX Extra Super Carpets Tapestry Carpets Tapestry Brussels Body B i us a els Velvet Carpets Ranges Bed Springs Mattresses i Mantel Beds Cabinet Beds Bed Lounges I.oung s Sidtb ards Oil Cloths Straw Matting Parlor Tables Plaiform Rockers

$15 to 75 It to 100 80 to 200 35 to 250 25 to 160 ao to 200 25 to 200 46 to 2? 0

|26c to 70o 50c to 85o 75c to 100

•60o to 100 76c to 1.25 85c to 176

90o to 2 00 $10 to 75.

I 185-to 10 1,76 to 30

10 to 60 20 to no

6 60 to 40 5.00 to 25 15 10 1 60 16c to 75c 13c to 76c

$2 to 25 $3 10 50

tour old slove taken as first payment tor a New Range.

Cash or Iristalwients. Free Delivery.1

166 to Iff Washington St. COR. DOCK 8QUABR,


A ffoklBftJ Ti.mt.at„M. A "tfalttng I'.iiili.-tiiiii-" tlrnws man*

Tiajtointp tin f-iiictiTy ol tin- LsMdm I'r.'ii t rawtimt borJMUn tin- i.- minlary l)nl betwoen EMnwavro smi tOnitji. vitniii. Two Penitiries ngo thf reginri WM Httlad l,v t^iiiikt-rr, from London, ■ad t!ie nrft-titiK boAH is titiaint nnd vt -,-.. fable, A-.i nii.-«tiint inking comes fr.no in- BTVn tM.totnbkttamt anil1

- UI listen to tin- pyuna witu »«», pfscUosJ paoph siiy

tr*ni(« DMM IS ottitaa by n stilit«'rran.-,tu rimlrt, wlik-h drains drop bydirjp, against thu buse of tha tomb- Bton.-.-Yuukuo Blade.

Water Bugs and Roaches. . !§? EXTtTRMINATOR -~

/£/ frltr niir. Satl^Hrtl. ti jruaitirit-iU nr mnii.T rrlui.itid Tf your dnwats jfiy/ ausa DOl kst |. II we will mail you S i>*c*aa* on raeslpt of pries. _^f

BARNARD * OO. 7 *BUPLE PLACE,Cor, of Tramont St, BOBrOM, MAM. ajjatw Tlf aj|

iase§anbom5 Seal Brand t

G)ffee0 I Jan and nocbtl — justly called " The Aristocratic Coffee of America." This is tlic Coffee served in the Japaneae Garden at the Pure Food Exhibition. Always packed whole roasted (unground) in 3 lb. air-1:^h: cans. You can get free u beautiful photographs of Eastern Life. Address,

CHASE & SANBORN, Boston, Man. —— I We soil only to the trmdm.

LOVELY WOMAN! A Good Complexion


SofoV r™,l*i«» FrcrUlra. rimplr.. It I ni-lit, rat) a, r U«t|.lr Mklii, ..loth. Wrlitklra, Wd NOMS » "I iKilal itn.flaiirpni.-nt-. -hn. t,f u.ini l>tt. . CUMl'LEXIUN WAH;llS, y„u iinpof

Beautiful Form, Brilliant Eyes, AMD A—

LOVELY COMPLEXION! Juau%asgatfiiBWj«a»j.' i»<. I( p.n.|pr.Ui«1iiAiTriri-j.»lill ro.Tf 1tr.i.-Tlrt:L ant th- II1..-.M 0* KtAl.TH and LutlLmiuju, tba radadjtl

n|il» iita

■rwii'sffiu IvTM.ililmakin.laafi'nfltMiBiir'taiiiid. N» Irf-BtJ." -r Ararak! I ,c*\ Bf iu na.. Moth, F»rki«,Yi, jf«l..«a, TIMMMI -"tinHaaad EmpHima,,! Bran Natiu* feti. n.»ilo r turn BaanUfrfa •lUuwt Injnr., r _- oiUuwl tnjnr., .

HkSeHaa and ttrJntm* /r,™ tl - Ladwa, il

-WTUI 't lam B*«i.lili-.


" A woman bqst under-

stands a woman's ills."

"The normal life, well-

beingf, and happiness of

mankind depend upon

the physical health and

perfection of.Vornan.'*


Tou apeak of using my recent letter u a teatimonial — yon nro perfectly welcome to do so—would that I could influence all suffering women.to give your compound a fair trial. I must

aay to you that It is an invaluable madicino, and, if "used accord- ing to direetioni, will prove a certain cure for the diieaiea it Is recommended for. It haa been very, very beneficial to myaelf and daughter. Sincerely Yours,

HR£. B. BLAIB, cor. Church and Park St*.,

" Koanoke City, Va.

LYDIA E. PINK HAM'S VEGETABLE 'nlrPa.llU.Csrs«ad'l*HH»«u RO-MIJ COMPOUND CSjnUar weiiknp*a*» an.I allin nla i r wi.mrn. iir-A.„ ™ lor ths lien

All IlrnggUla LoEi'ii^.-a, 011 rucsi

^An lllustratsd book,antitM "Gulda to Hsalth and tttqselta," by Lydi* E. Pinkh»m, It j valss to IsJIai. W«aHllSfswrtaeiiWtpaay(maaddfaMlnstllwithl»di^»itil

B^Rf^^w^'-X1 5pP3g#»:^^ i



SUBSCimiOs, » Mmci, (6.00 fit JW

THE AMERICAN ELECTRIC PRINTING OFFICR It the largest*\r»d moat t>.o roughly f urnis

E»ltb.*n M«jJMeh*is8tli. Nine power prcue*

Conilant •OtZf.ion* J "**• newest type; ttrt

best cuality af wnk, r« law P'*s*. Orete -

by ma>l promptly ai'.enrttid td ^



A Remarkable Case! Rir.6. W. H. Clarke, Chaplain of the


Tin: lOLLOWTNQ TESTIMONIAL FROM A OKNTi.KSIAN HO WIlil.I \ KNOWW, AND BKMiVll. BY ALL, AND WHO HOLDS THE POSITION OP Chaplnln In the VI. Hx-IIHll'. SllOt'I.h HE KhOAltllED AS THE ■OtT positive proof OP THE WOH* •Ji'rful itit-<ll<itiHl power OP DA- NA'S SAKSAI'ARILLA. AMD Wl WOl'I.D III.Hi: STATE THAT HIS father AM) brother both died OP Kid- ney UlHeaae.

ST. A LBANB, Aug. 8,1801.

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, (i. II. W. Clarke, of St. Albaua,

Vt., a Preacher of the (itispel In the M. E. Church. Memlier of the N, H. Conference 84 vciirs, tiuil of the N. K. Conference HI Scars, have been afflicted with the

IDNEI t 0>H'UINT FOR 15 TEARS. and fur the In u 4 y. a r- so hai 11v a* to not permit me to take a regular Charge, hut, rending of the wonderful mm of Kidney Trimble by DANA'S SAHWAPAR1LLA, I wits induced lo procure It fur myself. I have taken six bottles with very oat la- factory reatults, ami I feel ouito aunt

I that peiaevetBUiea <ii taking it wjll bring a permanent cure. In fact, I am ao much Itnprort -1 t lint I expert to take ■nollirr Chare*.

1 will id so state that one year ago hut Spring I was attacked with

VALVULAR AFFECTION OF THE HEART caused bv overwork, ami my breath be- came m short that It was very dlfncult foT m>' to widk, even with a cane". The Phy- sicians '.iid I must be very careful about walking or exerting myself. DANA'S

the i liiir-'li lie all tbo glory. I am TV yean of age, find have been in the Master's scrv- Ice muro than half a century.

Urute fully yours, G. W. H. CLARKE.

No. 23 High Street.

l.tTER.—Under date of Oct. 1st, Mr. Clarke writes that he ban taken a Chance at Fairfax. Vt.. and attends three meeting* on Sabbath, two meetings during the week, visiting hii Srishlnncrs en foot, walking nrni*

v* 8 or lO mil.-. Tin-, is wonderful (or a man 79 years old, that has been a vie- tim of diseiu-e for years. He closes hv »ay-

I'pralfcQotrf sings "

BETWEEN |the democratic fledgling

orators and the smart Alecks of the re-

publicans, mutters ;ir > likely to be in a

precious muddle in the common coun-

cil before the year is out: *T

THE PROPOSITION for the prolonga-

tion of fienolugton street, necessitating

a new bridge over the Spicket, near the

church of the Immaculate Conception,

has much to aecure commendation; it

would afford far more direct communi-

cation with a territory already well

built up, and be in many ways of public


WHEN a republican, ambitious to be

prominent as a leader, finds persistent

commendation from democratic sources,

and fulsome eulogy from democratic or-

gans, other republicans will have forced

upon thorn the inquiry why this swtet

solicitude from the other side of (he

political house. And they will guess

pretty accurately the reason.

TO-DAY'S endowment order to get

into the toils of the law is the order of

Knights and Ladies of Protection, for

which a receiver U asked, on account

of illegal use of the funds; this is a ten

year organization; it is a dull day now,

when the records of tho jourt are not

illumined with proceeding against one

or more of the endowment concerns.

iiig •' It U in my heart to *pralic ( whom all blessings flow.'"

Din Sirsiparilla Co., Belfast, Ha,


TOMPKINS & MANN, Paints, Oils, Dye Stalls,



Aloonol, Alum. Am ■ ■ ■ . Arni.-n, Attiiu'r.i.

lie. VI trull. Jo rax, Brimstone, Bretiie, Broomi, all alec*, Unities, all kind*,

Cari'jlli-AotJa OarriaRO Top t: (iMtlle 1.-..II, Cast T 0 1. Cht'.ik, wulm as. i i Chamois Skins, Chi»ri<i<; t>r LUB«, Colors .dry ami In Qopl-er Klveta, Coimcraa, Ootka, Ur uin Tartar. Downer'a KurDK«m Oyc^Doil, fatarj Paper, Kierv Oloth.

a me 11 oil Cloth, ■pa no Salts, featberUuatorB, rutilture I'OIIMI , fialy. Iron Palls, einss.allaltoa, bl ■> Bali, Blue, nil gra-lflh, III ii'i', Sol I LMI, OoMPalnUn-litiin

m A■•il.le.

Kalaoralno, i ..if.I OH, M.u'rc I Oil, L.:.|iil-I tilue, Lutiilila i'iir|ile. Mlitxl l'.ihun,allaha'ia§ N*pUia, .Seats' Foot Oil, Oalum, SSMUU, Otalla Actd, t'Hi'ka tee Ores, I'itlln. I'.i ■ an<i Wood Paria Green, Paris While, Paradne Oil, Paraflne Wax,

,- I'hwnU l.e»il, , Plaater Parti,

I'ouah, I'liuiko Jn.iie, .'nlty, I'nil Pomade, Hal I ron 11 Unlora, lUx:k -ill fur norata, lto.it Palat Oil, Kosin. KublierTubliur, ituii.ee vvinun Sprtnaa

■iii(em Lean,

Snlrlls NUre, •*|ilrlis Tiiriienili.1 simtiKca,


Lawrence American LAWBEKCE. MASS-

rllioll, 'uliacolt

tJiihi iTBfMai StarasH <>»l»' lel'eoore,

Iaitliro. IaaontPowIci

III Quantities to Suit

isUolor, W. * M.,1 .. llMppI,

Varnish, WiuirriRan Aoap. >Vllllsin's naraiai-' Whltlna, WooilSlnlna, W halo Oil 8


Lowest Market Prires.

191 Essex St. T*A.^W Et El NO 3ELI.

^S YOUMQ WO**" »T FlfTY," Or, as the world expresses It, "a well-pre- served woman." Ono who, understanding the rules of health, has followed them, and preserved her youthful appearance. Mrs. Plnkhatn has numy em respondents who, through her advice and 'are, can look with satisfaction In their mirrors.

LYDIA E.PINKHAM'S-Voe*,,,b" Compound II female coraplatnts, mliiv. and Invigorates

lii;ent womei

loss to the root ol renews the waning the entire sjntem. iuu ■ilddlo ngo know well iis

All Druggistasell it as etc, or sent by mail, in form of Pill* or Lounges, on roreliit of 81.00.

Mrs. I'iiikhiim freely answers letters ol Ingoiry Enclose stamp for'reply.

(■•a* two t cent stamp* lorMri. Plnkham'sX HautHul U-paaa lllmlralsd book, entitled % "GUIDE 10 HEAL IH *Nn EllOtJETTE." I llcnntainaavolumeol«il<iab1iInformation. #

Ithatiavrt lltei.and mar save your* r

Lrdla ■• Plnkham Med. Co., Linn. Mass.

NOT one of the nearly a score of failed

endowment orders, but is tainted with

rascality and fraud; "ah." says one of

the existing supremes, "these were

short term orders." Well, if the certi-

ficate holders in the "long-termers"

t'.ink that all of the rascals happened

to get to be officers of the short terms,

and that only saints are in control of

the others, let them1 go on thinking so

until) the crash undeceives them..

ONE cannot but admire the masterly,

albeit autocratic manner in which may-

Hathews sways the board of nhler-

iiu'B of Boston and carries his poiatt in

relation to any matter of public impor-

tance; the mayor is determined to be in

absolute control of municipal affairs,

and thus far he has succeeded. Indeed,

it is a question of what possible use is

he aldermen and councilmen at the

present time; the mayor is the city gov-

ernment to all intents and purposes.

UEOitoiA liKMm i; \TS are evidently

a state of panic; ihn state committee

has beenifcurriedly called to meet at an

early date, the chairman issuing an ex-

planatory circular in which he states

that there is need for prompt action to

head off the people's party, which is

likely to combine with the aHiance and

the old greenback element, and he fran-

tically appeals to the farmers not to so

act as to take state out of the hands of

the "better element." The chairman

of the committee at all events is thor-

oughly scared^

DEMOCRATS continue to claim that

the reciprocity treaties under the Mc-

Kinley hill aro worthy,obly of sneers,

but here is a single fact in relation to

one of these agreements which is not Is

be put out of sight by words. Last

month there wasTKported into Cuba as

shown by the official records at Havana,

(12,371 sacks of flour from the United

States, and none from Spain. During

the same mouth one. year atro, before

the reciprocity treaty, the imports were

from the United States 2720 sacks and

from Spain 38,490.

No BETTER illustration of the fallacy

of the assessment endowment scheme

could be had than is drawn from the

Royal Ark and the Progressive Benefit;

the format was the first of the one year

orders to commence business and the

first to go to tho wall; curliest m the

Hold it had the advantage of the start

ofalliu competitors; it waxed great,

and stroug, paid off a fraction of its

members at a big profit, and then went

to smash, leaving thousands of mem-

bers, som> of whom had paid in 9138,

who will be fortunate if they receive

back two cents nn the dollar. The Pro-

gressive Benefit had secured a member-

ship of $40,000, the largest in the' list

it had planted lodges all over the wesl

and was rapidly growing when its pay-

iiijt period came; surely this concern

could live if any; but ,in less than ten

weeks from the first payment trouble

came, and it has gone to wreck with

only $50,000 with which to pay .10,000

members. It does not require much

windnm to read 'ho lesson.

Voi'No MR. Dow ought to have been

called into consultation by ex-speakcr

Reet!, on the question of the rules of

the national house; he could have

evolved some parliamentary law which

would have astonished the man from

Maine. The common council of our

city, of.which Mr. Dow is a member,

and in which ho aspires to be the re-

publican leader, has a rule that motions

mid resolutions may he reconnldexfid .at

the meeting at which passed or the one

next succeeding. The other evening,

a resolution waa passed in concurrence

*rith the aldermen; no motion or notice

of a motion to reconsider was made

during the session, and there is no rule

requiring any papers to be held for re-

consideration. After two or three days

Mr. Dow woke up, or some bright fel-

low called'his attention to the scope of

the order which had gone through

whereupon he rushed impetuously to

the clerk of the council and served on

that officer notice,—which might

well have been given to the major of

the common,—that he proposed to offer

at the next session of the council n mo-

tion for reconsideration, and demand-

ing that the clerk therefore refuse to

give thi paper to the committee in-

structed hv it1 And this Is a specimen

of the parliamentary wisdom of the self

appointed "leader" of tho republhans

such leadership, heads directly for i


Weekly News Brevities.


New light on Maverick Bank case. Justice Nelson Issues instructions to the jurors who are to sit an the case.

John W. Sanborn appointed to the temporary management of the Boston and Maine system.

Harbor and Land Commissioners report against a bridge to East Boston.

Remarkable request made of Judge Nelson by counsel for the whisky trust.

A 8500 hotel robbery in East Wey. mouth.

Bartholomew Korwin and wife die of alcoholism in their wretched home— an old freight ear— in Concord, N. H.

Financial scandal in Paris.

Unheard-of slaughter of rebels in


Forty persons reported drowned at


The Florida's crew rescued by the Britannic.

Unitarians not wanted at [Spurgeon's funeral.

Two men "killed and five seriously injured by a fall At staging.

K itsOH'M bust of John Boyle O'Reiiy unveiled at Washington!

Failure of two banks ,in New Mex- o.

Reported suspension of Colgate Bakerot Co. of Yokohama.

Litigation at Washington which strikes at the rootfof the stiver question.

Russian relief moveasant organized in New York.

The Waterbury boy's abductors cap- tured.

(tov. Flower commutes the death sentence of a New York murderer to imprisonment for life.

Three burglars captured by the Har- risburg (Pa.) police after exciting cir- cumstances.

Jones Bros, of Memphis, cotton fac- tors, said to have swindled foreign and American houses out of 9360,000.

Saturday- Serious fire in Oorbam, Me.

A Chicago man falls heir to $660,000.

Two vessels driven ashore; no lives lost.

Talk of re-arrnging the congressional districts.

Da nviirs boy fatally injured in a coast- ing accident.

David B. llill growing in^disfavor at Washington.

No tidings yet of Lewis A. Dot-man, Lynn's missing boy.

David A. Wells advises the tentative plan of tariff changes.

Roger Q. Mills declares war on piece- meal tariff legislation.

Eighty-second institute of the Essex Agricultural Society. ■■

Harvard astronomers take many ob- servations of a new star.

The meeting of the Behring Bea Commissioners next week. h

Steamer City of Savannah sinks a schooner: three sailors drowned. ■MM McCarthy re-elected leader of the anti-

Parnelltte faction of the Irish party.

Sentences imposed at Valparaiso upon the assailants of the Baltimore's crew.

American capitalists to develop ex- tensive coal and Bessemer inerests in East Tennessee.

The Thomson-Houston and the Edi- son General Electric Companies be- lieved to have consolidated.

Col. Daniel Hall and Isaac Dyer chosen O. A. R. commanders in New Hampshire and Maine respectively.

Edwin L. Pillsbury appointed in Dr. Vewell'B place as director of public in- stitutions, and six of the Deer Island officials discharged.

Compulsory idleness among the iriBoners at the Hottse of Correction at Host Cambridge breeding discontent among the prisoners.


A $70,000 fire at Springfield.

Election riots In Guatemala and Argentine.

Death of Bear Admiral Andrew Bryson at Washington.

Rav. 'Dr. IIerford welcomed by the Unitarians of London.

ColllsionatJLarabe on the Chicago and Alton; three killed.

Comment caused br the expulsion of -VJ foreigners from Warsaw.

A warrant out for the arrest of the Durand Organ and Piano Company.

Two big blocks burned in Manches- ter, N. if; losses aggregating $125,000.

Ex-Goverdor Hill greatly disturbed over tho opposition to him ia New York City.

Rumors of the financial trouble In in Boston unsettle the London Stock Exchange,

Kecretary Blalne wrltos a le'tar de- clining to be considered a presidential candidate.

Report ef the commission which was sent abroad to investigate the immigra- tiou question.

ElwardC. O'Brien of New York to be made Commissioner of Naviga- tion to-day.

. jptain William Whitehead of the Charlestown Navy Yard appointed Commander of the cruiser Baltimore.

Hotelj Royal, at Sixth avenue and Fortieth street, New York, completely drat roved by Are early Similar morn- ing. Man,, persons were burned,

iffocated and crushed in tho rulne. The police believe the loss of lives will not exceed thirty. Five bodies have been recovered.

—If ihe older people who are Interest-

ed In the hospital,- would only stimulate i .me of the hoys and girls to enter Into ,'>e completion, much might be secured ntncrfEsa tho children's) food for 'he



John Chantry Charsred with


Friday night Inspector Libber and Ser- geant Sulllran went to Andover and ar-

rested John Chant.y apoo a complaint

charging him with polygasty. Upon Jan-

nary 18 of this year Chantry married a dressmaker residing In Andover by the

name of Marlon Hunter. The ceremony

waa performed by Rev. A. H. Amor*, at

the Grace church In this city. After

living together for a few days in Ando- ver, Chantry went.to Providence, R. I.,

where he remained until Friday night when he returned to Andover. During

thai days which elapsed daring Chantry's

stay In Providaace the fact became known

to Mrs. Chantry that her husband waa

not a single man at the time of their mar- riage aa he had a wife, who was confined

In some Institution. In England. This

surprising news came from a daughter of

Chantry's named Mrs. Annie Saxon, who

who resides at 850 Water street of this clly. The marriage had bean celebrated

In quite an extensive manner and It was

through this celebration that Mrs. Saxon

learned of her father's recent marriage.

Accordingly she went to Mrs, Chantry

and Informed her of Chantry's crime.

Mrs. Chantry placed tke matter in the hands of the police of this city. Inspec-

tor Libhey cabled to the soperlntendeni of the workhouse at Oldhass, England,

am Inquired If Chantry's wife was still

living and received a reply that she was.

As Chantry was In Providence it waa feared that some trouble would result) In

getting him back to this city but for some reason he suddenly appeared at the

home of Mrs. Chantry.seconJ, )n Ando- ver Friday uighi. The police were noti-

fied and late Friday night the two oMcers named went to Andover and took the

poly gam ist Into their custody.

He was bronght to this city and ar-

raigned In court Saturday charged with polygamy. Bis daugater, Mrs. Saxon,

testified that she was born In England

sod came here about two years ago. Bar

rath r cams to this country nine years ago last August. She had one alsier In

England, one In this country. The de-

fendant brought the latter here with him when bs came, she being a mere baby

then. The witness sald.that she had lived

with bar mother op ,to her .tenth year.

tier mother had been subject to fits snd was taken to Lancaster Insane aaylnm

The last time'that the witness saw her

mother was about four years sgo. With- a few months the*.latter had been re-

moved from the Lancaster asylum to the workhome ,at Oidham. As regards

her mother being dead, Mrs. Baxon said

that she w i ■ u«>i dead December 30th of last year, which was the'last time that

she nad received a letter from England.

The witness further said the* her father sailed to thU country with a servan1. and

they had lived together here. This

woman died eometime daring the sum- mer past. Four children had been bora to them during the years that tbey had

lived togetbar. Three of these children

had been taken to thi Wanderers Home

In Boston and the remaining ene.Chantry

had taken. When Chantry was'asktd if he wished

to question als daughter, he produced a

letter which he claimed bad been written by her. Among other things, was the

statement at the top of .the letter, "My

mother is dead." Mrs. Sax in said that

she had written the letter with the ex-

ception of this .sentence. Mrs. Chantry took tke stand and said

that she .had bean married to Chantry Jai

16. He had told her that his other wife

waa dead. Inspector Llbbey said that be bad

talked wltb C-iantry, who had stated that he bad been legally married ln> England

He had also showed the Inspector tbe

letter, which he hsd produced in court. The defendant when q-eetloaed by the

court, admitted that he had not been mar-

ried to the woman who .had sailed from England with him. The ciurt held that

there was probable cause to find Chantry

gulltv and bound hiss over te the Hay

term of the Superior court In tbe snm of

$800. Cbantry in the marriage certificate gave

his occupation as a sewing mschlne

agent. It Is stst*d that he was worth

considerable money at one time but lost IL In regard to the woman with whom be came to America, marly readers of this

paper will no donbt remember that when

she died several months ago, Mrs. Saxon sent a communication te the AMEKICAK

stating that the deceased woman was nut

Mrs. Chantry.

For tbe Children'! Fund.

lie cried for Caatorla,

she cinnr; io Caatorla, When tbe bacam-i At:

When ens had i h,;. If en, -ili 'gave them

Mll.ES' NBEVaa'LTVEE PILLS Aeionanew principle— rearulatlof tbe llvai

atemaclt anrt bowela through the serves. A new dlaoovery. Or. Miles' llln. apeedtly cure bllloni iH'Ha, bad laatc, tornlil llrur. piles,, coostlp Ulon " 'unsled lor men.



Another Chance roa IRE

Bright B*]i and Girls.

There was a mlsinderstending as to the

time and terms <n the offer recently mads

by two of our merchants, and the Child-

ren's Hospital Fond did not reach tbe

proportions that It ongbt.

Now, ws most have a large earn In this

fund; the AMBMC-AM will offer, on its own

account, prevent* to tbe lad or miss who

contrlbitea moat largely to the success

of the fund, which was started by a sug-

gestion and contribution from Hiss Ella


FOR THE filBLS, We will present to the girl under six-

teen years of age, who, between this tint

snd the May Breakfast, brings In the

largest contribution to the fund, a

HANDSOME CLOAK. from tbe well known establishment ef

Oswald * 6o.

IDS THE B0T8 To the boy of sixteen or lass, who dar-

ing tbe same period, procures the largest sum for this purpose, we will present a

riNK Sl'BHU SUIT. from the popular clothing house ef W. B.

Oils A Co.

All contributions of ten ceita and

upwards will be printed with the names

of the donors, In the Dally AKEBIOAM.

Contributions ased^ not be sent In all at

one tins; as fast as received,tbey will be

published, and later additional earns will

be credited to the contributor.!

COXDITIOIS. Tjhs following conditions^asuj be com-

plied with i

The contestants for these pritss moat

enter their names at the AMEIUCAN office

snd all contributions are to be bronght

here; the lists will o/ose'at 10 o'clock on

the night before the May Breakfast

Here is an opportunity for all of the

boys snd girls to aid a most deserving In-

stitution, and also secure for some one

of them a handsome suit or an elegant


Who will be the first to enter tuelr

names at tbe Aara*fOAW office as contest-

ants, an early start, will afford a decided


Unless tbe names of those who propose

to contest are entered at this office, they

will not be considered in tbe competition,

bat all contributors names will be pub-


-The Coirmodore Club, which has a

goodly membership In Lawrence, enjoyed

Its annual dinner la Boston on Saturday


adopted this plan: Thai he win charge lea for advice, ooosaluvUoa or treataaert antllthepaUentpranounooshluaelr well. Ihe enlveharae being mads la for medlclace used


Elsewhsre tbe AMERICAN renews Its offer

of presents to the boys and girls, ss In-

ducements to a bit of effort In behalf of the Children's Fund for tlis Hospital;

It would be a [deserving idea for groups

of boys or girls or both, who arc not per- sonally In need of the presents offered,

to club together, raise a nice sum for

the hospital, and then make glad some

less fortunate little one, by a]glft of ths

cloak or suit. •

The Maine's Manager.

children. .Smallest mll.leii, Hurnsi I Ifl dunes, 39 oeats. Samples »'re et,IJbarIes Clarke and Boa's, Ilrugglat,

dly augl . , - , «


\ rKrxvmat!. after vsara of suffering froe I'...i I.Mihs. me .llaenne Catarrh, and vainly try nurtwery knonro remedy, atlaat found a pre srrtpaea which oomrhMely eur»t him --J

him rniiii iluaii.. Any au ' Mil llae'inu a*-tiding a in.* envelope to I'rof. 3< A. La*ranee, SB Warrea Street, New Tirk, will reeelvs the recipe lies jfsilMT

Tbe fact that la the appointment of

Col. J. W. Sanborn as acting general manager of the Boston snd Maine system,

no steps hsvs beeis taken to relieve him of bis duties as superintendent of

the Northern Division of the road, is ac-

eepted as an Indication that his new posi- tion Is only temporary, pending tbe more

careful survey of the field by the direc-

tors. Gossip is still busy with ths nams of

Mr.'Paysoa Tncksr of the Maine Central

road ss ths probable "coming man,"

private Information from Portland says

there are "the best of reasons" for believ- ing the appointment will be made. On

tbe other hand, there Is equally reliable

information that np to the present time

none of the directors have broached the

matter of such an appointment to Mr.

Tocher. » ■ > ^

•Who in the World Is This?

Tbe Boston Globs of Sunday says;

A New Fork paper speaks thns flippant- ly of one of oar Bay State fellow cltlseua.

"Only one baron came to town yester- day, and he halls from a country which doesn't produce many of tbam. I* was Baron da Wardner of Lawrence. Haas. He Is at the Tilth Avenue Hotel.''


of Providence. K. L

Undoubtedly many diseases may be

prevented if the blood la kept pure and

tbe general health-tone sustained by

tbe use of Hood's SajsapariUa. When

(bis is done, the. germs of

La Grippe, Diphtheria Fneumonla, Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, Malaria, etc., cannot lodge in the- system. After all such prostrating disease* Hood's BanaparUsa has been found ol Inestimable value In restoring dailred health and Vigor, and purifying the tainted blood.

For example, read the following from Miss MatUe A. Oobb of providence, B. I., and her mother. Mlsa Cobb is a young lady of 16, a

' Picture of Health and la In the front rank In her studies In the High school. Her father la a wall-known police officer;

" Messrs. C. Mlood * Co. I " I wrlie to tell bow much good Hood's Ssx-

aaparilla has done fur me. Some time ago) had diphtheria and waa sick for a year after- ward, being

Weak, Blind and Helpleas -I used one bottle of Hood's Barsaparilla and It made me real strong." MATTIR A. COBB,

South Chester Avenue, Providence, It. I. ," As my daughter wanted to write how well

she liked Hood's Baraapartlla, I thought I would say a few words. I think It Is the

Greatest Blood Purifier I ever brought before the people. Some of my meads say 'go awiy with your medicine.1 I ■Sid the same once, but since my daughter ha* taken

Hood's Sarsaparilla ' My opinion has changed considerably." Mas. UEO. N. f. urn, Providence, It-1.

HOOD'S PlLLS do not wsaksa ths sysaaaa like etbsr eatharUos, bat aetaaOr toes ■■ sad «!•• strength to the psAlatrt... •


■ XXVOTJ B D El IL IT T, .aks—staWr aaa xUai, KSMta Irrsrs aa- BMasaas la 0U sr Tssnsf,

ooe ttkj IMM*. ■— i* a-u™. »s —^IM was a.ts sst BMfma Mkfl aaa a raats •fkoeT lWt*.I.J| —'HII-, HUSH UlllllM.fMtMSian, SHl^lMlllumuirHrmlMilrtn. WrtWlkw -i™ Baa, ruriuiiin *c4 pmftj MlM(Maa>S)ltaai


Dr- J. W. GRADY, the Specialist. Pert arms wonders with his niedloti treatment ol the eye*at dears Treataaunceaafully chronic aad lone studlnr dlaeaaes, auch aa diseases of the bead, throat aad lungs, liver, kidney and heart cosadlolnt, Inveterate dls-asrs of the stomach that have deSed all other meihds, those fseifol dt'easesof tne aervoiu aystem (arising n*oaa whatever eause),acrnfuladropsy, parah ■!* ita fever sores, ooatracted eords, enlarged and aUXJoints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sctallca, di* eaeeo bone d«fertsltl-s.ssH neum, rryalpcLe, scald head, Hl*ondUloo-rluloera,»Tphtllla, nasai palypaa, asthma, bay fever, rose oold, winter ooughs, •^roalortlarThcesand iltalietes, All may be enrol by this wonderful system 1. not too tar advamoed. Bone dl'eaaea cur*] when all other

Thus. Bunts, sol Broadway, flam la cared after auCerlag for years.

Mary Joyea w Lawrone* street, moles a .d superfluous hair* all over faoe removed In or

erd Lyons, SSI Broadi laiulenoe for years, cured v

Miae Nellie Welch, tat Walnut stree , eros- evee all ber Ufa. Dr, Gradv operated on them aad tbev are new perfect

Jca, riemlnr, ITS Arlington, chronic rhenma- 11am aad old ulonra fur io years, cured br three bcttlef of mni'lrln* and two boiea ul ointment.

John Lord** Walnut street, tape worm SI feet long renwv*d la 3 hours. Hay be seen at She dootor-a oflce.

Mary Daniel., Motheuu. blind tn one eye *■' years Dr. Orady operated and her si*lit la now perfect

John Morris, grooer of West Andover. he., a large tumor on head fnr 11 yea.., wasremoved In one fitting hy -lerirl.iiT.

Mra. Ke-ney, SB New bury street, ersema and deafness of nse ear for is years, uured.

Altoe Morrlll, SI Common street. cMhrrh, dys headache*, MIronle skin diseases, also nervous

Peter Croaurod In six weeks, gia and oefes « Canal street, headae.hca, nrural-

MtsS WeoSMVP Dwrnory cured ID ■ weeka nnlea on fads, St Union street, birth marks and city. ee removed In one alt>log by SMShrt-

dlaeae O-ant, 1S1 B"ex street, asthma, kidney montne and nervous pi oat ration, cured In —

Dr , Gradv will not publlah any more casei lees reo,<fe< tod to Ho so by patients. Dr. tlr wishes to announce that unit. Pi-bruary I, ho nmovctane worms and atrnlghton cross eyes free of cbarae.



Catarrh cured and all disease* of the nose, ear, throat, luui, heart, atoms h, liver and kidney*. ilwviuat-a*. asUiir*, Uiviicl.iils, deafneaa, nisr vooa, akin aai all chronic dlM-aaea.

Tapeworm* positively expelled In S hour*. Consult the European spec) .list on all sexual, nervous and chronic disease*.

l>r.tirady laacknowtedae-l to be the leading phvtlcutn la America In eunnjr the a'.ovs dis- eases. Tr> him and yon will never regret It.

Ladle* will dnil Dr Gradv their be no far. or In Bit tee troubles peculiar io their sst*.

Consult!' g room* 1st floei Caatoara and ~—

use of aknlle.

Dr. J. W. GRADY the Specialist. Who core* all SKXVAs., SJBHVOCS an. CMsBOniC i.i*KA*Ks will give oonaullatloa and examination FKKK at hla office

637 Essex Street ml to a and B to » p. m. Office olose d Sunday*


it |.aln or

A Profitable Dnilnesa on a Limited Capital

PEARL TYPEWRITER! for business and private corresponds no*. Sim- ple, dnrab e, aorarate. Nota'toy, tut a practi- cal machine, lines not gel oat of order. No practice required to operate IL Prior •• 00.

A re»pon-thle agent wanted In every town, U whom liberal li.suerraent* will be mad*.

PEARL rTPB*R]TE« CO., lltMKl). Moor* St. HEW ToBE ClTV.



PIE ; made) with



It It |I made with

LARD, and the Pie will bo


Manufactured nnlv i y


6 Central Wharf, Boston.

Bo Ancient and Barbaric Beltanal* Doomed to DUuietuboraient—Customs,

Coatuusea, races. Food and Utensils of alibi* Days Lulvoraal In Tangier-Dan-

town Sabjeets for Pen mid Pencil.

(Copyright, 1901, by Edgar L. Wakeman.] TANGIKH, Morocco, Jan. Ifl.—The present

■revolt of tbe tribes" In Morocco, though doubtless overeat!mated In Importance, renders a tour of adventure to tho Interior by any white man from Tangier aa impos- sible performance. It aim brings sharply to mind many reoout prophecies, from hLgheet Rurupean diplomatic sources, of the early disintegration of this tbe laat barbaric sultanate of ancient Mauritania.

At least four great European powers are mcemediu tbe acquisition of all northern

Africa. For years Italy has hi. 1 her itch- ing fingers In the affaira of Tripoli, whose trade with the African equatorial king- doms La enormous.

France, from her new and matchless em- pire of Algeria, ta pushing her railways across the eastern Ismndnries of Morocco, and but a few weeka alnce took forcible possession of the rich oaals of Tuat. This point, about 7U0 miles a trifle southwest of Algiers and a trifle southeast of Tangier, is In the central-northern portion of the Sahara. It ia by all odds the most splendid possible strategic possession tn northern A friea. Here tbe great oarnv&n routes converge from all parts of the Sahara and even from central Africa and the countries bordering on the Cirlf of Guinea. France has thus tapped, diverted and rauirt eventu- ally Largely control the richest trade of a major portion of the entire African con- tinent.

An Rngliah fleet Is now at Cadlx. Two of her great warahtpa are In this very har- bor. Another English man -of-war ia by this time at Cape Juby. At the latter place, abont BOO miles down the western ooaat of Morocco, just opposite the Canary Islands, Immense KagUaih trading interests haye been established with the Axuad count ry and the wot em Soudan; and all of these have been diverted from their old channels through the Morocco sultanate to Its commercial capitals, the citios uf Morocco, Fez and Tangier. Powerful Brit- lah interest* at Tangier are seeking and would be benefited by Morocco's disrup- tion.

Meantime poor old Spain, the hereditary foe of the Moor, la gloating over the prob- able neitr downfall of his riliereefiiin high- ness, Muley Hassan, and will find her own fall reward in simple revenge; though when the occasion of dismemberment comes, a few additional ennuis will doubt- less fall toher picking, [u her last en- counter with the Moore she retired vic- torious and, not wholly empty handed, and still holds, as earnest of her prowess In 1830, all the cities of the'northern Morocco coast, save Tctuan and Tangier.

The present no called revolt ia locally attributed to theexactionaof thebaahaw of Tangier. These are no worse nor better than they have always been. By sotnu It Is vaguely hinted that it ia but tbe begin- ning of a dangerous revolution against Muley HnsHHii by hla ne-ntly deposed ltallfaoraupreme judge, HI. I ihcNullan's brother, Muley lamain, who was banished from Fas with the kulifa In November I Knowing merchant* and small dlplon whisper of French intrigue and renegade Berber and- Rtm by leer, ebtef emissaries.

In any event the four powers named are eagerly alert for the possibilities in all new moves In northern Africa, and Morocco, the ln-f remaining empire of kirliarisin of ancient Mauritania, is doomed. The glit- ter and clink of a hundred thousand ehancjml rifles girdle. It on the east and south. Upen mouthed camion complete tbe circle on the north and wcat. Strange- ly enough, civilisation often confronts bar- barism In this way. Therein not at this moment a break In its circling impact. .The inevitable iiinl resistless pressure may come before these wonts can And thel: place In print. It may tint come before the century Is done, but It la no leaa inev- itable

Until then, from any standpoint, this weird old eity must.j-eimtin ii place of tbe rarest Interest. No one can tell Its agi Tbe sieges, pillages and pestilences it ha withstood are heartrending It la the moat Moorish of all Moorirdi cities. Decuying, ruinous, hoary, It lias still clung, though but twenty miles from Christian Kuropo, to its primitive cuaioms closer than Tunis, Alexandria or Cairo. Costume, custom, faces, utensils and food of Scriptural times are here precisely an they were kuowu In oriental cities 2,000 years ago.

Taking your stand midway between the harbor aide and the Moc-d«-l!arrn, study with mo theae strange and visriisi t idea of human travel cru\vdlug In either direction. Tbla group comprises a half dozen. Mo- aabites. They are Syrians by descent, and are bellevisl to be identical in race with thi Scriptural Monbltes. They are the tlercest money makers of Morocco, ami are but- ' era, grocers, bakers -anything fur rich Their greed Is prompted by n curious a bition. That Ui to gain ludeiwmlcnce and return to their homes at IlaiumaditChehka, a little oasis surrounded hy lofty rocks In the most arid and burning portion.of ecu- tral Sahara. TosomSliiue return rich to Hamramta Cliebka the aaosstUtS will m and starve half a lifetime, Yuu cannot mistake him in Tangier, fie Is darker than the Arab; not HO black as ihe negro; his akin has the eof ciiotln sppsai oiling; he Wears a white turban, but Is J Other Hi ehleily distinguished In dress because of fruits, orange hi

' feet.1 A few bave the red t^boosh with blue and black tassel, betokening that the wearers are Tunisian Jews.

The women tn their company gave an ex% eellent example hot only of the beauty of the female members of this race aa they are found near and In the orient, but also of the costumes of the hotter class of these la Tangier. Ismig. straight, gowns, without drapery and of-the Trcbest silk, green, orange or purple, encircled at the waist by Cords of silk, gold and silk, or chains of pure gold, constitute the sole outer gar- ment, strikingly different from tbe Arab woman's. Their feet are incased in colored pointed allppera. Each woman wears a black silk scarf, hound tightly across the forehead, gathered closely over the head, falling In delicate folds behind, held In place at the back by great gold or jeweled ornaments. This, with a plain band of spotless white linen drawn tightly across the chin, and a tuaguill&iiut India ahawl earried upon tbe arm or thrown oaxelesaly across the shoulders completes the costume of these the most stately and beautiful women of Tangier.

Besides these there wilt troop by you hundreds of the BUkris—the scavengers, water carriers and men of all work of Tan- gier—bare and shaven beaded, line featured ami with splendid form and muscular de-

■lopment, Impish little bootblack* of ■ mgrel race, who who will perform any

ttiiitilcric, from blacking anil shilling their own faces to plumping aa eye out and Into its socket, for but one copper ft u for each exhibition, are dancing about you. Snake charmers. With hideous oohra de capeUos wound about their filthy bodies, will pass you.

Necromancers who really eat (Ire are as common In the streets as are those who do not at mir summer resorts and nickel shocker muaeuma. Moorish soldiers, bare- |M legged and barefooted, and ever on the! trot, skurry past you. Half grown negroes from the Soudau, with scant hreecholotbs of mit aimed hides for ruitnent, are there. Venerable Ulfajis, apathetic aa opium eat- ers and withered as mummies, pass trem- blingly by; while genuine Bedouins, on Skinny steeds magnificently* capariaoued, each humping beneath a wondroua bur noose, dash recklessly through the crowds.

And still there ore trains of donkeya and of camels laden with merchandise for far Berber villages and farther oases of tbe desert; women with servants In whose bas- kets are fowls for beheading at the revolt- ing "Negress Sacrifices,*' hundreds of Kha- bylee with leather aprons and ehaveu heads, their strong wives, unveiled, wltb long chemises reaching to their feet and girdled at the waist with bright sashes, who work with their hualxtnds everywhere and anywhere, provide an ample study of African bill men; while thousands of the native Arab and Moorish men'and women sweep .hy with swish of robes and Jingling jewels' and anklets, like weird and softly musical wraiths In white. Some of these are plodding toward khouba or marabout to mourn beside their dead or are gliding from borne or shop to shadowy mosque to pray.

All architectural beauty Is found In carved Moresqiio archways, among which' are many magnificent specimens; In bases and capital* of spiral stone pillars sup- porting arches, vaulting over which super struct tires often shut out the sky, and these are lu the pure Arab style of 1,000 years ago; about the facades and fonts ol num- berless fountains set In cool alcoves, pro- jecting unexpectedly from blank walls or bnflt upright from tbe center of tiny squares, the onlji places in all this ancient city where sunlight ever reaches I he earth; and Isiliind the massive wulls In interiors. Whose structural grace ami exijiilsite or- namentation are an endless feast of art ist lo delight.

The sh.i[»> of Tangier are all merely tiny nieiies lu the walls. The Moorish merchant enters his little black den through a trap- door, lowers the -.but hi H hieb falls often in steps Ui the street ami sits in the center Of his possessions, which are all within reach, voiceless and grave the day long like a forsaken Punch In a pantomime. Kvery manner of a shop La Just like his. In aome workmen are embroidering tbe white buruoose, utilising their great Lo bold tight the disengaged thread. In others greasy fritters are fried lu a solemn and si aiely manner while one waits. Some*dl*> ?lay ostrich eggs and native ornaments,

1 era and there Is a seller of h.-rb* and vege- tables. Again white robed and tatardvd men are surrounded by crates of charcoal and liny bundles of fagots. In others almost priceless oriental drapcrl"" "-" packed and- bunched around , mercbaut who smokes and dreams ss ,, no thought of traffic ever entered his I .ad.

The ancient and venerable letter and scroll writer has his niche or chair at arch- way side, and waits with that stole patience only an Indian ur a Moslem can commaud, to Indite epistle or trace snored passage from tbe Koran upon eggshell, or on rib- bon fur sonic devout one's amulet. Shoe- makers suunt cross legged, sewing and hammering upon slippers and sandals, only. Bread sellers crouch ugaiust walla and doorways Uroupe of swarthy Kba bytes with jthelr copper ewers are ever be-' fore the gurgling old fouutjiliut. Vei'iod women wriggle anil tiiince tn and from market ur khouba or mosipio. Stately Aralis appear and disappear, their flowing rob.- siiullliig out the vistas of the uar row streetaj Cloth venders higgle haggle at the cracks of massive diK>rsljorely ajar. Funeral corteges pass on t hi- run, for the deiul Moslem Arrives in paradise that much more speedily, (itrls will) dough covered boards ready for the bstkSTtss are as fleet as the funerals. Tiny donkeys U-idi-d with street garbage force you agiiiiisi the walls,

" keys wild pan ili ITS parked

BAD ECZEMA ON BABY. Head one Solid sl)rr. itching- Awfal

Had to Tie His Hands to Cradle. Cared by CutJoura.

Our Hit's bor broke out on his brad with a bad form of Irsems *hei n« u ia four month' old. We triad three doctors luttther old s.il help hum We then need >• ur three Cineitaa REMaiMKw. and srt*r using inea clev-n wee** eanetty ee-

-— .liming lean-odious be. Iieuo toil* g'ltly Improve ,u.I alter the use ot ihem fur*. »enmonlhe sis h.ail ws-sentlrely well When ne t.*|(au i.alnglt bfa fitsd Mas a solid sore from i?ie crown to his eyehiow* It w.o also sl'over hla ears mo*l it his race, and ■mall places on OlaTrrcBl M.rt-uf hlahodv. There

iks that

them wn*a he waa laaea am and -ad to keep u'Hea* lied on hi* hands to keen hi* *-ger nall« ouuof the sore*, aa he WMld scratch TV h* aaolfi In. any way an bis h-ala loose. We know ^"'.' CUTIOCa . Tutsis- inis ottrrd MM. We ieel eafs lo recommi nding


Cutloura Resolvent The new blood and *

of Humor Kcmedle., Impurities and pola..»ou» **■ ; cnu removes the cause, wlille Conctmi akin cure, sad L'I'TIITH* HoAr. i • kin l«aatlfler, clear the (tin and *■ tore ihe hair. Thux Hie i trrlCUBA ktaHinilS cure every species if HrHuig. hurt log |» ■." plmpiv, blotchy sklii

., and ihas ,. Ihe grest iweiqnirlte •slu aim —


Bold everywhere. Prich.tDTicnBA, Sot; SoAr lie; lUtstn-VKsTSl- l'iep red uy ttaeJ'oiTSB Dtl'o nut HSMICAI- fosi-ossnoh, B am.

aawSi nd for-How oturo Boo- iM-easrs' " , aoiiiii.tratiuiis.au.I 100M sttiuonUla.^

DI DV*C "hln and «cnl« |>«rlaed snd besutlflsd D'DI w by CuitctBAfloir. Absolutely imre

PAISS *ND BlttltttH '• male. Instantly re leved by that . eleaantHiidlntallthle Antl-tote io i. lnlamroi<U<m.'.»d Weakneaa.Uie

The hyppphosphites of lime and soda combised with cod-liver oil in Scott's Emul- sion improve the appetite, promote digestion, and in- crease the weight, r

They are thought by some to be food ; hut this is -not proved. They are tonics; this is admitted by all.

Cod-liver oil is mainly $ food, but also a tonic.

In Scott's Emulsion the t«d-liver oil and hypophos- phites are so combined as to get the full advantage of both.

Let us send you s book on CAKFFUI. I.IVINI;; free.

ULPHUR BITTERS, Cleanse The Vitiated Blood When you see Its impurities Bursting through The Skin In DiwiDies,


P id Sores. Rely on Sulphur Bit1

alters snd Health will 'i folio

iWv, ■BB*|Sassf srid .1 2-oent StamTS to A. P. Ordway etORi Mass., for bett iiasJlcal work put.li*hml



/Suehs > all Lung, \°J« 'IVoubles. 300. and (1 at an Orugyists.

C. MORGAN & SONS, Prop'*, PBOVlOENt I, at. >- '


The EnpJith D*$$irtUtd Stup» ran b« had of A. A. Wnynt at Co., 17 India St.. Hot low, Bolt.Agent for -Vein JCnofAstf Stuff* Write to 0, Ankftfil 26 No.' IftrftVim St Ntvo Tofk. for a quarter pound tin, making trim 2 to 3 quart! dslirtom $ovp, PottpaUi itlr. A good t*vutm*ni for a small oufias

Invariably wearing a sort of tunic, called the gauduura. which falls straight to the knees.

The stripes ami /.ig/ags In this garment arc something nutrvclous. His wife wears the oiljar or veil, like thn Arab woman, but her baik (ahawl or wrap), which covers bur head, falling nearly 10 h. r feet, ia of blue ami white checked stuff, similar to that worn by negresscs In Tangier. These Mo.'.itbitcs hiive with tliem a bevy of Kba | byles, whoare In'from tlte farther Atlas range of motililaiiis. fli-npitu the tribal tu- mult, with iiulinHls for the shambles.

Behind the.ni are a score of negnwsaa. They are on their way to their masters' hoinea frotu tlie market ufSiwde-ltarra, You may find any day hundreds more like them as helpers at Ihe market. Urn- Is chanting some wild song of the jungles and she is now find I hen encouraged, by sl.nll cries of "Jaleu' .laho!'' from her com pan ions. They are indescrilinldy ugly, with short, pull'y Is*lies', trciiieliduus beads and abort, huge necks, lumpy cheeks and square jaws, nostril* flattened ii.uk almost in a lino with the facial angle, mid lips like apnirorelKiui/.e.l fgmehshells

Their haiksaie MJIM ays of ih» Mu* sod white checked variety. Intensifying the luster ami depth or color of (heir coal black Skins. Some of ihem «re veiled, giving them an air of, monumental coylah- nens and skiHi-Uiiess. He sides the hoik and veil little should be Bald about their cost iime. Below the baik are cascades and

sataracts of garnn-niary. all eorts Two wear the esatoll trOOSBM of some consular attache. A lwir of cavalry Issgs urnameet the feet and legs of a tliir.l The rest are barefuetwd,. oiid ilwiir feet are like huge claws. The* ..re slaves, and were born to the Jungles (slow : aj LTJ ,

But hersisa Is-ty of JL-WSUII thelrway to the place of cifstoins at ilia waU-r side, on some errand connecttsl with Importa- tions, and a few Jewish women ore with tliem There are 8,000 ofllitwe folkdn Tan gier, and not outi is poor. They could not hut welcome Ineonimg civili/.iilion, for now none ot them can ride upon horseback ami must perforce employ a donkey, nor can they come Into the pnmeuce of Moors or Aratw connected olllcialli- with the sullen ate wil hoot repealed sal lams, kissing the bem of their rulers' liunioiae ami other coufessibiis of hOJttUIatlon Sod degraib tlon. They are nearly i.:l dressesl similar to the Arabs, with [oil flowing white robes, turbaued he*ls, rloofj embroidered waists and aoebea u .inlc trousers caught

ud i -nil iin aluulowy ways with the attars of sunny valleys.

Thij^Sanio weird, wild st-eiice of setrff rhfirie life tiuil weri-.here a thousand

years ago are here today, every day. nd w1" - And if yon wander day, and will i

toes- * sluel.mlii!. silent You a— . lent walls iilsmt you Vou know that white, silent forms « i.i-.k past you. And away up there through infinite-space you

e the white, silent stars looking down, f.l-.. \l: 1.. U'AKKUAX.

The "Big illpper.'; lu astronomy tlio "Big Oipper," so

ealled, is in tho i-«uinollaturn or Ursa Major, or^'the Ciroat Boar- The stars forming tho tail of tho bear also form tho handlo of the axpper. Tim first star lu tho bundle is ];. iioi na;ii'li. tho second, Mi/it: the third, Alioth. Tbe other fonr, which go to form tho Isjwl of tho dipper, are Mogns, Phad. Merak and Dudhe. Tho two lost namod are called Tlio pillllOsB" "lsliisiisn they point or

guile tin-eye to the polt^ star, which is distant a» tl.gs. Thi) top bowl stars are }P .tjesrs, ttfid tho. Isittxim". ones ^Hdega. apart.- St. Lotiiri its-pul'ilic.

I'rogresa St Telcersphy. The ptogTeaa in telegraphy, tolepliouy,

etc, is shown from Ihe fact that by the multiplex Kysteui of working six raos- sagos can now ho hoot nloiig u tingle wireinsUulanoously in ouch dirwetioo. —New Ytirk Tologntm-

KHgisnd's v.-in i> ''s «f CaasltaB. 'Upwajd uf 7W,tHJ0,000 lanilles i

burned in thia oooolxy e.vef) rs The protltit'tion intbo Unitt -ti Kingdi of tlio various kinds of OBatih •'. Inclt lug istrafiin, steuriue und oottipuslte, estimaled to averago Ufl.liOo tons j annum. This country exports 5.6W tuns ami im|s-uls J,:««j ttnis of canillei, leaving an oxosss of expurttt over un- ports of II.:SIHI tons, which ihsluotetl from tho country's prtMtuction leaves the quantity of candles f riiirrmninl every year in* this eoontrv "t ii'-'.Tisi tuns, or 18,248,00') potTJldB, If these are aver- aged at l'n io tin rMnUtd. il gives WBV

4^,000 its tho nuinlsT of cwndles burned In this country * evury year.—London Tit-Bite.


CREAM BMrVn seal Paasagei,

toys Pain an. Ii fla ,il..fi, '■

Heals tho Korea

!!■ ■ in.. » the spna e* ot Tin. ,ii'i

TRYTHKCUIU HAY-FEVER le )■ saplled Esl

t DrattgUOij by mall. A pan

KUH'.I Bftll re

Kt.V ItKnTMKlta.y Warren «l, New York. "eo.l iv),;.'.


pulidi' si* SbeEal


E. nlifull-i.M. Bejna .■in ..fa [itlr it i.

■" J. L. Present! & Co,, No, Berwick, Me.



Breakfast Cocoa

W.BAr.. .- U.ty.,Dorcl,t.:lvi,Mttfs,

HBBi ̂ ^^^^^^^^^mm^^^fi^m? ?H|B^|i

Lawreoce American, LAWICENCB. MASS

PHIDAY. FKBEUAlir 13, 1891


tfoariib A. M Laurent Convicted or srilliii; Ititil .lliik.

Wsrifftliy Joiepb A. St. Mores t, of W*

Andover -'"' '■ tlttn city, wit arraigned

In pollco rcutt on t ccmplalul cVfc"

lng tilra with selling mill: bflow iiood

Mtacdatd fiuallly. Ilo wis represented

t>y A. R. Sahburn, K'tJ., while City SotiC

■ itor lM-Hrofey appeared for th« go*ern-

in: II'. Fbu drat wi't.i si for Ibe government

was Milk Inspector I'. II. Donoghoe,

wbo ti B! Wed to aelxicg ■ "ample of, milk

fritnfjt. Laurent un llimr.thlre .-tut t at

Jt.lfO o'clock Tboisda; forenoon, Febli

took a sample from a cm Jlliree quartets

full; '!,<■ mjlk Uokcd bluish, and iwjifr-

for at tint lime cailid St. Laurent's at-

tention to tbat fact; gave a sealed por-

tj» it uf ,■ ;III,| :« ID milkman-, St. Lauren

nald I hi*, be Hold CO quarlsof Olllk cmy

.day, aud eia;urcU Vi ham..Aea.. l>ahk^. of. A id v/ii -. In subaiqatnt conversation

Inspector loltl St. Laurent ibal Doble

MIM M f"M only 54 quarta daily to the

1tf ftrtHftlft [ If tiro* St.- Lautsut where- be

■ ■-■...■ -i for a ra 10 qturt«| latter 1 failed to give satisfactory reply ; Mon-

day Diornlrg 'h<; lurpiclor bad another

. lark with Rt. Laurent; asked Ii in hoir

in u,\ ij :■-[ !■• i I in: k bo bad with bio;

replied 50 quarts; kftked blm where hu

got ll; answerd all from Doble evening

before; Inspector told blm that ltotle

asid lie sold hlcocSv Lauren) only 40

'ij'o'art?evtnlng before; to in'* Si. Lau-

rent alf J failed.to give, ait Is factory re-


State Cbemlst It. ¥. Davenport of Bos-

ton, was tlieu called, 'it; testified to

analyzing a sample of milk marked Jo-

eeph A. M. I.sorent. -t"our.il It to oe

upon chemical analysis below standard

)iy reason of sklnraHnz ana adulter-

ated bj the aiMUIon of water. The ml k

nod but ll ::y per cent, of in: k solids

ba ft) per cent of watery Bubslance, !»

|iur tebt. of amide, exclusive of fat aud

M per cent, of asb. The chini 1st further

testified that-the milk bad been adulterB'

etl with water, lo Ibe extent of one qiart

of water to an eight and a bslf quart can.

After a vigorous crosB-cxnuunstlcn

con lucted liy Mr. K»inborn, in which the

entire nrvlhoil of chemical aniljais waa

cbowu, the evidence for the government


St. Laurent, the defendant, waa the

im'ly witness for the defence, and testi-

fied that he didn't adulterate the BIlE

I.awvcr Siiiiiornthen argued i Im caae

ftml ssld tliiii the complaint.li id- nottum

upheld, inasmuch as there waa as Ircon-

f.b,cr.cy~uelwecn ibo complaint and the

iviiii'!,<!■. The. romplalnt alleged,mlik

not ut good standard quality while the

I'l-'iiiim.) showed that It was adulterated milk.

Vail question waa speedily aettrr^j by

Julge Stone who thoroughly VjpUlned

Hal matter. The Judge said: "This caae

and In fart all of theae milk cases are In-

dawoWirt :,j parent regarding the uphold-

log of a properly drawn complaint. This

complaint alleges that the milk taken

from St. Lluicnl waa below legal stand-

ard, rim complaint doesn't allege why

It wa* below atantUr.l and thu govern-

ment la ca led upon to simply ahow tbat

n WTTtreTDWT ~To" TBtfrharrjeco Ihf lin|Uiry as to wliy It waa

chemist tells you that It waa h'elow by

reason of adulteration, ''there I* not the

least poaalble donbt but that the com-

Itlairrt bus oten.eiillrely upheld and that

It his iK-"ti clearly proven that Hi. Liu-

reiit Is guilty."

.Mr. BatboTB then rei|uetted to have the

ca*i con.iinued for sentence ontlj Thura

■ !sy innrnlng.

To this no objection was oQ';red and St.

I.iur.MiL mtt notllled that be bad been ad-

judged guilty. He was ordered to recog-

iii.'. j in the cuni of tJi.Ml. fof his appear-

ance Thursday morning. Bonds were

lurnlabed Ky his father.

DomtlimiH to the UofpltAl.

Mrs. Moses T. Stevens, for free »*d,

Lawniiee S^recet chnrch. for »^00 00

100 60 I'. W. <>, donation, ' W. II. ADijolt, discount, ;, on J. II. SmrTbr.i, receipted btll, I H Mootll 4 Fiirnhatn, diseuu .t, I IT (1. w. Woodman, discount, a;. Wm. OiwaldA'Co., discount, *7

'Hull • Mulli-n, discount, | H Lswr. i,c« K'ecfilc t^on. Co., M MfB. Neittl PIlllQg, r.-aillnK matter. Mrs. lii^_'liu-', old linen and two chairs. Kings Daughters. United Cong. Chnrcb,

reading n.alter., Mrs, (i I'. Ketcbum, reading matlw, John C. Lsk»-y. copiea Christian Hi-rald. Mrs. Olddiaga, rl iwera. 0«0. Webster, ham. . W. 1). Druw. nail pork, cheese. ' Mrs. Ctiarles Smith, potatoea. A frlt^tdi liox./"iidy soap. Harold Andrews papetsjiud mieazlces. Mlirt Clara Prewoolt, laol.'^t for fclbe out-

llM of ih,i Uoapl'Al WBieb Mi " great iiDprovemeut, Bod were greatly needed,

roil TIIK UOatfl

i Miss Agnes l'atk, andover^for __ ii -JiLiiMi* 1.>[..:(), B5""0Tr

Pllfrln Fiftaera, cake.' Mrs. Hatalt Ihompson, candy. Mrs. lion. WoodflrSn, shoe blacking. Miss ['earli toys. A irlet-d, nranttea.. K.tlili M. Wrngatt, rblld's nlokk.

■ MI«H Rnthwortb, books and papers. Mrs. Frost; Mi'tlmen, cblldreu'n clothing

siid a pair of new boots._ llennl" Wooilbuad, rubber boots. Air- Until Martin, cards. A fri nd, cindy. AJ^ I'aiker, candy. ,


Ii' PltllMI WilliCM. — f> -—

A pleasant company gathtird at the

houaofllr. and Mrs. Henry Wilkea,

II Summer St. Monday afternoon to

witness tbu marriage or their daughter

Clrace, to Mr. Byron J. Kennon, former- ly of thla city, know of New York. The

< llUlating clergyman waa Itev. Thomas

Tyile, psstorof the (larden St. Meth-

odist Church, . tieorge Wilkca and Clara Kuliiht, two little folks, attended the

bilde (da grorim. After lea was aervml

Ibe happy couple took tbe ."*.:!«. train fon Buajon

Wlir.-Kr'nTrcm'waa rctj »i-firnmsly r*.

m.■m'u-ri il by her many friends, hjr pres-

ents being many lo number and valuahlca.

DotumtttM OO I'lro l>o|mrtiuent

The committee on tire department m«t

at. f. I.') o'clock Monday evening In the ai-

deiminlc ciiainiief, Alderman [tolton

being the only absentee. Alderman (liU

lagber praaldad.

'l'bo matter of the repairs on Knglnu 3,

w.is tbe only ouai ess considered.

The committee' admitted Its error In

granting tliu contract to McCabe ^to re

pair tho steamer for ili'J.s, and voted to

report tna m.itier to tbe city council with

a request to.have their action ratltled.

Muyiir-Wiiit't rJiKU.

M iy.iM>je\ ageln shown ill! Indepeu-

laBOBi Tho aidurm-jn Kranted in inn-

toldar*! license to Tnonna Uopklnsou, al^

ii>- lower end of Common atreut, but the.

nayor Meatfly evening refusul to give

- signatoM to ilijiiecessiry paper.

Tod*) ho sni I he wouldn't slgu It". Ue

isn't the best of an oplu'on s'lout Hop-

. . napU««. -

BUSINESS NOW. The Aldermen Quit Fooling

and Settle Down.

Charles A. DeCpuroy Esq. Chosen City So'ictor.

Many Mutter* or Minor Import

•ore ' Dlapoged Ot.

The board of mayor and aldermen met

In regular session Hondsy evening,Mayor

l)»e lo the chair, l'resent] the entire board.

Tbe records of "the previous meeting

were accepted without reading. The only

re a 11/ Important bmlnesa was the elec-

tion of Clus, A. IKCiurcy, Ksq , aaclty

solicitor, the a'darmen- -concurring with



The petitions of Terence P. Dilan for

the constructlsn of edg-stes and aide walk

st li? AhhoU atreet; ef-Samaef. II .oo*r

for tbe construction of edgrstonea and

sldewalka at ?C and 28 Washington street;

of W. J. McCarthy for the construction

or edgestonelBed sidewalk at **. Ililley

street; of W. A. .Partlow for the coo

atructlon of odgeatooes and sidewalk at

34 and 36 Oxford street and ,/■;.' and 3G7

KSMX street, and of Fred W. Colby for

tbe construction of edgeatones and side-

walk at T33 and fU Essex street, were

referred to tbe committee on sidewalks;

of J. J. Raonegin for a comm >n victual-

ler's license and of Mr. Wbltehead for a

second hand clothing license; of Walter

tion of a street crossing nn t!ia northerly

aide of Bradford street icnsa Hampshire

street. It waa referred to tbe comoilttce on streets.

An orden, waa also introduced that an

arc light be erected at the corner of

Bliasbelband llu'.ler streets Kef erred, to the committee on atrevta.

An order, authorising the aupcilotend-

cnt on public property to place suitable

ensrds around the common pond was adopted-

Aa order for th- construcllop of a

ceispool at the Junction of Butler and

Warren street* waa adopted.-

Aidermeo Gallagher presented aa order

that Broadway at the Boston A Mai

railroad crosalng between tbe north canal

and the falls bridge be widened. Inferred

to committee on streets.

I'KKHNNtAL ill: 10 !t.

Alderms.t Butler Introduced an order that the pibllc projurty ho authorised to consider the expediancy of erecting a suitable building st the corner of Park and Willow street* f >r the purpose of bousing Are apparatus. Adopted.

TO mnOX Titl ON- u.s.

An order was Introduced by Alderman G-iHagber,.authorising the a»polotmeu t «f a eoHjiiiUtce to c jnsist of the mavor.

two aldermen and snch a numher- from the couucll as might lie appointed, to In- spect, alt the caoals within the city limits and wq jtre ansh placer; M migbv tie deemed exp:dteut, to y fenced. TUe or- der was adopted and Mayor Doe appoint- ed Aldermen Whlttdiouse and Djylo as1

members of the omnlttte. L\'«r In the evening tbe mayor substituted tbe name

fAlderman Gallagher Instead of Alder- msn Diyle. In rxpUuallon he ssid that he dtdn't want to work Mr. Djyle too bard as he bad got lo be csrefnl of him.


Vetfrsns Aaaee I'nill the Homing Hoars.

Gov. Russell and His Staff are Present.

Scanlon to conduct an athletic exhibition

at tbe Essex rtuk. Friday Fen. 2fi, lo con- Mayor DJO stated to the board that

slat of wrestling,*parrlug and club swing- during the past week tie hid auendied a

lng, we preferred to the committee oil \ mretiug of the mayor* or Missacbuselta

licenses; of Mathcw C. CVq'ihoun for and nn^ "' tlle quctloi,* whtth bad been

tffe cooBirOctlon of a contain mwer on dlscnHsed wss the mitun.f i xemptlng

Howarii street, lo extend from' 8 lor row municipal bjuls fwn taxa'itu. Qe

street north-Westerly and of Terence V.

Dalan for a common sewer on; Abbott

■tract from'Philllps to Union street, were

referred to the commllteo on sen-era and

drain.-; of Otis Freeman, Jr., for a s one

street crossing on Ilaverblil street at the

bead or Forest street and of Dr. Joseph

Demaria ann others for the erection of an

arc light at-lbe corner of ilaverblil and

Hamptiu BtrvtU,''wrre referred to the

committee on streets; oftJAmes Mu.phy

for permisbion to cut dowu shaae trees,

st ill Park street, was referred to the

committee on B*nade trees.


The petition of Thomas J. ilurphr for

a junk dealer's ilcetse at 357 ChCfitnut

street and of M. E. Cotter It Co., for a

stub clasa liquor license at M Broadway

were granted.


Permission was granted Htetlcy & Co.,

brewers, to occupy and use so much of

Dxfonl street BH extended ten feet fr .m

tne bourdsivlii.e of their brewery at lui'

OafQrd street, toward the centre of lue

street. Tbla rumest was asked to enable

them lo fill their Ice houses with tee. I-

UIMIIt MM it.l:-

Alderman Bjlton moved that the c'aim

ofT. F. Cjllins for land damages "be k

taken froru.lbe ri:es and sefurrej to the

committee on claims. Carried.

Tbe request of James Cunningham to be appolnted.'a special pollrn nrttr^r Wln

thoiig'it Hut ibis wis. soniihug Which

would tfTct Liwrertco in a measure, if

the Water street,sewer sliouij be built a

■i in l would have to lie taktn land alao

mi a few .years SHBD of the city's

Is will BBtaro and ihey will have to

be reueweft. UaHICM ll will be of conald-'

In imporUnOB wlietliir the proper

U!s can go uu'. on thu market and

borrow money st 3 1-2 or 4 per cent. Al

present no bank will tike the bonds s

less than * per cent. There Is now before

the legislature a oliLrelatlvd to this ques-

tion of fximptlin. „ Mayor Matt hows

id If such a* bill was passod It would

sivn BoBtOfl between BJOO.OOO and 0*00,-

000 each year. A vote was taken at the

meet In, an! It WU the unanimous opin-

ion of tb^ mayors present that the bonds

sbiuld h^.'exempt. Oie of the mayors

bought that all the cities oogtit to unite

and present a petition to' the legislature

to hsve the act passed.

After the mayor had concluded his re-

marks an order was res.1 by the city clerk

authoring the city government to assist

the passage of tbe act before <he legis-

lature. th9 mayor to lie given full power

to act. Adopcd.

laid over until the new meeting.


O. E. Itunnclls, L. E. GOBS, Charles W.

Wslworlh, Thomas Barker. George' O.

Gllmsn, Wllloughhi I).' Lithrop, JoEq

Csaey and Patrick J. Carroll were ap-

pointed as pnhllc weighers and c inilrme I.

Tbomaa F. Comber was atipoluted ar.d

confirmed as a weigher >tt coal and meas-

urer or wood and lumoer.

Ii. f .,i i' tnese meu were nominated lh«

mayor said that he supposed that In ac- cordance with thi order, which was

pissed at the last aj-elir,-, that

the msyor's appolotmeuls lie laid over

ui.til. tbe next meeting following that

when thay were presented, lhsi n..-.. ■ names woud have to Oe acted upon at

the next regutai meeting. Alderman

Gallagher moved that the rules be Im-

pended and tbe motion was carried. Tbe

insvor accordingly nominated Lie men

uwine.l and they were coatlrmed. '"'


The bonds of Gideon W„ Wsterhou-e

as an undertaker for BJo<) vi»ii hirnselt as

principal and B. F. Cnadboorh and S. U.

Blowell a> securities was acceptel.

The bond of Ktupben C. Parsons as an

mdertafcer for.gMiO with hlmadf as prin-

cipal and Josepu Utowc I and Anttl R.

Banborn aa aecurlllua was accepted.

Uf D. C. Oluillvao as uity treasurer

rargM.ooo, with hlmsalf M principal and Maurice J. Cgrran, John Joyofl, J..fiu

Breen, Jeremiah Lucy, Michael OMaiio-

nev, Michael Carut-y, D.'F. M^tTanhy,

Alexander B. Bijuce. Elward Costello,

and John Daly as securities wasaccepled.


Tho committee on pilice In regard to

tffll!eT K«li&e/'i casarepoilefl that riom

Ibe eyldeuce presented li waa the uniut-

mous opinion that tbe charges had not

Iwu sustained. The report was accepted.

The report of the Are department corn-

mltuie, ihat ll had contracted nth Rd-

ward McCahe A Co., tol repair engine 3

for the sum of tUH, was accepted and

the action ratified.

CUXCl'ltllKNI m s

The order, authorising the' comrnlltee

on streets to determine what Hlreets shall

be watered, what assessments shall le

le*red^iJpon the abutlors; the expediency of purrhasl»g new apparatus, what the

cost or the Istler shall be, also to-pur- chase and keep suitable, hooks and to ap-

portlonate tbe cosi of waterlog ihe

streets among the owners of. property on

the streets watered, IT ihey are to be'ss

si'csn' waa adopted In coucurrtnee.

Tbe order directing the committee on

rlre department to give an ImmealSve r*

pirt of the action taken by ssld commit-

tee regarding tbe work now helm none

upon engine 3. In order that the actions

may tajailatUd.. . Adoptud .ia..coocuc< rence.

The order directing the chief englnncr

to cause the Are alarm bolls to bu sound-

ed every working darkening at 5 o'ulack

aud as ameudu.l so as to order the dis-

continuance ofstrlklng the alarm at 7 t.'.

p, in., wti adopted lo concurrence. Al-

dcrraan Bollon was the only'one voting

against It.

Notice was received from the council

that It had concurred with the Uppei

l oird In tbe appolntm tut of [ Thomsa Jt !.■■»! ii aa a public weigher.


G. A. R.

Tho City Does Honor to tbe

State's Chief Magistrate.


Lovers of Good UtUloOlvOO An

oilier Treat.

' Livnra of g tod music

Monday evening to a menu of dainties lu

line in tbe O d Kisl.lenla Course when

city hill was fl.e I to oveirlowing by a

Icllghtcd and enthusiastli: audience. The

SchuSerTif'urtet of mVite'voIcei was a

IBdlBg feature of a program (.xcel ent In

every resjiec. Tie exquisite harmony of

their well-trained voices and thu tasle and

i igm»nt abowu In tn-i seleclons were

cogmw.tby th^ lar„'e ani apprecia'liv

auJIence^whicli reeilrad tbvm with en .

ciro a fie i enconi, an I IHBUB never to

tintofftttall m/iily. aLBHss| Iho g m-l

things given by t&Btn itaoJ out the grand'

rendering' of tim wall known hymo by

Gerrlsh, '-Sail, still wlib Thee." Tue

beautiful hsrmiay Bud rare expre-slon

ivn in the rei.dertag of tb)s composl

tlon were admirable and thrilling, and Its

lng strains of reilgbus fervor and

ntveruuee were heard, with regret. Buck's

Soring Song," ••The House that Jack

Built," "Night WitcaiTy," and 'The Owl

and the. Pussy Cat," should alio be In-

lei In thi d.rllgitful lUtof the son(^

given by this taleute I crablnallon. If

they are a erwclmtin copy of Chicago's

musicians, then tho west has reason Jo b:

proud or her singers.

Mr. tieorgii |oW, bassoprofunda of the

11 ii an t-t, who has a remarkably deep,

rich voice, gavu with splendid iff-cl

Bbkld'ssong, "The Wolf, "dellghilug all

pTeBBot by Ills grain! snd Inspli liig tones.

Waa Bdgiala Baldwin, as.veet soprano,

came In for a ll'ieril share of applause,

which was a daa iccognltlou of bar nit r-

l'.s, of n-pUs-iig uddreia -nd lion stage

prisence, HUB POBBBBIII a voi <: (il ix-

q-iisl'i- sw.lnest which die u*4s with

great skill In MUdf nMflUnU anil floild

themes as Pr-tl's air, "Jf,! whence

ciln.s this lOfSldB," ltd Ih,- '-Swiss

Echo Song,- by Eclierl, U these MM

tfons her blrd-tlkq trbls and runs, which

she csvi! wl'h gren ■ UM an I Without s;i-

par. ut dl'irt, w.tre nrtlwaat nnd true.

N^t lefll MT'Oig In popular favor was Mip-s

Ids CkiiiuK, » new star in the elocution-

ary horlKon, who won all by Die natnral-

uess, easo and grace of her Impersona-

tions. Uer first selection was a decided

novelty, being the fsmniM statue ecme

from (iilbert'e mytholoulcal comedy,

"Pygmalion and Galatea," in Which she

assumes both roles. The sweetnt-ss and

Innocence of the vivified siauiu were

finely shown, the impersonator miking a

charming picture In her p-rfect Greek

costume. Her rendering of Do well's

farce, "In a glerplng-Car," was caplialiy

do"be, 'showing tbe talented young lady to

be eqm'ly at home In fatrn comedy. She

responded to repealled recalls.

Vhe last number on the program was a

fitting climax to a worthy lint, namely,

toe sextette from the opera of "L':cla,''

whluii was ttlven with a grtCB sod deli-

cacy of exfcu'.im tbat mtltBj forth a

Needham Post 89. Orand Army held an

other brilliant ball Tuesday evening.

List year, tbe ball was one of'the most

brilliant of the season. GOT. Russell waa

there and aided eclat to tbe sffaii

This year tbe governor crme again and

the post scored another eoclal and finan- cial success.

Tiie g >vuroor was sumptuously enter

tBlned by the city and the evening was a .gVa one.

And it waa made so as follows i

Al 0 o'clock GOT. Buasull came l'n on

tbe train fr.no Boston, and found await-

ing him si the north depat a committee

on reception from t'o city gorernmint

and the Grand Army. I i GOT. KJBsell was accompanied by Adjt.

Gen. Dalion, Cola. J. II. Cunningham,

James If. Carmlcheel, F. G. King and J.

L. Carter.' On the train also came Sena-

or Cirter and Past commander-In-chief

Geo. S. Merrill.

At tbe Franklin, a banqoat tendered by

tbe city was In readlne<a, and In the par-

lors we e some eO clllz*ns. These In-

clmltd the memersof the city govern-

ment, the heads of tbe departments, mili-

tary i nicMs and members of the Grscd

Army reception commllteo.

The governor desired tbat matters per-

taining to his visit be made as Informal

aa possible and his wishes were carried

out. The banquet was served and the

usual after dinner speeches were omltUd.

Thu* there waa no form and everyone

felt free from restralat.

Soon after , bis arrival the goveroo

was introduced in the parlors to all pres-

Then the^way was led to tbe ban-

quet ball, Uie governor being escorted ty

msyor Doe",

The tables had been tastefully arranged

by head Bteward Fred Bo&enas, while

Wiugate and Carson had provided sorns

very pretty final adornments. Over one

turner of the large mirror was draped an

American dig, while tbe other corner

was hung with smtlax and fl jwere. Floral

stars and clrcles>et off the tables. The

chandeliers were wound with smllax,

while from each t^aug lliral h >rns of

plenty. It all made a very pretty banquav


Mayor Doe nat at the.head of the table.

Al hla right sal the governor, and atbia

ft Htv. W. E. Glbb*.

At G 45 o'clock all had been seated, and

then Bev. Mi. Glbbs aaked a blessing.

Then an hoar was consumed In the

cohraes. The men'u'w'aa as follows i

Itlucpotnia Deep Shell. uie i I liilaiilt'l i-.

KadUhei. oyster Sauce, Filltt uf ii.-r, lirooia sauce, fuutues \ liiilihnnl -.,ii;inii, Hue.li

KurlajL... . Chlekeu tmqaMlae, i ciit« puts. Pea* a la Condi

Id.m Ytnlson. Itn.i*t (irouse 0Hvi» Currant Jelly

rltiaei.ti) ice C'resm, Liiariotie Ims* Curacna Jell;

Si,uDse Cake, rrult Cake, Htrawberrv Caki 'JrsBges, .. _ L.. . MaliBs brn*.

Cafe Kolr. " —

Seated about tbe tables, bealdes the

governor and staff, were the following

Hon. Ilirnry F. I»oe Snpl Hi i<lv Aliicimnii Jl^rltu l.iit Jlmeater Mcrrow M ii Minn If.jle K«KlMrsr Hroisn

"■'u-lioisc bnpt. lUtlen — AMirmun ii.i )ci Al u-rmjii i.iiiiiKhar AMerman HuH>n John I'. Knue lisrrv ll. Ihiw A Ii, V*. !:. . ik-ct i's'rlek ■) Finu Kara W ii i i^kim Jiwcs II. Iiitm i Cre.l K Warren 1. !A.U I lil 111 .«-,!■.: Mlrliset J. Heininey .li.lm f. iir.m.nl l.'lAlli -1 I :iU' i barkal tttnaate Hi. n..is A Kruak* frunk J Whelan .I»hn I'. Kya-t i: L..I i Tli i on | i»o a 11(01. Jilni llclll i; |ii. iniciiesMf v M..jir iLm^gE <Jn|<l Jutiiwrt USt-l. J. rli/jferald

Bunt, .salliburwv. Ciiv Mar.iisl sVrha i i.« ' !iv solicitor Kn i\ I hlel K.i<lt,,-t-r lliuil CUV I' yslclao IXiw n:Frimicirick Senator Cuter Krjin x ir.'iilve Hart II' |'i- ■..'i:t:iniu McADSl

nWditOrarof Oca-J* Don-

1. II tr.o)i!> r Lluii rieiil Mill. <,«..■! Wcirlll

ll r, Kitt-v ■ Igt Sk no

II K. Welnier A ll. (.liui.iu fcs->*eii«tor alcAlpInc

the plea-i'd nudlencc.

Mias I. iiiirj Koinan, who sustained

dnely the (x'scilng role of piano accom-

panist, midi'd grcntly to the succeas of'an

entertainment which wai nuu of lliebest

in the eourse.

Tbe next entertainmeut will take place

o"n the'eveutng of Feb. tJi when-Prof.

S. M. Bpidorj, tho marvellous cartoonist

and humorist, will present "Character

and CbaracN rLstics," mien lio draws,

IBUS. recltts. and. sketdiea faces from

the audience, forming a unique and nn-

rlvalUd enter lain me nt.


lir \>II\ -WH.KKS

Ki-» run.

Notlco was received from the council

that it had failed to concur wiivthe up-

per board lu the election of J. J. Mshonry

and had elected U. A. DeCourcy in Ml

Lead. .The aldermen tbei reachc/l' f.>

tb^lr blocks, and a vote whether to con-' T*vl.int~l:KKLKt ,_r r with the council or not was taken.

The first was the decMvs. one, the vote

standing five In favor of Concurrence

one against, and C. A. DeC.Mirry was df

dared elected city solicitor. ' utoiSaM> ifc^ntThnVW

AD order waa presenud f( r tiie construe-: uVgc^B'n"yoo'*"iU«e"v*

. buks

i s- .■ i

1, II. KtHMlCB 1. I,. Hull ll'-v. W. K. (ill.bs K. fr.int !-•■ iU Josaph ntagenild

■ '-.sK._|i.,ni.Klm^ >hnr i luna

|>t llat*a f Kngtneer Marble J.T U'S'ilhvan rk of Uverscursthsrles Morrison

Voml lion K. r. o'.sul in in T. Sellers Hurry II. Mmk

Among those iuvlted who did not at teed were i \

tliy Trraaurer-e ISH I Councilman McCnwsn il'.Siilllvaa • Ilti|>reBeiiUilTa llslley

Cliy Treasurer I'onr llc)ire>eiiistiTe Caution •lu- n t*.B«rt«Ley, Kmi. t-sin. Bsevea *ii|. W. U. Menlll 1,1. n(. uanisirn r. ttedge Lieut, HcnacaioT i

■Mi im- sitermsn r-i>. liemlsll ' t.fiiintltiiiaii Kennedy Lieut. Coan

Al'ir.ltJ-lIK HANIJUKl.

After all the couises had been served,

l*to batquet was Informally' closed and

preparations wt real once made for the departure to the city ball.

On Broadway, in (root of the hotel,

the mllltaary escort was in waiting and

n'-o IWenty-OOa csirlages In which the

barqBM party was to b'! otvajad to

hall. At 7 45 o'clock, amid clieera from

tiie hundreds assembled sftou', the gov-

ernor Blade bis appearance ll the hotel

■Ionr and was »«-!gned to a seat In the

first carriage, w.iu Adjutant General

Hilton,. Mayor Dm snd Commander

I.lHletl«l.1 u-M'ualSS. The governor'

staff occupied the second carriage, then

came the board of aldermen, counclb aiiil luvltcil guests.

The lino of mirci was taken u,o at

about a o'clock, formation boing as fol- lows i

Pla'oon of pollcj. Milltaiy Utnd.

Co. F, Bth H-gimeut. Co. I.. Bib Keglmeut.

POBtSD.Q. A. It. Carriages.

As the head or the procea»lon reached

the PBclflo ll.-ld, at a polut aoout opposite

Rkknell's.block,-a platoon from Battery

0 belcht.l out a governor's saluLu or sev-

enteen guus,. All along ICssex street red

ilio burnul aud flnworks were dlfplayed

during the passage of the procession, en tli«*i MOT Bfwj The rrefl-se-*^^^

six o'clock, madu It Impossible for the

people" to distinctly see the parade (mm

the cldewalks, consequently " iwo ful.il

lines of spectators were drawn up on the

pavemenie leaving only room enough for

the'llne to pass through.

Al every corner* aa the governor's face

was recount zed, an ovation was tendered

him, "Three cheers for Governor i; n

sell," being a much used expression.

Upon arriving at Appleton street, the

band took ita station near the entrance to

tjic city hall white Ihe escorts were drawn

up at present arms. The guests iromedl-

alelv n paired to the aldermanlc chamber

and a few in nuxls later nps!r..d to the


In ll»ls (UT, ICh. s. Us SVTOBJ. Krnn rSew WllksBof Uwrawee ._ h»il eltr.t'cl, 9, hy

A K"fi8. Mr. TmioHs M. T ylor Josephine. L. (Malay,

350 TIIK I

The governor entered the l:sl leaning on the arm of MaJ. George H. Merrill and was directly followed by Msyor Doe and Adjutant G.neral Dalion. The lemalnder of the stalf came next they In turn being follawed hy other Invited guests.

As the riMy iiiter.-i the hall the or- chestra "rendered "Hall to the Chief" while the large audience burst forth with

applause. The governor icrtlvcd a very Warm reception and before departing Tor borne made known hla ippnciatlou of ll.

A recep'.lon to the pubiip was com- menced as soon aa tbe governor's party entered lbs ball. Hla excellency and Ha]. Merrill took stations directly In front of the stage, and the reception committee commenced Its work of Introduction. This lasted till 9 o'clock or until all who a J wished had been Introduced to the state's chief executive.


The ball wta fetf teautlful.rirtlcnleily vshan tho Governor waa receiving and when the thor waa filled with a brilliant company. I'port the stage were potted plants and lillies in bloom. In tbe centre of thu edge of the Stage, rested a five pointed star with tbe letters "(J. A. U.*' In white carnaMons. Above tbe atar waa the nnm'ier ■■39." The hall was encircled wlthjred, White aud bine bnnt- lng, while the galleries were draped with lace. From the chandeliers In the gal- lery, bung American thlelds, and between tbe windows down, stairs, were smaller shields, set off with fl igs of all nations. On the stage, two large American flags sweptfromthe fllta/ln graceful folds, to the aides. Hanging between thtfra- wss a banner, bearing the Inscription "Welcome to our governor and slsff." The decorations were arranged by Weston and were very pretty. ™ .'


Tbe musical programme of the evulag waa a very elaborate one and consisted of seven very beautiful aelecilons, besides the dance music. Tbe American orchestra of Lowell, furnished tbe music, Mr. E. J. Bcrjes having the musicians In band. Tbe concert commenced at 8 o'clock'Bud", lasted until near nine. Tbe following! programme was rendered i



nil I km.in M. Laurent L'aji For Helling Bud Milk.

Light Cavalry, Eii|'|«>

iV: Hi inamloilu tolo, Mr O. ILI'aik.

War Ucraorlci, Mr. i:. M'liirii-i.

ATilp lo Great llrttalu, Morctau.

Paailnfln llevlcw,


Tobal Saaopboue solo.


\i lo|iliono solo. Bra hum Henry Dutresnu.

At the close of the can cert, preparations

were al once nude for tho grand march

and it in ivi d on lime. It waa lud by Floor

Marshal Col. Melvln Beg] and lady, tbe

post of honor being given to His Kicel-

ency (I >*. I(:i--ell and.Miss Beatrice Doe,

daughter of Mayor Doe. The mayor and

Mrs. Doe were the third couple In the

rrarcb, with members of the governor's

-till" following directly behind. Tin n

came tbe aids and reception committee

ana tlaa'ly the general public. The march

was a large one and for this reason It wait

Impossible to conduct many pretty move-

ments. Tbe fl ior marshal did aa could

jest be done under the circumstances and

conducted the march to a successful ter-


Alter 1*10 march, dancing was -Intro-

duced ar.d was continued tlil two In the


Col. Melvia Beal officiated as floor mar-

shall, assisted by a large corps of aids.

The committee who corducted ibo bail

consisted of Commander C. II. LlUlefletd,

Past Commanders G. 8. Merrill, A. N.

Phillips, 1). F. Kiley and G. L* GBge, 8.

V. C»mmander J. II. Hulford, J. V. Com-

minder, 0. S. Brown, A'ljjunt P.O.

Kendall, <l out. iiiiii-ter W. H. Abbot',

Comrades A: H. Granger, G. W\ Smith,

"a. H'."Gilmaa, JJtaa Scorn,and J. 0"


Therommltteo on reception consisted,

on the part of vthe city govercnteut of

Mayor D K; Aiderineii Dtylc, pTltQT/jnd

Butler, President of Council J. P. Kane,

Couucilmep Wiugate, W*ie(au, llyan.F'li u,

Barnes and BraLbwalte.

To this commlitee, there nat added in

tbe part of the Uratid Army * Commander

C. Ii. Littlefl-ld, Pes". Coromindors O. S.

Menld, A. N. Phillips, & F. liiley, li. .',

Sherman, A. C. Son.-, (i. I„ Gaga, C. K

i.iekf, A 'jiiiant F. o. Kind all, Sorgeoi

J. G. McAllls'er, CoB)rB4si K. K W.b-

sler, A, H. Oilman, W. T. McAlpine, K.

B. Hhodea and Melvln Baal.


The veil Tins may well IH proud of Hull

ball. It was one of the most buccessful

events of i lie season.

Gov. Hinse.lt chatted very pleasantly at

tbe banqoet table to those about him.

Almost ficlag tbe governor and <;■ n

Dalton was President Kane of "the lom-

mon council, and this called lo mind, the

Cling of a governor's!salute by Co. F, to

plain Wm.'i'^'^WsVett'builng Ihe cam-

paign of la'JO. "Yon got It all tight,

governor, i.ex'. lime" i-ald Gen. Dalton,

and the governor smiled.

Gen. Dalton and city Messenger He*

row were •'aojern" together, aud the gen-

eral spying William's bald bead, laflbll

place at the head table ai.d chjoyed-a Tew

niii.u'i s conversation with the mess

ger. "lie's a great g i-d fellow," said

ihe general aud nil about tdm agreed.

Gov. Itusstll was a college classmate of

Supt. of Schools Hates. "Wc don't uBfd

an IntroJuctlou" said his ezcnilency when

Mr. Biles wns r»rtaeBUai " We "Iad" IV

for four years together."

^Thu city and tho post did Itself proud

Surely 20,000 peopje lined tbe streets

as the governot'H patty came down from

tbe Franklin house,

"I'm afraid Lawrence is getting tired

of me" *ald Hio governor, "I c-me so

often." Dut I like I.awrnke aud I like to


Csinp'Jl. Rons of Veterans, and

Methuen camp were both well represented

at the bal1. Among thu members: of the

local camp vrbo attemled thl baniinet at

the Frank'ln were Allcrmcn Marllu aud

Bollon, Cjuncl'man Cale and Past Cap-

tains V. V. Sargeut, Jas, K. Douogbue

and P. II. Donoxbue.

Miss Beit rice D.je, who accimpanlu-l

Governor ENhwall in tlrtTuarcli was very

becomlnglv a'tlnd In a costume ot cream

India mik with greijn slik trimmings,

Cstlierlne Mermet roMf. and white kid

altjiQers. t

roiiniMMivU'iilOi uf \hiss.nlniv IN


To Carolina H. r.iasor, ami H >»cs r«lff. l.olii -I And-ivcr, In said e u»or K*ant, Sarah K M-ii.rs, ami JI.IIT, i . w, Mimre.liii h- rt.'onr«r<l, Iniii.iHWie.ir N.U, iianiuabl»,an'1 Helen al. Hao ut New York, la the Mate of Hi* York.

IJKfctTISO Wherein. Hemv It. W. Hall,of nVsion.in inn

eonn r "i siiitulk, and comiuonivrnltn afortxal-i, <l Court a pcititon, nj>u

■'tl.o.Miit In common me ir share uf < < n.iln rt-n) uiinty i.i I.7.M-1, m,.j ,].'.

, ami |.r.i\ .ev Hi4i. pu-i Ivnan '

as lire-Hi- ule.l illllhg Slii.l In MlWl

iehol II id I -in ti-, pan

enisle, M luti-o In silil • rrll,c.ltliSlhl liellllon tlim llicruof Riar-Vc i)

lloo, IIISV termlrTcilio m»ni an« nf ihe BSIDIT- iln r> Initaserlbed In ll»; uisii strjiratentied i>r lute, r r ilm re-ston .et r«rih Iq

t'uiiare berabf nlteil la appear M I I'mimif Court, tulliu Unl.l.n ..( .^.I.m.i,, „,.| Umuly ul Kssei.nnlhe flis- s|«.nf|«¥ or Harrh, nnt. nt wnifnM.H-k lnthrf..i,i1(-.ii,ln(.n ,i ,lfHny you have, sfsindt iii.- tanw.»

Ami i^ilil pomi'.i.i'i' I* i.rdeii'.] i.i hcrTii ttih .■Hull.: il t.y ilr UeiiiiK .1 nvv il.< e.ni 1 , . i.li ,„ ,-. son Inlt'imln! whiir.-i,, l... f,,ni,.| M Hldii the Mslr, fifniivundBy* at le»»i Uioro»il i Conit, nmi ij --•■ .m-i-jnnui tio S» f.mnil, by also pulilUliiiiH

Uwrenco IMIDUCAN *r<l Amlnvnr AiivmrfBI n vspl|Mr prinMai ;it Lawrwnrp, nu^e In tilth . 1.0 three w, ,.»,„, i,.,ilu..|„iv .,i.lC*i[f

Mi-*», 'Itultln L. IJuniiiii), r.i..,iiO'i> .IniJKe Kthl .'"ut, H.u ,iMh day .if I^Vewari

liilheyfitrclKlih'i'ii |.-n,.tie.lini.i uie. 1 nv„. J.T. JUBONliY, Itciriiter. A truer,-IT. S

Thursday forenoon, Milkman Joseph A.

Sl. Laurent was called for sentence for

selling bad milk.

I Lawyer A. R. Sanbornt pie.-d.- ! for a

lluht- lenience lu view of ihe fact ilhat

tbe defendant wss young.

Juii^u Stone said tbat owin: to the sge

of St. Laurent and to that fact alone, he

would impose the minimum fine of S5').

The clerk read the seulcnce aud the line

was promptly paid.

Mlaa Hnlley and Her Work,

The Lowell Times of a few days ago,

In speaking uf tbe work of factory in-

spector Mlaa Mary E. Ilalley of this city

■aid: 1

"Miss Ha liy bis the largest district of sit. It embraces all Uu northern half of the state from the coast lo tbe cast line ofBeiksblre county and thu whole of that county. Mrs. Ames takes all the rest of the state. Miss Halley appears to be a lady admirably adap ed to the busi- ness, and from her ipptarauce one could scandy conceive It iiossih'e tbat ahe would ever make h rse'f unduly obnox- ious to 1 mployers. On the oiher band slio frtvea evlderjca* of -much forrerrf ■:buiacter and, bavlag tbe power uf the state beblnd her, is pretty apt to bu like tbe traditional /'one and tbe Almighty"— majority. Imnould be leiuumbeied tii.it -lie lias to do with all employers of wo- men and children, fromihe yr^al oiinu- fsctones to pet^y stores, mlldner and dn.s.iiiakiii;.: establishment, employers 01 seamstresses, etc. Ode csu easily see that ir she atteu.ts t?lierwoifc, she nas enough to do. In fact', ll would seem almost impossible for one to iborouzhly Bud systematically Mi er so large d dls- Diet, out "she has done- what she could" in the few months of her Ineumbincy and will continue to cover her nlstrlci as well as she can. Her pulley la to attend to ihe larger places liku Lowell, Ltw- muce, etc-. In tbe winter, leaving kiU smaller places for sumuier work. She says 830 meets with,comparatively small Infringements of tbe in -v lu large corpo- rations, bec&ose, for tbe most part the aiaaagement know the law aud u peel lo a'lde by It. la some of the smaller places tbe law is infringed itnorauily and in some cases small employers think tbat a '■factory inspector" has no business with tbem. From tbe printed report ll ajioeari mat Miss Halley Inspected 150 iiiii n 1 t. establishments during the first four months of ber official rjfe." '

Guy Brown lit Court.

Guy Boswell Brown of Newburyport,

under Indictment for tho murder of Din-

il B. Sanborn In Silli-bury on the night

of Jan. 11, was arraigned In Ibe superior

criminal court Wednesday morning.

Tue accuse I iHteaed attentively to Ibe

reading of the I ad I dm-Mt, and la a firm

voice answered "X>t guilty." Tae court

then assigned Henry P. MouHon.of s I'.em

and Henry B3TJjhus'on of N .■■.vbnryp >rt as

bis counsel. ,

After consultation wlih counsel and

Ibe district attorney, Jtul^e Blodgett an-

nounced tbat li i would fix a diy for the

opeiduz of the tilil at a later date, After

a whispered consults Ion wlib l.i.wer

Johnson, Brown wss taken in charge by

1 niii'.er Cronln, aud returned to Jail.

It Is not probable that the act u •> -i will

be tried "iofore Miy, anl pot ibly not"

until July. Aitvi Judgjs mu t sit al

the trial, It Is wry doublful whether they

can give tho necessary tlmu until the

summer vacation.

District cfllcers Ha^cheMer ami Shaw

have ■ charge of the prosecution lu the

case. *

Disorderly llouso ls;ii.l<- d.

About 12 o'clock Wednesday night a dlsiurbflr.ee,was btmd lu ll<f house, 88 Chestnut strict, wbiili 4a krptlhy Jerc wish Dorgau, a jnnk ij^altr. The noise conslaudof ewtlilrg, lojirj talking aud silling.

Ulllceifl Pilshy and Kdleher heard

tbe dlslmbatce, and nfttr listening at

one of the wludows mtiml the. house

anl found uu | ersoce under.lhe Ullnence

< : liquor. Tbiy arrested three of iheae

and brouLhi them to thu mallon. To-

itelhcr with Hergeint OSulllvaL tbe

olll.trs itpiirtd to tbe place a^aln and

arrested four more.

■ The seven arrested were Durgan, the

I-topiielof, Jirxes McDermolt, Maurice

Lice, Timothy Lsne, John Connolly, Pat-

rlifeilsr*, ai.d Jsmeiillalemau.

McDeiniott and Tiuiothy Liue arc both

defoimed, ond arc 17 and TI years re-

(■I'Ctllvtly. The former has served lltm

at Concord.

In t: I.I* ti.il.iv they were ail sentenced

to tbe tmaaa of^Nrrtctlon for 30 da>s for drunW'Liets.

Dorgati received a sentouce of five

months for keeping a disorderly .bouse.

He appealed on tuih charges and was held In^tiie mm of *10Ofor drunkenness and

-V"1 ii for [ruaintaiulng a disorderly house,

to appear before tbe superior court,

Tollco Kxrttiiliiutimi.

A civil service eximlnatlon of appli-

cants for the police service of Lawrence

wid bej h.eld Wednesday Feb. 21 Citl-

/•i- who have been residents of L'tw-

nbee the past six frunihs have a rluht to

apply. Blank applications may be oh-

talned of Chailis f. Bill, K-<[ , cliatnian

of tho Board of Eg—laira, AppHcaata

for the police servicn mutt be between

33 an.f to years of |ga, S reel, 8 luclies in

height, and mint, weigh at least 110

pounds. Tbosj who Ills applicstlons with

Mr. Bell on or before February ilu will be

notllled to appear for nomination, The

llmltatlcn jf Bg-i dons not app'y to per-

sons wh-j served lu the army or nsvy In

the lime or tb) rebellion and received an

honorable discharge. ' . -'

KHSCI County !>catlt Hcnteuco.

The last roan to receive, the death sen-

tence In 1',-MI x county w i- Albert Joy,

wno was con v I Lie I or mnrd rlug bis

fiieii'l (iilma;i In 1877 at Itockport. Mauy.

wul remember his poor era/, ul mother

who used to g'i about bt-gglng and im-

ploring every clt:/.n of h.il ence to ;ei

her+ioy out of prison. The p ior womm

got lo be a familiar iliiure at ibo state

bouse and she IHBda BtotttleBi vKlts to

the governor praying for hla pardon. Srio

was the ohJ:ct of much pity. TUJ go ■-

ernor commuted the death ftattMOfl ■ of

Jiy lo Impilsocment for life. Joy was

to have been hung la this city .and' iba

gallows was ready whoa tho reprieve came.


Its City Solicitor DeCourcy now and

the troubled waters have all been stilled.

Petitions are being extensively signed

In Lawrence for tbe pew electric rail-


—The ling looked for "two fr three

Inches of snow" has ms-lu lu appearance

and slelgbrldes will now be In order.

—That order of Alderman Gallagher's

looking to tbe widening of Broadway at

the railroad crossing, Is a very good one.

-Caj'-lalri Jjhn It. Rollins, who has

been confined for some time to his resi-

dence In Ktst Derry, N. II., by Illness, Is

slowly recovering.

—Miss Annie Connors, formerly a

■lleswoman al Kiley Bros., was married

recently lu Texas, wbltber she weut on

leaving Lawrence.

—Members of tbe Essex Agricultural

Society will find copha of tbe Tiansic

tlous for Nov. 1891, wltb tbe Janitor

at ibo Court Uouse. -j*-

—Mr. Charles II. Merrill, the llroadway

grocer, Is receiving congratulations

the arrival of an additional member of

bis fam'ilyi It's*a boy,

—The evening of Feb. 20 has been st

lected as tbe date upon which the service

medals will lie presented to the mllltla.

About t-'.lu medals will be given out on


—John K. Norwood has returned from

Washington, D. C., where ho went to

present a petition to congress, atklng for

jratlou improvements ou tbe Merrl

mac river.

Orecl'an lodge of Masons will hold Irs annual sociable In, M-sonlc Temple,

Kilday evening, Feb. 19, An excellent

procramme la l:*lng prepared. Boppi

and dancing will follow.

- Bleclrlclan Edson Hitchcock, who

had a leg cut off by an electric car

Thanksgiving Eve, has left the general

hospital and has accompanied his brothel

Dr. E. Ward Hitchcock, to 0ashen, N

V. ". -|

—The next instltilo "of the Essex

county agricultural society will be held

at Salem Friday, Feb. 10, in connection

wlihtbeUay stale agricultural society.

Co'. McDonald, a member of the United

States n-ii 'commission, will deliver an


—Mrs. Josephine II. Barrle, who was

sentenced to tbe house.of correction for

two years for forgery, was brought to

tbe city late Saturday afternoon lb charge

of^Di-pnty 8herln*. Brlggs. 8h« com

plains bitterly or ber sentence and thinks

It a moslseveruone. She will sp-nd her

two yoars at the local j all.

. — Rdv. L. P. Cushmii, pastor of Trln-

Ity-ehwdt e-f -&yrt»,-anJ form

Sjuth^Lswrcnce, desires to be removed

from his present chargn to another pas

torale at, the April conference of Metho-

dist churches or the Lynn district''and

basso informed .1. II. Man-M ■'. I, presld-

lng elder of trial district. Mr. Cusbman

thinks tbat mittcra of this nature should

not be made public and therefore declines

to state his reasons for" inch a step.

Board of Kngineen*.

The board of Are engineers met at! the

cMef euglneer's olll:er Monday.

Il waa voted to adopt tbe Greek bat

badge as the bat Insignia of the depart-


Il wis further voted to determine how

many or toe numbered badges of the de

- parUuent ware missing, to provide- new

badges f«r the numbers ml-slng and also

to pun ha c enough additional badges to

supp'y all new members of tho depart-

ment, tbe regular substitutes Included.

Hepardlag the right" of -the regular

sub&lltutca In the department ibe eugi.

neea unanimously decided that all elected

substitutes are regular members of the

tire department and sre entitled to all

privileges and benefit a therein.

AnQover AflverTisef OFFICE..

OiitThit's BLOCI, MAIN ST.,

TI»0 ( OlllllllMI l»oml.

A fence oroiiml the oinmou pond, will

greatly tuar'tbuVaaty of the BomajOB.

Accldems th-re are vefy, very few. Wo

have little BBOBgb i t parks niw, to say

o'.blog or ipolling what -fee already

have. Ftu co i he can tl* rl rat, w here

danger len times over lurk", Dill let the

unoffending (.ond on tho BBttsMfJ alone.

Vaciiiiuv rtiWi

Alfred Uui-ii', over.mr u( tbfl weaving

iiepaiinuu: u| the fanf*^r'«B BlUi/hai been tendeied and accipttd (h« PO,III.J;I

of overseer of a; Hue depar'ui-nt In the Methuen comi.sny'j mn of Methuen,

width was Mda vacmtbf'th,B' death Of the late ll^m-y It Merrill.

Ambrose iSurlthBon will silccoed Mr. Hiirst'at the I'emh'Ttnn

fTheattaailonof invest-r* t*catla<lia ilio nd imte-'i'lr-i ii,.- Auins.-n | ■.,>... i, i M,,".. Ill, I I, ..|,|„ Jf- r1 , mi.-.e , ,- ii.,,,.... , , ' I'Tiill SB wlih 'ii.-li farnlr. u 1.1. liv. r niinrti'. i »[lh -..lily lo (be liivt[.|,.i in- .,.*,,.■


Exploilcd Uy Uatclioldor.

Tbe latcstsupposcd clue the movemenu

of the accomplice of tbe murderer of

Sanborn of Salisbury baa been trsced lo Its source.

Tbe man who called upon Dr. I J.

Glaikeof Haverhlll, In such an excited

state upon tbe night of the crime, hart

nothing to do with the case, but was the

new editor of the Merrlmac Budget, who

drove to Haverhlll on the fatal night to

ca'uh the late trail for bis former home,

whence be bad heard bad news.

Hi.* nerves had been shaken and he went

lo the tioclor for medicines. Bute De-

tection ij.ff ■.,■: ! :- leirned tbe facts In

Merrlmac Monday.

s Alil.lir FKVEIt-

An Epidemic of lliia IHM-USC l'n;

valcut llrre.

There seems to be an epidemic of

Ut fever prevalent In this strlIon of ihe

state, Lnwrence not escaping the ravage of thisdUeiBe.

MethuoD, Acdoyer, and N irtb Ar.do i

haveel«o been visited by the epUieml

the f_oi.mcr place having mote cases <

Illness than tbe surrounding towns.

During tbe past year there were II

cases of Bcr.rlet fever In this city, which

were reported to the board of health

of that number resulting lu dea'h.

During tbe month of Jinuary of thU

year il cises were reported, *vhlle during

thu oist days of tho present month, 11

cases were made known to cgfcat Bailey,

There seems to be a grave neglect on

tbe part of some local physt:1ans tore-

port cases of scarlet .'ever, as prescribed

bylaw, snd then the health department-

Is hampered In Its work of checking the eplihmlc.

Alien'. Bailey of the board of health,

was seen by an aMMKUM man yesterda)

and saf-i that Judging from the cumber

of-cases reported since tbe Hrst of Feb.

rotff the. disease was decreasing but for

the live months prtceedlng II was en Ibe

Increase. The largest number of cases

iyererepoitcd during those five months ol

any siml'ar lemilUcf time durlnir his f,,u,

yeara connection with the health depart- ment as Its agent.'

Tho Increase In tho disease began about

rVptrmber'^ nf last year BtnT mrrlBg"Tfir

remaining rour months of tbat year tin

greater part or tho cases r*f.orted during

t .e entire yoar, were broujbt to the at-.

lentlon of tho hesllh department. - The

cases originated in wnrd five J>ut ale now

scattered over all parts of Ibe oily.

. "What do you lay ibe spread of disease tu," was ingulfed.

"Unorauce" wis the abru|il reply,

li regard to this the attent further silo

lltat Ignorance Is Iba bardrst ihlrg that

th.y bav> to deal wlih. The partly

win; a a caicof scirlet Iff v. r U In their familiis, will not keep visitors from tlieli

bouses. In this respect lie AmrrWn peo-

p'e Vro the morn careful atd for tbat

Ma-in tbe disefloe Is m- re prevaUut

ITMIBJ foreigners. The agcnl alio said

that where a caso was Invet-tlgau-.t a card

was lift with tho initructli.oa of wist li

riquired fo bo iloi^snd the persons are

n'f-o U.rsaleu.d with prosecution If they

vlMi'i the ralBS. But, "Continued tbe

BgrBl, "%a WMitd Oil tbepoUeii court If

II ahead take them a'd 111" Mr. Bailey

lal ■! btl ta-s'i'Werc a linger number of

tfathnio In proportion to tbe

population a*, tbe present time than here."

Local Manager.


Winter An miij'iinon, October IS, 1BOI.

iv. n. uooiiivfia, \,-..,i

■ io Boston, I'. Til). TAB. 8:li|,6.M,ft<S ; 13:31, 13:37, 1 :2!>, t M,\ :34,3;*4,

:3!lp. in. BundiiT, 7:4B,8:33a. in.; 12:20,s:32, 6:63,(t:JT Al p. i I Boston to Anditver,fl:00,7:nn, 0:^0,10:331!

. m, l J :0e m. i \i ;tii, Ji'>, s *;ii,3:iu, i:oi, 5 H:iiii.'i;;i:,,;.iH),ii.t)0 p. a.~

Sunday, S.00, 11:15 a. m.l-l :00,6:M. 1*0 p. AnilOTcrtoI.!iWreiie.e17:ir.'S:-iJ.li:OO,10:34,ll.-80

12.^1 a.m.; li:S0,1 :e!l, 1 :.'ii,'l:in, a 43, €05, _ " 5 1.'., r. I7.7::i!,7 W. |i. m.

Similar, 9:06 a. m., 12AH, fl:U,«:47,8fl3p.ni, Lawrence to Anrlover.B :40,7 :30.7 :B5,8 .-at'.H.-M

10.:fl, 11:00 a.in.i 13 a', 1-irifl, 1:19 •" " !:10,IAi, ■«:i.0,fl-S5, 0:40, •? :iM, UrSe) p. m.

Siiinl;iv7 :.'.. H:1S u. in; 1:1", •4.3S15.3SS:40, 7 41, y.'p*u. 111. (*ltom South Sliie.l Andovcrio Lowell. 7.1(!,o,:«. ,1039, 11:10

l.re.; 18.87,1.40,3:14, 4.:33.5:.W I :ll, fl :Stt.|i. m him.l.ij 7 i';-. .:;:.v.., I.: .:■ ,4:33, 3:33; 7:91

I-'JWCll to Ani1ovcr.S::i:., IVJii, M r..'> A. m 13.30 1 .-00, S :tfl, 3 :S0, S:I0, 11 :|3, ll :95..1I 10 p. m.

Sunday 8^0 a. m„ lljn.i, a-M,1;;io p.m. An.dovorto8nlom,7:(H, xT:4e,a;ra. l*^>«r M

Salem to Andovor, 7:00, xl0;39, )f:S0 '«'. 4 l'l. >!.'.' p. Ill. ii.ilnj \ .n!i. iin U.im li-'H' r, M a.m., l:0n :43,fl-47. _ Holiday S:M, a. si, (i.4T. p.m. " Uolng Ea*t,T:Oir..tN. S:33, U:00,10:3(ll

H:*a, l:3U,3:13i(.tS,4:OS,3:l7>, U.ITniS, 7 :.ViH p.m.

Mill. I:i\ , 9 i: (ll. Ilnverht... .

nrblllani Xflwlm ll. A N.lla

atAIl.S OI'EN. From Boston, New York, South anu West,o.Ot

a.Wa.m. 1 :!n,i.;iii.r..iKi. 7.:inp. m. From Kast, 1.30,3007.49p.m. From North, I.lo, fl OOp. m. From l.awroncn.M.ixia.m.,1.1",B.OO.-p.m. From Hrtll.ii-il V:il-, ..'.niKi. in. r, ■nn1;. m.

alAH-SCNOSIf. For Joiton.New York, South and West,7.00,9.20

i. in , u in , t; ( , |,. ii,. For K:i«t, S.00 a. m. 3.40 n. m. For Nut-iM <K) a. m. 8.40 p. m. For Uiwronee, N.00 n. m. I'J m. 3.40, n roi Rnllard Valp.lim. 8:13 p.m. Honey Order office (ilomesilc and foreign) open

ftovHia ^ ._ .■ i .. ,. ... ^ ■ * . n,lo a. n


Cleanliness comes next to irodi(nesi, altlionsh Chicago li ;i- 400 cliurcbcs and no public hallii.

Tbe lit. Itcv. PUUIlpa Urooks will make his annnal-vJaltfltlon to Chrlsl ehuri'h parish next Sunday morning.

A I'ini; distance metallic circuit telephone has been placed in position at Brown ■ p"> station which is a great convenience ' patrons.

The members ot the republican town emu- mittec met hit Mnmlay erciinifr, three mem'Jers present. After tonic dineiimiton it was ugrowl to eend out printed circulars requesting ' attendance at the citizens' caucus.

Tbe Merrimack Vullev Street Railway Com- (iifiir do not use salt on tiie tracks as has licen stated iii..mi t.i.i •i. Sand la freely MM.

It i* iudlipensable upon curves and iwltcbel jt prevents them ficeting up.

Rev. Charles It. Brent, militant mlniitorof St. Stephen's church, llontou, will preach Christ ehurch neat Sunday evening. 'I be rec- tor, llcv. Frederic ralmcr, will preach at the Columbia theatre in boston,

Just peruse the following facts and figures There was sold in thu state of Massachusetts In 1885, 878,778 barrels ol malt lh|uor«; ' In 1890, 963.467 barrels; and this lotul was Increased by -To,l«8 In ITO1, when the total reached W<M3<*.

It may lio of interest to the rucminrs of local lodge to know that Arthur Lord of l'lymonlh bat been appointed receiver of the Progressive Benellt Order. About (Jfifl.000 wJli coma into his hands, which is IJ be divided among 35,000 members.

There will bo an aduilnl»lr.itlon of the holy communion at Christ church next Sunday morning, on the occasion of the vi ii nMhe bishop of the iliocesd, Hlgbt Itev. Phillips Brooks II. D. Tho blshep wilt preach and ad- minister the rite nfcoiiiinuation. Toe nerviest will Ijegln at 10 30.

.Foretelling dfc ond of the world is .mi easy way of achieving not oriel v. If the event lakts place, Bf course the prophet makes nothing of it, but If I: does not he gjls Ills name. up. Lieut. Toileu of Yale bus done th.it inu<:li fur himself, snd the wurld continues to move. A certain Andover professor is quite an enthusiast Hiliject

We tiupe that the trustees of the-Memorial Hall Library do not feel that we are uversicp- plug the luumlaitf etltinetto by PBSIU calling Iheir attention io the eundiunn of Ibe tablet at the entrance of the hall. This tablet is »up- |Ki»ed lo notify all persons ns to the hour* dur- ing which tho building is open for public busi- ness. But In this respect at least ll is a failure. No fount a largj pcrcentngo of our citizen* are fully aware of ihe hours during which ibe li brary is nponorcloh,.'il. If such is Ihe case, Issuer take tho present tablet down, for being unreadable, it could be easily dispensed « ' lint, geiiilemen of the Itotud, wethiuk it wc . lie a Rood idea to have two handsome tablets erected one on each side of the cntrsucc, giving a lew historic fact* in* cuimection with Uie building such ns the date of opening, object of erection, setting forth the hours during which Ihe reading room and library were open." Tin Memorial Hall is a building which eveiyeitl zen of Andover might well feel proud oV am sueutflli'ets as we have referred to would nui

mental but instractlve as well ci t-i -ir.ui vr- who visit onr town. Ii

'liard to (he expense let it 1* borne bypuhlli subscription ami we have no donbt but Ibat such a course would meet with general satis- faction. We hope that nothing we have said will stand In the way of tho improvement sug- gested.

Last Fridav morning the eomnntnltj -somewhat startled to learn that Albert Ijotter known as "Dandelion" ,'oniili, had aunuiilied suicide by cutting his threat. It appears that deceased had been mlkiing frum la cripiie for sometime pint, ami four weeks ago made ap- plication fnradi'ils-don lo tbo nlnuhousc. lib rciiuot was granted, and be ncmed ipiliecon- leni in bisnew ipiarteis, he buvlng a brother Henry HISO an iinmiu-or the sitme Wtitutoln. But i:is linn.-U.1 il. .K»-. ii,. ■ , ii,-;, ml played oil A'llierr* eredulliy b\- IsUnu blm that he was got lift lo-iw polaUBed, and we have no doubt that ii-ltli his we;ik pbv«i--:d condition an.I a mind QDt over brnthl Bt iu< Iwsl, lha snch talk wurked up m linn In III ha finally re solved to end hijcuitliiv cxlstciiic liy commit ling ihe rash aeti. Acc.i'rdinirly un U.c morning in nassUoB ho did ooj appear al il.e breakfail tatile anl Ids l.r-ithcr Henry went in search of him. In aseemliiig the stairs towards Hie un- lortiinato man's room be notiecd spots of blood and np,.n ente iu« found his brother Mug ou the floor with a deep gash lu his throat. Assistance was soon secured and a messenger f|u:ekly dlspatcbed for medical aid • hicb was early upon the scene; but Ihe work had been pretty tlmn.iiguly done aud life wi fast ebbing awuy. lielore losing all conscioui ness he bad tbo prtseme of irtlnd lo iiurRea. rangements for his funeral rei|uestinir that the services bo held hi tiie vestry of the Old South church and that the Rev. John J. lilalrutncJate, all of which waa carried out last Mondny aft- cm at'.' o'clock, Hie remains l>eing luterrcd iu Old South cemetery After making tho alwvc ansugements ha became tincousciuus anu re- mained In that dais until death relieved tiim last Saturday eveuim; at 7 o'clock.

Deceased WJM a well known llgure in town and earned 4 livelihood bv doing odd join for those who hired faini; he wss Ulthfullne

sped and strictly honeit, Iwsl.Its l«lng < id Inollenslie, fnler;eringi wlih no one, "and

the last person one would have thought likely tocommittuch a deed. He has also blown tho organ at CbiUt church fur some time. At the time of his death he was IH years and 8 months of age, and leaves hcbit.d him Iwo brothers, llenrv and Charles, the former at the iliushnuBe, wl.Ho the latter Is employed by tho iisses Lowe uu Main slrcei.

The students of the 'class oT WoTPblllrps Academy cniojed their annual sleigh ride last Krulav evening, starting from the school about "o'clock in-four large sleigh barges. The

itite chosen was thruugb North Andover, U[<ulford, . Uavethiil lo.LanrenLj.. aiming..al ihe Franklin, bouse In |tie latter ciiy *hortly -iter 0o'clock where the party which numlieied'

i-iut i.in.-iy. sat do mi -in one of Landlord Patlee's tiesl spreads. For an hour ur mure* lie good things of tho menu were discussed

Alter the biimpict caiim the postprandial rxcr* eirtB which w.re of a high, order. James B. N'eale mmtc an kjsal toaslmnsu-r. The toasts

j-cilallv i. regard to

The He-cndowmeut

tip." wlcdj ihlowclli up, but |

PlillllpB in the Future. Prof. Coy "The glories of tho poesib'c are ours "

P. A.'(«. W. il ILWadhams Laah'd into Latin t.y the tin^li:igin.i,"

P. S;'U2. "'- ' Lloyd W. Smith We value saaiBW BIBB can pn/e it mure."

PWUIpian, . Ooorge S. McLaren News, old nn.I such

never beard of. AHilotlc-, James II. Knapp

"Henlili anl clieenulntii inuiuaily beget each other."

Mirror. I- W. Bancroft "There Is proliablv PI. ln-lLfur oiilo s in the next wuikl-tlity nnltr BO much from critics aud publishers m il.i- '.

The Family. j. v. F.agle {■rare U ibu matter's look -. his furebcad

rjrfcia Thick rows of wrinkled prints of cares;

I'i...-.ih.v Itithe blldiofall tbs: i-.il-, His, sjrBBstof'all, wli,tsc kliudutii i- i- h.,,,1." Shortly alter inidiu«ht Usa men imcni ceased

and the tinppv W , .tuned fM home amid the noise of cheers and slcjgbfjells. Tbccu-ii mil

long be remembereu by the pflrtlclpants as one ufereat profit and enjoyment- Ihe committee wlikh iiianoged the affair wa* composed of-T. I. Murrall, chalrnian; lit W. linncrm't, 'i. L. llcilie, T. F. Aaf-hibald, B. 8. Katon, T. IL ■ "ii'hcoek.

The political pot Is at present almoit at boil- ing pitch. The caucus which is to beheld

Sroily soon promises to lie a lively one. Mr. oun 8. Staik the present member uf the board

of selectmen will have to fight for the bonorstot another term. Dr. Charles II. Shalluck bal dei-f led lo enter the field, and wc haie no limiu will do Mime hustling." This I is an office sliih is llllcd irrespective of party for it has been tbe cost em dining the last few jears that . party llpcs t« drawn lu town affairs. Such lieuig the case there will i.nlv be the one eaucna snd Unit is kuoiiii as the ill./ens' caucus. It

Ul be rcmeuiliered tbat nearly two yean ago when tbe republican cam us | » as held for Ihe choice of delegates lo the several conventions the question of calling a republican caucus for ihe purpose of nominating tuwu officers esmu liefore that Isslv aiifl Ihe tow n comm i I tee waa instructed to call no such caucus. Wc make that statement In view or the fact that we have

i ii-u-i ii i- question on several occasions: Why not call a republican caucus ? It will ■«

seen from tbe reason girrn aliove tbat wc have o authority Jo do so. Iu tbat event politics III not einer Into llic contest. In regard to

the candidates spoken of, the remarks which uppaartd in our issuseof last week Mill holds Koods> fur as,Nr. Stark is :oncerned. Ur. Slum ck is a member of the school board and so bave no doubt fllia the position In a very ac-

■i-|.iitt>!.' manner. F.ntnot AI.VKHTINEII:—An error or two jt

which incurred in the article of last week's l

Issue, induces me to make additional cxplana- ihe subject of a different method of

movement of troops, nihro particuiaij.T that of Inlantiy. As Ihe plan tiiggested applies- totlila .branch ofJJie seivlcc mine Hutu others, tliongb I can «tc Uo good reason why il may not in- clude cavalry as well. The article states:

This is done under what msy be called, movement by 'right' of regiments.' "To the uninitiated this would give very in-

dcrhittc ideas as to what and how ibe move- ment was made; by tbo experienced soldier tt might perhaps lie letter understood. To make more dear Ihe matter-il should lie called: "Movement by 'wings' uf regiments", ar.d so it was written, but tbe types made ihe error br using ibe word "ilglil" instead of "wings." And :n the name of the authoi of different tac> tics, that of "ilardec" is made to stand as Harden -not very Important perhaps—only to tbe old soldier, who at the commencement of the recent war drilled by those tactics and aft- erwards by Casey's, it sounds a lillle Itrange— the latter being substituted because "llaniee formerly an honored officer in the I'uittil Stales service and tho author or ihe "llflrdee s" tactics, then the recognised authority had turned reticl and was in the ranks of tbe enemy. And so a now svslem bv "Casey" was substi- tuted, to 1>e again set aside by ''fjntonj", all or which leads me to say, that tbe volumes de- scribing the different evolutions, requires very studious application liy 'bo officer to become acquainted with, and is oftentimes a mystery to ihe enlisted man, who tinds himself Intsr- uiinalilv driller, and hardly knows the why or wherefore. Knowing that the method printed out in the previous article, contains elements of great nseruJr.es*, and that there is uo netter system for tin- movement of troops than that or "movement by wingf of regiments," 1 have Ukon tbexipi-ortunliy to repeat, 'that it con- tains all tbat is essential for active practical service. No other method ever devised can bring troops so quickly inlo position to meet the enemy either iu front or jlank, than it. It is well adapted to the batailion and brigade also. It is not a holiday method, designed for parade, but for tbe stem realities of actual war, where, as all experienced teaches, mote men go down to death by the hardships of overwork. tiet*sMatedfjf unneceBsary drill, of the present methods, than by tbe bullets o( the enemy.

Example:—Of—"Movements by wings of regiments", the regiment being drawn up in line of bailie, il is devised to taks position far- ther in advance. To do Ibis, only one order is necessary. Tbe officer in command gives: "Movement m right ranks." Tho color guard stands fast; the two wings Immediately face inwardly and at the word "march", the guard moves on, tbe regiment following In the rlyht ranks.

When the position indicated at which it is desired to form line of battle Is reschtd the guard is halted and tho wings movo forward by Hie Into line. When marching, and It Is <b- sired to change front to the tight, the right wins; baits aud faces; the left w lng moves for- ward on tbe rbrbt by lite into line, aud the movements aio made at tbo required speed; dluble quick when necessary. So loo, tho regiment can chance front to tbs left; the k-:t wing Is halted a '"" the left tiy rile ii

All this is very simple in operation and easily understood by every olllcer nod man who knows exactly just what io do, which Is a good deal, orteuiuues; more than is known by. the old Btyle methods,—especially In face of ibe.cnciny, when promptness and celerity of action Is needed.

The aijiivj will enable the reader to gain some idea or the plan suggested of "movement by wings of regiments:"

OlIshllVKR. At tbe regular meeting of Lincoln lodge No.

78 A. l). I". W. of this town held r'eb.N.ItWI, the following preamble and rcseluilom were adopted:

Whereas, It his pleasel tho fuprcun Iluler and Preserver or tbeVimorse to remove from our midst our late brother Charles F: Hot ton, ■-. and

Whereas, lnlim.it.- relations held by our dc- ceased brother with the members of this lodge, render It proper that we should place un record our appreciation of his (sen-tecs as i.ur First Depute, and his merits as n man, therefore be It

Resolved, That by the death of Charles I'. Hurton. wcloso a brother who was always active am) zealous, in ins work, ready to help tbo needy and cheer thesao, prompt toaci-

ance tbe Interests of our beloved order and de- nied to ita woltare and pfoajMrlty, One wbo .as wlso aud Tearless in m lion, Ian homst aud ■prijtht man whose virtues endeared bun not miy to tho members of this lod^e, but to ail

who came in contact with'him. , llesolved, Tbat the wisdom and ability dis-

played and tbo genial good humor with which no always graced bis remarks have been a source of pride and good, fieiing fill by Ibu members of this Ijdgo toward our laic brother.

Itesolved, That these resolutions IK entered upon the minutes of mis bulge; aud that a copy be sent to his widow ard family, lo Niubury- port lodge No. 111 an.' lo the Now Kngland Anchor uml Shield.

'K^CASIIW!;""' J """"ittefl. Miss Charlotte II., TOODfl daughter of Ihe

late Mr. Thomas Ilarnett, died al the home of her grandparents on High street last Tbursuav mornlng uged ij years and 11 days, congestion of the brain king assign si as tho cause of death. For the last few days sbo has licen In

unconscious state little hone beingentertaiucd for her recovery. Funeral services wld be held at ber late home on High street tomorrow afternoon at 'I o'clock; tbe Itev. Frederic Palmer will officiate, when the remains will lie conveyed to the Kplscooal cemetery fur inter- ment.

Tbo Pro bono club met at the Free church laisonage last Tuesday evening ami enjoyed a Boat pleasant time. Tho subject under oon- liltrallou was ■Fdinburgb". A very acce.pt' ihlc sketch or the place was given by afisa

Marie Saundcrs followed «lib a gci'ctal de- :lon of Hie city and its inhalations by <

_. Martha Onir. At the conclusion of thla Miss Magjclc- Lindsay rendered very nrctfthr "Wllbln a Mile e' BdTnbOTO town.'* After a short talk on electricity, by Fred IL Guff and others, the remainder or tho evening was spout In games and various amusements. The nud-

ig lb rough out-proved very interesting.

Afbcrt Kane w»s on Irlal fur larceny and cm- •//lenient last Friday at Salem, it being al-

leged that he helped himself to sumo hoi waicr bugs, tbe properly of the Tyerrubbercompany, where he was employed. Tbo case fur tbe commonwealth was not strong enough, to tho defendant was acquitted. The soveinrneni's case was based on an atlegea confession of the defendant to chief of police Cbcever.

Mr. John W. Bell has been promoted to the fosltiou of assistant treasurer of the Smith &

love ni anu fact ii ring CO. The local camp Sons or Veterans are circu-

lating a petition which is annexed and is self explanatory i

To the Honorable, tho Senate r.nd House of Representatives lu tieueral Court assem- bled I

We Ibo undersigned citizens of tie Common- wealth of Massachusetts, respectfully petition your honorabletwdv that such legislation lie- enacted a« may. enable regularly organized camps of the Suns or Veterans D. M. A., lo arm - d equip themselves, and lo parade and drill

armed liodies, wiiuin iho limits uf the com- unweallh, under such rules and rtgulalloiiB vour hunurablo hotly or the cummanderdn-

imtcf of tboniMlllanftoe CbnimTiHwcallli mav- prescrihe.

TUB petition Is lieing numerously signed and - tbo request will undoubtedly lie granted.

Mr. Henry A. Clapp of DOSIOT, ... pnrsrtcd StiakiperTan-tctmlsr,- wlH deliver ftmr letafsjsj upon dramas of Sbaksucaro in tho

■wn hall. Subjects and dales as follows i neiday, Feb. tt. Uie Men bant of Venice* * '

Tcesony, March I, Mmiitli (|), Tuesday, March H, MsclsMh {•!). Tuesday. Mnrch lo, Thu Tempest.

Tick-is for ihe cudise, tyjiW; single admls- lo i, i-i cents,

The number nf births recorded during Hie ar IHIH was 101; ;.; i.nv, and 41 nil-is, tbe

lowesl ntjiiik r of any one yesr for the pasl ten years at least. For the year ending Dec. .11, IH'JO the number was UO.

Horace II . inn or Mr. James llownrth, died al the hume of bis parents in Lvnn but .Sunday Xd .'■ years and H months. TisS (mieral tflok

ce last Tiiesdsv from thn home ul hi* aunt, Mrs. John F.. Smiili, ruiiirliuta avenue. Tho remains were Interred In the family lotai Spring Grove cemetery.

The lifiu anniversary of Lincoln L"dge ilf H'orkucn occurs Feb. 31, but will UBCBlbWaKd Monday evening, Fib. 29.

At tbe annual convention of Uie delegates or the French I'rotestatrr I'nlon of New Fnglsnd held at laiwell duflm; iLc latter part uf last week Ihe fdlltjwma officers wv-ro elected honor- ary.; President, Itev. Joshua It. Colt, s(cretary of borne missionary society in Huston; honor- ary vice presidents; Rev. F. W. Mndallieu, bishop hi. K. church, New Orleans BI;I1 Rev. Alexander Klackburn. pastor First Psptlst church, 1-owell; preciJent, Mr. Kmile J'alfliion, Lowell; vice president, Mr. I- F.. Hivsrd, Bprloneldl surttary snd treasurer, liev. J. K. Paradls of Lswnnce, formerly . uf llilstown; asst. sec. and trras., Hcv. Thomei A. Durion, Maiichettcr, N. 11, • ,

The Order of t nit/ moots tonight.

HIM Alice Rhodes is visiting In Blllerlca.

Tbe Elm club ball in tba town hull Feb. 21.

No meeting uf the Firmer*' clnb 1**1 even- ing- i

We have on LIT! aonie splendid bargains In


The local lodge of American Mechanics mtel iiLxi Monday ovenlng. '

MissJlelcu Whlllcmure is conilneU to her tliotnc by an uttack of scarlctlua.

Indian llldge Council 1183 H. A., hold their regular meeting next Wednesday evening.

Prof, W. J. Tucker In favorably mentioned (of the i<resiliency of Hurt mouth college/

William-Angus was initialed Inlo tbo myi- ii'ik'i of tbe Worn men last MontUy evening.

(Julte a mimbor uf young psople enjoyed tbe excellent coasting during the fore part of ibe week.

7.ao. 1 Aruanum, will I,.- held ,ibu evening

Rev. Oco. Hall of Dover, N. II., gave a very Interesting talk at the South church last Mon- day evening.

James Sontar of Abbotts Village has entered tbe employ of Mi. Geo. Bsmuleri, plumber and tlnsnilth.

The ,\-i :■-■ ■■] House opened In Boiton yes- terday with Mr. 11. A. Woods of the He ml nary

, it tbe bead of It.

Miss. Mary White uf Wlnthrop Highlands N. 11., is *Uiting at the- home of Mm. s. M. 11. (Jurduor on Jlartlelt street.

Miss Suile Smith Intends to build a residence Una soring near tbo homo of Mrs. Uytrs, Mer- rill of Lowell being the architect.

Mr. William Cunrnley has a very line display of dress goods and muslins. Several of his jutrous have been from out of towstjo*

The Saturday afternoon class In dancing under Miss Heed's management, meets regular- ly and a pleasant social time Is spent oy all.

Look your wardrobe over; see the ad of Mr. Joseph M. Bradley, li Is an old but true saying, "A dollar sived is a dollar earned.

Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews are being con- gratulated apon tbe advent of a little daughter

' who made her appearaace last Sunday morning.

Tbe Jnvenlle Missionary Society of tbe West church will meet at tbo homo of Miis Uerlrudii Holt next Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o.clock.

Wanted;—A few smart, activo girls to do general housework. Apply at tbo American ollke, Carter's block, batman the houn of 2

a on i In- »♦ IM

t tliel-lm*-

Wbnt Is the matter witb tbe oporatlves in our mills and factories being granted a half holiday ou the lirst Monday In March, It being town meeting day.

Tbe electrics were tied up last Monday eve- ning during the hours from D to 7; an arma- ture belug out of order at ibe power bouse caused tbe trouble.

Quite a uumbcr of West Andover presidents attended tbe entertainment by the blind uiusl cians under, the auspices ot the Methuen grange Wednesday evening.

-Tbe members of the local grange held a very enjoyable l»x party last Tuesday evening which was i|aiie an event every particular be- ing successfully carried out.

Tbe delesuteichosen to represent Port 90 G. A. K. at ibe umveution ol (irutul Army men l»lng held in Unitou, are Commander Mallard Holt and Henry C. Hlgglns.

I Two road commissioners from the town of Banvers visited here Tuesday and Inspected

■ in- stone n II-III.T, (Ire apparatus and sneb Uko and seemed highly pleased.

Miss Edith Valpey's friends will ha glad to hear that sha has -■■■"——<i>y p....-..^,! ».. ,(t ■in a short time each day^tltnougb still «wak tdie is gaining dally in strength.

Tbe .Scamcns Friend Society of the West churcb intended to bold their sociable last even- ing at ibe boma of Mr. lid ward Bo in well, but It was postponed on account of tbe storm.

Some of tbe Phillips boy s held a very pleas- ant assembly in tbe G. A. K. hall Wednesday ulLTi :i. The music waa furnished by aje-srs. Che*. Newton gad '1 bos. K. Hbodcs.

Tbe tramp nuisance seems to be on |ba In- crease. F.ir Hi-..' month ending Jan. knights of llio road were put up at house, wblio the corresponding month oNdit year showed IWi,who bad called there.

Tbe amount received m behalf of Jehu Mc- Kenxle Is KM follows: ■ Sum reported last iveck, ' |2K 00 A friend, 1.00

Children who look part lu the trades .mriiiviil. They inteud to bavo readings, blaglnj: and a collation and perhaps dancing for the older ones. ^

Tborfoveml^r clu'i met Monday afternoon in Abbott Academy half. Tbe time was de- voted to listening to papers on l'l/.a and Flor- inie*. Miss McKeen read a very interesting paper on tne art of these places. Mrs. Selah Merrill also bad a paper on t'lorence.

[.■i.st Saturday afternoon while Mr. M. U. Andrew* was driving bin pafr which were bltcheu Into bis double sleigh to Lawrence and while cross in* Utoitreot railway tracks near Dove place, one of the runners gave way. Mr. Audreys WM nccoiiipauicd by inreehidici, but fortunately no one nus injured but were obliged to walk boinc.

Mrs. Catherine Kirk, widow of James Kirk, formerly of ibis town, died at her home la Minneapolis on the 7th lust , aged 74 years and M months. Her death was cati-ed by bronchitis resulting from a saviire attack *r la grippe. She will l>e remembered by friondiiln Andover as a latiy of ijuiet, retiring .disposition,, much ii.-l-.m-.I by nil who knew her intimately.

There seems to be a growing dissatisfaction regarding tbe Ling system of gym nasties. Many or the children eouiplaln id the strain from tba backward movement, andtucrelsa tendency among in my to regard tbe system as harmful instead ufrwnericiul. Certainly If tbe ■ ■'.Hi- n ' are allowed to over-exert themselves harmful results .will follow, tint where good judgment is used on the part of Ibe teacher the result cannot lw anjthmg but good.

The following Is a clipping from a Boston paper which speaks for Itself: *

''Boston's favorite, Prof. J. W. Churchill, 1 entertained an audience ut llerketey Temple l'7'l'ucsday evening that filled thu house to over- ' ll-iwing. Tbe cultivated voice uf the pupalar

ruudcr was beard In many selections, hitti pa- thetic and humorous, and again and ngaln roars of applause shook the very rafters. It was the nl i u hn: i itc ruin men i of tbo csurse now beioir, given at the Temple, and ranked among the firs i of those already presented.",

Abbott and Mariand"a.

All the youug ladlea shoaldbearln mind Ibe Leap Year party reb. li.luU. A. it. hall. No gouts tickets sold.

Frye Village

James Smith bas moved Into tbo house lately occupied by Mr. James McCrorey.

Mi David Uountlan bas decided not to move from ibe vllage as was reported.

The tea party will 1« held this evontng tn the hall and we liope a largo number will turn out. The programme promtM* to be above the aver- age. Alias Sarah Berry of Lawrence will |4ve a reading and Lllss Howard will also take part, besides oilier talent.

Ballard Vale. V

Mr. V U. Mayo visited In town Wednesday.

Arthur I'oaraonct Uoaton, was In town Mon- day.

Arthur Pearson ot Boston was In town Uon day.

Mlse Annie tlemmons visited In Charlestowii last Sunday.

Horace Seal bas fully recovered from his re- cent luoess.

Wm. Johnson attended a ball In Lowell last Fri lay evening.

rid Up Caffivy baa onterol the employ of tho Bollarilvale mills.

tieorre Harnden of Lynu sojourned with friends hero last Monday.

J. Wood Is receiving liiilru.-tlon on the IWIIIJO

rniiii Edward No wcoinb

Miss Kilty Clemmons apeat last Sunday with friends In Lawrence.

lira. Mary Conway has Just procured a new !''..';.. [v..in IJyor !'■'■■■ , l.:iv, ■■ .i ■■-.

Tho members of ihe Order uf Safely boldthelr r'gular meeting next Thursday evening. j

gnltc a number of the young men alwr.de I tbe production of the "ivy i.e.il" HI tbe Lawrence opera bouse last Monday evening,

Mlii Mary Jones, who formerly t ingot school .here, but wools now located In Maiden, spent the Sabbath With Ulna Ada Ucars.

t ieidst John Howell tendered a' elelgbrlde to the members of the Baptist church last Monday evening. A dilve through Wilmington ai.d Tewkabury was tnjbyed.

The young ]>cople cpjoyed a dance In the drum corps bull, Wednesday eveulng. Mrs. Bhea furnished thu music and Messrs. J. Gor- man and nan Burns had charge ot tho arrange-

Frederick, lha 1* days old son ot.Mr. and Mrs. Napaleon Parris, aled last Tuesday after a very brief illness, Infjnillo debility being Ibe cause' of death. Interment was made lu the Catholic cemetery. ,«•

Last Wednesday evening, the alghth attrac- tton In the Bradloc|courac, a leelure bv lUv.J. L. Hill cntlllod, "'dow we Struck each other, Kurope and I" was well altendetl and proved very Instructive,

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Morse gave a pleasant party last Thursday evening, ut their home oa Central atreet, In honor of Mlsa Jennie 1'ld-llng- tnii of AotKinr, who la at.ending school at ItrlIgowater. Some thirty Invited guests wero present and an enjoyable evening was apeaL

The members of tbe Cosmopolitan Singing so ciety wish It uniferstood ,ibat owing to the Inad eajuatoproporilona ot their bull, that no person will IIJ admitted to the private maaqnerade ball which Is to be hold in inelr hall on Andover Bireet, Friday evening, Feb. IS.wlthotit a special Invitation.


Large numbers of people are attending the Kben Suttou fair, which successfully opened at Odd Fellows Hall, Wednesday evening, and will continue during the week. Tbe hall never looked so attractive. Flags and streamers have been used with fine efle. t In decorating, and Ibe tables mako a splendid appearance. Over the entrance, in bright Lued letters, is the fol- lowing: ' Kirfu Sntton, N.i. l," and under the Inscription haugs an excellent picture of tbe lamented Gen. Eben Stilton. Directly oppo- site, one reads tho word "Welcome." On the

first night tbe Mechanics' Brass Band, under tbe able leadership of Mr. Jobn L. Downing, made lu debut, and elicited many words of warm approval for its proficiency. It de- monstrated tbe fact that we now beye a good local band. Mnsic will be furnished bv this organisation each evening. Tbe various de- partments are looked afler at follows i Con- fectionery table, Mrs. O. A. Badger, In charge; assistants, Misi Lettle M. Barker, Miss Mabel Pilling. Paper table, Miss Maud Uobinson, In charge; assistant, Miss Emma SutclifTe. Guess cake, Miss Oracle Barker. Fancy and domestic table, Mrs. John Uurnbara and Mrs, D. W. SutclifTe, In charge; assistants, Mrs. Chas. II. Uobinson, Mrs. Oeo. 11. Mlien, Mrs. W. F. Murcb. Flower aund, Mrs. Frank M. Greenwood, In charge; assistant, Mrs. George L. Barker. Ice cream, W. It. Johnson, In charge; assistants, William H. Elliot, Mrs. Charles Wall work, Miss Ellen Somerville, Miss Esther Somervtlle, Miss Lottie llolf, Miss Em- ma <ii.il, Miss Alice Wrlgley, Miss Jennie Mitchell. Tall hat, Walter Stone. Wheel of Fortune, Oboe. 11. Uobinson. Peannt grab, O. A. Badger, la charge; assistant, William McQueston. The gentleman grabbing tbe most peanuts dnrleg the fair Will receive a barrel of apples, and tbe lady who fcads will receive a pair of ladles' slippers. Cane board, H. K. Towne, In charge; assistant, Chas. A. Dame. 1st prlie, gold headed umbrella; 2d prize, genta' slippers. Shooting range, Lewis C. Wcntwortb and W. A. Handy, In charge; as- siMants. Uyron Stevens, W. C. Reynolds. 1st prise, tool cheat; 2d, fancy club'skates; 3d, alarm club. Masters Fred Baldwin and Tboa. Mitchell are contestants for a jig saw. Among tbo presents received were tbe following I Fifty dollars, from tbe Davls& Furl*r Machine d>.; *25, William-Button; ?.\ Railroad Commta- aloncr Dale; tool chest, Eben Button Co ; clothes wringer, M. E. Austin; silver pickle

Tea Co.; spring rocker, Pedrlck overcoat, Lawrence One

l'rlce Clothing Co.; boy's suit of clothes, W. II. Oik & Co.; picture, George Clayton ft Co.; rog, James Greenwood & Bon; barrel of ap- ples, George L. Barker; gent's slippers, Lord Broa.: gold beaded umbrella, B. w. Fellows; ladlea' *1 topers, J. O. Drown; three dress pot terns. North Andorer Milts; bos of cigars, C. a. Stearns ; Jig saw, Lawrence Hardware Co.; whisk brooms, Burnham ft Page, box of cigat*, A. P, Cheney; barrel of apples, Jamoe Brlerley, Present! street; child's rocker, L. A. Moore & Co., Bargain Emporium; China lea set, George H. Perkins; silk tat, Frank A. Wiirrcii; order fox season's Ice, Edward Adams; anthiue rocker, A. C. Payson; barrel of apples, Thos. J. Murphy; fancy clnb skatea, Nanb.un & Uobinson: clock, Oliver It Co. tool chest, Eben Button Co.; fancy lace apron Mr*. M. II. Pulslter; foot rest, Jobn P. Kirk: picture, Will am Uobinson; ash chamber set Eben Button Co.'

Tbe town warrant will be closed Tuesday, Feb. Kltu. '«

The to a rib uuarterly conference waa held In the Methodist cnurr-h on Wednesday eveulnR lUv Dr. Manatlald, presiding. The pastor and oncers presented their reports, showing ibo harmony and prosperity of the church, ami the miiHTinieiiilenl tlia-.of tbe Sunday school. This being the last y«-ur of Bev. Kilos Hodge as pus tor. and Uev. Dr. Uansdeld as presiding elder, both wero given a hearty vote c f ihanas. The following offlecrs aid cuinralttees were elected

Trustees—James Standrlng, Henry Kenlaton, U.S. Kilmunds, J. M. Towne, W.Ualgh, A. W. Rruloerd, (t. D. Ilinzman. ,_

Riewards-J G. Brown, II. Kenlslon, W Ratgh, J. H. Towne, E a Uariienler. Charles Morton, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Edi Ian'


KW- Mason work of all kinds, Kalsomlnlng Whitening, Tinting, Whitewashing, Tiling an Fireplaces.


P.O. Box 86. r^OVER.

FOR RENT IN ANDOVER. Tea rainutei wVk from atation,* a

partially furniahed house of uino rooms and bath, furnace, dry cellar, Btablo

fil lord. Apply to C. 8. Parker. Andover.

T. A. HOLT & CO., nSulBEIS



Timothy Red Top. Glover, Fancy Red Top Alsike.

iHungariin and Mlllett.

• The; also brg to announce that ttiey urn now ready to Ad all orders for oata, bran, feed and <-rrn meal. Kxtra fine ouallly of flour alwava on nand at luweat i.rlc"; nlno a large aaaort- liiout ar rubber f jotwear"



X l>, and Special M e nnr

ForCurnand potatoea,oonata'' i ' ihand.

The Oest Flour at Lowo t Prices. IIfaih[iinrtrrs Tor Grain, Corn Heal,

Oottoa Seed HI eat, Shorts and Feed.

Ilrat e'lasa country store.

Stoves, Plumbing, Tinware.

MICHAEL T. WALSH EBKOX strvet, - Andover

3VCx% Olinia.Mustor Successor lo


Carriage, Sign and Ornamental i»A.i:LsrTi:Lsr<3r

AT LOWEST PRICES. iratronage resnccUullr so

fi.iii: Corner ot Park and Bartlett flte ANDOVER.

Tflststr, Ilnnse ami five acres of KOad land. lin-i'i iii-hiiiry cunneeicd. blluated on Bal.

laritvalo read, Ai.| !,- to o, GhapmaDi Main SL, Andorer,


VICTOR Richmond Valve Steam and Hot

Water Heater.

, John Pol

Itlebard IMatnuer liaa gone .to Lawrence to k.

■■'-.:?■ HL-.riiii'.'t.i-n N'-itill roaQnod to bis

.im-jib i I'll irinf [IDH.III spent Sunday with | Ills pareato.

MJS. Hugh Kfild Is'i'ilto sl<-k. at her home In Al.lolt village.

Ulss M:iry'. TuyUr visited frlcoils In Heller- ten lust Tuesday.

Mr. an I Wtt. dolin Wjlfenlou snout bit 8th haih in Heading, y w

E>twari| Mallln of tloston in at his horn* for an Indeflntto period.

lira. Harriet tfbMaMB, li i ' Utft Marlnml mills, and h'sta aecitrod cmploytujnt In TnlUui's woolen mill In Dt'lltrlta.

l.cn.-, Iterry li n severed bis connection with lliirlund un " and noeurcil wurk In tin; Arlliig ion mills Lawrence.

Joseph A. Hlm|ison of Codar Sprli%s, Conn., Fl enta few tlnjMif the ,).istVeck with Ut. and

signed by the requisite number of legal' and beaded by liuii. Willard I'. Phillips' requesting that tbe following articles be eu In the warrant :—

1.— To see If tbe tswn will revoke its accep- U^j of Chap, lSSoftbe AcU of 1871. 'tie- latlng lo tbe Iload Cumnilssionera.J

2—To fix and determine the salaries or the several town olticers, and to make tbe neces sary appropriations therefor.

3.—To provide that no money shall he paid [rout the town treasury, except by specific approprlati

4 — To appropriate a proper sum to be used by tbe selectmen aa leuessltr requires, to be called "the contingent fund/'

0.—To take such action as will Insure the proper keening of accurate record) of all tbe doings of ino several boards which either by the sutntcs uf tbe commonwealth or the by laws of tLe town are required to keep suet records ; and to Instruct and uiako It obligatory on each of said hoards tu preserve such records, 'together with all papers, petitions, remon- srances, or other documents, appertaining to the doings ol each of sata boards respectively.

li.—To see If the town will vote to forbid any person other than Its treasurer from collecting or ici'civiuii any ruoueys duo the town, or front paylug any moneys due from the town to piovldetbat no muneys sball be paid by said treasurer, except for bills, etc., duly cred- ited, under sueb rules, regulations and forms, stiinay be prescribed by tbe hoard, of select men.

7.—To see If tbe town will vote to forbid any ami every officer of the town from being in- terested directly or Indirectly, In any contract, sate or purchase, to which tun* town itself is a' party, either directly or through either of its boards.

Tbe select party by tbo Culled Lady Friends, at Odd Fellows Hall, Friday evening, was uue of tbe pleasantcst gather ngs of tue season. Music was furnished by the llaverbill Orches- tra. , Mr. John Durubam had charge of the floor, and the aids wore i Messers. J). W. Hut- eltirj, W. F. Sfurcb, Charles H.'ltobtnson, George II. Mixen, Joseph HinehlifTe, Knos H. Houtasoii. A jupper was served at iutermls- ilon.

Tbe check Hits have been posted.

Surgeon General Klltrcdge has tueu appoint- ed an atttinilUig surgeon at the btalom Hospital,

Tbe n2d Institute of tbo Essex Agricultural Society was held at Memorial llu'l. Methuen, Friday. Tbo meeting nas largely attended. At the morning sosslon, 1'roL James Cbeesman, secretary of the New England Creamery As- sociation, delivered a discourse on "Econom- ical Milk l'roductlon." Tbo address was an Instructive oner and waa llatened to with much Intereat fcy tbe farmers. I'ruf. Cbeeaman being a mou of piactical experience. At the after- noon session. Hon. William It- Sessions, secretary of tbe htata Hoard of Agriculture, delivered an address on tho "Usefulness uf Hoards of Agriculture." Secretary Scssloui commanded uiuih attention, Ibe state board having coma In recently for considerable pub- lic comment. His address was well tcceived. The following resolution w>s adopted:

Voted! That tbe memlicrs of tbe Essex Ag- ricultural Society, And others bore present, ap- prove the acllon of the Hoard of Control of the Slate Agricultural Experiment Statlou In pre- senting a lull -tu tt e legii nturo calculated to protect the farmers In itie use of "Feeding Stafls," and request the President and Secre- tary of said Agricultural Sneicty to appear bo- fore the proper committee of the legislature and urge Us passage,

Col. J. Albert Mills of the Stb lUglment bad a narrow escape from tbe horrible atfalr lu New York, Monday morning. He was in that city on Suiiil.iv night, and sougBt airrimmodatlous at tho ill-fated Hotel Kuyni. but was obliged to spend the night at the Gedoey Ilonse, near at band, as the former hotel was full,

Tbe Esecx County Pomona Grange met Thursday at West Newbury. Tbe master vl the Stale Grange was present. A number of North Andover 1'atrous ot Husbandry attend,


Mr. Eugene Campbell, formerly baggage master at the Suttou atreet station, bas been appoints 1 freight agent for tbe Hoston & Maine

Tba selectmen hold a meeting at Ibe alms- house next Monday afternoon.

Kr'conllng Steward, Mrs. Kilmunds. Klsl'lrt Steward, J, U. Ilrowii. • _, , Delegate M lay electoral c lefercnee, J. Htanil-

ring. Alternate, Charlie Morton. couMiTraaa.

Ksllm sting-J- G. Brown, E. S. Edmonds, Wm. llalgh.

Varaoniigo-Mrs, Jasica Marker, lira. A. W. Itralnnni, lira. Clark. . _.

Music—Mrs. Udmunds, Mrs. Walker, J. M.

Mlsslona-Mrs. Greenleaf, Uls,s Alice Dillon, Mian Mary Stone, . „ __

Chureh extenslona-F. W. Abbott, It. W. Walker, E.K.TutU.

Huntlay schoul-A. W. rlraluenl, Mr'. Geo. A. 1,,.II|.IOH, A. M. Markey.

TracU—W. Dillon. Miss 'JYmperanec—9. D Hli

Mra. Itodell.

Tbe Misses Frances McDonnell and Malwl Cheney have entered tbe Salem Normal Scbool.

At a recent elecllou of officers of the Mcth- onist Sunday Scbool, the following were chosen Superintendent, E. S. Edmunds; -\sst. Super- intendent. A. W. Bralnerdj Secretary. F. \V. Altbott; Aset. Secretary, Miss 11. H. Brierlcv; Treasurer, Miss Mary Stone; Librarian, W. llaigb; Asst, Librarian, J. M. Towne.

Major Ward presided at an election of officers of Co. L, Monday [evening. i'2d Lieut. Coan was chosen 1st Lieut., and rrivale Klrkwood 2d Lieut. i

A Klvul of tlt« YoK.'.uil...

In tbo vast Sierra wildprneRs far to tlio Bpntbward of tho famous VoHomito vnl- tey there is a yet grttutlcr valley of tho pitino kind. It is situated on tlioBonth Fork of King's river, above tho most ex- trtif-ivo groves un.l forests of tho giant :,iinoi;i an<l beneath the shadows of th» highest rhouutaitm- in thp riuigp, where the canyons are tleenest and tho snow lailen peiikn are crowded rumt cl"-"-lj together. It ia called the Big KingV Rtver cauyon or King's River Yosiiniie, iiml u reaclinl by way of Visalbi, Uw nearest point on thu Southern Pacific ruilroml, from which the dratsVOOB is about forty-fivo milex, or by tho Kear- sarge jiass from tho cost Mile of tli ■ range.

It in about ten miles long, half ■' mjlo wide ami tho stnpendona rocks of pur- plish gray granite Hint form the walls are from 2,000 to 3,000 feet in height, while tho depth of tho valley below tho general surface of the mountain iniitui tram which it has been carved, is euiisid ciably more than a mile. Thus it ajv- DtaVI that this new Yosemito is longer and deeper, and lies imbedded in grander lnouDtams than the well known Yosem- ito of tho Merced. Their general ohnr acteru, however, aro wonderfully alike and they bear the same relationship to the fountains of the ancient glaciciu above them.—John Muir in Century.

RdW»d Howarth.

I itllo Mary II. daughter of Mr. Mrs I an II. Lord, ilcd at her borne, Monday n'u-i

' n< on at 4J0 !>■ m., after only eight hours' lllncoa with coneusKlou ot the brain, ut tbe age of two years, t montlis and IJ days. Vunerol look pluco \\"II I L.I ■• i.i ■.■ i.ii'i i,n in, iiii'-i-iii-ui In tbo (iathiillu rciBvieiy. Tliey radt{Vad inaay liwal Irltmtes fro n i!i..-lr (il-n K They ivive tint »Tiiiii:ithy ol the r'niiiiiiinliy.'

The aJhooUll loiirnnmunt Is nut only |ir^gress. 1ngfavir.it>1y,hiit Dio to it l.ilt wain air. em aa well. Thu luetnbarsut tho crirknt elub Haveipcnl eon«l II'I.I-JIJ in inoy tiward tbe purchasing i>f jnUJiaa HtUii baltOWfd that their games will bopatr^ni/il. In tho f*ot hall mateii. Charles Iluuhan lead*, while JUiorga a, Uhrlsde e .wn tacjna juaeTThaaisH Wdkes, la laird. This la • ne ... the inaih'ih the boys Uko to repienlsii ihJlr treasiiiy lu order to meet their sxiwnnes during the smnmor mmiilis. Oilier elubs uMku n prn«* tlco of i-ii.ii-.-ln;! an nduilaslon do during Uu'. Iirogresaof lho( several cricket games., inn the Aiul»vor iMle'.ol dhrif has IHJV.SL rasortwl fl ih.n

i fleiHindlng lir^ely n.iltm generoVty qf'the pub- lie lor lhar sLippoil and no hep* tbey will nut lie ilUapiKiiuteil.

I ■; ,n.,: mi,I. -t Wlilell Is held OB tho rrleket gronnd.i, fiir the crlcktl clubs,; stand'aa follows:

I.co-go A. Lhrliilc, Al ifllton, » i.i.i.!. ii i :, *


Uiorg« MHII'UII,

Tim kf|btj1tMofe n iretlltv.lt'. \\. flrelg, I iiuchnii Ui

ill- In a airing of flv n hm a noonl »f HI

Tne < lerc ting mil wn Itepsj UK

thuslaain.Will he kept op as lib good sport.


Dress ■ Goods Pongee and Bombay



BARGAIN PARLOR, ' National Bank Building,

MAIN ST., ANDOVER. (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even-

loga )


lAlso a lirge assortment of

Refrigerator*, (lus Stoves, Rto.

0*- Your luspcctlon la solloit d,

XTJ. PIKE, Park Street, - ■ Andover


Christmas Candy and Fruit Largest and Best Aasoitmentof

Broken Candy. Vrench I'eiinut, The Boat CbooolateCrcHina, Finn Bon

Dona, Niitt*, Dotei, Figs.

I«ayer RnlNloa lngreat vnrlety, Banataaa Grapes and Oranges.



Real EstateAgency Office, Carter's Block,Andover.

forsona having Houses or LitudJ or 8nlc, to let exchingi! should call

at our office. Also, Parties desiring to rsccurc

houses or tenements, HI any part of

tho town, will he quickly attended *t<i

at reasonable rates.



il.in. N. V. Frve is confined to bis residence by, illness.

Tbe annual supper of the Y. P. M. L. and S. Society takes place lu'tbo Conttrefatlona! >'''" try to-nigbt.

A' boy named Wlltle Hnbbard, residinicAn Button street, and employ :d In r»uttiins Mill, cauflbt tils left baud in ibe "tumbler" of a cardiug uiaebluo, Monday, nadly lai-eratmjr several lingers, lie was atteuued by a physi- cian.

Miss M. S. Johnson, principal of Ibe t'nlun School, haa resigned, and Mrs. II nrv W. cunt ii-fliitng'nii! vscmicyT'- •-■—— ,

Oreenwiiod llnlsbed Ice cultln^ Saiunlav night; Adams bad only parlialiy illlcl fan bouses when Tburaday's storm later) upted Op- cratioiis.

Miss Murjf 1). llnrrlK, sisltr of oniner Har- ris, who lias 1-..VI vislilnif al bis residence, re- iiirneil IO net home to [psadeh, 'ibuniiUy. She w&i iiccoiii|junied by Miss Alice K.Ttnins.wbo Is to pans a few du>s HI in her fraiid-fmber and grand-mother.

A (ikasant soclublo was held In tba (lonirre- ttnllunal veslry, 1'nesiluy evening. There was tlng.iiL', a supper itiid geiicnil guod lime.

Tluirenublii'an caucus will 1.8 held tu Odd

ll..,-. Ancient HiilUUra Unlit.

The uniluen of DaUt bnilt \\-M. dilion relitles that it was only a confu- sion of tongues that checked tli'-ir aspi- tntion. There can be no doubt that tho f.mii'liiti.mi nf the celobratud tower that was d'-ij,'i!."l by iw «rchit«ct to rencli •iir;iVfti"\v*'lCor thi? broadest uiul licuv- iesf sort; let ua say vast walls <>t the ni":-t i-i.lid ;"--i!iiti., bound ami knit to- gether by that most excellciit insoluble cement that is ojie of the loot nrt« to modern constrnctionists. Yet ir latter day engineers bo nut hopelessly in error with concern to tho conclusions they have drawn tin respect* ancient ma- sonry from the ruins of aiiiicnt'strtio- tnree, ancient builders connted only on the law of gravitation, which they know in an empiric way, for 'tho safety of tho

, works ibey wrought. The pftjfjetof ->t tho Nag-on-Wat, whose walls and roof might have sheltered a St. Peter's and a St, Paul's and still have had room fur u building like the Equitable in Broadway within its vast iiiclosnrcs, would never dream of setting his masons lo begin the laying of Ida walls say at about fifty feet from the ground.—Harper's Weekly.



Staple and Huocr Dry Goods, Trtinke, Trav. liana,-, 'irpets. OHClolhs, Mat*

tins/. Paper ilaoglngs, Curtains, Urockery and Glass Ware,

Tliorepiilili.aii i-.iinus ivlll l,u bold l! I-'cllowa Hail, Friday uvenhMfj Feb-ati.h,

Tbe Iionnl id rrgiiliars of vntert id! mort at Stevens Hull.Wciiursdny even lug, Feb. 24, T.30 to !>, anil at thu Keleciiiicii'sjdni-e In the Parish, Wednesday evening, Marflt.il, from 7 tu 10 o'clock, (or i !n> purpoee 0? adding nanics to the 'Ollnjr Us!, aod in ii. mi: OOntOdoH tbereun.

A steam wiii-ilu bas lieon placed on the boiler house at Hjcts A Sage I to mine's aurated mill.

Owing to the ill mm jit frintcndent of tlio ( S liu.il. the roiu'crt nun, cv:Rinij.»as ptiMponei'. iv,u substituted In Its place.

Her Vl«ws.

Charlie B—- is a board of trade HIM wife has ideas of her own.

A few dayB ago abe told Charlie at dinner:

"Reciprocity U a great thing." "When did yuu find iliutout?" ashed

Charlie. • "A lady ■topped on my dress loilay and

uever offered u word of apology," ■ n ■ !!>■:■. ." rliuckli'd Charlie.

^"Bnt slie MaTTeH."*'" r~

"Oh!" .'*'■. "Then 1 smiled, Vou sco that smilo

ptytuded a smile imvturii." "A IttUl would have smiled, too, tinder

tho ciicuuiHtunces." remarked Charlie. 'That was reciprocity," said M

Charlie, ignoring tbe remark. "Almost aa satisfactory as if you had

slapped each otbi r." And ehe iiiiswered in a dreamy voice "Almost."—Detroit Freo Press.

V ITTKIt* DEPABTMKST Tiilm Lintlesot Andover IIDII ylclnlty: sve lustpnt lnari>niiilcii' II."' 'if the celebrate**"

Hi.ittTl.k l*att«riia ml will receive tbo ltt»st Styles direct fi- le* York

..hull ' I'-i t wittllng.

SMITH & ftUIttKti, Kasex Street, • Andovi

... My my!9


ON BROOK STREET. Having severed my connection wllh Valpey

Dros.,'1 will put a lluichev's cart on the road

JVEoiioaCvy-, Aug. IO, with a large stock of


Int.t.1 ro rarr. n Itr.t cl.iB.tock ind hope ri'U. yuur I'.lrODugc.

I . A. Aborcromble. I AIM TO KUEP



—ALSO— rr; l:i?, LARD, etc.


Hodge's Bakery, I'.VIIK ST., AMiliVEII.

A largo assorlraent of SHORT DKKAI>, CUKRANT DUA8,


PASTRY can ba procured for Cbilslni is and New Year Holldaya.

itiitc'l henna Hiturday eveatnss RIKO liaketl beans ami hrtrirn In-cad Mnnduy morning*.

Wedding Cakes and sneb like rtiado to order at short no: Ice, at tbe


Headquarters for Plumbing

Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copper Work, Plumbing, Steam Heal-

ing and Furnaces.

Solo Agfrls for the GLENWDDD S10VE. All work '■ i-.it y and Promptly done

nt Lowest Figures.

Practical Plumber, ANDOVEH.

Ivwjania M AIIV ST. .

IE. J~. K<0"W-E1,



In all ir* bfaaehen-tfone vroai^ilyln a workman, like UJinner.



Scarlet fever Is still about, allhonih It at pres- ent seems to be on i he dtclloe.

Kirk F. It ro *n haa also alajklled his Intention not la aiao'l aa a eaadldste for aalootnan.

Too laivcraaTlst pnlplt sr*>a occaplod last Saa- dST bj Bev. B. E. c.niior, a dletaity student.

Post 100U. A. 11. was reinvented, at tbo ile Hiartroeal oonvemlon held WeslneaiUy la Bostop.

'11s silit that K. J.csslli- will not be a oandl. date for acloctnaan al toe comlsa; town meeting.

Tbe heavy fall of enow Tbitrsdar blailend iriveloatboelootrloa bit not to any treat ex. tent.

Oureetoemad fallow townaman, Jacob Emer- son, is quite ill at his residence on lUntpsMro street. ■

ChM.iB.Trow of Salem, formerly a HtMcnt of ibis tt, wn, waa bera last week and railed on a number qf bis friend).

Mra. Klllh M. Klckersonot Portsmouth, K. II., u Keen vlsitlna; her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. J.

8. Taplaj i.f Park atreet.

Wednesday cvcnlni, starch 1, Adjutant Deal- son and InsueolorJP. tt, Uonogfaue will pay an official Visit to Camp Itl, 8. of V.

The Ice bouses at Mystic pond have been tilled with lee which promises to be 6t a vo ,-y superior i|usllty. It la clear aad fourteen Inches thick.

Several young Methuen aitaeded a leap year party last Friday evening bald at the realleuce of Mlse Edna Btiaaell oa Broad war, Lawrence.

MoLday Overseer ehscklctin Of tae splnnlof department of the Metimen mill retumoJ hit duties allot a few day's absence cause i by la grippe.

The SODS of Veterans will boh) a camp are, Wednesday evening, Feb. 34. The members ef the Uraiu Army aid other guests will he In at- tendance.

A petition la being-drcniated In town asking Ibe legislature to grant a charier for a new eleo trie, atreet rallroal. Tne petition la receiving toady signer*.

The veil aide and Pleasant Valley school homes have been opened again after being closed acme lew days oa account of she prevail' leg epidcmlo of scarlet fever.

i. Keyea of Boston, who bad charge of ihaG. A. B. entertainment In the Iowa hall last Monday evening la a brother of Id. W.Keyeeof Post 100 of this town.

Prof. Ballon bas a nrlvate dancing class which Is almost composed wholly of Methuen folks. The oiasa meets al the old battery building, Law- rence every Monday evening.

Tbe Metbnoa drum corn* are putting In con. sliierable lime at rile practice and tbe coming spring will flow it is corps prepared to rant with any cows la this seetton of tbe state.

f oat loo, O. A. R., held a very Utaiestfug niui trated lecture aad eaterialnmenl In the town hail last Monday. There waa a large attendance and a " pleaaent evening waa spent.

good deleaatton of tbo local camp of Son* of Vereraue attended the govern ir'a ball In Law- rence last Tuesday evening. The boys were all neatly mitred la tbo regulation Bon* of Votorant uniform.

The Juvenile PlaaUtlon Minstrel* of the Arlington district will furnish aa entertainment at the boaa supper to be held by Nosdham Itellof eorpaof Lawrence, In Need ha m hall Tuesday evenlar. Fab. 10,

The Kaaei coanly d g killer* received atTB for *ervlcaa during the yeur IBM. Tba dog tlllora wers of tin; tirirui ■ ut uih.t IKH like tbe mlsera ble miscreant who coatlucud ibe whulesa'e poi- soning ut dogs hero a short tima since.

Overseer Alfrnd Uuri'.of Ihe I'cmlicrton a III, Lawrence, has been si lectcd to take onarge of tbeweaviBg departmoal of Ihe Methuen mill, wbleb poilllon waa made vacant by thu death ot the late Henri W. Merrill.

The Inspector oH.mllk and mcAt, etc, of Law- rence, haa been about tula town the past week Inspecting the cattle, wnicti uir.ilih milk for Lawroncc As far us la known no sick cows were found. Tniiereulos's Is still ^uitc preva- lent about Lavirblll.

The mast aud provision Hi m of Hail A silver has di solved inr.ncrshln. .Mr 11*11 will con- duct tin business alone at tbe old plaoeoniii- gjodttrcot, while sir. Silver will start ou: far "green Held* aad pasture* brand new." 'Ti* (aid he will epen a market In Uradford.

Theaeit Insiitut* of the Essex agricultura society will bo held al Salem Friday Feb. Ill, In connection with the Bay Slate agricultural • oclc- ty. Col. McDonald, a inimb.T of the United Stale* ash com mission, will deliver an address. The Institute held here last week wn* pronounced an unuanaliy Interesting one.


Since tbe publication ot laat week'a edition Mc iiiiicn ha* been again called upon to mourn Tor iho sudden departure from amongst us ot our highly respected feliaw townsman, Uveneer Henry IV. Merrill of tho Methuen mill. At II o'clock last Saturday evening Mr. Merrill breathed his last after several week's Illness with pneumonia, sir, Merrill bad been Hi;for fully tbreo week* but kept about his work till tt waa Impossible for htm t) May longer. Wednesday be was taken to lied. Pneumonia la its most vlnlent term set In and after inrco day* of •<iflortng bo was relieved by the sngel death. The decesaed waa au old rrsidmtof tM* t'jwn, havliu lived hero ail his life and during ihe past forty years ba* been in the employ of the Melhurn ooui)>aay. Ho was a man In thefulleat tense of ihe word, houett In nil hi* dealing*, kind to thoto la his employ tn<l waa respected by the entire town, ills dsn'h'rc move*one whom Ihe mill and lown can ill afford to lose, lie wan ho attendant ef tbe ItnpUat church, a member of John IlancocK lodre of maaors, Hope lodge of Ihld Fellowa and Mystic council. Homo Circle. Deride* a widow no leave* two dnughtera and one aon. The funeral exorcises over the rcmslns took |Iaco Wednes day fclternoonal2o'clock at tbo family resldenco in Broadway. There was a larao attendance of rlendi. Bev. Nalbaa llallev of the Baptist Monks cooducteil ihe services. In his eulogy o f ihe deiwascd, he dwelt psrtlriilarly upon his use fill life and God fearing principals, ao elonuemly

lyo. hi* bearer* were rrovod to tara. ua'.ewas rendered by a <iuartet cum-

pised or N.n. Uage, S L. Dolman, William .lackaoa and Charles Ration. The pall bearer* wrroUeorgo Bradbury aad William Jackman, repiaaenting Hope Bebrkab ledge, I. U. U, F.. Henry W. Hall and lharica Raaton from John Hancock lodge F. and A. U, John Fulton ol Myailc circle of Ihe order of the Home circle, aad

1. M*rtl* of ibe Mnpllst rhurco. Includt'l In aitendsnce at tbe funeral were many mem-

MN or the different societies of which he bad been a member, nearly all ot whom followed th* remalna ID Ihelrlaat ruling place In the family lot In Walaut i rove cemetery.

Purchases Command

Prices This is

Your Opportunity.

Chocolate Prints Standard Prints Light Shirtings Hamilton Remnants Manchester Remnants Turkey Red Prints

3c 4c 5c 5c 5c


A.W. Stearns & Co.

Domestic Troubles. Never silica the first Dry flood! ttore wu thrown open to the peo-

ple of Lawrence hue there been tnch an Immense stock of Domestic

Hoods kucli as Prints, Ginghams Cottons, Linens, Cheviots, Ontings

and all Iho different goods which goto mske tip ■ flrst class stock

Cases upon cases ot goods have been rotted In and iheir contents

stacked npon our counters and under them, every aralinble spice

being utl.lied lor storage. The renson tar this

Is that we aie not content wllh ordinary dis-

counts which would only enable us to retail

the at ordinary prices, the same aa others do,

whilst with this tremendous order we demand

extra low prices and discounts which, though 1*

it crowds a little assures a speedy sale of Ihe

same on account of the advantage trained In

the Iltlleacss ef Iho prices. " ■■■

Cheeked Naincooks, Percale Remnants Fig. Cotton Plush Cheviot Remnants Lancaster Remnants Dress Styles

614c 10c 15c 9c 7c Go

A.W. Stearns & Co.

38c Towels 25c Towels 17c Towels Grey Blankets White Blankets JLeedle Point Pins

25c 17c

12 l-2c 75c pair 75c .. .

5c a paper

A. W. Stearns & Co.

LOOK YOUR WARDROBE OVER. t'lilijiniix; II Tufilll.

'AfiKitig tlio noyroea the apart striking rouiodii'd nro to t'o ftiand, Witiicns tho ciiiiiljiimtii.il of itir.' unit si»ll, iltwcribeil timliT llio itiitiH' or "coiijtirii.itf u tooth,' in Aliilniniit. Uotntei Imnly pnrt uf tint w(jo«5i wiih one or thu ^iiLHiHitu vex. wfio to to t-tiTv mi i;\. Tho Waror nf thu us chops umtiiKi tin rooln of n whitu oak. onto oir with a laim isvikknlte nine

A Hothir SavriiH n ■Dnthrl^inrrt. . ,,,,,, , „N ilf iri,. „,.,.; (ll,.ri

NOVT is tbe tiuic to purchitso Vouf Clotliiiig. "

Foil Wn AUK OriiLiti.vo


win until raaraal nfftirdnltiy otiroi

HIP in «h.-.l.

i ir Ara intiiuliy

J. M. BRADLEY -pv MIor ami bPiit's Ftiniisiiep.

MXtti 6T. • ANIiOVKK

l"ii.li,in,. S»p«rslltl«n.

The Hfvtstnr inonoof tli« Ilifl lUsi paper ofBiwrvwai (illmt iviUi niuii. Oue woman, faahioiutlily dr«*MStI, wna u n*> iengar< Next lior ntw\ n humtibitck— HU ;iK'''l man, neatly ('.n-.-n'il mi 1 a|triT|k- imr its fit:- li possible out of iiulifr. Ttt6 woman looked at him with a tlioushtful air as if weisfliiiif,' v.v,t potwiliiliikiri. H"'l- iletily ahe lunned over anil with tba lip of her while gloved littler daintily tonchat) the bWSp "f her neisiliiKir.

. d.Ortcu-y an.| "What waa that for?" one man naked pcaker*. anuthi-r in mi nntWtom\ ,"fitmt you

know? For lnck," WU tt» anstwer. tiiftr«a-im.tlPaM<iili ..TtM1Cn s bahcUoWa Tmd bring rood

'^mi'j^ryVrlumt \ ttrkeuw, ti QMSJC w maoVprt vaptmtta lions."—New York World.

H0U8E PAINTING, Paper llaiiKln^ and (ilariup,

lIl'LC ttltll .I1-.J..1MI t

LEVI o, -^oxj3sro; 1IVINSI. , Institution 11)11,

Sltop at old Deacon Al,licit: slor*.

HM .,.< ii|i|h„..l..m-1iv HA Ptlna, ;i|.|--- ai v.- AMDOVBt) rlAKKBI, Pi

■VO, Hm Itt*

TE1VEMENT TO LET. On I in i* Mint, ■ ml.11

?;,"i. irn* iiantr* all rfaaiT, llig. Kirc r!c HabU, ftr'l Lot waior

7 Ititon.e, -1 small ■-*■ Ulurly Ilnli-'itil. small R BWtl'i m.II I wnlur, I'l ■-till litii.1. tiuiti r.i,.iii(»i«(Tll iHtttHI

HUM. IViti'loify uiul <|tH.ri nil a. ui ivlli rtnulu. Irfirnn r.ugu but

1-niiil cnoujjli for *ir.all garden; tverjlliinp in guud condilioii. Would ho a good place for lioardcrrt. For further iii.cnnation (niiirces II. H'KJEilS, Cutlet's ItlJi k, Aii'lnver, br

ft A. 1MN4MOIIK, Park Street, Ainlovfr.

Monud Hm rooUof tlio nching tooth with tho loiifo, dip* citdi of thu uine aplintew in ibe* blVot] UOWIIIB frotii tho

ciitp. and. finally borloa tho s-| lifitcrs at the foot if tbo in ■ 111 -in whtob tba/ came. VViiilo.doin^.thisltto operator re- paata Minielli'iij; yon don't iiudcrstlitid, tjrbieb Lg ii ih:inii. (

I'IIIIII the mine Ii'iulity cornea ft curl- or,.i mm dy for thills umt fever. Take the nltiii fiMiu Die IniUtfj uf nit cggrihelt, (jo to a yoang pi'r^iiiiiiintt ireo three flay ■ in rje w ston, and tie a knot ii*the ililveauli day. - WaaMuftuH atar.

\v:i"!i ^i t li.i.»■■ IMI.III i-itur sets type ! pi ' -1-• ■ 11 in .i Hrood«a frame twon- ty-iwi* byttfl - -jy. Tliiiiframirliaii • ■'■ ■ i. . . neb tot a lino of type, mil tlio type n-nijicluy to tho

tjo i': ,■ .f ito inch, Thotyp«s i i■■ v, iiu.l the

■3ompoaitor lian ii" tbaiii witb pincers,

Til ifb i BIBI trio UdatpMnfa at nil de- . ■ i ■ a Uiii-ni- d hy

>i ■ . I 0 ■ - '■ itlP, ami XV:XB li'W.i thu I.- ■ ...1 iJrrvckwell rwil- wnyinJuii'. , . if

Paint apota can he reinoved from wood by covering them with a thick coating nf lime and r« «ht. Thin ahutild remain on for twonty-fonr bonn and then bo washed off with warm wiUer.

Erplorationa in tho district of rkmora, Mexico, ahow that tho coal depOKita in the Han Marchd valley will amount to fully ii.),iHHMMMHsn) tons, and it ia of ex- cellent quality.

Richard Henry Htoddard'a handwrit- iay in so minute that ho can oatuipiesa tho equivalent of half a cut mini of news- paper typo into a hingle jmgeof mann- M'ripl.

Don't forgot that oriental names end- inft in "an" have tho accent ibpoai iu- variahly on tho last nyllablo, as Teheran, Heloocdtistaii.

At the present day tho Persinns rail asafiotida "Llio fowl of tho gods,'' tho RuHntana delight in caviare and the Eskimo in train oil.

lIAillll.lM. "II Alt."

log for It) but I with to remark tbat tbe proprietors also are from Chicago. The fact tbat tbey know how lo make good tea ought to take the entire Erjgllih con- Mogent here, for they are always nnnn- ing tbat they can't g*t a decant cop or that which does o cbeera aad warm up the


A good thing is always worth talking about so I am going to babble about my visit to the Holland House. I went there at t*io, invitation of the committee who are to manage the Actors' Fair, which la to take place lo tbe spring, and which It is hoped will make a deal of money, ao that tbe or^hana^e may be bollt and a good lot of ducats dropped In the treas- ury of the Actors' Fond. Yon aee It wss thu Chicago meo who were smart enough to offer tbeir moat beauilfot rooms and a lovely luncheon to aboot live hun- drad women. We were Invited to "King Charles Hoom," and when I got there I put my hand to my head and wondered if we had gone back a couple of cenlutlea. There, In faataatlc dresa, by tbe tea table was a dark coraplexloned being, who might have been tbe page of any of tbe ladles at tbe court of Charles tbe Sec- ond ; tbe room Itself haa the walls deco- rated afler tbe atyle of that day, and the colors employed are those deep, rich onea peculiar in tne era.


Just In front of me stood a pretty girl with a carl-tvbeel bat on, laden with plumes. I was Just about to make my best court bow. aod ssy -flood day to you. Mistress Nellie Oivynn," when sbe soddeulf turned around and from under It was the Isugblng face of Bijou Fernan- dtz.. Tb«n I knew it waa today. And so I sat me down sod let my gossip talk to me.

Said she: "Everybody la here, Tbe Four Hundred baa representative* hsve the Five Million i no have tbe sat who live for Art sud Art alone; and ao baa tbe largo army of aouorettea. Up there on the stand is Mrs. Keodal, sad Agnes 11 toil), and Georgia Cat van; the first two are dressed In tbe quietest man-

but don't Agnca Bootb'n blue feath- ers remind you of those worn by Henry Navarn r Do you aee tbat dignified

Oman? Magnificence Is nowhere—mag- nificence of cartlage and of manner. Why can't some of the swells look aad sot like her? Who is llf That la Rose Kytinge. Hear, |dear; good manners do belong to Fpvclai people, and It seems to me tbat woman would ,he wethmaonered if a train-robber demanded her toonev or her life. The pretty little woman lo gray, with such bright, daik tytM, whn looks

If she hsd Just ooen celebrstlng btr tweuty-flltb birthday? Why, (list In Mr?. Ton; Pastor. Thst stout, jollv-looklog woman, to a taKor-made soli, and wear- ing a perfect aem of a wa'cli outside of her Jacket? That Is Elisabeth Msrbury, the cleverest woman In New York today, because she doea what aho wants. Do

s»e tbat dellcste, sort-eyed oloode t That's K(!l« Siisntinn, iheonlywo-

insn in thin country, who, In the French nense of tbo w>rd. Is really an Ingenue. What IJ tho dlrTi-renci between an Ingenue and a soubreite? The aonbretto in tin young woman who bss for her keynote merriment; tbe Ingenue has fur hers lu-

ce; she must look and ac*. the sweet ered, lovely bulog who has just

come from a convent, end who. knowing nothing of the world, Is absolutely Inoo-

Tbe villain msy treat her wrong- fully, everybody else msy conspire sgalost her, but she must wslk throagh .the plsy vvi.li col il I, nee In everybody, ami this ionti.1, in i' roust never be upset. It h true that often, just before the curtsln drops, she gets married, hut, aa the audi- ence dou't see her after that, she remains In their minds as the representative of lunocence as typified bv sweet Ignorance.

"There comes Maud Harrison, the 'in M IHtKMtKU «i Mil -- IS NEW YOllK.

If you will kindly look si those sable tails oo her cloak yon will comprehend why sumtny wotneu wsnt to go on ihe nta.e Ilut, biesa their dear hearts, tho Maud Hsrrla'ins come once In a Ciutury, g*lo the love and admiration of the pub lie, and li'ii i It, which, by tbe way, Is a moat difficult thing to do. *

Mrs. Kin tul is Ulklng. Sbe ssya she'll help, and she proves whatehe says by giving (W00 io hejtlii with. Now Mra. Booth Is making a speech- An actress behind me ssys thst speech was wrltleo ami learned, tbstit la too pat. To me It sounds bt-s-jilful. It U so nothing a'lout tbe American womsn being enshrined In tbe b'isrt of lbs American man, hut tt Isn't his heart that ia wanted at tte fair; Ua his pocket-book, fluorgla Cayvan Is making a speech. There Is such a lot <>f noise, that we can't hear her, but yoo may be sure It Is something nice and womanly; aho couldn't possibly be auy- ■ blng ehb. tin. what a biautlful girl! I see who Is with her; I know who It Is; the mother Is ss splundid looking as tbe duugtiter i- sweet and uirli-h. It Is Mrs. Jntio Chsmberlln and her ilaugh'-er tlivu. My fa'her told me ilhat during the war, when people were fnit of entnttslasm — sud lo llmse days puup!o were more uu- thuHiaallti than nowa-daye—the inun uaed to get up In the theatre and fairly scream with delight when Emily Joidan.that Is Mm. Joan Chamberllu, atage.

"Illlll A'HHOI.LFTK HKAl'l


BYRON TRUELL & CO, In order to make room for their

SPRIITG STOCK, will sell for a few days the followiiu»

goods at panic prioes-

About 20 pieces of Lowell Extra Super Carpets, worth to-day 70o.—our price

to olose, 50o. per yard. About 15 pieces Extra Tapestry Brussels

worth 80c Our prioe to olose, 59c. A lot of best Body Brussels for $1 a yard,

worth from $1.25 to $1 40. A lot of short lengths best Brussels, from

5 to 15 yards, for 75c. Worth. $125 in the piece.

50 Asminstor Rugs for $2.50 each, worth $4.00, together with many other

goods to close, at about half price- The above are not prioes for tbe season,

being prioes only to close this lot. An early inspection is solicited.

Byron Troell & Go. 249 ESSEX! STBBJiJT, .. '

Our Pretty CnrroBpotttlfrnt'a

Warm Attnilratluu Tor ifro " tJpi'sJStttTftOnlctipo.

[■*|M)i-l.tl <JlirlT«||l,|t-(.-l!C|- )

NKW YOIIK, Kub. ■-. 1892.

I do decldet ly approve of Chicago. I have never been there, no that my appro* I ai Inn of It la not biased lo any way. Tba ruas'in for my apjiruval U a very milUr of fact one. It 1* not h<cause the Chlctuto women are beautiful or the men gallant; not lernauao ihey don't allow swinging slurs and have DO fresh oyster*; but It IK

in came Chicago,- when It mskr i up Its mind to anylhliu;,always eeta there. New York makes a ureat 'biun'.rr and Haaka out. It wanted (he World's fair—at tea-i It said It did; riii.'nuo did want it, and cot It. New York umd a sieat liubhub- abonl wiiiiltiK the Democratli: eon van- Her; It went down lo Washing "u to srafp this; went down to wipe out the woolly west; bin, jubt the same, Cbkagu got ihe convention.

I am aiuiH-ihli'H of a cnnnolssrur about tea. I like It lo be amber In odor, s ear, and to taste of lea, not of milk or smear, or Uu kettlea or Indian 'doctors* herbs, I have lasted It al Delmoolco'a and aL'Viry flret class hotel In this eliy.and I hevef hnd s it* i-fiit cup of tt uotl, the niber day when I got It st 'hoja^ new lirttrl—trie Holland llou<e (I do not know lii" people win keep this uutel, aad 1 ain not toui-

gossip'Btopped, sud we went nil to get the cup of tea for which 1 pralab Chicago, and I i MI sore tbat my small friend would ask a bleaslnii for It If I dropped her a line to that effect. , !


After the grip,


hsve got to be amused; your Inclination Is to elt and v,,>i.|i. anil ynur tendency la towards suicide. I have been dcvotlng-toy time, as the family dislike weeping people, aod I don't think suicide Is a nice thing, tjoing to tbeBtres—the ones win-re there are funny thlnus. I buy my seats of a speculator, and get the corner ones ID the front row, ao tbat I son aod hear whatever there Is to be aeen or heard. Tho fault ihql I find, Is tbat most or- cbealras play too loud for ibe people who sing with them. Ttie gnotemao who controls th) music biUlvd lo the cornet, being possessed of a wild desire to'let H oot In spurts, which may wt ao evidence o[ hla atrenglb wnlch may appeal to, the people who are fond of Wagner, but does not delight those who llk« to hear the word* of a song. Tbe tint night ttiat I was rersonally con- ducted to a play, there was dtnuer of • relapse ihr neat day. Tun play of It- self was "A Trip to Ch'nalawo." lam told that It la, not like what t- was at Hi si; atlll. In one' aeason, would all the women grow old and faded, grow scraw- oy about the egs i nd hi/.thle about the hand*? Mi-thloks not. The whole thing waa poor. The diuclng WM had, and tbe singing worse, and yet I remember tbe time lliat I laughed until I sched at "A Itrass Monkey" Is anything the mailer wllh Mr. lloyl?

My next i-il'iri st hclnx amnsed waa witnessing "The (,'lty Diredor'

when- lust sii ani'uVd n' ". ■

Y COMll'KltlNG

them. Homebody next tome has Just saltl tl at tbe youug girl ought to be [netty. for there is a look In her face of "la/l a Throne, hur uncle, aod now every

rer thirty, sluing around, gives a a'gS aTNtha remembers him when hi drew all NeV-Jtork lo Hiiu-re Theatre, —*'Al*ti,~Wfi:, tlmrt- «r.' a-> nlsa • X :*pt the euuiuiii'.i'i' --!.', u woman's crowd.. HoAever, hire cjmes Dan Krohmsn, i p.e aaot luau, a IBM who 1* always the ss'i e. Do you know ihe secret" or -the MI ee-ti of I'lmr <■- r.r-1 1) m Ki niimnii Is, I do not believe. In their unfailing polite- Rsjtay, If Ihey do you a courtesy it u tbo very but tiny can do. If t'loy send

you seats fur the tneatrr, ibey are nut In ': with a dr.iuuht »- your hack, and a lar-iway vi-ini of tin- Htage In front, but tlicv aitj the best lu tho h m»e.

1 A unit.o'S DKiMATta POW1B.

A saisll girl whima ezjterluucd of tbe- slris la extensive, mil who, because of her height, ■ ■ -rt -*. . acoulus from large hula, went to see a plsy one day when liiu hiix had iieeu iaJu with Ihe compJ1

menta of Charles J/rohtnan. Khe saw the eutlro plsy, and ibat night when ahi. waa [eon shown his appreciation of i„»iitv atylasj her ptatiir,' she put ibli post-1 gelling ii muy darkAalfad pauplsron ectlpt 161 Q id bless Jsue and mskejier a the stage, ss he possibly tan. Any lion giiod air!, fjod i.i.--. i|i* baby and make | who could not ho ttiaed by iheinave man- It grow up to bo a go id girl, aie*J Uotl j ner of Mr. Wihon is mil a na< roaring >-\■•-* Sir. CbaYlH I'r-iinn in for having Ihe lion, hut a base Imltkifon, s ufTid and kpowK-dgn In,hi* heatt'that 1 couldn't having glass eyes Ami any woman who fee over tilu haU| I IIOIM he'd have a' box wouldn't pojaotkher husb-tud .after bear- givtn in him whenever lie WajiU U." and | log Marie JasUan" f|t'g..uf thalu'alltble that he will d > a good bualne>s eo Hie ; fascloailuti of a widow lack* tbat aooj*. iOld. Amen '■ Thai's funny bt-cau*e It la ■ ihlug which-cfiaratr'terlx •- n iru» won in ituo, hut | ,.itn f-. |S evlihtue of tho After seeing T,TlW Lion r.suier,-* ihr grtp feeling Hal.Is :in u-i ■! wliin |wopli do a got better, and, without WDIIKC to apeak nice thirg l»a Lloe way. Just here aiy of it as a dose of medicine, ? Ill l imm

TV" in-tifti:

dancing of Amelia Clover that 1 forgave all the test, and when I forgive I always forgot

The third debut, so to Fay, wn made at 'The Mon Tamer," an-l behind ihe curtains uf s box 1 bowediny li,« I unon my hand and give InauH'ih- thanks fur Ihe existence nf Franeli Wllxou and Marie Jtnmti. They know how to make fuu—real honest, good fttir. You laugh at It, and a M of 5 years old hughs SI It. The songs are merry,' the circuit in v, lilc i thu raging lions who WereSOppoafd In be the eeinetery for the lion tamer luum--]' ix a perfect thing of benutv, and si it pro- ceshed Into thu c ,t-i n, toian UtfFtl va- more than pleasure gaion'l from It—il became cciiasr. The iim^.ni.. go.nl- looktng, properly iiraaaan, ami Mi

aav thai I Ao think that It did more good than IJUIDIDC—whisky I declined to lake.

WHAT LO wn DtBUin' I wonder if wo decline to lake maiy

go id tiling- in thia worldr Did jfou ever decline/lo laTieaklaa?

Not If It were ottered by lha right per- ■00.

Did you ever decline a good political poaltlon? N >i if my parly would b*ck me ibe place.

Hid you ever decline a dinner In which terrapin, canvasback and a geod drv champagne were promlnen'T Mdt If your digestion would permit It.

Did yott ever decline—but no, y > i r.ever had a million b.'BUtlful golf] dollars offered you. You wouldn't decline ll. I might end this up lo a very nice way. by asking you )tyou would decline mr—'jut I don't Intend lo do It, for I am "accept- ed with thanks."


%B" WALL PAPER tosond '■■ ^WJSSCaUtawwTrlSS* '""M1* Aiiilrl'i*"K i'l.'rAl'Y.'iir,' iMr-h E! BruVtdsat* It L

\Old3 '€ and $1

Troubles. t an Orugylista. 3So, <

£. MORGAN &, SONS, Prap'i, I'I.«»IIII:.M i, ii.t,


staad i|jnrr)ln>.|li

1 '

I- i mm i ■ i ■ Mlis-Hinrou/in

*,atatacu I INK I'.I , 4d<ite<* with rvfettw

rry, Dot ii;J,.Ncw Yuri Wtfi

A %





J Jl


Th. Vnrt of llrr WMdufMI _*-•* a)f I rnlur.iHf >: ■ pi at nod.

"Some one has Mid that I do not take Mni h exercise fa open air," amid Km*. IteruluirilL "Please correct that stats- went. 1 take exorcise continually, 1

( live In the open air." From early morn- ing in travi'ttng madam is up, some days BiwniiiriK the entire day in hunting or driving, lo (,'et glimpsi _ of new country,

■ and v..,1km.,-. "Pl-'iityof fresh air! Thatgiresvigor.

K.VITM . : Walking out of doors in the sunshine iiiVHriably.' Them is no such

, thing jw-jtenuine health withont it. But rfltnivcl ftrerrwhere, even ut home, look ont fur drafts.

"With me noes everywhere a robe—

B during rehearsals, in driving, in sitting still whocti the limha are inactive they have to be: ..iv.nl. Women urn not careful onimgh about their Ankles. (BBH itoofclD&f; MlipixTs, 1'iwsbnes and Hi- (lr*aa fjiliiu^ tins way utid that, they ore sure to p.t cold. They cannot be too canTnl about drafts and covering the uiikhoi.

"And your countrymen say it is 'Ten- l.nik' Wdtrwrth as IHtle soup and water its Dossil,!., Hah! The very first thing 1 do after returning ut night from tha tliwit. r in to lake, my both.

"before, visits, before eating, before anything at that hour, 1 bathe. The moid has it in preparation, all- First Koew, an a covering OTat tho tub, a large white ahastt into that lilood warm water Is pourod. Small sachets, containing finely grated KM in small quantities of bran urlino uieal, [wrtumed wi^i s little orris root, are usoil in place of a sponge. They are covered with fine chwsccloth, mid wtn'ii ili.tr cootantl Biter infci the ■water it gives it a milk like whiteness, a delicious odor and softens the skin like a baby's.

"Only a few moments in the hath, but iimriHi..: ami niglit, tin- first thing in the morning ami late at night. Whcil ready to stop out the inai-l has a peignoir

; ready, which in reality is a Imth robe mode of cristta towilimr. This is heated und the IMHIV iiu-ch.|H din it, tln-n gently ruhlH'.l in gel op a tfi, ui.n .>f skin.

" -"HotiiftimHt < at rebnursali I have • moint rub down with 1 he following pre- a-riptiun, which is fei y n-freshing: Tepid wator, a --null quantity of am- monia, bonut, a dtfshor bay rum and the whole sweetened' with .^ood -cologne,

i sometimes violet, aotiwUinai other things, so many essences are sent to me to try. It i- ■ simple bath, hot i ■ 11 uI

"(Jhaugf (DimtitnteH rest;, yon see; my' net 1 ant uwvtT absolutely idle.^lf nignn of ennui, futigu.', ajmaarat one oc- enputjon, torn fo KIIHI- ■ >thi-r It is not necewtary dimply to do nothing in order' to riTi, hut vary what you do. Change the subject of your thoughts, there is the secret.

■I never aleep in tl. ■ daytime. One is eure to take cold in going out again. Will yourself to vary yonj thoughts, and by will and haLiil Irani to sleep at OLce.whcn the lime1 comes. Napoleon could sleep at will always. ■ It is simply will and habit, and if talcn when need- ed is always refreshing.

"You see, then, the secret of endur- ance u carefulni-w and regularity and

■ the complete mastery of self; study that to know how much you can do, and through study you will I* astonished to find h'fw much yon are able to do. Bat remember, vary your occupation, change your thoughts often. And lookout for colds. Odds are insidious—treacherous —one can never count upon the end in a cold."—Boston (ilobe.

Tins Latest IIUM In I'srlM-a*. With the growing fondness for choice

perfumes it is not uncommon for women to try to procure original recipes, which shall result in quite a new variety. In this way expert incuts are continually being made. The present English fancy is to make perfumes itt sticks, while Frenchwomen are said to indulge in the folly of injecting perfumes into the blood. The American prcfcrHthodainty odors derived from many sachets or the reviving essence of her vinaigrette. When it comes to toilet mutters, one.can gain many good recipes from one's own circle of friends.

Those who are in the habit of using them daily in the bath timl it much morn economical to manufacture for themselves thau.to buy the dollar bot- tles, Florentine orria plays a large part In many of these simple preparations. To a little Peruvian lialaaiuadd one part tincture benzoin, two part:, diluted acetic acid or gootl vinegar, live parts rose wa- ter und eight parts uleohul^.. A small part of rosemary or lavender may be also added. This should bo tiltered before bottling.

Instead of small sachets to be scat- tered here and there among one's finer- ies, good, kjtrge1 sued receptacles, which will bold many artich-n. ore now pre- ferred. 1 have just seen a nightgown sachet, of ample size, in which ut least throe well fulded garments may 1st kept. It is square and tlat, made of tufted lavender silk and pad.Ie<l with soft wool, with layers of lavender flowers, be- tween. It is lined also with lavender silk, and may lie made m,re dainty by the addllmn nf lace nirHW. -— — —

Handkerchief begs, made "f plnsh and lined with India, padded with wool and jMiiuTiie, are made forge 'Hough to hold the "complete supply, even when very large. In thin way fastidious wo- men, make sure of huviug till their be- longings well scented with some dainty, iadeseribablo i>dor.—Brooklyn Kngrle.

Woman a* Hhs r. Vtrliti-n About. I*f Woman ami her ways, are ebjaet-Of

'constantly jncreasiim Interest, as is shown-by the latest iuiK'\,ol the British lMiiseiini. TheM indexes are issued

every five year*, and they include tha subjects of all books published in every

! civilized country during the previous live years. A comparison of the two inde\e- i-Mied in du put dwaaa .bowl that while woman, as a subject of in- terest, us a problem to !>•■ solved, as a Mfajfhje ouUoine, fTU never of more importance titan during tbo past ten

-years, th# asuecta of her case changed IBM i...l!y to kbaa HBW

Works oh the social iKmitioti nf women bicreiisnl in thu last half of the decade, H compared with ihe first, from fi4 to HH e-lucation of women, from Iftto 25; on employment . of women; from IB to 27; on women's chit*, from :i to "llT.

;reased i! drese-

jrk a».l sn,bpj|dQTT fnim n to (14. Thcwi Qfrttm are more significant from the fact that books.on

'tailoring in Id higher aspeete, as indi- cated by such a-t itb'i as 4'Philosophical Works of F. Pickle on Outting (ientle- nieu's l>n»«," increasoil fnun II to 38. Perhaps the newt significant decrease is that from 1 It! to 70 in works on marriage and divorce

If, as may l>o presumed, the writings of any period follow m the wake, if they do not keep juice with public opinion, it appears that worn eh an- niuoh more In- terested in questions of eilucatiou and employment und of making for thein- Helves a place in the w ■■rid than they ace

• in dree*, fashion" or any feminine van- ities, and ihiitrnurriiiKf,alat! ilifilciiltas it is to believe, is bevidg bss place in ili.ir thought* thnn of v..re. New York Evening Sun. ■ *' .

Ulsanilltf ru«lli Inn. Parisian furriers are ..Iniost always

intrusted with the iiiaiml'.ichire of the .-pl.^lid fur garmenfa tli tl become b-'ir

i tamilies of Eu- rope. Kriuine. I.e^id' ■ l-^iiig the BtB- idem of royaity, is also thai :it purity and Htrtiiilcwroass; but it it nevertheless

so delicate a fabnc that no white far gets so easily soiled. Very few people know how to clean white furs, and it may therefore be of interest to Kew York elegantes to learn tin method rec- ommended to me a few yearn ag6 by the famous St Petereborg farrier, Paul Cn- baeoa. Tbo furs must first be washed with tallow soap and lukewarm water, and then rinsed with a weak solution of crystals of soda, all the soapsuds being removed from the fur with a hard brush. Should there be dark stains, such as are u>ad« by carriage grease or other fat substances, on the fur, it will be necessary to rub them with benzine ajfew hours before washing It.

It sometimes happens that in spite of this treatment tha furs retain a yellow- ish hne; this can, however, be removed by bleaching them in the fallowing manner: While still damp the articles must be immersed in very-cold water in which four pounds of sulphuric acid of natron have beeu diluted. After an hour's soaking four pounds of aalic acid are added to the mixture, which must be well stirred. While the furs are in the fluid the vessel containing them should be tightly covered so as to ex- clude the action of the air on the acids. Lastly, the furs must be rinsed several time* with pure cold water.—Harper's Bazar.

to earn large sums, ane u now well into the seventies, but she has jut Dieted one of the largest pictures she bee ever painted. It has occupied her time three years, and she has been offered and refused £111,000 for it. The scene depicted is that of ten horses, life rise, in full trot, treading out com.—London Tit-Bite.

A Credit la Mrs. Mslasra** A certain Park avenue young lady

furnished considerable amusement for her friends at a social gathering a few evenings ago. She was telling about a recent trip to New York, and when asked What she had done there, replied:

"Well, yon know, papa thinks I have very pretty feot, and on* day we went down to an artist's etndio and had a bust made of "one of them.''—Minneapolis Tribune.,

A little Philadelphia girl of eleven years has raised |l."io by her,own unaid- ed efforts for the little children In the Hahnemann hospital, where she is a welcome and constant visitor. Her work at the hospital has extended over a period of two years, and for faithful- ness and efficiency seta a model to older Samaritans.

Mrs. Harriet L. Brady, who recently died in New Orleans, was the widow of Major Brady, of Nicaragnan fame, and was the Uat woman survivor of (ienerol Walker's filibustering movement. She was an eye witness to many of the stir- ring events of that extraordinary cam- paign and acquainted with many of its leaders.

A novel business partnership is that oi the Rev. Leslie W. Kprague and the Rev. Lila Frost Sprague, his wife, who were recently installed as ministers of tha First Unitarian church ut Pomona, Cal.

Ouida's home in Florence- is de- scribed as the most beautiful palace in that beautiful city. The novelist has passed a number of years there, but is now about to give up her residence.

Lime juice assimilates admirably with milk, and it is a good plan to put a little lime water in the milk pitcher always for the nursery table.

An interesting educational experi- ment is that of a college for girls in con- nection with the L'nivorsity of Sydney.



•h* who Is mliis, who— tool Is all say ««i as mlns is hsrs. long IOTMI sad sarlf knows.

With what warm bauds, with what a loving

BBS 11 v«s ms wslsseas to this qulst plsos. rhU oottas* hsarth, whsrs w« two dwsll akmsl

Ws bars Un poor for nsffhtmrs; w* ars en*. Content with simple dousa limply donej

And ihs at Isast of no ambitions raos, Has wbo Is mlns.

Ah. rssl Ufa* vain rssuiu havs oesas and sons;

And tb« dry heart, llks a oold kernel stoos Within Its withered palp sod ihrankon raw, Migbt wall havs tost snob fallaass aad sack.

As ones It had. but for this lore, rail grown Aad resolute and JHTs, that she aatfc shown,

L , She who ts mlas.

I'wiwur for Wiatsri. The question of the ventilation of the

foot has been seriously considered and various plans have been formulated by which air may bo admitted to the sole, but no mutter of practical value to any large-number of people has resulted. There is, however, a sluw in market with A ventilated sole, arranged so that the air is admitted through small openings

the hi-el. and the makers claim that the feet will not get wet. but the shoe

to be hardly the thing to be de- pended upon in any depth of snow, and would probably be chielly useful in fair weather. It is to be donbted whether the low shoe that is generally worn by ladies at present, even in winter with a gaiter, Is not a- more wholesome foot

ering than the. high, close boot. Every'one agrees that rubbers are most unwholesome, yet at present tltereseems to be no practical substitute for them. The best that can be done is to wear them just as short a time as possible.

The small footholds of rubber which merely cover the ball of the foot and protect if almost as much as the regular rubber are not as objectionable. A sub- Bis Efforts to K«II«V* the intents *mt- stitute fur a rubberslioeU a thin layer of " «*r w«r» sfsf Apprrruted. robber introduced between tbo layere of It was 10:!W o'clock ut night, and the the sole. This protects the foot sum- | rain and wind and darkness made it a ciently from dampness, and if the boot i wild one, when the train suddenly came be made of s'ont calfskin amP be prop- :tea halt. Some one bad swung a lan- erly oiled before the wearer goes out it i tern on >tho track about a quarter of a will not be necessary to use the rubber 1 mile from the bridge spanning Hhady overshoe. We believe most shoemakers ' creek. Those of us who turned out to make shoes with soles of this kind to .torn what was up saw a farmer-looking order.—New York Tribine. j man come back to the smoking car with 'the conductor, and when in out of the

Two Remnrhsble WOmeo. { storm the latter nsked: Two notable figures in the history of : "Now, then, yon any there's trouble

northern Michigan died recently. One 'ahead. What is it? Talk fast, for I am was an Indian woman of uncertain but h°w twelve minutes l«bind time." great age.* Her name was Margaret, j The man was .about forty years old, and she waa a descendant of the Ottawa dressed jo'course clothing and was wet chiefs. She was educated at a convent in to the H kin. The lantern'was an old 8t. Louis, and was known to thousands of fashioned one, made of tin. andthelight , tourists as "Aunt Margaret." The other : was -furnished by u piece of candle about j was Sophia Uravereant, aged 102. There | three inches long. is no doubt of her age. She was on edu- j "Look a-here, gineral," ho replied to J rated Frenchwoman, a family rcpre-] the conductor in a nervous way, "go I sentative of tbo first French settlers who . sorter slow on tee or 1 can't tell yo' the i followed Marquctte into the wilderness. I story." She waslmrn al Muckiuac island and "What do you mean?" was grown to v,.manhood at the time "I've—I've gut a failin. If yo'git me the island was captured by the British [excited I'll stut-stui-stutter till yo' cau't during the war of 1U12. She retained her mental faculties to the last, and could converse most entertainingly of her early experiences. Her husband and only son were killed in war.—Cor. Si. Louis (ilobe-Democrat.

Illinois Woman ood tho Pair. Illinois women are to be organized in

an effort to make a big shov.iL . at the WorhV* fair. Every coilnt> in ho state is to have a representative t ■ tl Illinois woman s exjiomtlun boftpd. - 'l .iia TLO-

mtativu will be exisje.ed to discover everything of merit accomplished by women in her county. This WM deter- mined upon by the Illinois woman's ex- position board at a reeenr meeting. There was another plan which proposed

state organization by cougrossional districts, but it did not meet with gen- eral favor. "With a woman, in each county making monthly report* to tbo secretary ,,f trie Uurd. It Is 'hoigbtthe field Will be completely oovefi 1. Tho agents will servo without npia> nsatiun. —t'bicns'o Woman's New*.

Her II.o.l !.<.(. One young girl in New York city, a

Worker in a type, foundry, nursed in sac- cession her mother, who died of con- sumption, two brothers who followed her, and supported them all. when they could no longer earn wages, upon her earnings of $7.50 jsr week. Her father bad drifted into Imbecility by shock from loss occasioned, by (ire.

When 1 knew her the father and daughter were all that were left of the family; anil the giii cpotnoL. washed and fed him with t,\w tenderOsw <are in the intervals of her work. A special calam- ity had befallen her in an attack of ill- ness, during which time she bad to ob- tain a substitute; hut this was tided over for her and she wont on bravely as before.—Jenny .lime's "Thruwn'on Her Own Resources'."

lirr.. Iff..mi nt I.

The Dress Reform blague has at last appeared, but not in Chicago, where the great woman's < bib i-f devoted to dress improvement, nor ill classic Dost where the date of tint dre.-< millennium was set, but passed and found fair worn-1 »»** WbrtflgO hadn't wulT. an still dragging her drabbled skirts, but away nut in Kaweuh. Tnlare coun- ty, Cal., when, fifteen women adopted a short skirt, three iucliua lie low the knee, leggings to uiateli.^sriTr't and blouse waist, ami have worn them for some

understand a word 1 nay." Very well; you stopiwd us?" Yes; I Celt called to do it. Hold on,

now! Don't posh me!" I'll givo you time. Ton live near

here, don't you7" Right up by the branch thar'. Lived

thar' goin on twenty years. Keep cool, gineral, and don't git me norvons.1 I'm a-dt>iii all right so fur."

Well, yon f'lt called upon to atop us?"

did. It's been raintn purty steady fur nUuit a week." » " ~

Yea." • The brunch baa jest been u-humpin

of herself fur the last two tlayti." Yes, tho water has beeu rising." Hold on, gineral! Don't chip in too

fast. I'm adioldin of myself as hard as I kin, but 1 feel uiy tongue wobblin around. This tysju I seen tho water riain mighty fast and I felt it my duty to watch it. I went tip agin about dark and then agin an hour ngo. 1 knowed when you was due hero, aud"^— "I

"And you stopped us. Oood heavens, man! but the bridge la gone!"

"Hold on, gineral!- Yon are goin too fast! 1 t t io|d you if you g-g-got me ea-ex"

"Take it eusy," replied the conductor. "Just think what' you want, to say und tli en speak very slow. Great lands! but wbat an escape!"

"(Mineral. 1 reckoned yo'd worry about the bridge."

"Yes, I've been very anxious nboutlt." "Yo' knowed tho water was risin way

up." "Yes." "1 told tho old woman you'd worry

about it, ami that I'd best git the lantern and stop thu t I train a-a-und t-l-t. 11 ■ tell"

"Take it easy, man, there's no hurry. You got your lantern and stopped the train lo tell us that the bridge had been floated ofr by tin- freshet. 1 no U i-taud and 1 can promise yon" "

"fJineral!" "Yea." _ "The bridge is all right! I reckoned,

yo'd worry over iL and au 1 got the Ion torn and ■topped the train lo tell \od that the water had gone down four feet

1 a bar!

XlTOsO rofunrtlno the contrary, docrei from 17 in 4 and works on drew, dI

time with great comfort and conven- ience. The fashion is ■pVMding; many other women in tie; town are gradually shortening then* skirts, and others wear thu reform dress st home, tliongh they can't be induced to goin the street with it. - Kseh 111 e

A New I mlu.try tndead. A new industry for women is that of

the mannfaetureof the tissue paper nov- elties now so popular. Twenty women are,employed in a manufactory of this kind. founded by two bright Buffalo women. Loojis of white tiwiie Hapsr caught with M^ersM ef [iapern»»es in Louis XV i style of decoration a«torn the wails of the salesroom.-, and within are all manner of jia|>er petticoats' for candles and lamps and pjmsjrrosH and hotter tliee throinrb wliieli light lilters in roseate hues. The roonas* of the enterprise is due to seizing the right moment in the popular demand. -Exchange.

-— A WaHnu'jUisaUXInaAiflrj. ^ An Intrepid young woman in New

York city is abOol to enter tho |>erfuiii- ery bit-iiies- Slio Intends starting in a very modest way, using a hall liodroom for a laboratory. One reason sli*>gives why a woman would Is- likely to Is) more successful I" the combinations of odors in perfume making is thut her sense of smell Ut unimpaired by tobacco. And she alleges thut men tender them- selves incapuhlo "for that tine discrimi- nation which is essential to an expert in

I this business "■■-Excluing"1.

I'nlque NSW York Calls. | A pretty custom largely adopted by

New York women this year was tho , driving anouL at New Yenr's, though not '. on the actual first of -lanitary, among , their friends ;>nd sending in by the foot-. j man a dainl. calendar for the year.

This was of course aecoiii|>ani(sl by an ' inquiry for the friend's heultlm uud wan

left with love and good wishes. The re- mit has been rather un overstock of cal- endars in some houses.—New York

I Times. fc

| Rons lloMbeiir'* I alrat Ploturo, \ Age does-not at present seem to affect ' Ross Ronheur- powers or her capacity

t renieiyber all the condiiwtbr •aid when he got at the facts, nor how many pjaOtOOgen helped throw the man down union; the bushes, bnl when the train moved on he was banging the old tin lantern around.and calling:4

■ <■ '. (imenil. Ill beh-b-banged if 1 don t see this old i r-rota kt T-T-Ttifj before I ever do it another fa-fa favort" —New York World.

I.I i ut..... I I'lei Gladstone's daily, life at home is S

model of niuiplicity and regularity, and the great secret of the vast amount/of work he accomplishes lies in the fact that every odd five minutes is occupied. No man ever had a deeper sense of tho preciousness of time anil the responsi- bility which every one incurs by the use or misuse be makes of it. Yo such a length does b-carry this that at a picnic to a favorite Welch mountain !■ ■ lias been seen to fling himself on tht le . ther, and hury lltulself in MOIHO pamphlei upon a question of the day uniil called to lighter things by those who were re- sponsible for the provision bucket,— Young Man. . ■

Klnda "I TmilbiM hr,

F«T-et>linAr.vUfrviai-Uutbacba, whiob. is IMU. . j i.v i i.e sjarvonj nystem Is-iug out of Order Of by sin *sive futigue a very hot liath will to <■<■ dlie the u.-ries that sleep will naturally follow and upon getting j»ip fhe p.itiont will !'nl very much refreshed ami the to. i Us will be a thing <>r the put, For what is known m "jumping tootliacbe," hut dry tlat I applied to the face and neck is very effective. For common toothache, which is caused by indigestion or by strong sweet, a<id Of ■ -iy thing very hot or cold in a decayed tooth, a little piece of cotton steeped in strong camphor or oil of cloves is the U-st ivuiedy.— London Tit-Bite.

DM Way of i i.OIK out ,. Living. A country person in England eked

out a small income by sending lugging letters all over thfl eountry. He has mailed fully ISS^IOQ of thpni during fif- te<'ii ypara; nil wife has sent u.fHW more, and ln-s children, as soon as they could write, spent a great part of their time in writing appeals for money. Re- sponse* were recejve.l with cash frfim about one person in fifty. One gentle- man won generous enough to send $m,- 00(1 to the begging clergyman. —Yankee Blade

A NIGHT OF DEATH. It was a disagreeable night. A sharp,

cutting wind had set In early in the evening, and continued with unabated vigor all the uigbt A drizzle, half rain and hub! snow, set in with it, and oat the face of the unlucky pedestrian like so much bail

At the club we huddled around the ores and, warm, though the rooms were, shivered uncomfortably every time 0 strong gust would send the sleet driving against tho window panes.

"Ugh!" said the colonel, looking at me under his heavy eyebrows, and grasping the lapels of his coat he pulled them to- gether as though to shut out the un- pleasant feeling that seemed to prevail in the air.

1 shivered sympathetically. "A bad night," muttered the colonel

laconically, and he drew his cnaiT closer to the fireplace.

"It might be worse," he said, with an attempt at cheerfulness; but It fell flat.

It was near midnight, and Colonel Mont fort and I had just returned from the theater to enjoy a moment's warmth in the clubroom. We had it almost to ourselves.for tho night did not encourago late wanderings.

1 rose to i my feet and stretched my arms and legs.

"Hone.-" inquired the colonel look- ing at bis watch.

"Just as well," I said with a shrug of my shoulders; the gloom and dismal- ness of the weather seemed to have set- tled everywhere.

Colonel Montfort and 1 enjoyed a suite of rooms in one.of the best flats in St. Paul, and led a nearly ideal exiat- tence for two auch old bachelors at we were.

The colonel was an old southern man, and had seen service in the "Brothers' war." He had earned his rank by val- iant and distinguished service for the Union forces. He was a tall, well built man, with a commanding presence, and although past the middle age carried his years well.

I, on the other hand, although snugly put together and possessed of unusual .endurance, was1 greatly his inferior in point of physique, and our friends at the club were wont to allodo to us as "David and Goliath."

"That comparison is unjust," the colonel said one day laughingly, "for 1 am sure neither of us desires the other's death."

And we did not think then that one ever would.

"And it is extremely doubtful that this David will ever inflict a death wound to this Goliath," interposed a friend. •-

We laughed at the idea. But the colonel rose with a yawn, and

agaiu looking at his watch donned nil wraps, and wo went out into the slip- pery streets.

"Not a beastly cab in eight,'' grum- bled my friend, as we peered about "And on such a night too!" be added, with a grimace! i

So we had to make the beet of it, and trudged slowly home through the Blush. The rain poured and beat upon us, and the wind swirled pitilessly about our muffled beads.

"Ugh," said tho colonel1 with a shake. And "Ugh!" repeated 1. But 1 could

not shake i.if tho depression that had settled upon mo with the sleet; and a foreboding of evil took possession of me that 1 tried in vain to dispel.

I was ] IO.-.-I '.--..-d of very sensitive nerve... and this combined with the life 1 led and the influences that had sur- rounded me ■TOM my birth made me a coward in some things. And never did 1 feel such an uudeflnable dread, and never wero my Benses so quick to^make mountains out of molehills as at the times when my spirits were depressed and my nerves made jangling by unto- ward weather. 1 was veritably a cow- ard in the dark.

Usually when 1 got in a well lighted and heated room I could shake this de- pression off; but not so tonight.

"You look excited, my dear Kane," ■aid the colonel as we flung ourselves in easy chairs ami stirred up the fire. I rose and went to the looking glass in one end of the room and started back ■hocked as I'caught sight of my face.

It was tilled with a tense, suppressed excitement that 1 had never seen there before—hair actually appeared like bristles upon my head, and under my ■yes were Urge, dark rings.

After my first start, 1' laughed some- what awkwardly I. am afraid, and told the colonel that I bad evidently been ilissipitting too heavily of bite.

He smiled absently and kept staring Into the tire.

"W.lt. 1 guess 111 go to bed," I said after a pause.

Tho colonel nodded without looking up. and biddiug him good night I left the . "/.y.sitting room and made prepara- tions for repose,

The . . ■!■ -I.- I un-t 1 occupied separate sleeping apartments, an our suite was large, itsiug the remaining rooms to- gether. Until a day or two ago we had had a valet who attended to our wants, b'at he 'i,id left us, and we had as yet been unable to find a suitable person to tukuhin place. . My r<K»m was quite Urge for a bedroom, bui tot that reason 1 pre- ferred it to a smaller one, as 1 was quite

i a •tickler on mutters of hygiene. , I umlri'sseiLimd went to bed. I finally

] heard the colonel leave thu sitting room 1 lid go to bis own apaiti. nt. A little 1 liter 1 heard the spring lof Ids bed creak, 1 snd knew that he al.-.. bod sought the I wins of Morpheus. | 1 heard the cluck in t<. hall strike one, 1 but 1 was still as wide .wake as 1 was an hour before. My nerves, instead of

! becoming reported, became more and '. more susceptible to tin' least jar. -The : crackling of an ember in the fireplace in

Ihe next room caused my heart to leap into my mouth snd alniosi stop heating. Tito creaking of a board xeut the cold

I perspiration to my face. 1 lay still and scarcely dared to bruuthe until my body paiued in every joint from lying in one position so long.

I heard the colonel's breathing In the next room. Then 1 heard a door slam on the flight below, and with difflcnst*;

■"PI"''""'"'1 A ihrin^' ., , And all thetiino ICUIM 1 myself fur Toy

cowardice; cursed, aiysi It torbeingi. i a child.'ati.l VOWed that if I ''.'en.allowed to live until morning 1 would stop drink- ing hot gins und smoking xiroug cigars.

I heard the clock Strike two.und then must have fallen into a troubled aleep. 1 dreamed—oh, Uod, what did I not dream? Would that all that happened that ill fated night bud been but a dream!

For one thing, I dreamed that the last day-had come, and that I with countless others had liiirried.towunt a large, snow capped mountain. There were billows of fire behind iii and mountains of fire above us, ye^ we horned on—on—on— never stopping, never turning, Clouds of smoke and (lame rolled about .us, yet through it idl could !■ . so that moun- tain top. cold and sen u' in the midst of all that heat HIUI woe. and its snow decked top seemed evei to beckon us on. —on—on.

Thousands and ntUHnnl died at my side, before and behind ■■• u But Icared not. 1 grew- gunnt wu'i hunger and faint with fatigue, but slid 1 hurried on. (crossed rivers of ice and vnl.eys of firs, but thev shinned me not

At last 1 reached tt 1 started toward the top Wearily, night and day, 1 traveled, and those who with me reached the bottom of the hoar capped giant fell off one by one, and at last I alone was loft

I And alone I reached the top. And a feeling of indescribable ease and peace came over me, and 1 laid myself down in the cold, white snow aad fell asleep.

-Bow long I slept In the crystal snow know not For there, too, I had a dream. I saw two forms approach. One all white and pure, with peace and good will beaming from his eyes; the other black as night, and from his eyes gleamed forth the fires of hell.

The fair one looked at me Bleeping, with a world of agony and sorrow In his eyes; then turned his head toward the sky and looked up in supplication, while great tears fell from his eyes and onto the cold snow. And wherever a tear fell sweet flower* sprang up, and the fragrance that was wafted from them was not of earth.

But the other form approached me until it stood at my very side, looking down at me with burning eyes. I strove to move, to shriek, to pray, bnt all in rain.

Then I saw him stoop and stretch out his hand. It hung over my face an in- stant, then fell npon my forehead.

Then a greet pain racked all my body and spirit and at the instant 1 heard countless voices gixe a cry that boomed out from the mountain top and was heard over all tho earth. And this was what they said, and the words still ring in my ears and never leave me while life lasts; 0

"And thisis death!" 'And I awoke. And, horrors* of hell,

that clammy, burning hand still rested upon my face, and those burning orbs still peered into mine I

I did not faint If 1 had, I would not now be alive to tell the tale. For that! clammy, burning hand had moved down my face until it reached my throat, and the gleaming eyes shifted and turned and moved with the baud.

Then with an all powerful effort, with a strength that was not mine, I clutched the hand and flung it from me and leaped ont of the bed.

To reach the door and dart into the sitting room was the work of an in- stant. 1 turned even as I ran and saw those burning byes follow.

'Colonel!" I cried hoarsely and scarce louder than a child. And as the dread thing approached 1 ran to his room. But, oh, Oodl tbe door was open, the room empty. And turning again, with the despair of death upon my brow, I

those burning eyes again. They were the eyes of a madman, and1 the face approached until the hot breath biased into my ears.

And the face was that of Colonel Montfort

e • • a a • What happened then I do not know.

It is s year and over since that dread night, and 1 am stall an invalid. They say 1 am mad at times, but what won- der! My nerves are shattered, my life ruined. Never can I efface one incident of that night from my seared memory, and even at night it haunts me in dreams.

That morning, go they say, they found the colonel and myself lying on the floor In his bedroom, the colonel with a knife In his heart and 1 lying by his side with my hand still clutching the handle of the knife. I was delirious for months, and from my ravings they gathered the ■tory. I suppose now that in that mo- ment of supreme agony snd despair 1 grasped a knife which the colonel al- ways had in his room, and to save my- self killed him.

And in the colonel's will it was found that he bad left his all to "my friend"— the man that killed him.—A, H. Feder- mann in St. Paul Pioneer Press.

HUMPHREYS' carafullr |>rc|i*iua !>TM« ru-iiiii... ■ .....uy raan In prlrill* i>rut'ilivi< if! -L ■ ■■>■ ■' fMnlnprlrV*].!... i:

I U>|rlT>i«r*Baaiflir(t ! cuVUo»|Hs-ulnirv !..

TSMS er-ec'Si* BSta taorixslDcIa* l»- r»i dca>llS*a«Trrrlia n

Olarmrri, lirlpln*. liiii..:.. ivn,.-.. t'fcslera Marbas, \..muu,«.. Paanfca, I'll.l. Mr..ml.il'

Cumrrl., lafluuu.. Whsawlat <'••"><• (•rnrr-l p. al<lit.> '• ESSrfB5ftVF«*S^ : WKSitetfiK. .: 8CS&S«fe."i"l .:



HtwrssKva'sts. |


Where Woman Has tha Advastaa-e. Whatever disadvantages a woman

lawyer may be under in the practice of her proiear.i'.n, she bus certain cotnpen- Wtjng advautaLj-w which her brothers at the bar can neyer ^Ojoy. A little inci- dent In the chain Urs part of "the supreme court the other day will illustrate this point. It was Monday, which is always the busiest day _ .f the week in this branch of the court. There was an un- usually long calendar this day, and al-

though it was almost l o'clock the court- room was still crowded with fifty or sixty lawyors, who hod been waiting im- patiently since 11 o'clock to ar^ue. their motions or to ;;.-t "ex parte" orders- signed. There was on unusually large pile of these orders on the judge's desk waiting to I-- signed, because his honor had been so busy that he bad been un- able to attend to them.

A modeat looking, neatly dressed yonng woman came into the courtroom with some legal papers in her hand. She walked up to the rail, wbile_the clerk quickly came forward, all attention. He took the papers which she carried and handed them to the judge immedi- ately, while tho court officers hustled around and brdnght her a chair. The argument* of the legal lights were stopped, his honor took the papers, glanced over them quickly and pat some hieroglyphics, which stood for bis signature,, ut thu bottom of them, the clerk handed the documents back to tbe yonng woman, und in less than five minutes after ahe entered the court- room the woman lawyer had accom- plished her object and gone back to her office.

Just as she was disappearing through the door a lawyer'B clerk came up to tbe rail.-

"Has the judge signed that order which I handed up this morning?" he asked.

"No," was the teply, "he will not sign any orders before a or 3 o'clock."—New York Tribune.

RETAIL TRADE A. W. HOW LAND. ni>. S., line renwr.lio

111• .iew iifflrc, SOT Btrex St, In li tort. ID LanrencH slierneotii.


Vniiey strcrt ncsr Itie Common, ufflcc hour*.

PK.IHtKK A CLO880N. Ap- praiser!, Host Estate Att>nU>, LAwreoo

Usaa. PcrsinialatUntlonlusll liualncai. ftVFt'ER having teeth iiiu- I, when

can 011 them without |in1n My own-iUauovcry, Krfnt ti> harmless. Twelve yesrs prsailM In

iwrtnee. Reataf rsferenees st ohlce or by mall l Ifflec, 3'iU Ks'el atrceU

The beat fo m of salt) crown anit lirlilss work. AHISrtsI tieth mule withont plstrt Kun ■bars* lor thepslnWi proteaa. Vapor to. ri trscttnjt teeth without pain. HI; Un

Kduratlon In Switzerland. The system of education in practice

among the Swiss is eulightened and far reaching. Not only are pupils under a strict and kindly discipline while at school, bnt they are also made to feel that the warning and prjtocting care of their tutors is over them whenever they are outside the fuhcr's house. As soon as the child is in the street he has passed from the circle of his home, and that moment begins the school's authority.

Regulations, printed on slips and dropped in every house, contain, among a score of othen equally sensible, tbe following rule relating to outdoor man- ners:

"Delay of any kind between the scholar's home and school is not si lowed. No whooping, yelling, throwing stones and snowballs, tossing children or ridiculing age and deformity can be endured (irown persons shall be met with civility as they pass. Thus shall honor lie reflected on the School."

Once in the classroom the pupil is taught deportment as well as his three "It's." He is told how to walk, stand anil speak, and a bint upon his book and njuiudiisj oiijiis (see -an regarded as equally bad, —.Youth's tSmpsnionT,~"""

Two lllrthdara. There are two Brooklyn women, warm

friends, whose ai(es are the same, their birthdays even falling upon the same day. They had passed thirty and wore not yet forty, and one of them hod made np her mind that she never would bo forty. At last came the fortieth birth- day. Mrs. Brown railed up her friend, Urs, BenneU, and said over the tele- phone wire, "Tliis i-. my birthday."

"I know it," was the reply. "I con- grafulato you with.nil my heart. Bythe way, it's my birthday too."

"Yes, of course. Say, Uxxie, how old are your"

•Thirty-eight. And your" "Well, last year, Lizzie, we were of

the same age: but it seems that this yesr I'm two years older than you. I'm rorty."—New York Times.

Canada lacks only 387,000 square miles to be ns'large as the whole Conti- nent of Europe. It Is nearly thirty times •s large as (treat .Britain and Ireland, end is 500,000 square miles larger ttssl tbe United States. *

You sonjelim" have


BR0M0-SELTZER SLSl aad BO emu a bottle. All Irtns BUirra (

. » brmalL EMEW0O MOO fg-ig»Hbwa;JM,

Tmmt mm

IIAIJKK & CO., Agent*. 071 I.,,ti t. LrtMKf.lli.,

■'*u.ii 1-






■■w.icissa;-: musr \ i L c ■: '--.co. i;i ' J c:-' ' -





st? Ii7« I M.!l lirr it. lsml,

»*• urluiit, lost-aj Arft Medal o* !■■< i :«,:U*,

Bswsis of Imitations.


Sal) frost New Ti.ra every -niuHay tot

SLAS60W m LOSWiiOEHRK. UAui.s8.aao TO MO. sB'juriDcLAfmiao

LIVERPOOt Vlt 0' EENS10WK.. saloon rnaasRf, sen an.) OdsntrriBi Boa0rd1ft(ta location. 80-011.1 films, f :in>. stctTSifonulwnnl

|ao, ajijaid, a JO

(Tor passage or further lnfi>rmnUons|ij>|t la HEHnEKSON UHOTMKBB, Ne*'X<.ii.

IAHRS ML'kPHr, Jtti Kaaex< $t.,-l.awn n.c



Roii.lJ.io, 485 Col

CAN bs CURED. '.Wa will REND VRrab* a B_m« TRIAL noi ii £

rSUrrEft ANY UlNGtRJ ftlvaP.-itt* ftca. Suit and'Couniy, and Aft plain! j.

***■* THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., Jf 40 fa-mount Amis, .hiladaiph.a, Pa.

1*m oil' ,

A t_*_sr SaUTa a _•><_> lng c.rraafraa

Afar and Butt* for thr Cra". Follows-

by tbe Ikrliowlns; IlerO-<-i-aatui-aCns_S

fr.iiu AU Ulrertluua.

A cattle funeral raajr seem1 an odd thing to writ** nbout, .bnt tt la ten times more sad to witness. If the observer happens to be on foot in t lie vicinity of tbe scene of the ceremony, however, he

j is apt to find it anything but odd, unless there be a tree or some other plsos of i refuge convenient, or the curious onlook- er l*o unusually fleet of foot

Bnt donbtloss the average reader does not know what a cattle funeral Is like, and perhaps is not inclined to give credit to the possible existence of such a thing. If he has never lived in a locality where cattle of a more or less untamed disposi- tion are wont to range, he will certainly never have had aq opportunity to learn by observation any of the peculiar and notable facts conn ted with this re- markable phenomenon of the range.

A entitle funeral, then, is nothing more or less than exactly what tho words seem to indicate—a ceremony of morning over tho untimely fate of a departed herd- nmtc, in which every individual member of the band that is within long range ear or note shot is bound to participate. In detail thin ceremony consists of a sort of walk around, accompanied with the must doleful, ear piercing and heart reudiug moans, shrieks and bellowings au'l varied by ponderous pawings lit the ground and the most Bingularly dexter- ous mngings of the resultant dnst npon the backs of the four footed morners. - To observe or participate in Seattle ftmoral let the curious minded go out upou the range, select some spot which* is open and affords no obstruction to the view, and from which no "critter" is In right.

riaving selected such a spot, let one of tho "critters" be brought quietly and se- cretly from a distance, and withont un- due ostentation, as becomes poachers upon another man's range, let him be done to death. Let the offal be Kecreted where even the coyotes cannot find it, and let the hide and tiesh be carried carefully away. Then let earth be thrown on the blood stains tohideeil truoes of disturbance, ond let this all be done so well that even the human eye can detect nothing that would reveal what bitd been done.

TUB LEADER B.NtTPS IIIK WINO. Then let tbe twenty-four hours, or

even less, puss, unless indeed there he cattle within a mile or less at the time of the slaughter. But for the purpose of illustration suppose that twenty-four hours have elapsed.

Then suppose a lot of one or two hun- dred hood of cattle come1 drifting down over the range to the leeward of the spot where the slaughter of the day previous occurred. The leader of the herd may be two or three milt-*, perhaps farther, from the scene of blood. Snd- deuly he commences to show signs of uneasiness. Though the grass be deep and ,.lu~uriaut ho only feeds a few mo- ments coiieattfionsly, lifting his head and tossing his horns as if on I.-IIP-UIy was near. / ' ;

Suddenly there/ is a strong puff of wind, and as th/ nostrils of the leader inhale the air a Itransformation oconrs like a Hash off lightning. Ho halts, throws his BVTSU- into the air and then emits a most/ unearthly, prolonged, weird, moaning shriek or bellow. It is like none of the various noises made upon other occasions, but has a tone that is all its own and which is evidently well understood by the entire herd.

With another shriek, which can be heard for a mile and even further, the leader breaks into a run, with his tail in the air and with his head shaking an- grily 11' .in side to side, followed by all the nifi!ii.: rs of the beraS eatii adding to the volume of sound that now Mils the Air. 'As other animals feeding quietly eta distance hear the peculiar sounds they, too, prick up their ears, then with answering shrieks they gallop wildly toward the excited, band and join it in put nit of tbe leuder.

A TERRIFIC SCENE. That animal quickly arrives at the

telltale siMtt! lie snulfsat the ground, meanwhile lashing hi> ^ides with his toil and bellowing continually in a manner that suggests the height of rage. His eyes Hash wildly, the froth drops from his jaws and Heck- bis neck and body. Ho pawn the ground angrily with his hoofs, and by dexterous twisting man- ages to cast great masses of tbe earth into the air and upon his back.

The others come racing up and crowd closely about tbe spot where their mate was slain. An inner circle is formed by the excited animals, with their heads all pointing to a common center, and these bellow and paw the ground and race around and around until exhausted. Meanwhile the others are circling rapid- ly about the central cluster and finally displace tlie earlier arrivals, whereupon they too go through the same perform- ance.

The scene is a terrific one. Horns are clashed against horns, the bellowing of the ungry animals is deafening, the ail is tilled with dust, (he beasts seem actu- ated each by sumo particular malevo- lent spirit, and I heir-action- appear prompted almost by human understand- ing.

Occasionally the scene of bloodshed will be discovered by some wandering "critter" who has that portion of the range to himself temporarily.. There may be no other cattle within two or three miles, yet tbe lone mourner will continence the procedure already de* [scribed, and within a quarter or half an hour he-will havo beeu joined by others, while inside of an hour there will be a dense mass of excited cattle on the spot, and from the range in every direction others will bo seen hurrying to the scene.

Altogether a cattle funeral is one of tbe oddest and most interesting sights that can be witnessed—by a man np m tree.—8an Francisco Chronicle

i.m mi,, i Ptckpocksta. Speaking of pickpockets, the thieves

of that class who give the police the most trouble and get away with more money and pursos are, as a rule, urchins, non*e of whom are more than thirteen years old. They got into a r'rowd and pretend they aro looking st the displays in tho shop windows. They are just tall enough to reach n woman's pocket or handhug and to get into a man's over- coat, pockets. They pass the property Btol.'u to confederates and get it ont of the way 114 Mob as possible.—Interview in St. Louis UloK-Democrat,

CN'Mliir*. With No Eyelids. Rnbbits, snakes, birds and tisbes never

close their eyes, because unprovided with eyelids- The rabbit and the 00m-

iife cTirh prnvidsd with a thin membrane which _is 1st down ov'ur the eye when asleep or at rest.--St. Louis Republic.

HOME FURNITURE CO. Complete House Furnishers. LARGEST STOCK.





Ash Chamber ets Antique Ash Sets Oak Chamber -ets Walnut Chamber Sets Hair Cloth Parlor Suits Plush Parlor Suits Crushed Plush Suits Rug Parlor Suits Ingrain Carpets Extra S per Carpets XX Extra Super Carpets Tapestry Carpets Tapestry Brussels Body Brussels Velvet Carpets Ranges Bed Springs Mattresses Mantel Beds Cabinet Beds Bed Lounges Loungts Sideboards Oil Cloths Straw Matting Parlor Tables Platform Rockers

' $15 to 76 1_ to 100

SO to 200 35 tn 250 26 to 150 20 to 200 25 to 200 45 to 2?.0

|25c to 70c 50c to 85c 76otol.OO 50c to 1.00 75c to 1.25 85c to 176

90o to 2 00 $10 to 75.

; 1 85 to 10 1.75 to 30

10 to 60 20 to lfiO

6.50 10 40 6.00 to 26 16 to 1 50 16c to 75c 13c to 75o

$2 to 25 $3 10 60

Tour old stove taken as first payment tor a New Range.

Cash or Instalments.

166 to 170 Wqshintjto COB. DOCK SQUARE, BOSTON.

Water Bugs :;: EXTft

_rlrr niir, BatlafsclHr. anarai iii'_: not keep it «■!■ will ma

B___-isr ^ TEMl'LKPLAC-.l'or, of;

Roaches. OR '"__?•'

cfanricd. ]f jour (*>■! on r*c«l|ti < f j>rl«\

_»r> * 00. it at. BOSTON, HAB8. «odfl» 11?

(Fase-§anbonvs Royal Gem* •

f/ Packagelea. Best grown in China. Finest drank in America.

Packed only in half-pound and pound tea-lead packages. The tamt as aerved in the J.p.neie Garden at the Pore'Pood Exhibition.

We send free, on receipt of a jc. stamp, sample of either Formosa Oolong or English Breakfast Tea. State your choice.

CHASE * SANBORN. Boaton, Maaa. ___- . Wm a_ oalj to tho tr*d:




Tha baalseai of tltt* alr">

Or. ' 11 In ■.' il i-,il I, >. proHifllfjo'-.r tiffs <■ Hi-fill. I'm ml ran 1

OSIIJ- la the manufacture artf isle of Patents') tmiirore-l 8 _t ssd » IM-III I • M 1 |B MW Muiln f«r sewing a

iosavmuslly. Tn pi'm el impT.ir.-mania ■- -- ■ 0 stiptrlur work to tn.t hurot-i-re mulietl.

■tin.-* ari ualtij triaaa in .i-nlnna nt, 1 to. pro re mama c .usta-fr. *»«■'«■

^Jf-^,\\Y'A"''Vr\l',,>S A^T-WSTCO <»'Bo«oB,brthstrtn..ommeDtQpose.ch

Ti,' **"'" tl911 •'»'»■ f' ■■ S;". I"»'»-I I tn m« r.-KI .iwl ownnr thertof July I a id J,. .,,, PBO»l'K'\NfV*U' ' nl,*tt' *lll"m,',,»■<, P»T*>P*r cent ulrUenda. OKNH rOR


John Htnoofk Building, 178 DfTonshire St,. Boston f]

OHUNKENrlESS *^ llQUOK t'ASIT. oTAUmf W0*t9 TMtf/Sat/TOMtCI/Kl


wfaTMdEcji M-r.-L'.:- , , 5 |

• Ba^woTaAtl • wnt£ IT M '■ I'n

ituyihai thiptiilmi u r^iTT au "-".""i h? ' 'T,P'^" r«format■ r«US 4N (.«f* two- ofpt-^eularafrao

M. WlNTHKi A CO. bVBgglrfa Uwn

It will pay any one In want of t.nM-B.I ST. In par pnatSM on >.tir ImiHtlfiil I, ..-..-r W i.i»h'li«l uitiiplr.ai limntl prl'd Addtvoa K.H.OADY.oMHUIiNi., IT-.i'l.irnn



It is eBtinutttid that in England there are 1,800,- - jifrsotis of all clnsses oyet the age of sixty-tive, anil that -45,«87 of these aro receiviutr imrish relief. Tho* at toast onti person out of seven, connting evury class, boiuinos a pattperat or after that age.

ThtHol-fst Athenian coins bear the type of Athena ami this was followed by

i adestgnof theli.mluf-thiKoil.less. Greek [ miiis bore the initial of the town where j they wero struck and then followed mon-


! it has been found that milk can be thoroughly stt-rili/.-d by heating it to

> temperature ef I in dega. Fahrenheit withont irimsiii:,- it to lose Hi odor, taate or appearance.

The sneaker or the llririah home of coiutUoiH Pfoi fvej a salary of $25,000 a year, and who , he retires he la raised to

| the neoragx »uli an annual nenaian of

MONEY Wisely invested will soon double it-

self, ana there art often as many ele- ments of safely surrounding a good paying investment as one thnt pays small dividends. The earning capacity of every investment is lhc lounuuilon of dividends. The Atkinson House Purnishing.Co., of Mnine. organized in 1HH7, has paid it. stockholders 9 semi- annual dividends of IS percent, each (10 per cent, a year) nnd is earning a hand- some snrphis- -rweid** At is a buy and sell huaiucss and a snfe Investment for all classeB. The authorized- capital is $1,009,000, of which $670,000 has been paid in. To further increase the busi- ness $80,000 of the Treasury Slock Is offerer! until March 15 at par. $10 per share. Price of Btock will be advanced on l'Vb. lHth to take effect on above date. For full narticulais a-dress the company, ilox 1218, BOSTON",MASS. , or PORTLAND, ME.

VI PAYING S PER CENT. DOWN aad 9 par rant, a month

Von ran Own leal Ratate i-natwlU add its original oostnt pnrrhssstoiu

. ales-rrrr rear for lu jesra toooma.bealdss ss >«anl Iniioma from the Inr*atniani~locsisd lo

JttlWT olitie rotlDwtnK dtl«:-Uttle Hnci, Ark. unti(firt. Ark.; MemniiU, Tens, Hacon, Os.; tlriiiliisliHin, Ala.; Hnsookr., Vs.; Illlaliurg,

k - Seattla, Weak.; oi

InvdtmetiM atlut ri,sr«r i.r SniSll Afn6rUTUj \\<,itj ,lr» tail 9 .ir t t-T rent. In »a*ls«

J.I.*I. Tb' . -nkrann'.l 1«-mfer th*n Lie lleaJ luali

«l Mi-inifformr* Bt., 1 .tmvyV.Uv N. J.

I CURE FITS!! Whan I ur cars t do nui maaa Biiir>; i to atop t_m '

forati_aaa<lllwtil»»li>.'uir»lurii:^*ni. fSMIi ! radical onra. I ba'a mule tb.< d uiira u( PITS, KPt LEPSTatFAUMNdHlCKNKAdal Vltnaitudi. I

othaca hua f„.J ii BSMMnBlprn I """ rwairinsa onra. _rndr.torcaJur a trsitta| rats FrwBattlaoJ nyla_ll_lattmeJ/. (i|n. ti:.-- . ll'_tO-aa. H. G. ItO.lT, M. -_'.. 1B'I IV rllHt., Haifa


J Sherry Wine Bitters] A CENTURY IN USE.

Beat Norvo Tonlo Known. VCut«a D)iP«ptls.Reguta(««Stomach, A

Livsrsnd Bo-ils.

iUANLI VIGOR? CONSUMPTION. '"»"*i ftmi-HI I'karaW. r*rrrrl>.r«1 "■•1 IH'..['M,. I.i.liq, Prwalu, uwl


1 bat* a poet IT* ramadj tor tbe abora dlaa

• YAMI*II'I',K THi:\TiaB oaruut-to-^tossrso. i_aarw_.wllla«i(l_.tb«Kipra_andK O. a4dnaa. T. .V Pll-sa., M. C, t-a_Mrllau.»l. h.

THE DAILY AHERIGAN: EVEl '^ENIK&C oinday Fscepted.)


SUBSCDTTIONTiqAdwacr {6.00 per jw

' THE AMERICAN ELECTRIC PRINTING OFFICR h tho largest and mwt thoroughly furnished .0

M»*Mc+H>»m. Wine p&*VfpK**e*

constant additions Jt the newest type; tlf»

bcit quality of work, at low prices, Or^e ■ by mail promptly attended to. '




Green Mountain State 1 GBOTON, VT., Aug. 8, 1891.

1>ANA SARSAPARILLA CO., 1 Gentlemen:—1 wish to add my testi-

monial for the benefit 1 have ■Pup received by the use of your I sri are 8ARSAPAKILLA. My back was so lame- that I haul to crawl np mtmlru ou roy hands and knees for more than three month*— had a

TERRIBLE Bl'RMNU SENSATION In my stomach—had MO appetite— a/limeo11' not Bleep IVIraU slight* nor turn over fit bed without help—tried almost everything that I heard of without anv good result*. At last I tried DANA'S S"AR«AI'AUIL- LA. Had not taken more than ball of one bottle before I began to feel better, and by the time that XUAT I had taken one buttle I HA I I -PELT ENTIRELY WELL.

I have Liken two hollies, and I feel like s» new creatare. Can do a good day's work.. Go up stair* si.- well nn any- body. Have a good appetite, and in fact, I feel all right. And feeling that ATM mKTC « la my duty to tell UUKtO other-, together with a deep sense of gratitude, prompts me to write you thla letter.

Yours nwpeetfully, HUB. E. N. N01TB8E.

SHU eersaparUla Co., Mltet, Stain*.



Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs, CHEMICALS.

Artists1 Ob rs, Ac., AUu Uqul<l Paint, Axle Greaaa,.

_ronae. Broom*, all alset, Bruabos, alrlAnda, Camphor, CarboH" AcldandSoep, •Carriage Tim Dressing. Castile Soap,

nh« ik, white and red. CaamolaKklQi. Cilorldeof Lime, C dors .dry and In oil. Dipper HI vet*.

borta, »t »,o Ta-Mr.

jwaer'i Kerossaa, Ufa wood, a ypap«, v Cloth. isnelled Ctoii,

mBilu, _»er Uuatera,

Watnlture Potts I", gtly- Iron Palls,


Linseed Oil, Liquid Qlnr, Londoa Put pit, Mi-rwtPalnn.Bllar.aoeB NapUia, Keats'foomU. Oakum, .<£ OH re Utl, Oxalic Aclit, Package Dyea, Palls, Papersnd Wood Parts Green, Part* White. Paralne Oil, Psraflne Wai, l'ho?nlx Lead,) Plaiier Parts, Potash, Parolee 8tone, Putty, putt Pomade,! Ktllroad Colon, Bock Halt (or hows, Roof Palnl Oil, Hi tin. Rubber Tubing, Runner Wagon Sprtnfa Haiem Lean, saltpetre. Sand Paper, Mewing IdachlaeOll,

' Bneliwc. Soap Tree Bark, SIHTIB Oil, Bpltlta Nitre, Spirits TurpentUe, Bpongea, Sulphur,

Tripoli, Tune Color, W. * ■*•

, « '■ Mssurr's Varnlah, Wauregan ftoap, William's Itaraoap' Whiting, Wood Stalnaf Whale Oil 8

Lawrence American LAWREVCE. MASS.

EVEN Gen.1 Butler, the great advocate of fiat money, is opposed to tho free sil- ver Idea". |

TiiLiti: are rods la pickle for more of the endowments, and some pretty loud talking supremes, whose voices have been heard in Lawrence, will need to come Into court and answer to certifi- cate holders whose eyes are being opened.

WIIILK the free trade democrats axe crying for revision of the tariff and pre- paring as Mr, Springer proposes, bills attacking It piece-meal, from almost every manufacturing industry in New England comes the most glowing reports of prosperity, of a rush of orders, en- largement of manufactories and large success; this ia but the first year of the McKinlev hilt, but the record of pros- perity under its provisions is almost un- equalled.

.THE FACT ia recalled that Mr. John A. McCall, who has just been promo- ted from the comptrollership of the Equitable to be president of the New York Life insurance company was the firm supporter of Commissioner Mer- rill in bis controversy two years ago with Mr. Beers, who has just retired from that company. It looks oa if the insurance commissioner waa biing pretty handsomely vindicated just at the present time.

RECEIVER FAY, of the Bay State League, makes a report to the court in which he scorches the fraudulent transactions of the supreme*, and lets some light in upon the story of their rascalities; Mr. Fay has succeeded in compelling two of the former officers to disgorge fifty-five thousand dollars of their stealing*. Tho report is decidedly nteresling reading for the deluded peo-

ple who entrusted their funds to the rascals who conducted these gambling schemes.

ONE OBJECTION to the proposition to increase tbe salary of the governor Is that Bucb a course will not increase the ability of tho men who will be chosen, and that this has been true in tbe case of the presidency since the salary was doubled. True enough; there would be no lack of able men to seek presi- dency or governorship, if no salary was attached to either position; hut the na- tion desires, Massachusetts should de- sire, to pay its chief magistrate n. suffi- cient salary to enable him to maintain the position decently if not generously, and ten thousand dollars is little enough for the governor of Massachusetts.

In Quantities to Suit at

Lowest Market Prices.

191 Essex St. x*A.*<c7tms]a*TOBi.

The Change of Life. The sole aim of women nearing

this critical period should >be to keep well, strong, and cheerful.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

is peculiarly adapted to this condi- tion. Girls about to entjer woman- hood find its assistance invaluable.

ll KIIM UM wont fcrmi of r.mii, OBBgMSA Btailng.. *>«■ nsiiM. w«k Hack. i«f....t,«fcT.miii sad SB- •IvtnM oflht Wen*. liilimmuloB, Otulaa Trsablss, SaasllOrgtT.-, )>.• - • ■*. BJsetlas. ss2 !■ lanhBbK to thi (Slug* of U*a

IHiMlTH ud Mptli Tarnon from UM I ton *t in Mil*

iGbAaf* Fslnlnn*. KiHI.bTlllj N.r.uB. l^wl-aUM. Ei- k>Mil<n, Kl*»r ('unipl.iBU, .ml u>» tlM StowS,

TVDIA t Rftffii Ui:l) CO.I.YNN, MASS-

THE SIDEWALKS are in the worst condition we remember to have seen there has' been very generally no effort to remove the mass which became com- pacted from the feet of pedestrians and then solidified in the succeeding cold, and tbe walks are many of them in a condition of uncvennesa which IB a con- stant source of peril especially in the evening; the city will be fortuuate if it escapes the cost of a number of broken limbs. True, the snow came in such a damp condition, so quickly succeeded by cold, as to make thoroughly clean sidewalks almost impossible, but there is no excuse for permitting ridges four or five inches high to remain in tbe middle of any walk, for pedestrians to stumble over, and tho police ought to enforce the ordinances at least to this extent.

GOOD ADVICE is tendered tbe honest money men in congress without regard to politics, by the Boston Record; ft might bo pleasant to put the democrats "In a hole" by the refusal of tbe repub- licans to vote, permitting the demo- cratic party to right out and settle their differences of oplulon, aud tbe ;u\u silver nun in the latter would deserve their fate for the company they are in; but republicans should put the interests of tbe country above questions of parti- zan advantage, no matter what tho temptation, and vote solidly against the free silver heresy; the people will not fail to observe which political party is the moBt deeply tainted with the perni- cious doctrine.

Weekly News Brevities.

Saturday. "Jack the Hair Cutter" la loose in New

York again.

The Boston police have arrested Alfred White for keeping a policy shop.

J.O. Fair, Jr., eldest son of ex-Senator Fair, died yesterday at Ban Francisco.

The Chicago polioe yesterday morning caught and arreated 60 men who were playing "crape."

William Dawes Concord, N. H., is un- der arrest for the larceny of fob in cash and an overcoat.

8. J. Barns * Co,, proprietors of the St. Joaeph, (Mo.) oatmeal mllln have failed. Liabilities, f&,000; asaets, fSO.OOO.

Frederick L. Moulton, who killed his wife In LoweU, was indicted for man- slaughter yeeterday morning by the Mid- dleaex grand jury,

A deapatoh from Baaaia says that the mercury has1 fallen as low as AS degrees below zero In aohthwesteru RuaaU and that there Is much Buffering.

Advices from Samoa state that a meet- ing of cltlcens haa been held at Alps, at which a committee waa appointed to aug- gest changes in the Berlin treaty o( 1891.

The weavers In the Jacksonville, (Fin.) woolen mill axe ou strike. They demand a nine-hour day.1 and also that certain men who were discharged recently shall be reinstated.

It has last been learned In New York that Baron Hlrach recently came there dlagulaed as an immigrant, and went through Castle Garden to Investigate the system.

E«>President Cleveland la to deliver an address at Ann Arbor Feb. 22. The cltl- aens of Detroit wil^give Mr. Cleveland a public reception Feb. 28d. It is to be gen- eral in character.

William Gray of Boston, a graduate of the famous Harvard claae of '29, in which were Oliver Wendell Holme*, Judge James Bigelow and James Freeman Clark, la dead.

WU1 Lavender, the colored man who at- tempted to aaaault Alice Perry, of Roan- oke, Va., a white girl, Monday night, waa taken from officers about 1 o'clock yes- terday morning and hanged to a tree.

The Paris Temps say that the French and Russian squadron* In the Mediteraa- nean are about to make a joint visit to the Levant. The two squadrons wUl rendez- vous at the Piraeua, and will then proceed together to Alexandria.

The government of Ceylon has voted the sum of £8,0*4 for a Ceylon exhibit at the Chicago Columbian JEianllW-u ^.It has made application fcr 12,000 feet •> apace at the fair and tor a apeca.1 plot on which will bo erected a native tea honae.

The Newport (R. I.) Water Works Com- pany wilt not press Its plan to build a new reservoir north of the present one, and hence the suit against the company which was aet down to bo heard before a special session of theaupremeoourt thereon Mon- day haa been withdraw. In this case the towna of Newport and Mlddleton many indivldnala are Interested.

In tbe district court at Newpoi . yeeterday. Delay Thompson, a dimlnuti' colored girl, who waa charged with slash- ing with a nutor at a danoe a few nigbta since, David Ross, a burly negro, was bound over to the grand Jury. Ross waa afterward arreated for assaulting the girl, who claimed to have been abuaed and to have done tbe cutting in aelf-defenoe.

Bt. Petersburg.

Frank C. Bancroft of New Bedford, [assi, la to manage the Cincinnati league am next season. Authentic reports received say a toll

lee > crop will no harvested all along the II uason river.

E. E. Wells' house and blacksmith ahop at Apthorp. N. H., were burned fiaturday with loss of tlBOO; Insuranoe, §1000.

It is reported on reliable authority that the Bauveur Summer College of Languag- es will hold its 18th annual session at Ex- eter, N. H.

Mgr. Boocall. the private secretary and intimate friend of the Pope, died Satur- day of lnflnensa: His loss has censed great grief te His Holiness.

Meytown, Lancastsr County, Pennsyl- vania, Is terribly scourged with diph- theria thirty new esses have developed in two days. The public school haa been elosed.

Prof. Upton of Brown University took a measurement at tbe Ladd observatory of the largest spot on the sun, and has stated that he found its diameter to be 18,000 miles.

Ex-Benator John J. Ingells will be ad- mitted to memberahip In the U. A, R. In time to participate In the Kansas state

Elliot waa stopped! In a puhlie at reel by a man who demanded her purse. Bhe gave her pocket book and tbe man fled.

Luke Kenney, an Irish Immigrant, 21 years of age, died Saturday of smallpox at the Providence (R. I.) peat bones. It Is supposed he caught the disease from sec- ond band clothing that he bought of a sailor. •

l,i l.h' donee, R. I., indicted and convicted In the United SUtea Circuit Court of fraud In a pension rase, Judge Carpenter Saturday Imposed a sentence of one year at hard la- bor under the new law.

In the supreme court at Exeter, N.H., Saturday, Iaaac Nolan, Indicted tor the abuse of a little girl less than 10 years of age at New market last June, was convict- ed of aggravated assault, and sentenced to


4 nutive

Now that municipal street watering is recognized by law, why not sidewalk cleaning In the winter, under charge of tbe street department, tho abutton ti' pay the costV Every person who owns

occupies an estate for the walks in front af which he-is responsible, and who has not the time po'sounlly nor employes *o spare, to comply with tje



Afoughs *allLunt JgldV "Troubles. 36c. anal $1 sit all Druoelat*.


It will pay anyone In want of WALL PAPER

r lwsiUlful Dae 0* tossed *r to f«r t«aa*je —.- e»erf«ni •"■''-I •»n,iifo» at ifwant »n-.-~ Addr*M i.». t'Aijy, is Higb HI , iTvvklasee.B.I,

NearWlnsted.Ct., Friday afternoon, a mad dog. after attacking two horses and a yoke of oxen, went Into the yard of a farmer named Floyd Tiffany, bit his sheep and fearfully lacerated the hands and arm of an employe named Alfred Evana. Tiffany klllcd-the dog with an axe.

Walter E. Chlckerlng, tbe travelling "1 photographer, wanted at Concord. N. H., tj| ■SO eseaped from Bethel (Me.) officers, Is

T^Kipnosed to have gone to Canada. Many of his patrons have received by express packages of photographa ordered long ago, and one of them got a postal card from Chiokering, postmarked Island Pond, Vt.

The cases against the 140 Chinese Who were charged With Illegally entering the

city ordinances in having snow prompt-, United States were called Saturday in the

ly removed, appreciates that this matter

is one of the most annoying of the win-

ter season; a few such arc fortunate

In securing tho regular services of one

person who regularly puts in nn appear-

ance after n snow, and thoroughly

cleans the walks; but the majority are

hot so forliinale; lli'ey niiiST' tlcjieniT

upon the chance offers of men or, boys,

and the haphazard manner in which

generally, their work is completed;

after one storm, they will have a dozen

offers to clear the snow, whilo following

another not a person will put in an np-

poarance; a large portion of this work

laaloveolv done BlrheaL Now, why

could not householders be jierrnltteil to

file In advance, with the street com-

missioner, an application to have their

walks cleared of snow for the winter;

that officer knows where unemployed

men are to bo found, and be could put

as many as were required to do this

work for all on his list, at work prompt-

ly after each storm, charging the cost,

either by the time required, or at a

fixed rate per yard of sidewalk-

United MUtes court at San Frenoiaoo, Cel. snd, aa neither prlnclpale nor sureties ap- peared, Judge Morrow ordered the casea defaulted, and the bonds amounting to 9210,000, forfeited.

Archbishop Corrlgan of New York sail- ed today from Rome on the Santiago for New York. The Archbiahop haa been In- specting the slaal hemp plantations ou hoi...' of tho "out" inlands with Oov.


How a Lawrence Insurance Man

lWaa Fooled.

Saturday evening more than one Law-

rence man W«s Led astray by the red

aurora in the northern sky.

One HtUa Incident which happened within the notice of an AUKSUCAM scribe

Is well werth publlcrllon. An uptown Insurance man la tbe victim

and In ihei future he will not chase s Are

on any consideration. He waa sitting ID MS office Saturday

evening, enjoying a good weed, when a neighbor dropped Into lD^uire the situa-

tion of tbe Are. What Are," said the agent.

Why hsve'at yon seen It. Come out

to the door."- __ It took bnt an Instant for Mr. Inaur-

snee to r ach the sidewalk and observe the lurid reflection in tbe sky- He took

bat fane glance, and waa then well satisfied

that a lire of some great magnitude was

going on In the nesr vicinity of tbe city.

His attempts to raise Methnen or Salem, N. 1L, by telephone, were unavailing.

owing to tbs wretched condition of

the wires, consequently bis sleigh was

preased Into service. A few moments

later be waa speeding along wlhi f rlsnd,

In search of feflrs. m

It's a wbooper," be said aa be sped np

Broadway, "and only a ahort way from here, too. It mast be in Melhaen."

Hetbnen waa reached but atllt the "lira'1

was some distance off. "I guess It's In

Pelhsm and as long sa we're as far as this,

we might just ss well go to 11."

Tbe Whip was taken in band and tbe steed given to understand that tbe fire

mast be reached at any cost. Farm bouses, barns, and telegraph

poles wera passed and left far behind but still the fire seemed aa far off sa ever.

How far Mr. Insurance would have gone,

had not nature Intervened, 'tis Impossible

to tell. As It was the lurid sky shitted

while tbe Lawrence men were nearlog Pelbam Centre, and a "native" called the

jjaaiers' attention to tbe excellent specta-

cle tbe northern lights bad made. Northern lights?" excitedly Inquired the

Insurance agent, "why It's a Arc."

Wal.I gueis not, Its an aurora borealis

aoB we've been expecting it for some few

days." The atelgh was turned about and—well

Imagine the rest. Cigars have been freely passed around on Lawrence atreet today

and 'tis dangerous to even mention Satur-

day's lire.


HuffKeetiouH Offered the Public

Property Committee.

The committee on pnbllc property held

a meeting Saturday afternoon. Mayor Doe ID the chair.

Among the business which came before the committee for consideration was ^tbe

matter of erecting tbe proposed school

bouse In ward one. School ,Committee- man James C. Cromble waa present and

offered several suggestions relative to

tbe erection of tbe school. He favored

tbe Idea of constructing a building larger

than the present time demanded and to

(lui.-fa aa much room as waa needed now, and to gradually finish th<i remainder as

tbe number of pupils increased and more

accommodations required. Mr Cromble also thought It advisable to so locate tbe

building npon the lot that, when tbe en-

tire building should be In use and room needed for tbe accommodation of others,

wings mtgbt be conveniently added. He further as!d that the fchool committee

had learotd through fxperlenca that, the

school buildings thus far erected wera luadi quatt! for ihe accommodation of all

pupils as the number Increased from

year to jesr and were so constructed that tbey could not be easily enlarged.

He called attention to the growth of

ward one, and stated that It wou'd be still more rapid In the years to come. In

his opinion, If <be bolldlng should be constructed according to tbe plans sug-

gested It would be a matter of economy

and foresight, ss provisions would be

made for the future which would not necessltste so additional "outlay "of any

great amount now. Superintendent of pnbllc property Bai-

lersbtll favored Mr. Cromble'* Ideas,

which be stated were practicable.

No definite actlen was taken by the

committee Saturday. ...


The Blafiop Addrettsea Large Con-

K re (ratio n* at Grace Church.


The grand Jury at Sacramento, Cel., re- ported that its Investigation of the rumored corruption In the election of a United Statea Senator to succeed Senator Hurat, elicited positive and damaging

The English admiral, Hlr l'rovo W. P. Wallts, O. C. II., Is dead. He was over 100 years old. Blr Provo William Parry Wal- lia was the senior admiral of tbe Brltiab fleet. He waa also styled the father of the British navy. He served aa a mid- shipman on tbe Cleopatra when that ves- gel was captured by tbe French frigate Ville de Milan in lbvo. Jr

The announcement that Rlgbt hc-v.

Phillips Brooks, bishop of the diocese,

would be present at Grace church Sunday

sfternocn end evening was sufficient to attract two large congregations.

Tho rlto of confirmation was stlmlula

tared by lbs bishop to twentj-four candl

datea at the afternoon service at 3 80

o'clock and he also delivered an addn, At tbe evening service ths onllro seating

capacity of ihe church wseoccapled snd tbe aisles * ere also Oiled. Hev. A.

Amory, rector of the church, condutiiid

tbe usual service and tbe sermon was ds- 11 vena by Bishop Brooks. The snbjtct

of tbe sermon wss "Purification and obed-

ience to truth" and tbe eli quent and Insplr-

Ing "JOIN'S of tu« bishop were UaUnud to

with the closest attention. Tbe rite of confirmation was admlnli-

t ■ted by the bishop st Christ church, An

doyer, at the morning service and he also

delivered a sermon. The bishop wss tbe

guest of Hev. Mr. An ory Sunday night,

snd relumed to Boston today.


s Ilrlsk Sunday Runaway.

At 10 o'clock Sunday forenoon a horse wned by A. N. Bean and aUscbed to a

This j|Kht sleigh, became frightened and ran would cost the city nothing, it would . awsy on Broadway. 1 he animal turned prove of' gr'at convenience to the Into Lowell street and ran madly down householders, and tho work would be that tboronghfsre to Lawrence, street farhetlerdooolhnn at present, which Is where be wis subsequently captured, *n advantage to the public generally., luckily before my damage resulted.


DR. GRADV Another Ohanoe

roa ma

Bright Bo)8 and tilrls.

There was a misunderstanding as to the time and terma In the offer recently made by two of our merchants, and the Child

ren'a Hospital Fund did not reach the proportions that it ought.

Now, we mast have a largo sum In this fnnd; tbe AueaiciN will offer, on lu own account, presents to tun lad or miss who

contributes n, ist largely to tbe success of the fund, which was started by a sog-

(•sstlon and contribution from Hiss Ella


FOR TBE (illUS. We will present to tbe girt under six-

teen years of age, who, between this time

and tbe May Breakfast, brings In tbe

largest contribution to tbe fund, a

B1HDS0ME CLOAK. from the wall known dftljllshment ,1

Oiwtld i. Co.

FOB THE BOYS To the boy of sixteen or leas, who dur-

ing the same period, procures the largest sum for this purpose, we will present a

F1HE SPUIXti siiir. from the popular clothing house of W. H.

Gil* A Co.

All contributions of ten cents and

upwards will be printed with the names

of the donors, la tho Dally AMEKICAX.

Contributions need; not be sent In all at

one time; aa fast as received,ihoy will be

published, and later additional sums will

be credited to tbe contributor.

CONDITIONS. The following conditions must be com-

piled with!

The contestants for these prizes must

enter their names at tbe AMKKICAN office

and all contributions are te be brought

here; the lists will close at 10 o'clock on

tbe night before tho May Breakfaat.

Here is an opportunity for all of the

boys snd girls to aid a most deserving In-

stitution, and also secure for sdtns one

of them a handsome suit or an elegent


Who will be the first to enter their

■amea at .ht .iMaaiCA* office as contest-

ants , an early start will afford a decided


Unless the names of those who propose

to-contest are entered at thla office, tbey

will not be considered In tbe competition,

bnt all contributors names will be pub-


Why is

HOOD'S Sarsaparilla

Such a great success, and why is it im- possible for other Sarsaparillas - and blood purifiers to compete with this

great medicine? BeCHU86

NO Otll6r Wood purifier gives as much medicine for the money as Hood's Sarsaparilla.

NO Other **, careful1 per^ sonal supervision of the proprietor In all the details of its preparation, as has Hood's Sarsaparilla,

No Other Sarsaparilla has the merit to se-

Frances A., wife of James O'Brien died at the residence of her parents, 41 Walnut street, Siturday, aged 28 years. The husband of tbe deceased Is superln tendtnt of Stevens' mill In Haverblll, and Mrs. O'Brien wss visiting1 her parsnts in this city when she died.

Naomi L. Trumball died st her resi- dence 91 Oxford street, Suoday, sged 78 yesrs.,1 moDlbaod 20 days. Deceased was an old and highly mpccu*d reaid, m - of this city. Two sons, Charles and George suivivu ber. .

—Sunday was St. Valentin '« day, sod valentines were numerous.

cure the confidence of entire communi- ties and hold it year in and year out, as has Hood's Sarsaparilla, • ■■a ^a. . a Sarsaparilla can NO Other produce from actual cures such wonderful statements of relief given to human suffering aa Hood's Sarsaparilla. -, /a.LA- Sarsaparilla pos- NO Other .esses the Com- bination, Proportion and Process Pecul- iar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and which makes Hood's Sarsaparilla in curative effect Peculiar to Itself. Sal sf\avlU Sarsaparilla com- lllO Otner bines economy and strength as does Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. It is the only preparation of which can truly be said, loo Doses gl. ■> a g*aw|_ Sarsaparilla has NO Otner effected such re- markable cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla, of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, blood poison- ing and all other blood diseases, ■a. J»\AU Sarsaparilla has No otner,.,,, ,;i, >i n,.,,^, Sarsaparilla in the relief it gives in the severest cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sick Headache, UiliOusness, Heart- burn, and other stomach disorders, sag S\xl Sarsaparilla over- IMO Otner comes That Tired Feeling, Restores the Appetite, and "Makes the Weak Strong/' like

Hood's Sarsaparilla ■-■•TTt'rtr^Tmnledrre-tcr tateHoorrV Ao not be induced to take any other.

Hood's Pills ,, Biliousness

Has adopted this plan: That ba will charge Detains tor advice, consultation or treatment until Ihe |>Htlent pmnounoes himself well. The ealy (Beige being aaade is tor nmilcJucs uaed

Dr-J. W. GRADY, the Specialist. Performs wooden wlin his medlcsl treatment ol the e\s* at d oars Treats surveisfully chronic, snd long studios dl-east i, surh as dlsessea of the bead, throw and lungs, liter, Aldner and aesn eos-dlnlnt, lovetnts-s disuses ot tbe tiomsch that have deSsd ail other methds, these fsaiful iIt,eases of taa nervous srsieia. (arising frasBwbaisvsreanse),scrofu|s drops", pArali sis, nts, (eTcr sores, contracted cents, enlarge I and "irjolnu, rheumatism, neuralgia, srUllca, di«

aed hone dafrrmlU'-s, silt rieiim, rrrstnelte, scald tieod,lll«ondltton»i tdeeri.triihtllls, nasal palTpus, asthma. Imv fever, rose cold, win tor coughs,"hrontodlsrrixe t aud dlalietea. All may be curs I by (his wonderful system It not too far advanced. Hone dl' eases curjd when ail, other saet"ods have failed.

Th-Hj, Hums. Ml Broadway, uilulacured after sufertni for yesrs.

Mary Joyce Si Mwreoet stirot, moles a ,d superfluous linlrs all over ftcs removed Is (is

Edward l.vons. Ml Itroadwsy, Inillresllc a, 1 flaiuhinos for Tears, cured with i.v. note a .f medicine.

■■■ Nellie Weleh, V*i Walnut stree, eroa- I ber lite, lir, Uradv operakri on tliem

and Iher at-r now i-erfc'i JIB flomln/, ITU Arlington, chrnnV. •hriiina-

ll.in and rlil ulcnnt fuf >0 Ji-arn, cured hy three ucitlcf nf initi'lrln -and two I>QIPS«,[ ointment.

John Lout SiM Walnut atretl, tsno worm SS ■01 Imig reui"»-il In-I hours. May U) seou at .«; IIHI -L ir'a oUce. friary l»sni,-l-, Helh"un, blind In ens eye 4*

years l>r. Uiady operated sun her slgbt Is now pattest,

JoanKorrlt. groeerof Wot Andover, he., a large tumor on bead f -r II ytn.>, wasremoved '-\ MS silling by <■!■ I'trli-ltv.

Mrs. KertiL'V.H!* Sfwluiry street, mama and dearness ol mm ear for in ye irs, mirsd.

Alice Uorrlll, Sti Uonimo.i street,aatbrrb, dye headaches, cnronlt-skin diseases, also nervous

Peter Crosured In six weeks, gli ami nets*.« t^aqalstroei, headaches, neuraU

MIsH Woocttv memory cured In 1 weeks, miles on fads, IS Union street, birth marks and city. ee, rerouted In one sitting by eleotrl-

DrUralr will not naul'sh any m>re ease* un- less requs> tad tu do so hy iiailenU. Dr. Grady Wishes to announce that untl, y> lirusry I, be will it move taw worms and Btrabjbtea cross eyes tree of charge.



Catanb cured and alldlscasiiHnfthun.ise, ear, throat, luoss, heart, atoms b, ilrer and kidneys, thevmsllsni.sslhira, bruuchlils, duutnesa, ner THUS, skin an J all chronic i'l i :I*I t.

Tspcworma MstMvety exgsjkn In S hours. Consult tbe Kurnpoan spori.lUt ou all sexual, nervous and chronic illauaaea.

lir Orady IsaeAnuwiedscd to lw Uie lea-ling phrilcian In America In CIII-DSUIO H-H-.V it S- eascs. Tr> htm and you * 111 novui regnt it.

Ladles will Unit Dr. (Jraov thi Ir lieiiefao or In all the Irnub ss peculiar lo ihi.lr srg.

( omiiHlig rooms Ist Boer

>f akulto.

Dr. J. W. GRAB! the Specialist who. cures all VKZlsyia,, ifftltVotm and Cllitonir j>I«>£Aar£s will five oonaultaUon and examination * lti:E st bis office

537 Essex Street

Kitcberj Exterysior;.

University Extension is

good, but Kitchen Kxtcn-

sion is better. Wider knowl-

edge of better cooking pro-

cesses means better health

and comfort for everybody.

Science can never do us

better service than by the

multiplication of the cook-

ing schools which make

healthful means and meth-

ods available for even the

most modest home

COTTOLENE The vegetable substitute

for lard, is science's latest

gift to the kitchens of the

world. Every woman who

has ever cooked*-a meal,

knows that lard isilisn^rce-

able in use and unhealthy

in iti effector j ' Cnttoli-nc is a most satis-

factory substitute — clean*

delicate and far more eco-

nomical. At your grocers--


6 Central Wharf, Boston.


Glowing Pea Pictures of the Famous Fortress and Its Impresslvs Bnrroaiid-

lugs—Gibraltar Passesssd by the Ktig-

Ilsh Ipsstklng and Christian Living

Bees, a Hostage or Civilisation and



The Enpliah D'sstrated Soup$ tan be hod of A- A. Wayne A Co., 17 India St.. Soe- (on, Sol* Ayent for Jftw England State*. Write to 0. Ankrtell. 28 tfo. William St. Xexe Yoyk. fot a quarter pound tin, muling frosn 9 to 3 quarts delHou$ iovp, Pottpttid 21ic A good enctstment fur a mall outlay


A| Profitable Uutlasss on a, Llmltsd Capital

I'lAlll, ilMVYMTKR for business and private enrrespondeooe. MR pie, dural) e, scrura'e. Noaatoy, bol a praet' cal machine. Does not get out of order. N pracilfe required to opertte It. Pilee S3 no,

A resnonhllile agent wanuxl In every town, t whom liberal Udsremanta wn iw made

1'KAHL ITfRWIIITitHCO., tsftSoVo Moore HI. Naw Yoax OrJT.


Hi- snilid-.ibi- i'Hi- lilnwlng llks a ]niri>olM F,it n ndnniehlsougdtiig was awful, lie look s.Ipfrmn buiiie ,u <i eout-r^l no miwe thai trip. Tits Inbel saU AiUmtoti's Bvtsnlu «\>ugh iittUsoi. or


I.Paia&Co,. Breakfast

Cocoa from which the exoeea of

oil haa bean rernorod, is

Abaoluiely Pure and it U Soluble*

N* 3»emical8 are used ,n Its preparation. It haa ■tors ihan three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot ■w 8ug*.r, and Is therefore far more economical, totting less than one rent I cup.. It Is delicious, nourishing, ttrengtheulng.^EASILY DIORHTKD,

and uilrnlrtiMy adapted for Invalids as well as for persons lu kenlth.

Sold by Crooera everywhere.

W. BAKER & CO., DiKkistir, Mm.

JCop) right, lSSt, by Edgar L. Wakeman.l OlSKALTAR, Jan. SO.—I believe that one

of tbe greatest,glories of Intelligent Amer- icanism lies In the fact that aa a people we are receptive of reasonable and just Ideas, rtml are susceptible of convention from hereditary prejudice aud tho mean and lit- tle spirit of hatred and envy toward an- other nation because of any superiority of policy or possession It may be great enough to pursue or enjoy.

This conviction came to me more over- whelmingly than ever before aa we stcemad away from tho Innil uf the Moors iud took our way across tbe atralt toward the city and Hock of Gibraltar. Upon this north- ern Pillar of Ilurciilua tho Kngllsh flng has floated for ISO years. And I am glad of it, glad that Sir George Kooke, in the War of Succession, was cunulng ami brayeenough to take ft; that Iron hearted FUllott, In the Four Years' Siege, waa soldier enough to bold It against the combined efforts of EYanco AudSpaln, ami that all the powers of Latin and Mnasulman'anns and diplo- macy, with the cowardly machinations of Kaglleh traitors at fanme. have never availed to bond over this key of the whole Levant to Spanish or uthnr.poaseeslon or retrogression, l>ccause:

J ust so long as Knglnnd holds Gibraltar the trade of tbe Mediterranean and tho Kastla peacefully open not only to Kng- lnnd, but to every nation of tbe earth with spirit enough to compete for it, and North America, whose English speaking mud thinking people now twice outnumber those of the motherland, In common with Great Britain, In trade, In travel and in nil those things tending toward the world's eollgbteumeut and progress, will enjoy through England's aoggwl possession of Gibraltar a common guarantee of se euiity aud respect. I

Differ as grievously as Americans may with Kngllshmen regarding the justice or Injustice of this or that, on these large llnoaof tremendous Import we cannot but remain one and Indissoluble. looking out of the history of tbe centuries that were, and from among the possibilities of tbe centuries U) come, tbe mighty rock and its armament fade* from slgbt as a mere stub bornly bold poaseK*Ion and menace. Its mythic name, the Pillar of Herculca, merges into the Pillar of Peace. Aud Gib- raltar In the possession of tho Kngllsh speaking and Christian living race will re- main the hostage of Christian civilisation for all time to come.

All one's precoucelved notlous of Gibral- tar fall fur short, 1 think, of conveying Its truegrantleur and Impress!venesa. Prom whatever direction you approach It—from the westward over the Atlantic, from the Mediterranean on tbe east, from Tangier tn Africa across tho stnti.t, or from tho !4pnuisn sierras to the north—It baa al- tvnys theasenilng of a majestic mountain if stone rising sheer out of tho blue of he sea. Aa we approached it, some

irfrHgicllng clouds which bad formed among tbe peaJts of tho Spanish sierras, carried by northern'winds, were stretched

thin folds across lu upper heights. Tbey gave tbe huge rock alternate bars of ebony shadow and golden light, and nhnt- tfng its top altogether from sight em- phasized the Impression of a mysterious nlti tilde,

Kven when one has landed, tbe easiest ult.iirof lu kind In nil Europe, as Gibral- tar Is a free port, thla lniprt-»*ion is not dispelled. The white city, uj pile or hud- dled terraces at the water's edge at the nil Npot on all Gibraltar where hablta- IUIIH could be patched like nests of birds

upon iu ragged aides, Is but a thin lino of human resort upon and above tho shore. Wherever the eye rwts Is son beneath and rock above; not very precipitous ou tbe city side, yet rising in escarped height on height, until oue feela certalu that Inacces- sible heights are shut from sight beyond.

My own Ant Impulse, aa I Ixilteve must be that of all first visitor* here, wua to mount lu utmost crag and study IU topog- raphy tvitli my own eyes, while feasting

Tu the matchless panorama tblaafTord- lu two hours' I line, Including the dig-

nified delay required in tho Issuance of a permit by the 'military secretary, In Gnn-

'a Lane, I stood alongside tho signal lower, I'A llaclto from which. It is said, with a powerful gin** tho Hay of Iliscay can be seen, while tbe vulley in which is bulk the capital of Morocco, tbe city of r'vi, Is plainly discerned.

Impregnable Gibraltar upon which one now stands Is tbeoutjuttlng promontory of a long, narrow strip of laud and rock, forming apenlnsulaon the eastern shore of tbe Bay of Gtliritltur, or Algeciras, as it is sometime* culled. ThelaLWr Is ahnped like a horseshoe, open to tho south, lu western shore extremity terminating In CabriU Point. This bay is perhaps eight miles long from north to south, aud five miles broad from cost to wesL Tho penin- sula terminating In the Itock, slo|>es grad- ually down from the Spanish mountains to the Spanish lines, just north of the ruins of the old Spanish fortifications, and between this and i lie Kock Is what is known as Neutral Ground, a Hut sandy reach a mite and a half in length.

Upon this, close to tho Itock, are the English racecourse, tee drill ground snd the Jewish and .the garrison cemeteries. Tho narrow strip connecting Uibraltar with tho mainland has every appeurunce of Lav Ing been beueath tlio waves at no remote dale, ami tbe Kngllsh have rendered Gib- raltar unassailable by a land force through engineering contrivances by which tho en- tlru strip could lu no Instant bo blown to powder nud covered by the Mco.

At tbo southern end of thla sand covered lied of mines the Itock rises almost perpen ilii-nlarly for over 1,400 feet Many fancy IU contour resembtea n lion cotirliHiit, with ils tif.nl reared aloft to the north nnd toward Spain It Is grand enough with- out I lie simile, breaking away In lessening onaa to the south ami ugnlu con fronting.. . \fiku with it b-HMer but iMine tlm less In ' 1M

.uruiountable wall nf slonu, shout whose ii.tse the sea ceius-lessly roars and l.-mhes, Hinging the spume and spray to tremendous heights runout the orags at RttrOM Point. It is three milt."! from its landward face of rock .to its seaward front of si average width or HIP huge monolith is throu fourths of a mile

I The Itock. practically sea encircled, Is completely Kirdled ist its btise with caution. Unnnun protrude from liintiineritlile luiht-

tlon than ever Issued from (lie very craters of ACtoa and gganrlna.

Just opposite the "northern pinnacle,*' Otl the western ajbtm, the Old Mole or brtakwaur sateniU I,KM feet Into tho bay. Just one h.tlf the dtasenbl front thli to Kumpa Point the Saw Mile has becu pushed Into the -en nearly l.tsAI fasA, IfiTs issafeaticborane for the entire mer eli,ml stiil lHtt|i>' t-liij's of Urt-Jit Britain. At nny time Several hundred craft of all nations may be seen In the Hay of (iihral tar. while ' con verging. Of dlverginK Uv Warduml friim the narrow strait dividing tWDcontiiietils, arc ever In view stately pnilSSllnllP «t ihe lia-le .Li :;■ ,-li-a of the worll. some iinih'r wills white gtsita! wiiii^t, and somu trailing behind tueirhuge runnels what from roar dJss* iKlghi seem like delicately penciled fronds Of ahttdow npon 'he radiant wult-r'a blue

Down there bstweenihs two inohayrm •ee the flat mulsuf .the city ( roiiclnug Lw- nratti the ura«a, At lu uoithcru aud, just

aoreasi of tne Ubl .Mole, mm woll up toe mountainside, which on> the west is less precipitous than elsewhere, stands a liu;;e Moorish tower, just I.J'J) years old, built by the first Moorish Invaders, and the most ancient perfectly preserved relic of Moslem rule In Spain. It Is almost entire lu lu massive strength, though honeycombed by Innumerable cannon bulls, while iUgreat Tower of Homage is now n powder uiaga- sine, and modern barracks aud ofneers' quarters with pleasant gardcus till tbs area within its ancient walls.

To tho south Africa seems but a step across a gleaming pooL To tbe east there la only the vast Mediterranean, dotted with many strange mid curious craft. To the west tho sight ranges over A i-eaut iful and picturesque harbor scene, with every man ner of ship that floats, from the leviathan man-of-war to tbe luUen sailed felucca, In- cluding a half down American schooners and barks with their ahanolv hulls and slender spars, ami rests beyond the waters of tbe bay upou the circling Spanish shore.

There Is Cabrlta Point, darkening grimly agalust a background of flame where tbe

ittlng sun floods the entrance from the Atlantic Around to the northwest Al gvclras ghostlike lifts through the pur pliug pall. To tho north aacoroof villas and villages, pink or white as tbe light and shadows cbangefully play npon them, show, like the ivory beds of a rosary, against ranges of alom aud masses of vlno- yanbe the whole with a background of billowy foothill, dark then bftie, then pur- ple and finally an opaline misty dream where the peaks of the Spanish sierras blend with the far horizon of the north.

All this la what one can see at El llacho Upon tbe heights of Gibraltar; but what wraiths of history, mythic aud real, crowd from the pant upon tho wondrous scenel This spot where you atand.and towering Apes' Hill, across the Strait In Africa, wera the olden Pillars of Hercules. Down beneath you nt Kumpa Point Is the very apot where the dlviuo bull rested from bis flight with Kuropo, to whom the continent owes iU name. Just across tbo Strait, at Cettto, the traitorous Count Julian, out-

from Hoderlck'a licentious Toledo court, llrst betrayed Spain to tbe Moslems. The resultant Invasion under oommaod of Tank Ibn Xeynd, then chief of tho garri- son of Tangier, gnvc to the rock the name Gibel-al Turek, mountain uf Turek, cor- rupted lo the Gibraltar of today.

Then for 'TOO years it was a mount of death and glory for 'Spaniard and Misir In their desperate contentions, while tbu treasure nud lives is has oust since first the Cross of St. George wnvcd-atwve it in 1704 would enrich anil people a kingdom. One knows anew with startling clearness the history of Kurope.au and Moslem struggles hi the musings and memories of such a Spot. Hut the sunset gun has belched its flame and thunder inward the red Atlan- tic's breast; the lights twinkle from tbo Spanish villages around tlm-b:iy ami, clr cling to the (nountabie base, bring a rosy glow to dtynojl narrow craft bgaaatfl You Wettl your va) downward to the tee raced town. pa>t briskly moving seutlne!* crisp with duty ami challenges, leaving tbe grim mountain top behind, melodious with bugle notes echoing and re-echoing their songful mimicry uf war from harbor aide to darkened clefts of bleak and serried heights.

If Gibraltar were nut a unique and the most gigantic fortress In tho world, it Would still be a spot of rarest Interest and charm to the traveler. Tbe scenic beau- ties from any portion of the embattled mountain are not surpassed lu the whole 0,000 miles' reach of the Mediterranean. Two continents nnd three kingdoms arc here withiu cannon shot of wherever you may stand. The rides and drives lute the most luxuriant and fruitful por- tion of southern Spain, all within a day's Journey, bring within observation and enjoyment every feature of high or low Spanish life which could he studied In a journey from France to Portugal.

And then the rock nnd city of Gibraltar themselves, contrary to prevalent notions, are each lu their way wonderful and win- some studies of still and human lifo. Tho botanist '■■■m find upon tbe sides of this one rock over'000 distinct specie* of vegetable life In flower, shrub, lichen, muss nnd vine. The tiny guldens are ablaze even In winter with gorgeous color and bloom. Par up the heights tbe walled and winding road- ways are bordered with musses of green and blossom.

The washerwomen dry their clothes on hedges of geranium The prickly .pear and cactus grow to enormous sixe. The aloe rears IU central shouts, with lateral brunches, like spears of gigantic aspara- gus. Huge oleanders glow above every terraced garden wall. The night blooming cere'us grows lu splendid luxuriance, re- sembling mammoth water lilies with deli- cate nnlhers of gold. Kverywhere wilh leaves of glossy green, flowers of bridal white and fruit of gold, the orange tree, hinting of tropical clituo, Itostowa ii- wel- come shade and delicate scents, wanton in tbe prodigality with which all nature here seems to rival .historic Interest ami grand, surpassing scene.

Ainl.ii ■in1 It has SO.noO souls ex- clusive of the MOO lo 0,000 ofnoers and men of the garrison Terrace on terrace tt 1 breads along Hie water's edge. It Is a mass of archways, stairs, subterranean thoroughfares, spiral puh.-t.iges, viaducts, vaulting footways, narrow vistas broken by quaintest corners, angles, Imlconles anil roofs, and nllogclher the r-traugest. most riii ions ami most winsome jumblo ol human haiutaiion- and thoroughfares men ever built lo shelter men and trade.

Then of the folk of Gibraltar; were yon to get toge) ber from allrtoanlab cities tin

IICHINGAND SCALY. Skin Disease O Vrars. Doetcrs and

Medicines Useless. Cured by Cotlcure for $4 70.

1 feel It Is my duty tntell you my experience with ynur CUTICUKA KsMkiiiu. I lave been Iroubici fd-ovtrUneyesr* wltn sdrtsitiul skin

Disease When I first felt it. mi ro sp|Hte<fil a few email r-d spnis un ntr breas', and 11 kept mt spreading slowly. It M tri- ed ihe same m mr leek, heiween ">j fheuhlrrs A. . few davs sfler the spots turned gr,y. snd ls<gan licld.ijr. Sninll sesVs would fall Off, SO ll cunlluued ■ ^reading all over my body, i Hint .■ i- i ni'T.i. me le'o:,. I eoubllhlnkor, or got hoiil of. I also eon niited donlors. Y s, they

woull BsSlaassjSfl time, but they siwavs faib-d. Ttiv-n I gavn tt ail up, thinking tli'ro was no cure for me. Some tew nun Hi* ntro 1 in tier.I your sdvertlsement tn tbe Tao-iraa Morning Times; Hi ns-l t I woil'l Irr Hie ' iniaiM RsUteMfaK Dot minting It wi nid do me Tnu-ii good, but to mysurpri-e, ihrce baiea off lint nu, ui-ecskn nr ci'ru'VRA -o«r, nnd thrsi boitbs of Ctm OIKS lt>soLVFWT cured me entirely, »1» skis Is now as while and i>ure as tlmi of a child 1 •end my pnutjir-s|ih I ha*e msiiy friends In Ciaoaae, 111 .and sc. I'snl, Mlnu

JOHN F. I'KAKHIN, F. Q. Uoi. lUtii.'WhaUuat, WsihtDRtOB-

Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin I'ltritli r, liiifneillv.sint 'iriiit H*. the gresl Hklu Cure.snil Ctl ni'Ht ml-, the sxqtilMt" Skin ll'sullfler, Citernsllr, isUntly relievo Bad meetlllv ciire»vry dtsessa nd buisor of me skin, scalp snd brno-i, with

lOssof hair, irom lutsnoy to age, from plmplea toacrsfula.

Sold everywhere. I'II.-C, CtiTICUa*. 30c; oosr ■iv, UksoLvusT SI I'len red uy Hie Puiraa DaCII SNUCUKMItUL LllKltlKATION, It 'SlOD.

*#-S. lid (or -How io Cur* tt .si i |i| mr«' " ti pages, 60 tiliistrsthiiis. and lOUienllinoiilsls.



WEAI, PAINFUL KIDNEYS, Viifa their wenry.slull, scblng, lit'te<s, II gone ssnistltiii rritrvrri !■• •■*•> tilmilf i ■ it tic ura in -ruin

:nliiil>la*t.'r iVents




Don't bo without a botllo. You will not regret It. Try It to-tlny.

What makes you tremblo nor Torn NKIIVKS are all unstruiiR, nud NEED a, gentle, soothing TONIC to assist nature to repair the dAiua^n which your excesses have caused. Sulphur Hittem




to be taken by the gloss like other preparations which stimtihtic onlyio DcaTPtoY. If you have, FAILED to receive any benefit from other medicines or doctors, do not despair. Use Sulphur Hitters immediately.

In all cases of sluIdiom, deep scaled diseases, Sulphur Hitters Is the beat medicine to use. Ibm't wait until to-morrow, try a botllo to-day.

LvW ■■■■MPUIPp^MIIMIwrt, t A. P.

t eluiracteri nmUs'nples

i, bunt Tn

lowly, bring from most liielurcsi'iue li-h und RHI for weirdest Moor ami Jew, and Mtsli terra nean nlion*s tut looked the fisher

udreds of lb l„ rsln.li-. cut from the sotitl n>ck, In hewn chamlsTS IHIH-.HII the iiiouiilslii, tioronliir and tulles In length. Camion are upmV every crag and precipvM DpOD iU very peaks. It is a stupeintous moun- tain nf stone, out ofstjiose shies atevery, AllUnml, mtll lUn v„uut ,1H1III,

angle I^IUIHI |>oured imsv "'.-.nil il^irs*- ■ 'i'li-iv N v Kiel In. l*i nn uiuiual ui

IterbaV, dragnet the SlitTi forwau-rside folk amuggler and plrulS in one, ami llireuil among all tlu'M' the wurlet and blue ot thousands of the soldiery ainl.arlillerymen of the great fortress, you would still have a no more varied, rhuugehil, wetnl and colorful scene than at any hour of any day four eyes limy Is-bold, from the Almcdn garden bsisTw the Mi-,ti-.h tower, down through the WaleriHirl slreet. In this Moorish tiullt. Kpaiiish niilshud and ling li.su. held olden fon^ss-tmvn. i


Oetieelttei in ■*■:«■• W« B»t onr old friend, Mr, Jittsn

Eaton, on tho street the other day, and told us nf it wonderful t'KK his daugh-

ter cam across n abort time ago. On breaking it she discovered nindher js-r- fectly formed cgu with a Hull Inalde "f it. il was alajtit n»alM of*» portrfdga eKg. Anoiiier genilumau standing by told of u curinsity III tin* shape of n double chicken that bad ban hitched on bis ]ilacc. Tim hack* of tin- twins Wan mtlted, and-while QM would be standing on ids feet the f-et of theothn

growing* tirt'il of this position it or tb> wonhl llopover nud slait'l mi tin- otb-r bat, tin.- BO ilii.tis being reversed. II'' said the enjekena iiv-1 gevaraj days.- Fannlngtpn 1M.1.) Tmtt^.

Ask your doctor what hap-' pens to., cod-liver oil when it" gets inside of yon.

He will say it is shaken and broken up Into tiny- drops, becomes an emulsion; there are other changes, .but this is the first.

He Will tell you also that it is economy to take the oil broken up, as it is in Scott's Emulsion, rather than bur- den yourself with this work. You skip the taste too. |

Let us send you an inter- esting book on CAREFUL LIV- ING ; free,

TftBoWNF.Cbcmi, i,j!SVni|ti5'hAvi-auS,



' Nasal Psfssei's,

jiisis pain snd

Heals the Sum


A particle Is spi.llcd In agrreaHc. Tree oUccntss l°KLV ItU'.TM Hta, Ml Warren jrt, Kiw TojiL.

bird in tne Qentral Park laanageria that docs not cat paanilta, Many gp« hrS tn the cages wera nt first much averse to prunuis, l.ititlio iK'ntisteuci) of the Hnl- iln-ti in fojtiiigtlicm tejon everycrealuro there lvia. h'n'l vmli an affoct thai even the 11'JUS nn-1 pelicans, and evtrytblng eicept the hiinkes, lutve ftli obliged I i naiuire tin; pcartui habit.--N.-w VTorJc Sun.

asowlag CJeterjr. Them have been rjlanywaya snggestaY]

for blain■birifr. It bisaid that In tbaOld World, where Bnt okai cloy'is fle- slrod, rnitaad *>t Iwrj rag np tl the earth llu-y simply lie op I ie !■ av« aud then wrap tlini in'ni.ti ■ fanown paper. It Is iin.l that mnck. battac c-l- ervenn be obtained this wi.y tli.m by an* ,.l: re i:n-tlnsl of btiWchiug.—ilcs.- h,.i.'* Moutuly.


UNDEVELOPED fnntntliWSf.f !l"'1 sa term ai i ..,; ii. ui. d

Eia'ssEmca'col.'^rrkc; IT,v.

Il.e Mulb seml An u, 111 Mm-1 Ie l.'i : -. .1 IL ' ■

i . :", biBu, sec adtvi . n11:lt,-X),'.ll,U. ■ .Iff

Vf ,«^<*K -P»-":<*'°K7 ^»-w-f*».

-, ,i. „.—■;.. —^....^

Lawrence American, i.wv KI:N<JK; MAGS


IT WAS perhaps appropriaUi that at a

labor meeting in Boston state master

workman Canning should discuee can*.

Wookly -NCWH UreVitles.


Miss Mrtrv tt. i '■ :.. iii.1 of Mnaaachu- ttttM hurt I. >ll HppolHted Confidential dirk to liio foiuiiili-ltni'T of Indian uffnir-i.

I'll., t 'I,:. : ■ ,',Co., (ffOOttlM IIlid niCOt market, -: M'it Mii'Tdny morning to

\aa.ot Andovex. Lleblii-

Lawyer-Sherman 1.. Whipplu of iWwton ■in b ■ II npp ilni .1 permanent Hi cviver il M n i.iMinr Y<-tir llvtifttt Order by In Ita !l,,ik. r of llinHiipri'iiHi Court.

Am'" \. IH«iicti".Hf. lor 'Si year* clerk ufactur- ami iiivm IM-r d tin- Lowell

.''.. I vi-linliiy morning nt li.nlKiin-.-, UH I. "i Merrimiiclr. struct,aged UIV.IF-. . ;

■ •■ nrp of ttir •IIIHIU'IHI crisis, Port i;ii1 will H"i mkf part In thu World'a tali I'h" eoanfbai ol depu- t. .; I Hi. principal of thu lie- trtrnchni in, bill.

Now cornea an "expert" and testifies

ucforu a legislative committee, that con-

trary u> usually accepted iMillnf, , the

smoking of cigarettes, if thu smoke is

not inhaled, is not so hurtful to the sys-

tem na the use of the cigar or pipe.

TUB city government at Springfield

in evidently determined that tlie ordi-

rnnicus ahull, be observed; one pool

room license linn been revoked and au-

other refused because the proprietors

permitted the presence of minors.

IDOffBl II art in Hfnrs ft WcbaWr'a shoe- Mrhill went Out Ibis morning. • n . mars work on asofltJBt <>i

£aj "i" ralore. <>n)y one BUUi| a al work. .

Il ihmnller, uged nearly 60 years, are ii tin Tt-limit ami long a town t II (I r. He,, died Hunday. Ha

I i >r probity, and bad -M. rable property,

■a.P/Bbemwdlaa'tf Nntlok. Mass., i -i rday morning. )!-■ was

i ., ' ■» April Si, lull, ami lisd '..,i ck nil hlsllfo, and wa* with-

!■! S itfck's oldest citixtni.

nl ■•at«d in .pollee umne.-iorHiiiiday cv«- —\ with "Itiiiiiiiii* flOO liy n: H frmv Henry ti. Hurdiek. 1PJJ.unsold.

.''• iv, n man ovu TO yean «' > tii railroad station at Frank-

Hunday "***ltfl with his Ullil stlliped mi.l full nil

n and died .II .:.n.11v.

Tea M ilia

v play* BicyplartW and live proprie- tors of tit* policy nans In Lynn were la ooiirl v< -i.T'i'-v momm§> Judge hrni sjnudthi players |8 each aed tha keeps* fTrjeaoh, Bvery man paid and the games soon.

It-was roportod to ttu board of health yesterday DAorning llml tna three men wba ti i ■ uuafiliitinr-d m >',.w York as

!M'b..-l.-<t.hajl Kit for Bos- i ■ ■■ l .- kit ping a xtrk't watch liir thetn.

Of the old of Boston,

■ Kin'ml tun nit jri'r of Die 'Miy.jll.il lit 12.4S yi-stiT-

i hi II the baM of hralth I

. unexnaatad, thoiiL'h "' i for

, in.I hi, lln

n i .in- i-'iitHjiul-photographor,

1, his tiin-Inn^ done of NHHIIUH. They

i.'/'-ll JlliOlri- iMi»t thrtfc

.'I I:

.lurimr I he i» d |* Ito ii :n i-i-i ,,,-,-K,

UUH not doluicn ftniiiflit

• n of WonmUf vestfrday i i II itatamentoof four Bos- iin /, vii.Miiv eodduoton that, Jan.at, il.. iniit* I i.vimt Urn properly thumed, out|niidd««11 f..rtshwt by ons of their number, th* hands ware tou.nd lodonlaln ■ !■ . ii-.i. ..( out) atatt. Morwivw i SB hu Irioki.Ty or previous ar-

tll ,.f tin' —



II tlafds of Mnginti t'onv Ni* York, diiliiiKiii«li..( lllKIUHllt-d

rniuK by riixhing rtcjM.nl at'496 71 b uvc, 0 n>- BatiM Mrs. Llxlia i>n.l her thr.-.-y.ar-olri

intfapid tlrt'iiicn been a it<r' mother and. child dead,

W-iIint-.hiV. i

*-TB I te Lunatic Aaylan i Mi . ■■:■ .1 by I'.re.

I . < i+-:.ni.t. n p nrn of Mtltoni «la*s.. cttnn b> hoc ■ :, f.

'■I'l'iLiv" Itivvc bslh-il by the \ mini; Mel Club <■: H*m York.

Tlif Bavo, H< . lr*'.' Bapturt (.'hiu i ■ Itov. A. I', t'r,

ffostl ■ L Maaa,

H.: -.1 University 'AMI! tha ftostop •h by

the « in .-( f\:, Vt.ff, Sppleton.

raWln B, i' ptas'tff tbwcU was run ■'-urn rallr-i ~ Ifrom inju Fitenhiirft'an

r. four years of nae, an Panlal Parker of Vailpy

'■ mi ■■ l&Ol by hii mother.

I.iff of HrviThill. Mas*., ■//.I.tni'iu nl |N)u

ni.hr.-y, for whom she has si cl rk nnil,bookkeeper,

Hudson, HTvears of HI ol RandolpL

nu'iiDK nuifh alletition ■ d pi" by the fact that

rood for Hit- jHWt 31t davi.

1 i' Kit eh bin irK rail

ti mm IK; aUOMMad l,y MI.I. m Cwiujiy ,i)i- niitlrni nor deny the leny the

<> biirbbiiidrrs' fsnd JIM ■ ..,ii aaaln. IA^UB Chun, a Call Fat illy stabbed by l»nl

1 ■ hi rlilnri.l.r, who, when "'■ • '■■ i armed to iim teeth

^ wiih i-n- >■- knt PI,

M- I'i ■ ■ell. .-if. »iilinai)toti ftet ■ l.rirf .isa.dHiiuhtei



■ n in. bad tnntad ni, a imv. rullni bs-a wife and

I :':l river, and it i« aa- Istelj marrl il rouni

' ■'.r.N. 11, anaLoweH.alloI '■' ■ ■ ' ■ ■! .1. -irl.il in turn. I

Fred (urrli r, tha Dote I I ow-u. ||aaa_ ' ' i ii in..ii in i-.'i Hn*. for i . ,,.;-,-.(„. ,,[ i,HH a«a| the

rty theaavnanua aano of b ■ n irrwn t. u yaan in the

•' ' ■ II ird lihor wltbonedavin SplltftJ] '.in;, in. nl.

Bpr Bfer, the 2»i-vesr-old dausmer,of ,1. —■ nprlnfef "f Qoaheri N.

blnrtO 't'"th. Three

I a




lUBhlnrto .b-Hth. TOT Uffhed heiirtv ai a JoL,

. lady Wend, and soon after the igh. Bhi hu k ■ ■. it

mtly ever slneo.

'I ti,ir-lnv (

Th ■■■■ ■ i . Ford we* killed at i i !■ riled.

\' ■■. V - : i.-.ii-. ex-miiitau-r Of lorrf- i . ■ i. n daatd. '

■ ivt..

Hi i ■ u„' thinks •ftnoo* year in : T tin. Governor ol Has*

■v 1 Hill. i bee Lraaa irer, ealea. titures ovi-r

ill h ij.'-si',.«*

ited l>. A. 'ftif. of the board tudis rxec-

ii I- imbrr Co. at Isasel- rhas i;nnp into ln|iiulalion.

. said to iw vary israe. r)i iiini .:;■ to K*>,a».

r. -iri iii Boaton tha jury ■ .(foil f..r thf plaiu-

'i . : ! F. I'urP lt.iifmiint.Jor- '' .' 1'iuititiff am ■) to re;.

■- !■ Ing rnn over by one

l-l urning inanu- i iHe, Me., owned

In, Bpool adnr . !: ■ ■ n liuriied.

-'t. cause uu-

IIiLLgoeion scooping the delegates

in New York, white the Cleveland men

keep up their meetings, apccchei and.


TIIK DENOUIUTS will inaugurate the

f cheme of attacking tha tariff in detail,

by proposing acparatu bil'.a for free

wool, and free hiui'iug twine.

NEW LIBRARY. Formally Opened to the Pub-

lic Today.

U'HILK not deri'led as to its ultimate

usefulness, the lulministraton of law

seem generally to agree that the new

concerning drunkenness has not been

Lotted sufficiently long for satisfactory

i (inclusion'), and it is likely to be re-

tained another year.

Mil. MoitTON is reported as Baying

that ho did not desire a tc-nomlnation

.for the vice-prosidency, mnl that lie

i\t\ in ell tins selection of secretary of

wnr Tiicy; the latter has been Unques-

tionably one of the brilliant successes

of the present cabinet,

IT is slated that Mr. Ocvelaud 1ms

been offered fifty thousand dollars to

become to "figure-head" or n hijj in-

vestment company; he had best ac-

cept; David XI. ilill is puttiug a veto

0U lln- i .tjnc-iilcufs iliuihv of ln-iii!.'

a gain thu ligure-hond of the nation.

IN his address at the dinner of the

life insurance men, Rev. Dr. I.orrimer

-.ml he came.constantly in contact with

poor people who were suffering from

the innnner in Vrhich they hail been

duped and defrauded* by the endowment

corporate ns,. and thu distilitiulslied

divine roundly condemned tin- whole

brood. K

How is this? Harvard professors as

well as sludculs engaged in ■tnuggllDg?

A trunk seized by the customs olllcers

in New York is found to be filled with

suits made in London, bearing tin? ad-

dresses of protestors and students in

the Cambridge university; perhaps this

is intended to be a practical protest

against the tariff.

I SKYKUAL savings hanks seem to have

been caught, with holdings of Maverick

hank slock, mnl in case of soniu of the

smaller ones, if an assessment is de-

manded, the lusa will cause n pretty

serious impairment; the small lot held

by the £asex bank of this city will

create no nppieeiable vhriukage in its

handsome surplus.

IT IS a development of the peculiar

character of politics in New York, that

of >4H' oiticial enumerators now eugaged

iu taking the new census, the | name of

not a single oiie has been made public,

but on the other hand, pcrsis'ently kept

from the press; the census' will he a

farcu hut it will Itnre the'political pur-

poses of seuutor I hi].

IT in SiMtULAH, with alt flic Inven-

tive genius of the world, and the uni-

versal demand of nations for improved

small arms, iu the shape of a magazine

glin, that uo weapon perfectly or in any

large degree satisfactory, has yet been

• -produced; tlio testing board of thif

country is likely to report thnt while all

of the new guns may possess advan-

tages, not one is so clearly superior at

to authorize its substitution for our

Sptinglicld musket, and that the latter,

with some Improvements be retained in

use for the present.

TIIK SrriiF.MHs, who corac up to.the

legislature this year to ask for new con-

cessions for the endowment concerns,

will flud a very iliffercnt atmosphere

from last year; fully forty thousand

people iu Massachusetts, w-li.t one year

ago were elamoriug for no adverse l»g-

islation, are njw in the list of victims

of these concerns, uud they are tugging

ut. the coat (ails of members to crush

out the fraud*; tho lloston associate or

board of trade, consisting of delegates

from some (wcuty of (he lending busi-

ness association of the clly, have had

this mnlter under consideration for a

year, and at n meeting on Monday

unanimously passed a resolution ap-

pointing a committee to appear at tin state house and urge the closing out at

OOce <>f all of the endowment compa-

nies; (hU will prove nuc of the most

important factors in fh^"Toutrovcisv.

IT IS TOO LATH to succesafnlly assail

the war record of Hussell A. Alger, no

matter what nia\ be the report llled anil

forgotten,!)* some officer with whom he

had qaarfeled; BO men hate a sham, no

men dejpjse a coward more cordinlh,

Ihrto ibe veterans; surely it will not be

•-tainted that some of the officers ami

men associated with lien. Alger would

lilt have known it at the time had he

been untrue to his position. Conipli-

:n. iitnl bj all of these, warmly eulo-

gized for conspicuous bravery; aguiu

and ayjaiii displaying great courage and

marked gallantry, uo man will for Ji

monit-iii accept the imputation upon Ihe

charneter of Gen. Alger at this period

in our country's history. He Won hie

piomution and bis reputation by deeds,

ainihe will retain the' high estimation

nf the American people

Wednesday tb« new public library tullil log was opened to the public.

For over a year now, the citizens of Ltwrmco have watched Its handsome

proportions arlsfnar, and maiowhlle the trustees of the Wtlte fund have been

ceaseless In their effjfts to provide the

best and tho most ornsmental. Toda* the building stands, not only as a modern

library, but a.so as an »«1ntertur*+

adornment to the city.

Located at the corner of Hampshire

and Haverhlll streets, opposite the band some stone cbnrcb, St. Mary's, 41 gives

there the handsomest corner la the city,

and adds to the beany of tho neighboring streets.

Tbeeilerlorof the building Is so well

known now that a description Hs unneces-

sary. The building Is constructed of Ue

finest brownstone, and presents a hand-

some appearance. The tower sets off the

two stories to excellent advantage, and the whole gives ta the people of Ltw*

rence, a beautiful, roomy and well lighted


Early Tuesday evening the building wss

ufflcially Inspected by the city govern-

ment. The members were conducted

through the different rooms by James II. Baton. .

The Interior as regards finish and

beauty by no means suffirs In companaon ■lib the outside appaaranea of 'he

structure. O.i the first ft jor are located

the resillug and general delivery rooms,

librarians ant rutereace rooms and the

hook MI nil. Tho hallway Is finished In

ash and cummaads en excellent vleWof

the reading and general delivery room

through a large arch window and the

folding doors wblc*1 open Into the room

are also surrounded by an arch of design- ed glsss windows.

The reading room occupies the mala portion of the building and la 30x71 feut in iliiuiii«..i s. Tiii.s room Is finished in

aahma Is lodeed the whole Interior of the

structure with a few exceptions. The

Ihng Is in feet high and largu li ;ami of

ssh reach from one aide of Uie room to other. Tha walls are of a, Cream

tint and are surmounted by a wlds fres-

coed border. The light enters the room

'through the seven windows In the penta-

gonal front. Tho delivery counter oc u

pies a position at the somh end of the

■Tiljc PBOPOtmoM of congressman

Ho.ii, tb.it congressmen he prohibited

from appeariog at (be pension bureaus

in behalf of pension applicants, would

undoubtedly lighten the work of the

repreaenUtttYM immensely, and in a

considerable per centage of cases would

promote" the work of tie bureau, hut

there are .instances, many of tbem,

where the active interference of a mem-

ber of congress, has has'tejied the adju-

dication of the claims of deserving

claimants; the pepsion clerks fall into

ways of routine; they are pretty closely

bound up with tiaditions of the days of

LO from Jersey small thing*; tud it is not infrequently

' er,\V A V.??" "»"*:e«»ry that some diainterested per- il fran- t eou-ahoultl interfere to secure a proper

"j r-n^Vllat ! consideration of all the phrases of H

polls* jiaiticular case, the proposition will be

tt ^ t^_ ' sure to bring out vigorous protests from

, ,*,.,!,, . the vetqrans, especially those Who do

ithn rnabekt Mfiii- »ol f^^l able to employ an attorney, and

!ufl0*^uVur.hm''v^ot '" *u,c* wherc U»rrh no offlcial pen-

way ;»ion; the employment of an officer like

.^ (hie, Il in iiasaachusetu, by all of the

-laics, would go far to'rembve the ob- iit.'n in uons which will he raised to the or-

" .: -1 m a i I : . ■ „ „l{ dii of congressman Iloar.J


k Memorial to the Late Nath- aniel G. White

Or iTliich Lawrence and Her Utliemi are Justly Proud.

should necessity demand It* a second tier ean be placed above these to be reached by raised platforms or gallerlea.

A winding stairway, besutlful In.con-

struction, and wrought from oak sxtenda from the vestibule adjoining the read-

lag room to the second story, where the

trustees' room and the lecture hall are located. fc.

The trustees' room opens directly from the hallway at the head of the atalra. It

occupies tbe upper portion of the hexa- gonal tower, as yet thla room Is not fnrn Ubed.

The lecture room le finely adapted to the use to which It Is to be devoted, and

Is 30xUl ftet In dimensions. The cell-

Ing extends to the ridgepole, and Is fin- ished In wood. Four large ash beams ex-

tend across the room at the point where the Inclination of the celling, begins.

These are surmounted by as many semi- circular beams of the same material.

Krom tbe boriz-mtal beams carved tim- bers citent upwards equally dividing

tbe arch formed by the semiclrcula beams. The window and door casings are dnisbed In white wood.

The walls ar i tinted, and e broad

frescoed border Jadds to the (.appearance of the hall. A email raised platform ta

located at tbe east end of tbe room. Tue

room la lighted by large windows In the

front of tbe building, and la the evening

by two chandeliers extending from each of iim horlxjotal beams and also gas fix-

tures at the rear "of. Shu platform. The

cabinets belonging to the natural history aoclety, and containing the birds and In-

dian relics are m this room, occupying a

position on tbe west side, '

After the tour of Inspection had been

completed the party assembled In tbe

lading room, where several brief ad. dresses were made.

For tbe benefit of those unfamiliar trltb the matter Mr. Raton Slated how the

■Whit- fund" originated. About the

vear l«M there lived In Salem a man b;

the name of Hon. Daniel A. White, who

was a lawyer by profession. A!though a

resident of Salem, he wss '-orn ID a house

, lusted on the land at the corner of Liw-

rence and Hsverblli streets where the

residence of the agent of the Pacific mills now stands. This originally formed

a part of helbuen. Feeling a deep In-

terest In tbe welfare of this city he gave a deed of trust of a certain lot of land to

i; men, i 'imrles Slorrow, Nathaniel O. White, and Henry K. Oliver, with tbe

understanding that the land should be

sold and the proceeds devoted for tbe

malntalnance of a course of lectures

tending to the education of the people of

Law' mce. This land extended from

Ameabury street on both sides of Uaver-

hlU, Bradford and Concord streets west-

erly to Franklin street. Tbe donor slso

suggestod that a lot should be selected

from his gift to be used for the location of a library at sunn fotore Urns. The

intleaW furthered this Idea by reserving

the lot wberoon tbe new library building

now stands. The trustees however had


Reception* and Supperi Held sU

Various Cliurcliov

At tbe Parker street M. K. church Wed- nesday, one of the most successful enter- ta'nmeats ever bald In the vestry

there, was conducted under tbe aus-

pices of the young ladles of the cbnrcb.

It wss lu tbe design of so old fashioned supper and sociable and reflects credit

upon tbose having tbe affair in bano. The evening's festivities commenced

shortly after sit o'clock at which time

an old fashioned supper was served.

Several prettily arranged tables | occu- pied appropriate places In the vestry «ad

were presided over by young ladlra at-

tired In costumes of "ye olden days."

Tbe tables were well laden with goodies of a.l descriptions and provided a

dainty meal for all wbo partook.

During tbe sapper the Soutb Law-

rence orchestra composed of Herbert Grant, {Cromble Hall, William Graham

and Frank M'tcbell rendered numerous pleasing selections.

About 8 o'clock the attention of tbose

la attendance was called to the platform, and tbe following programme of enter-

tainment wan subsequently pretenled: —

Orchestral re'ectlou, Mean*. Arthur,

Bfnjan,ii> and GiKigu ".blpptn; SOUK.

"AH iu u tiu In, Pair," Miss'Lucy B-y-

antj reading, '-Shadows,"Miss Floreuoe

K. Fleming; musk."Amtilca"—"l**ek-a-

boo," Buu'h Lawrence orchestra; lead-

ing "Uuclu Ben," Miss Jennie 'McUulrc; song, "Drafted Mm Into the army," Mrs.

David Crockett; reading, "The El

Child," HISS McQuIre; aorp, "Love's

Own Sweet Song," bliss Lncy Bryant;

reading, selected, Miss FTarencu K.

Fleming. , The entertainment was undoubtelly

one of tha finest ever presented at a

church sociable to this city, the principal

feature being the readings of Mlas Flor-

ence E. Fleming of the Emerson college of oratory, Boston. All of the eelectlcni-

rendered by this accomp.labedyoung lady

were blgbly sppreclated.and well merited

tho hearty applause which they received.

Her magnificent stage presence and tbe

whole Mtulid manner In Which she eners

Into the spirit of her work won the com- mendation of the entire audience. Sbe

cheerfully Nspomded to several enchorea

each time evoking uioro and more ap-

plause. MUs Fleming is far superior to the common run of elocutionists and la a

proficient teacher la physical culture and


Tbe solos by Miss Bryant snd Miss

Crockett and the readings of little Mies

Jennie McGulre were also finely ren-


Flower, confectionery and apron

sale and other tab'es occupied conspicu-

ous placea In tbe vestry and were liberal* ly patron lied during the evening. The

pop-corn table wss In '*barge of Miss Lucy Taylor and Miss Wentwortb; flower

pagoda. Miss Blanche Hall; candy table.

Misses Annie Swift snd Matlle Walker;

room and on the lelt of tbe entrance. It

in feel In length and Is made of ash.

On the wall at tbe rear of the counter Is Large Iron tablet bearing the Inscription

i raised bronie letters, "erected In

memory of Nathaniel 0. White." Oa Ihe

-ast and west walls of thla room gvej

itattonary files containing the local and

he principal Boston papers. Other

oepers ar*> arranged upon lies In a rack

and may be removed and scanned by the

reader at one of tbe ta')lcs of the room. Tnese tables are oak in HJI..Q., This

ro in as well as the other porHons of tbe

balldlng is heated tjy broii* ■ radiators A

cloak and to'let apartment is connected with thla room.

The librarian's F0O01 lush fnui the

reading room at a point directly ojio<Mltc

the entrance to tbe latter, l't. Is IT feet

wide and 3* feel 1 mg. Here are arraugod ash cabinets and book ravks containing

the unbound peril lldilj, w.>rks of floe

trt*,* bound periodicals, and other books,

which are not allowed to he taken from

he hui'ding. Tbe room Is lichted by tarse windows In tbe west and south wall.

EatraLcu to the refereuce room, which

occupies the northwest portion of t'-e

building, IS* through the librarian's room.

This room differs somewhat from tho

others. Tbe furnishings sro of black walnut, and Its Bomber appearance forms

a contrast wl*h tbe brightness of the

h wood. The dimensions are --'l MtU

feet. Thecellinir eil.-nlb Upward In'u

the roof an I Is finished lu wood. Two large ash beams surmmnted by semt-~

Ircalar beams extend across the room-

Windows several feel from ihe floor fur- nish light for this apartment, and two-*

large arches overlook the reading room.

The books here have all been arranged

according to subjects.

The book rum occupies the entire !

southern portion of the building and Is

reached by two .1 jors at the southern.end

■f the delivery ant reading room. This portion Is constructed under the best lire

proof principals and Is so arranged that It

may be shut off from all communication :

with .tbe remainder of tho structure

l case of a fire. This apartment consists f two floors, one on a level with tbe

other rooms in tbu lower story of the

building, snd a second one beneath It

The black walnut book casea mud In the old library were made ov.r and are nsu I

on tbe main floor of tb]s (room. This la

the oily woodwork, with the exception of

wo desks, In this spartmint. The cases

are sixteen In number with accomm-'da* lions for books on each aide. The floor is af Iron. Two stairway* at either end

if tbe room commuulcale with the lower il ior where are sixteen more double cases,

these belcg constructed from iron. A Are

escape reaches from a small roojaj ai the

rear of the lecture ball on the second story to the book room. Windows -T-

ranged at shori IntevaU a'jjo*, the roim

furnish ample light during the (daytime and single gas jets betwe-.-u lbs cases

provide llgnl In the evening. The Maa%

are so arranged; on the second floor that

noi)>be means, or authority to erect


Mr. N. 0. White became Interested

and | looked tbe matterj quite carefully

over,but at that time be was president of ii-! Boston & Malge railroad and busluees

duties prevented him from taking any

sctive steps towards tbe ereclion of

such a building. After severing his con-

nections with that road he went to Europe snd ui.ni bis return his health

'..-;;.., to fall. After bis death although

he had uoi referred to the matter In his

will-, uor bad be -.■:.■ u dnrlng his life-

iliuu regarding ereetlng a library build- ing btsaielf, y. t his wlfu and hu daugh- ter, F. iatbelh W., proposed to give ihe

city 940.0,0 Tor that use. This gift was

mt te upon the couditlon thst the city should agree to o-e the building as a

Horary for thjrty^year*, during tha first ten of wli i Ii a few tigs of 8U10J per an-

nuip shouLl he paid, but after'' that

should recelru ■ . .- ■ ..r it gratuitously.

This offer wis accepted and the result

wss the erection of the handsome edifice

which n->« graces our city. Already

It bss cost 148.000 and $45,000 of

this sum Mrs. White snd her daughter

have, contributed. Their object was to

mtke II as nsefnl as posslole for the

public good.

The tuaretsof tb# Wklte fund have

paid out si'U.uoo for books and it Is their

custom to expend SlOoO additional every year.' Mr. Eaton stated that the circula-

tion of tbe library here was much larger

and the expense less thsn In larger cities.

However, be tried to Impress' upon the

.HI u of his hearere that tbe work could

be carried on more successfully If a

Isrser appropriation was forthcoming from the clly.lbe amount now being |0500

He also showed how that ihe mouey

which tbe city paid for reut would go

Into the While fund to go out in turn

ni!aio fir the beutil*. of tbe public. Mr. C. U. Bell, who together with Mr Eaton

aadGj<)rgo;i>. Cabol.succerdiwt tbe first ibree trustees of the White tund, was

called upon by Mr. Eitoo. He paid a

trlbu'.e to£Ir. Ettontor the Interest be

has lalren In the matter, devoting consid-

erable of bis tlms In the carrying out of

lh« construction of the llbrsry^^Mr. Bell also touched upon the desirability of

a larger appropriation from the city, Col. Jobs P. Sweeney, Couucllman

Wiugate and J-<hn K- Brewster also offered short remarks.

, N'«.ih.mt KiiHei Corps.

- .The. ladies of Needbam Belief "Corps

held a supper and entertainment la Need- ham ball, Tuesday evening. Sapper was served from 6 until a o'clock. Then foi

two hours an entertainment was enjoyed.

This was given by Sous of Veterans from Methueo, Messrs. Thurp>, Joyce, Cogi-.

well, Fuiton snd Jones. It Included amusing dialogues, songs, banjo, piano

ami harmonica aoloa. and a general va-

riety entertalsment. It was over at )CD


apron'table. Mrs. Melvln Mills, Mrs. I Leon Hartwell and Misses Maud Swth

ami Mareia Blakeltn, assisted by Fred Crocker and Ed Vatter. The supper ta- ble was looked after by Mrs. Cieve'and Swift, Miss Matthews and Kill. PetU- grow, assisted byCromble Hall and Frank Mitchell.

CHIXA mccirnox. The Lawrence street church vestry pre-

sented an Inviting appearance, Wednes- div evening, the occa-don being a cnlns reception teodered by the ladies . of tb> Bs> evolent society. The reception wa- held from 8 uniil 10 o'clock durlus which time an orchestra rendered pleading ae- lecilons. The guest* were introduced to the reception commltttee, c imprlalOK Kev. W. K, Wolcou, Mrs. E. It Q >od- win, Mrs. Varney and Miss Wolcott After a fe v p eatent words with each tbi visitors syeya recet.e<1 by one of the younx lady assistants and escorted to one pf the ta lei ito.m- the room, wbere cocoa, chnc >laie, and bouillon wert served. i' i.- waitresses were Mis »ei- Gertrude Walnwrlgbt, Nellie Cuoate, Matile Bali'rnlder and Miss Mtbel Farr, Mrs. Mire Puller, Mrs. Fred Watnwrtgbi and Mrs. A. B. Macs. Mauy of tbe g<iei<u hrmighi pieces of china ware and a Oetu- tiful and varied collection wss received These will be u»ed ai the future cburcb sociables and gatherings.

CiHDKN srmei CUt'RCII.

Tbe vestrlea of ihe Garden street Methodist church, were crowded last evening by people wbo, after liberally paiMDixmg tbe excellent hill of far <■ served by lb» mdWi vreslly enjoyed a UDique entertainment eotliled Urandma'e Album, or pictures from real life. Music, solos, duet's snd trios were interspersed through ibe programme. It "as in aii reapetts a succeeaful affair. We append ih- programme. GraollmB,

aUai olive Lord. , 1*1 SB O SOlO,

Edna Eaatmas. Ut Ueiter Half.

I A: ...n nramroond i.rsiiilma »• abe »'»■ thirty )eara »f",

Anole M.....I,. gate,

Mr. Newell Uiandina't loanetiitT,

... K.iuli Kaac. Solo,

Etliel Fuller The Iwtna,

Lulu Ciller ami Capltula HeDleraoo, Auiourpaelo,

Walter l.lllli. Ttmlii flrl,

ytie dads, atlliio Duoatao.

ti* i*i Lcweii. Solo,

Laura Lonl. Thcfbnailtoaie nan,

' i«r ■• Hartwell Alllll'TCM,

XelUe Stack pols Oaeu.

E In* Laaiuiai), tJa Haaer. , Bride an.1 nrldcgTuon.,

Hay t"»riium and Iterl Momaa. Three tr*CM,

tilml truM, Icucte Wari, Jicole Cotttn. Trie,

U'lllti Kane, Leu tunlUi, Bert Morjan. Beaut), .

Lou Smith. .-(...lln '■■■■,-,

tlathew Maacheatar ,-• Solo aud uuartette, Mr N.wi.ti. K-Ui'i KuM,Ug Moliti and Bert

■ Morgao. itRACI ' in ncii I'tHi'ii M i-rui

The parish supper aed reception of Grace cbnrcb was bidd in the chapel Wednesday event eg. The tables presented a i retly appearance each being, adorned with cut flowers and candles. After aup- per had been served by the young lany waitresses a musical entertainment was given. The programme comprised piano selections by Mi«a Mognle Bute and duets by Misses Kicker and Helen Bradley and vocsl selection* by MuM Heler Chamber- lain snd Mr. Frederick Lincoln.

HORRIBLE^DEATH. Knocking f'aiaiHy Early This


Russell Paper Mill Employe Caught In an Elevator.

Btrnck by the Descending Oar and iBiUntij Killed.

At eight minutes before 1 o'clock to- day Martin LOBCO, a middle-aged em- ployee of the Russell Paper mill, met a

horrible death while about to commence hla afternoon's labor at that place.

He was standing on one of the floors of the pulp mill looking down tbe eleva-

tor when be was sir nek by tha elevator

which was rapidly descending.

A son of expollcen-ae Corliss, who was alone on the platform of'the elevs>- tor, did not see LOBCO till bis attertlou

was called to him by another employer.

' 'Twas then too late to avert tbe fatality

»s Loacohsd been crushed headforemoat bet we -n tbe platform snd the sides of tbe elevator well.

Tbe terrlfled boy lost~all presence of

mind when he saw Lorco's, shocking po- sition. He, jumped from the elevator,

iubsca.uent to which other bands pulled

ho rope and allowed tbe platform to rite.

As It did tbe unfortnnstB man's mang-

led remains fell into the bottom of the well.

It took but a few momenta to have the mill officials notified of the accident. At

i.r.-t it was thought that life remained in

the motionless form and the ambulance was at once telephoned for. It wss of

uo use upon Its arrival as Losco bad

some time before passed beyond sll earthly aid.

Medical examiner Howe was summoned but up to tbe time of going to press It

was Impossible to ascertain his findings. Losco was a German by birth and re-

sided with bis family on Prospect street. lie was about 4S years of age.

Ills probable that death was 'oaased

inMtantaneously.as the body wss bsdly crushed. |

Young Corliss, wbo Is but a mere lad, was almost frantic by fright after tbe

accident, aud running madly to bis borne

told the tale of the awful accident to his

parents: Ho than returned with his fstb-

si to the mill and was present when Medical Exauiner HosTTwas Investigat- ing the affair.

Mr. C J. A. Marler, although some-

what weak, Is recovering from his attack

of pneumonia.

Conductor Gordon of the eleotric

road has resigned bis position to sccopt a

like one on the Haverhlll aud Qroveland

street railroad.

—The last Issue of tbe Firemen's

Standard contains » cut snd s short biog-

raphy of James C. Cromble *0f "this cliy and also of A. H. Brewster.

Venus and Jupiter are getting far

apart in the evening »kyv -

A LICENSE gMBttloJBfflL- Lawrence Men Favor It Before

H Lefflalatlve Committee


Engineers Want More Apparatus

and More Improvements.

Tbe committee on fire department met

Monday evening to hear some recommen- dations from the board of engineers.

Tbe entire board. Chief fieal and As- sistants Collins snd limur, appeared be-

fore tbe committee. Chief Deal acted as

spokesman, and stated iho ncu a of the

department, in the order presented they were as follows I

-First—A new wagon for tbe chief, cost about «175.

Second—Two new exercise wagons, coat, about $200 each.

Third—Hose wagon ID South Lawrence, MOO.

Fourth—An addition to, or widening

of the Franklin hook and ladder house, so as to accommodate an ex'.ra bitch.

Fifth-A remodeling of Tiger 3 house by removing the present building to tbe

back of the lot and ihe building of an en- larged front.

Siitb—A ww book and ladder IraoL to cost U>ourt2000.

The members of the committee had

been around amon^ the engine bouses

alely and so they were very well able to

judge of some of the needs. - *-

They clesxly asw that a new hose wagon was needed to South Lawrence, and a new

xerci^e wagon at eugibe 2 a house. They

fell too, that ..something should be done oward placing the aerial truck in service.

On the whole, bowever.'they believed the

engineers asked too much.'They favored

allowing the most urgent needs,bul those could not be agreed upon.

Tbe committee felt very anxious to put

both book and ladder trucks In active ser-

vice, but this it seems was not counted

oee of the pressing needs of tbe depart- ment by the engineers.

Alderman Bolton favored giving the de-

partment Just what they needed. He took

ihe ground tbst tbe engineers were capa-

ble men, and knew the wan la of tbe de

parlment belter than anyone else. Thus

'hey should be given what they need,

tbove all things, the fire department should not be crippled.

Tbe committee were unable to agree on j'lstwhatio report.'and adjourned for a

few days to think it over.

From Mrs. Henry Ward Beectaer.

"Himiiii'iSr, BHOOXLVN, N t., I ►-1.. 11, i"«»

"Itwvsqsed ALiCOCOTa pLABTBBe far some rear* for myarlf and ramilf, ami, ,* iar a* anlr

■ Ihe many anff-n-ra who come In us for aaabt- .-Oi ami have r..tin.I them a tra iiloe rell«r for at of the Hrht-aan<l inlm which Be-h la heir to.

■•*'" in'-'t ALtciK-K's f unm foe all atod* uf lameneK* ami a.in.i pala, a>.d, a\ rreuueut t-». pert mi-nia, flirt that ih j ran control mauf catea uui MM il in your c. rruUra.

"Thu lb <ve la the oalv Uulmnnlal I have erer Btvea In favor «f toy I.I.I.I. i, ami u mr name h«» been inert U rteasf nenl any oiher It la with out my aottioiltj or un, Hon."

Mmt. HKMBV Wiau BiicaBR. eoiliv , .


Ihoiomaw and alia* LyUia B. Muii.ll.

KM i. iiii;-. . ii-.-, Kab. II,a daiiKhierito ur. ami Mr*. Alexander Keoii, No. It Kxebaofs

- I Kh.I.t: .In H.l- , IIT, Ftih. IS, E'lrnund »., . m ff W L. aad M K.aicelp.aKfJ Id muntl... 1'ilv.n.. burial Krl.lay at 10 A. *., from the

rcalUenoe, li Picnaant afreet. -2 t'ommonwealth or Massachaiietts.


PKOBATK COt'ltT^ To Carbllne H Foaier, and U >e« Fatter, bMn of

And-iver, ID aalrt couaty or K»ae«. 8arah t. M n>ra, ami Jnhn C. W. Mo.irr,t..rri. f Concord. lu ihusu'eur Sew Hawpihlre, and Helen M. Han of New Turk, In tbe elate of New York.

UHKKnao VUierraa, Ifenrv K. W. Hall, of ftV.aion, in the

muni of enffola. ar«l Commonwealth aforesaid, prtieuted to isld Court a petlUon, repre-

_ _ilii« Ikal he hol'ia aa tenant )h common oue utirtltliiad fourth, part or abare of certain real MUie, ntuiau-'i In aalil county of Kaaei, ami .!•■ •rrlbeil ID aahi petition, and prayjna;lbat partl-

UMfBOf Btsj be tnailo imjni'ihB Mnanta In mon thereof a.-ri.nhnu tu Uw, anrt that

tbe Commlail'.nerv appolnird In make aald parti- tlun, may i e i.nlere'l in mnie sale ai'd convey. anee of the aamea* iben In.teacilbert In the man.

cr preicrltK-d b» law, fur tbe reason iet fnrtb lu II i Billion. Yon are hereby oiled tu appear al a Probate

Court, to tie bidden at salnm.ln aairt County of

lib In tbe State, oniteendaya at leaat before aali Court, ami lr nv ouerannot beao found, by alao pubtlablDf In- Bitne in lln-

Lawrence a MEBICAW acil AndoverAuvunOR a Mwapaper printed at Lawrenoe, onoe In tach -eca, -ui Lime Hinhn.i least Inf. r* ailil Court.

WltDen, It-illin E. Harmon, taqulre, Jadae of aald court, thla Huh day of February. lu ihe year tl|l)iycii bionii art aim nlneiyiwo.

r>f J.T.alAUUNEY, Keglntr. aim, ctpy.

Stteat:- g J. T. UAHONEY, tU«ltMr.

HOME OOSHIP. Morer Advertiser OPPIOE.


The legislative committee on adminis-

trative boards and commissions began a

public hearing Wednesday on the order of Representative McAnally ot this city

relative to taking tbe power of grsotlng liquor licenses out of the hands of boards

of aldermen and vesting It in the hands of a commission appointed by the mayor. sir. McAnally aaaerted that In tbla city

there had bean a greet deal of corruption

in tbe leaning of liquor license*, under ihe

present method. Members of the board of aldermen In Lawrence have been Haan-

elally Interested In liquor licenses, snd there have been other abuses.

The appointment of a commission

would take the granting of licenses out

of politics. Comirlaalbners shiuld be ippolnted for three years, tbe term of

one member of tbe board to expire each far. Tbe public service tn Lawrence

has sadly deterloated, owing to tbe bate, ful influences springing from the system of granting licenses.

The cheapest and poorest class of citi-

zens come to tbe irout "In city politics now, the system bringing that class of men to tbe front.

Cipt. Daniel F. Dolan made a spirited

address In favor of tbe order. He drew a picture or the evils now existing It

Lawrence.and his main points were these Tbey were all attributed to the system, of

granting liquor licenses. Last year there were members of the board of aldermen

who made money out of licenses. The

granting of tbo licenses In this city are

controlled by the wholesale liquor dealers. Six of these ,]mcn are worth a million

dollars. That amount of wealth can

exert a great amount of Influence over a

bosrd of aldermen. The liquor dealers

make out a list of ihe names of persons

to whom they wish licenses to be granted

and tbey usually bsve enough power to

compel compliance with their demand. Capt. Dolan thought It would correct the

evil if the granting of licenses were taken

out of the hands of alderm in and placed

lu tbe hands of a commislou ap-

pointed by the mayor. He was not in

favor of a commission to be sppolnUd

by the state, lie believed In elites con- trolling their own local affairs.

The committee alao beard the petition

of W. P. Cherington for such changes In

the laws as will more clearly define and limit the powers and duties of tbo bosrd

of police of the city .of Boston. Tbe

changes asked for by Mr. Cberrlngtoi

are Intended to prohibit tne police com-

mission from declaring licenses forfeited

wben tbe courts fall to convict licensees of s viohuion of the law-

Damped In tbe Ditch. A sleighing party from Lawrence,

ssya the Lowell Times, csaia to Lowell

Monday evening and stopped at the Rich,

ardaon honae. They left for home abjut 11 o'ejock and when a mile ont of the city

the driver, who seemed to hiye improved

tbe opportunity for unlimUel t>>oa-t man-

aged in some way to upset the paasen gera and a M: ire of yuuog men aul girls who were la tbe barge were stood

their beads In the snow in t e ditch. The

driver was toon souered up enough to

gain control over the borses while two

gentlemen in a culler wbo were pausing

by at tho time went to the rescue of the

ladles and soon had tbom on their fu-j again and although tbey were badly

shaken up they had escaped serlou.i inj

ir.-i. The slelgb wei righted and the parfy

were soon on their wav to Lawrence. AI

refused to give thelr-names but volun

leered the Information tbey I were from Lawrence. '

I Itxxl linns on a Slelsrhrldo. . 1

A Methuen sleighing party, composed ein.ii t-iy of mates, acted in the most dls-

g raceful manner possible v bile enroute to Lowell Monday evening. Tbey insulted

ail paaairB-by, hooted aud yelled at ev-

ery house and acted ..more like young

hoodlums than full grown men. An un-

limited (low of vulgar and obscene Inn

g uige imilted frum their sleigh duties the entire trip, much to the disgust of

sll wltbln hearing, and as ibty refused to

aiiojv any Blelgb golr>g ihe same way

pass tbem, the feelings of those In tin ir

wake cankbe better Imagined than dt

scribed. A wholesale srreat pf sucb pub-

lic disturbers would have a wholesome

tfleet, snd teach all like .hoodlums to know their place.

Andover to Boston, e-SO, 7:4n, 8:06,8.83,0:43 . 19:31, l,»:37,l:aa,aae,4:»6te:il,', "

' SundaT, 7:*e,S:3Sa.in.; I'J :-'0, i :3i, 6:53,i T:Bl..p m. , ,

Boaton to Andover,8.00, 7 :.10, A :30,10:3S II :IB .m;U:Outn.;l-Ml<-, 1:1ft. i 30, 8:20, 4:03, 6:00.

mm. H :t.\ ;.oo, n.iio p. m. Sunday, 8,00, II :43 a.m.;R:ll0,e:0t 7*0 p.m. Andoverto Lawrence,? :(HS :i3,B :00,10:«4,ll :S0

JiWa. m.; 13:«0, I :tm, 1 r.ti.3 :U4, 3:43,4 -OS.SrtW, ft:4ft, fl-47,7 :.'H,7:W. p. m-

Sunday, a*ns a.m., KMQ.e :14,8:47,8*1 p.m. Lawrence to Andover,0:40,7 80,7 :ftS,C ttti.sM

10.0, 11:00 a.m.! \iO, 13:W, 1:16 *1:9A, 3:10.1 :Sf>. 4:i«, ft'SJ. 8:40, *7 :04, «:S0 p.m. '

Sun'lavT:3n, 8:18 a. in; 1J :10, •4/ift, 6,336:40, 7 43.9:08 p. m (•Vrom Soetb Side.) Andoverto Lowell,, /, 10:38, 11:10

i.m.; 1187.1.40,3:44, f '" ' Sunday 7:41,8:33 a.n

p.m. Lowell to Ahdoror.S :3ft, 0:20, 10:69 a. m l'J

rOG, a 08, 8 3d, ft 10, ii l.'i.ti ftft, 11 id p. m. Sll in In y 5 -1111, tn.. !.:.'>.->, :< :s:>, 7:30 p. m. Andoverto Salem,7:0-i,x7:4S}a.m. 12:80,

p.m. Salem to Andover, 7:00, \10;3i, 1) :30 a.

Lawrence in Lowell,

Mayor Do^, Cily C erk (VUearu and

members of tbe commltiee on public

property, went to Lowell Tues-

day to lnspeet scbooihonsea there aud oiher public buildings. They w

entertatued by he Lowell committee

lands and buildings, aud afte; Inspecting

several school houses visited thu city

farm In the aflern^o whero they were properly cared for by Col. and- Mrs. Tin-

der. They were pros'nt at the meeting

of the aldermen lu the evening- and aftei

wards attended the opera house. They came borne on thu theater train.

Will Visit » ant on *

Col. Frank M. Merrill, cormnsnding

iho 4th Regiment Patriarchs MllllaLt t>r

ibis slate, baa decided to officially visit

each canion In tbe regiment, accompsuttd by bis staff and commandants and cat-

tains of Component cantons. Grand Can- ton Agawain will be viaiud March 17

With the patriarchs who will accompany him around among the cantens are; Capt.

f< L. Cslderwood, commandant Grand

C-uton Agawam No. 17; Captain. Geo. K.

R>gefS, captain Component Canton No, :■:. After tho vlsiuilon In Ljwtll, ibe

olonel will tender a banquet, compllmeu Ury to hla stall", at ihe American house.

At If mi nt un Bros. . — ai

Tuornton Bres., (tn addition to a

fresh Invoice of Jardenleresj of all slses. Including tbe .baamlful Bpanlsfi ware)

bave made a new departure and will be pleased to show their frleuds at their

Xtensive green homes on Broadway s

iarse display of bisque good*1, In every

conceivable shape and design, so deslr- ablu at present, (filled with doweraj for

uTgsgement, weddteg and Easter gifts. — 1—■*■*«.» «...— .

Quorum Lacking.

A meeting of the republican city com-

mittee waa called for Mondsy evening fonfla purpose of organizing for ihe

campaign of next fall but only a small

number were present snd no definite sc-

tlon was taken Is regard to the matter.

Local Manager.


Winter Arrangauiant, Octobers, ISS1.

» li. «.ii*»u»u'IS, Agent.

I I'). B.OO | Going Nortti,i i Mancheater, :21 a.m.,

Sunday 9:06,a.oi.6.47 p-m. Uotiin Raat,7:03sis. 8:23, 9:00.10:14H S.

12:50*. I :2tt,3:4JllAK,4:»,8:4S, 6.47ll*», T:MH

Sunday, 9:oe a.m. H Ax, 0:47n, p. m' (H. Haverhlll. s. Newtiurvport. H. A K. Ua-

rerhlll and Newhoryrort)

AILS ol-KN. rrom Boston, New York, Sniiih anU Weat.s.OS

9XK)a.m. I 30, 7.30 p.m. from Kant, l.w,ftiai 7.45 p. m. From North, l.;w, 6.00 p, m. Worn Lawrence s.Onn. m., 1.30,A.D0,p,m, From llnlUnl Vuli'.U on ii. in.5-no i>. m.

II AILS CLOSE. Tor Joaton,New York,Southand West,7.00,8 JO

i. in , 12 m, 846 p.m. For Kii-t, S.0O a. in. 3.40 p. in. For North,S ooa. m. 3.40 II. m. For Ijiwranee, S.Oon. m.'i in. 3.40, p. m. »o HtUliint Vale, lim. 6:48p.m. Honey Unle>r office (ilonteallc and foruljtn) o|

II S.IKl O ]i II Legal Ii oil ilaya office open fioi 9JUB

Waabington'i birtbday, Monday, Feb. 22.

The eleetrici commenced runnlneon the li 111 Monday evening fur tiu Ant time itnce the snow storm.

Mr. and MM. J 1m McKonzie deairo to thank those kind friend* wbti hiivu aaalnied jhom I>T word and action.

Tbe will of tbe lats Uoaes B.Abbott waa proven In ihe Essex county probate conn Jieia In Salem laat Monday. I

Mr. and Mm Jamea 11. Huilth left yeiterday ra month'* loi-mrn In Brooklyn, N. Y-,

Philadelphia and. Vlneland. X. J. .

Last Wednei'lay aftonioon anout 30 young ""' yed a .alelgiirlde

Pray furulahed BJ i'

Tbe members or iho Elm club will give their flr*t dauemg parly in tbe town hall next Wed- no*day eveulnx. Tbo music will be furnished by the Qernianla orebenira of BoitoU and neither painn nor money will bs spared to make tbe party a auccm. A special car will run ' accommodate Lawrence. Irleudi.

It la rumored that Mr. Jamea P. Butterfleld will not allow hi* name lo he used a* a mem< b. r or the waier hoard at iho forthcoming can- cua. Tbe reason 1* ill health. If *ur4ibstbe co*d we il i nut knuw of a better man tu llll tile poaitiou tban Julm L. Smith. Mr. Smith lias done more for uur water aupply than any other one man in town ami we feet confident that he would make a very eitk'lcut member, of tbe bonrd.

Last Friday evening the town ball contained a larfre and appreciative audience to luten to the distlngnUtied lecturer, the Rev. Joseph Cook of Button- Tbe auMect cboten waa "Ultimate America." Prof. Bancroft In a few pleasant remark* Introduced tbeipeaker. Utter began liy laying that ibe only ro«d for Ai'icrii-ii I* HK Ruvernmeni and thai all other forma of government are W)rn up in Un-. try and ioo*uiieU frum their root*everywhere annum intelligent people, lieihenshowed bow tue prineijle»o!i!Cl(.|roverntiii;iit are being uu- denidned by tho iiiillifk-mioii of the irn.(ran teed flails ufa part ot tbe citizena of inir country.

Nil matter what change war inlKbl bave Wrought, aald the speaker, it ba* not affjeted HID i-lnii.iie iiii.l tlmi tbo ii-uni I* an integral part of-Hteeoantrv. Noxt he-epoke alioul tbe pbjvlcal potBihiiitie* of the country ibowlng it* Size and faviirahle''situation aa compared wltb other*. It waialao *buwn tbai America poeaeeaed more arable land -tban afttheotttcr .■uui i en [, and (hi* from ber standpoint of tlie gained her one of her greatest opportuniliea. Ibe population of tbe country wa* next taken up. He believes that we will grow as fast In the future a* in the past. He also .quoted Mi (.i.i.I-'.HI- a* (.-.Mil,.n II.T MII,- population a. Hoo.lKW.OtWhy. ti,e /Car 2QpU Ir tbo rate of iucieaae will even approach ihe tiumber iilven, America' mil bectnne mc eentru of tbo Kngliah tpcakiug world and wilUetilie example for It. inen lullnved a d-scrlptiou of the several countries ibniu^h nhk-U be bad travelled, Eng- land. Scotland uiul from thenco to the Medtier- ranean, tbe K-.l »ca and tne Indian ocean, India aud Cbiua and finally return* to Amer- ica, and nutwiilniaitUiug all tbe pomp, of for- eign uatioui their titles, etc., be prefera to be an American. He then touched on tbe political aapecljof tbe country. We are nut without danger, said the tpeaker, and chief among tli»M i* the mcady lucreaaa of our elite* for be- foos long one-lonrtli of tbe pipular vole will come from thai source. Another danger Is ibe Increasing nuirh-r of voter* win remain away iroiu tlie nod*. Ho believes that com puiiury voting-I* a* much a necessity aa uui vcrsal sutTrnife. Tnu speaker then took up the different reliiilous denoiuliiBilun* and their re- lation to tbe liquor quoinon and ive thought tbo remarks very pointed. The *peech waa closed bv a heautiml VMlon of Lincoln, Oranr and Uaitield, tiiosc illii-tiriou-i American* win have taught liiieriy am' intelligence. These were efficient but not suindent. I.t-tlv be saw Him who bad iicen pierced, come form saying, "I alone am .ultteieiit." So cloted one of the beat lecture* jfblcli ha* l«en given here for a long nine and for iwo hours ttie speaker held hi* audience m rapt atleniluu.

Tho Andover Huu«e Association held open Ing reception, at 6 itniliu* street. Bo.ion, the borne oi lutroigdinzuifoi], Wcdneaday. Two mfuimalrcceptioiii M-ere tendered to members and frleudi from 3 to !i ad from 8 to 10 p m.

The aluisof the askiK-iation are educational and aocioloKiial, ami ibe e»tacll, ilisin i iir new social centre*, lucti as club*, home libraries, etc. Tne emir,: buu*ti ha* been luiiii-h.n a* a borne. Iu*iliutiuiial feature* bave been avoided. The plan I* to have every

who enter* ibe building (Mine in under iuence of hospitality. Frequent social

gathering* will be held in the parlor*. TLere are f»ur good-aned room-, two of them aemug aa »tii.lv room- ior icitidciits. which can be uacd

lub* andelausei. Oroups of men and of boya are being formed who will corns lo the bouae uncea week for auch klud* of Improve- ment and reon-aiioti as may seem most suit-

Arrange II lent* are ado making to give ) of the room* on certalu nlghla to a

girls' club, which will be In charge uf women associate worker*.

A hagipnlni u being made upon a aoclulog- ii nl library, and a course of lecture* on aoclal and eennoiiiic topic* I* aoou to l>e announced.

Tbe exiwme oi iho boaaa for tbe Ural yoa.- la jt cxp. ,-ied to exceed jjaorfl. Thla sura in-

cluuci rental, *Wiu; tbe running cxpenae* of tbe i.oii-..., exclu.Ue of tlnr -Imai-d of ro»ldi)jitafc a'KiuteHiMi; mid tt,a furiiighlng* of the home, ~'ioul« 10110.

The iiirniihingoftho house ha* been done by ,miiire emulating of Hie following ladle*: ra. Huniiltnii A. Hill, Mr*. PreuetlCk I).

Allen, Mrs. Henry I). Proctor, Mrs. 0. A. Hopkins anil Mrs. William J.TncKor d( An dover.

Tbe men now In residence are: Itotiert A. Woods, heai' of the house: Edward H. Chan- dler, Itov. John A. !k-viii.;( ,ii aud Ueorge P. Morris.

Last sini.lay morning nearly tioo people as- sembled at Christ church to linen tu the lllgbt Rev. Phillip! brook*, bishop of the- dioccie Every seai in the eddleo was occupied and the il*les filled with tbe com* regal Ion ahiehwas MPtposed of perions of - ions deuomlnaltiun*.

Tbe service wai enndiie. , In- tbepastor, tbe Frederic Palmer, the •i-rnioo being deliv-

ered by llisliop brink*Aukmg for blitexl "


The warrant bat beeh issued for tbe annual wn meeting on Monday, Match 7, at 0 a.m. Tho warrant la one t>f tbe abortett for years. Tbe flrat ten article, to be acted upon are tbe

customary o'nei fortbe election oftown officers, the amount ot appropriation* ami action on ihe regular reports.

Tbe Important.special ankle* for■ considera- tion are as follow*:

ixtenilon of the water pipes and for additional slreet llgbti. •

To *ee if the lowu will vote to build a aide- ilk on the south hide of Klin slreet from tbe

house of C. 0: Camming* to William s. Law- houao ard appropriate a mm of money

therefor, on petition of thirteen leg*' roter*. To ice If the town wilt appoint a committee

to consider and Investigate the subject or pro- dding a public perk Jn Andover and report ;hcreon with recommend1 at Ion i a* to deilrable location and cost of tame at tome future town meeting, on petition of John N. Cole and others. _ ____

lii-v. P. A. Wilton bss returned from Orono, Maine, and will preach In the Free church next Sunday.

Prof, and Mm. John Pbclpt Taylor are visit- ing (or a few weekt In New Haven, Conu.

Phillips began her bate ball work In eameat last Saturday afternoon. Hllberto the prac- tice baa been confined to tbe new candidate* wbo began work at tbe l*glnning of tbe Una snd to the battery player*. The new caodl* datca hare been going through tbe usual rout- ine practice work of the early part ot the tea- _ n.

Therearconlr toar of last year'a uam In school. Tbey areas follows: Catcher Murphy who will captain tbe team of '.'-'; Jennings second bate | Crawford and Milliard of the out Held. ' .

A good numlier of candidate* are tn Ing for e' team: Anderson, Archibald, Branch,

Clarke, Collate, Dewey, Drew, Duncan, Fales, Polev, Griffiths, Holderuian, Hisan, Hedges, Hull, Hone, Huichlnion, Milliard, Stiiiitoii, Siiuiniini, Jeunings, Crawford, Paige, Tin un psim, Boutwell. Oreenway, Donovan, Capt. Murpbyv - - -

Tbe new material Is showing up very nicely and tbe only really weak plate I* tbe box and Il It feared ihat brilliant holding will bave to be relied upon. .

Yesterday Ibe candidates took lurni at •topped grounder* at tbe gymnasium after whicbltbey took a short run.

Capt. Murphy will put the men on tbe dia- mond at toon as po*»lble.

The manager*, Weverhauser, Howard and Hopkins, are very tm-v completing their sched- ule of games which we will publl»h wben com- pleted. The Start of tbi* city will undoubted- ly have a aeries of four games.

The beat valentine wat a sltlghriie.

Dr. 8. L Moore and wife of Huston visited friends here Wednesday. fa

Mrs. 8. K. Goldsmith and daughter Mitt Louise of Boston are sojourning In town.

We have on hand some- very desirable prop- erty which will bo sold on easy termt.

The ladles missionary circle of tbe Wei: church met at Mr.. J. 11. Colquohoan'a Tburi- day afternoon.

MUa Gertie Edwards entertained a party of Cm; people at ber borne in Wett Andover

t Tuesday evening.

Mitt su-.it Meldrum li tuhilltutlng In the Ablmtt vll(a<re*cboul during the illness of Mitt Margaret C. Donovan.

Pray conveyed a am II sleighing party to Ltwrenca Monday evening. Tbey made Hotel Brunswick their headquarter*.

The leap year party In tbe G. A. It., ball by tbe young ladies or Andover this evening will undoubtedly prove a great success.

Tbo refl jctlon last Saturdav evening canted many a one to woi.der where the fire waa, but It appears It was caused by ih^northern light*.

About 2.1 member! of the Puncbard Free School enjoyed a ride to Liwell last Tuesday evening Supper wai served at tbe American House and a very pleasant tima was bad.

Mr. Walter Smith who baa bee a employed by R C. Pike on Park street fur tne pa>t sev- eral mouths, will limih up next Saturday, In all pro lability he will go to Swampjcott.

On account of lack of apics we could not publish the town wairaat in full, but we hare nod>ubt ibat by tbia time tbey will be po-ied all over town aad we reserved oar column* for newt.

Tbe several stable keeper* hare had their hearts made glad by the sleighing of the past several days. We bene It will continue for tbelr sake aa It has been a remarkable bard winter for their businet*.

Last Monday eveniuv the choir from tbe Walker slreet Episcopal church, Home if Prayer Lowell, drove to town In a*leigh bt-ge and spent tho evening at tbe reiidencaof their music tl director Mr. George W. Stover in the Cape District. *

The Farmers Club will dhcusi tbe topic of "Hlgbwaj*, Uldowalka and Village Improve- ment*," al an adjourned meeting in be held on Thursday evening Feb. J.iin at 7 l'> P- m. M»-niber< are requested to note tbe dale and call the alUniAjpu of other* to"the mwtitlg; ~

Martha Caldwell of Andover, a stylishly dressed wotniu uf 35 years, wai arre-ted by a police IntpBCtor yesterdav afternoon fur shop- lifting In ibe store of Hoigtinu A Dutton -Sbe I* char-god With Healing about ;*) worth of f iin-v articles. She laid, when first arrested that the lived In Lowell, and that her action. was caused by slavery to tne,morphmo _ habit. —Boaion Herald.

Tbe ix'iard or registrars met in the town treasurer'* office last Monday evening and ad- ded eight name* to the vutin^ list. They will meet in Ballanlvale next Monday (Washing- ton's tunliday i at 7 30 p. ni , alter which one more meeting will lie held iu tbe treasurer's room March .2nd utid that wllj be tho laat chance for any one to bave tbelr names put on tbe li*t previuu* to tdwn meeUng.

Unclaimed letter* a Ivertlied Fab. 15,1692: Abbott Warren, Currier Byron I', Uarunuter 4. C, Chase 4 Co. Blacks in lib, Dunning Mil* Magirie, Feneriy* Hattte, Fro*t L K , Gale Hyde, llealey J F, Hunt l.ua, Jameson A H, McGown Hrni v A, Moran H.ui.-i A, fcHrrer Miss. Marse J.'Me-Glynn Henry, Morton Nel- son G, Shaw William, Sullivan Maggie, Thompson A L, Taylor Clara, Taylor Clara, Wallace Rebecca-

lloliert Herri* Dancan, *on of Her. Samuel W. Duncan, D D. or Ilium ill, died Wednes- day of tcarlcl fever, aged 14 years. He was a undent In Phillip* Academy aud went homo nek Saturday night, lie grew rapidir worse, tut ihe nature ol the dieeate was not discovered mill Monday, and tuen all efforts proved fa- de. The disease was In a mu<t severe form, ind tbe care naturally crea'fli much uneasineas

among hi* fellow student* m the acadimy a* the ynuni man bad com planed of feeling un- well aeveraldayt before.

Tbe following'case cams be'ore tbe Lawrence police court latt week. Freeman it la laidli a carpenter and worked In town. Henry J. Free- man was cbargid with adultery and Annie Connelly wim tormcatlon. They ware repre- ■entud by Lawyer Bradley. Tbe government witnesses, Deputy Sheriff Cole of Andover and Officer Beiioit, found tbe two In a room at 507

reel Saturdav morvnng The story for toe detence was that Freeman bad a ilng be- longing to the *lrl, wblcb sbe thought be wou'd dispose of, so the tiald away from ber work to "n turn ant) gel (be ring. Tuey had some drink

id Ho il'y wound up iu the room where noth- ing improper occurred. The court refu-ed to believe this tale, and lined ihe girl i-'< or two months. Freeman was held for the Newbury port term la *>500.

Per the benefit of our readers we quote sec- in 8 and H—chapter .'■:»—oi tbe public statute* iv11 lo the rum .val of Ice and snow irom

sidewalks. Sccilon H—"Any town may at lit al meeting eiUhlinb by-lawi to provide

fi i- ihe removal of ice and mow to inch an ex' tent a* tbey deem expedient frum sidewalkl

Ithln flu limit* of tne Idghway or town wav therein." Section 0—"Said by latf shall de- teimine tba^ time and manner of rem .val and shall aunex penalties to be recovered in an ac- tion of tort, not exceeding teu dollars for each

loUtiiin by any owner or tenant of an- estate .iiiiiiiiinr upon said sidewalk " Now tbe qnei-

tion Is, has tbe town of Andover got an. mcb by-law. We bave looked orrr the by-laws and cannot llml any that bears on that que*tloo and ao far at we know none bat been passed. In that event the town ba* no.power over abhut- er* for not removl g ice or mow from the aldfl- walss in front ot their premises.

Tbe memben of Council 65, Royal Arcanum met In their council room last Friday evening when Mr. 1. N. Faruuin was duly Initiated iutu tlie mysterlet of tbe order, and another application was presented ami may be acted upmi at the next meeting which will be held next Friday evening. We hope to *ee a large number ol the brother* present un that etca- slon. It must be iememi>ertd that tbe welfare of ihe order depends noon ibe prosperity cf tbe subordinate co .mils and for that reason we call upon every brother to interest thtmsBlvc* in this work and assist In swelling our rauk* that by tbe end of tbe preitnt year we can look back v. itli tome pride upon Hie work ne Lave accomplished. It will be teen that our organ- ization i* in a very Qouritblng condition there fore remember ilia next meeting nlgbl and

John I6tl| chap. lOth reiser "If ye keep my ■ bring wilh you tbe name-of dime acceptable cnnimaiidments ye (hall abide in mv love, even ■ Pe,rB,in "r,° bl" "PP'^d (or membership. Spec- as I hare kept my Father's corniueudnieute - U! omL'1"1 *"•** 12r ''•* been Issued by tbe and abide In His love." Tho icrijiou was an »up«iua council, giving the L-ondltlon uf the or- eloquent and impirin/ one, and delivered In tbe '. "er st the cloaanf business Dec.-31, 1801. The bishop's usual vmamus style, bis tall and well \ *clQs' gsett elafmi, which are nnointeited, proportioned ligurc rising from the pulpit clad ' wer, *30^!no- c**h balunc?, g28,J,208 97; held in the black aud white vesifin-nt rolais of the I '"r delayed claims, i!.'i,500; esliiiiatc.l due uu church formed an Impressive picture; while Ule*imci,l Us, *3000; estimated amount of every word and icnteuce was listened In with ' *»se»*niB0t 15U in the hanua of subordinate r!ose*t a'tenilon. Alter tbe sermon the blahop ! treil!Urr'''i A^IO.OOO; total aasetfat, gttU.raf) 97; administered the riib- of coiiIlnuBiton to six "**'• "'•*•*'« "tr actual claim*, |177 048.- candidaies and delivered an address to them 9''■ de"acl for contesud claims, $15,000; as- lb the afternoon the bishop visited Grace ! MtB 0T<f '" c'slm*. fl77-Ote)D7; balance st Episcopal church, Lawrence, where be adiniu- ; l*B,,,n|"l 0I year, (214,1^9 «! delayed elaiin* Istvred the nte.of conlirmatinn tu twenty-four *31 Botl' re,"cl*ad during year for asseisment*, candidate!, lu the evening be occupied tbe ♦■U^MIS-M; lotal fund., S3.375.0IB 97; pay-

s pulpit where a large congregation greeted , ln,'lJ,, uufl"8 ?*"> »3,U9e,!W. The death bit sU'iject being ' "Piiruicatinn and obedi , c'*11"* P**d *«"> 1044 and part* of four others, totrmu." He remained with the Jiev, ' spplicailum received by supreme secreiary dur-

Mr. Amory of Lawrence over nlgbt returning i In*; tbo vear, 10,9)2; relniiatementt, 300: sal ' i Boston Monday. peniion* and expulsions, 247H;, permanent

-^ ,.,-.„. , . I wtthdiawals, 80; etttmatad memWrship, Dec. TueclilKGi cancui for the nornanation of 31, 1891, 125,015; net hicrease tor year abont

town officers Istu I* held in the town ball one 13,509; cuuncils, l4I0;XandImJSL 10 week from next Motiday evening, -(Feb 20). i cerilllcatc* outstanding, J305,77B.OOO; death We hope to ice a large galhcr|.i^ gnd also a benefits paid from orge,,i».i,on to Dec Jl, lt61 full and fslr expression ,.f opinion. So far at »18,37U78 20; total deaths pro* n. 6217 a. wecanfearnihere ate 'two caiidiilates. John tcasment* In 1891, 15; total to Dec. 31, 158. 8. Stara and Dr. ft hat tu. k both Of Hallardvala, I Official circular 48 from the supreme cour-cil oesioei tlie.-otsa dark horse spoken of from announce* tbe dcaih of Supreme liegent ^r- tbe Centre disiiet. Just who that li wo do Ing, aud directs that tbe cbaiters of the several not know and should such be the ca.B it Is grand coundli be draped at ihe coming auuual bard to te Un" who will receive the uomina- - sculoni, and tbst the chsr-ert of™u^"lnats Jion; but II rsmalni with the Voters. There- council, be draped for three moutbi. fore let them mm ont on the oc-ation men- We have on haod several application blanks •"x*1- 'vhich will i» kindly fBxnithsJTio mmbsra

Mn. June* H. 6mlth 1* viiitlng her old Mendi Mr. and Mri. Richard M. Abbott at their boms ID VineUml, N. J.

Last Monday afternoon the electric ciri re- lumed their regular trip on the Hill. The itorm of imt week wit ttie menus of derangloa, all of the overhead wire*. The telephone common I- latliiN between here and Lawrence baa Juit been replaced a day or two ago. In regard to the electric can, it wa> tbouglit at one time that H would he I in pus* I bio to come over to the Square lmt Supt. Morton went to work and bad thing* ktiaJKbtened out anil with the exception of Friday afternoon the cant bare kept remark •- lily food time. We have no doubt In fact we know that Supt. Morton ti doing everything to run tbe care on time, not only tuat but he looks out (or the Internet of the traveling pub- lic by making tbe riding between bere end Lawrence ae comfortable a* possible. In fact It It remarked by those who visit u* from tome of our larger cities,on tbe nice tend pleasant manner In wbtcu Hits heating of tbe cars li tat- tcndeo to.

ebii. Bortt of Lrntrtt m-towm—

We have got tome nice tenements to let; alto ■□me good property to tell.

' Only eleven tramps booked at the police •tatlou lait Wednesday evening.

The Mechanic* will bold a lad lea night la A. 0. V. W. ball next Wedneiday evening.

Remember tbe caueni will be called to order ■17-30 prompt on the evening of Feb. 20.

Tbe town rrporta will probably be ready for dl.uluutiuu tbe Utter put of next week.

Tbe teacheri of the Centre Intermediate building took tbeir visiting day Monday.

Tbe phonograph exhibition In tbe Free rbnrcb vealry ibis evening will be quite a nov- eity. |

The aelectmqn transacted nothing out of tbe uiuat routine business at their meeting last Tuesday.

The Morrlll twlni of Chicago gave an enter- tainment lu tbe tteptut church tail Wedneiday

' evening.

A funny Incident wae told of the absent- nilndettneii of a well known carpenter a few dayi ago.

persons who want brown bread and beans Sunday morning* should leave tlielr eider at KaiMslanil's Uaaery antfover street,

Mr. Gt artes Greene conveyed several mem- beraof the Belter corps bom* from the meat* log In Andover last Tuesday evening In nla pong. \

Tue Harmony association Is still on tbe lu creese; they accepted four applications for memberablp at their regular meetlog last Mon day eventig.

The bouse of Tlomthy Lowo on High street Is undergoing a deal of lmp'ovement. A new ell la betug built: Bralnard C'uumlngs of Audover ladolugtho work.

The Kev. Dr. UauafleM delivered a very li.- tereailng lucture lu llradlee hall last Tuesday

enlugoa "raleiilue ami the Holy Land." Toe views were very good and much enjoyed.

John Corcoran met with a u.uter mishap Mae —{^iy*- ** wppeare—thitt--whtlu Ma sesHn wee

hllc.bed near a bulldlog that the anew started to in tbe roof and did considerable dam

•gets bis elelgb.

Prof - r. A. Siowell opened ,nla dancing class quite auspiciously last Friday evening with M itiombera. TUe setxind lesson will be given to- nigui when It Is expected that atveral more pupils will Join.

JohiiTraloar of Lawrence-aud William Ual- tin ut Bjliard Vale are the partners lu a new local bakery Arm to bugln business shortly In Lawrenoe. Tuuy will run teams through An- dover and 0*1 lard Vale.

Tbe askemblv by tbe drum -;orps .In Bradlee hall neat Mouday evening will undoubtedly be qmieuuaffitr. 1'ariow'a orebesir* of Law-

men will niriil-li music; Uis giuul lujrcb will agio at 7 30 o'clock. I

TheY. P. S. C. K, ot the Congregational church uoMibo lira or a aeries of moutmy so- ciables la>t Wednesday evening aWl a very en

time was syjnt- sir. Knoeland fur- nished refieshinuDta from his well sucked store

Mr. Wm. Ledwell baa has added another chair to bla tonsorlal room and baa secured a good barber to preside over It.

Next Wednesday occurs Ibe regular month- ly meeting, and tbe last lesson In gymnastics also will be given the teacher* the tame after- noon.

Mr. John Ferguson, employed' by Messrs. Anderson and Bowman our well known black- smiths, is visiting friends lu Nova Scotia dur- ing the present week.

Mlts Donoavn li confined to ber home with ■ck of pleurisy aud ber place In Abbott

A petition is being signed requesting onr storekeepers to observe Washington's blrtiiday, Monday, Feb. 22, by closing their places of business ana we have no doubt but every store- keeper la.town will comply with the request. Sucu being tbe case tbe stores will be closed on Monday. All orders will be taken tomorrow to that there need bo no loconvenlence to any • one.

f Friday evening the West church sociable was held at tbe home of Mr. Edward Boutweli, about 60 being present. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. A peauut scramble was one of the many games played. The nuts were concealed In various part* of the bouse and at a given signal all started to search for them and tbe search was kept up for five min- ute* when the person having tbe largest number was awarded a prise, tbe same being gained by Miss Molly Smith. A booby prize watglven to the one (hiding tbe smallest number. A supper *** served and all concurred in feeling tbe evening to be both profitable and amusing.

The Ladle* Relief Corp* tendered a*very en- joyable social and danciug party to the young friends who assisted loom so much in tiuir production of tbe "Business Men* Caruival" Thursday evening In the O. A. R. ball when tbe following musical and literary program wa* gone through: Music,

Mr. Marland. Reading,

Hiti Lltile Emerton. Recitation,

Mis* Alice Dell and Muter Bouter. Banjo solo.

Mr. Marland. Reading,

Milt Fannie Meldrum. Music,

Mr. Rhodes. Collation.

Pantomime, "Cinderella", Dancing was afterward* enjoyed for a 111 lie

while much to tha delight of all present.

Frye Village.

Miss Mary McCrae of Saratoga la visiting at "~honw_oT*Tls~i A~gu.es Smith.

Mis* Agnes Morrison tendered her scholars aslelghridu to Jletnueu jast Wednesday eve- ning which was much enjoyed.

Several married and rottrrtajeablo people who were returning hmno from the t«a- party laei Friday evealug »o ma 1U 30 electric, were In a

"very jovial stood sod apparentlybad cujoyed a dellgutiul evening.

About a week ago Mr. John Uowatt met with a rather palnlul accident whereby tbe lingers on his ilgnt naod wuro severely- bruised, lie has recovered so far however, as .to' be able to re- sume, his work agalu.

List Friday evening abo-t 7.30 o'clock tbo trolley wlro at Poor's lurooat buried on'. the Illumination iorsev<ral mluuce* was *( thing unsurpassed, and those who witnessed the spectacle, say It was a keamlfel sight.

Last Saturday afternoon tho children enjoyed 'every pleasantttmo at ibelr tea party held ID

MIS hall. Ui. Poter It. Smith and Miss Ullcacl oonirlbutcd toward tbelr enjoyment by each SdDdlog caudles which were duly appreciated by the little ones.

Miss Agnes Morrison treated her scholar* to a slelgbfids lust Wednesday nficrooou. They visited MeMiuen, North *o lover and Lawrence? at ihs latter piacd luncheon was served after which they returned home well aaUsOed with their *f .•rnoou's outing.

List Sunday afternoon as two men were driv- ing aloug the upper road they mat an cleorlc; the horse overturned the sleigti ihtowlug the oscupsutt out Imo tho snow and started at a break nees pace for iin. village where be was captured. The men lulled from Tcwktbury and fortunaWlv escaped Injury.

Th* tea party which wits glvon |o ihe res) - dems of the village by the young people last Friday evonlUif, wis a very enj iynble affdr and MM oouimli eu whi In I the arrangements In charge should feel highly pleased at the ad- inh.iiiiii ru-iuuer in whlcQ everything passed off. Tho oualrnun nf tho evening was Ueaejii WhUamC Diuallwiio pre.su ntu I the follow- ing programme I KeclutKm, "Lon drills Jlra,"

Sli.1 di ha imrklcy.

In the peanut rrab contest, B. M- Stevent captured Ibe lit prise, a barrel of applei, grab- bing 03 peanuts. That wa* In the gents clan. For tbe ladles Mil* Lettle Barker took Ihe hon- ors, pulling out 00 peanuts, and receiving a pair of ladles' slippers.

Tbe guess cak- weighed 4 Ibt.. 14 1-2oi., and R. eilspt* gneiied 6 lb*., and received the prlu.

Fool rest, 311, A. E. Aldrlch, Lawrence. B. M. Steven* won Ut prlu, umbrella. In the

cane ringing contest, and Oeo. L. Barker the 2d prue, pair of gent*' slippers

Thomas Mitchell defeated Fred Baldwin In tbe contest for ihe jig *ar, collecting 91H.15, to the latter'* $12 05. ~ ■ *

Besife Dame defeated Oracle Barker In the cmteet for tbe child'* rocker, collecting #13.05,

< tbe latter'* $10 68. Walter Bnrnbam defeated Leonard Groahcck

In the contest for the hoy'i salt, collecting $12. 00. to tbe letters $0.19.

. Abbott aud Marluud'a.

Mr. Albert Saundera of Uaverhlll spent Sun. day In town.

The bulk of the village new* failed to arrive at the ofDce in tuna for publication.


Tbe annual meeting of tbe Merrimuck Val- ley Coogregatioual Club will be held in the Centie Church, llaveriiill, Monday evening. Siicui hour from a to 6. Sapper at 6. Ad dreas by Rev. Wolcott Calkin*, i'- 1)., of New. ton; subject, "Wealth a* a Factor in the Ag {Mstn Work of tue Church." Addtet* by

lev. William Q. I'uddleiouti subject, "Per- COIIHI N-iyife in tbe Aggresive Work of the Church." Ladies are invited.

Congrenman Steven* will arrive ID town this week, to remain a few day*.

After evensong at St. Paul'* Church, Friday :venlug, the aduil**ioo of ten member* into

tbe Uiris' Friendly Society took place with ap- propriate exercise*-

Mr. Charles S. Stearns ha* gone to Maine on ■ Iwo weeks' business trip. During bis ab- sence Mr. David Michael* of i3o*ton will be In cnarge o/ bis pharmacy.

A dog belonging to Mr. P. P. Daw wa* run over aud instuuily billed by tbe 4.12 train from ilaverhill, Tuesday afternoon, at the Sntton street station.

The warrant will contain 41 articles.

H f* expected that Uis auditor*' report will maae about 200 page*.

M. E. WHITE, M A-SOINT A.24*X> BT7ILT3BI*, •V Mason work of all kind*. Kalsomlnlng

Whitening, Tinting, Whitewashing, Tiling an T Ire-places.


P.O. Box $6.' W3^"'

Stoves, Plumbinc, TIM. atseat-ls-em, and Capper Wark.

I'luusblBg.ataaua IIeatlU( A Fsrvaoss, New Wark or Bapalr*.

MICHACCT. WALSH Bwiex Niraet, - Andover

FOR RENT IN ANDOVER. Ten minutei walk from sUtion,' a

partially furnished house of nine rooms and bath, furnace, dry cellar, stable

and lard. Apply to . C. 8: Psrker, Andover.

Essex District Lodge I. O. O. F., will meet In lied Men's Hall, corner of Fleet and Met- rlniack streets, Uaverhlll, on Monday, Feb. 22, at 10 a.

Ml** Alicia Keagan Lai entered tbe Hit of competitor* for the Demorett gold medal con- test, to be held at city hall, March 9tn.

Faiday night tbe Y. P. M. L. and 8. 9. held lit tenth annual supper at Its rooms at tbe Congregational cbatcb vestry. Member* and friends to U» number ol 40 attended. A splen- did supper wa* served. After the supper Pres- ident Fritbee made a short address, and then the party adjourned to tbe parlor and spent the remainder of the eveaing In game* and social conversation. An Interesting feature of the evening wa* the guessing of titl.s of books, which were pictured by charades. Two pities were given fur tbe two most successful guessers. Mi«s 11 K. Koacbe received an eleitant gold scarf pin for Us isdy's and Mr. F. W. Frivbee took uie gentleman'* tint prise, an ink blotter and bolder- Al a late hour tbe party broke op. Tbe committee of arrangements were: Andrew McLean, Milt Delia Marston, F. 8. Smith, Miss L. K. Oilman, MU* L. M. Barker, L. K. O*good.

Adam* finished lot cutting Thursday.

Mist Sarah Johnson bai gone to California-

Democratic caucus at Steven* Hall, Friday evening, Feb. atu.

Principal Smith's division in the Merrlmack School will have a sleigh ride to Uaverhlll Sat- urday.

Mr. Thomas Drew baa purchased the place on Davis street, occupied by Mr. Lawrence Lanbjan, from Mr. Joseph Tempest.

Master George Baxter gave a pleasant party to a number of hit playmate* at hit home on Pleasant itreet, Friday evening. There were game*, tinging and re fret b menu.

Wynona Lodge will give an entertainment In Odd Velktw* Hall, Friday evening, March 4tb.

Mr. Albert Bralnerd, treasurer of the Union Helghti Olub, bat resigned, and Mr. Jamee Carr bat been chosen to fill the vacancy.

Mitt Fannie Simpson, of Dover, N. 11., I* visiting In town.

The Sunday School connected with the Con- gregational Church gave a very Interesting concert In the auditorium of that church last Sunday evening. Tho euhject wa*. "Tue World from a Uible Standpoint." Tin* sub- ject wu lllustraled by three sub-dlyisions; 1, me Creation, II, Tbe Fall of Man, and III, Man'* HedeuipiKm. At to the first, ibe theo- ries of scientists a* to tte origin •( matter wa* compared to the simple narrative of the cre- ation ae found in Oeneeii, on tbe ihape ot tbe earth, tbe number of stars, who can count tbeui, tbe fall of the daw, the trees cboilag a kiug aud man's dwelling In Eden sinless, wa* sbown by scripture recitations by both adnite aud children. And tlz little ones from tbe in- fant elate recited a poem, entitled "Uod's Work*." Mr. D. W. Carney delivered a abort addreia on tbe rlcbet of tbe earth, in which be •poke of tbe precion* metal* aud coal, Iron,

TD.Jota.oi, High beboo! ,.0d,™, ^com. ffJSt'SS taw'iK W!P!lS™*ft2i

Therein inat irieud tried to abow that by 1 iai

T, A. HOLT & CO., MUM iin LIES in

1*1111*. "IlJnnlu


Aiu'i'ii.'ll Ml '!' i J. It iVl »

Seng,' Cricket *ii.a I

Botllallon, Mr you dun MU» li

Sonir, "Hcotch Lassi.i J. Altsa 1

lli-ndlox* cum! M

At thu ".ouelml

r u l.oveSBvur Kiiqs Smooth," Joseph T. Lovijoy.

of the Tnep., Heraluary.


I refresh- Jaaoph W. SmUb ot tlio entertalnnx}

nl and the remain •vanlug was spent lu |daylD>[ games. The c»in- inlnue wbo Bad char* . of thu affair were Mla>ea Mary (Jampbell, Msrlou L. tit Jtt, 3. AunH l'..r tls.Nalilu Playdia, l.isslu souter, Uutsrt. Ueo. It.iicr, i- Mir-iy i:i, Ai-lr:v Campbell, .(.is |> li Peters, David lluuiiertaud Harry Playdun.

Hill lit ni Vale.

to Lowei', I'unaUay eveumg. ihey made the American Uuuse tbuir bcad-quartert. After Same* aud siugiug *uppcr wa* partaken of.

honey lurolsiied the conveyance.

Inspector of Factorial Miss Mary E. Hal ley visited tue Davis It Fttrber Machine Co.'i workt Tuesday.

Forty-three young ladies met In the Emmet Literary and Beuevolent Society'* hall, Friday eveulug, for tbe purpose of loriuing a social so- ciety. Temporary oraaulzatiou was effected by the CIIMI. t of Miss Alicia Dleegaa si chair- woman, and'Miss Mary Mabouey as secretary. It was voted to form au organisation to be known as the Young Ladle*' Social Ulub, and all tbe ladies pres.ut affixed their name* to the membership roll*. These umror* were elected i Pnaideut, Mis* Maggie Flemlug , Vice Pres- ident, Miss LUlle Keegau; Secretary, Ml** Kane O'Brien j treasurer, Mit* Maggie Mur- phy. Tue orgaufidtiou starts off auspielonsly, with prospects of a long nud pooular career.

A bone owned by Jagger Urot., and attach- ed IO a milk sleigh, did a queer act at the lower end of Essex street, i.unrumv, Monday noon. He was kit to stand ou- the southerly tide of tbe street, about opposite Flynu'a green houses. Fur sumo uunuowu reason tho hone beciinu res ties* and calmly walking across tue street and sidewalk be pushed bis head through tue large paue of glass iu one of Stanguter tiros.' Blurt, the glass wa* wrecked. Tuehonewas taken in hand before commuting lurther damage.

An, France* A. O'Drieu, wife of Mr. James O'Brien,overseer of tue weaJviugroom m Ste- veus Mlds, Uaverhlll, aiid well kuown here, died at tier parnuis' home in Lawrence, Satur- day, aged M year*. Beside ihe husband men- tioned she leave* a M" , four years old. The fuueTai took place luetday morning, service* conducted by Kev. Fr.WUelan, being held in St. Mary's church, tbe floral Uluule* com-

'prufd mauy beautiful aud costly otteTlug*. the .pail bearers were Charles F. lireen, Joun J. Breeu. Jobu Sollivau, James Heniy, Frank Horni-r aud James Suilivan. Interment took place m the Immaculate Conception cemetery.

the bill regulating the duties on woollen good* prepared i>v tne committee of way* and maau* appear* to be ou ihe baai* suggosted by Congressman Slevent of this state, namely : a 40 per cent. rate. We have before remarked tuat Mr. Su*veus It a tafe man to follow in tui* matter. It was well understood that, with u removal of thu duty ou wool," the product of

maiiufacture of wool Into cloths could also hear reduction, this uas been Mr. Stevens' position irom tho begiuulug. The committee uas paid gieat detereucu to bis judgtueut, as will be apparent when tho lull facts of it* ac- tion are made known."

Petition! tigned by Mr. James T. Jobnton and others, asking tliat tbe followlug article* be inserted in mo warrant, were favorably acted upon by the selecimeu tbe other day ;

'" i see if the town will vote to revoke tbe ac- luce ot Sec*. 74, 75, 70 and 77 ot Cbap. 27

ol the public sUtutiS. To see if the town will vie to discontinue

the voting precinus in accordance with Art. "if, Chap. laC Acts, of IhiW.

To tee if iue towu will voie to change *o mucb oi th* town iiy-iaw* a* relates to the an- diton, to as to provide that instead of three auditors, there thai! be one abditor, ebtMM

isiiv, whose duly It sha'l be to audit all bill* each muuih beiore tbe ordera to pay the

line aiu diatvu by tbe selectmen.

Notwithstanding the severe itorm a moit In- tere>liug and pioiltaole meeting of thu Kite* Conuty Pomona Orange was held In the Towu Hall, West Newoury, Feb. 11. Then wat * large number in attendance. An address of welcome was delivered by Mis* Lluio U. Lalley of Lauiel Orange, wblch wn liitiiigly respond- ed to by the lecturer, ^tcpliuii K. Fowler uf Wotl Uoxford. State Master ttlmer D. Howu of Marlboro, who wa* present, gave valuable

ce besioe the exeuiplirlcation of the un- written work. Tho remainder of the morning tension was devoted to Importaul buimet*. Dinner was served ou the basket picnic plan. The programme :.n Hie aiteruojii session,whlth was public, consisted of Ihe tong, "Hall to Po- mona," by a citrus; address, E. D. Howe; reading. Miss Anuie Kogeis of LaurelVrauge; solo, Un.jVnuie Pieice, witu piano aud flute accompaniment; essay, Peter Holt, Jr., North Auduver; readiug, Miss Uittle Poor, North Audover; long, quartette; assay, James Knight; essay, Mamd* Lund, West Boxford, essay, Stephuii K, Fowler.jWcst Boxford. Tho next ruet-iiug of the Puiuoua Orange will be held lu Uaverhlll March .:i.

nob the world was to exist only 6000 eart, aud that 6000 years was to end In June, B*37. But that date had come and gone many

yean aiuce, and yet the world still existed, and *ppe<onUy would exist for many yean to com*. A* to the second subdivision—bible verses were recited to show the fall uf man by1

• in, tha coming of the flood, tbe bow of prom- ise, ol Ouo's promises of redempt'on, which was lu lulled by the coming oi Christ a* our Saviour, which wa* tbe tb rJ snb-divislun ot the subject. And In connection with tbil part of tue programme, the pastor, lie v. M. Ceavltt, spoke uf the value of a human *oi compand with all tue ricue* of the world. very interesting feature of the concert, and something uew, wat a selected ctoir of young nun, consisting ot George Saunden. Arthur P. Cuickeriug, Alvin Buixell, Charles P. Mo I rill, Jr., Fred S. Smith aud Wm. M. McUueslou, wbo tang very fiuely; and In the tiuging by the le-ool, Joun L. Downing, curuetlst, ac- companied tho church organ with excellent eiiect. A reading, by MIPS Addle Carney, was xcjedlugly well done, aud added to the general

Interest. Ihe superintendent's report showed tue receipt* of the school for November,

jiiioer aud January, tvero fM.08, ana tbe •go attendant per Suuday was lho, aud

that the amount given in cuaritie* during IM'Jl was ?;».! ut. TI.is school for some yean ha* iweii IU the habit oi contributing tuuds in aid

needy Suuday Schools in the far west, and nearly all ot the above aum but. been tent to

W. B. D. Oray of South Dakota tor that purpose.

Since the list of donations to the li ben Sutton fair wa* published, M..T. Steven* & Sons have contributed *,26.

Mr. ElwinTeagu* visited, In Lawrence last Satutity- ,*

Dart Cralghead ot Andover visit** at Mr.' Von Grave* 111* week.

Wia-Fltagerall of Lnwrence spent Sunday with frlenda here. \

Arthur W IMUlf t'f Walertown It spendluc a few day* lu lb* village.

The widst club not at tho IretMence of Mr. .and Mr*. Penney last evening.

Mrs Elisabeth Rlley and Mitt Llzsle (itger ■pent Wednesday In tbe village.

Mr*. Albari Tawlug of Ltwranco visited here during the fure pan ot the week.

Ulsa Marlon M'ooil* of Apdover visited Ml** Amelia UMHII lact Suodiy.

A little saul on eur walk* would not have been ami** the early part of the week.

Mm. Cle inns returned boms tbe for* part of the week irom a sojourn In atarbleheail.

Mr. and Mr*. Wellington of Chelsea spent Wednesday.with Mr and Mr* J. E. Kueeland.

Mr. and Mrs. Usley or Boston will spend the latter part uf tbe week at tlulr l.uino to Wil mlngton. • ^

The private masquerade by the Cosmopolitan singing society next Friday evening will be ibe event of lliu season. _._.

Mr. Chariea B. Meilln wbo died very recent- ly tn Lowell was a relative of Mrs. William Lawrence on Chatter street.

J.& D.-aibarn ihi fruit dealer met with iltileaeoMciii In Tewxshury la t Monday, I tunately nothing sbrluns happened.

Mr. and Mrs. Wot,Shsw gave a reception to twenty-one liott»u Trie ml* at their residance on Tewktliury street iitsi Monday evening Page A Co., of Lawrence catered and a very pleasant evening was spent.

tii'-.i.:v Walker aitcnded the annual session uf ihij eastern convocation of the Episco, pal dcuumiiialiuu, held in Urace Church, Now. ton, luesday.

Tbe F.ben Sntton steamer company fair closed Mouday evening, after n very successful run. About #l2u was cleared. Among the lucky ones receiving gifts were the fullowlng

A squash contalued W aeedt, and Cbarle* E. Muserre guessed ueaiett the correct t ber (331) and received a barrel of applet.

Miss Annie Jennine* guessed the. numb kernalt ot coin In a bottle to be TOO, coming nearest ihe correct number—1016, and was given a picture.

I'n klt.j.tr, 270, i,e..rgo II. Pcrkin*. Dress pattern, 192, Miss Helen Kirk, l.a

fence. Bug, 348, Henry U. McCarty. Overcoat, 320, unclaimed. Chair, I'll, F.noi S. Kobntten. % Chair, '200, William Drew. Tool chest, 161, Waller O. Stone. Apron,-HI, Miss Alice Wngtey. Dren pattern, 176, nuc| a instil. Tea let, iwi, undainietl. Principal tea.on ticket present, cbainber

set, Cbat. B. Mimii. Dress pattern, A. V. Chalk. Order for laaton'i Ice, [1 .'i?, Knos b. Robin-

Number of Iteant m a bottle, 424. Georga C. Looker and O. A. Badger each guested 426 and divided ajlmx of cigars.

Clothes wringer, 102, A. L. Perk In a. Picture, 300, Mn. Oscar M. Godfrey. Jame* II. Holt, J. J. Smith and Jplia A.

Morrit*ey, each netHd the tnrrect dlmendoni of the triangle, 21 fi , 7 in. Tblt wat ihe silk htt feature.

Shooting range.—1st prlie, tool clni-i, Wm. Babb, S liulls eyetj 2d pMs'e, pair club ikatei,

' Soinervllle, Jr., '■ built' ew-, 'id pure, i, 4 bulls'eyes-

Wajer* Den*«r Than the Dead Saa, A wonderful lake niuued Alia Paakni

bus beeu diBcovereil ou tbo Hawniiuil i.-l;i mis. Tbe waters - are more suit than those of the Dead sea. Samples of the water havo been analyzed in the labora- tory of Oaba college, with results of pe- culiar as well as BCfeutiflc interest. The water, which in dry woather deposits salt abundantly, is of course saturated linn*., yet differs essentially from the brine obtained by evaporation to satnra- tion of ordinary sea water. The differ I'licu is strik-ingly shown by merely mix- ing the two clear fluids, when a copious deposit immediately forme of sulphurate of lime, so that the mixture almost liilitii-s. The sea water contains sulphate of magnesia in abundance, lint scarcely any Hme, wnilo the salt lake waters con- tain chloride of calcium, lime salt, with only a-troce of sulphate.

In composition the water of Alia ap- proaches closely to that of tho Dead sea. The specific gravity of the water, even at a temperature of 60 degs. Fahrenheit, Is 1.250; at standard temperature it would of course be higher. The water of Hi.' Dead sea is considerably lighter, its specific gravity having been found by different observers to range front 1.13 (Lynch) to 1.3400 (Lavoisier). The most remarkable peculiarity of the water is the excessive qunntity of the lime it car- ries. This should give it pecnllar med- ical virtues.—Cor. Cincinnati Tinles- Star.


SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! Timothy Red Top.

Clover, Fancy Red Top Alalkt. iHtifioarlin and Millet*.

They also b*e to announce that they are now ready to Oil nil onii-rn fur oats, bran, feed and era ini-sl Extra fine uaallty ot flour always

hand al lowest „rlc *; also a large aesort- ment at rubber UajMMUF*

- ■ ■ -. -- AOINTS aoa - -


X li, and Special Manor

ForCornand Potatoe*,oon*tac i - inanJ.

Th* Be*t Flour at Lowest Prim*. Headijuarter* for Grain, Corn Meal,

Cotton Seed Head, Shorts and Feed.

A larae assortment of lUTRtltiR KKirwEAB, and In fact o*«ryihlP|[ttiat may lie found lu a

first class conDtry jtlore.

BtCx-, CbaiB. lvruator BaeoeMor to .


Carriage, Sign and Ornamental

AT LOWEST PRICES. Work guaranteed, l'stroiitf* respeoUiillv so

lledted. SHOP; Corqorof Park and Uertlett Ste



News has been decidedly doll In town the past «*■£. Ur. Bell,! Scarlet' payniattor, wae In town


E'ward Ueoraa 1* qulta 111 at alt residence oa Gt(e street.

Tbe annual town meeUng day this year fall* on Hondav, Hareb T.

The farmers are ncttlnsj on tbelr war paint for the oomlnir town meetlux.

Eugene Hall Is recovering from an attack of illneas brought on by a cold.

Sleighing Is good about town exodpt on streets cut by the electric car tra.a*.

Watch the oheck Hit and **e If your name It on It. If It Isn't there get It placed en.

Tbe sons af Veterans will bold a oamp Or J la Uran i Arasy bslljncxt Wednesday evening.

(Joixl hebacry oonneciod. Sltaated on Ual. lavlvale r lad-

Auply to O. Chapman, Main 8L, Andover, Ha**. wtf



Richmond Valve Steam and Hot Water Heater.


Dress - Goods Pongee and Bombay



BARGAIN PARLOR, National Bank Building,

MAIN ST„ ANDOVER. (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even-

ing* )


This heater gives bettor satisfaction than any other and la tbe beet thing ever Invent* d.

Also a Urge assortment of

BafHceratora, Gas [Stoves, Ktc.

$r Your Inspection Is solicit d.


Christmas Candy and Fruit Largest and Best Assortment of

Broken Candy, Kr-iu li Peanut, The Beat Chocolate Crvama, Fine Boo

Bona, Nuts, Dafte*. Pigs. Layer BaUlna loirsat vnrlcty,

Grapes and Orange*.



Real EstateAgency Office, Carter's Block, Andover.

iVrmns Laviog Houses or Luntin

or sale, to lot eiciiango should call

at our office.

Also, Parties desiriug to fjcciire

houses or tenements, in any part ol

the town, will be quickly attended to

at reasonable rates.


alarm Hoik, Willie Tonm, i

A Tjplcal N.w Y.irk Miter. A Niiiikcti eyed old mau whom I meet

every night that I strollup Fifth avenue somewhere between W.'isliin^tiiM Ktidare mid Twenty-third street I must have kuown it gtwid flftei'ii years. He livus iu a garret within a stone's tnrow of tho square, aud Is tho owner of much val- uable property. Iu the early "lays of our arqnaiutuncetiliip I u#'d to enctiunter hint Ktrolliitg in the park munching a French roll, crumb by crumb. This WHS

his breakfast. If he eats another menl it is probably of the same order. Uis drees is that of a vagrant, but his con- versation is that of mi educated man.

He is especially happy in recounting reminiscences of the New York of two generations Ago, ami has traveled n couple, of miles at a time with me to point ont vanished landmarks in which 1 happened to be interested. I won bis regard early by giving hiui car fare after each of these jaunts. He pouched the money and walked back. This man is a i Mi'' miser, but not a beggar, thongb he does not scruple to misappropriate my car far.— Naw York Cor. Pittaburg [ win avnij Bulletin.

Tbe Aoeldaatal iMseliarga of a l'jin A capital pnn may arise by pure *cci-

d>nt, as recorded in Bucke's "Book of Table- Talk." A Mr. Alexander Otm was dismissed from n post lq the cus- toms at Edinburgh, for circulating some fal^e rumor. The dismissal is said to have been thus noted in the customs books at the time, "A. (inn discharged for making a false report."





ON BROOK STREET. Having several my connection with Vaipey

Bros., I will put a BuiobaVs cart on tb* road

A6Iozxdc«.y, Aiif.lO, with a large stock or

MEATS and PROVISIONS at Lowest Prices.

1 . A. Aberorombie.


Scotch Ginghams. n FUSTES AS SILK,






A.W. FARNSWO 11V rnv*


Hodge's Bakery, - PARKS!.. \UIIIHIi.

A large assort m^t of SHORT BRKAD, CURRANT DURss,


PALTRY can be procured for Christmas and New Year Holtdaxs.

BaheO beans 8stur<lav evenlua also baked beam anil brown bread Huoday rnornlngs.

Wedding Cakes and auob like made to order at short notice, at tlio

bave been quite numerous during the week bnt no serious rasa way* bave been report-

it. Tbe peat wnek baa been a vere- quiet one la

police circles, not an arre ii being made or trial bald.

During tbe past week eighteen tramp* bave been eared for bv CoaaUb:e Amos June* at the lock-up.

During tbe put week the clill-iren have an- joyed themaalva* immensely ooaatlag on Bap tlst bill.

At a sisslon of the protista cenrt held Monday In aalem, the will ot Aaa Slmouda of MeMiuen wae proven.

'TI* sslil that-Peddler** earrtage factory on Broadwav ba* don* a rnaalngl business during the winter.

Tbe , nnual town report la being prepared by tbe printer and will be icady for distribution In a law daya.

Mae I.lssle Uann *f tbla town bas sssumad er former position In tbe registrar ot deeds

ottoe, Lawrence. Selectmen K. F. Brown is la Waiervllle, Vt,

having been *ummoned there by the serious 111 cess of his f si her.

Tenney'a hat shop 1* running again but 'tis i:n deraiood only a f*w order* will be tilled before 'be neat shut awwe. ' .

KJItor A. II Claiheof Ins Methuen Transcript, Is out again alter a week's c mflneaient with an attack of diphtheria.

Jacob Emerson 1* a Hi I quite 111 but not danger- ously so. lie Is ooaflned to hi* bed and under tbe oars of a pbyaiclan.

J. Hylvea Hodge Is prominently mentioned a* a candidate for selectman. IU* friend* t*eI ai- sured of bis election.

The list of would he candidate* for selectmen this year contain* a number of name*. Many come but few will be cboiseu.

The new cottage on Cbkao street ana the double uniment house on Brown street are both almost readv for occipancy. *

Tb* republican* of Ihe town will bold a caucus at the town ball next Tauraday evening. Every republican voter I* nailed upon to attend.

Several large eoaaUng parties found rare sport evenlna* during the week ooastteg on the boavy ■new oiust la the fields along tbe Howe road.

Telephone sod telegraph line men bave beeu boaiij Mgsgtd In penloaa of the town tbe past week repairing breaka made by tbe recent heap? stonn

Tne dilapidated fencea along Broadway, south- erly from Park street, aro quite a contrast ts tiro uniform feuceeof tbe old Metbuen mill directly opposite.

A Metbuen sltlgblag party which twk a sleigh rids to Lowell Monday were noat deeldedy a niilsv lot as Will be aeon by an Item lu another eolirmn.

Thursday eitiilrg about twenty.ove hbjh school pupils enjoyed a sleltth ride to UaverhlU. A most *Djo]ablu eveulug wa* spent, tbe return trip being made about midnight.

A party coropjatd entirely of males, from this town, twok a tlelgh ride to Liwell Uouilay even ng, reuiralng during tbe smalt hour*.

ltov. Ssllisu llnlley i f Hie Baptist churcb do- live red a ttmperunoc nddreee In tbo Prlrolilve Meuudlst cburcb In tho Arlington dUulct hiat Mouday evening.

Alls* Helen Uradley of Pleasant Valley rvn- ii*rsd aeveral pleasing plniio solos at an enter- tainment Debt in Uracechurcti 0'iapel, Lawrence, Wedneaday evening, tbe occaalun being tiie pariah supper.

Henry Harris died st the family residence on the Lowell road, Monday, at iha «ge of SB year* and 9 months. Tbe funeral aervloea were beid from the hi- bom* ol the deceaaed at one o'clock Thursday ulternoon.

Tho local inline and metrict iifflcer llatcheller of i.iniii'u ■, raided the Walker place un the Lowoll roml Weiinesdsy evening, hvcrytlilup was louud to beln good order, no evidence* of Uw.ureaktijj being found. t -

L. V. Muuliop.the well known iprlng

Real Scotch Zephyrs -A.3VJ3-

FANCY BEDFORD CORD A Bright and Glean Assortment to Choose From and

Not a ,'Plug" Among Them.



grow lazy, and take to drink tomorrow, the newspapers wouldn't tail a special edition to keep me In Kood brandy tn my old age, and If yon went to fall In thu milk basinets, or If your rncetaoreea de- clined to be first at tho post, neither tha iiillk'ocii norths bookmakers would have special days dedlcsusr) to yon. There la,

much of Uila hcutllt business entire- ly. The actor, while he Is in bla prime, make* money; " be doesn't sire an/, that's his lookout; If be chooses to squander It en clothes, beautiful Leloog- lufts and general Jollifications, be baa no light to hope that when he la oh. and broken to bit* bia brothers In art are gplng to earn It fqr him. Tbe actor, more iiiau an* other worker. Is, when h« amount* to anything, vary wt-1 psld, and

r>ru tban soy other he ought to be able i eave mon<>s. When be doesn't, I have

very little sympathy for him. It Is rath r funny that you don't hear

of benefits being given to the women on tbe stage. Is It because they are naturally more vconomlcal, or becaase tbey look Into the future and rrallie that the day may co mo w bet they will no longer be beautiful and attractive, and yet when Dread and butter (must be tbalrs! I picked up a Boston paper tbe other day, and read of a tn-ut lit to be given to a fat, mediocre actor, whose chief claim on Ihe public M cms tu in- ihsi b« baa mixed himself up in a good tflttovscindala. Now,why sb uid In- have a luntii? He bas lately married, lias a pretty wife, and one who I tbluk la quite abiu to support him, but he la to ne given a heneflt, Ob, It la nonse se I 1 r they would give a benefit, for tbe clean- ing of tin. etreeU of Ne« Tora, It would be to some purpose. For my own part, I am Just a bit dlagasted with tbe benefit basiUCBS all mound.

MSTINOUISHKD PRM TRACKS Funny bow we do get to care for hand-

writing-", aud bow m ch tbey seem to tell us. 1 bare one letter written In a magni- ficent, plain, clear band, that brlnga be- fore me one vision—a dignified man In bia cardinal's robes, putting out bis band io blessing. Ill* a letter ftorn Cardinal Gibbon*, and evefy word In U, every lui- t*r, see ma to eay, "Blessed are the pure In heart." There Is another Jn tbe same package with It; tbe writing is cramped, small, and you need to get a clue—on* W"td to start you In It before the my»- <t-ty 1M solved. It's tbe writing of Usury (rvn£. Then there is a firm, cltar, plain * i ling, that tells you that a large, n>m

...:] Jn!d tin; pi'ii. It did. It was Mrs. I.niairv who wrote that. Then there Is Kllun Terry's—it's plain enough, but she writer on thin paptr with the blackest of

ik, snd the cumuluatton is not a happy

Headquarters for Plumbing

Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copper Work, Plumbing, Steam Heat-

ing and Furnaces. -nud-

Sole Ignis for the GIENW000 STOVE. AU work Neat y and Promptly done

at Lowest Figures.

Practical Plumber, MAI1V ST., ANDOVER.


A One line nf

Staple and ¥ utny Pry Goods, Trunk** Trav. Bags,!. Hrpet*. OU Cloth*. Mat-

ting, Paper Hangings, Curtains, Urockery and Olaas Ware,

\v. I't'I'TKHTK nEP*ltTHF.l»T.

Tnihel-adiesuf Andover and vicinity: hive just put InartJiiiplotd li■ n nf iliui'clflirati'n

linitrruk Pntterns nn.I will roeoive the ht*^t styles direct fmn New York eauli monlh as s -on as lliay sro If sucu Y-iurannowol-Min >'"i' psvuera* »i our sum ■nil si) Ire suvctlilii'tlni' nf wallluii.

SMITH & SMM1K6, f:-H< x stiffi, - Andove


-f— The ruby In tbe most expensive of all

stones. They vary from |100 to |7,0U0 per stone. The finest pair of diamonds are worth |18,000. Bingle stones range, from |1.000 to 13.000.

Dr. Gage Coming.

Dr. G*ge will be at Ihe Franklin boose, f,ivrrei:c', Tuttaday, March 1, until noon, and at Hotel Wfbster, Miv.-ilmi, In the

■ f u tii'i'iii- Dr. Qave he* performed won- derful cures In thin secttnn, and he has Brest success In ail mug standing dl»- «Mt«. Edwin J. Medbury. d*pu<v sherlfT, Lynn, cured by one pslnlea* treaim-nt of a bad case of idle tumors, from whicu he had suffrrtd 30 yesrs. Call on tbe doc-or and he will give you the names of Mir- dreds cured of all manner of dlssasv*. i


Now la tbe time to porchau Vow- Clottiing*



"A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned.'*

« V"ii » t I ninny dollars If yoi . . .ursfif at the )ire*ent ap[iuituu|[)

afforded by our overctonked.

J.M. BIUDLEY Tailor id wit'i




Paper Ilanging and Glailng, dine with dlspateh at reasonable rates.

-sroxjjsro, LBVI O MAIN ST.

anon it lnslltntlon Hill,

Deacon Abbott store,

■ —Orders by mall pn

£!. J. IROWEI, ' Formerly of Die Palmer llmise




BOX 484,




ihed.sMt4, cni IHBT 1 ivnrsn-i ti ol never tal

le, tttt\ rnnneci^ wlih hou-o 1. ail In smi'l mistri *aer<* v eioe

iiry trees In IWHIIHK ooud.ttoni we no water. Ap|ily tu


HUNK I A.re bury y.x.or

AI.KXANIIEK, fin Jtlll- Hurry VIDigs.

Klllr.l B Uner »lth w r..c ki-tknlfi . In tbo winter nf 1633 tho forests of

Pennsylvania In n<l joining counties wort) nvernin with wild boHsts. I was then tonching school in u log school house, having low \.- ,n-1 .u -1 ■ n.i ii-1 on it brntich ,rf Oil tn-ck, three miles ulwvo Tttua- villo, in what WM then known as tbe Kidgeway dintriet, when onortnyl heard tbo deep toned baying of bouiids ur* the mountain nido ull tho forenoon, nntl aa I waa,nbout to dismiss scbool for noon re- cess lnoticed n Laxgt deer lm.kiiur in nt one of tho windows, with tonguo pro- trudipg, smolring niden ben\ing mid evi- dently very tired. School was ont for noon 'at -once, arid on a doublcqnick 1 rttar Ifil after ilio deer, keeping about two rods behind bin uutil we bad mn sotuo twenty-five rnd* to tho creek, which was frozen over ami bad a light fall of suow on.the ice.

As the deer struck tbe ice with a bonnd he broke iu mid T--1I, and before becoald get up or extricate himself from hia muddy aud icy environment I was on lull of liiia having n bard tussolto bold 111 in until the achoolboys came up, when one of thorn, as directed, look my pen- knife from iny pockot, opened it and gave it to uie, ami wiitli it I very soon opened tbo reins in the doer'g nock and had no further tnmhlo in holding him down, having bled him to doatb with a small penknife. Tbe hounds came np at the finish, lomlering assistance, but wero kept ut buy by tho boys while 1 dressed, the deer, kept thu hide, distributed tbs venison among Ihe pupibi, nnd on the next morning had delirious venison steak for iny breakfast.—Cor. Liuffalo Courier.

Tiie cumulaHt was sworn out by tin: milk lospector.

WliMlliiim, R. U., 1 today HMMtlaj Us ifiHh annlvtrsary nuilMveral ateihuun i>ei>|>lo aro at- temllug ibe exercises, wbleti aru tu ilie >t\ i|>« <ii uuatbirlnj this atieruoun and asesiiag In Hie

i bull. Tbe formal oist door oelubrniljirwlb be held some u*t In Juno.

Tne registrars of votei* wlil hjl.l session* lu the^fkumeu's town halt, Saturday, Pub M, Saturday, fob. 17, and Weiln nhty, Uarcli 1. At

'clock on tbe evening of tbe latur d*t« reftstratlon wlllbaelosod and tbe ll*U pisioJ .

Tbe Mtihucn UlnstreUgave an entertain men I In Nerlna Memorial ball WednesUiy. There wm a large attendance ami the programme ot enter, talnwenl was well lemtered. The |*roceed* of tbe affair will be added to tho fund uf at. Tuomaa

Huieti. J. J. Bunker, ft; well known tailor, Is belli*

talked ol aaa candidate for constable. Mr. Bunk- er 1* a *ober, indusulous. |iamsuklng cltlaen and during bis year* aa resident ol tiie town bas won a large circle o( friend*. Irtlccioibo «ll| make a good officer ana one worthy the itoalUon ■

No foare u«d ■(* entertained but ibat Meiir*- K. F. BiawnanlK. J.Caatel will *gnln;bo esn" didates for re-election aa*cieoluienai the coming town meeting. At flrst 't*u rv|irrtud Ibat ntitiHT ui thorn would stand, but bcyund any doubt bolli genlletnen will remain Io tne il.'M.

Munaay evening the N. O. A. M. whist club of itils town in,* at tbo residence of t^has. Austin of Methuen. Tbere wa* a full attend mice. Tbe game wa* very Interesting and > "m i at II o'clock with Mr. Austin aa winner of the flrst prise fur g'fitlemen, and Miss Ktta T*ylor nr*l uriae for ladle*, whtle the bonby [illaea were carried off by 11. A- Harris and Mra. M. K. Aus- tin Ot I MM l C I , C.

Woodr-n W. Bryant dlwl last Tuesday after noonat hl*reslii*tieuon Morrison streot alter ■■ Illness of several monlha. Lieieaaad wa* a well knowarea'denlof Uethnan, wat about is year* or age and leaves a widow and daughtur. The iunrr.il occurred at 1 u'eloek Thuraday afiiTniwiii (rote the family residence.

A metllng of mmn >er* of tbe farnnra' alitanca wa* held ThuitSsy ovi nlng In tne riiasnnt Val

. ey sellout bouse. Other meeting* will be held Fob. 17 atlboUrosvenor school .ml I'-b IS a: tbe Merrill scin-i lmu»-. All termers and uer- sons Inff rested n i e invited to attend as thu tncsl' lng<are imi.il.-.

NovlnsMemuiial 'all waathe soonc ot a very plaatant ei-ii it iliini- nt iMt Tuea la/ evening, whlcli was In tsiil one of tbo mu., InlrreMlnir given lo ibat liallthli 'aasun. Ti WHS a good rlseO audlanctfln at I* ada nee. The enterta|ptnoi,t was lurnislipd by Ilie Arttitt Concert Cnrnpiny of Boston, and proved a rafS treat. His* Lillian Chandler niiderail several violin tolos whilu Carlyle Peterstler [in sided at tho piano. Duet vonal m**le was furnished i.y Mix* Halt o Vf. Ciarke and Miss Noillo L. Woodburyl. All ot ibe pieces, tutu v..-..i and Iniliumental were well encored-

wan; \w\iu: "jiAii." She Thinks the Theatrical

Hti-iiH'Ns Uverilouo.

(Special i ..111 ■■|.I.N.|. i .-'-. ■ NKW'VUHK, Keb. 15.1892.

Of the giving of mauy Denetltn there seems to bo'no end, IVople who do and people who dmi't di serve ihetngel tbetii, ami Urt d BLlors and actfMM. biff• in pretend to be Jojly, and don't darn In ■#■ fuce In appesrst Hum, Ixcause thi-y*ll b>; wrlden Up a*' hsrd-hesrled If tiny do. Of course, tin r<: am -btneQta (liven for good i siii. -, but, mi my honor, I fall tu »ee bow, when men J)**e sipjaodt-red tbe stood things of thsj.Hfe; when, hsvlni.' dauced, the payii g ilaty eumes, It sbnuhl beixpicted that thu theaLilcai profta- sion ahould imniedlately step fnrvrarn and cotitnbale tbelr werk—their bard- work—to help the oue, perhaps, who never he'ped them,.and who doesn'*; de- rerre It. It I* good lu them, It Is kind In them, hut It has been done to tbeuroaud. Kvery'iii'ly win* lias ever bad anything to oo Wlih theatricals seems to Lhiuk, when he gets s little down In the world, thst It Is all right for him lo have a ue.ii- tflt.

BieOINO ACTOB1. The actors' clubs do not hesitate to

take charity in that form, sod think H I* DO more than tbey nngbt, to ha*«t — When t. e business man falls, ail tua people who deal in stockiugs and linen don't bare a specialists for hi* benefit, tf I were to




12 -YA-TUDB OS" Kria-vv- SPHIHTO sTrus


For 42c, or 3 l-2c. Per Yard: AND


Foie, si.oo man if ibis town, was in pulleu court In Law [UIT. 1 made up my mind that she was reii.-« mis (Kii'isy) iiH.riiinx on .■.,IUJ.I.I..U r,oi my tdsal Hargaerlts after I saw this ehaKii>K liiiuwlili selling mil* wiilu-uiH license.. YJi.tter. There la a small, nt-a*. disllnot

Land—th*t Is Wilson Barrett; and Just beside It Is one that's a bit oj n pouts, 1 ui It* a puttie you can Soon mshage, end tlieu you resllie tbat it is Sothern's, and ynu cau Imaglus how Lord (Juumley might have peuuud that. Fanny Daven-

it's la a large, clear, inierusilug wrlt- ■' ■ ■ i a J i r 111: - , and MI as full of strength

it tiie wii.nsn. Jane (lading's Is most dainty; on dellcate-bucd paper aud es .-cntiallv French tn tbe close, neat forma- HOD of the letters. Tbere Is one letter that I smile st seeing—-.he writing Is not very distinct, hut can any writing be Jls- Urjct when tbere |l a chance of Monimor- epcy pushing an arm, of tbe kitten upset- ting an Inkstand, or of the writer stop- ping to have |,a few Idle thoughts all to himself f You know wbo that UT It's a teller from the mau who has brought more hippy hour* to more people and wiliii-n more kind, sweet tlilugi than all the o'lur ui'u in the world—It's Jerome K. J.i-m . Enthusiastic? Perhaps 1 am. But that Is tbu only way In tbe World pfoji e can keep youna. By the Oy, It woutd lie Just as Weil forme to an- nounce that


would never gain me a good character. Bubmttud to a member of my own fam- ily, K. was hinted si, wlih all kindness and love, that anyb'dy wbo judged in.- oy that would cuoclude that. I was a con bmation ot !iu,crella Borgia and the young woman wuu cwallowed p.nit, and in wbosu cold corpse were found several millions, One's family never U nice lo one when it comes to criticism; Stil! that's no reason why you snd I an I every- body elae who write badly needn't be bippy. N "~ ^


Being hsppy Is entirely lu our own hauds. If we will Just ru ke up unr inlniis thai, DO uisuer how ba l ilmus Wm, tuuy might alway* be worse; If we will ciaclultj. to he ss r-H-iiv as po»albl<i under all clrcunis'snceH, we will not only be a deal happier ourselves, but we will be a lug- lump uf leaven that will lend in mike Mi.: rust of ilie world h>PPler. It Isti'i always the easiest tblni; to : mil-, n-.il '.- ;i ;.iu- III ,;.'iT n( in-in ., but Otice jiiu j:et In liie haint of even greeting Cam himself with a burst of laughter, he won't seem half the old biute ibaL he really Is.. And seemiug, lo this world, g.n-s a Kites', wajs.'

It youeeeiB at. eue wher. I meet you, fod make me c imforiab e and giad. j

II 1 seem to have a' smile a- a greeting, it fuutfuke* another, and you feel happier than you did before.^ ■

K.jOU seem Interested In mv pleasures and tioe*, 1 have an added delight lu tell- ing i in in io ymkr*

If 1 seem itady to clasp your hand In an earnest wjy, that means 1 mn your friend] Itglvua you as much pl«ssur« an If that feeling came direct Trom the heart. I -

If you seem to care about wbal I care for and show ibis lu your looks and Words, 1 sin happy , and n I* a matter of unI il reiicu tO tue whether tha seaming la real or un*, aa ljug a< 1 d m't flod U out,

l> i..'i y.u kiiow that to her friends BLtl IK r p up n lo i verylji'dy the i.aursi cty

f a womiii Is 'S'l ii 10 likr me!" Ami. after ell, lh" 'outward v(lsl*ile-slgu is oftentimes as goocf ss tho inward *plr- itual grace, Baa,


243 ESSEX SI^B-faJT.

Byron Truell & Co. They opened them this Morning and they will

sell Quick.

t'catutretl- IIT KHOAS a. n**s


Where'* tulay, (tie merry faner, Tiiat ouoa a-rsee'l'•'r o iMhond's horn*'

Wlm nui* OH- tf -J.itmi- idine*. Where our fyuUtejis oft Olrt man ?

Where's the lender words ot aerTnw, A luvlni muthur's 11ns did spent!'

Wlisn our eliliiilsb lay's ilbl Isirraw - Ills we never strove to ►«■ s.

Wlmrr-'s.tlie tu)m«a<lear klml failmr L'lieerM by Ills giafrnal care?

ID UifiriMhiS nr.'lill IIKMI-1 l*i>«Sf r, iv in ii ills iib.rsiiits we Si'' share.

Hesnrren far bi bin J, no trarfie lid ni ui li itaisnow tin t i

4 Imnveil "ur yniiiii nud y.iulbful tarsi, Mother, tatimr- with tie mad.

glsiers. b'filhrrs—lnnr sln'e parts'I, ■".tin- ni i-' f»rev<r here;

Ten'er lbs now briken licarled. Lay iii mi ilietr silent bier.

Ti us niir fnnuieps wamleitna roam, lll'h.i, iMUirr-fsrawsi ,

Ails' tiratuers >iwrll wltbln the honre, W« cherished la our r.midli'vjd'a

Every deader of this paoer should have a desire to elevate their child- ren by just such influence as is sup- plied to readers of the Enclycopedia Brittanica Now on Sale at 505 Es- sex Street.


. I


fen* banner*'an it cannon and roll or drum! Tbe otioin in* i.i u*an* -utd tho m*r*hallln|l

Lot luuimn, lo I-MIIIDQ ana o«rth struck dumbt Oli, bat I lo, In HJUI, U » SIOTUM**, thlutfl

Oh. ilwtuw <lay iii.In>f do*n to tbu fltfbtl Uh, (lurluin balllif in alary tutl tonal

Oil. tflHlJ ... |,mi| (.Ml IK f.T th« nitlitt Ult. umuliku tivd tu ros cuuu Ilia wrung) j

Yea, riding to battle, on battladay— Wli) n -..I.II. i 'UmroetblntfinoratbnnakJaa'i

Unl iifit-r llir Uulur Tbo rklluu nwayl Alt. Tliu-.rnlinif nim; l» another Iblngl

—Juuituni MtllorlnHaa.ttio i'uil Intelligencer.

Ii I the door to look oat, but % Mkmtaj nosh

of lightnin* frightened him and tha driving rain forced him back.

"Dead ron'll ba a riTwr fort mornia," nattered Ab, aa be fastened the door.

Dead run ni the stream that flowed part the Ranktn cabin. Yean before the ran had overflowed ita bonks daring a heavy storm and had carried death and duet rue tiuri before it,

"1 hope It won't atprm this way far long," marmired Ab, aa be began tu ■lowly dim oho. Aa he threw hit patched jacket on the floor a fallen roar greeted

I hia oar, The boy's faoe turnod pale, fur

AW BEC YME \ HERO be knew oa^ *°° wa" ***fciW • J__ "^"V aaut, Could he get to Meliasa'f home

. | before the raging waters struck it? Mr. AMthar Achish Higgins was in a I Thero was no time to don the tattered

very bsid hamor. A deep scowl hiid set- [ jacket Calliug to his mother, the boy tin! (in hi, lunbnrnad face, andashaMt|^Usapneared in the darkness. Down the on natmnp by the bridlu path he dag bia-path toward Melissa's cabin ho rushed nt heels into tho stony soil and ' nttored full speed. The overhanging branches maladjctiona on the wurjd in general.

Abtthar Acoun Hin^ins was ovidently MIUMII'; for HUUU) DM who was not on tiui". .Mutltiir A<-hir>h wan tliafioTtptnjaJ naino baatowad upon a tall, ungainly youth of twenty siimmors by A mother Who waadawplv nllgtoqa, and was taken biphaiard from the food book, just like nil ihi:. liitiui"* for tho Uiggins progeny. And Ahitbar Acbiah'a mother always called l.u.i by hia.full name. But she win tbo only-oiio who did. Everybody tU .!'■ -I liu \li


"Ah Higgitll, vir ;i ilnni tool for stay- in liiyc."^aid the yoqtfa to hiuiwlf UH his iinU dng M'lv \ifn.iisiy into iiio soil. "Why duirt J'ef'get otltOn hyar un wo

thor world:' Vir lit fat onintliiii hotter tli in iivin mi dvin in tlieso mountings likn yer nor did, un never a k no win noMiin. If per git otitt'ii hyar yur kit; make of fortuft'i an tint's suuulim yet can't niAkL1 dyai* no timru'ii; yer kin keep otiii-ti taw elate hen o.' ther revonoos When yeruiiiiKi.' a lirilo whisky. Ab, why don't yvr start tenlay

Ab luiswvri'il liis own ijtu-sliun, by ua- ■rimlbg a standing poataon and kicking liu,..-' chunk!* from 'Iho decayed stump that hud m ncd liinMus a seat. .. "1 reckon MI'MHS ain't comtn," said

,AK after kicking nt tho stuini) for a time, "an 1 reckon I'll go homo mi toll mam as bpW I'm gotn tax yaitit Looey fer tor make a fuiliin'."

Ab tunifd hlnwly and begnit walking up ttio bridlu path. II" had taken scarce half n dovntt atapk, when a Kort voice faaJaed from the bushes aud hailed him:

"Ob, Ab, what % Mlly tbjng yer gittin ter baP*

Ab stonjie*) ntnl it broad Miiile spread ■ over Ins liomrly face as lie tamed and

aaw a Kirl *ti|i into tho bridle path. "I'M bean hidur lu.-Uii-r hushes fer"s]

half'u limii'." mid the girl, "an 1 heerd what yer laid About goin ter Kuiut Lotvy .ni makln yer foiuin". Air yer gtttfn loo aloud fer It.'irker's Clearin>'"

"Wot yer wantar teaxe afeHeT fer, Melis-s.-" ^anl Ab in a deprecating tone

.: ,i be and tbe-gtrl sat down ih iho shade un«1 'd.ispe*! onndi 1'iviiigiy.

Melissa lliknkin WM nrotty, despite iho ungainly bbtuwl ilrat burrouadod her fme ami hesMMBj dross that illy lin.l her fonii. llur father was "in jail "iit .ItfbTMin City for the crime of bainaj enngbt m the net of illicit distill- tng. and 101 and lur mother lived alone in n cabin that was perched ujsra the hank of the reahuifj inoiinlain brook thai {urciinheil iho power for the rude mill that was tlio pride of Barker's Cle -g.

Ab ml Meliasa had beeu "siarkin" for1 two years, and it was evident to the Whole clearing that there would be a wedding His Bonn as A'» was old enough to go'to the eounty seat ami btashingly ■•Mil thai he was iwenty-one. *■

Th.' i..■,ivi'~ of tli" Mrnta «akH were fast - tnmtng Brown tn tb« autumn winds and

blowing liH.'i.'j, and thither on the BnaMh Hi tiata tunj noticed a change tn bar Aboi hie. Not tltatJio RJKMaxad |Ma ilreuflopaU timu of old, hut that ba ■aatnnd Dreoconpled and dlfnantenMl with hUsurrouadingB. Tho change had

.-I .ni aftei Mr. Owe had left Bar- here Meurlngi (lHfillwaa a young law sjbndool fronrBt Lotu, and be siwutthc Buminer at the clearing, lishing and banting, During bli itayAb wta bji oonatant oiiHpaniou^^As Hie two idl.d away many a cuuiiuer iill-n n in the ■bade on Ihe nvmntain i-nid OOH lHinwd

"int.. r!i, ■..!:■■. of the li>teiiimc Ainthar the nrytha sod legflndaojf npclunt uayi, and told ol tli.' i:r .u w.ofll that lay beyond |B« rtlggouj I Uxarka tua't had heretofore Hanied t" Ablthai to l»e tho u,tmoKt Uiiiiidi of the uriii.

'■fUptoeto M. Lonifjt Ab, and 1'il make n neli iii.,ti ..i j v.n," won Uoas' jMirtiiis worda, UK lie lelt (in* cleSrtng to return i., in.* home in tlr- city.

TbO words had b#Ba lipoken in jest. but Abilliai;* ■:■ lisliexl theui in hia heart. and tu the ■:.-., , pa | |; ■ Itacatno mm ami more sqni Lnuod Uiat oat lit the World WAl wealtb anil fame f. -r him as

...well aa fur other*. I

All iin I .Mi'lu-:>a s,it and.talked as the aften a waned. Iteluon Itrlnd to poranade Ab that be would better ro- m.iii.i v. here ho wan and not uUeiii[it to biittlo will) iho gjfOftt oubiide world.

■•i~i:iy r!;;in hyar, Ah." said Melissa. ■"W'yyu'i \IT ba content liko yer |>ap wns? Be was bora right hrar at Bar> kirs t-li-.irin, an ;it Barkt'rs Cleurin ho ■ lii d. Yeaiu't no bettcr'ii yer (tap, au- ■MT

"What is there hyar fer a man to do, ■ HoUna3 lit 1 Stay hyar I'll never 'niou*#t ter tioilim.. l:;st of I go ontnnaee the ■world inavlio T'kin get lieh, aUybt I ciui got ter >-• what Mr. Uou wiid wui er li.iu -on** o* them rollarii liko A puller, or |iki) Iher mail as thing hJawU on them <)p<tri.iii-,.",u , I. r b.ive Ins roiintry. 1 kiuu't da el ef 1 stay hyar. Ef I don't

', git Out u' hyar T|] novur bo wrath' . aback*."

"Hut Wwrfll boaOOU of me, Ab, ef yer j; i 'waj " oiksd UaltaM in a tonrful

■ \\'ii-n 1 get ter I MI oil. in' thum riob1

i.i-n., i i;n imi.I- baok artai yer, Meliaa," tuud AbTaa ba tightened his olaap aUmt ber wain and ktnod hor cheek

•Niiiiii fergit ma when yei get onfaa hyar, Al'." an 1 tn«girlsaobsahook her fle:ele.r frame

'1 aren't ntiile-r." ■Bid Ah Ldiibburuiy. ■• ,'.M. \..r v..ill. Ah. t kni.w yer too

well. S£eko Digler went totsaiftt Looey,

an ho Ojfltr i iiu backtuj married Lia 1 it, tli..i;:;li- ho promised hor ho ftVeuM An y.jn'11.do j,st likeZokodid."

■"1 won't dp like Zeku did."i*aid Ab. "I'M tuiii back .an gal hor when I'm rich, an I'll takjO yer, tn Saint Looey, with me."

But Aba 'liH|iuiico failed to convince the girl ITw sun ymH slowly boolnd [J.tld IfltOO, and tho evening shadows ! . to gatliar. A b|aek and heavy

■:i l !■"■;■!'.■ to riaa la tho ooulh, mid umttaring thutid-r reached the ears of f.io lovers. An autumn taiji was coiu- ■ :. and the lovers kissed each other good iii-lit an I Rep irai.'il

M-'Ii-. i walked alowly ftOWn tlio ;.i side fo hor home on the banks

of'tl i-ntsatng brook, ^btiMd farther up'Uie vatlejvand «i hetrudgad liumo-

'.wnrd Tisioiij of tbs fame and fortnue tlMt..ne:.i:i ,| him in tbe^groat oalsida Worl i dittodbefbraliini. I'moiisciotuly loatall, i;u:.. iiniy boy stralgbtonad his

'■ i " . d bacg the - .! over hut brow.

I'll it," laid Abaloudi "I'll doit, an whl tl'l ■ 1 11 i iiiu book an

U a .in' take iifr'n mam with

swept and scratched his face. The loose stones cut his bare feet, and the cruel roots grasped and hindered him in his (light. Un, on he fled, and1 lovo and fear lout speed to hia feet. Down th« mountain aide he stambled and rolled, No fear of personal safety entered hit mind. His only thought was for the1

safety of tho girl hu loved. Would he reach her in time? Ou he

ran. Another minute would find him at the cabin, bat the flood was eluee be- hind him. Half staggering, half run- ning, he fell against the cabin dooaand it yielded. Melissa and her rnotberwere huddled near tho rlreplnce, seemingly paralyzed with terror.

"BlU fer yor life!'' shrieked Ab, as he gr;is|ted Melissa in his strong anus and rushed out of tho door.

900 late; the foaming flood seized him and forced him from his feet, but he never loosened his hold upon the girl. The muddy water flnng him against trees and rocks as il hurled linn down- ward. Tho sharp rockB cut Ids hands and fncei-molly, the trees borne along by the flood boat and bruised his body ami sought tn tear Melissa from his grasp, but in vain.

Tho boy clung to hia precious burden with the strength of despair. Down the valley tbo two were carried by theaw- Tul it....it On and nn they were carried out into the lowlands. A friendly eddy carried them to one. side, and Ab seized au overhanging limb and dragged him- self and tJie .fainting ^ri tq safety.

Then Ali hiiwod into insensibility. When morning dawned nuiioiu) search- ers found Melissa striving to revive her lover. Thu cruel Hood had dealt bard with the boy. One arm lay limp and :i. l].lr at his bide. Olio leg hod been crashed between two logs, and another hud cut a cruel gash in hia head.

Rough bm kindly hands mado tho suf- ferer more comfortable, und in a brief time he opened his eyes. As Ab's face foil upon the race of tho girl he had saved, a smile lit up his blood stained face and his uninjured band crept slow- ly into '

"I ain't a-goin ter Saint Looey, Meliaa," be whisjiered. "Don't cry that air way; 1 ain't hurt much. 1 saved yer. didn't I, Melissi' Yer'dadiedef it hadn't been for me.

Tho effort was too mach and ho fell back speechless. itestoratives were again administered, and at last the boy revived sumiiently to say:

"1—1—can't never be a hero like Mr. (.»—Obss told arbont I—1—<-au't,go ter Saint Looey now, an 1 can't never be a hero like, that fellor cz fell ontor them Ostrian spears. It wa'o't nat#ral ns I should l>e a hero. Kiss me, Melisa, goia. Kias mo. M"

Abithur's lead dropped and his eyes rlosed. He never spoke again.

Poor boy. His mime will not go down in history like that uf Arnold Winkle- reid. lint in his huuihlo way ho wan an

true a hero as the Swiss who opened the Austriun'"ranks lit tho forfeit of his life and saved his coiinti v. —Will M. Muupin in Omaha World-Herald.

A Nwrll llu*tun Moirmaksr.

For several years there lias been a col- ored cle "-maker on Sellout street. He has owned his little shop, which is big enough for about four people to stand in with"iU iioiieeahle diwoinfoi-t. Hois a good looking you n g fellow, and tlieraifii't anything-remarkable abotttbjia at first sight. He has a very good trado for a email pines, ami his income is'sufHuient to enable him to life comfortably. If rou go into his shop any time of tho day between 7


facts William, Utt July, Had bis picture took.

"Havs It dons, of conrto," Mrs I, "Jsss iho wsj jon look!" *

(All drssMil up, b* WAS, far tbs Borbseuo sad Jublleo The Old {fattier* licit.; S*. bi

boat be bad It look.

Llde sbe'd tawed and bcaved ruid plsad, Hence her mother went;

But he'd ion,-h and shake bis bead At all artrmeut;

Mcbby clear bl* throat and sar "What's my likeness 'mount to, bay,, Now, wltb mother foe* sway

Prom us, like aba went}'*

But w«M pro]lck'd round, tell era Hot It flavored down '

How nmn btm,*Wde and me, Urivlnluiololown; . ——

HJ-«K«I"1 how wcllhelwiki'd.andaebhca l'|i an HI ud Ihe fiLi-i., mid fruhed With tas tiinriihiK sin Mi.l breihed

111* coat collar d-j» u.

AllaoprovtdentlHl! Why. Now he's ili-M-1 end itone,

Plclurs 'pear* BO Ufellku I Wain to atari Mm mi

Them old tale'* he u*l lo tell. And old talks, -.. .ulul.l,., And old •oiitc* heapnit so well .

'l"oi;e bli voice »*. L.'.I,„ :

Face U sod to Ltile, and I Ltfl ■••HI..-.. Ill 111.- !■,, , I

Klsara It aometlmuH, and lays It away sad rrlea;

1 smooth clown her hair, and 'low tfa-'t* happy, anyhow. Beln therewith molhcr QOW-

rJuille ui.il wipe my Kjti, - Jain.■•> Wliil.-i.iul, KHey.

the apartment, or ID tn* conrtyara. When the bather has had bia bath, tba

attondaot removes tbe soiled water by dipping it oat, wipes oat tbe tab and carries it with his kettles and soiled 'towels down stairs to hia cart. The charge for all this Is about sixty cents, with tbe ufiua 1 additional tip to tbe wan. —Engineering Record.

Ilaw the Indian Tray*. "Prayer is tb.fr soul's sincere detdre,

unuttered or expressed." And the man- ner of expretwiug desire may differ wide- ly. The Indian may he as religious as is the Presbyterian, yet he never kneel* when he prays. He never addresses the deity by word of month at all. Yet he asks for the Me.-.-iii:;. he needs, and asks for them with as much faith and as

miu-li >*faaaMMM.'1."°* '"H whiter broth- er. They want a good corn crop and they gather a handful of green twigs or grasses, bind them together with a rev- erent faith that the deity is willing and able to help them; they lay the emblems or hang them in a place where the ton will shine upon them und leave, assured that their prayer has been heard.

ti may not be answered. The corn may not prosper right away, but tbey are in no wise discouraged. They bind together another emblem and offer it in another place. Some places have partic- ular favor. It ia believed the deity oeea them place them there better than in some other places. It in pimply thu Christiau's idea of sauctunry in another form.-Chicago Herald.

Commercial Wonaen and Huab&uda.

There are a number of commercial, women traveling with their husbands, most of them for Chicago business firms, although a few represent "houses in this city and Boston. The lines of goods they carry vary from stationery and

ycidfik in. lea ted oil


lock in Iho morning and A ie a fieri],,. ,u yon will lind him a littlu stool with a leal her His alcana will be' rolled up,

ill be pegging away for dear

If you goiiito U»e place at o o'clock and wait a f>w minutes, 'you twill pres- ently behold as novel a spectacln aa may ba wiifttaaM In tba city wywlnra. Y will see that a gorgeous light overcoat has been hanging on a peg in the wall iu a corner of llinydiop, ami that a pair uf fWhlug patent leather shoes have been reposing in the KIIIIU comer on the door, and that near by a big silver knobbed walking stick has been siaud log', while on a little shelf ban Wen rest bag a glossy silk hut. Whin tali ynttng; man a work lidobs ID the evening he doffs his leather apron and attires him- self in his swell apparel.

liu may lie seeii on Washington s(reet in the neighborhood of tie, Adam* Qonae an hour lurtT, silk hat, patent leathers, spring oven-oat, silver knobbeVl cane und all. Ho goes to bi« abbn in this drei thu morning and leaves it. siimlnrly nieni. J in thu evening. Ho move,

tho swellest colored aociely of the ( and'Is looked on by bis aoqnaipiancea ita a lieraun of qnalit.f Yet hu . makes '■., disguiso of his l ; . ;■ —Boston (Vir St, Louis Globe-Democrat.

„ Taia Hay i- i . ...

"Will, I Hunk that I would ait there deliberately, as you did,' and ray I didn't know IL >lmiile tiling liko that! The idea! It's perfectly ridiculous!" a would- be-smart. young lady declared lo ■ matron with whom she was on vf-ry inti- mate terms, [

'■What wouhl yon do, my dear?" said the other.

•Do:-" was Ihe reply, -i would kwp still if ! didn't know, and not frankly coo feu my Ignorance'.

■Well, that's when- Von and I differ', laid the elder lady. 'I never expect to M-e th ":

Tile ruindrofR began puttering on tbe f-i;. ii I-.i.. . n*rAb ente.vd his mother's cjttbin. ; aontbobay*lie* wiamti • ■■■■■■ neitlier., 8ho bad . .-.-.-I . . ; It sines UGH bad left the

■ i ■ ■ tin q win t. r Siiiht Looey, ■ i■ v hat MO entered.

\ .m 1 in goin ter ^lart next Mon-

*.- . ■.■ ' Wall, ef yi-r sot on goin 1 reckon

ihe mother's philosophic . . i fcbfl 4II.'.;:IH 'family sat

■'■ wn to thfl Ii ij.'il aappar ofcOrn pone

i I In fury, and wl,. n tlt'i'l!:. , ■■ fainily was randy to retina

i. mp tralh Ii d fury, :... ai glne

:, ;!.<■. H,' Ah op*u(-d

when I will U< too old Mrfaa "> leitiu .-..m,. H0*a Hling ev.-rv ilny. I Unnk. of all the follies in life, tha most foolish folly is t„ think one «lnmld know everything. 1 hate frequently heard elderly ifien, with a great renuimion foi wisdom, ibihire lii.-.t lli-'\ often felt humiliated when tiny roalUtud howllttto tiiev knew 1 ns-un. yon, lii\ di-ar. thut if your life Uttnaned until ydn ah) tbr qnarteri ofa centnry old, >-oa wibVoftso tind yourself coyeied with humilitv at in.- llnngs yon don't know. The wisest tray ta t.. bjgrn esriy in life timt no ho- maiila'ing can know erorythlng; there- ton, lever la- too ully or too proud to ask what yxjtt flrlah to know, and frankly t-. confoaj yourignoranct* of tbfttgi wui'i whi.h >■■ u an- not familiar. A'osensible isrsouwjli reapasl yoo less for it, and Wias people will value your opinion- ln-ieh m.iie ivhen tiuv find that yonr'ut, teraiiees are based upon actual knowl- edge, and that you are i»|t afraid r,r u-Ii.un.-,l to admit that you do not know." —Sew York Ledger.

IThno Ii. ii. luni-rd. A elefgyiuan not long-ainco<observed a

horse jockey trying to talie in^-ft simple gentleman by im|>09ing upfm him a broken winded horse for a sound one. The parson, taking the gentleman aside, told Into tn be raatioua of the person he -vas.dealing with. The, gentleman de- clined the purchase, ami the jockey, qnite nettled, observed, "Parson, 1 had much rather hear you preach thau to see j-oii privately interfere in bargains bt- tweeir* man and man in this way." 'Well," replied the parson, "if you had

t>e*;n where you ought to have been last Sunday you might haTe heard me prnach.'' !'"Where wo« ibat?" inquijesl thejM'key. "In-the state prison," re- turned the clergyman.—ga.n Francieco Argcinaut.

MoDtana Ifipplilraa. The only locality in Montana which

baa been at all prolific of sapphires is the six or seven miles of placer ground be- tween Ruby and Eldorado bars on the Mi---mi river, sixteen miles east of He- lena. Here sapphires are found in gla- cial auriferous gravels while sluicing for gold,and until now have been consid- ered only a by product. Up to the pres- ent time they have never been systemat- ically mi ned. In 1880 one company took the option on 4,000 acres of the river banks, and several smaller companies have since been formed with a view of mining for those gems alone or in con- nection with gold.

The colors of the geroa obtained, al- though beautiful and interesting, are not tho standard bine or red shades generally demanded by the public. The stones embrace a grout variety of the lighter shades of red, yellow, blue and green. The latter color Is found quite pro- nonnoed, being rather a blue green than an emerald green. Nearly all the stones, wheu finely cut, have an apparent metal- lic luster which is strikingly peculiar to those from this locality. Neither rea rubies nor true bine sapphire? have yet bean found.— Omaha IJee. A TROUBLESOME TAME OSTRICH.

A- is.* That tteaerollr Makae Stsatf a TerrlbU Nuli.sc* t„ KvwjboJj.

'When, as sometimes happens, a soli- tary ostrich chick is reared at tbe bouse it becomes inconveniently tame. We had one called Jackie, and it was often

a terrible nuisance. All the littledarkiea about the place bad a lively dread of him. Aa they sat ou the ground at meals with plates of boiled pnmpkii and rice in their laps Jackie would come up. and, stretching his snakelike neck over their beads or under their arms, would coolly help himself to the con- tents of one plate after another, Occa- sionally be would make for the unhappy youngsters in so menacing a manner as to frighten them into dropping tbeii plates altogether; then, while bis vic- tims ran away crying, he would squat on bis heels and regale bia enormous ap- petite at leisure.

But one day retribution came. Being free to fun into the kitchen—simply be- cause no one could keep him inn lo- was not long in observing that the pumpkin and rice always came from one particu- lar pot, aud the idea suddenly occurring to him that he could do no better than to go straight to the fountain bead for bis favorite dish, he walked up, full of joyful anticipation, to the fire where



maps to hardware aud jewelry. One j this pot was boiling. The cook-who, couple are traveling through the coun- being mother to several of the illuaed try with a horse and wagon, dealing in children, did not love Jackie—offered sewing machines, while another coupli are employing the same method to carry lines of gloves, mittens, etc. One wom- an said that the number of women who had taken to c6mmercial traveling with- in the last year was four times aa great as in the previous year.

"And why shouldn't women go into this business as well a* any other?" she demanded. And why shouldn't they?— New York Tribune. /

no friendly interference to save him from his fate, and plnnglng bis bill into the pot, be greedily scooped up, and with the lightninglike rapidity of os- triches, tossed down hut throat a big mouthful of the boiling1 rice.

Then there was what boya would call a "i-in ii..." Jackie began dancing around tbe kitchen, writhing with agony, shak- ing his bead nearly off and twisting hhv neck aa if bent on tying it in a knot. Finally be dashed wildly from the house, and tbe last seen of him was a little cloud of white dust vanishing on the horizon. He returned a sadder and wiser bird, and it was long before he/would venture

\ / Why Sun.,.1, Hr*. Red.

J A shower of a remarkable character occurred in Sicily on April 34, 1781. 0,u the morning of that day every exposed

place within an extensive district was j again inside the kftohep? found covered with a gray water, which When about a year old Jackie was Bold being evaporated left a deposit nearly a to a farmer that bad long coveted him. quarter of an inch in thickness. It was ' No doubt ho Boon repented of hia pur- determined that this solid matter .must J chase.1 The bird was now now strong have come from Mount.Etna. It is eer- j enough to give a good hard kick—that is tain that vast (juautities of solid sub- ] the way ostriches fight—and being a stances are constantly afloat in the at I more daring freebooter than ever, and mosphere. The sunsets all over the ! no respecter of persons, he would march world are redder to this day on' acconni J up aud attack any one he saw carrying of the dust from tlio mighty eruption Ihi what ho thought might bo food, eildeav- the Straits of Stinda years ago, which oring, bv a well aimed blow, to Btrtke,it has not yet entirely settled.—Washing- ' out of their hands; and be waa gener-

**»» Sutr- ^__ I ally successful.

The French baker is not only roam red S*??SS 5? TS31 *n-d Ynptt* , ,r, ... ........ „ _J:„

J. ™,... ' tient of Ida perpetual intrusion indoors, tried putting him into a camp ipclosed by a wire Knee. There, however, he

ately refused to remain. As soon

to conform tu„ laws regarding weight but IIH is also told at what price he must ■all his bread. 1 Ie is further required to "L5" deposit a certain sum of money in tn,, o"*"1"" hands of the municipal authorities as a f\.1,e WRa P» '» ^e would squat down, anrotyofgood behavior. In the large •*"* "".^J '">« ««'k on^the ground;

.Biin.8nw.lfi!.,! ^aen' ,llHl£lnK himself as flat as possible, I under the lowest

fortified cities be has to keen a specified \

quant.ty of flour ou hand to provide for I „* JTw ES? warlil;, emergencies. Wi» of the fenca.

In dermauy laws of similar import aro 1 „"Ut J'T " ^ "T? '^ .trouU",8- in existence, aud are enforced with such 1 ft", £*, £J?£ £ »»a^. «■ severity that no baker ever dreams of de- ]^^^!'!^!T!. ^"^ ■tyt fyiug them.- -Bakers Helper,

/A HalluiT*«n Experiment.

Halloween is sometimes called "nut crack night,'' liecause nuts have always taken a conspicuous part in its observ- IUW'". Two nuts plaVed in the fire on Halloween are named for two lovers. Shonld they lie together and bum to- gether. John aud Tillie will ba a happy husband and wife, but should the nuts bounce and Hy asunder, -the sign is a bad one;—New York Herald.

Delicacy of finding is not confined to geutlo people, eomillonly so'ealled. It is well known, for example, by thoae who-have to da With men eon lined in prison, [hat such convicts nnver speak tba hated word "orison/' hn* invariably BM tome eunlieii'\i',]c substitute, "this institution" being perhaps the teii'V. miopU-d.


ft i.e. . Way in tiiiirh the Average I'reucb- man Makes Hi* Ablution*.

An American familiar with tba fact that ev,yy bottN or apartment, renting as low as aanij IM. Vl,i1l. i„ l)(i i-rm,„)

SUU<'.4, hM Us own b.Mitub. willi hot aji.l cold water-aijiply and v.a-te lo rc- mme iiic contents --i the tn'.. i i otnnaad, If not uiLaz-d/v.-lien ou a visit tuParia hegi-tsan id»a ofTthd CUstptn '- til I pre- vailing iu that metropolis oi luxury and ilenant bafldlngt.

Tie- |argo hotels, sotno vet-y oaatly rate mansions und anartmrata, and tho publi c buthhi IUM-S have t heir hatlirooi] ns is the custom it) thfl IJiutcd Bint tbooghthe French liathroom is really mncli larger, and is oTegantly furnished with rugs, loahgea, dressing tables, etc., the idea lieiug that if one takes a hath one must lie down aud take a nap after it.

People llting lii apiirtinents costing aa blgb'aa (l.OOQ a )ear, and'in the new

quarter of Paris in the neighborhood of the Chumps Klysees, when they wiah to bathe, other man take a sponge I bath in a small portable tub. ilther g» to tho public.bathing 'Rtabli^hineiifs or send b» Ihein lo liaveir hath brought to their apartments. Sunday morning one sees t linage looking two wheeled cart like a very high dog cart, on which there is a framework built over the wheels. Tins frauiew.nl; can hold three bath- tubs. They are made entirely nf copper and are about S feet long, Oft inches deep at the end und IU inches on the side,

The driver of this vuhicle is perched up high ou a small sent in front, is bare- headed and wears a blouse. On each side of him wi ir<m ring encircles a nop* per colored vcs-i-l, holding about three gallons of hot WBt.r, which rests on, a little Fhelf. Ho ohn carries a supply of dry towola and sheets. Tlie bathing es- tablishment* have these carts, slid when I patron send* word that he wants a hot bath at a certain hour the bath is put on the ear', the kettle filled with hot water, and th** cart with its strange loud is rapidly driven to the building in which the apartment is.

, The driver carries the bathtub, as an Adirondack .guide carries a canoe, on his head and shoulders, from the first to the fifth floor, as the case may be. and after sntoadipg a sheet to protect tho carpet, lie spreads also a dean sheet fn- aideof the tuh, so that the bather does not touch th** metal. Then h« cariiea up.ihe kettle of hot water wljich ho has

nought from the main establishment. The necessary cold water he gete on the pr<wW5-*. •'!!■;« o» th« Hun fluor with

own moral obliquity. One day he wan deied down to tho river whero some Kaf- fir women wero washing clothes, their children, a gjwup of little, animated nude bronzes, playing near them. One little fellow, who waa eating, Woe of course instantly spied out by tlte greedy aud covetous Jackie- Tbo marander, How- ever, this time puid the (Anally of bia lawlessness, for in rushinglto kick the little darky'and tlms captVe the food, IIH fell down Ihe rocky bank If the river and broke his leg. Then JaJrie, like all other broken legged oetricbes, had to be killed.—Philadelphia Tunes.

The Vie nf Ilia Vitlce.

Amoiij; the small things, as generally considend, hut great ones as I look at them, is the use of the voice. Here is a sample of u very common conversation, such a J we hear in many homes: "Maria, didyoiUeUTom to go for the milk?" "Ile-h:-" "Did yon tell Tom what I said?" "What did yon tell me to toll him:" "To go for the milk." No reply. Then cornea the question again, "Maria, will you tell me if you sent Tom!" "Ves, I did."

Hero is.a great waste o( both time And strength, and generally of patience as well. Theh.ihit with many people is Very persistent not to answer directly, but to first c.iinpel'ti repetition of aquea- tioii or a remark. In the course of a year such duplicute remarks, if put to- gether, would make a large volume. The habit should be formed of careful listening and direct resjHjnding. Home persons respond indirectly in order to gain time. They are made up with a

lack of strjilghlforwiirdueis. They never wish to commit themselves promptly but most persona who indulge the habit

*nro simply heedless and indifferent to others' rights. A few hove preoccupied minds, and a qticstiou has to lie repeated two or three times to get through the circuinambient meditation.—Mary E. Spencer in Ht. Louis Cilobe-Democrat.

lull.'* of Women,

Hal/ ic, the French author, says that a woman's character finds expression in her favorite color. A woman who pre- fers! orange or green gowns is, he thinks, quarrelsome. Thiaw) who sport yellow hats or who gn clad in black without cause aro not to lie trusted. White should Indicate coquetry, Oentle aud thoughtful women prefer pink. Pearl gray is tho color of women who consid- er themselves unfortunate. Lilac is the shade particularly affected by overripe beauties; theieforo lilac bats are mostly worn hy mothers on '{heir ilanghtera' marriage day and by women more than forty years old when .they go visiting.— Ban l-Viuii l-i-o Argonaut.

II- Keitl Hi* Word. "Oh. what do you think!" exclaimed

Miss Elder. ••Well?" replied Miss Flypp. "Mr. Siificoe proposed to me lost

night," "Did he? Well, when I refused him

the night before he threatened to do something desperate, but I didn't think " ba would be that rash."—New York Enoch.

A Vermont man claims to have a squash. Tine, on the end of one branch of which grew 8° cluster of eighteen full grown oquAAhcs, all well developed.

The silk industry shows that a single cocoon from a-weli fed ailkwofra will often produce a coctjnuous fiber raora than 1,000 yards long.

Wlilp* That Hnet Ba aWcarded More1 ae

Oraataenta Than u Imtrumriiu ul tn- fulH... far Irglnc glow or fr'racllou*

Anlmali-A Yanderbllt Po*»aasloH.

The Vunderbilt family owns a Valua- ble whip. It waa presented to the late W. H. Vunderbilt by the Jackson A Wooden Car company, of Berwick, Pa The design waa mad* by Frits Ealden- burg, tbe sculptor, at a cost of 93,000. Tba whip and ivory stock, before any carving waa done, cost |6G0. It was seven feet long. Above tbe stock tbe whip was made of solid whalebone, then worth three dollars per pound, now scarce at ten dollara. Over this solid whalebone waa the finest braiding of split tapered whalebone ever attempted. i

The braiding of the whip and making Of tbe anapper occupied one whole month. The case for the whip coat $100. the handle of tbe whip was of the purest ivory, 21 inches long and U inches thick at tbe bntt end, which is an ornamental capitol, from which a floral pattern ema- nates, cmblamatic of power, truth and perpetuity, which encircles fun- panels. In each panel ia a wondertuPpiece of carving—on one aide a locomotive and a train of cars; on the other a steamboat, symbolising the foundations of Cornelius Vanderuilt'a great achievements.

On tbe third and fourth panels are the ochievementa of W. H. Vanderbilt's genius, tbe Grand Central railroad de- pot on one and on the other himself in a buggy driving bia celebrated fast horses un the road. On the end of the handle are two portrait busts in high relief of Cornelius and W. H. Vanderbllt, father and son.' This whip ia sacredly kept in a glass case among the art treasures of the Vauderbilt gallery, and in future generatlona will be treasured aa a work of art, even though it is simply a whip,

Jim Piak had a driving whip covered with silk thread, heavy carved ivory handle, handsomely engraved, gold mountings, with the owner's name in diamonds. The whip, with ita velvet lined case, coot $600. W. K. Vanderbllt has a fine whip, costing f}350.

BOHK FAiioi's wmn, Jay Uould baa a whip, made for him

twenty years ago, at a cost of |100. He has had it repaired only once.

Mr. Hammond, of tbe Murray Hill hotel, New York, had a whip worth *;.">, and Harry Hill, the famous New Yorker, had one worth $50.

Hon. Arthur Siedler, of Morristown, N. J.,baa an Ivory handled whip, beauti- fully mounted with silver. On the ivory ia carved hia monogram. The whip coat several hundred dollars.

The lato Theodore Stewart, of Kew York, bad a whip that cost him $300.

Pierre Lorillard, of New York, has a fine whip, with a handle of ivory, richly carved and encircled by twining leaves of tobacco, into which his monogram is deftly carved. It was presented to Mr. Lorillard by friends, and is valued at $000.

It is qnite n fad with ladies who ride to have a couple of fine gold mounted whips, tied with their favorite color of ribbon and laid in tbo form of an X on their beds.

Many thousands of dollara ia expended every year in fine driving whips, costing from $35 to $100, as presents to promi- nent men in clubs, societies, railroad and steamship companies, etc. Fine whips share with the gold headed canes In their use aa gifts. As nearly ever)* gentleman keeps a fine horse, he must needs liave a tine whip.

For female' riders, a large variety is mode.

As the country grows more densely populated, and richer and finer goods become a larger part of regular trade, new, and novel designs are continually brought out by manufacturers,

THHKK K1SDB OP WHIPS. There are three kinds of whips—the

straight or buggy whip, the lasli whip, and, for riding, the English crop. Tho crop is n handsomely mounted, short, straight stick, with a flat leather thong at the end, Into which may or may not be fastened a lash, . America leads iln- world iu whips.and the Englishmen have found this out loug ago. A year ago a number of noblemen sent a man over h«re to pick out some whips. Now, the American whip is a straight whip, while the English, FrenCh and Herman whips are all lash whijie.

A New York lady has a driving whip which she values at $o,uiH). In the Mock of the whip are forty-seven diamonds.

One of the costliest whips ever made in this country was made iu Conueticut for a Frenchman, It was paid fur by an American and cost $1,000. The. slock was caned ivory, gold and jewels. The whip itself waa whalebone, braided with tapering whalebone thread.' It took two weeks to braid the whip.

A farmer living near New York has a whip over 100 years old. He bought it at a country auction for thirty-six dol- lars. He has been offered $100 for it as a curiosity. He refused it. It is a very thick, heavy ivory, clumsily turned stock* The ivory alone is worth twenty-five dol- lars, and, is a beautiful piece.

A whip dealer in New York has a very old whip stock that has carried off prizes In London and Paris, and will be on ex- hibition at the World's fair in Chicago. It was made in 1?0£.

Bismarck and the (iermun emperor have their whips made in this country. Many costly whips are made here lor English and French actors, who take them home to present to friends. Most of the swell >juordsnien iu England who drive tandem send here for their whips. —National Harness Heview."

II* Made lLuoiu.

Lady Mallard was rather fond of crowding her dinner table. Onco when the company was already tightly packed, an unexpected guest arrived, and she instantly gave her imperative; orders:

"Luttrell, make room!" i "It must certainly be made," he an- ■wered, "for it does not exist."—All the Tear Bound.

HUMPHREYS' * *r* ti'lMnUfk-allr mil iiu. i NT I'unr

J. Kitry Hr.jileMpo- l*ea*e named.

euro without am^nim;. imrit- ItH "r rwluc-lnn tlie tycuni, uid arr In feel »ntt dredih****erelia rcmealraei il*e» or id.

Ou. lluHPHOMirt'srscirici *■ Hu-etiilly prepared pmcrliaK rr*r* In private pni'ilfawnlii ibin* year* usedb> Ike people. clacba-apMlklcun-'-- ■'- ■"

Th* *s. speal flee c In* nr redudtuj the

tOW Of r*j»( ir u. do*. Fevers* t'onmUoa. inflammation .. ■' yv«r*n«. | f.,ll,v Crvlaa; C.lli.iri, ,.inln«,.r lutitnU .• Diarrhea, of flillilruii i*-4dii!U l>/ae*iferr> OrlplUfcWNouai ullc... ,i 'balere. Herbaa, VuntlUog '•■lib*, (ul.I, lii.ii.ililll* ,

■ ■ ■

■ eadarhea, HJultliettilaeite. VrrlltfO f>es«»>*I«, ItMJ.ni* Miimni-h

,l*i*r»Mf«"r 1'ftltH'ul rrrieaV Hbflra, IIMI 1'ri.ttj

., . Iillmler HleedlDf I'ourrh, lull ..-ii/., (-ol.liiittielletid .; \S baoailnv <'e*ih, violent i'»i*ti>. ,; lirneral Aehlllu'lfll-k-allV,-akiw-* , fc!?«?I.H]-5f«* ,;

bur*-. WettinulMHl. '.. 1 eHenrt.l'ali'lUil'.ii 1.1)1

I rimiry Weal--- l)l-e».i-,nt | hi

rwd ur Dtuftiau, o


ni.li.,i, IlroobV Wav nllli 1 lol.l rrn.

No one who has seen Dr. ISrooks with children ia likely to furgtt his "way with them." Bterner persons say that he makes them behave very badly, am], possibly in jealousy, others have called him fonder of youugsters than of grown people. No objection is heard from the children. They look midgets, indeed, on those knees, high and broad, in which two schools of churchmanship figur- atively meet Is it foolish to imagine that the new bishop's visitations will gain some nf their power—OVCT mothers at least—through his extremely happy intercourse with tho children? However literally true it may be, surely the story of Dr.-Brooks going to a )mor woman's rooms and keeping the children out of mischief while she went to church tells something of his fpirit. And the stor) loses none of ita point wfien one reflects that tho woman could not hear one of ber visitor's sermons.—Harper's Weekly.

Patent Leather and"p'ntent Calf

While many may apply the term "patent leather" to all kinds of enamel leather, still, strictly sjieaking, it is only used iu tho harness trade and in the cheapest grade of &hoes, whilo patent calf la tho material from which tine sboea ore inaile. Only the very flnt-sl calfskins arc uVd, the enamel being ap- plied after tho skin has been through a long course of treatment and all the atretch taken therefrom, and is, there

«*ore much more durable than patent leather, which is mad* usually from cow- hides.—Shoe snd Leaiher Facts,

The Ant I pod**.

Don't speak of China as our antip- odes Our antipodes is the point on tbe other side of the world reached by a straight line passing through the place on which we stand and the canter of the earth. Oar' antipodes is In the ocean •onthweat of Australia—GroldlbwaitVa Geographical Magoriae.

,iS'cA»<l ■MtoakM,",ruiT»s». V"rMe*

1IAGER & CO., Agent*. 871 Ksaex t. Lawrence, Mass




What tlte Recent Production ot

Prlriuilla Netted-

Tbe opera "Prlscllla" recently present- ed at tbe opera house for the benefit of Ihe hospital netted |74,07.

Tbe financial report la as follows i •auavre,

•;ss oo






RETAIL TRADE A. W, HOWr.AVII. ni>. B., IISS rrmn-..lto

M* iewOffice,K? Kaeex 8t, In Bottoo fore noons; In Lawrence sdernoons.


Viiller atreet near tlie Common. Ufllci) hours, 4 anil T to B p. m. PEDKICK A CLOSSOX, Ap-

praiser*, Real Kotnlo Afeutn, Lawrence Mase. Personal nhentlon to all buslneis.

HIT aiirrEH navlng inetb Bllod, nlicn

DR. RUSSELL caa All them wtihont pain. My own <'lKn*erv,


trrettl i yei i Offjet <

SI (■ hj rtcsl'.f re

nail Onlec, S.'H V.»>ex ihe heal f<> m ut jtnlil crown ami lirlilgo work,

iillrt'lal li.lli mmlo wllhotit pUtei. i:\lr* hSrK'lor Ihe imliili-HS BfeeOM. Vs)M>rfo< OX. i-.e tinn leriii ■.'. in,wit i .'.■!! | llylln





AirardrJ highnd Honor* at Hi.;*.. )."-; iM,.||,.„„n». isn

i-;; iniHurt, i-*i 11711 AcMMlUlO, i*a IrlMD*. ii-l ■■-,

FUH* ll'Jal OH trtry t-ttU. U**w* «** ImlUUou*.

17 *!":.


Ball from New York evvry Saturdsr tor


LIVERPOOL VIA n'.EENSlOWH. taloon I'ssangu, |00 ami nnwardli Hcronllnp la Location. Second chi**, %■■%&. sitcrugentimanl

. ■JIM-MI-.-I.'. $H>


reiotns 286. Residence, US5 Com non Street. ..-. ,J

orFallintSickness CAN be CURED.

i"« will SEND FRKE hr mall a large TRIAL flOlit.l-:;

■ *llD ■ l"iti«r un Kpil't-y. LON'T SUFFER ANY I.nNCl It | ftiv* Po»t ofc fict,Sui**nil Counly, au-1 Agt pliiuly.

*dJ,tM' THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., 886Q FjunnouM A vtuuc, riiwUtl^Ltia. Pa>

^flm oM

Mlaflleaa. loperecni. ot|7K) so -

paid C. i. Macoinoer, 1 '".*i 4* 1'ii-u hcDM-lnlstita, US 00

•• "1 rehearsal*. *i DS Dill i>«*tlni and dl.triuullfis, SB 09 Ailvertialug In luper*, 19.15 , Uprrs b'iiMllCaCU, 1 ID Urcneeu-s, HI » I nil,ii Tin vimlry, II re

beartala, S3 00 Car (are and eipento of

Hetliu.ii linger*, 10.0a [>ora I*. Hall, n-rvloea "mak-

\ag up"tsw);i>la- fl 60 1st IS hooka oi "I'rl'clllaV 11 M Expense to Boilon 3 times,

1 |,< r-nii:<, 6 M Espreeaon hooka, ptluting,

l.ropertle*, etc., 3 U , Toli-o-rama, 1 » ' .:■ ■■ '.' SO ct tlclmta, 4 00 rrot.U. Fred Humor, bill

fur conducting S rehears- si* at resirf, 10 N

Total net proccet<* paid L. I' . O. 8 for Iwnvot of hofpli.il, f. I CT

IH.-I iilluii ('urn a irliud, M

Total, . |T4 ST Tbe presldeot of L. U. C. 8. has re-

ceived vouchers for tbe above bills.

Tboruton Bros, very kimlly fnralsbeJ

tbe ushers' battonbole bouqaeta without

caarge, aa (lltl alao Mr. 0. II. Rbod«a hia

aervlces lo "makluft up,"

Mrs. Qeorae W. Sargent, president of

the Ladles Union Charitable Society,

writtatbo fo'lowiDo; letter which la self explanatory:

LAWKKXCE, Feb. 12, 1892.

'I'tie mciabera ot, the Ladles Union Charitable Suctelf grattfullj ackaowl- t-tttfl tlie ttlftof si-vi nty four dollars and iifi v si-veil in-run (974.fi*j received from Mi.-s liehn Cburcblll, It belDg toe entire pioccedsoftbe open "Prlscllla," given for tbe beoeOt of tbe hospital. j

Miss Cburcblll aasamed the entire res ponsihl liy of labor and all poaalble loss, rtqalrlDg ao tff.irt on the part of the eo ciei v, and wllbont compeosatloo.

F-Uy appreclatlDR this, ae well aa tbe vast amount of labor, time and e-pci necessary to the success of ao great ao undertaking, the members of tbe L. U. C. 6. desire to thank her ami all who ao kindly and gratuitously participated iu tbka beautiful "service of aong," for thai generous doiiatl-'D, and sympathy wltb tbe woik.

PRKB. L. U. C. S.


Two Little Girl* Knocks Down

by a borae Sunday.

An accident took place at the corner of

Essex and Lawrense streets about three

o'clock Sunday afternoon, which narrow-

ly escaped resulting seriously to Itaae

U'Connell, a little miss of five jears. A

sleigh containing three men came down

Lawrence atreet ]un aa Hose and ber als-

ter Annie, who Is three years old, were

crossing the street. The driver failed to

cbeckihe speed of the horse and It atrack

tbe two children.

Annie was hit by tbe horse's knee and

thrown to one side, bat It 'se did not es-

cape so fortunately. She Ml under

tbe body of the horse. The animal

itself was thrown by' the ahock of

the collision, and to au eye witneae of

tbe affair It seemed aa it It fell upon the

child. Iu some miraculous manner tbe

child passed between tbe horse's bind

fe<dt and under the bottom of the sleigh.

Tbe lu)uries wnluh slm received constated

of a in uii • uptn one of her legs, as If

caused by the ruuucr of the alelgh, and

also a scir opou her ban.I.

Tbe little glrla were taken to their

borne at 144.Newbory atreat. . After the

accident oue of tbe party got out of the

sluiali sni the other two drove down

l, i-.vivr.ee street to Meiliueu and thence

turned down Jaikson street. A party

stated, lliat lie endeavored to atop them

near Porter's stable but they whipped up

the horee. Marshal 8b.eeban, wbt was no-

tilled of iherli"*lr, quickly dlspalch.d in-

spector Ilemlck and Officer Shea after

tbo turnout, which wss overtaken at

North Andover Centre. It was learned

ihiit It bad uctBDifed by Patrick Ryan

who was one of the occupants of the

sitiyh. He was accordingly arrested

and fined «.i or 30 days in police court

lo-dsy for Utt driving.


President Norwood of tbe Board

of Trade at Home A gain.


V HAIITES G0L3EM SPECIFIC ,U I!^-i,n!;;,;,-;t,;:V;:^:Mc ;;:-"■:■ j^K.-'WA-ftKy s;r,t,A»s: 'ut"'*,"1;",;,',;":;",

H H. WHITSEV 4 CO. Dripkl,u J..

CONSUMPTION. lh*T«a|fcaitl»r*iD*>']j|.!r-tli* *bo»ilirean; bflta

«a*tnoal*ndiofii**a* o( ft* wnrrt kind Sod ot tana Ouun lunbfmmwL ind--il mflr^n* Ii mj faith,

• PaUJaKLl TFM 11?l» lavtisial lasilnaajsol. lanr woo "ill tend mu llioir.II; ?rr.; «p 11'. O. adOraca,' T. * H' Ma*., n. «, . (*» Prorl Mu. *.. h .

Ct.li.uvit i i mn,

km.*n rerrc.lv, ai l.i.t fount a r« "Lilcli reiii|,i, n !i <i(rr.l him ntiil *«vei 'lentil. An; autl rer (ion ilil* ilrrnd

iff a aelr.H.Iili.t •DVUlrpOlO Prof, J. A. [jmrcr-c, 9UC€t, NSw York, will ncltvo-tboii

A clerfVmsD, lhat l'-;i:t n ii!i: .;■

ilm from fnl rllsesfo iirelciHi lo Prof, lirett, Nr—


A (1 vl ti : ,1 It Elj'* '■■.:,■ \: [-,•■. i bad raurrh fort, rrejiar*. »T*o or il-rro Itniea a wtek BIT rnre woul'i lil*ei. I thonftit ibe .ores ■ onlil nrv.r hci). V»ur Ha'm la* mrea me.'1— Mrs at. A.,lBrk»n. I'urtiwnoili, N.-H.

I wa.aomnch(r.iul,l«<l wtlli cinntli 1; *fr1oin- ly NBrctrrl mv nitre. On* 1-it'i" of Kl*'* C'rt am MHIM illJ the *oik. Hy Mj a U i...i/n-.'. .... -M. r. I IS|>*nnr, A. il„ I a.wr if Ilia (ttlrel Baniutcbnreb, PHiadeipiila, 1'a. .


President Norwood of tbe board of

tradu went to Washington two weeks

ago, to further tbe cause of Merrlmack

river navigation.

The chances are very bright for a sys-

tem of locks at tflilcheir* falls, that, will

opurt the Menlmack river to navlgatlou

from Lawrence to the sea.

Thu petition >lgm ■! by Mayor Col ina

and 4C0 Lawrence cltliena was prescn'ed

tn congress by congresaman S'.evena, aid

referred to the committee on 11 vets aud

harbors. President Norwood appesrid

before tUs corximlUee and advocated the

measure. The chairman of tbe cotimit.

tee, corffrest-man Blanchard of Liulalans,

favored tbe proj tct, and In fact so did all

the membera.

They decided to hue A survey made of

thu river, and this will p.ivu the way for

further action. The members of the

coiomillce are dlcposid to allow $130 000

fur buildlug locks at Mitchell's falls. Thla

will mhke the river navigable1 to Law-

mice, iii.i will save tbe* cltliena thous-

and! of dollara annually In coal and other

ire.giit cbarges.

Mr. Norwood expects to hear something

more in about a month.

He had a very pleasant time while

away. Cougreesman Slovene received

blm kln-llv, ao did cVngressmie o N'.ni of

D Mtoit, It ,;li will assist the plaa of river


Wuite In Wdshlugtoa Mr. Norwood

inn Mr. Ucorge \V. OlemenWof Lbls el'y,

who Is ,a (jkik In the. treasury depart-


btcvcnsaiul Ilia CollcaK"CH.

Brafytfalag Is not pletssot wlththt

democrats In congress over the tariff

lull. CoDgrcsenun Stevena I- dlsap-

poluiedAml Is frank entiagb to say so

Mr. S.IVILS Lad b*en IndQced to eappottr-

the criglnal bill under tbe belief, nu-

tloti Nt filly, that the ad valorem duties on

til tutu,ufactuieji of. woolen rhoaii) not

be reduced. But iney are 'o be reduced,

aid Mr. Stevena dcf-ply regrets It, His

explanation la aa follows: "Tho bill

dot*n't suit, but it Is tbe best thing that

v,.- i niii.i e,-t from fibls commiitee. A

siroug effort waa made to le-duce all the

duties below the raue iln.it i y the Mills

bill. Tbeywonid,' have cut cloth ant! the

oilier goods of which we tn l;e the mos'

In Niw Koglani)l down to Si percent.

liisitad,of leaving them at fit) per cent.

We wt-ro obliged to reduce the ratea on

>oms of the cheaper]1 goods la order to

ralt.ry the,Southern members of the


—PJSI c itnmaiider of Poal 3D. Wm. H.

Cotni his gone to the. soldiers' home at

T«fus, Me. .

-The e!c£ trie car I racks rauaed several

tip o|U Subday, ail of wUkb were luck

li> .wJibiMU attloun rcmlia.

HOME FURNITURE CO. Complete House Furnishers. LARGEST STOGlt.




COME IN AND LOOK At onr Goods. No trooDle to snow onr wares.

Ash Chamber ots Antique Ash Sets Oak Chamber Sets Walnut Chamber Sets Hair Cloth Parlor Suits Plush Parlor Suits Crushed Plush Suits Rug Parlor Suits Ingrain Carpets Extra Super Carpets XX Extra Super Carpets Tapestry Carpets Tapestry Brussels Body Brussels Velvet Carpets Ranges Bed Springs Mattresses Mantel Beds Cabinet Beds Bed Lounges Lounges Sideboards OU Cloths Straw Matting Parlor Tables Platform RocKers

$15 to 75 IB to 100 30 to 200 35 to 250 25 to 150 20 to 200 25 to 200 45 to 2B0

|25o to 700 50c to 85c 76otol.OO 60otol.00 75c to 1.26 85c to 176

90o to 2 00 $10 to 76.

I 1 85 to 10 1,76 to 30

10 to 50 20 to 150

6.50 to 40 5.00 to 25 15 to 1 60 16o to 76c 13c to 75c

$2 to 25 $310 50

Tour old stove taken as first payment tor a New Range.

Cash or Instalmenta.

166 to 170 Washington St. COR. DOCK SCJUABE, BOSTON.

Water Buj EXTE 1*11 h our

;s and Roaches. RMINATOR

I-rlr* rtlir. SMlMartlt■« pimrmn-i'il i r mimi y rel*i,ik.l. )f yonr drmswls doe* not keep It we will mat) you s pa.-.a*e on receipt ot prtae. .

BABNABD da OO. 7 TBMPLR PLACE, for. of Trcmonl St, BOSTON, HABf. sodta f]y ay*

45VICK'SSEEL>S. ''Brilliant" Porry paekrt .r_.l*B.

I ???"*• Wil>an ami IXUrair. Ull, BH ,111.-. ■ n iiurc Caryaa&ihacianUa each 00c* t

h<CUT;,™;;i„„;i:v„i,^.:,-i??:38 | fiwtal (Jam "Goldtn RO*S*V' paiaet lie.

>rmiT," j.acii! |;Jo. nWunrier/'ntrlb.. ii)©, b I'ralu. lock aliiif*)

Paoiy, Extra etoto,"i«a«t.™ ::5!Si

VICKS FLORAL'GUIDE, 1892. I [.enon. iHereiicr.n HS Flower* or^VegeUble*, ihould b*'

"Jnt*. whiLh mjjr WdeducteH from firs^onler, A packet of 40-Ik Omt FKBB *-ltb *aeh ortfr »hen dMred.

One writer lay* ; " Stand* i catalogue."

CM. I'l Itc G

(KaseSanbornS Seal Brand i

• Coffee. Java and MorJia — justly called " The Aristocratic Coffee of America." This is the Coffee served in the Japancae Garden at the Pure Pood Exhibition. Always packed whole roasted (unground) m 2 lb! air-tight cans. You can get free 24 beautiful photographs ot" Eastern Life. Address,

CHASE ii SANBOMN, Boston, Maea. * '» Wtt a-sij onlr to the tnd«.

MONEY MANLY VIGOR! ISI'tv invcalcrl will aruin rlnnlilo ii. ' 7i... > n. . ^~_.^^ Wisely invested will HOOD double it-

self, und there are often as many ele- ments of safety surrounding a good pitying iri'vsiiiiYiit as one that paya smHll dividends. The earning canactty of every Investment is tho JoundatloD of dividends. The Atkinson House Furnishing Co., of Mnine, organized In 1667, has pnld It* stockholders 0 scml- iimmnl dividends of 6 per cent, each (10 per cent, ti year) und is earning a hand- some surplus ill-aides. It is a buy and sell business and a safe investment for all classes. Tho authorized capital is Jl,000,000; of which 8570,000 has been paid iu. To further increase tho busi- ness 880,000 t»t tho Treasury .Stock is offered until March 15 nt par. |10 per sharp. I'rieo nf stock will be advanced

Feb. 18th to take effect on above date. For full particulars address the company, Uox 1218, BOSTON,MAS*., or PORTLAND,-ME.

I CURE FITS! Wh*n I **j car* 1 dV not mean ii'.eMj lo atop tiMta

lor a Uma and tb*a bar* taatn r-lorn aaaln. 1 nan a radical cor*. I hata io*de t b- d «***• uf FITS, EPI- LEPSY or t A1.I.1N0 GICKSLSa i hfa-lmg Mudr. I warrant mr r.'tu*dr to cur* th* wan CM*. Bin*— sUiar* b**fl,f-.:<-i il noreaw.n I T n A D.IW ncMnofi •or*. Bo-iTalnce* for a lra.ul^ end* PneBottlea* mi lnlall.L.1* tt-..r ■!;. G.'. i Hi;:-, i mJTo«txBc#, II. ti. BOOt, RI. '.'.. IS'I IVurl HU, N. T.


[Sherry Wine Bitters] A CENTURY IN USE.

Bast Nerva Tonlo Known. 1 '. Curos Dytptpala, Regulate* ilomach.

Lltsrand Bowels.

—0«ce cbutch was taxed to Ita nt most, Sunday eveniDSMnd Dla'iop Orooki sddTflss KM highly appreciated.'

E<fU, raaOkwal Db**4*r* rXtvrlW, tlUI ruaallaia.

««.H,.-, ,.„.J h, DS. i-*i«s<sTaBirli »tf»i.i*ftL nurufltiJ.mttt *|—Ba* r'-nrtr l/tlail. >» Mli.i j.j IIJU. *^»Sais^ScSmOH a*.Ua, S..^ *.^. taMMHwa. 1.. atoalaat Wart *ni I .

BY PAYING S PER CENT. DOWN and 3 per cent. • month

Too can Own Real Estate TBot Will odiltu original eoatof purr bass to IU lalne STorf TOST tor 10 years loeome.tioildGasa •legant Inromo from tho limit merit—located la S'ttirroIlDO fallowlag rllloa :— Little Hock, Ark. iiutuart. Ark-; MomjinM, TSDQ, Maron, Gs.; Srulnabara, Alaj Hoarjoks, Vs.; IIU«bun, «*«.; Tororna, wub.; (tnattle. Wash.; Ot rlauaion, Tex.

Wr ssree lo purchase lor TOU , Uke title la /our name, or IDS name of a trutUsu, see whei <ood prices caa be realltod, return to yon tas 3rfaMi.il, S per lent, in it re* t ami DM hall tas

ln*Patro«nta ads at Large or Small Amoual* Honor dr* bat S or * per osot. In aa*lnjr«

oank*. Tb' > ank eannol basafor than tbo Baal

Ssnd'f tt .Ipartlcnlara to atgt TABLE 1A)»S * TBUaT CO.,

HI atonUfomtry St., Jersey Lily M. J.


Children Cry fcf Pitcher's Castoria.

When Kaby trot alct. WB i;a»e ber Caafonn..

When Hu ru a Child, tlie cried for Castoria,

When she became Hiss, she clung; to Costorta,

When ahebarl CbJldren, th»t«»othem Coatorls.

. TUB COMMAHDEl IU.CHIEF |ofU>»Oranl Army nf tlie llepnbllr. Major Qm. , H. Menill. Fo*r rcneille* am betier known In tnla ulrliiltv than Siilfhiir lllitera; Ibelr nils bus liren rcr* crncral throuuliuut till* aieiloc, and th* nunitwi of reliable and well attend CSSPI of IwnelcUl Diuliaand r*co*on bT their n*e. 1« larieandboroaddliputa. dirtrr



&3DO. S. ^ Eli KILT,, P«* 08» Bloik, Liwrtnw, M.ti.

SUBSCRIPTION;-$2.50 per year, from which

50 cent* will be deducted tor •trial/ advance


the Cln-ulatlt.n of the Lawrence American In the largest of any paper In the Count/, ami it* special "Aitdover tnnillaai" department alVBS It an almost exclusive local circulation ID Andover autl North A iv lot er.


Entered ai second-class matter.



THE"DAILY AMERICAN, EVEF ' R£Nit)G,!">unday Fxcapted.)



SUBSCnrrTIOH. li Ham, $6.00 pet |Mr.

6E0. >. MERRILL,

THE AMERICAN ELECTRIC PRINTING OFFICP It the largest and moel thorough I y furnished ,r

Eastern M it sac hu setts. Nine power presses -

constant sddnioAS „f the newest typo; tin

best queWy »( work, at low prices, Ordft-

by mail promptly* attended-la '



FROM 21 LIVING DEATH! Ivy Poisoning and Diabetes


Bome ill yean ago I was poisoned by BsolaKsll Ivy. and though I employed a good ■■■■ ii— Physician, yet It got into I nL BIT bloodTt and caused Hii'linbnriiinic, ■ ichliijc«eii«a.tlon that It seemed as tliou^ti I could teetr the very He-*., from the bone*— all these years 1 have beeu troubled so that my life has been a living *l<*«lh.

Last winter, I was taken |#|fj r% with daaUtetls and run lYIIW down very fast—could gel no help, until Fib, -ith, my attention was called to the vrtuiderful cures DANA'S SABSAI'A-

the TU AT '**■*' Dut 'houghl ' would I HM I give it a thorough

In* tl„ , 1,111 tie I kffn to Improve. I have

taken thirteen bottle* nnd am per* fleetly well every way. I rannot begin to tell you how erHteful I urn tor


Dot skit we sai but what the people s-i lllll DANA'S SARSAPARILIA.

Dana tariapartlia Co., Ballast, Mala*.


Lawrence American LAWRENCE, MASS.

Grecian Lodge Spends an Enjoy-

atble Evening.

Weekly News Brevities.


The Prohibit Ion leu, of Portland, He., have nominated RufusDeerlngfor Mayor.

Senator Dautreanme of Franoe la dead. Be served M secretary- general of the French exhibition in Moscow.

Several alight earthqaake shocks hava been felt at Louisville, Ky. The move- ment waa from east to weat.

There la to be no truth in the report that the Mexican government will grant a concussion to the Loustana lottery.

W.C. Haakina, one ot. Mad ford '• moat prominent c it liens, and a prominent Boa- ton buaineaa man, died of pneumonia.

W. C. Flfe,oarrlage maker at North Oek- land, Oal., haa>salgned. Liabilities, po,- 000; assets nominal. He owes large sum* to Eastern firms.

Dr. Caleb Burnham of Lynn, dropped dead at his home on Silsbee street. The cause of bis death was heart failure. He waa about BO years of ago.

The coroner's jury In tbecaaeof Nancy J. McC'lara of Nashua, N. H., after an ad- journed hearing of three hours, rendered a verdict that death resulted from natur- al enuses.

In the district court at Lynn Edward F. Orady and Edward Murray, for talk- ing indecently over the telephone Una, ware given 30 daya each In the house of correction.

W. D. Sharper, colored, aged 21, substi- tute stamping clerk at the Meriden, Ct., post office, has been arrested for robbing the mails. He waa caught by a decoy tet- ter containing f I.

Qeorge Peltew, one of the titan* of the New York Sun, who lived at 66 Weat Third street, was found dead in the base- ment of No. 70 Weat Thirty-third street. He was 46 years of age.

All Russian immigrants coming into the port of Boston will be detained at

Grecian lodge of Mason's held a sociable

In Masonic Temple Friday evening that

proved one of the roost successful yet.

It was the fifth in the aeries conducted

annually by the lodge and II brought oat

some 860 ladles sod gentlemen. The evening from 8 nntll 1 o'clock was

merrllly spent, the programme compos-

ing an entertainment, a supper and danc

log. The entertainment began at,8 .o'clock

sod was participated in by tbs following: Miss Helen E. Churchill, soprano; Mr.

Oeorge Lempl, mandolin; M-as Msy Drll- Ho, reader; Mr- F.Clayton Record,violin ;

Bro. Fred H. Warren, bsrltone; Hiss Uattle R. Warren, pianist and Bro. E. T.

Collins orchestra.

The programme which filled In two

boars was as follows i Introduction—"Poll*h Dance," Xarwenka

Orchestra. Heading—"I.aacA."

Hiss iMMo. Song—-'Wlien the Heart 1* Young" Dudley Buck

Irllii Churchill. lulln Solo—"Spring SOB*-" Mendcllaohn

Mr Lam pi. DescrlpUve sonf—"The Desert" Emmanuel

Bra. Warren. Overture—"Raymond" Thomas

Orchestra. Heading—"How the oltl nor*e won the Hot "

MISS Drlllio. Sous—"Beauty's Ere*," Tostl

alts* Churchill. Violin obligate Mr. Record.

Mandolin solo—".(lumenlied." Uustave Lange Mr. Lempl.

Duet—"The Syren and Friar " Kminanuel Mil* Churchill and Bro. Warren.

Violin solo—"Scene da BelleV De Berolt Mr. Record.


Juarantinu for thorough inspection until urtiu-r notice. An order by the board

of health to this effect has fust been is-

Restorea the Sena ea of Taste laud


TRY THE CURE HAY-FEVEft A particle J* applied Into each nostril and Is

agreea'ile. Price M cents at Druggists; by mall loilm-rcd, 00 eta.

ELY BUOTHERa.M Warren St, New York, food ly lass

I CURE FITS! i-atiiviu

radical cur*. 1 lw« wada thadasaaaof liTTa, KPI- LEPSTorFALI-lN(lSH:KSKaS*hf«-Uin«iWdr. I warrant »r ramails to euro th* wont OHM. Beeanaa ethane b.na latift li nurc-v-oafiirn--tni«i»rar«lvieias era. Brnd*toB«rcr»lK"itllM.«n>tsr-tw«Snttr»fl« raj l-ifallililo reiuml*. Ui.s Kapraassnd PostOffloa. B. <*. BOOT, M. 0., Iff! Pearl Ht., N. T.



Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs,

pHa, A mm on la. Arnica. Art!its'Colors, Ac, atlas Liquid Paint, Axle Grease, Bay Rum,

Ben sine,' Bluo Vltrol), Borax,

Brooms, all slaes, Bru.+hu*. all kinds, Camphor, QajtboBc AcldSmlKosp, Carriage Top Dressing Uasille Soap, ' CastorOll, Chnlk, white and red, Obamol* Skins, CblorKleor Lime, Color* dry and In oil. Copper invi I'. Copperas, Coras, Ur run Tartar. Downer's Kerosene, Dyewood,

■named Kp* >m I


Cloth, melled Cloth, ura Salta, itber Duaters.

ufidture Polish, ' Iron Palls, .all sites,

■lanber Salt, iluo, all grades,

Jlcartne, gold Leal, BJM Pain tan IHri.ri»t:i Sam Arable. Qum Trinim .tnth, Barnes* Oil and 3oap,

ellooore, ladlgo, Iiseotl'o«ito-,

Kalsomlne, Lard Oil. lilnaeed oil, Uquld Ulue, lnnnl.jS Puipla, Ulietl I'.lntr .allsaadaa Maptha, Ncais' Foot Oil,). Oik ion, Olive (Ml, Oxalic Acid, Hacks go Dyes, Pull*, Paper and Wood Paris Uroen, Paris White, Partiltne Oil, Paranoa Wax, 1'htniU l.oad,| Plaster Parla,

I'limlicStoDS, Putty, Puts Pomade,"■ liallroatl Colon, Rock MU (or horses, Itonf I'nlntOU.

K nbiwr Tubing, Rubber Wiiiniii Sprinti Salem Leau, Saltpetre. 8 ind Paper, SCAIDK HschlntOll, Sbeiluc, SoniiTree Dark,

Spirits Nitre, Spirits TurpentlLS. S|tonges, Sulphur, Tar, Tripoli, TuoeC'olor.W.A N-e

i, " " M**UTT1S Varnish, W .iircffitn Soap, Wllllsm's Barsosp* Wnitliia, Wood Stains, Whale OlIS

In Qsaititieg (o Suit at Lowest Market Prices.

1B1 Essex St. X.A.17V7'H.EIPa"OBl.


Captain William M. Conner, until re- cently the proprietor of the St. Jame's hotel in New York, died In a hospital In St. Louis. He waa 62 years old, having been born In St. Louis of Irish parents.

In the Middlesex criminal court at-Eaat Cambridge, Harry P. EntwiBtle, Who Bbot Emma Clegg at the gates of the Merrlmao mills at Lowell, was sentenced to 16 years In the state prison for assault with intent to kill.

Fred L. Houlton of Lowell was arraign- ed in the Middlesex criminal court at East Cam bridge. He pleaded guilty of manslaughter, and was sentenced to 30 years in the state prison, tor the murder of his wife.

The taking of testimony in the famous salt of the Uancheeter & Lawrence and Boston oV Ualne and the Concord rail- rosda, was concluded in Boston, and arguments will bo made in that oity Hay SI.

The following are the aggregate returns of the eleven fidelity and casualty com- panies licensed to do business In the Btateof New Hampshire and their trans- actions during 1801: Risks written, tlO,- 346,414; premiums collected, |83,U77; losses paid, f!8,T06.

D. W. Nun bum lias been appointed gen- eral superintendent of the Boston St Haine railroad and leased lines, with headquarters at Boston. His exact work 1B made clear by the order that superin- tendents of divisions, the superintends,.:, of motive power, the master oar builder and the superintendent of ear service wilt report directly to him. ,

Vice-Admiral C. T. Cunne, commander- ln-chief at Hheerness, Eug., U dead.

Daniel Flynn of Fall River, patentee of the Flynn boiler, aged 60 years is dead.

John I lol lings head, the London theat- rical manager, has boon declared a bank" rapt.

The Senate has passed the bill extend- ing for ten years the operation of the ChlneBQ exclusion law.

"Hot BUI" was executed at Gretna, La., for the murder of en old white man named Dominick Commcrls. •

Walter Blondln, a lourtoen-year-old son of Adolph Bloudin. of Arctic Centre, R. L, was drowned In the Pawtuxet.

Thomas Orlffln, of Fall River, was thrown from a wagon at Newport, R. L, and seriously injured, it Is feared inter- nally.

Rufus, the 2-year-old son of Thomas Clark of Middleborougb, Mass., was, it is thought, fatally injured by being run over by a heavy truck.

Thomas Morgan of Great Falls, N. H.,

was the causo of death.

A meeting of the creditors of M. A. Jewett A Co. wholesale desists In spices, was held yesterday. The liabilities are |3H,0W; assets, f30,000.

Andrew M. Abbott, a well known ioe man of Georgetown, Mass., while super- vising the londing i.l KV at his ioe house at Rock Pond, fell 26 feet, breaking his hip and fracturing many ribs.

Tom Stevenson, tho manager of the no- toriouB "slide" at 157 Bleecker Btreet, New York, has been sentenced by Judge Martin In the court of general sessions to one year in the penitentiary, snd to pay aflneoffoono to stand committed until the entire sum Is paid. This Is the ex- treme penalty.

The store of Thomas Eccles, a well known grooer, of Rockvllle, Conn., has been closed on attachments hy Hart/ord oredltors. The BssettH are fo600, liabili- ties 14000. An effort Is being made toBet- ilu with the creditors, but Eccles will probably be forced to make sn assign- ment.

The Btate Democratic convention of North Dakota, to select delegates to the national convention, baa been called to meet March 24, This early date is understood to be in accordance with a reported understanding of tbo Cleveland faction In five northwestern states, to hold early conventions.

eSP WALL PAPER to sand fU-.U' par poatiuro on our brauflfnl Unset OVIT tut utjiti'Liil ■•niftl'** «t lni«r«l prlci*. Address f. II. CADY, H HUdi Kb, Providence, B.L


OB"NKENr(ES5 f LIQUOR HABIT. aAU7XfW8#ie7lf£/l£tSlltTQt/£Cif»l

D'HAItfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It ... hr fVriilii int. .r*o#r*ar Ira, aria aril

«*a> a/ ("u-a. WII1H.HI tha .nOwledfO of tha pallml. K ■ aoaaaary. II Ii .baoltifrl)'t: rtnlaaa and will efTae! •

Sslnlr that ttie i'«llent unda, joaa no Inm™»anIanaa. 8d ara ha Ii aw.ri. >ila comiilrl* relorraallon If

aotad SB nat.a bank ol pa-tiaulam Hit. H.'M. WHITNEY' A CO., DrugsleU Lawrence,

The programme was carefully selected

tnd sll the parts were well taken. Hiss Churchill is ever bright sod pleasing,

and In the selections rendered, wss st her best. The recitations, Instrumental

selos, snd tbe duct between Hiss Church-

Ill snd Hr. Warren were sll enjoyed. The orchestral selections were very fine,

particularly tbe last numbur'The Darkles'

JoblJet?." After tbe entertainment, dsnclng was

tegao In Blunders ball. Meanwhile cat-

erer Otis Slaur served a sapper In the

bstqaet hsli

Tbe dancing wss In chsrgs of the fol- lowing members of tbe lodge: fluor di-

rector, Bro. Melvln Beal; aids, Wor.

Bro. C. H. Htllefleid, Wor. Bro. H. N.

Howe, Wor. Bro. Wm Wilkinson, Bro.

Charles Frost, Bro. Henry A. Harris,

Bro. William Lord. \

Tbe executive committee, who made

all engagements were: John Smith, W.

M., Edward F. Hartwell, 8. W., William

K. Sswyer, J. W., Alexander A. Davis, S.

D , Fred R. Warren, Chsplsln.

BY PAYING 5 PER CENT. DOWN end S per cent, a month

f on can Own Real tstale Thai will add its original cost of purchase to lb j alas every vear for 10 year* to come, besides ai sic ir ant Income from the In vestment—located li sllnar of me following cities :-Lluin Rock, Ark Itnttgart, Ark., Uomimls, Tenn. Mscon, Oa. nrialnghatn, Alah Roanoke, Vs.; Plttshurg Kao.l lacoina, Wash.; Seattle, Wash., oi Houston, Tex.

We sgreo to purchase for you, take title h tour name, or the name of a trustee, see whei >ood prices esnbe realised, return to you tin prtncli'Bl, B per wnt. lnteruat and one half thi

*lnvestmenu ads of Large or Small Amount. Money dra but S or* per cent. In s*Tin#ri

beaks. Th' J snk cannot he safer than the Res SWISS*

send f it dpartlcularslo atoll TABLE LOAN A TRUST CO.,

Tfl Mouiaomery St., JaiwycitT».J.

Mew Course ul liectnres Pro-


'The trastees of the .'tVlilte food arc

considering tbe i matter of holding a course of lectures In tbe, new public

library hall upon various subjects of In

tereat for tbe bcucilt of tha young men.

The White fund Is Hultlclentir large now

to allow such a project to.lm cmrlcl ont

In connection, with tbs regular While

fund lectures. Tbe trustees also propose to offer prizes

In connoctlun with the public library for the best Hat of books for young men,

which msy be prepared by local basinets

sod professional men, and endeavor In

this way to srouHe some interest, sa well

as increase tbe circulation of the library

of many of the valuable boobs which the

library contains.


Ml** Drlllio. Final—"Darkies' Jubilee"

Orchestra. Turner

Interests Lawrence.

Dr. George M. Gould, editor of tbe

Medical News recently read s paper In I'hlladelpbl on "Everybody's Medical Du- ty," In which miny wise words were

•aid. la matters of tbe public health everyone has important dalles, faithful

attention to which would decrease dls-

esse sod lengthen life- U,ascks and pa- tsnt medicines ifaonM be dtscoontensr ced.

Tbe wise physician not only cares dls- ■ but prevents It. People careful in

sore things are lamentably careless In

others. Witness their long skirts drag-

ging In the mire snd scattering dlsesse

germs. The desdly corset causes dis-

ease snd suffering. Milk dslrles sod

slaughter houses should be rigidly In- spected frequsnMy by competent ofneers.

few officers are furnished for meat

Inspection; Berlin has nearly three hun-

ired; Fhllsdelpbla has but three. In Chicago the whiskey ring defeated the

ffort for securing competent Inspectors of meats. Small pox, linuasles, scarlet

fever, diphtheria, are largely preventa-

ble; typhoid fever can be geuersily

trsced to impure drinking water. 8u >

siding reservoirs soil nitration are if-

cesslties. S-iwera should be self-clean log; garbage should be burned;

iTtuarles should bs established In

thickly populated districts, instructions should bsglvsn free In care of Infants;

public bath hoases should be open sll tbe

year, and wssb houses for those whose

house accommodation* are Insufficient.

Preventive meatctno pave.

Dr. n mid* lecture gives' food for

thought In Lawrence as well as In Phila-



William F. Farn ham Passes to tbe Oreat unknown.

William F. Farabsm, soother of Law- rence's old residents sod s member of

tbe present water board, died st bis resi-

dence 44 Garden street at 11.15 o'clock

this morning. The cause of death wat Internal cancer

with which Hr. Fsrsbsm has suffered the

past eight months. His death was s lingering one snd came

ss a relief to tbs shattered frame. The deceased was born In Uamford,

Maine, May 6, 1832, and cams to Law- rence In 1853. For s year uubaequent to

his arrival la this city he was connected

In the dry goods business with Stlllman

Towns and later on entered the old Bay State Hill. Hs remained In the employ ot that corporation until It wss pur-

chased by the Washington company snd

continued under the latter management

until the shut down la 188S, completing twenty-seven years of labor In those mills.

During the late years of the Old Wash- ington Mr. Farnhsm held tbe position of

overseer of the finishing room and was held In high esteem by sll with whom be

came In contact. He was one of the last overseers to be allowed to go, remaining

at his station aotil the final suspension of

operations occurred. After leaving tbs mill Mr. Farnhsm en-

joyed a much needed rest for about a

year and a half and then associated him-

self with his constant companion for

years, Elijah M. Mooers, In tbe dry goods tnd tailoring business, st 16S Esstx

street. He sctlvelv attended to his dalles

at the atore until lest June when falling

health compelled blm to remain at home.

Since then the firm bas remained the same although Mr. Mooers managed the busi-


Tbe eighteenth day of last June wss tbe

Bret time thst evidence of the dreaded cancer commenced to appear. Mr. Faro-

bam was taken HI and for several weeks euffjrrd fiom severe pains In bis back

and sides. He received temporary relief

but all tffjrts to stay tne progress of tbe disease proved nnsvslllnir. Toward the

'latter part of July he was taken to bed

snd has since been s patient sufferer, man-

fully batlliux to overcome; that whlcb

wss slowly emllog his life away. Four operations, performed at Inter-

vals during that time failed to have tbe

beneficial results expected, and with these

results all hope for life vanished. Of late, death baa been dally expected, tbe In-

valid's sufferings Increasing day by day.

Friday noon, for the first time, be re- fused nourishment sud to those st his

bedside it was plainly evident that tbe

end waa near. Toward evening ho be-

came very restless snd from that hour till hi* death he suffered untold agonies.

At' junta q'lartor past twelve this morn-

log nature reached Its limit. The sngel of

death closed the tired eyes. Tbe deceased wss a member of the

present .water board being elected In

1800. He also wss>n active member of

the republican city committee and so.iie

years ago represented ward two In the

board of common councilman. Ha was

active In politics and a staunch republi-

can throughout alt struggles, lie also

waa a member of Tuscan lo.'ge of Hi'

sons, Mount Slnal Arch C.upter, and

Bethany Comraaodery, Kolgh's TemVer.

Heleaves a widow snd on-, nepbtsw at

bis lite home, and one br»Lh< r fend two

sisters elsewhere.


Another Chance roa 1KB

Bright llojs and tiirls.

There wss a misunderstanding ss to the

time and terms la the offer recently made

by two of osr merchants, and the Child-

ren's Hospital Food did not reach tbe

proportions that It ought.

Now, we mast have a large sum in this

food; the AusBiOAif will offer, QB Its own

account, presents to the lsdor ml as wbo

contributes most largely to the success

of tbe fund, which was started by a sng-

gsstlen and contribution from Hiss Ella


FOR THE GIRLS. We will present to the girl under six-

teen years of age, who, between this time

snd the Hay Breakfast, brings In the

Isrgeat contribution to tbe fnnd, a

HANDSOME CLOAK. from the well known e.t»b]l*hment ef

Om.kl I Co.

■OR THE BOYS To tbe boy of sixteen or less, wbo dar-

ing the same period, procures the largest

■urn for this purpose, we will present s

FIMJ sFRINtl SUIT. from tbe popular clothing house of W. H.

Qlle & Co.

All contributions of ten cents and

upwards will be prlnttd with tbe names

of the donors, In tbe Daily AMKRICAN.

Contributions need; not be sent In alt at

one time; as fast ss received,they will be

published, and later additional sums will

be credited to the contributor.

CONDITIONS. The following condition* mas', bo com-

piled with:

The contestants for these prizes most

enter their names at tbe AMKKICAN office

and all contributions sre te be brought

here; tbe lists wilt close at 10 o'clock on

the night before the May Breakfast.

Here is an opportunity for all of the

boys and girls to aid a most deserving In-

stitution, and also secure for some one

of them a handsome suit or an, elegant


Who will be tbe first to enter their

asmea at tbe AMIIUCAM office as contest-

ants, an early start will affird a decided


Uoleas tbe nimes of those who propose

to contest are entered st this office, they

will not be considered In the competition,

but all contributors name* will be pub-



J. L Brewster Chosen Chairman.

A postponed meeting of the republican city committee was held Friday evening

and John L. Brewster was elected chair- man and Harry R. DJW, vice chairman,

for tlili yrar's'campalg'ti, , Henry Nice,

Jr., and John Barker were chosen BB

aecretary and treasurer respectively at

tbe previous mejCtiDg.

, —Arthur HorrocUs, conductor on tho electric road Is reported te bp improv-

ing from his recent Illness,

Our School Room.


The following poem, which Is fa tbe

author's best vein appropriately adorna

the first page of the High School Bulletin

for January i A pleasant spot, within wbo-e ample spares

The morning sunshine falls, Olldlng with floods of light and warmth and

radiance The old familiar walls-

But, brighter than the rosy fluan of dawning, Klelne* out so ireih anil fair

The light of ruddv health and youthful beauty Prom happy faces there.

Fair, graceful girls, to womanhood advancing, Andboyii with earnest eves,

Lager to enter on life's field of action And clalni the wished.for prize.

0 happy heart*. SO rail of Joy aad gladneia, Tbe world to yon Is fair;

For radiant hor>e and trust can give no warning Of sorrow and of care:

What pleaaant year* with quiet dntlea laden Hive passed wlihln this idace,

So tilled with youth's bright fancies, hopes ami longings,

Its loveliness and grace. Whene'er in song I hear their fresh yeung

In iwceteat music ting, It seinisllke enelixly fium nature's woodlands,

A meadow brette i f spring.

life times amid the groups that pas* before me Move other form* as fair.

Pressing, like these, with eager footsteps on-

As bright and free from care.

Pure aoula that early heard tbe heavenly sum

To higher schools In-Wras,- ()n whom so sweetly fill Hie Master's blesstng,-

'*')( such my kingdom la." Dear boys and girls, today around me throng,

log With Joyous hopes of youth, ear with von aver through the world's broad

0011(1 let Your loving trust and truth; .

That when life's school on earth at last la ended, You. too, nay bear Illm aay

Tbe same sweet words of pear* and Joy and we looms

On graddallonday. •

—The public property department has

just erected a new picket fence around

the front yard of tbe Newbury street


— Mies Mettle Dossey, the popular young elocutionist of this city, has been

filing engagements In Lynn and Provi-

dence, where she has met with great sac*


Mrs Humphrey Ward, Author

ot'Tho History of Davlfl

, C-rleve."

The event In the -literary world Just now Is tbe recent publication of Mis Ward's new novel, "The History of David Grieve". Her ''Robert Blsmere," as every reader remembers, waa a triumph among literary successes, bat Hre. Want's books, are not, correctly speak leg, popular, and It may be doublet! whether her attempt to unfold the moral experiences of a life. In her latest book, will tempt the great mullldude of novel leaders. She bas, however, many admir- ers among educated people, both relig- ious end Ireethlnklng. Mrs.' Ward bas been known to the public as an author about twelve years. Sba Is a grand- daughter of the great Dr. Arnold of Rugby, and a highly educated woman, ihr father was a man of an Intensely religious nature. He began life as s mem bet of the Cnurcb of Englaud, became a Roman Catholic, then a sceptic, aasVuled s communicant in the Human obedience.

Another "Fake."

s niie.itiltig must tn getting Into our

uptown neighbor, that bid better be

out. Tbe bold "fare" of the Tribune on tbt.se triplets Is laughed at yet, 'an I yes-

terday Us paternal ancestor, tbe Eag'e,

perpetrated another. In a half columi

article embellished with the imagina-

tions of one of Its writers, It told of the

marriage of Joseph Clncber of this city and au out of town young lady.

Nothing of the klud occurred. Hr.

Clucher Is still single ami tbe story was s "take."

These two misrepresentations come In

rather *n amusing strain from twin

sheets that have so much to aay about

"news," They get "newb' that other papers

can't—and that other papers, it might be

said, don't want. •

- W ,-k In tbe Arlington mills Is

ported to bet quite dtt'l a* tho present

time rspetlally In the hplthlng t'epsr*

-sttss Haft.* A. Oooo of Providence, B. L

Undoubtedly many diseases may be

prevented if the blood Is kept pure and

the general health-tone sustained by

tbe use of Hood's Sajsaparilla, Wben

this Is done, the germs of

La Grippe, Diphtheria Pneumonia, Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers, Malaria, etc., cannot lodge In the system. After all such prostrating diseases Hood's SarsaparlUa has been found of Inestimable value in restoring dsslred health and vigor, and purifying the tainted blood.

For example, read the following from Miss Maltle A. Cobb of Providence, R. L, and her mother. Miss Cobb Is a young lady of IS, a

Picture of Health and Is In th* front rank In her studies in the High School. Her father la a well-known police officer:

" Messrs. C. I. Hood St Co.: " I write to tell how much good Hood's Sar-

saparllla has dons for me. Somstlme ago I had diphtheria and was slek for a year after- ward, being'

Weak, Blind and Helpless I used one bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla and tt trade in.- real Strong." M.VTTIB A. COBB, South CliesUsr Avenue, Providence, It. I.

" As my daughter-wanted to write how well she liked Hood's Harsapaiilla, 1 thought I would say a few words. I think II Is the

Createet Blood Purifier ever hrought befnro the people. Some of my frlenels say ' go away with your medicine.' I said the same once, but since my daughter has taken

Hood's Sarsaparllla < My opinion has chunged considerably." Mas.

UKO. N. Conn, Providence, K I.

HOOD'S PILLS <1O not »eakan tha lyatsin Ilk* other cathartics, but aetnally ton* v j and give strength to tha patient *


DR. G'RADV Has adopted this plan: That be wlU charge nothing for advice, consultation or treatment until the patient pranounees himself wall. The ->nly charge being made la for medicines used

DrJ.W. GRADY, the Specialist, Perform wonders with hi* medical treatment ol the eyes aid ears Treat* lunreasfully elimnlr aad long stuKlltur diseases, aueb aa disease* of the bead, throat aad longs, liver, kidney and heart coaadlnint, inveterate eMaaasss ef the stomaoh that have deSad all other raeihds, those fearful dlaeaaes of tbe nervous system (arising frost whatever canae),snmfula dropsy. parah *l* Sis, fever sores, contracted oonls, enlarged ami stlS* SMBSS, I ll li II Baalist, neuralgia, aclsilcs, dls wtaaB,

•eakssajs ~*idoeo '

coughs, -ironic > b* cured by this wonderful system li not advanced. Bon*dl>easescurad when all,other methods have failed.

Thoa. Burns, 601 Broadway, fl*tulacured after ■alering for years.

Mary Joyce SI Lawreno* street, moles a ,d superfluous hairs all over face removed <n « te week.

kdward Lyons, Ail llroadway, Indlgesllc a ' SatukoDoe for yeara, cured wttn two botl! « r

Miss Nellie Welch, ts* Walnut atreo , cm*. eves sll her life. Hr, Oradr eiitrnted on tbeen and they are now perfect.

Jcs Flemlner, ITS Arlington, chronic .rheuma- tism and old ulcers fur 10 >t-ara, cured' by three bcitktf of medlclui and two boxea ol ointment.

John Lord. SOU Walnut street, tape worm 0.1 feet lung removed In i bourn. Mar be seen at tha doctor"! office.

Mary I>anlel>, Metheun, blind In one eye !■ years Dr. Urady operated anil her eight 1* now perieet.

John Norris. grocer of West Andover, ha., a large tumoron bead for II yta.a, was removed In one pitting by flerlricJtv.

Mrs. Kenney. BV Newbury street, enema and deafness of one ear for if rears, oumd.

Alice Uorrlll.ae Coeuinoi street, calhrrh, dra headaches, chronle skin diseases, also ntrvoua

Peter erasure.! In six * eeks, gla and oefes.tt Caaalstreet,headaobes, neural.

MlsS Wooctlve memory cured In S weeks m olet on fads, U Union street, birth mark* and

ce. removed In one altilag by cleciri.

it. Ml!

DrQradr will not publish any mire ease* un- less reque. ted to do so by patlenta. Dr, Orady wishes to announce that unlit February I, he will isasovetape worms and straighten cross eyes free of cbarae.



Catarrh Aurcd-and alldlacaaes of tho nose, rnr, thrust, luna-s, heart, atoms h, liver and kldneja, ihevmstlam.ssthirB, bronchitis, deafness, ner TOUS, skin and aU chronic dUraaea.

Tapeworms posltlvulv eupcllud In 9 hour*. Consult the European sperrtllst on all Mm*), us and chronic diseases. .. Urady Is acknowledged to he the leading

phvelctan In America In curing the ahote dis- cs'!'*. Tn him and you will never regici It

dies will And Dr. Orady their lieoefae or In B. iiii- trouli es peculiar >o their sex.

Consulting rooms 1st Hoar, aslh right up. Cancers and Tumors lemovwUrHtiuul enilu ot

uscofakniie. -^saAW-MV"*

Or. J. W. GRADY the Specialist. who cares all MF.XI'AI,, rfKHVODS and OHatOAIO KtSKAaES will give oooautiatlon and examination I'BKK at hla office

637 Essex Street

Lard as a Mfe-Saver

The s:hoolJ»y^composU ' t.on a^s.r cJ ill it pins had saved th? lives oi many peo- ple by I'vir rot li iviiijj swal- lowed tik'iii; MO lard has savfjd I!K' lives nt thotisanrja by (heir having avoided food of "wlii h it forms a part. Hog'sJard. is respoiisible lor mucri indigestion and dyspep- sia, U any pliysi.ian will tes- tifv, hence

COTTOLE'. has efcren intmdiued tn take the place of lard, there is no secret as toils composition. It consists only of highly reiined CoTton Seed Oil, and Beef "Suet. Clean, debate", healthy ami economical. Gird has had its day, and a greas> day it was. When next about to use lard,—'Don't, but try Cottolene. Atleadinggn cers. N.K. FAIRBANK ft CO.

Sols Manufacturers, CH1CAQO.

and 5 Central Wharf, Boston.


MONEY Wisely Invested will soon double it-

self, :in'l than km often as many ele- ments of safety surrounding a good paying investment an one that pays email dividends. The earning capneity of every investment is the loundatlon of dividends. \ The Atkinson House Furnishing Co., of Maine, orgnuized in 18K7, h;i- pnid it-s stoejtl.oldurs !' scml- unnunl dividends of 6 percent, each (10 per uout. a year) nnd is earning a hand- some surplus in r-iiles i It is a buy snd sell litiHiiicss and a safe Investment for sll clssses. The ndthorized capital is 11,000,000, of which 1*870,000 has been paid in. To further increase the busi- ness 180,000 ol the Treasury Stock is offered until, March 15 nt par. $10 per lhare, Trice of stock will he advanced on Feb. lStb to inko effect on above date. Foe full pnrliculins address the company, Box 12IH, BOSTON,MA4S., or TOHTLAND, ML.


W. BAKER & Co..'

Cocoa from which the excess of

oil lias keen removed, la

\Abaoluiely Pure land it in Soluble,

N" ^emicals are used .n Its preparation. It has

store ihan thrtt thou tht atrength of

Cocoa mixed with Starch. ArrowToot

w Sugar, and la therefore far more

economical, costing Usa than ont eeril

l cup. It Is delicious, nourishing,

ttreugthcnlng, EASILY DiaEBTF.TJ,

And admirably adapted for invalids

as well as for persons ju health.

Sold by Crooers everywhere.

W. BAKER « CO., Dtrcheitir, Mm.

On the Mediterranean Se*»—Tha Bnnllt,

Zephyrtsa, Sleepy ll»rlmr and City of Falmev—Colorful Soanaa and Ways.

A Bint In tloeua Building to Klch

Amerleans. ( "

[Oopyrtght, UQS by Edgar U Wakemau.) PAI.UA. Majorca, Jan. 37.—In these days

sf strong and swift Btenuters plying be- tween England nnd alt Mediterranean ports, It is but a voyage of two nights and a day from Gibraltar to tbe city of Fauna, the capital of tbe Spanish depenelency and province ot Ralearicn, comprising the Bal- earic islands; or, If you are wintering in southwestern Spain, you may journey Sn a nlgbt from Valencia or BArcelcma to tola leaat visited and most beautiful of all Mediterranean regions.

Your steamer is seldom one of sight of some huge or tiny Mediterranean craft.

il there is always conscionaneas of pleas- t uearuesa to other human Interests and

a quiet and restful sense of coin pan tonship upon Ibis great Ittndlockeal BOB, although It la longer than the At Untie Is broad be- tween Newfoundland and Ireland, I have never known or felt upon other teas. How- ever treacherous the Mediterranean baa been to others, I have never seen its face aave in its blandest, sweetest .mood; when Its skies were fair, the sunshine above It mild and loving, its airs aephyrua and dreamful, and its face aa bine and smiling aa a rift of June day heaven.

Then, too, before the tropic night settles softly upon sea and land like a perfumed, translucent cloud of darkening pearl, there is Hpfend before you aucb a reach of grand and glorious coast lim>—the real "Africa's coral strand" of transcendent beauty, and not the dread coast of the old mlanluoary hymn—aa renders true pictur- ing impossible, the whole changeful pano- rama of headland, beach, forest, glittering villitge and noble bay, backed along the ragged southern horizon by the eternal neitks of the Atlns heights, which even un- der tropic suns soar above tbo clouds to tha region of silence*, glumly ami phantoinful with their crowns of snow and Ice.

The very air upon this aea la odorous as with tbymu and balm. The fancy, quick- ened liy tradition and oriental mysticisms, builds wondrous creations surpassing the wildest and most fabulous tales of the "Arabian Nights." Snug in a steamer chair ono recllnss and dreams Subtle essence*! us from lotus Dowers mingled with subtler rase^LLgra touch the sense and binder, aleepTrE*>.<|eck atewarda must lie ■•iiiiihiilv eiitknilli-tt, t-v you are never rinluly ellsturbcd, aa on tbe Atlantic liner; ami through sll the caressful night, while tbe stars grow and glow nbuveautt the ailent^phuaphoreacent sea pulses and throbs lu pale flames beneath, you near this rrtdinnt haves of this radiaut, storied sea.

Just as. (be B*T1 Is rising, hetween tbe sea's bed of crirnsor. asul tlie awakening city are swaying on n.\ gentle tide hun- dreds of Btrauge and cuVuus craft, s, wild conglomerate of the marine architecture of the Mediterranean, their yellow spars but a moment since like giant reeds above the ;-.,.miiing of a shadowy marsh, now pinked from tip tosocket with the glorious sunlight, wbltli hints iu its pbty upon their gaudy ensigns of the far lands when their home havens lie, while fur out on the wa- ter's Inn i/.on, rounding Cupu r'iguera bo- liimi, [■omen the morning fleet of fisher boata, their sails of every st liking hue and, tbeaongauf the Ushers stealing across the dlHtnnce in faint but melodious rhythm.

Hero and there arp Turkish vessel* with tremendous eiuglo sails, square built fare and aft like a settler's log cabin. Scores of the clumsy feluccas from Crete anil the Ionian Islands, the chebeca of the Arabs

,j»ii'l the identical great boata of the olelen plnttCH, lie low iu the water roiiuelubout, their half naked Greek or Arab sailors, lithe of limb and nut bruw-u of fuce, vivid- ly recalling those glorionsdnya of llamtwa, booty and blood. Hut .-itiaintor than all ara tbe rare old tubs from Cbioggla and Venice, with the same high prows and sterns they had in the days of the Doges They come with Ibeglaasof Muranoand carry back the corn, oil and wine tn* the Sollcr and Valelemuna, and on the bow of each craft Is painted an efftgy of the Vir- gin—an endless supplication to tho waves agnlnHt every form of evil and peril at sea.

And there, facing tho shining sea and colorful harbor scene, riaoa from tho shore more gracctully lliau Naples, as fair as Al- giers, as tmpirnl in type and seeming as Havana, the itnij mil heater I ike city of Pitl- iiin. once the brightest pearl of tbe seagirt isles, Htlll Bliitely, slluut, .bwuttlftil, with tune noil tiut of the Orient in its piuiuiclcB and iniiiiiieis. listlii]iii-Oi:i|ii'il belfries aad its weird and alindowy palms, i lovingly contemplating the exquisite picture, its romantic hlr.tory, old and new, flutters froinlho billing plnecs of memory and troop clear and illatinet into your musings; even ss the morning dove** of l-*i\lma sweep from the thousand shadowy homing niches of its massivu cathedral, anil alighting upon buttress peak, liattlemeut and spire, form tiriK-t-iiioiiM -ill ite.i <>f burnished puce and bine against iho eastern sky.

Out "of the mythic daya come brave old tales of t he folk Uiat flourished Data. The In- habitants, A heroic race, fought naked with sllnga, aud from the dexterity of the war ri'-rs the taiaudn becume known as .luloir .rn, country of tho strong nrmed slingcra The old legends have it that their marvel- ous proficiency with this weapon was at- tained through the mothers refusing their cleilelran food I "they could sling It down" from beams or branches on which It WIIM iintig. This very city of I'alma built upon tbe ruins of tho old Itotuan town founded by (juintua Cecilius Metel- lus, who conquered the islands with gal leys "platen) with ox hiden nnd skins ass protection against the fatal ftrukea of tin HaUetario slingcr*."

Uiih-d 111 turu hy VumiaJs rttnl Goths, the islands eventually fell into tlie bauds of the- Moors shortly afier southern Spain lio sejnS prey to the.hordes of Uebr-AhTarck. Curiously, tho jieople of the islands reached Ihelr highest prosperity, under their Afrl- inn rulers who taught them all tho arts ami cruelties of piracy, until the llalear- ieaJDS iH'came raSStStS of oinl spreml I over the entire Muditerniauan. The were thus merged Into a free jet terrible commonwealth, whose power was often courted ami employed Jj}' neigtihoriug sov- ereigiis. Thcatcuinulationof treasurewa* euorinnus; s-i g't-.it as to invite the cupid- ity of invasion and even of "holy" cru- sade*: until Don Jay me 1, king of Aragon and count o( Bsieswnst, in SeptomUr, laau, sutlled f.ir I'alnea with attest of !■>" guilt js and l-.'.v") iiieii, lu-iiicijuilly OataV luiiluii |>e:i-ant, warriors. I'nlma fell.

Tho males nf llienilxod race of pirate Mount nnd llnU-aricans were butchered. Bolel as slutc». or banished to the African count. The women became thesli wives of tbe Citiahiniaii peaaapt wurriurs.- 'kin- Islands trara purtiiionetl off among tho followers j)f Dnu.laymo I, founding a titled tantlholilliig iiri-.tot-riit y ousting to this dety-protiel, rich ami noble bloode-d as Kit rojie ever knew i'he then independent ktngelom of llalearlea, under eventual vas- salage to Pedro IV of Arngon, WHS finally merged with Aragon into the Spanish do- minion. With mothers of pure lialearic and MooriMh blood mid fathers from the s'tmly, Bluggish and ever contented OstSv liiulan stock, Utujed aii'l tempered by a matchless clime ami fruitful soll.'the.TOU intervening years have molded a race fltee In physlquei supple of iim h. cheery of tem- per nud iienrt, melodic of speech ami tongue, fair to look upon aud truiy good to find mid know,

Having left the beautiful, sleepy, Biinllt bay for Piibmi's streets, you have en tend Bcityof nearly TiV'"> BOttla. where Italy, Kpniit and Algeria seem to leave formed a ehnrmlng coruiwsile in n re hi lecture and leeople. Tlie hugineSH of walls Is every- where remarkable Kveivtbiiig la con- m run I'd as If for eternal lasting. No street la beautiful, but not one faila of a -plctur-

that isofteu wnlrd nnd grotesque

ttvery structure poswesasee iu some portion, and frequently in the moat unexpected po- sition, some wonderful nnd ornate, orna- mentation. Tiby squares with wlmpling fountains arc set In all sorts of odd'cor- ners. A huge.church may tower on the one aide of each of these.

At a corner may stand or project from a curious and seemingly unnecessary wall, a massive carveel facade or gargoyle from which the water Is endlessly flowing. At another aldo a mass of vines and verdssre, capped to the sight by far domes or spires, is only visible. Out Jutting ntanotherspot, the angle of some huge building seems to have pushed Its way half across the plaza, and with Its galleries, balconies and tre- mendous overreaching'roof is ready to pitch headlong into the open space beneath. While another sunny side shows only a roof of red tiles sloping like a tent cover, mi pierced by a alngle aperture, from an Interminable height wholly to the edge of a stoue, clolaterllko porch beueath.

In all open splices are palm trees And these rising front courts, lifting tholr spreading fronds high above roofs from darkened thoroughfares,often leaning,.like the tower of Pisa, out of quaint old courts, and here and there being preserved by an entire building const rut ted around them, lend a dreamful, mystic, almost lonesome and pathetic coloring to every massing of structures upon which the eye may rest.

ne tbe palm, whether 1 have seen (tin southern Spain, In Sicily, tn Morocco, In Algeria, In Cuba, or here In I'alma, whoso name bad iu origin In tbe former extraor- dinary number of palm trees upon the island, has always been an emblem ol dolorous Isolation ami Inexpressible loneli-

. It hints of the camel, the Uedoutn, the desert. In art. In story, iu fact, it ever suggests tho endless hopelessness add im- passibility of the harriers between the raoes that subsist upon ami, rest beneath it, and those who know ami Wve tho ma- ple, hooch and oak.

It is a city of steep ascents and 111 paved streeta, but of witching old bits of ourioiia architecture, and perhaps aa lovely and splendid Interiors an any Moorish or semi- Moorish city can show. All the houses re- tain features of Moorish taste and evi- dences of meditflvul forms of habitation and living. They ara not higher than three or four stories at best. More have but the ground floor with nn upper one and an attic, called a porcho. Invariably tin! etiti uihin in the Interior ure studies in carved arabesques and fanciful Moorish designs. Balconies are aa universal and as huge or as lacelike and fragile as in Granadn or Seville. A marked peculiarity of all structures Is t heir huge projecting roofs, e-preiid out Into pent bouses and [re qtit'iitjy most fasduntlngly worked out and decorated. And the lowliest homo In all Palma la chnrmiug In Its patio or court

that ioveliest of all interior arrangement ■mi i !■ I which a Me-1 fin or Christian home

can he built. Every one of thr>e courts Is a place of

beauty, sunshine ami song In every one thero Is the melodic Bound of water* from running jetty or fountain. Iu every one, whether glittering with slender mnrble columns and daintily wrought arches, or softened In tones with mossy stone and crumbling tiles, there are waving ferns and flowers. Vines clumber wantonly over entablature, arch and balustrade. The alcobaa of all living in these ubndcs are within the sound of friendly calling vote ' And not one Is without birds of gay plans age and birds with endleHs Bongs. I nrten wonder why tho rich of our own land do not build their homea like these. A dome of glass instead of tbe blue Mediterranean sky is all the change required. Danish the pall-liko hangings nnd withering shadow places from your stuffy homea, ami learn to live in the lifegiving light like tbe l.nt hi and the Moor. Put your great New Kngland fireplaces opposite your arched entrauoea, and make of thcau sunlit open courts places of beauty, lightsomeneaa, melody and homeside joy.

Only when tbe feast and processional days come is Palma a gay and brilliant city. At all other times it is sunny, reBt-

" slumbrous and aim**! *ilent, luistreel folk are the same as of any other southern Spanish city. Thero is greater rontent here. No one is in a hurry. Among the lowly folk there is. less excitability, greater good nature, ami tbo latter is of tbogeu-

nut tbe uproarious sort. Here, as In Madrid, la your leobero or milkman, who,

ea his cows in from the country aud milks for you before your door. Thodul- cero or seller nf sweets, with his songful call by day ami his tinkling bells by night, Is here. The eocheroor cnhniuu, with com- fortable lainliiiiler and pretty diligence,

II serve you faithfully without guile. _ _ic mercauclilstu or notion |>cdiller, the aquador or wnler seller, the ivgntcro or huckster, who has the aoelnhlelialiit ot entiling shop or home with his donkeys and punier*; the ■spStsrO or archway shoe- maker, and the latoiiero or tinker, vt horn I found to bo Swinish Otffiy, arc all here in their In/.v, pleasant and pleturtatiiie ways.

Uy day Palmitseeuis to the -i i,m-cr'io he continuously ext>erlencli like a soft dreauifeil ho/./, of human affairs. Perhaps it :■ after some great huslni'rts tension, vott ru- minute, lint no; each dai is an the day before ft. Kvervtiung i- gently dona No sue fs astir liefon- m in the' morning, Then the pretty mnrl,ei attract* bevies of beautiful women ami Bialda, This i- fol- lowed by tho noontime Bleat*. The -Inma are bright and brill I everything Is quiet the evening tse e- light; the park* and puseoa ore thronged with gay iiiliielleros nnd Still there is a hush ami

IIIKIK and see " As the night advances, in every quarter t In- olden city Is li

guitar, tremulous, paine " i of real tones rntiier tlnin I he \ iliriuit

■s them-ii-lvi* ZcphvniH bra;BBSS pulse a Afric's shores. '1 he.shipping rocks

gently upon the star initrtning bay. On Where you will all is life until long after midnight, hut lender and Mih.luci us If IbowlU'hings of the tropic airs lulled to repose yet withheld from Bleep. And at butt as thecelitiui-lasof the fortresses limili the lielghta have (hauled answer tie tlitir challengers with "Ave Maria 1'iirfsitiial- 1J* II n a, y todo sere no!" yon seek yonrroueh in sweet old Palm t of the Isses, your heart giving hack the < eniiueht's answer that '■All is well" KIN.Ail la WAKKMAN.

TERRIBLEITCHING. Used Rverythlng Hie Months. ID

Three Weeka not a Near «r Pimple. Cured by Outlet..-*.

When my t»hy was three months oil his cbeehe and forvhrunl rMrrni n. brink out with while j Ira- pies on r d Menace. In « fBt« nays Uelilnv e,,m-

terrihle. After hewoulilinb It, mailer vounl is*e from t '"■ points. In a short lime il spread ever the top of hla In ml, lie a aeaba aooii foi*ni d on head an I face. Weustrl i vioytldiiK STB ci'lild hear of for msrly live inuiitu* It grew worun all the timo I .aw your adverll irment of UM i iiriiuui iti.vr.nir-.Bin iho "Utileago weeklr." Wa purehased tin CUBA UauXDiEB ami

eotuen*nred their use. In three weeks' time thare was not i sor. IT plenpl", .iol eveen a sriir. on hrail ur fa-e. He Is nlnru-eii muiiilis old

My Infant, elgI'tcen months o'<l, was nill<ried with nili er.iptl. ri" on Ids hips. Had son- came en Oil er paits. All remedies failed until I pro* cored 11; TIC us. A. Cured a year ago nud no re- turn of disease.

Mas. A. Id. WALK KB, UaiaonvHIc, Qa.

Culicura Resolvent The new lllocsl I'urleVr, Inlcnially (to-Iranio tho bio's! nf sll lieipiiiltlra ami polatintms tie. menu-), and CcilclnA, the great Skin Cure, and I.IM1CUKA Soil', an essjiilslln Bk1n II- imlrloi. exuirnallv (to elHav lieu sktn and tc±ll- and re - star* trie hair), have cured thousands of riacs when) (lie seitTerltig was almost In y.it.tl emltir- ai-re, hair lllele.s or all g-ino, itlstljjiireniixi ter- rible. Wbat uiiier reineillea bavu msile sm-n marvelous cures't

Sold everywhere. Price, CtincrraA. 50c; SOAP Bte; itKsoi.vi.Ni || l-i-u red uy the l'"i r. >■ Usi'u *NII I iir«lOAl. CoiteoiiATios, It-ston.

eaT^rnit lor qjiiw oii'uro 11 no1) l'i casts." SI pages, Mllluitratlciis. aud loOU;stlmonl*is. 1

DID.'C riklnsniiaealiMiiiriaeiland bSSSIMwrt DUD I u by CiiTiCL'Saeusi'. atisoluiely puro

ACNIie SIDES AND BACK. Hip, Kidney, and Uterine I'nles and WrnkliiirBI-a rslliull 111 one nilH- ate hy the ruiiniis Antl-I'alss Plaster, tho Oral stid only pain kill-




WHY SUFFER with that chronic disease? lMyouwanl totUsi Mil- phur lliilcrs will cure jutiaeltlias thousands.

WHV do you suffer with that

Tou i Snipbu Dot if m n-e ._. They never fall b

Oi-emllv.'swliii.-ii-.-el.i clyconllnei] 4 In tin-HiilU ami workshops; cleika

wbo do imt lute, sufficient o.ercisu, and all who are coofinsd imhiors,

^ shiiuld uau Sulphur Hitters. They ^ will not then la)


ll II Itil I'Vl -lllll w re aid '::

lilt 1


I'C.tlv ilteqilil ity




.. Is your Hreaih impure. Votir J Stomach is out of Order. Hulphiu: ~ Bitters is the best modlciDe to uke.

.Sutpbur Hitters will build you up ] and make yon


- .Atthedattnof womanhood,! ! pliur liiticw aboitld be uaod.

I ■PHPIIH'PP1*IIM»a1 Jtosloa, iluan.,for best

We pay tin printer to (rive you good advice about health(

and to lead you to careful living.

Our reason is that Scott's .Emulsion of cod-liver oil is so often a part of careful living.

If you' would go to your doctor whenever you need his advice, we might save1 OUT money. He knows whrit you need.

Let us send you a book on t AREFUM.IVING; free.

StoTr*Bo*t(«,Chrnii4l i i> Snuiei 'tli Avenue,

11 cxl-titcr Everywh'trc ifu. Si,

Tha New Year In Seollaml.

Every householder knows when Hos- ing day comes round (because of the. people who "conio round" with it), and also New Year's day. Kven Iho oMsBft of ns aro wished a "buppy return'' of it, for "there is no on«," says Cicero, "who does not think ho may live a year." Moreover, if we do not givo our family tbo usual presents on that day they do not scruple to remind OS of it. How- ever'artiflcial, indeed, may bo the divi- aion-uf our year, lhe,lirnl day stands out in it in a pct'iiliur manner, ami really seems to separate the old from Iho new, though we mutt huvo livid iu Heolland to know bow very much New Year's day, may mean. ,

In thai country it* i' Christina* day nnd all tho suilitn'davs rolled inln Otto. Everybody, sitn up till li o'clock -to "sw the New Year in." and III the more ,as> thuaiaatii; lioilseliohlM tin- hi. U|ibarred with gn:it f irmality -to BpSeil1

the imrting Uct-welctOIIW the ciinii: guest. In Kiiglwrd the Now Veae has never beta mailo so much of, and such customs an belonged lo it aro dying out, but in Ajoatica it in "kept" witle eiiilin- Hiaain. —Illmtl rated Ltjndoii Hswi

Telling linn- at Nlglet froen I tie lllppri. The time tan lw apiiroiimalely told nf

night by the J».MJI..II nf th«dipper. If 'be prsfitHM fif lb" '■jHiiiiIer«"ia laken t*t any given h-.tir, "ay li o'clock in the evening; in tho winter time and as si«-u SI H is dark in thr-sninmer, tho hour thereafter can be pretty 4tocurately BMSStirad b> tbeeyediiriiig.lthD nigbt. Freqoeoi bt> Bervstioiut of Mtntiooj will diavvu to be jnatlo at lbs given hour, an owing to iln.- conrrtant chiingiu:; "f the eatrth■ pdahaon in space, the prjsiHpnjjrf tha "|ioniicrs"m reUtion to otir'jajiiiUof ol>.-ervini.ii slid tbesitar also change.—Yankee'Blade.


ENAMEUNE An Improved PO'IF.1 niuk.'n noduBt.Biiu I or dirt, enally use

apeak for Itself. Your*j dealnr hnti It, try a '* box.Sisu )0ci:-, wtwsa 'cts.far l L PfiESCOTT i CO.. Ho. Oe*



.iugha * ail Lung, balds ^Troubles." 35C. and $1 at all Druggists.

E. MORGAN &. SONS, Prop's, FUOVIOKM l\ at. I.


*«'«, ER(C MEDICAL CO.. UUrrAi.-.-, -

tJtPQBTA v.".

Tlr Kii'l-', !'■ ■■ uf A. A. Hayni A '■■.. 11 ■■ .1. S .'■ .1: ' --, \ ■ I \y ■ <, _\ .!..:!< ■_■>; A . lira,

Vste F«|*', <" ■' ■, ■ ■ ln„n Sla ■■' ■■ -■*!'.■ t*1!

lAHlwtel -». '

What ■

■ -

■ r&^'flffl ■

.Lawrence American, LAWRENCE; MASS

HiiDAY. H.llltl AKV 86, 189J.

Weekly MOWN Brevities.

Tuesdny. ':■!.■■ Tiii-- i .HI..-, ■ In Newport,

aa n-aa supposed. ;* .,

JMW • Bark* "' Hartford, Conn., egad -:\. f. it i Tir->n■:ti tbo Ire and was-drowned.

Him Kt« vi im„ot Now York shot his wile, who may die. He, then killed hlm- mt.

Billy Nmitti,tin Auntrnilau heavyweight knocked ont Frank WUK of YnikuU, Midi.

. William Slicclion 61 Ijmi was tubbed 'in Ui.'iirin I'V nn tinkti"" ii inan.preaumn- K, h OftOM t*£ in tit work « here, a strike

JtJPJlh* '"•*•• -:'-~'' Taa hbnae and store of Richard A. Our-

tiey, near ihe heml of the tide at Helfaat, Me., \\<ri'liuiri.'ii. ■ .t.i<»*, fJKkl: insurance,

1 IUS* dllkllfcwll. ■ Stephen i-uine,* wejl-knowu niimir

In 1 In i■.iiiii- u- .lipurlnrentH of mills to P»a Itiv.r, N.iff Bedfordnrt» rcci-iUly In TuuiitiiH, is (lend, lyed 35 years,

Barry afeKsaa is wanted for robber; of th mm <•! VVadlelah's bnke-ry in Augusta,

I lie. B*WU mi i-iiiployu, had a kay and knew t ha combination. Between fioo iitKi pao Li in laid tig, ■ '

Ltt.mrv Blank, Dectttur, lit., occupied bytba public library, Brown BiubMM t'dke.-.u Knights of Pythia* lodg-e, sev- eral manufacturing concern* and private

i' mad. l-oss (100,000; InSur- ofllt mice fGBtOfV.'

■ i ..-. .i Ktrc Fnlkr. wfiile attend- ng th" i 1. bratlon «l City ball, Portland,

\l , am deprived uttyvr lung hair by aotna rahrert al who cut it ■>!! In t.he crowd and hlu- did not. nils* It untiUhrwaa cum-

ntbencdl, No arrests bavo been

\ man supposed to IM> I ■(■,■. M'.i c. crow- bay. rmployed Uukha'rubbaff sho|>e In M u I - -■ ■ n I'V ii Donduoto* and five

. •jaaariiu-a*, to Jump from tin- 11.In train from I. -Urn, for Hciulliig lnsl night. The triun WHS stopped and ran I nick to the \l\-iic lili.r bridge, but no trace, of the in.'iii OOatd be loini.l. It U feared he Jnmni il into tin; river.

IVi .IllfHlilV. IMI

(90,000 damag<, Ball Idm k IL.' Dull, ilid

nim.|--r M I..-I T.-mpletoi

Qenrge Walt, WrsiiHd. Mm., took mistake for whiskey and wu

Found dead in-t-il. li iataaidIhMt SnT>1«rv PoatSB will meet

-il,. n in 1 ngUmi anil arrange for - Ivi uf< n Twelve |nrora for the trial <>( Broker

Fi. lil of New York have been, chosen and tin.' lotitl liuK iidjniiriied.

in tin' House ol Commons yesterday, tin- motion t" dlaeatabUah ilw ehun'h in WaV - ":•■• r.-j.i't.ii by a rota of HI toaao.

\ lire in the woolen triniuunga and clothing houaeol I. C. Wachamuth A Co. ol Chicago cauaed a loa« of fNijOOO; fully hmredi *

'|-!r -i;>i-t< hol-l.TM of tin? Hergrave milla i.f Pall Kiver ban, by an ovi-rwhvlmlng Vote ii. i Mod to erect mill No. 2 for 3S.00O Spilliljin.

Tfaa naarr aaa in the Kngiiah Channel faaa oompolled the WraokaTi to auepeod

. ■■-of»Tntioii» uu the Htranded Mt>-aNiHlii|i i:i(ier.

'1'ln' In.-t'TH at K. II. (haiuberlnin'a ahoe ■hsn. IIM.II.MII, MHHB , »fiit out on account oj aJaHttafaailon wttk thi- engaging of nun-union help. -

1 merchandlae more nnd *ome lulimiiitig property, at

wen- tjurne.1. 1^,I,H, flOO,- , flO.iiDO. it,, Are waaof

li A 11, llergrr' itora iiii'i '■oin Mali, m, Ark., 000; InaunuMNl

_lnocndlan origin'. Bldawen opened at the Inaaofy da-

pHrtnu'iit for beating apiuratuH for the public boJldlng al Sew Bedford, Maas., the loweet being lhat of-the Jlolyoke Sopply i'o. at fanAT.

Cbarlea E. Menra of, Ne« Yi*rkrdoing buai there under the style uf Hurt a Ueara, manufacturer! ■■( man's line ahoea, haaaealgned. Mr, UearaclaUna tihat the h ihditi; - are leaa than fm.nufl.

There WHS II freight eolllaion a mile above the Weal Albany bridge on the Centra) Hudefln road, ftraketnan Otia A. Bat iwaa lillliiir ■iiil'aiiiillm. Inafclllitil

■wia injuri.L The Arlington, Mam Boa! Club ladla-

aal ifled trfth tne recent figure akatlng mnu'h. in which iln man, J. F. Itacon,

bi Q. T, I'rtillii* of the New York Athletic Club, The i-luh chalkiigea Phtllipa to akate with Huron on neutral



rl"' nml hi* timice, Dorothy Buntrcck have bjpan arrealod HI Mudge'- bnrg.'Uermany, charged uith mUrderlng, forthepurpoieof roDbary, two servant jrirla, rtmma Kaeen ami Dora Klaaaca.

ilao Uli-vethat the priaonera murdered ouu t girla.' •

The Ponemita Oomnany ot Taftviiie, Coon . hai purchaacd i tie t^prague manu-

. Illage mi.I water power, wltb- tbe nddifjonol the Waldo privilegewhakk they o« ii on the Sheiurket'river north of it. HI i prnpoaea toUmlld there largi' rot- t nil la nml an electric plant.

Tli.irsilny The bemocrataoi LawIaCoi

' i W. It. Newell f rtoi the killi

credited at Hu; war depa Dr. T. C. Bradford

charged 9 Ith criminal malpi

Me., have ■ mayor.

■ .I/«HC!:I-

neiiiiiali la

have lUrted n crunade agalnt '■- iropolltan Hotel in It.«ti.iivwhich.

/ tin ■■ . 11MI. in, -..Li ii.fi|,,ri all night and

f gooda rof tba

B i PlM Andrews of lllddetord,

i>n the Insurance hualnesa, II, war, 3-1 and im-

H H. Toim in or Plymouth, Mass.,

1 formerly kept a fancy goo " .■ .-. s prominent ~

Old Colony »'lul.. tdrlhert Blye, who nd>l>eil the Adams

EapresC panyoi fjl.iMIOat Dlemlale. M .li Sovember.has been wntenoed

■ t ■ i rears ai tmrd labor, , i h m 1 11. Uabaan ol New Y.irk has

i conflrihed as minister to Ecuador and Edward C. OjBrlen ol New'York ae

r of navlgatloig Tli" Dover, N. H., Imriiu—t-drexolnlioiia

on u,. death*of i: T OoutnM f Perm- : in i*i..n, Oliver A, hodge, John f. Caverly

Of n ... : and Prank Rohbe, t


BM ii.. Mi rrfll h la reixTted adv 1 if i ukr - i.*U o nml iid l (n law r.'- gar.1 i i ■ rill "bell

ik HI—■■ei"l:..ii« clrealation. "" "■

h... ■ ■ r Kdi 11 of the Maaanehu- m Its - ii ■till

■ n in. had m he dlaappeai

imi'r' d and may have bean

P be, .•ring It.K'hfalcr train rob-

Ihi ■v.! n^ran |>«u- log. th ;f;im ni* it- » and li ■ at- tonip ■■ - thaarted

■ Meri'imin' Vnlley IMIIOII.

A,( nr I11" per«(>Ds from the tint and N ii. 1 IHii'f-t churches of this city at-

■: r,% of the «ocl al uulop of ih- McrrtdtKk Valley Association of Bap-

M,-'i.■. held in the First Baptist , if Maverhill Moudav- Slipper was

"■<n 1 at-',0.80 p. n>, after which the gtlherlny rfpmlrod to 'the auditorum,

■ ■ ffVJWtiag was held- The. exer- rwd by i:i ■ siDglng of ao

i aiii ■ ■!! by the thorns of l'ortlmtd street After the reailiog of the

,. c irdj of '.he^pi'evioa.ijmertlag the com- rhltl *, l" Whom was minis' al the work

irl0i( a constltull 11. reported . i rrn.rmio, It-*. K. W. Il/der-

n .. lellvare 1 b) l>f. Mmom ;■■■>. Rflcaaou o'f

-, . ? \..- fi in-." ." - r ", n [i Cbeney of HnXftrbH! m u i ■■ tod

,1-1. Ual ..,■ tad S.r F. I . iidentsi

. .,,,,1,1.1,, LMIII lofou.iiraptloii.

l B* ^u wiil stop l.ia e u^h at

*■ T'..e*riMi-i rti'M .torf.Ur^i*-

. . -.,)' r.. ,,i tiinr ilesea ..-■/|.t-'ir nii'Kri-.ttiliJte

- IIIIVM- m ni, I mrauti I, ' It •■

| ■


A Brilliant nnd HiiOMMwful Event

in the City Hall.

The local letter cirri en sco'ed a sue- cets Wednefllsy evening, tbt like of wtfrcb la seldom achieved by toy organi- sation In this city,

Tba first annual ball of Branch Hi, National Association of Letter Carriers was a gala event and ■ 111 forma bright page la the social history of that branch.

The gathering In nil respects was an eicellent one and leOsete credit upon the members of (he branch, all of whom have worked hard to have II terminate success- fully.

There was Indeed a good attendance to greet tho musician* aa tbey took their seits behind the perfect breastwork Of potted plants, ferns and flowers, which so tastefully occupied tbe front of the stage on this occasion. An ovauou was tendered Leader K. T. Collins as his pleasant featniea, were distinguished.

After bowing their acknowledgements t? the audience, the thread of I aslneu wss taken up and soon the delightful strains of Wsgner's march from Taunhe- user floated over the hall. Those who doubted thst Collins' Improved orchestra would reach the summit attained by other bands in this city this year, laid all doubts aside after that first selectlon.ao finely was It rendered. The following was the concert programme arranged for the 00a caalon. Man ii. Iron Ta a a he liter, Uraruire, ttemlraiulue, Serenade, Horn aolo,

.Mr.J. i ■».■ ,■■ Mule obligate,

Ilr.il. K, Tniell. a. | UiUdii liail, i.. I AtiiiTleHii llaare, .■itlrutluu lo.HI i niillril,) Kuatlcatie Uarklo'i JuUIca, by reuiieal.

Wagner Koaaln lAlDglj

Ulllet Deaillv


DearMpUveor Ilia apiiruaeJi^. landing and panura ol n Ululniiipl *iumboai In tlavvry


Every [selection on the above program w»n-remit ml In excellent style and well earned the hearty applause they received. The musk throughout th J entire evening far exceeded the expectations of all and adds it alimony to the fact that a home orchestra can by proper'burking aid. recognition do as good work as csu out- sider*. Mr, Collins surely has someiblog to feel proud of and the evening's sjysfj Is the best recommendation hh 017s of mmtclans can receive, -

TIIK tiAi.i .

The second part of tho evening'^ fes- tivities wai commenced st just" nine o'clock'by the grand march aud circle.

The march wai made up In the alder- men's room on lb* lower floor suit was most decidedly* pretty one. 1. wis led by Postmaster Lewis O. Holt an<l Miss Maria C. Sullivan, lbs second place of honor being tendered Postmaster Wll.is P. Bur bank of Lowell and Hlu Nellie Dooley of this city. The figures cut by the march were spproprlste ones and were finely executed.

The ladles' toilettes were] very elabo- rate, many beantlful costume-t being worn which made a good display in the march. The gentlemen did not fall In their duty am) dress stilts were numer- ous.

The march aud 'circle occupied just half au hour and upon its conclusion dancing was at once inaugurated. With tbe exception of an Intermission at 12.30 o'clock It wss continued until tbe bells rang ont 2 o'clock. Tbe order comprised twenty-two dances loc.udlag fancies and were sufficient to keep the entire party busy throngbout the night.


During IntermlssloQ the members of the branch escorted tbelr guests aud ladies to the Hotel Brunswick, where a hot turkey supper WU served About 40 ■ on pies sat about the festive board at the hotel and chatted merrllly while tbe good- ies were being passed around. Tbe ut- most soc^|ptlty prevailed, alt present seemingly being infused with the spirit of the occasion.

Tbe remainder of tbe parly wu cared for at Psge & Go's., where a regular sup- per, and also lunches were served, and at Tanker's, Pearl's and Finn's cafes, where Ice cream and cake, stews and tbe like were furnished.

i rut oKi o nun IN-.

The dsnee ball wu very tutefnlly decorated and presented a welcoming aspect u the main entrance wu ap- proached. The front of tho galleries wu bidden by lace streamers, .appropriately bung, while here and there on all sides, flags, shields snd bunting were so ar- ranged u to land beauty to the scene. The stage wu the centre of attraction. Potted plants and ferns formed a hedge around the footlights, behind which the orchestra were stationed. A floral oblong tablet ^bearing the Inscription "Branch 212, N. L. C. A." In red and white pinks occupied the outer centre of this hedge and formed a prettyJcontrut with Its background.- On an eule on the right of this tableUresled an excellent crsyon por- trait of Postmuter Holt, while directly opposite wu a cluster picture of the araccli. These formed tbe stage decora- ileus, which were warmly spoken of,


The genlldmeu having charge or the pleasant event ami i'o whom a great por tion of tbe credit Is due, were detailed u follows 1

tirand conductor, Jo leph C. Kennryi assistant, Sylvester J. 8heehan ; aids, .1 .i.r: A. McMinus, John A. O'Brien, Iteu* lien Travlsee, Thucasa W. McOowan, Henry A. Lynch, Jouph T. McEvoy at,d James C. Currsn.

Itecepllon committee :— Chairman,Chu. r. Lang, Sidney'H. Brlgbam, Stephen M. Colby, Charles A. Farnham, Adolph P. Vorbolz, Eugene Trodeau and Jeremiah P. Hesrdon.

Committee of arrangements -Jaraes C. Curran, Joseph C. Kenney, Sylvester J. Sbeehan and Sidney II. Brlgbam.

on or TOWN OUUTfl. <i ilte I number of out of towners were

guests of tbe members of the assoclallo' . iWmuter Willis P. Burbank of Lowell ami carriers from Other adjoining cities were In attendance and w-n- wellcered for tbruagbunt the evening.

aa «xi>. Tbe end of this pleasant evening came

shortly after two o'clock. The familiar strains of "Home Sweet Home" In- spired new life In the weary dancers. The orchestra plaved u well u they did earlier In tbe evening bnt the walti gave alight evidence of weariness on the part of Mime of Its partlclpante. It wu soon over. Carriages were-then In order and thus ended the letter carrlera first annual.

Tho riorsl decorations for the ball which wt-re very elaborate and beautiful, were famished by Wlngate A Son., flor- ists. '

civil Service Examinations.


That Signal Order Killed; A Va- riety of Buaineu.

Tbe aldermen took a very wise course Tuesdsy evening In voting to sustain Ihs mayor In his veto. *

To a man tba board saw tbe evil of the useless Are alarm order and killed It. Councilman Byan wu bustling about

during tbe evening attending to his lob- bying, bit alas, 'twas of no avail.

Public opinion and public demand sur- mounted all else and led the aldermen to vote aa wu tbelr duty.

The board met at the usual hour May- or Doe presiding. Tbe entire board wu In attendance.


The petition of Patrick Ksne et al for a sewer through Lexington street wu re- ferred to tbe committee on sewers and drains.

A petition wu received from tbe Law- rence Athletic usoclatlon to hold au athletic exhibition In Saunders ball. Tbe petition was granted.

Tbe petition of M. A. McCormick for a street crossing on Newton btreet wu eferred to Ibe committee on sheets. John P. Scollsy et al.', also petitioned

for a new sidewalk on Forrest street, this petition being also referred.

John M. McNuliy's petition for a junk dealer's license wu referred to tbe com-

Ittce on license'. A like petition from Abraham Uaum-

stein wu also referred. A petition for a lira alarm box at tbe

corner of Bodwell and Margin signed by Samuel Furnesux et al, wu referred to committee 00 Ore ala- m.

The petition of Jsmes Cnrran et al, for a street crossing at the corner of Union and Garden street wu referred to tbe committee on streets.

The petition of Thomas Boncber snd T. Keed for a street crossing at tbe Junc- tion of Daisy and Holly street was re- ferred to ihe committee on streets. '

A petition for a street croulng at tbe Junction of Salem and Blancbard street, pres* n-ud by Dr. B. M. Birmingham, was also referred.

The petition of M. A- MeCormlck for Ttio ft et of sidewalk snd edge stone In front of bis premises on ^Newton street

" TTBTrefeTreorra tliB ejhffmttlee on street".' Mr. McCormick offered to pay one half the cost.

Like petitions were also received from the following persons: Margaret Mickey. Timothy Doollng, Ann Donovan, Johanna Carter, Patrick Dtneen and Michael Dl-

:en. Tbey were all referred to tbe prop- cm nil ttee.

JTgriMsm The following' order was adopted:

Ordered, that tin; committee on public property he ami is hereby authorized and ordered to erect proper fence stones about the new library lot.

Alderman Butler presented an order authorlalcg (he committee on public property to csll for an, addition of four rooms to the new Arlington school. The order.wan adopted.

Ordered that Ihe petition of Lewis G. Holt for a new street Intersecting Water street nesr the ke houses be taken from the riles of l*9t. .This order wu ad- opted.

On motion of Alderman Martin It was voted to take from tbe flies of 1890 the petition for a new sewer on Prospect street running northerly.

UCKNSK UATTBRM. The committee on licenses reported

favorably on tbe petition of Walter Scanlon to bold an athletic exhibition In the Essex rick on the evening of March ith. _ The license wu subsequently granted.

A license was also granted John J, Caveny of the Lawrence Athletic Assocl< atlon to hold a like exhibition In Saun- ders ball March M,

court which alls here In Msrch: Aunn J. RkLdlstt, Anson L. Gnfflo, Daniel Galla- gher, Harry T. Qulmby and Jobs Ashton.

KutcrioN or THI-STX**,

Hexeklab Pinmmer wu elected his own successor u trustee of U» water loan sinking fond and ordinary city debt.

Jaa. H. Simpson wu chosen to succeed himself u trustee of tbe bridge loan sinking fnnd while ("apt. 1). ¥. Dolan wu elected to succeed 'rhomss Scott aa a trustee of the uwer loan sinking fund. The captain wu elected on the second ballot the 0 rat one being a tie, Scott U; Dolan 3.


The bond of Chu. Gadbols as under- taker wu presented to the board and wu accepted.

Tbe petition of Samuel Hogle for an auctioneer's llcens-, wu referred to the committee on license.

A communication wu received from David Arthur who begs tbe city fathers to remedy an Injustice dons him by the city In 1«7I. The raising of the grade on High street compelled him to ..raise his house accordingly for which he thinks the city should partly pay the expenses. This matter wu referred to tbe committee on claims.

An Invitation to be present at Law- rence opera bouse March It, at the an- nual gymnutlc exhibition of the Law- rence Turn Verio sent by President Hu- go Dick wu accepted. I


The Lights of Lawrence-

| stranger* SMVMSttag Lawrence on evening train* frum ihe Ea*i are alwaya greatly Ini- preaatHi hj- the >l*tit of tbe brllilantl? iljrrilol far torle*, which eitutnl quite a (ililantw along the bank of tbe Merhmae. Tbe following poem rep reatnia such a scene from the train.]

Night, with her aable mantle, flat! rolled earth and sly,

A*, .trough the wintry darkness, The train wont tbuaderlng by.

Tired trareier* *lept uncoasclou* Of n*l*a or whistle (hrill.

Of cold Mew Knitland'a anow-drlfU, 1U blasts so sharp and chill. - .

Borne with a pleaiant story Ucsiilled the tettloua day,

> >r with friends chatte.1 gaily, To whlie ihe hours away.

Why drop the book and paper y.il.-k from trie liageaa hand r

And vi in, creel and spell-*>ound, 1 I.I in, n in wonder atand?

They «ee a glorl. In uue long, ,b

There,'Horn a ih The It.;],1

1* v i*l,,ii: illna lint

I window*, "IJdgWjgatce shine. (

sen >al> and stately factory A fiilry palaco seems; , . ■ o'er the snow and darkness, Tne wondrous ritdlio.ee tttcanu.

It at II II:,' mi mi 11 riii* river

• ■p.irltllng It^i.t, n -I'll, 11 ■ water* ung with delight.

Tho toft, white Be Ids of ermlec, That itreieh on either hand

In cold and *potle>* beauty, Look like enchanted land.

While ffrouna of mighty chimneys 8ian<| niit against the *ky,

Almve inu weird e«n« watching, A* if whhglant'aeye.

■'.Some ms-dc ward has done It"' Kgealwed tba sirnoger then,

"Pot null a man-Idea* picture S«cma nH like wvrt* of iren.

In many lards i'vo wande'ed, Trod many a ton Ian ihore,

Bui M , ii a *pellor beaulv w , ■ :i, ■,, v wrought before!"

He iiialieu our busy city, Proud laouitry'a greit mart;

It* lovm- in 1 flying .idniUc*. The pulling* 1 f it* heart.

Hum lirljiu, I'V iimn-, of labor, Our comfort, strength and health ,

A hurliaie diviner Thau all Ibe spoils of wealth.

siibi*.' on. •' Mghta of Lawrence, I'nitt when tier children turn

Back from tbelr many wandrrlnga 10 where vour beaoone burn, ^

They'll *ee your loving welcome, A* II-IH enaul they shall como,

An.t *ay, wlih ntoud affection, "Theae are the light* of borne'"

KM 1 LI- UBKa-ct WrrnaiHae. Nbttsi Istt,



Lstdy Wait hi net on party at the Sonth CouBretfatlonal Cluirch.

A very enjoyable event took place at the South Congregational .chnrcb .Tues- day evening, the occasion being a Lady Wublngton reception tendered by tbe

Little Women." The church presented a pretty appearance being attractively decorated with national bunting aid flags. The right wing of the church wu the re- ception room and the guests were re- ceived by "General aod Lady Martha Wublngton," which parts were imper- sonated by Mr. Valdamar L.Sjoatrom and Miss Louise M. Matthews, respectively, both being attired in costumes appropriate to tbs occasion.

«en. and Lady Washington held a re- ception to tbe townspeople In the south wing of tbe church. Other celebrated characters of tbe period were Imperson- ated by tha yonng ladles of the society of Little Women, droned In the costumes of tbe days of Martha Washington. The tea table In tbe parlor wu presided over by Miss Hattle W. Carter and Miss Etta Nowell, souvenir cups being sold there. Tbe Mower table In tbe center of the au- dience rocm was Isstefully decorated and a thriving business was done through tbe efforts^ of tbe Misses Ida F. and Berths A. Merrill. Tbe homemade candy wu dispensed by Miss Kilen A. SJostrom and Miss Alice C. Carter, and at the fsney table Miss Mabtl Chamberlain and Miss Grace Rand Were kept busy. Ice cream sad cake were served In the north wing where tome of the yonng men acted as .assistants sod did good service. A pleasant SLII varied entertainment wu provided by Mies Katble M. Crockett. Tbe costumes were very oolque, and many of ihem handsome, noticeably that of Lady Wublngton, wbo wore a court gown of pale blue brocaded slit, made a la watean, with a petticoat of pink bro- caded silk, trimmed with wlda white lace, powdered hair, and diamond ornaments completed tho costume.' Gen. Washing- ton wore white aatln knee breeches and waistcoat, purple velvet coat trimmed with gold, white silk stockings and shoes ornamented with diamond buckles. Hev. E. A. Chase and Mr. F. £. Balchrllsr

1th Miss Grace if. Abbott and Miss Mamie Miller acted as ushers, and pre- sented Ibe assembled tidies an J gentlemen to the honored host and hostess. Miss Miller wore an ancient etrlped ttt dress with a white embroidered petticoat, short walsl gsnd mull kerchief. Miss Abbott wore a blue silk gown, with white silk kerchief. Mr. Chase wore a court cos- tume of black velvet with powdered peruke, and Mr. Ba'.chelder a purple suit of tbe ssu.e fuhlon.

The following programme wu ren- dered during tho evening 1 Overture, or- gso, Herbert Maoaban; song, Miss Mable Carter; flute solo, David Farr; reading. Miss Anuie SAlfl; duel, Masters Burnle and Frank Kuinick ; violin solo,' George Foster; reading, Miss Berths.Kobloson; banj) solo, Arthur Carter. Tbe "Little Women" who had charge of the affair were dressed In grandmother costumes. Following the entertainment ao Informal sociable was held.

Folly four hundred guests were pres- ent, sad tbe proceeds will doub'.less be a hundred dollars.


Funeral Services of ttie late Wil- liam F. Parnham.

Tha lut earthly rites over all that wu mortal of tho late William F. Farnbam took place at tha Garden street Metho- dist church at 1 O'clock Tuesday. Eav. Thomas Tyrle, pastor of the church officiated. Before the remains wore taken to the church prayer wu offered at his late re aldence, ii Newbury street, by Mr Tyrle. The services were conducted by Bethany Commandery, K sight* Templars. The remains reposed In a black .broad- cloth covered cuket wltb sliver mounted budlu. During the services several hymns ware feelingly rendered by a quar- tette consisting of II. P. Parsons. F..H. Warren, C. Redmond and W. F. Moyes. There were present many relatives and friends, wbo bad gathered there to pay their lut tribute to the departed. There were many beautiful floral offerings, comprising a large pillow Inscribed "Husband" from the wife of the de< ceased; a "mammoth cross and crown with the Inscription "Bethany Com- mandery," .In purple Immortelles from Bethany Commandery, and a large rfloral wreath bearing the Inacriptloo, "L. V. V. F. A., lu purple Immortelles. Tbls latter cams from the Ltwrence Veteran Firemen's Association. Tuscan lodge of Masons sent a beautiful square and compass Inscribed "Tuscan. There wss also a letter "G" in the space enclosed by the arms of the squar* and compus. A fljral basket raised from a background of floral leavas.and tbe whole m.inuted upon a floral easle was the ,rlb- ute from Mr. and Mrs. st M. Mooe.s and Dr. and Mrs. Mooers. A mounted star and crescent with the l.scrIption"Uncle" upon the base wu from Arthur It. Doyle, sickle from Mr. and Mrs W. C- Allen, buket, A. 11. Salisbury, a large crescent, 8. T. Mooers snd C. H. Bart- well, and a booquet of Ullles tied with ribbon from Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Caproo.

Following the services the remains were escorted by Bethany Commandery, headed by the Lawrence brass band, to their lut resting place la Bellevue cem- etery.



A Prisoner Commit* Suicide at the Jail Saturday Night-

A*M.'Ks»r«oTTrinity Church En

tertaln the Parishioners.


The civil service examinations for ad- mittance to the local police force were taken In 1 ie common council chamber to- day by the following: Tbomu Mailer mot', John J. Keleber, Joseph Wrlgley, Charles A. Harriet, Denial Hneehao, Hen-

' ; y W. Hughet. William J. lioughtan, j John Cross. Btepben T. Barnes. Timothy ! W. iliiigerty, .1 dm W. Godln, Mlcbul Co! -py fad Joseph Biaocbette. Assist- ii." .'.In -i.ai Mahaney Is also taking an

I non-couipetlllve ,x.mlnatlon,qusllf,lng' j <■«"»"«« » >"'l"lc ""gber, i II, ni-eif fni tbe-positlOh of aulstut mar ' •'< "is* Wh Miio 11. sbsl. I'blsf Examines Sberwto bidchtrge-j The following were dravtu |u Jurors ■if tin-Examination*. . for tbe Msrch. term of the superior civil

It was voted to grant lieiman Baumls- teln a hearing on the petition for a Junk dealer's license, at the next, meeting of tbe board.

rftou TIIK i.owxn HOARD.

Came up the.petition of John Barlow, et. al-, to have Platt street extended from Woodland to Eut Haverhill street; re- ferred injeoncurrence.

The order relating to the city printing wu adopted In concurrence.

The orderi.auihortelng the major to Interest himaelfjo tbe name of tbe city In the bill now before the senate aod house to exempt the taxation of munici- pal bonds wu adopted In concurrence.

The order sutborlzlng tbe committee on public property to construct a new floor In the stable of engine i'a house wu adopted In concurrence. ■ .

The original order authorizing the com- mittee on printing with full power to have 700 copies of the auditor's report printed wu received In concurrence,

Tbe resolution Increulng t'ac new state armory loan was read twice under a sus- pension of the. rules snd pausd to be rolled in concarftace.

The other resolution, authorising the hiring of au accountant to audit tne city treasurer's books, tbe piirchiwof four or live departtneut teams and the remod- eling ot the entrance to tbe truck bouse, were all read twice and passed to be en- rolled In concurrence.

Tbe resolution sustaining; thu recent contract for tbe repairs on Engine"^* was presented but u> action wss taken up m It u It did not bear the, endorsttnent of the,lower board.

si'sraisxn HIK vim. At tbls point tbe troublesome :■ o'clock

tire alarm order came up again, this time unendorsed by the mayor and accompan- ied by a notification that tbe lower board by a vote of 11 to •'• had voted to pus It over the veW.

Alderman Gallagher desired to make a few remarks before action was taken, lie ssid he wits of tbe opinion that a single blow of tbe Are alarm at S o'clock dally would Injure no ouu but tbe discontinu- ance of the present Leo o'clock test blow would beyond any coubt Inconvenience the tire department.

Councilman Kyan, wbo sat by coaching Lu let order, dldnVJust relish this little speech u It had a tendency to remind the board that tbe speedy death of this order wu necessary jor the good government uf tbe dr.. department.

The question oT concurring with the lower board In their pusage of tbe order over the mayor's veto then came up. A yea and nay vote wu called for. The board unanimously voted not to concur with the lower board, and to sustain tbe mayor's veto


The mayor read a petition from Caleb Saunders, E. It. Harden. F, ii, Davis, N. P. H. Melvln, A. A. Lamprey, John C- Sanbom, D. F. Ktley and others, asking blm to appoint, Patrick 11. Dlneen as a regular police officer. After reading tbe petition the mayor appointed Mr. Dlneen as a regular police officer.. According to tbe rules tbe nomination^ ess laid over until Ibe neit meeting of Ihe board.


Oi I.- liunala and L. E- (ioss were ap- pointed and confirmed as surveyors of wood snd lumber.

John WUhtngton wa* appointed _r-r,d

The scsual supper tendered by the as- sessors of Trinltr church to the chnrch and members of tbe pariah took place In the church vestry Wednesday evening. A. large number were present. During tbe

venlng the following programme was pleasingly rendered 1

Absence," Phuealcl.o qiartet. consist- ing of Messrs. Redman, Alfred, Partridge and Dow; ,duel, Miss Crjamblrlaln ami Mr. Aldred; reading, (a) Herve Rell, (b) selected, Mrs. Nathan Gage.; "Mor* and More," I'n-s'iirian quartet; "Hie The*, Shallop," Miss Chamberlain and HacasL clan quartet; song, "Beauty's Eyes," Miss Geraldlne iDamon; "Now Is the Month of Maying," Trinity quartet; "Still, Still with Thee," Pbtenician quartet. To an encore Mrs. Gage recited the German version of "Mary's Little Lamb" and Miss Damon also lu response to an oncore sang "Lullaby." In the course of the programme remarks were made by Rev, W. A. Reese, Joseph Walworth, Gnqrge L. Seldon, and Gilbert K. Hood. Mr. Walworth spoke of the Unsocial condi- tion of the church which Is very prosper- ous. A vole of thanks was given the as- sessors by those present for the sapper and also the able manner In which they had conducted the affairs of the church,

Conjrrefriitloiial Club


Opening of the Pair at the L'ni- veraaltfct Church,

Tbe vestry of the Uolveraallst - church presented a busy appearance Wednesday evening, It being the opening of the an- nual fslr of that church. Tin ro wr-s present a large attendance, '. .r room be- ing taxed to its utmost capacity. The various tables contained many attractive articles to tempt those present.

On the right of tbe entrance was loca- ted tbe ladles' domestic table, which was gaily decked with national colors. Mrs. Martha Carter bad charge and was sssbt- edbyHrs. J. F. Freeman, Mrs. M. II.

Saturday olgbt ao unusual thing In tbo coarse of events at tha Jail- took place. Frank Harrison, a prisoner serving ■ term of Imp.lsonmeot for breaking and entering, banged himself In his cell, num. ber 3d In the north wing, sometime that night. About 5 60 o'clock Sunday morn- ing tbe lifeless body of the victim wu found by tbe prisoner, who. occaples the adjoining cell, hanging from tbe cell door with strips of a rheet about bis neck. Officer Neale wu summoned and cul down the body, which wu given In charge of undertakers Waterhouse & Parsons.

Tbe exact time that tbe banging took place Is notdeflnately known. The pris- oner accr mpllshed his end by tying the rope, made from tha s'icet, to the top of tbe door, and Jumping from the bed. His feet almost reached tlu flior of tbe cell when discovered, aud tbe body gave somewhat of the appearance of a man standing near the cell door.

Bnt little Is known of Harrison. It not being fatly ustn^OTfeat bla-neai name la Harrison. About two years ago he re- ceived a sentence of three years for breaking Into the bouse of Warren Taylor on Prospect hill, and stealing. Mr. Taylor captured him and with the as- sistance of frlenda succeeded in binding blm aod handing blm over to the police. He gave his age u CO years and his birth- place, New York elty. At the Jail he seemed to be quiet snd inoffensive.


Belden, Mrs. L'xziu rrrill. snd Mn

The annual meeting of the Merrimac Valley Coogregalloual Club was held In the Ueutre church*, Haver nil',, Monday evening, 200 numbers from Lowell, Law- rence, Haverhill au I suburban belug In attendance, elected 1

President, Gilbert B. Hood of Law- reuce; vice prvnilents, K.v. J. 1). K ngs- bury, 1). ]>.. of Bradford, Itsv. M. M> <;. Daus, D. 1)., of Lowell, Rev. K. C. Uol- manof UaverbUI, W. H. Ward ti Low- ell; ttcreiary, George D. l'ettee of An- .lover, tressurcr. Oils A. Merrill of Low- ell ; executive committee. Prof. William II. Itvderof Andover, Rev. Wllltem A. Keese of Lawrence, Horace M. Sargent of Haverhill; nominating committee, N. V. Frye of North Anduver, C. K. Pills- bury of Lawrence1, Guorge T. Eaton of Andover, William U. Wsrd of Lowell, A. B. Woodworth of Cbelmsford; re- cepilun committee, S\ G. Ssrgent of Me- ihuen, K'-v. James Alexander of Tewks- biiry, Joseph L. Sedgely of Lowell, E. A. Emerson or Uavefblil, Joseph W. Wal- worth of Lawrence; necrologist, Hsv. J. M. Greene, 1). I), of Lowell; auditor. Dr. J. B. Field of Lowell.

Addresses were delivered by lt*v. Dr. D, W. Csulklna of Newton, and Rev. W. G. Putldefoul on tbe topic ol- the eve- ning : "Wealth and Peisonal Service u Factors in ibe Aggressive Work cf the Chnrch."

-*»*»»* r— City Death (tttte.

The total number of deaths In '.his city for the .week eridlng|Feb. 20 was IS, of these 12 weru>cbildr«n under ■"> years uf ago. 1'neiiin >..:s, infantile debility and still born, have two deaths attributed to each. Tne other canaes were 1 Debility, paralysis, la grippe, pleurisy, heart fail- ure, accidental Injuries, scarlet fever, membraneous croup, pur.touUls, gutro enteritis, hydrocephalus dlphtbtelic croup, tqeningalls, cancer, congestion of uugs, heart disease, capillary oroncbitis,

pulmonary congutlun and copveUloM, one esch. . yjr>"

CATASBH l.t Saw K>,.i.*sl'. "*!jElr*Crcain Batmglve* latlaTaeUon In every one u*lns 11 fur rturrhal imuhlet.-ii. K. Hal- lor, in.i^.-i-i. il HI ni, 1, Mn.

I tellers Rly'» Cream Balm 1* the beet article ' l.inli nn "Berr't tbe publk. — puab A Co., tir:.«pil-t*. wt>rre*ler DIM

A:I .nil. -.-uf I.TI 111. rli ■ 1*. Alden, Urn«- «M, Sprliisneld, alaae. "» .

TtioMwKuuMlifPeaktilRbiyoHt.-tieti. Hill,. l>[u**lo..ii>flBgfleM, Hat-. _

i'r,.im Malm lut gUm tatltfactory retail* - IV. IV Draper, Urugcltl, >| rtn*n>! I. Has*.

George L. Gage. The next In order wu the box table, under the supervision of Mrs. Sydney Rollins, who was a-sisted by several young ladles. The candy ta- ble occopled a position In Ibe cortbeast corner of the room aud was draped wlib yellow and white. This department wss superintendei by Miss Mattle Wr'ght, assisted by Miss Mabel Ellison aud Mi Etta Dennett. Opppslte this latter lable on the other side of tbe room was the dower stand In the form of a payola and was presided over by tbe Misses Mamie Glbbs, Grace McFsrlane and Fannie Llttleneld. The next was tbo children', fsney table, where the following young misses attended to tbe wants of the pur ahaaey'l Mable Arthur, Helen Parker Louise Currier, Eva Ruisell, Ida Lee, Kdlth Downing, Mamie Gage and Flossie Wblttredite. Tbe ladies'* fancy table wu by no means thu least attractive of tbe different departments. H wu ar- ranged In tbe form of a triangle with a covered top and luciosed sides. The arch In fronl wan covered wilh ferns and the

: canopy,.which was composed of 'a pink ' material, was also sprinkled with ferns. ! The sides consisted of white lace. Tbls depar'inent was superintended by the

Tnese officers Were '

Cubler Butler of tbe Arlington bank Is ont and about stain.

Caterer Kernon gave tha Press Club boys an excellent, elaboiate sp.end.

There will bs a meeting of the over- seers of the poor tomorrow evening.

Mrs. N. G. White and daughter, Eliz- abeth, started Tuesday for Bermuda.

Vlu Basle E. Gonld of Gould's dye house,-Is suffering from s sprained ankle.

Superintendent of streets Brady's residence Is connected by telephone. No. 414. '

— Mr. Chu. Luce formerly a resident of tbls city, now In Nebraska, Is danger-

ily 111. -0. L. F. Stowell the well known

stableman is seriously III st his residence on Forrest street.

—Miss Helen Churchill Is to famish portion of the musical programme at the Demorest Medal contest at city ball March 9.

—Lincoln division. Sons of Temper- anctf, will be visited officially by the grand worthy patriarch, Thursday even- ing, Feb. 26.

—Henry School and, tbe well known grocer, has purchased a lot of land at the corner of Park and Hall streets and will shortly erect a moat market at that place.

—City treasurer-elect O'Sulllvan Is at tbe treasurer's office very frequently these days, acquainting himself with the duties be Is soon to assume. He takes hold March 1. ,

—Joseph Watts, Is mentioned u one of tbe democratic candidates for a posi- tion on the water board made vacant by the death of Wm. F. Farnbam. Mr. Watte* excellent knowledge of machinery well His him for tbe position.

—"The Dazzler" played to tbe best paying house ever held In tbe theatre at Philadelphia, Monday night. M nager Grant of the local opera house, wbo wltb Manager Gosgrore of Lowell are Inter- ested in this play. Is In Philadelphia now.

—Now that the Press Club banqnet Is over, the club members realize the care and hard work taken by the committee to make It a success. The chairman of tbe committee, Valentine T. Sellers, labored unceulngly and wu ably assisted by bis foar associates, P. H. Donoghue, D. E. Halley, J. E. Marler and J. T. O'Sallivan.

—The usual proceedings 'of Washing- ton's birthday marked Monday's course of events. The only public demonstra- tion was the ringing of the Ore alarm bells.. However flags floating from the school bouses, tbe closing of tbe banks, the city hall offices, and the'echools gave tbe day somewhat of the appearance of a holiday.

Mora ihttifiM OFFICt.


B.ROGERS, Local Manager.


Winter Arrangameul, o, tuiier r,, 1SS1. iv. n. uoobwiN, A«ant.

Andovci to Boston, 6'50, TAIi, 8 :0fl,8.83, fl:*3 l'Jiat, l'J ;S7, 1:23, 2 '-'6,1:85,5:4*, "

' Sunday, 7:45,8:33a.m.; 12:30,4:33, 5:03,6:67 TtSlp. m. \-

Boitonto Andover,«:lu, 7:30, H;3QOtt;25II'1° a.m. 13:00m.; \l-toi, i.A.-rw.i.W, t:0J, 5:00, S:M.*:35,7.«Ul.l)0p. to. .„„„„_„ -

Sunday, 8.00, 11:45a. mf;B :00,6 etTrWp.nl, AndovertoL(iwrenr.e,7:WS:18,!i:tH),10:«,ll:B0

11^1 a.m.; li:.'*, ] :o!>. I :.1i,a ol. 3 :li,4 03,5:00, 5:45, 6:47.7:31.7 :W. p.m. __

Sunday, 9:06 a.m., 13:40,8:14,6:47,8OTp.ni. Lawrence to Andnver,0:40,7:30,7:35,8:20.9:30

10.;0, 11-00 a.m.) 13:0.*, 13:33. 1:13 »1:15, 3:10,3:84, 4 :00, 3'3S. 6:40, *", .04, » :Sl> p. m.

8ilndav7:36, 3:13 a. p>; 13 10, •4.23,3.330:40, *7*3,8:f«p.ia.

(•From Sonth SlUe.l Anttoverto Lowell,7.48,8.83, .',10:83, ll.lt -m.; 13 37, 1.40.■> U, 4:'.'S,5:.V) ,':ll, B:8fi. p. Ill Sunday 7 I5,b 33 a.m.. 12 :.'i' ,4:32, 3:33; ?:51

Lowell to Andover, 8:S.*>, 9:20,10:55 a. m 12:20 SJ0, 8 :l)6, 3 :J0, 6:10, ti :1ft, t! :65. II :10 j). m. Sunday 8 M a. ra., I.:.-., 6 36, 7 JO i>. in. Andover to Salem, 7 :03, x7:4«,a. m. 13:50, :43

Salem to Andover, 7 :00, xlo;83, )l :S0 a. m., 3:00.4:40,6.00 p. m.

(Joint; North, via Manchester, :23 a.m., 1:09 6 !\ S :47.

rtmi'lH) '.' "i;.:i. ni.i'.l: p.m. Uulna- M.kMt, T •>! /.is. 8:23,9.00,10:24H a.m.

11:50V, J-Jtt,3:4iuAx,4:03,3:43, 6.47HAH, 7:638

Sunday,9:06 a. aT.a Ax,S:47H, p. n>. (li. Haverhill. v. Nowliurvport, K. A M. 11a-

rerhill and NewburrTort)

MAILS Ol'KN. Prom Bo*ton, New York, South ana West.g.OC

9.00 a. m. 1 30, 7.30 p. an. From Kast, 1.30, 3 00 7.43 p. ni. From North, l.:io,.ti.o0 p. m. From Lawrence.S.IMIn m.,l.:t»,0.00,p.m. From liallanl Vale, 0.00a. m. 6:00 D< ni.


For K:iHl, S.I For North.8.1 . For Lawrence,

. 3.40 p. , .■>. in. !.: ii

BaJlanl Vale, 12mV*:43 Honey Order offieo (dninesili1 i

from 8.00 a. m. to 6 00 p.m. Legal Holidays ufHce open fi

2 m. 3.40, p.m.

nd foreign) open

This Happened In Lawrence.

1. , dw

MlsstH. Etta Newton, Ella Kuttian Louise Leonard, Hattle Collins, Etta Jiselyn and Mrs. Milton W. Currier.

During the evening a mack enjoyed and novel eutertalnment wu given under the direction of Miss Georgia Hardy and con- sisted of ao animated doll show. Several of the smaller children of the Sunday school were dres-ed up to represent va- rious persons, among them being a police* man, Linle Lord Fauutleroy, a sailor, etc. Miss Hardy In turn described each In rhyme, and made several local hits, bringing In the names of Mayor Doe and many of tbe prominent business men. l> was a very creditable entertainment and reflects great credit upon tbe ladles of tbe committee.

Tbe fair will continue this evening wben a different entertainment , will be furnished.

A New Reading; itooin

Every Sucday a paper published by the Young People's Christian Union of the Firs'. B*ptlst church has the follow- ing article In Its lut Issue i

Another important line of Chrlstlsn work Is sbont tb be opened In our church. At the suggestion nf tbe pastor several ladies have banded themselves togetber i'i msln'aln a reading room for young ladles. The object Is to provide a quiet and cosy place where they can spend tbe evening In the company of good friends and good literature. There Is need of sneb work. Considerable Is done In oar city for yonng men, bat v. ry little for young women. Mod that Is done for eliher sex'is don-> oatslde the church. This ought nottobe. Thecharch should be mule s strong centre of attraction to old and young. The effort to establish .this reading room Is s move In tbe right direction. Let It bavn the cordial sym- pathy »■, i support of everybody. And sll are Invited to contribute material as- sistance. We shall need newspapers, mtgszlnea and periodlctflsS>f every1 sort If you have such, bring Hi em In. Some oj'the morns at the rear of the vestry will be, fitud up for tbls purpose. There will lie BO forms)'opening, lut nn Tues- dsy eventer* everybody is Invited to visit tne rooms atd tea for themselves what Is

■'■-... i

Public Property .Committee VUlt

tbe Sebool iloiifsea.

Un the tour of Inspection made by the committee on puillc property, and also Msyor Doe and Superintendents Bates aud Battershlll, Wednesday, the various school houses about ini city were visited This IOUT was made for tbe purpose of Inspecting tbe sanitary conditions of the schools aod also to learn the accommoda- tions provided by each. Several hoars were spent In doing It and a dinner wu laken at the Euex house.

The committee found that nearly all of tbe schools In tbe city wen: Inadequate to accommodate tbe scholars within tbe district assigned to each, the primary and grammar grsdes being especially crowded.

Tbe school* of s iir.h Lawrence are by no means exceptions for there the Union street school to which an addition was ivuiit recently, has as many scholars as It can properly accommodate. Tbe Pack- ard scheol Is overcrowded and It la found necessary a*, times 11 te i -'i classes In tbe hall owing to the crowded condition.

The new scboil butldhg In the Arling- ton district on the north side of the river Is overcrowded. ' The Crou street school Is closed u It bu bead for some time put aod the Park street building Is now filled. The Oliver Grammar school also hu more pupils than It should.

It wu evident to tb- committees that tbe schoots erected in tbe put have been constructed to meet tbe requirements of the time wltb no outlook for tbe future and the result of sach u no « seen by tbe overcrowded condition of tbe different buildings. They alto saw that an addi- tion should be made to the Ar^ngton school, an Alderman Butler had deemed expedient. The committee will meet to- morrow night wben some definite action may perhaps be reached.

irluli- Mill mild II i„.

Itleepllaea iiiiy:


riM HARD -Alftomertllie, Hat* , Feb. is,of


ANOKK3ilX-LI.ND8AV.-In Seuth Lawrence, Feb. IS, by Rev. Edward A. Chase, Paler An deraou and Mary Ltmlaay, troth af Lawrence.

Comnionwealth of Massachusetts.

Essax, as. - PROBATE COURT.-

To Caroline If Foster,and 11 xe* Faiter, both of Andover, In aald county or Eases, Sarah F. Moore, and John C. W. iioiire.boihr,f Concord, In Ihe State of New HaWMSHf*, a«l Helen U. If an of Near York, in tbe scale ol Sew York,

UBklCTlao Whcres*. Kenrv K. W. Hall, of Boalon.ia, the

coumv of auOolk, and Common wealth aforeiald. has presented to said Court a petition, renre *enilu-( thai he bul'li a* tenant In common ont undivided fourth, part <>r share of certain real •state, situated In said county *>f Easei, ana de terlneil In *ald petlllon.aoil prijinjt that pan! lion thereof may be made BOtMg Oie tenants In romiDOn thereof aceonHns; to law, aod that Ihe LompdMliiners appointed to make taltl parti lion, mar i e ordered ui make sale aed convey, anee or tha aamsM inert in iietcrlbed In tee man aer prescribed by law, for Ihe re neon tet forth In nil petition.

Ymiare hereby elied lo apin.ir al a Probate Court, to be hidden at nalem lu «ai,| Cooniv of Eaaex.onlhe Ire Monday of Marrn, nuxi, at nine o'rlnck In Ihe fiirenmui, in "how cause,ir any yon have, against Ihe same.

And *ald peUtiouer || enlered lo »«rva tkls '■nation by delivering a eoi.v iht not to each uer- •oiilnure*l*>lahocan be found wltlila Ihe Stale, fouileendav* at lead before «n) I Court, and ir

— '>k|il,fl>) also pabllshtng tbe aa me In the Lawrence Axaa a newapaper prli week, tor three n,ek

vrrmea*. r saMir Ooun, tola »txth day til February

la the year entile, n l,,1Bdl..r.i„, ntnely-iwe. v-" Hedau-r.

snd Andover Aovxnvisxa at I^wrenw. once In enea, S^bTcSSlaa-Ti sat leaat !»,■(. re said Court. ??['.iWl^JS1" iU

lUeas, ll.'lliu y. liarm..n, Laiiuire, Judge

Atruecbi/y. Attest -


'Tail.nil J.T. MXllO\Ei

1. l-alAI|<>.NRl,Re«ltter.

The Lowell Star of Wednesday says: "One of tbe greatest nuisances we

have to contend with Is the small boy and tbe return chocks," said a manager of

of the companies at the opera bouse the other evening. "Touuewbea gen- tlemen go oot between the acts they* are given return checks, and they no sooner reach tbe sidewalk tbau they are be- sieged by boys uklng for tbem. Often the gentleman, noil Intending to romrn, give them to the boys, and unless we are watchfol the kids slip In. In Lawrence, the other evening, a smalt boy with ragged clothes and a very dirty face was not only given s return check bat a aeat coupon u well and tbe first I knew of It one of the ushers Informed me that two ladies in the audience were Indignant be caose a dirty boy wu site ng between them. I went to look the matter up and sure enough there wu the kid with his

ith extended from ear to ear In a big lo enjoying tbe show. I soon had

Mm out nnd unt mm n,i Into the gallery. I shall alwaya think that tbe man »iio gave nun fie check snd-s si coupon had some grudge against those ladle-."

(illdhifr the Xt-w Halves.

Silver hair dollars are being circulated In some places for tlu gold pieces, tbey having been glided. Tbe new coins are peculiarly adapted for tha counterfeiter In this direction, for they resemble a glO piece lo that tbey resemble • a spread eagle. The silver coin Is not only gilded, but the word half is stamped out aud the word ten substituted on <he face of the coin. Tbe one way to tell the counter- felt coins Is tbs larger size of tbe doc- tored money.

restive Insurance Men.

The annual dinner of employes here- abouts of tha Metropolitan Life Insur- ance company wu held at the Essex house on Wednesday evening, and was carried out In Caterer Kernon's best style. Besidei local employes, there were prcs- ent guests from Haverhill, Amesbury and Merrimac. After the banquet there were tbe usual touts and general merry mak- ing. Tbe featlvitles luted until midnight.

ltlglit You Are.

The Haverhill Bulletin, one of onr brightest exchanges, la now, while Brother Hoyt Is making laws for us, In editorial charge of W. E. How, a prom- ising journalist. His work Is good, and should be appreciated, as no doubt It Is, by tbe people of UaverbUI, all of whom of ctHurse read the Bulletin.—Lynn Item.

Dr. Cage Coming.

Knex Lodge Order of Unity meeli this even

Mils Lottie Lambert of Boston spent Mon- day In town. .

Oil lamps were al a premium last Tuasday evening on account of tbe electric going out.

The talented anihortH and lecturer, Mrs. Annie Sawyer Down* U mentioned in one of the works of Thoreau.

Quite a number of our people witnessed tbe production of tbe County Pair in Lawrence tbla week.

Mr. John W. Bell left here last Monday on a business trip lo the West. He may be gone twe weeka.

Miss Alice Messer of Winchester Is sojourn- ing at tbe home of her.friend Miss Eftle M, Smith, Summer street.

The regular meetinc of Ibe members of In- dian Ridge Council No. 11K1, Koyal Arcanum will be held next Wednesday evening.

Tbe_Andover band orchestra furnished ma- tt Washington iati party by the Ladles' Deleft in Tewkslniry Wcdnes Aid Society In Tewktbury Wednesday evening.

P. L. Chase A Co.. groceries and meat mar- ket. Boston, atflgned Friday morning to Lr- nmii A. BelkoBp of this town. Liabilities, teouOi Utets about (UIOOD.

Now is the time to purchase real estate; we have got some very good bargains on hand. Also house* M rent in all parts of the town ranging from sjtA to $10 per moulh.

The remains of Patrick Donoghue, aged 'Hi years, who died Sunday afternoon at bis home 207 Salem street, Lawrence, were Interred In

Lawrence. Last s,iiiir,l i v afternoon Mr. Joseph T. Love-

joy entertained the inmates of the almibouse by reading several selections which were much appreciated. T'jese little acts of kindnesses go a long way towards breaking tne monotony of the lives of those who are In Ibe town's care.

The lecture by Mrs. Annie Basryaf Downs this town In the new public library building Lawrence recently, resulted in net receipts of • 100. Tiie total receipts frum sale of tickets was *)114 ; total expendltareti $14. Consider Ingtbat the evening was very stormy, to add #100 to tba treasury of the Ladtt*' union cnar- ituble ici'iety Is something upon which the la- dles who managed tbe affair may congratulate themselves. .The Legislature representatives of 1H72 held tueir first reunion at the I "hi led States Hotel, Boston, last Saturday afternoon. , Mr. Oeorge H. Poor wbo represented this district In the state nonse at that time was present. It ap- peared from tbe reading of a necrology of the uouse of 1872 showed that 101 of Its members had gone where the contention of parties la un- known. |i

Tbe following Is a complete list of the offlcea for which nominations will be made at the cau- cus next Monday evening: To choose Town Clerk, Treasurer, Collector of Taxes. One mem berof tbe Board of Selectmen, Assessor* and Overseers of tbe Poor for lores rears, a Board of Health or a Health Officer, Two members of the School Committee for two years, and Three member* for three years, Oue Water Commis- sioner for three yean. Five Trustees of the Pnnchard Fret School for three yean, One Trustee of the Memorial Hall for teven years, One or more Auditors of Accounts, ('unstable*. Fence Viewers. „


Dark locks shaded into gray, snd gray Into dark, a* the loval siuiiini of Phillips, Andover Academy gathered at the tables of the Ven- dome last Friday evening for their fourth bi- ennial dinner. ,

But, though tbo color of the beads changed as the eyes ran from tbe 40's to the 9»'s, the laces were all brightened i,v the name memor- ies, and In heart all were In their "teem" again.

Tbe evening's diversions began with a recep- tion, followed by tbe annual election, which re- sulted a* follow*:

President, W. A. Mown", Ph.D., of Salem: vice president*. Oliver Wendell Holme* of Boa- ton, H on Frederick Smyth of Manchester, N. H , Warren F. Draper ef Andover, Hon. W. W, CrapoofSew Bedford, Italph Kmerson of Boehville, III.. O. Henry Whitcomb of Worces- ter, and Mortimer U. Mason of Boslon; lecre-

Plato Eame* ti slowly improving from recent sickness. j

Pott 99Q. A. H. will hold tbelr regular monthly meeting next Friday evening.

The Women* Relief Corps No. 127 will meet in the O. A. It. hsll next lncsday evening.

Wnshingtou's birthday was more generally observed this year In town than ever before.

Tbe Puncbnrd cadet* contemplate a visit to Waketicld in the near future to have a b*nation drill.

The leap year patty in the o. A. It. hall next Monday evening will undoubtedly be a nice affair.' - ,» „ *,

(ieo T- Abbott wss initiated Into the my*- terlesor Odd Fellowship at Lawrence last Toes- - day evening.

Tbe juvenile mlasionuy society oflhe Ws*t I church will meet at the home of Miss Clsra R. ISoviitoii next Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.

Mf. Will Hlggins, onr genial stable keeper baa purchased an excellent coach. Il la beau- Mill in Hie extreme and brut only to be seen 10 be appreciated.

A horse belonging to A. W. Farm worth, our well known provision dealer, died lut Friday evening. Fortunately for tbe owner tbe animal Ha* covered by Insurance.

fienrge A. Christie secretary of tbe Andover cricket t-lub will attend a meeting of the varlo'ia Becrctarlea st ihe United States Hotel, Boston, Saturday, for tbe purpose of arranging fixtures for the coming teasou.

We have for tale that building on Maple Avenue known as tbe Wilbur block. It Is a good Investment and will be sold cheap. Be- sides thst we have other available property on hand.

The item which appeared la our last Inns with regard to James P. Bnttertleld'a with- drawal from office is not correct. Mr. Buttcr- tield's name will lie presented at the caucus next Monday evening.

Unclaimed tellers advertised Fsb. 22, 18921 Bruce Cbas It, Dane Mr, Freeman Helen L, Jenkins Edw P, Millar Wm H, McKen/fe W, OConneil Mr* D, Putnam GeoPalmer, Parksr Fred, Sweeney HmlolphkW, Bay Frank, Vnbghn J T.

We aaw a copy of "The Vestry Advocate," a four-paged paper published by tbe ladies asso- ciation of the West church semi-occasion ally In ibe year IS.Vi wben tbs building: of a vestry was under contemplation, a few days ago, and It seemed quite an Interesting sheet.


Death has once more visited tbe family of Mr. John MrKenzle in the person of bis son, Jotepb A., wbo departed this life abortlv after 10 o'clock last Saturday evening aged 17 year* after a abort sickness of two months duration, acute phthisis being tbo cause of deat.i. De- ceased wa* a brother to the little girl wbowa* drowned In the river a ihort time ago. He was attending Ihe Puncbard free school when taken ill.

The funeral service wa* held in St. Augus- tine* chnrcb Tuesday morning, Rev. FT. K" neb officiating. At tbo close or the service

'. M. J. Mabonev rendered a solo, "Cross and Crown" - The Puncbard Free School Cadets of which deceased wa* a member at- tended in .. body. Principal F. 0. Baldwin and Mlsse* Abbott and Moirlll, teacher* of the Puncbnrd Were also present. The remains were encased In a beautiful white plnib em- bossed casket. Tbe bearer* were William Donald, Arthur Roberts, James Oleason, Lewi* Smith, John Donovan, Cbarlea Eamea, Harry Holt, William P. Minor, all member* of tbe cadet*.

Tint family baa been unusually unfortunate. Austin J., aged 21 years, died Saturday, Jan. Hi, Christina, aged 8 years, drowned Saturday, Jan 23. Mr. and Mr*. ktcKenale have the sympathy of the entire community In tbelr if deep aiDictlon.

vas, mtinoBT HONOVAN.

.Last Sunday morning about 1.30 o'clock Mr*. Bridget, widow of the late John Donovan, passed away at tbe home of bar brother, Mr. Dennis O'Brien on Knit Chnstnut street, at the age of 66 years, la grippe being the cause of death. Deceased was born In Ireland and came to thli country some 44 years ago. She was twice married, bnt has reddad. - -with ber brother for the past 2,1 years. The funeral aervlce* were held vteduesdny morning In St. Augustine's church, the Rev. J. J. Ryan offici- ating. Tne remains were interred In the Cath- olic ametery. *>

When a man neglects- to insure his life he commits an error which not be himself, but , those nearest ami dearest to him, are liable to stone for. Don't Jeopardize the future bappt-

of your wife and children. Yonruwn peace of mind alone should urge yon to lif* Insurance. A company which many business

are insured with is the F.qultabie Life As- surance Society wblch ranks among the fore- most companies In tbe world, and those wbo take out llietr policies with it will partake of ' tbo bed form of life Insurance that there Is.

B. Rogers is local' agent for this company, and those wbo are contemplating life insurance should write or call upon him. His office Is Carters block.

Dr. Gage will be at the Franklin house, Lawrence, Tuesday, March 1, until noon, and at Hotel Webster, Haverhill, In the afternoon. Dr. Gage bu performed won- derful cures In tbls section, snd he has great success In all long standing dis- eases. Edwin J. Medbury. deputy sheriff, Lynn, cured by one painless treatment of a bad ca*e of pile tumors, from whlca he had sn Jered ,lo years. Call on the docor and he will give yon the names of hun- dred* cured of all manner of diseases.

WHIT THKT *axOooi>)OR. BSAMiistiHS PILLS are tbe best medicine

First-They are purely vegetable, in fact a medicated lewd.

Second—The rame do*e alwaya produrea Ibe aame effect—otlur purasclves requite increased dorea snd dnallv CCBMI actlng-

Tnlri-Tht-y r-**- Fourtb—They

cte*n*e IN Btoraacb a'nd bo\ Flftb-They •tlmulaie the live* and rarry off

vitiated Idle ind other depraved secretion*. The nr*t two or three dose* tell ihe siory. The

skin become* clear, the eye bright, the mind active, iHieatiuu It restored. co*lWrne** cured, the animal Vigor It recruited and all decay «r- re* ted.

HaASoamrs PILLS arc sold In every drui and Dieniriae iture, cither 1 lain or - —

eodw ir-coated.

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

Wben Ilaby ira* ale*-, tra'gasw her Caaloria. When she wo* a Child, the cried for Caatorfa, When aba became alias, she clung to Caaiorta, When she bad Child ren.sb s gave tham Cmorta,

CATaara CTJsmn. A elarpman, after veai* of auSerlag fro*

that loathsome dlttjaaa Catarrh, had vainly try tna every known remedy, atlas* found a pre- scri|iOon which completely cured him and -lavs'] him from deem. Aay *oB>rer from tbla dread fnl disease sending a scir-adrtrwuwi itampM envelope to Frof.J. A. J-awrenee, BS Wanes ohaige. eoSCoctlwIo

Mu. WIXSLOW'S SOOTHIKO Synvr .*•*■ n**\.?°T- or*M. **irrt Yaaas by

■MUM Of tfortlEBS lot It,. Ir CUILDBKK TKEIHIHO, with Psapsx-T aocceas. It *ootbe* th" child, soften* the gun.*, allay* pain cure*

Ind rollc and lathe beat remedy for dtamra. ■ —iy pan of tbe wool

eedwlfreottl. MIHUI bottle.

inpauy. of Hi 1vld*no*of '"

iy hundred loveited. Lucky itoekh, f i net 'o»p«nj'« adTfrH-emenllu thin Issue

\5VUI i.. tan Mrs. Hannah Coll Untcr, wife of the late

William Reed Jewett, died last Saturday after a ten davs Illness, bronchitis and heart diseas* being tbe cause of death. Deceased was born In tirlswold, Conn., and was 72 year* and 14 day* old aud was the mother-in-law of Prof, Wm. J. Tucker. Funeral service wa* held at tbe borne of tbe deceased lut Tueiday after- noon, prof J. W. Churchill officiating. In- terment was made in Chapel cemetery.

The town report for tbe year ending Jsn. 14, 1S92, lain the hands of tbe public. It will be seen that lira appropriation? recommended for tbe ensuing year are a,12r>,fi7a.uO. That seem* at tint tight a large amount, but oue ought to remember that the town la crowing ud of course the needs or tbe people are becoming more and more each year. Take tbe matter uf onr public school* and ic boo I bouse*. The com- fiittce baa called for an appropriation of

9500.00 and no doubt that sum could be judi- ciously expended, for what better work could a town tie engaged lu than In building good and commodious school bouses In order that tbe children may find them attractive and congen- ial lo health. It Is not onr Intention to say one word about the Abbott Village claim for a new icboolbouse. That will rut with the voter* bat It Is conceded on all sides Hut they need some other building than tbe present one and it might be wise to consider tbe propriety of putting up such a bnilding aa would relieve tbe school* up in town. But then, the school committee hu looked into that matter and wil without donbt have something to present to tbe meeting. Notwithstanding what others may say our schools are doing a good work, for Tow town* If any in tbls commonwealth can boast of a higher standard of excellence in iheir schools than Andover. For these and other reuous we hope the schools will not be cripple') to any extent lor the lack of funda.


The old town hall never looked prettier than It did lut Wednesday everflng Ibe occulon lie irig the tirst dancing party under Ihe auspices of tbe Ktm Club,which la anew addition to the many organization a In this town and whose members comprise a number of the'leading young men of tbe town. The affair proved a aiicceia lieyond rxpeclatlon*. Shortly after eight o'clock the Uermanla urcueitraof Boslon rendered the 'olltoving UKipiUiie concert pro- gram : "Greelliig," Heriuith, Song for Cornel. "Serenade," Gounod, Overture. "Raymond,"■ - Tbomu, Selection, "La F.galo." Anorao. The effort* of Dtcurator J. U. We»ton of Lawrence were fully appreciated. The stage waa envel- oped in a beautiful dlaplay of palms, term ami flower*. Intermingled ,by eolure i |incandescent electric llghl', while above, suspended between the folds of two Amerlc.iu Hat* wu a illken banner inscribed with the name of the club In ■haded gold tetters. Streamer* of red, white aod blue bunting were iwpendsd from tbe cen- tral chandelier* to all parti of tbe ball. Tbe wall* were a ,o tlncly decorated with bunting*' of national colors Amenean Hap* snd shields. andjtbe front of the gallery was adorned with rich lac* draperies and gilt ornaments. Ibe maicb wu Instituted at nine o'eluck and was participated In by about SO couple*. Including uiemlier* or the club, Invited guests and lady frlenda, Tbe march was ltd by William M Hlggins and Mi»* Helen Hamen. followed by J. Parker Wakeheld, president of ibe club, and lady. Tbe custumea or tbe ladles were very elaborate and of tasteful color* and contrasted prettily with the full evening dress of tbe gen- tlemen. The marcn developed into a walti and dancing was continund until shortly after mid- night Tbs dance order* wtre very pretty and were enclosed in tbe folds of white satin ribbon apon which wan printed the name of tbe clab and a picture of the Andover Elm*. A light collation was served by colored waiter* at in termiition in tbe ball being prepared by Ca terer Hlnton. Lemonade was also served th rough i m i tbe evening, and every attention paid to Hie comfort and enjoyment of all, Wm. 11. Higglns officiated aa Door director, uaiited by Pits. J. V. Wakerleld. Wllliajp F Howard. Oeorge M. Dearie, and Jotepb A. Dennison. ine above gentlemen had entire charge of tin all'or and to tlicin much credit la due for the , admirable manner In which tbe arrangement- were carried out. Tbe retention committee comprised Hon. Joseph M. Bradley, Andrew McTernen. William Odlin,(Jeorge A. Higgio*. Arthur W. Stott and Ueorte II. Burnbam. There were present Invited !iue*l* from Ames linry, Chelsea, Huston, Salem, Kloneham, Low- all, Haverhill and Lawrence. Tho young poo pie from Lawrence returned home on a special electric car at I a. m. J

■' nr-ii MN..H nvERHEAJtn.. ' * •'

The Kim Club bsa won a reputation second to none for nicely and enjoyment.

The iiin-lc wu superb, surpassing anything ever beard here.

To tbe committee much praise is dne. TU Llm Club's first proved a .great IMStt*

Last Wednesday evening the member* of tne ' junior order of tbe I'nlted American Mecbap ic* gave a very enioyablepartv In ibe A 0 '*

■ W. hai'. it being.ladiei bight.' On account o' the attraction.in tbe town ball tb* attendance

- -1 wss not so large aa would ntberwlte have been.

Rates'»'™"»".»" •>»»-»'-! ffissKsi, "diSi ^:„vs"<s»;

Siir.n,.; "it,": T?..'"?W' P** «'-el,...*till<.l,lio«e k»i«i lb,

Itiee, Oeorge W. W. Dove of Brookllne, ... H. Parmenter and George II. H lodged of Boa- ton, ang James II. Rope* of Anduver.

At tl 30 tbe guest* adjourned to the dining room, the older graduates seating themselves near tbe head table, and the later graduates gathering In social groups at the lower end of the ball.

At tbe head table sat; President Thomas Doane of tbe class of'42, wltb Principal C. F. P. Jtanrroft on his right, and Oen. F. A. Walk- er on hi* left. Tbe others st ibe i idc were Lieut. A. F Wadbam* of tbe lulled States navv, C. 11 Woodrnff, president of the New York Alumni Association i Prof. J. W. Churc- hill of tbe Anduver Theological Seminary, Prof. W. p. Graves of the academy and James Hardy Ropes of the clasa of '*.'>.

President Dusne In bis opening remarks re minded the graduates of Iheir debt to tbelr Alma U ater and led to a plea fur a more liberal endowment of the Institution.

Dr. Bancroft, president of the college among otber things In Ibe course of bis add ret* re ferred to tbe achievements of ihe Andover boy* enpeclallv in tbe realms of science. President Doane bad distinguished himself at the Hoosac tunnel; Morse who Invented the telegraph, wu for three years at Anduver studying tbe i lassie*; tbe maker or tbe great tele*cope of tbe Lick Observatory in California and many other* wbo (ttulied at Anduver bad become distinguished Tbe record In classics and the learned prufesiluna was familiar. He further stated that tbe school bad doubled in tbe last 15 year*, and frum 335 pupil* in 1890 It had 4.33 in 1892. Half of the pupils c«mo from outside of New Kogland, and Ihe distribution, wu more national than auv college in New England. i

Prof. J. W. Churchill read a poem written [for tbo occasion by Mr. Isaac Hi:C(ellan of tbe Has* of '22. wbo Is still living, at tbe age of 80.

Oen. Walker of tbe Irutmus uf Technology, In tbe course of his address, said thai he agreed with President Flint that the greatest need of education today was tbe enlargement and en- dowment of the preparatory schools.

Engineer FiUgerald of Ibe Boston water work* made a witly fpeech, full of happy allu- sions to the days of the sixties, and closed with practical suggestions for ihe good of the acad- emy.

James H. Ropes, "So, chairman of the com- m 11 tee,widen I* trying lo raise an alumni en- dowment f uud of $300,000, Buoke of ihe prog- res* of the re-endowment enterprise.

"A year ago, ' he aald, "a great advance wu taken when Mr. Mehm Hay promiMtl to give a new dormitory, anil folloaotl ibat up with lbs gift of another. Tbls mate- him one of toe moat rmportatil l«nefactors of the academy. This furnished tbe luipiratjuu to MlisKmily Carter, who organlred a mat* meellng at An- dover, at wllich #8000 wu donated for still an- other new dormitory. Tbe t-uiumtttee Uai raised about 1113,000 time Jan. 1,1891

' gtO.OO* la "

leg! education biator man oi American birth to become a n

tlemen?.7i!sY/.ei2n';,h-,',Jl.,.,'e ™"*',,in« «"; I 'ho t.rd.r. After the speech of Mr. Cba.e a I £%£$&£$&£&** "^ °,ht"- "" j ^fgjffjgmjg'Bit and a very ha.

. > SRgp ^^^^^^^^H -• .SR-V^HW' •v^gm^^^^v^^w^rWJimnmwmm^im^^^^^^^^^' -.^m>. -v H|

The merar»ei* of council 66 Hoyal Arcanum, will bald their regular meeting tbli evening at *, .30 o'tlock. ' .

Boraeof our leader* will no doubt remember He. Rolen Glllispie, an account of whoae death apioared in tbe Boston Journal of lost Hatui-lay Mr. Ollliiple WM formerly em- ployed by tbe Snltb & Dove Manufacturing Co.; lea vita; here be went to Cbelaea where he learned tbetrade it blacksmith, tinallv going to firalntree, i which place he died l*»t Friday, affed 63 yean. Funeral service* took place at bli late in urn last Monday.

Remember be caacui next Monday night at 7.30 o'clock Intbe town ball.

Tbe fifth annl'eriary of Lincoln lodge No. 7B, A. O. U. W. wlllbe celebrated Monday eren- lng in their hall.

Miss Fannie MtKennv took part In the re- cent production of tbe County Fair at Law- rence opera home.

Tbe phonograph entertainment'at tbe tree cburch laet Friday evening wo* well attended and proved very entertaining,

pTolk about going to Lawrence to pnrcbaee RIMHII. Neo those liamltome run la the store of Smith & Manning only f 1 each.

Tbe members of tbe Farmer! clnb held tbelr regular meeting In tbe A. u. U. W. ball last evening and It proved quite Intereitlng.

Laj( Friday evening Mr. Lewis Smith enter- tained tbe offlcen of- the Puncbara ichool cadet* and leveral young ladiei at LI* borne on Main atreet.

Mlii Alice McMurpby died Thursday morn- ing Feb. 2,"i. Fnneral at 2 p. m. Sunday from tbe raaldence at Mn. Jacob Cbhkerlnt, Knex street. Her friends ar* Invited without further notice,

Wednesday afternoon tbe teacher* had tbelr list lesion In gymnaitlc*. Tbe regular teach- en'meeting wai postponed till the 10th of March, at which time a lecture will be given on the subject or drawing.

a party fruit, town ._ lorn* of Mr. John

II. Jenkins, tne party numbering about lift v. Supper was served and tbe evening spent In various forms *f amusement. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were agreeably surprised with * bean - tlful chair,

young ladle* of tst Friday even-

ing wo* a very enjoyable affair notwithstand- ing the large number present. Tbe young ladle* who bad charge of tbe affair were a* follows: 1 Floor manager, Miss Agnes Lyle; as- sistants, Miss Christina Fentrbss, Miss Kane Leexy, Miss Jennie Oarslde, Mrs. Austin Po- land.

The Merrlmac Valley Electric K. R-. com- pany Is looking ahead- Another new power house le being built close by the present one at South Lawrence, Its she is 2*1 by 46 and a 200 bone power engine will lie placed In position. Two more generator* will be also added; when all 1* ready there will be no lack of power. Wm. P. Regan of this town I* the architect.

The Ladles Society of the Free cburch held tbelr sociable Thursday evening and a mott en- joyable program was presentee. First, a trio consisting of cornet, violin and piano by Mr. 1). Lindsay, Mr. Nmart and Miss Annie Smart. This was followed by a solo by Mis* Clara Bell. Mrs. Gordon, Mill Fannie andMaiy Gordon and Mr. Bartlett and Muter Gordon acted a visit of Japanese natives to a lady mis- sionary. The costumes of tbe natives were worn and a pretty picture of Japanese life was presented. The Seminary Glee Club sung

poem and Mr. Joseph Smith gave a reading.

L**t Tuesday evening tbe members of post 99 G. A.11.,showed tbelr appreciation of the work done by tbe Women's Relief Corps by Inviting them to partake of a collation which had bcou prepared. In the course of the evening Com- mander Bollard Holt in a neat speech present- ed Mrs. Jennie M. Bean wltb a past president's gold badge. Tbe lady although somawbat token by surprise managed tu express her {ratltude to tbe members of tbe post for tbelr

Indneas, after which ■ very pleasant evening waa spent and thoroughly enjoyed by all pres- ent.

The Trustees or Abbott Academy bare elect- ed a uew principal,—Hiss Laura S. Watson. M. A.,the preceptress or St. Johnsbury, Vt., Academy. Miss Watson comes wltb t lie strong- est testimonials or her capacity fur this respon- sible position. She is a lady or high character, great refinement of nature, thorough education, and wide and varied professional experience. - She is a graduate of Mi. Hulyoke Seminary of the elass of 71, has had two yean of study In Europe under exceptional advantages for per- sonal culture and has been tbe preceptress or ^awrence Academy, Groton, Mass., and tbe prlnclpal'ot Albsrt Lea College for girls in Minnesota.

ic administration at Miss McKeen, but it is be- lieved that the .noble standard of life and scholarship in the school will be fully sustained under tbo guidance of. tbe new principal. The friends or the acidemy will part with Miss Mc- Keen with sincere regret, and will welcome Miss W*t*mi with their best wishes for herself andI her official success. She enters upon her duties at the beginning of the next school year in September. »» » ++ 1

Abbott and Mnrland'a.

Selectman John 8. Stark and daugbters.MIs*** Mattle and Aria, attended tbe full drew dancing party ot tbe Elm Clnb. held In Tow* nail. An dover, but Wednesday evening.

II. M.liayward, onr well kaown coal dealer, narrowly etcapad an accident npon the railroad croaalog similar to the Curran and Joyce aool- dent. Persons con not be too careful while croee- Ing (lie track-

Foster's pond and the river caught It Monday.. Ail tho sports were out trying lo entice the little

s to tbe surface of the ice; and some of tbe parties succeeded admirably. Messrs. Neal,

Ion and Simpson returned wltb a string ot St from Foster's, ot very good size.

Mrs. H.J. Gardener and Mr*. Joseph Shaw leave next week Monday, for a visit to Florida,

here they will call upon Ur. and Mrs- Thomas Hnwrll, former AN lover people. They will be ibtcnt some two three weeks.

The ninth entertainment In the Bradlee course was given last Wednesday evening. It constated

a lecture upon the '-Marvels of tbe New West.** Illustrated by stereoptloon by Mr, A. Munroe Theyer. It proved very Instructive and nighlv entertaining, ,

A Lumber of tho residents are talking of draw- "g up a petition asking tbo Merrimaek Valley

Street Ballway Company to extend tbelr tracks to Ball Bid vain, the coming spring. It Is our opinion that the people ot tula .village are Justl-

Ininclrolalnis when one uses Into ennild eratlon the exorbsnt fare charged on the Boston

id Maine Detweeh Andover and the Vale. At I ('inn no harm could accrue from such a pe-

tltlon. Mr. Bert Poor of tbe V.L..P. l\, has Issued

and forwarded n challenge to the Harmony as. soclatloo to | prize drill, series of names ol obeokers, and throe evenings at ebeaa. Botn sr- CBMsatlon* have good representative material

t bard battle Is anticipated, although in* Harmony is rather j otino. It has tn It* fold

i good bustlers and It is an undisputed fact that any one with any kin I of a [hustle always gets there.. _ 5

The social lance In Bradiee ball on the even lag of Washington's blrtbday, by the Indepen

Drum corps, was undoubtedly tbe most sue cesefnl assembly that loss ever been held by the corps. Ths music WHS' furnlsbeu by Partlow'i

healr* ami the grann'-Joarch was stortnd ,.jmpllyatT.tOo'olook, being- Jed.by Tttoi Daley and Mis* Mamie Gill, and participated In

; least forty couples. During kW tfrteralo- slon the corps played several selections In a very creditable manaor and William MuKeon's twirl- ing of tbe stick was much admired. Following

Wm. Johnson gave nn exhibition of stef* dancing. Tbe rernamler of tbe order was gone through much to tbe delight of all present. The following had charge of the affair I Grand con- ductor- Thomas F Daly; assistant, H. F. O'Don- nrii; floor director, James F. Wood; assistants, George 1*. Rlley. aids, T. Horaa, M. MaEeon, J. Morlarty. I. McKeoo, J, .turns, c. Perry, li- mit, D. Bums, C. Buchan, and W. Uwyer.

John Leonard, a machinist In the employ of Crelgnead and Klnts Co.. who lias b*en oat of work for the past four weeks on account of a Uttle dullness In ouslnesi, resumed his labor* Thursday morning, and about ten o'clock, met with a painful accident by crushing the Angers

his left band In a terrible manner. Dr. Shat- tuck dressed his wounds and say* It will be sev oral weeks before bo will be able to do anything.

Oawai nWed

n Stevens returned to Washing-

The marriage •* **r. Fred W. Pre*lon and Hiss Nellie H. Bnttaj worth occurred at Dover, N. H., Tcursday evening.

Tbe republic*/.* hold their caucus at Odd Fellowi Hall to-night, and the democrats at Stevens Hall at tbe same time.

Or. Well entertained tbe me»'*rs of tbe Lawrence Medical Club, at the Franklin House, Lawrence, Monday evening.

OtBrer Harris attended tbe banquet *t lbs Lawrenje Freee Clnb, at tbe Essex Home, Lawrence, Monday evening. •>

A femurs' institute, -under tbe auspices of the Essex Agricultural Society, will be held at Beverly to-day, commencing at 10 A. M. Tbe subject ror the forenoon will be "Sheep Hus- bandry," by John E. Russell of Leicester. In tbe afternoon the subject will be "Laws or Competition as Affecting the Massachusetts Farmers;" address by Charles A. Mills, Esq., of Soathfcorongh.

The fourth session of tbe Essex Dlitrlc Lodge, I- 0. G. T-, was teld In Uaverbill, Monday. Two hundred ware present. Forty- live new members were admitted. Resolutions condemning liquor at tbe World's Fair and de- manding the sincerity of candidate* for public office were voted. The next session will be held at Newboryport. Tke following were elected representatives t* tbe Grand Lodge W. 0. Wylle, Beverly; James Leonaid, 8*. leraiC.fl. Dodge, Amesbnry; j. Hf. 8. Cook, Hsverblll; A. V. Chalk, Mortn Andover; J. O itobbius, Newburrport; J. D. Woodbury aioncester; Ml** L. M. Clark, Gloucester | Charles Fleming, Sauus ; T. J. Hale, New bury purl; Benjamin Crombie, Danvers.

Hon. N. F. Frye wo* elected a member of the nominating committee at the meeting at the Merrimaek Valley Congregational Club held In HaverblU, Monday evening. Meters, Frank W. Frlsbee and Andrew McLean wsrs admitted to membership. ai'sirli k n0r-.., at this place, while nn. loading timber, from a Boston and Maine car xi South Lawrence, Tuesday, had tbe tint two fingers of tbe right hand badly crushed, ■

C. 11. Crawford attended him.

Mr. Andrew M. Abbott, well known ban, fell 'll> feet at his Ice bouse In Georgetown, Fri- day, breaking his hip and fracturing several ■*■ ,

Two barge load* or pupil* from tbe Mi mack School nod a pleasant sleigh slds to Boxford, Groveiaud, Georgetown and Weet Newbury, Saturday afternoon. Principal Smith accompanied them. Cheney furnished the conveyances.

Mr. Hngb Linn, a farmer eld resident or ibis town and Lawrence, and a brother of the late H. P. Linn of tbe latter place, died la Gothenburg, Nebraska, on the 19th nut., aged ,!v-yeor*.

aim.. WUlord P. Phillip*, a member of the ]ni'i house of representatives, attended ths re- 11J1011 of the survivors, beid at the United states Hotel, Boston, Saturday afternoon.

1 An entertainment tbai has been given in Ha- verblU to an audience of 000 people, with tbe (inmost satisfaction, Is to be presented at Odd fellows Hall, Friday evening, March 1 lib, 1111- tijer tbe auspices of Wynona Lodge, I. Q. G. T.

Engineer P. P. Daw's name was omitted, by mistake, from the engineer*' report in the au- ditors' report, juit published.

Mr. Frank Filling, of Worcester, was tn tc-iwn Saturday.

IA union temperance meeting will be he... ._ tue Methodist Church, Sunday evening, March Q&I, at 6.48 o'cleck.

■ Mr. and Mrs. Groibeck, Miss Mary Crockett, hfie* Annie SutcllOe, Miss Anna D. Bricrley, v; V. Chalk, Jacob Rose, James Thompson, jpnos Esatwood, Andrew McLean and Frank \i?. Frlsbee attended tbe session of the Essex restrict Lodge, Good Templar*, In Hayerblll,


oar* Mason work of all kinds. Kalsomlnlng Whitening, Tinting, Whitewashing, Tiling an Hre (daces-


P.O.BOK98. WKft

Fry© Village-

Mr. B. F. Holt has git his crop of loe all bar vested.

Dan Keefe waa visiting his parenta a few days last week.

Mr. E. 3. linker conducted Hie services In the ball Bunday evening.

Mr*. Albert Kate of Wakeneld la renewing old acqualntancea In the village. |

Mr. James Hayes will occupy the brick tcne ent belonging to Ur. John Henderson.

H. A. Ward has been drawn Juror for the civil term, to be held In Lawrence, next month.

Miss Etta Bailey or Providence, it- I., 1* visit lug nl the home of her father, Mr. Joshua Bal t*y.

Ur. and Urs. Andrew Callum of Merrirnac are risking friends .In tin; vlllnire in it Saturday and Sunday.

Mr M Pi../i„n !,..«. h.™ f«» n-,ih.™.h.«* (Temperance, will meet next Tuesday evening, Mr. HPlaydon leaves hire for Dedbam where £Jrf rfgdisasdj^, owing to to* j^ter t»

he.will be employed by Ur. Wm. it. Welid,to*j learn the business ol landscape gardening

prior to the coming election, wilt be bel< ^lectmen'i office m tbe Parish, next Wednes- day evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock,

' Tbe annual meeting of tbe North parish and tlclety will be held in tbe Unitarian vestry, Thursday afternoon, March loth, at 4 o'clock.

. lit Lieut. Coan and 2d Lieut. Kirkwood of (Jo. L, appeared before tbe examining board, at Boston, Wedneaday.

Since tbe list of present* awarded at tbe Bben Sutton fair wo* published tbe following ajlldei have been claimed 1 Dress pattern by jfr. William Qainton; China tea set, Mr. Wm. jl Donovan.

St. rant's Company, No. 3B, Knights of

Denuts Carey Is HI at his horn* on Main Street.

Ueo. Blgglnbotlom Is so far recovered a* tu be able to getont.

Chaa. Buchan played with tbe Independent Drum Corps it Ballardvale last Monday even-

tag. Mlai Icnnle Lowo of Boston ipenl a lew days

at the home of her parent*, the fore part of the woek.

Joseph O'Hara and '.lamos MeKen ol BosU>n, and Charles Fryo of HaverblU, were In town the early part of tbe week.

Bobcrt Meedowcroft has left the employ of MOrlenda mill and gone lo Lawrence, where be Intend* to learn the machinists trade.

The numbers of tbe Burns club will meet In tne village baU,natr.rJay evening, at T.t". o'clock , at which time Mr. John Haunders will read a paper on "Shakeepear."

Toe annual meeting of the members of tbe An- dovej Cricket club will bo held In tbelr clab

bouse next Tuesday evening. The principal business will be tbo election of a committee of management. —

Last Saturday evening, Mr. James Callum was the recipient of a kandsome silver watch and chain, It being the occasion of his nineteenth birthday.- Quite a little ttuio was held by bl* many friends, among whom were Mr. aid Mr*. Krwmnn uf halcm, and Mr. and Mr*. Andrew Callum of Merrlmac. .—. • e> •*- f—

Ballard Vale. H bat Is the matter with the Order ot Safety

Caucus Monday evening, town hall Andover at 7-*(i o'clock.

Charles Bnchan of Andorcr has jut net the Arum corpi-

Mra. Carlston spralnu 1 ber ankle unite severe ly Tuesday.

Mr. and Urs. Thomas Wclsn of Boston was In town Monday.

Mr, and Urs. Wm. Unrm have moved to No, Berwick, 'Maine. . Mrs. Charles Ormsby end family of Wyoming visited lo town Thursday.

Mrs. Lawsonnnd daughter, Miss Llzile, visit- ed In the village, Wednesday-

Miss Kilty Cleinmons returned .from u brief sojourn In Boston last Tuesday.

Tho Ballardvale mills suspCLded operations Monday, Washington** birthday.

Miss Edith Skllltngsof Lawrence, spent last. Wednesday with frlcnds.here-

Mts* Eva lic-ieve returned last Saturday from a tour weeks'sojourn In Hertdon, Conn.

ThsMuaf llliieiii■llfTti or Boston Is making a Ivrlef stay with Ids pareols In the village.

llies Effla Cheney of Haynord-visited at Mr. C. F. minus,toir* the early part ot the week.

John lllwii.dlnv and Nellie Clark attended a dancing party at Blllerlca, Saturday evening.

A party of (ortv from So. Blllerlca, enjoyed a aM.li ride to Lawjenoa last Saturday evening.

Henry Plait and James Wood attended the Leap Year party In Andover, last Friday even- nlng.

Mr. and Urs. Fatrlck Uaroney are rejoicing In the advent of a little daughter ' which arrived lost Saturday.

Mia* Josle Weldfot Uwrence and Mr-Arthur II. Wild.sUllonHgi-nlat l-ynafleld, spcntSun. day at tne home or their parents.

Mr. and M{X Kdward,Haley are receiving con- gratulation upon the arrival of a little girl liito >n. it I,,.*,-11 1 d. H came Thursday.

Tbe annual private raaeuuerade party of the CossnopollUn Hinging society; occur* log at their ball o%.Andover street.

Quite a few or our residents availed tbenuel ves of the opportunity of aeoleg the "Count/ Fair," In the Lawrence opera house,Monday afternoon.

Lost Monday evening Dr. C. II. Shatluck, t Mesars.C.F. BUIIngton and William Froecb, at-

tended a meoilng of Gormanla Lodge of Mi In Boaton.

Miss Mel lie Knlffen.Mlss Llssle Rowland and Mrs. C. F. ttllllDgton have completed their craiy quills aod iinlr friends are Invited lo call and Inspect the same.

His* Bustle, daughter of B. T. Haynea, gave a very pleasant party to a number of her young friends hud Tuesday evening aed-e very enjoy- able eveblng was spent.

Prof. Bioweil lntro-l«ieed a new square dance to his pupils last Kri.lay evening. It Is called the "O'I.IJI n,"Ud.«nocd with eight coupies.and

* is brim full wltb pietty movements. The prtn- dps) oiittsro the star and circle, arches and arbors- It Is entirely new in this vicinity and will eommaii't the rcspest ol jlai.ee loving poo. pi*.

Djvld and James May colobrated their 10th birthday Thursday evening, at their home on Main street by giving a party to a number of their frlon Is and a very pleasant evening wn< spent.

List Tuesdiy evening a horse driven by twi small boys, fell 00 the csr tracks. The car wai

t and aft-r go ting tho animal on his feet found 1i1.1i one sliitts ot the aagon was

broken, but willing hands soon put that to right and tho two Uttle fellows *eat en their way.

M\ny of our older residents wlU learn of tbe death of Patrick Donoghue, a former resident of this place with sorrow. Mr. Douogtiue drove the two-hnrae team for Smith and Dove a great many years and Dually moved to Lawrence, where he diet. Ilia body wo* Interred In the Catholic cemetery.


A uule'- but pretty wedding occurred 1

Ing Ash Weaneaday

t Judge Well ha* purchased tbe Dr. Strong Slace at the Centre, from Mrs. Denman


1 the residence of Mr. Djvld Blrule last Wodnesdey afternoon, K being the marriage of his daughter Sarah A., who was united in tho bo mis of mat rim.,i) v to Mr. K >l>crt Morrison of Detroit, Mich. Rev. Frederick Palmer of Chrlet Kulscopal cburch perfermed the ceremony In the presence •f the Irrmediate relatives and friends of the con tractlng parties. Miss Hindu wo* employed as bookkeeper In tho hardware store of Austin and Waller, n->wM. B. Austin A Co., Essex street, Lawrence, for several years past and was a very estimable young lady as the many beautiful cosily present* testified. Ur. Morrison wh< an engineer by profession and whose home Is in Dstrolt.'o which place the newly married left for on tke * 31 train the same afternoon,amid the well wishes of their many friend* Indus, sjualntancei.


A meeting of (be Andover In Ion of V. P. M. C. K. will be held at tbe Bnuth Cburch, An. dover, Tuesday evening, March lit. An ad- dres* will be delivered by Rev. William G Puddlefoot. He Is a brilliant speaker, and t<: thus* who have never beard him tbls will afford an excellent opportunity uf spending an e ioyable evening. Tbe meeting commence! 7.1.1 o'clock. Public cordlal'y Invited.

At 1 meeting of St. Paul's Company, No. 3f, Knights or Temperance, Wednesday evening, It was voted to send a floral tribute ito Miss Oertrnde Crowther, who Is in tbe Law: (ienersl Hospital: also me In remembrance of Mtss Ada Woodbouw, whow funeral took place Thursday afternoon.

FOR RENT IN ANDOVER. Tea minute* walk from station,-t a

partially furnished bouse of nino rooms and bath, furnace, dry cellar, stable end lard. Apply to

C. S. Porker, Andover.

T. A. HOLT & GO..

1 nULiii IH

Stoves, Plumbint?, Tl«a. ShOt-Iron, and Cepnsr tTerk, >lf-"-■ .SMMllMllm Flit I <!!'*■,

llew Work or 11, ,,n|, ..

MICHAELT. WALtH Essex 8ir*et, - Andover

BCx*. Olaaa. Muster Suaocssor to


Carriage, Sign and Ornamental i^Ajiisrmisrcar

AT LOWEST PRICES. Work guaranteed. Patronage resiieclfullv so

llcltod. Shop: Corner ot Park and Bartlett Bta



SEEDS!SEEDS! SEEDS! Timothy Red Top.

Clover, Fancy iRed Top Alilke. IHungarinn and MIHett.

meat at robber footwear"

xoKHTe ros


X L, and Special Wanur

For Corn and Potatoes, oonstai t 1 < rhaud.

The Beat Flour at Lowest Pricei.

Heodquartora for Grain, Cora Heal, Cotton Seed Meal, Shorta and Feed.

first class country aybef< storu.


Dress - Goods Pongee and Bombay



BARGAIN PARLOR, - National Bank Building,

MAIN ST„ ANDOVER. (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday oven-




Christmas Canc'y and Fruit Largest and Best Asi oriment of

Broken Candy. yrencA Peanut, The Beet Chocolate Cream ». fine Bon

Bone, Note, Date ». Vlg*. Layer Baliln* Initreat va rir-t y, 1

tirape* and Ornt •««»■

Last Saturday 'a Winchester Star uyi: "We are inre tbat no one In town bai en.

jiiyp.1 the tine slelgblng carnival ot the week, inure tban George 11. Ulllwrt, Esq., who is tbe possessor of tbe finest stable of borsei lit tbls vicinity., He can bitch np a pair or greys, 'Karly Dawn,' and 'Twilight,' that for style and speed combined it would be liard to du-

llcate. Tbey bare a double team record of 40, made over the half-mile track at Tilton

Driving Park, Tilton, N. II., and the chestnut borse, 'Canterbury Dor,' with a record or 'J te, madeat Laconla,N. l(, wbicb is no measure or bis speed, has fairly won tbo reputation he enjoys of being the speediest road hone In Winchester, having never taken dust or mow from any horse sines Mr. Gilbert brought him to town two years ago. Tbe*e fleet animals have given tlwlr owner, who bo* always been an enthusiast ou the subject of sleigh riding, a great deal or pleasure the past few days, and there is nut a town in tills legion tbat ha* not been visited on m- -. one day over fifty miles having bet 11 covered The writer, wbo was invlteu to tako one of tbeae dellgbtlal sleigh ridei, was obliged to decline 00 account ol (Vreis)ing work."

Tbe chirping or robins was beard In various portion! of tbe town, Wednesday.

Tbe remainder of tbe programme of the Grange fur tbli year li :—

March 8. What ore the Hast Pro li table Crop! for tbe

fanners of this Urango to liaise i Leaden Charles P. Blsnee, Albert Berry.

April 12. Firm Life In all lu Phases. I.—In Pleasures,

H. A. Berry ; l\.~It* BliappolnU, P. Holt, Jr.; l.l.—Iu Comical side, George L. Barker; IV. —Jj a Study of Nature, Luile-P. Ingalli.

Hay 10. Horse*: Their Purchase, Care and Treat-

ment. Is It High! I" Clip lior.es- Leaden: J. H. Noion, W. 11. H.'.yrs, Prank K. Noaon.

June 7. rnrqorried Members' Night. Committee:

Bessie Poor, Joseph Blunt, Mattle Hayes, 8am. Berry, Mary Nosun.

Ally*. ' * Kvening wltb the Poet*.

August li Flower Show. Committee: Carrie R. Ful-

ler, Mis. O. I.. Averill, Mn. J. <L Poor, Mrs Geo. G. Cbedivii k, Mi". Oscar T. Young.

September <J. Fruit Culture; What Varieties ore the Moit

ProBlable for the North Antldver Farmers I Leaden: L. H. Basseit, J- Frank Foster, Ralph Illake, Nathan Poster.

October 4- Hoity Padding Party and Corn Rnpper.

Committee 1 Q. G. Chudwirk, Alice Uirker, Mary Blilxo, ¥. B, Day, Mrs. Ralph Blnke.

Nuvi'liiln-r 1. Enterlalntnrni. Committee: Mrs. C.

Birker, Mrs. W. H. Hayes, Mn. H. M. Wh tier, Mr^, t. W. Ingalli. Mr*. Orm M. Fwl

s Decetnlnr •'<■ ■ - Election of Officers.

- probable that an entertainment and Jaiico will be given in Odd Fellows Hall, Tues- day evening, March Kith, for tbe members 01 Bradsireet Colony, Pilgrim Fathers, tbelr fam pies and Invited friend*.

At St. Paul's Church service! will be held very Wednesday, affrnoon at 4.10 and every

Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock, daring Lent.

orge L. Averill, while Jogging In Kimbttll district. Friday, sustained a fracture of the left leg between the knee and ankle, a log rolling npon the member.

Ada Woodbouse. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Janie*. Woodbouse, Pleasant street, died al midnight, Monday, In tbe House of Uie Good painarlton, Beetoo, where she bod been re- ceiving surgical treatment. She was a bright, livable- and handsome child, and ber winning ways made ber a great favorite. Her age wo* 11 yean, 7 months. Tne funeral occarred Thursday afternoon. Rev. Oeo. Walker [oltl- cfatlog. Ameng tbe handsome floral tributes of affection war* tbe following: Basket, from St Paul's Company, Knight* of lemperance, crescent, teacher* and pupils of tbe Merrimaek School; bunch of roses, George and Maggie Baxter; bunch of roses, Sally and Aqne Field; 10 roses, denoting age of deceased, friends and neighbor*; bunch of pinks, Miss Helen Jos- selyn; bunch of pinks, Mn. Tbo*. Dnw; bunch or pinks, Mn. Mose* Merrill; bnacn of plaki, Mn. Emma Somervllle; lilies, Mn. Ueo. Wetter; bonuneU, Mrs. Edward Wright aud Mrs. Colman; 10 roee*. Mn. Tims. Milner wreath, Mrs. Henry Greenwood, South Law- rence. Tne family desire to extend, through these columns, their ilnceie thanks for tbe many evidences of sympathy shown during their affliction.

It li now believed tbat tbe Eben Stiltons will clear |4H0 from their recent fair.

Special service* will oe held In St. Michael's Cburch during the Lenten season.

Fam iKii Abdnetlon*.

Marriage by abduction waa by no means uncommon in the early agee. Tbe daughter of the king of Argue was ab- ducted by a PhcBnician; the Ureekii car- ried off Europa from Tyro and Medea from Colchis.

Next to the abduction of the fair Helen, perhaps the moat remarkable in its political consequences was the Ring of Leinster'e taking away of the wife of a neighboring petty sovereign, O'Rourke of BreffnL

The king of Connanght avenged the intralt and drove from the throne hie brother of Leiuster, who appealed to Henry II of England for aid to recover his lost sovereignty. The Norman con- quest of Ireland followed, with long centuries of war and devastation.—Lon- don Htandard.



Real EstateAgfjncy Office, Carter's Block, Mover,

Persons having Houses »* Lands or sale, to let exchange should 'call at our office.

Also, Parties desiring to Bccure houses or tenements, in any part of the town, will be quickly attended to at reasonable rates.



DRY GOOUSanuGHOCERIBS A line line ot

Staple and F"ncy Drj Good*, Trunk*, Trav. ling",!, arpet*. OH Cloths, Mat-

ting, Paper Hanging*, Curtain*, sjrockery and Glass War*.

Botnen Colas In India. In the Madras museum is to be seen a

coin the finding of which was, 1 think, one of the most interesting epigrams of events with which 1 am acquainted. It is none other than the Aureus of Clau- dius which was struck to commemorate the conquest of Britain, and it found in the Madura district of the British Indian empire.

I myself possess a coin of the Arian Emperor Valens which waa found in the Vaigai rirer in the same district Such nnlooked for links between ideas and associations separated by half the world are very onrious, but in the town of Madura itself there is a building which is connected with ono of the most ro- mantic periods of British history.—Sir Grant Duff in Contemporary Review.

Lion Taming Hod* K**y. With the object of preventing tho ter-

rible scenes of such frequent occurrence in menageries between the tamers of wild beasts and their more or less docile "pupils," a chemist proposes that a man should be stationed near the cage armed with a syringe of large dimensions filled with caustic ammonia, a stream of which is to be projected toward the nostrils of the beast in case of imminent danger. The effect would be instantaneous, as tbe creature, being unable to breathe, would lot go its prey immediately. Better late than never!—Sud-Quest.

Great Hinds Han lu the Same Channel. The approach of Hy time suggested an

idea to a man in Nebraska for a cow tail holder. A clamp like a clothespin catches the bushy end of tho tail, and two cords with a snap attachment fasten the tail to a cow's leg, to a post or to tho milking stool.. The satn*day that the Nebraska man gut his'patent for a row tail holder a man in Maino got one for tho same purpose. The Maine man's tall holder is of a single pieco of wire coiled

.MO as to connect the tail with tho cow's leir.—Harner's Yoaag Peonle.

I* tTTBBlf DEPAHTKEirr. To the l.a.llesof Andover and Trinity: We ive |uat put In a complete Une of tliticeluhrateil

Hutterlck Patterns and will recclvu tbe litest stvles direct from New York eaiii month as soon as they are issued You con now nluMn jouv patterns at our store ami solwsavr.' -■ 'tlmi of walllns;.

SMITH & MANNING, Essex Street, ■ Andove

fly mj!»

Ian 1 vale nail. Apply to U. Gnepmaii. *1aln

Mass. SL, Andover,



Richmond Valve Steam and Hot Water Heater.

This heater fives botter satisfaction than any other and Is an neat thins; ever invented.

Also a large assortment of

Refrigerators, Gaa [Stove*, Rte. r Your Inspection Is solicit d.

Park Street, - ( An.loi

Piiisi Market ON BROOK STREET.

Having severed my connection with Volpey Bros., I will put a Butcher's cart en lb* road

TlrIOia.cln.3r, A-UfXeXO, With a large stock of

MEATS and PROVISIONS at Lowftt Price,.

4VI Int.in! to oarr, » flr.t elMiitock md bop* 10 leMlre jour patronise.

t. A. Abererombie.




UTTKR, l.AKP, Etc.

A.W. FARNSWOr,, H. fly mj/8

Hodge's Bakery, PARK ST.. AMIOVKR.

A Urge assortment of SHOUT I1KKAI), CURRANT BUMS,


PASTRY can be procured for Christmas and New Year^ Holidays.

Baked beans Saturday evenings also baked bean s and brown bread Sunday mornings.

Wedding Cakes and ancb like made' to order at short notice, at the


Headquarters for Plumbing

Tin. Sheet-Iron and Copper ' Work, Plumbing, Steam Hear-

ing and Furnaces. —AISO—

Sol) Agnls lor He 6LHW00D STOVE. Ail work Neat y sand Promptly done

at Lowest Figures.

OEO- SAtTNDERS Practical Plumber,

MAI INT BX. , ANDOVEH. lvvrfaoll


Now is tke time lo purchase Vour Clothing.



"A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned.1

art. 1'It ■ i 1 v onr overstockec present opportunity

J. M. BRADLEY Tailor apd rat's Fnraisler,


HOUSE PAINTING, Paper Hanging and Glazing,

M , with itlipauh at rriiooable rate*.

LEVI a. ^OTJJNTO, MAIN ST. lnalUutlon Hill,

Shop at old Deacon Abbott store.

lull 1>I fimiilli ■ Mr nil.

- - -atssjssn«sa^ss>**a«| WO"l«r CABCS CURED-TO


IE. J". K/0"WE3, 1 ■- ' Formerly or tbe Palmer llonae,




BOX 434,


The democtalla oancu* will be b*M this even

The aratter of Ira pro via* tha road* in the iarmlnfc1i*trtct. Bbonld, be given special and prodyattesllon. They're In a wretched condi-

tion. K.E. Dormaaof tbU town ha* removed Ma

vutl*tjstor* Irons 1S8 Essex street, I^wrsnt*. and opened la tbe store lormcrly oocupted hj" iU>r«ros.,S» Essex street.

Tne democrats of the town will hold a canons in the town ball this evening to place in nomiaa- Uou caudldaus for the annual town meeting. A town committee will also be elected.

The ananal tnrksr dinner ef lh* ladle* of the Congregational obnroh was held ktendar ltf Phillips chapel. There was a large attendance and tbe aff.lr wo* a pronounced success.

gulte a large namuer ot persona front this town availed themselves of the opportunity nns. witnessed ibe production ef the '■County lair" In Lawrence during Its eDnagcmem there.

Lost Sunday evening quite a revival wo* held at the Primitive Hethottlet chnreh on Centre street, fvurtoan coming ferwerd in .the prayer meeting whlcnlloltowed tho pastor1* sermon.

' CnarleaU. Brown oQUuslirgao^atlcb., I* *i p*-'l»l to arrive here tenlgbl and wilt make a brief visit with his brother, Kirk lirow*. This will be the former'a first visit to town for about eighteen reir*.

Kirk Brown returned from Water vino, Vt.. Tweedtf, where he wa* summoned a short time ago[by the serina* Illness of his father wltb pneumonia. The latter passed away while Mr. Brown wa* there.

Tbe funeral of the late Mr*. Miriam Lowell,wife •f Bamuel Poor, wb* pa**ed away In Methuen, north parish, Teli. 1;, took place Saturday after. no*n at htr home. A fassband wbo Is In feeble health, sarvlves her.

Several of the sidewalks about town are In a decidedly peer condtrJn* f 11 travel on aoeount of the mad. Ths streets else are In a similar condition. Then Is one place 'not snore at, Thomas' chnreh where the west side of the rood bed Is very muddy.

Henry C. Nevta* and Edward (r. Searles of this town were two of th* few Invited to attend [hereotnt banquet of the Lawreaoe Pre** olnb help at the Essex house, Lawreaoe, last Monday evening. *. moif,thoe preeent from here were Aaron 11. Clark, Edward Borne* and Ay C Puf- fer.

The i*Uh Institute of tho Sites ogricnllnral society 1* being heM In ths town hall, Beverly, today. Snblect for forenoo*- "She* p Husband ry,"by Bon. John E. Busell of Leicester. Af- ternoon st J o'clock, suhlect "Laws of competl. tlon as afT*oung the Massachusetu formers," by Charles A. Mills of Southboro- .Tbe institute opened at W o'clock a m., nulie a number of Methnen people being In attenslanoe.

Tbe ten* of Veteran* held a very plessan ooasp an lo the Grand Army hall loot Wed nss- day evening al whleh the members of the local post and "Sou" from Lawrence, Andover and Sorth Andover were entertained as guests. vary pleasant evening wot passed, everyhoey being alive to the eocasloa. Daring the even, log the following entertainment wa* given :— Piano solo, J. Arthur Feltoa BSP'OSOO, li K. Junes Auto harp. W. F. Cogswell Piano ami bones.

W. F. Cogawell and Cbo*. Puffer Song, Mr. Tu Banjo solo, Q. E. J ■Elections, W. W, < :< gi Piano solo, Chss. 1*1 Selections on tin whistle, Mr. Te Beadlai, C. M. B^ruai.i Piano and banjo.

W. r. Cogswell and C ma. Putrar Harmonica solo, VI. t*. cog well A collation followed alter which remark* were* made by several of those present.

Coses ef scarlet fever still continue la < zlst lr. town. Harry Ward well Is ©OL fined with the dU ease st bis resMenoeon Hampshire mr< • 1. Mbs Llssleoed Willie Minn also IN 111 wltb lb- same disease. Tbe (selectmen hav.i Aoutntn wltb Agent Bailey of the Lawren-.n liwrd uf health retarding the matter and aeciir.il from hint tbe regulation* governing the are poi w bbh Is used in fumigation. It Is stated tbat iliey are also to get cords printed to plsoe upon the homes where there ore coses of tbls dread dlsu.si;, which cumuli in voruuln Lawrence. Agent Bailey ol*o furnished ilium with the instnu Ions which ore left with tbo pen 00 s of the house where any one 1* 11! with 0 contagious disease and state the precautions which should be taken.

Polities seesB to be at a fever heotf this year andotany are th*^ desirous ones to fill the office* within tho gift ef tbo townsmen. Joseph S. Howe, the preeent town clerk and treasurer, la 0 democrat but bo* bold tbat omoe many **ars> having met wllk opposition In but one Instance during that time. This ytsr, however, bo will bare on opponent, Cbas. it. T. Mann,ha ting been chosen ot Thursday'night's cancas to oppose bun.

la tbo house of representatives Wcduc day, tbo bill to Incorporate the Methuen Water Com- uauy called out a good deal of discussion against the bill', notably by Bop"rest? DM live Burke of Qulncy and Carter of NorthAeId. Ileprcseniotlve Porker of Methnen oald there was not o man lo the town opposed to the bill, ana that SOSalgncr* resident* of Methuen, ask for I lie water cmipaiiv

Burke sold that If this hill went through this ate company will own the town, ami be hoped

the bill would be rejeatod. Mr. Soute of Middle- bore, said that If the bill was not passed Uelbu-

would not have any water for a year. Tho Mil was passed to he engrossed. Mr. Hurke of Quitter, save notice loathe should oik for 0 re cousl'leratloo tost ay.

ii'.ii in n .« caucus,

rpablleon caucus wo* held Thursday evening and the candidates for the various towa Ofltoes were then chosen. Political strife bat reigned high here for the paat few naya and dur- ing tbe greater port of Thursday considerable canvassing was done. There wt re seven candi- dates In the held for selectmen, and various losablanilons had been farmed. Tickets were n e'Juadanoa all over the couru* room, It having

been stated that orders for 10,60* had been given. Granvllle K Foss was chosea cbalrman of the caucus and J. a. Tapley, secretary. The anal result after the ballot* had been counted wa* found to be 0* follow* ■ -

MlllanlK. Emerson, W; Kirk F. Brown, 117; Edwin .1. Cootie, 101, John W. Frederick, ]■' AddltonP. Bnsselt, fat; Selwyn A. Hodge, 57, Frank Buck rain star, 40. And Kirk F Brown, Edwin J. Csatle sad John W. Frederick were DOB looted 00 selectmen.. *■

Tbe other nominees were chooen as follows: School committee' Edward F. Johnson and

Aaron H. Clark, three jeari, and Harriet E. Woodbury two years.

Trustees Novln« Memorial, for two year*, Wm. D. Uortshorne.

Uood commissioner for three years, J. By Ive* ter Btodgett.

Town clerk and treasurer,Charles H. T Mann. Constables Amost. Jones, J. Calvin Taylor,

John If. Oeorge, John MoOnlre, Chorie* U. In. ersos, and Utnrs/j E.


Scotch Ginghams.

Real Scotch Zephyrs -Ajsno-

FANCY BEDFORD A Bright and Glean Assortment to Choose From and

Not a "Plug" Among Them.




1', miles from Kast Village. Home of the late AJ.V.VII AiivunHi. ijottsge hon>e, seven rooms; ataMc, list), connecteo with houre by abed, ifliH.olllo *u)d rr|>alr; .laerv* uf eccel- lent land In S'»>d atote of ciiltlvatl-n Aiiple, Pear and Chetry ireen In boarlng condition; well ol never falling water. Apply to

E II. AI.I X AMMIt .Ante bury. Maps ,or

KHAMi L, AI.KXAMIF.K, fin Jm.m DsCtT Vllhge.

I n*i


Town meeting luy one week fioi day.

Charles H. Tot ney Is re purled t > Tork

Tho loe in ihcSplcket river li gradually break. tsut op.

Set- that your mime Is on the check list and 11 ItlsuMhen have it place 1 there.

C.C.8noll has disposed of his inrut and pro. vlsh 11 stom on ilruudway, Lawrence.

Sltl|llng lsaDbnl orer although some of the farmer* era on riianer* In the oullylnt dlstrlcia,

The men> meeting at the lown hall lost tne- day waa well attended and was very Interesting.

Frederick HahV>i attended the iril ball or the Glm club III the tuws hall, Andover, Wedneaday sight.

The condition of Jacob Emerson has sllghllr Improved the past week. He-It still eontned to hi* borne.'

Mea anoTteams are altllat work otthe Metlnen woolen mill which WO* purchased I y Edward F- Searles, K-.,.

From present Indications It seems that the en- lire republican board of selectmen will l« the- winners In tn* coming contest.

Methuen grange, Patrons of Husbandry, will hold an entertainment |and daneo In Memorial nail next Thursday evening.

A aut)|Mrand entartalnment will ha given by the young people of the IJnlversallst socleiv at tbe to vn halloo Tuesday evening, March 1.

Ljiium V. Mnnlioa of ili'a town Is again in tbe milk business in connection with his spring water iraulc, and doilve » milk in Lawrenro.

I«therand R;na Puffer, children of A. I. Puf fer, ,o*A1 corrortpondont ot the MAX Is. are rocov crlntr from tbelr reeent attack of the miirnp*.

Point for Wheelmen. Wheelmen—I believo I'll give np bi-

cycling. I am as careful as can bo, but every now and then some accident hap- pens. This is the second time I've been arrested and fined for running into peo- ple.

Business Man—I'll tell you kyiw to man- age. Jnst you get a job as bill collector. Everybody 'II dodge yon then.—N*)W York Weekly.

(i»l"l II'HI. I

' "Lighthouses are very expensive," re- marked Mrs. Diruling, looking np from a government report.

"Tea, any theatrical manager will tell yao that," replied her husband.—Detroit Free Press.

ItULES for the corn of tbe sick. How to euro disease, Its symptom* and routes, and other Infor-nailonof areat value will be found in ohl Mr Kaufman's gieatbook; 100pages, line colored ulsiee Send three l-neni aumpa in par postage to A. P. m.1 way MCo., Boston, Mo**,, and receive a copy tMfc dslw

Manhood fully restored by Bocamermi vlgur pllla; positive anil permanent, rockets %i by scaled mail. A-clersun * Co., chemist*, box 122Q, Boston, Mass. Trial site packet for 80 corns.

only sure preventive of tha mark* of time. Somebody says that hardhearted-

rblch Is an absolute giving up of all emotions, wl>l atop the wrinkles, bat I doubt this: I know women bard enough aa far aa tbelr hearts are concerned, to serve for mllettones, and yet tha unsuit- able marks come Jnst under their eye*. A woman will gash over a beautiful com- plexion, and yet she Is entirely too lair to cultivate it; she will take . a baMi one morning, the* stop for three, and when she is shamed Into being absolutely and perfectly clean, It is usually because she has got matrled and the man bos bean the cause of 1L Tuere are five or six truths la this .world, and this is one of them: Men ate a thousand times more cleanly than women.


The average woman's Idea of washing is to lake a towel, dip fie end of It In some water, rub some aoaponft, then dab It round ber face and neck and trust that the rest won't show. I tell yon, and I am apeaklng ex cathedra, tbat when women learn to rub, to scrub, use big sponges, big towels, plenty of

>ap and buckets of hot water, followed r showers and sprays of cold, then tbey

will nil have beautiful comttlexlona, and, bftttoJ tempera. Of'coarse there are dirty men-


I don't know why dirt always suggests the W'lde family to me, Oscar waa bit ami clean looking. To be sure, he did aey 11111 "past is the bloom of time." In

', a deal of It most have bloomed on bis Isle father, from the stories tbey tell lu Dublin about him- It la said that outi night at a dinner at the Caatle a man 1* ii j was* looking very dragged oat had in-i.li telling that he had Jaat crossed the channel, and that waa tbe reason for hli appearance. Another man sold to him

Oh, you maat have had a very bad time of It!" The traveller answered: "I never saw such a dirty night lo my life!" i voice from tbe other end of the table:

Did some one mention Sir William WlldeT I trust the American nation dots not need a key to this joke.


Lidy Wilde la a very tall woman wit a very deep voice, and Brongh tbe 00m edlao ssya the funniest experience h tftf had waa at the theatre when Oscar 00k him t) Introduce him to hla mother,

lu his sweet, low, velvety voice, the apostle of art murmured, "Mother, I want to have the pleaiare of Introducing Mr. Broagh to you." A deep, sepulchral voice announced, "I am glad to meet Mr. Brongb," and frightened him so tbat he almost fell over. However, Lady Wilde was the only woman in Dublin who had anything that compared to tbe salons run •y literary women of New York) those diabolical entertainnenta where every- body does something.


at one of these waa very funny. He had come from his country place to spend a week or so lu Dublin, and waa Invited to Ltdy Wilde's, and, being very polite, he went. He waa announced with great dignity—well, we will call him Mr. Koscommon. Hla hostess waa wall dre-sed lu urlelen, flounced lh her waist,

ch nouuee being a different hoe, ao lb t she looked like six feet of rainbow. She aald to him, "Mr. Kuscommon, do yoa stng?" With a regretful bow be said.

No madam " "Mr. Rosoommoo, do yon recite'f' Another rrgretful bow and the same answer. Then In an Irritated tone hla boatess asld "Mr. ttoscomi can yon doT An Irishman'* wit woaldnfi forsake him at ihe coffln of hi* graad- millier, and ibis one proved no excep ion to the rule, for, In answer to ihe last question, he bowed very low and said can only admire a beautiful womad and express that admiration by kissing her hand." He aald afterwards it was a pretty hard dose, but the family reputa- tiou.had to be kept up.

HOW TO RKFOHM A liltt N k . ltd.

By the by, somebody aald not loag ago that women were intellectually' tiro Id. I don't think Ihey an-. Tha, way they "wra*ale" |wlth the most obttrose subjects shows an Intellectual courage greater than tbst beautiful physical ono credited *o J. Lawrence Sullivan of Bos- ton. Toe question tbef are tackling now Is bow To reform drunkards. And tbey are perfectly willing to prescribe any- thing from Ui« fal'h cure to the Jab. I have a little theory of my own on tbe sub- ject, and I am going to give it to any woman who has, as an attachments a busbsnd Inclined ti get drunk. It 1* worth wrltlog down In yonr prayer book, or your diary, whichever you look Into tbe ofteneat:


"Be as amiable as possible, put Ice 00 his bead and don't mind a little thing like a piece of it rnnnlog down bl* back, luraiiM! that will help cool blm off. bandage bis besd up, put lavender water, bay mm, csmpher aod everything you can think of on him, and when ' Jecls, go qnietly gway. If you have the moral courage to bnmp jour head against tbe duotj aa you go out, and get a big bump, or a black eye, the game lit yours Come lu the next morning with a ulacw of Iced milk, call bun your poor (tailing, aud make him feel that be la the. worm brut-with Ihe largest D before blm, and Hint you are the dearest woman In the world. If he refers to your bruises, ssy yda wonld rather not tal*'about It and cry a little. Tell him aome one '« com- ing to paint it, so there ulian.'t. be any goaBlp about it. Aed gradually U will dawn on hla half sick mind that be bit



GINGHAMS 333° On32STinSTC3- .#£30

Chinese and Japanese Silks.

French Challies In Beautiful Figures and Colors. A Few Choice

Black and White Ones. *S»v

These Goods are Very Scarce.




Byron Truell & Co. 249 ESSEX Bl^BiiJT


It Brig-litei.* IVniiiii.it*. 1 null. of Many Kludit.

(Speelal 1 on'-sin.11.inn .■ } '

NEW YORK, Feb. 2:1, 1B02.

The effort to be be*uilfal has come like a ware over sll tho women in this country. There are shops ihst call tbem- selres lemplcaof besoiy, that announce wondrous creams and liquid* that will moke ordinary, everyday worn -D modern Veansus, and there ate men, womep fcnd BO-called doctors who, are going to re- create womanklod. Tbey little know the subjects upon which they have to work.


Woman Is nsuurally like a monkey. She does not tske gracefully to clcanll- nea*; with her tr.aa* mn h of.an edu- cated taste aa olives or truffle*. She'd lather worry over some nexty smelling mesa to make ber skin look white than

you, and then—well yon art n"t dea Stiller baoauau , m two people learn ceiirifl from Mother Evu unless own tha'. man, body, soul and bank book." -"

About the "Jib"? Wei., I haven't anylblng.loaay snout It, because I don't know anything about It, aod I am ~ Intel- lectually timid about touching It. IIow< ever, when I have Been a cure, I will be- lieve In It, and until then I'll let It alone,

I atAJ-'t > 'OR1TK FLACK,

We u.it'il to think we were very fortu- nate, we women. If we had a man In love with us. That's all cbaoged nowadays. You'v* got to have ao adorer In the shspe of a woman. 8b* mosi wear vour pict- ure In her watch, she mmt take you to places of smusement, send youj flowars, permit hi rself to look bldeous in tbs color tbat aulla you, In short, li most be the old story of Romeo and Juliet, onlv ii'iih tbe lovers mu.it wear bangi. I number among my sctiuaintances an old woman wbo has very au-oog oplnbns, end so I concluded I would ask ber what xhe thought ab ul tbls state of affairs. To csv tbst the snorted I* pu'tlng it nuldiy. She. said: "A frlendahlp be- tween women, when' it m.-ann pleaiant compaulo hblp, sympathy in joy or sor- row, and a good, sisterly love, 1* all rlirht. Hut *~frlaadshlp tbst writes love

lu for taking a bath every mornlug and let'er*. qi iles very naity writer-, that sbe'd rather llddle with sduid vile greane taikn sbootlove huch u- mortal ne< to work wrinkles off her face than cuitl- j knew berore, ond which makes fools of vate a happy temper, which is rtilly the. WOUILD, 1* a^lgn of r.ot only mental but

physical decay In tbe race. I', comes largely from tbe fact that men are be- coming eft'.-m in ale, or else women wonldn't leugo at them when they pnton tulle sklrta and do a skirt dsnee."

A WOMAN WHO [.IKRfi llti, MSN,

Until tha American msn 1* physically bigger, women will. It Is likely, commit all aorta ol follies. I do not believe In woman's suffrage; what 1 do believe In la tbat fools of women, and unfaithful women, should esch hsve a sound wh p- plng In the public square. Goodness gracious! If tibia were carried ou', there would be no getting past Msdlson squsrp and the druggists roinl abuut would make fortunes from salves lo cure, not wounded honor, but bruised flesh. Tbli old lady would be a splendid one to train wives, but, like all pecple with decided opinions, aae has decided fad<i. Tbe chief one 1* for .big mm. She carries this 10 aucb ao eitaot thai *!»■ goes to a church where the pariou Is 6 feet 2, for she any* the wants to il•'< u to a msn who, she feels, can knock Ihe devil out physically a* well aa menially. Shef doesn't even care for small women. Her only (Acute In her heart -for-my existence l«, tnat I Inherit my alas from a graudmolher.-snd •'oi.ai i|'i.'iii Iv. couldu'i be blamed for It. I once pleaded wilh her for a small hut delightful cre*ture, and, although I quoted that a woman sboulrl )u*t rescb to a man's heart, I ws« silenced bv her lodk, and'tbe information that sbe ongbt to be on a leys) with his brains, aod so be some sort of * totnpauton for him.


What o deaUhat companionship means? Tbat companlopablp between a mau and a woman, that grows sweeter apd atrong- er and stiller aa the month* go by. I aay

know esch olht>r'and to read escb other's hearts, ttiey do nut' need to speak avary word; a look tells, And tbli companl-ri - ship Is no morn pieslbln betweru two women tban If w iui>l bir btt**M tVd parrota. 1 an. vury conventional, mv friend, I hope ■>■>■<■. too. 1 couldn't love any woman in Hie world as I could a man, apd I c IUMU'I ■ftcrlfts* for sny woman In tlx) world, whv I woul 1 *>ic 1- llcc for a msn. The cool 1, . 1 msdn u* tbat way. He didn't make u* to witte our love lellurs.and our coqaetrlei on) our hearts 011 oilier women ; no, Indeed; they were Intended for meo. K ■ m ■ Imct tbe msn takes tbe tieart aud earn* for It and loven It until l* lua'n with pride an 1 Joy and love for blm; sometirni* h" tak-1* It and s'llghliJit and forgett it and hurt" It and It beata wilh love for titnijusi 1 In- same; snd ihnbraluibat heloum toll come* and says to It, "He doesn't think, ne doesn't know," aod lb* heart eXCSta!, and throws iiroader, and more cbarltaMe and kkfider; and sums day, when It cuasea to beat, tvitffbody keo«i tln-r. what a dear, loving heart II wsn, at.ci must of all Is 1U loss fell by

illf MtX rtl.'i M.i,[..,;■. u ]I.

You think yotir heart would rebel ■gtlnal UU—*hla qnltl sq>'m!ts|oBj loll subllni't liavii)-' It m'lt'ii, but what would yon gain byajtf T.m would hn no- better'and 1,0 liappier woMn if you opeaed )uur heart iodr said otM i,inlti

tude, "Come snd look at my hurts!" How many wonld put oil on ihu hrulnes, aud bow many would put Tlnrgsr? Keep your hurts to yourself, my friends it's dr.- cldedly tb* bant way for ibe world at large, and it makes a but'.ur and a strong- er woman of yuu.

After tbls you may be surprised to hear me say tbat I dont think much of sermons. Well, I doo'l. Not as tbey «■» nowadays,


Hy Idea of a sermon la one thai Ia*U about Ave mlnnles, sad in which I am told to be less quick tempered, and you are told bow to be less aulky, and some- body else Is told bow to be more gener- ous, and still :.i>uii-'i > 1 v els-t Is told how- to honor bis father and-mother. I don't want 10 hear sermons a1)iat creed*. I d m't want to hear n-rtii ma tbat tell the twenty-live bund redid iff' nmt meanings of one line In the Old TMttualtt'' I wsn't a sermon tbsi'i fining to make you and me iief.ir in a practical way. 1 like a sermon that takes tho Ten Command- ment-*, and reads between tbe lines


1. Thou shall not worship thy dinner. II- Thou shslt not fall down snd ■mr-

shlp brsndy^ burgupdy, or any .wiin! tu tfoltltH, fbr Ihe sins of lit- father will descend upon the children unto the sec- mid or third degree of them that are drunkard*.

Ill Thou shall not t-pesk lllghtty of that which thy neighbor .Intioureih.

IV. Thou aliittuot Baka Ihn Sa'ibslh day one of horror, but, Instead, gladness and goodwill. . V. Thou shslt not make light of tbo weaknesses of thy fath*-r or thy milher, for ago aud w.akterot will com*) to thoe name day. , ■

VI. Thou shalt not burl by. word ot' de -d nil,' llVlllg tliih.'

VII. Tooajshall i.ol .l.'ii:.- thyself wilh - m- in thouihlti ur word*.

VIII. Tiniisiiali. nol lonK for, wilh, an ill-wltl, ihnitwhlch It Ihu .possession , of 1'iy neinh'iorv

IX Tlious'ialt nr»tta'k scandal. * X Tb'.u -in't ur. f peak Ol fovc to

the wlleof iliy friend.. When I uagaa t 1 wii c. lliii I thought

It might turn »<r. a * on, ; induad of tits', it has luflled out a Sermon. Well, It's published on Sunday, or close unto It, so reo<l, learn, aud Inwardly digest the wis- dom of HA it.


KAtlMl llostriu every WKI'MSNO,. for

r.,r|amiiri nru litr>'-s U rllrtet, lliiilii

CONSUMPTION. lU»«ar-«itl««n-nis.l)r|.)r(liB abondiatuMi to-H*

*aia 1 li.iise-.it «f <■»»« •>( Ilia Wtwtt Kind awl ..f ■...,.< (UiK.in. hiiil-arncglwl, ImtHtt »otlr-'i]« I- m/ t»ith Sails •ffl'-*"-!, tlwll w.lla-mirwolVJTii mint K. mia a , AI.L'ARLR TRRATISK ontliis*l«™iUsDr'-if- Sir^wtMniillMM mathwr gauss 1 and P. O.atUrMa. T. A- Kioomm, 1*1- C...I9* r««rl 6>i., M. k-

\ •>


PRESS CLUB. Newspaper Writers Around

ibe Fesilre Board.

Bright Speeches by Club Mem- 1 bers and Guests.

AD Hwiilng tbat L'aa-cd Off to the rieaeure of All.

The Press Club banquet for 1892 hu cuiog and gone.

I' carou lu at ■• o'clock Monday eveo-

iug, *"■! >t went oat at A o'clock Tiiee- '!«>■ morning.

It w;n hy all (nl-K L'IC most successful ■ vnit inr comlucu-il by the cluo, and

one which will bu looked buck upon for niiny years to coma.

■ * Tin ru was a brilliant company In full <wnluK ilcess. an elaborate ami tooth-

MfUM rsMflti bright, willy and uoterlaln-

1 id |{)fljH&OMi and e wry thing that noun to Mil.'- a banqqtl a success.

At H O'clock, chib in, nir:.■ f • and gucsta

bi'naii tu gather lu the Knit bouao par lOfa. and for au hour, lh« Hum was wbiii'd uivtv In conversation nud song.

Thunitju Bro«< had pinvi.li"! a handsome

i MMrgltce for tiiu parlor table, and this .- t j il' ihu in >m i.i < \ ;i'll«iii advantage.

- ■'&}UJf*|ock ull. waa rajuiy and a Hue of

"6u illid by twos Into the bsuiiuet room.

Too preildtnt or tbe club, Jaoiea K.

lidnOgboe, ltd the way encorllng Jlayor

Doe. Vies pieslilint Wni. T. Sellers>s- cor led City Solicitor KoUoorcy, and

thiu came oilier guests and members and

friend*. Amoug the Invited guests pres- ent Wtrc y. iyor Doe, Juilge .Sumr, Hica- tor Carter, l'u*t master llott.C'Uy Eollcl-

ti>r IMAmnvy, Register of Deeds Dono-

van, ckrk of Ihu , ii [i <- court Moye*, ex- Mayor Brute, city clerk O'JIearu, city .Auditor Shea and otbuin. ..

Three long tables nMsdfd the length

< f the dining bull, and the.te with tbe

bead lablu provided accommodations for the »o who were prcmint.

The skill of the Mussr*. Thornton Bros.

w«.i seen again In the banquet hall. 1'alnn aud ItWtl adorned the tables and

the room waa indeed pretty. When all

bad Mil llMwl Photographer I»eck took ht-veial Basil light picture*, and then

without further ceremony, the good

' lriiri;-sun the tables received attention

The menu was a.t follows:

Parti last Qaa


: r.. Ill):

I Hirlnlii I II. it, llrnnn BatUsK i: ..-I i; i, n.i-r mi .In/. .

" lli.n-l It'll I'nrk. Am,In SmiitL Iirtst Viiur.gTur*!

Raul Spring I.

I 1W l« li.-.ir. i.., IKKBH.

I'd «u

MSST- Im m l>l«tmn.

■ ■•"»ii i inmk nnjuiiu hmacafse-

i' i: i ii .'i > i ii Bsurgolaa* ■

i,.ill.mil...-..i i iTki't'a Wlnganua Tiuffea. ntat,di r..ik, saaesNotr.

■■ — IlLi.lSllKI. Ra lt«fc Wuneitersblit BAttO*

Mil. L i'i. kiss, llllv.-». ■ it. Hmiiiin I'lini-h

HallirdDack, A»n1eJiuly. ,n< n .... -.■. A|.|.|i -iiiir.

\t...<-.1 Alll I!" . M.-h.-l PM LI...T, lr,-i.,:li IV,ii.'' "

lUki-1 strsst Pattmat rAlTKY.

BngtUb i*ii.m riM.iiun, iiumir Ban •■. ;ii .;,! 'i in i-< itkc. Cli'M'"i,ii« Cake.

MJHwr Oaks AnKtiuakt II --i HI.

.11 r■ Ln 11. lea Cnpa« Froaan piuMing.

■i.ii'i Mlvi

Pi ,. alia. cuirvc. The Hrrte( of the course* occoplMl

Sloiost two ho.ttTS. Shortly after lO.aO o'clock, I'ti'-idi'iit DoOOghnt |rOM from

: i noaad of BoWtfi ami rapp;d ■ inb!age to ordur. lie said they

vM.r>' tbOQl to enter upon OH of the plMsttrteat parts ■ ^ the . ventng's pro- gramnw, and n- t.u occasion brought a i! ■n'.li: s.ii.lm.'iit. all thi-niurrler should

BOBVI nil ^ hoars I* iii' IIII.I ii. v in,'1 said ba,uaadareoBdUh)M

i i.n w. III u'ty ill >n i fl|i|>r.>|irl«to. Tin- 1-nw. I.I,. i'i, i»i. n UMIIIIMM,

and «M tsattand lusin nuhh? ob IMN iho gnwdeataf janarloss day*, tl n»*.* Imwiy itHMght toclwoao ttiii day of WHIOIIIIKIOII fi* •inr aanna] bsa^wt. Isa aados'i Mftsdsr Heads HU inins1.. ( loyalty and intirimii->>on ftiii.nl. ui 1 ilic l-lrtli■ ny nl inT (un moil son in..I-I lofOl . lllieT. Ion. Il Klh ii.ll.Pt.ld, inn i MT ii, I...MIP nii.iy uKiiir I'limiry't'Irlnl*.

.in.i On u irtsnoh, aadihua bntgait, <m% have a doubhi nsuu toi rajotoa. TIHUJ-,

-fhiniiKfnmt-.'iir hnil, ihc ihnn(r"U at intltlon* iiiif ir.ii iii..niiiiii, wim WHibdrflrat la *»»r asfl their Hi i in paaoa, and tonight, Iha wniii in m.iiiv II banquet ball rtngwiui prttkM w Mi !IIIII,.«I.,I i un-. W* lli.h t), ■ ii urn- ..,f VV,I.!I1I.K-

t m wati .-nVTiiiK that i- grM< an I sw>l in a ii- < i v ■ - IIUUH-V. liiere eonua MdaVtouii t '■ i ■ ■ 11 ■(• of Aawrlcan (rontasy unuinai I^I i'|.i , woseallia sgauti^a srtys-

, «... in.i id..- t.;iyjtiliT»o[ ;i (>rotrji«t^l ami uu iiivinurlrw - bluer

[ tallyy tprw. TbHI1

nmll -in Ii re. ill. ,-u HI-, nn -n.'ii u lUy, let our board W HM »«n fasUvs tonlnhi."

A Welconn WJI» thei vxten.led to all,

and letter* 'ol d^ret winr4ea) from

Msjnr (».'■>. S. Merrill an i Oof. M, nry V.

Nvflna, The president tJiin Introduced

ixSeiiainr Kdward F. trSuilivau si the' toaatmsaTtr of tan evening, and ih..- fl >w

of wit ami'cheer bfgan.

Tbe ts-asBstor flltsd ttla poaltton BIOS*

cr,l.iai;y. Too formal loast* were

Tl-n hlfhwayak* hallOw«d-U» t«a<-iloa*ha *M' liar h«r daaUolaa looa; tblne UDCIOB ted and

biliht, W'lille tier counctUara fiddad by j«aUc*and

To this Judge Stone made an entertain- ing response, and a response last ffU richly enjoyed.

Ilia ramaria wen lo happy and atrock such a popular caoid tbat good oatured loterruptlona were many and pleaaaot. When be referred to polltlos tbare was s cheer called for from Cleveland admirers for tbe ei-p■•aidant. This wet welt re- sponded to. A Hilt contingent pro posed three migety ones for the states 'ass of their choice, bat only a few etras;- «lbwff voices were beard. Then a Repub- lican admirer celled for three for Blalne, and they made tbe walla echo, '

'Had I been made aware," taM Judge Btona taat 1 waa lo be one Of the first ■paakers and

(Sat I waa to be called to re• pond to tbe toast ibe graadnld Bounty of Esaea, I would have com* prepared lo do juilli-.e lolhat tout and to tbe county a* well, it la Indeed a I real aurpttae, lo ma ta be calle i upon to auk* tuck an early re- sponse, and I tear thai I will prove unequal b>

:oa*lon In my bumble endeavor to pay proper tribute to old Kuti county. The toaat * hlili has beou nsalf ned lo me la one worthy •( a more eloqu'Dl tongue. Too muob gsM eannot

■aid of ibe old Hay State'i norfh easterly county, which will compare In plciaremiuu vrainimr wiib any county In il.U or any other ■lain. IbopeUr. 1'realdeni tlial you will bear with me if 1 dlgreea Ini my snbjeel and Into oilier cbannela. It la no easy talk to make an ac- ceptable after dinner apeeeb. There are aome wbocandolt, and dolt well,who can apeak on any oecaalon and on any subject, but from a *i yrnr'i experience In ami about Lawreace I CAD

■alely .:.v ibat you OJn count ine able and i.ilaht

after d.nner ipcakera upon ibe Bnirers of tho band. Ilia the hardest ipeecb there If to make, thliarter .llnner effort, but many m1i.de agree that iheon* wbomakejjh;i heel apeech li very utien theooo wbo makea the brltfeal. pleaiod tonight tu be with tbe woriere of tbe prcia. 1'ereonally and ofBclalljr' our relation* havu alwaye been cordial. I met them whei poHllce, but I'm out of that now, and tor the 1'iint lite yearn I bave seen item In their every day life, and 1 can aay, freely anil wltbout tbe ellRhteit hceltatlon, tbaitbey arua band of loyal, iriiiiworthy ami honeit workere. They hold a powerful ID Hence, nut It la to Ibe credit of news- papera today that few ot tbem mleuae the Iruet. llcnllcmeiiuf ibe frese, remember this vast lr fluence jeu have, and continue lo uee your pen lor the 'greatest good of ».> all. Lawrence news- paper men remind me of the legal fra'.ernltr ID

ye. The lawyer In eoart aalgonlzee hi* brother lawyer on the other aide, and aubmlia HI in to tho woret aort of abuse when oppouunliy preeenta Itaeir inn wben lunch hour nmen round they link arma and atroll off togeiltr lo ihr rare Tbe uewiphper man calle bla brother fctlbo nn a cotemporarr ererytblng but a gentleiuan1 uud loadi the reading world io twlleve lb it he In one oftnc moat CDutompllble i-reaiurr. alive. He lelli the pSDBjg all ula OuU' nnd Would luive ua

iler'tand tbut he le barren of even one good uiitv. I-o aad behold they meet inilghi and

clasp bandi as warmly as ever and wm- unto ibe au wbo attempts to go between lle-in Tbei'ic piuer lot, tao, ami have uueer * ■.- >i It

will begeneraliy found no inain-r vtlicVe you r.miii tiutt on democratic- pa[>ere JOH.HIII ISd ie> },ubllcan iH'rtbea and on republb'ao |n|.i'i" ili-m orratlc. Thla however baa no damagl-nr nault aswegttlheetratghtgoodicveryii.nl By) il Ingof newepapeie, du'lge Stone euasplluunM l.awn'iH'i; writers for lln-lrfairnom ai.'l bitincbed off Into a ruonlna comtucnt on the Hilton ami l.awrein-u preae. It waa all hugely etij.iyed, and

be bad Bnlthe-l the applauee pnJ hearty, strung end merited.

The City of Ltwrence cmic thu following sentiment:

'The City of Lawrence " Itlcb Iniliunoueot lii.liii.'ivi.f hfi .ulii-iM, ii'lllng lit r etory itur dlly nud Irliiiupbaiitly IIIHIII Ihe l*a*l roll of l>rogr(K>,nn<l wtiariig lulier mi/,e of fabilc.a r!u- lifi- lull- nf her labi.ru, inav her anna proiu cveriniB totboirutt ibe reooaea In Ihom; and keep berlnlerota alway*. wllha wntiliful eye.

Mayor Uoe briefly reeponded. He aald - Tho Invliatlon of lbs -Preae Club to meet lu

nemlrurt at the foatlve board lo night waa thankfully received by me, but the pleasure!

Ill I'll It bore faded from Its face when J learned that 1 waa to lie called upon lo make a ippech. If iin'ii- muiy mil' thing I dclf at It'e lo appear aa the principal in a epeerb making affair. Had ! thu ability to expreaa my eentlment* mir fair city would reeeWe very tender irll.utee from my lie*, but aili-h not betas; the case 1 cannot do leea Hum locinroaeibe foilowlug wliU: May LAW-

coullnueln Ua proipcrlty and rapid pro and may beraona n-ver forget Uie guod

ItMOSl of Idm wln»e nii'iiiiiry *n cum in c morale tonight.

Toiatmailer O'Sul lyan thea anaouueed the tollowitiK toast: —

Sewnpnper Worbl." il If cm wlah, a wonder land nwrapt hi in i-i.- ,,ii. . . il I«O)I!FI| HT a tin-mii band,

Hut, i i..|in

Bin i a xi.' ilimii the lo: 'm.i.

i I-

tel'i In ct veto,, atwltbls le i^au add linat <<• tiuUlll o ii'.i: proceedfoi

Til- Irsi toast was t. have bf a re-

■panda to by Congressman M-> - - T.

Bieveni . hut ill in-, a i.-enc , ei-dty cltrk Kliubell wii fHUsd ii|>ou for a res oose

The In a\ wan i

1 ■

■■ -, tloventmenl " 'I1 ai at irti 1 otn 1 i ■ i J ■ ' " r- .i.i., .

. i - ..( n mindly ii..|...II, is 1 wbost ..ii i.\.- t h-sa.ai i ■■" i ell hu ni. t« ibe-glory o(u>e laud we .■ 'c." elty eletjka thungh lakes by aurpftoa lUeily vdien the toast maasai nii-re,

mrprlssd 1 ..;■..!

! '<! " ■ I, ..Sftal «T|in

1 1.4/j lrr.Lli.-,1,ri.iiii-nl • trfj (tAerleKueeslffficel peo*d

'.,. » beee pralfi; u.i pen or.oratoT ■ .ni ■■;'< t c .. it. d. • >li thl* intljiial li.illday the , iii.■ ; -. i ■ Sited With plsaaynt nuunortee .it

ti^t pre»ldri4 mdnn more riulog ! H III- |.II

. I i li.n lb!«. kfay nUr..mull y l,iDg ,.i in,iy mir federal gofars*wal «v»>

Ii n i« i., theeaee oi o i.,„ Ii ii. i the prl le el AUICVI.MII tldfsaahlp

T it! next toast was as follow. i;,, i ,iu.... . . M - hasetu 11«

roniuv i ■■! Industry ni.i, i in.iiiii-i ,n !■ ii- f. tie i.-1

i ,r in tu.- _'*i»ay.oi, mteai

-iintiii-i.irt r made a very vrettj . ■ i. 1 -.i ■ l. .IM ;nl-l t-.ld of lot in in- IKiu . inUl

I AH in • nun |.n,..ii'ieiil!y llgurci IB leftfbUtrs I ' rttad laap irtasea m .'"■■

.;i.,l "I.IHI- ■■■<■■ li-ia do!." her .lirilutd. 01 Mi.-.-!ui-il!- :m.| tl..,

■ - || II.'!' .... - I,,!,' t ■■! I..-1 II .. i ukuig nan* n. rtteatMseeeat

BMrnben bet asve sMt.sad foegbl ihclr legleia i inn .1 ■■■ i i bin rcfleeSed t we nil leil ' llie -■ nil.-1

", ■ . :. ■;.■ ■ ,| ■ ■ I 1 ■ ■ I ll

Thefi eamtxtlse loaai ^ -

How few 11 To this Mr, Joseph A. Dennlsfn re-

pouded '.o bl« ii-inl pleasant alralti. "1 aiauru you" fau auld,^>app reel ale ihe

kindly worde and hearty, <■»■ '"■> <■■'!■■' greeting given mo. lean altrlbuie younour- iklngmeto Join In \iuitt entertaining

reaponnea only to your kln(*uea* of heart: Wcru It not for ratloeSlI UmltallonBand Ihe fear of a inri'lpliou* fall, 1 would .dellglr, to attempt the htierrfbtlon of tlie feeling*, Hu iiinvlclloii and

the Idi'ala I bave of newapii>«ri, uewapajier WOT? and newepaper workera Kvcry one of you a ho tread ibe ei>n»evrnud path* or thlerreat le- i.iriment of life have, or oughi to have, a clearer luilght Into Die fi.lllei, the wlwloiu, ihe thought, the aetlno, the ch.iracfcr, the worlh, tbe broad

the ■ftrnwaSM of men than any other body of workers In ihe human vlneiard. Vou do-ncialwaya deal wljii tin- material Jntcreata of human kind. Tbe heart and mind are often Ihe

- com ml aeration or aithrk, YoU II two way*. You are cordially,

loved or won-lrouely dlalurlied and luiitceUtd. mc that Ihe Hrmiewipaper waa BSD

Jlihed Inliermany InlSI.",, and waa called tbe Frankfurter ilournal. We -lon't wumler idn hat M'boUrly.lbiiugldful lni|iilr1ng|M?o]ilcliii-ued

. ii:.- HI i paper1, lam Inclined to think you ntwipnper fellow* are kftcr a I Men- llohnmlan

■Thian. Ulan nmitejof rrtqoeal ni-ur- to sue you In thiiugblfiil medliatlon with a

Frankfurter lo one han-l and u glass oT Unrmaii uliieln Ibeothcr. ticrmany hue given us the lerUsataapar,lastaod bysfljodd* laeelewesti

tbe henvleal and thu raotl Hoiuhre, France Ibo ISSSaeg| and tbe keenest aud America the lie*I paiiertbni \va* uver printed, folded and eouuled

JUireaj.--Th> ueMmjaiitC-Wfitil I* tJte.pLoiiej.-r ■ ni, Or»t In eecrv gi""i work lu every eharlly. kly rj|..'lli'liri. b.l* In-Ill Illll llli.p urw*.r>aper* I ..I lun are uuuiually brUhl and nl>l» Their il'.-imire in.-n i.f Hii-nt euerjn and n-innlllliv. Ml! Up your great work lu the newapaiicr irid a il real «»»nri->l tin- ureat uriny of IUH . per rvadera wlilaay toyuu. gnouiioyt, we'll Ho*. I >.. y.iiir lien in purity and improru the irldaud we itrc wllh you tuttie Onlab. Then cainu thu L->a-i, which was jireett d

•wiiti loud applause: •ThePressClab" - mof theiinert" lathe urin KaSSle; Ihe acme or imii-i.Ti.iviiiil 'iig'it-the cryeUll/atiun ot eondcnaeil wlnluni

-in i Hi,- lil-iry mill .kllglil ol au l.lull/.lng iiuli- II. Ilaylla ahadow never grim leas'

To respond to tbls the president of the c'.u ) was called upon, sou' his response

was preceded by cheers' and oheera again

for,the cluo. After revlewlnj Its histor;

speaking of IH gloVlng past and Its

ino in Nine future, President l)onou,hue said:

forget tbe lustre and wealth of Ihe diamond on -perceiving the Hew. Bub let ui, to whom the Inner and outer life of Lawrence li'clear, present to our cltlaens and our slate, the brighter elde and tbe truthful aids or oar city's Ufa.

Let ui believe, sa we should, that there li the earns ability bare to-iay aa when the wafts of onr mill! were a>l ting from ihe inndof the plain, Ibat tbe progress of Lawrence has been and li now npwaro, eaS that Lawrence haa grown bet ler, richer aud more rlgorou* after Ha quarter ceniiiry and more ot life, l.t us believe thai this bo i tl tag, thriving city, where we are all so sappy, la One of the pleaaameei of apota worlby Ihe name of "Home," aad ISI ns hold out to our neighbor* Ibe promise and the Inducement of everything ibat makes,a Mew Kogbud town one of the moat deelrable In I lie. world aa a place of liuslnaae and abode. <

If we do this, and we can, for It Is only fair, we will but discharge a duly we owe our clll- aena, and our club will have done Its part in wards abaplng the oeatlnlei of our city.

Surely il la but little -something easily ac- compli* bed—but tbe precedent must be set. In. happily It no*11 to be. Let ui, who can, do Iti and we will and In Its accompli eh in sot, a lasting reward for ourselves and our club.

Tbe vice president of the clab, Wm. T. Hollers, was then called npou to make a farther reeponse to the toast of "ibe clab." He made lome witty and rery pointed allusion* to tbe members that caused gone roue applause.

Another toast was? "Tbe Cold Blooded Compositor,' — HV wbo io

manipulate* the types, lhat "well" becomea "hell"; who "lake*" unwarranted liberties wllh Volapuklah copy and 1* "prool" against thu "devil". Hay lie never, never know an empty

Kx -alderman 1 la Hoy of the Eagle reeponded Qlilngly. tie stated that the typographical part formed aa Important factor In tbe publication ol a paper ana by an apparently slight rnleukeon the part of Ibe compoeltor a moat grlevloue one, as regards the sense of »n article, might reeulL Aa an example ef this bo cited a laughable In. otdantwhlchcimo within Ids notlceooce. Ills response waa full of fun and wm muoh enjoyed

__ City Solicitor DeCi>ui]cy waa called up- on to respond to the tout:

"The Law —" "We muat not make a scare crow of the law, Selling li up lo fear tlio birds of prey, And lei It keep ono ships, ull custom make It Their perch and uol their terror." Ills response waaaa mini an able one. lie

c\ pressed surprise to being nailed opon, and continued to say thai had ho known that the law was lo be his topic, he would have' brougbt Inw u a whole set of nisckstone and gl vea them

all as much aalbey wanted. "Tbe law la a good Joe In

morning.." ',.. ..i.i-.iu up all ibe complaint!," put In

Clerk aloyea,aud"K'iag<iol thing," replied tho 'Hy lollellnr.

Continuing Mr. DoCourey availed hi maclf of the change taken by theother* and dwelt upon

ijectof blaown. "I Intended to aay loan thing here to ulgbt about nur city, but your president hna lakcnthewur.lilrom my in null. I believe, athueaya, that wu tbould d> more for Lawrence It baa uowSe.poo people, soon It will bave IOO.IHU. It lia growlns, ibrlvlog City

ml her lnlereels should alwaya be with ua. :u ran ihua do ourselves and our people ;i reatgootl."

Tlie uewjpaper Oeld It broa lunlna am] with greaier bresotb comei gruit.-r ruapon*Iblllly and greater |"iwi-[. In I'lcsldent Jackson's time in.'in wai only one IM';. i|i.-r piib.lahed In Wakhlugton, and snub WM lu cmdltlon, that II

full, Just 'tint moment the nupport of tliq II linliiimr.iili.ii wuntd l.e wlihdriiwn. Todsy, there loju't the reverse, for Iho .newspapers or

country in ike our presidents. They ure f in- lrolled by reliable, lotal an-1 eiuerprlMni; man agura, the wrlicrs down the list are hone,t ami

The writers rarflf abUH Hie power re*t iiii'lr henla, nnd at litgli I* ilia m.m.l irl of wapsftsM today that, it II was abmnl, no

paper would tolerate It for a moment beyond a tingle laauo,. Thus It Is gratifying to gather

about such a> board as till*, and meet Ihe every day workers ofthepreia. Here lo Lawrence tin v nn'|>Hiding, i nieiiirlaiog mill li'ii'.'si, and tonight with mauy othen, I enjoy tbelrcompany

id eoctabHlty.

Then came this toast: "Our "Dobgorrles," the liuarillaua of the

1'eerc. and their nec-un Ih-es Uie I'ruas Club " Here, by way of Introduction, ilia toast master brought down thu house bv reciting Sinks. peare'i "Charge lo tbe Watch," and called then 'ir a rt'iiioiiee upon clerk of Ihe police court

i in i. Moyes, l".|.

Clerk kloyee replied In a humoroni ami pleas. Ing vein. He aald lhat most of the members of the press know the police and barn ttmlluil iliclr lablta thoroughly. Ills imowledge of ihe pollen

arflei'm did nm date from the lime of hia offlrlil appulninent. He had siudlcit ihelr habits long

ot the boye and knew the time that it would lake for one to go nr jund & corner

alley, and ho had been Initiated tit all these acceinpllaliiuents> by the now rogl*ier of

la. John J. Danovaii. hr. Uoyea further that lint Idea .had come to him lo glee a* an

< \. ■!■..-, wheu he WM eatieil upon, that he was "too full for utterance," but lie hud decided not Loclulm nor a* soiiiu of tbo others had mat be II.I in.i i *,"■■ i t . be called upon and therefore

was unprepared. Ile«isa1«ayi ready to Bland Up for Ibe down trodden police and bla brawny

would alwavs defend them He mid Unit id though! "why Is It lhat the press dull

hiihlill* banipiet on Wasblngloii'a lili'tliday?1' be looked around and saw* ".liminle"

IhmoghuB, "niiiy" Sellers nnd "l'atiy" ihclr frank faces reenidt to suggesflieeauae we ot the

never told a lie " Mr. Mojei xttd that the Office of thu press waa two fold Fl rst, that they inould represent and reflect p<idllc opinion, lu n word lie s tisorge Washington . and the accond, they shniihi ic i -ii public splnlon and lead It on. Ills -i"'i eh abounded In numeroue witty hits.

After tbo speech of Mr. Moye«, the

l'resa l'ollce" waa further responded to

by P. II. n ii.nulme. He made acveral witty and bright sallies, dlncted to mem-

bers about the board.

In presenting thetoaat "The Board of

Trade," thu toastthaster apety wove In a

rerse from Tennyson's "Locksley Hall". Hero was tho sentiment.

The Board of Trade J beacon*. Forwiinl,


Of < ■er) thing ici- with in. tVlnthcr, aftcroi Drier existence, uur club shall fall, or whether It shall Increase li* utciukuaa aad ride on lo further luece**, only ourselves can say. But there come* lo nie in ibl* i-ounre li.n souiethlog pertaining lo nur liilnre « nn ii we all, aa-WdO loemliers a«M,l writer*. Would do. well lo inLu.i. We hold In mir hand* ., puwei ful agi-ii. y, in '.nSuenen ib.n can ullher build or de Sirtiy, anAHve could make HJ bi-uer resolution fur eur future than lo use ihl* luriueiiie for the greater good of our elty and Ma [ro|lc. And in one Held tin re li '-'id Iho opportunity and Hie need. A community li bulged by It! ■ eople, and ilie people are repTeeeiiied ubruad In Imr-lu auy manner i-ave through the n, «.paper. n,e>- lupiiunat Imuie. Hero cornea ihe unponunny

■lUie i ed. which i /Co* years past, Iblacljf,

, jaml.ti has given to many Bf us frem Infancy Van .inly Injure, baa suffered Iron, tbe oplulnni which our cltfaent hare given out. Tales of iniinii'ipil waste and hankrupu-y have been rung, year alter year. Into the cars of mir peo |ile, and their '...mehil Influence nss been fell (ruin allijiiarters of the stale, "'inr dying lo du.lrles," some real, but the mnii of Ihem fan. eled, have i.-rn bebl up lo the gain of all, party parl'ianshlp haa brten Hi rust a.ide Ihe punllc giiod.lhu IrUk of the politician baa lieen pre. .fn!ed a* tbe art wblcb haa *tlper*eiled oihcn; Ufaeti speaking geucr.tlly, Ijiwren. c, by her owD.clllicna, be* beeA palntcil In tbo darkui bur*, au I uol the brighter.

And yet, to-dav> we live In a poacceblr, or derlyrliy. Tne loams In all our mills uumfroin in..ui till night. Kmything ipeaks of' pro* peniy. nur goTerincut la ably administered, li,e ; il.ii- fund! are ran-fully spent, and from ill -,.le«>-"i»«evlilro.-*ai,f thrift, enniprlic an-l llff. lint the >ry agaluit Lawrence 1* mil 'oh-ieilaclCi-hOCil.

Wny II.1. then, blllili l-f ion aim, To *peik Ol Lawrence as It really iMMjffle - Lei Is dara rile tic Mien-.I by those Who - •' nothing 'night aa-l nothing cbcerful la aa.ilhtog, «ho

Thniiuli iii--in.1.1* ,it |ue gliibc v

Better flity vssra ol Europe EIn djaihay."

iTeibient NorwoiHi tiieu MOSO end delivered an lnu.retilug addresi Himliur some or the future

IfSsoeoMtau whlefa ihacity might etpsot from ie l>oanl of trade, lie ihungbt th.tt Vt'iisblug. av^.fcttvdsjwasone -..[jhe m-^t npiiropnate

Umeifortlie prcaa elith to aiscruhle together Theaentlment regarding WnOilngMn,. which 1* lofamlllar toall,' "In-Mi. war, Ilr»t In pence,

the hems of hi* countrymen," might lu Ihe following way be applied to tbo

*a "r'lrst In ivtr, first In penoe, and first lu heart* of their felliw citizens." In touch

lag upon the loait assigned to Inn he apokeof IBS ktailntSt (?) which had alwnya .been ex ■ •aded to the beard, of ira-ioby ibs^rsas, Ho ■alii that the board of trade wa* nu auMibiry to .hcfcliy and repreieuted III |lintiaas It gave him pleasure lobe a-ile lo lay that tho board rumbcred among lla memliers soiuo of the clly'n best men, who give tho must work.and receive the least pay. No rltyoftho »l/.e ot T-awrence mi so small a debt and an low a tax rate, fie h->ped that the people of Dili city would at sotitn

c Aad themselves at thu head of navl iMti-iii'ii n,.. alcrrlmv-k. should aee veaael's, Mdpi and other craft ploughing \hmttgh the waien of the Herrlmark river, shoubl seethe cectflccaracarrying pasaengeri from hereto Ibu aea, mould have better parka, and widened •trees, To accomplish all Ibl* tl a work which rents wllb all pulling their ihoulders lo the wheel. "Tteimtd'that whllatn^Waablngti gieeiroan Steven* had. aiaured him that be would do all In bis imwer lo eoi'ure thuuppro. prladVn sakeil (or the rjver. During Mr, Ndr WOOd'l itay there the rongruaiman bad present cd Ihe river petition to ihe House el Itepreienl I!'M - in i It had been referred to the committee

no river and harbors, Ur. Norwood had ia-co granted a hearing l>>- the committee la regard Ihe matter.

In reference to the presa Ur, Norwood furth said that lu hi* own perio'nal experience mih Ifaemomberaof the preisbe lii'l lieen Hfalai wllh courUsy ami klnilnei*. He wSS OleVaei to ha pretent at ihelr bamiuct.

Supplt ineotary board nf trade toasts

Were responded lo by ti-Mayor Brace and ex-Alderman Ford.

Ki-Msyor Bruce continued ibe talk nu

local biisintMS aclivitle* and said that

while on the suffice very rnjich *t* not

appareptatlll hivrenci! rrerer had bright* er prospects lhau todty. K new era was soon to be opened up and Lawrencn would in the near fir.ure Hits of ttlfli which the falea seldom allot. The addi- tion of a new electric toad ann thu Mi rimar. rlvrr navigable |o theses would he of pilcelefs valne'toth-r city, speaking of tbe new.electric railroad. Mr. Bruce in ;i -\. l thai the time wai not, far . n w:.c.i tin* ei''i--> sdiniiH receive some re- turn from' the liarn In .■- ail'iwcd. At present. In u.itny of ihe titles, ibu sin-et railroads are ttied, but the motey i(oes lo where the stbek Is in id Tini- tn Liw- ranee, with all lb* nock of the road bete

owned out of town, the city receives any- thing bat the return It should. Last year tbe city of Boston paid 916.000 to Co- haaaet tor stock owned by Aaa Potter in tbe West End- A new railroad with tbe stock owned at home woqld be to the benefit of Lawrence.

Ex-Aldermsn Ford,, after a klad word for the board of trade, and s faith In Its promise, reminded the company that they bad forfiouon to say grace. There wu this omission at the atari, and no oce had thought of It all through tha ntght. A chorea of voices advised Mr. Ford to send for Rev. Mr. Wotcolt, bat '.he ex- alderman spake solemnly and seriously, and reminded all that In tbe midst of their feastiug, tbe Power above should not be forgotten. Be cautioned the newspaper writers, to use, aa Judge Stons said, a careful pen, and with tbla admonition resumed hla seat.

Then came a response to "The Mimic Stag*"by Mr. El. I. Hoffman, an enter- taining effort.

To tbe lout "Our Rz's, not lost bat gone before," ex-Alderman Shea res- ponded and made many a fanny hit.

Mr. Hugo £. Dick and Mr. J. E. Mar- ler were both called npop, representing the German aud French Canadian press.

Mr. Marler, after addrsaatog the com- pany burst oat into a flow of French ora- torical style, bat after a few minutes wu brougbt around to English by tbe tout- muter. After asking to be pardoned for thinking that he was at a gathering of Frenchmen (r) he said tbat ha waa grail- fled and at tha same time surprised to1 be called opon as a representative of the Frt neb element, Today those present are enjoying themselves so that they may understand each other and to celebrate be- sides. He spoke of tbe feeling existing be- tween tbe French and Americana for Wuhtngton had for hla compatriot, Laf- ayette. Mr. Marler also said tbat If the French did have Journals of their own in the United Stales it wu because their people did not understand tbe English language. He stated that u a descend- ant of Lafayette he should present him- self aa one of the claimants of this land. He concluded by saying lhat tbe French stand loyal to any land which they adopt, andean join wi<li Americana and aay

■God bleas tbe United Slates and Vive ia belle Fraiic." .

The last formal tout wu l "The Ladlea":-

tulathc-uendaome register of deeda res- ponded, ii-ii lie hoar wit* l tin and he waa tlrod,

iiiiently his response lacked ibe spirit and the fervor of his aocmtimed wont. He paid nil..1 -■ ..I i-..in -■■, in HI.iimi.-TI love, honor and devotion, but like many ipeakera before him branched off Into other Qnlde. tie aald the iicwn|ni|>ei- men were "cute, very cute Indeed. Thi-v wave tin n of i xci'lliiiit Judgment, Other wlsn Htcy would never have thought of Inviting here if■ mil whooiihey bad, Thny have Invited tbe Jiulite, Ihe ckrk or ihn nolle* ertilrt, tne city manual end the probation »ra -.-r. Kven a half Mioreor special press |«. I Ice men aro present. The uewip ipi-r men a* I remarked before have K-iod IIUIKUICIII." After paylns; bla respects to

- li id kli yu*. he came back again tu Mi -■- oT r

RETAIL TRADE ar. UOWLAWD, DD. a., has rsmevedto " new om©e,W7 IMI-I St, In Boston fore ; In Lawrence afternoon*.


Valley street near tha Common. Office liouri, t and 7 to II p. m.

PKIMCICK aft CJLOMNON. Ap- praisers, Real Estate Afente, Lawrence

Kaii. J'oraonal attention to all business.

^TBT •Vl'TH having teeth filled, wben

13X1. HTJ88Et,L ua fill ttram without pain lly own dlaoavery,

racilce in los or by

it pain Tweti Twelve years

Restef references at t Office. IW Kuex itreci,

The beat fo in of noli! crown and bridge work. Artificial teeth made without plains. latri aherge roi " IractTng K

silver 1 nlKlnnl iheino and spoke words e woman'a worlh.

During tbe speeches, there was the life of song. Tbe quartette from "The County Fair," lnlerapered the responses tbe touts and there came eolo* also from Mr. James F. Ward and Mr. Samuel Cartls. ,

In the early morning boors, tha list of touts aa arranged had been completed, but there was yet more. Aronnd the board weut many more and rvBponte* came from city clerk O'Uearn, Manager Hanrahan of the Western Union, Walter E. Kii-.-if.iriii and othere.

At 2 o clock the tables were forsaken for the parlors and hero for a few hoom more,pleasure reigned. Music, rue tttlon and font; tilled In tbe fast fleeting i;i im- lug boors, and It wai almost duwu when all was nvcr.'

The l'icsrt Ciub. had hid Its h-n nu.-i. and It' was "double, leu'led" and with 'scare liejd*.'' It had beou a great suc-

cess. Before leaving for home, the club voted

to send a remembrance of diwerstoits first president, W'in. G. M<.rti:I. Then came cheers for ei President Merrill, cheers for President I) jnoghue, and cheers for the tosstmaslur.

Then with "An!d Lang Syne" sung lr chorus, the fcut was over.

The ('d-ro-u \V>i AJkwtet, Mr. Walter Besnnt tells tho fallowing

itory of H disputed call fiire: "A friend D( mine drove from Piccadilly to some place iu the suburbs otitsido tbe? radius. On getting down ho tendered three * hil- lings mid sixpence for his fare—this wu a little over the proper fait*. ■ The driver wanted five sliillings. The i>usseiiy;cr r«- fused. 'I'd like to fight you for it,' aaid the driver. 'Tlio very thing!' cried my friend, who had never in his lifo put on a boxing glove, and wu almost un ig- norant as Mr. Pickwick even of tbo tight-" lag attitude. 'The vi-ry thing! Capital1, We'll have the fight In the back gawylaji, my-brother will look on, hold the stakes and see fair play.' Tho cabman got down slowly,

" '1 wits pleased,' ooiitiimt'd Ehfi nar- ral-ir, 't-nliM-..v.r lhat hu Rpipesredal-<

t :ii inivii afi'.ii-l an I WHS myself, {lerhnps — if that was [icwsible — CMN

<: Be (riUdWed inin tlit- backgai-- dttti, where tliero was a Invely litlle bit

f tuif, (|iiile large enonuli for phtctictd purposes. I placed inylivo tthilliugs in

y Irr.i ■■iii-r. imint.-i.tnrtrtrifT myonst find1

walatcpat,find rolled up my sleeves, ftll wiih au apiieairaiiceof cbeerfal alacrity,1

■Now, my mend/ 1 aaidi 'l am ready aa goon as y,.11 nre.' Tiie anxiety nf the moment was, I oonfesa, very great. But it il'cr.-a^id M I watched the man's face expreaa sncoessively all the euiotiom of bxninco, surprise, doubt, hesitation and abject cowarilice. 'N'n,' ho said, 'gimme tbo three and six; I know your tricks, both of you. I've been done this way before.' And so, grumbling and swear- ing, be drove away."

A It.iiiiiiN. r ur Csrrlyle. Mi. It-.l..-it Iburi- n. who has been

librarian of the Londiot library for more Hutu thirty-four years *u the course of hia probideutial aildn&a at the Librarians' conference at. Nottingham, gave some .: ■. : ■ ■ ■ i -■; - reminiscences of Carlyle, who was accustomed In frequent the library. lie aaid; "L'arlyle nften viaitod tho li- brary. His conversation was moat amus- ing, full of extravagant and exaggerated i-t.ili-m.-lit*, and nl^vayji ending with a loud laugh, apparently at* himself. He used tho library books extensively for Itis later works, ahd wns guilty of the reprehensible practice of writing on the margin of the books. 1 must admit that his remarks were never meaningless, but chiefly consisted of corrections of dato or errors lu the text.

"One remark ol hi*, however, which was pretty well known, was a criticism. It occurred in Charles Dibdiu a collection of songs, the last page of which contained the ordinary version of 'Role Britannia.' .•*. the f.-i.i of this boastful song Carlyle bad written 'Cock-a-doodle-doo,' with a email forest of notes of exclamation after it. In a case liko that the librarian would be a martinet, indeed, if he effaced from tho book an expression so charac- teristic of the man of genius who wrote it."—Pall Mall Gazette.

Tha ("uuniii ■■ „ VertDlfugei

Tho cocoanut has. been used as a ver- mi/ugo in India for generations by Uie beef eaters of the country, and is so well known thoro as a means of cxpolling tho flat worm tliat w« cannot understand why the infonnflUon of that fact haa not reached ns bofore. Wheu properly and intelligently administered the cocoanut ia equally efficacious with made fern oil, kotuieo, pomegranate root or turpentine! while it is u pleasant to the palate u they are offensive, and in no way injuri- ous. —Ooldthwoite's (ieograpblcal Mag-




iaanJnf AlgA/il konnrt a I "I*, ISre I Matbtwm*. taw

la, vm tiintruri, lisl I*. isril AiMn.nm, ma

K.w llrHant, IhltJ. ftirtt Mmtul OH seery li-itu.

ttawaww ot* IsnJUstlona.

IT wlda


Soil from New Tork every Saturday for


LIVERPOOL VIA Q'IEBISTOWN. Saloon PasaaVr. 0«O anil nuwanla, according to locatloD. Second class, M, 81 oe rage outward

•SO, prepaid, S J»i.

for paaaaxe or further (affirmation apply to HSXDIUON BBOTHXKB, Mew York*

I AH as HutFHr, MS Kasex St., Lawrence

HUMPHREYS Kkiniincailj aad

earaxuUj prsparad praaerlpi , nan la pn vau imeUeD with • mwo, * ml fur blmv**»wu^th*pso0ls. ttTrrjilnirts clftc 1* a 11*0Lsl eve for tha dlnasa nann-d.

Tbasa fcpeatacB ours without drtifflBf. punr bsgarrMaeUfftha ajiteta.aml an In ful aud Urldln.ae.erelsnrrwrdlrinlia.Moria.

nr raiactrit. snav ctiaan, i retera,Ci.a«r*tlnn. InBaiiiiiiail.ni H'arasa, Worm Frver, WHIM I .11. trlU Cellr.i.rTw.thlnnif Itifmu

Lialar* MarhaisjVoialllni L'aaatia, C.iliL awtSsjuS

[leaser**-". VriMMia. B'Uooa.Btimiaa*..- ■■■■■ HMrissilor Paliifal Parlea* IVbltra, iiwiProsua* PcrlixU... 'raaa. Ciiujrh. lurJliult lirrallilus *«lt Rhaaw, Ery*l|-lias, l.riiutknn

Rrer aail A ear, i lilll», llilula . ni, lllln.I ur Uler.lJmr

■ larrh, IDIIIII-IIU, C.IIIIIIIIK- ll«ul rfheaptas: f'aaak, vinlniicniah*. Jeair*! m.Silllv.l'njsk-alWraknrH

eoM bf Drniiltu. I.


jp a^. *iw

HAO£R * CO., Agents. 871 KBMX t. Lawrence, Mass



iraoom-* 886. Besidenoo, 285 Com nnn Street. 1


aw also, a treatise on Epilewy. DON'T SUrrER ANY LONGER | Civi IVn Of. tk«, Stata and County, ami Aje plainly.

Add"M' THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., 3*90 fauswuM Avcnut, fbilaUctphta, Pa.

flil Saw









—■ r.,oriHlk rt"T- r



c '..'' . - . l '

iiaJEJEJLl'Ntl Mmmm/si


I. lBRtJAfy,N,l.CAT



Every reader of this paoer should have a desire to elevate their child ren by just such influence as is sup plied to readers of the Enclycopedia Brittanica, Now on Sale at 505 Es sex Street.

aV*^aV%-%%.-%-%-*V-% %-*-%%-%.■-•>, %.«.%«

:»*»a».^ Kidney Troubles. Symptoms. — Great lliirsl, craving appelile, dry skin, weight

and uneasiness in Ihe . stomach after eating, clean and red, or white and foul tongue, aversion to exercise, wasting of flesh,,languor, weakness, pain in the loins, costiveness, etc.

These are the never-failing forewarnings of not only the simpler types of kidney diseases, but of the dreaded and always fatal Bright's disease, Diabetes, etc. Be warned in time! Watch the symptoms I Restore the general health, diminish the quantity and improve the quality of the secretions from the kidneys, and expel the germs of disease.

Kickapoo mdian Sagwa Nature'sown remedy, works like a charm in such cases. It i^ purely vegetable, prepared from'1

herbs, roots, and barks; and successfully used in the treat- ment of all kidney and blood disorders for a hundred years.

'• KT£» McOOtMEU, fatttt Junttkui. Hit., taut; I ftflM bttn afflicted with wtah Mldmyi far fix"

tiara. Do, in,, aaDa ml „r> fills. I got a battlt of Irkugoo Intian Saqwa. tt lid mt to much «o4 r

mtrotoin tit boUltt. It mud* a ntw man ef ■»»." IIODabotlte. All irragflstt.

Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer I



CMS* out whera tha btllowi ara cool and Asm VTliera tha waraa navar teat aod tha wlnda

, iwTaralaep, . Whara plamed ateeda couraa trta ocaao a

K«h flSiuitiwi a pennant nf foam St hla craat; Whara thasephyra are practiced lo try their

And tha aaa, maw ehrlelte aud the to er maid

When tha moon la low, and, with «b wider and algb,

The tide* are tamed 'aeath her watchful are!

Come down on the laiiili where the plaintlre anlpa , -

^hrilU a niem'ry of Pan and lit* reedr pips. Where the ripple* that lap on the ahelrlna

beach Beam to welcome a continent to their reach: Where tha gre*U brown rocks lu their trailing

lfSeda Beam doing penance fur gullij daeee Oentnrtaa alnce, when the plrate'a aail Drove a bark to aaak help In the teeth, of a gale.

Leare Borrow behind when you'd frolic wl>h

HOME FURNITURE GO, Complete House Furnishers. LARGEST STOCK.


For thara'a never » grief that c 1 aaddon the

And never s burden too heary to throw Away to be loai in the ebb end flow) Come down to the marge of the aeethlng earth And bathe !■ the larsea, where LOT* had birth. Where the fountain of youth In a cryataJ care flay*, hidden (or aye, 'neeto a laughing wave.

-New York World.

II«r Bargain, Tha following true etory la told in tbe

"Journal of Emily Shorei" A little girl near m Was one day play-

ing before the house, when a woman ap- peared and begged a few pence. She had a baby in bar arms, And the ohiltl wse eo daiiffhted with the little thing that ahe asked the vrnm** if abe would ■ell it to her.

"What will yo& give for it, miss?" was the counter qneation.

"Half a crown." "Very well," aaid the woman.; "let's

aee the money." It waa produced, and the sale mads.

iTho Httts girl took the baby, carried it np atsdn and laid it on her bed, and after ahe had fondled it "enough for once," scampered down ataira, calling to her mother. ,

"Mamma, mammal I've got it. lire ilolll I alwaya wanted one, and now rvegotit."

The baby waa found, and the stor; frankly told, but though tbe begga woman was sought all over the town< no trace of her could be diacovereu Meanwhile the baby'e little "owner begged so bard that It should be kept that tbe parents yielded, and the living doll became a household blessing.

Aililce tn Young Aiitliuri. ■] Qet originality into your work, fl

friend. If your forte ia writing arti -letI choose a new, bright, popular topic indj treat it freshly. Don't affect the dull and stupid essay style. Use few words Make your aeutences brief. Be crisp and make your thoughts crackle. Tell the public something it doesn't know and ie trying to find ont. If yon lean to ilction tear away from old plots and take an in • cident that a reader will recognizaat once as being fresh. Make your dialogue natural and bright; let your characters move around and have a being. St when your atory is told; a lively story 2,000 words, full of life and snap, haa in it more prospects of succesw than a draws out'tale of 5,000 words. If you feel poe- try to be your forte appeal to the heart rather than the mind. Don't fail at blank, verse when you can succeed at popular poetry.—E. W. Bok In Ladles' Home Journal.

L'liineee Ohlldrsn. The Chinese give their boy babies •

name in addition to their surnames, and they most call themselves by these names until they are twenty years ol i. At that age the father gives his son a new name.

The Chinese care BO little for their girl babies that they do not give them a baby name, but just call them No. 1, No. 3, No, 8, according to their birth.

Boys am thought so much more of Is China than girls aro. that if you ask a Chinese father who lia* both a boy and, a girl how many children ho haa, he will always reply, "Only one child."—Cin- c'unati Comiuerciti! Qnzette.



COME IN AND LOOK At our Ms. No ironUlB to show onr wares.

Ash Chambnr o'.s Antique Ash Sets _ . Oak Chamber Sets' Walnut Chamber Sets Hair Cloth Pairlor Suits Plush Parlc - Suits Orushe/4 Plush Suits Rug Parlor Suits Ingrfain Carpets Extra Super Carpets XI Extra Super Carpets Tapestry Carpets "apestry Brussels 'Body Brussels ^Velvet Carpets Ranges Bed Springs Mattresses Mantel Beds Cabinet Beds Bed Lounges Lounges Sideboards Oil Cloths Straw Matting

j Parlor Tables fl Platform Rockers

$15 to 75 18 to 100 30 to 200 35 to 250 25 to 160 20 to 200 25 to 200 45 to 260

|25c to 70c 50c to 85c 75c to 1.00 60c to 1.00 75otol.25 86c tol.76

90c to 2 00 $10 to 76.

; 1,85 to 10 1,76 to 30

10 to 60 20 to 160

6.50 to 40 5,00 to 25 15 to 150 18c to 75c 13o to 76c

$2 to 25 $310 50

Tour old stove taken as first payment tor a New Range.

Casb. or Instalments. JF':r©© Delivery.,

168 to 170 Washington St.

Some Fenilulne \rivioe. This advice waa xiven by nn old Lady

to a young wife going out to the coloii,** and looking for a maid to accompany her: "Take a pretty oue, my dear," • .A the old lady, "for, ugly or pretty, tha will have un offer of marriage before she has been out * week, and while your ugly gjrl will say 'yes' to the first oferj she gets-mnd leavoyou, your*pretty -un will Im hurilcr to please im-1 will say 'no'' several times before she consents."—San Francisco Argonaut,

■v Tower of WH1.

Expectant Nephew—How is my noh nncle today?" '

Family Doctor—Mnch better. His will keepa him alive. ■ , , t

Nephew (sadly)—Pui afraid that's Ha made hia will in my favor twenty years ago, and 1 don't believe he'll dlt while tbat will it in existeuoe.—Oood News-

It is not ao hard as is supposed to pro- nounce the name of tbo queen of the Skndwich J^slanda. That "u" in Llliuo- kalaui has the value of a "w," and if one says "Lileewoka-lanny" he will hit about right.

What was long supposed to be a wax figure on a crucifix iu the Bnrgos cathe- dral turns out to be a mummified humiiu body. The churchrecord shows that it has been in its present position since 1140 A. D.

"In winter," says Yuan Mei, a Chinese writer, "we should eat beef aud muttoa In summer, dried aud preserved meats. As for condiments, mustard belongs spe- cially to summer; Deeper, to winter."

Orij-Ui „f the l>l»no.

The pianoforte was invont«d by Bar- tolommeo Oristofori, a harpsichord maker of Padua, Italy, who exhibited four instruments In 1709. Tbe honor was formerly claimed by Marina, a French maker, Who produced a piano in 1716, while German writers maintained that Schroeter, of Dresden, was the in- itiator of the instrument. The earliest date ascribed tothelatter'sachievemeut, however, is 1711. During the present century, however,-an Italian document waa discovered, written . by Marchese Hcipione Maffei, a Florentine scholar, in 1711, which testifies that Bartolommeo Cristofort, of that city, exhibited four pianos in 1700, which statement was originally published in The cjiornalo in that year, accompanied by a diagram uf Cristofori'B action principle, employing bainmars, which constituted the chief difference between the harpsichord and the piano.

In MittTei's writings Criatofori's name is given as "Cristofali," brtt this is proved to lie an error, because inscrip- tions upon pxi*fcmg pianofortes girs tho name us "CrisWrVri.""' Tather Wood, an English monk, living at Home, is also aaid to have made a piauoforte similar to Criatofori's fjv l?U, which he exhib- iled in England, where it attracted much notice. -

Cristofori did not remain idle after in- troducing, hia first instrument. He be- came prominently known as a maker, but died in 1731. comparatively poor.— Daniel Spillane in Popular Science Monthly.

For Honeit Man'! Ili^ht..

That is a rather tine point of law which holds that a man with burglar'a tools on his person, who goe* up tW steps of a a dwelling house where he has no law- ful business, has ramie nn attempt to commit burglary, hot it ie g^md law for the protection of the community. The ateps of a dwelling Hrf private property, and one who treepasti-a upon them with unlawful purpose has commited an un- lawful deed.—Philadelphia Ledger,


Water Bugs and Roaches EXTERMINATOR

I If-,i i- Ml. in

wllh e

ito duit Ho Iroulili

lo aaa. Price HUr. PnUifnetlon pnarsntred cr monrr refunded. If your rim till

does not keep It we will mall yon a |ia.-isgo on receipt of pries.., BABKABD dB CO.

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♦WICK'S SEEDS. ■ 'Brilliant" PoppT. packtt I KMM, Wiliin and ittiiitw, both I a iUra ClirjrsftQthimumi, t*A SOe, ■

romfrJI «!.'• 11. L, i I .jr.

Qinlcn Pea " Cbarnirr," i«ckiH -'" "liwrti-m Winvlfr," lurlli..

i, look nlioirtt Slh*. ......«3o

Potato ' ules.tHjrsiifrtist human pj.lii'l

Pans/, Eitra cliuka, j.

OJI hare Vica's MatuiiHi one rear free, wbo orders 81

writer says : " Staarls at hud catalogue*." Every- one. Price only ten

®ise-§ant)orn^ Royal Gem i *

f^ Packageleas Best grown in China. Finest drank in America.

Packed only in half-pound and pound tea-lead packages. The same as served in the Japanese Garden at the Pure Food Exhibition.--

We send free, on receipt of a ic. stamp, samnle of either Formosa Oolong or English Breakfast Tea. State your choice,- -

CHASE at SANBORN, Boston, Mass. , _^_ If* SeMpaly to th* fnirfu.

A ProBlnblo nin1neM(.n;«l!.lmllcil ( iplul

PEARL TYPEWRITER! for butlnflai ami prlrate eoireirondentw. Sln- plr, il II rali <-, ni-ruiaie. Nm n i-.y, I ut a prar-ll i-al machlDP. tinea not get out nf onltr. No lu-fii'ilcc rrqulrtfl tn opersle IL Pries III.CO.

A rt-iimiifllilo smut wanleil In < rcrj I0*rn, lo wliom liberal iMlui-rmenin will br made

I'KAltl. 1VI'K*HITKRC0., M M H Ho. Moerc 8t. BJIW YOSK 2nr.


An Iiitiiual I'oiltlou. I

Photographer—If you'll hold your chiu a little higher, air, I can talcs a better I'icturv. '

Mr. HeniMck—Uoltl my chin higher? Why, man alive, I've bean married twgntv jaant—Taaaa 3ifUngs,

'IIILD. "Gran'ma, kiss me- itl-nlirht. 8l*tor Is asleep, but *o lovr to hear you tell of all IIUIIM thntenllyou Mother."

!rs. 1'I»KHA«. '• Yes,thirling, ■ti you are older perhaps you

y do as I have done." »t V, 1'-vrrv,,0'l.f lovMyoii.gnin'ma; I wUb everybody would Isvr mc."

Cm;n.!«TnTo,,.»tVrry01,'° Wi" love '•»' "•yeWWr if they ens

Si i, ir 1 -.y'-u-idhy thTu aatjsflw bar. Thnt 8ympi,.],v has ea- leridid MtwOnid, (brwlrmverelrllliad wvameiait Mrs. 1 iiiklmtn is known and reverenced. '

lii'iumr^ KMttw MXII,rUiltabUl'ty, Ntr

H B I 1 .uud.nl MHto, or «l 1., null. 1„ form o, RU, or •I "I «■.« C .«. ln,,MW b»k ,„,llw -CM, i, Hullk .rrf Elt^'H," h,L,d"Jt PIAilijlp^,

.' >iH, Up 2.»nt,,iml),.